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50cc1e  No.15317450[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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50cc1e  No.15317463

International Q Research Threads

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President Donald Trump Launches New Platform


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50cc1e  No.15317465



>>15316749, >>15316753, >>15316834, >>15316876 Kazakhstan unrest: Government calls for Russian help, Dismissal, Resignation, and Related - BBC

>>15316754, >>15316960 Road closures expected Friday, Saturday for Reid service in Las Vegas - Fox 5, You Tube, Knowledge Nuts

>>15316762, >>15316827, >>15316837, >>15316846, >>15316886, >>15316911, >>15316960, >>15316965, >>15316990, >>15317016, >>15317023, >>15317040, >>15317050, >>15317074, >>15317078, >>15317101, >>15317116, >>15317134, >>15317176, >>15317201, >>15317211, >>15317296, >>15317314 List of US Congressmen, women to hang at the white house gallows, video, You Are Ready. & Qlock Talk - Best News Here, Images

>>15316764 'Stolen car escapes on Seattle sidewalk' - KIRO 7

>>15316777 DeSantis Insanity Disorder - Townhall

>>15316817 Updated Dough

>>15316822, >>15316836 Israeli TV star and Eurovision co-host Assi Azar accused of sexual assault - Haaretz

>>15316828 Barack Obama Sings with Asleep at the Wheel PB Missed - Video

>>15316853 QuikDig on Demand Daniel (McCarthy) ~ Ignoring the fact that Arizona’s incumbent Republican U.S. Senator, Martha McSally, a former two-term member of congress — who has the unequivocal support of Pres. Donald Trump — is running for reelection, unqualified candidate Daniel McCarthy claims he can’t wait to get beyond the primary so he can debate Mark Kelly on his China connections. - Seeing Red AZ

>>15316920, >>15316936, >>15317172 "This is a live exercise"… Mike Pompeo Declares 'There Is No More Important Task' As Secretary Of State Than 'Standing For Israel' At Zionist Gala?

>>15316954 ALERT: Hillary Clinton Is Spreading Lies on Social Media - Free Beacon

>>15316970 Don't wanna go ahead and start with an STD Free Card or something? STOP FEDERAL VACCINE DATABASE BILL H.R. 550 - Investment Watch Blog

>>15316978, >>15316994 ICYMI: "‘Cover-Up’: House Republicans Demand Nancy Pelosi Answer for ‘Failures’ to Secure Capitol on January 6"

>>15316997 Catherine Austin Fitts: The Establishment Stole $50 Trillion From Pensions And Doesn’t Want To Give It Back - Silver Doctors

>>15317012, >>15317022 DJT Jr. Retweets: Donald Trump was "the only president out of the last five presidents of the United States that did anything to fight sex trafficking," "A GOP Majority MUST fight fire with fire & investigate BLM's Summer of riots." - Newsmax, Twitter

>>15317077, >>15317102, >>15317128, >>15317169, >>15317279, >>15317280, >>15317286, >>15317289 Georgia Election Fraud: ‘The End of the Beginning’: True the Vote Will Release Ballot Harvesting Evidence for Five Additional States, John Solomon Blows the Doors Off Alleged Illegal Ballot Harvesting in GA - How high does it go? | True the Vote, RUMBLE

>>15317120 How we send Tweets has come a long way over the years. Let us introduce you to the original twitter: The Carrier Pigeon! #NationalBirdDay <0 - Twitter

>>15317126 Anon capture of Antifa at DC? - Video

>>15317143, >>15317283 PF Reports?

>>15317149 Help Pennsylvania Secure the May Primaries: Sign-Up to Become a Poll Watcher - Telegram

>>15317157 Richard Grenell Tweets: It’s been hilarious to watch. They literally reported it as a positive move of promoting government demands. - Twitter

>>15317178 COVID INSANITY: Scottish Newspaper Asks Readers if ‘COVID Internment Camps’ Should be Introduced - The Gateway Pundit

>>15317208, >>15317210 Left Launches Effort to Win Midterms by Disqualifying Republicans for ‘Insurrection’ - Breitbart

>>15317240 …and anon couldn't get one. #Covid19 NEW: Convicted Boston Marathon bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, “ received a $1,400 COVID relief payment on June 22, 2021,” prosecutors said in a court filing today - Herridge

>>15317256 UNSC Likely to Discuss Sudan as Military Coup Gov Struggles to Replace Resigned PM Hamdok - Sputnik

>>15317270, >>15317274, >>15317310 Ron Watkins for Congress, Arizona District #2, Discussion - Ronald Watkins

>>15317278 Ann Coulter: The Great Epstein Cover-up ~ [D]id you even know that the FBI found Epstein’s cache of sex tapes labeled “(name of underage girl) + (name of VIP)” — and then lost them? - Breitbart

>>15317356 Corona Cmte talks with Dr. Sam White on the Intentional Obscuration of Covid Stats - plus Coordination of "Death Batches" - Odysee

>>15317384 Pray for Patriots' Safety

>>15317399 #19374

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50cc1e  No.15317468

#19373: Lost In An Ocean Of Information? Choose Your Positions Edition Part One

>>15315964 Daniel McfuckinCarthy hatin on the Trump - "Carrying over from pb so anons can continue the discussion." - Twatter

>>15315991 Anon dough cleanup for #19373

>>15316004, >>15316049, >>15316071, >>15316245 Anon calls for correction in dough changed in dough.

>>15316008, >>15316082, >>15316088, >>15316303, >>15316319 Il Donaldo Trumpo ~ 17 Zeros + Discussion

>>15316010, >>15316159 Maricopa Board of Supervisors - Special Meeting 1-5-22,LIVE: Maricopa County Responds to Senate's Election Review!- You Tube

>>15316013 USN Tweets: CVN_72 Welcomes CVW9_Lightning!

>>15316056 Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) shocked many conservatives on Wednesday when he echoed the left’s overwrought January 6 messaging during a Senate Rules Committee hearing… - AM Greatness

>>15316059, >>15316070,ICYMI: Trumpleads all Republicans in poll on 2024 presidential election - NY Post

>>15316068, >>15316074 Official Ballot Harvesting Investigation in Georgia Begins - Uncover DC

>>15316072 So unbeknownst to most, Our President had a sit-down with OAN’s Christina Bobb yesterday - Video

>>15316078 Dominion is Panicking in Pennsylvania Because Their Machines Likely Weren’t Properly ‘Hardened’ and Shouldn’t Have Ever Been Put in Use - The Gateway Pundit

>>15316081 Ahead of the one-year anniversary of the storming of the U.S. Capitol, Twitter Inc convened a team to prepare the social networking site to address any harmful content associated with the event, the company told Reuters on Tuesday. - Reuters, OANN

>>15316171, >>15316176, >>15316306, >>15316493 BB ON HOLY FIRE BABY! To Boost Ratings, Newly Tattooed Brian Stelter Does DMT, Starts Talking About Elk Meat, "I like drugs," said Stetler, referring to the hallucinogenic drug known as DMT. "I like to feel the things and see shapes… and fight people, I like punching and kicking." - Babylon Bee

>>15316209 New York Times Offers Stunning Report on Left-Wing Racial Fundraising - PJ Media

>>15316213 Actually, Democrats Are Less Accepting of Presidential Election Defeats Than Republicans - PJ Media

>>15316239 Gov. Harry McMaster R SC "We will not shut down our state, close businesses and schools, or impose vaccine and mask mandates. It is not necessary because we know how to deal with this virus." - Twitter

>>15316254, >>15316606 So long, heroes: Mayo Clinic fires 700 workers over vaccination mandate - Hot Air

>>15316262, >>15316264 GETTR Shadow Bans Reporter Who Queried Ban of America First Streamer, Has 'Nothing More to Say' - National File

>>15316267, >>15316393 Health ‘Experts’ Finally Admit Masks Control People, Not Viruses - The Federalist

>>15316284, >>15316314 Seattle PD Brace for the worst ~ Officer-involved shooting in the 2200 block of S Eddy St. An officer responding to a burglary call shot a suspect believed to be armed with a knife or machete. Officer sustained minor injury. More info to come. - Various

>>15316288, >>15316293, >>15316299, >>15316311, >>15316317, >>15316342, >>15316385, >>15316386, >>15316389, >>15316392, >>15316394, >>15316396, >>15316399, >>15316401, >>15316407, >>15316409, >>15316411, >>15316413, >>15316415, >>15316416, >>15316418, >>15316425, >>15316426, >>15316439, >>15316521 Flynn Telegrams -~Essential reading for tomorrow morning’s cup of coffee! - Telegram, Revolver

>>15316309 Unemployment Fraud Three Times Greater Than Total Benefits In 2019 - Patriot Fetch

>>15316321, >>15316451 Cures? Do Your RESEARCH! - Pubmed

>>15316322 Melania Trump to Auction Second NFT, Signed White Hat from State Visit - Breitbart

>>15316328 (You) Never Trumper Jonah Goldberg, Melts Down After Getting Blasted by Tucker and Others Over Youngkin Tweet - Redstate

>>15316355, >>15316464, >>15316472, >>15316484, >>15316490, >>15316511 California Extends Statewide Indoor Mask Mandate Through February 15 Due to Omicron + Washington Omicron response & Citizens react - The Gateway Pundit

>>15316357, >>15316414, >>15316429 Child trafficking victim finds family after decades with help of a map - NY Post

>>15316360 "No matter what they tell you the people are waking up. Inside: " - Twitter

>>15316365, >>15316554 Heritage Foundation: Chuck Schumer Using January 6 to Seize ‘Permanent Power’ by Breaking Filibuster - You tube

>>15316385, >>15316386, >>15316389, >>15316392, >>15316396, >>15316399, >>15316401, >>15316407, >>15316409, >>15316411, >>15316413, >>15316415, >>15316416, >>15316418, >>15316425, >>15316426, >>15316521 Unindicted Co-Conspirators in 1/6 Cases Raise Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreknowledge - Revolver

>>15316640 #19373

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50cc1e  No.15317470

#19373: Lost In An Ocean Of Information? Choose Your Positions Edition Part Two

>>15316402 Woman arrested in New Mexico months after man found executed in her NYC apartment - Breaking 911

>>15316406 Counter-terror operation begins in Almaty — commandant’s office - TASS

>>15316432 Brian Cates - Political Columnist ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [05.01.22 14:53] - [Forwarded from SpyGate Down ⭐️⭐️⭐️] - I wrote an article for The Washington Pundit on why the War is Here and Now.

>>15316440 US denies role in Kazakhstan uprising - RT

>>15316447 Kek Patterns Shapiro - Telegram

>>15316448 Il Donaldo Trump: BREAKING: The Grammy Awards have been postponed indefinitely due to the fact THAT THEY SUCK!!! xDDDD - Twitter

>>15316454 Lael Brainard, Biden's #2 at the Federal Reserve has proposed a $7 per flight aviation tax (now $28 Billion - it's doubled since she proposed it) to fund UN Climate Programs. - Brooking

>>15316455, >>15316542 Kazakh national television outlets KTK and "First Channel Eurasia" have suspended broadcasts. - Telegram

>>15316458 Congressional Progressive Caucus backs legislation that would pack the Supreme Court by adding four more justices - The Blaze

>>15316462 “There is zero effort, interest, promotion, or care about early treatment” ~ Dr. @P_McCulloughMD says the public should question why gov'ts and public health officials have put little to no emphasis on outpatient treatments against #COVID19. - The Epoch Times

>>15316468 Former Space Company Executive Alleges Serial Lawbreaking By Democratic Governor - Daily Caller

>>15316475 USNI Tweets: Today is #NationalBirdDay. Did you know that the Navy once had carrier carrier pigeons? To assist in communications, USS Langley (CV-1) was built with a large coop in the fantail that was maintained by the Pigeon Quartermaster. Advances in wireless ended the need for pigeons. …<0 - Twitter

>>15316489, >>15316527, >>15316545 JUSTICE Bun New York Accomplice of Former Chestnut Hill Private School Teacher Arrested and Charged with Child Pornography Offenses & Others - Justice

>>15316512 Timcast IRL - Marjorie Taylor Greene Joins Discussing Getting Censored And 2022 - You Tube

>>15316566 …Disney+ actress Kim Mi-soo dead at 29 - Fox News

>>15316572, >>15316579 Novak Djokovic In Quarantine Hotel After Australian Visa Cancelled - 10 News First, You Tube

>>15316574 John Basham Twets: "This Public School Teacher Is A Complete Bad-Ass That I'd Love To Have Teaching My Kids…. Too Bad She's The Exception Rather Than The Rule These Days." - Video

>>15316580 Missed PB? >>15310060 pb President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, plans to announce the resignation of the government in the morning

>>15316595 Rumble Creating a Marketplace Launches Its Own Advertising System - DJ hj Media

>>15316607 Muh Air Q - DeSantis, Telegram

>>15316610 China already planning the next “civilization-killer” virus but Biden regime is playing nice under belief ChiComs want to “co-exist” - Natural News

>>15316626 Legendary American Car Manufacturer to Go Full Electric, Will No Longer Offer Internal Combustion Vehicles - The Western Journal

>>15316632 Anon - "DJT: call to dig on Archdiocese of Chicago?" - Various

>>15316641 #19373

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50cc1e  No.15317473

#19372: Are You Awake Yet? Edition

>>15315199, >>15315665, >>15315690 Rogue Rocket Slide -You Tube

>>15315235 Moar Hollywierd - Buzzfeed

>>15315237, >>15315288, >>15315296, >>15315452, >>15315624 Italian Vax Mandatory for 50 and up??

>>15315245, >>15315273, >>15315281, >>15315462, >>15315635, >>15315906 Gun Battles and Russian Peacekeepers? - RT, RUMBLE

>>15315300 First Two 'Flurona' Cases Detected In US: Officials - Zerohedge

>>15315318, >>15315320, >>15315355, >>15315367 Papi Trumpo Memes Devin, Drops News, AND MOAR! - Twitter

>>15315328 U.S. court revives lawsuit against Pfizer, others on Iraq terrorism funding claims - Reuters

>>15315354, >>15315364 "This is a compilation of antifa destroying our capitol while posing as Trump supporters. A lot of work went into this. Please share." - Video

>>15315362 #19371

>>15315376 ?F&G? Nambia News? - Disclose tv

>>15315390 Maricopa County Response to Cyber Ninja Assessment! - You Tube

>>15315443, >>15315651 PF Reports

>>15315480 Let's Go Brandon ANOTHER LEFT TURN! Update — NASCAR rejects Let’s Go Brandon sponsorship of Brandon Brown… - Twitter

>>15315487 Texas Gov. Abbott Sues Biden Over Military Vaccine Mandate, Tells His National Guard Biden is Not Their Commander-in-Chief - The Gateway Pundit


>>15315500 Venmo, PayPal and Cash App will now have to report transactions totaling more than $600 to the IRS as Biden plans to ramp up financial enforcement - Daily mail

>>15315514 Hayward: China Defends Twitter for Proving U.S. Has ‘No Freedom of Speech’ with Marjorie Taylor Greene Ban - Global Times

>>15315526 Medical Ethics Prof on CNN: ‘Penalize’ Unvaccinated Americans—Deny Them Affordable Health Insurance - CNN

>>15315541, >>15315634 #19370

>>15315547, >>15315562 Swalwell in FL also? What *REALLY* going on in Florida?? - Fox, Images

>>15315558 Coles reintroduces purchasing limits as demand soars, includes rapid antigen test kits - Sky News

>>15315568 WATCH LIVE: Schumer, McConnell speak on Senate floor ahead of Jan. 6 anniversary - You Tube

>>15315632 ICYMI: "New York’s Trump Inquisition" - WSJ

>>15315633 Austin, Blinken to Testify Before Private Senate Panel About Afghanistan Pullout Disaster - Sputnik

>>15315645,NEW DJTA great book by Julie Kelly. January 6: How Democrats Used the Capitol Protest to Launch A War on Terror Against the Political Right is a complete exposé of the left's efforts to create violence & then exploit the violence to smear the Republican Party. - Twitter

>>15315648 ICYMI: "News engagement fell off a cliff in 2021"

>>15315658 COVID Truths You Haven’t Heard

>>15315664 Trans Activists Refuse To Publish Unfavorable Data On Trans Youth In Sports Debate - Daily Caller

>>15315668 Statement by Donald J. Trump, MAGA nation should rise up and oppose this egregious federal government overreach

>>15315683 GOP Slams Biden Decision To Ignore Mandate To Disclose How Iran Sanctions Relief Funds Terrorism - Free Beacon

>>15315784, >>15315905, >>15315866, >>15315868, >>15315876, Interdasting…

>>15315925 #19372

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50cc1e  No.15317474

#19371: Corruption Apparent Special Executive Action Required Edition

>>15314452, >>15314477, >>15314535, >>15314591, >>15315076 Muh Russia! Muh Red Dawn! + Connections - You Tube

>>15314455 Team Lead says No to the META VR Deal. Walks Away. Inb4 - IGN

>>15314477, >>15314535 Setting The Stage? The power of the president is enormous – and may be even more so with presidential emergency action documents (PEADs), classified orders granting vast presidential authority in response to extraordinary situations. PEADs are so secret even Congress cannot see them – and that troubles constitutional scholars. "Sunday Morning" special contributor Ted Koppel reports - You Tube

>>15314492, >>15314498, >>15314742 Bidan Twitter: I'll give it to you straight, as I promised that I always would: We’re going to see COVID cases continue to rise. But you have the power to protect yourself by getting vaccinated and getting boosted. - Twitter

>>15314505, >>15314514 Blah Blah Blah muh Jan 6th Turrists (Maybe some of them..) - Capitol Police intelligence official says leadership was warned of potential for violence days before Jan. 6 - The Hill

>>15314520 Need more than this anon PapiTrumpo!

>>15314533 LB CIA Chess Games

>>15314545, >>15314565 Jack spilling his blackmail? Who was press for that event? Kazakhstan Fuckery with THE BIG GUY! LET'S GO BRANDON!! - Twitter, Woirld Nuclear.org

>>15314554, >>15314559, >>15314578 Whoopi Goldberg stunned by testing positive for COVID: 'I've done everything I was supposed to do' - Fox News

>>15314557 Flurona DETECTED! 1st Known Case Of ‘Flurona’- Flu And Coronavirus – Detected In Southern California -Breaking 911

>>15314579 BLM Intel - Homesteading: NEW: BLM plans to increase wild horse and burro gather and fertility control operations this year to reduce the risk of starvation, thirst, and habitat destruction as climate change and extreme drought continues to impact the West. - Twitter

>>15314599, >>15314654, >>15314661 A veteran journalist has resigned from Canada’s public broadcaster while making her reasons for quitting public, saying CBC News embodies “the worst trends in mainstream media.” - The Epoch Times

>>15314608 Welcome To America, Where politicians think that providing "support" is tweeting. WE NEED ACTION! "What a coward McCarthy is"… - Twitter

>>15314615, >>15315037, >>15315206 Kazakhstan Upheaval Updates - Video

>>15314621 We are the CURE for Mass Formation Psychosis - Evidence Backed Argument - RUMBLE

>>15314655, >>15314672 Trust Busting Time (Been Time)… Anon opinion Twitter?

>>15314656 Grammy Postponed… - CNN

>>15314730 I’m saddened to learn that Lawrence Brooks – who was the oldest surviving U.S. WWII veteran – has passed. I had the honor of speaking with him last year, and he was truly the best of America. I’m keeping his loved ones in my prayers. - Biden, Twitter

>>15314785 NOW: Maricopa County Responds to 2020 Election Cyber Ninjas Audit - You Tube


>>15314839 You Tube stuffs… Finland and Sweden flirt with NATO membership to counter Russia - You Tube

>>15314855, >>15315000 PF Reporting

>>15314869 Frustrated Patriot Airs Their Grievance?

>>15314889 Hannity, Patriot?

>>15314898 US war lobby fuels conflict in Russia, Ukraine, and Syria: ex-Pentagon advisor - You Tube


>>15314975, >>15314981 Unhinged High School Teacher Jabs Kid Behind Parent's Back At Her Home

>>15314990 Facebook Is Taking Over Local News the Way It Took Over Local Voting Offices - PJ Media

>>15315025 Georgia Governor Unveils Push to Allow Concealed Carry Without Permit - NTD

>>15315033, >>15315047, >>15315056, >>15315065, >>15315211 Northeastern NC Drug Trafficking Organization Leader Sentenced to 25 Years + Justice Bun - Justice, Chron

>>15315041 NEW DJT - "What is happening in Chicago with all the school closures is devastating. Democrats are congregating in mass tomorrow to fan the flames of a divide that THEY created, while our kids sit at home watching their futures vanish. It must stop. Educate our children in person or give every dollar spent on education directly to the students so they can get out of these failing government schools!"

>>15315060 "The Great Awakening Chart"? - Eye Drop Media

>>15315079 MUH CHINA TOO?!?!? - The Guardian

>>15315102 Maxwell’s defense team push for new trial after juror interviews - NY Post

>>15315362 #19371

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50cc1e  No.15317477

#19370: Where's the 1/6 Comms @ Nance? Edition

>>15313687 Left Launches Effort to Win Midterms by Disqualifying Republicans for ‘Insurrection’- breitbart

>>15313698 Canada agrees to ‘historic reparations’ for 200,000 indigenous children - rt.com

>>15313706 Horowitz: Manhattan DA to downgrade armed robbery to misdemeanor amid growing crime wave - the blaze

>>15313708 pipe bomb j6 - greg price twat

>>15313718 BUSTED: National Geographic Published Book Falsely Claiming Kyle Rittenhouse Killed Two Black Men - nationalfile

>>15313731 NBC Tells Parents to Double Mask Their Kids, Use N95 So 'Not A Lot of Air' Gets In - nationfile

>>15313738 Mayo Clinic Terminates 700 Unvaccinated Employees at Locations Nationwide - breitbart

>>15313746 REPORT: Mexican Army Loses 30% of Weapons Purchased from U.S. - breitbart

>>15313751 Joe Rogan and Transexual complain that GAB is full of 'Nazis' and Russians.- bitchute

>>15313763 Rally Against Lockdowns Sees 100,000 Germans Protest, Ruling Party Demands Clampdown - breitbart

>>15313773 Reiner Fuellmich - New Findings are enough to Dismantle the Entire (COVID JAB) Industry -bitchute video

>>15313787 Chris Wray Lied: Secret Service Admits They Knew 13 ‘Counter-Protest’ Groups Were Organizing to Attend Washington DC Jan. 6 Protests - yourdestinationnow.com

>>15313806 Supreme Court: All nine justices got COVID-19 booster - washington times

>>15313816 pope bun

>>15313858 CNN : ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Dad Deserves to Have Life RUINED - en-volve.com

>>15313930, >>15313915, Jerusalem advances thousands of new homes in Jewish areas of East Jerusalem -timesofisrael plus other news from Israel

>>15313891, >>15313929, >>15313917, >>15313902, >>15313910, >>15313942, Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, 1 of 2 Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab

>>15313947 China Abuses US Diplomats - judicialwatch

>>15313961 Biden Withholds Annual Report on Deportations - freebeacon (doh wonder why)

>>15313968 Treasury Department slaps sanctions on Bosnian leader, citing 'destabilizing corrupt activities' - justthenews

>>15314016, United States Congressional Black Caucus visits Ark of Return - anon dig

>>15314067 Jan 6 2021 Save America Rally Transcript - rev.com

>>15314084, >>15314087, >>15314090, >>15314093, anon dig image caps on the standard hotel pts 1 to pt4

>>15314127 Scientific Studies prove the Covid-19 Vaccines damage the Immune System, and suggest it may be permanent - dailyexpose.uk

>>15314160, >>15314147, Gettr Global Communications Director, Ebony Bowden, Anti-Trump / Pro-Obama Past Revealed- dailyveracity.com, plus other gettr news

>>15314187 Swedbank ex-CEO Indicted for Financial Crimes - occrp.org

>>15314194 The World Ahead - Economist 2022 - theecomonist

>>15314212 Leaked Biden Plan Would House Violent Men In Women’s Prison Cells - thefederalist

>>15314220 Soviet Canada: Doctor Locked in Psych Ward Who Exposed Stillbirth Explosion in 'Vaccinated' Moms -rairfoundation

>>15314245 New: My interview in the Mirror today on the 1000th day of Julian's incarceration in Belmarsh high security prison. - stellamoris twat

>>15314254 Snatched from the street and dragged away to her death - dailymail

>>15314280 Youtube Rapper Among Mass Madrid Arrests of Vice ring That Abused Underage Girls in Spain - 37 Arrested - the olivepress.es

>>15314294 MI Governor Gretchen Whitmer in Isolation After Fully Vaccinated Husband Tests Positive for COVID-19 - gwp

>>15314338 What is HUMA? huma.com

>>15314347 Biden Orders Parents Not To Allow Kids Near The Unvaxxed - zerohedge

>>15314356 Kazakh President Requests Troops From Russia & Allies To Quell Unrest - zerohedge

>>15314360, >>15314291, The Mysterious Death Of Michel [Sacha] Trudeau, Brother of Canadian Prime Minister - capforcanada.com

>>15314376 Amazon’s Gender Recognition System Identifies Michelle Obama As A Man - revolver (kek)

>>15314386 Jan. 6 attack posed loyalty test for Indiana Rep. Greg Pence - apnews.com

>>15313914, >>15313895, notables collect by anon or baker

>>15315541 #19370

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50cc1e  No.15317479



>>15312909 Emmanuel Macron denounced France's 5 million unvaccinated as "non-citizens"

>>15312938 Trump cancels January 6 press conference

>>15312941 Dr. Robert Malone, co-inventor of the mRNA technology shares how he has been fully red-pilled and what is really going on.

>>15312947, >>15313053, >>15313089 @RichardGrenell There is a huge disconnect with those of you in DC. You live in a [bubble].

>>15312960 NEW POLLY - Mass Formation Psychosis - How They Created Supporters for Medical Tyranny

>>15312988 War Room is on live

>>15312987 (((They))) coming for the pets now?

>>15313000, >>15313056 James Webb Space Telescope: Secondary Mirror Deployment - Mission Control Live

>>15313025 Breaking Live Tracking of Massive Out of Control Russian Rocket to Slam into Earth in 8 Hours

>>15313037 G Flynn with the Irving TX Summit PROMO

>>15313087 UPMC officials are asking people to not go to the emergency room to get a COVID-19 test if you’re only experiencing mild symptoms.

>>15313103 LIVE: Congress holds hearing on oversight of the Capitol Police following the Jan. 6 attack — 1/5/22

>>15313109 @DonaldJTrumpJr (Biden) only gets involved in rescuing un-vetted Afghans… he can’t be bothered with rescuing Americans!

>>15313127 FBI arrests MAIN suspect in Haiti president assassination

>>15313155 Posting this for day shift "You're gonna LOVE this next song…"

>>15313161 USGO I know COVID testing remains frustrating, but we are making improvements.

>>15313181 Ron Johnson is on fire, talking about the COVID gods (Caps 2 Share)

>>15312561 LB Glenn Greenwald on why Trump didn't pardon Julian Assange and Snowden before leaving office

>>15313194 A running list of Biden's Best Slip-Ups (#BidenGaffeMachine)

>>15313231 Twitter creates a dedicated team to monitor "harmful content" on January 6th anniversary.

>>15313232, >>15313333 Theranos board of directors 2015 10

>>15313340 @mikepompeo America was founded on the rule of law

>>15313356 @DonaldJTrumpJr If it was a list of conservatives it would all be public info, get 24/7 media coverage, the FBI would actually do, you know, their f-ing jobs

>>15313368 (((They))) hate children and must disable the human race! Pull your children from Public School Now

>>15313382 Oldest US World War II veteran dies at 112 in New Orleans

>>15313387 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and John D. Porcari

>>15313427 Anon Opine - Rig For Red?

>>15313428 Anon at home Covid Gay Test (Not Keking)

>>15313432 We just shake our heads and shrug our shoulders, its Fauci

>>15313434 @ArmyofShadows2 As promised, I checked to see if Nelson’s Column was boarded up

>>15313470 @tiffanycli gots the words. (Covid but not Covid)

>>15313479 Uranium stocks +17% on average since Jan 1st

>>15313487, >>15313533 @USArmy A large-scale diorama of the 8th Wisconsin's Color Guard, complete with "Old Abe

>>15313504 First omicron death in Texas was fake news

>>15313515 Georgia Ballot Trafficking Whistleblower Admits to Making $45,000 for Stuffing Ballot Boxes #VoterFraud

>>15313532 Internet switched off in Kazakhstan amid unrest – reports

>>15313543 Germany - Doubling down for the Triple Vax

>>15313566 Once Again Dominion Voting Systems Attempt to Prevent An Investigation of Their Voting Machines – This Time in Pennsylvania (Specific credentials?)

>>15313624 #19369

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50cc1e  No.15317480

#19368: Lay Down With Dogs, Wake Too Scratch Muh Balls and Schiff Edition

>>15312126 Georgia Investigators have ‘Ballot Trafficker’ Who Is Talking — Admits to Being Paid THOUSANDS in 2020 Election Ballot Boxes Ballot Harvesting Scheme

>>15312138 Reminder Pilots cant fly after taking experimental shot (AirForce?)

>>15312142 NEW - Emmanuel Macron denounced France's 5 million unvaccinated as "non-citizens" and vows:

>>15312145 Everyone Boarding up for what?

>>15312147 RINO McCarthy Called out

>>15312154 #25 Rep Brenda Lawrence to retire from Congress, leaving Detroit-area seat up for grabs.

>>15312189 Michigan Getting Pummeled by COVID After Firing Unvaxxed Healthcare Workers

>>15312239 Pelosi Is Blocking Access To House January 6 Records. What Is She Hiding?

>>15312268 We Have a BIDEN Silver Alert (KEK)

>>15312337 Dominion requests Pennsylvania 2020 election audit uses their approved auditors

>>15312400 PG&E equipment blamed for Dixie Fire that burned nearly 1 million acres in California, state investigation finds

>>15312401 Side by Side is the Only way (CAP related)

>>15312408 QClock January 05, 2022

>>15312416 Pelosi Owns The J6 Commission, And That’s Why It Failed

>>15312450 Pro-Isral PAC Contributions to Congressional Candidates (CAP)

>>15312467 #19366

>>15312479 Late-night hosts Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers test positive for COVID-19

>>15312485 COVID-19 & the Shadowy “Trusted News Initiative”

>>15312510 ASTEROID COMM'S?

>>15312372 National Engagement Seminar for Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation

>>15312536 Why did the leaders of Canada, the US, France, and Germany all come out recently with genocidal language against the unvaccinated? It almost seems coordinated.

>>15312547 @USACEHQ(2 post thread) Debris removal operations progress in the City of Mayfield Jan. 4, (R. Baker)

>>15312537 "you will read 8 month old Economist articles on January 1st, and you will be happy!"

>>15312586 Senate committee holds U.S. Capitol Police oversight hearing ahead of Jan. 6 anniversary

>>15312610 What are the consequences when a state AG refuses to uphold the law and prosecute the criminals?

>>15312640 Pittsburgh New Year’s Day meteor explosion equivalent to 27 tonnes of TNT, says Nasa

>>15312644 Hannity Texts - Observation

>>15312652 Credit Suisse to lay off New York employees as it shuts hedge fund division

>>15312662 Did Wray's FBI assets identify themselves with orange (get it?) neon caps and electrical tape?

>>15312665 Today at around 1:45 pm local AZ time, a group of patriots will begin releasing video of Maricopa County Election workers mishandling our elections and breaking statutes.

>>15312684 Man punches pervert who tried to force himself onto daughter, 15, in a lift in Russia[

>>15312688 I started digging on the "Qanon" guy who killed his kids in Mexico

>>15312739 Quercetin — A Natural Alternative to Hydroxychloroquine

>>15312758 Charlie BAKER administration increases staff, hours at state coronavirus test sites; no plans for new locations as demand surges

>>15312866 #19368

Previously Collected

>>15312866 #19368,

>>15310532 #19365, >>15312467 #19366, >>15312036 #19367

>>15308265 #19362, >>15309012 #19363, >>15309757 #19364

>>15305713 #19359, >>15306788 #19360, >>15307426 #19361

>>15303470 #19356, >>15304275 #19357, >>15305059 #19358

>>15302810 #19353, >>15301958 #19354, >>15302758 #19355

>>15298719 #19350, >>15299577 #19351, >>15300316 #19352

>>15296800 #19347, >>15297195 #19348, >>15297967 #19349

>>15294847 #19345, >>15295638 #19346, >>15296808 #19347

>>15292693 #19342, >>15294293 #19343, >>15294103 #19344

>>15291511 #19340, >>15291511 #19341, >>15291731 #19341

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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50cc1e  No.15317488

File: 411a1a62257702a⋯.gif (474.18 KB, 1126x875, 1126:875, 411a1a62257702a728ae5b4d41….gif)

You all gotta make your mind about about thisDOUGH!situation... or whatever is going on.


#19375 https://controlc.com/614c387d


>>15226868 Learn to Collect Notables

>>15266798 Learn to Bake

>>15225210 Globals, Bunkers, Optics, Info War, Follow List

>>15225212 Information Tools & Services, Other Research

>>15225215 Meme Ammo Request

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7da868  No.15317509

File: 8ad77568bbcfba9⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 450x240, 15:8, independence_day_white_hou….gif)

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a3b7b8  No.15317515

File: 1b8fe40ff422938⋯.png (66.18 KB, 797x600, 797:600, CautionPurport.png)

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1b3b9b  No.15317521

File: 585ffd99a64c14b⋯.mp4 (12.45 MB, 874x690, 19:15, 1625837807_1_Copy.mp4)



The Spell is Breaking

Identify and assist Trueman Moments

God Bless

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acc3b3  No.15317522

File: 25992c7ea7679c8⋯.jpg (105.78 KB, 492x716, 123:179, DNCSelfDestruct.jpg)

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b3eed1  No.15317523

File: 5010adc2d2a7e12⋯.jpg (41.03 KB, 888x485, 888:485, yuyfisdssdf.jpg)

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50cc1e  No.15317524

Last Dough, https://controlc.com/a129cd9d

Anon suggested a dough and baker tried to combine it. https://controlc.com/ce5e715c

To make this dough.


Why not include all the Ghislaine Info also? that dough was extra thick n tasty like bad bitches and dude studs

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1b7e91  No.15317525


Nice time stamp

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7da868  No.15317526

File: 4aec4e0aacc4459⋯.jpg (273.48 KB, 2184x1148, 78:41, Xnip2022_01_05_22_44_38.jpg)

Current headline on The Liberty Daily

Gonna be hard for lyin' Ted to explain this. I was giving him benefit of the doubt but his defense of the Capital Police is inexcusable. They did nothing to prevent it and only beat the crap out of Americans.

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d47b17  No.15317527

File: ef75c0253360ea5⋯.png (233.16 KB, 456x289, 456:289, ztc.PNG)

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e5f42e  No.15317528

File: 3cb97adfb9c2644⋯.png (118.05 KB, 474x203, 474:203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfd37af04473e00⋯.png (59.93 KB, 255x159, 85:53, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15317504 PB

Remarkably (or not) you can almost see Rosensteins face within the grubby jew sketch.

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acc3b3  No.15317529

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

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895978  No.15317530

Updates on Myanmar Justice [PRISON]

>>15317231 (lb) [BHO, HRC, and Suu Kyi]

Suu Kyi’s Female Bodyguard Sentenced to Jail by Myanmar Junta

“The police court sentenced her to three years and sent her to Yamethin Prison the same day.”

The officer is also facing a charge of incitement, which can carry a prison sentence of up to three years.

The former bodyguard has also been accused of communicating with a National League for Democracy lawmaker and receiving information about the civilian National Unity Government.

January 3, 2022


A Myanmar junta court on Thursday sentenced two close aides of ousted civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi to two years in jail for sedition.

The sentence, passed in a special court inside Yangon’s Insein prison, is the latest blow struck in the military authorities’ legal campaign against Ms. Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD).

December 30, 2021


Myanmar court jails celebrities who supported democracy protests

A court in military-ruled Myanmar jailed three prominent show business figures for three years each on Thursday for their part in protests against a February coup, media reported.


Myanmar court postpones verdicts in 2nd case against Suu Kyi

The court gave no reason for delaying the verdicts until Jan. 10

27 December 2021


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e59364  No.15317531

File: dca7e375b4a6f18⋯.jpg (60.75 KB, 572x418, 26:19, nightspace.jpg)


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a3b7b8  No.15317532


Sure, if you are hallucinating I guess.

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31e8b4  No.15317533

File: ff46dbeb7d99f05⋯.png (279.42 KB, 313x420, 313:420, image.png)

>>15317364 LB

>Yeshua love's US.

>God bless OUR Milky Way.

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7da868  No.15317534


>only beat the crap out of Americans.

and killed them.

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ce0730  No.15317535

File: fdc759414549ba9⋯.jpg (380.81 KB, 1480x1020, 74:51, 409B_JAMES_BOND_ARCHIVES_X….jpg)

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d40b78  No.15317536

File: 90d154aba06f679⋯.jpeg (192.47 KB, 939x651, 313:217, 1641331033608.jpeg)


Teddy boy is a CRYPTO JEW.

How fucking hard is this, people?

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fec61a  No.15317537

File: 0e1c5db5bcda831⋯.jpg (31.82 KB, 478x476, 239:238, 0e1c5db5bcda8318a0a61c22a4….jpg)

Night shift is best shift

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3e82e8  No.15317538

File: 783fcab7f41a7a5⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1077x1077, 1:1, clockwinders.PNG)

>>15317430 PB

Too tired to absorb.

Will read over in am.

Proud to serve with you Anon.

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4ccd6f  No.15317539

File: 20f74f51ae9ade7⋯.png (55.58 KB, 412x495, 412:495, Screen_Shot_01_05_22_at_10….PNG)

Hillary Clinton


2022 is the first year women's faces will appear on U.S. quarters.

It's about time.

11:31 AM · Jan 5, 2022·Twitter Web App


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8276a9  No.15317540

File: 8ac864d966086b8⋯.jpg (109.17 KB, 995x1024, 995:1024, 1641412116214.jpg)

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d40b78  No.15317541

File: 8db7b9b313013f7⋯.png (52.07 KB, 874x356, 437:178, 1641332532531.png)

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6c3854  No.15317542

File: 0a9039036a15462⋯.png (1.15 MB, 588x700, 21:25, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15317457 lb

Getting away with it isn't the same as it being legal. They are criminals. In plain sight.

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7bb855  No.15317543


>four doors

>moar whores

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396549  No.15317544

File: 899fc4a82433a8d⋯.png (9.64 MB, 2048x2732, 512:683, 5770A7E8_14C9_4574_9424_81….png)


“Angry NPC noises”

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343e40  No.15317545

File: 3af6c2bc5ff2217⋯.png (360.54 KB, 840x551, 840:551, ClipboardImage.png)

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1c632b  No.15317546

File: 26e535725f76c73⋯.png (839.69 KB, 762x464, 381:232, green_test_pattern.png)

lots of bad news at anon's usual sources this eve.

anon thinks that means we're winning.

Godspeed, Nightshift.

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fec61a  No.15317547


He moved when the adrenochrome needle went in

That messes shit up moar

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4ccd6f  No.15317548


I've got my eye on her Twitter. I feel there's comms. I just can't put my finger on it…yet!

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6c3854  No.15317549

File: 90d9c796cb088b2⋯.png (638.72 KB, 992x414, 496:207, ClipboardImage.png)

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cf2374  No.15317550


I can see it just not that pic

the smile is pretty close but those are his eyes kmao grubby jew

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de43c4  No.15317551

Russian Satellite heading for DC


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1c632b  No.15317552


anon would buy her lunch

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e59364  No.15317553

File: 7c0143623732d80⋯.jpg (59.43 KB, 565x894, 565:894, greggcry_2.jpg)

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dd8b78  No.15317554


now thats dreaming BIG right there kek

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5461ef  No.15317555

File: f916110b8016bed⋯.png (9.37 KB, 255x178, 255:178, 4c2e3cf619de9f26216cd3994a….png)


Up-Dated Dough


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1c632b  No.15317556

File: 88155644bd034f5⋯.png (646.37 KB, 693x515, 693:515, djt_chess.png)

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c4de5b  No.15317557

File: 866e4dde214bc0f⋯.jpg (45.56 KB, 500x329, 500:329, 866e4dde214bc0f30d40b856f7….jpg)

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ce0730  No.15317558



>It's about time.

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d40b78  No.15317559


But all of the three-letter agencies that were put into place to "protect" Americans are actually (((OCCUPYING))) America, and oppressing Americans.

For all intents and purposes, we live in an ANARCHY where (((THEY))) get away with bloody murder, while WE are being kept at bey by the very (((ANGENCIES))) put in place to "Protect us."

This is what happens when you allow the jews to take control over the money system.

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661ae0  No.15317560

Just got done watching Ghostbusters Afterlife. It was a cute movie & made me sad that Egon is dead in real life

I had a crush on him when I was a kid

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5461ef  No.15317561

File: 58f2b6e437f8c11⋯.png (292.43 KB, 565x560, 113:112, 58f2b6e437f8c11e6e6746834a….png)


Shut up and bake.

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bc7abf  No.15317562

File: 1ad4d61ba9703d5⋯.png (171.24 KB, 647x315, 647:315, DthGms.png)

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e59364  No.15317563

File: 644ed89b950f47f⋯.jpg (57.55 KB, 372x577, 372:577, ezra.jpg)


Ah, but now we know.

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e5f42e  No.15317564



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e59364  No.15317565

Russian Rocket Roulette

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acc3b3  No.15317566


"… said the rock to the river."

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343e40  No.15317567


You know the rules…

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259d76  No.15317568




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5461ef  No.15317569


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7f5c06  No.15317570


I don't want women or men on coins - just GREAT people who moved society in a good direction. Knock of this stupid women shit.

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50cc1e  No.15317571

File: d193491388e49f7⋯.gif (3.98 MB, 311x221, 311:221, d193491388e49f7897054970ec….gif)




Let's take this baby for a ride.

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d40b78  No.15317572


25 D underwater checkers…

I know. I have heard this story.

We have to let the enemy destroy us or they win.

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8276a9  No.15317573


Jew movie, with jews playing the part of the grandchildren of dead jew.

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ce0730  No.15317574

File: 3bb76242c052efb⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 3024x4030, 1512:2015, FIHZn1FXMAw_zYu.jpg)


>Shut up and bake.


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cf2374  No.15317575


one of her doubles is her profile pic

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e6795d  No.15317576

File: 07553c56949bd01⋯.png (8.53 KB, 270x186, 45:31, ClipboardImage.png)

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5461ef  No.15317577


beech !

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c17234  No.15317578

File: 297447d52a84add⋯.png (1.44 MB, 2120x1319, 2120:1319, ClipboardImage.png)

Nobody saw this and nobody cared, but for the sake of 'news' the Grammys have been 'postponed'.

I should also mention that I too don't give a fuck.


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e5f42e  No.15317579


Anarcho Tyranny

“[Anarcho-Tyranny] describes a society that is simultaneously defined by chaos and by repression. The result of anarcho-tyranny is that government swells in power, criminals are not controlled, and law-abiding citizens wind up being repressed by the state and attacked by thugs.”

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dd8b78  No.15317580


Anarchy means Order without rulers… stop using language wrong… America of 1776 was in anarchy & thats how Q wants it to be again WE THE PEOPLE as the rulers… MSM & the communist dirtied the image of Anarchy for a reason

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772ca6  No.15317581

File: 400194ca4dce627⋯.jpg (59.99 KB, 548x340, 137:85, operative.jpg)

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5461ef  No.15317582

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396549  No.15317583


Stop promoting violence.

You angry psychotic with mental illness of F93.1.

We are watching you and your violence..

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d8a583  No.15317584

File: 1209a36f79f458d⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 306x233, 306:233, Screenshot_20210814_061122….jpg)


"Protecting (your)self, happens to be self-defense. Protecting others is warriorship."

And what, were (you) intending by saying: "Ot is easy to live by the sword?" ((Don')(t)) quite, comprehend some of this, Allright?

Is there, a piety detected?

Are you a projecting, by saying: "Rookie or Normies" by this grammar, and or (state)ment?

Projecting, or protecting?

Are you capable, of Warriorhood?

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e5f42e  No.15317585


“[Anarcho-Tyranny] describes a society that is simultaneously defined by chaos and by repression. The result of anarcho-tyranny is that government swells in power, criminals are not controlled, and law-abiding citizens wind up being repressed by the state and attacked by thugs.”

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7f5c06  No.15317586


Things like this and the clot shot disaster makes me use the word CUNT. No evidence has presented itself that TRUMP is not, yet…

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50cc1e  No.15317587

E-Baking this one and scraping…


You better stop that shit right there, too much sugar can rot your teeth.

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5461ef  No.15317588


you're funny! ty

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1c632b  No.15317589


there are lots of reasons to doubt or question but anon thinks that one was pretty obvious.

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1c632b  No.15317590

anon smells a woming

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7f5c06  No.15317591


Beauty and based information - will get many eyes!

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9d7c4c  No.15317592

has the russian rocket hit earth yet?

just got off work

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bce16f  No.15317593

File: 0c223dcd920a448⋯.jpg (90.47 KB, 700x875, 4:5, TYB4.jpg)

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4ccd6f  No.15317594


Going on a stretch here but…

Timestamp 11:31 am 11+3+1 and use 1 of her 2's = 17

Then she has 15 words and add another one of her 2's = 17

Can't figure out the need for other third 2.

Also has a "q" in there.

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cf2374  No.15317595


an anon had a theory that a big point of the jewish movies is to implant you with a false reality, by building associations between things that characters do in the movies and get rewarded for, that would not be rewarded IRL.

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2693fe  No.15317596

File: 06a4f2c01866bfb⋯.jpeg (91.7 KB, 741x860, 741:860, 446844A3_4AA5_46E0_8A57_A….jpeg)

File: 8d1e474e360a932⋯.jpeg (228.55 KB, 750x1121, 750:1121, 3A6868E5_0884_490A_BBCF_7….jpeg)


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e5f42e  No.15317597

File: 9af3fe27edf9cda⋯.png (177.82 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)


I thought you resolved to be less gay in 2022.

So much for that - not even 5 days in.

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7bb855  No.15317598


>this isn't /mlp/

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d40b78  No.15317599

File: c7791a3f063afbf⋯.png (29.98 KB, 651x272, 651:272, Screen_Shot_2022_01_05_at_….png)



Feel better????


Uh, huh.


Some have brians.

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8276a9  No.15317600


scheduled to hit white house shortly, to assist anons with final determination that no one is home

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a2f002  No.15317601

File: fd5640a7dedfe3d⋯.png (173.89 KB, 633x893, 633:893, Screen_Shot_2021_06_08_at_….png)

I'm tired of supporting mega banks. are there any based banking companies to use?

>cash only

<need digital abilities.


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7bb855  No.15317602


>(you) are watching a movie

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150f67  No.15317603


This is correct.

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0f2fcc  No.15317604

File: 3c963bda7659776⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1278x1585, 1278:1585, 8cf692ee65273b58477c9235be….png)

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7f5c06  No.15317605


This week Durham had his nails done and next week will be a beard trim.

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472faf  No.15317606

File: acd0f1c584ace7f⋯.jpg (48.6 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 752638bc564014c556c5a1674f….jpg)

>>15316749 lb

Keep in mind that Astana, Kazakhstan is the capital of the Illumaniti according to some sources. This is great news if the People of Kazakhstan took back their country. Great news for all of us if anything.

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62da10  No.15317607

File: 4107bff22e84cae⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1521x1037, 1521:1037, ClipboardImage.png)


it is clear as day anon!!!

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acc3b3  No.15317609


Credit unions seem to stay smaller and local.

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c1b110  No.15317610

File: d1ae69f0acd3e28⋯.png (794.06 KB, 799x441, 799:441, ClipboardImage.png)

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d40b78  No.15317611


The one on the left looks less like a jew than Cruz.

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1e2d5c  No.15317612


Local credit unions.

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7bb855  No.15317613


>credit union or society?

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396549  No.15317614

File: b77f87b84c26493⋯.jpeg (153.18 KB, 768x768, 1:1, BB73E63E_FE31_4163_80B0_E….jpeg)



It was a joke.

And I never made that resolution.

I planned on coming out actually right here on the kun.

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6c3854  No.15317615

File: 9475a601cc50495⋯.png (548.96 KB, 450x535, 90:107, ClipboardImage.png)


You can't win if you don't play.

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a288b3  No.15317616

File: 0787913438e8360⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Chase_Definition.jpg)

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one." - 2 Thessalonians 3:3

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." - Psalm 46:1

“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." - 🅼🅰🆃🆃🅷🅴🆆 6:13



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e5f42e  No.15317617


He gonna get got by Covid. Bet.

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dd8b78  No.15317618




that makes NO SENSE if you go by the true defintion of anarcy… you let yourself be brainwashed into thinking anarchy means disorder…

Think about it, before government (lets say 1500s North America) They lived in Aarchy, where they had leaders but no rulers, they had order within their groups/tribes…

either your shills or just no based yet

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652d12  No.15317619


In the movies the bad guys get caught and everyone loves the hero.

irl the bad guys get away with their crimes and they accuse the hero of what they themselves did.

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bab7ae  No.15317620


>The one on the left looks less like a jew than Cruz.


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cf2374  No.15317621


>what is (((agency capture)))

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4ccd6f  No.15317622


Your timestamp confirms.

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7f5c06  No.15317623


I won't believe she is arrested and we are watching a movie, unless I see her secret service jab a few punches at her on occassion. Okay Q?

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0f2fcc  No.15317624

File: 67ef3daaf4973f6⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1100x1100, 1:1, unicorn_meat_magically_del….png)

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bce16f  No.15317625


> /mlp/

milfs love penis ?

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396549  No.15317626


“You people have no idea the feels I feeled!”

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9d7c4c  No.15317627


it's the one time that I'd wish for Bidan to actually be at the WH.

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d40b78  No.15317628


No one is playing. That is the problem.

Once we "play," the game changes dramatically.

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e5f42e  No.15317629

File: 57f4fe41c11320d⋯.png (335.58 KB, 750x400, 15:8, ClipboardImage.png)


Sheeeet. My bad.

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c4de5b  No.15317630

File: cf58fc8ea8b3caf⋯.gif (382.67 KB, 320x240, 4:3, dfghj.gif)

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7e6fa9  No.15317631



Remember Aunt Bee from Andy Griffith rocking out on the piano after the snake oil salesman came to town? Remember Doc Baker having to save the town from snake oil made of morphine in Little House on the Prairie? All the same shit. Cruz sucks. Give him some chocolate pretzels from Mallrats

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bab7ae  No.15317632

File: f69e16bd460c41b⋯.png (924.65 KB, 907x909, 907:909, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96f28c150390471⋯.png (15.71 KB, 857x457, 857:457, 1620785084358.png)

It's like these people have never read the bible.

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661ae0  No.15317633



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150f67  No.15317634


Other anon posted true definition of anarchy. 1500s NA were primitive, constantly warring societies. They were extremely violent to outsiders, and had no real security ever. Sounds like noble savage paradise, yes?

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bab7ae  No.15317635


>It's like these people have never read the bible.

1 Thessalonians 2:15

15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

Revelation 2:9

9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9

9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Matthew 7:15-20

15 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

John 8:44

44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

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d40b78  No.15317636


Let me guess… It is when the jews take control over the monetary system, and take over / create agencies to keep the fucking jews in power?

Just a guess…

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dd8b78  No.15317637


thats why i liked Rubio in 2016… what ever happened to him???

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e5f42e  No.15317638


Good memory!

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66c00e  No.15317639

File: 88e5d2abb9a4488⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1350, 4:5, FIXHT6LX0A0eIQy.png)

tell you what I'd do man…

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c3a096  No.15317640

File: 112475732953818⋯.png (281.44 KB, 631x390, 631:390, 52_4801_62_1860.png)


Lisakovsk Pentagram

Denisov District, Kazakhstan

An abandoned Soviet-era park that, when viewed from the air, looks like a pentagram.


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c1b110  No.15317641

File: 0e9602aa52ac3cb⋯.png (85.76 KB, 977x355, 977:355, ClipboardImage.png)

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40aef7  No.15317642


13rays radiating

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8276a9  No.15317643


jews cannot create, hence why the jew steals the white mans business, art, music, and even stories/screenplays.

jew movies (99%), contain plots that in many cases are factual, yet billed as fiction. eg, the fictional story already took place, eg. the fictional tech already exists.

jew (luciferian) "religion" (folks here would say karma), requires the lhp (luciferian) apprentice to first inform its mark of the sins/crimes which the jew intends to commit to harm him. jew movies are used along these accords, to absolve the jew of the sin/crime, by first providing those to be targeted with a method to prevent becoming a victim. this is why so many jew wars/bombings/shootings/events (jew sins/crimes) are visible via what appears to be precognitive methods, and displayed with in jewish (luciferian) hollywood/media

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e5f42e  No.15317644


Lil Marco Water Bottle Rubio

Don't much trust him either. Sorry fren.

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d40b78  No.15317645


Rubio is Cruz lite, dude.

What the fuck are you smoking?

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db11a6  No.15317646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


a million people in that crowd

epic breakdown breh

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66c00e  No.15317647


with a chase from LaFours

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396549  No.15317648

File: 0bdce697ff2c63f⋯.jpeg (93.41 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 2C08D412_CC04_43B6_82A4_A….jpeg)


You care.

That’s why you are here.

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cf2374  No.15317649


do a side by side with old hill and compare their noses


every agency is inevitably captured by the groups it was tasked with regulating, and those groups are inevitably jewish

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ce0730  No.15317650

File: 01e0c13dc20ed6b⋯.png (366.53 KB, 535x645, 107:129, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b9e6e1a58b5609⋯.png (9.66 KB, 329x169, 329:169, ClipboardImage.png)



Russia state-affiliated media

Security at key facilities of Baikonur’s spaceport has been tightened and the branches of Roscosmos’ enterprises are working as normal, the Russian state space corporation’s head, Dmitry Rogozin, said:





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d47b17  No.15317651

File: 47d23c9ce9a321f⋯.png (392.73 KB, 893x541, 893:541, ztc2.PNG)

Cruz is another shady CIA cut out. Who is he really and where was he actually born, Canada? His mother was 3/4 Irish and 1/4 Italian. His father was supposedly Cuban, a revolutionary..

Cruz looks more like old QB Tom Harmon than his father on the right.

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e59364  No.15317652


nobody owes anyone anything, you bitch, Hillary

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acc3b3  No.15317653


You'd have the same symptoms (runny nose) and you'd get double the anti-bodies. Sounds great. What is the maximum number of variants you can have a the same time?

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7f5c06  No.15317654


Would be hilarious if illumanity got it's ass handed to it by the people of Kazakhstan of all places - God Speed if that is the case!

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e5f42e  No.15317655

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8276a9  No.15317656


there is no biden, only "BIDEN CLONES"

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c4de5b  No.15317657

File: 4f1be27ecca6380⋯.jpg (10.15 KB, 195x255, 13:17, 2680b5cfe004b428b60e97730d….jpg)

File: 21e26898a655176⋯.jpg (30.55 KB, 618x291, 206:97, tdhtfgjhytjhyj.jpg)

File: 89f3ebee628179f⋯.png (184.46 KB, 433x242, 433:242, 38232fd288dfbffad3374d0935….png)

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307533  No.15317658


You're not a frog. You are a fucking beaver.

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e2764e  No.15317659

File: 65cd11a6e0ada7f⋯.png (63.99 KB, 321x253, 321:253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b95f34cbe54f3c7⋯.png (549.86 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d96f05c5f93a13⋯.png (177.38 KB, 787x658, 787:658, Gifts.png)

>>15317490 (pb)

>>15317511 (pb)


In 80s/90s, at-risk men called it The Gift. (Irony served as salve for those most surrounded by suffering.)

Meanwhile, which not-at-risk group also called it "The Gift"–with whole other layer of "irony" (see documentary synopsis).

"Future Topic" coming?

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7e6fa9  No.15317660



Anon isn’t judging because anon like Bernie in 2016 but Rubio sounds super fucking ghey. Unless you wanted the morphine-laced snake oil. Anon was in a hippie-vibe because our system has been rigged for millennia and was trying to teach people that one doesn’t have to do things for monetary gain to make a difference. Hopefully some of those sacrifices stuck but probably won’t because everyone anon helped has experienced so much suffering since it escapes the mind. Maybe they’ll remember later, hopefully

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c3a096  No.15317661

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396549  No.15317662

File: 5d6995d2eca71aa⋯.jpeg (94.19 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 29564D05_9353_408D_90EE_F….jpeg)


It’s probably cat meat.

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c1b110  No.15317663


Credit union or crypto…..use discernment.

Lamentably, you wont find credit unions with the same sophisticated vaccinated services for trading, research etc. But, for your basic in/out and checks, credit union is the way to go.

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6010d7  No.15317664

File: a2c6d895b9ab12e⋯.jpg (49.5 KB, 600x371, 600:371, 1641399252608.jpg)

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d40b78  No.15317665


It would be a shame for the peoples of the world to learn that all of the space programs are complete and total bullshit.

Of course they (((Secured))) the faclilities.

Imagine 5 BILLION PEOPLE going after every last liar on earth.

To me, it would be glorious. To them?


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472faf  No.15317666

File: dbaaa553afc1cd8⋯.gif (3.25 MB, 336x480, 7:10, gangsters_of_all_time.gif)


Kazakhstan = Khazars homeland? Geographically in the appropriate area too. Birthplace of modern day Satanism?

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db11a6  No.15317667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



got to do it

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8613de  No.15317668

Ted Cruz has over $1 million potentially at stake in case to be heard before Supreme Court on Monday. Maybe his recent terrorist label re 1/6 Patriots (unless he was talking about Antifa- who are terrorists) was a down-payment on a favorable result before SCOTUS.


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7e6fa9  No.15317669


It’s probably Rubio fishing for “likes”. Hard pass

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ce0730  No.15317670

File: d32b4b15861d2ec⋯.png (1.13 KB, 297x28, 297:28, Screenshot_2021_04_11_Secr….png)

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e59364  No.15317671

File: e01229ee75274fe⋯.jpeg (314.93 KB, 720x445, 144:89, frogs.jpeg)

Speaking of frogs, they were singing tonight in n. calif. Spring is coming. Unless, of course, the rocket hits Yellowstone.

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dd8b78  No.15317672


If you know about nations=tribes… a nation in archery is within order &leaders but no rulers, (leaders arent elected or put in power with force but gain the role thru TRUE leadership (kind of like 45 or Q) ,

You are still brianwashed… read the wealth of a nation,

dont believe what this system wants you to think( that naivety)

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fec61a  No.15317673

File: 16524673413b43f⋯.jpg (108.3 KB, 1024x992, 32:31, 16524673413b43f44a9c91ad08….jpg)


Welcome gayzes

We need you strong horse dicks to fuck the DS in the arse

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196efe  No.15317674

File: 9b9d0770cc06c2d⋯.mp4 (6.82 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, LjJ0JkgSa_9OYliY.mp4)




Cruz has long been a tool

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3f9713  No.15317675

Tonight I made a video to help show the normies things are happening. Please feel free to share.


ome say nothing is going on, nothing is happening. When you have to fight a war, and yes we are at war, in an unconventional way, it's going to be harder to see what's really going on. You just have to know where to look. It's the calm before the storm.


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150f67  No.15317676


Anon, you are making no sense whatsoever. You are in over your head.

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e6795d  No.15317677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6c3854  No.15317678

File: 799dc4eb53c637c⋯.png (442.07 KB, 704x704, 1:1, thwakthwakthwakthwakthwak.png)


Kazakhstan has strategic importance so the usual regressive (((popes))) are making shit up again.

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50cc1e  No.15317679

File: 43d404c05f3ba21⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1900x1268, 475:317, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66ebf349552ce10⋯.png (310.61 KB, 500x523, 500:523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb293f1fdef9df3⋯.png (462.22 KB, 961x561, 961:561, ClipboardImage.png)


What about the other 5?

<Mix n Match?

So can one get all the Vaccines and the catch all the Coronas at once?

What would that do?

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44fb47  No.15317680

File: cd428509bbab1e4⋯.jpg (375.4 KB, 833x550, 833:550, eccofriendly.jpg)

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396549  No.15317681

File: 7d041ed64fe9812⋯.gif (1.77 MB, 480x640, 3:4, 8A39F723_5412_4339_ACA7_8D….gif)


Fucking beavers are usually all wet.


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d40b78  No.15317682


Kek. His PR team told him to come here and test the waters.

As fucked as that sounds… I believe it.

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4ccd6f  No.15317683

File: df65752861e9a0b⋯.png (49.17 KB, 412x505, 412:505, Screen_Shot_01_05_22_at_11….PNG)

File: 03322fcc6b3efee⋯.png (44.04 KB, 833x508, 833:508, ClipboardImage.png)

Timestamp 4:46 pm 16:46 1+6+4+6 = 17

and a mirrored 17 enclosed in the red part.

Edward Snowden


I am skeptical that betting the political future of an entire party on "January 6th" as the enduring brand in which to invest all time and attention is going to seem as wise when elections come—in just 300 days.

(Source: https://news.gallup.com/poll/357731/inflation-causing-hardship-households.aspx)

4:46 PM · Jan 5, 2022·Twitter Web App


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db11a6  No.15317684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ce0730  No.15317685

File: 727902cb8009cfc⋯.png (772.92 KB, 443x713, 443:713, ClipboardImage.png)

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9ef264  No.15317686

File: 66c5cb498a31f7a⋯.png (719.81 KB, 1228x1162, 614:581, Screenshot_2022_01_05_2112….png)



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7f5c06  No.15317687


All this because MAGGOT FAUCI and Gates created COVID from Bats in Wuhan Military Biowarfare Lab. Deserves no mercy.

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0aa5cf  No.15317688

File: e0b2e2fa29c274e⋯.mp4 (3.42 MB, 640x360, 16:9, B6CI32CB9KNPPgzH.mp4)

il Donaldo Trumpo


🇺🇸 https://t.co/dh85BEvg70


10:08 PM · Jan 5, 2022·Twitter Web

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dd8b78  No.15317689


speak for yourself… 45 still leads more people then biden (anarchy would ensure if he really wanted it to, but for some dumb reason he wants to keep this government running)

Dont assume your knowledge to be greater without putting noting of value out

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0b0285  No.15317690

File: edfe740788f7d70⋯.png (15.32 KB, 525x158, 525:158, re_libtard_circle_jerk_1_6….PNG)

Tomorrow will be the biggest liberal circle jerk in the history of Twitter



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d40b78  No.15317691


Women are like that.

I once had a girl friend like liked sex in her ear.

Every time I tried to stick it in her mouth, she would turn her head.

Women are odd creatures…

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ef3edd  No.15317692

File: d76bed9cc28730b⋯.jpg (156.5 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, BIDEN_FOOL.jpg)

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e59364  No.15317693

File: 5b1290ee40d8e60⋯.png (3.7 MB, 2823x1748, 2823:1748, whatstorm.png)

File: 032a1476973bb62⋯.jpeg (484.66 KB, 780x526, 390:263, whatstorm.jpeg)

File: 0daa6441127b84a⋯.png (782.97 KB, 993x619, 993:619, trumpyou.png)

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bce16f  No.15317694

File: 09502b278e0fc7e⋯.jpg (123.51 KB, 894x349, 894:349, chrome1.JPG)

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ce0730  No.15317695

File: 553b0aa36b8c7a2⋯.png (17.42 KB, 532x230, 266:115, ClipboardImage.png)

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c1b110  No.15317696

File: c8c753aef8370a7⋯.png (244.91 KB, 339x335, 339:335, ClipboardImage.png)


>why the jew steals the white mans

Like I just stole this meme?

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e59364  No.15317697


they created the vaxxx in the lab. they created covid in your head.

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150f67  No.15317698


You are talking in circles without making any point. Chinese?

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7e6fa9  No.15317699


>over a million dollars at stake

Reminds anon of the famous vidya of 45 “this video will get DJT elected” when he said there are trillions of dollars at stake in this election. Anon hears that they have built their debt-based life so big that they need more and more and more. Anon has basically nothing. Anon wants a simple life, other than the boards, like having a decent-size plot of land with a tractor older than 45 himself. Maybe some other equipment to work the land but nothing new. Maybe a mill to make own lumber that’s cheap. It’s not much to ask. These people just take millions and gorillions. It makes no sense to anon. How greedy can a person be? Are they paying their handlers and handlers handlers? It’s all fucked

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259d76  No.15317700





excellently done!

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e59364  No.15317701

File: 10aa0698991e53f⋯.jpeg (5.45 KB, 255x156, 85:52, aoceyes.jpeg)

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cf2374  No.15317702

File: ccc237e92b26659⋯.png (127.85 KB, 239x236, 239:236, ClipboardImage.png)


well said

I've heard this many times and I believe it.

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01a2d7  No.15317704


It isnt slowing down. whatever is going on, it isnt about to crash yet

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db11a6  No.15317706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6c3854  No.15317707


Politicized psychobabble is the modern equivalent of hexing people. It still doesn't work.

Nuremberg is looking for you. Disfiguring and torturing children for pleasure and profit is too insane to be tolerated by anybody, anywhere.

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7e6fa9  No.15317708


>As fucked as that sounds… I believe it.

Agreed. That’s how this works. Litmus test. Just talk as much smack as possible. Be like DJT Jr on twitter x 100. They’ll scurry off kek

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ce0730  No.15317709

File: 2e6af705fdbee50⋯.png (409.21 KB, 298x711, 298:711, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a30bde11c4f79dd⋯.jpg (61.21 KB, 347x750, 347:750, FG8dPrpVIAU8cIo.jpg)



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1b3b9b  No.15317710

File: 2cc57259509ee53⋯.mp4 (5.78 MB, 960x540, 16:9, 1599405279_Copy.mp4)


Jan 6, The Video Trump doesn't want you to see.

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40aef7  No.15317711

File: 1b65f6f4ed0611b⋯.png (68.04 KB, 741x721, 741:721, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15317699 chekk'd

"Give us this day our daily bread…"

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7f5c06  No.15317712


I would put COVID being a real pathogen at about 25% probablity. Can't say it doesn't exist at all because real DRs are saying if you had COVID before and then get vaxxed - you get more complications because both create bad spike proteins that go around killing you and your immune system. So it's a maybe from me.

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dd8b78  No.15317713


think you might have a low IQ(bad pattern recognition) cause its not that hard to understand… maybe lurk a little more or learn to be a better shill.. either way your post are pointless

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a2156d  No.15317714


Satan digits seem pretty freaky

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4ccd6f  No.15317716

File: c1a47e3ad74a495⋯.png (44.13 KB, 833x508, 833:508, lessthan10.png)

File: 5db03ecd84904ee⋯.png (1.51 KB, 140x63, 20:9, Screen_Shot_01_05_22_at_11….PNG)


Very Nice Anon!

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8b19af  No.15317717


“Backstage” Pantera had a pup tent and half a bottle of booze. Best band ever.

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737776  No.15317718


It may not have slowed yet.

But I think it's about to when it get sub 49k.

Probably in Northern Canada or the Atlantic at the point.

It surely is done bouncing at this point.

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cf2374  No.15317719


do the jews own all their businesses too

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9aeda6  No.15317720

File: 3e92ceeb719c991⋯.png (212.66 KB, 1384x733, 1384:733, ClipboardImage.png)


I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

The free bird leaps

on the back of the wind

and floats downstream

till the current ends

and dips his wings

in the orange sun rays

and dares to claim the sky.

But a bird that stalks

down his narrow cage

can seldom see through

his bars of rage

his wings are clipped and

his feet are tied

so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings

with fearful trill

of the things unknown

but longed for still

and his tune is heard

on the distant hill

for the caged bird

sings of freedom

The free bird thinks of another breeze

an the trade winds soft through the sighing trees

and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn

and he names the sky his own.

But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams

his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream

his wings are clipped and his feet are tied

so he opens his throat to sing

The caged bird sings

with a fearful trill

of things unknown

but longed for still

and his tune is heard

on the distant hill

for the caged bird

sings of freedom.

~Maya Angelou

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fec61a  No.15317721

File: 16875d4ecf9981c⋯.jpg (130.54 KB, 1695x1196, 1695:1196, 16875d4ecf9981c4530b183b53….jpg)


You know that is Antifags burning, right?

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652d12  No.15317722


You can't win if the other side cheats.

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661ae0  No.15317723


That really fucked me up when I was younger. I watched A LOT of TV growing up. I had a "Happily ever after" mentality going through life. Optimistic about everything. That anything bad will work out in the end & not actually be that bad.

Then one day a close family member died & shattered everything.

It's crazy when I think back on all of that & how I viewed things & why

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e59364  No.15317724


I suppose they may have doctored the yearly flu vaxx to make the covid more deadly, but then it wasn't more deadly, except in nursing homes…where family members were kept from seeing what the hell was really going on.

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737776  No.15317725


Just checked. It's Sub 49K right now!

South pacific fire ball, your up!

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150f67  No.15317726


You lose, Chang.

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307533  No.15317727


It's perfectly reasonable to be wearing shorts and a t-shirt in January in DC.

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79f2d2  No.15317728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Putin Rocket

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396549  No.15317729


Who disfigured or tortured children.

I made a joke.

The joke was poking fun at the state of this board (depending on who’s bakering).

Chill the fuck out or I will find you, and meme the fuck out of you.

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40aef7  No.15317730

File: 008b68a471e7082⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1436x885, 1436:885, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf0962a214fa0a3⋯.png (930.48 KB, 1420x816, 355:204, ClipboardImage.png)


Q+ seems to know Supertramp

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7f5c06  No.15317731


"You will own nothing and be happy." "You will enjoy rations if your social credit allows it, you will enjoy mandotry medicine experiments till death, you will enjoy a box to live in, you will not be allowed out of the box, you will not be allowed thoughts other then what in the box, you will enjoy your death. You can always trust greedy BILLIONAIRES to feed you for free with unversal income… Get Real…

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452c1f  No.15317732

>>15316171(pb) notables

>To Boost Ratings, Newly Tattooed Brian Stelter Does >DMT, Starts Talking About Elk Meat

>comedian Brian Stelter



This guy is making dmt look bad…. and he's trying hard to be exactly like Joe Rogan.

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d8a583  No.15317733

I have a Question.

Ppl in OUR world are starving. Most cram packed into city centers, when massive amounts of the planet, happens to be habitable.

It's called the desert.

Poverty = rampant, BC/ of the way things have been left by the "old gaurd." Evil everywhere (but, much more good obvi).

When are we too hit the great reset button, so family's and OUR chilldren can have prosperity, for world wide amnesty, and healing Us, and healing OUR planet?

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661ae0  No.15317734

File: 95e3d959691f72b⋯.jpg (353.49 KB, 500x539, 500:539, lizardsimulation.jpg)

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e3163d  No.15317735

File: ffceeb2e55d9175⋯.png (270.36 KB, 685x585, 137:117, Polish_20220105_231942596.png)

>>15317134 (pb)

10th Mountain in DC too…

Vid at link


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1b3b9b  No.15317736

File: ebd64b0e7d4a55c⋯.mp4 (965.22 KB, 320x690, 32:69, 1599426036_Copy.mp4)

Hidden Footage from Jan 6th just released

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ce0730  No.15317737

File: 7f4240cbaa51a87⋯.png (319.22 KB, 398x636, 199:318, Screenshot_2022_01_06_at_0….png)




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9ef264  No.15317738

File: d00450bab24f073⋯.png (651.12 KB, 940x922, 470:461, Screenshot_2022_01_05_2122….png)

Two FL cops Arkancided.


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259d76  No.15317739


at approx 10:30 look in the background, they are sweeping up the leaves in the far background when Ezera is speaking… about elevating SPECIAL FORCES to a new position, and they are CLEANING UP in the background!!!

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dd8b78  No.15317740






Funny how you only responding to me… exposed yourself for what you are… im just surprised that the chinese got you in here

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652d12  No.15317741


an alternate reality

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4a8e15  No.15317742

File: 95e94cab8128973⋯.jpeg (414.58 KB, 751x840, 751:840, FCA54398_0E54_46E8_9A72_E….jpeg)

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150f67  No.15317743


Take your meds….that's my final word.

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472faf  No.15317744


Happened organically too. Mentioned Satanism and I used a .gif of a goat… It is what it is….

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e6795d  No.15317745

File: cd9311973e5072a⋯.png (54.62 KB, 615x434, 615:434, ClipboardImage.png)

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583ac2  No.15317746

File: e0fd55a39a75836⋯.png (3.82 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 71EC6218_8390_47B8_A86E_2B….png)

Jan 6

Where the media enablers present a parade of Dem/commie sociopaths

Hereafter know as The Liars Parade

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dd8b78  No.15317747



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01a2d7  No.15317748


It's good for another round

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cf2374  No.15317749


China has infrastructure and surveillance all over Pakistan and the global jew owns China.

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259d76  No.15317750


we knew this.. look at his WIFE, she wrote a NEW US CONSTITUTION… She is EVIL

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6c3854  No.15317751


Peak Bullshit

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d40b78  No.15317752


Anon's meds won't work unless we all take ours.

Funny how that works.

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583ac2  No.15317753


500k children don’t just disappear

The cops are in on it….

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4ccd6f  No.15317754


Whoa! Nice Job, Anon!

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396549  No.15317755


God has a kick ass array of weapons at his disposal.

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9ef264  No.15317756

File: 456fe5c00e9473e⋯.png (33.68 KB, 820x241, 820:241, Screenshot_2022_01_05_2127….png)


That's what she said.


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c1b110  No.15317757

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Connor Lamb talks about the Big Lie

Connor → Con her

Lamb -→ Sheep

Conning the sheep?

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d40b78  No.15317758

File: b02fbaf6e3368a8⋯.jpeg (74.52 KB, 472x670, 236:335, 1641230010748.jpeg)


We know…

The jews take them for their Satanic rituals.


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1b3b9b  No.15317759

File: 41084987bee4310⋯.mp4 (8.97 MB, 856x480, 107:60, 1623270319_Copy.mp4)

Jan 6th Attack on the Capital

When will the Cycle End

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737776  No.15317760


Ya, I was sure it would have hit enough atmosphere to start slowing down.

Once more small bounce coming up.

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44fb47  No.15317761

File: bad6abc59300ce5⋯.jpg (381.71 KB, 899x645, 899:645, snowie.jpg)

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452c1f  No.15317762


Judges, lawyers, DA's, preachers, politicians…..

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652d12  No.15317763


Rich people can't be rich without poor people.

It's all relative.

The rich need the poor or they wouldn't be rich.

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e59364  No.15317764

File: 156c206f5eb86ec⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1280x827, 1280:827, bullshit_2.png)

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7f5c06  No.15317765


When we stop putting mouth pieces in charge as a society - we need deep thinkers, engineers, autists to think up superior systems. RIght now the salemen are running the asylum - it never ends well. We need people who can engineer solutions and not just blow hot air all day long and hamper humanity at every turn.

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583ac2  No.15317766


You really that dumb you fucking kike

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7e6fa9  No.15317767


Because of how fucked our minds have become at the hands of the evils ones… anon has to question why pepe is in the shower with Epstein Island designs on the shower wall. Kek

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6a5507  No.15317768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For the Failure-[To]-State-A-Claim.

>>14863399 (QSG)







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d40b78  No.15317769

File: c7791a3f063afbf⋯.png (29.98 KB, 651x272, 651:272, Screen_Shot_2022_01_05_at_….png)


That is why the JEWS created AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.

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ce0730  No.15317770

File: 3765d42631678ec⋯.png (318.6 KB, 478x526, 239:263, Screenshot_2022_01_06_at_0….png)

On Saturday, India and Pakistan exchanged a list of their respective nuclear installations and facilities under an existing bilateral agreement.



>Peace is the prize.

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2d8313  No.15317771

File: d96b5b1e8cb00da⋯.png (41.32 KB, 673x460, 673:460, d96b5b1e8cb00daacaa3949d90….png)

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dd8b78  No.15317772


kek they have to hide the "meds" in the food since they cant maintain power cause they have no true LEADERSHIP qualities


kek im not rubio just wondering why he fell of the face of the earth & i just liked him over cruz

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adda0b  No.15317773

File: a2c0e8bc3912fde⋯.jpg (48.17 KB, 540x400, 27:20, a2c0e8bc3912fdeee89185ece8….jpg)


Moore digs needed on Ted's father. I was told recently his dad was a bad guy involved with the nazi party. And Ted did some things for him. Not sure if true.

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7f5c06  No.15317774


His dread locks dreaded that. Where is the dancing Antifa fire fuck video? I could do with a laugh… this helps so much!

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a2c975  No.15317775


Solid af anon.

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8276a9  No.15317776


I'm right here, have always held in my hands the solutions for all problems, and have the will to see though changes through.

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7e6fa9  No.15317777


Those tabloid grocery store magazines are probably the most accurate reporting we have.

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e59364  No.15317778

File: ec7ac15ca3853b2⋯.png (2.45 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2022_01_05_at_….png)

Fema busy in the news today- staging?

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c1b110  No.15317779

File: f8177de7eac51ac⋯.png (91.02 KB, 1176x600, 49:25, ClipboardImage.png)


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bce16f  No.15317780


Who's God?

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9ef264  No.15317781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d5d41a  No.15317782

File: b75fc256ccecc26⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1202x1449, 1202:1449, BF9E4255_8766_4593_88ED_E….jpeg)


it’s those damned disobedient whites with guns, really

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8276a9  No.15317783


nice digits anon

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652d12  No.15317784


Also to create animosity.

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a2c975  No.15317785


Digits cheked

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6c3854  No.15317786

File: 0613b2c5c4760bc⋯.png (89.91 KB, 369x369, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Meme. Improvise. Overcome.

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6a5507  No.15317787

File: 743f39a805d60f3⋯.gif (4.96 MB, 800x600, 4:3, 743f39a805d60f31ffbd96566d….gif)




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661ae0  No.15317788


Is FEMA setting up in the same areas in the US that the Capital Police are going to as well? That would be funny

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e2764e  No.15317789


Shes paid to but still nice I guess?

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c1b110  No.15317790

File: 0e66d8efffdfee8⋯.png (146.76 KB, 643x217, 643:217, ClipboardImage.png)

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d40b78  No.15317791


As a lawfag, there is a lot of truth to this.

But as long as the JEW-LOVING BOOMERS and in control, none of that is possible.

I have represented people exercising their rights, and trust me, I know.


I was just spit-ballin', anon.

No offense intended.


And that. Which should not be overlooked!

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7f5c06  No.15317792


She would not kill herself with a face like that - if it was like the US Health Tranny, then for sure, I would believe suicide as likely cause.

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dd8b78  No.15317793


yea i would would hate to be on the other side of it kek


the most high God aka the I AM youre afraid to face

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a2c975  No.15317794

File: fc2810c3f9bd361⋯.jpeg (43.08 KB, 474x315, 158:105, C6E0C383_90C8_40B4_96A9_1….jpeg)


That clown should expose it right after “muh chat logs”

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1c632b  No.15317795

File: af778d9c788065c⋯.png (254.44 KB, 508x291, 508:291, Screen_Shot_2022_01_05_at_….png)

we know what you are. we just need to establish your price, kitten.

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c3a096  No.15317796

File: aa75ddb1143a3f8⋯.png (528.16 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, WWN_min.png)


it is weird that Weekly World News was part of the anthrax op. I wonder what that was about?

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396549  No.15317797

File: 99517c276c066ff⋯.jpeg (527 KB, 1536x1139, 1536:1139, 080B8979_1E12_4C28_A85A_A….jpeg)

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c1b110  No.15317798

File: fefde7b9a4975a1⋯.png (213.41 KB, 1052x300, 263:75, ClipboardImage.png)


odd….on my 7th post

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d40b78  No.15317799


The NOSES are the dead give-a-way.

Take notes, BOOMERS!

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fec61a  No.15317800

File: 352856b263fe249⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1280x1232, 80:77, 1d248ed5647fdaea0a63d9ef1e….png)


Anon makes a good point

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62da10  No.15317801

File: 772b47ca7a2f490⋯.webm (1.66 MB, 638x662, 319:331, devil_boy.webm)


here is batboy

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7f5c06  No.15317802


That is the final word - men may jump around, but when God wants them to sit down, it takes mere seconds… Karma is going to catch up to these fuckers, it's inevitable…

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1b7e91  No.15317803


Was just thinking’ of the cactus doorknob and Pepe McThistle.

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8276a9  No.15317804


hate to break it to you anon, but the genital deformities far outweigh the nasal deformity

such is the price of selling ones soul

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de0d05  No.15317805


Hi QSG anon

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452c1f  No.15317806

File: 65614a940d14a67⋯.gif (2.03 MB, 480x261, 160:87, xTiTnkCSkEeBijjq00.gif)


Men in black even joked about it

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8613de  No.15317807


To hear the oral argument on the stay of the OSHA COVID19 vaccine mandate (on employers with over 100 employees) before the Supreme Court (petition to Justice Kavanaugh) on Friday, and the one challenging the imposition of the vaccine on Medicare and Medicaid staff (petition to Justice Alito), go to Supreme Court website (link below) and click the "live audio" link. I think it it is scheduled for 10 am EST, Friday, Jan 7, 2022.


The two sets of consolidated cases are before the U.S. Supreme Court are Biden et al. v. Missouri et al., case number 21A240; Becerra et al. v. Louisiana et al., case number 21A241; National Federation of Independent Business et al. v. Department of Labor et al., case number 21A244; and Ohio et al. v. Department of Labor et al., case number 21A247.

The foregoing paragraph and a good summary is found at:


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dd8b78  No.15317808


oh i know that fren

i only "kek" when i know its friendly banter but i know the shills watch me hard, so i know they saw my response… was just using your post to kick them a little more kek

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307533  No.15317809

File: e3d7f64fb6f3bf1⋯.webm (1.58 MB, 514x250, 257:125, 1641432862028.webm)



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e5b96a  No.15317810

File: 0c96d1f1b4147d5⋯.jpg (48.81 KB, 700x376, 175:94, NukeOrbit.JPG)

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de0d05  No.15317811




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1c632b  No.15317812

File: b1aa7af152c69f2⋯.png (417.56 KB, 868x491, 868:491, Screen_Shot_2022_01_05_at_….png)

isn't this thing gonny burn up already?

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396549  No.15317813

File: 34a653b55bd769a⋯.jpeg (104.35 KB, 1536x202, 768:101, 3F80325E_5031_46E6_A724_B….jpeg)


Post the damn pics and stop holding out!

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bc7abf  No.15317814

File: cba4317c9b17fab⋯.jpg (81.81 KB, 783x461, 783:461, Lies2.jpg)

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ce0730  No.15317815

File: 1590b209b0a4d99⋯.jpg (50.75 KB, 480x592, 30:37, E99Oz60X0AYUZS8.jpg)


>We are the news

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d40b78  No.15317816


I would normally agree, but when you consider that the BOOMER willingly MUTILATE their MALES through the barbaric practice of JEWISH PENIS MUTILATION, that is no longer a barometer.

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5461ef  No.15317817

File: 1a3535caa44e154⋯.png (589.66 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 1a3535caa44e154a7d8deed45d….png)

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62da10  No.15317818


check is in the mail

i love you

i wont come in your mouth

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452c1f  No.15317819

File: 7b69d39d8f284e3⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 3osBLwffZE2J5kt1VS.gif)

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d40b78  No.15317820

File: bd59ea13831b76a⋯.jpeg (148.86 KB, 902x960, 451:480, korea.jpeg)

Even the ZOOMER Koreans know, BOOMERS!

You should all hang your heads in shame and take the (((VACCINE))).

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c3a096  No.15317821

File: 5b829cf2469529e⋯.jpg (296.91 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Raccoon.jpg)

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d40b78  No.15317822


Pretty much sums it up. Put a Merchant head over the pig, and you got it 100%.

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1c632b  No.15317823

File: a7893881b96ac91⋯.png (143.34 KB, 510x518, 255:259, Screen_Shot_2022_01_05_at_….png)


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50cc1e  No.15317824

File: 3d8d3eabc31ca70⋯.jpeg (418.26 KB, 1800x1125, 8:5, qr5.jpeg)

File: af9860c2e36cdc6⋯.jpg (231.49 KB, 1150x1072, 575:536, tbot.jpg)

File: 816ed17f0851b1f⋯.png (43.56 KB, 300x262, 150:131, Why2.png)

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1c632b  No.15317825

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dd8b78  No.15317826


thats what concerns me the most, i want to save as many people as possible before judgment day… i would prefer God wouldnt harden their hearts, but thats Gods will & he willed me to keep on trying… its heartbreaking knowing whats going to happen, especially to those i love

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6a5507  No.15317827

File: d4cf7d23d071a41⋯.jpeg (161.78 KB, 1267x1074, 1267:1074, d4cf7d23d071a41e931b41469….jpeg)


>I have represented people exercising their rights, and trust me, I know.

Having a lawyer [re]present you puts you in their jurisdiction.

:Claim of the Life and with some knowledge of the Mail-Mechanics keeps you out of (their) fake courts.

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452c1f  No.15317828


You back to whining again about baby dicks pedo?

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583ac2  No.15317829

File: 5cb63f9f28e7d81⋯.png (3.37 MB, 2048x1076, 512:269, 35E0C952_BF5D_4870_9A80_06….png)

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bce16f  No.15317830

File: d84307e21b722fa⋯.jpg (131.54 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, themachines.jpg)

File: 1a33fbdf2889bf4⋯.png (253.06 KB, 507x452, 507:452, Screenshot_2022_01_05_2342….png)

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7e6fa9  No.15317831


>You can't win if the other side cheats.

That’s not actually true. Anon has always loved playing boards games, even if losing, just in hopes to make a comeback. If not? Who cares. Ya still tried. Same with sports back in school. One thing anon has learned, though… never bet against a Trump.

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8613de  No.15317832


Who is that little boy? He seems very comfortable and familiar with the real POTUS.

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1c632b  No.15317833


we over the target again like that russian rocket

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1b3b9b  No.15317834

File: e9f23bb57d2dfb4⋯.mp4 (602.35 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 1599389190_1_Copy.mp4)

Jan 6th

Never forget

They Burned

They Looted

They Murdered

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ce0730  No.15317835

File: 9d40c692046cde9⋯.png (19.53 KB, 478x421, 478:421, Screenshot_2022_01_06_at_0….png)


Joyce Karam


UPDATE: #Kazakhstan

• Massive Protests storm Gov buildings

• Gov. Out

• Pro Russia Forces to intervene

• Prez declared State of Emergency

• @netblocks

: Internet Blackout

• Airport Breached

• Reports on elite fleeing

• 5:33 am there


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7e6fa9  No.15317836

Yo, whatever happened with the ghey Russian space junk? Anon stopped caring hours ago. Didn’t ever care, it was just less boring if a dayshift

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cf2374  No.15317837


very nice


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0b1a3c  No.15317838

File: 1cddeb486d1560f⋯.png (225.28 KB, 1123x1000, 1123:1000, mossad.png)

File: 08c6af1d4b8af4a⋯.jpg (602.36 KB, 1011x1167, 337:389, shillsobiec.jpg)


>“muh chat logs”

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bce16f  No.15317839

File: 7d33bcf3e940f57⋯.jpg (64.34 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 4tgziz_1_.jpg)

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d40b78  No.15317840


They tried doing it their way and found out.

Your statement is both TRUE and FALSE, but hey, that's what happens when we live in JEW CLOWN WORLD.


I am whining about genital mutilation, you stupid jew cunt.

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6c9a8a  No.15317841

File: 879d2212a8b8a15⋯.png (189.11 KB, 500x702, 250:351, ClipboardImage.png)


tyb and infinity dubs chek'ed


this anon does a lot (own observance) here to help as well as other places irl.

but just as a hobbies anon likes to keep a eye on the banksters and been tracking the financials moves and shakes.

This a couple of breads ago seems like something the biden admin should be really worried about !!! Afganistan bank is in trouble, Turkey is having problems with Erdagan looking like doing the same as the Afgan pm driving off with carloads of cash, suden, myanmar and so many moar !!




Kazakhstan State of Emergency

Press Statement

Ned Price, Department Spokesperson

January 5, 2022

The following is attributable to Spokesperson Ned Price:

The United States is closely following the situation in Kazakhstan, a valued partner. We condemn the acts of violence and destruction of property and call for restraint by both the authorities and protestors. We ask for all Kazakhstanis to respect and defend constitutional institutions, human rights, and media freedom, including through the restoration of internet service. We urge all parties to find a peaceful resolution of the state of emergency.


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1c632b  No.15317842


ok sorry for being tardy. what's anons' read on this? white op or black op?

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db11a6  No.15317843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mr Pig stopped answering my DMs

But I get it

I understand

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7e6fa9  No.15317844


That a fucked up story. Can’t even

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396549  No.15317845


Difficult comparison.

PET scan lights up (dark areas) where high metabolic activity is. The tracer is radioactive glucose. Stupid time to scan 8 days after booster vaccination given.

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a2c975  No.15317846

File: 641692058f1e21b⋯.jpeg (119.25 KB, 950x534, 475:267, 1118449F_A70E_41BA_AA3E_7….jpeg)


these people really are stupid

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6a5507  No.15317848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Still Tracking

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6c3854  No.15317849

File: 6ea3c83c571275a⋯.png (154.41 KB, 263x192, 263:192, ClipboardImage.png)

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652d12  No.15317850


I don't play with cheaters. There is no point to it.

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fec61a  No.15317852

File: d940a820be8243c⋯.jpg (22.45 KB, 238x255, 14:15, 8f25cded3feecf1475526a0771….jpg)


He went from a cuck to a hero, and back to a cuck

And he still doesn't understand our memes are the driver

Don't fuck with children of the light

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01a2d7  No.15317853


Starting to seriously think this rocket isn't what we've been told. Head fake as distraction maybe

why and for what, I can't guess

hardly anyone is even 'looking up'

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afcc38  No.15317854


> : Internet Blackout

totally backfired. No internet, nothing else to do but overthrow the gov

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b2298a  No.15317855

Orbit getting critical now / approaching DC flyover


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d40b78  No.15317856


If Russia takes over, then we will know for sure.

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1c632b  No.15317857


many clowns are aspiring film directors/screenplay writers.

and obviously authors.

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0aa5cf  No.15317858



Very good anon, i watched but need to rewatch again. A strategy that had been drafted and designed by JFK, and that is bring fulfilled by DJT. There’s many messages that are subtle in the plan. God Wins us the message i received

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c3a096  No.15317859


Rapid Progression of Angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma Following BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Booster Shot: A Case Report

Since nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccines strongly activate T follicular helper cells, it is important to explore the possible impact of approved SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines on neoplasms affecting this cell type. Herein, we report and discuss unexpected rapid progression of lymphomatous lesions after administration of a BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine booster in a man recently diagnosed with AITL.

Angioimmunoblastic T-cell Lymphoma


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632051  No.15317860

Half of my Gettr feed is in Chinese. All War Room people from Hong Kong.

I posted my hey-hey-ha-hay Bannon meme amd now I have a whole shit load of HK Patriots.

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452c1f  No.15317861

File: 1e23a25332e8ae0⋯.gif (957.44 KB, 440x240, 11:6, rcqxcl5DGhM9q.gif)

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1c632b  No.15317862


>Half of my Gettr feed is in Chinese

same here anon

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01a2d7  No.15317863



Movie trailer/dress rehearsal for the U.S? GREAT timing for the SC hearing if so

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a2c975  No.15317864


Fake as fuck and whatever they’re faking will eventually “hit the ocean” so nobody can expose the fraud

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631879  No.15317865


The gift that keeps on giving..

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e59364  No.15317866


it morphed into a satellite and started controlling it's own destiny

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afcc38  No.15317867



Uranium 1 wouldn't exist without Kazakhstan

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1b3b9b  No.15317868


It isn't rocket appliances here people

Don't duck with peoples internet

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6a5507  No.15317869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>They tried doing it their way and found out.

<– Done correct = works perfectly every time.


For The Freedom You are Sovereign by the Parse Syntax Grammar.

: Gordon-Michael: Schiller.

Oct 30, 2021




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1c632b  No.15317870

File: 262fae2ac348d42⋯.png (773.42 KB, 953x540, 953:540, kek_spaceballs.png)

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583ac2  No.15317871

File: 87a45f5f7d29700⋯.png (3.41 MB, 2048x1076, 512:269, 46272FC6_9906_4CE3_B99A_FB….png)


Corrected…..fucking autocorrect

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01a2d7  No.15317872


interesting you should say that because the premature crash announcement had it landing way out in the ocean over a pre-made hole

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396549  No.15317873

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c1b110  No.15317874

File: 86b655ddcd87a95⋯.png (847.98 KB, 1121x1203, 1121:1203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e644d8982d82e5⋯.png (696 KB, 1049x1347, 1049:1347, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 380b2bb0184fad0⋯.png (1001.51 KB, 896x1132, 224:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 495153916f98f52⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1061x1516, 1061:1516, ClipboardImage.png)


Baby orphaned after parents, both Florida deputies, take their own lives

By Mark Lungariello

January 5, 2022 11:16pm Updated

St. Lucie County Deputy Clayton Osteen died Jan. 2 and Deputy Victoria Pacheco took her life “in the wake of Deputy Osteen’s death,” Sheriff Ken Mascara said in “

As sheriff, I saw these two deputies as young, ambitious, and a great compliment to my already amazing group of professionals,” Mascara said.

“To the general public, and sometimes even myself, it’s easy to view law enforcement as superhuman … but let’s not forget that they’re human just like us.”

The sheriff’s office responded to a call at just before midnight on New Year’s Eve and found that Osteen, who was off-duty, had tried to kill himself. His family removed him from life support Sunday, Mascara said.a statement on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, the sheriff’s office learned of Pacheco’s suicide, although the sheriff didn’t specify when she died. The name of the child wasn’t shared.

“While it is impossible for us to fully comprehend the private circumstances leading up to this devastating loss, we pray that this tragedy becomes a catalyst for change, a catalyst to help ease the stigma surrounding well-being and normalize the conversation about the challenges so many of us face on a regular basis,” Mascara said.

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6a5507  No.15317876


>For The Freedom You are Sovereign by the Parse Syntax Grammar.

>: Gordon-Michael: Schiller.

>>15077638 (OP)-(QSG)

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1c632b  No.15317877


florida is so dirty anons

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db38f7  No.15317878

File: 8178138f84444f8⋯.jpeg (406.82 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 4A389F01_B394_470A_BF45_3….jpeg)

File: 2fbaddc09557194⋯.jpeg (452.34 KB, 750x1233, 250:411, 1BD4AD0C_7442_4C3E_8EA4_9….jpeg)

File: 60130c94b1bf61a⋯.jpeg (328.05 KB, 674x886, 337:443, 8A4FCC94_7323_4269_AD20_3….jpeg)

File: 40c4382afa82c5e⋯.jpeg (34.65 KB, 600x315, 40:21, 6900F14F_51A1_480C_A18E_E….jpeg)

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e59364  No.15317879

if the rocket show were meant as a disruption, wouldn't the fake news be running the story

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44fb47  No.15317880

File: 8af0c100a763b13⋯.jpg (347.36 KB, 532x666, 266:333, schosen.jpg)

no wonder you are obsessed with porn, looking like shit cant be easy

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15627a  No.15317881


Osteen? Related to Joel?

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e59364  No.15317882



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d40b78  No.15317883


Don't get me wrong, anon. IF, and I stress the word IF, it is done right, it is GAME OVER.

The trouble is that there are some people that DO NOT DO IT RIGHT, and therein lies the problems.

And, yes, I am familiar with that material and attended conferences, talks, etc., concerning that particular subject matter.

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1c632b  No.15317884



anon is dasted

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396549  No.15317885


My criticism remains.

Activating immunologic cells with a vaccine booster is not showing cancer cells unless this is some scan modality NOT using radioactive glucose as the tracer molecule.

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db11a6  No.15317886


I call bs more like they were suicided

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452c1f  No.15317887

File: 2ea5ba95df4ceda⋯.gif (4.62 MB, 480x270, 16:9, fxTQxBK0poqIKSk4Xz.gif)

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c1b110  No.15317888


hmmm…dunno…he loooks like he could be a cousin…nephew…

oddly, this is about 35 mins north of me…

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a2c975  No.15317889


If they are even ded

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8a5b65  No.15317890

File: ebb19f1371bdc13⋯.png (10.88 MB, 2937x1924, 2937:1924, ebb19f1371bdc1345dc234c201….png)

Any planefags around? Getting alot more rumbling in the plant 42 west flight test range than typical for a Wednesday night. Doesn't sound like testing either.

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8613de  No.15317891

Coincidence that "anti-vaxxers" in headlines seem to be getting the Delta variant (I am assuming) and dying (!) while most of the rest of the world is getting the "healing/Covid plandemic-ending" Omicron?

Here's the latest:

"Deputy District Attorney and GOP activist Kelly Ernby wasn’t vaccinated when she died early this week after contracting COVID-19, according to comments her husband has posted on social media.

"Despite the news, Republicans leaders who counted 46-year-old Ernby as a friend and who agreed with her opposition of vaccine mandates said Tuesday that their positions haven’t changed."


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6a5507  No.15317892


>done right

See. >>15317768

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d5ba6b  No.15317893

File: 5bb9033db3303ec⋯.png (344.91 KB, 448x342, 224:171, ClipboardImage.png)

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db11a6  No.15317894


Fuck you nigger

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c1b110  No.15317895

File: 9946243aace53f6⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1154x1123, 1154:1123, ClipboardImage.png)

DUMBS or Fracking?

I'm going with DUMBS b/c Lindsey G is in the news ….


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1c632b  No.15317896


if not, seems like comms

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748c12  No.15317897


Ted Cruz is not in the top 10 GOP POTUS possibilities.

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1c632b  No.15317898


anon was talking to anons, shill

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e59364  No.15317899


there is no healing by "omicron"

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db11a6  No.15317900


Go suck a chode ghey boi

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685a7b  No.15317901


And they say white boys can't dance…

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1c632b  No.15317902


anon has been in this good ole boy shithole for half. his life, and nyc for the other half and nyc is. alot easier to deal with

anon could tell you stories about this rancid backwater that would curl yer fucking hair if you had any

now pipe the fuck down you ignorant redneck

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0b0285  No.15317903


>Go suck a chode ghey boi

I am not fluent in retard speak

However, this is standard ANTIFA speak

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db11a6  No.15317904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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452c1f  No.15317905

File: 5be959e13a7c0c8⋯.gif (240.8 KB, 150x112, 75:56, 7TM8kWy04HzcA.gif)

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1c632b  No.15317906

File: fc1040102c355e9⋯.png (47.12 KB, 1309x97, 1309:97, Screen_Shot_2022_01_05_at_….png)

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e59364  No.15317907

File: b9e9b8d5f299c2c⋯.jpg (31.17 KB, 612x404, 153:101, eaglestares.jpg)

FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance State-by-State Breakdown

FEMA has provided over $1.6 billion to more than 247,000 people to assist with COVID-19-related funeral costs for deaths occurring on or after Jan. 20, 2020.

Press Release


January 3, 2022


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4ccd6f  No.15317908


Right! It's even better with the Footloose song!

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6a5507  No.15317909

File: c4e1439364c4167⋯.jpg (107.6 KB, 663x663, 1:1, Screen_Shot_2022_01_05_at_….jpg)

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396549  No.15317910


This here pasta from the article supports the connection your post expressed concern over. Namely that the mRNA vaccine can result in unintended expansion of an uncommon T cell lymphoma.

A 18F-FDG PET/CT revealed multiple voluminous hypermetabolic lymphadenopathies above and below the diaphragm as well as several extra-nodal hypermetabolic lesions (Figure 1, left panel). Considering a presumptive diagnosis of stage IV lymphoma, a left cervical lymph node biopsy was performed. Pathological examination revealed residual atrophic germinal centers, surrounded by an expanded paracortical area composed of an atypical T-cell infiltrate with clear cell morphology, expressing TFH cell markers (CD3, CD4, PD1, ICOS, BCL6, CXCL13) and a loss of CD7. The paracortical area contained an increased number of high-endothelial venules, supported by an increased number of follicular dendritic cell networks, with some foci of EBV+ B-cell immunoblastic proliferation in the background (Figure 2). These features highly suggested a diagnosis of AngioImmunoblastic T cell Lymphoma (AITL), pattern 2. Next generation sequencing (NGS) performed on the biopsy specimen identified the RHOA G17V mutation characteristic of AITL (5) together with the DNMT3A, IDH2 and TET2 mutations. A TCR-gamma gene rearrangement confirmed a clonal T cell proliferation. Altogether, these findings unambiguously established the diagnosis of AITL. A bone marrow biopsy did not reveal neither morphological nor phenotypic abnormalities, but NGS revealed DMNT3A and TET2 mutations in bone marrow cells with allele frequencies of 41% and 36%, respectively.

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4e615a  No.15317911

File: e793ea99c07b3e5⋯.png (202.94 KB, 861x188, 861:188, Screenshot_2022_01_05_at_2….png)

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c1b110  No.15317912

File: bd5863f9073c417⋯.png (3.56 MB, 3242x1747, 3242:1747, ClipboardImage.png)


>I call bs more like they were suicided



>florida is so dirty anons

corrupt FL was on the clock Christmas Eve

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50cc1e  No.15317913

File: 76dac4ab76e7599⋯.jpeg (78.86 KB, 713x456, 713:456, BOOM_.jpeg)

File: 61cce6386d30e36⋯.jpg (232.25 KB, 1200x625, 48:25, Chosen_For_Reason.jpg)

File: 339fbf9ed19778b⋯.jpg (231.65 KB, 1200x625, 48:25, Chosen_For_Reason1.jpg)

File: 5d97cf2f9811924⋯.png (134.87 KB, 500x333, 500:333, Chynah_Pepe.png)

File: 97bcba748bbd8e8⋯.jpg (92.12 KB, 479x245, 479:245, CLARK.jpg)


Has anyone been seeing much of those faces and names mentioned in this video?


Imma be honest… I haven't.

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bc4a9f  No.15317914

File: 0725d054af94b05⋯.png (321.83 KB, 354x598, 177:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54df533aaee71ed⋯.png (601.13 KB, 431x714, 431:714, ClipboardImage.png)

They said I can be anything I wanted.

So, I became the Queen of Cups.



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1030b8  No.15317915

File: 22c8f199e841a92⋯.png (74.59 KB, 320x320, 1:1, rodeo_Pepe.png)


What did he do this time?

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196efe  No.15317916

File: 41084987bee4310⋯.mp4 (8.97 MB, 856x480, 107:60, InShot_20200924_033544831.mp4)


Never forget

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7e6fa9  No.15317917


Anon could chase down one of those “aliens” on foot with a few months of cardio lol. Maybe they’d give anon a job kek

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6a5507  No.15317918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



:Sauce at the 20:00'ish min-mark

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fec61a  No.15317919


80% is short term vax deaths

Since people are registered as newly vaxxed after 2 weeks of getting the jab

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6c3854  No.15317920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8613de  No.15317921


The mandate in the second set iof consolidated cases that will be heard on Friday had a much broader application than Medicare and Medicaid "staff":

"The Supreme Court justices also will hear arguments on Jan. 7 on whether the federal government can impose mandates on health-care workers who are employed in nursing homes and hospitals funded through Medicare and Medicaid in a similar case."


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3a4b77  No.15317922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rock on anon

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396549  No.15317924


She’s pretty.

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c4de5b  No.15317925

File: 10ccc54a3986420⋯.jpg (40.91 KB, 474x592, 237:296, trouble.jpg)

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31e8b4  No.15317926

File: 798794e7cbe3e98⋯.png (972.23 KB, 1889x1000, 1889:1000, image.png)

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1c632b  No.15317927


anon fears for the republic

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9d7c4c  No.15317928

File: 6be3e29c8883bf3⋯.jpeg (5.49 KB, 253x169, 253:169, th_21_.jpeg)

American Airlines just walked back their vaccine mandate company wide. Just took it off the table as in We are NOT complying. Many of the pilots and employees turned in paper work for religious exemptions and in the end they didn't need them.

AA says Let's Go Brandon!

No sauce except a few family members who are pilots for AA.

Vaccine Mandates were supposed to go into effect this week or they lost their job.

So vaccines are off the table but they're still making them wear the stupid masks.

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01a2d7  No.15317929



Dad is an attorney in Arizona. Whodathunk


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196efe  No.15317930

File: d757c4e454cbe14⋯.jpg (286.35 KB, 1200x1421, 1200:1421, 20220105_211107.jpg)

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7e6fa9  No.15317931


That’s an interesting question. Never thought of that. Although, anons one toddler would probably do the same. Showed toddler enough videos toddler calls 45 “President trumpet”. It’s pretty much one of the cutest things ever. Many variables.

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01a2d7  No.15317932


Wait, disregard

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d5d41a  No.15317933

File: 68dbd900d958b96⋯.jpeg (179.75 KB, 898x598, 449:299, AEFD6458_8EB2_4DE9_BC91_3….jpeg)

File: 8f104e717bf4147⋯.jpeg (80.21 KB, 1078x573, 1078:573, 2C372EE7_2D09_4F27_BBF6_4….jpeg)

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97137f  No.15317934

File: 84cc21c80dce2fd⋯.png (444.2 KB, 509x836, 509:836, thasaDaemonbaby.PNG)

Has this happened to anyone else recently???

My twitter account has been suspended since 2018 maybe early 2019. I could log on and browser but of course, no posting, following, ect…

Tonight I clicked the twat bookmark to skim the trending. To my surprise, my @handle has changed gaining random numbers and my join date has changed to Jan 2022.

I am also apparently unsuspended as I can follow, like, reply, ect…

No, I did not create another account nor email address.

Either way, time to push the line on some lefties.

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3b8918  No.15317935

File: a5ecf4ad54a4703⋯.jpg (215.99 KB, 1800x1209, 600:403, 46hffh.jpg)


>Any planefags around?

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a2c975  No.15317936

File: f608de831fe4d19⋯.jpeg (81 KB, 436x310, 218:155, 510C737C_A4AB_427C_B734_4….jpeg)

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293afa  No.15317938

File: e8557e76917fccb⋯.png (667.49 KB, 1230x919, 1230:919, 251_dig_Apple_Red_two_pand….png)

File: 190d37deca074cc⋯.png (561.78 KB, 1180x767, 20:13, 251_dig_husseinaidsvideo_s….png)

weird. same shit, same day?


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fec61a  No.15317939

File: a7a8d040ecf05a0⋯.jpg (187.92 KB, 900x895, 180:179, a7a8d040ecf05a091aeffdaae6….jpg)


He called the jan 6 patriots insurectionists

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6c3854  No.15317940


Obviously. Message for you, sir.

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7e6fa9  No.15317941


>controlling it's own destiny

It was fun during ghey ass dayshift. Got way gheyer real fast. That was fake news, for the most part, all day. Even if a small part of it is real, and it has way bigger meaning, still a waste of energy.

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f4f061  No.15317942

File: 3898ea5289b9307⋯.png (601.22 KB, 690x500, 69:50, lying.png)

all of them are fucking compromised. No Mercy.

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e5e313  No.15317943


Probably inflating their user numbers to influence ad rates and stock price.

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d5d41a  No.15317944

File: 53d1bf4c60cebe0⋯.jpeg (553.29 KB, 1306x735, 1306:735, C650DA03_1B99_4668_8CD4_4….jpeg)

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452c1f  No.15317945

File: 45ac26659512c7f⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 245x210, 7:6, gHsyLsI0B4lqM.gif)

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6a5507  No.15317946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1c632b  No.15317947


sup, BV?

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523245  No.15317948



6477$ per funeral

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7e6fa9  No.15317951


Gross a beard to be less lame. Don’t be a loser like that, bro. (Cruz). Perhaps apply to get your foreign citizenship back? You won’t make it past 2025 here

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1b3b9b  No.15317952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6a5507  No.15317953

File: bbe09ff110c0761⋯.jpg (165.24 KB, 1432x2000, 179:250, bbe09ff110c0761eb8ff7ba237….jpg)

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8613de  No.15317954


If I'm not mistaken, the same boy is in another video waiting at POTUS' elbow while POTUS is signing a document. When POTUS seems to shift in his direction, the boy moves to hug him but POTUS misses it. The boy stays, confident. Sure enough, within seconds, he gets a big hug from POTUS, both smiling broadly.

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6c9a8a  No.15317955

File: 008602b71bfc598⋯.png (134.7 KB, 847x883, 847:883, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ea9224cabc98ca⋯.png (69.54 KB, 858x778, 429:389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d7180d7a8d1247⋯.png (57.8 KB, 1906x392, 953:196, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdc2a3af9ad3d36⋯.png (145.25 KB, 501x279, 167:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f808b8d5c9704cd⋯.png (1.16 MB, 801x1017, 89:113, ClipboardImage.png)




a small bun of the big moves, anons already know about the troubles in the countries, then follow the rothchild banks and match them up, how many moar go before they feel it in Switzerland and the B.I.S acts. Remember they write the rules how the money is distrubited and are the head of the banksters.






3) The Evergrande shares stop trading


4) uk gov and wef colluding


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452c1f  No.15317956

File: 1f341f106c2c75e⋯.gif (495.66 KB, 400x213, 400:213, N4fb3heBF668U.gif)

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396549  No.15317957


$ 6477 to whom?

Who owns “big funeral”?

I have one guess…

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573072  No.15317958


It already did! The booster failed a fell. The payload is in low earth orbit.



Those jerks are tracking the wrong thing.

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ec7012  No.15317959

File: ba5c878daf2d198⋯.png (143.22 KB, 828x698, 414:349, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d47b72b9b4c5a70⋯.png (50.85 KB, 314x545, 314:545, Capture.PNG)

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38fe19  No.15317960


Someone's paying attention

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bc4a9f  No.15317961


Si, Senor Presidente!

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e064d0  No.15317962

You guys aren’t still waiting for that rocket to crash,are you?

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7e6fa9  No.15317963


>wouldn't the fake news be running the story

That’s a valid point. Haven’t seen one word reported about it. Been fake-newsing it for nearly 24 hrs. Not a peep. What gives?

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3b8918  No.15317964

File: 270862f061d70cf⋯.png (116.9 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4747.png)

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1c632b  No.15317965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How the WHO Launched a Global Campaign to Monitor Information, Under the Banner of an "Infodemic"

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310caa  No.15317966


I think Cruz was referring to the communist INFILTRATORS when he slammed the terrorists, not MAGA patriots.

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38fe19  No.15317967

never forget: everything they do backfires

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1c632b  No.15317968



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4e615a  No.15317969

File: 80dc25c251d8fad⋯.png (190.64 KB, 398x262, 199:131, Screenshot_2022_01_06_at_0….png)


>florida is so dirty anons

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d40b78  No.15317970


I am familiar with that, anon.

However, most people have no idea what is going on since the JEWS took control over the educational system.

There are many people who have been fined and put in jail because they HAVE NO IDEA what the fuck is going on.

And, just so you know that I know, there is more to it than that. IOW, one does not have to go that far.

The problem is the JOG of the USA, along with their JOG POLICE. While they take an OATH to the CONSTITUTION, they have no idea what it means and enforce UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW, because they are JEW-LOVING JOG BOTS!

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01a2d7  No.15317971


The ambiguity may help right now though

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1b3b9b  No.15317972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jan 6th, Brought to you by Pfizer

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523245  No.15317973


In NY funeral costs around 20k and that’s a lousy one

I pointed out the number because most likely more people died and not 247000

1.6 billion is a lot of funerals

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1030b8  No.15317974

File: 9bbb83744d861a0⋯.png (153.75 KB, 1267x785, 1267:785, pepe_carpet_jew.png)


Anon has been in Korea over two decades and never thought he'd see the day these people got redpilled to this degree. No fucking way this is in any of the Korean MSM. Where did you find this? And thanks for posting.

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c98f52  No.15317975


Add JustinianDeception.com to this.



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573072  No.15317976


I'll say it again for the slow folks.

It already did! The booster failed a fell. The payload is in low earth orbit.



Those jerks are tracking the wrong thing.

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e064d0  No.15317977


Payload is an atomic weapon. News blackout.

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3b8918  No.15317978

File: 9d3247e43f0df36⋯.jpg (126.36 KB, 497x473, 497:473, 5256.jpg)



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1c632b  No.15317979



anon poasted as much hours ago

so much information

so little truth

no wonder clowns made the internet

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6a5507  No.15317980

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, 1x1_9_Grammar_Title_4_Flag.png)


Ya I get it…

:anon chooses to focus on the solution.

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932ace  No.15317981

Not too tek savvy and need some advice. Photos and videos taken on a DSLR, then put onto an external hard drive and then posted via a laptop would hold meta data from what? Anyone know the easiest/ best way to remove such data?

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0b0285  No.15317982

File: 9c92f73b26af17c⋯.png (502.76 KB, 527x565, 527:565, SPD_K9_Jedi_Killed_Suspect….PNG)

File: e23ea985b2abf5d⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1223x871, 1223:871, SPD_K9_Jedi_Killed_Suspect….PNG)

>>15316314 (pb)

Police shoot burglary suspect after he fatally stabs K9 dog:

Seattle police K9 killed in the line of duty on Wednesday identified as Jedi. RIP to a K9 hero. EOW 1/5/22


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583ac2  No.15317983

File: b95cc9f7096027f⋯.jpeg (948.58 KB, 1393x1371, 1393:1371, 9BF5C767_60F3_46C1_90FA_A….jpeg)

File: 62500feac7b9829⋯.jpeg (151.19 KB, 862x1080, 431:540, 7C83D99D_F59B_4CBF_B44F_4….jpeg)

New name of Washington Redskins is the Racoons

Go Coons

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01a2d7  No.15317984


That just discusses the re-entry into the ATMOSPHERE. The atmosphere is not the surface, it is in the air

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db11a6  No.15317985


Pantera is my shit my nigga

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e59364  No.15317986

Release Date:

January 4, 2022


Release Date:

January 4, 2022

WASHINGTON – FEMA and its Ready Campaign urges everyone to add a New Year’s resolution to your list that includes at least one proactive way to keep you and your family safe from disasters and emergencies.

“We continue to see an increasing trend in communities having to confront disasters outside of traditional seasons, while also combatting complex threats posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” said FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell. “Each of us has an important role in keeping ourselves, our families and our communities safe from these threats, and that starts with individual preparedness. Through our annual ‘Resolve to be Ready’ campaign, we are encouraging everyone to include disaster preparedness initiatives into you and your family’s personal resolutions for 2022.”

Here are some things everyone can do:

Have several ways to receive weather and emergency alerts. Download the FEMA app and receive real-time alerts from the National Weather Service for up to five locations nationwide. Sign up for community alerts in your area.

Build an emergency supply kit with supplies that last for several days for each member of your household. If you live in Hawai’i, Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands, consider having supplies to last at least 10 days.

Make an emergency communications plan to make sure everyone in your household knows and understands what to do and where you will meet if you get separated. Learn your evacuation routes, practice with household members, including your pets and identify where you will go.

Ensure that you and your family are vaccinated against COVID-19 helps your entire community be more resilient before future disasters. COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing COVID-19 disease, especially severe illness and death. Vaccines are widely accessible in the U.S. Visit vaccines.gov to find a location and make an appointment. Or text your zip code to 438829 and get a text with the closest COVID-19 vaccine location.

Being resilient after a disaster or emergency requires the cooperation, collaboration and shared responsibility of everyone in our community, across all levels of government, the private sector and faith-based organizations to you, individuals and families.

The Ready Campaign has more information and resources online for individuals, individuals with disabilities, families, kids, pets and small businesses. To learn more, visit: Ready.gov (for English) or Listo.gov (for Spanish).

Follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook using #ResolveToBeReady.

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6c9a8a  No.15317987

File: ef24d71ba83447c⋯.png (285.48 KB, 723x744, 241:248, ClipboardImage.png)


fuck off gary

and what the fuck is a jog

new word for you today

give up your addiction to air


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6a5507  No.15317988


Stop playing (their) GAME.

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3b8918  No.15317989

File: 04217e1803b9dc9⋯.jpg (920.68 KB, 2777x1570, 2777:1570, 35.jpg)


quads checked

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e5e313  No.15317990



Star Wars game comms.

Someone using the game chat dead?

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7c12c2  No.15317991



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396549  No.15317992



Gud thought too.

So much fuckery going on.

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db11a6  No.15317993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> anon fears for the republic

This song is probably why they took out dime

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573072  No.15317994


Nice anon. This anon watched that clown show for an hour…

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7e6fa9  No.15317995


How many pixelknot-type messages are hidden within “tyb” posts? Brute force it, bitches. Anon can’t but someone can

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c17234  No.15317996

File: b093fc70dc3d93f⋯.png (45.25 KB, 400x168, 50:21, ClipboardImage.png)

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4ccd6f  No.15317997


All that equals 17.

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38fe19  No.15317998


>Go Coons


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3b8918  No.15317999

File: 052022004d96614⋯.jpg (134.61 KB, 640x640, 1:1, corney.jpg)


>Star Wars game comms.

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c4de5b  No.15318000

File: 4b96df9325df009⋯.jpg (93.47 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, surprised_zorak.jpg)

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1c632b  No.15318001


anon wants to shit down that clown's throat so bad

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3a4b77  No.15318002

File: 04368c8072e9482⋯.jpg (269.85 KB, 1080x1203, 360:401, Screenshot_20220105_211855….jpg)


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6a5507  No.15318003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15317999. Digits


>>Star Wars game comms.

The Hu band - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - Sugaan Essena - 2 hours

<Picunrel but just came up in muh feed.

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bc4a9f  No.15318004


Not even fucking close and I have the clean test results to prove it, bitch.

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573072  No.15318005



This part is no good for you anon:

"On Wednesday evening, the 18th Space Control Squadron confirmed the re-entry occurred at 4:08 p.m. EST over the South Pacific. No other details were provided. "

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7e6fa9  No.15318006


>Those jerks are tracking the wrong thing.

With Jan 6th bullshit and space junk sounds to anon that 2020 election fuckery is about to hit the “mainstream”. Who cares about Maxwell for now. Real anons know that’s a dangerous game. Anon doesn’t want grannies or soft bitches to off themselves. We can get to that stuff later when it’s safe. Let’s just fix 2020 first. That’s a safe start

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6c9a8a  No.15318007

File: 2be55c90b3f1aed⋯.png (881.43 KB, 944x638, 472:319, ClipboardImage.png)


unfortunate but kek worthy,

anon wants to hear the chants and wonders if they will look around them to see if they are safe.


Trips chek'ed - that lanky piece of self promoting shit is very quite lately

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d40b78  No.15318008


Here's the problem.

Most people would not know a constitutional law from an unconstitutional law with a fucking gun held to their head, and those that enforce the law are WORSE than boomers when it comes to this sort of thing.

Good luck, my friend.



Fuck off, jew. Your people are the reason why we are in this mess. Don't think that the tide is not turning against you and your kind, because it is. See what is happening around the world?

Take notice. Cry into your pillow. Tell your rabbi. It is coming to an end VERY SOON.

Screencap this.


Easier said than done. Especially when boomers have sold us out to their jew masters for over 40 years.

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6a5507  No.15318009


Is it crowning?

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fec61a  No.15318010

File: 874a24de5247e53⋯.mp4 (5.86 MB, 640x360, 16:9, hbb5jT7Lsp99gPYd.mp4)


Dog comms

Maybe it means litteraly to follow Dutch Nazi cops vs peacefull family protesters

And shoot them if they recist the dogs

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4a644d  No.15318011


Thought it was headed to the Caribbean and entered the atmosphere yesterday?

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396549  No.15318012


Stupid Kazakhs.

They ain’t gonna find any bit coin by mining for it.

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d8a583  No.15318013

File: 98454001fb96973⋯.jpg (54.47 KB, 548x412, 137:103, Screenshot_20211112_194549….jpg)


Maybe having a [will] is the problem? Wouldn't that be something, that's associated w/ transference of assets

post death? But more over IMO, an assertion of the last name [Williams] onto the masses, to corrupt 'old english' into some sort of mind slavery?

Also did (you) mean by saying "though changes through." Those, these, or said' changes through? Maybe, ability would have been a better choice anon?

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c1b110  No.15318014

File: 7f964454c65ff06⋯.png (4.08 MB, 2713x1784, 2713:1784, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cbad5840a5bad1⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1097x822, 1097:822, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba80311884d37a9⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1108x820, 277:205, ClipboardImage.png)


QClock January 5, 2022

Treason / Enemy Combatant

Scientists baffled by 10 recent earthquakes that have shaken South Carolina

By Mark Lungariello

January 5, 2022 9:09pm Updated

South Carolina usually experiences up to 20 earthquakes a year.

South Carolina was rocked by10 earthquakes in little more than a week, sending experts scrambling to figure out what’s set off the shaky trend.

Two quakes were detected by the US Geological Survey on Wednesday, the latest in a string of tremors dating back to Dec. 27. None of the earthquakes has registered higher than that first 3.3-magnitude event, which was measured in Richland and Kershaw counties, officials said.

That may mean the other quakes are aftershocks, though the fact they’re still coming more than a week later is unusual.

“They’re not dying away the way we would expect them to,” Steven Jaume, a College of Charleston geology professor, said. “What does that mean? I don’t know.”

The state is actually near a regional fault system created when the Appalachian Mountains were formed that is long dormant — but could be waking back up, Jaume told WRDW / WAGT.

The 10 earthquakes did not cause serious damage in the area.

“If they don’t get any bigger, they are more of an annoyance than a concern,” he said. “I am envious of meteorologists because they can see the storms coming. We can’t see earthquakes coming there is nothing we can record that tells us something bigger is coming.”

Don Blakeman of the National Earthquake Center told The Greenville News the cluster of activity is common around the country. The string of earthquakes hasn’t caused any damage.

“It takes about a magnitude4to start seeing damage like knocked off shelves,” he said. “We typically don’t see structural damage to buildings in the United States until like a magnitude5.”

The state usually has about up to20quakes each year, the South Carolina Emergency Management Division.

NOTE: 4, 10, 20 on the clock.



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6a5507  No.15318015


Oh well you keep complaining cuz that's working… amirite?

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50cc1e  No.15318016

What does F-12 d -…

I have found secret level.

link rel="stylesheet" href="https://softserve.8kudv style="text-align: center" class="announcement nov192015 board-owners-or-users-feel-free-to-hide"strong style="font-size:2em"a hr="https://medium.com/@infinitechan/infinity-never-3d5f733af739#.itrr<link rel="stylesheet" hre="https://softserve.8kun.top/static/css/8kun.css"eyzgi"Infinity Never/astron/divn.top/stati/css/8kun.css"

I have become the Machine.

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1c632b  No.15318017

File: 75ffc4c9873179a⋯.png (12.17 KB, 376x65, 376:65, Screen_Shot_2022_01_06_at_….png)


the latest from this guy https://youtu.be/I8qdXlpQCIk

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6a5507  No.15318018

File: be778efe078922d⋯.jpeg (9.23 KB, 233x216, 233:216, be778efe078922d8b2b640543….jpeg)

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ec7012  No.15318019


Jan 6th - National Incite an erection day


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e3f229  No.15318020

>>15317489 pb

>Cruz is a crypto jew from Cuba, whose family moved to Canada after Teddy's dad helped with the Kennedy assassination.

>That fucker should be put out like the trash.

as long as we're gettin' real here… let's try to remember that cuba under batista was one of the most brutal dictatorships of the past century, and behind it were the multinational fruit/sugar corporations in bed with the US gov't. 99.99% of cubans were de facto slaves, and the cuban revolution had more popular support than any revolution since the french. castro was educated in the US and his heroes were GW and TJ, and he naively asked the US gov't for help in deposing batista. when the corporate whores in DC predictably declined, only then did castro accept russia's offer to help. he was naive, but not stupid. russia was never his first choice. the people castro kicked out of cuba were the 1% of the 1%. they were corporate criminals, bankers, and their collaborators who sold out their country for a handful of change. so let's stop glorifying the "poor, brave cuban refugees that came to the US from cuba after castro kicked them out." they were criminals and the scum of the earth. naturally, they were welcomed into the US, and given south florida by the corrupt politicians that had supported batista. and cruz' family were among them. IDK if they are cryptojews or not, but there is no doubt they were scum of the earth.

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0aa5cf  No.15318021

File: 3eb6150934875b0⋯.mp4 (495.82 KB, 640x360, 16:9, NbR6o6a263qlMkMs.mp4)


Yearly reminder:the only thing Trump incited was Schumer’s erection!



5:21 PM · Jan 5, 2022·Twitter for

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1c632b  No.15318022


lovehim or hate him he's dasting

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c17234  No.15318023


They want you divided

Sick evil bastards!

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041d97  No.15318024

Deep state was just too powerful for Trump. He was in over his head from day one. Nothing against Trump, but he was just too much of a boomer bitch to be a real threat to the Democrats.

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895978  No.15318025

Florida Dem Says She Suspended Concealed Carry Licenses of 28 Charged in 1/6 Insurrection

Democrat Nikki Fried, Florida's Commissioner of Agriculture, said that she has suspended the concealed carry licenses of 28 gun owners charged in the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

"The deeply disturbing events that occurred at our nation's Capitol on January 6th were sedition, treason, and domestic terrorism–and those individuals involved in the insurrection must be held accountable for attempting to subvert our democratic process," Fried said about the suspensions in a late July 2021 statement to the U.S. House of Representatives' Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol.

As of January 2022, [2.3] million Floridians have concealed carry licenses

Fried, 44, is the only Democratic statewide elected official in Florida. She is running to become Florida's governor in the November 2022 elections.

As of January 5, 2020, 76 Floridians have been arrested in connection to the January 6 insurrection. Florida is the U.S. state with the largest number of January 6 arrestees, according to The George Washington University Program on Extremism.

in 2002, the National Rifle Association (NRA), the gun manufacturers' lobbying group, authored a state law that moved the Division of Licensing from the Florida Department of State to its Department of Agriculture. The NRA wanted this so that the department would be answerable to an elected official

2hrs ago


Nikki Fried mired in ethics dispute over her finances

Florida’s ethics commission voted unanimously late last week that there is probable cause that Fried, who was an attorney and lobbyist, violated state law by failing to properly disclose income from her lobbying business. Just days before she began her campaign for governor this year, she amended two separate financial disclosure forms, including one showing previously unreported earnings of $351,480.

Dec 9, 2021


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d5d41a  No.15318026

File: efeea1194ca269b⋯.jpeg (670.02 KB, 1102x814, 551:407, C93D3E8E_F490_470B_850C_D….jpeg)

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3f3dbe  No.15318027

File: 0a1f5cfb18d3760⋯.jpg (128.72 KB, 780x780, 1:1, pepe_lightning.jpg)

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6a5507  No.15318028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lee Wheelbarger

He's asking for Proof of the crash atm.

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7e6fa9  No.15318029


>Payload is an atomic weapon

Why is anon less scared about that than normie-life shit? Balls of steel, except doubles of the heart. Gift and a curse. Nuke us. Go ahead. Won’t happen. Too many outside forces aiding in this. If not, we will only know for a second or two.

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97137f  No.15318030



My time stamp is professional shittt

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a2c975  No.15318031


No anon, he’s not. He’s a clown

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6c9a8a  No.15318032

File: d55c8be81fd928f⋯.png (1.26 MB, 718x895, 718:895, ClipboardImage.png)


>Fuck off, jew. Your people are the reason

what the fuck would i want to screen cap your shit for, it is here every fucking day you faggot.

so obvious,

in fact do not kill yourself

hang on to dear life

you know you are a worthless cucked piece of crap who shags a over weight grease controlling woman and that is the reason why you like gay porn .

stay alive gary, cos when this is over maybe you can speak to the people directly instead of hiding behind your keyboard.

Stay true to your master blaming everyone apart from your own decisions.

no one owes you fuck all


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307533  No.15318033


Cry to your Rabbi.

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38fe19  No.15318034


Who knew canadains were such assholes. ..?

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1c632b  No.15318035


nobody know s a fucking thing.

typical of everything that habbens anymoar

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cf6129  No.15318036


>Donald Trump lives rent free in my head

fixed it for you

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0aa5cf  No.15318037

File: 84f4de52994eb80⋯.jpeg (412.84 KB, 1241x1462, 73:86, F44CAA7B_7C9A_483F_A8DE_E….jpeg)

What a lovely family


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d8a583  No.15318038

File: 119f307c68b4185⋯.jpg (36.25 KB, 293x543, 293:543, Screenshot_20211109_224724….jpg)

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4ccd6f  No.15318039


How many words is that?

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932ace  No.15318040

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041d97  No.15318041


Looking back on Trump's presidency, he actually didn't drain anything at all.

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38fe19  No.15318042


Oprah edition currency

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db11a6  No.15318043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

<night shift

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1c632b  No.15318044


cannot argue that

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396549  No.15318045

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ed2486  No.15318046

File: 19b4af0e0731b52⋯.png (786.23 KB, 1920x1020, 32:17, chin.png)


Get proof for this one while you're at it.

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3b8918  No.15318047

File: 448bd3a3b209a2a⋯.png (447.01 KB, 665x483, 95:69, 36363.png)

File: 0adae5aa9bd6d1f⋯.png (127.64 KB, 600x842, 300:421, 46363677.png)

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5d24fd  No.15318048

File: a8863045cc960ca⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1431x702, 53:26, Screenshot.png)


>DUMBS or Fracking?


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40aef7  No.15318049

File: 8053dbb06091243⋯.png (129.69 KB, 400x218, 200:109, ClipboardImage.png)

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685a7b  No.15318050


Whistling past the graveyard…

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db11a6  No.15318051


Seems legit

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add14b  No.15318052

File: 89be0171624712d⋯.png (91.51 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


no way that's an accident. clown world getting even sillier

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a2c975  No.15318053


Muh chat logs. 3

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22c9d1  No.15318054


No one could have done any better. Hell he didn’t have a Chinese chance. The whole government is compromised, as well as the military.

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bce16f  No.15318055

File: 465d2f4915176b2⋯.jpg (617.64 KB, 2000x886, 1000:443, nigths2.jpg)

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1c632b  No.15318056

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0aa5cf  No.15318057

File: 4f1d0bd4e7e3ab2⋯.jpeg (126.48 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, C65C8149_9C12_41A9_B717_D….jpeg)

File: b87cf345f8f2698⋯.jpeg (408.97 KB, 1241x1834, 1241:1834, 4D24FAC7_C656_4C2E_8C3E_D….jpeg)


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91c434  No.15318058


dude's gettin cranky

he's stickin with this to the end and has loads of questions

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db11a6  No.15318059


Pretty decent lead guitar

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38fe19  No.15318060


Seattle dog comms

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4bdc59  No.15318061

File: 740f22043b56619⋯.png (1.58 MB, 978x1076, 489:538, 100.png)

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a2c975  No.15318062


Top Kek!

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3a4b77  No.15318063

File: 0833dee064735a8⋯.jpg (481.36 KB, 1080x1933, 1080:1933, Screenshot_20220105_212848….jpg)


So if mining is slowed, that would drive the price up, correct?


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db11a6  No.15318064


Ted Cruz is officially faggot when he called Jan 6 protesters ‘terrorists’

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041d97  No.15318065


Then he shouldn't have manipulated millions of conservatives into believing "patriots are in control".

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0aa5cf  No.15318066

File: c465035747514c6⋯.jpeg (344.43 KB, 1241x1300, 1241:1300, DF20FAD7_EFC2_4E87_B615_B….jpeg)

File: b8bdee982ba4f5a⋯.jpeg (504.02 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1E7083B5_03BA_4F6F_80CD_7….jpeg)


Which looks better?


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ed09ef  No.15318067


Birdcage on the table outside. Is it empty?

Does it mean anything?

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1c632b  No.15318068


yeah but the opposite is habbening so reconcile

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e3f229  No.15318069

File: f0dbd979cc734d6⋯.jpg (112.49 KB, 500x616, 125:154, f0dbd979cc734d6220ad386eb5….jpg)


the death of the dog (if real) rests squarely on the heads of the lazy cowardly pigs who send innocent trusting animals to do their dirty work for them.

we don't need to defund the police, we need to put two-thirds of them into prison where they belong.

then replace them with new cops with a whole different training and mindset. make protect and serve REAL again.

it's been WAY too long since it became a cruel joke.

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e5e313  No.15318070

File: 135a878c8806b58⋯.jpg (48.04 KB, 538x393, 538:393, ZomboMeme_20122021222236.jpg)

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ce0730  No.15318071

File: 5d5864c34c2d445⋯.png (91.89 KB, 478x667, 478:667, Screenshot_2022_01_06_at_0….png)

File: 5336f0e526d438e⋯.png (276.17 KB, 3271x2556, 3271:2556, FIScsM0WUAotcRF.png)



Earlier we asked what FROG stood for. The correct answer is Film Readout Gambit! FROG was to be used in the 1970s but was ultimately cancelled by President Nixon. Read about FROG and other declassified programs @ http://nro.gov/History_and_Studies/


#space #Frog #Trivia



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a2c975  No.15318072

File: b7057b54bed5f79⋯.jpeg (41.46 KB, 641x530, 641:530, 7DDEA4EE_BF6A_4029_9198_B….jpeg)

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396549  No.15318073


Squirrel guard around a bird feeder.

Not a bird cage.

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01a2d7  No.15318074


Nope, it is not. Re-entry into the atmosphere just means it entered the atmosphere.

At this point the whole thing seems sus.

Timing with Kazakhstan is extremely interesting though

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1030b8  No.15318075


<She is pretty

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0b0285  No.15318076




>Seattle dog comms

Elaborate scheme with so many actors, for what is the 'comm' exactly?

Junkie breaks into occupied home with a knife, police see him as they arrive and chase him, then let Jedi loose on him, suspect stabs Jedi to death

SPD kills suspect

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3b8918  No.15318078

File: be8e38ee51539de⋯.jpg (193.34 KB, 881x487, 881:487, b5353.jpg)

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db11a6  No.15318079


Ted Cruz is a fair weather patriot (his asshole is faggot)

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3a4b77  No.15318080


Yes. Strange

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e59364  No.15318081

File: db4a6c14c8871cf⋯.jpeg (255.53 KB, 854x629, 854:629, obamagang.jpeg)

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4a8e15  No.15318082

File: 42e0c93c95f15c4⋯.jpeg (256.31 KB, 2024x2502, 1012:1251, 31936296_3238_4A5C_9FA6_1….jpeg)

Happy Anniversary, bros.

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932ace  No.15318083


Seems like it worked but there was no choice to delete the last detail.

"Computer: Laptop &$^@*Q^R^ (this…"

That's what it read and I can't see what comes after the "(this…" I think that the &$#@#$# portion ID's My PC. Is that right?

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1c632b  No.15318084


cover story full of sh!t as usual

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add14b  No.15318085

File: 63dd9b866dbbe3b⋯.mp4 (400.76 KB, 1558x720, 779:360, trump_air_Q_4_10_20.mp4)

File: bfd0e3bb8d4b39f⋯.jpg (207.52 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, trump_q_qanon_17_again_4_1….jpg)


trump air Q 4-10-20

17 shirt 4-10-18

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ee343a  No.15318086


>10th Mountain in DC too

noice. knew we had confirmed some. now dont' have to dig throiugh archives

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01a2d7  No.15318087


He isnt just some run of the mill YT crazy either


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c1b110  No.15318088

File: bc9c4d9c5678612⋯.png (518.55 KB, 1200x579, 400:193, ClipboardImage.png)

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2693fe  No.15318089

File: c0460a53d1e5a65⋯.jpeg (72.17 KB, 750x482, 375:241, 55AAB418_3BDD_4254_8AD0_A….jpeg)

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – COVID-19 testing always focused on the nose. It’s quicker, less uncomfortable and experts thought it collected a good enough sample of the virus. But now some doctors think we might be swabbing the wrong place.

It would look just like a strep test, that long q-tip would first swab the back of your throat. You could either stop there, or also swab your nose. The FDA is against it, but some doctors say it’s getting better results.

Just scroll through #sciencetwitter and you’ll find the people trying it out. Many people are struggling with sore throats, claiming when they swabbed their noses, they tested negative, but when they swabbed their throats, the results changed.


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6a5507  No.15318090

File: 696e4d4d5f93054⋯.jpg (62.89 KB, 650x554, 325:277, Screen_Shot_2021_04_15_at_….jpg)

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3a4b77  No.15318091


So what happens when the market gets dumped on by a bunch of bitcoin mined unknowingly. Is that possible?

Shits like made up anyways right.

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1c632b  No.15318092

File: d2e1511110b8563⋯.png (477.58 KB, 689x377, 53:29, Screen_Shot_2022_01_05_at_….png)

tomorrows headlines today at qanon

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e59364  No.15318093

File: 7175ba92570d5b3⋯.png (659.44 KB, 568x696, 71:87, bp.png)

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1c632b  No.15318094


>Shits like made up anyways right.

always suspected it anon

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3b8918  No.15318095

File: 5a78f4f261ec33e⋯.png (3.95 MB, 2048x1152, 16:9, ye_olde_time_shootout.png)


shootouts aint what they used to be

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6a5507  No.15318096

File: 847f11bdad2bec3⋯.png (180.2 KB, 271x244, 271:244, 847f11bdad2bec3b5e33edd082….png)



<Cipollone ?

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4bdc59  No.15318097

File: 79613ab039efcfa⋯.png (1.17 MB, 980x944, 245:236, omicron.png)

shut down the planet

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e59364  No.15318098

File: ee2739045b60432⋯.jpg (979.43 KB, 1664x1321, 1664:1321, putin3.jpg)

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fec61a  No.15318099


>or what is the 'comm' exactly?

According to DS we are the burglar, insurectionist, and terroroists

The article is at least to de-sentify the normies for equal situations in their minds

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3a4b77  No.15318100

File: 90414e0c32a8887⋯.jpg (267.61 KB, 1080x591, 360:197, Screenshot_20220105_214202….jpg)


Guess time will tell

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fec61a  No.15318101


>or what is the 'comm' exactly?

According to DS we are the burglar, insurectionist, and terroroists

The article is at least to de-sentify the normies for equal situations in their minds.

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ed2486  No.15318102



It's down. Orbital Decay - Due to atmospheric drag, the lowest altitude above the Earth at which an object in a circular orbit can complete at least one full revolution without propulsion is approximately 150 km (93 mi) while the lowest perigee of an elliptical revolution is approximately 90 km (56 mi).

The Youtube tracker is already way below this and that tracking telemetry is not target data, it's compiled algorhithms of the calculated path.


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add14b  No.15318103

File: 6673c4bd5caab5c⋯.jpg (44.22 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, heidi_cruz_wife_book.jpg)

File: beb1eaf1370bd34⋯.jpg (113.76 KB, 1024x650, 512:325, cruz_family.jpg)

File: a6074744b5cf0ba⋯.png (146.9 KB, 807x515, 807:515, CRUZ_SINCERE.png)


>his WIFE

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e5b96a  No.15318104


BS. They would not have abandoned their child.

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d5d41a  No.15318105

File: e842cd64d45245a⋯.jpeg (40.79 KB, 255x255, 1:1, F8B135E2_F8C5_4EAA_BB9C_0….jpeg)

File: 8e0a4aa86b3b02e⋯.jpeg (169.37 KB, 750x598, 375:299, 0AF0FB0F_A1A7_4C4C_A642_0….jpeg)

File: 83173eb7a1ff836⋯.jpeg (48.31 KB, 496x262, 248:131, 697E1823_EFAD_42B1_A013_2….jpeg)

File: 4bf09045e681261⋯.jpeg (153.42 KB, 1731x557, 1731:557, ED46D87A_DC0A_475F_BD66_B….jpeg)

File: 95897ddb6811404⋯.jpeg (942.31 KB, 2004x678, 334:113, 560E0211_3672_4DB0_8224_A….jpeg)

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396549  No.15318106

File: 4503baab9605a06⋯.jpeg (118.56 KB, 541x500, 541:500, 3E108572_2C98_49A4_B2F6_A….jpeg)


“I’ll swab your throat.”

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38fe19  No.15318107

Jan 7th

Be there

Be best

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ee343a  No.15318108

File: d4269d28b22f4aa⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1724x1540, 431:385, q4414_EAMLoyalis2.png)

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fec61a  No.15318109


This is not a game

Learn how they play their game

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b3c37c  No.15318110


Kek, great commentary. Hope we get some vids soon for that guy's sake.

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2d7286  No.15318111


The Great Reset isn't for us, it's for them.

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748c12  No.15318112


Cool story.

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add14b  No.15318113

File: 66095f70a377170⋯.png (213.83 KB, 478x380, 239:190, trump_showing_difference_b….png)


>But now some doctors think we might be swabbing the wrong place

Kek yeah sorry about all those punctured membranes and uncontrollable bleeding and stuff

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3b8918  No.15318114

File: c19038132a5610b⋯.png (152.9 KB, 324x368, 81:92, 525.png)

File: 66e231047a767cf⋯.png (285.44 KB, 540x640, 27:32, 53.png)

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ed09ef  No.15318115


Are the comms in the foreground or the background? Or both?

I think the toys are a distraction.

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1c632b  No.15318116


trips of truth

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e3f229  No.15318117


>He's asking for Proof of the crash atm.

well the tracking shows the bird is still up, and still above 50 miles altitude. winged aircraft that get vertical lift by the bernoulli effect of air passing around the wings have an operational ceiling around 20 miles. above that the air is just too thin. it's not my field, but i know enough to make an educated guess the bird will not come down until its orbit decays to less than 30 miles. since early this evening, its altitude has been steadily dropping about one mile per hour, so i'd guess at least another 10-20 hrs before it encounters major air friction and begins more rapid deceleration. right now its speed is unchanged from its initial orbital velocity.

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748c12  No.15318118


What will we do without more Adele and Drake awards? Because # 1 is LETS GO BRANDON.

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db11a6  No.15318119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

my new jam

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6c9a8a  No.15318121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



pretty good talk if you want to know the history of the cfr and the un who are controlling things.

and kek at cruzs wife.


The Illuminati exposed - Myron C Fagan - 1967

👉It started in earnest in the U.S. with the theft of the people’s money with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, unconstitutional, where the making of money was given to private entities. Then the Sixteenth Amendment which declared an illegal income tax, leg

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1a00c8  No.15318122

File: 4851286d94201ea⋯.jpg (138.88 KB, 640x400, 8:5, serve_and_protect_640.jpg)

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1c632b  No.15318123


at which point it will be vaporized and then what've you got?

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add14b  No.15318124

File: 23339e93c68fbc2⋯.png (5.26 KB, 843x118, 843:118, FBI_says_A_Q_Warner_blew_u….png)

File: 5c1e5ebd65e1c38⋯.jpg (674.16 KB, 1972x1105, 116:65, nashville_12_25_entire_ATT….jpg)

File: 64a97c6f99548c5⋯.png (81.47 KB, 474x714, 79:119, nashville_2_days_prior_dan….png)


We all said that 12/25/20 Nashville was Red2. Scavino even posted this 2 days prior

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748c12  No.15318125



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d5d41a  No.15318126


what did gowdy say about history and comey?

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ffc8fc  No.15318127

File: cab71d7ae14b757⋯.jpg (135.82 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, PBrosnan_11182020_0634_Fin….jpg)

File: 2164f3f5e8c9316⋯.jpeg (8.04 KB, 172x292, 43:73, images_2022_01_05T170804_….jpeg)

File: 5b6eb1b9d0230e8⋯.jpeg (172.86 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, FIOJJCMWQAMuuQR_1_.jpeg)

File: d9e52e38d41919d⋯.mp4 (4.18 MB, 640x360, 16:9, d9e52e38d41919d23fe398435a….mp4)

File: 7b19e2812dda161⋯.png (491.66 KB, 801x592, 801:592, 0603f8ba8b580272d88b099784….png)

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b41b7b  No.15318128


she is ded

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1b7e91  No.15318129


Did the raw-Ket splash down yet?

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6a5507  No.15318130

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ee343a  No.15318131

File: e7a051e850225dc⋯.jpg (99.04 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ting_ting_ting.jpg)


>Happy Anniversary, bros.

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bc4a9f  No.15318132

File: 98d5a998b331bd7⋯.png (776.32 KB, 535x878, 535:878, ClipboardImage.png)

"The Star in a reversed position can indicate that you are feeling hopeless. Perhaps the difficult situations you have been through in the past have drained you of your lust for life and your faith in the universe’s plan for you. The Star reversed does not indicate that things are hopeless, only that you feel they are. You need to take responsibility for yourself and your attitude to life. You may want to consider seeking some professional counselling to help you heal the wounds of the past and leave them where they belong. The Star can signify that you have lost your confidence, your belief in yourself and your trust in your own abilities. This Major Arcana card can also be an indication of feeling anxious and overwhelmed. A change of attitude is needed to resolve this not necessarily a change of circumstances. Don’t allow yourself to continue to play the victim if you have long since left the situation in which you were victimised. The Star is telling you that it’s time to heal the past, draw a line under it and move forward. Seek support to do this if you need to. You can do anything you set your mind to, you just have to believe in yourself and focus on the positive. Start small and try to find one or two things to be grateful for in each day. A creative outlet might also be helpful to you if you are artistically inclined. Rediscover your creative side, it will help you heal."

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e3f229  No.15318133


>are throat swabs a better way to detect covid?

well DUH! what retard would test the sinus passages for evidence of a chest cold? it was bullshit from day one.

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e817e0  No.15318134

File: 18b2ab13af1a0e8⋯.png (411.13 KB, 560x277, 560:277, ClipboardImage.png)


always reminds me of ET

the enlarged end of the finger

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396549  No.15318135


Stop using up all the uppercase letters. WTF? Do you even recycle?

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db11a6  No.15318136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> my new jam


don’t forget about this one

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e5b96a  No.15318137

File: 99ca6e0aba4c884⋯.png (895.55 KB, 1050x567, 50:27, ChinaVirus.PNG)

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e59364  No.15318138

File: 14b507cfcb28baa⋯.jpg (429.67 KB, 571x864, 571:864, man.jpg)

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3b8918  No.15318139

File: 37e51eee8aa6d3e⋯.jpg (32.31 KB, 474x338, 237:169, swc.jpg)


Comey is a big Star Wars fan

"They" were using the game app Star Wars Commander to exchange comms in the private chat rooms of the game, to evade NSA surveillance

>years ago now

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e817e0  No.15318140



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e3f229  No.15318141


>at which point it will be vaporized and then what've you got?

a shooting star for some little kid to make a wish upon? IDK what the payload is, do you?

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ee343a  No.15318142


>We all said that 12/25/20 Nashville was Red2.

ooh forgot about that one.

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ffc8fc  No.15318143

File: d9b281001d7a25c⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1282x850, 641:425, 5a693e13799c44423e60ecfe7f….png)

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db11a6  No.15318144


masterpiece bruh

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add14b  No.15318145


>>We all said that 12/25/20 Nashville was Red2.

>ooh forgot about that one

So they all happened in pretty close succession

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50cc1e  No.15318146

File: 8e3e6999fd57bb2⋯.png (245 KB, 680x464, 85:58, 8e3e6999fd57bb283f5e7c8805….png)

Just E-Bakin it. Getting ready to do 76' and catch up this one and that one unless note take is hanging out. otherwise will collect in an hour or 3 as aforementioned

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396549  No.15318147


It was filled with bitcoin.

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3a4b77  No.15318148

File: a28e8b2955cdc2b⋯.jpg (411.8 KB, 1080x1928, 135:241, Screenshot_20220105_215327….jpg)

What's the deal qanon.pub

Never seen this before. Pic related


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6c9a8a  No.15318149

File: 7a1f939b76510d3⋯.png (864.82 KB, 944x632, 118:79, ClipboardImage.png)




wouldn't say happy for those locked up unjustly, but definitely a date to remember for the wrong reasons,

like another 9/11 to take away rights

now look into pepe's light and you will believe everything things is as we tell you - signed the stupidest bottom burps ever to sit in the whitehouse and congress

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b2298a  No.15318150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

200, 000 and descending , over central American estimate around :31 minutes , enjoy the music , remember Love is the Answer Always ♥Pilotorb 🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸

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50cc1e  No.15318151


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1c632b  No.15318152

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0d34f8  No.15318153

File: b314889d04a1f63⋯.mp4 (103.86 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Lets_go_brandon_I_agree.mp4)

For my Frens, save it, use it, spread it!

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e3f229  No.15318154



sounds about right…

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add14b  No.15318155

File: 404b66fe9bf69e1⋯.mp4 (603.79 KB, 640x360, 16:9, nashville_clearly_RV_was_n….mp4)

File: 194e66109a4d365⋯.png (646.7 KB, 1942x1226, 971:613, nashville_12_25_our_soluti….png)

File: bf916b93c670f83⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1181x1335, 1181:1335, nashville_12_25_our_soluti….png)

File: 47be9407ea0eec7⋯.png (847.6 KB, 1034x547, 1034:547, nashville_12_25_showing_th….png)

File: 33227f1ed6e092e⋯.jpg (106.31 KB, 1164x422, 582:211, nashville_bomb_12_25_20_wi….jpg)


>>We all said that 12/25/20 Nashville was Red2.


>ooh forgot about that one.

deserves some reposting.

Still one of the biggest events of the last 18 months. Dropped off the radar too soon.

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6a5507  No.15318156

File: a6ee1a8195f4144⋯.png (538.49 KB, 500x664, 125:166, a6ee1a8195f4144e5a31dfe3cd….png)

File: c5614aedabdf8ee⋯.jpg (108.86 KB, 628x564, 157:141, Screen_Shot_2022_01_05_at_….jpg)


>history and comey

History will be much kinder to Jim Comey

On Fox News’ “The Story,” Gowdy cryptically told host Martha McCallum that he believes “history will be much kinder to Jim Comey in that July press conference than the Democrats were.”

“Jim Comey had access to additional information that I am convinced left him with no other choice but to make the decision he made in July,” Gowdy said.


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748c12  No.15318157


TWTR stock hit an all-time low today, but check back tomorrow. It's $10 cheaper than DWAC.

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ee343a  No.15318158


ya. within 2-3 weeks.


>So they all happened in pretty close succession

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895978  No.15318159

Anthony Marrocco’s public-corruption trial set for July

Marrocco, the former long-time Macomb County public works commissioner, was indicted in May 2020 on two counts of extortion, one count of conspiracy to commit extortion and one count of attempted extortion in connection with his activities while in office

Marrocco’s co-defendant and former top deputy, Dino Bucci: Bucci cooperated with federal authorities following his November 2017 indictment on 18 counts involving conspiracy, bribery, theft, extortion, mail fraud, and money laundering in connection with public contracts.

Marrocco’s indictment, Bucci pleaded guilty to extortion and theft conspiracies and is expected to be ordered to serve nine years in prison at his Jan. 11 sentencing. Sixteen counts were dropped under the plea deal.

Morocco, who served in the post for 24 years, is one of more than two dozen people indicted by the feds for their roles in a seven-year, widespread federal corruption investigation centered in Macomb County.

January 5, 2022


Macomb County Flashback:

Macomb County voters favored Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008 and again in 2012. [stolen votes?]

Trump took about 54 percent of the vote in Macomb County, against Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton's 42 percent. Libertarian Gary Johnson got about 3 percent of the vote.


Since 2004, whoever won the county has won the state and won the general election.

Trump, Donald: 263,863 (votes)

Biden, Joe: 223,952 (votes)


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6c9a8a  No.15318160


will collect notables,

bit slow now i scared off gary.


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ce0730  No.15318161

File: c3112b09d8e09d0⋯.png (56.1 KB, 535x601, 535:601, Screenshot_2022_01_06_at_0….png)

Catherine Herridge


#Covid19 NEW: Convicted Boston Marathon bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, “ received a $1,400 COVID relief payment on June 22, 2021,” prosecutors said in a court filing today via @RobLegare


The disclosure was made in a request from prosecutors asking the Court to authorize the Bureau of Prisons “to turn over all funds held in the inmate trust account for the Defendant to the Clerk of Court as payment toward the criminal monetary penalties imposed in this case.”


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9ef264  No.15318162

File: 37985a3e8a6e66d⋯.png (396.95 KB, 441x1192, 441:1192, Screenshot_2022_01_05_2258….png)

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1c632b  No.15318163

seem like a nice bunch on the Inventor chat but you have to be subscribed two weeks so anon can't. shitpoast.

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ce0730  No.15318164

File: 52f71dad8f2185e⋯.png (60.63 KB, 535x596, 535:596, ClipboardImage.png)

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748c12  No.15318165


but muh rank n file!

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50cc1e  No.15318166

File: 972a32c0b598c6f⋯.jpg (81.4 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 972a32c0b598c6f29cdf761988….jpg)

>>15318160 Tya.

<Gary gary how ye ensnare thee pedophiles lurking.

Plenty of of-age pornography made with consenting men\women completely participating in any sexual experience or presentation.

THAT. That, is sexy my frens.

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db11a6  No.15318167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this is my new jam

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1030b8  No.15318168

File: a5973b000f55a2c⋯.jpg (120.81 KB, 676x380, 169:95, cruz_presenting.jpg)

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ed09ef  No.15318169


Comey is dead.

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ce0730  No.15318170

File: be336af2c726f6d⋯.png (1.27 MB, 713x713, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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748c12  No.15318171


Life was so fun before Daddy killed Mummy. And now I'm married to a half-black flattie! FML!

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1c632b  No.15318172


gag anon

that's enough for one day. hope anon doesn't have nightmares

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3b8918  No.15318173

File: 47533da929ae97f⋯.png (1.55 MB, 736x1729, 736:1729, at_and_t.png)

File: 0ea578815cb5ce9⋯.png (103.61 KB, 180x317, 180:317, Moloch.png)


The At & T building

those spires remind me of:

Baal / Moloch horns

just a coincidence I guess……

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9aeda6  No.15318174

File: 85df74e480347a0⋯.png (859.68 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83407d2fdb9c792⋯.png (312.87 KB, 459x726, 153:242, ClipboardImage.png)



Should give him Tranny/Baphomet breasts.

Duality Titties.

Say that 5:5 times fast.


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ee343a  No.15318175

File: 245e343a19e5552⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1981x1544, 1981:1544, q4414_EAMLoyalis3.png)


>e all said that 12/25/20 Nashville was Red2. Scavino even posted this 2 days prior

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38fe19  No.15318176


Wellthat could be comms,

could be lurker looking for sympathy

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9ca7de  No.15318177

File: 17f82eda9eabdca⋯.jpg (46.83 KB, 470x734, 235:367, Ashley_Babbitt.jpg)

File: f8d03cc2a1c2cbd⋯.png (106.07 KB, 500x629, 500:629, winning.png)

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8613de  No.15318179


By "healing" I meant in a planet wide sense since it contains an insertion and other mutations that Fauci and others have called "unprecedented" and Dr. McCullough and others have characterized it, if I'm not mistaken, as a "natural vaccine" in that it is very contagious (so widespread) but its symptoms are very mild and NOT reaching the deep lung (therefore not typically fatal).


On new insertion in Omicron (Dr. McCullough's recent interviews - including with Epoch Times and this:

"Whereas the substitution and deletion mutations have appeared in previous SARS-CoV-2 lineages, the insertion mutation (ins214EPE) has not been previously observed in any SARS-CoV-2 lineage other than Omicron."


"We definitely saw variants coming," Fauci said on CNN’s "State of the Union." "What was not anticipated was the extent of the mutations in the amino acid substitutions in omicron, which was really unprecedented."


Sauce re viral replication from Omicron other than in lungs, Dr. McCullough and this:

"A preliminary study from Hong Kong found that while omicron replicates much faster in the bronchus (which carries air from the windpipe to the lungs) likely explaining how fast it spreads between people omicron isn't as good at replicating in the lungs as delta and other variants, which indicates lower disease severity."


On Omicron spread and lesser lethality:

"The Omicron variant is so “extraordinary” that it could “bump Delta off the table”, the top US infectious disease expert warned."


“With the rapidity with which these cases are accumulated, we hope that when we do get a peak soon and it will be soon — it’s going to be a matter of a couple of weeks that we then start to see just as dramatic of a decline,” he continued.


On Omicron as a "natural vaccine":

"In the UK, people who have been cured of Omicron have found high-level antibodies. Antibodies are the protective shield of your body, which fights against viruses and other diseases like coronavirus….. This shows that people are getting infected with Omicron but this infection is not dangerous for your body."


“At present, with the emerging data and global evidence, I can say with confidence that Omicron looks like a mutant that will cause very mild symptoms and help in strengthening the immune system.”


On treatment focus (not vaxcine only):


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ffc8fc  No.15318180

File: 31ba72450ba0344⋯.gif (75.25 KB, 430x282, 215:141, showOpenGraphArticleImage.gif)

File: e5cab516a891cda⋯.mp4 (68.91 KB, 176x144, 11:9, images_5_.mp4)

File: 1bb58fd8bf71053⋯.jpeg (7.34 KB, 339x149, 339:149, download_2022_01_03T11062….jpeg)

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748c12  No.15318181


Half a teaspoon a day in water keeps the heartburn away.

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ee343a  No.15318182

File: faa6fbeec8978ad⋯.png (190.91 KB, 356x450, 178:225, nunesCornready1.png)

File: 34dc8849f0ba33a⋯.png (144.68 KB, 444x336, 37:28, grassleyCornReadyForTobecu….png)



>History will be much kinder to Jim Comey

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9fa421  No.15318183

File: 1baafd5bef7526d⋯.png (85.23 KB, 1337x584, 1337:584, post_1785_2.png)

File: e97262f38583d14⋯.png (104.62 KB, 1009x552, 1009:552, post_1785.png)

File: 07ea5fea247f756⋯.png (231.98 KB, 860x962, 430:481, post_1785_3.png)

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bca7ea  No.15318184

File: 873d2ef6963b4e7⋯.png (545.29 KB, 474x443, 474:443, F597F16F_BB21_4EE8_B9DD_4A….png)

Spiritus Invictus…

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d40b78  No.15318185

File: c69403bcc09e36b⋯.png (343.78 KB, 687x499, 687:499, nationdestroyingscientists.png)


Nice projection and pilpul, jew.

I give it a 7.5 out of 10.

Don't forget to cry to your rabbi.


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9ca7de  No.15318186

File: de5daf35c22e6a9⋯.jpg (182.7 KB, 944x638, 472:319, scapegoat.jpg)


How come god invented Satan?

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03b5e6  No.15318187


Notable AF

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4ccd6f  No.15318188

File: f0114f599eae472⋯.png (43.35 KB, 415x595, 83:119, snowden1.PNG)

File: fa58546c893687d⋯.jpg (138.91 KB, 755x1200, 151:240, trump9.jpg)

File: ec64f26dcf6ba8a⋯.png (181.14 KB, 415x584, 415:584, joe23.PNG)

File: cac40e4a2b5ea6e⋯.png (2.29 KB, 306x41, 306:41, Screen_Shot_01_06_22_at_01….PNG)

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db11a6  No.15318189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I’m skeerd now

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ed09ef  No.15318190


Harambe was killed / Harambe is dead.

Comey was killed / Comey is dead.

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bc4a9f  No.15318191

File: b10840682b5c8c0⋯.png (968.18 KB, 1000x693, 1000:693, ClipboardImage.png)

Bitches Love Rino Sparkles

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d40b78  No.15318192

File: 63c909ca10ba27d⋯.jpeg (112.91 KB, 745x1024, 745:1024, 1641105786016.jpeg)


So the soulless jews had a god to worship.

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748c12  No.15318193


That one life ins exec said deaths among the middle-aged among his insured are up 40%, which is a holocaust-type number.

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ee343a  No.15318194

File: 18a6bec7200f46b⋯.png (299.87 KB, 487x653, 487:653, commander.png)


>"They" were using the game app Star Wars Commander to exchange comms in the private chat rooms of the game, to evade NSA surveillance

Bidens Welcome New German Shepherd Puppy, Commander, at White House

President Biden Gets New Pup … Another G. Shepherd!!!

Breaking News

12/20/2021 2:51 PM PT

Getty Composite

Christmas came early for President Biden – the guy has a new four-legged addition to his family … and he's showing off his present at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

First Lady Jill Biden's press secretary confirmed Monday … yes, the Bidens have a new dog in their midst, a German Shepherd puppy namedCommander.Shortly after the news broke, the Prez took to Twitter himself and gave official word with a sweet shot.

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3b8918  No.15318195


RR was Rosenstein I guess

They liked their SW nicknames

Who was Dooku ?

Who was Limey ? (English MI6 ?)

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4ccd6f  No.15318196

File: 19c9229470f516f⋯.png (43.35 KB, 419x589, 419:589, snowden2.PNG)

File: e1aaf4a7327502c⋯.jpg (138.9 KB, 755x1200, 151:240, trump10.jpg)

File: 836068440de1829⋯.png (2.26 KB, 229x63, 229:63, Screen_Shot_01_06_22_at_01….PNG)

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bc4a9f  No.15318197

"That's not very nice."

No, this IS me being nice.

You should see me when I'm not nice.

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9ca7de  No.15318199

File: 7507f26991981f2⋯.jpg (16.97 KB, 474x316, 3:2, Lt_Michael_Byrd.jpg)

File: 4f5d3ade7a8b4c1⋯.jpg (92.66 KB, 680x1020, 2:3, popcorn.jpg)

Enjoy the show!

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8613de  No.15318200


Forgot to note, above was in response to


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38fe19  No.15318201

File: cdf5c17e84cb3e7⋯.mp4 (706.21 KB, 320x568, 40:71, CatsOfTwitter_cats_catheav….mp4)

This is what the pope meant

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ee343a  No.15318202

File: 03229c4b69b445e⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 640x458, 320:229, 03229c4b69b445effd673643b6….jpg)


>wouldn't say happy for those locked up unjustly

good point

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0b0285  No.15318203

File: 509baf1bf9ccc3c⋯.png (29.9 KB, 529x326, 529:326, Rudy_re_Babbitt_Murder_1_4….PNG)


Rudy W. Giuliani

On January 6, if you are a decent human being you will ask “Why was Ashlii Babbitt murdered?”

Have you ever seen a report?

It will remain an open case until we solve it.

There is no statute of limitations, legally or morally, on murder.



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748c12  No.15318204


How about replace them with nothing but 2A?

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9ca7de  No.15318205

File: 6d32e8468e8485c⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1830x1120, 183:112, commie_spokesman.png)

American gulags got popcorn.

And patriotic movies too.

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041d97  No.15318206


Trump needs to just shut his fat mouth. He had four years and didn't do jack shit to stop the deep state democrats. If anything, he enabled them.

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d40b78  No.15318207


Wasn't he the asshole that was MAYOR of JEW YORK CITY when the JEWS attacked us on 911, and then preached about terror for years afterward?

Yes. He was.

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50cc1e  No.15318208

File: 0dced3d8e77544a⋯.gif (11.97 MB, 384x240, 8:5, 0dced3d8e77544aeadb631e70c….gif)

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15e7cc  No.15318209

God bless ALL on the board

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ee343a  No.15318210

File: 6e70e2dab0258eb⋯.png (282.17 KB, 315x2257, 315:2257, Screenshot_2022_01_06_at_0….png)


tick tock


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI01/05/2019 18:19:44 ID: bc0a99

Archive Bread/Post Links: 4615251 / 4615394

Direct Link: 4615394

Anonymous 01/05/2019 17:19:25 ID:4d5d1c

Archive Bread/Post Links: 4614472 / 4614558

Direct Link: 4614558

Image Name: Screen Shot 2019-01-05 at 5.15.52 PM.png

Filename: 5465d83b38bb2af5c8334de0db1feb2221b5963804ea1a4e2f6153e58da3ac79.png

Image Name: Screen Shot 2019-01-05 at 5.16.11 PM.png

Filename: 5a457b139356104157eaea4d472cede6e0cd1354f7fd7b5a4a20a95819a25de8.png

Image Name: Screen Shot 2019-01-05 at 5.16.59 PM.png

Filename: 7beceb67e6204034091df53291c402481d495e26f9990d595bca278d0e6f922f.png


Image Name: IMG_2616.PNG

Filename: 5f16d2871be5e99a729d9da18727cae0e1b927d53af506be207408891228d3b6.png


Will POTUS be @ CD tomorrow?

[1 year delta]

Matters of NAT SEC?

The clock is ticking.

Followthe watch.


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6a5507  No.15318211

File: 487d1847eba4bdf⋯.jpg (705.98 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 487d1847eba4bdf4a5802626d5….jpg)

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9ca7de  No.15318212


Jews worship a god who offered up his child to be tortured and killed as a human sacrifice to appease himself? Ritualistically drink blood? Eat human flesh? wash themselves in blood?

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db11a6  No.15318213



Same to you

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15e7cc  No.15318214

File: 45823058d04af37⋯.jpg (40.17 KB, 311x307, 311:307, Screenshot_20211226_081227….jpg)

File: 33537d9816b1e93⋯.jpg (43.94 KB, 395x388, 395:388, Screenshot_20210728_114403….jpg)

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d40b78  No.15318215

File: f15eab136115932⋯.png (293.31 KB, 506x493, 506:493, 2022goyimsufferjews.png)


Yup. That god, anon.

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ee343a  No.15318216

File: 5b3e0995ec91774⋯.png (147.16 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 8d610e29db712456c8d200ea3e….png)


>God bless ALL on the board

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d40b78  No.15318217


"GLOWFAG NIGGER" in 3…2…1…

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50cc1e  No.15318218

File: 37c62fd5faa71f4⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1438x1038, 719:519, ClipboardImage.png)



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6c9a8a  No.15318219

File: 53dcd86aaf8271f⋯.png (201.03 KB, 481x484, 481:484, ClipboardImage.png)

Q Research General #19375: Pray For Those In Harm's Way Edition

>>15317530 Updates on Myanmar Justice [PRISON] -abcnews.com

>>15317539 2022 is the first year women's faces will appear on U.S. quarters. hillary twat

>>15317578 the Grammys have been 'postponed'. - pitchfork.com

>>15317651, >>15318020, >>15318103, ted cruz bun and wife a member of cfr

>>15317683 edward snowden twat

>>15317690 Tomorrow will be the biggest liberal circle jerk in the history of Twitter - greg price calling the msm jan 6th narrative

>>15317735 10th Mountain in DC too…vid link

>>15317738, >>15317874, Two FL cops Arkancided. nyp

>>15317835, >>15317841, >>15317955, kazakhstan bun including decode

>>15317895, >>15318014, scientists baffled by 10 recent earthquakes that have shaken south carolina - nyp twat (dumbs and lindsey graham ?)

>>15317907 FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance State-by-State Breakdown - fema.gov

>>15317983 New name of Washington Redskins is the Racoons, go coons - not sourced but kekked

>>15318002 kazakhstan is the biggest bitcoin miner - poso twat

>>15318161 Convicted Boston Marathon bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, “ received a $1,400 COVID relief payment on June 22 - catherine herridge twat

notables up to 690, call em if anything missed, nothing called so picked own, please give your summary on your post if you think it should be notables, note takers primarily collect notables by anons.

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bc4a9f  No.15318220


Almost all.



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3a4b77  No.15318221

File: 63bc0b9b5fe0371⋯.jpg (597.73 KB, 1080x1550, 108:155, Screenshot_20220105_222431….jpg)



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3b8918  No.15318222

File: 04a793a4c46ffd2⋯.jpg (503.18 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 3536.jpg)


BV not lurking ?

hasn't sniped your IP yet !

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d40b78  No.15318223

File: 50db2497225c824⋯.png (290.47 KB, 506x493, 506:493, thgoyimwillsuffer2020.png)


Give it time, anon.

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be5a52  No.15318224

File: 07ebf766e31ec8b⋯.png (1017.82 KB, 850x563, 850:563, girl_pepe_2nd_amendment_ca….png)

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3b8918  No.15318227

File: d11dd5046c6aec3⋯.jpg (38.8 KB, 384x380, 96:95, 5353636.jpg)


BV is in his lair, counting shekels no doubt….

only comes out when he hears the jangling of coins or there's a baby circumcision scheduled

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add14b  No.15318228


the way people are today about their social media likes and money it would not surprise me if the kitten was drugged for that vid

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6a5507  No.15318229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Masterpiece Conspiracy

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d40b78  No.15318230


Bv is on the list for the day of rope.

He lives in Seattle, WA. Did you know that?


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38fe19  No.15318231

File: a6001fae4069698⋯.jpg (104.15 KB, 720x685, 144:137, 20220106_012917.jpg)

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be5a52  No.15318233

File: 394637445dde506⋯.png (358.38 KB, 453x600, 151:200, cat_riding_dog.png)

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15e7cc  No.15318234

File: dd560c1bfc0406a⋯.jpg (246.75 KB, 1051x649, 1051:649, Screenshot_20211111_122524….jpg)

File: e1ae966c54ad3a0⋯.jpg (222.05 KB, 1065x710, 3:2, Screenshot_20211226_212640….jpg)

>The CIA has 7 supercomputers, and they are all named after the 7 dwarfs from Snow White (Doc, Dopey, Bashful, Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy and Happy)


Go deeper.

Signatures are important.

The CIA has 7 supercomputers, and they are all named after the 7 dwarfs from Snow White (Doc, Dopey, Bashful, Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy and Happy) https://cheshirelibraryscience.wordpress.com/tag/cia/

• NSA infiltrated

• Shadow brokers leaking data.

Signatures are IMPORTANT.

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748c12  No.15318235


We should call this anon the Jewtard.

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50cc1e  No.15318236

File: cbb5d0254cfec6f⋯.png (982.27 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e4b83e05cd0522⋯.png (412.51 KB, 736x588, 184:147, ClipboardImage.png)


She's missing the Bubble Backpack with Extra Backup Doggie Sling

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3b8918  No.15318238

File: 9c68d80399d00dc⋯.jpg (78.58 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 46747.jpg)


>He lives in Seattle


I heard Kelsey Grammer has plans for Seattle

BV might have to leave

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50cc1e  No.15318239

File: 145f96ced2c01cb⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 498x498, 1:1, Pepe_.gif)


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cedb41  No.15318240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Enjoy the show!

Extended Interview: Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd Speaks Out

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c4de5b  No.15318241

File: d956010053f3b40⋯.gif (168.22 KB, 220x139, 220:139, indiana_jones_hmm.gif)


Exchange Rate Israeli Shekel to US Dollar. 1.00 ILS = 0.316618 USD. Dec 23, 2021 14:22 UTC. View ILS Rates Table. View USD Rates Table. View ILS / USD Graphs. 1. Configure Converter.

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7e6fa9  No.15318242


For fortune reference… spoiler that

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15e7cc  No.15318243

File: 91a5c41b5796c47⋯.jpg (177.16 KB, 652x647, 652:647, Screenshot_20211230_075605….jpg)

File: 470b561a87c5d05⋯.jpg (141.24 KB, 746x786, 373:393, Screenshot_20211230_075441….jpg)

File: c080b5422cf9fef⋯.jpg (157.72 KB, 643x650, 643:650, Screenshot_20211230_075357….jpg)

File: ec07d0e25be78c5⋯.jpg (160.63 KB, 722x716, 361:358, Screenshot_20211230_075347….jpg)

File: 386388633d82c2e⋯.jpg (82.56 KB, 635x900, 127:180, Screenshot_20211228_225537….jpg)

Cannabis cures: cancer, autism,  epilepsy.

Take me too yer dealer…

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895978  No.15318244


Not to self-notable and not to notable the corruption portion of this:


But with 2020 election fraud in the news, PDJT winning Macomb but losing the general to Sleepy Joe?

Won't even self-notable the below, just repeat it.

Since 2004, whoever won the county has won the state and won the general election.

Trump, Donald: 263,863 (votes)

Biden, Joe: 223,952 (votes)


Thanks, for baking!

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8613de  No.15318245


If memory serves, Gowdy's "history will be kinder to Comey" comment had reference to Comey's decision to remove the HRC decision from an apparently compromised and conflicted Loretta Lynch. (But then the compromised and conflicted Comey proceeded to make his own (protect-each-other and factually wrong) decision on Hillary's "stupidity but innocence.")

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d40b78  No.15318246


The NSA along with all of the other agencies were put in place to OPPRESS AMERICANS.

They were not "infiltrated." They are doing what they were designed to do.

Should call this anon → >>15318235

A nation destroying jew that should be shot in the fucking face.


Don't know about that but people have tracked him to there or close to there, or so I read on the Internets.

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4ccd6f  No.15318247

File: fcaab845c954b80⋯.jpg (139.1 KB, 755x1200, 151:240, trump12.jpg)

File: 9dac04fbece144a⋯.png (1.22 KB, 126x43, 126:43, Screen_Shot_01_06_22_at_01….PNG)

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be5a52  No.15318248

File: 2aa68a5a699d2c9⋯.png (572.18 KB, 440x590, 44:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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9ca7de  No.15318249

File: 3b5ef100c8fb955⋯.png (175.58 KB, 348x596, 87:149, hunters_become_the_hunted_….png)

Anyone remember when Q used to write C_A and call them clowns and pretend to be a secret agent? Me too. That was cool.

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7e6fa9  No.15318250


>Be there

The bed or couch? Perhaps shitposting from the floor? You need to be more specific.

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d40b78  No.15318251


I like that. I hope it become a series, anon.

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bc4a9f  No.15318252

File: f2841aeb852a015⋯.png (469.37 KB, 544x515, 544:515, ClipboardImage.png)


Do you ever have anything else to do, besides lie?

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d40b78  No.15318253

File: 562aa3676162c78⋯.jpeg (382.31 KB, 776x812, 194:203, 1640905847111.jpeg)


Good times.

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d5ba6b  No.15318254

File: 3d485188d397fab⋯.png (82.46 KB, 174x178, 87:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb360c94fca6d67⋯.png (337.49 KB, 450x335, 90:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07d8a09d8bf2d74⋯.png (446.11 KB, 350x708, 175:354, ClipboardImage.png)

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15e7cc  No.15318255

File: dec8d97fc878dd6⋯.jpg (22.01 KB, 214x237, 214:237, Screenshot_20211111_122507….jpg)

File: 55785ae520ffcf9⋯.jpg (832.25 KB, 1915x1095, 383:219, 1sw2.jpg)

File: 8711df00b99a2c6⋯.jpg (659.76 KB, 1924x1074, 962:537, 1sw.jpg)

SNOW WHITE appears more than anything in the Q -map. It is confirmed as referencing NSA/CIA, but we are told to take it deeper too. There is much depth to the term. The original story reflects ancient knowledge of seven forces of nature (the seven dwarfs), that would preserve the Christian world for many centuries, then be part of a GREAT AWAKENING when discovered. This now-recent discovery also reveals long-hidden messages in the Bible unlocked only with (keyed to) the knowledge of these same natural forces. This is referred to in Revelation as SEVEN SEALS of a book.

The earliest version of the Snow White fairy tale was written in low German, no doubt because it was authored by a Kabbalah sage who understood every living thing is made up of seven distinct but interactive systems. We can also bet the 7 CIA supercomputers named after the seven dwarfs are similarly interactive. But just as the story has it, these same forces of nature would only revive and sustain the Christian world (Snow White) twice. After that, the knowledge of how they work must be revealed to prevent evil men from using it.

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15e7cc  No.15318260

File: c8cf6df4f230cff⋯.jpg (141.45 KB, 682x915, 682:915, Screenshot_20211231_052448….jpg)

File: 67b60b5c43c75a7⋯.jpg (130.6 KB, 745x572, 745:572, Screenshot_20211231_052600….jpg)

File: 76764a38aab76da⋯.jpg (116.03 KB, 576x806, 288:403, Screenshot_20211231_052639….jpg)

File: 0fde92eadd38e1a⋯.jpg (129.76 KB, 936x725, 936:725, Screenshot_20211231_052813….jpg)

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bc4a9f  No.15318262


Also cures glaucoma…

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15e7cc  No.15318264

File: f8f77cfe01c7eaa⋯.jpg (179.96 KB, 936x895, 936:895, Screenshot_20211231_053034….jpg)

File: af47844dc5715f7⋯.jpg (172.02 KB, 884x575, 884:575, Screenshot_20211231_053027….jpg)

File: e27068f15090e71⋯.jpg (190.03 KB, 869x844, 869:844, Screenshot_20211231_053010….jpg)

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7e6fa9  No.15318266


>it was bullshit from day one.


“Yo, take this 17” cotton swab into your brain so we can tell you that you’re sick, please” sounds legit

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15e7cc  No.15318267



Ez anon.

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be5a52  No.15318268

File: e9442fa5acb6ecd⋯.png (255.17 KB, 473x348, 473:348, snow_white_eyebrows.png)

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15e7cc  No.15318269

>Graphic(for some)warning<

Define 'Lifelog' [DARPA].

"an ontology-based (sub)system that captures, stores, and makes accessible the flow of one person's experience in and interactions with the world in order to support a broad spectrum of associates/assistants and other system capabilities". The objective of the LifeLog concept was "to be able to trace the 'threads' of an individual's life in terms of events, states, and relationships", and it has the ability to "take in all of a subject's experience, from phone numbers dialed and e-mail messages viewed to every breath taken, step made and place gone".

Define 'FB'.

The Facebook service can be accessed from devices with Internet connectivity, such as personal computers, tablets and smartphones. After registering, users can create a customized profile revealing information about themselves. Users can post text, photos and multimedia of their own devising and share it with other users as "friends". Users can use various embedded apps, and receive notifications of their friends' activities. Users may join common-interest groups.

Compare & Contrast.

DARPA senior employees > FB?





Sergey Brin - GOOG [Founder][BORN IN MOSCOW]

was married to…

Anne Wojcicki - 23andme [Founder]

was brother-in-law to…

Susan Wojcicki - CEO of YouTube



Stop the targeting of the pacific north and south west. Hard working pubulians, dont deserve this for your insurance fraud on a large scale.

By means of burning there houses and livelihoods.

Pray for the family's effected. We love you and support you.

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3b8918  No.15318272

File: 087fc37fae81e6b⋯.png (638.81 KB, 681x1056, 227:352, orange_man.png)

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7e6fa9  No.15318274


Only faggots use chat on games. Just off people in the game and stfu.

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acc3b3  No.15318275


I was wondering why, if its so contagious, the intial tests had to be stuck through your nose to your brain to detect it. If its so contagious in my breath that I have to wear a mask, why can't you just take saliva. (Then some normie would say, "Oh! It's because this…[insert what the news said.]")

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15e7cc  No.15318276

File: 43d5d550cfcfad4⋯.jpg (46.77 KB, 377x377, 1:1, Screenshot_20211220_160630….jpg)

File: 820980e8557c9ad⋯.jpg (30.5 KB, 366x375, 122:125, Screenshot_20211119_124550….jpg)

File: 89b6a6171d6465a⋯.jpg (40.04 KB, 577x553, 577:553, Screenshot_20211023_215125….jpg)

File: 6e2e08ecc9e1b7f⋯.jpg (131.25 KB, 1200x1329, 400:443, Screenshot_20210806_083956….jpg)

File: 6420d4c5b495773⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 613x323, 613:323, Screenshot_20210806_083926….jpg)

At In-Q-Tel, Painter’s work focused on identifying, researching and evaluating “new start-up technology firms that were believed to offer tremendous value to the CIA, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.” Indeed, the NGA had confirmed that its intelligence obtained via Keyhole was used by the NSA to support US operations in Iraq from 2003 onwards.

A former US Army special operations intelligence officer, Painter’s new job at Google as of July 2005 was federal manager of what Keyhole was to become: Google Earth Enterprise. By 2007, Painter had become Google’s federal chief technologist.

‘TK’ refers to Talent/Keyhole, code names for imagery from reconnaissance aircraft and spy satellites.

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6c9a8a  No.15318277

File: 28e2303f67b3ada⋯.png (805 KB, 1000x672, 125:84, ClipboardImage.png)


dubs chek'ed as it is quiet, will share this on your post



had a strange dream last night,

anon is not religious, but have read a lot of the holy books for clues and basic knowledge to understand why people are so fixated on them.

anyway, the dream

The seven deadly sins :

Anon dreamt that these 7 demons or urges inside man, once you recognize one is taking to the surface of your thoughts there is a way to identify it and control it.

the most powerful is lust anon thinks as once this one is given into it can lead to control.

think of them as dark forces inside humans, sort of primal emotions, at the full release it leads to destruction, all things in moderations.

Thought i would share cos of anons thought on this subject

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be5a52  No.15318278

File: 13f2bfa3a418a7b⋯.png (517.76 KB, 500x492, 125:123, tiger_jumping_through_kitc….png)

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748c12  No.15318279


Remember when Q was all like, ARE YOU READY FOR ARRESTS? That was awesome.

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50cc1e  No.15318280

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fecda5  No.15318281

File: 7b024c2bb4b20fa⋯.jpg (475.12 KB, 2320x1333, 2320:1333, iridium_kQl0JdISI2.jpg)












Leftist role models maybe.

I guess Doris Doree and the other models to have appeared as lady liberty get no credit.

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15e7cc  No.15318282

File: 22f03c854cd9a0d⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2869x1790, 2869:1790, IMG_20210618_083344.jpg)

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50cc1e  No.15318283

File: aed0a89c2db2fb6⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Speed_Racer_X.gif)

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3b8918  No.15318284

File: e51bde024a530b0⋯.png (277.48 KB, 392x396, 98:99, b43536.png)


>Only faggots use chat on games

Comey is faggot


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9ca7de  No.15318285

Define [FUCKYOU]

When do birds chirp?

You have more than you know.

git some exter dog food. Foreals.

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ffc8fc  No.15318286

File: caf5dbafe855e7e⋯.jpeg (54.88 KB, 680x437, 680:437, FIX3tb6XsAIUmlz.jpeg)

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15e7cc  No.15318287

File: 72427d140380a87⋯.jpg (103.79 KB, 647x388, 647:388, Screenshot_20211113_093829….jpg)


Looks like a tiger in someone's property?

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15e7cc  No.15318288

File: 51420103240d207⋯.jpg (52.1 KB, 459x552, 153:184, Screenshot_20211119_141902….jpg)

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