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495c6a  No.15301952[Last 50 Posts]

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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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495c6a  No.15301958



>>15301243 The Nuremberg Code (1947)

>>15301247 @mikepompeo No government, no elite and no authority has ever created prosperity and happiness by making itself lord

>>15301261 USGO - Right now, 400,000 schools and child care centers are at risk of exposure to lead in their water. (#WatchTheWater)

>>15301323 Whats in the Vaccine (Magnetism Knows)


>>15301363 Biden has returned to Washington D.C. after vacationing in Delaware.

>>15301416 Anon Bun #19353

>>15301419 @ChuckGrassley Pres Biden is mtg w farmers 2day like IA Farm Bureau Pres Brent Johnson to discuss how Big 4 packers screw cattle producers + consumers (Comm CHQ)

>>15301445 dedicated video thread >>>/qresearch/15129388 (MP4 Archive >>15270651)

>>15301516 @USArmy Even small victories have big effects. (Timestamp CHQ)

>>15301529 How often does the @USArmy have an 11 tweet thread? (COMM CHQ)

>>15301545 Therapeuticfag chimes in - Ask away.

>>15301584 AOC Exposed Again at Drag Queen Event with No Mask In Miami

>>15301587 The 355 Work together or die alone, In theaters January 7

>>15301607 Joe Rogan / Malone interview goes into the congressional record

>>15301600 United States v. Maxwell (1:20-cr-00330) Latest filing:

>>15301605, >>15301875 Ny AG going after Ivanka and Trump jnr

>>15301543, >>15301529, >>15301516, >>15301575, >>15301610, >>15301650 Anon Bun - Today we look back at The Battle of Princeton New Jersey | Jan 3, 1777 (COMM CHQ)

>>15301705 USGO We’ve added more than 300,000 U.S. manufacturing jobs since I took office

>>15301475 What A Surprise: Democrats Want Mike Pence To Run For President

>>15301484 ‘Will be Used Whether We Like it or Not’ – Developer of Covid Microchip Says There’s No Stopping Roll-Out (#StopTheShot)

>>15301752 Feds Finally Admit to Running Secretive DOJ “Commandos” at Jan. 6 Trump Protests

>>15301773 Evergrande suspends shares in Hong Kong as firm tries to raise cash

>>15301778 E6 Mercury-Call Sign: STACY17. Who is Stacy? (Abrams?)

>>15301795 RRN News Parody - Gavin Newsom Gets Death Penalty (*Just for KEKS)

>>15301805 FDA Approves Pfizer Booster For 12-15 Year Olds, Dismisses Risk Of "Mild" Heart [ATTACKS] Inflammation

>>15301794, >>15301824 Insurance claims Deaths are up for 18-64 [40%]

>>15301833 Qmapfag connecting the dots @USArmy Even small victories have big effects (2 min delta)

>>15301839 N806WA’s Flight Schedule Shows Hundreds of Flights from the Southern Border to US and Foreign Cities

>>15301448 Qmapfag - Do Anons understand what is about to be unleashed?

>>15301894 Judge signals perjury trial against Ghislaine Maxwell will likely go forward

>>15301916 Long-secret $500,000 settlement between Epstein and Virginia Roberts is UNSEALED but makes NO mention of Prince Andrew by name: His lawyers argued it would release him from liability

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495c6a  No.15301962


>>15300379 Januay US Trade deficit shatters 2006 record, hurting GDP

>>15300386 Los Angeles and Long Beach will resume container dwelling fees as of today depite ongoing supply chain issues

>>15300461 Illinois Holocaust Museum requires proof of vaccination. Let the memes begin

>>15300464, >>15300467, >>15300469, >>15300509 Whole lotta shakin' goin' on. M6.2 earthquake Taiwan.

>>15300465 China Evergrande shares stop trading

>>15300476, >>15300484 People are dying but not the ones you think for the reasons you think

>>15300482 via Brian Cates: Pfizer payouts to providers and institutions

>>15300492 Ron Watkins: I will be interviewing Mikki Willis, the filmmaker behind the Plandemic series tomorrow.

>>15300493, >>15300604 Brazilian President Bolsonaro hospitalized w/ probable intestinal obstruction

>>15300498 Peter McCullough: Americans are seeing their loved ones killed or injured by the vaccine in record numbers.

>>15300503, >>15300504 DC Storm warning/other severe east coast weather

>>15300550 Boulder Co. investigating religious sect's property as possible source of "wild fire" after viral vid shows burning shed

>>15300561, >>15300564, >>15300572, >>15300577, >>15300591, >>15300607, >>15300660 (AF) Airmen are prepared in an instant’s notice, or without notice at all; 17 +1 shells; Rereading the crumbs

>>15300586 Reports claim that Michael Gableman has issued 70 subpoenas re: massive Wisconsin 2020 election fraud

>>15300652 Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) - House select committee will recommend new intelligence-gathering legislation on American Citizens

>>15300681 Nuclear 5 issue statement on atomic war & arms race

>>15300665, >>15300683 Office 'star' David Koechner arrested for suspected DUI and hit and run

>>15300740 President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Derek Schmidt for Governor of Kansas

>>15300748 @USArmy MotivationMonday (CHQ TImestamp)

>>15300765 ID for Covid Test, but not for Voting?!

>>15300779 Ghislaine Maxwell's husband told her in a prison phone call that he had 'moved on' with another woman, ending their secretive marriage:

>>15300784 Bill Filed in Florida Would Allow Video, Audio Recording in Classrooms

>>15300832 Biden Admin Flirts With A U-Turn On Boosters

>>15300848, >>15300920 15+ movies showing on the 6th

>>15300858 U.S. FDA clears Pfizer's COVID-19 booster shot for 12- to 15-year-olds

>>15300868, >>15300883 Chilling Video of 75 Athletes Who Collapsed from Heart Failure. Hundreds of Athletes Are Dead.

>>15300896 Pfizer Acknowledges Vax Will Cause Myocarditis in Children, Buries Data on Paralyzed Child

>>15300973 Bun of NASA Curiosities

>>15301001 S Africa National Assembly On Fire!

>>15301026 DARPA Researchers Create First Genuine Warp Bubble by Accident

>>15301005, >>15301011, >>15301017, >>15301021, >>15301037 Detailed Breakdown of Amazing Polly vid on Mass Formation Psychosis w/slides

>>15300465 China Evergrande shares stop trading

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495c6a  No.15301963

#19352: The Only Easy Day Was YesterdayEdition

>>15299559 PA Democrat Commissioner Charged With Raping 15-Year-Old Boy - Breitbart

>>15299573, >>15299608, >>15299616, >>15299618, >>15299634 PB Notable? What the heck is goin on? Man sets himself on fire in Melbourne Amidst Tyrannical COVID Restrictions - Video, Various Sources + Meme

>>15299586 Remember when Zuckerberg cut his employees pay if they had to move during the pandemic? - Breitbart

>>15299643, >>15299650, >>15299709, >>15299881, >>15300134 Wolves In America Omicron is the cure

>>15299668, >>15299696 5G Digs cont. - Various

>>15299673, >>15299699 StormWatch - Video

>>15299675, >>15299677, >>15299687, >>15299692 HollyWierd - Rumb… You Tube

>>15299680 shit this movie was made in 2006 set in the year 2027 book originally written in 1992… Remember the Reported Sterilizations and Miscarriages?

>>15299693 Pray for the Good ~ Absolutely. In fact, I'm working on a curtain raiser (about not only Andrew's "no sweat" session in Ghislaine Maxwell's house in London, but also his arms dealing) - coming soon in #MirroringMaxwell, sequel to #MaximumMaxwell - Inner City Press

>>15299702, >>15299737 Qlock 2.1.22 + Anon input

>>15299707, >>15299715, >>15299717, >>15299728, >>15299738, >>15299732 Ever not hear back from that e-mail you sent way back? Can't find it? Really? You're not alone and could be entitled to cmpensation! OhShx3 Returns with Tyrant Mobile News DEBOOOONKED! (The Gateway Pundit, T-Mobile)

>>15299720, >>15299792, >>15299796, >>15299810, >>15299814, >>15299815, >>15299820, >>15299821, >>15299827, >>15299829, >>15299838, >>15299856, >>15299859, >>15299861, >>15299872, >>15299881, >>15299882, >>15299891, >>15299905, >>15299932, >>15299963, >>15299990, >>15300001, >>15300006, >>15300042, >>15300151, >>15300161, >>15300195 Topic Dilution Anyone? 66M Dig? or shills?

>>15299760, >>15299763, >>15299767, >>15299769, >>15299774, >>15299777, >>15300057 Trump Voter List Dot Org? ~"Return of the Brownshirts"

>>15299778, >>15299802 23 Covid-Skeptic Memes to Kick Off 2022! - Off Guardian

>>15299782 no sauce?

>>15299819 Anon's inquiry to the Jab

>>15299842 Uptick in traffic is suspect and confirmed Two ships set sail, one returns.

>>15299857, >>15300214, >>15300239 #OTD in 1990, Alan Hale, Jr. died. Hale served in the Coast Guard during WWII and is best known for appearing on "Gilligan's Island" as Jonas Grumby, AKA the Skipper. The character was a Navy vet who fought at Guadalcanal and claimed to be the best poker player in the 7th Fleet…Q - USNI, Twitter

>>15299874 Vaccine Gangrene? - Images

>>15299877 Apparently Lloyd Austin is our Cytokine Shit Storm for the Clean Street Project. - Breaking911

>>15299885 PF Reports

>>15299901, >>15299940, >>15300134 Omicron Variant symptoms? - MSN

>>15299911 Trans Person demands respect as a human being. - Video

>>15299920, >>15300029, >>15300138, >>15300207, >>15300208 Dan Scavino tweets Jason Aldean singing 'Ain't that a miracle' (Cap 0:42) + Moar- Video, Twitter, Facebook

>>15299924 Boatfag Reports a pirate attack? sets vessels on alert - UKMTO, Twitter

>>15299957 Ivanka family time? - Daily Mail

>>15299984 IQPills? Conditional hypotheticals & recursion & mapping. - 4ch?

>>15299986, >>15299989 The Prussian Origins of Modern Education - Prussiagate Substack.com

>>15299992 No At-Home Vaccination kits? - NY Post

>>15300004 Jesus Christ, - Medium

>>15300030, >>15300059, >>15300186 American GULAG - Biz Pac Review

>>15300075 Memo & OIG Report Links

>>15300185, >>15300189 "The Ring"

>>15300198 Bidan Ukraine Deal Recording

>>15300316 #19352

Previously Collected

>>15298719 #19350, >>15299401 #19351

>>15296800 #19347, >>15297195 #19348, >>15297967 #19349

>>15294847 #19345, >>15295638 #19346, >>15296808 #19347

>>15292693 #19342, >>15294293 #19343, >>15294103 #19344

>>15291511 #19340, >>15291511 #19341, >>15291731 #19341

>>15288610 #19337, >>15290607 #19338, >>15290778 #19339

>>15286046 #19334, >>15286995 #19335, >>15287691 #19336

>>15283816 #19331, >>15284637 #19332, >>15285391 #19333

>>15281402 #19328, >>15282335 #19329, >>15283694 #19330

>>15279185 #19325, >>15279935 #19326, >>15281111 #19327

>>15277234 #19322, >>15278506 #19323, >>15278605 #19324

>>15274472 #19319, >>15275535 #19320, >>15276327 #19321

>>15272137 #19316, >>15272870 #19317, >>15273789 #19318

>>15270202 #19313, >>15270718 #19314, >>15271357 #19315

>>15267101 #19310, >>15267932 #19311, >>15269127 #19312

>>15264632 #19307, >>15265450 #19308, >>15266330 #19309

>>15261978 #19304, >>15262802 #19305, >>15263580 #19306

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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495c6a  No.15301974

File: ae3c4f6002e6f63⋯.jpeg (14.71 KB, 500x261, 500:261, safe_image.jpeg)


#19355 https://controlc.com/848f08de


>>15226868 Learn to Collect Notables

>>15266798 Learn to Bake

>>15225210 Globals, Bunkers, Optics, Info War, Follow List

>>15225212 Information Tools & Services, Other Research

>>15225215 Meme Ammo Request


Kitchen Open for Next Baker

>Note takers standby


>cept the shills

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d6d466  No.15301997

File: 4c1a1bdf851ccf0⋯.png (3.39 MB, 2309x1587, 2309:1587, Turning_point.png)

File: 0eebf29b28896b8⋯.jpg (3.89 MB, 2312x6318, 1156:3159, Deception.jpg)

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a2134f  No.15302010

File: 5d0509de632af36⋯.png (636.44 KB, 817x814, 817:814, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d1922aefc156ed⋯.png (535.59 KB, 835x829, 835:829, ClipboardImage.png)

Israel warns a 'storm of Covid is coming' as it announces a FOURTH jab will be given to medical staff and over-60s

Israel's prime minister has warned that a 'storm' of Covid cases is coming as he asked all over-60s and medical workers to get a second booster shot to protect themselves.

Naftali Bennett, giving a TV speech on Sunday, urged older Israelis to protect themselves from the 'Omicron wave' of Covid with a fourth vaccine, while warning that daily case tolls will soon reach record levels.

Bennet predicted that infections will top '50,000 per day soon', which would be more than double Israel's previous peak of 22,000 cases in September last year. The country is currently logging around 6,000 cases per day.

However, he also noted that Omicron is milder than previous variants and announced he would be re-opening the country to foreign travellers - reversing a ban imposed in late November.

'I closed the skies five weeks ago when everything was good,' Bennett said. 'And, over the coming week, it would be reasonable for us to reopen anew.'

Foreigners from medium-risk ('orange') countries who have been vaccinated or recovered from Covid-19 will be admitted from next week, the health ministry confirmed Monday.

The United States, Britain, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Mexico, Switzerland and Turkey remain on Israel's red list, the health ministry said.

Visitors from those countries require advance special permission from an Israeli committee to enter.

It comes after Nachman Ash, director general of Israel's health ministry, said the country is likely to reach herd immunity during the Omicron wave through a combination of infection and vaccination.

Herd immunity means a population is protected from a disease because enough people have developed antibodies to fight it.

Once herd immunity is achieved the virus should stop spreading so widely because people are harder to infect, and even when people are infected the disease should be less severe because their bodies are primed to fight it.

'The (infection) numbers will have to be very high in order to reach herd immunity,' Ash told 103 FM Radio earlier.

'This is possible but we don't want to reach it by means of infections, we want it to happen as a result of many people vaccinating.'

But the head of the health ministry's coronavirus task force, Salman Zarka, said herd immunity was far from guaranteed, because experience over the past two years showed that some COVID-19 patients who recovered were later reinfected.

Israel was a world-leader with Covid vaccines, having completed its initial roll-out faster than most other countries which allowed it to lift lockdown early in 2020.


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c18a5e  No.15302015

File: be10cae5f6df22f⋯.mp4 (10.7 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, IMG_7388.mp4)

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a2134f  No.15302019

File: a126e4ae08ae8ef⋯.png (248.45 KB, 696x392, 87:49, ClipboardImage.png)

White House Wants To Cause Class Warfare Between Vaccinated And Unvaccinated

In an exclusive interview with the media, Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) said the White House wants to create class warfare amongst vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans in order to generate turmoil and maintain power, but it’s “not going to work.”

“I don’t think that that’s an American thing. I don’t think everyday Americans are seeing two sets of people,” she told Breitbart News last week at Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest in Phoenix, Arizona.

“I don’t think we see a vaccinated and an unvaccinated population amongst us, but I think that the leadership out of the White House is certainly trying to divide us,” the congresswoman went on to add.

“And I think that that’s part of their plan, when you divide, you are able to cause chaos and strife, and that leads to control.”

“And that’s what this whole administration is about: dependency and control,” Cammack said. “The want us to start pointing fingers and placing blame.”


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a2134f  No.15302021

Turkey starts offering 5th dose of COVID-19 booster vaccine shots

Because the first 4 were not effective enough?

The Health Ministry started offering the fifth booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines for a specific group of people, the ministry said Friday.

Individuals who received two doses of the Chinese Sinovac and two doses of the BioNTech vaccine at least three months ago will be able to get an appointment for the fifth dose.

They will be able to receive the Sinovac, BioNTech or the domestically-made Turkovac vaccines as a booster.

Turkovac, a domestically developed inactive COVID-19 vaccine, is finally available to the public after receiving emergency use approval.


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94e41c  No.15302027

File: b027ca18109932c⋯.mp4 (6.33 MB, 460x258, 230:129, America_fuck_yeah.mp4)

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9f07d0  No.15302028

File: 9a172778b2d6cce⋯.png (644.27 KB, 800x580, 40:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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9f07d0  No.15302029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biden Meets Virtually with Family and Independent Farmers and Ranchers to Discuss his Administration’s Work to Boost Competition and Reduce Prices in the Meat-Processing Industry


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90b521  No.15302031


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2e1029  No.15302033

File: 22592866002beb3⋯.png (24.49 KB, 598x414, 13:9, ClipboardImage.png)

This guy gets it.

John Constas Retweeted

John Constas


Benzene is a known carcinogen

But it somehow keeps finding its way in your shampoos, sunscreen & antiperspirants

Almost on purpose…

8:23 PM · Dec 22, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


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34421d  No.15302034

File: 1f3222dce020a94⋯.png (1014.32 KB, 944x521, 944:521, ClipboardImage.png)

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a2134f  No.15302035

File: cc58d9c0d4459f2⋯.png (144.57 KB, 626x839, 626:839, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c27a2f0429814f⋯.png (22.29 KB, 568x243, 568:243, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 334c2e6f95abf05⋯.png (25.6 KB, 578x214, 289:107, ClipboardImage.png)

White House Briefing Room Kicks Non-MSM Reporters Out And Blames Omicron

What a coincidence in an election year, just as the Biden administration has been meeting with newsrooms to convince them to spin his bad economy into a good one. I’m sure this has nothing to do with how badly Democrats want to win this year in the House and Senate races. No, of course not. ❋COUGH❋

According to Amber Athey, editor of the Spectator, this is different than the last time pandemic precautions ruled the newsroom:


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5734f0  No.15302037


Sodium benzoate

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d6d466  No.15302044

File: 340f9a4ed20f83e⋯.png (25.84 KB, 711x267, 237:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0995ec0e6e391aa⋯.png (7.03 KB, 652x105, 652:105, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)

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a2134f  No.15302046

Facebook Fact Checker Confesses To Labeling Factually Accurate Article As ‘False’ To Push Leftist Narrative

One of Facebook’s fact-checkers, tasked with deciding what users can and can’t see online, has confessed that they censor information they know to be factually accurate.

Science Feedback, a third-party Facebook “fact checker”, admitted this week that it attempted to suppress and censor a Reason article that criticized mask mandates because the article in question didn’t fit into the leftist mainstream narrative preferred by Facebook.

The article that caused Science Feedback to spring into action was published at the libertarian magazine Reason by Robby Soave, and was entitled “The Study That Convinced the CDC To Support Mask Mandates in Schools Is Junk Science.”

The article quoted another piece from the left-wing Atlantic’s David Zweig — an article that Science Feedback decided not to fact-check.

Per Reason:

The significance of that finding should have raised eyebrows, according to The Atlantic‘s David Zweig. “A number of the experts interviewed for this article said the size of the effect should have caused everyone involved in preparing, publishing, and publicizing the paper to tap the brakes,” he wrote in a new article that explores the study’s significant flaws. “Instead, they hit the gas.”

His article demonstrates quite convincingly that the study’s results are suspect:

But the Arizona study at the center of the CDC’s back-to-school blitz turns out to have been profoundly misleading. “You can’t learn anything about the effects of school mask mandates from this study,” Jonathan Ketcham, a public-health economist at Arizona State University, told me. His view echoed the assessment of eight other experts who reviewed the research, and with whom I spoke for this article. Masks may well help prevent the spread of COVID, some of these experts told me, and there may well be contexts in which they should be required in schools. But the data being touted by the CDC—which showed a dramatic more-than-tripling of risk for unmasked students—ought to be excluded from this debate. The Arizona study’s lead authors stand by their work, and so does the CDC. But the critics were forthright in their harsh assessments. Noah Haber, an interdisciplinary scientist and a co-author of a systematic review of COVID-19 mitigation policies, called the research “so unreliable that it probably should not have been entered into the public discourse.”

It turns out that there were numerous problems with the study. Many of the schools that comprise its data set weren’t even open at the time the study was completed; it counted outbreaks instead of cases; it did not control for vaccination status; it included schools that didn’t fit the criteria. For these and other reasons, Zweig argues that the study ought to be ignored entirely: Masking in schools may or may not be a good idea, but this study doesn’t help answer the question. Any public official—including and especially Walensky—who purports to follow the science should toss this one in the trash.


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2e1091  No.15302049

To my fellow insomniac from the last thread, when I cannot sleep, I do not just lay there attempting to, why, this would only keep me awake doing nothing but thinking about not sleeping. Also I find, not always, but being an empath, especially if my energy is tweaking, 'later', I find it was due to something major going on in the world. I only say that as a possible explanation. When info is free flowing again, you can begin to see a correlation if you 'are' an empath, in why you would be awake vs. what happened in the real world, not fake news.

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5734f0  No.15302050


Used as a food preservative too.POISON

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4b0ddf  No.15302051


They need to create the lie that Democrat ideas are popular.

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b55390  No.15302052


14 huh they handing out gold fish to those faggots too or is Psaki count as the fish?

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b3fddb  No.15302054

File: 575e4adb9d4825d⋯.jpg (92.89 KB, 600x429, 200:143, holyspiritbird.jpg)

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5734f0  No.15302056

File: f64cd2e552ccd39⋯.png (610.69 KB, 960x876, 80:73, fact_checker_keks.png)


>Facebook Fact Checker

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2e1029  No.15302057

File: 7808d4654f7d009⋯.png (105.82 KB, 519x728, 519:728, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f307ac280948ec7⋯.png (96.84 KB, 709x261, 709:261, ClipboardImage.png)

Techno Fog


The Guiffre/Jeffrey Epstein settlement agreement has been unsealed.

$500K to the victim.

It releases unidentified "other potential defendants."

Does that include Prince Andrew?

Full doc:



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a2134f  No.15302058

File: 7eabb492d05f219⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1234x615, 1234:615, ClipboardImage.png)

Making US History–not American Babies: First Time Immigration Exceeds Births in US History

Illegal aliens, tourists, and foreign visa workers delivered nearly 400,000 children in the United States over the last 12 months, prior analysis concludes, securing birthright American citizenship.

The analysis, published in 2018 by the Center for Immigration Studies, states that close to 400,000 “anchor babies,” the term used to describe the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens, are delivered across all 50 states each year.

Illegal immigration soars under Biden

There is both bad news and good news for Planned Parenthood these days. Even while abortion made a brief stop once again at the Supreme Court, its numbers are dropping.

A few years ago, abortion hit its lowest rate since it was legalized. The drop in abortion rates parallels the fall in birth rates. Both stem from a decline in pregnancies.

America isn’t becoming more moral, only more lonely.

A recent New York Times headline declared, “The Married Will Soon Be the Minority”. But it’s not just the married, but anyone in a relationship or who is connected to other people.

Marriage rates hit an all-time low around the same time, with the single population rising sharply. But the singles weren’t just postponing marriage in favor of extended relationships, because there was also a sharp drop in the rates of physical intimacy between men and women.

Americans were becoming more lonely even before the pandemic. The arrival of the pandemic divided families, cut off grandparents from grandchildren, parents from adult children, children from other children, and made the country an even more lonely and isolated place.

Over the pandemic year, the nation’s population grew by only 0.1%. According to the Census Bureau, that was “the lowest rate since the nation’s founding.” Its estimate also showed that for the first time “net international migration… has exceeded natural increase for a given year.”

America’s population has been declining for a while, but the pandemic was particularly catastrophic with international migration easily topping excess births at 244,622 to 148,043.


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94e41c  No.15302059

File: 93dfeff1ef7e5d9⋯.png (945.47 KB, 930x3942, 155:657, ClipboardImage.png)

Could have called this one!

NASCAR Bans ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Sponsored Race Car


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8bbb29  No.15302060

What happened to the spreadsheet with all the election fraud cases and their outcomes? Why was that critical piece of info removed from the board?

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07f4e3  No.15302061

File: f60efea8310732d⋯.jpg (61.58 KB, 622x477, 622:477, 5zw89u.jpg)


This won't last much longer.

The beginning is near.

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713754  No.15302062

File: cf642bc5adefd8d⋯.jpg (379.04 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, cf642bc5adefd8dbf29bba1a99….jpg)

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a2134f  No.15302063

SECDEF can now activate DC Nat’l Guard in emergencies

On Thursday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin issued a memo, giving himself and future defense secretaries sole authority to activate D.C. National Guard troops to participate in civil law enforcement requests or other emergency activations with less than 48 hours of notice.

Austin’s memo streamlines the approval process for D.C. National Guard activations. Such authority for D.C. National Guard activation was previously delegated to the secretary of the Army, the service’s top civilian member. Austin’s memo instead gives him the sole authority to approve requests for Guard support in law enforcement matters.

The process to deploy the D.C. National Guard is more complicated than the process employed for other states’ National Guard forces. While the National Guard forces of the various states have a clear chain of command that goes through their governor, that chain of command structure does not apply for the D.C. National Guard as the District of Columbia is not a state.

The commanding general of the D.C. Guard technically reports to the President, but in a 1969 executive order, the authority was transferred to the secretary of defense who further delegated the responsibility to the secretary of the Army. Austin’s memo moves emergency responsibilities back over to the secretary of defense.

NBC News reported the secretary of the Army still retains the authority to control D.C. National Guard operations in the district and to consider district government requests for D.C. National Guard in the city for non-law enforcement purposes and other non-urgent situations.

Austin’s move is one of multiple efforts to allow the Pentagon to respond quickly to requests for law enforcement support after the Jan. 6, 2020 storming of the U.S. Capitol. Earlier last week, President Joe Biden signed a bill into law that allows the Chief of the U.S. Capitol Police to request law enforcement support from the National Guard and other federal agencies, without first having to seek the approval of the Capitol Police Board.

“By clarifying and refining the request process, including outlining the required information needed to assess requests from federal and local partners, the department will be able to respond to requests efficiently, quickly, and effectively,” Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said, in a statement provided to NBC News.

A Senate report released in June concluded that the Capitol Police Board failed to request National Guard assistance prior to Jan. 6, despite Capitol Police intelligence indicating that there was a threat. According to the report, the lack of prior request for National Guard assistance meant that when calls for help did come through on Jan. 6, the request had to be sent to the Department of Defense, which introduced further delays as they considered whether or not to grant the request for troops.

This failure to request assistance before Jan. 6 meant that D.C. National Guard troops were not already activated and staged to react quickly to any problems at the Capitol that day.


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4b0ddf  No.15302064

File: 7f2f0c6c3ce0d87⋯.jpeg (49.19 KB, 460x356, 115:89, 6C13083C_EC2E_466E_8324_B….jpeg)


Sure it is.

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d6d466  No.15302065

File: 691f9a5ca08d224⋯.png (12.99 MB, 2312x6597, 2312:6597, Deception.png)

but muh cernovich

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12317a  No.15302066


There was no election

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0f2113  No.15302067

File: da53cb1aed547c7⋯.jpg (34.64 KB, 668x525, 668:525, 581068_3464879260222_16767….jpg)


>Israel warns a 'storm of Covid is coming'

(Perun squeals like a caught bitch)

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98284d  No.15302068


The White House Correspondents Association just voted to kick anybody they chose (Citizen Journos) out of the White House Briefings, citing the pandemic.

Didn't Jim Acosta use a Federal Court to say that wasn't allowed? The 'Just Us' Department, what a fucking joke.

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713754  No.15302069

File: 95da1522a2bed84⋯.png (508.77 KB, 540x523, 540:523, 95da1522a2bed84008d175d10b….png)

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638400  No.15302070

File: e61aada988044c9⋯.jpg (42.86 KB, 612x401, 612:401, 5m4gy6xdd.jpg)

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2e1091  No.15302071


There never was a free election system, it started as a hoax played on the people. Until now. And that is being fixed, as in, it's not fully yet, but getting there.

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a2134f  No.15302072

File: 19ef1d8b56a5bb4⋯.png (31.81 KB, 753x430, 753:430, ClipboardImage.png)

Leaders of Russia, China, US, UK, France adopt joint statement on preventing nuclear war

Leaders of five nuclear powers pointed out that as nuclear use would have far-reaching consequences, they affirm that "nuclear weapons - for as long as they continue to exist - should serve defensive purposes, deter aggression, and prevent war"

MOSCOW, January 3. /TASS/. Leaders of Russia, the United Kingdom, China, the United States and France have released a joint statement on preventing a nuclear war and avoiding arms races, according to the document published on the Kremlin website on Monday.

"The People’s Republic of China, the French Republic, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America consider the avoidance of war between Nuclear-Weapon States and the reduction of strategic risks as our foremost responsibilities," the joint statement says.

"We affirm that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought," it reads.

Against further spread of nuclear weapons

Leaders of five nuclear powers pointed out that as nuclear use would have far-reaching consequences, they affirm that "nuclear weapons - for as long as they continue to exist - should serve defensive purposes, deter aggression, and prevent war."

"We believe strongly that the further spread of such weapons must be prevented," said the leaders of the nuclear powers and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.

"We reaffirm the importance of addressing nuclear threats and emphasize the importance of preserving and complying with our bilateral and multilateral non-proliferation, disarmament, and arms control agreements and commitments," the document says.

In particular, the major nuclear powers "remain committed to our Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) obligations, including our Article VI obligation ‘to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control’."

Not targeted at each other

"We each intend to maintain and further strengthen our national measures to prevent unauthorized or unintended use of nuclear weapons. We reiterate the validity of our previous statements on de-targeting, reaffirming that none of our nuclear weapons are targeted at each other or at any other State," the five leaders assured.

The joint statement underlines their "desire to work with all states to create a security environment more conducive to progress on disarmament with the ultimate goal of a world without nuclear weapons with undiminished security for all."

"We intend to continue seeking bilateral and multilateral diplomatic approaches to avoid military confrontations, strengthen stability and predictability, increase mutual understanding and confidence, and prevent an arms race that would benefit none and endanger all. We are resolved to pursue constructive dialogue with mutual respect and acknowledgment of each other’s security interests and concerns," the statement emphasizes.


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bace19  No.15302073

File: 95a4ea19a8a934d⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 300x266, 150:133, Lauth.gif)


oh shit, did anon forgetuh notabruh im?

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4b7a88  No.15302074


o7 anon.

I'm no longer insomniac but I am often awake all night. Unlike when I was a child and had to stay in bed and generally would fall asleep eventually, I can nap during the day now.

Your post asked more about calming your mind, I realize that now. I ask God for help and it works for me.

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4b0ddf  No.15302075

File: 5ddfac473d30994⋯.jpeg (47.23 KB, 720x492, 60:41, 5A010A18_6735_4C5A_87CD_D….jpeg)

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c18a5e  No.15302076

File: b9556aecbb1bc7c⋯.jpeg (533.64 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, A85859DD_67AF_4C3B_80AE_0….jpeg)

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592d74  No.15302077

Bridgewater hedge fund CEO to run for Senate in Pennsylvania

Outgoing top boss McCormick joined Bridgewater in 2009 and was named a co-CEO in 2017. He became the sole head in April when co-CEO Eileen Murray left.

McCormick has previously served as the US Treasury under Secretary for International Affairs in the George W. Bush administration.


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6fafeb  No.15302078

File: 6dae02b8f1334cf⋯.jpg (159.94 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Grammar_nazi_cat.jpg)

>>15300231 (pb)


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2e1091  No.15302079


One thing I would do, is counting sheep backwards, but really numbers. I would inhale, visual 100, exhale, if I did not perfectly picture a good 100, i would repeat it. I would usually get to about 80 before falling out. On bad days I would have to do the whole thing over again.

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a2134f  No.15302080

Rep. Devin Nunes formally resigns from Congress

The longtime member announced his departure last month; he will become CEO of the Trump Media & Technology Group


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713754  No.15302081

File: 42ef85900a92cb8⋯.jpg (69.19 KB, 460x631, 460:631, 42ef85900a92cb8c2037c9ef86….jpg)

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24263f  No.15302082

File: 9d5b343f6191353⋯.jpeg (546.11 KB, 828x1102, 414:551, 90BA484C_3668_40C0_93DD_7….jpeg)

#BREAKING: In a video released to social media, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) announces that he is running for re-election, touting the work of Democrats in the past year while stating that "our democracy is under assault" due to Republicans' "authoritarian quest for power."


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34421d  No.15302083

File: c400143767a9d4b⋯.gif (743.96 KB, 220x195, 44:39, cat_pirate.gif)


fcuk kitty you must be bored,

looking at last bread spelling errors.

desperate much


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a2134f  No.15302084

File: 676ad63c5adea5e⋯.png (68.49 KB, 1018x468, 509:234, ClipboardImage.png)

Public University Offers Professors Cash To Go Woke

University of Memphis asks faculty to infuse social justice into curricula

A public Tennessee university is offering professors financial incentives for "infusing" social justice into their classes.

The University of Memphis told faculty they could collect a $3,000 stipend for redesigning their curricula to align with the university's commitment to "diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice," according to an email sent to all faculty obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The offer is part of the university's "Eradicating Systemic Racism and Promoting Social Justice Initiative."

Interested faculty are asked to submit a copy of syllabi to be reworked as well as a 500-word "narrative" on their "diversity, equity, and inclusion philosophy" and how the new lessons will "address disparities" in their subject area.

The University of Memphis's offer is part of a growing trend on college campuses, where the overt promotion of social justice has become the new norm. At Ohio's Kenyon College, a small liberal arts school, professors can no longer receive tenure unless they can demonstrate "promotion of an inclusive classroom environment that values diversity."

The stipend offer from a public university has triggered concerns from both faculty and lawmakers over use of taxpayer money. One faculty member who requested anonymity due to fear of retribution said the offer "makes you scratch your head" due to the school's financial restraints.

"We've had a hard time retaining good faculty at our salary levels, so anytime you see money being spent on non-student or non-faculty causes, it makes you scratch your head," the professor said. "Could this money be spent on students or retaining quality faculty rather than a progressive agenda that isn't likely supported by the taxpayers or voters of Tennessee?"

The professor said he's concerned that otherwise apolitical courses would now be used to turn students into activists.

"I'm not sure how changing an accounting, nursing, or engineering course to align with social justice principles helps students," he said. "When faculty are underpaid in the first place, it's hard to blame them for taking this money. But it creates an incentive for a nonpartisan instructor to turn their students into activists for a few extra dollars."

Rep. Tim Burchett (R., Tenn.) said the university leadership should be "ashamed" for using taxpayer money to push professors toward "useless teaching."

"Leadership at the University of Memphis should be ashamed for bribing professors to advance this useless teaching," Burchett said after his office was alerted of the new program. "Students are better prepared for professional careers if they learn the three R's—reading, writing, and arithmetic—instead of woke activism."

The University of Memphis did not respond to a request for comment.


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dcdc63  No.15302085

Any update on the supreme courts and the 100 employees mandate thing?

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105733  No.15302086

File: 83e263d24929f97⋯.png (382.92 KB, 485x323, 485:323, 92587409257439854798579834.PNG)

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5734f0  No.15302087

File: 6a9d9904334e02a⋯.jpg (66.59 KB, 800x420, 40:21, Schiff_crooked.jpg)

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d6d466  No.15302088

File: d8785f994296250⋯.png (3.73 MB, 2309x2376, 2309:2376, Turning_point.png)

Why is Twitter & Youtube banning people for Talking about Jack (((Goldman)))?


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8bbb29  No.15302089


So now we discard important information and don't do research.

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bbdf2f  No.15302090

File: 5a6de09d48ec0ec⋯.png (342.34 KB, 633x498, 211:166, Screen_Shot_2022_01_03_at_….png)

Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Giuffre’s legal deal with Jeffrey Epstein released


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34421d  No.15302091

File: f0f9431da091bb8⋯.png (1.16 MB, 944x636, 236:159, ClipboardImage.png)

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bace19  No.15302092

File: 6895f9d1c106e5e⋯.mp4 (7.48 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ThisIsAThreat.mp4)

File: cf2e59bcdca389a⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1113x1473, 371:491, 68e77262a32f4ac5953dcf8da9….png)


>"our democracy is under assault"


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713754  No.15302093

File: 203423b2bdc458d⋯.png (961.32 KB, 667x500, 667:500, 203423b2bdc458d3a7be7c779b….png)



Politician Devin Nunes resigns to work for new DJT affiliated social media company.

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274551  No.15302094

File: eaefe1fca55fe5c⋯.png (654.58 KB, 674x500, 337:250, 873477b833f8180ac705549e78….png)

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cd5c3b  No.15302095

File: 7b6aa6abb576120⋯.jpeg (23.2 KB, 204x255, 4:5, BCCB391B_D8B6_452D_B29A_C….jpeg)

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a2134f  No.15302096

Fearing New Attack, US Pull Most Of Its Troops Out From Al-Tanf In Southeastern Syria

The US-led coalition also ordered its main proxy group at al-Tanf, the Revolutionary Commando Army (MaT), to deploy its fighters outside of the garrison.

Around 200 US troops and some 300 MaT fighters are usually deployed at al-Tanf garrison. The US-led coalition maintains a 55 kilometers no-fly, no-drive zone around the garrison.

On October 20, al-Tanf came under attack. The garrison was targeted with five suicide drones and indirect fire. The attack resulted in some serious material damage. However, there were no casualties. On December 14, a warplane of the Royal Air Force shot down one of two small drones that breached al-Tanf’s no-fly zone.

US officials believe that Iran or Iranian-backed forces were behind both the October 20 attack and the December 14 drone incident.

The US claims that its forces are present in al-Tanf to counter ISIS in Syria’s central and southern regions. However, the garrison was in fact established in 2016 to block a strategic highway that links the Syrian capital, Damascus, with Iraqi capital, Baghdad.


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34421d  No.15302097

File: 3b64fb576646998⋯.png (704.04 KB, 719x875, 719:875, ClipboardImage.png)

big pharma

what else can we put in the vaccines

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4b0ddf  No.15302099

File: 18863d2326abd2b⋯.jpeg (51.81 KB, 600x750, 4:5, 2E2B62DB_EE86_4D96_B855_5….jpeg)


Some ducks have a 9 inch corkscrew penis. But Adam knows all about this already..

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a2134f  No.15302102

File: 76adc30e819d1fb⋯.png (52.96 KB, 768x97, 768:97, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9083872c193169e⋯.png (227.72 KB, 768x415, 768:415, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dae405284537303⋯.png (159.91 KB, 718x799, 718:799, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5462aa0a3b1cb97⋯.png (141.23 KB, 728x595, 104:85, ClipboardImage.png)

UK’s Regulatory Agency turns a Blind Eye to Ethylene Oxide on Test Swabs

Responding to a request under the Freedom of Information Act mid-last year, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (“MHRA”) – the organisation responsible for regulating medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion in the UK – demonstrated little interest in the use of ethylene oxide to sterilise test swabs being used en masse and repeatedly by the UK population.

There are three common methods of sterilising medical devices such as test swabs: two methods of radiation (“R”) and ethylene oxide (“EO”). In May 2021, in response to a request made under the Freedom of Information Act (“FoI”), the MHRA showed poor knowledge and little interest in taking responsibility for the amount of EO residue that may be transferred to people when taking Covid tests.

EO is used as a sterilising agent for medical supplies and foods, as a fumigant and as an insecticide. Exposure to this substance is highly irritating to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract, induces nausea and vomiting and causes central nervous system depression. Ethylene oxide is mutagenic in humans and chronic exposure is associated with an increased risk of leukaemia, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

ISO 10993-7:2008 ‘Biological evaluation of medical devices — Part 7: Ethylene oxide sterilization residuals’ states that EO is known to exhibit a number of biological effects which include irritation, organ damage, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity in humans and animals, and reproductive effects in animals and that exposure to EO residues should be minimised.

The International Organisation for Standardisation browsing platform states “only informative sections of standards are publicly available” for ISO 10993-7:2008. Tolerable contact limits (“TCLs”) and exposure limits are given in sections and annexes of the ISO which have not been made publicly available – TCLs are the concentration limits to avoid potential irritant effects of EO residues on EO-sterilised medical devices. So, we searched other websites to get an indication of what the TCLs and exposure limits are.

In the year 2000 a directory of medical device suppliers, QMed, published an article which stated that “to address the cumulative effects of multiple use (more than 100 times in a lifetime) or of neonatal use of devices in the limited-exposure category,” residue limits for the “prolonged category” should be applied – 2mg per day for the first 30 days and no more than 0.1 mg EO be delivered to the patient from day 31. But noted the 0.1mg limit from day 31 “will likely change in the revision of ISO 10993-7.”

Steris, an Irish-domiciled medical equipment company specialising in sterilisation, states on their website that according to ISO 10993-7:2008/(R) 2012: “limited” use of a device is less than 24 hours; “prolonged” use is 24 hours to 30 days; and, “permanent” use is more than 30 days. And, the EO exposure limit for: “limited” use is 4mg in 24 hours; “prolonged” use 60mg over 30 days (2mg per day); and “permanent” use 2.5mg over a lifetime.


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105733  No.15302103

File: c62340e20ab129d⋯.jpg (43.64 KB, 810x611, 810:611, c62340e20ab129d67ff3395bd5….jpg)

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713754  No.15302104

File: 6abbf118c5e4a92⋯.png (2.32 MB, 2500x9646, 1250:4823, 6abbf118c5e4a92f7b5d5eb3d0….png)

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94e41c  No.15302105

File: cab7043256dbbbe⋯.png (1003.91 KB, 1092x833, 156:119, ClipboardImage.png)

"It's a whole knew ball game!"

"These people are sick."


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0c3c8e  No.15302106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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7fa143  No.15302107


He is awful beyond words. How long, O Lord, how long?

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5dc066  No.15302108

File: 806bf4fd314876f⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, digital_soldiers.png)

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9f55af  No.15302109

The Dark ages were called Dark because of the lack of records. No information is really available for that time in our history.

Dark (no records) vs Light (abundance of records)

Here's to hoping we enter the Light and information is forthcoming.

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a2134f  No.15302110

File: ddb8cf6069c94b7⋯.png (973.78 KB, 882x1108, 441:554, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b61f09d8d33079⋯.png (1.74 MB, 877x1440, 877:1440, ClipboardImage.png)

'Comedian' Patton Oswalt Apologizes For Appearing With Dave Chappelle


"But we also 100% disagree about transgender rights & representation. I support trans peoples' rights — ANYONE'S rights — to live safely in the world as their fullest selves. For all the things he's helped ME evolve on, I'll always disagree with where he stands NOW on transgender issues. But I also don't believe a seeker like him is done evolving, learning. You know someone that long, see the struggles and changes, it's impossible to cut them off. Impossible not to be hopeful and open and cheer them on."

[…] "I'm an LGBTQ ally. I'm a loyal friend. There's friction in those traits that I need to reconcile myself, and not let cause feels of betrayal in ANYONE else. And I'm sorry, truly sorry, that I didn't consider the hurt this would cause. Or the DEPTH of that hurt. I've been messaging a lot on IG today, and the back and forth has really helped guide me in the writing of this. I (naively) deleted a lot of posts in the comment thread — critical ones from LGBTQ writers AND shit-posts by TERF/anti-trans orcs looking for clicks & giggles. I wanted a 'nice comment thread' about the pic with my friend. Ugh. So easy to think someone ELSE needs growth and miss the need in yourself. Gonna keep trying."

Chappelle deserves this for giving this idiot the stage.


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26f478  No.15302111

File: 34e5b6be3c975a4⋯.jpeg (730.68 KB, 2278x1519, 2278:1519, milFujijet.jpeg)


TY baker

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c8dbcd  No.15302112

File: b732e589878d49e⋯.png (337.27 KB, 583x417, 583:417, ClipboardImage.png)

WTF is up with @JACK?


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da5fbb  No.15302113

Let's repeat that shit again!

>>15301841 (lb)

>What is in these vaccines and why is there a global effort to inject them into the body of every human being on the planet—by any means necessary?

>That is the question every sane person is asking.

>Coercion, bribery, propaganda, and censorship are not tools used by good guys.

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105733  No.15302114

File: 55553fe88397bba⋯.jpg (240.28 KB, 643x453, 643:453, 2095724057095439.jpg)

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0f2113  No.15302115

File: 1c0827a53d93ffe⋯.jpg (64.47 KB, 392x503, 392:503, Screenshot_2022_01_03_Gene….jpg)

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910c76  No.15302116

File: 4bd308e856d7ac4⋯.png (73.45 KB, 705x599, 705:599, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9cc7beb10278a3⋯.png (107.57 KB, 1183x675, 1183:675, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d64832d49ad851⋯.png (443.56 KB, 719x755, 719:755, ClipboardImage.png)

"Graphene human interface to connect us to the internet/4th industrial revolution cyborg slaves" anon here. (I say that for continuity, kek.)

Still digging, from >>15295867 pb, but check this out:


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5734f0  No.15302117

File: 8a80d0792b9ae1b⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 474x266, 237:133, F23.jpg)

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dc7f3b  No.15302119


Kalergi's shadow is elongated.

>>"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals."


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910c76  No.15302120


Have we confirmed that's a legit account?

He recently changed his FB profile pic.

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bace19  No.15302121

File: 25cdfad158aec8e⋯.png (336.35 KB, 580x416, 145:104, ClipboardImage.png)

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f90ebb  No.15302122

File: 3e94f8b848a178b⋯.png (428.23 KB, 1002x871, 1002:871, 75pc_of_canada_population_….png)

Canada needs more runny nose.

The serial killer criminals are desperate to stop the runny nose in Canada.

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f5c9ea  No.15302124

>>15301752 Feds Finally Admit to Running Secretive DOJ “Commandos” at Jan. 6 Trump Protests

Im sure anons aware of Patel Patriot and Devolution saw this statement from Rosen, COG

Right after the New Year, Jeffrey A. Rosen, the acting Attorney General on January 6, approved implementation of long-standing contingency plans dealing with the most extreme possibilities: an attack on President Donald Trump or Vice President Mike Pence, a terrorist attack involving a weapon of mass destruction, and adeclaration of measures to implement continuity of government, requiring protection and movement of presidential successors

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8aeb21  No.15302125


Planefag request - can anyone read the tail # on that 757/C-32

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34421d  No.15302126

File: 3db4d33a17ae99b⋯.png (280.34 KB, 402x393, 134:131, ClipboardImage.png)


no one cares but will there be a cuck fight.

will chappelle get his knickers in a twist and start ranting about this fake shit

patton is a pedo and should be strung up by his thumbs in public

let the people administer the punishment


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0055ac  No.15302127


Bitcoin genesis block

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e08b9c  No.15302128

File: 0352b07a6c60020⋯.jpg (124.05 KB, 539x720, 539:720, ZomboMeme_18062021114820.jpg)

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94e41c  No.15302129


And so many thought he was nuts. Even the craziest theories AJ spoke of have become real.

Who is crazier than Alex?

We're going to need new "conspiracy" theories.

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bace19  No.15302131


The Epoch Times?

EThe Times 03/Jan/2009

lor on the brink of second bailout


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40dfa2  No.15302132

White squall

A white squall is a sudden and violent windstorm at sea which is not accompanied by the black clouds generally characteristic of a squall. It manifests as a sudden increase in wind velocity in tropical and sub-tropical waters, and may be a microburst.[1] The name refers to the white-capped waves and broken water, its meager warning to any unlucky seaman caught in its path.

Watch the water.

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e7ce4e  No.15302133

File: c103e6c0caebd00⋯.jpg (68.57 KB, 698x357, 698:357, 5zwnto.jpg)

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94e41c  No.15302134


Is that an image viewed as text?


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5dc066  No.15302135

File: c4ae96e87557391⋯.png (613.73 KB, 720x854, 360:427, snake_oil.png)


hear, hear!

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c8dbcd  No.15302136




Why is he posting that, and repeatedly replying to himself over and over

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23afc2  No.15302137

File: ff3caf09238b6a6⋯.png (229.35 KB, 834x791, 834:791, 2022_01_03_13_57_41.png)


>Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) announces that he is running for re-election

He knows that the Dems will cheat and win 2022, especially after the main-in voter new law BS in Cali.


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ebe78e  No.15302138

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713754  No.15302139

File: 27d7ba911991d3e⋯.jpg (369.81 KB, 1500x2175, 20:29, 27d7ba911991d3e457805e5ce7….jpg)

File: b183382544967ab⋯.jpg (37.52 KB, 640x320, 2:1, b183382544967ab8170cb32c5b….jpg)

File: f80d023f0812faa⋯.jpeg (375.85 KB, 753x724, 753:724, f80d023f0812faa192e4d2d56….jpeg)

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bace19  No.15302142

>>15302112, >>15302121, >>15302131, Tim Pace?

Tim Pace

Tim Pace

Mar 19, 2019·7 min read

“The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks” Where on earth is Satoshi Nakamoto?

Part 1


Hello everyone. Its Tim again, and I want to discuss a topic that has already been heavily debated in the online forums I am a part of. That topic is who is Satoshi Nakamoto? This is a question everyone seems to have a different answer for. If you know anything at all about Bitcoin, then you know what Satoshi has done for cryptocurrency. Satoshi is the first one to solve the “double-spending” issues that have been a problem with prior attempts at creating digital currencies. Bit Gold was a precursor to the creation of Bitcoin. Bit Gold was thought up by Nick Szabo, but it was never implemented in the way that Bitcoin was. If you are into cryptocurrency like me than the history should intrigue you. So, who the heck is Satoshi Nakamoto? I cant tell you that, but we can have a bit of fun and discuss the possible suspects.

What we know

So when people discuss who they believe may or may not be Satoshi, things can get heated at times. Some people are so sure its this guy, or that woman. Yes, I said woman. Who the heck knows who Satoshi is or even what gender Satoshi is? There are plenty of clues that Satoshi left in his/her writings that we can look at and try to make an assumption from looking at the word choices Satoshi made and also looking at people that have a similar coding method (people code differently than others, similar to handwriting). But what if Satoshi threw us tidbits of info to throw us off his scent, so to speak? I mean we all understand Satoshi was very smart, so why would it surprise anyone that he was smart enough to remain anonymous? Let’s take a look at some of the things we have seen in Satoshi’s writings that may give a hint as to who Satoshi actually is.

Nick Szabo

Who is Nick Szabo? Well he is a computer scientist and creator of the precursor to Bitcoin, Bit gold. Some people have looked at the White paper for Bitcoin and conclude that Satoshi is in fact Nick Szabo, although Nick has not admitted it. Nick was extremely influential whether he was Satoshi or not. Szabo is also responsible for the creation of “smart contracts” which would become a huge part of the crypto industry, including Ethereum (#2 biggest crypto). Nick has a blog he has been filling out for ages, http://unenumerated.blogspot.com/. If you want to have a look into Nick’s head check out his blog. He goes into depth on many issues and the blog gives us a glimpse into his brilliance. Though throughout years of blogging he has never even mentioned anything about himself such as his age or whether he enjoys whiskey or tequila. Hell, people don’t even really know when he was born. What we do know is enough to give credence to the idea that he could be Satoshi. He graduated from George Washington university in 1989 with a degree in computer science. Nick’s creation of Bit Gold in 1998 was brilliant but it still had issues. It worked in a similar fashion to Bitcoin as people were required to solve cryptographic puzzles in order to verify transactions (sort of like mining with Bitcoin) and each solution would become a piece of the next cryptographic puzzle which would keep the chain growing. I think the main issue with Bit Gold was it was a bit ahead of its time. In 1998 I don’t even think I had a computer. Flash forward 12 years and everyone and their grandma has computers or a smart phone in 2010 (beginning of BTC). The way he looked to solve double spending was revolutionary and until 2009 nobody accomplished the feat. Nick understood that centralization wasn’t the only way to solve the issue and come 2009 it was proven to be true. The creation of Bitcoin should be attributed to Satoshi, no doubt about it. But that doesn’t mean we can’t give credit where credit is due. Nick is like the grandfather of crypto while Satoshi is the father of Bitcoin. Without Nick we may not even have Bitcoin. I strongly suggest taking a look at his blog and browsing through it. He is brilliant and I learned a lot from simply scrolling through for 15 minutes. It should be noted that Nick has denied being Satoshi numerous times.

Dorian Nakamoto

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0f2113  No.15302143


Have we confirmed that the sun will rise tomorrow ?

meteors and shit make me nervous, a little proof would be nice

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f90ebb  No.15302144

File: 875d82d088736c8⋯.png (262.4 KB, 600x600, 1:1, kek_pepe_reeee.png)

danger that America will develop full immunity to the runny nose before canada reaches critical mass

They are evil.

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713754  No.15302145

File: febad1427c901fd⋯.jpeg (96.02 KB, 750x931, 750:931, febad1427c901fda52a82be2e….jpeg)

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ef719e  No.15302146

File: cf56ba89ae9b530⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1681x1578, 1681:1578, 1641236412618.png)

>>15301584 AOC Exposed Again at Drag Queen Event with No Mask In Miami

Imagine the Smell….

Shitty Dicks and Pissy Twats…

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bace19  No.15302147

>>15302112, >>15302121, >>15302131, >>15302142, Tim Pace?

Now I am a little less convinced that this guy could be Bitcoin’s illusive creator. Dorian was accused by News Week in March, 2014 of being the creator of Bitcoin. I am not 100% sure why they came to this conclusion, but there are a few reasons why one would suspect him of being Satoshi. Lets review what those reasons are. First and foremost, he is a physicist, and he also has a libertarian back ground (many members of the Bitcoin community are libertarian leaning) One of the biggest pieces of evidence the article pointed out was the fact Dorian was asked about Bitcoin at one point and his response was, “I am no longer involved in that and I cannot discuss it. It’s been turned over to other people. They are in charge of it now. I no longer have any connection.” Which led many to assume they had finally located Satoshi Nakamoto. Dorian later pointed out that he misunderstood the question presented to him at the time. He claims that he thought the reporter was asking him about an old military project he was involved in ages ago. I can see why people may want to think he is Satoshi. But personally, I don’t think this guy is him. Andreas Antonopoulos raised nearly 64 BTC for Dorian after the article, which Dorian claims did nothing for him except cause him grief. Antonopoulos claims that he has no idea if Dorian is in fact Satoshi. But the 64 BTC was to either thank Dorian if he was Satoshi or to say I am sorry for all the grief caused. Dorian promised not to touch the BTC for years. He kept that promise until June/July of 2017 when he likely cashed out. Dorian had a lot of people excited that they may have finally located the infamous Satoshi Nakamoto, but alas, he won’t admit it or provide any proof. So, we are back to square one. Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

Dave Kleiman

David Kleiman was one of the first people to get involved with Bitcoin. He was born in 1967 and passed away sadly in 2013. He definitely left a lasting legacy that anyone would be proud of. He was a computer forensics expert. He also spent time in the Army where he was awarded “Soldier of the year” when he was 21 years old. After his career in the army, he began a career in law enforcement. He had an accident on a motorcycle during this time which put him in a wheel chair for the rest of his days. But this didn’t phase him, as he still rose to the rank of detective and also worked in cyber-crime. He has long been suspected of being Satoshi. He may or may not have been Satoshi, but his work in the early days of Bitcoin should be recognized as he was one of the first to mine it. Kleiman allegedly mined over a million Bitcoin in the early days (along with Craig Wright) and after his death the Kleiman estate sued Wright over his alleged theft of Kleiman’s Bitcoin. These BTC that they mined are supposed to remain in a trust until 2020. Now the thing about Kleiman is he was self-taught and his coding was one of a kind. These are all signs that could point to Kleiman being Satoshi. Since he passed away in 2013, his estate has been in limbo. Wright claims that the assets they mined belong to him. There was no written contract between Kleiman and Wright, which obviously further complicates things. Jeff Garzik (well-known BTC dev) claims that Kleiman is in fact the infamous Satoshi Nakamoto for reasons I discussed earlier. Similar coding styles and the fact that Satoshi was apparently self-taught (Garzik says Kleiman was self-taught as well) Jeff Garzik was subpoenaed to appear in the court case between Wright and Kleiman’s estate. They are looking for any information that can potentially help them discover anything pertinent to the case. The case is currently on going. David Kleiman was one of the first people to ever send a Bitcoin transaction. Whether he is Satoshi or not, he should be remembered as a pioneer in this industry.

In conclusion

I have written about a couple of suspected people that could be Satoshi Nakamoto. These 3 gentlemen certainly aren’t the only possible creators of Bitcoin, but this is just part 1 of a few writings I plan on doing. I will get to the other suspects, so don’t fret! I have learned a lot about Nick Szabo, Dorian Nakaoto, and Dave Kleiman from the research I did while creating this write up. I hope you learned a few things as well. It is fun to speculate who is Satoshi Nakamoto. I personally feel like it would be better for Bitcoin if Satoshi remains anonymous. Bitcoin belongs to us all. It was a gift and I believe we should all be thankful for the contributions of the early developers. Stay tuned for part 2!!!

Written by: Tim Pace 3/19/2019

Tim Pace




Ethan Siegel

Ethan Siegel

Coin Observatory

Coin Observatory

Ross Ulbricht

Ross Ulbricht

Marko Vidrih

Marko Vidrih

Unity Coin

Unity Coin

See all (48)



Satoshi Nakamoto

Dave Kleiman

Dorian Nakamoto

Nick Szabo

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94e41c  No.15302148



It's hex, base 16.

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5734f0  No.15302149


>Why is he posting that, and repeatedly replying to himself over and over

He crazy…

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a9dda5  No.15302151


Regardless who said it It's a great, encouraging thought

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5dc066  No.15302152

File: f6b735a44fd9832⋯.png (343.26 KB, 576x347, 576:347, watch_the_water.png)

File: d255340d1a44398⋯.jpg (7.33 KB, 194x260, 97:130, water.jpg)

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0055ac  No.15302153


Anniversary 03/Jan/2009

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a2134f  No.15302154

Poland Purchased NSO's Pegasus After Netanyahu Meeting, Report Says

A string of reports published two weeks ago reveal that at least three prominent Polish opposition figures had their phones hacked using NSO's Pegasus in recent years

Poland’s anti-corruption body purchased the Pegasus hacking software, developed by Israeli company NSO Group, after Poland’s leader met with then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2017, a leading Polish newspaper reported Monday.

The report in the liberal Gazeta Wyborcza said the Central Anticorruption Bureau (CBA) made the purchase a few months after a meeting between Netanyahu and the prime ministers of both Poland and Hungary. The report, which says the purchase was made illegally, cited both sources and materials obtained by opposition figures in the country.


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bace19  No.15302155

File: 8d1683bf75c0729⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 500x282, 250:141, 8d1683bf75c072920bcae913e2….gif)

>>15302112, >>15302121, >>15302131, >>15302142, >>15302147 Jack tweets some code… Tim Pace?


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0d2b6a  No.15302156

random fart noises

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c8dbcd  No.15302157


13th anniversary

Occult number?

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d6d466  No.15302159

File: d805b864ffef315⋯.png (290.72 KB, 1022x864, 511:432, ClipboardImage.png)

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e7ce4e  No.15302160

File: 9fa4de4460bc79c⋯.jpg (117.75 KB, 630x500, 63:50, 5zwoel.jpg)

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26f478  No.15302161

File: 66b731b597329bb⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 728x410, 364:205, Qpun.jpg)


We are the water.

The meager warning.

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df7388  No.15302162

File: 2856ccc2afe4b71⋯.png (656.73 KB, 993x837, 331:279, ClipboardImage.png)

Real War News.

Good News for California!


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6fafeb  No.15302163

File: 4f0564144056c02⋯.jpg (280.24 KB, 720x451, 720:451, Arsenio_qdrops.jpg)


Some of us peruse the prior breads when coming online in the morning.

Do you even Q, Bro?

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94e41c  No.15302165

File: 5f2a4446d76a291⋯.png (504.24 KB, 702x500, 351:250, ClipboardImage.png)



jan/2009 chancelor brink of bailout

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d6d466  No.15302166

File: a0044926f5dd528⋯.png (190.54 KB, 522x2108, 261:1054, ClipboardImage.png)


It's the Bitcoin base code. It says so directly in the comments.

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bace19  No.15302167

>>15302155 Part One,

Part 2?

Wei Dai

Tim Pace

Tim Pace

Apr 1, 2019·4 min read

Who is Wei Dai?

Hello again, its Tim. I am continuing my write up on the whereabouts of the illusive Satoshi Nakamoto. We have covered a few people already. Today I am focusing on Wei Dai, a computer engineer that truly valued privacy. He was inspired by the writings of Timothy May (well known Cypherpunk and author of “Crypto Anarchy”), though Timothy May admits that he doesn’t Even know if Wei is male or female. Wei was a very important member of the Cypherpunks and he contributed heavily to the creation of what we now know as Bitcoin (although not as directly as someone like Hal Finney). But the fact remains, Wei was a visionary and he saw issues a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin would face before it was even created. It is even documented that Satoshi tried to get in touch with Wei which creating Bitcoin to get his advice. There is a lot to learn about this mysterious person. So lets get to it.

Wei Dai, Cypherpunk, computer scientist and crypto-anarchist

Wei Dai was a proponent of smaller govt (even no govt) which is not surprising when you look at the other Cypherpunks. Dai even created “Crypto ++” which is a collection of cryptographic algorithms (which Wei still maintains). Wei was the creator of “B-Money” which is very similar to the way BTC functions in many ways. Public keys are used instead of names ensuring a degree of privacy. The problem with the first version created by Wei is B-Money did not solve the double spending issue. His second proposal for B-Money actually solves the double spending issue by creating a proof of stake like situation. None of his work was truly implemented by Wei, but they would be used as a reference for Satoshi Nakamoto while Satoshi created BTC. Wei Dai proposed a proof of work system in the first proposal that was similar to Bitgold (Created by Szabo) and RPOW (created by Finney). Wei was one of the few that actually saw the value of a proof of work consensus mechanism. The fact that Wei can be mentioned with the likes of Nick Szabo and Hal Finney is an accomplishment all in its own. Not to mention Dai even suggested a form of smart contracts long before they were even implemented into coins like Ethereum. His proposal for smart contracts would be perfected in the coming years, but it all started with the Cypherpunks back in the 90’s.

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34421d  No.15302168


bitcoin was a clown set up.

loads of proof of that.

slide and it will bring the house down when they realise it is part of the control grid blockchain.

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c18a5e  No.15302169


is @jack saying he's satoshi?

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da5fbb  No.15302170

File: b4bb049ff91350e⋯.png (215.44 KB, 392x522, 196:261, joe17.PNG)

He did do really well.

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34421d  No.15302171


not for spelling


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f21275  No.15302172

File: 9af459b5f62b61a⋯.png (404.97 KB, 623x550, 623:550, ClipboardImage.png)

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c8dbcd  No.15302173


The question is, why is he posting it. 13th anniversary, and seemingly going nuts replying to himself.

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a2134f  No.15302174

File: 4225bc6235b67a0⋯.png (671.63 KB, 750x416, 375:208, ClipboardImage.png)


New York Attorney General Subpoenas Don Jr., Ivanka Trump in Civil Fraud Probe

The witch hunt continues.

New York Attorney General Letitia James subpoenaed Don Jr., and Ivanka Trump as part of a civil fraud probe into whether the Trump Organization inflated values of some of its properties.

According to court documents filed Monday, Donald Trump’s two children were subpoenaed on December 1.

The New York AG’s office previously subpoenaed Donald Trump for testimony by a January 7 deadline.

Trump’s lawyers previously said they will quash the subpoena.

The Trump Organization, which is currently under indictment in Manhattan, is also facing a criminal investigation by Mimi Rocah, the Trump-hating Democrat DA in Westchester County, New York.

The DA’s office is probing to see if the Trump Organization misled the town of Ossining about the golf course’s property value to pay less taxes.

Rochah, who has repeatedly attacked Trump publicly, is on a fishing expedition looking for a crime.

Earlier this year, Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance hit the Trump Org with criminal charges.


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bace19  No.15302175

>>15302155 Part One,

>>15302167,Part 2?

Now there are differences between Dai’s B-Money and Bitcoin. One of the biggest differences was the way the coins would perform. Wei wanted his coins to remain stable unlike BTC, which is anything but stable. For example, if a television costs 100 B-Money coins it would remain 100 B-Money coins (no matter if you bought the new television today or bought a television 10 years from now) This would create a stability that is unique when compared to Bitcoin. The way a stable cost was achieved was is done through a variant of proof of work that works a bit differently than BTC as a stable price is not the goal of Bitcoin so much as it was in Dai’s vision.

Dai did not ever implement the B-Money protocol. He really couldn’t implement it as it was incomplete. Even Dai admitted the proposals made were not achievable due to the fact it wasn’t a complete system as BTC is today. There were flaws in his creation, but the B-Money proposal was noticed by Satoshi Nakamoto and utilized while creating Bitcoin. Wei ultimately gave up on his work due to the fact he was positive it would only be a niche currency used by very few people (mostly in the Cypherpunk community) Wei was emailed by Satoshi while Satoshi was creating Bitcoin, but Wei didn’t respond to Satoshi. Wei wishes he did respond to Satoshi today though. The main reason is Wei sees a few flaws in Bitcoin that Weil believes could have been ironed out in the beginning. Wei seems to dislike the idea of a “fixed supply”. Satoshi decided to take the route of limiting BTC to 21 million. For this reason I believe that Dai is not Satoshi. As influential as Dai was in the creation of Bitcoin, at the end of the day he was a proponent of stable valued crypto while Satoshi created a cryptocurrency that is the opposite of stable (at least for now) There is even a stable coin called Maker that refers to their currency as “Dai” which is not a replica of Wei Dai’s vision, but it was likely named after Dai for obvious reasons.

In conclusion:

Not too much is known about Wei Dai. Wei was a graduate of Washington University. Wei was a Cypherpunk. But most of all Wei was a proponent of privacy. Wei didn’t like the idea of the govt controlling our monetary supply and Wei decided to try and do something about it. Inspired by the writings of Timothy May, Wei made a big impact of the crypto community that is still felt to this day. I learned a lot about this mysterious person today! I hope you did as well.

Written by: Tim Pace 4/1/2019

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105733  No.15302176



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bace19  No.15302177

File: de7308f7089afa7⋯.gif (149.86 KB, 280x181, 280:181, Subway.gif)

>>15302155 Part One,

>>15302167, >>15302175,Part 2?



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e08b9c  No.15302178

File: 191d0f12a764109⋯.jpg (108.53 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, ZomboMeme_01112021193927.jpg)

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94e41c  No.15302179


Roll his body out. Till then RRN can piss off.

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a2134f  No.15302180

File: 677b0b090c64681⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Mexican President Reiterates Asylum Offer to WikiLeaks' Assange

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador once again offered asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is currently awaiting his extradition to the United States from the United Kingdom.

In December, the London High Court ruled in favour of the US appeal to extradite Assange, overturning the earlier decision that the whistleblower cannot be extradited to America due to his health issues and the inhumane conditions he might face in the US prison system. The Mexican leader already voiced readiness to grant Assange political asylum in January last year.

"We are ready to offer asylum to Assange. We think that the US government should act humanely. Assange is sick and it would be a show of solidarity, brotherhood to allow him to have asylum in a country, in which Assange will decide to live, including in Mexico," Lopez Obrador said during a press conference broadcast by YouTube.

The whistleblower is wanted by the United States on espionage charges after WikiLeaks published thousands of classified documents that shed light on war crimes committed by American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. If put on trial and convicted in the US, the Australian journalist faces up to 175 years in prison.


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d5f373  No.15302182


Nobody looks like a badass in the fag mask.

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5734f0  No.15302183

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe_12.png)


Fooling around…….boutta find out….

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da5fbb  No.15302185

File: bb30ca3843f88b6⋯.png (22.9 KB, 416x252, 104:63, Screen_Shot_01_03_22_at_02….PNG)


Update: He did make it back safely.


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105733  No.15302186

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0055ac  No.15302187

File: ac949623908ddfa⋯.png (19.11 KB, 687x538, 687:538, ClipboardImage.png)


Prolly tryin to do a pump before the dec 3rd red wick fills at 41k

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df7388  No.15302188


Rear Adm. Crandall set a date of execution for January 24.

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a2134f  No.15302189

File: 5ca5710b7041fa7⋯.png (71.69 KB, 889x763, 127:109, ClipboardImage.png)

New COVID-19 Variant With 46 Mutations Discovered In Southern France

Since its arrival in late November, the unquestionably mild Omicron strain of Covid-19 has sent daily new infections to record highs, while hospital admissions - and particularly deaths - have remained relatively low compared to the giant new denominator.

But it was only a matter of time before a new variant hit the scene. Like omicron, it appears this new variant originated in an African country - Cameroon - after being isolated by scientists in southern France.

The first official case is reported to be a traveler from Cameroon, and it's now spreading in Southern France where at least 12 people have been infected with it, according to research published on medrvix.

To be clear - we know virtually nothing about this new strain aside from the fact that it exists. Nothing on severity, transmissibility, 'long covid', etc. We do know it's highly mutated from the original strain, much like Omicron. It's also too soon to tell if it will be classified as a 'variant of concern.'

In the medrvix preprint, which has yet to be peer-reviewed, experts from a French government-backed program said they had identified 46 mutations in the variant.

"SARS-CoV-2 variants have become a major virological, epidemiological and clinical concern, particularly with regard to the risk of escape from vaccine-induced immunity," the paper's authors wrote.

The scientists also postulated that the new variant was probably of "Cameroonian" origin. Readers can find the complete report below. The variant has been given the name B.1.640.2, and was first detected by experts at the IHU Mediterranee Infection Foundation in Marseille.

According to the paper, the scientists' analysis of the variant's genome revealed 46 mutations and "37 deletions resulting in 30 amino acid substitutions and 12 deletions. Fourteen 43 amino acid substitutions, including N501Y and E484K, and 9 deletions are located in the 44 spike protein."


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c20f6d  No.15302190


Low interest rate inflated the value of properties

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105733  No.15302191





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0d2b6a  No.15302192

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23afc2  No.15302193

File: 11c316e4b0956c7⋯.png (66.12 KB, 250x194, 125:97, seriously.png)


>Rear Adm. Crandall set a date of execution for January 24.

Hope they film it.

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bace19  No.15302194

File: d42ce0b64805904⋯.png (131.01 KB, 600x315, 40:21, No_Dont_.png)


>It's the Bitcoin base code. It says so directly in the comments.


>>15302112, >>15302121, >>15302131, >>15302142, >>15302147, >>15302155 Jack tweets some code… Tim Pace? + Bun

>>15302167, >>15302175, >>15302177 Jack Cont. Part 2? + Bun

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0d2b6a  No.15302195



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94e41c  No.15302196

File: b108bed03165ed5⋯.png (150.66 KB, 560x448, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)


> global effort to inject them into the body of every human being on the planet

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ef719e  No.15302197

File: dd49771a8043ab8⋯.png (31.42 KB, 321x267, 107:89, 1641236721498.png)

File: f15c185aab6d3fd⋯.png (135.45 KB, 582x312, 97:52, 1641236878454.png)

File: 52b3c5347432c3e⋯.png (335.91 KB, 413x600, 413:600, 1641236890339.png)

File: d89b0e467b2f80f⋯.png (151.61 KB, 600x435, 40:29, 1641236907456.png)


Did someone say TEMPEST?


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0d2b6a  No.15302198


"dirty go hurry"

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0d2b6a  No.15302199


stains on the tarmac

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bbdf2f  No.15302200

File: bcd8de8d04cd4fc⋯.jpg (175.5 KB, 1024x931, 1024:931, DiqtaVFV4AAox96_1024x931.jpg)

File: cebc8d30a49c473⋯.jpg (78.14 KB, 500x585, 100:117, patton_oswalt_pedo_tweets1.jpg)

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18318a  No.15302201

File: dbaaec0e3d46fbd⋯.png (226.47 KB, 344x501, 344:501, 6dc864deef142fc09f375662d6….png)

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34421d  No.15302202



offer of asylum in mexico

anon thinks this is a first from any country since Ecuador sold him out

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274551  No.15302203

File: eba9f1b6e028b85⋯.jpg (12.82 KB, 177x255, 59:85, bbf7ffa28426dea19b24872b13….jpg)

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16bd7d  No.15302204

File: b47c83cdf04ba14⋯.png (18.68 KB, 434x291, 434:291, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)

Saw this on a podcast last night. If this has been posted before forgive me. I can't get on here much anymore.


Jimmy Carter creating a shadow gov't.

SES is the "keystone" caught my attn.

Just seems rather interesting

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cd47e6  No.15302205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6ea835  No.15302206


Be careful what you wish for.

People, unbeknownst to them are following the dark forces, they were and are still deceived by them.

God is giving them one last chance.

He is going to shine the light in the darkness and show the people that are being deceived the truth for once.

Once these people see the truth they again have ONE LAST CHANCE to change and follow the light.

If they do not change and still follow the darkness then they will not go with the rest of us that did choose to follow the light.

We are going to make a new world. We are going to evolve together and take our rightful place in heaven (5D)

The earth is ascending and God wants to give everyone one last chance to join the light.

This is what you are here for. This is most

likely your mission. To guide them after they are shown the truth and choose the light. To help expose the darkness that has enslaved humanity.

They must choose the light with their own free will.

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f914d2  No.15302207

Where would we be today if Trump had not come to raise our lives from the depths we had been beaten down to??

So much hope and strong faith in our wonderful future! In our world!

Love this!


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d5524b  No.15302208


Anything posted on Twitter is the official word of the communist party

Joe Biden wouldn’t look like a badass with a machine gun in one hand and the severed head of a tiger in the other

Fuck the communist government and its social media pussies

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5734f0  No.15302209

File: 70ae6c5b7a6aff7⋯.png (348.44 KB, 500x523, 500:523, FluRona.png)


"Ever since the pandemic began, public health experts have warned about the possibility of getting COVID-19 and the flu at once. With flu cases jumping up across the country after a very mild season last year, doctors are warning that so-called “flurona” can happen—and Israel just had its first documented case, which may be the first in the world."


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57a4e4  No.15302210


for your review anon, picked these SES posts up last week -o7

>>15271664 (pb)

>>15271679 (pb)

>>15271688 (pb)

>>15271733 (pb)

dasting… aware of SES but not the sisters involvement. how does hawaii connect them?

>>15271772 (pb)

>>15271805 (pb)

>SES Appointment outline of protocols

>Control of all Federal Agencies

does not compute..

unless the 3 highlighted are not federal agencies?

>>15271805 (pb)

>>unless the 3 highlighted are not federal agencies?

>one can hope

to this anon, seems as if?

>>15271897 (pb)


>names and all other applicable information on SES

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8aeb21  No.15302211

File: a0cca98be2ca7d9⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1920x955, 384:191, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)

File: 422f979172ac00f⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1920x955, 384:191, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)


Biden's plane 09-0016 landed JBA 15:05ish still using then/acallsign

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f21275  No.15302212

>>15301800 (lb)

First two show a run time of 2 hours, 2 minutes and third shows 1 hour 40 minutes. I wonder what got cut out.

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d5524b  No.15302213


Moar communist rhetoric……blah, blah, blah

Fuck the communist government and its dingleberries

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105733  No.15302214

File: 0992542a3154260⋯.png (207.13 KB, 640x487, 640:487, 3498574908527409898527057.PNG)



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f914d2  No.15302215


Thank you, Anon. The SES was heavily researched a few years ago. The ranks had remained about 2000 SES agents until Obama. He installed over 6000 hand-selected SES agents throughout our entire government.

Invest in American rope! We're gonna need a lot of it!

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bace19  No.15302217

File: e97ae6e31b37883⋯.jpg (50.91 KB, 736x414, 16:9, Nigg_U_Lyin_.jpg)


Moar like too many people started askingWHERE DA FLU!?

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3ff7ef  No.15302218

File: 48d920a67ee6535⋯.jpg (94.02 KB, 700x639, 700:639, Gab_Grab.JPG)

File: 2831f34d628355f⋯.jpg (454.7 KB, 1227x819, 409:273, CW_Theater.jpg)

File: ade1bd52f722476⋯.jpg (318.12 KB, 1584x876, 132:73, AMC_Theater.jpg)

Why are all the Movie Theaters Blacked Out this weekend, the 7th and 8th and more?

Found this on Gab, and checked the two local Theaters, AMC and CW. AMC has "The 355" playing once on Sat. CW has NOTHING from 1/7-1/12.

Interdasting to say the least!

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16bd7d  No.15302219


Thank you.

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a88621  No.15302220

File: f7a6327b8343cdb⋯.png (455.68 KB, 1080x845, 216:169, 29669093.png)


Bad ass

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94e41c  No.15302221

File: b9284ae130d35cd⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB, 640x342, 320:171, heres_a_thought.mp4)


thinking out loud

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16bd7d  No.15302224

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274551  No.15302225

Iran is weak

Iran Vows Revenge For Soleimani Killing If Trump Not Put On Trial https://www.oann.com/iran-vows….-revenge-for-soleima

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67528f  No.15302226


This anon uses

Baking soda, dilute=shampoo

Acv, dilute = conditioner.

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bd6300  No.15302227

File: 1b135bc4265c010⋯.png (15.19 KB, 348x454, 174:227, Capture.PNG)

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5734f0  No.15302228

File: c23104a1a5ad85e⋯.png (334.84 KB, 667x374, 667:374, fauci_flu_lies.png)



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df7388  No.15302229

File: 7b78fdf5a032ee2⋯.png (280.43 KB, 1519x671, 1519:671, ClipboardImage.png)


can confirm

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0f2113  No.15302230


> We are going to evolve together and take our rightful place in heaven (5D)

uh, yeah… sounds great

right now though we are driving the meatsuit on planet current-reality and shits really fucked up

might need to whack a few mutants while waiting for Nirvana

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d5524b  No.15302231


Should of, would of, could of put the commies in jail

Now Trumps kids will get roasted in court and lose millions

I love when rich people get fucked

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a3cc64  No.15302232

There is no way to get through to 'Covidiots'. Mom was complaining that everything is being shut down 'again' because of the new 'scarient' and she is totally pissed (she likes to volunteer work). I asked her a simple question.

Would you get tested, if you had a cold (runny nose, etc). She couldn't/wouldn't answer. Had all kinds of excuses (hospitals overwhelmed, numbers up, you name it). She would not give me a Yes/No answer.

Tried pushing the idea that people were running to the hospital, with the common cold (just in case they might have 'something'), and that might it be putting the numbers up. Still no answer…

In my view, that is what is bogging the system down and putting the numbers up (that's the only thing the covidiots look at - the numbers).

Last remarks were "The whole world can't be wrong".

How does someone get through to these people??????

Talked to a lot of people over the last two weeks, and most cancelled out of their planned visits. I'd say 95%

From what I can gather, most of the family has taken the jab and are lined up for more of them -I am hoping, I will not be an 'only child' in a few years. Scary as hell

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bace19  No.15302233


oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit!

The 355 is an upcoming American action spy film directed by Simon Kinberg, with a screenplay by Theresa Rebeck and Kinberg, from a story by Rebeck. The film stars Jessica Chastain, Lupita Nyong'o, Penélope Cruz, Diane Kruger, Fan Bingbing, Sebastian Stan, and Édgar Ramírez.

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5dc066  No.15302234

File: 169d2bb65a7c3f6⋯.png (317.29 KB, 563x800, 563:800, biden_ice_cream_sprinkels.png)


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105733  No.15302235

U.S. Army Retweeted

USACE North Atlantic Division


Congratulations to all for these excellent accomplishments last year! We can't wait to see what 2022 has in store.

Quote Tweet

U.S. Army


· Jan 2

Women in the Army continued to make history in 2021.

The first woman graduated from the Army Sniper School, the service confirmed its first female Army secretary and promoted its first female to be inspector general of the Army.

Check out more firsts! https://go.usa.gov/xtqSv

10:44 AM · Jan 3, 2022·Twitter Web App


USACE North Atlantic Division. Red Castle.

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b7ded3  No.15302236

[Dsruptive Subdermals]

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67528f  No.15302237

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9afbd7  No.15302238

secret underground vault of gold bullion records found underr hubbardite buttseks symbol landscaping

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f35469  No.15302239


Hollywood is in a death spiral so all they have left is to try to create a viral marketing campaign. They lease the theaters, spin the scheduling, and try to create an Internet 'buzz'. It's marketing to influence the gullible.

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e047f8  No.15302240


same here. Central California.

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f914d2  No.15302241


I'm thinking investing in American rope will pan out bigly!!

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592d74  No.15302243

Third Hong Kong news outlet says it will shut down as pro-China lawmakers take power

The founders of Citizen News said the online news outlet would cease publishing on Tuesday, citing the closure last week of Stand News following a raid on its newsroom by 200 police and the arrests of seven people accused of publishing seditious materials.

Along with Stand News, Apple Daily — the last pro-democracy paper in the global financial hub — shuttered in June after its editors and owners were arrested and millions of dollars in assets were frozen


We announced with a heavy heart that CitizenNews will cease operation starting from Jan 4 (Tue).

Jan 2, 2022


Citizen News [Triangle logo?]

Four former members of the Stand News board — former democratic legislator Margaret Ng, pop star Denise Ho, Chow Tat-chi and Christine Fang — were released on police bail pending further investigations.

Editor of Stand News Patrick Lam (center) is escorted by police officers into a van. (picture: [Mirror] image)


Apple Daily logo? [Apple missing a bite?]

And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.


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5dc066  No.15302245

File: 89a09e4200d9ca4⋯.png (93.98 KB, 490x220, 49:22, bloody_biden.png)

yeah, a real bad ass

FJB again

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a88621  No.15302246

File: 16524673413b43f⋯.jpg (108.3 KB, 1024x992, 32:31, 1627168642246m.jpg)


You always have us anon

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b6bda8  No.15302247


Just watched the preview.

Looks like another one of those "all countries must now unite to save the world from…" type of plots.

That's what the Report from Iron Mountain came up with. Scare the people with environmental disaster or an alien threat to get the world to unite into a new world order.

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5dc066  No.15302248

File: 7c2c2d595766358⋯.png (294.41 KB, 425x480, 85:96, joe_and_jill.png)

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34421d  No.15302249

File: 73721378aa51a04⋯.png (193.22 KB, 880x809, 880:809, ClipboardImage.png)


cucking to females

wow one woman finally made to the bench.

big deal

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a9dda5  No.15302250



saved and shared

Is there anything better than the way some people's minds work? Why I made my way here

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92ab0a  No.15302251

File: 7cca84cffdd98ae⋯.png (53.69 KB, 670x1053, 670:1053, grammar_nazi_not.png)


>Should of, would of, could of

Should have, would have, could have.

A preposition never follows a modal verb; it is always an auxiliary verb.

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a3cc64  No.15302252


Only thing that keeps me going, lately

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713754  No.15302253


second previous

NY Attny Gen subpoena's Trump Sibs


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d5f373  No.15302254

File: 6fa5c3efb8d4487⋯.gif (1003.68 KB, 360x360, 1:1, fox_news_in_a_nutshell.gif)

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9afbd7  No.15302255

File: 9e3f43fa6ab4c5e⋯.png (105.5 KB, 283x178, 283:178, ClipboardImage.png)


>secret underground vault of gold bullion records found underr hubbardite buttseks symbol landscaping

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d5524b  No.15302256


Apparently, all the Karen’s are rushing their kids to the hospitals with the sniffles, clogging the health services

Reminds me of the “antibiotic mania” of the 80’s when Karen’s were beating on the doors of the pharmacies to get the little geniuses some drugs.

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e1dcaa  No.15302257

File: 87f6bd3f27eab8d⋯.png (18.71 KB, 466x178, 233:89, q2948_closertoZero.png)

File: 37cba1d440da37b⋯.png (907.89 KB, 1335x559, 1335:559, usniClosertoZero.png)

File: 645cb5589e7936d⋯.png (389.14 KB, 598x650, 23:25, usniNye.png)

PB notable

>>15296998 time traveling sub twat - us naval twat

U.S. Naval Institute



Dec 31, 2021

At0000hours on 01 January 2000, USS Topeka (SSN-754) crossed the intersection of the equator and International Date Line, placing the submarine simultaneously in two years, decades, centuries, millenniums, seasons and hemispheres. #FunFactFriday #NewYearsEve


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 380289 No.5489858 📁

Mar 3 2019 19:18:49 (EST)

>>5489614 (/pb)

[7] seconds?

We are gettingcloser to 0:00:00.

How is that possible?

Close proximity?


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4007bd  No.15302258

Candian fren says lockdowns in Ontario Wednesday. Canada is lost.



Also says mass layoffs coming. laborshortage eh? But just keep on brining them turd world rapefugees..

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18318a  No.15302259

File: 36600055204d4a6⋯.png (196.77 KB, 680x383, 680:383, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26b47f43ff9edb0⋯.png (73.97 KB, 474x472, 237:236, 05d5f778828459762896a825d5….png)




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df7388  No.15302260

File: 1f835fdc3d3ad72⋯.png (681.12 KB, 1655x759, 1655:759, ClipboardImage.png)

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274551  No.15302261

File: 762d8d833619ad7⋯.jpg (35.22 KB, 400x234, 200:117, silence_of_the_lams.jpg)

Shhhhh!…..The Silence of the Lambs/Lams.

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a88621  No.15302262

File: fc43b753ef038d0⋯.jpeg (179.52 KB, 1440x818, 720:409, 1546028880.jpeg)


>Why I made my way here

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1dfa93  No.15302263


It's an all female spy thriller!! This shit sells itself. A whole team of James Bonds but this time…STRONG AND BRAVE!

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9f1f7b  No.15302264

File: 50ec4f96a67e89d⋯.jpg (299.72 KB, 700x1090, 70:109, genesis_block_newspaper_bi….jpg)

File: 1c03594c061e530⋯.mp4 (13.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, bitcoin_newspaper_genesis_….mp4)

File: dcb49188f83dab6⋯.png (109.48 KB, 848x750, 424:375, Screen_Shot_2022_01_03_at_….png)

File: 75ee384fea40196⋯.jpeg (201.5 KB, 1200x633, 400:211, The_Times_Chancellor_on_B….jpeg)



A Rare Piece of Financial History

This newspaper is the most rare, and most valuable crypto collectible in existence. Actual copies exist, but to date, only 2 have been verified by the individuals running this site. If you have an authentic copy of this newspaper, we encourage you to contact us, so that we may both document its existence, and assist you should you decide to sell. We have been collecting an interest list for several years.

If you are a serious collector and want an authentic copy of this document, please enter your email at the top of this page to be kept on an interest list. Your information will not be shared for any reason whatsoever. You can also bookmark this website and check back periodically to see if any copies are available for sale. See below.

When Satoshi wrote his comment on the Genesis Block, he picked the title for a reason. It implies the disruptive and revolutionary freedoms associated with financial block chain technologies.


Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks

Billions may be needed as lending squeeze tightens

Francis Elliott Deputy Political Editor Gary Duncan Economics Editor

on state-backed gurantees to encour age private finance, but a number of in- terventions are on the table, including further injections of taxpayers' cash.

Under one option, a "bad bank" would be created to dispose of bad

Alistair Darling has been forced to consider a second bailout for banks as the lending drought worsens.

The Chancellor will decide within weeks whether to pump billions more into the economy as evidence mounts that the £37billion part-nationalisation last year has failed to keep credit flowing. Options include cash injections, offiering banks cheaper state guarantees to raise money privately or buying up "toxic assets", The Times has learnt.

The Bank of England revealed yester-

day that, despite intense pressure, the banks curbed lending in the final quar- ter of last year and plan even tighter restrictions in the coming months. Its findings will alarm the Treasury.

The Bank is expected to take yet more aggressive action this week by cutting the base rate from its current level of 2 per cent. Doing so would reduce the cost of borrowing but have little effect on the availability of loans.

Whitehall sources said that ministers planned to keep the banks on the boil" but accepted that they need more help to restore lending levels. Formally, the Treasury plans to focus

debts. The Treasury would take bad loans off the hands of troubled banks, perhaps swapping them for government bonds. The toxic assets. blamed for poisoning the financial system, would be parked in a state vehicle or "bad bank" that would manage them and attempt to dispose of them while "detoxifying the mainstream banking system.

The idea would mirror the initial proposal by Henry Paulson, the US Treasury Secretary, to underpin the American banking system by buying Continued on page 6, col 1 Leading article, page 2

Pub chain cuts the price of a pint from £1.69 to 1989 levels Business, page 47

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0a0127  No.15302265


Arresting them would help too

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da5fbb  No.15302266

File: afb7d1337ccb998⋯.png (286.54 KB, 411x476, 411:476, Screen_Shot_01_03_22_at_02….PNG)

File: 76a3ea3e2d577b8⋯.png (430.37 KB, 634x441, 634:441, ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trump Jr.


Clown show.

2:22 PM · Jan 3, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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67528f  No.15302267

Thinking you’re right.. confirmed that’s the only show on the 7th. Agree trying to monopolize hype by making it the only one available that day. Woke feminist usual bs.


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9064a2  No.15302268


Eastern Canada. No showtimes.

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94e41c  No.15302269


It was one of the funnier ones.



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a9dda5  No.15302270


Yes and hopefully we can connect in states, rt. We will have to form new communities if the die-off really takes place.

People made it through the plague. We can make it through this.

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34421d  No.15302271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dr robert malone on nigel farage live now


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497a08  No.15302272


Who else brought popcorn to the circus?

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bace19  No.15302273

>>15302112, >>15302121, >>15302131, >>15302142, >>15302147, >>15302155 Jack tweets some code… Tim Pace? + Bun

>>15302167, >>15302175, >>15302177 Jack Cont. Part 2? + Bun

>>15302264 AND the referenced article


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495c6a  No.15302274

File: cf5d40eea16e0c1⋯.png (1.24 MB, 702x1406, 351:703, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)

holy fawk, maybe its a good thing planes are down.

2019 = 1

2020 = 6

2021 = 111

[inverted 1 (9 11)1]

Pilots are dying from heart attacks, am curious tho… in flight?

if so, whats gonna happen to all those vaccinated in flight?

mass death?

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0f2113  No.15302276

File: fb9d08c102e6051⋯.jpg (58.08 KB, 598x367, 598:367, Screenshot_2022_01_02_il_D….jpg)


>Shhhhh!…..The Silence of the Lambs/Lams.

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9f1f7b  No.15302277

File: 362ebfbad503b45⋯.png (204.78 KB, 1994x1206, 997:603, Screen_Shot_2022_01_03_at_….png)

File: 1ccb2ed29e53c54⋯.png (218.15 KB, 1992x1226, 996:613, Screen_Shot_2022_01_03_at_….png)

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2e1091  No.15302278


That OR, a distraction to something being dropped on those days. Either way, it's only hype to those who are still blinded by 'stars'.

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4924eb  No.15302279


now do midair collisions which are up significantly within the last year

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94e41c  No.15302280


Sick sick sick..

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495c6a  No.15302281


jack sniffing packets… the Times it seems

01/03/09 chancelor on brink of second bailout for banks ca

>best i got

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67528f  No.15302282


>form new communities

I hope anons can/are connecting locally with like minded? Start today, find your people.

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495c6a  No.15302283


was wondering how collisions and plane drops are this time of year

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f35469  No.15302284

File: 283f3e630480ded⋯.png (70 KB, 530x313, 530:313, ClipboardImage.png)


They made many current/former enslaved children famous.

Hollywood is filled w/ them.


Find the loudest voices.


Who was adopted?

Who was born in?

They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS.


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4007bd  No.15302285

>>15302189 Good-. why just stop at 46?

so much not winning I cant stand not winning. Can we please get to the part where I get tired of winning? Can we do this like last week?

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98284d  No.15302286


In Portland he only movies showing starting Jan 7, 2022 are

'The 355'

'Poupelle of Chimney Town'

The dollar movies (reruns) are normal but all first showings in Portland are reduced to those 2 movies.

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e1dcaa  No.15302287

File: 4f26483a9a1209a⋯.png (403.79 KB, 669x705, 223:235, closertozero.png)

File: 2e131d5f0554ed5⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1745x1421, 1745:1421, clockScavino7_closertozero.png)

File: 9491a4b096b7628⋯.png (376.86 KB, 972x708, 81:59, scavino7close.png)

File: 8abca0e5a44d552⋯.png (237 KB, 550x666, 275:333, scavinoClosertoZero.png)


>[7] seconds?

>We are getting closer to 0:00:00.



>>15301448 Qmapfag - Do Anons understand what is about to be unleashed?

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cd47e6  No.15302288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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5734f0  No.15302289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Start @ 0:45

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34421d  No.15302290


dr robert malone says omicrom infection is natures cure to the covid.

in his previous explanation he said it restricts the infection getting to the lungs and remains in the nose and throat and is a perfect cure for covid.

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105733  No.15302291

File: 1a53249ad11bfa9⋯.png (246.88 KB, 700x706, 350:353, 1722f321e577c571e46d30b6db….png)


A female sniper will drop you just as quickly as a male sniper. There are lots of chicks that I wouldn't want shooting at me.

just sayin'

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cd47e6  No.15302292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bbdf2f  No.15302293

File: 3404a972d396904⋯.png (33.12 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, country_code_php.png)

File: 7a87c419f043d34⋯.jpg (101.21 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: b55dfaa963b08a0⋯.jpg (77.34 KB, 800x532, 200:133, clinton_albania_flag.jpg)

File: 30813422a50ac7a⋯.jpeg (26.51 KB, 474x315, 158:105, OIP_R61BIyR1onledcuV7pq31….jpeg)





Albania investigates leak of 637,138 citizens’ personal data


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4007bd  No.15302294


mass passenger deaths inflight- all vaxxed would be sad but darkly funny. It would not be reported nationally though. That was posted here some time back but worth reposting.


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da5fbb  No.15302295

File: 4aa20e8b9341c27⋯.png (64.34 KB, 400x222, 200:111, reeses_cup.PNG)

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592d74  No.15302296

Anons saw the “66 million” poster with a big “dig” last night.

On Dec. 28th there were a few 66 million articles.

On Dec. 29th there was a 66 million article with a 1.6% [headline: Blaze Higher]

On Dec. 30th there was the 1,600 acre Colorodo fire [blaze] caused by high winds?

Isaiah 66: 15,16 → whirlwinds and fire

All coincidences?

Think for yourself.

The [1,6]00-acre Marshall Fire burning near Boulder, Colorado

strong winds that gusted up to 110 mph

December 30, 2021


Braze, Inc Is About To [Blaze Higher]

The company is forecasting revenue in the range of $65 to $66 million for a sequential gain of [1.6]%

December 29, 2021


More than 66 million people have received booster shots.

Dec. 28, 2021


see if you have won tonight's £66 million jackpot

28 Dec 2021


the SEC claimed that Betancourt spent some of the $66 million he raised to fund a lavish lifestyle and not towards the business



15 For, behold, the LORD will come with fire, and with [his chariots like a whirlwind], to render his anger with fury, and [his rebuke with flames of fire].

16 For by fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh: and the slain of the LORD shall be many.

Isaiah 66:15, 16


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0a0127  No.15302297

Aren't you anons scared that they get away with it with the COVID/Vaxx narrative? I mean, covid is now more contagious and less dangerous because that's the common evolution of a virus but the decreased mortality is used as a prove that shit vaxx works

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18318a  No.15302298

File: 91465c481439ff0⋯.png (456.83 KB, 438x430, 219:215, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e1091  No.15302299

U.S. Marshals Arrested More Than 6,000 Murder Suspects, 10,000 Sex Offenders in 2021 - https://breaking911.com/u-s-marshals-arrest-more-than-6000-murder-suspects-in-2021/

US Marshals are certified bad asses

10k sex offenders in 365 days ?

That’s 28 per day

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4007bd  No.15302300


maybe this fat ass will drop due to co-obesity

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4924eb  No.15302301


>"our democracy is under assault" due to Republicans' "authoritarian quest for power."

Translation: Our grift/scam/thievery & power grabs via covid emergency powers are under assault by Republicans not in on the grift/scam/thievery we call "Our Democracy"

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8f9060  No.15302302

File: 9e3f43fa6ab4c5e⋯.png (105.5 KB, 283x178, 283:178, ClipboardImage.png)


>secret underground vault of gold bullion records found underr hubbardite buttseks symbol landscaping

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4007bd  No.15302303


i'm pissed and this is not the winning i was promised.

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a9dda5  No.15302304

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dee51e  No.15302305


Surely part of their plan. Seems to work pretty good with the vaxxed - thank God I eas vaxxed or I would have died. It'll eventually break down.

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2e1091  No.15302307

File: e5c020721c84a67⋯.png (752.2 KB, 1280x1223, 1280:1223, ClipboardImage.png)

via telegram:

MR POOL COMMS: The End Of Swift and The Beginning Of XRP

Mr Pool posted an edited ('exiting') version of the SWIFT logo at 3:33pm. By posting at 3:33, Mr Pool expands on the message via 333 = THE END OF SWIFT AND BEGINNING OF XRP.

333 also equals STARLINK QUANTUM SATELLITES = THE QFS VIA STARLINK SATELLITES. This confirms our speculation that the QFS utilizes Starlink's Satellites.

Mr Pool then confirms his Telegram account is legit via the time delta between his current Twitter (twitter.com/iooP_rM311_7211) and his posting on Telegram. The delta is 2 HOURS AND 56 MINUTES BETWEEN = 333. Also, 2:56 equals 176 minutes. 176 MINUTES APART = 333.

Additionally, 176 = END OF OLD SYSTEM = THE QFS SYSTEM.


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d5524b  No.15302308


A Dem/commie wouldn’t know “democracy” if it kicked them in the crotch

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0b1720  No.15302309

File: 49b24c2428ae418⋯.png (764.16 KB, 1200x859, 1200:859, grabbin_newsome.png)

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f914d2  No.15302310


Read the article. President AMLO first offered it last January. And AGAIN now.

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274551  No.15302311


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a3cc64  No.15302313


That's another thing, they also want the 'covid pill'. I warned her about the alerts) Heart problems run in the family and a lot are on the ones that have side effects. She just thinks that all pills have warnings, so you can disregard them.

Got to hand it to her, isn't on anything. Dad died early (only 17 pills a day).

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df7388  No.15302314

File: f612e3060a1ce61⋯.png (24.14 KB, 799x233, 799:233, ClipboardImage.png)


we know who is really in charge.

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497a08  No.15302315


If you are bringing those on a first date to the movies then we might just ought to tie the knot and get it over with.

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d5f373  No.15302316


They were always going to get away with it. They always do.

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b9bac4  No.15302317


Always send out the blank

too so other anons can play

the meme game wit cha.

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5734f0  No.15302318


Has something to do with the thinner air at cabin altitude. It's even worse for fighter pilots, which would explain why Putin grounded Russian military pilots that were vaxxed.

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d5524b  No.15302319

File: e2802cedfc8c95f⋯.png (252.6 KB, 1019x535, 1019:535, 2FF8A129_16E6_411C_8469_AC….png)

This 355 movie sounds like a real “woke” POS

Isn’t being released until following week, so Jan 7 is a “preview” for all the Karen’s to see it early

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8f9060  No.15302320

File: 396434fa66a8697⋯.png (12.95 KB, 194x259, 194:259, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15302238 buttseks symbol matches"tomb of teh undocumented buttesks gold bullion"gehy conspiracyall over tumblr

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0f2113  No.15302321

File: 622de4103b6b43d⋯.jpg (74.13 KB, 576x403, 576:403, yut.jpg)

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dee51e  No.15302322


Looks like one of those pictures taken on a Rollercoaster with their expressions.

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2e1091  No.15302323


Exactly, and yet, so many are stilling getting their knickers in a bunch, then quote cue,,,,,com si com sa.

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495c6a  No.15302324

File: 0d5d0ed03f5c1fb⋯.mp4 (3.27 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 0d5d0ed03f5c1fba84ebbfe43c….mp4)


i think he had an earpiece

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18318a  No.15302325

File: 90d24fde08f1d77⋯.jpg (42.82 KB, 1014x508, 507:254, FILqfYWXMAA1uAr.jpg)

File: 37b2173bafb6569⋯.png (127.29 KB, 400x254, 200:127, Screenshot_2021_10_15_at_2….png)


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497a08  No.15302326

File: 2a76ff4add96df2⋯.png (398.23 KB, 1761x802, 1761:802, PDJT_How_He_COmmunicates_V….PNG)


Eventually we'll work this thing from parable to straight talk. Let's see what booster shot push #7 looks like.

>It's an IQ test. Always has been.

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df7388  No.15302327


check Fandango- They have 1-7 & 1-8 dates blocked for ticket purchase on line.

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796ac2  No.15302328

File: c6a3b592402a8b9⋯.png (4.22 MB, 3384x1790, 1692:895, ClipboardImage.png)

QClock January 03, 2022

Prince Andrew is deeply connected

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8f9060  No.15302329

File: a4d3b1ef1953b0c⋯.png (7.66 KB, 288x175, 288:175, ClipboardImage.png)


>buttseks symbol matches"tomb of teh undocumented buttesks gold bullion"gehy conspiracyall over tumblr

secret gape codes sent to aliens

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796ac2  No.15302330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5734f0  No.15302331


Is it going to push their Jan 6 insurrection narrative?

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8f9060  No.15302332

File: 0d61b4a690c8d24⋯.png (5.09 KB, 297x169, 297:169, ClipboardImage.png)


>secret gape code


> to aliens


>>buttseks symbol matches"tomb of teh undocumented buttesks gold bullion"gehy conspiracyall over== tumblrwitch is GEHY–AF__

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a2bdcd  No.15302333

File: 4eee574552d7f99⋯.png (536.4 KB, 666x666, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

"Things sure became strange. I hope we can keep what is most important from being destroyed." Anon thought to himself as the Apocalypse began engulfing the world after 2021's winter solstice.

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94e41c  No.15302334

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495c6a  No.15302335

File: 98bbd92e77aad79⋯.jpg (172.04 KB, 672x960, 7:10, 270776590_217512210582906_….jpg)




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8f9060  No.15302336

File: 79ff23e2f0be9fd⋯.png (8.64 KB, 330x153, 110:51, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>buttseks symbol matches"tomb of teh undocumented buttesks gold bullion"gehy conspiracyall over== tumblrwitch is GEHY–AF__

etsy claims it means "two in teh butt"

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f914d2  No.15302337


Airline cabins are pressurized when they reach certain altitudes. It's the pressure that makes bubbles form in their vaxxed blood. When the blood bubbles reach the heart .. BOOM!

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f21275  No.15302338


lb/pb, anon

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ee4b09  No.15302339

File: c6e87c95f2dba47⋯.png (1.47 MB, 978x1302, 163:217, compromisedpile.png)

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57a4e4  No.15302340


>check Fandango- They have 1-7 & 1-8 dates blocked for ticket purchase on line.

spoopy, anon can confirm only movie playing in nowhere MD is 355 on jan 7-8, 9 theaters listed on fandango for my area

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8f9060  No.15302341

File: d3ce853e42855ef⋯.png (13.6 KB, 222x227, 222:227, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>buttseks symbol matches"tomb of teh undocumented buttesks gold bullion"gehy conspiracyall over== tumblrwitch is GEHY–AF__

>etsy claims it means "two in teh butt"

claims "long and windy road to double stuff" seen from plain sight

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bbdf2f  No.15302342

File: eaec5311e5eab4e⋯.jpg (62.1 KB, 720x436, 180:109, a67d6924d7899f597158445d0f….jpg)




There are now four CST vaults, each in remote locations (three in California and one in New Mexico), and each one is accompanied by its own LRH House and CST logo. (Many have noted the resemblance to the logo for Kool cigarettes, which Hubbard chain-smoked.)

These archival projects were long kept secret, even from enrolled members of Scientology. But over the years, former members have come forward to talk about “the most secret organization in all of Scientology,” and two years ago the CST vaults were described in detail in an issue of International Scientology News.


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d5524b  No.15302343


Sounds like a FF day…..stay frosty anons

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4924eb  No.15302344

File: f1195d4da3ac047⋯.png (646.28 KB, 1009x855, 1009:855, ccp_or_clinton_foundation.png)



Also gotta ask is this the CCP or the fuckin Clinton Foundation/Global Initiative?

The goals here are too similar.


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a2bdcd  No.15302345

File: 7ea9bf7cb0c4996⋯.png (395.66 KB, 666x666, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Anon often wondered to himself whether his life would culminate into something large and meaningful. After all, he must have chosen this life for a reason..

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2e1091  No.15302346

Washington Examiner

FBI confirms there was no insurrection on Jan. 6

Conn Carroll - Aug 20, 2021


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2b9fec  No.15302347

File: ceccb2749d47096⋯.png (264.71 KB, 487x324, 487:324, 56unsd5ysb5gtsgg4g.png)


follow the money

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0f2113  No.15302348

File: 32513d8ee5db57c⋯.png (145.35 KB, 191x262, 191:262, Screenshot_2022_01_03_Taro….png)


> Anon thought to himself as the Apocalypse began

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da5fbb  No.15302349


Sounds like a plan!

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98284d  No.15302350



Passenger jets are nothing more than a metal tube filled to the brim with humans and things that emit rf frequencies. Altitude + radio frequencies = blood clots for the vaccinated. The last thing I would do if they ever were to inject/infect me with one of those clot shots is get near an airport (full of rf) or and airplane or a police/fire (full of rf) station.

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8f9060  No.15302351

File: fa012c56e4e125e⋯.png (68.1 KB, 182x276, 91:138, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>buttseks symbol matches"tomb of teh undocumented buttesks gold bullion"gehy conspiracyall over== tumblrwitch is GEHY–AF__

>>etsy claims it means "two in teh butt"

>claims "long and windy road to double stuff" seen from plain sight

anons already cracked teh code

NYC went two in teh butt for gehycowboys dirty book fire cause hans gruber likes trannys

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67528f  No.15302352


Terrifying. Anons who want to make a killing.. buy a private small plane co and hire un-shot pilots only.

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7667a2  No.15302354

File: ec9f633cd83c079⋯.png (1.18 MB, 828x1173, 12:17, bandaids.png)


New COVID-19 Variant With46Mutations Discovered In Southern France






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a24f71  No.15302355


>The report in the liberal Gazeta Wyborcza said the Central Anticorruption Bureau (CBA) made the purchase a few months after a meeting between Netanyahu and the prime ministers of both Poland and Hungary. The report, which says the purchase was made illegally, cited both sources and materials obtained by opposition figures in the country.

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8f9060  No.15302356

File: f8ab76faeb9ecef⋯.png (71.01 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


>>claims "long and windy road to double stuff" seen from plain sight

>anons already cracked teh code

>NYC went two in teh butt for gehycowboys dirty book fire cause hans gruber likes trannys

^and cross dressing to gore pron

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358f56  No.15302357


the first arrest will shock the world..or something like that

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8f9060  No.15302358

File: b4810cf07ca53bc⋯.png (82.14 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>claims "long and windy road to double stuff" seen from plain sight

>>anons already cracked teh code

>>NYC went two in teh butt for gehycowboys dirty book fire cause hans gruber likes trannys

>^and cross dressing to gore pron

beacons are lit @batjoto

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f675d4  No.15302359

File: c3ada7d13ef5928⋯.jpg (62.1 KB, 589x353, 589:353, obamawink.jpg)

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5734f0  No.15302360

File: b9b35636bce330c⋯.png (742.34 KB, 747x500, 747:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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c8b68d  No.15302361

File: 7367e7f2b98ec4b⋯.png (118.33 KB, 736x463, 736:463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee3e8a19252a9d3⋯.png (329.13 KB, 657x369, 73:41, ClipboardImage.png)



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085d38  No.15302362


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18318a  No.15302363

File: 6a856edd07d58a1⋯.png (350.87 KB, 598x594, 299:297, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)



Bridgewater CEO McCormick steps down to run for Senate





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8f9060  No.15302364

File: 49342c166b72a67⋯.png (14.8 KB, 251x201, 251:201, ClipboardImage.png)

mysterious gravity

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e08b9c  No.15302365

File: 9d31b0566f66f21⋯.gif (497.22 KB, 400x225, 16:9, 03adea60_0168_4659_bb03_c7….gif)

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2e1091  No.15302366

IT WAS A SETUP! FBI Admits Jan. 6 Was Deep State Operation – They Were Running At Least One Operative in the Crowd at the US Capitol (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft

Published September 25, 2021 at 11:40am

The FBI admitted on Friday to The New York Times that they had informants and operatives inside groups attending the January 6 rallies in Washington DC.

Advertisement - story continues below

The FBI finally admitted they infiltrated the Jan. 6 rallies with informants. In fact, one of the first “protesters” inside the US Capitol was an FBI informant.

We all already knew this was happening as TGP reported back in June.


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d5f373  No.15302367


Blah, blah. Still not getting the shot.

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f675d4  No.15302368

File: c5b8c6744023a9f⋯.jpeg (135.13 KB, 617x433, 617:433, trumpjr.jpeg)

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9296fd  No.15302369




So WHY are these countries so shook about nukes suddenly? Something mind blowing about to come out and they're planning ahead?

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796ac2  No.15302370

File: c99693d4454772f⋯.png (1.3 MB, 899x1280, 899:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

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dee51e  No.15302371


When will the booster for this be available!?!?

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c8b68d  No.15302372

File: 991aea194815776⋯.png (124.06 KB, 636x734, 318:367, ClipboardImage.png)



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a2bdcd  No.15302373

File: cd0816ab5fe028f⋯.png (495.89 KB, 666x666, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

"Surely there is an overarching objective behind all of this" he said. "We just can't grasp it yet."

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7667a2  No.15302374


My local theatre has NO MOVIE LISTINGS at all for Jan 7th… but busy as a bee before and after that day, with multiple movie showings listed.

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5734f0  No.15302375

File: dc1038129328ce1⋯.jpg (16.55 KB, 400x224, 25:14, confused_joe.jpg)

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ee4b09  No.15302376

File: 9a9aa909fec4122⋯.png (988.22 KB, 980x780, 49:39, cities.png)

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98284d  No.15302377


Glenn Youngkin all over again

>CEO's trying to salvage their massive influence over the Federal / State Governments by running them personally.

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b9bac4  No.15302378


One year later they spill

the beans. Just like the biker

shootout in WACO over a

drug deal. They torture the

witnesses to the crime caused

by LEO's acting like cowboys.

Fucking sad sad sad!

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4924eb  No.15302379



>FBI Admits Jan. 6 Was Deep State Operation – They Were Running At Least One Operative in the Crowd at the US Capitol.

Now who ordered them to do such a thing?

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8f9060  No.15302380


public tranny fart taxes

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d5f373  No.15302381


Last week

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8f9060  No.15302382

File: 4df05d2543a92cf⋯.png (45.19 KB, 263x191, 263:191, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>claims "long and windy road to double stuff" seen from plain sight

>>>anons already cracked teh code

>>>NYC went two in teh butt for gehycowboys dirty book fire cause hans gruber likes trannys

>>^and cross dressing to gore pron

>beacons are lit @batjoto

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3d95de  No.15302383

File: d5e7c6059b2a5d7⋯.jpg (135.35 KB, 490x350, 7:5, pelosi_point.jpg)

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ee4b09  No.15302384

File: eb0c67df5d60427⋯.png (953.59 KB, 978x654, 163:109, muhgreekalphabet.png)


oh shoot what letter are we on?

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dde452  No.15302385


my local theater has no showtimes for anything. wierd

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98284d  No.15302386


The funniest part of this is? Eric Trump is running the family businesses. They didn't go after the one person that is accountable for the business valuations. Dog and pony show this is.

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94e41c  No.15302387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ron DeSantis NUKES AOC for Vacationing in Florida After Trashing Them

4,442 views Jan 3, 2022

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8f9060  No.15302388

File: 3a7cad6ff8d146d⋯.png (116.11 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>anons already cracked teh code

>>>>NYC went two in teh butt for gehycowboys dirty book fire cause hans gruber likes trannys

>>>^and cross dressing to gore pron

>>beacons are lit @batjoto

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18318a  No.15302389

File: ede28224c447aed⋯.png (530.65 KB, 920x582, 460:291, ClipboardImage.png)


All the nukes are jewsbombs

>Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

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11f1ea  No.15302390


Wait, you’re saying youngkin worked for carlyle? kek

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9ae88b  No.15302391

File: cbc693ddafd7494⋯.png (1 MB, 800x1000, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15301752 (pb)

>Feds Finally Admit to Running Secretive DOJ “Commandos” at Jan. 6 Trump Protests

>Jeffrey A. Rosen, the acting Attorney General on January 6, approved implementation of long-standing contingency plans

Jeffrey A Rosen takes over from Barr 12/24/2020 and HE decided to add these undercover bruthas

Rosen, formerly ofKirkland-Ellis

Rosen, formerly the Undersecretary of Elaine Chao

Rosen, formerly Deputy Secretary of Transportation under the Bush administration

Rosen, formerly Deputy Attorney General, succeeding Rod "looks like Himmler" Rosenstein

Rosen who saw no evidence of malfeasance during the 2020 election, who claimed he was given untoward direction by Jeffrey Clark who DID see major problems (read fraud) and testified thusly to the Jan 6 show trial of the drunken Pelosi and the rest of the Stasi like spectacle that continues to linger to this day, complete with politcal prisoners.

And they finally admit what thousands of hours of video already shows- they crowded the crowd with agitators aka Fed Commandos.

Rosen (per wiki) unilaterally chose to do this. The DOJ/FBI DS criminals did this and they need to hang in the public square. Just try walking down the street if anon is on that street.

Rosen wiki:


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796ac2  No.15302392

File: 21a5e9f3c80ca10⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1130x1403, 1130:1403, ClipboardImage.png)



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8f9060  No.15302393

File: d873a8f64ac4847⋯.png (10.17 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)


>cause hans gruber likes trannys

>>>>^and cross dressing to gore pron

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f675d4  No.15302394

File: e21942aba0d1d88⋯.jpg (254.82 KB, 677x402, 677:402, orwellt.jpg)


Viriants, strains, mutations Oh MY

These errors in the viral RNA are called mutations, and viruses with these mutations are called variants. Variants could differ by a single or many mutations….A variant is referred to as a strain when it shows distinct physical properties. Put simply, a strain is a variant that is built differently, and so behaves differently, to its parent virus. These behavioural differences can be subtle or obvious…Essentially, all strains are variants, but not all variants are strains….While we commonly call it the “UK variant” (which it is), it’s also a strain because it displays different behaviours to the parental strain…Given all strains are variants (but not all variants are strains), it makes sense the term variant is more common. But when the science shows these variants behave differently, it would be more accurate to call them strains…The scientific community is uncovering more information about emerging mutations, variants and strains all the time, and leading vaccine developers are testing and evaluating the efficacy of their vaccines in this light…


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495c6a  No.15302395

File: d071dceb74c1989⋯.png (382.46 KB, 598x522, 299:261, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)




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40708a  No.15302396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Earlier Today (1/3/2022)

Media forces DeSantis to defend attending wife's cancer treatments

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dee51e  No.15302397

File: 58e0a1659e97198⋯.jpg (219.09 KB, 1024x757, 1024:757, GreatFinancials.jpg)


Mueller looked at his finances and didn't find shit.

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358f56  No.15302398


mine only has showings for 355 fri. sat.and sun. in northern ky

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f675d4  No.15302399

File: 50fe817775bbc5f⋯.jpg (45.09 KB, 679x439, 679:439, willnotcomply.jpg)


now what

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8f9060  No.15302400

File: 87fe2eba2ad9499⋯.png (4.31 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


cause creepypasta

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2e1091  No.15302401

File: e8340a389e6efbd⋯.jpg (281.36 KB, 1276x880, 29:20, Screenshot_2020_10_16_1_No….jpg)


Thing one or thing two?

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661579  No.15302402

File: e91a3344806b233⋯.jpg (845.62 KB, 1024x773, 1024:773, HC.jpg)


>Anon often wondered to himself whether his life would culminate into something large and meaningful.

Most likely, No.

Chances are it will be a mundane existence.

You probably won't discover anti gravity

You most likely won't cure cancer.

There is little chance of you being 'The thing that changed The World'

But, that's perfectly fine.

Only through movies, music, books etc., are we conditioned to think we have to be something special, or it means nothing.

Be generous with your time.

Help people you can, without conditions.

Strive to live a life where you have what you need.

You don't really need the things you 'want'

Love, above all else.

Then take a look at nature, in all it's wonder.

Breathe the air, feel the rain on your face, touch the magical, all around you.

You are enough.

Just Be.

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8f9060  No.15302403

File: b39eda2c3672f88⋯.png (87.51 KB, 192x262, 96:131, ClipboardImage.png)

yuge POS

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8f9060  No.15302404


>yuge POS

when dirty money sings from your ass apple

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11f1ea  No.15302405


> REFUSE@2022

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497a08  No.15302406


You guys never left and I find that so amusing.

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f675d4  No.15302407


Does he say what covid is after he's isolated the virus? Someone has to start there.

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bbdf2f  No.15302408

File: fded12fb58977f9⋯.jpg (37.7 KB, 430x161, 430:161, KOOL.jpg)

File: b969a2864a438f0⋯.png (293.26 KB, 583x412, 583:412, Screen_Shot_2021_12_30_at_….png)

File: 6771f51f7c5b7fe⋯.png (100.61 KB, 685x373, 685:373, Screen_Shot_2022_01_03_at_….png)

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7667a2  No.15302409

File: 01d86441bb9e157⋯.png (22.02 KB, 680x317, 680:317, PRIVATESCREENING.png)


Update: Jan 6th… movie lists show ONLY early afternoon movies (1, 130PM, 2PM) and no other listings for the rest of the day; ZERO for Jan 7th


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bd6300  No.15302410

File: 9062790d4db4333⋯.png (404.78 KB, 600x596, 150:149, Capture.PNG)



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8f9060  No.15302411

File: bc58da44ececbb1⋯.png (79.69 KB, 218x231, 218:231, ClipboardImage.png)

See the stone set in poor eyes

See the thorn twist in poor side

I'll wait for poo

Sleight of hand and twist of fate

On a bed of nails, she makes me wait

And I wait without poo

With or without poo

With or without poo

Through the storm, we reach the shore

poo give it all but I want more

And I'm waiting for poo

With or without poo

With or without poo, ah, ah

I can't live

With or without poo

And poo give poorself away

And poo give poorself away

And poo give

And poo give

And poo give poorself away

My hands are tied

My body bruised, she got me with

Nothing to win and

Nothing left to lose

And poo give poorself away

And poo give poorself away

And poo give

And poo give

And poo give poorself away

With or without poo

With or without poo, oh

I can't live

With or without poo

Oh, oh

Oh, oh

With or without poo

With or without poo, oh

I can't live

With or without poo

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2e1091  No.15302412

File: f89477e2b68a3c6⋯.png (512.57 KB, 806x1280, 403:640, ClipboardImage.png)

via telegram Sydney Powell


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0f2113  No.15302413

File: fcf6078c23a0c3d⋯.jpg (78.84 KB, 980x798, 70:57, e_trippin.jpg)

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8f9060  No.15302414

File: a9b360937acf702⋯.png (86.57 KB, 255x198, 85:66, ClipboardImage.png)


>See the stone set in poor eyes

>See the thorn twist in poor side

>I'll wait for poo

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105733  No.15302415

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a2bdcd  No.15302416


"Here" since FBI Anon

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8f9060  No.15302417





>>>>gehy nigg poleland invades turned oppenhiemer into chasing black tranny coCIAne for butt watches in the butt watcherings of butt watchers >>15134817

>>>ministry of NAMBLA wants to control your narrative >>15134822

>>buy leaks narrative merch >>15134833

>>>>>and then everything went faggot in 1984 >>15134787 (You) (You) (You)

>>>>>>buy a macintosser >>15134781 (You) (You) (You) (You)

>>>>>>and then everything went faggot in 1984

>>crae crae nazi butt watchers butt watching butt watches


>>>and then everything went faggot in 1984

>>buy a macintosser

>russian probes defend homos right to macintosser salads and creepypasta tranny queers


>>>>>and then everything went faggot in 1984

>crae crae nazi butt watchers butt watching butt watches


>>>>buy a macintosser


>>>>buy a macintosser


>>>and then everything went faggot in 1984

>>buy a macintosser


>>and then everything went faggot in 1984


>>and then everything went faggot in 1984



>>>>>>see colon run ass apple butt watch through windows >>15134716

watch closet myopic homo whine whrrr whrrr whrrr ass apple chromed bronies rule >>15134723

>watch closet myopic homo whine whrrr whrrr whrrr ass apple chromed bronies rule

whrrrr whrrrr ill gate ass apple chrome bronies symbols

>>>>>it was like a danielfaggot fuckin itself since temple died

>>>cause tehy sacrificed E.T. fo cia gehy nigg tranny coCIAne


>>>>>>>fart larpin babel babylon pony riders of macabre theatre know <MOISTgerman_ranuslederhosen.jpeg >>15134725

closet whores discuss open homo borders prolapses no taxes >>15134729

rivals' discuss open homo source culo

>>>>>>see colon run ass apple butt watch through windows >>15134732

fauci wants to sell bilbos on prime to fight automaticfour homo autopilotbrb larps %G coCAIne

>>>>>it was like a danielfaggot fuckin itself since temple died >>15134740

buttgehy ass apples buttgehy

>>>cause tehy sacrificed E.T. fo cia gehy nigg tranny coCIAne >>15134747

asshole window butt watches buttgehy homo homo

>>and desecrated atari in a garage >>15134749

buttgehy homo homo butt watches hates asshole windows butt watcherings

>and then suddenly GEHYPR0n had microchips >>15134752

butt watchering ass hole window know buttgehy homo homo butt watches


>>>>>see colon run ass apple butt watch through windows


>>>it was like a danielfaggot fuckin itself since temple died

>cause tehy sacrificed E.T. fo cia gehy nigg tranny coCIAne



>>>fart larpin babel babylon pony riders of macabre theatre know <MOISTgerman_ranuslederhosen.jpeg


>fart larpin babel babylon pony riders of macabre theatre know <MOISTgerman_ranuslederhosen.jpeg


>goat nohomo super evil asshole nostalgia


>one of these assholes doesn't homo goats


>>>too good to fuck a goat tho


>>super evil asshole

>>saw all the evil

>>too good to fuck a goat tho

>cock sucker magazine still jealous


>super evil asshole

>saw all the evil

>too good to fuck a goat tho


>>>didn;t fuck goats

>too many hands in ass to fuck a goat


>>didn;t fuck goats


>>didn;t fuck goats


>ruins 75 year old gerbilin plot for el paso bmw dealership default swap


>>too much of an asshole to fuck goats >>15134545



















>doorknob therapy available


>>>stale croutons available by the screendoor matinee >>15134476

>>vanderbilt railroads is offering a hans gruber died off wtc6 brunch >>15134445


>maps available


>baker mad he homo'd


>>holy smokes >>15134368 (You)

>>and pope woody allen batjoto >>15134381 (You)

>but will your hogg bacon h00m00 earth flat ? >>15134349 (You)

>>15134324 (You)

stale croutons and tossed salad

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df7388  No.15302418

File: f612e3060a1ce61⋯.png (24.14 KB, 799x233, 799:233, ClipboardImage.png)


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f675d4  No.15302419

File: 913ee1e0808df2f⋯.jpg (92.01 KB, 640x240, 8:3, doctor.jpg)


there be a reckoning coming

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11f1ea  No.15302420

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8e8b98  No.15302421

File: a1895a529d9a7a9⋯.jpg (59.77 KB, 599x390, 599:390, WSJ_aids_1996.jpg)

File: 4ed8c08c05f4221⋯.jpg (268.26 KB, 1035x1704, 345:568, WSJ_aids_1996_02.jpg)

In 1996 the WSJ actually did reporting,and won a pulitzer for it in 1997

One of the winning articles exposed the corruption of federal agencies in Exaggerating the Risks of AIDS to promote a fear campaign

Health Hazard: AIDS Fight Is Skewed By Federal Campaign Exaggerating Risks - WSJ

∙ https://archive.fo/tvDaX

1997 Pulitzer Prizes-NATIONAL REPORTING, Works [archive]

∙ https://web.archive.org/web/20070705215448/http://www.pulitzer.org/year/1997/national-reporting/works/2.html

Staff of The Wall Street Journal - The Pulitzer Prizes

∙ https://www.pulitzer.org/winners/staff-38

Staff of The Wall Street Journal - The Pulitzer Prizes [archive]

∙ https://archive.is/vYI6n

1997 Pulitzer Prize Winners & Finalists - The Pulitzer Prizes

∙ https://www.pulitzer.org/prize-winners-by-year/1997

1997 Pulitzer Prize Winners & Finalists - The Pulitzer Prizes [archive]

∙ https://archive.is/8qIIp

How far they have fallen…

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98284d  No.15302422


Something's going on with the Movie Theaters (remember AMC stock) and it ain't a promotion/marketing gimmick or they would have done it over the holidays.

4 days of habbenings is what I see culminating on 7 January (julian calendar for Christmas?)

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358f56  No.15302423

File: c53dab7d396a533⋯.png (137.52 KB, 2443x482, 2443:482, ClipboardImage.png)

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183228  No.15302424


How much for Phizrael?

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8f9060  No.15302425


>>baker mad he homo'd



Anderson Cooper's platinum buttplug is expecting your donations

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3d95de  No.15302426

File: 249feea35059ba3⋯.jpg (38.89 KB, 512x512, 1:1, pepe_3d.jpg)

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cb46ef  No.15302427

File: c5339be1fdbc586⋯.png (1.58 MB, 942x960, 157:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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80d663  No.15302428

File: d606f89c1f082e8⋯.jpg (12.71 KB, 268x300, 67:75, 1641215611380.jpg)


GWB gets executed tomorrow. Take note to how much better you will feel. GWB is a portal in which darkness flows through. Even when these people are kept alive their thoughts and presence alone causes damage to us.

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8e8b98  No.15302429


fixed links

Health Hazard: AIDS Fight Is Skewed By Federal Campaign Exaggerating Risks - WSJ


1997 Pulitzer Prizes-NATIONAL REPORTING, Works [archive]


Staff of The Wall Street Journal - The Pulitzer Prizes


Staff of The Wall Street Journal - The Pulitzer Prizes [archive]


1997 Pulitzer Prize Winners & Finalists - The Pulitzer Prizes


1997 Pulitzer Prize Winners & Finalists - The Pulitzer Prizes [archive]


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18318a  No.15302430

File: cde5d960660273b⋯.png (1.04 MB, 848x757, 848:757, ClipboardImage.png)

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8f9060  No.15302431

File: 2b2885c25eafa1a⋯.png (6.22 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


>twist in poor side

>>I'll wait for poo

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4f5da5  No.15302432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12/27/21 Nancy Drew in DC- Sleepy Jill's Tree is the Best- HA HA HA!!!-LANGUAGE ALERT!!!


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f675d4  No.15302433

File: 706a3331697c653⋯.jpg (561.12 KB, 1932x1212, 161:101, merrychristmas.jpg)

File: 3b24b4de97e2427⋯.jpg (108.35 KB, 600x600, 1:1, popcorn1ns.jpg)

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8f9060  No.15302434

File: 197f8833126db0c⋯.png (7.51 KB, 299x168, 299:168, ClipboardImage.png)


>wait for poo

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df7388  No.15302435

File: 657afc50d9e0afa⋯.png (17.34 KB, 765x219, 255:73, ClipboardImage.png)


4 year delta

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a1c933  No.15302436

File: 9962deb12441c20⋯.png (912.42 KB, 1800x771, 600:257, amcJan6.png)

File: 720ba730987f015⋯.png (403.61 KB, 1404x607, 1404:607, amcJan8.png)



Ditto. Checked 2 area theaters; Thurs. 6th & Sat. 8th. Clicked "all movies" to double check. 355 is the only one. (PA)

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bbdf2f  No.15302437

File: 51be83565d2bf1a⋯.jpeg (57.44 KB, 634x376, 317:188, R_1e60b3e24df9d83c31de24d….jpeg)

File: c35ed12ce3a2495⋯.jpg (64.87 KB, 750x422, 375:211, bush_bonox750.jpg)

File: a4ce7967d3f966a⋯.jpeg (46.17 KB, 600x399, 200:133, R_54d95a402c63bc08fbda609….jpeg)

File: 71496fc89bd0f7a⋯.jpeg (281.57 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, R_b619a317a696318c9516e8f….jpeg)

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dee51e  No.15302438


They just put the food like that for photo ops.

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8f9060  No.15302439

File: cdd5d700592f0e6⋯.png (5.57 KB, 277x182, 277:182, ClipboardImage.png)


>>wait for poo

poo is cuming fo you

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4f5da5  No.15302440

File: 38cb03169811f4a⋯.png (666.2 KB, 408x677, 408:677, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce600bde0865e16⋯.png (755.52 KB, 393x670, 393:670, ClipboardImage.png)

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5734f0  No.15302441


Pharmica =Evil

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4924eb  No.15302442


For the love of all that is holy!


But yes keep going after the ex-President's kids & other innocent parties for the FBI extortion plot disguised as the Jan 6th "insurrection".

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d6d466  No.15302443

File: 083a6204e23204c⋯.jpg (8.75 MB, 6704x5888, 419:368, NROL_we_own_the_night_EXPA….jpg)

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8f9060  No.15302444

File: 9ac3021e99dcb30⋯.png (7.76 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

turd in the bush

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a88621  No.15302445

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dde452  No.15302446


Only having one movie playing all weekend? Are they trying to set a record for Highest Grossing Film of All Time?? Or set the record in the first week of 2022 so all others can follow? Doesn't make sense, it should ruin Legacy Theaters.

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34421d  No.15302447

File: e54c7598e6f81cf⋯.mp4 (15.52 MB, 720x720, 1:1, fauci_fraud_1.mp4)


most anons know it was a patented bio weapon funded by the usa and released in Wuhan

The rest is the propaganda.

watch this video anon did of dr david martin, no matter what you think of him, he has the reciepts.

the rest of the video is filler, only 2 minutes long

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11f1ea  No.15302448

File: d49ea29f6ccdc03⋯.png (400.75 KB, 2200x1467, 2200:1467, ClipboardImage.png)


> Phizrael

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a3cc64  No.15302449


Good support group - some changed sides so they can go to restaurants and the like

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796ac2  No.15302450

File: 431e74ca26c7fea⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1673x1675, 1673:1675, ClipboardImage.png)


>With or without poo

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105733  No.15302451

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9296fd  No.15302452



He looks like the Hamburglar

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ee4b09  No.15302453

File: 43ae317f329fce3⋯.png (1.02 MB, 976x728, 122:91, qanon.png)

File: 4406e1e348295ea⋯.jpeg (72.06 KB, 1000x413, 1000:413, qanon1.jpeg)

Qanon failed bigly with nothing on the scoreboard etc

long live Qanon

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b55390  No.15302454

File: 0f6c46132b4569b⋯.jpg (18.83 KB, 400x288, 25:18, scales.jpg)

File: fbc0c4363eb37d3⋯.jpg (16.76 KB, 195x255, 13:17, kek.jpg)

Anon requesting Birthday Booms..

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2e1091  No.15302455


Free will doesn't equate to freedom. People put pharma above God, allowing them to be their health parents.

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f675d4  No.15302456

File: 7b829321723f5ff⋯.jpg (95.53 KB, 680x625, 136:125, trump2020show.jpg)

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3d95de  No.15302457


Confirmed in Central California.

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661579  No.15302458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5734f0  No.15302459

File: 27d08d1b995247f⋯.png (884.5 KB, 620x796, 155:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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dee51e  No.15302461

Seems like some playing around on setting precedent. Jan. 6th committee asks for records, then drop certain requests based on White House (Bidan Admin.) push back.

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8f9060  No.15302462

File: e4a69ae341ed649⋯.png (9.48 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

lesbo scat threeway

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648ed9  No.15302463

File: cb7d04b33bad40c⋯.jpg (81.42 KB, 1040x476, 260:119, MichaelBaxter_Tuffin.jpg)


Michael "Baxter" (Tuffin)

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8f9060  No.15302464

File: 82bd222cc2cee20⋯.png (7.32 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

finger in the rump makes teh poo fashionable

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98284d  No.15302465

On January 7 someone is forcing someone else's hand. Too little info right now to assign the players though imho.

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bbdf2f  No.15302466

File: a97b3ed8c5716a5⋯.jpeg (14.8 KB, 317x259, 317:259, 5bb5d35f2100000001c8773d.jpeg)



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8f9060  No.15302467


not my hostage

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cb46ef  No.15302468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The bribes are in the real books.

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cb46ef  No.15302469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The bribes are in the real books.

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3d95de  No.15302470


Has anyone noticed Jan 7 == 17

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8f9060  No.15302471

File: 8b1a3c30b7abfe2⋯.png (6.81 KB, 276x183, 92:61, ClipboardImage.png)


>turd in the bush

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df7388  No.15302472

File: d5213efdce7bb0d⋯.png (132.23 KB, 1537x698, 1537:698, ClipboardImage.png)

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12317a  No.15302473

File: 4bcc8aaee20ed6d⋯.png (669.04 KB, 930x558, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 713855a185eb1ba⋯.png (311.73 KB, 1280x731, 1280:731, ClipboardImage.png)



Only the highest powers in the world are trying to melt you down into one giant piece of snow…


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8f9060  No.15302474

File: d8df16693738215⋯.png (9.21 KB, 267x189, 89:63, ClipboardImage.png)


>>turd in the bush

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495c6a  No.15302475

File: 45dc25d9f0958f8⋯.png (331.87 KB, 598x804, 299:402, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)


Hello, sunshine


Hello, sunshine ⚓ Smiling face with sunglasses

#USSAlbany (SSN 753) had a scheduled port visit in Gibraltar, Dec. 30.

Albany’s operations in @USNavyEurope

with @NATO

and the #USSHarrySTruman CSG demonstrate the flexibility and adaptability of the submarine force.

11:34 AM · Jan 3, 2022


might have comms here

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bbdf2f  No.15302476

File: fadea87eaf64848⋯.jpg (214.45 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1_PAY_Maxwell_Spacey_NOT_w….jpg)

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df7388  No.15302477



check Q drops from 4 years ago.


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8f9060  No.15302478

File: 55beb33777d251d⋯.png (10.95 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>turd in the bush


>>>turd in the bush

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9296fd  No.15302479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I stumbled upon this vid. Looks to be new info but im no Egyptoligist. Im listening to it as I work and I think I hear new info, but if any anons are interested have at it - shame my lack of knowledge.

My ears perked up at a 'morning sun' reference

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f21275  No.15302480

File: 4930d4a82948240⋯.png (403.56 KB, 1625x713, 1625:713, ClipboardImage.png)


>can confirm

Eastern MA, every AMC only has one movie for 1/7

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497a08  No.15302481


I can't wait for the day that I'll never have to hear U2 played over the radio again.

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3d95de  No.15302482

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8f9060  No.15302483

File: 98f2f9db0fb79e5⋯.png (15.11 KB, 271x186, 271:186, ClipboardImage.png)

weird tranny creepypasta fill

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cd5c3b  No.15302484


Confirmed Piqua Ohio

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df7388  No.15302485

File: d9da56893946d87⋯.png (27.56 KB, 807x249, 269:83, ClipboardImage.png)

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495c6a  No.15302486




Night [5]


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f675d4  No.15302487


Follow the Women

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90b521  No.15302488

File: 9e014cf61fa26c1⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1534x1321, 1534:1321, EBE78DD4_DAB5_401B_AC4D_5….jpeg)

On on

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98284d  No.15302489




I'm making my super special rouladen and red cabbage this Friday to either celebrate or mourn.

1/7 = 17

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105733  No.15302490

File: 659d7e14897a373⋯.png (64.87 KB, 250x191, 250:191, 209587402584358945934.png)

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0aab4d  No.15302491

File: 3fddae3bf3c426d⋯.png (459.46 KB, 374x501, 374:501, ClipboardImage.png)



From Twitter that day

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274551  No.15302492

File: 2c16b14af9b46ec⋯.png (18.87 KB, 530x229, 530:229, image_2022_01_03_150601.png)

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8f9060  No.15302493

File: 113885db782bb5b⋯.png (67.89 KB, 251x201, 251:201, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>turd in the bush


>>>>turd in the bush


>>>>turd in the bush


>finger in the rump makes teh poo fashionable


>turd in the bush

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7667a2  No.15302494



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f21275  No.15302495


>Should have, would have, could have

Should've, would've, could've

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376af3  No.15302496


Don Jr. and Ivanka are the part of the political dynasty, is my guess.

Fits right in with Cheney wanting to arrest Trump or have congress declare him not eligible to run for President..

That the whole issue, IMO, with the Trump family, is that the current the DC shit show will be over over. That's why the establishment is fighting so viciously and unethically.

I'm hoping that the Trump run out calculated in the establishment railroad power play. The effect will be that once the treachery is exposed, the nation will only trust a Trump. Could be the establishment's money making potential got taken apart, do they had to go with China and Pharma to make ends meet. That's why, I think, Trump is talking reparations. The money will be paid back, and the country will know who their new windfall can be attributed to.

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358f56  No.15302497


Great actors for this turd does not compute

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2e1091  No.15302498


They are the best bookies, and their books will be their downfall. Forget about symbols, their precise documentation of all who they think owe them, will be their demise.

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5f1505  No.15302499

File: 1d8bb4e7d7f8e38⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1631x1484, 233:212, 71BDBCCF_4AB2_41CF_8E4F_A….jpeg)

File: e6212fcd2d953d4⋯.jpeg (796.27 KB, 1646x1212, 823:606, 12732158_C4FC_4AE6_836D_F….jpeg)

File: 2e05dab00a6758a⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1465x913, 1465:913, 694A04DA_00EC_45D6_A524_2….jpeg)

>>15301345 LB

You mentioned Satanic forces on both sides with Operation Overlord. The pics you posted remind me of Epstein’s Island. Another Satanic shithole. The different color strips of paint on the temple and the designs painted on the concrete look similar.

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365ba3  No.15302500


So stupid!

Makes absolutely no sense at all!

The laugh is annoying.

Not explaining the tree, extremely annoying.

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bbdf2f  No.15302501

File: 9c0ab3c9ae3596d⋯.jpg (135.14 KB, 594x396, 3:2, 2015_04_22_spacey7_594.jpg)

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bbdf2f  No.15302502

File: 4c0352212518dd7⋯.jpeg (24.2 KB, 474x312, 79:52, OIP_ig5wGTNM6GA76IleFE41h….jpeg)

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98284d  No.15302503


This anon gets it

>Ivanka, Don Jr and Kush are political targets by the Cabal (NY AG)

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8f9060  No.15302504

File: cfe61904993ea82⋯.jpeg (132.32 KB, 630x630, 1:1, cfe61904993ea822d13a78bd2….jpeg)

these ghost towns are going metro sexual

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f675d4  No.15302505


so they created the yearly flu as usual? Otherwise, why create a bioweapon with a 99.96 survival rate and then create a vaxxx with a 60%?? survival rate?

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e62686  No.15302506



anyone have post 355 handy?

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ee4b09  No.15302507

File: 43d20391395b3ae⋯.png (844.11 KB, 978x550, 489:275, worldd.png)

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2e1091  No.15302508


Looks like both baldwin and spacey got a good screwing, both leaning forward, in remembrance.

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cb46ef  No.15302509


Matt 24:4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you.

https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 23

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98284d  No.15302510


good call anon - i'll go get it

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bd6300  No.15302511

File: a465739d6e9152c⋯.png (655.39 KB, 600x573, 200:191, NYP.PNG)

File: 122498317a341c2⋯.png (226.49 KB, 312x404, 78:101, Capture.PNG)

This dude really wanted the witches apartment. He paid 122% over the asking price.


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34421d  No.15302512


overall it is a banksters game

it all about control of the masses via the health and financial constraints.

this is just a part of the bigger goal of the elites

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8aeb21  No.15302513


Center image has the French and Greek flags pride of place next to the monument.

Which beach did the Greeks storm?

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274551  No.15302514

File: 23a054dd215b0b2⋯.png (21.09 KB, 881x359, 881:359, image_2022_01_03_151035.png)

File: 018305e5f2626c9⋯.png (48.05 KB, 2460x512, 615:128, 1552125153af6ad80b60d59bf1….png)

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18318a  No.15302515

File: a5b2089ff171e2a⋯.png (17.1 KB, 687x370, 687:370, ClipboardImage.png)

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f05d7e  No.15302516

File: e4ec7d8f0db390b⋯.png (136.37 KB, 734x666, 367:333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4af3fca5379c52b⋯.png (161.64 KB, 1337x869, 1337:869, ClipboardImage.png)


>Hello, sunshine

THESE are the times that try men's souls.

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5734f0  No.15302517

File: a8e0ca13527576f⋯.png (15.24 KB, 444x319, 444:319, ClipboardImage.png)

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0aab4d  No.15302518

File: bdc1b76c8bcb77f⋯.jpg (15.11 KB, 255x182, 255:182, 8625346a0ab668c82bd4b0461a….jpg)

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94e41c  No.15302519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This ReTracto episode is especially fun.

RETRACTO 351: Politico's Sam Stein forced to DELETE tweet claiming Veritas Extorted Joe Biden

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da9d9e  No.15302520


That’s for you to decide.

Choose Your Own Adventure, per se.

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2e1091  No.15302521

File: a6dde372497254c⋯.png (253.94 KB, 306x453, 102:151, ClipboardImage.png)



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df7388  No.15302522

File: 822091166cef6c0⋯.png (139.54 KB, 1268x691, 1268:691, ClipboardImage.png)

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98284d  No.15302523

File: 5fd3177cd437ec8⋯.png (44.57 KB, 674x478, 337:239, 355.png)

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f675d4  No.15302524

File: c4fbda3431db55a⋯.jpg (214.49 KB, 892x566, 446:283, hitler2.jpg)

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18318a  No.15302525

File: 5a05b0a148ba692⋯.png (396.73 KB, 535x612, 535:612, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)

The Jerusalem Post


The Quadrantids meteor shower is heading for Earth tonight, peaking in the hours between January 3 and January 4 in what is the first meteor shower of 2022.


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b99fb4  No.15302526






What was the main theme of Q posts?

"sit back and enjoy the show".

We sat back; they stole the show. Psyop.

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04aad9  No.15302527

Anon needs to get a nap in. Wake anon up when it’s Nightshift. Day shift is just weird Kek

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9f1f7b  No.15302528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Who Is The 355 - In Theaters January 7, 2022


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98284d  No.15302529

Does anybody have ANY DOUBT this week is going to be off the hook with booms?

I'm getting goose bumps

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2e1091  No.15302530

File: aa829f05c4eaaf1⋯.png (737.23 KB, 534x812, 267:406, ClipboardImage.png)


larger image

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94e41c  No.15302531

File: 256ebb8fdc4c74f⋯.png (615.92 KB, 794x923, 794:923, ClipboardImage.png)


>their crime

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27ef6a  No.15302532

Sandro Magister is an Italian religion journalist, who wrote a new piece primarily about the Vatican's corrupt-af Cardinal Becciu and the misuse of funds donated by the faithful to the Peter's Pence collection to help the poor. Becciu and his cronies were discovered to have invested the money in London real estate instead.

That's old news. HOWEVER … tucked into the article is this bombshell: The dossier "in fact relates 'some news furnished by the archbishop of Vilnius (Lithuania) regarding the vulnerability' of the Vatican computer system….: 'A nephew of the archbishop, an expert on the subject, had evidence of China’s intrusion into our computer system, and we received the proof of this.'”

So CHINA HAS HACKED THE VATICAN'S COMPUTER SYSTEM. Not shocking, but now there's proof


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cb46ef  No.15302533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Most anons know that it is all fake. Except for Fauxi's Inquisition.

The A (H3N2) virus; cause of the 1968 pandemic


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da9d9e  No.15302534


I’m wondering if they paid off all theaters to make sure theirs was the only one playing?

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04aad9  No.15302535


Any predictions? Don’t care either way. Just asking. When do we get fake aliens on our bingo card?

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105733  No.15302536

File: b4f8c666f0dfe52⋯.jpeg (32.25 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 2576407257643075045640375….jpeg)

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f21275  No.15302537


>We will have to form new communities if the die-off really takes place.

Anons will find each other after the herd is drastically thinned. Anon wants a Pepe sweater for the occasion.

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2e1091  No.15302538


Looks awful.

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3cbbce  No.15302539


Bitcoin birthday

Bitcoin itself, copies of The Times newspaper Satoshi Nakamoto immortalized are now much more valuable than they were in 2009.

That’s because they’re widely sought-after and incredibly rare. A handful has appeared on Bitcoin fan forums over the years, though these have been few and far between.

There’s also a dedicated website where a few original copies are listed on sale accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. Prices range from $250,000 to over $1 million.


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f55ce2  No.15302540

File: fa406018f6e08eb⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1367x3300, 1367:3300, Home_Showtimes_All_Cinemas….png)


Honolulu almost and one random shit iranian movie. Super bizarre. The Hero


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98284d  No.15302541


When this type of 'selectivity' is occurring in privately owned movie theaters? End Game - there is no other explanation.

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9296fd  No.15302542

Hey. Didn't Q have a Jason Bourne post or two? Because the Agent 355 movie is by the Bourne guy

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fb0f67  No.15302543


Can confirm/did confirm.

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5734f0  No.15302544

File: 7033bd5cdc87fd5⋯.png (1.22 MB, 922x500, 461:250, ClipboardImage.png)

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94e41c  No.15302545

File: 714171cb94edc1a⋯.mp4 (658.36 KB, 438x640, 219:320, LIGHTENING_STRIKE_STORM_BR….mp4)

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98284d  No.15302547


I have NO IDEA anon. Usually I get crumbs and I'm not getting anything on this week. This is as tightly held to the chest as I've ever seen.

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df7388  No.15302548

File: c068d887dfbf736⋯.png (99.09 KB, 831x586, 831:586, ClipboardImage.png)

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f0e44d  No.15302549

File: 9220c3d81e62485⋯.png (61.23 KB, 386x387, 386:387, fdjt1a.png)

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0f2113  No.15302550


> why create a bioweapon with a 99.96 survival rate and then create a vaxxx with a 60%?? survival rate?

to get the sheep to ask for their own destruction

somehow in their twisted minds this makes them innocent and the victims "just stupid"

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085d38  No.15302551


I havent looked but thanks. We dont do movies as we dont do the vaccine and mask hoops. Anon can sit at the house and drink and smoke and watch the rising creek flow over my driveway.

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04aad9  No.15302552


The only way cinema can draw a crowd is to serve drinks. Who would leave their couch in the comfort of their own home? Bad business model

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75c8ad  No.15302553


Marcus Theaters have showings in MN, AMC do not.

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376af3  No.15302554


This bitch was dissing on DeSantis because of not have many public appearances of late, but she was too dumb to check possible reasons first. DeSantis's wife is in cancer treatment. No apologies or well wishes, which would be the decent way to react, AFAIK.

Probably personal and visceral for DeSantis at this point. AOC is bad news. Her yapping about all republicans wanting to date her borders on megalomania. Marie Antoinette territory.

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2e1091  No.15302555

File: cd27d9ea3035f1a⋯.png (760.15 KB, 1280x1181, 1280:1181, ClipboardImage.png)

via telegram :


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3ac7eb  No.15302556

File: 1f8824ecc6e3f61⋯.jpg (66.89 KB, 250x243, 250:243, 1f8824ecc6e3f6188b1ae5caa1….jpg)


You think they put grippers on the bottom of his shoes before they let him go down the stairs?

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9f1f7b  No.15302557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Agent 355 (died after 1780) was the code name of a female spy during the American Revolution, part of the Culper Ring. Agent 355 was one of the first spies for the United States, but her real identity is unknown.[1] The number 355 could be decrypted from the system the Culper Ring used to mean "lady."[2]

The only direct reference to Agent 355 in any of the Culper Ring's missives (1778–1780)[3] appears in a letter from Abraham Woodhull ("Samuel Culper Sr.") to General George Washington,[4] where Woodhull describes her as "one who hath been ever serviceable to this correspondence."[5]

The true identity of Agent 355 remains unknown, but some facts about her seem clear. She worked with the American Patriots during the Revolutionary War as a spy, and was likely recruited by Woodhull into the spy ring.[1] The way the code is constructed indicates that she may have had "some degree of social prominence."[2] She was likely living in New York City at the time,[6] and at some point had contact with Major John André and Benedict Arnold.[7][8] One person who has been named as the possible identity of Agent 355 was Anna Strong, Woodhull's neighbor.[6] Strong allegedly helped the Culper Ring by signaling to its members the location of Caleb Brewster, who raided British shipments in his whaleboat around Long Island Sound after he was given a secure location by Strong.[3]

Another theory is that Agent 355 may have been Robert Townsend's common-law wife.[1] Stories about Townsend state that he was in love with Agent 355.[9] John Burke and Andrea Meyer have made a different case for 355's involvement in the spy ring using circumstantial evidence that she may have been close to Major John André and also to Benjamin Tallmadge, thereby protecting Woodhull from accusations of being a spy.[10] Other possible candidates for 355 include Sarah Horton Townsend and Elizabeth Burgin.[11]

It is also occasionally believed that there was no Agent 355 at all, but rather that the code indicated a woman who had useful information but was not "formally connected to the ring."[12] The code itself may have referred to "a woman," not an agent who was a woman.[4]

Agent 355 is thought to have played a major role in exposing Arnold as a defector and in the arrest of André, who was hanged in Tappan, New York.[1] She may have been a member of a prominent Loyalist family, which would have put her within easy reach of British commanders.[1][5]

Agent 355 was arrested in 1780 when Benedict Arnold defected to the Loyalists.[5] She was imprisoned on HMS Jersey, a prison ship, where she may have given birth to a boy named Robert Townsend Jr.[1] She later died on the prison ship.[1][7] However, Alexander Rose disagrees with this narrative, stating that "females were not kept aboard prison ships," and that "there's no record whatsoever of a birth."[8] Strengthening the idea that Agent 355 may have been Anna Strong is the fact that Anna's husband, Selah Strong, was imprisoned on Jersey and she was supposedly allowed to bring him food. Her presence on the ship may have led to the legend that Agent 355 was herself imprisoned there.[4]


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bdb682  No.15302558

File: 95ee54375a268fa⋯.png (4.6 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2022_01_03_at_….png)

Scholars think that high-ranking British officers would talk freely about troop placements around Agent 355 because she was a woman and entirely underestimated her presence, essentially making her invisible, but always putting her in the room where it happens.

General Washington, along with Major Benjamin Tallmadge, founded the Culper Ring, a ring of spies that was tasked to provide him with information on the British Army’s operations in New York City, the Loyalists’ headquarters. It’s members were most active between October of 1778 and the British evacuation of New York in 1783.

While we’re talking about anonymity equaling a good spy, it’s important to note that the existence of the Culper Ring was not even known by the general public until the 1930s. That means, the Culper Ring Patriot spies were so adept at their espionage that they remained mostly anonymous for 150 years…


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105733  No.15302559

File: a242762add591cc⋯.png (106.16 KB, 686x891, 686:891, 049582095872409857587043.png)


Sturdy little cabin.

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9f1f7b  No.15302560

File: 39e9d6ddd9d0611⋯.png (593.95 KB, 1670x1074, 835:537, Screen_Shot_2022_01_03_at_….png)

File: 738f7bc5bab356a⋯.png (865.77 KB, 804x924, 67:77, Screen_Shot_2022_01_03_at_….png)


Agent 355


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da9d9e  No.15302561

File: aea1c9647476fe6⋯.jpeg (737.1 KB, 1201x1328, 1201:1328, 323E9C8E_E51C_4A67_9E48_7….jpeg)

File: 3bbebf8c6f543ea⋯.jpeg (516.93 KB, 1189x1378, 1189:1378, 59302425_A286_4D3C_8487_2….jpeg)

File: 0e7119a9a133749⋯.jpeg (959.16 KB, 1235x1231, 1235:1231, 36733F4F_729A_4741_8094_F….jpeg)


Here’s my theaters:

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2e1091  No.15302562

File: eac182db3cde6bd⋯.png (430.8 KB, 390x600, 13:20, ClipboardImage.png)

comedy relief

Welp. We lost a twin to "Covid".

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98284d  No.15302563

Poupelle of Chimney Town

Digg anons - don't forget this one - playing right beside 355

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04aad9  No.15302564


Anon has been laying low for a while. Don’t want to get caught up in eff effs.. nor set up. Kind of sad. But at least it’s winter. It’s cold as fuck anyway

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a88621  No.15302565

File: 70ab89eae5f9b04⋯.png (452.02 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, Memeto_1640908493337.png)

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f05d7e  No.15302566

File: 6b02df66bc2d49c⋯.png (804.96 KB, 1252x1000, 313:250, Spitballin355.png)




Idk, spitballin' here

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bbdf2f  No.15302567

File: 1777b28e573a8e2⋯.jpg (89.36 KB, 960x720, 4:3, slide_3.jpg)

File: 2154171c46038bb⋯.jpg (124.68 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, DjNW8TcUcAAqv6c.jpg)

File: 1a70883acf057e5⋯.jpeg (15.61 KB, 201x251, 201:251, images.jpeg)





Someone just asked me "Who are the #Hivites?" Ansewer: All of the terrorists in the entire world, including ISIS & Antifa, and every deep state ever, are part of an ancient Babylonian cult family who have dominated&ruled every civilization on earth since biblical times 6000+years #Hivites #mindcontrol #HivitesGetLit #MindControl #Phoenicia #PhoeniciaisFalling #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #Welcome2Wonderland #SayBraveThings #ItEndsNow #MAGA

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5734f0  No.15302568

File: b8a089e0a298424⋯.png (76.77 KB, 951x412, 951:412, ClipboardImage.png)


It's the only thing playing on the 7th. Other days have loads of other movies.Weird!

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bdb682  No.15302569


right, but we still don't know what Covid actually is then if anything at all, unless it's the usual flu introduced through flu vaxxx as it seems they've done since the beginning of flu shots

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94e41c  No.15302570

File: 7a60e7afd28250c⋯.jpg (59.5 KB, 720x712, 90:89, Redneck_hillbilly_pepe.jpg)


Carpentry is our day job.

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df7388  No.15302571

File: 98046de20c2299e⋯.png (133.28 KB, 515x769, 515:769, ClipboardImage.png)


Expand your thinking.

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2e1091  No.15302572


I find this ironic, since females were not apart of gov. or theater, at all. It was a male oriented operation.

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18318a  No.15302573

File: bd101acf8566b57⋯.jpeg (350.32 KB, 1031x1314, 1031:1314, bd101acf8566b57597fbcc504….jpeg)

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3f781d  No.15302574


Covid is Over

The Vaxed and Unvaxed are United

We Want Our Freedoms Back

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98284d  No.15302575


This could still be a big nothingburger to send us off on a red herring quest. Too early to tell but anon is very wise.

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bd6300  No.15302576


Spider Man is the only movie currently playing at our local theater. Hollywood is dead and only has a handful of movies to release.

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2225f1  No.15302577


Just checked Fandango and same thing here.

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df7388  No.15302578


no coincidence

noice anon

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105733  No.15302579


This is why I love you all. o7

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9f1f7b  No.15302580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Poupelle of Chimney Town


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5734f0  No.15302581

File: 2dd2ebb8295feac⋯.png (108.72 KB, 831x586, 831:586, ClipboardImage.png)


Innocents locked up from Jan 6th?

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e62686  No.15302582


fucker will be the number one movie next weekend can we lay bets on that…..kek

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bdb682  No.15302583


you'll know me by my q

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df7388  No.15302584


took our Grands to see Spiderman.

No woke shit.

It was a nice change.

Kids loved it. So did I.

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94e41c  No.15302585

File: e741b171f1144a4⋯.png (753.21 KB, 815x817, 815:817, ClipboardImage.png)

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da9d9e  No.15302586

File: aea1c9647476fe6⋯.jpeg (737.1 KB, 1201x1328, 1201:1328, 323E9C8E_E51C_4A67_9E48_7….jpeg)

File: 3bbebf8c6f543ea⋯.jpeg (516.93 KB, 1189x1378, 1189:1378, 59302425_A286_4D3C_8487_2….jpeg)


Red herring

Agreeing. And now I want popcorn.

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e62686  No.15302587


TINGLING intensifies

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495c6a  No.15302588

File: 2d0fa15ec5a13fc⋯.png (550.41 KB, 528x755, 528:755, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)





dsating enough



Estimated Casualties:


American: 25 killed. 40 wounded


British: 20 killed, 60 wounded, 200 captured

>11:03 AM · Jan 3, 2022

25.40 = 2540

20, 60, 200 = 20 60 2 = sounds like 2062



Well-played DS.

Please allow us to counter.


'Read between the lines.'




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3cbbce  No.15302589

File: ba604ca74306c37⋯.jpg (310.53 KB, 684x902, 342:451, chancellor_on_brink.jpg)


Jan 3, 2009

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e1dcaa  No.15302590

File: d4dd780296660df⋯.png (2.53 MB, 2416x1628, 604:407, qClock_closerToZeroUSNI.png)

File: b81db2ab3562ae0⋯.png (65.38 KB, 275x262, 275:262, Screenshot_from_2022_01_03….png)

File: e2c3f216fdf6480⋯.jpg (732.28 KB, 1438x2166, 719:1083, usng245.jpg)

File: 8bad209bdef0e89⋯.jpeg (178.01 KB, 804x691, 804:691, finalCountdown.jpeg)

File: 3876ebdd2e40032⋯.jpeg (497.85 KB, 1028x678, 514:339, stillhere.jpeg)






<You guys never left and I find that so amusing.

neither have you. And it keeps us going

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c8b68d  No.15302591

File: c6b4c1203637515⋯.png (140 KB, 441x510, 147:170, ClipboardImage.png)


No. 355 on patriotsfight

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2e1091  No.15302592


And yet still not make enough sales in tickets to cover the cost of the movie,,,,,,,down she blows.

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5f1505  No.15302593


The trailer shows a quick shot of “Jason Bourne”. Remember, Q posted about Jason Bourne several years ago. Something about “Dream”. Memory failing me.

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da5fbb  No.15302594

File: d30d9b2d4f08908⋯.png (287.36 KB, 418x519, 418:519, Screen_Shot_01_03_22_at_03….PNG)

File: 8914c7b872abb8f⋯.png (501.34 KB, 680x584, 85:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7c53bd9d1db921⋯.png (7.37 KB, 385x164, 385:164, Screen_Shot_01_03_22_at_03….PNG)

Chuck a clockfag??

included Q drop 276

23 words.



Q&A w 27 6th graders at East Middle School in Sioux City issues: my job my edu favorite sport teams my farm etc

2:50 PM · Jan 3, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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105733  No.15302595

File: 12daaa5f18d14bd⋯.jpeg (7.64 KB, 216x255, 72:85, 5734257485872034857387024….jpeg)

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98284d  No.15302596


Wow anon. It fits.

>Poupelle of Chimney Town (playing with '355')

Poupelle of Chimney Town is the story of young Lubicchi living among the thick smoke from the chimneys of his isolated town, yearning to see the "stars" to know the truth his father always told him about. One Halloween night he meets Poupelle, a man made of garbage, and together they look to the sky as their adventure begins.

Rating: PG (Some Action|Violence|Thematic Elements)

Genre: Anime, Fantasy, Adventure

Original Language: Japanese

Director: Yusuke Hirota

Producer: Yusuke Kitahashi, Ryoichi Fukuyama, Tanaka Eiko

Writer: Akihiro Nishino, Akihiro Nishino

Release Date (Theaters): Dec 30, 2021 Limited

Runtime: 1h 40m

Distributor: Eleven Arts

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cc0c2c  No.15302597

File: aad12af3ac1e067⋯.png (508.64 KB, 746x570, 373:285, Brazil_News_man_heart_atta….png)

File: c0c69328cf8f446⋯.png (389.88 KB, 602x488, 301:244, 1641240285396.png)

File: 853a3963ac7b260⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 600x338, 300:169, 1641240385509.gif)

Brazilian Newscaster passes out on live TV after his BOOST

Boosted on December 28th: https://twitter.com/RafaJornalista/status/1475933394580217859

Sudden health problem today: https://playcrazygame.com/2022/01/04/sbt-presenter-suffers-sudden-illness-and-faints-live-during-tv-news/

>gif related


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bdb682  No.15302598

File: 316d74187445ea7⋯.jpg (30.33 KB, 474x372, 79:62, wellplayed.jpg)

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105733  No.15302600

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bdb682  No.15302601


nah, it's just cold outside so he had a heart attack. completely normal.

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4f5da5  No.15302602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15301445 pb [I replied to the link >>15146630 and added a good link to the video below]

Myron C Fagan 1967

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOHuGi08-G8 - AUDIO IS DAMAGED

This link below is good, but not sure if exact message, but it's pretty incredible what is being exposed.

The Illuminati exposed - Myron C Fagan – 1967

Recorded in 1967 by Myron Fagan (1887-1972) Jewish American who became a famous Broadway Play-write.

The late Myron C. Fagan was the man who was most responsible for identifying and exposing, (What he called) The Jewish Illuminati to the American public.

Fagan said, the super rich Jewish men who run it have little in common with their lesser brethren, who they will gladly sacrifice for their cause, if need be.

No one can say he was anti-semitic because he himself was also a Jew.


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2e1091  No.15302603


To bait people to watch it, I'll pass. IF the actors didn't have ties to darkness, I can see others watching it, but the majority are aware, and will avoid it.

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f55ce2  No.15302604


Clown movie..hmm

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9f1f7b  No.15302605

File: 6da6d67fa6f3a2b⋯.png (141.13 KB, 1252x886, 626:443, Screen_Shot_2022_01_03_at_….png)

File: b512c1be2e4139c⋯.jpg (81.19 KB, 1163x465, 1163:465, Imagen1_2.jpg)


Agent 355 – George Washington’s Unknown Female Spy

September 27, 2021

Rachele Momi

Agent 355 is the protagonist of a story where the main actor identity still remains unknown nowadays.

The Culper Ring (Culper Spy Ring), was an American intelligence organisation. General George Washington set up this organisation and Major Benjamin Tallmadge supervised it during the American Revolution. This network of spies was active from the British-occupied New York City to Northern Connecticut between 1778 and 1780.

The group was employing a set of codes and invisible inks to provide to General Washington timely and accurate information. The information that the Ring supplied to the General was often related to surprise attacks from the enemy. Sometimes this intelligence also dealt with British plans to counter or weaken the strength of the Americans.

Most of the members of the group were acquaintances and friends of Tallmadge. The Culper Ring gave all of the agents a secret identity, which corresponded to a number. Tallmadge was 721, Abraham Woodhull 722, Robert Townsend 723, and 711 was George Washington. Within the group, there was also a woman, Agent 355, but her identity is still unknown.

355 was the cypher for “lady” in Tallmadge’s codebook. Only once did the Culper Ring’s correspondence in 1779 mention Agent 355. The message from Woodhull said: “I intended to visit 727 (codename for New York) before long and think by the assistance of a 355 of my acquaintance, shall be able to out wit them all.”

Most say that Woodhull recruited Agent 355. She was part of an important Tory family who was able to gain information about British commanders and politicians from various gatherings within New York’s British society. It was easier for a woman to get information in these circumstances. Soldiers and politicians talked freely in front of them, not considering them a threat. She was friend with Major John Andre, who was the Chief of British Intelligence, and she probably knew Benedict Arnold, an American military officer. Some believed that Major John was the one responsible for Andre’s arrest and for exposing Benedict Arnold’s treason.

In 1780, the authorities arrested and then hanged Andre since he helped Arnold with the attempt to surrender the West Point’s fort in New York. Arnold managed to escape, and the British arrested Agent 355. In October 1780, a letter that Woodhull wrote was found, reporting that “several friends were captured”. One who had been ever serviceable to this correspondence.”, which some believed to be Agent 355.

After the authorities interrogated her many times, they took her to the HMS Jersey, a British prison ship located in the New York harbour, despite her being pregnant. Some say, that she gave birth on the ship, but both she and her son died, due to the poor condition aboard and various mistreatments.

Possible identities

Even though the identity of Agent 355 is still unknown, many hypotheses were made.

Anna Strong is one of the women considered to be Agent 355. She was Woodhull’s neighbour, and she supported and helped the Culper Ring, by signalling the location of Caleb Brewster, Agent 725, and by sending coded messages through her laundry line. Brewster was the agent responsible for carrying secret messages between Tallmadge and the network of spies.

Supporting the idea of Anna Strong being Agent 355 was that Strong’s husband was imprisoned on HMS Jersey and that she was bringing him food on the ship. This would explain her presence on the ship, and maybe her later imprisonment.

Another theory regarding Agent 355’s identity was Sally Townsend, the wife of Robert Townsend, also known as Agent 723. Mostly everyone believed that Agent 723 and Agent 355 were in a relationship and that she was pregnant with his child.

Despite her identity is unknown, Agent 355’s legacy keeps living on. Her strength, determination, and her sacrifices were of great value to her country. Because of the nature of their job, these spies did not leave many traces behind. On the other hand, there is enough intelligence to prove that the Culper Spy Ring and its members played a significant role during the American Revolution.


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5f1505  No.15302606


Always lying in wait. Oldfags never leave just fade in and out when needed.

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e1dcaa  No.15302607

File: abddffca4d51eeb⋯.png (80.07 KB, 427x283, 427:283, Screenshot_from_2022_01_03….png)

File: a037e9d54409d31⋯.png (34.85 KB, 398x208, 199:104, Screenshot_from_2022_01_03….png)

File: ea8164e27287044⋯.png (22.79 KB, 479x199, 479:199, countdown.png)

File: 932eb9f86254bfa⋯.png (273.9 KB, 743x564, 743:564, countdown1.png)

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a2bdcd  No.15302608

File: e5f1d2867bf572c⋯.png (132.22 KB, 666x666, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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ee4b09  No.15302609

File: 2df5913712e1397⋯.png (301.76 KB, 636x398, 318:199, khal.png)

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94e41c  No.15302610

File: 7075ed616d162d3⋯.jpg (52.1 KB, 542x540, 271:270, LAWYER_PEPE_MEME_STEAL.jpg)

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04aad9  No.15302611


Wanna build a cabin with anon? Anon has some skillz

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105733  No.15302612

File: 4023c96ce393ca8⋯.png (461.79 KB, 456x591, 152:197, 25874358247592487593488570….png)

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5734f0  No.15302613

Deep Dream

Deep Sleep


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05f025  No.15302614

File: 6fd19a8415e5ecb⋯.png (29.33 KB, 1023x221, 1023:221, ClipboardImage.png)

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bdb682  No.15302615


how about a tree house cabin system

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98284d  No.15302616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'The 355'

Trailer 1


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04aad9  No.15302617

File: 38268a3dfec47a9⋯.jpeg (323.06 KB, 1818x1343, 1818:1343, ADFF3FE5_FF62_4EEA_A24E_D….jpeg)

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1591ac  No.15302618


Anon has a better idea of his mission than anyone else. Anon is not wishing for anything. Anon wants justice, and knows it will inevitably arrive. The earth is not ascending, and we are not evolving. Pachamama much?

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94e41c  No.15302619


Thinking RV activity school bus conversion that will run on veggie oil. Solar etc..

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98284d  No.15302620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'The 355' Trailer 2


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661579  No.15302621

File: f932c8f58ede8af⋯.jpg (208.71 KB, 636x372, 53:31, Dreamer.jpg)

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c8b68d  No.15302622

File: 74b3c4ab6e30a57⋯.png (34.52 KB, 442x184, 221:92, ClipboardImage.png)


3 5+5 = 3 10

3 of 10

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f21275  No.15302623




Kidding. Don't actually do it. Anon wondered the same thing, then imagined a scenario that seemingly innocuous, but factored in to saving the real hero of the story. An angel visits, says "job well done, you're free to go home now, or stay here longer if you wish".

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3bff2b  No.15302624


P6 penguin posted video of motorcade. No van press was in a bus

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cd5c3b  No.15302625


Maybe we will find out what deal they took (regarding people saying they took a deal last Jan.. can’t remember who was caught saying it)

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98284d  No.15302626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The 355 Movie Has Received Massive HATE From China… Here's Why!


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9b4206  No.15302627

File: 55b501901434332⋯.jpeg (88.83 KB, 658x630, 47:45, A4F29651_511A_450E_9FAF_5….jpeg)

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bdb682  No.15302628

File: 086f0e2f68387de⋯.jpg (177.48 KB, 388x589, 388:589, tits_2.jpg)


well now you've stepped in it

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44b615  No.15302629

File: 4d6d1b3c542bef8⋯.mp4 (4.99 MB, 784x848, 49:53, 12cbd7ff913e8c1c.mp4)

fauci talking about collaborations with 'Chinese commu… Chinese scientists'

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58c898  No.15302630

File: 5764b230ca90a47⋯.png (41.83 KB, 1555x471, 1555:471, ClipboardImage.png)

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94e41c  No.15302631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Gas vaporizer conversion maybe..

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cc0c2c  No.15302632


archive of his tweet: https://archive.is/RFxdJ

you know they're going to try to make this one go away. Already seen a youtube video of him passing out scrubbed.

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105733  No.15302633

File: ec0e183261941d2⋯.png (3.14 MB, 1494x1817, 1494:1817, 059872498572485793845234.png)

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495c6a  No.15302634


The Battle of Princeton New Jersey | Jan 3, 1777

>245 years ago today

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04aad9  No.15302635


Anon still wants to know who agent 1010 is

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5734f0  No.15302636

File: 43810be43037e86⋯.png (504.41 KB, 562x440, 281:220, Stolen_election3.png)

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d819a5  No.15302637

File: c91c31f01d250b8⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, SHUTDOWN1.png)

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2e1091  No.15302638


Clown theory as click bait is, negative press equals curiosity, and later movie sales.

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495c6a  No.15302639


Hussein is evil and a real loser.

No special treatment.

Shopping around for a (new) handler/protection is fun to watch on the SATs / spy comms.

Morons, all of them.


whats obama doing?

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a2bdcd  No.15302640


I totally get the satisfaction and value one can derive from that, and that it can satiate your need for happiness.

Still, I can imagine some pretty dank shit happening. And I'm thinkin: "While we're here, why not?"

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8c3e22  No.15302641

File: 6d27f61551a32ba⋯.png (397.58 KB, 923x837, 923:837, ClipboardImage.png)


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bdb682  No.15302642

File: 3e1b5f1fee67d7f⋯.png (762.12 KB, 851x556, 851:556, enjoy_2.png)

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e1dcaa  No.15302643

File: 29433d25ab530c2⋯.png (179.04 KB, 728x494, 28:19, Screenshot_from_2022_01_03….png)

File: 886b1cdb79bf4a8⋯.png (2.52 MB, 2416x1628, 604:407, qClock_closerToZeroUSNI_tr….png)

File: 6aeb8136e36a8b8⋯.png (91 KB, 340x227, 340:227, t_missingI_trumpcard1.png)

File: f15efe8dc5be221⋯.png (6.11 MB, 4144x3496, 518:437, qclock_TrumpCard5.png)

File: ee577492714cc12⋯.png (177.11 KB, 922x585, 922:585, closerToZero1.png)


>Always lying in wait. Oldfags never leave just fade in and out when needed.

nailed it


>Q Countdown 101








TRUMP Card Coming

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1c2136  No.15302644

File: 21a9fa793663dd2⋯.png (892.78 KB, 856x821, 856:821, doubters.png)

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a2bdcd  No.15302645


Wait, who's the real hero of the story?

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11f1ea  No.15302646


I’m gonna need some sauce with that hopium, yo.

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04aad9  No.15302647


Anon has 55 gallon homemade batteries and capacitors made out of coaxle cable for 1000

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94e41c  No.15302648


rofl kek

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98284d  No.15302649


It'll be figured out by COB today then. Anons have special skillz

>'The 355' is ad campaign

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94e41c  No.15302650



I snagged yours, so we're even.

Calling off lawyer Pepe.

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2e1091  No.15302651

My guess, is, IF and that's a big IF, one of our known patriots post something on 355, that would be a sign it's from our side,,,,until then, it looks like a drowning rat.

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025f6e  No.15302652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a2bdcd  No.15302653


Yeah sure but, I want to, like, do all that without consciously knowing it's coming my way. It would make the feeling of that happening a million times more majestic.

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da5fbb  No.15302654

File: 023977546574137⋯.png (200.51 KB, 426x510, 71:85, Screen_Shot_01_03_22_at_03….PNG)

Joe's in his little studio.

Vid at Link:


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11f1ea  No.15302655


get me this video ! stat!

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5734f0  No.15302656

File: 06446f2e6cb879c⋯.mp4 (481.93 KB, 640x360, 16:9, incited_the_erection.mp4)

Incited the erection keks.

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0f2113  No.15302657


please tell me this is not real

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98284d  No.15302658

The 2 questions every anon SHOULD be asking:

1. Why would the Cabal want EVERYBODY to see this movie?

2. Why would the White Hats want EVERYBODY to see this movie?

We have some digging to do I suspect.

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a2bdcd  No.15302659


did he ever

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365ba3  No.15302660


This is magical!

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495c6a  No.15302661

File: e7571778c57e4f8⋯.png (384.42 KB, 535x538, 535:538, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)







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302fb8  No.15302662

File: f65621630a05b71⋯.jpg (262.37 KB, 878x896, 439:448, pascal.jpg)

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bd6300  No.15302663


If a Boom happens in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

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5734f0  No.15302664


It's not… KEK

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a2bdcd  No.15302665


It's an educational movie

For stupid people

In Children's movies, you have clear cut goodies and baddies, no?

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1c2136  No.15302666

File: 00a722ee8cfe9da⋯.png (305.34 KB, 390x887, 390:887, hazmat.png)



I mean, it's fair but it just feels wrong…

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11f1ea  No.15302667


no, anon, YOU were chosen.


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44b615  No.15302668


this looks like schumer's jewface staring at you

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2e1091  No.15302669


The white hats are throwing huge signs to wake folks up, will they???? What's the old adage, it's easier to fool people then to make them believe they were fooled.

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c10287  No.15302670


>Why would the Cabal want EVERYBODY to see this movie?

More opinions.

>Why would the White Hats want EVERYBODY to see this movie?

More witnesses.

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0c2329  No.15302671


Man you fuckers are getting slow…


355 upside down is 322

Get with the damn program…

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c8b68d  No.15302672

File: f37680704332041⋯.png (28.08 KB, 439x211, 439:211, ClipboardImage.png)


Didn't the Army tweet have something about 10 days?

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105733  No.15302673

File: 075f1976c86ed15⋯.jpg (68.22 KB, 640x718, 320:359, 20589740959874095873405740.jpg)


is it night shift yet?

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94e41c  No.15302674



Would not shock anon if it was real.

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a2bdcd  No.15302675


Night shift began 7 minutes ago

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5734f0  No.15302676


It's not what you thin it is… Did you click it? KEK

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2e1091  No.15302677


One smart clown figured it out, no prize however.

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f05d7e  No.15302678

File: b6fb0f8768f2d8f⋯.png (636.41 KB, 827x949, 827:949, NavyFFtweet1.png)

File: 897c843ed7575a8⋯.jpg (831.11 KB, 2400x1558, 1200:779, navyffpic5.jpg)

File: 2b4c163a50edf39⋯.jpg (874.54 KB, 2400x1628, 600:407, NavyFFpic4.jpg)

File: 25dafcc068ea121⋯.jpg (886.33 KB, 2400x1665, 160:111, NavyFFpic3.jpg)

File: e600bcf5e3b1933⋯.jpg (738.31 KB, 2400x1750, 48:35, NavyFFpic2.jpg)

U.S. Navy


New Year, Same Training Schedule ⚓

Sailors aboard #USSChafee (DDG 90) investigate a simulated fire during a damage control drill, Dec. 30, 2021, while in the #SouthChinaSea.

Chafee is on deployment in @US7thFleet in support of a #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific.


Navy tweets about [F]ire[F]ighting.

Worth a look.

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04aad9  No.15302679


If Stacey Abrams is passing gas… the answer is yes. That could be heard from Georgia to Egypt

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11f1ea  No.15302680


schiff talks about the erection, too. hmmmm

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cc0c2c  No.15302681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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da24ff  No.15302682

File: ab86ba9c9bfec5f⋯.png (287.81 KB, 444x424, 111:106, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)

>>15301536 lb

So, those numbers?




Equal to 11,400.

Divided by 3

(for the three numbers given),

equals 3800.

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495c6a  No.15302683

File: 1221fd6f69140a7⋯.png (462.2 KB, 535x616, 535:616, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)

File: 9f2c2707a6f215e⋯.png (30.32 KB, 719x323, 719:323, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)


New Year, Same Training Schedule ⚓

Sailors aboard #USSChafee (DDG 90) investigate a simulated fire during a damage control drill, Dec. 30, 2021, while in the #SouthChinaSea.

Chafee is on deployment in @US7thFleet

in support of a #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific.


>2:30 = 1430



We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23].

Subsequent posts [on here] were then made by Anons.

Timestamps verify.

Use Logic.


Be careful who you follow.


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5734f0  No.15302684

File: 23a34f1a9917679⋯.jpg (129.44 KB, 612x612, 1:1, AOC_Stacey_farts.jpg)


>Stacey Abrams is passing gas

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da5fbb  No.15302685

File: bb1076b75ea7060⋯.png (426.58 KB, 426x703, 426:703, Screen_Shot_01_03_22_at_03….PNG)

File: beef0a1c81c74a0⋯.png (505.17 KB, 544x680, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Timestamp 3:35 pm 15:35 15+3+5 = 23

Pain must be coming. Noticing several 23's today.



Interviews throughout the day from my dc office to talk about my work for Iowans w KCII Washington + Pocahontas Record Democrat + KCHA Charles City + KFAB Omaha

3:35 PM · Jan 3, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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495c6a  No.15302686


>Timestamps verify.


>Timestamps verify.


>Timestamps verify.

signal recvd -o7

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90b521  No.15302687

File: f50c2c87bb266f7⋯.jpeg (76.86 KB, 559x344, 13:8, 0EAF201B_BA23_46E8_B00D_E….jpeg)

File: ea133f3dd5d6392⋯.jpeg (288.18 KB, 1535x1012, 1535:1012, 3B9E9D19_4016_46F0_BE4F_7….jpeg)

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495c6a  No.15302688

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cb46ef  No.15302689

File: f3e675971adc72f⋯.png (994.32 KB, 991x797, 991:797, ClipboardImage.png)

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11f1ea  No.15302690

File: e37ebd4d7b7196a⋯.png (31.87 KB, 300x169, 300:169, ClipboardImage.png)


> getting slow

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8aeb21  No.15302691


Second image should be R2FU, kek.

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da5fbb  No.15302692


Timestamp 2:27 pm 14:27 14+2+7 = 23

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9f1f7b  No.15302693

File: ea1eacf70738848⋯.mp4 (3.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Flynn_B_.mp4)

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c8b68d  No.15302694


That is an interesting coincidence.

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0f4853  No.15302695

File: 112f9b49fa03da4⋯.jpeg (363.91 KB, 750x1027, 750:1027, A495263E_FF5C_4195_839C_D….jpeg)






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105733  No.15302696

File: b17055b31316caa⋯.png (83.06 KB, 254x240, 127:120, _025048574885738475.png)

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11f1ea  No.15302697


your reward will be great in Heaven.


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05f025  No.15302698


calling the vaxxed sheep

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a9dda5  No.15302699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Female spies uniting together to combat and defeat a common foe


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4f7afb  No.15302700


How may Q posts used the phrase 'discernment'?

4? More? What did he mean by that?

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94e41c  No.15302701

File: c299915d1a0efda⋯.mp4 (754.28 KB, 640x342, 320:171, Pew_Pew_Pew_Lasers.mp4)

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0f4853  No.15302702




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3d95de  No.15302703

File: 7c486498d6eaea8⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, fauchi_communists.mp4)

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e1dcaa  No.15302704

File: 78d32089a4b423c⋯.png (170.18 KB, 624x356, 156:89, Screenshot_from_2022_01_03….png)

File: acd605b6e1e2a4f⋯.png (6.01 MB, 4144x3496, 518:437, qclock_TrumpCard5_46mins.png)

File: 79ac463638462cf⋯.png (38.33 KB, 467x343, 467:343, q3604_likeclockwork.png)


US Naval Institute clockfags

twat was like clockwork

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4d173b  No.15302705

File: e1d3406a355434a⋯.png (55.81 KB, 420x869, 420:869, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)


Post 4545

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90b521  No.15302707


C+U3 & you’re there. Kek

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7667a2  No.15302708


>Equal to 11,400.


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2e1091  No.15302709

File: aeec8c2b1c08f49⋯.png (30.08 KB, 699x282, 233:94, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e569433c5096117⋯.png (438.37 KB, 778x546, 389:273, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80a24e1488f6f17⋯.png (448.54 KB, 746x349, 746:349, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ec17ba61050398⋯.png (46.02 KB, 730x705, 146:141, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23836cbca33d12c⋯.png (36.62 KB, 732x699, 244:233, ClipboardImage.png)


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4f5da5  No.15302710



https://highlanderjuan.com/?s=Fagan I

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a9dda5  No.15302711

>>15302700 Look it up

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da5fbb  No.15302712

File: 29700bc44aac6fe⋯.png (250.03 KB, 859x1200, 859:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

Nebraska, anons? What you say?


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f35469  No.15302713


> … questions every anon SHOULD be asking:

3. Am I falling for a viral marketing campaign?

4. Am I gullible and being manipulated?

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98284d  No.15302714


That's what I generally preach from. o7

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9296fd  No.15302715


So did you watch the video or are you just posting stuff

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1c2136  No.15302716


>he must have chosen this life for a reason

Life is a horizontal trajectory while spirit is a horizontal trajectory. this is the first and last time (you) will ever be here.

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0f2113  No.15302717


ok, at this point any tard wanting another shot is committing tardacide willingly

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1c2136  No.15302718



>spirit is a horizontal


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54bafd  No.15302719

File: 0f84d5279a16ed7⋯.png (526.85 KB, 486x657, 54:73, mercer.png)

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6c4c46  No.15302720


as if he was the only one questioning the official narrative on 911….

he's a clown.

to think he is the one to "reveal" all truth is a stupid contrived clown show in itself.

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58c898  No.15302721

File: 3a25e80738b031a⋯.png (63.21 KB, 600x102, 100:17, ClipboardImage.png)


C before D

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df7388  No.15302722

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cd5c3b  No.15302723

Do any Anons remember the secret International court case that happened right after Trump was elected? I think it was in New York. No information came out and it was memory holed. It was huge when it went down but I never heard or read any theories.

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3d95de  No.15302724



When this word makes Merriam-Webster, this anon will think of you fondly!

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c8b68d  No.15302725

File: 74f01154af653f8⋯.png (18.15 KB, 443x137, 443:137, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97e257c2875be7e⋯.png (222.27 KB, 440x885, 88:177, ClipboardImage.png)


114 00


US Military = savior of mankind.

Oh look #14 is "Military Intelligence" and another image of "Patriots" just like the "DurhamBoat" in #3800

Military Intelligence.

Why does the military play such a vital role?

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5734f0  No.15302726


So the shepherds are the sheep in this case.

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f05d7e  No.15302727

File: 77c617ccf5f4c67⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1906x1067, 1906:1067, NavyPen.png)


Follow the pen.

Looks to me like:





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a85126  No.15302728

File: 1d55f162a5d1cad⋯.jpg (20.01 KB, 220x204, 55:51, 220px_Titor_insignia.jpg)

File: 9cd16d874d4279a⋯.jpg (69.87 KB, 509x764, 509:764, ZomboMeme_09102021141024.jpg)

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599479  No.15302729




"we had a collaboration with some chinese comm… chinese scientist."


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1c2136  No.15302730

File: 713bed39aa107f7⋯.png (287.92 KB, 639x338, 639:338, fixedTheGlitch.png)


>any tard wanting another shot is committing tardacide

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da5fbb  No.15302731


Yes!! And "Anon" in anyone.

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105733  No.15302732

File: 7a2d51417f8ed5c⋯.jpg (56.52 KB, 667x1024, 667:1024, 7a2d51417f8ed5c952e00e9af9….jpg)




Damn, anons. Get some.

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0522b3  No.15302733

5G gets turned on wednesday

airlines dont want it

I fly to florida wednesday

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05f025  No.15302734

File: 6c499b6140d20a8⋯.png (43.16 KB, 551x329, 551:329, ClipboardImage.png)





skull and bones? 4th quarter?

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f0e44d  No.15302735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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599479  No.15302736

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3d95de  No.15302737


I member, super hush and I think a claimed insider posted the weirdness of it all on half. Insider was administrative at the court and bewildered or some such.

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661579  No.15302738

File: c8ba5da0573415c⋯.jpg (75.49 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, F.jpg)



>5G gets turned on wednesday

>I fly to florida wednesday

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5f1505  No.15302739


…know when to fold ‘em. Know when to hold em.

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da5fbb  No.15302740

I feel like we are getting hit with a shitload of comms today. I am a little off my game today…so hopefully y'all paying attention. Call out things you see!

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f05d7e  No.15302741

File: c3ee873c69e7607⋯.jpg (104.78 KB, 655x527, 655:527, Super_chargedResearch.jpg)


excellent work, anon.


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9296fd  No.15302742


They assume anyone even GOES to the movies anymore because I haven't been in a few years

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07f4e3  No.15302743

File: a060ec460ea23ec⋯.jpg (60.77 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 5gu4g5.jpg)

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03f506  No.15302744

Satoshi Nakamoto will be revealed in the next bread

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5734f0  No.15302745


>5G gets turned on wednesday

It's already been on here in my area for several months now.

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45af62  No.15302746

Jan 6 trump press conference

Jan 7 355 or 322

Lasts a quite a few days with only the 355 showing

Also in my area there is a vaxxxed and unvaxxxed screening

Jan 15 trump az rally.

Definitely dasting

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94e41c  No.15302747

File: 8022c71b53f9da9⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1337x706, 1337:706, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e1091  No.15302748


Now that one does look promising.

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a2bdcd  No.15302749

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98284d  No.15302750

File: eddae7cd49b9cdb⋯.png (51.1 KB, 670x386, 335:193, q4511.png)


This is good. This tells us something. This tell us we're not the targets of the 355 op.

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5f1505  No.15302751


10 yard line?? Haven’t we been there before? I remember a couple of years ago we were talking about the 10 yd line. Seems like yesterday - not.

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44b615  No.15302752


>Don Bacon


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0c2329  No.15302753


On day you'll understand how to shake your own wiener instead of mommy doing it for ya…

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a2bdcd  No.15302754

File: af1833da99f1dc6⋯.png (354.21 KB, 666x666, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


eyes on

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1c2136  No.15302755



Prince Siddhattha

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11f1ea  No.15302756


So exciting…

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105733  No.15302757


>I feel like we are getting hit with a shitload of comms today.

I feel your feel.

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dc7f3b  No.15302758

File: 3f3e3f04361ede9⋯.png (789.36 KB, 944x535, 944:535, we_stand_together.png)



Some notes for

#19355: US Army with the Comms Today Edition

>>15302010 Israel warns a 'storm of Covid is coming' as it announces a FOURTH jab will be given to medical staff and over-60s.

>>15302019 White House Wants To Cause Class Warfare Between Vaccinated And Unvaccinated.

>>15302021 Turkey starts offering 5th dose of COVID-19 booster vaccine shots.

>>15302035, >>15302061, >>15302068 White House Briefing Room Kicks Non-MSM Reporters Out And Blames Omicron.

>>15302046 Facebook Fact Checker Confesses To Labeling Factually Accurate Article As ‘False’ To Push Leftist Narrative.

>>15302058 Making US History–not American Babies: First Time Immigration Exceeds Births in US History.

>>15302063 SECDEF can now activate DC Nat’l Guard in emergencies.

>>15302072 Leaders of Russia, China, US, UK, France adopt joint statement on preventing nuclear war.

>>15302082 In a video released to social media, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) announces that he is running for re-election.

>>15302084 The University of Memphis told faculty they could collect a $3,000 stipend for redesigning their curricula to align with the university's commitment to "diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice,".

>>15302090 Giuffre received $500,000 in her lawsuit against Epstein, court papers revealed.

>>15302096 Fearing New Attack, US Pull Most Of Its Troops Out From Al-Tanf In Southeastern Syria.

>>15302102 UK’s Regulatory Agency turns a Blind Eye to Ethylene Oxide on Test Swabs.

>>15302211 Planefag: Biden's plane 09-0016 landed JBA 15:05ish still using then/acallsign.

>>15302110, >>15302200 'Comedian' Patton Oswalt ("I am PROUD pedophile!") apologizes For Appearing With Dave Chappelle.

>>15302112, >>15302121, >>15302131, >>15302142, >>15302147, >>15302155, >>15302167, >>15302175, >>15302177, >>15302264, >>15302187 Why @jack is posting bitcoin genesis_block 13th anniversary.

>>15302116, >>15295867 pb Graphene human interface to connect us to the internet/4th industrial revolution cyborg slave.

>>15302174, >>15302190, >>15302395 New York Attorney General Subpoenas Don Jr., Ivanka Trump in Civil Fraud Probe.

>>15302154 Poland Purchased NSO's Pegasus After Netanyahu Meeting, Report Says.

>>15302180, >>15302310 Mexican President Reiterates Asylum Offer to WikiLeaks' Assange.

>>15302189 New COVID-19 Variant With 46 Mutations Discovered In Southern France.

>>15302204, >>15302215 Jimmy Carter creating a shadow gov't.

>>15302218, >>15302268, >>15302229, >>15302286, >>15302374, >>15302385, >>15302422, >>15302409, >>15302436, >>15302472, >>15302540 Why are all the Movie Theaters Blacked Out this weekend, the 7th and 8th and more.

>>15302435 4 years delta.

>>15302475, >>15302516 @USNavy: Hello, sunshine.

>>15302525 @Jerusalem_Post: The Quadrantids meteor shower is heading for Earth tonight.

>>15302597 Brazilian Newscaster passes out on live TV after his BOOST.

>>15302629 Fauci vid: "We had a collaboration with some Chinese Commu…uh… Scientists".

>>15302661 @USArmy: #MotivationMonday.

>>15302678 @USNavy: New Year, Same Training Schedule. Sailors aboard #USSChafee (DDG 90) investigate a simulated fire during a damage control drill.

>>15302685 @ChuckGrassley: Interviews throughout the day from my dc office to talk about my work for Iowans w KCII Washington + Pocahontas Record Democrat + KCHA Charles City + KFAB Omaha.

if needed.

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9b7d05  No.15302759


Dumb question, but how to check?

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18318a  No.15302760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


great DJ

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df7388  No.15302761

The 355

When a top-secret weapon falls into mercenary hands, a wild card CIA agent joins forces with three international agents on a lethal mission to retrieve it, while staying a step ahead of a mysterious woman who's tracking their every move.

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94e41c  No.15302762

File: 2ceb747330db20a⋯.png (1.04 MB, 611x806, 47:62, Rare_Pepe.png)

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4f7afb  No.15302763

File: 211ba332f556763⋯.png (17.61 KB, 446x179, 446:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a074442dda03e70⋯.png (18.99 KB, 453x183, 151:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81e5ac5b7850b47⋯.png (28.36 KB, 448x245, 64:35, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86867c9745c9d56⋯.png (15.29 KB, 453x154, 453:154, ClipboardImage.png)

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05f025  No.15302764


4th quarter, not 10 yard line…

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cb46ef  No.15302765

File: 72a0e88ab68c874⋯.png (413.34 KB, 424x340, 106:85, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f1505  No.15302766


In real life, maybe AOC. Kek

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661579  No.15302767

File: c1f21618e49de80⋯.jpg (241.15 KB, 736x501, 736:501, Weaponised_Pepe.jpg)


>Dumb question, but how to check?

Walk towards a 5G mast.

If your head starts heating up and you are compelled to see a shit movie on Jan 7th, you have been 'activated'

Good Luck, anon.

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a2bdcd  No.15302768


And why would I trust his judement?

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c8b68d  No.15302769

File: b14a103cda960b7⋯.png (86.11 KB, 440x290, 44:29, ClipboardImage.png)


Probably thinking of this.

1st and 10 @ the 50.

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a2bdcd  No.15302770

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1c2136  No.15302771


>And why would I trust his judement?

I have no opinion

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6df188  No.15302772


i bet the real enemy is misogyny

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11f1ea  No.15302773


maybe he wants to help you wake up.. kek

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da24ff  No.15302774

File: 92f1642653aea26⋯.png (5.17 KB, 438x109, 438:109, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)


All of which equal to 4894.

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a9dda5  No.15302775



With indesuptable sauce? cool

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da24ff  No.15302776




wrong one.

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e1dcaa  No.15302777

File: 1b0219d17357770⋯.png (246.55 KB, 305x574, 305:574, SwingAtMeNigga.png)

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df7388  No.15302778

File: ad1ec961d114ed7⋯.png (479.8 KB, 1026x759, 342:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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a2bdcd  No.15302779

File: 8b224c7b8148ca5⋯.png (840.83 KB, 666x666, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


O shit this nigga like water

(pardon the ebonics)

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004658  No.15302780

File: 78d98004d353810⋯.jpg (497.53 KB, 1079x723, 1079:723, Screenshot_20220103_135839….jpg)

File: 5cfbd571c03ae8e⋯.jpg (268.36 KB, 1079x611, 83:47, Screenshot_20220103_135851….jpg)

File: 63ce7149ba2089d⋯.jpg (341.35 KB, 1079x619, 1079:619, Screenshot_20220103_135906….jpg)



biden talking to farmers about meat, doesn't sound good.

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5f1505  No.15302781


That’s it.

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54bafd  No.15302782

File: 2e233f9eefbfc85⋯.png (6.98 KB, 435x148, 435:148, 259.png)

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05f025  No.15302783

File: 4aa3d9f1da4c4d6⋯.png (181.2 KB, 596x418, 298:209, ClipboardImage.png)


this has to have meaning if 355 is 322

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6df188  No.15302784

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58c898  No.15302785

File: 7648d805a0cd2ac⋯.png (188.55 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 777.png)

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38224a  No.15302786




The asterisk led to a note that said, “The names of Persons who are employed within the Enemy’s lines, or who may fall within their power cannot be inserted.” That £100 expenditure was the second largest that the general made in 1775. The only bigger outlay was the £239 he paid for five horses when he started out from Philadelphia.[1] Espionage was thus a very big investment for the commander-in-chief.

After serving several months as an army chaplain, Carnes returned to Massachusetts and by the late 1770s settled in Lynn, his wife’s home town. His fortunes had clearly improved; he no longer needed to run a shop. The Rev. William Bentley of Salem later attributed this change to “the prosperity of his children,” but the funds might have come from General Washington. Carnes became a justice of the peace. He represented Lynn for eight years in the Massachusetts legislature and at the 1788 state convention that ratified the U.S. Constitution. In 1802 simple John Carnes died, keeping his secrets.

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a9dda5  No.15302787



and u git filtered

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a2bdcd  No.15302788

File: 856c85e90cbeec6⋯.png (125.76 KB, 666x666, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I though my frontal cortex did that

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661579  No.15302789

File: 4b34a93c40d3db9⋯.jpg (346.75 KB, 664x625, 664:625, Alien_MAGA.jpg)

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07fce3  No.15302790

File: 5a13a1e2b01b049⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1644x1929, 548:643, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15301833 PB

Anon who did this past bread - TY! Great decode!

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98284d  No.15302791

The only movies playing atm are superhero, chick flicks, action adventure, pets and sports and not much of that is for a christian because of all the lgbt themes woven into all of peckerwood. So with that in mind, the '355' op is directly targeting movie goers or non movie goers? Is the '355' op from the Cabal or from the Q+ camp or from a 3rd Party(commercial/publicity?). Faster we knock this down the faster we can bolster or blow up the narrative as needed.

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df7388  No.15302792


multiple meanings

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44b615  No.15302793

the mass hypnosis/psychosis narrative is what they went with when Trump won

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2e1091  No.15302794

File: 6a6b13241784089⋯.png (202.94 KB, 916x766, 458:383, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4967d2ab7cb3b96⋯.png (47.83 KB, 943x719, 943:719, ClipboardImage.png)

Here's a stretch, tried searching the law of war manual but this popped up.

Section 355

1st image is page 3


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d3e922  No.15302795


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197531  No.15302796

File: 79b3f12c57c0364⋯.png (419.27 KB, 1345x790, 269:158, faucibioweaponemail.png)

File: 61f2ff841ff52df⋯.jpg (350.4 KB, 1082x572, 541:286, faucisorosrockefellerwalte….jpg)

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90b27c  No.15302797

File: 71d33798e7946c8⋯.png (608.94 KB, 512x624, 32:39, mad.png)

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a2bdcd  No.15302798

File: 103786e7da3e110⋯.png (365.44 KB, 666x666, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


16000 year plan

or made up as they go along

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bbdf2f  No.15302799

File: f5494c5c4c277a0⋯.jpeg (51.02 KB, 959x639, 959:639, https_specials_images_for….jpeg)




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44b615  No.15302800


these 'manuals' are gradually resembling the 'protocols'

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c10287  No.15302802


It just looks like lesbians marketing another movie picture failure.

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cd5c3b  No.15302803


Memba the Obama movie DVD we all got in the mail?

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df7388  No.15302804


the end is near.

I can feel it

Corona off-line

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db7e69  No.15302805

File: 6982743409b1132⋯.jpeg (39.69 KB, 530x376, 265:188, 8ED22291_FEA0_4FF6_8589_7….jpeg)

>>15301516 PB



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e1dcaa  No.15302806

File: 3e45a1a11969485⋯.png (681.28 KB, 783x796, 783:796, 1637018645015.png)

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d3e922  No.15302807


> Q Research General #19356: ebake US Army with the Comms Today II Edition

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