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File: 79b59e03bcb17f1⋯.jpg (59.63 KB, 600x335, 120:67, QResearch12.jpg)

caddcf  No.15271204[Last 50 Posts]

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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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caddcf  No.15271218



19315 TBC


>>15269587, >>15269588 John Madden dead at 85

>>15269589 Jury convicts prominent Maryland Lawyer of Money Laundering conspiracy + more links

>>15269590 Why MSNBC's Claire McCaskill feels Garland could 'go down in infamy as one of the worst attorney generals'

>>15269638 The Underground History of American Education: An Intimate Investigation Into the Prison of Modern Schooling

>>15269676 SECDEF Orders U.S. Carrier USS Harry S. Truman to Stay in Mediterranean to Reassure Allies

>>15269682, >>15269714, >>15269799, >>15269891, >>15270018, >>15270118 Got Popcorn? / Old Gurad - Suicide / SR Panda / Snowden / Quad 0s / Panic / Scot Free

>>15269731, >>15269743 Covid With Omicron Isn’t ‘Same Disease,’ Oxford Scientist Says

>>15269741 Harry Reid, probably the most important elected official in Nevada history, has died at 82.

>>15269980 Biden says if medical team advises it, he'll issue domestic travel vaccine requirement

>>15270017 Twitter suspends Just the News founder for report on legal distinctions between COVID vaccines

>>15270019 Federal judge rejects Oklahoma's bid to block National Guard vaccine mandate

>>15270031 Intel probe puts CIA’s Haspel in a bind

>>15270033 Anon associates Trump As Batman

>>15270053 Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine (Are more results/reports out there with larger sampling?)

>>15270064 Anon asks dual meaning question of what if Q was the cure?

>>15270134 Why piston engine audio from a jet engine crash? (two files to listen to)

>>15270192 President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Mayes Middleton

>>15270236, >>15270241 Year in Review: Joe Biden’s Covid Disasters

>>15270238 Ashley Rindsberg on Media Malfeasance, New York Times Misreporting, and the Coverup of the COVID-19 Lab Leak Theory

>>15270258 Biden re-election poll shows dismal 22% support; Harris even worse at 12%

>>15270269 Biden reversed the most successful border security policy ever created

>>15270282 Don't Let the Door Hit You: America's Worst Mayor Is Finally Leaving New York City—and Leaving It in Shambles

>>15270284 Back on June 18 Gateway Pundit Was First to Report on Deep State Plant Ray Epps at the J-6 Protests — Today the Ray Epps Story Finally Made the Mainstream Daily Mail

>>15270292 ICYMI: Poll: Trump vs. Biden Job Approval

>>15270348 President Biden: “There is no federal solution.” Candidate Biden: "Donald Trump still doesn't have a plan… I do."

>>15270718 #19314


>>15268813, >>15268864 U.S. Army Europe & Africa: There’s nothing wrong with being a fan of pizza, is there?

>>15268828, >>15268949 Oild Guard, Suicide, RCN Tossing someone a line…

>>15268961 Australia standing proud — and increasingly alone — as property haven for international criminals

>>15268851, >>15269195 Pennsylvania Gets Christmas-Day Delivery of Illegal Aliens From Biden Claus

>>15268954, >>15268983 Prior Notable - Save the Children Charity Staff Confirmed Dead in Christmas Eve Myanmar Massacre

>>15269018 pledges and oaths

>>15269079 Now get rid of your mandates, Joe: Ron DeSantis' office joins Kristi Noem and host of Republicans demanding Biden get rid of 'useless' sweeping nationwide rules after he admitted there was 'no federal solution' for COVID

>>15269082 Prince Andrew in new bid to get Virginia Roberts's rape case against him thrown out as his lawyers argue that because she lives in Australia means a US court has no jurisdiction

>>15269119 Exclusive: America's least-vaccinated states led in-store holiday shopping

>>15269132 DA: No charges for Cuomo from allegations by 2 women

>>15269182 Beach Gage. Beach day?! Our gages on the beach have to endure snow and icy conditions, like this gage on the coast of Delaware Bay in Bowers, Delaware.

>>15269365 Fairfax County Police Confirm

@JakeTapper’s producer is under investigation by the Child Exploitation Squad following Project Veritas reporting

>>15269380 A tweet posted last week by Border Patrol’s Yuma sector chief about a potential terrorist arrested at the AZ border has been deleted. CBP says it contained “sensitive info” and “violated protocols”. The man was in an EMS jacket belonging to an organization in upstate NY.

>>15270202 #19313

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caddcf  No.15271219


Previously Collected

>>15267101 #19310, >>15267932 #19311, >>15269127 #19312

>>15264632 #19307, >>15265450 #19308, >>15266330 #19309

>>15261978 #19304, >>15262802 #19305, >>15263580 #19306

>>15259922 #19301, >>15261799 #19302, >>15261766 #19303

>>15256194 #19298, >>15258909 #19299, >>15258822 #19300

>>15254568 #19295, >>15255355 #19296, >>15256175 #19297

>>15252285 #19292, >>15253055 #19293, >>15253825 #19294

>>15250809 #19289, >>15250668 #19290, >>15251877 #19291

>>15247561 #19286, >>15248252 #19287, >>15250719 #19288

>>15246049 #19283, >>15245889 #19284, >>15246598 #19285

>>15242673 #19280, >>15243440 #19281, >>15246227 #19282

>>15240950 #19277, >>15242038 #19278, >>15240942 #19279

>>15238013 #19274, >>15238476 #19275, >>15239415 #19276

>>15234900 #19271, >>15240804 #19272, >>15236859 #19273

>>15232221 #19268, >>15234185 #19269, >>15235066 #19270

>>15230021 #19265, >>15230666 #19266, >>15231446 #19267

>>15227393 #19262, >>15228272 #19263, >>15229035 #19264

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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caddcf  No.15271220




>>15225213, >>15262633, >>15264521, >>15265449, >>15264669, >>15265465, >>15266775, >>15267064


>>15225210 Globals, Bunkers, Optics, Info War, Follow List

>>15225212 Information Tools & Services, Other Research

>>15225215 Meme Ammo Request


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/


>>15266798 (pb) Learn to Bake,>>15226868 (pb) How to Collect Notables

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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caddcf  No.15271221





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f32716  No.15271225

File: 5a1648d3a08adfd⋯.gif (624.93 KB, 446x404, 223:202, 5a1648d3a08adfd880c6e1129b….gif)

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d947f0  No.15271227

>>15271215 lb

mom hospiced dad. she thought she was doing the right thing. the hospice nurses knew they were whacking elders, conservatives, veterans. i tried to stop them but mom held the power of attorney. hospice is abortion for elders.

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d947f0  No.15271230

gerbil crew is baking but fuck them anyway

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3cb607  No.15271232

Q , I am seeing 66 alot , fyi , Welcome back , and SF Q Team

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3793db  No.15271234

>>15271205 pb

>My disabled mother was on all kinds of meds. She has cut out several she felt she didn't need.

> And she's doing fine.

>>15271210 pb

>I had to fight Drs and Nurses to get my mom off the 6-7 meds they gave her when I wasn't looking.

>>15271215 pb

>Both my parents died in good part from med malpractice. They were silent gen, just went along with the programs.

another friendanon was called home to take care of bedridden mother because nurse-sister needed a break.

when he got there, mom was barely conscious and didn't recognize him. he found 69 Rx meds on her nightstand.

he said to nurse-sister, if i have to take care of her, then i'm in charge, and he threw ALL 69 Rx meds in the trash. he told

nurse-sister that if she died, she died, but at least she would have a clear head. two weeks later, the mother was out shopping.

lived another year before passing. this is 100% true story.

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e2ed30  No.15271235

Re: (lb notable) >>15268954, >>15268983 Prior Notable - Save the Children Charity Staff Confirmed Dead in Christmas Eve Myanmar Massacre

Save the Children is a front, like many other organizations like it. Did digs into some awhile ago like:

Our Rescue (Operation Underground Railroad)

Project Rescue

Child Rescue Coalition

Hope for Justice International


Exodus Cry

Deliver Fund

Rights For Girls

Polaris Project

End It Movement


Defending Innocence

Darkness to Light

Unternational Justice Mission

Here's a little by someone else https://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2012/09/save-children-front-for-cia.html

*note in the article "Justin Forsyth became chief executive of Save the Children in July 2012.

Forsyth is a former adviser to Tony Blair."

Tony Blair wife was a co-founder of ICMEC along with who….HRC. Also, connection to World Vision is never a good thing.

Another read on Thorn


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866e17  No.15271236

File: bafab2396642fc6⋯.png (394.51 KB, 640x637, 640:637, 35336.png)



remember to wear a mask whilst baking

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f1a7db  No.15271239

File: 415e4ab873194a1⋯.jpg (80.32 KB, 474x710, 237:355, dumby.jpg)

img. test

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a0936d  No.15271241

File: 648e7b70fbc8437⋯.jpg (205.33 KB, 1384x718, 692:359, 20211219_210836.jpg)

Stupid question but pardon me

Why is the bread not showing in the catalog ?

Tyb >>15271221

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387a64  No.15271242

File: 42213129591fdd4⋯.gif (1.24 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 20211228_230829.gif)


one cannot knowingly deceive.

as for intelligence

you would not believe if one spoke truth.

the fact of high intelligence being a great barrier to

communication is an truth one


hence the name given

none think an human could do the things one did

once uponnah.

it is the responsibility of the truly knowledgeable to


and fail.


one does not recall how lomg one has been here

yet one does know that the data never changed


not that much made the migration in recognizable form.

one`s warning is always the same

as He Said long ago

it is finished

lucky you

it has come in your day.





לц§þ טəřy œłđ

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3793db  No.15271244

File: 96fac4bb7b9d28d⋯.jpg (35.18 KB, 486x427, 486:427, 96fac4bb7b9d28d93546b6ebe5….jpg)


>remember to wear a mask whilst baking

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d947f0  No.15271246


soe kinf of attack that slows down dissemination of information

use the index rather than the catalog


use discernment if you dare

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cd05ae  No.15271247

File: 06603c8a965b11b⋯.jpeg (50.2 KB, 474x631, 474:631, BB36812E_78CE_4102_AA4D_2….jpeg)

& serve, to keep alive the spirit of liberty…

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30bc81  No.15271250

File: ec4819a63d60467⋯.png (382.1 KB, 399x600, 133:200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3e3e902c0c78bf⋯.png (923.01 KB, 1280x542, 640:271, ClipboardImage.png)

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41f842  No.15271254

File: 51b84975e196981⋯.mp4 (7.69 MB, 360x640, 9:16, truncated.mp4)

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866e17  No.15271255

File: dc59eac92a6a8f5⋯.png (969.27 KB, 1005x888, 335:296, 46437.png)

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096c76  No.15271261

File: a4a717dd54c932c⋯.png (130.68 KB, 680x383, 680:383, ClipboardImage.png)

Powerful 6.1-Magnitude Earthquake Hits #Crete, #Greece


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c7b1ae  No.15271262

File: 05eba5c624e264d⋯.jpg (23.83 KB, 510x363, 170:121, Itwsyt40rmf.jpg)

File: ba9cd16227a0ada⋯.jpg (29.18 KB, 510x363, 170:121, Itwsyt43rmf.jpg)

File: 3ff08486c95ebee⋯.jpg (28.36 KB, 510x363, 170:121, Itwsyt42rmf.jpg)

File: 63b4938ee3ce071⋯.jpg (29.42 KB, 510x363, 170:121, Itwsyt41rmf.jpg)

File: 392cdf55d68d2da⋯.jpg (29.49 KB, 510x363, 170:121, Itwsyt4rmf.jpg)

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41f842  No.15271263

File: 14733c85f3bd3f0⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Joe_Biden_hypocrite_talkin….mp4)

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866e17  No.15271266

File: 6cb3086ea9d4828⋯.gif (362.84 KB, 860x652, 215:163, 345.gif)



but…but…if I get double-jabbed, doesn't that mean I can double post with safety ?

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3cb607  No.15271269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Prepare , dig , meme , pray 🙏

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41f842  No.15271270

the amount of effort shills put into just being filtered like a fart in the breeze

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64c577  No.15271274

Anyone notice all the Pfizer commercialson NFL? Blatantly in your fucking face about how much you can trust Pfizer, and how we are building a better planet, and barf barf….

Pfucking Pfizer

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caddcf  No.15271276

File: 947bd1572c97f77⋯.jpg (31.64 KB, 239x301, 239:301, 2Diapers.jpg)

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f32716  No.15271279

File: d5ca7a5c1781e2b⋯.png (137.78 KB, 335x285, 67:57, what_it_I_told_you_potato.png)

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866e17  No.15271280

File: e6c7f006918e596⋯.png (171.92 KB, 378x410, 189:205, 3536.png)

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e09417  No.15271281

File: 2d328bc65c022c5⋯.jpeg (613.21 KB, 1536x859, 1536:859, ADF3FBB8_EA4D_409F_92B2_E….jpeg)

>>15269352 pb

FIM 92

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41f842  No.15271283

File: 20882cd616bdce5⋯.mp4 (477.92 KB, 720x396, 20:11, letsgobrandon.mp4)

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41f842  No.15271287

File: c1ac5e54e98dc55⋯.mp4 (336.81 KB, 888x488, 111:61, Just_FYI_people_got_suspen….mp4)

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41f842  No.15271290

File: 438d1b093efa329⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 720x406, 360:203, _DrLeanaWen_There_are_priv….mp4)

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41f842  No.15271291

File: ad617e6329d8aec⋯.mp4 (6.49 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Train_wreck_.mp4)

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866e17  No.15271296

File: 1c620ae4fcc8c6d⋯.png (329.15 KB, 456x560, 57:70, 36.png)

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45d109  No.15271300

File: 18c60004438d89f⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1577x926, 1577:926, battle.png)


TY, baker. Have to respond to a post (yours, kek) - no reply box otherwise.

Reposting from tail end of lb because there's a part 2 and the truth isn't getting anywhere:

>>15267191 (PB)

1/2 For new eyes: Beings lying scum sather is being cited with ZERO rebuttal, must keep truths visible. Communist attacks on Lin Wood heated up when he spoke up regarding Election Fraud.

January, 2021 - LLW crashed Mercer zoom call (45:46); Calls out LIES by (then-dean) Cathy Cox (who has since “moved on” to Georgia College)  https://youtu.be/9Q4xcG2OMwQ

Cox’ history = DOMINION: https://votingmachines.procon.org/historical-timeline/ * https://archive.is/wip/rXqF0 * www.sos.state.ga.us (Apr. 5, 2006) https://archive.is/T50Rh * https://votingmachines.procon.org/source-biographies/cathy-cox/

June 21, 2010 “Intellectual Property” of voting systems still owned by firm linked to Venezuelan President, despite press statement to the contrary… Dominion’s spokesperson, formerly of Diebold, former Press Secretary for Secretary of State of Georgia (COX), Chris Riggall… https://archive.is/E9URv * https://truthout.org/articles/on-heels-of-dieboldpremier-purchase-canadian-firm-also-acquires-sequoia-lies-about-chavezties-in-announcement/

SOROS-bought “DAs” attacking Lin Wood (small sampling) - https://archive.is/wip/7gRJp * https://www.vera.org/newsroom/veras-reshaping-prosecution-program-expands-work-to-three-new-partner-offices

BTW, HARRISON DEAL car explosion?? Special Agent Believed to Be Investigating Harrison Deal Crash Found Dead. (Deal) interned for Sen. Perdue, worked on Sen. Loeffler’s campaign, and was a close family friend of GA. Gov. Brian Kemp… On December 14, 2020 Special Agent James O’Sullivan of the Georgia State Bureau of Investigation died at home. https://archive.is/wip/DKQNe * https://republicanpress.org/special-agent-believed-to-be-investigating-harrison-deal-crash-found-dead/

* Stew Peters also a target for exposing TONS, including Vernon Jones: Interview w/ Antje Kingma, former Senior District Attorney/Sex Crimes Unit https://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2021/10/vernon-jones-rape-case-arrest-fauci-az-audit-insurrection-the-stew-peters-show/

'April 1, 2010’’’ The New York Times https://archive.md/z74L7 : A jury awarded more than $180,000 in damages Thursday in a reverse discrimination case against DeKalb County and its first black chief executive, Vernon Jones. https://''www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/10/stew-peters-exposes-vernon-jones-causes-him-to-flee-interview/

Why did sidney Powell tank filings - and LIE? Sidney Powell’s filings regarding the 2020 election gave the Supreme Court a back door on ‘Standing’ – should have been filed by “We The People” but were not – thus providing the Supreme Court an avenue to say they did not have ‘Standing’. https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/sabotage-sidney-powells-filings-regarding-2020-election-gave-supreme-court-back-door-on-standing-should-have-been-filed-under-we-the-people/

Lin Wood : Sidney Powell… lawfare strategy of filing lawsuits on which she placed my name even though I had nothing whatsoever to do with the drafting or filing of the complaints, like the complaints she filed in Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona … she needs to publicly acknowledge and admit in no uncertain terms that I had nothing to do with the drafting or filing of any of her “Kraken” complaints…. t.me/linwoodspeakstruth/8217

AFA rittenhouse bail bullshit: FIRST look into their handler, david hancock, and refer to the IRS regarding 501(c)(4), which FightBack is. LLW was schooled by tax atty. for suggesting $$ go directly to KR: https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/other-non-profits/social-welfare-organizations * https://archive.md/Lmmnl

Along with Lin Wood repeatedly posting every documented/financial proof imaginable, Gordon Rose, who was right in the thick of all things ‘Rittenhouse’ post-FightBack has been documenting hancock & his cohorts’ criminal doings (too vast to pick & post): https://t.me/s/DeepStateDave 1/2

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41f842  No.15271301

File: 1d28d1eee9252a6⋯.mp4 (581.15 KB, 476x270, 238:135, micro.mp4)

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41f842  No.15271304

File: 98d834734ed53ee⋯.png (323.92 KB, 706x641, 706:641, 070c50ae91afbcdeb1c2f27489….png)

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81b9d4  No.15271309

File: c1c11513d0eb1dd⋯.jpg (33.52 KB, 306x483, 102:161, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


You're two jabs behind perp.

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64c577  No.15271314

File: 965be92d0e9d50f⋯.jpg (223.96 KB, 1032x1313, 1032:1313, soon.jpg)

Originally I expected a domino to fall, then another and another, resulting in a sudden overnight collapse of the entire stinking pile of lies.

But now it seems more like this Glacial process may be dissolving everything from the inside out, across all fronts simultaneously. Sports, children, medicine, energy, fiat, elections, religion, and on and on.

Get what I'm sayin?

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45d109  No.15271317

File: c6de09a6a7bdfce⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1787x959, 1787:959, LLWwJOS2_.png)


2/2 Have to keep visible - Suppressed FACTS regarding the rittenhouses’ lies, criminal history of THEIR HANDLER; Faux more dangerous than ever:

Kyle Rittenhouse claimed his former lawyers, Lin Wood and John Pierce prolonged his jail time and gave him bad advice. … told Carlson they raised over $1million by Sept. 5, 2020, and could have filed to get him released on bail by the middle of that month. Instead, Rittenhouse said he spent nearly three months behind bars. He was released from jail on Nov. 20, 2020, after his lawyers paid a $2 million bail with money raised by donors . November 20, 2020  https://archive.md/j1NFA * https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/mypillow-ceo-mike-lindell-actor-ricky-schroder-helped-pay-kyle-rittenhouses-2m-bond-attorney/2377413/

Rittenhouse blamed the attorneys for the narrative that he had been a member of an unorganized militia when he showed up armed with a semi-automatic rifle in Kenosha.We fired him because he was like going on with all this QAnon andelection fraud stuffand just stuff we don’t agree with Rittenhouse stated. NyPost: https://archive.md/xY03O

LIN WOOD: * Number one, I was not his criminal lawyer. I did not represent him… I’m not a criminal lawyer. I did agree to represent defamation cases after the criminal case was over… * I was NEVER contacted by Fox or Tucker Carlson to be informed of the accusations and afforded an opportunity to respond. Why not??? Tucker Carlson (and Sean Hannity) have my cell number. I was one call away * Why did Fox totally ignore the background of David Hancock, the disgraced former Navy SEAL? (DH) has been in total control of Kyle and his mother for almost one year. The public record raises very serious questions about the honesty and agenda of Hancock… (TONS of DOCUMENTATION: https://t.me/s/DeepStateDave )

* Why did Tucker strongly suggest that I was one of Kyle’s criminal lawyers? I was not…. I was just trying to help Kyle through #FightBack. I had agreed to help him in defamation matters after the criminal case. Why did John Pierce terminate that relationship almost immediately after #FightBack posted the bail monies. https://archive.md/0MuHI

JAN 14, 2021 Kyle Rittenhouse claimed his ex-attorney “set him up” for a photo of him posing with purported members of the Proud Boys and making a hand gesture used by white supremacists. Rittenhouse blasted his former legal team, John Pierce and Lin Wood… “I didn’t know that the OK hand sign was a symbol for white supremacy …” NYPost: https://archive.md/cECrI

Wut! As of DECEMBER, 4, 2020 , Pierce was only doing FUNDRAISING! david hancock and Richards (crim lawyer) were running everything!

DECEMBER 4, 2020Controversial Attorney Withdraws From Kyle Rittenhouse Criminal Case, Launches New Fundraising Appeal== #FightBack had been raising money for Rittenhouse's defense until last month (NOV, 2020), when Pierce posted $2 million raised by the foundation to bail the teenager out of jail… With #FightBack apparently out of the fundraising picture (once BAIL WAS MET), Pierce began promoting a new website, freekyleusa.com as the main fundraising arm… He said another $2.5 million was needed to defend the case and cover Rittenhouse's family living expenses. KSRO/ABC: https://archive.is/wip/KZC7R

Pierce not completely ’fired’ from “fundraising duties” until FEB: Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Kyle Rittenhouse has fired controversial civil lawyer John Pierce Feb 5, 2021 https://archive.md/b52ym

Rittenhouse supporters burned: … my name is Deana Womack, a housewife…we formed #TeamRittenhouse…. So who was this guy? (Hancock)… Even though Kyle himself blames the Pudgys incident on John (Pierce), he lied…John wasn’t in the same state at the time. …we just would like to know the truth… the more questions we asked the more of us got blocked from Freekyleusa aka Dave (Hancock). Why? And why would anytime anyone would ask for financial records for the fundraiser would he instantly attack them, block them… I was getting emails from Freekyleusa asking for money!!! I never donated to Freekyleusa I only donated to Fightback. So how did they get my email? https://t.me/s/DeanaWomack

clowncarlson INFO Vid (23:24): www.bitchute.com/video/CxJNzt80EdwB/ , https://www.thedailybeast.com/tucker-carlson-suddenly-says-its-time-to-leave-hunter-biden-alone , https://archive.md/TaB3f ; clown & HUNTER’s emails: https://t.me/GarrettMichaelZiegler/4303 , https://t.me/GarrettMichaelZiegler/4287

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2f0a30  No.15271321

File: 9a8a383af0147a3⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1800x1371, 600:457, 6BF98155_C2FB_4D61_BFEC_8B….png)


>לц§þ טəřy œłđ

keeping an eye on you

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866e17  No.15271323

File: 91f25a955aecfa0⋯.png (115.99 KB, 527x566, 527:566, 535363.png)


pharmacists = drug dealers

that pharmacy guy was twisted inside out with cognitive dissonance and guilt

pharmacists are willing participants in the current medical crimes against humanity

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cbbd9f  No.15271328

bumped back in front

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81b9d4  No.15271330

File: 9b67abc11ab791d⋯.jpg (187.72 KB, 928x485, 928:485, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


It isn't something you could think up yourself. This is more akin to something that they had to plan using a high performance computing cluster over many years. A cluster similar to what you would use to do crash testing or training a self driving car; probably something developed over at least a couple decades.

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866e17  No.15271331

File: 0b147969d985b6a⋯.png (197.26 KB, 1000x739, 1000:739, 4.png)


moar gibberish word salad from the bot

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cbbd9f  No.15271336

File: 589ec115a96c897⋯.png (76.43 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)





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b0b9ab  No.15271338


Ebot has always had better digs.

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d947f0  No.15271340

tfw the current breafd isn't even current

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7de39c  No.15271341


much masonic bitch squeal from Lin(da)

got played like a piano by DJT

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866e17  No.15271342

File: ac9c55ecfe738f1⋯.png (698.29 KB, 750x652, 375:326, 1622515695171.png)

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c3d700  No.15271345

File: d8942fae436aa72⋯.jpg (523.21 KB, 563x866, 563:866, d8942fae436aa7244f5e00e83a….jpg)

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30bc81  No.15271347



"Let's go, Brandon. I agree."

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866e17  No.15271348

File: 7f406d1223b430b⋯.png (88.57 KB, 255x192, 85:64, 3535.png)


Ebot and Toots, I miss them

each were lil fighters in their own way

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f0ce63  No.15271349

File: bc85e71ef45cb73⋯.png (175.34 KB, 607x588, 607:588, 3498651180048043.png)

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387a64  No.15271350

File: bec3ef34665c2dd⋯.gif (198.96 KB, 640x487, 640:487, 20211228_234924.gif)

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982896  No.15271351

File: b4e5c0239564740⋯.png (458.31 KB, 953x1141, 953:1141, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78e749390a4deb8⋯.png (23.45 KB, 1487x356, 1487:356, ClipboardImage.png)

Saw this the other day

roman numerals at beginning of words add to 3063 pointing to Schitt Q drop.

Not including D in POTUS' name

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c3d700  No.15271353

File: 36e7a48972a4ce8⋯.png (1.1 MB, 944x755, 944:755, 9e651bc5d09bc7cb660c78ae85….png)

File: ff02cfc285468e1⋯.png (1 MB, 748x783, 748:783, 633a64c0bbee9a34b6a5e5dee7….png)

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982896  No.15271354


Dissolve the pill in glass of warm soda.


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81b9d4  No.15271355


So nice of them all to have been caught on video for posterity.

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e064cf  No.15271356

File: 680fd21f3c6a3f1⋯.jpeg (151.21 KB, 888x499, 888:499, download_1_.jpeg)

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caddcf  No.15271357

File: d15dd97e3e6a605⋯.jpeg (15.79 KB, 255x251, 255:251, 201ed94c5a0d20c87ae195d86….jpeg)

File: ee7ffa86a604e31⋯.jpeg (19.8 KB, 243x255, 81:85, 9fb30e6026e199cc5ad0caa14….jpeg)

File: 5a4a5d98ea964b2⋯.jpeg (13.7 KB, 255x180, 17:12, 211f5d7f0690c8c515901a8dc….jpeg)

File: 5913fd4cb42e2db⋯.jpg (51.57 KB, 630x739, 630:739, 5913fd4cb42e2db18cdd4039f6….jpg)



>>15270461, >>15270432 State funeral - Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Dead at 82

>>15270458 C_A history staff quote

>>15270477 Popcorn Day q-clock

>>15270479 Antibodies as defensive enzymes

>>15270491 The Vaccine Rug Pull Theory

>>15270502 Omicron renders most monoclonal antibody therapy ineffective

>>15270511 Biden handling business from movie set

>>15270560 Medical Terrorism

>>15270592 Anon discussing waves

>>15270633 India cuts off foreign funding of Mother Teresa's charity

>>15270636 Fourth wave in Israel, most vaccinated nation

>>15270736 Dig on Robert S. Langer

>>15270688 India approves emergency use of new Corbevax vaccine for Covid

>>15270707, >>15270844 Viral videos on big pharma fraud

>>15270712 Covid testing causes forfeit by ice hockey defending champions

>>15270758 The Shadowy CIA Data Firms Behind the Creation of Digital Vaccine Passport IDs

>>15270785 Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver are officially divorced

>>15270801 Bridge & Owls q-clock

>>15270827 Huge win against Dominion in PA

>>15270845 Anon reminder: Find it on the MAP

>>15270904 TruthHammer: Are we in a low intensity BioWar?

>>15270973 Suicide Weekend qclock

>>15271083 US Census Bureau: population growth at the lowest rate since nation's founding

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cbbd9f  No.15271358

File: 3c2d880cbc147fb⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, phn.mp4)


<pretty fuckin far from okay.

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45d109  No.15271360

File: 150235664534afa⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1175x922, 1175:922, shitt21.png)


Well, with potato "in charge", perhaps it's past time for some "independent" or "unbiased" party to release the CHILD crimes, and let it spread online like "let's go, Brandon" did.

Communist msm has succeeded in keeping everything else, including all the TREASON, suppressed anyway. Nothing short of these proofs getting out will faze the desensitized masses at this point.

To most of the population, Gang of Eight will seem like a parking ticket compared to what these sub-human life forms have done to children. Let schitt try walking down a street then.

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caddcf  No.15271361

File: 041f73f512e954c⋯.jpg (63.45 KB, 600x335, 120:67, APepePrayer3.jpg)


No, just a random anon pitching in.

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c3d700  No.15271362

File: f599c58a354f8ae⋯.jpg (27.29 KB, 400x348, 100:87, Viking_swords_closeup.jpg)

File: 1b768d519a66e9a⋯.jpg (41.31 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, norse_alphabet_viking_rune….jpg)

File: b5debb1fd323688⋯.png (352.18 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20211229_020349.png)

File: 06e5a8b5615d6d1⋯.png (199.27 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20211229_020510.png)

File: 4e8b4a17e9a323b⋯.png (224.02 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20211229_020525.png)

Bran Don.

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f36151  No.15271363

File: 60c8a5daec36034⋯.jpg (116.77 KB, 720x892, 180:223, 20211228_224729.jpg)

File: a2759a4dcf14063⋯.jpg (77.4 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 20211228_224700.jpg)


Man who faked being disabled teen to get diaper changed arrested again

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e064cf  No.15271364

>>15269592 /pb

>If We the People do not control our communication network(s), then those networks control us; they are what they were engineered to be, a consumer mind control apparatus.

Solved. The decentralized internet is ready. It will be rolled out, the transition smooth. Stop worrying. Just Be Best in the meantime.

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c3d700  No.15271365

File: d7d63bedfdf766a⋯.png (208.61 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20211229_020538.png)

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3793db  No.15271366

>>15271316 pb

i'm back. had to take a break… way past time for chores at the menagerie. such is the life of a keeper. hope you're still around, GARY.

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3cb607  No.15271367

(They) the evil wicked ones , the luciferian satanic satanist , (they) that have tortured , raped , stolen , trafficking of Our Presious Beautiful Children are watching ALL of U.S. learn in real time the actual truths of what (they) did to ALL of U.S.

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982896  No.15271368


Seldom watch any tv, but did see on a few occasions that rat spinning the most insane narratives to the audience. Fighting for his life and lying like only a murderer can lie. He ded.

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2f0a30  No.15271370

File: 9ae3d8ecb4f66e1⋯.mp4 (9.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_7201.mp4)


anon's got some work to do on a new compilation

your content is too hot

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7de39c  No.15271372


>, the luciferian satanic satanist

but what about the non-satanic satanists, are they OK ?

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f768c5  No.15271373

File: 3579a3323b4d752⋯.jpg (30.43 KB, 414x508, 207:254, 3579a3323b4d752003c5b6166e….jpg)

Anon needs your prayers.

Have to drive cross-country tomorrow.

Please pray anon doesn't get the truck stop burrito variant.

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387a64  No.15271375



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3793db  No.15271376

File: e24925266f59d98⋯.jpg (587.73 KB, 1435x1080, 287:216, Invasion_of_the_Body_Snatc….jpg)


>he's posting anti-biden memes

nothing of the sort. that's YOUR interpretation. YOU are not of the body.

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754415  No.15271377

File: 2dd79de272da0ad⋯.png (436.79 KB, 1076x1000, 269:250, c29f061c301f7626057bea9856….png)

Reminder trump said NO TO MANDATES. He took the vaccine and booster, Q (we, The people, saved millions of life's from these vaccines.) Reminder Q said VACCINES [NOT ALL]

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b0b9ab  No.15271379




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f768c5  No.15271380

File: 4e5aebb45dbd493⋯.jpg (9.24 KB, 195x259, 195:259, ed1b2f6b823c956f0d639eb90a….jpg)


>Please pray anon doesn't get the truck stop burrito variant.

Not sure where to wear a mask for that one.

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f768c5  No.15271381

File: bc7d0e6fbb24c55⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1320x996, 110:83, FREDDY_MASK.png)

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45d109  No.15271382


>He ded.

Hope so, anon. Honestly can't say that this anon would even know his voice, kek.

(Wore earplugs when faux viewer resided in household & put it on.)

MSM is the only thing more despised than the "politicians" they shield and protect. Bet their crimes are just as horrible, for them to score those TV/radio gig$ & book-hawking "deals".

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387a64  No.15271383


bias confirmation cognitive dissonance

biden said no to mandates also

as did pelosi


don is a traitor

america has fallen

your hopium is unsupported by observable data

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754415  No.15271384

France orders mosque closed after 'unacceptable' preaching

AFPPublished December 28, 2021 - Updated about 15 hours ago

This picture shows closed doors at the entrance of the mosque in Beauvais, northern France, on December 28. — AFP

France has ordered the closure of a mosque in the north of the country because of what authorities told AFP on Tuesday was the radical nature of its imam's preaching.

The mosque in Beauvais, a town of 50,000 people some 100 kilometres north of Paris, will remain shut for six months, according to the prefecture of the Oise region where Beauvais is located.

It said the sermons there incite hatred, violence and “defend jihad”.

The move on the mosque, which has a congregation of about 400, comes two weeks after Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said he had triggered the procedure to close the site because the imam there “is targeting Christians, homosexuals and Jews” in his sermons.

This, the minister said, was “unacceptable”.

Local authorities were legally bound to observe a 10-day period of information-gathering before taking action, but told AFP on Tuesday that the mosque would now be shut within two days.

Local daily Courrier Picard reported this month that the mosque's imam was a recent convert to Islam.

A lawyer for the association managing the mosque told AFP that it had filed for an injunction to overturn the ban.

The lawyer, Samim Bolaky, said there would be a court hearing on the appeal within 48 hours.

The authorities said the imam, who the association claims had preached only occasionally and had now been suspended, was in fact a regular presence at the mosque, according to the official document citing the reasons for the closure seen by AFP.

It said the imam had called the jihad, a term for war against the enemies of Islam, a “duty”, and had glorified its fighters as “heroes” who protected Islam against Western influence.

He had also labelled non-Muslims as “enemies”, it said.

“The terrorist threat remains at a very high level” and the closure had “the aim of forestalling acts of terrorism being committed”, the document said.

The French government announced earlier this year that it would step up checks of places of worship and associations suspected of spreading radical Islamic propaganda.

The crackdown came after the October 2020 murder of teacher Samuel Paty who was targeted following an online campaign against him for having shown blasphemous caricatures of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) published by the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo during a civics class.

Following the killing, President Emmanuel Macron had said that “Islamists want our future” and vowed not to "give up cartoons".

The interior ministry said this month that around 100 mosques and Muslim prayer halls out of France's total number of more than 2,600 have been investigated over recent months because of suspicion that they were spreading “separatist” ideology.

Six sites were being probed with a view to closing them down on the basis of French laws against extremism and Islamist separatism, it said.


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866e17  No.15271385

File: 77b6874f2011311⋯.jpg (77.96 KB, 408x464, 51:58, 42.jpg)


>YOU are not of the body.

nigger, you will be absorbed into your own anus, resistance against the vaxxies is futile


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81b9d4  No.15271386


Underwear can't stop farts.

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c3d700  No.15271387

File: 2ba44a2dd7e8693⋯.jpg (16.08 KB, 220x281, 220:281, 220px_Remington_A_cracker_….jpg)

File: 8af2b0752b912af⋯.jpg (135.96 KB, 788x1024, 197:256, PuckCoverIfYouDontIShallLO….jpg)

File: 7041bc052e2ec86⋯.jpg (101.51 KB, 791x1024, 791:1024, a_dangerous_firecracker_da….jpg)

File: 6d5981e490bf1a0⋯.jpg (153.12 KB, 474x612, 79:102, 6d5981e490bf1a088285135fc0….jpg)

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754415  No.15271388


So ur saying all vaccines are bad?

Also then why are there still mandates being imposed?

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866e17  No.15271389

File: e494c26277a418c⋯.png (198.61 KB, 480x448, 15:14, hillary_shart.png)

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3793db  No.15271390


>Please pray anon doesn't get the truck stop burrito variant.

for the love of God, at all costs, avoid the truck stop sushi.

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cbbd9f  No.15271392

File: 5bd7ff7846c6baa⋯.jpeg (52.77 KB, 420x399, 20:19, Toy_Sthory.jpeg)

File: 1ab2f733e883fd7⋯.jpeg (555.95 KB, 1002x750, 167:125, WATYOUNIGGA.jpeg)

Can you see it happenin?

I totally see it habbenin.

The veil is lifting.

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d89cb5  No.15271393


Horale! She shit herself!

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3793db  No.15271394


>targeting Christians, homosexuals and Jews” in his sermons.

>This, the minister said, was “unacceptable”.

so, if they stick to targeting Christians, but leave the jews and faggots alone, that will be acceptable.

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982896  No.15271396


Sounded like a pencil neck shitweasel

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b0b9ab  No.15271397



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3cb607  No.15271398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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754415  No.15271399

Windsor Castle: Queen 'assassination' bid video probed

Police are investigating a video linked to a man who was found with a crossbow at Windsor Castle on Christmas Day.

The footage, obtained by The Sun newspaper, appears to show a masked person in a hoodie holding a crossbow.

They are shown addressing the camera saying they wanted to "assassinate the Queen" in a "revenge" mission.

Scotland Yard confirmed detectives were "assessing the contents of a video" following the arrest of a 19-year-old man from Southampton.

The police spokesman declined to comment on the identity of the person in the video.

Buckingham Palace has also declined to comment.

A 19-year-old suspect was sectioned under the Mental Health Act after being found in the castle grounds.

He was arrested at about 08:30 GMT on Christmas Day and was initially held on suspicion of breach or trespass of a protected site, and possession of an offensive weapon.

The Queen was in residence at Windsor Castle for Christmas and was due to be joined for lunch by the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, as well as the Earl and Countess of Wessex.


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f768c5  No.15271400

File: cacd90f167ceadc⋯.png (880.25 KB, 853x875, 853:875, cacd90f167ceadcab9968581b1….png)


>for the love of God, at all costs, avoid the truck stop sushi.

Maybe just this once.

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754415  No.15271402

China slams US over space station near misses with Musk satellites

Two "close encounters" between a Chinese space station and satellites operated by Elon Musk's SpaceX have sparked outrage against the US billionaire among Chinese web users.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday that the United States had ignored obligations under outer space treaties, putting astronauts at risk.

BUSINESS | 13.11.2021

Musk sells nearly $7 bln worth of Tesla shares

Chinese space station Tiangong had to maneuver to avoid colliding with a Starlink satellite — produced by a division of Elon Musk's SpaceX — according to a note submitted by China to the United Nations space agency earlier this month.

The Chinese station was forced to move two times, once in July and another time in October.

The note said the incidents "constituted dangers to the life or health of astronauts aboard the China Space Station."

TECHNOLOGY | 06.09.2020

China's first reusable spaceplane lands after 2-day flight

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian called on the US to act responsibly in space.

"The US… ignores its obligations under international treaties, posing a serious threat to the lives and safety of astronauts," Lijian said during a press conference.

Beijing said in its note to the UN that members of the Outer Space Treaty, which forms the basis of international space law, are also responsible for actions by their nongovernment entities.

The private American company SpaceX is independent of the US military and civilian space agency NASA.

What could have happened in the event of a collision?

Jonathan McDowell of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics warned that any collision would likely "completely demolish" the Chinese space station and kill everyone on board.

"We've really noticed the increase in the number of close passes since Starlink started getting deployed," he told French news agency AFP.


People's Republic of China

According to McDowell, this is because more objects are entering Earth's orbit and with higher frequency.

Starlink operates some 2,000 satellites that aim to provide widespread internet access.

The core module of China's Tiangong, meanwhile, entered orbit earlier this year and is expected to become fully operational next year.

0 seconds of 0 seconds


00:29 mins.

HOME | 02.05.2017

SpaceX launches first rocket for US military

What Chinese netizens said about Elon Musk

Beijing's warning on Tuesday prompted Chinese internet users to lash out at Musk. The billionaire is typically widely admired in China for his business accomplishments; his electric car company, Tesla, sells tens of thousands of vehicles in China each month.

"Prepare to boycott Tesla," said one user of the popular Chinese social media platform Weibo.

"How ironic that Chinese people buy Tesla, contributing large sums of money so Musk can launch Starlink, and then he (nearly) crashes into China's space station," another person wrote.

mvb/rt (Reuters, AFP)


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c3d700  No.15271404

File: be842adfc45a319⋯.jpeg (273.88 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, FHT05UcWUAIzzpv.jpeg)

File: a939a5e2cfe24d9⋯.jpeg (417.92 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, FHT1AgoXIAQzH80.jpeg)

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caddcf  No.15271405


>Do you have a source link for this to include in notables? Scary tech.

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fd612f  No.15271406

File: 7b1f4596a3220a4⋯.png (76.42 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 7b1f4596a3220a48601e60b966….png)

Rest Easy Fags…

Super Anon Has Arrived!

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387a64  No.15271407


the people who make vaxxxines are evil.

profiteers of the worst sort.

that question…

you do not belong here.

you are a pong tike removed from the polio vaccine

changing the world.

one would recommend none atp.

your enemies are utilizing multiple attack fronts

and the ease of vaxxx manipulation can not be ignored.

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387a64  No.15271408

pong tike

no less


*long time

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caddcf  No.15271409


Where was this note posted? Source for notables?

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0d11bd  No.15271415

Hi Bob.

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41b888  No.15271416


I'm not speaking for


but can you not do your own research?

The concept of vaccines seems sound enough, however, do you trust corporate bio-pharma at all anymore? Really?

As for mandates, are you frightened? Of a cold virus? Really? Do you need to be protected from "others"?

Many people are under mass formation (psychosis) at the moment.

Any many more are just confused.

here's some clarity: Everything that doesn't make sense is being done on purpose. It makes sense if you understand that there are powerful forces attempting to destroy Humanity. Once you accept that, I don't think you'll need to ask many more questions.

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0d11bd  No.15271418

File: 5dc4892e99c2662⋯.jpeg (1.66 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 2F7AACE0_DD31_426B_B150_D….jpeg)

File: 390a7aedd9db44e⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 205A7392_71FF_4C02_9684_4….jpeg)


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866e17  No.15271419

File: b3f77465b98c477⋯.png (452.81 KB, 560x564, 140:141, 5.png)


He tried to warn us….

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3f34da  No.15271420


Judge in Ghislaine Maxwell's sex trafficking case concerned Omicron could threaten trial deliberations, which will resume Wednesday morning.



I'm sorry for screaming, dad.

It's judge Alison Nathan…. She drives me so CRAZY.

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3793db  No.15271421



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387a64  No.15271422


it asked


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982896  No.15271423


Bread from a couple three days ago? Maybe yesterday. Just clipped img and had at it.

Missing 's' at end of million aswell.

Presented with all red boxes and circleses

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3793db  No.15271424


want to read thru breads from a month ago. can only guess what the bread numbers are.

can someone tell anon EASY way to navigate to old bread using only date?

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caddcf  No.15271425


Notables at ~100


>>15271235 Are organizations that are formed to combat trafficking actually facilitating and funding it?

>>15271241, >>15271246 Catalog still wonky, use index to find latest thread

>>15271261 Powerful 6.1-Magnitude Earthquake Hits #Crete, #Greece

>>15271263 Hunter Biden/Joe Biden mp4

>>15271301 Emerging medical compliance technology >(source of video?)

>>15271314 Anon musing on how the plan is playing out

>>15271351 POTUS note pointing to Post 3063 >(source of note?)

>>15271384 France orders mosque closed after 'unacceptable' preaching

>>15271399 Windsor Castle: Queen 'assassination' bid video probed

>>15271402 China slams US over space station near misses with Musk satellites

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32d7ef  No.15271426

I suppose that vax death numbers will pass (actual) deaths from muh corona real soon.

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3793db  No.15271430


>I suppose that vax death numbers will pass (actual) deaths from muh corona real soon.

when "official" numbers for both are corrected for respective under and over reporting, you will find they already have, quite a while ago.

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caddcf  No.15271431


Maybe look here to find starting bread #'s for dates you want?

>QResearch Search Engine

>* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

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c3d700  No.15271432

File: 47a9a20d17d494f⋯.png (4.35 MB, 2700x2700, 1:1, 39e06aa37b1a69678223619248….png)

File: d61847d9b4ed5c4⋯.jpg (89.67 KB, 904x632, 113:79, d61847d9b4ed5c4a58dcdc4a54….jpg)

File: 603cd840c15859e⋯.png (904.09 KB, 2239x1746, 2239:1746, 92a5950b59513ad1ff85e0290f….png)

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32d7ef  No.15271434


That's when the reality of no control sets in.

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caddcf  No.15271435


This thread is now showing up in the catalog. Took a long time.

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32d7ef  No.15271436


Shit! Are you saying bakers haven't been wearing masks?!?!?!?!? We're all gonna die!

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32d7ef  No.15271437


I don't get (You)s anymore at all. I wasn't even able to post for a few weeks until a few days ago.

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c3d700  No.15271438


KEK. Oxymoran.

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f668c5  No.15271439

File: 64405287fd26622⋯.png (81.21 KB, 834x1256, 417:628, Apu_hoodie.png)


Hey Super Anon, sir. Could you make like, I dunno, a bird, or a plane, hopefully a plane with nuclear warheads, and maybe bring a sliver of justice to this benighted world? Please and thank you.

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81b9d4  No.15271440


open the archive link on the right top side from the catalog page.

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32d7ef  No.15271441


I don't think Sidney was equal to filing those types of cases. They need a bigger firm to deal with the opposition. Lawanon

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3793db  No.15271443

File: 5ff329d5efedc9d⋯.png (255.45 KB, 601x335, 601:335, Screen_Shot_2021_12_29_at_….png)


Hoax Essay on 'Racism' of White Milk Against Black Coffee Wins Praise in Swedish University

A hoax paper in critical whiteness that problematises the use of white milk in black coffee as racist, has been accepted by Stockholm University and even received some praise.

The essay called "Black and white drinks" was written by 27-year-old Arvid Haag and framed as an "account of what happened from the early 20th century in the struggle between coffee and milk".

In the essay, Haag described how the marketing of coffee has been characterised by highlighting the "black and exotic elements" of the drink. With milk, however, "the local and the white" was emphasised, the news outlet Fria Tider report

So-called critical whiteness studies, which proceed from the idea of the inherent "privilege" of the white race and investigates its sources of "systemic racism", has been a popular trend in left-wing ideology since late 20th century and is currently gaining a lot of traction in the US and around the world.

In Sweden, critical whiteness studies as a subject were pioneered by researcher and political activist Tobias Hübinette of Karlstad University, the co-founder of the anti-racist newspaper Expo together with the late writer Stieg Larsson.

Stockholm University has since jumped on the bandwagon by offering courses in "Critical whiteness perspectives on Nordic culture".


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32d7ef  No.15271444


I drove half across the country and back this year, fortunately, I was triple-vaxxed, boostered, wore gloves, a gown, a mask and a face shield the entire trip and I didn't talk to ANYBODY. Only caught muh corona twice. Best of luck!

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fd612f  No.15271445

File: 2b28f8cc04e0e07⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1593x723, 531:241, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac03e31ec853bc3⋯.png (383.31 KB, 940x440, 47:22, ClipboardImage.png)

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32d7ef  No.15271446


Anybody who says mohammadens are violent should be killed.

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32d7ef  No.15271447


He's more of a Led Zep fan?

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c3d700  No.15271448

File: 4447411e751ec74⋯.jpg (260.22 KB, 893x1390, 893:1390, puck_magazine_the_opium_jo….jpg)

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32d7ef  No.15271449


Agree that if you see one thing correctly, you will see many more.

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3793db  No.15271451

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32d7ef  No.15271452


I wouldn't doubt it.

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e064cf  No.15271454


An overview of ∆Q metrics, calculus and algebra for non-mathematicians

October 28, 2015 By Martin Geddes

This third and final article completes our introduction to ∆Q and the new science of network performance. It follows on from the first and second articles.

Three elements of the ∆Q framework

∆Q is about quantitatively capturing the relationship between the objective physical world (of packets), and the subjective world of the user experience. It comprises three key elements:

∆Q metrics, which capture the critical essence of the domains of both the network and customer, and at every level of abstraction; and a

∆Q calculus, that formally relates the sets of metrics; and a

∆Q algebra, that lets us meaningfully do “what if?” and “so what?” types of calculations.

The big ‘aha!’ of the ∆Q framework is with the metric part. ∆Q-based metrics extend the idea of randomness to include ‘non-termination’. For example, when you roll a dice, ‘non-termination’ might include losing it behind the sofa, or it landing miraculously balanced on an edge rather than flat on its side.

A new branch of mathematics

∆Q metrics are part of new branch of mathematics that sits underneath probability theory. They let us reason about both how long things take, and also whether they might not happen, at the same time. As such, it takes on board the imperfection of the world, by not reasoning about failure as a separate case.

When probability theory was being formally defined this idea was not developed, because there were no applications foreseen for it. Unlike physical objects, packets can be erased, so their delivery doesn’t occur. That means we now have a major application important to society!


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5f8d8e  No.15271455

File: d446c36553d4414⋯.png (960.81 KB, 1271x715, 1271:715, ClipboardImage.png)

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dcf7cf  No.15271456

File: 3928ee4f90f9921⋯.jpg (169.47 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 1540774814235.jpg)

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cbbd9f  No.15271457


>A 19-year-old suspect was sectioned under the Mental Health Act after being found in the castle grounds.


It is mental to go against tyrants?

Well… maybe the implementation method..


Ohhhhhh Based.

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600034  No.15271458

File: 83bb2a42eb01603⋯.jpg (416.52 KB, 962x1438, 481:719, 52245425_10347079_Shocking….jpg)

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fd612f  No.15271459


That has been your plan all along. To hack our DNA and turn it against us.

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7de39c  No.15271460


>By Martin Geddes

martin the mason homo is really desperate to be noticed, even with irrelevant mathematical faggotry

guess muh sacred geometry wasn't impressive enough

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caddcf  No.15271461

File: ce553cd262a2f26⋯.jpg (65.89 KB, 600x335, 120:67, NoMoreMasks.jpg)


BAKER has to ghost. Good-night all.

Here is an updated dough with the notes collected so far.


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701f75  No.15271462

File: 0b5538e7a04b761⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 0b5538e7a04b76149f77595c0c….jpg)

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41b888  No.15271463

File: 2456fa29a534600⋯.png (207.67 KB, 860x999, 860:999, Om_Nom.png)


Good travels and God speed, long-haul! Keep yer fingers clean and your camera at the ready.

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c3d700  No.15271464

File: b58394e0fe69811⋯.jpg (368.75 KB, 520x749, 520:749, cb07_109_1898_June1_pu1722….jpg)

File: af9380e60f8c65e⋯.jpg (137.83 KB, 1024x675, 1024:675, PuckIntotheChineseLabyrint….jpg)

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fd612f  No.15271465


Evil lost before it began.

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e970a8  No.15271466


Hey - my niece just tested positive for COVID - keep your prayers - she says feels awesome, has zero symptoms and is enjoying her quarantine at home while getting paid to do it :)

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fd612f  No.15271467

File: ca1e6717a3562b1⋯.png (565.02 KB, 650x650, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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41b888  No.15271468

09:28 EST, 28 December 2021

EXCLUSIVE: Pictured on his tranquil Arizona ranch and wedding venue, the ex-Marine accused of being an 'FBI plant sent to help incite January 6 Capitol riot' refuses to answer to right-wing conspiracy theory

>M-F'n dailymail


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3f795d  No.15271469


Do not do that, 'tis disconcerting



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c3d700  No.15271470

File: cd7271c4c7c8501⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1232x2004, 308:501, A1LaLNBuE1L.jpg)

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3f795d  No.15271471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You really dont kris

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5f8d8e  No.15271473

File: 1b36f343e81cfd3⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1271x715, 1271:715, ClipboardImage.png)


He said there to think for yourself. I'm watching:



A while ago someone posted the link. Still watching it… you may don't like the subject, but it's a good watch.

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ee7969  No.15271474

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB, 255x246, 85:82, ClipboardImage.png)


Love Dr. Jill's reaction.

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f8e28b  No.15271475

File: 91336cad4639538⋯.jpg (294.11 KB, 839x571, 839:571, fakenews.jpg)

Wow, check the date

what a accurate prediction

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3f34da  No.15271476



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3f795d  No.15271477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shke it shake it baby

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3f795d  No.15271478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c3d700  No.15271479

File: a535dd02028f10f⋯.jpeg (9.51 KB, 170x296, 85:148, images_2021_12_29T033636_….jpeg)

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41b888  No.15271480


Nice. Remind her to use the time wisely.

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3f795d  No.15271481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He uses the average to bring down the wise

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3f795d  No.15271482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f668c5  No.15271483

File: e44f3ee726a4e55⋯.png (523.09 KB, 1200x908, 300:227, toddler_biden_poop.PNG)

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701f75  No.15271484

File: 2c70bfb03d7a029⋯.png (564.4 KB, 782x793, 782:793, ClipboardImage.png)

Latest MSM Lunacy: 'The Constitution Isn't Working'

Another day, another whiny leftist assault on American institutions, this time using the United States Constitution as cover.

A professor of politics named John Kenneth White has penned an opinion piece for The Hill titled “The Constitution isn’t working.” It’s an odd article because White actually gets a couple of things right at the beginning but eventually veers off into a boilerplate regurgitation of the leftist fever-dream wish list: nuke the Electoral College, JANUARY 6, reform the filibuster…yeah he had a ghostwriter from the Democratic National Committee working with him on this.

First, some of what he’s close to getting right:

The U.S. Constitution is the sacred text of American government and civic life. But it’s time to face facts: The document, written in 1787, isn’t working. The signs are all around us. Just 38 percent of Americans in a recent Gallup poll expressed either a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in the presidency, down from 48 percent in 2001. Congress, never high in the public’s estimation to begin with, fell from 26 percent to a mere 12 percent. The Supreme Court has also taken a hit, down from 50 percent to 36 percent during the same period.

One reason often cited for the failing Constitution are the people who inhabit its carefully crafted institutions. In Congress, serious legislators are scarce, as many members aim for viral recognition on social media.

Professor Deep Think here is leading with the fact that the Constitution isn’t working because those tasked with making it work are failing it. Something I can agree with to a point, especially when it comes to Congress and the fact that our legislators have been punting their duties to the executive branch for decades now.

Here’s the thing though: he only takes issue with Republicans:

Freshman Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) freely admitted, “I have built my staff around comms [communication], not legislation.” Cawthorn is hardly alone: Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) represent a new breed of legislators who seek recognition and are largely uninterested in passing actual laws.

The Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate are presently led by two of the most time-wasting, grandstanding buffoons in American political history. Remember this?

I’m still embarrassed for the country.

White then waxes nostalgic for the Senate the way it once was:

In the Senate, the filibuster is no longer the rare instrument designed to halt legislation and foster debate. Instead, the 60-vote threshold has become the default mechanism to stop all legislation without a word.

When George Washington supposedly was asked by Thomas Jefferson why the Senate was created, he responded, “Why did you just now pour your coffee into that saucer, before drinking?” Jefferson answered, “To cool it.” Washington responded, “Even so, we pour our legislation into the senatorial saucer to cool it.” The Senate was designed to cool legislation, not kill it.

As the Senate was originally created back when George and Tom were having that chat, senators weren’t supposed to be living long and serving terms that went on seemingly forever. At present, the five longest-tenured senators (Leahy, Grassley, McConnell, Shelby, and Feinstein) have been there for a combined 185 years. Only Leahy and Shelby are leaving soon.

You want the Constitution and the Senate to work better? Repeal the 17th Amendment.

The Constitution terrifies leftists because it prevents them from doing a couple of things: “adjusting” our rights according to whatever whims of the day are buffeting them about, and letting every American president from here on out be elected by California, Manhattan, and Chicago.

It’s working just fine. We don’t need more Supreme Court justices, we need legislators who will do their damn jobs, like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, who are both representing their constituents very well.

What we most desperately need at the moment is a president who isn’t being run by a cabal of extremist puppet masters.

Which the Constitution provides a means of changing in a couple of years.


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fd78e7  No.15271485

The acronym for the James West Telescope is JWST.

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74c1ae  No.15271486


>I drove half across the country and back this year, fortunately, I was triple-vaxxed, boostered, wore gloves, a gown, a mask and a face shield the entire trip and I didn't talk to ANYBODY. Only caught muh corona twice. Best of luck!


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539433  No.15271487

File: a2cf8212246efbd⋯.jpg (155.06 KB, 1070x683, 1070:683, Screen_Shot_2021_12_29_at_….jpg)





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261de6  No.15271488


the apple rots from within

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d5e541  No.15271490

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The crazy karen lady is on this episode of Married with Children:


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3f795d  No.15271491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


he'll save a remanant


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f8e28b  No.15271492

Sick shit

NYU law professors’ proposal would ‘weaken’ human trafficking prosecution, 37 attorneys general warn


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701f75  No.15271493

File: 846410dd57bedca⋯.png (124.08 KB, 1237x925, 1237:925, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c73feb960bfe9b⋯.png (396.39 KB, 646x860, 323:430, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a659221ba6520e5⋯.png (469.23 KB, 510x680, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 835c03b783691d1⋯.png (134.04 KB, 290x360, 29:36, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbd042cb1ee04fd⋯.png (165.09 KB, 286x360, 143:180, ClipboardImage.png)

Catherine Herridge


NEW: #Durham filing indicates “Clinton campaign” + “multiple former employees” have “matters” before Special Counsel. “In addition to their representation of the defendant (Danchenko), a separate lawyer at the firm is currently representing the…“Clinton Campaign” as well as… multiple former employees of that campaign, in matters before the Special Counsel…On each of these issues, the interests of the Clinton Campaign + the defendant might diverge.” Filing asks court to explore potential conflict among lawyers. @RobLegare



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866e17  No.15271494

File: edc8f27535d1efd⋯.jpg (65.79 KB, 606x467, 606:467, 5363.jpg)

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80bb45  No.15271495

File: dfc39acecbe07b2⋯.png (298.07 KB, 809x662, 809:662, thinking2.png)


>The acronym for the James West Telescope is JWST.

No, JWST is an acronym for "James Webb Space Telescope".

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261de6  No.15271496

Zuckerberg continues to ‘colonize’ Hawaii

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has bought another 110 acres of land on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, assuming ownership of territory that includes a reservoir and a pristine forest, despite protests from locals.

The social media tycoon and his wife now own 1,400 acres of land on the island, much of it protected agricultural and conservation land. …

the Zuckerbergs bought the property in November for$17million.


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3f795d  No.15271497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What can one say



Hi Q +

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bd602d  No.15271498

File: 3935910be20e020⋯.png (3.54 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, fauci_gain_of_function_tri….png)

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261de6  No.15271500

Orgy Gone Wrong: US Yacht Mogul Robbed and Killed in Luxurious Madrid Hotel After Being Promised Sex

Initially, the death of the ex-CEO of the shipyard Hijos de J. Barreras, Jose Rosado, was declared to be related to natural causes as police discovered his body with no signs of abuse in Madrid's Westin Palace Hotel in late October.

Spanish police have declared the death of Jose Rosado, a New Jersey-born yacht mogul, a homicide that appears to have been masterminded by "two or three" people drugging him at a bar and luring him into a suite, promising sex.

"Depressant substances were found in his body that, mixed with alcohol, were the ones that killed him", police told the Spanish newspaper El País.

It is suspected that Rosado was killed in a so-called "chemical submission" attack and robbed afterwards, as police detected that some of his belongings went missing after his death.

The conclusion followed the initial estimation that Rosado died of natural causes because the authorities found no signs of abuse on his breathless body when it was discovered at the Westin Palace Hotel in late October.

Yet, shortly after Rosado's death, charges from his credit card started emerging, triggering suspicions. On Monday, the authorities took two men into custody, a 39-year-old Romanian with nine previous arrests, and a 29-year-old Moroccan with 17 arrests for what police described as "similar events". They have reportedly been charged with homicide, robbery with violence, and fraud.

Originally from New Jersey, Rosado lived in Miami and was the CEO of Spain's largest private yacht company, Hijos de J. Barreras.


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41b888  No.15271501



"the scum rises to the top"

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bd602d  No.15271502

File: ab22be8e6ede2c8⋯.png (425.46 KB, 900x971, 900:971, ZUCKINNI_POKEMON_FINAL_FOR….png)


When The Storm is over this little asshole won't have a pot to piss in…

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261de6  No.15271503

Powerful 6.1-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Crete, Greece

Per the Egyptian Astronomy and Geophysics Institute, some tremors caused by the earthquake near Crete were also felt across Egypt.

In October, a 6.3-magnitude quake near Crete triggered a tsunami warning and evacuation on the island….


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c3d700  No.15271504

File: 4b755858b0b7c0c⋯.mp4 (68 KB, 192x144, 4:3, images_4_.mp4)

File: 728e977fc8fe669⋯.jpeg (10.43 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images_2021_12_29T040609_….jpeg)

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261de6  No.15271505

Almost 40 Dead in Gold Mine Collapse in Southern Sudan


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41b888  No.15271506

File: b8a6095b4cc9895⋯.jpg (66.79 KB, 750x732, 125:122, euthanized.jpg)

December 28th 2021

Schools are Vaccinating Children without Parents' Consent — Here is the Dirty Trick They are Using to Jab Kids


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3f795d  No.15271507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




shake it shake it baby


Ya hoo serious ?

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c3d700  No.15271508


Muh Tesla is on backorder. FFS. 2 moar weeks. KEK

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218059  No.15271509

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, IMG_4220.gif)

Morning, Frenz

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b0b9ab  No.15271510


Aren't you an hour and 20 minutes early?

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a3261d  No.15271511

File: 3ac3ac6831676ce⋯.png (242.29 KB, 908x830, 454:415, ClipboardImage.png)


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74c1ae  No.15271512

File: afe7b535fa0fabb⋯.jpg (31.84 KB, 640x459, 640:459, al.jpg)


Mornin' Sam

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a3261d  No.15271513

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3f795d  No.15271514


Sam what happened with Delilah with the philistines?

Sarah has her new beau, Emma has her new beau, everyone has their new beau, what about you

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bd602d  No.15271515

File: c014a61ee8b444f⋯.png (485.79 KB, 666x570, 111:95, ClipboardImage.png)


Good Mornin' Fren

Can't sleep again

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387a64  No.15271516

File: 8a6d0ec66362fc3⋯.gif (1.18 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 20211229_021454.gif)


one was not going to say it.


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3f795d  No.15271517


almost 2022

Baileys :)

Good to see him the other day

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866e17  No.15271518

File: 91b4372382c2c72⋯.png (3.32 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, 363636.png)


fuck Zuck, the loser cuck

I hope the native Hawaiian niggers eat him

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261de6  No.15271519


Another day,

another timeline.


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c3d700  No.15271520

File: 0b14b7053d00e52⋯.jpg (157.15 KB, 871x1390, 871:1390, ernest_shackleton_1874_192….jpg)

File: 4fbad2fdcb90fc1⋯.jpg (84.73 KB, 495x630, 11:14, 20b921612a8bdb83470fa9f821….jpg)

File: b096f43771ad34d⋯.mp4 (6.41 MB, 606x480, 101:80, b096f43771ad34d87a4d1d8942….mp4)

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14e38e  No.15271521


Eh I'm the anon you're replying to from last bread. Catalog was messed up not showing so I tried to sleep to no avail. Apparently I'll go directly to index as a failsafe.

Last bread was magical, was really channeling some good energy and words with you. Not sure I wanna force it and take it further since I think I'll get onto reading the book of Enoch you provided and maybe I'll catch you in another night shift. If you want to identify each other my codename will be jackass and you can be smart-ass.

I'm retardedly understanding this post tbh though if you want to reiterate.

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3f795d  No.15271522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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387a64  No.15271523

File: 579e58813a8bc6f⋯.gif (4.39 KB, 202x360, 101:180, 20210825_104052.gif)



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387a64  No.15271524

reiterate wot

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866e17  No.15271525


>Almost 40 Dead

are they ok ?

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218059  No.15271526


Kids have track meet in NYC today. Bus leaves at 445

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3f795d  No.15271527


are you blonde

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14e38e  No.15271528


Your first post in this bread that you replied to me with. I didn't really understand it the way you structured your words and sentences compared to your previous posts.

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261de6  No.15271529


Artisanal mining

Sudan’s gold production has traditionally largely been driven by unregulated, artisanal (individual subsistence) mining, which is highly hazardous to the miners. The transitional government began to regulate the mining and export of the precious metal two years ago.

The total gold production of Sudan in 2020 reached 36.6 tons, making Sudan the second-largest producer of gold in Africa and the ninth in the world. Gold mines are scattered across Sudan, including Darfur, South Kordofan, and Blue Nile. Artisanal mining has also drawn hundreds of thousands of gold seekers to the deserts of Sudan’s northern and eastern states.


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387a64  No.15271530

File: 36745f340ee4c02⋯.gif (2.82 MB, 500x375, 4:3, 20211229_022038.gif)


what do you need explained?

or should one repackage the entire thought.

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3f795d  No.15271531


expand your thinking

as moter, i am all things

Stuart had a south pole, wasnt interested :)

Lee, otherwise known as PB the cat carries his child

not weird at all

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1263d9  No.15271532


Q is a homosexual in the new James Bond movie…. Lmao.

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3f795d  No.15271533



Q is me, thats why he thinks i'm dead

Old M = New Q, as a woman, i like men

you will see me as you will see whomever comes near me with a phone


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32d7ef  No.15271534

muh index. this board has been through an amazing number of changes since it started. i disagree strongly with cm's critics, he did a helluva job here for 3 years, then he moved on, so good luck to cm.

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a3261d  No.15271535

File: 72446d46bdae680⋯.png (495.4 KB, 1007x951, 1007:951, vax32.png)

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14e38e  No.15271536

File: f7d8919661968f7⋯.webm (2.43 MB, 624x800, 39:50, 1639539500262.webm)


Even if you tried at my present state I'm pretty red-lined. God bless you fren we'll reconnect another night as I'm forcing a convo right now but thank you for spitting knowledge last bread; well-received.

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32d7ef  No.15271537


He doesn't know Q is no homo.

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3f795d  No.15271538


MI6 never dies young one

particularly not with the support of MI5 & 5 eyes

What was snowden doing


Have i been extradited yet ?

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c3d700  No.15271539

File: 95b81b2b0d1e878⋯.jpeg (313.35 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, FHwOUruXwAYKrgk_1_.jpeg)

File: 6dc80f6ebb742f4⋯.png (955.12 KB, 722x2109, 38:111, chrome_screenshot_16407695….png)

File: 17dc054f4b76481⋯.jpg (97.54 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Smuggling.jpg)

File: 664d9818e7812f0⋯.jpg (31.57 KB, 340x239, 340:239, wargames_moranbondaroff_de….jpg)


Sleep has been brutal. 3d chess.

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3f795d  No.15271540


Arrive derci anon

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3f795d  No.15271541

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32d7ef  No.15271542


Whenever libtards whine about the Constitution, you know it's working.

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317b81  No.15271543



Make sure your childrens schools aren't following the 'Safe Schools to Safe Steps Incentive Program'

If they are, your child could be vaccinated against your will.

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32d7ef  No.15271544


I must have it too. No symptoms.

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dc34f4  No.15271545

File: 1b6cd9dfe666e17⋯.png (11.8 KB, 604x152, 151:38, 3d_chess.png)

3D Chess



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387a64  No.15271546

File: fcefd530aa0e86a⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 500x375, 4:3, 20211229_023211.gif)


we exist only to serve

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32d7ef  No.15271547


I hear Bigfoot is in IL, I'd like to check that out. Could just be Moochelle though.

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bd602d  No.15271548

File: 950abc88f5a853a⋯.png (301.47 KB, 850x558, 425:279, thats_mine_now_dog_stolen_….png)


Kek'd and Peck'd

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701f75  No.15271549

anyone got that baker tool from the other night?

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14e38e  No.15271550


Everyone has a master…better to be a slave and kneel to God than to another man.

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701f75  No.15271551


fooked up when I didnt take it for my collection

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c3d700  No.15271552

File: e8ec35f8fe18597⋯.mp4 (216.92 KB, 140x140, 1:1, element_082_lead_srp_th.mp4)

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f668c5  No.15271553


Sauce: https://achieve.lausd.net/incentives

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387a64  No.15271554

File: a9ab8e93aebbeac⋯.gif (5.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 20211229_023954.gif)



нор тоıт, норsıng.

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cbbd9f  No.15271555




What rock that nigga been hidin under?

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866e17  No.15271556

File: 867d8cf2c29fa98⋯.webm (1.38 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 5363.webm)

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c3d700  No.15271557


Yup. 2 moar weeks - 1/2. KEK.

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387a64  No.15271558

File: 69d8fda68cc5547⋯.gif (6.48 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 20211229_024318.gif)


all are slaves to Him

whether they know

or admit

He is the Maker of masters

humans forget

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317b81  No.15271559

File: 5e24a80f15f213b⋯.png (168.54 KB, 594x279, 66:31, 5e24a80f15f213b28dbeb3690b….png)


Just who exactly is "we"

That sounds pretty binary.

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866e17  No.15271560

File: 533a37d46abc273⋯.png (320.54 KB, 679x423, 679:423, blonde.png)


>are you blonde

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387a64  No.15271561

File: 4480776b2078c5b⋯.gif (248.85 KB, 642x481, 642:481, 20200516_013919.gif)


moar quantum than binary


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fd612f  No.15271562

File: 8025528b9259d5e⋯.mp4 (5.89 MB, 540x304, 135:76, History_Book_Worthy_Speech.mp4)

History Book Worthy Speech

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fd612f  No.15271563


Stick Bidan's head on that chicken.

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848182  No.15271564

File: 36625c19cc36be6⋯.png (473.51 KB, 676x722, 338:361, she.png)


>she says feels awesome, has zero symptoms

oh fuck, we all have the 'rona now!

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317b81  No.15271565

File: 3320e2e8c962a37⋯.jpg (859.68 KB, 955x2122, 955:2122, Screenshot_20211229_024736….jpg)


Some pretty awful shit.

It's bribery.

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639ac2  No.15271566

File: c00d037700aa496⋯.png (152.05 KB, 600x380, 30:19, ClipboardImage.png)

'''384 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 224 Dead, After COVID Shot


Update 25 Dec – 28 Dec: Chart Update. Removed two duplicate entries – Fortuna Freudenberg player was shown twice with dates 2 months apart – Haitem Jabeur Fathallah had 2 entries due to one using his middle name, from a Hebrew translation. Corrected Blake Barklage date to 30th October. Added Jordan Young, Sulamai Aukuso Lavea, Unnamed Czech ultramarathon runner.

It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.

The so-called health professionals running the COVID vaccine programs around the world keep repeating that “the COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.”

So in response to their pronouncement, here is a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of mainly young athletes who had major medical issues in 2021 after receiving one or more COVID vaccines. Initially, many of these were not reported. We know that many people were told not to tell anyone about their adverse reactions and the media was not reporting them. They started happening and ramping up after the first COVID vaccinations. The mainstream media still are not reporting most, but sports news cannot ignore the fact that soccer players and other stars collapse in the middle of a game due to a sudden cardiac arrest. Many of those die – more than 50%.

We also note that many posts in Facebook, Instagram, twitter, forums and news stories are being removed. So now we are receiving some messages saying there is no proof of the event or of vaccination status. That is partly because this information is being hidden.

We really appreciate the athletes named in this list who have confirmed what happened to them so the truth can be known.

This story will grow over time, as new information is added. If you have proof of information that we don’t already have, or if you have a correction, please send it through our contact form, with as much information as possible. Useful information would be the person’s name, age, what happened to them, if they had the COVID vaccine(s), date of death, link to any news story.

Special thanks to readers who have provided corrections, found errors that we missed, or provided new information we didn’t know about. It is now a real team effort and we appreciate it.

For the skeptics who believe this is normal, feel free to repeat the following 18 words, after reading each record or name in this list.


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d721f9  No.15271567

How on earth is MSM going to spin the last 12 months into anything positive? IDK but Im going to have fun laughing. I hope I don't choke on my popcorn…

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237871  No.15271568


At the very least, they all will be sterilized.

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fd612f  No.15271569

File: f3a8f015451a831⋯.png (612.28 KB, 466x451, 466:451, ClipboardImage.png)

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387a64  No.15271570



now outlawed in france


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c3d700  No.15271571

File: 194d84cdd5d8500⋯.jpeg (7.96 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images_2021_12_29T045454_….jpeg)

File: d97663760395fb8⋯.jpeg (5.94 KB, 240x180, 4:3, images_2021_12_29T050424_….jpeg)


Holy shit. that's an earlier start than farmer's hours. Good morning Sam.

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387a64  No.15271572

File: bab052f685dd2dc⋯.gif (2.26 MB, 375x375, 1:1, 20211229_030413.gif)

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bd602d  No.15271573

File: c7f8551121ff42a⋯.mp4 (717.48 KB, 640x360, 16:9, chicken_leg_hot_sauce_rhia….mp4)

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223b85  No.15271574






Bunch of brain-dead Kikes!

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387a64  No.15271575

File: 4daeb89c222d93f⋯.gif (3.03 MB, 500x375, 4:3, 20211229_030730.gif)


h3llo вuкакi

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848182  No.15271576

File: 20d4978a28993fd⋯.png (502.08 KB, 886x448, 443:224, gayFrench.png)

Are the French super gay and how did they become the gayest people on earth?

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158cc0  No.15271577

File: 35ee713ebe09f44⋯.png (956.63 KB, 1169x1166, 1169:1166, ClipboardImage.png)

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340e3c  No.15271578

File: 1cb0ef16b4cb007⋯.gif (499.09 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1cb0ef16b4cb007bbadaebc6a7….gif)

File: 2c4c73adaa44204⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 2c4c73adaa442040442e68ec2a….gif)


Nah, du verkacktes Bolschewikenkind!

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c3d700  No.15271580

File: b85afa3dc6b7d39⋯.mp4 (801.49 KB, 480x270, 16:9, b85afa3dc6b7d395a0c136d0a3….mp4)

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fd612f  No.15271581



Wow.. Anon is only 8m into it and wow..

Scary thing is, I have seen most of this so far before, anon just never put it together. It makes an awful lot of sense.

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fd612f  No.15271582


He is such a riot! kek

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5bf3fb  No.15271583

File: 9d713e4d0f4584a⋯.jpg (109.51 KB, 706x1024, 353:512, 1640769133664.jpg)

jab destroys the immune system


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387a64  No.15271584

File: f8267d96792c7bd⋯.gif (3.83 MB, 540x540, 1:1, 20211229_031722.gif)



every mockingbird has it`s weakness.


you and yours are now surrounded by real bolsheviks.

one is not your enemy…

dir einfach in jeder Hinsicht überlegen.

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89125b  No.15271585

File: e0accfdaaf2cdfe⋯.png (123.04 KB, 526x633, 526:633, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15269682, >>15269714, >>15269799, >>15269891, >>15270018, >>15270118 Got Popcorn? / Old Gurad - Suicide / SR Panda / Snowden / Quad 0s / Panic / Scot Free

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fd612f  No.15271586

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c3d700  No.15271587


Election day plus 1.. How does that get the clock to January 04 2022. Goyim know the china virus jig is up. The rest should just fall into place.

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47b4d2  No.15271588

File: f8ba86b1e144724⋯.jpg (20.81 KB, 200x255, 40:51, ce7e17e8263f0dd2ea7891a0b9….jpg)


>you and yours are now surrounded by real bolsheviks.

>one is not your enemy…

Now? KEK!

>dir einfach in jeder Hinsicht überlegen.

Typical Kike! Cocky and arrogant!

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b3209d  No.15271589

File: 091bf9c85cd7c1f⋯.png (1.12 MB, 944x528, 59:33, ClipboardImage.png)

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5bf3fb  No.15271590




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fd612f  No.15271591

File: c7dde9792f95631⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1200x801, 400:267, ClipboardImage.png)

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ed314d  No.15271592

>>15269655 pb




>Seems like theClownsare really pissed that their brainwashing doesn't work on Anons in QResearch

lol, that was clearly a random larper @ pol over 5 years ago, predating Q getting laughed out off 4chan … nothing to do with the present day QR

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cf193f  No.15271593

File: 5d06ad18b3b8203⋯.png (592.88 KB, 580x464, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Red shirts, kek.

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387a64  No.15271594

File: 6dd9e7b622bcb35⋯.gif (204.77 KB, 311x311, 1:1, 20211229_033217.gif)


it is not arrogant if it is true.

you are outmanned.

be still.

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89125b  No.15271595

File: c2b1efc123e6bd0⋯.png (751.12 KB, 1057x696, 1057:696, ClipboardImage.png)

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cbbd9f  No.15271596


Well most got at least10 leading into adolescence so…

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ed314d  No.15271597

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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be4067  No.15271599

you guys remember the whole “keystone” thing Q would post about? what is keystone/find the keystone/you have the keystone?

any thoughts on what the keystone actually was?

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848182  No.15271600

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b3209d  No.15271601

File: 2070aff572bad61⋯.png (1.22 MB, 944x591, 944:591, ClipboardImage.png)

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fd612f  No.15271602


I know your affliction and poverty, but you are rich. I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

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ca0c8a  No.15271603

File: d84ec65f24ad9df⋯.jpg (40.67 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 211223103625_02_egyptian_m….jpg)

Amothep mummy revealed

is it just me or is the back of the scull huge in comparison with the fleeing frontal cortex. looks like a intelligent egomaniac with no morals to me.


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c3d700  No.15271604

File: f39f65cdbb92f43⋯.mp4 (10.87 MB, 400x706, 200:353, f39f65cdbb92f430ef3c6d45bc….mp4)

File: 06bd10a7b5e8d82⋯.jpeg (204.31 KB, 564x763, 564:763, 06bd10a7b5e8d82dfd8b5921e….jpeg)

File: add5772d82506fe⋯.gif (165.33 KB, 498x280, 249:140, add5772d82506fed5c99494517….gif)

File: a20610f373077db⋯.jpg (16.32 KB, 255x133, 255:133, a51d673a5a1cdb7170186b9d01….jpg)

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9d4f8d  No.15271605


>it is not arrogant if it is true.

Typical Kike, lies when he opens his fronthole!

>you are outmanned.

You have no idea! Kek

>be still.

Ave, Ludaeus, morituri te salutant.










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fd612f  No.15271606

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ca0c8a  No.15271607


with a picture from a movie… fuck this sauce

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237871  No.15271608


I seem to remember that we ended up being the Keystone.

Could be wrong.

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e3c05b  No.15271609

File: a8b5c845a76bc56⋯.png (917.13 KB, 1200x632, 150:79, beautifultabby.png)

File: 4ad203a83948f40⋯.png (387.65 KB, 497x500, 497:500, drnking.png)


yeah, even I miss him

and toots never trolled (like the shall remain unnamed troll we have today.

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340e3c  No.15271611


>I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

JEWS will always be KIKES and KIKES will always be JEWS.

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261de6  No.15271612

File: 288c772bd10f0d7⋯.jpeg (30.24 KB, 600x450, 4:3, rof.jpeg)


must be a Rothschild

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848182  No.15271613

File: 0420b380ee95d0a⋯.png (542.94 KB, 835x683, 835:683, silverstein.png)


>is it just me or is the back of the scull huge in comparison with the fleeing frontal cortex. looks like a intelligent egomaniac with no morals to me.



Sloping forehead

not much has changed in the last 3,500 years

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e3c05b  No.15271615


definitely the most elegant, classiest FLOTUS ever!

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e02028  No.15271616

File: 3bba4b6c2ba841a⋯.png (725.19 KB, 857x746, 857:746, by_comp.png)

Merriam-Webster’s definition of terror, terrorism, and coerce are as follows:

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#1: Terror (noun):

A state of intense and overwhelming fear. Violence or the threat of violence used as a weapon. A very frightening or terrifying aspect

#2: Terrorism (noun):

The systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion

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MUST READ: “By Complying with the COVID-19 Guidelines I Would Be Participating in Terrorism” – VA Nurse Sends Out Letter and Compared the Guidelines as an ‘Act of Terrorism’

By Jim Hoft

Published December 28, 2021 at 2:30pm

#3: Coerce (transitive verb):

To compel to an act or choice. To achieve by force or threat. To restrain or dominate by force.

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ed314d  No.15271617


>you guys remember the whole “keystone” thing Q would post about? what is keystone/find the keystone/you have the keystone?


>any thoughts on what the keystone actually was?

there's no way to know what it was supposed to be, like there is no way to know who is 'P'.

the mathematical odds for Q coming back and telling us seem lower each passing day

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848182  No.15271618


> we ended up being the Keystone.

no, that was misdirection to keep Anons from digging into Obamas appointments

The Senior Executive Service (SES) lead America’s workforce. As the keystone of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, the SES was established to “…ensure that the executive management of the Government of the United States is responsive to the needs, policies, and goals of the Nation and otherwise is of the highest quality.”


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cf193f  No.15271620

File: f238e8253dabc1e⋯.jpg (211.24 KB, 1000x614, 500:307, 0.jpg)



<hardly ever

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ca0c8a  No.15271621

File: 31d8b8dfa36df57⋯.jpg (54.7 KB, 993x662, 3:2, 2_w_993_q_high_c_0_bild_1_.jpg)

allegedly death "by corona"

Russian Botox twin dead

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e02028  No.15271622

File: 11bd09cd7d1a57c⋯.png (263.23 KB, 603x589, 603:589, ny.png)


New York City Public Schools Implements ‘Test To Stay’ Strategy


New York City Public Schools Implements ‘Test To Stay’ Strategy

The U.S.'s largest public school district will implement a "test to stay" strategy, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Tuesday.

10:00 PM · Dec 28, 2021·

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e3c05b  No.15271623



correction accepted

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ca0c8a  No.15271624


interesting fact:

the sarcophag shows an idealized skull shape in comparisson with the real frontal cortex.

so they were aware of their defects but shaped their eternal hull differently.


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ca0c8a  No.15271625



you can die by BOTOX i guess.

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e02028  No.15271626

File: e65d76a3de787ae⋯.png (346.74 KB, 1291x842, 1291:842, declair.png)


World Council for Health Calls for an Immediate Stop to the Covid-19 Experimental “Vaccines”


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e3c05b  No.15271627


excellent observation

explains all the head garb in most Egyptian imagery

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ed314d  No.15271628


>the keystone of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978,

it's a figure of speech, a metaphor …

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e02028  No.15271629

File: 1be1abf4615d259⋯.png (34.39 KB, 713x198, 713:198, buy.png)


Pfizer to Buy Arena Pharmaceuticals in $6.7 Billion Deal. Arena Stock Soars.

By Callum Keown

Updated Dec. 13, 2021 8:40 am ET / Original Dec. 13, 2021 6:49 am ET

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89125b  No.15271630

File: fbb42bf6f71bd31⋯.png (242.82 KB, 1113x220, 1113:220, ClipboardImage.png)

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701f75  No.15271631

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e6826f  No.15271632


>you can die by BOTOX i guess.

Yep you most certainly can die.

Botox is a drug made from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It's the same toxin that causes a life-threatening type of food poisoning called botulism.

Botulism is a rare and potentially fatal illness caused by a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.

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47b4d2  No.15271633

File: df4c608fda572e7⋯.gif (2.76 MB, 500x450, 10:9, Deadpool.gif)


>(like the shall remain unnamed troll we have today.


<hardly ever


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d721f9  No.15271636


My thought was the Keystone would end up being the "Lynch" pin…but I guess brokering political appointments just isn't a crime anymore…sorry Rob…

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e02028  No.15271637

File: b1b4aa03fb7e6fa⋯.png (95.3 KB, 681x421, 681:421, shamed.png)

File: 5a0943198e90029⋯.png (329.92 KB, 623x661, 623:661, sham.png)


Chinese lockdown rule-breakers are publicly shamed and paraded through the streets carrying placards with their names on in bid to ensure Covid rules are obeyed

Police in Jingxi city paraded alleged violators of Covid rules through the streets

The four suspects had to carry placards displaying their photos and names

China banned such public shaming and parading of criminal suspects in 2010

But the practice has resurfaced amid extremely strict lockdown controls

It comes as 13 million in China were barred from going outside, even for food

By David Averre For Mailonline and Afp

Published: 04:59 EST, 29 December 2021 | Updated: 05:30 EST, 29 December 2021

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387a64  No.15271638

File: 86aa30a859bfd63⋯.gif (5.22 MB, 253x338, 253:338, 20211229_035335.gif)


nolite te bastardes carborundorum

you are still an ignorant shitheel

we will see your mettle before it is over

hope yer as hard as you think

are you debasing yourself?

preparing for bloodshed?

tell one…

what are the fourteen words?

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37a5d1  No.15271639


imagine the applications of that.., kek

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cf193f  No.15271640

File: ee322e85401ca76⋯.jpg (55.45 KB, 540x540, 1:1, PepeHelm.jpg)


>preparing for bloodshed?

Remember anons.

Red shirts.

Brown pants.

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e02028  No.15271641

File: 667bd38949ab76b⋯.png (87.24 KB, 673x537, 673:537, every_vacc.png)


Every single Covid-19 Vaccination is a Vote for the new Global Dictatorship

By The Exposé on December 29, 2021 • ( 1 Comment )

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848182  No.15271642



They operate and oversee nearly every government activity in approximately 75 Federal agencies

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218059  No.15271643

Madden getting more airtime than Harry, 99%-1%


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c3d700  No.15271644


Just fucking ask Q. For fucks sake. The answer will come. It's a matter of being able to see the answer in between all the garbage in the breads. Q is always online on this strange little corner of the interwebs.

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e02028  No.15271645

File: c34270bcf887e01⋯.png (157.67 KB, 427x479, 427:479, dance.png)


GALLIA DAILY | 🇫🇷 IN 🇬🇧, [29.12.21 04:00]

[ Video ]


💪🏻 In Paris, police officers intervened with tear gas and tasers to disperse a crowd and arrest several people who had gathered to dance salsa on the docks.

📌 The police accused the dancers of having organized an "illegal demonstration" and of having violated the "sanitary measures".

🔗 Source : OSINT

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cbbd9f  No.15271646



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fd612f  No.15271647

Anon's biggest decision for the day. What to have for dinner. Venison Pepper steak it is.

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387a64  No.15271648


does this work?

it is doubleplusungood

if this works.

or is it prca efour mafia.

weaponized sheep either way

very similar in pattern with conus happenings

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e02028  No.15271649

File: c58fad7213eff66⋯.png (159.19 KB, 612x567, 68:63, jack_mur.png)



Jack Murphy is a cuck but also posts in gay forums this is 100% REAL


10:23 PM · Dec 28, 2021

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c3d700  No.15271650

File: 49d5fa9c27647f7⋯.mp4 (6.93 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 49d5fa9c27647f7e2e80d4a927….mp4)

File: bb407e0be98eabe⋯.jpg (177.41 KB, 802x1024, 401:512, smashed_dalrymple_1024.jpg)

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fd612f  No.15271652



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47b4d2  No.15271653

File: 39b8d3159c5369d⋯.gif (1.24 MB, 320x180, 16:9, links_rechts_schelle.gif)


>hope yer as hard as you think

You can count on it, you fucking Jews!

>preparing for bloodshed?


>what are the fourteen words?

I don't know, I don't care what some Yiddish wannabe national socialists have come up with.

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ed314d  No.15271654


>>>15271628 (You)




>They operate and oversee nearly every government activity in approximately 75 Federal agencies

it's a classification or grade for top bureaucrats below the president appointed bosses. I fail to see the relevance. Can you name a couple?

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47b4d2  No.15271655


>Remember anons.


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89125b  No.15271656

File: 34a76fad606f429⋯.png (285.55 KB, 469x307, 469:307, ClipboardImage.png)

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ed314d  No.15271658

File: 3a9fff0b4946c33⋯.jpg (173.9 KB, 1242x1535, 1242:1535, FHib9jzWQAQZIdq.jpg)

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47b4d2  No.15271660


Kikes control China!

There are over 60 million dirty kikes living in China!

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218059  No.15271661

File: ed1ec457de4ff60⋯.jpeg (54.29 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 36FF031F_9A94_4670_9D93_A….jpeg)

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d721f9  No.15271662

This bread is boring…Anyone want to discuss the colonization of Mars???

They've found water and where there is water, there is life…

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26de93  No.15271663

File: 1dd65040f2764fe⋯.png (758.91 KB, 454x687, 454:687, strm.PNG)

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848182  No.15271664

File: 3f2b4966f0e4f7d⋯.mp4 (15.73 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Infiltrate_Obfuscate_What_….mp4)



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387a64  No.15271665

File: f15308927a21f73⋯.gif (144.85 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 20211229_041651.gif)


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c3d700  No.15271666

File: 47994e6310cf594⋯.jpg (35.69 KB, 270x270, 1:1, unnamed_4_.jpg)

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e02028  No.15271667

File: 7ceea44dd23560f⋯.png (268.88 KB, 635x764, 635:764, call_up.png)


Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont Calls Up National Guard to Help Distribute COVID Tests, Masks


B911 -

December 28, 2021



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ed314d  No.15271668


>>>15271617 (You)


>Just fucking ask Q. For fucks sake. The answer will come. It's a matter of being able to see the answer in between all the garbage in the breads. Q is always online on this strange little corner of the interwebs.

Q, is P an obscure 1800s railroad tycoon?

Q, is the Keystone a grade for bunch of upper level federal bureaucrats created in 1978?

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e3889c  No.15271669


Red pen? She doesn't usually use a red pen, does she?

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fd612f  No.15271670

File: 82679ef7758d728⋯.mp4 (300.11 KB, 496x360, 62:45, 1933_House_of_Rothschild_m….mp4)


The Shekel is their god and the only power they have.

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e02028  No.15271673

File: 4eacc5c7b67684c⋯.png (133.61 KB, 428x695, 428:695, canif.png)


Nick Moseder, [28.12.21 22:29]

[ Photo ]

First, healthcare workers were fired across the country, in the middle of a pandemic.

Now the CDC announces that if a hospital is full of (Covid) patients, understaffed, and healthcare workers are POSITIVE with Covid, they have to come into work.

…Is this a joke?

So, they can't work if they’re unvaccinated but they CAN work if they have the virus?


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b6e2fa  No.15271674


as it should be.

reid deserves no airtime.

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cf193f  No.15271675

File: 2e2f8ba8a548b94⋯.png (639.44 KB, 640x426, 320:213, ClipboardImage.png)


Well, based on current news. Who can believe current news? Anyway. Anon hopes that the Starlink Program does not drag down Mars ambitions. These big fucking rockets start flying then things are going to get very interesting very quickly.

Anon does find certain parts of Musk's Mars plan a bit fantastic. But then again, anon did not figure out how to reuse giant rocket boosters. Musk did.

He did change the game. Fucker deserves to get to Mars first.

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1808cc  No.15271676

File: b8cb7c70e9fd9b4⋯.jpg (106.76 KB, 568x698, 284:349, Insane.jpg)

File: 0bd7b787472546a⋯.png (314.29 KB, 361x539, 361:539, ApeArround.png)

File: 238e4d541a47468⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1100x1095, 220:219, ItHurts.png)

File: 6be8514bb9bedb8⋯.png (1.26 MB, 900x875, 36:35, WoodStalker.png)

File: d36172b5d679df2⋯.jpg (86.21 KB, 526x705, 526:705, MaskUp.jpg)

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b87850  No.15271677

File: 0f853476cb327cd⋯.png (743.84 KB, 1080x1281, 360:427, Memeto_1628003892757.png)

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ca0c8a  No.15271678


who is jack murphy and why is it important how he spends his fap time

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ed314d  No.15271679


>>>15271654 (You)



so JFK was assasinated in 1963, Obama ruled 2009 - 2017, The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 established a new grade classification for the government’s top managers was created - the Senior Executive Service (SES). These managers were strategically positioned throughout the government and were rewarded via bonuses based on merit. Middle managers were now paid and rewarded based on evaluations and merit only. The act also created processes for firing employees found to be incompetent and provided protection for "whistleblowers". (wikipedia)

what's the connection?

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e02028  No.15271680

File: 4e32513df47d968⋯.png (127.58 KB, 359x537, 359:537, year_in.png)


General Flynn ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [28.12.21 22:19]

[Forwarded from Liz Harrington]

[ Album ]

Year in Review: Joe Biden’s Covid Disasters


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b87850  No.15271681

File: 74742c487e2ab6e⋯.png (462.67 KB, 1080x1058, 540:529, 20210308_123638.png)

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261de6  No.15271682


China took high res pics of San Francisco (yawn). https://www.rt.com/news/544599-chinese-satellite-san-francisco/

I am still waiting for the high res pics from Mars and (backside of) Moon.

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c3d700  No.15271683

File: 5821b1f13f959e0⋯.jpg (7.16 KB, 220x80, 11:4, 220px_Rail_profiles_19th_c….jpg)


Crawl on all fours. Laying the first stone. Corn belt.

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26de93  No.15271684

File: c7c906eb814a44a⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1164x728, 291:182, pr.PNG)

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fd612f  No.15271685

Was watching the news with my 80yo dad when they were showing veterans being kicked out of NYC restaurant for not having "papers".

I told him, "if we see an uprising going down around our city, we need to be there"! He quickly agreed.

Seems more and more like, it is only a matter of time before this "plan" starts.

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e02028  No.15271686

File: 62ef6baa20f7313⋯.png (190.07 KB, 861x664, 861:664, take_place.png)


Kaboom! Judge lets inspection of 2020 Dominion voting machines take place

State officials actually sued to PREVENT review of system

Bob Unruh By Bob Unruh

Published December 28, 2021 at 4:58pm

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c1273d  No.15271687


>The Shekel is their god and the only power they have.

I don't know why this just comes to mind, but what if the deegle list shows what it looks like when all the Jews and other invaders are removed from the countries?

I should take a look at that.

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848182  No.15271688


Presidents suddenly became very important despots who could appoint heads of every federal department able to hire/fire anyone they desired.

The events are the connection

SES is The Deep State

Anyone arguing otherwise is 100% controlled opposition (shill)

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23c9d2  No.15271689


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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5868c5  No.15271690

File: 7da38287805497c⋯.png (195.96 KB, 533x564, 533:564, ClipboardImage.png)



Report: Dr. Fauci is set to receive the largest federal retirement package in U.S. history at $350,000 per year.


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e02028  No.15271692

File: 86efe41dc4b84c7⋯.png (630.85 KB, 910x713, 910:713, msm.png)


Latest MSM Lunacy: 'The Constitution Isn't Working'

By Stephen Kruiser Dec 28, 2021 9:44 PM ET

…yeah he had a ghostwriter from the Democratic National Committee working with him on this.

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d721f9  No.15271693


That's not just a red pen… that's a red Sharpie…used in the context of Clinton…

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5868c5  No.15271694

File: 9e7cdca007a4e8d⋯.png (202.05 KB, 530x602, 265:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf1e42c8e7a6d01⋯.png (932.8 KB, 1002x1622, 501:811, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ae408cf6657f3c⋯.png (325.49 KB, 640x1096, 80:137, ClipboardImage.png)

Oh look, the UK is installing a social credit system. You had better fight this like hell.

>BREAKING: NHS app used for Covid domestic and travel passes now collects data on mental health, social circumstances, political opinions, lifestyle, alleged criminal convictions and will be used as identity document for “right to work” and “right to rent”


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c3d700  No.15271695

File: 2fca685bde99770⋯.png (186.56 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20211229_063002….png)

File: be3c99626fc8b5f⋯.png (232.95 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20211229_063027….png)


Part deux.This place is fucking awesome.

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0226c3  No.15271696


>is becomes

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bc1778  No.15271697


oops, deagel list. kek

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5868c5  No.15271698

File: 677e1d674d4d8b5⋯.png (102.77 KB, 530x550, 53:55, ClipboardImage.png)

Tweeted and then deleted from the vice president’s high profile niece


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bfea91  No.15271699

File: 536a2ad68c36ea8⋯.png (686.77 KB, 779x426, 779:426, ClipboardImage.png)

I see PEPE everywhere!

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e02028  No.15271700

File: bb4d0f52bc8dbc9⋯.png (246.73 KB, 862x763, 862:763, panic_Y.png)


Hollywood Elites Panic-Buy Armored-Cars And Safe-Rooms Amid Rising Violent Crime

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Tuesday, Dec 28, 2021 - 08:40 PM

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5868c5  No.15271701

File: e9a96052f4666b8⋯.png (189.29 KB, 525x557, 525:557, ClipboardImage.png)

Transgender 'Jeopardy!' contestant, who is a biological male, congratulated for 'becoming the woman with the highest overall earnings in the show's history'


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fd612f  No.15271702


Hiding in plain sight.

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bfea91  No.15271703


Biological women are worthless.

Trans women are the future!

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e02028  No.15271704

File: 7a3a7f0852d462c⋯.png (187.68 KB, 603x562, 603:562, the_rec.png)



Here's the receipts:


Cultivating Erotic Energy from a Surprising Source - Jack Murphy

archived 27 Feb 2017 19:32:19 UTC

10:54 AM · Dec 21, 2021

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0226c3  No.15271705

File: efe0c111ade777b⋯.jpeg (46.26 KB, 488x650, 244:325, 9B85C8C6_6716_4AA1_914D_9….jpeg)


Define hostage

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cbbd9f  No.15271706

File: 4ee6b4490c903f3⋯.jpeg (258.45 KB, 1284x1403, 1284:1403, AEGA53E0PJRTFHPIORGE5NKFD….jpeg)


>So, they can't work if they’re unvaccinated but they CAN work if they have the virus?



>Transgender 'Jeopardy!' contestant, who is a biological male, congratulated for 'becoming the woman with the highest overall earnings in the show's history'

"Their Ultimate Goal."

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e02028  No.15271707

File: f175d2ed25af536⋯.png (81.25 KB, 1006x363, 1006:363, sw.png)


unvaccinated to ‘switch off your social media and switch on reality’

NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard has slammed those who are still unvaccinated against COVID-19 and implored them to "switch off your social media and switch on reality".

Jonathan Talbot

Jonathan Talbot

Deputy Editor

2 min read

December 29, 2021 - 3:35PM

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fd612f  No.15271708

File: d1f8f66244d4060⋯.png (1.48 MB, 668x890, 334:445, ClipboardImage.png)


As if we needed more proof that, "These people are sick".

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5868c5  No.15271709

File: 746a116025794a9⋯.png (14.37 KB, 523x142, 523:142, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44f76d844f21925⋯.png (291.08 KB, 677x680, 677:680, ClipboardImage.png)




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c3d700  No.15271710

File: 1bb59cc14cc72ca⋯.webm (1.47 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1bb59cc14cc72ca51aa24ac93….webm)

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cbbd9f  No.15271711

File: 51ff1f72b882ac6⋯.jpeg (215.39 KB, 640x750, 64:75, FACE_DIAPER2.jpeg)


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bfea91  No.15271712

File: 9dd23ed3cb45cf3⋯.png (423.98 KB, 513x395, 513:395, ClipboardImage.png)

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261de6  No.15271713



i see.

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b87850  No.15271714

File: fbfa94efcc687d3⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1080x939, 360:313, 20211024_151238.png)

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d20238  No.15271715


unvaccinated to ‘switch off your social media and switch on reality’

NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard has slammed those who are still unvaccinated against COVID-19 and implored them to "switch off your social media and switch on reality".

Jonathan Talbot

Jonathan Talbot

Deputy Editor

2 min read

December 29, 2021 - 3:35PM

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c3d700  No.15271716

File: dc9e4dce9ac6c22⋯.png (14.41 KB, 255x159, 85:53, e52754fa5e79338ba46405c5c2….png)

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d20238  No.15271717

File: 0efb9388ba65330⋯.png (178.75 KB, 703x359, 703:359, cultist.png)


One Voice for 1776

One Voice for 1776




MSNBC's Covid Cultist Nicolle Wallace: "I'm a Fauci Groupie, I'm a Thrice-Vaccinated Mask Adherent - I Buy KN95 Masks by the Caseload" (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/msnbcs-covid-cultist-nicolle-wallace-fauci-groupie-thrice-vaccinated-mask-adherent-buy-kn95-masks-caseload-video/?utm_source=Gab&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons

MSNBC's Covid Cultist Nicolle Wallace: "I'm a Fauci Groupie, I'm a Thrice-Vaccinated Mask Adherent - I Buy KN95 Masks by the Caseload" (VIDEO)

Meanwhile at MSNBC… Branch Covidian cult member Nicolle Wallace on Monday night openly worshipped Dr. Fauci and admitted Covid vaccines and masks don’t protect against…

The Gateway Pundit

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5868c5  No.15271719

File: 1834ef0e84fe6d2⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB, 368x640, 23:40, whatsevenrealanymore.mp4)



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fd612f  No.15271720

File: 80d1c1aa8a392d6⋯.jpeg (97.65 KB, 677x740, 677:740, Jill_BIden_Baby.jpeg)


Shrunk that down a bit

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1808cc  No.15271722

File: 9bab3166436e339⋯.png (181.86 KB, 588x299, 588:299, ThePlan.png)


>Get what I'm sayin?

I think, yes! At the beginning I was this euphoric, I booked a flight to D.C. to witness the greatest parade in human history for the 11.11.18…

Well, years later, riding the most insane roller coaster of all times, I see the mass awakening in every aspect!

…and if one think about it deeply… It really had to be this way… "Wake up on your own topic" and then…

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5868c5  No.15271723

File: 65d4aa32c1eba8f⋯.png (247.98 KB, 392x765, 392:765, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33a780f37417512⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1170x2003, 1170:2003, ClipboardImage.png)

This is banana republic stuff. Loretta Lynch as the lawyer for JP Morgan is just the icing on the cake.

We live in a country where corporations conspire with our government to destroy our fundamental rights as citizens.


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d20238  No.15271724

File: c45ec16e56737cb⋯.png (36.69 KB, 924x202, 462:101, nypd.png)


6,000 NYPD employees out sick ahead of New Year's Eve celebrations: Report

by Elizabeth Faddis, Breaking News Reporter

| December 28, 2021 06:13 PM

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261de6  No.15271725



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248077  No.15271726

File: a3399ab40947dc9⋯.jpg (143.15 KB, 896x504, 16:9, WEALTH_MINISTERS_DON_T_CAR….jpg)

File: 360242febb40afa⋯.jpg (126.13 KB, 862x551, 862:551, genocide_or_mass_murder.jpg)

File: b11ea2366c0937f⋯.jpg (57.31 KB, 586x344, 293:172, WEALTH_minister.jpg)

File: 6d61ee84617da77⋯.jpg (108.2 KB, 649x487, 649:487, MANDATORY_CLOTSHOTS.jpg)

File: f9af48f665b8c4f⋯.jpg (170.11 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, SHORT_DROP_FAST_STOP.jpg)

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fd612f  No.15271727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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fd612f  No.15271728

File: 002332fc6240dce⋯.png (289.76 KB, 560x560, 1:1, 6d326dcb0f0d245c64654a749b….png)

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5868c5  No.15271729

File: d92e6a6b8ba9f8c⋯.png (287.72 KB, 587x538, 587:538, ClipboardImage.png)

NEW: Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont Calls Up National Guard to Help Distribute COVID Tests, Masks -


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5868c5  No.15271730


doh, missed it kek


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5868c5  No.15271731

File: 1ed0843b327c3d3⋯.png (309.21 KB, 580x649, 580:649, ClipboardImage.png)

The CDC is withdrawing the COVID PCR Test and the media is not making this front page. The withdraw of the COVID PCR test as valid for detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2 is critical for all the restrictions and lockdowns.


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c3d700  No.15271732

File: 9c21d5e81c2595e⋯.jpeg (134.16 KB, 654x1014, 109:169, main_qimg_dc8278a40beb212….jpeg)

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848182  No.15271733

File: 3a48c747172bd0d⋯.png (277.97 KB, 1255x574, 1255:574, obamaAppointments.png)


Obama appointed nearly 7 out of 10 SES members during his reign.

"Israel used to control the US, but Obama changed that" - DJT

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d20238  No.15271734

File: 91fc12169100150⋯.png (151.39 KB, 599x493, 599:493, s_out.png)


“Kul”…#FVD http://fvd.nl/word-lid

🇳🇱 Dutch Parliament Member Thierry Baudet speaks out against the sudden deaths among atletes and Tweets this Video Of Mine 👊💥 humbled 🙏

11:12 AM · Nov 4, 2021·

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fd612f  No.15271735


Almost bet they are working on that with some Petri Dish Uterus from the depths of Hell.

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248077  No.15271736

File: 65f024cac71302d⋯.jpg (19.71 KB, 517x540, 517:540, slow_motion_holocaust.jpg)

File: a69ba90cbe98c41⋯.jpg (80.6 KB, 800x360, 20:9, kills_and_maims.jpg)

File: 1ec5ed3eaa45156⋯.jpg (110.14 KB, 976x401, 976:401, JAB_CAUSES_IT.jpg)

File: 17ea450543f06d8⋯.jpg (174.03 KB, 700x699, 700:699, plague_starter.jpg)

File: 3cf463360b02ba4⋯.jpg (341.76 KB, 784x1018, 392:509, Fauci_crimes_against_human….jpg)

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d20238  No.15271737

File: 1fcfdd18863e4c9⋯.png (241.72 KB, 811x847, 811:847, cali_nurse.png)


California Nurse Shares Details About “Overwhelming” Numbers Of Heart Attacks, Clotting, Strokes! The Doctors Don’t Blame The Vaccines Because They Fear Losing Their Medical License!

Photo of Addison Wilson Addison Wilson32 seconds ago

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76aa7a  No.15271738

Morning anons…

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c3d700  No.15271739

File: 92fbc19b09e4bf0⋯.jpeg (493.2 KB, 2048x1432, 256:179, FHu_Ud_XwAMNdjw.jpeg)

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248077  No.15271740

File: ccf2f813cddeaf5⋯.jpg (58 KB, 592x340, 148:85, CLOT_LOSS.jpg)

File: e95615d1a20363a⋯.jpg (155.75 KB, 600x600, 1:1, fauci_heart_attacks.jpg)

File: 91212c7da4b6386⋯.jpg (37.02 KB, 600x334, 300:167, regular_occurance.jpg)

File: 45f14b4afd09c6f⋯.jpg (182.74 KB, 864x577, 864:577, causes_heart_attacks.jpg)

File: 8f94895a81f7c8b⋯.jpg (185.27 KB, 960x540, 16:9, SURVIVING_IS_A_WIN.jpg)

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5868c5  No.15271741

File: 1ca83adc9614de1⋯.png (70.96 KB, 588x542, 294:271, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce1f1837ff96da8⋯.mp4 (3.59 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, truthcomesforall.mp4)

Honest Fauci


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bfea91  No.15271742

File: ab0ff9986dcda90⋯.png (119.25 KB, 233x266, 233:266, ClipboardImage.png)

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b368f0  No.15271743


stay out of the shadows.

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d20238  No.15271744

File: c22bd38794c600a⋯.png (393.44 KB, 781x685, 781:685, az_ag.png)


Arizona AG Brnovich: ‘The Cartels Have Seized Control of Our Border’ Because of Biden

Photo of Martin Walsh Martin WalshDecember 28, 2021

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c3d700  No.15271745

File: 1bb9e97d8dab175⋯.png (1.38 MB, 722x3205, 722:3205, chrome_screenshot_16407790….png)

File: 45d2ab87fff85ec⋯.jpeg (17.12 KB, 288x360, 4:5, FHvYSPNWUAApV0w.jpeg)

File: 3c97ccc7ab909ff⋯.jpeg (660.55 KB, 1638x2048, 819:1024, FHvYRNZWQA0fXYL.jpeg)

File: 84bb8751a9b4439⋯.jpeg (21.97 KB, 360x288, 5:4, FHvYR91XIAERwsz.jpeg)

File: 64357b2bbf17caa⋯.jpeg (302.14 KB, 1720x1229, 1720:1229, FHvYQ9AX0AEmTkC.jpeg)


Early morning booms.

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848182  No.15271746

File: c92aa8a3410c680⋯.png (406.77 KB, 830x452, 415:226, dead.png)


>I'm a Thrice-Vaccinated Mask Adherent

Well, we've seen this story enough times to know how it ends.

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248077  No.15271747

File: fb37adc78335280⋯.png (326.95 KB, 500x420, 25:21, how.png)

File: ad440e304481740⋯.jpg (156.4 KB, 1079x1126, 1079:1126, DEADLY.jpg)

File: fde7cfc92a9f9e5⋯.jpg (152.65 KB, 921x449, 921:449, KIds_or_beagles_die_the_sa….jpg)

File: c5d3816bf6af83a⋯.jpg (41.67 KB, 417x226, 417:226, there_are_side_effects.jpg)

File: 8b5c5fdf22c4270⋯.jpg (83.2 KB, 535x586, 535:586, AFTER_6_SHOTS_something_is….jpg)

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fd612f  No.15271748


Hope that is sarcasm.. smh

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b368f0  No.15271749


he is a right wing grifter who gets men to pay 100$ a month on how to be a man. He also thinks being a cuck and rape play are good things for relationships. This is important on the cultural side of the battle, and since politics is down stream from culture it is important. Look at his logo for the liminal order. He is a grifting sack of shit. There is more to it also.

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26de93  No.15271750

File: 8ad6d46392a8d4e⋯.png (608.69 KB, 570x956, 285:478, zjz.PNG)

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120ddd  No.15271751

Wake up, check the headlines, yep still living in clown world

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d721f9  No.15271752


Mars atmosphere is 90% CO2, even with zero organic matter hydroponics prove plants will grow, I say Elon shoots a huge rocket with a seed based payload, directly at that spot and see what happens.

I also like the idea of an orbiting manned space station, prior to colonization of the surface.

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b61245  No.15271753


>But now it seems more like this Glacial process may be dissolving everything from the inside out, across all fronts simultaneously. Sports, children, medicine, energy, fiat, elections, religion, and on and on.


Yeppers! Innit fuckin' awesome?!!

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fd612f  No.15271754

File: 02515492a60aeaa⋯.png (184.62 KB, 209x409, 209:409, ClipboardImage.png)



My Ass..

x100 and we're getting close.

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0226c3  No.15271755

File: 5ae282400ce39cd⋯.jpeg (84.53 KB, 622x611, 622:611, B287B783_E162_4AC1_875C_C….jpeg)

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248077  No.15271756

File: a1e8cac5cc06f13⋯.jpg (87.68 KB, 632x438, 316:219, NOTHING_HAS_CHANGED_IN_40_….jpg)

File: 59fdea076e83914⋯.jpg (191.07 KB, 840x473, 840:473, GOOD_LUCK.jpg)

File: 4959b6b8f533504⋯.jpg (177.72 KB, 840x630, 4:3, killing_off_the_best.jpg)

File: f3e0f57d0b53368⋯.jpg (35.74 KB, 385x256, 385:256, FUCK_YOUR_DYING_KIDS.jpg)

File: 9b5a41d3e11b3f5⋯.jpg (146.46 KB, 976x549, 16:9, JUST_A_SCAM_FOR_MONEY.jpg)

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d721f9  No.15271757


Im still waiting for high res pictures of the underside of the flat earth…

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bfea91  No.15271758

File: 63131dd649f14a7⋯.png (477.32 KB, 431x432, 431:432, ClipboardImage.png)

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e7210b  No.15271759


are you another of those 50-something dudes still living off your elderly parents?

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88d40b  No.15271760


Have you seen a highres unphotoshopped pic of the globe? You havent. admit you know nothing. you really think they are gonna tell the truth about this stuff? Youre on the Q board. question everything. dont be a sheep

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248077  No.15271761

File: 88f7627869171d0⋯.jpg (705.18 KB, 1792x1616, 112:101, PASSING_THROUGH.jpg)

File: 8b91abc3d498874⋯.jpg (660.89 KB, 1792x1584, 112:99, COVID_PASSES_THROUGH.jpg)

File: 68574e727201913⋯.jpg (476.74 KB, 1482x760, 39:20, LOOK_AT_THE_SIZES_.jpg)

File: d13df5c8db2e8a3⋯.jpg (416.86 KB, 2276x700, 569:175, not_filtered.jpg)

File: 998be0204bb6c7b⋯.jpg (102.68 KB, 510x710, 51:71, Dan_the_Fuckwit_believes.jpg)

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0226c3  No.15271762

File: 1d705577a654de6⋯.jpeg (561.42 KB, 579x626, 579:626, 5B15CDCD_CC24_4EDA_BFCA_D….jpeg)

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fd612f  No.15271763

File: c113fcb629da045⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 188.41 KB, 593x593, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>China took high res pics of San Francisco


Zoom in on this..

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5868c5  No.15271764

File: b6f127268e62f04⋯.mp4 (283.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, freakinlazerbeams.mp4)

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7562c4  No.15271765

File: 0065e15d28ab173⋯.jpg (187.68 KB, 974x500, 487:250, 5ze6pb.jpg)

File: f31f9e400cf1024⋯.jpg (72.28 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 5ze6s6.jpg)


On world weather map, there is some strange place in Russia where just one spot have temperature around -10, and everything else have -40.

Can you please help me find this exact place?


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248077  No.15271766

File: a8f74f132871c68⋯.jpg (233.15 KB, 1358x762, 679:381, IVERMECTIN.jpg)

File: 7ffab2bdae9dea3⋯.jpg (226.46 KB, 728x573, 728:573, HOSPITAL_WANTED_TO_KILL.jpg)

File: f8c1f6b3a5066cf⋯.jpg (72.85 KB, 508x344, 127:86, he_got_better.jpg)

File: 4f2ea79b4a6972b⋯.jpg (87.87 KB, 630x512, 315:256, EUTHANASIA_is_now_legal_to….jpg)

File: b7987a47d9bae95⋯.jpg (64.93 KB, 598x336, 299:168, ice_cold_killer.jpg)

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5868c5  No.15271767

File: f31794f6f4b9026⋯.png (233.17 KB, 670x680, 67:68, ClipboardImage.png)

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d721f9  No.15271768


Admit I know nothing???

Gladly, I know nothing.

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fd612f  No.15271769


Moved out at 17, retired when I was 30 and traveled the world.

Mom passed after I moved home at 52 to help my dad take care of her, now I take care of him.

Seems like you know a lot about me.. Maybe you can post my bank balance next?

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248077  No.15271770

File: ecca61addb65ee9⋯.jpg (146.79 KB, 948x592, 237:148, seal_first_NZ_second.jpg)

File: ff03b907055a6ab⋯.jpg (95.54 KB, 630x512, 315:256, missed_a_kill_look_out_NZ.jpg)

File: e0f063574ad680e⋯.jpg (74.81 KB, 518x388, 259:194, what_morals.jpg)

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261de6  No.15271771

File: 56686b42ee63f7f⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1272x677, 1272:677, Bildschirmfoto_2021_12_29_….png)

Zuck the Fucks property in Hawaii:


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848182  No.15271772

File: 03105049d26229b⋯.png (159.28 KB, 1027x854, 1027:854, SES_Appointments.png)

File: 8ecd86287eeaaa6⋯.pdf (348.32 KB, DTIC_ADA268041.pdf)

SES Appointment outline of protocols

Lifetime appointees


Control of all Federal Agencies

Definition: DEEPSTATE

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c3d700  No.15271773

File: 5192cacb8d31cdd⋯.webm (890.97 KB, 994x638, 497:319, 5192cacb8d31cddeabdbbd985….webm)

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248077  No.15271774

File: ad378fc89d12ec7⋯.jpg (97.36 KB, 630x512, 315:256, DICTATOR_JACINDA.jpg)

File: a4e8621cdef4dd5⋯.jpg (125.62 KB, 759x346, 759:346, New_Zealand_protesting.jpg)

File: a28acc27472efa3⋯.jpg (301.89 KB, 1127x634, 1127:634, blood_on_hands.jpg)

File: c721676f85c1aa8⋯.jpg (228.68 KB, 1127x634, 1127:634, responsible_for_deaths.jpg)

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5868c5  No.15271775

File: c125239ce40c22f⋯.png (320.91 KB, 590x675, 118:135, ClipboardImage.png)

Hong Kong pro-democracy media outlet Stand News said Wednesday it will close after a police raid and arrests of seven current and former staff members, in the latest blow to the city's rapidly-shrinking press freedoms


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bfea91  No.15271776


uncomfortable with meme representing biden masturbating to a little girl


seems pretty edgy and cp to me

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d721f9  No.15271777


Hong Kong belongs to China now, you think 100 years means anything to them? They signed that lease and laughed all the way to the bank…That is an open and shut case no matter how much the West cries…

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5868c5  No.15271778

File: 4dd96df6f7c3847⋯.png (267.38 KB, 590x591, 590:591, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9613b1a4b30147b⋯.png (236.17 KB, 544x680, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

White House tries to walk back Biden's admission that there 'is no federal solution' to COVID-19


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b368f0  No.15271779


yeah, and you know he could have a redemption arc, but this story blew up because he acted like a child on another show, Not tim pool this time and was a dick. His older articles advocated for being a cuck, and instead of simply saying i was wrong it is not a good behavior for men and devalues the relationship, or hell just i was wrong people change i am sorry for writing that he caught the ire of POL and others because he is grifting for sheckles. Yes he is a member of the Tribe. So videos came out of him shoving dildos up his ass. People do change we should all deserve that grace to know mistakes are made, and in some ways he does not have to explain himself either, BUT grifting men into thinking you have the answers about how to be a man but writing about cucking and rape and some other questionable material, well this is what happens i guess.

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0226c3  No.15271780

File: 961d2578726ad29⋯.jpeg (204.42 KB, 750x701, 750:701, 97B50062_7B3F_47D1_9DF6_1….jpeg)


The jury did not finish diliberating on Tuesday. They requested to go home at 5pm.

Judge Nathan has now decided they will "deliberate" until 6pm (even through New Year's Eve and the weekend).

PLEASE NOTE: Nathan took a 3 day trip to DC for her nomination by Biden.

However, Judge Nathan is playing loosey goosey with the jury and their lives.

She is NOT telling them they have to work through the weekend until the last minute.

The way this entire process has been handled on all sides: judge, prosecution, defense has NOT been "normal".


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248077  No.15271781

File: a9c205ba80d91cf⋯.jpg (156.67 KB, 891x510, 297:170, Chinese_free_speech.jpg)

File: 010bcbbd91da540⋯.jpg (155.66 KB, 769x505, 769:505, jail_for_remembering.jpg)

File: f542e8fa09f7fd7⋯.jpg (293.37 KB, 1200x608, 75:38, RAPE_AND_PILLAGE.jpg)

File: d39b8072f95f37e⋯.jpg (76.77 KB, 594x439, 594:439, XI_wanted_named.jpg)

File: 82bd6b9f31e60a4⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, COMPLETE_BULLSHIT.png)

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fd612f  No.15271782


The fix was in when they would not let media into the courtroom. This case should be about a WW child trafficking satanic pedo ring, not about 4 cases.

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37a5d1  No.15271783

Trantastic news! Records are falling so quickly due to these brave women!

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bc1778  No.15271784


>Hiding in plain sight.

I took a look at that.

We have 83 million people living in Germany. (?)

Of these, 20 million are guest workers and their descendants!

At least 10 million invaders who were washed into our country by the wars of the kikes.

In addition we have certainly 15-20 million Jews (wannabe germans). + approx. 1 Mil official Jews

The Deagel list says that until 2025 about 30 million die or emigrate(?).

Possible scenarios.

10 million invaders and 20 million Jews

20 million guest workers and 10 million invaders

The Germans remaining in their homeland 30-35 million

The last possibility that it gets from all some.

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56e48a  No.15271785

File: 329285872611298⋯.jpg (30.35 KB, 588x568, 147:142, image0000001_27_.jpg)

File: ecdd2cee177003d⋯.jpg (52.09 KB, 960x920, 24:23, image0000001_28_.jpg)

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74c1ae  No.15271786





dasting… aware of SES but not the sisters involvement. how does hawaii connect them?

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bd602d  No.15271787

File: a256ff156a048af⋯.png (413.66 KB, 700x522, 350:261, HOP_XING.png)

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5868c5  No.15271788

File: ebac76eccb65291⋯.png (1.02 MB, 917x902, 917:902, ClipboardImage.png)

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9601aa  No.15271789

File: e71588d4b94e9ed⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.68 MB, 245x202, 245:202, diarrhea.gif)


>verified by the Pleiadians

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a5c771  No.15271790




Looks like maybe Zolottse park/forest in russia?

*not a map fag.

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fd612f  No.15271791


They seem to think they are ready..

“Today, it is infinitely easier to to kill a million people than to control a million people.”-

- Zbigniew Brzezinski

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d20238  No.15271792

File: d31edf9d82f721e⋯.png (429.75 KB, 759x816, 253:272, involved.png)


CIA Involved in Child Abuse and Sex Trafficking: FBI Declassifies Files in Investigation

Photo of Ava Garcia Ava Garcia37 seconds ago

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90c9f2  No.15271793


It seems as if the plan is to attack simultaneously on several different fronts. Divide and conquer.

Stretch their resources thin.

Using the same weapons and tactics on them that they use on us.



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d20238  No.15271794

File: 41ab1fffeabb2fc⋯.png (49.88 KB, 1233x314, 1233:314, plub.png)


American News Dec 28, 2021 3:18 PM EST

CNN, MSNBC ratings PLUMMET as Americans turn their backs on woke, liberal media

News networks have experienced a drastic dip in viewership in 2021, with left-leaning outlets faring the worst.

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e3889c  No.15271795

>>15271221 DOUGH

>>15271461 Ghost w/updated dough / collected notes

Additional notes for incoming Baker

@ 465 ish


>>15271235 Are organizations that are formed to combat trafficking actually facilitating and funding it?

>>15271241, >>15271246 Catalog still wonky, use index to find latest thread

>>15271261 Powerful 6.1-Magnitude Earthquake Hits #Crete, #Greece

>>15271263 Hunter Biden/Joe Biden mp4

>>15271301 Emerging medical compliance technology

>>15271314 Anon musing on how the plan is playing out

>>15271351 POTUS note pointing to Post 3063

>>15271384 France orders mosque closed after 'unacceptable' preaching

>>15271399 Windsor Castle: Queen 'assassination' bid video probed

>>15271402 China slams US over space station near misses with Musk satellites

>>15271476 Anon nom: Omicron Islands

>>15271484 Latest MSM Lunacy: 'The Constitution Isn't Working'

>>15271492 37 attorneys general warn NYU law professors’ proposal would ‘weaken’ human trafficking prosecution

>>15271493 Herridge: “Clinton campaign” + “multiple former employees” have “matters” before Special Counsel

>>15271496, >>15271771 Zuckerbergs bought more Hawaiian acreage for $17 Million

>>15271500 Orgy Gone Wrong: US Yacht Mogul Robbed and Killed

>>15271506, >>15271543, >>15271553 Kids getting jabbed without parental consent and Safe Schools to Safe Steps Incentive Program

>>15271698 Harris' niece tweet/delete: F ya Life! Bing Bong

>>15271715 NSW Health Minister to the unvaxxed: "switch off your social media and switch on reality"

>>15271723 Banana Republic - corporations conspiring with our government to destroy our fundamental rights as citizens

>>15271734 Dutch Parliament Member Thierry Baudet speaks out against the sudden deaths among athletes

>>15271737 California Nurse Shares Details About “Overwhelming” Numbers Of Heart Attacks, Clotting, Strokes

>>15271744 Arizona AG Brnovich: ‘The Cartels Have Seized Control of Our Border’ Because of Biden

>>15271775 Hong Kong pro-democracy media outlet will close after a police raid and arrests - shrinking press freedom

>>15271780 Judge Nathan playing loosey goosey with the Jury

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7562c4  No.15271796


I found this as a middle of this:


Why is temperature there so much lower?

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d20238  No.15271797

File: 7de64c894a828dc⋯.png (182.6 KB, 429x452, 429:452, for_ward.png)


General Flynn ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [29.12.21 07:01]

[Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️)]

[ Photo ]

“The way you beat it is to flood the system and get out and vote.” - President Donald J. Trump

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6ba35d  No.15271798




Shows the national guard stopping reporters from filming the border crisis.

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848182  No.15271799


>how does hawaii connect them?

The Chinese in Hawaiʻi constitute about 4.7% of the state's population, most of whom are Cantonese people with ancestors from Zhongshan in Guangdong. This number does not include people of mixed Chinese and Hawaiian descent. If all people with Chinese ancestry in Hawaiʻi are included, they form about 1/3 of Hawaii's entire population. As United States citizens, they are a group of Chinese Americans. A minority of this group have Hakka ancestry

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