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495c6a  No.15301952[View All]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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105733  No.15302757


>I feel like we are getting hit with a shitload of comms today.

I feel your feel.

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dc7f3b  No.15302758

File: 3f3e3f04361ede9⋯.png (789.36 KB, 944x535, 944:535, we_stand_together.png)



Some notes for

#19355: US Army with the Comms Today Edition

>>15302010 Israel warns a 'storm of Covid is coming' as it announces a FOURTH jab will be given to medical staff and over-60s.

>>15302019 White House Wants To Cause Class Warfare Between Vaccinated And Unvaccinated.

>>15302021 Turkey starts offering 5th dose of COVID-19 booster vaccine shots.

>>15302035, >>15302061, >>15302068 White House Briefing Room Kicks Non-MSM Reporters Out And Blames Omicron.

>>15302046 Facebook Fact Checker Confesses To Labeling Factually Accurate Article As ‘False’ To Push Leftist Narrative.

>>15302058 Making US History–not American Babies: First Time Immigration Exceeds Births in US History.

>>15302063 SECDEF can now activate DC Nat’l Guard in emergencies.

>>15302072 Leaders of Russia, China, US, UK, France adopt joint statement on preventing nuclear war.

>>15302082 In a video released to social media, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) announces that he is running for re-election.

>>15302084 The University of Memphis told faculty they could collect a $3,000 stipend for redesigning their curricula to align with the university's commitment to "diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice,".

>>15302090 Giuffre received $500,000 in her lawsuit against Epstein, court papers revealed.

>>15302096 Fearing New Attack, US Pull Most Of Its Troops Out From Al-Tanf In Southeastern Syria.

>>15302102 UK’s Regulatory Agency turns a Blind Eye to Ethylene Oxide on Test Swabs.

>>15302211 Planefag: Biden's plane 09-0016 landed JBA 15:05ish still using then/acallsign.

>>15302110, >>15302200 'Comedian' Patton Oswalt ("I am PROUD pedophile!") apologizes For Appearing With Dave Chappelle.

>>15302112, >>15302121, >>15302131, >>15302142, >>15302147, >>15302155, >>15302167, >>15302175, >>15302177, >>15302264, >>15302187 Why @jack is posting bitcoin genesis_block 13th anniversary.

>>15302116, >>15295867 pb Graphene human interface to connect us to the internet/4th industrial revolution cyborg slave.

>>15302174, >>15302190, >>15302395 New York Attorney General Subpoenas Don Jr., Ivanka Trump in Civil Fraud Probe.

>>15302154 Poland Purchased NSO's Pegasus After Netanyahu Meeting, Report Says.

>>15302180, >>15302310 Mexican President Reiterates Asylum Offer to WikiLeaks' Assange.

>>15302189 New COVID-19 Variant With 46 Mutations Discovered In Southern France.

>>15302204, >>15302215 Jimmy Carter creating a shadow gov't.

>>15302218, >>15302268, >>15302229, >>15302286, >>15302374, >>15302385, >>15302422, >>15302409, >>15302436, >>15302472, >>15302540 Why are all the Movie Theaters Blacked Out this weekend, the 7th and 8th and more.

>>15302435 4 years delta.

>>15302475, >>15302516 @USNavy: Hello, sunshine.

>>15302525 @Jerusalem_Post: The Quadrantids meteor shower is heading for Earth tonight.

>>15302597 Brazilian Newscaster passes out on live TV after his BOOST.

>>15302629 Fauci vid: "We had a collaboration with some Chinese Commu…uh… Scientists".

>>15302661 @USArmy: #MotivationMonday.

>>15302678 @USNavy: New Year, Same Training Schedule. Sailors aboard #USSChafee (DDG 90) investigate a simulated fire during a damage control drill.

>>15302685 @ChuckGrassley: Interviews throughout the day from my dc office to talk about my work for Iowans w KCII Washington + Pocahontas Record Democrat + KCHA Charles City + KFAB Omaha.

if needed.

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9b7d05  No.15302759


Dumb question, but how to check?

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18318a  No.15302760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


great DJ

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df7388  No.15302761

The 355

When a top-secret weapon falls into mercenary hands, a wild card CIA agent joins forces with three international agents on a lethal mission to retrieve it, while staying a step ahead of a mysterious woman who's tracking their every move.

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94e41c  No.15302762

File: 2ceb747330db20a⋯.png (1.04 MB, 611x806, 47:62, Rare_Pepe.png)

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4f7afb  No.15302763

File: 211ba332f556763⋯.png (17.61 KB, 446x179, 446:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a074442dda03e70⋯.png (18.99 KB, 453x183, 151:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81e5ac5b7850b47⋯.png (28.36 KB, 448x245, 64:35, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86867c9745c9d56⋯.png (15.29 KB, 453x154, 453:154, ClipboardImage.png)

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05f025  No.15302764


4th quarter, not 10 yard line…

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cb46ef  No.15302765

File: 72a0e88ab68c874⋯.png (413.34 KB, 424x340, 106:85, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f1505  No.15302766


In real life, maybe AOC. Kek

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661579  No.15302767

File: c1f21618e49de80⋯.jpg (241.15 KB, 736x501, 736:501, Weaponised_Pepe.jpg)


>Dumb question, but how to check?

Walk towards a 5G mast.

If your head starts heating up and you are compelled to see a shit movie on Jan 7th, you have been 'activated'

Good Luck, anon.

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a2bdcd  No.15302768


And why would I trust his judement?

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c8b68d  No.15302769

File: b14a103cda960b7⋯.png (86.11 KB, 440x290, 44:29, ClipboardImage.png)


Probably thinking of this.

1st and 10 @ the 50.

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a2bdcd  No.15302770

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1c2136  No.15302771


>And why would I trust his judement?

I have no opinion

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6df188  No.15302772


i bet the real enemy is misogyny

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11f1ea  No.15302773


maybe he wants to help you wake up.. kek

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da24ff  No.15302774

File: 92f1642653aea26⋯.png (5.17 KB, 438x109, 438:109, Screenshot_2022_01_03_at_1….png)


All of which equal to 4894.

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a9dda5  No.15302775



With indesuptable sauce? cool

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da24ff  No.15302776




wrong one.

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e1dcaa  No.15302777

File: 1b0219d17357770⋯.png (246.55 KB, 305x574, 305:574, SwingAtMeNigga.png)

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df7388  No.15302778

File: ad1ec961d114ed7⋯.png (479.8 KB, 1026x759, 342:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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a2bdcd  No.15302779

File: 8b224c7b8148ca5⋯.png (840.83 KB, 666x666, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


O shit this nigga like water

(pardon the ebonics)

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004658  No.15302780

File: 78d98004d353810⋯.jpg (497.53 KB, 1079x723, 1079:723, Screenshot_20220103_135839….jpg)

File: 5cfbd571c03ae8e⋯.jpg (268.36 KB, 1079x611, 83:47, Screenshot_20220103_135851….jpg)

File: 63ce7149ba2089d⋯.jpg (341.35 KB, 1079x619, 1079:619, Screenshot_20220103_135906….jpg)



biden talking to farmers about meat, doesn't sound good.

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5f1505  No.15302781


That’s it.

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54bafd  No.15302782

File: 2e233f9eefbfc85⋯.png (6.98 KB, 435x148, 435:148, 259.png)

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05f025  No.15302783

File: 4aa3d9f1da4c4d6⋯.png (181.2 KB, 596x418, 298:209, ClipboardImage.png)


this has to have meaning if 355 is 322

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6df188  No.15302784

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58c898  No.15302785

File: 7648d805a0cd2ac⋯.png (188.55 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 777.png)

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38224a  No.15302786




The asterisk led to a note that said, “The names of Persons who are employed within the Enemy’s lines, or who may fall within their power cannot be inserted.” That £100 expenditure was the second largest that the general made in 1775. The only bigger outlay was the £239 he paid for five horses when he started out from Philadelphia.[1] Espionage was thus a very big investment for the commander-in-chief.

After serving several months as an army chaplain, Carnes returned to Massachusetts and by the late 1770s settled in Lynn, his wife’s home town. His fortunes had clearly improved; he no longer needed to run a shop. The Rev. William Bentley of Salem later attributed this change to “the prosperity of his children,” but the funds might have come from General Washington. Carnes became a justice of the peace. He represented Lynn for eight years in the Massachusetts legislature and at the 1788 state convention that ratified the U.S. Constitution. In 1802 simple John Carnes died, keeping his secrets.

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a9dda5  No.15302787



and u git filtered

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a2bdcd  No.15302788

File: 856c85e90cbeec6⋯.png (125.76 KB, 666x666, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I though my frontal cortex did that

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661579  No.15302789

File: 4b34a93c40d3db9⋯.jpg (346.75 KB, 664x625, 664:625, Alien_MAGA.jpg)

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07fce3  No.15302790

File: 5a13a1e2b01b049⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1644x1929, 548:643, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15301833 PB

Anon who did this past bread - TY! Great decode!

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98284d  No.15302791

The only movies playing atm are superhero, chick flicks, action adventure, pets and sports and not much of that is for a christian because of all the lgbt themes woven into all of peckerwood. So with that in mind, the '355' op is directly targeting movie goers or non movie goers? Is the '355' op from the Cabal or from the Q+ camp or from a 3rd Party(commercial/publicity?). Faster we knock this down the faster we can bolster or blow up the narrative as needed.

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df7388  No.15302792


multiple meanings

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44b615  No.15302793

the mass hypnosis/psychosis narrative is what they went with when Trump won

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2e1091  No.15302794

File: 6a6b13241784089⋯.png (202.94 KB, 916x766, 458:383, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4967d2ab7cb3b96⋯.png (47.83 KB, 943x719, 943:719, ClipboardImage.png)

Here's a stretch, tried searching the law of war manual but this popped up.

Section 355

1st image is page 3


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d3e922  No.15302795


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197531  No.15302796

File: 79b3f12c57c0364⋯.png (419.27 KB, 1345x790, 269:158, faucibioweaponemail.png)

File: 61f2ff841ff52df⋯.jpg (350.4 KB, 1082x572, 541:286, faucisorosrockefellerwalte….jpg)

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90b27c  No.15302797

File: 71d33798e7946c8⋯.png (608.94 KB, 512x624, 32:39, mad.png)

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a2bdcd  No.15302798

File: 103786e7da3e110⋯.png (365.44 KB, 666x666, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


16000 year plan

or made up as they go along

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bbdf2f  No.15302799

File: f5494c5c4c277a0⋯.jpeg (51.02 KB, 959x639, 959:639, https_specials_images_for….jpeg)




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44b615  No.15302800


these 'manuals' are gradually resembling the 'protocols'

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c10287  No.15302802


It just looks like lesbians marketing another movie picture failure.

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cd5c3b  No.15302803


Memba the Obama movie DVD we all got in the mail?

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df7388  No.15302804


the end is near.

I can feel it

Corona off-line

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db7e69  No.15302805

File: 6982743409b1132⋯.jpeg (39.69 KB, 530x376, 265:188, 8ED22291_FEA0_4FF6_8589_7….jpeg)

>>15301516 PB



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e1dcaa  No.15302806

File: 3e45a1a11969485⋯.png (681.28 KB, 783x796, 783:796, 1637018645015.png)

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d3e922  No.15302807


> Q Research General #19356: ebake US Army with the Comms Today II Edition

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