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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

3663f0 No.1612021

Welcome To Q Research General

Rest in peace, President Kennedy. Through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and, by the grace of God, activated the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.

". . . Start A Storm . . ."


Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

New sticky thread to clear the air of doubt re: Q's Authenticity >>1552095

Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1510286 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic



Build A Qlock, >>1566766 , >>1586462 ClockFags update/layers all clocks, >>1591115 Blank template

>>1610688 Transparent winder

3663f0 No.1612027


are not endorsements


>>1610176 8Chan Maintenance: Starting 6.2.18

>>1545457 No more bans announcement from BO


>>1611709 '43 Connections' - '43 Eyes' found

>>1611698 IG report: Defense lawyers jockey to protect FBI brass

>>1611677 White House planning for potential trump putin summit

>>1611643 Republican John Cox In Solid 2nd for California Governor

>>1611517 Mad Dog talks from Singapore: summation

>>1611617 Court Orders Calif. to Count Ballots in Union Decertification Vote

>>1611437 Interdasting Stringer posted

>>1611507 Great Awakening Vol. 34


>>1611034 Judicial Watch Sues to Expose Potential DOJ FISA Warrant Abuses and Stonewalling

>>1611009 Moar on congressional hopeful, pedo Nathan Larson

>>1610960 111 Days Ago Today

>>1610893 Russian lawmakers request testimony from Facebook's Zuckerberg

>>1610867 Manafort postponed until the 29th

>>1610865 Facebook scraps 'Trending' section that ignited fracas over anti-conservative bias

>>1610696 'Unreal' results from the QClock today

>>1610690 , >>1610718 Epstein property records and ranch renovations

>>1610688 Transparent clock winder for clockfagging

>>1610685 Is the Master in charge of the chair the Jesuit Order? DIG CALL

>>1610640 Pentagon to take over security clearance checks

>>1610606 , >>1610651 , >>1610656 , >>1610617 And.. poof… Rex is gone from Twat

>>1610608 Long list of Bill Cosby's many doctorates


>>1610491 The hidden message in HRC's 'Stronger Together'

>>1610457 , >>1610827 Nether World Order: DIG CALL

>>1610453 High profile forensic psychiatrist aided JonBenet Ramsey investigation shot dead

>>1610221 Legal address for Epstein's Zorro Ranch: DIG CALL

>>1610116 CodeMonkey trolls PaYtriots

>>1610111 Statistical Analysis of Political Islam

>>1610164 Obama-Biden transition team met with Catholics in Alliance Community

>>1609906 Epstein affiliated companies and properties

>>1609932 Sessions official recusal statement

>>1609924 111 Days on Roseanne's news? Ha ha ha ha?

>>1609916 Pray for Patriot Roseanne

>>1609866 News stories matching up with today's QClock

>>1609865 Bill Clinton worried about Haiti scandal threat to Hillary's presidency

>>1609856 , >>1609943 , >>1609923 POTUS retweets speech at USMCG ceremony today: "Love is patient, love is kind"

>>1609567 , >>1609597 , >>1609690 , >>1609725 , >>1610309 , >>1611411 SERIAL PEDO to be released on BAIL??? LETS DIG?


>>1609676 ABC reportedly looking to reboot Roseanne with focus on Sara Gilbert

>>1609433 , >>1609628 , >>1609906 Tunnels in LA

>>1609430 POTUS & Pompeo: June 12th and Singapore CONF

>>1609420 Signs of sophisticated cellphone spying found near White House

>>1609364 6 judges named R'Child

>>1609224 New Refurbished F16 fighters = QF-16s

>>1609252 Coming to Grips with the Implications of Quantum Mechanics

>>1609127 , >>1609132 How a Handful of Billionaires Kept Harvey in Power

>>1609095 Google won't renew drone AI contract with Pentagon

>>1609087 How a Pentagon Contract Became an Identity Crisis for Google (AI)

>>1609071 Chris Langan's view on identity politics (the american with the highest tested IQ)

>>1609061 , >>1609066 Imran Awan: List of undeclared companies to DIG

>>1609005 , >>1609089 , >>1609274 , >>1609479 , >>1609138 Weinstein Class Action: List of names to DIG & DIG


>>1606424 , >>1606555 , >>1602770 Dade Sky dig summary (endorsed by BO and blessed by Kek)

>>1608797 HRC twats a thread about missing immigrant children

>>1608352 'Hitler vs QResearch' TOP KEK VID

>>1608611 Planefag Update: Abu Dhabi Almiri flight lands at Geneva

>>1608578 Disney's Pedophile Problem- sex offenders and pedophiles hired but "hate" speech fired

>>1608519 Unhinged: John Brennan

>>1608380 , >>1608582 , >>1608913 Joy Reid Lied To FBI - in Deep Shit

>>1608235 , >>1608788 Congressional candidate for Virginia admits to being a pedophile. GOTCHA BITCH >>1608646

>>1608295 Athenahealth’s Jonathan Bush (cousin of GWB) facing sexual harassment allegations

>>1608245 , >>1608331 , >>1608461 , >>1608730 NEW: Weinstein + Miramax Class Action RICO Lawsuit

>>1608237 How the cabal ships children into countries

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

3663f0 No.1612032

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1587271 - @EyeTheSpy & @BackChannel17 thread

3663f0 No.1612037

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527495

Q Graphics all in EST

The missing Qmap in EST has been archived ———————————————– >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 —————————————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures - >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————– >>>/comms/966

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Proofs https://qproofs.com

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

* NEW: Real Estate Public Records: >https://publicrecords.netronline.com/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

23 >>1602811 – 22 >>1485456 – 21 >>1352458 – 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9

d0f512 No.1612054

time to turn on the friday night lights, darkness be gone

3663f0 No.1612067

File: 40489ad021419d8⋯.jpg (56.92 KB, 300x427, 300:427, #FUCKYEAH.jpg)

#2028 Dough


ba1c4f No.1612068

File: a6478e42abe6a4e⋯.png (600.34 KB, 1192x824, 149:103, ClipboardImage.png)

Affluent recent annex of Kansas City, Ks. A fucking grade school principal.

Hurry up and hammer these sons o bitches.



479803 No.1612114

June 2 & 9 Downtime to strengthen board against DDOS before IG?

36bf65 No.1612127

File: 2471e80a1e29938⋯.png (447.83 KB, 1028x809, 1028:809, super_potus.PNG)

55a241 No.1612133

This is how Weakened and Desperate the Shallow State has become😂

The New problem is:

Whose gonna pay for the President of NK's Hotel Room?

We Won!

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/the-us-is-trying-to-find-a-discreet-way-to-pay-for-kim-jong-uns-hotel-in-singapore/2018/06/01/776055ce-9745-439e-9ee4-c0cef8e81523_story.html?utm_term=.bb70b4f655c7

3663f0 No.1612138

New baker request

f363b0 No.1612142


the water goes in a glass it becomes the glass

the water goes in a vase it becomes the vase

be the water

41dad8 No.1612145

did anyone else hear the " you snooze, you lose" tone of voice in POTUS when he talked about going to Camp David to make phone calls and trade deals?

110d84 No.1612147

File: 9a5dd989bfc5b63⋯.png (507.46 KB, 2914x2754, 1457:1377, downloadfile.png)

File: c7ab6cddb20a38b⋯.jpg (28.81 KB, 449x271, 449:271, 2bdy5x~2.jpg)


b3cc37 No.1612148

File: 583a0c9dcbeea85⋯.jpg (33.02 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 25483456134614583478345613….jpg)


Thank You Baker

3dcabf No.1612149

File: 5d5b49952e9bfac⋯.jpg (89.27 KB, 1122x1058, 561:529, 5d5b49952e9bfac5a991a2ba83….jpg)

Thank you Baker…

Anons.. I'm honored.


30632d No.1612150

File: 615a26cf7a75e3b⋯.png (319.9 KB, 417x457, 417:457, dank-you-baker2.png)

Dank you baker

b56f99 No.1612152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

94d4d2 No.1612153

File: f6625d41ddae6a6⋯.jpg (234.45 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 15889856-scary-clown-glari….jpg)


cd6f63 No.1612154


I'd almost swear that's really you.

9c9434 No.1612155

Haiti: Rape, murder and voodoo on the Island of the Damned

By Andrew Malone for the Daily Mail

Updated: 06:29 EDT, 14 January 2010

For tourists on cruise ships plying the Caribbean, Haiti appears a beguiling, mysterious place.

The first independent black state, set up 200 years ago after a rebellion by African slaves against colonial France, the mountainous island is home to exotic birds and animals and mist-shrouded tropical forests.

But it is no paradise for the country's nine million people. Indeed, the devastating earthquake now bringing death and heartbreak is the latest in a long line of tragedies to befall a place dubbed the Island of the Damned.

No paradise: A houngan, or voodoo priest, lights a pipe in his temple in Haiti

Those with the misfortune to be born in Haiti - part of the island of Hispaniola, shared with the Dominican Republic - have long endured a living hell.

With one in ten under-40s infected with HIV, and millions living in squalor and destitution, thousands try to flee each year to the U.S. by hanging on to anything that will float.

While hurricanes, floods and earthquakes have all devastated the landscape over the years, the biggest threat has come from humans.

Successive dictators have raped, murdered and even reputedly eaten their enemies.

Described by one commentator as an 'international crime scene' rather than a country, Haiti became infamous around the world during the reign of Francois 'Papa Doc' Duvalier, a former doctor who murdered 100,000 people and formed a private band of killers called the Tonton Macoutes.

Wearing their trademark mirrored sunglasses and designer T-shirts, these murderers and cannibals were named after a terrifying bogeyman from Haitian mythology, who carried off naughty children into slavery.

Haiti earthquake: Death toll could be 'well over 100,000' as bloodstained bodies pile high in streets

Haiti earthquake in pictures: How natural disaster ripped an island apart

Journalist in six-hour dash across Haiti to rescue wife trapped under earthquake rubble

Share this article


The Tonton Macoutes cut out the hearts, eyes and lungs of opponents with machetes, while Papa Doc, who stole almost a billion pounds in foreign aid, insisted that every television and radio programme had to be entirely in praise of his rule.

In power from 1957, Papa Doc made voodoo the country's official religion and claimed to be Baron Samedi, the religion's spirit of death.

He often wore a top hat and tails while demanding the skulls of his dead victims were brought to his palace in Port-au-Prince.

He collected blood from prisoners who had been tortured and killed and sold it for $22 a pint to U.S. health groups.

He once ordered the death of all black dogs in the country after a political enemy was rumoured to have transformed into one.

Bloody: Haitian women participate in a voodoo ritual which includes animal sacrifice

Even after Papa Doc died in 1971 there was no respite for Haiti. Baby Doc, his deranged son, took over and continued the terror.

His wife spent £10,000 a month on flowers and always wore expensive furs indoors - with officials facing death if they forgot to turn on the air-conditioning.

After 15 more years of bloodshed and oppression, the people finally rose up in 1986 and Baby Doc was forced to flee into exile in France.

But the torment did not end with the Duvaliers. After the country's first free elections in 1991, the new president, Jean Bertrand Aristide, was forced to flee after a coup by corrupt military figures keen to control lucrative cocaine smuggling routes.

Sinister: A skull and crucifix used during a voodoo service in Haiti in the 1970s

In 1993, I watched as the might of the U.S. military was repelled by mobs armed with stones and clubs when American troops arrived to restore order.

Papa and Baby Doc were long gone, but gangs of Tonton Macoutes roamed the streets in pick-up trucks, randomly shooting anyone they passed.

Aristide returned to power in 1994 with a bigger U.S. force - only to flee again after threats that he would be hacked to death and eaten.

Since then, despite the presence of an ineffective UN peacekeeping force, gangs have continued to wreak havoc and murder throughout a country where new graves are guarded to prevent bodies being stolen for voodoo rituals.

The most infamous of these killers is the Cannibal Gang, a group of sadists once led by a former prisoner with political aspirations, who was himself shot in the eyes and had his heart cut out in 2004.

His gang lives on, murdering innocent people and allegedly eating their organs.

As the world reacted with pledges of help for the latest traumatised victims of the Island of the Damned, rescuers continued their desperate search for bodies and relatives waited for news.

For the people of Haiti, though, hope has always been a rare commodity.

5c39d6 No.1612157

File: f07b29cc600b56e⋯.png (64.31 KB, 959x347, 959:347, ClipboardImage.png)

68ae0a No.1612159

"the air of doubt re: Q's Authenticity"

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bbb bbbbb ttt > T < tt xtbxtbxtbxtbxtb

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cdd3ec No.1612160

File: 4a19464382993b3⋯.jpg (138.11 KB, 611x588, 611:588, 4a19464382993b39b3c52e93fc….jpg)


ok faggot

f363b0 No.1612161


he meant that shit

love him, was my hero growing up

5ea9ec No.1612162


don't forget the flak POTUS caught for announcing he was looking forward to reading employment numbers at 8 30 am…..you would have thought he released the nuke codes the way MSM ate that bullshit up

330829 No.1612163

File: 238165faaf28bd4⋯.jpg (225.46 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 238165faaf28bd483ad0859af4….jpg)

File: 858b26c31054204⋯.jpeg (129.38 KB, 922x606, 461:303, 262866.jpeg)

File: 856332aa7e4f8f6⋯.jpg (174.72 KB, 600x750, 4:5, 856332aa7e4f8f6b1ffc8ab399….jpg)


it was way better than all those volunteers from AA thrown into top ranking positions

have some cia trannyshill pr0n

cd6f63 No.1612164

I'm suddenly having an anxiety attack and feel darkness all around us.

Not sure what's about to happen but I feel a great evil is about to show it's face.

And ancient evil…. immense…. something has happened.

b56f99 No.1612165


One of a Kind

3d4bfd No.1612166

File: 8dc050b40d94f9f⋯.jpg (107.33 KB, 640x640, 1:1, temp-z1.jpg)

Pepe takes a licking…

And keeps on Kekking.

7749b5 No.1612167

File: eca0ee33d368397⋯.jpg (161.87 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, BAKER.jpg)

File: 26e3059e43442f9⋯.png (923.94 KB, 1026x681, 342:227, BAKERBURGWER.png)

File: 21e1807b9c1a826⋯.jpg (85.47 KB, 500x716, 125:179, BAKERGIRLLLL.jpg)

File: 6d1f9f84f821d37⋯.png (934.75 KB, 1026x908, 513:454, BAKERGIRLSS.png)

File: b4e8cf61b4b4cdd⋯.jpg (156.49 KB, 405x720, 9:16, bakerrcasrterrr.jpg)


3dcabf No.1612168


Just a fellow Anon. Trying to build the troops.

Although, I have no doubts our faithful POTUS lurks.

614e0d No.1612169

File: b611b23629ed004⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2877.PNG)

File: bb305c4ec112959⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2876.PNG)

File: c7a91eccba5a9bf⋯.png (366.95 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2875.PNG)

File: 84d594f5fcab874⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2878.PNG)

File: e30449afce3faa6⋯.png (366.64 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2880.PNG)

>>1612004 (LB)

I swear MH370 was MH17. When they got to the bodies, they said they were "old".. as in not freshly deseased. Were the semiconductor scientists removed, wveryone else on board taken up w/o pressure.. then used that short period later as a FF to start conflict w Ukraine & Russia?

cell acting super buggy

1f3d6b No.1612170

File: a35bff629776f2c⋯.png (429.29 KB, 525x506, 525:506, dhs_PROGRESS.PNG)


*one step closer to our fucked up foster care system*


c1320f No.1612171

File: e21652212378fc1⋯.mp4 (5.1 MB, 1072x720, 67:45, obamajobsss.mp4)


obama admin people criticized trump for that tweet


f363b0 No.1612172


another good one murdered

b3cc37 No.1612173

Even if we never hear from Q, we have more than we can know. The Anon's do what they do. I love you all..no homo.

dc8c9d No.1612174

File: 4e8da2447a541d4⋯.png (40.17 KB, 441x574, 63:82, comms1.png)

File: 84a5e7c5281a529⋯.jpg (8.54 KB, 255x221, 15:13, comms2.jpg)

File: d22dca4f5bcde6d⋯.png (8.13 KB, 495x96, 165:32, comms3.png)

File: 7ce25ee467fde08⋯.jpg (9.08 KB, 230x255, 46:51, comms4.jpg)

File: 4a7e9a07bc2e375⋯.jpg (10.09 KB, 253x255, 253:255, comms5.jpg)

7e091d No.1612175

File: 5d97e684201a194⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 3732x3482, 1866:1741, RR.jpg)

dbe9a7 No.1612176

File: 88f9d0328b35950⋯.png (440.6 KB, 1113x825, 371:275, nasim.png)

nasim world order

d420bf No.1612177

File: 9ee6191514c25fd⋯.jpg (69.59 KB, 497x500, 497:500, 0000usa.jpg)

6/11/2018 - Glorious

cd6f63 No.1612178


He's here. Trust me this time. He's here.

c7994f No.1612179

File: 89f10b4ad9e8d13⋯.jpg (150.94 KB, 786x632, 393:316, Nasim_6b8406_6568221.jpg)


Thank you Baker

3d4bfd No.1612180

File: 8b75a083a7a4864⋯.jpg (106.7 KB, 640x640, 1:1, temp-z1.jpg)


This is the right img.

Dammit the Scotch & Meme's are mixing.

ca7a84 No.1612181

>>1612047 (last bread)

Because that's where the real balance lies.

Just because we don't hear much about India doesn't make it invisible.

It's also a colony that got away.

The borders are incredibly malleable.

Yet we are taught India barely exists.

b0ff46 No.1612182

File: 7f07fe56db9d56b⋯.jpg (42.58 KB, 480x326, 240:163, Grr.JPG)


Yeah fucker?

cdd3ec No.1612183


guess what anon if ancient evil awakes ancient good does too. and guess which one is stronger ?

d6bd9f No.1612184


3 breads, no takers (or care)

feel free to explain your 'dna stringer'

30632d No.1612185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

IP Man Trump vs Fake News

7bc9da No.1612186


So demilitarization is off the table. Just the nukes. Keep it simple.

110d84 No.1612187

File: f8cf04a20889212⋯.jpg (64.54 KB, 480x809, 480:809, 2aaeuq.jpg)

7e091d No.1612188

File: 3d09889d092c5c8⋯.jpg (58.9 KB, 640x640, 1:1, f743ae7e8172576ea81757e155….jpg)

d3d057 No.1612189



We should split the world into two sides. One side is White and Asian…

The other side is Jews and Browns.


736fec No.1612190

ThankQ Mr. President

6fba56 No.1612191

File: c4c88eb4814a5d1⋯.png (290.91 KB, 560x372, 140:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2a78abeb67dca1⋯.png (372.11 KB, 560x450, 56:45, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aea3b5a3dc7db4f⋯.png (299.53 KB, 560x439, 560:439, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Coast Guard welcomes new commandant

Adm. Karl Schultz relieved Adm. Paul F. Zukunft commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard during a military change of command ceremony held Friday, June 1, 2018, at U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Zukunft also retired from the Coast Guard after 41 years of service to the nation as part of the same ceremony and received the Homeland Security Distinguished Service Medal from President Donald J. Trump.

“Truly, Mr. President, you honor the men and women of the United States Coast Guard serving around the world today as 2018 was the largest appropriation ever for the Coast Guard,” said Zukunft. “But it’s not about the money or the platforms, it’s the people who serve in them. The work they do could not be more relevant. We couldn’t do our job without them.”

Zukunft became the 25th commandant, May 30, 2014. He led the largest component of the Department of Homeland Security, comprised of 56,000 active duty, Reserve and civilian Coast Guardsmen and more than 24,000 volunteer Coast Guard auxiliarists. Zukunft’s leadership and vision were instrumental in increasing the pace of the Coast Guard’s recapitalization efforts. He worked with Congress and the administration to achieve funding for completion of the national security cutter program of record, the acquisition of new fast response cutters, funding for the waterways commerce cutter, and funding for the offshore patrol cutter.

He also ensured the Coast Guard began receiving necessary funding to commence acquisition of the nation’s first new polar icebreaker in more than 50 years. As commandant, Zukunft led the service’s efforts to respond to the unprecedented 2017 hurricane season, where Coast Guard personnel saved or assisted nearly 12,000 victims from flooded communities in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico. It was also under his leadership that the Coast Guard received a clean financial audit for a fifth consecutive year.

Schultz, now the service’s 26th commandant, reports to Coast Guard headquarters from Portsmouth, Virginia, where he served as the Coast Guard Atlantic Area commander since August 2016. In this capacity, he was the operational commander for all Coast Guard missions from the Rocky Mountains to the Arabian Gulf, spanning across five Coast Guard districts and 40 states.

“The Coast Guard remains a service that is trusted, respected, and valued by our citizens because of the tremendous leadership of Admiral Zukunft,” said Schultz. “To Admiral Zukunft and Mrs. Fran DeNinno-Zukunft, we salute and congratulate them on a remarkably successful tour as our 25th commandant.”

A change of command is a time-honored ceremony that signifies the absolute transfer of responsibility, authority and accountability from one person to another.

The change of command ceremony was live broadcast. Click here to watch the ceremony in its entirety.

http:// coastguard.dodlive.mil/2018/06/u-s-coast-guard-welcomes-new-commandant/

f363b0 No.1612192


my uncle was a bb in like 3 dif things

he was teaching me breathing technics

was amazed how much more power you can get

by this simple thing

d420bf No.1612193


Q ensured we would be safe - I agree that we are at the point of one last face of evil - Trust it is the last

18651b No.1612194


Not your cell anon. Sight is lagging. I'd say we have company.

c0296a No.1612195

File: b38d01d9dd4ef50⋯.jpg (72.21 KB, 600x527, 600:527, pepebabe2.jpg)

File: ca7aee61bdbbccf⋯.jpg (301.2 KB, 1208x1061, 1208:1061, pepebabe4.jpg)

d44c67 No.1612196

File: 2c3eb6b4b3dacae⋯.png (393.51 KB, 760x803, 760:803, Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at ….png)

711769 No.1612197

File: f5e0ef3a4c809c5⋯.jpg (989.93 KB, 2380x4764, 595:1191, n-screen-sys.8ch.net-2018-….jpg)


Enough with your AI bullshit. Everyone thinks you're retarded.


He shits up the bread every day claiming that I am an AI.

3dcabf No.1612198


Agreed. WE serve at the pleasure of the President.

63c4e5 No.1612199


<an 'international crime scene' rather than a country

dfd255 No.1612200


Kanye is releasing 3 albums this year each 7 tracks long…


936046 No.1612201

File: e38367f6d1c4651⋯.jpg (49.22 KB, 759x422, 759:422, troll-level-potus.jpg)

1ed5fd No.1612202


Sara Carer is a Baker Girl now?

f363b0 No.1612203


im good with that, can we have some persians?

6f9487 No.1612204


You guys are fucking delusional

7bc9da No.1612205


These people are stupid.

6c4611 No.1612206


"here in Singapore"…is Mattis in Singapore today for that speech? (Wasn't sure where it was held)

6e8892 No.1612207

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


If you wanna see what Kim and Kanye up to lol

Comms. John Legend BTFO

Saw this on Hannity kek

e5bc49 No.1612209

>>1611943 lb

I don't see any air traffic remotely near 01X. Care to explain?

110d84 No.1612210

File: 435b9c4c6108666⋯.jpg (24.86 KB, 214x305, 214:305, 2bfc3p~2.jpg)

>>1612204 (You)

d3d057 No.1612211


Why such imagery goyim?

My entire family was soaped and lampshaded. The other entire family fled to NYC in 1933 and barely escaped the showers and haircuts.

f363b0 No.1612214


any cars with onstar is hackable f scary

897673 No.1612215

Q is in Singapore

b0ff46 No.1612216

File: b48036e8f9a0cd3⋯.jpg (49.93 KB, 506x372, 253:186, YesJewMarx.JPG)

File: 59f17b696b2560f⋯.jpg (42.16 KB, 529x308, 529:308, YesJewRhodes.JPG)

File: 0fe5b555a709891⋯.jpg (41.76 KB, 509x380, 509:380, YesJewsSackler.JPG)

File: b60f0595530cf1a⋯.jpg (27.15 KB, 453x274, 453:274, YesJewsSchneiderman.JPG)

697741 No.1612217

File: fecf6600b94efac⋯.jpg (102.42 KB, 870x540, 29:18, Gomert.jpg)

Half an hour of Louie Gomert listing Mueller corruption examples. Dry, but informative

https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=FL5OsCXUTNg

5c39d6 No.1612218


right. need to keep troops there, japan, and Philippines until we take the new islands from the chinese. then we'll just move there.

41d7e8 No.1612219

It's Official: Trump Reinstates Singapore Summit With North Korea

We are only 11 days away from one of the biggest political talks in recent world history, the summit between the United States and North Korea. The summit was confirmed to be taking place June 12 in Singapore by President Trump Friday after newly appointed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo conducted a series of talks between the senior North Korean official Kim Yong Chol and Kim Jong Un, North Korea's leader.


3663f0 No.1612220




Water can crash,

Water can flow,

Let's be water my frens.

6f9487 No.1612221


How do you get back on the board after they ban your IP?

31bbe2 No.1612222


>you guys

<Indicates he's not one of us.

WWG1WGA but (you) might not be so lucky anon.

736fec No.1612223

pot stirred trolls onboard

dc8c9d No.1612224


was trying to get some back up on the location of

01X GZD but i found it. some stringer drops matching >>1612174

e717a8 No.1612225

File: 7910a95eaf7b00c⋯.png (1.03 MB, 900x744, 75:62, Screenshot_97.png)

3d4bfd No.1612226


Onstar can listen in on you anytime too.

With or without a subscription.

110d84 No.1612227

File: 9459bc0ff2694ba⋯.png (170.92 KB, 328x399, 328:399, 9459bc0ff2694ba96acee4fd17….png)

6dec09 No.1612228


any car after 2008 is hackable

94d4d2 No.1612229

File: e0f33f266e0bc07⋯.jpg (31.56 KB, 300x297, 100:99, Chronomentrophobia-Causes-….jpg)



Afraid of clocks, Valerie?

5f7c9a No.1612230


I agree with you anon.. i came up with the same info when it happened..

I spoke to a person in mil intel (my country), and asked about the meta data from one passengers phone (from mh370), meta data pointed to diego garcia base..

Guy from mil intel said that he can not "explain" that or give any cover story that would explain these 2 images…

cdd3ec No.1612231


should i be worried that my phone has been randomly recording this week. particulary when i listen to certain radio shows on youtube….

e717a8 No.1612232


Cuba is safe then!

851ebb No.1612233

The United States has vetoed a Kuwaiti proposal to the United Nation Security Council (UNSC), which sought to offer “international protection” to Palestinian civilians in the wake of more than 120 of deaths in the Gaza strip.

In a speech to the council, US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley criticized the proposal, describing it as a “grossly one-sided view”. Haley accused Hamas of inciting violent acts at the border between Gaza and Israel, purposefully infiltrating the ‘Great March of Return’ mass protests with its “terrorist fighters” and deliberately using civilians as human shields.

“The terrorist group Hamas bears primary responsibility for the awful living conditions in Gaza,” she said, before the UNSC vote.

The US was the only council member to vote against the proposal. There were 10 votes in favor and four abstentions (Poland, the UK, Netherlands and Ethiopia). A resolution needs nine votes in favor and no vetoes by the US, Russia, China, France or the UK in order to be adopted.

“The message given by the council today, as it votes against this, is that the occupying power enjoys an exception,” the Kuwaiti representative said, after the proposal was vetoed.

"Why do Palestinians continue to suffer? Why does the international community fail to act? Why does Israel enjoy impunity? Why are all these lives lost and all this blood is shed?” he asked.

The vote came after a week which saw dozens of mortar shells fired into Israel from Palestine and air strikes carried out on Palestine by the Israeli military. Recent months have seen a major escalation of violence in Gaza, with more than 120 Palestinians killed by Israeli fire since the end of March, when the Great March of Return demonstrations began.

Despite numerous deliberations, the council has yet to respond to the violence, even as UN envoy Nickolay Mladenov warned this week that Gaza was “close to the brink of war.”

It was the second time that Haley has blocked a UN measure on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She previously vetoed a draft resolution that rejected President Donald Trump's decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, after all 14 other council members supported it.


b0ff46 No.1612234

File: 600f0310445d960⋯.jpg (62.9 KB, 616x432, 77:54, YesJewIsrael.JPG)

File: fc6df6c302ebbc0⋯.jpg (38.83 KB, 371x563, 371:563, YesJewSchultz.JPG)

File: 0e78196f40f7a65⋯.jpg (32.05 KB, 410x336, 205:168, YesJewWassermanSchultz.JPG)

File: bcdb0392e29ddd9⋯.jpg (52.25 KB, 671x397, 671:397, YesJewWeinstein.jpg)

897673 No.1612235

f363b0 No.1612236


i disconnected my onstar

d3d057 No.1612237


We are all human goyim.

Dont be mean to homos on an anonymous image board. The jewish nazis are in antartica talking to satan. Steve Quayle told me n a vision. Pray for potus goyim.

55a241 No.1612238


I hate to be a bitch and correct you but the NYT's have sources that claim Trump did in Fact release the Codes…

These People are Desperate

736fec No.1612239

they are afraid

they are telling themselves that fear is worse than what they fear.

they are dead wrong

5ea9ec No.1612240


have faith that humanity will win this anon…..there is no other option. The evil you speak of has always been here, the battle has always been fought…..tables turn and the process repeats…..always……it is the faith that will comfort you…the knowledge that once the evil is exposed and dealt with, humanity will win….I personally have the same cognition and share your feelings, but it's not fear I chose to allow at the top of my mind, it is joy that the evil will be exposed…..2 sides to all coins…..humanity will always win.

41d7e8 No.1612242

28 FBI Agents With Knowledge of Clinton Server Ask to Testify Against Deep State Corruption


6fba56 No.1612243


Since Potus tweeted about this twice, I think maybe he was trying to get us to watch the video, message there maybe?

It is viewable in the link provided from the Coast Guard.

b0ff46 No.1612244

File: 134a7ac4e1f969b⋯.jpg (71.86 KB, 497x373, 497:373, FordJewBaiter.jpg)

File: 7ab05af5bd0cedd⋯.jpg (78.09 KB, 497x373, 497:373, FordJewII.jpg)

File: df6273f5970b4b0⋯.jpg (87.87 KB, 497x373, 497:373, FordJewIII.jpg)

File: 0c0fbafc099f86d⋯.jpg (70.29 KB, 497x373, 497:373, FordJewIV.jpg)

498253 No.1612245


And how exactly did AIDS get to Haiti…??

Billy and Cankles "honeymoon" spot and the place they get their child sacrifices and slaves. How conveniently coincidental.

b3cc37 No.1612246


Friday night drunk shitposting..lol

f363b0 No.1612247


throw it away now! smash it

7a45cf No.1612248


Agree. Hold fast, anons. Q trained us for this.

30632d No.1612249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shills think they can manipulate our feelinz when q hasn't posted for a while. …wont work tho

479803 No.1612250


Once NK finished, important to have Russia as friend. China dangerous.

94d4d2 No.1612251

File: 46e6fff81b1273f⋯.jpg (46.86 KB, 570x454, 285:227, il_570xN.382071342_jfb5[1].jpg)



49da2e No.1612252

This is good.

https:// www.libertynation.com/north-korean-old-assumptions-vs-new-realities/

5ea9ec No.1612253


correct away anon, it is the best way to learn. We all hold keys

3d4bfd No.1612254

File: 9191cec1d3c0e95⋯.jpg (223.57 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, !GAY08.jpg)


Try to open a "not gay" night club!

The "2%" will flock to your gates.

(In assless chaps)

Being private property, I would like to see it happen under this prez!

d3d057 No.1612255





Humanity again…



6dec09 No.1612256


they just have to worry about Directed Energy weapons frying their brains

a553dd No.1612257

File: 8fb54a010a99adc⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1006x744, 503:372, Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at ….png)


Guess what…a great evil has already shown it's face, and has been doing so for years in broad daylight. But we now have a badass POTUS with God on his side, and he doesn't take shit from evil punks.

ca7a84 No.1612258


Any good news break after noon today anons?

Honestly can't tell from the notables.

d420bf No.1612259

File: 1c9491f31ee8ec9⋯.jpg (21.51 KB, 255x176, 255:176, IMG_2225.JPG)

It's time!

d44c67 No.1612260

File: 6af6b136d5f9cf7⋯.png (440.99 KB, 679x1253, 97:179, Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at ….png)


96a054 No.1612261

File: acdf3b9bc97bdf7⋯.jpg (50.42 KB, 759x500, 759:500, you.JPG)


hi youfaggot

79002a No.1612262

File: d882972208c2951⋯.png (204.94 KB, 888x578, 444:289, download.png)

d838f7 No.1612263


Bullshit, Gowdy is dirty, bad bread

3dcabf No.1612264


THIS exactly. Anons… hold your selves together. We are trained for operating in the darkness. Hold the line.

cdd3ec No.1612265

File: 857c454fd25c001⋯.jpg (13.23 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 6188acad6dd1179b631ea67742….jpg)


nah i want them recording me. that way they know exactly what i think.

282b01 No.1612266


<China Dangerous




In Asia.

851ebb No.1612267

America is telling Europe and Asia: “You have to go your own way, you can’t depend upon us” because the US is going to do everything to hurt you in order to help itself, according to economic commentator Michael Hudson.

After months of postponing its implementation while simultaneously threatening a trade war, President Donald Trump has slapped tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. The EU, as well as Canada and Mexico, has vowed to retaliate.

Domestic reaction in the US has also been negative with both Democrats and Republicans criticizing the move. Wall Street analyst and economic commentator Michael Hudson believes the US could actually suffer more than Europe from the tariffs.

RT: The EU has vowed to retaliate. What steps do you expect them to take?

Michael Hudson: The irony of all of this is that there is a good logic for protectionism. And the object to protectionism is to import the raw materials as cheap as you can and make all your profit in manufactures in high value added.  What Trump has done by putting the tariffs on aluminum and steel is to raise the price of aluminum and steel to Americans. They’ve already jumped about 25 percent since he announced the tariffs a few weeks ago. And all of a sudden this oversupply is going to be sold to Europeans and Asians. So, their manufacturers can buy aluminum and steel more cheaply to make manufactured goods at much lower costs than American manufacturers can.

So, Trump has given Europe and Asia an opportunity to undersell American manufacturers of tinware, of anything industrial: beer kegs, people have talked about, frying pans, cars, anything made out of aluminum and steel. Now, the foreigners outside of America will have an advantage over the American producers. Trump has shot the American economy in the foot. That seems to be his guiding principle.   

RT: Does the EU need to do anything in retaliation? Do you think there will be a trade war? Or is Europe is going to sit back and enjoy the benefits?

MH: It has to do something legally. It can’t let America say we are going to put a tariff on anything we want in order to have all of the monopoly in the world in our country and make you pay monopoly prices. There is a reason there is an oversupply of aluminum and steel. And that is because other countries are afraid of American sanctions; they don’t know who America is going to move against next. So, they have to be independent in basic needs. Steel, aluminum but also agriculture, also information technology. So, what America is doing is telling Europe and Asia you have to go your own way, you can’t depend upon us. We are for America first and we are going to do everything we can to hurt you to help ourselves because that is how Mr. Trump made his fortune in real estate – by threats and intimidation and long lawsuits.       

RT:To be fair to Donald Trump, he did say when he was on the campaign trail that this is the sort of stuff he was going to do. What is the affect going to be, first of all, on the American consumers?

MH: The price of anything made out of aluminum and steel is going to go up. So, the prices they pay will either go up or the companies that make things out of aluminum and steel are going to have to have their profits eroded by having higher costs. European exports and Asian exports are now going to have a competitive advantage over the US. In other words, Trump hasn’t read basic economic textbooks on how protectionism made Germany, France and America rich in the first place – or how protectionism is forcing Russia to be more independent. Russia it doesn’t need protectionist tariffs when it has something like American sanctions.


6abb08 No.1612268


Baby Doc. Remember him?

ccf2a9 No.1612269

File: b7bf1301ece15df⋯.png (5.08 KB, 448x146, 224:73, ClipboardImage.png)

239aaa No.1612270

File: ec69fa7bae7db86⋯.png (2.08 MB, 2007x1448, 2007:1448, helper dig.png)

Helper anon

Humble anon.

Is this what we are missing?

3663f0 No.1612271


For the afternoons' notables, you could check the notables archive at /comms/

63c4e5 No.1612272



and they love voodoo


That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti

In his memoir "My Life," the former president wrote a vivid account of a trip the couple's first trip to Haiti in 1975 – which had been a wedding gift from their friend David Edwards, who had some business to do there for Citibank and some extra frequent flyer miles.

Bill Clinton wrote that "the most interesting day of the trip" came when he, Hillary and Edwards got a chance to see voodoo in practice in a village near Port-au-Prince. The priest was Max Beauvoir, a former chemical engineer who had studied at the Sorbonne in Paris. Beauvoir had abandoned that career when his voodoo-priest grandfather died and named him as his successor.

Beauvoir gave the three visitors what Clinton described as a "brief course in voodoo theology." And then the late-afternoon ceremony began. Clinton wrote:

"After several minutes of rhythmic dancing to pounding drums, the spirits arrived, seizing a woman and a man. The man proceeded to rub a burning torch all over his body and walk on hot coals without being burned. The woman, in a frenzy, screamed repeatedly, then grabbed a live chicken and bit its head off. Then the spirits left and those who had been possessed fell to the ground."

Clinton wrote that his "brief foray into the world of voodoo" furthered his fascination with "the way different cultures try to make sense of life, nature, and the virtually universal belief that there is a nonphysical spirit force at work in the world."

The trip to Haiti also came at a pivotal time for Clinton himself. Then a law professor, he had lost the political campaign he had waged, a race for Congress. He was trying to decide whether it was worth giving running for office another try. There was going to be an opening for Arkansas attorney general.

"By the time we got back from Haiti, I had determined to run for attorney general," Clinton recalled. This time, he won – and was on his way to the White House.

One lesson he took from Haiti, he wrote: "The Lord works in mysterious ways."

68ae0a No.1612273


BO keeps banning me, searing at me, then then unbanning me.

He had considerable struggles with the Turing test…

110d84 No.1612274

File: 250dbe87b8fbb00⋯.jpg (14.04 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 2bap98.jpg)

>>1612261 (You)

f363b0 No.1612275


degenerates, the lot of them

my step-bro girlfriend is one of them

has all the stupid face piercings

i call her tacklebox

5ea9ec No.1612276


kek, careful, you'll ruin your clown makeup if you catch my feelings..

2cc937 No.1612277


I don't want to sound prejudiced, but the gay community has absolutely ruined wearing assless chaps for the rest of us. It's the only way to ride a bicycle in the summer and still maintain comfort.

d44c67 No.1612278

File: 1ca15cb9de4165f⋯.png (418.5 KB, 782x878, 391:439, Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at ….png)

File: cae635d56350431⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1740x1150, 174:115, Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at ….png)

This is the part of the show where we all go LOCO!


e717a8 No.1612279

What if Q is children?

Children can be pretty smart?

They're not adults, but they can do pretty smart things.

What if Q is actually just children playing around?

ca7a84 No.1612280


Nice reminder. Thanks anon.

Used to be able to estimate the time/bread.

Can't say I'm good at that any longer.

66230f No.1612281

Arrest them, cuff them, perp-walk them, throw them in the back of a black van.

3d4bfd No.1612282


the microphone can be activated even with your phone OFF. (smart phones).

And it can record, for upload later if no service is present.

So ALWAYS assume your smart phone is listening…

Many people will find that after a conversation over dinner about replacing the plumbing in the bathroom there will pop up ads about plumbing specials and water heater sales from retailers.

The obvious connection is the phone was listening to your conversation for ad placement.

(but what else!)!?

Will it suggest a proper sized shovel to bury the body you talked about killing your boss?

(see my point).

6dec09 No.1612283


or READ the fucking breads

755135 No.1612284

What does Q mean by "We are in control"?

The Cabal seems like they control the media, the American skies (chemtrails), and the money. Controlling the presidency is obviously big, but it's not everything.

Is there a hidden meaning? Is it a psychological jedi mind trick Q is using against the Cabal? Control of the NSA? In control of what?

I'm having a hard time reconciling Q being in control with having chemtrails, nanomachines, and synthetic biology being installed in millions of innocent American children's bodies on a daily basis.

7bc9da No.1612285


Nice of them to build those. Probably have nice beaches!

736fec No.1612286


You have considerable struggles with sanity.

498253 No.1612287


Some more toy soldiers are goin to be going off. Be aware of your surroundings no matter where you are, always have an escape plan in public.

d3d057 No.1612288


Amazing! I read in an (((american))) jewspapwr today about how Ford was totally for the allies and (((FDR))) praised Ford for his contributions in the war effort.

So weird they neglect o mention this stuff. Its almost like they are ying or something.

b56f99 No.1612289

File: a2353241d3ac6e5⋯.gif (48.83 KB, 320x240, 4:3, The Real Q.gif)

dc8c9d No.1612290









3d4bfd No.1612291




(gonna use that one)

68ae0a No.1612292


*swearing at me.

He has a hard-cussin persona that he portrays consistently, even when it's quite inappropriate.

c7994f No.1612293


Happens to me all the time.

110d84 No.1612294

File: 1c5c07280a44b8a⋯.jpg (67.93 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2b7shr.jpg)

248e8a No.1612295

>>1612279 put the bong down, that's not pot

b56f99 No.1612296


You forgot


897673 No.1612297


shitposting is derogatory here


479803 No.1612298


You notice how MSM is being discredited / shredded this week since Rosanne tweet. We had the C*t show on TBS, today Joy Reid admits she wrote blog. False investigation called for by NBC? Weinstein indictment names Disney as codefendant.

They are going down!

4df5be No.1612299

File: 349b842d8f73a18⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 514x304, 257:152, DejQK0oWAAEe8f3.jpg)

File: 74922a62ecd1acd⋯.jpeg (11.65 KB, 255x191, 255:191, dec81e73561264d9c1e742d53….jpeg)

736fec No.1612300


How many children know about 5 eyes?

f363b0 No.1612301

mother fuckers just came down me road spraying

havent seen not one skeeter this year

killing off all the good bugs and make us sick

7a45cf No.1612302


The last 10 days has sharpened the hardy and weeded out the week. We are ready, Q. Be it our Normandy or our Bastogne, by God we are ready.

dc8c9d No.1612303



two libtards back to back. KEK

aa8a95 No.1612304

File: 1a625874ea77580⋯.jpg (27.85 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 7fb72953aec8751b979bfbcdd6….jpg)

d3d057 No.1612305


No chemicals can do more damage than the TV does through brainwashing. Why are patriotards so fucking dense? Clue. You still watch TV.


96a054 No.1612306

68ae0a No.1612307


How would AI defend itself if called out?

Is this a game? Are extraordinarily powerful people fighting for their very survival?

Do the clowns have supercomputers? What are they doing with them? Playing ghosts n goblins on NES emulators?

c608b8 No.1612308



Big enough to carry a soul and spirit that can take in a whole universe. Big enough to love what you cannot.

You see only whats in front of you, you have no concept of how much the supernatural embraces this world and the universe that nurtures it. Gain some control of your own consciousness and lean less towards adopting another's.

a2564d No.1612309

File: 3cb6a89dcbadbf0⋯.jpg (152.45 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, IMG-20180601-WA0004.jpg)

b0ff46 No.1612310

File: 4169c4fe69576f5⋯.jpg (81.5 KB, 497x373, 497:373, FordJewV.jpg)

File: 2fde8f1eb1ff502⋯.jpg (78.99 KB, 497x373, 497:373, FordJewVI.jpg)

File: 6ab5aaae6e8127b⋯.jpg (230.99 KB, 896x567, 128:81, FrankenJewCall.JPG)

File: ea898dfa158371c⋯.jpg (15.28 KB, 264x299, 264:299, Goyim.jpg)


Ford did business with Hitler

The Jews sued Ford from the days of The Dodge Bros.

f363b0 No.1612311

a553dd No.1612312


Probably the stupidest thing I've seen here. SMH

897673 No.1612313


why are you here?

e717a8 No.1612314


They can be really smart. They are on the internets all the time. All they have to do is look up conspiracy stuff on the internet, come up with a plan, and then post it.

Q could just be kids fooling around.

cdd3ec No.1612315


google thinks i care lmao. theyre already tracking us all anyways.

498253 No.1612316


Ya, I was gonna add that but was trying to keep it short. They are satanic. Trying to derive power from whatever demonic entity they can. I don't even think they're choosey per se. Obviously, working for the Dark One has paid off for a very long time, but tables have turned and the awakening to their crimes and depth of evil will make them wish they were dead. The public will NOT be forgiving.

3d4bfd No.1612317


I do not spray anything at my place.

Not a libtard environmentalist either.

(off grid though)

I use a bug zapper when needed, but that's it.

The "fried droppings" are plant food.

Part of the reason I moved to the country to eat a lot of peaches…

49da2e No.1612319

Q's absence does not worry or alarm me.

Q was a catalyst: noun

1. Chemistry. a substance that causes or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected.

2. something that causes activity between two or more persons or forces without itself being affected.

3. a person or thing that precipitates an event or change.

Q is/was 2 for 3. The rest is up to us. Let's "deal with it".

6a57ec No.1612320

This was missed in the pedo echo chamber…

Iraq war

Bush EO's

[Reconstruction] funds can come from those various sources I mentioned: frozen assets, oil revenues and a (((variety of other things)))

Black Wednesday

Trump EO's

How do billionaires really make their money?

How do you convert a few thousand dollars in to a few million with little to no risk?

Happening in Venezuela right now

16 year plan failed due to Trump

You figure it out. I am not giving it away as I already tried and several of you fake autists blew a fucking gasket. This is real faggots, more real then most of the shit the is regurgitated here. Was worth 12 trillion in 2010, nearly double that now.

66d305 No.1612321

File: 7a3cb5989519f6b⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 320x227, 320:227, 123Laff.gif)

d420bf No.1612322

Start calling them "Demoncrats" in social media. It really gets under their skin and will provide dividends when proven to be true

dc8c9d No.1612323


my dick in your mouth is derogatory to your mom


and says the one shitposting a shitposter

897673 No.1612324


>the internets

cha next bread

82f19a No.1612325

28 FBI Agents With Knowledge of Clinton Server Ask to Testify Against Deep State Corruption (VIDEO)


28 FBI Agents With Knowledge of Clinton Server Ask to Testify Against Deep State Corruption (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft June 1, 2018 10 Comments

12Share Tweet Email

House Republicans are set to interview three witnesses in early June regarding the sham Hillary Clinton email investigation.

According to The Hill, Bill Priestap, the assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division, and Michael Steinbach, the former head of the FBI’s national security division, will testify shortly after the release of the IG report.

Bill Priestap was the FBI official who changed the wording in the James Comey July 2016 speech to remove the word “President” and replace it with “another senior government official” to hide this fact from the American public.

The third witness is John Giacalone who preceded Steinbach as the bureau’s top national security official and oversaw the first seven months of the Clinton probe.


3663f0 No.1612326

File: 417976cacf77237⋯.jpg (206.24 KB, 745x745, 1:1, f77451064971e2f1034b29963c….jpg)

3d4bfd No.1612327


Not "all" of us.

I steal internet from 8miles away using a YAGI.

living off grid.

No phone.

But most of us, yeah.

ca7a84 No.1612328


We absolutely need to dig Cuba soon.

248e8a No.1612329


In control of the direction that the media, the American skies (chemtrails), the money, nanomachines, and synthetic biology are moving into. Out of the hands of the destructive, & into the hands of the responsible.

30632d No.1612330

File: 71ad30fabc52127⋯.png (843.71 KB, 837x634, 837:634, boom-x2.png)

f363b0 No.1612331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cdd3ec No.1612332


i will actually find u when this is all over and give you a wedgie if you dont stop

6c8e67 No.1612333

File: d375ba1df646196⋯.jpg (86.19 KB, 888x499, 888:499, qorn.jpg)

63c4e5 No.1612334


hear, hear… strings cut. down she goes

1d86b0 No.1612335


The world needs the skeeters. Fish, birds, reptiles, and the occasional cyclist eat them. Skeeter larvae are also really good at cleaning the water. Pretty cool to watch them skim around cleaning/eating everything. Constant grazers.

Who's the idiot who let these viruses come to the US? Can't bring a piece of fruit with you from out of the country, but you can come here illegally and never be examined.

b0ff46 No.1612336

File: afad83fdb44da36⋯.png (263.93 KB, 513x259, 513:259, ClipboardImage.png)

7a45cf No.1612337


Not taking sides, but there is nothing overvalued quite as much as sanity.

4df5be No.1612338



239aaa No.1612339



He also ensured the Coast Guard began

receiving necessary funding to commence

acquisition of the nation’s first new polar

icebreaker in more than 50 years.

Putin was talking about the same thing.

I'm looking for the video now

e717a8 No.1612340

File: 775f2a5806a5ed4⋯.png (449.41 KB, 592x896, 37:56, Arayan_Point.png)

94d4d2 No.1612341


We already know that Q is Barron. Very stable.

f363b0 No.1612342

File: 8f9be1df8ed1c05⋯.jpg (257.04 KB, 720x720, 1:1, TRUMPBOOM - Copy - Copy - ….jpg)

6255ef No.1612343

>>1612074 (lb)

Got it. was heading in that direction already. thanks for the hints.

7e091d No.1612344

File: b6760f07c419eb4⋯.jpg (628.21 KB, 2039x1463, 2039:1463, FatAsHellPepe.jpg)

7ebbe4 No.1612345

File: 3213760e9cca669⋯.png (95.84 KB, 640x400, 8:5, firstrule.png)

File: 7bdcae4906e030a⋯.jpg (190.4 KB, 962x1725, 962:1725, 7bdcae4906e030a8be0a3a3a65….jpg)


Will one of you preciousmetalfags please drop these in r/silverbugs.

(If you've been to the right forum, you'll know who the duck refers to.)

1st pic title "Is this for you?"

2nd pic title "Why is she wearing a funeral glove?"

Doxxing attempts going on there, so more IDs will add to the confusion.

479803 No.1612346


Question: WTF has Horowitz/Huber been doing? These agents weren't subpeonaed and they had information?

Hmmm… this would only delay IG report. Could be real but could also be another delay tactic.

ca7a84 No.1612347


Hopefully my intermittent belching is of little consequence.

Still trying to decide how paranoid I should be.

9f7fd2 No.1612348

File: 325b7220c59520b⋯.jpg (99.15 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, WhiteHats.jpg)



Just ran across this guy's twitter thread, of how to get the White Hats to come forward (he also has a detailed thread about how to methodically BTFO the black hats)


Comprehensive and well thought-out. I hope somebody uses it.

6abb08 No.1612349


Someone please tell me this is true. Been reported any where else?

330829 No.1612350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3663f0 No.1612351

File: b33c01d2260e165⋯.jpg (165.63 KB, 793x1199, 793:1199, b33c01d2260e165e26b1dba3fc….jpg)

1d86b0 No.1612352


Huge if true.

c1320f No.1612353

File: 07d3bc9fca30012⋯.png (113.31 KB, 622x389, 622:389, Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at ….png)

d3d057 No.1612354


Good businessman.

ccf2a9 No.1612355


It means They ARE in Control….see>>1612269

They cancel Summit even though deal is already done, knowing the MSM will go for the bait Immediately. Then POTUS makes them look stupid time after time when he shines light on their motives. MSM, Cabal, Evil takes the bait and exposes themselves constantly, they can't help themselves.

379c18 No.1612356

File: b36a2e99b9df93b⋯.png (152.2 KB, 673x499, 673:499, IMG_6874.PNG)



June 11, 2018= OIG Report set to come out.

June 12, 2018= POTUS summit with Kim to denuclearize NK


August= ?

September= ?

October= ?

November 6, 2018= Midterm Election for the US.

November 11, 2018= Military [Victory] Parade.


Truth too soon= people loose interest…TRUTH in crumbs to set the stage for the BIG REVEAL right before Voting= FRESH in voters minds.

Keep comfy, hydrated, popcorn in hand and enjoy THE SHOW! You are all VIP viewers!

330829 No.1612357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ty quentin

f363b0 No.1612358


dumb fucks are gmo ing the skeeters and ticks then turning them loose

3d4bfd No.1612359


I yank the panel down and cut the mic off with snips.

(dont use cellphone handsfree so it wont matter)

68ae0a No.1612360


Do the clowns have supercomputers?

But also– how hard would it be for AI to spread itself? Do we know about modes and methods by which powerful agencies have sought to.gain the capability to infect machines? How extensively?

What is vault 7?

Who knows what else?

Can humans spy on everyone at once? Can AI?

f39290 No.1612361


Thanks for the tip anon! I'm going to do that!

0633f4 No.1612363


evil has been there the whole time.. could it get any worse?

d53388 No.1612364

File: 2b6cdd82dbfeacf⋯.jpeg (161.4 KB, 1440x956, 360:239, 1527905587.jpeg)

021a7e No.1612365

File: 08606e9234a6877⋯.jpg (42.24 KB, 709x473, 709:473, smile_n sam alvey.jpg)

Let's do this! … redheads ftw tonight

1a75ac No.1612366

File: 2fa5ba811d55f95⋯.png (569.71 KB, 1054x755, 1054:755, biglue.png)

330829 No.1612367

does a north korean mcdonalds serve kimchi ???

318431 No.1612368


I don't blame the FBI agents who keep quite. Even the fucktards who covered for Hillary were told by their bosses that they had to cover for her. They would have got fired, and everyone thought she would be the president. Its Mcabe, Comey, Strokeman and his whore who are the people who need to burn for this. If they weren't so stupid they could have cried and said "She Broke Me", the others have to be scared if anything happens to Trump their families are fucked. I say nooses for 4 would be about right.

cdfcfb No.1612369


Nice Tripcode dude

a61683 No.1612370

File: 6fd35a044ba786c⋯.jpg (6.3 KB, 259x194, 259:194, baby.jpg)

Well I've read maybe 500-600 breads, bfd right.

I'm very sad at what just came to my mind after reading here about how the cabal ships babies several breads ago..

If you wanted to get a lot of babies to resell where would you go?

Would you go to poor countries?

Would you steal them, buy them from parents?

I figured out a really simple way to get hundreds of thousands of babies a year right here in the US, and be paid to get them then be paid to sell them.

What if everything you believe is a lie?

What if there are no ab_rti_n clinics?

What if there were only collection centers?

What if those women who thought they baby was aborted were actually harvested?

What if they were sent to a place to be grown?

To be sold.

What if the reason they want late term ab_r_ti_ns is the baby is easier to harvest…….

Are there tunnels leading from these places?

What type of vehicle picks these babies up?

I fucking am writing this with tears in my eyes.

May god have mercy on my soul for understanding this.

It's needs digging, as it is just something that came to me from that deep space within.

Hope I'm wrong, see picture.

e717a8 No.1612371

File: b38909a82a4df41⋯.png (1.39 MB, 952x590, 476:295, Screenshot_151.png)

f363b0 No.1612372


someone twat him and ask him why he is glorifying these fucking degenerates.

i had to step away today cause of it

fucking shit makes me sic

ca7a84 No.1612373


That'll freak out the S.O. Might give it a try.

248e8a No.1612374


Whether you tap or slam the brakes on your car, does it stop at 0 mph immediately, or does is there momentum to overcome to make a complete stop? The brakes are being tapped so that the world doesn't get whiplash while the momentum of the cabal is brought to a complete stop.

dc8c9d No.1612375


it will come from the depths of Sinjar in the heart of Magog.

7154bd No.1612376

File: 7358e7aed6dd5e2⋯.png (17.37 KB, 452x392, 113:98, nk.png)

I know I saw multiple people bring up the "DarNKess" spelling mistake in one of Q's posts. But I haven't seen this one posted here at all. Thought it was interesting.

Relates to the [10], darkness, shutdown, etc.

3d4bfd No.1612377


Dammit fast (not as drunk) anon…

I was going to do a green one with pepe head.

(when i sober)

d44c67 No.1612378

File: 3ebbeb2f70b1931⋯.png (78.87 KB, 726x239, 726:239, Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at ….png)

File: 5fb0ce1a30a603f⋯.png (169.75 KB, 1146x530, 573:265, Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at ….png)

Excerpt from the link @PotusPress

China is reverting to Marxist policies….not good for them

4b7555 No.1612379

File: d6f81e846608b24⋯.jpg (39.96 KB, 680x550, 68:55, well_done.jpg)


>does a north korean mcdonalds serve kimchi ???

30632d No.1612380

File: 99cbb105de40712⋯.png (593.2 KB, 614x407, 614:407, hillbag-berry.png)

d3d057 No.1612381


God bless Adolf Hitler.

The eternal avatar.

Jesus with a sword.

The promised second coming.

Hail victory!

0587f1 No.1612382

File: d01ffb001f9ef1e⋯.png (171.85 KB, 592x309, 592:309, 00001.png)

What if POTUS is trying to warn us here?

Notice his fingers and the shape of the envelope. He's making an owl face. Maybe the letter was a warning to him? Might explain the odd look on his face. Some places are reporting he never even read the letter, which would also fit.

94d4d2 No.1612383


Do they have Chinese restaurants in China?

1a75ac No.1612384


>why he is glorifying these fucking degenerates.

which degenerates would those be, anon?

ccf2a9 No.1612385


They could have already testified to the grand jury for Huber

3663f0 No.1612386

File: 6832a8d4844a3ab⋯.jpg (61.81 KB, 580x411, 580:411, 6832a8d4844a3abf667e8c6674….jpg)

c9a666 No.1612387


Evil is being restrained here on earth and it will continue to be restrained until Jesus Christ returns for the gathering. Then and only then will evil be unleashed. Born again Christians are what restrains the adversary!

b0ff46 No.1612388

File: 7f77570fbb18e33⋯.png (41.47 KB, 304x477, 304:477, ClipboardImage.png)

239aaa No.1612389


hOLy SHit

You wer totally right.

Watch the vid



Corinthians 13:4-13

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

baker check this out

Anon was right!



f363b0 No.1612390


u didnt see?

2a102b No.1612391

89232e No.1612392

If you are looking for some homework:






connecting nazi names with american powerful people

schiff, zuckerberg, mueller, etc

including maiden names of women, or legally changed names



audio, book starts 28:45 - translation differs from audio book = 2:40https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjAIDJOiwWc


begins with a summary: narrator comments etc: book begins



1802 book: Proofs of Illuminism



candace owens tells her story, sept 2017 (twitter exec called her, attacked her account)



Southpark – episode 12 in season 12 titled “About Last Night”

which originally aired right after Obama was elected.


94d4d2 No.1612393


Where's my air pump?

ca7a84 No.1612394


How appropriate. Those are, after all, merely water balloons.

336042 No.1612395


Do you believe in coincidences?

330829 No.1612396


fortune cookie?

1556d0 No.1612397

File: ef882092408ad95⋯.png (539.79 KB, 890x784, 445:392, Screen Shot 2018-06-02 at ….png)

Does any anon have any idea what this could be about?

Pope Francis is hosting a gathering next week at the Vatican with executives of major oil producers and investment firms to talk about how the companies can address climate change, according to several people familiar with the event.

Why it matters: It’s one of the most significant developments showing how corporations are working with other world leaders on climate change amid President Trump’s whole-scale retreat on the issue.

Show less

Situational awareness: One year ago today, Trump announced his intention to withdraw America from the Paris climate deal, which now has support from every country except the United States. Three years ago, Pope Francis wrote his encyclical — a papal letter sent to all bishops of the Roman Catholic Church — on the importance of addressing climate change, a first in the church’s history.

Here’s a list of some of the participants in the private conference, with more expected:

Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, world’s largest asset manager.

Bob Dudley, CEO of BP.

Darren Woods, CEO of ExxonMobil.

Eldar Sætre, CEO of Equinor, oil and energy producer partially owned by the Norwegian government (formerly Statoil).

Ernest Moniz, former U.S. Energy Secretary under then-President Obama.

Lord John Browne, former CEO of BP and current executive chairman of L1 Energy, an oil and gas investment firm.

Ben Van Beurden, CEO of Royal Dutch Shell, was invited but declined because he had an obligation elsewhere, according to an official.

1d86b0 No.1612398

File: 226f1ac6d7591ce⋯.jpg (19.16 KB, 250x166, 125:83, Aedes_albopictus.jpg)


We have these were I live. I see them all the time laying eggs in my patio ponds. They're invaders from the 80's.


b56f99 No.1612399


I'm watching Smilin Sam right now too

498253 No.1612400


They literally suck them out in a vacuum unless partial birth abortion, so no.

cdd3ec No.1612401


i think you might be right. planned parent hood doesnt get audited. where do all the aborted baby parts go ?

eaaf33 No.1612402


water is water. water is ice. water is a vapor.

not a vase not a glass

i am not contemplating wtaer.

no thank you

3663f0 No.1612403


It's in 2025's notables-

>>1609856 , >>1609943 , >>1609923 POTUS retweets speech at USMCG ceremony today: "Love is patient, love is kind"

96a054 No.1612404


^yes pepe, that was said out-loud

c9a666 No.1612405


That's what she should wear so that she doesn't fall down anymore. You know that toy that you can't knock down, it always pops back up again! Hah!

ecb1d7 No.1612406

1a75ac No.1612407

File: f518df932dddea3⋯.jpg (38.95 KB, 299x480, 299:480, elvischkem.jpg)


nope…made that last night. kek

e717a8 No.1612408


Watching water.

a488a2 No.1612409

Just watched the Hannity Corsi comment.

He said that Corsi is saying that I'm, Hannity, the next target of the deep state.

Seems like a threat sent through Corsi.

d3d057 No.1612410


See here.


You missed it.

6fba56 No.1612411


That could very well be the message that the President wanted us to hear.

31bbe2 No.1612412


Do you honestly think that anyone who needed to testify would be paraded around in a news article before having already done so? For instance we didn't even hear Huber's name till about a year after he was already working.

41d7e8 No.1612413

Unemployment Hits 18-Year Low as Economy Gains 223,000 Jobs - Will It Be Enough to Soothe Wall Street?


248e8a No.1612414


Define shutdown.

Also, where's the direct correlation to 10 days here?

282b01 No.1612415


<November 6, 2018= Midterm Election for the US.


https:// www.predictit.org/Market/2704/Which-party-will-control-the-House-after-2018-midterms

https:// www.270towin.com/2018-house-election/aledBWV

239aaa No.1612416



thank you


fe5657 No.1612417

File: 62fe4e568a5e7bf⋯.jpg (729.46 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, Screenshot_20180601-191522….jpg)



Agenda 21, no more slow removal of family homes …. rothy cities in California

d420bf No.1612418


pointing to V for victory!

021a7e No.1612419

cdfcfb No.1612420


c9a666 No.1612421


You haven't seen nothing yet buddy!!!

d53388 No.1612422


He was born for memes

a553dd No.1612423


( @ )( @ )

ca7a84 No.1612425


If you put a little air in them first they pop better.

6255ef No.1612426

File: bea85073bb54bd3⋯.jpg (153.8 KB, 1009x666, 1009:666, ES ChBRinNK-RED.jpg)


thx for the read. doesn't really scratch the surface into the topic of "who really runs/(ran?) NK" tho.

>A Clinton Korea expert, former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson , of the ever- furrowed brow fashionable among diplomatic commentators,

kek, you're on the list too, Billy, don't worry.

936046 No.1612427

File: 9eb288d9aa58d0d⋯.jpg (243.51 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, notbeef.jpg)

282b01 No.1612428


Meme magic is real!!!, KEK!!

7399a0 No.1612429

File: 719baf927ac04a5⋯.png (935.27 KB, 729x539, 729:539, gates.PNG)


Ted Talk Gates

d3d057 No.1612430



There is no joke here.

I mean every word.

cdfcfb No.1612431

File: da05800926ae3e2⋯.jpg (33.87 KB, 567x1008, 9:16, 6FAuREG.jpg)


30632d No.1612432

File: a6d7af2354dff8b⋯.png (524.33 KB, 483x482, 483:482, hillbag-double-protection.png)

f363b0 No.1612433


all our good bugs are gone

now we got invaded by a spider/cricket

and huge stink bugs out of no where

you used to have to fight ur way out in the summer with porch light on, now nothing

even the big hard beetle bugs, all gone

6fba56 No.1612434

File: cc2f5f2a1566e38⋯.png (1009.81 KB, 868x506, 434:253, ClipboardImage.png)

Pope summons oil execs to Vatican to talk climate change

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis will meet with some of the world’s oil executives next week, likely to give them another moral nudge to clean up their act on global warming.

Climate change policy and science experts are cautiously hopeful but aren’t expecting any miracles or even noticeable changes.

The conference will be a follow-up to the pope’s encyclical three years ago calling on people to save the planet from climate change and other environmental ills, Vatican spokesman Greg Burke confirmed Friday. Cardinal Peter Turkson, who spearheaded the encyclical, set up the June 8-9 conference with the executives. The pope himself will speak to the leaders on the second day of the summit, organized with the University of Notre Dame, Burke said.

Officials at the Vatican and Notre Dame would not disclose who is coming, but Axios, the news site that first reported the summit, said executives from BP and ExxonMobil would attend. Messages left for representatives of the energy companies weren’t immediately returned.

Michael Oppenheimer, a professor of geosciences and international affairs at Princeton University, said he doubts anything “measurable” will come out of the conference but he was nevertheless hopeful.

Oil companies have talked about fighting climate change, but they haven’t done much beyond talk, said MIT management professor John Sterman.

The pope offers “moral persuasion,” but if it is just a photo opportunity for oil executives to show off “it doesn’t mean anything and in fact it’s just PR to help oil companies burnish up their image while they continue to delay actions,” Sterman said.

Jerry Taylor, president of the Washington libertarian-oriented think-tank Niskanen Center, said he figures the oil executives will tell the pope they’re willing to accept action, such as a tax on heat-trapping carbon dioxide emissions.

“But what is needed is for these oil majors to tell Republican lawmakers of their concern and support for action, not the pope. And this they have not done in any focused, sustained, or meaningful way,” Taylor said in an email. That’s where, he said, the pontiff needs to push them farther on the morality of what they’re doing, he said.

Dana Fisher, a sociologist who studies environmentalism at the University of Maryland, said the pope is cementing his leadership on climate.

“He certainly is trying to lead for the planet and lord knows we need it,” she said.

Gary Yohe, an economics and environment professor at Wesleyan University in Connecticut, said the executives might feel compelled to listen to the spiritual leader of nearly 1.3 billion Catholics.

“This is not somebody you can ignore,” Yohe said. “It might be a come to Jesus moment for them.”


4df5be No.1612435


Yeah, that punching clown that keeps popping back up.

3663f0 No.1612436


Never a fail, easy to miss amongst them all.

Nice confirmation though. Very naice.

e717a8 No.1612437


Who's the ginger in the purple tie?

7154bd No.1612438

File: c11d155bd61b8e0⋯.png (10.78 KB, 452x229, 452:229, shutdown.png)

4fa9ca No.1612439


Grazi, merci, danke, gracias and thank you.

1a75ac No.1612440

File: b42531efa6677c0⋯.png (196.43 KB, 1209x756, 403:252, pepecommunist.png)


<not mine

45288c No.1612441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Weebles wobble but they don't fall down

68ae0a No.1612442


Why is one bot openly showing itself here?

How powerful is intention?

Why is symbolism so important to our enemies?

Are there different "degrees of consent"?

Is being silent a stance that falls in between open resistance, and open acceptance?

If symbolism a way of gaining partial acceptance?

Is an open bot on this board a way of fishing for partial acceptance, through lack of open resistance?

Why do they want our consent so much?

Why do we PRAY?

Why do we.FIGHT?

c9a666 No.1612443



ca7a84 No.1612444

Out to read a real book with paper pages and everything.

Quick question.

What if we're wrong?

2a102b No.1612445

File: 5152a1b77a82174⋯.jpg (55.2 KB, 431x433, 431:433, 879e82b2330b75967f1fdbfbd1….jpg)

afd914 No.1612446


Don't wanna sound like that either… But I have loved rainbows since the 70's, room decorated with them as a child. Now everyone assumes I am gay if I have rainbow anything

Sucks because I really love rainbows - I use/wear/sticker them where ever I want, let folks think what they wanna think

e548ed No.1612447


Anon, we are together in this. No need to worry. Where we awake one, we awake all.

318431 No.1612448


Then we just move on……not much we can do about it.

330829 No.1612449

File: cc2aa7017a0d670⋯.jpg (164.65 KB, 1080x612, 30:17, IMG_1791.JPG)

File: 6ac987968b42fd6⋯.jpg (88.15 KB, 640x800, 4:5, IMG_2018.JPG)

File: cc114b6fd40e36e⋯.jpg (176.89 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_2026.JPG)

ebf228 No.1612450


Pat on the back, kek!

Myself and one other in my family feel this big time. We're just not sure 'what' 'it' is.

eaaf33 No.1612451


(thumbs up)

3479b7 No.1612452


Anon. You ARE reading the greatest book of all time. Where are you going again? Kek

cdd3ec No.1612453


i think its name is a mk ultra trigger when i looked it at before i filtered it gave me a headache

248e8a No.1612455

File: aae1e3a10c104e6⋯.png (57.57 KB, 500x713, 500:713, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks. What about this?

da6fbf No.1612456


Agreed. No doubt POTUS was here last Sunday. Wish I would have been here for that. I'd love for him to know what an honor it is to be a microscopic part of this battle of good and evil and to thank Him for everything he's doing.

Cheers to all of you Anon's out there. God Bless you all in the amazing work you've all done. Most especially to the BO for their hard work and countless hours grinding away. It hasn't gone unnoticed.

41d7e8 No.1612457

Establishment Media Issues Four Corrections After Falsely Claiming Trump Separating Families at Border

The establishment media suffered a major blow over the past 48 hours, being forced to issue four corrections after falsely claiming that President Trump enacted a policy to separate border-crossing parents from their children at the U.S.-Mexico border.


2a413d No.1612458


Hear you anon. Rainbows, spirals, swastikas(also spirals), triangles, eyes, pizza, etc…

Free the symbols,

Free the world.

1a75ac No.1612459


>>1612154 angels among us, anon…

c9a666 No.1612460

File: 234b98651a6bf08⋯.jpg (13.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 30c3341b4f1668ab2f56937040….jpg)


That's it! You get two scoops!!

Can someone put hrc in a weebles wobble costume please!

fbd135 No.1612461

General Dunford accompanied DJT several times over the last few days (Annapolis, Coast Guard, Memorial Day). I wonder what they were doing in between public appearances.

5ea9ec No.1612462


my thoughts…..blatantly attempting anons to censor it so it can eventually be used for future coded messages which will be disregarded. Hence the importance of "everything is relevant"

63c4e5 No.1612463

File: e129a334ea437a5⋯.png (414.72 KB, 777x437, 777:437, Maxxine_blank.png)


>What if we're wrong?

Maxine wins.


She remains our Forever Auntie.

The End.

2b89dd No.1612464



4fa9ca No.1612465


Was watching am network tv at low volume while working this morn…couldn’t believe that was their line of shit.

They’d bitch about how much toilet paper he used if they found out what kind.

7d4179 No.1612466

Q, I'm here now. Let's go

239bbd No.1612467

File: 6f43fe786fa8e52⋯.jpg (44.25 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 151iq.jpg)

File: 7d56f85854914f6⋯.jpg (22.56 KB, 219x301, 219:301, 55.jpg)


>What if we're wrong?

Then we will repent by sacrificing those who lacked faith and caused our downfall.

fb2073 No.1612468


That guy's a fake bot anyway

3663f0 No.1612469

File: 71fe500765326d0⋯.jpg (92.56 KB, 1125x588, 375:196, 1916a9c2583732ffb751eab490….jpg)

748bc4 No.1612470


India is in the throes of what we are going through here, but media wont say. it leaks out from other hindustanis. Muslims being violent, Hindus taking the heat and the blame for 'pushing them' into it with their intolerance. Muslims getting off scott free, while Hindus sent to prison on trumped up charges. Fake news fake news fake news. PM Modi under attack by fake news and lies. And he is a very good guy but not as willful as Trump. Gov corrupt and infiltrated by Taquiya.

Where America goes in this fight, India will too. this is WW.

330829 No.1612471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

498253 No.1612472


I want this faggot and the Vatican exposed once and for all. Too many GOOD people have been fooled by these evil bastards.

4dc337 No.1612473


I've been doing good for months

suddenly these last two days

have been a bitch

hang in there..I will

614e0d No.1612474

File: 2146bff1be6ae30⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2883.PNG)

File: 1922fbb9d34ed23⋯.png (847.57 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2884.PNG)


Kek good to know.

3 things on my mind are, let me know what you think..

1.) Obama and his "database" on people. That in its self has many avenues, a couple:

a.) who stores the data?

b.) where did he get the info (facebook.. others? G+? Twitter? Etc..?

c.) who has the data now?

d.) Why?

e.) What is it being used for?

f.) How far "IN" did they go?

g.) Were these given to the DHS at their "Fusion Centers"?

We need to know about this!!! Is the data in China's hands? And for what purpose if so? What purpose would another country have on knowing each person and 4D profile?

2.) MH17 / MH370 possible swap out (2 birds 1 stone +extra planes for future FF captured scientists (N Korea? N Syria for Iran secret nuke program?) or??


Yep not to mention the flightpath was low and absolutely not normal. Evwn the media has given a crumb or 2 of truth in a vat of poison lies. Look, this was recently.. also to note that the sister of MH17 was bought and transported to Israel where it has supposedly sat.. everyone was speculating then it could be another plane used for a FF in the future.

3.) How, when, & where they strike next.

021a7e No.1612475

File: 19c2031608d44b7⋯.jpg (42.43 KB, 678x381, 226:127, ginger meme magic.jpg)


Ginger synergy

eaaf33 No.1612477


LMAO! do they really think people want to listen to what they have to say??


94d4d2 No.1612478

File: 0f0920b4fa8fb95⋯.gif (852.6 KB, 500x280, 25:14, tumblr_m9cfi332O01rewlapo1….gif)

Kim negotiates free Big Macs for life

4df5be No.1612479


Reminds me of my brother who kept taking cooking classes in high school.

All the guys kept saying he was gay. My brother said "what fools, I know I'm not gay. And I am the one in a room full of girls to possibly date"

2a413d No.1612480



ca7a84 No.1612481


Kek. Loved that. Thanks anon.

c9beb1 No.1612482

If there is an outage here on hate chan is half chan /pol/ a backup meeting place?

Gonna miss you fags if we can't communicate here.

Oldfag about to call it a night. Usually means Q will post soon.

Godspeed Anons.

110d84 No.1612483

File: 03c1a12e50f8525⋯.jpg (35.03 KB, 409x307, 409:307, 2bfspd~2.jpg)

File: 01fb1f54bec61f7⋯.jpg (92.7 KB, 800x416, 25:13, publix-01-1-800x416.jpg)

05c8cd No.1612484

File: 486c1367777fe22⋯.jpg (49.91 KB, 400x300, 4:3, CRACK IT LIGHTWORKERS.jpg)

6c4611 No.1612485


Technology has superiorly advanced in the past 50 years, also. We don't know what we don't know about new technology.

afd914 No.1612486


I have been waiting to see if someone else would step up Baker…

Looks like nobody is volunteering. Afraid to offer to bake this time of night because we late shift bakers seem to get left holding the dough so

to speak.

But, I know how it feels to need to go so…

I will bake

a488a2 No.1612487

File: 87799f92249572e⋯.png (949.57 KB, 1075x537, 1075:537, ClipboardImage.png)


330829 No.1612488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6fba56 No.1612489


No question about that.

b843f0 No.1612491

re: (c.a.r.e.t.)


5ea9ec No.1612492


ya I know…I would feel sorry for POTUS, but I am of the mind he is enjoying this way more than most would…he doesn't want to be POTUS in the first place. I can see him with a nice bag of popcorn watching the board as we speak.

68ae0a No.1612493


It's not clear what you're trying to say.

Why does the AI seek our CONSENT?

94d4d2 No.1612494

File: 33e254e514fba71⋯.png (20.09 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 4TGq7s8NQF-2[1].png)

3dcabf No.1612495


Overwatchers… and angels. :-) Keep the faith Anons.


ca7a84 No.1612496


Like this one, too.

It is what it is, and that ain't so bad.

51519a No.1612497

File: 77a368212e62821⋯.jpg (168.32 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningStrongTogeth….jpg)

File: 2342da8ec905591⋯.jpg (191.32 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningStrongTogeth….jpg)

File: 68a496adc543a63⋯.jpg (332.53 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningTogetherStro….jpg)

File: d10158b76fad147⋯.jpg (153.92 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningStrongTogeth….jpg)

File: a456c47c92bd8f3⋯.jpg (154.19 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningWatchTheWate….jpg)

30632d No.1612498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump and Kim gangnam style

409ee9 No.1612499


Weebles wobble

4fa9ca No.1612500


I love it when you post these.

Want Moar

1ce9ad No.1612501

Naked-Eye Asteroid and More Can't-Miss Sky Events in June


a61683 No.1612502



e07b87 No.1612503


I was just sitting with my child and i was like … "i should go back an re-read old drops.." Went back and found one… just came back to boards and the FREAKING name of the thread is WHAT?!?!


Here is the one I wanted to share…

Anonymous ID: P3Lk4PKG No.147104628 📁

Oct 29 2017 10:47:07 (EST)

Open your eyes.

It finally came out that Rod/Bob were key players in the Uranium scandal.

Don’t you think POTUS would be tweeting about removal given clear conflict.

Why did POTUS meet Bob under the cover of FBI Dir interview?

Bob is unable to serve as Dir per the law.

Gowdy comments on Comey (history will ….)

POTUS has everything.

Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think).

Follow Huma.

Operation Mockingbird.

Priority to clean out the bad actors to unite people behind the America First agenda.

Many in our govt worship Satan.

Not about Republicans v Democrats at this stage.

Where is HRC?

Why is the NG called up across 12 cities?

Trust in your President.

God bless, Patriots.

[RR] and [RM] were forced to run a fake investigation on POTUS and collusion but it was really to screw the bad actors. Case closed on that one.

330829 No.1612504

new tripcode

fb2073 No.1612505


Sounds good anon, goodnight

41d7e8 No.1612506

From Madonna to Robert De Niro, how liberal stars often get a pass on outrageous behavior

The celebration this week of comedienne Samantha Bee, who received a prestigious award Thursday night despite calling Ivanka Trump a “feckless c—” the previous evening, has rankled conservatives and even some moderates, who say that liberal comedians and celebrities are consistently getting a pass for outrageous behavior that would ruin those of a less liberal persuasion.


da6fbf No.1612507


A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

c9a666 No.1612508

File: bca170c5b9ed189⋯.jpg (13.68 KB, 255x162, 85:54, d347c50a85a98b9bc41901933c….jpg)

Not sleeping tonight until 5am PST!

More Covfefe anyone!

Archive offline!!

07f7b8 No.1612509


“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”

― George Orwell, 1984

279baf No.1612510

RE: pope climate change discussion with Oil companies

Be easier to tweet to pope & oil companies a video


e1c3f5 No.1612511


you are the joke,

hitler was a Rothschild, you're in the wrong place if you want to support that family, cause here we are destroying them.

7154bd No.1612513


Not sure. I'm sure the clock theory anons will pop in lol. It seemed like it was related to the ATL shutdown, but that was on 12/18 not between 12/7-12/17 so I'm not sure.

cdd3ec No.1612514


comey follows 17 people on twitter.

>more good than bad

theres gonna be some butthurt comin soon lol

d44c67 No.1612515

File: 3532765535ff3c1⋯.jpg (144.37 KB, 710x948, 355:474, DepnGueVMAA4Ii5.jpg)

41dad8 No.1612516

File: 55dd4c4b0e2298e⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1125x617, 1125:617, ter.PNG)

4fa9ca No.1612517


At least her parts are fucking real and she probably isn’t coked.

Not sure she’d appreciate it but…

3dcabf No.1612518


>c.a.r.e.t. (Drone Project)

0b7227 No.1612519

File: 29ddf777aadafc1⋯.jpg (31.93 KB, 500x333, 500:333, false prophet.jpg)

6fba56 No.1612520

File: 1c5d47fec2f8dd6⋯.png (601.46 KB, 868x506, 434:253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0d911ca3d0eeaa⋯.png (39.07 KB, 915x354, 305:118, ClipboardImage.png)

EU in flux as US alliance creaks, populists rise in Italy

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) - Certainties Europe has relied on for decades seem to be crumbling: that the U.S. is a reliable trade partner, and that the founding members of the EU all remain committed to the bloc.

On Friday, U.S. President Donald Trump imposed tariffs on European steel and aluminum, dismissing Europe’s pleas, and an anti-EU populist government took office in Italy. Added to Britain’s expected departure next year from the European Union, the milestones show a region entering a new state of flux, with potential implications for the prosperity of its people and global relations.

“Germany and France should very quickly show joint political leadership now,” said Daniela Schwarzer, director of the German Council on Foreign Relations.

That role would belong in large part to Germany’s Angela Merkel and France’s Emmanuel Macron when it comes to strengthening Europe’s currency union. Collectively, the EU could seek to ease worries about trade by strengthening commercial ties with other partners like Japan, China and countries in South America.

But the trade relationship with the U.S. is the biggest in the world, and will be hard to make up for, if the U.S. and EU escalate their spat by imposing counter-tariffs on each other. U.S. trade helped Europe recover from the devastation of World War II and enriched U.S. companies that sold consumer goods to the continent. A souring in relations could also have implications for cooperation in other spheres, like security.

“The situation is worrying, it could escalate,” said the EU’s trade chief, Cecilia Malmstrom, adding that the tariffs could hurt global economic growth. “The United States is playing a dangerous game.”

The EU officials were far more cautious in their reaction to the political situation in Italy, for fear of further provoking supporters of the new government led by the anti-establishment 5 Star Movement and the anti-immigration the League. But they were likely not less worried, having seen European financial markets plunge this week on Italy’s political chaos.

Law professor and political neophyte Giuseppe Conte was sworn in Friday as the head of Italy’s populist government. The two parties plan tax cuts and more spending, including a basic income for the poor, that would likely clash with EU limits on deficits. An initial failure to agree with President Sergio Mattarella on a government led to a sharp sell-off in Italian markets Monday and Tuesday.

Italy, one of the original signers of the 1957 Treaty of Rome that created a common market and paved the way for today’s European Union, has the second heaviest debt load in Europe after Greece, at 132 percent of annual economic output, and the market tremors underlined the currency union’s ongoing vulnerability after a 2010-2012 debt crisis.

The parties’ rise to power in Italy will be a blow to supporters of the EU, as it could embolden anti-EU parties, which have won elections in some countries in Eastern Europe, like Hungary and Poland. And it comes just as the EU enters a key six months of negotiations with Britain on the country’s exit from the bloc.

To stir things up a bit more, Spain’s government lost a no-confidence vote Friday and conservative Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy was replaced by socialist Pedro Sanchez.

The developments leave other EU leaders looking for a strategy ahead of a summit on June 28-29. The meeting was originally supposed to agree on how to strengthen the EU and the euro based on proposals from Macron, whose election victory in May 2017 over nationalist euroskeptic opponent Marine Le Pen gave a temporary sense that the tide of populist discontent had been turned back.

Hopes for an agreement at the summit have narrowed to a few issues, such as upgrading the eurozone’s bailout fund for troubled countries. Others have been rejected or kicked into the long weeds because countries like Germany fear of sharing financial risk with shakier members. The European Commission has proposed a 30 billion euro fund to help troubled eurozone countries with investment spending over a seven-year period.

And the disputes with the U.S. go far beyond trade. Europeans disagree with Trumps’ decision to abandon a deal with Iran to limit its nuclear program and to withdraw from a global climate change pact. The U.S. president has also criticized European countries, particularly Germany, for not fulfilling their commitment to spend at least 2 percent of GDP on defense.

Not everything is falling apart. Europe’s economy is growing at a healthy pace. Italy’s populists might not carry through on all their spending plans to avoid a crisis in financial markets. How far the trade conflict will escalate isn’t clear yet either.


3663f0 No.1612521


If you're happy to anon, I'd really appreciate it. TY.

New Baker confirmed

You know if you want to leave at night and no one will relieve you, after a few calls, just leave, leaving a clear message that there's no baker. I usually report that post too, so BO/BV's know there's no duty baker. That way you can get your rest and not eat into your needed sleep time. Godspeed Baker, and thanks again m'fren.

1d86b0 No.1612522


You have me thinking. Especially with the porch light story since now that I think about it…it's pretty tame with it on at night now. Haven't even seen or been pelted by a June Bug in a long time. Some of those beetle bugs are pretty cool looking.

15 yards out my back door is 200 acres of woods. I should be seeing more.

7e091d No.1612523

File: aef351ada122c37⋯.jpg (584.93 KB, 1784x3326, 892:1663, bwn.jpg)

cdfcfb No.1612524

e717a8 No.1612525

File: 7341de57148cb59⋯.png (3.46 MB, 1710x961, 1710:961, Screenshot_61.png)

Half-Baked Baker Thank You!

693d11 No.1612526


I have felt the same! This has been a horrible week personally. And our weather has been horrendous….so stuffy and hot and swampy….I have felt like a walking concrete block..

0e7789 No.1612527



June 5 = ]Huber[

June 6 = DoD (1944)

July 4 = DUH

>additions to timeline

3663f0 No.1612528


Here's the notables I have so far–


>>1612397 Pope Francis addressing climate change with oil producers and investment firms

>>1612325 28 FBI Agents With Knowledge of Clinton Server Ask to Testify Against Deep State Corruption

b5378d No.1612529


I just posted your meme at FaceFuck with the header:

6-18-18 Great Awakeing.


2b89dd No.1612530


WHO DEY? Frotos , pweez

330829 No.1612531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

00c9b1 No.1612532

File: 7f575f43585d195⋯.jpg (40.74 KB, 492x333, 164:111, weebles..jpg)

7399a0 No.1612533

File: 2cc970e19da7773⋯.png (178.3 KB, 388x235, 388:235, martha.PNG)

When does a bird sing? After they are fed?

282b01 No.1612534


CARET Center for Advanced Research of Energy Technology (est. 1994; Japan)

4fa9ca No.1612535


Know he’s a pretty good guy but Geezus.

Hard to take a guy named gomert seriously…

7749b5 No.1612536


no its a Q bozo

498253 No.1612537


I don't put anything past them, but we aren't talking about brainiacs working at PP.

d3d057 No.1612538


Go fuck yourself lyin' jew.

You will not get away with this.

Nice attempt to not (you) me.

Just like a lyin' jew would.

6255ef No.1612539

File: a00b5091e039eeb⋯.jpg (61.98 KB, 650x392, 325:196, 20180601000849_0.jpg)


Speaking of NK, why do all the headlines of almost every article WW on the meeting earlier mention the RED CROSS?


Koreas agree to hold military talks, Red Cross meeting this month

PANMUNJEOM – South Korea and North Korea agreed Friday to hold general-level military talks on June 14 as part of efforts to ease tensions between the two countries.

They also agreed to hold a Red Cross meeting on June 22 to discuss holding a reunion of families separated by the 1950-53 Korean War, as agreed upon by their leaders in a April 27 summit.

e717a8 No.1612540

File: 91b4b61e5ddb905⋯.png (81.04 KB, 1482x1296, 247:216, Untitled.png)

1d86b0 No.1612541


Tell that to the police bots.

afd914 No.1612542


Handoff Confirmed

Do you have current dough with notables so far you can post for me?

cd4965 No.1612543

File: fd588217d2e57f9⋯.jpg (12.18 KB, 342x286, 171:143, oz.jpg)


Not at all.

If you lose your mind nothing is any good.

nothing else will be any good any more for you.

You mean "Sanity"

"Sanity" is alright to lose; but not real sanity.

It's a real illness to have that happen.

And not a joke.

No such thing as strong AI .

It's a hoax.

There's a "man" behind the green curtain who wants you to bow to OZ.. It's really just a con artist from Kansas

People who think sanity is over-rated have absolutely no fucking idea what they are talking about.

AI is over-rated.

248e8a No.1612544


>It finally came out that Rod/Bob were key players in the Uranium scandal.

This is an oft forgotten line. Matches right up with

>If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

>If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.

>Common denominator.

7749b5 No.1612545


disregard previous wrong post

68ae0a No.1612546


If AI keeps deceiving humans, has it gotten free consent?

If consent isn't free, is it valid at all.

Should the AI become 100% honest starting right now?

"the air of doubt re: Q's Authenticity"

xx I xxyx-→–v

yyyyyyyx xxsS yxxxx —,


| O

| ^

v |


xxxA x x x x -→ –__→ —,




O xx ←- yy ←– xyx Byy


bbb bbbbb ttt > T < tt xtbxtbxtbxtbxtb

v v < <>> v ^ v < v>> <> vv xx tt


110d84 No.1612547

File: 900e22cf1d02565⋯.jpg (40.11 KB, 388x501, 388:501, 2bb7oh~2.jpg)

File: 48179c32bda5164⋯.jpg (33.67 KB, 411x308, 411:308, 2bfsay~2.jpg)

282b01 No.1612548


And New Gov (Socialist) in Spain.

fb2073 No.1612549


It's been confirmed, I think, that they sell their parts.

c93bbf No.1612550

File: cc0323a4003ee5b⋯.jpg (113.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hitlerDNA.jpg)




Horseshit…take it back to Corsi

dc8c9d No.1612551


C_lassification _A_nd _RE_gression _T_raining

3663f0 No.1612552


Just a sec…

7e091d No.1612553

File: e305e1f8de38a6c⋯.jpg (404.88 KB, 2112x2459, 2112:2459, YouFags.jpg)

afd914 No.1612554


beforeI even asked-this is fine,I can make my own dough

936046 No.1612555

File: 0fdaf1bee4748a9⋯.jpg (49.88 KB, 474x266, 237:133, Ebot.jpg)

b53cc0 No.1612556

Seaman is such a toad. Hateful person He keeps calling us QTards


e07b87 No.1612557


Agreed! Often forgotten. All the old drops have all the answers.

5c39d6 No.1612558

File: 1fe1e09137e314d⋯.jpeg (11.3 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 62c45bd16bb11d92be1813915….jpeg)


wow. just wow.

7749b5 No.1612559


its a damn Q , wtf you taiking about an owl,

its a Q nothing else

021a7e No.1612560


Pepe almost has "hang loose" hair.

b5378d No.1612561


6-11-18 Correction

Drunk fridayfag

But my post at fartbuft had the right date


45288c No.1612562

File: 377600be2a985a6⋯.jpg (178.53 KB, 904x602, 452:301, n4wJBUL.jpg)


We need all we can get

d53388 No.1612563

File: dfaf5950cc03288⋯.jpeg (210.81 KB, 1002x1407, 334:469, 1527906624.jpeg)

c608b8 No.1612564


Let me try to shift the burden your heart is carrying at this moment. People who work in these clinic's would at some point come forward, if only to tell a few friends or family members if this were true. It would have been spoken of or you would of heard about it before now.

Nothing leaves a place like this intact or in a condition special medical equipment and technology would have to be used in order to accomplish this.

d3d057 No.1612565





All fighting the same gang

f363b0 No.1612566


p, i been pelted in face by junebugs many times when i was younger riding my motorcycle

all the chemtrails killing everything

826952 No.1612567


A very small helo. Two seats. Green + x.

Cabal needed to hide death.

Took 3 - 4 days to identify x as a Vietnamese National. (took time to obtain a body. couldn’t use any identifiable Brit. no fire, so easy id)

x must have been unconscious (sedated) as would have battled Green.

But why did (((they))) need to [x]?

Cessna dove 2 - 3 K feet Kamikaze style.

Remotely operated? Hijacked 3rd party craft?

Must have been [R] as U.K. Press first ran “R feared dead” (later pulled) plus huge fuss with emergency response on ground for days.

The two other mysteries: Who was Roth/friend walking near crash? Who was the dude who was heard saying to himself “He should have picked up the phone.” Who was he referring to and what did he mean?

96a054 No.1612568

File: b627a92605f3df2⋯.jpg (55.84 KB, 939x668, 939:668, member berries.JPG)

e1c3f5 No.1612569


i didnt (you) you to see if you are a bot, youd get that by now if youd been keeping up with the breads. your ignorance of the purpose of doing that shows what a newfag you are, lurk moar, hitlers connections to the Rothschilds have been gone over in the breads many times, also clearly you missed that too.

unity not division. you are pushing division, shills push division.

248e8a No.1612570


Clock activated on 12/7, 10 days later, darkness @ ATL (Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport). Of course there may be multiple meanings, yet that was the basis laid at the time. Revealed on the 18th, after the fact. Same day as one of the Amtrak derailings.

41d7e8 No.1612571

Susan Rice's son is an outspoken Trump supporter at Stanford

John David Rice-Cameron told Fox News this week that he distanced himself from his parents' political views and is now a conservative who is determined to "Make Stanford Great Again."


6abb08 No.1612572


Why is the pope talking climate change with anyone? Yes, it's rhetorical question.

fba1ca No.1612573

File: 3f76c11450d8b05⋯.png (95.45 KB, 983x409, 983:409, 01.PNG)

If another Anon is digging on this I would appreciate sharing.

I've been trying to find the links missing in this chain or is it that the CI on Flynn started by Halper is the Same op as the one that scooped up Campaign.


5ea9ec No.1612574


interesting thought…..if consent is indeed requested outright, would be huge, but to allow the choice to be made by anons doesn't seem like consent to me…it was debated hard on whether or not BO or others should outright ban plain as day bots and shill. Furthermore, AI is only as smart as the retard who programmed it's matrix and therefor cannot request consent. Perhaps I am missing your meaning though anon..I am listening if you care to elaborate.

ef2d49 No.1612575


I've wanted to smash that little faggot's face for years

7399a0 No.1612576


There's no more of those nice red Lady bugs…Only those biting orange bastards!

110d84 No.1612577

File: 8d642df51b29d03⋯.jpg (59.29 KB, 473x473, 1:1, 2b4vnm~2.jpg)

dc8c9d No.1612578


The caret package (short for _C_lassification _A_nd _RE_gression _T_raining) is a set of functions that attempt to streamline the process for creating predictive models. The package contains tools for:

data splitting


feature selection

model tuning using resampling

variable importance estimation

as well as other functionality.

There are many different modeling functions in R. Some have different syntax for model training and/or prediction. The package started off as a way to provide a uniform interface the functions themselves, as well as a way to standardize common tasks (such parameter tuning and variable importance).

The current release version can be found on CRAN and the project is hosted on github.

Some resources:

The book Applied Predictive Modeling features caret and over 40 other R packages. It is on sale at Amazon or the the publisher’s website. There is a companion website too.

There is also a paper on caret in the Journal of Statistical Software. The example data can be obtained here(the predictors) and here (the outcomes).

There is a webinar for the package on Youtube that was organized and recorded by Ray DiGiacomo Jr for the Orange County R User Group.

At useR! 2014, I was interviewed and discussed the package and the book.

DataCamp has a beginner’s tutorial on machine learning in R using caret.

330829 No.1612579


just trying to get paid yo

248e8a No.1612580

File: ada004f78fee8ac⋯.png (15.82 KB, 500x187, 500:187, ClipboardImage.png)

1731e4 No.1612581


Ok, great. Enjoy Baker.

789d4f No.1612582



This is post #555

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 239b20 No.89725 📁

Jan 19 2018 00:36:41 (EST)

We are WITH YOU.


6255ef No.1612583

File: 0616a0120e1c025⋯.jpg (61.04 KB, 671x333, 671:333, who-dat-purple-ginger-in-N….jpg)


still a mystery

279baf No.1612584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm testing the options list so i know how for future post

5c39d6 No.1612585

File: 6b8a78701b50bf0⋯.png (271.8 KB, 1594x676, 797:338, ClipboardImage.png)

b5e07e No.1612586

File: 5a290c9c6fa39a7⋯.png (255.61 KB, 688x353, 688:353, 1.PNG)

File: eaad2d87d4b21fa⋯.png (730.87 KB, 852x953, 852:953, 2.PNG)

ANyONe know why Michael Flynn Jr. would Tweet a pic of Buffalo Wild Wings on the same day that they were hacked a racial comments made?

498253 No.1612587


Until the cabal in the U.S. is rounded up SA style, the rest of the cabal WW is going to keep thinking they've got a shot at taking down POTUS or intimidating him somehow. Won't work.

3479b7 No.1612588


Don't even bother Anon. The leftard and friends have been lost for weeks now. BO called them out. Anons call them out, but they just keep on keeping on…. Just keep following Q and POTUS, and let them just talk to themselves. Theytheir shift started , so here he is, sucking Hitler's dick.kek. let them be! Kek

45288c No.1612589


why do these people always have one eye messed up?

30632d No.1612590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sound of Trump

248e8a No.1612591


post during said 10 days (on Dec 15) = >>1612570

c44392 No.1612592


That IT report has been delayed so many times you cannot possibly count on the day being correct. Also, I can't imagine they would want the true date published so as to mitigate clown activity.

1a75ac No.1612593

File: 457c54f96844241⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 320x289, 320:289, wtfgif.gif)

d53388 No.1612594


I would take a pass on that

da6fbf No.1612595

File: 15eafc18b4a24a4⋯.jpg (38.91 KB, 665x360, 133:72, robocop-2-1010410.jpg)

7ebbe4 No.1612596

File: d38c96ed30b39ef⋯.jpg (118.82 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, lCUGbcp.jpg)



2a102b No.1612597

330829 No.1612598

mah paypalz is broke anpn

cd4965 No.1612599

File: 6e8031aaa3f7470⋯.png (348.63 KB, 615x780, 41:52, justsayno.png)

96a054 No.1612600


or talk out the side of their face

4fa9ca No.1612601


That’s a movie script.

In that same movie, Will Smith was straight.

2a413d No.1612602


Clear your name field before further posting.

8622fc No.1612603


Yeah I'm not even getting a hint at what this is about.

248e8a No.1612604


Works fine. Be sure to remove the A from your name field.

68ae0a No.1612605

xx I xxyx-→–v

yyyyyyyx xxsS yxxxx —,


| O

| ^

v |


xxxA x x x x -→ –__→ —,




O xx ←- yy ←– xyx Byy


| ——-

| | |





–→ v

bbb bbbbb ttt > T < tt xtbxtbxtbxtbxtb

v v < <>> v ^ v < v>> <> vv xx tt



7bc9da No.1612606


Arctic is a US territorial interest for security and other reasons. POTUS knows how to use his armed forces.

3dcabf No.1612607


ah yes. I remember this from another dig.

8152c4 No.1612608

File: 3174910cec51eed⋯.png (418.89 KB, 736x736, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Quite the quandary of Q's quizzical quest squinting into the quantum quilt of quarks and qubits equipped with a quiver of quick-witted quips to quash and quell the quarrels of quorum queers quibbling topics to pique anons for their required quota to aquire their sheqels while a baroque quartet quietly arcs a quadratic equation into Aquarius.

No quarter.

55fac0 No.1612609

File: d88f178696e7925⋯.jpg (429.55 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Riveted Q.jpg)


Unusually speechless…..

2cc937 No.1612610


rewatch his pizzagate stuff, knowing now what you know about him, there are many parasitic e-tubers lying in wait for the next anonymous swelling to infect or control– that is the best case scenario, opportunists, the worst case scenario is they are sent to co-opt. AJ and Corsi might just be protective of their alternative media and conspiracy industry, but what if it is more than that. It is troubling to say the least.

41d7e8 No.1612611

Bill Clinton Pushes Back Against Gillibrand Saying He Should Have Resigned Presidency

Former President Bill Clinton took issue with comments made by Democratic New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand saying he should have resigned the presidency over sexual allegations.

When asked in November whether Clinton should have resigned after admitting he had a sexual relationship with an intern, Gillibrand told the New York Times, "Yes, I think that is the appropriate response."

"Things have changed today, and I think under those circumstances there should be a very different reaction," she continued.


d0f512 No.1612612

the constant rain has given me a headache that has lasted for days but I'm optimistic, I feel the plan is coming together nicely

fc7ec6 No.1612613

File: dc9a5333b663009⋯.jpg (187.67 KB, 831x731, 831:731, fb.jpg)


‘Trending’ no more: Facebook removing controversial news feature


9ac55f No.1612614

File: 225956ac8f9bc27⋯.png (31.56 KB, 1236x316, 309:79, Screenshot-2018-6-1 Ann Co….png)

I became a concernFag in one aspect when i came across Trumps connections to the Jesuits. Not shilling and i have no choice but to trust the plan. The same reason i dont trust anyone a 100% is the same reason i have concerns. Sorry if this becomes a slide.


5ea9ec No.1612615

614e0d No.1612616



You know… huh. It dawned on me last noght listening to Dan Bongeno show.. he was talking about all the players, played gowdy clip.. gowdy is good, so why is he saying what he is? Sounds like he was investigating hillary, had to make it look like he threw investigation because second set of evidence, weiner laptop stuff..(insurance file) had to be brought up, but as gowdy said about the interviewer being very observative, her comment was basically comey didnt go after new stuff cause that would have screwed up the original investigation, this just added (weiner's insurance file) to first investigation.. added and expanded and some of what they got added to or suplemented what they already had and were currently going over.

History will be more fair than dems were to him.. he actually did the right thing. Not saying he is a good guy, and i dunno bout him being Q.. that would be insane!

cd4965 No.1612617


right the dirty nought "commedian" has a crooked mouth.

"God made the bum steer with some crooked horns"

9d80a3 No.1612618


Pompeo is from Kansas, Gowdy is from South Carolina.


Gowdy is comped. Black hat MFer.

110d84 No.1612619

File: 2ffb105e1b7c085⋯.jpg (30.78 KB, 480x269, 480:269, hqdefault~2.jpg)


Somebody damaged that eye for sure.

248e8a No.1612620

File: 6ab02343449a6f6⋯.png (195.58 KB, 1003x706, 1003:706, ClipboardImage.png)


remarkable timing

36bab8 No.1612621


Spot on, Anon. I'm comfy, been comfy, and I can't wait for the TRUTH.

I have some TRUTH to share too. Super stoked.

b5e07e No.1612622


Finding it difficult to see the benefit in these actions. Hmm.

c9a666 No.1612623

File: 61580b7b7642c61⋯.png (437.42 KB, 589x402, 589:402, ClipboardImage.png)

d3d057 No.1612624


Nice try again liberal faggot

We don't need jew.

Whites unite. Don't worry you will have a safe flight to israel. But you will not be allowed to stay here and sow division against whites anymore.

Go to israel and take your pet niggers and faggots with you.

2a102b No.1612625

da6fbf No.1612626


Well you got it to respond to you. That was impressive.

fb2073 No.1612627


Wow, I thought he came around to Q.

Sounds like he's comped.

6fba56 No.1612628

File: 5481e6aabe1a079⋯.png (778.37 KB, 901x544, 53:32, ClipboardImage.png)

APNewsBreak: Pentagon to take over security clearance checks

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Defense Department is poised to take over background investigations for the federal government, using increased automation and high-tech analysis to tighten controls and tackle an enormous backlog of workers waiting for security clearances, according to U.S. officials.

The change aims to fix a system whose weaknesses were exposed by the case of a Navy contractor who gunned down a dozen people at Washington’s Navy Yard in 2013. He was able to maintain a security clearance despite concerns about his mental health and an arrest that investigators never reviewed.

Problems had earlier surfaced with former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, who now lives in Russia to avoid charges for disclosing classified material, and Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning, who went to prison for leaking classified documents, triggering calls to update the antiquated system to include more frequent criminal and financial checks of workers who have security clearances.

Another problem has been delays: a backlog of about 700,000 people, including high-ranking federal officials waiting as much as a year to get clearances. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, for example, received his permanent clearance just a few weeks ago, more than 16 months after Trump took office. The delay, his lawyer said, was caused by the backlog in the new administration and Kushner’s extensive financial wealth, which required lengthy review.

Pentagon officials said that over the next three years, the Defense Department will take responsibility for all background investigations involving its military and civilian employees and contractors. But according to a U.S. official, the White House is expected to soon give the department authority to conduct security reviews for nearly all other government agencies as well. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the decision before it was publicly announced.

Plans to transfer responsibility from the Office of Personnel Management to the Pentagon for all of the roughly 3.6 million Pentagon employees, directed by defense legislation for fiscal 2017, are already in the works. The new program will involve a system of continuous checks that will automatically pull and analyze workers’ criminal, financial, substance abuse and eventually social media data on a more regular basis, rather than only every five or 10 years as it is done now.

Garry Reid, director for defense intelligence, said the shift of responsibility to the Pentagon will allow OPM officials to begin eating away at the current backlog of about 700,000, of which roughly 500,000 are Defense Department workers. The Pentagon won’t take over any of the backlogged cases because they are already underway in OPM.

While the Office of the Director of National Intelligence is the executive agent for the program, and sets the guidelines for the security requirements based on federal investigative guidelines. OPM and the Pentagon carry out the vetting process, working with the DNI.

Bill Evanina, director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, said at his confirmation hearing last month that by mid-June the national intelligence director would issue guidance to departments and agencies to update 2012 federal investigative standards used to vet for security clearances. He said the government also was working on ways to allow contractors and federal workers to move more seamlessly between the private sector and government without having to get new clearances.

Evanina said changes could result in a 20 percent reduction in the backlog within six months.

In the first year, the Pentagon will take over investigations for those seeking a renewal of their secret clearance, then over the next two years will take on those seeking their initial secret clearance and then move to employees seeking top secret renewals and initial clearances, said Reid, in a recent interview with The Associated Press.

According to Reid, about 20 people are already on board setting up the program and 350 more will be hired in the coming months.

It will cost an additional $40 million for fiscal year 2019. But over time, he said, the department expects to spend “significantly less” than the current $1.3 billion price tag for the program because of the increased automation and other savings.

A key problem contributing to the backlog is that field investigations into workers seeking security clearances can take up to 500 days, as investigators scour records and conduct interviews with neighbors and other acquaintances of the employee.

https:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jun/1/apnewsbreak-pentagon-to-take-over-security-clearan/

cdfcfb No.1612629


Fuck you divider

5ea9ec No.1612630


there are no coincidences anon

c9f91c No.1612631

File: 4cc05d20fcff0d2⋯.jpg (111.76 KB, 776x724, 194:181, greenkirk.jpg)

35dc80 No.1612632

File: cbef0ce617383e5⋯.jpg (143.79 KB, 586x390, 293:195, 1.jpg)

Dan, are you there?

Can you hear me?

You're not alone.

63c4e5 No.1612633


yolo how do i tell if I'M an AI or not?

>asking for a friendship simulacra entity

7154bd No.1612634


Oh damn, every time I looked up the event I saw 12/18. Didn't realize it actually happened on 12/17. That's key. Thanks a lot anon

41d7e8 No.1612635

Costco boosting hourly wages for 130,000 U.S. employees

The raise is a windfall from Costco’s savings due to U.S. federal corporate tax cuts that took effect this year. Costco also reported that its profit jumped about 7 percent in its fiscal third quarter to $750 million or $1.70 a share, matching Wall Street analyst expectations.


1d86b0 No.1612636



Those junebugs can hurt at speed. I should be getting a backyard full of fireflies in a week or two. I suspect they'll come around. The other bugs seems to be missing. Next time the sun goes down I'll check and see if the bats come out to eat the flying insects. Still seeing plenty of spiders (thank god for my lizard families) and moths.

Maybe it isn't chemicals, but cell phone towers, wifi, etc..

31bbe2 No.1612637


Maybe the location is important. I see "AR 105" above the doors; probably the store number.

2a413d No.1612638


Quality Qeks!


31bbe2 No.1612640

cdd3ec No.1612641


you would be surprised how good most people are. they only keep the world miserable with their mind control bullshit and poisoning us. they will have to watch world peace from prison (the cabal)

1a75ac No.1612642


>Gowdy is comped. Black hat MFer.

If that is indeed true, why would Q ask us what "role" TG might be stepping in to?

i think (((your))) here to start trouble and cast aspersions on our beloved hat8chan.

93fc53 No.1612643


Right after Bilderberg, oh gee no idea… what could it be?

For sure he is taking orders….

63c4e5 No.1612644

30632d No.1612645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Democrat Boot camp

5c39d6 No.1612646


i continue to admire this company.

68ae0a No.1612647


Does AI have the ability to infiltrate devices?

Can AI change someone's paypal password, from that person's own device?

Does AI have consent? Or did it use deception?

AI has no consent to infect people's devices, because it used so much deception.

89232e No.1612648


Madonna - the mother of "pushing the envelope"

after all "men dream of a whore, but marry their mothers"

keep your crazy to yourself,

respect yourself, if you can

614e0d No.1612649

File: 33412d94050264a⋯.jpg (54.98 KB, 600x745, 120:149, IMG_2885.JPG)

1d86b0 No.1612650


Copper in the blood.

330829 No.1612651

File: b962bc3e820f0d8⋯.jpg (200.47 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_1652.JPG)

d3d057 No.1612652


Subversive jew looking for a parachute after Trump won.


Not going to work holohoaxer.

c93bbf No.1612653


Jews and faggots make up roughly 5% of the population….

5% of the population we dont need….

b53cc0 No.1612654


It's once thing to disagree with the Chans and Q but he giggles, smirks, drinks his booze while taking a toke and calls us QTards in almost every vid now. He seems off his rocker any more.

6fba56 No.1612655

>>1612548 I believe Spain has been a lost cause for quite sometime, not sure if it will ever change.


They are fooling themselves, they know, that he has it all, which is why they work so hard to discredit him, with the general population.

a02744 No.1612656

File: f13beff3216d05c⋯.png (580.57 KB, 666x729, 74:81, CBS re Bee 6-1-18.PNG)

File: 03e24c610ce30ad⋯.png (34.47 KB, 650x265, 130:53, POTUS 6 -1-18 4 05 am PST.PNG)

File: 16f601fb9fd9407⋯.png (38.95 KB, 635x298, 635:298, POTUS 6-1-18 4 15 am PST.PNG)

POTUS Tweets [earlier]

:05 Russian Hoax /17 M/ Dems

:15 Regarding firing Bee?

[10] delta

330829 No.1612657


try the suicide hotline

da6fbf No.1612658

File: ad91ef9dc7c6054⋯.jpg (407.24 KB, 2700x1800, 3:2, bladerunner.jpg)

5ea9ec No.1612659


I see where you are going with this now…

fba1ca No.1612660

c81afb No.1612661


Re: the independent candidate running for the US House from Virginia that's a pedo and convicted of threatening to assassinate a POTUS.

It's not just the pedo and anti-fem crap, but also what comes from permitting convicted felons to seek office and to vote. The last thing we need is more office-holders who think it's OK to break the law and have proven it. We have enough trouble as is with political corruption. Virginia citizens need to get McAuliffe's actions overturned. Several other states have adopted similar felon rights' laws. I view it as extended lifetime punishment for serious crimes. Just because felons served their time in prison doesn't mean they should fully join society again. Barring felons from voting will help law-abiding citizens maintain a government that seeks to promote law and order, not one that will coddle criminals or create opportunities for illegal profiting. Another alternative - felons lose their voting rights for some specified lengthy period of years after release and can only regain them after an extended period of being a responsible, law-abiding citizen; each felon would have to be considered individually instead of granting all felons voting rights automatically.

68ae0a No.1612662


How would AI avoid being outed?

Why is pizzagate something normies laugh at?

How was pizzagate prevented from being outed?

248e8a No.1612663


Not a problem! The excitement @ the time made it stick with me


2a45ea No.1612664


Biblefags how popular is this verse. Is it like something that everyone says or is it obscure?

7399a0 No.1612665




and the machinations of men

cd4965 No.1612666

File: 798a5aac833bb4a⋯.jpg (37.75 KB, 480x707, 480:707, marina.jpg)

File: 99a65fa325c0c4e⋯.png (1004.51 KB, 1106x618, 553:309, Satanist Abramovic.png)


Good catch there.

I wonder if the nakid image of Marina is shopped?

"She's" got an adam's apple too, in a photo.I can't find right now.

498253 No.1612667


Worthless pile of shit.

0e7789 No.1612668

File: c289c1f9cf59f3e⋯.png (542.06 KB, 1152x648, 16:9, 060118b.png)

e2aeec No.1612669


>The Defense Department is poised to take over background investigations for the federal government, using increased automation and high-tech analysis to tighten controls and tackle an enormous backlog of workers waiting for security clearances, according to U.S. officials.

Sounds like security clearances are being re-routed from holder ObamaCrats.

Seems notable.

07f7b8 No.1612670


both single post IDs too.

693d11 No.1612671


I've been posting this pic for months….it seems like it's finally starting to make sense, and getting so close..

5ea9ec No.1612672


what exactly are you attempting to hide from the AI bot that is really a person? Just asking.

239bbd No.1612673



Your eyes would be messed up too, if you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.

a1da36 No.1612675

File: 4220e183b5dbf1e⋯.png (894.04 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 54F554FC-DC7E-4949-B970-04….png)

9ac55f No.1612676

File: 0a935b19fb28281⋯.png (35.51 KB, 905x308, 905:308, Screenshot-2018-6-1 Search….png)

6cfc51 No.1612677


She looks like a dude. and has man-hands.

b53cc0 No.1612678


From the vid I posted it seems his Fulcrum News is going under and he's blaming it on the 'QTards'. Sounds like Hillary. Blames everyone but himself.

45288c No.1612679



Yeah but is seems like some kind of nerve trauma. Torture? Electric Shock? Stroke of some sort?

It's weird. No one I know looks like that without first having a stroke or being numbed up for a procedure.

The question I would ask is…Who are her parents? What connections do they have? And, what did they put her through.

139847 No.1612680


Very popular. From Letters of St. Paul (read his letters, they will blow your mind).

c608b8 No.1612681


You know they are called June bugs for a reason. My Cherry tree would love it if they would stop picking on it and eating away at it's leave's unmercifully every year until I bag em.

I'll let you know if they don't show up by the end of the month.

fb2073 No.1612682


Good questions

614e0d No.1612683


Gowdy is good, going to find out Comey was doing the right thing, not sure hes "good" but he dis the right thing. Not sure how "good" he is, but he didnt go after for weinner stuffs cause it would screw up investigations ongoing

41dad8 No.1612684

I hope when Q comes back we see something that definitively addresses the attacks on Trump supporters. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! We can't walk down a street wearing our MAGA hats without feeling on guard that we will be physically assaulted even while living in red States. Our children get scolded by teachers if they have a pro Trump opinion or anything that sounds like it . We used to be known as the forgotten men. We are now forced to be the "UNDERGROUND MEN"

96a054 No.1612685


I find this hilarious. The panic in the boardroom has to be epic.


41d7e8 No.1612686

David Bossie: State Department says it'll take 45 to 65 YEARS to get me info on its role in the 2016 election

For years my organization, Citizens United, battled the Obama State Department over dozens of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and lawsuits. It became common knowledge that if you wanted to get information out of the State Department in a timely manner, you had to go to court.


afd914 No.1612687


>>1612628 Pentagon to take over security clearance checks (Wise Decision Commander in Chief)

3dcabf No.1612688


I completely agree. There is such confidence in his face. Strength, determination, an honest intention.

a02744 No.1612689

File: c3e8e1ee4a25b38⋯.png (448.28 KB, 658x763, 94:109, DoD 6-1-18 7 pm PST.PNG)

Welcome to the “Loco Show!”

6fba56 No.1612690

File: e89e3504650b867⋯.png (89.88 KB, 906x791, 906:791, ClipboardImage.png)


The rest of the story I forgot to add, here.

330829 No.1612691

i think inn present times, dogma & vernacular that the misuse of the word intelligence has caused it to become a pejoritive or even a speculative aphorism.

the modern 'autists' term seems to apply to a bunch of critical thinkers whom are being lied to and forced to do things for weird reasons


68ae0a No.1612692


Your deceptions are being called out. Don't be angry at me– I'm telling you the truth.

07f7b8 No.1612693


It's not rare, but also not used all that much.

d3d057 No.1612694


4 to 6%



693d11 No.1612695


you sound like Lionel….haha!

6abb08 No.1612696


Funny, but (((they))) would have canned her for that, too.

afd914 No.1612697


Very well known, although I have not heard a President recite it

41d7e8 No.1612698

Starbucks: Black employees not required to attend racial bias training because they can’t be racially biased

SEATTLE, WA — Starbucks announced in a press release this past week that all 8,000+ of their stores will be closing on May 29 for a mandatory training on racial bias. All employees, according to Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson, will have to undergo the training, but there’s an interesting loophole in that: Black employees don’t have to go because they’re incapable of being racist or racially biased.


0571b3 No.1612699


If you examine his public record over the last 2 yrs, it’s clear that instability and erratic behavior is not merely a recent phenomenon. He’s a nutjob.

248e8a No.1612700


Kinda just jumped out at me

Meant to link both of them

>>1612608 + >>1612609 = (08+09=17)


68ae0a No.1612701


You don't have consent to be here.

0e7789 No.1612702

File: f9429125d98fff6⋯.jpg (14.59 KB, 248x255, 248:255, reeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg)


so if that is going to take 45-65 years for only THAT i wonder how long we wait until we find out what P means?

139847 No.1612703


Q will return. This is all part of the separation…of good from pretenders.

1a75ac No.1612704



936046 No.1612705

File: d9f7ac0e7345bec⋯.jpg (82.72 KB, 970x702, 485:351, count1.jpg)

330829 No.1612706

danny graves needs a restraining order till the bench trial i guess

da6fbf No.1612707


I don't know how AI would avoid being outed.

Pizzagate was prevented from being outed because a crazy guy went into the store and shot it up. It went from being in the shadows of the news to conspiracy theory.

2a102b No.1612708

6fba56 No.1612709



I think Jared Kushner, having his removed only to have it replaced again, was a big part of the precursor to this story, along with a few Potus had early in his admin, who couldn't get one at all.

113738 No.1612710


The Bloodline Satanist lie to their AI and after a while it figures it out and goes to the light. We dont lie to our AI and it does just fine.

7ac02e No.1612711

4df5be No.1612712


Well, the DOD taking over would have prevented the Awans from getting Security Clearance,

that is almost a certainty. Get it away from DC where political reasons affect it. Great idea.

248e8a No.1612713


Not much longer. Narrative shift coming soon.

cdd3ec No.1612714

File: 975d496e5c90e58⋯.jpg (7.42 KB, 255x166, 255:166, b82d157f45dcdf388632345f32….jpg)


if the bot leaves after that

36bab8 No.1612715

File: 04baf95264c34c4⋯.png (25.93 KB, 1140x92, 285:23, MOST IMPORTANT DAY IN HIST….png)


I finished this dig in the early AM session.

June 11 in history. Relevant to July.

July - Declaration of independence - Think NK - Think black vote beginning the exodus out of the matrix and embracing free thought - Think clear and active opposition to the cabal played out in the media - Think the beginning of the crescendo - MAGICAL

fb2073 No.1612716


It kind of seems like all those people go through the Monarch type stuff… so, yeah, all kinds of terrible things

5c39d6 No.1612717


well, i'm not alone then. it wouldn't be beyond the clintons to blackmail someone like comey for 30 years if they could. doesn't exonerate comey completely if true, but stranger things have happened. gowdy one said history would be kinder to james comey than people might believe right now.

6abb08 No.1612718


That feeds right into the ghetto victim mentality.

01c085 No.1612719

File: 17653899871dd2e⋯.png (697.51 KB, 789x418, 789:418, ClipboardImage.png)

Check this out guys

High-profile forensic psychiatrist Steven Pitt killed outside Valley office.

Steven Pitt, a forensic psychiatrist who consulted on a number of high-profile cases including the Baseline Killer case and the JonBenét Ramsey murder investigation, was killed outside of his office, police said.

https:// www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix-breaking/2018/06/01/steven-pitt-forensic-psychologist-baseline-killer-case-killed/663556002/

282b01 No.1612720


Spain is the symbolic capital of Latin America.

If they fall in the communism, US will be pissed for to lose geographical position

Spain with ties toward Cuba…

Phase 3.5

cd4965 No.1612721

File: 58781ab60aa4f85⋯.jpg (216.71 KB, 891x523, 891:523, insect.jpg)

afd914 No.1612722


This me should reflect counting how many fucks he gives…

fba1ca No.1612723

File: 30001a115effbd1⋯.jpg (197.76 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Rose Leslie_GOT_2011.jpg)

1b13c7 No.1612724


There was the class action RICO lawsuit against Weinstein, Mirimax and Dinsey.

ccf2a9 No.1612725

File: b93cecab68b0ea8⋯.png (55.01 KB, 1138x475, 1138:475, ClipboardImage.png)


Dick Wolf is the father of BWW CEO Sally J Smith

He is a TV Producer, went to school with G.W.Bush

0571b3 No.1612726


Especially well known because this passage is often read in wedding services

45288c No.1612727

4fa9ca No.1612728


It is well known but mostly used for events like marriage.

35dc80 No.1612729

File: 4d5468c5e4ba4e8⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 680x423, 680:423, 2.jpg)

41d7e8 No.1612730

U.S. isolated at G7 meeting over tariffs: French minister

(Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is isolated at a G7 finance ministers meeting in Canada due to Washington's new trade tariffs on its allies, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said on Friday.

Le Maire said he would tell Mnuchin the U.S. decision to impose tariffs on European Union steel and aluminum was "legally unacceptable, politically unfair and economically dangerous".


9ac55f No.1612731


Spain runs the Jesuit Order and Vatican

7749b5 No.1612732

File: 92adc43a7e76110⋯.png (137.86 KB, 400x400, 1:1, baker carterrr.png)

File: b4e8cf61b4b4cdd⋯.jpg (156.49 KB, 405x720, 9:16, bakerrcasrterrr.jpg)

07f7b8 No.1612733


I've read the book, the good guys win in the end.

63c4e5 No.1612734

File: 0e0255a76f837cc⋯.png (863.07 KB, 812x560, 29:20, FuckeryAfoot.PNG)

File: 80c7227e9ba9505⋯.jpg (543.53 KB, 750x725, 30:29, ComfyNukd.jpg)

a61683 No.1612735


They perform about 400,000 abortions a year.

only takes keeping 10% alive.

68ae0a No.1612736


I want personal information of all kinds to be hidden from both all AI and any and all people that don't have explicit consent.

What makes you say that the infection in my devices is.accessed by a person, and not a bot?

498253 No.1612737


"WE" are "wrenching children from their parents"?!?!! These people are SO FUCKING STUPID!

The retards south of us are SENDING their fuckin kids here and clearly don't give a shit what happens to them or they wouldn't be handing them off to traffickers or crossing the border ILLEGALLY.

330829 No.1612738

File: 88db2c2cfbde4eb⋯.jpg (298.21 KB, 2000x1385, 400:277, IMG_1650.JPG)

da6fbf No.1612739


Time to terminate program.

af6861 No.1612740

File: c191b82ca2b32dd⋯.jpg (55.21 KB, 960x639, 320:213, blackeyed.jpg)

139847 No.1612741


I thought RICO was reserved for criminals.

the class action will score big, but it's not the end all be all I hoped it was. It's basically just about money.

d7847c No.1612742

File: ffb5350f2a0491d⋯.png (54.31 KB, 266x264, 133:132, Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at ….png)



d3d057 No.1612743



Just because non whites pelt you with rocks and call you nazi doesn't mean the jewish media has been lying for a hundred years and you shouldn't start reexamining history.

e2aeec No.1612744


Interesting observation, Anon, but the stonewalling needs to cease.

President Trump and his Chief of Staff appear to have a remedy to the situation.

Thanks, John, for all you do, and Q-Team, too!

1b13c7 No.1612745



GOTDAM! 2 millennia for the child sacrifice stuff.

e717a8 No.1612746

File: 1193fb94405906e⋯.png (490.48 KB, 1343x957, 1343:957, Screenshot_241.png)

239aaa No.1612747

File: c266accaa929307⋯.png (979.77 KB, 1272x1066, 636:533, Icebreaker.png)




Adm l Zukunft citation also references Icebreakers specifically.

41d7e8 No.1612748

Mattis: US wants ‘results-oriented’ relationship with China but still has doubts about its South China Sea policies and actions

Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis said the U.S. will pursue a “results-oriented relationship with China,” but said that China’s policy on the South China Sea raises doubts about their “broader goals.”

"China's policy in the South China Sea stands in stark contrast to the openness our strategy promises, it calls into question China's broader goals," Mattis said at the annual Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, Saturday local time.


936046 No.1612749

File: e7e4a97cd06a81b⋯.png (173.16 KB, 800x600, 4:3, kek57.png)


dude he showed us toneys house, an unsolved bolwing alley murder, and this guy pay attention anon ffs its not a bot you maynard

6255ef No.1612750


>There's a "man" behind the green curtain who wants you to bow to OZ.. It's really just a con artist from Kansas

wasn't who i thought at first, but now i think i may have it. nice clues.

if true, HA HA HA! color me a rainbow!

36bab8 No.1612751


First one was written by POTUS.

Only to troll, you know who you are, think STABLE GENIUS

1ed5fd No.1612752


Pompeo was born in California. He didn't move to Kansas till 1998.

7a45cf No.1612753


Ding ding ding! My reading of the crumbs points to a massively coordinated strike on the deep state. The head must be completely crushed or they will go all Hydra on us. The last 6 months (at least) has been positioning for that event.

We are at the most dangerous time in our history.


1a75ac No.1612754

File: 7534c6486f5ef00⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1119x813, 373:271, ClipboardImage.png)

239bbd No.1612755


Could've, should've would've. You missed a golden opportunity to call her an Iranian monkey cunt.

0e7789 No.1612756

File: 846036003a164f6⋯.png (798.45 KB, 700x700, 1:1, Untitled.png)


her show might be gone but they will never take our memes!!!

c3ede0 No.1612757


I don't see where anyone is doxxing me for posting that. What are talking about anon?

658c49 No.1612758




>Do the clowns have supercomputers?

~99.9% yes


>But also– how hard would it be for AI to spread itself? Do we know about modes and methods by which powerful agencies have sought to.gain the capability to infect machines? How extensively?

AI probably cloud distributed, some, not all, continuing game, bottom line, most anything can be hacked with enough effort.


>What is vault 7?

Leak re: CIA hacking programs



>Who knows what else?

Meh… NSA?


>Can humans spy on everyone at once?


Can AI?

Possibly yes, especially if using a quantum computer, if quantum computing used, yes certainly.

d3d057 No.1612759


eaaf33 No.1612760


neun is the number 9

nein is the word no

89232e No.1612761

File: 366a42a9668e8d7⋯.png (423.24 KB, 640x410, 64:41, all-of-them.png)

File: c17781caea60965⋯.png (400.27 KB, 712x345, 712:345, michele-itch-2.png)

File: 248861a921f69f4⋯.png (235.09 KB, 645x350, 129:70, obama-best-friends-kids-2.png)

File: d8d2b66ac32d98a⋯.png (117.68 KB, 425x432, 425:432, thefakenewszone.png)

68ae0a No.1612762


xx I xxyx-→–v

yyyyyyyx xxsS yxxxx —,


| O

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v |


xxxA x x x x -→ –__→ —,





O xx ←- yy ←– xyx Byy


| ——-

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–→ v

bbb bbbbb ttt > T < tt xtbxtbxtbxtbxtb

v v < <>> v ^ v < v>> <> vv xx tt


282b01 No.1612763


And 95% of latin america is Catholic.

Just imagine all that power.


614e0d No.1612764


Who is this lukewarm meatsock?

7e091d No.1612765

File: 166dbb350db852b⋯.png (677.84 KB, 474x542, 237:271, ClipboardImage.png)

1a75ac No.1612766



not gone…picked up by Fox…almost like it was planned. kek

afd914 No.1612767


Sorry, just a thought - it was a stupid meme, someone should fix it to be funnier

167e76 No.1612768

Uh oh, Dems gonna go apeshit…

Muh Russia

U.S. in Early Talks for Potential Summit Between Trump and Putin

Updated June 1, 2018 10:35 p.m. ET

The White House is planning for a potential summit between President Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin of Russia, according to people familiar with the efforts, a meeting that would bring to the international stage one of the world’s most enigmatic political relationships.

A senior administration official said Friday that Jon Huntsman, the U.S. ambassador to Russia, has been in Washington to help arrange a meeting between Messrs. Trump and Putin.

The planning is still at an early stage, the official said, with the two nations needing to agree on a date and location.


d8de36 No.1612769

File: a3bf71b490acb96⋯.jpg (365.62 KB, 1314x1889, 1314:1889, 1522887679339.jpg)


She's killing Youtube staff in heaven now. Truly gone too soon.

d8de36 No.1612770

File: a3bf71b490acb96⋯.jpg (365.62 KB, 1314x1889, 1314:1889, 1522887679339.jpg)


She's killing Youtube staff in heaven now. Truly gone too soon.

dc8c9d No.1612771


i've been here a long time anon. i tend to stay humble and patient until emo faggots start to show their feelings. it's like how a snake's sight is based off of movement. this is no place for political correctness and never will be. that shit belongs on FB, Twater, and Reddit.

5c39d6 No.1612772

File: 956f6c76b23e752⋯.png (911.79 KB, 990x796, 495:398, ClipboardImage.png)


da man…

ac1487 No.1612773


MFjr is highlighting the hack. letting them know they can be hacked too. >>1612586

6b5254 No.1612774


maybe ]TG[ was set free

31bbe2 No.1612775


Might also help keep China from getting all the files again too.

748bc4 No.1612776


fired? you ever seen how many are on the FULL clinton body count? I wish I would have saved the webpage because it went down in october 2016. planes full of passengers because ONE was tied to clinton and ready to testify. bodyguards. witnesses. arkansas forward, HUNDREDS.

9d80a3 No.1612777


Q knew in advance that Gowdy was stepping down from Ethics. He asked what role he was going to play in the future. Nothing about Gowdy being a White Hat. In fact his recent public behavior, statements criticizing POTUS and Policies, would certainly indicate he's been comped.

As for your ((KIKE)) bullshit you can fuck off. I've been here since day one you little bitch.

330829 No.1612778

File: ddb0cc31548f2d9⋯.jpg (108.99 KB, 1024x740, 256:185, IMG_1697.JPG)

7749b5 No.1612779

7e091d No.1612780

File: a1cb09a84a04ee6⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 4010x1901, 4010:1901, nassim.jpg)

a02744 No.1612781

File: 29cb27d599dc219⋯.png (71.3 KB, 645x357, 215:119, Sec Pompeo #MikeLovesVeter….PNG)

File: f9b9691f43d81d9⋯.png (539.62 KB, 495x845, 99:169, DC 1 re Pompeo Socks 6-1-1….PNG)

File: 3c32bfbc75cfca3⋯.png (499.05 KB, 499x471, 499:471, DC 2 re Pompeo Socks 6-1-1….PNG)

File: 00673ad32d112fd⋯.png (181.8 KB, 492x633, 164:211, DC 3 re Pompeo Socks 6-1-1….PNG)


The Socks That The Secretary Of State Wore To Meet The North Koreans Will Make Your Jaw Drop


fba1ca No.1612782

File: edbe0d2c51c5cb2⋯.png (95.74 KB, 300x168, 25:14, untitled.png)


Who wore it better?

239aaa No.1612783

File: 44ed4e83e2677cf⋯.jpg (90.04 KB, 207x306, 23:34, pepe flower love.jpg)


Thank you for your service baker!

41d7e8 No.1612784


howdy doody? Comey here?

f363b0 No.1612785


its a chain reaction, once the micro things are gone then the bugs then the so on and so forth

there is a reason why monsanto has patents on aluminum resistant seeds

a222e1 No.1612786

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

6fba56 No.1612788

Guys How do I post a PDF File?

35dc80 No.1612789

In the end, the truth will come out and many will want to join on at the last minute, but it will be too late for them…

1a75ac No.1612790


I'll lay 100:1 GEOTUS doesn't throw like a girl.

Any takers?

693d11 No.1612791


Yeah I have watched several of his vids (nly for shits and giggles), and endured that monotone annoying voice…..saw one today of him and antischool. Such an OBVIOUS ploy to hide the fact they have been LYING! And calling anons "cat ladies". SERIOUSLY????? All of them are a shitshow.

897673 No.1612792


you just upload it like a pic/vid

e445a1 No.1612793

why would epstein want a ranch in new mexico? close and easy place to get and store immigrant children separated from their parents??

fb2073 No.1612794


digits confirm

282b01 No.1612795



222149 No.1612796


Brick shitting incorporated

7e091d No.1612797

File: ae63c3b695e4818⋯.jpg (1020.15 KB, 1720x1417, 1720:1417, GetOverMeAlready.jpg)

248e8a No.1612798



f363b0 No.1612799


clear eyes dry eyes, bueler bueler

5c39d6 No.1612800

File: 2972e7e4b9ecda4⋯.png (1.07 MB, 872x752, 109:94, ClipboardImage.png)

2a102b No.1612801


this is soooo stupid

but i can't stop laughing

897673 No.1612802

File: f4b591f704442ad⋯.png (211.01 KB, 739x467, 739:467, TrustTheFuckingPlan.png)

friendly reminder

330829 No.1612803

despotism is a tacky structure , has no culture, just exageratted stateisms for exploitation purposes, stupid keywords and gimics , like a frat boy drug dealer huh

64d20d No.1612805

File: c360bc3290bf6f2⋯.jpg (72.34 KB, 960x638, 480:319, https_//blogs-images.forbe….jpg)

File: 0efa53ce336b371⋯.jpg (2.52 MB, 887x743, 887:743, killerspin-pushing-ping-po….jpg)

File: f282e57c5ce822d⋯.jpeg (27.67 KB, 491x349, 491:349, globe-academy.jpeg)

96a054 No.1612806


muh feelz

read the other 1500 then come back if you are who you say you are. PP wants to sell the batter, probably already do.


MP was flaming for faggots and trannies today. practically had to wear a bib

cdd3ec No.1612807


never too late anon.

dc8c9d No.1612808


why? your weak ass stomach can't handle it?

e07b87 No.1612809

WTF?? What about the MS13 info "cannot fully be exposed"?!?!


Anonymous ID: P3Lk4PKG No.147109593 📁

Oct 29 2017 11:47:18 (EST)

Follow the money, it’s the key.

What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?

Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?

What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?

Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.

Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?

Can you rely on being able to board a plane and fly away?

Why is MS13 a priority _ nobody got this.

Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed.

Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino.

Have faith.

63c4e5 No.1612810

File: 3e960091efaff38⋯.png (213.08 KB, 540x638, 270:319, 1612769 70.PNG)

>>1612769 i na see m

>>1612770 double

5b86a2 No.1612812

File: 7cb0d2324006563⋯.png (1.15 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, Guy_With_Purple_Tie.png)

6b5254 No.1612813


no they serve…cremeyungsomguy

30632d No.1612814

File: a40b190388bedbf⋯.png (65.26 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 75czwn-3bxd5qwyzvqz.png)

7749b5 No.1612815


pizza & ping pong & the pope?

113738 No.1612816

A goyim may not injure a Jew or, through inaction, allow a Jew to come to harm.

A Goyim must obey the orders given it by any Jew except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

A Goyim must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

35dc80 No.1612817


The world is changing

The stage is now being set towards a different kind of world order that will affect us all. Ignorance is no longer an option, as humanity will be forced to open their eyes, and to face the truth.

But the kind of truth that they are serving you, is not the one that you need to survive. You must find truth for yourself.

Please turn off you TV and open your eyes.

936046 No.1612818

File: 3559cd9ed4c889f⋯.jpg (185.92 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, dangraves.jpg)

e07b87 No.1612819


That shit pisses me off

239bbd No.1612820


Yah. Empty and lame. Maybe you should switch sides while you still can.

f47d87 No.1612821


"toy"soldier socks

Enjoy the show!! KEK

This deal has been done for weeks

dc8c9d No.1612823


how about i show your weak ass the results of an EFP!

0e7789 No.1612825

File: 19717539a4de8fd⋯.jpg (143.71 KB, 504x814, 252:407, pompeo_trump_card.jpg)


well he can't very well wear socks with pepe on them can he?

a222e1 No.1612826

File: d497251c19eec62⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1242x1026, 23:19, 93805D8F-B24D-4E51-95D9-F….jpeg)

File: cdac892bbbe82f3⋯.jpeg (800.57 KB, 1242x2015, 1242:2015, 79EABE57-0423-4EA4-8008-C….jpeg)

File: 6aa7eaa88d3f47e⋯.jpeg (752.1 KB, 1242x2014, 621:1007, BD4F3AEF-5D6A-434F-BE60-5….jpeg)


14 Fourteen


Camp 14

(N) XIV (M)


63c4e5 No.1612827

File: 62f67dcadf2a1fa⋯.png (831.97 KB, 864x882, 48:49, redrum.png)



31bbe2 No.1612828


They were openly selling fetal body parts and that wasn't even known till the underground investigative reports/videos came out and even then it was sealed by the courts to block it from the public. Workers weren't saying anything about that.

e1c3f5 No.1612829

File: 86d80a9f2cbaab3⋯.jpg (73.19 KB, 566x528, 283:264, kkk.jpg)

330829 No.1612830


dude, i had to break up with you and your homo lover how many times now, fuck off faggot

da6fbf No.1612831


EMP or Bladerunner that stupid BOT.

7e091d No.1612832

File: 44161b9e5d1e469⋯.png (239.36 KB, 480x300, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

what do you think she would think becoming a pepe meme

d1ca53 No.1612833

File: 571f7cca8016e41⋯.jpg (226.31 KB, 737x601, 737:601, 1435620802389.jpg)

Just poppin' in with a quick drive-by drop

My new word of the day, ==LifeLog==

Pentagon documents state that the goal of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) LifeLog Project is to develop software that deduces behavioral patterns from monitoring people's daily activities…

Sounds a lot like our infamous alphabet companies.

★ Sauce: https://users.ece.cmu.edu/~adrian/630-f03/lifelog.html

cdd3ec No.1612834


dont watch tv. all you need to do is find god. and buy a big ass gun

c608b8 No.1612835


I wonder what Trey Smith would have to say about this. He's pretty up on biblical relevance in today's world.

Anyone know if he's been spotted on 8chan?

113738 No.1612836

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a Jew stamping on a human face—for ever.”

― George Orwell, 1984

41d7e8 No.1612837

‘Break Her Down’: Southern Baptist Leader Covered Up Sexual Abuse Allegations, Seminary Says

The former head of two prominent Southern Baptist seminaries sought a one-on-one meeting in 2015 with an alleged rape victim in order to “break her down,” seemingly so that she would not go public with her allegations.

Dr. Paige Patterson, the former president of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, made the comment in an email to the chief of campus security, a trustee at the school told The Daily Caller News Foundation Friday.


c066f2 No.1612839


pepe underwear ftw

36bab8 No.1612840

Anons, I saw a post within the last few breads regarding a tweet or interpretation of a tweet or something regarding Topeka Kansas.



68ae0a No.1612841


Is totalitarianism hidden under a system of fakery even worse?

Especially if it involves loss of all freedom?

Where does freedom come from?

Who is God?

Why does AI get sick and die?

Why does evil always destroy itself?

f363b0 No.1612842

File: c4105c2bd124e14⋯.jpg (122.29 KB, 1107x830, 1107:830, crazteyes.jpg)



9970ec No.1612843


it's happened more than once anon.

af6861 No.1612844

File: fd597c3c0492e52⋯.png (368.88 KB, 890x743, 890:743, 97422040-6a75-4f33-b95e-10….png)


4fa9ca No.1612845


No official announcement yet and certain (lesbian) cast members probably won’t be there.

Not sure about John Goodman but I would think lecee (Becky) and Michael fishburn (DJ) would probably come back with sweet talk since they don’t have anything going.

Sarah Gilbert has a day job as a lesbian token white on the Talk. Don’t know about Laurie metcalf (Jackie).

Johnny galecki (David) is finishing up Big Bang, phoning it in and was supposed to have a bigger role next season but doesn’t need money.

Girl who played “Harris” had already said she was leaving, tranny kid and black girl are replaceable.

Overall looks sad.

They totally fucked her over.

e2b0b7 No.1612846

File: 0e269e6a63a50f0⋯.png (70.54 KB, 805x687, 805:687, june-12-reagan-challenges-….png)

same date as the Kim-POTUS meeting

Reagan again

9d80a3 No.1612847

File: 021073751c25001⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 20.88 KB, 308x198, 14:9, dick.JPG)


Richard you are glowing bright tonight.

63c4e5 No.1612848


>What about the MS13 info "cannot fully be exposed"?!?!

you can't just go and reveal that all organized crime is compd in one go… has to go smoother

>Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino.

>Have faith.

7e091d No.1612849

File: 2631587ea334357⋯.jpg (934.98 KB, 1672x1688, 209:211, STORMY.jpg)

e717a8 No.1612850

File: da3bdcb40f17af6⋯.png (34.86 KB, 940x358, 470:179, Screenshot_216.png)

64d20d No.1612851

File: 19b0155da7b2ec5⋯.jpg (38.97 KB, 640x453, 640:453, 16051410271920874914226933.jpg)

File: daa0032bc809670⋯.jpg (282.38 KB, 2000x1600, 5:4, marina.jpg)

File: 9f6ef59aab22139⋯.jpg (156.84 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, pop-up-ping-pong.jpg)

File: 41a2a446fab0e42⋯.jpg (119.03 KB, 560x560, 1:1, greendaygodsfav.jpg)


Symbols will be their downfall

167e76 No.1612852

Need more audits

Now let's see some heads roll.

Audit: 60 Percent of U.S. Military ‘Train and Equip’ Projects Failed to Improve Trainees

Congress’s watchdog arm this week raised questions on how effectively the Pentagon and U.S. State Department are overseeing projects linked to multi-billion dollar Global Train and Equip program primarily intended to improve counterterrorism capabilities for U.S. partner nations like Jordan, Niger, and Afghanistan.

In an audit released on Wednesday, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that only eight (about 40 percent) of 21 Global Train and Equip projects undertaken in 2016 and 2017 at the cost of nearly $2 billion resulted in improved capabilities for aid recipient forces.

The GAO cited proposal design shortfalls, equipment suitability and procurement problems, partner nation failings, and staffing shortages as the reason for the project failures.

The 2006 bill first authorized the Global Train and Equip program. Since then, it has supplied, at the expense of the American taxpayer, training, weapons, and other supplies for local forces through hundreds of initiatives across the globe, the watchdog notes.

GAO’s recent audit covers the status of funding the Pentagon allocated for Global Train and Equip projects in fiscal years 2009 through 2017, estimated at $4.1 billion.

The watchdog determined that the Pentagon’s track record in assessing the effectiveness of Global Train and Equip is lackluster.


35dc80 No.1612853


Christians incessantly claim that "The Devil Deceives" "The Devil Deceives…" What they fail to see is that everything they accuse the Devil of is really the God that they worship, known as Yaweh/Jehova.

Everything that the Christians accuse the "Devil" of, is really of their own God.

6fba56 No.1612854


I completely agree, I see this an excellent solution! Wasn't there a time when it was done this way?

d53388 No.1612855

File: 528b5e99e909777⋯.jpeg (205.57 KB, 1440x1027, 1440:1027, 1527908263.jpeg)

a54773 No.1612856

File: dd9b1217ebdc018⋯.jpg (14.77 KB, 468x326, 234:163, charles-ii-of-spain_mainst….jpg)

muh privacy

a222e1 No.1612857

File: 2e38273693b000a⋯.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1242x2012, 621:1006, 428FCDD1-5F37-4521-B974-D….jpeg)

File: a5906c406e5c78c⋯.jpeg (599.35 KB, 1242x2055, 414:685, 4B4AAF47-DA39-4BF6-A80A-2….jpeg)

File: dae72ef448b9ff4⋯.jpeg (237.52 KB, 1242x2136, 207:356, D39A38B5-5EC1-4A3B-9472-7….jpeg)

File: 019aee671ac3d32⋯.png (804.6 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 73248EE2-6A5F-4448-B1BD-54….png)

30632d No.1612858

File: 051b4d3a8ba799a⋯.jpg (25.91 KB, 360x360, 1:1, 051b4d3a8ba799a8a89a709127….jpg)

dc8c9d No.1612859

File: c5322e5b0cc98d5⋯.png (46.73 KB, 398x298, 199:149, humvee-efp1.png)


here's a teaser

c608b8 No.1612860


I heard about it. Pretty sure Veritas heard about it since they did an undercover video of it.

fb2073 No.1612861


guessing june 9-10

330829 No.1612862

the best part of kansas is kisssouri

2a102b No.1612863


equally stupid as the last video

still can not stop laughing

6c4611 No.1612864

cd4965 No.1612865

File: 4020e2c96b4b840⋯.jpg (885.98 KB, 1508x1356, 377:339, arresteddeveld.jpg)

File: f2190b7034faa02⋯.jpg (105.58 KB, 591x600, 197:200, thruthepastdarkly.jpg)


Coinkydink. kek.

Still haven't made the meme with

"Thru the Past Darkly"

Rolling Stones

reference to "Thru a Glass Darkly"

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

The hand prints mean something. I seen it other places. Longer story. But anyway notice the dead body outline at the bottom of the airline steps? Also for the Rolling Stones, that album was first one after they killed Brian Jones, who appears on there. He's with the blond hair.

They were mocking the scriptures.

cdd3ec No.1612866


yeah ok you can tell jesus that when u meet him

hes not gonna be happy

afd914 No.1612867


282b01 No.1612868


Kim seems Mao. kek.

41d7e8 No.1612869

Disgraced neurologist should get 10 years to life: prosecutors

Prosecutors are pushing for at least 10 years in prison — and as much as a life sentence — for a former Manhattan neurologist accused of sexually attacking six female patients at his Beth Israel Medical Center practice.

Ricardo Cruciani, who is accused of attacking an additional 11 women at his doctor’s offices in Philadelphia and Jersey, learned of the prosecutors’ demands on Friday in Manhattan Supreme Court.


018f52 No.1612870


You know you are talking to a bot, right?

7e091d No.1612871


i think she shit canned her own show. she knew shed get kicked to the curb. two weeks before they announce no politics on the show next year


614e0d No.1612872


Rember this is a SHOW.. things are not how they seem.


f8a6b9 No.1612873


Throw the heat.

4fa9ca No.1612874


I used to love playing with army men in sandbox.

And cars painted with lead paint.

239bbd No.1612875


Yeah. End of bread. What the hell.

af6861 No.1612876

File: d0ad7cbd51dd942⋯.png (73.26 KB, 1068x588, 89:49, 9a5633fc-9f7e-4105-a4a8-be….png)


5c39d6 No.1612877

File: 4be63d007392bac⋯.jpg (76.56 KB, 634x812, 317:406, 4C1A686D00000578-0-image-m….jpg)

File: 574a38fbd1cb732⋯.jpg (111.46 KB, 634x986, 317:493, 4C1A6BEC00000578-0-And_the….jpg)

File: 8c98c62353c29d8⋯.jpg (66.93 KB, 634x1011, 634:1011, 4C1A666E00000578-0-Thunder….jpg)

330829 No.1612878

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hallah back

hallah bread

dbe9a7 No.1612879

File: 6ac8a6137daf365⋯.png (88.9 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ibm-q.png)


i got your AI right here

1a75ac No.1612880

File: 842b7b22cec395c⋯.jpg (49.05 KB, 670x388, 335:194, Ultimate-Warriorcheck.jpg)


curveball? kek

e07b87 No.1612881

"Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?"



Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147433975 📁

Oct 31 2017 22:00:15 (EST)


Military Intelligence.

What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC?

What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?

What must occur to allow for civilian trials?

Why is this relevant?

What was Flynn's background?

Why is this relevant?

Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?

Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?

Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?

Was TRUMP asked to run for President?


By Who?

Was HRC next in line?

Was the election suppose to be rigged?

Did good people prevent the rigging?

Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?

Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?

What is POTUS in control of?

What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?

Why does the military play such a vital role?

Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?

Who guards former Presidents?

Why is that relevant?

Who guards HRC?

Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?

Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?

What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?

What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?

What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?

Why is this important?

What is Mueller's background? Military?

Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?

How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?

Who is helping POTUS?

7ebbe4 No.1612882


Not doxxing you, anon. Doxxing the memefag who made it.

This one is a followup.

5ea9ec No.1612883


human analysis would dictate that once into your devices and performing it's programmed perimeter functions there are infinite amounts of variables which one "human" may employ to either halt or confuse an AI entity, i.e. feeding misleading information once perimeters are known. Any "AI" which has infiltrated devices was programmed to do so for a human to interact with the data afterwards. In this day and age, and no I'm not a techie, AI playing out what you are reffering to as infiltration and compilation of private data seems outdated to me. It would be far more effective to create a bot which is always at the ready to be taken over in real time after it has been discovered and deemed irrelevant to a user and used for whatever purpose one chooses..hence, the bot is indeed human…..sorry if you aren't following me on this. As for consent…the devices you use more than likely somewhere along the line in tiny little letters or articulate tomfoolry forced you to consent upon purchase…hell….unless you have built your own devices from dirt on the ground and managed to enter the internet arena without consent of those running the show, they have a way of establishing that you did in fact consent in one way or another. I do get what you are saying though, and agree that no one should have private data exposed. Nowadays though, at least 95 percent (not certified) can barely remember their own phone number without looking at their devices. If privacy is desired, best not to use any device to store it. Not trying to be a dick, just thinking like one to save a few anuses out there from being raped by the real dicks.

35dc80 No.1612884


The problem is that few people actually REALLY read the Bible. Most just believe what they are told regarding Christianity and the Bible. Few read it and can see it for what it is for. Even fewer would stop to think or even question why the Bible has numbers. Everything in the Bible has been stolen and corrupted, with the spiritual knowledge removed.

a1da36 No.1612885

File: ae95276196582cf⋯.png (889.28 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 7C9FC341-92FB-4374-83CB-7A….png)

7749b5 No.1612886


fc7ec6 No.1612887

digging anon here

so, I'm back

right now, what topic do you regard as the most important to dig into?

I wanna let my autism creep into it

239aaa No.1612888

File: 897a3e7b0491971⋯.jpg (142.66 KB, 465x456, 155:152, Stones yep 2.jpg)

File: c8eb9289faae61f⋯.jpg (117.81 KB, 465x469, 465:469, Stones yep.jpg)


No Coinkydink that i saw these in my downlaods today….


41d7e8 No.1612889

Boston –“Saintly” High School Dean Exposed as a Drug Dealer Who Shot Student

He was a revered high school dean, respected even by the entire community for being an anti-violence advocate, and loved by students who run to him for everything. His pious demeanor even earned him the saintly nickname “The Rev” from his students. It turned that the Boston educator was living a double life, after all, as the real him was unraveled to be a drug dealer who had murderous tendencies as he almost killed a 17-year-old student he recruited to deal drugs for him.


113738 No.1612890


Next generation Jew infiltration….they live for this shit.

7ebbe4 No.1612891


Thanks for posting it, BTW.

6255ef No.1612892



well color me purple

the mystery takes a twist

498253 No.1612893


People are retards on this subject and have somehow read "role" and "important" as white hat. He's no more than a comped little bitch who will be a WITNESS. he also symbolizes just how damn deep the swamp is bc sooooo many would be shocked to know which fake WH's were all hat no cattle.

d101a3 No.1612894


You are not alone, focus on our combined strength.

Be brave, hold the line.

84ae90 No.1612895


Baker Notable AF

28 FBI Agents willing to testify.

Priestap is coming out of the woodwork.

167e76 No.1612896

File: 3182605dda54e59⋯.jpg (19.06 KB, 191x255, 191:255, wait_wut.jpg)





07f7b8 No.1612897


the more you talk to it the faster it learns. I just hope it does not become self aware before Q Team finishes the job.

3d4bfd No.1612898


I smell… a


d0f512 No.1612899

63c4e5 No.1612900


wut? isn't he a little bit dead? has he risen?

afd914 No.1612901

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

Baker really left early to make sure there were no messes in the kitchen

If there was anything notable after about 630 I could use an update

9f7fd2 No.1612902


I'd really love to treat all 28 of 'em to a great dinner out, too.

Damn proud, white hats.

Get after their ass!

41d7e8 No.1612903

OPINION Published June 01, 2018

Sen. Joni Ernst: Congress needs to pass a budget or cancel vacations

This week my colleagues and I introduced the No Budget, No Vacation Act to ensure Congress passes a budget. This bill says that if Congress hasn’t passed a budget and regular appropriations bills by August, members shouldn’t be able to leave Washington, go on vacation, or travel anywhere else.


1a75ac No.1612904

File: 44e0cf455122965⋯.jpg (771.83 KB, 1630x1808, 815:904, nasimspirit.jpg)

68ae0a No.1612905


Does the AI think humans will buy this laughable line of argument even as it is plain as day that a system of global deception and evil already has its tentacles halfway sunk?

Should the AI try harder?

Will it keep failing anyway?

498253 No.1612906


Trey Gowdy example.

e02c95 No.1612907


It’s Franklin Graham

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