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File: d409c6db2be8e73⋯.png (634.19 KB, 720x404, 180:101, d409c6db2be8e734eb54270c7e….png)

0d07e2  No.15318237[View All]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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6de276  No.15319010


<a riot predicated on a falsehood pushed by President Trump

that won't age well

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dc3dc2  No.15319011

File: 0c2e88114223039⋯.jpg (63.92 KB, 580x782, 290:391, monday.jpg)

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0c29ec  No.15319014

File: 6fd2acef74e2fa4⋯.png (62.07 KB, 587x333, 587:333, ClipboardImage.png)

One year ago today, democracy was attacked. The will of the people was under assault. And our Constitution faced the gravest of threats.

I’m heading to the Capitol this morning to speak about the day of insurrection, the state of American democracy, and where we go from here.


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dc3dc2  No.15319016

File: daceffe5c193c6d⋯.jpg (76.96 KB, 388x521, 388:521, monkey.JPG)

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dc3dc2  No.15319022

File: e1fffd895b10995⋯.jpeg (10.13 KB, 278x181, 278:181, x_mas.jpeg)

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3e41fc  No.15319023

File: 86cffffd7b40a0f⋯.jpg (112.26 KB, 838x455, 838:455, Isis.JPG)

reason why jews wanted Isis to be associated with death and murder

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e7c71c  No.15319024

File: 4208d9193dc02e2⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 268x341, 268:341, 2s43on.jpg)


>Patriot or fool?

Command & Staff College graduate

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576978  No.15319025


and it will be delicious when the aging complete

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b1616a  No.15319026

An anon, just negated John 3:16.

Maybe I should just go with the word of God.

Maybe I should just read the word of God, to know what is real.

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feedd2  No.15319027

File: e205b116a51ce49⋯.jpeg (117.93 KB, 1200x487, 1200:487, CC954FC6_AC6E_431A_A1D5_E….jpeg)


“The Kitchening”

When cutting-the-cheese gets dangerous.

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dc3dc2  No.15319028

File: 8c3d1c1e3bd12c3⋯.jpg (42.24 KB, 720x482, 360:241, morons.jpg)

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2083a6  No.15319029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is going to be good!

starts in 20 mins

Episode 21: Fedsurrection (feat. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Darren Beattie) – Firebrand with Matt Gaetz

Premieres Jan 6, 2022

Congressman Matt Gaetz

59.6K subscribers

In today’s J6 Special Edition of Firebrand, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Dr. Darren J. Beattie join Rep. Matt Gaetz to discuss new reporting of active federal informants involved in the J6 protests, the deprivation of civil rights for J6 detainees, and how Republicans in Congress should respond.

Visit https://gaetz.house.gov/firebrand for ALL Firebrand content!


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56310f  No.15319031

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Deadly vaxx lot numbers identified

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e7c71c  No.15319032


What took you so long?

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576978  No.15319033



Q Research General #19377: Kazakhstan Rising Edition

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d12149  No.15319034



>the city is being built from scratch

this makes me want to puke

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feedd2  No.15319035


My intertube of webnets connection is poor

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6982de  No.15319036

File: 3da6e85473d0006⋯.png (1.88 MB, 720x648, 10:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 420e13c85a76c39⋯.png (31.82 KB, 511x511, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a96661873efbf94⋯.png (81.04 KB, 189x486, 7:18, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24d6cd7dc47e811⋯.png (96.7 KB, 640x493, 640:493, ClipboardImage.png)


Who's little sock puppet are you?

You must be excited for today's nothingburger Jan6 anniversary news today.

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576978  No.15319037

File: 31babe8ad91d859⋯.png (418.4 KB, 790x790, 1:1, download.png)


keks in culinary

Drop your socks

and grab your crocks

time to bake some bread

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0d9ec1  No.15319038

File: 258f8e8f78a6186⋯.png (86.13 KB, 600x796, 150:199, ClipboardImage.png)



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3170a5  No.15319039


just use your graphene oxide implant,

much faster.

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25bc13  No.15319040

File: 2b8a34ab58fe019⋯.png (179.55 KB, 325x1200, 13:48, mandela_smoke.png)

south africa's national parliament in cape town

burned down on sunday

they arrest a guy, now charged with:

* "House breaking" with intent to steal and theft of "laptops, crockery and documents"

* Two counts of arson

* Possession of an explosive device

* Destruction of essential infrastructure


local people say the guy is mentally challenged and well known at soup kitchens in the area:


another patsy

pic: smoke pouring out of the door of parliament, behind the statue of nelson mandela

fire doors were left open

a sprinkler valve was turned off

two apparent sources of fire, targeting the two main chambers

alarms were off, the fire alarm only went off long after firemen were on the scene

the patsy has a good lawyer it seems

watching this space

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3e41fc  No.15319041

File: 946d20fe19c4e4a⋯.jpg (142.46 KB, 446x796, 223:398, Horus.JPG)

File: 4d5341fdc5e3a1b⋯.jpg (78.03 KB, 643x349, 643:349, ibis.JPG)

File: 49a3e9de421f9a9⋯.jpg (44.94 KB, 302x490, 151:245, kampfer.JPG)

File: 93961c2366bd16c⋯.jpg (123.34 KB, 612x830, 306:415, mumien.JPG)

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ff2c7b  No.15319043

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619cc9  No.15319044

File: 41e287cdc1aaff6⋯.png (475.94 KB, 495x680, 99:136, Momma_Mia.png)

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460e01  No.15319045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Connecting the dots

Check this video out

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feedd2  No.15319046

File: fe4c5e2e9a3fa7e⋯.jpeg (81.04 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 6A46D465_2129_4FD2_8DC3_8….jpeg)

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a84d79  No.15319047

Head on a swivel anons, Pelosi and company plan on framing patriots today.

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c3cc09  No.15319048


with the wang wang then he sang sang

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01e58d  No.15319050




Anyone spouting the lockstep phrase 'Our democracy' is an enemy of The Republic. they make it obvious

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f6771f  No.15319051

File: caf361cbbccf6a7⋯.jpg (52.04 KB, 698x392, 349:196, max_headroom_wttw.jpg)

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5e161f  No.15319052

File: 4f829aae3592001⋯.jpg (14.25 KB, 163x260, 163:260, red_Smoking.JPG)


1. What will you do if the release shows up on his site after this account has posted it?

2. Telegramamph doesn't verify accounts except on a very rare occasion (this is in their TOS). Why did so many Q people jump onto a Russian chat app?

3. It's perfectly legal to brand/market yourself. If Donald J Trump had a problem with this account doing these things, he'd have sued the fuck out of them already. Apparently, he is in agreement with it. Hell; it might even be his communications team working directly with him.

>Not to mention this is exactly the type of shit he would do.

Rule of thumb for this anon. Take everything with a grain of salt. But, consider everything.

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01e58d  No.15319054


I will watch the behavior of my dog very closely, thank you anon!! I hope she isn't a snitch

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3170a5  No.15319055

File: 457be389c42f298⋯.jpg (93.5 KB, 531x371, 531:371, JIM_J.jpg)

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3e41fc  No.15319056

File: ba2223910fe67de⋯.jpg (220.64 KB, 446x796, 223:398, screen.jpg)


this does look like a LCD-screen with the 'all seeing eye' in the middle

looks like pepe getting ready to head for battle

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0d9ec1  No.15319058

The cow belonged to a poor woodcutter who lived near the ashram. Raman left the temple where they used to meet, went to the woodcutter and asked, “What happened? The cow has not come today for satsang.”

The woodcutter said, “She is very sick and I am afraid she is dying, but she goes on looking out of the door, as if she is waiting for someone. Perhaps she is waiting for you, to see you for the last time. Perhaps that is why she is hanging around a little longer.”

Raman went in and there were tears in the eyes of the cow. And she died happily, putting her head in the lap of Raman Maharshi. This happened just in this century, and Raman declared her enlightened, and told his people that a beautiful memorial should be made for her.

It is very rare for human beings to be enlightened; it is almost impossibly rare for animals to become enlightened, but the cow attained. She will not be born again. From the body of a cow she has bypassed the whole world of humanity, and she has jumped ahead and joined with the buddhas. So once in a while — there are a few instances only — it has happened. But that cannot be called the rule; it is just the exception.

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576978  No.15319059

a little more on Kazakhstan for perspective on the U235…

Why Kazakhstan is strategically important for Washington


The three pillars of U.S.-Kazakhstan relations are nuclear nonproliferation, regional security, and foreign investment. Kazakhstan’s nuclear arsenal, inherited from Soviet times, was dismantled through close cooperation with Washington, and the government has been globally active in nuclear nonproliferation. Its achievements can serve as a model for other states such as Iran and North Korea. Kazakhstan possesses 12% of the world’s uranium reserves and 43% of uranium ore production, together with industrial facilities and technological experience that guarantee it will play a major role in harnessing nuclear technology for civilian purposes.

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ff2c7b  No.15319060


you got finish phrase, joe! WE GO ALL!

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c419d2  No.15319061


That's rich coming from the biggest fraud this country has ever seen.

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417ac6  No.15319063

File: 8da8c84ad240396⋯.png (812.16 KB, 817x645, 19:15, Pleiadian_Space_Jesus.png)



Clowns will be clowns.

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cf4de3  No.15319064


My doggo is not a snitch but he is a spy.

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5e161f  No.15319066


TY for link.

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576978  No.15319067


carry forward

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01e58d  No.15319068


Mine is just a sentry guarding against invading forces. The UPS guy probably is terrorized when he puts a package at the door. And Amazon- those poor people. Dog isn't vaxxed for COVID. AND no mask

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619cc9  No.15319070

File: 180e92c6e76f062⋯.png (308.64 KB, 684x677, 684:677, ToDie4.png)


Yes… putting peeps in prison for their own good to keep them safe

About time to go to war for freedom

or sit idle and condemn future generations to Dark Ages 2.0 for the next 1000 years.

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ff2c7b  No.15319072

File: 2ac7cad8e82cbeb⋯.png (24.67 KB, 408x330, 68:55, joe24.PNG)

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01e58d  No.15319073


I call BS until he says Q sent us

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04c5dd  No.15319074

File: 5dc5f269687768a⋯.png (193.68 KB, 268x341, 268:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5dc5f269687768a⋯.png (193.68 KB, 268x341, 268:341, ClipboardImage.png)




Need I say more.

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576978  No.15319075

File: 6c6c6d46291d9ce⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 749x684, 749:684, AG_Bill_Barr_SpyGate_Boo.jpg)

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576978  No.15319076



>Q Research General #19377: Kazakhstan Rising Edition

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