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File: 91f095dcb9bb647⋯.png (1011.12 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

31c611  No.15334609[Last 50 Posts]

Q Research General #19397:wide awake bake Anonymous

Welcome To Q Research Geneal

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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)


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Donation bitcoin address: 1KiJD44WeWKaDb4Newr7bDXadtGn21ACqY

PO box: Is It Wet Yet Inc, C/O Jim Watkins, P.O. Box 404, Davis, CA 95617

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31c611  No.15334613


Q Research General #19396: Dank EBake

>>15333841 What are the odds this "QAnon influencer" Cirsten Weldon, (fake, there is no qanon)

>>15333852, >>15333862, Savage Dad Berates 'Beta' School Board With Perfect Comedic Timing - megan fox twat (anon remembers a megan fox, phew)

>>15333854 Queen Refuses To Pay For Prince Andrew's Pedo Defense, Forcing Him To Unload Chalet In Fire Sale - zerohedge (kek)

>>15333864 the player Othman Coulibaly suffered a heart attack during the Al Wakra Club match - telegram

>>15333907 Appeals Court Blocks Vaccine Mandate for Contractors; Free Market Solution to Tech Monopoly -ntd

>>15333941 FAA Will Impose Flight Restrictions On Some Flight Operations Over 5G - zerohedge

>>15333965, >>15334028, >>15334043, >>15334058, >>15334062, patriot Front Glowies are back…twat

>>15334082, >>15334089, Update: It's now Saturday morning in #Kazakhstan, where internet has been cut for some 60 hours. twat

>>15334093 old vet offers his sage adivce and offers biden to a fight. mp4 video and o7

>>15334145 SCOTUS Went Virtual After Triple Vaxxed Lawyer Caught COVID While Arguing Over Vax Mandate - nationalfile.com

>>15334161 (You) Agustin Carstens (B.I.S General secretary of the bank of international settlements in Switzerland) top boy and fat banker

>>15334218 election wizard 800 million impressions twat update - the numbers are massive of eyes on

>>15334237 (You) with the eyes of the world on the 2020 election they had to steal it in broad daylight so everyone who was watching could see - own post cos anon is collecting notables.

>>15334296 At least 5 people are dead, 20 missing after a boulder crashes on 3 boats in Brazil - cnn

>>15334309 WHO Database Lists 2.9M Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines - telegram

>>15334319 New Mexico Detectives Unable to Touch Hamptons-Based Baldwin Are Now Working with His Local Sheriff's Department - western journal

>>15334411 To the anons tracking Guard to hospitals - add Delaware…baytobaynews.com

>>15334432 planefag

>>15334522 Katie Hobbs’ Arizona 2021 Elections Procedures Manual Rejected By AZ Attorney General – AZ Will Operate Under 2019 Elections Manual Instead - gwp (no change to elections or machines used)

>>15334524 Dr. Robert Malone: COVID Dogma, Media Fearmongering & ‘Mass Formation’ Hypnosis | PART 1 | TEASER - youtube advert

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e04578  No.15334614

>>15334610 (pb)

>>15334610 (pb)

Even with a four year head start, Trump was defeated by the Democrats. The entire deep state was glad to get rid of Trump. They never respected him because of how weak he was. The deep state clearly knew who Q was and more than likely punched him in the nuts prior to him losing his job.

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31c611  No.15334615

missing bread 19395, will post when found

or may need collecting.==

>>15332200, >>15332855 It’s Coming: Biden’s Latest Irrational Move Obliterate the US Economy About 2 Weeks Out - The Gateway Pundit

>>15332214, >>15332380 @SpaceForceDoD #Guardians, only three days left until submissions are closed for the next cohort of the Supra Coders Software Development Immersive! Applications are due Jan. 11. #SemperSupra http://supracoders.us/software-development-immersive - USSF

>>15332216 Greg Kelly Just Fired The First REAL “Media” Shot at Joe Biden’s “Legitimacy” - Wayne Dupree

>>15332234 Bravo Zulu ~ This is a naval signal, conveyed by flaghoist or voice radio, meaning "well done"; it has also passed into the spoken and written vocabulary. It can be combined with the "negative" signal, spoken or written NEGAT, to say "NEGAT Bravo Zulu," or "not well done."

>>15332247, >>15332378, >>15332465, >>15332498, >>15332609 Swedish Crown Princess Victoria infected… Useless Vax? - Disclosetv, Various

>>15332261, >>15332263, >>15332413, >>15332549 How to buy a case: Democrat Style - Wow — Senate Democrats dined with Justice Sotomayor LAST NIGHT, according to @politico

>>15332274 Qlocktalk

>>15332414 Long before writers confirmed The Matrix was written as a trans allegory, trans fans were connecting with many of its themes. The red pill Neo takes is even similar to what estrogen pills, used for hormone replacement therapy, looked like in the '90s…. - NPR

>>15332416 Yesterday afternoon, I visited Colorado to see the aftermath of the recent wildfire firsthand and meet with those impacted. As I told folks on the ground: The federal government is not going away. We’re here for you as you recover and rebuild. - Biden

>>15332464, >>15332470, >>15332480, >>15332482, >>15332484 Q Proof?Kazakh Resistance overthrown in >24 hours"Done in 30" 'Done Early'

>>15332481, >>15332491 Routed Resistance Members attempt to Embed across EurAsia as their HQ has been compromisedBe wary of new and especially RECENT friends.

>>15332490 PF Reports on AF2

>>15332515 The 17-year-old son of Irish singer Sinead O'Connor has been confirmed dead after he went missing - Sky News, Twitter

>>15332532 James Webb Space Telescope: Primary Mirror Deployment – Mission Control Live - You Tube

>>15332571, >>15332618 Dan "Shut It Down" Scavino Tweets: HALT BRANDON'S MANDATE Link - Twitter

>>15332578, >>15332579 Ground beef sold at Kroger, Walmart, other major retailers recalled for E. coli risk - Food Safety News

>>15332592 In the bloody #BattleofNewOrleans, future President Andrew Jackson and a motley assortment of militia fighters, frontiersmen, slaves, Indians and even pirates weathered a frontal assault by a superior British force, inflicting devastating casualties along the way. - USArmy, Twitter

>>15332627 Federal judge orders the FDA to release Pfizer’s COVID vaccine data at a rate of 55,000 pages per month instead of 500 pages per month the FDA sought, which would have taken over 55 years to release the data in full. - Aaron Siri Substack

>>15332645, >>15332676, >>15332697 17 Oranges From Il Donaldo Trumpo?Dig RQ?- Twitter

>>15332659 Biden to deliver State of the Union address on March 1 - France24

>>15332673 USNavy Tweets: Cmdr. Billie J. Farrell will be the first woman to take command of @USSConstitution during a change-of-command ceremony scheduled for Friday, Jan. 21, at noon. - Twitter

>>15332732 Coordinated delinking from major currencies - The Blaze, Video

>>15332734 Critical Evidence Has Already Gone Missing as Georgia Officials Open Ballot Trafficking Investigation - The Gateway Pundit

>>15332756 Twitter suspends conservative pundit over transgender tweets

>>15332778, >>15332823, >>15332843 USNAVY Tweets: Another day, Another launch (and recovery). -USNavy, Twitter

>>15332788 FEC data show Twitter employees made 99% of political donations to Democrats, Google employees were at 94% - The Blaze, FEC

>>15332793, >>15332808 Papi Trumpo Re-Tweets DJT: Happy Annicersary of Twitter SUCKING! - Il Donaldo Trumpo, Twitter

>>15332799, >>15332809, Rock Collapse on 3 boats!

>>15332844, >>15332894 After Testing it With COVID, Experts Weigh ‘Authoritarianism’ to Fight Climate Change Too

>>15332889 Chinese State Media Uses Times Square Screen to Play Xinjiang Propaganda - NTD

>>15332909 Farage Backs Djokovic Against ‘Big, Bullying, Nasty Government’ - Breitbart

>>15332942 #19394

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31c611  No.15334616

#19393: Slow Saturday Rise WEast of The Kazakh Revolution Edition

>>15331407 Videos Shed Light on Death of Rosanne Boyland at US Capitol on Jan. 6 ~ Georgia Trump supporter, 34, was trampled, struck by police as she lay dying - The Epoch Times

>>15331423, >>15331544 Biden Frees Record Number of Illegal Aliens into U.S. via ‘Catch and Release’ - Breitbart

>>15331424 Tragic: 14-Year-Old Israeli American Girl Suffers and Dies from COVID Vaccine – Makes a Video of Her Story Five Days Before Her Death - The Gateway Pundit

>>15331433 Liberal Beverly Hills votes to recall Soros-backed district attorney George Gascon - The Washington Pundit

>>15331435 >>15329270, >>15329271 Dan "Mister Doomsday" Scavino D5 COMMS? - Instagram Missed PB COMMS

>>15331437 Brandon Brown, who through no fault of his own, is man behind the “ Let’s Go Brandon” chant. - The Washington Pundit

>>15331450 TEST RECALL Covid-19 Ireland – Genrui antigen tests PULLED from stores amid investigation & over 550 false positive results - The Sun

>>15331451 Historic Zanesville Masonic Temple destroyed by fire - Video

>>15331453 Covid Testing Swabs Tainted with Deadly Bacteria -Real Raw News

>>15331454, >>15331482, >>15331685 Euronews interview with Karim Massimov at Davos 2011 (vid related) (lb) >>15331381, >>15331392, >>15331395 (lb)

>>15331459 7-Year-Old Dies 11 Days After Pfizer Shot, VAERS Report Shows - Children's Health Defense


>>15331478 JUST IN - Iran imposes sanctions on dozens of US citizens, including General Mark Milley and other top military brass for the killing of Qassem Soleimani. - Disclosetv, Twitter

>>15331484 The Indian government renewed permission for late Catholic nun Mother Teresa's charity to receive foreign funds, weeks after rejecting it, the organisation said Saturday - AFP, Twitter

>>15331485 New York Becomes First State to Mandate COVID-19 Boosters for Healthcare Workers - NTD

>>15331490 The Federalization of the NG - Digital Commons

>>15331492, >>15331516 Supreme Court Should Block Vaccine Mandates: Louisiana Attorney General - The Epoch Times

>>15331493 Blinken says Putin is 'gaslighting' the world with his Ukraine 'ruse' - Mail Online

>>15331497 Trans Jeopardy! champion Amy Schneider bagged $1million on show

>>15331517 @USACEHQ: If you venture out onto safe, clear ice that is at least 4-inches thick, it’s still a good idea to wear a life jacket and have some type of ice self-rescue picks or claws to help pull yourself out of the water if you fall through. #preparedness #wintersafety @pleasewearit - USACEHW, Twitter

>>15331518, >>15331521, >>15331541 CDC reports record number of child COVID-19 hospitalizations - The Hill, CDC, Twitter, Video

>>15331530, >>15331638 PF Reports

>>15331532 Avenatti Twitter?

>>15331534, >>15331616, >>15331639, >>15331662 “These recordings and photos provide dramatic, first-hand evidence that the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt was unjustified,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “It is disturbing that neither the Pelosi Congress nor the Biden/Garland DOJ took no action over this needless death.” - Judicial Watch

>>15331552, >>15331576 Justice Sotomayor asks “why the human being is not like a machine" - Telegram, The Western Journal

>>15331557, >>15331791 Remember This Clinton Dig?

>>15331563 Patience is wearing thin across the globe with the millions who refuse to get vaccinated against Covid-19: Here’s your Weekend Reading - Bloomberg, Twitter

>>15331582 It's OK When Dems Do It: Feds Dropped Charges Against Rioters from Trump's Inauguration - The Western Journal

>>15331590 Far-right extremists shift online strategies - The Hill

>>15331594 Watch: Real estate in the metaverse is taking off. Here’s why investors are spending millions on virtual land. - WSJ, Twitter

>>15331620, >>15331646 The pre-print article below is backed up by solid data that observes for young men, the risk of myocarditis is greater with the mRNA vaccines than from natural infection. Please read that statement again for comprehension. - Zelenko Protocol, Telegram

>>15331644 Australia Is Now Banning the Unvaxxed From Leaving Home Except for Essentials and #AustraliaHasFallen is Trending - Not The Bee

>>15331647 LIVE: Demo takes place in Magdeburg, Germany, against mandatory vaccinations - You Tube

>>15331657 Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte said on Thursday people who have not taken COVID-19 shots will be arrested if they disobeyed stay-at-home orders as infections hit a three-month high. - Free Republic

>>15332811 #19393 PARTIAL

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31ef70  No.15334617

File: 246fd0a2d6a8b13⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1520x1928, 190:241, Camp_Thunder_Cove.png)


Camp Justice asia was renamed Camp Thunder COVE... i know it to be a CIA blacksite

So why is "Biden" sending 355 ships... Think this might be a Q+ move hidden behind POTUS actions... all connects WAY TOO WELL

>>15334527 (lb)

>>15334559 (lb)

>>15334550 (lb)

>>15334539 (lb)


10-Feb-2018 5:15:01 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo


Clown black op sites.




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a7cd91  No.15334618

File: 0ad5d070e25d779⋯.png (68.77 KB, 766x1280, 383:640, UKwe7qEAk8axH5MCTsWQ_09_bb….png)

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8e184e  No.15334619

A Change of Heart: Manchin Won't Back His Counteroffer to Biden's BBB Even if WH Does - Report

In mid-December, the Democrat senator, who has been accused of stalling the passing of the much-touted bill through Congress, went full rogue, saying that he would not vote for it, proposing compromise legislation instead.

Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia has pulled his proposal for a $1.8 trillion compromise on President Joe Biden's Build Back Better bill off the table. In doing so, Manchin has likely put the Democratic Party's main social-spending platform to rest for good, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

According to the report, citing three anonymous sources, following a breakdown in negotiations between Manchin and the White House right before Christmas, the senator has reportedly made it clear thathe does not support moving forward with even his compromise offer.

Manchin had offered the White House a $1.8 trillion counteroffer to the Build Back Better agenda a week before Christmas, which included significant funding for climate, healthcare, and education initiatives. The development comes after the senator said earlier this week that he was no longer talking to the White House about Biden's long-desired plan.


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788c73  No.15334620

The mail-in COVID tests are saliva tests?

Why was this not done from the beginning instead of the swab that damaged the olfactory nerve/bulb?

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c5c552  No.15334621

Over 800 Stanford Healthcare employees have tested positive or are in forced isolation

800 employees have tested positive and/or have been placed in isolation for symptoms or contact isolation since 12/20/21. Over 600 were from 12/27 — 01/02. Expectations are that the next weeks numbers will be higher.

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3190ba  No.15334622

Let’s go Justin!

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3190ba  No.15334623


Don’t care. They should have got the jab.

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9d3434  No.15334624

File: 863b896c68e91ed⋯.png (579.38 KB, 630x727, 630:727, d_cert.png)


Show your doctor friends the death certificates. This is my stepson Benjamin who died 13 hours after the Johnson shot. Cardiac arrest


12:23 AM · Jan 8, 2022·

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31ef70  No.15334625


01-Nov-2017 1:41:54 AM EDT



Think about it logically.

The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).

Biggest advanced drop on Pol.

That last line got me SPOOKED kek

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31ef70  No.15334626


is connect to >>15334617

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b37350  No.15334627

File: 6eeb0096327362e⋯.png (40.53 KB, 886x560, 443:280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d45f7aaba9b9bf⋯.png (240.88 KB, 685x709, 685:709, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87355e11d55e92d⋯.png (105.22 KB, 1643x837, 53:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9d47269665e196⋯.png (66.6 KB, 1608x784, 201:98, ClipboardImage.png)

Australian Government is profiting heavily of the pharma industry - here's some evidence

25 October 2021

Portfolio update at 30 September 2021

• Future Fund grows to $199 billion



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31c611  No.15334628

>>15331374 #19392, >>15331106 #19391, >>15330984 #19390, >>15330500 #19389, >>15328819 #19388, >>15327510 , #19387,>>15326748 #19386, >>15327510 #19387, >>15328819 #19388, >>15325169 #19384, >>15325988 #19385, >>15326748 #19386, >>15322914 #19381, >>15323676 #19382, >>15325019 #19383, >>15321312 #19379, >>15322904 #19380, >>15322914 #19381, >>15319006 #19376, >>15319821 #19377, >>15320533 #19378, >>15316640 #19373/2, >>15317399 #19374, >>15318219 #19375, >>15315362 #19371, >>15315925 #19372, >>15316641 #19373, >>15312866 #19368, >>15313624 #19369, >>15315541 #19370, >>15310532 #19365, >>15312467 #19366, >>15312036 #19367, >>15308265 #19362, >>15309012 #19363, >>15309757 #19364, >>15305713 #19359, >>15306788 #19360, >>15307426 #19361, >>15303470 #19356, >>15304275 #19357, >>15305059 #19358, >>15302810 #19353, >>15301958 #19354, >>15302758 #19355, >>15298719 #19350, >>15299577 #19351, >>15300316 #19352, >>15296800 #19347, >>15297195 #19348, >>15297967 #19349, >>15294847 #19345, >>15295638 #19346, >>15296808 #19347, >>15292693 #19342, >>15294293 #19343, >>15294103 #19344, >>15291511 #19340, >>15291511 #19341, >>15291731 #19341, >>15288610 #19337, >>15290607 #19338, >>15290778 #19339, >>15286046 #19334, >>15286995 #19335, >>15287691 #19336, ,>>15283816 #19331, >>15284637 #19332, >>15285391 #19333,

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a7cd91  No.15334629

File: d3134e2a454127d⋯.png (108.69 KB, 993x1280, 993:1280, VJR3J87JMKLnNc5N3QWu_09_96….png)

Unfold the Universe

Lift the Veil

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8e184e  No.15334630

BOMBSHELL: German Doctors Find 'Astonishing' Impurities in Covid 'Vaccine' (Video)

A group of German physicians joins the chorus of experts who have discovered foreign objects in the coronavirus vaccines and the blood of the vaccinated.

German Pathologists presented an analysis of the coronavirus “vaccine” during a shocking press conference in September. A clip of the conference, which has been translated exclusively for RAIR Foundation USA, reveals foreign objects in the vaccine, as well as in the blood of those who have taken the vaccine.

Some of the foreign objects were described as “accurately constructed” and also – shockingly – worms that were hatched from eggs.



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ff9dd3  No.15334631

File: fab44fd44eee2ad⋯.png (525.05 KB, 598x663, 46:51, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d514ec8f36f5d94⋯.png (3.45 KB, 340x46, 170:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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994b0e  No.15334632

File: dcc767c7cc1a4ba⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1896x916, 474:229, Screen_Shot_01_08_22_at_07….PNG)

File: 1ae9d9ef27785dd⋯.png (602.94 KB, 490x916, 245:458, Screen_Shot_01_08_22_at_07….PNG)

>>15334570 (lb)

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31c611  No.15334633

File: 53dcd86aaf8271f⋯.png (201.03 KB, 481x484, 481:484, ClipboardImage.png)

best anon can do, post away, if a baker is around, please sort out dough, no idea.

carry on anons, post away, hopefully it is not too shit of a effect, definitely fucked up the past links,

warned bakers, anon is wankered




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dd4708  No.15334634

File: 3288777702668f1⋯.jpeg (533.1 KB, 750x923, 750:923, 7095B32F_4774_494D_A4C7_4….jpeg)





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9d3434  No.15334635

File: ac383b6c1d98ff1⋯.png (26.47 KB, 824x176, 103:22, nuts.png)


Gutfeld: Maybe I’m nuts, but did Joe

Biden just kind of declare a civil war

on America?

BizPac Review, by Vivek Saxena

Posted By: Imright, 1/8/2022 7:09:44 PM

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623a0e  No.15334636



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064758  No.15334637


How do all those footballers die at exact timing on the fields? I believe the vaccine is a programmable death shot activated by 5g triangulated activation. The nano capsules hold the mRNA until the being fired at which point the are turned into a flood of spike proteins by the body.. these bind to ace rectors and trigger heart attacks strokes and immune over reaction. People can be targeting probably ina controlled manor. Meaning they can probably call for a full release triggering death or limited release causeing limited diseaseThey showcased their technology to world powers using the footballers as an example and shopped the tech to maniacs all over the world.

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a7cd91  No.15334638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7f7793  No.15334639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Delicious Orange Pound Cake, I'm Sure You're Gonna Love it | Yummy

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d11f4a  No.15334640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NHS doctor tells Health Secretary he won't get jabbed

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623a0e  No.15334641

File: a3127cbdb3e2d53⋯.jpeg (64.91 KB, 750x584, 375:292, a3127cbdb3e2d53a47fdee02c….jpeg)


Thank you.

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00a724  No.15334642

File: b77d17a8d1941fe⋯.jpg (54.08 KB, 686x493, 686:493, vzssqqawhhdtghg.jpg)

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f207ef  No.15334643

File: f153a55928f96e7⋯.gif (5.97 MB, 1118x472, 559:236, Baby_Yoda.gif)

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612327  No.15334644

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b37350  No.15334645

File: a1ff0f5b15a2727⋯.png (385.19 KB, 658x454, 329:227, ClipboardImage.png)



Chairman of the Board of Guardians of the Future Fund [161], an Australian government investment fund, with over 2 billion dollars worth of shares in pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturers i.e. CSL, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, Novartis and Merck [100]. The Future Funds investment in pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturers has doubled from $1 billion to $2 billion during the coronavirus situation.

Non-Executive Chairman of Nine Entertainment Co. [44].

Nine Entertainment own newspapers "the Sydney Morning Herald" and "The Sun Herald" [154], who were/are instrumental in "anti-vax" labelling [155].

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994b0e  No.15334646

File: b0f166be5ccbfd6⋯.png (118.25 KB, 479x533, 479:533, Screen_Shot_01_08_22_at_07….PNG)

File: ad55e98925ef9e4⋯.png (150.53 KB, 680x453, 680:453, ClipboardImage.png)

A 17 from Obama…we rarely get those.

Timestamp 5:39 pm 5+3+9 = 17

Barack Obama


It was a great honor to pay tribute to my friend, Harry Reid. Few people have done more for Nevada and our country over the years than this driven, brilliant, sometimes irascible, deeply good man from Searchlight.

5:39 PM · Jan 8, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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788c73  No.15334647

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d8ad7a  No.15334648

File: 1715630d1eded08⋯.jpg (355.35 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, TYB3.jpg)


A little slow but TYB for the effort.
















The rest of you are degenerate bread shitters who should be left bleeding in the moonlight

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ac3438  No.15334649

File: cf493e47c8acbe9⋯.png (285.64 KB, 592x615, 592:615, ClipboardImage.png)


tyb o7

whole damn world is a mess kek

Penn’s transgender swimmer lost to Yale’s transgender swimmer in a hotly contested women’s Ivy League 100 meter race.


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612327  No.15334650

File: de22dcb6abd9394⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1920x1280, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you God, For walking with us & Protecting us

Please Lend us the words that awakens the Sleepers

So, Help me. God

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f207ef  No.15334651

File: 33c9e837f00315c⋯.png (84.8 KB, 1723x975, 1723:975, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15334570 (lb)

It's weird. For whatever reason, I don't get up to date tweets on qagg.news.

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a7cd91  No.15334652

File: 381aea8995ace54⋯.jpeg (36.8 KB, 400x544, 25:34, 3ecddadca4d67a55.jpeg)

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788c73  No.15334653


Hangs head in shame.

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9d3434  No.15334654

File: 3917050cd472091⋯.png (48.92 KB, 608x363, 608:363, members.png)


This is terrible.

Quote Tweet

Kyle Morris


· 10m

According to data released by the Pentagon, 163 service members committed suicide in Q3 of 2021.

- 70 active service members

- 56 reserve members

- 37 members of the National Guard https://foxnews.com/politics/nearly-twice-military-members-died-suicide-coronavirus-since-pandemic-start

Show this thread

7:11 PM · Jan 8, 2022·

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994b0e  No.15334655

File: 0b34d779ef3cd1c⋯.png (22.66 KB, 652x265, 652:265, Screen_Shot_01_08_22_at_07….PNG)

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c1d214  No.15334656

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32017f  No.15334657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


New Album from Buckethead !

pike# 300 ! yes, he made that many, a major milestone


tracts 1. Q1

2. Q2

3. Q3

4. Q4

5. Q5

quarry(noun) - hunted animal or prey,

or any object of eager pursuit

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7f7793  No.15334658


>are degenerate bread shitters

kek….good old days

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623a0e  No.15334659

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7013fe  No.15334660

File: eba42b2a9b299b3⋯.png (250.66 KB, 456x397, 456:397, Capture_PNG2.PNG)

File: 46bb5cdc4f46183⋯.png (277.4 KB, 363x455, 363:455, newsom1.PNG)





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b37350  No.15334661

Rapist jailed for preying on sleeping women avoids deportation back to Afghanistan after judges rule the hardline Taliban will 'take a dim view' of sex offenders

A 29-year-old convicted rapist has avoided deportation back to Afghanistan

Ibrahim Ahmadi was stripped of refugee status when jailed for preying on a sleeping woman in Glasgow

Has now won right to remain in UK after judges decided he might incur the anger of the hardline Taliban


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122803  No.15334662

File: 3c214bd3ad51b4e⋯.jpg (19.19 KB, 265x370, 53:74, Screenshot_20211228_225803….jpg)

God bless and protect Us.

I sword dance, in the grace of your MUSIC. With a song every day in my heart.

Not I alone, WE topple evil gaints.


And helping Us research cures for diseases such as: Bi polar disorder, ADD, and ADHD.

God bless OUR Milky Way…

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2fda3b  No.15334663

i could definitely do sushi tonight

someone bring me sushi please and thank you

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978095  No.15334664

File: d5198244e5313de⋯.png (117.05 KB, 484x264, 11:6, sodank.png)


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d8ad7a  No.15334665


Sweet! Buckethead is one of us.

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9d3434  No.15334666

File: 4d5a2b4aad2ee8d⋯.png (160.79 KB, 612x766, 306:383, remove.png)


A French court ordered the removal of a statue of the Archangel Michael in front of a church.

French presidential candidate @ZemmourEric

standing before the statue said: “Pulling down statues and destruction of our Christian civilization? Never!”

Quote Tweet



· 8h

« La laïcité, oui, bien sûr. Le déboulonnage des statues et la destruction de notre civilisation chrétienne, jamais ! »

- Éric Zemmour à côté de la statue de Saint-Michel aux #SablesdOlonne

7:09 PM · Jan 8, 2022·

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122803  No.15334667

File: 8c5f43018043ef6⋯.jpg (49.47 KB, 574x451, 14:11, Screenshot_20210805_160153….jpg)

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a7cd91  No.15334668

File: 0652ceda08ec077⋯.jpg (185.4 KB, 960x1427, 960:1427, 7c45a1cd716b550a.jpg)

You feel this…

Dont' you?

You know the Big Show is coming soon.

Grab the popcorn - you're not gonna miss the premiers.

Only the beginnings.

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ce9212  No.15334669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Attempted Car Break-In Ends in Gunfire Outside (Celestial) San Francisco Home

>19,489 views | Jan 7, 2022

A San Francisco resident sprang into action when he saw car burglars at work. Then things turned violent. Betty Yu reports. (1-7-22)

>the visitor from Arizona…kek…

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ba3573  No.15334670

File: 143077b6509ead6⋯.png (617.29 KB, 1356x1124, 339:281, Screen_Shot_2022_01_08_at_….png)



(someAnon embed plez)

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31ef70  No.15334671


sometimes some extras within the bread kek TYB you glorious FREN

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c1d214  No.15334672

File: c7c489a8b15b735⋯.jpg (69.05 KB, 481x531, 481:531, 544a3123767e75e28f324015c6….jpg)

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994b0e  No.15334673

File: 2c5902fa67497b6⋯.jpg (67.4 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, thank_you_1.jpg)


Thank you, sweet baker.

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ff9dd3  No.15334674

File: 597b4e76d0f9c65⋯.jpg (41.03 KB, 750x718, 375:359, FIIcmbNXsAY70DP.jpg)

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064758  No.15334675


This should alarm foreign powers globally as whatever bullshit was sold effectively they will have a gun to the heads of vast numbers of your respective citizens. And while they may offer you power naturally they will be able to overthrow your people from within using this blackmail. Without reaching for the mind control possibility or the programs hackability this is an existential threat to all nations and mankind itself.

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7013fe  No.15334676

File: 24ee371e7b36800⋯.png (216.04 KB, 539x719, 539:719, ClipboardImage.png)

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e26982  No.15334677

File: 8631ad76e532537⋯.jpeg (177.99 KB, 828x624, 69:52, CBF414D1_4CDC_43EE_B29D_1….jpeg)

Now do deaths.

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b98a83  No.15334678

File: c058a6f8a8e7e7c⋯.png (516.81 KB, 650x834, 325:417, punisher_burn_masonic_temp….png)

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fed670  No.15334679

File: a7986ce88d5dafc⋯.png (132.87 KB, 673x531, 673:531, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ed3e96ea1aec4e⋯.png (35.07 KB, 817x360, 817:360, ClipboardImage.png)

Nobel Prize Committee Members' resignations in April 2018.

That's what happens when you give the nobel prize to a treasonous traitor


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b37350  No.15334680



News Corp Aust tabloids were behind the "No Jab, No Play" media campaign [79], which was obligingly adopted as policy by politicians across the political spectrum in Australia, and enacted as the coercive "No Jab, No Pay" law under Malcolm Turnbull as Prime Minister in January 2016.

In 1954, Rupert Murdoch took control of News Limited in Australia [98].

News Corp Aust is a corporate partner of the Murdoch Children's Research Institute [78], an organisation which is involved in vaccine product research and development, which has received funds from Vaccination and Immunisation Research Group which has received funds from vaccine manufacturers GSK, Janssen, Merck, Novavax, Sanofi and Sequiris [71].

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978095  No.15334681

File: 11c5b173ab42e78⋯.mp4 (500.09 KB, 736x416, 23:13, Wait_for_it_.mp4)

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c1d214  No.15334682

File: 4d5f7a1828a998e⋯.png (74.73 KB, 262x262, 1:1, 653aa3aebb6d0f3406330e0780….png)


> French court ordered the removal of a statue of the Archangel Michael in front of a church


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623a0e  No.15334683

File: 0c41f3ce3416a87⋯.jpg (62.95 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 0c41f3ce3416a87f878b605fab….jpg)

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a7cd91  No.15334684


Right in the feels anon.

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9d3434  No.15334685

File: 2e7b4d5ffb19bb3⋯.png (811.65 KB, 572x870, 286:435, micheal.png)

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507c6a  No.15334686

PB Noteables

>>15333965 PB

>>15334028 PB

>>15334043 PB

>>15334058 PB

>>15334062 PB

patriot Front Glowies are back…twat

Antifa attempting to dox (Patriot Front)




This article identifies Richard James Flannery of Central Point, Oregon as Patriot Front member “Alexander-OR” (PF-109720). Since joining Patriot Front at the beginning of 2021, Flannery has worked with other Oregon members in spreading the group’s fascist, white supremacist promotional materials throughout the state. Alongside Patriot Front neo-Nazis from across the Pacific Northwest, Richard Flannery traveled to Olympia, Washington to vandalize an LGBTQ+ Pride mural in October 2021. He also traveled to the East Coast to march through D.C. chanting white nationalist slogans with over 100 other members of Patriot Front on December 4th. Richard James Flannery currently works as a meat cutter at the Shop ‘n Kart in Ashland, OR. Please contact his employers (see phone number below) and ask them to show their community that neo-Nazis like Flannery are not welcome in their store!


Throughout the past year, the Torch Antifascist Network has been monitoring the internal communications of Patriot Front, an American fascist organization. The leaked documents reproduced below reveal an organization incapable of moving beyond furtive flyering sessions and photo opportunities, and falling under the increasingly centralized and heavy-handed control of Thomas Rousseau as other longtime leaders step back. Despite their attempts to present an intellectually respectable and professional image, Patriot Front chat logs reveal a group defined by crude fascism, neo-Nazism, and misogyny.

As well as the leaked communications, we’re providing an analysis of Patriot Front and a collection of article links profiling PF members past and present.

Study these contents to your heart’s (dis)content and submit additional identifications to TorchAntifa[at]riseup[dot]net to be included.


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fed670  No.15334687

File: 423ce4ec61f975f⋯.png (243.44 KB, 597x452, 597:452, ClipboardImage.png)



The "forces of the #Russian contingent of the #CSTO peacekeeping forces", which were sent to #Kazakhstan, look like an ordinary occupation.

6:34 AM · Jan 8, 2022


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73fd3f  No.15334688


Orangeman good.

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e44395  No.15334689

File: d0dc458fbbcf19f⋯.jpeg (1000.44 KB, 1125x1121, 1125:1121, 8F077A11_48CF_41EE_B65F_8….jpeg)

New Dan FB post.



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e772cd  No.15334690

File: 3359f4c0b860d8a⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1756x1338, 878:669, Screen_Shot_2022_01_08_at_….png)

Very good article right here from Washington Examiner that is all about Marc Elias.

Lots of details I hadn't known before and I trust they are true otherwise Elias would already be suing them.

A left-wing superlawyer's assault on democracy


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c77e81  No.15334691

File: c95b0a7b0c02b38⋯.jpg (174.51 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, notice_of_meme_acquisition.jpg)

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d8ad7a  No.15334692

File: 3222a0771be8c0d⋯.jpg (73.38 KB, 800x600, 4:3, big_show_wallpaper_8_71552….jpg)


Who else is on the card? If it's Rey Mysterio again, I've seen it already.

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c5c552  No.15334693


Sorry boomer baker chicken pecks the keyboard copy pasting shit. Take over baking then.

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fed670  No.15334694

File: 3dae2cae3a56777⋯.png (248.44 KB, 383x573, 383:573, ClipboardImage.png)

Covid Testing Swabs Tainted with Deadly Bacteria

Certain batches of Covid-19 nasal swabs distributed to the U.S. military have been tainted with a deadly bacteria that causes necrotizing fasciitis, a flesh-eating disease that quickly destroys tissue under the skin and often results in death unless IV antibiotics are administered before the onset of necrosis, said Captain Jacob Downing, a medical doctor and infectious disease expert at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Medical Research (WRAIR.)

On December 27, WRAIR received a report that three Airmen stationed at Lackland Airforce Base in San Antonio, Texas, had presented symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis within 72 hours of having been nasal swabbed for Covid-19. Two of the Airmen, Dr. Downing told Real Raw News, were already hospitalized and in intensive care by the time the report reached Walter Reed. One Airman had ulcers, blisters, and black spots on his face, as well as pus oozing from lesions on either side of his nasal cavity.

“The patient first displayed symptoms of a staph infection on December 21, three days after he’d been swabbed for Covid-19. Medical at Lackland gave him oral antibiotics, which proved ineffective. By the 24th, he’d developed acute necrosis and sepsis resulting in organ failure. He was placed in ICU and treated with an aggressive course of wide-spectrum intravenous antibiotics. He now needs a kidney transplant and skin grafts because surgeons at Lackland had to slice off part of his diseased face,” Dr. Downing said.

A second patient’s symptoms were eerily similar. He, too, went into streptococcal toxic shock syndrome within days of getting nasal swabbed. Fortunately, he received IV treatment before his organs began to shut down and his prognosis for survival is excellent, despite some permanent deformity, Dr. Downing said.

The third patient was not so fortunate. He died on the operating table as surgeons desperately fought to stop his liver, kidneys, and lungs from systematically collapsing. For twelve hours, medical staff tried to save his life, but to no avail. The damage, Dr. Downing said after reviewing Lackland’s medical reports, was so extensive and widespread throughout the patient’s body that he never had more than a 5% chance of surviving the infection that ravaged his body.

“There was a direct correlation between the patients’ getting sick and the nasal swabs,” Dr. Downing said. “It was at this point we asked Lackland to cease nasal swabbing and send us the remaining unused swabs. When we got them, what we found was alarming.”

The Covid-19 nasal swab diagnostic test (not a rapid test) is similar to how throat swabs have been used for decades to test for strep. A sample swabbed from the nose put on a special plate (culture) that enables bacteria to grow in the lab. The specific type of infection is figured out using chemical tests. If bacteria don’t grow, the culture is negative for Covid and the person doesn’t have Covid-19. If, however, the bacteria grow, the patient is deemed Covid positive. The military receives its Covid swabs in hermetically sealed packages labeled “For Covid-19 testing only.”

“Lackland sent us 5,000 sealed swabs. Each was laboratory tested, and of the 5,000, we found that 250 had traces of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a virulent bacterium that resist most contemporary antibiotics. Since bacteria cannot grow in an oxygen-free environment, we tested the packaging itself. The 250 packets contained microscopic punctures that allowed enough oxygen to allow growth,” Dr. Downing said.

“This appears to be deliberate, and we’re efforting to find out by whom,” he said in closing.


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7f7793  No.15334695

Filthy nwo skank shows her true colors

SHOCKER: President Trump’s Former CIA Director Gina Haspel Joins Attorneys Rod Rosenstein and Sally Yates at International Law Firm

By Joe Hoft

Published January 8, 2022 at 5:00pm



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1c95a2  No.15334696


Nooo, it's a misunderstanding.

They were on the Nobel PRICE committee.

I see how that tripped you up tho'.

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ff9dd3  No.15334697

File: 9728f27f49327d2⋯.png (262.9 KB, 535x663, 535:663, ClipboardImage.png)


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49ce14  No.15334698

File: c828dda281674e0⋯.jpg (7.96 KB, 224x81, 224:81, Screenshot_20220103_113056….jpg)

File: 68ea56baa6a62fa⋯.jpg (23.33 KB, 228x222, 38:37, Screenshot_20220103_113059….jpg)

File: e229c540e786f77⋯.jpg (13.32 KB, 219x206, 219:206, Screenshot_20220103_113100….jpg)

File: cea0161c55ec6ab⋯.jpg (13.5 KB, 232x164, 58:41, Screenshot_20220103_113101….jpg)

"As ‘re-volution’ or ‘re-evolution’, the spiral progression is symbolic of the transpersonal route to that higher level of consciousness which is sought by all esoteric and occult systems… the circumambulatory, as utilised in mazes and labyrinths; and oscillation, the movement back and forth between dualities…

The archetypal image of the spiral came to render itself in the idea of a path that could be climbed in stages to reach God, a notion fundamental to both the Kabbalah and exponents of magic down the centuries, and made concrete in the three- and two-dimensional initiatory mazes which existed in antiquity.It is believed that such mazes, or processional pathways, existed… Pilgrims would have entered the maze part way up the side of the hill and traveled first in a clockwise, then in an anti-clockwise, direction making their way to the holy summit, possibly by means of seven full circuits, absorbing the energy of the natural ‘power station’ as they went… The great ziggurat of Babylon, the original Tower of Babel, was called the Etemenanki, the ‘Temple of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth’, and its holy summit was reached by a spiral path ascending through seven tiers. The septenary spiral has been interpreted as the ‘world centre’ motif…Such places are indicative of the ‘prototypical sacred and spiral mountain’, and represent the symbolic World Mountain of old, the omphalos, where above and below, the sky opening and the underworld, conjoin. "


Cross_reference w/ Chris Steele's intel/cyber-security co, Walsingham Training, a subsidiary of Orbis.



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7013fe  No.15334699

File: 89b4a763201958f⋯.png (717.1 KB, 867x725, 867:725, Capture.PNG)




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d8ad7a  No.15334700

File: e6480f436826340⋯.jpg (65.67 KB, 1117x640, 1117:640, 2ickmv_5ba3a5e0c9e77c00253….jpg)


>Take over baking then.

My ego isn't big enough to bake

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c77e81  No.15334701

File: 0b3dd7209f7d02b⋯.png (199.51 KB, 774x565, 774:565, 0dd07816530310229ff4fca685….png)


>According to data released by the Pentagon, 163 service members committed suicide in Q3 of 2021.

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2fda3b  No.15334702



this should shock absolutely no one

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994b0e  No.15334703

File: 55e7da514cc3950⋯.png (320.86 KB, 416x657, 416:657, Screen_Shot_01_08_22_at_07….PNG)

For the Elvis fans…


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8e184e  No.15334704


Where’s Haspel?

Trust Wray.

2 more weeks then it’s Done in 30.

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31c611  No.15334706

File: da2d61437a515ee⋯.png (349.16 KB, 944x530, 472:265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dee4b2c2345cd31⋯.png (1.15 MB, 693x1000, 693:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7ecb1631eebb09⋯.png (1.22 MB, 759x613, 759:613, ClipboardImage.png)


>I sword dance, in the grace of your MUSIC. With a song every day in my heart.

did you know that the sword dance was by those fighting mohammd trying to bring peace in their trouble times.

but eventually they joined him and from there was they great Saladin ?

very interesting history, forget religious side of it, all their books have been changed by c.i.a as soon as it went online to get them to turn terrorist, think they are doing the same with the bible in china.

anyway Trump did a sword dance (could it have been with the traitors or after they joined him to fight for good?)

watch this movie just as a approved film, never happens in Islam called THE MESSAGE with anthony Quinn

good film if you cut out all division

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ed835a  No.15334707

File: 6e825cc188b288d⋯.png (258.97 KB, 503x274, 503:274, clipboard_image.png)


>You feel this…

>Dont' you?

>You know the Big Show is coming soon.

>Grab the popcorn - you're not gonna miss the premiers.

>Only the beginnings.

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38d579  No.15334708

File: e7fc0c2b37d593c⋯.gif (355.1 KB, 202x202, 1:1, 20220108_192729.gif)

File: 2f01e59de2faa64⋯.jpg (75.47 KB, 720x868, 180:217, 20220108_193016.jpg)

Pence receiving his decode ring to the club house bathroom.

Looks like shriner's symbol

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8e184e  No.15334709


He would have made it if he’d lived.

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7f7793  No.15334710


unfortunately many here were saying our gal

she is filthy nwo trash that perhaps indeed acquire the Frankfurt servers to cover their filthy tracks

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ac3438  No.15334711

File: 72b9b1219e07b45⋯.png (175.89 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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578216  No.15334712

File: d09041368a97c75⋯.png (2.64 MB, 3205x1741, 3205:1741, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db691a48ec9df00⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1127x1829, 1127:1829, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 688156e023a9712⋯.png (683.17 KB, 1131x1299, 377:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2f55d7ab2dca7f⋯.png (7.36 KB, 303x90, 101:30, ClipboardImage.png)




Messages sent

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a7cd91  No.15334713

I almost laughed.

Then I remembered we do have Patriots up north.


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fae2ee  No.15334714


If the Drivers need to be Vaxed to Come into the US? Why not just meet the truck at the border with an empty truck and switch at the border? Problem solved. I'm sure an Entrepreneur will figure it out…

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d8ad7a  No.15334715

File: 87e79411955301b⋯.jpeg (340.25 KB, 2000x1500, 4:3, 87e79411955301bf0b90e89b0….jpeg)

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9a748f  No.15334716

You can never break them from their cognitive dissonance, so it's pointless to try.

Might as well tap into the demographic.

"Insert scripture quote."

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0064be  No.15334717

File: 4913b98c81e8ebd⋯.jpeg (852.41 KB, 750x1016, 375:508, A1EA3521_CA69_400A_AEA4_3….jpeg)

>We haven’t even hit peak clown world


Trans UPenn swimmer Lia Thomas is CRUSHED twice in Ivy League women's swim meet by Yale competitor Iszac Henig, who is transitioning from female to male

- A stunned parent told DailyMail.com: 'I wasn't prepared for that. Everything is messed up. I can't wrap my head around this. The NCAA needs to do something'

Competing against Ivy League rivals Dartmouth and Yale, Thomas won the first of her four races by just two seconds - one month after she shattered two women's records with a 38-second margin against her closest competitor. She also narrowly won the 500-yard freestyle by a second, with bystanders telling DailyMail.com that she seemed to be 'coasting' and 'barely trying'.

But stunned parents at the meet held at UPenn's pool in Philadelphia gasped as Yale swimmer Iszac Henig easily beat out his opponents in the women's 100-yard freestyle with a time of 49.57 seconds. Thomas finished fifth with a time of 52.84 seconds.

Henig, a 20-year-old from Palo Alto, California, has delayed hormone treatments to finish his career on Yale's women's team as he transitions from female to male.

(Tranny shitshow continued…)


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725496  No.15334718

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86e9dc  No.15334719

File: ea7c034b016590d⋯.mp4 (12.3 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, runnn.mp4)

Turn up the speakers.

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f207ef  No.15334720

File: 5e59f27ca5afe2b⋯.png (629.92 KB, 600x911, 600:911, ClipboardImage.png)

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3d7955  No.15334721

File: 0b879d4f3d834c9⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB, 494x360, 247:180, 3U07qsrx_PRipmGB.mp4)

How did metoo miss Geraldo?

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f7286b  No.15334722

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93384e  No.15334723

File: 8296e019b782390⋯.jpg (22.08 KB, 364x214, 182:107, Screenshot_20211225_183419….jpg)

File: 7c3504df17c3ace⋯.jpg (49.73 KB, 316x388, 79:97, Screenshot_20211225_183431….jpg)

File: 1432f921e475f5b⋯.jpg (16.32 KB, 378x224, 27:16, Screenshot_20210828_094452….jpg)

File: a9c2e8537935939⋯.jpg (60.01 KB, 490x466, 245:233, Screenshot_20211217_145403….jpg)

File: 80bcb89eef72867⋯.jpg (28.89 KB, 307x325, 307:325, Screenshot_20211118_190318….jpg)

"As ‘re-volution’ or ‘re-evolution’, the spiral progression is symbolic of the transpersonal route to that higher level of consciousness which is sought by all esoteric and occult systems… the circumambulatory, as utilised in mazes and labyrinths; and oscillation, the movement back and forth between dualities…

The archetypal image of the spiral came to render itself in the idea of a path that could be climbed in stages to reach God, a notion fundamental to both the Kabbalah and exponents of magic down the centuries, and made concrete in the three- and two-dimensional initiatory mazes which existed in antiquity.It is believed that such mazes, or processional pathways, existed… Pilgrims would have entered the maze part way up the side of the hill and traveled first in a clockwise, then in an anti-clockwise, direction making their way to the holy summit, possibly by means of seven full circuits, absorbing the energy of the natural ‘power station’ as they went… The great ziggurat of Babylon, the original Tower of Babel, was called the Etemenanki, the ‘Temple of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth’, and its holy summit was reached by a spiral path ascending through seven tiers. The septenary spiral has been interpreted as the ‘world centre’ motif…Such places are indicative of the ‘prototypical sacred and spiral mountain’, and represent the symbolic World Mountain of old, the omphalos, where above and below, the sky opening and the underworld, conjoin. "


Cross_reference w/ Chris Steele's intel/cyber-security co, Walsingham Training, a subsidiary of Orbis.


>Graphic(for some)warning<

Define 'Lifelog' [DARPA].

"an ontology-based (sub)system that captures, stores, and makes accessible the flow of one person's experience in and interactions with the world in order to support a broad spectrum of associates/assistants and other system capabilities". The objective of the LifeLog concept was "to be able to trace the 'threads' of an individual's life in terms of events, states, and relationships", and it has the ability to "take in all of a subject's experience, from phone numbers dialed and e-mail messages viewed to every breath taken, step made and place gone".

Define 'FB'.

The Facebook service can be accessed from devices with Internet connectivity, such as personal computers, tablets and smartphones. After registering, users can create a customized profile revealing information about themselves. Users can post text, photos and multimedia of their own devising and share it with other users as "friends". Users can use various embedded apps, and receive notifications of their friends' activities. Users may join common-interest groups.

Compare & Contrast.

DARPA senior employees > FB?





Sergey Brin - GOOG [Founder][BORN IN MOSCOW]

was married to…

Anne Wojcicki - 23andme [Founder]

was brother-in-law to…

Susan Wojcicki - CEO of YouTube



Stop the targeting of the pacific north and south west. Hard working pubulians, dont deserve this for your insurance fraud on a large scale.

By means of burning there houses and livelihoods.

Pray for the family's effected. We love you and support you.


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2fda3b  No.15334724


same people that posted about her "mamma milkies"

one of the only things that group is actually good at is manufacturing consensus like that

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7f7793  No.15334725



indeed…. 1 sec hivage delta noted

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0064be  No.15334726

File: 425a22729d49c60⋯.jpeg (60.95 KB, 750x266, 375:133, FD375FC0_B3B7_47C0_A1B1_2….jpeg)


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edf0e9  No.15334727

File: 6f64e6bc6ed4dfd⋯.png (677.14 KB, 514x710, 257:355, micheal_st.png)

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9a748f  No.15334728

File: 4bbb940f4195dc9⋯.png (117.17 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Anjel_Sather.png)


It's not all that it's cracked up to be, fren.

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38d579  No.15334729


Old soviet trick

Do dems get the irony???

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612327  No.15334730


Heart Breaking

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d53eb8  No.15334731

File: 3c58ef74f8d03e5⋯.png (1.7 MB, 2528x708, 632:177, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15332248 pb

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c1fcbd  No.15334732

File: 8a5203d4444c8b6⋯.png (296.62 KB, 1242x1702, 27:37, 3240b8cce333a81a99ed2b8945….png)


Anon loves that man!

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d8ad7a  No.15334733

File: dce97f644cfe25e⋯.jpeg (246.37 KB, 985x1419, 985:1419, dce97f644cfe25e79277518eb….jpeg)


Jerry Rivers has never been held responsible for anything because muh PR roots.

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7f7793  No.15334734


>same people

understand…could have been intentional subterfuge

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73fd3f  No.15334736

File: 328aaa1dba44bc6⋯.png (89.39 KB, 962x962, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8502aa20ec6ba3b⋯.png (5.83 KB, 151x210, 151:210, ClipboardImage.png)


confusion confirmed.

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1c95a2  No.15334737


The best bakers are invisible on the board.

The worst have higher post counts than the shills.

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0064be  No.15334738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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1425f4  No.15334739


holy shit anon

you nailed it

spread it wide

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e091e1  No.15334740

File: 71b76ffe1c3e78e⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1798x1422, 899:711, ClipboardImage.png)

so if this is correct

Trump is still potus

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40afd0  No.15334741

File: 53bac8f4be999ed⋯.png (99.55 KB, 599x528, 599:528, ClipboardImage.png)

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2fda3b  No.15334742


im agreeing with you, im saying they couldn't argue that she was somehow good given her well known history so they just posted amongst themselves to give the illusion that "anons" supported her

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6eb788  No.15334743


Basically a woman turning into a man on testosterone beat a man turn woman on estrogen. SMH then SMH again

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50743a  No.15334744

(((They))) are the Khazarian Mafia! (related to Khazakstan)

Like it has always been!

They are the seed of Cain!

They are not Jews but they chose to be to disguise their origin! They worship Baal!

Today 97,5% of the Jews of Israel are NOT Hebrew DNA Jewish and most of them NOT Ashkenazi Jewish.

But they want you to think the Jews have to be blamed! But that is NOT true.

When the time is right, they morph to a different group to disguise.

Focus on the Khazarian Jews!

Give me a little time and i will bring you enough sources!

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994b0e  No.15334745


That's a good pic! Wonder what he is thinking about there…

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7f7793  No.15334746

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4b23b9  No.15334747






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38d579  No.15334748

File: d7938eb8cad2d3f⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 661x474, 661:474, 20211230_182638.jpg)


Found this in the trash

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c1fcbd  No.15334749

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB, 236x207, 236:207, f2c8a70267acd3e7a03e853906….png)


What a rube!

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dd4708  No.15334750

File: e790512998a340c⋯.jpeg (158.51 KB, 506x563, 506:563, C33A0468_7713_41FC_B530_E….jpeg)

File: eda02aceb53d921⋯.png (271.79 KB, 472x556, 118:139, 2F1CAC28_C0F9_43AB_A7EA_67….png)



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c1d214  No.15334751

File: d4bc74edbf32bf5⋯.jpg (140.75 KB, 600x650, 12:13, Pepe_beginning.jpg)

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6787a7  No.15334752

File: 634cf702a0c90aa⋯.png (808.51 KB, 669x884, 669:884, night_shift.png)

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73fd3f  No.15334753

File: 42f9a2d3ba1aa68⋯.png (35.94 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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ed835a  No.15334754

File: 8b668e5e6c0b559⋯.png (172.31 KB, 420x364, 15:13, pepesmoking.png)

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c1fcbd  No.15334755

File: 616efcf270f952e⋯.png (25.92 KB, 713x611, 713:611, 616efcf270f952e212ba69cf84….png)


Fuck off red text shill!

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5a2889  No.15334756


Somewhere on a dystopian future timeline scouts approaching the the c-list highschool boys in the locker room: "c'mon maaan.. haven't you ever wondered what it would be like? Better than being nobody.. The girls team could really use you @ XYZ university"

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38d579  No.15334757

File: cc2e5b7a6f1e6c8⋯.mp4 (390.53 KB, 352x640, 11:20, 5849ee434fd63d732f2877f3ab….mp4)

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7013fe  No.15334758

File: 5bd586e3485fe24⋯.gif (608.6 KB, 480x360, 4:3, giphy_2_.gif)

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efa9dd  No.15334759


Perhaps they swapped genitals after the meet.

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3d7955  No.15334760

File: 29fb85eba98fba8⋯.jpg (168.14 KB, 1242x1702, 27:37, Deepthoughts.jpg)

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f84063  No.15334761

How could a pediatrician possibly recommended the Covid shot for a kid under 10? What would be their justification? How would they try to convince a skeptical parent?

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38d579  No.15334762



Bet they split a teenburger

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ad209d  No.15334764

File: d0a79c6a11309ae⋯.jpeg (20.96 KB, 225x255, 15:17, winning_intensifies.jpeg)

File: 17f82eda9eabdca⋯.jpg (46.83 KB, 470x734, 235:367, Ashley_Babbitt.jpg)



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e091e1  No.15334765

File: f8d11ac1f7bd47f⋯.png (141.58 KB, 401x546, 401:546, ClipboardImage.png)

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507c6a  No.15334766

File: dfc58026b062d98⋯.png (3.83 MB, 2048x1545, 2048:1545, ClipboardImage.png)


Antifa posting on twatter

Today we'd like to introduce everyone to identified Patriot Front neo-Nazi Richard James Flannery of Central Point, OR. See our new article on Flannery, aka "Alexander-OR," for the full details!


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4b23b9  No.15334767

File: 9cbb8280ec76a59⋯.jpg (96.18 KB, 1125x1227, 375:409, dumbfuckjuice.jpg)





ty notetakeranon





>>15332959 TBC (PB)

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8e184e  No.15334768


They wouldn’t be able to convince a truly skeptical parent. They depend on ignorant parents and there are plenty of those to go around.

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578216  No.15334769

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d8ad7a  No.15334770


>How could a pediatrician possibly recommended the Covid shot for a kid under 10? What would be their justification?

Ever heard of a Pharma Rep? Everyone loves a Caribbean vacation.

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73fd3f  No.15334771

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2fda3b  No.15334772


ill admit, i laughed at the meme

im entirely too jaded these days to laugh at anything on here but that was pretty good

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6787a7  No.15334773

File: 58e90c11261878e⋯.png (127.59 KB, 444x327, 148:109, wendy.png)


Wendy Rogers, [08.01.22 19:32]

o7 to all of those on the front lines of #AmericaFirst

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578216  No.15334774



5:50…? 5:5?

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3fe10f  No.15334775


#19395: MSM Narrative Meltdown, What Will They Cook Up Next?? Hunter? Edition

>>15332989 GRAPHIC: Cartel Gunmen Dump 9 Bodies in Coastal State, Implicate Government Officials

>>15332991 Saudi Media Ministry Hires Former Producer for US Anchor Katie Couric for PR Campaign

>>15333001 DeSantis says Democrats’ J6 memorial service is going to end up being a “politicized Charlie Foxtrot”, and FBI is behind it.

>>15333004 Kagan: “the government is paying for the medical services so they have the right to dictate details of those services”

>>15333006 UK army deployed to hospitals

>>15333020 Quantico Rings Up $188 Million Bill for Afghan Refugees Housed in Tents

>>15333062 Coincidence?’ US, Foreign NGOs May Have Played Key Role in Social Unrest in Kazakhstan, Expert Says


>>15333071 US, NATO Reject Russia’s Call for Halt of Eastward Expansion

>>15333114 Shareholders Press Google and YouTube To Disclose White House Requests To Scrub COVID-19 Videos

>>15333153 #OTD in 1942, the Battle of #Rzhev began - one of the bloodiest in the history of the Great Patriotic War & #WWII.

>>15333160 Houthis Share Footage & Documents Confirming Saudi-led Coalition Shipped Weapons On Seized UAE Vessel

>>15333189 BBC News “forgot” to tell you that official data shows the Triple/Double Vaccinated accounted for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Deaths in December

>>15333190 It’s Coming: Biden’s Latest Irrational Moves Obliterate the US Economy About 2 Weeks Out

>>15333202 Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: ‘Is curing patients a sustainable business model?’ (2018)

>>15333221 Experimental Injections. “Biggest Crimes Against Humanity Ever Committed.” Anna de Bouisseret Explains Who Will be Held Liable Under the Law

>>15333226 Kazakhstan’s former anti-terror chief detained on suspicion of treason amid protests

>>15333245 Provinces likely to make vaccination mandatory, says Canadian health minister

>>15333259 With the Clinton Brand Now Discredited, Is It Time to Reopen the Vince Foster Investigation?

>>15333280 YouTube takes down music video critical of Joe Biden

>>15333288 NatlGuard updates

>>15333316, >>15333400 On The Move: The Story of Kazakhstan’s Capital City

>>15333333 *As a slave, within a corrupt Roman dictatorship…by design. Wake up, sheep.

>>15333365 FAA Will Impose Flight Restrictions On Some Flight Operations Over 5G

>>15333399 US war lobby fuels conflict in Russia, Ukraine, and Syria: ex-Pentagon advisor

>>15333673, >>15333676Russia’s Perpetual Geopolitics Putin Returns to the Historical Pattern

>>15333701 Clock Graphic Managing Israel's image on social media'

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ad209d  No.15334776

File: f8d03cc2a1c2cbd⋯.png (106.07 KB, 500x629, 500:629, winning.png)



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e091e1  No.15334777


time to dig and look for military comms confirm

Trump and his White House have made some embarrassing spelling mistakes — here are the worst ones



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c1d214  No.15334778

File: d29f5e2e20ba65f⋯.gif (783.24 KB, 600x339, 200:113, Nanshee.gif)

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ed835a  No.15334779

File: 0c690095e77a5f3⋯.png (309.32 KB, 479x471, 479:471, 2022_01_08_19_46_08.png)


>A French court ordered the removal of a statue of the Archangel Michael in front of a church.

The warrior Angel…

F*ck around and find out.

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59eeca  No.15334780

File: 1a12d7789ef49b5⋯.jpg (387.79 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20220108_194610.jpg)

Anniversaries Count?

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38d579  No.15334781

File: 564ef726d4bb4c0⋯.jpg (72.65 KB, 660x998, 330:499, 20210812_101311.jpg)


strange freemason way to say a sentence and double cross at the same time

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c1d214  No.15334782

File: 5efcb7ff6c77b99⋯.jpg (224.96 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Initial_Q_St_Michael.jpg)

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31c611  No.15334783

File: 41312251f927021⋯.png (410.17 KB, 410x406, 205:203, ClipboardImage.png)

Q Research General #19397 wide awake bake

>>15334624 Show your doctor friends the death certificates. This is my stepson Benjamin who died 13 hours after the Johnson shot. Cardiac arrest - pamela twat

>>15334627, >>15334645, >>15334680, Australian Government is profiting heavily of the pharma industry - here's some evidence - anon dig (murdoch media)

>>15334630 German Doctors Find 'Astonishing' Impurities in Covid 'Vaccine' - rumble vid

>>15334646 obama twat

>>15334690 good article right here from Washington Examiner that is all about Marc Elias. - washington examiner

>>15334695 President Trump’s Former CIA Director Gina Haspel Joins Attorneys Rod Rosenstein and Sally Yates at International Law Firm - gwp

>>15334712 Messages sent - cnn and laura ingraham


thanks baker

anon is wankered, so really should not be baking

happy for you to take the bake

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adb1a0  No.15334784

File: 8296e019b782390⋯.jpg (22.08 KB, 364x214, 182:107, Screenshot_20211225_183419….jpg)

File: 7c3504df17c3ace⋯.jpg (49.73 KB, 316x388, 79:97, Screenshot_20211225_183431….jpg)

File: 1432f921e475f5b⋯.jpg (16.32 KB, 378x224, 27:16, Screenshot_20210828_094452….jpg)

File: 80bcb89eef72867⋯.jpg (28.89 KB, 307x325, 307:325, Screenshot_20211118_190318….jpg)

File: 7a6378ed192e27d⋯.jpg (32.02 KB, 375x273, 125:91, Screenshot_20220106_123021….jpg)

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5a2889  No.15334785


Doctors aren't actually smart.. this should be a major revelation in this department.. They're just as easily duped if not moreso..

Look at all the fuckwits in psychology… the most nose-up profession… I personally think there's a lot of value in psychology, but also understand why people who are grounded in something like faith or tradition are skeptical of it… its because they act like an authority but don't have time to appreciate the true complexity of the psyche, so they just try to put people in a limited set of categories so much that they're often totally wrong..

Doctors are generally not intuitive types or particularly critical thinkers.. they're more memorize and proceduralize.. and they often don't give a shit.. often very ego driven..

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c1fcbd  No.15334786



They deserve each other. She's a practicing witch..he's a nasty old man who posts naked pics of himself.

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97ed15  No.15334787

Bullet Points regarding Kazakhstan

>supposedly there have been ongoing protests for the last month which initially started over fuel prices doubling

>the protests started small but then spread across the country with government buildings and vehicles getting burned

>the current President, Tokayev, tries to appease protesters, gets rid of former president Nazarbayev who for some reason was still in Government as the head of the "National Security Council" (successor to KGB in Kazakhstan)

>protesters were not satisfied, Tokayev claims protesters had help from foreign based terrorists (remember Ukraine 2014)

>President Tokayev calls Russia for help, Russia lead alliance comprised of former soviet blocks sends 2500 paratroopers as peacekeepers.

>MSM and Globohomo Politicians seethe

>internet black out

Things that stand out

>Kazakhstan has more than enough military to deal with the uprising, why call Russia for help?

>Globohomo Media is seething over 2500 troops? They aren't all from Russia and they are there for peacekeeping. Why the upset?



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ed835a  No.15334788

File: 09bee087daeb88c⋯.png (281.26 KB, 673x694, 673:694, 2022_01_08_19_48_39.png)

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d8ad7a  No.15334789


She's pretty

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3fe10f  No.15334790

File: 54bdbcbfe2e6749⋯.png (208.1 KB, 524x307, 524:307, tartanus.png)

File: b39d6cb8121c119⋯.jpeg (76.03 KB, 800x800, 1:1, large_2c21408c_3e67_4146_….jpeg)

>>15333353 pb

any anon with a better graphic rig make out what Adam Maitland doodled on the splenda packet?

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adb1a0  No.15334791

File: 8296e019b782390⋯.jpg (22.08 KB, 364x214, 182:107, Screenshot_20211225_183419….jpg)

File: 7c3504df17c3ace⋯.jpg (49.73 KB, 316x388, 79:97, Screenshot_20211225_183431….jpg)

File: 1432f921e475f5b⋯.jpg (16.32 KB, 378x224, 27:16, Screenshot_20210828_094452….jpg)

File: 80bcb89eef72867⋯.jpg (28.89 KB, 307x325, 307:325, Screenshot_20211118_190318….jpg)

File: 70022fad67abdeb⋯.jpg (140.32 KB, 1191x837, 397:279, Screenshot_20220105_173415….jpg)

Saudi Arabia - The Bloody Wonderland.

[=] Alice & Wonderland signatures

Re-read all sentences after happening. everything is connected… does anyone have a copy of that stupid sounding ebook?

Saudi Arabia recently arrested all their corrupt princes, and down a helicopter where corrupted officials were trying to escape. Saudis also cut tied with Hillary.

Saudi Arabia = The Bloody Wonderland.

The Alice & Wonderland event confirmed

Senator McCain and others roundly criticized Rep. Michele Bachmann in 2012 when she and four members of the House Permanent Select Committee Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee cited Ms. Abedin in letters sent to the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, warning about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the United States government.

Why is this relevant?

Who took an undisclosed trip to SA?

What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call?


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d11f4a  No.15334792

File: 7d827a518c36671⋯.png (1.72 MB, 917x790, 917:790, Screenshot_2022_01_04_at_1….png)


Please don't block all roads in the USA as protest truckers

Blocking all roads to Washington DC and to Delaware is enough

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c1d214  No.15334793

File: 7c776f5b8ca7756⋯.png (278.77 KB, 510x448, 255:224, comfypepe.png)

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38d579  No.15334794



Make up your mind pepe

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9278e7  No.15334795


>SMH then SMH again

Kek! Funny but not funny and the funny again because everyone is retarded. Clown world

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ce9212  No.15334796

File: c68be12d5bd86e0⋯.png (1.4 MB, 697x703, 697:703, capture_5406_08012022_1646….png)


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e772cd  No.15334797

File: 2e22ff2d2428891⋯.png (575.02 KB, 1276x1218, 22:21, Screen_Shot_2022_01_08_at_….png)


Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Gina Haspel is a senior national security advisor for King & Spalding’s National Security and Corporate Espionage practice. She advises clients on globally significant projects, drawing on her unique experience as Director of the CIA to counsel clients on national security, information technology, cybersecurity and other issues. In particular, she helps the firm’s corporate, private equity, family office and other global clients to assess and manage institutional risks.


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2fda3b  No.15334798


>medical doctors

back in school we had to share a lot of class space with med students

i remember telling my friends that "God help us if we ever get sick when those stupid fucks are MDs"

im pretty sure current events are proving me correct

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c1fcbd  No.15334799

File: 7b2b133967dd1a1⋯.jpg (24.28 KB, 333x382, 333:382, EGMxgOtWsAc4rTd.jpg)


Infinity dubs & good times!

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adb1a0  No.15334800

File: cde096f7f29c5aa⋯.jpg (39.02 KB, 282x377, 282:377, Screenshot_20211220_130758….jpg)

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6eb788  No.15334801


Because the are cunt lemmings. All doctors aside from good surgeons need to lose their ability to treat patients. They dont know shit. I have done 10x more research then GP and Pediatricans. A lot need to be GITMO'd. FUCK THEM

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b8708f  No.15334802

File: b847298a8dc6328⋯.jpg (130.4 KB, 606x549, 202:183, b847298a8dc63287e2c3b37eae….jpg)


Confirm handoff

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ad209d  No.15334803

File: 1f064e69d0f686a⋯.jpg (196.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Boot_Lickers_Matter.jpg)


Back the blue! They keep us safe. From viruses and tyranny.

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e091e1  No.15334804

File: 40c649262469f84⋯.png (55.03 KB, 707x312, 707:312, ClipboardImage.png)

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adb1a0  No.15334805

File: f8490dc39175d4e⋯.jpg (38 KB, 395x329, 395:329, Screenshot_20220106_123429….jpg)

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f106fa  No.15334806



What do you call the person who graduates dead last in their class from medical school?


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31c611  No.15334807

File: c400143767a9d4b⋯.gif (743.96 KB, 220x195, 44:39, cat_pirate.gif)


arrrgh the waters are smooth and easy sailing - unless the grinch turns up. o7

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7f799d  No.15334808


Not jack shit is going to happen other than another year of COVID lockdown bullshit. Be sure to thank Grandpa Moderna for Operation Warp Speed and record profits for big pharma.

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adb1a0  No.15334809

File: 76764a38aab76da⋯.jpg (116.03 KB, 576x806, 288:403, Screenshot_20211231_052639….jpg)

File: 0fde92eadd38e1a⋯.jpg (129.76 KB, 936x725, 936:725, Screenshot_20211231_052813….jpg)

File: e27068f15090e71⋯.jpg (190.03 KB, 869x844, 869:844, Screenshot_20211231_053010….jpg)

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9278e7  No.15334810


>What would be their justification?

They are the most brainwashed retards that think everything they know is true. “They know best” because their subsidized education, by pharma, told them so. Plus all the perks afterwards. They wouldn’t want to lose that vacation or wads of cash

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578216  No.15334811

File: 6a91fcfd2b36649⋯.png (397.8 KB, 766x1280, 383:640, ClipboardImage.png)





*Graphic in this post not mine - stolen. (h/t to some anon)

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3fe10f  No.15334812


added #19395 NOTES TO THE DOUGH



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7ef22d  No.15334813


Guy might be sandbagging it a bit. Have to compare his best times to what he swam today to see if he is.

The Ivy League championships are in February, I think. Thomas may want to dial it back a bit to get off the radar so the S doesn't HTF before then.

This should kill off girls recruiting in the Ivies. It's hard enough as it is. Even good athletes need the academic qualifications to get in. Having something to offer in return, like being a good athlete, is a big advantage. Girls who have the academic and athletic combo will go elsewhere. Very demanding with studies, practice and the competitions. Not worth the bullshit to practice hard and have to swim against men, then have to study your ass off to make up for the travel and meet time.


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ef3f7b  No.15334814

File: 57f41b3e2767e12⋯.png (141.14 KB, 342x372, 57:62, WOOOOOOOOOO_.png)


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32017f  No.15334815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





"It Smells Like Frogs"

(full album)

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6787a7  No.15334816

File: 1f1694fd900ff38⋯.png (45.17 KB, 584x319, 584:319, name_sake.png)



FYI…the prayer I gave is a prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel (my namesake). It has great meaning to me. Thank you to all who follow me and please remain fearless, courageous and also, demand accountability from your elected officials 💪🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸



Sep 25, 2021 at 07:58

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8e184e  No.15334817


They said it couldn’t be done but we got it done in 9 months. Record time. A lot of very wealthy people in Big Pharma didn’t like me very much but that’s okay. We got it done and saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

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725496  No.15334818

File: 7aee2e504c2acc6⋯.jpg (241.34 KB, 720x812, 180:203, Where_am_I.jpg)

File: 22945ad720ae02d⋯.jpg (240.77 KB, 720x711, 80:79, Ns.jpg)

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5a2889  No.15334819


Yeah, there are exceptions everywhere, but the majority are proving themselves not only incompetent and dependent upon phony consensus, but also cowardly in that some of them are smelling the stench of crime against humanity and remain fearful of damage to their reputation.. What a great group to attempt to use as a conduit for new communist protocol

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f7286b  No.15334820


infiltration not invasion

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a7cd91  No.15334821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Based shift is best shift.

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ef3f7b  No.15334822

File: e3b520035b2467c⋯.jpg (987.69 KB, 1580x3108, 395:777, nancy_pooplosi_1.jpg)



Fuck we almost had her this time lol.

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ed835a  No.15334823

File: 7f70f7ad109f656⋯.png (387.07 KB, 564x365, 564:365, bidan.png)


>Born to Potato

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6787a7  No.15334824

File: 3d125087553f091⋯.png (221.89 KB, 845x722, 845:722, side.png)



Prayers Up: General Michael Flynn Faces the Corrupt and Evil Court Today on the Feast of the Archangel St. Michael Who Leads Warriors Against Evil

By Joe Hoft

Published September 29, 2020 at 8:34am

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b5b9b4  No.15334825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Blue Omicron Cult

(Don't Fear) The Covid (Audio)

needs moar cowbell


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ce9212  No.15334826

File: 7c49f0c3486545c⋯.jpg (71.34 KB, 471x354, 157:118, capture_5374_08012022_1453….jpg)

File: e1cd2616129a0ff⋯.jpg (23.9 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Orange_Crush_Commercial_19….jpg)

File: 1d06a8d96a0f5d3⋯.mp4 (6.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Orange_Crush_Commercial_19….mp4)



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a7cd91  No.15334827

File: 2586c6a06063524⋯.jpeg (361.4 KB, 1554x1054, 777:527, 8d41ed63960f1ad7.jpeg)

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6b6fe9  No.15334828

File: 8e0a4aa86b3b02e⋯.jpeg (169.37 KB, 750x598, 375:299, 8e0a4aa86b3b02e4a5041e2d5….jpeg)


55's into 88's into 99's

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725496  No.15334829

File: 00ea633cd2136d6⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 979x1903, 89:173, Usual_suspects.jpg)

File: 8c7deb24d50beb7⋯.jpg (985.35 KB, 1069x1901, 1069:1901, Cnn.jpg)

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08fdaa  No.15334830


Haven’t old fags been telling you guys this for a while now? SMH

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0064be  No.15334831

File: 10a658de7aa84ed⋯.jpeg (36.7 KB, 236x255, 236:255, 5A37F300_B481_466B_BB8C_2….jpeg)

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e091e1  No.15334832

File: 9f69b752ae5ae57⋯.png (423.33 KB, 486x324, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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b5b9b4  No.15334833


why doesn't Elon sell the cure for Baldness?

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d8ad7a  No.15334834

File: e4418e8c88631ac⋯.jpg (54.06 KB, 577x432, 577:432, 73b4ccab673bb5f3.jpg)

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8b227d  No.15334835


Old news.

Not shocker.

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ac3438  No.15334836


GP the only sauce we got? Cant find shit besides that

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0064be  No.15334837

File: ba38531ea542a56⋯.jpeg (77.36 KB, 1024x758, 512:379, 10C05855_B276_43A7_AE41_1….jpeg)

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ef3f7b  No.15334838

File: 07b3ec43d3e6df7⋯.png (798.67 KB, 1904x930, 952:465, jets_af2.png)

Air Force 2 flying back from Vegas today. 742 in the air too.

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578216  No.15334839

File: ac31b3a1172a66b⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1081x1416, 1081:1416, ClipboardImage.png)

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6787a7  No.15334840

File: b86133d1ea1cf67⋯.png (311.99 KB, 601x551, 601:551, brick.png)



Herschel Walker is a man of faith who genuinely loves America. He will be a great voice for Georgia in the Senate!



9:01 AM · Sep 26, 2021 from Perry, GA·Twitter for Android

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a7cd91  No.15334841

File: 493cc011cd199f5⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB, 848x672, 53:42, baef45e8d444f6d6.mp4)

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c1fcbd  No.15334842


They were bending the knee for BLM.

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7b12ba  No.15334843

File: 90d77ab660bbc12⋯.png (4.99 KB, 436x104, 109:26, 2155.png)

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b5b9b4  No.15334844



never seen a cozier pepe. so comfy he can barely move

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416a32  No.15334845

File: 4c683bd0f5ef138⋯.png (81.43 KB, 503x381, 503:381, Screenshot_from_2022_01_08….png)

File: 532936fa041adbf⋯.jpg (189.7 KB, 763x1199, 7:11, djt_destructionoftheoldgua….jpg)


>Trump is still potus

been trying to tell you fags that since 1/20/21

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b8708f  No.15334846

File: 292ebed7136ceaa⋯.jpg (65.56 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Q800a5fedd134f4bcf44899746….jpg)



Confirm Handoff

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31c611  No.15334847

File: a14ef7387061e48⋯.png (1.31 MB, 939x943, 939:943, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 669da6dce62420a⋯.png (760.75 KB, 739x552, 739:552, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e7546aa1bee44d⋯.gif (3.05 MB, 400x224, 25:14, gere_i_got_nowhere_else_to….gif)


anon is on the guiness, brandy and pots with Jamiroquai in the background.

pretty comfy

off duty now with the bakering and note takering.

night shift day shift,

i got nowhere else to go


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9278e7  No.15334848


A decent protest would be to drive open-air livestock trucks full of pig and chicken manure and parking them all over DC and outside all of the Biden property.

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e091e1  No.15334849

File: 1005711ed6a554c⋯.png (159.98 KB, 453x393, 151:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4348e4fe68137ad⋯.png (351.8 KB, 546x527, 546:527, ClipboardImage.png)

unleash the hounds?

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064758  No.15334850


Doctors were exposed to be the most obtuse and arrogant batch of worms in society. Many stood up and were censored so fucking hero’s they are but most are unredeemable pieces of shit. They are knowing injecting children with experimental genetic material for no reason. And some vets injecting zoo animals like ffs man how can everybody be tarded?

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7f7793  No.15334851


[1Ti 2:5 KJV] 5 For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

[Col 2:18 KJV] 18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,

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e091e1  No.15334852



thats why Biden has a fake set

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ef3f7b  No.15334853

File: 9840c4efd2804c3⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1264x706, 632:353, black_baby_choking_lmao.png)


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b5b9b4  No.15334854

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2fda3b  No.15334855


no never all

but even the profs complained about em

and every time we had one rotate in lab we'd give them the stupidest fucking shit to do because absolutely no one trusted them

i think that was it, they couldn't ever admit they were wrong, which in research is a very bad thing (look at fauci for example)

so they were basically given grunt work that had already been worked out and then their egos would kick in and they'd act like they cured cancer or some shit

very shitty people, in general

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f7777e  No.15334856

File: 3bd2bf5cedd80dd⋯.png (36.24 KB, 500x280, 25:14, st_michael_2.png)

File: 96a0694ee1ad42a⋯.png (419.38 KB, 1200x1487, 1200:1487, st_michael_3.png)

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ad209d  No.15334857

6 20 3 11

25 15 21

2 9 1 19 3 8

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dd4708  No.15334858

File: 8bc7a3bedf2a65a⋯.jpeg (595.37 KB, 750x1238, 375:619, BD338BBD_B28A_4B89_8BE2_0….jpeg)

Of course, this is not making headlines but in the next two weeks Joe Biden is planning on shutting down a significant portion of the trade pipeline with Canada.

According to government figures U.S. goods and services trade with Canada totaled an estimated $718.4 billion in 2019. Exports were $360.4 billion; imports were $358.0 billion.

In about a week the Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate will mean around 30,000 cross-border truckers will be forced to shut down. Starting January 15, truckers will be forced to show proof of vaccine.


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d8ad7a  No.15334859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8bc0aa  No.15334860

File: e784bd41d140474⋯.jpg (95.89 KB, 1024x1018, 512:509, 1641363805604.jpg)

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e091e1  No.15334861

File: 6be906f37529fc3⋯.png (10.19 KB, 463x199, 463:199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ab6cb293709def⋯.png (362.8 KB, 335x377, 335:377, ClipboardImage.png)





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5b1d02  No.15334862

File: f44524c13e729a4⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1046x1368, 523:684, FLOTUS_vol45.png)

FLOTUS, volume 45

January 2022

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cd0dce  No.15334863

File: 67c2d507052126b⋯.png (327.67 KB, 675x456, 225:152, Fake_Reset_vs_Real_Reset.png)

Putin has revealed himself to be an ametuer chess player… and a very bad one at that

1) He has turned 40M Ukrainians against Russia

2) NATO is invigorated and enhancing is defense structures

3) Finland and Sweden are talking openly about joining NATO

4) Baltic states are calling for immediate reinforcement of NATO's east flank

5) Kazakhstan has bit Putin in the ass and revealed to the whole world he is a KGB reincarnation of Nakita Khruschev ala Hungary 1956 and Czechoslovakia 1968.

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e5e224  No.15334864

File: 6e4cab6202c9dfc⋯.jpg (47.98 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Night_shift2.jpg)

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b8708f  No.15334865

>>15331532 Avenatti Twitter?

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974980  No.15334866


Maybe the lead in Liar Thomas's rudder was slowing it down.

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dd4708  No.15334867






Starting January 15, truckers will be forced to show proof of vaccine.

Starting January 15, truckers will be forced to show proof of vaccine.

Starting January 15, truckers will be forced to show proof of vaccine.

Starting January 15, truckers will be forced to show proof of vaccine.

Starting January 15, truckers will be forced to show proof of vaccine.

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b8708f  No.15334868

>>15332799, >>15332809, Rock Collapse on 3 boats!

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416a32  No.15334869

File: ba2ad20005eb692⋯.png (241.31 KB, 870x232, 15:4, Pepe_5X5_fren.png)

File: d06b63990a98bfc⋯.png (908.39 KB, 1254x936, 209:156, cgiJoeHolo.png)

File: da169328c000ab6⋯.jpg (54.68 KB, 516x414, 86:69, cgi_joe.jpg)

File: be21897f62580b9⋯.png (790.24 KB, 1250x782, 625:391, cgiJoeHoloGreenscr.png)



>thats why Biden has a fake set



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6787a7  No.15334870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c1fcbd  No.15334871

File: 68491eb954fa880⋯.gif (362.91 KB, 1295x864, 1295:864, 68491eb954fa880ae32b39a996….gif)

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ec96b8  No.15334872


Do it, faggot!

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a7cd91  No.15334873

File: ab720bb95b1f9bc⋯.jpeg (52.25 KB, 824x747, 824:747, eTngIYKMRtrR4OXphGEV_09_2….jpeg)

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ec96b8  No.15334874


Hey, he appointed her!

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b5b9b4  No.15334875


again, the FEDs are all wearing the same clothes from the same store. Nothing says Gay than a bunch of fags who go shopping together for clothes

FED 1 : do these shorts make my ass look fat?

FED 3: honey, don't be so hard on yourself.

FED 2 : I am going to beat my wife after the swingers party

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ac3438  No.15334876

File: af35f30caaa14ca⋯.png (166.24 KB, 829x512, 829:512, ClipboardImage.png)

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08fdaa  No.15334877


Please make it so!

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3c1845  No.15334878

File: 094dcd2c6ddc233⋯.png (225.96 KB, 360x342, 20:19, ClipboardImage.png)


This faggot is worse than Millie.

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578216  No.15334879

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d8ad7a  No.15334880

File: b44d9c7ec4c596b⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1080x830, 108:83, 56cf49fce5a5abd33710f6e6b3….png)


How Neo-con. Much National Interest. So CFR.

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4b23b9  No.15334881


I still kek all over myself


great meme, not mine, stolen a while ago from another anon

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38d579  No.15334882


She had to whiff two shats.

I'd say that's a match

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ec96b8  No.15334883


No AF1 again? Weird.

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7ef22d  No.15334884


Big demand for psych related majors/minors in tech. UX and AI. Not necessarily the classic psych types, but psych added on to a math/statistics/cognitive sciences background. A good cognitive program will have computer programming involved. More STEM then psych only, and diversified so they can mesh with the specialists. Not necessarily high debt and the ROI is huge.

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fed670  No.15334885


I guess they think if they spell one word incorrectly we won't find it, but I'm RRNAnon.

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ad209d  No.15334886

Get on your knees and worship a god who offered up his child to be tortured and killed as a human sacrifice. Drink the blood of his child. Eat the flesh of his child. Wash yourself in the blood of this blood sacrifice to purify yourself.

It's going to be biblical.

These people are sick.

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2fda3b  No.15334887


he appointed a lot of people who ended up playing him

he didn't exactly have a deep bench to pull from

should he have chosen deepstate pedophile satanist A or deepstate pedophile satanist B?

he did what he could, trusting he was hard enough to keep them in line

the depth of the swamp i think shocked everyone

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7f7793  No.15334888



[Jhn 14:26 KJV] 26 But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

[Jhn 15:26 KJV] 26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, [even] the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

[Jhn 16:7 KJV] 7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

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7013fe  No.15334890

File: 4be18a550d4e62b⋯.png (5.81 MB, 3487x4359, 3487:4359, ClipboardImage.png)

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b5b9b4  No.15334891


i swear Victoria Nuland is anon just like you!!

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ff9dd3  No.15334892

File: 6a37d97190bf38d⋯.jpg (57.18 KB, 907x891, 907:891, FH_2dGgXIAIf_lV.jpg)

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4b23b9  No.15334893



>>15334812 TY ANONS

Includes #19395 & #19396

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ec96b8  No.15334894


Wow, he could have still been with us.

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e5e224  No.15334895

File: c2a09d7eb856285⋯.png (519.23 KB, 961x835, 961:835, 4b820b09d56d67774b31a11dd6….png)

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416a32  No.15334896

File: 245e343a19e5552⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1981x1544, 1981:1544, q4414_EAMLoyalis3.png)


gotta admit

couldn't come up with a good decode for potus missing L

probably need to re-read the entire statement

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c1fcbd  No.15334897

File: af4a0a7bc9f60fc⋯.gif (517.3 KB, 220x220, 1:1, kamala_dancing.gif)

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ec96b8  No.15334898


I visited 80 US cities last year, Seattle was about the worst. Portland also sucks, as does SF.

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cd0dce  No.15334899

File: b031ba3aea76cc4⋯.png (250.42 KB, 670x445, 134:89, Agent_4_666.png)


Ukrainians and Kazakhs love Putin and want to host Russian soldiers in their living rooms…

the Russian internet news services insist it is true cuz Vlad the Hockey superstar says so

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8b227d  No.15334900


Here you go.

From last July.


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730325  No.15334901

File: 4f829aae3592001⋯.jpg (14.25 KB, 163x260, 163:260, red_Smoking.JPG)


Everything "Biden" does is a move that Biden isn't doing.

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9a748f  No.15334902

File: 0b22e98fddf202d⋯.png (327.07 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 8b7978a2786f252631487cf4a1….png)




>You can never break them from their cognitive dissonance, so it's pointless to try.

>Might as well tap into the demographic.

>"Insert scripture quote."

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029875  No.15334903

>>15334603 lb/pb

>immune system goes into such a hyperactive state

That's ADE, Anon. Antibody-dependent enhancement:

New study finds billions of vaccinated people are at real risk of suffering Antibody-Dependent Enhancement

"The study is entitled, Infection-enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies recognize both the original Wuhan/D614G strain and Delta variants. A potential risk for mass vaccination and explains that while the current injections may provide some level of immunity against the alleged original covid virus, they present an unfortunate side effect – The acceleration of “infection-enhancing antibodies” which overreact to Delta variant infections.

What the paper is describing is classic antibody-dependent enhancement, meaning a hyperinflammatory reaction can kill the person as their “primed” immune system overreacts to new infections."


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a7cd91  No.15334904

File: f98f3152b04e7e2⋯.png (87.12 KB, 436x775, 436:775, kBimr3vJvGLecE7hTrgp_08_f4….png)



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416a32  No.15334905

File: 5023402624dc56a⋯.jpg (13.86 KB, 246x255, 82:85, kamalaBJoe.jpg)

File: f6c094072719346⋯.jpg (106.32 KB, 502x628, 251:314, kamala_harris_for_the_peni….jpg)


what a fucking ho

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5b1d02  No.15334906

>>15333862 (lb)

Epic Dad is epic.

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cd0dce  No.15334907


dont like facts do you Crazy Ivan?

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ec96b8  No.15334908


Agree 100%!

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e091e1  No.15334909

File: 6e4c145adb7339b⋯.png (290.54 KB, 527x517, 527:517, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4d0e8e9ca40526⋯.png (322.13 KB, 530x432, 265:216, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab6321253ce477d⋯.png (260.07 KB, 524x410, 262:205, ClipboardImage.png)

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38d579  No.15334910


Is this hypothetical?

I had to deal with about 20 different doctors in the last 1½ years

None even brought up the topic.

They force all sorts of tests and appts but never pushed or mentioned the vaxx

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8b227d  No.15334911


And most are ignorant because they're too lazy to find out,

maybe don't want to know,

and most are busy spending their time off watching unholywood demonic trash.

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730325  No.15334912


>The rest of you are degenerate bread shitters who should be left bleeding in the moonlight

Nice glasses.

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7f7793  No.15334913


> Portland





about 8 years ago all three were safe to visit

not so much anymore

truly a shame

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d11f4a  No.15334914

File: d0ce82f307f0ef5⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 498x498, 1:1, tenor.gif)


Matter of 2 weeks before they start robbing each other wine cellars

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6787a7  No.15334915


standing before the statue said: “Pulling down statues and destruction of our Christian civilization? Never!”

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9fa4b8  No.15334916

File: db9d1b2e921c0a1⋯.png (620.42 KB, 551x738, 551:738, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15334569 (lb)

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2fda3b  No.15334917

guy walks into a bar

theres a terrorist bartender

guy says "ill have a vodka on the rocks"

terrorist picks up an ice cube in one hand and says "oh, you like ice?"

guy says "yeah, but more than one piece"

terrorist scoops up a handful of ice in his other hand and says

"oh… you like ices?"

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d8ad7a  No.15334918

File: 0d2974e76431da7⋯.jpg (10.26 KB, 186x255, 62:85, 27955138c070441bc03c7d3d57….jpg)


Nah just don't like clown shills trying to sell me on the fact that any of it is in our national interests.

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9a748f  No.15334919

File: 3caf4375b37c4c1⋯.jpg (28.8 KB, 600x360, 5:3, The_Crash.jpg)


How much economics have you studied?

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a7cd91  No.15334920

File: c10a5123ac6353d⋯.png (133.05 KB, 839x631, 839:631, image_2022_01_08_201336.png)



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d8ad7a  No.15334921


BCG's really do it for me.

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aed00d  No.15334922

File: ff0e501ab38b50d⋯.gif (2.34 MB, 600x339, 200:113, 1CA0EFDB_90D5_4CA3_824F_6D….gif)

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a3e4ec  No.15334923

File: 31cf3f3ef542bae⋯.jpeg (120.54 KB, 1079x1083, 1079:1083, C6E950C3_113A_4E7F_8C23_1….jpeg)


There is no place I would rather be.

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730325  No.15334924

File: 6a26fb5bf9a6209⋯.jpeg (284.99 KB, 1862x1396, 931:698, Dan_Scavino_Fucking_With_….jpeg)

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ec96b8  No.15334925


That's an actor, Hon.

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416a32  No.15334926

File: e9cd8d5ad3a412c⋯.png (4.67 MB, 1440x1800, 4:5, scavino.png)

File: 69d1edeb78fedd8⋯.png (375.66 KB, 888x1048, 111:131, scavinoaug10_1144.png)


top kek

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9278e7  No.15334927


>$20 pump 3

So like… 4 gals?

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ac3438  No.15334928

File: 5d3c4e0d18e4db3⋯.png (982.92 KB, 1136x852, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


go on…

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5b1d02  No.15334929

File: cd707b437d28435⋯.png (778.19 KB, 990x1104, 165:184, DanTheMartian.png)

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e091e1  No.15334930

File: 7129a4f8088e4ed⋯.png (237.21 KB, 703x417, 703:417, ClipboardImage.png)


i think the L is confirmation of mission complete

following trump L go sign

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38d579  No.15334932


The potato's own two moar weeks

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c1fcbd  No.15334933

File: 17fa71db160c064⋯.jpeg (23.28 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 17fa71db160c06468c74864d0….jpeg)

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73fd3f  No.15334934


Robot walks into a bar.

Orders a drink, lays down a bill.

Bartender says "Hey we don't serve robots,"

And the robot says "no, but someday you will."

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cd0dce  No.15334935


>our national interests

clearly you are not Ukrainian or Kazakh are you Crazy Ivan?

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b5b9b4  No.15334936


you are islamaphobic against Russians.

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903c67  No.15334937


>coming soon

Two more weeks? Fuck off.

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ed835a  No.15334938

File: b5c013652908690⋯.png (32.08 KB, 252x221, 252:221, image.png)


>FLOTUS, volume 45

>January 2022

Vol '45'

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ec96b8  No.15334940


Definitely not there.

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1c95a2  No.15334941

File: e43df539dbfa5ff⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1919x938, 1919:938, ClipboardImage.png)


The 747-200 is a VC-25 (AF1 Jumbo when POTUS aboard.)

Gaggle of official VIP transports heading East from Vegas and Phoenix. Busy week in the Southwest?

Notably only Heelsup has any official callsign designation with AF2

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d8ad7a  No.15334942

File: 0beb09e95ca64ca⋯.png (421.37 KB, 571x500, 571:500, 0beb09e95ca64cae6e09ccdcca….png)


Nope I'm not. I'm an American which is why I don't give a french-fried titty fuck about a bunch of subhuman Slavs.

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31c611  No.15334943

File: 7544b638bac645d⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB, 640x354, 320:177, trump_24k.mp4)


this is a movie anon wants to see


anon put this video together

with editing and clips and music


multi skills

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5b1d02  No.15334944

File: 352da9fa0d4b4d9⋯.png (43.92 KB, 1288x236, 322:59, Screen_Shot_2022_01_08_at_….png)

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ec96b8  No.15334945


Archangel Michael is definitely not a good person to contest or cross.

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e5e224  No.15334946

File: cdfa4b5383a8c90⋯.jpeg (11.56 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7a4f29d06c6337f55ce3f6261….jpeg)


Anon wanders sometimes if he is actually sitting here on night shift from time to time.

Hey Dan remember that incident with the 3 seconds?


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994b0e  No.15334948

File: c8d379acec95278⋯.png (237.92 KB, 415x506, 415:506, Screen_Shot_01_08_22_at_08….PNG)

File: 9881f5526555c64⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1125x750, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Confirmed. That Obama 17 was for us. Here is Joe's….

Timestamp 7:37 pm 7+3+7 = 17

President Biden


United States government official

Harry Reid and I grew up on different sides of the country, but we came from the same place where certain values run deep. Loyalty. Faith. Resolve. Service.

He was a dear friend, a great American, and a giant of our history. May he rest in peace.

7:37 PM · Jan 8, 2022·The White House


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b5b9b4  No.15334949


>Nope I'm not. I'm an American which is why I don't give a french-fried titty fuck about a bunch of subhuman Slavs.

don't worry, you've been mapped

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730325  No.15334950



JFC, don't you think he understands what he's saying when he posts shit like this?

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c6e33e  No.15334951

File: eccbfa72181048b⋯.mp4 (3.79 MB, 400x710, 40:71, YOUAINTGETTINGMYVOTE.mp4)

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b8708f  No.15334952

File: 920064edec212a1⋯.png (293.48 KB, 650x723, 650:723, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 969c7f013ee94b6⋯.mp4 (464.12 KB, 614x484, 307:242, Dan_scavino_regan.mp4)

Dan Scavino Jr.Tangerine Retweeted

Dan Scavino Jr.Tangerine



Dan Scavino Jr.Tangerine


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38d579  No.15334953


Better be on scotus…

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a7cd91  No.15334954

File: cf57311265fe190⋯.jpeg (87.66 KB, 1004x1280, 251:320, VrIGJhqwRClVLmQwV6Ep_09_6….jpeg)

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eaa953  No.15334955

File: fbf71ba5c2f67d5⋯.png (603.19 KB, 914x720, 457:360, ClipboardImage.png)


He goes by Delta Dan these days

3 second scavino kek

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ec96b8  No.15334956


Marc Elias said he would debate Trump about the 2020 election fraud. Why didn't Trump take his challenge? Maybe he will after Truth Social launches and he has a wider platform.

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d8ad7a  No.15334957


Hmmm. Only a Fed could do such a thing. Thanks for the warning Captain Global.

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416a32  No.15334958

File: 585d94fb341cfc4⋯.png (65.74 KB, 334x630, 167:315, auth.png)

File: 783bf29601c7b84⋯.png (58.96 KB, 337x562, 337:562, authEstablished.png)


>i think the L is confirmation of mission complete

>following trump L go sign



Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/07/2018 23:01:24 ID: f946c4

Archive Bread/Post Links: 20596 / 21439

Direct Link: 21439


Do you understand what just occurred?

POTUS Tweets [15 min] between.

POTUS missing "Q" in select word.


POTUS mods Tweets [1 min] between.

POTUS adds "Q" in select word.

This was not meant to signify AUTH / established.

This is to train you how to understand the correlation between posts and Tweets.

Future proves past.

Wind the CLOCK.


Feel privileged - POTUS just spoke to this board [P_pers]

We serve at the pleasure of the President.


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73fd3f  No.15334959


Boy wants a car from his dad.

Dad says "First you got to cut that hair."

Boy says "Hey dad, Jesus had long hair,"

And dad says "that's right son, Jesus walked everywhere."

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a7cd91  No.15334960

File: 9a163449d613f24⋯.jpeg (31.67 KB, 538x652, 269:326, kDeZyjqQ7cLFD8J1GWi3_09_2….jpeg)

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994b0e  No.15334961

File: fbf675c3bd03665⋯.png (25.41 KB, 479x487, 479:487, Screen_Shot_01_08_22_at_08….PNG)

File: 7274cc1f51e978c⋯.png (9.09 KB, 479x171, 479:171, Screen_Shot_01_08_22_at_08….PNG)

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cd0dce  No.15334962

File: e1b8a5817ff332d⋯.png (336.24 KB, 684x630, 38:35, Only_Choice.png)


>a bunch of subhuman Slavs

you are an American… oh really?

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1c95a2  No.15334963


Perhaps because Marc Elias is an insignificant pipsqueak seeking publicity?

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c1fcbd  No.15334964


Wrinkled flag!

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d8ad7a  No.15334965


Kek. Go change your track pants you filthy Bosnian.

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2fda3b  No.15334966


but they actually can't tho is the funny thing

feds are 10-20 years behind the average shitposter in terms of computing knowledge and skill

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e772cd  No.15334967

File: 04a39d74b211875⋯.jpeg (371.59 KB, 1534x1999, 1534:1999, FImfFFqWQAofM5s.jpeg)


that would be awesome

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31c611  No.15334968

File: 7ff4130559541bf⋯.png (487.76 KB, 753x499, 753:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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ec96b8  No.15334969


Ive lost SO MUCH respect for the med profession. Just confirmed as mostly dumb corporate stooges. Many Drs are heavily drugged also.

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730325  No.15334970


Oh, you know it. Of course, this place isn't what it once was. Doesn't mean that things don't happen, still.

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e772cd  No.15334971


>Perhaps because Marc Elias is an insignificant pipsqueak seeking publicity?

He's very significant. Try and keep up.

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416a32  No.15334972

File: a8f8fbf4315df6d⋯.jpeg (518.13 KB, 1134x940, 567:470, papiSalud.jpeg)

File: adfc320690aeb13⋯.png (397.92 KB, 680x453, 680:453, orangepillPotus1.png)




kek scavino with the Orange

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b5b9b4  No.15334973

File: d2976a9d3c279cf⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1233x831, 411:277, Capture.PNG)

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ec96b8  No.15334974



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a7cd91  No.15334975

Russia 1 - 0 United Kingdom

Thanks to the UK's (sick) establishment, Putin scored an even bigger victory.

The Skripal FIX is the most blatant and embarrassing FALSE FLAG propaganda campaign that I've ever seen.

So embarrassing for those with a functioning brain and those who can see through corporate Western propaganda.

The UK has been behind this type of anti-Russian propaganda for years, I even recall it around the Sochi Olympics.

The UK establishment in league with the deep state (MI5/MI6/US intel) are likely responsible for this transparent "spoiling" exercise.

From the same type of folk that brought you "Iraq WMD in 45 minutes" and the deaths of millions.

The TORIES are completely busted. I informed readers that the Tories are a CRIMINAL government, and everything they do CONFIRMS this very obvious fact. This Skripal event is so tragically transparent/embarrassing that it pains me to even write about it. Yes, really! If you cannot see through this one - then you're not just insanely dense, but also very much a part of the ongoing problem.

"Skripal case is a carefully-constructed drama"

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416a32  No.15334976

File: 9230ef9ac35029f⋯.jpeg (44.09 KB, 500x500, 1:1, releasethehounds.jpeg)

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3c1845  No.15334977

File: 171148f633ca3b4⋯.png (488.33 KB, 400x507, 400:507, ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe it's LL.

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ac3438  No.15334978


no more bullshit can you get me a deal on your turkish coffee exports? Im not paying those fucking jacked up prices either you snake. real deal take or leave now

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5b1d02  No.15334979

File: 5b1d2d724af2066⋯.png (200.32 KB, 619x403, 619:403, point_patriot.png)

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d8ad7a  No.15334980

File: 7474720e39e31f5⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 900x613, 900:613, 7474720e39e31f539df0facc97….jpg)


I just wanted to make Shlomo feel like he was getting over. Shills need encouragement too sometimes.

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730325  No.15334981

File: 03191ab3d5e6734⋯.png (112.26 KB, 1054x254, 527:127, ClipboardImage.png)

It's like a well written script at work, or something.

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8e184e  No.15334982


TY anon. I knew I saw that synapses somewhere and ADE is the correct label for what I was attempting to describe. I believe this may well be what’s happening to otherwise healthy young adults who have been vaccinated. In essence, the vax is far more dangerous for that demographic than COVID.

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9278e7  No.15334983


Long before rona anon and kids parents went to centralized “medical” facility first time we found out we were having a baby. They threw every bullying tactic and even brought in bullying nurse to try and convince us of all the jabs to get and what momma bear should get. We have having none of it and never ever went back. We weren’t jerks about it at all. Offered no explanations. Just said no thank you. They kept trying and trying. It’s a racket and they are criminals. Home births for the win. Fuck em all

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cd0dce  No.15334984

File: 33152f3cf77d99e⋯.png (414.6 KB, 670x490, 67:49, He_skates_too.png)


always let the man without a shirt score 17 hockey goals… or get sent to Siberian gulag

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2fda3b  No.15334987


thats fair

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9fa4b8  No.15334988

File: c2cf0ffafca512f⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1236x1600, 309:400, ClipboardImage.png)

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7c65cb  No.15334989




We are looking over the precipice, just as we planned.

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a7cd91  No.15334990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Theranos – Silicon Valley’s Greatest Disaster

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ec96b8  No.15334991


I told my Dad's "dementia specialist" at a large hospital center that coconut oil is the only proven treatment for dementia, and he actually laughed at that. Stupid fucker. I did more dementia treatment research that he did. Coconut oil is super excellent for cognitive sharpness for everybody. Highly recommended. A teaspoon a day. Try it for a week, you will be noticeably smarter.

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ac3438  No.15334992


Ok Isra…….last offer


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c49ecc  No.15334993

File: 18782af239e7ade⋯.jpg (355.75 KB, 975x768, 325:256, 20200612_053459.jpg)

File: 865abc02068e11a⋯.jpeg (170.63 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1591813069.jpeg)

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38d579  No.15334994


Flynn and Bannon both worship the same demonic eastern european madam who came up with it

Whatever her name is

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a7cd91  No.15334995

File: 896c17c378ef313⋯.jpg (71.92 KB, 640x374, 320:187, holmes_666.jpg)


Buncha fuckin retards sillycon valley is.

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31c611  No.15334996


anon can see a time soon when no one will register they child with the state

real underground movement

that is freedom

hope we can but a alternative society with our own currency, the rest is all do'able

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ed835a  No.15334997

File: f412a93741dcba1⋯.png (347.47 KB, 664x402, 332:201, 2022_01_08_20_28_06.png)


>what Adam Maitland doodled on the splenda packet

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386560  No.15334998

File: d7e87b5f5a20a29⋯.jpeg (70.11 KB, 800x585, 160:117, 461B5866_A88A_4DD0_9F00_E….jpeg)

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f20e48  No.15334999

File: fcdd540ef30bdee⋯.png (4.95 MB, 2469x1602, 823:534, PFrange.png)

File: 7c64a6e5928f518⋯.jpeg (189.1 KB, 1098x1437, 366:479, PFranged.jpeg)

Schilltriots Front is back at it KEK!

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ec96b8  No.15335000


It's the actual content of med school that's the problem. Just 100% pharma-driven.

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2fda3b  No.15335001



God they're such fucking faggots

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a7cd91  No.15335002

File: 7467061bf13f19d⋯.mp4 (5.66 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, eNMGqKFDOB9_9JLm.mp4)

That war beat…

Steady - continually grows louder.

We won't be caught by surprise this time.

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e5e224  No.15335003

File: a6402bea88fa615⋯.gif (16.09 KB, 255x224, 255:224, d40cb0cdef0c55dae556536e95….gif)


Fuck he's even wearing a green Pepe mask!

Somebody with some skills do a KFC Pepe.

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9278e7  No.15335004


>an actor

Also a Brit. Also played a terrorist that wore a bomb vest in the show Homeland in an attempt to kill the dude VP in the show, and many others. So there’s that

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38d579  No.15335005


Looking like isis

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063406  No.15335006


moon knight pepe kick ass.

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e26982  No.15335007

File: fdc28931a48a322⋯.jpeg (138.41 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 5E05168D_A9A6_468B_81BD_0….jpeg)

Well, well, well…

Hello, anons.

So we meet again.

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32017f  No.15335008

File: 773ab9e7fbe89cf⋯.jpg (79.27 KB, 465x262, 465:262, Screenshot_2020_11_12_imag….jpg)


>Archangel Michael is definitely not a good person to contest or cross.

pretty sure the baker crew could take him down as a group, muh militard training and everything

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f5a994  No.15335009

File: 7f5da60e26059ee⋯.png (350.41 KB, 542x470, 271:235, Julian_assange_gandalf.png)

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416a32  No.15335010

File: ebfbc6ccac41f4d⋯.png (252.44 KB, 811x1600, 811:1600, Screenshot_2022_01_08_at_2….png)

File: 315a8a786bb4691⋯.png (30.18 KB, 345x318, 115:106, Screenshot_from_2022_01_08….png)


>Maybe it's LL.

could be. couldn't find anything that lined up to confirm though. This morning anon connected it to post 35 which I thought was legit.

"Take our country back"

then just found this Q+ drop

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d08e25  No.15335011


> Just confirmed as mostly dumb corporate stooges. Many Drs are heavily drugged also.

This is true. I know 3 doctors on antidepressants, one that's transgender, and a PA that totes CDC guidance like it's the gospel. They truly believe the CDC guidance changes "as science would demand", believe the mRNA vaccine is the best bet against COVID, and that ramming a tube down someone's throat, whose cells cannot absorb oxygen, is the solution to a problem for someone that's diabetic, has cancer, and has an extreme case of pneumonia.

But hey… they are trained professionals.

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d8ad7a  No.15335012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ac3438  No.15335013

File: 288d1253567b8f1⋯.png (330.3 KB, 590x790, 59:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6161ada15dbea7e⋯.png (191.13 KB, 468x778, 234:389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87ee01ccfed622c⋯.png (171.79 KB, 467x635, 467:635, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c3de981dfbb8ed⋯.png (330.11 KB, 441x822, 147:274, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc202f5ee9b9e48⋯.png (313.37 KB, 448x822, 224:411, ClipboardImage.png)

URGENT UPDATE on the Kazakhstan Crisis:

There is *breaking news* about the attempted revolution.

One of the conspirators was a Kazakh official who has been linked to Joe Biden and Hunter Biden!

This has MAJOR implications for geopolitics. Another MEGA-thread.


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ddc6ad  No.15335014


Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……." is the tweet I'm waiting for.

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0064be  No.15335015


Cartoonish cankles

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5b1d02  No.15335016

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7f7793  No.15335017


[Heb 8:6 KJV] 6 But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.

[Heb 9:15 KJV] 15 And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions [that were] under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.

[Heb 12:24 KJV] 24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than [that of] Abel.

[Psa 103:20 KJV] 20 Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.

[Mat 13:41 KJV] 41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;

[Mat 24:31 KJV] 31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

[Mat 26:53 KJV] 53 Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?

[Luk 12:9 KJV] 9 But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God.

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ab23ff  No.15335018

File: 50e9b070550b6ce⋯.jpeg (259.75 KB, 1600x2448, 100:153, 0958827409857409857587034….jpeg)

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32017f  No.15335019

File: 773ab9e7fbe89cf⋯.jpg (79.27 KB, 465x262, 465:262, Screenshot_2020_11_12_imag….jpg)


>Archangel Michael is definitely not a good person to contest or cross.

pretty sure the baker crew could take him down as a group, muh militard training and everything

if they bring the goat, Mike don't stand a chance

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d8ad7a  No.15335020

File: 8990ed11ddb5042⋯.jpg (49.97 KB, 700x693, 100:99, 8990ed11ddb5042a9b6c1489fa….jpg)

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31c611  No.15335021


noicely put

they could learn a few things here from anons


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97ed15  No.15335022

File: 59c85aef78e0fe8⋯.png (46.45 KB, 657x527, 657:527, ClipboardImage.png)


hi wojak

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7ef22d  No.15335023


Say there's Brandon doubles. Brandon's out to lunch that day and they need a double, so they bring one to the WH. Gate guards, entry guards and minor staff are WTF? Brandon should be in the WH.

So, bring the double to some highly secure and less visibly monitored tunnel entry point that's not the WH, and bring "Brandon" to the set through one of the tunnels that also connects to the WH.

All the lower level staffers would just think it's the real Brandon coming over from the WH.

That's why I think "Brandon" doesn't take questions. A double can't answer all the specific details of what he is being asked, especially if it is related to personal or family matters. or, more importantly, how Brandon or another double had answered a similar question previously. .Questions have to be highly scripted and choreographed. For example, the viral Christmas Eve call with Jared when "Brandon" said he had a grandson named Hunter. Jill had to correct that. Maybe the real Brandon flubbed it, or maybe it wasn't the real "Brandon" , and the double thought it was true. It was initiated, I think, because Jared has a son named Hunter. Out of the blue. Script kiddies can't plan for something like that.

My guess, anyway.

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ac3438  No.15335024

File: a389b982a946f34⋯.png (96.03 KB, 582x730, 291:365, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5547ba412b8249f⋯.png (192.47 KB, 525x686, 75:98, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3985ea9f26e848a⋯.png (222.93 KB, 537x780, 179:260, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6999e6547c9610⋯.png (91.95 KB, 530x695, 106:139, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e7a0e4c9c8ab93⋯.png (42.68 KB, 537x346, 537:346, ClipboardImage.png)

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e091e1  No.15335025

File: 95c2b72c6cdc8c9⋯.png (52.47 KB, 389x377, 389:377, ClipboardImage.png)

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9d27b3  No.15335026


Simple solution, Make a transgender league at all levels and let cable channel logo cover their events along with RU-Pauls show

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ec96b8  No.15335027


So when is the Aviante For POTUS '24 going to launch?

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a7cd91  No.15335028

File: ddb23df8e691177⋯.jpg (148.05 KB, 1170x711, 130:79, cMUTsDURQLTh14dEoxA4_08_51….jpg)

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e091e1  No.15335029

File: 2eaa175d4d189cd⋯.png (560.39 KB, 1289x697, 1289:697, ClipboardImage.png)

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ed835a  No.15335030

File: a90e2d0b1b4382b⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 327x251, 327:251, howl.gif)


>The Presidential Years: 2016 - 2032

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f5a994  No.15335031

File: 03bef17f5bed84d⋯.png (54.63 KB, 502x238, 251:119, ClipboardImage.png)

So you're telling me there's tons of evidence for mass formation psychosis

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ce9212  No.15335032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Harry Reid: Carole King

>318 views | Jan 8, 2022

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e772cd  No.15335033

File: b6c6b0db73bf089⋯.jpeg (110.35 KB, 1080x1091, 1080:1091, b6c6b0db73bf0897067462e37….jpeg)

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ac3438  No.15335034


kek how you really feel?

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ec96b8  No.15335035


At least 20 gay blow jobs that day.

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d11f4a  No.15335036


They protested vs inflation and bad economy

First demand of coup leaders was stop trading with Russia, what causes more inflation and worse economy

Very obvious a DS color revolution, this time to tighten grip on uranium suply and to isolate Russia more

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1c95a2  No.15335037


A.I. and animations aren't good at conversational Q&A.

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86e9dc  No.15335038

File: 2a44ad75e6be5d9⋯.png (31.56 KB, 766x269, 766:269, 2896b34fadd3dc7d4718c90e3d….png)

File: b1bf213163b856c⋯.png (16.64 KB, 807x295, 807:295, Screenshot_2022_01_08_at_1….png)

Anons im looking at papi's post and looking at the timestamp [12:19] and looking and im like ya know, that could be a date. Dec 19 and the 17 oranges could be a pointer to the 17th post of that day.

So found a 4 year delta with the only posts that count up to 17 or greater

Schummer is up?


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ec96b8  No.15335039


I always though he should bring in tons of people from NY, because NY is the most competent place in the country (pre-DiCommio).

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38d579  No.15335040


They come in two varieties

Positive and extra positive

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ff9dd3  No.15335041

File: 82309e53e0427ca⋯.png (476.36 KB, 478x667, 478:667, Screenshot_2022_01_08_at_2….png)

Huma Abedin


14 years ago @HillaryClinton won the New Hampshire primary. To this day it is one of the most inspiring moments I have been privileged to witness in politics.

I recount the story of the days leading up to that election in #BothAndMemoir. Seems like it was only yesterday.


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ce9212  No.15335042

File: ef4d56c989f8936⋯.jpg (282.35 KB, 611x800, 611:800, WWG1WGA_2_.jpg)

File: 4b188cf67beaaba⋯.jpg (229.85 KB, 650x434, 325:217, capture_1275_21082021_2058….jpg)

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e5e224  No.15335043

File: 79cc2a17106cf35⋯.jpeg (40.01 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1661_2015_09_28_00_15_13_….jpeg)

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97ed15  No.15335044

File: eb17c2af952242d⋯.jpg (92.04 KB, 739x500, 739:500, panicmsn.jpg)



this is awesome, thanks for posting this

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2fda3b  No.15335045


they've essentially ruined the term "evidence" at this point

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b8708f  No.15335046



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7ef22d  No.15335047


Lot of false reports lately, grain of salt rule in effect, but this type of situation is why I think Trump said Covid/vaccine protests are playing into "their" hands.

The Kazakhs go out to protest Covid policy and they get their ass highjacked to the point where they wake up to find themselves occupied by Russians.

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a7cd91  No.15335048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ec96b8  No.15335049


More bones in her than a KFC outlet.

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1c95a2  No.15335050


Sure it was Dan deleted it?

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994b0e  No.15335051


Absolutely do not give your DNA to the government.

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8e184e  No.15335052


Evidence Based Practice is a big problem in my humble but accurate opinion. In theory it’s great. It’s very scientific and based on a lot of research and trials and so forth. The problem that arises is the “who” in determining EBP. Like everything else in this corrupted world, politics weasels its way in and produces counterproductive EBP. The doctors follow the EBP guidelines where they exist and, to go against them is considered malpractice. So if a doctor follows the EBP COVID protocols, he/she is technically doing what’s right (by the book) but, anecdotally at least, it’s become obvious that those protocols are often harmful and, ergo, not good EBP. If he/she believes there’s a better treatment option, but ignores what the medical community guidelines are, he/she risks being sued for malpractice and potentially losing his/her medical license. Of course it’s best to remember the Hippocratic oath and do what’s best for the patient, but doctors are still human and human nature is often to CYA instead of taking the risk.

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f5a994  No.15335053

File: 2b77d4cfb04a4c8⋯.jpg (28.88 KB, 679x516, 679:516, pepe_binocs.jpg)

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a7cd91  No.15335054

File: 336adff1a5a3cca⋯.png (53 KB, 794x514, 397:257, image_2022_01_08_204124.png)

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b8708f  No.15335056

File: 9fe05c377bd3d66⋯.png (246.87 KB, 587x845, 587:845, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b92bb036089a041⋯.png (468.95 KB, 1250x906, 625:453, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b74954c36a6f7a⋯.png (35.96 KB, 1156x926, 578:463, ClipboardImage.png)


Dan Scavino wants us to sign


BREAKING: The Supreme Court will rule on Biden’s mandate



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db7b50  No.15335057

File: 52c876e62a71f0a⋯.png (90.8 KB, 255x240, 17:16, e3ffdc6bab70509719cf2415e3….png)


Squeals The Guilty

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38d579  No.15335058

File: d88dc96f1ce52ff⋯.jpg (60.95 KB, 639x445, 639:445, 20210415_121804.jpg)


In all fairness as a muslim brotherhood agent and iranian spy she is contractually obligated to shill for satan

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ec96b8  No.15335059


Dead people are bad patients, never pay.

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2fda3b  No.15335060


it was, before giuliani decapitated the italian mob

then it was up for grabs and the khazarian mafia grabbed it

i think Trump played the hand he was dealt, he is still just a human, despite the beliefs of some of the moar braindead boomers

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d11f4a  No.15335061


Got timestamp on deletion time?

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1c95a2  No.15335062


Heelsup has seen more pricks than a second hand dartboard.

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e091e1  No.15335063

File: a7c015d68813438⋯.png (175.88 KB, 550x561, 50:51, ClipboardImage.png)

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e772cd  No.15335064

File: 0aea47e53610752⋯.jpg (125.95 KB, 888x480, 37:20, 0aea47e536107520a7e26edf5f….jpg)

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4b23b9  No.15335065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL


everyone should watch

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7ef22d  No.15335066


I think 2016 was a hostile takeover of DC.

In a hostile takeover it's not unusual to give the snakes free rein at the onset so the new management can determine where the biggest problems are coming from. After that you get the hatchet men in to clean them up. Q talks of the Scaramucci model, and I think he may be referring to this.

Next go around POTUS will have people begging him to clean all the shit up. No protests like the last time will be tolerated.

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97ed15  No.15335067

File: 40908c6bb0c6255⋯.jpg (37.47 KB, 680x420, 34:21, ciaglownigger.jpg)


>The Kazakhs go out to protest Covid policy and they get their ass highjacked to the point where they wake up to find themselves occupied by Russians.

Totally not what is happening at all glow-nigger. What has you fuckers so spooked about this? Biden is already dead so what does it matter?

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b8708f  No.15335068

File: e715ab1badffb26⋯.png (257.92 KB, 650x719, 650:719, ClipboardImage.png)



IT's still there but not on the main page feed?


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8e184e  No.15335069


If I could do it all over my wife and I would have done the same, but we were not red pilled at the time (even though I thought we were). We had our kids when we thought George W. Bush was right for America and that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were justified.

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ec96b8  No.15335070


Many Drs are so burned out by the long academic grind and professional intensity that they really have no "outside" personality. I know several Drs personally and I have nothing against them, but they're kind of bland and boring imo. I can think of a couple of exceptions.

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d8ad7a  No.15335071


More pricks than plasma center phlebotomist.

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ab23ff  No.15335072

File: 17954e63d222b0a⋯.jpg (129.05 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 23d25dbecbb0cf3a59b49be592….jpg)



Hey, you anons, stop with all the oranges!

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8b670b  No.15335073



>BOMBSHELL: German Doctors Find 'Astonishing' Impurities in Covid 'Vaccine' (Video)


Evaluate for yourself (Notables are not endorsements) but this is info of which you should be aware.

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b38799  No.15335074


dipshit! 76 % of stanford health are vaccinated

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b8708f  No.15335075


ah nah..?

from when I posted till I rechecked, just then

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9d27b3  No.15335076


Another Anon linked this yesterday


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.452 📁 2478

Nov 11 2018 12:58:18 (EST)

Let the unsealing begin.

Let the DEC[L]AS begin.

Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH.

We, the PEOPLE.



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e091e1  No.15335077

File: bcdf3865b3db5be⋯.png (407.88 KB, 625x675, 25:27, ClipboardImage.png)


still up

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f207ef  No.15335078

File: 850818d1206cda4⋯.webm (313.96 KB, 736x416, 23:13, Pelosi_Pepe_Kick.webm)


What REALLY habbened

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c1fcbd  No.15335079

File: 4d954bc47662685⋯.jpeg (124.88 KB, 550x542, 275:271, 4d954bc47662685681562db01….jpeg)


It's time!

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3c7fd9  No.15335080

File: 545fab938828ed4⋯.png (66.73 KB, 897x123, 299:41, myriads.PNG)

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5b1d02  No.15335081


top kek

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ec96b8  No.15335082


A black guy walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder.

Bartender says, "Hey, Wow, where'd you get that?"

Parrot: "Baaawwwkkk, Africa! There are millions of them over there!"

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ed835a  No.15335083

File: 28bf26072c036be⋯.png (92.02 KB, 382x211, 382:211, 2021_03_18_21_48_08.png)

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8b670b  No.15335084


>A little slow but TYB for the effort.

I watched the breadshitting go down, but that's what happens when baker doesn't have ingredients lined up to post.

Life goes on.

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ab23ff  No.15335085

File: 3ebf2a80a64259b⋯.png (322.38 KB, 531x441, 59:49, 7d03464dbe61516eff52bc88cb….png)

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7f7793  No.15335086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Endgame Revealed | Democrats want Merrick Garland to put Trump in prison…


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ec96b8  No.15335087



Enough to know that the 20s show a massive uptick, the 30s do not. The Depression didn't start until 1929. Duh. Go back to finish community college, pretender.

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b8708f  No.15335089

File: 17f6bf777d9f937⋯.png (176.47 KB, 653x626, 653:626, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38dcdf109372d78⋯.png (180.4 KB, 663x666, 221:222, ClipboardImage.png)







==How can both retweets have the same number but different timestamps?

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2c6ff2  No.15335090


Exactly my reaction


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e091e1  No.15335091

File: ca97d444a66be09⋯.png (10.23 KB, 464x198, 232:99, ClipboardImage.png)

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85cec2  No.15335092

File: cf799568f61a619⋯.png (155.89 KB, 264x261, 88:87, conspiracypepe.png)

Watters World just shared the SA white hat omicron theory with the normies. Funny how things here hit Fox News on a one or two week delay. Would have to check back to when it hit notables here. First I have seen it on the tv.

Also saw a Global News (Canada) report about vaccine adding a day to menstrual cycles but otherwise no serious consequences.

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ff9dd3  No.15335093

File: 9f8ffcae29d5974⋯.jpg (143.59 KB, 1284x722, 642:361, 9f8ffcae29d5974c26171cc370….jpg)

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8e184e  No.15335094


There’s a documentary on the video thread >>>/qresearch/15129388 that talks about how the Rothschild’s changed how medicine was practiced from a holistic approach to more or less a toxic, non-curative chemical approach and how they used their money and influence to strong arm universities and hospitals to go along with it, but I can’t remember which documentary it is. Maybe a fellow anon remembers?

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b8708f  No.15335095


not on his main feed page, it was on top as a retweet

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3d7955  No.15335096

File: 0c481d5a66db8f0⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 360x360, 1:1, yt1s_com_Oprah_falls_on_st….mp4)


Oprah did it better.

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911083  No.15335097


Why is Nancy at a podium saying the President of the United States? Makes me gag and throw up in my mouth.

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9278e7  No.15335098


More balls than a driving range.

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e8ebfa  No.15335099

File: 838d6fb64949a1a⋯.jpeg (140.38 KB, 884x1200, 221:300, 838d6fb64949a1a1f13a19de8….jpeg)


rubber match should include Big Mike

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52469a  No.15335100

File: c883417c7f986c0⋯.jpeg (20.82 KB, 255x175, 51:35, D9A799EF_B5A2_4CFB_9843_D….jpeg)

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2fda3b  No.15335101

same thing with Chicago really

the italians, irish, and russians had their areas, and it was stable, and it created a beautiful city

then the "reconstruction" came in and demolished it all

but unlike ny, where the khazarian mafia stepped in, no one stepped into chicago

so now you have a bunch of turf wars between street gangs

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8b227d  No.15335102


So sad.

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e091e1  No.15335103

File: 20d7304b68fd634⋯.png (386.56 KB, 561x438, 187:146, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef397009e1b89ca⋯.png (629.78 KB, 815x639, 815:639, ClipboardImage.png)

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ce9212  No.15335104

File: 105375e8116440c⋯.jpg (377.59 KB, 1325x861, 1325:861, _NCSWIC_.jpg)

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ec96b8  No.15335105


How many wa

tchers? 17?

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8b227d  No.15335106


I was talking about the parents.

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e8ebfa  No.15335107

File: 34631b0e044de28⋯.png (480.27 KB, 900x738, 50:41, ClipboardImage.png)


We approve

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9278e7  No.15335108


Have some more if spouse still has some eggs! That’s why we’re here! Anon wants to have more kids one day. Anon just needs to get some things right first.

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ec96b8  No.15335109


Elias accepted Trump's challenge. No response from Trump.

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ed835a  No.15335110

File: 301a54318fae496⋯.png (526.41 KB, 715x610, 143:122, bidan.png)


>The Democrats' Democracy Destroyer

They had plenty of help.

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85cec2  No.15335111

File: 01898b485bd98ac⋯.jpg (283.94 KB, 750x1114, 375:557, ldrsuxcantevenfakeanon.jpg)


Certainly hope so Anon.

An Anon commented on this post the other night. I wasn't the Op but was in the bread when it was happening. I made the comment that you haven't lived until you have trolled a Rothschild. Can't link the post because that bread is long gone.

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ec96b8  No.15335112


Govt employees aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

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db7b50  No.15335113

File: 1ecbdda07358a4a⋯.png (1.1 MB, 816x900, 68:75, 1ecbdda07358a4a4affe3102b8….png)

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c1fcbd  No.15335114


God has a sense of humor!

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72c7d0  No.15335115

The music sucks


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f207ef  No.15335116

File: 6dab3b65f4068c2⋯.png (231.98 KB, 1160x841, 40:29, _Paskisourus_Points.png)

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f037b8  No.15335117


>but we came from the same place where certain values run deep. Loyalty. Faith. Resolve. Service.

To the Party

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063406  No.15335118

File: f67dd07e2e5ca89⋯.png (273.65 KB, 600x600, 1:1, presidentailorange.png)

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7f7793  No.15335119


Feds on Parade: The Mysterious Khaki-Clad Federal Patriot Front Is Back — This Time They’re Protesting in Chicago

By Jim Hoft

Published January 8, 2022 at 7:15pm



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5b1d02  No.15335120

File: 43fbf96610628a8⋯.jpg (66.91 KB, 815x903, 815:903, dog_surprised.jpg)

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cd0dce  No.15335121

File: fd902372d2a9ca1⋯.png (579.87 KB, 680x654, 340:327, NPC_Bubbles.png)


People Wearing Masks are Meaner, More Selfish, Less Moral, and More Violent…

in other words…

moar likely to be a useful idiot

who enables and supports communism

and medical tyranny

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d480d7  No.15335122

File: 34228f11014d8e0⋯.jpg (131.37 KB, 719x479, 719:479, LooksRight.jpg)

Is a tidy ship also a secure one?

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ed835a  No.15335123

File: eb87d8341a40c76⋯.png (129.08 KB, 363x293, 363:293, 2021_03_18_21_49_25.png)





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c1cae8  No.15335124

File: 78fe0963577771d⋯.png (236.5 KB, 698x418, 349:209, abs.png)

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c301a9  No.15335125

File: 9e891099cb06088⋯.jpg (931.21 KB, 1200x1708, 300:427, anons.jpg)


ty anon

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3d7955  No.15335126

File: decf749bd9ce255⋯.png (97.37 KB, 255x190, 51:38, ac6c0224f869bbb083191ec359….png)

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25f331  No.15335127


aagh i used to think it was ok.

goes well with trump and his gold thingy in his hotels.


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97ed15  No.15335128


I still don't get the orange thing… everyone starts posting memes and emojis of oranges like it's an inside joke. The anons here start posting oranges. But I have yet to see what it means, I think it is a God Father III reference. But how it relates to current event's I am not sure.

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ce9212  No.15335129

File: d02728227792c8c⋯.png (229.9 KB, 326x240, 163:120, capture_5338_08012022_1404….png)


>Is a tidy ship also a secure one?


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ec96b8  No.15335130


Then they start in jabbing the kids until they're autistic and drugged.

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25c34e  No.15335131


kek it's true

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b8708f  No.15335132

File: 773fde7b1a6b15e⋯.png (57.18 KB, 535x608, 535:608, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83c1f078f55f157⋯.png (16.89 KB, 529x303, 529:303, ClipboardImage.png)



Jan 13, 2018 10:18:18 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 9



We are at WAR [@].



Do you TRUST the US Military?

Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?










3y, 11m, 3w, 4d, 22h, 40m ago

8chan greatawakening


Jan 08, 2018 10:03:27 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 1

TRUTH belongs with the PEOPLE.


3y, 11m, 4w, 2d, 22h, 55m ago

8chan greatawakening

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8e184e  No.15335133


No dagburn way man. I wouldn’t take anything in the world for our experience but my youngest is 16 now and I have no interest in “starting over” at 45. Besides that the wife is all done. They took the carriage and left the playpen if you know what I mean.

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eef8ca  No.15335134

Having a bad time of it right now. The full realization of what we are about to go through is hitting home. On a good note is this article. I know someone posted about Vit C earlier. I wanted to put this out there as well.

We have to get the word out for those like myself who had covid and those jabbed.


I have a good friend who unfortunately could not convince a relative to not take the jab.

A nurse who was forced to take it last year and would not walk away until after that first jab. She is a mother a younger woman. Yet she has been getting sick. one illness after another and is now in a weakened condition.

The news out of the UK,. They don't want to waste the jabs on their elderly. They have enough poison in them to start dropping soon. I am presuming that is the reason.

When the death really gets going, we will be pushed into anarchy soon. no way to get resources. etc.

That one article that came out this week about the end of january 2022, it will become apparent what the jab is really all about. This must be the dark winter but it will be for the jabbed, not us.

One of my kids has a partner who took 2 jabs. It

I usually try to keep my thoughts light and positive but today. I just could not.

I hope the article can help. Plenty of other articles out there when I did a search.

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8bc0aa  No.15335135

File: 6e39d6853646108⋯.jpg (68.84 KB, 640x647, 640:647, 1641346422597.jpg)

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dd4708  No.15335136






Starting January 15, truckers will be forced to show proof of vaccine.

Starting January 15, truckers will be forced to show proof of vaccine.

Starting January 15, truckers will be forced to show proof of vaccine.

Starting January 15, truckers will be forced to show proof of vaccine.

Starting January 15, truckers will be forced to show proof of vaccine.

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b8708f  No.15335137

File: d6960267ec2039e⋯.png (19.76 KB, 519x298, 519:298, ClipboardImage.png)


Timestamp 3:04


Dec 08, 2017 4:22:57 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 6bea6c No. 55699


These people are sick.


4y, 1m, 4h, 37m ago

8chan cbts

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85cec2  No.15335138


FFS Anon


1 year delta of Trump suspension from twatter

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25f331  No.15335139



there goes the supply chain

thought they were exempt

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063406  No.15335140

File: fa366c17af9334f⋯.png (275.79 KB, 600x600, 1:1, presidentailorange2.png)


not 100 either but when a meme theme hits sometimes its best to just create and fire some cannons off.

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8b227d  No.15335141

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b8708f  No.15335142



That was yesterdays as well, NICE!

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c6e33e  No.15335143

File: 281c4c142e8ccb3⋯.mp4 (6.58 MB, 368x206, 184:103, pressbreifing.mp4)

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ec96b8  No.15335144


The Bible is such great reading. Maybe Homer is #2.

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c348ab  No.15335145


3+5+5=13 +3+5+5= 26 wrong 3+5+5=13, 1+3=4 4+3+5+5=17!

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f037b8  No.15335146

You've heard of Delta, Omicron, then Flurona but get ready for…


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e091e1  No.15335147

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7f7793  No.15335148


SCoTUS : mandate is bunkum

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dd4708  No.15335149



CCP Puppet regime is trying to shut down economy with their vaccine obsession

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824db0  No.15335150

File: 66d1dc24bcda08c⋯.jpg (3.2 KB, 250x156, 125:78, 1617312056132.jpg)


Dan Scavino can suck a fat one, useless fat fuck still grasping at the only relevancy he'll ever have in his insignificant little fat fuck life. Where is eBot? I need to talk to that nigger.


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ddc6ad  No.15335151

File: 38df7adc7d1c1c3⋯.jpg (8.35 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Brrrrt.jpg)


Wild thought just hit me… orange… Color Revolution… Orange Revolution.

Hmmm… Orange man.

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ff9dd3  No.15335152

File: ed7eeafe9effe88⋯.png (855.78 KB, 625x718, 625:718, ClipboardImage.png)

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2fda3b  No.15335153


give it 100 years and Wheel of Time will be considered Shakespeare

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97ed15  No.15335154


the first time I have seen this posted, thank you… might have scrolled past other posts mentioning it but I doubt it was many. Haven't seen any fuck you twitter memes or anything like that.

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911083  No.15335155


If any doctor took the Do No Harm, oath seriously they would have stopped administering the vaxx many months ago. They’ve would have suspended their services enmass. All are guilty.

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ac3438  No.15335156

File: 1ec3b0f6c69b3eb⋯.png (204.18 KB, 583x610, 583:610, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe21443caf7a183⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB, 636x360, 53:30, psakichynna.mp4)

"We believe the private sector should oppose [China's] human rights abuses and genocide in Xinjiang. The international community, including the public and private sectors, cannot look the other way when it comes to what is taking place in Xinjiang."


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d480d7  No.15335157


The USPS carriers are exempt, not independent truckers.

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ab23ff  No.15335158

File: 50cdd4091e4b657⋯.png (31.81 KB, 1008x868, 36:31, 29058409584750298475029847.png)


No one even needs to do anything with this. I fear it may implode at the force of it's own cringe.

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e8ebfa  No.15335159

File: 728de33d5124711⋯.png (769.12 KB, 1920x1077, 640:359, ClipboardImage.png)



being assessed at

>>15332924 ob, Clockwork Qrange #14

March 11th. 11.3. Alternate Done in 30. Lent, rejecting Satan.

Theory until future proves/disproves past.

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e772cd  No.15335160

File: 496a9fbf3892a3e⋯.jpeg (91.73 KB, 500x555, 100:111, 496a9fbf3892a3ec607d98107….jpeg)

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85cec2  No.15335161


Anon you need to invest in a real computer. Sloppiest meme graphic I have seen in a long time. Good KEKS though. GREEN tweet next day from same account.

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ec96b8  No.15335162


Sf Anon can confirm. Mostly just bots. Yuppies with less personality.

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788c73  No.15335163


You're not alone, anon.

Daughter is losing her job next week for refusal to take the jab.

Friends are losing small businesses due to lack of workers and rising prices on goods.

Praying we are near the precipice.

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dd4708  No.15335164

File: 2af20e49cedc371⋯.jpeg (202.83 KB, 750x772, 375:386, 505A7D02_0717_47E1_9754_D….jpeg)





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e5e224  No.15335165

File: de5f3cd1a11c56b⋯.mp4 (5.07 MB, 568x640, 71:80, de5f3cd1a11c56b090a0bc84a5….mp4)

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ec96b8  No.15335166


Criminal faggots.

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f5a994  No.15335167

File: e3e171175de4e54⋯.png (493.33 KB, 920x613, 920:613, lookatthis.png)

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b5b9b4  No.15335168

File: d8c5187a91b22ca⋯.png (380.17 KB, 901x339, 901:339, Cafdfgfdre.PNG)


thus the orange hats at the J6 "insurection"

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ec96b8  No.15335169


Well, that group there could even defeat Pooty Poot.

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97ed15  No.15335170

File: d62eab3b8db1176⋯.png (19.86 KB, 596x168, 149:42, ClipboardImage.png)

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e091e1  No.15335171


from twitter not me

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cd0dce  No.15335172

File: 13c575525689042⋯.png (285.08 KB, 504x542, 252:271, Tacos.png)


Tacos and burritos with chinese characteristics

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d11f4a  No.15335173

File: 261009f9d3612ee⋯.png (80.82 KB, 347x457, 347:457, 261009f9d3612eeb1148b5c129….png)


They love their brown pants and hats

Why not matching with brown shirts?

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063406  No.15335174


damn that is a beautiful meme. Yes i have stolen it and am jealous i did not think of it first.

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7f7793  No.15335175


Partisan hack is one dumb Betty

“Many on Ventilators” – Justice Sotomayor Falsely Claims Over 100,000 Children in Serious Condition Because of Covid (AUDIO)

By Cristina Laila

Published January 7, 2022 at 12:29pm



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c348ab  No.15335176


Remember it well! man has it been that long? I red it real time when it happened!

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8e184e  No.15335177


I’m sure there’s a few docs out there who have taken the do no harm seriously and chosen not to recommend the vax. Then there’s a whole slew of docs who probably have no involvement with administering the vax. Same for nurses, but there’s plenty of docs and nurses who are more than willing to both recommend and administer the toxivaxes.

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2fda3b  No.15335178


in a fictional world where the law applied to them

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c18676  No.15335179

I am preparing to expand my business and invest tons of money in it. Last time I did this the economy crashed. Prepare. As soon as I sign on the line, economic crash will happen within hours. You have about two weeks to prepare.

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e5e224  No.15335180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5b1d02  No.15335181


The significant thing in the post was the random L.

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ac3438  No.15335182

File: 64928729b8cc33d⋯.png (273.05 KB, 587x555, 587:555, ClipboardImage.png)

The fact-checkers have spoken.


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ec96b8  No.15335183


My untaxed kid couldn't see her bff since age 4 coz bff's mom, head of a major US hospital, wouldn't allow the visit. Dumbass actually thinks her vaxed kid could get it from my unvaxed kid. Not even logical. This Dr has neglected her kids for her job. Dad does everything.

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85cec2  No.15335184

File: 0f7a6e040a55f45⋯.png (6.96 MB, 4100x2400, 41:24, qclock_vanillaMoonphotojus….png)

File: a1bc376c52fb0d4⋯.png (258.33 KB, 466x585, 466:585, 3yearboomsanon.png)



Orange Man Bad

Got Popcorn?

They got my account that day as well.

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b5b9b4  No.15335185


there is a math or physics joke in there

cringe x fake FED militia =

or something like that. not a math fag

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9278e7  No.15335186


>They took the carriage and left the playpen if you know what I mean.


Maybe anon will change mind later but anons kids are at a really great age and anon loves nothing more than anons kids. It’s been hard, and will get harder as they grow older obviously, but it’s been the best gift ever.

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7013fe  No.15335187

File: 9658909e9388c6e⋯.gif (3.59 MB, 640x496, 40:31, rip_wheeler_yellowstone.gif)

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dd35ec  No.15335188

File: 85408712d905bbf⋯.jpg (68.93 KB, 703x476, 703:476, Screenshot_20211116_205350….jpg)

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7f7793  No.15335189


Justice Sotomayor Exaggerated the Number of Severe COVID-19 Cases Among Children


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ac3438  No.15335190

File: 89a5c5d522ddbe3⋯.png (405.83 KB, 588x630, 14:15, ClipboardImage.png)

Canadian military officer calls for a probe into a ground zero 'Covid' outbreak at Wuhan games two months before world was alerted


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ddc6ad  No.15335191


Good point.

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e772cd  No.15335192

File: 32d49ab84f6f6b3⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1214x1132, 607:566, Screen_Shot_2022_01_08_at_….png)

Here's the piece Elias is so excited about: @JerryDunleavy;s new cover article on Marc Elias's central role in disseminating the discredited Steele dossier, misleading journalists about its provenance, and stonewalling Congress


(already notabled)

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ec96b8  No.15335193


Almost anything can be "evidence," which for example, a jury can examine for "proof."

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0c40ae  No.15335194


If a lawyer misrepresented facts like that in court, they wouldn't be a lawyer for much longer.

We live in hell.

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dd35ec  No.15335195

File: 951cd031c48dbd0⋯.jpg (27.13 KB, 378x278, 189:139, Screenshot_20220106_123121….jpg)

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ec96b8  No.15335196


Real libtard scum fest, eh? Any watchers at all on yt?

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e091e1  No.15335197

File: 3fe2492f5aec1ba⋯.png (29.88 KB, 457x233, 457:233, ClipboardImage.png)

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cd0dce  No.15335198

File: e6c5e113ae5b95b⋯.png (532.34 KB, 598x745, 598:745, Psychohistory.png)


Next 3 months will be psychohistoric

The whole world will experience PERMANENT and fundamental changes

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e8ebfa  No.15335199

File: c081b2796ea6565⋯.png (152.13 KB, 1015x467, 1015:467, ClipboardImage.png)



Dr. Mary Newport

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d11f4a  No.15335200

File: f32a7680febdb43⋯.png (291.69 KB, 550x482, 275:241, f32a7680febdb43993a1a28d19….png)



So they are by default not able to do simple math about a "pandemic' what is math wise not a pandemic

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1425f4  No.15335201

File: bdd56ef1b4d629d⋯.mp4 (4.33 MB, 480x268, 120:67, IMG_7529.mp4)


hopefully they like this music

you can't win with this crowd

final cut memetic week in review #3ish

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ab23ff  No.15335202

File: 29feb4945b264d8⋯.png (257.17 KB, 800x1040, 10:13, 2058747095843598345894.png)


oh, damn

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ddc6ad  No.15335203

File: 1cbfabf0355dad2⋯.png (12.15 KB, 537x137, 537:137, ClipboardImage.png)


Good thing it was never said who was posting the tweet then.

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ce9212  No.15335204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


17-year veteran Kaua'i police officer loses fight against COVID


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8b227d  No.15335205


Marc Elias is a high ranking demon liar.

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940c66  No.15335206

File: f5a46acb615fca4⋯.jpg (117.02 KB, 393x277, 393:277, GalaxyBS.jpg)


>Democrats want Merrick Garland to put Trump in prison…

Facts Matter…

And Facts Is, Is that if Trump were to ever be Locked up… they would STILL Blame him for everything the way they did when he was in office even AFTER He Got OutOf OFFICE!

Red Text For Emphasises.

They would gain nothing by him being "in prison"

Realistically, what would they really gin?

People run global crime syndicates from inside or so I've heard y'know… from TV, they go out and find these people making TV shows glamorizing their lifestyles.


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85cec2  No.15335207

File: 4e204232e2b4c62⋯.png (10.03 MB, 4000x5000, 4:5, 2clock2022blank44NCSWICday….png)


Gotta love the random letters.

Plus all the BOOMS.

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ec96b8  No.15335208


Cheating cunt.

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dc6b36  No.15335209

36:50 Zalenko says if you're vaxed you are no longer human


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7013fe  No.15335210

File: 87bdc8a8b53efa6⋯.png (155.61 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)

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8bc0aa  No.15335211


No I'm not.

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597ab5  No.15335212

File: 0a935b95554442e⋯.png (588.07 KB, 885x537, 295:179, ClipboardImage.png)

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e772cd  No.15335213

File: 29e7e84a718da5a⋯.jpeg (12.67 KB, 474x355, 474:355, download_2_.jpeg)


yes you are

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9278e7  No.15335214


“My truck identifies as a Prius” boom. That’s how this works, right?

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e091e1  No.15335215

File: ac38da30877707c⋯.png (667.25 KB, 941x536, 941:536, ClipboardImage.png)

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ddc6ad  No.15335216

File: 408bc83494c732a⋯.jpeg (21.88 KB, 255x242, 255:242, pepefearnoevil.jpeg)


If THEY were really in control… why are certain accounts still running at all on twitter? If they suspected coms.

SA events more important than we know?

I have no doubts.

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85cec2  No.15335217

File: cdd2117070e449d⋯.png (7.91 MB, 3600x3600, 1:1, 1qclock_vanilla_2_36x3644O….png)


Orange eyed OWL

Royal Family


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0c40ae  No.15335218


I think it would be more like "I identify as a vaccinated person."

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9278e7  No.15335219


>usps exempt

They can’t lose their ballot smugglers, silly!

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cd0dce  No.15335220

File: 0b6c16f467f327c⋯.png (542.98 KB, 474x664, 237:332, Shartnado.png)

File: cb8c6260eb3d1e1⋯.png (423.24 KB, 639x657, 71:73, Bites_Yer_Ass.png)


When the shart hits the tighty whiteys and Potato Joe cries…

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f5a994  No.15335221

File: eb7a9aa836c22c3⋯.jpg (211.64 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, mortarredpil.jpg)

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ac3438  No.15335222

File: b52f387264cf202⋯.png (181.5 KB, 585x595, 117:119, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 808d1ad70f548fe⋯.png (188.28 KB, 654x442, 327:221, ClipboardImage.png)



Bonus deleted Freudian slip tweet.


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612327  No.15335223


The Mass Delusional Psychosis is Real

Those stuck in the Illusion, will find life Becoming More difficult as each day passes

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e091e1  No.15335224

File: c036d15ece9bda8⋯.png (10.14 KB, 465x193, 465:193, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22b5198bba91341⋯.png (13.04 KB, 458x238, 229:119, ClipboardImage.png)

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8bc0aa  No.15335225


Damn I look good.

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8b227d  No.15335226


Wasn't that the Rockefellers?

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ec96b8  No.15335227


That's what happens when a person is "licensed" by govt to do what they do. Your example shows the same type of reason people don't drive 50 in a 30 zone even when its perfectly safe, you can lose your license.

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612327  No.15335228



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97ed15  No.15335229


yeah I get it now, I suspected it had something to do with Trump but not his twitter removal

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ab23ff  No.15335230


What is with the sticks? Scary day in America if you're a piñata.

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e772cd  No.15335231

File: 763afb07f6385df⋯.jpeg (32.74 KB, 666x375, 222:125, 60jykn.jpeg)

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ae89a4  No.15335232



your self.

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bf3f88  No.15335233


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73fd3f  No.15335234

File: 62e467feffb9c97⋯.png (21.27 KB, 640x321, 640:321, ClipboardImage.png)

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e772cd  No.15335235

File: b851b19b7239d50⋯.jpeg (23.99 KB, 612x406, 306:203, b851b19b7239d508518812e55….jpeg)


fat fuck

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ec96b8  No.15335236


I agree, although he didn't do well with personnel. No excuses. He has figured out by now that the Fed govt isn't a private r.e. company with a handful of key employees. You need thousands.

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e3d291  No.15335237

File: 5eb312d31b0beb9⋯.jpg (5.97 KB, 160x213, 160:213, smokesyou.jpg)

Check out one of the Dogcon Racecars KEK

The owner ran for Gov last year I hope he does again I hate this place

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dd35ec  No.15335238

File: 2c4c94c3c0f8b08⋯.jpg (22.94 KB, 266x380, 7:10, Screenshot_20220106_123210….jpg)

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5b1d02  No.15335239

File: a9544b6399643df⋯.png (375.23 KB, 618x467, 618:467, OfficialBoom.png)

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9278e7  No.15335240


When they rule anyone that hasn’t had the jab isn’t considered human and can’t vote… anon wouldn’t even be surprised by that now

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8bc0aa  No.15335241


I'm calling the internet police on you.

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ec96b8  No.15335242


She's the hallway to innumerable hot dogs.

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612327  No.15335243

Positive Energy wave Inbound

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2fda3b  No.15335244


i agree, no excuses, but he did better than anyone in my life

gotta give it up for that

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33a8fe  No.15335245


Q telling that cunt “never come back here” is epic

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e091e1  No.15335246

File: 6edb8ccec4ec78d⋯.png (271.44 KB, 909x688, 909:688, ClipboardImage.png)

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b5b9b4  No.15335247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Dr. Robert Malone: COVID Dogma, Media Fearmongering, and ‘Mass Formation’ Hypnosis of Society | PART 1

American Thought Leaders



“The mass is formed around the idea that the vaccines are magically going to be able to relieve them of this problem.”

In this two-part episode, we sit down again with Dr. Robert Malone, who pioneered the mRNA vaccine technology that’s used in many of the COVID-19 vaccines today. We discuss his career and look further into the intriguing psychological phenomenon known as “mass formation.”

We also dig into how COVID vaccines are faring against Omicron, how the term “herd immunity” has been grossly misunderstood, and the dangers of mandating vaccines for children.

“I may be one of the very few that has this depth of understanding of the technology that doesn’t have a direct financial conflict of interest. If I’m not allowed to speak about my concerns—whether they’re right or wrong—who is?”

Subscribe to the American Thought Leaders newsletter so you never miss an episode.



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b8708f  No.15335248


You dont like this?

Well I am going to post this everyday for a week

Suck it

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ec96b8  No.15335249


If he can't run again in '28 and he has an R Congress, Trump could do wtf he wants.

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597ab5  No.15335250

File: 78249df9555a94e⋯.png (183.13 KB, 630x462, 15:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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85cec2  No.15335251

File: 803b8d885959c05⋯.jpg (211.4 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, God_2.jpg)


Your teachers must have hated you.

Great ideas.

Sloppy presentation.

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e772cd  No.15335252

File: 1ead54903a2a0f3⋯.jpg (33.02 KB, 169x228, 169:228, 1ead54903a2a0f3a3789ac43e5….jpg)


speed dial

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e8ebfa  No.15335253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ed835a  No.15335254

File: 166422227b7e304⋯.png (106.99 KB, 340x248, 85:62, 2021_03_24_22_49_40.png)


>Doctors aren't actually smart..

Do they ever cure anyone of anything serious?

Nothing but pill pushers.

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dd35ec  No.15335255

File: 9b7952e9c02276a⋯.jpg (85.81 KB, 650x669, 650:669, Screenshot_20220108_142929….jpg)

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c49ecc  No.15335256

File: af088e4a8fcacdc⋯.jpeg (99.71 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, 1589118706.jpeg)

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e091e1  No.15335257

how do i search all 8kun?

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ec96b8  No.15335259


That number will be lower when they start dying off in droves.

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597ab5  No.15335260

File: 2d4f71da12b36eb⋯.png (221.77 KB, 478x358, 239:179, ClipboardImage.png)

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8fd1b6  No.15335261


Ahhhhh, those were the days when my 3D glasses were covered with butter from the popcorn I was eating and I was sitting on the edge of my seat.

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d8ad7a  No.15335262

File: 1eb3644dbd9cb0b⋯.jpg (13.46 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 01e4e46fa85add3851c5c92366….jpg)


You have to be a premium member to access those features.

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0064be  No.15335263

File: ac8b4e6a353c035⋯.jpeg (90.69 KB, 590x590, 1:1, 27C80B7C_8476_47F4_A7DE_2….jpeg)

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8bc0aa  No.15335264

File: d89c81cd432f605⋯.gif (2.85 MB, 360x270, 4:3, 1641332476999.gif)

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e772cd  No.15335265

File: 43174f73f504c14⋯.jpg (69.19 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 43174f73f504c14d94d675d806….jpg)


OK ok you win.. dam

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0c40ae  No.15335266

https://tapnewswire.com/2022/01/official-german-government-data-suggests-the-fully-vaccinated-will-develop-acquired-immunodeficiency-syndrome-by-the-end-of january-2022-2/

Here is a story that is sure to warm the cockles of your heart…

Official German Government Data Suggests the Fully Vaccinated Will Develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome by the End of January 2022

Looks like the poor vaccinated people are about to start dropping dead pretty soon.

Can't say we didn't try to warn them.

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c49ecc  No.15335267

File: 07c85b9cdf122da⋯.png (533.49 KB, 1080x1090, 108:109, 377300.png)

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e091e1  No.15335268






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33a8fe  No.15335269


Kek! Yes indeed

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dd35ec  No.15335270

File: 7c9b0786bd831f9⋯.jpg (72.76 KB, 465x404, 465:404, Screenshot_20211113_085805….jpg)



Crouching tiger, did it for LOVE❤

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ec96b8  No.15335271


Psuki is the never-ending menstrual cycle, with a side of constant menopause.

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974980  No.15335272

>>15332684 (pb)

Meh, Willis.

They shoulda used a real actor - like Steven Seagull (but I guess he wouldn't fit in the ducting) . . . .

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e091e1  No.15335273

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e8ebfa  No.15335274

File: 7c04ed1269dceac⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1889x1080, 1889:1080, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cad781b452ddff⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Crime of the Century

Breakfast in America

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3db710  No.15335275

File: 8cbdbbfe77ec92f⋯.jpg (293.15 KB, 1080x791, 1080:791, Screenshot_20210911_211836….jpg)

File: dbdd953b309ff5d⋯.jpg (547.32 KB, 1079x1083, 1079:1083, Screenshot_20210911_221406….jpg)

File: a8db46642428c2c⋯.jpg (243.89 KB, 1079x794, 1079:794, Screenshot_20210911_211917….jpg)


Oranges is a reference on one end of Pedophiles training their sex slave children.

It means, give me a blow job if the Pedophile hands the child an orange. These people are really sick.

The little girl James Alefantis sexualy abused for some years. Does anyone even know what happened to her? Or how the hell he legally had a kid?

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85cec2  No.15335276

File: a592c41129757cd⋯.png (239.85 KB, 1486x1530, 743:765, 44kekswclockcrop.png)


Goes with :44


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d8ad7a  No.15335277


She's a walking yeast infection.

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ec96b8  No.15335278


Ill-gotten Gains: The Rockefellers War on Drugs is a great article on the subject.

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b8708f  No.15335279

File: 302c9b5d17c5f11⋯.png (241.86 KB, 583x815, 583:815, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 481557b20a334da⋯.png (286.89 KB, 1184x932, 296:233, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino wants your help, sign here


BREAKING: The Supreme Court will rule on Biden’s mandate

Biden's un-American and unconstitutional mandate will affect the livelihoods of 84 million Americans. No branch of government should have the unilateral power to impose mandates on citizens.


Paid for by NRSC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

By providing your cell phone or mobile phone number you are consenting to receive calls and texts, including autodialed and automated calls and texts, to that number with campaign notifications from the NRSC (55404). By providing your cell phone or mobile number you are also consenting to receive peer-to-peer messages from the NRSC and other like-minded Republican entities. NRSC is happy to help at (202) 675-6000. Reply HELP for help, STOP to end. MessFreqMayVary. Msg&DataRatesMayApply. Message frequency may vary. Terms and Conditions

© 2022 Privacy Policy


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32017f  No.15335280

File: 4d28fd32543e9bb⋯.jpg (40.31 KB, 360x269, 360:269, oraa.jpg)

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9278e7  No.15335281


>Justice Sotomayor

LIED. There fixed it

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ed835a  No.15335282

File: e08f28a9ecec4c7⋯.png (714.72 KB, 878x506, 439:253, clipboard_image_copy_351.png)



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8a658b  No.15335283


>Dan Scavino wants us to sign


This will have zero effect on anything. It is a way to collect info of potential Republican donors.

>By providing your cell phone or mobile phone number you are consenting to receive calls and texts, including autodialed and automated calls and texts, to that number with campaign notifications from the NRSC (55404). By providing your cell phone or mobile number you are also consenting to receive peer-to-peer messages from the NRSC and other like-minded Republican entities. NRSC is happy to help at (202) 675-6000. Reply HELP for help, STOP to end. MessFreqMayVary. Msg&DataRatesMayApply. Message frequency may vary. Terms and Conditions

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e26982  No.15335284

File: 39f43c39966f4b5⋯.jpeg (213.11 KB, 791x1015, 113:145, 399E5E38_E0E6_4EFC_ACAF_6….jpeg)

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597ab5  No.15335285

File: 9704c0a26740a0c⋯.webm (2.91 MB, 900x506, 450:253, master_seagal_beats_gsp.webm)


that was 5 breads ago anon posted that……

then you ref master seagal!!!

aka Undefeatable

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224b6f  No.15335286

Anons, 143. Please say a prayer for me, kmao, although I don't need it really, because my heart is in the right place and no weapon formed against me shall prosper, no matter who they think they are. Accordingto my faith shall it be done unto me, so…

I live on an indian reservation. I'm white. It's called a "chjeckerboard" reservation (holeee shit….) where it's mixed with natives and non natives. Town has 400 people and it's about 10 blocks by 10. All the towns around 100 mile radius are about that size or smaller. I can stand in the center of town and see all 4 corners. I'm a loner. I don't know anyone here, and I'm good. This town runs completely backwards from how I process info, etc. There's a gas station in the nucleus of town and one right outside of town at the entrance next to the highway. These gas stations are owned by same people. One right at the heart of town you don't have to wear a mask. Right across the street, inside town, at the grocery store (lock step) masks are enforced. Across the street from both of them is the post office and masks are not enforced there. (I'm drunk. I'm sorry but I'm trying to be as lucid as possible, please bear with me for a second fren reading this, kmfao. I'm trying to say something.) I asked the post master why masks aren't eforced there, (I knew why) but he said, Because tribal can't roll up on federal and tell us what to do." If this was a pandemic for real then you know…hazmat bins, etc..

I was at the highway gas station, owned by the same people who own the one at the heart of town, whom I've heard are patriots, but can't confirm, and at this store the masks are "enforced" by the '''chairman" of the tribe, harold frazier. Whites don't wear a mask and Natives do. I had a girl turn around and she had a tshirt covering her nose and mouth and because I'm white, she said she'd appreciate if I follow their laws. (Sorry you commie bih, I follow if it's constitutional.)

Today I was at the gas station and a tribal cop was there enforcing the masks. He told me to put on a mask. I told him no because it's unconstitutional. He said you are not going to put on a mask? I saw his little shiny badge hanging from his neck, and I looked at him in his dark eyes and said, "No. What you are doing is illegal. You are sovereign from the State but you are not sovereign from the Federal gov't." He said, "Ok. I'm going to give you a $100 fine. What is your name?" I told him. He said, "Do you live here?" I answered, "Yes, right down the street." I paid for my beer and although it says no mask no service and he was in the process of writing me a ticket, I said to him, "Unfortunately, I've taken an oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic and what you are doing is unconstutitional. I do research for the military and I know EXACTLY what's going on. What you are doing here is unconstitutional I reminded him again that they are sovereign from the State and not the Federal gov't. Then cashier native girl, chimed in as she gave me my change back, saying, "But the state allows mandates." I said mandates are not laws and then I looked at tribal cop who is inforcing this one me if I am non Native? Is it the sheriff? And I told him he cannot make people do things based on false evidence and that there is no white paper evidence of this virus having ever been isolated. I got my beer and walked away with the paper in his hand. He followed me out to the trusck and he made sure I knew he was taking down the plate #, so I rolled down the window and told him It's not my vehicle. (It isn't. I'm a fem anon tryin to survive cuz ptsd but i'm strong n no bewbs because they're for my future guy and i'm smol but i wouldn't share them anyway.. only to my guy, but I like my freedom rn, etc.yeap.so…yeah.) I drove away. Will they ban me from that store? idk. If I somehow get a ticket issued to me on that private property and the guy didn't even get my id then Idk.. i'm ready to go to tribal court and see if I can Alberta their commie asses. I have the $100. I can pay it but.. I rather see if I can crush em.

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cd0dce  No.15335287

File: 3b3e547be7c81d3⋯.png (356.8 KB, 806x454, 403:227, 12_MUNKEEZ.png)


There will be a mass die off of the vaxxed over the next 5 years… millions affected

And those who happen to survive will be permanently disabled and require special care.

The world in 2027 will be significantly different than now.

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994b0e  No.15335288


If we take Covid out of it…could she telling us something more? Why did we produce all those ventilators?

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0c40ae  No.15335289


WINNER, WINNER! Chicken Dinner!

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2fda3b  No.15335290


you wish it will be that easy

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8b227d  No.15335291


Is it a nav(a)l orange?

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ddc6ad  No.15335292

File: 4246fa920647a80⋯.jpg (16 KB, 226x255, 226:255, wouldyoulike.jpg)


Damn… you are working it tonight.

Full autist master class.

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c1fcbd  No.15335293

File: 13a2d34e45327e1⋯.jpg (15.59 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 13a2d34e45327e1e4aa6e4ecc2….jpg)

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0c40ae  No.15335294


See this charming article.


5 yars?

That is extremely optimistic.

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d8ad7a  No.15335295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e091e1  No.15335296

File: dc8e720f24ecf0f⋯.png (97.24 KB, 610x417, 610:417, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3d3bbdc00216b7⋯.png (460.09 KB, 599x490, 599:490, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 772814e7205ba1e⋯.png (168.78 KB, 587x335, 587:335, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82c6abed01952d9⋯.png (495.77 KB, 597x647, 597:647, ClipboardImage.png)

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597ab5  No.15335297


all 1700k gold

the bloopers even are great

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85cec2  No.15335298

File: 258355e7e144cd3⋯.png (11.73 MB, 6900x5064, 575:422, DNFWU1badge2.png)


Pet peeve.

Sloppy lines and circles in graphics.

We serve at the pleasure of the President.

Please bring your A game.

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dc6b36  No.15335299

File: 153f371ebadde49⋯.png (671.26 KB, 600x500, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81d23a2c407b35e⋯.png (375.43 KB, 583x478, 583:478, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4ab833bd342efd⋯.png (1.41 MB, 768x1024, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4474779446f2437⋯.png (365.72 KB, 798x807, 266:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba963f30137453a⋯.png (82.82 KB, 779x802, 779:802, ClipboardImage.png)

SABATINI: Uniformed Antifa Terrorist Attempted To Bomb 100+ At Florida J6 Rally, Media Complicit

Florida state Rep. Anthony Sabatini, now a candidate for the U.S. House, is laying blame at mainstream media outlets after a uniformed Antifa “domestic terrorist” attempted to bomb a Florida January 6 rally where he was the keynote speaker.

Garrett Smith, 22, was arrested for allegedly carrying an active pipe bomb and other explosives while attempting to enter a rally protesting the treatment of January 6 political prisoners.

Police say Smith had an active pipe bomb on his person, and revealed that a search of his home – which he shares with his parents – revealed more explosives, tape and nails for grenades, and a “direct action” checklist that included Antifa iconography.

The helmet police found Smith with also contained three spears, another known Antifa symbol.

Sabatini described Smith as a “domestic terrorist” who attempted to instill fear into conservatives calling for due process.

“It’s sick and twisted that the mainstream media has decided to totally ghost the story because it goes against the narrative,” Sabatini told National File.

The narrative being that “Everybody who believes J6 prisoners deserve due process rights” is a “domestic terrorist.”

“The fact is we have a legitimate domestic terrorist, a radical leftist pipe bomber, showing up to the rally in order to kill a bunch of people while wearing Antifa gear,” said the Florida Republican.

“He’s completely ignored by the media?” Sabatini asked, “The media is complicit in this violence and danger.”

It has been confirmed that Smith recently returned to his parents’ Florida home after spending an unknown period of time in Portland, Oregon.

That city is a known recruitment area for Antifa.

The “direct action checklist” police found at Smith’s home contains the typical uniform of Antifa, including clothing to participate in the “black bloc” tactical unit that allows them to evade capture.

Under “gear,” the checklist includes a “black umbrella,” which is used by Antifa members to obscure themselves from security cameras and deflect less than lethal crowd control projectiles.


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38d838  No.15335300

File: 6f6cd22e895da38⋯.png (385.65 KB, 897x500, 897:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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0c40ae  No.15335301


Life insurance policies can refuse payouts for the jabbed because covid vaccines are “medical experiments”

Talk about rubbing salt into the wound.

Clown world!

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00a724  No.15335302


Your predictions of doom are nonsense.

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994b0e  No.15335303


Why would she say such an exaggerated statement as a Supreme Court Justice?

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ec96b8  No.15335304


Creepy Joe is The Omicron Shaman

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c49ecc  No.15335305

File: 7ba1f1239b3f4f6⋯.jpeg (113.29 KB, 900x870, 30:29, 1524059805.jpeg)

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e8ebfa  No.15335307

File: 20ed5a7d171225d⋯.jpeg (48.27 KB, 600x532, 150:133, 20ed5a7d171225d9d03836d5c….jpeg)

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eef8ca  No.15335308


seriously begin to think about the implications for yourself We don't live in a bubble and when the supply chains completely fail, there will be anarchy. It won't be pretty. People starving to death will not just lay down and go quietly.

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e772cd  No.15335309

File: 187909b6018e1fb⋯.png (2.03 MB, 2048x1359, 2048:1359, 2ae4d7e50626f0b0dad3503de3….png)

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063406  No.15335310


jesus fucking christ now i feel bad for making those memes. Fucking hell

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597ab5  No.15335311

File: 3b2dd8462642d5d⋯.png (615.4 KB, 613x408, 613:408, ClipboardImage.png)

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b8708f  No.15335312


Suck it shill, everyone knows that this works… KEK

==Get out and Vote=

Cause noise and sign petitions

This is how you take action locally and impact things Nationally.

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97ed15  No.15335313

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224b6f  No.15335314


Fukkem ALL. We work doubles for free.

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67836f  No.15335315

File: 5356c71f20b5da5⋯.jpeg (44.96 KB, 408x280, 51:35, 31475300_F3B5_443E_A06E_8….jpeg)

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0c40ae  No.15335316

File: 6119a8dcdf94f45⋯.jpeg (735.43 KB, 1791x4096, 1791:4096, 1641583733757.jpeg)


It is happening right now, and you are oblivious.

Can you read a chart?

This is everywhere.

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9a748f  No.15335317


You talk too much, outlander.

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85cec2  No.15335318

File: 362d91f51ad63b8⋯.png (7.36 MB, 3200x3200, 1:1, jan152022HAMMERJUSTICE.png)




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ec96b8  No.15335319


They will have plenty of opportunities once the jabbed start dropping like flies, which is already happening.

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1425f4  No.15335320

File: 0988d7544e7ee57⋯.jpeg (389.62 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, D037C96B_EC61_440B_9EDD_1….jpeg)

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e091e1  No.15335321

File: 4185bdff29ff066⋯.png (378.35 KB, 603x571, 603:571, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2d2b72edb201ae⋯.png (417.42 KB, 619x572, 619:572, ClipboardImage.png)




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ec96b8  No.15335322


Dumbass Mexican.

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e091e1  No.15335323


Watch the water


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ac3438  No.15335324


theres not enough rope for these fucks

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8e184e  No.15335325


I think it was both actually, plus the Carnegies.

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c49ecc  No.15335326

File: 85b6d4b14595421⋯.jpg (198.37 KB, 539x892, 539:892, 20210730_202739.jpg)



Stopped reading…

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597ab5  No.15335327

File: 6d5ccf96ed3a8c3⋯.png (730.03 KB, 750x925, 30:37, ClipboardImage.png)


what water?

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b8708f  No.15335328

File: 4a3eb19547073be⋯.png (329.68 KB, 1048x873, 1048:873, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd0ef5d08309d42⋯.png (365.92 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

One Year Ago, Big Tech Declared Open War On America. Here’s What’s Next

Big Tech hates us, and they aren’t going to stop.

President Donald Trump was permanently suspended from Twitter one year ago this day. In the ensuing turmoil, it’s easy to forget why. Ask near-any self-declared politico around Washington, D.C., and you’ll hear an unsure and uncertain allusion to the Capitol riot.

It’s important to understand their reasons, however, to understand what’s in store for the rest of our country.

Fortunately, we don’t need to wonder; Twitter was open and upfront on the issue — at least as much as they ever are: The sitting president of the United States, they declared, had sent two terrible and unpardonable tweets.

First, he’d written that the political movement he’d started would continue into the future, and wouldn’t be disrespected:

The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!

Second, he said he wouldn’t be attending President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration in two weeks’ time. “To all of those who have asked,” he wrote, “I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.”

These violated their “Glorification of Violence” policy, Twitter claimed, and so the president was “immediately permanently suspended from the service.”

It’s a private company, Twitter’s defenders insist, so it doesn’t need remotely passable reasons to ban the president from messaging his 90 million followers. “If you don’t like it, build your own,” sort of thing.

But that was as much a lie as the justification for banning the president, and the next night, Parler — an alternative to Twitter that had rocketed to the most-downloaded app on the planet literally overnight — was nearly destroyed by a combined attack from Apple, Google, and Amazon Web Services.

Parler had been used to organize the riot, Big Tech claimed. This turned out to be another lie, but it didn’t matter. The week’s riot had given them all the rope they needed for hangings, with corporate media — those bold lovers of the First Amendment — jeering and cheering them on their way.

The Capitol riot was used as an excuse for deplatforming an American president and smashing a private company, but it wasn’t the reason: The illiberal left has long used any pretense at all to justify its centralization of control and crushing of dissent; and Big Tech, once a free-wheeling vehicle for decentralized innovation, is now no more than an arm of the illiberal left.

During the 2020 election, Big Tech worked hand in glove with Democrats and corporate media to suppress the true story of Hunter Biden’s corruption and defend their candidate under completely unproven pretenses.

In 2021, they went after conservative leaders on their platforms and cut the foundations out from a competitor’s platform.

Barring dissenting voices from social media wasn’t enough, however. Democratic politicians had fled Texas for weeks in an attempt to stop their colleagues from curtailing their states’ abortion regime, but once the left was defeated, Big Tech deplatformed Texan Christians on their own website. Corporate media cheered.

Public health is the excuse used to silence doctors, scientists, and parents challenging the administration’s COVID orthodoxy. “Graphic content” is used as the excuse to silence artists highlighting the Taliban’s brutal rule in the wake of the administration’s retreat from Afghanistan.

Every week, the left grows bolder in their censorship-and-control campaign: On Jan. 6, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee introduced legislation to, “outlaw attempts by candidates and elected officials to spread lies about free and fair elections when it has the likelihood to spread violence.”

What constitutes a lie — and what constitutes violence — well, that’s up to Jay and the boys.

There was a day when America’s Democratic leaders claimed to stand for freedom, individuality, and speech. That day is long gone, as is the day Silicon Valley stood for an open and interconnected planet.

Today, these forces stand for centralization. They want to control our opinions, decide who speaks and who doesn’t, decide who can do business and who can’t, and decide who’s in power in Washington. The sooner we understand this, the better.

On Jan. 7 and 8 last year, they went too far, and now an alternative economy is afoot. It’s incredibly rare to see a dominant industry turn so wildly on half its customers, and entrepreneurs of all stripes have seized the opportunity it affords.

Big Tech hates us, and they aren’t going to stop. We, however, can stop working with them. We know who they are; it’s time they learn what we’re about.


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e772cd  No.15335329

File: ebc4b70ab17fa46⋯.jpeg (155.82 KB, 556x500, 139:125, ebc4b70ab17fa46a59dbd1caf….jpeg)

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e8ebfa  No.15335330

File: d6ef7bf53939334⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1726x1080, 863:540, ClipboardImage.png)


trustin' da plan

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d480d7  No.15335331

File: 1376dacf8ce7f0a⋯.jpg (147.07 KB, 661x521, 661:521, Plastibros.jpg)

Wow, they deaded.

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1425f4  No.15335332

File: fbe2e4c3d24d337⋯.mp4 (4 MB, 480x480, 1:1, IMG_4962.mp4)


watchin the water here boss

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0c40ae  No.15335333

File: 601a44fad68b462⋯.jpeg (67.93 KB, 822x665, 822:665, 1641493149407.jpeg)


We have know about this for a long time. There are those of us who have been preparing for it.

It is going to be a fucking disaster, especially for those that have no life skills.

But hey, we are tin-foil hat wearing conspritards, right?

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38d838  No.15335334

File: 0d1872d01a1d68e⋯.jpg (109.77 KB, 680x543, 680:543, 5d239ad975f6391e85a38de2ac….jpg)


that is sus

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612327  No.15335335

We are where we are Because you have bent your will upon it.

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597ab5  No.15335336

File: 390afa6b6dfcc8a⋯.png (191.28 KB, 789x631, 789:631, ClipboardImage.png)



he's everywhere!!!

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e772cd  No.15335337

File: bb7a97092515d96⋯.jpeg (9.87 KB, 255x142, 255:142, 7a9d86fa59905bedde5f57133….jpeg)

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85cec2  No.15335338

File: a44a27fcba43847⋯.png (6.74 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, missouri.png)



Dec 7

One month delta (Jan 7 ldr back in the posts)

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cd0dce  No.15335339

File: 87fb45fddf77fcd⋯.png (248.29 KB, 680x645, 136:129, NYC_VAIDS.png)

File: ff15b92854df975⋯.png (53.98 KB, 1028x633, 1028:633, VAERS_2022.png)


Just beginning… pay attention


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5fe4c4  No.15335340

No sauce, These were notes taken by an anon and I found interesting.

Joe Flynn 55

Politicians in Australia has succumb to big pharma tyranny

Making vaxxed feel shamed for getting it is the wrong message. We must lock arms and pray with and for them.

Lives in Florida

Fake government

Illegitimate president with stolen election

System is working to extent that courts are hearing cases for mandates

Robert Malone frontline doctors bringing great awareness about how corrupt healthcare and government system has become under pharma fascists. These governments have become narcopharmacists sts

Get America back on track

Take back senate, house 2022

Put patriots in office replacing republican who will not fold

Still think we can take power back with corrupt elections

Can take back legislature in 2022 and presidency in 2024

Our generation has been really soft and handed most things but we need to fight back against this tyranny

Saving this world and saving humanity

Everyone is watching the USA

Patrick burns next to carlito major in SF army

Soft coup

Medical tyranny is gateway tyranny

We have them, what happens in long run will be determined by what happens in the states

Within the last two weeks

Election integrity done

Yesterday medical tyranny breakthrough

-Didn’t catch name- Developed a way of “open source lawfare”

Stuffed a bunch of lower courts with cases that deferred up?

Supreme Court took emergency hearing yesterday that went very well. They have to rule quickly.

If they come back this week and strikes down federal mandates it will be a battle that has set the way forward for freedom! World wide effect

May rule as early as monday.

Will be shocked if not Cast as constitutional overreach.

Government turning against biden?

Graham hood:

70k Unemployed frontline workers in Australia because of not vaxxed.

Pulling students out of nursing school to staff hospitals

White tape with Green check mark for vaccinated patients enter hospital while unvaxxed have to stage in a markee outside of hospital extended wait times eventually barged into hospital because a woman with double mastectomy and infection nearly died while waiting.

Close friends 12 yo daughter died of heart attack after second jab.

Austria’s MSM starting to publish data to cover their tracks in attempt to cover themselves

Hood had impression all Americans were conspiracy theorists about election fraud trump etc but now firmly believes it.

Mentioning zukerberg, musk, priest etc with one world government

69th bday in couple days

Hearing about white hats black hats in America

7/8% of Australians at rallies every weekend

Fighting childhood sex predators for 7 years witnessed government take kids from parents and give kids to known pedophiles that ended up sexually assaulting the kids they were given by government.

The government does not protect kids, we need to protect kids from our government.

The world needs America to be America again

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9278e7  No.15335341


Can’t remember when anon first got there/here. But it was close to that. Edge of seat days. Think someone big came back later on in 2019 and threatened anon bad. Can confirm that but don’t know who. Always thought it was her

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ea6de5  No.15335342

File: 619ee486340e986⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 538x364, 269:182, ZomboMeme_28092021132608.jpg)

File: 10cf9bf5e4fe86c⋯.jpg (72.64 KB, 576x768, 3:4, ZomboMeme_28092021130834.jpg)

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c49ecc  No.15335343



Hivemind and all

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e091e1  No.15335344

File: 7fe6c408535120c⋯.png (496.35 KB, 579x608, 579:608, ClipboardImage.png)


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9278e7  No.15335345



Why not all three?

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c49ecc  No.15335346

File: 739f0671967b1b2⋯.png (672.88 KB, 1080x1293, 360:431, b6a59464115e9bcf6d2397aa70….png)

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eef8ca  No.15335347

The jab is what they are dying from!


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e091e1  No.15335349

File: c215072733f19c7⋯.png (683.42 KB, 599x557, 599:557, ClipboardImage.png)

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0c40ae  No.15335350

File: 3d1cad09a78d7e2⋯.png (505.32 KB, 500x668, 125:167, whatblank.png)


1 week, guy.

Only one more week.

Jesus, this gets old!

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eef8ca  No.15335351


That is correct. and be prepared.

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f5a994  No.15335352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ed835a  No.15335353

File: 689fcaf259e66b5⋯.png (99.92 KB, 266x241, 266:241, 2020_11_11_20_16_03.png)


>Oranges is a reference on one end of Pedophiles training their sex slave children.

Do they make the blackmailed politicians participate in this to affirm their loyalty so there is no going back?

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9a748f  No.15335354

File: 15070f3f857a881⋯.jpg (55.65 KB, 759x471, 253:157, hk_m110a1_1_759x471.jpg)


Looks like some standard 5.56 55gr FMJ, the distinct discoloring on the tips of the casings look like Federal.

Let's upgrade a bit, you need more penetration for any DS door knockers.

I might suggest 6.5mm Creedmoor for recoil control vs. terminal energy.

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597ab5  No.15335355


the original covid swabs were testing positive when dipped in tap water…

sounds safe to let the same people inject nanobots into one's bloodstream.

what could go wrong?

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3f2ae6  No.15335356


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f106fa  No.15335357

File: bdc2d3962fb05a5⋯.jpg (60.14 KB, 500x527, 500:527, 60k0rp.jpg)

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b8708f  No.15335358


fuckin sauce it

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1621d4  No.15335359

File: e4fee4681a9cead⋯.png (333.99 KB, 965x543, 965:543, ClipboardImage.png)


Head of public relations at Meta, Facebook’s parent company, is stepping down.'

Vice President of Global Communications John Pinette announced the news to employees on Friday after overseeing the company’s external communications since 2019. His departure comes as the tech giant struggles to put out several PR fires, most notable among them the fallout from the “Facebook Papers,” a series of damning reports first published by the Journal last fall that included thousands of leaked internal documents.

“Today will be my last day at Meta,” Pinette wrote in the post, which was reviewed by the Journal. “I know the team will continue to thrive as you do some of the most important—and most difficult—work in Communications.”

Meta later confirmed his departure in a statement to several media outlets.

“John Pinette has left Meta. We are thankful for his positive contributions during an intense and significant time in the company’s history, and we wish him well going forward,” the company said in a Saturday email to Gizmodo.

A Meta spokesperson told Reuters that Chris Norton, vice president of international communications, will assume the role in the meantime. So far, Meta has not commented publicly about why Pinette left, citing the company’s policy of not commenting on personnel matters in a statement to Reuters.

Pinette came to the company in 2019 with more than two decades worth of experience in corporate communications in the tech industry, including previous positions as director of Google’s Asia pan-regional communications and head of communications at Microsoft.

In September, a former employee with Facebook’s now-defunct civic integrity team, Frances Haugen, shared thousands of internal employee discussions, memos, research, presentations, and other company documents to several news outlets in one of Silicon Valley’s largest leaks to date.

Commonly referred to as the Facebook Papers, the leaked documents, among other things, showed that researchers at Instagram had extensively studied the link between children’s mental health and its products and was keenly aware of how damaging the app could be, particularly to teenage girls. In response, the U.S. Senate called for Facebook to testify at a hearing about Instagram’s harmful effects on its younger users.

Amid significant political pressure, the company walked back its previously announced plans to build a version of Instagram specifically geared toward kids, though Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri later clarified to lawmakers that it hasn’t shelved the idea entirely. Other revelations from the Facebook papers, including Facebook’s insufficient policies to curb the spread of climate misinformation and internal rifts about its handling of political ads, have also drawn public scrutiny.


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597ab5  No.15335360

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e091e1  No.15335361




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597ab5  No.15335362


you passed

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3fe10f  No.15335363

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e5e224  No.15335364

File: 1c2cd1ce5986ba0⋯.jpg (49.7 KB, 502x497, 502:497, Fuck_joe_biden.jpg)

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ce9212  No.15335365

File: 11e66abd0a98a73⋯.jpg (173.02 KB, 650x365, 130:73, capture_1118_21082021_1752….jpg)

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85cec2  No.15335366

File: 667e57f9d356a53⋯.png (9.06 MB, 3700x4000, 37:40, TIGER58.png)

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bf3f88  No.15335367


If you seek Amy


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ce9212  No.15335368

File: 379987fadd3522e⋯.jpg (210.19 KB, 650x389, 650:389, capture_1303_21082021_2106….jpg)

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cd0dce  No.15335369



The vaxx causes VAIDS

Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency


Blood clots

Sudden heart attacks and strokes


Palsy and other neurological pathologies

Pay attention to the life insurance companies and their financial statements going forward

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2f7f55  No.15397342

Is Gab down? I'm not able to login as of 10am eastern today.

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122803  No.15397388

File: 7d96319171a3c33⋯.jpg (90.17 KB, 609x402, 203:134, Screenshot_20211222_092012….jpg)

God bless ALL on the board.

Yeshua bless Us.

God bless Our Milky Way

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5a1e5f  No.15397392

File: 6c81cdcbc255222⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB, 516x270, 86:45, 3A5bexfXlAtuacco.mp4)

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5a1e5f  No.15397397

File: a3cb53eb9cf574c⋯.jpg (138.21 KB, 1080x1257, 360:419, a3cb53eb9cf574c7657045da8b….jpg)

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5a1e5f  No.15397400

File: 473e2d45b374683⋯.jpg (86.68 KB, 609x500, 609:500, 473e2d45b374683553b1500bee….jpg)

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5a1e5f  No.15397403

File: d5bef2ba3bf6e63⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, fb42a42a8e9e82639d096a9c49….png)

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5a1e5f  No.15397405

File: 8553a5fde93e75e⋯.png (224.18 KB, 309x547, 309:547, 29214a31358550cc64c6dfd7b8….png)

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5a1e5f  No.15397414

File: 414e442d026a5df⋯.jpg (201.11 KB, 942x1280, 471:640, 414e442d026a5df8b7f0d414ca….jpg)

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