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9928d3  No.15338530[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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9928d3  No.15338533


Q Research General #19398 ORANGE MAN BAD WEEK


>>15335452, >>15335599 Clock + Graphic Orange Eyed Owl Edition

>>15335477 Bill Filed In Washington Would Authorize ‘Strike Force’ To ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated Families: ‘They Have Already Set Up The Internment Camps’

>>15335498, >>15335507, >>15335730, >>15335782, >>15335843 Clockworks

>>15335528 Orange Revolution Ukraine

>>15335573 New polling proves Trump's fans are as delusional as they are unoriginal

>>15335603 Updated projections for COVID-19 omicron wave in Florida

>>15335606 For the Keks Anon Poetry Corner

>>15335638 Anon Looking into Tencent

>>15335681, >>15335751 Opinion: The West has enabled Putin long enough. It is time to stop.

>>15335690, >>15335700, >>15335706, >>15335710, >>15335713, >>15335718, >>15335719, >>15335724 The Harry Reid Collection

>>15335805 US, Japan agree to two defense pacts amid China worries

>>15335814, >>15335818 National Guard Activations Map

>>15335825 Why The Kazakhstan Crisis Is A Much Bigger Deal Than Western Media Is Letting On

>>15335832, >>15335883 Snow Leopard Comms (Previous November & July 2021)

>>15335835 Chinese State Media Uses Times Square Screen to Play Xinjiang Propaganda

>>15335863 In Biden’s America, Citizens Live in Fear

>>15335923 Anon notes association with Oranges and the movie Godfather

>>15335937 Orange Dan with We Stand with Israel tweet

>>15336067 Omicron-Delta ‘hybrid’ gets sinister name (Cyprus?)

>>15336086 #19398

Q Research General #19397 WIDE AWAKE BAKE

>>15334619 A Change of Heart: Manchin Won't Back His Counteroffer to Biden's BBB Even if WH Does - Report (link 404, but change last dash to single and 5x5)

>>15334630 BOMBSHELL: German Doctors Find 'Astonishing' Impurities in Covid 'Vaccine' (Video)

>>15334687 The "forces of the #Russian contingent of the #CSTO peacekeeping forces", which were sent to #Kazakhstan, look like an ordinary occupation.

>>15334689 Sir, People are Requesting……..A Mean Tweet!

>>15334697 Evergreen Intel (PF Update) Tweet

>>15334703 18th ABN Corps Tweet Happy BIrthday, Elvis!

>>15334712 Laura Ingraham / CNN Messages Sent

>>15334849 Dan Scavino Jr. - Unleash The Hounds from Twitter Jan.2

>>15334858 It’s Coming: Biden’s Latest Irrational Moves Obliterate the US Economy About 2 Weeks Out

>>15334952, >>15335063 Tangerine Dan Retweets Reagan Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction…

>>15335013, >>15335024 URGENT UPDATE on the Kazakhstan Crisis Tweet

>>15335266 Official German Government Data Suggests the Fully Vaccinated Will Develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome by the End of January 2022 (link may insert %20 if copied but verified)

>>15335328 One Year Ago, Big Tech Declared Open War On America. Here’s What’s Next

>>15335359 Meta's Head of PR Leaves a Company on Fire

>>15335736 #19397 posted in #19398

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1a22e5  No.15338535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9928d3  No.15338536

Q Research General #19396: Dank EBake

>>15333841 What are the odds this "QAnon influencer" Cirsten Weldon, (fake, there is no qanon)

>>15333852, >>15333862, Savage Dad Berates 'Beta' School Board With Perfect Comedic Timing - megan fox twat (anon remembers a megan fox, phew)

>>15333854 Queen Refuses To Pay For Prince Andrew's Pedo Defense, Forcing Him To Unload Chalet In Fire Sale - zerohedge (kek)

>>15333864 the player Othman Coulibaly suffered a heart attack during the Al Wakra Club match - telegram

>>15333907 Appeals Court Blocks Vaccine Mandate for Contractors; Free Market Solution to Tech Monopoly -ntd

>>15333941 FAA Will Impose Flight Restrictions On Some Flight Operations Over 5G - zerohedge

>>15333965, >>15334028, >>15334043, >>15334058, >>15334062, patriot Front Glowies are back…twat

>>15334082, >>15334089, Update: It's now Saturday morning in #Kazakhstan, where internet has been cut for some 60 hours. twat

>>15334093 old vet offers his sage adivce and offers biden to a fight. mp4 video and o7

>>15334145 SCOTUS Went Virtual After Triple Vaxxed Lawyer Caught COVID While Arguing Over Vax Mandate - nationalfile.com

>>15334161 Agustin Carstens (B.I.S General secretary of the bank of international settlements in Switzerland) top boy and fat banker

>>15334218 election wizard 800 million impressions twat update - the numbers are massive of eyes on

>>15334237 with the eyes of the world on the 2020 election they had to steal it in broad daylight so everyone who was watching could see - own post cos anon is collecting notables.

>>15334296 At least 5 people are dead, 20 missing after a boulder crashes on 3 boats in Brazil - cnn

>>15334309 WHO Database Lists 2.9M Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines - telegram

>>15334319 New Mexico Detectives Unable to Touch Hamptons-Based Baldwin Are Now Working with His Local Sheriff's Department - western journal

>>15334411 To the anons tracking Guard to hospitals - add Delaware…baytobaynews.com

>>15334432 planefag

>>15334522 Katie Hobbs’ Arizona 2021 Elections Procedures Manual Rejected By AZ Attorney General – AZ Will Operate Under 2019 Elections Manual Instead - gwp (no change to elections or machines used)

>>15334524 Dr. Robert Malone: COVID Dogma, Media Fearmongering & ‘Mass Formation’ Hypnosis | PART 1 | TEASER - youtube advert

>>15333773 #19396 posted in #19397

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9928d3  No.15338538

Q Research General #19395: MSM Narrative Meltdown, What Will They Cook Up Next?? Hunter? Edition

>>15332989 GRAPHIC: Cartel Gunmen Dump 9 Bodies in Coastal State, Implicate Government Officials

>>15332991 Saudi Media Ministry Hires Former Producer for US Anchor Katie Couric for PR Campaign

>>15333001 DeSantis says Democrats’ J6 memorial service is going to end up being a “politicized Charlie Foxtrot”, and FBI is behind it.

>>15333004 Kagan: “the government is paying for the medical services so they have the right to dictate details of those services”

>>15333006 UK army deployed to hospitals

>>15333020 Quantico Rings Up $188 Million Bill for Afghan Refugees Housed in Tents

>>15333062 Coincidence?’ US, Foreign NGOs May Have Played Key Role in Social Unrest in Kazakhstan, Expert Says


>>15333071 US, NATO Reject Russia’s Call for Halt of Eastward Expansion

>>15333114 Shareholders Press Google and YouTube To Disclose White House Requests To Scrub COVID-19 Videos

>>15333153 #OTD in 1942, the Battle of #Rzhev began - one of the bloodiest in the history of the Great Patriotic War & #WWII.

>>15333160 Houthis Share Footage & Documents Confirming Saudi-led Coalition Shipped Weapons On Seized UAE Vessel

>>15333189 BBC News “forgot” to tell you that official data shows the Triple/Double Vaccinated accounted for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Deaths in December

>>15333190 It’s Coming: Biden’s Latest Irrational Moves Obliterate the US Economy About 2 Weeks Out

>>15333202 Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: ‘Is curing patients a sustainable business model?’ (2018)

>>15333221 Experimental Injections. “Biggest Crimes Against Humanity Ever Committed.” Anna de Bouisseret Explains Who Will be Held Liable Under the Law

>>15333226 Kazakhstan’s former anti-terror chief detained on suspicion of treason amid protests

>>15333245 Provinces likely to make vaccination mandatory, says Canadian health minister

>>15333259 With the Clinton Brand Now Discredited, Is It Time to Reopen the Vince Foster Investigation?

>>15333280 YouTube takes down music video critical of Joe Biden

>>15333288 NatlGuard updates

>>15333316, >>15333400 On The Move: The Story of Kazakhstan’s Capital City

>>15333333 *As a slave, within a corrupt Roman dictatorship…by design. Wake up, sheep.

>>15333365 FAA Will Impose Flight Restrictions On Some Flight Operations Over 5G

>>15333399 US war lobby fuels conflict in Russia, Ukraine, and Syria: ex-Pentagon advisor

>>15333673, >>15333676Russia’s Perpetual Geopolitics Putin Returns to the Historical Pattern

>>15333701 Clock Graphic Managing Israel's image on social media'

>>15334775 #19395 posted in #19397

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9928d3  No.15338539

Q Research General #19395: MSM Narrative Meltdown, What Will They Cook Up Next?? Hunter? Edition

>>15332989 GRAPHIC: Cartel Gunmen Dump 9 Bodies in Coastal State, Implicate Government Officials

>>15332991 Saudi Media Ministry Hires Former Producer for US Anchor Katie Couric for PR Campaign

>>15333001 DeSantis says Democrats’ J6 memorial service is going to end up being a “politicized Charlie Foxtrot”, and FBI is behind it.

>>15333004 Kagan: “the government is paying for the medical services so they have the right to dictate details of those services”

>>15333006 UK army deployed to hospitals

>>15333020 Quantico Rings Up $188 Million Bill for Afghan Refugees Housed in Tents

>>15333062 Coincidence?’ US, Foreign NGOs May Have Played Key Role in Social Unrest in Kazakhstan, Expert Says


>>15333071 US, NATO Reject Russia’s Call for Halt of Eastward Expansion

>>15333114 Shareholders Press Google and YouTube To Disclose White House Requests To Scrub COVID-19 Videos

>>15333153 #OTD in 1942, the Battle of #Rzhev began - one of the bloodiest in the history of the Great Patriotic War & #WWII.

>>15333160 Houthis Share Footage & Documents Confirming Saudi-led Coalition Shipped Weapons On Seized UAE Vessel

>>15333189 BBC News “forgot” to tell you that official data shows the Triple/Double Vaccinated accounted for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Deaths in December

>>15333190 It’s Coming: Biden’s Latest Irrational Moves Obliterate the US Economy About 2 Weeks Out

>>15333202 Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: ‘Is curing patients a sustainable business model?’ (2018)

>>15333221 Experimental Injections. “Biggest Crimes Against Humanity Ever Committed.” Anna de Bouisseret Explains Who Will be Held Liable Under the Law

>>15333226 Kazakhstan’s former anti-terror chief detained on suspicion of treason amid protests

>>15333245 Provinces likely to make vaccination mandatory, says Canadian health minister

>>15333259 With the Clinton Brand Now Discredited, Is It Time to Reopen the Vince Foster Investigation?

>>15333280 YouTube takes down music video critical of Joe Biden

>>15333288 NatlGuard updates

>>15333316, >>15333400 On The Move: The Story of Kazakhstan’s Capital City

>>15333333 *As a slave, within a corrupt Roman dictatorship…by design. Wake up, sheep.

>>15333365 FAA Will Impose Flight Restrictions On Some Flight Operations Over 5G

>>15333399 US war lobby fuels conflict in Russia, Ukraine, and Syria: ex-Pentagon advisor

>>15333673, >>15333676Russia’s Perpetual Geopolitics Putin Returns to the Historical Pattern

>>15333701 Clock Graphic Managing Israel's image on social media'

>>15334775 #19395 posted in #19397

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1a22e5  No.15338541


Call to Anons to check in on Twitter

Research for yourselves….o7 Anons

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9928d3  No.15338542

Q Research General #19394: Time To Step It Up Edition

>>15332200, >>15332855 It’s Coming: Biden’s Latest Irrational Move Obliterate the US Economy About 2 Weeks Out - The Gateway Pundit

>>15332214, >>15332380 @SpaceForceDoD #Guardians, only three days left until submissions are closed for the next cohort of the Supra Coders Software Development Immersive! Applications are due Jan. 11. #SemperSupra http://supracoders.us/software-development-immersive - USSF

>>15332216 Greg Kelly Just Fired The First REAL “Media” Shot at Joe Biden’s “Legitimacy” - Wayne Dupree

>>15332234 Bravo Zulu ~ This is a naval signal, conveyed by flaghoist or voice radio, meaning "well done"; it has also passed into the spoken and written vocabulary. It can be combined with the "negative" signal, spoken or written NEGAT, to say "NEGAT Bravo Zulu," or "not well done."

>>15332247, >>15332378, >>15332465, >>15332498, >>15332609 Swedish Crown Princess Victoria infected... Useless Vax? - Disclosetv, Various

>>15332261, >>15332263, >>15332413, >>15332549 How to buy a case: Democrat Style - Wow — Senate Democrats dined with Justice Sotomayor LAST NIGHT, according to @politico

>>15332274 Qlocktalk

>>15332414 Long before writers confirmed The Matrix was written as a trans allegory, trans fans were connecting with many of its themes. The red pill Neo takes is even similar to what estrogen pills, used for hormone replacement therapy, looked like in the '90s.... - NPR

>>15332416 Yesterday afternoon, I visited Colorado to see the aftermath of the recent wildfire firsthand and meet with those impacted. As I told folks on the ground: The federal government is not going away. We’re here for you as you recover and rebuild. - Biden

>>15332464, >>15332470, >>15332480, >>15332482, >>15332484 Q Proof?Kazakh Resistance overthrown in >24 hours"Done in 30" 'Done Early'

>>15332481, >>15332491 Routed Resistance Members attempt to Embed across EurAsia as their HQ has been compromisedBe wary of new and especially RECENT friends.

>>15332490 PF Reports on AF2

>>15332515 The 17-year-old son of Irish singer Sinead O'Connor has been confirmed dead after he went missing - Sky News, Twitter

>>15332532 James Webb Space Telescope: Primary Mirror Deployment – Mission Control Live - You Tube

>>15332571, >>15332618 Dan "Shut It Down" Scavino Tweets: HALT BRANDON'S MANDATE Link - Twitter

>>15332578, >>15332579 Ground beef sold at Kroger, Walmart, other major retailers recalled for E. coli risk - Food Safety News

>>15332592 In the bloody #BattleofNewOrleans, future President Andrew Jackson and a motley assortment of militia fighters, frontiersmen, slaves, Indians and even pirates weathered a frontal assault by a superior British force, inflicting devastating casualties along the way. - USArmy, Twitter

>>15332627 Federal judge orders the FDA to release Pfizer’s COVID vaccine data at a rate of 55,000 pages per month instead of 500 pages per month the FDA sought, which would have taken over 55 years to release the data in full. - Aaron Siri Substack

>>15332645, >>15332676, >>15332697 17 Oranges From Il Donaldo Trumpo?Dig RQ?- Twitter

>>15332659 Biden to deliver State of the Union address on March 1 - France24

>>15332673 USNavy Tweets: Cmdr. Billie J. Farrell will be the first woman to take command of @USSConstitution during a change-of-command ceremony scheduled for Friday, Jan. 21, at noon. - Twitter

>>15332732 Coordinated delinking from major currencies - The Blaze, Video

>>15332734 Critical Evidence Has Already Gone Missing as Georgia Officials Open Ballot Trafficking Investigation - The Gateway Pundit

>>15332756 Twitter suspends conservative pundit over transgender tweets

>>15332778, >>15332823, >>15332843 USNAVY Tweets: Another day, Another launch (and recovery). -USNavy, Twitter

>>15332788 FEC data show Twitter employees made 99% of political donations to Democrats, Google employees were at 94% - The Blaze, FEC

>>15332793, >>15332808 Papi Trumpo Re-Tweets DJT: Happy Annicersary of Twitter SUCKING! - Il Donaldo Trumpo, Twitter

>>15332799, >>15332809, Rock Collapse on 3 boats!

>>15332844, >>15332894 After Testing it With COVID, Experts Weigh ‘Authoritarianism’ to Fight Climate Change Too

>>15332889 Chinese State Media Uses Times Square Screen to Play Xinjiang Propaganda - NTD

>>15332909 Farage Backs Djokovic Against ‘Big, Bullying, Nasty Government’ - Breitbart

>>15332942 #19394

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9928d3  No.15338543

Previously Collected

>>15332811 #19393

>>15330984 #19390, >>15331106 #19391, >>15331374 #19392

>>15327510 #19387, >>15328819 #19388, >>15330500 #19389

>>15325169 #19384, >>15325988 #19385, >>15326748 #19386

>>15322914 #19381, >>15323676 #19382, >>15325019 #19383

>>15321312 #19379, >>15322904 #19380, >>15322914 #19381

>>15319006 #19376, >>15319821 #19377, >>15320533 #19378

>>15316640 #19373/2, >>15317399 #19374, >>15318219 #19375

>>15315362 #19371, >>15315925 #19372, >>15316641 #19373

>>15312866 #19368, >>15313624 #19369, >>15315541 #19370

>>15310532 #19365, >>15312467 #19366, >>15312036 #19367

>>15308265 #19362, >>15309012 #19363, >>15309757 #19364

>>15305713 #19359, >>15306788 #19360, >>15307426 #19361

>>15303470 #19356, >>15304275 #19357, >>15305059 #19358

>>15302810 #19353, >>15301958 #19354, >>15302758 #19355

>>15298719 #19350, >>15299577 #19351, >>15300316 #19352

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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9928d3  No.15338545



Kitchen open

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1a22e5  No.15338546


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bc6578  No.15338549

File: 2c19c453055d83c⋯.png (581.95 KB, 1045x970, 209:194, ClipboardImage.png)


We're in the Pipe

Ride the Waves


You are Precisely where God has place you

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45fc8b  No.15338550

File: 19dc61b226af695⋯.png (496.51 KB, 757x890, 757:890, I_O_go.png)


Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And one fine morning——

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

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787e7f  No.15338552

File: ae223ab2582583b⋯.jpg (210.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, frogs.jpg)


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1a22e5  No.15338553

File: b4d803a4198857f⋯.jpg (306.09 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, _aart9p.jpg)

File: 6940a804de5661a⋯.jpg (316.32 KB, 1079x1092, 83:84, Screenshot_20220109_110000….jpg)

File: 9da365db0ef39b6⋯.jpg (487.7 KB, 1036x1092, 37:39, Screenshot_20220109_110105….jpg)

File: 277b3f4930fdd27⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20220108_221133.jpg)

File: 7dd779126e422c8⋯.jpg (800.47 KB, 2250x724, 1125:362, Screenshot_20220109_110234….jpg)

Thank You Baker

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0e46f8  No.15338554

File: 9ba3084e5a60a34⋯.jpg (43.72 KB, 591x607, 591:607, OrangeBoobs1.JPG)

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1a22e5  No.15338558

File: 37dcaa03cefd996⋯.jpg (15.22 KB, 320x145, 64:29, GBC_1921_RG15_01535_0051_1….jpg)

File: 87aec3f2490439d⋯.jpg (2.9 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20220108_220825.jpg)

File: b586bf7c1e9ff91⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20220108_220834.jpg)

Thank you Douglas Baker

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adc484  No.15338559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is from 2010 but still relevant..

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a68d70  No.15338560

File: d69f45895a9611d⋯.jpg (30.94 KB, 290x290, 1:1, 1109cef5c4c8ef4b04be5d9742….jpg)

“If you do not specify and confront real issues, what you say will surely obscure them. If you do not alarm anyone morally, you yourself remain morally asleep. If you do not embody controversy, what you say will be an acceptance of the drift of the coming human hell.”

C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite

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9928d3  No.15338562

File: 32b4e2e9844b53e⋯.png (286.4 KB, 636x623, 636:623, 226e75b06a28f4273958e9a0a4….png)


>>15338545 Old dough



Kitchen clean

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400084  No.15338564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15338417 (lb)

>Any anons want to answer the question of whom Jesus was actually sacrificed to?

> to


I'm sorry. That's the wrong answer!

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1a22e5  No.15338565


We see you VIP Patriot!

Thank you for your service (truly!)

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787e7f  No.15338569

File: 79d1ceec7b4978f⋯.png (649.77 KB, 1202x1186, 601:593, dan.png)

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1a22e5  No.15338572


Please no Moar of this - even if intent was good. o7 Dude

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d1801d  No.15338575


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45fc8b  No.15338577

File: 68a4cb8d11815c0⋯.png (45.85 KB, 419x351, 419:351, tra.png)


General Flynn ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [09.01.22 14:07]

This article below is a response to the disgusting diatribe from Jake Tapper targeting Robert F. Kennedy Jr. regarding his new book (The Real Anthony Fauci)…the article and the book are both essential reading for anyone who cares about our health, our democracy and the future of the free world.

“Under the apparent terms of that sponsorship, CNN and Tapper provide Pfizer a platform to market its products and allow the drug company — a serial felon (https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/parent/pfizer) — to dictate content on CNN.”


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563e94  No.15338581



Q Research General #19399: Everything and the Kitchen Sink Edition

>>15336154 Vince Foster, Banca Della Svizzera Italiana in Chiasso, Switzerland and PROMIS…?

>>15336172, >>15336234 Anon perspective on comms Roman Polanski

>>15336187 Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway to join Corman gubernatorial campaign

>>15336188 #MaximumMaxwell Madness: After Verdicts Now 3d Juror Lie ID-ed By Team Maxwell…

>>15336202 Papi Trumpo 17 Oranges

>>15336211 Dr. Vernon Coleman on the MRNA Vaccine

>>15336273 The Biden Economic Miracle?

>>15336381 For the Keks Clip

>>15336522, >>15336579, >>15336834 Oranges, multiple meanings exist

>>15336815 WHU Alumni Karim Masimov Re-appointed Prime Minister of Kazakhstan

>>15336852 Anon's Mohamed Al-Amin mini bun

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d1801d  No.15338582

File: 0d00c112412fe43⋯.png (54.56 KB, 630x1200, 21:40, ClipboardImage.png)

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1a22e5  No.15338585

Permission to proceed Sir?

Is the stage set?

o7 and thank you for letting me post under such a ridiculous title.

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fc4a00  No.15338588

File: f4dd8c5544e9feb⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB, 640x416, 20:13, oYUbWrRcUQJw_09t.mp4)

For the Keks


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a68d70  No.15338590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“In spite of the evidence presented in this book, most Americans will still find it difficult to believe that their trusted, high-credibility information sources long ago betrayed them into the hands of profit hungry marketing executives who have quietly researched, developed and exhaustively applied a subliminal technology of communication that is no driving every larger segments of the population to pathological behaviors. “

-Professor Wilson Bryan Key

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1a22e5  No.15338591


Imagine a distress code

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7a1b93  No.15338593

File: 43dd0e1b7bfecc4⋯.png (1.1 MB, 944x712, 118:89, ClipboardImage.png)



2 breads


choices choices

why not both


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b7e9e2  No.15338596

File: 907f63517a42517⋯.png (532.84 KB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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d2d0ef  No.15338597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The centerpiece of Optimal EFT brings great relief to a Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor

Very in depth video from 2015 with two therapists and an adult male victim of SRA who grew up in a cult. Very in-depth, and they seem to know a lot about SRC, the history, the reason why they do certain things, and the mental, physical and spiritual effects. They also talk about the need for a great spiritual awakening, list helpful books and talk about the EFT therapy that helped heal him. Very interesting.

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0e46f8  No.15338598

File: e412259583b6b1b⋯.jpg (783.6 KB, 1800x1251, 200:139, Grrr_TC.jpg)

Latest GrrrGraphics…Ted is Toast

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a68d70  No.15338599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There are many ways to attack culture and consciousness non-kinetically.

The cult's near total control of MSM means that people who watch more media content and attend more movies are more deeply asleep, and can be irreversibly affected.

Control of information systems allowed the satanist cult to keep from us information that would have liberated us from our bondage. To do so they had to control the way that we think, and they have done so - from the beginning.

The only way to inhibit the function of overt disinformation and covert control tactics is to expose them. NSA, US Military intelligence and allies and partners worldwide are doing this now. Whatever the ultimate extent of the public revelations, the existing damage is real, and remedial measures are required to initiate recovery with the objective of restoring function and educating the public about our collective cognitive vulnerabilities.

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23cdf7  No.15338602

>>15337932 (lb)

Seems legit. The "god" of the bible sounds like a typical misogynistic european monarch with a short man complex.

"Thank me. Bow to me. Worship me. Honor me. Beg me for forgiveness. Give me 10% of your stuff (which is all mine) or I'll smite you and have you tortured for all eternity. Silence woman, Obey me!"

Seems like god is pretty insecure in his almightiness. Like an abusive husband that sends his prego wife to work and then whines about not having any dinner.

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adc484  No.15338604

File: e19060d72ed21ba⋯.png (3 MB, 1100x1556, 275:389, ClipboardImage.png)


I saw the last bread. Dude.

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a68d70  No.15338605

File: d23f7d14ccb8c48⋯.jpg (104.81 KB, 880x950, 88:95, 1572770192093.jpg)

Hollywood news and entertainment is the psychic equivalent of slow poison. Subversive psycho-social programming is designed to be a sweet dream. The sweetness, like sugar's, conceal a destructive toxin: cumulative, progressive and ultimately fatal.

The damage done by legacy media Information Operations (IO) or psyops is phased, incremental and cumulative. Vocabulary is slowly reduced, falsified history created to support the satanist cultists’ new story of America.

Primary sources, firsthand accounts and photographs are stolen from local libraries and archives. Inconvenient facts and eyewitness accounts are removed from history and new evidence injected where necessary. A nation without history has no purpose, it ceases to exist.

Emotion replaces analytic logic, fear replaces faith. Individual and collective cognitive capacity gradually declines over decades. Eventually we become so stupid we can no longer understand what is happening to us.

Information Poisoning

We have been poisoned with bad information. We have been denied real information, and most of us have no idea what, or how much information about reality has been denied us.

1 Information Operations "IO" or psyops cause phased, cumulative, progressive damage

2 "Entertainment" programming has been used by enemies of the United States to run sophisticated pysops on the civilian population for the purpose of manipulation and control.

3 Remediating the damage done by such programming is high priority and uses the same tactics technology.

The most effective way to convey large amounts of objectively true complex information about reality to the greatest possible number of people is by incorporating it into the relationship between characters in dramatic entertainment.

Stories can undo damage done us by Information Poisoning, relieve psychological distress, reassure the frightened and deliver the objectively true information about our environment we need, as citizens, to make informed decisions about our future.

We can explain and break cultist conditioning and remove implanted lies, eliminating demons and gradually restoring reality to brainwashed fellow citizens.

Our fellow citizens, the NPCs, have been betrayed and exploited by those they trusted most. The "stars" the "experts" and fake leaders and sports personalities.

TL:dr The same tactics used to poison and control mind and spirit can be used to heal.

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45fc8b  No.15338609

File: cf818a0959f7df3⋯.png (405.66 KB, 1231x648, 1231:648, juice.png)

File: fc1077aaf2a8c75⋯.png (322.82 KB, 485x468, 485:468, oj.png)

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9e6872  No.15338613

File: 9f9ad3e5525c643⋯.png (1.89 MB, 2160x1620, 4:3, 5CCDAC40_F7A6_4990_A2EC_04….png)

Sipping wine and planefagging.

That’s a whole lotta MIL air traffic up on a Sunday.

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f55fd4  No.15338616

File: 045653cd6f2fed2⋯.png (6.26 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, QCLOCKTHRU15JAN2022.png)

File: da395493e01982c⋯.png (107.9 KB, 434x437, 434:437, Q2644.png)

>>15337757 LB

Disclaimer: I am not a QclockofficiandoAnon, just noticed something on it.

NOT sure what this implies…but the Qdates in these two "Blackout" drops have 'dasting timing!

June 3 2018 is at the 58 minute mark on the Q clock

June 4, 2020 is at the 15 minute mark on the Q clock

17 minutes apart on the clock.

Could the "2 days ahead of schedule" drop come into play here?

Maybe a clockanon can get more out of this.

(Picture of a clock is used for display only, disregard the items highlighted on it. )

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cd8302  No.15338617


Oh shit damnit!

That’s funny!!!!!!!!!!

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63a8a4  No.15338618


Anyway to drop the call sign and info tabs next to the birds to get a better look

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a68d70  No.15338625

File: d78391968cfa230⋯.png (192.12 KB, 620x272, 155:68, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd42e6a217722e9⋯.png (379.49 KB, 550x413, 550:413, ClipboardImage.png)

Tunicates, or sea squirts spend a portion of their lives as independent free-swimming individuals, later they root beneath subtidal surface to spawn new individuals from stem cells in their cape or tunic, ‘’’joining with other individual to form a community with a common blood supply. ‘’’

The function of individual members of the community is ‘’’coordinated by the information circulating in the blood supply;’’’ in the human community, ‘’’media content circulating on social networks serves the same function’’’ and the information contained is used to coordinate the activities of every individual and every aspect of the community, from commerce to hygiene, resource distribution: everything.

That’s why the satanic bloodline families control legacy media and Big Tech. Control of the circulating information supply is control of the community or civilization it serves.


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bdfa6f  No.15338626

File: 0d6fef2f35dd7a7⋯.png (208.24 KB, 745x539, 745:539, jimClementeimdb.png)

File: a5eaa6d9f8fd3f9⋯.png (347.02 KB, 795x535, 159:107, Screenshot_from_2022_01_06….png)

File: d79d9d1d4892fe9⋯.png (146.58 KB, 729x503, 729:503, Screenshot_from_2022_01_06….png)

all pb

>>15338485 PB


Indivisible: Healing Hate dig


>>15318709 Indivisible: Healing Hate

>>15318853 muh insurrection -I don't think Jan 6 means what they think it means.

>>15318859 Almost like they're desperate to set the narrative. AlmostLoud

>>15318904 Susan Zirinsky - Democrat Operative posing as "Investigative News" producer


>>15319163 Jim Clemente - Sometimes, the digs dig themselves. Specialty: (children victimology)

>>15319461 "As long as you help the FBI…" Then portrays a pedo

>>15319548 Odd. The Child Crime Profiler assigned to work Vince Foster case.

>>15319608 Profiler podcast transcript

>>15319672 Clemente experiences the pedo crimes in his own mind. So Vince Foster

>>15319731, >>15319751 QRD Pretty clear why he's writing Trump Maga hit piece

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9e6872  No.15338627

File: 9535030add59e78⋯.png (2.02 MB, 2160x1620, 4:3, CA49B679_3FB4_433E_810A_1A….png)


Your request has been submitted. 😊😊

There’s way more than that, but you get the picture. 👍👍

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a68d70  No.15338628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Massive alienation from legacy media propagated pseudo-reality has created myriads of lost souls, vulnerable addicts and seekers. These unfortunates are caught between the Scylla of the big pharma dominated public mental health "system" and the Charybdis of mind control cults like Scientology and other predatory control systems who actively recruit them and employ the ancient technology of the Assassins (MK Ultra today) to insure the sustained loyalty of initiated members.

Envisioned treatment employs the same cross platform dramatic narrative entertainment formats to incrementally replace false information with true, neutralize ideological booby traps and facilitate individual development and psychological adaptation.

Individuals trapped in dis-improving belief systems or subcultures built around fictional or fictionalized heroes can be reclaimed by revision of the misleading narrative, so trapped fan or adherent is afforded a choice between seductive delusion or re integration with reality.

The same areas attacked are the areas to be addressed in remedial media content, which may as easily produce beneficial and improving effects as harmful ones. Things that must happen sequentially in 3D material reality can happen at the same time in a story. A story can explain why things change rapidly and catalyze the evolution of consciousness. Dramatic storytelling is how we learn about unlearning and relearning and how we may come to experience for ourselves the dramatic evolution of our understanding when we gain access to important, new, objectively true information.

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9928d3  No.15338632

File: 2290749705a975e⋯.png (218.57 KB, 478x631, 478:631, Screenshot_2022_01_09_at_1….png)

File: 69ee5556cb3fe67⋯.png (4.24 KB, 191x49, 191:49, ClipboardImage.png)



JUST IN - 19 people dead, many more injured in New York City building fire.


Dancing Israelis?

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97029e  No.15338633

File: 6bd958eb3f9c0d8⋯.jpg (19.04 KB, 600x421, 600:421, Curtiss_XP_55_Ascender_Tit….jpg)


Two damn breads.

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1a22e5  No.15338634


Images and words hurt Anon.

My mum might have breast cancer and so might I. Not funny to me or any proper person in the Military especially in the U.K

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9928d3  No.15338638

File: a3cfc1623140d59⋯.png (88.17 KB, 652x358, 326:179, ClipboardImage.png)


People jump from windows of Bronx apartment building during fire


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1a22e5  No.15338641

>>15338625 Thanks Anon for being an adult in the room. o7

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1a22e5  No.15338644

Literally that Anon does not seem like they should know that about me. I guess they do from my medical history.

Invasion of privacy.

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1a22e5  No.15338648

General advice to actual Anonymous (o7 NSA and GCHQ and the armed forces!):

Do not insult the girl who has taken on the burden of being the public representative ofourmovement.

Do not confuse me with Julian Assange.

"Dearest Virginia…."

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adc484  No.15338650


"Blame the victim and go see a therapist."

Same old story. My answer is still the same.

Puppies are the best therapists.


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501e99  No.15338652

File: 0c2bf1e792ec0b4⋯.jpeg (265.55 KB, 828x1565, 828:1565, 510AF992_D71B_475F_8791_C….jpeg)


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1a22e5  No.15338653

Do I deserve the honorary title yet?

It is mortifying for me.

o7 General Flynn

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1a22e5  No.15338656

We See All. We Hear All

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77d744  No.15338657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TOMORROW - 8PM - #ExposeFauci


#VeritasArmy Dedicated Video Distribution List

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are ALL censoring our videos. Signing up to be on our dedicated distribution list is the only way to ensure that you can see our new releases. Once signed up, we will send you all future stories and updates directly to your inbox.

Sign up to receive emails from Project Veritas


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c76eb6  No.15338662

File: 59abcff47278ff0⋯.png (94.92 KB, 1890x681, 630:227, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15337765 (lb)

No sign of this at the ICC website


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501e99  No.15338663


Be prepared.

This is society’s fault.

Not the democrat mayors and governors.


The monolith media will fuck us GOOD for this one.


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52d445  No.15338665

So which bread are we going with?


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d2d0ef  No.15338669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Puppies are the best therapists! I just thought it was very interesting about the whole SRA thing, particularly with the use of high tech to manipulate people's minds (ex. using frequencies). The guy who is running the interview is a bit of a goof, but the SRA survivor and his therapist are worth listening to.

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63a8a4  No.15338675


“Because of that Qanon cult it led to the poor building management and maintenance from the past few decades…it’s their fault. They time traveled”

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a757d4  No.15338683


This is why all NSA, CIA, Missed, MI6, etc. databases must be made public. Without everyone's personal information out in the open they will always be in control due to the asymmetry of information.

No one wants this to happen, but as long as this information exists it must be distributed equally.

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45fc8b  No.15338687

File: 6b9bac0e4af7fd3⋯.png (702.76 KB, 834x884, 417:442, orange.png)

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c415ac  No.15338688

File: f4f13ecf403ecfa⋯.png (153.02 KB, 620x360, 31:18, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5019bfba184690⋯.png (383.28 KB, 768x384, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

How much winning do you need until you realize the truth ?

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031389  No.15338689

File: 7e525542375cc67⋯.png (154.9 KB, 278x334, 139:167, fin07bb5e4S002u2ofcf0027b9….png)

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cb697b  No.15338691

File: 65142e889721abb⋯.png (508.01 KB, 624x682, 312:341, dancingis_2.png)

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501e99  No.15338699



Plus, “society is just racist and unequal.”

It’s not like the person who started the fire had a choice.

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9c31b1  No.15338702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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19434a  No.15338703

File: dd90c1246f65ef4⋯.png (3.88 KB, 207x100, 207:100, 1641623030.png)

File: 0b02bb4ed7990c9⋯.png (604.88 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2022_01_09_at_….png)



Theres something here Anons.

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19434a  No.15338707

File: 1209d5bdfaecbca⋯.png (242.82 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2022_01_09_at_….png)

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cb697b  No.15338709

File: f3e8494b1bc851b⋯.jpeg (148.65 KB, 600x600, 1:1, vang.jpeg)

File: adba5945225ada6⋯.jpeg (280.5 KB, 1380x1138, 690:569, vangoo.jpeg)

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63a8a4  No.15338711


Stop dumping LSD in your whiskey that you drink for breakfast, please. Put down the cocaine and oxy’s.

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45fc8b  No.15338712

File: 442236f79587237⋯.png (1.09 MB, 782x879, 782:879, dear_feds.png)

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9928d3  No.15338720

File: 292d774f1f6d824⋯.png (520.61 KB, 598x644, 13:14, Screenshot_2022_01_09_at_1….png)

File: 7a3d5a4cf52d7ae⋯.png (38.5 KB, 135x110, 27:22, ClipboardImage.png)

Department of Defense Flag of United States


Night operations.

A @USNavy sailor applies spray paint to an E-2D Advanced Hawkeye in the hangar bay of #USSCarlVinson.



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adc484  No.15338722


Thanks but no thanks. I don't like therapists or anyone who plays blame the victim. Please don't try this one me again. Thanks.

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9eb9a6  No.15338724


Isn’t that where JJ lived? Dynamite!

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19434a  No.15338737

File: d5491c45602fc89⋯.jpeg (31.4 KB, 346x400, 173:200, iu_23.jpeg)

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19434a  No.15338745

File: fdddfb24a4cd4bd⋯.png (296.33 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2022_01_09_at_….png)

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45fc8b  No.15338746

File: cb56b52b5cfca4f⋯.png (295.94 KB, 721x631, 721:631, news.png)


Health News

More Good News on Ivermectin

By Joseph Mercola

January 6, 2022 Updated: January 6, 2022

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63a8a4  No.15338758


That Bronx building is “the projects”. Who owns it, who runs it, who maintains it? Maybe we should find that info to crush any false narratives? Need the address of building first if one can fine it

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45fc8b  No.15338759

File: aa1518f2fe45437⋯.png (289.97 KB, 858x730, 429:365, hunter.png)


The Hunter Connection? Kazakh Security Chief Arrested For Treason Was "Close Friends" With Bidens

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Sunday, Jan 09, 2022 - 03:00 PM

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787e7f  No.15338764

File: ea3c0c51a6e33a5⋯.jpg (122.02 KB, 525x563, 525:563, hillaryorang.jpg)

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9928d3  No.15338766

File: abfcc69c603de8f⋯.png (129.04 KB, 360x467, 360:467, 5c7db878c4cceaefd99ea52637….png)

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f94bd4  No.15338772

File: b828b6e01e69121⋯.png (15.99 KB, 333x495, 37:55, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd7e355b8fb270c⋯.png (3.24 MB, 4000x4000, 1:1, 2clock2022blank44BLACKOUT.png)


Fledgling ClockFag,

You can double check your dates by going to QAGG.news and turning on the Qclock info option.

June 4/20 is at :10

Here is a blank to get you started.

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f4c087  No.15338788



bread shitter

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45fc8b  No.15338789

File: 1e872409bd0c67e⋯.png (226.33 KB, 604x731, 604:731, dan_tw.png)


THANK YOU! #LESMOncoming police car


3:27 PM · Jan 9, 2022·

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787e7f  No.15338791

File: cf81724534e286e⋯.jpeg (154.19 KB, 640x480, 4:3, hillaryorange.jpeg)

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787e7f  No.15338798



19 People

11 am?

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787e7f  No.15338812


*19 stories

Firefighters say at least 11 of the victims have life-threatening injuries.


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9928d3  No.15338813

File: 46bcdec6af7105f⋯.png (183.15 KB, 478x623, 478:623, Screenshot_2022_01_09_at_1….png)

NASA Wallops


When midnight strikes, we launch! Rocket

A Black Brant IX sounding rocket launched Jan. 9 at 12 am ET from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility carrying the DXL mission to study the origin of soft x-rays in our galaxy that impact technology in Earth’s atmosphere.

Camera with flash: NASA/Brian Bonsteel


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9928d3  No.15338967

File: bc3e86c82bf2795⋯.png (356.46 KB, 598x687, 598:687, 1b40a06b6d2530d6924c7dffcc….png)

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fe23cf  No.15338978







BLACK over and OUT

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54170b  No.15338990


add sports

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c76eb6  No.15338991

File: 72e180d54b5da21⋯.png (1.27 MB, 836x842, 418:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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1fe53c  No.15339003

File: 0eb937d65d80982⋯.jpg (117.54 KB, 1092x534, 182:89, Screenshot_20211017_000239….jpg)


God bless and protect Us.

I sword dance, in the grace of your MUSIC. With a song every day in my heart.

Not I alone, WE topple evil gaints.


And helping Us research cures for diseases such as: Bi polar disorder, ADD, and ADHD.

God bless OUR Milky Way…

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352876  No.15339013

File: 1b35bf2d749084b⋯.png (9.03 KB, 432x155, 432:155, 4888.png)

File: 75a197675e4e0d2⋯.png (664.6 KB, 753x657, 251:219, 4888_.png)



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c76eb6  No.15339018

File: 5ea04fb1ac9563d⋯.png (104.42 KB, 306x296, 153:148, ClipboardImage.png)

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1dba8c  No.15339035



messages sent to Abba - pw

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f55fd4  No.15339048

File: d3a5a7e6dedbef9⋯.jpg (9.66 KB, 255x163, 255:163, tardjail.jpg)


You are right, SuperiorClockfag,

I used 2021, not 2020.

Im a dork.

Dang.Thought I was on to something.

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f9bfd4  No.15339065


I was so furious when i saw this, I wanted to snap those dues fingers off.

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9928d3  No.15339109


this guy is alive?

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c76eb6  No.15339225


>this guy is alive?

Macron? Haven't checked RRN lately, but yeah.

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f4c087  No.15339260

File: a357f2f924bf6ac⋯.png (388.17 KB, 596x431, 596:431, tooquiet.png)

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9928d3  No.15339384

File: 4eb7f664e3fab96⋯.png (182.12 KB, 197x345, 197:345, ClipboardImage.png)


He´s not Emmanuel…

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9928d3  No.15339416

File: 86171f70d9d9483⋯.png (658.76 KB, 1426x757, 1426:757, Screenshot_2022_01_09_at_1….png)

File: 05b2c7e04ec9a9d⋯.png (74.67 KB, 448x390, 224:195, ClipboardImage.png)


Donald Tusk



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2a2fb5  No.15339435


Sounds positive

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c76eb6  No.15339436


>Donald Tusk

Thanks for the correction.

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063ef9  No.15339460

File: cd20febe51c6453⋯.jpg (158.38 KB, 900x697, 900:697, _Glitch_.jpg)

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9928d3  No.15339484

File: cf5f1e1c2286b6c⋯.png (491.74 KB, 779x520, 779:520, 7eddac5b0df217855b3bb82109….png)

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52eb1a  No.15339570

File: 21e6e19da065406⋯.mp4 (1009.49 KB, 648x366, 108:61, ACT_egxOp7qMr_r_.mp4)

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52eb1a  No.15339592

File: 2199cb801df5186⋯.png (7.58 MB, 2290x1322, 1145:661, POTUS_STORM.png)

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fe23cf  No.15339679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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563e94  No.15339836

File: cd87a18f3af10d0⋯.jpg (39.87 KB, 720x879, 240:293, EljAMX1XgAAtghk.jpg)

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9928d3  No.15339880

File: beb50d1ce6554ad⋯.png (429.32 KB, 785x767, 785:767, 41c8b75bb52697e243333a1ad6….png)

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063ef9  No.15339921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mining salt in the #CityOfLove


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78739f  No.15339947

DeepDiggers over there making fun of the ebakes and TBC's… but their bread ain't even risin'. kek

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a17cde  No.15339953

File: 5af90a42341831a⋯.png (531.58 KB, 1222x502, 611:251, Screen_Shot_2022_01_09_at_….png)

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c76eb6  No.15340022

7pm EST prayer time

God be with all anons as we stand against the invisible enemy.

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adc0d3  No.15340069


Anonymous 01/09/22 (Sun) 18:00:068b41c0 (16) No.15339992 >>15340016 >>15340027 >>15340033 >>15340050

File (hide): 18f8988a07d3fd0⋯.jpeg (354.69 KB, 1194x2122, 597:1061, AA46454D_9A07_4EED_85B8_3….jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d03fcacc09cfcd3⋯.jpeg (25.13 KB, 210x255, 14:17, AAAE563C_E2A7_431B_A8C3_4….jpeg) (h) (u)

join in unison with my anon brothers and sisters,let this prayer be added to multiply the power of our prayers Lord

Lord God Almighty and Jesus, we prayer for your heavenly angels in the billions to descend upon our planet, along with your saints all cosmic Christ consciousness to enter our hearts, souls, mind and spirit, this day and everyday thereafter, to work through our anon work.

Increase our research, digging and exposure of all evil to be exposed at a much deeper level. Give us the strength, the wisdom, the compassion and the insight to reveal ALL that must be revealed for the great awakening of the entire planet.

We join in the Holy Spirit with all Qresearch boards from every country to bring about the real change that this world needs. We pray the same prayer for every country around the world, we are one in spirit snd soul with anons from all countries WW. Refresh our minds and intuition to find any important dig we have missed or not seen. Give us divine sight to reveal the truth to all.

And especially give anons the gift of speech and the word that we may convey the truth, so it is accepted by all good souls on this planet. Many of us may not have this gift and we ask you God and Lord Jesus Christ to give us the gift of the Holy Spirit of conveying the words that will be accepted by millions.

For those anons that have this gift, give them a larger audience to deliver it to and give each one of us the courage we need to be your apostles of truth.

Lord God, Jesus the Christ, angels of heaven most especially protect, defend and restore our President Donald J. Trump as the rightful President of the United States if the Republic of America.! Protect his family, the Q team, his staff and all working with him to correct the wrong of the stealing of the 2020 election from Americans. Embolden the courageous and honorable in the military to do their job of restoring the US to a country and world ruled by God and those whom he has chosen.

And Lord God Save and Protect every child on this planet, born and unborn. And take the evil ones on this planet to their final judgement in the Lake of Sacred to die their second and last death. Remove the evil, restore the holy and riteous and make everyone of your souls warriors for holiness, grace and redemption upon our planet!

Not our wills but thine be done, in your name, let it be done immediately and according to your timing.

We love you Lord and will stand by and fight for your souls, as long as we have life and breath to give! Amen

PS Lord God, Jesus and healing angels, anons have been at this work for a long time, some 30-40 years, will you please bless and heal all anons WW that are dealing with depression, anxiety, legal matters, troubles in the personal life and health, etc., those that are burderned with a lack if abundance in their personal life.

Please give anons all the support, love and healing we need from heaven and mankind. Free our burdened minds, hearts, souls and bodies, families and friends by the almighty power of the Holy Spirit this night and everyday after to have to strength of battle to fulfill our vow of devotion to you and the souls youve created.

Give those among us that are in need, may they receive what the need now, give us and restore us to happiness, joy and bictoryt in our endeavors.

Your Will is pre-eminent and powerful, we prayer for your will to bequeath your abundance upon all anons and souls that need your presence now.

We love all your souls and the courageous anons that work for you, bless us with your will, and God please help those that are the most needy among us immediately. Raise our spirits and souls to re-enter this fight with restored peace and strength.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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5908c6  No.15340238


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9928d3  No.15340330


That´s the spirit!

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b7e9e2  No.15340464

File: 9959ecc8723c4a9⋯.png (104.22 KB, 963x473, 963:473, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9974d801549f32⋯.png (202.07 KB, 949x1735, 949:1735, ClipboardImage.png)

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4bf15d  No.15340700

PLAYBOY: Legend has it that after the birth of your daughter, you told a comedian friend that he could “finger her for a dollar.” That’s just a very sick joke, right? You didn’t really say that, did you?

BOB SAGET: I can’t lie and say it didn’t happen. I guess I could lie, but it’s too late for that now. The thing is, it was a very traumatic birth, and we almost lost my ex-wife. She was in intensive care the entire time. Paul Provenza, who directed The Aristocrats, came to visit me in the hospital. I was holding my baby, and I hadn’t slept and I’d been crying for four days. So obviously I was out of it and I wasn’t thinking clearly and… well… (Sighs deeply.) I don’t know what to say about this. I’m in huge amounts of pain. I know that my daughter and her friends are going to read this, and I don’t want to say anything that might hurt her. But it’s not one of those things I can just ignore and make disappear. I’ve said things I wish I could do over, and this would be at the top of the list. I guess the only thing I can really say in my defense is, I should’ve asked for more than a dollar. It should’ve been at least five bucks. This is my daughter, for god’s sake.


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4bf15d  No.15340702


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b7e9e2  No.15340822

File: 6499bece3d533c0⋯.mp4 (13.06 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1VmnZlu8HZz7wO0o.mp4)

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b7e9e2  No.15340904

File: a8f24dd8e0f0992⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB, 352x640, 11:20, EQoxdRZWKQ34Kj_9.mp4)

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a612a5  No.15340985

File: 9411d1833805962⋯.jpg (127.59 KB, 1018x888, 509:444, FLOTUSorangeskirt.JPG)




>Q Research General #19405: Orange Man Summer Edition


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ebbb35  No.15340988

File: 102c274a712b413⋯.png (153.56 KB, 267x372, 89:124, 8kunHoneyPot.PNG)

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0db1c8  No.15341019

File: e75f6163b8b70f6⋯.jpeg (265.01 KB, 1241x1039, 1241:1039, 59AF9F6F_2F6E_4CF6_8D7A_4….jpeg)

66th member, hmm


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0db1c8  No.15341049

File: 1143cd8a3880ef8⋯.jpeg (283.96 KB, 1241x1209, 1241:1209, CBC3D394_A92E_4A7F_9C6E_C….jpeg)

File: 3620f164026f13d⋯.jpeg (247.42 KB, 1241x1021, 1241:1021, 1747DB16_1C18_431B_9DE1_3….jpeg)

Never forget to pander in times of trajedy, but never help the actual people



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0db1c8  No.15341092

File: dfbdd948bccbcd9⋯.jpeg (296.21 KB, 1239x1103, 1239:1103, 842190B2_3712_4F56_935C_F….jpeg)


Not that it matters.

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0db1c8  No.15341120

File: 9ea7fa51abb0396⋯.jpeg (345.02 KB, 1241x1357, 1241:1357, 8CC778A0_E6CC_4220_96A1_A….jpeg)

File: 1957ced988bb20a⋯.jpeg (279.84 KB, 1241x1188, 1241:1188, 4387BEE7_82D7_43B4_8EA4_A….jpeg)

What is this about? GOP caving?


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0db1c8  No.15341130

File: 78c655ffc24c651⋯.jpeg (207.85 KB, 1241x850, 73:50, A8306F7A_177F_47C2_88D3_2….jpeg)


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fe23cf  No.15341136

Q , and Q+ , I forgot to tell (You) , when I noticed that my Heavenly Gaurdian Angel Watcher Anon's gave me a 23 in my ID today , I about had a heart attack , I must also add that I lost my job of 8 years on June 23rd 2020 due to (They) that caused ALL of U.S. PAIN for the last 2 years , and (they) are painfully paying the price Today , Tonight , Tomorrow , and ALL this Week , WE THE PEOPLE WILL NEVER EVER FORGET !!!! Everything Has Meaning , there are no coincidences. Dark to LIGHT !!!! WWG1WGA FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM , FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FOR THE TRUTHS , Godspeed Patriots , Stay Together , Stay Strong , Thank(You) to ALL of Our Military Patriot Saints and Soldiers , and Families , Anon's Included , remember Love is the Answer Always , Pilotorb ❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸✈😎🙏 PAIN23 out.

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0db1c8  No.15341211

File: 5c7c0d7c00aeed4⋯.jpeg (307.78 KB, 1241x1380, 1241:1380, 082F9687_73A8_485C_97D0_1….jpeg)


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0db1c8  No.15341222

File: 3e1e5868c08d85c⋯.jpeg (481.86 KB, 1241x1823, 1241:1823, 37B8CABC_4B69_4910_B856_1….jpeg)


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0db1c8  No.15341331

File: caf72b823772b6b⋯.jpeg (112.47 KB, 781x1200, 781:1200, 23756A84_36F2_4272_A562_8….jpeg)

File: 0a54b90ea3f4677⋯.jpeg (366.72 KB, 1241x1259, 1241:1259, 092791B5_1F75_4551_B583_6….jpeg)

File: efd19017324e28e⋯.jpeg (335.65 KB, 1241x1874, 1241:1874, 714F3412_8D47_4638_A48A_6….jpeg)



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21f361  No.15341478


i hope thats not your real name idiot …

dont put anything in the top blocks

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bb38fc  No.15342000


I doubt Dick Black is his real name.

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641def  No.15342011

Hey Y’all

I have been away for so long, I wonder who all is still here?


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6304f1  No.15342085

File: f08537c4c473384⋯.jpg (114.71 KB, 1334x933, 1334:933, F1xtpJz.jpg)

File: 300ce1164dc78d1⋯.jpg (109.72 KB, 999x560, 999:560, aa8006dcf035baa5.jpg)

File: 579b9212fe4a517⋯.jpg (188 KB, 891x852, 297:284, da567fe7b0ffe3e6.jpg)

File: 7494157d140a0ff⋯.jpg (73.65 KB, 999x372, 333:124, fd14dd163d627f4e.jpg)

File: 62dea15c21d37a0⋯.jpg (119.83 KB, 933x852, 311:284, 3a87b6facc0b7602.jpg)

Maxwell, Monsters, Silk Road, Smollett

There is a reason Q gave a giant countdown leading to Maxwell's arrest.

How big is this? Maxwell’s history decoded: https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/12/15/maxwell-monsters-silk-road-smollett/

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eab0fe  No.15342185



So now the faggots are using the word "comrade", eh?

They forgot "I will never assume a comrade's gender".

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fd082a  No.15342453

File: 4f6158cc584771a⋯.png (334.5 KB, 583x363, 53:33, ClipboardImage.png)

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fd082a  No.15342454

File: 492c7b56b9c7690⋯.png (368.23 KB, 584x469, 584:469, ClipboardImage.png)

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a15746  No.15343304

its bumpsa da ebakesa behind da real bakesah SHOOPAH!!!

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9e1ebb  No.15343581



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24330e  No.15345701

File: 1c4c9387a642eff⋯.png (566.64 KB, 882x594, 49:33, ChangeFirst2.png)

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6304f1  No.15345897

File: a0ae472e0ba0a53⋯.jpg (305.01 KB, 1795x913, 1795:913, c263e4e9412c4e32.jpg)

The Great Awakening: Fake Death, NASA's James Webb Scope, Brady Material https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2022/01/06/great-awakening-fake-deaths-james-webb-scope-brady-material/

Question: How do you think the Great Awakening will be triggered? What if the plan involved certain celebrities faking their death?

Simply by them returning after a heavily publicized death It forces people to realize things aren't always what they seem and that the MSM can and does say things that aren't true. But even more than that, those special celebs who shock the world will be in a unique position to expose things in a way people will listen!

Who might not be dead?

Rush Limbaugh, Alex Trebek, Prince Philip, Harry Reid, Betty White. I find these 5 recent celebrity deaths to be suspicious.

Did you know that Rush Limbaugh was diagnosed with the cancer the same day Coronavirus hit the U.S?

Did you know that Rush's last broadcast was Feb 2nd 2021, this was the same day that Jeff Bezos announced he was quitting!

Bezos, the biggest pocketbook of the left and biggest voice of the right just so happened to stop on the same day?

And it gets even stranger, Elon Musk saying we need to leave earth that same exact day!

Did you know Prince Philip died when he was 99 years old on April 9th the 99th day of the year?

Did you know that both Prince Philip and Rush Limbaugh's deaths happened on a day with the International space Station received a delivery? Comms of a passenger going far far away?

Yea, and there's more, but I think just from this 2nd image collage you can tell there's something deeper going on here.

It's a painless way to instantly shock the public into accepting massive mind-blowing truths about the press! It gives the speaker the credentials to be trusted as they are living proof of how coverups can and do happen all the time.

So they hide out for a year or two and then return, and then be the voice of DECLAS? Well, If this were true we'd see a lot of comms around the celebrities involved. And… this week I've decoded exactly that! https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2022/01/06/great-awakening-fake-deaths-james-webb-scope-brady-material/

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81b999  No.15347362

File: 411a4edca36960f⋯.png (755 KB, 910x2432, 455:1216, Screen_Shot_2022_01_10_at_….png)

(Twatt) 11/3 (ELECTION), Posse Comitatus, Military is in control. PDJT is still President. Why was this act initiated? Because there was a Clear and Present Danger of a COUP.


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90bca7  No.15347748

File: 8d14232bfdf8879⋯.png (150.36 KB, 425x425, 1:1, 8d14232bfdf88792d742d1c123….png)

This is not a slide

If anon had news of and knowledge of a very large pedophile ring that was being conducted through the US shipping kids Internationally ,who would or should anon go to?

This was reported to the FBI years ago and it was buried. Toronto Star is about to break this story. Along with 2 Pulitzer Prize writers from AP news.


I'm kinda worried what road this is going down.

Not sure I trust the Toronto Star or AP.

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621917  No.15347845

File: 422088d27763284⋯.jpeg (701.79 KB, 1320x1080, 11:9, trump_called_it.jpeg)

Trump called it ladies and gentlemen…

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883f71  No.15347890

File: 19f62a5c8e8d7e2⋯.png (223.27 KB, 1050x1155, 10:11, ClipboardImage.png)


EU Parliament president dead at 65

get your boosters kids

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fcdb38  No.15349630


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bc6578  No.15349637

Covid's Over

Face your Fear

Burn the Mask

Arrest the Butcher of Beagles

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fcdb38  No.15350460


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