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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 07d13cdd87e9620⋯.png (951.02 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, main graphic.png)

edac25 No.1533382

Welcome To Q Research General

Vincit Omnia Veritas

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

New sticky thread to clear the air of doubt re: Q's Authenticity


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1489607 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic


edac25 No.1533408


are not endorsements


>>1532724, >>1532732 40k ft view ofnew construction, Internment camps? 29 stumps CA

>>1532766, >>1532837 US Has Leverage on Iran and NK

>>1532808 Space Policy Directive "2" Signed Today (with Sauce), >>1533301 related

>>1532826 LA County DA rejects sex assaults against Tyler Grasham

>>1532845 Ft Irwin National Training Center Dig (related to 29 stumps construction?)

>>1532885 4635 + proceedings sealed between CA-AZ... DIG!!

>>1532915 Pics related to Malaysian Faggotry, 0bey my missing billions

>>1532920 , >>1532956 Black Forrest Club Weinstein related (q post related)

>>1533015 Trump asks Giulliani to attend "Muh Russia" Briefings

>>1532097 Harvey Weinstein expected to be arrested Friday in New York

>>1532256 New emails show Roger Stone seeking dirt on Hillary Clinton from WikiLeaks founder

>>1532407 Stefan Halper is obviously a bigger scandal than the media want to admit

>>1532986 Sara debunks theory that other FBI agent who interviewed Flynn will blame Comey.

>>1533096 Reagan's Honor the Fallen (replaced with hooktube link), >>1533129

>>1533052 AlanA/B aka Billy Jack Watkins aka Welcome aboard, Alan (?) is back

>>1533172 What Happened During the FBI Interview With Flynn

>>1533284 two recent Sanela Diana Jenkins mentions


>>1532208 Full Armor of God

>>1532368 Watch CA(Morgan), NY(Weinstein); Pain (Epstein is an informant)

>>1532187 FBI showing us a connection between Epstein/Pedosta and Jeffrey Dahmer?

>>1532246 Hugh Hurwitz Announced as Acting Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons

>>1532580 FBI was turned down 5x for FISA warrants re: Page

>>1532545 N. Korea says open to talks with U.S. anytime

>>1532014 Pay to Play SEC letters request Jacquelyn Lopez Perkins Cole LLP

>>1532187, >>1532361 FBI showing us a connection between Epstein/Pedosta and Jeffrey Dahmer


>>1531926 Loretta Fuddy suspected murder by BHO & Co.

>>1531240 Photos from London again.

>>1531289 Source wikileaks link re: Obama pay to play

>>1531472 Interesting discussion on NK news and limited sources

>>1530796 Sen Grassley: Subpoenas are not necessary to protect whistleblowers

>>1530901 Epstiens Roll in mexican politics

>>1530643 NK Stoodup meeting with US officials in Singapore

>>1531045 Macron tweet, State-craft cuddling up with russia to get to Trump

>>1531006 Muller sent agents to Israel in Trump probe

>>1531073 uber disables emergency breaking in self-driving car: US Agency

>>1530356 Pedo epstein was an informant for mueller AND weinstein set to turn himself in!!


>>1530574 Jane Doe gives chilling account of what it was like to be one of Allison Mack's alleged sex slaves

>>1530575 …with Eric Schneiderman out of the picture NY is free to indict Weinstein.

>>1530863 C-SPAN quotes Rep. Shitferbrains, >>1530937, >>1531021

>>1531007 E-mail re: "Pay to play" (needs sauce)

>>1531014 Bombard's Body Language: Jeff Sessions on Special Counsel


>>1529591 Possible digging avenue on Mark Lombardi (artist) and abuses of political power

>>1529639 Reports of a gunman at West Palm Beach, FL, high school; no shots fired

>>1529648 ; Highlights of Epstein dump

>>1529660 DJT outbid Epstein on Mar-A-Lago

>>1529669 Butler attempted to sell Epstein’s journal; was jailed for it

>>1529729 ; >>1529744 ; >>1529752 Planefag update: Fly Me To The Kek Edition

>>1529840 ; >>1529917 Hussein used DOD funds to pay Halper to spy on DJT

>>1529878 ; >>1529886 ; >>1529890 SpyGate Timeline (incomplete)

>>1530022 Troops on nuclear missile base took LSD, “went longboarding… while high”

>>1530105 Mattis to Air Force Graduates: “Hold the line”

>>1530148 Pelosi running her mouth on NK summit pullout

>>1530247 Obama activated Halper as a gov’t contractor at start of primaries

>>1530266 Justice Dep’t open investigation into bitcoin price manipulation

edac25 No.1533412


>>1528820 Side-by-side of DJT letter to KJU, deleted and existing

>>1528844 “You can write about it in a book”: DJT re: the summit pullout

>>1528853 Possibly dozens of young men ready to out A. Cooper, S. Smith for harassment (needs better sauce)

>>1528857 Photoanalysis dig on recent Q photos (analysis)

>>1528872 ( >>1522330 , >>1528303 , >>1528741 ) Further NXIVM-Clinton(Foundation) connections

>>1528938 How to turn the “conspiracy theory” label back on the cabalists (commentary)

>>1529080 Possible lead on CNN raid rumors

>>1529094 DJT posthumously pardons Jack Johnson


>>1529132 Poland joins US against Iran Deal

>>1529138 Epstein: Child prostitution, Palm Beach, FL

>>1529153 Epstein: Dershowitz involved in postponing investigations on Myspace

>>1529189 Epstein: List of donors who’d received over $100k

>>1529199 Epstein: Chuck Schumer connection

>>1529219 Weinstein investigation opens in NY

>>1529287 Official statement on Dodd-Frank reforms

>>1529316 Shooting at a Pre-K graduation in Atlanta, GA

>>1529403 Pompeo says NK has recently stopped responding to communications

>>1529411 Air Force jet crash in MS, both pilots ejected


>>1528061 Dropping a MOAB on the peace process (analysis)

>>1528109 In-depth dig on Vince Foster’s death

>>1528207 Tweets from cabalist faggot Adam Schiff re: SpyGate

>>1528230 On trapping KJU into destroying all nukes (commentary)

>>1528332 Rubio supporting DJT’s decision to pull out of NK summit

>>1528343 NK summit pull out and DOD tweet correlation (analysis)

>>1528436 Schneiderman connected to NXIVM

>>1528480 Morgan Freeman under fire for harassing women

>>1528528 83 Mexican mafia members charged with racketeering after indictments unsealed

>>1528585 Possible lead on the “Jung” misspelling in POTUS tweet

>>1528662 Parscale, RNC going in against Facebook, Twitter

>>1528676 Polls suggest Dems’ midterm election advantage has evaporated

>>1528710 Movie “Show Dogs” pulled from theaters for pedo message

>>1528716 Digs on Salinas and the Director of NYC Port Authority

>>1528736 Possibility of NK summit occurring later, pending “constructive” steps from NK

>>1528762 DeNiro banning DJT from his restaurants

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

edac25 No.1533414

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 – QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 – TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 — META


>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 — Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 — Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>674740 — Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 – Newfag Q&A

>>93735 —– Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 – Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 – Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 —— Tools and Information

>>4852 —— Free Research Resources

>>4362 —— Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 —— Research Threads

>>32223 —- Qs chess game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 — Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread


>>810563 — NXIVM info collection

>>885933 — P=C

>>904395 — The Plan

>>911014 — Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

edac25 No.1533415

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527495

Q Graphics all in EST

>>>/comms/1189 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

>>1499677 Archive Update (not really sure where to put it)

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

*Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954

RE: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1514027.html#q1514062

edac25 No.1533426

Prev Dough #1926


5f14c3 No.1533454

File: 07ec0150ed581a1⋯.gif (215.41 KB, 500x720, 25:36, BIll in the corner.gif)

thank you baker

78aab7 No.1533457

File: bd956d212901213⋯.png (75.82 KB, 1903x2400, 1903:2400, Trump-bw.png)


Why so quiet? What happened at intel briefing???

God bless.

63f0fd No.1533462

right bread here?

78aab7 No.1533469

File: c11c5cbaa9dc65c⋯.jpg (387.56 KB, 3692x2082, 1846:1041, ap_17123520666900-e1496864….jpg)

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, b82d157f45dcdf388632345f32….png)

File: 16acad43e803972⋯.jpg (189.93 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, lead-3up-rosenstein-trump-….jpg)

Where is Q? Is HelperANON around?

God bless.

edac25 No.1533471


Yes apologies

895b8a No.1533474

Reposting bc came in at end of bread

>>1532545 (2 breads ago)


Titties and praise to the Anon that called this earlier

> MSM spews fake news that NK doesn't want to meet, reports that random officials don't want to / are talking shit

> GEOTUS says fine fuck yourself knowing full well Kim wants to meet bc they already have and are acting this out

> NK official media quotes Kim saying that he wants to meet whenever


63f0fd No.1533476


ty no prob

67daed No.1533477

File: 5ece2771a7ed958⋯.png (453.36 KB, 647x603, 647:603, Drudge re Weinstein Perp W….PNG)

File: 19a14f77cc2fd7d⋯.png (55.54 KB, 553x640, 553:640, Deadline 1 re Weinstein Pe….PNG)

File: 2552a88db037923⋯.png (52.77 KB, 555x609, 185:203, Deadline 2 re Weinstein Pe….PNG)

Harvey Weinstein Expected To Do Perp Walk Friday When He Surrenders To NYPD


Throwing red meat to the media and coming after news earlier today that Weinstein

was turning himself in, the move is designed to give the cops their due after the

extensive investigations they conducted on the much-accused producer, sources tell

Deadline. “This guy doesn’t get to hide from the cameras for what he’s done,” a law

enforcement official said Thursday of Weinstein’s estimated 7 AM ET arrival at a cop shop.

924dd3 No.1533479

Big S/O to the muh Q is a Psyop YTfaggots.

Just like everything the deep state tries, this too will backfire.

It has become easier to Laser Point info vs disinfo/entertainment.

It has become a useful weapon to occupy the time of normies who were not ready for Anonism upon reddit removal.

SIt back, get comfy.

We have a World to help save.

af3082 No.1533484

Never fear

Q is near.

[DARK] x- : and counting

5e1f42 No.1533487

File: 64cc8822a5a4898⋯.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1166x1385, 1166:1385, E20A7188-8B80-452E-AA70-E….jpeg)

File: 42f478fbe70a940⋯.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1166x1637, 1166:1637, 1A8F7407-0E3C-4E45-A291-0….jpeg)

File: 3b28a3c8e60054b⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1154x1510, 577:755, 41C7AFBA-7473-432B-892B-7….jpeg)

Former Armenian Ambassador and a Russian National Charged in Foreign Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme

Two employees of an international engineering consulting firm were charged in a superseding indictment filed today for their alleged participation in a scheme to launder bribe payments to foreign government officials for the benefit of a Columbus, Ohio-based subsidiary of Rolls-Royce plc, to secure a contract to supply equipment and services to power a gas pipeline from Kazakhstan to China.


60252e No.1533488

File: 71d69b58d2e4b42⋯.png (897.19 KB, 817x672, 817:672, kekketita.png)

Thanks baker

af3082 No.1533490

File: 139050afb2e3346⋯.jpg (66.18 KB, 568x400, 71:50, 0d6ea61544dfc7b83bb54697fd….jpg)

"We're not Satan worshippers, we're just into metal."

6fb171 No.1533491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Most soldiers & cops may be on our side but they always do what they're told.

Even if they're told to take your weapons.

7d4c8c No.1533492

File: 47bd4d19f8c83da⋯.png (17.21 KB, 492x676, 123:169, Q-post-1419.PNG)


First reported on the 23rd, and then we get the summit cancellation today;

https:// www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/05/kim-trump-summit-cancel/561224/

"The [Senior White House] official added that some of the preparatory work for the summit had ground to a halt in recent days “because we simply couldn’t get [the North Koreans] to pick up the phone” and end their “radio silence”—with three weeks to go until an unprecedented encounter between the leaders of the United States and North Korea. “In fact the first communication that we’ve received in a week arrived last night in the form of” North Korea’s statement attacking Mike Pence and warning of a “nuclear-to-nuclear showdown,” the official said."

>“In fact the first communication that we’ve received in a week arrived last night in the form of” North Korea’s statement attacking Mike Pence and warning of a “nuclear-to-nuclear showdown,” the official said."

>I'd watch the news that day

1de364 No.1533493

Are we waiting for RR to recuse or resign? (am I in the right timeline).

fd7015 No.1533494


Sorry If I was rude last bread Baker. This shit is serious on here. I just got fed up completely with the bullshit happening and we chased the demon out . Nice an cozy bread last bread we will see if she stays away this bread .

9a74e3 No.1533495

File: b1310b8dedea4d4⋯.jpg (96.68 KB, 564x846, 2:3, girl gun.jpg)

baker many thanks.

af3082 No.1533497


After JFK drop, I believe.

84b785 No.1533498

>>1533432 Anon From Last Bread!

I'm open to this thinking.

Q posts to At Signs.

Capital letters.




If THEP means THE Pope (Amen..."So Let It Be")

Then what does NC refer to (So Let It Be?)

67daed No.1533499

File: 3423a0deaa44496⋯.png (504.56 KB, 674x500, 337:250, Dolezal Going to Jail Twit….PNG)

File: 7d611512f8114f4⋯.png (46.25 KB, 718x449, 718:449, WATimes re Dolezal 5-24-18.PNG)

Rachel Dolezal is trending on Twitter …again

'Transracial' Rachel Dolezal charged with felony theft in welfare fraud case


13c892 No.1533500

File: fe3dda602958392⋯.png (1.35 MB, 810x1024, 405:512, ClipboardImage.png)

39b8b5 No.1533501

File: 5bf8f11b5005ed4⋯.png (846.78 KB, 2048x1337, 2048:1337, ClipboardImage.png)

The author of this work is anti-Trump but I think it's nice.

edac25 No.1533502


COMPLETELY understand bro, I am at my

wits-end too, learned how to bake last night,

Because of it…

hence the link to the wrong piece of bread.

New Baker

THank you for your understanding fren

fd7015 No.1533503

File: 3544fe87f7ea129⋯.jpg (10.61 KB, 223x255, 223:255, 9420bac6139f30a90b39e75733….jpg)

3a2abc No.1533504

wow back to normal. Thought I was in the twilight zone for a minute!

1dc7fe No.1533505

File: 950a1330d7b8c57⋯.png (413.21 KB, 959x799, 959:799, pointpotussss.png)


top KEK

2c160e No.1533506

File: 8b44fa4a1ec1592⋯.jpg (58.8 KB, 620x826, 310:413, HW-pharm.jpg)

12c882 No.1533507

ok I'm here, It's OK for Q to post now. Just kidding!

9a74e3 No.1533508

File: 83e21c5647af56d⋯.jpg (45.1 KB, 500x500, 1:1, john-f-kennedy-burial-site….jpg)

at some point we have to address our potus that went before his time.

Pain for those that where involved.

cc734f No.1533509

File: a343f50f66f81e5⋯.png (416.29 KB, 523x384, 523:384, AQ42.PNG)

So it looks like in 1999, Clinton commuted the sentences of 16 members of FALN, which is a Puerto Rican paramilitary organization that set off 120 bombs in the United States, mostly in New York City and Chicago. There were convictions for conspiracy to commit robbery, bomb-making, and sedition, as well as firearms and explosives violations. The 16 were convicted of conspiracy and sedition and sentenced with terms ranging from 35 to 105 years in prison.

One of which was later commuted by Barack Obama

Smells like the foundation of MS-13


c0f4dd No.1533510

File: 1b97fe5f70da95d⋯.jpg (75.49 KB, 495x436, 495:436, JFKJr.JFK.jpg)

>>1533482 (lb)

and jfk jr.

150e78 No.1533511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

623b1d No.1533512

File: c15fb668921f49b⋯.png (100.79 KB, 1402x612, 701:306, Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at ….png)

1f3767 No.1533513


Simple math

ca1659 No.1533514

File: 7bdcae4906e030a⋯.jpg (190.4 KB, 962x1725, 962:1725, 7bdcae4906e030a8be0a3a3a65….jpg)


af3082 No.1533515


Pay them no mind, Baker.

At least you're willing to give it a try and learn.

most of them do nothing but hang around, bitch about everything and look for anons to insult. They're generally useless bread wasters.

fd7015 No.1533516

File: b4758f47b438fb0⋯.jpg (20.32 KB, 255x182, 255:182, 9d6d774a1cc6c2234a84f79142….jpg)


You are doing fantastic new baker. Thank Q for joining us .

2b3b70 No.1533517

Can whichever anon was posting the pics of the San Bernardino prison camp tell me where that camp is located? I'm from San Bernardino area, very curious to learn more about this.

c10a5e No.1533518

>>1533142 (previous)

long dash -- is BT (all together) in morse code

M is dash dash

T is dash

4fe2e0 No.1533519

File: 741d66affad8c7c⋯.jpg (78.86 KB, 576x736, 18:23, Dd_wuF-U0AAKDEe.jpg)


baf58a No.1533520

Its getting more and more unreal. I think we go deeper now, since stage is set. Actors and moves are becoming clearer. NK development. If we didnt know what we know, how would we react today? Would we watch royal wedding just for a show? Would we see what we see in movies, concerts, even shootings? Sometimes i question my own sanity

8bd9ea No.1533521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch the Amazing Difference Between Obama & Putin vs. Trump & Putin

9a74e3 No.1533522


the debt must be repaid.

1de364 No.1533523


No worries, did RR end up going to the second meeting?

fd7015 No.1533524


I meant the thank Q to this post ,my bad .

3c8041 No.1533525

at the behest of the US Department of Justice (DoJ) boarded the yacht

at the behest of the US Department of Justice (DoJ) boarded the yacht

at the behest of the US Department of Justice (DoJ) boarded the yacht

Fags. Its Habbening

baeecf No.1533526

Richie Incognito has been taken into custody for a mental evaluation.

Incognito reportedly believed he was in possession of highly classified NSA documents.

Richie Incognito was suffering an “altered, paranoid state” when confronted by police at a Florida gym … “and believed ordinary citizens were government officials that were tracking him.”

“There’s a guy walking around with headphones on,” Incognito said … “I’m running NSA class level 3 documents through my phone. I can’t have anybody in blue tooth capability of me or taking pictures of me.”

The officer says he asked Incognito why the government was trying to watch him and Richie told the cop he didn’t have high enough clearance.


7219d9 No.1533527


Has been addressed anon.

They pray in JFK's honour every day and promise to finish what he begun!

32ec7f No.1533528

>>1533465 (last loaf)

It was also re-written many times. One reason was for the change of language and another reason it was re-written was to change with the times (politics). The 'bible' as we have it today is not the same as it was once written. It is interesting to read some of the non-canon texts and see the overlays (similarities). I have a couple of books in my headboard with the non-canon stuff. Gospel of Thomas probably should have been in the canon. Catholics too, have a different version of the bible than say the Baptists.

I'm not going to try and persuade anyone into what I think they should believe in. My opinion on the subject is not the same as someone who is a practicing Christian. I am okay with that. They should be okay with my perspective as well.

6017a1 No.1533529

File: 59f6259f64418c7⋯.png (458.35 KB, 780x408, 65:34, hrc_50.png)

5a9850 No.1533530


Time to play, Dopey.

Black Forest

Harvey W search got me this

Harveys Has the Snow White Collection We Never Knew We Needed

Ilana Gelfand

Disney Style Contributor



67daed No.1533531


We need to be sure Pelosi gets her fair share of eating crow for her comments this morning.



Regarding Pelosi

9a74e3 No.1533532


she is way to hot to settle for M.

just my honest anonopinon.

7219d9 No.1533533


Who's yacht?

Is it a party?

2c160e No.1533534



a2cf16 No.1533535

File: 2c38c41b19d8378⋯.gif (767.3 KB, 498x278, 249:139, PEPEKIM.gif)

File: 99cd2d9a82177f4⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 683x514, 683:514, PEPENOG.gif)

File: 4b1f539dd2ac3cc⋯.png (964.39 KB, 780x818, 390:409, megs.PNG)

File: d72a485b4abe7b6⋯.png (1.07 MB, 995x545, 199:109, hillsurf2.PNG)

File: 7c1507b023ebc85⋯.png (677.8 KB, 674x576, 337:288, dblsid.PNG)


He appears when I make a time consuming meme

See you in a bout an hour or so Anons

a6ca65 No.1533536


>Can't release the remainder of JFK files because of "National Security" concerns (yeah, 55 years later)

>Saving Israel for last

I don't want to ruin the end for you, but we got massive quantities of correlation going on here. I hope you are picking up on what I'm putting down.

13c892 No.1533537


incredible photo!

2b3b70 No.1533538



Need more on this. What's up?

623b1d No.1533539


>Indonesian police, at the behest of the US Department of Justice (DoJ) boarded the yacht, which is described as a “floating palace”


150e78 No.1533540


what an adorable pic

ca1659 No.1533541

File: 185e72653e5a22c⋯.gif (4.4 MB, 500x281, 500:281, Australias-Michelle-Jennek….gif)


This needs a creepy WJC.

6a66a5 No.1533542


What if KIM never said all the stuff leading up to Trump cancelling the meeting???

What if it was fake news CNN who pushed the story?????

What would happen if it came out that fake news pushed a story that could potentially lead to nuclear war?????

This seems like part of the plan!

9a74e3 No.1533543


End the Fed.

f4d0b3 No.1533544

File: c68f2cdd6190f2a⋯.png (20.74 KB, 229x259, 229:259, ClipboardImage.png)

baf58a No.1533545


Gloves make it even hotter

13c892 No.1533546

File: 7eb5a7087c55042⋯.png (1000.64 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

09374e No.1533547


Could be "simple" case of taking FAR too many blows to the head, or….

aa9616 No.1533548


The fact that this news broke 5 min after all the nightly news started was not lost on me. Timing is everything….too late for them to go against their script.

8bd9ea No.1533549

And this is why we want to keep our guns

Armed Citizen Fatally Shoots Gunman at Oklahoma City Restaurant, Police Say


91aeab No.1533550



Good find, anon.

d0a511 No.1533551

File: 9b631244dfcbf2e⋯.jpg (61.2 KB, 409x409, 1:1, 1517213081996.jpg)

Settle in and get comfy lads. Love our Q folks, Q's team and POTUS, subtly saving the world 24/7.

fd7015 No.1533552


Silence forever the evil ones. Justice must fall on them .

12c882 No.1533553

my login scramble word said 2day lu,

db4839 No.1533554

File: 988d914f3f54dac⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1266x1500, 211:250, Gates-Ebola#1.png)

File: 6aa18414b5f8c55⋯.png (841.16 KB, 1347x1410, 449:470, Gates-Ebola#2.png)

File: 2258a516edf91ca⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, Gates-Ebola#3.png)

File: 931b70b91d0177f⋯.png (3.32 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, Gates-Misc#1.png)

File: 7886622be355348⋯.png (3.4 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, Gates-Misc#2.png)

When I first posted this in an older bread I made a complete pigs breakfast of it and used an earlier misleading draft of the text. Baker asked for me to get it right so this time I hope to do so in just one go!

Have added a screencap of a reply post too.

Older Outbreak(s) 2014/2017

Putin and Kim Jong Un accuse Bill Gates and the US Government of experimenting with weaponised Ebola. (Misleading 2018 article date)

In May 2017 Putin accuses Bill Gates of experimenting with weaponised Ebola after an outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Likati). Also allegedly accuses Gates of the Zika virus ‘outbreak’ at some point.

New April/May 2018 outbreak of Ebola in Mbandaka, DR of Congo.

Once again the Red Cross (RED RED) is present.

(see alleged US Patents on various nasties in the Gates-Ebola#2 image.)

Note: Images Gates-Misc#1 and #2 are misc Gates/Monsanto memes for newbies to peruse. Remember newbies that women, especially the wives are just as deeply involved too.

It’s the Bill and MELINDA Gates Foundation.



Ebola virus outbreak 2018: Where is the city of Mbandaka in African country of Congo?


Two infected Ebola patients flee treatment center in Congo


Democratic Republic of the Congo: Ebola outbreak - Red Cross


Red Cross warns against complacency in Ebola response, expands operation


Ebola deaths rise to 26, says Congo health ministry - Red Cross



Non-African Leaders That Accused the US government Of Testing Ebola On African Soil –

11 April 2018 (Referring to older accusations by the Leaders)


‘Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un were the only two foreign leaders that accused Bill Gates and the US government for spreading Ebola on African soil without the voice of an African leader’

Ebola Outbreak: Russia Accuse Bill Gates Of Infecting Congolese Villagers



The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Bill Gates Accused Of Starting Ebola Outbreak In African Village By Putin

Date: Monday, 15-May-2017


Ebola virus disease – Democratic Republic of the Congo

Disease outbreak news

13 May 2017



Russia Accuses Bill Gates For Engineering The Zika Virus As a De-population Weapon





Zika Virus: Conspiracy Theorists accuse Bill Gates of trying to depopulate the world

February 14, 2016


Biological Weapons Allegations: A Russian Propaganda Tool to Negatively Implicate the United States

31 Oct 2017


fd7015 No.1533555


Whoever killed them justice must fall.

8610b6 No.1533556

I'm feelin' SUPER cozy tonight…

even with

New Baker

messing up a bit…

The love vibes are VIBIN'!

I'd rather be here than ANYWHERE ELSE on the internet.


13c892 No.1533557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a must-watch!

24c089 No.1533558


Allegedly Twentynine Palms. Reverse image shows some of them were posted here in Feb 2018


fd83d2 No.1533559

File: 2398a4d83232b6d⋯.jpg (110.88 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, muhgloves.jpg)


>End the Fed.

Fnd the Eed.

db4839 No.1533560

File: 0adb9535c8f06a7⋯.jpg (335.12 KB, 1268x542, 634:271, Post_Response.jpg)




Take the mans history and stated aims into account then YOU decide on the polio vaccine and other such vaccine ‘incients’.

Also - Jay Greenberg from two included memes


47,500 paralysis cases after polio vaccine

28 May, 2012


Bill and Melinda Gates’ Polio Efforts Led to 47,500 Kids Being Paralyzed – Fiction!

Mar 17, 2015


Has Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccine Program Cause Over 47,000 Paralysis Deaths?


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Held Accountable for Vaccine Fraud in India

March 3, 2015


India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes

October 5 2014


Anti-vaccine lobby spreads more lies about Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

February 28, 2017


Skeptical Raptor

Vaccine Denialists Hate Bill Gates




‘A mass sterilization exercise’: Kenyan doctors find anti-fertility agent in UN tetanus vaccine

Thu Nov 6, 2014



Also see here for more on Monsanto which has been bought out by Bayer Pharmaceuticals


c0f4dd No.1533561

File: 4ca54c1744150cd⋯.jpg (17.26 KB, 537x320, 537:320, who-is-this-red-bus-London.jpg)

>>1530515 #1924


- Who is this in the red bus London pic?

5 Brennan

2 None of the above.

2 random brit bloke

1 Tillerson

1 Wesley Clark

1 Bibi (kek)

1 Gen Kelly

1 Charlie Gasperino

1 NOT the person in photo we should be looking at

>above the woman wearing a white knit hat there is a person with a fur lined hood and a bobble hat. They have a green bag strap over their right shoulder. It is the same person as in the "hand off" photo's only with the hood down.

Interesting poll. Thanks for participating, anons.

edac25 No.1533562

baker here

I fucked up a notable


>>1533130 AlanA/B aka Billy Jack Watkins aka Welcome aboard, Alan (?) is back

that is the correct post number, I need to edit in the dough,

anons if your notable is fucked up please let me know so i

can fix it

new baker

please be Patient.

Thank you

976284 No.1533563

File: 5527ddb25fd2d75⋯.jpg (349.81 KB, 1456x1080, 182:135, Logical.jpg)

fd7015 No.1533564


Yea the scumbag patrol clown team took a break for dinner so we got a hour or two of nice breads until 4 am next break.

12c882 No.1533565

https:// www.kiro7.com/www.kiro7.com/news/local/woman-says-her-amazon-device-recorded-private-conversation-sent-it-out-to-random-contact/755507974

8610b6 No.1533566


Atleast your tryin' new baker.

We love tha FUCK out of you for that.

Relax. you'll get a hang of it…

a30a21 No.1533568


Did he pull a cosby with all the drugs ?

49ea3d No.1533571


and the sheep buy em up.

150e78 No.1533572


omg lighten up

this is a joke

it is not like that

didn't mean to freak all you city folk out!

f81b4b No.1533573

File: 35e8ea3ad2afe7e⋯.png (77.25 KB, 500x336, 125:84, ComfyWrapd.png)

File: c9c4e98e3ebfd37⋯.png (518.19 KB, 1111x777, 1111:777, Q_BiteCrumbs_historic_.png)


>subtly saving the world 24/7

that's glorious and true, love it

150e78 No.1533574

>>1533333 LB

the main thing is do you count the first and last days - just one (which one) or both to get the deadline you have to meet

holidays etc not relevant here

a30a21 No.1533575


NBC anchor pushed button to lock door.

Also drugged woman. Sent in nurse to take

care of her after the assault.

fd7015 No.1533576

If that bitch BV clown was any type of a chess player she would have stayed and bombed the whole last bread and not said a word and THEN left. But she got careless and outed herself again. Watch the patterns.

6017a1 No.1533577

File: 21299b5696b1996⋯.png (884.2 KB, 782x518, 391:259, mm_33.png)

a5546a No.1533578

File: 7e9377d680bb52a⋯.png (91.03 KB, 1080x663, 360:221, Screenshot_20180524-201211….png)

House Not Done with Clinton Email Probe, Schedules 3 FBI Interviews

By Randy DeSoto

May 24, 2018 at 3:30pm

House Republicans are looking deeper into the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe, scheduling three witnesses for June after a four month hiatus without interviews.

The inquiry is being run jointly by the Judiciary and House Oversight and Government Affairs committees, The Hill reported.

The three witnesses include Bill Priestap, the assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division; Michael Steinbach, the former head of the FBI’s national security division; and John Giacalone, who preceded Steinbach as he bureau’s top national security official.

cc734f No.1533579


That was Wikipedia. Some Anon encouraged me to look into the WJC's Security Force while running COKE from S America into Arkansas during his terms as governor. There's more but getting hungry. Will be back at it in the morning.

a6ca65 No.1533580

File: 0a921617089e55a⋯.png (816.32 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 1485966909382.png)

File: 2554674492bd1df⋯.jpg (52.16 KB, 700x700, 1:1, beautiful-portrait-photogr….jpg)



Plus, the older crowd is watching now.


You're doing fine. No issues. Have an extra redhead for your efforts.

67daed No.1533581

File: eecebd55c9236c2⋯.png (689.08 KB, 646x735, 646:735, SHS w Stallone 5-24-18.PNG)

File: f7905de798714c9⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1047x783, 349:261, SHS w Stallone 5-24-18 PIC.PNG)

I am sure Sarah loves Anons

She just provided this gift for the meme makers

ed2dbd No.1533582

Did Q mention something about making clowns think NK was still in their hands, or did i dream this?

31e895 No.1533583

File: 7d6956f75a3e764⋯.png (102.92 KB, 339x144, 113:48, TrumpPence.png)

The Myth of the Trump-Pence Rivalry: 'No Daylight Between Them'

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are often together promoting their conservative agenda, but multiple new reports suggest Pence has an agenda of his own.

In an interview with CBN News, Marc Lotter, former special assistant to the president and press secretary to the vice president, shot down those claims and blamed leakers for “trying to score some cheap political points.”…


…“There is no greater champion of the president than the vice president,” Lotter told CBN News. “There’s also no daylight between them. They know exactly what each other is doing, pretty much at all times.”

895b8a No.1533584


He did last remind us to enjoy the show.

Anon that first floated this theory come show yourself because it was a damn good one

9a74e3 No.1533585


ur them, and they.

I am we.

we are many.

we are the people.

c0f4dd No.1533586

24c089 No.1533587







Police hunt missing billionaire playboy who gave Miranda Kerr $9m in diamonds

POLICE are seeking missing billions and playboy Jho Low, who romanced Hollywood models, gave Miranda Kerr $9m in diamonds, and once dated Paris Hilton.


Jho Low, who romanced Hollywood starlets and gave $9 million in jewels to model Miranda Kerr, is being sought over missing billions in the Malaysian corruption scandal.

The flamboyant Malaysian mogul, who has dated models and actresses, and posed on the red carpet with Leonardo DiCaprio, has vanished from Malaysia since the scandal erupted.

Low, who made headlines trying to woo socialite Paris Hilton and staging an extravagant but failed $1.8m wedding proposal to a Taiwanese pop singer, is rumoured to be holed up in Taiwan, Bangkok, Macau or Shanghai.

Authorities have confiscated Low’s luxury yacht Equanimity — which has a gold-plated interior — while it was moored off Bali.

Indonesian police, at the behest of the US Department of Justice (DoJ) boarded the yacht, which is described as a “floating palace”, but neither Low nor several elite members of his crew were on board.

Last week, the Royal Malaysian Police seized 72 suitcases with cash, jewels and designer handbags from the home of deposed Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor.

f4d0b3 No.1533588

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

09374e No.1533589


Only fatality is the gunman. I love sending this kind of stuff to my statist acquainces. "So…but…uhhh…."

96328d No.1533590


>and another reason it was re-written was to change with the times (politics).

…mary magdalene sanitizing in the late 60's being a relatively recent 'political times' change…

a3763a No.1533591



Holleeee fuck I had no idea

So https://shopharveys.com/ is HW???

ed4e5c No.1533592


Nice post and IP switch.

82ea16 No.1533593

File: 747879d6fe77018⋯.png (456.86 KB, 502x567, 502:567, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank You Baker, You Rock!

78aab7 No.1533594

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, b82d157f45dcdf388632345f32….png)

File: 609d4b3e72d1479⋯.jpg (35.79 KB, 750x500, 3:2, photo-1507692049790-de5829….jpg)

File: bd956d212901213⋯.png (75.82 KB, 1903x2400, 1903:2400, Trump-bw.png)


We must continue to dig. I am a firm believer in God and POTUS. We must expose the evil globalist luciferian pedo-satanists. I wonder if today's Intel Briefing uncovered more than just the fact FBI C_A & SIS was spying on Trump campaign with spies that they got through intentional plants in the campaign which they used for illegal criminal FISA warrants.

Praying for Q team and POTUS.

May God bless all Bakers who make this forum possible.

May God bless all Q team.

May God bless POTUS.

And may God bless and guide all ANONs.

God bless you all.

a5546a No.1533595


ecd616 No.1533596


is this the yacht we saw NO NAME boarding the other day?

38997d No.1533597

File: 6df9323564fb9c8⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2520x968, 315:121, Jho.jpg)

27ec7c No.1533598

File: 948a44d5f0d5239⋯.png (465.06 KB, 583x539, 53:49, ClipboardImage.png)

2c160e No.1533599


Not sure what his plans are – he'll need it for the "p@in" probably, now.

Picture is from an airplane, I believe, probably stewardess in front of him. Looks like he's sitting in one of those business class "cabins"

150e78 No.1533600


my guess is big habbenings

crafting a response

that is all those fucks in congress do

at least shifty came right out and lied

8610b6 No.1533601


depends on how deep in "clown level" you go…

top ranks know they are fuckk'd…

the ones who don't have a true intel plug are probably assuming Q is a larp, and Kim hates Trump.

so yes and no. whichever way you wanna see it.

13c892 No.1533602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

38997d No.1533603


Globalist, Commie POS

6fc3cf No.1533604

>>1532861 (lb)

Thought we had already confirmed the second facility was Diego Garcia?

Don't see how you could keep such high value prisoners in a tent camp in SoCal.

fadc76 No.1533605

File: 938a1ecead814da⋯.png (29.42 KB, 424x600, 53:75, 6309fcac5a0e062289b7a932e3….png)


Third paragraph;

>Seen as a potential flight risk, the Oscar wining producer…

Do (You) see what I see?

67daed No.1533606

File: 0424370e1079fc2⋯.png (49.4 KB, 660x406, 330:203, OKCPD 5-24-18.PNG)

bbca51 No.1533607


Doin good BAKER

we're all just anons here trying our best

8e91f2 No.1533608



805b10 No.1533609

What if Trump has already met rocket man?

What if the alleged meeting took place?

What if photos have already been taken?

Could they have been shared already?

What if the comments about Pence were fabricated?

Could Trump be playing the part?

Could it be possible that communications haven't ceased?

Could Trump, Pompeo, and MI planned the entire debacle?



Bring dark into light?

If scenario is true

Would it break MSM?

Would exposing Pence need the nail in the coffin?

765579 No.1533610

>>1533401 (last bread)




5f14c3 No.1533611

File: 6cb24002685f073⋯.jpg (43 KB, 640x558, 320:279, Lemmy and girls.jpg)


once again, thank you baker. Many of us can't do what you're doing.

60252e No.1533612

File: 825882c1af9306c⋯.jpg (154.25 KB, 450x473, 450:473, muff.jpg)

c0f4dd No.1533613


thanks for the note baker. no worries.

steady in the oven she goes…

3a2abc No.1533614


If is the 44th most used word in the human vocabulary. If I could, If only I had done that, if I would have done that differently. If you could have chosen a different word?

96328d No.1533615


top kek!

150e78 No.1533616


i thought you were used to the concept of


00f2c3 No.1533617


Not him.

38997d No.1533618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


c549b5 No.1533619


what jfk drop?

1ddac1 No.1533621


If you stopped being pedantic.

52a56e No.1533622

I want to know what the chans were like before this whole movement happened. I stumbled onto here around October. I love this place.

150e78 No.1533623



was beginning to get worried


f38f5d No.1533624

>>>says they are devout to all of Christ's teachings

>>>Has only read 4 Gospels

>>>Hasn't read any Gospels (beside John), that predate Matthew, Mark, and Luke

>>>Believes the Bishops at Nicea that excluding all but 4 Gospels from the Bible was good for the Church (plzz no read Jesus's other words)

>>>Catholic Church knows best and gets to decide which of Jesus's teachings and apostles to include, see above

>>>Says they love the "Gospel", LOL

inb4 Matthew, Mark, Luke are the word of God and strawmanning an attack (they are i never said otherwise)

inb4 muh heresy

inb4 "Those other Gospels are just not true". I always trust the Church to tell me what's right and true!

a3763a No.1533625



I was kinda expecting something like this to happen.

623b1d No.1533626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

481bef No.1533627

File: ae7abb9e05212f2⋯.png (477.67 KB, 611x425, 611:425, spygate-x5.png)

File: 0f8b183aa72a7b4⋯.png (210.34 KB, 641x229, 641:229, spygate-x6.png)

File: 4c6f76ca0f4cedb⋯.png (203.78 KB, 477x342, 53:38, spygate-x7.png)

File: 0ee0dde7293e223⋯.png (536.95 KB, 609x454, 609:454, spygate-x8.png)

8610b6 No.1533628


thanks for this mate.

Some of us (like muh self) aren't around a Tv.

Your efforts are appreciated.

a36b2b No.1533629


Fucking kek. Beat me to it. Freddy was an amazing singer but he certainly didn't dive the muff

e09b47 No.1533630


awee. Sarah.. what a champ!! lol this is definitely a gift to the Anons!! :-)

09a8ac No.1533631

File: 2357aca1dfcfbdf⋯.jpg (89.82 KB, 1469x259, 1469:259, dayfags.jpg)

Daily (pun intended) reminder that at night time, esoteric and extraterrestrial talk is more common and anons browsing at US day-evening time are called "dayfags".

Screencap timing is off because eurofag.

7219d9 No.1533632


We have orders to engage!!!

48100b No.1533633

File: 50f951bd1797bd4⋯.jpg (88.76 KB, 500x319, 500:319, 8y7753=6y54-0226=06446.jpg)

13c892 No.1533634

File: 53aa992184817f3⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1400x1047, 1400:1047, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 942bd291863b85e⋯.png (972.46 KB, 964x659, 964:659, ClipboardImage.png)

File: beef37a417e8236⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 040be8568b61853⋯.png (889.21 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)

hayden panettiere

wladimir klitschko

vitali klitschko

c10a5e No.1533635


heard on Oklahoma scanner that cops sending in bomb sniffing dogs someplace. Prob just precaution

b7c9ee No.1533636

No FBI Director Would Put Spies Inside of a Campaign Without President’s AUTHORIZATION

96328d No.1533637

File: 8854d0418e44553⋯.png (405.12 KB, 600x800, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

ed2dbd No.1533638


But was this said by Q in a drop???

f4d0b3 No.1533639

File: bb91f5be23443a8⋯.png (52.57 KB, 876x214, 438:107, ClipboardImage.png)

9a74e3 No.1533640

File: 71861d7c655b2d1⋯.jpg (17.25 KB, 220x275, 4:5, Antonin_Scalia_Official_SC….jpg)

fuck podesta…..

im still pissed about this.

da5b35 No.1533641

Jeanine Pirro sitting in for Hannity

Guest a few minutes ago says that youre watching The Art of the Deal in action, that if you havent read the book, "youre watching the movie!"

This truly is the movie!

60252e No.1533642


Haha, I bet he tried best of both worlds.

cbfa2a No.1533643

ecd616 No.1533644



I'm jelly…

b96cd8 No.1533645




comms understood?

3a2abc No.1533646


LOL I like that!!!!!

b6207c No.1533647


They were better than GLP.

f4d0b3 No.1533648

File: 3778f3051994b65⋯.png (49.04 KB, 873x464, 873:464, ClipboardImage.png)

481bef No.1533649

File: 399454d58694e59⋯.png (757.78 KB, 505x638, 505:638, spygate-x9.png)

File: b6d3796f12dadb1⋯.png (539.84 KB, 563x452, 563:452, spygate-x10.png)

File: 286377a3a3d83d0⋯.png (324.24 KB, 294x459, 98:153, spygate-x11.png)

File: 2059f1d38d546a0⋯.png (359.87 KB, 340x455, 68:91, spygate-x12.png)

87ae8a No.1533650



32ec7f No.1533651


Geotus and Rocketman have to be talking via back channels. No way that they are not keeping in contact. I still think this whole thing is a ruse. Maybe to throw of the when and where of the meeting.

13c892 No.1533652

File: 7724624502afae0⋯.png (668.77 KB, 634x668, 317:334, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8a6eec64ad36ee⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1000x1503, 1000:1503, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3369056741a7ff⋯.png (5.57 MB, 1997x3000, 1997:3000, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2d868de058555b⋯.png (589.2 KB, 560x662, 280:331, ClipboardImage.png)

File: deaeef5355a4dfd⋯.png (790.43 KB, 800x544, 25:17, ClipboardImage.png)

a3763a No.1533653


Many gracias for this link!

a5546a No.1533654

File: b9c442fddc41b3c⋯.png (241.49 KB, 1080x771, 360:257, Screenshot_20180524-201923….png)

d329ba No.1533655

File: c00a2d417c49612⋯.png (48.83 KB, 625x329, 625:329, Screenshot 2018-05-24 at 7….png)

8610b6 No.1533656


re read crumbs… cuz I'm retarded.

but my first instinct is

nah nigga.


82467d No.1533657


Sarah, you're awesome!

a30a21 No.1533658

250 Bangladeshis Arrested in Single Texas Border Sector in Year

BDT !!!! AS buddies


http ://www.breitbart.com/texas/2018/05/24/250-bangladeshis-arrested-in-single-texas-border-sector-in-year/

5da6d2 No.1533659


hes a pedo

87ae8a No.1533660

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Sorry my dumb ass should have embedded it. Retry.

481bef No.1533661

File: aed919e207bd07e⋯.png (326.86 KB, 458x455, 458:455, spygate-x13.png)

File: 2771e1541f14619⋯.png (444.77 KB, 456x439, 456:439, spygate-x14.png)

File: b4ee3bd9be2e613⋯.png (366.2 KB, 542x413, 542:413, spygate-x15.png)

File: 53edbc1a0cff17d⋯.png (251.03 KB, 390x458, 195:229, spygate-x16.png)

2c160e No.1533662


1MDB scandal



962242 No.1533664

File: 85c17380dc14270⋯.png (166.14 KB, 671x528, 61:48, 20180427_072215.png)

File: 0ad927d01e4c46c⋯.png (182.19 KB, 654x574, 327:287, 20180427_072238.png)

File: 477e28dcf022810⋯.png (197.2 KB, 664x568, 83:71, 20180427_072158.png)

Future proves past!

c0f4dd No.1533665



>Smells like the foundation of MS-13

Especially if those freed FALN thugs went to a paramilitary camp somewhere in Central America and trained the next generation…

Enjoy your meal anon.

100b98 No.1533666

File: d00f1754b328c9d⋯.png (605.87 KB, 2272x1704, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

32ec7f No.1533667


Hayden is kind of short. Kek. I think she is 5'1" Whe was really cranky when she was prego. Haven't seen her since just before her kiddo was born.

a131ae No.1533668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2 min vid of the D5 tweet hurricane yesterday, in case you need to wake someone up, or something

96328d No.1533669

File: b005adf85d71097⋯.png (312.3 KB, 595x590, 119:118, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// twitter.com/Thomas1774Paine/status/999822810506809344

60252e No.1533670

File: 04186ec6b0a7840⋯.png (286.04 KB, 409x336, 409:336, kekketita.png)

09374e No.1533671


Ironic how this comes out same week I've been ranting to my senior citizen mom about how stupid my uncle is because they have those fucking echo dots all over their house. Every. Fucking. Room. When she finally understood what I was talking about, she looks at me and says "Jesus Christ why in the hell would anyone PAY for that shit?" They gave me one as a Christmas gift, I threw it in the garbage.

86c9d0 No.1533672


Kek'd 'n' check'd. Gives a new meaning to "Breaking News," don't it?

4fe2e0 No.1533673

File: 3f9f24d637899d9⋯.png (531.2 KB, 783x616, 783:616, Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at ….png)

File: 5335ed9f64daa8b⋯.png (180.68 KB, 793x643, 793:643, Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at ….png)

File: 4bd002fa3c48986⋯.png (186.44 KB, 770x664, 385:332, Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at ….png)

Democratic gubernatorial candidate in Iowa

accused of sexual misconduct drops out


337a4b No.1533674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I wasted 10 minutes of my life so that you don't have to Wilcock: admits his father was career military, has it from his alliance sources that Q is a consortium and says Q called out AJ by name hence the AJ drama. There's glowing then there's blue avian et glowing. Try harder Wilcock.

481bef No.1533675

File: 6fe9de8891cec51⋯.png (429.01 KB, 683x450, 683:450, spygate-x17.png)

File: 0599065cfdced60⋯.png (476.19 KB, 520x460, 26:23, spygate-x18.png)

File: 2b2ef563d4312dc⋯.png (607.43 KB, 873x460, 873:460, spygate-19.png)

File: c3bb29f80919c95⋯.png (307.05 KB, 608x460, 152:115, spygate-x20.png)

b7c9ee No.1533676

The Hill

Verified account


2m2 minutes ago


JUST IN: Mueller investigating Roger Stone's finances: report http://hill.cm/6gQj0ms

100b98 No.1533678

File: c8410f4d36bc705⋯.png (496.93 KB, 602x447, 602:447, ClipboardImage.png)

1ce51d No.1533679


Sly gets a Huckabeating

68768e No.1533680

File: 74a5e1136504c28⋯.png (972.13 KB, 1480x1248, 185:156, Grandma_Ritas_Children.png)

File: 16f31d4a23a81e4⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1289x828, 1289:828, mclean_2_kilberg.png)


the location of his home was very suspicious

ecd616 No.1533681


Save the cheerleader, save the world?

ca1659 No.1533682


Fire all meme cannons!

121d49 No.1533683

File: 32e05a18b2e1335⋯.jpg (161.02 KB, 532x400, 133:100, helloooseaman.jpg)

09a8ac No.1533684


>Wilcock says water is wet and doesn't egofag but I hate him because he believes in blue avians and I don't.

f38f5d No.1533685


FUCK YES! Mueller is def /ourguy/ confirmed. Every plant in the Trump campaign was referred and recommended by Stone.

481bef No.1533686

File: 1e9f11a4b99acd1⋯.png (522.68 KB, 545x433, 545:433, spygate-x21.png)

File: f6476f9f72c19ba⋯.png (338.02 KB, 500x434, 250:217, spygate-x22.png)

File: eb74240faa61d85⋯.png (944.79 KB, 546x684, 91:114, spygate-x23.png)

File: 18e5cdb1753d5e6⋯.png (457.73 KB, 538x506, 269:253, spygate-x24.png)

765579 No.1533687


4th Reich

c650cb No.1533688

File: 734967e21af2d60⋯.jpg (81.06 KB, 1190x595, 2:1, SHS-Kek.jpg)

32ec7f No.1533689


Good for your mom anon. It's crazy to think just how much privacy people are freely giving away. I try to avoid a lot of that stuff. I have a twitter account for a business and that is about it. No cable tv, etc. The irony is that technology has paid my bills for a long time.

96328d No.1533690

File: 04b260e75308c8a⋯.png (62.14 KB, 582x347, 582:347, ClipboardImage.png)



https:// twitter.com/OKCPD/status/999816810378608640

ed2dbd No.1533691


Isn't it POTUS who canceled the meeting? How can they honestly justify the horseshit they sling?

976284 No.1533692

File: f000de0761c12dc⋯.png (1.59 MB, 990x1030, 99:103, HggTUS45.png)

edac25 No.1533693

File: ee19853662b6e75⋯.jpg (24.25 KB, 387x387, 1:1, pepe open.jpg)

1st call for notables

Thank you all for kind words and your patience.

Muh dick/"tasteless" Baker Girls/Slide/Toes-suckin

gets you (((filtered))), if you post a notable, and

wonder why i'm ignoring you, that's probably why

i clear my filters each bread

notables so far

>>1533606 armed citizen stops "mass" shooting

>>1533672 Dem candidate Iowa accused of sexual misconduct drops out

>>1533509 WJC commutes 16 members of FALN, P-Rican terrorists, 120 bombs in USA

>>1533492 WSJ NK calls off summit calls pence 'dummy' (CFR Propoganda)

>>1533525 Indonesian police Board yacht hunt $$$playboy who gave Miranda Kerr $9mil in diamonds

>>1533554, 1533560

Great work Name fag, Gonna delete the old notable, and replace it with this improved Version.



"Lemme Is God"


Give me a


brief description

if you see one anons

cheers, Honor to serve you

dd532d No.1533694


GLP means God Like Productions and refers to this Conspiracy Forum


rumored to be CIA run site but who knows

NSA gets everything you do anyway, here or there

765579 No.1533695


Bam, good guy with gun prevents additional loss of life. The way it should be.

a3763a No.1533696

File: 6e017cfc2928cb1⋯.png (493.61 KB, 1215x750, 81:50, ClipboardImage.png)

I don' t know about this. Of course they want everyone thinking that this was human error


31ccea No.1533697

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley received the wrong kind of welcome at the University of Houston when she was met with chants accusing her of having blood on her hands and of signing off on genocide in her support for Israel.

Haley was mere moments into her speech at the university on Tuesday and had just referred to the “very busy few weeks in American foreign policy” when she was interrupted by a protester shouting, “Nikki Haley, the blood is on your hands.”

“Oh jeez,” a visibly nervous Haley said as the protester continued to shout, “you continue to sign off on the genocide of a native people" to loud applause and booing.

“Nikki, Nikki can’t you see, you are on a killing spree!” a number of protesters shouted. “Haley, Haley, you can’t hide, you sign off on genocide.”

Haley has emerged as a staunch supporter of Israel in her role at the UN. After Israel killed more than 60 Palestinians at the Great Return March protests last week, Haley defended its “restraint” at an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council before walking out of the room when Palestinian envoy Riyad Mansour began speaking.

Nikki, Nikki you will see, Palestine will be free!” the protesters shouted. Haley looked uncomfortable throughout, a small smile falling from her face as the chants continued.

The protest ended with a walkout and loud applause as Haley continued to speak. “While disruptive as that might have been, it’s a reason to celebrate, because my husband and my brother are combat veterans and they fought for their right to be able to do that,” she said. The irony of the situation, with the protest being against her support for Israel’s killing of protesters in Gaza, seems to have escaped her.

Students for Justice in Palestine and 12 other groups released a statement explaining their issue with Haley’s presence at the university. “Nikki Haley’s spiteful actions before and during her time as ambassador to the United Nations demonstrate her blatant discrimination against Palestinians and blind eye to injustices around the world,” it said. “Nikki Haley has worked relentlessly to block the UN Humans Rights investigation into Israel’s murderous crimes in Gaza, which resulted in 109 dead and thousands more injured, including children, women and the disabled.”


84b785 No.1533698

File: b0d9546e2e65dcb⋯.png (120.07 KB, 739x929, 739:929, Screenshot_77.png)

File: 4295e4fbce2da19⋯.png (135.52 KB, 774x948, 129:158, Screenshot_78.png)

File: 3b7220f5fb81407⋯.png (1.25 MB, 686x947, 686:947, Screenshot_76.png)




N C@ THEP@ in T-23!!!



IN T-23!!!

23 days from May 19 is JUNE 11th!



JUNE 11, 2018!


8e91f2 No.1533699



I just don't understand what it is that Stone has to gain by destroying Trump. Talk about treachery. That guy must really be a dicey as fuck fuck.

b7c9ee No.1533700

Lake Hefner

a reminder

a30a21 No.1533701

File: 2b60ad865457fa2⋯.jpg (42.18 KB, 780x468, 5:3, 3000.jpg)

John McCain: film portrait of an ‘American hero’ skirts hard questions

In John McCain: For Whom the Bell Tolls, the senator is given a heroic send-off but questionable decisions cloud his legacy

“I should have said: ‘Look, Joe Lieberman is my best friend, we should take him. But I was persuaded by my political advisers it would be harmful, and that was another mistake that I made.”

That slightly awkward sense of an eulogy to a living man comes across most strongly from McCain himself. Early on in the film the 81-year-old makes a grand gesture direct to camera, saying: “I have lived an honorable life, and I am proud of my life.” He sounds eerily as though he were dictating his own epitaph.

Lieberman friend of Epstein. Was noname on the island?

https ://www.theguardian.com/film/2018/may/24/john-mccain-hbo-documentary-for-whom-bell-tolls

481bef No.1533702

File: d4c5ab6375dd282⋯.png (367.21 KB, 412x440, 103:110, spygate-schiff-lie-deny-x2….png)

File: ecfa2d581698421⋯.png (452.65 KB, 572x425, 572:425, spygate-x25.png)

File: ee556a575251934⋯.png (743.19 KB, 526x610, 263:305, spygate-x26.png)

File: 5963d97c26bb208⋯.png (385.18 KB, 465x399, 155:133, spygate-x27.png)

4fe2e0 No.1533703


You should really expand your research.

337a4b No.1533704


Correct, I do hate what he does. To defend him is laughable. Thx for playing, here's a cookie.

a2cf16 No.1533705

File: bef283492eec4e4⋯.png (931.36 KB, 778x596, 389:298, ClipboardImage.png)

527295 No.1533706


Enjoy the show, means, happenings, Q will return after the show.

09a8ac No.1533707


thank you

86c9d0 No.1533708


Although I'd love to be in the notables, appears as if you've mis-referenced the "Dem candidate Iowa…" notable.

38997d No.1533709

File: 56169235c25fb47⋯.png (102.26 KB, 561x929, 561:929, Ayyy.png)



Sure thing.

Nice to have on while bread loafin

a30a21 No.1533710


At times McCain should be credited with both acting heroically and as a maverick. Take 25 July last year, just days after his diagnosis, when he ignored doctors’ warnings and flew back from Arizona to the US Senate, the blood barely dried in an open gash from surgery above his left eye, to cast his vote on a Republican plan to scrap Obamacare.

The documentary lingers over that exceptional moment to powerful effect. It follows McCain as he received a standing ovation entering the Senate chamber. Then it pans in as, later that night, he stood in front of his stony-faced colleagues, held out his right arm for what seems an aeon, then let his thumb drop to confine the Republican bill to the dustbin of history.

31ccea No.1533711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

976284 No.1533712

File: b8040ac32421124⋯.jpg (28.68 KB, 261x345, 87:115, obamaknew.jpg)

337a4b No.1533713


And a cookie for you too.

f38f5d No.1533714


He's a mercenary. Prob used by establishment Republicans in this case.

edac25 No.1533715


They are tavistock institute.

Fuck those people.

5a9850 No.1533716


Amen translated from Latin means Truly

Just sayin

09374e No.1533717


He's not the frontrunner. That fuckhead lies every day about how he wants special interests out of politics, yet boasts about how he volunteers for Planned Parenthood (among other special interest groups).

b1dc76 No.1533719


We are getting NO signals about what went down at these two meetings today!!

If nothing burger or Democrats with upper hand - it would be all over the news - they are keeping their mouths shut. When does that happen?

7a5aa5 No.1533720


Welcome to Thursday

805b10 No.1533721


I believe a meeting has already occurred.

I believe an agreement is already signed.

I believe they are conspiring to to break MSM.

I believe Pence is DS

He went to NK

Did DS shit

KJU contacts POTUS

POTUS lets the MSM run.

Throws out a half assed 'awe shucks' tweet

MSM feels like they are winning.

Everyone is laughing at them.

I think this will last until the 12th.

On that day, I bet Trump and team releases video showing KJU & Trump signing a deal.

MSM goes into freakout mode.

1d7bed No.1533722

File: d4595596891776b⋯.jpg (114.16 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, TrustThePlan.jpg)

b7c9ee No.1533723


when it is really


96328d No.1533724


I suspect Roger is one of the FBI/CIA/NSA moles…

5da6d2 No.1533725

i should be watching the warriors but im on here for country, god, & Q

09a8ac No.1533726


careful. you'll run out of cookies fast; especially at nighttime

bbdecc No.1533727



Still missing?

32ec7f No.1533728



An anon posted this link earlier. It is about Mueller going after Roger Stone.

dd532d No.1533729


The word is getting out that these people are all nutcases. They are psychopaths, deranged, mentally deficient people.

These people are literally sick in the head.

a3763a No.1533730


I'd never had one. I've suspected hot mics & live feed cams since cell phones became a household item. No way I'm helping them violate my right to privacy any more than is unavoidable. Echo, hell no! & neither of it's alternatives either

9a74e3 No.1533731

5:25 up next

friday is new news cycle.

a30a21 No.1533732


That’s an important caveat as we assess John McCain on the point of his own mortality. He can plausibly claim to represent the antithesis of the current incumbent of the White House: he is as open-minded as Trump is partisan, as public-spirited as Trump is self-serving, he speaks honor to Trump’s pussy grabbing.

screen grab not my comments above

stuff from article

337a4b No.1533733


That you Wilcock? I've noticed you fucks always have to have the last word.

2c6863 No.1533734

Imagine if you will, a 3 day Holiday Weekend. Everyone is with their families, having a great time, cooking out, talking, no one is watching the news…

Many people who are aware of a special executive order that has yet to be released. It's making the cabal very nervous. The Cabal does bad things when they get nervous and need a distraction.

Meanwhile, Arizona has practice drills, just in case there's a HUGE earthquake in California and it's people come screaming across the boarder in hoards.


How could humans create and Earthquake of such magnitude, you ask?

Do you know how many underground tunnels there are in the United states? Do you realize how many DUMBS are in the middle of the land, miles under the surface?

What would happen if a truck driver was delivering to one near a particular fault line in California, when a small nuclear device, hidden in his cargo, that isn't listed on his manifest was suddenly detonated from a remote location?


2ec68e No.1533735

File: 9abb503c25622d5⋯.png (3.65 MB, 1280x1078, 640:539, ClipboardImage.png)


Great point, anon. The scale of criminality is so much bigger than we tend to think about as we watch the day-to-day of the DOJ and congressional committee revelations trickling out.

The overall size of the operation is easy to lose sight of. All the various troops are moving into position in ways we likely haven't considered yet.

So yeah, it's all going to take some time.

Let's not forget the issues of the moment re: potential indictments and arrests only scratch the surface.

These are "Stage 1": Spying on Trump, hiding the spying, issuing phony court documents, perjury, misuse of federal funds, misuse of agency personnel: these are likely to be the main topics du jour for many months to come. New, related matters at a similar level of illegality will pop up during 2018 as well–matters like Chelsea using the "Diane Reynolds" email account and federal employees knowingly going along with it, or federal employees using gmail for agency business. That's illegal and worthy of jail time most likely. But these only scratch the surface.

The real issues to investigate, to get to the true crimes and put a head wound on the cabal, are the crimes BEHIND these crimes.

"Stage 2" would include: Uranium One. Project Cassandra. Many instances of U.S. public officials in all branches (going back to late 1980s) enriching themselves from their offices. Trillions of dollars stolen, The many suspicious deaths. JFK. 9-11. Pedophilia, and the subsequent cover ups and obstruction of justice. And beyond these, even darker shit.

There is probably no way we see resolution of much of Stage 1 crimes during 2018, since it's almost June. Stage 1 prosecutions will be ongoing through the entire winter.

And that will only be the beginning of the beginning.

f4d0b3 No.1533736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Katie Hopkins: INSIDE America's largest mosque

Katie Hopkins of TheRebel.media takes you inside the largest mosque in America, and is told something very interesting about women and Islam…

The Islamic Center of America was built in Dearborn, Michigan in 2005. While reporting in Detroit, I knew it was a place I had to investigate.

Come inside with me…

Facilities like this one are a politically acceptable outlet for “moderate Islam” — a kind of Islam stripped of much of the explicit barbarism of Islam as practiced in the Middle East, but with all the underlying beliefs intact.

We’ve already seen this in the US, with the resurgence of practices like honour killings and female genital mutilation. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.


a30a21 No.1533737


HBO sending off noname as a Hero !!!!

e09b47 No.1533738


When they are crapping their pants and scheeming

7a5aa5 No.1533739


Yay. I won.

Back to digging

765579 No.1533740



18b36a No.1533741

File: 01533b5a044343e⋯.gif (62.89 KB, 800x307, 800:307, checkit.gif)

87ae8a No.1533742

Wow this is the best theory I've heard yet. Yuge if true!

c10a5e No.1533744

File: 245b3c20f2ee17a⋯.jpg (382.87 KB, 2000x1264, 125:79, comfy.jpg)

b7c9ee No.1533745


you..anon.. have

a scary


5f14c3 No.1533746

I may be slow on the uptake, but this article ties Kerr's billionaire boyfriend back to Riza Aziz and that web of Hollywood LLC's we dug on a we weeks back. Apologies if already covered.

https:// pagesix.com/2017/06/15/shady-asian-billionaire-showered-miranda-kerr-with-diamonds/

24a3f8 No.1533747

How the Republican Party was Formed

https://youtu.be/<iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/nvbygAr_aTA" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

24c089 No.1533749


No such thing as ex-C_A

121d49 No.1533750


That tooth brush was a piece of shit.

31ccea No.1533751


They won't be able to walk down the street.

edac25 No.1533752


please confirm this is the same story/notable


>>1532256 New emails show Roger Stone seeking dirt on Hillary Clinton from WikiLeaks founder

thank you


fixed it thank you anon

ed2dbd No.1533753





Go watch 'Get Me Roger Stone', he freely admits to selling access to the US government to foreign factions, along with Manafort. He does it with such glee as well.


He helped get the Parkland sheriff elected too…

bf7c87 No.1533754


I want to believe this but where's your evidence?

a30a21 No.1533755



Is HBO part of the Slush fund ?

976284 No.1533756

File: 77a4128e60e8555⋯.jpg (72.08 KB, 765x381, 255:127, Murderin Joe.jpg)

1e75c9 No.1533757

File: 655069d66f2143d⋯.jpg (242.99 KB, 672x729, 224:243, Yellow Submarine.jpg)

File: c2d5809e4e64120⋯.jpg (255 KB, 835x803, 835:803, Flat Earth Byrd.jpg)

File: 91dd172f60f1917⋯.jpg (383.48 KB, 1140x670, 114:67, Impossible Hubble.jpg)

File: 1424bbc7a8e1ec2⋯.jpg (74.7 KB, 374x615, 374:615, maybe.jpg)

The Craziest Conspiracey That's Actually True

https: //hooktube.com/watch?v=J6CPrGHpmMs

https: //hooktube.com/watch?v=tqYMe-u0NHM

e0b8ce No.1533758

SerialBrain2 followers may enjoy these reads…

RR problems or the brilliant playbook that gave Trump total control of the DOJ.


Messages sent. Learn about Q’s slickest move.


c0f4dd No.1533759

File: 0b95b284e76a6fd⋯.jpg (32.32 KB, 260x400, 13:20, Epstein-Patterson.jpg)

From Notable #1925

>>1532368 Watch CA(Morgan), NY(Weinstein); Pain (Epstein is an informant)

that's a really interesting theory, anon.

here's what's been buggin me --

WHY would BC co-write a fictional novel called


with the author of a best-selling tell-all book on Jeffrey Epstein?


...UNLESS... JE has now become a "PAIN" in the Clintons' asses...


82ea16 No.1533760

File: 7fc0bb792133bd3⋯.png (347.67 KB, 664x387, 664:387, ClipboardImage.png)

Deep state meet the “deep media.”

Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh coined this handy new term during a broadcast this week to designate those news organizations who appear sympathetic or cooperative with the “deep state” — the shadow government rumored to be at work against President Trump and his administration.

Mr. Limbaugh dropped the term on Monday when he was addressing the ongoing Russian collusion investigation and its rumored impact on the 2016 presidential election.

“There isn’t a shred of evidence for it. And everybody except the deep state, the deep media, some in the Republican Party — to this day there are Republicans that believe the Russians colluded, the Russians hacked. I mean, to the extent that they were able to shape the outcome of the election, I simply don’t believe it’s possible,” Mr. Limbaugh told his audience.

Daily Caller columnist Derek Hunter also alluded to the term earlier this week, referring to the work of the “deep state media” in a column and a podcast.

A recent Monmouth University poll recently confirmed that 74 percent of Americans say that the deep state exists as “a group of unelected government and military officials who secretly manipulate or direct national policy.”

Deep Media


8610b6 No.1533761


Jerome Corsi said it on the livestream a few months back.

…he got on a train, remember? kek

2ec68e No.1533762


luckily the people most likely to do this would be Democrats, and this exact crime would serve zero purpose for them, in fact the devastation of CA would likely be the end of the Democratic Party.

1e53ab No.1533763

File: 642859652870aef⋯.jpg (64.92 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Sarah-Acosta.jpg)

There you go

84b785 No.1533764

File: a659b2f917dbb94⋯.png (129.32 KB, 1607x882, 1607:882, Screenshot_79.png)

All this on the Big Island within the last hour!

ecd616 No.1533765


starting to think netflix is. they are now bigger than amazon i think

3db5dd No.1533766


I think I 5:5 what you're getting at. And may concur…

09a8ac No.1533767


No, he's chan-illiterate.


I love everyone who does disclosure and I will support everyone who does it right without sh*tting up everything.

Why so mad at him?

1309f6 No.1533768


I see an owl

a5546a No.1533769

2aa719 No.1533770


This is how they took down FLDS. They were abusing SNAP (food stamps). deseretnews.com/article/865670038/Seth-Jeffs-released-from-jail-after-striking-plea-deal-in-food-stamp-fraud-case.html

48100b No.1533771


Eat a bag of Fuck Off

adbfbb No.1533772



a solid tone

9a74e3 No.1533773


heard bill clinton sung to protect chelsa.

3f673a No.1533774


Whoa. Too close to home. Yea of OKC good ol boys who carry.

24a3f8 No.1533775

File: c87d23f433887a3⋯.jpg (148.53 KB, 854x480, 427:240, Republicans.jpg)


32ec7f No.1533776



The more and more I watch this all unfold I am starting to believe the 3 letter agencies and the bho admin are trying to reverse engineer their crimes.

b1dc76 No.1533777

File: 2c111099b8d0045⋯.png (337.47 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, hawii.png)

Hawaii is doing a lot of shaking tonight - volcano may be getting ready to blow again.

976284 No.1533778

File: 0f4022afd2b0008⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1037x765, 61:45, jje3fe54.png)

31e895 No.1533779

File: 4a048fa90579867⋯.png (601.06 KB, 871x368, 871:368, ImranAwan .png)

RIGGED: Capitol Police “Accidentally” Gave Key Evidence To Imran Awan’s Defense Attorney Instead of Federal Prosecutors.

The Capitol Police turned over a trove of evidence in the alleged Imran Awan House cyberbreach and theft case to the defense attorneys when they were supposed to deliver it to prosecutors instead, according to court documents and a source.

And hours after The Daily Caller News Foundation asked prosecutors about the disclosure, Awan’s lawyer said he had learned of the forthcoming story from a source on Capitol Hill. TheDCNF had not told anyone other than prosecutors about it.

“The cop came to [Awan’s defense attorney] Chris Gowen’s office with a stack of papers … Then he came back and said, ‘I thought you guys were the other party.’ He was very, very angry. But Gowen made copies,” the source, who’s familiar with The Awans, told TheDCNF…


38997d No.1533780

File: cc7cf4e562be9c1⋯.png (601.57 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1560fgdgd.png)


Click the "Show posts options & limits" at the bottom of post window Anon.

Then just paste the raw link in.

No need to cut embed code from YT.

005d3f No.1533781

The fact Mueller's team ignored Caputo's testimony completely validates Caputo.


e09b47 No.1533782

Yeah… once in.. you're a lifer


25f86f No.1533783


Fuck that porch monkey wearing a costume!

1ea68e No.1533784

File: 174d8cc07cb1943⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 547680DC-378D-4FF6-9FCB-AE….png)


um guise…

09374e No.1533785


Now Ford has integrated that shit into its 2018 line. Sync with Alexa. Can I just get Sync without that cunt Alexa? JFC how fucking lazy are people now? Nope can't stop to order shit off Amazon, need to do it while driving to work. They're integrating this shit into cars now to the point where you won't be able to go anywhere, do anything without one of these goddamn devices recording your farts for posterity.

3f673a No.1533786


WJC turns out to have the maternal instinct? Bully!

b1dc76 No.1533787


I see it too.

It is getting ready to blow.

7a5aa5 No.1533788

File: 5eaa200b613e355⋯.jpg (67.39 KB, 435x592, 435:592, monkey-balls_o_507076.jpg)

The trumpanzee!

a3763a No.1533789


>We are getting NO signals about what went down at these two meetings today!!

No leaks is actually a good thing

61dd59 No.1533790

File: 330cee631c3c925⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 2374x1980, 1187:990, MrMaky.jpg)

6f1964 No.1533791


Roger Stone involved with NXIVM.

That's why…

bf7c87 No.1533792


Corsi said it? Nothing he has said was 'on the money', I'd rather believe MegaAnon….

31ccea No.1533793


Aren't those countries invaded and attacked by the U.S lol hahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

3db5dd No.1533794


……..She just made my fucking day.

We shall use this gift…and use it well. ^.^

67daed No.1533795

File: a5a06c6e5f816e0⋯.png (485.85 KB, 653x739, 653:739, CSpan re Schiffty 5-24-18.PNG)



Shiffty said it was nothing

Nope, nothing at all during his 30 second comment



5fd965 No.1533796

White House just tweeted a Throw Back Thursday for POTUS.

That POTUS Tweet has timestamp 9:49 AM - 15 Sep 2017.


d147bc No.1533797

File: 0323cc6fb54188d⋯.gif (3.22 MB, 360x270, 4:3, ibelieve.gif)



3275e0 No.1533798

File: ca9d2cd5c299b86⋯.png (920.35 KB, 1132x603, 1132:603, Nunes Watching.png)

I copied the pic an earlier Anon posted to look at it closer. Nunes doesn't look as amused as RR and the guy looking up. I guess the guy didn't include Nunes in the funny text.

adbfbb No.1533799


if you are familiar with game theory there is humor to be found here

96328d No.1533800


It's a pretty old idea/topic, been being tossed around and widely believed that he was extracted Christmas evening (or maybe morning, I don't remember specifically) and extradited to Switzerland iirc.

Go check way-back past breads, somewhere around #200 ish.

c0f4dd No.1533801

File: e07bb1969884697⋯.png (77.51 KB, 583x350, 583:350, Q524-01.13.18-22.45.39-S.F….png)


Always wondered about Singapore.

Especially considering this Qrumb.

cb24c7 No.1533802

File: faec529868ab1c4⋯.png (154.26 KB, 1023x880, 93:80, 12pages.PNG)

Full text of the House GOP 12 Page Resolution outlining the accusations against Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Lynch et al, and calling for full investigation leading to justice, submitted to the House on Tuesday, May 22.


976284 No.1533803

File: 110c63cc68ecc6d⋯.png (287.82 KB, 803x495, 73:45, MoreOrLessYeah.png)

db4839 No.1533804


I remember reading (someones opinion) sometime after the 2014 outbreak that the real reason that the two Americans were brought back was solely due to Ebola virus patent issues. It was alleged that when patenting a virus there's 'leeway' given for natural mutation and by bringing them back to the US as soon as they touched ground any mutation became the property of original patent holders.

Then of course they were quickly cured.

Interestingly, and I'm not saying that they were directly involved in a legal capacity in this particular instance but both HRC and Michelle Obama have patent/IP experience.

38997d No.1533805

File: f8213858186ec0f⋯.jpg (51.14 KB, 574x511, 82:73, DcYg.jpg)


Trips of Tribulation have spoken

95aeef No.1533806

File: 1f1b7f937474750⋯.png (656.1 KB, 1174x654, 587:327, mm-33.png)

237806 No.1533807


gotta regroup and figure out how to cut the bread.

ed2dbd No.1533808


Communism is the working model for the NWO.

Godlessness and mass genocide.

84b785 No.1533809

File: a659b2f917dbb94⋯.png (129.32 KB, 1607x882, 1607:882, Screenshot_79.png)

File: 2966dafaf0e59e7⋯.png (473.23 KB, 1292x1020, 19:15, Screenshot_74.png)


Yes, just posted this, Anon.

Within the last hour, all of these earthquakes!..

e7de44 No.1533810


Man I really cannot stand the MSM anymore. They are diseased in the hatred of this President. Its like a poison they cannot get out of their system. I know that this is what hate does to people, I just do not hear this on the street or from friends and family. Its very disheartening and it all seems like one big Propaganda Machine. Trump needs a win, a big huge win to that they cannot continue down their evil rhetoric. Jeez I am old enough to remember when most of them loved him. Who the heck do they all think they are fooling?

d45bde No.1533811

File: fd025d0ec9e158d⋯.jpeg (604.43 KB, 1100x2500, 11:25, 578BCA6D-CF99-4FDA-B3A6-0….jpeg)

f4d0b3 No.1533812

File: 5f8d2cf42c7013d⋯.png (72.32 KB, 922x482, 461:241, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a87d15cc2752e4d⋯.png (638.41 KB, 1080x568, 135:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2dec47a03e51668⋯.png (789.43 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, ClipboardImage.png)

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

b50b7d No.1533813

How many time has POTUS retweeted:

Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Dan Scavino Jr.

‏Verified account @Scavino45

3h3 hours ago

Today, @POTUS @realDonaldTrump welcomed 106-year-old Pearl Harbor veteran Ray Chavez of Poway, California to the @WhiteHouse. Chavez is the oldest living Pearl Harbor veteran. http://instagram.com/p/BjLSyRLgIQE/

3 already?

bf7c87 No.1533814


I reckon it was in October 2016 - he hasn't been out on the balcony since then…

734e01 No.1533815


Will watch. Knew he was shady but Jesus,

had no idea he was that bad. That's worse than Manafort.

635e70 No.1533816

DJT has now retweeted the same tweet 3 times. I get notifications.Its a retweet…. retweeted.

b1dc76 No.1533817

File: 01ab350fa2d5490⋯.png (87.38 KB, 1280x841, 1280:841, hawii1.png)


Close up of what is happening Hawaii EQs

31ccea No.1533818

Year-by-year Timeline of America’s Major Wars (1776-2011)

1776 – American Revolutionary War, Chickamagua Wars, Second Cherokee War, Pennamite-Yankee War

1777 – American Revolutionary War, Chickamauga Wars, Second Cherokee War, Pennamite-Yankee War

1778 – American Revolutionary War, Chickamauga Wars, Pennamite-Yankee War

1779 – American Revolutionary War, Chickamauga Wars, Pennamite-Yankee War

1780 – American Revolutionary War, Chickamauga Wars, Pennamite-Yankee War

1781 – American Revolutionary War, Chickamauga Wars, Pennamite-Yankee War

1782 – American Revolutionary War, Chickamauga Wars, Pennamite-Yankee War

1783 – American Revolutionary War, Chickamauga Wars, Pennamite-Yankee War

1784 – Chickamauga Wars, Pennamite-Yankee War, Oconee War

1785 – Chickamauga Wars, Northwest Indian War

1786 – Chickamauga Wars, Northwest Indian War

1787 – Chickamauga Wars, Northwest Indian War

1788 – Chickamauga Wars, Northwest Indian War

1789 – Chickamauga Wars, Northwest Indian War

1790 – Chickamauga Wars, Northwest Indian War

1791 – Chickamauga Wars, Northwest Indian War

1792 – Chickamauga Wars, Northwest Indian War

1793 – Chickamauga Wars, Northwest Indian War

1794 – Chickamauga Wars, Northwest Indian War

1795 – Northwest Indian War

1796 – No major war

1797 – No major war

1798 – Quasi-War

1799 – Quasi-War

1800 – Quasi-War

1801 – First Barbary War

1802 – First Barbary War

1803 – First Barbary War

1804 – First Barbary War

1805 – First Barbary War

1806 – Sabine Expedition

1807 – No major war

1808 – No major war

1809 – No major war

1810 – U.S. occupies Spanish-held West Florida

1811 – Tecumseh’s War

1812 – War of 1812, Tecumseh’s War, Seminole Wars, U.S. occupies Spanish-held Amelia Island and other parts of East Florida

1813 – War of 1812, Tecumseh’s War, Peoria War, Creek War, U.S. expands its territory in West Florida

1814 – War of 1812, Creek War, U.S. expands its territory in Florida, Anti-piracy war

96328d No.1533819


in streaming maybe - but overall? not a chance in hell.

f92c65 No.1533820


Except the CIA is clearly not going to be dismantled. Practically, I don't see how we could do without humint, but Haspel has likely been involved in rogue ops, so where is the CIA smackdown and reformation, at least?

61dd59 No.1533821

File: 0666af67dd7a953⋯.png (1.05 MB, 640x908, 160:227, ClipboardImage.png)

011e78 No.1533822

File: f349121d0c2039c⋯.jpg (72.22 KB, 620x487, 620:487, 2aqtnx.jpg)

52326f No.1533823

File: fdc4c20c7a9608d⋯.gif (57.38 KB, 300x425, 12:17, csm_2017_05_02_Referendum_….gif)

https ://www.vollgeld-initiative.ch/english/

Referendum to return Switzerland to sovereign currency controlled by the state.

If Switzerland is the financial capital of the Cabal and they tell return to state controlled money, would that not prove that the banking cartels are weak if not broken??

31ccea No.1533824

1815 – War of 1812, Second Barbary War, Anti-piracy war

1816 – First Seminole War, Anti-piracy war

1817 – First Seminole War, Anti-piracy war

1818 – First Seminole War, Anti-piracy war

1819 – Yellowstone Expedition, Anti-piracy war

1820 – Yellowstone Expedition, Anti-piracy war

1821 – Anti-piracy war (see note above)

1822 – Anti-piracy war (see note above)

1823 – Anti-piracy war, Arikara War

1824 – Anti-piracy war

1825 – Yellowstone Expedition, Anti-piracy war

1826 – No major war

1827 – Winnebago War

1828 – No major war

1829 – No major war

1830 – No major war 

1831 – Sac and Fox Indian War

1832 – Black Hawk War

1833 – Cherokee Indian War

1834 – Cherokee Indian War, Pawnee Indian Territory Campaign

1835 – Cherokee Indian War, Seminole Wars, Second Creek War

1836 – Cherokee Indian War, Seminole Wars, Second Creek War, Missouri-Iowa Border War

1837 – Cherokee Indian War, Seminole Wars, Second Creek War, Osage Indian War, Buckshot War

1838 – Cherokee Indian War, Seminole Wars, Buckshot War, Heatherly Indian War

1839 – Cherokee Indian War, Seminole Wars

1840 – Seminole Wars, U.S. naval forces invade Fiji Islands

1841 – Seminole Wars, U.S. naval forces invade McKean Island, Gilbert Islands, and Samoa

1842 – Seminole Wars

1843 – U.S. forces clash with Chinese, U.S. troops invade African coast

1844 – Texas-Indian Wars

1845 – Texas-Indian Wars

1846 – Mexican-American War, Texas-Indian Wars

1847 – Mexican-American War, Texas-Indian Wars

1848 – Mexican-American War, Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse War

1849 – Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse War, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians

1850 – Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse War, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, Yuma War, California Indian Wars, Pitt River Expedition

1851 – Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse War, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, Apache Wars, Yuma War, Utah Indian Wars, California Indian Wars

1852 – Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse War, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, Yuma War, Utah Indian Wars, California Indian Wars

1853 – Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse War, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, Yuma War, Utah Indian Wars, Walker War, California Indian Wars

1854 – Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse War, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, Apache Wars, California Indian Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians

b7c9ee No.1533825

I dared to walk through the valley

of the shadow

for about ten minutes


wow they are still ripping POTUS

for the summit snafu

it's like

they really cannot see truth

f0a856 No.1533826

File: 41bb0e2d038cff7⋯.jpg (282.92 KB, 1047x783, 349:261, Breaking News.jpg)


indeed it does

fc1385 No.1533827


Our subs are trapped. The initial hit was damning.

433716 No.1533828



This is good digging info for pedogate/H-Wood. Jenkins is definitely key. I'd love to see that bitch singing like a bird and in an orange jumpsuit.

a3763a No.1533829



Deep Media. I like it!

38997d No.1533830

File: 22570e2b1d5e8dc⋯.jpg (58.88 KB, 404x540, 101:135, 1522258892083.jpg)


Earthquakes in Afghanistan too it appears.

Could be Freedom Tremors?

baeecf No.1533831

File: eea07ef93e86d29⋯.png (26.8 KB, 634x204, 317:102, Trump on Twitter_ _Negotia….png)

There’s always a tweet: Check out Trump’s 2014 advice on ‘Negotiations 101’


9a74e3 No.1533832


someone gave the shills the night off.

a5546a No.1533833



Team was in Singapore for more than one reason.

a9c69d No.1533834


6fc3cf No.1533835

File: 37bfc81f8f206c6⋯.png (104.97 KB, 877x424, 877:424, Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at ….png)

File: d15e2c7b50259a2⋯.jpg (81.65 KB, 1000x795, 200:159, pepe.jpg)

b50b7d No.1533836


Hard to catch the deltas.

About 21:07 EST

About 21:23 EST

and now this one.

43f97e No.1533837

This guy is STILL running around and is executing his long term plan to undermine this country, self-funding millions on DA races for HIS candidates - and nothing is stopping him!

http:// www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-prosecutor-campaign-20180523-story.html

"Wealthy donors are spending millions of dollars to back would-be prosecutors who want to reduce incarceration, crack down on police misconduct and revamp a bail system they contend unfairly imprisons poor people before trial.

The effort is part of a years-long campaign by liberal groups to reshape the nation's criminal justice system. New York billionaire George Soros headlines a consortium of private funders, the American Civil Liberties Union and other social justice groups and Democratic activists targeting four of the 56 district attorney positions up for election on June 5. Five other California candidates are receiving lesser support."

67a28d No.1533838


fuck off LARP

931379 No.1533839


This is awesome, anon. Wonderful job of painting the picture from a 40,000ft view.


(I might have to use this, gets right to the heart of it all tehe)

31ccea No.1533840

1855 – Seminole Wars, Texas-Indian Wars, Cayuse War, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, Apache Wars, California Indian Wars, Yakima War, Winnas Expedition, Klickitat War, Puget Sound War, Rogue River Wars, U.S. forces invade Fiji Islands and Uruguay

1856 – Seminole Wars, Texas-Indian Wars, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, California Indian Wars, Puget Sound War, Rogue River Wars, Tintic War

1857 – Seminole Wars, Texas-Indian Wars, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, California Indian Wars, Utah War, Conflict in Nicaragua

1858 – Seminole Wars, Texas-Indian Wars, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, Mohave War, California Indian Wars, Spokane-Coeur d’Alene-Paloos War, Utah War, U.S. forces invade Fiji Islands and Uruguay

1859 Texas-Indian Wars, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, California Indian Wars, Pecos Expedition, Antelope Hills Expedition, Bear River Expedition, John Brown’s raid, U.S. forces launch attack against Paraguay, U.S. forces invade Mexico

1860 – Texas-Indian Wars, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, Apache Wars, California Indian Wars, Paiute War, Kiowa-Comanche War

1861 – American Civil War, Texas-Indian Wars, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, Apache Wars, California Indian Wars, Cheyenne Campaign

1862 – American Civil War, Texas-Indian Wars, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, Apache Wars, California Indian Wars, Cheyenne Campaign, Dakota War of 1862,

1863 – American Civil War, Texas-Indian Wars, Southwest Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, Apache Wars, California Indian Wars, Cheyenne Campaign, Colorado War, Goshute War

1864 – American Civil War, Texas-Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, Apache Wars, California Indian Wars, Cheyenne Campaign, Colorado War, Snake War

1865 – American Civil War, Texas-Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, Apache Wars, California Indian Wars, Colorado War, Snake War, Utah’s Black Hawk War

1866 – Texas-Indian Wars, Navajo Wars, Apache Wars, California Indian Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Snake War, Utah’s Black Hawk War, Red Cloud’s War, Franklin County War, U.S. invades Mexico, Conflict with China

1867 – Texas-Indian Wars, Long Walk of the Navajo, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Snake War, Utah’s Black Hawk War, Red Cloud’s War, Comanche Wars, Franklin County War, U.S. troops occupy Nicaragua and attack Taiwan

1868 – Texas-Indian Wars, Long Walk of the Navajo, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Snake War, Utah’s Black Hawk War, Red Cloud’s War, Comanche Wars, Battle of Washita River, Franklin County War

1869 – Texas-Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Utah’s Black Hawk War, Comanche Wars, Franklin County War

1870 – Texas-Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Utah’s Black Hawk War, Comanche Wars, Franklin County War

1871 – Texas-Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Utah’s Black Hawk War, Comanche Wars, Franklin County War, Kingsley Cave Massacre, U.S. forces invade Korea

1872 – Texas-Indian Wars, Apache Wars, Utah’s Black Hawk War, Comanche Wars, Modoc War, Franklin County War

1873 – Texas-Indian Wars, Comanche Wars, Modoc War, Apache Wars, Cypress Hills Massacre, U.S. forces invade Mexico

1874 – Texas-Indian Wars, Comanche Wars, Red River War, Mason County War, U.S. forces invade Mexico

1875 – Conflict in Mexico, Texas-Indian Wars, Comanche Wars, Eastern Nevada, Mason County War, Colfax County War, U.S. forces invade Mexico

1876 – Texas-Indian Wars, Black Hills War, Mason County War, U.S. forces invade Mexico

1877 – Texas-Indian Wars, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Black Hills War, Nez Perce War, Mason County War, Lincoln County War, San Elizario Salt War, U.S. forces invade Mexico

1878 – Paiute Indian conflict, Bannock War, Cheyenne War, Lincoln County War, U.S. forces invade Mexico

5bed41 No.1533841

WTF! Why was [RR] at the briefing today?

1e75c9 No.1533842

File: bf742b244fdb6d9⋯.jpg (99.79 KB, 935x696, 935:696, Long Bridge no curve.jpg)

31ccea No.1533843

1879 – Cheyenne War, Sheepeater Indian War, White River War, U.S. forces invade Mexico

1880 – U.S. forces invade Mexico

1881 – U.S. forces invade Mexico

1882 – U.S. forces invade Mexico

1883 – U.S. forces invade Mexico

1884 – U.S. forces invade Mexico

1885 – Apache Wars, Eastern Nevada Expedition, U.S. forces invade Mexico

1886 – Apache Wars, Pleasant Valley War, U.S. forces invade Mexico

1887 – U.S. forces invade Mexico

1888 – U.S. show of force against Haiti, U.S. forces invade Mexico

1889 – U.S. forces invade Mexico

1890 – Sioux Indian War, Skirmish between 1st Cavalry and Indians, Ghost Dance War, Wounded Knee, U.S. forces invade Mexico

1891 – Sioux Indian War, Ghost Dance War, U.S. forces invade Mexico

1892 – Johnson County War, U.S. forces invade Mexico

1893 – U.S. forces invade Mexico and Hawaii

1894 – U.S. forces invade Mexico

1895 – U.S. forces invade Mexico, Bannock Indian Disturbances

1896 – U.S. forces invade Mexico

1897 – No major war

1898 – Spanish-American War, Battle of Leech Lake, Chippewa Indian Disturbances

1899 – Philippine-American War, Banana Wars

1900 – Philippine-American War, Banana Wars

1901 – Philippine-American War, Banana Wars

1902 – Philippine-American War, Banana Wars

1903 – Philippine-American War, Banana Wars

1904 – Philippine-American War, Banana Wars

1905 – Philippine-American War, Banana Wars

1906 – Philippine-American War, Banana Wars

1907 – Philippine-American War, Banana Wars

1908 – Philippine-American War, Banana Wars

1909 – Philippine-American War, Banana Wars

1910 – Philippine-American War, Banana Wars

1911 – Philippine-American War, Banana Wars

1912 – Philippine-American War, Banana Wars

1913 – Philippine-American War, Banana Wars, New Mexico Navajo War

1914 – Banana Wars, U.S. invades Mexico

1915 – Banana Wars, U.S. invades Mexico, Colorado Paiute War

1916 – Banana Wars, U.S. invades Mexico

1917 – Banana Wars, World War I, U.S. invades Mexico

1918 – Banana Wars, World War I, U.S invades Mexico

1919 – Banana Wars, U.S. invades Mexico

1920 – Banana Wars

1921 – Banana Wars

1922 – Banana Wars

1923 – Banana Wars, Posey War

1924 – Banana Wars

1925 – Banana Wars

1926 – Banana Wars

1927 – Banana Wars

1928 – Banana Wars

1930 – Banana Wars

1931 – Banana Wars

1932 – Banana Wars

1933 – Banana Wars

1934 – Banana Wars

1935 – No major war

1936 – No major war

1937 – No major war

1938 – No major war

1939 – No major war

1940 – No major war

a3763a No.1533844


The Jetsons didn't tell us about that shit

3d142d No.1533845



Comey was Deputy AG in 2003 and check out the similarities in this investigation and MODERN DAY RUSSIA!RUSSIA!RUSSIA!

On September 30, 2003, President Bush said that if there had been "a leak" from his administration about Plame, "I want to know who it is … and if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of."[17] Initially, the White House denied that Karl Rove, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Chief of Staff of Vice President Dick Cheney, were involved in the leak.[18]

Attorney General John Ashcroft


recused himself from involvement with the investigation because of his close involvement with the White House, and the responsibility for oversight fell to James B. Comey,


a former prosecutor who had just been appointed deputy attorney general three weeks previously.[19] Comey then appointed Patrick Fitzgerald


to investigate the matter as Special Counsel[19] who convened a grand jury. The CIA leak grand jury investigation did not result in the indictment or conviction of anyone for any crime in connection with the leak itself. However, Libby


was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice, one count of perjury, and three counts of making false statements to the grand jury and federal investigators on October 28, 2005. Libby resigned hours after the indictment.


PLAME AFFAIR needs more digging!

12c882 No.1533846

https:// www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/may/24/facebook-accused-of-conducting-mass-surveillance-through-its-apps

31ccea No.1533847

1941 – World War II

1942 – World War II

1943 – Wold War II

1944 – World War II

1945 – World War II

1946 – Cold War (U.S. occupies the Philippines and South Korea)

1947 – Cold War (U.S. occupies South Korea, U.S. forces land in Greece to fight Communists)

1948 – Cold War (U.S. forces aid Chinese Nationalist Party against Communists)

1949 – Cold War (U.S. forces aid Chinese Nationalist Party against Communists)

1950 – Korean War, Jayuga Uprising

1951 – Korean War

1952 – Korean War

1953 – Korean War

1954 – Covert War in Guatemala

1955 – Vietnam War

1956 – Vietnam War

1957 – Vietnam War

1958 – Vietnam War

1959 – Vietnam War, Conflict in Haiti

1960 – Vietam War

1961 – Vietnam War

1962 – Vietnam War, Cold War (Cuban Missile Crisis; U.S. marines fight Communists in Thailand)

1963 – Vietnam War

1964 – Vietnam War

1965 – Vietnam War, U.S. occupation of Dominican Republic

1966 – Vietnam War, U.S. occupation of Dominican Republic

1967 – Vietnam War

1968 – Vietnam War

1969 – Vietnam War

1970 – Vietnam War

1971 – Vietnam War

1972 – Vietnam War

1973 – Vietnam War, U.S. aids Israel in Yom Kippur War

1974 – Vietnam War

1975 – Vietnam War

1976 – No major war

1977 – No major war

1978 – No major war

1979 – Cold War (CIA proxy war in Afghanistan)

1980 – Cold War (CIA proxy war in Afghanistan)

1981 – Cold War (CIA proxy war in Afghanistan and Nicaragua), First Gulf of Sidra Incident

1982 – Cold War (CIA proxy war in Afghanistan and Nicaragua), Conflict in Lebanon

1983 – Cold War (Invasion of Grenada, CIA proxy war in Afghanistan and Nicaragua), Conflict in Lebanon

1984 – Cold War (CIA proxy war in Afghanistan and Nicaragua), Conflict in Persian Gulf

1985 – Cold War (CIA proxy war in Afghanistan and Nicaragua)

1986 – Cold War (CIA proxy war in Afghanistan and Nicaragua)

1987 – Conflict in Persian Gulf

1988 – Conflict in Persian Gulf, U.S. occupation of Panama

1989 – Second Gulf of Sidra Incident, U.S. occupation of Panama, Conflict in Philippines

1990 – First Gulf War, U.S. occupation of Panama

1991 – First Gulf War

96328d No.1533848


I could believe it. I truthfully never saw Killary and Bill as anything other than a marriage of convenience. Certainly don't think Bill is anything short of reprehensible, but I also don't hold him in the same tier of hellspawn as her either.

635e70 No.1533849


yes. i dont know a way to see that time. Notifications are delayed a bit

465a41 No.1533850



First few posts… do you guys even understabd Q??

Good night faggots.

09374e No.1533851


My uncle has also got the whole "smart home" setup going on and was showing me all of the shit he can do in his house once when he and my aunt were visiting my mom. I said to him "If you can turn on your oven remotely, so can others." He looked at me like I'm insane. Well…?

31ccea No.1533852

1992 – Conflict in Iraq

1993 – Conflict in Iraq

1994 – Conflict in Iraq, U.S. invades Haiti

1995 – Conflict in Iraq, U.S. invades Haiti, NATO bombing of Bosnia and Herzegovina

1996 – Conflict in Iraq

1997 – No major war

1998 – Bombing of Iraq, Missile strikes against Afghanistan and Sudan

1999 – Kosovo War

2000 – No major war

2001 – War on Terror in Afghanistan

2002 – War on Terror in Afghanistan and Yemen

2003 – War on Terror in Afghanistan, and Iraq

2004 – War on Terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen

2005 – War on Terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen

2006 – War on Terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen

2007 – War on Terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen

2008 – War on Terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen

2009 – War on Terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen

2010 – War on Terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen

2011 – War on Terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen; Conflict in Libya (Libyan Civil War)

In most of these wars, the U.S. was on the offense. Danios admits that some of the wars were defensive.   However, Danios also leaves out covert CIA operations and other acts which could be considered war.

Let’s update what’s happened since 2011:

2012 – War on Terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria and Yemen

2013 – War on Terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria and Yemen

2014 – War on Terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria and Yemen; Civil War in Ukraine

2015 – War on Terror in Somalia, Somalia, Syria and Yemen; Civil War in Ukraine

So we can add 4 more years of war. That means that for 222 out of 239 years – or 93% of the time – America has been at war. (We can quibble with the exact numbers, but the high percentage of time that America has been at war is clear and unmistakable.)

Indeed, most of the military operations launched since World War II have been launched by the U.S.

And American military spending dwarfs the rest of the world put together.

No wonder polls show that the world believes America is the number 1 threat to peace.


84b785 No.1533853


Are we going to war with the Indians, Anon???


Wounded Knee X 1000!

349bf5 No.1533854





i dont know what valiant thor is supposed to reference,

but dulce wars according to phil schnieder was war between the US and grey aliens who where occupying a DUMB in dulce nm.

you trying to make a connection there?

38997d No.1533855

File: 982b436baebc9ba⋯.jpg (68.69 KB, 504x470, 252:235, 1525840149422.jpg)




5ff50b No.1533856


you missed WW I

32ec7f No.1533857


They haven't contacted Wikileaks either. They could at least try to ask them where the source of the Podesta and/or DNC emails came from.

0307c5 No.1533859


This fool got flamed on twatter for this ridiculous post

931379 No.1533860

File: 7ac879886c22f5c⋯.jpg (24.53 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Creep.jpg)



24c089 No.1533861



Research the firm of Black, Manafort, Stone & Kelly.


NYT, 1987




Black, Manafort & Stone was taking on so many ostensibly nonpolitical clients that in 1985 it divided itself into two distinct (albeit overlapping) entities. Campaign Consultants Inc., a seven-person operation, handles only domestic Republican clients; two of its partners, Roger Stone and Charles R. Black Jr., are personally volunteering their services to Rep. Jack Kemp's Presidential campaign, according to Mr. Stone, and partner Lee Atwater is managing Vice President George Bush's presidential race as an individual project. The principals of Black, Manafort, Stone & Kelly, on the other hand, do partisan work for both Democrats and Republicans, and do consulting and lobbying for corporations, trade associations and foreign governments. CRITICS, and some consultants, claim that the only thing these strategists have to offer corporate clients is access to their political clients. The New Republic, noting the Stone firms' political contacts as well as their $100,000-per-year representation of Kamen Aerospace and $6,000-a-month contract for Salomon Brothers, labeled Roger Stone the state-of-the-art Washington sleazeball.

31ccea No.1533862

ecd616 No.1533863

File: 7be1cc23c636aaf⋯.png (179.5 KB, 1735x530, 347:106, ClipboardImage.png)


you're right. but….

09a8ac No.1533864


It's a famefag. Notable only if most anons come from plebbit or similar sites.

cb24c7 No.1533865


Hussein took 29m from Singapore. No name took 19m. Singapore is not a rich country. that money came THROUGH Singapore.

2987e0 No.1533866


The craziest is the remote car starters.

A while back Ford had radio ads bragging about how you could start your car from anywhere.

I had the same reaction you did.

The only time I want my car starting is when I am in it!

1e75c9 No.1533867


Society has done that long enough.

It's time to stop allowing ignorant bashing to

stop our mission to spread truth.

9a74e3 No.1533868

File: f65e80dd0654ff6⋯.jpg (12.3 KB, 480x360, 4:3, earth is round...period. s….jpg)


for (you)

8e91f2 No.1533869

1de364 No.1533870


Thats what im bloody confused about.

61dd59 No.1533871

File: ea5fed9b497a60e⋯.png (255.51 KB, 290x517, 290:517, ClipboardImage.png)

5a9850 No.1533872


wonder if they set it off covering crimes like Epstein's Island

5f9513 No.1533873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

527295 No.1533874


Maybe some Dems, who usually leak, got arrested and sent to Gitmo. We can only hope

ed2dbd No.1533875


Oh yeah, he's a swamp thing all the way.

I'm not convinced he set Trump up, but it wouldn't surprise me at this point.

cb24c7 No.1533876


anything with code can be hacked.

And rest assured, all this shit has backdoors in it that could be activated by clowns and used against you

9b8a55 No.1533877


schiff cried about not being invited to the original meeting simply because it wouldn't have given him this opportunity to get in front of a press pool

i can't remember another person as thirsty for the camera

a30a21 No.1533878


maybe renegade took the money fromthe slush fund and washed it with netflix. It was a job for both him and his wife. Same with noname giving to his wife and the smile organization.

3d6fa9 No.1533879

File: 955a5930a0a4ed2⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1047x783, 349:261, ClipboardImage.png)


There, FIXT

f4d0b3 No.1533880

File: 8063849fa3df177⋯.png (764.64 KB, 864x755, 864:755, ClipboardImage.png)

Feds Seized a Fortune From #Resistance Icons Accused of Boosting Online ‘Ponzi Schemes’

Homeland Security investigator alleged ‘reasonable cause’ to believe Ed and Brian Krassenstein illegally hawked investment scams.

Lachlan Markay

05.22.18 9:43 AM ET

In late 2016, federal agents showed up at the Fort Myers, Florida, homes of brothers Brian and Edward Krassenstein, seizing computers and financial records, and hauling off “at least 20 to 30 bundles of stuff.”

At the time, the story was just a notable blip on local media’s crime blotter. But in the two years since, the Krassensteins have become more than a pair of local businessmen. They’re now prominent members of the online anti-Trump “resistance.”

According to the feds, the brothers also, until recently, ran websites that propped up fraudulent online financial scams. Law enforcement officials last year seized nearly half a million dollars from the brothers, money that prosecutors say was derived from wire fraud. The Krassensteins, who have not been charged with any crimes, maintain that they did nothing wrong or illegal.

The brothers remain extremely popular in corners of the anti-Trump left, having parlayed their vehement, often conspiratorial opposition to the president into social-media fame, with well over a million followers between them. They also run the standalone news websites Independent Reporter and Hill Reporter where, like Twitter, their brand of #Resistance—a label that they eschew, but which aptly fits their frequent calls for the impeachment and prosecution of the president—has galvanized Trump critics.

But it has also drawn the scrutiny and criticism of progressive activists who see the Krassensteins as opportunists distracting from a more productive message. While others have been accused of using the anti-Trump “resistance” to line their own pockets, the Krassensteins have a documented history of involvement with shady internet get-rich-quick schemes—a history that one federal financial investigator had reason to believe amounted to a criminal conspiracy.

“There’s a lot of money to be made,” says Nomiki Konst, a progressive activist and journalist, in building up the sorts of online followings enjoyed by the Krassenstein brothers. Konst, a former surrogate for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign and an investigative reporter for The Young Turks, told The Daily Beast that “a lot of people realized they can get a lot of airtime talking about impeaching Trump rather than talking about solutions that will help everyday Americans.”

Long before they took up the #Resistance mantle, the Krassensteins began hawking dubious investment advice—way back in 2003—on a pair of internet forums, selling ads to online money-making operations that included a number of apparent scams, including some run by people later convicted on charges ranging from fraud to capital murder.


9990e5 No.1533881

Request for help from anons. Did Q ever make reference to William/Bill Cooper and/or his book? I went to Qpub and did a cursory check but I may not have searched appropriately. Thanks in advance if someone comes up with an answer.

da07ee No.1533882


Scheduled for June. Doesn't sound like this will wrap up before the mid terms.

I sure thought the EO would force DOJ to declassify it all and we would have public disclosure. One of these days I will learn not to get excited about any of it.

38997d No.1533883

File: 40e564d746ae916⋯.jpg (15.14 KB, 193x255, 193:255, Mopheus.jpg)





Strong Correlations b/w PLAME AFFAIR & MUELLER PROBE

8984b5 No.1533884


Most people in the world like Americans, but HATE America. And it's because of this plus lack of knowledge of their own history because lot of EU countries are war mongers too.

3328a9 No.1533885


Not an FE'er but that's a go-pro lens.

The earth would have to be about 10 times smaller for that to be real. He was only ip about 72 miles, if I remember correctly.

c0f4dd No.1533886


thanks for the hooktube. The Senate Dems were saying similar a month ago in Adm. Rogers' final public hearing. Laying out the excuses already to muck stuff up for 2 more years. Typical.


They are backtracking like mofo's aren't they? Almost like they are trapped in a web of their own making ;)

ecd616 No.1533887


they record mine, they're gonna need a bigger data storage building…

09a8ac No.1533888


>V A L I A N T T H O R

Ike's Pleiadian in the White House

Back then the Cabal was very strong, so Ike had deals with negative Greys even though he had Pleiadian guidance too.

>D U L C E W A R S

Deep Underground Military Base clearing from around the early 2000s.

But where did you get those letters from?

3d142d No.1533889


It's a movie!



AG John Ashcroft……..played by AG Sessions

Deputy AG James B. Commey……Rod Rosenstein

SC Patrick Fitzgerald…..played by Bob Mueller

Libby……played by Michael Flynn

312f70 No.1533890


there is a lot of wealth in Singapore. It is like an Asian Switzerland, like holy ground for the elite and money.

Of course, none of the wealth works it's way into the public.

da07ee No.1533891


an anon referenced a quote from the book and Q tagged his post. Thinking back in Jan or Feb.

b1dc76 No.1533892


How do you set off a volcano?

It takes a virgin daughter of the King to stop one, but how do you start one 10 KM down?

82467d No.1533893


Noice photoshop skills.

Top KEK!

9a74e3 No.1533894

the answer to all questions.

sex, money or power.


1e75c9 No.1533895

File: b13b3f70885f3e1⋯.jpg (76.94 KB, 1238x696, 619:348, Dog Cam.jpg)


for (you)

take away the fish eye lense and the "curve" goes


108,267 feet high.

60cdbe No.1533896


Meet the Krassenfuckers

35da74 No.1533897

File: 74a6cd0455fe44e⋯.jpg (66.05 KB, 499x742, 499:742, fe ball.jpg)

File: 8d3556c2f00a550⋯.jpg (657.69 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 23 and a half.jpg)

82ea16 No.1533898

File: ccf30411703138f⋯.png (699.86 KB, 871x531, 871:531, ClipboardImage.png)

Anti-Trump forces threaten GOP lawmakers' lives in name of #Resistance

Political conversations have grown increasingly nasty in recent years, and it may be spawning something even worse: a growing number of people taking their vitriol to another level by threatening members of Congress.

In the past couple of months, the Justice Department announced action in four cases involving people who threatened serious harm, or even death, to federal lawmakers.

Most of those threats were made online, reflecting just one way people can convey their most vulgar feelings toward those on other sides of public policy disputes.

Most of the targets have been Republican lawmakers, who are in the crosshairs of anti-Trump forces who relish their stance as a self-styled #Resistance.

Authorities said Rep. Bob Goodlatte, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has been the brunt of such venom. Christopher Michael McGowan, the man accused of threatening the life of the Virginia Republican, seems to have disliked Mr. Goodlatte’s attempts to question the direction of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the 2016 presidential campaign.

“I’m serious @BobGoodlatte6,” ran part of a tweet Mr. McGowan is accused of sending in April. “You keep [expletive] with our constitution and challenged Mueller and the last you will see by my patriot ass behind a gun.”

In an email sent quickly to local police, Mr. McGowan, 38, said he had been drinking and made a mistake. But prosecutors say Mr. McGowan returned to Twitter days later to brag about his threats to kill the congressman.


One of Mr. Goodlatte’s neighbors, Rep. Thomas A Garrett Jr., received threats via Facebook.

Prosecutors secured an indictment against Eun Soo Lee, 28, of Cypress, California, accusing him of threatening to “curb-stomp” the Virginia Republican and told him, “You’re dead if I ever meet you in real life, [expletive]. I’ll [expletive] kill you.”


It’s unclear whether Mr. Lee is the author because the message appears to be a copy-and-paste of a generic rant that has circulated through internet forums in recent years.

Indeed, the intent of the person ranting and the level of intent they represent are thorny issues for law enforcement, which must navigate between First Amendment rights and genuine threats.

“I don’t envy the job law enforcement has of distinguishing between what we have to investigate and what we let slide, especially because you worry that the one case you overlook could have catastrophic consequences,” said Keith E. Whittington, a political science professor at Princeton University.

Although the occupant of the White House gets the brunt of threats, the 535 members of Congress, often very visible in their communities, also are targets. A congressman from Colorado was instructed to wear body armor while delivering public speeches.

It would be easier to dismiss these disturbed rants were it not for James T. Hodgkinson, a left-wing zealot set on assassinating Republicans. He drove from Illinois to Virginia, cased the ballpark in Alexandria where Republican lawmakers were practicing for the annual Congressional Baseball Game and, on June 14, 2017, unleashed 62 rounds from a rifle and a handgun.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Louisiana Republican, was shot in the hip and gravely wounded.

“We live in a politically divided country, and that’s been the case for years,” he said. “But while I’m not going to allow it to change my plans to get out and campaign for our conservative majority, I am concerned with the level of political vitriol in our country.”

Mr. Scalise often points to his long-standing friendship with Democratic Rep. Cedric L. Richmond. The two met while cutting their political teeth together in the Louisiana Legislature.

“I’ve always felt strongly that political differences should never devolve into personal attacks, and have been able to build strong friendships with colleagues on both sides of the aisle,” the majority whip said.

The FBI investigated the shooting incident and determined that “we are not seeing a sustained trend in criminal threats to members of Congress,” agency spokeswoman Nora Scheland said.

Eva Malecki, a spokeswoman for U.S. Capitol Police, which provides protection for members of Congress both in Washington and in their home districts, declined to discuss how her office is addressing the spate of threats.

The Justice Department declined to comment beyond press releases and referred all questions to the FBI.

https:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/may/24/republicans-congress-face-death-threats-anti-trump/

1ea68e No.1533899

File: bdebceec749b615⋯.jpeg (541.13 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, FDE395E2-97CA-4B44-96B8-4….jpeg)


good list

but the ending sucked ass

a30a21 No.1533900


maybe a good meme.

ebd31d No.1533901


Kek! Love #3. #4 says it all.

31ccea No.1533902


U.S allies. Yes of course.

38997d No.1533903


Good point.

674978 No.1533904

File: a94ffef627f7e43⋯.jpg (31.8 KB, 290x383, 290:383, AngryMop.JPG)

ca1659 No.1533905



5ff50b No.1533906


a nuke

02a961 No.1533907

File: d4ffba5a89f83d8⋯.png (244.17 KB, 664x568, 83:71, 1527212526452.png)

caa13e No.1533908


particle accelerator in space

fac968 No.1533909

File: ad29d37f174fdea⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 2396x1908, 599:477, bagpiperegiment.jpg)

This is important y'all.

Remember how on the Friday last, there were many "events" and somehow they could be, and were by anons, interpreted as threats to POTUS?

As they did to JFK before they arranged his assassination? They are sick fucks.

I saw this picture a while ago [St. Patrick's Day] on the front page of the New York Times and I knew it wasn't right. The bagpipers were walking into a shadow. And they were walking by the front of Trump Towers on 5th Ave. right as the image was taken. No accident.

This has to do with the sorcery of these assholes.

Read about it here as having to do with the killing of JFK

[By the way, JFK's birthday is the 29th of May]

"King Kill 33"

https:// archive.org/details/KingKill33V2_201604

(Not sure if this is the original and complete text; it's been repressed)

For instance, it was "Patrick's Day," why the kilts [Scots] on the front page? Why in a shadow? Walking into a shadow?

And it was known POTUS was from Scot lineage. The English hate [they are racist.]. And really the head of the NYTimes at the time [and still?] came over here after a long stint with the BBC and as a cover-up artist for pedo Savile. So he is connected with the Brits.

Anyway just recently looking at the unwinding / decoding of the Kennedy killing "King Kill 33" I saw a reference to the Scots guard marching.

I sense there is something to it. Anons,

I believe in Karma. I believe the karma of the past comes down to us. The McB*** play is an historical play. [King Kill 33 makes reference to that play and it's connection to the JFK killing] It was real. There is a curse on the play. All serious actors know about it. You can't say the name of the play in the theatre; It's a tradition.

There is a reason you are censored from saying the name. McNoName. Weren't we supposed to figure out why we are not to say the name of McNoName?

There's a reason for all the Mc-names around the US.A. government Admin? Dont know if you've noticed there are so many. Quite a coincidence? And POTUS is from an ancient lineage of a Scot King. I saw it in his genealogy.

Anyway weather you believe in all that or not, Read this passage and look at the image.. POTUS must be very careful and we must pray very hard. "It's not a Game"

They are laying down a "spell" The whole "grin on the face of Schiff" today; Schiff-eating Grin; is very unsettling to me. What the hell is he grinning about, like a Joker. It's creepy.

Just some secret society connections here.

Most people doing Q research would not have time nor inclination to read through it… But just so you all know I'm writing this summary and showing the image. - It is with the intention, not of fatalism, but of creating a different and variant history than the one which these evil folks have desired and planned for.

A Wise Aphorism:

"The sorrow that is to come [?] can and should be avoided!"

I believe the regiment on the front page was Scot, but that fact was not mentioned in the paper, nor was the name of their regiment mentioned. They were Anon. Much as the Scots Regiment which came to the White House to play shortly before JFK was killed. They were supposed to represent ":the All."

. I figured out they were Scot because of the type of pipe; [and because of the kilt!] though it isn't that easy to see the exact type of pipe because their backs are turned away from the viewer in the photo!

I was alarmed when I saw this; immediately.

Backs Turned..

Not good. The NYTimes did this on purpose.

There should be some kind of verse or song to dispel what they are doing? To as many people as possible. I can pray from the Bible, but it should be a massive effort. A large group. Play back at them with their own game?

That red-head who displayed his severed head. WTF? What about the Fox news commentator just attacked in public and no consequences.

61dd59 No.1533910

File: 245fe9d7aeec089⋯.png (154.2 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

31ccea No.1533911


Truth. It sucks ass.

5da6d2 No.1533912



2ec68e No.1533913


Wow. A smart home is definitely one of the stupidest things to have.

Well presumably your uncle keeps a low profile in life and isn't worried about privacy. For many people, having outsiders plugged into their lives would not make a shitload of difference.

60cdbe No.1533914


Same way as the California fires, perhaps?

afea74 No.1533915


"How long, Strong God, Holy and True? How long before you step in and avenge our murders?" Then each martyr was given a white robe and told to sit back and wait until the full number of martyrs was filled from among their servant companions and friends in the faith."

daaa6a No.1533916


NICE bread Baker! Thankin you lots

09374e No.1533917


It's a case of "ignorance is bliss" combined with "bored and retired" along with "absurdly large pension" as well as "quasi-tech geek."

edac25 No.1533918

2nd TO LAST CALL for Notables


>>1533509 WJC commutes 16 members of FALN, P-Rican terrorists, 120 bombs in USA

>>1533492 WSJ NK calls off summit calls pence 'dummy' (CFR Propoganda)

>>1533525 Indonesian police Board yacht hunt $$$playboy who gave Miranda Kerr $9mil in diamonds

>>1533697 (((Nikki Haley))) confronted in Houston, Palestinian blood on her hands

>>1533698 Bishop Accountability Chart

>>1533673 Dem candidate Iowa accused of sexual misconduct drops out

>>1533760 wash-times, Limbaugh Coin new Narrative "deep media"

>>1533554, >>1533560 NameFag Zika/Ebola, ties to Bill Gates

>>1533760 wash-times, Limbaugh Coin/push new Narrative "deep media"

>>1533779 Cap Police “Accidentally” Gave evidence to Awan’s Attorney, not Fed Prosecutors

>>1533845 strong Correlations b/w PLAME AFFAIR & MUELLER PROBE (Moar digging please)

Let me know if i missed any please

Comfy Baker

b295a4 No.1533919



Just so you understand. Q has never said anything negative about Rosenstein or Mueller. All Q said was RR problems and asked what his senate confirmation vote was. Sessions' vote was too close. Had he appointed Mueller it would have appeared too partisan. Rosenstein, on the other hand, only had a few vote against him. Rosenstein problems doesn't mean there are real problems. Q was telling us how the stupid people in the media were interpreting the intentional misinformation about Rosenstein being fed by people like Sarah Carter. Just like the time that Q said why did Rosenstein [beg] Paul Ryan not to release the memo? He didn't really beg. This was just a trick to make the dumbass leftists think that Rosenstein was corrupt and trying to go after POTUS. As a result, leftists started defending Rosenstein. Now, they will have to accept his evidence of Obama's treason when it's finally presented. These people are stupid.

c459db No.1533920

File: ffd1b1401db2eff⋯.jpg (41.76 KB, 611x515, 611:515, War_Tolstoy.JPG)

5a9850 No.1533921



67a28d No.1533922

File: ba25012da0a73df⋯.png (883.83 KB, 872x2144, 109:268, Trump already went to NK.png)

31ccea No.1533923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nice. Ty!

90cb8b No.1533924



POTUS will have a tough time fixing NK while SK has ITS renegade president

SK prez Moon Jae In is a NK spy.

His father was sent from NK to SK.

Moon Jae In has been touting POTUS's summit as HIS sucess

Elections for SK parliament coming soon

That's why summit cancel for time-being

3db5dd No.1533925


My mother and I have refused to spend much time in my brother's home since he did that shit.

593f26 No.1533926

Has any anon done any digging on "Now comes the pain__23" and Room 23. Watch CA & NY.

I realize that is not exactly what the password was…

a9c69d No.1533927


Somebody opens fire in an establishment in Oklahoma can't expect to die from the armed citizens.

c0f4dd No.1533928




ah, without grabbing sauce, i believe Singapore is either #1 or #2 in category of the highest wealth per capita in the WORLD.

82ea16 No.1533929


I think this sounds like something that could stick like glue:) I should be used very generously!

38997d No.1533930

File: 655b77e4b4e3901⋯.jpg (51.45 KB, 750x698, 375:349, Generosity.jpg)


Looks good chef

9a74e3 No.1533931

File: 827cda49a1aded5⋯.jpg (19.09 KB, 467x253, 467:253, NEXT-must-try-harder.jpg)


where can you buy a fish eye lense?


a30a21 No.1533932


War on drugs

War on Terror

052372 No.1533933

How do we know that Hillary wasn't already put to death and that bumbling buffoon we see that can hardly walk isn't a clone breaking down?

3b8c43 No.1533934

https://youtu.be/T9Hym15mI1g full court press

f81783 No.1533935


Thats an Irish Pipe Band in pic.

765579 No.1533936

File: 6f5f926ffb5434c⋯.png (443.71 KB, 869x481, 869:481, brennansideview.png)



the attached pic is a screen shot from a video of brennan throwing out the first pitch at a baseball game. similar angle.

3002c8 No.1533937

File: 62398abb660a09b⋯.png (57.47 KB, 499x234, 499:234, ClipboardImage.png)



muh palestine whining

976284 No.1533938

File: 1ce548ee179206a⋯.png (239.98 KB, 558x313, 558:313, LizardQueen.png)

09a8ac No.1533939


Discern between POSITIVE (Patriots) and NEGATIVE (Military-Industrial Complex) military.

31ccea No.1533940


Military Industrial Complex aka US economy.

84b785 No.1533941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



1e75c9 No.1533942






bf7c87 No.1533943

Re Assange/Wikileaks

"~Anonymous ID:76Gwa/hd Tue 26 Dec 2017 17:47:27 No.154590531 ViewReport

Quoted By: >>154592385


Fine. Here's all I'll say on this because you took the time to make a whole thread and it deserves to be noted…. BUT, I've posted ENOUGH months ago, about Wikileaks, Assange, Crowdstrike, their contracts, the deep state and what happened with all of that. I will vaguely again, explain. Vaguely.

Wikileaks as you knew it, was compromised, but NOT how you think it was and certainly not how many of you STILL seem to think it is, even today, almost a year after I initially told you exactly what happened.

Yes, there were contractors who were tasked with taking out Wikileaks, confiscating their hardware, disabling their backbone and infrastructure, penetrating their servers and ultimately securing Assange.

There were OTHER CONTRACTORS, however, who had been tasked to ensure this DID NOT, I REPEAT, DID NOT HAPPEN. As this played out, a mix of the two is what actually happened. Those tasked with penetrating the network, obtainingand recovering hardware, taking the network offline, etc. were fairly successful. Those tasked with recovering/securing Assange safely, from the embassy were successful as well. Additionally, since those seeking to destroy the Wikileaks infrastructure/network were working off of some pretty old intel, they were unaware of the extensive provisions, back-ups and platform changes Wikileaks had designed, implemented and made on the network. So basically, though they retained a lot of on-premis physical equipment, hardwareand hard copied docs, in addition to logins/passwords, when they raided the HQ, they did not have the ability to successfully access and penetrate what they'd intended, as provisions to specifically limit the impacts for a networking/infrastructure breach, had an unexpected raid like this ever happened, which had become more of a heightened probability in mid 2015.

The impacts to Wikileaks as an organization however, were strained. If you thought it was a bare bones org before, then know it's even more so now.

~Anonymous ID:76Gwa/hd Tue 26 Dec 2017 18:08:57 No.154592385 ViewReport


That said, Wikileaks, Assange and those remaining on their team have diligently been working to restore and rebuild. They've managed very well but there's a lot of information they lost that's in the hands of people we'd rather not have it in the hands of, as they're using it to exploit, blackmail, extort, etc. others who are either directly or indirectly tied or implicated to it, simply because they're desperate, since their plan didn't go so well, which has only added more fuel to Assange's/Wikileaks's fire.

None of this matters about DonJr. He was setup on purpose under the guise of "Wikileaks", by those who sought and ultimately failed in their efforts to fully resume control over and destroy Wikileaks. They instead, used the info they were able to obtain, to try and set people up to try and help what became their next "Russia/Hacking/Guccifer2.0/Dossier" narrative, simply because they failed their attempts to secure Wikileaks, which would've enabled the original goal of saying Russia/Wikileaks hacking and election meddling.

Don't you see?! DonJr was just a desperate attempt to tie Trump with Russia/Wikileaks over the DNC hack. That failed. This failure is what makes 2 unidentified, official US "agents" to a Romanian prison to beg and bribe the original Guccifer to testify that HE did the leak, in exchange for a US plea deal, a Romanian sentence stay, US extradition, a new identity, $2.5million cash and an apartment. Guccifer declined and reported it. Then Crowdstrike made up Guccifer 2.0, linked this fake guy to Fancy Bear/Russia and called its day.

People like Strzok and Steele via crowdstrike helped compile what would be the last fake dump of the supposed "Russian DNC hack", mixing internal docs and emails they'd had Awan aggregate and pull to make it look legit, as well as docs that were pretty much already declassified, redacted and publicly released."

da07ee No.1533944


Cause it's just more drama to get us all built up about something exciting happening and then a let down. And we keep falling for it.

afea74 No.1533945


Do the research, Kim never said any of what fake news reported. It was all spokespeople.

3328a9 No.1533946


Go-pro makes their lenses like that.

I have several.

09a8ac No.1533947



dat hivemind

349bf5 No.1533948


more like because he has exposed himself as a shill by repeating a shill narrative that has no basis in fact.

he would only have repeated the unfounded propaganda that "Q called out AJ and that started the drama" when you are either a fool and fell for it/didnt bother verifying it. or when you are a shill.

either way it makes wilcox a bad source not fit for anyones ears/eyes.

31ccea No.1533949


Looking around. You see any in here? I see a handful. Daily.

052372 No.1533950


I'm pretty sure, Q meant, 2023, near the end of Trump's second term. In November.

c827a0 No.1533951

File: 4afd99900be7c5a⋯.jpeg (138.48 KB, 700x400, 7:4, toatheaternearyou.jpeg)

3d142d No.1533952


Unmasking of CIA Agent Plame…I'm starting to remember this vaguely.

The Plame affair (also known as the CIA leak scandal and Plamegate) was a political scandal that revolved around journalist Robert Novak's public identification of Valerie Plame as a covert Central Intelligence Agency officer in 2003.

0a4e66 No.1533953

File: 0842790fbeedf21⋯.jpeg (34.78 KB, 425x550, 17:22, Bag of Dicks.jpeg)


Eat a bag of dicks Ali

fac968 No.1533954

File: d2e5d9ed56baf71⋯.jpg (710.84 KB, 1300x2364, 325:591, mcbird2272.JPG)


I forgot to include the passage.

"King Kill 33" Masonic-style sorcery around the killing of JFK

https:// archive.org/details/KingKill33V2_201604

""On November 13, 1963 a large contingent of bagpipers made an

appearance at the White House. These bagpipers were members of

the "Black Watch" (Freiceadan Dubh) – a body of Scottish

Highlanders organized in 1725 with the stated purpose of

"maintaining order". Later the name was applied to the Royal

Highlanders military regiment: this "oldest of Highland regiments"

wears a universal tartan to symbolize the variety of clans united

within it, the

"mingling of all with all".

Its regimental cap badge:

"Upon the star of the Order of the Thistle and within a

wreath of thistles the image of St. Andrew holding before

him his cross, all ensigned with the imperial crown,

below the Sphinx superinscribed 'Egypt'".

Robert Bain, The Clans and Tartans of Scotland

It was Robert Bruce, the King of Scotland who, under the name

"Robert I" created the Order of St. Andrew of the Thistle []This St. Andrew of the

Thistle symbol is connected with the Rite of Herodom (Heredom) and

the Knights Templar. St. Andrew's Day, the 30th of November, is the

day of the:

Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and

the Knight of St. Andrew of the Thistle "

91aeab No.1533955


I have to agree the; picture is very specific.

And no magazine in their right mind would use such a shitty/dark pic in a piece like that by choice.

6a66a5 No.1533956


I've done the research. That is why I suspect this was a set of CNN.

a30a21 No.1533957


Both great money makers for the banks….

You need our protection from terror says the Godfather. Godfather provides protection at a price.

Klapper we spied to protect POTUS. Meanwhile accepting gigs on CNN and handouts.

After 911 several weeks after installed naked body scanners. Great business for the Cherkoff group

09a8ac No.1533958


You can see both sides.

b27160 No.1533959

File: 88a3d0f5cb7a8dc⋯.png (544.41 KB, 1225x701, 1225:701, ClipboardImage.png)




f92c65 No.1533960


The Soviet Union, the prototype experiment in communism, failed on its own. The entire empire was impoverished and struggling while the govt kept up the facade of strength and military might. It was unsustainable. We never invaded, just competed, and they were not a banana republic, they were a power with scientists, nuclear weapons, space program, vast land and natural resources, and so forth. Communism sucks, but the DNC thinks it's cool. We'll be like the plebs in "The Man in the High Castle" while DNC leaders can live like oligarchs.

daaa6a No.1533961


Good catch and good smelling

d50529 No.1533962

File: c6232fd50613dcc⋯.jpg (223.14 KB, 1200x1004, 300:251, Dd_rjKTVMAA2IPe.jpg)

Greatest POTUS Ever

Today, @POTUS @realDonaldTrump welcomed 106-year-old Pearl Harbor veteran Ray Chavez of Poway, California to the @WhiteHouse. Chavez is the oldest living Pearl Harbor veteran. http://instagram.com/p/BjLSyRLgIQE/

Totally Impressed and I voted for this guy… Since the escalator…been on board… Melania was right…If You Run… You Will Win WoW

ecd616 No.1533963


it's worth a dig to look at their financials from the past 10 years or so

f32e20 No.1533964

Docs coming tomorrow

f2a451 No.1533965

NK met with POTUS

NK met with Pompeo at least twice

NK gave us back our hostages

NK blew up a nuke site today

Tell me how this isn't winning?

8e91f2 No.1533966


Muh dick

e0b8ce No.1533967


>Lake Hefner

Esplain please? Guessing your not talking about shootings today.

96328d No.1533968


>I reckon it was in October 2016 - he hasn't been out on the balcony since then…

I'm referencing actual research done and discussions had. You may be right on the time - I couldn't say. Just again, referring to past bread discussions.

3002c8 No.1533969


what docs?

elaborate anon

afea74 No.1533970

File: 968e0215a13718d⋯.png (1.45 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, trump.PNG)


This might not be an END THE FED pic but it might be Trump giving big banks the bird.

1d7bed No.1533971

File: 0471463d60a8308⋯.jpg (312.03 KB, 1430x800, 143:80, NorthSouthButton.jpg)

File: 8421386882dea2b⋯.jpg (51.67 KB, 709x587, 709:587, ButtonMAGA.jpg)

File: 5786f7845486578⋯.jpeg (72.27 KB, 780x438, 130:73, NKbutton.jpeg)

File: 095069773ddfe85⋯.png (369.28 KB, 600x399, 200:133, Button11.png)


Remember this?

9a74e3 No.1533972


so every thing is round but earth.

moon is round.

sun is round.

all the other planets are fucking round.

we are flat.

your a fucking retard.

f85d75 No.1533973


Winning would be teabagging the FED. Nuff said.

0fee0c No.1533974

Space Policy Directive-2

POTUS is trying to kill Title 2.. "Licensing of Private Remote Sensing Space Systems"

Currenty, the power to license these was through the secretary of commerce.

a30a21 No.1533975



Can we have out tax money back. Why is the usa giving money to all these countries?

13362e No.1533976



bbca51 No.1533977


please add



>>1533606 armed citizen stops "mass" shooting

6fc3cf No.1533978

File: 0edb4b1078dc0f3⋯.jpg (105.09 KB, 1238x696, 619:348, Earth.jpg)



Don't fall for the shill slide. Earth curve visible in your picture. The Earth isn't flat but your head is.

93ed5e No.1533979


So he can recuse himself? Maybe now he can see the evidence points to him (he already knows since he's our guy). Not sure, just a thought.

91aeab No.1533980




Muh notable: Ominous message in N.Y.T. article.

f2a451 No.1533981


I bet you're a real joy to be around….

527295 No.1533982


All an inside planned ruse, imho, to cancel/re-schedule to ID and TAKE OUT any remaining clowns in NK.

Worked I think.

fac968 No.1533983


Bush exposed her as punishment.

Someone else took the blame though.

She had cast some shade on W. Bush's lies around "Yellow Cake" and had to be punished.

8984b5 No.1533984



Don't know if anyone noticed it but Seb Blatter, the former chairman of FIFA (world soccer association) wrote a book. In this book he writes that the 2022 world cup was supposed to be in the USA but went to Quatar because Sarkozy, French president at that time, used his power to influence voting.

Well, and why dit Sarkozy do that? According to Blatter France sold a lot of weapons and other stuff to Quatar shortly after.

So, even the FIFA world cup is about war and weaponry. That's how sick our world is.

150e78 No.1533985

love is not rude

i don't think i like your tone anon

433716 No.1533986


Jews in Florida committing white collar crimes scheming innocent dupes?! Say it ain't so!

976284 No.1533987


kung pao chicken kek

d0a511 No.1533988

File: 832eee36793d177⋯.jpg (63.49 KB, 391x500, 391:500, Drops.jpg)

c6d16f No.1533990


Nice, like the trees vs the forest, the big picture timline should make us patient in the short term.

61dd59 No.1533991

File: e31627e26404a9d⋯.png (145.53 KB, 300x400, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

3002c8 No.1533992

File: c7907da3191063c⋯.gif (869.74 KB, 342x188, 171:94, RefuseToListen.gif)


*their reasoning:

6f1964 No.1533993


Feb. 16th Anon.

Search the word:


That is all Q says in response to a post about the book.

3db5dd No.1533994


….damn, Anon.

Good one.

9a74e3 No.1533996


concernfag rude meeting at twitter.

please be there we need your leadership.

61dd59 No.1533997

File: 16121af76530c37⋯.png (75.24 KB, 225x300, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

a30a21 No.1533998


Cash from Renegade ?

72 suitcases of Cash ?

Foreign Aid ? Foreign aid in cash ?

a3763a No.1533999



4b95c5 No.1534000


The right man at the right time.

He is a gift!

1e75c9 No.1534001

File: 0efb7123c5fcde0⋯.jpg (340.51 KB, 816x949, 816:949, chicago1.jpg)

It's AMAZING how much evidence you can find








https: //hooktube.com/watch?v=J6CPrGHpmMs

c549b5 No.1534002

File: f01877f20284abd⋯.png (12.53 KB, 580x86, 290:43, FireShot Capture 674 - Ros….png)


150e78 No.1534003


ahh like you guys ever get out in the country

pretty obvious you DON'T

good thing i didn't post a deliverance clip

67a28d No.1534004

File: 5a47beb6e620e62⋯.png (145.58 KB, 357x355, 357:355, assholeinapicturex2.png)

b1dc76 No.1534005

Hawaii Volcano

Why the hell aren't there any live cams on this volcano?



edac25 No.1534006


Google the article, screen cap it.

Then i'll add it. looks shopp'ed to me, and

other anons.

ecd616 No.1534007


geothermal power plant next door to the volcano?

433716 No.1534008


Not shocking at all. FIFA is just another completely corrupt bureaucracy. Another thug org that needs to be completely cleaned out.

527295 No.1534009


Scotter Libby was convicted over outing Valerie Plame (PLAMEGATE) after Tim Russert (liberal reporter) changed his testimony from deposition (I don't recall) to witness stand (yeah, he outed her).

Cost Tim Russert his life (violation of the 9th Commandment, thou shall not bear false witness.).

Trump corrected all this, gave Libby the full pardon.

09a8ac No.1534010

File: ac719d5c84572b6⋯.jpg (43.34 KB, 605x385, 11:7, roseayyne.jpg)

1ec5c8 No.1534011


Fuking shill moron

d329ba No.1534012


That's the only way we really win

c6d16f No.1534013


Notable, 2018 just begins the prosecution timeline:


734e01 No.1534014



5da6d2 No.1534015

can someone please link me to thread on this q post, only 404 error:

Q !UW.yye1fxo No.14 📁

Jan 13 2018 22:51:16 (EST)


Mezvinsky was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and grew up attending a Conservative Jewish synagogue.[2] His parents are both former Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives. His father is Edward Mezvinsky (b. 1937), who embezzled more than $10 million from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the advance-fee scams, and was found guilty of fraud in 2001.[3][4][5] His mother is Marjorie Margolies (b. 1942), who was a TV reporter and represented Pennsylvania's 13th District from 1993 to 1995. They declared bankruptcy shortly before Mezvinsky's conviction, and divorced.[6]



da07ee No.1534016


And yet there is no push back from any of the larger names on the right. even Potus has not been calling them out. Allowing it to continue without speaking out is like saying it is acceptable to do. People need to start being held accountable for the actions.

32ec7f No.1534017


Leftists only know hate or groupthink. They won't remember or care how they felt yesterday if they hate Mueller and/or Rosenstein tomorrow. That type of thinking is beyond them.

1e75c9 No.1534018


If a blind man told you that were ugly, would

it make you feel bad?

150e78 No.1534019


i bet she has

84b785 No.1534020


Research Wikileaks, Anon.

24c089 No.1534021


Russert. Another heart attack.

67a28d No.1534022

File: 1ea72eed24c1b4b⋯.png (64.47 KB, 601x608, 601:608, 5afb7fd32e674dc945190c9301….png)

6a66a5 No.1534023



87ae8a No.1534024


Fake. Where did you get that? Twitter? 0 hour?

f81b4b No.1534025

File: 4de2ca7b727b2ad⋯.jpg (115.02 KB, 640x626, 320:313, Perspective.jpg)

c0f4dd No.1534026


The variations in that passage btw the different versions are really interesting.

>https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Revelation 6:11

Then they were each given a long and flowing and festive white robe and told to rest and wait patiently a little while longer,


1d7bed No.1534027

File: c6cadf76997d10e⋯.jpg (63.11 KB, 721x371, 103:53, NKKimMovie.jpg)

File: 95eab34e8625814⋯.jpg (299.97 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, NKtalks1.jpg)

File: 28b8c4d5a1a1d5f⋯.jpg (309.44 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, NKtalks2.jpg)

File: a43d8f280cc4447⋯.jpg (83.54 KB, 588x421, 588:421, NK-KimDraw.jpg)

File: 219629807c8e640⋯.jpg (61.92 KB, 640x320, 2:1, NKNoOil.jpg)

1e75c9 No.1534028


If a blind man told you that you were ugly

would it hurt your feelings?

b1dc76 No.1534029

There are NO live broadcasts of this Volcano in Hawaii that I can find.

82ea16 No.1534030

File: 91470e8df5e9422⋯.png (578.96 KB, 868x506, 434:253, ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden accuses GOP of abandoning American values, embracing 'fake nationalism'

In a forceful rebuke to President Donald Trump and other Washington Republicans, former Vice President Joe Biden told fellow Democrats in New York on Thursday that the GOP has abandoned traditional American values in the name of “phony populism” and “fake nationalism.”

Speaking at the party’s New York state convention on Long Island, Biden urged his party to stand for tolerance and efforts to expand education and economic opportunity.

“This is not your father’s Republican Party,” Biden told the audience. “They are not who we are. They are not who America is. What they are doing is sending a vision of America around the world that is distorted. That is damaging. That is hurting us… this phony populism, this fake nationalism…. It’s time to say ‘no more.’”

Biden’s remarks came during a speech endorsing Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s bid for a third term. Cuomo easily won his party’s nomination Wednesday but still faces a likely primary challenge from “Sex and the City” star and liberal activist Cynthia Nixon. Dutchess County Marc Molinaro won the GOP nomination for governor at that party’s convention Wednesday in Manhattan.

Cuomo, who like Biden is considered a potential White House contender, followed Biden with his own scorching criticism of Trump and the Republicans, but he also leveled some criticism at his own party’s handling of the 2016 election. He said voters want leaders who deliver “practical progress for people in need” and not “pontification from an ivory tower.”

“We have to take a long look in the mirror and face some hard truths,” said Cuomo, the son of the late Gov. Mario Cuomo. “We lost the connection with who we are. … It’s a national problem and the Democratic Party all across the country is still searching for its way forward.”

In a speech that effectively kicks off his re-election bid, Cuomo laid out his administration’s work to pass same-sex marriage, raise the minimum wage to $15, enact new gun control laws and make in-state tuition to public colleges free for eligible middle class students.

“This is real life. It matters how much food is on the table, or whether they can pay the rent, or whether they can pay for medicine … or whether their child can afford a college education,” he said of New Yorkers.

Molinaro and Nixon have both attacked Cuomo as a political insider who has failed to address chronic corruption and who has been on the job too long.

“The truth is the governor isn’t a progressive and he knows it,” Nixon told reporters Wednesday. She was not invited to address the convention. “I won’t be scared out of the room. New Yorkers deserve a choice.”

Registered Democrats outnumber Republicans in New York state by more than 2-1, giving Cuomo a formidable advantage in what’s already expected to be an election year favorable to his party. Skeptical members of his party’s left wing could be a bigger problem for the governor, as Nixon’s challenge shows. A small group of protesters briefly interrupted the convention during Cuomo’s speech before they were shouted down by cries from Cuomo supporters who yelled “four more years!”

The convention attracted several prominent Democrats including Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez and Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, U.S. senator and Democratic nominee for president. Clinton spoke at the convention Wednesday and also endorsed Cuomo, who served as federal housing secretary in the administration of former President Bill Clinton.

https:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/may/24/joe-biden-accuses-gop-abandoning-american-values-e/

d50529 No.1534031


Thank GOD! Semper Fi

afea74 No.1534032


I've been watching this same crumb bread after bread after bread. This is the first time I am seeing it. Kek

4b6f5b No.1534033


This is true! It’s widely known in DC that Q is a Trump information campaign. Look at all the people he has trolled here, and those that have flipped!!! Many names, very many names, and Q confirmations to boot after the fact!!!

8984b5 No.1534034


Of course. Blatter himself has a far from clean history, but it's cool he takes some others down with him ;)

67daed No.1534035

File: d9924ce1ad00524⋯.png (285.9 KB, 644x761, 644:761, POTUS Schedule 5-24-18 7 p….PNG)

a6a003 No.1534036

How’s that Clinton dinner going ??

527295 No.1534037


Russert had been diagnosed with heart disease, it just wasn't considered serious yet.

150e78 No.1534038


ok kermit

we see

so impressive

4fe2e0 No.1534039


Her having a home in Hawaii - and Hawaii has lots of sightings.

f92c65 No.1534040


Well, it's the same corruption played out in a different setting, for different reasons. Wasn't the film "Under Siege" simply "Die Hard" at sea?

09a8ac No.1534041

File: d82ba5d1736c268⋯.jpg (47.23 KB, 1280x1004, 320:251, radofcurv.jpg)


Some people have trouble with images such as these. I hope they are the minority.

As for the paid ones - it does not absolve you of responsibility.

527295 No.1534042


Autopsy showed an enlarged heart.

d0a511 No.1534043


Even the titties match pretty good…

bf7c87 No.1534044

File: 1db0997d1377ca0⋯.png (858.46 KB, 730x540, 73:54, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

File: c7b57d0dfa7df46⋯.png (222.41 KB, 754x244, 377:122, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)


No warning systems? 4 hours notice for West coast residents…..

a2cf16 No.1534045

File: ae955d86068bc27⋯.gif (8.86 MB, 600x338, 300:169, SUNSET4FLATTARDS.gif)

>> 1533895 No (You)'s for FLATTARDS

But Whe-Where's the steam from the gorillion shit tons of instantly evaporated water?

(You) are 1 of 2 things

1. Deluded low intellect useful idiot

2. Agent provocateur of shit sliding psyop shillotry

'nuff said'

cf18e9 No.1534046

File: 8e8df2ce7455be1⋯.png (89.78 KB, 1107x691, 1107:691, 3244658765434.png)

f4d0b3 No.1534047

File: fb1f63b25a2921e⋯.png (988.69 KB, 1173x822, 391:274, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f23ecff14f22a0f⋯.png (701.69 KB, 718x790, 359:395, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 270819547d808f9⋯.png (308.73 KB, 703x780, 703:780, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cd3842401691ff⋯.png (774.2 KB, 823x782, 823:782, ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: FBI Spy Stefan Halper and Aussie Diplomat Alexander Downer Go Way Back

Stefan Halper is the FBI spy inserted into the Trump presidential campaign.

Alexander Downer is the Australian individual who apparently overheard Papadopoulos talk about Trump and Russia in a bar which alerted the FBI to the story and their eventual spy program on Trump. This story has been refuted for months.

The two have a long history.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier this week that a foreign government meddled in the 2016 US Election. But the government identified is the UK, not Russia!

The War Economy Twitter page discovered the distant links between Stefan Halper and Alexander Downer.

BREAKING: FBI Spy Stefan Halper and Aussie Diplomat Alexander Downer Go Way Back

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft May 24, 2018

213Share 77Tweet Email

Stefan Halper (on left) and Alexander Downer go way back.

Stefan Halper is the FBI spy inserted into the Trump presidential campaign.

Alexander Downer is the Australian individual who apparently overheard Papadopoulos talk about Trump and Russia in a bar which alerted the FBI to the story and their eventual spy program on Trump. This story has been refuted for months.

The two have a long history.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier this week that a foreign government meddled in the 2016 US Election. But the government identified is the UK, not Russia!

The War Economy Twitter page discovered the distant links between Stefan Halper and Alexander Downer.

Via Mike Cernovich:

On October 18, 2010, the 5th William Pitt Seminar was hosted at Emmanuel College. The speakers were Robert Cooper, Brendan Simms, Stefan Halper and Alexander Downer.


150e78 No.1534048


im sorry, i will leave you alone

must of been a long day…

3328a9 No.1534049

File: 6c610401fb207da⋯.jpg (93.7 KB, 1238x696, 619:348, b13b3f70885f3e1fb1ab5051d3….jpg)


Your line is way off.

Shit. Maybe the earth is flat. KEK

cb24c7 No.1534050


The Brits hate the Scots because they were so hard to put under their heel.

For the American Revolution, it wasn't the pacifist Quakers or the Puritans or the Anabaptists, or the German farmers who wanted to rebel against the British. It was the Scots colonists who fomented the rebellion and who fought and who founded the new government. BECAUSE they knew what British rule had done to them and the atrocities of tyranny and weren't having it on this side of the world too.

But they too have still been subjugated without their free will or full knowledge it appears, by all this behind the scenes cabal bullshit.

Where the pipes play, you'll find people who will die for freedom. Those names fought at Valley Forge- imagine a people so stubborn to be free that they spent the army winter in the snow, barefoot, during the little ice age. Thats the scots from Culloden to Valley Forge, to our founding fathers, to the Civil War (they again, are the ones who fought) to today, buying up all the AR-15s and watching in case they have to fight again.

I'm sure it can be a message to use Scots to illustrate that freedom can't win.

63f0fd No.1534051

File: adb3e54f192f8f1⋯.png (36.72 KB, 483x279, 161:93, ClipboardImage.png)


Not fake

160c23 No.1534052


Very smart to keep those neatly organized and labeled. Will save the jail infirmary nurses a lot of time when he asks for some obscure pill every 25 min or so….kek

a3763a No.1534053

File: 75f6f7601013036⋯.png (51.38 KB, 973x271, 973:271, ClipboardImage.png)


Re_read crumbs, you should recognize that

24c089 No.1534054



It's right there, anon


c6d16f No.1534055


poor dude wasn't even central to it either, he got caught up on the classic lapse of memory offense that would happen to practically anyone if we submitted to interrogation for long enough. Basically what would likely be sought if Mueller could get Trump in for questioning and start peppering him with questions for a few days.

I think this is what got Martha Stewart also.

Anyway the scandal in Libby's case was that GW Bush the a-hole did not bother to pardon him. That was one big hint about the kind of man W really is.

dd532d No.1534056

Here are some things that the BRF tries to have the press scrub or ignore.

-Markle was brought up in elite Hollywood schools.

-She is a bi-racial, radical feminist.

-She has spoken at UN gatherings on women's rights.

-Like Harry, she hates Trump, and hates America.

-Like Obama, she surrounds herself with the white elite.

-She became heavily involved in SoHo House…look that up.

-She ran in circles with Justin Trudeau and Ben Mulroney

-The Grandchildren of the former Canadian PM Mulroney are in the wedding.

-Both she and Harry are close to the Obamas.

-Their meeting and marriage were carefully orchestrated and planned.

-She has had two previous marriages…not one.

-She was raised Catholic, converted to Judaism for her 2nd husband–and baptized in the Church of England to marry Harry.

–She is allegedly a former yacht girl–and rumors of affairs with Matt Lauer and Steve Mnuchin.


–SHE WENT TO NW University

–Obama-Chicago connection

–Oprah–Markle's mom has already gone to Oprah's private home and will be giving an interview on "racial intolerance" faced by Meghan since her engagement to Harry.


**Harry's Standing…

Since the birth of William's 3rd child, Harry will move to 6th in line to the throne.

CURRENTLY– William REFUSES to follow Royal Protocol and fly separately from Prince George, 3rd in line to the throne.

If William and his children should die in a plane crash–Harry would be King.

fd7015 No.1534057


AJ's good buddy

150e78 No.1534058


i don't think so


be well

god speed

love always

91aeab No.1534059


No other anon said it's shopped/commented on it.


You able to link online version of the article/give us the article name? Can't tell from your pic and jewgle's no help.

f81b4b No.1534060

File: 2b87076733d63fe⋯.png (550.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, HEY.png)



>Re_read crumbs, you should recognize that


105dcc No.1534061


More proof the DS/cabal/left CANNOT MEME.

d9106c No.1534062



a3763a No.1534063

File: 27755ff35b6f971⋯.png (1.8 MB, 5702x7330, 2851:3665, ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! greatawa….png)


This post was early on /GA/, has been offline a while.

f4d0b3 No.1534064


What? I think it is funny they try to kill each other. Q has to do nothing.

e0b8ce No.1534065


Clearly you don't come here much. No need to break your links anymore. Why you post this 💩?

24c089 No.1534066


Correct. But he was considered a "problem" in HRC/dem circles.

fd7015 No.1534067

Any news from the Clinton Gala??

24a3f8 No.1534068

File: 7a3625f14ee3354⋯.png (538.96 KB, 1499x856, 1499:856, ClipboardImage.png)

fd7015 No.1534069


SHEEEESSSSS BBBAAAAACCKKKK. Short break there clowny

b1dc76 No.1534070


That is pictures on gov site


da07ee No.1534071


This is nothing new anon.

debb11 No.1534072

I have a question..

"Can we expose every crooked politician?

70%." - Q post 68

Why do they get deals when everyday Americans have to deal with fucking horseshit and if we are caught we get no deals, lock them all up burn down the fucking house prove the corrupt two party system release all info just another thing Q team has done that I question

c9f36a No.1534073

File: e56b143eb2253f6⋯.jpg (65.75 KB, 881x359, 881:359, BakerSeizesBreakSeesItHome.JPG)



TY newbaker.

Well played.

67daed No.1534074

File: a6d04ebfca75189⋯.png (58.69 KB, 653x472, 653:472, Shaffer to Haberman 5-24-1….PNG)

File: d472c1ba504c09d⋯.png (32.19 KB, 635x334, 635:334, Haberman to POTUS 5-24-18.PNG)

This is hours old, but just came across my twitter

Maggie [on the take] Haberman seems to want to stifle [deny] any talk of spying on POTUS

765579 No.1534075

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



professional sports, just another version of a shill, a slide, a distraction, keeps the useful idiots entertained with spectacular nothingness, it's called the Roman Circus, welcome to the show, stop consuming the product and it will lose its power

1e75c9 No.1534076

File: ca43c1c0ea516a1⋯.jpg (80.36 KB, 1238x696, 619:348, Dog Cam.jpg)


Even if it was, at that height you should see

the same curve you see through fish eye lense.

You don't

1309f6 No.1534077


Earthquakes. Lots of earthquakes triggered by sun-induced, geo-magnetic imbalance. I won't take you any deeper but here's an animation of kiluaea's recent swarm of earthquakes. Cheers.


3d142d No.1534078


>Russert had been diagnosed with heart disease, it just wasn't considered serious yet.

Which reminds me of AS (187).

c549b5 No.1534079


they get ready before israel is nuked

52326f No.1534080


Sorry if this is known here but it seems like a big deal no?

1ea68e No.1534081

File: 65ab57f1ada3bb7⋯.png (3.45 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, F71740C4-1F64-4D2D-8E87-9D….png)


butt muh legacy

1f1c0b No.1534082

GMT map anon, are you around? It's EST archive anon verifying timestamps again. On your more recent maps, I'm seeing there's still a 5 hour time difference between what I see on the board and the GMT posts you show. Am I crazy, or should it be 4 hours now, since EDT kicked in? I see your notes about UTC, but I think that's the same as GMT?

I'm sorry to get caught up in minutia, I'm probably overthinking things, just thought I'd ask kek.

24c089 No.1534083


Check Russert's interview of hussein, the one where he asks him about Rev. Wright.

edac25 No.1534084

Last Cal for NOTABLES

Comfy in here Anon's thank you for all your

Help, Team Work Makes the Dream Work

Notables So Far


>>1533509 WJC commutes 16 members of FALN, P-Rican terrorists, 120 bombs in USA

>>1533492 WSJ NK calls off summit calls pence 'dummy' (CFR Propoganda)

>>1533587 Indonesian police Board yacht hunt $$$playboy who gave Miranda Kerr $9mil in diamonds

>>1533669, >>1533606 armed citizen stops "mass" shooting

>>1533697 (((Nikki Haley))) confronted in Houston, "Palestinian blood on her hands"

>>1533698 Bishop Accountability Chart

>>1533673 Dem candidate Iowa accused of sexual misconduct drops out

>>1533760 wash-times, Limbaugh Coin new Narrative "deep media"

>>1533554, >>1533560 NameFag Zika/Ebola, ties to Bill Gates

>>1533760 wash-times, Limbaugh Coin/push new Narrative "deep media"

>>1533779 Cap Police “Accidentally” Gave evidence to Awan’s Attorney, not Fed Prosecutors

>>1533845 strong Correlations b/w PLAME AFFAIR & MUELLER PROBE (Moar digging please)

>>1533735 2018 just begins the prosecution timeline

>>1533922 Potus Meets With Kim in Nov Q post connections

>>1534030 Pedo-Joe-Biden Accuses GOP of "false" Nationalism

>>1534035 Potus Schedule

>>1534047 FBI Spy Stefan Halper and Aussie Diplomat Alexander Downer Go Way Back

>>1534056 Markle 'notables' press tries to ignore

please don't feed the (((shills)))

FE/Earthquakes/MuhDik ect.

c0f4dd No.1534086

File: c7eb658c5056378⋯.jpg (139.78 KB, 888x444, 2:1, which-way-did-he-go-escher.jpg)


wow, john's got quite a set of moobs.


great point.

a9c69d No.1534087


News is saying that a mother and her 12 year old daughter were shot and in surgery in serious condition but expected to survive. The other injury was a person who fell running from the scene and broke his arm. Sounds like maybe a domestic?

3d142d No.1534088


>Bush exposed her as punishment.

Punishment for what?

507dab No.1534089

File: 640e61d70259bad⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ewwwwwww.jpg)


These people are sick, and [their] meme-fu be congested.

e0b8ce No.1534090


Have you heard any news on this? Laura seems to be the only one I've seen yappin about it.

fe098f No.1534091

Goys Im worried about the fate of the Oregon 2nd A… Our OR gov is becoming a cesspool of corruption. I really hope Kate Brown go down along with these evil judges. Q if you're reading this, please send us some good news…

2b7799 No.1534092

NK = up is down left is right. Left is obviously left judging by the lefts reaction. Another self destruction moment. They take the bait everytime. STUPID PPL.

7cc527 No.1534093

(Bread #1926)


>Kevin Shipp is a whistleblower from the CIA. Watch his video, some good data in there.


>He talks about Isreal's lobbying efforts and how they are part of the shadow government.

Every organization you have or haven't heard of, put in a context. Watch the vid.

c6d16f No.1534094

File: 692eba859ca4fab⋯.jpg (30.34 KB, 622x350, 311:175, biden-assault.jpg)


How has this pervert still not felt the heat he deserves for all the documented instances? Some say he has friends in very high places ie the cabal.

Biden's security blanket has to be vanishing by now right?

3002c8 No.1534095

no sauce, feeling a Q crumb incoming tonight..

98e783 No.1534096


haha, save the cheerleader, save the world.. :)

32ec7f No.1534097


Kek! Be funny to see some faces w/ the black left eye in there too. Now we know how the black left eye happens.

a30a21 No.1534098


NK meeting in Singapore ?

82ea16 No.1534099

File: df271397dd6423e⋯.png (996.32 KB, 870x532, 435:266, ClipboardImage.png)

Art of the deal, North Korea edition

A diplomatic breakthrough between the United States and North Korea has stalled for the time being, prompting alarm, scorn and glee among President Trump’s critics. But wait. Seasoned observers know that diplomacy is a work in progress, full of tweaks and maneuvers. Deals often follow the same trajectory. Is it time to consult Mr. Trump’s 1987 book “The Art of the Deal” to figure out which strategic tactic the president could be using here? Maybe.

It is telling that the White House instantly released the abrupt but remarkably worded letter to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to the public — and it was instantly parsed for language, tone and intent by a breathless press. Interest is now intense. Curiosity and speculation are rampant, drama is in the air.

Is deal-making in motion? Let us go back to 1987 for insight.

Deals are my art form,” Mr. Trump said in his famous book. “Other people paint beautifully on canvas or write wonderful poetry. I like making deals. Preferably big deals. That’s how I get my kicks. Most people are surprised by the way I work. I play it very loose. I don’t carry a briefcase. I try no to schedule too many meetings. I leave my door open.”


Though written 31 years ago, that candid statement reveals that some Trump artistry may be afoot as the planet awaits a decision: Will the pair meet? Jittery diplomats, an intrigued public and the critical news media want to know.

'Meanwhile, a few headlines to get us started.'

“Donald Trump’s war against himself leads to North Korea summit cancellation” (CNN); “Trump writes Kim Jong-un epic letter cancelling upcoming summit” (Townhall.com); “North Korea summit nixed, Trump’s diplomacy flops” (Washington Post); “Trump may have given Kim an offer he dare not refuse” (The Hill); “Was Trump boxed in by the North Koreans?” (CBS); “Why ‘deal-maker’ Trump found meeting Kim Jong-un a challenge too far” (The Telegraph); “Market slides on new Trump is cancelling” (NBC); “Pelosi, Dems mock Trump for pulling out of summit” (Fox News).

More Here:

https:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/may/24/inside-the-beltway-art-of-the-deal-north-korea-edi/

1e75c9 No.1534100


It should look like this if it was a ball earth.

It should be this without fish eye lense.


a9c69d No.1534101

Where was Hannity today?

3d6fa9 No.1534102

File: 3138e472558f2c0⋯.jpg (106.16 KB, 480x360, 4:3, BillClinton8Chan.jpg)

0c15cd No.1534103

File: 5ea82deef52140c⋯.png (881.6 KB, 1092x1228, 273:307, Screen Shot 77.png)

File: cab9c3cd81818d7⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1082x1236, 541:618, Screen Shot 82.png)

Q team lurking

f4d0b3 No.1534104

File: 65e5b781a4b0d9c⋯.png (504.35 KB, 767x799, 767:799, ClipboardImage.png)

James Clapper: ‘There Could Have Been’ Other Spies on Trump Campaign — ‘Never Say Never’

“Well, there could have been,” he said when asked by CNN host Jake Tapper on Wednesday about the possibility of other informants. “Never say never, but I’m not aware.”

Clapper has stated that he does not like to use the term “spy” to refer to civilian informants for intelligence agencies.

The idea of additional spies was first raised by former Trump campaign advisor Michael Caputo in an interview on Fox News, reacting to the revelation of the identity of FBI informant Stefan Halper, who spied on Trump campaign advisors.

“He’s not the only person that came at the campaign and the FBI is not the only Obama agency that came at the campaign,” Caputo said.

Clapper denied knowledge of additional spies deployed against the campaign but claimed he did not know about Halper either.

“I mean, the inference was there was another informant from some other part of federal government,” he said. “I’m not aware of that.”


4b6f5b No.1534105


Continuing if anybody gives a shit about the MSM great awakening…lol, today and yesterday, and one other time this past week Fox has subliminaly inflected our Q image board as a reference source, but of course, w/o inferencing source…lol

91aeab No.1534106


>please don't feed the (((shills)))

>FE/Earthquakes/MuhDik ect.

Are you implying the anon's reporting on the Hawaii earthquakes are shilling?

(((Baker))) , is that you?

71665d No.1534107


This makes sense. I hope the public gets to know the truth in the end. It needs to be shown so it can never happen again. Good Luck Q team Anons. We are saving the World from darkness . Thank you're lucky starts DJT and Qteam are in control !

672e1f No.1534108

Sry in advance for my poor skills in english.

I have a theory, which (probably) can be falsifiable (since I'm not a Q-expert).


Roseanne Barr acting strange on Twitter, she's tweeting a lot about anti-semitism and such, as if Twitter was drowning in anti-semitism (which isn't really true, as far as I'm aware).

"They want you DIVIDED. Attacks will only get worse." Q

Deep state owns Twitter


Deep State is controlling Twitter, and so, they can do psy-ops, more particularly, they could put Roseanne Barr in an idea-cage (in this case, tweets-cage), where she would only (or in part) see what they want her to see, creating an illusion of reality, dividing her from the real world. This is bold, but if I were them, and having that power, I would do exactly that, to divide the enemy.

c827a0 No.1534109

File: 18b2377559033f5⋯.png (129.03 KB, 1496x378, 748:189, swissreferendum.png)


Hmm interesting –


527295 No.1534110


Trump is an amazing, never ending source of news. It's really something.

a3763a No.1534111


Q prophets? no thanks

38997d No.1534112

File: 66b14e7fb5f328a⋯.jpg (70.02 KB, 616x768, 77:96, 1525.jpg)


NJ baker.

Nice & clean, like Publix.

f81783 No.1534113






Scots anon here,thats an Irish Pipe Band in the picture, not Scottish.

82ea16 No.1534114


I don't think it has gotten hot enough for him yet, he probably needs an erupting volcano under his ass., kek

f0a856 No.1534115

File: f7dfef64ab28722⋯.jpg (284.44 KB, 883x795, 883:795, Farce Earth.jpg)


Pic related explains things quite clearly..

<now we wait for the FE'rs to go out and kill themselves to provide proof that this meme is untrue..

160c23 No.1534116


Naaa. I see the curve. You must be looking in 2D

71665d No.1534117

I'm a clown and I'm terrified that you anons will filter the trigger words we use to infuriate you at any cost.

Take everything I blame on others as a statement of what I do myself.

I'm really that terrible of a pelican.

Please let us keep what little hope we have left at derailing your movement.

Yours truely,

-[C]lown who [T]akes [A]nal

PS: Whatever you do don't acknowledge this graphic https:// i.imgur.com/UQE29eG.jpg

PPS: Or this bread: >>1530489

Post last edited at

09374e No.1534118


And I accuse Joe Biden of giving shitty legal advice. Shoot into the air. Shoot through the door.

cb24c7 No.1534119

File: e3ed89e984082a4⋯.png (107.11 KB, 1023x880, 93:80, ClipboardImage.png)


Full text of House GOP Resolution


67daed No.1534120

File: 56f152b72fcc352⋯.png (812.43 KB, 651x768, 217:256, DoD 5-24-18 7 pm PST.PNG)

File: d3a71f7d9aa42d4⋯.png (739.24 KB, 649x583, 59:53, DoD 5-23-18 7 pm PST.PNG)

24th 7 pm PST Am I blending in?

23rd 7 pm PST You can’t see me.

Are we being told that Q is here, but stealth????

Or maybe something regarding Kim???

f85d75 No.1534121


The fucking absolute great to be around. Don't play yourself, lad. Just dead the FED.


TOO BASED. Let's get it. EO 11110 & HR5404

9990e5 No.1534122


EUREKA!! I got it and came back to see if there were anymore comments. Yes, all of you. Thanks so much!! Kisses and hugs to all! No homo cuz I iz a gurl.

3d142d No.1534123


sorry missed this line….why she was punished.

Gee sure sounds like Uranium1

>She had cast some shade on W. Bush's lies around "Yellow Cake" and had to be punished.

3002c8 No.1534124


did you get banned?

poor shill :(

1e75c9 No.1534125


The diagram means nnothing as it is not to scale.

The visible curve would be visible according to


Both sizes would see curve if you were high


NASA says you can see curve above 30 thousand


You don't

82ea16 No.1534126


He really is. Just at the right time too.

edac25 No.1534127


when anons post the same graphic in multipule

breads, yes i'd call that shilling

Dutchsines is not shilling. I'm totally interessted

in the Earthquakes and Hawaii

if you have anything post it please

new baker

71665d No.1534128

I'm a clown and I'm terrified that you anons will filter the trigger words we use to infuriate you at any cost.

Take everything I blame on others as a statement of what I do myself.

I'm really that terrible of a pelican.

Please let us keep what little hope we have left at derailing your movement.

Yours truely,

-[C]lown who [T]akes [A]nal

PS: Whatever you do don't acknowledge this graphic https:// i.imgur.com/UQE29eG.jpg

PPS: Or this bread: >>1530489

Post last edited at

97b7d0 No.1534129

File: 916c34d1f2c9407⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1657x552, 1657:552, ClipboardImage.png)


Now that I've lurked here a while, I see their symbolism everywhere.

f92c65 No.1534130


CIA pays big money for propaganda, it seems. Look at all the Netflix original movies and tv series.

da07ee No.1534131


If it's going to take such a long time, then all these build up's to something big happening "soon" needs to stop. It is extremely disheartening to many Patriots. Especially watching the MSM slander our Potus and the left continue to push the hate narrative. Somebody is gonna get killed if this is allowed to continue. Our country is in it's darkest hour. We should could use some light.

b295a4 No.1534132

File: a1d2a7ef014a19c⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 663x473, 663:473, professionalvictim.jpg)

This douchebag gets paid to pretend that he's been a victim his entire life. Fuck Cory Booker.

87ae8a No.1534133





Full disclosure, I didn't bother to look it up. I was pulling from memory and must have completely missed this one because I don't remember it at all. I remember the 7/10 targeted kills post.

Apologies for jumping the gun. Thanks for the correction.

a9c69d No.1534134



d79eee No.1534135

File: 3a42c8196b889d4⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 1928x2754, 964:1377, qclockimjongun.jpg)

File: 5269722eb83ebf0⋯.png (21.92 KB, 1213x51, 1213:51, Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at ….png)

File: 6d2c2edf1d401dc⋯.png (58.32 KB, 836x118, 418:59, Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at ….png)

ANONS earlier i put this graphic out because i thought the delta between when trump first tweeted with the spelling error and when he corrected it would mean something.

well i think trump just confirmed it

he retweeted scavino… 108 minutes after scavino initially put up the tweet

108 minutes is

1 hr and :48

on the Q clock we are at :48 right now

i'm pretty sure… i'll check other retweets in a little bit

1e75c9 No.1534136


Why? People come and people go. New bread

means new eyes.

a3763a No.1534137


This is a good assessment, a really good one

a2cf16 No.1534138

File: 864294e98928e2a⋯.png (966.82 KB, 968x535, 968:535, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22566f1b01297e8⋯.gif (1.18 MB, 790x620, 79:62, POPEYES2.GIF.gif)

Mike Rowe has called you >30 year old poor Mom's basement dwelling Anons "genetically related squatters".


337a4b No.1534139


Chan illiterate? No, he's an expert checks in every hour according to him

3002c8 No.1534140


hmmmm not sure on Roseanne but they are DEFINITELY doing this with others on twatter

671f21 No.1534141

"When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a

radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans… And

so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When personal freedom's being

abused, you have to move to limit it. That's what we did in the announcement I made last

weekend on the public housing projects, about how we're going to have weapon sweeps

and more things like that to try to make people safer in their communities." President Bill

Clinton, 3-22-94, MTV

82ea16 No.1534142


He definitely shoots from the hip with that mouth and those hands of his.

6f0a68 No.1534143


saw a personalized plate the other day that was a form of retired CIA…thought that took balls

9f9e26 No.1534144


This is a great post, thanks for the input anon

671f21 No.1534145

"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans …" Bill

Clinton (USA TODAY, 11 March 1993, page 2A)

24a3f8 No.1534146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

This one is pretty good… even millennials should be able to understand


1d7bed No.1534147

File: 4a6a649fbc62f80⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1761x662, 1761:662, ClipboardImage.png)

Planefags alert!

A Southwest flight is squawking 7700

(in-flight emergency)

in the NE corner of New Mexico.

Just happened to see it.

Could be a false alarm, could be trouble.

6515bd No.1534148


You need to re-read the crumbs.

You need to re-read the crumbs.

Anons here wake up with Q drops in their heads.

Anons here go to sleep with Q drops in their heads.

We have them memorized ..

You need to re-read the crumbs you have jumped in here too soon

349bf5 No.1534149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


live stream on a fissure.

its been active for a week or two, usualy can see lava launching high, right now the lava is launching still but much lower energy then the last weeks,

also you can see the camera shake whenever an earthquake happens


the camera is inside a home.

24c089 No.1534150


Oh yeah. We dug the crap out of that one, anon.

c4c3ae No.1534151

I'm a clown and I'm terrified that you anons will filter the trigger words we use to infuriate you at any cost.

Take everything I blame on others as a statement of what I do myself.

I'm really that terrible of a pelican.

Please let us keep what little hope we have left at derailing your movement.

Yours truely,

-[C]lown who [T]akes [A]nal

PS: Whatever you do don't acknowledge this graphic https:// i.imgur.com/UQE29eG.jpg

PPS: Or this bread: >>1530489

Post last edited at

ecd616 No.1534152


tits. now.

edac25 No.1534153

File: f440ddec9dc3190⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1028x1216, 257:304, Shill storm sea of Gallile.png)


If I missed your


please link in next bread w/


(link prev bread)

breif description

thank you Everyone

fac968 No.1534154

File: c7de4a4681820c7⋯.png (60.04 KB, 1020x333, 340:111, bagpipesgoogle.png)


I thought of that too, but I read:

"Bagpipes sound great and men in kilts are fantastic (right ladies?), but they are not Irish; they're Scottish. Uilleann pipes are Irish, and they're quite different to bagpipes. They have a sweeter, quieter sound than the Highland Bagpipes people usually refer to as bagpipes"

And the NYTimes caption says "Bagpipes"


d79eee No.1534155

File: 56861e1c65eee03⋯.png (619.92 KB, 616x655, 616:655, Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at ….png)


forgot the scavino tweet

da07ee No.1534156


I will say that yes. I've watched the earthquake map constantly since HI started erupting. Those quakes are nothing new and should not be posted here to fearmonger. Repeatedly posting the same thing proves it is a shill. Post it once and move on.

1e75c9 No.1534157


You SAY you see curve to muddy the waters

but engineers say they did not factor in curve

and tests with lasers from one end to the other

prove no curve.

But nice try.

3f673a No.1534158


I love you clockfags with all my heart (no homo) but I am not clever enough to understand this without your telling me what it means.

Don't assume I'm as smart as you are.

Interpret it, please. <3

09374e No.1534159


I recall an episode of South Park where the "boys" pitched some series about something completely fuckin ridiculous to Netflix and Netflix picked it up. Basic premise was Netflix will pick up ANYTHING. I digress. Now Susan Rice is on the board. Hmm Rice gets a seat at the table then the Obamas get their own show? Methinks not a coincidence.

d329ba No.1534160


Is this Q related?

c4c3ae No.1534163

File: 7137fd4d9ad8e16⋯.jpg (10.08 KB, 167x255, 167:255, 7026d7de4d3d8b9d29f6199c9c….jpg)

I'm a clown and I'm terrified that you anons will filter the trigger words we use to infuriate you at any cost.

Take everything I blame on others as a statement of what I do myself.

I'm really that terrible of a pelican.

Please let us keep what little hope we have left at derailing your movement.

Yours truely,

-[C]lown who [T]akes [A]nal

PS: Whatever you do don't acknowledge this graphic https:// i.imgur.com/UQE29eG.jpg

PPS: Or this bread: >>1530489

Post last edited at

24c089 No.1534164


Geezer larper. The real ones don't advertise.

adbfbb No.1534165

File: 1dd3b9f05c88c79⋯.jpg (469.26 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, tCgTHCS.jpg)


makes me think of picrelated

room 322

9d7e59 No.1534166

File: d00a880c2818d53⋯.jpg (26.56 KB, 400x273, 400:273, mole.jpg)

for kekaroos but true…

b7c9ee No.1534167

U.S. Navy Retweeted

Fallon Tonight

Verified account


7m7 minutes ago


In celebration of #FleetWeekNYC, tonight's audience is made up entirely of servicemen and women from the @USArmy, @USNavy, @usairforce, @USMC, and @uscoastguard! Honored to have them with us this evening!! #FallonTonight

might take a look-see at this tonight

09a8ac No.1534168


The psy-op shills exploit the tendency for anons to group things together, so when an uncommon topic gets discussed it's immediately dismissed.

We see 2%.

It is not wise to dismiss info without giving it ACTUAL THOUGHT. Ironically the easiest way to practice this is to put rational thinking into the psy-op and neutralize it that way.

When a form of life is only convinced by so-called evidence about a matter, then this doesn't mean any more than a new belief. But knowledge, truth and wisdom can not be elaborated by such kind of evidence, but only by ones own labor of thinking and inner reaching of clarity by an inner generated evidence of truth.

82ea16 No.1534169


I agree which is why I thought it was so important to post here, not going to hear this kind of news for the normies to absorb on the mainstream media/ or should I say Deep Media this has to start with them not being honest with the American public.

d0a511 No.1534170


>MSM desperate to be relevant

Pay it no heed anon.

b7c9ee No.1534172



87ae8a No.1534173



I've actually been here since the beginning. I even remember some of the digging on the targeted plane kills. For whatever reason I just don't recall that specific post. You're right, I do need to reread the crumbs.

3d6fa9 No.1534175

File: f5519369cf2741a⋯.png (279.14 KB, 536x400, 67:50, HesRightYouKnow.PNG)

ecd616 No.1534176


they do that already. so does facebook. they fatten your news feed with fluff they want you to hear.

7c67db No.1534181

This is a bit random and maybe somewhat related.

Is it a coincidence that the mandela effect somewhat coincides with when cell phones got popular?

Does it have something to do with the frequencies? It would also explain the age discrepancies you get with a lot of them…

b1dc76 No.1534182



24c089 No.1534183


Not possible to remember everything, anon. Re-reading is a continual thing.

d329ba No.1534184


Ok then…as long as you're sure it belongs on a Q research board, it's ok with me

d79eee No.1534185

File: 48a9e797ce751db⋯.png (621 KB, 1500x1650, 10:11, clocktheoryYO.png)

File: 1272b5eeb2d2e5a⋯.jpg (777.71 KB, 994x1897, 142:271, Qsuicidecolors.jpg)

File: 3a42c8196b889d4⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 1928x2754, 964:1377, qclockimjongun.jpg)

File: 5fb038310a51ddb⋯.jpg (840.7 KB, 1901x1316, 1901:1316, qgraphicorigins.jpg)



1 day is 1 minute

just add 1 day for every minute

using this chart

1e75c9 No.1534187


453 people killed for swating a fly.

250 killed for buying a car too young.

0 people killed for swearing.

See, I can post random numbers also.

d9106c No.1534188


it is flowing miles away from pu'u o'o crater

a9c69d No.1534189


I don't think so. I remember Jiffy peanut butter from the 60's….

1c57ee No.1534190


They are here. Posting as anons. Asking simple questions when we get over a target to help us along. (lots of targets)

a30a21 No.1534193



Wendy Haberman !!!!

Renegade and Wendy ?

f0a856 No.1534194


And just like FE, none of those numbers relate to Q research.

ecd616 No.1534195


it's jif

f92c65 No.1534197


Yeah, Netflix has reached the point where 50% of users could cancel service and they'd still report record profits.

64c72c No.1534199


thank you..

800910 No.1534201

File: 956fd3fd45fa5ad⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1449x560, 207:80, ClipboardImage.png)

d50529 No.1534202


What this photo represents to me is that the peoples’ house is well represented… return to the Constitution… Thank Q and POTUS! 4 10 20

b7c9ee No.1534203


choosy mothers

choose Jif

the other was Skippy

348e80 No.1534204

File: 5c9a1387faba7ec⋯.png (15.84 KB, 596x183, 596:183, NKagedTweetNotWellJamesWoo….PNG)


Took what? A day? lol

4fe2e0 No.1534206

File: 7a62f6f8eebd70e⋯.jpeg (44.36 KB, 721x655, 721:655, Dd3qGzVVQAA_29N.jpg-large.jpeg)

File: dd5184f045422c4⋯.jpg (10.82 KB, 255x151, 255:151, 2d032f374ccaaca8db035995e2….jpg)

d329ba No.1534207


Check your math

ecd616 No.1534208


i think netflix is laundering cabal money. just today there were stories about how netflix is now bigger than disney or comcast. and susan rice and the obamas being involved?


a9c69d No.1534209


I and many others remember Jiffy. (Mandela effect)

f92c65 No.1534210


Check your cranium. Empty?

527295 No.1534211


Agree, what do the Obama's know about making TV shows? Nothing, it's a scam to launder

3f673a No.1534212


Watch AMZN, FB, and TWTR anon. Incredible anomalies.

c10a5e No.1534213

File: b6a0a51cf4ef6e4⋯.jpg (51.77 KB, 610x344, 305:172, punch.jpg)

a9c69d No.1534215

DEM DISASTER: Democrat Turnout in Texas Lowest in 100 YEARS

6515bd No.1534216


OldFag slipping. It happens.

Re-reading the crumbs is now my (great bathroom book)

You forget about things that have meanings for things happening today.

527295 No.1534217


It's Jiffy

067739 No.1534218


It's surreal. Like a parallel universe.

d329ba No.1534219


You better not give investment advice

27ec7c No.1534220


>DEM DISASTER: Democrat Turnout in Texas Lowest in 100 YEARS


7c67db No.1534222


Like I said, there' a large age correlation between many of the most commons ones.

Younger go with the present version. Older go with the "memory"

Many correspond with when cell phones left analog.

312f70 No.1534223


Agreed. With trillions of $s at stake to the deep state, what's a few billion to keep their power?

b7c9ee No.1534225


that was Jiffy popcorn you remember

c0f4dd No.1534226

File: 4ac6cf41e6eee35⋯.jpg (180.9 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, GDPpercapita.jpg)


>>1533928 sauce

if you measure wealth by GDP per capita,

Singapore is #2 after Luxemborg.


>Of course, none of the wealth works it's way into the public.

PPP confirms, of course.

d0a511 No.1534227

File: d53e8f9d3e22df3⋯.jpg (378.71 KB, 750x770, 75:77, 1511151142816.jpg)

a9c69d No.1534228

9d7e59 No.1534229


TxAnon doing my part!

6a8763 No.1534230



3b818a No.1534231


I wonded what DJT's purpose was in having her at the WH.

f92c65 No.1534233


It's the digital form of overpaying for abstract piece of shit art, in addition to the propaganda value of the shows, which isn't present in some squigly lines painted on canvas

ecd616 No.1534234


guess so because i can't find jiffy peanut butter online. there's jiffy cornbread and jif peanut butter. also skippy and peter pan peanut butter. can find no info on jiffy. that is all.

38997d No.1534235



edac25 No.1534237

File: e18d551165df30f⋯.jpg (13.68 KB, 255x222, 85:74, lemme.jpg)


New Bread

>> 1534161

>> 1534161

>> 1534161

Anything Messed up, please let me know I will fix

Thank you for your patience and kind words

I don't reply to kind words (focusing on bread/notables), but believe me i see them

and I am Grateful


new baker=

527295 No.1534238


> Jiffy popcorn

I don't eat it, never did.

I did eat Jiffy Peanut Butter

a30a21 No.1534239

McCabe had a 70k desk that was redacted ?

ecd616 No.1534240


time for some puts…

d0a511 No.1534241


Check Hannity, searched it a second ago.

a9c69d No.1534242



38997d No.1534244

File: a71e0389bb55241⋯.jpg (26.5 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 10252022_633.jpg)

Fill this out

e0bb9e No.1534245


Like this:








433716 No.1534247


Say what?

6fc3cf No.1534250


the line is to thick to see but look at the left side of your line.

you see dark blue below it and the right side you see light

blue above it. You are trying to split the difference in the curve

with your line. Enough with this slide. My dick is

to long to hold shills hands.

ecd616 No.1534251


no you didn't. it doesn't exist…never did. you're sliding. wanna talk about FE next?

b7f447 No.1534252


Or telling someone in the cabal they are not as well hidden as they think they are.

993fa6 No.1534253

File: 81f18f0242e4e58⋯.png (467.83 KB, 859x409, 859:409, jugears.png)

File: 3618c19ba2dfda6⋯.png (612.83 KB, 855x433, 855:433, realpotus.png)


Watching comparisons everywhere he's been so far is goosebump-inducing.

9d7e59 No.1534255


muh blue wave - kek

edac25 No.1534256

File: a220e1a2b27abf5⋯.png (142.65 KB, 512x512, 1:1, face palm pepe.png)



New Bread




New Bread

150e78 No.1534257


ok good come back now go to sleep and get some rest


b58ad2 No.1534258

File: e8923330fca3f31⋯.jpg (53.89 KB, 1080x1785, 72:119, 4pgoefvjx0zz.jpg)

File: 7c90f9b814dce93⋯.png (69.73 KB, 500x423, 500:423, flat-earthers-be-like-plut….png)

Muh flat earth, because I don't do basic math, geometry, physics or common sense!

f81b4b No.1534259


ah, thanks, you were faster

093dd9 No.1534260


This will help you spread your Flat Earth message


4fe2e0 No.1534262

File: 80e5b499372f6f6⋯.jpeg (13.2 KB, 229x255, 229:255, a6cf786d43df02b2a67107161….jpeg)


Soros bought a ton of Netflix stock.

b26552 No.1534479


The lawless one.

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