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0d07e2  No.15318237[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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0d07e2  No.15318256


#19375: Pray For Those In Harm's Way Edition

>>15317530 Updates on Myanmar Justice [PRISON] -abcnews.com

>>15317539 2022 is the first year women's faces will appear on U.S. quarters. hillary twat

>>15317578 the Grammys have been 'postponed'. - pitchfork.com

>>15317651, >>15318020, >>15318103, ted cruz bun and wife a member of cfr

>>15317683 edward snowden twat

>>15317690 Tomorrow will be the biggest liberal circle jerk in the history of Twitter - greg price calling the msm jan 6th narrative

>>15317735 10th Mountain in DC too…vid link

>>15317738, >>15317874, Two FL cops Arkancided. nyp

>>15317835, >>15317841, >>15317955, kazakhstan bun including decode

>>15317895, >>15318014, scientists baffled by 10 recent earthquakes that have shaken south carolina - nyp twat (dumbs and lindsey graham ?)

>>15317907 FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance State-by-State Breakdown - fema.gov

>>15317983 New name of Washington Redskins is the Racoons, go coons - not sourced but kekked

>>15318002 kazakhstan is the biggest bitcoin miner - poso twat

>>15318161 Convicted Boston Marathon bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, “ received a $1,400 COVID relief payment on June 22 - catherine herridge twat

>>15318219 #19375 Most

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0d07e2  No.15318257

#19374: Ghislaine Mistrial? "Turncoats" in Congress? But Wait, There's..Edition

>>15316749, >>15316753, >>15316834, >>15316876 Kazakhstan unrest: Government calls for Russian help, Dismissal, Resignation, and Related - BBC

>>15316754, >>15316960 Road closures expected Friday, Saturday for Reid service in Las Vegas - Fox 5, You Tube, Knowledge Nuts

>>15316762, >>15316827, >>15316837, >>15316846, >>15316886, >>15316911, >>15316960, >>15316965, >>15316990, >>15317016, >>15317023, >>15317040, >>15317050, >>15317074, >>15317078, >>15317101, >>15317116, >>15317134, >>15317176, >>15317201, >>15317211, >>15317296, >>15317314 List of US Congressmen, women to hang at the white house gallows, video, You Are Ready. & Qlock Talk - Best News Here, Images

>>15316764 'Stolen car escapes on Seattle sidewalk' - KIRO 7

>>15316777 DeSantis Insanity Disorder - Townhall

>>15316817 Updated Dough

>>15316822, >>15316836 Israeli TV star and Eurovision co-host Assi Azar accused of sexual assault - Haaretz

>>15316828 Barack Obama Sings with Asleep at the Wheel PB Missed - Video

>>15316853 QuikDig on Demand Daniel (McCarthy) ~ Ignoring the fact that Arizona’s incumbent Republican U.S. Senator, Martha McSally, a former two-term member of congress — who has the unequivocal support of Pres. Donald Trump — is running for reelection, unqualified candidate Daniel McCarthy claims he can’t wait to get beyond the primary so he can debate Mark Kelly on his China connections. - Seeing Red AZ

>>15316920, >>15316936, >>15317172 "This is a live exercise"… Mike Pompeo Declares 'There Is No More Important Task' As Secretary Of State Than 'Standing For Israel' At Zionist Gala?

>>15316954 ALERT: Hillary Clinton Is Spreading Lies on Social Media - Free Beacon

>>15316970 Don't wanna go ahead and start with an STD Free Card or something? STOP FEDERAL VACCINE DATABASE BILL H.R. 550 - Investment Watch Blog

>>15316978, >>15316994 ICYMI: "‘Cover-Up’: House Republicans Demand Nancy Pelosi Answer for ‘Failures’ to Secure Capitol on January 6"

>>15316997 Catherine Austin Fitts: The Establishment Stole $50 Trillion From Pensions And Doesn’t Want To Give It Back - Silver Doctors

>>15317012, >>15317022 DJT Jr. Retweets: Donald Trump was "the only president out of the last five presidents of the United States that did anything to fight sex trafficking," "A GOP Majority MUST fight fire with fire & investigate BLM's Summer of riots." - Newsmax, Twitter

>>15317077, >>15317102, >>15317128, >>15317169, >>15317279, >>15317280, >>15317286, >>15317289 Georgia Election Fraud: ‘The End of the Beginning’: True the Vote Will Release Ballot Harvesting Evidence for Five Additional States, John Solomon Blows the Doors Off Alleged Illegal Ballot Harvesting in GA - How high does it go? | True the Vote, RUMBLE

>>15317120 How we send Tweets has come a long way over the years. Let us introduce you to the original twitter: The Carrier Pigeon! #NationalBirdDay <0 - Twitter

>>15317126 Anon capture of Antifa at DC? - Video

>>15317143, >>15317283 PF Reports?

>>15317149 Help Pennsylvania Secure the May Primaries: Sign-Up to Become a Poll Watcher - Telegram

>>15317157 Richard Grenell Tweets: It’s been hilarious to watch. They literally reported it as a positive move of promoting government demands. - Twitter

>>15317178 COVID INSANITY: Scottish Newspaper Asks Readers if ‘COVID Internment Camps’ Should be Introduced - The Gateway Pundit

>>15317208, >>15317210 Left Launches Effort to Win Midterms by Disqualifying Republicans for ‘Insurrection’ - Breitbart

>>15317240 …and anon couldn't get one. #Covid19 NEW: Convicted Boston Marathon bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, “ received a $1,400 COVID relief payment on June 22, 2021,” prosecutors said in a court filing today - Herridge

>>15317256 UNSC Likely to Discuss Sudan as Military Coup Gov Struggles to Replace Resigned PM Hamdok - Sputnik

>>15317270, >>15317274, >>15317310 Ron Watkins for Congress, Arizona District #2, Discussion - Ronald Watkins

>>15317278 Ann Coulter: The Great Epstein Cover-up ~ [D]id you even know that the FBI found Epstein’s cache of sex tapes labeled “(name of underage girl) + (name of VIP)” — and then lost them? - Breitbart

>>15317356 Corona Cmte talks with Dr. Sam White on the Intentional Obscuration of Covid Stats - plus Coordination of "Death Batches" - Odysee

>>15317384 Pray for Patriots' Safety

>>15317399 #19374

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0d07e2  No.15318258

#19373: Lost In An Ocean Of Information? Choose Your Positions Edition Part One

>>15315964 Daniel McfuckinCarthy hatin on the Trump - "Carrying over from pb so anons can continue the discussion." - Twatter

>>15315991 Anon dough cleanup for #19373

>>15316004, >>15316049, >>15316071, >>15316245 Anon calls for correction in dough changed in dough.

>>15316008, >>15316082, >>15316088, >>15316303, >>15316319 Il Donaldo Trumpo ~ 17 Zeros + Discussion

>>15316010, >>15316159 Maricopa Board of Supervisors - Special Meeting 1-5-22,LIVE: Maricopa County Responds to Senate's Election Review!- You Tube

>>15316013 USN Tweets: CVN_72 Welcomes CVW9_Lightning!

>>15316056 Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) shocked many conservatives on Wednesday when he echoed the left’s overwrought January 6 messaging during a Senate Rules Committee hearing… - AM Greatness

>>15316059, >>15316070,ICYMI: Trumpleads all Republicans in poll on 2024 presidential election - NY Post

>>15316068, >>15316074 Official Ballot Harvesting Investigation in Georgia Begins - Uncover DC

>>15316072 So unbeknownst to most, Our President had a sit-down with OAN’s Christina Bobb yesterday - Video

>>15316078 Dominion is Panicking in Pennsylvania Because Their Machines Likely Weren’t Properly ‘Hardened’ and Shouldn’t Have Ever Been Put in Use - The Gateway Pundit

>>15316081 Ahead of the one-year anniversary of the storming of the U.S. Capitol, Twitter Inc convened a team to prepare the social networking site to address any harmful content associated with the event, the company told Reuters on Tuesday. - Reuters, OANN

>>15316171, >>15316176, >>15316306, >>15316493 BB ON HOLY FIRE BABY! To Boost Ratings, Newly Tattooed Brian Stelter Does DMT, Starts Talking About Elk Meat, "I like drugs," said Stetler, referring to the hallucinogenic drug known as DMT. "I like to feel the things and see shapes… and fight people, I like punching and kicking." - Babylon Bee

>>15316209 New York Times Offers Stunning Report on Left-Wing Racial Fundraising - PJ Media

>>15316213 Actually, Democrats Are Less Accepting of Presidential Election Defeats Than Republicans - PJ Media

>>15316239 Gov. Harry McMaster R SC "We will not shut down our state, close businesses and schools, or impose vaccine and mask mandates. It is not necessary because we know how to deal with this virus." - Twitter

>>15316254, >>15316606 So long, heroes: Mayo Clinic fires 700 workers over vaccination mandate - Hot Air

>>15316262, >>15316264 GETTR Shadow Bans Reporter Who Queried Ban of America First Streamer, Has 'Nothing More to Say' - National File

>>15316267, >>15316393 Health ‘Experts’ Finally Admit Masks Control People, Not Viruses - The Federalist

>>15316284, >>15316314 Seattle PD Brace for the worst ~ Officer-involved shooting in the 2200 block of S Eddy St. An officer responding to a burglary call shot a suspect believed to be armed with a knife or machete. Officer sustained minor injury. More info to come. - Various

>>15316288, >>15316293, >>15316299, >>15316311, >>15316317, >>15316342, >>15316385, >>15316386, >>15316389, >>15316392, >>15316394, >>15316396, >>15316399, >>15316401, >>15316407, >>15316409, >>15316411, >>15316413, >>15316415, >>15316416, >>15316418, >>15316425, >>15316426, >>15316439, >>15316521 Flynn Telegrams -~Essential reading for tomorrow morning’s cup of coffee! - Telegram, Revolver

>>15316309 Unemployment Fraud Three Times Greater Than Total Benefits In 2019 - Patriot Fetch

>>15316321, >>15316451 Cures? Do Your RESEARCH! - Pubmed

>>15316322 Melania Trump to Auction Second NFT, Signed White Hat from State Visit - Breitbart

>>15316328 (You) Never Trumper Jonah Goldberg, Melts Down After Getting Blasted by Tucker and Others Over Youngkin Tweet - Redstate

>>15316355, >>15316464, >>15316472, >>15316484, >>15316490, >>15316511 California Extends Statewide Indoor Mask Mandate Through February 15 Due to Omicron + Washington Omicron response & Citizens react - The Gateway Pundit

>>15316357, >>15316414, >>15316429 Child trafficking victim finds family after decades with help of a map - NY Post

>>15316360 "No matter what they tell you the people are waking up. Inside: " - Twitter

>>15316365, >>15316554 Heritage Foundation: Chuck Schumer Using January 6 to Seize ‘Permanent Power’ by Breaking Filibuster - You tube

>>15316385, >>15316386, >>15316389, >>15316392, >>15316396, >>15316399, >>15316401, >>15316407, >>15316409, >>15316411, >>15316413, >>15316415, >>15316416, >>15316418, >>15316425, >>15316426, >>15316521 Unindicted Co-Conspirators in 1/6 Cases Raise Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreknowledge - Revolver

>>15316640 #19373

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0d07e2  No.15318259

#19373: Lost In An Ocean Of Information? Choose Your Positions Edition Part Two

>>15316402 Woman arrested in New Mexico months after man found executed in her NYC apartment - Breaking 911

>>15316406 Counter-terror operation begins in Almaty — commandant’s office - TASS

>>15316432 Brian Cates - Political Columnist ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [05.01.22 14:53] - [Forwarded from SpyGate Down ⭐️⭐️⭐️] - I wrote an article for The Washington Pundit on why the War is Here and Now.

>>15316440 US denies role in Kazakhstan uprising - RT

>>15316447 Kek Patterns Shapiro - Telegram

>>15316448 Il Donaldo Trump: BREAKING: The Grammy Awards have been postponed indefinitely due to the fact THAT THEY SUCK!!! xDDDD - Twitter

>>15316454 Lael Brainard, Biden's #2 at the Federal Reserve has proposed a $7 per flight aviation tax (now $28 Billion - it's doubled since she proposed it) to fund UN Climate Programs. - Brooking

>>15316455, >>15316542 Kazakh national television outlets KTK and "First Channel Eurasia" have suspended broadcasts. - Telegram

>>15316458 Congressional Progressive Caucus backs legislation that would pack the Supreme Court by adding four more justices - The Blaze

>>15316462 “There is zero effort, interest, promotion, or care about early treatment” ~ Dr. @P_McCulloughMD says the public should question why gov'ts and public health officials have put little to no emphasis on outpatient treatments against #COVID19. - The Epoch Times

>>15316468 Former Space Company Executive Alleges Serial Lawbreaking By Democratic Governor - Daily Caller

>>15316475 USNI Tweets: Today is #NationalBirdDay. Did you know that the Navy once had carrier carrier pigeons? To assist in communications, USS Langley (CV-1) was built with a large coop in the fantail that was maintained by the Pigeon Quartermaster. Advances in wireless ended the need for pigeons. …<0 - Twitter

>>15316489, >>15316527, >>15316545 JUSTICE Bun New York Accomplice of Former Chestnut Hill Private School Teacher Arrested and Charged with Child Pornography Offenses & Others - Justice

>>15316512 Timcast IRL - Marjorie Taylor Greene Joins Discussing Getting Censored And 2022 - You Tube

>>15316566 …Disney+ actress Kim Mi-soo dead at 29 - Fox News

>>15316572, >>15316579 Novak Djokovic In Quarantine Hotel After Australian Visa Cancelled - 10 News First, You Tube

>>15316574 John Basham Twets: "This Public School Teacher Is A Complete Bad-Ass That I'd Love To Have Teaching My Kids…. Too Bad She's The Exception Rather Than The Rule These Days." - Video

>>15316580 Missed PB? >>15310060 pb President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, plans to announce the resignation of the government in the morning

>>15316595 Rumble Creating a Marketplace Launches Its Own Advertising System - DJ hj Media

>>15316607 Muh Air Q - DeSantis, Telegram

>>15316610 China already planning the next “civilization-killer” virus but Biden regime is playing nice under belief ChiComs want to “co-exist” - Natural News

>>15316626 Legendary American Car Manufacturer to Go Full Electric, Will No Longer Offer Internal Combustion Vehicles - The Western Journal

>>15316632 Anon - "DJT: call to dig on Archdiocese of Chicago?" - Various

>>15316641 #19373

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0d07e2  No.15318261

#19372: Are You Awake Yet? Edition

>>15315199, >>15315665, >>15315690 Rogue Rocket Slide -You Tube

>>15315235 Moar Hollywierd - Buzzfeed

>>15315237, >>15315288, >>15315296, >>15315452, >>15315624 Italian Vax Mandatory for 50 and up??

>>15315245, >>15315273, >>15315281, >>15315462, >>15315635, >>15315906 Gun Battles and Russian Peacekeepers? - RT, RUMBLE

>>15315300 First Two 'Flurona' Cases Detected In US: Officials - Zerohedge

>>15315318, >>15315320, >>15315355, >>15315367 Papi Trumpo Memes Devin, Drops News, AND MOAR! - Twitter

>>15315328 U.S. court revives lawsuit against Pfizer, others on Iraq terrorism funding claims - Reuters

>>15315354, >>15315364 "This is a compilation of antifa destroying our capitol while posing as Trump supporters. A lot of work went into this. Please share." - Video

>>15315362 #19371

>>15315376 ?F&G? Nambia News? - Disclose tv

>>15315390 Maricopa County Response to Cyber Ninja Assessment! - You Tube

>>15315443, >>15315651 PF Reports

>>15315480 Let's Go Brandon ANOTHER LEFT TURN! Update — NASCAR rejects Let’s Go Brandon sponsorship of Brandon Brown… - Twitter

>>15315487 Texas Gov. Abbott Sues Biden Over Military Vaccine Mandate, Tells His National Guard Biden is Not Their Commander-in-Chief - The Gateway Pundit


>>15315500 Venmo, PayPal and Cash App will now have to report transactions totaling more than $600 to the IRS as Biden plans to ramp up financial enforcement - Daily mail

>>15315514 Hayward: China Defends Twitter for Proving U.S. Has ‘No Freedom of Speech’ with Marjorie Taylor Greene Ban - Global Times

>>15315526 Medical Ethics Prof on CNN: ‘Penalize’ Unvaccinated Americans—Deny Them Affordable Health Insurance - CNN

>>15315541, >>15315634 #19370

>>15315547, >>15315562 Swalwell in FL also? What *REALLY* going on in Florida?? - Fox, Images

>>15315558 Coles reintroduces purchasing limits as demand soars, includes rapid antigen test kits - Sky News

>>15315568 WATCH LIVE: Schumer, McConnell speak on Senate floor ahead of Jan. 6 anniversary - You Tube

>>15315632 ICYMI: "New York’s Trump Inquisition" - WSJ

>>15315633 Austin, Blinken to Testify Before Private Senate Panel About Afghanistan Pullout Disaster - Sputnik

>>15315645,NEW DJTA great book by Julie Kelly. January 6: How Democrats Used the Capitol Protest to Launch A War on Terror Against the Political Right is a complete exposé of the left's efforts to create violence & then exploit the violence to smear the Republican Party. - Twitter

>>15315648 ICYMI: "News engagement fell off a cliff in 2021"

>>15315658 COVID Truths You Haven’t Heard

>>15315664 Trans Activists Refuse To Publish Unfavorable Data On Trans Youth In Sports Debate - Daily Caller

>>15315668 Statement by Donald J. Trump, MAGA nation should rise up and oppose this egregious federal government overreach

>>15315683 GOP Slams Biden Decision To Ignore Mandate To Disclose How Iran Sanctions Relief Funds Terrorism - Free Beacon

>>15315784, >>15315905, >>15315866, >>15315868, >>15315876, Interdasting…

>>15315925 #19372

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0d07e2  No.15318263

#19371: Corruption Apparent Special Executive Action Required Edition

>>15314452, >>15314477, >>15314535, >>15314591, >>15315076 Muh Russia! Muh Red Dawn! + Connections - You Tube

>>15314455 Team Lead says No to the META VR Deal. Walks Away. Inb4 - IGN

>>15314477, >>15314535 Setting The Stage? The power of the president is enormous – and may be even more so with presidential emergency action documents (PEADs), classified orders granting vast presidential authority in response to extraordinary situations. PEADs are so secret even Congress cannot see them – and that troubles constitutional scholars. "Sunday Morning" special contributor Ted Koppel reports - You Tube

>>15314492, >>15314498, >>15314742 Bidan Twitter: I'll give it to you straight, as I promised that I always would: We’re going to see COVID cases continue to rise. But you have the power to protect yourself by getting vaccinated and getting boosted. - Twitter

>>15314505, >>15314514 Blah Blah Blah muh Jan 6th Turrists (Maybe some of them..) - Capitol Police intelligence official says leadership was warned of potential for violence days before Jan. 6 - The Hill

>>15314520 Need more than this anon PapiTrumpo!

>>15314533 LB CIA Chess Games

>>15314545, >>15314565 Jack spilling his blackmail? Who was press for that event? Kazakhstan Fuckery with THE BIG GUY! LET'S GO BRANDON!! - Twitter, Woirld Nuclear.org

>>15314554, >>15314559, >>15314578 Whoopi Goldberg stunned by testing positive for COVID: 'I've done everything I was supposed to do' - Fox News

>>15314557 Flurona DETECTED! 1st Known Case Of ‘Flurona’- Flu And Coronavirus – Detected In Southern California -Breaking 911

>>15314579 BLM Intel - Homesteading: NEW: BLM plans to increase wild horse and burro gather and fertility control operations this year to reduce the risk of starvation, thirst, and habitat destruction as climate change and extreme drought continues to impact the West. - Twitter

>>15314599, >>15314654, >>15314661 A veteran journalist has resigned from Canada’s public broadcaster while making her reasons for quitting public, saying CBC News embodies “the worst trends in mainstream media.” - The Epoch Times

>>15314608 Welcome To America, Where politicians think that providing "support" is tweeting. WE NEED ACTION! "What a coward McCarthy is"… - Twitter

>>15314615, >>15315037, >>15315206 Kazakhstan Upheaval Updates - Video

>>15314621 We are the CURE for Mass Formation Psychosis - Evidence Backed Argument - RUMBLE

>>15314655, >>15314672 Trust Busting Time (Been Time)… Anon opinion Twitter?

>>15314656 Grammy Postponed… - CNN

>>15314730 I’m saddened to learn that Lawrence Brooks – who was the oldest surviving U.S. WWII veteran – has passed. I had the honor of speaking with him last year, and he was truly the best of America. I’m keeping his loved ones in my prayers. - Biden, Twitter

>>15314785 NOW: Maricopa County Responds to 2020 Election Cyber Ninjas Audit - You Tube


>>15314839 You Tube stuffs… Finland and Sweden flirt with NATO membership to counter Russia - You Tube

>>15314855, >>15315000 PF Reporting

>>15314869 Frustrated Patriot Airs Their Grievance?

>>15314889 Hannity, Patriot?

>>15314898 US war lobby fuels conflict in Russia, Ukraine, and Syria: ex-Pentagon advisor - You Tube


>>15314975, >>15314981 Unhinged High School Teacher Jabs Kid Behind Parent's Back At Her Home

>>15314990 Facebook Is Taking Over Local News the Way It Took Over Local Voting Offices - PJ Media

>>15315025 Georgia Governor Unveils Push to Allow Concealed Carry Without Permit - NTD

>>15315033, >>15315047, >>15315056, >>15315065, >>15315211 Northeastern NC Drug Trafficking Organization Leader Sentenced to 25 Years + Justice Bun - Justice, Chron

>>15315041 NEW DJT - "What is happening in Chicago with all the school closures is devastating. Democrats are congregating in mass tomorrow to fan the flames of a divide that THEY created, while our kids sit at home watching their futures vanish. It must stop. Educate our children in person or give every dollar spent on education directly to the students so they can get out of these failing government schools!"

>>15315060 "The Great Awakening Chart"? - Eye Drop Media

>>15315079 MUH CHINA TOO?!?!? - The Guardian

>>15315102 Maxwell’s defense team push for new trial after juror interviews - NY Post

>>15315362 #19371

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0d07e2  No.15318265

Previously Collected

>>15312866 #19368, >>15313624 #19369, >>15315541 #19370

>>15310532 #19365, >>15312467 #19366, >>15312036 #19367

>>15308265 #19362, >>15309012 #19363, >>15309757 #19364

>>15305713 #19359, >>15306788 #19360, >>15307426 #19361

>>15303470 #19356, >>15304275 #19357, >>15305059 #19358

>>15302810 #19353, >>15301958 #19354, >>15302758 #19355

>>15298719 #19350, >>15299577 #19351, >>15300316 #19352

>>15296800 #19347, >>15297195 #19348, >>15297967 #19349

>>15294847 #19345, >>15295638 #19346, >>15296808 #19347

>>15292693 #19342, >>15294293 #19343, >>15294103 #19344

>>15291511 #19340, >>15291511 #19341, >>15291731 #19341

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>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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f3acf8  No.15318270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0d07e2  No.15318271

File: fee7f6b16d0e742⋯.jpg (139.04 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, TingTingTing_.jpg)



Baker should be collecting this bread by half… Depending on Speed…

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2be847  No.15318273

File: 9927de5a90b0855⋯.jpeg (115.09 KB, 750x741, 250:247, 1640900741787.jpeg)

Remember faggots!

Especially when you allow the jews to take control of your money, and your government, while boomers applaud because of MUH HOLOHOAX!


Never forget that, FAGGOTS!



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7c9ec3  No.15318289

>>15318281 lb

Killary is almost as incompetent as Creepy and Kamel, a real loser.

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21b837  No.15318290

File: 7d96319171a3c33⋯.jpg (90.17 KB, 609x402, 203:134, Screenshot_20211222_092012….jpg)

God bless ALL on the board and ALL whom lurk/post here.

Yeshua bless.

God bless OUR Milky way.

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db3a85  No.15318291

File: d5f8bdad55544c4⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1916x1040, 479:260, ClipboardImage.png)

ty baker

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2be847  No.15318292

File: ee12e9585318801⋯.jpeg (745.4 KB, 1440x1136, 90:71, 1641427165410.jpeg)

It is so great to live in a country controlled by jews and their puppets!

Thanks boomer assholes! You did a great job selling us all out, you fucking cunts!

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3c77f9  No.15318293

File: acedddd26b11507⋯.jpg (65.36 KB, 657x657, 1:1, anti_science.jpg)

Snowden yabbers about whether it's "pvp" or "pve", which is purely just a mindfuck to matrix-ize your interpretation of the world.

Sure, it feels like evp. But there is always ultimately a p (player) behind the e (environment).

It reminds me of how Jung was tricked into impersonalizing the world. But his experiences were ultimately directed by a p behind the e. He had too many "patients" with extreme psychic events. He also had too many extreme psychic events himself. Those extreme psychic events were directed to cause the results that they caused.

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600fad  No.15318294

File: 9d5e27b00322cb1⋯.mp4 (7.52 MB, 640x640, 1:1, day_shift_make_it_rain.mp4)



note taker will rest and get some brekkie

early morning gmt


day shift coming

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6a6b1f  No.15318295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Protest outside refugee detention facility in Melbourne, Australia. Police and Fire Brigade on scene.

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21b837  No.15318296

File: 86458506130c1ae⋯.jpg (27.43 KB, 623x414, 623:414, Screenshot_20211220_162817….jpg)


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ba0a52  No.15318297

File: 660426361b2f9f3⋯.jpg (153.7 KB, 640x960, 2:3, AUU6sJe.jpg)


Thank you Baker.

I wish I could stay up wif you guise

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4b24a7  No.15318298

File: 85106533562f207⋯.jpg (140.79 KB, 731x757, 731:757, b245.jpg)


Breadshitting namefag

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9bce29  No.15318299

File: 379881c4a4ba607⋯.png (62.55 KB, 496x495, 496:495, Screen_Shot_2021_12_31_at_….png)

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21b837  No.15318300

File: 70b80f24febc550⋯.jpg (43.6 KB, 373x375, 373:375, Screenshot_20211220_160543….jpg)

I shall grind, living and a lovin!

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7e125f  No.15318301

Are there any retards left here still trusting the plan?

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4b24a7  No.15318302

File: 8a279895e714d27⋯.jpg (101.36 KB, 1024x567, 1024:567, 3536536.jpg)


>Thanks boomer assholes!

Boomers are busy right now, quaffing a nice red and checking their (((investment))) portfolio's

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21b837  No.15318303

File: d46d6d09261aa9a⋯.jpg (22.46 KB, 358x260, 179:130, Screenshot_20211118_074404….jpg)

File: 2c26e14e22c3ba4⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20220105_182656.jpg)

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9bce29  No.15318304

File: 58bfee007921020⋯.jpg (33.96 KB, 450x390, 15:13, hek23.jpg)

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2be847  No.15318305

File: fd09ae71c493407⋯.gif (59.44 KB, 364x327, 364:327, 1641410967026.gif)


Too bad you weren't board to death for eternity.

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4b24a7  No.15318306

File: 85b019f3e2ab240⋯.jpg (154.63 KB, 500x635, 100:127, 5yxqjv.jpg)

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2be847  No.15318307

File: 9fad82727455e99⋯.jpeg (88.15 KB, 1024x730, 512:365, 1641422911466.jpeg)


Sad but true.

Many such cases.

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21b837  No.15318308

File: 22f03c854cd9a0d⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2869x1790, 2869:1790, IMG_20210618_083344.jpg)

File: 82ff2495b3cc1f8⋯.gif (1.31 MB, 445x250, 89:50, SmoggyFlippantIsabellinesh….gif)

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72a616  No.15318309



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2aa49a  No.15318310


Don't worry anon, trust the plan. Be sure to vote for Trump in 2024. He is going to drain the swamp!

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3c77f9  No.15318311

File: 4e67260d1232f1d⋯.png (25.13 KB, 1109x720, 1109:720, covid_revelation.png)

File: fc227173ec6ef04⋯.png (557.52 KB, 1574x584, 787:292, ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe when the death rate of 18-50 year olds reaches 50% per year that will be the [PRECIPICE] and enough ppl will [TAKE PART]

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56a91b  No.15318312

File: cb55f6f46903e7a⋯.png (15.08 KB, 535x256, 535:256, Screenshot_2022_01_06_at_0….png)


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092185  No.15318313

File: 5bf3a8891052afb⋯.jpg (71.21 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 83165530.jpg)


Muh Dick shit the bread. KEK.19376.





So on.


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2b45d2  No.15318314

File: dc6ef37e07be5f0⋯.jpeg (117.5 KB, 700x977, 700:977, 13AAF6E1_7A32_4ADD_B586_0….jpeg)

File: b73a0d684619ed9⋯.jpeg (127.82 KB, 750x867, 250:289, 02743CAE_09A8_4038_AB60_7….jpeg)

File: a1e112fd1efa6de⋯.jpeg (113.09 KB, 750x1003, 750:1003, 55D39138_0D4C_4F73_A42D_E….jpeg)

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21b837  No.15318315

File: 161fe5094536a4a⋯.jpg (59.4 KB, 464x962, 232:481, Screenshot_20211112_154356….jpg)

File: 69ab608642e63a7⋯.jpg (115.43 KB, 617x632, 617:632, Screenshot_20211112_154707….jpg)

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9bce29  No.15318316

File: de4cc1d81e6068c⋯.jpg (59.16 KB, 489x489, 1:1, fuy5m.jpg)



maybe lay off the "boomer" schtick for a while?

only a MORAN lumps millions of people together based on something as irrelevant as age.

who knows, maybe more anons would take what you have to say more seriously. just sayin'….

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4b24a7  No.15318317

File: cd37667fa8aceb9⋯.jpg (312.99 KB, 831x634, 831:634, 1639812733685.jpg)

hey, what happened to the Russky rocket ?

did it crash into the WH yet ?

EMP burst over Nebraska ?

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2b45d2  No.15318318

File: e0bc65d25b1cf1a⋯.jpeg (230.04 KB, 750x949, 750:949, 18A81DD3_BCA5_469C_85E5_1….jpeg)































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2be847  No.15318319

File: 9fbf47f0ff407a1⋯.jpeg (59.68 KB, 720x907, 720:907, 1641420814630.jpeg)


Thanks, anon. I wasn't sure what to do, but now, I will vote for Trump, even though the last time I did, along with 90% of America and the jews stole the election and put biden in power, I will vote for Trump, even though he decided to allow the jews to run his office and fuck us all in the ass without lube. I am sure he learned his lesson…

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600fad  No.15318320

File: b6b2bb6273f8a07⋯.png (1.28 MB, 944x630, 472:315, ClipboardImage.png)


yah shit the bread pilotorb aka richard t black.

stop being insufferable

tard jail for a week


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21b837  No.15318321

File: f7a4ca4fba621df⋯.jpg (40.12 KB, 582x425, 582:425, Screenshot_20211231_090631….jpg)

File: 55e949effd3e6b3⋯.jpg (88.25 KB, 764x447, 764:447, Screenshot_20211231_090624….jpg)

File: 91a5c41b5796c47⋯.jpg (177.16 KB, 652x647, 652:647, Screenshot_20211230_075605….jpg)

File: 0039157e5ff70dd⋯.jpg (40.45 KB, 287x428, 287:428, Screenshot_20211019_103213….jpg)

Cannabis cures: cancer, autism,  epilepsy.

Take me too yer dealer…

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db060a  No.15318322

File: 2d370c17fccbbfa⋯.png (864.95 KB, 853x869, 853:869, SPD_faked_Proud_Boys_durin….PNG)

Probe: Seattle cops improperly faked right-wing radio talk


SEATTLE (AP) — An investigation by Seattle's police watchdog group shows Seattle police exchanged detailed fake radio transmissions about a nonexistent group of menacing right-wing extremists at a crucial moment during 2020 racial justice protests.

The radio chatter on June 8, 2020, about members of the Proud Boys marching around downtown Seattle, some possibly carrying guns, and then heading to confront protesters on Capitol Hill was an improper "ruse," or dishonest ploy, that exacerbated a volatile situation. That's according to findings released Wednesday by the city's Office of Police Accountability.

The Proud Boys is a far-right extremist group with a reputation for street violence.

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4b24a7  No.15318323

File: c45ec227e8eb1e4⋯.png (254 KB, 543x443, 543:443, 2536363.png)


Boomer detected

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0cf178  No.15318324

File: 78fa25bf3b8e6a1⋯.png (8.51 KB, 195x494, 15:38, Metadata.PNG)

If I run a photo through a metadata removal process and it still shows a computer ID, does that potentially dox a person?

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9bce29  No.15318325

File: 9423d0dff600086⋯.jpg (27.95 KB, 300x359, 300:359, grammarnazi.jpg)


>Too bad you weren't board to death for eternity.


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e2a5ae  No.15318326


It went the way of Flight 370.

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600fad  No.15318327


thought you fucked off gary

go and put your nuts in a blender

remember to turn it on


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4b24a7  No.15318328


ahh, so no more, wink wink

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3c77f9  No.15318329

File: 2d9086da314eb1e⋯.jpg (176.68 KB, 1085x1200, 217:240, Trumpland_vs_Clinton_Archi….jpg)


They don't even pay niggers anon. They just vote in their place.

Official figures say "blacks vote in higher numbers than whites", FFS.

Because that's the game and has been for a long time

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8886e1  No.15318330


Dang, Good Will Hunting took a weird turn. Matt Damon wears short shorts and a sports bra now while figuring out mathematical “problems”? This shit is getting weirder and weirder

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4b24a7  No.15318331

File: 77ea8c87471e15b⋯.png (501.33 KB, 1004x917, 1004:917, 3525236.png)


I'm not Gary, anon

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357e04  No.15318332

File: 3b687c214b5b956⋯.jpeg (83.67 KB, 636x477, 4:3, A53A0DA7_8CA0_447E_99D0_9….jpeg)

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2be847  No.15318333


It is chan-ese, Grammar Kitty.

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2be847  No.15318334


You really are a stupid jew, aren't you?


Try responding to the correct anon, next time, YOU STUPID FOOL!

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4b24a7  No.15318335

File: 43f3b7112c0ff9b⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1600x870, 160:87, camp_D.png)


>Matt Damon

one of the perps

there are many

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21b837  No.15318336

File: ebe5c464835a0dc⋯.jpg (126.06 KB, 642x481, 642:481, Screenshot_20211225_125414….jpg)

Cozy/Comfey, so fresh and clean.

Just did bedding laundry. Zzzz

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600fad  No.15318337


then stop behaving like him

jesus you got be very low IQ retard to start repeating his shit.

lurk moar anon, get a feel of the anon, you will suss them out pretty quick.

carry on being you and not who they want you to be !!

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8886e1  No.15318338


>It is chan-es

Will take “love you long time” for 100, Alex

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ba0a52  No.15318339

File: 506e83ddd4ad70a⋯.jpg (59.3 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Mary.jpg)


Who do (You) trust, Fren?

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2aa49a  No.15318340


Anon you just aren't trusting the plan enough. You are watching a movie. Trump is running a sting operation and the military is running the united states right now. The deep state democrats are in pure panic mode right now. Their entire satanic pedophile organization is collapsing. Most are already in GITMO thanks to Trump and Q team.

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b626c4  No.15318341


yes, it potentially does, because it potentially has some identifying characteristics. find one that is better.

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9bce29  No.15318342

File: d86ea87526b6e8c⋯.jpg (75.58 KB, 694x499, 694:499, 3vr5j7.jpg)


>Boomers are busy right now, quaffing a nice red and checking their (((investment))) portfolio's


>I'm not Gary, anon

i can see that from your ID, but you're still a fucking asshat and/or divisionshill. likely both.

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4b24a7  No.15318343

File: c6dd7a95dbf2b76⋯.png (336.12 KB, 494x530, 247:265, 2453664.png)


moves and counter-moves

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db3a85  No.15318344

File: b995abf31d2f5d9⋯.png (577.46 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, ClipboardImage.png)

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600fad  No.15318345

File: 33d0c36d7da62ae⋯.png (1.65 MB, 944x1058, 472:529, ClipboardImage.png)


there you are. he was responding your drivel

every bread all the time

don't know who you are trying to convince unless you getting paid by the clowns and hen pecked by your fat overweight greasy controller.

fuck you are pathetic

carry on gary

you are destroying your soul and your immune system by just being you

a fucking coward who cannot speak for himself but is cucked into speaking what others put in your head.

only you can change you.

no one owes you fuck all

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e58b70  No.15318346

File: eab2c40fea1596f⋯.png (293.53 KB, 536x683, 536:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9d0e3799ab55cd⋯.png (20.52 KB, 268x393, 268:393, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b70137f62d2885⋯.png (42.15 KB, 980x834, 490:417, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15316008 (pb)

hate to be that anon but…

1. ildonaldo.com is behind patreon paywall stuff tells me its probably not associated.

2 when trying to verify the post at donaldjtrump.com/news its not there.

3. I did locate a second source pushing this 'news release' with Liz Harrington's TG account https://t.me/LizHarrington76/2572 I would have bet money that was a 'verified account' with a blue check mark. I have recognized many fakes on tg over the last year but saw this one as legit, but now there is no verified check and it is listed as a 'fan channel' of Liz's…

so what the fuck is going on?

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2be847  No.15318347

File: 60d2211d5a256b4⋯.gif (3.41 MB, 312x302, 156:151, 1641416011300.gif)




← For you.

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8886e1  No.15318348


>Trump is running a sting operation and the military is running the united states right now.

Even processing that is hard enough because the general pop couldn’t do it… at least right now. Something has got to give. Imagine strolling into a restaurant and saying out loud “Trump is still in control and the US Military has the world by the almonds!”. We would be shot. It’s a tough life. Anon still does it because anon has some weird super powers but would be scared for anyone else doing it

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2b45d2  No.15318349




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4b24a7  No.15318350

File: d52522095de1a2c⋯.gif (329.32 KB, 500x466, 250:233, 352526.gif)


kek, somebody really put a burr up your ass

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4433a5  No.15318351

File: 211300d57d97438⋯.png (286.93 KB, 1640x2332, 410:583, Hitler_nwo_Puppet.png)





You idiots covering for the SATANIC CULT by spewing division logic are just making total asses of yourselves.

ANONS KNOW YOUR 'controlled opposition' GAME.

Get a new script already, you're boring as fuck.

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2be847  No.15318352

File: 1dae43cc9467beb⋯.png (66.91 KB, 352x264, 4:3, 1641415936147.png)


What sort of BOOMER-TIER DRIVEL is this shit?

You should see if your (((Doctor))) will prescrive Xanax for you. I hear that the jew medication will dissolve your brain more than it is already.

It could be an IMPROVEMENT.

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9bce29  No.15318353

File: cda90acaca6724f⋯.png (468.36 KB, 600x347, 600:347, cda90acaca6724f2489e642f79….png)

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4b24a7  No.15318354

File: ea6a90083e873e1⋯.png (336.49 KB, 680x483, 680:483, f425.png)

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2be847  No.15318355

File: c69403bcc09e36b⋯.png (343.78 KB, 687x499, 687:499, nationdestroyingscientists.png)


>Get a new script already, you're boring as fuck.

Yet, you are whining about it. That tells me that we are effective.

Cry on your rabbi's shoulder jew. WE DON'T CARE and WANT YOU AND YOUR KIND DEAD!

Chew on that nut, jew.

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ba0a52  No.15318356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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db3a85  No.15318358

File: a177d4a98687a62⋯.png (273.55 KB, 1797x897, 599:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bd2a79bd672091⋯.png (244.12 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba206f12f365d21⋯.png (314.96 KB, 474x354, 79:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 730077d45e05d3e⋯.png (299.3 KB, 620x412, 155:103, ClipboardImage.png)

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2b45d2  No.15318359

File: 67aa9e66e8ecbc7⋯.jpeg (71.68 KB, 560x511, 80:73, 5345A7AF_321F_4168_8EF1_4….jpeg)

File: a4afe7899f61f1c⋯.jpeg (250.02 KB, 750x957, 250:319, B3AA7A5B_ACBB_426B_9BA0_9….jpeg)



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092185  No.15318360

File: 682a4fff4a25db4⋯.jpg (180.41 KB, 1300x1139, 1300:1139, 1964_cat_aids_us_rocket_pr….jpg)

File: f52abfd7c629168⋯.jpeg (8.43 KB, 181x279, 181:279, images_2022_01_06T021739_….jpeg)

File: fe07eb69a22ec9e⋯.jpeg (57.15 KB, 727x549, 727:549, image_1_.jpeg)

File: 5037ed9d253634e⋯.jpg (1.58 MB, 2592x4608, 9:16, 877103874_0_x.jpg)

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21b837  No.15318361

File: 1f1e365bab25acc⋯.jpg (36.02 KB, 389x383, 389:383, Screenshot_20210801_165738….jpg)

File: d39bc131a603a2f⋯.jpg (75.48 KB, 790x601, 790:601, Screenshot_20210801_165726….jpg)

File: 55975ef95b8e074⋯.jpg (38.74 KB, 370x343, 370:343, Screenshot_20210731_180733….jpg)

File: 1a719f126c3626a⋯.jpg (24.65 KB, 303x230, 303:230, Screenshot_20210726_102226….jpg)

File: 7187547221ea918⋯.jpg (147.53 KB, 729x972, 3:4, Screenshot_20210801_211205….jpg)

"Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their age. Their madam tells me that many of their customers are western humanitarian workers who’ve come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters."

The more you know…



"This is far from a ‘vigilante group’; leading the team is ex-Department of Homeland Security special agent Tim Ballard, perhaps America’s foremost human trafficking expert. "The problem in Haiti is an international crisis,” Ballard explains. “With so many children displaced or orphaned during the recent earthquake and hurricane, recruiters moved quickly to sweep these children up. And the worst part of it all is that in many cases the clients are the foreigners who’ve come here to help, the NGO workers and the so-called humanitarians.”





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40f30a  No.15318362

File: 835ee98d83296b1⋯.png (94.33 KB, 227x343, 227:343, nubtyevrtwtwreerw.png)

File: 11b85cad21f5cbf⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1075x808, 1075:808, b539af5fe0a0ce0d039884e3f8….png)


But yet you're still here.

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6c8cb7  No.15318363

File: 3ed6f2323bca1da⋯.png (1.26 MB, 890x888, 445:444, 3ed6f2323bca1dac8cc81662b2….png)

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4b24a7  No.15318364

File: 377d3ef6403c6a4⋯.gif (987.04 KB, 229x176, 229:176, 3555525.gif)

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9bce29  No.15318365


hey gary, instead of calling everyone else here names, why don't you share some more of your inside info? something some of us might like to read.

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600fad  No.15318366

File: 5ec40b4fe2dc968⋯.png (1.7 MB, 788x951, 788:951, ClipboardImage.png)



and now cringe

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5689e3  No.15318367

Former husband of Petra Ecclestone in court on money laundering charge

The socialite and former husband of heiress Petra Ecclestone, James Stunt, has appeared in court to face money laundering charges.

January 5, 2022


NatWest bank fined $351 million for failing to prevent money laundering

A criminal gang deposited hundreds of million in cash at around 50 branches of NatWest, prosecutors for Britain’s financial regulator said on Monday, with at least one individual outlet receiving more than $52 million.

The FCA said NatWest failed to monitor suspect activity by a client – [Fowler Oldfield], a Bradford-based gold dealer and jeweler liquidated after a police raid in 2016 – that deposited about $482 million pounds, including $349 million in cash.


Socialite bullion dealer James Stunt to stand trial in Britain’s biggest money laundering case

Liquidated gold merchant - which allegedly received £2m-a-day in illicit cash - linked to landmark criminal case against NatWest Bank

Bankrupt gold dealer James Stunt is one of [13] people charged with money laundering linked to a UK jeweller at the heart of an alleged £365 million ($505m) criminal case against one of the country’s biggest banks.

The socialite was once worth an estimated £3 billion, but his assets were frozen by the High Court in 2018 at the request of the Crown Prosecution Service.

The former director of [Fowler Oldfield], Gregory Frankel, who was a vice-president of Mr Stunt’s firm Stunt & Co, will also stand trial.

Mr Stunt - the former husband of F1 heiress Petra Ecclestone - and Mr Frankel also jointly-owned international gold trading business Fort Bullion, whose offices in Mayfair were raided by the police in 2016.

May 17, 2021


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8886e1  No.15318368


45 should just stroll in and throw her his golf clubs. Fuck that floor and both of them

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092185  No.15318369

File: f05f99b41be6f01⋯.jpg (76.05 KB, 500x1041, 500:1041, f05f99b41be6f01492015a992a….jpg)

File: 10c654a22ae5683⋯.jpeg (11.9 KB, 252x255, 84:85, 6e2afc287b4c9f8da8b35414a….jpeg)

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2aa49a  No.15318370


>But yet you're still here.

You're damn right I'm still here. I trust Trump and Trust Q team! Paid shills like you are finished. Patriots are in control now. Bye Bye MOSSAD loser!

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ba0a52  No.15318371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Blackpiller and concernfags need to watch this (if you're even strong enough) because it's logical proof that you're being faggots.


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40f30a  No.15318372


…oops, friendly fire…..fuuuuuck!

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9bce29  No.15318373


before anyone gets TOO worried, just remember, they were all made in china. would YOU go to walmart for YOUR space weapons?

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ba0a52  No.15318374

File: 7dd36b18a256f74⋯.jpg (34.69 KB, 1200x952, 150:119, zardoz_head.jpg)

Blackpiller and concernfags need to watch this (if you're even strong enough) because it's logical proof that you're being faggots.


Fucking hell - wrong embed

Watch this :


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66df8f  No.15318375


Yep. The plan is to keep the highways and airports clear to the last minute so that the elites can make it to their bunkers (which are really underground cities complete with slaves). You are the plan. Keep you dumb motherfuckers placated. Think storm. Think comets.

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4b24a7  No.15318376

File: f36b71e4c420c37⋯.png (236.27 KB, 682x515, 682:515, 3535636676.png)



Boomers have severly diminished mental capacity

The few brain synapses that are still firing are all (((programmed))) responses, inserted into their psyche over many decades by the cunning jew

I feel dastardly sorry for the Boomers, but in saying that, they all need to be gassed, asap

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2be847  No.15318377


What more do you want to know. Ask. If I know, I will tell.


Yet, you responded like the MORON YOU ARE.



In reality, they gassed themselves, and I won't save them from their fate.

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72a616  No.15318378

File: de70191dac9100a⋯.jpg (99.05 KB, 774x710, 387:355, 1641329120642.jpg)



It's better to spend the few extra dollars on knives that don't get dull after a few stabbings.

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8886e1  No.15318379


>friendly fire

Don’t take it too hard, anon. It happens on the boards. It’s tough to process context sometimes. Just know… a real anon will back down immediately with a modest response like you just made. Our fuck-ups are what makes us human. Anon is like a gorillion and 10. Losses and wins kek

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ba0a52  No.15318380

File: fe8303758708950⋯.png (39.62 KB, 650x650, 1:1, space_art.png)


Oh, look - it's "Death by Meteorites Guy"

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9bce29  No.15318381


what goes on in antarctica? what did they find there?

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b626c4  No.15318382


In the very least I would expect that they would get "cheap" penguin adrenochrome.

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8886e1  No.15318383


Mike, anons don’t sleep for different reasons than you do but can you take your midol or whatever else and just go to sleep?

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e2a5ae  No.15318384


It's basically the Earth's Lost and Found. They found missing people, missing planes, missing rockets, missing asteroids, missing ufos, and missing emails.

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2be847  No.15318385


They have never directly discussed this, but from what I can tell, there is some serious shit going on there. If I told you what I have heard the insults would start, and I would hear shit about "Flat-earthers" etc.

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9bce29  No.15318386


HA… no seriously… i take it that means that's not something to which you're privy.

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4b24a7  No.15318387


> they gassed themselves


>dubs checked

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36c3e0  No.15318388

File: aec9fe5a0e83e3e⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1318x792, 659:396, ClipboardImage.png)

They look like they know each other.

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9bce29  No.15318389


>If I told you what I have heard the insults would start, and I would hear shit about "Flat-earthers" etc.

not from me, you wouldn't. i've read everything i can find on operation highjump, including digging up newspapers from 1946 on microfilm. anon has heard lots of crazy ideas and is not dismissing any of them.

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f3acf8  No.15318390


Watchmen Warrior Patriot Anon's , if this link works when (You) copy/paste , (You) need to click on show footprint , and then go outside if weather is good , and look towards the Sierra Nevada mountain range when target is close , remember this is going about 5 miles a second , 250 miles a minute …. the height is only about 200k or about 40 miles up , which is a view (You) can only get once in a life time if we can get any kind of light to reflect off of the ship , I think we are around :23 minutes from California flyby , could be a Sky Event ,

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8886e1  No.15318391


NOT missing super computers running AI and utilizing the climate for cooling said tech. Don’t forget that. Also Operation High Jump, unless that was fake news. Who knows. Maybe that’s where a bunch of demons were frozen in ice? The possibilities are endless. There’s a reason JK, Hanx, and many others took last-minute trips there. Anon doesn’t know so just spitballing but the AI-cooling anon puts a basket of tendies on as a wager

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600fad  No.15318392

File: 465081ec155d163⋯.mp4 (10.8 MB, 392x432, 49:54, BBC_truth_bomber.mp4)



BBC Let a Truth Bomber on their Network

Uncensored Storm Published January 5, 2022


Truth bombs dropped all over the BBC, I bet they regret getting him on.

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9bce29  No.15318393


sorry, i didn't pay attention to IDs. you're not gary so kindly don't reply to questions directed to him. K?

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092185  No.15318394

File: caf5dbafe855e7e⋯.jpeg (54.88 KB, 680x437, 680:437, FIX3tb6XsAIUmlz.jpeg)

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4b24a7  No.15318395

File: 26cf853c220a4b7⋯.png (390.16 KB, 1320x2652, 110:221, 3366.png)


larp or not…fun to read

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2b45d2  No.15318396

File: 67aa9e66e8ecbc7⋯.jpeg (71.68 KB, 560x511, 80:73, 7542D39E_493C_40D2_86CF_3….jpeg)

File: a1e112fd1efa6de⋯.jpeg (113.09 KB, 750x1003, 750:1003, 08DB47DA_F9CE_4CB7_A27A_5….jpeg)




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2be847  No.15318397


I appreciate that anon, I really do.

Let's just say that things are not as they have been presented (Read "Moon Landings") and the was all staged to present the idea that the earth is a globe.

I hope that helps, but I am unwilling to go any further. I hope you understand.

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2b45d2  No.15318398

File: e790512998a340c⋯.jpeg (158.51 KB, 506x563, 506:563, 90A25975_8E06_4D77_B9D3_2….jpeg)

File: 513398fe89d748b⋯.jpeg (137.34 KB, 730x498, 365:249, 148541FD_985A_4E2D_854E_E….jpeg)




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db57ff  No.15318399

Kansas City


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8886e1  No.15318400




Within a minute we both mentioned Operation High Jump. Hive is still kicking, right now.

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1ddd15  No.15318401


Nimrod and Nephilim's Demons. World leaders hold something like a 'seance' in order to be directed and guided by them to achieve power When you hear about 'Lucifarians', it originates from this opening in Antarctica.

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9bce29  No.15318402


ok then… how about this. truth has sometimes been "leaked" to the masses thru works of fiction. do you recommend anything, new or old, to give us an inkling of what's really going on right now?

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4d0afa  No.15318403

17 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:

2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

Babylon, the idiom of false religion. She is a whore because she doesn't remain true to her supposed husband, Jesus. The woman is Rome/Vatican,

10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

Several possible options for the eighth beast, maybe Assyrians, maybe even Israel herself, at least for a while, until she realizes who Jesus was, and quits acting the fool and goes back to obeying God like they once did.

Now we get to the last kingdom.

12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

This last beast, is a revised version of the old Roman Empire, it may be the EU, or something that the EU evolves into, but the EU is certainly involved one way or the other.

18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

And here, verse 18 tells us which city is the whore….ROME. The last beast, somewhere along the line, decides it is tired of the whore, and strips her of her wealth and everything, my guess is it's mainly the Vatican. Who else has vast wealth? The EU, or the main guy, running the show, is eventually gonna proclaim himself as god and sit on the mercy seat or otherwise somehow profane the temple. So, the anti-Christ doesn't want any contenders for his power and worship, I think that is one of the reasons I think they are gonna destroy the Vatican, the anti-Christ doesn't want to share power, among other things.

Considering the fact that with all the digging we've done over the years, the Vatican seems to figure largely in a lot of this cabal bullshit, so it makes me wonder if we are nearly at the point at which the whore gets stripped and replaced. It may be on the near horizon.

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4b24a7  No.15318404

File: ca9578a8526de07⋯.png (130.49 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 353535.png)


the (fake) Buzz went there

antarctica is like a fun-fair the chosen celebs get to visit

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ba0a52  No.15318405


You are literally a propagandist.

Also, a depressed, Womanless faggot.

Congratulations on sucking such spectacular cock.

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b429ae  No.15318406



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ba0a52  No.15318407

File: 9745f29fe25955b⋯.gif (1.24 KB, 94x116, 47:58, hamsa.gif)


''If the Fool would persist in his Folly,

He would become Wise''

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6c8cb7  No.15318408

File: 7a367256d645df0⋯.jpg (489.2 KB, 2314x1213, 2314:1213, 7a367256d645df05228d5a0cc9….jpg)

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2b45d2  No.15318409

File: eda02aceb53d921⋯.png (271.79 KB, 472x556, 118:139, C33685A7_A3FE_4074_A407_BD….png)

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7dfd96  No.15318410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e2a5ae  No.15318411

“The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted. Mark the music.

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5bd7ca  No.15318412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good night and God bless to everyone but the subhumans. Love and hugs from the North Pole.

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2be847  No.15318413

File: 802f99506758ea4⋯.png (170.91 KB, 514x500, 257:250, itisflatbutstupidpeoplelov….png)

File: fb2d279b84dd57e⋯.png (389.61 KB, 525x475, 21:19, 1636131100197.png)

File: 4576c4e1867aff1⋯.png (197.44 KB, 427x421, 427:421, s428982168532535188_p257_i….png)

File: 213b6049a524f8b⋯.jpeg (249.17 KB, 1024x800, 32:25, 1637277813202.jpeg)

File: 560d3ee7f416aef⋯.jpeg (528.07 KB, 1058x867, 1058:867, 1637786345190.jpeg)


Works of fiction.

This is the best I can do, anon.

Good Night!

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2be847  No.15318414

File: a0e168f84c42732⋯.jpeg (147.92 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 1637799364780.jpeg)


One moar.

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9bce29  No.15318415


how 'bout this… anon is an actual research scientist with peer review publications that have hundreds of citations (the REAL test of significance). my lifelong hobby has been suppressed technology. the SR-71 flew in 1956. seems like we should have had a shitton more progress than we have been "shown." anon knows about the "invention secrecy act" of 1951, and also has a fairly accurate BS detector. i can only guess what tech they are sitting on, but i KNOW what parts of "accepted science" are total bullshit. can you spill the beans on any suppressed tech of which you're aware?

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2b45d2  No.15318416






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2be847  No.15318417


I could, but I won't.

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886848  No.15318418

File: 95e321e8822356e⋯.jpg (32.38 KB, 680x450, 68:45, awkward.jpg)


>seven heads and ten horns

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9bce29  No.15318420


good night, then. be safe.

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ba0a52  No.15318421


Stay frosty ;-)


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2b45d2  No.15318423

File: 7df8648e550dbe7⋯.jpeg (134.27 KB, 731x462, 731:462, E7E3004C_7751_4A70_BA76_C….jpeg)

Zuckerberg wagging his tongue says,

“Shake that ass”

“Shake that ass Raffensberger”

“Show Daddy whatchu got”

“$10 per ballot – you know the thing”

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886848  No.15318424

File: e7251d9ae3315b3⋯.png (197.42 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)


>the woman was arrayed in purple

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2be847  No.15318425


Thank you. You too. I know what peril you are in. Believe me, I know. Perhaps when the nightmare is over we can discuss all of this over a pitcher or two of beer?

May that day be sooner rather than later.

Good night!

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2b45d2  No.15318426


> You are literally a propagandist.

Anon has identified the cancer that needs to be cut out

For God and country

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8886e1  No.15318427


Anon wishes anon could take a deep deep dive into the Bible and attempt any kind of decode. There was a reason great grandparent allegedly “spoke in tongues”. Anon wants it but it’s so hard to read more than a few paragraphs at a time. The Bible hold a LOT, in anons opinion. Probably codes within codes, within codes, within codes, within codes, and so on. Just like Q posts. Because our brains have been so effed it’s easier to read a few sentences instead of a gorillion pages

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886848  No.15318428

File: 76c2cae6400f8bf⋯.jpg (52.14 KB, 1042x747, 1042:747, watch.jpg)


>The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

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600fad  No.15318429

File: e9ab23f10632aed⋯.png (187 KB, 402x402, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


night op

god bless


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317197  No.15318430

File: b6c826d581fece8⋯.jpg (536.79 KB, 1079x720, 1079:720, Screenshot_20220106_004854….jpg)

File: 63789fea9ef7ee3⋯.jpg (455.68 KB, 1078x609, 154:87, Screenshot_20220106_005001….jpg)

File: 33255b6267b458c⋯.jpg (459.15 KB, 1078x859, 1078:859, Screenshot_20220106_005100….jpg)

File: 5e97aa71c4f8064⋯.jpg (624.74 KB, 1078x812, 77:58, Screenshot_20220106_005215….jpg)



All boomers mystery die, right?

Don't forget to included yourself in that, your attitude tward your elders is what's wrong with the younger gens. You haven't learned a thing. It's your generation that will be murdered from this teaching when the time comes.

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899161  No.15318432

File: fad69199a935d1c⋯.jpg (147.43 KB, 676x380, 169:95, cruz_presenting.jpg)

To commemorate Cruz cucking out once again…

(Feel free to add partygoers, kek)

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4d0afa  No.15318433


The seven heads are seven empires throughout history.

1. Egyptian

2. Assyrian

3. Babylonian

4. Medeo-Persian

5. Greek

6. Roman

7. One yet to come

Ten horns are ten leaders of the last empire. Some people suspect that, since it's going to be basically a global empire, that the ten horns or ten kings, are going to rule the globe via 10 global regions, ergo, 10 kings, one for each region, with the anti-Christ being the head honcho.

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4b24a7  No.15318434

File: 3c1ad4dda62e31b⋯.jpg (68.24 KB, 564x613, 564:613, 3563647.jpg)

Antarctica Pyramids for anyone interested

75 00'57.33"s 71 24'41.39w

74 53'46.73"s 71 28'01.41w

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243946  No.15318436


What does this mean? noice ID: AND Infinity dubs

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7e125f  No.15318437


The people's general


He says there is no fucking plan

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ba0a52  No.15318438


Oh, by all means… let the Zuckerfag poster keep pushing the demoralization. It's to help wake people up, right? Eat a dick.

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092185  No.15318441

File: 4bc706ef11c8eb2⋯.png (1.07 KB, 76x28, 19:7, download_16_.png)

File: 99c95cfe85ec592⋯.png (158.74 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20220106_030355.png)



ESS tech down 17%

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600fad  No.15318442

File: d0a02bb73d0e2ec⋯.png (779.57 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, ClipboardImage.png)


yah gotta wonder how big the space station is now and if they have made moon bases yets.

the last film anon saw was called don't look up released around 2 days ago, in it there is a meteror heading to earth, the elites in it are bascially useless idiots who live in woke t.v land. they fuck everything up, leave it too late and then escape in a spaceship which carrys 2000 and leave everyone else to die as the earth is destroyed by a meteror.

fucked up ending and movie

big budget multi elite stars in this movie.

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2b45d2  No.15318443


Anon will never stop.



My ancestors bled for this country. I’m not gonna let some rich faggot usurp our freedom and make a mockery of it.

Molon Labe

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3261ec  No.15318444

File: 4bf5d4e0b0b8b31⋯.png (334.81 KB, 902x720, 451:360, Screen_Shot_2022_01_06_at_….png)

File: e0b2e2fa29c274e⋯.mp4 (3.42 MB, 640x360, 16:9, B6CI32CB9KNPPgzH.mp4)

l Donaldo Trumpo



10:08 PM · Jan 5, 2022


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4d0afa  No.15318445


You don't really need to decode anything, just read it enough and ask God for help understanding it. You have to read it to be able to see the multithread layers and how it all comes together. Hard to explain. It's like a door, you have to open it and go through it to see what's on the other side.

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f3acf8  No.15318446

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2b45d2  No.15318447


You need to understand who’s to blame. The truth is not for everybody. If you can’t handle the heat get the fuck out the kitchen. This is war faggot.

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4d0afa  No.15318448


Didn't you know? It's peoples, and multitudes and nations and tongues……of sea monkeys.

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8886e1  No.15318449


What about the Persians? They go by different names and anon has only learned things from anons self. Don’t know shit.

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9bce29  No.15318450


the bible is the most corrupted, edited, redacted book in history. from the original (dead) languages in which it was written, it has been transliterated multiple times thru multiple languages. whole parts deleted to suit TPTB du jour. massively edited to the point of changing the meaning of entire books to the opposite of what was originally intended. to believe that any mysteries can be revealed by reading an english version is naivete of the highest order. you'd be better of reading nostradamus, or edgar cayce, or jane roberts.

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7c9ec3  No.15318451


*muh plan

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ba0a52  No.15318452


>My ancestors bled for this country.

So why do you attempt to demoralize people here with your depressing half-truth bullshit?

Zuck don't mean shit to me. No power over me. Full armor of God I pray. Those serpents can't touch me.

You go on thinking the bad guys are controlling things all you want. It's only on the surface, and mostly an illusion. We are FREE. Make no mistake, nobody is running your life but YOU.

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4d0afa  No.15318453


See no. 4. Media-Persians.

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600fad  No.15318454


the king james bible was written by adepts and over seen by francis bacon a Adept also allegedly, known for cyphers and codes.

manly p hall explains that in his lectures but even with him you need to use discernment as he was a 33 degree mason

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7c9ec3  No.15318455


Get to work! Im filing my SS app. next week.

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8886e1  No.15318456


45 sounds so modest and sincere in that speech. It’s as if he is speaking for God Himself. Sounds lame, perhaps. To anon, it sounds deep.

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2c7ab4  No.15318457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trust the Plan. >>13228542 (QSG)

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2b45d2  No.15318458


> to demoralize

Zuckerberg put a pedophile who groped and fondled little girls on live television into office.

We didn’t want that.

We don’t want this old fool who calls himself king.

(You) do.

Talk about demoralized..

(KYS faggot)

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7c9ec3  No.15318459


Defund Seattle PD. Crooked.

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5689e3  No.15318460


Indonesia Corruption Court Jails Executives at Insurer for 20 Years

An Indonesian court has sentenced two former heads of state insurer Asabri to 20 years in jail for graft after blaming them for causing 22.7 trillion rupiah ($1.58 billion) of losses to the state

Asabri is an insurance company that serves members of the military and police officers, as well as civil servants in the defence ministry.


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8886e1  No.15318461


As a major fail that often happens… anon saw that as anon hit “reply.

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600fad  No.15318462

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



one other thing

The masons are tasked to make events follow the book of revelations as stated by ronald bernard - the whistleblower bankster - video linked below - listen carefully only 30 minutes long and one of a few interviews he has given in english !!




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7c9ec3  No.15318463


Shouldn't he be turning the gun on himself, since he's a Boomer? Oh right, millennials are poorly-educated. Sorry about those libtard teachers, they just never really left school.

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4d0afa  No.15318464


No worries, it happens.

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1daf1c  No.15318465


Not to butt in. Have been considering the SR-71 and it's technological and engineering achievements at the time it was developed and the fact it still stands as the fastest jet ever developed a clear sign that other technologies that supercede it have must have been developed by now. Been thinking about this for a while now since the soft roll out and existence of UFO has been going on the past few years.

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2c7ab4  No.15318466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Moon Map Details + Download - 'Vibes of Cosmos' Trailer (Mirror)


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9bce29  No.15318467


kek. you "paid" into it, WITHOUT your consent. go for it. one piece of advice, do some arithmetic to maximize your TOTAL benefits before deciding to retire file for it at 62, based on a reasonable life expectancy.

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7c9ec3  No.15318468


Most got exemacuted on realrawnews.com.

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2b45d2  No.15318469

File: b73a0d684619ed9⋯.jpeg (127.82 KB, 750x867, 250:289, 256FC01D_DD84_4DE7_ACF5_0….jpeg)

File: 513398fe89d748b⋯.jpeg (137.34 KB, 730x498, 365:249, 6110E3BB_905E_431C_9A4A_A….jpeg)



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2b45d2  No.15318470

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14a98f  No.15318471

File: 2ffb5ce884328aa⋯.png (241.14 KB, 349x466, 349:466, cv42537.png)

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49d8f5  No.15318472


Police Department = POLICY Enforcement.

Defund them all and get back to actually electing Law Enforcement.

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9bce29  No.15318473


it's operational limits and flight dynamics are STILL classified. since tech builds on tech, progress OUGHT to be exponential. we OUGHT to have interstellar travel by now.

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8886e1  No.15318474


>massively edited

Anon, years back, just did research on Enoch. Anon has always said it was edited by mans hand. Have felt bad having that mindset recently with what we talk about. I’m anons most-forward opinion there is no way [they] would let us see or read the real Scripture. Anon kind of had some Faith that the Books cannot be messed with too bad. It’s a “catch”. Not sure what to do because [they] probably put enough junk in there to make us doubt, which anon doesn’t need anymore of. Disinfo sucks

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2b45d2  No.15318475

File: e790512998a340c⋯.jpeg (158.51 KB, 506x563, 506:563, 36E12FAE_27EA_4131_9475_6….jpeg)


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14a98f  No.15318476

File: af0c3f449e75941⋯.gif (107.41 KB, 728x429, 56:33, 35363677.gif)


it's just a meme, anon

are you an anal-retentive sperg ?

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7dfd96  No.15318477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9bce29  No.15318478


lil' fighter will never die. toots lives to fight another day.

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2b45d2  No.15318479

File: e0bc65d25b1cf1a⋯.jpeg (230.04 KB, 750x949, 750:949, D1E3BB2C_ED33_4355_885E_B….jpeg)






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ba0a52  No.15318480


>We don’t want this old fool who calls himself king.

>(You) do.

Every fucking guy on here knows [they] stole the election. You're not bringing us news. You're Zuck posts amount to whining.

To suggest I want Biden in office…

Wow. What a nice jab at a fellow Patriot. Go to bed, kid.

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14a98f  No.15318481


"as above, so below"

think mirror

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7c9ec3  No.15318482


Boomers invented the internet and they have clearly taken over your "mind." Better get off the net quick!

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2b45d2  No.15318483


Filtered for being a concernfag

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2b45d2  No.15318484


>my asshole is faggot

Go suck a chode queer

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9bce29  No.15318485


close, but no cigar. trump is not in charge. never was. just a frontman. and DS is NOT just democrats, it's BOTH parties, EVERYONE in washington, all three branches.

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4d0afa  No.15318486


Wrong. Guess what, the oldest ancient manuscripts ever found, are essentially word for word the bible we have today. So, maybe you should do some actual research YOURSELF, before spouting off about things you obviously have no clue about.

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4d0afa  No.15318487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Try this.

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ba0a52  No.15318488

File: 91f79289b153318⋯.jpg (125.21 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 4507604723_51718ee928.jpg)

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1daf1c  No.15318489


Absolutely. No doubt. The question that I always come back to is why did the buck stop there? Why was the bar never raised? The only answer that seems to make sense is that the tech that came after was to sensitive. Maybe challenged the laws of physics and to reveal it to the public would cause too many questions. UFO at this point has been confirmed by Military and Navy. IMHO they have had the tech for decades.

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21b837  No.15318490

File: 983d2f7918eb501⋯.jpg (39.8 KB, 449x430, 449:430, Screenshot_20211124_175421….jpg)

God bless ALL on the board.

We pray for Our enemy's.

Yeshua blessings.

God bless OUR Milky Way.

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2b45d2  No.15318491


>I’m still searching for an ancient manuscript that sanctifies my wicked lifestyle of homosex

Filtered for blasphemous faggotry (thou art faggot)

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7c9ec3  No.15318492


The masons made Hall a mason without all the formalities for his esoteric research, like an honorary mason.

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2b45d2  No.15318493


>(thou art faggot)

Or in other words..

Thine asshole is faggot

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9bce29  No.15318494

File: 52da8a6b0ec3968⋯.png (727.95 KB, 768x768, 1:1, never_argue_stupid.png)


and there it is… the predictable response from bibletardanon.

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ba0a52  No.15318495


Learning is cool, OK?


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4d0afa  No.15318496


Just an FYI, Enoch is not considered canon. However, it IS an interesting read and may have at least some truth to it, who knows.

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14a98f  No.15318497

File: f0fe493cd73fc1a⋯.png (403.75 KB, 651x383, 651:383, 35353647.png)


deep digs needs moar faggots

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2b45d2  No.15318498


Forgot about that place

Will head over there

Ttyl queers

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092185  No.15318499

File: 1aa3edb301eeb63⋯.jpg (32.63 KB, 750x410, 75:41, pH_Scale.jpg)


Mathview.. Matthew 17 + a good introduction.

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7c9ec3  No.15318500


Im an investor, I can turn thousands into tens of thousands right now.

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317197  No.15318501

File: 1c05f7405411c8a⋯.png (644.29 KB, 866x648, 433:324, 1c05f7405411c8a863aa68384c….png)


Childhood disphoria is a thing.

Clearly, they wouldn't even be here if it weren't for their boomer parents. So, their is that.

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4d0afa  No.15318502


You point to the corrupt council of Nicea? Hahahaha! The Roman Catholic church corrupted Christianity, it wasn't the source of it.

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14a98f  No.15318503

File: b3f77465b98c477⋯.png (452.81 KB, 560x564, 140:141, 3535366.png)


>toots lives to fight another day.

gone but not forgotten

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21b837  No.15318504

File: 710dd43ae9d99c9⋯.jpg (193.82 KB, 1342x679, 1342:679, Screenshot_20220106_022900….jpg)

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600fad  No.15318505


time stamp of the mason quote

17 minutes, (always 17 kek)

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9bce29  No.15318506

File: 4832b6d4c6f19ac⋯.png (618.09 KB, 938x576, 469:288, Popular_Thomas_Paine_Quote….png)



you're hilarious. got any more?

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b626c4  No.15318507

File: 55cb7e16423078d⋯.jpg (174.84 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


>still stands as the fastest jet ever developed

you should consider that all of the published specs on military hardware are always a lie.

The mig 25 and later mig 31 can reach mach 3.2 and higher. The archangel project aircraft have superior aerodynamics and design. A mere 7% top speed margin between the two of them doesn't make sense.

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14a98f  No.15318508


he went over to deep digs

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2b45d2  No.15318509

File: e790512998a340c⋯.jpeg (158.51 KB, 506x563, 506:563, F0F1187D_F1CC_4385_B062_2….jpeg)

File: b73a0d684619ed9⋯.jpeg (127.82 KB, 750x867, 250:289, C1914E38_8856_44CE_9A91_9….jpeg)




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7dcaea  No.15318510


Is that real?

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9bce29  No.15318511


>all of the published specs on military hardware are always a lie.

the published specs say "classified." how is that a lie?

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e58b70  No.15318512

>>15318346 >me


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0d90d9  No.15318513

File: 69c1ca55350a447⋯.gif (278.96 KB, 580x580, 1:1, 20220106_013249.gif)



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49d8f5  No.15318514


It is if you want it to be.

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9bce29  No.15318515


>gone but not forgotten

if they strike him down, he will become more powerful than they can imagine.

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c08240  No.15318516

File: 16fc5b42f9647df⋯.png (2.34 KB, 450x500, 9:10, A_Matrix_of_D5_and_K9.png)

File: 889489a7ab151bb⋯.jpg (277.74 KB, 1500x1473, 500:491, POTUS_DJT_and_K9_Conan.jpg)

D5 and K9 are related?

Could be Superhero and Sidekick for all I know.

Random thoughts:

Delta D to K = 7

Delta 5 to 9 = 4

74 could be year 1974


74 could be month and day = July 4th


74 could be Letter Number, as in G4


D = 5th letter. 5th month = May

K = 11th letter. 11th month = Nov

D5 shows number 5

K9 shows number 9

5 x 9 = 45 = POTUS DJT

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2b45d2  No.15318517


> he went over to deep digs

I got two tabs open faggot

Calm yer little flappies

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092185  No.15318518


Mach 18 or faster then.

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899161  No.15318519

File: 879d2f717d321bf⋯.jpg (110.93 KB, 720x727, 720:727, shark_selfie.jpg)


>Is that real?

Sure it is!

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8886e1  No.15318520


Anon will take either of those jets. Need a week or two of flight training to fly it. How will it be delivered? Tractor trailers may not to be able to transport. Not sure how this works Kek does anon have to come pick it up and fly it to a random farm field? So many questions

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4d0afa  No.15318521


Okay, you have a valid point, I won't try to argue with you because having a battle of wits with you would be unfair considering you are unarmed.

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0d90d9  No.15318522

File: f9bd30627270fe7⋯.pdf (9.95 MB, bookofenoch.pdf)


the smart ones

canon is for sheep

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f34efe  No.15318523

File: 34d21f618b495a4⋯.jpeg (129.26 KB, 720x720, 1:1, download.jpeg)

File: 16e75457f1d9bca⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1189x1178, 1189:1178, Capture_2022_01_06_03_32_2….png)

File: 84315dcb80b7b03⋯.jpg (573.6 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 4191824_012o.jpg)

File: 3d624050b2dba49⋯.jpg (24.56 KB, 220x220, 1:1, 220px_Isabella_quarter_obv….jpg)

Women with faces. US quarters.

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ba0a52  No.15318524


They adulterated the Bible.

Disagree? IDGAF

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178fd3  No.15318525

File: 855d7a3005d41b1⋯.png (237.83 KB, 828x829, 828:829, 1639260884.png)

File: e109cf9d53302e8⋯.jpg (102.29 KB, 752x482, 376:241, e109cf9d53302e88aa332d8b99….jpg)

File: d72a97b5c5d9de5⋯.jpg (49.54 KB, 720x937, 720:937, d72a97b5c5d9de5145e435791a….jpg)

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4d0afa  No.15318526


Just be advised, the SR-71 leaks fuel like a sieve until it hits speed and the skin warms up.

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b626c4  No.15318527


can you sauce?

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4d0afa  No.15318528


IDGAF either. Believe whatever your little heart desires.

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2b45d2  No.15318529

What level of involvement does the FBI have with the democrat child trafficking rings do they bring Biden the little girls or do they just cover up the crimes?

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ba0a52  No.15318530


Why don't you join the FBI and find out for us, Skippy?

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178fd3  No.15318531

File: c41fa1c33b89e39⋯.jpg (139.26 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, 862494bbfb51d0a0.jpg)


>Enoch is not considered canon.

It is in Ethiopia.

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2b45d2  No.15318532

File: 2b809028cea1848⋯.jpeg (49.22 KB, 1080x574, 540:287, 23E9DDE1_C013_4069_BB8A_A….jpeg)

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14a98f  No.15318533


nice pussy

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9bce29  No.15318534


>I can turn thousands into tens of thousands right now.

KEK! then why do you need SS? same song investors were singing in 1929. market didn't get back to pre-crash level until 1954.

if you were 1/10th as smart as you think you are, you would understand you're NOT investing, you're GAMBLING.

the money you pay for stock does NOT go to the company, it goes to someone who already owns the stock.

they gambled on the "bigger idiot" theory, and when you bought it from them, they won. doesn't mean you will.

it's a rigged game and YOU ain't one of the insiders. THEY can turn ALL your money into NOTHING overnight.

"invest" in football. at least with that, there will always be at least one winner.

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b626c4  No.15318535


>week or two

Yeah I would not recommend it without a few thousand hours of sim. An engine unstart will kill you otherwise.

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4d0afa  No.15318536


Okay, and……?

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f3acf8  No.15318537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b626c4  No.15318538


#3 is Doris Doree, famous silent movie actress.

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092185  No.15318539

File: c330d3ef612642d⋯.jpg (820.95 KB, 1247x3000, 1247:3000, nikita_muravich_rocket_clo….jpg)

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0d90d9  No.15318540

File: 5743dd5b3fdc844⋯.gif (3.06 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 20211230_200326.gif)

File: 17e538e1fe94279⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 575x431, 575:431, 20211230_203733.gif)

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14a98f  No.15318541

File: e1e950c616af31d⋯.png (418.81 KB, 613x376, 613:376, 5353636.png)


she is a fucking mong

>nice milkers though

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317197  No.15318542


Oh you mean the over 200 books of God the Catholics have locked away in the Catacombs? The ones they decided the peasants were too uneducated to decipher correctly for themselves at the Council of Nicea. So they left them out of the Bible we have today.

The Cannon was chosen by men who were fighting and murdering one another over which books to keep. I think you need to go back and actually study what took place at Nicea.

Doesn't the word say, ALL scripture is for edification and teaching? Then why did they remove the books?

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8886e1  No.15318543


So don’t light a cigg in the cockpit, is what you’re saying?

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b626c4  No.15318544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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49d8f5  No.15318545


> THEY can turn ALL your money into NOTHING overnight

They did this back in '72.

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2b45d2  No.15318546


I bet her cooter smells like garbanzos

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178fd3  No.15318547

File: 574f3ee2feb79ec⋯.jpg (62.56 KB, 700x393, 700:393, Spiritual_and_Biblical_Mea….jpg)

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9bce29  No.15318548

File: c0c5129baa120ea⋯.jpg (179.33 KB, 1242x1696, 621:848, k94svg9eyj921.jpg)


>What level of involvement does the FBI have with the democrat child trafficking rings?

exactly equal to the level of involvement with republican child trafficking rings.

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4d0afa  No.15318549


Yeah, prob not a good idea since you will also probably need lox at high altitude.

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8886e1  No.15318550


Don’t doubt anon. Apple computers had a decent flight simulator back in the day. Anon has it. Kek. (Just joking about the whole thing)

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1daf1c  No.15318551


The mig's were developed for speed and maneuverability. The SR-71 was developed for strait line speed only, as a rapid response nuclear delivery system (as I understand it) It would be like comparing a drift car to a top fuel drag car.

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2b45d2  No.15318552

File: 5c9d5e2dcc35cee⋯.jpeg (604.77 KB, 1222x750, 611:375, 0B0888FA_89C3_49B3_908E_5….jpeg)


This guy who’s been flickin that butter bean.. (poor soul)

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0cf178  No.15318553


Trying and failing.

Any tips?

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ba0a52  No.15318554

File: 66680df49a3ff03⋯.jpeg (13.73 KB, 200x255, 40:51, AOC.jpeg)

File: be00e58d845c2c5⋯.png (648.16 KB, 816x834, 136:139, Hates_This.png)



>she is a fucking mong


>nice milkers though

Also probably true.

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7c9ec3  No.15318555


I haven asked for it yet, eejit. You get it to use it, duh.

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4d0afa  No.15318556


Dude, you do you, I really don't care what book you consider to be worthy or unworthy, I have my own opinions and it's not very likely you will change them unless you have some VERY good evidence, and not just your opinion.

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7c9ec3  No.15318557


Such an amateur. The stock market is gambling? Wow! Really? Fuck off.

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7c9ec3  No.15318558


Hey, I guess your own broke joke ass is way ahead of the curve. Until I buy your house and evict you.

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b626c4  No.15318559


#4 is queen isabella, used as a commemorative of christopher columbus's journey.

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2b45d2  No.15318560

File: 4566f03b03ec0e5⋯.jpeg (76.79 KB, 801x450, 89:50, 76E44B0D_20DF_43D9_8061_C….jpeg)

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0d90d9  No.15318561

File: 185b8c36a752f2e⋯.gif (11.88 MB, 720x540, 4:3, 20190710_000013.gif)



they look like co-conspirators with sнıт eating grins.


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317197  No.15318562



240 blank pages? What written with invisible ink?

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2d788f  No.15318563

File: 8d647acfa76502c⋯.jpg (127.82 KB, 1200x808, 150:101, D3u0JVUV4AA5Y16.jpg)


Toots has the best plan. Trust the Toots anon.

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178fd3  No.15318564

File: 9e9171c8bdb33ca⋯.jpg (68.91 KB, 828x785, 828:785, d215d0521f7e5c36.jpg)

File: bc1b15d8add4e61⋯.jpeg (27.62 KB, 474x658, 237:329, OIP_GoNDewsUoprMNjIJeRSSI….jpeg)

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9bce29  No.15318565


that is correct. thermal expansion needed to tighten everything up. at ambient temp, the whole plane is "loose." otherwise, the heat of air friction would tear it apart.

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63121a  No.15318566


Putin's pin doh

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178fd3  No.15318567

File: 61f1a9a76adfd8e⋯.jpeg (61.87 KB, 585x781, 585:781, 6e8a2fee9d73b27c.jpeg)

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0d90d9  No.15318568


the file is fine.

check the settings on your .pdf reader.

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9bce29  No.15318569


> Until I buy your house and evict you.

i own it. paid cash for it, and it ain't for sale, jackass. now go jackoff into one of your mommies bras again.

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178fd3  No.15318570

File: 79537ed4799e097⋯.png (185.95 KB, 621x599, 621:599, 30e00de3584201d6.png)

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2b45d2  No.15318571

File: 67aa9e66e8ecbc7⋯.jpeg (71.68 KB, 560x511, 80:73, A96FD13F_DC27_4AA4_88EB_5….jpeg)

No no no no

Anons think he should get off the hook for what he did (not really)

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2c7ab4  No.15318572

File: 774ac87eba25d88⋯.jpg (7.02 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 5c43bc93db66ff4f1917ddeb4a….jpg)


>Women with faces.

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2b45d2  No.15318573

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49d8f5  No.15318574


See how long your "ownership" lasts after you stop paying the property taxes.

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092185  No.15318575

File: 16f7690215efb19⋯.jpeg (562.19 KB, 1600x901, 1600:901, FH5NZxQWQAIOiUL.jpeg)

File: 56a8784adba81c6⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1734x1296, 289:216, bd4bc7e8b0aa9e818be94b7b7e….png)

File: a2bb72d81f2ad73⋯.jpg (203.24 KB, 1280x1610, 128:161, anatomy_boob_physics_by_su….jpg)


NCSWIC. Golden.In space everyday is zero gravity.

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178fd3  No.15318576

File: 780dbf47d7cb74d⋯.jpeg (151.86 KB, 1135x1443, 1135:1443, ddd0a525a538b158.jpeg)

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14a98f  No.15318577


she probably wears a strap-on 12 inch black dildo

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8886e1  No.15318578


Circling back like fire bush… anon could probably fly either of those jets with two weeks training. Just sayin’

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4d0afa  No.15318579


Oh, and one other thing. Todays bible, is a COMPILATION of basically two sets of sources. The old testament, which is essentially the Hebrew Tanakh, and the new testament. So, unless the Vatican has hidden every single version of the either one of those, I would say your argument is a big fat nothing, trying to make mountains out of mole hills.

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178fd3  No.15318580

File: aab9cb707e538c2⋯.png (322.98 KB, 375x500, 3:4, 8c83225da9048d8b.png)

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7dcaea  No.15318581


Look at her hands in the left pane. She's flashing a hand sign. Even the child is doing it.

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178fd3  No.15318582

File: ad7575bad2ba74a⋯.png (364.18 KB, 503x500, 503:500, 4ed679b572db6a39.png)

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0d90d9  No.15318583

File: 5fec7ecd43e88ed⋯.gif (670.64 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 20190508_125602.gif)

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178fd3  No.15318584

File: a51d1885adc7541⋯.png (281.41 KB, 528x500, 132:125, ee630123f81ba5f9.png)

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2d788f  No.15318585

What do Peter Theil and Ghislane Maxwell have in common? (Think Terra Mar).

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178fd3  No.15318586

File: 26381ce827c594c⋯.png (381.79 KB, 1132x690, 566:345, 1641001755.png)

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48b545  No.15318587

False History.


Byzantine Empire.



Never Fell.



As long as in the heart, within,

The soul of a Jew still yearns,

And onward, towards the ends of the east,

an eye still gazes toward Zion;

Our hope is not yet lost,

The hope of two thousand years,

To be a free nation in our land,

The land of Zion and Jerusalem.



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178fd3  No.15318588

File: 382df398309c607⋯.png (124.41 KB, 600x333, 200:111, deepstatedeepchurch.png)

File: 1cb07d2526bb4ce⋯.png (261.33 KB, 509x480, 509:480, 1640997884.png)

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14a98f  No.15318589


>i own it.

no, you don't

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741865  No.15318590

File: a64463c74be8744⋯.png (466.56 KB, 800x630, 80:63, Speed_Racer_Chimchim.png)

File: 1de9ac185c66b1d⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 460x460, 1:1, Liberal_Female_Meltdown.mp4)

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0d90d9  No.15318591

File: 0586ee01f9eac87⋯.jpg (37.5 KB, 462x344, 231:172, 20220106_020308.jpg)


a bad time to breed.


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14a98f  No.15318592

File: 8d69555c14938c4⋯.png (348.99 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 53363636.png)


hello daddy

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741865  No.15318593


>>15318590, >>15318591 Notice the downtrend on that line though. any particular reason?

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092185  No.15318594

File: fc67c08d559f796⋯.jpg (41.97 KB, 318x449, 318:449, 33966087_SX318_.jpg)

File: 6e1b65c40e200b5⋯.jpeg (20.02 KB, 191x263, 191:263, images_2022_01_06T040335_….jpeg)

File: febad1427c901fd⋯.jpeg (96.02 KB, 750x931, 750:931, febad1427c901fda52a82be2e….jpeg)

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14a98f  No.15318595


the monkey in that video made the most sense

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178fd3  No.15318596

File: 743bb45d02d7502⋯.png (316.06 KB, 749x516, 749:516, 1640985871.png)

This is magic.

Their reader's psyches are reality movie projectors.

They get their readers to imagine a fang piercing the eye of the anons.

This slightly increases the probability that our timelines will fail.

This is sorcery.

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63121a  No.15318597

File: b983d6185b73786⋯.png (57.19 KB, 518x397, 518:397, Bildschirmfoto_2022_01_06_….png)

Law enforcement officer foundbeheadedin Almaty - Kazakh state media reports it as evidence of 'terror'


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0d90d9  No.15318598

File: dedc7e3094c4864⋯.jpg (170.99 KB, 984x1888, 123:236, 20220106_020536.jpg)



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14a98f  No.15318599


is he ok ?

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3e41fc  No.15318600

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9bce29  No.15318601

File: 552f8556bbc72aa⋯.jpeg (120.42 KB, 1091x1305, 1091:1305, 552f8556bbc72aa059b576e04….jpeg)

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4d0afa  No.15318602


KEK. The monkey is saying, "Pull my finger."

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3e41fc  No.15318603

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741865  No.15318604


You must make sure to use their proper gender pronoun during this crucial time.

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cd5daf  No.15318605


He died of covid

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0d90d9  No.15318606


there is only one

you are suffering an multidimension disfunction.

it will pass.


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741865  No.15318607


>>15318237 (OP)

>>15318271 Dough >>>> https://controlc.com/ff4122fc

Notables Are NOT Endorsements

#19376: Kazakhstan Coup? Liberation? Or Smoke Screen? Edition

>>15318322 Probe: Seattle cops improperly faked right-wing radio talk - KOMO News

>>15318367, >>15318460 International White Collar Crimes BUN | Former husband of Petra Ecclestone in court on money laundering charge ~ The socialite and former husband of heiress Petra Ecclestone, James Stunt, has appeared in court to face money laundering charges. - The National News


>>15318441 EDD Tech Inc… Oppenheimer Rated $28 Price target. Down on a Low. Baker says Watch for the REVERSAL!

>>15318597 Law enforcement officer foundbeheadedin Almaty - Kazakh state media reports it as evidence of 'terror' - RT


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178fd3  No.15318608

File: e8011bdb82e27fc⋯.png (213.07 KB, 512x384, 4:3, 1640930503.png)

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3e41fc  No.15318609

File: cedb780a4ded558⋯.jpg (48.37 KB, 720x872, 90:109, photo_2022_01_06_10_08_18.jpg)

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9bce29  No.15318610


but at least he was vaxxed.

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741865  No.15318611


>This is magic.

>Their reader's psyches are reality movie projectors.

>They get their readers to imagine a fang piercing the eye of the anons.

>This slightly increases the probability that our timelines will fail.

>This is sorcery.

No, its modeling.

and they are modeling a lobotomy.

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9bce29  No.15318612


too bad no normie has EVER read the congressional record.

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178fd3  No.15318613

File: c19020b38a031be⋯.jpeg (112.31 KB, 831x960, 277:320, acutelyaware.jpeg)

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3e41fc  No.15318614

File: 14c09e7bca16186⋯.jpg (39.95 KB, 434x690, 217:345, captiol.JPG)


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977ecd  No.15318616

tom fitton judicial watch…ashli babbitt foia.

quick view of the documents and you see the pictures of the ashli babbitt scene doesn't match the videos 10000000% different.

yet he is shilling cop should be charged etc

is he a clown? i have never noticed him but this anon is thinking he is

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14a98f  No.15318617


people lose their head when it comes to the omicron variant

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9bce29  No.15318618

File: 9423d0dff600086⋯.jpg (27.95 KB, 300x359, 300:359, grammarnazi.jpg)


>you are suffering an multidimension disfunction.

*a *multidimensional *dysfunction

fucking illiterate no-child-left-behind millennials….

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178fd3  No.15318620

File: a8dd984be513ac9⋯.png (3.17 MB, 1380x2048, 345:512, 1640833632_3.png)

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14a98f  No.15318621

File: b41703fbde72b6f⋯.png (444.53 KB, 595x516, 595:516, 353634647578.png)

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cd5daf  No.15318622

File: cbf6d16b0c96620⋯.png (439.11 KB, 477x427, 477:427, EXRJV2SWAAE_it6.png)

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178fd3  No.15318623

File: b0293918476d2c3⋯.jpg (141.01 KB, 465x344, 465:344, 1640825888.jpg)

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3e41fc  No.15318624

File: 41de317e6a2868b⋯.jpg (58.31 KB, 546x680, 273:340, captiol2.JPG)

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14a98f  No.15318625

File: 2e03da63446110f⋯.png (104.75 KB, 268x400, 67:100, 1488.png)


you tell 'em, Kitty

I've got your six

>those illiterate bastards

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48b545  No.15318626




Shadow Brokers

Tailored Access Operations



All will make sense in due time.

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178fd3  No.15318627

File: 9a672c2d6e05219⋯.jpg (739.49 KB, 1917x1024, 1917:1024, 1640821704.jpg)

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092185  No.15318628

File: 38523d7b5a00db8⋯.jpeg (9.74 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images_2022_01_06T040906_….jpeg)

File: 1d012e39e9d3eb1⋯.jpeg (13.2 KB, 177x285, 59:95, images_2022_01_06T041443_….jpeg)

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a27467  No.15318630

Need a storm of prayer for spouseanon please. This is the only place I know where two or more uids are gathered in His name so early. Night Shift prayers up please. Thy will be done.

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178fd3  No.15318631

File: 7b17e24cfcb3bdb⋯.jpeg (184.48 KB, 596x496, 149:124, becauseofaliens.jpeg)


>they are modeling a lobotomy

To what end?

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092185  No.15318632

File: 957335b7dd3a396⋯.jpeg (48.98 KB, 680x608, 85:76, FITX2yWVQAUbNYp.jpeg)

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977ecd  No.15318633



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1589b5  No.15318634


>fucking illiterate no-child-left-behind millennials….

yeah, but since texting started, English is officially their second language.LOL

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14a98f  No.15318635

File: 3a908af6c0cdc2c⋯.png (321.41 KB, 463x425, 463:425, 53536.png)


nice teeth

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178fd3  No.15318636

File: 1b6e29531a09fe6⋯.jpg (243.38 KB, 1036x712, 259:178, 1640735843.jpg)

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cd5daf  No.15318637



please send help to the Anon in need


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0d90d9  No.15318638

File: 6775bb6ffc565b3⋯.jpg (108.04 KB, 1080x694, 540:347, 20220106_021853.jpg)

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178fd3  No.15318639

File: 23bfac9c4df2a29⋯.png (438.38 KB, 635x900, 127:180, feeding_the_parasite.png)

The world would change virtually overnight if people came to the raw awareness of the reality of energetic parasites.

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2fa4c3  No.15318640


Well given we dont know what the plan is…..

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6c8cb7  No.15318641

File: 3a3a25fef3c6dd9⋯.jpg (70.18 KB, 736x588, 184:147, 3a3a25fef3c6dd97daa0d5595a….jpg)

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0d90d9  No.15318642

File: 282c24c9e37e6b2⋯.jpg (63.07 KB, 596x496, 149:124, 20220106_022116.jpg)

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63121a  No.15318643


>strong emotion?

weak emotions!

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178fd3  No.15318644

File: b2b392266357762⋯.jpg (15.01 KB, 574x279, 574:279, aeye.jpg)

The Great Filter.

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092185  No.15318645

File: d4db6ac2427d6c1⋯.jpg (15.67 KB, 309x400, 309:400, 49431986_SX0_SY0_.jpg)

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2fa4c3  No.15318646




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178fd3  No.15318647

File: b47f6b850af4df4⋯.jpg (43.26 KB, 480x623, 480:623, demonalien.jpg)

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1589b5  No.15318648

File: 4ffe7a458f2c30b⋯.jpg (36.25 KB, 404x467, 404:467, EtmEgBJh_nTdRFYv0ZnPO9Ud0k….jpg)


> Night Shift prayers up please.

They do the goat dance at 7pm EST

get with the program

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9bce29  No.15318649

File: 812e4ec731ab2ae⋯.png (354.79 KB, 776x553, 776:553, Screen_Shot_2022_01_06_at_….png)


great campaign slogan, except it's not true. accidents (all kinds) are the number one killer of people under 45, by far.

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0cf178  No.15318650


Any details you'd care to share?

We are with you, anon.

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178fd3  No.15318651

File: 87b14cf200cd0b4⋯.jpg (50.29 KB, 546x293, 546:293, templeos.jpg)

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2fa4c3  No.15318652

File: 7bcbbe24d778834⋯.jpg (300.6 KB, 1070x984, 535:492, Screenshot_20220106_222633….jpg)


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2fa4c3  No.15318653

File: d72c2d53b480aa0⋯.jpg (282.02 KB, 1077x712, 1077:712, Screenshot_20220106_222804….jpg)

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3e41fc  No.15318654

File: c65d7ba4ac91189⋯.jpg (32.7 KB, 300x300, 1:1, mask.jpg)


>killer = 'accidents'

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a27467  No.15318655


Thank you to all. Even the goat dancer for the kek. Bleeding on the brain. About to call icu for update.

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178fd3  No.15318656

File: df40b09b6a22df4⋯.png (614.11 KB, 1237x812, 1237:812, 0ac8553a211d07585de00e439b….png)

File: 06921ef1631fa09⋯.jpeg (34.85 KB, 334x180, 167:90, occupytillicome.jpeg)

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6c8cb7  No.15318657


lower slutty back tattoo

the bastard - has to be branded

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2fa4c3  No.15318658

File: 2363c7b8b5a8ba7⋯.jpg (297.9 KB, 1001x596, 1001:596, Screenshot_20220106_223321….jpg)

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3e41fc  No.15318659

File: e7dbae7f2bf3a11⋯.jpg (652.96 KB, 1600x902, 800:451, nojew.jpg)

are (((jack the rippers))) locating and killing 'anons'?

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1589b5  No.15318660


>are (((jack the rippers))) locating and killing 'anons'?

No, the Chicoms are trying to bore us to death with lame memes

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9bce29  No.15318661




>>strong emotion?

>weak emotions!

he used "strong" in the sense of INTENSE.

but you knew that… you just had to show us how "strong" you are with your idiotic comment.

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25bc13  No.15318662

File: 25ddde603e1854a⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1123x1200, 1123:1200, psaki_no_likee.png)

Always worth remembering that Jen Psaki was the State Dept spokespersonality who helped cover up child abuse at the State Dept, saying that it was "preposterous" that they would allow such:


Jen Psaki: directly guilty of covering up child sex crimes.

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6db1e2  No.15318663

File: 7218cf78d3971dd⋯.png (21.57 KB, 511x288, 511:288, allodial.PNG)



That was going to be my comment also.

What is allodial title and how do I get it?

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01719d  No.15318664

File: 21362cb82a8ed99⋯.png (629.06 KB, 748x797, 748:797, trust_plan.png)


>Toots has the best plan. Trust the Toots anon.

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63121a  No.15318665

Uranium prices surge as world’s top supplier rocked by riots

Global prices for uranium have leapt by almost 8%, as Kazakhstan, which accounts for more than 40% of the world’s production, struggles to contain widespread ongoing anti-government protests.

On Wednesday, uranium prices on the international market soared to $45.25 a pound from the $42 recorded the day before, according to data from nuclear fuel market research and analysis firm UxC, as quoted by Bloomberg.

Meanwhile, shares in the nation’s largest producer, Kazatomprom, were reportedly down 11% in London trading. At the same time, most uranium companies in North America and Australia extended the gains they recorded earlier this week, when the European Commission had pushed ahead with a draft to mark certain nuclear projects as sustainable.


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9bce29  No.15318666


>Uranium prices surge as world’s top supplier rocked by riots

gee, do you think there could be a connection between the people causing the riots and the people profiting on uranium futures?

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63121a  No.15318667


>he used "strong" in the sense of INTENSE

ok, thanks. 'intense' sounds better.

no need to be impudent.

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67b1a5  No.15318668

File: b0ab44266258f75⋯.jpg (7.25 KB, 153x330, 51:110, images_1_.jpg)

open source graphics are the best

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6c8cb7  No.15318669



very true

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2c7ab4  No.15318670

File: 1f10b528e71e6f7⋯.jpg (10.28 KB, 238x205, 238:205, 1f10b528e71e6f7234692498a4….jpg)

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9bce29  No.15318671

File: bfd8854ad6de0a9⋯.jpg (11.7 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 496b4f7340495ba7ef9299ffc1….jpg)


>no need to be impudent.

this ain't public school, snowflake. own it.

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63121a  No.15318672


What ever..

But since you asked this question >>15318666 yes, I think it is most likely about Uranium control

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1589b5  No.15318673


just out of curiosity, what is the thing sitting in front of the chinese guy crapping, never used a outhouse over there ?

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b76a98  No.15318674

File: 0e1c5db5bcda831⋯.jpg (31.82 KB, 478x476, 239:238, kyle.jpg)


Wazzup coons

Carry on

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a27467  No.15318675


Still with us and stable. Prayers are healing.

“For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor might, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

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b76a98  No.15318676


BBOS10, bitches

Muh Jan 4

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3e41fc  No.15318677

File: 8580e7136894949⋯.jpg (157.44 KB, 697x646, 41:38, gms.JPG)

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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c1021a  No.15318678

File: f4fd4d37953e7e5⋯.png (42.89 KB, 151x334, 151:334, ClipboardImage.png)

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b542a6  No.15318679


it's Jesus fault and shit too right right..

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2fa4c3  No.15318680

File: cf3ee96180f1ca6⋯.png (835.72 KB, 716x690, 358:345, ClipboardImage.png)

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04c5dd  No.15318681

File: d3bd625ac748136⋯.png (50.9 KB, 225x225, 1:1, d3bd625ac7481366abdf11ecd0….png)


meh, TYB

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3e41fc  No.15318682

File: c9fbc2af4f792a6⋯.jpg (19.67 KB, 274x323, 274:323, jeeew.JPG)

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b76a98  No.15318683

File: 44cf130807f5b85⋯.jpg (38.64 KB, 541x500, 541:500, well_hes_a_guy.jpg)

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6ed48d  No.15318684

File: cf266fbb619ecd8⋯.png (694.79 KB, 852x745, 852:745, great_scot.png)


COVID INSANITY: Scottish Newspaper Asks Readers if ‘COVID Internment Camps’ Should be Introduced

By The Scoop

Published January 5, 2022 at 8:20pm

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3e41fc  No.15318685


Jesus would never want anyone to mutilate the genitals of anyone.

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b542a6  No.15318686

File: 0f55f4ad5cada87⋯.png (240.21 KB, 592x397, 592:397, ClipboardImage.png)


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3e41fc  No.15318687


Ryan Dawson live on press tv on the Palestine issue

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f3c4d5  No.15318688

File: f6666b747a5e26f⋯.jpg (25.62 KB, 333x720, 37:80, ramen.jpg)

Can someone do this meme with the Ramen guy?

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6ed48d  No.15318689

File: 449c8385199ea63⋯.png (135.56 KB, 420x359, 420:359, ox.png)


Disclose.tv, [06.01.22 04:51]

[ Video ]

NEW - Australia's Northern Territory has imposed a China-like lockdown of all unvaccinated citizens, falsely claiming "they are at greater risk of catching Covid."


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a27467  No.15318690

File: 2ba447cd35bafba⋯.jpeg (304.62 KB, 1418x459, 1418:459, 139683C5_5775_4CAC_9187_6….jpeg)

Cmz adds these are NOT the videos already submitted to AG Brnovich

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9bce29  No.15318691


>Scottish Newspaper Asks Readers if ‘COVID Internment Camps’ Should be Introduced

readers reply: yes, and all you lying fucking MSM shits should be put into one.

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b542a6  No.15318692

File: a4b997470332b1f⋯.png (392.02 KB, 805x671, 805:671, ClipboardImage.png)


>Halo Dude?

<Only Self Righteous Christians Looking for a Reason To Be Offended to Validate Their Self Righteousness Will Be Offended By That Meme So…

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869780  No.15318693

File: dc0ef40f760b00d⋯.png (229.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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2fa4c3  No.15318694

File: f4bee0fcf20b843⋯.png (459.56 KB, 1149x662, 1149:662, ClipboardImage.png)


use vaccines to kill off the population

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1589b5  No.15318695


>NEW - Australia's Northern Territory has imposed a China-like lockdown

This is going cause a major shitstorm.

These people are not totally brainwashed cucks like the chicoms

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6ed48d  No.15318696

File: 3ad87e1f76a6baa⋯.png (111.05 KB, 426x325, 426:325, bbc.png)


mRNA Death Toll, [04.01.22 13:14]


[ Video ]

BBC admit one of their own employees died from the vaccine.


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2fa4c3  No.15318697

File: 7ea53027703ce3e⋯.png (245.14 KB, 478x572, 239:286, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e41fc  No.15318698

File: 1dab1398231995c⋯.jpg (47.83 KB, 549x548, 549:548, 1111.JPG)


JUST IN - Double vaccinated, boosted, and now 4th vaccination. Despite this, "Covid cases" in #Israel reach a new record high: 16,115 new infections.


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1e5908  No.15318699

morning and happy j6th

just woke up 3 am wtf. Getting real fucking tired of this. Witching hour bullshit. was just thinking maybe those who can no sleep is us because they are placing their spells on us or we are tapping in somehow really fucking sick of it.

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9bce29  No.15318700

File: ac15e40d16115a6⋯.png (427.19 KB, 502x390, 251:195, Screen_Shot_2022_01_06_at_….png)


>yes, I think it is most likely about Uranium control


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56310f  No.15318701


Done, well wishes, Amen.

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2fa4c3  No.15318702

File: 91fee55796518d1⋯.png (554.52 KB, 711x700, 711:700, ClipboardImage.png)


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a84e4b  No.15318703


>2 when trying to verify the post at donaldjtrump.com/news its not there.


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63121a  No.15318704


you asked me and I answered you.

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b542a6  No.15318705


It's really the only way to do it it appears.


>JUST IN - Double vaccinated, boosted, and now 4th vaccination. Despite this, "Covid cases" in #Israel reach a new record high: 16,115 new infections.

What ACTUALLY Differentiates The Variants As Far As Symptoms??

Why aren't there more testimonials (Unpaid) from random groups of vaccinated people with claims of what happened during the process of infection, suspicion of infection, Symptoms, Treatment, and all the rest…

This is all bullshit.

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3e41fc  No.15318706


'artificial fuel shortages are used as an excuse to start wars'

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2fa4c3  No.15318708

File: 803a27bc3ff46f7⋯.png (179.92 KB, 522x389, 522:389, ClipboardImage.png)


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c08240  No.15318709

File: 4de14a3eea4884e⋯.jpg (5.38 MB, 6000x4000, 3:2, AP22004139989198.jpg)

File: 09ad385e46bcfdb⋯.jpg (35.4 KB, 340x379, 340:379, Mandy_Patinkin.jpg)

Indivisible: Healing Hate

Paramount+ is to memorialize the anniversary of the January 6th attack on the Capitol with a six-part docuseries narrated by Mandy Patinkin.

Analyzes the driving forces behind the January 6th attack on the Capitol, uncovering surprising links between January 6, historical events and today's most dangerous radical frontiers in America.



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3e41fc  No.15318710

File: d813c51067ebdac⋯.jpg (122.68 KB, 605x373, 605:373, toroids_virus.jpg)


the variants are now from the 'pfizer, moderna, j&j or az' vaxx

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6ed48d  No.15318711

File: d785b711796a0fa⋯.png (379.69 KB, 427x720, 427:720, many.png)


Justice By Light 🌅, [05.01.22 22:23]

[Forwarded from Covid Red Pills 💊]

[ Album ]

🇩🇪 Germany is rising up against covid tyranny and mandatory vaccinations. There was 1,390 protests planned (https://t.me/zaehlerspaziergaenge/28) all over Germany today including big cities and small villages. The people of Germany are awakening and there is a complete media blackout by the mainstream media. ⚡️💥

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3e41fc  No.15318712


'mRNA - 6uild 6ack 6etter'

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9bce29  No.15318716

File: d839d8254105c18⋯.png (577.69 KB, 697x861, 17:21, d839d8254105c18f25aca91684….png)


>you asked me and I answered you.

the question i asked in my OP was rhetorical. it was SARCASM. the meaning was more like, "how fucking stupid does someone have to be NOT to understand this INSTANTLY." it was NOT an open invitation to discussion or debate. try to keep up.

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a84e4b  No.15318717



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3e41fc  No.15318718

File: 542171042195388⋯.jpg (17.75 KB, 474x248, 237:124, devbil.jpg)

File: ba7fba325759699⋯.jpg (57.14 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, pitis.jpg)

File: a8517137a622025⋯.jpg (65.53 KB, 534x667, 534:667, anubisstatuemet.jpg)

File: 7843e3116ac965b⋯.gif (728.08 KB, 498x371, 498:371, joe_biden_why.gif)


vaxxines create the 'variant'

'more vaxxing'

'just follow orders and take vaxx'

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b542a6  No.15318719

>>15318711 Apparently the people in the post below agree it's "Not a good thing" at least the Tyranny, the amount of money squandered away during the thing through (muh Masks and gloves)

How much of a challenge would it have been realistically to produce Biohazard Suits for Every Citizen and a Spare For That

Matter… and what the fuck were the Chinese spraying in their cities in TROOPS of people in gear? Every Microbiologist and virologist is probably still clinging to sanity somehow somewhere if they haven't exited the profession entirely.

Why havent we heard more input from them By the way…?


>🇩🇪 Germany is rising up against covid tyranny and mandatory vaccinations. There was 1,390 protests planned (https://t.me/zaehlerspaziergaenge/28) all over Germany today including big cities and small villages. The people of Germany are awakening and there is a complete media blackout by the mainstream media. ⚡️💥

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63121a  No.15318720

File: 730e2cf7256fcf4⋯.jpeg (544.39 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, SeeYouNXTBread.jpeg)

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edcca2  No.15318721

File: faea8e7a3451ba2⋯.png (215.7 KB, 270x345, 18:23, 2bbde7eaa4f8d171c1135e3afa….png)

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1589b5  No.15318722

File: ed5dc72775ef83a⋯.jpg (54.38 KB, 702x474, 117:79, 79bd92915ccc71145af337bbe8….jpg)

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67b1a5  No.15318723


my guess is it a grip stick for when you have to grip and shit.

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3e41fc  No.15318724


'mRNA vaxx = you become the 'variant'

a 'variant' with a CertificateOfVaxxID 'patent number'

no longer considered a human


The Supreme Court’s ruling did allow “that DNA manipulated in a lab is eligible to be patented because DNA sequences altered by humans are not found in nature.” The Court specifically mentioned the ability to patent a type of DNA known as “Complementary DNA” (cDNA). Complimentary DNA (cDNA) is produced from mRNA genetic sequences within cells, that integrate with cellular DNA; the cells genetic genome.

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04c5dd  No.15318725


>Still my glow?

I have Catalog screen burn in my eyeballs!

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0cf178  No.15318726


I believe that more now that I've checked em out under a scope. Just need to figure out how to strip metadata and compress video now.

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edcca2  No.15318727


>they look like co-conspirators with sнıт eating grins.


"Melania" is a Ashkenazi Dude, look at it!



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6c8cb7  No.15318728

File: cf0c45a56c32a24⋯.jpg (359.74 KB, 2438x1373, 2438:1373, cf0c45a56c32a2440577d0913d….jpg)

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91e75d  No.15318729

File: c0c3fe848229d94⋯.jpg (97.48 KB, 267x917, 267:917, kaz.JPG)



Beheadings!!?? Hmmmmmmm.

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56310f  No.15318730


Double vaxxed brother and sister in law, both have COVID, they were just about to get booster so they could travel. Guess they will wait till better to get booster, I’ll let you know if they survive. Getting ona plane after fresh booster might not be best idea, but who am I to say. They both said it’s just like a bad cold,,,,duh!

Last summer they actually looked grey, unhealthy .

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edcca2  No.15318731


>>Still my glow?

Jews don't glow, they stink of shit that's how you recognize them!


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b542a6  No.15318732

File: 9b730e56249e6a0⋯.png (101.42 KB, 639x584, 639:584, Pepe_Hierarchy_Of_Needs.png)

Self righteousness is akin to deflection which is derived from insecurity.

Study Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. And find out whatchu lackin'.

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3e41fc  No.15318733

File: 14a49a33109aa6b⋯.jpg (61.2 KB, 710x497, 10:7, nottr.JPG)

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6c8cb7  No.15318734

File: 073f0afb5e1dd0a⋯.png (429.48 KB, 1028x699, 1028:699, ClipboardImage.png)


US denies role in Kazakhstan uprising

White House says ‘crazy Russian claims’ of US instigating civil unrest in Central Asia are ‘absolutely false’

US denies role in Kazakhstan uprising

© Getty Images / Win McNamee

President Joe Biden’s spokeswoman has denied that the US government is behind the violent protests that have rocked Kazakhstan this week, claiming that unnamed “Russians” have falsely accused Washington of triggering the tumult.

The White House is monitoring the protests in Kazakhstan and supports “calls for calm, for protesters to express themselves peacefully and for authorities to exercise restraint,” Jen Psaki told reporters on Wednesday.

“There are some crazy Russian claims about the US being behind this, so let me just use this opportunity to convey that is absolutely false and clearly a part of the standard Russian disinformation playbook,” she said.

Psaki didn’t specify who in Russia has alleged a American role in the Kazakhstan unrest. Russia’s Foreign Ministry has said that it’s closely monitoring the protests and has called for a peaceful solution. The Kremlin has warned against foreign interference in the conflict and said Kazakhstan can handle its own problems. Neither of the statements mentioned the US.

The US is monitoring the situation in Kazakhstan - calling for peaceful action and restraint from the authorities, WH Spox Jen Psaki said.Washington also dropped in it had nothing to do with it, calling it "standard disinformation" by Russia. pic.twitter.com/4ieDikl9dM

— RT (@RT_com) January 5, 2022

However, late on Wednesday, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev asked the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) for help in stabilizing the situation, saying that “foreign-trained terrorists” were overrunning strategic facilities. His government declared a nationwide state of emergency.

Airport takeover, palace fire & promise of ‘tough’ response: Here’s how Kazakhstan’s unrest escalated READ MORE: Airport takeover, palace fire & promise of ‘tough’ response: Here’s how Kazakhstan’s unrest escalated

Protests over surging prices for liquefied petroleum gas began on Sunday and escalated with demonstrators torching police cars, storming government buildings, setting a presidential palace on fire, and seizing the international airport in Almaty, which has since been retaken. Tokayev has vowed a “tough” response, initially blaming the violence on “financially motivated plotters” and organized “bandit elements.”

The situation comes ahead of US-Russia talks next week. When asked about the talks, Psaki accused Moscow of creating the European security threats that it has been raising concerns about.The status of Ukraine is supposed to be the focus of the talks, and Psaki said the US will continue to provide “defensive assistance” to Kiev.

President Vladimir Putin is meanwhile looking for a security pact with the US-led NATO bloc, specifically guarantees of no further expansion to the east

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3e41fc  No.15318735

File: 1594a761950ea87⋯.jpeg (260.46 KB, 1240x1322, 620:661, 630645fdbf117383.jpeg)


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5689e3  No.15318736

Everything We Know About Christopher Nolan’s ‘Oppenheimer’ So Far

“Oppenheimer,” a star-studded biographical drama depicting the life of scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer and his role in the creation of the atomic bomb.

Jan 5, 2022



>Oppenheimer Rated $28 Price target

The Oppenheimers of South Africa are much bigger "heavy-weights" than the Rockefellers. For instance, in 1981 Harry Oppenheimer, chairman of the giant Anglo American Corporation that controls gold and diamond mining, sales and distribution in the world, stated that he was about to launch into the North American banking market.

Oppenheimer promptly invested $10 billion in a specially created vehicle for the purpose of buying into big banks in the U.S., among which was Citicorp. Oppenheimer's investment vehicle was called Minorco, which set up shop in Bermuda, a British royal family preserve. On the board of Minorco was to be found Walter Wriston of Citicorp and Robert Clare, its chief counsel.

The only other company to rival Oppenheimer in the field of precious metals and minerals was Consolidated Gold Fields of South Africa, but Oppenheimer took control of it with a 28% stake the largest single stockholder. Thus gold, diamonds, platinum, titanium, tantalite, copper, iron ore, uranium and 52 other metals and minerals, many of them of absolutely vital strategic value to United States, passed into the hands of the Committee of 300.

Thus was the vision of one of the earlier South African members of the Committee of 300, Cecil John Rhodes, fully realized, a vision which started with the spilling of the blood of thousands upon thousands of White farmers and their families in South Africa, whom history records as the "Boers." While the United States stood by with folded hands as did the rest of the world, this small nation was subjected to the most vicious war of genocide in history.

The United States will be subjected to the same treatment by the Committee of 300 when our turn comes and it will not be long in coming.

Pg 116


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6c8cb7  No.15318737

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3e41fc  No.15318738

File: 2d5ada7e9f4d908⋯.jpeg (150.9 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, heated.jpeg)

'we'll let the (((msm))) control them'

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2c7ab4  No.15318739

File: 9a96eeb3855d7ce⋯.mp4 (13.75 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 9a96eeb3855d7ce9d57008b351….mp4)

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f49c81  No.15318740


how are we supposed to rate the toe if she isn’t facing the camera?

nice equations

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dc3dc2  No.15318741

File: 645e748ddeab8c6⋯.jpg (64.2 KB, 645x898, 645:898, huh.jpg)

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fd7c5f  No.15318742


Listen here buddy, boomers worked a lifetime to accumulate what they have and you're just gonna have to wait for your parents to die before you get yours…

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1589b5  No.15318743



wonder what the next generation would be like if everything around them wasn't being manipulated by satanists, no brainwash, no economic slavery.

given the massive amount of resources consumed by govt, would need to terminate at least half of all govt employees and reduce spending by more than 50% to even have a chance at a balanced budget.

What happens to all the useless parasites that now inhabits govt jobs ?

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008f21  No.15318744


my dreams are weird. i was just in a hospital with ivs being put in, taken out. the nurse laid down next to me in my bed and then i woke up. sometimes i wonder if this is the dream.

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6ed48d  No.15318745

File: 38addfeed325f30⋯.png (66.12 KB, 427x402, 427:402, hi.png)


Disclose.tv, [06.01.22 05:09]

[ Photo ]

JUST IN - Double vaccinated, boosted, and now 4th shot. Despite this, "Covid cases" in #Israel reach a new record high: 16,115 new infections.



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fd7c5f  No.15318746


Night shift is the best shift. Get that worm early riser! Never stop channeling your inner Trump!

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7dc533  No.15318747


>Anon wishes anon could take a deep deep dive into the Bible and attempt any kind of decode.

sensus plenior and restored notarikon

Read the alphabet as a message from God:

God spoke and created the heavens and the earth - א

He revealed to man - ב

He pursued them - ג

With the Word - ד

Which they did not understand - ה

It distinguished them - ו

As the bride - ז

When they did understand - ח

Through a marriage - ט

A new creation - י

The Son of God - כ

Taught - ל

The promise of the Father - מ

The Son of Man - נ

Fulfilled the promise - ס

In his flesh - ע

He spoke in parables and riddles - פ

Of the cross - צ

The Son of God redeemed man - ק

Revealing - ר

His word doesn't return void - ש

He completed his work - ת

The Son of God died - ך

Finished the earthly work of the Father - ם

The Son of Man restored to glory- ן

All prophecy was fulfilled - ף

Judgement was ended - ץ

Co-heirs with Christ - final shin

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b1a685  No.15318748

File: 3ed6a6e6fa4a50f⋯.png (256.84 KB, 514x500, 257:250, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af1a166302d5ae8⋯.png (657.28 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f488298059a54a6⋯.png (684.28 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27e72b5069ab013⋯.png (916.72 KB, 792x710, 396:355, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75c0565e536b202⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, gonna_bring_the_whole_fuck….mp4)

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7dc533  No.15318749


This is the short catechism of the Hebrew alphabet

They heard - אבגדה

God spoke and created the heavens and the earth א and revealed to men ב that he pursued them ג with a commandment ד which they did not understand ה.

They saw - וזחטי

They were distinguished ו as the bride ז when they did understand ח. Through a marriage ט they became a new creation י.

The promise - כלמנס

The Son of God כ taught ל the promise of the Father מ. The Son of Man נ fulfilled the promise ס.

The exchange - עפצ

He was made to be flesh ע, taught in parables, prophecies and riddles פ, and exchanged his righteousness for our sin צ.

The revelation - קרשת

The Son of God died and rose again ק revealing ר that his Word returned with an increase ש and the revelation had produced new life ת.

The final state - ךםןףץ

The Son of God died ך completing the promise of the Father ם. The Son of Man was restored to Glory ן. Prophecy was fulfilled ף. Judgement is ended ץ. And we became co-heirs with Christ.

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dc3dc2  No.15318750

File: d22c935f9b61676⋯.jpg (94.61 KB, 722x1024, 361:512, mila_kunis_sexiest_woman_7….jpg)

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dc3dc2  No.15318751

File: 15b59fbf23c0b66⋯.jpg (123.74 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 4_none.jpg)

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dc3dc2  No.15318753

File: a77c9da7500c794⋯.jpg (56.43 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 005WDC_Rachel_McAdams_025.jpg)

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1e5908  No.15318754


was she hot at least? in all seriousness that is one of the greatest questions ever had. Who is the dreamer?

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851871  No.15318755

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, IMG_4220.gif)

Morning, Frenz

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dc3dc2  No.15318756

File: f56bebe6e9c8c17⋯.jpg (41.18 KB, 640x577, 640:577, Anne_Hathaway.JPG)

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dc3dc2  No.15318757

File: a582f1518d6773f⋯.jpg (50.11 KB, 854x571, 854:571, Sarah_Habel_2.JPG)

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dc3dc2  No.15318758

File: 4ff0ee8815f9326⋯.jpg (98.36 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, rachel_mcadams_1024x768_21….jpg)

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04c5dd  No.15318759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So True..

Nothing bad happens until it happens to the media


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04c5dd  No.15318760

File: 99d482067e9648f⋯.png (332.57 KB, 530x402, 265:201, 99d482067e9648f603958a6962….png)



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42683d  No.15318761

File: 5eeef313aadc0d3⋯.png (793.47 KB, 760x507, 760:507, ClipboardImage.png)

Happy !2th Day of Christmas and the Epiphany.

Epiphany day


Essential Meaning of epiphany

1: a Christian festival held on January 6 in honor of the coming of the three kings to the infant Jesus Christ

2: a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way

Seeing her father again when she was an adult was an epiphany that changed her whole view of her childhood.

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c92bcc  No.15318762

File: 04b7721ef6bae9f⋯.jpeg (224.56 KB, 1210x642, 605:321, thundercats_are_go.jpeg)


Brain: "Wake up Anon - Thundercats are GO!"

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dc3dc2  No.15318763

File: ee8e83db2c28019⋯.jpg (556.5 KB, 1502x2257, 1502:2257, Rachel_3_rachel_mcadams_35….jpg)

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008f21  No.15318764


Unfortunately not my type kek. It's almost like i get forced back here to the "Real World" by certain actions in the "Dream World". Things happen in the dream world that teleport me here. I dont know what to make of it. Its hard for me to take note of my thinking right after waking up but its usually like where am i? Honestly feels like going to sleep is just hoping to another reality.

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dc3dc2  No.15318765

File: 3e9a24359e5c818⋯.jpg (79.96 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 601181_651562954866141_167….jpg)

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7dc533  No.15318766


Dive the first word of the Bible בראשית:

'In the beginning' בראשית

ברא-שית : created ברא six שית

ב-ראשית : in ב – the beginning ראשית

ב-ראש-י-ת : in ב - the authority of (heads of) ראש - the creator י – (makes it an object) ת

בר(אש)ית : a covenant ברית with man אש at the center

בר-אשי-ת : the son בר – offered total devotion (fire offerings) אשי – (makes it an object) ת

ב-ר-א-ש-י-ת - a revelation to man ב it is revealed ר that God spoke and created the heavens and the earth א his word did not return void ש his plan for creation י was finished ת

ב(ראשי)ת The daughter בת has her head ראשי in her heart (by position). A riddle that the daughter of God loves God (her head). ב(ראשי)ת ↬ Christ incarnate loving the Father, in the voice of the priest. And ☇↬ of the church loving Christ, in the voice of the prophet.

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dc3dc2  No.15318767

File: 6f44b6c84941b24⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 1920x1440, 4:3, 340850_avstriya_kurort_zim….jpg)

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34bcba  No.15318768


A Uranium One Primer – Clinton, Giustra & Kazakhstan’s Uranium Assets


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792684  No.15318769

File: 0abc37569326527⋯.jpg (97.53 KB, 1080x680, 27:17, 20220105_220229.jpg)

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dc3dc2  No.15318770

File: ecd535614331d91⋯.jpg (124.46 KB, 960x624, 20:13, 1473031_632317203494698_16….jpg)


Find the priceless.

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b542a6  No.15318771

>>15318237 (OP)

>>15318271 Dough >>>> https://controlc.com/ff4122fc

Notables Are NOT Endorsements

#19376: Kazakhstan Coup? Liberation? Or Smoke Screen? Edition

>>15318322 Probe: Seattle cops improperly faked right-wing radio talk - KOMO News

>>15318367, >>15318460 International White Collar Crimes BUN | Former husband of Petra Ecclestone in court on money laundering charge ~ The socialite and former husband of heiress Petra Ecclestone, James Stunt, has appeared in court to face money laundering charges. - The National News


>>15318441, >>15318736 EDD Tech Inc… Oppenheimer Rated $28 Price target. Down on a Low. Baker says Watch for the REVERSAL! - CIA

>>15318597, >>15318614, >>15318624 Law enforcement officer foundbeheadedin Almaty - Kazakh state media reports it as evidence of 'terror', Meanwhile Christian Factions Erect a Crucifix in the Capitol - RT

>>15318662 Always worth remembering that Jen Psaki was the State Dept spokespersonality who helped cover up child abuse at the State Dept, saying that it was - RUMBLE

>>15318665, >>15318666 Uranium prices surge as world’s top supplier rocked by riots - RT

>>15318689, >>15318694, >>15318696, >>15318698, >>15318702 Australia's Northern Territory has imposed a China-like lockdown of all unvaccinated citizens, falsely claiming "they are at greater risk of catching Covid.", BBC Employee Loss from vax, and Israel cases Skyrocketing Despite

Vaccination - Disclose, Telegram, Bitchute

>>15318709 Indivisible: Healing Hate ~ Paramount+ is to memorialize the anniversary of the January 6th attack on the Capitol with a six-part docuseries narrated by Mandy Patinkin. - Deadline

>>15318711 Germany Rising Up against COVID Restrictions - Telegram


Baker must depart.


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42683d  No.15318772

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b542a6  No.15318773

File: ca705e45f2f537f⋯.png (448.25 KB, 1035x996, 345:332, 977a607ed5b4873b28378b0de8….png)

>>15318237 (OP)

>>15318271 Dough >>>> https://controlc.com/ff4122fc

Notables Are NOT Endorsements

#19376: Kazakhstan Coup? Liberation? Or Smoke Screen? Edition

>>15318771 #19376



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b542a6  No.15318774

File: 5622f8b7cf68637⋯.png (487.56 KB, 1030x993, 1030:993, ClipboardImage.png)

Okay I'm done.

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b5bd7c  No.15318775

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


( https://www.bitchute.com/video/ReFQLcc1jn8U/ )

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b5bd7c  No.15318776


> Ti,me to HOLD THE LINE Patriots.

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86e456  No.15318777

12 die in a fire of a house converted into two apartments. 26 people lived in the whole building. 18 of them in one apartment.

Fire fighters arrive to a kitchen fire and can’t stop the fire for 50 minutes. Not one name was released.

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1e5908  No.15318778

File: 2a6daba9783129b⋯.jpg (404.26 KB, 720x393, 240:131, keksglory.jpg)

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d12149  No.15318779


anon that is a laptop, that anon is country shit posting

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1e5908  No.15318780


i have had that happen in reverse where i get pulled back into the same nightmare. I struggle to wake up. then get pulled back into the same thing. Takes me a few times to shake loose of it. Then there are times where i think i am viewing a parallel reality and sometimes that is my waking one. Just depends i suppose.

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edcca2  No.15318781

File: 5ababcde6ea81bc⋯.png (835.14 KB, 600x1333, 600:1333, Gro_und_Kleinschreibung.png)


Glaubst du, daß Groß- und Kleinschreibung ein Scheißspiel ist?

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86e456  No.15318782

It’s Jan 6. The Democratic holiday.

Covid and Riot talk back at it

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52729b  No.15318783


I find this image beautiful, inspirational and ironically warm.

Saved it for no other reason.

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2f8312  No.15318784

File: 4f81d6dbde22f00⋯.jpg (41.97 KB, 255x227, 255:227, 4f81d6dbde22f00594f0294a90….jpg)


The four horse Pepe's of the kekocalypse.


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792684  No.15318785

File: 6eae0e7ead9bbc2⋯.jpg (157.56 KB, 720x941, 720:941, 20220106_042630.jpg)


MSNBC's Joy Reid suggests GOP has 'hatred' for Biden because he was VP to 'the Black president'

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52729b  No.15318786


I also had to grab this pic of Mila


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edcca2  No.15318787

File: f9cd37b0513f2a2⋯.png (359.27 KB, 512x310, 256:155, 1558043303269.png)


>And we became co-heirs with Christ.

Has someone pooped in your brain Jude?

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dc3dc2  No.15318788


This is why I share it.

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477ae4  No.15318789

All this Jan 6 insurrection bullshit being pushed by the MSM is pathetic. Full on clown world continues

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dc3dc2  No.15318790


Even that she's married w/ an idiot, she had a nice soul, at some point.

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3f1fde  No.15318791

File: 74284bcd5cc01d9⋯.png (143.55 KB, 365x204, 365:204, noPyramid.PNG)

< {} >

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86e456  No.15318792


Define Nigger.

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86e456  No.15318793


I agree Anon. It makes me wonder when it will stop. The Hopium and Bullshit seem to be given in the same amounts.

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7f93eb  No.15318794

File: ea96c89684f3719⋯.jpg (51.77 KB, 473x490, 473:490, aXrw77d_700b_jpg_9ff98ecd7….jpg)



Truth does not have to repeat itself.

One might think that, eventually, MSM would spit the bit.

As one of my favorite persons would say. We'll see what happens.

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44f760  No.15318795


Make the pit plexiglass with stairs to the shelter and sit thousands of them on the D.C Mall. People can choose who they'd like to drop one on.

Chili cook-off and beer for all.

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d12149  No.15318796


in just 300 days

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008f21  No.15318797

File: cba3fb93d330a27⋯.png (78.48 KB, 992x322, 496:161, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah i no longer trust mainstream narrative about anything, including dreams only being a mech for our brains to process. That makes no sense when my dreams have predicted future events.

Thats a first, getting captcha right on the first try

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477ae4  No.15318799


2022 election in 300 days?

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6168c6  No.15318800


Matrix Resurrections describes the entire war at hand. Swarm mode is "Twitter rage mobs" the Analyst is the deep state, those who really make decisions for the country.

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86e456  No.15318801


It’s one of those “if it isn’t happening to me then it isn’t really happening” kind of thing.

People who think all is good haven’t lost their jobs and futures that they had to build using the system they had to use to avoid a vaccine mandate.

So I’m the end it will be interesting to see people even look at each other without contentment.

When Anons act as if all is well they haven’t had a trouble in awhile.

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52729b  No.15318802


What is this “election” you speak of?

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86e456  No.15318803


It’s always about the political people. America’s favorite and only important people.

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792684  No.15318804



I have been pondering this too anon, it seems like my more important work is being done in the dreamscape, like it's another reality, when I wake up it almost feels like I am needed back in the dreamworld. Thing is I can barely remember my dreams at all.

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d12149  No.15318805



first cup, i'm a lil snarky

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86e456  No.15318807

School closing when temperatures are at 0. Kids stay home and they keep the heater on in the school.

Welcome to the school board.

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0b14f6  No.15318808

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 339x195, 113:65, 5kuz14.gif)


>Morning, Frenz

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42683d  No.15318809

LOL Now the NFL is going to Switch SB sites to get away from losing BILLIONS!!!!

Oh the INSANITY!!!


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86e456  No.15318810


No worries. At least until the Jesus lovers show up. They don’t tolerate anything. Reminds me of some group of people in the East

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b76a98  No.15318811


I hate school boards

Used to be on one. Gutless morons most of them.

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86e456  No.15318812



And a Betty White Comic book.

It’s clear that USA is GAY

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3e41fc  No.15318813

File: a16f54717eca790⋯.jpg (242.36 KB, 960x872, 120:109, map.JPG)

File: 093bfe3ef9c0e39⋯.jpg (205.02 KB, 2000x1270, 200:127, mario.jpg)


'flat earth'

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008f21  No.15318814

File: 07752dbe6b91591⋯.png (177.11 KB, 894x628, 447:314, ClipboardImage.png)


Strengthen my faith, Lord. Forgive my sins, so that I may be clean in your righteousness. Make me brave, so I can stand and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard. Together, Lord, we'll win, because in truth, you already have. While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your blood rises up to defeat and bring us victory against every evil planned against us. While malicious actions may disturb us, we use the armor of God You have given us to stand firm. You will bring justice in due time for all the harm and needless violence aimed at Your children. Until then, we remain in Your presence, aligned with Your purposes, and we look to You as our Supreme Commander and Protector. Help us to avoid temptation, and deliver us from evil, Lord. You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen.


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b0d1a0  No.15318815

File: afe7b535fa0fabb⋯.jpg (31.84 KB, 640x459, 640:459, al.jpg)


Mornin' Sam

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7dc533  No.15318816


Ro 8:17 ¶ And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with [him], that we may be also glorified together.

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44f760  No.15318818


What MSM bullshit?. No TV or Streaming here…. haven't turned on the radio in 2 years. I see see only second hand accounts of the "news" on websites I visit and have trained myself to move on as soon as it is detected. I may be ignorant of the traumatizing mass mind control bullshit being produced but I really am a bit happier.

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42683d  No.15318819

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d12149  No.15318821

so the rogue rocket fell in the ocean were no one will every see the wreckage

was that confirmed

man I fell for that

pun intended


I hate school boards too

the only school board I ever knew was swung by dean "Gonzo"

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477ae4  No.15318822


I regularly peek at the MSM headlines, most of the people I know eat that shit up without question. Helps me keep perspective on the long information war we’re in

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3e41fc  No.15318823

File: b73220a17dfffe5⋯.jpg (65.45 KB, 916x497, 916:497, Agyptishe.JPG)

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7f93eb  No.15318824

File: 57c9f34587e0503⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1895x1009, 1895:1009, TACAMO.png)


>Truth does not have to repeat itself.

But it doesn't hurt to have an E-6 on station.

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1e5908  No.15318827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


genx inspiration. Galaxy Rangers.

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3e41fc  No.15318828



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7f93eb  No.15318829

File: be586bc58de47cb⋯.png (563.58 KB, 1920x1012, 480:253, ClipboardImage.png)

Turkish 787.

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3e41fc  No.15318830


(((seth pyramidbergstein)))

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d12149  No.15318832

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM The Head of State decreed to appoint Asset Irgaliyev as the Chairman of the Strategic Planning and Reforms Agency of Kazakhstan, the Akorda press service reports.


looks like .KZ is back up, that didn't take long

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851871  No.15318833

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3e41fc  No.15318834

File: b420d0dcdd618a6⋯.png (804.54 KB, 744x1147, 24:37, schwarzermutze.png)

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6dd871  No.15318835


Prayers to you and wife anon.

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2f8312  No.15318836


What is the importance of the regular Turkish airlines flight from Istanbul - Mexico City?

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86e456  No.15318837


First to comment on it. Jill Biden???

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7f93eb  No.15318839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rumor has it that there is some very good take out food on board.

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851871  No.15318840


youve come to the right place.

In HIS Holy name, Amen

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ee9ecd  No.15318841

File: d1c46e4da0b2020⋯.png (302.21 KB, 1080x673, 1080:673, Memeto_1633881840552.png)

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fd7c5f  No.15318842


20+ year neuronurseanon here to help in any way I can.

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600fad  No.15318843

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: The level of fitness needed to be a number one tennis player in the men's game is insane, these are almost super men with reflexes as fast as a cat, ridiculous, way above footballers or any other sport!!




bitchute video embedded, click small icon in top left hand corner to watch here on 8kun


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7f93eb  No.15318844


In Christ's name. Peace. Health. Prosperity. To you and your's anon. Amen.

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576978  No.15318845




Picking up where departed Bakes left off.

Claiming kitchen for this bake coming up

>>15318322 Probe: Seattle cops improperly faked right-wing radio talk - KOMO News

>>15318367, >>15318460 International White Collar Crimes BUN | Former husband of Petra Ecclestone in court on money laundering charge ~ The socialite and former husband of heiress Petra Ecclestone, James Stunt, has appeared in court to face money laundering charges. - The National News


>>15318441, >>15318736 EDD Tech Inc… Oppenheimer Rated $28 Price target. Down on a Low. Baker says Watch for the REVERSAL! - CIA

>>15318597, >>15318614, >>15318624 Law enforcement officer foundbeheadedin Almaty - Kazakh state media reports it as evidence of 'terror', Meanwhile Christian Factions Erect a Crucifix in the Capitol - RT

>>15318662 Always worth remembering that Jen Psaki was the State Dept spokespersonality who helped cover up child abuse at the State Dept, saying that it was - RUMBLE

>>15318665, >>15318666 Uranium prices surge as world’s top supplier rocked by riots - RT

>>15318689, >>15318694, >>15318696, >>15318698, >>15318702 Australia's Northern Territory has imposed a China-like lockdown of all unvaccinated citizens, falsely claiming "they are at greater risk of catching Covid.", BBC Employee Loss from vax, and Israel cases Skyrocketing Despite

Vaccination - Disclose, Telegram, Bitchute

>>15318709 Indivisible: Healing Hate ~ Paramount+ is to memorialize the anniversary of the January 6th attack on the Capitol with a six-part docuseries narrated by Mandy Patinkin. - Deadline

>>15318711 Germany Rising Up against COVID Restrictions - Telegram

>>15318771 Baker Collected Notables

>>15318734 US denies role in Kazakhstan uprising

>>15318759 Nothing bad happens until it happens to the media Gutfeld video

>>15318785 MSNBC's Joy Reid suggests GOP has 'hatred' for Biden because he was VP to 'the Black president'

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ff4b47  No.15318846

File: 9ddd4ab98166ae9⋯.png (355.85 KB, 450x512, 225:256, swalwell_maskless_in_fl.PNG)

Eric Swalwell living his best life mask-less indoors in Florida while COVID cases are spiking. Where is Fang Fang?


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5f921c  No.15318847


Prayers Anon

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0c29ec  No.15318848

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0d9ec1  No.15318849

File: cc921cf622b0ca4⋯.png (18.36 KB, 300x212, 75:53, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e41fc  No.15318850

File: 393ed3f68752f3f⋯.jpg (48.45 KB, 351x452, 351:452, Pepi.JPG)

'King Pepi'

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300d07  No.15318851

File: 54cbe45dea23386⋯.jpeg (87.96 KB, 789x489, 263:163, 857D77CF_6A8A_4E08_8941_6….jpeg)

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0c29ec  No.15318852

File: 23aa012e19fb10e⋯.png (106.81 KB, 593x494, 593:494, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 877e34aee30c16d⋯.png (92.19 KB, 680x341, 680:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1eedee2a3df2083⋯.gif (523.9 KB, 350x193, 350:193, muhdeeeek.gif)

US President Joe Biden will warn of a dark future unless Americans defend democratic elections


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8c5053  No.15318853

File: b7e27af83154311⋯.png (186.55 KB, 503x277, 503:277, donotthinkitmeans.png)

File: 3d91548edcc3525⋯.png (130.54 KB, 339x304, 339:304, Pepe_QuoteInvestigative.png)


muh insurrection

I don't think Jan 6 means what they think it means.


Investigative Documentary Series

Indivisible: Healing Hate


the rise of far-right extremism

that fueled the events

and how the country is dealing with the divide

uncovering surprising links between January 6, historical events and

today’s most dangerous radical frontiers in America

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1e5908  No.15318854

File: dd74c51e2bfd304⋯.jpg (233.8 KB, 720x399, 240:133, darkwinter.jpg)

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b76a98  No.15318855


Oh i thought he was talkin about democrats for a sec

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dc3dc2  No.15318856


Let's go ciaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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0c29ec  No.15318857

File: b17b1cbba56ad51⋯.png (197.05 KB, 587x620, 587:620, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3e50635baea51e⋯.mp4 (4.26 MB, 640x360, 16:9, muhrobots.mp4)

File: 242041d11bfb8ca⋯.gif (3.26 MB, 496x488, 62:61, mrroboto.gif)

VIDEO: Human-like robots are showcased at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. "We've designed Ameca to be as human-like as possible in movement," says Morgan Roe, from Britain-based Engineered Arts


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b76a98  No.15318858

File: dba022b2d83c233⋯.jpg (38.93 KB, 641x369, 641:369, vp.jpg)

Dunno why, but I have chill vibes about '22 anons. Something in the air maybe. Prickly feeling like Covid is about to go down, and that will be the first domino. Can't really explain why.

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8c5053  No.15318859

File: eb8c6eae232118c⋯.png (280.94 KB, 2000x1757, 2000:1757, glowies.png)

File: 195292bdd70f45b⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1183x1387, 1183:1387, glowies.png)

File: bd1d920f08776d2⋯.png (170.64 KB, 210x636, 35:106, DemStafferGlows.png)



Almost like they're desperate to set the narrative

Glowniggers gonna glownig.

I wonder who could be behind this "investigative documentary"

It is directed by James Bruce, who also exec produces along with Jim Clemente, Tim Clemente, Spencer Gordon and Josh Murphy.

The docuseries comes from America’s Most Wanted producer XG Productions and See It Now Studios, the CBS News-backed production division led by its former president Susan Zirinsky.

See It Now was launched in September, and its projects include The 26th Street Garage: The FBI’s Untold Story of 9/11 narrated by Tom Selleck and Race Against Time: The CIA and 9/11.

XG Productions, which has a first-look deal with CBS Studios, is behind series such as CBS’ The Case of: JonBenet Ramsey and is developing Real Criminal Minds, a non-scripted series based on the long-running procedural with CBS Studios and ABC Signature for Paramount+.

Jim and Tim Clemente set the production company up after their hung up their law enforcement badges;Jim was a profiler in the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit, while Tim was a sniper and tactical agent on the FBI SWAT Team. They worked some of the most notorious cases in history including the 9/11 investigation, the D.C. Sniper and Saddam Hussein

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417ac6  No.15318860


Nah probably one of his kids will run in 2024 (he will be too old to survive a second term) so they can make promises to drain the swamp and do nothing again.

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d12149  No.15318861

File: 2dc8869190d5a6a⋯.png (376.11 KB, 609x383, 609:383, 0b95in07bb022e0115xe4S911f….png)


how does that saying go

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417ac6  No.15318862


Fang fang did the bang bang then he sang sang and now she back in shang shang.

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9075c1  No.15318863


CIA brings them, FBI covers up the crime.

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b1a685  No.15318864

File: fc843531aa66ccb⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 480x264, 20:11, foxnews_brian_kilmeade_cre….mp4)

Gotta love these hard truth bombs dropped under the guise of "slip of the tongue."

Brain Kilmeade on F&F talking the Joe Rogan doctor as"CREATOR OF THE VIRUS"

not once, but twice

Steve Doocy makes a half-hearted attempt to slide in the "vaccine" correction at 6:15

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3170a5  No.15318865

File: 709647bff2c45ce⋯.jpg (265.86 KB, 1007x1507, 1007:1507, 4_e_bot.jpg)


They did it wrong

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0c29ec  No.15318866

File: 5908e891cb6de88⋯.png (363.66 KB, 593x590, 593:590, ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trump releases statement urging MAGA followers to 'rise up'


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020f5e  No.15318868

File: 3c214bd3ad51b4e⋯.jpg (19.19 KB, 265x370, 53:74, Screenshot_20211228_225803….jpg)

God bless Us today.

God has taken Us out of the darkness and projected light in OUR lives.

Ty, and bless OUR experience on this board w/ the victory over evil.

Yeshua loves you.

God bless this board and OUR Milky Way.

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417ac6  No.15318869


Rick Rule is one of the smartest commodity investors on the planet, and he's forecasting a 25-35% leap in Sprott's Uranium fund over the next 2-3 years.

As with anything do your own research.


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0c29ec  No.15318870

File: 31b4f0c843d788c⋯.png (289.2 KB, 666x600, 111:100, ClipboardImage.png)

>moar coffee msm kek


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3e41fc  No.15318871

File: 1e5c67f7eb3a47c⋯.jpg (31.75 KB, 343x423, 343:423, democrat.JPG)


egyptian dem0crat

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fd7c5f  No.15318872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0d9ec1  No.15318873

File: 3570d98a477a951⋯.png (63.29 KB, 850x400, 17:8, ClipboardImage.png)

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576978  No.15318874



following the blokes across the pond….the rise up statement appears attributed to this:

Instead, he issued a statement criticizing Joe Biden's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

'Now, there's talk by the Biden Administration again about closing schools and even vaccine mandates for school children,' Trump said.

'This is an outrage, and MAGA nation should rise up and oppose this egregious federal government overreach.'

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417ac6  No.15318875

File: a8c250c9d93185d⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 498x199, 498:199, you_are_one.gif)


>how does that saying go

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e2a255  No.15318876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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167d3b  No.15318877


By “do it right” if you mean there is a diesel powered, high efficiency vacuum pump hooked up to her throat, well yeah that’s right

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3e41fc  No.15318878

File: b8f729c3ae89f1c⋯.jpg (23.54 KB, 231x311, 231:311, camel.JPG)

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e01980  No.15318879

File: 8b2bd104126094a⋯.png (181.03 KB, 1748x550, 874:275, Screen_Shot_2022_01_06_at_….png)

File: c37ba03db4a445c⋯.png (138.8 KB, 490x670, 49:67, Screen_Shot_2022_01_06_at_….png)

Morning anons…

Everything sure seems to be unraveling NICELY…

Top kek to the planners! Will it be financial, social, or aggression that kicks it off? Could be any or all…

On another note…the gut biome will be a hot topic of future health. You can 100% influence it from the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS "allows" certain bacteria to bloom and thereby produce chemical mediators we LACK…mainly our brain stuff (which is interesting if you are a gnostic like me…). If our diet is BAD enough, and all of our diets ARE bad enough, then we bloom TO MANY bacteria and they can become pathogenic. Looking like CANCER is a bacteria called an l-form bacteria (check out Rife, Reich, Pleimorphism sometime…).

Anyway it all is CONTROLLABLE once you understand how you work…which is cool, important, and will be the basis for a new health paradigm…

PHARMA is a false idol, a demon, which stands between you and NATURE = SOURCE…

With that in mind check this…


All of which are contained inside YOU…

Archaea (/ɑːrˈkiːə/ (About this soundlisten) ar-KEE-ə; singulararchaeon/ɑːrˈkiːən/) constitute a domain of single-celled organisms. These microorganisms lack cell nuclei and are therefore prokaryotes. Archaea were initially classified as bacteria, receiving the name archaebacteria (in the Archaebacteria kingdom), but this term has fallen out of use.[4]

Archaeal cells have unique properties separating them from the other two domains, Bacteria and Eukaryota. Archaea are further divided into multiple recognized phyla. Classification is difficult because most have not been isolated in a laboratory and have been detected only by their gene sequences in environmental samples.



These guys CAN and DO influence behavior…check out the case of toxoplasma gondii and cats/mice…

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0d9ec1  No.15318880

File: b6f714048bd6947⋯.png (272.7 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


respectfully, hang, hang yourself.


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04c5dd  No.15318881

File: de44974e3a4dafc⋯.gif (506.8 KB, 384x206, 192:103, get_to_the_choppa_arnold.gif)

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1817cc  No.15318882

File: c53cd12c8bb8c9d⋯.png (353.55 KB, 957x698, 957:698, ClipboardImage.png)

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2f8312  No.15318884

File: c27d1f0ff279836⋯.png (14.93 KB, 636x115, 636:115, Screenshot_2022_01_06_at_1….png)


That couple had some serious health issues.

She was admitted for a COPD flare up which can cause airflow blockage and breathing problems and was then diagnosed with covid at or after admission to the hospital.

He had a foot amputated due to complications due to diabetes and kidney problems.


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061609  No.15318885

File: 8b070964d7b05ee⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 480x328, 60:41, 6C8220C7_0465_4C26_9A5A_74….gif)

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576978  No.15318886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


find the right thread and give a tug and watch it unravel

and all right before the eyes of those that will watch

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c3cc09  No.15318888

File: 84f42c0cb6dc87c⋯.jpg (985.53 KB, 2960x1440, 37:18, Screenshot_20211228_112956….jpg)

File: 5fcb2b7a0808122⋯.jpg (1.58 MB, 2512x2493, 2512:2493, Screenshot_20220106_063337….jpg)

Hahahhh, Tucker and others jumping on Ted Cruz. I agree with Ted. The embedded terrorists consisting of pANTIFA and FBI agents are whom I believe he is speaking of. Talking heads and shills are telling us otherwise. He spoke about those who attacked law enforcement. I did not hear him speak of those who walked through the capitol peacefully. So beat the fuck off if you think sound bites make for a sound argument. I want those who attacked law enforcement that day, no matter what political spectrum they fall under, to goto prison, and death to their leaders.. Most of those who were violent were pANTIFA and federal agents. Yet, those are the ones who are not being charged. You fall off the deep end thinking Ted is speaking of the political prisoners who committed no violence. If you get just a sound bite, do your research and listen to the context. If Ted outright called the fed agents terrorists, all hell would bust loose before it's time. But he did put the terrorists on notice in the congressional record. Tucker, Joe H., and others for truth, I believe, are implying Ted is speaking of the political prisoners when I heard no such thing from Ted's mouth. Stop stereotyping law enforcement. Not all were bad. They btfo the terrorists who attacked the capitol. If you have video of Ted Cruz from Jan. 4th where he does mention the political prisoners, please, imbed it here and prove me wrong. Danks.


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04c5dd  No.15318889


This time a spy of the, African persuasion.

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2f8312  No.15318890

File: d81a41638077059⋯.png (532.42 KB, 700x628, 175:157, d81a416380770596a943d76ec1….png)

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3170a5  No.15318891

File: 270e12f44d5e001⋯.jpg (181.06 KB, 854x420, 61:30, abs.jpg)


To perceive reality absolutely,

free of ALL authority,

is to see clearly.

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b0d1a0  No.15318892


>Brain Kilmeade on F&F

also of note is brian repeatedly saying "canary in the coalmine" over the last several days

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3e41fc  No.15318893

File: 1157f2771d1d261⋯.jpg (77.85 KB, 321x559, 321:559, jsis.JPG)

never heard of Jsis before

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1817cc  No.15318894

File: bbd23718ea398d2⋯.png (320.19 KB, 652x554, 326:277, ClipboardImage.png)

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04c5dd  No.15318895


There must be a capt. Kirk pun here somewhere.

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2f8312  No.15318896


Needs ancient grammar kitty.

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7f93eb  No.15318897

File: 0ef17e74d13f499⋯.jpg (60.79 KB, 691x540, 691:540, 5baf35800a384b25a8ff6431dd….jpg)

We are reaching the age where Christians are persecuted yet again.

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3e41fc  No.15318898

File: 41de317e6a2868b⋯.jpg (58.31 KB, 546x680, 273:340, captiol2.JPG)

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c3cc09  No.15318899


Have some num num.


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7f93eb  No.15318900


What are you asking for?

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0c29ec  No.15318901



scratch my joke

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417ac6  No.15318902

File: 814c6c01df39163⋯.jpg (91.04 KB, 640x659, 640:659, Borgias_Incest.jpg)

File: ef297c9df1b6c3b⋯.jpg (164.7 KB, 912x768, 19:16, Borgias.jpg)

File: f92168f180c5136⋯.png (126.15 KB, 500x434, 250:217, cf60fe9d058ad7c793507b6cf6….png)

File: 41975b1b93bdee5⋯.jpg (123.45 KB, 1097x688, 1097:688, Gay_Jesus.jpg)

File: 004023551d5b52e⋯.png (150.56 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Jesus_was_a_Faggot.png)


You mean instead of killing millions of fucking people during the crusades just because they wanted people to convert, submit, obey, or be massacred in their homes?

Shortly after the crusades people started worshipping the image of a murderer, faggot, thief and someone who fucked his own mother, Cesare Borgia.

When you realize Christianity is a fucking farce and rehash of all the older religions you may begin your spiritual awakening.

God and spirituality has nothing to do with a (man made) religion, built for your indoctrination and control.

Fuck all religions, religion is the greatest mind prison of humanity.

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cdc9fb  No.15318903


Morning Sam

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6de276  No.15318904

File: 000b5ef2dda2c36⋯.png (240.24 KB, 662x515, 662:515, zirinsky.png)


>Susan Zirinsky

8:58 PM / February 25, 2020

CBS News president Susan Zirinsky welcomes attendees to the tenth 2020 Democratic debate

Democrat Operative posing as "Investigative News" producer

> https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/democratic-debate-south-carolina-cbs-news-recap/

There are other CBS News executives who could fill the role, according to people familiar with the matter. Susan Zirinsky, senior executive producer of CBS News’ “48 Hours,” has a dazzling resume and the respect of many across the TV-news sector. She is also senior executive producer for breaking news specials for CBS News, and has produced documentaries for CBS and Showtime, including the award-winning “9/11,” a documentary on the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks told through the eyes of a New York Fire Department squad that was called to serve on that fateful day. She has worked at CBS News since 1972, and her high standards and outspoken demeanor served as inspiration for the character Holly Hunter played in the 1987 movie, “Broadcast News.’

> https://variety.com/2018/tv/news/60-minutes-successor-jeff-fager-cbs-news-1202938842/

Biographical / Historical Note

Susan Zirinsky joined the CBS News Washington Bureau in 1972 while a student at American University. She served as President and Senior Executive Producer of CBS News from 2019-2021.

Zirinsky was the senior executive producer of the crime and justice series 48 Hours . She directed CBS News' 1992 political reporting, coordinating coverage of candidates, issues and events for all CBS News broadcasts, including the presidential election.

Previously, Zirinsky served in several capacities for CBS Evening News with Dan Rather in New York and Washington, D.C. In New York, she was its senior broadcast producer (1991-92) and senior producer (1989-91). In Washington, she managed all feature stories and oversaw editorial content of daily hard-news events (1986-89). She first joined the CBS Evening News as a producer in 1979.

Her work on other CBS broadcasts included CBS Morning News and CBS Evening News weekend editions. Zirinsky worked the Democratic and Republican National Conventions from 1976 through 1988 as a floor producer for Dan Rather, Lesley Stahl, Ed Bradley, and Mike Wallace. In 1992, she was senior producer for all coverage at both conventions.

In 2003, Zirinsky received the Lifetime Achievement Award by the International Television and Film Awards, in addition to a Peabody Award for her film 9/11 .

Scope and Contents

The Susan Zirinsky papers, 1969-2021, consist of the professional papers and video tapes of Zirinsky's work at CBS News, including extensive political coverage of presidential travels, summit meetings, and national political conventions. Also included are production notebooks for stories and programs including the Vanity Fair Oscar party, 48 Hours , Person to Person , and Crimesider .

> https://txarchives.org/utcah/finding_aids/03949.xml

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008f21  No.15318905

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3e41fc  No.15318906

File: 0ec1d887c765daf⋯.jpg (24.21 KB, 320x230, 32:23, Jesus.jpg)


that people don't apologize for being Christian and knowing to chase out the synagogue of satan, in a thought-out way

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0c29ec  No.15318907

File: eeb13e6b02dd2dc⋯.png (365.82 KB, 585x644, 585:644, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19f209ca3b94797⋯.png (453.25 KB, 680x468, 170:117, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27883d2b3a03485⋯.png (625.64 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

“I was minutes away from being beaten or killed by a domestic terrorist. I can still see their eyes and the hateful way they looked at me," Rep. Frederica Wilson said.


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04c5dd  No.15318908

File: 76b6af78093b003⋯.png (447.45 KB, 474x309, 158:103, ClipboardImage.png)


>Christians are persecuted yet again.

The world is a smaller place now. Anon would think such horrific things would become a thing of the past in a world with abundant information at our fingertips.

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e01980  No.15318909

File: b1bb10ec3604962⋯.png (3.84 MB, 1906x1268, 953:634, Screen_Shot_2022_01_06_at_….png)

File: 779ebadbd76bff1⋯.png (897.23 KB, 616x642, 308:321, Screen_Shot_2022_01_06_at_….png)

File: 10e915aa0fcb68f⋯.png (1.23 MB, 956x618, 478:309, Screen_Shot_2022_01_06_at_….png)

File: bb4c9a07ae8426b⋯.png (1.35 MB, 848x858, 424:429, Screen_Shot_2022_01_06_at_….png)

All hail tartaria!

No..wait! This is Astana, Kazakstan (Khazarian much!)

Nothing to see here…move along…

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ff2c7b  No.15318910

File: 5fecff96160dd42⋯.png (86.99 KB, 425x285, 85:57, thank_you.PNG)

Thank you to all the brave military men and women that have and continue today to fight for our freedoms. True Heroes…May God Bless You All!

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0c29ec  No.15318911

File: 5a2930882f1b355⋯.png (205.64 KB, 595x522, 595:522, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c1ae2500919ce4⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, _GasLightingDayJan6.mp4)

Prepare… #GasLightingDayJan6 is ramping up.


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04c5dd  No.15318912

File: bafe00adc3ddddc⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1080x675, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


America has your back.

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7f93eb  No.15318913

File: c92bae78170657f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 882x881, 882:881, Tobias_Kleitman.PNG)


You seem to have the thing pretty far jammed up your ass.

Will meditate on your position.

And if anything positive comes up. Will poast back here.

Otherwise will nawt internalize.


Crazy Fuckers. How do you live within your own skin?

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5f04ef  No.15318914

File: 371b5ae3af8a09e⋯.png (45.38 KB, 745x293, 745:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c9bdd2e265ae1d⋯.png (862.17 KB, 1080x1067, 1080:1067, ClipboardImage.png)

NEW - French parliament approves Macron's vaccine pass to exclude unvaccinated citizens from "basic aspects of life." The bill will now proceed to the Senate.


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79fefa  No.15318915

File: 47591c02d2a8bd4⋯.gif (4.07 MB, 600x800, 3:4, 8kun_vegas.gif)


quads of infinity chek'ed - they will eat each other, let the back stabbing begin

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fd7c5f  No.15318916


For a tiny second I thought the headline was aimed toward Hunter and Brandon…

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576978  No.15318917


Former Kazakhstan uranium czar blames imprisonment on sale of Clinton-linked Canadian company to Russians

Two U.S. Senate committees have recently launched investigations into the affair, though evidence of such a quid-pro-quo — or that it would in any way compromise American security — is tenuous, at best.

But in a little-known series of 2009 videos that were smuggled out of prison, Dzhakishev suggested the purchase of Uranium One by Russia’s Rosatom had profound consequences for him personally.

His arrest is widely believed to have been a politically motivated act by the strong-arm Nursultan Nazarbayev government. Dzhakishev ties it to the Canadian firm’s sale and a Russian drive to control uranium production in his country, developments he says he opposed while heading Kazatomprom, Kazakhstan’s state-owned uranium company.


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edcca2  No.15318918


BS, You are a bunch of bastards, not humans, who belong off the planet. World destroyers, your God is not ours! Parasites!

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2f8312  No.15318919


Your joke is fine, I was adding some context.

I was calling out the Daily Fail and their shitty reporting.

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460e01  No.15318920

File: 7f65cb1548bcea9⋯.png (88.22 KB, 298x300, 149:150, 6C3C7C4F_33B4_4DD3_8F34_5B….png)

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and currently working with the Earth Council for the ascension of the earth.

We see that your blood is flowing, along with the blood of the earth, to preserve its integrity and to protect itself from that which is not. Your bodies have been assaulted for a long time. And your lives have been programmed and controlled to the fullest extent by the dark ones who would harvest you.

No wonder I have been fully focused for these many years on the earth! We proclaim today that you will never ever be harvested again! The dark ones are being dealt with and many have already been removed. We have big plans for the earth and a wonderful new planet coming into creation for all who live on her. The days of agony and despair will soon be a thing of the past. It is time to let go of the horrendous ways life on earth and how she has been treated. It is over!

You will soon become aware of the mysteries of your own bodies, as well as, that of the earth. You are the light brigade who are activating your powerful multi-dimensional selves. Upon doing this, you are also working with the planet to become her fully awakened self. What a powerful combination! This is why you were specifically chosen to be on the earth at this time. Your light, consciousness, love, energy, healing and beautiful hearts, are bringing this great awakening.

In the beginning of this new year 2022 you are already being shocked with information! In fact, you could be shaken to the core. You are clearly learning that life is not the way you thought it was due to the fact that you have been living in a false reality called “the matrix.” You are awakening to the truth that some people you thought were good are bad and that some people you thought were bad are good! Many organizations will prove to be untrustworthy and even horrific!

What happens next is that you will take your power back as divine spiritual beings on beloved mother earth. The past will dissolve and in the future life will be light infused in beauty, joy, happiness, abundance, peace, freedom and all good things. You truly deserve this goodness!

Tomorrow is a new day. You will be divinely guided through the morass of possibilities for your new lives. We will be working with you joyfully to provide what we have to share to make your lives better and easier. We will enjoy getting to know you. Have fun and celebrate you and the new earth.

I lovingly say goodbye for now. I am Mira, your galactic friend.


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417ac6  No.15318921

File: 51fcba032501d69⋯.jpg (25.36 KB, 496x314, 248:157, Religion.jpg)


>How do you live within your own skin?

Quite easily, I study and research everything, including the last 10,000 years of history.

<Jesus was a Jew.








All one needs to do is a little research, however programming, indoctrination and cognitive dissonance will prevent you from visiting the past.

The truth that would put 99% of you in the hospital…

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020f5e  No.15318922


Maybe anons can pray w/ me for 7 sin anon. As we read, struggling w/ anons demons, and bad dreams of said sins.

I pray God changes this anons heart. I sense a great evil, but that did not transfer to anon, BC/ of constantly praying for the armor of God. I pray it for others all the time. Ty Holy Spirit, bind evil [W/] 4 demons, and the evil Master father of all lies in the middle. Bound and shackled for 8infinity8.

Ty Holy Spirit, anointing your faithful, and the planet and Milky Way from this evil.

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7f93eb  No.15318924


Let me see if I can put it in the simplest of terms.


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3e41fc  No.15318925


that statement by bonaparte = 'think mirror'

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460e01  No.15318926


>This is why you were specifically chosen to be on the earth at this time. Your light, consciousness, love, energy, healing and beautiful hearts, are bringing this great awakening.

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3170a5  No.15318927

File: 00290670ba8ecc2⋯.jpg (509.54 KB, 1379x878, 1379:878, scripts.jpg)

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020f5e  No.15318928

File: 60f77389cdd8176⋯.jpg (89.09 KB, 614x838, 307:419, Screenshot_20210615_072921….jpg)

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e01980  No.15318930



+1..moar there than we think…new world HQ? something like that…

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0c51c1  No.15318931

File: 8550b05e1ba4e10⋯.jpg (145.32 KB, 781x1019, 781:1019, 271272309_996826767919549_….jpg)


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3e41fc  No.15318932



u sure that is a real quote?

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72a616  No.15318933


That's good to hear. The next time a country is found on "Christian fundamentals" they can write their own laws knowing what they know now.

>No immigrants

>No womens rights

>No banks

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0c29ec  No.15318934

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04c5dd  No.15318935

File: 1aea957aa1326ca⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB, 640x362, 320:181, Wonka_Boat_Ride.mp4)


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a48b57 No.11193040 📁

Oct 21 2020 13:56:57 (EST)

A deep dark world is being exposed.

The truth won't be for everyone.

Have faith in Humanity.


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417ac6  No.15318936



Spoken like a true Christian, a true man of God.

Spoken like someone who understands love and acceptance.

This is the reaction from all of the programmed, but I still love and forgive you, for this hatred of anything but your indoctrination is all you know.

I'll hold the line while more awaken, but some will forever remain asleep in the clutches of religion.

God cannot be found from a single book or under a single roof.

You do not practice what you preach.

Peace be with you as it is within me.

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7f93eb  No.15318937

File: 29cbb4f97b93dba⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1399x900, 1399:900, FlightPlans.png)

The funny thing is this.

No one pays attention.

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460e01  No.15318938

File: b6cbb4c889121b3⋯.jpeg (23.37 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 3DB0C4BB_4D58_42F5_872D_6….jpeg)

The Storm Update: January 5/6 2022

Turn off your smart meters, folks. They work in tandem with the DEWs to burn your homes. Word also is that the 5G is helping to create these fires as well. By the way, you can still get internet that's not 5G. I do.

James Gilliland: The social engineering and cognitive dissonance of the masses was underestimated along with the depth of infiltration. Unfortunately, it will take some real hard lessons to shake many of the socially engineered out of their denial.

Free will must be honored. This is why you are still seeing heinous acts like Directed Energy Weapons being used, fires in the middle of winter in frozen snow-covered mountains, steel melting (which is impossible under normal conditions), a stepping up in chemtrails, psychotronics, and other actions to silence the awakened and the awakening. There are the lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, and extreme population control measures. This will persist until the people awaken, rise and resist. Far too many people are still participating in these draconian measures (willingly or in ignorance), and lack the courage and integrity to stop participating. This is why the harsh lessons continue.

Simon Parkes reported that Big Ben, the large clock tower on the British Parliament Buildings, did not chime on New Year's. This could have many interpretations, even such that the British Parliament is no longer alive. This could also be indicative that the global British Commonwealth is dead, because it is. The Queen is dead and her son Charlie is not interested in the crown. Why? Because there's no power in the crown anymore, and because his brother Andrew will soon draw a lot of negative attention to the royal family. I don't think it's by chance that Prince William and Prince Harry chose more down scaled lifestyles, choosing to live more like the rest of us than their elders. I believe even at that time, the royals were aware that the jig was up. None of this is happening by surprise for them.

Besides, after murdering the unfortunate lightworker that got incarnated into this family, Diana, who obviously was there to expose to the world what was up with them, I'm sure the Alliance did not take that lying down. The weekend I found out she'd died I literally cried for days. Upon being asked by someone later on who was awake why I was so upset over her death, I said I didn't know. But I did know. It wasn't just that she was a breath of fresh air injected into their putrid system, I knew at a soul level that they had just murdered another lightworker. Just like they rigged 9/11, tried to kill President Reagan, murdered President Kennedy and have tried to assassinate President Trump. They got two of his clones, the real Trump is still alive. The Light is learning and adapting. We have to get it right this time, because there will be no more chances.

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d12149  No.15318939


>u sure that is a real quote?


vote this for quote of the day, or at least bread

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72a616  No.15318940


>Spoken like someone who understands love and acceptance.

I never once heard him say we need more cannibals, lesbians or poor black people.

Would you say the same if he held that same beliefs about pedophiles?

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7f93eb  No.15318941

Crash dive.

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576978  No.15318942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


was it in this video with Michael J. Knowles?

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2f8312  No.15318943

File: b9dd4c3f4750d2f⋯.png (344.61 KB, 547x526, 547:526, ClipboardImage_29_.png)

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fd7c5f  No.15318944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rick Rule…kek, here's what I found!

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1817cc  No.15318945

File: d01722a23a36c72⋯.mp4 (267.7 KB, 488x270, 244:135, d01722a23a36c72837415b9c2e….mp4)

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3170a5  No.15318946

File: 1fd02acf792ea5e⋯.jpeg (99.21 KB, 720x1056, 15:22, rick.jpeg)

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576978  No.15318947


Something along these lines


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3cc011  No.15318948

File: 27931f8ab1a9772⋯.png (421.05 KB, 460x515, 92:103, 5d8cfa9fa1d01306cd79bb8c02….png)

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399814  No.15318949

Damn, it looks like we’ve got a full blown shill/bot/demoralization board here. Any real Anons on here?

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460e01  No.15318950



Ashtar, Why did President Trump change his speech day from the 6th to the 8th or 15th of January?

Ashtar: For the same reason he changes other dates – it makes it less easy for plans to be made to kill him. He has also changed many things such as walking away from the presidency, telling people to go home when they came to capitol hill, and this was to protect them from the rumors the deep state would circulate about them. He was aware of the false flag they had cooked up, and protected the people by telling them to leave capitol hill.

Me: Yes, I see that the first hit I get is Microsoft News, which is incredibly biased against him. Apparently Trump has set up an insurrection last year on January 6… yeah, that's actually funny.

From Microsoft News: 'On Tuesday night, Trump took to his non-Twitter to announce: “In light of the total bias and dishonesty of the January 6th Unselect Committee of Democrats, two failed Republicans, and the Fake News Media, I am canceling the January 6th Press Conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday.” Instead, he will discuss “many of those important topics” he intended to touch on during the address at a rally scheduled in Arizona on January 15. '

I love the way they diss him because he can't have a twitter account. So what? They kicked me off too and I don't care. People really need to stop falling for their superficialities. They're so easy to see through.

Simon Parkes reports: “The three big corporations: the Corporation of America, the Corporation of the Vatican and the Corporation of the City of London, all are dead now, Parkes reports. Davos climate change conference is cancelled due to lack of funds. They're being starved of money.”

Me: What about Jerusalem? I know there are the big three but the Zionists are in this as well.

Ashtar: They are the last we're seeking.

Me: How do we take them down? We got the religion, the money and the military arm of the Globalists, what do the Zionists represent?

Ashtar: The morals… they're the brains of the whole outfit. The Zionists, as you know, are spread across the entire world. America, Europe, Russia… they fund the mafia style operations of the Deep State. Yes, they're the bankers. These bankers live all over, though, not just in Israel. You'll see the Middle East is working at a peace treaty, and this includes Israel. There are many white nobility families in the area that are brokering deals with the Zionists … yes, peace deals, Sharon.

Me: Why? Why not just arrest them?

Ashtar: They still have power, Sharon. They let it be known that there will be consequences, which they can make good on, if they are arrested. It was important to get the puppets first before the puppeteers. The puppeteers are still in charge of much, particularly corporations, and the media as well as some military.

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dc3dc2  No.15318951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e01980  No.15318952

Just leaving this here for those with a health interest..Rife/Reich and many others did not agree with Pastuer re: germs, etc. Rife believed that we have "granules" which are starter sticks and they can become any kind of bacteria or archaea . They start by forming TUBES (this is why the anti-parasitics work as they are tubular disrupters…). They grow/abate based on the HOSTS needs and what they can get away with. When they become to diverse is when we get into issues and they get diverse with BAD DIET and or BAD ENVIRONMENT…we basically live in a swamp and eat our own shit…so a PERFECT MEDIUM. Seriously we are like one big AGAR DISH with all the sugar/glucose/fructose we eat…

Consider CANCER could be CAUSED by antibiotics…see below from WIKI…

L-forms can be generated in the laboratory from many bacterial species that usually have cell walls, such as Bacillus subtilis or Escherichia coli.This is done by inhibiting peptidoglycan synthesis with antibiotics or treating the cells with lysozyme, an enzyme that digests cell walls.The L-forms are generated in a culture medium that is the same osmolarity as the bacterial cytosol (an isotonic solution), which prevents cell lysis by osmotic shock.[2] L-form strains can be unstable, tending to revert to the normal form of the bacteria by regrowing a cell wall, but this can be prevented by long-term culture of the cells under the same conditions that were used to produce them – letting the wall-disabling mutations to accumulate by genetic drift.[6]

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ff2c7b  No.15318953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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44f760  No.15318954


5G got flipped on and Pollyanna died

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3e41fc  No.15318955


people should ask themselves ¨'is it possible that he/she would say something like that?'

if this is not possible to discern with 'your political representatives', then you should maybe 'run for office' or something

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ff2c7b  No.15318956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dc3dc2  No.15318957

Are we at unison or something, tards?!?!?!

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0c29ec  No.15318958

File: e294be4f380ae0f⋯.png (508.6 KB, 588x648, 49:54, Capture.PNG)

File: 9662ade37e1cc4a⋯.png (410.44 KB, 590x663, 590:663, Capture1.PNG)

File: a516f62600db271⋯.png (429.61 KB, 585x627, 195:209, Capture2.PNG)

File: 65e244c72020ab7⋯.png (343.3 KB, 590x568, 295:284, Capture3.PNG)

File: b74fd266adb0d9d⋯.png (517.06 KB, 587x624, 587:624, Capture4.PNG)

>7 am call went out kek

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576978  No.15318959


that's the one from yesterday.

anon looking for the one from the 4th and talk of political prisoners…

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460e01  No.15318960



Me: Okay. So they still have to barter with them to make peace. What if they don't want to make peace? I think I've heard that about them anyway.

Ashtar: Then they set a trap for themselves. It will be difficult to get weapons and an army when all the rest of the world is opposed to the idea. Remember, all countries are working towards GESARA compliance. We have the right people in power and the ones who are DS have capitulated. This is why you're seeing such a great exit from businesses, corporations, television, movies, but politics basically looks the same as it always has: because they are capitulating to us.

France saying it has a new variant.

Ashtar: Eventually, nobody will pay attention. What will happen is, yes, unfortunately, you will have a die off from the vaccines. However, people will stop dying even of the vaccines.

Me: How is that possible?

Ashtar: The Light, the higher Light will protect all of those of higher frequency. The vaccines are evil; they cannot work above a certain frequency which you are quickly approaching. Dr Faucci knows this. Also, people will hear about hydroxy chloraquine and other solutions that will help to guard against the virus.

You see, people still believe that there is a viral problem. They believe it is the virus they should guard against. When these actual solutions become more available, either through black market or through alternative sellers, then they will turn to these rather than vaccines.

Me: But they're saying we can't work unless we get jabbed.

Ashtar: Then people will stop working and find other ways to live. America is headed for an economic collapse. Even Canada is lacking some things in the grocery stores but the States is far ahead of where you are. They have many shortages and now not enough staff to staff businesses. With the QFS up and running, dispensation of the St Germain funds will be able to help them. When these funds are paid out, bosses demanding compliance with mandates will be put out of business.

Me: I love that!

New Matrix movie, Matrix 4 will load you with etheric tags and implants. Don't recommend you watch this.

Ashtar: They have many ways of mind numbing you. You must suspect all technology right now.

Parkes seems to be saying that we can expect fresh elections, presumably U.S. Elections, he didn't specify within 3 or 4 months. With the quantum system which is now the dominant financial system with the Corporation of America having declared bankruptcy on December 31 (and the Fiat American dollar thereby having no value any longer) fair elections can be processed, he seems to think. However, he has noted that the deep state is still alive and have some tricks up their sleeve and so I'm sure they'll try to hit the election in some way. I'm guessing they may well put in a candidate and attempt to falsify election results like they did in 2020.

By the way has anyone else noticed that the G8 countries that predominate world politics were also the predominant countries fighting in World War 2? Yes, how about that, eh?

There is a large push by the Deep State now because of our resistance. Many are expecting retribution for the progress we've made so far so make sure you keep your homes stocked and have money on hand.

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c3cc09  No.15318962


No, more like this one, but still I think it is not his full speech.


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5f04ef  No.15318963

File: c51f753c515cdc4⋯.png (433.17 KB, 916x598, 458:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 287e56b1d8a242e⋯.png (251.45 KB, 640x471, 640:471, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7b2e58b3b93484⋯.jpg (85.83 KB, 594x396, 3:2, Humiliated.jpg)


Remember when teddy was fucking CNN's amanda carpenter? He needs a reminder…

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f23f40  No.15318964

File: d649347d802bc7a⋯.png (349.96 KB, 464x480, 29:30, ClipboardImage.png)

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0d9ec1  No.15318965

File: 87d534b21449e02⋯.png (28.25 KB, 320x288, 10:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Be > believe

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7f93eb  No.15318966

File: cef45d495bce326⋯.jpg (88.28 KB, 598x592, 299:296, 1466099774407.jpg)

I'm sorry to say this. Really I am. But among the visible objects within my observable universe. You really want me to say? Do your drills and hit the showers.

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743bd1  No.15318967

Oldfag Decoder here…

I rarely post my decodes because I don't have time to make graphics,, but the first thing I thought this morning was - fuck, the lack of truth & transparency is killing the average person. Just the gaslighting alone has demolished their ability to trust anyone, even when the truth is revealed.

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417ac6  No.15318968

File: ebd12677a06eae4⋯.png (934.05 KB, 1658x492, 829:246, Shill_Bakers.png)


You deflect and misdirect.

Telling someone to "die" simply because they point out history accuracies that conflict with personal beliefs does not equate to tolerating murders and pedophiles.

Telling someone to "die" because they share historical digs is precisely why this platform cannot move forward, too many bibleshills not allowing people to discuss "what is holy".

No information should be off the table.

Nor would any true Anon tell others to "die" simply for sharing digs.

Peace be with you as it is within me.


>vote this for quote of the day, or at least bread

Those who control the flow of information here (the 80%) are deeply invested in continuing to frame this platform as heavily biblefag, hardcore radical Christian.

They would never allow this kind of free thought or open thinking.

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e7c71c  No.15318969



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6dd871  No.15318970


Its the lovechild of the Isis and Jesus

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b0d1a0  No.15318971

File: a98129c51f57c6a⋯.png (326.17 KB, 815x503, 815:503, ClipboardImage.png)

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e01980  No.15318972


great article!


Bake…ALOT habben in Khazaria-stan…this is a NICE article regarding the WEIRD structure there…someone might add a news article regarding the LACK OF PEOPLE as well…

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0c29ec  No.15318973


im just a newsbot

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255048  No.15318974

File: 403530980157122⋯.png (616.59 KB, 550x547, 550:547, ClipboardImage.png)

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25bc13  No.15318975

File: a528af59fc78ddc⋯.png (739.22 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, lurk_moar.png)


lurk moar present

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dc3dc2  No.15318976


Nothing can hurt you if you have no fear.

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7f93eb  No.15318977

E-6 up.

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72a616  No.15318978

I completely agree with what >>15318924 said.



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c3cc09  No.15318979


The 5th. I'm sorry, had my date wrong. The same speech from artical, just a longer version.

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72a616  No.15318980


>Do your drills and hit the showers.

Off into the oven with you.

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d12149  No.15318981


>people should ask themselves ¨'is it possible that he/she would say something like that?'

you need to actually see and hear it in person, face to face

then you need to ask yourself

"is it possible that what I just saw and heard was real"

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2b45d2  No.15318982

File: 513398fe89d748b⋯.jpeg (137.34 KB, 730x498, 365:249, E2D13F2F_3A5D_4974_A59C_A….jpeg)

File: b73a0d684619ed9⋯.jpeg (127.82 KB, 750x867, 250:289, 5174BC86_A313_4AB8_8EA6_5….jpeg)

He’s laughing in your faces because he gets to decide

He gets to choose

Not (You)

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cf4de3  No.15318983


Was this a publicity stunt to raise money for Stephanie (aka Steven)Walker's gender surgery? Looks like shim don't like being female. Gofundme account.


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3170a5  No.15318984

File: 12448342a79141f⋯.jpg (166.12 KB, 640x400, 8:5, WHERE_IS_AOC.jpg)

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255048  No.15318985

File: 678787227ca1f1a⋯.png (587.28 KB, 440x550, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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feedd2  No.15318986

File: 109a550a5fc08a1⋯.jpeg (64.05 KB, 704x510, 352:255, DC5D9C90_89AC_4972_9257_7….jpeg)



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3e41fc  No.15318987


it's cool to read the scribble below, it is almost possible to read the 'mood'

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576978  No.15318988




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417ac6  No.15318989

>Nor would any true Anon tell others to "die" simply for sharing digs.

They reveal themselves all too easily.

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3e41fc  No.15318990


Jesus is God, that is real, and that you need time to think, and should never promote bad behaviour.

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7f93eb  No.15318991

File: c410459d0068854⋯.jpg (31.35 KB, 284x600, 71:150, FB_IMG_1641381677832_jpg_0….jpg)


I tell you waht asshole. Fall back into your own chicken salad. Ranch dressing costs extra. Asshole.

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dc3dc2  No.15318992

File: c6dac72a8b2fc66⋯.jpg (214.29 KB, 1187x797, 1187:797, Carlsberg.JPG)

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ff2c7b  No.15318993

File: 5e0259fdd8e4233⋯.mp4 (977.01 KB, 576x768, 3:4, capitalpolice_1_.mp4)

No insurrection here. They were welcomed in.

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dc3dc2  No.15318994

File: 7c046f7c25f0046⋯.jpg (189.34 KB, 371x554, 371:554, w554xh554_29422bb5ccafa421….jpg)

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3170a5  No.15318995

File: 0263a36b8c7d53f⋯.jpg (139.69 KB, 728x400, 91:50, BADHILLY.jpg)

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f6771f  No.15318996

File: c8ce94112cd0ac1⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1260x2933, 180:419, break.jpg)

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dc3dc2  No.15318997

File: 310159fbe6c1c94⋯.jpg (267.28 KB, 964x1272, 241:318, snow_dog.jpg)

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5e161f  No.15318998

File: 3c4bd68f738188d⋯.png (43.05 KB, 744x327, 248:109, ClipboardImage.png)

Offered without comment



Today is the first anniversary of January 6, a riot predicated on a falsehood pushed by President Trump – a riot which did not prevent the certification of the 2020 election by Vice President Mike Pence and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

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255048  No.15318999

File: 92bf19a3452cb12⋯.png (96.15 KB, 986x404, 493:202, ClipboardImage.png)

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ff2c7b  No.15319000

File: 06c04c09e9174d1⋯.png (10.44 KB, 589x202, 589:202, Screen_Shot_01_06_22_at_08….PNG)


Donald J. Trump


Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!

Jan 6th 2021 - 2:38:58 PM EST·Twitter for iPhone·View on Twitter


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edcca2  No.15319001

File: 2edeab7405d07bd⋯.png (1.57 MB, 666x900, 37:50, erleuchtet.png)




Fucking Kikes!

You are not the people of God but of the devil!

You half-wits have no idea who Astar is!

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008f21  No.15319002

File: 4a1fe69e1f9e34d⋯.png (101.94 KB, 460x259, 460:259, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13b02e734edf83c⋯.png (129.39 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Shits all messed up what you talking about willis?

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008f21  No.15319003

File: 2ff210f7a2989d4⋯.png (294.35 KB, 600x455, 120:91, ClipboardImage.png)

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ad2492  No.15319004

So, Lt. Col. Stu Sheller. Patriot? That press release he made when all of this started with him, he blamed President Trump for all of the division in the country. I thought to myself at the time, has this guy had his head up his ass for the last 5 years? How could anyone in a postion of rank this man is in not see the truth here?

The irrefutable fact is this, we, as right minded Americans are standing up for what is good, right and moral. President Trump did exactly this. Standing up for your country and all that it stands for and this is deemed divisive? So fucking be it.

Understand this Lt. Col. Sheller, our country has been infiltrated and is well down the path of being transformed into a modern day, American Marxist state. The modern day liberal is a usurper. A grifter. They are trying to take something that is not theirs under the guise of being Patriotic and defending democracy. Diametrically opposite from the stark truth and they fucking know it. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see this. They are the ones who always throw that rock into the serene, calm waters of the pond and then turn to US and blame US for the wake.

What Sheller did is honorable in calling out the top brass for their fuckery. They are corrupted and have sold their souls to Satan himself. But he needs to understand the threat that we are facing. All of our enemies combined could not do to this country what the democrat party and the fellow travelers in the movement are accomplishing. Afghanistan was a planned, purposeful OP. Intended to make America look weak, disorganized and failing. It was also to strengthen and embolding our enemies. Either Lt. Col. Sheller gets this or he doesn't. I would not characterize him on the level of Austin, MIlley and those fucks but to blame President Trump for the division in this country displays a serious lack of knowledge, awareness and judgement.

Patriot or fool?

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061609  No.15319005

File: 9b72a530963b0a7⋯.jpeg (743.8 KB, 1800x1371, 600:457, 60E2CD44_41E1_4B86_9866_5….jpeg)

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576978  No.15319006



#19376: Kazakhstan Coup? Liberation? Or Smoke Screen? Edition

>>15318322 Probe: Seattle cops improperly faked right-wing radio talk - KOMO News

>>15318367, >>15318460 International White Collar Crimes BUN | Former husband of Petra Ecclestone in court on money laundering charge ~ The socialite and former husband of heiress Petra Ecclestone, James Stunt, has appeared in court to face money laundering charges. - The National News


>>15318441, >>15318736 EDD Tech Inc… Oppenheimer Rated $28 Price target. Down on a Low. Baker says Watch for the REVERSAL! - CIA

>>15318597, >>15318614, >>15318624 Law enforcement officer foundbeheadedin Almaty - Kazakh state media reports it as evidence of 'terror', Meanwhile Christian Factions Erect a Crucifix in the Capitol - RT

>>15318662 Always worth remembering that Jen Psaki was the State Dept spokespersonality who helped cover up child abuse at the State Dept, saying that it was - RUMBLE

>>15318665, >>15318666 Uranium prices surge as world’s top supplier rocked by riots - RT

>>15318689, >>15318694, >>15318696, >>15318698, >>15318702 Australia's Northern Territory has imposed a China-like lockdown of all unvaccinated citizens, falsely claiming "they are at greater risk of catching Covid.", BBC Employee Loss from vax, and Israel cases Skyrocketing Despite

Vaccination - Disclose, Telegram, Bitchute

>>15318709 Indivisible: Healing Hate ~ Paramount+ is to memorialize the anniversary of the January 6th attack on the Capitol with a six-part docuseries narrated by Mandy Patinkin. - Deadline

>>15318711 Germany Rising Up against COVID Restrictions - Telegram

>>15318771 Baker Collected Notables

>>15318734 US denies role in Kazakhstan uprising

>>15318759 Nothing bad happens until it happens to the media Gutfeld video

>>15318785 MSNBC's Joy Reid suggests GOP has 'hatred' for Biden because he was VP to 'the Black president'

>>15318852 US President Joe Biden will warn of a dark future unless Americans defend democratic elections

>>15318864 Brain Kilmeade on F&F talking the Joe Rogan doctor as"CREATOR OF THE VIRUS" video excerpt

>>15318888, >>15318899 “What the Hell’s Going on Here?” – Tucker Carlson SLAMS Ted Cruz for Parroting Liberal Talking Points on Jan. 6 Riots (VIDEO)

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dc3dc2  No.15319007

File: 94fbbe7126e6a1a⋯.jpg (76.09 KB, 583x443, 583:443, mmmmmmm101.JPG)

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576978  No.15319009

The Kitchening

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6de276  No.15319010


<a riot predicated on a falsehood pushed by President Trump

that won't age well

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dc3dc2  No.15319011

File: 0c2e88114223039⋯.jpg (63.92 KB, 580x782, 290:391, monday.jpg)

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0c29ec  No.15319014

File: 6fd2acef74e2fa4⋯.png (62.07 KB, 587x333, 587:333, ClipboardImage.png)

One year ago today, democracy was attacked. The will of the people was under assault. And our Constitution faced the gravest of threats.

I’m heading to the Capitol this morning to speak about the day of insurrection, the state of American democracy, and where we go from here.


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dc3dc2  No.15319016

File: daceffe5c193c6d⋯.jpg (76.96 KB, 388x521, 388:521, monkey.JPG)

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dc3dc2  No.15319022

File: e1fffd895b10995⋯.jpeg (10.13 KB, 278x181, 278:181, x_mas.jpeg)

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3e41fc  No.15319023

File: 86cffffd7b40a0f⋯.jpg (112.26 KB, 838x455, 838:455, Isis.JPG)

reason why jews wanted Isis to be associated with death and murder

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e7c71c  No.15319024

File: 4208d9193dc02e2⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 268x341, 268:341, 2s43on.jpg)


>Patriot or fool?

Command & Staff College graduate

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576978  No.15319025


and it will be delicious when the aging complete

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b1616a  No.15319026

An anon, just negated John 3:16.

Maybe I should just go with the word of God.

Maybe I should just read the word of God, to know what is real.

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feedd2  No.15319027

File: e205b116a51ce49⋯.jpeg (117.93 KB, 1200x487, 1200:487, CC954FC6_AC6E_431A_A1D5_E….jpeg)


“The Kitchening”

When cutting-the-cheese gets dangerous.

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dc3dc2  No.15319028

File: 8c3d1c1e3bd12c3⋯.jpg (42.24 KB, 720x482, 360:241, morons.jpg)

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2083a6  No.15319029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is going to be good!

starts in 20 mins

Episode 21: Fedsurrection (feat. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Darren Beattie) – Firebrand with Matt Gaetz

Premieres Jan 6, 2022

Congressman Matt Gaetz

59.6K subscribers

In today’s J6 Special Edition of Firebrand, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Dr. Darren J. Beattie join Rep. Matt Gaetz to discuss new reporting of active federal informants involved in the J6 protests, the deprivation of civil rights for J6 detainees, and how Republicans in Congress should respond.

Visit https://gaetz.house.gov/firebrand for ALL Firebrand content!


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56310f  No.15319031

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Deadly vaxx lot numbers identified

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e7c71c  No.15319032


What took you so long?

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576978  No.15319033



Q Research General #19377: Kazakhstan Rising Edition

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d12149  No.15319034



>the city is being built from scratch

this makes me want to puke

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feedd2  No.15319035


My intertube of webnets connection is poor

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6982de  No.15319036

File: 3da6e85473d0006⋯.png (1.88 MB, 720x648, 10:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 420e13c85a76c39⋯.png (31.82 KB, 511x511, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a96661873efbf94⋯.png (81.04 KB, 189x486, 7:18, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24d6cd7dc47e811⋯.png (96.7 KB, 640x493, 640:493, ClipboardImage.png)


Who's little sock puppet are you?

You must be excited for today's nothingburger Jan6 anniversary news today.

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576978  No.15319037

File: 31babe8ad91d859⋯.png (418.4 KB, 790x790, 1:1, download.png)


keks in culinary

Drop your socks

and grab your crocks

time to bake some bread

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0d9ec1  No.15319038

File: 258f8e8f78a6186⋯.png (86.13 KB, 600x796, 150:199, ClipboardImage.png)



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3170a5  No.15319039


just use your graphene oxide implant,

much faster.

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25bc13  No.15319040

File: 2b8a34ab58fe019⋯.png (179.55 KB, 325x1200, 13:48, mandela_smoke.png)

south africa's national parliament in cape town

burned down on sunday

they arrest a guy, now charged with:

* "House breaking" with intent to steal and theft of "laptops, crockery and documents"

* Two counts of arson

* Possession of an explosive device

* Destruction of essential infrastructure


local people say the guy is mentally challenged and well known at soup kitchens in the area:


another patsy

pic: smoke pouring out of the door of parliament, behind the statue of nelson mandela

fire doors were left open

a sprinkler valve was turned off

two apparent sources of fire, targeting the two main chambers

alarms were off, the fire alarm only went off long after firemen were on the scene

the patsy has a good lawyer it seems

watching this space

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3e41fc  No.15319041

File: 946d20fe19c4e4a⋯.jpg (142.46 KB, 446x796, 223:398, Horus.JPG)

File: 4d5341fdc5e3a1b⋯.jpg (78.03 KB, 643x349, 643:349, ibis.JPG)

File: 49a3e9de421f9a9⋯.jpg (44.94 KB, 302x490, 151:245, kampfer.JPG)

File: 93961c2366bd16c⋯.jpg (123.34 KB, 612x830, 306:415, mumien.JPG)

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ff2c7b  No.15319043

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619cc9  No.15319044

File: 41e287cdc1aaff6⋯.png (475.94 KB, 495x680, 99:136, Momma_Mia.png)

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460e01  No.15319045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Connecting the dots

Check this video out

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feedd2  No.15319046

File: fe4c5e2e9a3fa7e⋯.jpeg (81.04 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 6A46D465_2129_4FD2_8DC3_8….jpeg)

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a84d79  No.15319047

Head on a swivel anons, Pelosi and company plan on framing patriots today.

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c3cc09  No.15319048


with the wang wang then he sang sang

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01e58d  No.15319050




Anyone spouting the lockstep phrase 'Our democracy' is an enemy of The Republic. they make it obvious

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f6771f  No.15319051

File: caf361cbbccf6a7⋯.jpg (52.04 KB, 698x392, 349:196, max_headroom_wttw.jpg)

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5e161f  No.15319052

File: 4f829aae3592001⋯.jpg (14.25 KB, 163x260, 163:260, red_Smoking.JPG)


1. What will you do if the release shows up on his site after this account has posted it?

2. Telegramamph doesn't verify accounts except on a very rare occasion (this is in their TOS). Why did so many Q people jump onto a Russian chat app?

3. It's perfectly legal to brand/market yourself. If Donald J Trump had a problem with this account doing these things, he'd have sued the fuck out of them already. Apparently, he is in agreement with it. Hell; it might even be his communications team working directly with him.

>Not to mention this is exactly the type of shit he would do.

Rule of thumb for this anon. Take everything with a grain of salt. But, consider everything.

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01e58d  No.15319054


I will watch the behavior of my dog very closely, thank you anon!! I hope she isn't a snitch

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3170a5  No.15319055

File: 457be389c42f298⋯.jpg (93.5 KB, 531x371, 531:371, JIM_J.jpg)

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3e41fc  No.15319056

File: ba2223910fe67de⋯.jpg (220.64 KB, 446x796, 223:398, screen.jpg)


this does look like a LCD-screen with the 'all seeing eye' in the middle

looks like pepe getting ready to head for battle

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0d9ec1  No.15319058

The cow belonged to a poor woodcutter who lived near the ashram. Raman left the temple where they used to meet, went to the woodcutter and asked, “What happened? The cow has not come today for satsang.”

The woodcutter said, “She is very sick and I am afraid she is dying, but she goes on looking out of the door, as if she is waiting for someone. Perhaps she is waiting for you, to see you for the last time. Perhaps that is why she is hanging around a little longer.”

Raman went in and there were tears in the eyes of the cow. And she died happily, putting her head in the lap of Raman Maharshi. This happened just in this century, and Raman declared her enlightened, and told his people that a beautiful memorial should be made for her.

It is very rare for human beings to be enlightened; it is almost impossibly rare for animals to become enlightened, but the cow attained. She will not be born again. From the body of a cow she has bypassed the whole world of humanity, and she has jumped ahead and joined with the buddhas. So once in a while — there are a few instances only — it has happened. But that cannot be called the rule; it is just the exception.

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576978  No.15319059

a little more on Kazakhstan for perspective on the U235…

Why Kazakhstan is strategically important for Washington


The three pillars of U.S.-Kazakhstan relations are nuclear nonproliferation, regional security, and foreign investment. Kazakhstan’s nuclear arsenal, inherited from Soviet times, was dismantled through close cooperation with Washington, and the government has been globally active in nuclear nonproliferation. Its achievements can serve as a model for other states such as Iran and North Korea. Kazakhstan possesses 12% of the world’s uranium reserves and 43% of uranium ore production, together with industrial facilities and technological experience that guarantee it will play a major role in harnessing nuclear technology for civilian purposes.

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ff2c7b  No.15319060


you got finish phrase, joe! WE GO ALL!

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c419d2  No.15319061


That's rich coming from the biggest fraud this country has ever seen.

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417ac6  No.15319063

File: 8da8c84ad240396⋯.png (812.16 KB, 817x645, 19:15, Pleiadian_Space_Jesus.png)



Clowns will be clowns.

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cf4de3  No.15319064


My doggo is not a snitch but he is a spy.

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5e161f  No.15319066


TY for link.

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576978  No.15319067


carry forward

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01e58d  No.15319068


Mine is just a sentry guarding against invading forces. The UPS guy probably is terrorized when he puts a package at the door. And Amazon- those poor people. Dog isn't vaxxed for COVID. AND no mask

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619cc9  No.15319070

File: 180e92c6e76f062⋯.png (308.64 KB, 684x677, 684:677, ToDie4.png)


Yes… putting peeps in prison for their own good to keep them safe

About time to go to war for freedom

or sit idle and condemn future generations to Dark Ages 2.0 for the next 1000 years.

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ff2c7b  No.15319072

File: 2ac7cad8e82cbeb⋯.png (24.67 KB, 408x330, 68:55, joe24.PNG)

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01e58d  No.15319073


I call BS until he says Q sent us

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04c5dd  No.15319074

File: 5dc5f269687768a⋯.png (193.68 KB, 268x341, 268:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5dc5f269687768a⋯.png (193.68 KB, 268x341, 268:341, ClipboardImage.png)




Need I say more.

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576978  No.15319075

File: 6c6c6d46291d9ce⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 749x684, 749:684, AG_Bill_Barr_SpyGate_Boo.jpg)

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576978  No.15319076



>Q Research General #19377: Kazakhstan Rising Edition

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