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a6f4db  No.15283817[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)


Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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a6f4db  No.15283821


Q Research General #1932j9: ebake

>>15281626, >>15283399, >>15283643 Amazing how noone works together to put out the fires… Apocalyptic views of the #MarshallFire in Louisville, Colorado. Mind boggling what has happened today. #COwx

>>15281672, >>15283384, >>15283387, >>15283391, >>15283650, >>15283651, >>15283656, >>15283661, >>15283766 Omicron Surge: U.S. Tops One Million New COVID Cases in Just Two Days; Wave of Walmart Stores Close for Deep Cleaning + COVID Reports

>>15283187, >>15283204, >>15283233, >>15283196, Jihad shit

>>15283293 Milano is starting to see

>>15283298 We should all be nicer (For Real)

>>15283307 DECLASS ON: 12-31-2041

>>15283354, >>15283371, >>15283377, >>15283449, >>15283476, >>15283464, >>15283557 Dan 'Laserbeam' Scavino Tweets: "From Shadows On The Hudson"

>>15283384, >>15283387 Endowed Chair in Tropical Pediatrics, Texas Children's Hospital

>>15283400 Evidence Tapes Thrown Away… What's up?

>>15283401 Wha…

>>15283496 Ready to see Mass Arrests? You are. Admit it. You're waiting for it Honestly.

>>15283514, >>15283517, >>15283572 "Internet of Bodies" and Transhumanism?

>>15283561 Remember Jesus

>>15283566 Business Is So Good At The ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Store That They’re Expanding

>>15283587, >>15283597,Ronald Watkins:Will Maxwell be "found dead" in her cell in a few weeks so she can be flown secretly to Venezuela to live the rest of her life on a small island protected by guards? Valid conjecture

>>15283654 CIA Experimented On 100s Of Orphans, Torturing Them To Reveal Psychopathic Traits; Report

>>15283667 Wexner leaves company he founded, Polaris owner bankruptcy: Columbus' top business news in 2021

>>15283678 If you haven't yet seen this high quality adaptation of Patel Patriot's Devolution series, I recommend you give it a watch: (Rumble)

>>15283794 After Maxwell Verdict People Wonder, How Is Bill Clinton Not in Prison?

>>15283816 #19331

Q Research General #19330: The Greatest Awakening Yet WW Edition

>>15282410, >>15282445, >>15282461, >>15282563, >>15282609 Still think Bidan's President? Or Resident? Request for digging help from any Anon, but Planefags in particular:

>>15282463 Wow….Colorado has a fire and FEMA is ready to send buckets of cash…..like the whole thing was planned - A wildfire in my state burnt half a small town down and took FEMA a week to address the claim

>>15282498 Dominic Perrottet tells people to make getting a booster shot their 'New Years Resolution' as COVID cases surge to 21,151

>>15282499, >>15282674, >>15282708 Planefags Report: We have an E4B up and about out of Offutt AFB.

>>15282531, >>15282567, >>15282638 Dr. John Abramson on Rogan undermines his arguments against Big Pharma w/ a single statement supporting c19 jabs in kids and Moar COVID Bullshit Liberation

>>15282532 So Called Hitman caught En Route to Bidan's "Birdcage" (Need TGA Birdcage meems.)

>>15282574 Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s funeral scheduled for New Year’s Day

>>15282578, >>15282551, >>15282503, >>15282469, >>15282444, >>15282476, General flyn code of Dgfffcf - possible link to David Geffen bun

>>15282582 Anon submits an article on corruption

>>15282641 Kremlin ‘pleased’ with Putin-Biden talks, but warns against ‘colossal’ mistake

>>15282645 U.S. court tosses Saudi suit against former top Saudi intelligence officer

>>15282684 Biden Senior Adviser’s Brother Will Lobby for Foreign Company that Developed Coronavirus Vaccine

>>15282700 Elon Musk sparks debate with controversial Covid meme

>>15282756 Harvesting Fires Qlock - On Cue

>>15282860 Focus Anons

>>15282892 DJT Rally in AZ on JAN 15 - January 15 is an important delta

>>15282902 South Korea "effectively" reaches agreement with US to end Korean war

>>15282912 Dr. Zelenko. Covid vaccines are 100x more lethal, deadly to children than the covid virus

>>15283105 ANTIFA Web?

>>15283694 #19330

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a6f4db  No.15283825

Q Research General #19330: The Greatest Awakening Yet WW Edition

>>15282410, >>15282445, >>15282461, >>15282563, >>15282609 Still think Bidan's President? Or Resident? Request for digging help from any Anon, but Planefags in particular:

>>15282463 Wow….Colorado has a fire and FEMA is ready to send buckets of cash…..like the whole thing was planned - A wildfire in my state burnt half a small town down and took FEMA a week to address the claim

>>15282498 Dominic Perrottet tells people to make getting a booster shot their 'New Years Resolution' as COVID cases surge to 21,151

>>15282499, >>15282674, >>15282708 Planefags Report: We have an E4B up and about out of Offutt AFB.

>>15282531, >>15282567, >>15282638 Dr. John Abramson on Rogan undermines his arguments against Big Pharma w/ a single statement supporting c19 jabs in kids and Moar COVID Bullshit Liberation

>>15282532 So Called Hitman caught En Route to Bidan's "Birdcage" (Need TGA Birdcage meems.)

>>15282574 Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s funeral scheduled for New Year’s Day

>>15282578, >>15282551, >>15282503, >>15282469, >>15282444, >>15282476, General flyn code of Dgfffcf - possible link to David Geffen bun

>>15282582 Anon submits an article on corruption

>>15282641 Kremlin ‘pleased’ with Putin-Biden talks, but warns against ‘colossal’ mistake

>>15282645 U.S. court tosses Saudi suit against former top Saudi intelligence officer

>>15282684 Biden Senior Adviser’s Brother Will Lobby for Foreign Company that Developed Coronavirus Vaccine

>>15282700 Elon Musk sparks debate with controversial Covid meme

>>15282756 Harvesting Fires Qlock - On Cue

>>15282860 Focus Anons

>>15282892 DJT Rally in AZ on JAN 15 - January 15 is an important delta

>>15282902 South Korea "effectively" reaches agreement with US to end Korean war

>>15282912 Dr. Zelenko. Covid vaccines are 100x more lethal, deadly to children than the covid virus

>>15283105 ANTIFA Web?


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a6f4db  No.15283827

Q Research General #19329: Exceptionally Ridiculous Habbenins E-Bake Edition

>>15281603, >>15281636 Have they considered donating the dog to an Omnicron positive famiry? No straight to kill right? Muh Drumphs are muh violentz tho right?

>>15281622 FILTHY RICH How did Jeffrey Epstein make his money?

>>15281632, >>15281651 (>>15281111 #19327

>>15281652, >>15281676, >>15281690, >>15281697, >>15281696, >>15281705, >>15281713, >>15281768, >>15281846, >>15281893, >>15281951, >>15281980, >>15282004, >>15282051, >>15282078, >>15282108, >>15282178, >>15282250 Qlock,Ghislaine, Justice

>>15281654 Israel's government initiates "Final Solution" on its own population. Doubling down with 4th dose spike protein jab.

>>15281669, >>15281695, >>15281709 Fauci Saying The Truth.

>>15281670 JUST IN: Oklahoma National Guard says unvaccinated airmen can't participate in drills

>>15281673 Rael met Bill Maher in Italy - Filmed in Italy when Rael has met Bill Maher. Rael is the prophet of the raelian religion

>>15281681 AMB M@tlock telling the truth about Ukraine - Ukraine: Tragedy of a Nation Divided

>>15281698 Trump — I’m 100% against mandatory Vaccinations…

>>15281702 DOJ’s Two-Tiered Justice System at Work: Violent Trans Antifa Activist Has Federal Charges Dropped for Assaulting Portland Police and Trying to Blind Them

>>15281707 Federal Prosecutors Drop Case Against Epstein Jail Guards

>>15281721 Campaign of Fear project successful in revealing fear tactics employed in political spectrums across various means

>>15281722 AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich Redlines 2021 Election Procedures Manual Draft, Submitted AFTER AZ Audit Report

>>15281723 President Trump Headlines RSBN’s 2021 Year In Review Show

>>15281735, >>15281766, >>15281778, >>15281805, >>15281897 "Those They Trust The Most" Authorities say mother sex trafficked slain child

>>15281754 Bizarre World Economic Forum Video Orders Citizens to Stop Washing Their Clothes to Fight Climate Change

>>15281777, >>15281806, >>15281851, >>15281889, >>15281913, >>15281938 Il Donaldo TrumpoLove from the Big Apple for Blasio from Locals (lol), and Moar!

>>15281778 Former Mexico City political party director accused of recruiting women to work at headquarters then forcing them to have sex with him faces human trafficking and prostitution charges

>>15281805,CNN Has An Institutional Sex Problem and It’s Time for Answers.

>>15281814 Salon boss who 'saw Duke of York with sex accuser': Working just miles from Jeffrey Epstein's Palm Beach House of Sin, key figure in case against Prince Andrew is former college student who claims she met the royal at pervert tycoon's Manhattan mansion

>>15281847 Former Mickey Mouse Clubstar Tiffini Hale dies on Christmas Day aged 46: Actress suffered cardiac arrest earlier in the month and family request privacy

>>15281897 Students accuse senior teacher of misconduct at prestigious Melbourne school

>>15281922, >>15282028, >>15281938, >>15282087 See you then, anons.Save America Rally in Florence, AZ ~ Sat, January 15, 2022 @07:00 pm (MST) - Doors Open: 02:00 pm

>>15281983 Top 10 Richest People on Earth Got Wealthier by Over $400 Bln in 2021, Bloomberg Index Shows

>>15282002 Biden, Putin speak on phone amid increased tensions over Ukraine, NATO

>>15282019 COVID-19 Pt. 2: CDC’s New “PIC” and The Hidden Data

>>15282024 Leftist EXPLODES In Viral Thread Denouncing Joe Biden, They REGRET Supporting Him And Democrats LIED (Old heads remember the 70's and 80's after the useful idiots of the 60's dried up.

>>15282038 Shit, might as well boost em while they're ventilating and double up! England’s Boris Johnson confirms over 90% of people in ICU on ventilators are fully vaccinated but not boosted!

>>15282094 China Again Threatens the US with “Unbearable Cost” Over Taiwan

>>15282107, >>15282125, >>15282133 "Muh 5G Kunspiracy"


>>15282335 #19329

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a6f4db  No.15283828


>>15280792, >>15281132, >>15281141, >>15281236, >>15281293 Tippy Top decode reminder

>>15280813 Angela Kukawski, business manager to Kardashians and other stars, murdered - MSN already posted but reminder anons dig request

>>15280832, >>15280897, >>15280901, >>15280944, >>15280833, >>15280867, >>15280834, >>15281283 2 entire towns in Colorado are being frantically evacuated due to violent, fast-moving wildfires

>>15280885 Drops #1750, 4550, 4757 It is the only way

>>15280860 Man with warrant for Sexual Assault of Child arrested - chron.com

>>15280891, >>15280902 1/6 Anons they need help identifying the guy barking orders, no one's been able to identify him, let's help

>>15280894 U.S. Navy @USNavy Γειά σου, Greece

>>15280907 SE Cupp blasts Trump for January 6 news conference

>>15280920 REDEYE6 is E-8C J-STARS battlefield surveillance aircraft 01-2005 #AE1499, flying a nearly identical search pattern as it did on DEC 27th

>>15280945, >>15281076 Louisville, Colorado FIRE- Reminder The Satanic Temple Rocky Flats in Louisville, Colorado.

>>15280965, >>15280976, >>15281134 Prosecutors Quietly Dropped Case Against Epstein Jail Guards During Ghislaine Maxwell Trial

>>15280975 Anti-parasite treatments using MNQ. as usual, the drug that will get rid of parasites, will also cure some kinds of cancer

>>15280997 Cheers to those Who Didn’t Get Vaxxed yet

>>15281028 >>15281096 Memo to all covid corporate media and GOP politicians, who don't understand why you're being booed, by your own base

>>15281117 The same shit show FIRE happening in CO happened to Denton, MT 3 weeks ago.

>>15281146 Helicopter Crash in Texas

>>15281172 DE BLASIO OUT! New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says goodbye at his final news conference (Cap 0:14)

>>15281174 UK Anon trying to find how the Q drops might be connected by some meta code to ‘spider-web’ them together by certain topics, CALL TO LOOK

>>15281112 It s not left vs right or vaxx vs non vaxxed Its more like tv thinking vs free thinking

>>15281254 DOJ’s Two-Tiered Justice System at Work: Violent Trans Antifa Activist Has Federal Charges Dropped for Assaulting Portland Police and Trying to Blind Them

>>15281297 Stop Letting Them Test You: Breaking The COVID Construct

>>15281302 Biden Administration Begins Building Infrastructure for Permanent Pandemic, DoD Signs $137 Million Deal for Test Strip Facility to Complete in Late 2024

>>15281313 The Ethics Of Vernon Jones

#19328 >>15281402

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a6f4db  No.15283829

Q Research General #19327: Caged Bird Edition

>>15280042 Maxwell is ‘more evil than Epstein’: Virginia Giuffre says - dailymail.uk

>>15280110, >>15280210, A Conversation With Jake Sullivan - youtube and mp4 video

>>15280121 Let's Go Brandon nascar by driver brandon brown- twat

>>15280131 GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Names Replacement For Nunes In Top House Intel Spot, michael turner - breaking911

>>15280148 Nancy Pelosi Buys Millions In Call Options In Google, Micron, Roblox, Salesforce And Disney - zerohedge

>>15280168 Major Opioid Maker Found Liable For Epidemic By New York Jury - zerohedge

>>15280173 The Pentagon is building a new $4 million war court chamber at Guantanamo Bay that will not allow for public access, The New York Times reported Wednesday. dailycaller.com

>>15280183 FBI 'Secret Spy Plane Surveillance Program' Detailed In Court Records - theepochtimes

>>15280202 Eric Adams’ COVID plan includes spring call on student vaccine mandate - nyp

>>15280231 ASSOCIATION FOR MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY ET AL.v. MYRIAD GENETICS, INC., ET AL. - supremecourt.gov screen cap

>>15280235 Hillary Slams Biden “We Don’t Have a White House that We Can Count on to be Sane and Sober and Stable and Productive” - gwp

>>15280252 Reps. Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert Demand Jeffrey Epstein’s Network Be Made Public After Ghislaine Maxwell’s Convictions - djhjmedia.com

>>15280261 The Epidemic of Prosecutorial Abuse – Interview with Raj Rajaratnam - glenn greenwald interview youtube

>>15280308 Top German Pathologist Reveals Smoking Gun Proof From Autopsies How COVID Vaccines Cause Organ Failure And Death - christiansfortruth.com

>>15280371 Victorian government lied, tried to suppress the truth over QR codes - rebelnews

>>15280389 The Hypocrisy of Drudge Report - comped site

>>15280431 Bradford sex abuse: 16 men arrested as part of investigation into alleged historic child sexual offences - gbnews.uk

>>15280451 Biden-Putin phone call ends after 50 minutes: - white house twat (pity the interrupter)

>>15280457 AJ is panicked. (wants to turn on trump - boat already sailed aj, you are past news and comped) - daily mail

>>15280464 bacon may disappear in california - twat (oh the inhumanity) kek

>>15280494 Minutes before Trump left office, millions of the Pentagon’s dormant IP addresses sprang to life = yahoo, old notable but reminder

>>15280521 NASCAR Driver Who Inspired ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Says Now ‘Extremely Difficult’ To Get Sponsorships - dailywire

>>15280561, maxwell news, views, images and videos,

>>15280397, >>15280406, >>15280429, follow the wives dig including fauci's wife

>>15280576, >>15280606, Fauci’s Wife Heads Department of Bioethics at NIH - frontpagemag also already a polly dig

>>15280711 The Secret Life of Bill Clinton - book twat promo

>>15280719, >>15280740, >>15280750, >>15280628, >>15280278, COSTCO. People frantically evacuating a #Costco store in Superior, Colorado due to the threat of fires spreading nearby - twat and mp4 video

>>15280752 In Malta, a Fauci battles a Storm - not related another doc called fauci - timesunions.com

>>15280168 Major Opioid Maker Found Liable For Epidemic By New York Jury - zerohedge

>>15281111 #19327

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a6f4db  No.15283832


>>15279433, >>15279315, >>15279308, >>15279852 Remember when Board Jews in 2018-2020 would tell us to never read BeforeItsNews, because it was FAKE, just like RRN?

>>15279667, >>15279700, >>15279714 :44 - Bombs Away - Qproof/Clock

>>15279327, >>15279674, >>15279738 Jesus was a Nazarene, not a Jew

>>15279554, >>15279556 We Came Here For A Reason. Saving Israel For Last.

>>15279324, >>15279332 Lion of MOSSAD

>>15279391, >>15279404 Board Jew that hates RealRawNews tellings us Tom Hanks is a guud boy.

>>15279517, >>15279526 How are they connected, assuming they are connected?

>>15279252 Prince Andrew's Lawyers Reportedly Hold 'Emergency' Talks in Wake of Ghislaine Maxwell Verdict

>>15279267 Judge in Ghislaine Maxwell Case Orders Epstein Agreement with Prince Andrew to Be Released by January 3rd

>>15279269 Putin-Biden phone call scheduled for 23:30 Moscow time on Thursday — White House

>>15279297 Plato's Cave


>>15279342 How's mossad? - Not so good

>>15279338 Daniel Scavino Jr. - MEME THIS

>>15279362 Is there a pedophile ring deep in the bowels of the FBI, Mr. Wray?

>>15279396 Judge Orders Epstein & Giuffre Secret 2009 Deal To Be UNSEALED

>>15279389 Jim Hoft's Marriage to Filipino Man Half His Age Isn't Proof He's in a 'Satanic Pedophilia Cabal,' Lawyer Says

>>15279410 Prince Andrew’s lawyers reportedly in ‘emergency talks’ after Maxwell guilty verdict

>>15279457 Just in - CDC is scared of the common cold

>>15279471 Second -Jewish- ex-CNN staffer under investigation for alleged crimes involving minors: report

>>15279527 Looks like they're trying to find a way to explain away their hoax.Panic!

>>15279585 JUST IN: Israel says it will offer a 4th vaccine dose to those most vulnerable to COVID-19 - AP

>>15279625 After Conviction For Sex Crimes, Ghislaine Maxwell Announces New Job At CNN - babylonbee


>>15279683 Let me drive the boat!

>>15279671 Study: Most of Vaccinated Die Because of Vax-induced Autoimmune Attacks on Their Own Organs

>>15279693 Dinesh

>>15279754 Thanks for the shout-out, Gardner!

>>15279799 Highest Level Security +MAXProtect

>>15279791 Dershowitz Launches A Missile At Virginia Giuffre. SHE could now face sex crime charges

>>15279849 Jake Tapper and Anti-Defamation League Head Claim President Trump is Anti-Semitic

>>15279863 Hillary Slams Biden “We Don’t Have a White House that We Can Count on to be Sane and Sober and Stable and Productive”

>>15279927 "These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:…"

>>15279935 #19326

Previously Collected

>>15279185 #19325

>>15277234 #19322, >>15278506 #19323, >>15278605 #19324

>>15274472 #19319, >>15275535 #19320, >>15276327 #19321

>>15272137 #19316, >>15272870 #19317, >>15273789 #19318

>>15270202 #19313, >>15270718 #19314, >>15271357 #19315

>>15267101 #19310, >>15267932 #19311, >>15269127 #19312

>>15264632 #19307, >>15265450 #19308, >>15266330 #19309

>>15261978 #19304, >>15262802 #19305, >>15263580 #19306

>>15259922 #19301, >>15261799 #19302, >>15261766 #19303

>>15256194 #19298, >>15258909 #19299, >>15258822 #19300

>>15254568 #19295, >>15255355 #19296, >>15256175 #19297

>>15252285 #19292, >>15253055 #19293, >>15253825 #19294

>>15250809 #19289, >>15250668 #19290, >>15251877 #19291

>>15247561 #19286, >>15248252 #19287, >>15250719 #19288

>>15246049 #19283, >>15245889 #19284, >>15246598 #19285

>>15242673 #19280, >>15243440 #19281, >>15246227 #19282

>>15240950 #19277, >>15242038 #19278, >>15240942 #19279

>>15238013 #19274, >>15238476 #19275, >>15239415 #19276

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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a6f4db  No.15283834

File: 9d9e00f9414fef2⋯.gif (8.57 MB, 600x469, 600:469, 9d9e00f9414fef2b4851a99a52….gif)



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a6f4db  No.15283866

File: ad623c2f73c5821⋯.jpeg (958.31 KB, 1170x769, 1170:769, ad623c2f73c582117d69012d0….jpeg)

Bakery Will Be Ghosted after Posted in #19331

Baker Self Confirm.

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5afb25  No.15283874


Fresh bread. Split breads again #19332 New Years Eve Edition

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a6f4db  No.15283881


>Fresh bread. Split breads again #19332 New Years Eve Edition

you aer so good at playing faggot .^^^^ Above is Bread for Dual Life People. This bread is for anons.

The choice is yours.

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13251c  No.15283882

File: c1b59e227daabee⋯.mp4 (5.36 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Greg_Pearson_Jabbed_Pilot_….mp4)


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d7c6ec  No.15283888

This bread has all the notables. Other split bread missing 19330 notables.

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13251c  No.15283898

File: 2f0ca01b56331ab⋯.png (1002.82 KB, 809x946, 809:946, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15283893 /lb



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d7c6ec  No.15283913


All the RF in a plane cockpit? These pilots are having big problems and hiding it.

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794ddd  No.15283918

File: 86458506130c1ae⋯.jpg (27.43 KB, 623x414, 623:414, Screenshot_20211220_162817….jpg)

Good Morning.


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794ddd  No.15283922

File: f17a3f5da2cf85d⋯.jpg (82.54 KB, 374x504, 187:252, Screenshot_20210726_124749….jpg)


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983708  No.15283929

So for the Trump Related stocks I fink I figured out how they are pulling them down…

Aside from obvious Naked Shorting Bots which are countered by Patriot's own it appears…

OPTIONS appear to also be being EXERCISED AT LOWEST PP.

With Sells at that price perhaps also?

it is a hypothesis.

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324d5c  No.15283937

File: fc768cf7ba5738b⋯.gif (2.34 MB, 500x282, 250:141, fc768cf7ba5738bf6fb9be5420….gif)

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794ddd  No.15283956

File: 67b60b5c43c75a7⋯.jpg (130.6 KB, 745x572, 745:572, Screenshot_20211231_052600….jpg)

File: 76764a38aab76da⋯.jpg (116.03 KB, 576x806, 288:403, Screenshot_20211231_052639….jpg)

File: 0fde92eadd38e1a⋯.jpg (129.76 KB, 936x725, 936:725, Screenshot_20211231_052813….jpg)

File: e27068f15090e71⋯.jpg (190.03 KB, 869x844, 869:844, Screenshot_20211231_053010….jpg)

File: c8cf6df4f230cff⋯.jpg (141.45 KB, 682x915, 682:915, Screenshot_20211231_052448….jpg)

Enjoy your party's tonight. You are that, what you do.



Symbolism, was/ has been there downfall.

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632e24  No.15283960

File: ccdc1c23d683d46⋯.jpg (129.81 KB, 640x345, 128:69, DO_NOT_STOP_KEEP_THE_PRESS….jpg)

HAPPY NEW YEAR… from Australia.

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13251c  No.15283961

File: 7314e85856ded80⋯.png (607.28 KB, 792x617, 792:617, ClipboardImage.png)

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5afb25  No.15283962


Then I must be a lazy bastard. As I and the spouseanon are planning to stay home and most likely be in bed by 10pm. Same as we have for years.

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47433b  No.15283963

File: 024444c9aefc20f⋯.png (178.75 KB, 503x493, 503:493, 1640377159.png)

there are two bread s

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e59f1a  No.15283965

File: aaa06c02700340a⋯.png (632.38 KB, 1214x856, 607:428, Screen_Shot_2021_12_31_at_….png)

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2b7c3a  No.15283966

lb >>15283958

lb >>15283940





Anonymous 10/28/2017 16:44:28


Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.


HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

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e38155  No.15283967

jews are technically to be considered 'human'

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de96fa  No.15283968


What's with the near constant split bread faggotry these days?

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1c5be1  No.15283969

File: 33a3bdc30858608⋯.mp4 (6.46 MB, 480x480, 1:1, IMG_7300.mp4)


ty good sir

helluva couple overnite breds

on into dayshift

may your journey be glorious


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13251c  No.15283970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can't make this shit up!


IRS tells thieves that stolen items must be reported on taxes

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47433b  No.15283972

File: 6f3ce49ad045fa1⋯.jpg (96.92 KB, 479x429, 479:429, 1531431690.jpg)


Don't drink.

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983708  No.15283973

Probably just some bread shill faggotry, nothing to see here.



999 07 Lw.

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2b7c3a  No.15283974


How much does the IRS claim?



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5afb25  No.15283975


As well as income derived from drug sales. I am sure they are going to do that.

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752017  No.15283976


by keeping an old bread around and refusing to bake, notables are delayed by a few hours.

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3f3476  No.15283979

File: 1b89056a15d7472⋯.jpg (888.27 KB, 4000x2667, 4000:2667, 1628374515940.jpg)

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f1219d  No.15283980


Ta Mate!

Cheers from NY!

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2ad456  No.15283981

File: 674e08df55b654b⋯.png (230.32 KB, 579x385, 579:385, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3e01a5e89cba44⋯.png (677.78 KB, 878x629, 878:629, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9700760ef00d892⋯.png (628.15 KB, 699x385, 699:385, ClipboardImage.png)

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5afb25  No.15283982


At 4am the only bread open was a fucked bread then about 7am 2 bakers noticed there was not a updated edition. Both then created breads and now here we are.

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e38155  No.15283983


I was really happy I didn't drink a drop of alcohol during the Christmas celebration (since Trump took office I gradually stopped drinking completely), won't drink anything during the New Years celebrations either.

compared to cannabis, alcohol is a waste

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13251c  No.15283984


This has great potential for a Garrison Meme.

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6429a2  No.15283985

File: 406ed3144f34342⋯.png (264.54 KB, 900x776, 225:194, ClipboardImage.png)

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632e24  No.15283986

File: 72dc936f52d8116⋯.jpg (56.46 KB, 912x960, 19:20, all_ugly.jpg)

File: bdf76b377632f7c⋯.jpg (223.65 KB, 945x494, 945:494, SOLIDARITY.jpg)

I'll be wandering around treasury gardens and Parliament house tomorrow… if people turn up , we'll see what happens… the gardens have nice shade and good memorials.

Gotta kick start the marches again… if there are enough people it might happen… if not, it'll be a casual day.

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3f3476  No.15283987

File: 8189e2cfd8727a4⋯.jpg (78.6 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 7DOAS7QMFVET5LCHEPLL7Y25NA….jpg)

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de96fa  No.15283988

File: a38981a47b8fd9d⋯.png (5.92 KB, 385x133, 55:19, Q_Ra_Gold.png)



Gold “the flesh of the gods”

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47433b  No.15283989

File: 139b3a3c8be085a⋯.png (807.51 KB, 532x532, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)

File: 454085492c04b86⋯.png (637.72 KB, 532x532, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)

File: 8e17c2ec7670708⋯.png (530.25 KB, 532x532, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)

File: 55a0f513625b0f7⋯.png (810.86 KB, 532x532, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)

Again, DO NOT MEME. take a break.



thanks assholes,


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47433b  No.15283990

File: 2bd8d9fd8a120ad⋯.png (734.63 KB, 532x532, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)


and apparently we're supposed to believe this is her face now.

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983708  No.15283991


Have you yet realized you were victimized until you became so desensitized that you became victimizers?

Now that you know….

What will you do?

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13251c  No.15283992

File: 05a9e672e09756b⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1358x833, 194:119, ClipboardImage.png)



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4b0724  No.15283993


Can now claim losses from vandals and stolen items as well, in anons book. Had a few things stolen in 2021.

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3f3476  No.15283994

File: 944f5fe11216e81⋯.jpg (49.13 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1624363829999.jpg)


Happy New Year down under anon.

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5afb25  No.15283995


Trying to legitimize illegal activity. How glorious of a crusade.

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55d3ac  No.15283996

Q started posting approximately one year after Trump was elected.

Q posted for approximately three years.

Q stopped posting one month after the 2020 election.

We may have to wait until November 2025 for the next Q post, which if as before, the second round of Q posts will end on December 2028.

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4b0724  No.15283997


How to destroy the IRS 101

Make them so ridiculous normies tear it down.


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9da585  No.15283998

File: 94db4d0701cb42a⋯.png (120.82 KB, 238x599, 238:599, den.png)


Jordan Sather ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [31.12.21 07:50]

[Forwarded from Police frequency]

[ Video ]

Airline passenger aboard flight from Denver captures bird’s-eye view of Marshall Fire (https://t.me/police_frequency/60363) burning in Boulder County, Colorado.

Join @police_frequency

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47433b  No.15283999

File: 3da0aa7929ef960⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1045x1856, 1045:1856, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)

File: b633e4e21532c67⋯.png (655.6 KB, 532x532, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)

File: 49911e24441fc65⋯.png (475.38 KB, 532x532, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)



fucking ugly any way you look at it

not enough plastic surgery in the world can fox that

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632e24  No.15284000

File: f8c1f6b3a5066cf⋯.jpg (72.85 KB, 508x344, 127:86, he_got_better.jpg)

File: d30dc79844c8a2b⋯.jpg (89.4 KB, 630x512, 315:256, EUTHANASIA_is_now_legal_to….jpg)

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ae50b9  No.15284001

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15283947 (pb)

>>15283959 (pb)


Remember why we are here, and yet, forget why we never left!

No one needs to know, right now, the pain of being a Qresearcher/anon/o7; let the future prove our pasts, for once! [BOOM]

God bless you anons, on this day…

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86a80e  No.15284002

Washington state Democrats push to reduce sentences for drive-by shooters in the name of ‘racial equity’


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983708  No.15284003


This is all Obama era policies.

He advocated for it. ..

>>15283996 Anon's Qpothesis

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4b0724  No.15284004


It seems scripted. Anon couldn’t even believe what anon was reading when first saw it. Things are so absurd on every level it’s gotta be to wake normies up. There is no other explanation.

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632e24  No.15284005

File: 360242febb40afa⋯.jpg (126.13 KB, 862x551, 862:551, genocide_or_mass_murder.jpg)

File: 8cc42e9578e7e9d⋯.jpg (73.44 KB, 552x319, 552:319, genocide.jpg)

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0b0565  No.15284006

File: 1142a97c4a12e41⋯.png (33.89 KB, 574x357, 82:51, ClipboardImage.png)


what part of "I must be gone for good" is so hard to understand?

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13251c  No.15284007


Um, anon thought Barry was clear he wanted to close GITMO.

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47433b  No.15284008

File: 003ce78df9270f8⋯.png (802.7 KB, 532x532, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)

File: a3e607486149af9⋯.png (360.78 KB, 532x532, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)

File: 33c47c3954c9b00⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1045x1856, 1045:1856, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)

File: 41dd3133454d3c8⋯.png (2.6 MB, 1045x1856, 1045:1856, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)


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2a237d  No.15284010


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82ab8c  No.15284012

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, IMG_4220.gif)

Morning, Frenz

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13251c  No.15284013

File: 436bf0b0a153b27⋯.png (675.36 KB, 1101x1054, 1101:1054, ClipboardImage.png)


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2a237d  No.15284014

test 2

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13251c  No.15284015



Anons been asking about you.

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ad64a4  No.15284016

File: afe7b535fa0fabb⋯.jpg (31.84 KB, 640x459, 640:459, al.jpg)


Mornin' Sam

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47433b  No.15284017




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2b7c3a  No.15284018


Would be the BIG thing that's gonna drop, which has the shill's on high alert the past few days…

Here's to hopium.

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5afb25  No.15284019


A logical person would see it as desperate and as well along the lines of legitimizing illegal activity. Without it many BLM &Antifa wont be able to claim an income where they can then also claim some sort of extra credits for free money returns. They need to claim something first.

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3f3476  No.15284020

File: 9d4016e5e57e7e9⋯.png (946.54 KB, 1080x799, 1080:799, 20210311_091924.png)

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983708  No.15284021

File: 8923a363e46653e⋯.png (961.61 KB, 884x638, 442:319, Retarded_Forget.png)



Oh yeah.

Forgot that.

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4b0724  No.15284022



All posts have already been made. It’s all laid out in front of us. What others need to realize beyond that is posts are so coded that it will take generations to get the full meaning. Being comfortable with mortality is a big life lesson.

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69f7ef  No.15284023

File: 3cd18d9543e185c⋯.jpg (96.6 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Nightshift_Rip.jpg)


Ty Baker

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5afb25  No.15284024


Morning Sam

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9da585  No.15284025

File: fce76e591756a3f⋯.png (1.75 MB, 930x929, 930:929, shadow_1.png)

File: 19df98f3e753e22⋯.png (92.14 KB, 298x544, 149:272, shadows.png)


Dan Scavino Force🇺🇸🦅, [31.12.21 02:23]

[ Video ]


Join t.me/DanScavinoFORCE!

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e38155  No.15284027

File: 8da52fe6a425a9e⋯.jpg (63.41 KB, 606x331, 606:331, satanism.JPG)

File: 7dfe2668d8c9e04⋯.jpg (32.07 KB, 408x590, 204:295, 1942.JPG)

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69f7ef  No.15284028

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de96fa  No.15284029


"Planned for [3] years."

I doubt we'll ever see Q again, if they posted now they would implicate they are directly working against the sitting puppet president and inciting a mutiny.

Can't make it look like the NSA or military is working against their own country / leader.

Q will never post again, they also lied about "never being alone again".

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47433b  No.15284030

File: 1fb8aa515da0521⋯.jpeg (81.54 KB, 554x450, 277:225, 1625332906.jpeg)


just shut it.

you don't have a fucking clue about it. so shut it.

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13251c  No.15284031

File: c9bb42f86783bd0⋯.png (199.79 KB, 1115x414, 1115:414, ClipboardImage.png)

Aliens = Demons

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4b0724  No.15284032


Anons sibling gave me two gifts this past year and both were taken. Sucks because they were really nice. Claiming them as a loss. Fuck the irs

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3f3476  No.15284033

File: 1b6d740824f110b⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 480x287, 480:287, wrong.gif)


>Q will never post again,

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47433b  No.15284034

File: d1f3135fe2ed518⋯.png (644.41 KB, 1200x933, 400:311, 1624793113.png)

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ca4da6  No.15284035


>Can't make it look like the NSA or military is working against their own country / leader.

does it really look like that

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632e24  No.15284036

File: 82d0cf5ca95a7c0⋯.jpg (166.14 KB, 960x540, 16:9, SUPREME_DICK_TAKER.jpg)


Almost as good as Dictator Dan… making it legal to run prostitution from home…. and then…being able to pay that prostitute in ILLEGAL DRUGS.

Why give someone money when you can just string them out on drugs.

Even better…a prostitute with kids….. go to their house….get them wasted with drugs…. and have some extra time with the kiddies, while mum is passed out……. then….. get the police to remove the kids and put them in a foster home…. and hope for the best it's not a pervert foster home…. so they get abused more….. yayyyy…. what a wonderful world we live in.

And Dicktaker Dan made it ALL legal.

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47433b  No.15284037

File: ea4246bcfd2bb17⋯.png (404.56 KB, 441x640, 441:640, IMG_0511.png)

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d0c6f3  No.15284038

File: 0aed986c14fcf19⋯.jpg (11.1 KB, 280x157, 280:157, 0aed986c14fcf190b657abee84….jpg)

oh yeah I FORGOT

Ghislaine got 5/6 charges, thus she did not get 1/6


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2b7c3a  No.15284039

File: 2b685d41ba4bf11⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1167x732, 389:244, HRC_arrest.PNG)



Two lanterns

One Christmas Tree

A Box with an I

Fire in the hole

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1c5be1  No.15284040

File: 1a2529c16bb3918⋯.gif (2.9 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 8E1179D9_BFE0_4510_8C5B_D9….gif)


it's an honor to be here

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47433b  No.15284041

File: 0dfc8d622be64ea⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1475x1111, 1475:1111, 1622701259.png)

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3c4022  No.15284042


solid bakes


though previously discussed on board these are interesting because of the information in the background

all from 19330

What deal did these guys cut?

>>15282451 Epstein Guards case

Federal prosecutors Thursday asked a judge to dismiss charges against Tova Noel and Michael Thomas in Manhattan following their six-month deferred prosecution deal reached in May that kept the two jailers out of jail. They instead each agreed to complete 100 hours of community service and to cooperate with federal investigators’ probe into Epstein’s death.

anon(s) bring up DynCorp/trafficking




not to forget the mention of the OV10 Brocos…

According to documents filed in the U.S. Federal Court in West Palm Beach, Florida in 2008, Epstein shared the tail number of his Bell Long Ranger 206L3 helicopter (tail number N474AW) with a U.S. State Department OV-10D Bronco. According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) registration database, Epstein’s Bell helicopter and the Bronco owned by the U.S. State Department and contracted to the private military company DYNCORP INTERNATIONAL both used the same identification number.


another brought up Timber Sycamore in Syria nice reminder of the fuckery going on and US involvement there attempting to topple Assad

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47433b  No.15284043

File: 9b01b88964dafd8⋯.png (833.18 KB, 957x957, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_06_23_at_0….png)

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8d5426  No.15284044

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3c4022  No.15284045



updated dough for next baker as dough had 2x notables for 19330

all else

Song Remains the Same


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1d5c58  No.15284046

File: 7fe2326171c9dbe⋯.png (296.86 KB, 590x740, 59:74, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4bddc6fc337af2⋯.mp4 (3.05 MB, 480x852, 40:71, medznowwwwww.mp4)

Dose of morning insanity, kek

She is completely unhinged


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47433b  No.15284047

File: be0520b7d33b392⋯.jpg (20.05 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 1531067230.jpg)

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2b7c3a  No.15284048

Russia test-fires new hypersonic Tsirkon missiles from frigate, submarine

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia test-fired around 10 new Tsirkon (Zircon) hypersonic cruise missiles from a frigate and two more from a submarine, Interfax news agency said on Friday citing northern fleet.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has lauded the weapon as part of a new generation of unrivalled arms systems.

Putin has called a missile test, conducted last week, "a big event in the country's life", adding that this was "a substantial step" in increasing Russia's defence capabilities.

Some Western experts have questioned how advanced Russia's new generation of weapons is, while recognising that the combination of speed, manoeuvrability and altitude of hypersonic missiles makes them difficult to track and intercept.

Putin announced an array of new hypersonic weapons in 2018 in one of his most bellicose speeches in years, saying they could hit almost any point in the world and evade a U.S.-built missile shield.


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9da585  No.15284049

File: 325d3cb221aa265⋯.png (690.98 KB, 981x811, 981:811, inferno.png)


HISTORIC INFERNO Boulder County fire most destructive in Colorado HISTORY as homes burn, thousands flee & blaze sparks Tesla hazmat fears

Brittney DonovanDanielle CinoneChris Bradford

6:03 ET, Dec 31 2021Updated: 7:11 ET, Dec 31 2021

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47433b  No.15284050


batshit crazy.


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1d5c58  No.15284051

File: 99ce35c04b679e2⋯.png (57.74 KB, 582x292, 291:146, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 472424958e21239⋯.png (166.62 KB, 594x650, 297:325, ClipboardImage.png)

bro those are Instagram DM's


you're an actual moron lmfaooo


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983708  No.15284052

>>15284042, >>15284045


If you don't bake and I don't grab it because…

I'll grab it or you'll grab it from this scrape. Yeah the song. Could feel it idk. Dan The Man always get's notabruhed… most of the time.

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7474a7  No.15284053

No deals. NCSWIC.

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a6f4db  No.15284054

tyb 07

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2b7c3a  No.15284055


Aside from the obvious ff fuckery

Boulder Colorado?

Bill Clinton?

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804222  No.15284056

File: 195da2227c43a6a⋯.png (1.23 MB, 924x1348, 231:337, ClipboardImage.png)


Crazy eyes. Is this what demon possession does? why do they all have crazy eyes

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70c898  No.15284057

File: 8ed6378d6de2afd⋯.png (436.55 KB, 733x862, 733:862, FH3_egHVgAAfQ7S.png)


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8d5426  No.15284058

Auld Lang Syne arm-linking at new year connected to Freemasons, book finds

Study of Robert Burns’s best-known song associates joining of arms with masonic ‘circle of unity’

New Years Eve celebrations at the turn of the century circa 1900s

PA Media

Fri 31 Dec 2021 03.13 EST


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f1219d  No.15284059


Q team posts all the time, and used to post during q years but without the trip as well.

If you've been here along, you know this.

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324d5c  No.15284060

File: 498e5be5d9ffc89⋯.jpeg (309.03 KB, 663x664, 663:664, 498e5be5d9ffc894abfd44970….jpeg)

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82ab8c  No.15284061


TY, fren.

Rare late night for this anon

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47433b  No.15284062

File: 6af6d586f6ac2ba⋯.jpg (56.89 KB, 480x578, 240:289, 1531507775.jpg)

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aa276b  No.15284063


Tell someone who gives a fuck. Stupid liddle bitch.

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d15e73  No.15284064


>why do they all have crazy eyes

Perhaps it is because they are crazy.

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632e24  No.15284065

File: 977ecf9f0f70cef⋯.jpg (163.85 KB, 812x538, 406:269, ACCOUNTABLE.jpg)

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1d5c58  No.15284066

File: b94b1c455d2ec65⋯.png (223.47 KB, 585x701, 585:701, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3a63d5e57235a8⋯.png (321.54 KB, 595x615, 119:123, ClipboardImage.png)

Is this why AOC is in Florida?



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4b0724  No.15284067


… when loving ones Country becomes a crime. Wouldn’t doubt it. The rebirth of Love-of-Country is one of the greatest gifts received during this journey.

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632e24  No.15284068

File: 02ba81fcd1b3ee4⋯.jpg (146.36 KB, 972x547, 972:547, only_kid_fucking_is_exempt.jpg)

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82ab8c  No.15284069

My dad texted me that my step brother just got evac order in colorado.

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de96fa  No.15284070


You seem triggered and very angry at even the suggestion Q will never post again, relax and breathe.

People who question shit aren't automatically FBI or CIA faggots, tard anon.


Nope, they are bowing to sleepy joe's every whim.

NSA claimed they would protect election integrity, sad to say Snowden was right about those faggots.


I should have said with a trip, and yeah I've seen a few of those messages myself. OSS claims to have received something like that recently.

Still haven't seen anything personally for a long time to give that impression.

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1d5c58  No.15284071

File: a0542c49029ea35⋯.png (163.61 KB, 526x577, 526:577, ClipboardImage.png)

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632e24  No.15284072

File: c86ba5e106113dc⋯.jpg (109.49 KB, 768x513, 256:171, FRESH_MEAT.jpg)

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2ad456  No.15284073

File: be0083d093776fe⋯.png (521.97 KB, 608x544, 19:17, ClipboardImage.png)

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752017  No.15284074

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7a9171  No.15284075


A Cuntree is a symbol, or idol. It is false idol set up by man-hands.

Fix yourself, and get right with Gawd.

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96a730  No.15284076

The COVID Narrative Is Insane & Illogical… And Maybe That's No Accident

Authored by Kit Knightly via Off

Maybe forcing people to believe your lies, even after you admit you’re lying, is the purest form of power…

"Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense.”

- George Orwell, 1984

The “Covid pandemic” narrative is insane. That is long-established at this point, we don’t really need to go into how or why here. Read our back catalogue.

The rules are meaningless and arbitrary, the messaging contradictory, the very premise nonsensical.

Every day some new insanity is launched out into the world, and while many of us roll our eyes, raise our voices, or just laugh…many more accept it, believe it, allow it to continue.

So they are requesting people allegedly carrying a “deadly virus” work, rather than letting perfectly healthy unvaccinated people simply have their jobs back.

This is insanity.

But could anything more perfectly illustrate the priorities of those running the game?

We already know it’s not about a virus, it’s not about protecting the health service and it’s not about saving lives. Every day the people running the “pandemic” admit as much by their actions, and even their words.

Rather, it seems to be about enforcing rules that make little to no sense, requiring conformity at the price of reason, drawing arbitrary lines in the sand and demanding people respect them, making people believe “facts” that are provably untrue.

But why? Why is the story of Covid irrational and contradictory? Why are we told on the one hand to be afraid, and on the other that there is nothing to be afraid of?

Why is the “pandemic” so completely insane? You could argue that it’s simple happenstance. The by-product of a multi-focused evolving narrative, a story being told by a thousand authors all at once, each concerned with covering their own little patch of agenda. A car with multiple drivers fighting over a single steering wheel.

There’s probably some truth to that. But it’s also true that control, true control, can only be achieved with a lie.

In clinical psychology one of the diagnostic signs of the psychopath is that they tell elaborate lies, compulsively. Many times they will tell a lie even if the truth would be more beneficial.

Nobody knows why they do this, but I have a theory, and it applies to the swarming groups of little rat minds running the sewers of power as much as it does any individual monstrosity.

If you want to control people, you need to lie to them, that’s the only way to guarantee you have power…..

But, what if my only true aim is the gratification of watching you do what I say, simply because I said it?

…well, then I need to scream out a warning of a car that does not exist, and watch you dodge an imaginary threat. Or, indeed, tell you there is no car, and watch you get run over.

Only by doing this can I see my words mean more to you than perceivable reality, and only then do I know I’m truly in control.

You can never control people with the truth, because the truth has an existence outside yourself that cannot be altered or directed. It may be the truth itself that controls people, not you.

You can never force people to obey rules that make sense, because they may be obeying reason, not your force.

True power lies in making people afraid of something that does not exist, and making them abandon reason in the name of protecting themselves from the invented threat.

To guarantee you have control, you must make people see things that are not there, make people live in a reality you build around them, and force people to follow arbitrary, contradictory rules that change day by day.

To truly test their loyalty, their hypnosis, you could even tell them there’s nothing to be afraid of anymore, but they need to follow the rules anyway.

Maybe that’s the point. Maybe the story isn’t supposed to be believable. Maybe the rules aren’t meant to make sense, they are meant to be obeyed.

Maybe the more contradictory & illogical the regulations become, the more your compliance is valued.

Maybe if you can force a person to abandon their judgment in favour of your own, you have total control over their reality.

We started with an Orwell quote, so let’s end with one too:

Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”

Isn’t that what we’re seeing now? What we’ve been seeing since the beginning?

People being mind broken into being afraid of something they told isn’t frightening, following rules they are told are not necessary, taking “medicine” they are told does not work.


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632e24  No.15284077

File: 638afb3ea8cc07a⋯.jpg (284.74 KB, 890x808, 445:404, muffburger.jpg)

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632e24  No.15284078

File: 13092a6ebea62da⋯.jpg (46.34 KB, 379x279, 379:279, LOST_CAUSE.jpg)

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324d5c  No.15284079


Damn, that is horrible.

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cf60e3  No.15284080

File: 26421f1e0594fa6⋯.jpg (196.87 KB, 728x1029, 104:147, mornin.jpg)

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4b0724  No.15284081


>let the future prove our pasts

Don’t even want “I told you so’s”. Just want a hand-full of people to be like “oh shit! Perhaps I shouldn’t have been so mean.

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3c4022  No.15284082


anon getting on the road to get a deal on wheels

Dan Scavino Jr.

was it in 330 or 32j9 ebake?

Those three posts just popped as there's an Epstein element in them all…Syria? Remember that even President Assad said

"American billionaire Jeffrey Epstein was killed several weeks ago, they said he had committed suicide in jail. However, he was killed because he knew a lot of vital secrets connected with very important people in the British and American regimes, and possibly in other countries as well," Assad told the outlet, as translated by the state-run Tass Russian News Agency.


also in the article the mention of the "White Helmets" another dig from days past and the tie in to others

Cheers Anon

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2ad456  No.15284083







The flames in Dan's tweet reminded me of the fires in Boulder.

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f1219d  No.15284084


Pretty sure Boulder is one of those CIA schools/towns

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632e24  No.15284085

File: 1252eb5c0d7fff2⋯.jpg (55.72 KB, 351x486, 13:18, electric_isn_t_free.jpg)

File: 845a41bc71dfa16⋯.jpg (63.58 KB, 571x265, 571:265, not_saving_anything.jpg)

File: 78c4064909a35a8⋯.jpg (163.61 KB, 800x490, 80:49, CLEAN_DIESEL_CARS_better.jpg)

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752017  No.15284086


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33b967  No.15284087

File: d6246fe77037a87⋯.png (265.29 KB, 465x451, 465:451, aoc.png)


>Is this why AOC is in Florida?

Made her bed in NY,

won't sleep in it.

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ae50b9  No.15284088

File: d588420b8f1ab12⋯.jpg (773.28 KB, 1920x1037, 1920:1037, swordy_and_sheild_mornin_s….jpg)







For Sam.

Whenever I see you, I always would feel like DAYSHIFT officially began, and GRAVEYARD had ended; I'd stick around, but I knew I was already way past my… kek, nevermind.

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2b7c3a  No.15284089



Isn't that HUGE satanic Airport there? Like a Portal to HELL?

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632e24  No.15284090

File: a357e5cfde788d3⋯.jpg (142.41 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Media_is_virus.jpg)

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47433b  No.15284091

File: d5cea1718ef0323⋯.png (202.19 KB, 376x400, 47:50, 1551333498.png)

File: 72a7b4e846b36fd⋯.jpg (412.37 KB, 1722x1411, 1722:1411, 1553657906.jpg)

File: 321e663bc8e7ae6⋯.jpg (32.67 KB, 920x613, 920:613, afraid.jpg)

File: 214aaa8d39c6ccc⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1440x912, 30:19, once_this_jumpsQ.png)


Why, why can't she be sitting with Nancy

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74e905  No.15284092

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 339x195, 113:65, 5kuz14.gif)


>Morning, Frenz


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7a9171  No.15284093


Fix this.

“…proof there are voters morestupider“.

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69f7ef  No.15284094


Nice way to start the New Year!

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9da585  No.15284095

File: a640e09767e60ea⋯.png (126.46 KB, 816x699, 272:233, news.png)


Dec 30, 2021 - Politics & Policy

The relentless 2021 news cycle in one chart

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2b7c3a  No.15284096

Keeping Up With The Groomers.

How to Groom yer Kult youngins.

Watch, and cheer them on…they love yer money.

Khloé Kardashian's Daughter True Shows Off Her Model Behavior as Mom Tells Her to 'Strike a Pose'

Khloé Kardashian is sharing that True Thompson takes after her famous aunts and is totally comfortable in front of the camera.

In an Instagram Story shared Thursday, the former Keeping Up with the Kardashians star, 37, shared several adorable videos of the 3-year-old posing while dancing around in front of a sparkling pink Christmas tree.

"Strike a pose," Kardashian can be heard saying to her daughter.

True pops into an impressive variety of positions while her mom cheers her on, and they agree, "You got to keep it moving!"


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47433b  No.15284097

File: e863c3fc3314c54⋯.png (348.67 KB, 677x665, 677:665, 4haters.png)


Fix it!!



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f1219d  No.15284098

File: 398dcf1063bc014⋯.jpeg (6.18 KB, 212x238, 106:119, download_1_.jpeg)


yes, in Denver

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632e24  No.15284099

File: 28704cf5a234979⋯.jpg (98.25 KB, 550x650, 11:13, MSM_Walking_dead.jpg)

File: 55c43944b204000⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 768x432, 16:9, SUE_FAKE_NEWS.jpg)

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74e905  No.15284100

File: 65ac366aea98319⋯.png (47.7 KB, 216x255, 72:85, pepeStealThief.png)

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47433b  No.15284101

File: 5a0a4208ec51b09⋯.jpeg (64.75 KB, 454x492, 227:246, 1537618292.jpeg)

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82ab8c  No.15284102


Honored, Anon

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9da585  No.15284103


CRIME <<<<



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7a9171  No.15284104


What “new year”

That of Gregor?

Falseness abounds in your control matrix.


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1d5c58  No.15284105

File: ff29e2c9344f9aa⋯.png (320.46 KB, 589x595, 589:595, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1eedee2a3df2083⋯.gif (523.9 KB, 350x193, 350:193, suresure.gif)

Epstein assistant WILL NOT face charges, her lawyers claim after civil case is dropped


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55d3ac  No.15284106


She has been Bitch Slapped Crazy. Poor Thing.

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47433b  No.15284107

File: f6a305e487d4126⋯.png (510.84 KB, 845x784, 845:784, 1544575385.png)

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efff4c  No.15284108

File: f770590174b40cb⋯.png (52.79 KB, 272x172, 68:43, pepe_whaaaa.png)


def should add the items ignoared

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7634dc  No.15284109


Q will likely post again once the duly elected POTUS is back in the WH.

"Never" is far too extreme, and lacks any rational certainty.

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6429a2  No.15284110


book deal incoming $$

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47433b  No.15284111

File: dc38cd74b9a8254⋯.png (347.61 KB, 684x684, 1:1, 1544825578.png)

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aa276b  No.15284112



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efff4c  No.15284113



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47433b  No.15284114

File: 41f5d218e9ba4bc⋯.png (613.88 KB, 500x669, 500:669, 2020.png)

this did not age well

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3d5092  No.15284115


Its always been that way, who came after the moonshiners? The revenuers…

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69f7ef  No.15284116

File: a78aef03e1c0b3f⋯.png (327.33 KB, 505x505, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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632e24  No.15284117

File: 1dbcd1f5788104a⋯.jpg (66.89 KB, 580x348, 5:3, ENGAGE_LIFE.jpg)

File: e165e25ae5f8f08⋯.jpg (315.46 KB, 1080x1226, 540:613, media_lies_media_dies.jpg)

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9da585  No.15284118

File: f48bceeddc963b2⋯.png (290.14 KB, 599x600, 599:600, john.png)


In shadows of Maxwell trial, sex traffickers continue to exploit porous southern border | Just The News

International border between the U.S. and Mexico. | (Stock photo)


In shadows of Maxwell trial, sex traffickers continue to exploit porous southern border

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers continue to arrest child molesters, sex offenders, and human smugglers.

8:40 AM · Dec 31, 2021·Hootsuite Inc.

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7634dc  No.15284119


Stolen election.

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5fb0b0  No.15284120

File: c866895bd563f9f⋯.png (346.95 KB, 500x888, 125:222, 1640897949898.png)

>>15281672 pb

I dunno if I had Omicron or what but media started reporting on it beginning of December and I have been exhausted for most of the month tbh. Just getting over it now I'm starting to feel myself again.

Didn't have any flue-like systems, just lethargic and low-energy. Could just be the Winter blues or I think I've just been burnt out of the past 4 years. Every morning I wake up hoping for Justice and it's just dragged on for so long honestly it's to the point that I think my computer and 8kun has started to be bad for my mental health. I can't do anything else or get my mind off this until this is over.

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efff4c  No.15284121


>Tesla hazmat fears


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7a9171  No.15284122


Is this why they wear red shoes?

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33b967  No.15284123

File: 3397418aedd57f1⋯.png (105.42 KB, 253x254, 253:254, keks.png)




The story says he's having a hissy fit in Gitmo.

Be a man for once in your life, Gavin!

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7634dc  No.15284124


Brainwashed crazy

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2ad456  No.15284125

File: 49ee65dd4cc02ff⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1260x690, 42:23, ClipboardImage.png)


Bosley Court, Hudson, NH

Shadows on the Hudson?

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55d3ac  No.15284126

File: 7c1ecc040d2eec8⋯.jpeg (35.89 KB, 474x237, 2:1, A16AF7D5_FC37_46E8_8448_2….jpeg)


Clearing out all the peeps so the peeps can’t peek.

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4b0724  No.15284127


God has prepared this land as a tool to liberate all life on earth. Anon isn’t that tarded. What happens here and now sends ripples through all space and time and effects all life. We are One. Someone send a post card to ex and let her know. Maybe she’ll stop cunting

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9da585  No.15284128

File: f6516b780eca742⋯.png (175.72 KB, 600x662, 300:331, brown.png)


I’m excited to welcome @LGBcoin_io

aboard my No. 68 Chevrolet Camaro as our 2022 NASCAR Xfinity Series full season primary partner!

Press release:


10:21 AM · Dec 30, 2021·

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69f7ef  No.15284129

File: 0421d57c7f9e043⋯.png (266.94 KB, 680x383, 680:383, ClipboardImage.png)

Bummer for this evil Bastard.

Better Call your REEEEinforcements.

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f1219d  No.15284130

File: 398dcf1063bc014⋯.jpeg (6.18 KB, 212x238, 106:119, download_1_.jpeg)


no, they wear red shoes because they are cannibals.

blood red shoes

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47433b  No.15284131

File: a6f178896ca5572⋯.png (1.46 MB, 904x968, 113:121, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f2c17f1256f79a⋯.png (729.54 KB, 414x822, 69:137, ClipboardImage.png)




amazon or fungi.com

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33b967  No.15284132

File: 62e9926c3fe3f2f⋯.png (266.92 KB, 465x451, 465:451, aoc.png)

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efff4c  No.15284133



although "energy price shock" can def be connected to "global governance failure" as it was instrumental in blowing up the housing mkt in 2007 which led to BIS asserting control over every fin'l institution on the globe

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1d5c58  No.15284134

File: 37295059d9f97dd⋯.png (245.07 KB, 467x766, 467:766, ClipboardImage.png)

Better late than never …


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e5a288  No.15284135


If they eat meat, do they like the bone?

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c212e7  No.15284136

File: 16e8bc5cab69166⋯.jpeg (54.89 KB, 562x728, 281:364, 820D90F2_9158_4742_9A4E_E….jpeg)


I just went to the hospital with a gunshot wound and I couldn't be seen because of all the unvaxxed people who had the sniffles

The triage doctor said "look pal your bullet hole is gonna have to wait! This guy has a sore throat and a cough"

One of them coofed right into my bullet hole and now I'm dying of covid omicron

If only I'd gotten the vax! Oh god oh god the vax the vax!

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47433b  No.15284137


and turn off the wifi at night

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aa276b  No.15284138


Heart breaking. Everything you've worked your entire life for, gone. God bless those people.

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69f7ef  No.15284139


Tranny Detected

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4b0724  No.15284140


>Pretty sure Boulder is one of those CIA schools/towns

That’s literally everywhere

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e5a288  No.15284141

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7634dc  No.15284142


Election fraud.

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c212e7  No.15284143


kate spade

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69f7ef  No.15284144

File: d7ff4309c08cbe7⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB, 640x360, 16:9, LGB_coin.mp4)

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47433b  No.15284145

File: 964331dcbdd9f25⋯.jpg (27.55 KB, 355x312, 355:312, 1538491678.jpg)


>One of them coofed right into my bullet hole and now I'm dying

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7634dc  No.15284146


Clowns wish

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d15e73  No.15284147

File: d4ce4d4b24d64bf⋯.png (449.73 KB, 554x505, 554:505, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_1….png)


>Didn't have any flue-like systems,

Did it look like this.

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5fb0b0  No.15284148



Cordyceps are actually a fungus that's bad for you from the research I've done. You know how Mars is red? The Cordyceps fungus is literal death, it destroys everything including metal (rust).

Without fungus we'd all live forever, it's only purpose is to destroy.

I'm hard-wired and I unplug my computer at night.

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3f3476  No.15284149

File: e4fb2bc81b980f2⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, image_2.jpg)

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4b0724  No.15284150


>who came after the moonshiners?

Hippies growing veggies and making cheese?

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c212e7  No.15284151


RIP anon

nice knowin' ya

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632e24  No.15284152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dictator Dan passed on his cheat sheet to New York.

It's "funny" how all the dictators around the world are reading off the same playlist.

Nice one JD.

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7634dc  No.15284153


RRN is fake and ghey.

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aa276b  No.15284154

File: adac6bf9b730b31⋯.jpg (71.68 KB, 1392x788, 348:197, SWA_LGB1.jpg)


Well then, Let's Go Brandon"!!!!

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47433b  No.15284155

File: 9f52ea0dafcec13⋯.jpg (264.57 KB, 695x1081, 695:1081, spaceforce3.jpg)

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9da585  No.15284156

File: 853424c9ad2b3a1⋯.png (52.59 KB, 1116x433, 1116:433, code.png)


Vaccine Mandates and the Nuremberg Code: An Ethical Analysis

Sven R. Larson — 22.12.21

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324d5c  No.15284157


>God bless those people.

It's like 500 homes. I hope that they get a ton of rain or snow soon.

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aa276b  No.15284158


That's awful. Shame on you.

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a04c2a  No.15284159

File: 2a640752549dd66⋯.jpg (58.93 KB, 600x318, 100:53, ZomboMeme_31122021085803.jpg)

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c212e7  No.15284160

File: 301f58612d2a2be⋯.jpeg (52.36 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 25BC19AC_2BE4_4015_B2E5_3….jpeg)


Has that been fact checked ?

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4b0724  No.15284161


Pretty sure anon was being recruited back in the day. Ended up at a dinner with an agent. Just made fun of him to his wife and mocked him. Hilarious. Anon needs a medal for that one kek

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c212e7  No.15284162

File: 7a9f53d2d024789⋯.jpeg (274.36 KB, 1200x1000, 6:5, A73F9A6A_90DD_4802_A2E2_9….jpeg)


shit happens

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47433b  No.15284163

File: db94488564ca6f1⋯.jpg (92.52 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 1621832215.jpg)


>Cordyceps are actually a fungus that's bad for you

no it fucking isn't dummy.

It saves lives you idiot.



what else you got to say, clown?

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70c898  No.15284164

File: f8bd1695f17a9bd⋯.png (33.78 KB, 594x274, 297:137, 85fae8ba0305f55abdf1df6699….png)

Seriously wtaf? Notable LB


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c212e7  No.15284165


was your momma a himalayan climber ?

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aa276b  No.15284166


Closer to 600 homes. Saw Alicia Acuna FNC reporting. She was in front of a house that use to be there. Completely burned to the ground. House next door? Untouched. Surreal. I think she and her sister, brother in law had a restaurant that burned down. They watched it burn on a live feed they had in the place. Damn.

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ae50b9  No.15284167

File: b6b10098fabfeee⋯.jpg (115.23 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, paincakes.jpg)


Wanna go get those panqakes now?

I'm serious!

Bring drugs [weed, speed, or opium from ancient times], and coffee, and cigs, and a couple of your +1 fren femAnons, and we'll have a date in the BX.

It's not like you don't know where I live.

kek, she thinks I'm playing around. SHEILD might join us too!

I wish this was true, ya know, a reconciler's breakfast?

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2b7c3a  No.15284168

Israel signs deal to buy $3.1 billion in U.S. helicopters, tankers

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel has signed a deal with the United States to buy 12 Lockheed Martin Corp CH-53K helicopters and two Boeing Co KC-46 refuelling planes, the Israeli Defence Ministry said on Friday, estimating the total price at around $3.1 billion.

The deal, signed on Thursday, is part of an upgrade of Israel's air force capabilities and includes an option to buy six additional helicopters, a ministry statement said.

It said the first helicopters were due to arrive in Israel in 2026. Brigadier-General Shimon Tsentsiper, chief of materiel for the air force, told Israel's Army Radio on Thursday that the refuelling planes on order would not be delivered before 2025.

He said Israel was trying to bring forward the delivery of the KC-46s, and eventually wanted a total of four of them.

Israeli media have speculated that the refuelling planes could be crucial for carrying out a long-threatened air strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. Tsentsiper said the air force's current refuelling capacities were sufficient for its missions.

(This story corrects the value of deal in headline and first paragraph to $3.1 billion from $2 billion)


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2ad456  No.15284169

File: 12eb772ba6c9b20⋯.png (97.46 KB, 234x466, 117:233, ClipboardImage.png)

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632e24  No.15284170

File: 533e75bd5a31f60⋯.jpg (141.85 KB, 960x540, 16:9, about_money.jpg)

File: 5433e195f213034⋯.jpg (165.71 KB, 932x588, 233:147, SCRAP_THE_BILL.jpg)

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1d5c58  No.15284171

File: bf3e0f83d8b40bc⋯.png (365.46 KB, 530x680, 53:68, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb29ac7207ea7bf⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 454x338, 227:169, nonononoooooooooooooooooo.gif)

The move reveals the company’s stupidity and short-sightedness and will surely have its own bad consequences, the commentary said.

>Walmart-owned Sam's Club's removal of Xinjiang products from its inventory without a valid reason hides an ulterior motive, according to an article published on the website of top disciplinary body, the CCDI, on Fri.


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7634dc  No.15284172



Fact checker is RRN's own website owner.

"Parody, humor and satire".

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5fb0b0  No.15284173


Y u mad tho?

Ok keep consuming your fungus.

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aa276b  No.15284174


Yea, that's true. You happened. kek

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c212e7  No.15284176

File: a95d177ca3138ec⋯.jpeg (67.17 KB, 614x391, 614:391, 38E0E4BA_085C_49F8_9209_1….jpeg)


Good to know, anon

In future I'll get all my news from RRN

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324d5c  No.15284177


Crazy high winds, too.

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9da585  No.15284178

File: 8914e933ad9ae8e⋯.png (119.48 KB, 335x651, 335:651, parks.png)


Dr. Christina Parks, [31.12.21 08:41]

[Forwarded from Chief Nerd]

[ Photo ]

New study shows in males <40-years-old Myocarditis risk doubles with each Pfizer dose (1-3). Risk increases 7x between Moderna doses 1-2.



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47433b  No.15284179

File: 4157434fafc0f53⋯.mp4 (705.17 KB, 240x240, 1:1, Here_it_is_everybody_The_D….mp4)

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bbcacd  No.15284180

File: 80cf8af1b4fc7ab⋯.png (37.82 KB, 450x447, 150:149, ClipboardImage.png)

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c212e7  No.15284181

File: ff6732e243a617b⋯.jpeg (116.57 KB, 900x772, 225:193, 2ED6C8F1_80A1_4B4F_B4AE_A….jpeg)

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7634dc  No.15284182


Your mental disorder is noted.

Go on deluding yourself.

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aa276b  No.15284183


Alicia talking about it right now. Opened the restaurant 2 weeks ago.

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5fb0b0  No.15284184

File: b58d646fcdb407b⋯.jpg (87.21 KB, 540x1028, 135:257, b58d646fcdb407bd1f0c135206….jpg)


I ain't dyin' nigga.

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c212e7  No.15284185

File: 9bcfcbd8648a697⋯.png (18.1 KB, 460x595, 92:119, CB9AEA37_DD46_4089_A843_E0….png)


how many boosters did you take ?

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47433b  No.15284186

File: 8379cbea1948062⋯.mp4 (9.75 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1622152145.mp4)

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2ad456  No.15284187

File: cc1a7bfc67c5efc⋯.png (253.03 KB, 837x528, 279:176, ClipboardImage.png)


Imagine if you lost weight AND you got jabbed!

You would be nigh near invincible!

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aa276b  No.15284188


KYS faggot.

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eb49cb  No.15284189


Anyone complaining about RRN more than CNN, is just fake and ghey sucking devil dick.

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82ee03  No.15284190


One lantern is lit tho

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c212e7  No.15284191

File: 8fd1913c3425206⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 533x400, 533:400, B744FDFD_2B53_4ABA_BD67_0C….gif)


stay comfy

don't let anyone jab you

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33b967  No.15284192

File: c475443ef82d918⋯.png (368.02 KB, 480x547, 480:547, smallpox_blankets.png)


>Vaccine Mandates and the Nuremberg Code: An Ethical Analysis

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ae50b9  No.15284193

File: a41c4246878eaf9⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1440x750, 48:25, 35tjry.png)




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324d5c  No.15284194


I missed it. FOX talking about CDC cruise travel warning.

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a9755a  No.15284195


No one is saying that CNN is real news…

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632e24  No.15284196

File: 13bf6e0bd92d43d⋯.jpg (61.06 KB, 960x778, 480:389, one_word.jpg)

File: 145dfb308b72472⋯.jpg (48.09 KB, 280x403, 280:403, now_you_know.jpg)

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bbcacd  No.15284197


Were you masked? Observing proper social distancing? (6 feet to stop the shed)

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4b0724  No.15284198



“Dictate myself” - Mikey

“It’s delude yourself, dummy.” - Brand


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7634dc  No.15284199

File: 95e07904bfa4815⋯.jpg (16.66 KB, 255x233, 255:233, Stahp.jpg)


Does your family tree branch out, or….?

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c212e7  No.15284200

File: 3ff00de17748881⋯.png (356.08 KB, 448x700, 16:25, C23D9B7D_B3B2_4048_9CDC_6E….png)


not before I kill you !

HH dubs checked, nigger

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3f3476  No.15284201

File: d12ce7b5d156706⋯.jpeg (245.57 KB, 1440x1500, 24:25, 1550768545.jpeg)

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d15e73  No.15284202

File: 2e33948ea6b51c2⋯.png (640.95 KB, 740x687, 740:687, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_1….png)

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33b967  No.15284203


Haven't seen Major Tom P>>15284134

epe in a while.


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c212e7  No.15284204

File: 51c6c0fe47d5173⋯.jpeg (265.75 KB, 854x629, 854:629, 4A35B640_E13F_4F63_8379_1….jpeg)


my family tree is just as authentic as bath house barry's

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9da585  No.15284205

File: 42a69041e0f3191⋯.png (228.69 KB, 610x719, 610:719, space.png)


Got a great idea? Learn how the @AFResearchLab

partners on collaborative efforts with #Guardians, Airmen and other Government Agencies.

Quote Tweet

Air Force Research Lab - AFRL


· Dec 24

If you're an Airmen, Guardian or government agency that wants to connect with our world renown testing facilities and teams of experts - let's make that happen.

Learn more here:


9:09 AM · Dec 31, 2021·

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2ad456  No.15284206

File: 32ae209d1f0ce2b⋯.png (807.67 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, ClipboardImage.png)

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47433b  No.15284207

File: 2a7886fe4686dfd⋯.png (8.32 MB, 3814x1882, 1907:941, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)


Joe Bonamassa gonna be pissed.

He has a yuge cruise ship tour scheduled.

I told him, but he didn't listen.


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13251c  No.15284208

File: 6314669653b4114⋯.png (983.74 KB, 1142x573, 1142:573, ClipboardImage.png)

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324d5c  No.15284209


Ah, memories.

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aa276b  No.15284210


Fuck is wrong with you saying shit like that? Kill me uh? Better bring a lot of it. You'll need it.

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13251c  No.15284211


np fren

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47433b  No.15284212

File: 741949c4556b9b6⋯.png (14.03 MB, 3814x2700, 1907:1350, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)


yeah no thanks Joe

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bbcacd  No.15284213

File: bcd9a847c950ae8⋯.png (40.14 KB, 500x250, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Develop a strong, spiritual ‘NO’!

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4b0724  No.15284214


During lockdowns anon was making fun of Abilio and Roberts and the live mic caught a fake news staffer saying we were talking smack on them. Anon heard it live. Hilarious. Add a notch in anons belt for that one. The staffer said to Roberts “they’re talking about you and Acosta” or something like that. Classic anon wins

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9da585  No.15284215

File: aa7a524a7b13aa7⋯.png (396.79 KB, 842x491, 842:491, fort.png)

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324d5c  No.15284217


That's a bummer.

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c212e7  No.15284218

File: 7b3b1edf212e5e0⋯.jpeg (690.39 KB, 999x688, 999:688, E87ADAAE_28F9_4AA6_B653_F….jpeg)



you write like a nigger

anon writes like a nigger…smells like a nigger…..


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2ad456  No.15284219


You would think that Cuomo would have put the COVID patients on those ships…but instead, he decided to thumb his nose at Trump and put COVID patients in with the elderly.

These people need to be held accountable for the mass murder they did on this nation for pure political gain.

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69f7ef  No.15284220


I agree.

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aa276b  No.15284221


Like Joe. Plays his ass off, sings well. Puts on a great show.

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561ca5  No.15284222

File: 5da55e5864a0e7c⋯.png (714.44 KB, 640x564, 160:141, IfYouAreStillUnvaxxed.png)

just because

it fits

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d15e73  No.15284223

File: 1b0439648f0fa65⋯.jpeg (64.74 KB, 1080x772, 270:193, 83F3E8E1_B325_4AAE_9235_8….jpeg)

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9da585  No.15284224

File: a288cd26043a6c8⋯.png (301.63 KB, 1070x826, 535:413, un_boost.png)


CDC Now Treats Unvaccinated The Same As Un-Boosted, Just As DeSantis Predicted

By: Shawn Fleetwood

December 31, 2021

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d15e73  No.15284225

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c212e7  No.15284226


I concur

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efff4c  No.15284227


anon cliqued

<3 u fags (no homo)

I am (You) as (You) are (me) as we are Q as we are all together!

no, anon doesn't buy that "melded consciousness" bullshit but could resist the catchy parody of a great rock and roll song.

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915369  No.15284228


I mocked it at first too, but maybe they'll start going after people for tax evasion for not declaring illegal income (ala Capone)…?

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aa276b  No.15284229


Well, I only use that word when it's deserved. Are you deserving?

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9da585  No.15284230

File: 73081a25462ba03⋯.png (299.16 KB, 858x688, 429:344, gay_porn.png)


'Conservative Influencer' Jack Murphy, Who Teaches Men to Be Alphas, Is an Amateur Gay Porn Star—and a FRAUD

By Megan Fox Dec 31, 2021 12:35 AM ET

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74e905  No.15284231

File: 7bae6867c4f5526⋯.png (137.47 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, axiosFakeNewsAudit.png)

File: d45db01d0c3a1b8⋯.png (59.06 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2021_12_31….png)

File: a6d712cd14cd3d8⋯.png (58.97 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2021_12_31….png)

File: 7e2ab6fad5aafb8⋯.png (137.4 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, axiosFakeNewsInflation.png)


>CRIME <<<<

>BORDER <<<<


AUDIT <<<<


>The relentless 2021 news cycle in one chart

To cover for Rotus, Axios big take away is an absolutely predictable biannual search spike for the Olympics.

Then in the writeup they buryCrimeandthe Borderall the way at the bottom.

AND Don't mention at all Inflationorthe AUDIT

Guess we know what the fake news is scared of

not that searches that trended all year because Uncle Sleepy Joe is larping as president.

We know what else they left off. try to pretend we aren't here while pumping out hit pieces

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4b0724  No.15284232



What is that?

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324d5c  No.15284233


Not to mention taking out a bunch of elderly (probably many many conservative) voters right before the most spectacularly stolen election in history. Just grab some cop titties and peace out. No accountability.

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efff4c  No.15284234


anon feelz he has always been too much of a "product"

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9da585  No.15284235

File: e714e31cadc5e8e⋯.png (833.03 KB, 1334x857, 1334:857, anon.png)

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668e7e  No.15284236



Just getting here, but I already know this is the real qrd even tho it is the most boring one compared to the "whomever I hate most here did it" ones.

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bbcacd  No.15284237

File: 260c32e1a276f3a⋯.png (56.64 KB, 760x614, 380:307, ClipboardImage.png)



> CDC Now Treats Unvaccinated The Same As Un-Boosted, Just As DeSantis Predicted

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33b967  No.15284238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Substantial Weight Loss Can Reduce Risk of Severe COVID-19 Complications

Sounds like something the Fake News Media would say.

Read 'It's everything BUT the vax.'

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4f3cf2  No.15284239

PB- Dr Hotez, Texas Children’s - Julie Boom works for Texas Children’s she is the wife of Dr Marc Boom’s the CEO of globalist hospital Houston Methodist, the first hospital to mandate the Covid vaccine. Julie is given credit on many pediatric vaccine research papers and the role of social media and the dissemination of information. I have posted it to the board before with sauce.

After discarding hospital employees that worked through the pandemic like trash because of dissenting views on vaccination, Houston Methodist is currently discriminating against their vaccine exempt employees. It is mandatory for them to test every week even if they work from home. Knowing that their vaccinated employees can still get infected and transmit COVID, this mandatory testing seems punitive. They want those employees to get the vaccine or quit it’s not about the community it’s about whatever money they are getting to have 100% compliance. Out of 300 vaccinated employees that contracted Covid, 34% were boosted and they are still trying to get employees to get boosted. Methodist has said that the boosters aren’t “mandatory yet”,however they recognize the Covid vaccine as a 3 dose series now.

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74e905  No.15284240

File: c471bcd287b223d⋯.png (109.15 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2021_12_31….png)



>To cover for Rotus, Axios big take away is an absolutely predictable biannual search spike for the Olympics.

>Then in the writeup they buryCrimeandthe Borderall the way at the bottom.

>AND Don't mention at all Inflationorthe AUDIT

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47433b  No.15284241

File: c04ffd90cb81bf4⋯.png (924.64 KB, 1395x784, 1395:784, ClipboardImage.png)



>You would think that Cuomo would have put the COVID patients on those ships…but instead, he decided to thumb his nose at Trump and put COVID patients in with the elderly.


>These people need to be held accountable for the mass murder they did on this nation for pure political gain.


NYC Nurse Whistleblower - NYC hospitals were killing patients

they ignored the "Comfort Ship" and let people die. bc Trump.

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d15e73  No.15284242

File: e40102d472f4d79⋯.png (740.27 KB, 980x646, 490:323, comfy_pilot_2.png)

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cf60e3  No.15284243

File: 68b2d4f99990b9e⋯.jpg (455.35 KB, 931x524, 931:524, flyingviruszapper.jpg)

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bbcacd  No.15284244

File: 1cd35b29b27fc5d⋯.png (4.11 MB, 1707x2560, 1707:2560, ClipboardImage.png)


he’s growing… imo.

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561ca5  No.15284245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let the party roll, frens from all over the world.

Here is a song as an hommage to the fake news, fake vax, fake US presidency.


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668e7e  No.15284246


>will Q post again?

Either yes or no is not wrong.

Only the <10 know for sure.

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2b7c3a  No.15284247

File: 169f235adee9240⋯.jpeg (49.43 KB, 489x494, 489:494, Occams_Razor.jpeg)


>Read 'It's everything BUT the vax.'

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efff4c  No.15284249

File: 5ef038ac58d6447⋯.png (432.15 KB, 586x419, 586:419, not_this_shit_again_clam.png)


hegelian dialectic engaged.

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d9a01b  No.15284250


Mornin, Sam.


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aa276b  No.15284251


It's called the music business. Anon has a friend who is a renown record producer. Has produced a Who's Who of jazz greats over the last decades. Was talking yesterday about how the business has changed drastically and really not for the good. Way things go I guess. I'm moar of a George Benson, Wes Montgomery kinda anon. ButI like good players and Bonamassa certainly is one.

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efff4c  No.15284252


creep looks like a villain in a David Lynch production

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9da585  No.15284253

File: 972e55c2e81fbba⋯.png (236.95 KB, 609x530, 609:530, march.png)




7:24 PM · Mar 28, 2020·

>>>> Q+ <<<<


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47433b  No.15284254

File: f69b08d3e412794⋯.png (5.13 MB, 3345x2113, 3345:2113, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)

File: 74d7acbeb7de850⋯.png (927.85 KB, 675x675, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)

File: 1dd223e1fda780f⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1119x746, 3:2, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)


those fat fucks had it coming.

they shoulda known.

it's all your fault.

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aa276b  No.15284255


Hey Bootsy!!!

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5afb25  No.15284256


I have a hard enough time keeping my money. And I dont sell drugs or steal.

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82ee03  No.15284257

File: 360087f68a04ef3⋯.png (10.24 KB, 440x221, 440:221, Q2619.png)


The Jury is still out on the validity of RRN.

However, there may me DIGG-worthy material inside the articles.

"Gavin Newsom wasn’t flashing his ubiquitous pearly smile when he set foot in Guantanamo Bay’s south courtroom and found himself the subject of derisive stares from bothRear Adm. Crandall"


Vice Adm. “Del” Crandall is a native of Elgin, Illinois. He was commissioned through the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Program at Northwestern University, where he received a bachelor of arts degree in Economics. As a midshipman he earned silver "Dolphins," the enlisted submarine warfare qualification, on USS Woodrow Wilson (SSBN 624 GOLD).


Q2619Gold shall destroy the Fed

Could thisGOLDen boy, Rear Adm Crandall, thru tribunals at GITMO, be instrumental in destroying the Fed?


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668e7e  No.15284258


>If you've been here along, you know this….

…is bullshit.

The only known Q posts are the ones with his TC and the ones on /pol/ pre-TC that Q confirmed when Anons made the graphic containing them.

Doesn't mean he hasn't ever posted anon w/o the TC since then.

But, nobody can say for sure either way.

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efff4c  No.15284259


anon hates music business (money changes everything). devils fingerprints (read: clowns) all over it.

bonamassa was a product from the beginning, imho. chops? sure. meh. heart? anon cannot hear it.

don't fuck with the music.

rock on.

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d9a01b  No.15284260

File: 3cdec1883b7b27e⋯.png (22.53 KB, 844x371, 844:371, Q_3387_2_years_6_years.png)

File: 1767e705fc5e354⋯.jpg (47.73 KB, 562x500, 281:250, Anons_chosen.jpg)

File: 55fe4a466473f68⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1200x803, 1200:803, Chosen.png)

File: 2a9e8cfa04be40c⋯.jpg (340.46 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Chosen_pepe.jpg)

File: 6fa3e8505f9871f⋯.jpg (154.59 KB, 768x768, 1:1, Anons_chosen.jpg)


Negative nellies alive today.

Calm your tits, patriots.

It'll be until '25.

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47433b  No.15284261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Love Joe.

just not enough to risk my life on a fucking boat.

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f0cf84  No.15284262


I just can't believe anyone anywhere would fall for someone who chooses to present himself to the world looking like that. Can people not SEE?

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9da585  No.15284263

File: fd347ac837378fa⋯.png (157.75 KB, 619x639, 619:639, jo.png)


Frauds and Murderers The FDA Wants to Hide Pre-Licensure Data Until You’re Dead and Now the CDC Wants to Hide the Post-Licensure Safety Data


The FDA Wants to Hide Pre-Licensure Data Until You’re Dead and Now the CDC Wants to Hide the…

You must take this product. You cannot sue if injured. You can maybe see the clinical trial safety data in 75+ years. And the deidentified post-licensure safety data – no, you cannot see that either.

9:22 AM · Dec 31, 2021·

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74e905  No.15284264

File: 2be0405fbda1b60⋯.png (225.66 KB, 1159x278, 1159:278, fattys.png)

File: 4974548524777a4⋯.png (162.6 KB, 575x269, 575:269, fattys1.png)



>Substantial Weight Loss Can Reduce Risk of Severe COVID-19 Complications



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efff4c  No.15284265


post-boomer white boy blues

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070a70  No.15284266

File: 62eb1425195e868⋯.png (686.86 KB, 1071x755, 1071:755, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9755a  No.15284267


Any man that dies his beard is a faggot.

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668e7e  No.15284268

File: d1558cee32cc2de⋯.png (1.29 MB, 489x289, 489:289, SwordyShift.png)


> I always would feel like DAYSHIFT officially began, and GRAVEYARD had ended

Nothing against Sam, but…

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47433b  No.15284269

File: b1096f3b9707469⋯.png (3.08 MB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Screenshot_2021_06_23_at_1….png)


>Is an Amateur Gay Porn Star

Well, of course he is

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9da585  No.15284270

File: a28b5169c1e9127⋯.png (13.37 KB, 796x130, 398:65, morg_apps.png)


Canadian Bank Rejects Mortgage Application Based on Politics

will December 31, 2021

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1e8554  No.15284272

Anon is busy with a contractor preferably anonself confirm.

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60bb2f  No.15284273


You know how we know you're fat?

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69f7ef  No.15284274

File: a8e33e6a6420649⋯.png (78.42 KB, 201x251, 201:251, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a137f106896b8c⋯.png (1.16 MB, 710x1088, 355:544, ClipboardImage.png)


Newsom looks like the one from the show Gotham.

Cheney looks like the one from the Movies.

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a0644d  No.15284275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My favorite living guitarist is Buckethead. And he always performs anon, shunning personal fame.

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f0cf84  No.15284276

File: 0516c10c6c7705e⋯.jpg (91.24 KB, 750x424, 375:212, 1640958609820.jpg)


Exactly. And he dyed it shit brown to boot. Im glad I never knew about him before now. Think of all that time I never had to be annoyed. And he has been friends with Thernovith for 12 yrs. Which leads to Pussyback (among others)

Makes ya think

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9da585  No.15284277

File: 6277d524c8e255c⋯.png (163.62 KB, 357x525, 17:25, case.png)


Midnight Rider Channel ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [31.12.21 09:08]

[Forwarded from We The Media ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (William Scott)]

[ Photo ]


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69f7ef  No.15284278

File: 5753c44e601da51⋯.png (771.55 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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ca785f  No.15284279


or hippie


Is there a complete video of this ceremony? I don't know the name of the ceremony or when it happened. I do remember seeing a couple short clips of it however.

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9da585  No.15284280

File: cc7ff437e858755⋯.png (145.38 KB, 247x526, 247:526, for_it.png)


Midnight Rider Channel ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [31.12.21 09:11]

[ Video ]

Let’s Go Brandon- for sign complaints contact whitehouse.gov 🤣

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d4e4db  No.15284281


risking what? catching the corona?? with a 99.97% survival rate? or is it the risk of being on the open seas floating around on a big giant ship, afraid of icebergs maybe. smh.

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884931  No.15284282


Below is the Guantanamo court date calendar. Going through it, the "US v Khalid" case has 114 court dates scheduled. Are these just reserved dates ? This isn't counting the 110 dates that already happened in the past.

224 days in court for one detainee seems ridiculous.


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aa276b  No.15284283


Took a cruise once. 5 day cruise. It was alright. Was fucking bored after day two but the ship had an incredible gym. Unless you're into eating, drinking and gambling 24 hrs a day. Went Cozumel and the best thing I enjoyed was swimming with the Dolphins. Her name was Exshell and she was beautiful. Gentle, intelligent. Playful. What a incredible creature. Big too. But no, I ain't interested in a cruise. Even if GB was gonna be the headline.

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a48d8f  No.15284284

File: 153cc313b9f38f6⋯.png (997.93 KB, 1280x725, 256:145, night_angel.png)

Heard from a reliable source (Newport Beach SWAT Officer) that the ships waiting in the LA and Long Beach Harbor were there because Tomahawk Missiles were found in several containers. Any Anons hear anything about this?

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b91880  No.15284285

File: 0fefa375c27abf4⋯.png (637.22 KB, 980x980, 1:1, greataw.png)

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9da585  No.15284286

File: 281a788211be58f⋯.png (144.71 KB, 426x389, 426:389, for_jabs.png)


Midnight Rider Channel ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [31.12.21 09:21]

Ya think! https://mol.im/a/10358555

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47433b  No.15284287


shedding and hydras, you fucking dummy.

from the jabbed.

are you stupid?

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804222  No.15284288

IsItWetYet newsletter e-mail: We never knew Spain invaded Cambodia

IsItWetYet newsletter sent out an email regarding Jim's book. There were some strange parts where words were missing and only a single letter in its place. Sending comms or just typos?

See below:

Dear Friend,

Thank you for bearing with me as our servers go through growing pains. It has been a trying year for our country.

We still have patriots in pretrial confinement in various containment facilities around the country. I hope you can find the time to select a few to send letters to. They appreciate it. Many are in poor condition, and cheering them up by becoming a p is a big help. Here is an up telegram channel that can give you information on how to help out. https:''//''t.me/patriotmailproject

I am not judging these guys. Some of them have committed crimes. M etc., but nothing worthy of the l pretrial confinement they have been subjected to. It is as if they are being used as hostages to keep the 3 m Americans that marched on Washington on January 6, 2021.

On a lighter note, I released a novel last week. It is a SciFi novel about time travel and saving the Republic. My good friend Sharon Green, who I have known since elementary school, is the co-author. Her contributions are likely the best parts of the book. Amazon has been playing games with the paperback and has not approved my hardback version for release yet, but it is available in Kindle format and Nook. The paperback is readily available on https:''//''shop.isitwetyet.com/

or at Barnes and Nobles. You can get the Kindle and Barnes and Nobels links here.


I don't have a book deal and need this book to sell. Your favorable review is appreciated. One of the fairest reviews I received to date was from Bill Lawrence.

"It’s Chandler Brossard with a heavy salting of Kurt Vonnegut Jr. and a dollop of Thomas Jefferson."


He was pretty tough on chapter 2. I included it for the sake of giving the book a foot to stand on in the SciFi world. He is correct. Skipping chapter 2 won't take anything away from the book.

Thank you for sticking with our little experiment in liberty. America is counting on you not t up.

Your friend,

Jim Watkins


PS: Please share this newsletter with your friends. They will appreciate the time you took to forward it to them.

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33b967  No.15284289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>my family tree is just as authentic as bath house barry's

Well, at least Bathhouse Barry's gay lineage ends with him.

It's not like Big Mike was ever going to have a miracle conception event.

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a48d8f  No.15284290



Means "eternal", derived from Arabic (khalada) meaning "to last forever". This name was borne by a 7th-century Islamic military leader, Khalid ibn al-Walid.

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f97bd4  No.15284291


"it's ok to be fat" is what sounds like fake news.

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aa276b  No.15284292


I've seen this guy's videos a while back. KFC bucket on his fucking head!!! He's a shredder. Lot of technique, little heart. Not my taste but plays well though.

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1d5c58  No.15284293

File: 8e39c5c097c90d7⋯.png (299.24 KB, 539x533, 539:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1dd3f56d7868a2⋯.png (181.25 KB, 532x545, 532:545, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c808801198b9677⋯.png (144.05 KB, 1672x748, 38:17, ClipboardImage.png)

New York is Using Race to Determine Access to a Limited Supply of Life-Saving COVID Treatments.

The rationale for prioritizing some races over others crumbles upon examination.

Under NY's policy, a wealthy 18-year-old Asian or Black marathon runner is automatically eligible for antibody treatment, while an impoverished White patient must demonstrate underlying illness.


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d9a01b  No.15284294


No it isn't. Says at the bottom it is pretend.

Just BS, nigga in here diggin for clicks.

Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel.

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b91880  No.15284295

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47433b  No.15284296



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e4e83e  No.15284297

>>15282771 pb


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9da585  No.15284298

File: 9076956acaa1a4e⋯.png (127.6 KB, 422x418, 211:209, holding.png)


NTD, [31.12.21 09:31]

CDC Sued for Withholding Post-Licensure V-safe Data on COVID-19 Vaccines

READ: https://www.ntd.com/cdc-sued-for-withholding-post-licensure-v-safe-data-on-covid-19-vaccines_721214.html?utm_medium=NTD&utm_source=telegram


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f0cf84  No.15284299


Suspected but could never confirm. There were stories early on about some weapons systems having been found in containers - which is what clicked in my mind when the ships were all stacking up. The weaponry was reported to have been found close enough (timing wise) to the clog-up for it to automatically pop into my head though

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efff4c  No.15284300


anon sick again after being around muh vax'd superior beings last night

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a490ae  No.15284301


Beautiful. I can almost hear the waves crashing on the beach.

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fc7514  No.15284302

File: 38df7adc7d1c1c3⋯.jpg (8.35 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Brrrrt.jpg)

Anyone else get woken up O dark 30 this morning by a loud female voice saying "now"?

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4b0724  No.15284303


Does it really matter? Critical mass has already been reached. The only variable is minimizing collateral damage, as the plan has always made that a high priority. We have more than we know. Our children’s children will be deciding posts for generations to come. Current anons are the pioneers that helped start the snowball rolling. Hopefully we will get some credit before we leave this realm. Not necessarily important but the psychological impacts will send ripples in the wrong direction. Would just appreciate anons kids know daddy participated in something grand and good. To God be the Glory. We are merely an extension of Him. Hope it plays out the right way. Even ex. She said “I stopped believing in you because of Q”. Single most hurtful thing anyone has ever said to me.

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47433b  No.15284304


>Newport Beach SWAT Officer

Is he a Freemason?

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5fb0b0  No.15284305

File: df1c931554d107e⋯.png (73.1 KB, 228x255, 76:85, 5d2130cd45f60f63e55a4b5d68….png)

Racism doesn't exist, it's all about beauty. This is why Globohomo has a hard-on for destroying beautiful things by importing stinky ugly immigrants without merit. (((They))) want to become the master-race by killing off the competition; bloodline to Cain.

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2b7c3a  No.15284306

File: 6e797c95f3db299⋯.jpg (26.91 KB, 586x404, 293:202, watch_the_water_2_.jpg)


> IsItWetYet

Stupid name unless it's comms

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55d3ac  No.15284307


Remember all those pics of deformed children being rescued and cared for on those ships? Those nurses posting about children being rescued?

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efff4c  No.15284308

File: f6ea6bad58913c1⋯.png (72.24 KB, 544x352, 17:11, complete_lives.png)


it's just another variable in the algo

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bf86fd  No.15284309

File: 3d03067a1171e81⋯.png (562.16 KB, 526x526, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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561ca5  No.15284310

File: 79ab8986fef2e65⋯.png (19.41 KB, 455x45, 91:9, Bildschirmfoto_2021_12_31_….png)

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60ed92  No.15284311

File: f7635bf10060b61⋯.jpg (427.22 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 20211228_195916.jpg)

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47433b  No.15284312

File: a3581626ed5e084⋯.png (1.06 MB, 909x1026, 101:114, Screenshot_2021_12_26_at_1….png)

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a48d8f  No.15284313


FED may not be Fed

Could it be initials or an acronym for the cabal?

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2b7c3a  No.15284314



Acktuallly, when the board went wonky a while back, I emailed that and it kept kicking back as undeliverable.

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9da585  No.15284315

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a0644d  No.15284316

File: eb7fad2e20d683f⋯.jpg (162.45 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, pope_woods.jpg)


KSM? Pretty sure they will claim to have a LOT of evidence from the exploitation of the fake UBL takedown material that was "captured". Don't worry though, that shit will all be classified TS-C Eyes Only until at least 2122.

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668e7e  No.15284317


>Does it really matter?

To me, not really.

The BOOMs via future proves past habbenings are way moar important.

But, each individual Anon will have their own answer to that and there's nothing wrong with that.

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2b7c3a  No.15284318


Cabal or Cannibal.

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0b648e  No.15284319

File: d6a9a45dc98d29e⋯.png (44.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Numero Uno

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aceff0  No.15284320

File: 3b7a659edad2349⋯.png (390.42 KB, 1202x479, 1202:479, covidcleanupcrew.png)

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668e7e  No.15284321

File: 117f1ea6f0e9412⋯.jpg (31.28 KB, 879x113, 879:113, AnimePussies.jpg)


It's at least consistent with the whole 8* vibe Jim has cultivated.

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958603  No.15284322

Anons making resolutions this year?

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31b1d7  No.15284323


Did she even realize she said, "Fellow" white women? So patriarchal of her kek.

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aceff0  No.15284324


Fastest Economic Death

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1d5c58  No.15284325

File: e9c2cb9a0ea5a0b⋯.png (160.45 KB, 523x698, 523:698, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebc8c61d1dfa798⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB, 352x640, 11:20, romania.mp4)

PURE CORRUPTION: Romanian MEP exposes secret agreements that Big Pharma forced governments around the world to sign


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752017  No.15284326


fountain pens

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4b0724  No.15284327


>doesn’t matter

It really doesn’t. We have it all right in front of us.

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47433b  No.15284328

File: 9a5027bdf255eb0⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1078x755, 1078:755, Screenshot_2021_06_27_at_0….png)

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a48d8f  No.15284329

File: b971d14d1d331e3⋯.jpeg (58.17 KB, 474x355, 474:355, mlk_japan.jpeg)

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a0644d  No.15284330

File: 9d1edb2e30b58ec⋯.jpeg (8.71 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 6445e8fa3f84362bfb02bdc94….jpeg)


Excellent question anon.

Newport Beach is the OC Riviera.

Also a bit south of LA/LB ports.

If you get second-hand confirmation from a Fed I might get interested.

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958603  No.15284331


Can see the psycho from her eyes (don't even want to click).. kek

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efff4c  No.15284332



yes odd vibe for a movement dedicated to, among other things, "restoring holy matrimony and the family."

muh disinfo, perhaps.

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9da585  No.15284333

File: b5d23d562e660de⋯.png (318.26 KB, 481x474, 481:474, go_chants.png)

File: 9c962e2c58f8879⋯.png (47.81 KB, 600x248, 75:31, foot_ball.png)

File: 796fbaa2a1bb1d3⋯.png (260.81 KB, 483x443, 483:443, c_ball.png)


Congratulations to @SCState_Fb

, @GamecockFB

, @ClemsonFB

, and @CoastalFootball

on your bowl game victories. Our state is immensely proud of your achievement!

9:43 AM · Dec 31, 2021

History Made: 2021 Cure Bowl Champions

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47433b  No.15284334

File: e421448e71433e6⋯.mp4 (446.12 KB, 400x222, 200:111, 1625498919_1.mp4)


just watching it all play out

let's hope the ending is a good one

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82ee03  No.15284335

File: 9bd4feebf13ba4a⋯.jpg (108.33 KB, 783x688, 783:688, anons.jpg)


Im suggesting there may be contentwithinthe story worth digging on.

Information on this website is for informational ""and educational and entertainment"" purposes.

Read between the lines.

"News unlocks"

(Even fake news has a purpose)

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e4e83e  No.15284336

File: 9253487c6a1ef89⋯.png (442.82 KB, 696x714, 116:119, e1d31217cde8b32ed41e216c9f….png)

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4b0724  No.15284337



Vote harder. 2020 anon wept like a phag after voting. Midterms and 2024 will probably bring anon to anons knees. Hopefully anons don’t fall for the “I’m not voting again”’bullshit. It’s our bravest endeavor. Peaceful and Righteous.

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a0644d  No.15284338

File: 40bd15eb961eeb9⋯.jpg (88.67 KB, 644x960, 161:240, 40bd15eb961eeb99cb36512787….jpg)


I resolve to smoke all the pots

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f0cf84  No.15284339

File: 43e8032d32abb1b⋯.jpg (325.02 KB, 1080x1043, 1080:1043, 20200402_180231.jpg)

File: 47e25c8062aa116⋯.jpg (885.63 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200404_161656….jpg)

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0b648e  No.15284340

File: 8055e8df0fb941f⋯.png (114.93 KB, 600x537, 200:179, ClipboardImage.png)

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efff4c  No.15284341


hot / crazy off the charts

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fc7514  No.15284342


It wasn't like she was yelling but the volume was turned up to 11. Wasn't the wife, not her voice. Nearly grabbed my gun thinking someone was in the room.

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668e7e  No.15284343


I'm not sure Jim has ever been specifically dedicated to that unless there's something I've missed over the years.

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3f3476  No.15284344

File: 0eb9519e57c919a⋯.jpeg (101.38 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, 1583544599.jpeg)

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47433b  No.15284345

File: b1ea5b87c724b91⋯.jpg (24.59 KB, 629x340, 37:20, french_taunting.jpg)

File: 8be0868a9c3fef5⋯.jpeg (642.16 KB, 1170x1153, 1170:1153, 1621937775.jpeg)

File: 478ece4ba36f570⋯.jpg (126.95 KB, 1008x721, 144:103, 1621838625.jpg)

File: 08cff5d3ab7a973⋯.jpg (79.98 KB, 497x644, 71:92, 1621440776.jpg)

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1e8554  No.15284346




You havent come to terms with your handlers yet?

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efff4c  No.15284347


Pray, moran.


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2b7c3a  No.15284348



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/04/2018 16:28:25





People are simply in the way.























UK/GER [5 days].

Choice is yours.












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4b0724  No.15284349


>your voice does not matter

Ha! Funny but not. If anons voice didn’t matter dark forces would have never bothered with death threats and throwing explosives at anons home during Floyd. Try again.

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d0c6f3  No.15284350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



2 if by sea



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9da585  No.15284351

File: 1bd6dac08fb8f1d⋯.png (78.24 KB, 426x536, 213:268, flew.png)


Chief Nerd, [31.12.21 09:29]

[ Photo ]

What is Flurona? Israel records first case of flu and Covid together

“Israel has recorded its first case of 'flurona'- the double infection from Covid and flu, local website Ynet reported on Thursday.

The Israeli Health Ministry is still examining the case, having yet to determine whether the two viruses combined may cause more severe illness.”



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e4e83e  No.15284352

File: 4ed2e482f5884b0⋯.jpg (67.54 KB, 383x570, 383:570, next_phase_justice.jpg)

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668e7e  No.15284353

File: 8869004fbb734c9⋯.png (2.67 KB, 91x62, 91:62, chk.png)


>South Carolina +12.5

>Clemson -1.5

>Northern Illinois +11.5 (Coastal won but didn't cover)

I grin when I win.

TYVM South Carolina!

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55d3ac  No.15284354


Those pics always get my blood boiling. There were more.

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0b648e  No.15284355

File: acf647dad192064⋯.png (60.55 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Good luck!


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bd224e  No.15284356


Need link to original plz

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adb451  No.15284357


Add Chaga mushrooms.

Purported Uses:

Inflammation, Cancer treatment and prevention, Hepatoprotection, Immunostimulation

Mechanism of Action:

Oxalic, gallic, protocatechuic and p-hydroxybenzoic acids have been identified in chaga extracts. In vitro, antidiabetic effects are attributed to terpenoids that inhibit alpha-glucosidase. Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties may occur via inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). Immunomodulating effects are attributed to Th1/Th2 cytokine secretion in immune cells and regulation of antigen-specific antibody production. Anti-quorum sensing activity in chaga conks suggests broader anti-infection attributes beyond immunomodulatory effects.In animal studies, a methanolic extract of chaga produced beneficial effects on learning and memory via decreased malondialdehyde and nitrite levels, decreased acetylcholinesterase activity, and restored glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and acetylcholine level. Antifatigue effects were attributed to polysaccharides from chaga, which increased endurance and glycogen content of liver and muscle in mice, while decreasing blood lactic acid and serum urea nitrogen levels. Anti-inflammatory effects in animal colitis models were related to suppression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, iNOS, and interleukin (IL)-1beta.

3beta-hydroxy-lanosta-8, 24-dien-21-al, and inotodiol constituents in chaga produce antimutagenic and antioxidative activities. Water-soluble lignin derivatives have also been identified as bioactive constituents with anticancer properties. A hot-water extract of chaga exhibited inhibitory and proapoptotic actions against colon cancer cells via upregulation of Bax and caspase-3 and downregulation of Bcl-2. Inhibition of colorectal cancer was exerted by the constituent ergosterol via downregulation of the beta-catenin pathway. Inotodiol, a triterpenoid isolated from chaga, inhibited proliferation of cervical cancer cells and induced apoptosis in vitro via increased Bax expression, decreased Bcl-2, cyclin E downregulation, and p27 up-regulation . Aqueous extracts of chaga inhibited growth of human hepatoma cells via G0/G1 phase cell-cycle arrest and selective apoptotic induction. Other apoptotic characteristics can induce caspase cleavage and nuclear fragmentation


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a0644d  No.15284358

File: 2dbf0cea1a7b63b⋯.jpeg (85.14 KB, 1016x792, 127:99, 2dbf0cea1a7b63b0d4b475d95….jpeg)


You sort of fail to take into account that 8chan existed before Q. Original 8chan was a bunch of fags who split off from the 4chan fags over who the fuck cares now. All image boards at that time were basically dedicated to anime worship and vigorous masturbation.

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aceff0  No.15284359


Of course they do!!


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c58749  No.15284360


Glad to see two bakeys with some initiative collecting notes through old breads, posting up in dough, and keep as fresh a loaf as can be….

Even numbered them same…hive mind on bakers going.

But someone came along and locked the extra which limits board fuxkery…good.

At some point like Lou Brown says

We'll figure out how to beat those guys

And they did

Go Tribe

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d4e4db  No.15284361

File: 866e4dde214bc0f⋯.jpg (45.56 KB, 500x329, 500:329, bear.jpg)

File: e29879934801646⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, cute_pepe.png)



>are you stupid?

maybe but one thing im not is afraid. so take your 41 post flood and stick em up your arse. smh

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1d5c58  No.15284362

File: c20137a51459450⋯.png (55.01 KB, 587x380, 587:380, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fff0eaba7d4a2d⋯.png (467.84 KB, 1249x703, 1249:703, ClipboardImage.png)

One of the best Holocaust Museums in the nation is demanding to see a 5-year-old’s papers. A Holocaust Museum! For God’s sake!!


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47433b  No.15284364


do you even know who you're talking to here?

shut your fucking pie hole, idiot.

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f0cf84  No.15284365


I have quite a few more. I never feel like it is good to post them beyond as a reminder, though. Interesting how all of that happened and was ignored at the time by mainstream. Still hasn't ever been an explanation, or any kind of update

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324d5c  No.15284366

File: 36e7a48972a4ce8⋯.png (1.1 MB, 944x755, 944:755, 9e651bc5d09bc7cb660c78ae85….png)


Do you even know what those will ebay for after we win?

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d15e73  No.15284367


They'll probably demand that the visitors wear a yellow badge next.

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c58749  No.15284368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Where do bad folks go when they die

They don't go to heaven where the angels fly

Go to a lake of fire and fry

Anon can do 4th of July at Christmas

Make it So

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60bb2f  No.15284369


Sort of. Same time but it was by legs stomping on my guy saying "meow".

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e4e83e  No.15284370

File: f7b6ad481460463⋯.gif (144.6 KB, 300x100, 3:1, winning.gif)

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668e7e  No.15284371


No I didn't.

I used 8* to designate both ch & kun.

Was it too unclear?

Yes, I can grant you that.

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958603  No.15284372


flurona.. hm.. saw anon talking about this yesterday. so it's "real". hm. kekekekek

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916dfe  No.15284373


This is unconstitutional, racist, and disgusting.

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1c5be1  No.15284374

File: b67f8cf388ddeb0⋯.jpeg (413.96 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, CA1A5175_CEC7_423D_BA9F_8….jpeg)

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aceff0  No.15284375

File: d26e1210e574c89⋯.png (749.76 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


It's a building full of lies.

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a0644d  No.15284376


Kek. Only if they're still sealed in the original packaging.

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916dfe  No.15284377


Wait till normies find out the true purpose of WW2, and who orchestrated the deaths.

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d4e4db  No.15284378


nice. and YES. i do. if you hurry you can get another 50 posts in

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416930  No.15284379

File: 0813af4ef7cf3fc⋯.png (101.18 KB, 385x304, 385:304, 5ACDDD2C_D73A_4CF6_9BF7_C0….png)


The absolute state of this Union

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d15e73  No.15284380

File: b84998e689d05db⋯.png (912.77 KB, 1440x955, 288:191, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_1….png)


Is he a pilot?

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efff4c  No.15284381

File: 7373e2167439f40⋯.png (43.11 KB, 537x207, 179:69, ala_what_is_a_cold_2.png)

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668e7e  No.15284382

File: 6d4fd94f5370b34⋯.jpg (31.54 KB, 849x181, 849:181, Screenshot_2021_12_31_0900….jpg)


>But someone came along and locked the extra which limits board fuxkery…good.

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47433b  No.15284383


yup, interchangeable with reishi but I take them all at various times

Cordyceps = energy & respiratory clearing (within hours)

Reishi = overall good mood and immune modulator

Chaga = great when I'm out of Reishi, or avoiding a virus, then I take both

Also – Agaricus blazei

Maitake for blood sugar and blood pressure

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958603  No.15284384


why are people even patronizing there?

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324d5c  No.15284385

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fc7514  No.15284386


If they would just talk to me we could have that conversation… but I've got a shield up around the house to keep back the dead and ease the weather around the house connected through me and the Spirit so these high impact yells maybe the only way to reach me.

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4b0724  No.15284387


Aside from murdering anon, they threw everything they could at anon to try and stop me. Nevertheless… anon takes all of these slings and arrows gladly for you. For our children, our children’s children, and generations yet to be.

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1c5be1  No.15284388


the lineage was very deeply embedded in many anuses

prolly inseamenated for a few infected moon children just for shits and sacs later just in case too

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668e7e  No.15284389



kek ponder the aroma

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fdeb4d  No.15284390

File: 4fa355b50aa1ec3⋯.jpeg (47.16 KB, 500x281, 500:281, C0426B2B_BC80_4BDA_A552_E….jpeg)



its happening. rush would love it.

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55d3ac  No.15284391


The theory that sticks with me is that the boats were there to help the bunker children, but the pedos found and and destroyed the bunkers and the children, with only a few found alive, leaving the boats mostly unused.

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958603  No.15284392


your wife wants you to change the smoke detector batteries

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0ffb21  No.15284393


In a just world, this of course would be brilliant. Video every low life looter walking out the store, ID them, and fuck them over at tax time.

OK maybe “just world” is better stated as pipe dream. And better yet of course is to empty some lead into them as they leave the store.

Just blah blah blahing.

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0b648e  No.15284394

File: 0eeb51eaa642abd⋯.png (15.02 KB, 415x264, 415:264, ClipboardImage.png)


> vigorous masturbation.

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1e8554  No.15284395


They know people lie so they interrogate your subconsious.

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f0cf84  No.15284396


Needs to be mocked with memes - Blurona, Shoerona, Moorona, Poorona…

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2b7c3a  No.15284397


>Try again.

I didn't write it. Just highlighting drop.

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1e8554  No.15284398


You think that was all you were processing before you woke up?

>>15284302, >>15284342, >>15284346, >>15284386, >>15284395

Not attacking anon just FFT.

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86a80e  No.15284399

I wonder if the Satanic Temple in Louisville, Colorado burned…

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f0cf84  No.15284400


I hope that was not true

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60bb2f  No.15284401


He has been known to cropdust

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4b0724  No.15284402


Can’t wait for the next SOTU delivered by Trump.

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8b55c0  No.15284403

File: 4c22ba0d138506e⋯.jpg (137.52 KB, 1379x773, 1379:773, 2021_12_31_100348.jpg)

I am amazed this is still up.


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958603  No.15284404



this is the way

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d4e4db  No.15284405


not those exact words but a definite signal. IT IS TIME.

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0ffb21  No.15284406


Virtue signaling? Hell, this is virtue bellowing.

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fc7514  No.15284407


They aren't interrogating me… they know who I am… they were alerting me last night, to something.

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47433b  No.15284408


no but I just sat up and said, "Did I even sleep?"

I never do that

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0b648e  No.15284409

File: d91ccaa441cae19⋯.png (53.45 KB, 1200x824, 150:103, ClipboardImage.png)

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a0644d  No.15284410

File: 539b52e41cc8608⋯.jpeg (228.71 KB, 1739x1304, 1739:1304, 539b52e41cc86089b2acfde05….jpeg)

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872146  No.15284411


Woke up again at 1:11. Keeps happening

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a686a8  No.15284412

File: efef62c35417652⋯.png (180.55 KB, 700x1288, 25:46, ClipboardImage.png)


Q was referring to the view of the nwo.

Q confirmed our voices do in fact matter.

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c58749  No.15284413


Tell you what I'd do

One bread at a time

Fuckin A

Now, if they can stick to their promise to lock breads which don't follow format, well, that's another story

Let's see.what happens

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f0cf84  No.15284414


If I had that sort of talent, a Forest Gump style vid with him listing a those rona varieties would be golden

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47433b  No.15284415

File: 96f445d49faadb7⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB, 320x400, 4:5, 1622564121.mp4)

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1e8554  No.15284416


>They aren't interrogating me… they know who I am… they were alerting me last night, to something.

<of what do you think?

They do that too but without mentioning all your queries up front you could easily assume the goalpost is simply being moved with every response.

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1d5c58  No.15284417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


only got longer yt version fren


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dee5c9  No.15284418


Government in exile versus occupying power.

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1d9bce  No.15284419

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958603  No.15284420


In all seriousness, I put my faith in things like this, that it's some sort of higher power. I have a feeling that the reason for the signal will be apparent in the days to come, though you don't realize it now (future proves past kind of thing). It's always a little disconcerting when that happens.. to me too.

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6429a2  No.15284421


appears your digits confirm

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bf121e  No.15284422

File: b0df4b73493cefe⋯.png (69.77 KB, 268x188, 67:47, ClipboardImage.png)

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668e7e  No.15284423



There's a big city park near me that has a hundred of those kinda plates on the benches.

But, none are worded quite like that.

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fc7514  No.15284424


What was the Shuman doing last night? Anyone got that link?

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fdeb4d  No.15284426


new years resolution for this anon:

stop talking about covid or the vax. or mandates etc. its a slide at this point….

start talking moar about the satanists (illuminati) and their infiltration and corruption of this planet.

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1d5c58  No.15284427

File: f896c50b1d93076⋯.png (116.14 KB, 587x712, 587:712, ClipboardImage.png)


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8b55c0  No.15284428

File: fa1eff9172cb0e4⋯.jpg (46.38 KB, 1193x450, 1193:450, 2021_12_31_100757.jpg)


Does this have something to do with ODNI?

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47433b  No.15284429

File: 73cd3b99014ad91⋯.jpg (18 KB, 247x255, 247:255, palerider.jpg)

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31b1d7  No.15284430


Graph checks out!

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9a8a96  No.15284431

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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4b0724  No.15284432


Big Mike may shit out a demon. Be careful what we “wish” for.

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872146  No.15284433


Shuman was shut down for 3 days about 4-5 months ago. I am convinced they tampered with it. The big, massive readings suddenly stopped after that outage. They somehow scaled it down

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1d5c58  No.15284434

File: 355370f70f0ea0f⋯.png (58.65 KB, 587x328, 587:328, ClipboardImage.png)

The tests aren’t accurate. Cloth masks don’t work. Shutting down can destroy society. Hospitalization numbers are completely misleading.

This all just became ok to admit this week. Last week we were all conspiracy nut spreading misinformation.

It’s really something to watch.


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668e7e  No.15284435

File: ea062601a33aac3⋯.jpg (65.24 KB, 626x578, 313:289, SchumerResinence.JPG)


Yes, Chuck was active last night.

Wait wut?

Oh, wrong one, nvm.

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2b7c3a  No.15284436



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a0644d  No.15284437

'Morning Swordy

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47433b  No.15284438

File: 05d9f1ce8706765⋯.jpg (43.43 KB, 400x1034, 200:517, 1530838848.jpg)

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1d9bce  No.15284439



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b7fe97  No.15284440

strange question this morning. Also good morning. From the research i have seen here some say Viruses as a whole do not exist. OK with that idea in place what are STD's like Herpes then? Are they parasites or are some viruses real? Could ivermectin bea miracle cure for all things, seeing as some people have posted that it can cure cancer as well? Just an anon who is curios no i do not have the drip but a friend told me about their problem contracted from their ex spouse. Has there been any research that has been done with this, not a medical fag just a sometimes angry memefag so really retarded about all this. But i wanted to try to offer some hope to them with the shit i know anons talk about in here TIA.

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bf86fd  No.15284441

File: bf39b54ba3af84b⋯.png (495.46 KB, 800x439, 800:439, ClipboardImage.png)

Gene Decode Discusses Cloning Centres, Vrills/Drones & Body Snatching with Nicholas Veniamin


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97cf19  No.15284442



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fc7514  No.15284443


Not sure… usually get more of a "check your whatever" vibe. This was very insistent now is time message seems like.

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958603  No.15284444


those are good ones. Have had people ask me point blank "have you had the vaccine?" my answer is "why do you ask" and that's all I say and stare at them. Surprisingly effective.

I will add those to my two resolutions. T Y.

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99471e  No.15284445

File: a2f144a3e5b3d45⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1091, 1080:1091, f8d0c0c4f695e7dd367c3e7d71….png)


mornin Swordy!

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8b55c0  No.15284446


OR this?



05-Nov-2017 11:34:15 PM EST



Important Context:

What have you learned about HUMA?

What organization is HUMA?

Which US President is affiliated w/ HUMA?

Why is this relevant?

What year(s) did this occur?

Who funded on behalf this President?

Why is this relevant?

What year(s) did this occur?

What just happened in SA?

Who was arrested?

Funds frozen.

Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?



Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?

Why is the relevance?

Was the MB affiliated to any of these organizations/people?

Fast forward.

Why are the events in SA so important?

Why was JK in SA recently?

Why was POTUS' last Tweet re: SA prior to the happening?

Why was POTUS' Twitter taken down days before under cover of a rogue employee?

Refocus again.

Who was arrested in SA?

Any ownership stakes in US co's?

Why is this relevant?


Las Vegas.

Recent events.

Why would investment be made in a former President pre-political days?

What year(s) did this occur?

What faith does HUMA represent?

What faith does the MB represent?

What faith does Huma represent?

Who are the bad actors?

Who funds majority of US 'senior' politicians?

Fantasy land.

Fantasy land.

Was the former President of the United States groomed to be Command in Chief?

Is this possible?

Is the US political / election system corrupt?

Who owns poll machines?


Why is this relevant?

They never thought she would lose.

They never thought she would lose.

Fantasy land.

Fantasy land.

The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.

POTUS is our savior.


Operators are active.

We are at war.

Goodnight BO.

Snow White.

Godfather III.


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37071e  No.15284447

File: 9545b2d174919ca⋯.png (663.87 KB, 1078x454, 539:227, myluckystras.png)

File: 9fca0b75d3672c5⋯.png (705.24 KB, 980x550, 98:55, sniff.png)

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087270  No.15284448

File: 4cde4d2e3d19113⋯.jpg (336.67 KB, 800x533, 800:533, i_used_to_2d2634.jpg)

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668e7e  No.15284449


You're late today.

Some Anons are already starting to use Sam as the new Day Shift signpost because he's rarely tardy.

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1d5c58  No.15284450

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6d581d  No.15284451

File: f7ddd955bd3ba8a⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1414x1656, 707:828, ClipboardImage.png)

Side by side is the only way

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bf86fd  No.15284452

File: d0a4647287bb5a2⋯.png (126.43 KB, 1243x581, 1243:581, ClipboardImage.png)



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9f2f27  No.15284453


Based Romanian MEP

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668e7e  No.15284454

File: d21cf4912c7ec86⋯.png (2.21 KB, 81x63, 9:7, ckd.png)

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a0644d  No.15284455


It's White People Traditional Holiday week

Cut him a little slack.

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872146  No.15284456

File: e8c723230790d8e⋯.jpg (54.23 KB, 314x419, 314:419, 751.jpg)


>Gene Decode

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4b0724  No.15284457


Anon isn’t fat but definitely out of shape. A big win would light a fire in anons soul to fast again and get back to health. All things are tied together. May sound ghey but 2020 broke anons heart. Was already shattered but the election really effed anon up. It’s like when T2000 gets shattered to pieces with liquid nitrogen. That’s anons heart atm. It’s been nearly a year and still can’t shake it. A curse? Perhaps. Or maybe anon just cares that much and knows what is at stake

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86a80e  No.15284458


Maybe they don't know. He kame and went

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9f2f27  No.15284459


>Forced governments to sign

No, they 'force' them, they just bribed them.

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6d581d  No.15284460

File: 74526c5608cbba2⋯.png (638.79 KB, 1304x746, 652:373, ClipboardImage.png)


>Side by side is the only way

NPR are blatantly lying and saying Trump voters dies more of covid. This is bullshit data manipulation based on the lie that the unvaxxed died more

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561ca5  No.15284461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


just for (you)

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e4c784  No.15284462

File: 6a14e39f73f3006⋯.png (577.75 KB, 848x421, 848:421, COMFEFE_COVFEFE.png)


Heh! Nik'd.

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47433b  No.15284463


>Could ivermectin bea miracle cure for all things


also, helichrysum gymnocephalum is antiviral - one drop in a carrier oil like cannabis or olive oil. look into pure essential oils like these. they can keep you healthy along with medicinal mushrooms.

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6d581d  No.15284464

File: 5b519ab71dfaee1⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1133x1246, 1133:1246, ClipboardImage.png)


>>Side by side is the only way

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5fb0b0  No.15284465


It's also Winter-time. I notice Schumann goes off the charts during Spring/Summer because the Sun is bringing knowledge and healing to us through Neutrinos or some shit.

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bf121e  No.15284466


where can i find this? it's hysterical

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bf86fd  No.15284467

File: 1b0002b201ff267⋯.png (317.13 KB, 616x472, 77:59, ClipboardImage.png)



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6d581d  No.15284468

File: 8b8b9ea38df364e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 976x1125, 976:1125, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>Side by side is the only way

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668e7e  No.15284469


Tyrell, it's so good to see the best tard meme being used again on QResearch.

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110fea  No.15284470



What gets me, is after making such a big deal about getting those hospital ships in place to help, they really expect us to believe they went completely unused.

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4b0724  No.15284471


Playbook known

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47433b  No.15284472


it's right there. just download it.

I think I got it here a few years ago.

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55d3ac  No.15284473


Human self trial Anon here. I stocked up on horse paste 1.87 8 months ago. I take the weight recommendation twice a month. I have not been sick even while being around people that have been sick. I feel better than ever. Only side effect has been floaties in the eyes for two or three days after.

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1d5c58  No.15284474

File: 4f2d1e3e624f888⋯.png (179.34 KB, 583x523, 583:523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36b190e50877669⋯.png (132.88 KB, 720x333, 80:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6c8ad4cc5f8890⋯.png (172.75 KB, 720x503, 720:503, ClipboardImage.png)


When Crenshaw said we have grifters and performance artists in our midst he was actually just fundraising for his new cringe campaign ad


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9f2f27  No.15284475



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efff4c  No.15284476


sounds like you feel right at home there

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958603  No.15284477


Maybe a 3 day fast and prayer? Starting Jan 1.

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d15e73  No.15284478


I tell them that only I and my doctor have a right to know my medical status.

I usually get a strange 'light bulb going on' sort of reaction from them.

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37071e  No.15284479

File: bd7ffc4cac28dfb⋯.png (841.48 KB, 710x1002, 355:501, hello1.png)

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47433b  No.15284480


proves it's a parasite. I drink ozone water myself.


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6d581d  No.15284481

File: 9ec985c0586cb0a⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1118x1442, 559:721, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>Side by side is the only way

(btw fuck desantos IMO who resonates Swalwell in this pic)

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13251c  No.15284482


Aka; Liberal Utopia.

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1d9bce  No.15284483

File: 4b5ef18b4ceab8c⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB, 640x470, 64:47, 1620802076_Copy.mp4)


Bwaaa haaa haaa haaa

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fc7514  No.15284484

File: 72ab8ed2c46a670⋯.jpg (140.37 KB, 1006x340, 503:170, schumann.jpg)


spike at the correct time

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e4c784  No.15284485





I have a feeling we're looking at some dominoes starting to fall, here. Look at this from yesterday:



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404d27  No.15284486

File: 58aa7830ec40897⋯.png (672.01 KB, 709x983, 709:983, ClipboardImage.png)

Meanwhile in NYC…

Mayor Bill de Blasio commemorates his last day

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1d9bce  No.15284487


>God bless

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de96fa  No.15284488

File: 98f3ed978465ce3⋯.jpg (99.51 KB, 1080x1066, 540:533, bf7.jpg)


>May sound ghey but 2020 broke anons heart.

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e4c784  No.15284489


Last two links are (PB). Sorry.

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a48d8f  No.15284490

File: 766dd4ab4af7883⋯.webm (444.2 KB, 310x240, 31:24, Cat_Jackson_DDz5r6RYRLA.webm)

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6d581d  No.15284491


> the weight recommendation twice a month

for horses, for intestinal parasites. that's not the covid dose. the covid dose is ~36mg/day for ~5 days for adult. just so you're aware. That's about half a tube, which is like 3x the "weight dose"

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fdeb4d  No.15284492

File: 547e89bcd663593⋯.jpeg (11.03 KB, 254x220, 127:110, FCA992D3_73CD_49D3_8309_6….jpeg)


I will use that from now on! thx

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872146  No.15284493


PB Schumann outage where I believe they tampered with it

>>14281439 at 2021-08-06 05:13:24 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #18068: Phase 0 is slow Edition






Currently an outage. Source is down. Awaiting patiently.


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efff4c  No.15284494

File: ed4c14d87f63374⋯.png (326.92 KB, 516x386, 258:193, baste.png)

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958603  No.15284495


kek… and the trick is to stay completely silent and hold eye contact. Make them squirm.

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47433b  No.15284496

File: 0b58351f788a649⋯.png (564.06 KB, 586x720, 293:360, Screenshot_2021_06_18_at_2….png)


dude that's the worst.

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6d581d  No.15284497

File: 8a0514e46496737⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1052x1296, 263:324, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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1d9bce  No.15284498


>Side by side is the only way


>Side by side is the only way


>Side by side is the only way


>Side by side is the only way


>Side by side is the only way

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8b55c0  No.15284499

File: 05f8c28d666a126⋯.jpg (131.36 KB, 1300x675, 52:27, 2021_12_31_101911.jpg)

File: 3de73ec5bc926a7⋯.jpg (69.12 KB, 1217x428, 1217:428, 2021_12_31_101928.jpg)

File: 4c9addc79ecc163⋯.jpg (40.92 KB, 1439x353, 1439:353, 2021_12_31_101943.jpg)



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67590e  No.15284500

File: 7575f3909e0c385⋯.jpg (18.39 KB, 540x248, 135:62, ZomboMeme_21112021143418.jpg)

File: 36ad27c46e1cf7c⋯.jpg (33.16 KB, 432x533, 432:533, ZomboMeme_20112021193904.jpg)

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958603  No.15284501


The beauty of it is that they're pre-expecting a yes or no answer and it throws them off. Answering a question with a question is a fun trick to use. :)

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6d581d  No.15284502

File: bb7a8e716c10cd7⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1183x1327, 1183:1327, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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a62373  No.15284503



i don't live with my mother.

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e4c784  No.15284504

File: bde8ddf4ee5eba6⋯.jpg (54.52 KB, 455x418, 455:418, The_Pen_Is_Mightier.jpg)

File: 478b1552348020e⋯.jpg (266.33 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, Luxury_Stapler.jpg)




You don't get the pen wet until you start writing.

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6d581d  No.15284505

File: 639ab212ac55856⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1026x1695, 342:565, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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a48d8f  No.15284506

File: 3b116e2c97668d0⋯.png (388.2 KB, 1119x575, 1119:575, playsandperformances.png)

File: e6dede831ce5a4a⋯.png (410.73 KB, 1130x606, 565:303, playtime_theresienstadt.png)

File: 7e9b21bbd5199fb⋯.png (404.05 KB, 1135x571, 1135:571, shoemaking_lies.png)


> Holocaust Museums

Bet you won't find these pics in there.

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6d581d  No.15284507

File: f59b23b25b6c3cf⋯.png (798.74 KB, 1029x1164, 343:388, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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2b7c3a  No.15284508

KEK. Wakie, wakie…

Letters to the Editor: An updated Bible with 20,000 revisions isn't a good look for believers

To the editor: While Hal Taussig has great pride in the 20,000 revisions made to the Bible, he makes my argument for me. ("A new edition of the Bible, with 20,000 revisions, should spark 20,000 thoughtful conversations," Opinion, Dec. 24)

Why should the Bible be taken literally as the word of God when humans (or more accurately men) have revised this book to say what they want for millenniums?

It's a nice book of stories, nothing more.

Kathleen Walker, Los Osos


To the editor: The notion of "20,000 revisions, each bringing new light to the Bible" troubles me. I deal with many anti-Christians who want to dismiss the Bible because, they say, it's been changed so many times that it's unreliable.

There is also the matter that so many of these changes merely reflect political correctness. I question the reshaping of the biblical narrative in the image of our own times.

As a seminarian studying the New Testament in Greek, I was jolted every time the familiar English texts deviated from the source. I anticipate many seminarians being in shock to find that the text does not say "brothers and sisters," but instead merely "brothers."

Timothy Wright, Baltimore


To the editor: Taussig justifies all the revisions of the Bible by stating that "each iteration of the Bible addresses some cultural need."

That misses the purpose of the Bible, which is to serve as a source of spirituality. The updated New Revised Standard Version fails miserably in capturing the spiritual essence of the Bible and thus deprives its readers of the thing they need most from Scripture.

The most spiritual English translation is the original King James version of the Bible. Every subsequent translation has failed to capture the spirituality of Scripture that was beautifully conveyed by the leading English scholars of the 17th century.

While it is true that 17th century English can be difficult to read in the 21st century, subsequent translations very often fail to capture the spiritual essence of the Hebrew and Greek texts — and the updated New Revised Standard Version is no exception.

Jack Allen, Pacific Palisades


To the editor: I was looking for the part where God first asks Mary if she's OK with carrying his child. Wouldn't that have been a kind and thoughtful revision, reinforcing basic rules of decency and morality?


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d15e73  No.15284509


I know, and then I usually walk around the corner and piss myself laughing.

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e4c784  No.15284510

File: f902510a7901773⋯.jpg (123.74 KB, 1000x714, 500:357, USNS_Mercy_And_Victims_Bei….jpg)

File: 60051217b89eac3⋯.jpg (171.3 KB, 1080x1241, 1080:1241, USNS_Mercy_And_Victims_Bei….jpg)

File: be91926ae932e3e⋯.jpg (99.66 KB, 834x851, 834:851, USNS_Mercy_And_Victims_Bei….jpg)

File: 2bf5d1203b6807e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1944x982, 972:491, USNS_Mercy_And_Victims_Bei….png)

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47433b  No.15284511

File: 02242843bb0f354⋯.png (1.37 MB, 600x771, 200:257, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_1….png)



that's funny…no one ever asks me…

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9f2f27  No.15284512









This is a fold mine of hypocrisy…please keep them coming, saving them all!

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8b55c0  No.15284513

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6d581d  No.15284514

File: 84c2b1fcb9b1be3⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1283x1466, 1283:1466, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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b7fe97  No.15284515


will look into that and give them that to research



ty, just seems strange they have no had an out break in nearly 20 years, and the last few they have had problems. Just keep thinking that STDS are parasites not viruses and this is another way the pharma company stay rich instead of curing they have people take expensive pills that only subside symptoms not rid them. I hate the pharma companies. I just wish there were studies on this i could show them, they are mildly red pilled but could not handle what is discussed in here. Still innocent in some ways.

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324d5c  No.15284516


> A big win would light a fire in anons soul

Maxwell got 5 out of 6. MSM still blatantly running cover for the periphery. CNN pedo producers, etc.

Dear anon, Hillary read her (kek) victory speech while crying on tv… in 2021. The signs are numerous. o7

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6d581d  No.15284517

File: 43d62135c298c0e⋯.png (944.45 KB, 823x1529, 823:1529, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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6d581d  No.15284518

File: 86060adcc5ffb47⋯.png (935.15 KB, 993x1302, 331:434, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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1d5c58  No.15284519

File: 182bf2280ace4cd⋯.png (345.29 KB, 595x593, 595:593, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de420669cc27aaa⋯.png (316.37 KB, 780x379, 780:379, ClipboardImage.png)

We could be on the brink of over-vaccinating people in fight against Covid, experts say


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bf86fd  No.15284520

File: 7b8396d60949af6⋯.png (355.32 KB, 572x567, 572:567, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8200d71105dd82⋯.png (390.8 KB, 502x335, 502:335, ClipboardImage.png)

Gavin Newsom Military Tribunal: Day I

After another delay, Gavin Newsom’s tribunal began on Tuesday morning.

Gavin Newsom wasn’t flashing his ubiquitous pearly smile when he set foot in Guantanamo Bay’s south courtroom and found himself the subject of derisive stares from both Rear Adm. Crandall and the 3-officer panel tasked with weighing the military’s case against him. The man known for spending three hours in makeup and wardrobe prior to public appearances arrived in court wearing a white detainee jumpsuit instead of his preferred button-up shirt, blazer, slacks, and Cole Haan shoes. Unkempt and unshaven, Newsom told the commission he had not hired a defense attorney because to do so would “validate an illegal military justice system.”

“I am here against my will unlawfully and illegally, kidnapped from my home, separated from my beloved wife and children, based on nothing but spurious allegations and baseless evidence. I know this bias court, and I’m loathed to give it that credit, has already found me guilty. Nothing I say will make a difference. So, I choose to invoke my 5th Amendment right to remain silent,” Newsom said.

“Merry Christmas to you too, Mr. Newsom,” Rear Adm. Crandall quipped, and at once played for the tribunal an intentionally blurred clip of Newsom raping a young girl in the underground dungeon of what was his Fair Oakes, California, mansion. Although the female was deliberately obscured, Newsom was clearly visible, his mouth agape as he, bug-eyed and crazy, molested the clearly underage girl.

“Regardless of what he says or doesn’t say now, during an initial deposition he admitted he was high on Adrenochrome, and encouraged others to take it, when this video was made. The child in this video, who was 13 when it was made, is still a minor, and so we are not disclosing her identity. But this is only one example, and we’ve seized a dozen such videos, that show Newsom engaged in sex with underage females,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

Newsome betrayed his vow of silence, claiming the girl had told him she was 18 and that the sex was consensual.

In response, Rear Adm. Crandall showed the panel sworn written testimony in which the girl described how Newsom, while holding diplomatic parties at his residence, tried to discretely grope and fondle the daughters of his political friends.

“I’d accompanied my parents to a few of his functions saw him brushing up against other girls, sliding his hand over their buttocks, playing with their hair, holding their hips, kissing their shoulders. When I told my father that he was creepy, he said ‘Oh, that’s just how Gavin is—friendly.’ And when I said I didn’t want to attend any more of his parties, I was told that he—Gavin Newsom—would be very disappointed if I was absent. It was the third visit that it happened, and I can’t remember everything, because I don’t want to. I assume he somehow drugged me, took me to that room of his and raped me. My parents seemed so in love with him I didn’t say anything, but I ran away from home. I know that others, like me, were used as party favors,” part of her statement read.

It’s eerie that Gavin Newsom and Hunter Biden seemed to draw criminal inspiration from the same playbook.

Over the next four hours, the panel heard six other young women—some appearing on ZOOM—give testimony supporting the assertion that Gavin Newsom abused his political authority to coerce constituents into prostituting their children or outright ignoring his advances towards them. One girl, identified only as Lauren, who was 16 when she met Newsom, said under oath that the depraved governor began preying on children almost immediately after he’d been elected to office. On January 12, 2019, she met Newsom while flying from California to D.C. aboard a chartered flight filled with political donors—and in some cases, their children—who had helped fund Newsom’s gubernatorial campaign.

“Yeah, I met that bastard,” she said on a ZOOM call. “My parents were in Washington and I was going there to meet them, and they got me on his plane. He sat next to me and kept telling me how pretty I was. He said he wished his daughter was as hot as me. What kind of fucked up person says that? He asked me if I was a virgin and suggested we spend time together. I told him to fuck off and get the hell away from me, and he said that he’d ruin my parents if I told anyone we’d spoken. But I told anyone who’d listen, which was no one. Went to the media, but they ignored me. I hope he rots in hell,” Lauren finished.

Of all the young women who testified, Lauren alone escaped Newsom’s clutches. The others had in some fashion been molested or raped.

After their testimony concluded, Rear Adm. Crandall put the tribunal in recess until Thursday morning, saying he would then focus on evidence detailing Newsom’s Covid crimes.


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6d581d  No.15284521

File: 12cf9bbd234f5f9⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1280x1636, 320:409, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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9f2f27  No.15284522


RRN is fake and ghey.

Source: RRN

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6d581d  No.15284523

File: de8f0bc3644fced⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1210x1373, 1210:1373, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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47433b  No.15284524

File: ad681a94fd57912⋯.png (318.49 KB, 450x516, 75:86, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_1….png)

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6d581d  No.15284525

File: ec4514e897c923c⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1052x1157, 1052:1157, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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6d581d  No.15284526

File: 0a1d9b3f3769e2e⋯.png (1 MB, 1012x1277, 1012:1277, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

is joe walsh another clone in the epstein line?

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6d581d  No.15284527

File: 96c14aa852891ed⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1271x1355, 1271:1355, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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e4e83e  No.15284528

File: 6b5ff1bda08cb36⋯.png (400.61 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, 9db75281a77f0362bd5ec5a671….png)

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6d581d  No.15284529

File: 5724959d4d7b18d⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1069x1269, 1069:1269, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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6d581d  No.15284530

File: 14785a35b26f4ec⋯.png (1.18 MB, 924x1073, 924:1073, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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1d5c58  No.15284531

File: 7fc1d5ad8fcb8ed⋯.png (331.07 KB, 587x565, 587:565, ClipboardImage.png)


Taliban orders beheadings… of store MANNEQUINS


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47433b  No.15284532

File: a449d313ac0f422⋯.png (525.02 KB, 450x674, 225:337, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_1….png)

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0d4207  No.15284533

File: 96f7167adbca39b⋯.jpg (19.23 KB, 446x259, 446:259, pepe_covid.jpg)

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6d581d  No.15284534

File: e40c04e9cca4376⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1273x1269, 1273:1269, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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d15e73  No.15284535


Reported widely in UK press today is the fact that 40% of vaccine appointments end up as no-shows.

People are not getting the vaccines in the numbers that the experts want.

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4d144b  No.15284536

File: 73bd762408a218e⋯.png (48.65 KB, 762x549, 254:183, queerTheoryEducation.png)

File: 9b22b167a211a8c⋯.png (92.09 KB, 691x538, 691:538, Screenshot_from_2021_12_31….png)

these fuckin degenerates

Queer Theory


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e4e83e  No.15284537

File: 65d8d3a27a558cc⋯.jpg (54.91 KB, 709x538, 709:538, armor_god.jpg)

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6d581d  No.15284539

File: ed9205206e4a21d⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1281x1317, 427:439, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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324d5c  No.15284540


You could do a whole bread with these.

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404d27  No.15284541

File: 756653d7e163e84⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1125x1261, 1125:1261, ClipboardImage.png)

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1d9bce  No.15284542


I Have stolen all your memes with no Ragets

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6d581d  No.15284543

File: 39524d21904487f⋯.png (1018.73 KB, 944x1327, 944:1327, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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0d4207  No.15284544


Alexa, is that you?

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47433b  No.15284545

File: a3e607486149af9⋯.png (360.78 KB, 532x532, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_0….png)

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6d581d  No.15284546

File: 08e5594cedf6de4⋯.png (1.25 MB, 886x1181, 886:1181, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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d5acc6  No.15284547


Not true. There are standing orders not to notable Q's non tripped posts, but the IP is known and DOES post without the trip.

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a9c1bf  No.15284548


Angels do that too but make sure they're unfallen.

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d15e73  No.15284549


6d581d says 'hold my beer'

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ce1054  No.15284550

File: e83793800cbad1a⋯.jpg (747.54 KB, 811x1922, 811:1922, The_plan.jpg)

File: 1211c4dac864ede⋯.jpg (970.52 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, John_Griffin.jpg)

File: b813c2363e01faf⋯.png (1.1 MB, 976x732, 4:3, Guilty.png)

File: d3d691d2cf28467⋯.jpg (956.58 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Rick_Saleeby.jpg)

File: 3f84f44b727e995⋯.jpg (633.21 KB, 1006x1710, 503:855, Attn_whore.jpg)

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7243f0  No.15284551

File: 9d5e27b00322cb1⋯.mp4 (7.52 MB, 640x640, 1:1, day_shift_make_it_rain.mp4)

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47433b  No.15284552

File: 5bee08ef1573b33⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1530x1224, 5:4, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_1….png)

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47433b  No.15284553

File: 040bd24ceb9df4c⋯.png (797.01 KB, 450x789, 150:263, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_1….png)

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6d581d  No.15284554

File: 72ff5f9531d84ab⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1578x2048, 789:1024, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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e4e83e  No.15284555

File: 1117ed9df3273c0⋯.jpg (151.99 KB, 851x1035, 37:45, comfy_dad_and_son.jpg)

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97cf19  No.15284556


this is my fav

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6d581d  No.15284557

File: f2225a8a2e7b2f3⋯.png (1013.41 KB, 785x1365, 157:273, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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47433b  No.15284558

File: 47c16afa0616ab7⋯.png (830.62 KB, 690x862, 345:431, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_1….png)

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ab2825  No.15284559

File: f93599ef45a6611⋯.jpg (226.54 KB, 1083x1260, 361:420, ZomboMeme_10122021122225.jpg)

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6d581d  No.15284560

File: 39fc271ccf40b1e⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1246x1451, 1246:1451, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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31b1d7  No.15284561

File: d6ab60c6296483d⋯.jpg (131.63 KB, 950x500, 19:10, TaylorSwift.jpg)


Dog comms chek't

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fc7514  No.15284562


Lol… sure. Don't speak of something you don't know about. It makes you look like an idiot.

It does make filtering you so much sweeter though.

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105feb  No.15284563

File: 8d153e9f73187d8⋯.jpg (68.53 KB, 772x384, 193:96, fauci_penquin_2.jpg)

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6d581d  No.15284564

File: 6eb46ff3a3603de⋯.png (738.77 KB, 811x725, 811:725, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Side by side is the only way

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0d4207  No.15284565

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4d144b  No.15284566

File: 62039a6f43229a6⋯.png (183.75 KB, 817x504, 817:504, Screenshot_from_2021_12_31….png)


Queer theory teaches children that it is possible to be born in the wrong body. Parents alone, not schools, must direct the treatment of children experiencing gender dysphoria (or any other mental health condition). Certainly, no medical intervention should take place without parental consent, and some interventions should not take place at all.

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c3d8e0  No.15284567

File: c49df7d9edaffe3⋯.png (235.36 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, NEWYEAR2.png)

File: 8724a4ce3690fa6⋯.png (604.42 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, BIDEN214.png)

File: 0442760ad59e9fc⋯.png (744.81 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, newyear1.png)

File: 952dde779818425⋯.png (766.29 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, JAN6A.png)

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15cb15  No.15284568

File: df937ebf5cef08f⋯.png (119 KB, 497x273, 71:39, ron_paul_its_happening.PNG)

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668e7e  No.15284569



That was Q talking about one specific time.

Also, 8bit confirmed long ago that Q rarely uses the same IP twice.

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47433b  No.15284570

File: 61b80ec378a7675⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1387x1270, 1387:1270, Screenshot_2021_12_31_at_1….png)

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47433b  No.15284571

File: 3b47e59ed8bd8d8⋯.png (688.72 KB, 930x613, 930:613, 1640387797.png)

File: 3a64d9583eb3ae4⋯.png (752.14 KB, 954x573, 318:191, 1640387797_2.png)

File: faa9a4d401283ac⋯.png (345.14 KB, 459x717, 153:239, 1640387797_1.png)

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d5acc6  No.15284572


No it's not wrong. If you'd been here long, you would know this. Also 8bit? You listen to 8bit?

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db98b5  No.15284573


I just tested positive for the rona, no big deal.

Ive had hemorrhoids that caused more discomfort than this head cold.

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a48d8f  No.15284574

File: f00494de39381f0⋯.png (694.16 KB, 1069x811, 1069:811, chewy.png)


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ee57bd  No.15284575

File: 7575f3909e0c385⋯.jpg (18.39 KB, 540x248, 135:62, ZomboMeme_21112021143418.jpg)

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d8eaf0  No.15284576



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54774b  No.15284577

File: 1cf31752d05a30c⋯.jpg (119.33 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, Peter_Hotez.jpg)

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f3b64e  No.15284578

File: b8ec4277bffbb5c⋯.png (229.66 KB, 639x734, 639:734, ClipboardImage.png)

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a48d8f  No.15284579


>I just tested positive for the rona

I never took a rona test, so I never got it.

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aceff0  No.15284580

File: f89b1679985c3b2⋯.png (906.11 KB, 1200x1124, 300:281, ClipboardImage.png)

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54774b  No.15284581

File: 4b312d55a0ed881⋯.png (295.98 KB, 320x514, 160:257, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4e83e  No.15284582

File: ffbd05d4dcf4f21⋯.png (101.46 KB, 664x411, 664:411, 2022_.png)

Mike Pompeo


Non-partisan issues that should unite us in 2022:

- Rejecting policies that keep parents out of their kids' education

- Standing against woke ideology that indoctrinates & divides

- Protesting rising costs of living

- Defending (not defunding) our police

- Standing for freedom

10:20 AM · Dec 31, 2021·Twitter Web App


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561ca5  No.15284583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

for all my anons

i love (you)

no homo

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324d5c  No.15284584

File: 35acdf925fd1144⋯.png (407.93 KB, 807x545, 807:545, 50b993c2ea3d17b0fbf4f087dc….png)


It is a fine meme war. Onward.

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511121  No.15284585


These are good. This one in particular very good.

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ca785f  No.15284586




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d0c6f3  No.15284587

File: 4f04a68aa5e39dd⋯.mp4 (8.6 MB, 480x270, 16:9, saw_lightning_show.mp4)



Its new years some where.

>first vid attempt.

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958603  No.15284588


wow.. not creepy at all. reminds me of another SF psycho, dov charney (look up old american apparel pics)

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1d6ef7  No.15284589

File: 2a996617a10d499⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, FBh2p4qXsAU8OQx.png)

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bf86fd  No.15284590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Year's 2022: Sydney, Australia puts on spectacular fireworks show

Once again Sydney, Australia went all out with their famous fireworks show over the harbour and Opera House, ringing New Year's 2022 with music, lights and a full display for over 8 minutes after midnight.

For the second year in a row, crowds around Sydney harbour were limited in an effort to keep them safe amid COVID-19.


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d8eaf0  No.15284591

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13251c  No.15284592

File: fbd7ac89c062849⋯.png (1.25 MB, 863x900, 863:900, ClipboardImage.png)


It is going to be fine.

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668e7e  No.15284593


>Also 8bit? You listen to 8bit?

Former BO now BV that has had access to the hashes vs an obvious is obvious babyfist-like bullshitter like you?

Not the toughest discernment needed here.

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e4e83e  No.15284594

File: 31aad1a5fe28b63⋯.png (143.27 KB, 790x472, 395:236, Golem1_19330.png)

File: c54d53e03708de9⋯.png (28.18 KB, 773x199, 773:199, Golem2.png)

File: f8cf7305f45304c⋯.png (195.3 KB, 1022x309, 1022:309, Golem3.png)

all pb last night




>Recognizing the Golem / Homunculus / Pinocchio

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8309f0  No.15284595

File: 3800f4ba3d6e379⋯.png (282.79 KB, 752x968, 94:121, Screen_Shot_2021_12_31_at_….png)

File: e878387ef461432⋯.pdf (83.85 KB, Gender_Ideology_Harms_Chil….pdf)

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69f7ef  No.15284596


Sam was late as fuck today FYI

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aceff0  No.15284597

File: 3f08f1adfe8768b⋯.png (394.32 KB, 574x419, 574:419, ClipboardImage.png)

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54774b  No.15284598

Is the CDC Trustworthy in Overseeing Vaccine Safety?

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b5a3af  No.15284599


Milano is the gift that keeps on giving.

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872146  No.15284600


Negative aliens = demons

Positive aliens - Angels

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38a329  No.15284601


Imho best to disconnect periodically and do things you used to enjoy. This anon had similar problem at one time but now think the plan exists, took years in preparation and will take years to be completely finished. Do what you can to help when you see an opportunity but it isn’t up to each individual to fix things. It takes a group effort and there are many working towards that end it seems.

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47433b  No.15284602


"I could'a stroked out at 100 feet trying to land an airplane with 40 airplanes lined up next to us…I could'a just pushed down on that stick before the person next to me could do anything. It's all over for a lot of people…not a good scenario… The administration…the NIH, the CDC, they suppress all this stuff. There's a number of pilots out there that are fearful to come forward and speak – they're fearful of retribution. There's guys that are going to work with painful crushing pains in their chests and heads. They're scared that they're gonna lose their careers…"

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cf60e3  No.15284603

File: 377bca649284900⋯.jpg (447.92 KB, 925x808, 925:808, S_550.jpg)

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d15e73  No.15284604


Meme cannon firing at high rate.

Make sure rounds on target.

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e4e83e  No.15284605

File: 539f6e1f1c473e2⋯.png (107.07 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2022.png)

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15cb15  No.15284606

File: 4208cc3ede6fa54⋯.png (320.97 KB, 443x468, 443:468, kabala_c19_tweet_fuckery.PNG)

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fc7514  No.15284607


Try visualizing a DNA strand connecting you to the light and the spinning direction determining sending or receiving.

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561ca5  No.15284608


god bless you

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33b967  No.15284609

File: b23e32a77df113d⋯.png (126.6 KB, 548x272, 137:68, swordanon.png)


God bless you as well swordanon

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a7b17a  No.15284610


‘Rhoids can be awful. I had to have surgery on one (internal) that had grown into the size of a softball back in 2013. By far the most intense pain I have ever felt in my life.

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6429a2  No.15284611

File: 5bb8c36ae879396⋯.png (250.05 KB, 639x734, 639:734, ClipboardImage.png)

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4ba62b  No.15284612

File: 0d62d9beda2d492⋯.png (85.39 KB, 300x160, 15:8, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6db29b6df03204⋯.png (89.95 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)


Fucking Denver Clan Dynasty

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0d4207  No.15284613

Next Bread Suggestion

Democrats or Hypocrats?

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aceff0  No.15284615

File: 892fa9527b785fe⋯.jpg (44.42 KB, 671x511, 671:511, bidendingleberry.jpg)



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668e7e  No.15284616


Yeah, upon further review it appears last night was the Famefag Holiday party.

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794ddd  No.15284617

File: 56deddd541aa14b⋯.jpg (62.94 KB, 544x407, 544:407, Screenshot_20211121_060931….jpg)


Don't respond to Shill's.

And stay together!!!

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9a8a96  No.15284618

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95ed78  No.15284619

File: 03d7e97c4de50aa⋯.png (1004.67 KB, 1066x1352, 41:52, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d64f3e7b7c8fce⋯.png (7.24 KB, 444x159, 148:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bba7952f7ed43c⋯.png (4.34 KB, 298x252, 149:126, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15283354 (pb)


Danny's Song

>Yeah, we're gonna fly to the sun.

And even though we ain't got money,

I'm so in love with you, honey,

And everything will bring a chain of love.

And in the morning, when I rise,

You bring a tear of joy to my eyes

And tell me everything is gonna be alright.

>…and in the morning when I rise, bring a tear of joy to my eyes…

>Full Moon coming.

Wolf Moon

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01ccbd  No.15284620

File: 66c4e9c14e0b4f4⋯.jpg (66 KB, 537x407, 537:407, ZomboMeme_07082021192114.jpg)

File: 0da6ca4211537f8⋯.jpg (53.74 KB, 526x607, 526:607, ZomboMeme_09082021162657.jpg)

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958603  No.15284621


Do you take vitamin D3? Look into dosage. Another idea is to make sure you get an hour of sunshine and outdoor time daily. Taking a break from the board and concentrating on yourself is a good idea, as well as setting a strict sleep cycle. Spend time with loved ones and take care of yourself anon. You are important!

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8309f0  No.15284622

File: 4d88390a2789de9⋯.png (329.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 034b70f8c390c264673318aed5….png)

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c3d8e0  No.15284623

File: 2d89632e392c743⋯.jpg (80.51 KB, 648x499, 648:499, Stupid4.jpg)

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a7b17a  No.15284624


Btw, me and all but one of mine in our house of 5 have currently the Rona too. Sure we don’t feel great but I’ve been sicker. It’s probably muh Omicron so it’s milder but will still provide you with a lasting immunity against any and all forms of COVID. I’m taking HCQ and Ivermectin plus lots of supplements. DayQuil actually seemed to make the biggest difference for me as far as symptom relief goes.

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561ca5  No.15284625



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360593  No.15284626


His got his phone in his pocket

String hanging from light

Pitcher of water

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958603  No.15284627

Watching warroom.. if I hear that volkswagon commercial with the SJW singsong off key fake non song bullshit I may rip my ears off. MUTE BUTTON!!!

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47433b  No.15284628

File: 1713fc8921f13db⋯.png (333.67 KB, 429x594, 13:18, Screenshot_2021_12_27_at_0….png)

File: 2376e4b8799cecd⋯.png (3.16 KB, 411x51, 137:17, Screenshot_2021_12_28_at_2….png)


>Democrats or Hypocrats?

Evil Hypocrats

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561ca5  No.15284629




prepare for alien ff

it will definately happen in 2022

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2b7c3a  No.15284630

File: 65b0b1ea4feef02⋯.png (32.16 KB, 384x671, 384:671, Q_1020.PNG)


Time Stamp

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54774b  No.15284631


Point-by-point response to the CDC statement:

My study shows a vaccine autism connection in African American boys when they received the MMR vaccine before 36 months versus those boys who received the MMR vaccine after 36 months.

CDC internal reports for this study show that they reached the same conclusion. The difference between my findings and the CDC’s is they chose not to report the connection and instead stand by their published findings where data from African Americans without birth certificates were removed. This reduction of the sample size skewed the outcome to favor the CDC’s desired results to discount any vaccine-autism connection. The reduction was contrary to the agreed upon study protocol that stated, “The only variable available to be assessed as a potential confounder using the entire sample is child’s race.”

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794ddd  No.15284632

File: 18ede4611f6338c⋯.jpg (97.87 KB, 632x418, 316:209, Screenshot_20211216_100301….jpg)

God won!!!

Ty Holy Spirit creator of ALL

Pls bless the ALL on the board…

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aceff0  No.15284633

File: 3884eab58b2837f⋯.png (27.64 KB, 705x166, 705:166, ClipboardImage.png)

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db98b5  No.15284634


Gavin Newsom’s Rape Room… Pass it on!

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47433b  No.15284635

File: 6c951a8746c56e0⋯.jpg (12.64 KB, 184x184, 1:1, 1531704214.jpg)


some creepy shit

you know he's gonna flip that cross over or use it as an implement

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faa8a0  No.15284636


But wait! Let's play it TWICE in a row.

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a9c1bf  No.15284637

File: e6624e4c67fd86f⋯.png (240.68 KB, 360x450, 4:5, For_You.png)

>>15283817 (OP)

>>15283834 Dough

Notables Are NOT Endorsements

Q Research General #19332: America's Real Problem Edition

>>15283882, >>15284076, >>15284178, >>15284263, >>15284519, >>15284554 Jabbed Pilot Breaks Silence + Further COVID Narrative Destruction

>>15283898, >>15283992, >>15284057 Gitmo Upgrayyddes

>>15283996, Anon's Qpothesis

>>15283998, >>15284049 Domestic Terrorist Spawned Brushfire caught on camera from above. Do these look normal?

>>15284025 Shadowing Dan

>>15284042, >>15284082 Interesting background information regarding Epstein Guards and his Flight Traffic

>>15284045 TYA 07 Updated Dough

>>15284046 Another Liberal Rant

>>15284048 Russia test-fires new hypersonic Tsirkon missiles from frigate, submarine

>>15284051 Swallowwell already biffing his bid

>>15284058 Auld Lang Syne arm-linking at new year connected to Freemasons, book finds

>>15284066 AOC in FL?

>>15284095, >>15284231, >>15284240, >>15284308 The relentless 2021 news cycle in one chart

>>15284096 Khloé Kardashian's Daughter True Shows Off Her Model Behavior as Mom Tells Her to 'Strike a Pose'

>>15284105 Epstein assistant WILL NOT face charges, her lawyers claim after civil case is dropped

>>15284118 In shadows of Maxwell trial, sex traffickers continue to exploit porous southern border

>>15284171 Walmart-owned Sam's Club's removal of Xinjiang products from its inventory without a valid reason hides an ulterior motive

>>15284205 Got a great idea? Learn how the @AFResearchLab partners on collaborative efforts with #Guardians, Airmen and other Government Agencies.

>>15284224 CDC Now Treats Unvaccinated The Same As Un-Boosted, Just As

>>15284230 'Conservative Influencer' Jack Murphy, Who Teaches Men to Be Alphas, Is an Amateur Gay Porn Star—and a FRAUD

>>15284270 Canadian Bank Rejects Mortgage Application Based on Politics

>>15284288 " IsItWetYet newsletter e-mail: We never knew Spain invaded Cambodia "

>>15284293 New York is Using Race to Determine Access to a Limited Supply of Life-Saving COVID Treatments.

>>15284298 CDC Sued for Withholding Post-Licensure V-safe Data on COVID-19 Vaccines

>>15284325, >>15284453 PURE CORRUPTION: Romanian MEP exposes secret agreements that Big Pharma forced governments around the world to sign

>>15284351 Flurona? Bullshitola

>>15284380 PF Reports

>>15284441, >>15284467 'The Reptilians - Gene Decode Discusses Cloning Centres, Vrills/Drones & Body Snatching with Nicholas Veniamin'

>>15284499 Cornwatch…

>>15284508 Letters to the Editor: An updated Bible with 20,000 revisions isn't a good look for believers

>>15284520, >>15284578 "Where's Newsom"?

>>15284531 Moar Jihad shit

>>15284536, >>15284566 The intentional Gay-ing of children through institutions



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958603  No.15284638


seriously tho, what is this? Pitcher of water.. hospital? Intake psych ward?

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13251c  No.15284639


The DS wants us to fire on the good guys and welcome the bad ones, would be my guess.

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324d5c  No.15284640

File: 2232645d23cb993⋯.png (405.11 KB, 600x566, 300:283, f386e11ee4a12219f6122c4785….png)

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8309f0  No.15284641


>DayQuil actually seemed to make the biggest difference for me as far as symptom relief goes.


rona causes inflammation and swelling of the bronchial tubes and air passages in the lungs. that's why people with rona experience difficulty breathing, but have little to no phlegm. steroids are best for severe cases, but benedryl will help with milder cases.

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1d5c58  No.15284642

File: e06a896f80f39b8⋯.png (737.78 KB, 583x759, 53:69, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37f50efe61ae890⋯.png (1.17 MB, 750x722, 375:361, ClipboardImage.png)

This sign is a few miles from Joe Biden’s house in Delaware. No doubt Brandon saw it on the way in.

God, I love America


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ab4225  No.15284643


dat's nice.

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0c2658  No.15284644

File: fb12520d8cb0eda⋯.jpg (63.09 KB, 603x557, 603:557, photo_2021_02_02_11_42_43.jpg)

File: 7f307a35003ec22⋯.png (631 KB, 500x644, 125:161, Theodore_Fritsch_Denkmal_1….png)

File: ccea4a04e081a77⋯.png (191.43 KB, 313x434, 313:434, 22222twbfe.png)

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a48d8f  No.15284645



They land on the US Mexico border in SoCal.

tikky tock

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f94395  No.15284646

South Korea: ‘cats cause 107 domestic fires in 3 years’ – Latest Hour



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d5acc6  No.15284647



"Be careful who you follow."

8bit BV is not 8bit BO, and if you'd been here long, you'd know about 8bit. BV here means nothing, as evidenced by current BV banning everything that challenges the narrative.

Discernment means being able to discern Truth. When you have to resort to attacking the person you're talking to by comparing them to someone with negative rep here, that's not Truth, it means you've got nothing else. Don't call that discernment.

Enjoy your blindness. Have a great rest of your day!

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105feb  No.15284648

File: 9cf2bde7b1dd528⋯.png (307.54 KB, 672x480, 7:5, vaccine_contract_redacted.png)

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aceff0  No.15284649

File: 8fec99c08fd1c07⋯.png (75.82 KB, 604x370, 302:185, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15284633 me


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13251c  No.15284650


Not to be a Karen but, when snapping images of tweets, include the date in the cap.


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601991  No.15284651

File: a0341b3d8d592f6⋯.jpg (188.22 KB, 1080x1588, 270:397, 20211231_085047.jpg)

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a7b17a  No.15284653


Doc gave me some steroid taper and I have been taking one Benadryl a day for the past couple of days (with a glass of milk). I saw that study about Benadryl and lactoferrin so I figured what the heck. I don’t like the way Benadryl makes me feel though so I will only take one per day.

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54774b  No.15284654


MR. FREDERICK: It is not surplus if one reads comment k and understands what the drafters there were intending to get at, which was: If, based on current scientific knowledge, the risks are unavoidably unsafe, meaning there is no way in science we can design a safer product, there will be a defense to a claim of strict liability unless or provided that the product is properly manufactured and warned against. This was a proviso that was intended to ensure that the focus be kept on the unavoidable, unsafe aspects of the design of the vaccine.

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ab4225  No.15284655

File: 574aa6a7d414789⋯.png (3.64 MB, 1920x1372, 480:343, ClipboardImage.png)


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13251c  No.15284656

File: ef553ea253c10ff⋯.png (3.97 KB, 413x113, 413:113, ClipboardImage.png)


Shit.. I meant the likes retweet amounts.

I was thinking one thing and my fingers typed something else.

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f0cf84  No.15284657

File: 28f07b89fbce893⋯.jpg (165.46 KB, 1080x1168, 135:146, 20211231_095229.jpg)


It does work, anon. Hard to get right now. Somerhing that also works and is easy to get is Black (cumin) seed. Also zinc with green tea capsules or quercetin (either will help the body to absorb it where it needs to be). It works by inserting itself into the ACE2 receptors, which is where the virus wants to be.

Ivermectin is great if you live near a livestock supply store

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110fea  No.15284658


Why get tested then? Just running their numbers up and prolonging this shit show.

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9a8a96  No.15284659

File: 607d3d5cf7dfdd8⋯.png (1.99 MB, 816x900, 68:75, 5467yt54ergtergrg.png)

File: 1cca20c8ab33cab⋯.jpeg (53.59 KB, 594x589, 594:589, 12_jpg_2786_jpeg_1122.jpeg)

File: f20747579564882⋯.jpg (59.62 KB, 690x382, 345:191, img_4672.jpg)


wherever ye find infant and toddler 'beauty' pageants, occur, there ye will find HNW pedovore to be delivered to justice.


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e4e83e  No.15284660

File: 68d30b4e8edbcbf⋯.png (353.43 KB, 1065x1737, 355:579, 1995_tetanus_vax.png)

Vaccine Wkly

1995 May 29 - Jun 5;9-10.

Tetanus vaccine may be laced with anti-fertility drug. International / developing countries


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404d27  No.15284661

File: 9a77a5c9d097420⋯.png (110.49 KB, 720x360, 2:1, hello_karen.png)

File: 7ceea2157fd9038⋯.png (468.01 KB, 550x555, 110:111, ClipboardImage.png)

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ab2825  No.15284662


Grab some Primatene tablets. Ephedrine, being a beta-2 adrenoceptor agonist, opens up the lungs

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1d5c58  No.15284663

File: 9cda73c6a42bcb2⋯.png (751.8 KB, 678x821, 678:821, ClipboardImage.png)

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794ddd  No.15284664

File: 612532d0e7499da⋯.jpg (47.4 KB, 439x579, 439:579, Screenshot_20210808_165828….jpg)


That's BC/ you are, being watched.

Very thoroughly.


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b30651  No.15284665

File: d18c5361c7425bc⋯.png (100.73 KB, 1255x541, 1255:541, WeissGeneratingBusiness.PNG)

So now these unscrupulous lawyers are announcing 'investigations' of stocks to drum up business. This is not an SEC or government investigation, it's an internal Ambulance Chasing investigation to drum up business.

What's worse, TD Ameritrade published this announcement on their website, affecting the price of the stocks. To their credit, it's gone this morning.

Be a shame if Weiss scum lawyers got a lot of phone calls about it.

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958603  No.15284666



seconding dayquil. Nyquil helped knock me out at night when I was freaking out trying to breathe.

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7a9c75  No.15284667

File: 589b896c547a392⋯.pdf (512.2 KB, Leaked_pfizer_contract.pdf)

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13251c  No.15284669

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561ca5  No.15284670



but it won't work, cause if you offend muh aliens, with a ff, then the ones that save our asses all the time from all sorts of shit (switching off nukes, blow up asteroids, save the ISS from space debris, etc.) will come over and say "nah, it's not muh badass aliens, it was us, maggots and we are at war with the dark forces, too"

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54774b  No.15284671



We are talking about trying to eliminate some of the most horrifying and horrible incidents of injury to vaccines that we compel children to take.

And the whole idea behind Congress's scheme was to balance having vaccine supply available with providing a generous form of compensation to those persons who would be injured.

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872146  No.15284673


Red test results = positive

"Rig for red"

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0d64ce  No.15284675



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1d5c58  No.15284678

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c3d8e0  No.15284679

File: 66f4d00cf44be38⋯.png (98.62 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Liberty1.png)

File: 7346ea2d0ad3859⋯.jpg (545.53 KB, 800x600, 4:3, LIBTARD42.jpg)


One of these…

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78f6b7  No.15284681

File: 6a8667600f38da7⋯.png (222.27 KB, 650x650, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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794ddd  No.15284683

File: bd2e51df3811336⋯.jpg (58.09 KB, 842x442, 421:221, bt.JPG)

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b7fe97  No.15284684


i ordered some of that for myself to try out and the quercetic and some nac because i have heard some things on my own and anons. Just really want to help my friend, they got the HERP years ago from spouse. But i was just really thinking if virusus are lies and it is all parasites could it help them or possible cure them. I am seeing some studies in farm animals with the Herpes simplex "virus" nothing with humans though.

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47433b  No.15284685

File: 3be2a1e95ff8b3a⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB, 854x480, 427:240, WrXpZP9.mp4)

File: 6266ded81740d02⋯.webm (2.6 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 1622295287.webm)

File: fe7300b4c73c834⋯.jpeg (20.52 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1535286214.jpeg)

File: f98159799d7a704⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1531414195.jpg)

File: 4c5680c440c28f3⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 1531157476.jpg)


going after cats now?

cats WILL just step into another dimension, they're not gonna take this shit for long

starting to burn shit up now

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5238c3  No.15284686


G'Mornin Sam… Another Day at the Office.

btw… you're late and there'll be a penalty in your pay bucket.

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f0cf84  No.15284687


It has to be a timing thing. Trump made to big a deal of them for nothing to come of it at some point

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13251c  No.15284688


Anon loved the Karen pounce though.

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ab4225  No.15284689


favorite Pepe so far.

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324d5c  No.15284690

File: 72247fd50b3cd8d⋯.png (261.21 KB, 505x470, 101:94, f1de20a748e35e43e90c3dfccc….png)

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ad64a4  No.15284691


>just for (you)

not to me but thanks anon. appreciated.

love and light -o7

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8309f0  No.15284692


>some say Viruses as a whole do not exist.

shills or tards repeating shills. viruses been studied since 1800s. that's not to say alternative treatments don't work. the fact that they do work kinda proves viruses ARE real.

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561ca5  No.15284693

File: 5c9991dbfe3cf50⋯.png (641.82 KB, 818x455, 818:455, Bildschirmfoto_2021_12_31_….png)

happy new year

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5238c3  No.15284694


Mornin' Ralph…

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f94395  No.15284695

File: 00aecf8714e6427⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 270x435, 18:29, 00aecf8714e642792de2892673….gif)

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c3d8e0  No.15284696

File: d1c8323918003b5⋯.png (770.97 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, KAREN1.png)

File: 691b2cdfa47e175⋯.png (762.9 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, KAREN2.png)

File: 61b017abf094f17⋯.png (766.8 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, KAREN3.png)

File: d99b34715323df8⋯.png (769.56 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, KAREN4.png)

File: f9c3e4aafd3ce76⋯.png (768.49 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, KAREN5.png)

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1d5c58  No.15284697

File: b0ba39d89ed7f37⋯.png (908.24 KB, 1400x1050, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


kek in all the years ive never been asked to screen cap tweet counts

>until today

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752017  No.15284698


what is this bullshit?

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a9c1bf  No.15284699

File: 64ef5b3e73414c8⋯.gif (466.12 KB, 384x208, 24:13, Plottin_Boi_wat.gif)








Bakery Ghosted, Please assume your normal Larp Positions

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a7b17a  No.15284700


That is logical but, if I may put in my 2 cents worth here, I think Omicron will put the death knell into the COVID panic. It’s super contagious but very mild, but also will provide a lasting immunity against any and all variants of COVID. Once many people get muh Omicron, and they will, they will see for themselves that COVID isn’t what the media hyped it up to be. It could be a huge red pill. Besides all of that, Biden is the one that looks bad with soaring cases so let ‘em soar.

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b7fe97  No.15284701


or they are just parasites that is why i am not sure what stds are some are bacterial but some are virusus. Not a med anon like i have said just trying to see what info i can get to help my friend.

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f3b64e  No.15284702


>January 17 Wolf Moon

Ohhhhh ahhhhhh

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13251c  No.15284703


Dats right..

The crowd starts chanting..

"Karen, Karen, Karen…"

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752017  No.15284704


moar bullshit

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958603  No.15284705

Happy New Year's (eve). Make it a great final day of 2021.


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561ca5  No.15284707

File: 209eafe92466d0d⋯.jpg (294.81 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, Unoversim.jpg)


Love and light, fren!

It's going to be not only biblical, but also magical!

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d8eaf0  No.15284708

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13251c  No.15284710


We've all wanted to check tweet counts before and they were not caught. For when they fix/atler the counts purposes.

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d5afde  No.15284711

File: a7659f19ac2a46b⋯.gif (1 MB, 360x270, 4:3, ralph2a.gif)


>Mornin' Ralph…

Covfefe is almost gone

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1d5c58  No.15284712

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a7e2ff  No.15284714


Benson plotting

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e4e83e  No.15284715

File: b0b11fca0bad690⋯.jpg (838.71 KB, 1076x1346, 538:673, 39545961c6769c4640c5038e22….jpg)

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2b7c3a  No.15284718


>Happy New Year's (eve). Make it a great final day of 2021.

Along that line, if 2018 was supposed to be glorious, planned for 3, can we have some HOPIUM that TODAY there will be something that WOULD BE GLORUIOUS?

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586383  No.15284719

re: notable (all pb) >>15282578, >>15282551, >>15282503, >>15282469, >>15282444, >>15282476, General flyn code of Dgfffcf - possible link to David Geffen bun

Fast Forward Fund



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