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File: 36d4644f44708ed⋯.png (209.58 KB, 565x317, 565:317, 36d4644f44708eda3acbf2f1fa….png)

364982  No.15296466[Last 50 Posts]

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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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364982  No.15296468


Q Research General #19347: Dinner Reservations for 22? Edition

>>15295646 TBC

Q Research General #19346: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions4 Edition

>>15294901 Donald Trump's Speech Will Change YOUR LIFE | Donald Trump Motivation

>>15294907 It’s Official: California is Now a Universal Vote-by-Mail State – Makes It Easier for Democrats to Steal Elections

>>15294912 For Keks - 0bama demanding long form bc from Betty White

>>15294919, >>15295127 Illegal Immigration Reform and Responsibility Act of 1996

>>15294941 The Woke Mob’s Destruction of the English Language

>>15294944 FDIC chair resigns after warning Democrats launching 'hostile takeover'

>>15294948 Insurance CEO says deaths up 40% among working age people, and it's not just COVID

>>15294973, >>15294985 Official German Government data suggests the Fully Vaccinated will develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome by the end of January 2022 / Denmark 90% Omicron Infections in Vaccinated or Boosted Individuals

>>15294993, >>15295034 From October 21CHD to Sue FDA for ‘Recklessly Endangering’ Children if Agency Authorizes Pfizer Vaccine for Children 5 to 11 Years Old

>>15294994, >>15295081 Happening Now: The Netherlands 🇳🇱 Amsterdam Mass Anti Covid demonstrations, people are gathering and getting ready to peacefully march.

>>15295043 Whistleblower warns baffling illness affects growing number of young adults in Canadian province

>>15295045 Officials: Nearly 1,000 Structures Destroyed in Colorado Fire

>>15295048, >>15295057 TikTok user banned - Maricopa Co. related - CM provided background info for video

>>15295053, >>15295328, >>15295407 No FEMA should not set up testing sites to check for Omicron sneezes, coughs, and runny noses.MTG tweet / acct.now suspended

>>15295060 The number of Americans who think violence against the government is justified is on the rise, poll finds

>>15295088 DSjr Firework vid / Skunk Bay vid side by side


>>15295130 When They Warn of Rare Disorders, These Prenatal Tests Are Usually Wrong

>>15295154 Japan to assist Bill Gates in building experimental nuclear reactor

>>15295162, >>15295451, >>15295461 Privacy threat? Doctor says Minnesota medical board seeks records of patients given Ivermectin

>>15295204 New year…new addition. DoD Tweet + Images

>>15295233, >>15295278, >>15295301 Texas election audit identifies nearly 12,000 foreigners suspected of registering to vote

>>15295293 Jan. 6 panel to seek information from Willard hotel

>>15295309 EXCLUSIVE 'The marriage was over before the trial started': Ghislaine Maxwell learned her young husband 'moved on' with a pretty yoga instructor in a tense phone call behind bars, says socialite's close friend

>>15295330 Pilot Whistleblower: ‘My Colleagues Are Dropping Like Flies with Crushing Chest Pains’

>>15295344 Ghislaine Maxwell To Be Placed On ‘Suicide Watch’ While Awaiting Sentencing

>>15295366, >>15295416 Drop 1933 - Hand's Up? / We Don't say his Name Graphic + Clock

>>15295375 China Harvesting Social Media Data On Western Targets To Equip ‘Government Agencies, Military And Police’: Report

>>15295421, >>15295432, >>15295505, >>15295618 ‘Stop listening to the pillow guy’: Retired general says ‘ignorant’ pro-Trump troops pose ‘threat within,’ must be removed

>>15295430, >>15295540 EU flag taken down after backlash in France

>>15295436 With Illegals Crossing the Border at a Record Pace, Biden Petitions Supreme Court to End Trump’s Remain in Mexico Policy

>>15295478 Meet Klaus Schwab’s 2021 Class of ‘Great Reset’ Soldiers

>>15295502 The coordinated attacks on Dr. Malone started months ago, openly funded by the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative via The Atlantic.

>>15295551 Anons Side by Side Video

>>15295571 Only The Most Brainwashed 'True Believers' Will Cling To The Failed Narrative

>>15295628 Water Updated to Graphic

>>15295638 #19346

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364982  No.15296470

Q Research General #19345: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions3 Edition

>>15294103, >>15294131 #19344; Dough Update 07

>>15294160 "Jordan Peterson Calls For Civil Disobedience In Quebec Following New Restrictions - Then tweet gets deleted…: " (Twitter)

>>15294176 Anon suggests a Logical Reason why Names should continue to remain at top of notables for Breads

>>15294208 Cat 5 comin NYC? A figurative one of course - NY Post

>>15294254, >>15294466, >>15294529 Dan 'Get What Ya Need' Scavino Tweets a few short videos - Twitter

>>15294293 #19343

>>15294376 Mark A. Bradley, appointed under PDJT, is still Director of the Information Security Oversight Office - Various

>>15294379 Twin Peaks Murders Solved after a Century - NY Post

>>15294424 No Coincidences

>>15294436 Have a Vaccine Injury? It's Your Health! Use it When You Need It! - Various

>>15294459 They think we are stupid. Likely a reflection of their inadequacies

>>15294467 Re-Post Dr Malone and Joe Rogan Pod Cast

>>15294532 Space Force General Lindell has yet to respond to the allegations…Retired General Predicts Coup In 2024, Ridiculously Blames Mike Lindell In Part - Conservative Brief

>>15294539 Biden Brutally Thrown Under The Bus — It’s The End Of The Road - The Conservative Brief

>>15294550 183 Republicans Just Took The Fight Against Biden To The SCOTUS - Republic Brief

>>15294555 Parliament Ablaze in Cape Town? - RT

>>15294571 Suspected defector crosses into North Korea - RT

>>15294607, >>15294660, >>15294681 BlackBerry phones to lose all functionality - Blackberry

>>15294677, >>1529473 PF Reports

>>15294704 Insanity in Salem Oregon…city attempts to order Citizen to Remove Mural from Private Property - Citizen Free Press

>>15294707 DS Dan and his crooked three letter handlers thinks TX voters are stupid - Citizen Free Press

>>15294712, >>15294739 il Donaldo Trumpo @PapiTrumpo "Some pisoshito mayor of Naples, Italy banned Fireworks on New Year's? GOOD!!! HERE'S THE PEOPLE'S RESPONSE!!!" - Twitter

>>15294725 Muh Flurona! Israeola

>>15294732, >>15294738, >>15294774, >>15294799, >>15294832Concern. Elmo has COVID and Mycocarditis and… Obama? COMMS? FF?- Twitter Bs. No sauce.

>>15294747 PAndrew Fears Ghislaine Naming Names… - Mirror UK?

>>15294786 NYC’s New Mayor Eric Adams Calls 911 on His Subway Commute Hours After Being Sworn Into Office - The Gateway Pundit

>>15294788 A Frog's Sunday Prayer

>>15294797, >>15294804, >>15294813 "Best case is about five years, worst case 10 years," @ElonMusk said when asked how long it would take to land humans on Mars. Anons agree he should be encouraged in the endeavor for the benefit of humanity- DC Examiner

>>15294847 #19345

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364982  No.15296471

Q Research General #19344

>>15293330 Normal Influenza has waves in the winter

>>15293334, >>15293479, >>15293493, >>15293349 Michael and Barry wearing 2*22 glasses (followup to >>15293312) White Rabbits. Gold

>>15293346 Are you ready for the massive world wide cyber attack?

>>15293369 FDIC chair resigns - https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fdic-chair-resigns-democrats-hostile-takeover-agency

>>15293371 Colin Powell on the Q Clock.

>>15293372, >>15293385 California is now Universal Vote-by-mail https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/official-california-now-universal-vote-mail-state/

>>15293376 Germany shuts down half of its six remaining nuke plants. https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2021-12-31/germany-shuts-down-half-remaining-nuclear-plants

>>15293425 Thousands more flights cancelled/delayed on new years day - https://www.ntd.com/thousands-more-flights-canceled-delayed-on-new-years-day-across-us_721810.html?utm_medium=NTD&utm_source=telegram

>>15293432 Pastor Artur Pawlowski and wife arrested - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/pastor-artur-pawlowski-wife-dawid-arrested-peaceful-protest-outside-minister-healths-home-no-dissent-allowed-video/

>>15293437, >>15293601, >>15293753, >>15293798, >>15293798 Loud explosion heard of SW PA may have been meteor explosion - https://twitter.com/NWSPittsburgh/status/1477386558239952896?t=7pn0v-zv3_7-yTrNorC9qA&s=19

>>15293442 Four rockets hit US Base in Syria - https://southfront.org/four-rockets-hit-u-s-military-base-in-syrias-deir-ezzor/

>>15293450 Pope Benedict XVI may have faked his resignation - https://www.bitchute.com/video/hpj6e7f5gPd3/

>>15293462, >>15293483, >>15293580, >>15293615, >>15293850, >>15293939 , Covid Mass Psychosis

>>15293478 Surprise(Not!) - Boosters don't work either - https://granitegrok.com/blog/2022/01/surprise-not-boosters-dont-work-either

>>15293482, >>15293517 il Donaldo Trumpo - We're taking over this year - https://twitter.com/PapiTrumpo/status/1477435367263547395?s=20

>>15293505 Planned parenthood, USArmy post link - https://apnews.com/article/health-fires-tennessee-knoxville-planned-parenthood-524edc1a8bd12e46774c1fcdf37c6c72 , https://twitter.com/USArmy/status/1477461900158025728

>>15293604, >>15293622, >>15293682, >>15293699, Beijing Olympic Mascot is a panda eyes reference,

>>15293614 CDC is not stopping PCR, just replacing it with another one. - (many links) https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/the-cdc-is-not-stopping-use-of-pcr/

>>15293654 Naples experiences ban on fireworks the same as LA did. - https://twitter.com/MichaelPSenger/status/1477349404365393920

>>15293711 Airline Trade Group wants to delay 5G launch - https://apnews.com/article/business-global-trade-airlines-federal-aviation-administration-federal-communications-commission-5a0fb385bc4438a4cad85ece8b529b78

>>15293730 Julian Assange has a stroke https://www.bitchute.com/video/GdYAG4AEFYQh/

>>15293737 Johnny Carson prince Andrew pedo joke, 1984 - https://youtu.be/dzWF6O8T26Y

>>15293767 Betty white's death was because of booster - https://twitter.com/patjeanes/status/1477014797678006276?s=20

>>15293769 Military Focusing on ISIS Cell - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/01/us/politics/afghan-war-isis-attack.html

>>15293846 Biden announces release of oil reserves - https://edition.cnn.com/2021/11/23/politics/biden-oil-reserves-gas-prices/index.html

>>15294103 #19344

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364982  No.15296474

Previously Collected

>>15292693 #19342, >>15294293 #19343,

>>15291511 #19340, >>15291511 #19341, >>15291731 #19341

>>15288610 #19337, >>15290607 #19338, >>15290778 #19339

>>15286046 #19334, >>15286995 #19335, >>15287691 #19336

>>15283816 #19331, >>15284637 #19332, >>15285391 #19333

>>15281402 #19328, >>15282335 #19329, >>15283694 #19330

>>15279185 #19325, >>15279935 #19326, >>15281111 #19327

>>15277234 #19322, >>15278506 #19323, >>15278605 #19324

>>15274472 #19319, >>15275535 #19320, >>15276327 #19321

>>15272137 #19316, >>15272870 #19317, >>15273789 #19318

>>15270202 #19313, >>15270718 #19314, >>15271357 #19315

>>15267101 #19310, >>15267932 #19311, >>15269127 #19312

>>15264632 #19307, >>15265450 #19308, >>15266330 #19309

>>15261978 #19304, >>15262802 #19305, >>15263580 #19306

>>15259922 #19301, >>15261799 #19302, >>15261766 #19303

>>15256194 #19298, >>15258909 #19299, >>15258822 #19300

>>15254568 #19295, >>15255355 #19296, >>15256175 #19297

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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364982  No.15296475

File: f4a174b6702e233⋯.png (130.74 KB, 373x376, 373:376, LGB_pepe_hat.png)



anons collect notables from #19347 please

>>15295646 TBC


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9a7dd4  No.15296476

File: cbb72d61f0d5171⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1657x880, 1657:880, 35AB1260_02EE_42B6_A143_7….jpeg)


Thank you ‘not a baker’

>>15296458 (pb)

>>15296351 (pb)

Pic related

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c9706d  No.15296477

File: d31cfb1d9ee209d⋯.jpg (137.53 KB, 828x837, 92:93, IMG_31111.jpg)

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fb7414  No.15296479


Thx EBAKER for stepping in


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0f5c92  No.15296480

File: e91a3344806b233⋯.jpg (845.62 KB, 1024x773, 1024:773, HC.jpg)

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1759f6  No.15296481

File: 89eecf0bf158c5c⋯.jpg (244.74 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 89eecf0bf158c5c1aabc94b575….jpg)

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f17b37  No.15296482



will collect the notables


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a43da3  No.15296483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15296449 lb

I'm really starting to think we may be watching someone waking up real-time. OR he is the new AJ-style limited hangout. I dont trust much of anyone in the public eye.

Also here is a regular guy finding some crazy shit and filming it. His reactions are cool

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9a7dd4  No.15296484


TY for stepping up


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bf4865  No.15296485

Police ordered to GET OUT by Queensland café owner & Angry Locals #FilmThePolice #Raw

This right here is why they hate us so much!


Can't imbed


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583825  No.15296486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


EU = CCP = Israel = Satanic Death Cult = Boshevism/Marxism that Russia ran out of town (Soviet/Lenin) era.


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364982  No.15296487

File: 69008748f9ce026⋯.png (579.3 KB, 788x895, 788:895, DJT_JR_ACTIVATED.png)


believe it or not, been here since Oct/Nov '17 and have NEVER baked.. only a notetakeranon.. but not anymore!

watch out

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ba5f7f  No.15296488

File: 7bb7a493768d8b7⋯.jpg (88 KB, 684x596, 171:149, _nmb.JPG)

File: 43e8c757d05a064⋯.jpg (81.56 KB, 653x613, 653:613, Wise_Solace.JPG)


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a43da3  No.15296489


Awesome, anon

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2b75fe  No.15296490

File: 1559a04bc692718⋯.jpg (116.97 KB, 849x819, 283:273, scavinoMemethisLgb3.jpg)

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9a7dd4  No.15296491



Thank you both

Baker and Note Taker

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5e8e6c  No.15296492

File: 84f6cc9bf9324c2⋯.jpg (135.17 KB, 1246x1280, 623:640, photo_2022_01_02_14_25_06.jpg)

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88de43  No.15296493

File: b1db1faa8d5ca90⋯.jpeg (523.48 KB, 1241x1597, 1241:1597, 8CFF5665_B416_4BC1_9671_D….jpeg)

File: 344cc324785cbde⋯.jpeg (491.8 KB, 1284x1379, 1284:1379, 28E542DA_1F68_4405_B207_C….jpeg)


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a74d85  No.15296494

File: 906f6f29a7f9485⋯.jpeg (89.75 KB, 1212x237, 404:79, Screenshot_2021_12_29_165….jpeg)

Jayapal says Greene's Twitter suspension 'important,' but 'a little to little and a little too late'


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583825  No.15296495

File: e2292d48145326d⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1213x748, 1213:748, satan.png)


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6b9b57  No.15296496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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364982  No.15296497

File: 1596f6989cb2551⋯.png (951 KB, 4963x3413, 4963:3413, HoldtheLineFrens.png)


o7 ty notetakeranon

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9a7dd4  No.15296498


First time is a rush


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49c259  No.15296499


the label is torn and pushed up

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a74d85  No.15296500

File: d3950992e62a099⋯.png (37.79 KB, 413x137, 413:137, 346122a477182760.png)

American podcaster Joe Rogan has just joined #GETTR following the suspension of Dr. Robert Malone on Twitter.


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fb7414  No.15296501

>>15296134 lb

>Just Like Soviet Russia: T-Mobile Is Erasing Links to Gateway Pundit Articles if You Send Them by Text Message — MORE UPDATES…

anon update - appears area code dependent (to extent as reported by other with TMob service) and from TMob csr/tsr they are blocking based on a classification from Google that www.thegatewaypundit.com is a "fake" news website.

So takeaway is GOOGLE makes pronouncement and Tmobile follows their lead…

thinking back to DJT statement about FB and Google and all that they have wrought from May this year.

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9e60a6  No.15296503


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735f96  No.15296504

File: 601b95295089f1c⋯.png (162.16 KB, 630x1024, 315:512, ClipboardImage.png)

And for those of you that don’t know, if you’ve ever watched one of his fights and you see the staredown, the guy that’s standing in the middle with the warlock nose and the big wart on his face, apparently that’s his manager. That guy used to be an accountant for me and let’s just say this: He no longer works for me, and I think he’s a scumbag. But, if you two think that you can do it better than we do, we’re doing the whole thing wrong and you’re treating the fighters better than we do: Knock yourself out.


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bf4865  No.15296505

File: 8185daa8b057cf6⋯.png (475.67 KB, 634x423, 634:423, ClipboardImage.png)

Lionel Messi tests POSITIVE for Covid after Paris Saint-Germain star was seen partying with wife at a concert in Argentina over the winter break

Lionel Messi has tested positive for Covid, Paris Saint-Germain has confirmed

Messi, 34, has spent the winter break back in Argentina with his wife and family

The Argentine was filmed dancing and singing at a concert earlier this week

Now, PSG say that Messi and three other players have contracted the virus

Messi is still in Argentina and will only return once he has tested negative

Lionel Messi has tested positive for Covid-19, Paris Saint-Germain has announced, just days after the superstar was seen singing and dancing at a concert in Argentina.

The 34-year-old, made the most of French football's winter break with his wife, Antonela, and was filmed enjoying himself at a concert in his homeland.

A video on Instagram has showed Messi and his wife having fun at a concert in Rosario, Sante Fe.

Now, the French giants have confirmed that he has contracted the virus and is self-isolating. Three of Messi's team-mates have also tested positive, including Sergio Rico, Juan Bernat and Nathan Bitumazala. It is not known whether Messi caught the virus at the concert.

The Paris Saint-Germain star last played in their 1-1 draw with FC Lorient on December 22 before Ligue 1 broke up for the festive period.

The club's next game is against Vannes in the French Cup on Monday, before they take on Lyon in the league on January 9.

Speaking in a press conference on Sunday, PSG coach Mauricio Pochettino indicated Messi was still in Argentina and would not travel until he had tested negative, meaning he was unable to put a date on his possible return to action.


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093dd7  No.15296506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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88de43  No.15296507

File: e68ac5172dcfb42⋯.jpeg (83.53 KB, 1241x668, 1241:668, 58F3E602_BD0D_4F28_8A62_8….jpeg)


I’m trying to find another tweet of what this could mean, but I’m sure anons can explain

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0f5c92  No.15296508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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994085  No.15296509


'25 yr old pilots with crushing chest pains and headaches afraid they might lose their jobs'

cohenvenient cabal planecrashes?

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6b9b57  No.15296510


thin sauce

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2b75fe  No.15296511

File: 7ff3d9d4a33e0e7⋯.png (125.42 KB, 364x293, 364:293, gk2.png)


>a little to little and a little too late'

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a74d85  No.15296512

File: 95be35fbdd27897⋯.jpeg (100.17 KB, 636x617, 636:617, Screenshot_2022_01_02_133….jpeg)

Britney Spears unfollows sister Jamie Lynn on Instagram


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07f249  No.15296513

File: a7b0dc7ad8a8866⋯.png (62.39 KB, 1206x627, 402:209, ClipboardImage.png)

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9a7dd4  No.15296514


I see it now.


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3caf4c  No.15296516

File: 5eddf9ecfb9d4a6⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1345x903, 1345:903, ClipboardImage.png)

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6b9b57  No.15296518

posobiatch is naught more than an opportunistic q grifter and plagiarist.

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88de43  No.15296519

File: 354ce064207c575⋯.jpeg (84.18 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, 98BF8C13_5221_4F33_8E47_5….jpeg)

File: 23598ae1c24cb3e⋯.jpeg (359.47 KB, 1241x2202, 1241:2202, 4C235248_FA21_486C_9AAD_F….jpeg)


Tweet guy had it


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a74d85  No.15296520

File: 41776cbcfac09a3⋯.jpeg (187.16 KB, 1119x770, 1119:770, Screenshot_2022_01_02_133….jpeg)

Last/latest IG post from Britney Spears


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5e8e6c  No.15296521

Pope Francis turns 1137 sidereal months old on 1/5/22 the day 5G is rolled out.

From and including: Thursday, December 17, 1936

To and including: Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Result: 31,066 days

31066/27.322= 1137.03

"One Thousand Points of Light" = 1137 (Jewish)

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341f5e  No.15296522

File: 52a89603d70999a⋯.png (474.45 KB, 744x495, 248:165, ClipboardImage.png)

File: faa26b3ab2000dc⋯.png (79.58 KB, 474x291, 158:97, ClipboardImage.png)



2022 Darwin Award submission, honorable mention:

Man dead after jumping NYC subway turnstile, striking head on floor

January 2, 2022

A 28-year-old man died when he jumped a subway turnstile in Queens on Sunday and struck his head on the floor, cops said.

The man was “attempting to evade the fare” at the Forest Hills-71st Avenue train station around 6:45 a.m. when he hopped the turnstile, a police spokesman said.

He came crashing down on his head on the station’s cement floor and was pronounced dead on the scene, police said.

The man’s identity wasn’t immediately released. The station provides E, F, M and R line service.

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994085  No.15296523


'journalism' is not being connected to the (((msm)))

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f3b72d  No.15296524

Methinks there are no covid testing rules to distinguish people that took one test or

wackadoo's that tested 20 time in a month.

Have you ever seen a girl buy 10 or 20 pregnancy tests? I know it's crazy but have seen many girls do it.

We don't have any specifics on testing tabulation, it might as well be tabulated by dominion.

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1759f6  No.15296525

File: 292bb06e5a20364⋯.png (162.41 KB, 600x525, 8:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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6b9b57  No.15296526


babylonian lintel majic


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994085  No.15296528


is that a claus scwabb/jeff bezoz flesh golem?

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a43da3  No.15296529


Yeah I'm never doing that

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2b75fe  No.15296530

File: 1b405fa613bb04d⋯.png (219.61 KB, 494x636, 247:318, Screenshot_from_2022_01_02….png)

File: 1bb77180f5df5d9⋯.png (97.72 KB, 935x517, 85:47, Screenshot_from_2022_01_02….png)

File: fb276008f757d57⋯.png (75.44 KB, 1004x529, 1004:529, Screenshot_from_2022_01_02….png)

File: 47e083b2e7a2412⋯.png (144.19 KB, 629x532, 629:532, Screenshot_from_2022_01_02….png)

File: c788b27ea9cef3c⋯.png (245.39 KB, 918x532, 459:266, Screenshot_from_2022_01_02….png)

all pb







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6b9b57  No.15296531



he died of covid

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ba5f7f  No.15296532

File: 8eb54b2e15a28cd⋯.jpg (476.77 KB, 1024x706, 512:353, Lou.jpg)

File: e3dbfd84fa556f5⋯.jpg (64.3 KB, 720x470, 72:47, dan.jpg)


One sister wants to keep secrets, the other is about to help burn it all down.

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a74d85  No.15296533

File: c29fe11e61d6ba3⋯.jpeg (187.16 KB, 1134x290, 567:145, Screenshot_2022_01_02_133….jpeg)

How five liberal prosecutors presided over crime waves

Here is how some of the most radical district attorneys have reshaped law enforcement in their cities.

Larry Krasner

Chesa Boudin

Marilyn Mosby

Kim Foxx

George Gascon



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9e60a6  No.15296534


#68 is LGB

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c99ab1  No.15296535

File: 58c9863938085fa⋯.png (142.35 KB, 650x365, 130:73, Screenshot_2022_01_02_at_1….png)


If You Know, You Know


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803b6e  No.15296536


I wonder if this aligns with what Flynn posted the other day.


This might be the decode, but Poso had 2021 not 2022

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6b9b57  No.15296537

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b92266  No.15296538

File: 9b40621ba6cd51e⋯.png (504.02 KB, 624x487, 624:487, ClipboardImage.png)

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735f96  No.15296539


Schwab has been married since 1971 to Schaffhauser Hilde Schwab. The couple live in Switzerland and have two adult children, Nicole Schwab, co-founder of the Gender Equality Project in 2009, and Olivier Schwab, who is married to a Chinese woman and heads the WEF office in Beijing.

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fb7414  No.15296540



your level of sauciness is dependent on your own perspective and action. Tell you what

Call 611 from a T-Mobile phone

or call 1-877-347-2127 from any phone.

and ask to speak to a csr/tsr and then come back with what you find out. Word of caution, you get to go through both the phone side and internet side of things before you get to the comment from them that on their side, they state

Google has deemed GWP a fakenews site and so it is blocked/removed/erased from text messages

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88de43  No.15296541

File: 73ecd0bc68df4f3⋯.jpeg (364.07 KB, 1241x1792, 1241:1792, 91E54590_4DA3_41B1_8B22_F….jpeg)

The more they deny access to Dr. Malone, the more people will search, its human nature


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46ab2a  No.15296542

File: e7638733c327cf6⋯.jpg (276.43 KB, 2594x3242, 1297:1621, orig_Chloe_Bruce.jpg)

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a74d85  No.15296544

File: fa87cd1298d708a⋯.jpeg (187.16 KB, 1200x282, 200:47, Screenshot_2022_01_02_133….jpeg)

More fentanyl than heroin stopped at border for first time ever as US overdoses rage

Not only were fentanyl seizures at the highest level ever recorded, but fentanyl overdoses within the United States also hit new highs, indicating the success that transnational criminal organizations had in pushing their deadly products to the public. A DEA investigation this fall found a direct link between criminal drug organizations in Mexico and fentanyl-related overdose deaths.


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674364  No.15296545

File: 1b47051642881ec⋯.jpg (575.72 KB, 620x867, 620:867, bakerg.jpg)


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0fa5ee  No.15296546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Olivia Newton John - Magic (live on the midnight special)

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6b9b57  No.15296547


no sauce

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f033aa  No.15296548

Heads up.

Anon posting images from J and J under a scope over on midnight.


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3da6f6  No.15296549


Out where I live we

call that pussy whipped.

Sounds like a spineless

faggot to me…KEK

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a704e4  No.15296550

File: 4be50405e4cfcf8⋯.png (593.02 KB, 473x426, 473:426, ClipboardImage.png)

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a43da3  No.15296551

File: 045b4d523f5f429⋯.jpg (188.94 KB, 1080x1100, 54:55, 20220102_123410.jpg)


But it ISN'T! I sent this text when I first saw the story today. I'm T-Mobile and he is AT&T - NO issues

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06b0c7  No.15296552



Y's men

Wise men

Y's men


It's Magic

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bf4865  No.15296553

File: cc9a1bbc295892a⋯.png (152.99 KB, 612x685, 612:685, ClipboardImage.png)


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3caf4c  No.15296554

File: 196b53e560d3608⋯.mp4 (3.87 MB, 640x258, 320:129, Strange_power_of_spirit.mp4)


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bf4865  No.15296556

Texas election audit identifies nearly 12,000 foreigners suspected of registering to vote

Suspected non-citizen voters have been referred to counties for investigation, and more than 2,000 have already been removed from rolls, Texas Secretary of State John Scott reports.

An audit of Texas voter rolls identified nearly 12,000 non-citizens suspected of illegally registering to vote and nearly 600 cases in which ballots may have been cast in the name of a dead resident or by a voter who may also have voted in another state.

Texas Secretary of State John Scott released the findings of the first phase of his audit on the last day of 2021, announcing 224,585 deceased residents were removed from state voters rolls as a result of the review

Statewide, a total of 11,737 potential non-U.S. citizens were identified as being registered to cast ballots, with the lion’s share located in the counties around Texas two largest cities of Houston and Dallas. It is illegal for foreigners to vote in Texas elections.

You can read the full report here.



Last month Scott described why his office launched its first-of-a-kind audit of elections.

“What we’re trying to do make sure there is a little more confidence in the system, in the election integrity,” Scott told a local TV interviewer. “And I think this is one of the hopes of the audit is, to show folks it is very safe. It is secure. Your vote does count when you cast it.

“And where we find issues, we’re going to address those issues,” he added.

Scott’s report Friday criticized some counties for not acting quick enough to investigate the non-citizen status of voters, saying several counties missed a deadline that will now delay their investigations until spring of 2022.

“While several counties took action promptly to work their potential non-U.S. citizen matches, others did not begin investigating or send notices of examination until mid to late November of 2021,” Scott’s report said.

“As a result, the 30-day window in which the registrant could provide proof of U.S. citizenship fell after the federally-required NVRA moratorium on voter registration cancellations had begun,” it added. “This means that many potential non-U.S. citizens identified through the agreed-upon process would have until, at the latest, May 25, 2022 to respond to a notice of examination before their voter registration is cancelled.”

So far 2,327 of the 11,737 suspected non-citizen registrations have been canceled – more than half in Dallas alone – and the Secretary of State office is now investigating whether those canceled voters illegally cast ballots in prior elections, Scott’s report said.

The audit also found several other small irregularities, including:

509 potential cross-state duplicate votes were cast in the November 2020 General Election, meaning voters may have cast a ballot in both Texas and another state

67 potential votes were cast in November 2020 in the name of deceased people and are under investigation.

A sampling of four counties found three had discrepancies between the votes tallied by machines and those later checked by hand. Those discrepancies are due to be further investigated in the second phase of the audit.


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c15a91  No.15296557

>>15296454 (PB)

Anon got it however.

It's all good!

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88de43  No.15296558

File: 9493f9a44adf78a⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB, 480x852, 40:71, 6gAggeebuO909t4t.mp4)

Mass Formation Poso

Just found the most based Christmas train garden ever



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994085  No.15296559


twitter will be like a concentration camp of jews

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e38096  No.15296560

File: f01e5f20ef25470⋯.png (561.15 KB, 866x824, 433:412, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39c15b75735d4ca⋯.mp4 (14.25 MB, 406x720, 203:360, Shitstralia_old_parliament….mp4)

Based ozzies burning that shit down


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ad7c8b  No.15296561



>the label is torn and pushed up

we're doomed. if someone actually need someone else to explain this… we're fucking doomed.

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9a2439  No.15296562


I always found it strange that Jamie Lynn was a Nickelodeon star & got pregnant when her show was doing so well. Did she purposely get her show canceled?

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a74d85  No.15296563

File: a1c0bc51d894bd1⋯.jpeg (187.16 KB, 995x385, 199:77, Screenshot_2022_01_02_133….jpeg)

Ivanka Spotted

(Kabbalah practitioner?)


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bf4865  No.15296564

Ex-Israeli minister calls for assassinating Hamas leaders over rocket fire

A former Israeli minister has called for the assassination of top Hamas leaders in response to rocket fire from the Gaza Strip, Anadolu Agency reported.

"It is time to send Ismail Haniyeh and Yahya Sinwar to meet (former Hamas leader Abdul Aziz) al-Rantisi and (Hamas founder Ahmad) Yasin," former Communications Minister Ayoub al-Qara told the Israeli Channel 14.

Israel assassinated al-Rantisi and Yasin in 2004.

Al-Qara, who is a member of the right-wing Likud Party, said if Israel did not respond to the rocket fire by Hamas, "it will be a fatal blow to Israel's deterrence force."

"This will encourage Hamas and other groups in Gaza to continue firing at Israeli citizens," al-Qara said.

Israeli warplanes carried out airstrikes on several Hamas positions in Gaza late Saturday. Israeli tanks also shelled four observation towers of the Hamas-run Interior Ministry in northern Gaza.

No injuries were reported in the attacks, which the Israeli army said were in response to rocket fire from Gaza.

Israel launched an 11-day military offensive in Gaza in May 2020, in which more than 260 Palestinians were killed and thousands of others injured. Thirteen Israelis were also killed by rocket fire from Gaza.

The violence, the worst in years, came to a halt under an Egyptian-brokered truce on May 21.


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6b9b57  No.15296565




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a43da3  No.15296566


Board is full of idiots/shills today. Must be Sunday

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994085  No.15296567


who got her pregnant?

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bf4865  No.15296568

Knesset member tests positive for COVID-19

Michael Biton, chairman of the Knesset Economic Affairs Committee, spent hours in the parliament on Thursday holding multiple hearings and meetings

Blue and White MK Michael Biton has tested positive for COVID-19, the Knesset spokesman announced on Sunday morning.

Biton, the chairman of the Knesset Economic Affairs Committee, was last present in the Knesset on Thursday.

The head of the Knesset Guard said that, following the news, “an epidemiological investigation will be carried out in conjunction with professionals in the Health Ministry.” It was not immediately clear how many other members of Knesset would be affected.

Under the current guidelines, any individual who has been exposed to a COVID patient must immediately enter quarantine. Those who are fully vaccinated with a booster shot can exit quarantine after testing negative. Anyone who is not considered fully vaccinated must observe 14 days of quarantine, or 7 days with two negative tests.

Biton, who has three vaccine doses, is reportedly not suffering from any symptoms. The MK spent hours in the Knesset on Thursday, holding a series of long committee hearings as well as meeting with Agricultural Minister Oded Forer as well as local farmers.

Last week, all attendees at Sunday’s cabinet meeting were required to undergo a COVID test before the meeting. During the cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett exited halfway through after receiving a call informing him that his daughter had tested positive for COVID.

Bennett later exited quarantine after testing negative multiple times.

Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu also tested negative for COVID on Wednesday after coming in contact with a man whose daughter had tested positive.

Earlier this month, more than 100 people including nine Knesset members were sent to quarantine after a COVID outbreak in the Knesset.


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4aa4a8  No.15296569

File: d61eb819782aee1⋯.jpg (102.84 KB, 1357x761, 1357:761, leeanne.jpg)

LASSEN CO., Calif. - The Lassen County Sheriff's Office is asking for the public's help to locate LeeAnna Midkiff, 37 after she was reported missing on Jan. 1 around 5:30 p.m. by her boyfriend, Michael Noland, 41.

On Dec. 31, 2021, Noland said that he and Midkiff were traveling to Reno, Nev. from Seattle, Wash. to get married. He said while on the way they got into an argument. Noland pulled their vehicle over on Highway 395 near Mill St. in Milford around 8 p.m. Midkiff got out of the vehicle and began walking northbound on Highway 395, according to Noland.

Officials say Midkiff did not take any of her possessions with her and she has not been seen since. Midkiff is 5'7" tall, 155 pounds, and has brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a grey fleece jacket, blue jeans, and tan boots.

The Lassen County Sheriff's Office said the temperature was in the single digits Saturday night and it’s possible Midkiff may have sought shelter in an unoccupied building or trailer.

Anyone with information regarding Midkiff's location is asked to contact the Lassen County Sheriff’s Office at (530) 257-6121.


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6caf74  No.15296570

File: 933d47d1a9c232c⋯.png (946.72 KB, 1905x914, 1905:914, 2022_01_02_10_32_54.png)

File: e6881ba84a4f292⋯.png (325.49 KB, 1205x494, 1205:494, 2022_01_02_10_38_15.png)

File: ce8f6556bb4fe64⋯.png (842.95 KB, 1076x792, 269:198, 2022_01_02_10_39_23.png)

File: 8b99d03c84087d0⋯.png (760.6 KB, 1198x1225, 1198:1225, 2022_01_02_10_43_36.png)

File: c66cc65c402c299⋯.png (180.43 KB, 950x311, 950:311, 2022_01_02_10_52_34.png)


notes on key dates in DEVOLVED vid

DEVOLVED | Vol 1 - A Fortified Election | Based on Devolution by Patel Patriot

- by Dauntless Dialogue

Dec 29, 2021, 32 min video


Pretty good intro but with a least one factual error, see below

Documented KEY DATES

[Introduction to the idea of devolution]

May 11 2017

Pres Advisory commission on electoral integrity established - plays an advisory role

Sept 12 2018

Executive Order 13848

Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

Nov 19 2018 (Wikipedia says Nov 16 2018)

created CISA - Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

meant to protect the Nation's critical infrastructure from physical and cyber threats

Dec 20, 2019

"the following month" NO - it was 13 mos later

Space Force created

Feb 17, 2020

Tom Cotton brings up Wuhan lab as possible source of CV-19

now we know it's true - May 1 2020, Trump said he'd seen evidence

Mar 18, 2020

Newsweek publishes an article on Continuity of Govt Plan in context of Covid pandemic

Octagon, Freejack, Zodiac - very secret plans for continuity of gov't

Claims that Trump ordered military in Feb to review these plans

Date not given

CBS asked Trump whether he's seen evidence it was China that was the source of the virus.

He said yes.

[Rest of vid discusses key role of CV-19 pandemic as launching pad for stealing of election and the ongoing role it plays in pushing global totalitarianism]

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adb2fe  No.15296571

Conquistador your stallion stands

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6b9b57  No.15296572


>A former Israeli minister has called for the assassination of top Hamas leaders…

<the trump doctrine


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6caf74  No.15296573

File: 4f96b603d435c9f⋯.png (205.26 KB, 1357x1012, 59:44, 2022_01_02_11_18_17.png)

File: 3a9efe0d5b8ed21⋯.png (756.09 KB, 1000x1079, 1000:1079, 2022_01_02_11_31_16.png)


ONE THING NOT DISCUSSED in the Devolution film:

The important role played by the PRIVATE ELECTION SYSTEMS in advising CISA - and CISA'S DENIAL of any election fraud after 2020 election (11-12-2020). That joint statement put out by CISA and organizations NASS, NASED and EISCC.


- NASS and NASED are supposed to be non-partisan, but they are both CORRUPT and LEFT-WING.

(search in qresear.ch for extensive DIGS on that topic done around Nov-Dec 2020)

- EISCC is composed of all the CORRUPT VOTING SYSTEMS, such as DOMINION and SMARTMATIC.

(See Patel Patriot #5 for more on EISCC)


Was the CISA/EISCC report the result of CORRUPTION or an intentional false report that is part of the Devolution plan???

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0f5c92  No.15296574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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803b6e  No.15296575

File: 8a0d864cea03224⋯.png (479.35 KB, 500x756, 125:189, ClipboardImage.png)

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f48827  No.15296576

File: 53b4edc5ef54452⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1021x669, 1021:669, Screenshot_2022_01_02_1247….png)

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bf4865  No.15296577

File: 10fac3744a21d92⋯.png (107.65 KB, 600x350, 12:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 564ae4a649dbf0b⋯.png (262.78 KB, 708x770, 354:385, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18068c9efc60cbd⋯.png (168.26 KB, 708x671, 708:671, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c19e113594ebf5a⋯.png (744.61 KB, 649x817, 649:817, ClipboardImage.png)

Chemical Agents in Water and Food Supply Feminize Human Population

“Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the ‘powers that be’ will become psychologically impossible.” — Bertrand Russell, “The Impact of Science on Society”, 1953, pg 50

The Crime Syndicate — or what some call the “New World Order” — do much more than culturally attack masculinity. A critical element of their crackpot plan and assault is to put or allow toxic agents into the environment that cause demasculinization.

For those who live in the U.S., this is manifested in what I would call the metrosexual or fem look. I first became aware of it in about 2000. At first, I thought it was just dress and changing cultural norms, but gradually I realized it was more. This has mostly emerged in the Millennial/Y generations, meaning people born between 1981 and 2000. It is a bit less pronounced in Europe, at least as you go east. It’s demonstrated in the first photo (at right). Clearly a male but just a tad low on testosterone. Sitting around using electronic devices may also contribute to a lack of male muscle mass. The agents may also contribute to the softness and flabbiness of older males as well.

The front end of Generation Z, or Boomlets (starting in 2000, many in their pubescent years), are truly becoming freakish in terms of gender appearances. The photo to the left is of Cover Girl’s first-ever male model. Note the all-seeing eye on his T-shirt.

All Species Becoming More Feminized

The herbicide atrazine is one of the most liberally applied pesticides in the world. As a result, atrazine is the most commonly detected pesticide contaminant of ground, surface and drinking water. It’s also a potent endocrine disruptor that is active at low concentrations.

National Academy of Science studies demonstrate the reproductive consequences of atrazine exposure in adult amphibians. Atrazine-exposed males were both demasculinized (chemically castrated) and completely feminized as adults. Ten percent of the exposed genetic males developed into functional females that copulated with unexposed males and produced viable eggs. Atrazine-exposed males suffered from depressed testosterone, decreased breeding gland size, demasculinized/feminized laryngeal development, suppressed mating behavior, reduced spermatogenesis and decreased fertility.


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88de43  No.15296578

File: 282408e9cf8a82e⋯.jpeg (442.83 KB, 1241x1562, 1241:1562, 686677E6_7AE0_4BF2_A2D1_0….jpeg)

Anons, any report on CPS for Project Veritas?


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345a8a  No.15296579

File: cee69bdd957af41⋯.png (153.58 KB, 500x332, 125:83, ClipboardImage.png)


He's not one of us.

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67d65c  No.15296580

File: 88ef17bfa40335f⋯.png (364.67 KB, 566x304, 283:152, image.png)

File: 2e8308b8b5a14d9⋯.png (176.28 KB, 745x391, 745:391, look_alike.png)

>>15296397 LB

>Dog looks like Ghislaines in and out burger dog

Doesn't appear to be.

But then again…

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0fa5ee  No.15296581

done with you fucks

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ad7c8b  No.15296582


>nina says smart man

that's so much WORSE than always letting her pick where they go. whole 'nother level of fucked up. nina needs dropped off in afghanistan.

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9da520  No.15296584

File: af5a3afe06a0348⋯.png (208.8 KB, 459x498, 153:166, Screen_Shot_01_02_22_at_02….PNG)

File: dff841dd77cd748⋯.png (991.46 KB, 1125x750, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Timestamp 12:50 pm 12+5 = 17

Love it, Joe! Thank you for sharing with us. You're a nut with that mask on, and you know it.

President Biden


United States government official

Commander enjoyed his first trip to the beach.

12:50 PM · Jan 2, 2022·The White House


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6b9b57  No.15296585

File: dcc0a13858e7867⋯.gif (4.02 KB, 202x151, 202:151, 20211221_212117.gif)

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a704e4  No.15296586

File: aa3c96c100ead35⋯.png (306.65 KB, 342x342, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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b70a9a  No.15296587


Here we go again.

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f37163  No.15296588

File: 00a87edd9b7b65e⋯.png (481.71 KB, 959x537, 959:537, 9c5156908100a28724014a2db1….png)

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250fb8  No.15296589

File: e8720014b5e2667⋯.png (1.21 MB, 920x550, 92:55, ClipboardImage.png)


That escalated quickly

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2f2903  No.15296590

File: 2e3df76fb4c1738⋯.jpeg (1.53 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, FH8T6SwWYAARnlg.jpeg)

File: 10e2b4400118f82⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, FH8T58nWUAM_LOB.jpeg)

File: 41149b51964d5ba⋯.mp4 (4.88 MB, 266x480, 133:240, 41149b51964d5babfb87c02d23….mp4)

File: f6fcc2ad83e5000⋯.jpg (164.36 KB, 960x540, 16:9, f6fcc2ad83e5000faee15b18cc….jpg)



Stairway to heaven.

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3da6f6  No.15296591


Yes yes he is….

You have never made

mistakes in your youth?

One who escapes evil

truly knows its motives.

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07f249  No.15296592

I get it. #68!

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e38096  No.15296593

File: 971f36a994320e6⋯.png (469.84 KB, 600x800, 3:4, smooth_criminal_you_could_….png)


>burn baby burn


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994085  No.15296594


'spike' - protein

spiking is putting drugs into a drink to sedate someone and to rape them

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a74d85  No.15296595

File: 40bcd0d08fe8c93⋯.jpeg (187.16 KB, 655x295, 131:59, Screenshot_2022_01_02_133….jpeg)

File: 4363c7c5757ba34⋯.jpeg (49.46 KB, 612x306, 2:1, Screenshot_2022_01_02_135….jpeg)

Challenging rabbis, Orthodox activists hand out fliers after Walder victim’s suicide

Some 320,000 “We all believe the victims” fliers were distributed in Haredi neighborhoods across the country on Friday, in an act of defiance by a group of grassroots activists, in response to the ultra-Orthodox leadership’s response to revelations that author Chaim Walder was a serial sexual abuser.


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6b9b57  No.15296596

File: 6b2d38f1664c141⋯.gif (295.3 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 20200831_225334.gif)


nor are [you], "us"

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6fe891  No.15296597



and blowdarts!

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bf4865  No.15296598

File: bdf9ba5bfe6f72a⋯.png (413.13 KB, 601x459, 601:459, ClipboardImage.png)

Dr. Gottlieb Now Admits Cloth Masks Don’t Provide Protection Against Covid-19

Now it’s okay to say this?

Dr. Scott Gottlieb – former FDA Commissioner-turned-member-of-board-of-directors of Pfizer on Sunday said what we’ve known all along: Cloth masks do not protect against Covid.

“Cloth masks aren’t going to provide a lot of protection. That’s the bottom line. This is an airborne illness, we now understand that” Gottlieb said to Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan.

How many immunocompromised people died because they were lied to about the efficacy of cloth masks?

How many people were banned from social media for saying cloth masks don’t provide protection against Covid?

Scott Gottlieb also said that parents should decide if their children receive a COVID-19 booster.

“I certainly don’t think schools should be mandating boosters. I think this should be left up to the discretion of parents and their physicians. You know, it’s going to depend on the individual circumstance,” Gottlieb said during his interview on Face the Nation.


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f033aa  No.15296599


Is that Anton's son?

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f37163  No.15296600

File: 9b85390f683c440⋯.jpg (97.07 KB, 680x680, 1:1, FIBsX6sWQAA0iaT.jpg)

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994085  No.15296601


never promote bad behaviour

you only need time to think

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12ddda  No.15296603

File: e4535fcdae02d03⋯.png (157.83 KB, 675x433, 675:433, Eye_of_Tiger.png)

File: 4862b781cd7b339⋯.png (498.59 KB, 684x384, 57:32, Basterd_Bidniz.png)

File: 4c345501bebda23⋯.png (325 KB, 689x452, 689:452, Its_Really_Habbenin.png)

File: 873a552a70c79a5⋯.png (573.94 KB, 639x556, 639:556, IT_S_ABOUT_THE_CHILDREN.png)


"We in the killin’ Nazi business. And cousin, business is a-boomin’." - Inglorious Basterds

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a704e4  No.15296604

File: cba5830ab7c793f⋯.png (503.04 KB, 608x342, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>Yes yes he is….

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67d65c  No.15296605

File: 87930b721956aee⋯.png (102.82 KB, 252x232, 63:58, yikes.png)


>Olivia Newton John - Magic

Another witch?

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f48827  No.15296606

File: 869ca889ba5f727⋯.png (41.99 KB, 1147x247, 1147:247, Screenshot_2022_01_02_1252….png)


He may be like you but he's not like me.


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6b9b57  No.15296607


false paradigm support team


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c15a91  No.15296608


ugly compared to the other

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929bcb  No.15296609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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583825  No.15296610


The chickens have come home to roost?

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a43da3  No.15296611


I have that pic too. People can wake up and change for the better - but it takes time to witness their deeds and see if they have. That is what I will do. If he is the new AJ it won't be hard to tell

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1e4983  No.15296612

File: b3b2049998c3592⋯.jpeg (15.58 KB, 310x163, 310:163, 03E20ECA_669B_4911_9FA1_F….jpeg)

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9ddafe  No.15296613

File: de5a5024f6c93d8⋯.png (127.7 KB, 953x735, 953:735, NG_Omicron.png)


"The biggest drop on Pol."

"Save and spread"

"40,000 ft view"

"the only way is the military"

Think vaccine, Think Chemtrails. Thing NG. And we all have convenient tests to prove we are in fact getting a true vaccine.

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a74d85  No.15296614


Watch the clip. Doves released.

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2288dc  No.15296615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Popcorn anyone ? Thank(You) Q , Q+ , and Our Wonderful Military Patriot Saints and Soldiers WWG1WGA , FREEDOM , FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT for the TRUTHS to be Revealed !!!!

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0fdb0f  No.15296616

File: f3566abfd7bdbb9⋯.gif (148.21 KB, 505x494, 505:494, tinfoil_forever.gif)




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0000ce  No.15296617


remember the huawei cell towers that tell your phone how much encryption to use, if any.

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a43da3  No.15296618


Watch her in Xanadu and decide for yourself

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1e4983  No.15296619


Maybe not, but it’s not because of an old picture of him when he was young and dumb. We’ve all beenthere.

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9da520  No.15296621

File: 3937a8c34068f80⋯.png (291.97 KB, 459x587, 459:587, Screen_Shot_01_02_22_at_02….PNG)

Timestamp 11:42 am 11+4+2 = 17

Good Afternoon, Dan!!

Dan Scavino Jr.Flag of United StatesEagle


11:42 AM · Jan 2, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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e38096  No.15296622

File: b29aeb67dc9a4a2⋯.jpg (27.65 KB, 500x375, 4:3, jews_revel_in_their_jewine….jpg)


>Ex-Israeli minister calls for assassinating Hamas leaders over rocket fire

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583825  No.15296623


Combine that with Lt Dan video door opening on a plethora of canines?

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5b2dfe  No.15296624

File: e5091766dc42bff⋯.jpeg (369.27 KB, 750x762, 125:127, A2A03197_F4EF_4CC3_9459_A….jpeg)



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994085  No.15296625


there was talk about '5G exclusionary zones'

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6b9b57  No.15296626

File: 71ef3af9d7dce7d⋯.gif (775.87 KB, 210x118, 105:59, 20220102_125712.gif)


this is why the west has fallen.

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4aa4a8  No.15296627

File: 938469eb28d852b⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1200x790, 120:79, faucidog.png)

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a43da3  No.15296628



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f37163  No.15296629

File: 28552cb050d4b0c⋯.mp4 (11.72 MB, 720x900, 4:5, 10000000_384923463393390_2….mp4)



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e38096  No.15296630

File: 1cf6fe713ddc814⋯.jpeg (69.84 KB, 1080x973, 1080:973, george_floyd.jpeg)


nigger acting like a newfag but a real newfag would give up the namefagging by now

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345a8a  No.15296631



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a43da3  No.15296632


Smells a lot like Steinshart to me

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6b9b57  No.15296633


stfu jereмiaн

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e38096  No.15296636



you don't even know the side effects yet! They take your job for 2 years then try to buy you off with 3 months pay?


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f033aa  No.15296637


Who's the mother?

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1f54b2  No.15296638

Earth is a farm, a farm for higher negative beings to feed on.

They don't eat food like you do. They eat negative energy.

Your energy is their food. They prod you and shake you for food.

They feast on our fear.

We are cattle

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ad7c8b  No.15296639


>Chemical Agents in Water and Food Supply Feminize Human Population

avoid all processed/prepared food. eat fresh produce and meats, local whenever possible. drill a well. that is all.

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9ef290  No.15296640


Kek. Anon saw his 'articulation' as just good training. America'd be thrashed if Mike Obama was she-prez. Rogan is either trolling, comped, or some kind of super retard.

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994085  No.15296641


commemorated as 'human rights' not protecting you from having your genitals mutilated as an infant

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d1bfa2  No.15296642

>>15295421 (pb)

>‘Stop listening to the pillow guy’: Retired general says ‘ignorant’ pro-Trump troops pose ‘threat within,’ must be removed


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250fb8  No.15296643

File: dd95e807193c15e⋯.png (122.8 KB, 223x196, 223:196, ClipboardImage.png)



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5e02d8  No.15296644

File: 73aaa7bd00435ad⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1125x750, 3:2, oie_PwW2xX7iYQ5s.png)

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a43da3  No.15296645

File: 9f49cb70af56c02⋯.jpg (274.65 KB, 1080x1739, 1080:1739, 20211230_075527.jpg)

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5e8e6c  No.15296646

File: d76cd77e218e98d⋯.png (259.06 KB, 1524x961, 1524:961, SDMqsDj3fGikVX4PaugR_02_fb….png)

Hey there! Interesting - never noticed this before on the debt clock…when you hover over us "us treasury dollars now" a pop up appears - go and take a look!


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1e4983  No.15296647


He thinks MO would win? Well, he may be right, considering the rampant ignorance in this country.

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e38096  No.15296648

File: 13f972822dbf9be⋯.jpeg (946.19 KB, 995x945, 199:189, energy_shakra_pepe.jpeg)


maybe is good witch tho?

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c9706d  No.15296649

File: 091535089ce48f8⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1076x1349, 1076:1349, Screenshot_20220102_150116….jpg)

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ad7c8b  No.15296650


also a farm for higher positive beings to feed on. they are the ones at war. either way, we're still carrots to them.

your God cares about you about as much as a farmer with 100,000 acres cares about any one carrot.

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88de43  No.15296651

File: f13c72d6442d61b⋯.mp4 (5.33 MB, 640x360, 16:9, _WgrsId1TDKPIY1m.mp4)

Circle back Psaki

NautPoso 🇮🇪🚀

Part 2 https://t.co/D8r9fl3Gmr


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ac0070  No.15296652

File: 8e42118a8f17786⋯.png (158.37 KB, 301x278, 301:278, 8e42118a8f17786daa83eb4ff1….png)

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803b6e  No.15296653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


leave it to the Aborigines to not give a fuck and burn it down… I know we don't condone violence, but this is awesome

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6b9b57  No.15296654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


[we]… vaXXX

consensus building much¿

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9704da  No.15296655



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49796a  No.15296656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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979f15  No.15296657


your God is your programming software

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1f54b2  No.15296658


Fuck off faggot.

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e38096  No.15296659


>we don't condone violence

Yeah because it didn't get like Australia yet. When it gets like Australia, it's time for violence and burning it down.

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929bcb  No.15296660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Red Head Woman

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ad7c8b  No.15296661

File: b49f33dc40d02f8⋯.jpg (52.78 KB, 720x405, 16:9, George_Bernard_Shaw.jpg)


ambiguous referent. the bane of communication.

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5e8e6c  No.15296662

File: a4814de46ff9f53⋯.png (92.59 KB, 1200x842, 600:421, GQBTDQCxiXsAQjXttZ5j_02_9b….png)

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a74d85  No.15296663

Who's gonna get quad 6's?????

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328102  No.15296664


Theres a frightening amount of people that would vote for any random black 'lady' off the streets just for social implications alone. They'd consider it justice even if it killed us all.

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c9706d  No.15296665


But indispensable for humor.

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ad7c8b  No.15296667


>Fuck off faggot.

Jesus is so proud of you for that…

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979f15  No.15296668

File: c85b26121422a3a⋯.png (32.12 KB, 660x330, 2:1, cerncov.png)

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f37163  No.15296669

File: 8b3d962c5b6a8b4⋯.png (935.91 KB, 747x960, 249:320, cockburn.png)


another elite tranny I reckon

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a35c5b  No.15296670

File: a61170b96d18aec⋯.jpg (32.84 KB, 540x600, 9:10, 1605856532233.jpg)

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994085  No.15296671


but cohenveniently not mentioning genital mutilation of infants as any form of a problem

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e38096  No.15296672


>if someone actually need someone else to explain this… we're fucking doomed

But is Bragg vinegar poisoned tho?

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979f15  No.15296673


where did it go?

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c8145a  No.15296674

File: 95b3f9792e1a140⋯.png (209.2 KB, 372x550, 186:275, humanplussign.png)

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5776ff  No.15296675

File: 70a53f60fb70261⋯.jpg (32.4 KB, 423x302, 423:302, jewish_decoys.jpg)

File: 2f7bf8270e116e9⋯.png (297.47 KB, 465x569, 465:569, Siegfried1.png)


(((WE))), Reeeee

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f37163  No.15296676


on another board

>>15296666 off bread

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9da520  No.15296677

>>15295752 (lb)

Vid Length :12 1+2 = 3

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a74d85  No.15296678


Wasn't me. Ah well, sandwich and second cup of coffee.

Later, lads.

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49c259  No.15296679




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583825  No.15296680

File: e9ccb7c09b898a6⋯.png (156.52 KB, 1862x908, 931:454, maxwell_ny.png)


Looks like Q was right again


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6a78be  No.15296681

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5e02d8  No.15296682

File: 281fd6cf768d41c⋯.mp4 (341.73 KB, 240x426, 40:71, 270444815_272747261587199_….mp4)

File: 684991bbc2bc4d7⋯.png (627.61 KB, 892x964, 223:241, Screen_Shot_2022_01_02_at_….png)

Daniel Scavino Jr.

11:41 1/2/2022


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2288dc  No.15296683


backoff , I told (You) why , this is not a game , learn how to play the game , love (You) anyway shill , now can I get back to work helping to to help others

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f3b72d  No.15296684

File: eff4847cccfc686⋯.mp4 (697.38 KB, 640x640, 1:1, beaver_burp.mp4)

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2b75fe  No.15296685

File: 61b03a0a53ad65c⋯.png (105.54 KB, 992x695, 992:695, ikeGroffFollowFusca.png)

File: ce57fc803252e3d⋯.png (82.63 KB, 646x482, 323:241, Screenshot_from_2022_01_02….png)

File: 030041f96a671cd⋯.png (1.15 MB, 659x2565, 659:2565, Screenshot_2022_01_02_at_1….png)

File: ce57fc803252e3d⋯.png (82.63 KB, 646x482, 323:241, Screenshot_from_2022_01_02….png)



husband follows Fusca

Resident's pergola stirs debate at P&Z meeting

Nelson Oliveira

July 5, 2014





New Canaan's Planning and Zoning Commission faced a dilemma June 24 when a homeowner pleaded to the group to retroactively approve a pergola he built without a permit at 159 Oenoke Ridge.

Ike Groff told commissioners that his architect contacted the town before the pergola was built to ask if a permit was needed, to which a town representative said no. However, the question was asked incorrectly, Groff said, and the miscommunication led him to move forward with the plan and build the structure without requesting a special permit.

In a 5-4 vote, the commission approved the application with the condition that Groff should completely screen any view of the pergola from the street with high and dense trees.

Several commissioners were reluctant to approve the permit because they said it would open the door to other homeowners' requesting a permit after the fact.

"I think the biggest concern we have is one of precedent," P&Z member Jean Grzelecki said.

Commissioners David Scannell and Tony Shizari agreed.

"There is some concern with people hiring architects from outside tending to get away with things because the architect claims ignorance," Scannell said.

Shizari added, "If we approve this, it becomes less of a risky bet for people."

Berkeley Construction's Rob Caffrey, who built the pergola, said he assumed the structure was allowed in New Canaan since it's not named specifically in the town's zoning regulations.

"I see pergolas all over town," Caffrey said. "The whole thing I think was a miscommunication because I thought through the architect that it was OK to do it. I didn't just put this up."

The free-standing structure recently was built on a previously approved terrace connected to the house.

"The terrace outside the house looked incomplete, so we thought that maybe building a pergola would make it look more complete," Groff said.

Town Planner Steve Kleppin said that although this type of structure is not mentioned in the regulations, "it's still an accessory structure."

For a homeowner not to need a special permit, a structure cannot be in the front yard unless it's enclosed.

According to the town's zoning regulations, "a building shall be considered an accessory building unless it shares a common wall or a common roof with the principal building." A breezeway, for instance, is not considered a common roof.

Kleppin noted, however, that the commission may grant such permits. "People are allowed to request those special permits, but they're requesting a special permit after the fact," he said.

If the special permit had not been granted, the Groffs would have two choices, according to Kleppin.

"They would have to either remove it, or try to take the commission to court," he said.

Although he voted in favor of the application, Scannell also was concerned that Groff's family would host parties at the pergola.

"I don't like the idea of having what looks like an ideal party site (in the front yard)," he said. "It would change the street's impact. It would disturb the present feel of the neighborhood. There are a lot of nice houses there, but it's already a little too public."

Scannell and other commissioners suggested requiring Groff to cover any sight of the pergola from outside with various plantings.

"I would like to see some substantial screening," Scannell said, "to preserve the feeling of the neighborhood, to make it more private."

Groff said he understood the commission's concerns and regretted not going through the proper channels.

"Not knowing the rules is not an excuse to break them," he said. "We apologize for what we did."

Groff and his wife, Lesley, were planning to move to the Oenoke Ridge property this week. They were living on Oak Street while building the new house.

When it comes to adding value to the property, New Canaan's tax assessor, Sebastian Caldarella, said a pergola does not make a significant impact.

"It doesn't add much to it at all, as far as value goes," Caldarella said. "It's so minimum … you're talking about pennies."

Shizari, Grzelecki, Dan Radman and John Goodwin voted against granting the permit.

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a43da3  No.15296686


It can make you sick af of you drink it straight - but thats a common sense thing and we've a dearth of common sense on the board today

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2b75fe  No.15296687

File: 3e107db403c3cb3⋯.png (119.6 KB, 1222x552, 611:276, Screenshot_from_2022_01_02….png)


>Resident's pergola stirs debate at P&Z meeting

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6b9b57  No.15296688

File: 21005b028b2b6ed⋯.gif (5.02 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 20211220_025828.gif)

it is like they just magically fell into chan off the turnip truck.


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345a8a  No.15296689

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3cd58a  No.15296690

File: f9074779268868a⋯.jpg (91.36 KB, 500x566, 250:283, Asian_hate_3.jpg)

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ad7c8b  No.15296691

File: 6a59494ec8b3bf2⋯.png (754.09 KB, 1269x711, 141:79, Airplane_2.png)


>But is Bragg vinegar poisoned tho?

how the fuck should i know? drink a few bottles and get back to us. and DON'T call me "tho."

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e38096  No.15296692

File: b26bcc97c4f4221⋯.png (269.28 KB, 406x558, 203:279, ClipboardImage.png)

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c99ab1  No.15296693


Idiot. ACV is used in all kinds of homeopathic recipes, alone and in combination. It will make you sick if you OVERDOSE, but it will aid in all kinds of health complications if used wisely.

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5e8e6c  No.15296694



10 Days Of Darkness = 161

Lord Save Us All = 161

The Hour Is Near = 161

Trump Tweet = 161

Shock The World = 161

Human Trafficking = 161

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c8145a  No.15296695

File: b5334af9aa34558⋯.png (203.51 KB, 615x710, 123:142, danaskedforit.png)

File: d1d6bffcbc03416⋯.png (702.14 KB, 877x570, 877:570, zoltanintheWH.png)



Dub Dubs

He did ask for it.

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1e4983  No.15296696

D.C. Jail Cuts J6 Prisoners’ Communications After Newsmax Interview

For almost a year, Jacob Lang has been awaiting trial without bail in the D.C. penitentiary, along with many others accused of crimes connected to the January 6 riot at the Capitol. He and his fellow inmates wait in a jail they describe as inhumane as there is no trial date in sight. The J6 prisoners complained that they were living in filthy conditions and being treated inhumanely, which led to a surprise inspection that confirmed their claims. Over 400 prisoners were transferred to other facilities as a result of this decision, none of whom were J6 inmates.

The jail cut off Lang’s phone access while he was giving an interview to Newsmax TV. He has been in contact with PJ Media and other media sources. According to Lang, the jail cut off all internet access and phone privileges for detainees afterwards. The prison is now on lockdown, and Lang says he isn’t even able to call his lawyer.


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f48827  No.15296697

File: 208b4f2223e1748⋯.png (387.68 KB, 888x688, 111:86, Screenshot_2022_01_02_1309….png)

File: 34a6c4bc83c67c9⋯.png (90.59 KB, 888x433, 888:433, Screenshot_2022_01_02_1310….png)

The famefags sure do hate Wood. Intersting.


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4504db  No.15296698


my mind is hearing "Rock the Casbah" with this pic

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9e60a6  No.15296699


And I go to the ER with a sprained (purple & black) and BROKEN ANKLE (confirmed with xrays) and get FUCKALL for pain. Please explain this.

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250fb8  No.15296700

File: e4458c9641c020e⋯.png (123.75 KB, 679x266, 97:38, ClipboardImage.png)

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2f77bc  No.15296701


Well…if it's true that last names were created from one's occupation, such as Mason and Baker, then one could summize COCKBURN had been created because….KEK

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5e02d8  No.15296702

File: a215c30fe744fb2⋯.mp4 (746.53 KB, 400x224, 25:14, 82614480_632423034232005_2….mp4)

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1e4983  No.15296703


I think it was Paracelsus who said something to the effect of everything is a poison at a certain amount.

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e38096  No.15296704

File: 1563da3ef3f7109⋯.jpg (14.55 KB, 255x191, 255:191, poor_attention_hungry_fagg….jpg)

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9704da  No.15296705


How would you react if an old man came up to you and started saying shit like

>I know what you did

>You can't hide from the truth

You'd call him a fucking retard.

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49c259  No.15296706


at first I was gonna say it was POC Santa

prolly shoulda went with that

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a43da3  No.15296707


Guess he recovered from his…was it ricin poisoning that he was claiming? can't remember

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6cb0f8  No.15296708


don't you mean rock the kaballah.

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1f54b2  No.15296709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What is really happening in this world.

This is a fascinating video. Talks about Reptilians breeding with nodic people cresting the nephlim and the ruling bloodlines familys.

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88de43  No.15296710

File: cdac8a4af693d19⋯.jpeg (102.5 KB, 638x542, 319:271, 33EAF492_C23F_46CB_BFC4_5….jpeg)

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803b6e  No.15296711


you are a board spook, saw you on stand by the other day and someone gave you the command to stand down

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6b9b57  No.15296712

File: d4be1b5e91b3d7b⋯.jpg (114.67 KB, 962x714, 481:357, 20220102_131402.jpg)

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994085  No.15296713


'life is a struggle for life' or something

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e38096  No.15296714

File: 4f3b42755663286⋯.png (94.92 KB, 355x326, 355:326, trump_thats_where_youre_wr….png)


>JKF Jr.

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f033aa  No.15296715


And the father?

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85f956  No.15296716



>its loosh

>all the way down

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6b9b57  No.15296717

File: dcc0a13858e7867⋯.gif (4.02 KB, 202x151, 202:151, 20211221_212117.gif)


moar jüтоов

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82e5bd  No.15296718

File: 5f37f7a63302f58⋯.png (2.99 MB, 2490x1556, 1245:778, Screen_Shot_2022_01_02_at_….png)

AF2 up and heading east now.

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a43da3  No.15296719


You figured out which country yet? acts like Steinshart but definitely isn't a native English speaker, judging by the fucked up way it types

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2288dc  No.15296720


Bingo Watchman Patriot Anon , orders change by the minute , learning our comms (You) are. ❤Love Always Patriot ❤

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ad7c8b  No.15296721


sue. same experience with supposedly top notch orthopedic surgeon. multiple fractures to talus and calcaneus, verticle split in fibula. fucker wanted me to wait THREE MONTHS for surgery, refused pain meds, and told me to take tylenol. PA advised me to file medmal lawsuit for failure to provide pain mgmt.

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e38096  No.15296722

File: 64162d185840119⋯.png (877.08 KB, 700x875, 4:5, _devil_magic_vagina_snake.png)


bad angle

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9e60a6  No.15296723








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88de43  No.15296724

File: 7e43b9c09b0ba62⋯.jpeg (124.17 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 8070804B_F7F0_4F1B_8AB0_4….jpeg)

File: c2fbb436ed6d6cf⋯.jpeg (517.76 KB, 1241x1609, 1241:1609, CE5ECC36_BE21_4BB0_9F8E_8….jpeg)


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0ea10c  No.15296725


That Anon probably got salmonella from the nastiness growing in the grout lines of his countertop. Gross.

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4aa4a8  No.15296726


the good drugs are for the addicts

and women in labor and delivery

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85f956  No.15296727

File: 6458ae726657083⋯.jpg (131.63 KB, 800x563, 800:563, Glinda.jpg)


opinions differ

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929bcb  No.15296728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stop associating redheads with devils, whores, and crazies. Thank you, Hollywood. You are wrong and you suck forever. Here's another one. FOH

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ac53d8  No.15296729








>it is like they just magically fell into chan off the turnip truck.

KMAO! 1 Post and blocked!

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bf4865  No.15296730

File: f2a198051b336e9⋯.png (9.32 KB, 445x235, 89:47, ClipboardImage.png)

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202429  No.15296731



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e38096  No.15296732

File: 5ab8d16ec9ea491⋯.png (835.72 KB, 625x939, 625:939, very_nice_america_woman.png)



>EO 11110

They're learning.

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1e4983  No.15296733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mass Psychosis – How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill

Now Dr. Joseph Mercola is weighing in on the mass psychosis, joining his opinion with the likes of Dr. Robert Malone.



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9704da  No.15296734

File: 653ef9c16e93285⋯.png (922.48 KB, 863x1080, 863:1080, 1641136735364.png)

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a43da3  No.15296735


When someone's text sounds like it was written by a child when read, it is either written by an actual child or by someone whose native tongue is not English. This post demk states that, as do all the posts written by Black Dick

Also note that it focuses just a bit too much on emojis and God. it should know better but it does not

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803b6e  No.15296736


They were obvious comms which means you want us to see them. So you could be a larping faggot name faggot trying to get cred on the board.

Either way you are GAF

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e38096  No.15296737

File: ba50ee1c962cea5⋯.png (411.64 KB, 396x396, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


The alien makeup not working so well these days

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4aa4a8  No.15296738

File: 0b666fee81fbe7a⋯.png (412.3 KB, 1007x818, 1007:818, suicidesgerm_2.png)


I think there will be mass suicide of the Vaxxxed

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f8e9d1  No.15296739

File: 12d16f321b13ead⋯.png (195.89 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 3F9A2B78_0F7B_4676_A5AF_EE….png)


Why does email open up when I click on this clowns name?

Who is Sage?

How is this possible?

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803b6e  No.15296740


not sure, normally don't read name faggot posts… waste of time

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67d65c  No.15296741

File: fd52a98313dd43f⋯.png (53.92 KB, 247x202, 247:202, yikes.png)


Dr. Jill could at least paint those toenails.


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6b9b57  No.15296743

File: 0959d195a0d85f5⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 180x240, 3:4, 20200924_125832.gif)

you have an unhealthy penis fixation.



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e38096  No.15296744

File: c6de9a7ff0e9164⋯.png (48.02 KB, 226x223, 226:223, ClipboardImage.png)

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c15a91  No.15296745



Not at all

You just get filtered

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f37163  No.15296746

File: 669f54ae087451d⋯.jpg (74.88 KB, 640x336, 40:21, you_will_know_them.jpg)

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12ddda  No.15296747

File: 187696af07223c2⋯.png (390.17 KB, 683x421, 683:421, Dicktater_dicktates.png)

What does the Russian ultimatum to the West mean?

In short, “Russia has restored its weight in the international arena to the point that it is able to dictate its own terms in the shaping of international security.” As for “the decrepit empire of the Stars and Stripes, weakened by LGBT, BLM, etc.,it is clear that it will not survive a two-front war.”


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c1c4e2  No.15296748


Because some people actually believe infowars posts.

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994085  No.15296749

File: cbf9bc6fd74a091⋯.jpg (221.38 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, bidog.jpg)

File: d705336481ad2a0⋯.jpg (28.86 KB, 696x464, 3:2, biddo.jpg)

File: de4b164b4963945⋯.jpg (33.79 KB, 410x290, 41:29, biddog.JPG)

File: a8517137a622025⋯.jpg (65.53 KB, 534x667, 534:667, anubisstatuemet.jpg)

File: 7843e3116ac965b⋯.gif (728.08 KB, 498x371, 498:371, joe_biden_why.gif)


is their mind in a breakaway 'civilization' where (((dogs))) are their 'gods', because 'dogs' do not 'judge' them?

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2288dc  No.15296750



(You) win , I think I will just get back in my plane and GO Home, (You) Anon's take it from here , Love Always Pilotorb ❤ Godspeed WWG1WGA

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994085  No.15296751


what do you think America is?

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47ffb0  No.15296752

File: 641194ec166b4c5⋯.jpeg (80.15 KB, 585x668, 585:668, FAB3D14B_40A2_4203_BF29_0….jpeg)



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12ddda  No.15296753


Gitmo bread and water diet is better

than Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers

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1e4983  No.15296754

Far Left Mayor Demands Removal of Private, Iwo Jima Flag-Raising Mural.


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c602ae  No.15296755

Anons! What's with the sudden move to GETTR? Is this an organic move, or did someone decide Twtr is now unfit for purpose since MTG and Dr Robert Malone were banned. Rogan has just joined.

Anyone think Trump may be about to leap in?

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85a8ac  No.15296756

File: b53ca48d035f4db⋯.jpg (89.44 KB, 800x800, 1:1, b53ca48d035f4db048db338ef4….jpg)

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01d47f  No.15296757


What needs digging today?

>Can't Touch This


Cryptologic Technicians (Technical) (CTT) conduct Electronic Warfare (EW) in support of national and commanders tasking; operate and maintain electronic sensors and computer systems; collect, analyze, exploit, and disseminate Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) in accordance with fleet and national tasking; provide safety of forces, Indications and Warning (I&W), Information Operations (IO), and Anti-Ship Missile Defense (ASMD); and provide technical and tactical guidance to Warfare Commanders and national consumers in support of surface, subsurface, air, and special warfare operations

This is an official U.S. Navy website


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b92266  No.15296758


>ugly compared to the other

The belly button piercing is an instant turn-off.

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a43da3  No.15296759


They irritate me like a pebble in a boot

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994085  No.15296760



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1d97dc  No.15296761

File: b4a535342eb4a4e⋯.gif (9.55 MB, 600x337, 600:337, Deathsquad.gif)


> "Rock the Casbah"


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9da520  No.15296762


>12:50 PM · Jan 2, 2022

1+2+5+1+2+2+2+2 = 17

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5e8e6c  No.15296763



They hiring?

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b92266  No.15296764


>devil magic

too late

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1d97dc  No.15296765

File: 7583677a4b655ae⋯.gif (221.03 KB, 180x196, 45:49, wetzv.gif)


>don't you mean rock the kaballah.


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901650  No.15296766

File: 7d945bea7d7c9c9⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB, 736x416, 23:13, stew.mp4)


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250fb8  No.15296767

File: 9a90c9bf9ad9909⋯.png (22.28 KB, 598x313, 598:313, ClipboardImage.png)


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a43da3  No.15296768


It can't even help itself. This would mean an ESL type person

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82e5bd  No.15296769


What if GETTR has a name change to TruthSocial in the near future?

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67d65c  No.15296770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Earth is a farm, a farm for higher negative beings to feed on.

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6c24e4  No.15296771

File: b1a0ca845122dc8⋯.png (1.2 MB, 768x1280, 3:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b460e50fceba79⋯.png (37.62 KB, 1046x313, 1046:313, ClipboardImage.png)


Michelle and Barack Obama Celebrate New Year's with Festive Snap: 'Happiness, Love, and Good Health'

Nicholas Rice - 3h ago

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803b6e  No.15296772


your just another alt pig persona shitting the bread. You don't actually bring anything of substance here. So yes please leave the board and never come back low-tier glow nigger.

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364982  No.15296773


DOG looks like a good match

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994085  No.15296774


any type of piercing is ueh

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4aa4a8  No.15296775

File: a77fc2dc17bebda⋯.jpg (1.82 MB, 3973x1922, 3973:1922, carlin_Religion.jpg)


Why Your Bible Was Made in China

Does it matter that the Good Book is printed where many Christians lack one?


Since China’s only legal printer of Bibles, Amity Printing Company, published its first Bible in cooperation with the United Bible Societies (UBS) in 1987, 117 million Bibles have followed. More than half of those were printed in the last six years, including 12.4 million in 2013, making China the world’s biggest Bible publisher. Three out of four of last year’s Bibles were produced for export…

OCTOBER 23, 2014


Before the advent of the printing press, the number of Bibles in the world was very small. Even though it was the most common book in the Christian world, the enormous outlay of time and money required to reproduce such a large book by hand meant that complete editions were extremely rare and valuable.

This began to change with the development of printing technology in the mid-1400s. In the 50 years that followed the Gutenberg Bible in 1454, it has been estimated that European printers produced 15 million books, the majority of which were Bibles. As technology improved and literacy rates increased, so to did the rate or Bible production. By 1815, the total number of Bibles printed numbered around 1.3 billion.

One key milestone in the history of the Bible comes in the early 19th century, when the first Bible Societies were founded. These organizations ordered Bibles in huge numbers, but gave them away or sold them at cost as part of their Christian mission. From this point on, the majority of Bibles were freely distributed rather than sold. A study produced by the British and Foreign Bible Society (founded in 1804) calculated that 2,458,000,000 Bibles were printed between 1815 and 1975.

The 5–7 billion figure has been arrived at by adding the above-mentioned figures to annual estimates compiled by United Bible Societies (the global umbrella organization). In the 21st century, Bibles are printed at a rate of around 80 million per year.


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1e4983  No.15296776

Man dies after being pushed into oncoming train in unprovoked attack

Revolver.news title:San Diego: Elderly white man dies after being pushed into train by “light-skinned” hooligan…

A man was killed after he was pushed "into an oncoming train, without provocation," police in San Diego said Saturday, as a homicide investigation was launched.

"The male struck the side of a passing train, causing his injuries," the San Diego Police Department said in a new release. The man had suffered "trauma to his upper body," it said, adding that officers had pronounced him dead at the scene shortly after 6 a.m. local time (3 a.m. ET) on Saturday morning.

Detectives have learned that both the man and the suspect had just exited the southbound trolley at the city's Old Town Trolley Station "and were walking on the platform when the suspect pushed the male into an oncoming train, without provocation," police said.

"The suspect fled the area on foot," they added.


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85a8ac  No.15296777

File: 8af2fcaf3c914c2⋯.jpg (36.56 KB, 499x497, 499:497, 1404010360251.jpg)

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6c24e4  No.15296778

File: 45a99d4d90d5c35⋯.png (249.69 KB, 474x279, 158:93, ClipboardImage.png)

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a43da3  No.15296779


No. Trump will not be on Gerttr. Trump will be on Truth Social

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5b2dfe  No.15296780

File: 499acc064b64ec1⋯.jpeg (388.88 KB, 750x926, 375:463, 6B9EC115_C045_4433_9914_B….jpeg)


> Because some people actually believe infowars posts.

Love him or hate him..



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994085  No.15296781

'facebook, where all your opinions are factchecked(tm)'

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9da520  No.15296782



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6b9b57  No.15296783


they will turn this argument against qresearch.


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5e8e6c  No.15296784

File: 084397f7d7a7cfa⋯.png (68.34 KB, 768x982, 384:491, 8nX9496UbY2iSrMU4PAn_02_53….png)

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6caf74  No.15296785

File: 1976aadf2c64dac⋯.mp4 (5.06 MB, 164x86, 82:43, 2022_01_02_12_09_13_shorte….mp4)


i guessed u were talking about Rogan even before clicking the link.

At about 2:30 (150 minutes) into Rogan's interview of Dr. Robt Malone, Rogan suddenly begins to realize what is REALLY going on - that the gov't is DELIBERATELY making people sick or worse for corrupt purposes.


Watch his reaction.


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982d8b  No.15296786

File: 0004f49e3e41464⋯.jpg (116.63 KB, 984x1016, 123:127, 0004f49e3e4146463e57d8b8a0….jpg)


Looks Good …

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88de43  No.15296787

File: 86144a8cfea4ecb⋯.jpeg (371.65 KB, 1169x1682, 1169:1682, 1FB8AEF7_3DD6_4FE4_A337_1….jpeg)

File: 68ecfff037ea421⋯.jpeg (437.89 KB, 1241x2036, 1241:2036, EF4B47FD_6C6A_4798_951F_D….jpeg)

File: 67ea38abe97f391⋯.jpeg (450.62 KB, 1241x1926, 1241:1926, 3041540C_BB84_4BDA_AA09_F….jpeg)



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c1c4e2  No.15296788

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5b2dfe  No.15296789



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a43da3  No.15296790

File: c8d752bab44642d⋯.jpg (38.95 KB, 453x402, 151:134, c8d752bab44642d3e636137b37….jpg)


So what are they signaling for 2-22?

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6c24e4  No.15296791



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e38096  No.15296792

File: 1e66312a7c8812c⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB, 480x480, 1:1, black_murders_random_white….mp4)


>elderly white man murdered in Dem hell city


<black murders random white man on street - pushes in front of truck.MP4

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5e8e6c  No.15296793


But it never sticks.

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c99ab1  No.15296794

File: 5480b5588f88ddc⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1110x940, 111:94, Screenshot_2022_01_02_at_1….png)

The US Marshals Service revealed in a press release that in an annual multi-agency initiative dubbed “Operation Boo Dat,” conducted between mid-October and Dec. 24, 17 of the arrests were of those accused of felony sex offender registration violations. All five of the found teenagers were girls ranging between the ages of 14 and 17, according to the news release.


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c1c4e2  No.15296795



Notable Seconded

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6b9b57  No.15296796

File: 80537ac195fe064⋯.jpg (74.92 KB, 942x492, 157:82, 20220102_133152.jpg)

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c1c4e2  No.15296797


When you're media, you can make your own sauce.

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e38096  No.15296798

File: 7d5d85c0a9f6f21⋯.png (5.81 KB, 508x444, 127:111, ClipboardImage.png)

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345a8a  No.15296799


Not sure, Zeena was 14 at the time of Stanton's birth.

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f17b37  No.15296800

File: 53dcd86aaf8271f⋯.png (201.03 KB, 481x484, 481:484, ClipboardImage.png)




Q Research General #19347: Dinner Reservations for 22?

>>15295720 FDIC Chair Resigns After Warning Democrats Launching ‘Hostile Takeover’ - the republicbrief.com

>>15295733 anon side by side video uploaded of twats past and present

>>15295737 dan twitter post - dog pound - twitter

>>15295759 ‘Essentially traitors': China has 'thousands'of U.S. professors on payroll - wnd.com

>>15295786 Dr. Robert Malone Admits to Infowars’ Kristi Leigh That He’s Been “Multi-Dimensional Red-Pilled” thelibertydaily.com (not enough to know aj is mossad yet)

>>15295794 dan facebook and video mp4

>>15295804 cdc deaths from covid 377,883 - cdc.gov

>>15295805 Judge Blocks Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Federal Education Program - headlineusa.com

>>15295823 Mass Formation Psychosisvideo with Dr. Malone - bitchute

>>15295829 Police Set Dog on Lockdown Protestor in Amsterdam, Beat Demonstrators with Batons - breitbart

>>15295831 Petition to Revoke Blair’s Knighthood Smashes 220,000 and Rising - breitbart

>>15295836 Jan. 6 panel to recommend new intelligence-gathering legislation, chairman says - the hill

>>15295867 graphene as the interface to hook us up to the internet/mind controlled- the guardian

>>15295879 New studies show that the COVID vaccines damage your immune system, likely permanently - stevekirsch.substack.com

>>15295884 South Korean crosses DMZ in rare defection to North Korea - bbc (kek)

>>15295902 'Storm is coming': Israel's Naftali Bennett warns of tens of thousands of COVID-19 cases daily - firstpost.com

>>15295854, >>15295926, Article Dr. Malone wrote on substack on Dec 9, 2021 ASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS


>>15295983 Ex-Epstein assistant Lesley Groff won’t face criminal charges, her lawyers claim- nyp

>>15296004 EXPOSED: Meet Klaus Schwab’s 2021 Class of ‘Great Reset’ Soldiers- tapnewswire.com

>>15296014 Pfizer has hired the former policy director for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Hazen Marshall, as a lobbyist to support the Big Pharma firm’s efforts to shut down amendments to the False Claims Amendments

Act of 2021. national pulse

>>15296015, >>15295986, new enty post about hotel chain choice hotels international and sex trafficking

>>15296033 One of the biggest lies is that Trump supporters on January 6th killed a police officer. thepalmerreport.com

>>15296055, >>15295962, >>15296041, Volkswagen funds ADL office in Germany for combating anti-Semitism in Europe-timesofisrael.com

>>15296079, >>15296071, AT&T, Verizon reject request to further delay #5G rollout over "interference with aviation," but offer to expand "exclusion zones" for some months. - disclose.tv and 5g news

>>15296099 The Flow of Money Creates a Path to One World Government - american thinker

>>15296139 Dr. Fauci: Vaccinated and Boosted Americans Better Not Go Out to Public Places Right Now - gwp

>>15296159, >>15296155, >>15295781, South Africa is total DS owned at the moment. Parliaments don't just 'catch on fire'. (Reichstag) - breitbart and zerohedge

>>15296177 Texas Audit Finds Over 11,000 Potential Non-Citizens Registered To Vote, Other Problems - theepochtimes.

>>15296186 EU flag taken down after backlash in France - rt.com

>>15296206 In 2022, More Humans, Including Children are Enslaved Than Ever Before in History—We Must Do Better - thefreethoughtproject.com

>>15296221 Chief Justice John Roberts Blasts ‘Inappropriate Political Influence’ in Year-end Report - breitbart

>>15296255 Professor’s redefinition of pedophilia could help offenders demand rights - nyp

>>15296263 Cover-Up Continues? Police in Rape Gangs Hotspot Not Recording Ethnicity of Abusers - breitbart

>>15296266 Documents show Chinese government collects droves of data from Western social media: report - the hill

>>15296268 EU Parliament Member Wants Founders of Vaccine Corp on Euro Banknotes - breitbart

>>15296277 Exciting new book unlocking Bible mysteries rockets to #1 - wnd.com

>>15296286 Keshel and Moseder: Texas Election Audit Phase1 Progress Report Is Released – Shows 700K Ineligible Voter Registrations - scribd.com

>>15296294 FDIC Chairman Jelena McWilliams just resigned……remember this gem? Banks are f*cked! - investment watchblog

>>15296312 Chief Justice Roberts calls for judicial independence amid growing political criticism of 685 ethics violations involving 131 federal judges having a personal or financial interest - investmentwatchblog.com

part 1 moar to come

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2288dc  No.15296801

Enroute PMD :44 TIJ :23 confirm

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5b2dfe  No.15296802

File: ec47987c2ba3ba4⋯.jpeg (337.77 KB, 669x672, 223:224, B26F3ECE_6FE6_444F_87DB_C….jpeg)

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1e4983  No.15296803


News article in tweet is from17years ago.

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a43da3  No.15296804


Already saw it. And I will still be skeptical. Actors do get paid to…well, act. Know what I mean, Vern?

Won't condemn, won't support - will continue observe

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c1c4e2  No.15296805


middle is the best; photos need some gamma correction.

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994085  No.15296806


the jews want people killing themselves

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f337ba  No.15296807


what part of AJ is MOSSAD don't you understand?


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f17b37  No.15296808

File: 6ca59f068697eae⋯.png (133 KB, 944x707, 944:707, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15296800 #19347 part 1

part 2 #19347

>>15296340 HUGE: Rule massively financially incentivizing hospitals to poison and kill Covid patients found. Save and share aggressively. barnhardt.biz

>>15296348 George Lopez falls ill, walks off stage during middle of NYE show - covid death nyp

>>15296357, >>15296218, Five missing teenage girls found, 30 sex offenders arrested in New Orleans - nyp

>>15296367 HEMORAGGHIC FEVER! Did the globalists just launch a new Covid bioweapon in China to exploit the weakened immune systems of the vaccinated after it goes global?!- wionews.com

>>15296374 q decode watch the timestamp

>>15296381 new documentary about the Vatican and Benedict XVI's resignation in 2013. -bitchute

>>15296387 Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said his state is trying everything it can to ensure it has enough health care workers. - politico

>>15296397 Epstein assistant Lesley Groff is spotted walking her dog in Connecticut as judge delays release of Ghislaine Maxwell's secret testimony - dailymail

>>15296447 2022 Starts Out With Massive “Red Pilling” Over Big Tech And Exposure Of Mass Psychosis - djhjmedia.com

>>15296449 American podcaster Joe Rogan has just joined #GETTR following the suspension of Dr. Robert Malone on Twitter. joe rogan

>>15296457 NEW - World's largest particle accelerator,the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, will start up with twice the power in Marchafter a three-year break. - disclose tv

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e38096  No.15296809



No he doesn't. He says "it's proven" "it's admitted" and shit like that about 100 times per show, and every time I've checked something he said that wasn't already common knowledge, it's not true

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277bf6  No.15296810


I haven't heard that, but I have heard that Parler may be part of TMTG.

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1e4983  No.15296811


Hasn’t turned 18 yet, before anons go crazy.

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5e8e6c  No.15296812

File: 8710eadef923eab⋯.jpg (118.58 KB, 640x362, 320:181, cleotogg661.jpg)

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e38096  No.15296813

File: 0076af6bc1cec73⋯.png (81.66 KB, 229x216, 229:216, ClipboardImage.png)


>Enroute PMD :44 TIJ :23 confirm

kek. nigger dick is openly fake Q-ing now

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c1c4e2  No.15296814


When you're a shill, you always have to have the last post.

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929bcb  No.15296815

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ad7c8b  No.15296816

File: ad3a053a4db55d7⋯.jpg (103.98 KB, 801x424, 801:424, tesla_1.jpg)

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5b2dfe  No.15296817


He literally opens the show with a stack of news articles in front of him


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c99ab1  No.15296818

File: 6e581e9194fc722⋯.png (974.82 KB, 1073x829, 1073:829, Screenshot_2022_01_02_at_1….png)

File: 9470c052bc934f6⋯.png (728.65 KB, 900x727, 900:727, Screenshot_2022_01_02_at_1….png)

Officials from the National Weather Service believe that a meteor exploded in the Pittsburgh area on New Year’s Day after residents reported feeling the ground shaking and hearing a massive boom.

Allegheny County officials tweeted Saturday that county 911 officials had received reports from South Hills and other areas about the disturbance.

NWS could not confirm for certain that a meteor was the case, but data showed a flash in the area that wasn’t lightning around 11:26 a.m. — around the time residents reported the loud noise and ground trembling.


A MONSTER asteroid is set to come close to Earth in January after Nostradamus made a chilling prediction about a strike.

The "potentially hazardous" asteroid is due to make one of its closest-known passes to our planet on January 18 and won't come this close again for decades.

Named 7482 (1994 PC1), the giant rock is around two and a half times the height of the Empire State Building but will thankfully shoot past the planet.

It is expected to pass at a distance of 0.013 astronomical units, according to Nasa's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS).

While this may appear close, the distance translates to around 1.2million miles.

That's five times further away from us than the moon.

The space debris is classed as a potentially hazardous asteroid (PHA) as it is around 3,280 feet in diameter.

Although branding it potentially hazardous makes it appear dangerous, it does not mean that it will ever necessarily hit Earth.


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5776ff  No.15296819

File: 3de45fdd0e2356e⋯.jpg (49.15 KB, 476x534, 238:267, 3de45fdd0e2356e7b2355eabdf….jpg)

File: 151e74ea73a6754⋯.jpg (201.4 KB, 572x728, 11:14, 151e74ea73a675439544d9b3bb….jpg)

File: 4fbd692ec7314fc⋯.png (204.43 KB, 450x345, 30:23, ee3edc06424964d9d57fd9d6e9….png)



>a farm for "higher" (((negative beings))) to feed on.

These Parasites are called JEWS!!!

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5776ff  No.15296820

File: 3de45fdd0e2356e⋯.jpg (49.15 KB, 476x534, 238:267, 3de45fdd0e2356e7b2355eabdf….jpg)

File: 151e74ea73a6754⋯.jpg (201.4 KB, 572x728, 11:14, 151e74ea73a675439544d9b3bb….jpg)

File: 4fbd692ec7314fc⋯.png (204.43 KB, 450x345, 30:23, ee3edc06424964d9d57fd9d6e9….png)



>a farm for "higher" (((negative beings))) to feed on.

They are called JEWS!!!

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a43da3  No.15296821

File: 8a6db19a7672bbc⋯.jpg (306.27 KB, 1037x1518, 1037:1518, 20220102_143506.jpg)




Boo, huh?

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0f5c92  No.15296822

File: 170937a55fb9464⋯.mp4 (3.92 MB, 914x514, 457:257, Biden_wake_up_.mp4)

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49c259  No.15296823


“The plan should include a clinic-wide review of existing tools and policies, such as value statements or clinical practice guidelines, to ensure that they include and are aligned with a commitment to anti-racism andan understanding of race as a political and social construct, not a physiological one.”

can the highest ranking anon please explain this me no comprende

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b92266  No.15296824


>while on the way they got into an argument

The suspense is killing me

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b3e0ca  No.15296825

File: a76593faf0fef12⋯.png (486.34 KB, 459x875, 459:875, 5D6DD884_BC92_4C8E_8443_30….png)

File: a3501478ff81816⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1218x2048, 609:1024, BF954860_1BE0_4E7F_B0DE_67….png)

>>15293334 (Pb)


Signaling the start of dark winter?

Looks to me like a snowflake but I’m sure there’s a deeper more cultish meaning behind it.

Significance of 02-22-2022?

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5219b7  No.15296826

File: 9e7eeca5dc8674f⋯.jpg (279.28 KB, 720x997, 720:997, 20220102_142911.jpg)

File: 948724a48614e83⋯.jpg (230.91 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 20220102_143005.jpg)

File: 83f07847366def4⋯.jpg (26.62 KB, 720x222, 120:37, 20220102_143046.jpg)



Tmobile to tmobile

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803b6e  No.15296827


only one nigger I know who has done that in the past… babyfister. Odds?

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250fb8  No.15296828

File: 84a78d0bc28cd54⋯.png (15.85 KB, 196x38, 98:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62356eda53be5b5⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1202x606, 601:303, ClipboardImage.png)

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9bb9eb  No.15296829


The news articles are written by Zack, the real Q

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15bf00  No.15296830

Thinking about an alternative reason for so many years of nuclear 'testing'.

It could be called directed evolution, for lack of better words.

The analogy for this is poking a balloon with your finger.

What it does to the air inside.

Removing the finger.

How the air inside responds.

In this analogy the Earth is the balloon.

The nuclear detonations are the finger(s).

Preturbing the Earth core to initiate a larger response in return.

Nature always seems to resolve potential differences by orders of magnitude in response.

total years of U.S. testing: 47-ish years 1945 - 1992

This by itself is nothing remarkable other than the high number of tests.

Which anon believes that human beings are much smarter than that number implies.

Though, if one considers the technological innovation that took near and after the end of testing…

… it seems that after the finger (detonations) was removed from the balloon (earth), the air responded through a technological path.

This tech advancement effect started with a steep fast paced climb, followed by a tapering off.

Anon believes that knowledge of the negative effects of this method of advancement halted the 'testing'.

Simply because nuclear contamination effects would be greater than any gain in tech advancement.

Enter the improved method of poking the finger into the balloon.

Particle colliders.

The colliders would function in a similar manner to nuclear detonation but at a smaller scale with more precision and control.

Over the years that the colliders have been in operation, there have been changes in society.

Though anon does not have the capability to describe them.

But it seems lessons were learned that indicated that a larger collider was needed.

So mote it was.

That's about it.

Just two nickels that anon has been rubbing together for a while.

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1e4983  No.15296831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sunday Talks, Fauci Says CDC Quarantine Guidance Will Change Tomorrow After Feedback from Media, Not Science



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e38096  No.15296832


>He literally opens the show with a stack of news articles in front of him

Oh Great because printing MSM is really helpful

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2b75fe  No.15296833

File: 95730fede612265⋯.png (84.56 KB, 1221x551, 1221:551, Screenshot_from_2022_01_02….png)



4 of tourmaline founders came from Greenwich Prime and Williams trading

Daniel M. “Ike” Groff


Ike is a founding partner and co-head of global equity trading at Tourmaline Partners. With more than 20 years of trading experience, he focuses on the development and supervision of all equity trading activity at the firm, and as the primary point of contact for clients trading domestic equities.

Prior to the formation of Tourmaline, Ike held similar roles atGreenwich Prime Trading Group. In his earlier years, he was a Principal and Senior Equity Trader atWilliams Trading, and a Senior International Equity Trader at Merrill Lynch, where he began his career.

Ike earned his M.B.A. from the Stern School of Business at New York University, and his B.S. in Finance from Western Michigan University.

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a43da3  No.15296834

File: 51a4502767b9f0e⋯.jpg (295.96 KB, 999x1518, 333:506, 20220102_143632.jpg)

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735f96  No.15296835

File: e647c107aa96f6e⋯.png (197.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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5e02d8  No.15296836

File: 3b35dc626dc8a86⋯.png (360.92 KB, 766x1258, 383:629, Screen_Shot_2022_01_02_at_….png)


Big Issue | Financial Standard | Maddo | Pulse | Style | Society

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.

The allegations that horrified fellow Republicans and caused his once-promising candidacy to implode in four short days have given Obama a clear lead as Republicans struggled to fetch an alternative.

Ryan’s campaign began to crumble on Monday following the release of embarrassing records from his divorce. In the records, his ex-wife, Boston Public actress Jeri Ryan, said her former husband took her to kinky sex clubs in Paris, New York and New Orleans.

nh-obama.jpg (12114 bytes)

Barrack Obama

"It’s clear to me that a vigorous debate on the issues most likely could not take place if I remain in the race," Ryan, 44, said in a statement. "What would take place, rather, is a brutal, scorched-earth campaign – the kind of campaign that has turned off so many voters, the kind of politics I refuse to play."

Although Ryan disputed the allegations, saying he and his wife went to one ‘avant-garde’ club in Paris and left because they felt uncomfortable, lashed out at the media and said it was "truly outrageous" that the Chicago Tribune got a judge to unseal the records.

The Republican choice will become an instant underdog in the campaign for the seat of retiring Republican Senator Peter Fitzgerald, since Obama held a wide lead even before the scandal broke.

"I feel for him actually," Obama told a Chicago TV station. "What he’s gone through over the last three days I think is something you wouldn’t wish on anybody."

The Republican state committee must now choose a replacement for Ryan, who had won in the primaries against seven contenders. Its task is complicated by the fact that Obama holds a comfortable lead in the polls and is widely regarded as a rising Democratic star.

The chairwoman of the Illinois Republican Party, Judy Topinka, said at a news conference, after Ryan withdrew, that Republicans would probably take several weeks to settle on a new candidate.

"Obviously, this is a bad week for our party and our state," she said.

As recently as Thursday, spokesmen for the Ryan campaign still insisted that Ryan would remain in the race. Ryan had defended himself saying, "There’s no breaking of any laws. There’s no breaking of any marriage laws. There’s no breaking of the Ten Commandments anywhere."



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a43da3  No.15296837


Thanks, anon. Will hang on to this

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84f80f  No.15296838

File: 96f1f32d9094fc4⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1907x1410, 1907:1410, Hmmmmm.jpg)

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5b2dfe  No.15296839

File: 67fc43a34a4b133⋯.png (490.85 KB, 416x1029, 416:1029, 9B5BE54F_F90B_43B8_9E46_11….png)


Zack is Q?

That’s lame asf bruh

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5776ff  No.15296840


>the jews want people killing themselves

They never get their fingers dirty, the dirty work always has to be done by others!

They are a bunch of wimps and cowards!

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803b6e  No.15296841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



not as far fetched and schizo as it seems. Video is one of my top 5 red-pills, enjoy.

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0f31d6  No.15296842

File: e42b7005635de7b⋯.png (52.31 KB, 1336x250, 668:125, dis_app.png)


Hogan, administration found using disappearing messaging app to communicate with staff

By Brad Dress - 01/01/22 11:04 AM EST

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345a8a  No.15296843


And the other four?

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12ddda  No.15296844

File: ffb4f7db34a2389⋯.png (557.99 KB, 733x550, 733:550, Nuclear_Clown_Games.png)

File: eed4bba759f5403⋯.png (691.35 KB, 652x680, 163:170, Understand_Tesla.png)

File: 678f67321818d7f⋯.png (282.16 KB, 788x580, 197:145, Dont_Play.png)

File: 07cdc3fb3410098⋯.png (536 KB, 800x442, 400:221, The_Game.png)


maybe WW3?

Russia invades Ukraine and China invades Taiwan… at the same time

Plandemic didn't work to reduce world population…

so plan B is global thermonuclear war

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c1c4e2  No.15296845


I give 2 to 1 for.

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ad7c8b  No.15296846

File: 9cf959e36cdd067⋯.png (169.22 KB, 545x561, 545:561, Screen_Shot_2022_01_02_at_….png)


>The "potentially hazardous" asteroid is due to make one of its closest-known passes to our planet on January 18 and won't come this close again for decades.

>Named 7482 (1994 PC1), the giant rock is around two and a half times the height of the Empire State Building but will thankfully shoot past the planet.

FIVE fucking lunar distances away??? that's not even close to close. that 1.2 million miles. this is NON-NEWS, ffs.

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277bf6  No.15296847


Degenerate trash.

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a43da3  No.15296848


I dont have a T-Mo person to test it, but it went fine from T-mo to AT&T

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c99ab1  No.15296849

File: 29a53e29901be8a⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1049x768, 1049:768, Screenshot_2022_01_02_at_1….png)

EYES ON, make sure we don't lose this little baby!

One-year-old Jalayne Sutherland caught royal attention after donning an adorable double-breasted overcoat with a matching hat, a white wig and pearls around her neck.

She was photographed by her mum, Katelyn Sutherland, standing alongside her family corgis. Katelyn, from Ohio, America, sent the photograph to The Queen on a whim – and said she did not expect to receive a reply.

She said: The biggest inspiration for the outfit was the fact that our dogs are our daughter’s best friends.

“We wanted to do something where they could all be included together. We are most definitely fans of the Royal family and truly admire how the Queen walks by faith.”

Katelyn said her daughter’s costume was met with lots of praise as she took her trick-or-treating on Halloween this year.

She added: “While walking around on Halloween we received many, many compliments but my favorite reactions were when people bowed to her

or did the royal wave and said, ‘Your Majesty!’”


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74ffc7  No.15296850


The country code 222 (222 area code) belongs to:



Hanevy Ould Dahah is an interesting case: educated in Mauritania's Qur'anic schools, he chose a path of rebellion and staunch liberalism, opposing the military coup and daring to return to Mauritania after a stint in the U.S., knowing full well how much the Mauritanian government despised him. He was arrested only a week after returning to Mauritania earlier this year.

U.S.-based Mauritanian civil rights activist Nasser Weddady expressed grave concern for Hanevy's case on his blog, stating:

"Hanevy's case is not just another blogger/journalist thrown away for political reasons. His is one that will have profound implications for the country: if [current Mauritanian ruler General Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz] doesn't feel any push back for his treatment of a journalist, he is certainly going to assume that he is free to repress any dissenting voice without fear of any consequences. Let's say that this is THE test case for the future of civil rights in the tiny, often forgotten, nation of Mauritania."

So why should Americans care about Mauritania?

Mauritania is the only Arab country after September 11th that managed to hold a free and fair election (save for Lebanon, depending on your definition of "free and fair"), electing a president without a military invasion in 2007, only to be toppled by a coup a year later. U.S. policy in Mauritania, as with the rest of the Arab world, focuses on terrorism, ignoring the fact that Mauritania has become a dictatorship.

In fact, on December 23, just one day before Hanevy's sentence was to be completed, Obama added Mauritania to a list of sub-Saharan African countries eligible for preferential U.S. tariff treatment under the African Growth and Opportunity Act. The U.S. remains silent about Hanevy's case, neither discussing it through the U.S. Embassy in Nouakchott nor the State Department in Washington, D.C.

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e89a5f  No.15296851


You know Joe couldn't walk on the sand without falling. Mask hiding body double.

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5e8e6c  No.15296852

File: a650cb9c8fa91d8⋯.png (31.92 KB, 526x806, 263:403, V4EfHcThKrkLP4KZXEWv_02_8a….png)

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6cb0f8  No.15296853


bout fucking time. BURN IT ALL.

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c8145a  No.15296854

File: e8b38ec50f02a0e⋯.png (1.85 KB, 492x77, 492:77, ClipboardImage.png)


Ironic eh?

January 8, 2021

Happy Birthday Elvis

So long social media accounts.

New platform incoming

Military grade hardware

The FLOOD will be epic

The TRUTH will be set free

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a43da3  No.15296855



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6b9b57  No.15296856

File: 0ee6ec3db78462b⋯.jpg (85.88 KB, 798x996, 133:166, 20220102_134031.jpg)

вцкакîs gunnah вцкакî

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ad7c8b  No.15296857

File: b49f33dc40d02f8⋯.jpg (52.78 KB, 720x405, 16:9, George_Bernard_Shaw.jpg)


>you have an unhealthy penis fixation.

'zat a fixation on unhealthy penises?

or an unhealthy fixation on penises?

aksing for a fren…

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79ace0  No.15296858

File: c387fcac0fccead⋯.jpeg (139.08 KB, 1182x783, 394:261, 4DE6788D_0BC2_42C8_B922_9….jpeg)

???? WWG1WGA News Service Report latest update. Baker don’t sweat the small stuff and everything is small stuff

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6b9b57  No.15296859



needs the "rrruuuusssssiiiiiiiiaaaaaa" soundtrack overlayed.

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5b2dfe  No.15296860


Send it to yourself moran

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5e8e6c  No.15296861

File: 65316005494a7f2⋯.jpeg (33.87 KB, 505x540, 101:108, mqWitc9hpE4MgmpAwth8_02_c….jpeg)

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0f31d6  No.15296862

File: fdf10e8792f443b⋯.png (90.3 KB, 680x390, 68:39, drones.png)


Plan for DRONES to protect women at night: Experts propose flying gadget with spotlight and thermal camera will arrive to scare off attacker within four minutes after being summoned on app

Drone Defence is preparing a technical report to officially submit to Government

Aeroguard drones would be fitted with AI tech, a spotlight and thermal cameras

People could summon drone in minutes via an app if they fear predator is nearby

The company believes its drones could be more efficient than police helicopters

By Katie Feehan For Mailonline

Published: 09:02 EST, 2 January 2022 | Updated: 13:38 EST, 2 January 2022

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74ffc7  No.15296863

File: 7ef4f26398d15eb⋯.png (863.35 KB, 3360x2100, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2022_01_02_at_….png)


get To KNow


222 is an experiential and non-traditional marketing agency built for the sole purpose of creating unforgettable experiences and interactions.

More loosely put, we are the sum total of a mildly-subversive collective of creatives, strategists, producers, builders, creators and doers whose need for new experiences has been the driving force behind joining a team that runs wild with their ideas.

The passion we have in a variety of fields has led us to involve ourselves in the creative aspects of these industries, allowing us to push the same lifestyles that helped raise us.



Street level media placements - indoors and out. Placed in high traffic, target-specific locations to ensure your brands message is gaining as many impressions as possible.

Our recycleable wildpostings are PVC, lead, and phthalate-free. Our sidewalk stencils are applied using an environmentally safe spray. Drop us a line for more information.

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49c259  No.15296864


I have sent links to my daughter before and she was like I didn't get it

they have been censoring shit for awhile

I imagine anything that is not a close contact just gets deleted. Prolly pretty much have to roger every single message now a days

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1e4983  No.15296865


If it’s truly a red pill, then embed it on the dedicated video thread if/when you have time: >>>/qresearch/15129388

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88de43  No.15296866


They look like a whore with her pimp, nut which is which?

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6f39cd  No.15296867

File: ee78701bb7dca9f⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1282x738, 641:369, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15296420 LB

Side-by-side pic

Same dog??

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250fb8  No.15296868

File: 2ccdbd13452e2e3⋯.png (130.28 KB, 383x580, 383:580, ClipboardImage.png)





Symbolism will be their downfall.

The Great Deceiver(s).

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b92266  No.15296869


>You have never made

>mistakes in your youth?

Threw devil horns in younger days. Why? Because fuckin' Ozzy and Judas Priest, 'n shit. Religion and God was just a social crutch to keep the masses in line, etc,…

Anon has changed much over the last several years.

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994085  No.15296870


he doesn't look in 'good health'

could explain the 'festive' glasses needed while needing to show proof of life

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c9706d  No.15296871


Feels like a rallying point for now, where we organize then jump to other places.

Anything but Twitter. Something is getting ready to happen. The rift has been widened.

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74ffc7  No.15296872


the faggot on the right is not wearing socks

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26189e  No.15296873

File: 76e7c288194479c⋯.png (10.33 KB, 250x255, 50:51, 2ae251eccbb5f3dbc4cc47e0c3….png)

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38a1bd  No.15296874


>Video is one of my top 5 red-pills, enjoy.

Thanks, I will have a closer look at times.

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929bcb  No.15296875


Sounds like more rape porn to me.

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84f80f  No.15296876

File: e22dc5e761af8ab⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1327x1739, 1327:1739, Memorex.jpg)

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1e4983  No.15296877


Rogan to Gettr = mass normie migration to Gettr

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994085  No.15296878

File: fe21cc1ca011fc4⋯.jpg (36.38 KB, 790x370, 79:37, 0bone.JPG)


ring under one eye

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5e8e6c  No.15296879

File: ce44abe9d68c951⋯.png (56.85 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ayRxewcHJnBvD4rZWKKC_02_fa….png)

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a43da3  No.15296880

File: 0f67a18c0a55c32⋯.jpg (91.88 KB, 1080x1273, 1080:1273, 20220102_144646.jpg)


still no issue

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9da520  No.15296881


I think you are on to something there, anon.

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994085  No.15296882

life was really fucking bad when 0bama was president

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341f5e  No.15296883



So many with so much to lose, she's got leeches on every side. Even the current lawyer is sus imo. Ktrashian fren Lou Taylor is setting up/has set up a cult of her own in the Ye-Biebs-Olsten flavor with a hint of NXIVM. She quit as the very long time manager all abrupt like & Jaime STILL wants his legal fees paid by Britney, I imagine Dan Schneider's victim the other Jaime wants to keep that condo really bad, called it her place at one time not so long ago. Whitney, MJ- those record sales went to the freaking moon after….

I fear for this poor manipulated girl, even the boyfriend, another grifter just like the last grifter. Who knew KFed would turn out to be the good guy in this whole mess?

This is my take after catching articles, I wasn't a Britney fan. I remember the pictures of her scalping herself bald during a custody battle, either KFed or Jaime was threatening to take her kids I think & I assumed she was doing it to beat a threatened drug test.

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277bf6  No.15296884


Agree that's not Creepy Joe.

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06e0ad  No.15296885



There's ab element of carriers and area code to it that others have noticed

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2c9de6  No.15296886

File: 453b9f18f4c7935⋯.jpeg (120.55 KB, 1024x841, 1024:841, 1586456540.jpeg)

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2f2903  No.15296887

File: 3e2599bde4cc1ae⋯.png (11.5 KB, 360x264, 15:11, pmd_logo.png)

File: 3402afa6cbe0ad9⋯.jpg (11.65 KB, 560x102, 280:51, 8474e902c3624de397280ffba6….jpg)

File: f08ada8cedaced1⋯.png (329.67 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20220102_154643.png)

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901650  No.15296888

File: 7d945bea7d7c9c9⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB, 736x416, 23:13, stew.mp4)

File: 51b8c1e75482be7⋯.png (577.97 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, IMG_6034.PNG)

File: 87a2a7c1e1fce33⋯.jpg (37.65 KB, 640x648, 80:81, steve_hayes_omit.jpg)

File: 15e51d35c6195fe⋯.png (516.87 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6022.PNG)

File: 5128f69e0ae0f50⋯.jpg (188.22 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, IMG_E6035.JPG)


Mike's jacket got the hail hydra.

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803b6e  No.15296889

File: 076b0b6b6f4fd15⋯.png (587.24 KB, 960x540, 16:9, always_has_been.png)

File: 034cde4c722adc2⋯.jpg (290.58 KB, 1080x982, 540:491, secondIsrael.jpg)

File: 954d77f0e03dd7b⋯.jpg (172.83 KB, 808x500, 202:125, jewplaybook.jpg)

File: ef79cd0c4242821⋯.png (324.29 KB, 553x604, 553:604, holohoax.png)

File: 6fcfcb3313a99ac⋯.png (441 KB, 632x928, 79:116, ukrainejewishpresident.png)


To be sincere, it is all one big red pill for me now. The parasite-pill connected it all for me. But anything to do with demons (exorcist videos), jew corruption, HFCS / PUFA Soy GMO Glyphosate stuff, Fluoride and so on. I can post videos, but the one I posted earlier is one that shocked and scandalized me pretty good. Lot's of good information, and tons of shit where you read between the lines with what you already know.

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b3e0ca  No.15296890


Plandemic is yet to be fully revealed IMO. The vaxxed have 1) yet to die off in mass or 2) yet to receive their orders via injected nano tech.

Why would (((they))) kill off the obedient class without utilizing them in a push for civil war/counter the anti-mandate crowd.

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250fb8  No.15296891

File: 4c4d77c472f9a02⋯.png (341.58 KB, 534x253, 534:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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06e0ad  No.15296892


Did a tmobile to att with another fren and nope, but an MSN news link went through no prob

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0687fe  No.15296893

File: bd3442119c2e12a⋯.png (4.31 MB, 2325x2316, 775:772, E09CAC6F_D7A4_40C0_B04F_AE….png)

File: e0144dab3ea0a8e⋯.png (3.6 MB, 2191x1929, 2191:1929, 4AB107CD_9C82_4A15_ABFB_E4….png)

File: e53d4cd9687ae58⋯.png (2.53 MB, 2140x2137, 2140:2137, AF259ADE_4FB5_43FB_A402_3B….png)

File: 984893d3d4ff976⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1922x1998, 961:999, 0E6EF1BD_304C_4A54_AD6C_6D….png)

You’re watching a movie.

Enjoy the SHOW

1/7/2022 1/7 17

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277bf6  No.15296894


Neither one looked like the Soeteros at first glance. Still don't. At Gitmo?

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9da520  No.15296895



So let me get this straight…y'all think Jill is just strolling the beach with Commander and a body double of Joseph?

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901650  No.15296896


It says "loading". What, they got the mark of the beast bar code for 5g on their foreheads?

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929bcb  No.15296897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Christina Hendricks Always Wanted To Be A Redhead

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994085  No.15296898


greenscreen at gitmo?

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5b2dfe  No.15296899

File: dd6b952a1465de1⋯.jpeg (389.95 KB, 750x1063, 750:1063, 09A1FB1F_FC36_47E1_A4C6_1….jpeg)

The vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability here in USA so this is their justification for rolling out socialized medicine in America.

There will probably be so many fucked up people from vaccines and will be the fault of the government so they’ll say they have to have Medicare for all.

America goes bankrupt and then joos and chinks buy up everything for pennies on the dollar and flood the country with cheap labor so we are all reduced to being another third world shithole that was plundered by kikes and the chinks


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0687fe  No.15296900

File: bd3442119c2e12a⋯.png (4.31 MB, 2325x2316, 775:772, E09CAC6F_D7A4_40C0_B04F_AE….png)

File: e0144dab3ea0a8e⋯.png (3.6 MB, 2191x1929, 2191:1929, 4AB107CD_9C82_4A15_ABFB_E4….png)

File: e53d4cd9687ae58⋯.png (2.53 MB, 2140x2137, 2140:2137, AF259ADE_4FB5_43FB_A402_3B….png)

File: 984893d3d4ff976⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1922x1998, 961:999, 0E6EF1BD_304C_4A54_AD6C_6D….png)



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277bf6  No.15296901


Yes, and we are getting another whiff of a similar stench with Creepy Joe and Kamel.

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674364  No.15296902

File: 9ed57205e7afda6⋯.jpeg (77 KB, 1200x1542, 200:257, playboy.jpeg)

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5b2dfe  No.15296903

File: 7944ac0f5fe1621⋯.jpeg (742.66 KB, 1303x750, 1303:750, 087F93B0_C580_4DCA_B021_4….jpeg)

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0f31d6  No.15296904

File: 42ddfba99559f4c⋯.png (81.81 KB, 433x260, 433:260, they_live.png)



they live we sleep

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f17b37  No.15296905

File: 0f4cca2dfc66857⋯.png (177.33 KB, 294x417, 98:139, ClipboardImage.png)

Q Research General #19348: This anon is not a baker, EBAKE

>>15296505 Lionel Messi tests POSITIVE for Covid after Paris Saint-Germain star was seen partying with wife at a concert in Argentina over the winter break - daily mail

>>15295983, >>15296056, >>15296397, >>15296413, >>15296436, jefferyepstein.files screen caps

>>15296560 Based ozzies burning that shit down - odysee and mp4 video

>>15296564 Ex-Israeli minister calls for assassinating Hamas leaders over rocket fire - middleeastmonitor.com

>>15296569 missing woman leeann midkiff - actionnewsnow.com

>>15296570, >>15296573, devolution part 1 - substack.com

>>15296577 Chemical Agents in Water and Food Supply Feminize Human Population - winterwatch.com

>>15296696 D.C. Jail Cuts J6 Prisoners’ Communications After Newsmax Interview - therepublicbrief.com

>>15296747 What does the Russian ultimatum to the West mean? en.desk-russie.eu

>>15296776 Man dies after being pushed into oncoming train in unprovoked attack -msn

>>15296800 #19347 part 1

>>15296808 #19347 part 2

>>15296831 Sunday Talks, Fauci Says CDC Quarantine Guidance Will Change Tomorrow After Feedback from Media, Not Science - youtube and sundance

>>15296862 Plan for DRONES to protect women at night - dailymail

notables up to 415, call notables if missed, with title and why

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63834d  No.15296906

File: d77cf7a0fb5155a⋯.png (245.88 KB, 569x480, 569:480, texas_election_audit.png)

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364982  No.15296907

File: 218eda856a3da0e⋯.png (65.93 KB, 222x147, 74:49, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f103ec47f3ab95⋯.png (1.4 MB, 959x686, 137:98, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28c0731b8b5aa61⋯.jpg (86.29 KB, 798x1071, 38:51, Hussein004.jpg)

File: f20742cd5ab9092⋯.jpg (30.57 KB, 750x406, 375:203, Uninstall.jpg)

File: 6c11ce7003a7903⋯.png (4.59 MB, 1218x2048, 609:1024, ClipboardImage.png)


why is her ring finger inside the fold but the middle isnt…

M ring

fingers look like an M..

"firework" 0 almost looks like a bullet hitting?

loading… ?

reminds me of old meme, pic rel

triangles, circles, mirrors, stars, crosses, flowers, watch (9?), palm leaves (Hussein's shirt) ?

larger version also attached


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88de43  No.15296908

File: 254b03debe3f549⋯.mp4 (4.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, xP1A4TAjefXR6DJr.mp4)



For the new followers, this one is an old one, but still among my favorite works. And yes, the gaffes will continue. https://t.co/4FQkgwt2YY


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07f249  No.15296909

There is something evil going on. They attempt to coerce U.S. citizens to get the vaxx 24/7/365 but they do not push the vaxx on illegal immigrants, why? What it seems here is that the DS feels insulated from the Nuremberg code as it applies to U.S. citizens but they run like hell from the idea of pushing the vaxx on foreign nationals.

Am I on to something here?

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277bf6  No.15296910


It's not as bad rn only because Soetero followed the shitshow that was Bush Jr whereas Creepy and Kamel are following Trump's re-building/reforming efforts.

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901650  No.15296911

File: 96f86e2d2c070a5⋯.png (240.27 KB, 700x654, 350:327, ClipboardImage.png)


( Snowmen 888 )

Fuuuuck. Old images or video clips keep getting stuck and I forget to clear them from the top. Stew wasn't supposed to be on 'ere.

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935f70  No.15296912

File: e9901bd5f2d8859⋯.jpg (688.31 KB, 2035x3000, 407:600, WATCHING.jpg)


Thats the DUMBEST fucking thing ever.. You probably went to Dallas to see JFK jr return..

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674364  No.15296913

File: 2960d229b1ed38b⋯.png (764.51 KB, 902x900, 451:450, coviddead.png)


because [they] don't need them anymore [they can cheat the vote without them] and now the sheep are worth more dead than alive

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b92266  No.15296914


>any type of piercing is ueh

Same with tats. Seen some nice artwork, sometimes covering a double mastectomy, but much prefer the natural canvas,

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e971ce  No.15296915

Retired moron says fuq the US Constitution and salute the Commander in Theft

Retired Gen. on CNN Says Military Has ‘Threat Within’ for 2024, Warns ‘Stop Listening to the Pillow Guy and Start Learning’


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935f70  No.15296917


2 above 1 below

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674364  No.15296918


or prisoners, congress, homeless or postal workers

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0f31d6  No.15296919

File: e788f85c6966ab9⋯.png (173.33 KB, 425x506, 425:506, no_body.png)


The Election Wizard, [02.01.22 15:20]

[ Video ]

RKF: "Nobody has ever complied their way out of totalitarianism . . ."

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250fb8  No.15296920

File: 46903c7f7a78b7c⋯.jpeg (556.52 KB, 1600x1058, 800:529, 46903c7f7a78b7c9e5feb6e1d….jpeg)


>Meme magiq

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277bf6  No.15296921


Yes, Creepy Joe can barely walk across a room these days. Shuffles.

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6b9b57  No.15296922

File: df23f574efcc9aa⋯.png (319.59 KB, 1110x607, 1110:607, 20220102_135300.png)



it`s not just for the sex`s anymoar

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5b2dfe  No.15296923


> There is something evil going on. They attempt to coerce U.S. citizens to get the vaxx 24/7/365 but they do not push the vaxx on illegal immigrants, why?

It’s called replacement migration.

They are replacing Americans with low iq foreign populations that don’t understand freedom so they can rule over them and freely loot America’s wealth.

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674364  No.15296924


looks good anon

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9e60a6  No.15296925


Why does Mike have 5 o'clock shadow

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364982  No.15296926

File: eb64c168f47b5a5⋯.png (175.18 KB, 266x254, 133:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecefb7fe48a9428⋯.png (458.94 KB, 900x600, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


kinda looks like a one-eyed rabbit?

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9da520  No.15296927


His ass is just playing when he shuffles.

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c55dc5  No.15296928

File: 4c2dcf98b4800e2⋯.png (228.44 KB, 400x394, 200:197, 2d5d1f03e2b1d8df8c4287c629….png)

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3caf4c  No.15296929

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5b2dfe  No.15296930


The democrats want to turn America into a sick satanic pedo utopia. The white Christian male will never allow them to do this that is why they hate us so much.

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994085  No.15296931

File: 53147f6b1aed28e⋯.jpg (595.66 KB, 3200x1680, 40:21, 0bos.jpg)


i do not know how [they] 'should' look, but 'michelle' does look like a caribbean, something I never thought of before.

but she does remind me of her in this photo

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e89a5f  No.15296932

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6a78be  No.15296933

File: 5625b3d018203b1⋯.png (717.99 KB, 1254x891, 38:27, 220102notables.png)

>>15296475 TYB


01/01/22 Notables


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c8145a  No.15296934

File: e6a11d7d0843797⋯.png (2.95 MB, 2000x3000, 2:3, nonamedeathkeksextdolphinJ….png)

File: bc05bcb1fe519f1⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, wedontsayhisname.png)


Dog Day was No Name

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93bb44  No.15296935

File: 1de3ea82b55fbcf⋯.jpg (95.5 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5zmlf7.jpg)

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12ddda  No.15296936

File: 63212d2b559c199⋯.png (837.97 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, THEY_DID_IT.png)


The cancer of totalitarianism has infested the West and gone way too far

War is inevitable and unavoidable now

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803b6e  No.15296937

File: 8517caa1f0de94c⋯.png (224.55 KB, 403x619, 403:619, Screenshot_2022_01_01_8_56….png)


done, also thanks for making and maintaining that thread

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929bcb  No.15296938


They live. They thrive. We suffer.

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1e4983  No.15296939


It’s inperpetual limbo.

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277bf6  No.15296940


Confirmed from deep blue Cal. People complain about naggers, but the real problems are 1. demoncrats 2. immigrants 3. police.

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5b2dfe  No.15296941

File: a4afe7899f61f1c⋯.jpeg (250.02 KB, 750x957, 250:319, 44840E2A_1B55_417A_86FF_2….jpeg)

File: b73a0d684619ed9⋯.jpeg (127.82 KB, 750x867, 250:289, E731E8E4_3DF7_4F9B_9635_8….jpeg)


Mark chooses who he thinks is best for America now

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803b6e  No.15296942


not enough money in the movie budget?

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994085  No.15296943


the 0bamas are satanic

Q even said no more satanic POS in office

that bidan is installed is something else as he is more of a dog

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3caf4c  No.15296944

File: 2b723244e000e54⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1623x973, 1623:973, 911_facts.png)

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328102  No.15296945


It would create a barrier of entry. A wall.

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277bf6  No.15296946


Agree. The demoncrats are degenerates who want the entire country to be a degenerate shithole. Just look at Seattle, Portland, SF, LA. All were nice cities 20+ years ago, shit now.

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1e4983  No.15296947


It’s my pleasure. That thread is full of red pills and may prove to be a very valuable resource if/when normies come a running and asking for information.

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0f31d6  No.15296948

File: ed74d7b92be7c42⋯.png (106.65 KB, 421x431, 421:431, delta.png)


Tracy Beanz, [02.01.22 14:10]

[Forwarded from Dr. Peter McCullough]

[ Photo ]

Data are in JAMA. JNJ worthless against Delta

Join 👉 @PeterMcCullough

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88de43  No.15296949

File: 7da848071a5a8dc⋯.jpeg (197.85 KB, 1241x1061, 1241:1061, 2504CDDF_F58C_43E6_8A5C_E….jpeg)

Kekkity, “the media knows this”


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07f249  No.15296950



I am looking for something here that suggests they do not play with foreign nationals as they would not be isolated from being brought before the ICC under Nuremberg. Somehow I get the impression that they found a loophole as applies to U.S. Citizens.

Of the excluded groups, I can see how prisoners and homeless could be considered disadvantaged and somehow protected under some other provision of law. I might be going down the wrong rabbit hole with this but it strikes me as odd.

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994085  No.15296951


I dislike anything you are expected to like, because you are by nature no required to like anything.

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341f5e  No.15296952

File: fd716342cb98382⋯.png (517.48 KB, 882x1784, 441:892, 9_5_2018_Qpost.png)

File: 044ef0528dc433e⋯.jpg (108.81 KB, 1031x955, 1031:955, Corsi_PrayingMedic_Minimiz….jpg)

File: 66b889b91cf0dc2⋯.jpg (111.27 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, AustinCultSymbols.jpg)

File: c881ffd778fb1b6⋯.png (445.07 KB, 500x783, 500:783, 20July2021_BlackRifleCoffe….png)



Some are better than others. Poso and Cernobitch stepped all over their own dicks multiple times trying to be the Pied Piper. They were impatient and got too quick with the story line and their following failed to follow. Sucks to be those guys but they're sure fun to watch. So many shills, so many clowns, so many paytriots, so many idiots. #NeverForgetMicroChip

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e971ce  No.15296953


Keshel and Moseder: Texas Election Audit Phase1 Progress Report Is Released – Shows 700K Ineligible Voter Registrations (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft

Published January 1, 2022 at 2:43pm



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a43da3  No.15296954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1e4983  No.15296955


Too muchredtape.

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2c9de6  No.15296956

File: 569d97e0b04f651⋯.jpg (355.9 KB, 1080x716, 270:179, 20200901_183746.jpg)

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5b2dfe  No.15296957


How many democrats have been caught fucking little kids? Do you read the news? These people are sick and evil. They can’t wait to get their hands on the innocent. They are literally demons in the flesh.

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5e02d8  No.15296958

File: 4d75b06079fe499⋯.png (733.8 KB, 1132x904, 283:226, Screen_Shot_2022_01_02_at_….png)

File: f114408dbdc7fc6⋯.png (708.69 KB, 1150x1298, 575:649, 2049_2.png)

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a43da3  No.15296959


Yup. It's a revolving door for idiots. VERY entertaining

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6caf74  No.15296960

>>15296459 pb

>>15296464 pb

>>15296462 pb

don't agree.

MTG is a LOT noisier and more obnoxious from DS pov

Remember - she was allegedly a Q person, that always drives MSM *crazy*

ALSO, a FAVORITE of DJT - even before elected

He talked about how controversial she was at the NC rally - din say why, but anons know.

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1e4983  No.15296961

File: 5ece26795e2e869⋯.jpeg (121.6 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 506D33EE_FB6D_42D4_BB20_6….jpeg)


Flattery will get you nowhere.

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0f31d6  No.15296962

File: 4663a1319a20d52⋯.png (121.06 KB, 610x606, 305:303, libs.png)


Join me on GETTR! Will start being more active there Folded hands



GETTR is a brand new social media platform founded on the principles of free speech, independent thought and rejecting political censorship and “cancel culture.” With best in class technology, our…

3:51 PM · Jan 2, 2022·

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