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File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

1749ce No.1527997

Welcome To Q Research General

Vincit Omnia Veritas

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules)


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1489607 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic


1749ce No.1528000

>>1521487 New [HRC] emails just released by the state dept GO

HRC Digs

>>1522654 , >>1522668 , >>1522678 , >>1522682 , >>1523182 , Clinton email digs

>>1523551 New emails tell of Antartica

>>1522038 : Huma,McCain, Graham & Afghanistan

>>1522443 HRC and Jewish + anger at Obama

>>1522403 More on Salinas

>>1522487 Wadah Khanfar


are not endorsements


>>1527058 , >>1527211 Was McCabe in London the reason for the Q London pics?

>>1527288 ; >>1527344 Letter from DJT to KJU, cancelling NK summit meeting

>>1527413 Twitter specifically censoring supporters of DJT

>>1527528 Nate Boulton suspends his campaign for governor

>>1527569 GermanArchiveAnon geupdated: #1907-#1918

>>1527781 RT article on NK/SK and the role of the US

>>1527789 IRS moves to block blue-state loopholes for state and local tax deductions

>>1527797 ; >>1527883 Possibility of [CNN] preventing NK summit talks, KJU BTFO’ing MSM (commentary)

>>1527936 Investigators claim Russian missile took down MH17 (2014)

>>1527943 AG appoints Zachary Terwilliger Interim US Attorney


>>1526535 Twitter Lawsuit Victory over Trump Could Make Internet More Free

>>1526534 Big Day For The Swamp

>>1526530 Amazon selling bombers supplys.

>>1526646 Planefag reports

>>1526651, >>1527129 NK claims to have destroyed nuke sites…

>>1526669, >>1526750 NYPD and "other" law enforcement to make TWO announcements regarding ongoing investigations…

>>1526602 Connections between Steiger, Bush, Global Fund, Gates

>>1526624 Noteable article nysun on Muller/Trump

>>1526704, >>1526724 Chip Tatum digs

>>1526744 SpyGate clues and info digs

>>1526773 Trump constanty asks "What did I promise the voters?"

>>1526787, >>1526792 Antarctica digginz

>>1526800, >>1526852 GROUP 13

>>1526814 Border Patrol agent shoots, kills illegal immigrant in Texas, authorities say"

>>1526940 USMC LURQ MOAR twat

>>1526946 FF video with POTUS

>>1526955 Enemy: "Matthews: Trump ‘Doing Everything He Can to Destroy This Country and Its Government’

>>1526963 Michael Avenatti suddenly vanishes from CNN studios after over 70 appearances

>>1526996, >>1527073, >>1527197, >>1527200 Operation 40 was a CIA-sponsored hit squad of the 1960s

>>1527018 Bellingcat and The Insider is launching a major report on #MH17 tomorrow

>>1527019, >>1527062, >>1527162, >>1527225 Rothschilds >> Northwestern University

>>1527122 MSM trying hard to label everything a conspiracy theory

>>1527113 Nancy Pelosi loves MS-13

>>1527150 CF gala info

>>1527177 Loral gave tech to China under BC

>>1527208 Hybrid abomination created

>>1527230 Sex Trafficking Digs


>>1525740 New Fags: Q is not going to telegraph Punches

>>1525713 FBI Frames homeschooler dad, more CPS Abuse

>>1525777, >>1525835 Safari Club Saudi Intelligence, C_A

>>1525779, >>1525858, >>1525932 17y/o suicide case re-opened Col Sabow

>>1525914 George Soros Funds £5.6million plan to thwart Brexit

>>1526146 , >>1526144, >>1526150, >>1526159 Friendly Reminder, Huma Muslim Brohood

>>1526119 Anthony Wiener, Additional 15 SEALED documents relating to case

>>1526184 Hillary Clinton's "7th Floor Group"

>>1526200 Qproof 5.23 Cleaning up with Q and Trump

>>1526269 William Steiger Dig, SR supported legislation that established OSHA

>>1526293 UK Helper Anon (decode please)

>>1526278 , >>1526294 NAMEFAG Ebola/Zika ties to Bill Gates

>>1526335 Theresa May 'Terrible' childhood


>>1525534 May 23 is June 12: NK Meeting

>>1525537 Meghan Markle >> Owl Connections

>>1525483 World Health / Big Pharma: William R. Steiger dig

>>1525477 Rob Sherman, political activist and plane crash victim

>>1525472 Feds seizing two NXIVM properties in "Halfmoon, NY"

>>1525217 Steve Bannon BBC interview

>>1524044 , >>1524970 Patriots Soapbox shows 2500 YT'bers how to get to and navigate /qresearch/

>>1525244 Alleged MKULTRA Victims to File Lawsuit in Canada

>>1525218 Trump threatens aid cut to countries that do not stop MS-13 gang migrants


>>1524851 Merkel: Germany Remains Committed to Iran Nuclear Deal

>>1524447 , >>1524719 Intriguing Visitor passes our way

>>1524693 Sedition: Former AG Eric Holder Urges DOJ Employees to Defy Trump Administration

>>1524686 Mysterious Booms Across Pennsylvania Triggers FBI Investigation

>>1524624 POTUS the Master Troll: You Can't Always Get What You Want

>>1524552 FBI Agents Spill Beans on Comey & McCabe

>>1523706 Big habbening in NY: $167.5m fraudulent loans indictment

>>1524326 , >>1524458 , >>1524569 DOJ Release Today: Another meaning for 'Follow The Pen'?

>>1524177 Joseph Yanny and Laurel Sullivan both had problems with Scientology

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

1749ce No.1528002

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 – QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 – TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 — META


>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 — Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 — Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>674740 — Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 – Newfag Q&A

>>93735 —– Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 – Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 – Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 —— Tools and Information

>>4852 —— Free Research Resources

>>4362 —— Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 —— Research Threads

>>32223 —- Qs chess game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 — Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread


>>810563 — NXIVM info collection

>>885933 — P=C

>>904395 — The Plan

>>911014 — Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

1749ce No.1528003

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527259

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1411389 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

>>1499677 Archive Update (not really sure where to put it)

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

*Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9

" In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954 "

RE: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1514027.html#q1514062

1749ce No.1528011



316754 No.1528024

File: 4ecd417cc72f8fa⋯.png (308.52 KB, 365x483, 365:483, Untitled.png)

Shall we play a game?


0c41b3 No.1528032

File: 0902932a457d889⋯.jpeg (395.07 KB, 1530x726, 255:121, 0D1B6D81-8A9F-49C3-88F3-7….jpeg)

File: d9c4a723ba70496⋯.jpeg (576.99 KB, 1097x1506, 1097:1506, 737F728C-D4D0-4FF5-B343-5….jpeg)

a9a54e No.1528038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some good rap music.



1749ce No.1528039


These don't match, Anon.

f08d25 No.1528040

Calm down all you concernfags, POTUS has regained control of the media narrative, NK is already and has been a done deal. Don't think so?? Then go back and READ THE CRUMBS if you are so butthurt.


0c41b3 No.1528041

File: 921a251458457ef⋯.jpeg (392.64 KB, 1537x718, 1537:718, A4E32646-0E56-4842-8C45-C….jpeg)

File: 08398cf292b6038⋯.jpeg (590.89 KB, 1105x1537, 1105:1537, 200BBEC3-D72E-4252-8729-7….jpeg)

92d775 No.1528059


Def not the same.

cb9ca7 No.1528060

File: 1d82c52c70ed027⋯.jpg (73.04 KB, 889x485, 889:485, 2ax7h4.jpg)

1ca346 No.1528061

File: 850fdc4143129bc⋯.png (80.53 KB, 1080x582, 180:97, Screenshot_20180524-194107….png)

File: 8f667733b0cc3a8⋯.jpg (78.1 KB, 1018x541, 1018:541, IMG_20180524_193539.jpg)



822c65 No.1528062

Ok so now according to the list on Fox, RR is not going to the meeting

574194 No.1528063

>>1527797 (LB)


Man if CNN fabricated something Kim said. Trump specifically stated the reason the meeting was cancelled is because of the STATEMENTS. If the statements were created by CNN…. Dear Lord this will be fun. They must be shitting their pants…suicide weekend anybody?

4f4b4b No.1528064

File: 92adc43a7e76110⋯.png (137.86 KB, 400x400, 1:1, baker carterrr.png)

File: b4e8cf61b4b4cdd⋯.jpg (156.49 KB, 405x720, 9:16, bakerrcasrterrr.jpg)


a42d70 No.1528065



Skin tags.

3f084b No.1528066

If you're a benevolent leader (POTUS) who wants only good for the citizens of your opponents country AND if you just destroyed your opponents war making capability you might have a conversation behind closed doors and tell him (Kim) you want them to look strong to the world (considering you've been controlled by the shadow govts against your will).

You might tell him (Kim) you don't plan on Ghadaffi-ing his ass and to prove it you want them to push back seemingly taking control of peace talks as if we are equals.

If you were only out for that nations freedom and world peace and not for control you could show it in this way.

82494d No.1528067

>>1527991 (PB)

I think the Red vs Blue para dime is coming to an end we need Smart and Honest people to represent us period…. no more lies

61da86 No.1528068

Trump is just Changing the very unsecure Venue.

The Top of a Hotel in Singapore?

Think 911 Clown Planes

I think the Deal is already Done.

I would Never meet Kim on the Top floor of any Hotel.

9f4096 No.1528069


Its called find the ROLL of FILM

a8e29f No.1528070

( last page )


"Counsel (Detailed)

Company NameSenate Judiciary Committee

Dates EmployedAug 2015 – Aug 2016 Employment Duration1 yr 1 mo

LocationWashington, District Of Columbia

Criminal Portfolio to include: fraud and white collar crime, the 2nd Amendment, opioids and synthetic narcotics, human trafficking, and crime victims rights and compensation." frm linked in profile

8b2fdb No.1528071

File: ce1c3ac5d33bece⋯.jpg (146.82 KB, 678x381, 226:127, PlanB.jpg)

729ec7 No.1528072

>>1528043 l/b

My bad - can't afford to be so careless with days at my age! Sorry.

501c62 No.1528073


The bottom signature appears to be upside down. That's why they look like they don't match.

a8e29f No.1528074

… Zachary Terwilliger

Associate Deputy Attorney General at Department of Justice

Alexandria, Virginia

72dc51 No.1528075


Wasn't Pence over in NK, was the comment directed directly to him while there or was it an official statement somehow?

08a307 No.1528076

I predict that the summit will be arranged somewhere more inland. It has to do with the Hawaiian volcano and the threat of tsunami…

14b0c6 No.1528077

File: 6357c317454f426⋯.jpg (523.11 KB, 1000x929, 1000:929, boltommoustashe.jpg)

File: 31951236f54963d⋯.jpg (648.69 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, bolton_nktalks.jpg)

Bolton referred to the "The Libyan model" to North Korea. 1st of all, that was an Obama gig. Libya should never had been brought up.

Bolton is a warmongering Zionist. I grieved the day President Trump selected him. Trump really should let Bolton go before he screws anything else up.

574194 No.1528078


They arent even on the same side of the paper for crying out loud

8d4aeb No.1528079

File: d68e53cb048c0a5⋯.jpg (128.71 KB, 1300x864, 325:216, Black pills.jpg)


>If all the bad actors know that they have lost control, and this most recent event isn't one of them acting against POTUS, then what we're dealing with here is pure show.

This is pure speculation on your part. From a more objective point of view thing are not looking up. The Mocking bird media is still in full operation. Obstruction from the deep state is still going strong and the normie are still very much asleep because nothing is "visibly" moving. Sure in the background it look like event are happening left and right but still nothing we can point to.

In other word Everything this administration as done so far could be overturn in less then 2 week!!!!!! Do you understand this?

6125fb No.1528080

File: 7d81fcec747183e⋯.png (279.79 KB, 602x563, 602:563, AQ3.PNG)

41919a No.1528081

File: 7a4390c756bf915⋯.png (429.23 KB, 933x720, 311:240, ricflairTRUST.png)

a8297e No.1528082


You opinion doesn't make it fact. Deals were made but not signed yet. Kim tried pushing back against Potus. Potus proved once again he has the balls to stand up to bullies.

Nothing has been officially signed yet. It was going to happen at the summit.

c80a3b No.1528083


you said…


Trust kaNSAs city shuffle

Whoa, spooky.


I say focus on the [ka].


…his quest toward a tower

…"Man with No Name"

The Little Sisters of Eluria (1998)

The Gunslinger (1982)

The Drawing of the Three (1987)

The Waste Lands (1991)

Wizard and Glass (1997)

The Wind Through the Keyhole (2012)

Wolves of the Calla (2003)

Song of Susannah (2004)

The Dark Tower (2004)

574194 No.1528084


When did Pence go to NK?

587e5d No.1528085

File: 13c20159062a6ad⋯.png (27.63 KB, 816x99, 272:33, nk.png)

NK statement that triggered the cancelation

d498aa No.1528086

File: b5c416baafe6323⋯.jpg (5.21 KB, 299x168, 299:168, images-5 (6).jpg)


Fuck ya.

889bea No.1528087

File: a79ea059c6b3bb5⋯.jpg (21.25 KB, 400x250, 8:5, Morals-And-Dogma-Ancient-A….jpg)


I already said that Satanist see themselves as the dark and lucifairans are the light but in reality they are all one in the same.

The black and white pavement symbolizes "the Good and Evil, principles of the Egyptian and Persian creed. It is the warfare of Michael and Satan … light and shadow, which is darkness; Day and Night, Freedom and Despotism … [Morals and Dogma , p. 14]

82494d No.1528088


He is playing Bad cop in the Good Cop / Bad Cop Play

1ca346 No.1528089

File: 4309f33c5f0ce1f⋯.png (153.58 KB, 1080x853, 1080:853, Screenshot_20180524-203618….png)

File: 2d02180c9bd71ea⋯.png (740.55 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180524-203438.png)


61d60f No.1528090


Give them enough rope and they hang themselves…

1749ce No.1528091


Please demonstrate.

Take your time and be thorough, I'd like to see how you work this through.

Please use images as necessary.

835015 No.1528092

File: c73c23bd7aea0ab⋯.png (91.35 KB, 803x352, 73:32, Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at ….png)


I don't think so, NK reacted poorly to Pence's statement.

IMO, Pence's provocative remarks are part of the show. I do not see evidence of CNN stirring the pot.

822c65 No.1528093

Anons something of note I just came across. Christopher Wray's Senate confirmation was 92-5

0537aa No.1528094


I trust Sessions, but don’t like the looks of this:

“We highly recommend Mr. Terwilliger for this important position,” Tim Kaine and Mark R. Warner wrote in a letter to the White House on Monday.”

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/senators-want-rosenstein-deputy-to-be-us-attorney-for-eastern-district-of-virginia/2018/04/30/af6273fa-4285-11e8-ad8f-27a8c409298b_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.66bdf362c83b

6125fb No.1528095

File: 9c83ff22503c0bf⋯.png (323.97 KB, 600x657, 200:219, AQ4.PNG)


Trump's Tweet.

a42d70 No.1528096


He was at SK during Olympics.

72dc51 No.1528097


I guess he didn't go, my bad:


70f11b No.1528098

>>1528048 (last bread)

>>1527797 (last bread)

>Man if CNN fabricated something Kim said. Trump specifically stated the reason the meeting was cancelled is because of the STATEMENTS. If the statements were created by CNN…. Dear Lord this will be fun. They must be shitting their pants…suicide weekend anybody?



a8297e No.1528099



Yes, Pence was just in NoKo. They were not wanting to accept the pre-arranged agreement. They wanted more. Pence and then Potus said no way.

9f4096 No.1528100


So Could Pence really be a black hat?

a42d70 No.1528101


Bring him to camp David instead. July 4th picnic. Korean BBQ

58257a No.1528102

File: 8e7a357bc733aa1⋯.png (303.37 KB, 854x463, 854:463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a478465ebc0e9c3⋯.png (11.85 KB, 233x203, 233:203, ClipboardImage.png)

We have to play tough with China.

14b0c6 No.1528103

File: 7f943944eefcf89⋯.jpg (46.72 KB, 400x286, 200:143, boltontrumpo.jpg)


Bolton is the rope

ef4dcf No.1528104

File: 5c8bd55f8f777de⋯.png (826.49 KB, 633x871, 633:871, ClipboardImage.png)

Better late than never..thanks baker!

574194 No.1528105



72dc51 No.1528106


re reporting from KCNA, you wont get the MSM on libel laws then

a8297e No.1528107




CNN not the only reporting on this. DO some research anon.

69a52a No.1528108


Definitely the President's signature, but not the same signing.

f70db0 No.1528109

File: d0a0ea7900f94b6⋯.png (327.16 KB, 1431x946, 1431:946, Screenshot-2018-5-24 Vince….png)

File: aa218b44d6e12c3⋯.png (148.26 KB, 629x272, 37:16, Screenshot-2018-5-24 Vince….png)

File: aa66f7891871ede⋯.png (218.31 KB, 312x335, 312:335, Screenshot-2018-5-24 Vince….png)

(summarize and deepen - historical context)

Vince Foster/Death

The untimely Death of Vince Foster was officially ruled to be a suicide. This verdict is a widely disputed

Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park off the George Washington Parkway in Virginia, outside Washington, D.C., on July 20, 1993. Wikipedia's title gives the official narrative. His death was ruled a suicide by multiple official investigations. Note that Wikipedia took the relatively unusual step of censoring some page edits, making the metadata visible but hiding the contents, even to those who know about Wikipedia's censorship

Terming the death of Vince Foster "the story that nobody dares touch," Michael Rivero wrote that it was "the story that ended my career in Hollywood."Some suspect that Foster died from a shot from a small-caliber pistol to the neck and his body was dumped in the park. A book by Christopher Andersen entitled Bill and Hillary: The Marriage claims that Foster and Hillary Clinton were involved in an affair that led to Foster's death.

Variations on this theory abound, including claims that Mrs. Clinton either killed Foster herself or was personally responsible for having him killed.[8] Aides to Hillary Clinton Maggie Williams (formerly of the Children's Defense Fund) and Craig Livingston (a bar bouncer discovered and employed in a security capacity by Hillary Clinton) may have been surreptitiously investigated for the removal of unidentified files from Foster's office before the Secret Service or FBI could secure the premises. Furthermore, three federal judges (David Sentelle, John Butzner, and Peter T. Fay) attached an addendum to Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's Report on Foster's death despite Starr's objection. However, no charges were ever brought forward in connection with any of these allegations.

A suicide note of sorts, actually a draft of a resignation letter, was found torn into 27 pieces in Foster's briefcase after his death. The piece with his signature may never have been found. The text of Foster's note was as follows:

I made mistakes from ignorance, inexperience and overwork

I did not knowingly violate any law or standard of conduct

No one in The White House, to my knowledge, violated any law or standard of conduct, including any action in the travel office. There was no intent to benefit any individual or specific group

The FBI lied in their report to the AG

The press is covering up the illegal benefits they received from the travel staff

The GOP has lied and misrepresented its knowledge and role and covered up a prior investigation

The Ushers Office plotted to have excessive costs incurred, taking advantage of Kaki and HRC

The public will never believe the innocence of the Clintons and their loyal staff

The WSJ editors lie without consequence

I was not meant for the job or the spotlight of public life in Washington. Here ruining people is considered sport

Foster's death was concluded to have been a suicide by inquiries/investigations conducted by the United States Park Police, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the United States Congress, Independent Counsel Robert B. Fiske, and Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr

After a three-year investigation, Starr concluded that Foster's death was a suicide. CNN stated on February 28, 1997, "The Starr report refutes claims by conservative political organizations that Foster was the victim of a murder plot and coverup," but "despite those findings, right-wing political groups have continued to allege that there was more to the death and that the president and first lady [Bill and Hillary Clinton] tried to cover it up." (SEE picture for the rest)

9f4096 No.1528110

File: dc58eb59dc82194⋯.jpg (97.5 KB, 652x435, 652:435, dc58eb59dc82194cb319b54f05….jpg)

3a284d No.1528111

File: e447a0acc0cf279⋯.png (149.71 KB, 942x761, 942:761, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5d3d577e23b892⋯.png (174.31 KB, 936x728, 9:7, ClipboardImage.png)


https ://thehackernews.com/

c3ba76 No.1528112

File: d9ce8d4d23f01da⋯.png (723.19 KB, 780x520, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, citing 'open hostility'

WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump has cancelled his planned June 12 summit with North Korean leader Mr Kim Jong Un.

In a signed letter addressed to Mr Kim, President Trump wrote: “Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting.”

“Please let this letter serve to represent that the Singapore summit, for the good of both parties, but to the detriment of the world, will not take place,” he wrote.

“This missed opportunity is truly a sad moment in history,” he wrote. But importantly the letter also said: “Some day, I look very much forward to meeting you.”

“If you change your mind having to do with this most important summit, please do not hesitate to call me or write.”

Analysts said this seemed to indicate the summit may be postponed, not necessarily off the table.

But the abrupt cancellation did not really surprise Korea watchers skeptical that both countries were on the same page on the US’s demand of complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation in North Korea.

Dr Balbina Hwang, visiting professor at Georgetown University, told The Straits Times : “It looks like this is what the North Koreans really wanted. Maybe they realised they had put too much on the table, they were giving away too much.”

“Complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation was going to be a long shot anyway,” Dr Sue Mi Terry, Senior Fellow at the Korea Chair at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) said on MSNBC.

Republican Senator Tom Cotton in a statement said: “North Korea has a long history of demanding concessions. I commend the President for seeing through Kim Jong Un’s fraud. The maximum pressure campaign must continue.”

Former top diplomat Christopher Hill, calling in to MSNBC, said the dialogue with North Korea should have been started in a more calibrated manner than at the top level with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visiting Pyongyang and meeting Mr Kim.

Also, National Security Advisor John Bolton’s citing of the “Libya model” – in which Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi gave up his nuclear programme but later was killed in an uprising against his rule supported by western powers, had been ill advised.

North Korea in its recent statements had cited Mr Bolton's comments, rejecting the comparison with Libya.

“John Bolton is not stupid, he had a purpose and the purpose was essentially to threaten the North Koreans,” Ambassador Hill said. “They don’t mind issuing threats of their own but they don’t like being threatened by others.”

Analysts however downplayed the danger of a return to pre-summit hostility. North Korea may not necessarily return to testing its nuclear devices and missiles, Dr Terry said.

“We’re not close to a dangerous time yet, so we need to take a deep breath,” Dr Hwang said. “In 2012 North Korea sank a South Korea ship killing over 100 sailors; we are not close to that kind of thing yet.”

https:// www.straitstimes.com/world/united-states/trump-calls-off-singapore-meeting-with-north-koreas-kim

8f9942 No.1528113

File: 0a921617089e55a⋯.png (816.32 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 1485966909382.png)


Add this:


6125fb No.1528114

File: 16bcd732a2c9ccc⋯.png (792.33 KB, 739x848, 739:848, ABomb2.png)


Get us some sauce on that and we can END THEM!!!!!

d498aa No.1528115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Whats in your head….zombie?

1ca346 No.1528116

File: b54dff10cf16e2e⋯.png (299.92 KB, 1080x828, 30:23, Screenshot_20180524-203932….png)

c80a3b No.1528117


I've been telling ya'll to listen in.




70f11b No.1528118


What's really funny is how all the hotels in Singapore sold out within minutes of the announcement of the summit. I bet those reservations just took a nose dive. I'm sure people snatched them up hoping to flip them for a profit.

3e5260 No.1528119



Mr. Trump was both surprised and angered by a statement issued on Wednesday by the North’s chief nuclear negotiator, who declared that the country would never trade away its nuclear weapons capability in exchange for economic aid, administration officials said.


a8297e No.1528120


This does not indicate whether he is or isn't. MSM is NOT reporting on the fact that NoKo was not wanting to abide by the agreement already in place.

31c5a8 No.1528121


Even liberals won't be able to look past this one.

CNN/MSM has interfered with US foreign diplomatic relations.

Not covered by the First Amendment

This lie they made up… They broke the public trust (actually covered by 1A) but more importantly they created an obstruction of relations (is that illegal?) and created a racket (RICO) and interfered with peace talks (treason.)

a42d70 No.1528122


20 years ago you could hardly get a hot chick near a computer. Now you can't get the iphones out of their reach.

4bd4d5 No.1528123


<<You opinion doesn't make it fact

8f9942 No.1528124



Why aren't the links working correctly?

https:// 8ch. net/qresearch/res/593232.html#593825

5a9c75 No.1528125


Bolton is now also involved in the China Trade talks.

Fizzle. NK. Fizzle. CHINA. Bolton's comments definitely raised the rhetoric from Kim.

72dc51 No.1528126


It's in the post?

574194 No.1528127



3b658d No.1528128



822c65 No.1528129


Always was

c60446 No.1528130

69a52a No.1528131


>In other word Everything this administration as done so far could be overturn in less then 2 week!!!!!! Do you understand this?

Thanks for self identifying as a black pill.

You are clueless.

6125fb No.1528132


Agree with the BBQ, disagree with Camp David. Too open. Need to surprise people.

587e5d No.1528133

File: 542e35022e8de30⋯.png (113.26 KB, 452x575, 452:575, Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at ….png)

Did NK break their end of the deal?

af3e8a No.1528134

File: d8d95499934bb25⋯.png (203.52 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 295-245435.png)

I'm super Comfy with the habbenings

29f464 No.1528135





fb3807 No.1528136


Remember Kim is a puppet. NK itself is a puppet.

Since Patriots are in control, this has always been part of the plan.

44e957 No.1528137

IMO if Q knew about this happening, he would've said something about it…

cb05d2 No.1528138


Right. TRUST THE PLAN. This is Kabuki now. I am comfy.

368184 No.1528139

so the potus signature isnt the same?

now if i was a larp the first thing i would do was FORGE not COPY the signature that i wanted anons to believe was real

how dumb is that?

shills - try harder

2e66eb No.1528140


almost 7 months in

have yet to see TRUST Pence.

much like Israel, Q has been rather quiet on the veep

316754 No.1528141








Sorry Anon's,

I should have been more clear.

I *KNOW* these ones don't match.


That's the nature of my game.

ef4dcf No.1528142



But Tomi Lahren may have an excuse to carry it all the time…Kek!

ff4275 No.1528143

File: 6af66c6b042c0cd⋯.png (968.26 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 8CDA3728-50B6-4115-B0D8-D1….png)

File: d08873377165633⋯.png (719.54 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 010B4D29-91C7-411F-9BEA-F1….png)

File: f4889e84023e141⋯.png (810.76 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, C7422569-4E83-457B-BB48-46….png)

d317db No.1528145

>>1527839 (lb)

John 20:24-29

After his death and resurrection, Jesus quickly forgave his "doubting Thomas" for not believing the others or his original promise to return after 3 days, but he did let him concernfag for 8 whole days before finally appearing to him.

Get comfy. Stay comfy.

e1d3af No.1528146

File: 62cd21a0c55c868⋯.png (355.35 KB, 930x1304, 465:652, Screen Shot 78.png)

14b0c6 No.1528147


I agree absolutely 100%. If Bolton had not opened his mouth, the Summit would still be on. Bolton puts everyone on their guard. I hated when Trump selected him. Trump needs to reign him in and put a muzzle on him.

a42d70 No.1528148

File: df9f0c7be19215f⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, kim xi.png)


Actors. What makes a great movie?

501c62 No.1528149


If you can't figure it out, that's on you. I noticed it the first time I saw it. The picture was taken of the signature UPSIDE down. But go on with your paranoid idiocy. It's entertaining. No "images" needed here.

3e5260 No.1528150


If the Trump administration “corners us and unilaterally demands we give up nuclear weapons we will no longer have an interest in talks and will have to reconsider whether we will accept the upcoming DPRK-US summit”, first vice foreign minister Kim Kye-gwan said in a statement carried by the official KCNA news agency.

“The US is talking about giving us economic rewards and benefits when we give up nuclear weapons. We have never built economies expecting things from the US and will never do such a deal in the future,” Mr Kye-gwan said


822c65 No.1528151


Not trusting the plan I see

2a2f6f No.1528152


Info related to Antarctica discussion


Vannevar Bush

Vannevar Bush (/væˈniːvɑːr/ van-NEE-var; March 11, 1890 – June 28, 1974) was an American engineer, inventor and science administrator, who during World War II headed the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), through which almost all wartime military R&D was carried out, including initiation and early administration of the Manhattan Project. He is also known in engineering for his work on analog computers, for founding Raytheon, and for the memex, a hypothetical adjustable microfilm viewer with a structure analogous to that of hypertext. In 1945, Bush published the essay "As We May Think" in which he predicted that "wholly new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready made with a mesh of associative trails running through them, ready to be dropped into the memex and there amplified".[2] The memex influenced generations of computer scientists, who drew inspiration from its vision of the future. He was chiefly responsible for the movement that led to the creation of the National Science Foundation.

For his master's thesis, Bush invented and patented a "profile tracer", a mapping device for assisting surveyors. It was the first of a string of inventions. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1919, and founded the company now known as Raytheon in 1922. Starting in 1927, Bush constructed a differential analyzer, an analog computer with some digital components that could solve differential equations with as many as 18 independent variables. An offshoot of the work at MIT by Bush and others was the beginning of digital circuit design theory. Bush became vice president of MIT and dean of the MIT School of Engineering in 1932, and president of the Carnegie Institution of Washington in 1938.

Bush was appointed to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) in 1938, and soon became its chairman. As chairman of the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), and later director of OSRD, Bush coordinated the activities of some six thousand leading American scientists in the application of science to warfare. Bush was a well-known policymaker and public intellectual during World War II, when he was in effect the first presidential science advisor. As head of NDRC and OSRD, he initiated the Manhattan Project, and ensured that it received top priority from the highest levels of government. In Science, The Endless Frontier, his 1945 report to the President of the United States, Bush called for an expansion of government support for science, and he pressed for the creation of the National Science Foundation.

a8297e No.1528154

Why do anons automatically assume OUR guys are the cause of the summit cancellation???????

Why are you blaming NoKo for not holding up their end of the bargain?????

822c65 No.1528155

Anons, did Pope accept the Chilean bishops resignations yet?

babe0d No.1528156


No, but Q put CNN in the kill box

a59b4e No.1528157

File: c9ecbb571199a73⋯.jpg (169.34 KB, 661x510, 661:510, wfaf.jpg)

File: 118bf4fb4931109⋯.jpg (40.54 KB, 355x258, 355:258, PHEONIXFROMASHES.jpg)

File: 2ae09ae05be8237⋯.jpg (74.79 KB, 500x594, 250:297, power.jpg)

File: 8bb4a57d22dbe75⋯.jpg (2.83 MB, 3840x4360, 96:109, UnityCare.jpg)

File: 8a1091981764058⋯.png (4.33 MB, 4584x5256, 191:219, UnityFight2.png)

Internet Bill Of Rights

Let your voices be heard!


Read carefully and honestly

Do you believe that your right to privacy and freedom of expression should pertain to your experiences online?

Do you believe that WE THE PEOPLE deserve full representation of our rights wherever we may go?

Do you believe that protections should be in place to preserve these rights?

Please, spread the word about the Petition and remind the people that they do indeed have the POWER and VOICE to create CHANGE


>#1. We The People have the Right to complete free speech when on the Internet.

>#2. We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time.

>#3. We shall be given access to the most up to date and powerful technology available to us, with all provisions & efforts made by our elected officials to ensure that our Internet quality is always reflective of its importance to our Republic.

>#4. We have the Right to NOT have our Internet throttled, prioritized, or restricted in any way.

>#5. We have the Right to select and appoint a new special council to oversee these Rights, and a report on the State of The American Internet shall be submitted to POTUS by January 15th of each year.

Remember that this is an American issue and humanitarian issue of Rights.

All voices deserve equal and fair representation so that an honest dialog may take place.

The people have been divided for too long, let us be the anthem of hope and freedom that WE THE PEOPLE deserve!

bit. ly/QIBOR


If you have yet to sign and are on the fence about it, be BRAVE and remember that YOU HAVE ALWAYS HAD THE POWER!



368184 No.1528158

trump needed to reschedule the meeting to adjust for the plan

good opportunity for a new movie scene

never let a mundane delay/change ruin a chance to confound the media with a double twister


cb9ca7 No.1528159

File: 0f0117c85ffc559⋯.jpg (64.69 KB, 662x485, 662:485, 2ax8i4.jpg)

fb3807 No.1528160


I think the summit was simply a design to watch THEIR moves to find out who, what, where, when and how they were going to try and destroy it / attempt to harm POTUS.

b461e3 No.1528161

File: 7933503e0934429⋯.jpg (117.55 KB, 750x750, 1:1, GIVE US BEANZ.jpg)



At least you didn't sign it this time.

137dd5 No.1528162


I would pick Jim Jordan but we want him as Speaker of the House. I can't think of a VP at this time. Maybe Nunes

bd9aa3 No.1528163


We understand you are just a shill.

Educate yourself.

How many appointments to the bench made?

Which districts? Appeals courts?

Now ask yourself…why?

d498aa No.1528164

File: 957da840a7d34f9⋯.jpg (262.28 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, archangel_mihail_by_dimona….jpg)

c3ba76 No.1528165


Your statement is not lost on me. The point of posting that article is that it is from Singapore news website. It is being discussed in Asia as well.

a42d70 No.1528166


Never heard of her, but this is typical of what you see in everyday life.

574194 No.1528167


its nt public yet

be4257 No.1528168

>>1527288 lb

>>1527298 lb

i will choose to believe my lying eyes.

d498aa No.1528169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

046c91 No.1528170

File: 0856b7b6208a62f⋯.png (126.41 KB, 640x480, 4:3, HNH-FOI-640x480.png)

>>1528016 (previous bread) Report on extremist leftism in Netherlands

And now synchronistically a similar report released on the Swedish SJW outlaws:


pdf here:


2a2f6f No.1528171


a listener here….

d317db No.1528172


It's starting to look like Trump appointed Bolton just to scare the shit out of people. And it's working marvelously. Relax, GEOTUS is in charge, not Bolton.

be4257 No.1528173

File: 17c6d5c7b9e6303⋯.jpg (148.23 KB, 1291x457, 1291:457, NuKe free.JPG)


oops. pic no pasta

bd9aa3 No.1528174


Yeah - wrong post. It was the one this Anon was responding to as well.

316754 No.1528175

NK Theory

This is theatre.

What do you think Trump would accomplish on June 12th?

NK and SK as sovereign states?

No. The only real solution is REUNIFICATION.

The plot was to have Kim destroy his nukes "in good faith" and release hostages. Basically DESTROY the specter of North Korea. Purposely remove all his 'bargaining chips'.


Because now Un can actually go along with reunification since it just happens to be his only option left. Without that, everyone would think he's justified in wanting to remain the leader of NK.

Un wants to just be normal. Probably move back to Sweden.


137dd5 No.1528176


OOps. wrong reply lol

af3e8a No.1528177

File: 67fa2f4cd19ec4a⋯.gif (191.52 KB, 239x300, 239:300, 84753092320-3984394.gif)

Trusting the Plan/Enjoying the Show <3

3b658d No.1528178


I love you!!!!

6125fb No.1528179


I like the cut of your jib, Anon!

1749ce No.1528180


Calling me names over something you claim is true but you won't defend won't magically make you correct.

The burden of proof is on you, whether you like it or not.

Enjoy your $14.50, this is the last <you> you'll get from me.

9f4096 No.1528181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dammit Man

70f11b No.1528182


It's going to be bad. POTUS plan 5d genius kekfirmed again.

There is no way on God's green earth that KIM said those things and POTUS made it crystal clear that he has canceled the meeting because of what KIM said. In this case KIM is the lying corrupt deep state cabal ran Fake News Media and I guarantee you they are shitting their pants at this very moment. No way they saw this curveball that POTUS just threw at them.

368184 No.1528183


great memes anon

concernfags galore

a8297e No.1528184


try duck, duck go…..

It's already been posted in this bread if you care to look. Don't be so lazy.

59ad4f No.1528185

File: 52d3eaf5fb6497d⋯.png (69.76 KB, 670x940, 67:94, 3-8-18 He already did.png)

Q always tell us…

"You have more than you know.



72dc51 No.1528186

Board lagging up.. Q-post inc?

d498aa No.1528187

File: 3731e1e57acad06⋯.jpg (35.3 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Sacred-Symbolism-of-Vesica….jpg)


We are loved beyond all imagination.

efa29f No.1528188

I have to ask about something.

Please think about this & tell me if I am wrong.

VP Pence was the reason why Gen Flynn stepped down (this I am sure of)

Now it appears he (Pence) may also be the reason why the June 12 Summit with NK may have been cancelled.


Is Pompeo SOS, next in line?

If anyone here knows the truth, please respond.

316754 No.1528189



But don't we have other signatures in Q's posts?

Matchy matchy.

6a49d0 No.1528190



Sounds more like CIA Vault 7 capability than 'Russians' to be honest.

Another shoe to drop?

a80451 No.1528191

>>1522330 (prev. bread, referring to a hillary email)

I was going to say it might refer to someone FROM Salinas, Ca.

ff4275 No.1528192

Laggy AF for me

Anyone else?

822c65 No.1528193


>VP Pence was the reason why Gen Flynn stepped down (this I am sure of)

Yes Pence played dirty and screwed over Flynn. Flynn never lied to Pence. Flynn resigning was never part of the plan

2a2f6f No.1528194


Yes. I do. And as previously noted, many resources are available for you and then some!

70f11b No.1528195


My mind just tends to go there. I enjoy watching people with bad intentions having their shit served to them on a platter.

Karma can be a really big bitch sometimes.

5a9c75 No.1528196


Obvious. A wrecking ball. Neo-Cons believe in perpetual war.

a8297e No.1528197



3b658d No.1528198



31c5a8 No.1528199


Stop that false mother goddess vesica pisces olympic rings bullshit.

"Sacred feminine" BTFO

We know your symbols.

You are done.


71aff0 No.1528200


Nice work Anon. Q told us right there. "They" dropped a MOAB on the Peace process.

526fce No.1528201


He obviously knew about it, hell most of us figured this would happen. Would we really tell the enemy that far in advance where the meeting was? Not to mention they have already met, so I don't get the need for another meeting. It's possible they already met there, but I really doubt it. I think that was to get us to dig info on that building.

Laser pointer is for distractions, but we all knew that. This whole cancelations is media distraction and a set up for them to fail.

f84261 No.1528202



sign wat

29f464 No.1528203

File: 535f86e0512b4f1⋯.gif (682.76 KB, 286x400, 143:200, chillen.gif)

316754 No.1528204


Can we explore Libel Laws?

Can CNN be sued for making up a quote about Pence from a foreign high level national, that risks world peace?

c80a3b No.1528205

File: 54e156378f4ecb4⋯.jpg (4.18 KB, 349x144, 349:144, download (4).jpg)


It is all at your finger tips.

After the Q start typing.

1ca346 No.1528206

Liddle liar Adam Schiff

1ca346 No.1528207

File: 555fe1700db9b94⋯.png (174.24 KB, 1080x1471, 1080:1471, Screenshot_20180524-204644….png)

499885 No.1528208


So patronizing, 'God is MY help' is referring to God being his sub-ordinate, it's common for the upper classes to refer to their staff as 'the Help'.

08a307 No.1528209

Q gon give it to ya! Incoming Q drop…

ee82e0 No.1528210


Remember Godfather III?

There was a summit meeting of the Dons on the top floor if the Trump casino.

It didn't go down too well.

This is just part of the theater of keeping enemies guessing to make it harder for an attack to be planned. They are probably smoking out rogue CIA in Singapore as part of the security planning

31c5a8 No.1528211


A lie from the media of this magnitude is not covered by the First Amendment.

It's checkmate for them.

"This breaks the MSM"

d498aa No.1528212

File: d3ecdd1c3cef5c1⋯.jpg (88.09 KB, 2140x1605, 4:3, putin.jpg)

137dd5 No.1528213


I would pick Jim Jordan but we need him as Speaker of the House.

Maybe Nunes as VP. I don't trust Pence.

e1d3af No.1528214

File: 7dd79ea3411dae6⋯.jpeg (984.18 KB, 3000x1684, 750:421, rodman red bull.jpeg)



a80451 No.1528215


you seriously don't think so?

you haven't been around much.

b461e3 No.1528216


<now if i was a larp the first thing i would do was FORGE not COPY the signature that i wanted anons to believe was real

<how dumb is that?

<shills - try harder

United we… are Benetton?


69a52a No.1528217

>>1528083 KeweL

>a group of people bound together by fate/destiny

Damn, this is getting expensive.

I made a decision to buy every movie of relevance mentioned on this board.

316754 No.1528218


Bruh. It's definately right side up. It almost matches but the end is too wide compared to the Q pic.

The point of my post was that we can use this signature as a key to match against.

039f4f No.1528219


"Jung" instead of JOng

65a1af No.1528220


SOOO, what is the SOURCE of those statements? Like my mom always used to say, "Consider the source."

Whoever REPORTS it is just another MOCKINGBIRD SINGING the SONG.

a3d5fb No.1528221

File: 059ea53bae25908⋯.png (35.4 KB, 200x90, 20:9, NK clip.PNG)


I am thinking the same thing about the Kim Jong Un letter. The "a" below almost lines up but the top letters "rti" would be hard to match but do.

ec9202 No.1528222

File: 933667df88fb43f⋯.jpg (144.24 KB, 1024x957, 1024:957, pepe_volcano.jpg)


This is all kabuki theater and art of the deal strategy. NK pushed back, which was expected. With POTUS canceling the summit he's simply using the well known tactic of 'know when to walk away' or in other words, don't appear desperate. NK will come around. The summit will happen and both Trump and Kim will appear to be strong leaders on the world stage. We already know the deal is done, its just theatrics. We are winning.

822c65 No.1528223


Pence will be gone by 2020. Whether he gets indicted during the storm, or just announces in 2020 that he is stepping down to spend more time with his family, he will be gone for the 2020 election

14b0c6 No.1528224


It was AFTER NK agreed to denuke and reconcile that Trump hired Bolton. Bolton was brought on board for his Middle East expertise (highly questionable). Trump does not have 100% positive control on Bolton's mouth. Bolton had no business speaking about the NK talks, certainly not how we assassinated the Libyan president through proxy groups. Mo' Qaddafi nenuked and it got him killed. Bolton's plan I will not follow. He's a jackass

b694a5 No.1528225


Come on now anon. There's a huge diff between sacred geometry and satan worshiping arseholes.

316754 No.1528226


I agree.

I want to know the exact verse and chapter of the law though. Lawfags anywhere???

a51486 No.1528227

File: 7aec1086e74c0ef⋯.jpg (931.15 KB, 1248x1748, 312:437, thankyoubaker.jpg)

>>1527573 (from past bake)

Good one. I think so too.

Thank you Baker

bb6997 No.1528228

File: 993c035a237d276⋯.png (759.97 KB, 799x799, 1:1, B3BF24A4-F756-45CE-9EA6-D0….png)


enjoy the show

45e5d9 No.1528229

File: 697b2e7d2e9d488⋯.png (10.95 KB, 459x358, 459:358, ef4e807711f1aa745edd72a334….png)


Damn… that fits with the 89 days timetable…


a2c9b7 No.1528230

I don't think you guys understand what Trump just did.

He's forcing Kim to show his hand.

If there are no more nuclear facilities, then ok.

If all of a sudden Kim keeps threatening nuclear holocaust, then he was lying all along.

65a1af No.1528231

File: b2f0f40c86fe1fe⋯.png (473.97 KB, 503x712, 503:712, b2f0f40c86fe1fee68832b7c1e….png)

be4257 No.1528232

File: 74a6cd0455fe44e⋯.jpg (66.05 KB, 499x742, 499:742, fe ball.jpg)


take me to your leader

a8297e No.1528233


I hope that lying sack of shit goes down HARD.

1dccfb No.1528234


Try to do the right thing and some anon pisses in your Cheerios.

Will do the right thing anyway.

(CNN)A North Korean official has lashed out at US Vice President Mike Pence and said Pyongyang is ready for a nuclear showdown if dialogue with the United States fails.

Choe Son Hui, a vice-minister in the North Korean Foreign Ministry, said if the US continued on its current path, she would suggest to North Korea's leadership that they reconsider the planned summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

"Whether the US will meet us at a meeting room or encounter us at nuclear-to-nuclear showdown is entirely dependent upon the decision and behavior of the United States," Choe said in comments carried by North Korea's state-run KCNA news agency Thursday.

Choe was responding to comments by Pence made Monday during a Fox News interview that she deemed "unbridled and impudent."

Here's the article:


There's video if you click the link above.

As a researcher, what caught my eye is that there is no link to the official NK comment.

Here's DPRK's twitter: https://twitter.com/DPRK_News

Nothing there, either.

I think >>1527797 has a point that will out over the next couple of weeks.

We've been waiting for the CNN kill for a long time anons. Fingers crossed.

(PS Wasn't there rumor of an FFC raid yesterday?)

41919a No.1528235

File: 7238381810c81dc⋯.jpg (29.16 KB, 640x519, 640:519, pepepondering.jpg)

5365ec No.1528236

File: 7df36dfd119ae0f⋯.png (271.58 KB, 530x691, 530:691, ClipboardImage.png)


b4b50d No.1528237

File: f7c7dd749c423b8⋯.jpg (75.21 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ToKillAMockingbird.jpg)

d498aa No.1528238

File: 4992a009cf11593⋯.jpg (6.71 KB, 184x274, 92:137, images-10.jpg)

c80a3b No.1528239


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 87df69

Feb 12 2018 11:50:26 (EST)


Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?

Sound familiar?

Wonder where they derived that idea from.

Now comes the 'conspiracy' label.

Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.

The end won't be for everyone.

That choice, to know, will be yours.



[Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.]

[The end won't be for everyone.]


I see the end. Q is very very correct with that statement.


368184 No.1528240



good one anon

d316e4 No.1528241

File: 16faed10edc5835⋯.png (10.8 KB, 1523x773, 1523:773, pepecomfyfeelz.png)

Now what was released just before the Nork summit cancellation letter from POTUS?

New Hillary emails released (although redacted)

What stuck out the most to Anons in those new emails, on the earliest digs?

Huma had a trip planned to Antarctica..

Who controls the REAL News now?

We fucking do!

Enjoy the show, Concernfagging Retards

4f4b4b No.1528242

File: 0e76156675fa61d⋯.jpg (260.86 KB, 666x589, 666:589, 531bf62c28b46ebc0c5d40b811….jpg)





3b658d No.1528243



c3ba76 No.1528244


I am aware of what is happening please read previous statement.


a8297e No.1528245


WHATEV. You don't want to look for yourself, be ignorant. No skin off my nose.

5c1d8c No.1528246


I love you both!

4bd4d5 No.1528247


>>Would we really tell the enemy that far in advance where the meeting was

yep. it was a set up to make THEM show their hand. soon as i saw a date i knew it was never happening. talk of coup… showed who was bad. just a set up.

70f11b No.1528248




Hmmm, here is a thought.

This Q drop was on 4/27




5/24 = #MOAB

c04b1a No.1528249

File: 25cf8983661b241⋯.jpg (112.67 KB, 694x887, 694:887, IMG_20180524_112031.jpg)

Something feels strange about this letter– kinda very simply written… all for show?

5365ec No.1528250

File: dd84a1dc1480b19⋯.png (108.27 KB, 511x322, 73:46, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89b96e95cc404d2⋯.png (220.61 KB, 511x322, 73:46, ClipboardImage.png)

65a1af No.1528251

File: 29c8fab999b0573⋯.gif (716.3 KB, 245x187, 245:187, RDJ.gif)

82494d No.1528252


I liked the Pence was a time traveling replicant story

d498aa No.1528253

File: 7f398079404e3df⋯.jpg (5.21 KB, 299x169, 23:13, download-1 (2).jpg)

d317db No.1528254


OK, if I run with the Pence is a bad guy theory… (I'm only about 20% on it, but what the hell….)

If Pence has some laundry that's too dirty to ignore, then maybe this is how he will be removed - for almost starting a nuclear war with his reckless comments - instead of why he's REALLY being removed/resigning.

This idea is probably bullshit.

3b6f2b No.1528255

CNN journalists are in NK now - what if they’re « detained »:o

af3e8a No.1528256

File: 7b5363802573d98⋯.jpg (48.23 KB, 253x229, 253:229, ComfyWithThePlan.jpg)


My Comfy levels are hitting levels i never thought possible

368184 No.1528257

File: c5278971a1b146a⋯.png (15.88 KB, 255x242, 255:242, pepepolice.png)



efa29f No.1528259


I have read that he was not "forthcoming" with Pence, because one of Pence's Indiana buddies is a Fucking Pedo. True or False, IDK

889bea No.1528260

File: c0f99963cdc0838⋯.jpg (46.38 KB, 270x406, 135:203, 9781329129122_p0_v1_s550x4….jpg)

File: 667125c8ee278ad⋯.jpg (89 KB, 764x626, 382:313, lucifarian philosophy.JPG)


Just to add to this…more understanding about the fundamental Lucifarian philosophy that good and bad should be considered as both natural and part of everyone

These are sick and selfish people


d498aa No.1528261

File: d71843b4df0b652⋯.jpg (39.82 KB, 781x1000, 781:1000, 80532ce3be28982259dc3e4c56….jpg)

a42d70 No.1528262

File: 496e2b20fa56c54⋯.png (273.56 KB, 719x900, 719:900, schiff dummies leaking.png)

File: da1ce66809a65df⋯.png (466.89 KB, 600x391, 600:391, schiff probe2.png)

File: 7d56353f185b873⋯.png (382.07 KB, 600x325, 24:13, schiff sell0ut.png)


he must be talking about himself…he didn't specify who made false statements.

d498aa No.1528263

File: 6cfba965161e718⋯.jpg (333.66 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, anunnaki_by_dragon_tongue.jpg)

6a49d0 No.1528264


>Flynn resigning was never part of the plan

My impressions was the Flynn fell on his sword on this one.

Pence told the press there were no inappropriate conversations with Russians.

Then the Flynn-Kislyak calls were exposed.

The only way to square those two things were to say Flynn didn't tell/lied to Pence.

It was face saving for Pence, and the admin, while the public was hyperventilating about everything Russian.

Clearly Pence would have known, as head of the transition team, instructing Flynn what to say to Kislyak.

c80a3b No.1528265



Brooklyn Bridge opens



cb9ca7 No.1528266

File: 0b007effa3f3354⋯.jpg (59.63 KB, 500x488, 125:122, 2ax9gt.jpg)

22e673 No.1528267

File: 3b821ab74249198⋯.jpg (134.43 KB, 250x371, 250:371, Pelosi_not_animal_sm.jpg)

ee82e0 No.1528268


There is a problem with this signature comparison.

Signatures never match.

Therefore any comparison done with two signatures is a fools errand.

You should have several (maybe 5) complete recent signature examples. Then you do not COMPARE, you instead analyze to see if your subject signature, FITS WITH THAT GROUP.

If you think your subject signature is upside down, turn your 5 signatures upside down to create a NEW GROUP and once again, analyze to see if the subject signature FITS WITH THE UPSIDE DOWN GROUP.

If you want to be an investigator you have to be demanding and NOT ACCEPT SLOPPY WORK.

a8297e No.1528269


I see logic is wasted on you… bye bye

822c65 No.1528270


I don't have the sauce to prove it without doxxing myself but I can affirm Pence is a bad guy, always was. Pence was forced VP pick on Trump. After Trump won primary, RNC threatened to run someone else for president if Trump didnt take Pence as VP. This was the deep state insurance plan, either to get Trump impeached, removed, or assassinated, and then Pence could hold the fort until 2020 when the deep state could get Hillary or their own back in.

3e5260 No.1528271

d498aa No.1528272

File: de4b60b1f2a1890⋯.jpg (500.74 KB, 786x1000, 393:500, archangel_tomedwards_by_to….jpg)

a42d70 No.1528273


you mean CNN (C_IA) Agents

3b658d No.1528274

efa29f No.1528275

John (Josh) Bolton has to go also, he is nothing but a NWO War Monger.

Is it a case of

"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" ?

33b2ef No.1528276

File: 9cb406506080dbd⋯.png (85.21 KB, 934x414, 467:207, ClipboardImage.png)

Rereading early crumbs!

ec9202 No.1528277



absolutely anon, i wasn't inferring that you weren't aware. just a comment on the article you posted. cheers.

d498aa No.1528278

File: 6a0aade16d0f08b⋯.png (81.48 KB, 798x1279, 798:1279, Studio_20180506_015107.png)

cc35b4 No.1528279


I see a wannabe famefag -S -P -Zzzzzz

3b2aaa No.1528280


"good rap music" is an oxymoron.

a51486 No.1528281

File: cd1806abacc6898⋯.jpg (55.15 KB, 750x560, 75:56, adamschiff.jpg)

770396 No.1528282


fantastic idea

1dccfb No.1528283


Sauce that. It's not the one CNN reported.

Wouldn't call this verified.

1e4949 No.1528284


i don't trust pence. never have. he's too polished and fake…like ted fucking cruz. hair always perfect…BS scripted speaking style.

he's got pedo eye. have no doubt he was planted there to take over when necessary.

i've seen this movie before in '60 and '80.

d498aa No.1528285


I've bee called worse. Ty!

6a49d0 No.1528286


>all for show?

all for show

69a52a No.1528287


Super KEK'n KeweL !

45e5d9 No.1528288


He's got an opinion.

You run merely speculations.

POTUS already met with Kim in November, remember. Everything is settled already.

be4257 No.1528289

File: ca539175b0ba097⋯.jpg (35.87 KB, 460x333, 460:333, look ma, i m n autist.jpg)


don't get yourselves in a pickle, faggots

2a0f3e No.1528290


>Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

When it comes to indicting and prosecuting those involved, the government has to get past the 1st Amendment hurdle – it's a high bar to clear, but the point is that in this case, it may actually be possible.

770396 No.1528291


I encourage you to find some real hip hop, not what (((they))) advertise as "rap music"

c3ba76 No.1528292


No problem, we are on the same page is what is important.

29f464 No.1528293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

526fce No.1528294


Yup, POTUS is running the show. He shines the laser and the media goes and chases it like cats.

They fall for it every time!

744274 No.1528295

File: addacdd901eae5a⋯.png (6.65 KB, 471x167, 471:167, break.png)

Important drop.

However, I don't buy the theory of it being a way of framing MSM in the way of them reporting statements that KJU didn't say. It would make POTUS look too vulnerable because he knows not to listen to MSM, and would obviously get confirmation before taking any actions so it would make him look bad more than anything.

Buckle up, we're in for a fun ride.

a8297e No.1528296


Doesn't matter. He will spin it and lie his way about all of it. You should already know he is a leaker and a liar.

822c65 No.1528297


Yes you're pretty dead on. Pence is deep state, so that was him playing dirty and fucking over Flynn. Flynn never lied to Pence, but it was set up in a way where it looked like Flynn did. Flynn took the rubber bullet, as Q has said. It will all work out in the end, and Flynn will eventually be in Trump's admin at some position

efa29f No.1528298

Re: NXIVM this is an excellent thread for anyone who is not up to speed on NXIVM.

I said from Day One, this was going to be HUGE.

It is going to be.


5365ec No.1528299



muh bitches and hoes

848e92 No.1528300

File: 812829ce7fd9a43⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1761x922, 1761:922, 02362803947952.png)

cc733b No.1528301

POTUS thrives with chaos. It seems If there isn't enough he creates more.

I also have those WTF feelings at times but I've learned to sit back and pay attention as it plays out.

Something else is at play here. I just don't know what it is yet. Why this move at this time with everything else happening today.

efa36b No.1528302


are you kidding

You guys could find a way to make a shit sammich into a gold bar and a diamond.

Talk about delusional.

311a32 No.1528303

>>1528191 I think someone else did a follow up dig and determined is was someone from Mexico named Salinas. Coincidentally they found some NXIVM connection somewhere.

d498aa No.1528304

File: aa5f4cb0d2c2e45⋯.jpg (81.29 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Complexity Classes Assume ….jpg)

770396 No.1528305

File: 2a074180884f517⋯.png (689.9 KB, 968x548, 242:137, Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at ….png)

Fox headline right now reads Trump Expected to Speak After Withdrawing

dae1a1 No.1528306


Gay fist is appropriate for the (((IBOR petition))).

3b658d No.1528307


You need to wake up!!!!!

"we made you, we gave you life, you just need to live it"

d498aa No.1528308

File: 2211541103fe283⋯.jpg (35.04 KB, 564x529, 564:529, ExWPB.jpg)

9f4096 No.1528309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9e7df8 No.1528310

Bread #1919 >>1523500

This is hilarious. Reposting from last bread. Epic epic anon. Kek

41919a No.1528311

File: 295096d36e707ca⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1084x1280, 271:320, Dalailama1_20121014_4639.png)

8c8a82 No.1528312


Not the same signature.

822c65 No.1528313


Pence is dirty deep state, forced VP pick on Trump. Pence will not be on 2020 ticket

70f11b No.1528314


Q I volunteer to personally remove this asswipe piece of subhuman garbage from the face of the earth. Give me 60 seconds in a locked room and it will be done. Nice and clean.

82494d No.1528315


The average mortal would have been crushed

d498aa No.1528316


First we must PROTECT life.

cc357e No.1528317

Mike Pompeo speaks about State Department employee injury in China

5365ec No.1528318

File: e88dc983c50efbc⋯.png (22.86 KB, 663x161, 663:161, ClipboardImage.png)



2c880a No.1528319


what makes a good movie?

e132bd No.1528320

File: e0f81c63720fc7c⋯.png (58.36 KB, 461x474, 461:474, Already met with Kim.PNG)

Watching a move. It's hard listening to the fake news and their bull.

5365ec No.1528321


agreed, just posted for comparison

3b2aaa No.1528322


This makes sense to me. I think there are two games being played out simultaneously…

The public perception game, and the "behind-the-scenes" real game (away from the eyes of ALL 3-letter agencies, or whatever is left of them).

2c880a No.1528323


are you blind?

5a6746 No.1528324

File: 71b71314c22ef92⋯.png (536.5 KB, 573x429, 191:143, npms133.PNG)

d9b8c2 No.1528325

File: 4b2456ae428a046⋯.jpg (198.95 KB, 1000x1146, 500:573, 11111.jpg)

d498aa No.1528326

File: b5a55b1c224cca6⋯.jpg (153.76 KB, 1300x1390, 130:139, triple-goddess-moon-symbol….jpg)

e5d9ae No.1528327

File: d48e9bac35c30a2⋯.png (347.51 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2018-05-24_11-14-22.png)


Potus will never miss an opportunity to add a little color to a truly historic occasion of this magnitude.

I would bet that this will draw out more traitors, the most vocal, to expose themselves.

The Fake Main Stream Media dish was completed long ago. Though no one cares much about it anymore, it is considered a Gag Dish, it has been included, and much like revenge, it is best served cold.

So let Potus give the other components time to catch up so that the feast will be ready all at the same time. We, the people, will enjoy it all the more when everyone realizes what both main parties are bringing to the table.

08a307 No.1528328


Explosions of course! Booooooom.

a8297e No.1528329


That's exactly what I said. They met and made agreements. NoKo is not living up to those agreements.

You're too funny. "his speculation is opinion and my speculation is not? Your logic is strong. (sarc)

e132bd No.1528330

File: f08a4ad55113a36⋯.png (238.58 KB, 828x600, 69:50, Trump meetings with Kim.PNG)


Post the wrong pic

5365ec No.1528331


lol see: >>1528321

00:00:13 delta

1ca346 No.1528332

File: e56636cc4bccb17⋯.jpg (76.2 KB, 919x478, 919:478, IMG_20180524_210004.jpg)

b2ff74 No.1528333


He'll probably leak it. or maybe he only leaks what is good for Dems. What time is the meeting today? 2pm?

be793a No.1528334


ya… "think"?


<What you SEE is 2%.

<The WAR is REAL.

<These people are SICK.

<Watch the news this week.


c3ba76 No.1528335

President Trump met with Moon this week from South Korea, I am sure North Korea was discussed at every angle known to man. Re-Unification, I believe will be the only answer in the end. 1 Korea, with that all of Asia may finally be at ease.

3b2aaa No.1528336


Seeing as English is obviously your second language, I applaud your effort to shill/slide in a foreign tongue.

82494d No.1528337


A happy ending

1e4949 No.1528338


governor has to ask for help

efa29f No.1528340

I don't come in often, but, the issues I raised just now, I really think are important and needed to be raised & discussed.

Thank You to all of you for what you are doing.

If I were younger, I would try to help with the Baking, but I'm afraid I am not as quick as I once was, afraid I would burn the Bread. You all do a great job & IMHO, you are Patriots and Great Americans. I'll help built an ANON Monument to all of you, when this ends. Thank You Again & God Bless You

2e66eb No.1528341

File: e29ba3864372073⋯.png (154.09 KB, 780x544, 195:136, 3-year-plan.png)

d498aa No.1528342


There a two allies fighting over the same coin. Then there is a other side fighting those two sides.

3d865e No.1528343

File: a0d6fed695654f3⋯.jpg (415.41 KB, 1564x1144, 391:286, cant-see-me.jpg)

Hey Guys, this could be a stretch but yesterday the DOD posted this tweet. Was a bit simple & cryptic so noticed…

The soldiers watch was around 12:22

12:22 = Multiple drops on NK

Today POTUS announcement = Pulling out of NK Summit

But we already know the [secret "unseen" ] deal = already made

Was the DOD post = you "don't see" the deal that was already made ie: NK "thanks Kim"

Summit = unnecessary [deal is done, strings already cut]. Could POTUS be pulling out so that he is stateside on [-30] ie: t-minus 30 = June 12th when shit gets really real?

07b627 No.1528344

File: 16212e9c9a82335⋯.jpg (93.77 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2ax9u9.jpg)


4f4b4b No.1528345

File: 667ea8b3cf10e94⋯.png (509.65 KB, 786x794, 393:397, 7631c8bc3e0ec9612a0411dbe9….png)




b9846e No.1528346


no, that makes a good massage

3e5260 No.1528347


This explains why POTUS and Pence are seen TOGETHER in PUBLIC

The President and VP are never suppose to be together in public for security reasons.


POTUS would be safer with his ENEMY CLOSE

8dfead No.1528349



e1d3af No.1528350

File: c84d3dc4d9400ce⋯.jpeg (690.5 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, kim unchained.jpeg)

c3ba76 No.1528351


If the Godfather of Chicago, can't clean up the mess he created, then, maybe he should step down as well.

822c65 No.1528352

Offtopic here, but damn Roger Goodell sure did a 180. I wonder if someone "talked to him"

a80451 No.1528353


Leon panetta use to represent that district before being tapped by clinton. then Sam Farr, then and now panetta's son represents that district of ca.

If that is any help.





I use to like Panetta, back in the day. When he went to work for Clinton, I gave up on him.

I don't know if any of this helps. Just thought I would throw it out.

daea58 No.1528354



>I think the summit was simply a design to watch THEIR moves to find out who, what, where, when and how they were going to try and destroy it / attempt to harm POTUS.

efa36b No.1528355

File: e72a88b9a862e88⋯.png (9.44 KB, 625x222, 625:222, ClipboardImage.png)


8d4aeb No.1528356


Well I know this is going to upset some here but in a way he is right to say this. How can the current administration pretend to the contrary?

Imagine this hypothetical situation.:I have proof that my neighbour is s serial Killer. I have picture and video etc……

*I say to my best friend Hey man! My neighbour is one sick puppy!

*So did you call the police on him?

* Yes I did.

* Did they arrest him?

* nope I even call the local news paper but they did not run the story.

Would your best friend even believe you in this situation?

This is where we are right now. Until the rule of law is back and people are held accountable we have nothing!

dc157d No.1528357


I have never liked him. Just too perfect looking. My gut tells me he is dirty.

07b627 No.1528358


$$$$$$$ Talks

4cb06a No.1528359


OK by me if we're asked to leave. We don't need to dominate the whole world stage. We have plenty here at home to which we must attend, and we have plenty of fire power to defend. MAD.

a8297e No.1528361


Right, he won't leak important stuff. Actually, I don't think they will see any classified documents. It will just be more "discussions".

f70db0 No.1528362

File: 5cc0ff609b086ba⋯.png (153.23 KB, 1424x611, 1424:611, Screenshot-2018-5-24 Conse….png)

File: 7a5a4de13375498⋯.png (203.36 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, hypnotoad.png)

File: 5cddcbff9a1d2e3⋯.jpg (25.27 KB, 480x269, 480:269, Hypnotoad_3D_HD.jpg)


Beware of the hypnotoad-Consensus trance

That humankind has fallen into the insanity of concensus trance, and lost touch with our true possibilities and functions is a tragedy.

This term may have been coined by psychologist Charles Tart. A consensus trance is used to explain the psychology that requires the (possibly tacit) acceptance of the "Official Narrative" through the absorption of sub-conscious blocking out of unpleasant and unpalatable truths about the world, one's country, society, religion etc., in order to get through the day and concentrate on the deeply established routines of life. It is highly noteworthy just how willing people are to suspend belief in their own senses in order to conform to a group to which they feel allegiance. Robert Heinberg has made extensive use of this in his writings about 9/11 and Peak Oil.

Canadian academic John McMurtry introduced the roughly equivalent concept of the "regulating group mind" in his 2004 paper, Understanding 911 and 911wars.

The facts of 9-11 which are disconnected from are now copiously documented. But why and how these facts are ruled out by the masses and elites at the same time is not explained. The argument has been at the first-order level of the facts, not the lawlike operations on the facts by the collective thought-system that selects, ignores and reconnects them in new form - what I call the “regulating group-mind” (RGM). Only when we understand this meta-level of constructing the facts and their meaning in accordance with their conformity to and expression of a pre-existing structure of understanding can we know what is going on or, more specifically, can we find our way out of the anomalies and disconnects of our era

McMurtry postulates a “regulating group-mind” or socially regulating syntax of thought and judgement which blocks out

-all evidence against its assumptions; and

-the destructive effects which reveal its delusions.

McMurtry underlines the importance of understanding the nature of the regulating group mind, even suggesting:

The RGM may lie behind every systematic social pathology of our era. In each case, it blocks out facts and connections of life-and-death significance, and in each instance, its exclusion is a variation on one life-blind thought regime, the “shadow subject of our era

Mass compulsion schooling is the subject of a concensus trance. People like to believe it is intended to bring out the best in children, not to carry out long term society enginnering. John Taylor Gatto cites Alexander Inglis' 1911's "Principles of Secondary Education" as revealing the first purpose of modern schooling is adjustive - to give children fixed habits of obedience to authority, while the fourth purpose is conformity, to make them as alike as possible, for easy management as citizens and consumers (SEE picture)

(Scientific American, 193 No 5, 31-35)

822c65 No.1528363


Oh good catch, I never even caught that one.

9f4096 No.1528364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

OK last post about rap music, but I reckon the best one is this

339213 No.1528365


My mom got me one of those Amazon Alexas. It's still in the box, precisely because it's a monitoring device.

bb6997 No.1528366

File: 4d6b45a02a43cf9⋯.png (3.62 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 6C5E0461-EF37-4562-A728-85….png)


confirmed via digits

and lava

1e4949 No.1528367


he doesn't want to clean it up. that's the problem. what he SHOULD do is send the illinois national guard into the worst areas and set up martial law. he won't.

368184 No.1528368

can we finally stop using this guy as a positive meme?

this on top of the niece he tried to doink

compete asshat

Women accuse Morgan Freeman of inappropriate behavior, harassment


1dccfb No.1528369


KCNA not linked in the Reuters/AU article.

NYTimes has no link to actual statement, either.

Looks like there will be a bit of a "cleansing" planned for certain news organizations.

2a2f6f No.1528370



efa36b No.1528371


Same here, in both respects.

It's going to be a target someday.

822c65 No.1528372


Who would have paid him? Or do you just mean he did it to get ratings and income back up?

10074b No.1528373


Another anon had a great line that would work for this as well:

Nancy Pelosi, an animal rights activist

a51486 No.1528374

File: 5b59bf53f1aa894⋯.jpg (26.41 KB, 255x200, 51:40, goodmovieq.jpg)


Did Q ever write "Trust Flynn?"

From my memory "Q" wrote "Trust Pence"

Or am I wrong?

3b2aaa No.1528375

If Q spoke about "sky event", might it make sense that they are being extra, extra careful to be sure that POTUS wouldn't be caught up in a planned catastrophe (think of the poor people in the twin towers) at the top of that "tripod" hotel in Singapore?

My skin crawls to think what that could have done to undermine the long-term plan of the good guys.

I am MORE than willing to allow Team Q to take more time, exercise caution and get this exactly right!

I invite my own petty impatience to go fuck itself!

025c2e No.1528376


The MOCKINGBIRD media is beyond STOOPID

at this point w/no escape!

POTUS is Playing 6D chess & WS baseball simultaneously & letting the enemy destroy itself.


I like the PLAN!!!

d9b8c2 No.1528377

******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ )

What word triggered the bot this time?

8f9942 No.1528378


>20 years ago, women couldn't get attention on a computer

>Now, attention whoring is just a swipe away!

45e5d9 No.1528379


CNN: 'North Korea warns of nuclear showdown, calls Pence 'political dummy''


3b658d No.1528380

52826d No.1528381

File: 037bd953cd2dc5f⋯.jpeg (42.84 KB, 600x399, 200:133, 037bd953cd2dc5feb0f1b7d4c….jpeg)

3d865e No.1528382


GW, looks solid.

Also noticed something related to another post on "cant see me"

822c65 No.1528383


Never the words "trust FLYNN", but multiple times made references to him being a patriot, and how he was done wrong, and that he will be completely vindicated, etc.

82494d No.1528384


I farted and you came out

9dbccd No.1528386


Hey James Woods, here's one for you

1ca346 No.1528387

File: f966ef7a827fcba⋯.png (1.99 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 22f0fe93e7ec7854ab97a8210c….png)

File: 2a9a9e2be106fa3⋯.jpg (53.8 KB, 578x771, 578:771, 44820740f0d4027bb8208b57be….jpg)



Q recently posted these pictures from Asia trip. Most prolly over NoKo.

Pre-knowledge confirmed.

cc733b No.1528388


Maybe some of the traitors in this country were just stupid enough to out a plan of action against POTUS in Singapore.

69a52a No.1528389


Trump's sig, not the same one, again.

We already know Q is linked in with Trump at the top.

3e5260 No.1528390


What if Pence is DEEP STATE and botched the deal.

POTUS could predict that easily and use it to his advantage.

89e228 No.1528391


efe681 No.1528392

File: 443b7ace9ad68b9⋯.png (92.49 KB, 401x392, 401:392, spygate-x1.png)

316754 No.1528393


Constitutional crisis. When the "free" press becomes treasonous, what do you do?

183944 No.1528394

I have had a theory that BO is a large part of all of this and has allowed himself and his name to be drug through the mud along with Hillary so as to maintain focus throughout all this shit on actions he helped Hillary set up because he was confronted with the "plan" they were to carry out upon the populace. My theory places BO as the insider informant for the current movement who's actions towards the end were for nothing more than to let (((them))) feel he was the good ole sport he was groomed to be in the first place, while behind the scenes he spoke to the one's running the show right now…….don't hate me for it anons….I don't trust ANY politician….but somehow, I think it may have been possible BO's conscious got to him, or some really mean dudes got to him more than a year before his term was to be up. I in no way consider this to be truth, but it has stuck in my mind since day 1 of all this……imagine the surprise if BO himself has been in here helping out where he was told to…….commence the creative memes and glowing names my way now, but possibilities beyond the sight of those not willing to look are exactly how this has all been successfully executed me thinks.

daef51 No.1528395

File: 1e56774ecd4dbc4⋯.png (86.91 KB, 305x248, 305:248, ClipboardImage.png)

137dd5 No.1528397


Are you sure China wants North and South together again? Combine them together and they could be a formidable force.

9451c0 No.1528398

So lets get this straight…. Trump now cancels the summit so to the rest of the world its gone to shit…. and the news last week wasn't fake news even when Q said it was ok….. fuck this shit where is the attacks from our side ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT BAD THINGS ARE HAPPENING Q

3b2aaa No.1528399


Do you guys go to a Spielberg movie and keep criticizing the plot, camera angles and music selections throughout the flick?

If so, damned glad you don't sit next to me. I like "getting lost" in a great movie and I sure as hell ain't questioning POTUS and Team Q during this one.

e7e4f2 No.1528400



Just because you "cant see it" doesnt mean BIG things aren't happening.

DOD Tweet yesterday = "you can't see me"

ec9202 No.1528401

File: 3560526586d0907⋯.jpg (68.43 KB, 658x424, 329:212, kim_ghosted.jpg)

>In the Senate hearing, Pompeo asked for patience while the State Department tries to jump-start negotiations.

>'I am going to reserve some space for us to be able to conduct these discussions outside of the public sphere. I think that's important,' he said.


c3ba76 No.1528402


I agree, and have thought this was a fact from the beginning, and as we are all well aware, there is not one statement that says "Trust Pence" he does after all have a close relationship with Jeff Flake, and we know that story.

3b658d No.1528403


1dccfb No.1528404

File: 215749fdb605be0⋯.jpeg (14.67 KB, 255x231, 85:77, Im the media now.jpeg)



Quick research of



Reuters through Australia publication

NO direct link to any quote from NK.

NK twitter feed shows no statements.

We have a bit of fake news taking place.

POTUS cancels a meeting based on fake news.

Fake News Agencies libelous for national security?

dae1a1 No.1528405


Walking away from NK summit is theater to set 4am talking points for Memorial Day weekend.

5a6746 No.1528406

File: e6170945e35a6fe⋯.png (554.02 KB, 573x429, 191:143, npms134.PNG)

59ad4f No.1528407


nice, Anon!

a76fbc No.1528408

File: f7d585773ac1ce0⋯.jpg (55.65 KB, 770x393, 770:393, 28296f142207a88b20b14488ab….jpg)

I have been thing about what "certain orders have been pre lifted" means from the early Q posts. I am thinking that a huge component of this would be pre lifting NDA requirements from certain people, like for instance SS security details for the cunt or BHO. If these officers are trusted, they could be moved to POTUS detail and speak freely on lets say: AF1.

In fact, AF1 would probably be the best place to debrief without anyone involved being the wiser. This because all seats are assigned and NO ONE can move forward in the plane past their assigned seat except SS and POTUS since his suite is at the very front of the plane. (Pic related) I would never try and dox Q or team, but muh feels tell me that a trusted SS member is involved due to access and intel. Could also explain one of "3 civilians" directly involved but with all the 88D shit going down, who the hell knows. Just my .02, God's love to each of you.

41919a No.1528409

File: 196e0157032ddcb⋯.gif (2.87 MB, 308x312, 77:78, ajgicrying.gif)

526fce No.1528410


I always figured he was, simply because if they impeached POTUS they would have to remove Pence as well (if he was a white hat).

de090d No.1528411

What the fuck happened yesterday? Q hyped up the 23rd like there was going to be a big drop. NOTHING HAPPENED. So tired of this shit.

58257a No.1528412

File: d0c8d8484d2c92a⋯.jpg (158.06 KB, 669x654, 223:218, EyesOpen.jpg)

File: 0bf56aaf05de61d⋯.png (89.12 KB, 880x400, 11:5, ClipboardImage.png)

The deal with NK was done when Pompeo went there recently 'eyes wide open'

NK now is given lead to "save face" and Trump just met with SK Moon to assure him this wouldn't be a concern, but China is left out a bit to rattle them.

eyes wide open means we have full control in NK..

316754 No.1528413



NK Theory


Reunification is the plot. NK has to be completely stripped of power so that the only option is reunification.

Fucking brilliant.

a353e9 No.1528414

File: bcb503adb3aeb23⋯.png (60.94 KB, 625x156, 625:156, Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at ….png)

File: 9628686fa2177f0⋯.png (290.43 KB, 295x640, 59:128, penpicreg.png)

File: 4a851e4fb6bec6a⋯.png (212.9 KB, 295x640, 59:128, pen124.png)

File: d5b3e7e52abddf3⋯.png (57.39 KB, 879x371, 879:371, Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at ….png)

on the Q clock 5/24 is :48 minutes after the hour

so is 1/24

1/24 had a pen pic

the image was flipped over

ae629f No.1528415


We all went to bed last night thinking the DOJ-Nunes-etc meeting was going to be the top story of the day - only to be taken over by POTUS NK letter this morning.

Interesting timing to say the least.

3b2aaa No.1528416


Ever watch fake wrestling?

It would have NEVER lasted if there hadn't been a half dozen "momentum reversals" during each scripted match.


efa36b No.1528417

File: 2f35bae1da7b69c⋯.png (15.42 KB, 773x155, 773:155, ClipboardImage.png)


9e7df8 No.1528418

Question (no I am not trying to slide the board, but to get real time research for a topic I am digging)

I, for one, didn't know that all these other countries gave up their guns. So how does this work? NO GUNS? Permits for hunting?

Would appreciate if responders say what country they are from…

137dd5 No.1528419


What are the talking points ??

b9846e No.1528420


anons hyped the 23rd

526fce No.1528421


No we hyped it up, like we always do.

30aa2c No.1528422


Q never said MAY 23RD SHIT GOES DOWN.

You guys did. I'm tired of that shit.

e0049f No.1528423


kek, nice

52826d No.1528424

File: 3c760069e1fc757⋯.jpg (202.87 KB, 886x953, 886:953, 3c760069e1fc757d3d017e3ee7….jpg)

File: 672ac6e359b1fcc⋯.png (998.6 KB, 1100x1000, 11:10, Chan-MWO-Shill-Spotters-Sn….PNG)

File: 8645e4375ef8a1c⋯.jpg (301.2 KB, 748x851, 748:851, covert-reconnaissance.jpg)

File: 7ac9c7f638ad21f⋯.png (722.47 KB, 1000x1141, 1000:1141, spiritual-armor-real-pepe.png)

efe681 No.1528425

File: dac9d777933d113⋯.png (292.26 KB, 596x324, 149:81, spygate-x2.png)

45e5d9 No.1528426


POTUS selected Bolton for a reason. Bolton is a zionist war-mole, working also in tandem with McNoname in support of terrorist groups like MEK.

He will be exposed for what he is.

9451c0 No.1528427


good one fuck the paln is going to shit, even the best plans fucking fail gl

93111e No.1528428

good morning anons

what do we think is going on with nk pullout?

53c29d No.1528429

Given the FACTS and ACTIONS that our Government has by design conspired against its own PEOPLE …the PEOPLE have the RIGHT to alter or abolish this Government and institute a NEW GOVERNMENT. “To prove this, let the FACTS and ACTIONS be submitted to the PEOPLE.”

82494d No.1528430


I think some posts are to throw them off

they never know when its coming

e8449f No.1528431


No, shills hyped up yesterday..

Q only said "Pain comes at 23"

That could mean anything from seconds to cups of covfefe…

4cb06a No.1528432


I love this POTUS, and I appreciate Q for inspiring hugely important crowdsourcing of various and important truths. However, this is a very complex world with hugely powerful adversaries. Applying omnipotence to this POTUS against great odds is "blind." This is NOT A GAME. Some may be sitting back to enjoy a show, only to discover the ending was not as happy as we'd wished. This POTUS and the Q team face horrific odds. We'll help how we can, which in the scheme of things isn't much except trying to spread the word and supporting the efforts. Also, I remain discerning. Final tests will be a return of the rule of law and peace, which includes peace with Iran, and avoiding escalation with China while at the same time, leveling the trade playing field/preventing their continuing theft of our technology. Another huge test is our entire fraudulent monetary system and how it will be replaced. Like I said, HUGE ODDS, and they are not omnipotent.

1dccfb No.1528433


Didn't work too well for him, did it?

368184 No.1528434



Ronaldus Magnus - GHWB

DJT - Pence

same set up each time

pence is going down or leaving at some point

c3ba76 No.1528435


Indeed! No playground for the clowns of the world left there.

f77a53 No.1528436

File: c68aac1d059206e⋯.jpg (59.8 KB, 750x583, 750:583, FullSizeRender.jpg)



9dbccd No.1528437


this line with this pic would seep into many minds.

822c65 No.1528438


Whether or not MegaAnon was legit (we will never know), she did say the same thing. That BO was cooperating, and at the end, would himself admit to everything from being groomed by MB to being planted in our govt, to records falsified to being illegitimate, etc. Time will tell

de090d No.1528439


We already know BO is comped. He deletes flat earth threads instantly.

d9b8c2 No.1528440


I've been following this bot since it started in the forums. Different words trigger it to post. None of the words you mention trigger it though.

af3e8a No.1528441

File: b43c51c1ddba349⋯.jpg (80.92 KB, 797x596, 797:596, ComfyAF.jpg)


Super Comfy

311a32 No.1528442


Deep state neocon war talk.

822c65 No.1528443


Barack Obama

2e66eb No.1528444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


awaiting POTUS to speak at WH

82494d No.1528445


I was just Kidding around

I call it Dopey

3b658d No.1528446


In Trump's name, I apology.

Now clowns can relax……

a8297e No.1528447


Are you serious anon? You do realize only the Potus can sign executive orders. Do your signatures look EXACTLY the same every time? What are you trying to say and why?

9e7df8 No.1528448


i replied to your earlier today. Lots of shit happened yesterday. The GOP press release for one. The MSM isn't covering it. Why do you say nothing happens, just because the MSM doesn't cover…,

3b2aaa No.1528449


You just won 8 chan for today!

Love you (non homo; not that there's anything wrong with that).

1dccfb No.1528450


Ah shit. Need potato salad. STAT!

183944 No.1528451



lol..in anon's defense…I should have put BHO…

61d60f No.1528452


Economically maybe but militarily Korea has been under one form of occupation or another throughout its existence

a094d5 No.1528453

File: f6439f2daf3030c⋯.jpg (176.04 KB, 1005x614, 1005:614, WWG1WGA!.jpg)


Get comfy and stay awhile anon, the more the merrier

God bless

58257a No.1528454

File: 30acba2ccbd5fca⋯.png (58.7 KB, 558x328, 279:164, ClipboardImage.png)

493ba6 No.1528455

File: d9da761fb25fc1d⋯.jpeg (168.15 KB, 1038x567, 346:189, 1121BBC6-8FF0-4FE8-B6A4-B….jpeg)

Dark Sky Event

https:// youtu.be/pe8uG1Tl6sI

10074b No.1528456


Very nice, except I don't think there should be an apostrophe as rights is simply plural.

bb6997 No.1528457

File: 5defc707ce9bb3d⋯.jpeg (655.1 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 92B50BB0-FA65-475A-AF68-8….jpeg)


he said pic related to be exact

e132bd No.1528458


Lots of stuff happened yesterday and who said it would be the 23rd and not 23 days.

3b2aaa No.1528459


I was writing a book called "I Wish I had a Second Uvula" about specific sentences that I'm sure had NEVER been spoken in the history of the English language.

I can guarantee you, Anon, that if I finish it, this one is going in it:

After his death and resurrection, Jesus quickly forgave his "doubting Thomas" for not believing the others or his original promise to return after 3 days, but he did let him concernfag for 8 whole days before finally appearing to him.

d498aa No.1528460

File: 4b84144250d13d5⋯.jpg (12.4 KB, 413x620, 413:620, 0cca276e5ebd39e47f1a6aeb41….jpg)

574194 No.1528461


You are misinformed. Bolton is one who fully understands and respects that the POTUS is elected and it is POTUS' decisions to make. He will not undermine Trump.

Look up what Gorka thinks of Bolton.

d416ca No.1528462

They're just idiot clown shills FFS!

If they really felt that way they wouldn't be wasting their time posting!


You're not gonna change anyone's mind!

GTFO already you pieces of shit!

d46c88 No.1528463

File: adcffb17cd221d5⋯.jpeg (82.63 KB, 727x499, 727:499, meme.kim.cnn.jpeg)

e8449f No.1528464


yes. sorry for paraphrasing

f5dc46 No.1528465

Prez we got your back. You knew that though. WE are watching a movie…inside of a movie, played out on (un)reality TV while the History book is written. 23.976 pieces of Art per second (24 if you like it round).

3b658d No.1528466


Find another way,

This dragon will live to finish you!!!!

d498aa No.1528467

File: b328457608e7671⋯.png (25.15 KB, 798x514, 399:257, Studio_20180507_140125.png)

c9458f No.1528468

JK Rowling (one of the loudest) is tied to this:

Lumos ambassador Sophie Ellis-Bextor Visits Orphanages in Moldova

Watch Lumos ambassador Sophie Ellis Bextor's recent trip to orphanages in Moldova.

311a32 No.1528469


It was also Pence that said Flynn lied to him.

d498aa No.1528470

File: 347b340ef37802d⋯.jpg (2.43 KB, 183x275, 183:275, images-4 (1).jpg)

a094d5 No.1528471


yeah it was def more like a countdown

6f54c5 No.1528472


Anon, some letters use autopen which will ALL look the same.

E.O.'s are hand signed in a public

Look if you wish, but you are wasting time.

5a6746 No.1528473

File: 041e0fa2856faca⋯.png (543.66 KB, 570x424, 285:212, npms134.PNG)


thanks anon I fixed it

a8297e No.1528474



The hate was strong yesterday against anons trying to point that out. Some still don't understand the comms.

161cad No.1528475

File: 7b77417ea9b1634⋯.png (30.95 KB, 611x237, 611:237, art of the deal.png)

526fce No.1528476


Yup, history and logic. The only glimmer was perhaps if POTUS had cut the strings from PENCE, or flipped him, but doesn't seem likely.

I think the earlier grumblings about PG and Flynn list is probably going to end up coming true.

311a32 No.1528477

>>1528353 In a follow up emailed there was a meeting with someone NAMED salinas in NYC.

c9458f No.1528478


this is from her twitter

e510cc No.1528479

File: edae6f692b045c0⋯.jpg (136.89 KB, 1136x1100, 284:275, nasim-namefag.jpg)


We are all Anonymous here.

161cad No.1528480

File: e63ae8e1407df52⋯.png (598.11 KB, 1092x1071, 52:51, freeman.png)


efa29f No.1528481


when has Q EVER SAID "Trust Pence" ?

d498aa No.1528482

File: 3ff069979da772c⋯.jpg (81.33 KB, 720x1024, 45:64, fe2b4359367538e2d252116031….jpg)

44c80d No.1528483

File: d66247e1325ef61⋯.jpg (84.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 61ZhotZfYWL._SS500.jpg)

9e7df8 No.1528484


Bruce Filgert video of today suggest a multi-meaning for the 23… The 23 EO is about who replaces who when RR is no longer in his office.

9dbccd No.1528485


There ya go! share Anons. no 's though. just 'Rights' .

d6c5ed No.1528486

File: 848213e3cbf03c7⋯.png (97.72 KB, 396x243, 44:27, 2sigs.png)




the 2 sigs "match" as written (i.e., as far as two signatures can ever match).

the 2d one is not upside down.

in ea. pic look for all the "traffic" (at the end of first name/middle initial/beginning of last name)

c60446 No.1528487


what is "hivemind".

368184 No.1528488

koreans are very distinct from japanese chinese and other asian people

i watched a SK movie called Le Grand Chef which was very entertaining (esp if you are a foodie) but also very instructive of the korean psych and character

good time to watch it now

d498aa No.1528489

File: 996e45cda03c98e⋯.jpg (5.19 KB, 186x271, 186:271, download-3 (1).jpg)

3d865e No.1528490

File: 3ca7afd0a83a1dd⋯.jpg (652.66 KB, 3086x1144, 1543:572, cant-see-me-2.jpg)

///////// Re-posting due to additional Data added ///////////////

Hey Guys, this could be a stretch but yesterday the DOD posted this tweet. Was a bit simple & cryptic so noticed…

The soldiers watch was around 12:22

12:22 = Multiple drops on NK

Today POTUS announcement = Pulling out of NK Summit

But we already know the [secret "unseen" ] deal = already made

Was the DOD post = you "don't see" the deal that was already made ie: NK "thanks Kim"

Also multiple posts from ~Q about "Cant see" what's going on.

Summit = unnecessary [deal is done, strings already cut]. Could POTUS be pulling out so that he is stateside on [-30] ie: t-minus 30 = June 12th when shit gets really real?

3d8408 No.1528491


>Amazon Alexas. It's still in the box


>It's going to be a target someday.

It's already operational as a target. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you need to wrap that box in aluminum foil.

3f084b No.1528492


HA HAA you make 'em count when supplies are low.

d6c5ed No.1528493


it's what we are and what we do.

93111e No.1528494



he is a main player in pushing propaganda

i welcome this

ecfbcb No.1528495


ANONS, spelling mistake, POTUS said Jung not Jong, deliberate ?

bf7454 No.1528496



Ok i will talk, so i was filmed all my life and abused and they tried to kill me many times all because my grandfather divorced and i wasnt aware of it until last month. So i talked all about it on twitter but now thatz gone and im homeless.

First they sent me to places and i wont go into specifics cause i dont want people to harrass the others, but i met over a dozen other victims just like me, all stripe shirt wearing messed up snake story having survivors. We had similarities like all encountering a snake as a child and being dressed in striped shirts… some were so messed up inside they could only scream so i learned very little about some.

.. but others told me so much and so know i know practically evergthing about this and its hard to type as much as i need to on a phone. I need help to tell the story. But im gonna try today here and anyone who gives me a contact link for anyone to talk to

822c65 No.1528497


It was incredibly simple to understand you were not talking about the board haha

1e4949 No.1528498


you got to know when to hold 'em,

know when to fold 'em

know when to walk away,

know when to run.

you never count your money

while you're sittin' at the table

there'll be time enough for countin'

when the dealin's done.

~ k. rogers

316754 No.1528499


First of all, were you fucking sleeping yesterday? Tons of shit dropped.

Second of all, theoretically Q never specifically said MAY 23. Maybe June 23rd, maybe god damn December 23. Maybe 23 days later. Maybe 23 days since he made the new trip code?

Future proves past. Stop being such a drama queen.

efa29f No.1528500


Why did Gen Flynn step down?

That should answer your question about Pence

822c65 No.1528501


Never. Not once.

d9b8c2 No.1528502


That's a good one. It's official name is Dopey LOL

5a6746 No.1528503


I fixed it and reposted

d6c5ed No.1528504



f70db0 No.1528505


You can call it collective consciousness or collective intelligence,

78572b No.1528506

File: ca598db46fb2e20⋯.png (118.68 KB, 861x557, 861:557, 30.png)

This is what Q said

3e5260 No.1528507


She is awesome with that southern accent.

Real News!

44c80d No.1528508


Yes there are two platforms specifically.

(((They))) only have access to one - their own

We have access to two - theirs and the new platform

c80a3b No.1528509




I appreciate that.


03df61 No.1528510

Just a heads up… the QNN True Lies channel has been pulled off of YouTube.

93111e No.1528511


this has already been talked about and decided it is trumps.

signatures change

as long as 2 or 3 markers are there, and it is

822c65 No.1528512


Exactly, anon. The answer has been right in front of everybody the whole time

Remember how long it took Trump to pick his VP? Its because Pence was forced on him and he fought it for as long as he could, but eventually took him as to keep the plan safe

316754 No.1528513



WTF is this bullshit about signatures should never match? That's exactly my point.

These aren't stamps, they're written.

So if we can find a 1:1 match of this signature, then we've found our EO or memorandum.

0ff66a No.1528514


Happened last night

6f881d No.1528515

File: 1f0c0b09f81afee⋯.png (454.49 KB, 9617x4687, 9617:4687, Mockingbird_FINAL.png)

>>1528376 Absolutely.

POTUS hardly has to destroy (((MSM))), they do it to themselves.

On a related note, ran into this company:

Mockingbird Executives. (http://www.mockingbirdexecutives.com/)

- think it's just a normal little company, but what a STUPID (or smart if guerilla marketing) name.

9dbccd No.1528516


Flynn for VP which is the way it should've been

822c65 No.1528517

Christopher Wray Senate confirmation 92-5. Which means he is deep state. Q saying to trust him means he is flipped/deal

71aff0 No.1528518

File: 9c1a021dc7bf063⋯.png (234.07 KB, 1196x464, 299:116, kim.png)

26164d No.1528519

File: e4e8de988d1f87c⋯.jpg (188.17 KB, 962x1259, 962:1259, ryanpencebeast.jpg)

d498aa No.1528520

File: c9f2d458b640700⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault-1 (1).jpg)

a8297e No.1528521


We don't know the full story on that. There was a lot of behind the scenes shit going down. Remember they were spying on Flynn already.

We just don't know enough about him to say white or black hat. Just like Mueller and RR.

a094d5 No.1528522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



for lulz

a5211b No.1528523


I want sooo bad to see this m-efff-er to suffer!

d6c5ed No.1528524

5a6746 No.1528525

reminder that the DOJ/FBI meeting starts in 9 mins

82494d No.1528526


>Dark Sky Event

The Dark Sky scenario includes a variety of incidents that require local, county, and state-level response operations designed to exercise each participating unit and agency. The Wisconsin National Guard will exercise its joint staff and the National Guard Reaction Force in support of private utilities partners, nongovernmental organizations, and local, county, state, and federal agencies for infrastructure security. As part of the exercise, Wisconsin National Guard Soldiers will conduct door-to-door health and welfare checks in Omro, Wisconsin.

Known as Dark Sky, the exercise runs May 15-17 in Brown, Calumet, Dane, Fond du Lac, Milwaukee, Outagamie and Winnebago Counties and will test the abilities of private utilities, law enforcement, first responders and the National Guard to respond to the scenario as well as its second and third order effects.

Getting ready for the real thing Anons IMO

316754 No.1528527



d8b789 No.1528528

File: 3d7421934f3e8c9⋯.jpg (83.17 KB, 500x500, 1:1, focus.jpg)

"Operation Dirty Thirds," a total of 83 defendants were charged by a federal grand jury under two federal racketeering indictments that were unsealed Wednesday, U.S. Attorney Nicola Hanna's office announced.


fb3807 No.1528529

File: 8910a28b8871949⋯.jpg (40.29 KB, 480x480, 1:1, JJg1Uyb.jpg)

All I know is my faith in Q and POTUS has never been stronger than right now.

Trust the plan and may God protect and bless all Patriots around the world.


3f084b No.1528530


That's good anon

Any link to that and POTUS keeping china out of RIMPAC naval war games?

A further proof to say "we're no longer working with china against NK?"

53c29d No.1528531


Fool US once… shame on YOU

Fool US twice… shame on US

ebab58 No.1528532

6f54c5 No.1528533

File: dda45e9d8c7c904⋯.gif (400.53 KB, 320x240, 4:3, banghead.gif)

a8297e No.1528534



03df61 No.1528535


Any good alternatives? Can't read the text stream while workfagging, must have audio. :(

1c5c94 No.1528536

File: 1bc0ab4318273a6⋯.jpg (399.54 KB, 1422x1084, 711:542, flat earthers KYS.jpg)

File: 9ee0facdb38942d⋯.jpg (64.75 KB, 620x348, 155:87, TRUST THE PLAN.jpg)

1e4949 No.1528537

File: e65806b81f1a544⋯.jpg (11.22 KB, 255x203, 255:203, d15e2c7b50259a278aa799051d….jpg)

d416ca No.1528538

For all the fools who think nothing happened yesterday, this is a HUGE BOOM!

Rank And File FBI Agents "Sickened" By Comey And McCabe Want To "Come Forward And Testify"


170e6e No.1528539


A new RPG where you are a droid trying to become human…and all the humans that hate you act like deplorable Trump supporters.

Turning the counterattacks up to 11, are they? Damn.

a8297e No.1528540


I thought it was @ 2?

ef4dcf No.1528541

Would love to see arrests being made for obstruction during the first F_I meeting today. Kek!

526fce No.1528542


Here is a laser pointer look over there. When the BOOMS come there will be so much going on, they won't be able to spin it.

316754 No.1528543


You are also missing the fucking point.

The point is, we can isolate our choices by finding an exact match to this signature.

If this is "autopen" then so be it, we'll have narrowed it down to the "autopen" bunch.

But if this was naturally written, then there will be only ONE that will match it 100%.

Just another avenue to dig into and keep an eye on. Theoretically this Q pic document hasn't been released yet anyway, so when we think it does, lets check the sig.

5a6746 No.1528544


2nd meeting with Gang of 8 @2

1e4949 No.1528545



c60446 No.1528546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Actors are everywhere.

822c65 No.1528547


That's the angle I'm thinking too. Pence will not be on the 2020 ticket, but I don't know how Trump will handle him. Without researching, I've never heard of a VP getting fired, indicted, or stepping down right in the middle of a 4-year term, so that would be a very bad and embarrassing look to our country. My guess is that maybe 6 months before the 2020 election, Pence will make a speech like this: "I want to thank Mr Trump for the opportunity of being his Vice President, the greatest experience in my life. I have decided to leave politics and go to the private sector to spend more time with my family, so I am sad to announce I will not accept Trump's nominated as VP on the 2020 ticket, I want to thank everyone and Mr Trump for this experience. God bless America".

And then Trump will make a tweet thanking and honoring Pence, and he will have got off free, but it saved face for our government.

ebab58 No.1528548

First Kim cancels then says nevermind, now POTUS cancels. MSM distraction or what? Since meetings already happened…

3b658d No.1528550

File: 657b9ebd99558c4⋯.jpg (191.95 KB, 1053x860, 1053:860, scared of truth.JPG)

For all clowns.

Please tell cnn to put this on the screen!!!

b12467 No.1528551





PLEASE REPLACE >>1527259 (seen here >>1528003 ) WITH >>1527495 IN THE DOUGH

0ff66a No.1528552


I don't watch, just noted the event in bread last night.

d6c5ed No.1528553


took 'em long enough to speak up. MF is one of the loudest H'd shills out there. better late than never.

2a2f6f No.1528554

File: 3bfa38efd46fb4d⋯.jpg (57.65 KB, 500x375, 4:3, CamouflageCouch-500x375.jpg)

e8449f No.1528555


Just a theory here:

We know this plan is not set in stone right?

Like for example when we moved up the timetable.

What if Q specifically chose 23 as it could mean many things.

Then dropping us the clues to that.

Then watch (((them))) scramble to understand the comms and predict when Q will drop the MOAB to prevent the impact.

Once Qteam has monitored chatter for a while (including this board) they'll pick one of the 23s that noone suggested.

That way making their prediction come through without telling the enemy the plan and also get some free dirt on those scrambling.

93111e No.1528556


post link please and video

22e673 No.1528557


What do YOU think is going on with NK pullout?

d6c5ed No.1528558


never has.

never will.

e41f7b No.1528560


Ha, Clowns trying to make them look legit.

OH NO! They are getting to close better shut them down.


9dbccd No.1528561


This one will leave an impression, I can tell you that. Share Anons! !

d317db No.1528562


I've posted ideas here… quotes from books or articles. I can't tell you how many times that, even if the original post didn't get a response or only a limited response, I saw the very same ideas resurface and get discussed at length in subsequent breads. I've had ideas out of the blue, and before I could even post them, they were already there… HIVE MIND.

This format seems to have enabled some sort of autistic-parallel-processing human-powered-ai-supercomputer with collective memory access….

3e5260 No.1528563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think Anons missed all the Booms and FBI involved


4f4b4b No.1528564


1e4949 No.1528565


don and kim probably in the white house bowling alley rolling strikes and slamming beers while watching this show.

526fce No.1528566


PR stepping down, coincidence?

78572b No.1528567

Honestly, people that are saying "trust the plan" and other platitudes, why are you doing this?

If you trust Q, wait for the new Q-posts if you actually want to know what's going on instead of making up stuff. It just makes you look dumb.

a8297e No.1528568


It hasn't been declassified yet. You won't find any sigs to match until it is released.

93111e No.1528569


not sure, i was thinking its a show but want to see what other anons think

1e668b No.1528570

File: 265bfa8598f3811⋯.png (17.86 KB, 463x425, 463:425, 1510671952999.png)

5a6746 No.1528571

>>1528556 no link I'm sure closed door because it's classified info

440f08 No.1528572


It is the same signature, Anon, can you redo the graphic to help those who can't imagine, by scaling to correct size and lining up to the one on the paper? I did it myself & it matched, it's just slightly larger than the one on the paper & would look much cleaner with the original file you used than a copy.

a1c294 No.1528573


you are witnessing it right now

1749ce No.1528574



Sorry about that.

316754 No.1528575

File: 054f8cbd00b2199⋯.jpg (334.71 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, the-number-23-5205591216b5….jpg)

1e4949 No.1528576



52826d No.1528577

File: b43dd142be17a42⋯.png (1.5 MB, 919x931, 919:931, Observers-Lurkers-MemeWarI….PNG)


Shit is in code. And its not on YOUR timetable.

Pain comes in ___-23 could mean T minus 23, but nobody would have the start date when to start counting down by 23.

It could have something to do with the 5:5. Or with any of a thousand dates or days Q has hinted at. If we would have the exact date, so would bad actors. We are only giving foreknowledge that its coming, so that we can watch and prepare to drop.

You understand that more people watch this board than just us? And that some Q is purposefully disinfo?

Do you also understand that we have a job to do? And that job is certainly not whining.

45e5d9 No.1528578

File: 4bc136f0788518d⋯.jpg (75.24 KB, 534x400, 267:200, Bolton MKO 2.jpg)

File: 8eb26b6736385df⋯.jpg (76.28 KB, 700x467, 700:467, Bolton MKO.jpg)

File: f69edbd6f91dc75⋯.jpg (71.79 KB, 855x621, 95:69, JohnBolton_Sept2014_MEK_te….jpg)

File: 679f229b0664e14⋯.jpg (53.97 KB, 510x270, 17:9, Rajavi_Mc_Cain_Albania.jpg)


Pics don't lie.

69a52a No.1528579


<What am I trying to say, and why?

>Trump's sig, not the same one, again.

>We already know Q is linked in with Trump at the top.

If you are hunting for a signature that matches that specific document Q posted, that is not the document you are looking for.

It is Trump's signature though.

We are looking for a different document to match that Q post.

a094d5 No.1528580

File: 906ecaf86c08ef6⋯.png (229.43 KB, 474x316, 3:2, feellimit.png)

File: 3be93df05b29d1e⋯.png (212.69 KB, 500x315, 100:63, spanky.png)


KEK just kidding anons


c60446 No.1528581


day in day out, never ends

a8297e No.1528582


Thanks anon.

b12467 No.1528583


No worries ;)

ebab58 No.1528584


That was my thought as well.

I have a feeling Kim is there now!

2e66eb No.1528585

File: 72cd1c84e021e6e⋯.png (144.49 KB, 1270x1134, 635:567, william-f-jung.png)


i think i might have found our



93111e No.1528586


oh ok anon ty

i thought he was giving a speech

sorry still on first cup of cofvee

6f54c5 No.1528587



59ad4f No.1528588

File: 9743c569b2955cd⋯.png (24.39 KB, 459x236, 459:236, ClipboardImage.png)


>Q hyped up the 23rd like there was going to be a big drop. NOTHING HAPPENED. So tired of this shit.

When Q posted [-30]

Did you think it meant the 30th of the month?

But when Q posted [-23]

you thought it meant the 23rd of the month?

Q did "hype" anything!

If YOU thought that, you were wrong, don't blame Q for your ignorance!

78572b No.1528589


Nobody is saying "nothing" happened yesterday, just that it's not tied to Q crumbs.

d6c5ed No.1528590


hand-written sigs never match.

EOs are hand-written.

agreed → find an exact match w/ this sig and we've found our EO.

no 1:1 match so far.

af3e8a No.1528591

File: 2f543bace5089fd⋯.jpg (113.2 KB, 736x1417, 736:1417, TastyPepeComfy.jpg)

9e7df8 No.1528592


huh? Pence a Pleiadian? I've heard this one… everything is a possibility in this timeline

3b2aaa No.1528593


Let's try to find actual sauce for Mr. Pence. I prefer facts to "gut" or "optics".

After all, didn't JFK always "look perfect"?

c93054 No.1528594

File: 06768fdc0ef91e4⋯.jpg (114.43 KB, 500x742, 250:371, 2axcn1.jpg)

9dbccd No.1528595

Trump speaking: started off with "based on the statement………"

76b6b9 No.1528596


So why is (((Bezos))) still breathing again?

dae1a1 No.1528597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Consider the timing, anons…




Who surrounds POTUS?

Memorial Day weekend?

News cycle on hold?

NK summit cancellation as bait?

Government workers home?

Everyone distracted with BBQ?

Hard to organize riots?

How to avoid FF?

Kids out of school?

Bring the PAIN

b591df No.1528598

Still looking through newest batch of Hillary emails.

Take a look at the email from J.B. Pritzker to Doug Band on page 310 of the file.


Pritzker asks Doug Band to forward an article he's attached to his email to Huma "via a non-govt account" (he knows - they ALL know - that multiple email accounts are in use) and further, says for them all to read the article, because "it is disconcerting".

Oh, they'd have been disconcerted, alright.

Here's a link to the original (and scathing) article: https://www.thedailybeast.com/jewish-anger-at-obama

He's introducing Hillary at AIPAC, and asks Doug "Can you send me the 3 most pro-Israel points about Hillary?"

3169da No.1528599


I interpreted the "23" to mean "in 23 days," not "on May 23rd," so I wasn't exactly let down yesterday.

3b658d No.1528600

File: 57f3c6a252cfdf2⋯.jpeg (7.1 KB, 246x205, 6:5, flat sun.jpeg)


This, also.

1e4949 No.1528601



8cd397 No.1528602


Something tells me that this letter is intended for normies, but only after a couple more of the puzzle pieces fall into place.

5365ec No.1528603

File: eb26a2749d97ccd⋯.jpg (154.07 KB, 1175x523, 1175:523, tripsidebyside.jpg)




Be careful who you follow

744274 No.1528604

Is there always a clock there where it is behind POTUS?

316754 No.1528605

File: 765c88bc1025784⋯.png (304.3 KB, 365x483, 365:483, Untitled2.png)


Wrong. For fun I scaled it at the top. The scaled one gets too narrow.

Note the gap. Important.

5a6746 No.1528606

>>1528586 POTUS speaking now about NK summit cancelation

52826d No.1528607


My opinion? A done deal and the waffling is just politics, with side agenda of drawing the media propaganda into a web they can't back away from, and coaxing some bad actors into the open.

The more anti-Trumpers say "LOOK ITS FALLING APART" the more MAGAs can rub their face in it when the world becomes peaceful. It really does serve the purpose to turn people against the media.

a8297e No.1528608


The doc you are looking for is likely still classified and not released. Once it is sent to the OFR, you will then find the matching sig.

0663de No.1528609

POTUS really emphasizing our military capabilities

d6c5ed No.1528610



enjoying the show.

5365ec No.1528611

9e7df8 No.1528612


THIS is the message we need going forward.

c986db No.1528613





92d775 No.1528614



3b2aaa No.1528615


I'm sure I have severe biases. Just being honest.

Being a jazz, rock and metal drummer, I find the same, synthetic, 4/4 beat (in EVERY rap/hip-hop song) lacking imagination and passion.

76b6b9 No.1528616


He should of just signed one and activated the other.




EO 11110

Fucking Win. Why are they still fighting? Because of world dominance for PROFIT. Same way we're still in slavery. Fucking retards.

e624bb No.1528617

File: 6d47eb0d6593217⋯.png (374.4 KB, 1358x884, 679:442, dsadsaa.png)

File: aef6090a7c17dc3⋯.png (547.8 KB, 2364x1230, 394:205, dsadsa.png)

File: 2f940df0ea1d70f⋯.png (511.05 KB, 1764x1386, 14:11, dsds.png)

File: 1faf4fe194ce099⋯.png (60.44 KB, 1898x190, 949:95, ddddaasssd.png)

wtf is this shit!?!?!


44c80d No.1528618

File: 9f8b6dc3628670d⋯.jpg (35.84 KB, 449x449, 1:1, vladimir-putin-eating-popc….jpg)

59ad4f No.1528619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump Cancels Summit with North Korea 5-24-18


52826d No.1528620


Its obviously the same person signing. It's not the same instance of that person signing. We want to watch for the exact document that this exact instance of this signature was signed onto.

4f4b4b No.1528621

File: 4c26c5486507bdf⋯.jpg (152.77 KB, 1031x1070, 1031:1070, QQQQPOPCORN.jpg)





8d4aeb No.1528622


Well it's a big story if anything come up of it in real life.

Until then it's just more noise.

d316e4 No.1528623

File: f349cd8e2d36b4c⋯.png (670.81 KB, 516x753, 172:251, ClipboardImage.png)

Perhaps we should consider another scenario

What was released just before the Nork summit cancellation letter from POTUS?

New Hillary emails released (although redacted)

What stuck out the most to Anons in those new emails, on the earliest digs?

Huma had a trip planned to Antarctica..

Who controls the REAL News now?

We fucking do!

Enjoy the show, Concernfagging Retards

3b658d No.1528624


You'll have the best audience in 30 seconds.

b4df84 No.1528625

File: 203a79f26a0f058⋯.jpg (155.57 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, cnnshillsuckerS3.jpg)


At least the shill recognized "Alex Jones-Hicks" is retarded?

c60446 No.1528626


or "people are stupid" wtfu

440f08 No.1528627



I thought it wasn't understood that it's Trumps signature and it is, you are looking for a released doc to "match" in that way, but we are still waiting for it to be released.

4cb06a No.1528628


Nunes now. The eight including Nunes at 2

58257a No.1528629

The Clinton emails dropped yesterday could have more to them. They were heavily redacted. But that means Sekulow has the originals, with pdfs, videos, everything…

They are trolling the clowns while giving us a glimpse into how close Clinton and Huma worked with their cronies….

Why march-april 2009?


d498aa No.1528630

File: 6440515c2ad11a2⋯.jpg (4.26 KB, 195x259, 195:259, images-24.jpg)



1749ce No.1528631

>No need to be anxious, we have to get it right.

–DJT, on pulling out of the NK summit

316754 No.1528632

3b2aaa No.1528633


A simple command+F on qanon.pub reveals NO mention of "trust pence", "trust vp" or "trust flynn" FWIW.

44c80d No.1528634


Yep it reminded me of when Reagan was forced to take Bush as VP when he really wanted Dole.

The Reagans hated the Bushes

ce9c79 No.1528635

File: 05cf162b1352a3f⋯.jpg (32.58 KB, 324x324, 1:1, 05cf162b1352a3fcbc4b196f26….jpg)


Yeah me too. I am oozing with positive energy. In my dreams nothing can scare me, I can make them disappear by willpower, in my dreams I am god. I am slowly starting to realize universe is a macrocosm of dreams, but decided by our collective will.

It is time for the frogs to rise up!

12e8b7 No.1528636

File: fa70ce606a3d030⋯.jpeg (54.81 KB, 960x720, 4:3, meme.trust.the.plan.jpeg)

3b2aaa No.1528637


Did I do something other than add a subject line? Is my name or email exposed somehow? Help!

a8297e No.1528638


Geez anon, read much? Never said I didn't trust the plan. Never questioned the plan. Where do you get off telling me to trust. 6 Corps does NOT equal CNN. Maybe you should go back and read the whole string before casting judgement. Or better yet, just STFU.

btw: your caps lock is stuck.

ef4dcf No.1528639


Number of stories told during immigration round table and MS-13 round table. Pssibly 10.

After 10 known stories from others about MS-13 we could see a round up of MS-13.

13 + 10 = 23

430118 No.1528640



451c48 No.1528641


Def not the same signature, if nothing else look at the fact there's text under the signature in the letter

vs no text under putative EO in folder.

Same signer (POTUS), different signature.

72dc51 No.1528642


Do not speak ill of the honored dead.

Hicks isn't Jones!

Bill Hicks was a genius comedian and a great truthteller, Jones is a shill who dissed Dr. Judy Wood, an inexcusable thing to do in my book

d498aa No.1528643

File: fc2731dc09d000a⋯.jpg (7.5 KB, 194x259, 194:259, images-6.jpg)


I watched the video. Tyvm!

59ad4f No.1528644


POTUS got a new spray tan!


bf5f87 No.1528645

File: f433af459aa51dc⋯.png (20.42 KB, 112x200, 14:25, bob.png)

Tell me they're not having a laugh …

Attorney General Appoints Zachary Terwilliger Interim U.S. Attorney


Sideshow Bob

Robert Underdunk Terwilliger Jr., PhD, better known as Sideshow Bob, is a recurring character in the animated television series The Simpsons. He is voiced by Kelsey Grammer and first appeared briefly in the episode "The Telltale Head".More at Wikipedia

3b2aaa No.1528646


Wouldn't surprise me if the ENTIRE thing was wrapped up back in November.

1411c4 No.1528647

File: 7d0898db7affae2⋯.jpg (86.09 KB, 557x362, 557:362, newq.jpg)

anons have you seen this?


a094d5 No.1528648


no, you're fine ignore nasimfag

he had a meme and wanted to use it

9e7df8 No.1528649

File: f85110c320014c1⋯.png (15.89 KB, 625x88, 625:88, ClipboardImage.png)


sorry Figert

451c48 No.1528650


Washington warned against forming political parties. Should have listened to him. Prescient.

c93054 No.1528651

VICTORY: ‘Show Dogs’ pulled from theaters after parents complain it grooms kids for sex abuse


4f8205 No.1528652

Demand Answers from your politicians


Remember you are all Q

That means Ask Questions !!!

Then you get Answers

Q = Questions !!!!

A = Answers !!!

d498aa No.1528653

File: 5ee9152cab92c0d⋯.jpg (3.92 KB, 236x157, 236:157, images-4.jpg)

2f5a26 No.1528654


Its all a show. I think we took out NK capabilities with Rods of God.

Think summit had to be cancelled cuz POTUS need to stay in CONUS for tough times ahead here. To save face, think KIM was told to make bold statements so POTUS wld hv "reason" to cancel / postpone. Just my take, no sauce.

db2e8e No.1528655


Adam Schiff brazenly lies. His intent is clear.

He is a black hat who needs to be neutralized.

Payback is a bitch and his payback is going to be yuge.

e510cc No.1528656

File: 3bf13b0fad4b105⋯.jpg (11.82 KB, 199x255, 199:255, nasim-newfag.jpg)


Your parents should have pulled out.

This isn't a Q&A. Lurk moar.

d498aa No.1528657

File: 32a7cead8ef1d66⋯.jpg (4.53 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download-1 (1).jpg)

82494d No.1528658


Recording all Bitcoin transactions

They are fucked

e8449f No.1528659

File: 22bdc36309f0ec3⋯.jpg (33.12 KB, 480x591, 160:197, hicks.jpg)


>Bill Hicks was a genius comedian and a great truthteller

yeah keep telling yourself that…

You are correct though AJ is not Hicks.

Just telling you to be careful who you follow

e3114e No.1528660

I think we're in the part where people start getting hit by the landmines that were quietly placed while Trump was distracting everyone

3b2aaa No.1528661


For clarity, are you referencing Board Owner or Hussein?

ff4275 No.1528662

File: 6af66c6b042c0cd⋯.png (968.26 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, D28096D3-66B9-4E92-A36F-CF….png)

File: f4889e84023e141⋯.png (810.76 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, BBB29919-6DCC-430B-98E4-CA….png)

File: d08873377165633⋯.png (719.54 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 50A00DAD-C7B8-4906-9D65-F0….png)

d498aa No.1528664

File: 88af37a2be59d1f⋯.jpg (7.45 KB, 217x233, 217:233, download-4.jpg)

c60446 No.1528665



d498aa No.1528666

File: 8fa86eb184865c6⋯.jpg (5.17 KB, 194x259, 194:259, images-6 (2).jpg)

efa29f No.1528667


Gen Flynn had something on an Indiana buddy of Pence pedophile related. Please look at WriteIntoAction.com To learn more

4f4b4b No.1528668







bf7454 No.1528669


They were born all over the place like minnesota and new york and its all some rich assholes entertainment, a punishment as well for things their fathers and grandfathers did.

Also people in the military who the bad guys target, they make shows to watch out of their lives and get family in on it as well as employerz and even plant love interests all to torture.

Some of their stories include an f2m and a family of cannibils and many were raped all were severely abused and i wrote. Full noteebook on what they told me so i have so much to say to explain my life in relation to the others is to understand how the plant system works and how the family trees operate, the game of charades they play in photos to make contracts.

I just need someone that can help me tell the story, ill be here all day and am looking for ways to contact others

69a52a No.1528670

File: a9bc00b510f1726⋯.png (254.99 KB, 475x313, 475:313, metoo.png)


(((Who among us has not engaged in inappropriate behavior?)))

I am so tired of all of the sexual harassment BS.

#metoo gay pussies.

None of us would even be alive if all of this virtue signalling was taken to its end result.

72dc51 No.1528671

Dr. Judy Wood -> John Hutchison -> Nikola Tesla -> John G. Trump -> 9/11,

Comments, questions?

9451c0 No.1528672

"U.S. Vice-President Pence has made unbridled and impudent remarks that North Korea might end like Libya, military option for North Korea never came off the table, the U.S. needs complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization, and so on," she said. "As a person involved in the U.S. affairs, I cannot suppress my surprise at such ignorant and stupid remarks gushing out from the mouth of the U.S. vice-president."


Is this the Neocon RINO pences doing? I've never liked him

2a2f6f No.1528673


Reading and listening…

d498aa No.1528674

File: c23c314c4fe24f1⋯.jpg (3.02 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images-5 (3).jpg)

a8297e No.1528675

ef4dcf No.1528676

Polls show Dem midterm election advantage has evaporated


8ae05b No.1528677

>>1526624 (last)

How could Rosenstein offer Mueller the position of FBI Director? Rosenstein can't hire him, can't even nominate him for that. That's a presidential nomination (and subject to Senate confirmation.)

1411c4 No.1528678


damn, so much winning!

whats the angle on this NK meeting? i understand the whole thing is already done, but is this move just media mind games or?

3e5260 No.1528679


Anons missed it again. FFS?

3b2aaa No.1528680


Q will NEVER telegraph specific dates. Not ever.

Get used to it.

cc733b No.1528681


Amazing isn't it? Members of congress have immunity regarding speech.

This allows the likes of an Adam Schiff to lie and lie and lie again with no legal consequence. He is pure scum.

4f4b4b No.1528682

File: 8b85e33d3e293df⋯.png (394.81 KB, 949x642, 949:642, ClipboardImage.png)





there is not much out there on this guy

3169da No.1528683


How long until the celebrity worshipping Left learns that a good majority of their heroes belonged to a sex cult that branded and trafficked women?

173124 No.1528684

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


"BOOM" ya'll

a8297e No.1528685


Do you believe what NoKo is saying? You should have been listening to fox right now. Explained it perfectly for those who have a hard time understanding the bigger picture.

2a2f6f No.1528686


Read all your tweets and reddit…

I'm up to speed on your story…

efa29f No.1528687


Who is left that is not controlled by the Rothchild/Rockefeller Banking Cartel? Who doesn't have a Central Bank?

North Korea, Iran & Cuba.

Libya tried to fight & obviously lost to the Bank Cartel

d498aa No.1528688

File: 766756e2fd067d8⋯.jpg (3.31 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images-4 (3).jpg)

3b658d No.1528689

Family of light, you here???

Stay & let noise in your ear do the job!!!!

260473 No.1528690

File: 3801309037dc647⋯.png (527.18 KB, 1591x760, 1591:760, ClipboardImage.png)

Haven't seen this guy before - Fokker Troopship. RCH157 (Galaxy) is in here somewhere…

94ce05 No.1528691

9451c0 No.1528692


Ya he didnt even say the 23rd though if you look at the fucking password it is -23 not fucking the 23rd of may

440f08 No.1528693

7c6610 No.1528695

File: 5a8c3371e1c6625⋯.png (3.08 MB, 4933x2436, 4933:2436, ClipboardImage.png)

52826d No.1528696


That's my interpretation of it. T-23 would be T minus 23, and countdown finish would be June 11/12. That he'll be in the air and protected when pain comes.

d498aa No.1528697

File: 7868825e328882f⋯.jpg (3.2 KB, 276x183, 92:61, download-1 (3).jpg)

ebab58 No.1528698

Seriously… fuck these idiots on fox talking while the president is talking.


1411c4 No.1528699


almost like he is….. ANONymous..

9e7df8 No.1528700

heard an interesting theory yesterday… sorry no sauce…

An anon thinks that JFK, Jr. was groomed by the White Hats to pick up where his father was going. Trump and Jr were friends, and probably knew about it. When Jr was 187'd by Black Hats, it interrupted Plan A. At that time they had Plan B, a military takeover of Washington DC. Then Trump kept staying in the headlines, and White Hats thought that Trump could replace Plan A's Jr.

I just summarized it. Anon's story was more detailed.

I like the theory..

59ad4f No.1528702

9451c0 No.1528703


Naw I don't watch MSM (yes Fox is MSM) Pence has said those things though…..

efa29f No.1528704


what is the line of succession.


Vice President

Secretary of State or Speaker of the House?

02b09d No.1528705



Kim actually has said alot. If you actually dig, go look at KCNA. KOREAN NEWS. Kim is an attention whore. We were warned about this a couple months ago, by an anon. He's shit talking nonstop lately. Yes, something has triggered his child side again. He has also commented on pence and Bolton talking smack.


4f4b4b No.1528706

File: 950a1330d7b8c57⋯.png (413.21 KB, 959x799, 959:799, pointpotussss.png)

7c6610 No.1528707


>noise in your ear


>let noise in your ear do the job!!!!


db2e8e No.1528708


Yes, he is pure scum. A tool for (((them))).

His fall is going to be far and hard.

1749ce No.1528709


cc7dde No.1528710

File: 76119513a4a3f41⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1842x1036, 921:518, ClipboardImage.png)


BREAKING: 'Show Dogs' Pulled From Theaters After Parents Complain Of Pedophile Messaging

"The company takes these matters very seriously"

In what can only be described as a grassroots victory for parents everywhere, the children's film "Show Dogs" has been pulled from theaters and will be re-edited following an intense public outcry over what many parents saw as covert pedophile messaging.

It began with a trickle and yielded into a storm when mommy blogger Terina Maldonado of Macaroni Kid sounded the alarm over one of the film's wildly inappropriate plot points that sent a dangerously creepy message to children.

"Show Dog" stars Will Arnett as an FBI agent named Frank forced into partnering with a talking dog named Max (voiced by Ludacris) to infiltrate a prestigious dog show in the hopes of rescuing a kidnapped panda. One of the film's plot points involved the character Max learning to cope with the idea of having a judge examine his genitals while competing in the dog show.

c09bd3 No.1528711


Contact Cathy O'Brien/Mark Phillips.


822c65 No.1528712

1e4949 No.1528713



it's my opinion based on pages of links to stories about it. do you have a sauce that anyone other than LHO shot JFK?

9451c0 No.1528714


Speaker if I am not mistaken

1411c4 No.1528715


do what job?

282a6b No.1528716

File: b87a4ebc83b5eab⋯.png (256.91 KB, 939x965, 939:965, april 28 2010.png)

File: 9588bcde0390996⋯.png (166.47 KB, 815x950, 163:190, salinas.png)

Salinas Diggz:

So Salinas appears to be who there are talking about that was not vetted. He is also giving a keynote at PFNYC.org . Wayback shows us they had a breakfast on the 28th (see graphic). Who was the Keynote that day?????? Christopher O Ward. 9/11 survivor, and Exec Director of the Port authority of NYC.

Looks like he kicked the bucket Nov '11 year following this convo

69a52a No.1528717

File: fece121bc7e557c⋯.jpg (37.9 KB, 460x352, 115:88, #metoo.jpg)


>>1528480 Wrong #metoo pic

451c48 No.1528718


Perhaps you are confusing Pence with Pompeo…?

29f464 No.1528719


Speaker is #3

ef4dcf No.1528720


The scarier thing is, how many out there would support that kind of stuff?

9890f1 No.1528721

File: 1b59e1cf07517a7⋯.png (118.05 KB, 868x700, 31:25, 01.PNG)

File: e5a31921cccb343⋯.png (60.85 KB, 849x339, 283:113, 02.PNG)

File: 990fab162076f1b⋯.png (1.13 MB, 852x714, 142:119, 03.PNG)

File: 7ee8e0e4b9a3c82⋯.png (40.69 KB, 826x322, 59:23, 04.PNG)


Q - I'm really enjoying it.


9d0622 No.1528722



These 2 anons.


Let's not make it harder everyone.

Today's letter NOT the doc from May 19 Q post.

Let's keep digging.

2f5a26 No.1528723


Exactly. No need for summit.

1411c4 No.1528724



3b658d No.1528725



Later in time!!!

822c65 No.1528727




Speaker Of The House

President Pro Tempore of the Senate (Orrin Hatch currently, but not seeking re-election hmmm)

Sec Of State (Pompeo)

3169da No.1528728


So, he's once again just getting the media and shitlibs to chase their tails while real work gets done? Kek.

61da86 No.1528729


Shuffle was Not invited to meeting today and he's pissed. Trump said after memorial day he'll let the Democrats see the documents and then they will leak and he will have them by the balls

ebab58 No.1528730


137dd5 No.1528731


Spiro T. Agnew was Nixon's VP. He stepped down, can't remember why. I think tax evasion.

316754 No.1528732

Insulted the VP?

Don't those fuckers know


Insult one you insult us all.

2a2f6f No.1528733


Will be here all day to read and listen…

Feel free to advise and direct if you seek different or additional responses.

2d583e No.1528734


It's the longest movie I've ever seen or taken part in

41c892 No.1528735

File: 286dd87834edc59⋯.jpg (23.22 KB, 858x640, 429:320, stable genius potus_2.JPG)

3e9eab No.1528736

File: e013d9bba9628f9⋯.png (55.98 KB, 719x472, 719:472, 20180524_171403.png)

It'll be ok Anons. MAGA.

316754 No.1528737


You're in the movie.

4f4b4b No.1528738

File: a7e203703a25a1b⋯.jpg (139.16 KB, 729x494, 729:494, a7e203703a25a1bb1a0f3553f8….jpg)

File: a16d753ac7a7427⋯.png (345.24 KB, 1880x1302, 940:651, a16d753ac7a7427fc07f505379….png)



he wouldnt say it if there was not a chance the meeting could still take place


a094d5 No.1528739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS speaking, just ended


82494d No.1528740


>pennsylvania Booms

The 'underground Pentagon'

Liberty Township, Adams County

Dubbed "Site R," the Raven Rock Mountain Complex is a nuclear bunker left over from the Cold War. Its six stories of subterranean offices, a reservoir and even a barber shop were meant to protect government officials in the event of nuclear war, but the site is no longer secret nor used.

The project was approved in 1950 and expanded in the 1960s. It later shifted from a "second Pentagon" to a storage facility for mobile communication trucks, and it went off 24-hour alert in 1992.

efa29f No.1528741


Salinas was the son of the ex-President of Mexico.

Follow TheFrankReport. com He has all the info

d6c5ed No.1528742


flynn had smthg on an Ind. bud of Pence/pedo related = flynn had smthg on pedo Pence = Pence takes flynn off the board (or so he thought).

3e5260 No.1528743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why is the FBI involved and what the hell is happening to create all these BOOMS?

e41f7b No.1528744


Damn good one!

23ca5a No.1528745


Anons need to consider the psychology of Korea Government DPRK

Kim also has a deep state, some of it was our doing and China. Many pressures on Kim to be the unrefuted leader.

Imagine government officials constantly afraid of you while looking up to you. Imagine your people arrested for not showing enough loyalty.

How do you suddenly change that psychology without appearing weak?

"Oh my bad, weve had it wrong all this time, weve been lying all this time, our system is very flawed and thats why we did what we did… my bad."

Geopolitical: NK is China's floodwall from the west. Why do you REALLY think we went into Vietnam and Korea?



Containment… America won and built the world 100+ bases

Heavy is the crown.


Economic Hitmen


NK is China's floodwall. That's why China can be a big help in negotiations.

DPRK pushing back against wargames and cancelling talks means more 'show' is needed for Kim to maintain power publicly. US/SK giving up war games = easy compromise/easy domestic win for kim.

More is needed. The DPRK cannot see Kim as a puppet of the west. more stage show is needed, more public war of words.

Consider what Pompeo said, ' …arrange more talks out of public view.'

Do you See?

The deal isnt actually off table. So in this respect, it is a political dance for kim and US officials need to be careful not to be insulting to Kim for this to work.

POTUS had a tv show

has made many deals…

exposed deepstate as EVERY comedy and opinion news show cant stop talking about POTUS and therefore fake russia/corrupt govt.


POTUS_Platform + Media works for POTUS in that he counters just enough to keep everyone talking about it.

"Why is Sessions …. Isnt Horowitz an Obama guy? No fair!'

Look at what is really happening: Sessions, IG, Huber… We are winning.

People against Election, POTUS , people who hedged their bets are now CYA; they are cooperating or being routed.



ebab58 No.1528746


It's a cross between a 24/7 reality show and the matrix. Enjoy

e1d3af No.1528747

File: 4e7e8486efd1feb⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1090x974, 545:487, Screen Shot 79.png)

add it to the list

9e7df8 No.1528748


It is like herd mentality. A species shares a common frequency and what one individual thinks, says, or does affect the collective consciousness of said species.

Look up the 100th monkey experiment. It describes a critical moment where the idea spreads exponentially

5365ec No.1528749

File: 276ed1fbab3063a⋯.png (79.3 KB, 375x498, 125:166, ClipboardImage.png)

4bd4d5 No.1528750



yes they do use people in a targets life. they are told a bullshit story and are told then "it's for his/her own good". it must be kept a secret or any progress we make will be lost. he/she may even kill themselves if they find out we are helping them. what would a family member do when told that? your child is crazy then we are trying to help. when really they are making them crazy.

ever wonder why some have no luck except bad?

ef4dcf No.1528751



POUNDMETOO!! To fucking funny!!!

29f464 No.1528752

File: d086ee2ca69cea9⋯.png (538.61 KB, 971x675, 971:675, ClipboardImage.png)

a1c294 No.1528753


as pointed out, kinda obvious we don't give our BO's terms, but for clarity…BHO

14bb52 No.1528754

File: 006d64c1950d3be⋯.jpg (158.68 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, JONESsuckers2.jpg)


Ur a fucking liar. Just like your idol Jones - Hicks.

What a coward! Hides behind the supposed Sentimentality of alleged relatives of the FAKE DEAD. When he's the DEATH FAKER

41c892 No.1528755

File: 7ed9b94676086b1⋯.jpg (25.58 KB, 846x628, 423:314, stable genius potus.JPG)

a8297e No.1528756


I don't watch tv either. Anon posted a link to watch Potus speak. Fox now broadcasting regular show. it thoroughly explains what is happening. This is typical of NoKo's history. Moves, countermoves and leverage.

Some anons want to believe the deal was already signed. Q never said that. An agreement was reached. But as per NoKo's MO, they are saber rattling. Potus' strength will get the deal done that no other has been able to accomplish.

Anons should not be so quick to condone /ourguys/ when NoKo is not a friendly country.

f5dc46 No.1528757


>>It's the longest movie I've ever seen or taken part in

It's every movie, of all time, rolled into one big adventure.

ae629f No.1528758

The NK breaking news sure has sucked all the news coverage oxygen out of that huge meeting at DOJ that just started…

2d583e No.1528759


Matrix is spot on, weird unexplained shit is happening in my life and has been since December.

af3e8a No.1528760

File: d86572c324e6342⋯.jpg (16.01 KB, 258x192, 43:32, SkyStache.jpg)

2c880a No.1528762

File: 6585441f89006bb⋯.png (174.14 KB, 487x358, 487:358, ClipboardImage.png)

Robert De Niro is adding some wasabi to his feud with President Donald Trump.

The screen legend, who is a co-owner of the Nobu restaurant empire, told the Daily Mail that he’s banned Trump. De Niro also said he wouldn’t remain in any other eatery with the president, either.

“If he walked into a restaurant I was in, I’d walk out,” he said.

It’s not clear if the restaurant’s famed chef and co-owner, Nobu Matsuhisa, shares that sentiment.

“It’s my dream for Trump to sit next to Bob,” he told the Daily Mail. “To make them sushi!”

Trump’s tastes run more toward burgers ― in some cases with half a bun or no bun at all ― rather than sushi. However, Bloomberg reported that he visited Nobu during his infamous 2013 trip to Moscow that played a key role in the unverified dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. The dossier alleges that Trump hired prostitutes to perform a “golden showers” show at a Moscow hotel during that trip.

At the time, the restaurant shared an image of Trump standing outside:

De Niro has been a persistent Trump critic, calling him the “lowlife-in-chief,” “jerkoff-in-chief” and “a flat-out blatant racist,” among other things. The 74-year-old actor has also portrayed special counsel Robert Mueller on “Saturday Night Live.”

De Niro vowed to continue slamming the president.

“To be silent in the face of such villainy is to be complicit,” he said in March.

https:// www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/robert-niro-bans-trump-every-070610177.html

9451c0 No.1528763


Not out of the ordinary do you know how many bombs were dropped on Dresden… EOD defuses WW2 shit all the time Fire is weird tho I admit that

08a307 No.1528764


Can I leave the theater and get a refund?

ef4dcf No.1528768




4f3d18 No.1528769


These moving parts are moving very slowly.

69a52a No.1528770

File: f71b668822486bf⋯.jpg (12.26 KB, 298x326, 149:163, FacePalmNathanX.jpg)


Fuck dude, look at the spacing and position of the lower points of the M and P in Trump, bottom right. Clearly different.

Yes it is his signature. No it is not the same one.

(((Different Document)))

I detect a signature slide, or you need glasses.

29f464 No.1528772


Thanks ChemtrailAnon!

c09bd3 No.1528773


Oh damn, Mark died last year. :(

9e7df8 No.1528774

File: acc308ef5551107⋯.png (38.43 KB, 836x176, 19:4, ClipboardImage.png)

26a916 No.1528775


Was this the IT guy on Reddit who found a bomb in the server room?

fb3807 No.1528776

File: fb7a7372d698ce7⋯.png (141.96 KB, 600x842, 300:421, 1516790180133.png)


All you need is a rope anon.

59ad4f No.1528777


Pence being best friends with that jackass Flake tells me everything I need to know!


Remember that dinner not long ago when POTUS was "joking", telling Pence, "I'm not going anywhere!" Yeah, he wasn't joking!

c60446 No.1528778


call it what it is, mind control. see NK. no diff

558f5c No.1528779

File: 05d2c482515859c⋯.png (38.5 KB, 585x397, 585:397, ClipboardImage.png)


>Look up what Gorka thinks of Bolton

Gorka is a liar and fraud

Q later confirmed the "Assad used gas" was a ruse to attack an Iranian nuclear enrichment base in Syria

Gorka had no excuse to lie to people

26a916 No.1528780

[CNN] = break

2a2f6f No.1528782


Do you prefer to post here or do you have another place that would be easier for you?

3e5260 No.1528783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Boom Boom Boom

let me here you say way-ooh (way-ooh)


574194 No.1528784

New Trump Tweet. Same as previous

d6c5ed No.1528785


it's a morphic field

08a307 No.1528786


You want me to hang the movie maker? Point me in the right direction.

451c48 No.1528787


Psalm 54:4

Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.


Psalm 56:9

Then my enemies will turn back when I call for help. By this I will know that God is for me.

Psalm 69:3

I am worn out calling for help; my throat is parched. My eyes fail, looking for my God.

2 Corinthians 6:2

For he says, “In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.

4f4b4b No.1528788

File: d5db8de5edb7aca⋯.jpg (98.75 KB, 507x700, 507:700, JEWSHILLLLNEWS.jpg)




i feel like muh jooss are shilling about this dumb signature,, it is obviously not the same paper

only fucking shill faggots would say it is the same and debate about for 48 hrs

fucking shills

ebab58 No.1528789


December is when my life changed also.

Was close to suicide.

Then had a complete awakening.

My outlook on life has changed immensely

c68a93 No.1528790



I'm not enjoying it in fact I'm getting sick of it. Sundance is fantastic. Hearing yet again how the Democrats and MSM are openly criminal and apparently cannot be stopped is getting old after all these years.

1e4949 No.1528791


any recordings of these explosions?

52826d No.1528792


>muh dossier


26a916 No.1528793

Why did Trump just delete and repost his letter to KJU on Twitter? Anyone have the delta?

https:// twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/999686062082535424

ecfbcb No.1528794


and he's fixed the spelling mistake.

af3e8a No.1528795

File: cd964f792e89ea2⋯.jpg (31.14 KB, 252x253, 252:253, Corsi.The.Shill.jpg)

cc7dde No.1528796


same here, anon. as awful as it sounds, I thank GOD Vegas happened. Or else I would have never found this place and woken up. Love to all you anons (no homo)

being awake is hard when everyone around you is still asleep.

22e673 No.1528797


In all likelihood, these booms are caused by wastewater injection associated with fracking activity (there is a wastewater injection site near the PA booms). If you follow earthquakes (e.g. dutchsinse), you will know that small earthquakes occur frequently near fracking sites. These may involve slippages or outright collapses of underground structures, causing booms and shaking the earth (modestly). It is, of course, possible, that there are other causes for some of the booms.

ebab58 No.1528798


You only get one chance to watch the movie. No replays.

Leave if ya want.

Choice has always been yours.

No refunds

23ca5a No.1528799

AJ simply fell for the public show like all other MSM…


Justice comes…


AJ/JC cant simply say they dont know…

Honestly, the inertia started from early Q drops until now was enough. What we have now from Q is clarifications and encouragement…

I think POTUS/Public have done there part.

It's now safe to know about 7th floor Deep State; If you look there is no media comedy or otherwise that doesnt talk about POTUS/Corruption/Deep state.

Potus specially useful for takeback of America?

He knows what he's doing.

3e9eab No.1528800

File: 6f27dd0ac0b7ab3⋯.png (580.88 KB, 720x921, 240:307, 20180524_172208.png)

Latest tweet. Is the letter same as original ?

26a916 No.1528801



69a52a No.1528802


The combination of Anons, agencies, spirit, and computers, working together toward a similar goal.

hive mind


a notional entity consisting of a large number of people who share their knowledge or opinions with one another, regarded as producing either uncritical conformity or collective intelligence.

"he has become one of those celebrities whose online presence has made him a favorite of the Internet hive mind"

(in science fiction) a unified consciousness or intelligence formed by a number of alien individuals, the resulting consciousness typically exerting control over its constituent members.

"there is a Borg Queen who controls the hive mind"

8f9942 No.1528803

File: 20398c2b3cb51c5⋯.jpg (126.93 KB, 736x920, 4:5, 1518015615672.jpg)


First of all, there were tons of news cycles yesterday. Second of all, many missed the point of the password reveal. These "predictions" aren't necessarily meant for us. Remember last week when Q said:

https:// 8ch. net/qresearch/res/1471619.html#1472440

Stop getting head-faked. Sit back, watch the movie, and correlate with crumbs.

3e5260 No.1528804


YES in the videos

574194 No.1528805

what spelling mistake

260473 No.1528806


Not exactly - more like a cadet with an attitude.

1749ce No.1528807






197d71 No.1528808

File: 3306cd75fca5916⋯.jpg (244.64 KB, 1000x1417, 1000:1417, normiesaredumb5.jpg)


This arrogant "know-it-al" also knows shit.

Doesn't bother to read.

https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/1086549.html

ebab58 No.1528809


God bless!

We will get through it anon!

We're almost there!

822c65 No.1528810


>Pence being best friends with that jackass Flake tells me everything I need to know!

Good point there. And true. No coincidence. Flake is horrible. And the thing that makes me laugh is he has already announced he wont seek re-election…and he is on his FIRST term haha

>Remember that dinner not long ago when POTUS was "joking", telling Pence, "I'm not going anywhere!" Yeah, he wasn't joking!

Makes me wonder if pence still thinks they can win, or if he is just hoping to escape with his pride

ecfbcb No.1528811


original tweet had Jung not Jong.

cc7dde No.1528812

Security troops on US nuclear missile base took LSD

Security troops on US nuclear missile base took LSD

Associated Press ROBERT BURNS,Associated Press 6 hours ago

Reactions Reblog on Tumblr Share Tweet Email

WASHINGTON (AP) — One airman said he felt paranoia. Another marveled at the vibrant colors. A third admitted, "I absolutely just loved altering my mind."

Meet service members entrusted with guarding nuclear missiles that are among the most powerful in America's arsenal. Air Force records obtained by The Associated Press show they bought, distributed and used the hallucinogen LSD and other mind-altering illegal drugs as part of a ring that operated undetected for months on a highly secure military base in Wyoming. After investigators closed in, one airman deserted to Mexico.

"Although this sounds like something from a movie, it isn't," said Capt. Charles Grimsley, the lead prosecutor of one of several courts martial.

A slipup on social media by one airman enabled investigators to crack the drug ring at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in March 2016, details of which are reported here for the first time. Fourteen airmen were disciplined. Six of them were convicted in courts martial of LSD use or distribution or both.

daef51 No.1528813

File: 1c8f40cd41eb3c4⋯.png (117.93 KB, 305x248, 305:248, lying.png)


Holy shit guys, Q is telling it straight. Watch the news TODAY. It is a veritable assault on the deepstate coordinated by /ourguys/.

Dont make this harder than it is:

There's at least ten articles breaking right now.. including:

-new Hillary emails

-the republican house resolution for a second special council

-FBI agents wanting to be subpoenad to testify against their corrupt bosses

-Kushner permanent security clearance granted

-FBI Agent Pientka to testify against McCabe corrupt Flynn probe

-NFL Anthem BTFO

-Obama former chief of staff coldly exploiting Sandy Hook for gun control (leaked emails hmmm)

-Halper linked to dossier

-SPYGATE! Trump on the maga offensive with articles everywhere (coordinated)

-Avenatti MIA (blamed on family "medical issues" kek)

-Caputo claims of second possible spy attempt in Trump campaign

-Twitter declared public forum!!! Huge for anti-censorship lobby

-Rudy G. flip-flop about Trump/Mueller interview

-Trump cutting aid to countries of illegal immigrants

- U.S. Military strikes on Syria (RT)

Don't miss the obvious. This is a YUGE counter narrative push foretold by Q. The pain.


183fdd No.1528814


Meet the new tweet. Same as the old tweet.

59ad4f No.1528815

POTUS said "The dialog was going really well with Kim Jung Un until recently, I think I understand why that happened."

Reporter ask: Why, what happened?

Potus: "I won't say, some day I'll give it to you, you can write about it in a book ."

451c48 No.1528816


I like Nunes for VP as well as the other anon. BUT - whoever gets the 2020 slot will need to be able to win in 2024.

d23564 No.1528817

How many unnecessary C Capitalizations in POTUS tweet? C-C-C?

China makes 3 predetermined plays to adjust the narrative? KJU changes mind after visiting China? China/Military Exercise? 1 more left?

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