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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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First time on 8chan? First time on /QResearch/? Click here before posting, newfag.

File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

5956f6 No.1606624

Welcome To Q Research General

Rest in peace, President Kennedy. Through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and, by the grace of God, activated the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.

". . . Start A Storm . . ."


Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

New sticky thread to clear the air of doubt re: Q's Authenticity >>1552095

Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1510286 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic



Build A Qlock, >>1566766 , >>1586462 ClockFags update/layers all clocks, >>1591115 Blank template

5956f6 No.1606626


are not endorsements


>>1583589 BO on Clown's bots

>>1545457 Major announcement from BO

>>1555357 PDF Uploading Enabled


>>1605923 Ecuador will respect Assange’s asylum if he obeys a “no politics” condition

>>1605988 Russia greenlights Israel to strike Iranian targets in Syria

>>1606071 On not being able to save everyone, but saving those we can (commentary)

>>1606205 On Ken Dilanian, Mockingbird and buttboy for the C_A

>>1606211 Documents reveal Hussein attempted to take over spygate investigation

>>1606242 DNC off-the-record meeting with reporters (includes .pdf of reporter names)

>>1606340 Planned Parenthood doesn’t report sex trafficking of women

>>1606356 On the importance of the steel tariff with respect to the 16-year plan (analysis)

>>1606388 HuffPo doxxing twitter users

>>1606407 Samy dig

>>1606408 CIA undermines NK summit by leaking report to media asset

>>1606424 Dade Sky dig summary (endorsed by BO and blessed by Kek >>1606555 )

>>1606426 US unemployment rate drops to 3.8%

>>1606493 ; >>1606497 Imperator Rex. on the Mueller investigation

>>1606590 DJT targets Irish businessman for ties to CF


>>1605588 Anomalous Aerial Vehicle with phenomenal capabilities. US Navy report

>>1605730 6/11 Historically Nice Day For America!! Nice Work by Anon Summarized Here

>>1605454 MOAB headed for Hussein?

>>1605491 On vampires, fake Jews, and Pizzagate

>>1605196, >>1605208 Notable Q Clock posts for the Clockfags <3


>>1604685 Alefantis-Silsby-CIA Connection Summarized

>>1604453 Former Clinton Foundation head Donna Shalala is back in Miami and at UM

>>1604434 Golden Dawn Dig

>>1604873 Tech Titans Tiptoe Towards Monopoly


>>1603612 D'Adesky Summary Continued

>>1603561 Elon Trollin' Illuminaughty

>>1603656 Blagojavich, $1.2m offshore account, Merkel's husband, Pedo's, (help anon dig!)


>>1603851 Facebook sinking fast among US teens: survey

>>1603570 Possible solution to NWO Drop (Nimrod/Semiramis/Tammuz) Solar warship

>>1603904 Op. Underground Railroad 31 girls rescued Frm Kaliko Resort sex traffickers feb '17

>>1603974 D'Adesky Family Shipping operations, Diplomatic immunity, containers not xrayed

>>1604126 Truman and Greece the formation of NATO

>>1604123 GE exits Iran as Trump rattles foreign trade

>>1604171 Half moon bay CA

>>1604152 666 DNA AND PI 1997

>>1604031 Fair Trade or No Deal

>>1604184, >>1604085 Headed to Camp David, Not Mar-a-lago (more secure?)

>>1604203 Craig Sawyer uncovering trafficking tunnel in Tucson last night

>>1603588 Collection of WhiteboardAnon drops


>>1602770 Anon Helper suggests dig on map near by orphanages (Enmarcolda Wahoo bay)

>>1602904 Izette Folge advisory board of Innocents at Risk

>>1602919 , >>1603059 Updated Summary D'Adesky Dig

>>1602951 Children in Haiti being kept from their parents

>>1603163 Text of "right to try act"

>>1603158 Tytoo Gardens:between wahoo bay resort/kaliko beach club and port-au-prince

>>1603204 dig on Enmarcolda way back #714 - BQQM Edition-

>>1603262 WJC, BHO, DJT Pardons lists

>>1603152 Huffpost Doxxes "alt-right" Twitter user

>>1603364 Squaker Shutting down also


>>1601985, >>1602720, >>1602721 Anne-Christine d'Adesky (dig from helper anons post)

>>1602128, >>1602245, >>1602168 Fresh Digginz Anons, It's ON!

>>1602220 , >>1602530 , >>1602320 , >>1602623 Moar d'Adesky dig (compilation)

>>1602062 How do you wake up millions of young people?

>>1602115, >>1602170 (Haiti) ENMARCOLDA S.A. REspresnts shipping lines, logistic services

>>1602193 Yes, Amazon IS Tracking (you)

>>1602158 Spoopy Wikileaks xpost from voat pizzagate related

>>1602131 Apotex, Generic Ambien company founded by murdered billionare Barry Sherman

>>1602237 Chuck Schummer is on Teva Pharma Board

>>1602445 (need description help please)

>>1602422 Graphics Update

>>1602406 Podesta Connection to D'Adesky

>>1602127 , >>1602116 Who Honemooned at Kaliko Beach? (anon helper)

>>1602583 Iran Strikes/Sanctions

>>1602602 mattis Strategic Bridge, India

>>1602610 Do Autists Need Showers?

>>1602620 Canada hits back at U.S. with threat of $12.8 billion in tariffs

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

5956f6 No.1606629

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1587271 @EyeTheSpy & @BackChannel17 thread

5956f6 No.1606632

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527495

Q Graphics all in EST

The missing Qmap in EST has been archived ----------------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ----------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures - >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg -------------------------------- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ------------ >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ----------------- >>>/comms/966

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

23 >>1602811 – 22 >>1485456 – 21 >>1352458 – 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ----------------------- qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw


Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954 Re: >>1514062

5956f6 No.1606637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



b12e92 No.1606656

File: de40bc5a1e39af9⋯.png (7.9 KB, 306x595, 18:35, ClipboardImage.png)

742852 No.1606658

File: 5159ee3f2fde0e4⋯.png (216.81 KB, 1080x779, 1080:779, DOITQv6.PNG)


c58a8d No.1606664


please update the link to the resignation thread - thread is full, new one: >>1606439

"official" resignation website: http:// www.resignation.info - not qmap.pub

920d74 No.1606666

Much ado about nothing today In history

CNN launches

Benedict Arnold court martial

News of nazi death camps become public 1942

Beatles release st peppers

b12e92 No.1606668

File: 2a3c335a025a1a8⋯.jpg (603.56 KB, 1188x803, 108:73, Qcation1.jpg)

14dfb4 No.1606672

File: 808a88c5b89fe52⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1719, 120:191, Screenshot_20180601-192000….png)

How accurate is this?

b12e92 No.1606683

File: 3d09889d092c5c8⋯.jpg (58.9 KB, 640x640, 1:1, f743ae7e8172576ea81757e155….jpg)


you bet baker

f1aacb No.1606689

>>1606538 lb

lmao, the camera man dont look too scared

staged bs

3cce44 No.1606692

File: 0b3fc7fffc79bff⋯.jpg (173.34 KB, 833x751, 833:751, siege.jpg)

Holding the fort Anons! God bless

aa23e4 No.1606693

Well, today is Day 10 for Q being gone. The longest he has ever been gone before is 8 days (Dec 25 - Jan 2)

b53628 No.1606694

File: da8e22d031f8712⋯.jpg (100.79 KB, 931x768, 931:768, 8QUlueQKo7AtbZjVICV5dCqPVT….jpg)

f8c34b No.1606695


Still use training wheels on your bike?

50f7e8 No.1606696

File: c79ff23464e143e⋯.png (176.39 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, Five Eyes.png)

Shouldn't Michael Horowitz be investigating the now obvious INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY/COLLUSION to overthrow our duly elected President by our "Allies" in the Five Eyes )FVEY) intelligence sharing network?

British Collusion/Conspiracy

"The U.K.’s Joint Intelligence Committee was the venue used by the CIA and the DNI to share and receive “intelligence” allegedly linking Trump to Russia.

The sources believe that John Brennan and James Clapper used highly classified intelligence channels to create a trail of fake evidence linking Trump to Russia.

George Papadopoulos was targeted deliberately by U.K. intel operatives in a plot to trick him.

It was Joseph Mifsud, not Papadopoulos, who raised the prospect of meeting with the Russians and introduced the claim that Russia had damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

Joeseph Mifsud was a British operative, not a Russian asset.

The only entity that could have coordinated the entire operation was the Obama White House."

https:// www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/06/tgp-exclusive-former-intelligence-officers-find-indisputable-evidence-u-s-intel-leaders-were-linked-to-british-in-spygate-scandal/

Australian Collusion/Conspiracy

Posted on June 1, 2018 by Scott Johnson in Russia investigation

The curious case of Mr. Downer

"Kim Strassel’s weekly Wall Street Journal column looks into “The curious case of Alexander Downer.” Downer is the former Australian ambassador to the United Kingdom whose conversation with George Papadopoulos in London supposedly led to the counterintelligence investigation that culminated in the appointment of Robert Mueller as Special Counsel to torment President Trump. Downer thus lies at the heart of one of the origin stories — perhaps the key origin story — of the synthetic Trump-Russia collusion hysteria."

http:// www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2018/06/the-curious-case-of-mr-downer.php

New Zealand Collusion/Conspiracy

Clinton Meets Secretly With New Zealand PM

"Former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton met with the leader of New Zealand at an unofficial breakfast Monday, where she complained that she didn’t receive fair treatment in the U.S. election."

http:// dailycaller.com/2018/05/07/hillary-clinton-new-zealand-trip/

Looks like our "Allies" are just more deep state apparatchiks working overtime to cover their asses in this now INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY to consummate their plans for a NWO and hide corruption endemic in the financial institutions financing this world wide coup.

"While President Donald Trump’s tweets at times unnerve America’s closest allies, especially those that attack U.S. intelligence and law enforcement, the “Five Eyes” network of the U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand continues to share intelligence almost as one nation."

http:// www.defencealert.com/adf/104-national-security/23098-five-eyes-intel-sharing-unhindered-by-trump-tweets

Was Hillary in NZ and Australia in anticipation of the unfolding scandals involving Deutsche Bank and Citigroup? The web of seditious officials, foundations, financiers, and governments donating to the CF and CGI needs to be investigated. How deeply are these corruption probes into these FVEY institutions going to go?

Financial institutions ANZ, Deutsche Bank and Citigroup will be prosecuted on criminal cartel charges.

http:// www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-44326034#

Is the entire British Empire involved in subverting our form of government in order to exert even more control than they have over our banking, legal, and corporate institutions. I have to wonder where's Canada in all this.

a26c55 No.1606697

File: f60b6b68290327e⋯.png (2.16 MB, 2314x1270, 1157:635, march-2018-habbenings.png)

File: e99972d876c1336⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1387x943, 1387:943, april-2018-calendar.png)

File: 5e633391d82e046⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1380x935, 276:187, may-habbenings.png)

f1aacb No.1606698


today is the 10th day and its not over yet

b12e92 No.1606699

File: e8d551230f79442⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 2485x2862, 2485:2862, SummerTerminator1.jpg)


shittin up the bread i see

f8c34b No.1606700


Serving in the military teaches one to prepare for EVERY contingency!

If Q returns and drops juicy crumbs, GREAT!

However, I’m mentally and emotionally prepared to march forward without further guidance

and/or instructions. Hope this helps you civilians…

Why we no longer need Q…

Team Q did their job! They taught us:

• Critical thinking

• To question everything and everyone

• To organize

• To archive offline

• To filter/ignore shills

• To get involved on a local level

• How to interpret POTUS’ twats

• Patience

• That the USA is part of a world-wide ecosystem

• How to find each other in case a revolution is ever required

• Techniques for helping Normies slowly awaken from their comas

I “weaned” myself from Q crumbs about a month ago. Doing so has given me a fresh perspective for this board.

We need to “grow up” and accept ALL responsibility from this point forward.

Lastly, Q told us that we “hit 40,000 feet a LONG time ago” and to “prepare for landing”.

Do you really think they need to waste their time (and ours) by dropping crumbs to describe

the boring process of taxiing an airplane to a gate? FFS, we had the honor of hanging on

during the turbulence; the flak is a distant memory in our rear-view mirror.

WE HAVE EVERYTHING WE NEED, so let’s use it!


Beer at the parade, muh bitches!

7a7d79 No.1606702

File: 68b922e46eba17a⋯.jpg (42.72 KB, 620x460, 31:23, 29pvgw.jpg)

14dfb4 No.1606703

File: e3d618ce3fa7ee0⋯.jpg (69.15 KB, 600x593, 600:593, IMG_20180601_194505.jpg)

File: 43907c8f02f6c2f⋯.jpg (145.16 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_20180601_194502.jpg)

What is the FED?

607d8a No.1606704


Not at all. You should probably ask the authorities at >>1579221. They are the experts, and have their own clock workshop over there.

f1aacb No.1606705



he was gone 10 days

085344 No.1606706

File: 3623716d9aace52⋯.jpg (187.16 KB, 528x800, 33:50, iLikeFrogs1.jpg)


b12e92 No.1606708

File: a75cb2e71e1baa3⋯.jpg (1.88 MB, 2165x2639, 2165:2639, comfortfag.jpg)


you are very wise

3cce44 No.1606709

File: 3a95d2ba792b736⋯.jpeg (154.04 KB, 1440x959, 1440:959, 1527700725.jpeg)

40d4fd No.1606710

File: 1e06432c2e5faf0⋯.png (189.32 KB, 500x502, 250:251, baker-ty-pepe-crisps.png)

e52a45 No.1606711

File: cf1f9e54234eb5d⋯.jpg (81.14 KB, 640x426, 320:213, 3823601[1].jpg)


eef759 No.1606712


Shouldn't be a problem.

Just spirtualfagging and more digging.

bd6569 No.1606713

File: a25e3df842340af⋯.jpg (38.12 KB, 750x421, 750:421, DeiGa1sXcAYGdQU.jpg)

What does this mean?

5a115d No.1606714

File: 82b239910724cec⋯.jpg (8.03 KB, 220x146, 110:73, ACdA.jpg)

File: 8495b7459fb8a24⋯.jpg (9.33 KB, 242x220, 11:10, LS.jpg)

File: 478cbe8152675d0⋯.png (528.98 KB, 853x618, 853:618, qresearch1601859_d'Adesky.PNG)


might have missed some (actually i know i missed some, but culled these 2 from last bread and previous list from notables):

>>1606611 d'Adesky Dig - connect Haiti, CF, Sex Club Owner, Orphanages, Shipping Industry, S. Florida…

>>1606424 Dade Sky Dig from 5/31

d'Adesky diG

if y'haven't caught this last night or got in this mawrning, it started bread 2014 and has been impressively rich in connections... (nevermind the helper aspect, that's not important as what was found after)

>>1601859 Who is Anne-Christine d'Adetsky?


>>1601985, >>1602720, >>1602721 Anne-Christine d'Adesky

>>1602128, >>1602245, >>1602168 Fresh Digginz Anons, It's ON!

>>1602220 , >>1602530 , >>1602320 , >>1602623 Moar d'Adesky dig (compilation)

>>1602115, >>1602170 (Haiti) ENMARCOLDA S.A. represents shipping lines, logistic services

>>1602406 Podesta Connection to D'Adesky

>>1602127 , >>1602116 Who Honemooned at Kaliko Beach?


>>1603204 dig on Enmarcolda way back #714 - BQQM Edition-

>>1603158 Tytoo Gardens:between wahoo bay resort/kaliko beach club and port-au-prince

>>1602919 , >>1603059 Updated Summary D'Adesky Dig

>>1602770 Anon Helper suggests dig on map near by orphanages (Enmarcolda Wahoo bay)


>>1603904 Op. Underground Railroad 31 girls rescued Frm Kaliko Resort sex traffickers feb '17

>>1603974 D'Adesky Family Shipping operations, Diplomatic immunity, containers not xrayed

>>1603612 D'Adesky Summary Continued


>>1604685 Alefantis-Silsby-CIA Connection Summarized


84b537 No.1606715


Autism activated! TY Anon. I like this! Can't wait to see June! Keck!

e90fef No.1606716


fake lol

9e091c No.1606717

File: 31cbaefcb19194e⋯.jpg (139.18 KB, 747x1221, 249:407, DOJ_OIG.jpg)

File: 30234e755d3515f⋯.jpg (56.72 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, horowitz_soon.jpg)

OIG Report released today? It was supposed to be in May… DOITQ!

>So what’s going to be in this report? The IG has been very tight-lipped but a report published in January by the Washington Post indicated Horowitz was looking at McCabe’s apparent failure to pursue a probe involving Hillary’s email server

>Ten days.


2e5ad2 No.1606718

"Sensitive Anon."

Feeling some awesome energy for this weekend. Haven't felt it in a while …

Fucking MAGA. I'm pumped and I don't know why.

d802c9 No.1606719



How do you learn?




Being here from the beginning allows a better perspective.


We're are responsible for our own actions.

The way we carry ourselves is a testament for others.

If you want to inspire change

You must live in the light.

Others must see what we say has value.

Newfags getting hammered is not the way.

It divides us.

You aren't better than those still sleeping.

You aren't smarter.

You are just different.

People see the difference without saying a word.

Be the change.

Be the light.

Be Q.

d29f10 No.1606720


Not on her twitter feed

8c71da No.1606721


we're up here!

2cd6d8 No.1606722


fake and gay

5956f6 No.1606723


Late-bread posts are amended to the dough and will be present in the next Bake.

You are right to repost this here, however - this is a magnificent digging avenue and should have the attention of the more dedicated diggers.

Truly excellent work, Anon.

f1aacb No.1606724


and gay and fake

672e64 No.1606725

File: cfd45b1a4a41b48⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, VaporQExpand.jpg)

Scheduled maintenance on June 2 and June 9 between 5am pst and 6pm pst. Expect downtimes of up to 5 hours while data center power feeds are upgraded.

This is Tomorrow. Has there been any consideration for a bunker location for the day? 4/pol would likely destroy on sight. 4/b would probably not give a shit and just attack with gore or porn.

70f232 No.1606726

June 2 thru June 9 is a Terrible time to be Upgrading 8 chan with 5 hour blackouts.

This is Suicide weekend and the Hearings begin June 5. The following Monday 6-11-18 is the Sky Event ( watch the news ) and June 12 is the Summit

1495cf No.1606727


I hope he stays gone an extra day or two, just to shut the dumbass clockfags up.

e52a45 No.1606728


>what does this mean?

That you live in an alternate reality, full of delusions. Seek HELP.

ff4543 No.1606729

File: a13b1ffeef5b80b⋯.jpeg (201.83 KB, 1247x338, 1247:338, 67C75CCB-FCFD-44B8-9D11-5….jpeg)


Fake and Gay.

Not funny either.

8c71da No.1606730


why don't we all plan for a 5 hr nap. to catch up on much needed sleep.

721f22 No.1606731

File: 6e7993b16f9c7b1⋯.jpg (244.06 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, Grace_Farms_Silver_Chairs.JPG)

File: 8a9d36e16fe2340⋯.png (219.24 KB, 1920x1002, 320:167, graphics_1.png)

File: 03410e025c7534a⋯.png (435.22 KB, 1920x1764, 160:147, graphics_2.png)

File: 1db60352c65a6bd⋯.png (642.05 KB, 1920x1242, 320:207, graphics_3.png)

So this is what I came up a while back, but wasn't sure it was anything. Decided that it's better to let it out than to forget.

Saw this in the news: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-42221307 and thought to myself: "How biblical, Sanaa" (which is the partitive form of the finnish word 'word').

I felt that there was something more in this word of words, thus looked deeper and found this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SANAA , some of those building look particulary interesting, especially the single letter ones, and this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grace_Farms

Maybe nothing, maybe I've been here for too long.

2cd6d8 No.1606732


saw that too, but maintenance does have to occur. too bad it couldn't have been correlated with the 10 days of darkness. but night anons will be cozy

f1aacb No.1606733


she looks like an angel in that pic

ff4543 No.1606734

For Gowdy critics:

If Gowdy is a “black hat”, he’s a shitty one because he has NOT made an assload of money on the take.

I choose to believe all will be revealed.

He will turn out to be on the side of fair play, which makes him a good guy.

cd2deb No.1606735


You think I haven't pulled up maps?

Arrogant prick.

You don't have relatives who have to be evacuated.

Yes, nobody else on the island cares. what else is new? Nobody in NYC evacuated for Sandy either. And it ended up not being a hurricane.

If you don't watch MSM you should then progress to getting your head out of the sand and out of your butt. And actually using logic and your noggin. I don't suppose you have studied geology nor history, have you?

You certainly seem arrogance plus ignorance. They go together.

It's not an LOL either, fucker.

Yes, it's fear porn on TV. . That doesn't mean there aren't people suffering and that the situation isn't dangerous.

Know it all. Fuck off.

733369 No.1606736


And at this point, Q is a bonus to us. Look at what has been accomplished; Media follows POTUS Tweets ( and Twitter as a whole).

We have set in motion the greatest offline archive in history, second only in influence to the Library of Alexandria. Italy has a Populist reformation happening. Germans, Canadians, Brits, Polish, and many other nations are set to see independence from Soros' Corruption.

8bfcad No.1606737



>>>1604685 Alefantis-Silsby-CIA Connection Summarized

>>>1604453 Former Clinton Foundation head Donna Shalala is back in Miami and at UM

>>>1604434 Golden Dawn Dig

>>>1604873 Tech Titans Tiptoe Towards Monopoly

Looks like 2018 wasn't very 'GLORIOUS' bread wise that is. KEK!

672e64 No.1606738

File: 2d9aac441249eae⋯.png (316.05 KB, 567x445, 567:445, 1513202981991.png)


Meeting up in the astral realm would be dope as fuck, but most don't know how to connect, or are unwilling to, kek.

a15f46 No.1606739


They probably ate the flesh or made the slaves eat it in a ritual .. thats why i suspect they cut the flesh out

b53628 No.1606740

File: b1b9165b0ca2c80⋯.jpg (33.69 KB, 648x583, 648:583, hfxx5656ma111.jpg)

7a7d79 No.1606741

File: 430547d1158e3ff⋯.jpg (72.03 KB, 745x500, 149:100, 2bf5if.jpg)

e0d4e7 No.1606742

File: 42be9fb2c11ccf1⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 2904x2265, 968:755, National_Security_Agency_h….jpg)


Wrong Ft.

bf18d6 No.1606743

File: 8897db147169a1d⋯.png (121.52 KB, 792x674, 396:337, ClipboardImage.png)


Check out page 77


b262b6 No.1606744

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

America's Marines Singing "Days of Elijah"


f1aacb No.1606745


fuck off, now im done talking to u

u r braindead and should immediately go back

733369 No.1606746


Old-School Kek!

f1aacb No.1606747

88fe7f No.1606748


Add the ones THAT HAD TICKETS & BACKED OUT THEY KNEW. I not sure but you have it I know!!! Great RED PILL! $$$$

e0d4e7 No.1606751


June 11th Sir it all starts. Can't wait.

f1aacb No.1606752


beautiful bout spit me coffee out

495f3b No.1606753

Remember lads…..all this speculation about TG, keep in mind that Q said the last BOOM would be MAGICAL

a15f46 No.1606754


I think our job in the phase leading up the the house cleaning was to cause a giant mess of things and have them scrambling in all directions. We all jump around topics like crazy. Q will not return until they have a message or for us to cause more chaos… whenever that may be

5a115d No.1606756


thanks, just got back in and wanted to be sure dayanons had eyes on this… nothing new there, just linking posts.

(also, added reason, no reason to complain nothing's happening when there's a wild dig like dis goin on…)

0f8072 No.1606757


whoa thats a weird combo of things to happen on the same day

733369 No.1606758


When my A.D.D. isn't acting up, i'll create a copy pasta of accomplishments for concernfags and to motivate the boards further.

8bfcad No.1606759


The last boom will be us KNOWING we are free…that's your MAGICAL moment.

965a47 No.1606760

File: 67768d06ae7db07⋯.jpg (82.37 KB, 671x501, 671:501, babilonian-gate-in-hollywo….jpg)

File: c92e9f81b10486d⋯.jpg (153.25 KB, 1920x1056, 20:11, Semiramis-Babylon-Columbia….jpg)

File: 975f09d88b1b6eb⋯.jpg (43.15 KB, 363x400, 363:400, Names-of-Nimrod.jpg)

File: 2a44bcd45125fbe⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 400x335, 80:67, Names-of-Semiramus.jpg)

Nimrod, King of Babylon over the Babylon Gate at the Kodak Theater where Oscar Awards are held.

Semiramis, Nimrod's wife, as the Columbia Pictures logo.

Over time these two had many names and are the root of all evil worship to this day.

e0d4e7 No.1606761


All for a LARP, right?

Just imagine what is about to drop on here, and why the need to upgrade for traffic.

It's about to get good Anon's.

14dfb4 No.1606762


Fake and gay. Shills shitting bricks.

f5dec3 No.1606763


It means CIAniggardry is still plumbing the depths of human depravity.

f8c34b No.1606764


Let's pretend that Q is our drill sergeant and/or squad leader…

If this was our third day of boot camp and he left us alone for a week, it would be the ultimate cluster fuck.

However, that is NOT the case here.

We have been groomed into divisions, we have focused leaders, we have cheerleaders, we have specific experts, we back everything up (and archive offline), we are building maps, etc.

In short, my fellow faggots, Q built a stand-alone army that has become pretty well self-sufficient!

Ignore the shills and traitors. It's just white noise to those of us that have been here a long time.

Help out the NUGs (new ugly guys) / newfags. They're just raw recruits that need some encouragement and guidance.

FFS, you never know what kind of genius, autism and/or experience/expertise a newfag just might bring to the table.

Beer at the parade, muh bitches!

b6cb5c No.1606765

File: 7bdf02638a2e7a4⋯.jpg (80.53 KB, 700x585, 140:117, oscars.jpg)

>>1606493 (previous)

>'The incompetent Drumpf & his Mr Magoo AG'.

Modifications by Anon request

b53628 No.1606766

File: 3821fccebe06416⋯.jpg (95.68 KB, 600x870, 20:29, wkmbu1rt1d111.jpg)


Come on now Anon. Don't be posting FAKEs

94add5 No.1606767


Also a good opportunity to spot fake Qs and disinfofaggots.

6d135a No.1606768


Sure…Alf returns as a trans-sexual, muslim convert with adopted black kids

cd7793 No.1606769

File: 8da122ce7fb394b⋯.jpg (71.42 KB, 856x500, 214:125, 13vjhh.jpg)

File: 8c20a999ad298c9⋯.jpg (79.03 KB, 900x494, 450:247, orange day.jpg)

File: 862cbe369b75752⋯.png (192.97 KB, 590x646, 295:323, Wear Orange Day.png)

I guess today is #WearOrange day. I think Anon's can have some FUN with this and get some meme's going on killary.

f8c34b No.1606770

File: 53a742b0ab0b9c2⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1294x947, 1294:947, Fake_N_Gay.jpg)

ccb165 No.1606771

File: 521932db6312dce⋯.png (335 KB, 641x658, 641:658, 060118a.png)

how much y'all wanna bet this asshole is the clown asset??

b12e92 No.1606772

File: 1af8c78823a5d6b⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 2857x1912, 2857:1912, comfort.jpg)


morning BO

question please

how many visitors does qreasearch get a day?

very curious

thanks in advance

e90fef No.1606773





looking at your older posts - regarding the wikileaks files stored on blockchain. have you had success?

I know the keys are there.

cd7793 No.1606774

File: 4cb4d8475a982aa⋯.jpg (187.69 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, 4cb.jpg)

File: 67141b7aa1b521c⋯.jpg (80.74 KB, 1024x557, 1024:557, hillary-clinton-orange2.jpg)

File: 5c25e573b3a6c55⋯.jpg (31.63 KB, 540x400, 27:20, hillary-clinton-orange.jpg)

e52a45 No.1606775


Alf is an ape, and therefore a racist Trump supporter

5e592a No.1606776


Whats the matter? Are you getting nervous about what Q's been up to????

672e64 No.1606777


Be mindful that it says "on June 2 and June 9." So it's not the entire week that will expect outages, just those two days supposedly; regardless, there should be a bunker location in place, in case of significant news dropping, or if Q needs to post.. 4/bant/ is a shithole, maybe they won't mind?

a15f46 No.1606778


Yeah.. some anons and their keyboard weapons are as merciless as (((them))) when it comes to watching over the boards lololo

b53628 No.1606779

File: eb2600dca9fbe28⋯.jpg (56.85 KB, 600x395, 120:79, favorite_families_alf.jpg)


You got that right, look at all that


b12e92 No.1606780

File: 95b1a5f99a11989⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 3090x2181, 1030:727, YouGotThatOutOfThat.jpg)

8c71da No.1606781


don't make me ctrl - alt - delete your ass.

0e86aa No.1606782


they do need a better news anchor

f8c34b No.1606783

Don't read too much into this, but on Hannity last night, he held up a small stack of papers, looked right into the camera and said something to the effect of, "I know more than I'm allowed to say. I have it right here in my hand, but can't share this with you until tomorrow."

Just guessing it's a small fraction of the IG report.

6d135a No.1606784


Ms. Alfhomed Strawberry III

e9fd2a No.1606785

File: 69cfda9f6a03032⋯.png (49.62 KB, 667x310, 667:310, IG-treas.png)

New OIG report about TREAS: Semiannual Report to Congress, October 1, 2017 - March 31, 2018, Office of Inspector General, Department of the Treasury



0f8072 No.1606786

File: 3287a466ee22b3a⋯.jpg (55.77 KB, 1070x539, 1070:539, r7zvl8iked111.jpg)

whats going on with this ? new italy governement tried to ban masons. old leaders refuse to let them

eef759 No.1606787


You tell me. It's a complicated dig and requires technical understanding of bitcoin/programming. Wikileaks went out of their way to ensure proof of publication was immutable and provable.

0e86aa No.1606788

and these are

9349f5 No.1606789


>OIG Report released today?

Yep. And free beer tomorrow.

3e7410 No.1606791

File: 29ecb5dcbdeb040⋯.png (3.09 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 29ecb5dcbdeb040c52d033130f….png)





b12e92 No.1606792

File: e8f8e4dac6dbf35⋯.jpg (195.23 KB, 794x444, 397:222, fbi.jpg)

5d1fcd No.1606793


You must be a communist. This research board doesn't need Q. Q needs this research board. We take our lead from Trump's comments, and patriot comments.

Wrongs that need to be made right, or information that is being hidden by crooked politicians, governments, businesses, agency's, news outlet's, etc. etc.


a15f46 No.1606794


I cant wait for the phase when the real dirt is dropped… and MSM is lying through their ass and scrambling.. and we are the ones disseminating the info to the masses… gonna be glorious

ff4543 No.1606795


An interesting angle.

Have you kept up with what is going on full /pol/?

CM turned board over to new owner because old one imkampfy had gone ban crazy.

I have been watching and was intitially opposedbecause it has opened up to halfchan like shilling but…

What if it was done in prep for future?

/pol/ is in top 3 of most visible boards on 8ch and needs to be available…free(ish) speech rather than AB, death to dissenters.

6d135a No.1606796


They MUST be racist xenophobes

ABC will have to fix that

e52a45 No.1606797





8bfcad No.1606798


Time for the Italian people to take up arms, then.

9d790a No.1606799

Could be a busy day today Anons

Allot of activity on the news as we go into the weekend

94add5 No.1606800

File: 7b3198aeb079347⋯.jpg (125.82 KB, 840x420, 2:1, IMG_3062.JPG)

0e86aa No.1606801


the best part of the show is to watch the MSM response, quite a show

95a287 No.1606802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1b15df No.1606803


must you post this every bread? third time i've seen it. do your thoughts evolve?

read between the lines, kids. helpful concernfagging shill telling you to "wean" and "grow up".

e9fd2a No.1606804


I saw that too – I think it might be the secret McCabe memo.


8c71da No.1606805



0f8072 No.1606806




dont think they have enough. eu nutjobs would come kill them anyways

5e592a No.1606807


Hey now, don't be racist

625c73 No.1606808

John Solomon dropping today?

82b283 No.1606809

File: db2bb203ef7e649⋯.jpg (288.97 KB, 1024x754, 512:377, watcherswho5042018124352.jpg)


Digits confirm

This is a fucked up day in history.

72b1cc No.1606810

if you all are posting to an old bread,

can you please be kind to others, and let them know?


f8c34b No.1606811

Had this idea for quite sometime…

Want to start a "March Madness" bracket challenge, but instead of college basketball teams, we organize key players that have come to light during the past 18 months.

Comey, RR, RM, TG, etc.

We then try to guess if each one will eventually prove to be a white or black hat.

Everyone throw in a c-note and the one with the most matches buys ALL the beer at the parade. How much fun would that be?

7a7d79 No.1606812

File: 632f5876be81ccf⋯.jpg (44.08 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2bf72k.jpg)

The mainstream media pissed me off badly. Therefore, I will meme my ass off. They might suck but I dont care. When I cool, I'll go back to lurk. Godspeed Anons

f1aacb No.1606813


i sure hope there is alot of top masons in them sealed indictments

maybe it will wake up the lower blue lodges and free them

2ccb17 No.1606814

>>1606071 (all from bread #2020)










Civility and kindness will do far more to smooth relationships and help normies get up to speed than snarkiness or superiority or rudeness ever will. Ditto porn. I'm all for free speech and I understand the 8chan culture but we need to redpill people, not repel them.

ff4543 No.1606815


Alf eats cats.

Still, ABC could bring back Alf, Family Matters, and step by step.

Only two of them have lurking sex abuse accusations.


792530 No.1606816


Yes, ROCKERFELLERS were one of them. Doing the Roths bidding.

b12e92 No.1606817

File: e8d551230f79442⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 2485x2862, 2485:2862, SummerTerminator1.jpg)

File: 9d9e4b0b5b981ad⋯.jpg (164.85 KB, 1420x1175, 284:235, you.jpg)

e728eb No.1606818

File: 8d8240ebb5c7db9⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 11710x3290, 1171:329, merged.jpg)


Last post compressed the hell out of the jpg as it was so long. Like I said earlier, very interesting read especially compared to the shit I read hours after midnight.

3cce44 No.1606819

File: 809b5c205f3d7dc⋯.jpeg (134.28 KB, 1020x796, 255:199, 1527863879.jpeg)


Good point

3e7410 No.1606820

File: 1a860d3a2de63c4⋯.png (369.78 KB, 1280x904, 160:113, 1a860d3a2de63c4a16a40dab9c….png)




920d74 No.1606821


Archive everything offline

b53628 No.1606822

File: bdc5e836221bd88⋯.jpg (30.15 KB, 628x314, 2:1, n-ALF-628x314.jpg)


New ALF Series

ALF has a relationship with underage Lynn Tanner after they convert to Muslim

Have a litter of 12 kids and murder the rest of the family for Allah because they won't convert.

ff4543 No.1606823





This would be helpful.

I am usually on tablet which doesn’t allow “hover”.

Spend a ton of time and frustration flipping between breads.

44292c No.1606824

File: 149b0d04dbc7726⋯.jpg (120.56 KB, 910x512, 455:256, RedpillForYou.jpg)

File: 00ebd9fe1fe4b8b⋯.jpg (123.63 KB, 910x512, 455:256, RedpillEnough.jpg)

File: 4631539c6220d93⋯.jpeg (79.98 KB, 512x512, 1:1, NewfagHottub.jpeg)

495f3b No.1606825


No outside comms dumbass

f8c34b No.1606826


I know I've posted this several times before, but I'm hoping you can share it with BV's and Bakers, too. From my heart, thank you for all you've done for us undeserving fucktards! Love you (no homo), Patriot.

This is WAY past due (by me).

Been here since the first week of November and average 7-10 hours/day.

WifeAnon and I wish to send a sincere, heartfelt thank you to the Board Owner, Code Monkey(s?), Board Volunteers and the myriad of Blessed Bakers; all of you who have so unselfishly given of your time and talents, put up with shills and bullshit and have done so for free and anonymously.

We get it and we love you more than you'll ever know.

WifeAnon and I both hope that once we all get to the "other side" that we all will be able to post with real names and form new–and lasting–friendships.

May God deeply bless all of you and your friends and families.

Beer at the parade, muh bitches!

5a115d No.1606827



very intredasting postings indeed, thanks BO & dadeSKY anon

hope to see this fire continue to burn/spread today… >>1606714

3e7410 No.1606828


suck my dick faggot

b12e92 No.1606829

File: 676c232856c7430⋯.png (180.34 KB, 263x308, 263:308, ClipboardImage.png)


they believe in evolution

she came from apes

how is that racist?

70f232 No.1606830


Thx. I'm expecting lots of Chatter this weekend and a Guest appearance by Q with. MOAB crumb

2f4496 No.1606831

>>1606474 (prev)

I comprehend what your saying



Legalese eg: say you get arrested they read

you your right and ask if you understand your

right. You say yes and think nothing of it. and unknowingly you gave up/surrendered your

authority.Because to Understand means to stand under the authority someone else.

Now the above all depends on the state of

your being and what Court of Law you'll be in

It can get confusing at times first starting off.

Admiralty/Maritime Law

Common Law

Law Of The Land

Rule Of Law

Color Of Law

Cestui Que Vie Act 1666



Redemption manual 4.5


Once you Know the fraud that has been committed and how it was don ,only then can you correct the wrong and prevent it from being commuted in the future


3cce44 No.1606832

File: 341b94a089ef59c⋯.jpeg (101.01 KB, 1440x577, 1440:577, 1524526842.jpeg)

1b15df No.1606833


very similar to the "trust me i was in the military" concernfag. Has both a "we" and a "you must". Be gone.

495f3b No.1606834


LMAO. ….that all you got???

7a7d79 No.1606835

File: e29b3078b4a4a4a⋯.jpg (25.83 KB, 618x340, 309:170, 29p86v.jpg)

1b1fe7 No.1606836

CEO of Samsonite steps down


cb3151 No.1606837


lol, truth

ff4543 No.1606838


Geeljire May be /ourguy/ but he is

A. Not Q

B. Often a massive prick

C. Always a lightening rod which brings down accusation of conspiracy and trump bashing

b12e92 No.1606839

File: 308643d18bf3d7f⋯.jpg (740.72 KB, 2760x1878, 460:313, hoggs.jpg)

5956f6 No.1606840



This a good BO character witness for DadeSkyAnon in case shills start claiming the dig is comped or some other retarded thing.

DadeSkyAnon is also 100% on point with the idea behind the Christian Trinity as ideals, personification, and actualization.

I suspect he's a Jordan Peterson fan, if not the man himself.

I'll say nothing else on the topic; back to silence.

40d4fd No.1606841

File: da0a99b5bbf97af⋯.png (624.33 KB, 673x379, 673:379, hillbag-prison-bar.png)

6d135a No.1606842


with special guest appearances by Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and Sadiq Khan

50f7e8 No.1606843

File: 1d405df902e152d⋯.png (651.92 KB, 857x344, 857:344, You.PNG)


>This research board doesn't need Q. Q needs this research board.

Have one on me.

84b537 No.1606844


Why is the post you are responding to deleted?

b12e92 No.1606845

File: 0db0fd2df5e9cb6⋯.jpg (130.5 KB, 1658x912, 829:456, HeKnowsEverything.jpg)

0d4dc8 No.1606846


He said on Hannity it would be this morning. Not on TheHill.com yet. Must be waiting for markets to close today. Hannity + Solomon today.

615359 No.1606847



You're seeing who really runs the world down there.

a39c95 No.1606848





Didn't include Netherworld Order post from last thread in notables.

I'm sick and tired of making very important posts that don't get included in notables.

Baker is either not fit for the job or malicious.

Recommend forcing new baker immediately.





1b0d30 No.1606849

File: 6dbb55d4e575859⋯.png (195.47 KB, 583x609, 583:609, FISRNoAtt.png)

Anons, not sure if anyone has posted on this recently/yet. I have been checking in on the panda site (https:// sethrich.azurewebsites.net/) that went up right after Q became active to see if it has been updated. Until recently, this site only showed a counter with the elapsed time since it went live. When loading today however, the countdown is an actual countdown, and is showing less than 9 days remaining. Something big on the horizon folks…..

MAGA Folks.. Games are afoot…..

1b15df No.1606850


This one almost seems innocuous. Double spaced to slide the bread more.

"groomed into divisions"

"those of us who have been here a long time"

and the telltale

"beer at the parade"

01bb41 No.1606851


Agreed! Also, I haven’t been able to be around much the last few days, but it seems that the longer Q is away, the more this board is getting back on track. The work/Research is starting to shine through the divisive shill tactics. Keep up the good work, Anons!

cd2deb No.1606852



So is the forged [per POTUS] memo the gangs attempt to frame Horowitz. Wow if they take down H. they can claim they were framed.. Funny. Maybe they will try that?

ff4543 No.1606853


Excellent work on compression.

Most people would not be able to maintain legibility at that level.

Not sure why that is or how you did it (don’t really care).


You are a master.

f1aacb No.1606854

File: 9637c1f260b78dc⋯.jpg (384.02 KB, 2760x1878, 460:313, dude - Copy.jpg)

615359 No.1606855


I'm sick and tired of Anons thinking every post is SUPER OMG IMPORTANT BECAUSE I POSTED IT.

Post it in new bread, and stfu.

5d1fcd No.1606856

File: 3d68c1120b0b320⋯.png (701.83 KB, 800x550, 16:11, ClipboardImage.png)

US allies to fight Trump’s tariffs plan, warn of trade war

EXCERPT: Trump’s move makes good on a his campaign promise to crack down on trading partners that he claims exploit poorly negotiated trade agreements to run up big trade surpluses with the United States. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross says the tariffs — 25 percent on imported steel, 10 percent on aluminum from Canada, Mexico and the European Union — take effect Friday.

The import duties threaten to drive up prices for American consumers and companies and are likely to heighten uncertainty for businesses and investors around the globe. Stock prices slumped amid fears of a trade war, with the Dow Jones industrial average falling nearly 252 points, or 1 percent, to 24,415.84.

Mexico complained that the tariffs will “distort international trade” and said it will penalize U.S. imports including pork, apples, grapes, cheeses and flat steel.

In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Thursday that the tariffs were “totally unacceptable.” Canada announced plans to slap tariffs on $12.8 billion worth of U.S. products, ranging from steel to yogurt and toilet paper.

READ MORE: https:// www.apnews.com/0b29e9f06ca5474b909ac36e1ad610eb/US-allies-to-fight-Trump's-tariffs-plan,-warn-of-trade-war

40f0b4 No.1606857


Fake news of course.

Real levels 3x that.

CNN under control now.

Ted switched.

Positive figures for POTUS help midterms.

Dems finished.

f8c34b No.1606859


There are only a handful of "success laws" that apply in business as well as personal development.

So, yes, I do occasionally re-post the same things. My assumption is that there are many newfags here and (you proved me wrong) that oldfags would simply scroll past.

Learn to discern the difference between posts that could help other people and posts that are written and/or designed to create diversion or division.

And with that, dear sir or madam, I kindly invite you to go fuck yourself.

57e76e No.1606860


It wasn't notable. Any Speculating about what N, P, or C means is FAKE and GAY.

When Q wants us to know what they mean he will reveal it. Endless speculation of this is a SLIDE and not notable.


b1502a No.1606861

File: 89ebfe53356594e⋯.png (181.98 KB, 366x256, 183:128, ClipboardImage.png)

George Soros Pulls Out of San Diego’s District Attorney Race

Soros cancels all media in support of far-left candidate Geneviéve Jones-Wright

A political action committee launched and bankrolled by liberal billionaire George Soros is pulling out of San Diego's district attorney race.

The California Justice & Public Safety PAC, which was established by Soros to support Geneviéve Jones-Wright, a far-left public defender, recently pulled an advertisement depicting District Attorney Summer Stephan as having a backlog of rape kits that needed to be tested. The ad came under fire for being false and misleading.

Now, the PAC is leaving the race entirely. Soros's PAC has cancelled all future advertisements in support of Jones-Wright, according to television station managers in the region.

Soros has spent hundreds of thousands on television advertisements, digital advertisements, and campaign literature and mailings in support of Jones-Wright after initially depositing $1.5 million into the California Justice & Public Safety PAC, the Washington Free Beacon previously reported.

Jones-Wright appeared at a secretive gathering held by the Democracy Alliance, a dark money donor network that was co-founded by Soros, last November to sit on a panel discussion on ramping up funding in district attorney races during the 2018 election cycle.

Jones-Wright, who told the Free Beacon in early May that she was "thrilled" to have the support of Soros, now has been dealt a major blow with the withdrawal of all upcoming media spots.

Other progressive groups such as the Real Justice PAC, which was cofounded by Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King and former staffers to Bernie Sanders's 2016 presidential campaign, have also thrown support behind Jones-Wright.

Jones-Wright's campaign did not return a request for comment by press time.

Soros, who has been quietly funding district attorney races across the country in recent years, normally sees his preferred candidate win the race. He has previously funded progressive district attorney candidates in Florida, Illinois, Mississippi, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Texas, and New Mexico, among other states.

The San Diego County district attorney election will take place on June 5.

http:// freebeacon.com/politics/george-soros-pulls-san-diegos-district-attorney-race/

a7e5a0 No.1606862


Trey is "Playin' the Role" he was assigned

and playing it very well.

In battle, there are not more than two methods of attack–the direct and the indirect; yet these two in combination give rise to an endless series of maneuvers.

The direct and the indirect lead on to each other in turn. It is like moving in a circle–you never come to an end. Who can exhaust the possibilities of their combination?

Sun Tzu

0d4dc8 No.1606863


Did any other anon think post was notable or did you recommend it.

Plz stop bashing Bakers who give a lot to keeping Anon community working.

71aa62 No.1606864

File: 64afb8a6e02de2a⋯.jpg (211.59 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, Q is coming 01.jpg)

File: d41249d0e834cf9⋯.jpg (187.97 KB, 1024x707, 1024:707, Q is coming 02.jpg)

File: 41b3e205d0bcc8d⋯.jpg (177.83 KB, 1024x645, 1024:645, Q is coming 03.jpg)

5a115d No.1606865


pandaclock back to countdownnnn allright.

hey what day/midnight was the original pandaclorgasm?

a39c95 No.1606866








71aa62 No.1606867

File: 24c2e6bf5dfc05e⋯.jpg (188.04 KB, 1024x618, 512:309, Q is coming 04.jpg)

File: 5bff178ef668a88⋯.jpg (155.6 KB, 1024x658, 512:329, Q is coming 05.jpg)

File: 0078bae7f492e36⋯.jpg (152.02 KB, 1024x817, 1024:817, Q is coming 06.jpg)

7a7d79 No.1606868

File: d597609e95984f7⋯.jpg (42.31 KB, 640x344, 80:43, 2ah1gb.jpg)

5a115d No.1606869


if you had a point, all that redtext and compdfagging ruins it. see >>1606855

f8c34b No.1606870


Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't POTUS fire head of F_I for ANY reason whatsoever (without justifying the decision to anyone)?

615359 No.1606871


All 3 of us just said the same thing regarding you.


eef759 No.1606872


Big fan of JP. Made a lot click in my head.

Not him.

1b0d30 No.1606873


Not sure on that part. Has always been a counter showing how long the sites been live, until today as far as I can tell… not sure if anyone noticed this getting reset earlier than this though, so could be yesterday or earlier the switch was made….

ff4543 No.1606874


>Sun Tzu

I see that

5d1fcd No.1606875

File: 200a8df1d519fd1⋯.png (538.61 KB, 800x536, 100:67, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump: Why isn’t Samantha Bee fired for ‘horrible language’?

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump, who once bragged that his celebrity status gave him a pass to grab women’s crotches, asked Friday why comedian Samantha Bee wasn’t fired for using a vulgar, sexist term to describe his daughter.

Trump tweeted that it was a “total double standard” that TBS hadn’t canceled Bee’s show, “Full Frontal” after the comedian said Ivanka Trump was a “feckless c—” on immigration.

The president appeared to be referring to ABC’s decision to cancel Roseanne Barr’s show, a favorite among conservatives, after Barr jokingly compared a former White House aide in the Obama administration who is African-American to an ape.

“Why aren’t they firing no talent Samantha Bee for the horrible language used on her low ratings show?” he tweeted early Friday. “A total double standard but that’s O.K., we are Winning, and will be doing so for a long time to come!”

READ MORE: https:// www.apnews.com/7cdda122a5fd43dd82f2fffe0ca21f37/Trump-blasts-Samantha-Bee's-'horrible-language'-about-Ivanka

a7e5a0 No.1606876

File: d4022a5d19f725d⋯.jpg (78.43 KB, 889x521, 889:521, slide_range_4.JPG)


slides are fun

bf18d6 No.1606877


Hello! Hundreds of criminal referrals already by the IOG

44292c No.1606878

File: a242ccd9c318b83⋯.jpg (156.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, RedPill.jpg)

e1c86b No.1606879


>I'm sick and tired of making very important posts that don't get included in notables.


8c71da No.1606880


oh panda clock… how i have missed you so!

(still laughing at myself for watching that countdown)

c05a0a No.1606881



5a115d No.1606882


ok, but was just wondering what night the pandaclock popped up -was mentioned last night and i went looking for caps i'd saved and didn't find them wby filenames (i'm thinking January? or sometime around superbowl? not sure at all)

8c71da No.1606883


don't take it personal… i'd ignore you in real life too.

f1aacb No.1606884


lol that was fun to watch

e52a45 No.1606885

Winning: "Trump Has Cut Federal Payroll by 24,000 Jobs"

cabal going homeless

d29f10 No.1606886


Those were peak hype days lmao We had no idea the ride we were just getting into

f8c34b No.1606887


Gotta admit, they are doing a masterful job at exposing the blatant hypocrisy of the libtards, MSM and the corresponding TV stations.

493640 No.1606888


N= Nope, Nah, No, NOT Notable.

40d2c5 No.1606889


Good thing there's a starbucks on every corner

77fb01 No.1606890


ca65d8 No.1606891


For someone who tells us it's not about Dems vs Republicans you really seem to favor R. Also way to leave the board for more than a week as the movement loses momentum 👍 trying to trust the plan but you seem like you're full of shit.

51d486 No.1606892

While doing some looking into the Delong file of that wikileaks email after looking at Jack the Ripper, I came to a horrific conclusion…

Judith Barsi was likely a victim of a "Jack The Ripper" op, in addition to Pedowood. Given crooked LA P.D/coroner, the way the bodies were found (Judith on top) and the sadistic method of torching the body (along with the murder suicide official story), we have a perfect match for such an op.

I belive I know why too. Her heart/soul was likely too pure for sexual abuse related programming that happens in pedowood. If my deduction is correct, then I know who ordered the op….Steven Spielberg.

The details of the Barsi and O'Rourke cases keep getting worse the more my investigation continues. Right now I'm struggling to hold back tears of rage.

72b1cc No.1606893


fuck off child

f119f4 No.1606894


Auditions for gorilla channel. Fails - orangutan

f1aacb No.1606896


u like meta data

493640 No.1606897


Fake Q idiot.

1c027f No.1606898

File: 1ddaf42c10c435e⋯.png (236.55 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Qclock1.png)

File: 04044c7dfd50b70⋯.png (585.35 KB, 1052x800, 263:200, Qclock6-1.png)

>>1606651 reposting from last bread

Pulled together associated Qclock graphic and posts from 2/1 and 4/2 that correspond with today's 6/1 date. Some interesting connections including POTUS going to Camp David (safe), Roseanne, NK letter coming today, Huber, etc.

8bfcad No.1606899


Sounds like a self-righteous cunt.

72b1cc No.1606900


a new pac to be started soon.

5a115d No.1606902




hey >>1606882 one of ye must know, what night was that? i member the board going crazy over it (or at least havin fun), but can't find what day it was exactly

fee08c No.1606903

Stupid question

*wut does covfefe mean??*

1b0d30 No.1606904


Based on some quick calcs (based on my current local, with an EST timestamp, 10:53am EST, 06/01/2018), this would put us around 6/11/2018 @ 8:00am EST … been seeing lots of info indicating something big on 06/11, which, does happen to fall 5 months exactly before 11/11/18….

Dim x as DateTime =DateTime.Now.AddDays(9).AddHours(21).AddMinutes(07)

Console.WriteLine (x.ToString())

bf18d6 No.1606905

File: d14b08257bbce89⋯.png (392.87 KB, 555x540, 37:36, ClipboardImage.png)

meme away

08b648 No.1606906


here's a solution. get rid of them altogether so fucking crybabies like you can't throw tantrums cuz muh post didn't make the cut. fuck off

93a8f6 No.1606907

File: 77ac2c3889cbdcc⋯.jpg (71.84 KB, 634x497, 634:497, 273D0B2200000578-3032442-i….jpg)


Cheers Mate!

The minions are going down

Now they'll have to find a real job

50ffd4 No.1606908

Am I correct that the Planetof the Apes franchise has ALWAYS been a veiled red pill? (the “apes” represent niggers/third world detritus).

40d4fd No.1606909

File: 1583f91abb9ace2⋯.png (496.31 KB, 914x618, 457:309, hoggwash-clown-recruit.png)

77fb01 No.1606910


I like whiskey, ET girls and a free world!

7a7d79 No.1606911

File: 3ebdc040922cbac⋯.jpg (12.27 KB, 357x141, 119:47, 904af672bde1ea65c536fa3daf….jpg)

d29f10 No.1606912


No idea mate sorry. Feels like it was years ago now with all thats happened/didnt happen.

55fd9b No.1606913

@PlaneFags Anyone watching TRN Torino over the next week? I would be VERY interesting to create a database of non-commercial planes heading to Bilderberg on the 7th. I would assume attendees would arrive on the 6th and security details pre-emptively.

a7e5a0 No.1606915

File: 5df3076555ee4a3⋯.png (404.54 KB, 551x682, 551:682, d3af1fc00b1dafd51306d28c68….png)



f1aacb No.1606916


gave up the whiskey

love a free world

love woman

e9fd2a No.1606917

File: 02fd3ce6b3400b7⋯.png (497.94 KB, 676x930, 338:465, martha.png)

screw Martha Stewart


1b0d30 No.1606918


Yeah that sounds about around when i first saw it,. Wonder if we would be able to tell by using internetwayback or something like that….

235784 No.1606919


Another yesterday…SPAIN.

Soon to be NEW President, Pedro Sanchez and shared leadreship, all recieved funding from Soros's foundations.

See last nights notables.

c05a0a No.1606920

Thread by @_ImperatorRex_: "1. HEADS UP. BOMBSHELL TIME. IMO, Horowitz FBI/DOJ investigation has already issued 30+ indictments & at least 150+ criminal referrals, […]" #MAGA


9e091c No.1606922

File: d1c9ead11a5f3fb⋯.jpg (446.22 KB, 1937x961, 1937:961, map_haiti.jpg)


>d'Adesky diG

wow, this is some great digging. kudos to anons.

this will be added to the map

493640 No.1606923


The Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement (COVFEFE) Act, which has the same acronym as an infamous Trump Twitter typo last month, would amend the Presidential Records Act to include "social media."

8bfcad No.1606924


He'll do it, just to show the world he's fair and balanced…even though the MSMs will still bash the shit out of him for doing it.

cd7793 No.1606925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

57e76e No.1606926


Thread posted last bread, please stop…

5a115d No.1606927


oh, then maybe just searching our archives, first instances of pandaclock should do it…

f1aacb No.1606928


special place for soros

wish theyd hurry up and put him there

a15f46 No.1606929


Sounds like your goal was to get a "notable post" and it wasnt about the research. You have ulterior motives. You remind me of Muh Book Corsi

a87a9c No.1606930

President Donald J. Trump Proclaims June 2018 as African-American Music Appreciation Month

Issued on: June 1, 2018


1b15df No.1606932

Right. Double spacing. The FY profanity uncalled for. Shill revealed, shill narrative revealed. Give up.

70ffc2 No.1606933

File: 84e8f5a9e05e6a9⋯.jpg (260 KB, 1080x830, 108:83, Screenshot_20180601-075852….jpg)

a7e5a0 No.1606934



typical butt-hurt socialist retort

3cce44 No.1606935

File: 108e344ffccf5e4⋯.jpg (35.46 KB, 450x466, 225:233, morris-albert-feelings.jpg)

be3c5c No.1606936

File: 311876e6adca9ef⋯.png (955.74 KB, 1248x832, 3:2, trianglepatch.png)

Coke and Pepsi superbowl – some kind of hidden meaning

57e76e No.1606937


Law was proposed AFTER Trump's Tweet, as a backronym.

40f0b4 No.1606938


The Dems attacking POTUS now.

We play no favorites.

Many on right are resigning too.

Why are Dems slow walking nominations?

Expand your thinking.

5a115d No.1606939


yasss, great that you found it! you'll have much to add…

it's a bit all over the place, but a lot there (also the Crowley company link, not seeing a post for that one)

6293ac No.1606940


(((They))) always tell us what they are doing

Tacit approval

fee08c No.1606941

File: 9f4569fffafa5c1⋯.jpg (47.7 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 9248f079c5af7513d2d1f6c5f8….jpg)


Thanks the internet was def not giving me that answer

b12e92 No.1606942

File: ddcf36ea04aac4c⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 2195x1317, 5:3, GumbyPepeBoom.jpg)

40d4fd No.1606943


Wb fake and gay Q

6bbbfc No.1606944

Ruling Elite’s Pedophile Bloodlust for Children: From Antiquity to Today


c05a0a No.1606945


POTUS Knew it was coming. Per Q POTUS has it all

e9fd2a No.1606946

File: da823070769b744⋯.png (63.6 KB, 673x380, 673:380, change-uscg.png)

File: dcbfb2b82345b9b⋯.png (42.03 KB, 678x411, 226:137, change-uscg-live.png)

POTUS live ceremony - 11 am EST



The Change of Command ceremony will take place Friday

June 1st, 2018; 11 AM, at U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

f8c34b No.1606947

File: 082e94b068467dd⋯.jpg (526.23 KB, 824x804, 206:201, bee_n_liddle.jpg)


Happy to oblige.

6bbbfc No.1606948


Guess (((who))) features HEAVILY?

bb7876 No.1606949

File: 84b176290d75d8c⋯.jpg (265.68 KB, 522x522, 1:1, boxcutters.jpg)

8bfcad No.1606950

40f0b4 GTFO!

70e5c3 No.1606951


you mean your fake ass, gay fucking theory???

e52a45 No.1606952

File: 1133ba7cf3d17a0⋯.jpg (28.9 KB, 612x612, 1:1, Idiots[1].jpg)


"Liberals are like Christmas lights – They all hang together, half of them don't work, and the ones that do aren't very bright."

d86db0 No.1606953

File: 34edc72364d1950⋯.jpg (289.23 KB, 836x909, 836:909, INDEPENDENT THOUGHT.jpg)





As a big fan of G. Edward Griffin's ideas on Individualism versus Collectivism, I can certainly understand how some liberty minded anons here may feel a little uneasy about how Q's statements promoting UNITY, Patriotism, and Nationalism. After all, all of these terms are "collectivist" in nature because they imply group conformity around a central idea. But let me provide you with some food for thought to see if we can come together for some dialogue on this subject.

Like the age old debate in psychology and biology over the role of Nature (genes) vs Nurture (environment), we know that in the real world, the life of an organism reflects a combination of BOTH forces at work and never only involves just one or the other. And when thinking about wave/particle duality in Physics, when can conceptualize an electron as a discrete "particle", but also as part of a wave function where it can affect the movement of other electrons in an interference pattern.

So my own thinking about collectivism has evolved in recent years to where I now believe that UNITY is actually desirable and necessary so long as groups are allowed to nucleate and extinguish themselves from the level of the individual (bottom up) as opposed to being artificially created and maintained from a centralized authority (top down). Paraphrasing Q, "There is no bigger threat to the [the deep state] than the public being awake and thinking for themselves."

When I read those words from Q, I was reminded of these words from Leo Tolstoy, "…it is that unconquerable force which constitutes real genuine public opinion - that Spirit of Truth while itself advancing that moves all humanity.

The State knows this, and trembles before this force, and strives through its envy in every way it can to counteract or become possessed of it. They know that strength is not in force, but in the action of the mind, and in its clear expression, and, therefore, they are more afraid of the expression of independent thought than of armies; hence they institute censorship, bribe the media, and monopolize the control of religion, science, and education.

But this spiritual force which moves the world eludes them; it is neither in books nor in papers; it cannot be trapped, and is always free; it is in the depths of consciousness of each individual. The most powerful force of freedom which cannot be imprisoned is that which asserts itself in the soul of an individual when s/he is alone, in silence, and then naturally communicates his/her thoughts to a spouse, sibling, or friend; those from whom s/he would regard it as dishonest to conceal the Truth."

So, I would say as long as we have the freedom to think & speak (1st amendment) free in order to have constructive dialogue with one another and the ability to protect ourselves (2nd amendment) from "mobs rule run a muck” then we should not worry so much about coming together UNITED under the banner of Liberty and TRUTH, regardless of our diverse individual differences. After all, is that not preciously what our founders did in order to stand up against the tyranny of the "globalist" British Empire?

2cd6d8 No.1606954


i'll stick with the biblical meaning ("In the End, We Win")

1d7567 No.1606955


It looks legit, oh I do hope so! That will certainly rock the boat big time.

The Chilean Bishop piece underneath would seem to add credence to its legitimacy.

94add5 No.1606956

File: 93aefbf4addb203⋯.jpg (138.81 KB, 1024x764, 256:191, IMG_3065.JPG)

On a lighter note:

We prefer to call them energy rings…but donuts will also be acceptable. Happy #NationalDonutDay

aa8db6 No.1606957

File: 42466602b833ea3⋯.png (839.64 KB, 1269x951, 423:317, samanthabgross.png)


morning anons

e52a45 No.1606958


Thank you. We are not all green. So much kekism here.

70f232 No.1606959

02babd No.1606960


Fake Q

You need to re-read Real Q

Your imitation is armature

And it's rather disappointing

d3d836 No.1606961

File: aaa1c5cfe4b0817⋯.png (433.15 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-06-01-10-5….png)

So now they say this California kid planned columbine and he's been arrested.??


c05a0a No.1606962


Now That is Feaking Funny!!!

6d135a No.1606963


We don't win until everyone working at the Fed and IRS is unemployed

6293ac No.1606964

File: 30c5019083d8362⋯.jpg (152.1 KB, 782x782, 1:1, scaredmerchant.jpg)

792530 No.1606965



Speculation on N is worthless. New is of No. Nazi was of No. The N isn't known yet.

P is Pope. P equals C. C is chair. Pope is the chair. Chair serves the master. Pope serves the master. Who is the master? Roths?

b47ad4 No.1606966

File: b3169dc8816114d⋯.jpg (70.28 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, suicide-gun-full.jpg)

b1502a No.1606967

File: 6cc93e6bbe9ade7⋯.png (892.29 KB, 868x555, 868:555, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. airstrikes targeting Islamic State surge 300 percent

American warplanes are working overtime against Islamic State targets in Syria, with the number of combat sorties in May against the terror group surging over 300 percent compared to recent months, says new airstrike figures released by command officials Friday.

U.S. and coalition combat aircraft flew 225 airstrikes last month, hitting 280 known Islamic State or ISIS redoubts in Syria, located mostly in the volatile Euphrates River Valley, said American commanders with the U.S.-led counterterrorism mission Operation Inherent Resolve. During a single six-day period in May, American and allied fighter jets executed 41 airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, resulting in 49 enemy targets hit, coalition officials said in a statement.

“This demonstrates a 304 percent increase over the 74 strikes conducted in March and a 123 percent increase over the 183 strikes recorded in April,” according to Friday’s statement.

The majority of the airstrikes were carried out in support of Operation Roundup, the ground campaign led by the Syrian Democratic Forces or SDF — the American-backed coalition of Kurdish and Arab paramilitaries — to eliminate remaining pockets of ISIS resistance in the Euphrates River Valley.

“Operation Roundup will continue to build momentum against Daesh remnants remaining in the Iraq-Syria border region and the [Euphrates River Valley],” command officials said in the statement, using the derogatory Arabic term for ISIS.

“The Coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of Daesh here, increasing peace and stability in the region and protecting all our homelands from the Daesh threat,” coalition officials added.

Kicking off in early May, the operation is the first major anti-ISIS operation by the SDF and the American-led coalition since the fall of Raqqa — the terror group’s de facto Syrian capital and the heart of its so-called caliphate — in 2017.

Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet fighters aboard the U.S.S Harry S. Truman carrier strike group began bombarding Islamic State positions in May, linking up with the Navy’s Sixth Fleet — which is responsible for U.S. maritime operations in Europe and North Africa — late last April, as part of the Pentagon’s seemingly final push to eradicate ISIS from its Syrian enclaves.

On Thursday, Joint Staff Director Lt. Gen. Kenneth McKenzie said American advisers on the ground in Syria and their higher ups at the Pentagon were seeing good progress from the SDF.

“We’re making progress, and, in concert with our SDF partners, I think that we’re beginning to clear out the final pockets of ISIS,” he told reporters during a Defense Department briefing.

“We want to leave behind security elements that are going to be able to maintain [security] at the local level,” the three-star general said. “That’s sort of a long-term aim we have, as we push down the Euphrates River Valley, and that progress is continuing.”

https:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jun/1/us-airstrikes-syria-targeting-islamic-state-iraq-s/

68202d No.1606968


‏ @TheLastRefuge2

19h19 hours ago

8. As often stated by President Trump, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: “economic security is national security.”

If this is truly Mnuchin's position, the implications for the FED could be stunning.

cd7793 No.1606969



8c71da No.1606970


wasn't it during the last long period of no Q?

a3b151 No.1606971

File: 6b4faf7630ede85⋯.png (644.84 KB, 1080x1051, 1080:1051, Screenshot_20180601-100315….png)

Pompeo and Kim Yong-chol signed the menubat their dinner meeting.

57e76e No.1606972

aa8db6 No.1606973


>The N isn't known yet.

still a tricky one

>P is Pope. P equals C. C is chair. Pope is the chair. Chair serves the master. Pope serves the master. Who is the master? Roths?

yes anon

f8c34b No.1606975


Might have helped their case if they remembered to actually leave an actual fucking airplane inside the hole at the Pentagon.

40f0b4 No.1606976


Did the apes act like Africans?

a3b151 No.1606977


Mnuchin's role is A LOT bigger than most are realizing.

29719b No.1606978


Member when they changed security companies due to insufficient background checks?

Super Bowl fan event in Minneapolis replaces security firm: report

The company providing security to Super Bowl Live, a nightly fan event in Minneapolis connected to Sunday’s NFL championship game, has been replaced because of insufficient background checks on its employees, according to a published report.

EPG Security Group, based in Minneapolis, had been left shorthanded after several of its employees were “yanked away” by federal authorities, a Minneapolis police lieutenant told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.

One security guard on duty at the event turned out to be a convicted felon, Lt. Bob Kroll told the newspaper, and then federal agents “did checks on other guys."


8c71da No.1606979


reset of a sovereign currency is coming.

goodbye foreign owned money.

b47ad4 No.1606980

File: 7a153dc8051a6fb⋯.jpg (84.68 KB, 610x750, 61:75, DekxjFEXUAAI4dL.jpg)

8bfcad No.1606981


Stop giving that asswipe hints.

Easier for everybody to know it's a fake Q.

4cc423 No.1606982

File: 8ec0949317665f8⋯.jpg (232.55 KB, 768x368, 48:23, alf roseanne.jpg)



be3c5c No.1606983

File: a7c56e195109be4⋯.png (759.62 KB, 616x1048, 77:131, stuttgart1.png)

File: b91f0103555aadf⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1458x998, 729:499, stuttgart2.png)

Kunstgebude art gallery, Stuttgart, Germany

Golden stag and owl

a15f46 No.1606984


I swear every image posted is always blurry and mysterious from Q and sometimes MP and POTUS… its like the pictures are taken through their eyes.

cd7793 No.1606985


FYI parody account


b1502a No.1606986


No doubt, although he should be in jail.

615359 No.1606987

File: 56fab570aeb63af⋯.png (421.43 KB, 800x416, 25:13, images.duckduckgo.png)


Zynga connection time.

Val Jarrett, accidentally tweets here words with friends (zyga company) game, user name.


Now let's have a look see what Obama is playing at night? Is that Words with friends? Yes. Yes it is.


Dev calling out Zynga for shitty practices:


IT Anon that claims to have worked on the floor and personally seen 40% of the senators, etc on phone games.


Finally, all searches I have done confirm TumorButNoT, that game he was playing? Zynga-based.

9e091c No.1606988


indeed, thanks anon. if you find the Crowley link please post it. i'll be lurking as much as i can

e52a45 No.1606990

File: da043c58c67209f⋯.jpg (58.14 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Out of Africa Theory[1].jpg)


We are all African-Americans

493640 No.1606991

File: 2a93b1599cabc22⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 998x750, 499:375, niStock-483654488.jpg)


N = Nephilim

6b7dc8 No.1606992

UID's are still average around 150+ even 10 days no Q!

That's really good!

Also, we see fewer Qfans that don't do anything but shit up the board.

That's really good too!

Maybe, just maybe we can get back to work on targets of interest, research, and memes?

Maybe? (cue the gew schills)

a15f46 No.1606993


Could be the tech that Facebook has in Building 8. Q team posting pics until we catch on about Remote Perception Tech.

089ea9 No.1606994

File: 7a5d1613ad47303⋯.jpg (9.3 KB, 318x159, 2:1, moldy.jpg)

f1aacb No.1606995


its going to be interesting

makes me think of 2 and a half men

8bfcad No.1606996



I'm an American, and nothing else asshole!

57e76e No.1606997


Fake and Gay

792530 No.1606998

File: 80c41313272f356⋯.jpg (268.44 KB, 1125x1979, 1125:1979, IMG_20180601_203937.jpg)

8ab848 No.1606999


Jane Doe vs. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein

615359 No.1607000


Now I want them to bring back ALF. Fuck you and thank you, both at once.

bb7876 No.1607001

File: 37dca6fc77d6178⋯.jpg (35.97 KB, 600x402, 100:67, pastamoon.jpg)

File: 433787f74c9c3a4⋯.jpg (170.07 KB, 500x323, 500:323, pastamoon1.jpg)

File: d78851c8ffe5948⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at ….png)

File: 4fdfb2a05c04679⋯.jpg (4.45 MB, 696x8544, 29:356, HALFMOONBAY.jpg)


also look into:





70e5c3 No.1607002

File: ecd158d84c70db2⋯.png (148.43 KB, 315x315, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


The problem with cops:

https:// abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836

https:// thefreethoughtproject.com/cops-beat-wives-girlfriends-double-national-rate-receive-promotions/

https://www. loveshack.org/forums/romantic/dating/cheating-flirting-jealousy/47876-why-do-cops-cheat

We have a system, which is a hijacked and perverted version of the LAW system we used to have. Now, it is all based on bonds in the private and revenue extraction.

If they hired intelligent, upstanding people, those hirees would quit, as soon as they realized that what they are being asked to do to people violates the constitutional limitations put onto public servants.

Can't have that!!!!

b12e92 No.1607003

File: 3d5ff6510cf200c⋯.png (888.52 KB, 744x549, 248:183, ClipboardImage.png)

what happened to Rosanne is proof that leftist don't care if they loose millions. Best opening for sitcom ever 25mil viewers and they could wait to run Alf reruns

2e5ad2 No.1607004


So awesome.

20116a No.1607005

File: 8498870e08e2863⋯.jpg (105.52 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, IMG_5870.JPG)


Hildabeast wears orange…

02eae4 No.1607006


The 10 days are over today…wait until after midnight tonite!

a3b151 No.1607007


Some of Q's are blurry because they are from spy cams and not from the iPhone. This is a SS from State Dept's Snapchat. Cuz I guess our State Dept has snap now….

e0d4e7 No.1607008


Thank you Anon for that!

aa8db6 No.1607009


not really anon

that graphic is accurate, but that doesn't mean we are all "african"

we all have the same DNA (with REALLY minor changes), but we don't have a large enough amount of african DNA to be considered "african", unless you are a LEGIT african american lol

eef759 No.1607010


Halfmoon, NY is the location of the NXIVM compound.

What is it about Halfmoon?

40f0b4 No.1607011


True it was pretty bad but I still got one bite. Some people on here seemed like they needed their Q fix even if was a fake one.

71d82b No.1607012



29719b No.1607013


Anyone have memes:

"economic security is national security"?

b1502a No.1607014

File: f7768b0d44d39fd⋯.png (1.11 MB, 868x534, 434:267, ClipboardImage.png)

Anti-Trump fervor backfires on Democrats

For months, Democrats have been warned by informed observers that they can’t build a winning election strategy for the 2018 midterms or the 2020 presidential election on anti-Trump fervor.

“You cannot just run against Donald Trump. It is the job of we Democrats to put together a strong, cohesive economic group of proposals aimed at the middle class and those struggling to get there,” Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer warned his party.

He said that in February.

Over time, other Democratic lawmakers and strategists have echoed the plea, even as their dreams of a “blue wave” waver as the public detects President Trump’s authentic economic and diplomatic victories — which typically get minimal media coverage. The poll numbers are beginning to waver as well. Upward.

“A recent Harvard University/Harris Poll provides some insights as to why President Trump’s support is actually increasing among voters and offers data to explain why he may be re-elected in 2020. I realize that many people don’t want to hear that, but hiding from a noxious reality is neither healthy nor helpful,” veteran pollster John Zogby writes in an analysis for Forbes, citing the influence of “a growing feeling of optimism” and rising approval of Mr. Trump across multiple demographics.

“The President can bolster his creds with both his voter base and beyond. It will also makes it much harder for Democrats to run on a slogan that argues that they can do anything ‘better,’ as their current consultant-driven message suggests,” Mr. Zogby advises.

A conservative radio kingpin also notices that persistent anti-Trump tactics are wearing thin, and that the Democrats’ previous 15-percentage-point advantage on a generic ballot has eroded to nothing.

“They don’t have an agenda. All they’ve got is this hate, this hate for Trump, this semi-hate for America, this literal hate for you for electing Trump,” Rush Limbaugh told his 14 million listeners. “You can’t sustain this kind of hate, and you certainly cannot build and grow.”

Democrats are still driven by emotion and rage over Hillary Clinton’s loss, he said.

“They want to somehow change the outcome of the 2016 election. And as time goes on, the realization hits them each and every day that they are failing. And so they’re ratcheting up the radical extremism. And I think it’s hurting them. I think they have maybe — if not jumped the shark, they’ve crossed a line here, where who they are and what they are is beginning to repulse a lot of people,” Mr. Limbaugh said.

https:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/may/31/inside-the-beltway-anti-trump-fervor-backfires-on-/

b12e92 No.1607015

File: d8bc086a50eb782⋯.png (384.73 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)

8bfcad No.1607016

I wonder what the driving force for this is?

Graham presses 'potential witness' Rosenstein to pull out of Mueller probe oversight


a960c9 No.1607018


13 of feb say date on my screen cap

5956f6 No.1607019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS live for USCG Commandant Change of Command.

Chaplain just finished Q's Corinthians Quote

615359 No.1607020


Mark Pincus and Reid Hoffman are launching a new group to rethink the Democratic Party - July 2017 Article.


168578 No.1607021



Mark Pincus <mark@zynga.com>

e52a45 No.1607022


>I'm an American … asshole!


a3b151 No.1607023

File: b004c4355729e7d⋯.png (690.55 KB, 1080x1234, 540:617, Screenshot_20180601-101154….png)

6d135a No.1607024


How do you loose millions? I don't speak millennial

6b7dc8 No.1607025

>>1606731 come back down man, go buy food and do laundry

70f232 No.1607026




5a115d No.1607027


hm, it's likely in bread 2015/2016, a company linked to the holding company that owns DACO… you should find it once you've followed some of these backlinks (sorry, a bit vague)

i was around when it popped up but haven't followed/caught up with everything…

see also posts from this anon that BO has archived, that's been the main digger on this i think: >>1606818 / >>1606712 & moar

6293ac No.1607028


LOL…fuck off with this (((MSM))) propaganda.


Science keeps developing new theories…do keep up

04aaf9 No.1607029


Hide your cats, He's back.

278530 No.1607030


If Q is for real why should he post again?

615359 No.1607031


Fake News! Comet lived harmoniously with ALF for the extent of the shows run.

82b283 No.1607032


I think it's worth a notable. Don't think it is necessary to throw baker under the bus though.

2b723f No.1607033

Why is Q quiet?

Where is the noise on IBOR?

Where are the anons?

Do conservatives have a voice on the internet?

Who was silenced recently?

What was posted?

Who is running for DA?

Why is this important?

Why did she mention VJ now?

Why was the IG moved to 6/11?

a3b151 No.1607034


They are real and theyvare not finished.

3cce44 No.1607035

e30360 No.1607036

File: e2b5eb0bd2b357a⋯.jpg (163.39 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, born.jpg)


Your post sucked and this is a meritocracy.

So sorry.

You just aren't good enough to be Notable.

f1aacb No.1607037


something is def brewing

i can feel it

waiting for other shoe to drop

1b0d30 No.1607038

File: 82707b1088309e1⋯.png (133.97 KB, 453x489, 151:163, FISR2NoAttri.png)

Reposting two threads I added so that the discovery is not lost on everyone. This is regarding the Panda Clock/FISR site. I am reposting because I didn't come up with the end date until later, so compiling all information into a single post for clarity. Sorry for sliding but I think this info needs to be shared….


"Anons, not sure if anyone has posted on this recently/yet. I have been checking in on the panda site (https:// sethrich.azurewebsites.net/) that went up right after Q became active to see if it has been updated. Until recently, this site only showed a counter with the elapsed time since it went live. When loading today however, the countdown is an actual countdown, and is showing less than 9 days remaining. Something big on the horizon folks…..

MAGA Folks.. Games are afoot….."



"Based on some quick calcs (based on my current local, with an EST timestamp, 10:53am EST, 06/01/2018), this would put us around 6/11/2018 @ 8:00am EST … been seeing lots of info indicating something big on 06/11, which, does happen to fall 5 months exactly before 11/11/18….

Dim x as DateTime =DateTime.Now.AddDays(9).AddHours(21).AddMinutes(07)

Console.WriteLine (x.ToString())"

06/11/2018 is going to be a very big day folks

5a115d No.1607039

>>1607018 ah, thanks…

7a7d79 No.1607040

File: 4f67e5bba751b3f⋯.jpg (78.67 KB, 667x500, 667:500, 2bfatp.jpg)

f8c34b No.1607041


What the fuck?

There's no room between Q drops for sanity, reasoning and calm logic!

I think that Q suggested, "They want you divided" was to keep us coming back here and being the individualistic assholes we all are.

Think about an army platoon… typically comprised of people from incredibly diverse backgrounds, shapes, sizes, color, etc.

A fully-functioning platoon leverages individual strengths and talents, while working as a unit toward a specific goal/mission.

That's the high-wire balancing act that is really difficult to maintain, especially without consistent, strong leadership.

I struggle (constantly) with questions that keep popping into my mind:

• "At what point does Patriotism interfere with embracing good people from other countries?"

• "At what point does my personal love of Jesus Christ interfere with my ability to fully accept/embrace people that also love "a different God"?

• "If this is supposed to be good vs. evil and NOT red vs. blue, why is everything seemingly slanted toward taking down D's at this point in time?"

• "How can I help bring 'outsiders' into this fold of hardened oldfags without alienating them?"

Your post is intelligent and thought provoking, and for that, I sincerely thank you. I've copied it and saved it for future refreshment.

God bless you, Patriot, and keep making us think and question!

615359 No.1607042


Where Clinton gets most of her support

Marc Pincus, co=founder of Zyng


493640 No.1607043


Half Moon Arkansas too.

https:// www.facebook.com/pages/Half-Moon-Farms/661918633943003

bf18d6 No.1607044

File: 7877ccbda2d7004⋯.png (24.46 KB, 647x139, 647:139, ClipboardImage.png)

6d274a No.1607045

File: 45fbdd626477a21⋯.png (230.58 KB, 893x589, 47:31, Screenshot from 2018-06-01….png)

File: efc9ec255e10b36⋯.png (212.65 KB, 687x614, 687:614, Screenshot from 2018-06-01….png)


Clown thinks Kimmel is funny. Check out the FOIA document linked in the Intercept Dilanian article.

http:// archive.is/g6jyp

https:// theintercept.com/document/2014/09/04/email-correspondence-reporters-cia-flacks/

2a9d05 No.1607046


Covfefe is the russian investigation. A fruitless search for nothing.

e52a45 No.1607047


>LOL…fuck off with this (((MSM))) propaganda.

Learn to use Alinsky, it is your friend

“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

a15f46 No.1607048


She is bunkered down somewhere safe. If there are open threats to POTUS from all of the bad actors we know .. of course FLOTUS is in danger… especially right before things drop.

e0d4e7 No.1607049


Ohhh, this will drive the media NUTS! Wait for the "… she's leaving him" narrative to start.

b47ad4 No.1607050

File: 42cc9bfa7353f25⋯.png (29.77 KB, 865x236, 865:236, thehill_com_opinion_white-….png)

The bridge to the Russia investigation wasn’t erected in Moscow during the summer of the 2016 election.

It originated earlier, 1,700 miles away in London, where foreign figures contacted Trump campaign advisers and provided the FBI with hearsay allegations of Trump-Russia collusion, bureau documents and interviews of government insiders reveal. These contacts in spring 2016 — some from trusted intelligence sources, others from Hillary Clinton supporters — occurred well before FBI headquarters authorized an official counterintelligence investigation on July 31, 2016.

The new timeline makes one wonder: Did the FBI follow its rules governing informants?

Here’s what a congressman and an intelligence expert think.


20116a No.1607051

File: c6021e96139375d⋯.jpg (349.18 KB, 2760x1878, 460:313, IMG_7868.JPG)

8bfcad No.1607053

Republicans who won't be coming back to Congress after 2018 midterm elections


672e64 No.1607054


<attempted a pullback.

I presume that to mean that there's still a lack of understanding in that subject area, so it should be discussed under certain circumstance (such as quality expanded posts with citations and how it relates to Q's posts in that regard); besides I have not once before this seen anyone lay out a decent post suggesting the Netherworld as 'N' in this case.. that being said, bitching at baker for not including it is foolish, because the subject is generally considered a slide, however it IS considered a slide because so many people post short bullshit speculations like "muh N is nephlim/natural/noahide/nefertiti/nani" without adding any substance to the argument, and by this point everyanon has their own pet theory on what N is.. And besides; Q's response was to Natural Economic Order anyway, in regards to going too deep.

(however, going too deep and attempting a pullback could very well relate to concepts of a Netherworld order.. such as resurrecting the dead and traveling beyond the river Styx.)

e0d4e7 No.1607055



c44b33 No.1607056

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>1605902 (lb)





- All Apologies (acoustic solo) (3:33)


Note the comments, especially what "Liv said... at 10:36 AM"

>The remaining locations became autonomous in 2015.

70e5c3 No.1607057

File: c38ff85341ed150⋯.jpg (39.82 KB, 429x445, 429:445, tard.jpg)

https:// people.com/crime/donald-trump-meets-santa-fe-shooting-families-mom-confrontation/

I wonder if she talked about her gender confusion before or after dissing POTUS

03c2e2 No.1607058

Are the trains on time?>>1606786

cf2c16 No.1607059

File: 099316c5da50ebf⋯.jpg (598.27 KB, 1083x776, 1083:776, Screen Shot 06-01-18 at 04….JPG)

File: 9ee8b76e7ee170a⋯.jpg (232.45 KB, 1083x243, 361:81, Screen Shot 06-01-18 at 04….JPG)

Hungary is a sovereign nation and will not allow the EU or George Soros to dictate who is allowed to come to the country, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze.

https:// www.rt.com/news/428456-szijjarto-hungary-soros-eu/

8bfcad No.1607060




8adb55 No.1607061

When comms go dark.

Today is the 10th day of no comms (darkness). Almost 10 complete days.

57dfd4 No.1607062

POTUS live now with coast guard


1298a7 No.1607063

File: d8390cd1c512bcc⋯.jpg (219.82 KB, 985x1351, 985:1351, vj orange black.jpg)

a960c9 No.1607064

File: 7a6e02bc782d3b9⋯.png (122.98 KB, 1443x684, 481:228, canvas.png)


no thats wrong its 2nd of feb

cd2deb No.1607065

File: 65f595613baaf8e⋯.jpg (65.87 KB, 611x513, 611:513, strokz.jpg)


Every "white" is racist, according to Obama / Soros style doctrine. It' s Alinsky tactics?

But they Propagandize vulnerable people [I hate to say but some christian promoters have been reported to do the same.

the Christians were waiting at the end of the line as people filed out after viewing the Trade Center complex disaster site. To have their hand at proselytizing the mourners. 9/11 Truth was not allowed, but Christians ares. Same as in the Subway stations.

Double standard for free speech.

They were there waiting for the grieving.

Same with the "rascism" promoters. They target the disgruntled and the naive virtue flagging "white" liberals.

Every "white" in the Obama / Soros promoted doctrine is a racist.

First step is to get you to admit you are a racist [for their programming. Just as with some Christians, first step is to make you admit you are a sinner, same tactic]

Then you have to do all they say to absolve yourself. Serve "Black people" But they hold back your absolution from sin. Holding you as guilty forever. That's how they control you

"Blacks" in their doctrine can not be racist. Since they are victims of the "Whites" system - The system of oppression and exploitation.

Just so you know. They promote the idea that no "Black" person could be racist. Or ever is racist.


No one brings-up the FBI . / CIA / Hillary Clinton privilege? . Coincidence? [pic related]

02eae4 No.1607066


Fake Q

da48be No.1607067

File: 28c4622b17000ba⋯.png (544.14 KB, 968x681, 968:681, ClipboardImage.png)

Shareholder accuses Facebook of human rights violation at tense meeting

Frustrated shareholders lit into the social media company after a year of scandals


2b9c83 No.1607068


What awesome work ANON! I've saved them all! By any chance, did you do them for Jan and Feb? If so, I'd love directions on where they might be filed. Awesome, awesome job! My hat's off to you and your beautiful work!

7a7d79 No.1607069

File: 7b231c4ea7475a0⋯.jpg (52.09 KB, 513x500, 513:500, 2bfbpk.jpg)

7df019 No.1607070

WTF is this??

Congressional Candidate In Virginia Admits He’s A Pedophile


40d2c5 No.1607071


top kek

792530 No.1607072

File: 0e996ebfd3f41ac⋯.jpg (68.33 KB, 700x298, 350:149, IMG_20180601_204139.jpg)

8bfcad No.1607073

Possibly FF?

Police: California student arrested for allegedly planning 'Columbine 2.0' attack


f1aacb No.1607074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f8c34b No.1607075


Was wondering when FauxQ's parents would bring him back from their family trip to see the Grand Canyon.

29719b No.1607076

meme request

Idea (feel free to improve upon)

Side by side:


Connects Valerie Jarrett to Muslim Brotherhood

Fired + Hit show cancelled

Samantha Bee

Calls Ivanka Trump a C*nt

Gets major award

b4bb2a No.1607077

File: fb8721d90292292⋯.png (599.76 KB, 1080x586, 540:293, 1502726788110.png)


Keep going, anons.

568aee No.1607078

File: e44216b665239cb⋯.png (166.61 KB, 476x724, 119:181, cloak99theY.png)

File: 9d2aa8b3183a73e⋯.png (163.79 KB, 475x719, 475:719, cloak100.png)

File: a009354078df1b9⋯.png (172.09 KB, 476x724, 119:181, cloak179sumer.png)

677d06 No.1607079

Whatever the Europeans are doing, they are confused because they've never seen anything like this president,—CNBC

EU crapping their pants.

https:// www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/cramer-europeans-are-in-over-their-heads-on-trade/ar-AAy3UEp?ocid=spartanntp

04a207 No.1607080



Well can't black mail him anymore I guess?!?

d29f10 No.1607081


“A lot of people are tired of political correctness and being constrained by it,” he said. “People prefer when there’s an outsider who doesn’t have anything to lose and is willing to say what’s on a lot of people’s minds.”

Its a fucking gaslight

6d135a No.1607082


Roseanne should compare Shaun King to a monkey….now that would be funny, watching the media explain to us that he is AA

51df86 No.1607083

Anyone catch potus at change of command ceremony just now?

stated 45 years 3x followed by never backed down, never lost a challenge.

Just like #45 in presidency…

be3c5c No.1607084



da48be No.1607085

Rajoy out: Spain's government collapses after no confidence vote

Socialist Pedro Sanchez has become prime minister of the EU's 5th biggest economy


40f0b4 No.1607086


Have you ever wondered why doomsday cult followers keep believing even when the doomsday passes with nothing happening? Some do leave but the rest become even stronger believers.

f1aacb No.1607087


nice find

1b15df No.1607088


13, woops, 14 posts by slice 400, double spacing. Your words give you away. So difficult, f8c34b !

96e352 No.1607089


Psycho Joe's intern asked

"How do I survive Joe?"

She failed to came up with an answer!

1298a7 No.1607090

File: 9da2c1cb4e63d0b⋯.jpg (97.48 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, vjx orange black.jpg)

615359 No.1607091



b262b6 No.1607092


For those who are interested, the idea of "covfefe" comes from an old Yiddish tale about a foolish Sephardi rabbi who believed he was called to find and destroy the mythical and rare butterfly known as Benshariza, or "Lucifer butterfly"—a name that comes from "Helel ben Shahar," meaning "shining star" (see Isaiah 14:12; also see Ephesians 2:2, where Satan is called the "prince of the power of the air"). The rabbi claimed that the Benshariza was recognizable by a unique and disturbing pattern on its huge wings, which looked like the moon and star symbol of the god Ba'al-Hadad. He was convinced that this ominous creature housed "the spirit of Satan" and that if he could destroy it, he would free the world of evil.

0c8db2 No.1607093

Luke O'brian. I agree with one of the comments. Civil suits don't work. He has the power, the wealth, the lawyers. Tough to match that by the doxxed family whose crime was conservative commentary. Yes. I want to know more about this Luke O'brian dude. This is how we can help. Make it just as painful for O'brian as he made it for this family. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/06/huffington-post-doxes-pro-trump-writer-gets-her-husband-fired-and-now-they-are-aiming-for-her-brother-because-shes-conservative/

da48be No.1607094

File: 55bb7352e3a0442⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1842x1036, 921:518, ClipboardImage.png)

WALSH: Hey #MeToo, Planned Parenthood Has Been Covering Up Sex Abuse And Child Rape For Decades

Planned Parenthood is very thankful for Samantha Bee and Roseanne this week. The controversies surrounding both women have managed to overshadow, even among conservative pundits and publications, the news that the abortion giant has been aiding and abetting child rapists and sexual abusers for decades.

In a damning report published by Live Action, citing eye witness accounts, court cases, video footage, and the testimony of victims, it was revealed that the tax-funded abortion corporation has been engaged in a criminal conspiracy to cover up sex crimes. The specific cases mentioned in the report are downright chilling.

A woman named Denise Fairbanks says she was raped and impregnated by her father at the age of 13. He took her to Planned Parenthood and forced her to get an abortion. She told the clinic staff that she was being abused, but they refused to alert the authorities. Instead, they simply performed the abortion and sent her home with her father, who continued to rape her for another year and a half.

In another case, a man named George Savannah raped and impregnated his daughter three times. Each time, he brought her to Planned Parenthood so that the evidence of his crime could be destroyed. The fact that a man kept returning to the clinic year after year to get abortions for his young daughter apparently never raised any red flags. None of the incidents were reported, so the abuse continued.



b02d49 No.1607095


When was this book written?

f1aacb No.1607096


or in the field

808d86 No.1607097


He should do it. Change hearts and minds.

8db109 No.1607098

File: 990f5eedb2f1fff⋯.png (64.19 KB, 727x813, 727:813, follow the pen.PNG)

EO's published today..signed 5/25/2018


9e091c No.1607099




thanks for the graphic BO, incredible stuff.

278530 No.1607100


>Roseanne should compare Shaun King to a monkey….now that would be funny, watching the media explain to us that he is AA


8bfcad No.1607101


PP got their ass handed to them in Arkansas.

a6ae5a No.1607102


Thanks for bringing this back up anon

b12e92 No.1607103

File: 19a73367c27506c⋯.png (447.81 KB, 443x508, 443:508, ClipboardImage.png)



2cd6d8 No.1607104


I believe a video of this has been posted (and another article) recently, with a connection to Weinstein

c6b2e1 No.1607106

File: 3a35dfffaecfa0e⋯.jpg (363.15 KB, 1024x733, 1024:733, once-they-see-the-memo-you….jpg)

(((Graham asks RR to recuse himself?)))

▪Graham presses Rosenstein on whether he should recuse from Mueller probe▪

Top Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham is pressing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on whether the Justice Department official (((should recuse himself from the Robert Mueller investigation due to his own connections to the case.)))

In a letter obtained by Fox News, Graham, R-S.C., asked Rosenstein whether he considers himself a “potential witness” in the Mueller probe in connection with the firing of FBI Director James Comey.

“If so, should you recuse yourself from further interactions with and oversight of the Mueller investigation?” Graham asked.

Graham, in the May 31-dated letter, cited reports that Mueller’s investigation is looking at whether President Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey – and (((the fact that Trump relied on a Rosenstein-authored memo to justify the firing…)))

http:// www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/06/01/graham-presses-rosenstein-on-whether-should-recuse-from-mueller-probe.html

da48be No.1607107

File: 88da50818193f6e⋯.png (212.39 KB, 730x356, 365:178, ClipboardImage.png)

First it was Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Then it was Scooter Libby.

Now it’s Dinesh D’Souza.

We can’t afford to wait to see who will be next. Lawmakers must act now to close New York’s double jeopardy loophole.

be3c5c No.1607108


Anons, who is running for DA? Something that connects to VJ?

f119f4 No.1607109

File: 33c2ec92b175c78⋯.png (369.74 KB, 972x417, 324:139, potusSched060118.PNG)

POTUS meet MP this PM. Should get an upate on the summit preheat and possibly meet the #2 NORK who is delivering a letter from Kim.

528ad5 No.1607110


They're trying to get Londoners to dull all their knives. My experience has been that dull knives in the kitchen are more dangerous.

f8c34b No.1607111


Mega KEK!

da48be No.1607112

File: 2abdb00e850a0d3⋯.png (2.93 MB, 1842x1036, 921:518, ClipboardImage.png)

MORE WINNING: Costco Raising Hourly Wages For Over 130,000 Employees

On Thursday, Costco announced it would raise the hourly wage for 130,000 of its American employees. CEO Richard Galanti, while discussing the company’s fiscal third-quarter earnings, said that starting wages for employees would be raised $1 an hour to $14.50 an hour while other hourly wages would be hiked 25 to 50 cents an hour.

Galanti added that the new wage increases would be probably be added to the company’s regular wage hikes. He acknowledged that the tax cuts would garner Costco an added $300 million each year.


c6b2e1 No.1607113

File: 16e44b6658a2ae0⋯.png (141.54 KB, 500x504, 125:126, i-recommended-in-a-letter-….png)

File: bc067f55ddc80d3⋯.jpg (56.55 KB, 650x461, 650:461, rod-rosenstein-meme.jpg)

File: 5df383fa087733f⋯.jpg (111.33 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, DaSsgZ2XkAAQ8kt.jpg)

File: 76f44dad8760883⋯.jpg (126.4 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, DZ5QoJkW0AAGi-N.jpg)

20116a No.1607114

File: e695b5a10112d90⋯.jpg (90.91 KB, 426x600, 71:100, IMG_7871.JPG)

a960c9 No.1607116

File: 0ae57049446f78a⋯.jpg (82.7 KB, 1754x694, 877:347, 53877ef5602b975ddfff8fd54a….jpg)

heres another screen cap from 2nd feb

8bfcad No.1607117


>POTUS meet "MP" this "PM"

Now talk about a mirror image.

677d06 No.1607118

Well, well, well… Justina steps up to POTUS.

I look into my crystal ball, and I see a whole lot of pain coming to Canada soon. I hope that POTUS ends NAFTA. It doesn't benefit the USA in any way. It certainly benefits Mexico and Canada and greedy corporations.

So interesrting that these assholes are offended because we are not allowing them to continue to rip us off.

https:// www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/canada-announces-retaliatory-tariffs-against-us/ar-AAy4pHw?ocid=spartanntp

79ea48 No.1607119

[P] stands for the Pyramid power structure of the cabal that is in place and has been in place for generations. The very top of the Pyramid is leader calling the shots. There are numerous family's with ancient blood lines in the mid and lower levels of the Pyramid. The lowest levels report directly to the level above them and do not know or speak with anyone on levels above that. It is a classic Pyramid. This is how they are able to maintain power and obscurity. A international mafia with unimaginable power and influence.

a6ae5a No.1607120

File: 8eed3783cfb7635⋯.jpg (43.14 KB, 600x600, 1:1, CHeetahLaughing.jpg)

b2232a No.1607121

Imperator Rex back on Twitter with a bombshell insight:



615359 No.1607122



14dfb4 No.1607123

File: bd5a09701b6f600⋯.jpg (105.17 KB, 1200x412, 300:103, IMG_20180601_205647.jpg)

File: 79d53bb60cad90e⋯.jpg (77.64 KB, 788x1024, 197:256, IMG_20180601_205644.jpg)

File: 4db57a51d8cbcbb⋯.png (558.72 KB, 1080x1699, 1080:1699, Screenshot_20180601-205621….png)

615359 No.1607125


Baker. This gives sauce on Obama also a part of this. Proves Mccain was also on Zynga platform, Doxxing Pincus, and IT Anon giving claim on senate.


b47ad4 No.1607126

File: 0064c422bed1b6e⋯.png (66.34 KB, 637x543, 637:543, JusticeOIG_status_10025717….png)


2cd6d8 No.1607127


they want to bring back double jeopardy to get around presidential pardons now lol

f1aacb No.1607128


an anon posted a pic of a knife drop box they have in london

96e352 No.1607130


>Congressional Candidate In Virginia Admits He’s A Pedophile

'They' are doing everything they can to normalize their sick, evil behavior!

40f0b4 No.1607131


The idiocracy has arrived full force. They are just full on trolling people now for laughs.

51b0b6 No.1607132


You work for ABC?

7f1316 No.1607133


I wonder if it has multiple meanings.

Anunnaki -> Anu, their Emperor. -> Anu World Order.

9ed28b No.1607134


Anon, relax. Look at their reddit spacing.

Repost notables and repost them in coinciding thread.

96e352 No.1607135


>an anon posted a pic of a knife drop box they have in london

Must be tough eating a steak in London these days! smdh

8bfcad No.1607136


Great way to get a new knife.

Cut open that drop box and grab-n-go!

528ad5 No.1607137


There's going to be a big market for precut foods over there.

77fb01 No.1607138


cognac then w/ lime on a Greek beach.

d8c3ec No.1607139


Let's assume Strzok is CIA… assigned by Brennan to fix Hillary's email issue (clean up Benghazi, U1, etc).

Who at FBI was in on that?

And knowing that, gave him responsibility / authority for all his activities.

Did McCabe know? Comey? Lynch?

In that answer is the essence and depth of the criminal conspiracy.

5a115d No.1607140



thanks a lot, was surprising nobody had the date, good archivin'

57dfd4 No.1607142



Ha ha ha ha ha Oh man, my sides are splittin'.

568aee No.1607143

File: edf6236692eec75⋯.png (176.14 KB, 825x739, 825:739, 17million.png)

Another 17

"Trump blasts cost of 'Russia Hoax' probe after $17M price tag revealed"


they throw a 4.5 and a 5.5 in too.

pic related

da48be No.1607144

File: 7efb57cf9636573⋯.png (64.35 KB, 640x207, 640:207, ClipboardImage.png)


Congressional Candidate In Virginia Admits He’s A Pedophile

Congressional Candidate In Virginia Admits He’s A Pedophile

HuffPost Jesselyn Cook,HuffPost 14 hours ago

Reactions Reblog on Tumblr Share Tweet Email

Nathan Larson, a 37-year-old accountant from Charlottesville, Virginia, is running for Congress as an independent candidate in his native state. He is also a pedophile, as he admitted to HuffPost on Thursday, who has bragged in website posts about raping his late ex-wife.

In a phone call, Larson confirmed that he created the now-defunct websites suiped.org and incelocalypse.today ― chat rooms that served as gathering places for pedophiles and violence-minded misogynists like himself. HuffPost contacted Larson after confirming that his campaign website shared an IP address with these forums, among others. His sites were terminated by their domain host on Tuesday.

On the phone, he was open about his pedophilia and seemingly unfazed about his long odds of attaining government office.

“A lot of people are tired of political correctness and being constrained by it,” he said. “People prefer when there’s an outsider who doesn’t have anything to lose and is willing to say what’s on a lot of people’s minds.”


c9f1fa No.1607145




Notable for Bridge = London bridge

8bfcad No.1607147

Has anybody heard anything from Sen. Nunes since their meeting with the DOJ?

68202d No.1607148


‏ @TheLastRefuge2

19h19 hours ago

8. As often stated by President Trump, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: “economic security is national security.”

If this is truly Mnuchin's position, the implications for the FED could be stunning.

c44b33 No.1607149

File: e3d6b4620469dbb⋯.jpg (22.29 KB, 284x255, 284:255, MequalsOWLinAncientEgypt.jpg)


Very nice find.

>>1605906 (lb)


528ad5 No.1607150


Will be even scarier if he still wins. It would mean that the public doesn't care anymore.

8ab848 No.1607151

File: 59b7b240ee81c1f⋯.png (321.76 KB, 1972x824, 493:206, Screenshot 2018-06-01 at 1….png)

What if, knowing that there might be an assassination attempt, for which the cabal is already compromised on through the phones, Singapore was chosen because of it's very harsh capital punishment laws.


cf2c16 No.1607152

File: db9953abffc1b39⋯.jpg (358.62 KB, 1077x751, 1077:751, Screen Shot 06-01-18 at 04….JPG)

File: a8510fc5b72a163⋯.jpg (228.75 KB, 1067x242, 97:22, Screen Shot 06-01-18 at 04….JPG)

RT asks why it’s OK for DNC to shred 1st Amendment if it means nailing Assange

Published time: 1 Jun, 2018 13:35

https:// www.rt.com/usa/428457-assange-dnc-first-amendment/

b262b6 No.1607153


For those who are interested, the idea of "covfefe" comes from an old Yiddish tale about a foolish Sephardi rabbi who believed he was called to find and destroy the mythical and rare butterfly known as Benshariza, or "Lucifer butterfly"—a name that comes from "Helel ben Shahar," meaning "shining star" (see Isaiah 14:12; also see Ephesians 2:2, where Satan is called the "prince of the power of the air"). The rabbi claimed that the Benshariza was recognizable by a unique and disturbing pattern on its huge wings, which looked like the moon and star symbol of the god Ba'al-Hadad. He was convinced that this ominous creature housed "the spirit of Satan" and that if he could destroy it, he would free the world of evil.

2e94b7 No.1607155

File: 9fe0a6e823a36aa⋯.png (556.53 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-06-01-11-3….png)

File: 183bdb9f29d87c6⋯.png (520.41 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-06-01-11-1….png)

File: b378274b2107bbc⋯.png (355.6 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-06-01-11-3….png)

One plant at Trump Tower. An interpretor.

7a7d79 No.1607156


British royalty has caused many wars in other places. Chickens have come home to roost. The Brits must fight and clean house.

7f23e0 No.1607157

File: 44bee80dc8ed1b6⋯.png (265.75 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Van_Blarcum.png)

Democrats double down on sanctuary cities and taking guns away from law abiding citizens.

Local Sheriff stands up for patriots and is snubbed by his own party after 12 years of endorsements (by the Democrats) and service to his community.

http:// www.dailyfreeman.com/general-news/20180522/ulster-democrats-snub-sheriff-paul-vanblarcum-in-favor-of-challenger-juan-figueroa-sheriffs-campaign-says-it-will-primary

https:// hudsonvalleyone.com/2018/05/22/ulster-democrats-pick-figueroa-over-vanblarcum-for-sheriff/

http:// www.dailyfreeman.com/article/DF/20180531/NEWS/180539947

72b1cc No.1607158




9e091c No.1607159

File: 0e87fbd55878b02⋯.jpg (160.94 KB, 674x1018, 337:509, sd_DA_race.jpg)


>Who is running for DA?

Geneviéve Jones-Wright in San Diego

>Why is this important?

Soros wanted control of DA's to promote agenda. Not gonna happen.

>pic related

1298a7 No.1607160

File: 9f038d69906a7b9⋯.png (946.28 KB, 800x820, 40:41, pepe me meme you.png)


:-) Thanks

2a9d05 No.1607161


Not sure about the McCain. Online poker company got wrapped up in Panama papers offshoring money. That is my bet. Online poker.

c9f1fa No.1607162

Panda clock is a meme y'all. Just a clock

f1aacb No.1607163

File: 6d6522fc13f2075⋯.jpg (86.83 KB, 640x444, 160:111, bin-a-knife-box-on-a-londo….jpg)

>>1607135 >>1607136 >>1607137


crazy shit

20116a No.1607165

File: 528b2aa2d7d07d3⋯.jpg (151.41 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_7553.JPG)

File: 3eaab1c6b007da9⋯.jpg (75.7 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, IMG_7874.JPG)

70e5c3 No.1607166


Why in the FUCK doesn't he just release what he has????

Proof of child trafficking would totally vindicate him and assure his freedom.

8bfcad No.1607167


I hope that's true, but I bet it's just a fluff story to throw people off.

68202d No.1607168

Thought this new (for me) trail on Papadop was interesting.

Ð℞ ℚɄĮ₲ŁȨƳ @Quigley__

🔎 Retweeted

May 9

Replying to @CJBdingo25 @JohnWHuber

1/ I've got a good one for you.

Ed Cox (Nixon Staff) is married to Nixon's daughter.

Ed Cox sent Carter Page to Trump.

Ed Cox is a Director for Noble Energy (Leviathan Pipeline)

George Papadopoulos researched the Leviathan for Noble Energy while at the Hudson Institute.

02eae4 No.1607169

Why is Q quiet?

(10 days of darNKess…focused on other items)

Where is the noise on IBOR?

(shills have taken over)

Where are the anons?

(sleeping….WAKE UP)

Do conservatives have a voice on the internet?

(yes but don't use it effectively)

Who was silenced recently?


What was posted?

(tweet to get VJ in the news)

Who is running for DA?

(don't know)

Why is this important?

(see previous answer)

Why did she mention VJ now?

(to get her name out to the normies)

Why was the IG moved to 6/11?

(to coincide w/NK agreement on 6/12?)

b262b6 No.1607170


Sounds Good

6d135a No.1607171


June 11th

7ef7f7 No.1607172

7f23e0 No.1607173

File: 2bcb901bc50a9b3⋯.png (965.36 KB, 1024x1500, 256:375, Symbolism_Owls_MM_V_W_hear….png)

File: ec8b05fe31cca0f⋯.png (484.17 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MM_symbology_master_mason_….png)


owl = M - they love MM - look for the people with initials MM

f119f4 No.1607174

File: b6dbca9b319c869⋯.png (408.1 KB, 1086x459, 362:153, jonesWright1.PNG)


This one's running for San Diego County DA. Can't find a VJ connection, yet. Soros just backed out of funding her campaign ads.

528ad5 No.1607175


Cooks will be trying to figure out how to prepare whole vegetables.

d3a82f No.1607177

File: 166161830ea8553⋯.jpg (255.76 KB, 1511x641, 1511:641, 2LIVE 1 Jun 18 0820.jpg)

File: c201ea2f80b7eb3⋯.jpg (351 KB, 1155x597, 385:199, 2LIVE 1 Jun 18 0915.jpg)

File: 0b43f9a7de48874⋯.jpg (307.54 KB, 1701x635, 1701:635, 2LIVE 1 Jun 18 1040.jpg)

File: f7f39b9336debc4⋯.jpg (244.33 KB, 1733x573, 1733:573, Magma13 1 Jun 18 1340.jpg)

File: 98a1ef02c1a3fed⋯.jpg (292.61 KB, 1221x947, 1221:947, 2LIVE 1 Jun 18 Ibiza.jpg)

Planefag Report, 1 June=

Bumper Bundle of Spoop Edition

There's a LOT to get through today and it's not over yet. 2-LIVE left Jersey and eventually ended up around Ibiza/Alicante. Another Magma fliht (Magma13) turned up in Europe to accompany Magmas 40 and 66. That's a lot of JSOC flights in one region.

b262b6 No.1607178


Q Speak, The New Format

70f232 No.1607179


IG now 6-11-18.

Q knew! Wow

568aee No.1607180

File: 94158c31a72939b⋯.png (705.11 KB, 1218x464, 21:8, ASSA.png)


ASSA is an interesting company as well.

Largest lock company in the world.


e1c86b No.1607181


salvation comes in a redshield's army

I used to support that organisation. makes me feel sick.

8ab848 No.1607184


Trust the gay and annoying process.

a960c9 No.1607185

File: e77030e6eed394a⋯.jpg (319.23 KB, 962x848, 481:424, 29f80c91efb914923r4rc21a38….jpg)


had to dash down to the offline archives

f1aacb No.1607186


cps has sticker also

615359 No.1607187

eb9eea No.1607188

File: 435b9c4c6108666⋯.jpg (24.86 KB, 214x305, 214:305, 2bfc3p~2.jpg)

fc0996 No.1607189

New John Solomon piece on Mueller probe. Not sure if it's the one referenced on Hannity yet. Just started reading today:


363084 No.1607190

For some time now I have struggled with the idea of parallel time lines or different timelines. I woke up last night and my mind was flooded with this thought. I had an epiphany in the matter of seconds where things started to make sense. Let’s say there are just 2 time lines. Both time lines have been close to identical up until 5his point. So all the corruption, satanic shit and deception has occurred.

Timeline 1:

The evil remained in the dark. We as humans did not become aware of the deception and just continued along not really curious enough or just sleeping through our lives and accepting things as “it is what it is”. We were not able to accept “conspiracy theories” as something that was even possible. We were kept asleep and continued to be manipulated and enslaved by the evil, allowing them to manifest our perception of reality. Result: Evil continued and the players enjoyed the fruit of our bounty.

If everyone is able to manifest their reality it would need to be boundless. From my minimal knowledge in manifestation I understand that we need a collective effort. All or many manifesting or projecting a certain outcome and this is projected into the ether. A collective effort not bound by limits set by the evil, not divided by race or religion, all working in Harmony. Allowing our hope and dreams to manifest our reality.

Timeline 2:

The evil was exposed to the light. Enough of us became aware of what was going on. We are now all shedding light on this. More are becoming aware. We are collectively manifesting our desire to have this exposed. We are manifesting Justice, Righteousness and a better future. One where there is Kindness to everyone. One that unites us all. We all want the best for each other. We don’t enjoy someone else’s sadness. We do the next right thing. We eliminate poverty and build a world where we all live happy and free. That’s what I want.

8a00dd No.1607191

File: 67b900dc8e81604⋯.png (547.78 KB, 990x518, 495:259, ClipboardImage.png)


By Dinesh D'Souza

In 2011, the Clinton Foundation brokered a deal with Digicel, a cell-phone-service provider seeking to gain access to the Haitian market. The Clintons arranged to have Digicel receive millions in U.S. taxpayer money to provide mobile phones. The USAID Food for Peace program, which the State Department administered through Hillary aide Cheryl Mills, distributed Digicel phones free to Haitians.


9e091c No.1607192


>Why was the IG moved to 6/11?

POTUS will be out of country?

5cece0 No.1607195


Nephilim = Annunaki = Apkallu

The "Y" symbolism Q speaks of may be their tie back to the/their Nephilim/Annunaki/Apkallu Y chromosome; I've not seen that mentioned yet, (the Y == non-human origin Y chromosome).

5e592a No.1607196

File: 1e7b534c3572189⋯.jpg (12.94 KB, 182x268, 91:134, MV5BODgwMjM2ODE4M15BMl5Ban….jpg)

Ok this might sound silly, but watch this movie.

It's like a tame version of what's really going on.

Normies get caught up in some huge prostitution, gang, crooked cop, and bribery scandal. The elite entrap the DA by hosting him at his private and secret sex club. He has compromising pictures and videos of this DA, but the DA doesn't even know this. In this way, the mob will be able to make the DA tow the line when it becomes convenient.

It's also a decent comedy, made back in 2010 before everyone got TDS.

f1aacb No.1607197


guess we should all get used to eating with plastic sporks

d3a82f No.1607198

File: e4f5a015d3381d5⋯.jpg (474.3 KB, 1820x808, 455:202, 2RBTS 1 Jun 18 0915.jpg)

File: c76b4aecc2441f7⋯.jpg (224.64 KB, 1713x633, 571:211, 2RBTS 1 Jun 18 Exeter 0925.jpg)

File: e5b3aa1654b95c3⋯.jpg (288.16 KB, 1675x949, 1675:949, 2RBTS 1 Jun 18 1105 Exeter….jpg)

File: 1a6f61b4f784b04⋯.jpg (223.87 KB, 1661x591, 1661:591, EGY1111 1 Jun 18 1120.jpg)

File: 441e0c85d63ca16⋯.jpg (290.75 KB, 1221x895, 1221:895, 2RBTS 1 Jun 18 1625 Bourne….jpg)

Part 2

2RBTS was being very odd, pinballing all over the place again. At the time of writing this it's back in Exeter again with another trip to Jersey being possible.

The Egyptian Air Force were active over Burkina Faso - I need help with context on this one.

8bfcad No.1607199


Soros knows the public thinks he's involved in this race.

This story of him backing out of supporting is most likely made up to throw people off.

"Look, he's no longer trying to rig election!" but in the background, out of public eyes, money is still getting to his candidate.

dcad62 No.1607200

=_= don't forget y.our commandments, be well but hate will make you weaker. get comfy fags, U only know a 1/4 of the law. hate helps nothingness o>

f039b7 No.1607201

are ya winning son?

b8be21 No.1607202

File: 86d80a9f2cbaab3⋯.jpg (73.19 KB, 566x528, 283:264, kkk.jpg)

8a00dd No.1607204

File: 768690c65756f31⋯.png (128.65 KB, 853x455, 853:455, ClipboardImage.png)


Caribbean cell phone provider Digicel will own the hotel, which will have 173 new rooms and create 175 new jobs. Marriott Hotels and Resorts will operate the hotel upon completion in 2014. Construction is set to begin in 2012.

Clinton praised the project for creating jobs and attracting visitors in a statement from the William J. Clinton Foundation. "My foundation has worked with both Marriott and Digicel, and encouraged them to form this partnership," the president said.


528ad5 No.1607205


Come to think of it, this could make for some funny memes. Perhaps a person handing a plate of whole veggies and a steak to someone at the table. "I didn't have a knife." "I don't have one, either."

b1502a No.1607206

File: 9f20412ac46da81⋯.png (311.31 KB, 300x421, 300:421, ClipboardImage.png)

US senator meets Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen in show of support for island

David Perdue and Tsai exchanged views on regional peace, cross-strait issues and bilateral trade in second visit by a US heavyweight this week.

US Senator David Perdue, one of President Donald Trump’s closest supporters in the Senate, added a Taiwan stop to his Asia trip in a show of support for the island after it lost two more diplomatic allies to Beijing last month.

The Dominican Republic terminated official ties with Taiwan in early May, followed by Burkina Faso last week – leaving the self-ruled island with just 18 allies left as Beijing uses economic lures to gain diplomatic support and put the squeeze on Taipei.

Beijing sees Taiwan as a breakaway province subject to eventual unification, by force if necessary. Cross-strait tensions have been rising since President Tsai Ing-wen from the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party came to power two years ago and refused to accept the one-China principle, prompting Beijing to suspend official exchanges with the island.

Perdue, a Republican senator who sits on the Armed Services Committee, met Tsai in Taipei on Friday, Taiwan’s presidential office said in a statement.

He reiterated Washington’s commitment to the Taiwan Relations Act and expressed its appreciation for the island’s long-standing support of the US and its contribution to the region, the statement said.

Perdue and Tsai also exchanged views on regional peace, cross-strait issues and bilateral trade and economic cooperation.

The US senator is a long-time supporter of Taiwan, including its participation in international bodies such as the World Health Assembly and Interpol. He recently voted in favour of the US National Defence Authorisation Act for fiscal 2019 that calls for high-level military exchanges between the US and Taiwan and the supply of defensive weapons for the island.

He was the second heavyweight US congressman to visit the island this week after fellow Republican Cory Gardner, head of the Senate’s Foreign Relations Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific and International Cybersecurity Policy, also changed his travel plans to add Taiwan to his Asia trip.

Gardner also met Tsai and reportedly emphasised the importance of Taiwan’s security in the face of Beijing’s military expansion in the South China Sea and elsewhere.

Observers say Taiwan is looking to the United States and Japan for backing as it comes under mounting pressure from Beijing. Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu told lawmakers this week that the island should step up efforts to build relations with nations it does not have official diplomatic ties with, especially “like-minded countries”. He also said Taiwan must boost its profile in the Indo-Pacific, echoing the US regional strategy of including India as one of its security partners in countering the mainland in the region.

http:// www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2148916/us-senator-meets-taiwanese-president-tsai-ing-wen-show

29719b No.1607207

File: 9620bfc98946ba8⋯.jpeg (10.74 KB, 300x168, 25:14, riot.jpeg)

File: 9cf6a2a992f013c⋯.jpeg (17.28 KB, 255x156, 85:52, WeareQ.jpeg)

More fuckery in the courts

Inauguration rioting trials in chaos with dismissals, possible mistrial, and talk of jury nullification

Federal prosecutors received a series of blows Thursday in their effort to convict anti-capitalism march participants of rioting and destroying property during President Trump’s inauguration in Washington, D.C.

Judge Robert Morin, ruling on pretrial motions for 10 defendants, dismissed seven cases after finding prosecutors improperly concealed undercover Project Veritas videos from defendants, ruling that "it’s a serious violation" of their rights.

Morin reduced felony counts to misdemeanors for three others, who now will have bench trials beginning in June.

Later in the day, Judge Kimberly Knowles, presiding over a four-person group trial, allowed jurors to begin deliberations. But Knowles said she is considering defense motions to declare a mistrial over the video evidence, some of which cast doubt on the degree of shared planning ahead of a raucous half-hour march that ended in the mass arrest of more than 230 people.


dcad62 No.1607208

r u

eb9eea No.1607211

File: 900e22cf1d02565⋯.jpg (40.11 KB, 388x501, 388:501, 2bb7oh~2.jpg)

>>1607196 (You)

Are you that bored?

da48be No.1607212


VA Congressional Candidate "I'm a pedophile"


d3a82f No.1607213

File: 528616cc315209a⋯.jpg (385.64 KB, 1703x623, 1703:623, 2JSEG 1 Jun 18 0845 Geneva….jpg)

File: d997d46d3f4b4e2⋯.jpg (463.12 KB, 1565x777, 1565:777, T785 1 Jun 18 0950.jpg)

File: 567d543ab4859cd⋯.jpg (390.23 KB, 1561x687, 1561:687, T785 1 Jun 18 1155.jpg)

File: 42c0dab71538ba4⋯.jpg (225.05 KB, 1657x613, 1657:613, AME4500 1 Jun 18 1240.jpg)

File: 319c56f28224e87⋯.jpg (237.57 KB, 1819x721, 1819:721, AME4500 1 Jun 18 Gran Cana….jpg)

Part 3

T-785 went to Innsbruck and back. 2-JSEG left Geneva and went home to Biggin Hill. I caught it over Southend.

fc4e32 No.1607214


>campaign money

what matters is the control of the voting machines / tally

the bribe money

f1aacb No.1607216


very interesting, y heads

i know there is alot of stuff on the rh factor

don't really understand it yet

im going to do some digging

d090bc No.1607218

Don't give up clockfags!

Not everyone is the same kind of gay :)

b262b6 No.1607219

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


2 +2 = 5

528ad5 No.1607220


We need paper ballots, preferably the kind that has the candidates on them, too.

672e64 No.1607221

File: b56079d94da2431⋯.jpg (421.69 KB, 802x854, 401:427, Cucumber Intelligence Agen….jpg)


Yup, definitely a gaslight campaign against those of 'independent' political persuasion.. can't have the sheep running away from the repub/demo fields. The dude's whole "background" glows.

77fb01 No.1607222

File: 1689137e159b919⋯.jpeg (7.71 KB, 212x238, 106:119, semjase.jpeg)

File: 4d25d0c03109b48⋯.jpg (52.81 KB, 480x309, 160:103, Greece.jpg)

File: 92267273137785d⋯.jpg (875.15 KB, 1500x1003, 1500:1003, Bicardi.jpg)

File: 6a53eb1e0de09b9⋯.jpg (27.71 KB, 852x480, 71:40, love.jpg)

File: a63e23e5d14738a⋯.jpg (22.22 KB, 384x256, 3:2, 7 sisters.jpg)

Good this way??

51b0b6 No.1607223

File: fcc031ec3e21978⋯.jpg (15.27 KB, 405x371, 405:371, reee.jpg)


Oh great, (You)'re back…

40f0b4 No.1607224


If you have proof of trafficking against dangerous people that doesn't assure your freedom. More often than not that assures your suicide by multiple gunshot wounds to the back of your head.

d3a82f No.1607225

File: a7de0a28241b587⋯.jpg (270.75 KB, 1701x633, 567:211, QQ101 1 Jun 18 1100.jpg)

File: 2c341002dbcf35a⋯.jpg (566.62 KB, 1825x775, 73:31, FALCN31 1 Jun 18 1120.jpg)

File: 491d23257290af3⋯.jpg (184.52 KB, 1814x654, 907:327, ZZ235 1 Jun 18 1615.jpg)

File: 9e3dd4bb105325f⋯.jpg (190.49 KB, 1587x631, 1587:631, ZZ235 31 May 18 Cape Verde.jpg)

File: 771e8425c0e6fcf⋯.jpg (99.59 KB, 1201x809, 1201:809, ZZ235 10 Apr 18 Falklands.jpg)

Part 4

The Brits were returning from the Falklands and USAF FALCN31 was back in Europe after a trip to Tel Aviv. I also caught a QinetiQ flight call sign QQ101 that might freak a few people!

c44b33 No.1607226

File: cdd2398f253ce6f⋯.png (71.59 KB, 675x444, 225:148, Egyptian-ỉmy2-who-which-in.PNG)





b47ad4 No.1607227

File: fae368437124f81⋯.jpg (177.47 KB, 873x1200, 291:400, DencME6V4AA5mXX.jpg)

File: e92bc8728a3a643⋯.jpg (145.03 KB, 1080x842, 540:421, DencMEzVQAACUHd.jpg)

File: 31dfab0bb434e71⋯.jpg (174.25 KB, 741x1200, 247:400, Dencis5VMAEzZJl.jpg)

"Actions taken by the DOJ & FBI in advance of the 2016 election."

You're going to want to read this one.


9eafb1 No.1607228


eb9eea No.1607229

File: 5c6022cc4004c0b⋯.jpg (40.74 KB, 469x468, 469:468, 2bdlgq~2.jpg)

>>1607221 (You)

Thanks for the head.

9eafb1 No.1607230


old news. came out last night…

on the news every night

f8c34b No.1607231


Also, don't forget that Q said that John Solomon and Sarah Carter were getting "inside scoops" and were also protected:

Anonymous ID: c27a60 No.45569 📁

Dec 6 2017 21:02:04 (EST)


>https://twitter.📁 com/SaraCarterDC/status/938574363040911360

Sara is good people.

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 6f5bab No.45609 📁

Dec 6 2017 21:05:26 (EST)


Why are Sara & John getting all the ‘real' scoops?

Expand your thinking.

Why are they now under protection?


5e592a No.1607232


Gowdy: You think our first request there were only 8 emails responsive to our first request?

Clinton: Your first request was for Benghazi, then I believe you expanded it to Libya and (((WEAPONS))), and a few other terms.


9eafb1 No.1607233


youre a fucking sheep if you think this is new and you found it because of PAM and Q

d3a82f No.1607234

File: 181c91143b63b55⋯.jpg (536.01 KB, 1909x665, 1909:665, FRAFD 1 Jun 18 1000.jpg)

File: 20d43fb9c00bc3a⋯.jpg (367.95 KB, 1607x653, 1607:653, 2MAPZ 1 Jun 18 1040.jpg)

File: 6d6d622279a93a7⋯.jpg (239.17 KB, 977x517, 977:517, 2MAPZ 30 May 18.jpg)

File: c7a610d74f05076⋯.jpg (519.79 KB, 1697x885, 1697:885, PRLJT Geneva 1 Jun 18 1045.jpg)

File: 03425d4e0f4db4d⋯.jpg (367.41 KB, 1817x595, 1817:595, PRLJT 1 Jun 18 1125.jpg)

Part 5

I also caught the Brazilians leaving Geneva and heading home. French Air Farce were roaming around and I caught a new 2-Plane - 2MAPPZ, presumably a mapping plane like 2-MAPP.

9eafb1 No.1607236



9eafb1 No.1607237


348400 No.1607238

File: 1953fb9391fbb51⋯.jpg (240.38 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, SNOW FENCES.003.jpg)

File: a0ecfc47c1adc72⋯.jpeg (42.11 KB, 474x317, 474:317, th (18).jpeg)

File: 29dce804de0f58b⋯.jpg (80.7 KB, 500x610, 50:61, 558dea928b0b8f76177b368473….jpg)

File: afd0f093f624fea⋯.jpg (72.82 KB, 640x480, 4:3, IMG_4580-562067.JPG)

WAR with Canadia imminent

Trudeau slaps tax duty fees on TP & quiche!




f76a94 No.1607239

2 new breads saying we are starting over….BO WHERE R U ???

eb9eea No.1607240

File: 866784299f7d30c⋯.jpg (31 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Granny-Sessions.jpg)

File: 1c5c07280a44b8a⋯.jpg (67.93 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2b7shr.jpg)

Trump wants Sessions out..

7c5291 No.1607241


MSM is slowly changing their tune…

They know what's coming down, so they have to save face, or be destroyed.

70e5c3 No.1607242


Disagree. Having the info and not releasing it would seem to endanger you more.

IDK much about dead man switches, but I would bet (((they))) have a way around them fo

4b27e0 No.1607243

Day 9 of no Q Drops - I miss Q but such a long stretch of quiet means that a BIG OP is happening behind the scenes.

* IS THIS THE FINAL PUSH? to break the Cabal to decisively CRIPPLE them?

I sure feel like we've reached the Red Pill Tipping Point, because if the Evil Scum aren't defeated in a way that the public can see and real soon, we're ready to go after them with pitchforks and torches … Now.

Imagine: Millions of us heading out to their high priced neighborhoods, mansions, luxury penthouses, comfy bunkers —– it just takes ONE Spark - one group of Patriots going out to hit one elite target, and a FLASH MOB of Patriots all over the country will IMMEDIATELY do the same.

Do you feel it too?

Pres. Trump and Q Team must be doing something HUGE right now because the Evil Scum are already in hiding, but WE THE PEOPLE are itching to go get them.

Q Team and our good fighting forces on every level must be taking them down now decisively because if they don't, plenty of us are ready to.

Imagine: all the big names, we know where their massive compounds are. We know the billionaire neighborhoods in every city and suburb. Their maids,drivers and contractors know their exact location, security entry, escape route to their private planes, etc.

All it takes is The First Spark- the First Patriots who head to the big Cabal target nearest to them - ALL of us in every part of the US can do the same!!!



2a3db0 No.1607244

File: 452542b3d086c31⋯.png (37.73 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, techniques.png)

came across this digging on other shit. if anon likes anon reads


b1502a No.1607245


So we have been told, I hope, it is correct on the point that he can do no more damage, however it only means there is another to step in and take his place….(Alex)…I am sure he was taught well.

9eafb1 No.1607246





7c5291 No.1607247


The resemblance really is striking…

Granny was always wanting to go to war, so let's hope Sessions is the same…

8af8e0 No.1607248

File: f7addc34c35cd12⋯.png (1.03 MB, 845x2538, 845:2538, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e036bc2401eab7a⋯.png (106.55 KB, 1268x766, 634:383, ClipboardImage.png)


Digicel is a Federal Contractor per the Federal Procurement Site.

From there, I went to the DoS FOIA reading room looking specifically for Digicel. Came across an email (sent via Digicel) from Damian Merlo -> Cheryl Mills. Who is Damian Merlo?

Intrasting connection between Merlo, Martelly and WDSHN…. Full article worth a read - Hussein and HRC dipping their fingers into election results.


77fb01 No.1607249


Looks like a perfect Friday night!!!

Sleep a day, party all life nights!!!

7c5291 No.1607250

ID: 9eafb1

d3a82f No.1607251

File: 1232d1eb704d79e⋯.jpg (367.87 KB, 1701x729, 7:3, GAF983 1 Jun 18 1120.jpg)

File: 04a880e68cd6bb2⋯.jpg (252.45 KB, 1817x555, 1817:555, GAF983 1 Jun 18 1140.jpg)

File: 1df5bfb7dc50986⋯.jpg (258.34 KB, 1465x563, 1465:563, Atila04 1 Jun 18 1355.jpg)

File: 5de4d725d25f2ff⋯.jpg (222.89 KB, 1597x667, 1597:667, Various Jordan 1 Jun 18 14….jpg)

File: f800776d1dc8b68⋯.jpg (417.71 KB, 1817x735, 1817:735, GAF879 1 Jun 18 Kiev Dnipr….jpg)

Part 6

The Germans were spreading out again. One was off the coast of Morocco (I lost the dignal sop couldn't follow it further), one was headed back from the Ukraine (Kiev, via Dnipro).

I also caught a mixed bag of cats and dogs around Jordan from various air forces.

348400 No.1607252

File: 06e8faa54d901c4⋯.jpg (76.64 KB, 940x580, 47:29, 2018-02-21T082844Z_1290749….jpg)

File: 3ad9e21c306fa81⋯.jpg (64.92 KB, 800x792, 100:99, Canadian-Maple-Leaf-Toilet….jpg)


Link of fateful moves by "Canadiens of Peace"


f1aacb No.1607253


damn he is such a fucking queer

i know that one dude they had in there

the crack head one, was just doing a job

so the people would accept most anything

9eafb1 No.1607254

568aee No.1607256

File: 2bb23bb48bb8f4f⋯.png (166.22 KB, 477x722, 477:722, cloak113bird.png)

File: a5997ada2219e27⋯.png (134.31 KB, 476x724, 119:181, cloak133bird.png)





528ad5 No.1607257


Supposedly, they're here already. There are two reasons that they're not making contact. First, the people that the governments have chosen are not qualified for the job. It takes an open mind, loving heart, and pure intentions. Second, there is actually a law on the books that does not allow the unauthorized to make contact. They could be subject to fine and imprisonment. A stroke of a pen could abrogate this.

63e981 No.1607258

File: 3f6ff76adc7b803⋯.jpg (149.19 KB, 600x600, 1:1, KEK.jpg)

File: f5cd0a955fd17c2⋯.jpg (477.9 KB, 1122x1122, 1:1, 1453976173566.jpg)


KEK he God of Chaos

d3a82f No.1607259

File: dab657fec37c72a⋯.jpg (305.16 KB, 1499x565, 1499:565, FALCN31 1 Jun 18 1045.jpg)

File: 2c341002dbcf35a⋯.jpg (566.62 KB, 1825x775, 73:31, FALCN31 1 Jun 18 1120.jpg)

File: 5e8b9362ac826f3⋯.jpg (99.02 KB, 566x558, 283:279, Red Arrow.jpg)

Part 7

That's all for now. Two screens to show the journey that FALCN31 took.

94add5 No.1607260

Wealthy donors are spending millions of dollars to back would-be prosecutors who want to reduce incarceration, crack down on police misconduct and revamp a bail system they contend unfairly imprisons poor people before trial.

The effort is part of a years-long campaign by liberal groups to reshape the nation's criminal justice system. New York billionaire George Soros headlines a consortium of private funders, the American Civil Liberties Union and other social justice groups and Democratic activists targeting four of the 56 district attorney positions up for election on June 5. Five other California candidates are receiving lesser support.


“I have to assume Soros has realized that San Diego has no interest in an unqualified candidate holding the top law enforcement job in the county,” he said in an email.


8ab848 No.1607261

You dayshiftfags suck at baker girls. I've only seen one this thread.

5956f6 No.1607262

File: 353e5c9f5a413fc⋯.jpeg (149.5 KB, 996x1500, 83:125, 22a78959204fb611981b63395….jpeg)

>>1607177 ; >>1607198 ; >>1607213 ; >>1607225 ; >>1607234 ; >>1607251 ; >>1607259 Planefag Update: Bumper Bundle of Spoop Edition

All Notable'd

Big fan of your work.

Keep it up.

16a611 No.1607263

>>1606887 Samantha Bee will now FOREVERMORE be known as THE CUNT, or SAM CUNT or FOUL CUNT or………………….

d3a82f No.1607264










Please add to the dough. Thanks.

83fa05 No.1607265

File: 392f058753c6933⋯.jpg (152.84 KB, 649x440, 59:40, D Adesky.jpg)

>>1606669 (lb)


Nice work anons.


twt ammo

8a00dd No.1607266

File: c8174d25b77659c⋯.png (20.81 KB, 675x156, 225:52, ClipboardImage.png)

Of course Bill Gates got in on the fun…

A year after the January 2010 quake that destroyed more than a third of the country's bank branches, ATMs, and money transfer stations, cash shortages among Haitians remain widespread. Establishing new mobile services will help humanitarian agencies, charities, and donors get billions of aid dollars and remittances into the hands of ordinary Haitians. Digicel's mobile money service makes it possible for customers to use their mobile phones to make deposits and withdrawals at retail outlets and transfer money between Tcho Tcho Mobile accounts. Other services to be added in the future include bill payments, payment for government services, and international remittance transfers.


70e5c3 No.1607267

File: 991d489bb1a6505⋯.jpg (99.53 KB, 643x707, 643:707, pedodisease.jpg)

VA Congressional candidate admits to being a pedophile. They are going to force our hand soon! I am nearing the point, where I will not take this shit, anymore

https://www. yahoo.com/news/congressional-candidate-virginia-admits-pedophile-011921211.html

f1aacb No.1607268

File: 242d0870988026d⋯.jpg (96.65 KB, 832x555, 832:555, wine-and-cheese-3.jpg)


so put some up and stop whinning

c44b33 No.1607269

File: db35403341eb9e0⋯.jpg (306.9 KB, 973x1286, 973:1286, MrNMrsNoName.jpg)


Didn't someone have a daughter?

51df86 No.1607270


Goal is to accomplish all peacefully with minimal civil unrest.

FLOTUS not seen in awhile, recovering, AND protect those you love. Safe in the WH.

9349f5 No.1607271

File: 65042c10ca436d2⋯.jpg (24.05 KB, 372x300, 31:25, mikeeats.jpg)

e728eb No.1607272

File: 4b7540066c12ed3⋯.jpg (151.1 KB, 1196x655, 1196:655, n-screen-sys.8ch.net-2018-….jpg)


Weak shit, buddy. Eat a fucking bullet.

8bfcad No.1607274


Just goes to show that the nightshift cares more about nude pics than digging.

f1aacb No.1607275


bout time we get some hot asians

57dfd4 No.1607276

File: af79254ed233d21⋯.png (360.99 KB, 776x350, 388:175, OhBombUh.png)

84e07e No.1607277


May 22 2018 16:29:23 (EST)






No wonder you’re late. Why, this watch is exactly two days slow.

Mad Hatter (from Alice in Wonderland, 1951)

Q is back tomorrow as his/her watch is two days slow.

b0d3bc No.1607278



e69623 No.1607279

File: 9f5ee7742dd5187⋯.png (525.71 KB, 822x636, 137:106, Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at ….png)

File: b3e3a6ae36ee887⋯.png (78.78 KB, 819x305, 819:305, Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at ….png)

Stephen Paddock checked in three days earlier than initial reports

Three women were registered to Paddock's room

Paddock's girlfriend, Marilou Danley, has a FB follower who follows ISIS


3cce44 No.1607280

File: 79b7764a7aa392a⋯.jpeg (125.25 KB, 1440x1064, 180:133, 1525054826.jpeg)

b0d3bc No.1607281



a6ae5a No.1607282

File: 1ecc9f41f049b02⋯.jpg (650.12 KB, 790x548, 395:274, MelaniaDJTPepeGroup.jpg)


Agreed. FLOTUS remains top priority and is safe.

b47ad4 No.1607283

File: b383aea175afb18⋯.png (47.47 KB, 633x301, 633:301, Machine gun attack and thr….png)

Tommy's in jail so everything is fine now.


d23248 No.1607284


Wasn't this the Admiral that said he was going to refuse orders from GEOTUS if he was elected?

8526fb No.1607285


Ten days have passed since I last tried flying by flapping my arms…didn't work.

Is there actually a point you're making or were you just bored and wanting to create a dumb meme?

2a3db0 No.1607287

File: 5ea699d99391df0⋯.png (224.19 KB, 899x559, 899:559, HC FC.png)

just a quick dig. mostly because of the ghost writer on Amazon - Hilary Clinton Fan Club - re_Q posts 80-82 -

6d135a No.1607288


Dats rayciss!

The forever first lady looks NOTHING like a monkey

242482 No.1607289


Problem is if one is black hat they all are. TG said "history will be kinder to Comey". Comey got Mueller appointed. RR oversees Mueller. But when we realized Mueller was good (Q drop re: POTUS not target followed by Cohen raid) we must the infer the rest are based on actions and drama. Q said RR and RM are directly linked (i.e. Good or bad). They are all working with POTUS. C_A comped F_I and used them to spy on POTUS. Same as how Clintons have comped Comey and Bush comped Mueller. POTUS gave them the opportunity to flip the script and they are acting if out brilliantly. When POTUS did the "Comey is McCabe" tweet that was the signal that McCabe was the POS and all the fury directed at "Comey" from POTUS was really against McCabe.

d3a82f No.1607290

File: 2409fc0610ab4cb⋯.png (378.45 KB, 554x629, 554:629, AF Recon_png.png)

File: c57fd1c6e17962f⋯.png (598.85 KB, 800x600, 4:3, concern_vs_planefags.png)

File: 58a095dd9d9ed6c⋯.jpg (72.99 KB, 660x288, 55:24, Kek ATC.jpg)


That depends on how you define 'Night'. Some of us are Europe and work the 'Night Shift' compared to the US.

d3b5fd No.1607291


And it's not just this race. Soros is running around loose and executing his long term plan to undermine this country, spending his millions to put his hand-picked District Attorneys into office.

These DAs will enforce HIS rules and release/refuse to prosecute the scum of this land and turn them loose on us - and nothing is stopping him!

http:// www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-prosecutor-campaign-20180523-story.html

"Wealthy donors are spending millions of dollars to back would-be prosecutors who want to reduce incarceration, crack down on police misconduct and revamp a bail system they contend unfairly imprisons poor people before trial.

The effort is part of a years-long campaign by liberal groups to reshape the nation's criminal justice system. New York billionaire George Soros headlines a consortium of private funders, the American Civil Liberties Union and other social justice groups and Democratic activists targeting four of the 56 district attorney positions up for election on June 5."

170fe7 No.1607292

File: c9af3ed4b4d8e19⋯.jpg (117.41 KB, 1296x728, 162:91, awaqe.jpg)


cure for TDS

672e64 No.1607293

File: 4d5b620f9dba551⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 1143x2381, 1143:2381, On the difference between ….jpg)

File: 4d3aec4793efc12⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 400x560, 5:7, Woke.gif)


Here's an expanded breakdown on Kek, as provided by >>>/pol/ … also shows quality info-meme style.

d3a82f No.1607294


Roger, wilco.


79ea48 No.1607295

File: 31e486f03a3c93c⋯.png (59.3 KB, 952x366, 476:183, DDFFFDD.PNG)

This could be any of us.

https:// www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/05/trump-supporters-family-stalked-by-huffington-post-writer-luke-obrien-her-husband-loses-job-family-put-in-danger/

2a009d No.1607296


Well oiled machine just like the military. Runs it's self. This how the world should work.

84e07e No.1607297


master is [P] bolded

[P] is not P, as in P=C

29719b No.1607298


Marriott Hotels connected to CF.

6df749 No.1607299


>my fellow faggots

it's just fags

no hard r's

8526fb No.1607300


And you KNOW he/she/they are gone how? Wouldn't it be a hoot if Q-team actually posted your crap, though anonymously, too further the Plan? The Plan you obviously don't Trust, nor understand.

8ab848 No.1607301


No one is asking for nudes, just digging inspiration for the troops.

aa8db6 No.1607302



stfu newfag or shill

going with shill

fbfc65 No.1607303

File: e5c6c16c95a2b95⋯.jpg (94.79 KB, 624x499, 624:499, galen.jpg)

d3a82f No.1607304

File: 501ce26f06d4067⋯.jpg (91.91 KB, 799x499, 799:499, Recon Patrol.jpg)


You said military..?

9e091c No.1607305


nice find anon

57dfd4 No.1607306


Save a bone, drop the stone.

What's next?

57e76e No.1607307


I'll take some nudes…

615359 No.1607308


Phew! Thank God he doesn't have verSatility or we would be fucked!

5e592a No.1607309


Banning machine guns and knives NOT ENOUGH

They need to ban MURDER

aea96d No.1607310


It is actually ¨into¨ Africa. Odd thought when your raised on Jew History. But look into it. (((they))) lie about all our history. All to control what you think.

9c3c5f No.1607311

File: 6c7c18e33f1bb1d⋯.jpg (76.88 KB, 513x499, 513:499, feckless.jpg)



88f8dc No.1607312


Peope are so fucking blind, the country is in ruins, the population starving and she is building a Marriott which only hosts people who can pay $200 a night. Its for business travelers of course, the business is sex trafficking. When will the rest of the world wake up?

f1aacb No.1607313

b262b6 No.1607314

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


The Horror

d3a82f No.1607315


Work, shirk or lurk. No fapping.

79ea48 No.1607316


Men over there can also toss their balls into the box.

b1502a No.1607317

File: 07297e86440e7a1⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1232x693, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Michael Avenatti asked Democrats to help fund his legal battle against Trump: Report

Michael Avenatti reportedly asked Democratic operatives to help fund the two lawsuits he's pursuing against President Trump on behalf of his client, porn star Stormy Daniels.

Sources told the New York Times that Avenatti approached someone who works for the group of liberal organizations led by David Brock. Another person tied to Avenatti’s law firm contacted two people close to top Democratic donors.

Avenatti called Bradley Beychok, the president of American Bridge, which was founded by Brock, just before launching a crowdfunding website raising money to assist Daniels in her lawsuit against Trump.

During the discussion, Avenatti reportedly said he wanted to raise up to $2 million, and wanted some of that money to come from Democratic donors or groups, the New York Times reported. The conversations, though, did not yield any financial assistance.

Two Democratic operatives told the Times that Brock’s organizations chose not to contribute money because they believed there was little value in doing so. Mike Berkowitz, a political adviser who works with Hyatt Hotel heiress Rachel Pritzker, referred Avenatti to Brock’s organizations, the Times reported.

A person connected to Avenatti’s law firm contacted Berkowitz asking for help with Daniels’ legal battle against Trump. But Berkowitz did not tell Pritzker of the request, sources said.

Avenatti told the Times he and his associates may have reached out to the Democratic operatives, but said he didn’t recognize Beychok, Berkowitz, or Brock’s names.

“We’ve contacted people on the right and the left relating to a variety of issues,” he said. “We have not sought any money from anyone on the right or the left.”

Avenatti said he turned down “big money” from Republican and Democratic donors “because we’re not going to have this politicized.” He also said he and Daniels have “not taken any political-associated dollars.”

The crowdfunding website set up by Avenatti and Daniels has raised more than $527,000. Daniels paid her lawyer a small amount for legal fees, but Avenatti told the Times he is currently being paid through the donations to the fundraising site.

Daniels and Avenatti have filed two lawsuits against Trump. The first seeks to invalidate a confidentiality agreement Daniels signed to remain quiet about an alleged sexual encounter she had with Trump. The second claims Trump defamed her.

Daniels received $130,000 from Michael Cohen, Trump’s lawyer, just before the 2016 election in exchange for her silence about the affair.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/michael-avenatti-asked-democrats-to-help-fund-his-legal-battle-against-trump-report

8bfcad No.1607318

Judge agrees to halt fetal heartbeat abortion law


16a611 No.1607319

>>1607284 Yes. https://myrightamerica.com/top-official-refusing-obey/

Reminds me of the line from The Thin Red Line where the junior officer tells the senior officer he agrees with him and the senior officer comes back with something close to, "From now on you don't have to say you agree with me. We'll just assume it."

164cdb No.1607320


Mein reincarnated brothers and sisters from other terras. What is the deal with some autism / ADHD sensitivity to light?

Are we really from another planet where morning light was a lot more "powerful" in terms of EM Frequencies?


b47ad4 No.1607321

File: b2051bddb3e2519⋯.png (25.55 KB, 1083x114, 19:2, legislator-behind-pro-abor….png)

Illinois state Rep. Lou Lang, a top pro-abortion politician, resigned from his leadership positions Thursday after he allegedly harassed a woman, the Chicago Sun Times reports.


aea96d No.1607322


Either she is sick, or dead or she is on a secret mission for Trump. Odd stuff

d3a82f No.1607323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



94add5 No.1607324

Oh goody!

>Video of Harvey Weinstein Groping Woman During Business Meeting Surfaces, Victim Sues

Published June 1, 2018 at 8:54 am PDT


Gary Trock


Mike Walters


9e091c No.1607325


>be 007

>need a license to kill

92282e No.1607328

File: 35931566dcee0c0⋯.jpeg (99.46 KB, 919x960, 919:960, 5611EB13-272E-4F17-8E74-9….jpeg)

File: d3b49548e3aeb21⋯.jpeg (49.6 KB, 473x449, 473:449, CBEFD1A4-B0E4-4D02-B6AD-B….jpeg)

File: 1f4df73c14d7f0c⋯.jpeg (164.09 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 0F0235B8-7A5F-42DD-8760-2….jpeg)

File: ad00fe50ce348d2⋯.png (11.19 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0554812A-7F85-4FDD-ABC8-7B….png)

29719b No.1607329

>>1607248 Digicel = Haiti CF connection

baker notable

for your consideration

8bfcad No.1607330


Going for a true doxxing of yourself, eh? KEK!

6293ac No.1607331

File: 05df5d67c688ee3⋯.jpg (75.32 KB, 361x482, 361:482, March-of-the-Titans.jpg)


The Talmudic programing must be broken

a1f5b7 No.1607332

File: 9b7131b07033e0d⋯.jpg (102.21 KB, 1033x500, 1033:500, jarrett ape meme.jpg)

bc1bf4 No.1607333

Fakebook ending 'trending news' section which was just liberal fascists using the social grooming site to promote liberal fake news as 'popular'




615359 No.1607334


Seems very obvious to me. Not sure why the confusion. There's a storm. She's being protected.

671388 No.1607335

VISA down


96e352 No.1607336

File: 14650cff7a4d389⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1808x3524, 452:881, ImperatorRex.jpg)



170fe7 No.1607337


>Avenatti said he turned down “big money” from Republican and Democratic donors “because we’re not going to have this politicized.” He also said he and Daniels have “not taken any political-associated dollars.”


THis guy is so stupid I'm starting to think he's (our) guy. Paying someone off to shut up about sex isn't a crime. What a witch hunt.

75a6b5 No.1607338

All reports of LIDA,.ameloid tumors caused by rapid acting injectable insulin have been buried by BP gev/regulator collusion.

>>1604526 (pb)

LIDA is Yuge.

b1502a No.1607339

File: 35726918088122d⋯.png (841.85 KB, 770x435, 154:87, ClipboardImage.png)

Koreas agree to reunite families separated by the Korean War

North and South Korea agreed on Friday to reunite families separated by the 1950-1953 by the Korean War, a major step as relations between the two former foes continues to warm.

The countries agreed to hold military and Red Cross talks later in June to work toward reducing tensions, and they also agreed to a meeting between senior officials to establish a liaison office at the border, the Associated Press reported.

In another attempt at reconciliations between the two nations, the talks in June will also include a discussion on combining teams for some sports at the Asian Games in August.

As the U.S. continues its push to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, the South works on building a stronger, more trusting relationship.

“If we continue to engage with each other like we did today, there will be no problem that can’t be solved between the South and North,” South Korean Unification Minister Cho Myoung-gyon said after Friday’s meeting.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/foreign/koreas-agree-to-reunite-families-separated-by-the-korean-war

eb9eea No.1607340

File: 8be8207be2b20d7⋯.jpg (42.49 KB, 377x377, 1:1, 2b7yyj~2.jpg)

File: e2d2c4d8c40ea77⋯.png (67.38 KB, 500x563, 500:563, e-daily-news-sean-hannity-….png)

Hannity supports Dr Corsi and even promoted his book on his Thursday show.

bc1bf4 No.1607341

File: 9a82146b80f587a⋯.jpg (33.84 KB, 500x394, 250:197, LiberalsBelieveOnlyBlacksa….jpg)

77fb01 No.1607342

I see that all Patriots are digging inone direction…..

Obama, killery, noname, no shit….

None of you in Skunk Works - Lockheed Martin, where billions vanished. How many crimes-testimonies????



In 5 years……..you'll still dig in killery………





a3b151 No.1607343


Pretty please. People are getting pissed.

f1aacb No.1607344

671388 No.1607345

RR probs


79ea48 No.1607346


Is this suicide weekend? Anyone want to start a dead pool and guess which ones will kill themselves?

c03a03 No.1607347

File: e3d33445c8411fc⋯.jpg (101.63 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, bigger-than-you-can-imagin….jpg)

5c0be9 No.1607348

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

ty baker!

8ab848 No.1607349


no selfies

29719b No.1607350

>>1607204 Marriott Hotels linked to Haiti and CF

baker notable

for your consideration

57dfd4 No.1607351


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. (((The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.)))

bc1bf4 No.1607352


Wish it was me,

you hear me CNN?

9c3c5f No.1607353

File: af64ef9c9ad2b39⋯.jpg (76.43 KB, 513x499, 513:499, standards.jpg)


no standards

a3b151 No.1607354

Declassified docs, IG Report, indictments unsealed, SOMETHING!

29719b No.1607355


>When will the rest of the world wake up?

I think that's our job

d86db0 No.1607356

File: 23e13d8b6e03ea7⋯.jpg (97.38 KB, 695x369, 695:369, Wisdom.jpg)


>God bless you, Patriot, and keep making us think and question!

With much respect and gratitude, THANK YOU for your thoughtful and kind response, especially about…

'a fully-functioning platoon leverages individual strengths and talents, while working as a unit toward a specific goal/mission. That's the high-wire balancing act that is really difficult to maintain, especially without consistent, strong leadership.'

Its reassuring to KNOW that I am NOT the only PATRIOT here "struggling (constantly) with questions that keep popping into my mind…" ==*==

But I, like you, voluntarily accept this challenge and know that true Wisdom can only come from taking the Journey…

==*==Discernment <Matthew 6:5-8>

ff4543 No.1607357


regardless of what they implied by saying it was "benign" - her kidney "procedure" was not simple or minor.

It was an embolism procedure to shut down blood flow to a part of the kidney to remove a tumor that was likely to bleed profusely.

a thousand things can go wrong in any kidney procedure but keeping her in hospital for several days showed that there were some complications.

She will recover but obviously, it wasn't a "lop off annoying mole" kind of thing.


I read yesterday (no sauce) that her mother might be ill.

615359 No.1607358


I like making money. So after 7 months, I'll bet on the sure thing, after this weekend, no one will have killed themselves. Takers?

11d11e No.1607359


I’m feeling it too. Something good this way comes

f5900f No.1607360

File: 173b45087e8d1ea⋯.png (339.87 KB, 598x729, 598:729, VJPA.PNG)

eef759 No.1607361


Cheryl Mills

Black Ivy Group



1b15df No.1607362

File: de84f9901b6d6b3⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1242x1237, 1242:1237, good-eye-anon.png)


good eye anon 7c5291

164cdb No.1607363


>I like making money. So after 7 months, I'll bet on the sure thing, after this weekend, no one will have killed themselves. Takers?

Betting on whether or not people are going to kill themselves is not right or Godly, despite the person in question.

Attitude first.

8bfcad No.1607364


Wouldn't be to bright to try it with people that own land.

Lots of wooded acreage to bury people in and never be found.

a1f5b7 No.1607365


10 Days of Darkness.

568aee No.1607366

a3b151 No.1607367

RR recusal or firing, Sessions dropping the hammer! Pick one!

568aee No.1607368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

40f0b4 No.1607369


Info needs corroboration by a person when it gets to court. Case is a lot weaker when the provider of evidence decides to commit suicide before trial.

Even if you make it to court what good will it do you if the judge and prosecutor are bought and paid for by defendant?

8bfcad No.1607370


>10 Days of Darkness

Which drop is that in?

29719b No.1607371


Need simple side by sides to connect her with MB

f4c53b No.1607373


So, what's the pattern?

615359 No.1607374


Seems like an obligatory "kys" is the necessary response here. But I agree. I'd rather these rats be ruined in a cage for years and die off as their bodies fold. Suicide is too easy for them.

a3b151 No.1607375

170fe7 No.1607376


lol…add some Ron Perlman

242482 No.1607377


Cabal are ppl too. They have the spark of divinity yo. ;^)

b1502a No.1607378

File: 1c6f6744dc22091⋯.png (646.73 KB, 770x449, 770:449, ClipboardImage.png)

Blowout jobs report boosts odds of a June rate hike

The odds that the Federal Reserve will raise short-term interest rates in June, the second increase this year, climbed Friday as U.S. payroll expansion boosted confidence in stable economic growth.

Employers added 223,000 jobs in May, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, faster growth than the previous month and higher than economists' average forecast of 190,000 jobs. The jobless rate, meanwhile, dipped to 3.8 percent, the lowest since the last year of Bill Clinton's presidency.

The numbers are "consistent with the Fed's optimistic view on the U.S. economy" and support a 25 basis-point increase this month, said Michael Gapen, an economist with British lender Barclays. Members of the Fed's monetary policy committee, which sets rates, have signaled three to four increases this year – which would move interest as high as 2.25 to 2.5 percent.

"Borrowers and investors, among others, should prepare for the possibility of a total of at least three," said Mark Hamrick, senior economic analyst for Bankrate.com. "That means paying down debt and being aware that the stock market will likely remain volatile."

Indeed, U.S. stocks reached record highs earlier this year before retreating amid concern about rising interest rates and trade conflicts ignited by President Trump's protectionist policies.

The blue-chip Dow Jones Industrial average sank on Thursday as the White House imposed tariffs on metals imports from America's closest allies, spurring prompt retaliation, then rose with Friday's upbeat employment report.

Both lawmakers and economists have warned that the president's actions are imperiling gains from a GOP-led tax cut last year, and Hamrick said they may ultimately hurt the labor market as well.

"Remember the commonly-cited complaint from the business lobby about then-President Obama’s approach: 'Adds to uncertainty,'" he said. "This president has taken that risk to a much higher level. Along with further alienating our strongest allies, the moves risk lifting inflation which will disproportionately affect the very individuals, among others, who voted to send Mr. Trump to the White House."

Those concerns remain peripheral, for now, to the short-term economic outlook and shouldn't materially affect the central bank's immediate plans, said Joseph Song, an economist with Bank of America.

"The latest round of U.S. data should keep the Fed on track for a rate hike in June," he said. Trading in interest-rate futures on Friday, tracked by the CME Group, showed an 89 percent chance of a 25 basis-point hike later this month, up slightly from the day before.

That's good news for lenders such as Citigroup and Wells Fargo, which typically boost profitability by passing increases along to their borrowers more quickly than depositors.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/business/blowout-jobs-report-boosts-odds-of-a-june-rate-hike

6929fc No.1607379

While surgeons are probably needed. I would say to the Palestinians in Gaza, keep an eye on your vital organs y'all!

https:// news.antiwar.com/2018/05/31/red-cross-sends-war-surgeons-equipment-to-gaza-to-treat-heavy-casualties/

Red Cross officials say they believe there are 1,350 patients who will need three to five operations each. They say the surgical needs of Gaza would overwhelm even the biggest hospitals in Geneva without help.

While Israel has tried to downplay the medical crisis, they also forcibly prevented several small ships from leaving the Gaza Strip earlier this week. Those ships were carrying large numbers of wounded passengers who were trying to get to Cyprus for medical treatment

29719b No.1607380


Getting pissed is part of the plan don't you think?


Make your voices heard.

Demand action!


5a115d No.1607381

File: eac0883a08aaa47⋯.png (2.95 MB, 2222x3333, 2:3, Q_Darnkess-Darkness.png)


a few, but not that specific quote, that's repurposed/paraphrased Q

a1f5b7 No.1607382



Jan, March, May, June etc… Nothing will happen anyway, it's just a report, not charges.

d3a82f No.1607383


Rats in a barrel. Look it up. You bursy a barrel so the rats fall into it. They can't get out, there's nothing to eat - you can guess what happens next.

Even this si too good for them.

a3b151 No.1607384

You're doing fantastic on NK. We don't want to shit on that but one of the many things needs to happen already. At least give us a Nunes interview or something!

fbfc65 No.1607385

File: bb5be256f047af8⋯.jpg (72.78 KB, 620x444, 155:111, download.jpg)

77fb01 No.1607386


FE, Cube E, Flat Sun, whatever the fvck is……

Stop feeding shills, open a fvckin gg page and dig into something, don't fkin waste your time, TARD.


d3a82f No.1607387


As long as they are drenched in petrol when they have that spark, it's fine.

615359 No.1607388



1c2882 No.1607389


This is the date Assange will supposedly re-emerge as well.

a3709c No.1607390


Is it significant that there is a cross?

It is seems strange that they use the red cross so often, but maybe it is because it is red?

a26c55 No.1607392

File: 43d83fc7a4fe979⋯.png (44.86 KB, 1005x393, 335:131, comey-interviewed-by-doj.png)


a3b151 No.1607394


We got loud and elected them. We've been loud. Time to do what they were put in place for.

57e76e No.1607395


Looks more like DE-evolution, anon.

d3a82f No.1607396


Red cross = Rothschild. Their crest has a red cross.

a1f5b7 No.1607397


Burn it.

75a6b5 No.1607398



Pity the poor squid required to.salute those monsters.

8a00dd No.1607399

File: 1f26ec9943a95e6⋯.png (367.92 KB, 705x610, 141:122, ClipboardImage.png)


Marriot is owned by Mormons, so of course Mittons sits on the board


f5900f No.1607400


LOL really

8a4ea3 No.1607401


I'd rather not have to pay for "THEM" to be caged

and continually breath air that's need for U.S.

But any way to get "THEM" off our BACKS, I say


f1aacb No.1607402

File: 044dd7bef882d29⋯.jpg (28.69 KB, 384x512, 3:4, knife-surrender-bin - Copy.jpg)

File: 6d6522fc13f2075⋯.jpg (86.83 KB, 640x444, 160:111, bin-a-knife-box-on-a-londo….jpg)

File: 6927f6fd26dab64⋯.jpg (79.27 KB, 600x426, 100:71, posterimage_600 - Copy.jpg)

more of the crazy

c624b7 No.1607403

File: b966c94ad804594⋯.jpg (98.01 KB, 679x717, 679:717, wtf.jpg)

any anons out there want to put a clear picture up of the latest Philly magazine? Especially this article…pizza, purple tie…really want to look over those pins behind this pedo fuck!

f0ac10 No.1607404


planning to go 11/11 victory parade, hopefully there will be cages containing black hats, parading by

f99204 No.1607405

File: 4ba2195bbb3317d⋯.jpeg (13.48 KB, 170x255, 2:3, q lady.jpeg)

672e64 No.1607406


Years ago I was approached at night on the street while walking the dog, and out of nowhere I was approached by someone who went straight to talking about how their relative worked on lockheed skunkworks projects.. I'd kinda been aware of skunkworks in general, but the timing of that approach spooked me the absolute fuck out, and kinda shrugged off talking about it. Granted, if that person were to re-approach today, it'd be a completely different story.

c281e6 No.1607407


Good one! But then there is also Marla Maples, Michelle Malkin, Martina McBride and of course Mary Magdalene.

f1aacb No.1607408

File: 20b5677a2e4053e⋯.gif (87.17 KB, 535x356, 535:356, knife - Copy.gif)

8bfcad No.1607409

Looks like they finally caught up with that flying Delorian!!

Self-flying war vehicle could be in US as soon as 2022


672e64 No.1607410


<terrible editing, needs moar covfefe..

2d81f8 No.1607411

Big news coming?

Facebook will remove the Trending topics section next week


Facebook will remove the Trending news box that’s sat to the right of the desktop News Feed for the last four years, the company said today. The removal comes after years of criticism around how Facebook picked stories to sit in the Trending box, not to mention more than a year of struggles with the reliability of any news being distributed through its platform.

The Trending box will be removed next week. Facebook says it was active in five countries and accounted for “less than 1.5 percent of clicks to news publishers on average.” The company is currently testing other ways to deliver news, including breaking news labels and a section that collects local stories.


Backlash against the Trending box started in 2016 after Gizmodo published a report saying that former Facebook editors — who were able to curate headlines, to a degree — claimed they “routinely suppressed” conservative stories. That allegations seem tame in light of everything that happened next (the entire platform was co-opted for frequently conservative propaganda), but it led to Facebook firing its editorial team and was in many ways a precursor to some of the rethinking it’s been doing on news distribution.

On top of all that, the Trending box was just bad. It’s been a long-running joke that Facebook runs a day behind Twitter when it comes to news and jokes, and the Trending section rarely helped matters. The system does seem to have gotten faster at picking up stories over time, but it’s still hard to imagine it being the place someone learns about a major story.

Facebook says the removal of Trending will “make way” for future news products. It’s not clear if that means it’s planning something else for the side of the News Feed, or if it just means that it’s taking a different approach to distributing news in the first place.

a1f5b7 No.1607412


Hannity has Free Beer Tomorrow everyday. But never nothing else ever.

eb9eea No.1607413

>>1607385 (You)

9349f5 No.1607414


>This could be any of us.

I'm prepared for this.

Everyone should be prepared to defend their family and themselves.

The writing has been on the wall for at least 8 9 years.

615359 No.1607415

File: 281b5eb0f8e8b14⋯.jpg (17.63 KB, 640x360, 16:9, clintonchelsea_getty.jpg)

Chelsea Clinton says she is donating to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in the wake of Attorney General Jeff Sessions's announcement on Friday of a government-wide effort to crackdown on leaks.

Part of the crackdown involves a Justice Department review of its policies on subpoenaing media organizations that publish leaked sensitive information.

The former first daughter quickly weighed in:

Just donated to @ACLU https://t.co/ZwYAlGHjUA

— Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) August 4, 2017


The ACLU swiftly condemned the Sessions's announcement as an attempt to clamp down on press freedom.

“Every American should be concerned about the Trump administration’s threat to step up its efforts against whistleblowers and journalists," said Ben Wizner, the director of the ACLU's Speech, Privacy and Technology Project. "A crackdown on leaks is a crackdown on the free press and on democracy as a whole."

Former Attorney General Eric Holder revised Justice Department rules in 2013, imposing new limits on subpoenaing journalists' notes and other information that could help law enforcement officials identify leakers and anonymous sources.


40f0b4 No.1607417


She grew her hair out a bit, had it dyed a couple of shades darker and a nose job. She went a bit far with the nose job though.

95590e No.1607418


Wtf hell no! Keep sex out of schools!

That is a private convo anons need to have with their children at the appropriate time.

Fuck these faggots trying to tel is how to raise our kids!

8fc8c0 No.1607419


>Soros is running around loose and executing his long term plan to undermine this country

Q-Team insinuated with the EO that Soros' funds had been clipped, and yet nothing has changed. Something is really off here.

a1f5b7 No.1607420


^^^ The brainwashing is strong in this one. He must miss Bummer.

d3a82f No.1607421

File: 45be568da33a147⋯.jpg (366.67 KB, 1913x677, 1913:677, 2MSTG 2RBTS 1 Jun 18 1720.jpg)

2-RBTS is out and about again and 2-MSTG is headed North, presumably to visit the cattery.

This is how predictable some of them are becoming.

242482 No.1607422


Gonna grab more black votes. Highlighting black music will prob rehighlight Kanye (and iirc his new album is due out soon). Still hoping for a Tupac/Biggie/Prodigy redpill to drop. Once facts point out the Dems/cabal's involvement in either of their deaths it will be a game changer.

a6ae5a No.1607423


I saw a photo of her yesterday naked… page layout style… she is drop dead gorgeous…

8bfcad No.1607425


Longer than that!

f979c4 No.1607427


True, even though they’ve doused it to a dying ember. Three hots and a cot for life for Treason and Sedition then.

615359 No.1607428


Removing news stories from facebook still leaves one big gaping hole of an issue. Still having a fucking facebook.

d3a82f No.1607429


Soros is now draining other people's funds. He's a front man.

c624b7 No.1607430


newbie I take it?….this is a pedo article

cba166 No.1607431

File: f6c3186e9862d6c⋯.jpg (59.22 KB, 475x442, 475:442, QY.jpg)

9349f5 No.1607433


Judges are NOT supposed to be making law.

But until they are impeached for this bullshit, activist judges will just continue making law.

A revolution is near.

a3b151 No.1607435


29719b No.1607436

File: 6ee06a95044e988⋯.jpg (40.06 KB, 333x500, 333:500, footprints.jpg)


My mother in law used to have this on her wall

a1f5b7 No.1607437


Normies will believe whatever they see on muh tv and nothing else. Normies are all about the idiot box.

f99204 No.1607439

File: 54ff6356ea847b3⋯.png (483.1 KB, 551x666, 551:666, melania4.png)


One of GODS Angels

e38a1c No.1607441


Excellent work planefag.

96e352 No.1607443

This evil bitch just refuses to go away! smfh

Bitter Hillary Clinton Knocks Electoral College, Calls It An ‘Odd System’ not in keeping with the idea of “one person, one vote.”

“I know this is another really obvious thing to say. Vote in every election, not just presidential elections,” Clinton said at Harvard University. “You know, it is maddening because one of the panelists said we get the government that we vote for. Now, we have this odd system with the Electoral College.”


5a115d No.1607444


being realistic about access to porn on the web is one thing, but:



seriously, wtf. how in hell can that be justified, even in normie/FantasyLand?

+ the purple, ofcourse…

d3b5fd No.1607445



All these people still carrying on as usual, traveling the world, silencing our voices - worse than ever.

ba7b97 No.1607446

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sodium flouride bag says TOXIC BY INGESTION

29719b No.1607447


sorry kind of hard to read

57dfd4 No.1607448

File: 1b699238b9fe392⋯.jpg (19.69 KB, 276x179, 276:179, ape.jpg)

File: 62d36e8b646dbb1⋯.jpg (122.44 KB, 481x500, 481:500, OhMama.jpg)

5d1fcd No.1607449


Wondering where she gets her foul mouth from? Now you know…

2f4496 No.1607450



Northern World Order

Other Way North

Our Way Now

No Way Out



So may possibilities of what it can stand for

Check your feelings at the door

you put it out there

no need to force it on anyone

"The world cannot handle the truth.

This pill cannot be swallowed by most."

keep calm and carry on digging

615359 No.1607452


Take.Your own.Advice.

10da4f No.1607454


May God smash this evil black structure into a heap of dust.

NSA vs. CIA is fucking-faggot versus deserves-to-die. Both are blood enemies of the Constitution.

d4a67e No.1607455


Probably don't need the Red Cross at those meetings. Those 2 words give me bad vibes anymore.

615359 No.1607456


Butter face! Nice body, butter face is ugly!

f10d5d No.1607457

File: 8d3521232ee9798⋯.jpg (25.01 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 8chdigger.jpg)



d8475b No.1607458

Samantha Bee and the "C" word…(and the producers behind the show)

Isn't that an FCC violation? One of the seven words you are not allowed to use on TV? FCC should be going after TBS. Anyone understand the FCC regulations?

a1f5b7 No.1607459


"Marine Bob is muh Marine, he has to be good, just ignore the criminal history of his entire career."

733369 No.1607460

File: ddcfe0f6757e87b⋯.png (157.59 KB, 606x601, 606:601, AQ2.PNG)



Hahahahaha. Really Nancy?

5a115d No.1607461


not so black&white… NSA's panopticon is what permitted humans to see all THEY have been doing, and to take action.

8bfcad No.1607463


You have June's yet?

Would be interesting to see what does and doesn't fall accordingly.

615359 No.1607464


Costs mainly including security to keep the dems away.

242482 No.1607465


In case anyone missed it POTUS made a couple interesting statements re: the Artic (missions/defense/AO) as well as specifically mentioning the commandant's direct role/work at BOTH POLES.

f5900f No.1607466

File: f3e3b02969a109a⋯.png (869.38 KB, 885x530, 177:106, vjde.PNG)

Maybe she's in the middle somewhere,haha

29719b No.1607468


How do you know it's time?

1b1fe7 No.1607470

File: a1a66b334897470⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-06-01-11-2….png)

Look what you did to Shia!!!

95590e No.1607471


Been lurking Since October, eyes opened after Vegas.

These people are sick

d3a82f No.1607472

File: fcd324f33687690⋯.jpg (227.79 KB, 1607x577, 1607:577, Bahrainis Exeter 1 Jun 18 ….jpg)

Now THIS is odd.. guess who was in Exeter earlier..?


a1f5b7 No.1607473


Has he been physically see this year?

a26c55 No.1607474

File: 2280bd45b36a44c⋯.png (330.72 KB, 1830x974, 915:487, june-2018-calendar.png)


hard to predict the future anon

its only the first on June…

but i do have some theories

working on Feb atm. should be out tomorrow

cba166 No.1607475

File: a8e4ec8bcd38c87⋯.jpg (316.72 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, SZSE_dark.jpg)

d8c3ec No.1607476




Maybe it isn't necessarily Melania they are protecting, vs threats against Barron.

And the only flaw in this theory is that I'd also expect to see his grandkids in a bunker too.

5956f6 No.1607477






9971b3 No.1607478


Its all the senators have now. Throw mud at anything that is acutally good to cast doubt, a fine tactic indeed. By that I mean fine for us because it makes democrats look batshit crazy and delusional.

615359 No.1607479


Davos a few months ago.

671388 No.1607480


Hollow Earth is revealed once degenerates are rounded up?

29719b No.1607481


Romney=>Marriott=>Haiti=>CF=>Child Trafficking

b1502a No.1607482



9349f5 No.1607483


What soaring new costs?


Inflation is still very low. Only 0bamacare costs are rising … and through the roof.

Trump tried to get rid of 0bamacare and was thwarted by her big gummint friends of both parites.

This leftist cunt is delusional.

615359 No.1607485


How do we know they aren't?

f1aacb No.1607486


and how do you know they are not all in a bunker

a1f5b7 No.1607487


muh posts derp

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