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102f34  No.15281599[Last 50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)


Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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c683ba  No.15281603

File: 63601eec24ce6dd⋯.png (929.36 KB, 604x862, 302:431, LibtardMagic.PNG)

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102f34  No.15281608



>>15280792, >>15281132, >>15281141, >>15281236, >>15281293 Tippy Top decode reminder

>>15280813 Angela Kukawski, business manager to Kardashians and other stars, murdered - MSN already posted but reminder anons dig request

>>15280832, >>15280897, >>15280901, >>15280944, >>15280833, >>15280867, >>15280834, >>15281283 2 entire towns in Colorado are being frantically evacuated due to violent, fast-moving wildfires

>>15280885 Drops #1750, 4550, 4757 It is the only way

>>15280860 Man with warrant for Sexual Assault of Child arrested - chron.com

>>15280891, >>15280902 1/6 Anons they need help identifying the guy barking orders, no one's been able to identify him, let's help

>>15280894 U.S. Navy @USNavy Γειά σου, Greece

>>15280907 SE Cupp blasts Trump for January 6 news conference

>>15280920 REDEYE6 is E-8C J-STARS battlefield surveillance aircraft 01-2005 #AE1499, flying a nearly identical search pattern as it did on DEC 27th

>>15280945, >>15281076 Louisville, Colorado FIRE- Reminder The Satanic Temple Rocky Flats in Louisville, Colorado.

>>15280965, >>15280976, >>15281134 Prosecutors Quietly Dropped Case Against Epstein Jail Guards During Ghislaine Maxwell Trial

>>15280975 Anti-parasite treatments using MNQ. as usual, the drug that will get rid of parasites, will also cure some kinds of cancer

>>15280997 Cheers to those Who Didn’t Get Vaxxed yet

>>15281028 >>15281096 Memo to all covid corporate media and GOP politicians, who don't understand why you're being booed, by your own base

>>15281117 The same shit show FIRE happening in CO happened to Denton, MT 3 weeks ago.

>>15281146 Helicopter Crash in Texas

>>15281172 DE BLASIO OUT! New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says goodbye at his final news conference (Cap 0:14)

>>15281174 UK Anon trying to find how the Q drops might be connected by some meta code to ‘spider-web’ them together by certain topics, CALL TO LOOK

>>15281112 It s not left vs right or vaxx vs non vaxxed Its more like tv thinking vs free thinking

>>15281254 DOJ’s Two-Tiered Justice System at Work: Violent Trans Antifa Activist Has Federal Charges Dropped for Assaulting Portland Police and Trying to Blind Them

>>15281297 Stop Letting Them Test You: Breaking The COVID Construct

>>15281302 Biden Administration Begins Building Infrastructure for Permanent Pandemic, DoD Signs $137 Million Deal for Test Strip Facility to Complete in Late 2024

>>15281313 The Ethics Of Vernon Jones

#19328 >>15281402

#19327 TBC >>15279767

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1eacbf  No.15281610

File: e3ed9eabef78ccc⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1000x1836, 250:459, suckers.png)

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102f34  No.15281612


>>15279433, >>15279315, >>15279308, >>15279852 Remember when Board Jews in 2018-2020 would tell us to never read BeforeItsNews, because it was FAKE, just like RRN?

>>15279667, >>15279700, >>15279714 :44 - Bombs Away - Qproof/Clock

>>15279327, >>15279674, >>15279738 Jesus was a Nazarene, not a Jew

>>15279554, >>15279556 We Came Here For A Reason. Saving Israel For Last.

>>15279324, >>15279332 Lion of MOSSAD

>>15279391, >>15279404 Board Jew that hates RealRawNews tellings us Tom Hanks is a guud boy.

>>15279517, >>15279526 How are they connected, assuming they are connected?

>>15279252 Prince Andrew's Lawyers Reportedly Hold 'Emergency' Talks in Wake of Ghislaine Maxwell Verdict

>>15279267 Judge in Ghislaine Maxwell Case Orders Epstein Agreement with Prince Andrew to Be Released by January 3rd

>>15279269 Putin-Biden phone call scheduled for 23:30 Moscow time on Thursday — White House

>>15279297 Plato's Cave


>>15279342 How's mossad? - Not so good

>>15279338 Daniel Scavino Jr. - MEME THIS

>>15279362 Is there a pedophile ring deep in the bowels of the FBI, Mr. Wray?

>>15279396 Judge Orders Epstein & Giuffre Secret 2009 Deal To Be UNSEALED

>>15279389 Jim Hoft's Marriage to Filipino Man Half His Age Isn't Proof He's in a 'Satanic Pedophilia Cabal,' Lawyer Says

>>15279410 Prince Andrew’s lawyers reportedly in ‘emergency talks’ after Maxwell guilty verdict

>>15279457 Just in - CDC is scared of the common cold

>>15279471 Second -Jewish- ex-CNN staffer under investigation for alleged crimes involving minors: report

>>15279527 Looks like they're trying to find a way to explain away their hoax.Panic!

>>15279585 JUST IN: Israel says it will offer a 4th vaccine dose to those most vulnerable to COVID-19 - AP

>>15279625 After Conviction For Sex Crimes, Ghislaine Maxwell Announces New Job At CNN - babylonbee


>>15279683 Let me drive the boat!

>>15279671 Study: Most of Vaccinated Die Because of Vax-induced Autoimmune Attacks on Their Own Organs

>>15279693 Dinesh

>>15279754 Thanks for the shout-out, Gardner!

>>15279799 Highest Level Security +MAXProtect

>>15279791 Dershowitz Launches A Missile At Virginia Giuffre. SHE could now face sex crime charges

>>15279849 Jake Tapper and Anti-Defamation League Head Claim President Trump is Anti-Semitic

>>15279863 Hillary Slams Biden “We Don’t Have a White House that We Can Count on to be Sane and Sober and Stable and Productive”

>>15279927 "These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:…"

>>15279935 #19326

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102f34  No.15281613


>>15279106 Ghislaine Down, Bill Up?

>>15278530 Ghislaine Maxwell faces high legal bar in bid to overturn sex abuse conviction, experts say

>>15278266 PB, >>15278983 Ghislaine Maxwell’s little black book to remain secret in court deal (#LeaksHappen)

>>15278477 Dr. Mary Bassett LIED about the number of children sick from Covid to motivate parents to vax them

>>15278481 LA hospital sparks outrage after DUMPING bodies of 19 COVID patients outside in the rain for HOURS

>>15278496 BBC apologizes for Alan Dershowitz interview after Ghislaine Maxwell verdict

>>15278500, >>15278495, >>15278553, >>15278646 Anons Optics Spoopy 10 year Delta (Memefag related)

>>15278513 Audit Check

>>15278522 Final Notables for #19323

>>15278557 Reminder Decepticrats - Ivermectin for me, but not for thee

>>15278570 Pentagon Building New Secret Courtroom at Guantánamo Bay

>>15278580, >>15278666, >>15278750, >>15278793 #Pedowood and Related Caps and Memes

>>15278598 Anon opines - GM guilty on [5] of 6 counts in December. D[5]?

>>15278605 Anon collection #19324

>>15278696 @USArmyReserve There's a lot to be thankful for.

>>15278700, >>15278484 LB Anon call for Optics.

>>15278764 @USMarshalsHQ 43 new deputies from class BDUSMI 2111 as they completed over [17] weeks of training sworn in. (Comm Cheq)

>>15278732, >>15278812 Less Deadly Omicron is taking #1 Virus Slot and Covid is pissed

>>15278891 Triggered? (Covid is over?)

>>15278926 Mrs. Dr. Fauci (CAP)

>>15278959 @ChuckGrassley - Even tho California is trying to take Iowa’s fine pork away…

>>15279042 @ChuckGrassley At this time of Biden inflation highest in 39 years

>>15279057 Plane/Radiofag reporting in.

>>15279064 @RichardGrenell A future Attorney General should petition the courts to come clean and release the details of who abused young girls.

>>15279068 They’re doing paparazzi shots of pharmaceuticals arriving on the tarmac wth is going on, God help us.

>>15279091, >>15279105 United States government official - Last year at this time, there were 823,000 Americans filing new jobless claims each week.

>>15279118 Ghislaine Trips Chekt

>>15279127 FDA to greenlight Pfizer COVID-19 booster for children aged 12 to 15 on Monday,

>>15279148 BBC investigates Epstein lawyer interview after backlash 'Didn't meet editorial standards'

>>15279159 @elonmusk pushing covid memes

>>15279185 #19325

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102f34  No.15281614


>>15277704 The BBC won’t tell you that 4 in 5 Covid-19 Deaths in past month were among the Triple/Double Vaccinated

>>15277723 Sebastian Kurz (ex-Chancellor of Austria) to join Thiel Capital

>>15277727 Sorry, what?! @BBCNews now have Alan Dershowitz on to analyse #GhislaineMaxwell’s conviction

>>15277729 POTUS (TRUMP) statement on China Virus.

>>15277732 Notable Dan: Many Children Hospitalized With COVID-19 Are Admitted for Another Reason: CDC Director

>>15277747 For the first time, the CDC has placed the entire country in Level 5 high community transmission

>>15277749 Notable Jim: Vaxxed Pilots

>>15277759 Ron:Tech talk interview

>>15277765 Plane Crashes Into Ocean Near Florida Keys

>>15277768 ‘Political Purge’: Marines Warn They’re Being ‘Crushed’ Over Biden Vax Mandate

>>15277770 Dr Robert Malone Perma-Banned from Twitter

>>15277778 Thousands of Flights Canceled as Airlines Struggle With Staffing

>>15277839 Supreme Court to Address Biden Vaccine Mandates with 'Special Session' Move Not Seen in Decades

>>15277841 Jake Tapper’s Alleged Pedophile Producer Resigns From CNN

>>15277846 Exclusive Analysis: Biden’s Mass Release of Illegal Aliens into U.S. to Cost Americans $6.6B Annually

>>15277895 Did you know that in 2017 ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) sued the United States Department of Health and Human Services and WON

>>15277901 Let's Go Brandon store chain to expand in New England: 'Business is very, very good' kek

>>15277977 Federal Judges Order Release of Jeffrey Epstein Civil Settlement at Issue in Lawsuit Against Prince Andrew

>>15277992 MTG & Lauren Boebert call to UNSEAL the names of the Epstein Network of Pedos & court docs of the Maxwell Guilty verdict‼️

>>15277999 U.S. at risk of paying 'unbearable price' over Taiwan - senior Chinese diplomat (Reuters)

>>15278022 Drip -> FLOOD

>>15278034 While many are noting Robert Malone's Twitter suspension, the journalist who exposed WIV partner EcoHealth Alliance's Pentagon funding, Sam Husseini, was also suspended

>>15278037 Peter Hotez, NIAID funding = $9.6 million.

>>15278053 IRS tells Americans to report STOLEN property and drug money as income

>>15278066 CNN Lost Another 38% Of Viewers In 2021 kek

>>15278077 The Pentagon is building a second courtroom for war crimes trials at Guantánamo Bay that will exclude the public from the chamber. The plan is to allow two military judges to hold proceedings simultaneously starting in 2023.

>>15278110 FLOTUS Tweet

>>15278136 Iran state TV says Tehran launched rocket into space (AP)

>>15278144 Hillary keks

>>15278155 ‘Now it’s my turn’: Marine who criticized military command over Afghanistan is planning media blitz

>>15278158 THIS IS BIG: Wisconsin Committee on Campaigns and Elections Demands Answers from Wisconsin Elections Commission on Who Had Access to Voter Rolls and Who Had Ability to Manipulate Them

>>15278169 Nuclear Scientists Sound Alarm on Lab Vaccine Mandates: ‘Fallout Will Be Felt for Months to Come’

>>15278220 Richard Grenell: Biden policy is whatever Europeans want

>>15278461 POTUS: YEAR IN REVIEW: JOE BIDEN’S CASCADING DOMESTIC CATASTROPHES https://www.donaldjtrump.com/news/news-8zmazdkphn0

>>15278605 #19324

Previously Collected

>>15277234 #19322, >>15278506 #19323

>>15274472 #19319, >>15275535 #19320, >>15276327 #19321

>>15272137 #19316, >>15272870 #19317, >>15273789 #19318

>>15270202 #19313, >>15270718 #19314, >>15271357 #19315

>>15267101 #19310, >>15267932 #19311, >>15269127 #19312

>>15264632 #19307, >>15265450 #19308, >>15266330 #19309

>>15261978 #19304, >>15262802 #19305, >>15263580 #19306

>>15259922 #19301, >>15261799 #19302, >>15261766 #19303

>>15256194 #19298, >>15258909 #19299, >>15258822 #19300

>>15254568 #19295, >>15255355 #19296, >>15256175 #19297

>>15252285 #19292, >>15253055 #19293, >>15253825 #19294

>>15250809 #19289, >>15250668 #19290, >>15251877 #19291

>>15247561 #19286, >>15248252 #19287, >>15250719 #19288

>>15246049 #19283, >>15245889 #19284, >>15246598 #19285

>>15242673 #19280, >>15243440 #19281, >>15246227 #19282

>>15240950 #19277, >>15242038 #19278, >>15240942 #19279

>>15238013 #19274, >>15238476 #19275, >>15239415 #19276

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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000c07  No.15281617

Well you didn't bugger up the bread number, that is a good sign

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102f34  No.15281618

File: 4f6ece06a4746dc⋯.jpg (29.61 KB, 545x409, 545:409, ApuLove.jpg)

Previous Dough


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140ee3  No.15281619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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68bffb  No.15281620

File: d54c5f8f9bfbf8b⋯.png (543.21 KB, 528x652, 132:163, 1img1a.png)

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74b1bb  No.15281621

File: 0d6ad9496362da9⋯.png (346.66 KB, 849x819, 283:273, ClipboardImage.png)

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763225  No.15281622

FILTHY RICH How did Jeffrey Epstein make his money?

Dec 30 2021


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c9bd10  No.15281623

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2bb365  No.15281624

File: 08602cc90490e91⋯.png (641.92 KB, 900x600, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Dig anons…

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51cb38  No.15281627

File: 3f84f44b727e995⋯.jpg (633.21 KB, 1006x1710, 503:855, Attn_whore.jpg)

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000c07  No.15281628

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c9bd10  No.15281630

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c4de00  No.15281632

File: 53dcd86aaf8271f⋯.png (201.03 KB, 481x484, 481:484, ClipboardImage.png)


>>15281111 #19327:

Q Research General #19327: Caged Bird Edition

>>15280042 Maxwell is ‘more evil than Epstein’: Virginia Giuffre says - dailymail.uk

>>15280110, >>15280210, A Conversation With Jake Sullivan - youtube and mp4 video

>>15280121 Let's Go Brandon nascar by driver brandon brown- twat

>>15280131 GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Names Replacement For Nunes In Top House Intel Spot, michael turner - breaking911

>>15280148 Nancy Pelosi Buys Millions In Call Options In Google, Micron, Roblox, Salesforce And Disney - zerohedge

>>15280168 Major Opioid Maker Found Liable For Epidemic By New York Jury - zerohedge

>>15280173 The Pentagon is building a new $4 million war court chamber at Guantanamo Bay that will not allow for public access, The New York Times reported Wednesday. dailycaller.com

>>15280183 FBI 'Secret Spy Plane Surveillance Program' Detailed In Court Records - theepochtimes

>>15280202 Eric Adams’ COVID plan includes spring call on student vaccine mandate - nyp

>>15280231 ASSOCIATION FOR MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY ET AL.v. MYRIAD GENETICS, INC., ET AL. - supremecourt.gov screen cap

>>15280235 Hillary Slams Biden “We Don’t Have a White House that We Can Count on to be Sane and Sober and Stable and Productive” - gwp

>>15280252 Reps. Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert Demand Jeffrey Epstein’s Network Be Made Public After Ghislaine Maxwell’s Convictions - djhjmedia.com

>>15280261 The Epidemic of Prosecutorial Abuse – Interview with Raj Rajaratnam - glenn greenwald interview youtube

>>15280308 Top German Pathologist Reveals Smoking Gun Proof From Autopsies How COVID Vaccines Cause Organ Failure And Death - christiansfortruth.com

>>15280371 Victorian government lied, tried to suppress the truth over QR codes - rebelnews

>>15280389 The Hypocrisy of Drudge Report - comped site

>>15280431 Bradford sex abuse: 16 men arrested as part of investigation into alleged historic child sexual offences - gbnews.uk

>>15280451 Biden-Putin phone call ends after 50 minutes: - white house twat (pity the interrupter)

>>15280457 AJ is panicked. (wants to turn on trump - boat already sailed aj, you are past news and comped) - daily mail

>>15280464 bacon may disappear in california - twat (oh the inhumanity) kek

>>15280494 Minutes before Trump left office, millions of the Pentagon’s dormant IP addresses sprang to life = yahoo, old notable but reminder

>>15280521 NASCAR Driver Who Inspired ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Says Now ‘Extremely Difficult’ To Get Sponsorships - dailywire

>>15280561, maxwell news, views, images and videos,

>>15280397, >>15280406, >>15280429, follow the wives dig including fauci's wife

>>15280576, >>15280606, Fauci’s Wife Heads Department of Bioethics at NIH - frontpagemag also already a polly dig

>>15280711 The Secret Life of Bill Clinton - book twat promo

>>15280719, >>15280740, >>15280750, >>15280628, >>15280278, COSTCO. People frantically evacuating a #Costco store in Superior, Colorado due to the threat of fires spreading nearby - twat and mp4 video

>>15280752 In Malta, a Fauci battles a Storm - not related another doc called fauci - timesunions.com

>>15280168 Major Opioid Maker Found Liable For Epidemic By New York Jury - zerohedge

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390830  No.15281633

File: b2e16c51f9d3b2c⋯.jpg (107.39 KB, 720x1166, 360:583, 20210311_171204.jpg)

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5557ee  No.15281634

bill gates first 'big' arrest?

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ec5522  No.15281635


You're Simply the Best B

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10aab7  No.15281636


Linda works in the lab for Dr. Fauci

all liberals should kill their pets

Linda Mackey 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊




Replying to


Turning off replies because the neo Nazi Drumpf supporters found it. Good luck trying to make fun of me now, losers!

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ade080  No.15281637

File: 9cd16d874d4279a⋯.jpg (69.87 KB, 509x764, 509:764, ZomboMeme_09102021141024.jpg)

File: 0e036631a8f3eed⋯.png (18.48 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4cfe07a5a74850318318569f3a….png)

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000c07  No.15281638


Trying to see the downside

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f19e96  No.15281639

File: 0fefa375c27abf4⋯.png (637.22 KB, 980x980, 1:1, greataw.png)

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c4de00  No.15281643

File: d4a8d6d25d62ad3⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB, 260x256, 65:64, durham_NIGHT_SHIFT.mp4)



>>15281632, >>15281111 lb #19327:

Anon believes this brings you upto date

nightshift engaged, smooth and easy does it, take the ship out sir, o7

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ee6b79  No.15281645

File: 64c23b627a899ae⋯.jpg (122.05 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 20211230_175004.jpg)

File: a51a3daf73f8406⋯.jpg (136.21 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, 20211230_174759.jpg)

File: c23b1351b100609⋯.jpg (156.55 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, 20211230_174809.jpg)

File: c5d1f8caf083245⋯.jpg (181.33 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, 20211230_174827.jpg)

File: 3ea193357c3f48b⋯.jpg (169.85 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, 20211230_174837.jpg)


A man DM’d I should be shot. For my family’s safety, I asked Twitter for help ID’ing him. When Twitter fell short (thanks for trying!) I asked the guy his name (stringing him a bit) & why he threatened me. Meet Jeremy Marshall who told me he was radicalized by Tucker Carlson. 🧵

Salwell posts fake Convo buildng himself up

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ec5522  No.15281646

Covid is Over

Face your Fear

Take off the Mask

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a5e8d9  No.15281647

Long shot here. I've been looking for a video I believe was posted here some time ago. It was an interview with a guy talking about how micro chipping horses was just testing for humans. If I remember correctly it look like it was shot in the 80's or 90's.


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1eacbf  No.15281648

File: d7208f7c5dda948⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1463x970, 1463:970, you_been_had.png)

Sorry I shit the bread Baker.

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c9bd10  No.15281649

File: 326f692e829077b⋯.jpeg (151.76 KB, 1031x1031, 1:1, C46643BF_118A_444B_BD91_D….jpeg)

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102f34  No.15281651

File: f56514829777285⋯.jpg (16.99 KB, 255x189, 85:63, hstrhsrjrsdtnw46.jpg)


This a winner.


>>15281111 #19327:

Q Research General #19327: Caged Bird Edition

>>15280042 Maxwell is ‘more evil than Epstein’: Virginia Giuffre says - dailymail.uk

>>15280110, >>15280210, A Conversation With Jake Sullivan - youtube and mp4 video

>>15280121 Let's Go Brandon nascar by driver brandon brown- twat

>>15280131 GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Names Replacement For Nunes In Top House Intel Spot, michael turner - breaking911

>>15280148 Nancy Pelosi Buys Millions In Call Options In Google, Micron, Roblox, Salesforce And Disney - zerohedge

>>15280168 Major Opioid Maker Found Liable For Epidemic By New York Jury - zerohedge

>>15280173 The Pentagon is building a new $4 million war court chamber at Guantanamo Bay that will not allow for public access, The New York Times reported Wednesday. dailycaller.com

>>15280183 FBI 'Secret Spy Plane Surveillance Program' Detailed In Court Records - theepochtimes

>>15280202 Eric Adams’ COVID plan includes spring call on student vaccine mandate - nyp

>>15280231 ASSOCIATION FOR MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY ET AL.v. MYRIAD GENETICS, INC., ET AL. - supremecourt.gov screen cap

>>15280235 Hillary Slams Biden “We Don’t Have a White House that We Can Count on to be Sane and Sober and Stable and Productive” - gwp

>>15280252 Reps. Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert Demand Jeffrey Epstein’s Network Be Made Public After Ghislaine Maxwell’s Convictions - djhjmedia.com

>>15280261 The Epidemic of Prosecutorial Abuse – Interview with Raj Rajaratnam - glenn greenwald interview youtube

>>15280308 Top German Pathologist Reveals Smoking Gun Proof From Autopsies How COVID Vaccines Cause Organ Failure And Death - christiansfortruth.com

>>15280371 Victorian government lied, tried to suppress the truth over QR codes - rebelnews

>>15280389 The Hypocrisy of Drudge Report - comped site

>>15280431 Bradford sex abuse: 16 men arrested as part of investigation into alleged historic child sexual offences - gbnews.uk

>>15280451 Biden-Putin phone call ends after 50 minutes: - white house twat (pity the interrupter)

>>15280457 AJ is panicked. (wants to turn on trump - boat already sailed aj, you are past news and comped) - daily mail

>>15280464 bacon may disappear in california - twat (oh the inhumanity) kek

>>15280494 Minutes before Trump left office, millions of the Pentagon’s dormant IP addresses sprang to life = yahoo, old notable but reminder

>>15280521 NASCAR Driver Who Inspired ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Says Now ‘Extremely Difficult’ To Get Sponsorships - dailywire

>>15280561, maxwell news, views, images and videos,

>>15280397, >>15280406, >>15280429, follow the wives dig including fauci's wife

>>15280576, >>15280606, Fauci’s Wife Heads Department of Bioethics at NIH - frontpagemag also already a polly dig

>>15280711 The Secret Life of Bill Clinton - book twat promo

>>15280719, >>15280740, >>15280750, >>15280628, >>15280278, COSTCO. People frantically evacuating a #Costco store in Superior, Colorado due to the threat of fires spreading nearby - twat and mp4 video

>>15280752 In Malta, a Fauci battles a Storm - not related another doc called fauci - timesunions.com

>>15280168 Major Opioid Maker Found Liable For Epidemic By New York Jury - zerohedge

>>15281111 #19327




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ef0a9b  No.15281652

File: df39b71d258c4ef⋯.png (6.46 MB, 4000x4000, 1:1, 2clock2022blank44GM.png)

File: a8039d8f466a101⋯.png (5.05 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 1qclock_vanilla_1_3x3JUSTI….png)

From yesterday

GM on the QClock

For tomorrow (mirror of :45)


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390830  No.15281653

File: ab3bdf105dc1df7⋯.jpg (135.06 KB, 678x1039, 678:1039, 20211005_221029.jpg)

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9f68af  No.15281654

File: c71af2a7221b6c3⋯.png (319.83 KB, 671x497, 671:497, Final_Solution.png)


Israel's government initiates "Final Solution" on its own population.

Doubling down with 4th dose spike protein jab.


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f19e96  No.15281655

File: 0e0af0465a8d143⋯.png (1 MB, 880x916, 220:229, dontbelieve.png)

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62c5d0  No.15281656

File: d2632323a6fdb3e⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1478x1372, 739:686, crystal_ball.jpg)

>>15280943 (lb)

I think Harris flipped to Team Clinton. She became a dead-ender for Obama's crew. Won't help Mike and was cast out.

Harris takes Clinton to the White House, but they're going to have to resuscitate Harris's image via the media & tech boys somewhat. That's what to look for first. I don't think Harris will pass NBC muster, though, and that's Hillary's route to Madam President.

Something must have happened with the Maxwell trial that freed up Hillary from the threat of being exposed. No media wanted to hitch up to the Clinton wagon in case it blew up in their face later, I think, but that seems to have gone away, or Clinton just got a whole lot more leverage, enough, anyway, to neutralize the media hesitancy.

Have to watch for more positive media coverage for Heels. They're going to have to try to pretty Heels up as they take down Brandon. This Hillary press release was the Fort Sumter of the Clinton/Obama turf war, I think. Heels deification will be the first advance.

Pretty sure, too, there's a disaster heading Brandon's way. Hillary just gave the green light on the hit. I'm going with Hunter related. My suspicion is Comey's daughter, in the SDNY, used the Maxwell trial to get the big players off the hook. Charge of enticing underage girls to travel for sex came out as not guilty. That should relieve pressure on the gang who, allegedly, travelled on the LE to LSJI for sex.

I'm thinking, too, that the Comey daughter may have gotten the Wiener laptop linked to the Maxwell docs that the judge sealed. That would take the Wiener laptop off the table if Brandon's boys go after Clinton, while Clinton is launching salvos on Obama with the Hunter laptop shit. IOW, the real big players decided to go with the Clinton camp and to hang the Obama camp out to dry. Harris is now a turncoat, with a lot of info, though. if I'm correct, so dangerous times lurk.

Good luck, Brandon. Crystal ball is not very promising, however.

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f19e96  No.15281660

File: 82164e2a7b03a25⋯.png (522.89 KB, 652x508, 163:127, saying.png)

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f437e7  No.15281661

File: 23d506faf5b98c5⋯.jpg (205.34 KB, 849x819, 283:273, tif.jpg)

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386cf0  No.15281663

File: 667fa2a68187761⋯.png (508.98 KB, 948x1149, 316:383, ClipboardImage.png)

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7e9fa9  No.15281665


There is no step 5? Fourth is final solution?

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f19e96  No.15281667

File: 259a8906f0a1e76⋯.png (9.14 KB, 255x151, 255:151, 5outta.png)

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1e3fb6  No.15281668


Nah he's never getting arrested, too rich for that.

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82ed1b  No.15281669

File: 0d800787f58e237⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB, 480x852, 40:71, Fauci.mp4)

Honest Fauci


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140ee3  No.15281670

File: 25a4f38fce5fbcc⋯.png (436.96 KB, 535x552, 535:552, Screenshot_2021_12_30_at_2….png)

File: d82b1b098806bef⋯.png (440.72 KB, 535x551, 535:551, Screenshot_2021_12_30_at_2….png)

JUST IN: Oklahoma National Guard says unvaccinated airmen can't participate in drills



More than 200 Marines separated for refusing COVID-19 vaccine



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ac41b9  No.15281671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3681a4  No.15281673

File: b969a2864a438f0⋯.png (293.26 KB, 583x412, 583:412, Screen_Shot_2021_12_30_at_….png)

Rael met Bill Maher in Italy

Filmed in Italy when Rael has met Bill Maher.

Rael is the prophet of the raelian religion


who wants to build an embassy in Jerusalem

for the second coming of Jesus Christ with

the Elohim our scientific creators from space.

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51cb38  No.15281674

File: 1211c4dac864ede⋯.jpg (970.52 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, John_Griffin.jpg)

File: b813c2363e01faf⋯.png (1.1 MB, 976x732, 4:3, Guilty.png)

File: 55d67bd55738073⋯.png (1.14 MB, 976x732, 4:3, GM_my_stars.png)

File: d3d691d2cf28467⋯.jpg (956.58 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Rick_Saleeby.jpg)

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5e4d01  No.15281676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I know it's FOX but, When does a Bird SING?

The Five' react to speculation Ghislaine Maxwell could 'sing like a canary' for leniency

Dec 30, 2021


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9f68af  No.15281677


Biden wont stop until all alpha males are purged and only pussies and faggots remain in the ranks.

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d6b19b  No.15281678

I was able to make the 7pm anon prayer tonight. Feels good and I know God is going to make things happen in answer to our prayers.

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ac41b9  No.15281679

File: 0eb46ced9340fa7⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1000x1173, 1000:1173, ClipboardImage.png)


Ha ha ha!

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5e4d01  No.15281680

File: 44f85c1c70bd12e⋯.png (410.72 KB, 980x940, 49:47, e6ecb97e011d13aca74e72e8eb….png)


Rael grew up in Quebec, just like Kamala

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2c9793  No.15281681

File: 37ec060269f20a9⋯.png (67.14 KB, 770x560, 11:8, matlock3.png)

AMB M@tlock telling the truth about Ukraine

Ukraine: Tragedy of a Nation Divided

Jack F. Matlock, Jr


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f19e96  No.15281682

File: f04c389ab8ecd5b⋯.png (841.69 KB, 974x728, 487:364, lii.png)



fauci saying the truth

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1e3fb6  No.15281684


That explains a lot, frog niggers.

All they're good for is maple syrup and poutine.

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1eacbf  No.15281686


>Meet Jeremy Marshall who told me he was radicalized by Tucker Carlson

because he was paid to.

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cceb0b  No.15281687

File: 7c27a26ce97dd4a⋯.png (130.51 KB, 503x220, 503:220, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1698c701d93d275⋯.png (556.7 KB, 779x716, 779:716, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15281369 pb

>Swalwell is throwing himself a FF.

Could they be any more obvious at this point?

Maybe this is the one where the normies can see the fucking FFs

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5e4d01  No.15281688


that is what they said about Epstein and Ghislaine till it happened

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102f34  No.15281690

File: d0061129b16b1f2⋯.jpg (107.23 KB, 600x600, 1:1, d0061129b16b1f2d586ceab1e8….jpg)


>I know it's FOX but, When does a Bird SING?

>The Five' react to speculation Ghislaine Maxwell could 'sing like a canary' for leniency

>Dec 30, 2021

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 061d5f No.128629 📁

Dec 19 2017 20:43:55 (EST)

Twitter rants can be harmful.'''

Lesson learned?

How about _SIERRA_C_?

How about ($22/Singapore)?

When does abirdsing?

Goodbye C.


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000c07  No.15281692


The conservative ones will. His Dim base of course will not

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5e4d01  No.15281693


They ain't so bad. love my Qubecois brothers and sisters.

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469f67  No.15281694

File: 1a885eb7f8b8af7⋯.png (463.57 KB, 562x319, 562:319, ClipboardImage.png)

meme batter

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cceb0b  No.15281695

File: e705163354fdaa9⋯.png (39.68 KB, 846x783, 94:87, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 917f5d749674cc8⋯.png (518.9 KB, 1074x2282, 537:1141, mend_bending_sentient_worm….png)

Parasites controlling hosts is common in nature…

Hosts are made to do strange things by parasites.

Things like searching out random men to fuck in the ass to share the parasite

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ef0a9b  No.15281696

File: 0f7a6e040a55f45⋯.png (6.96 MB, 4100x2400, 41:24, qclock_vanillaMoonphotojus….png)

For today


Bombs Away

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8530b9  No.15281697


>When does a Bird SING?


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d6b19b  No.15281698

Trump — I’m 100% against mandatory Vaccinations…

President Trump told Marjorie Taylor Greene that he supports the COVID Vaccine but opposes making the shots mandatory. “He is 100% AGAINST the mandates, but he still encourages everyone to get the vaccine and booster,” Greene said in a lengthy Twitter thread after they chatted by phone. “That’s his position.”

“I told him I’m sick and tired of weak pathetic Republicans who won’t fight hard against the Democrats Communist agenda,” Greene wrote. “He agrees. RINO’s are the worst!”

Despite their deep loyalty to Trump, Greene and other MAGA lawmakers are among the most outspoken and effective voices undermining the vaccine campaign that he spearheaded during his time in the White House.

The split with Trump over vaccines has become even more clear in recent days since he won rare praise for his pro-vaccine stance from Biden and public health experts.


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9d63e1  No.15281699


They throw away unborn babies, why wouldn't they throw away their pets.

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d21f4f  No.15281700

How can we enjoy the show if we are part of the show?

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5e4d01  No.15281701


neat. that is not a drop that I could even remember to reference. thanks. We really do have so much more than we know.

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469f67  No.15281702

File: 4269b6b07de82d4⋯.png (349.67 KB, 613x512, 613:512, ClipboardImage.png)

DOJ’s Two-Tiered Justice System at Work: Violent Trans Antifa Activist Has Federal Charges Dropped for Assaulting Portland Police and Trying to Blind Them

There are currently 40 men and a woman locked up indefinitely for actions they took on Jan. 6 at the nation’s Capitol. Several of these men did not assault a single person let alone a police officer. They have no idea when their court case will be heard in front of a biased judge. They families are bankrupt and they have been physically and mentally abused for months inside the DC Gulag.

But if they would just switch parties and pledge their allegiance to Mao or Castro, their plight would likely be much different.

Meanwhile, a violent trans-Antifa activist had federal charges dropped this week after serving just 20 hours of community service.


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191eb4  No.15281703

When Breitbart and ZeroHedge have the equivalent outreach of MySpace anons will know their job is done.

>Take the Bullhorn away from Fake News

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1eacbf  No.15281704


How to disable the worlds most powerful military with out firing one gun or bomb for $800 Alex.

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8a5e3e  No.15281705

File: 53bff0e1b54d924⋯.png (289.18 KB, 1180x509, 1180:509, 129_smockingGun.png)

File: e0a388960e46d1a⋯.png (455.75 KB, 1199x633, 1199:633, potter17minutes_2.png)

File: fb12b10bf728eb2⋯.png (725.93 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, potterPleaseRise230Eastern.png)

File: 60494b3bc8f1c58⋯.png (572.43 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, potterGuilty131central.png)



pb below


trips confirm



>12 9 Smollett

>12 29 Maxwell

>1 11 9 Rittenhouse




Q !ITPb.qbhqo12/09/2017 13:28:04 ID: 571cae

Archive Bread/Post Links: 59969 / 60244

Direct Link: 60244



Actor Jussie Smollett found guilty of lying to police in hate crime hoax

By Omar Jimenez, Steve Almasy, Bill Kirkos and Ashley Killough, CNN

Updated 10:02 PM ET, ThuDecember 9, 2021

Get caught up on the Jussie Smollett saga

Dec. 29, 2021 Ghislaine Maxwell trial guilty verdict

[Search domain cnn.com] https://www.cnn.com › us › live-news › ghislaine-maxwell-trial-verdict-jeffrey-epstein › index.html

A jury found Maxwell guilty on five of six counts related to her role in Jeffrey Epstein's sexual abuse of minors between 1994 and 2004. Maxwell, 60, was found guilty of five federal charges: sex …



I think we are watching a movie

<23rd of December


Law And Crime Verdict watch Stream


>4:26:00 Guilty Vedict

<4:43:00 Arrested. Taken out of courtroom

==17 min later=

Please rise at 1:30 CST >2:30 Eastern

Guilty verdict read at 1:31 CST >11.3

Verdict 1 signed at 11:40 12/23/2021

incident on 4 11

11 4

Verdict 2 signed at 10:30 12/21/2021

>2 days ahead

Same Courtroom as Chauvin 4 10 20 verdict

Anon would like to point out it's Kim Pottertrial day 17and there appear to be lots of coincidences

Barnes pops in17 minsbefore the verdict

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eb674a  No.15281706

File: db93a55878c727e⋯.png (66.37 KB, 236x282, 118:141, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32450e568bf2426⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5cd1c8b8cae335⋯.png (136.55 KB, 206x301, 206:301, ClipboardImage.png)



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469f67  No.15281707

Federal Prosecutors Drop Case Against Epstein Jail Guards

Federal prosecutors dropped their case against the two prison guards accused of falsifying records and sleeping on the job as Jeffrey Epstein “committed suicide” in his jail cell.

The feds dropped the case on December 13 during the Ghislaine Maxwell trial, however the news was made public on Thursday.

In November 2019, two federal prison guards were arrested for ‘failing to check on’ pedophile Jeffrey Epstein the night he died in his prison cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center.

The two prison guards, who were working overtime, broke protocols and failed to check on Epstein every 30 minutes even though he was previously placed on suicide watch, then removed from monitoring shortly before his death.

The guards falsified the prison logs to make it look like they were carrying out their duties and checking on Epstein every half-hour.

Earlier this year, an Obama-appointed judge approved the deferred prosecution deal for two prison guards who admitted they falsified records the night Jeffrey Epstein died.

Now the feds dropped the charges against the two guards.

Reuters reported:

U.S. prosecutors decided to end their criminal case against two Manhattan jail guards who admitted to falsifying records on the night the financier Jeffrey Epstein killed himself on their watch.

In a Thursday filing in Manhattan federal court, prosecutors asked a judge to dismiss claims against Tova Noel and Michael Thomas, after both complied with the six-month deferred prosecution agreements they agreed to in May.

Noel and Thomas were accused of falling asleep and surfing the internet that night rather than checking on Epstein every 30 minutes.

Both admitted to having “willfully and knowingly” falsified records to make it seem they were monitoring Epstein properly.

Their deferred prosecution agreements required that they each perform 100 hours of community service and cooperate with a federal probe arising from Epstein’s death.

Epstein is dead

Ghislaine Maxwell found guilty in Epstein sex-trafficking case as judge seals all important details

Charges against Epstein prison guards dropped

Mop-up operation complete.


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ac41b9  No.15281708



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cceb0b  No.15281709

File: 58661319a588777⋯.mp4 (15.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Uncovered_2019_Video_Fauci….mp4)


>Honest Fauci

Yeah but he's lying there. They had this mrna system sitting on the shelf and were raring for a "virus from china" in Oct 2019

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b3103d  No.15281711

Canada is a CIA creation

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43d35a  No.15281712

File: dbc958005cd431e⋯.jpg (186.92 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, great_awkening_pillow.jpg)

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ef0a9b  No.15281713

File: afd93e37b05e955⋯.png (3.75 MB, 2200x2200, 1:1, qclock_vanillaWIW45wIRANde….png)

File: c8e9bede634aa41⋯.png (6.84 MB, 3700x3700, 1:1, D5expandusarmy.png)

For tomorrow

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54e7fa  No.15281715

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cceb0b  No.15281716


who cares. the vax is killing people. fuck that game. He's tainted by this. Sure I'll play the clown game & line up & vote for him against the other clown, but he's tainted. It's killing people.

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ade080  No.15281717

File: 61e755b5d0d05b9⋯.jpg (109.69 KB, 540x699, 180:233, ZomboMeme_24102021183612.jpg)

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5e4d01  No.15281718

File: 5fa8b5fc1774518⋯.png (381.07 KB, 931x461, 931:461, dfgdfure.PNG)



who radicalized Swallwell?

rhymes with Bang Bang


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9d63e1  No.15281719

File: 854ad2479a9e339⋯.png (806.13 KB, 640x427, 640:427, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f89534453958f4⋯.png (348.46 KB, 500x333, 500:333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad25005dc7e7d6b⋯.png (7.34 MB, 1839x1731, 613:577, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf655034cb651b7⋯.png (217.24 KB, 386x202, 193:101, ClipboardImage.png)


Rocky Horror Picture Show

Audience participation.

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1eacbf  No.15281720


you don't have to agree with 100% of someone's opinions/positions to support them, it would be a statistical anomaly for 2 people or more to agree 100% of the time on 100% of any topics/subjects.

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140ee3  No.15281721

File: b28cf7255d20d26⋯.png (176.63 KB, 535x634, 535:634, Screenshot_2021_12_30_at_2….png)

File: ca552a1b1cfe7a8⋯.png (25.48 KB, 979x270, 979:270, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f41e18d8f8fa4e⋯.png (102.55 KB, 856x576, 107:72, ClipboardImage.png)




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469f67  No.15281722

File: 3543f216cfc1855⋯.png (498.25 KB, 1284x1289, 1284:1289, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7901c94de756a7c⋯.png (144.51 KB, 847x267, 847:267, ClipboardImage.png)

AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich Redlines 2021 Election Procedures Manual Draft, Submitted AFTER AZ Audit Report

The Maricopa County full forensic Election audit report was delivered to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich 97 days ago, on September 24th and he still has not taken any action to secure elections or hold corrupt officials accountable.

All evidence presented in Maricopa County and more recently in Pima County has been turned over to Brnovich and he has opened a formal criminal investigation.

A week after its release, on October 1st, radical leftist Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs submitted the 2021 Elections Procedures Manual draft to the Attorney General for review.

Attorney General Brnovich has already analyzed the hundreds of pages in the Elections Procedures draft but Arizona is waiting for indictments and decertification of the fraudulent 2020 election.

The Attorney General’s legal team sent a letter to Secretary of State Katie Hobbs redlining over 100 pages that need to be changed before approval.

Katie Hobbs is clearly trying to steal another election for Democrats and Brnovich knows it.

Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers told TGP that she’s tired of Attorney General Brnovich failing to update his constituents on the election investigation.

Contact Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich and demand that he uphold the rule of law.


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c3464c  No.15281723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump Headlines RSBN’s 2021 Year In Review Show


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1e3fb6  No.15281724


1867 > 1947

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5557ee  No.15281726

File: dbb91aeb329b841⋯.jpg (128.72 KB, 1075x760, 215:152, Antike_Kampfmotive_in_neue….jpg)

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eb674a  No.15281727

File: 0eb9e67c7a59a21⋯.jpeg (161.03 KB, 1354x889, 1354:889, How_Pepe_Feels_bout_dat.jpeg)


when exactly was the CIA created?

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d6b19b  No.15281728


Oh I agree. He’s made his point (time and again). One would hope he would just leave the subject alone from here on out, although I doubt that will happen.

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0c156e  No.15281729



So what would you assholes like to discuss today? The future of my life? My country? I'd be a fool not to participate.

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2c9793  No.15281730

File: 3eea5b409edd6c5⋯.png (250.72 KB, 435x435, 1:1, fangfang.png)

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0c156e  No.15281731

File: d2b566475b7d828⋯.jpg (60.92 KB, 794x549, 794:549, Breadshitters.jpg)


Normally anon would call breadshitter. Exception made.

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2c534b  No.15281732

File: 9ec21e734bfc094⋯.png (68.73 KB, 751x675, 751:675, swallow.png)

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5e4d01  No.15281733

File: a6d77053c4a8721⋯.png (719.6 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, daplan.png)

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886c70  No.15281734


Bill Gates would be my top choice for arrest - that maggot has more evil per square inch then the devil himself.

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469f67  No.15281735

Authorities say mother sex trafficked slain child

PHENIX CITY, Ala. (AP) — Alabama law enforcement officials claim a Georgia woman charged in her 5-year-old daughter’s death had accepted payment to let a man have sex with the child.

An arrest warrant included in court records claim Kristy Siple agreed to accept payment from someone “for having sexual intercourse and sodomy with her minor child.” Authorities arrested Siple this week and charged her with murder and human trafficking in connection with the death of her daughter.

It was not clear from court records if she has an attorney who could speak on her behalf.

The body of Kamarie Holland, 5, was discovered at an abandoned house in Phenix City, Alabama earlier this month after she had been reported missing in Georgia by Siple.

Jeremy Tremaine Williams, 37, is also charged with capital murder in the girl’s death.

Siple had told police that when she woke up at 5:50 a.m. on Dec. 13 that her daughter was gone and the front door of their Columbus, Georgia home was open, Russell County Sheriff Heath Taylor said earlier this month. The girl’s body was found later that night at an abandoned home in Alabama, he said.

Taylor said that Williams once lived at the home where the girl’s body was found.


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8a5e3e  No.15281736

File: e519aee5aa3a15f⋯.jpg (842.63 KB, 1010x1904, 505:952, fakeAndGayOlympics.jpg)


then he said

this is MAGA country

That may be faker and gayer than Juicy's selfmailed threat letter

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62c5d0  No.15281737


I don't think she will. Jury came back with not guilty on enticing underage girls to travel for sex. Why would Jizz put that on the table again? Add to that, the docs are sealed, so if she does spill, there's no corroboration vector.

I think the trial was sandbagged to put Jizz away for a few years and to make her as unsympathetic and untrustworthy as possible. Big boys off the hook, for the most part, with the not guilty on the biggest charge, and any bitiching Jizz does now will just be viewed by the normies as an attempt to get her own ass out of a sling.

Mission accomplished by the SDNY. Clinton is back in the driver's seat.

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886c70  No.15281738


Omicron KILLS Covid.

Fuck Joe Biden and Fuck Fauci Gates

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c683ba  No.15281739


Cat stepped on keyboard and posted Early for me.

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5e4d01  No.15281740


and his punishment…sentenced to life without gay pastel sweaters

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e92543  No.15281741

File: 248ff46ffa81e5f⋯.jpeg (106.27 KB, 332x288, 83:72, 1B2E1F4B_9A94_42A0_8AB8_9….jpeg)


Concernfag is there

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029d43  No.15281742

asshole faggot projections inCUMING

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eb674a  No.15281743


check't und kek'd

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2c534b  No.15281744

File: 3a3a98d3757d7ae⋯.jpg (435.72 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 81GnquXZ5QL.jpg)


>when exactly was the CIA created

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b3103d  No.15281745

well, ebot posted

which means Dick, Black will post soon

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5e4d01  No.15281746


I tend to agree with you. However, Nygard, Jon Luc Brunel are awaiting trial. one arrest leads to another to another to another etc at least I hope

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029d43  No.15281747


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ade080  No.15281748

File: 8d4a751bb8643f3⋯.jpg (82.05 KB, 538x796, 269:398, ZomboMeme_03122021215230.jpg)

File: 28b2b1aee5abb89⋯.jpg (80.68 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ZomboMeme_30112021102419.jpg)

File: 735c93185a02384⋯.jpg (166.92 KB, 1002x653, 1002:653, ZomboMeme_28112021213121.jpg)

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99b107  No.15281749

File: b065ee329193403⋯.jpg (256.75 KB, 683x648, 683:648, Hewitts_son.jpg)

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0c156e  No.15281750

File: 20abdd6f31ffb09⋯.jpg (8.51 KB, 250x243, 250:243, 20abdd6f31ffb09ddc61a3476c….jpg)



Here is the thing.

It is a certainty they became good friends a long time ago.

That fact changes the entire perspective of the shot.

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f22eda  No.15281751

File: 9bde6c4a28ac362⋯.jpg (3.73 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, Tactical_Banon_1_Copy.jpg)

File: 05a381fd5adfe73⋯.jpg (3.71 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, Tactical_Banon_2_Copy.jpg)

PB >>15278959 Once @ChuckGrassley brought it to my attention that today was national bacon day, I had to pull out the Tactical Bacon and mix with the Pork Chops that Dad Anon got at the store; mixed with some fresh herbs and peppers from the garden and some mushrooms and green beans for good measure and Voila "pic related" is in theovennow @ADL don't worry you can get your own emergency supply here https://cmmg.com/tactical-bacon-case-of-12-9oz-cans

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102f34  No.15281752


What do you desire to clear up?

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886c70  No.15281753


Omicron kills COVID

Omicron is making these Big Pharma puppet GOVT departments look like assholes. Nuremberg trials need to start burning these criminals.

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469f67  No.15281754

File: 31bbce9b098200e⋯.png (647.52 KB, 565x731, 565:731, ClipboardImage.png)

Bizarre World Economic Forum Video Orders Citizens to Stop Washing Their Clothes to Fight Climate Change

A bizarre new video of the globalist World Economic Forum is ordering citizens of Western countries to cease washing their clothes in order to fight climate change, following the WEF’s commands that the populace of developed nations eat bugs and renounce all possessions in order to lower carbon emissions.

The strange missive appeared on the WEF’s Twitter feed on Sunday morning.

The World Economic Forum, chaired by infamous “Great Reset” architect Klaus Schwab, routinely insists that decreasing the quality of life of average citizens is the way forward to deter climate change and supposed catastrophe.

Twitter users chimed in to voice their opposition to the WEF’s authoritarianism, making it clear they don’t intend to function as peasants for the corrupt and sinister elites to command in the twisted organization’s sick vision of the future.



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ade080  No.15281755

File: 14373490c5da78e⋯.jpg (55.1 KB, 600x315, 40:21, ZomboMeme_13102020004930.jpg)

File: e0e512c6a43bc59⋯.jpg (103.64 KB, 850x638, 425:319, ZomboMeme_30062021191530.jpg)

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99b107  No.15281756

File: 560088d30f25af2⋯.jpg (249.25 KB, 700x505, 140:101, namefags.jpg)


>Dick, Black will post soon

What a damned shame that anon will be totally oblivious when he does.

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10aab7  No.15281757

File: 09ddf057dd3c349⋯.png (181.56 KB, 611x348, 611:348, 1bf4feb95ec0101fin07bb5e4S….png)

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102f34  No.15281758

File: eb90dd21d322433⋯.png (132.98 KB, 326x326, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


<Yer Lying!

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7cfb05  No.15281760

File: ca028c79d2fc2bf⋯.png (315.45 KB, 461x253, 461:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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0c156e  No.15281761

File: 2cfa186bbd15c44⋯.png (199.47 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


OSS: The Secret History Of America's First Central Intelligence Agency


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ac41b9  No.15281762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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029d43  No.15281763



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9d63e1  No.15281764


Imagine the field day the MSM would have if Trump didn't endorse the vaccine that he made available via warp speed.

Imagine where we would be right now if Trump hadn't pushed the vaccine being made available via Emergency Use Authorization. We would still all be locked up and the economy would be ruined.

Trump is saying & doing what he needs to say & do.

We need to use Common Sense and Hold The Line.

We each have our jobs to do.

Do it and quit complaining.

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eb674a  No.15281765


chekk'd on Barry

methinks canuckistan origin predates CIA

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469f67  No.15281766

File: 3552751365bd363⋯.png (321.87 KB, 373x525, 373:525, ClipboardImage.png)

Missouri school doctor arrested in Arkansas on abuse counts

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (AP) — A Missouri boarding school doctor accused of several child sex crimes has been taken into custody in Arkansas.

The Kansas City Star reports that 57-year-old David Smock was arrested Tuesday night in Harrison, Arkansas, not far from the Missouri border. Authorities said they considered him a fugitive for several days.

However, Smock’s attorney said Wednesday that his client had been returning to Missouri to turn himself in when he was arrested. He was visiting his son in Louisiana when he learned of the charges, attorney Craig Heidemann said.

Smock began feeling ill on his return to Missouri and tested positive for COVID-19 at the Arkansas jail, said Heidemann, who was representing Smock on charges filed in Cedar County.

“Dr. Smock’s concern is that law enforcement has wrongly painted him as a fugitive when in fact he’s a COVID victim trying to get back to deal with these charges,” Heidemann said.

Smock is the longtime physician for Agape Boarding School, a Christian school that remains under scrutiny after five other employees were charged in September with assaulting students, amounting to a total of 13 third-degree felony assault counts. The school is in Stockton, in Cedar County.

The Missouri Attorney General’s office last week filed eight felony charges against Smock in Cedar County, including four counts of statutory sodomy or attempted sodomy involving a child younger than 14; and one count of second-degree statutory sodomy or attempted sodomy. He also was charged with one count each of sexual misconduct involving a child younger than 15, fourth-degree molestation of a child younger than 17, and first-degree stalking.

Smock was also charged Dec. 23 in Greene County with second-degree statutory sodomy, third-degree child molestation of a child less than 14 years of age and enticement or attempted enticement of a child less than 15 years of age, court records show. According to a probable cause affidavit, this charge related to Smock’s alleged grooming and sexual abuse of a 13-year-old boy at a rental home owned by the doctor in Springfield.


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7e9fa9  No.15281767

Are there Swallswell MEMEs putting his head on older Smollett MEMEs. Seems very appropriate re-use case.

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ef0a9b  No.15281768

File: 7a7a12b55557276⋯.png (56.39 KB, 991x727, 991:727, ClipboardImage.png)



>I think we are watching a movie

Roger that.

So many crumbs

So many "coincidences"

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886c70  No.15281769


I thought this fucktard was getting threats on his life? What happened to those?

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e92543  No.15281770


>cease washing their clothes

Well fast fashion has rendered clothes basically use and throw.. so….

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7cfb05  No.15281771

File: 0f1cfe29bed20d6⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1687x1875, 1687:1875, ClipboardImage.png)

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99b107  No.15281772

File: 0d0c86cff1ec54c⋯.png (377.42 KB, 610x310, 61:31, ingrish.png)


>Authorities say mother sex trafficked slain child

Ingrish, motherfucka.

This suggests the child was trafficked whilst dead.

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140ee3  No.15281773

File: 715e7ac75f99d7e⋯.png (440.45 KB, 590x442, 295:221, ClipboardImage.png)

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1eacbf  No.15281774


someone's money laundering op compromised in light of the GM verdict?

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5e4d01  No.15281775


when then can't get American, they buy a Canadian.

like that fake and gay huhwhite supreme group THE BASE

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029d43  No.15281776















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16678a  No.15281777

File: b1b32d7151afff5⋯.png (381.97 KB, 533x483, 533:483, Donaldo_Trumpo_re_bye_debl….PNG)

File: 191c90316530d21⋯.mp4 (8.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Donaldo_Trumpo_re_bye_debl….mp4)

AWWW… so nice My NYC Patriotos came to say goodbye to Bill de Blasio on his last day in office… 🤣🤣🤣


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469f67  No.15281778

File: f862200ddb17d73⋯.png (522.81 KB, 634x627, 634:627, ClipboardImage.png)

File: efd70527b60f57b⋯.png (769.53 KB, 634x769, 634:769, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Mexico City political party director accused of recruiting women to work at headquarters then forcing them to have sex with him faces human trafficking and prostitution charges

Cuauhtémoc Gutiérrez De La Torre, former director of the Institutional Revolutionary Party in Mexico City, was arrested Thursday

The apprehension stems from human trafficking and prostitution charges that were filed in April of 2014

The criminal network targeted women aged between 18 and 32 to work hostesses, receptionists or administrative assistants

An investigative report by MSV Noticias in April 2014 found that women were forced into sex work and provided 'oral and vaginal' sex to Gutiérrez De La Torre

Gutiérrez De La Torre had an amparo granted by a court in October but another court decided to review the Mexico City's prosecutor's office appeal

His defense team has argued that the arrest was 'illegal' because the police knew they were prohibited from taking him into custody

He and four other defendants have been charged with human trafficking in its form of aggravated sexual exploitation

They also face human trafficking in its form of aggravated misleading advertising and criminal association charges

A former political party director wanted by Mexican authorities and Interpol was arrested Wednesday in connection with a human trafficking ring involved in prostituting women in Mexico City.

Cuauhtémoc Gutiérrez De La Torre was at his residence when police investigators assigned to the Mexico City Office of the Attorney General took him into custody without incident.

He is charged with attempted human trafficking in its form of aggravated sexual exploitation, human trafficking in its form of aggravated misleading advertising and criminal association.

‘Intelligence work coordinated between the Attorney General’s Office for the Investigation of Trafficking Persons, the National Intelligence Center and the Special Reaction and Intervention Group allowed the seizure of said person,’ the Mexico City Office of the Attorney General said in a statement Thursday.

Gutiérrez De La Torre came under fire on April 2, 2014 when news radio outlet MSV Noticias aired an investigative report about young women between the ages of 18 and 32 who were hired through misleading job listings for a prostitution ring he allegedly operated.


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cceb0b  No.15281779

File: 2e9efcc69e6f55a⋯.jpg (94.89 KB, 1080x1063, 1080:1063, media_panic.jpg)


aw shit spent 10 minutes of my life reviewing twatter and it's getting even sicker and more twisted than it was when I left it.

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7cfb05  No.15281780

File: 5481eec633ada48⋯.png (191.37 KB, 333x344, 333:344, ClipboardImage.png)

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99b107  No.15281781

File: 0767fe440b6daaa⋯.png (149.67 KB, 400x338, 200:169, the_end_is_nigh.png)

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2bb4d8  No.15281782

File: c254fb1dfb58318⋯.png (204.97 KB, 613x856, 613:856, Screen_Shot_2021_12_30_at_….png)


seems it's a parody acct. dark. good thing, i was ready to go put liberaldogmom down.

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b3103d  No.15281783


this is insanity

either Trump is responsible, personally, for hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of adverse effects

or the vaccines are as faggot as the bioweapon created by China

you cannot square this fucking circle

either Trump wants you people to die

or he knows the vaccines are as faggot as your fear


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0c156e  No.15281784

File: 4a6cec7a8e45578⋯.jpg (74.14 KB, 640x639, 640:639, b47ad1cdb03796b54af15b8889….jpg)


Sorry for audio link. Fast times. Anon actually read, and still has, hardcover version. Great book.

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191eb4  No.15281785

'Holiday Bowl cancelled due to Covid'

Bowl Games = False Flag target

Habbenings - Sum of All Fears - denied

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029d43  No.15281786


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5e4d01  No.15281787


I am trying to fit this into the MC hammer lyrics for 2 Legit to quit but it's not working

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d6b19b  No.15281788


We need truth, not propaganda. We don’t need a politician. Trump was elected because he was an outsider. He needs to remember that and forget about playing the game and appeasing the media. The media will skewer him no matter what so it may as well be for the truth.

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e92543  No.15281789


Good case for my 24 hr rule… refuse to get up in arms until a day has passed. Usually not even worth the worry and doesn’t come to fruition,

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029d43  No.15281790


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469f67  No.15281791

2 Missing Children Recovered, 57 Arrests Made During Police Operation In Columbus

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Columbus Police on Thursday revealed the results of an operation targeting violent felons, firearms, and narcotics on the streets of the Linden neighborhood and surrounding communities.

On Wednesday, in response to violent crime trends, the Columbus Division of Police completed the third “Operation Unity.” Focusing specifically on the Linden neighborhood, Columbus Police officers, Intelligence units, Major Crimes detectives, SWAT, Drug Crimes Unit, Traffic Control Unit, and others served felony warrants and initiated targeted enforcement designed to specifically address violent offenders and recover firearms.

Officers worked strategic operations in the area from 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, December 29, 2021 – 4:00 A.M. on Thursday, December 30, 2021.

The result of the operation resulted in the following:

20 felony suspects apprehended

4 stolen vehicles recovered

17 illegal firearms recovered

13 search warrants served

12 misdemeanor arrests

26.2 grams Cocaine seized

176 pills seized

5 lbs. illegal marijuana seized

$15,237.00 currency seized

2 missing children recovered

2 OVI arrests

23 no-operator’s license arrests

209 traffic citations issued

During Operation Unity, while the Columbus Police Mounted Unit engaged area residents at local parks, the unit also safely recovered a loaded gun that had been left in the grass.

Police said the children that were rescued had been reported missing. According to WBNS, ‘one had four warrants and the other was pending a direct indictment for possession of a firearm.’


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0c156e  No.15281792

File: b3e6f1416517683⋯.jpg (2.67 MB, 4032x1960, 72:35, 20211222_084921.jpg)

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886c70  No.15281793


New Marvel superhero - MaskMan… his super power is die from pneumonia…

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102f34  No.15281794

File: f3333973d8022d6⋯.png (210.13 KB, 567x295, 567:295, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15281599 (OP)

>>15281618, >>15281651Dough, Update

Notables Are NOT Endorsements

Q Research General #19329: Exceptionally Ridiculous Habbenins E-Bake Edition

>>15281603, >>15281636 Have they considered donating the dog to an Omnicron positive famiry? No straight to kill right? Muh Drumphs are muh violentz tho right?

>>15281622 FILTHY RICH How did Jeffrey Epstein make his money?

>>15281632, >>15281651 (>>15281111 #19327

>>15281652, >>15281676, >>15281690, >>15281697, >>15281696, >>15281705, >>15281713, >>15281768 Qlock,Ghislaine, Justice

>>15281654 Israel's government initiates "Final Solution" on its own population. Doubling down with 4th dose spike protein jab.

>>15281669, >>15281695, >>15281709 Fauci Saying The Truth.

>>15281670 JUST IN: Oklahoma National Guard says unvaccinated airmen can't participate in drills

>>15281673 Rael met Bill Maher in Italy - Filmed in Italy when Rael has met Bill Maher. Rael is the prophet of the raelian religion

>>15281681 AMB M@tlock telling the truth about Ukraine - Ukraine: Tragedy of a Nation Divided

>>15281698 Trump — I’m 100% against mandatory Vaccinations…

>>15281702 DOJ’s Two-Tiered Justice System at Work: Violent Trans Antifa Activist Has Federal Charges Dropped for Assaulting Portland Police and Trying to Blind Them

>>15281707 Federal Prosecutors Drop Case Against Epstein Jail Guards

>>15281721 Campaign of Fear project successful in revealing fear tactics employed in political spectrums across various means

>>15281722 AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich Redlines 2021 Election Procedures Manual Draft, Submitted AFTER AZ Audit Report

>>15281723 President Trump Headlines RSBN’s 2021 Year In Review Show

>>15281735, >>15281766, >>15281778 "Those They Trust The Most" Authorities say mother sex trafficked slain child

>>15281754 Bizarre World Economic Forum Video Orders Citizens to Stop Washing Their Clothes to Fight Climate Change

>>15281777 Il Donaldo TrumpoLove from the Big Apple for Blasio from Locals (lol)

>>15281778 Former Mexico City political party director accused of recruiting women to work at headquarters then forcing them to have sex with him faces human trafficking and prostitution charges


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029d43  No.15281795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b3103d  No.15281796


god you're all so fucking hopeless

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1eacbf  No.15281797


I take it they left bread crumbs which were detected & eaten by the birds?

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3d329f  No.15281798


covid has shut down a whole bunch of soft targets going on two years now …inderasting angle

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0c156e  No.15281799



And you are but a mid summer's dream.

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ade080  No.15281800


There have been choppers flying overhead for weeks.

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191eb4  No.15281801



Direct from MI - There will be no World War. That's off the table

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eabc8a  No.15281802

File: 2c42f3d05d2b404⋯.gif (755.95 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 3484BF92_6F00_46E2_B991_B1….gif)

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c41a80  No.15281803


I'd love for him to be the first arrest

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029d43  No.15281804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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469f67  No.15281805

File: 6833200e4908d31⋯.png (210.78 KB, 855x801, 95:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4aede0acdd40e69⋯.png (308.55 KB, 868x813, 868:813, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ad2feb92798bd1⋯.png (522.87 KB, 858x799, 858:799, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bb5e9928c57ff2⋯.png (468.39 KB, 852x792, 71:66, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2020d8774a54df7⋯.png (134.32 KB, 854x836, 427:418, ClipboardImage.png)

CNN Has An Institutional Sex Problem and It’s Time for Answers.

Obsessed with Donald Trump, the Cable News Network has failed to recognize the deranged culture inside their own four walls. Now, it may be too late.

With a second CNN staffer under investigation for alleged sex crimes involving children, 2021 could define the network’s freefall under repeated sexual scandals. Instead of investigating their own employees’ culture of sexual abuse, harassment, and even alleged pedophilia, the network which features in almost every airport in the country appears to be in the throes of diversionary tactics.

CNN has a web page dedicated to stories of celebrities and powerful people accused of sexual impropriety. None of CNN’s own powerful producers, anchors, or leaders are featured on the page. The network does, however, publish questionable content on accused individuals associated with the network. The leading story on disgraced host Matt Lauer describes how his affiliates at NBC feel “betrayed” and “heartbroken” for their longtime friend. Nowhere in the CNN story does the author describe how Lauer allegedly anally raped one of his NBC colleagues.

Due to CNN’s refusal to discuss their myriad internal crises of sexual assault, harassment, and pedophilia, The National Pulse has compiled a list of some of the CNN and CNN-affiliated individuals accused or convicted of sexual crimes and predatory behavior.

Producer Rick Saleeby: solicitation of a minor.

On December 29th, law enforcement in Fairfax County, Virginia, launched a criminal probe into Rick Saleeby.

Saleeby worked as a senior producer for nightly news anchor Jake Tapper, who has scarcely been silent about sex crimes in the past. Tweeting in 2017, Tapper remarked: “if you dont care about sex crimes against children, and how adults get away with it, then i dont know what to say”.


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16678a  No.15281806

File: 773d7da25a06050⋯.png (652.92 KB, 542x575, 542:575, Donaldo_Trumpo_re_Hobby_Lo….PNG)

File: e88bd58fabeb264⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1010x871, 1010:871, Donaldo_Trumpo_re_Hobby_Lo….PNG)

My Hobby Lobby Warriors are out of control…😂🤣😂🤣



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886c70  No.15281807


Then Trump is complicit in all the murders carried out by Bill Gates, Fauci, CDC, FDA etc… Fuck Donald Trump

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5c1af5  No.15281808


How much was he paid, Swallowswell? Your panic is delicious, punk.

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2c534b  No.15281809

File: 94d2e0ea20b68ff⋯.jpg (41.11 KB, 347x337, 347:337, 0c2e8e2959abae6faea32d4521….jpg)

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029d43  No.15281810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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8530b9  No.15281811


Evergrande tapping their limits?

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62c5d0  No.15281812


Nygard trial will be in SDNY, too, I think. So there's that. Maxwell 2.0 possible. Not sure about Brunel.

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9d63e1  No.15281813


Trump is not your POTUS, he is a private citizen. Why are you listening to him?

Do you even live in the US?

Why are you using 3rd person?

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469f67  No.15281814

Salon boss who 'saw Duke of York with sex accuser': Working just miles from Jeffrey Epstein's Palm Beach House of Sin, key figure in case against Prince Andrew is former college student who claims she met the royal at pervert tycoon's Manhattan mansion

Johanna Sjoberg lured by Ghislaine Maxwell into Epstein’s ‘pyramid of abuse’

Now 41, she alleges it was there that the Queen’s second son groped her

She claims alleged incident took place at Epstein's Manhattan mansion

Ms Sjoberg also claims she and Andrew slept together in a massage room

This is the American hair salon owner who could hold the key to Virginia Roberts’s hotly disputed sex claims against the Duke of York.

As a college student 20 years ago, Johanna Sjoberg was lured by Ghislaine Maxwell into Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘pyramid of sexual abuse’ and says that within days she met Prince Andrew at the tycoon’s Manhattan mansion.

Now 41, she alleges it was there that the Queen’s second son groped her in an incident during which a latex Spitting Image puppet of the duke was used to abuse Miss Roberts, then 17, with Maxwell in attendance.

According to legal documents, the alleged inappropriate conduct did not end there. Miss Roberts, now 37 and a mother of three who uses her married name Giuffre, claims that after the Spitting Image incident, she and Andrew slept together in a massage room at Epstein’s house dubbed ‘the dungeon’.

Andrew vehemently denies her assertions and says he cannot recall meeting Miss Roberts, despite a notorious picture of them together at Maxwell’s London home in March 2001.

Miss Sjoberg’s salon is a few miles from the site of Epstein’s now-demolished ‘House of Sin’ in Palm Beach.

The hairdresser was photographed by the Mail in the Florida town this week.

What she could potentially say about the alleged encounter in Manhattan may have a vital bearing on the outcome of Miss Roberts’s rape lawsuit against the duke.

She could help corroborate Miss Roberts’s story or give evidence that aids the prince’s case.


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d6b19b  No.15281815


If you like politicians and political games then, by all means, continue to make apologies and excuses for Trump’s continuous vaccine pimping. It’s okay, you’re free to do as you wish. As for me, I will continue to call him out on it.

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12a43a  No.15281816


"oh cool. I'm from California"

Wtf? What adult talks like that? I didn't read far enough in - does he use "like"?

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029d43  No.15281817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b3103d  No.15281818

either Trump knows the vaccines will kill you, and wants you to die

or he knows they are harmless, just like covid, and you are living your entire fucking lives through stories written by the CIA via the MSM and literally manifesting your fears because there is literally nothing else hurting you but you

which one fucking is it

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47c5f6  No.15281819


What's kissinger have to do with anything ??

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029d43  No.15281820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5e4d01  No.15281821


"and then they said, This is Fang Fang country"

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191eb4  No.15281822

File: f0c1bfa401a92f7⋯.jpg (39.76 KB, 362x600, 181:300, gaybutnothappy.jpg)

File: a2409cd07746a74⋯.png (687.18 KB, 1052x316, 263:79, satans_finest.png)

If you don't want to know who what when why where and how Q Research is the last place you want to be.

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029d43  No.15281823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0c156e  No.15281824

You fuckers wanna jump on Trump.

Anon would remind you how Trump jumped on the system. Basically put his entire family at risk. I love these people. The rest of you can fuck off.

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029d43  No.15281825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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029d43  No.15281826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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886c70  No.15281827


This movie kills real people - think SNUFF.

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e92543  No.15281828


👍 ditto.

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5c1af5  No.15281829


This is some sweet stuff, seeing the low IQ fraudster pissing his pants.

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b3103d  No.15281830


you are not as smart as you think you are

and hilariously enslaved by the CIA

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c41a80  No.15281831

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7cfb05  No.15281832

File: 460d47fdfa1a6f9⋯.png (994.87 KB, 1091x943, 1091:943, ClipboardImage.png)

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140ee3  No.15281833

File: 6235b91a2e20075⋯.mp4 (99.55 KB, 540x540, 1:1, D0wxTHgH0A1b5mQk.mp4)


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386cf0  No.15281834


cigars are better for you then snuff

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029d43  No.15281835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c3464c  No.15281836

File: 6688b0dedd99317⋯.png (329.52 KB, 480x560, 6:7, ClipboardImage.png)


Next time i'm in Van we should dutch rudder

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5101e4  No.15281837

File: 9c850de31d5987f⋯.png (308.13 KB, 520x527, 520:527, 42ca4be854344f83784b8a87e5….png)


dubs chekt

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029d43  No.15281838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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9f68af  No.15281839

File: 66abd32d3df0a41⋯.png (98.23 KB, 1395x914, 1395:914, Death_Injury.png)


VAERS vaxx coinkidinks

moar vaxx deaths in 2021 than all other vaccines combined for the last 30 years.

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23d570  No.15281840

Swallowswell is a faggot, no one cares

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029d43  No.15281841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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386cf0  No.15281842

File: a117a3bc8c576df⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1300x920, 65:46, ClipboardImage.png)

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eabc8a  No.15281843

File: eb2f2ff885ebf2d⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, FF4CC701_7EB5_43A6_BC45_E3….png)

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003246  No.15281844

File: 18a9d53f65396c9⋯.png (109 KB, 348x652, 87:163, ClipboardImage.png)

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029d43  No.15281845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ef0a9b  No.15281846

File: 8223166b0e7af48⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2600x1664, 25:16, floodcnn2sept21jpg.jpg)

File: e239ea145f841a8⋯.png (6.61 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, 11qclock_q_djt3x3ScottFree….png)


Tomorrow as well

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469f67  No.15281847

File: 9c72df2d6bd1121⋯.png (384.29 KB, 634x387, 634:387, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Mickey Mouse Club star Tiffini Hale dies on Christmas Day aged 46: Actress suffered cardiac arrest earlier in the month and family request privacy

Hale's death was confirmed by her co-stars Deedee Magno Hall and Chasen Hampton on Instagram

Albert JeunePierre Fields and Damon Pampolina also signed off on the message

Hale's co-stars said she suffered a cardiac arrest in early December

She was left fighting for her life in a coma

Hale appeared on The All New Mickey Mouse Club from 1989 thru 1995


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886c70  No.15281848


He definitely know his base knows poison shots kill innocent lives and it is by design… question is why he wants to continue the killing of innocents.

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1eacbf  No.15281849


It's the Alex Jones crowd & the MSM tools looking to drive wedges… or sell their supplements & doomsday food packages.

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ac41b9  No.15281850



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eb32e3  No.15281851

File: fd398229ca5fd0f⋯.png (769.37 KB, 1036x477, 1036:477, BF558FD0_B5D5_4295_B88C_5F….png)

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e296e5  No.15281852


I’m glad to know it’s parody. It sounds like half my family.

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47c5f6  No.15281853

Trump slow walking justice saved us millions of lives

His patience is an anointing

Just like exposing corruption is his superpower

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003246  No.15281854

File: 4ba8309bc04a3a9⋯.png (142.62 KB, 404x359, 404:359, 321cntcc3.png)


This is so wrong.

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469f67  No.15281855

Florida mother, 43, is arrested 'after flying her 12-year-old daughter to Georgia to meet man, 20, for sex'

Adrienne Klein, 43, charged with enticing a child for indecent purposes and cruelty to children

Gesart Hoxha, 20, faces charges of child molestation and statutory rape, among others, for allegedly meeting Klein's daughter for sex

Klein is accused of flying her 12-year-old daughter from Texas to Georgia to meet Hoxha for sex in July

Search of Hoxha's apartment allegedly turned up sexually explicit photos of Klein's underage daughter


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029d43  No.15281856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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386cf0  No.15281857


filtered cigars are pointless!!!

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c3464c  No.15281858

File: 48b56cca69b92c9⋯.png (434.51 KB, 800x496, 50:31, ClipboardImage.png)

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ec5522  No.15281859

Thank you God

For walking with us

Protecting us

& Blessing us

Please Lend us the Words that will Wake the Sleeping Giant

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b3103d  No.15281860



no one has died in my medical life, at all

absolutely not a single person

but on the internet, well, there are deaths every single fucking day

that's so weird

almost like, i dunno, the internet was created by DARPA, an extension of the CIA, to fuck with people

but no, then you would have no relevance, because your entire identity is online


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029d43  No.15281861




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bae3df  No.15281862

File: 8aa2712e513eb9e⋯.png (411.73 KB, 623x625, 623:625, ClipboardImage.png)

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469f67  No.15281863

Alex Jones threatens to 'dish dirt' on 'pathetic' Donald Trump for pushing vaccines and tells his InfoWars listeners to 'move on' from the Republican 2024 frontrunner

Alex Jones said Wednesday that he will 'dish all the dirt' on Donald Trump now that the former president has come out more definitively in favor of vaccinations

'In fact, maybe – you know what – to get Trump's attention, maybe I should just dish all the dirt,' the fringe far-right media personality said on InfoWars

Jones said the impending gossip is 'not to hurt Trump, it's so people can know how pathetic he is when you think he is playing 4D chess'

Trump was booed by his supporters earlier this month when he revealed that he receive the COVID-19 booster shot

Pro-Trump panic ensued when he further promoted vaccinations and after Joe Biden praised the ex-president for development of the vaccine

Alex Jones called Donald Trump 'pathetic' and threatened to 'dish all the dirt' now that the former president is more fiercely coming out in favor of Americans getting vaccinated against coronavirus.

'We all wish Trump would do the right thing. And listen, I have the inside baseball on Trump – he doesn't know what's going on,' Jones said on his InfoWars program on Wednesday afternoon.

'I'm not even defending Trump,' he added. 'I'm just saying we need to move on.'

'In fact, maybe – you know what – to get Trump's attention, maybe I should just dish all the dirt,' the fringe far-right media personality said.

'You know what, you know what—I am going to dish it all on Trump next hour.'

Jones reiterated that he wishes Trump well and isn't against the former president.

'It's not to hurt Trump,' Jones said of his impending gossip, 'it's so people can know how pathetic he is when you think he is playing 4D chess, going to save you and he's not!'


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5c1af5  No.15281864


99.9% vax kill

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7562d5  No.15281865

File: 6b5f2cd4e92124d⋯.png (94.71 KB, 908x443, 908:443, Google_2021_NYE_666.png)


Google works in a '666' symbol to its New Year's Eve search bar. No surprises here but fuck 'em anyway :)

2022 is our year, Anons. Love to you all and God Bless <3

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140ee3  No.15281866

File: c6ee80c42997d10⋯.png (370.04 KB, 660x342, 110:57, ClipboardImage.png)

some parasites can turn you into cannibals.

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191eb4  No.15281867


It was Rand Paul's pleasure to kill the Iron Dome Bill (Evergrande Bail Out) and send China into a swirl in the toilet bowl. The Israel / CCP op on America failed. Local (anons / Citizen Journos) / Federal Trump pincer. We're trapping all the establishment infrastructure. Taking back America is an art, not a science.

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029d43  No.15281868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







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029d43  No.15281869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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029d43  No.15281870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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029d43  No.15281871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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003246  No.15281872

File: 46514c049e105f3⋯.png (423.54 KB, 468x720, 13:20, SPAWN_LRC.png)

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5101e4  No.15281873


It's a numbers game and a programming game.

Branch Covidians and the Vaccine apocalypse crew are being manipulated by the same psyop playbook.

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8530b9  No.15281874

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47c5f6  No.15281875


Bone broth ads over

Where's the beef?

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43d35a  No.15281876

File: 9f14d08d06305bc⋯.jpg (49.37 KB, 750x600, 5:4, titor.jpg)

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469f67  No.15281877

JAN MOIR: She gave Epstein a sheen of respectability but if you strip away the private jets from Ghislaine Maxwell, it's the Rotherham and Rochdale grooming scandals all over again

Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty of sex trafficking schoolgirls, but she is also guilty of betraying her own sex in unforgivable ways.

In public, she gave Jeffrey Epstein a sheen of respectability, in private — to the girls she helped lure into his depravity — she provided an illusion of safety.

For here was this nice lady, pouring tea, proffering biscuits, gifts and compliments. What could possibly go wrong?

During the trial, even her own defence team alluded to the cosy fantasy created by this Mary Poppins of perversion, asking the prosecution to explain why an ‘Oxford-educated, proper Englishwoman would suddenly agree to facilitate sex abuse of minors’.

Why, indeed. But the answers were there, if you looked hard enough.

She did it for love, possibly, but also for her own gratification; for power, status and money, including £22 million Epstein transferred into her accounts over the years.

In this, she betrayed not just women, but women from deprived backgrounds, which makes it much worse.

Sophisticated, educated and European — the attributes that Epstein so prized in her — Maxwell presented herself as a big sister to these teenagers, even as she ushered them towards the queasy horrors of the massage table and the bedroom.

‘Did you have fun? Was it good?’ she would ask cheerfully afterwards, the spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down.

She behaved as if they had been to a lovely party instead of being subjected to the perverted sexual attentions of a man old enough, in many cases, to be their father.


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5e4d01  No.15281878


that is the lady that introduced Dershowitz to Epstein

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029d43  No.15281879

File: a113f91808bfb45⋯.png (1.19 MB, 900x1008, 25:28, jack_nicholson_shining_typ….png)










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2c534b  No.15281880

File: 06ee2160d314246⋯.mp4 (635.76 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 06ee2160d31424629bba98af4d….mp4)

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9d63e1  No.15281881



yep, they will do that

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b3103d  No.15281882


>99.9% of vax kill

let's discount how fucking stupid this poster is

what is their motivation?

why are they here?

that's the actual question

what purpose does this patently fucking stupid bullshit serve?

well, i'd say it would serve the agenda of making you terrified and hating the people you should be uniting with…

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eb674a  No.15281884

File: cfaaee8908db395⋯.png (8.52 MB, 3200x1680, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


them damn icebacks!

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f437e7  No.15281885

File: db80972596dc6b3⋯.jpg (157.32 KB, 562x319, 562:319, fyf.jpg)

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386cf0  No.15281886



what about naomi campbell. the modeling agaency marc brunell ran. the gates connection?

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f22eda  No.15281887

File: 485d7bb47fa61f6⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1903x967, 1903:967, Screenshot_2021_12_30_at_1….png)

Trump Rally

ATTN:Arizona Anons

Sat, January 15, 2022

07:00 pm (MST)

Doors Open: 02:00 pm

Country Thunder Festival Grounds

20585 E Water Way

Florence, AZ, 85132


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029d43  No.15281888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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eb32e3  No.15281889

File: 4fe9d29d713beb1⋯.jpeg (213.98 KB, 768x361, 768:361, A4130CC8_7875_40DC_8CD3_F….jpeg)

File: 0dca2952ec10d7d⋯.png (284.91 KB, 373x668, 373:668, 2FE8CC1C_F9BE_472E_ADAB_3D….png)





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886c70  No.15281890


Stick him in a cage where pigeons can shit on him all day.

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9d63e1  No.15281891



And he's not dressed up as a character

GF probably brought him, and he's like, WTF?

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029d43  No.15281892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ef0a9b  No.15281893

File: 8c9ab1d9efe9fc3⋯.png (3.13 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, zeroSHRTWnewrec.png)

File: fccee8cefc884c4⋯.png (1.78 MB, 2034x2034, 1:1, qclocknortham.png)

File: fe032042cdec9bd⋯.png (2.92 MB, 3194x2209, 3194:2209, qcQCDwccropmar18ideskalens….png)

:44 and :45 are big markers for the clockfags

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5557ee  No.15281894

File: 1b0762de70dfb72⋯.jpg (133.55 KB, 462x750, 77:125, Wittekind.jpg)

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d6b19b  No.15281895


Wonder how many times he’ll endorse the vaccines?

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029b28  No.15281896

File: 783664ed84647ed⋯.jpg (13.82 KB, 236x314, 118:157, thale.jpg)


>Tiffini Hale

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469f67  No.15281897

Students accuse senior teacher of misconduct at prestigious Melbourne school

At least 10 women who attended one of Melbourne’s most prestigious Jewish schools have accused a former senior teacher of misconduct towards them when they were students.


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5e4d01  No.15281898


How do you not see what he is doing?

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029d43  No.15281899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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43d35a  No.15281900

File: ba6eefc7f3e2520⋯.jpg (110.34 KB, 720x1114, 360:557, the_Lord_is_leading_us_all.jpg)

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029d43  No.15281901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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466a50  No.15281902


You sound extremely stupid. Forget the meds?

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029d43  No.15281903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c9bd10  No.15281904


And what is it he is doing?

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b3103d  No.15281905

almost like, i dunno

foreign agents are paid to post on boards like this to make you lose your shit

because who does that benefit when China releases a bioweapon to the world and it fucking fails miserably

it's literally the flu

but they need you afraid and hating the unwashed masses

yet Trump says to vaccinate against the Chinese bioweapon?

it's so wierd, by sub 80 iq can't handle it all

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d6b19b  No.15281906


I see exactly what he’s doing. It’s plain as day what he’s doing. It’s the emotionally invested crowd that refuses to see what he’s doing for what it is. Cope.

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ef0a9b  No.15281907

File: 4d8fc666966576b⋯.png (6.37 KB, 120x216, 5:9, ClipboardImage.png)



January 15/22

:00 on the QClock

Start the clock

09/17 shared marker (Constitution Day)

See notabled clock

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029d43  No.15281908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>extremely stupid. Forget the meds?

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1eacbf  No.15281909


Now, if you want to live buy his supplements & doomsday supplies & don't forget to remember Alex is still pissed because Trump didn't give Alex the access he THOUGHT he was due after Trump became POTUS.

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003246  No.15281910

File: a1d5fc608a1aa81⋯.png (941.58 KB, 630x951, 210:317, ClipboardImage.png)

Do this and see what search results pop up.

Put in ANY 4 digit number followed by "new cases"

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029d43  No.15281911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>extremely stupid. Forget the meds

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1e3fb6  No.15281912

File: 2201fc0b19b5f81⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1024x701, 1024:701, Trump_Zionist.png)



Fuck his rallies, fuck them right up the ass.

All a bunch of bullshit talk and rhetoric, he promised to drain the swamp and only drained the American taxpayers wallets to give to Israel.

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99b107  No.15281913

File: 83c776375280b34⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1240x930, 4:3, Trump_YOU.png)


>Fuck Donald Trump

TDS is still rife, apparently.

Have a Trump (you) to feel better.

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ac9e25  No.15281914

>>15281278 pb

The beacon left behind…


During the time that the infected Cylons are held captive aboard Galactica, Dr. Cottle creates a simple vaccine that dramatically reverses the effect of the virus on said Cylons. However, an antibody in their blood breaks down the vaccine's RNA backbone, rendering the treatment useless. Because of that, the Cylons require regular close interval injections of the vaccine, or their condition significantly worsens. If regular injections are provided, an infected Cylon could be kept alive indefinitely.

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3d329f  No.15281915


>Basically put his entire family at risk

not only his family ; the Jan6 detainees and everyone that has been canceled, and even the unvaccinated to a lesser extent …but it was necessary and there will be collateral damage

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eb32e3  No.15281916

File: 0982ee5cc6af4df⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1834x1372, 131:98, 71803D71_9230_43BC_80B5_F….jpeg)


More by scott

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466a50  No.15281917


Come at me, loser.

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029d43  No.15281918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>extremely stupid. Forget the meds

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8a5e3e  No.15281919

File: 6589c437aa886ac⋯.png (236.15 KB, 1294x1722, 647:861, Screenshot_2021_12_30_at_2….png)

File: 9a185c898995a9b⋯.png (54.07 KB, 534x690, 89:115, Screenshot_2021_12_30_at_2….png)



>That may be faker and gayer than Juicy's selfmailed threat letter


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b3103d  No.15281920


do you see what they are

do you see what your fear is?

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029d43  No.15281921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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43d35a  No.15281922

Save America Rally in Florence, AZ

Sat, January 15, 2022

07:00 pm (MST)

Doors Open: 02:00 pm


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d6b19b  No.15281923


Emotionally invested and can’t (won’t) see the truth for what it is. Just throw insults and ignore logic.

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029d43  No.15281924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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99b107  No.15281925

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23d570  No.15281926


6661 new cases

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9d63e1  No.15281927


Now he can go back to his teaching job and being a scout leader.

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029d43  No.15281928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.











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8530b9  No.15281929

File: 4fb59483f3cb953⋯.jpg (77.19 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 4fb59483f3cb953d1d78c14068….jpg)

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e06eb4  No.15281930

Commander's , my car was not in Tiptop shape today , I lost comms , squawked 7600 , radar contact was lost . Resuming filed flight plan , estimating Q at 55 , time now 48 over

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43d35a  No.15281931

File: 5eeb9111c18950f⋯.jpg (377.31 KB, 1000x556, 250:139, rent_free.jpg)

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47c5f6  No.15281932


The thing anon worries about is the mental state of the vaxxed in our lives when it becomes undeniable they may have brought death upon themselves by follow media advice

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029d43  No.15281933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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9f68af  No.15281934


The vaxx causes VAIDS… so it is to be expected the jabbed people are going to get sick at higher numbers that will dwarf last year's flu season.

No doubt it will be declared a crisis as we get deeper into Dark Winter and used to enforce moar draconian tyranny.

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d6b19b  No.15281935


He’s donejack squatfor the 1/6 detainees.

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f22eda  No.15281936


We will vocalize our displeasure for the Vaccine but this anon will be there. Will be my 5th rally.

Last time I was in Florence I was wearing Orange and now I represent 10k folks in my district and have full rights. Will be sweet to be at the place where the other Convicts use to tell me to not bother with the distance learning since now that I am a Con all I will ever be is a Con.

45 made the economy great I participated and hired the best law firm in 5 states to get my voting and 2a rights back. Will be a full circle moment for me.

Hope to see you there i'll be the guy in a red hat.

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51cb38  No.15281937

File: c73814a7cadea88⋯.jpg (98.47 KB, 463x332, 463:332, VAIDS.jpg)

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8530b9  No.15281938

File: 36a5206a7558404⋯.jpg (98.24 KB, 694x681, 694:681, 36a5206a7558404e61b38d8ded….jpg)

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003246  No.15281939

File: d491e005290c637⋯.png (98.75 KB, 713x832, 713:832, ClipboardImage.png)

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eb674a  No.15281940


Barry and the Big Guy

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e92543  No.15281941


Nice anon!

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1e3fb6  No.15281942

File: d7fb4a6bfcde1da⋯.png (10.22 MB, 1104x9958, 552:4979, 82fd02e46999fef217097e66c3….png)

File: 85d40428b2484ce⋯.png (3.05 MB, 808x5776, 101:722, 9081d64d45814c497a144688a5….png)

File: a7bac1566835cc0⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1599x1522, 1599:1522, f3e121c8a5488a7bf36b861c0b….png)

File: 6d96ddd66d4078e⋯.png (73.93 KB, 518x284, 259:142, b6a442c3ff0b9fa86493f0b46c….png)


>do you see what they are

All too well, and those who cannot see are either shills or facing cognitive dissonance and refuse to believe it.

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8a5e3e  No.15281943


>January 15,

Country Thunder storm

1 15

1 6

9 days after the press conference

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386cf0  No.15281944


trust the plan

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029d43  No.15281945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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003246  No.15281946


type it into google search engine.

I used Duck Duck Go though.

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029d43  No.15281947


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469f67  No.15281948

File: f3686884a040582⋯.png (60 KB, 1512x305, 1512:305, ClipboardImage.png)

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3014f2  No.15281949


Trust Wray.

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386cf0  No.15281950


6969 new cases

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ef0a9b  No.15281951

File: 718061433248ae6⋯.png (2.8 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, qclock20203x30312greenext.png)

File: e36f58c575981b0⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q_djt46v2wcastlegrr….png)

File: b3636c7c4717745⋯.png (2.42 MB, 3000x2200, 15:11, qclock_q_djt3x2Feb15RBGGor….png)

Moar :45/:44

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c9bd10  No.15281952

File: 6436bf220765834⋯.jpeg (98.84 KB, 529x600, 529:600, 76B496B8_F7D1_43DE_95C1_B….jpeg)


The Plan

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ade080  No.15281953

File: c55bd13af61b5dd⋯.jpg (44.91 KB, 609x342, 203:114, ZomboMeme_25102021231553.jpg)

File: 7752509bde570c6⋯.jpg (298.21 KB, 1076x509, 1076:509, Screenshot_20211010_225640….jpg)

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d6b19b  No.15281954


That will be easy for me, I’m not one of the detainees. I don’t know whether they’re real high on “trust the plan” right now or not.

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029d43  No.15281955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a0826a  No.15281956


Funny you should say so. The 2 sibs in my life are vaxxed and boosted, thinking that ends this plandemic rather than seeing they are locked into a failed therapy narrative. When the truth comes out they will be lost in the "How could this happen ?" Denial, which will turn into anger when they understand the damage to their children and grandchildren.

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386cf0  No.15281957

File: 89580eef6fc2e69⋯.png (70.52 KB, 1115x597, 1115:597, ClipboardImage.png)

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003246  No.15281958

File: be2f90f2baa69a2⋯.png (73.33 KB, 609x844, 609:844, ClipboardImage.png)




>7856 new cases

Google is exact same.

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e92543  No.15281959


Oh, I see you shop at ikea.

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029d43  No.15281961

File: 8983a2a0c7a2c4c⋯.png (89.74 KB, 209x241, 209:241, a9b3e8b7ec72c3ceeea112dbcf….png)


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29460c  No.15281962



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3d329f  No.15281963


that whole situation down there at the DC GITMO is so out-n-out ridiculous it is just about prima facie evidence to "you are watching a movie"

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029d43  No.15281964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d6b19b  No.15281965


If they’re anything like my “muh vax” family members, coworkers, and friends, they mayneverconnect the dots. Sad but true.

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b3103d  No.15281966

some were inculcated early to what these forums actually are

most of you were not

absolutely no one responding to your post is a legitimate anon

China, Israel, Media Matters, the CIA, the FBI, they are the ones running this place

you are here to fight, if you aren't fighting then you are being played

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533f80  No.15281967

File: b92db1562895866⋯.jpg (39.76 KB, 720x404, 180:101, hq720.jpg)

So I've heard 5G will be operational nation wide in a week or so. I guess we'll see if the 5G combined with the vaxx theories have any merit.

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0c156e  No.15281968

File: da361626b6bdc03⋯.jpg (4.43 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20211026_135619.jpg)


>What do you desire to clear up?

All of human history.

Sounds like a start to me.

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102f34  No.15281969

File: 4b6fd691540046a⋯.gif (766.52 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, KNR.gif)

>>15281599 (OP)

>>15281618, >>15281651 Dough, Update

Notables Are NOT Endorsements

Q Research General #19329: Exceptionally Ridiculous Habbenins E-Bake Edition

>>15281603, >>15281636 Have they considered donating the dog to an Omnicron positive famiry? No straight to kill right? Muh Drumphs are muh violentz tho right?

>>15281622 FILTHY RICH How did Jeffrey Epstein make his money?

>>15281632, >>15281651 (>>15281111 #19327

>>15281652, >>15281676, >>15281690, >>15281697, >>15281696, >>15281705, >>15281713, >>15281768, >>15281846, >>15281893, >>15281951 Qlock,Ghislaine, Justice

>>15281654 Israel's government initiates "Final Solution" on its own population. Doubling down with 4th dose spike protein jab.

>>15281669, >>15281695, >>15281709 Fauci Saying The Truth.

>>15281670 JUST IN: Oklahoma National Guard says unvaccinated airmen can't participate in drills

>>15281673 Rael met Bill Maher in Italy - Filmed in Italy when Rael has met Bill Maher. Rael is the prophet of the raelian religion

>>15281681 AMB M@tlock telling the truth about Ukraine - Ukraine: Tragedy of a Nation Divided

>>15281698 Trump — I’m 100% against mandatory Vaccinations…

>>15281702 DOJ’s Two-Tiered Justice System at Work: Violent Trans Antifa Activist Has Federal Charges Dropped for Assaulting Portland Police and Trying to Blind Them

>>15281707 Federal Prosecutors Drop Case Against Epstein Jail Guards

>>15281721 Campaign of Fear project successful in revealing fear tactics employed in political spectrums across various means

>>15281722 AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich Redlines 2021 Election Procedures Manual Draft, Submitted AFTER AZ Audit Report

>>15281723 President Trump Headlines RSBN’s 2021 Year In Review Show

>>15281735, >>15281766, >>15281778, >>15281805, >>15281897 "Those They Trust The Most" Authorities say mother sex trafficked slain child

>>15281754 Bizarre World Economic Forum Video Orders Citizens to Stop Washing Their Clothes to Fight Climate Change

>>15281777, >>15281806, >>15281851, >>15281889, >>15281913, >>15281938 Il Donaldo TrumpoLove from the Big Apple for Blasio from Locals (lol), and Moar!

>>15281778 Former Mexico City political party director accused of recruiting women to work at headquarters then forcing them to have sex with him faces human trafficking and prostitution charges

>>15281805,CNN Has An Institutional Sex Problem and It’s Time for Answers.

>>15281814 Salon boss who 'saw Duke of York with sex accuser': Working just miles from Jeffrey Epstein's Palm Beach House of Sin, key figure in case against Prince Andrew is former college student who claims she met the royal at pervert tycoon's Manhattan mansion

>>15281847 Former Mickey Mouse Clubstar Tiffini Hale dies on Christmas Day aged 46: Actress suffered cardiac arrest earlier in the month and family request privacy

>>15281897 Students accuse senior teacher of misconduct at prestigious Melbourne school

>>15281922, >>15281938 See you then, anons.Save America Rally in Florence, AZ ~ Sat, January 15, 2022 @07:00 pm (MST) - Doors Open: 02:00 pm


Baker Ghosted. TNT, SELF CONFIRM!



>>15281618, >>15281651

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386cf0  No.15281970

File: 4c9220bc4a420b9⋯.png (73.37 KB, 960x959, 960:959, ClipboardImage.png)

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d6b19b  No.15281971


I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets delayed for some reason.

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eb674a  No.15281972

File: 2a17fe78701855a⋯.png (161.47 KB, 512x378, 256:189, ClipboardImage.png)

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886c70  No.15281973


Holy fuck - he's telling the truth. I tried a bunch of numbers and in real time, headlines adjust to match count…

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2b29d4  No.15281974

File: f00cf0160cfbe4b⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1268x1268, 1:1, Screen_Shot_2020_07_02_at_….png)

shills will says its shobbed.

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9d63e1  No.15281975


We are truly ruled by idiots.

The first time I ever heard words come out of this guy's mouth, I could not believe that he was a member of Congress. How embarrassing for our Country to have such buffoons in office.

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33c6af  No.15281976


Thats such BS, exactly what Schitt would write as one of his phony scripts.

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eabc8a  No.15281977

File: 84120c23381c525⋯.jpeg (274.87 KB, 2000x1334, 1000:667, FC2F22E0_94FF_4C15_AFAA_9….jpeg)

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95a293  No.15281978

File: 178d770cd6e5139⋯.gif (2.25 MB, 350x200, 7:4, Tesla_Wheel_thinking.gif)


I am just chillin for now.

I like to read.

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e06eb4  No.15281979

DO IT Q , AND Q+ !!!! WWG1WGA FREEDOM FIGHT , Report Position , Q , :55 FL400 GO and Godspeed Patriots 🙏

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ef0a9b  No.15281980

File: 1123cd2efa68883⋯.png (4.23 MB, 3200x2200, 16:11, qclock_vanilla2x3tshrtw5ad….png)

File: 4d8fc666966576b⋯.png (6.37 KB, 120x216, 5:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Rally 1/15/22


Coincides nicely with

The Shot Hear Round The World (10/03) :00

Red October (11/7) :30

Clock started (12/7) :00

Pearl Harbor (12/7) :00

JA Arrest (12/7)

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029d43  No.15281981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4e8da0  No.15281982


I'm glad it's slide but it would not surprise me in the least. These progressive/communist, brain deficient pieces of shit don't value life in any form. A Baby or a beautiful Pup like this one. I'd put her fucking ass down before that Pup. Look at the feet on that rascal!!! kek

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469f67  No.15281983

File: 7caa46e95d710af⋯.png (351.76 KB, 652x859, 652:859, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 767985cb8f52d55⋯.png (462.07 KB, 688x816, 43:51, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bb3f6a01ca315c⋯.png (489.68 KB, 655x854, 655:854, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb76a1d939f842c⋯.png (259.93 KB, 622x811, 622:811, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f4e000b1b92254⋯.png (24.63 KB, 675x162, 25:6, ClipboardImage.png)

Top 10 Richest People on Earth Got Wealthier by Over $400 Bln in 2021, Bloomberg Index Shows

Some of those creme de la creme in the world of wealth, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, for example, have been worth $100 billion for quite some time: Gates first made it in 1999, while Bezos did so in 2017. The majority of the others, on the other hand, are basically newcomers to the 12-digit club.

According to the newest Bloomberg Billionaires Index, the world's top ten wealthiest people are all worth more than $100 billion by the end of 2021.

The 10 wealthiest billionaires increased their net worth by $402.17 billion in 2021. They were led by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who became the world's richest man this year, seemingly beating his toe-to-toe rival Bezos for a long time, and also temporarily exceeding $300 billion in his net worth.

The data shown in the shortlist below are valid as of Thursday, December 30.

All in all, number one this year is certainly the "Technoking of Tesla," as he proclaimed himself earlier in 2021, because he sees no point in the generally accepted regalia of the corporate world. Musk closes this year with an astonishing $277 billion total net worth.

In 2021, he increased his net worth by $121 billion, a little less of the $140 billion he added in 2020, according to the Bloomberg data. Musk's fortune has risen dramatically as a result of his electric carmaker's quick expansion. Tesla's stock has risen by approximately 60% this year, and the company's market capitalization surpassed $1 trillion for the first time in October.



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825bf6  No.15281984

File: 53efbdac6f48eac⋯.jpg (202.37 KB, 960x707, 960:707, crystal_ball.jpg)

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8530b9  No.15281985

File: f063f91b076853a⋯.png (905.09 KB, 606x905, 606:905, 37de820357f4d3a50fbbc469fc….png)

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ec5522  No.15281986

File: 6b50dd1a629ebed⋯.png (370 KB, 1057x358, 1057:358, ClipboardImage.png)




Smells like Panic

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8a5e3e  No.15281987

File: 7f3f58e369c5211⋯.png (363.83 KB, 1053x505, 1053:505, out4bling.png)




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51cb38  No.15281988

File: e83793800cbad1a⋯.jpg (747.54 KB, 811x1922, 811:1922, The_plan.jpg)

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eb674a  No.15281989

File: 49ef831c5c8f2e7⋯.png (2.92 MB, 1536x1152, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5488c19c69f417⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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43d35a  No.15281990

File: 9485f5f0e6f2656⋯.png (101.52 KB, 504x360, 7:5, razor_edge_trust_the_plan.png)

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c9bd10  No.15281991

File: 9f1ec88cfc1fcb2⋯.jpeg (59.65 KB, 714x721, 102:103, F4091133_3183_4AC4_BB4B_6….jpeg)

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9f68af  No.15281992


FAA and FCC are in a spat over 5G turn on.

So it could get delayed.

FAA says 5G will interfere with aircraft auto pilot and the ability of aircraft to use instrument controlled landing software at airports during bad weather.

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33c6af  No.15281993


Golly I said from day one, and they thought Workers Comp would pay the claims. WC rewrote their policies and sent them that day for signatures

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d6b19b  No.15281994


It’s just sad. Our pets getonelife and one life only. My family and I treat our pets like family. We consider them family. I could never do something like this woman did and can’t understand how anyone could.

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029d43  No.15281995


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f437e7  No.15281996


was a thing last year…looks like it's still a thing


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ead4d4  No.15281997

File: 03d2129b35056c6⋯.jpg (383.74 KB, 1080x2106, 20:39, Screenshot_20211230_175730….jpg)

Have anons seen this? Kek


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886c70  No.15281998


TDS was for the libtards after he won - Trump has no won shit since.

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9d63e1  No.15281999


Isn't it about time this Ice Age ended? Look at all of the open real estate when the ice melts.

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d390e5  No.15282000

File: 7899e427cf1a143⋯.png (2.29 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2021_12_30_at_….png)

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825bf6  No.15282001


Amen anon and it does, did feel good. feel ya again tomorrow night! kek

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469f67  No.15282002

Biden, Putin speak on phone amid increased tensions over Ukraine, NATO

The phone call was the second in three weeks between the two leaders.

While speaking directly to one another via phone, President Joe Biden urged Moscow to use diplomacy to "de-escalate tensions with Ukraine," while Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that the U.S. would be making a mistake if sanctions are imposed on his country.

Biden "made clear that the United States and its allies and partners will respond decisively if Russia further invades Ukraine," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a press release after a phone call Thursday afternoon between the two leaders.

Recent satellite images show that Russia has stationed even more troops on the border with Ukraine, according to reports. Despite statements from Moscow denying plans to invade, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense states that about 120,000 Russian troops are deployed near the border.

Biden, who conducted the call from his Wilmington, Delaware, home, encouraged Putin to begin diplomatic talks early next year through NATO's bilateral Strategic Stability Dialogue and at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

"President Biden reiterated that substantive progress in these dialogues can occur only in an environment of de-escalation rather than escalation," Psaki concluded.

Putin aide Yuri Ushakov told reporters that the Kremlin was satisfied with the call, which he said focused on security promises.

The United States has threatened sanctions if Russia invades its neighbor, which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said earlier this month "won’t matter to anyone."

Putin threatened that U.S. sanctions would lead to a breakdown in relations between the two world powers, however. Putin told Biden "that it would be a mistake that our descendants would see as a huge error," Ushakov said, according to Reuters.

"Our president immediately responded (to the sanctions threat) that if the West decides in this or other circumstances to impose these unprecedented sanctions which have been mentioned then that could lead to a complete breakdown in ties between our countries and cause the most serious damage to relations between Russia and the West," Ushakov said.

In his Christmas and New Year greetings to Biden, Putin said, "I am confident that, following up on our agreements reached during the June summit in Geneva and subsequent meetings, we can move forward and establish an effective Russian-American dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration for each other’s national interests."


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23d570  No.15282003


no .. try 6661, it fails

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ef0a9b  No.15282004

File: db4fbe363216102⋯.png (11.29 KB, 336x310, 168:155, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19c5f4c7a8644f1⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q_djtshrtwv5.png)




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0c156e  No.15282005

File: 9f65ee1c2735273⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 4032x1960, 72:35, 20211201_093952.jpg)


>not only his family


the only question I can ask you is this.

Would you have preferred that these events never took place?

Prima facie?

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029d43  No.15282006




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12a43a  No.15282007


Anon as one who came under the one mandate that's so far been enforced, I can tell you there's not a day that goes by that I don't wonder what will end up happening to me. So far nothing, but it is truly a wait and see

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029d43  No.15282008





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d6b19b  No.15282009


I got about 10 minutes in and had to turn it off. Spouse anon is sick (whole family is) and couldn’t take the laughter. Too painful right now.

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cddd76  No.15282010

File: e76e0696bbbdfb4⋯.png (61.24 KB, 1926x230, 963:115, 6666_bill.png)


I tried with multiple, but with '6666' I also found this, probably old news to anons but new to me

$100B for contact tracing? What are mobile health units?


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8530b9  No.15282011

File: 3282cc4b7e2b1a7⋯.jpg (286.86 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 3282cc4b7e2b1a7757c99c86c2….jpg)

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003246  No.15282012

File: 9c8d1728c3bcbc9⋯.png (71.37 KB, 608x870, 304:435, ClipboardImage.png)

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e92543  No.15282013


>not a day that goes by


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cceb0b  No.15282014

File: fac354e16da5e82⋯.png (714.56 KB, 1021x1195, 1021:1195, yes_the_fuck_it_does.png)


>5G will be operational nation wide in a week or so

Trump was a big fan of 5G

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eb674a  No.15282015

File: 0649385714fcf96⋯.png (122.59 KB, 619x630, 619:630, ClipboardImage.png)

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003246  No.15282016

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576a76  No.15282017


Once they begin seeing and believing that they're not really under authority, things will change.

Think of the cowards behind the curtain, using and convincing all the useful idiots who believe they're under some form of authority. Especially now, when governments are so fucked up and lawless, having looted all taxpayers pensions, only to create an imaginary virus to terrify and cull the herd into believing it is because of the virus that the economy and society are collapsing.

Fuckers ripped off the people and now in the EU they're going to punish the people for what they caused, by confiscating assets.

It wasn't Hitler that massacred the innocent it was the useful idiots that believed they were under that evil fucks authority.

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533f80  No.15282018

File: baf2f98edf1a086⋯.jpeg (153.81 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, fullsizeoutput_11b5.jpeg)




Imagine how horrific our world would suddenly be, as in worse than it already is, if all the vaxed people just dropped dead once 5G was active.

It would explain why the allegedly put graphene in the death stabs.

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469f67  No.15282019

File: 3b5b28636717907⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1140x606, 190:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6ccf4c68423876⋯.png (213.94 KB, 813x706, 813:706, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4cf68547683b158⋯.png (371.53 KB, 815x752, 815:752, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 319ccc25cfbc20f⋯.png (372.26 KB, 824x726, 412:363, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e365aae937d1db⋯.png (268.63 KB, 830x883, 830:883, ClipboardImage.png)

COVID-19 Pt. 2: CDC’s New “PIC” and The Hidden Data

In part 1 of this 5-part report on Covid-19, Corey’s Digs detailed a necessary reality check due to the media creating a frenzy over hospitalizations, despite the fact that the 2017-2018 flu season was hit with 810,000 hospitalizations, far more than Covid, and no one heard a peep about it. There were no lockdowns, restrictions, hyperbole, or mandatory masks, and 61,000 people died that season.

Most people aren’t aware that the CDC has lumped influenza together with Covid and pneumonia in death rates with a new name called “PIC.” This comes after the CDC confirmed that only 6% of Covid-related death certificates indicate Covid as the only cause, while 94% list other illnesses as the cause with an average of 2.6 comorbidities. In other words, if someone was in the hospital dying of heart disease and they tested everyone for Covid to separate them to other rooms or wings, Covid was marked on their death certificate. A perfect example of this is a nurse Corey’s Digs recently spoke with who had four deaths at her hospital. Two were in hospice care, one died of stage four cancer, and the other died of end stage COPD, but all four were documented as having Covid, so those deaths get added to the tallies being told to the public, who are none the wiser. What does that do to the actual statistics?

“PIC” – Hiding The Data

One of the most incredible things happening right before everyone’s eyes, is the subversion of data by the Covid Tracking Project, the CDC, Johns Hopkins, legacy news media, and numerous other sources. This is sheer trickery, and a far cry from “science.”

This is the standard chart header on the CDC’s weekly report updates by week and state. They refuse to show a column strictly for Covid deaths only. Why? Is it because the CDC states that only 6% of all death certificates indicate that Covid was the only cause of death? If that were the case, that would reduce this chart’s death toll to only 14,055 people.



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386cf0  No.15282020

File: 4e9458b067612c1⋯.png (75.97 KB, 967x671, 967:671, ClipboardImage.png)

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43d35a  No.15282021

File: 2046930b40f0659⋯.png (576.7 KB, 1170x1150, 117:115, 000f4757be3267601c7bd8489e….png)

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b3103d  No.15282022


does that excite you, jew

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e2b19e  No.15282023

Watching the twitter feed on the colorado fires. The hatred for the right is vicious and being expressed everywhere. They think the fires are a result of the non-climatechangers.

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469f67  No.15282024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Leftist EXPLODES In Viral Thread Denouncing Joe Biden, They REGRET Supporting Him And Democrats LIED

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2e8b7c  No.15282025

Can the FCC deny broadcast rights to the Fake News enemy media? If patriots in control then….several “important” states have expiring permits, need renewed SOON.

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029d43  No.15282026


>>YOU FAPP TO THAT 🐂💩 💁‍♂️

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5101e4  No.15282027


We know Jan 6 was a FF put on by Nancy, Mitch and co. Considering it was a clown op have you ever considered it's clowns being detained?

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8530b9  No.15282028

File: 8a892c34b14026e⋯.jpeg (115.43 KB, 750x911, 750:911, 8a892c34b14026e20d01e4a90….jpeg)

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533f80  No.15282029

File: 5ac6303ee0a482d⋯.jpeg (12.53 KB, 255x249, 85:83, ac61517d67483c83ef3e9112f….jpeg)


Yes, I remember that. Ugh.

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43d35a  No.15282030

File: 706cf4020f6b8ab⋯.jpg (124.57 KB, 536x640, 67:80, allwehadtodo.jpg)

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d6b19b  No.15282031


It’s horrific to even think about and I hope that I’m proven to be a crazy tin foil hat wearing kook. My pride can handle being wrong but my heart will be devastated if I’m right.

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029d43  No.15282032



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99b107  No.15282033

File: 39065c7835335c8⋯.png (318.11 KB, 476x632, 119:158, tolerant_trump.png)

File: 50039cae7ec8fa0⋯.png (1.04 MB, 934x838, 467:419, trump_disrespect.png)

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c9bd10  No.15282034


> it was the useful idiots that believed they were under that evil fucks authority.

There’s no proof that Hitler was a bad guy.

Nothing legitimate anyway.

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b3103d  No.15282035


do you?

do you remember that?

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8a5e3e  No.15282036


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's Instagram Charm Offensive Backfires as Angry Users Hit Back

By Timur Moon

Updated August 24, 2013 19:13 BST

It is the First Lady who attracts the most vitriol.

Among the most angry reactions were the following:

Beneath a photo of Asma kneeling with schoolchildren, one user, olisyah, was moved to write: "I love ur designer clothes and shoes … paid for by the blood of your people! Seriously, u make Marie Antoinette look like an angel compared to you!"

An image showing Asma receiving a kiss from a wellwisher was accompanied by the remark, "Kissing the devil."

A photograph of Asma presenting a child with a doll bore the comment,posted by out4bling: "Here kid sorry about your parents dying but I'm sure this doll will make it all better, it can be ur new mommy."

On a photo of Asma attending a student graduation ceremony, sumiaktae93 wrote: "Aww… what a touching picture. You clearly care deeply about the students of Syria. So what was all that business when your forces bombed Aleppo university? Murder."

Assad's site, which bears the words "Welcome to the official Instagram account for the Presidency of the Syrian Arab Republic", has more than 30,000 followers.

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68e1c5  No.15282037

>>15282024 Leftist EXPLODES In Viral Thread Denouncing Joe Biden, They REGRET Supporting Him And Democrats LIED (Old heads remember the 70's and 80's after the useful idiots of the 60's dried up.

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469f67  No.15282038

England’s Boris Johnson confirms over 90% of people in ICU on ventilators are fully vaccinated but not boosted!

Up to 90 per cent of coronavirus patients in intensive care have not received their booster vaccine, Boris Johnson has claimed in a plea to increase uptake.

The Prime Minister said the “overwhelming majority” of those in ICU with the virus had not had a third jab and 2.4 million eligible adults already double-jabbed are yet to come forward.

Mr Johnson told reporters on Wednesday: “According to some of the surveys I’ve seen 90 per cent of people in ICU are people who are not boosted. So think about that, think about the risk you’re running with your own health if you fail to get a booster.

“I’m sorry to say this but the overwhelming majority of people who are currently ending up in intensive care are people who are not boosted. I’ve talked to doctors who say the numbers are running up to 90 per cent of people in intensive care who are not boosted.”


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029d43  No.15282039




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003246  No.15282040

File: 3f42ee4d21c9ee0⋯.png (119 KB, 796x906, 398:453, ClipboardImage.png)





H.R. 6666

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c51d59  No.15282041

File: 4c87382ffe0716e⋯.jpeg (196.03 KB, 1391x1080, 1391:1080, hitlerl.jpeg)

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eb674a  No.15282042


no sauce?

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e06eb4  No.15282043


Looks impressive Watchman Patriot Anon , but no dice , keep lurking , and I will tell (You) when I see me . Love (You) ALL ❤

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029d43  No.15282044



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47c5f6  No.15282045


And somehow it'll be the unvaxxed fault

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cceb0b  No.15282046

File: a7244ffe957b458⋯.png (562.43 KB, 794x807, 794:807, ClipboardImage.png)



you can take the faggot out of pol but you can't take the pol out of faggot

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9f68af  No.15282047

File: 66053255ab0c077⋯.png (216.82 KB, 680x401, 680:401, NPC_syndrome.png)


A cult that thinks for itself

and boos its own leadership

just a matter of time before Trump will have to reverse his support for the vaxx or face political suicide

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bde315  No.15282048

File: c1c1ba161d1a88d⋯.png (881.35 KB, 1080x807, 360:269, 20211226_201434.png)

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4506dd  No.15282049

File: e618fa1533f517f⋯.jpg (104.99 KB, 450x515, 90:103, 3542CaseResults.jpg)

File: 733bdcef6e48375⋯.jpg (100.92 KB, 719x730, 719:730, Femacase3542.jpg)

File: df0e57bb034fb0e⋯.jpg (32.21 KB, 720x222, 120:37, Q3542.jpg)

File: c7bf9cd764b66b9⋯.jpg (148.68 KB, 719x746, 719:746, Exculp.jpg)



OFC anon had to rabbit-hole it.

Used '3542' new cases

Anti-chimera bill

Fema Oregon Wildfire case

And of course, q3542's definition of exculpatory

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68e1c5  No.15282050

>>15282038 Shit, might as well boost em while they're ventilating and double up! England’s Boris Johnson confirms over 90% of people in ICU on ventilators are fully vaccinated but not boosted!

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ef0a9b  No.15282051

File: b15eee6feaec144⋯.png (105.18 KB, 888x582, 148:97, 14matches.png)

File: b6a2335508a4870⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 5100x3300, 17:11, Lexington_Concord.jpg)

File: 1d960ac4b8130dc⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q_djtsept19playbook….png)

File: ee2f8bfdc4603e4⋯.png (1.66 MB, 2442x2298, 407:383, qclock_q_djt_7_3x3blnk06de….png)

Mirror of today

Old QClock "coincidence"

A Lexington/Concorde graphic

Some other stuff from the first year

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0c156e  No.15282052


Go find a base. Then come back.

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ead4d4  No.15282053


Sorry to hear about your family anon. Sending prayers for a speedy recovery.

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d6b19b  No.15282054


I suspect there’s a lot of collateral damage in the form of innocent people too. That’s unacceptable to this anon. Not much I can do about it though.

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cceb0b  No.15282055


>political suicide

Nah they'll dominion him in

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eb674a  No.15282056

File: 0d7f43b6e5fac1c⋯.png (147.14 KB, 800x600, 4:3, connect_fren.png)

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029d43  No.15282057




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b3103d  No.15282058


or maybe you are as irrelevant as you have always been

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23d570  No.15282059


but '6661 new cases' does not work.

i too started with 6666

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51cb38  No.15282060



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33c6af  No.15282061


I hate these creatures

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c51d59  No.15282062

File: 6699380db24e8cf⋯.jpg (64.36 KB, 600x240, 5:2, anonsun.jpg)

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8530b9  No.15282063

File: b8a658653390986⋯.jpg (179.98 KB, 1114x802, 557:401, b8a65865339098606ce36c6387….jpg)

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469f67  No.15282064

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2c534b  No.15282065

File: b4b86b6e5c71154⋯.jpg (440.87 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, b4b86b6e5c711548e2ebe8b451….jpg)

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533f80  No.15282066

File: b298de76d062efd⋯.jpg (188.57 KB, 1199x916, 1199:916, chuck.jpg)


Yes I do. He said something to the effect that "we want the best 5G, the biggest 5G."

Do you doubt he said it?

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ee6b79  No.15282067

File: 6986f9ab3105586⋯.jpg (207.74 KB, 1284x1616, 321:404, 20211230_190516.jpg)

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a8a54a  No.15282068

File: 476c2444d49a8d3⋯.png (120.74 KB, 246x300, 41:50, super_anons.png)

File: 8b7ef0eb8fcc4f0⋯.png (761.24 KB, 585x541, 585:541, trump_batman.png)

>>15278602 pb

Soyboi mikey in panic, kmfao.

>Enormously powerful

Of course, because the Truth is our Sword. Lies are weak, kmfao. How could they not know they worship a loser?

>Enormously powerful

You haven't seen God yet, faggit. Every knee shall bend.

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386cf0  No.15282069

File: c6213ebe9f64560⋯.webm (2.93 MB, 960x540, 16:9, street_fisting.webm)


=deepdigs parade==

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68e1c5  No.15282070

File: 75b195e64d1a977⋯.jpg (38.31 KB, 546x562, 273:281, 75b195e64d1a97780009c3fb5f….jpg)

Hope everyone had a good Christmas..

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bef2c8  No.15282071


Marshall fire?

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16678a  No.15282073


>He’s donejack squatfor the 1/6 detainees.

And how many of those are actually FEDS?

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029d43  No.15282074


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b3103d  No.15282075


the only thing i doubt is your relevance to anything

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51cb38  No.15282076



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c9bd10  No.15282077

File: 8fd136b2a901d21⋯.gif (492.97 KB, 495x371, 495:371, 01CA7E66_8019_443C_80C5_06….gif)

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ef0a9b  No.15282078

File: a592c41129757cd⋯.png (239.85 KB, 1486x1530, 743:765, 44kekswclockcrop.png)

File: 5a8fc19df57bec1⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1400x1314, 700:657, merckpill82cropanonbluepil….png)

File: 7da3b60ac790af2⋯.png (734.79 KB, 874x1306, 437:653, merckpill82redonly.png)


Trump last tweet has this :MM

Q post #44

First :MM

This ClockFag's favorite marker


Red Carpet Event

Carpet bombs

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d53643  No.15282079


Euphemism for Coroner's Van.

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33c6af  No.15282080


Looks good, show us when out of oven

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fdffaa  No.15282081

File: 30358fcb8690929⋯.png (382.11 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

There's a new game in town.

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d6b19b  No.15282082


Exactly. “Cultists” don’t go against the leadership they just accept whatever and spin spin spin to make excuses. I would still vote for Trump against anyone else that might run as of today, but I won’t gloss over the vax issue and let him off the hook for it. He could justLEAVE THE SUBJECT ALONE ALREADY! Enough is enough.

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eb674a  No.15282083

File: e14c6af4516ac5e⋯.png (440.42 KB, 841x501, 841:501, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dca8f92cce3e264⋯.png (23.8 KB, 658x207, 658:207, ClipboardImage.png)

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b3103d  No.15282084

im sorry

are we still pretending that the jews and chinese are holding all the keys?

i dont keep up with the discord

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fe2894  No.15282085


once obama became president i took measures to eventually make it possible to dodge most of those events seeing something weird coming down the road, but it doesn't mean they look nice on the computer screen and would have preferred they didn't happen if nothing ever comes of it ; and question #2, albeit you inferred you only had one question "at first sight"…..not necessarily irrefutable evidence, but something so obvious the judge has to let it in

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cceb0b  No.15282086

File: 2c4e0922c3e66d6⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 480x480, 1:1, POTUS_Podium_Wrong.gif)

File: 1ff5233ae9c2a6f⋯.png (141.9 KB, 576x433, 576:433, Donald_Trump_Sun_Shine_rem….png)

Hey wait I just remembered alex jones hates Trump now.

That must mean it really is all 5G chess because of the universal law that alex jones is a shillnigger

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b58c69  No.15282087

File: 1c6f8de0f0bdfcd⋯.png (325.32 KB, 700x1200, 7:12, ClipboardImage.png)

I thought you were coming back, Mr. President. How much longer?

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95a293  No.15282088



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533f80  No.15282089

File: a9672ee58fc7dbc⋯.jpeg (11.8 KB, 237x255, 79:85, a13522c8e95793193c3ae160c….jpeg)


>just a matter of time before Trump will have to reverse his support for the vaxx or face political suicide

He had the perfect opportunity to walk all the vax shit back and didn't. Instead he doubled down and bragged about it. Not smart.

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0c156e  No.15282090

File: 73a89664f30d4ea⋯.jpg (129.18 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Neptunes_Bellows.jpg)

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43d35a  No.15282091

File: 79cb349558f6032⋯.jpg (65.77 KB, 491x700, 491:700, armor_of_god.jpg)

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386cf0  No.15282092


5G chess.

will my nanoparticles explode?

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2b38a2  No.15282093

File: 20836b7c5e80931⋯.jpg (127.93 KB, 849x819, 283:273, UPUUIUI.jpg)

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469f67  No.15282094

China Again Threatens the US with “Unbearable Cost” Over Taiwan

China is raising the pressure and again threatening the US not to interfere with their actions related to Taiwan.

American Military News reports:

In a Thursday interview with China’s state-run CCTV and the official press agency Xinhua, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the U.S. would face “an unbearable cost” for allegedly condoning and abetting “Taiwan independence” forces.

Wang said the U.S. has “gone back on its commitment made when it established diplomatic relations with China, condoned and abetted ‘Taiwan independence’ forces, and tried to distort and hollow out the one-China principle.”

“This will put Taiwan into an extremely precarious situation and bring an unbearable cost to the U.S. itself,” Wang said.

Wang did not specify what costs China would attempt to impose against the U.S.

According to Xinhua, Wang said “the reunification of China is an unstoppable trend” and Taiwan has no choice but to accept those reunification efforts.

With Biden in charge, China is not afraid of the US at all.


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45d115  No.15282095


“you people”

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e11339  No.15282096

File: 949a7c63f24fbc2⋯.jpeg (25.89 KB, 250x272, 125:136, 276158A9_8205_4F78_9B85_6….jpeg)

Fuck 5g…..I tired of charging devices, it’s madness

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386cf0  No.15282097


here's to the human race

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c9bd10  No.15282098


Where be the “codpiece of wrath”?

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47c5f6  No.15282099


Watch a man fist….let me grab my phone

Change your child's diaper…run from the room

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386cf0  No.15282100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bde315  No.15282101

File: 829cdec1898f8ca⋯.jpg (386.21 KB, 1080x1361, 1080:1361, 20211025_060442.jpg)


>you people

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68e1c5  No.15282102

File: 1e9f9c62c10b926⋯.png (489.09 KB, 750x762, 125:127, OM.png)


Why's that dude keep punching his friend like that?

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d6b19b  No.15282103


Idk, but I’m guessing there are a number who are just innocent patriots and that’s sad. It’s unacceptable but what can one do?

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1e3fb6  No.15282104



I do, and I also remember questioning him here about it at the time.

Anon remembers, it was during a rally.

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cceb0b  No.15282105

File: 56dc0a2ef225a5e⋯.jpg (59.97 KB, 480x480, 1:1, life_force.jpg)


only if you're vaxxed brah, which you're not. So you're OK

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4e8da0  No.15282106


What a blight this idiot is. Eric, if you were a blaze in fire I wouldn't waste my time to piss on you to put you out. I'm sure Fang Fang had to scrub herself raw to get the filth and stench off herself. btw, Xi like way you suck chinaman cock.

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029b28  No.15282107

File: b8b771b11b27693⋯.jpg (129.35 KB, 999x719, 999:719, sfdd.JPG)

File: ce822a2743d07ae⋯.jpg (96.42 KB, 637x648, 637:648, hjkh.JPG)

File: 1a12c3165f145e5⋯.jpg (85.59 KB, 648x605, 648:605, nnkk.JPG)

File: 6adae91fe037ee4⋯.jpg (113.51 KB, 1016x620, 254:155, afsd.JPG)

File: f6b9692105eb290⋯.jpg (69.06 KB, 744x500, 186:125, download_1_.jpg)


>5G will be operational nation wide in a week

jan 5

then see Russian Orthodox Calendar days Jan 6 and Jan 7.

Light em up.


They will turn on 5G, and the next day…

Thursday, January 6, 2022 / December 24, 2021 (Church Calendar) The Eve of the Nativity of Christ

and then

Friday, January 7, 2022 / December 25, 2021 (Church Calendar)

Feliz Navidad

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eb674a  No.15282108

File: ac6aa83940b619c⋯.png (105.59 KB, 219x300, 73:100, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed885941909283f⋯.png (110.31 KB, 857x478, 857:478, ClipboardImage.png)


>Mirror of today


Shot heard around the world?

Durham REPORT?

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ec5522  No.15282109

Anons have shifted the Narrative.

The Timeline has Changed for the Betterment of Mankind.

Bravo Zulu Anons.

We're in the Endgame.

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b9e907  No.15282110

File: b60c7449f089e69⋯.png (133.95 KB, 252x200, 63:50, ClipboardImage.png)


Major vs minor constellation?

[Release] the hounds!

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0c156e  No.15282111

File: 45d7aeef46a9074⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1109x918, 1109:918, DeceptionIsland.PNG)


Yeah. Whatever.

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cceb0b  No.15282112

File: 5d084aa7d749aa5⋯.jpg (123.63 KB, 912x942, 152:157, alex_jones_ear.jpg)

File: e3ed6a3aec8fb5c⋯.png (317.07 KB, 850x315, 170:63, alex_jones_baked_alaska.png)

File: 0f0985eb3d22908⋯.mp4 (924.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, alex_jones_no_care_if_US_i….mp4)

File: c005cb43557c392⋯.jpg (30.84 KB, 692x587, 692:587, alex_jones_burns_trump_mag….jpg)

File: 764fc5016f23ea1⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 1000x492, 250:123, alex_jones_bill_hicks_teet….gif)

this is now a fuck alex jones bread

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b3103d  No.15282113

it's weird

how bad they want you to be terrified of both covid and the vax

almost like, i dunno, you are being manipulated

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469f67  No.15282114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rupert Murdoch media inquiry misses the real bogeys

Half a million Australians have called for a royal commission into Rupert Murdoch’s abuse of power and Australia’s media concentration. But are News Corp thuggery and media diversity really the main game? Michael West investigates a mollycoddled media.

“This inquiry has been a stunt, conducted at taxpayers’ expense. It offers no serious recommendations for reform.” These were Liberal senator Andrew Bragg’s concluding remarks to the Senate’s inquiry into media diversity.

The half a million Australians who put their signatures to a demand for a royal commission into Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp clearly disagree. Is media diversity reality the problem though? Is it all about big bad Rupert, or are there other things more toxic which impede the proliferation of media competition, or rather, independent media?

We shall get to the more pressing matter of defamation law and lawyers shortly.

In the meantime, the media diversity inquiry wrapped up before Christmas. Andrew Bragg and other Coalition senators dissented. Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young and the crossbench called for reform; they want the torch of a royal commission on Murdoch, but they don’t have the numbers.

Former PMs Malcolm Turnbull and Kevin Rudd have been pushing hard this year for a royal commission into the influence and domination of News Corp over Australia’s political life.

Bemoaning the racism, the political thuggery, the character assassinations, the entire political operation which is News Corp and its neo-conservative agendas, they came armed with a petition of half a million Australian signatures demanding a royal commission into Murdoch and media diversity. They had the people on their side.

In the end however, the people were never enough because News Corp is the Coalition government’s most powerful ally; and indeed when it came to the crunch – despite solid support in the Senate – Labor was not onside either, preferring do-nothing mode.

Chair Hanson-Young backed the two former prime ministers’ calls for a royal commission into Murdoch. Bragg, who evidently tows the Institute of Public Affairs line for privatisation of ABC, was pushing the cause of his fellow neo-conservatives, calling for another inquiry into the ABC. Yet another ABC inquiry, following the many others.

Meanwhile, independent media such as this website, has grown strongly in recent years; partly as an antidote to bias in corporate media, and partly due to the proliferation of social media which is its “newspaper trucks” or distribution to readers.

And while it is true that corporate media, dominated by News and Nine Entertainment (and other commercial radio and TV networks to a lesser extent), is highly concentrated in Australia, there are two major challenges to the rise of independent media: one, the operation of the news cycle and, two, the exploitation of defamation law to quell dissenting opinion.

The way the news cycle works is that the ABC and the corporate media follow what is in News Corp and Nine papers and websites without fail, every day of the year. We exposed the PR mastery of the Morrison regime here in numerous Tamed Estate oped stories. Essentially, the game-plan has been to stop “dropping” exclusive stories to either News or Nine, as has been the traditional practice under decades of Australian governments, and to leak select briefings to the entire Canberra press gallery at once.


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fe2894  No.15282115


i hope so….and those stories of being held a year for misdemeanors and the mistreatment as reported are