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File: b10e75e0efaa0e5⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 5003ba7f02cbaef08adfc3d87c….png)

3bb171 No.1535829

Welcome To Q Research General

Vincit Omnia Veritas

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

New sticky thread to clear the air of doubt re: Q's Authenticity


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1489607 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic


3bb171 No.1535831


are not endorsements


>>1535065 Explosion in Ontario 15 vicitims 3 critical blast injuries

>>1535130 Senate passes sexual harassment bill

>>1535827 GWB unauthorized biography

>>1535056 The clock has officially struck 5:5

>>1535051 Airstrikes in syria http:// www.latimes.com/world/la-fg-syria-airstrikes-20180524-story.html

>>1535069 The Gay Fish doin some freaky shit. He spent $85K on w. Houston's suicide bathroom

>>1535510 Qproof Habbenings

>>1535531 Kim Jung Jum

>>1535434 Interview with Patrick Little When Winter comes, they're going to take all our shit

>>1535815 Trooper with same name as officer falsely accused of sexual assault fights Shaun King's posts

>>1535424 Jung vs. Jong Explanation & Proof


>>1534373, >>1534382 Geo-politics of Syria, Iran, Iraq,

>>1534541 3 FBI Interviews Scheduled for June

>>1534480 Sen. Mark Warner calls DOJ intelligence briefing a 'farce'

>>1534486 Booms In Pennsylvania, this time in Philadelphia, Claim "explosions"

>>1534536 NYT front page, march 18th 2017

>>1534608 Where was the (current) Boston police commissioner during the Marathon Bombing?

>>1534673 Kim Prepping his nation: ITS HABBENING

>>1534713 FBI plans raid of Nxivm leader Keith Raniere / Allison Mack compound

>>1534763 Amazon Alexa ect. (incase you didn't know)

>>1534783 Having been kicked out of Hungary, (((Soros))) meddles in Ukraine

>>1534825 Jung Un misspelling of name by POTUS, Signals Friendship Brilliant and Beautiful


>>1533509 WJC commutes 16 members of FALN, P-Rican terrorists, 120 bombs in USA

>>1533492 WSJ NK calls off summit calls pence 'dummy' (CFR Propoganda)

>>1533587 Indonesian police Board yacht hunt $$$playboy who gave Miranda Kerr $9mil in diamonds

>>1533669, >>1533606 armed citizen stops "mass" shooting

>>1533697 (((Nikki Haley))) confronted in Houston, "Palestinian blood on her hands"

>>1533698 Bishop Accountability Chart

>>1533673 Dem candidate Iowa accused of sexual misconduct drops out

>>1533760 wash-times, Limbaugh Coin new Narrative "deep media"

>>1533554, >>1533560 NameFag Zika/Ebola, ties to Bill Gates

>>1533760 wash-times, Limbaugh Coin/push new Narrative "deep media"

>>1533779 Cap Police “Accidentally” Gave evidence to Awan’s Attorney, not Fed Prosecutors

>>1533845 strong Correlations b/w PLAME AFFAIR & MUELLER PROBE (Moar digging please)

>>1533735 2018 just begins the prosecution timeline

>>1533922 Potus Meets With Kim in Nov Q post connections

>>1534030 Pedo-Joe-Biden Accuses GOP of "false" Nationalism

>>1534035 Potus Schedule

>>1534047 FBI Spy Stefan Halper and Aussie Diplomat Alexander Downer Go Way Back

>>1534056 Markle 'notables' press tries to ignore

>>1534119 Full text of House GOP Resolution


>>1532724, >>1532732 40k ft view ofnew construction, Internment camps? 29 stumps CA

>>1532766, >>1532837 US Has Leverage on Iran and NK

>>1532808 Space Policy Directive "2" Signed Today (with Sauce), >>1533301 related

>>1532826 LA County DA rejects sex assaults against Tyler Grasham

>>1532845 Ft Irwin National Training Center Dig (related to 29 stumps construction?)

>>1532885 4635 + proceedings sealed between CA-AZ... DIG!!

>>1532915 Pics related to Malaysian Faggotry, 0bey my missing billions

>>1532920 , >>1532956 Black Forrest Club Weinstein related (q post related)

>>1533015 Trump asks Giulliani to attend "Muh Russia" Briefings

>>1532097 Harvey Weinstein expected to be arrested Friday in New York

>>1532256 New emails show Roger Stone seeking dirt on Hillary Clinton from WikiLeaks founder

>>1532407 Stefan Halper is obviously a bigger scandal than the media want to admit

>>1532986 Sara debunks theory that other FBI agent who interviewed Flynn will blame Comey.

>>1533096 Reagan's Honor the Fallen (replaced with hooktube link), >>1533129

>>1533130 AlanA/B aka Billy Jack Watkins aka Welcome aboard, Alan (?) is back

>>1533172 What Happened During the FBI Interview With Flynn

>>1533284 two recent Sanela Diana Jenkins mentions


>>1532208 Full Armor of God

>>1532368 Watch CA(Morgan), NY(Weinstein); Pain (Epstein is an informant)

>>1532187 FBI showing us a connection between Epstein/Pedosta and Jeffrey Dahmer?

>>1532246 Hugh Hurwitz Announced as Acting Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons

>>1532580 FBI was turned down 5x for FISA warrants re: Page

>>1532545 N. Korea says open to talks with U.S. anytime

>>1532014 Pay to Play SEC letters request Jacquelyn Lopez Perkins Cole LLP

>>1532187, >>1532361 FBI showing us a connection between Epstein/Pedosta and Jeffrey Dahmer


>>1531926 Loretta Fuddy suspected murder by BHO & Co.

>>1531240 Photos from London again.

>>1531289 Source wikileaks link re: Obama pay to play

>>1531472 Interesting discussion on NK news and limited sources

>>1530796 Sen Grassley: Subpoenas are not necessary to protect whistleblowers

>>1530901 Epstiens Roll in mexican politics

>>1530643 NK Stoodup meeting with US officials in Singapore

>>1531045 Macron tweet, State-craft cuddling up with russia to get to Trump

>>1531006 Muller sent agents to Israel in Trump probe

>>1531073 uber disables emergency breaking in self-driving car: US Agency

>>1530356 Pedo epstein was an informant for mueller AND weinstein set to turn himself in!!


>>1530574 Jane Doe gives chilling account of what it was like to be one of Allison Mack's alleged sex slaves

>>1530575 …with Eric Schneiderman out of the picture NY is free to indict Weinstein.

>>1530863 C-SPAN quotes Rep. Shitferbrains, >>1530937, >>1531021

>>1531007 E-mail re: "Pay to play" (needs sauce)

>>1531014 Bombard's Body Language: Jeff Sessions on Special Counsel


>>1529591 Possible digging avenue on Mark Lombardi (artist) and abuses of political power

>>1529639 Reports of a gunman at West Palm Beach, FL, high school; no shots fired

>>1529648 ; Highlights of Epstein dump

>>1529660 DJT outbid Epstein on Mar-A-Lago

>>1529669 Butler attempted to sell Epstein’s journal; was jailed for it

>>1529729 ; >>1529744 ; >>1529752 Planefag update: Fly Me To The Kek Edition

>>1529840 ; >>1529917 Hussein used DOD funds to pay Halper to spy on DJT

>>1529878 ; >>1529886 ; >>1529890 SpyGate Timeline (incomplete)

>>1530022 Troops on nuclear missile base took LSD, “went longboarding… while high”

>>1530105 Mattis to Air Force Graduates: “Hold the line”

>>1530148 Pelosi running her mouth on NK summit pullout

>>1530247 Obama activated Halper as a gov’t contractor at start of primaries

>>1530266 Justice Dep’t open investigation into bitcoin price manipulation

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

Post last edited at

b2d7d3 No.1535832



3bb171 No.1535833

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 – QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 – TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 — META


>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 — Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 — Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>674740 — Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 – Newfag Q&A

>>93735 —– Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 – Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 – Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 —— Tools and Information

>>4852 —— Free Research Resources

>>4362 —— Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 —— Research Threads

>>32223 —- Qs chess game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 — Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread


>>810563 — NXIVM info collection

>>885933 — P=C

>>904395 — The Plan

>>911014 — Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

3bb171 No.1535834

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527495

the missing Qmap in EST has been archived >>>/comms/1194

Q Graphics all in EST

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 —————————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

>>1499677 Archive Update (not really sure where to put it)

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

*Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954

RE: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1514027.html#q1514062


7b5041 No.1535835


c4e075 No.1535836

Thank you E-baker

3bb171 No.1535837

Dough used for this emergency bake

https:// pastebin.com/raw/Ar4GPA7t

69337a No.1535838



c88972 No.1535839


Australia helping ISIS?

Not Surprise for me

d6460f No.1535840

Q is slacking.

599cb8 No.1535841

File: 1128b69a300adf0⋯.jpg (86.49 KB, 650x374, 325:187, the-big-lebowski-jesus-650….jpg)

TY Baker!

3bb171 No.1535842

I'll need help collecting Notables from the previous bread

7b5041 No.1535843

798f98 No.1535844

>>1535810 (last bread)

>people are tougher than you think.

True, but culture shock is still a thing. And we're not done yet. Not by a long shot.

It's a completely different paradigm to them. We , the chan at large, have been exposed to truths that have been sought for decades, in a very short span of time, crash course style. We haven't even finished realizing everything that's been exposed. Even just the stuff we've learned, though mundane to us at this point, is still too fantastic to believe to many.

And we're not done yet. Not by a long shot. We can't fuck this up. It only comes around once every few generations you know, we're basically at the last stop ;p

51a532 No.1535845

File: a637060fb017a97⋯.png (353.42 KB, 702x937, 702:937, qresearchjews86658568.png)

Can BO check the bans theres legit anons getting hammered.

19066d No.1535846

Revealed: The secret deal that changed the monarchy

Sovereign's debt crisis sparked 2006 agreement surrendering ultimate financial autonomy


e928df No.1535847

File: b164e22bad899df⋯.jpg (3.47 MB, 2843x4001, 2843:4001, Trump007.jpg)

af6c0d No.1535848

File: b053fd51786f88b⋯.jpg (54.67 KB, 627x419, 627:419, littlecloser.jpg)

The silent assassin.

e70ab7 No.1535849

Walrus josh eats buttholes for fetards and trannyshills

8c4465 No.1535850

File: 421719f0c713cda⋯.png (757.63 KB, 821x621, 821:621, Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at ….png)

12e203 No.1535851


Need the big dog to come lift the leg.

e501f6 No.1535852

>>1535612 lb

Speaking as an EX employee of that horrid company, they'll need hazmat teams on the ready at every city location. Even before this stupidity, we constantly found nasty shit in our bathroom--that's why we always told people it was out of order.

8a2073 No.1535853

Check out these servers, Anons!

Why are clowns running their backbone through China?!


360691 No.1535854

File: 4c5ef6d488adbe4⋯.jpg (120.84 KB, 1195x1200, 239:240, qday.jpg)




5/25 today

Now Comes the Pain -23 <19th

today 5:5 countdown is at 17, Q.


bca1a2 No.1535855

>>1535826 lb

Anon I haven't seen this since the move. Nice!!

d6460f No.1535856


That's not good.

2c9b74 No.1535857

File: 6c57f4cf1386343⋯.jpg (34.11 KB, 645x227, 645:227, Qanon screen shot.jpg)

Rather important

I never tuly believed that the bakers could actually

be part of the enemy until now.

Several anons saw the post, "answer your phone baker," and now the baker adds red

lettering to this post calling us liars.


Now we know, I guess.

I'm outa here, the evil has infiltrated us.


16085c No.1535858

Thank you baker.


Scotsanon, how is that minimum unit pricing thing going over there? Just curious.

e4bb51 No.1535859

File: e81d476fb130382⋯.png (629.06 KB, 883x1257, 883:1257, 2018-05-25_01-34-53.png)

Funny how the first thing that came to mind was that the National Guard is on the border and might be interfering with "Business as Usual" activities.

The pocketbook misses that steady flow of extra income?

Just another conspiracy theory?

54f062 No.1535860

File: 80c4fad2ede823f⋯.jpg (105.57 KB, 750x601, 750:601, greenwichbush.jpg)

File: 4fe54023dc0dde3⋯.jpg (28.53 KB, 311x500, 311:500, seconds.jpg)

>>1535159 (from past bread)

H.W. had six children.

Prescott had allegedly 5

Mystery solved Greenwich CT. A train ride to downtown Manhattan for the banker Prescott

Here's an image of the four children

Prescott Bush, center, with his sons, from left to right, Jonathan, Bucky, Prescott Jr., and George H.W.

with Prescott.

The sister is still alive and lives in MA

Nancy Walker Bush Ellis

I would guess they are old line USA family. Ellis is a colonial name; John Ellis wanted to convert natives and translated the Bible into the Native language. He is counted as one of their ancestors, I recall.

Perhaps the German connection was through visiting there or having relatives there?

Perhaps it was a case of switching people out? The original family was replaced? That does happen.

I think the supposed fiction book "Seconds" by David Elis, might portray a story taken from life and not fiction?

0dd7ea No.1535861

File: 1ff5030e7406335⋯.png (1 MB, 1104x581, 1104:581, R1.PNG)

File: e2cff8997a58748⋯.png (780.49 KB, 1001x476, 143:68, R2.PNG)

File: 8a557f80523f5c6⋯.png (618.72 KB, 939x492, 313:164, R5.PNG)

File: f65ca0b6426ff0c⋯.png (687.28 KB, 979x547, 979:547, R4.PNG)


Months ago there were digs on Antarctica with reference to subs, gold, and earth openings to Luciferian sites,etc. It's why I think this sanctuary deal with Germany (Merkel?) spearheading the effort with the EU is significant. By map images alone-Note R Island. One anon thought the grid dots were possibly HAARP related. Also note the unnatural lines among the water. Additionally-note 1) the proposed sanctuary location 1.8m sq km in and around Weddell Sea 2) then there's those crazy pyramids who a certain astronaut called pure evil and then post was removed.

I'm not a mathfag, so I couldn't even guess what area 1.8m sqkm would be.

Do we really think this is about saving the penguins?

f0913e No.1535862


Jew talk gets banned. Welcome to Jew life.

f7ccd5 No.1535863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is the FBI redundant or misplaced?

Many people are now concerned that the FBI should not be an independent agency but made subordinate to the US Marshals Service. Others claim that the FBI was perverted by the policies created under J. Edgar Hoover’s leadership: That it had become a secret government unto itself.

Much of what the FBI is chartered to do is already being accomplished by the US Marshals. The marshals have a much higher success rate of criminal captures and indictments than the FBI ever accomplished. So, what do you think: Should they stay or should they go?

f8659f No.1535864


>legit anons


51a532 No.1535865

File: 1d4bb05bd023542⋯.jpg (35.07 KB, 641x530, 641:530, 1d4bb05bd023542875fb5896e0….jpg)


Ive posted thousands of times since we moved here. Never got a warning or anything. Today go against a JIDF and boom ban.

e70ab7 No.1535866

File: df17e15597a3df6⋯.jpg (78.31 KB, 398x600, 199:300, IMG_2038.JPG)

Almost a four second fall

28784b No.1535867

File: ed03f11e8b9575d⋯.png (79.51 KB, 1025x729, 1025:729, a033ee0f9a435bcb8d655b25e6….png)

File: 5d6bcb9b068b66e⋯.jpeg (51.75 KB, 600x374, 300:187, DeAT51cU0AEWOIo.jpg-large.jpeg)

File: 0345766f5b583bd⋯.jpg (65.61 KB, 676x611, 52:47, DeAnAPkUwAE1Xoh.jpg)

File: b3bc14b0cf02d69⋯.jpg (15.06 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 909e9cb4a6a4543b5df9a99ed1….jpg)


VQC is an entity related to the Q ARG Phenomenon.

VQC wholly supports Q.

VQC trusts The Plan.

He's seen The Grid and knows The End.

He is one of the guides who shows De Wae.

There are no off-board comms from Q.

But Comms is a yuuuuge department.

Only Q has no comms off board.

But there are plenty of people who're whiperin'…

If'n yer listenin'.

8dd3b8 No.1535868


muh goy muh goyim muh joooooos

thats the post OFFICIALLY you got banned for, but your SHITPOSTING IS THE REAL REASON

stfu and gtfo shill

16085c No.1535869


Last bread scotsanon!

7dfbfe No.1535870

File: c8ab55aeca68edb⋯.jpg (55.76 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2ayz90.jpg)

b23e51 No.1535871


Irreparably tainted. Get rid of them.

faacf3 No.1535872

File: 7f8541499ae4659⋯.png (350 KB, 654x692, 327:346, Dancing Trumper.PNG)


69337a No.1535873

Is that music fag here? Ready for another round?

4c0f7d No.1535874

in the press release from NK they reference Jomi head, does anyone know what that means? Google of no help.

e559d0 No.1535875

File: 649be342179ac01⋯.png (537.17 KB, 752x710, 376:355, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54ad84c2f68574d⋯.png (69 KB, 737x672, 737:672, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ac99007605dbba⋯.png (91.82 KB, 708x816, 59:68, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c37797f293a023⋯.png (57.47 KB, 747x639, 83:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33e45574330bad5⋯.png (72.18 KB, 734x631, 734:631, ClipboardImage.png)

The Extraordinary Political Bias and Corruption Scandal at Wikipedia

Wikipedia has been caught in a massive information fiddling operation by Craig Murray, one of Britain's most respected journalists. It's a very big deal, and it's going to get a lot bigger.

Russia Insider is also the victim of endless manipulation of their Wikipedia page at the hands of 'globalists'.

As I mentioned in those articles, even Britain’s own BBC had previously headlined, "Wikipedia 'shows CIA page edits’.” What both Murray, and I, in my latest article about Wikipedia, add to that information regarding some of the people who “edit” Wikipedia, is that Wikipedia itself, in the individuals whom it hires to nix or else to accept each editorial change that is being made to a given article, actually also, in effect, writes Wikipedia articles — and that it does so consistently filtering out facts — no matter how conclusively proven to be true — that contradict the ‘news’media’s (and CIA’s) boilerplate ‘history’ of the given matter. In other words: Wikipedia is a perfect embodiment of the type of society that was described in the fictional 1949 allegorical novel, 1984.

Goto pics

Cont. from pics

This is the reason why I never link to a Wikipedia article unless I have independently confirmed that, regarding the fact for which I cite the given article, that article is honestly and truly representing that matter, or that given detail of it. I do not exclude truths that happen to be included in the standard account; but neither do I (as Wikipedia does] exclude facts which contradict the standard account.

b23e51 No.1535876


And a three second filter.

8c4465 No.1535877


Fuck Union Presidents - they're all corrupt.

28784b No.1535878


tweak a lil' and that's not a horrible meme.

Doc Brown…

"Great Bread, Scotsanon!"

12e203 No.1535879


I got a vpn mistake ban back when things got out of control. Been busy the last couple days just keeping up and seems everytime I pop on its funky. Q visit seems to clean house so…

51a532 No.1535880

File: 6ed4be77126f2a9⋯.jpg (344.56 KB, 3508x2334, 1754:1167, 6ed4be77126f2a90c62766511e….jpg)


Bro seriously i dont think ive ever gone up to 20 posts per bread. I dont drop random images and i only bant against actual shills.

e559d0 No.1535881


Eric Zuesse


54f062 No.1535882


Anyone who didn't realize that ANYONE could be a Baker has got to be a total fool and doesn't belong here in any case.

Crooked Bakers come and go all the time, fool.

What does getting a phone call prove a person is a bad guy anyway.. ? Too dumb.

608a56 No.1535883





>>1535056 The clock has officially struck 5:5

>>1535051 Airstrikes in syria http://www.latimes.com/world/la-fg-syria-airstrikes-20180524-story.html

>>1535069 The Gay Fish doin some freaky shit. He spent $85K on w. Houston's suicide bathroom

>>1535510 Qproof Habbenings

>>1535531 Kim Jung Jum (related notable >>11534825 Bread#1928)



>>1535434Interview with Patrick Little When Winter comes, they're going to take all our shit

>>1535815 Trooper with same name as officer falsely accused of sexual assault fights Shaun King's posts

e928df No.1535884

a69a64 No.1535885

http:// www.reuters.tv/v/9UR/2018/05/25/fbi-doj-brief-lawmakers-on-russia-probe-informant

f0913e No.1535886


Yup and Q "researchers" use it like it's going out of style.

HI Project AVALON! Yiu van add to the list of

I told you so.

It's getting HUGE.

7baf98 No.1535887

File: 2003a0779f09182⋯.jpg (772.29 KB, 1449x1024, 1449:1024, TrumpBond.jpg)

969208 No.1535888


Yea that was wierd. I saw the post too.

974e36 No.1535889

8c4465 No.1535890


Drastically reduced in size/scope and oversight stricter.

d6460f No.1535891

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

e559d0 No.1535892


Not this Q Anon I avoid it like the plague!

7dfbfe No.1535893


Yea that's what I was thinking

f0913e No.1535894


Good for YOU! You came out of the closet!

Hugs! You are so brave!

d7094b No.1535895


Q is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.

cf0c85 No.1535896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Republican consultant Michael Caputo claims a second man – in addition to Professor Stefan Halper – may have been acting as an FBI informant offering to deliver him missing Hillary Clinton emails. One America's Neil W. McCabe has more from Washington.

360691 No.1535897

ce764c No.1535898

File: c514a6d07bcc061⋯.jpg (10.85 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2ayzdx.jpg)

16085c No.1535899


Am I missing something here?

599cb8 No.1535900


Trips confirm

f0913e No.1535901


Fuck off. Fish somewhere else.

e501f6 No.1535902


Wtf was this supposed to be? Joke thing?

974e36 No.1535903


Quit being a fag and taking offense for criticisms of faggotry.

e64cf9 No.1535904

so if we are fighting demons or whatever the hell they are. how do you put prayer into a bullet or an arrow ? legit question

3bb171 No.1535905

File: c3a93e86b0d7516⋯.jpg (7.25 MB, 5760x5065, 1152:1013, FireShot-Capture-119---IP-….jpg)


Factually incorrect.

That ban is there because they did nothing but talk about muh_jooos throughout their entire post history.

Post last edited at

f7ccd5 No.1535906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The FBI got started in a rather confusing way. J. Edgar later took it down to the very depths of depravity.

6c787e No.1535907



Using wikipedia isn't bad if you're introducing someone to a topic.

You shouldn't use it as a source of news or statistics, and there are bits of history that have slipped by there that lead would lead to truths outside of wikipedia.

However, if you didn't realize that it was comp'd from the get-go, I don't know what to tell you.

Then again, I doubt very many people here have an understanding that our entire recorded history was likely comp'd from the get-go, too.

How's that rustling your jimmies? Wikipedia would be small fry then, too, if everything you were ever taught was a lie.

d620fd No.1535908


Post with a sniper…

Tells Baker to pick up phone

Baker says he got a phone call

608a56 No.1535909


Shill sowing discord/confusion.

f0913e No.1535910


Did you just fag out? I don't do fag. I'm not your type trust me.

7dfbfe No.1535911



798f98 No.1535912

File: 285d8d7059ccb4e⋯.png (259.57 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 285d8d7059ccb4e3b5201e5ba3….png)


Besides the idea that the comped bv/baker/bo/blah blah blah fucking blah is old and stale at this point… but yeah… kek

754fdf No.1535913

File: f6757f4aca27fb3⋯.png (710.27 KB, 1829x707, 1829:707, ClipboardImage.png)

Very little activity presently over CONUS.

428a8d No.1535914


Thank you!

However, Harry is NOT in line for the throne at all IF he is not Charlie's child, and he will know this. Don't underestimate the royal obsession with blood.

I wonder also if this was a REVENGE WEDDING because I see them both play-acting.

Think about the details of his mother's death and whose child she was possibly carrying and who was said to have planned for her assassination.

Harry will have learned of the stories. Yet he had to grow up totally dependent on the very people who possibly hated his mother to death, knowing he's possibly not even their blood.

Imagine what that does to your head.

A traumatised child grows into a traumatised adult … maybe.

Still it stinks of something.

360691 No.1535915

File: c6acb88bddd74e0⋯.gif (498.8 KB, 387x305, 387:305, 4dkeks.gif)



69337a No.1535916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dang.. Slow slow

0dd7ea No.1535917

File: 2aeb6bc7e267f06⋯.png (778.93 KB, 1001x476, 143:68, R2.PNG)


Ha..corrected 2nd pic

eb350a No.1535918

File: 81cf48da83651c2⋯.png (3.02 MB, 1904x2960, 119:185, IMG_3609.PNG)

>>1535775 (last bread)

The black "5" helmet on Left has "6, 3, 9" under it. 5+6+3+9= 23 (and it's also 6, 3, 9: think tesla). This works unless it's "539" in which case I'll start my oven but by comparing to the other helmet on the right it looks like a "6". So this would be another one for you to mark in blue.

(Reposting image for simplicity)

094dfd No.1535919

File: 8303e6fabca1d1d⋯.jpg (36.2 KB, 930x201, 310:67, answerThePhone.jpg)

9fc89e No.1535920



>>1535424 Jung vs. Jong Explanation & Proof

3bcd3b No.1535921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8c4465 No.1535922


The anon who posted the actual Kim Jung/Jong Un Proof they made is the best notable.

Anon if you are here, please repost so it get's put in Notables.

faacf3 No.1535923


Not necessarily

There have been clown bakers before

And, there have been issues with the board for the past few days

Comes and goes in waves

e559d0 No.1535924


Anon TPTB are using it to push their version of HISTORY and the facts they want out there.

Even subtle changes can distort the facts.

7baf98 No.1535925

File: 3cb06aef8c4c8c6⋯.jpg (82.89 KB, 778x500, 389:250, friiiiday.jpg)

5/25 @5:25 it intensifies.

608a56 No.1535926



DId you see the last bake? wtf happened regarding


I saw the pictures too.

d620fd No.1535927

File: 5b2839dd289254c⋯.png (73.94 KB, 925x370, 5:2, Screenshot 2018-05-24 at 1….png)

File: 9303e7b7b0520eb⋯.png (80.18 KB, 1181x314, 1181:314, Screenshot 2018-05-24 at 1….png)


Like these two topics.

Good overview of facts.

f0913e No.1535928


They don't know history is a lie.

51a532 No.1535929

File: 38d1d1f7751404b⋯.png (306.1 KB, 555x398, 555:398, 38d1d1f7751404b9c4d87734cc….png)


Check the convos it was JIDF shills all over this place. Am I supposed to not respond?

You see any duplicate images or shill behaviour?

e31c63 No.1535930

File: 930acac57181269⋯.jpg (59.65 KB, 800x416, 25:13, obama-netflix-01-800x416.jpg)

File: ff8c9f5fd5232cb⋯.jpg (68.78 KB, 480x413, 480:413, 2ayto3~2.jpg)

Obola = Shit

ce764c No.1535931

File: 40b4a9fb0aa1ac4⋯.png (69.36 KB, 750x740, 75:74, 6235ee07e05b9b90619cbe0428….png)

658817 No.1535932



Then baker deltes post and calls us liars for

saying we saw it.

That part is VERY important, I think.

Why not be honest about it?

Scared him maybe?

9dec9f No.1535933


Still hoping that one of those badges appears in my mailbox…

3bcd3b No.1535934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

868bfe No.1535935


Nah, just two shills coordinating with each other.

d620fd No.1535936


Fookery afoot?

This is kinda like some deja vu CBTS days…

c1f354 No.1535937

Where the fuck is Q?

He got btfo but the summit cancelation and now he's MIA?

e559d0 No.1535938

I'm getting that feeling like something big is about to happen……hmmmm!

Been really quiet, almost the calm before……

094dfd No.1535939


Baker can not delete or edit posts. Only BO/BV.

974e36 No.1535940


Zionism and judaism in general play an enormous part in the cabals effort to enslave the human race. And this goes back to fucking Jesus and who can say for certain before that.To bring the hammer down on someone just for mentioning this is kinda lame.


Dude seriously, fuck off.

754fdf No.1535941


what kind of sniper post? i didn't see it.

969208 No.1535942


The question was how did another anon know he had a phone call. Get it?

e928df No.1535943

File: 5f5d90d2ceac747⋯.jpg (556.25 KB, 1474x1467, 1474:1467, madmaxine2.jpg)

360691 No.1535944

b23e51 No.1535945


Ever consider that periods of silence make the enemy fear and quake in their boots because they have no idea what's coming next?

658817 No.1535946


Unless the baker is a shill that cannot be right.

798f98 No.1535947


Bakers can't delete shit. Good day.

c88972 No.1535948


psychological warfare.


608a56 No.1535949


Very true, fortunately it's slow right now.

0dd7ea No.1535950

IED explosion in Indian restaurant in Canada


868bfe No.1535951



e559d0 No.1535952



658817 No.1535953


Then it was magic!

f0913e No.1535954


Why do you wanna fuck so BAD? I told you I'm not a fag. Dude. There are plenty here. Back off already. I'm going to tie a frying panto my ass soon.

51a532 No.1535955

File: 0df0b9c76307780⋯.jpg (384.67 KB, 1080x826, 540:413, 0df0b9c7630778024e9dd6869f….jpg)


Baker is BV after previous baker got banned few hours ago….

e4bb51 No.1535956


Seriously? Under Hoover FBI collected and blackmailed people. Did a few good things for cover. Up there with the CIA for harming the country.

Only got worse after he died.

Level the corrupt building, it's probably filled with bugs to who knows where, and bodies in the basement.

CIA, clowns, pure evil, especially under Operation Paperclip. JFK had it right, "shatter them into a thousand pieces, and scatter them to the winds…"

360691 No.1535957

Q has ALL day SIMMERING for comms that black hats are desperate to read.

Let it sit.

96b250 No.1535958

File: 6449477646e8d6c⋯.png (873.87 KB, 886x4428, 443:2214, Interview_Transcript_17_05….png)


Read this to understand the problem anon.

I advise you to archive that ASAP as bans are getting out of control and you never know.

658817 No.1535959


We saw it! It was real.

d7094b No.1535960


No, Hussein is probably broke now because he's never had a real job other than being a corrupt scumbag muslim infiltrator. His only way to get money in a hurry was for Netflix to give him an advance for some stupid documentary series that no normal Americans give 2 shits about. Fuck him and fuck his tranny wife. The only cameras that will be following them around are the ones at Gitmo filming their executions.

e928df No.1535961

File: 3fb5e7e2bc6ab7b⋯.png (223.09 KB, 588x588, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

This place is self abuse…

608167 No.1535962


that post was still there. It's just 2 bored clowns. Ignore them.

e31c63 No.1535963

File: d63e21f8e711193⋯.jpg (36.04 KB, 502x326, 251:163, 2an8e1~2.jpg)

[RR] is still there.

974e36 No.1535964


That it is. Hitler did nothing wrong.

754fdf No.1535965

File: eeb5fcd8dfa8d5b⋯.png (150.12 KB, 500x656, 125:164, download.png)

d620fd No.1535966

3bb171 No.1535967


Because someone who cares more about how hurt they are than the mission of this board answered a baker handoff and didn't pick up the bread.

You're welcome.


f8659f No.1535968


Fighting any flavor of troll gives [them] power, and is essentially feeding division.

342ba4 No.1535969

File: 50fa308acb1789b⋯.jpg (44.55 KB, 228x217, 228:217, warrant.jpg)

00ddfe No.1535970


I love the OctoPepi medal!

658817 No.1535971





af6c0d No.1535972

File: 860a8c9a640781b⋯.jpg (9.59 KB, 208x156, 4:3, th.jpg)

969208 No.1535973

File: e70d03752eff182⋯.jpg (20.83 KB, 394x266, 197:133, 33823288584_1d21cf0a26_k.jpg)

798f98 No.1535974

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Vid related. I guess you've either never baked, or were hoping I never had. ;)


e928df No.1535975

File: da2b36c60ac2f43⋯.jpg (44.05 KB, 1085x605, 217:121, qflams.JPG)

e7a554 No.1535976

File: e2678570429986f⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 620x349, 620:349, peel-blast.jpg)

File: 4ad7e31f334ed84⋯.png (545.52 KB, 620x348, 155:87, indian-resto-blast.png)

Hunt on for 2 suspects in Canadian restaurant IUD explosion…


e31c63 No.1535977

9037d7 No.1535978

File: 888a208fae9a3fa⋯.png (1.8 MB, 2360x1322, 1180:661, DisizAmerika.png)

f0913e No.1535979


Wellllll…….he didn't do exactly what they said no, but he was no knight in shining armor either.

608167 No.1535980


That post was not deleted!

Lots of clowns here playing games tonight.

4cc148 No.1535981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

69337a No.1535982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pick up the pace a bit?

868bfe No.1535983


Truth is, you're _iltered.

7f6bc6 No.1535984



>IUD explosion…

>IUD explosion…

>IUD explosion…


974e36 No.1535985

File: 2de2cd332f2b73e⋯.jpg (34.04 KB, 512x384, 4:3, 13393600.jpg)



7baf98 No.1535986


This one?

>> No.1535572


>>1535530 (You)

I found an original:

The historic summit is now high on the agenda between the DPRK and the U.S., and the preparations for it are being pushed forward at the final stage amid the remarkably great concern of the world.

The sincere pursuit and active efforts made by the DPRK to end the relations of hostility and distrust that have lasted for decades and build a new landmark for the improvement of the DPRK-U.S. relations have commanded unanimous sympathy and support from the public at home and abroad.

But suddenly President of the United States of America Trump made public his official stand on May 24 to cancel the DPRK-U.S. summit that had already been made a fait accompli.

Explaining the reason for it, he said that the statement made by Vice Foreign Minister of the DPRK Choe Son Hui carried “tremendous anger and open hostility” and that it is not appropriate to hold the meeting at present, a precious one that has long been planned.

I would like to take this expression of his stand on the DPRK-U.S. summit as a decision not consistent with the desire of humankind for peace and stability in the world, to say nothing of those in the Korean peninsula.

As for the “tremendous anger and open hostility” referred to by President Trump, it is just a reaction to the unbridled remarks made by the U.S. side which has long pressed the DPRK unilaterally to scrap nuclear program ahead of the DPRK-U.S. summit.

The inglorious situation today is a vivid expression of the severity of the present status of the hostile DPRK-U.S. relations of long historical roots and the urgent necessity for the summit meeting for the improvement of the ties.

As far as the historic DPRK-U.S. summit is concerned, we have inwardly highly appreciated President Trump for having made the bold decision, which any other U.S. presidents dared not, and made efforts for such a crucial event as the summit.

His sudden and unilateral announcement to cancel the summit is something unexpected to us and we can not but feel great regret for it.

It is hard to guess the reasons. It could be that he lacked the will for the summit or he might not have felt confident. But for our part, we have exerted sincere efforts, raising hope that the historic DPRK-U.S. summit meeting and talks themselves would mark a meaningful starting point for peace and security in the region and the world and the improvement of the bilateral relations as the first step forward to settling the issue through dialogue.

We even inwardly hoped that what is called “Trump formula” would help clear both sides of their worries and comply with the requirements of our side and would be a wise way of substantial effect for settling the issue.

The chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK has also exerted all efforts for the preparations for the summit, saying that the meeting with President Trump could help make a good start.

The U.S. side’s unilateral announcement of the cancellation of the summit makes us think over if we were truly right to have made efforts for it and to have opted for the new path.

But we remain unchanged in our goal and will to do everything we could for peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and humankind, and we, broad-minded and open all the time, have the willingness to offer the U.S. side time and opportunity.

The first meeting would not solve all, but solving even one at a time in a phased way would make the relations get better rather than making them get worse. The U.S. should ponder over it.

We would like to make known to the U.S. side once again that we have the intent to sit with the U.S. side to solve problem regardless of ways at any time.

https:// qz.com/1288902/full-text-north-korea-responds-to-donald-trump-canceling-his-summit-with-kim-jong-un/?utm_source=YPH_link_4

0dd7ea No.1535987

>>1535976 lulz..IUD is a form of birth control

969208 No.1535988


No frogfaggot. its all in the details

c88972 No.1535989


Muh Muslims.

The DS couldn't attack US

The DS attacked Canada

5226a7 No.1535990


A disgusting attempt to famefag and bring attention to ones self…. baker ought to be ashamed but most likely is loving every second of this.

51a532 No.1535991

File: 02fc980cf798968⋯.png (250.58 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1527067185986.png)


I dont particularly like Patrick Little whats the screen supposed to mean?


Yea well add to Rules having bants with a shill is a permaban offense. Honestly im quite stumped about today.

658817 No.1535992


Now the true shills are glowing for sure.

Every single anon who saw the post about

the phone call knows that these guys who

are calling us liars are the ENEMY.

c1f354 No.1535993

It's time for Q to answer some questions

Nothing he has said would happen is happening.

RR is still in

NK summit was a farce

Q's silence is damning

e64cf9 No.1535994

anyone got anything more on Antarctica ? that shit is so interesting. and if the prev posts about what is chain there are true. what type of prep should we do ? guns ? food ? survival equip ?

608167 No.1535995


Bakers can't delete post and the post was not even deleted.

54f062 No.1535996


Absolutely dissolve.

Crimes they are "keystones" in, can never be redeemed.

Why was it created? That's what we need to know.

360691 No.1535997


summit is still on

d6460f No.1535998

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

608a56 No.1535999

File: 5b4f3d73be81918⋯.png (780.19 KB, 1000x505, 200:101, Slide.png)


Fucking shill tactic

969208 No.1536000

File: 1f61072143b652d⋯.jpg (7.02 KB, 145x247, 145:247, 33823288584_1d21cf0a26_L.jpg)


Ah come on now. Anger like that is how your going to have a heart attack younger than you think.

798f98 No.1536001


Keep digging yourself deeper.

d620fd No.1536002

File: b8e96faf38289ef⋯.png (46.27 KB, 492x56, 123:14, Screenshot 2018-05-24 at 1….png)

Anybody else catch this paragraph from the NK response to Trump's letter today?

Anything screwy?

0c99f3 No.1536003


I have had similar experience. As I was sharing this type of info with a friend, he told me he didn't want to know because if he knew he would have to do something about it.

I cried for two days when I found out about Pizzagate... Then, I gathered myself together and kept pressing on.


I haven't stopped and what I realized is that the failures don't matter. That person will join when others join or over time; you changed them forever and it is a lot to take in. Initial comments and responses to the receptive don't matter because the information hasn't had time to work on them. Think about it, the information at first means nothing. It is how the information changes everything over time and how the person hears everything different now in the context of the new info. Your Dad may never change, but he might or he might red pill someone else. You are assigning meaning too his comments, but you shouldn't judge them.

I have been working on an influential liberal friend of mine slowly. He is changing slowly, like we all do. When they get here, day "Welcome friend, I knew you would make it. WWG1WGA."

658817 No.1536004


Then magic made it disapear then.

e31c63 No.1536005

File: 38fc887f6edec70⋯.jpg (972.02 KB, 2048x1843, 2048:1843, 5nk9jy1tpnz01.jpg)


Corsi is that you.

bdb799 No.1536006

VQC Sean McNulty 614-692-8800 850-8800 vqc.sm@dla.mil MIL-PRF-38535, MIL-STD-883

VQC Philip Patterson 614-692-2178 850-2178 vqc.pp@dla.mil MIL-PRF-38535, MIL-STD-883

MIL-STD-883 Test Methods and Procedures for Microelectronics

(Edited again: My mistake. Turns out that is public info. -BO)

Post last edited at

094dfd No.1536007

File: 8f97ed0519f8798⋯.png (22.35 KB, 631x238, 631:238, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8303e6fabca1d1d⋯.jpg (36.2 KB, 930x201, 310:67, answerThePhone.jpg)


Ok, so what happened, I think, Anon claiming he was gonna bake was larping with a friend (or multiple devices/ip hopping).

hence the edit to


and the deleted posts.

Cheers BV keep doing God's work ;)

c1f354 No.1536008



be68c3 No.1536009

File: 50c2c0db1d371e0⋯.png (123.76 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6663.PNG)


TRUTH IS BV EDITED THEIR POST & said "I don't appreciate liars". Not sure why BV hasn't cleared this up yet.

7baf98 No.1536010


This one?




I found an original:

The historic summit is now high on the agenda between the DPRK and the U.S., and the preparations for it are being pushed forward at the final stage amid the remarkably great concern of the world.

The sincere pursuit and active efforts made by the DPRK to end the relations of hostility and distrust that have lasted for decades and build a new landmark for the improvement of the DPRK-U.S. relations have commanded unanimous sympathy and support from the public at home and abroad.

But suddenly President of the United States of America Trump made public his official stand on May 24 to cancel the DPRK-U.S. summit that had already been made a fait accompli.

Explaining the reason for it, he said that the statement made by Vice Foreign Minister of the DPRK Choe Son Hui carried “tremendous anger and open hostility” and that it is not appropriate to hold the meeting at present, a precious one that has long been planned.

I would like to take this expression of his stand on the DPRK-U.S. summit as a decision not consistent with the desire of humankind for peace and stability in the world, to say nothing of those in the Korean peninsula.

As for the “tremendous anger and open hostility” referred to by President Trump, it is just a reaction to the unbridled remarks made by the U.S. side which has long pressed the DPRK unilaterally to scrap nuclear program ahead of the DPRK-U.S. summit.

The inglorious situation today is a vivid expression of the severity of the present status of the hostile DPRK-U.S. relations of long historical roots and the urgent necessity for the summit meeting for the improvement of the ties.

As far as the historic DPRK-U.S. summit is concerned, we have inwardly highly appreciated President Trump for having made the bold decision, which any other U.S. presidents dared not, and made efforts for such a crucial event as the summit.

His sudden and unilateral announcement to cancel the summit is something unexpected to us and we can not but feel great regret for it.

It is hard to guess the reasons. It could be that he lacked the will for the summit or he might not have felt confident. But for our part, we have exerted sincere efforts, raising hope that the historic DPRK-U.S. summit meeting and talks themselves would mark a meaningful starting point for peace and security in the region and the world and the improvement of the bilateral relations as the first step forward to settling the issue through dialogue.

We even inwardly hoped that what is called “Trump formula” would help clear both sides of their worries and comply with the requirements of our side and would be a wise way of substantial effect for settling the issue.

The chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK has also exerted all efforts for the preparations for the summit, saying that the meeting with President Trump could help make a good start.

The U.S. side’s unilateral announcement of the cancellation of the summit makes us think over if we were truly right to have made efforts for it and to have opted for the new path.

But we remain unchanged in our goal and will to do everything we could for peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and humankind, and we, broad-minded and open all the time, have the willingness to offer the U.S. side time and opportunity.

The first meeting would not solve all, but solving even one at a time in a phased way would make the relations get better rather than making them get worse. The U.S. should ponder over it.

We would like to make known to the U.S. side once again that we have the intent to sit with the U.S. side to solve problem regardless of ways at any time.

https:// qz.com/1288902/full-text-north-korea-responds-to-donald-trump-canceling-his-summit-with-kim-jong-un/?utm_source=YPH_link_4

12e203 No.1536011


It was a gashous explosion.

7dfbfe No.1536012


You must've missed the part where North Korea came back like a little bitch within hours, talking about still wanting to meet and hinting at reunifying with South Korea.

658817 No.1536013


If by keep digging deeper you mean keep

telling the truth, okay.

Anons are diggers, right?

de851c No.1536014

File: c1452775455ef37⋯.jpg (97.82 KB, 778x824, 389:412, REX_Tweets1.jpg)

File: 839efc163b72680⋯.jpg (102.15 KB, 780x828, 65:69, REX_Tweets2.jpg)

File: f093c551054ed8a⋯.jpg (42.56 KB, 778x423, 778:423, REX_Tweets3.jpg)


e928df No.1536015

File: 8176fc9f8ae1bcc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 764.48 KB, 1106x2398, 553:1199, pickle2.jpg)

pickle tickle

1b22e7 No.1536016

File: aeba7269a33a4ed⋯.png (216.66 KB, 500x679, 500:679, swamp-people-swamp-people-….png)


28784b No.1536017

File: 8a77fad8a50e938⋯.jpg (212.32 KB, 692x520, 173:130, dream_vzdryrgf73o.jpg)



aded54 No.1536018

File: b4ed9c12611fd73⋯.jpg (133.61 KB, 789x639, 263:213, 11.jpg)

File: cf4748120a98edd⋯.jpg (94.09 KB, 789x639, 263:213, 22.jpg)


another source

look at how it's framed



be68c3 No.1536019


Baker didn't delete post! BV BANNED THEM! Wake up!

798f98 No.1536020


Whatever makes you feel better I guess, right?

4cc148 No.1536021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

74af2e No.1536022

File: 6340693e08a4b4b⋯.jpg (253.88 KB, 578x716, 289:358, Carrhoax.jpg)


It appears that Albert Pike letter was part of a hoax, admitted by it's author, one William Guy Carr.


f8659f No.1536023


Time to move on.

68ece1 No.1536024


Needs more saucy elaboration…… What's his specific beef?

The average thinking person would realize this was sorely needed……. like eons ago. Backing up the actual BP agents so they are more free on the field to do their jobs,…… Who in their right mind would turn down the help of minding the store while you're out doing the hunting?

a3f5cd No.1536025


Try Harder!

"North Korea Comes Crawling Back: Stresses "Desperate Need" For Summit "Whenever, However"


e928df No.1536026

File: 2dbbb9dd95b8f6a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 50.64 KB, 329x229, 329:229, tatoo.jpg)

360691 No.1536027

c88972 No.1536028

I miss the anon that Post Beautiful Redheads..

99892b No.1536029


So as it turned out, RR was not missing. He was there for the DOJ meeting. Not Ed O'Callaghan as the article and Q said, implying RR is not out. So, this was wrong - and RR isn't recusing himself (or resigning). Also, they gave Congress NOTHING. Again.

7f6bc6 No.1536030


BV/BO Doxing…

0dd7ea No.1536031

7dfbfe No.1536032


I've been following the last two breads live and didn't see these "deleted posts"

16085c No.1536033


Well it's not December and Kim Jong Il was Kim's father, so that's pretty weird.

b5d570 No.1536034


"Muh joos" is a lefty meme used primarily by SJWs btw. Welcome to h8chan. Lurk moar.

00ddfe No.1536035


Somebody didn't read The Art of the Deal

d6460f No.1536036


He only got two watching?

4cc148 No.1536037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9b5f95 No.1536038


Lets all present now request phone calls. I prefer a Trump MAGA pronouncement, followed by a crooked Hillary epithet on my voicemail.

608167 No.1536039


Apparently that anon was banned.

51a532 No.1536040

File: 0ee34fb5fb6d994⋯.jpg (95.26 KB, 1000x760, 25:19, 0ee34fb5fb6d99405d322ec7a6….jpg)


If you bother to actually read the shit ban was handed out for you can see theres nothing malicious about any of it. Talking to random people about all different shit. Theres only a few posts going against people trying to subvert.

fee30f No.1536041

File: 6a380c908622ebd⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1604x700, 401:175, 6a380c908622ebdde14829d366….png)

d6460f No.1536042

b23e51 No.1536043

File: d20c06d26a5d529⋯.jpg (100.8 KB, 818x363, 818:363, wuthppnd5.23.jpg)


A succinct recap of yesterday:

9aca34 No.1536044





d620fd No.1536045


I see a 'trust the plan' in your future….

54f062 No.1536046


So what? Two anons in the same room

Must be desperate for Y O U -s?

4cc148 No.1536047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Smoke that shit

ce764c No.1536048


its actually 530, I had it up on the Tele 50 inch to verify.

Either way 530 or 539.

add the 5 on the helmet

5+5+3+0=13 or 1+3=4

5+5+3+9=22 or 2+2=4

so that being said Triple 444's…Big day tomorrow Digits confim.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy = 23 characters or 5 of :5

12e203 No.1536049


Sense of humor anon. I know.

IUD for the gash. Punning from boredom.

c88972 No.1536050


Wikipedia is the Cyber-Library of Big Data.

Even help for the homeworks of the Uni.

5226a7 No.1536051


But BV can ban and BV was talking about how she was baking earlier…. And by the way BV you identified as female again a few breads back and failed to tits or gtfo, a total violation of the board rules. I respectfully request that you compl with said rule and this time don't be a pussy and give us some fucking nipple.

e559d0 No.1536052


It's bloody everywhere, can't wait to end their shit!

9aca34 No.1536053


This is for you Mr. Suck it.


bdb799 No.1536054



https:// landandmaritimeapps.dla.mil/offices/sourcing_and_qualification/labsuit.aspx

af6c0d No.1536055

Good night anons. To the clowns and shills, may you reap the rewards of your corrupt actions. I know you don't like it, but God is in charge, not you.

8c4465 No.1536056

File: 0fe9ee11e66a7b8⋯.jpeg (118.72 KB, 949x1423, 949:1423, iur-1.jpeg)

2d64dc No.1536057


It is disappointing that RR is still around. However, when dealing with congress you are dealing with a nest of vipers. They are devious and sneaky. It is possible that they got wind of the Q post here about RR and ED and decided to make a counter move to discredit us. I know this is a bit of stretch, but certainly very possible.

342ba4 No.1536058



7baf98 No.1536059


NO doxing

7e4297 No.1536060



d620fd No.1536061


This is the screenshot all over last board…

And the one Wictor is using.

Only place I can find it is on a Stratfor analyst's twit page.

5ac76f No.1536062


Great post anon

be68c3 No.1536063


The post did get deleted because the BV banned them & was the one to edit in red te t about not appreciated liars…that was all BV.

d6460f No.1536064


What about this?


0dd7ea No.1536065

>>1536049 lol..I'm spent and slow so off to bed i go..

e7a554 No.1536066

File: 80e4f17d6a30621⋯.jpg (90.99 KB, 720x960, 3:4, IUD Lady March.jpg)

608a56 No.1536067

File: 90e68134ec254a4⋯.png (141.22 KB, 904x607, 904:607, Fuck off shills.png)

File: 4d80ad3abf48944⋯.jpg (59.93 KB, 480x363, 160:121, tarp.jpg)

Stupid fucking AI JDIF god damnt

every fucking time…

b23e51 No.1536068


Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

9aca34 No.1536069


Now you have.


8c4465 No.1536070

File: 5b4f766aa690bfc⋯.png (935.77 KB, 1132x603, 1132:603, Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at ….png)


Ed WAS there. See photo - he is in front of Nunes at top of stairs going into meeting.

0dd7ea No.1536071

4cc148 No.1536072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5226a7 No.1536073


Classic Hoover thinking that tranny ass faggot.

f8659f No.1536074


Fuck yes.

Don't play games when doing business.

Walk away happy, and open to reconsideration.

Kim reconsidered.

798f98 No.1536075

File: 2d2205f79a0fdc7⋯.jpg (239.82 KB, 1600x1059, 1600:1059, bce521b4d9d1b95cf65468b433….jpg)

360a28 No.1536076


I saw it too, Anon.

And to think I was actually kinda worried.

Fuck us for being concerned, right?

That was weird. Very weird.

bdb799 No.1536077


it's public info

c88972 No.1536078


Cute <3

e31c63 No.1536079

File: c1e57cce7851ece⋯.jpg (94.9 KB, 500x558, 250:279, 2aucmu~2.jpg)

Obola = ShitStain

7e4297 No.1536080


Its a very fluid situation!

d6460f No.1536081


Slow and no Q. Good night.

28784b No.1536082

File: 24f197a89068805⋯.jpg (91.27 KB, 413x395, 413:395, dream_j95ao2kvnlc.jpg)


Oh myyyy…

Now that's interdasting…

Be nice to be able to open it…

7f6bc6 No.1536083


Probably was part of the plan from the beginning…

9aca34 No.1536084


Any way it happened, it happened and then the

baker/BV lied about it.

5ac76f No.1536085


So that anon calls them trolls but says if you respond you get banned kek

2a2588 No.1536086


Well, if God, The Creator, or whatever you want to call it, hadn't meant for us to touch ourselves in that way, He/She/It would have given us shorter arms…

c88972 No.1536087



Blackmail maybe?

974e36 No.1536088


My guess is BV really is quite new to the redpill I 'spose and hasn't really taken the JQpill. I mean, once you give the subject even a rudimentary walk through the evidence of jewish influence into human trafficking, ritual sacrifice, quest for world domination/enslavement is overwhelming. Sure, non-jews are apart of the cabal as well but like with everything else, media, politics etc etc jews are heavily over represented.

798f98 No.1536089


Cry harder :)

4cc148 No.1536090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

094dfd No.1536091

File: fbfc020bb091952⋯.gif (952.29 KB, 308x246, 154:123, LetItGo.gif)




BV Deleted a bad LARP that was trying to scare Anons. BV did it's job.

7dfbfe No.1536092

51a532 No.1536093

File: 4d952f99b159bbd⋯.jpg (261.66 KB, 1659x1080, 553:360, 4d952f99b159bbd74fc014d962….jpg)


Does it look to you like im a chan faggot or Corsi newfag?? >>1535905

5ac76f No.1536094


>Attack[s] anticipated.


>Why are they continuing [internal]?

3bb171 No.1536095


You've been an amazing help anon, thank you.

b5d570 No.1536096


Most of these people don't even think the JQ is redpill material. They have no idea about any of it. Completely oblivious.

628922 No.1536097

File: 4607c57720837b2⋯.png (47.84 KB, 2400x753, 800:251, Euler_Identity.png)


Seams like WAR always has to do with EUL.


69337a No.1536098


If it is the same baker as last bread OMG! Fuck we have been infiltrated! Paranoia from the same people who are against VPN's and Opsec! Fuck off! If your short term memory can not remember a slow ass night.. LURK MORE!

754fdf No.1536099

This place has gone to shit. I've never seen so many snowflakes in my life always bitching about BV this BO that. How the hell do you children make it through the day? Go find a safe space somewhere that's NOT on qresearch.

f0913e No.1536100

File: bcf3d85c18fefc7⋯.png (868.71 KB, 1600x2560, 5:8, Screenshot_2018-03-21-22-3….png)


It's a long story. You wouldn't believe it anyway.

9aca34 No.1536101


Not sure why they are down playing it????

How were "trying"anything, they did what they said!

They knew!


9fc89e No.1536102

File: b9d7482fa296b46⋯.png (671.78 KB, 1424x1799, 1424:1799, Jung-Jong.png)

bdb799 No.1536103


take the space out before you call someone a faggot.

e64cf9 No.1536104


idk who brocks shills think they are fooling lmao. you cant pay iq 80 retards to derail a board of people who arnt mouth breathers. nice try david.

8c4465 No.1536105


And we DON'T KNOW if they turned over the documents or not.

I notice Ed has a briefcase with him.

I believe Trump signed the EO Sunday, showed Nunes, RR, Ed, etc the EO on Monday meeting they had,

demanding they turn over documents at meeting today.

The first meeting was probably viewing the documents,

and the second meeting with the dickhead democrats was probably just not disclosing all the details.

We can't assume they didn't get what they were after.

And, RR might just be a useless idiot for show, with no power right now.

f8659f No.1536106


Gonna ponder this one, but me suspects you may be correct. Plays well for the education of the masses…

7f6bc6 No.1536107


No shit…

Wow, heavy on the shit posts tonight, lots of lightweights on…

Almost no substance… bleh…

a768f9 No.1536108

File: 2cfc54c3aa16f22⋯.jpg (727.34 KB, 935x1800, 187:360, 5eyeswtweetpics.jpg)


i knew things would get interesting when the independent pro-trump analysts start coming to conclusions that we've learned from Q months ago

93bd20 No.1536109



28784b No.1536110


And here I was told that no one ever went to war over a math problem…

5ac76f No.1536111


here here –

i'd like to know the answer to the last line though… puzzling

12e203 No.1536112


Movie time. This so that idiots like Tusli can whine. WAAHH Trump gonna get us all killed by that rascally rabbit in Korea.

342ba4 No.1536113

File: 7186fa64eb51140⋯.jpg (18.41 KB, 480x360, 4:3, filter it.jpg)

969208 No.1536114


I thought the deal was already done when POTUS already met with Un back in novemeber.

28784b No.1536115

File: 16324f10ff6cbf6⋯.jpg (201.52 KB, 734x491, 734:491, dream_qmpeu9gear3.jpg)


I did.

I don't have authorization to access it.

Didn't mean for you to take the meme personally.

have a kitty, instead.

608a56 No.1536116

File: 7f8b3027daecf9a⋯.png (481.6 KB, 1567x492, 1567:492, if deleted why can i see.png)

File: 017c15be2a7b3ba⋯.png (9.91 KB, 236x255, 236:255, FO pepe.png)







9aca34 No.1536117


So. They still knew.

7a23d7 No.1536118



The birds they sang

At the break of day

Start again

I heard them say

Don't dwell on what

Has passed away

Or what is yet to be

Yeah the wars they will

Be fought again

The holy dove

She will be caught again

Bought and sold

And bought again

The dove is never free

Ring the bells (ring the bells) that still can ring

Forget your perfect offering

There is a crack in everything (there is a crack in everything)

That's how the light gets in

We asked for signs

The signs were sent

The birth betrayed

The marriage spent

Yeah the widowhood

Of every government

Signs for all to see

I can't run no more

With that lawless crowd

While the killers in high places

Say their prayers out loud

But they've summoned, they've summoned up

A thundercloud

And they're going to hear from me

Ring the bells that still can ring

Forget your perfect offering

There is a crack, a crack in everything (there is a crack in everything)

That's how the light gets in

You can add up the parts

You won't have the sum

You can strike up the march

There is no drum

Every heart, every heart to love will come

But like a refugee

Ring the bells that still can ring

Forget your perfect offering

There is a crack, a crack in everything (there is a crack in everything)

That's how the light gets in

Ring the bells that still can ring (ring the bells that still can ring)

Forget your perfect offering

There is a crack, a crack in everything (there is a crack in everything)

That's how the light gets in

That's how the light gets in

That's how the light gets in

5226a7 No.1536119


Nice trips faggot but who's angry? Not I, just calling bullshit as it lies.

7f6bc6 No.1536120


Yep… also see how it floats reunification? That would be very useful in countering Chinese ambitions, etc. Consider the benefits of a friendly, unified, independent Korea…

c88972 No.1536121

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: f49c4b No.1131741 📁

Apr 21 2018 12:28:51 (EST)


Maggie showed w/ Hussein.

Points outlined.

POTUS - “Wendy.”


POTUS - “Maggie” focus.



<Learn our comms.


Learn to read our comms Anons, Even White/Black Hats are here in the board.

3bb171 No.1536122

>>1536010 DPRK Statement transcript


Wonderful work lad.

33ab8a No.1536123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The fuck that mean to you

5226a7 No.1536124


You new fags and your fucking demands… smhh

9aca34 No.1536125


I think there was the same pic posted a few

minutes earlier that was deleted. The they

posted this one to say, "still see u."

I think that's how it went down.

28784b No.1536126

File: 058828167be9cbd⋯.jpg (54.37 KB, 367x334, 367:334, dream_0migr4t1ben.jpg)

f8659f No.1536127



Give the Dark side 12 hours of self-righteous indignation rope to hang themselves with!

faacf3 No.1536128


I disagree

Deal is done.

Kim never backed out

Deep state said he did though

The ZH article is garbage and disrespectful to Kim

0efa22 No.1536129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We LOVE our bakers!

bdb799 No.1536130


make an exception to the cert.

e64cf9 No.1536131


the internal one ? imo q got all the the youtube people to fake division so the cabal retards think that q is weak. aka wwe shit. they wont even beleive it lol even if we say it here

faacf3 No.1536132


Look how anons don't like the silence from Q

Now imagine the cabal

They are likely crawling out of their skin

e559d0 No.1536133

File: 7c37d70224c1bf8⋯.png (929.76 KB, 1002x539, 1002:539, ClipboardImage.png)

Спасибо Russia

In light of revelations this week regarding an FBI informant sent to gather information on the Trump campaign leading up to the 2016 presidential election, high-profile meetings were held Thursday to review classified information related to the ongoing investigation into alleged Russian collusion in the campaign.

Speaking to Radio Sputnik's Loud & Clear, Daniel Lazare, journalist and author of "The Frozen Republic," "The Velvet Coup" and "America's Undeclared War," noted that the press coverage of the briefings show US Democrats are putting on a unified front by stressing that Stefan Halper was an informant and not a spy.

"The Democrats, along with The New York Times and The Washington Post, insist that the spy in question, Stefan Halper, was not a spy but an informant — one is bad and the other is good," Lazare told show hosts Brian Becker and John Kiriakou. "So what they're calling an informant, the Republicans are calling a spy… they're talking about the same thing."

I think the Democrats are desperate. Russiagate is blowing up in their face and they're somehow trying to talk their way out of the problem," he added.

It was recently revealed that Halper, a Cambridge professor and longtime informant for the FBI, was part of an ongoing scheme to dig dirt up on the Trump campaign ahead of the 2016 election. As Sputnik previously reported, Halper met independently with Trump insiders, including George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, Mike Flynn and Paul Manafort during the campaign.

"I think the part to bear in mind, to sort of put this in more realistic footing, is that [US President] Donald Trump had been raising alarms in the foreign policy circles since late 2015 by calling for a rapprochement with Russia, which in many quarters was being seen as virtually treasonous," Lazare told Kiriakou.

When Kiriakou recalled reports that Halper was placed in the Trump camp to determine whether Russians were interfering with Trump's campaign without the candidate's knowledge, Lazare was skeptical.

"So the idea that [the FBI] put an informant in his campaign with the idea of helping him — that doesn't make sense."

According to reports, the FBI opted to send Halper to secretly scout around the Trump campaign as a means to investigate whether Russia was interfering in the presidential election — a notion that Russia has repeatedly denied.

"Clearly, [the FBI] regarded Trump as being under the sway of the Russians and they were trying to learn more and gather evidence to prove these charges. The whole thing just smells to high heaven," Lazare said.


d620fd No.1536134


So…why did Trump send the letter?

bdb799 No.1536135


Test Method Standard, Microcircuits (w/Change 3) FSC: 5962

This standard establishes uniform methods, controls, and procedures for testing microelectronic devices suitable for use within Military and Aerospace electronic systems including basic environmental tests to determine resistance to deleterious effects of natural elements and conditions surrounding military and space operations; mechanical and electrical tests; workmanship and training procedures; and such other controls and constraints as have been deemed necessary to ensure a uniform level of quality and reliability suitable to the intended applications of those devices. For thepurpose of this standard, the term "devices" includes such items as monolithic, multichip, film and hybrid microcircuits, microcircuit arrays, and the elements from which the circuits and arrays are formed. This standard is intended to apply only to microelectronic devices.

f8659f No.1536136


Unified(best) korea + Japan = big allies.


faacf3 No.1536137



He called their bluff

This is not hard to comprehend

608a56 No.1536138


except for feeding the shills like an idiot… It balances out I hope…

Night bro

6760eb No.1536139

Any uk fags seen the new mi6 promo video with the sharks ?

Mentions secrets Qs

bdb799 No.1536140


Test Method Standard, Microcircuits (w/Change 3) Revision: K, Dated: 03 May 2018 File Name: std883.pdf, File Size: 7714 kb

MIL-STD-883K Section 1000

Covering the 1000 Series Test Methods

Dated: 03 May 2018

File name: std883mthd1000.pdf, File Size: 1451 kb

MIL-STD-883K Sections 2000 thru 2017 (Part 1)

Part 2 for the 2000 Series Test Methods

Dated: 03 May 2018

File name: std883mthd2000.pdf, File Size: 2167 kb

MIL-STD-883K Sections 2018 thru 2038 (Part 2)

Part 2 for the 2000 Series Test Methods

Dated: 03 May 2018

File name: std883mthd2018.pdf, File Size: 3432 kb

MIL-STD-883K Sections 3000 and 4000

Covering the 3000 and 4000 Series Test Methods

Dated: 03 May 2018

File name: std883mthd3000.pdf, File Size: 397 kb

MIL-STD-883K Sections 5000 thru 5009 (Part 1)

Part 1 of the 5000 Series Test Methods

Dated: 03 May 2018

File name: std883mthd5000.pdf, File Size: 277 kb

MIL-STD-883K Sections 5010 thru 5013 (Part 2)

Part 2 of the 5000 Series Test Methods

Dated: 03 May 2018

File name: std883mthd5010.pdf, File Size: 230 kb

18640b No.1536141


Too much attention to Meghan and Harry. She doesn't matter in the USA, and he does matter in the UK. After Elizabeth dies—which may be another 10 or so years from now—Charles ascends to the throne, not William. William's turn comes only after Charles dies—which may be another 40 years from now. By then, all of William's and Kate's kids will be middle aged and doing their own thing. William is 35 now. If Charles lives a long, long life then William may not get to become king until he is 70 or older. Then his kids and their kids. Harry's revenge wedding was just silly. He will never even get close to that throne. NEVER!

But even for William, we're talking about many years into the future, which doesn't really make any sense. Why? Because given the trajectory that the UK is on right now, in 40 years or so, it will no longer exist as the nation that it is now. The indigenous whites will be gone. The people who take it over will be Africans, Middle Easterners, Indians, Pakis, and Chinese. They're taking it over already right now. Few people there will speak English. Christianity will certainly be gone, and Islam will become dominant. Voting, elections, and the House will also be gone as Sharia takes over. And they certainly won't have kings, and queens, and princes, and princesses there anymore. Every church and every palace will become a mosque. And, those who don't conform will simply be run off or killed.

Have you been to the UK lately? It may not even take 40 years for them to get to this. That country is FUBAR. And what's the point of wanting to be king when there is no kingdom for you to preside over? The whole royal family bullshit is one of the last vestiges of ancient Europe that will be erased like all the rest of their culture is now being erased..

d3bbf9 No.1536142

File: 778987c210b95db⋯.jpg (19.51 KB, 244x207, 244:207, IMG_1649.JPG)

Math chekeks out:

Holiday weekend with normies having free time + pant shitting shills wondering how big the redpill suppository will be = fookin slide just got ten feet taller.

12e203 No.1536143


Who knows. Probably time number 1 zillion he is fucking with the bad guys.

7dfbfe No.1536144



It's tough waiting but I understand why patience is necessary

Having said that, Q needs to stop saying "Enjoy the show" until we have a show to enjoy.

The current show of these fuckers running doing book tours and tv show appearances is not enjoyable.

342ba4 No.1536145


q is enjoying the show. as am i.

<snipers. boomers would never fall for that shit

9aca34 No.1536146


Don't think so. Letting anon know that he doesnt

have power over them? That he can see and

or hear things some how?

b23e51 No.1536147


Speaking in tongues.

28784b No.1536148

File: ad0736e74697086⋯.jpg (89.8 KB, 646x960, 323:480, 33191530_1696839273742766_….jpg)


That's soooooo spoopy though…

Grab a screenshot?

754fdf No.1536149

File: 1249a7f12c1245a⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 1d4bb05bd023542875fb5896e0….jpg)

41fa59 No.1536150

File: c9ecbb571199a73⋯.jpg (169.34 KB, 661x510, 661:510, wfaf.jpg)

File: 166963544756608⋯.png (1.79 MB, 2292x2628, 191:219, UnityFight.png)

File: 8a1091981764058⋯.png (4.33 MB, 4584x5256, 191:219, UnityFight2.png)

File: 2ae09ae05be8237⋯.jpg (74.79 KB, 500x594, 250:297, power.jpg)

File: 118bf4fb4931109⋯.jpg (40.54 KB, 355x258, 355:258, PHEONIXFROMASHES.jpg)

Internet Bill Of Rights

Let your voices be heard!


Read carefully and honestly

Do you believe that your right to privacy and freedom of expression should pertain to your experiences online?

Do you believe that WE THE PEOPLE deserve full representation of our rights wherever we may go?

Do you believe that protections should be in place to preserve these rights?

Please, spread the word about the Petition and remind the people that they do indeed have the POWER and VOICE to create CHANGE


>#1. We the People have the Right to complete free speech when on the Internet.

>#2. We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time.

>#3. We shall be given access to the most up to date and powerful technology available to us, with all provisions & efforts made by our elected officials to ensure that our Internet quality is always reflective of its importance to our Republic.

>#4. We have the Right to NOT have our Internet throttled, prioritized, or restricted in any way.

>#5. We have the Right to select and appoint a new special council to oversee these Rights, and a report on the State of The American Internet shall be submitted to POTUS by January 15th of each year.

Remember that this is an American issue and humanitarian issue of Rights.

All voices deserve equal and fair representation so that an honest dialog may take place.

The people have been divided for too long, let us be the anthem of hope and freedom that WE THE PEOPLE deserve!

bit. ly/QIBOR


If you have yet to sign and are on the fence about it, be BRAVE and remember that YOU HAVE ALWAYS HAD THE POWER!



4f6cd6 No.1536151


all part of the show

the knee jerk reactions are so predictable

470fdc No.1536152

File: 32e05a18b2e1335⋯.jpg (161.02 KB, 532x400, 133:100, helloooseaman.jpg)

f8659f No.1536154

File: 7c332fbf2f069c1⋯.png (787.78 KB, 714x712, 357:356, pepe_comfy_doom.png)


They're FAR less comfy the us anons me suspects!

33ab8a No.1536155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

342ba4 No.1536156


nm. jus' got a call from JB. he wants me to CLAP ON my Alexa.

969208 No.1536157

File: 7dc726809c5cac3⋯.jpg (99.02 KB, 1078x720, 539:360, BUNNYLOVINGSATANPRIEST.jpg)


For a second there I forgot what you were bitching about. OH thats right. Im famefagging.

5ac76f No.1536158


interesting, i thought it might have to do with the banning skirmishes going on

d3bbf9 No.1536159

File: f8b824ab24c9ffd⋯.png (444.91 KB, 485x810, 97:162, IMG_1687.PNG)


IBOR petition is still a shill slide.

486c62 No.1536160

File: 4b836e99b26332b⋯.png (5.07 MB, 2430x1296, 15:8, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

Interesting read if you care to. I think I have to hit the hay. Gotta be up and at em in 5hrs. Workfaglyfe. Been good patriots. Shills/Corsi/clowns feck-off.

"A new look inside Thernos' corporate culture". When a chemist raised concerns about the blood testing machines' high error rates, she was ignored. So she resigned.


8c4465 No.1536161

>>1536102 Jung vs Jong Explanation & Proof


This is the best Jong/Jung Un Notable.

d6460f No.1536162

File: 9ebb3ba8213212b⋯.png (44.35 KB, 1584x495, 16:5, ClipboardImage.png)

The FBI seized a domain used to communicate with 500,000 infected routers Wednesday, cutting off a massive botnet that was possibly being used for a forthcoming cyberattack aimed at Ukraine.

The Department of Justice obtained a seizure order Wednesday that allowed U.S. law enforcement to seize “toknowall.com,” which was used as the command and control in the “VPNFilter” botnet.

VPNFilter was made public Tuesday, when it was announced that a combination of at least three groups — Cisco’s cybersecurity unit Talos, the nonprofit information sharing group Cyber Threat Alliance (CTA) and U.S. law enforcement — have all been quietly notifying companies about the early stages of a potentially expansive cyberattack against Ukraine.

In a seizure order made public Wednesday, the Department of Justice pinned the botnet on APT28, the hacking group known as “Fancy Bear.” The group is responsible for a number of high-profile hacks, including the 2016 hack of the Democratic National Committee.

“The FBI will not allow malicious cyber actors, regardless of whether they are state-sponsored, to operate freely,” said FBI Special Agent in Charge Bob Johnson. “These hackers are exploiting vulnerabilities and putting every American’s privacy and network security at risk. Although there is still much to be learned about how this particular threat initially compromises infected routers and other devices, we encourage citizens and businesses to keep their network equipment updated and to change default passwords.”

The FBI’s seizure affidavit gives more details on how investigators discovered the botnet: A women in Western Pennsylvania turned over her home router to the FBI after suspecting it was infected with some type of malware. From there, the FBI and several security experts found malware was communicating with various accounts on photo hosting website Photobucket. If infected devices could not communicate with the Photobucket account, they were instructed to connect to “toknowall.com.”

Researchers say that the VPNFilter-enabled botnet was capable of doing significant harm, including permanently disabling the hacked devices through a method known as “bricking,” which could cause thousands of companies to immediately lose internet connection and therefore likely lose business.

In addition to bricking a breached device, VPNFilter could also be used to steal website administrator credentials and for monitoring SCADA protocols. SCADA, an abbreviation of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, relates to data about industrial control equipment that’s used in power plants, nuclear facilities and manufacturing factories.

Big-brand routers like Linksys, MikroTik, NETGEAR and TP-Link were impacted by VPNFilter.

The public notifications on VPNFilter came ahead of a massive international soccer match, which will be hosted in Kiev, on May 26 and an important domestic holiday in Ukraine on June 28.

Last year, there was a delayed reaction inside Ukraine to the NotPetya attack due to it being launched a day before a Ukrainian holiday.

Ukraine has often been targeted in various Russia-linked cyberattacks, from the NotPetya attack to the 2014 BlackEnergy incident that caused widespread power outages in the country.

DOCUMENTS: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4482923-18-665-Seizure-Affidavit-0.html?embed=true&responsive=false&sidebar=false

e64cf9 No.1536163


if it refers to that its just brocks retards getting butthurt that they got banned. or maybe q is doing some 9d chess shit who knows lol

c88972 No.1536164


Two Points

The Europeans will leave Europe because already know that Europe is being a dictatorship state (UK now is 1984)

WWIII in Europe.

754fdf No.1536165


filtered long ago

5ac76f No.1536166

bdb799 No.1536167

File: 8c62449d9d2caa3⋯.png (24.94 KB, 1234x226, 617:113, Screenshot-2018-5-25 https….png)

File: 870f94283086187⋯.png (360.38 KB, 1240x6097, 1240:6097, Screenshot-2018-5-25 https….png)

f6964d No.1536168

File: 7a62a0e42b24899⋯.jpg (83.87 KB, 1000x763, 1000:763, This-week-in-Washington_7_….jpg)

I don't know if I'm over target, but I wonder if by following the pen, we should follow the social media profiles of these people?

"Trump hands out pens after signing the Economic Growth Act."


c88972 No.1536169


if it's so. that will back to the board.

e559d0 No.1536170


I leaning toward it being a complete sting on CNN and co for reporting the fake news that NK wanted out and made threats. It appears this may be the first big penny to drop, proving once and for all all the fake news sites are exactly that, waking normies a little but to much to overwhelm them.

bb0af0 No.1536171

This post on Gab.ai from the founder, 6 hours ago:

Andrew Torba

I wish I could share all of the ways we are being attacked right now. It's really incredible. It's 24/7. So much happening behind the scenes. Surface level: -Infiltration of bots, nonstop war getting rid of them-DDoS attacks-Malicious actors breaking guidelines on purpose and reporting to LEO-Massive PSYOPS on our company/us personally 

d620fd No.1536172


You just said that the ZH article saying Kim is crawling back is disrespectful to Kim.

Deep State pulled some BS.

Trump responds, busting Kim's ass.

But…OMFG…that's okay, huh?

7dfbfe No.1536173

Calling it a night anons. Hopefully tomorrow isn't a deflated wet fart of a nothingburger.

360a28 No.1536174


I didn't confirm IDs, so this is likely.

fee30f No.1536175

File: 67fa2f4cd19ec4a⋯.gif (191.52 KB, 239x300, 239:300, 67fa2f4cd19ec4a4732750c9ea….gif)

File: 0eeafecac30da91⋯.gif (2.29 MB, 695x392, 695:392, 0eeafecac30da91f798d897813….gif)

3bb171 No.1536176


Night fren


5226a7 No.1536177


KEK, the antithesis of NXIVM brand…. a brand of liberation.

75bed0 No.1536178

File: 2dec34b0bc5aab6⋯.png (35.31 KB, 635x137, 635:137, compliancesux.png)


I have this theory that googly eyes (get it? kek) are made using advanced nanocomposites. Teensy tinsy SoC that can charge itself by induction as the inside piece spins around when it's moved or touched. Camera, microphone, wifi. A sick joke on us bc they put whose doing it in the fucking name, and when we put googly eyes on something, we literally give them eyes, so to speak. Remember pet rocks? Yeah, that's right.

0efa22 No.1536179

File: 17b52eb0f6f604c⋯.jpeg (97.85 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, ableist_scream_machine_5.jpeg)

These things really fuck with your sleep. Prototype electronic mind control warfare device? Maybe.

Spawn of Satan? Just look at the name.

7f5234 No.1536180

File: e8a7ea65230259c⋯.jpg (519.04 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, democratsareevilpeople.jpg)

File: 916ab21dafe62af⋯.jpg (748.21 KB, 1712x1028, 428:257, SEINFELD AND DEMSA FINAL.jpg)

File: cf351dbfaaa9655⋯.jpg (315.43 KB, 500x664, 125:166, starbuck bathrooms MEME.jpg)

5ac76f No.1536181


ah I guess we just see it differently kek

4f6cd6 No.1536182



faacf3 No.1536183


You're drunk aren't you?

Sleep it off.

Come back to the convo when you can comprehend.

9680ea No.1536184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e64cf9 No.1536185


maybe i try to consider all possible angles. more throwing it out there then actually beleiving it

3bb171 No.1536186


>Baker says he got a phone call

factually incorrect.

That's why I said I don't appreciate liars.

The larping post happened, but I didn't respond to it.

41fa59 No.1536187

File: bdde603a1767f53⋯.jpg (358.9 KB, 2560x1837, 2560:1837, 56fdb4e5dd90d8ed6a3e652dd2….jpg)

File: 0acf821e3627d0b⋯.jpg (38.51 KB, 597x585, 199:195, 0cd176f2a91ec9c8affefb3b42….jpg)

File: cbd74ef5497a47d⋯.png (563.62 KB, 2872x3448, 359:431, QIBOR.png)


In what ways?

5ac76f No.1536188


So should they be happy about being banned on a research board?

d3bbf9 No.1536189

File: 94f2edfa96884cc⋯.jpg (17.87 KB, 250x223, 250:223, IMG_1697.JPG)

File: 3d1d882c9d4d89a⋯.png (425.64 KB, 720x447, 240:149, IMG_1685.PNG)


Frens are important, O7. Keep up the good fight.

bb0af0 No.1536190


Seth Rich hacked the routers then? They blame it on fancy bear.

d620fd No.1536191


I'm just fine.

You're speaking in generalities, based on speculation.

e559d0 No.1536192

File: d5d5a5347081bcf⋯.png (35.54 KB, 833x291, 833:291, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm getting the feeling to cabal are being backed into certain countries!!!


754fdf No.1536193


were they on here conducting q research or were they shilling? this isn't a town square.

f0913e No.1536194


You are the shill. Fuck off to Israel.

0efa22 No.1536195

The complaints about censorship on this board should be bringing up questions about how we archive posts.

bdb799 No.1536196


im still reading through each military standard (mil-std)

9680ea No.1536197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

faacf3 No.1536198

File: 467feecf3cacb35⋯.png (37.76 KB, 641x372, 641:372, Loesch re Saavedra Broward….PNG)

969208 No.1536199


Im not trying to be argumentative at all, but if thats correct the Media will just spin it and once again say that Trump cant make up is mind blah blah blah, and Trump doesnt know what he is doing kinda shit.

9037d7 No.1536200

Few baker girls in this thread….tired of repeats and redheads…

c88972 No.1536201

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, b82d157f45dcdf388632345f32….png)


Also in the Chan with the DDoS


This is really crazy

https:// gab.ai/a/posts/26293041

628922 No.1536202

[e]ye s[pi] with my little [i]

a w(orm)hole

what does ORM mean to US?

5226a7 No.1536203

>>1536029 The thing is, the list of invitees was incredibly fluid from the time Sarah Sanders announced it… seems the naming by Sanders of who was invited set off some sort of trigger. I wonder what kind of intel was collected on the black hats based on how they reacted to not being invited at all initially.

d620fd No.1536204


This part I can buy 100%.

Fake news.

I have no doubt Trump and Kim have had probably more than one conversation.

Hell, Kim might have been in the Forbidden City meeting.

Deep State didn't scare or threaten anybody.

This was a setup of the media..plain and simple.

e0609e No.1536205

File: 17c169fcc553308⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 439.63 KB, 800x601, 800:601, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 665978d60f1f674⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 388.15 KB, 532x800, 133:200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bde075e32cba11a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 547.37 KB, 533x800, 533:800, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4838cc9970b8695⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 586.75 KB, 533x800, 533:800, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm sending

Some perky girls

Just to get your spirits perked up

And to perk your interest

In digging deeper

5ac76f No.1536206


Anyone can see a list of what they ban at the top of the page here and decide for themselves.

3bb171 No.1536207


They should be seen for what they are: Flak above the target.

d3bbf9 No.1536208


Hashtag =/= shill petition.

Won't debunk it line by line, but a reasonable mind can see that every line is designed to hinder Q.

c91aac No.1536209

How does one escape? Can someone buy residency status in another country? The Keys are lovely this time of year.

Maybe. Must be expensive.


120e4f No.1536210


That is depressing, Andrew is trying to do a good thing over there.

e559d0 No.1536211


Not when he says they tried to cause NUCLEAR conflict

5226a7 No.1536212


Ketchup little tomato.

2a2588 No.1536213

File: 7f6cde26f6137f3⋯.png (279.6 KB, 1419x946, 3:2, thumbs transparency.png)

File: 1bdf32024f241de⋯.jpg (17.84 KB, 316x400, 79:100, thumbsup.jpg)

e0034e No.1536214


to allow female bv's was

a huge mistake in the first place

their decisions are based o popularity and emotions same with faggots

that being said bo bares the responsibility

# 2

to try to control the narrative thru censorship is a huge mistake


to run this board with volunteers as important as it is …is a mistake, to easy to infiltrate


it is the oppositions #1 goal TO INFILTRATE THIS BOARD


which means the whole reason Q came here in the first place…unfettered communication…may no longer exist..


Q's timetable and comms will not be steered by anyone…friend or fo


think for yourselves

3e514e No.1536215

File: ba978ec22760353⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1254x981, 418:327, 1527156533242.png)

470fdc No.1536216

File: 84b58ffc9b06120⋯.jpg (13.72 KB, 250x277, 250:277, donthurtbert.jpg)

5ac76f No.1536217

File: 08ad7038acfdf75⋯.png (61.45 KB, 420x512, 105:128, swiss.png)

Can a financefag explain this?


41fa59 No.1536218


>Won't debunk it

Because you can't?

fee30f No.1536219

File: 6a90416b6b44a0b⋯.png (332.46 KB, 1148x1022, 82:73, 6a90416b6b44a0bcb4cce4c218….png)


Nice time stamp, Anon

c88972 No.1536220


Desperate measures..

e0609e No.1536221

File: 4bf5f0eebfd57d6⋯.png (3.81 MB, 1179x1766, 1179:1766, ClipboardImage.png)

Oh, and I found a redhead for you

Everyone loves gingers


Freckles still say

(((IBOR petition))) is fake and gay

But most of you anons already know that

Don't you?

d3bbf9 No.1536223

File: 32d0e85022b77bd⋯.jpg (52.72 KB, 550x816, 275:408, IMG_1624.JPG)

e559d0 No.1536224

Deuteronomy 4:39

39 Acknowledge and take to heart this day that the Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth below. There is no other.

75bed0 No.1536225


game of risk?

a3f5cd No.1536226


Office of risk management?

f0913e No.1536227

File: 0f204f50f35eab8⋯.jpg (5.61 KB, 271x186, 271:186, download-3.jpg)

7e4297 No.1536228

41fa59 No.1536229

File: 0b571288e0dd018⋯.jpg (89.38 KB, 800x584, 100:73, 0b571288e0dd018448bcaea464….jpg)

fd9a8f No.1536230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hehehehe he fuckery derp dept. pffft

3bb171 No.1536231


You may take pause and wonder why I've been taking so much flak lately.

The. Clowns. Are. Terrified.

Across the globe.

8c4465 No.1536232

File: 94dcf2f07726847⋯.jpg (41.26 KB, 676x347, 676:347, 184109034ee5c00e3400277908….jpg)


At that Press Briefing:

REPORTER: "Why aren't democrats invited to the meeting?"

SARAH: "Why would they be? They never requested the documents."

79cd19 No.1536233

File: 33d9c9b53768d20⋯.jpg (143.76 KB, 940x599, 940:599, PROOF OF POODING.jpg)



96b250 No.1536234

File: 761a4de2589d568⋯.png (375.24 KB, 2836x1260, 709:315, Cabal_13.png)



Just look at this graph.

It's a work in progress, but you can bet I will make it a lot more complete.

Jewish-supremacism is real and a real threat to the whole humanity.

f0913e No.1536235

File: 73bbf862639489e⋯.jpg (5.58 KB, 191x264, 191:264, download-2.jpg)

27cac7 No.1536236


A meme with Trump having rocket launches instead of thumbs up!!!

754fdf No.1536237


what they want to do is what got lincoln and jfk killed. good luck to them. it worked in iceland. hope it works there and here too.

d620fd No.1536238


Other Regulated Materials

3bae8e No.1536239


"They couldn't put Humpty together again"

…they're both eggs…

3bae8e No.1536240


They couldn't put humpty together again

c91aac No.1536241

"…Carter signed the Steiger Amendment cutting capital gains taxes significantly."…

"All in all, the 1978 election dramatically raised the profile of the tax-and-spending issue, drove (as it was driven by) a new and more conservative policy climate, and highlighted the vulnerability of liberal Democratic Senators from not-so-liberal states, a phenomenon that would cost Democrats control of the Senate two years later. In many respects, 1978 can be considered the opening of the Reagan revolution, in the same way that 1910 anticipated Wilson and 1930 anticipated FDR."

96b250 No.1536242

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


And where did EU came from?

Read graph here: >>1536234 and verify.


Vid related.

094dfd No.1536243


It was a fucking LARP by a Clown Baker.

e559d0 No.1536244

File: 93b8d7d44920485⋯.png (427.37 KB, 849x611, 849:611, ClipboardImage.png)

Missouri Governor Eric Greitens is under attack from a host of unsavory characters, from a prosecutor whose campaign was largely funded by George Soros to a member of the media who hand-delivered at least $50,000 to benefit one of the chief witnesses in claims against Greitens. The all-out assault on Greitens has placed him on the brink of potential impeachment. Greitens refuses to back down, however, and a group of citizens supportive of the Governor have recently created a petition opposing efforts to impeach Greitens.

On November 8, 2016 the people of Missouri elected Greitens to be their governor. Greitens won a bruising primary against three opponents and decisively defeated Democrat Chris Koster to become governor.

Since taking office Greitens has worked to deliver on his promise to end politics as usual. That promise included eliminating the state’s bipartisan wasteful low income housing tax credit system that for years made developers, lawyers, bankers and other special interests very wealthy.

Those that had benefited from the status quo have attacked Greitens in every way possible. Ultimately, they are attempting to remove Greitens from office in hopes that Lt. Governor Mike Parson, who would replace Greitens, will reinstate the tax credit program. Indeed, Parson has indicated that he would do just that.

Their main attack on Greitens centers on an affair he has admitted to that occurred years ago, before ever running for office. Special interests have sought to exploit his affair and turn it into something much worse. It began with an allegation that he took a nonconsensual nude photo of his former lover and threatened to blackmail her with it. St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, whose recent election was fueled largely by campaign contributions from a group associated with George Soros, dutifully indicted him for felony invasion of privacy. One can be forgiven for believing that there was credible evidence of criminal conduct, because what prosecutor would indict a case otherwise. Unfortunately you would be mistaken in that belief. After investigating for a month, obtaining an indictment, and continuing her desperate search for evidence for an additional three months right into jury selection, there was still no evidence of a crime.

The alleged photo was never found.

There was a forensic search of the alleged phone used to take the alleged photo that failed to discover the alleged photo or evidence that any photo was taken on the date in question. There was also no evidence found that any photo taken on the date in question was deleted.

There was a search of iCloud and Google accounts where the alleged photo was alleged to have been uploaded. Those searches too failed to find the alleged photo or evidence that any photo was taken on the date in question. There was also no evidence found that any photo taken on the date in question was deleted.

The prosecution had no witness who could testify to seeing the alleged photo or what the alleged photo depicted.

The prosecution produced no evidence that any alleged photo was subsequently transmitted.

Indeed, it appears the former lover’s statement that the whole thing may have been based on a “dream” is correct. Adding to the many reasons to be skeptical about this prosecution’s legitimacy is the revelation that the woman’s ex-husband’s lawyer received over $100,000 in cash payments from an anonymous wealthy Republican. Worse yet, the ex-husband has stated that this money may ultimately be placed in trust for his children, some of whom, of course, are also the children of the so-called “victim.” To cap it off, one of the cash payments was actually hand-delivered by a (now former) member of the state capital press corps.

As their case fell apart, prosecutors moved on to allegations of physical violence and sexual coercion by Greitens. Of course, the only evidence of violence or sexual coercion is the testimony of the former lover who “dreamed” up the alleged photo. In fact, the affair continued for months after the alleged sexual coercion and the former lover did not allege coercion, until after the House committee investigating the matter literally put the word “coercion” into her mouth, and even then it was only “maybe.” Indeed, just before putting the word into her mouth she testified that there was “consent.” Likewise, there is no evidence of any physical violence. Notably the woman’s ex-husband, who now claims to have known about the violence and coercion, never mentioned it in his online rantings where he repeatedly labeled Greitens a “homewrecker.”



aded54 No.1536245




Oak Ridges Moraine, Ontario

2a2588 No.1536246


Yes they do fuck with your sleep, especially if you work for a busy fire department that uses them as alert devices…It is the 5th generation of a "One Way" communication device, It receives communications from a sending station, causing the pager to alert. After a series of beeps (or whatever pre-programmed alert is) the dispatching station communicates information of where and what type of incident is occurring and what units are needed.

a3f5cd No.1536247


Operational Risk Management?

fd9a8f No.1536248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

79cd19 No.1536249


If that is true we have a problem with our

bakers! What can we do about that?

7b5041 No.1536250


Thank you

aded54 No.1536251



or Online Research Methods?

bdb799 No.1536252

here's a different one from ELITechGroup

VQC is a free data analysis service that streamlines the QC process. Through peer group analysis studies, any laboratory participating in VQC can compare its laboratory's precision and accuracy to other laboratories throughout the world. QC results are entered daily and submitted for analysis. Analysis reports comparing your lab to the group can be run at anytime.

VQC is a simple and easy-to-use software program. The following instructions will guide you through the use of the software.

https:// vitaldiagnosticsinc.com/vqc/help/

8e297b No.1536253

File: d66ebf682fc8ec2⋯.jpg (36.92 KB, 648x369, 72:41, damaged pyramid.jpg)

The Illuminati pyramid in Astana Kazakhstan was damaged this week. Sign from God or white hat black ops?


c88972 No.1536254


You already saw my post.

They will leave Europe

The dangerous of that it's the risk of WWIII.

Because The Muslims aren't pacific beings.

EU wants the War against Russia until with the desperate measure

fee30f No.1536255

File: 9c00b14508031ad⋯.jpg (149.29 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 9c00b14508031adc27d7c13b2b….jpg)


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, YaHoVaH Y'shua, both now and ever and unto ages of ages

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, Glory to thee, oh Elohim, holy, holy, holy is YaHoVaH, Elohim, who was and is and is to come,

YaHoVaH have mercy,

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit both now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen

fd9a8f No.1536256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Straw Hats always win

79cd19 No.1536257


If it was a clown baker, why did he lie about it

then? Wouldn't he want to draw attention to it?

486c62 No.1536258

File: 830a0a22676cab4⋯.png (643.41 KB, 1322x1512, 661:756, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

The China or Shanghai Dossier is a HELL OF A LOT like the "Russian Spy Story".. there is a lot to this "Wallis" ""LADY"".. seems to always be a tranny or "unisexual" around powerful people. Fucking weird. Anyway there is spying, Nazis ties/affiliation, possible plan by King George the VIII to step down as king to become part of the Nazis war effort.. spying on allies in Europe for Hitler.. basically getting so hot he and "wallis" had to leave to the British Virgin Islands and "oversaw" the Islands for the crown.

Good stuff and a LOT there to dig up.


2a2588 No.1536259


I'm telling you the way that whole situation was fucked, that the kid assaulted was either Cruz or more likely his brother (brother fits the age range), but with Cruz being bullied as well…that would be the ultimate boomerang to shred that whole narrative. Only speculation, but it will be interesting to find out.

bdb799 No.1536260

and then this.

http:// www.investmentwatchblog.com/i-am-amazed-you-will-be-too-just-put-together/

e559d0 No.1536261

File: 8c590c935581c72⋯.png (531.37 KB, 1068x914, 534:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fdfd2dcd34444a⋯.png (155.79 KB, 1026x886, 513:443, ClipboardImage.png)

File: acdf6f2e3ffea1e⋯.png (120.44 KB, 1011x902, 1011:902, ClipboardImage.png)



9037d7 No.1536262

File: fa121aca8084f42⋯.png (5.58 MB, 2126x1444, 1063:722, ClipboardImage.png)


Men at Work.

d620fd No.1536263


Cruz reached out to everyone but Santa Claus for help…

Much more fookery to this story.

96b250 No.1536264

File: b27be26c6331972⋯.png (2.32 MB, 3580x1252, 895:313, Jews_Immigration_And_Natio….png)

File: cc2621cb464eff9⋯.jpg (189.35 KB, 900x1046, 450:523, jews_Migrants.jpg)


Ane who shoved the muslims down everyone's throats?

People need to wake up to jewish-supremacism if we're ever going to be free.

c4e075 No.1536265


>And we DON'T KNOW if they turned over the documents or not.

According to Nunes, they did NOT get docs


c88972 No.1536266



Even Kazakhstan has beginning to have problems with China (Xinjiang)

a3f5cd No.1536267


Punggye-ri test site…

W(orm) hole?

d620fd No.1536268


Israel's kid covered for…

A deep dive into the parents of Cruz needed?

094dfd No.1536269

File: bc3d234cf45536f⋯.jpg (138.99 KB, 600x900, 2:3, gonna-get-worse.jpg)


Not much, other than prayer. Anyone can claim to be a baker.

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 19d1cd No.1508206 📁

May 22 2018 15:07:28 (EST)



v. 11.9


Attack[s] anticipated.


Why are they continuing [internal]?

Attacks will intensify [all sides].


a22644 No.1536270

File: 27cca9744ba5456⋯.jpg (67 KB, 612x344, 153:86, OJ MEME.jpg)

8c4465 No.1536271

With all the investigations going on with the freakin Clinton Foundation,

I'd like to know why the hell they are still collecting money and the Foundation

not shut down and all the money/assets seized while being investigated.

a22644 No.1536272


The FBI is unlawful. It must be disbanded.

7efa90 No.1536273


It's very simple.


Be careful who you follow.

The attacks will only get worse.

Attack[s] anticipated.


Why are they continuing [internal]?

Attacks will intensify [all sides].


e559d0 No.1536274


It is only on the brink that people finally find the will to change, it's only at this precipice that we evolve!

8e297b No.1536275


Kalergi is direct descendant of the Byzantine Emperors (Phokas family, if anyone cares to research it). I'm half-convinced at this point that the Roman Empire never died and transformed into the cabal instead.

a06424 No.1536276


I know you see it.

Not a LARP.

Point made.

fee30f No.1536277


Mexican word of the day…

3bb171 No.1536278


Added, Thank you!



Added, wonderful work!



Added, great insights.

f8659f No.1536279


-It all seems to come back to Dershowitz….

99892b No.1536280


This sounds like not only did they NOT get the documents they wanted, but that RR can block any attempts to get them. One article I read did say that Ed was at one of the meetings, however, RR was there also. It was implied that he'd have to bow out and Ed or another appointee by POTUS would take his place. RR is quite involved - to the point of fighting POTUS in court (and probably winning) to stop any disclosure of documents he's asking for being given to him.

The FoxNews story on this adds little more.

http:/ /www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/05/24/lawmakers-briefed-on-russia-probe-trump-campaign-confidential-informant-amid-spygate.html

https: //slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/05/what-rod-rosenstein-has-to-do-if-the-doj-meeting-doesnt-satisfy-trump.html

22d023 No.1536281


/_\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers)

_\ (present)


Order is critical.

f0913e No.1536282


And we have a winner.

a22644 No.1536283


bye@[public employee unions]

75bed0 No.1536284



object reference model

5:5 listening

094dfd No.1536285

File: 41edc842122ccce⋯.jpg (162.27 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, dershowitz111203_1983.jpg)

51a532 No.1536286

File: 3efdeff979532a8⋯.jpg (143.5 KB, 1440x987, 480:329, 3efdeff979532a89db03d604ea….jpg)


Careful anon we dont allow this kind of talk on this board.

5ac76f No.1536287


Well anyway, those two aren't anon to each other

fee30f No.1536288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We're always on the brink. We're always riding the wave

422bc3 No.1536289

File: c3846910992e1b2⋯.png (745.59 KB, 900x720, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)


Sounds like something a jew would say.

a3f5cd No.1536290


Hint plz?

3e514e No.1536292

File: 752c64908776ef0⋯.png (785.3 KB, 960x720, 4:3, fadssdfasdfasd7fasd7.png)

c88972 No.1536293


Someone know story

Maybe it's necessary the War..

Europe is very dangerous for the world with these muslims.

8ad6ef No.1536294


She looks scared.

0efa22 No.1536295

File: 4e43702a452d29f⋯.png (887.97 KB, 1836x1128, 153:94, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

c88972 No.1536296


Good Eye. Even in the Capital of Evil Feel the pain.

df44e5 No.1536297




2a2588 No.1536298


There were some that did a dig on them, probably in the Cruz thread. But for this assault to happen 4 years and 1 day before the "shooting", we know how coincidences are, they just don't exist.

5ac76f No.1536299

File: 64d8a663c24f8a0⋯.jpeg (220.72 KB, 903x793, 903:793, ban3.jpeg)

c4e075 No.1536300


Drudge has had that headline for at least 6 or 8 hours now, and it's been sauced here several times I believe. You posting cap for posterity?

8c4465 No.1536301


According to your link below:

The source of the news was based on "CNN Source''' which is bullshit.


The second meeting was with the Gang of 8 bipartisan leaders and the FBI and DOJ.

According to Sarah Westwood, the CNN White House reporter, Representatives Nunes and Gowdy were not given the documents they were promised.

A “source” told Westwood this item


a22644 No.1536302


All tricks of the craft.

fb40dd No.1536303


funny.. just noticed he's wearing his watch all mil-spec and shit. Godspeed Patriot!

3bb171 No.1536304


Actually it is, but their post history suggests that that's the only thing we'll hear from this broken record. That, and their good friend pat.

a3f5cd No.1536305


Sharable Content Object Reference Model?

96b250 No.1536306

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


The truth is the truth.

Jewish supremacism is the biggest threat against humanity there ever was.

And it's rather easy to prove it exists (they are really stupid if you think about it, just hubris and rotten immorality).

Watch Ronald Bernand tell you all about the child-sacrificing elites AND that the protocols of Zion are real.

It will all come out, and jewish-supremacism WILL be done with.

9ccace No.1536307

5:5 means full set of digits 2obgyn

fee30f No.1536308

File: 8cf112c85de4319⋯.png (40.58 KB, 268x266, 134:133, 8cf112c85de43191a45394af07….png)

5ac76f No.1536309


isn't that video more about Luciferians – does he mention protocols?

7b5041 No.1536310

File: 262f93a62b9c453⋯.jpeg (214.26 KB, 853x640, 853:640, 867565B0-DDA7-4133-8BBC-1….jpeg)

74af2e No.1536311

File: 15a0e31da9ea79c⋯.jpg (64.59 KB, 590x246, 295:123, badpointcheckem.jpg)


You want I should look at the comma after the KB?

fb40dd No.1536312

File: d0302cf7cf68a90⋯.png (249.07 KB, 680x444, 170:111, filtershills.png)


no. and dont feed the shills any (you)s.

c3510e No.1536313


Never thought I would go to hell, to show them heaven.'


Armor of God

b84495 No.1536314

Are Anons on these sonic attacks?

Just caught part of a story that included "traumatic brain injury." That's quite an evolution from a few months ago when it was "nausea."

9fc89e No.1536316

File: dbc38824fe67a5d⋯.png (556.87 KB, 1944x1780, 486:445, dbc38824fe67a5d04e2507d65a….png)

c88972 No.1536317

File: 96f7c1a3f71dea7⋯.jpg (89.83 KB, 600x926, 300:463, from-asia-with-love-50-pho….jpg)

aded54 No.1536318


I wouldn't doubt it, anons keep your seed, don't spill it, we gotta keep ourselves strong, I deeply believe this good vs evil thing is more serious than we are right now capable to grasp, you'll feel better physically and spiritually, trust me

stay safe anons please and take care of yourselves

d620fd No.1536319


Or….it's not time for RR to be done yet.

Many different topics seem to be one or two documents away from 'blowing the lid off'.

Perfect Storm.

Godfather III.

IMHO - Everything will happen at the same time.

When all documents are released, RR/RM/etc will all have to bow out because of U1.

U1 is the direction all of this is going, because U1 is the driver of everything we are seeing.

Just my thoughts.

c91aac No.1536320


f8659f No.1536321


Was it REALLY only this post that lead up to the ban?

Plead your case if not. Right here, public forum.

Simply show your UID's for the past few breads, and we'll judge for ourselves.

Most likely you're grandstanding and virtue signaling, as you have a new IP address right away.

8e0ed9 No.1536322


In WWII, "pinups" were used to remind the soldiers what they were fighting for.

This one is going on the nose of my B17.

74af2e No.1536323

File: 268ba0d7e957766⋯.jpg (53.66 KB, 357x299, 357:299, picardpoint.jpg)

When I'm being prompted to look at the number 7.

7b5041 No.1536324

51a532 No.1536325

File: 49215271d205a7b⋯.png (239.2 KB, 506x506, 1:1, 49215271d205a7bdbd91af8213….png)


Thats what you got banned for?? Holy shit. Is there any way to contact the Board Owner?

5ac76f No.1536326


This wasn't even from today. Just an example. Do you think that anon should have been banned for posting a document? And yes, that is the post that caused the ban.

96b250 No.1536327

File: 9ceabe4db0f1569⋯.jpg (156.39 KB, 600x1030, 60:103, Jews_Slavery_Tony_Martin_J….jpg)


You can call me a broken record, but when jewish-supremacists are the ones that made up the Scofield bible in order to manipulate Christians into supporting the terrorist state of Israel and pinned the jewish dominated slave trade on Whites so they can use the Blacks against them, all the while pushing for the miscegenation and opening of borders of Western nations and shoving muslims down the Western nations throats, anyone with 2 neurons sees the writing on the wall that THIS is the most important thing you can talk about.

Jewish supremacists and shabbaz goyim are the cancer that is rotting the Western world.

Up is down, left is right, the greatest ally is in all reality the greatest enemy and the God's chosen are in all reality Satan's chosen.

But hey, you can just call me a shill and a conspiracy theorist now.

a8ab77 No.1536328


They did not identify as Q.

Seemed to be calling for freedom of speech though.


16b6ac No.1536329


Only 4 chairs.

1e46bf No.1536330


This site explains some of the mystery surrounding George H Scherff .


c3510e No.1536331

Amen anons.


df44e5 No.1536332


Q teasing HRC with that one.

2ce729 No.1536333



422bc3 No.1536334



If some "religion" that was formed around the same time as Christianity denies Christ, who, then, do they accept?

8c4465 No.1536335


No, I don't believe RR has any power whatsoever right now.

Trumps EO powers and Trump being his boss, and the goods on RR do NOT give him any power.

486c62 No.1536336

File: 380dc97c0752bde⋯.jpg (746.84 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Rudy_is_AAG.jpg)

Rudy is acting as the AAG. He is doing it "off record" till RR and ED are gone. He's our guy. He knows where the bodies are buried, friends with Mueller and Erik Prince.. "Insurance Policy/Insurance File".

Rereading drops it is all coming into focus now.

Mueller has the team stacked with everyone who will know what happened so they can figure out everything they need to know, POTUS not criminal target.. etc etc. Posted this up already, I don't have PS so its kinda janky.. but you get the point. Rudy is our guy :D

a8ab77 No.1536337

3bb171 No.1536338



How does that relate to Q? Right now, current drops? A little bit back? What are the connections to what the rest of the board is generally digging through?

I won't hold my breath.

96b250 No.1536339

File: 7f2b16db0e175be⋯.jpg (25.48 KB, 425x240, 85:48, Ariel_Sharon_Isreal_Contro….jpg)

File: 1ce1c396d8b500c⋯.jpg (92.2 KB, 500x566, 250:283, Bibi.jpg)


It's easy to call me a shill, and impossible to deny jewish-supremacism and the way it has rotten our nations.

Though luck for you.

Up is down, left is right, the greatest ally is in all reality the greatest enemy and the God's chosen are in all reality Satan's chosen.

But hey, you can just call me a shill and a conspiracy theorist now.

fb40dd No.1536340


not to mention the plan is to get POTUS to declassify them. rly how are people still confused by political theater at this point?

bacc69 No.1536341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e0034e No.1536342


watch the water…..black water that is…ep

16b6ac No.1536343


Fap bait

486c62 No.1536344


hadn't thought of that!

aded54 No.1536345


Guard your seeds anons! it's life force!

99892b No.1536346


This sounds like not only did they NOT get the documents they wanted, but that RR can block any attempts to get them. One article I read did say that Ed was at one of the meetings, however, RR was there also. It was implied that he'd have to bow out and Ed or another appointee by POTUS would take his place. RR is quite involved - to the point of fighting POTUS in court (and probably winning) to stop any disclosure of documents he's asking for being given to him.

The FoxNews story on this adds little more.

http:/ /www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/05/24/lawmakers-briefed-on-russia-probe-trump-campaign-confidential-informant-amid-spygate.html

https: //slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/05/what-rod-rosenstein-has-to-do-if-the-doj-meeting-doesnt-satisfy-trump.html

c88972 No.1536347


We're forced to save the world.

This isn't only of immigrants.

This is avoid the end to the human race.

fee30f No.1536348

File: 556173aecbac97e⋯.jpg (266.72 KB, 1359x1054, 1359:1054, 556173aecbac97e8de34cb6369….jpg)


Gotta look out for these ones. They're tricky

90d48f No.1536349

File: 90dbd17ae875d6c⋯.jpg (28.01 KB, 568x320, 71:40, Child Prostitution.jpg)

Was Myspace doomed? re:Child Trafficking

8c4465 No.1536350


Quite the babe I thought.

d620fd No.1536351


Not sure that's the best way to go Anon….

Gives too much ammo…

Documents need to be turned over…and they will be.

POTUS and Sessions need to stay back…keep as much political retribution talk out of it as possible.

51a532 No.1536352

File: 4db39e3883cd7a0⋯.jpg (38.96 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 4db39e3883cd7a0bd854eb85ba….jpg)


Believe what you want but in the last few days a lot of us actual channers have got banned for nothing. BO is /ourguy/ so we need to get this shit to his attention.


How does Balfour Declaration relate to Q?? Are you actually asking this??

a8ab77 No.1536353



They have quite ban happy these past two weeks

or so.

Many anons do not agree with it. Q says to

unite and all we seem to do is fight. Who knows

what real agenda many of these bakers have.

Starting to change my views about them.

Thinking of giving this up. Love Q, but sick and

tired of the fighting and banning.

37e10f No.1536354

File: f650f5e18f9dad5⋯.png (5 MB, 4395x3349, 4395:3349, FollowThePen.png)

Q Confirmed.

Trump's letter to Kim Jong Un dated 5.24.18.

Matches Q letterhead image from 5.16.18.

Letters already written a week ago.

Trump in complete control.

MSM destroying itself.

Trust the PLAN.

b3c97b No.1536355

File: 493de349948c8a6⋯.png (522.57 KB, 632x388, 158:97, Screenshot-2018-5-25 Five ….png)

File: 215aad6313c19f4⋯.png (129.74 KB, 372x968, 93:242, Screenshot-2018-5-25 Bulli….png)

File: daaebcd4aa59e96⋯.png (509.11 KB, 562x401, 562:401, Screenshot-2018-5-25 Bulli….png)

File: 86913db36bb2dd0⋯.png (435.56 KB, 556x344, 139:86, Screenshot-2018-5-25 Bulli….png)

(deepening historical context - possible links with Skull Bones)

Bullingdon Club

The Bullingdon Club is an elite drinking/dining club at Oxford university, which appears to fulfill a somewhat similar function to the Skull and Bones fraternity (in Yale University) with many members keeping the relationships they form in their university days, and reaching senior position in the UK establishment, especially as politicians or journalists.

The Bullingdon Club elite drinking/dining club at Oxford university, with an acknowledged history of property destruction when inebriated.Restaurant/pub owners are paid in full. Nothing sinister should be inferred from the remarkable track record of members in infiltrating establishment positions.

The Bullingdon Club's members have become notorious over the years for vandalising restaurants and trashing students' rooms.The club members involvement in criminal violence, and their code of omertà - protecting each other - seems like a poor basis for which to select people for public office.

Once accepted members must then purchase the uniform at a cost of £3,500.Eating out and them destroying glassware seems to be the main ritual associated with the Bullingdon Club, which is increasingly being frowned upon - leading some would-be members to seek alternative options, such as the Stoics club.

The BBC reported in 2007 that "News media have been prevented from showing a photo of David Cameron with fellow Oxford dining club members"

David Cameron, who used to be a member of the elite drinking club, faced political embarrassment after allegations of drug use, debauchery and "bizarre rituals" during his time at university were published in a new book by Lord Michael Ashcroft.

Described as a "toffs' brat pack", other big name former members of the "elite dining society" include London Mayor Boris Johnson, Chancellor George Osborne and BBC broadcaster David Dimbleby, who insisted wearing its uniform was nothing to be ashame

A photo from the 1970s shows that Tony Blair was a member (3rd from right, with notable hand gesture).


f8659f No.1536356


Sometimes folks get ban-happy.

Mostly, they're not.

MANY here show their ban notice, that just happened to be the 'last-straw' that caused ban, and claim innocence after much BS posting.

If you have a real concern about a ban, appeal it through proper channels. Have you?

Getting banned, hopping IP's, and posting your ban here will not help.

Just saying that

8e07a9 No.1536357

File: 959bef1dab9a625⋯.png (39.41 KB, 939x351, 313:117, Capture99.PNG)

Satanic control of the Presidency, and reddit is shadow banning Q posts EN MASSE.


422bc3 No.1536358


Tough pill to swallow. The fake NEO nazzee LARPers in /pol/ have instilled cognitive dissonance in people who otherwise are very intelligent.

470fdc No.1536359


I'm right there with you.

c91aac No.1536360


The game hasn't changed for a thousand years, only the cycles are shorter and amplitude stronger.

a768f9 No.1536361


right so even weirder for there to be 5 glasses on each side

a8ab77 No.1536362


Are you being serious anon? All letters from

president to anyone in world have same


99892b No.1536363


Thank you for the comment. I feel the same way. Frustrated. And was so looking forward to these meetings being the beginning of the end for these fucks. They just keep putting up barricades and RR is still right in the mix. I wanted that bastard gone - and for Mueller to get a new BOSS. Shit…..

75bed0 No.1536364


Object Relational Mapping

Basically some object you pull out of a database may not be type compatible w your programming language. So you have this virtual object that "maps" (hmm) it from one type to another for compatibility. Most languages have a package for this type of thing.


a3f5cd No.1536365


Very Nice anon!

12e203 No.1536366


Noice work geometryfag!

eb350a No.1536367

37e10f No.1536368


Try harder.

3bb171 No.1536369

Calling for notables


>>1536010 DPRK Statement transcript

>>1536162 FBI shuts down domain behind Russian 'VPNFilter' botnet

>>1536102 Jung vs Jong Explanation & Proof [Amazing]

>>1536105 Participants of the DOJ Meeting >>1536070 Picture Proof

>>1536336 Rudy's involvement as possible AGG? [Great graphic]

>>1536265 Nunes: No documents yet

51a532 No.1536370

File: 8bb7d1ad86bdbec⋯.gif (479.3 KB, 371x329, 53:47, 4f3716e892fc704615c719ba9a….gif)


MySpace was actually a really good platform. Im guessing they didnt have CIA blessing.

5ac76f No.1536371


You can always take a break to dig. But I think we're doing fine. "Hold the line."

a768f9 No.1536372


good work except the signature doesn't match… is that why you cut it off?

4f6cd6 No.1536373

File: 8eb81488534df69⋯.png (43.67 KB, 871x925, 871:925, KEK.png)

628922 No.1536374


tay sachs 117 4chan

c88972 No.1536375


Do you have the solution?

The 16Plan of Nuclear War is a complete Threat.

Us won't do. But Europe wants that.

a8ab77 No.1536376




Was that better?

470fdc No.1536377


>"Hold the line."

Can't hold the line on a comped field.

f6964d No.1536378

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


This is a war of good vs evil.

Ignore the noise and you'll make it through it all Anon.


422bc3 No.1536379


The signatures don't match and the letters dont line up even after you've drawn a shape on it. Perhaps it is you who should try harder.

094dfd No.1536380

File: d737d037f7fdf72⋯.jpg (351.74 KB, 1023x1154, 1023:1154, GEOTUS-ID4.jpg)


Leading is off, way off…

But I like the autism.

a768f9 No.1536381

File: b62f5b0afba306f⋯.png (1.99 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, trumpsig.png)

37e10f No.1536382


Signature image was from an entirely different Q post on a different day (5.16 vs 5.19). I did not cut off the signature. It is likely the signature image will match with another forthcoming letter. Think.

8c4465 No.1536383


That last Nunes one is based on

TruePundet quoting A CNN Source

Not reliable whatsoever.

c91aac No.1536384

File: 006e03e8374d726⋯.png (2.27 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, qpotussig.png)


If you look at the lower slash of the P in the sig from Q's picture, you can see that it's much sharper and tapers. This one is thick and consistent.

51a532 No.1536385

File: 169c29a17a1aee9⋯.jpg (32.78 KB, 480x337, 480:337, 1521180390702.jpg)


Not on this board anymore lol.

969208 No.1536386


Ah they weren't just nausea in cuba either. I think one person damn near had permanent hearing loss.

1st cuba, then China. interesting prolly should keep watch

a8ab77 No.1536387


Don't think so anon.

Can't stand "patriots" who scream for freedom

and then take the freedom of others in the same


Not sure if I trust you guys anymore.

The bad may be fewer than good, but the bad

seem to be in controll.

12e203 No.1536388


It was cool and individual.which clowns dont like. Kids liked it. Whenever the kids take to something new they kill it or buy it. And going public is the same as them buying it because the bankster elite control the board at that point. So do not tell me about muh snapshat.

f8659f No.1536389


Then RUN!

3bb171 No.1536390


The 'a' should be right under the 'rt' on the next line.

Here it isn't.

I'm not sure that's the EO..

c88972 No.1536391

File: 0535b4210f078bb⋯.png (101.54 KB, 582x1488, 97:248, blacksheep.png)

Oh. And forget the post of Blacksheep Anon

d620fd No.1536392


Amazing how that works…

Almost every media source quotes back to one article.




5ac76f No.1536393

File: f9abb50f5d83a63⋯.png (416.82 KB, 832x828, 208:207, mediamatters.png)


Sure you can.

470fdc No.1536394

File: 2ba839780fd80e7⋯.jpg (24.81 KB, 400x400, 1:1, triglery.jpg)

a768f9 No.1536395



my bad

i like it

3bb171 No.1536396


Removed. Thank you for checking into that.

2ce729 No.1536397



422bc3 No.1536398

File: f476e7818ff6103⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 80.79 KB, 280x210, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


You dropped something.

37e10f No.1536399


The signature image was from 5.19. The image I used was from 5.16. You are comparing apples and oranges. Q never said the signature was related to the original. I agree the signature image doesn't match the other image. Focus on the exposed letters.

ce764c No.1536400

File: 55e3c173d5c2e7c⋯.png (72.85 KB, 293x172, 293:172, Untitled.png)

File: 815df9140fd5429⋯.jpg (29.78 KB, 320x213, 320:213, 2ao42b.jpg)

5ac76f No.1536401


>Why are they continuing [internal]?

99892b No.1536402


That was the article I had read - posted a couple others, but this one stated it straight out. They were blocked again. I think that's 3 times now. Also, the fact that RR was right in the mix and is planning on blocking POTUS from getting anything he's asking for doesn't jive with what I thought was supposed to happen. RR is supposed to be on the way out. Instead, he's in there and probably will prevail in court against POTUS - blocking him as well.


8c4465 No.1536403

>>1536369 That last Nunes notable is not reliable.

Quoted from article:

The second meeting was with the Gang of 8 bipartisan leaders and the FBI and DOJ.

According to Sarah Westwood, the CNN White House reporter, Representatives Nunes and Gowdy were not given the documents they were promised.

A “source” told Westwood this item

850f46 No.1536404

File: 7469820ad562128⋯.png (42.98 KB, 1000x727, 1000:727, 7521256770129.png)

Anons, keep yourself in a high energy of Love to prevent division and easy demonic infiltration.

When LOVE reigns supreme, all negativity loses power!

God = Love = Wisdom = Voice Within You = Soul

When you are sufficiently awakened you will realize actually what immense power you have as a part of this imageboard, and what constitutes good use of time and energy and what is wasting it onto perceived threats. Only with high awareness can you see that and not when blinded by hate which always leads to darkness.

969208 No.1536405

5ac76f No.1536406


I'm with you. But this is what we're stuck with for the time being.

c4e075 No.1536407


It's also from a different Q post, so it's not clear if both the 16th and 19th pen posts are supposed to from the same document.

f8659f No.1536408



That's your gimmick.

>Can't hold the line on a comped field.

b3c97b No.1536409

File: 10ec211a6635a07⋯.png (261.23 KB, 388x366, 194:183, Screenshot-2018-5-25 Conse….png)

File: cdbf03621a2594c⋯.png (178.9 KB, 1442x633, 1442:633, Screenshot-2018-5-25 Conse….png)

(deepening historical context-link to the "Circle"- "Le Cercle")

Conservative Monday Club

The Conservative Monday Club was set up by Le Cercle member, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil to oppose Harold Macmillan’s “Winds of Change” decolonisation policies of the 1960s

The origins of the group are closely connected to Le Cercle.

European chair of Le Cercle, Julian Amery, was a member and later patron of The Conservative Monday Club. John Biggs-Davison, another Cercle member, was an active member.

The Monday Club prepared a coup against the Labour government of Harold Wilson.

n the early 1970s it faced entryism from the National Front and other extremist organisations, while remaining the mainstream face of anti-immigration sentiment. In the 1970s and 1980s it campaigned against immigration from the "New Commonwealth" (i.e. the non-white bits of the former British Empire) and protested the new wave of legislation protecting black immigrants from discrimination such as the 1968 Race Relations Act.

Its 1982 policy document called for the abolition of the Commission for Racial Equality, repeal of all race relations laws, an end to immigration from non-white commonwealth countries, generous payments for repatriation of non-white immigrants, and the renaming of the Ministry of Overseas Aid to the Ministry for Overseas Resettlement.[2] Unlike most of the Conservative Party it opposed membership of the European Common Market, later the European Union.

Many members of the Monday Club are mentioned in the Mary Moss Elm Guest House VIP Paedophile Party List. (See pictures for members list)

https:// www.opendemocracy.net/ourkingdom/edward-wilson/from-reactionary-revolution-to-consolidation-11-february-1975-to-7-may-201

aded54 No.1536410


count me in on that train, Our work is work of Love.

fee30f No.1536411



Which is undeniable

c91aac No.1536412


Seems like the new networks are already in construction. Our Europhilia and attachment to history needs to be abandoned. Looks like there might be 2 or 3 blocks of cooperating nations that will trade amongst themselves mostly. Buffer areas will always be sticky, though. We'll see what hinted at tech brings.

094dfd No.1536413


That is GEOUTS's sig. But definitely not the same one. He did something between the d & the T that is different…. Someday (I hope) soon™ we will see whatever he signed, and it will be 100% incontrovertible proof of Q

4f6cd6 No.1536414

File: 62d4c1a6636b4d0⋯.png (180.82 KB, 497x459, 497:459, liar.png)

422bc3 No.1536415


Yes. Exactly.

>This thread has been moved to bantz

0f1377 No.1536416


The "Byzantine" Empire was the Eastern half of the ROMAN Empire which survived for a 1000 years longer than Western historians admit.

22d023 No.1536418


The Lower a is on the second line below rti, and is directly below the rt in Q's pic, which does not match the letter re: Kim




…h parties…

…that th…

99427d No.1536419


Orbitally rearranged monoatomic

fce3c4 No.1536421

File: 076af2749239780⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1222x632, 611:316, Trump Twitter Banner.png)



a59c15 No.1536422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vice did a piece on NXIVM.. I know Vice is dogshit, but there are some interesting bits in the interview they did.

SKIP TO 13 minute mark if you want to maintain sanity.

850f46 No.1536423

37e10f No.1536424




Oh well. Back to the drawing board. Literally.

51a532 No.1536425

File: 8ad9614db2e1554⋯.jpg (114.03 KB, 680x529, 680:529, 1520207482319.jpg)


Theres only so many of us. Then the normies will just be on their own with the shill armies. Without actual oldfags this place will get subverted into oblivion.

fee30f No.1536426

File: 8cab62e0b1028c5⋯.jpg (121.2 KB, 700x625, 28:25, 8cab62e0b1028c5a8ff691c35c….jpg)



Sure… I'm honestly not into this sort of give, but I gets it doesn't hurt… But honestly this pussy shit is kind of a drag… But far be it from me to cause division..

eb350a No.1536427


Couple probs I'm thinking of.

1) From the header to the exposed letters is the length of the pen's metal clip.

2) the letter (released as text) is not the same format (font etc) as the actual White House doc so the letters wouldn't line up as ur indicating.

4349a3 No.1536428

File: 97992fc0649ba28⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 1970x6265, 394:1253, screenshot-sys.8ch.net-201….jpg)



Would you mind explaining why you are posting more FE shit in a previous bread, and before that, you're posting as * * *,=,e bot in another thread?

3bb171 No.1536429


Loving the layout though, you've got a great aesthetic for it.

f249d1 No.1536430

File: 400d0422ec5aa34⋯.png (336.44 KB, 1313x805, 1313:805, Capture.PNG)

Anons, about that whole "-23" thing. Q teased this in early March. And it was meant to signify May 23. It was all about the judge's Twitter ruling…

56942d No.1536431

File: 5c81099d2142910⋯.jpg (249.12 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, Q Dice.jpg)

Q Dice .jpg Only File

51a532 No.1536432

File: 426043afcfb67ab⋯.jpg (86.2 KB, 829x460, 829:460, 426043afcfb67ab42109f8078a….jpg)


Customization and ability to put your own music was way superior to Jewbook.

df44e5 No.1536433

9:11 AM today. Watch.

8c4465 No.1536434


I read it. It's a opinion piece with no facts about whether the documents were produced today.

fce3c4 No.1536435




66fc37 No.1536436


Is baker saying that it wasn't him that got the call?

Is he saying that someone pretending to be a

baker just posted in red lettering?

If so that shouldn't be too hard for BO to


Either way, I'd like to know from BO directly.

094dfd No.1536437

File: 46fe7f9506e61b3⋯.jpg (32.76 KB, 612x408, 3:2, admR-Kek.jpg)


A thing of beauty anon!

I am thinking Marsh v. Alabama also has a role.

4f6cd6 No.1536438

File: 084da8756ba4cec⋯.jpg (75.08 KB, 640x429, 640:429, Qilluminati.jpg)

File: 697a9ee564bbf99⋯.png (8.58 KB, 40x126, 20:63, snow2.png)

66fc37 No.1536439



c88972 No.1536440


You're talking as a person that needs help.

You need to open more the eyes.

UK already is threatening to Russia with The War

How it leaves you with theses threats?

Leave Europe before of the thing is worse.

Because The WWIII is almost near in the future, If The EU and other puppets of the NATO still exist

Think about of that.

8e0ed9 No.1536441


Indeed. I hope it reminds us all (including the Clowns) that what we do today will be studied by people just like her… for a very long time.

Look into her eyes… do you think she is going to fall for any BS? Do you want her to be proud of you?

Gonna name the 17 "Old Soul".

f8659f No.1536442


Thanks for the deets BO.



57c4d7 No.1536443

File: 927db94559044da⋯.png (9.61 KB, 1698x103, 1698:103, Screenshot-2018-5-25 Q Res….png)


Downtime in 30.

75620e No.1536444

File: 86cbcfe89d0990c⋯.jpg (30.72 KB, 600x452, 150:113, 86cbcfe89d0990ce22721c6b29….jpg)


Im the other guy who saw it. the baker took off i think. I remember him saying the board was comped and he bailed

b3c97b No.1536445

File: 167c4adffa63c2e⋯.png (515.46 KB, 603x369, 67:41, Screenshot-2018-5-25 ‘Elm ….png)

File: 7f58b99c7d309f6⋯.png (398.02 KB, 625x530, 125:106, Screenshot-2018-5-25 ‘Elm ….png)

File: 17567ce5d3f4a15⋯.png (522.08 KB, 633x617, 633:617, Screenshot-2018-5-25 ‘Elm ….png)

File: 3a458e7a4fc06d4⋯.png (629.72 KB, 554x744, 277:372, Screenshot-2018-5-25 ‘Elm ….png)

(deepening historical context-link to Jimmy Saville)

Elm Guest House

Elm Guest House was used extensively to host events where children were sexually abused and members of the establishment compromised in the 1970s and 1980s.

It is unknown who started the Elm Guest House events.The potential for blackmail is obvious. “There would be flash bulbs going off when someone was going round taking pictures. All this took place during the day, whatever day of the week they fancied.

After the public outing of Jimmy Saville suggested attitudes may be changing to childhood sexual abuse, survivors of Elm Guest House have spoken up.

In 2014 the CPS stated in response to a FOIA request that they had destroyed a file of Elm Guest House suspects in 2007.

Operation Fairbank is a police investigation into alleged sexual abuse, predominantly the abuse of children, by British politicians in the 1980s. The investigation, led by the Metropolitan Police Service, started in late 2012.

The investigation is currently a “scoping exercise” aimed at a “preliminary assessment of the evidence rather than a formal inquiry”. The existence of the operation was confirmed on 12 December 2012, after operating in secret for several weeks. Five officers are currently working on the inquiry


da8a86 No.1536447

File: 56caede8d921158⋯.png (158.44 KB, 471x768, 157:256, jews.png)

Post about jews, get banned, literally spam the board with gibberish and nonsense (I'm looking at you * kirby bot.) Naaah, thats fine. BV doesn't give a shit. We need the bread filled by garbage.

Just don't name the Khazarian Ashkenazi sect of the cabal. JIDF doesn't like that.

b84495 No.1536448


The focus on embassies is interesting. It just feels like different players… One of those things we are "distracted" to not see.

51a532 No.1536449

File: 87f856d6e7e7a13⋯.png (106.43 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 87f856d6e7e7a131a0a907def7….png)


BO can you take 2 minutes look at these posts i was banned for. Literally defending the board from fucking shills and just random chats.


e0034e No.1536450


………everything goes much deeper than you can imagine

to try to control the narrative is a mistake

7efa90 No.1536451

File: 8d12d495280952c⋯.png (602.63 KB, 1168x1567, 1168:1567, shill vs baker.png)



Baker is clean. Clown fuckery proven.

There are no outside comms.

Learn from (((their))) filthy trickery and stand united, anons!

628922 No.1536452

File: 0b05d14068ea51f⋯.jpg (95.55 KB, 469x640, 469:640, 1507085298730.jpg)

8c4465 No.1536453

File: 4f6b0ab93ad735a⋯.jpg (23.77 KB, 255x225, 17:15, 1b97fe5f70da95d59840e2bc0f….jpg)


KEK!!! I love it when you call them out. It also helps us discern their new topics and bullshit.


5ac76f No.1536454


Was that baker also a BV – and where did the baker say that?

c88972 No.1536455


Already archived the breads, right?

And What will happen with Q after of that?

fee30f No.1536456

File: 81b11abd7a201de⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1400x1400, 1:1, 81b11abd7a201de70829f4968c….png)

File: 9613771f2be08c1⋯.png (351.54 KB, 577x760, 577:760, 9613771f2be08c1617f908c429….png)

a768f9 No.1536457

File: c9f41f74f21ee3a⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 1928x2754, 964:1377, qkimjongungraph.jpg)


i think this confirms it

proof of concept

when trump retweets someone

the delta between when he does it and when the person made the tweet matters

also the delta between a trump "typo" and when he corrects it

51a532 No.1536458

File: 43333affc2a6df6⋯.jpg (50.59 KB, 604x397, 604:397, 4chnbar1525735416449.jpg)


Thats why they burned me at the stake too. Im guessing Roths and cabal are Sumerians or some shit.

66fc37 No.1536459


You must understand that many anons use

the same service to change ip addresses.

This means than many anons are actually

the same server.

So, different people actually posted those posts.

Easy to verify. Everyone knows, who knows.



You stupid anons think your so smart and you

dont't even know this???


57c4d7 No.1536460


Of the whole website.

That's if we get attacked and everything's deleted… CM would have a way to restore everything.

e19a0c No.1536461

File: bb4ef65c3fa51e9⋯.jpg (598.13 KB, 1920x744, 80:31, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT.jpg)

66fc37 No.1536462


No one said they had outside coms idiot.

You're either a dumb ass or a shill.

3bae8e No.1536463

trying to write lyrics for a song. What should I write about? Help me anons. It's kind of a sad folk/country tune

75620e No.1536464



thats one but I don't see the one where he bailed. I could be wrong i've only been halfway attentive here

51a532 No.1536465

File: 9141adad2f0de8e⋯.jpg (126.77 KB, 770x433, 770:433, 1524607293141.jpg)


After ban i started hitting FE and *,=,e IPs too

fdefd4 No.1536466


did we ever get confirmation re Watch the water?

was thinking this could be in relation to new CIA director Gina Cheri Haspel



28784b No.1536467

File: fe033753dd6609a⋯.jpg (195.09 KB, 701x513, 701:513, dream_g42ur5mytid.jpg)



c88972 No.1536468


Someone has the link of GermanArchiveAnon?

57c4d7 No.1536469





You restarted your VPN to continue shilling? It's so transparently obvious it's you.

Your posting style is ridiculously close to the one BO screencapped.

eb350a No.1536470


What are u pointing out that's different from the several graphics on this already?

8c4465 No.1536471


If Baker was clean, why was there an E-Bake?

422bc3 No.1536472

File: 7300c03818c6f29⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 541.42 KB, 550x767, 550:767, ClipboardImage.png)

looks like the night shift has clocked out. now we get our 3-4 hours of peace.

f6964d No.1536473

File: d3d778e932042f0⋯.png (994.03 KB, 1364x1215, 1364:1215, Three_Lines.png)


The "ri" on top of the "a" actually has an extra gap. This might help you when you make a proper Q proof. Thank you Anon for your hard work.

51a532 No.1536474

File: 60abd7ac76aa009⋯.jpg (33.58 KB, 427x245, 61:35, 60abd7ac76aa009a5e40a0d818….jpg)


Not all of us are shills faggot. Read like this entire whole fucking thread. Wake up.

974e36 No.1536475


Good infograph anon. I look forward to its completion.

22d023 No.1536476


I'm surprised ORMUS and it's effects don't get discussed much here.. had a friend once who said he took that shit for a while, and it fucked with his reality ten ways to sunday, in the law of attraction sense.. accidentally conjuring negative thoughts into manifestation and whatnot..

Can only imagine what someone of cabal-level control with a mind focused decades into the future, planning wise, could do with something like that..

e89cd0 No.1536477


969208 No.1536478


Someone was posting o that last night. I dunno man. Sometimes we draw at straws. I just cant picture Q and POTUS and all these people saying ok you two the the helmet 5's you stand here, and then you over there with the hemlet 4 you stand right here, and on and on. Not to be an ass, but I kinda doubt these guys go to that extreme just to send a message.

66fc37 No.1536479





Each post could be by a different annon you

freakn idiots. The sad part is that you are so

proud of yourselves. Thinking you cracked the


you all are simply crazy as shit. The blind leading

the blind.

6104bc No.1536481

File: 84124b5432ea986⋯.jpg (86.26 KB, 587x413, 587:413, soros - Copy.jpg)

so sic of this guy, how is this legal????

9037d7 No.1536482



someonelook at this. I'm getting blocked.

798c4a No.1536483


start off sad then finish happy.

it was so sad seeing the media slandering trump as the election came around, i started loosing hope thinking she would win and the cries of lock her up would be silenced, my wife left me cause i wouldnt throw away my maga hat.

but then election day passed and my life turned around, my lost hope had been found by 63 million other voters who poored out to tell the media FUCK YOU! and my country was reborn.

57c4d7 No.1536484


Just read how this nigger posts.


He breaks lines all the time. Not like this.Like a normal person would.

But like this:

Word word word word

word word word word

word word word word

Now read that ID's posts and compare it to the posting style of the shill on the BO's screencap.

51a532 No.1536485

File: 0371385bb096c8f⋯.jpg (154.14 KB, 667x667, 1:1, 0371385bb096c8f68065699693….jpg)


Hell get banned before he finishes the way things are going. Board is just going to be feds and fluoride stares.

6104bc No.1536486


fail, do your f tests on other boards

eb350a No.1536487


>you stupid anons

<indicates he's not anon

Wew lad. That's some low level shillery there.

56942d No.1536488

File: eea9979768ea4a0⋯.png (2.91 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Cookie Monster Q Alpha.png)


Dang, BO kickin' ass tonight!

Have a Cookie…. Monster

e89cd0 No.1536489

File: b210409e329523b⋯.jpg (476.58 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, banner.jpg)

File: cbcb00071485387⋯.jpg (445 B, 15x15, 1:1, BypassPepe.jpg)


Happy Q-Day anons.

Check this photo from Trump's twitter.

Did I miss anything?

3bb171 No.1536490

File: f6a3cb320a784a5⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1920x5413, 1920:5413, FireShot Capture 051 - IP ….jpg)

File: 1764b3369cd91d5⋯.jpg (738.89 KB, 1920x2417, 1920:2417, FireShot Capture 038 - IP ….jpg)

File: bce3b20a3c6ea58⋯.jpg (983.75 KB, 1920x3762, 320:627, FireShot Capture 075 - IP ….jpg)

File: f4651f9b26397f6⋯.jpg (591.94 KB, 1920x2143, 1920:2143, FireShot Capture 076 - IP ….jpg)


You've all been using the same IP's.

FE / muhjoos / e_spam / etc

We know ; )

01a6ee No.1536491


excellent anon.

0afa21 No.1536492


Not even feds, just the same corsi and beanz types that have been dogging us forever.

66fc37 No.1536494


You stupid shit. Every post you linked to this

one is from the SAME ID NUMBER.


3bae8e No.1536495



I was going to say…

In the Q pic, it appears there is 2 line spacing, which is pretty wide for a paragraph, while on the EO screenshot, the line spacing is a lot tighter.

in the Q post it's like



while comparing it to the screenshot, it should be



8c4465 No.1536496

File: 80e5b499372f6f6⋯.jpeg (13.2 KB, 229x255, 229:255, a6cf786d43df02b2a67107161….jpeg)

75620e No.1536497

File: 8452058315a55e9⋯.png (254.47 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot (22).png)


this is just their staff. i will look around real quick and see if anything sticks out

7efa90 No.1536498


And you're clown #3

You really are stupid. You expose yourself by your filthy talmudic way of communicating. Can't you people even talk normal?

57c4d7 No.1536499


Hello, retard.

It's transparently you. Including here >>1536490

You write the same in every post. Anyone who's not retarded can see you break your lines. That's your tell.

b84495 No.1536500


Nice Pepe!

6104bc No.1536501



"United States of America"

Dissolve the two party system, it was set up to divide us straight away.

Each candidate will report to the campaign committee.

Campaign committee is made up of civilians.

Each candidate is alotted the same amount of money.

Donated money will go into central pot,

after election the remainder of money will be given to education.

Each candidate is alotted the same amount of free airtime.

(provided by tv station, altered with other stations every election)

This will be provided by the tv station free of charge. It is their duty as Americans.

They will make a 2 hour video of their whole past

including schooling, churches, hobbies, wifes, kids, service, past jobs, any past scandals.

This way we can actually get to know them.

No slanderous remarks of any candidates.

Each candidate is allowed the same amount of volunteers to help in campaign.

To vote you must register and prove you are eligible.

Must show your voting registration card and id at time of vote.

Also, set up on-line voting.

Get rid of electoral college.

term limits for congress 10 year max, no more career politicians.

51a532 No.1536502

File: 5e4bad2fc65455b⋯.jpg (184.88 KB, 614x395, 614:395, 5e4bad2fc65455b539474c080a….jpg)


No anons are getting banned for non FE and other slide faggotry.>>1535905

422bc3 No.1536503

File: 83162fdf61e4a1f⋯.png (317.03 KB, 500x497, 500:497, ClipboardImage.png)



99.999% of "service to change IP address" are banned, smart guy. There are not thousands of anons sharing the same IP. Do you know how to internet?

0539cc No.1536504


I have been pondering that post as well. Does anyone think there might be a message with the hat colors also?

5ac76f No.1536505

Feels like the shills are getting paid overtime tonight

fb40dd No.1536506

File: 09c3189cb9ed729⋯.jpg (14.61 KB, 254x185, 254:185, nigs_smell.jpg)


don't forget about the influx of shills who learned how to get on here from a fucking live stream that faggot nigger!

66fc37 No.1536507


Your just embarassed that I schooled you so

instead of showing me how my post was wrong

you shift topics and attack wording.

Sounds about right for an idiot.

e0034e No.1536508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

interesting …….

What's Inside of the White House?

9037d7 No.1536509


he's going broke…this is a great thing…he's too old to worry about anything…too comp'd at every level…

all this is taking so long because part of the strategy is to smoke them out…and anyone who might be used, manipulated, controlled, or paid off…

draining the swamp means draining the money…and if you can get your enemies to spend it on useless activities themselves, all the better.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake…

f249d1 No.1536510



Thanks. Wish Q could confirm. Hope I didn't waste hours over-analyzing. But T_1A-23-go5 would be one hell of a coincidence.

fdefd4 No.1536511

thoughts on this?

People don't understand that the Kim family in North Korea is at the mercy of the ruling elite, who are members of the Korean Peoples' Army and their cronies.

8e0ed9 No.1536512

File: 2798b2c7e76c175⋯.jpg (97.74 KB, 500x749, 500:749, eyes meme.jpg)

Well, will she?

57c4d7 No.1536513


Why do you type like that?

Who breaks their

lines like this,

you fucking shill?

798c4a No.1536514

File: 86d80a9f2cbaab3⋯.jpg (73.19 KB, 566x528, 283:264, kkk.jpg)

5ac76f No.1536515


Fight, fight, fight

66fc37 No.1536516


Oh boy you got me ass wipe. I did say

THOUSANDS didn't I. Oh wait, I said


But that's ok. Details and truth don't matter

on this page any more do they.

c88972 No.1536517

Just remember Anons

We have to defeat the Cabal in this world and We need the help of 1 or 2/3.

Of Nothing works If The Cabal still lives in Europe/Australia/New Zealand/Southamerica

This isn't only in the US, The 16Plan is WW and they're pushing all for the Nuclear War. it's so dangerous that The Heads of Europe is still quiet.

For God & Humanity & World

e89cd0 No.1536518


My autism isn't picking up anything on that front.

What do you see?

8c4465 No.1536519



57c4d7 No.1536520

>we're all different "Anons"

>we're all different people sharing the same VPN ahahahaha

>except we "all" type the same

>except we "all" regurgitate the same arguments

>but "we" are many!

>it's no me, I swear!

6104bc No.1536521


but is this mother fucker even a citizen?

66fc37 No.1536522


I know this is going to sound familiar.

Your just embarassed that I schooled you so

instead of showing me how my post was wrong

you shift topics and attack wording.

Sounds about right for an idiot.

d6e4ad No.1536523


His Story

51a532 No.1536524

File: 8cc7c58f0da11e3⋯.png (154.28 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 8cc7c58f0da11e34cd7120aab5….png)


Hubs for VPNs have burned a ton of addresses because of the kirby and other sliders. I hit a couple of banned IPs when i came to contest my ban. ,=,e to be specific.

fee30f No.1536525

File: f400ee59785aa38⋯.jpg (88.12 KB, 747x961, 747:961, 2383c0ae25c19a1a06edafba5c….jpg)

Any other Anons IGNORING the weather we have out this evening? Boy I do love to get cozy to watch the STORM outside my window, sometimes….

66fc37 No.1536526


Feels like your kind of an idiot.

57c4d7 No.1536527


The topic is your posting style.

You cannot be different people because every individual has a different way of typing, a different way of arguing, and a different way of formatting posts.

You, who pretend to be different people, type the same, say the same shit, and format your posts the same. You are just hopping IPs and trying to stir up shit.

9037d7 No.1536528


Oh nice. good work. let others know if you find anything. some of those directors are going to show up…that i can already note. i'm signing off….workfagging tomorrow.

eb350a No.1536529

Disengage the shills. U know what to look for and what to do. There's no one here we need to educate on their tactics so all we are doing is playing their game. You can't reason with those who are intentionally being retarded. Shadilay.

3bae8e No.1536530

File: 6010377ccb5bc0b⋯.jpeg (169.87 KB, 1158x1152, 193:192, spacing.jpeg)


check out the spacing

5ac76f No.1536531


I was over the target huh

6104bc No.1536532


bans are fucking pointless

filter if u must and move on

422bc3 No.1536533


I couldn't find an IP that wasn't banned on PIA. Although I'm sure some of the less popular services are usable.

f6964d No.1536534


Watch the water: http://spaghettimodels.com/

fdefd4 No.1536535

File: ff05583ae83682b⋯.png (432.18 KB, 1168x624, 73:39, ClipboardImage.png)

sub behind KJU?

9037d7 No.1536536


If he supposedly has or has access to trillions…then he's his own country.

a69a64 No.1536537


Martial law?

d6e4ad No.1536538


Different fonts used also. Do official documents have to be done in a certain typeset? Does an anon know?

fb40dd No.1536539


fireman third from right in the back has a White Hat on. that's the only other thing I see anon. damn good job!

66fc37 No.1536540


We all? Like we are an organized group who

know each other?

What stupid shit. Walking around like a cocky

shit when in actuality your clueless wishing

you actually knew what the hell was going on.

6104bc No.1536541

22d023 No.1536542


I brought this up here as well >>1536418

and the op of the pic responded here, to himself not long after, if i'm not mistaken, but meaning to respond to my post. >>1536424

So I figure he got the message.

5ac76f No.1536543


Yeah the only real problem is the bans, but I guess even then with VPNs everyone's unbananable

b84495 No.1536544


Spacing and letter alignment are NOT a match.

6104bc No.1536545


thats one of the dumbest things i think i have ever heard

e89cd0 No.1536546



Oh yeah, that makes sense.

White hats.

fee30f No.1536547


Kek, wow, that's not at all what I suspected. Thanks Anon.

57c4d7 No.1536548


See, there you go again. You were posting from two different devices using a VPN for each device, trying to pretend to be different people. Why? Because at one point, after you establish your "credibility as a reputable anon in the thread," you will start agreeing with yourself and claiming "yeah, the BO is a piece of shit, we should do something about it."

There's pathetic and then there's you, "anon."

da8a86 No.1536549


This is part of why the shills use the bots, to get all the VPN's banned, then they move on to getting anons banned once they have no way to get around the ban.

66fc37 No.1536550


If the target was a pile of shit, then you. You are

spot on anon. Keep digging anon. Soon you

will graduate to big boy school. I belive in you.

fb40dd No.1536551

>>1536537 <- fucking retard

>>1536535 he's on a sub in the full version in that pic as well

8e0ed9 No.1536552


I had to do something… anything.

Every time I look into those eyes, my throat gets tight.

6104bc No.1536553


u must have me confused with some other anon

fac366 No.1536554


The music is from “Some Gave All,” by BRC

“Where we go one we go all.

We’re just like you and the red, white, and blue,

and we took the call.

Where we go one…




Maybe we could get BRC to sing it at a Trump rally.

57c4d7 No.1536555



Yes, (((anons))).

How's multitasking going? Do you understand how retarded you look?

51a532 No.1536556

File: 08ff2a73bcdc3a9⋯.png (148.96 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 08ff2a73bcdc3a91bd6246ccb4….png)


Board will be fine once they purge all anons who question zion or israels crimes. JIDF are going to help Q.


My ban appeal was immediately denied so fuck. Once memes die and only normies are left on here ill move on.

fee30f No.1536557



This image makes the east coast look like it's in a constant state of shitting itself.

969208 No.1536558


I TOTALLY AGREE!! Ive been an independent all my life. I simply could never understand why people join political parties, until I started climbing the corporate ladder. I noticed that if the boss was a republican, by god so was everyone else and vice versa. Be done with it! People vote for a democrat not because he/she is a patriot, but because she/he is a democrat. People will vote party lines even if the candidate was a crackhead with down syndrome. Well l hes in muh party so I guess Ill vote for him.

And democrats hate republicans and republicans hate democrats. WTF does that even accomplish?

This shit right here is how we got in this hell hole. ABOLISH POLITICAL PARTIES AT ONCE!!!

5ac76f No.1536559

File: 1f1b7f937474750⋯.png (656.1 KB, 1174x654, 587:327, mm-33.png)

e89cd0 No.1536560

File: 72b4943d6c74c58⋯.jpg (488.43 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, banner copy.jpg)



fee30f No.1536561

File: 2917a221ac33449⋯.gif (77.16 KB, 824x617, 824:617, sst_naQG3_ddc.gif)



Whoops! This one!

6104bc No.1536562

File: 2837f18a74180ed⋯.jpg (25.18 KB, 130x206, 65:103, cameltoetoe1.jpg)


u are an idiot

and digits agree

57c4d7 No.1536563



e89cd0 No.1536565


Anyone recognize the patch on the fireman to the right of Trump?

66fc37 No.1536566


I don't deny that made SOME of those posts. But

only SOME. Your a freakn idiot if you think I

made all of them. I laugh at you. So proud of

yourself thinking YOU GOT ME. I'm not your

mommy. I won't say your doing a good job when

your actually being STUPID!

3bae8e No.1536567




I was just checking that. If there is a standard typeface for EOs and the Q picture doesn't match, then may have been had by a LARP.

That would be embarrassing. Shame on the LARPer for not doing their homework on EO typefaces.

I want to believe though. I want to believe. But, since we've discovered that there have been infiltrators at the white house and the executive branch, who's to say that Q couldn't be a product of one of those assholes.

Have a close crystalized eye, anons, it's not hard to print off an official looking white house document and take a picture of it.

It's also not hard to take pictures in the sky if you have money or travel internationally. It certainly isn't hard if you work in government. Just because Q may work in government or have a top level security clearance, doesn't mean he/she is on our side.

The type face difference kind of triggered some doubt in me. As a veteran who worked in administration, I'm pretty sure that there are standards for these things. Standards in spacing, typeface, and general formatting

da8a86 No.1536571


The shills have done that to me as well, when multiple anons start calling them out on their shit they start accusing us as being 'ip hoping shills' so people don't think there are lots of us agreeing.

It's always a red flag to me when (((they))) start attacking the posters, instead of the message directly. 'shill' is one of the best filters you can have (if you use filters) because it gets rid of all the JIDF faggots calling anons shills to divisionfag.

e89cd0 No.1536572


and perhaps that phone has meaning as well, but that's too much a stretch for most people I'd think.

6104bc No.1536573


yes its quite maddening, crazy shit

the whole thing needs revamped

fdefd4 No.1536574


yeh was trying to link to red October?

long shot

5ac76f No.1536576

File: 4f03d13ad74094b⋯.png (547.06 KB, 836x606, 418:303, theyknow.png)

422bc3 No.1536578


From what I could tell… not much information on it, but the sumerians were taken over by… get this… IMMIGRANTS over the span of a few hundred years. Nimrod came to power in this way.


That makes sense.

b3c97b No.1536580

File: a2aa6a3611055a9⋯.png (598.03 KB, 1424x1772, 356:443, Screenshot-2018-5-25 The O….png)

File: 67fc26fac03bba7⋯.png (155.52 KB, 309x333, 103:111, Screenshot-2018-5-25 The O….png)

(deepening historical context)

Winston Churchill & Oswald Moseley's secret group

The Other Club has always been a fascinating, yet little publicized institution. Some of the best-known names in the land are always among its members.

Of the forty men who were its original members in 1911 in addition to Churchill and F. E. Smith, there were names like Bonar Law, Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, who never spoke to Churchill anywhere else but at the Other Club dinners, in the course of a bitter feud, Lloyd George, Lord Kitchener, Beerbohm Tree, W. H. Massingham, who had been the editor of the Daily Chronicle until he lost his position because of his opposition to the South African War, and J. L. Garvin, editor of the Observer for some years until he resigned in 1942.

The long list of former members bears such names as Lord Asquith, Viscount Astor, Arnold Bennett, Viscount Camrose, the Duke of Devonshire, General Lord Gort, Henry Irving, Frederick Lonsdale, Sir Edwin Lutyens, Sir Desmond MacCarthy, Sir Oswald Moseley, Field Marshal Smuts, Lord Tweedsmuir and Brendan Bracken.

The Bormann group’s enormous influence has led to an effective cover-up over the years.

“. . .were he to emerge, it would embarrass the governments that assisted in his escape, the industrial and financial leaders who benefited from his acumen and transferred their capital to neutral nations in the closing days of World War II, and the businessmen of four continents who profited from the 750 corporations he established throughout the world as depositories of money, patents, bearer bonds, and shares in blue chip industries of the United States and Europe. . .

When I penetrated the silence cloaking this story, after countless interviews and laborious research in German and American archives for revealing documents of World War II, I knew that the Bormann saga of flight capital and his escape to South America was really true. It had been covered up by an unparalleled manipulation of public opinion and the media. The closer I got to the truth, the more quiet attention I received from the forces surrounding and protecting Martin Bormann, and also from those who had a direct interest in halting my investi­gation.

Over the period of years it took to research this book, I was the object of diligent observation by squads of Gestapo agents dispatched from South America by General ‘Gestapo’ Mulller, who directs all security matters for Martin Bormann, Nazi in exile, and his organization, the most remarkable business group anywhere in the secret world of today. Mueller’s interest in me, an American journalist, confirmed the truth of my many interviews and my ongoing inves­tigation. . .

There are also those in international government and business who have attempted to stop my forward movement on this investigation. In Germany, France, England, and the United States, too many leaders in government and finance still adhere to Winston Churchill’s statement to his Cabinet in 1943 ‘In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies’ .

Oddly, I encountered less resistance from Mar­tin Bormann and his aging peers than I did from the cover-up groups in West Germany, Paris, London, Washington, and Wall Street.”

(Ibid.; pp. 11–12.)

http:// spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-305-the-bormann-organization/

094dfd No.1536581

File: 52e063a4c2c3c4f⋯.jpg (470.02 KB, 900x626, 450:313, sessions-SmallKek.jpg)


Fuck the [SHILLS]

c88972 No.1536582

File: 6e7d2aaba9c020b⋯.png (43.76 KB, 766x654, 383:327, NEW.png)



Don't forget to print the post

3bb171 No.1536583

Fresh Bread Here!


Fresh Bread Here!


Fresh Bread Here!


Fresh Bread Here!


6104bc No.1536584


and all for a larp

we need some good shillbegone spray

969208 No.1536585


Are you talking about external IP addresses assigned by Internet Service Providers?

66fc37 No.1536586


They are actually talking to different anons

thinking they are talking to the same guy.


Most of you are clueless trying to look smart!

fdefd4 No.1536587

File: f1ad4819abe1521⋯.png (171.89 KB, 519x459, 173:153, ClipboardImage.png)

do we know if this happened?

da8a86 No.1536588


appeals are pointless, they go to the same jidf tool that is throwing around perma-bans who instantly denies them.

974e36 No.1536590


Any goon can post flat earth bullshit along with "muh joos" as you put or in order to lump one in with the other and get both topics b&. To deny jewish overwhelming influence in the globalist cabal is to deny reality at this point.

422bc3 No.1536592


no, services like VPNs/proxies

470fdc No.1536594

File: ca5f1e0cd691f93⋯.jpg (40.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, jonesdoesthis.jpg)

fac366 No.1536595


This reminds me of the Breaking Bad subreddit at peak perseveration.

7efa90 No.1536600


ID: 1dd5b1 from last bread was not the baker, but clown try to take over new bake.

You are a bunch of losers and your convulsions are showing that clearly. End is in sight. You feel it, don't ya.

d3ae23 No.1536603


7efa90 No.1536605

File: e763b78501c5200⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1219x686, 1219:686, suicideclown.png)

7efa90 No.1536608

End is here.

Attack[s] anticipated.


Why are they continuing [internal]?

Attacks will intensify [all sides].


117014 No.1536609

File: 3088f07a078fa24⋯.jpg (343.66 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 16f375050edecea4f6a63bc7df….jpg)

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