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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Max image dimensions are 15000 x 15000.
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File: af4716b34464fb6⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1st.png)

d5ae68 No.1521792

Welcome To Q Research General

Vincit Omnia Veritas

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules)


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's Tripcode Change

Q's Tripcode change yesterday: Side-by-Sides explain >>1479521 , >>1479533 , >>1479660 , >>1479972

Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

PAST Tripcodes: !4pRcUA0lBE, !xowAT4Z3VQ, !2jsTvXXmXs [ Blacklisted see, >>>/patriotsfight/71 ]

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Thursday 05.17.2018

>>1449911 ----------------------- Messages sent

>>1449784 ----------------------- Guardian of the Pope

>>1449636 ----------------------- Space Shuttle Pic

>>1449191 ----------------------- Vegas Pic

>>1448841 rt >>1448660 ---- Pallet Pics

>>1448660 rt >>1448537 ---- Pallet Pics

>>1448537 rt >>1448466 ---- We are everywhere Anon

>>1448221 rt >>1448152 ---- Note the jackets

>>1448152 rt >>1448140 ---- London Pics

>>1448140 ----------------------- London Pics

>>>/patriotsfight/87 ------------ (deleted) see: >>1447680 , >>1458342

>>1445345 rt >>1445248 ---- >>>/patriotsfight/64

>>1445147 rt >>1444934 ---- As We Prepare To Land

>>1444934 rt >>1444808 ---- God Bless the United States of America

>>1444808 rt >>1444682 ---- Stay vigilant

>>1444682 rt >>1444632 ---- There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves


>>>/patriotsfight/85 ------------ ]SESSIONS[ Reels In Huber

>>1440925 ----------------------- Trump admin to provide F&F records

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1489607 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic


d5ae68 No.1521804

>>1521487 New [HRC] emails just released by the state dept GO


are not endorsements

Headline News: >>1504997 Second spy infiltrating Trump campaign; Former adviser: “This is just the beginning.”


>>1521042 More on Heather O Rourke: H. Michael Worthen, M.D. signed the death certificate.

>>1521071 Airkek Industries Update, >>1521524

>>1521132 Ed Buck: All For A Laurel, >>1521416

>>1521488 Michael B. Yanney, >>1521459

>>1521141 Pompeo Agrees:Chinese Sonic Attacks Similar To Cuban Sonic Attacks

>>1521365 Emails Show Obama Staff Mailing Excidedtly About Anti-Gun Agenda

>>1521373 Cohen Eats The Cake

>>1521474 Ed Buck (Laurel ave) lives 3.67 miles from Yanny & Smith law office.

>>1521492 Sigle - Cameron Mckenna Sigle: Part Of London's {Magic Circle} Lawyer District

>>1521599 dig

>>1521605 Israelis & Mueller Probe, >>1521615, >>1521622

>>1521644 Bill Tweets About Missing Presidents

>>1521677 Fly: Michael Avenatti, Vocal Anti-Trump, Amiss

>>1521752 Who Runs ACLJ?


>>1519198, >>1519978, >>1519621 → Could this CDAN blind be Stormy Daniels and Ed Buck? (Michael Avenatti & Adam Schiff the fixers)

>>1520264 Return Of The Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

>>1520284 [RR] delivers remarks at the Bloomberg Law Leadership Forum

>>1520276 Thoughtpiece On Pompeo

>>1520292 Tarrifs where they hurt most: ZTE Estimated To Have Lost $3.1 Billion From US Technology Ban

>>1520303 Big Merger News: Comcast/Disney In 'all-cash' Race For Fox

>>1520323 Definition Forum

>>1520339 SEKULOW: We Have Uncovered Thousands of Docs Showing Pay-to-Play Between Hillary State Department and Clinton Foundation

>>1520476 Possible intel drop.

>>1520519 5-23

>>1520597 M 2.7 Explosion - 15km E of Ely, Nevada"

>>1520569 Stephan Halper purchase order paid by DOD

>>1520623 FBI Agent at Mike Flynn Interrogation Is Ready to Testify Against McCabe, Strzok and Comey!

>>1520631 SpyGate Timeline (back to 2015) in 3 parts >>1520639, >>1520648

>>1520659 Connect It All

>>1520660 Ever Wonder Why They Made Him Order Pizza With Extra Cheese..? >>1520521, >>1520766 (Macaulay, Bro, if you are lurking here, we got your back, bro!!)

>>1520671 Happy 111 days after Freedom Day.

>>1520687 Q post January 14th. ALL FOR A BUCK

>>1520692 POTUS Words Before Marine One Departure

>>1520751 Jailbirds Like To Sing

>>1520752 Ronan Farrow Torches The Weinstein Castle

>>1520785 Re: Podesta dig in Notables, >>1516904 Erskine Bowles was a very busy man!

>>1520887 Bumbling Doctors Killed Heather O' Rourke, >>1520980, Death Certificate, >>1520944 NBC Story On The Subject

>>1520896 88 immigrants caught on route 77 towards Corpus Christi

>>1520905 Evening School

>>1520914 Fed to vote next week on rewriting Volcker Rule

>>1520950 Obama Hussein's fraudulent Social Security number?

>>1520973 The Moloch Sacrificial Pit On Epstein Island


>>1519458 Mysterious Sounds..

>>1519500 Families of Sandy Hook victims, FBI agent file defamation lawsuit against right-wing radio host Alex Jones

>>1519501 Sys Admins Warns The Globe

>>1519517 Kushner's security clearance restored, met with Mueller team a second time

>>1519524 HRC Tweets >>1519546 While Hiding?, >>1519840 Authors In HRC Tweet

>>1519525 Judge Rules No Blockings Allowed On Twitter. Does this include shadowbanning? Find out after, >>1519877

>>1519538 HRC’s state dept. on the eve of Benghazi

>>1519556 KJU invites “world media” to watch destruction of nuclear site

>>1519579 China Disinvited from Participating in 2018 RIMPAC Exercise

>>1519592 Israeli minister says U.S. may soon recognize Israel's hold on Golan (Oil)

>>1519609 "Cops say sex traffickers sell foster kids on the weekends", >>1519609 It's BAD

>>1519673 - FBI eyes Mexican Mafia control of Los Angeles County jails

>>1519766 Proof That Twitter’s Bot-Catching Algorithm Targets Trump Supporters — WITH VIDEO

>>1519776 Planefag updates, >>1520110, >>1520131

>>1519796 Sandy Hook Goes To College

>>1519804 Dangerous Times for Comey

>>1519900 Mysterious Death of CDC worker Timothy Cunningham is a big cover up

>>1519905 Government Gearing Up To Go After HRC/Comey/Lynch, >>1519915

>>1519913 The Woes Of Contemporary Journalists

>>1519920 5d Chess: Now Giuliani Says Trump Should Interview With Mueller

>>1519952 James Patterson & The London Eye

>>1519999 George Papadopoulos agrees with Robert Mueller to move to sentencing phase

>>1520047 Wikileaks to Trump: 0b0mb0 Already Spygated The French

>>1520067 The Clinton Foundation: The Favor Factory

>>1520075 Grassley Puts The Pressure On [RR], DEMANDING Strzok-page texts reading McCabes purchase of $70,000 Conference table.

>>1520125 HRC Narrative Of Today, The 23rd Of May

>>1520181 Food For Thought

>>1520196 Univision/Telemundo CEO Roundup & Jerry Perenichio Dies

>>1520211 From Your Reporter In The Field..

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

d5ae68 No.1521809

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas

>>1420554 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

d5ae68 No.1521811

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1509230

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1411389 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

>>1499677 Archive Update (not really sure where to put it)

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

*Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283



18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9 (updated to include baking without images instructions)

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954

d5ae68 No.1521826



e056aa No.1521838

EM starting a website to rank the "truthiness" of news orgs and reporters.


7e42b0 No.1521843


Who is the guy taking the picture out of the window?

0a6805 No.1521849

piss dossier habbening dump


When the troll piss dossier "leaked" to a slavering Rick Wilson by an inventive sockpuppet rchan/pollack who wrote it based on a reddit story, and it was passed all the way up to Wilson's 'friends in the CIA' and leaked out, Buzzfeed jumped the gun without checking facts and published it. Buzzfeed became the laughing stock of the internet once it was proved they had been trolled; they posted an apology and retracted the story, taking it down. But months later, after the 'piss dossier' was proved fake, after it had been removed from the web by an highly embarrassed Buzzfeed, the MSM still refers to it--and now points to it as part of the cause of having to spy on Trump.

I see we have to archive everything, because the MSM/deep state changes the story, and works hard to make people forget what actually took place. No wonder these corrupt politicians are writing books; in hope they can scrub the web later. We must be historians, anons.



140270 No.1521851

File: 92adc43a7e76110⋯.png (137.86 KB, 400x400, 1:1, baker carterrr.png)

File: b4e8cf61b4b4cdd⋯.jpg (156.49 KB, 405x720, 9:16, bakerrcasrterrr.jpg)


574538 No.1521858


Fuck Elon Musk and his faggot website

bdf7f2 No.1521860

Any update on FCC raid, or calling bullshit?

802f35 No.1521861

File: 1713faf9151ecfb⋯.png (141.69 KB, 337x480, 337:480, the_president_is_not_hilla….png)


cf96fb No.1521862

File: c7bf1f798da0ff0⋯.png (239.12 KB, 834x625, 834:625, GS.png)

7e0ab6 No.1521863


Error baked in notables… This type of "mistake" is a very strong indicator of AI.


28054a No.1521864

File: 5bf1d5f5156497b⋯.png (117.99 KB, 1080x632, 135:79, Screenshot_20180523-181239….png)

File: dd5150cb392bed7⋯.png (173.45 KB, 1080x1033, 1080:1033, Screenshot_20180523-181210….png)

Next move is Kg4.

3a9da2 No.1521865

File: 2ce3873cf4f1f3f⋯.jpg (74.85 KB, 576x768, 3:4, 2ce3873cf4f1f3f6a0b7a89d08….jpg)

TY BAKER My lady !!

2e5110 No.1521866

File: de8aa72f8c601f7⋯.png (493.35 KB, 829x562, 829:562, Zuckerperv.png)

Looks like Zuckerperv strikes again!

Send us your nudes: Facebook’s bizarre strategy for fighting revenge porn

“In a bid to combat online revenge porn, Facebook is now asking any worried users to send naked pictures of themselves to the social network to prevent them being shared publicly elsewhere on the company’s various platforms.”

“Uploaded photos will only be seen by "a very small group of about five specially trained reviewers" on Facebook's Community Operations Safety Team who will give the image a digital fingerprint using a scrambling method called hashing. The image will then be stored on a database, according to Newsbeat.”


I wonder if Killary sent her pics in yet?

28ac80 No.1521867

https:/ /m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1802424173168018&id=663775673699546


3a9da2 No.1521868


Now blonde

de052c No.1521869


who is that?

d5ae68 No.1521870


lmao suck my dick, faggot

4e14f4 No.1521871

>>1521850 (lb)

Is. this. REAL?

07ba48 No.1521872

File: 3ef6e979f1def6c⋯.png (411.32 KB, 728x408, 91:51, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75c64d6b44002f3⋯.png (62.32 KB, 491x396, 491:396, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bae25b33d3899e⋯.png (227.86 KB, 482x838, 241:419, ClipboardImage.png)


EXPOSED: Obama Advisors' Emails In Immediate Sandy Hook Aftermath Reveal Anti-Gun Agenda: 'Tap Peoples Emotions'

"Go for a vote this week asap before it fades. Tap peoples [sic] emotion. Make it simple assault weapons."

According to emails obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, first reported by The Baltimore Post, advisors to then-President Barack Obama immediately strategized how to exploit the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary school to push their gun control agenda. "Tap peoples [sic] emotions," Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel advised then-Education Secretary Arne Duncan on December 16, 2012, just two days after the massacre that left 26 dead. The victims' bodies were yet to be laid to rest.

The two discussed how they could exploit the tragedy to bring about their anti-gun agenda. "What are your thoughts?" Duncan asked Emanuel on an email with the subject line, "CT shooting."

"Go for a vote this week asap before it fades," replied Emanuel. "Tap peoples [sic] emotion. Make it simple assault weapons."

"Yup- thanks," replied the education secretary.

"When I did brady bill and assault weapons for Clinton we always made it simple. Criminals or war weapons," wrote back Emanuel.

Duncan then inquired about the so-called "gun show loophole" and other talking points to push on the public.

"Gun show loophole? Database? Cop-killer bullets? Too complicated?" he wrote.

"Cop killer maybe," answered Emanuel. "The other no."

"Got it," Duncan agreed.

Emanuel served as the Obama White House Chief of Staff from 2008 to January of 2009. Fittingly, the ruthless politico famously said, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste, and what I mean by that is, it's an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before." The murder of 20 children included, apparently.

Manhattan Institute senior fellow Max Eden called the immediate politicization of the tragedy "shameful."

Duncan has been under fire following the Parkland, Florida school shooting that transpired earlier this year, as the shooter's repeated bad behavior was reportedly swept under the rug due to a school program intended to close the gap in the racial disparity in public school disciplinary records, including criminal actions. Such a program was a model for the Obama Administration's infamous "Dear Colleague" letter in 2014 directing schools to do the same. As reported by The Daily Wire in April, the seemingly well-intentioned program has resulted in alleged rape, violence, murder, extreme bullying, and cover-ups.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos heard from proponents and opponents of the directive in April and is currently considering whether to rescind the measure.

Founders of parent and student advocacy group Parent2Parent Network, Nicole and Josh Landers, told The Daily Wire in a statement that the "email exchange demonstrates a shocking political conspiracy to draw upon an agenda rather than focus on the murders of 20 school children and 6 educators from Sandy Hook."

"Two days after this horrific shooting, the focus of their response was to manipulate people's emotions rather than supporting the families of the victims," the statement continued. "It is clear that Emanuel and Duncan do not care about students' lives, they only care about their gun control agenda and their image."

"It appears that former Secretary Duncan was and is using the gun control platform to deflect from his failed educational policies which have negatively impacted nearly 51 million students and over 3 million teachers nationwide," they added.


d50e02 No.1521873



78706a No.1521874

It says unite but how do you unite ghetto blacks?

2557a5 No.1521875


Only seeing it on yournewswire and some other junky space site Boo

e056aa No.1521876


Yeah its not good, hes already hinted at getting the snopes guy involved

6c22fb No.1521877

>>1521839 (LB)

Yay another special counsel! another 18 month shit storm ill stick with the theory of Huber no need for a special counsel (because if that's the case than FUCK THIS)

b2c3ca No.1521878

File: 93a8fa17a1d1e96⋯.jpg (67.56 KB, 700x394, 350:197, the-league-of-extraordinar….jpg)

File: 00029ca1b54251d⋯.jpeg (40.63 KB, 600x606, 100:101, 00029ca1b54251d5b4720fe0a….jpeg)

Q= Quatermain

The League of Extraordinary Gentelmen.. team of 7

so we know ;)

c78fd1 No.1521879

Baker …… NOTABLE……



23c1d8 No.1521880

File: cf6a4e896585e88⋯.png (444.03 KB, 826x590, 7:5, Joseph Yanny witch hunt.png)









Joseph Yanny from Yanny & Smith law office is the lawyer of pedophile teacher Robert Pimentel, who pleaded not guilty of abusing school kids at the George De La Torre Elementary School in Wilmington in 2013.

His sister called it a 'WITCH HUNT'...


We have to find the link between Joseph Yanny and Ed Buck (Laurel). There must be a connection. Cannot find yet if Yanny is Ed Buck's lawyer.

11e0f8 No.1521881

File: be55f11b9347333⋯.jpg (2.01 KB, 225x225, 1:1, FUCK.jpg)

bdf7f2 No.1521882


Righto, bullshit it is then.

b5c640 No.1521883

Yea, and I've got a slightly used, but like new, crashed UFO in my back yard for sale too!!!!

Mysterious death of CDC worker Timothy Cunningham ruled suicide by drowning: Medical examiner

https:// www.yahoo.com/gma/mysterious-death-cdc-worker-timothy-cunningham-ruled-suicide-150103841–abc-news-topstories.html

5a79fe No.1521884

File: e12818282f0218a⋯.png (134.62 KB, 1210x582, 605:291, raid.png)

a69c39 No.1521885

File: ee098ebc1c42253⋯.png (910.29 KB, 929x720, 929:720, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef8e9b52a6c358c⋯.png (913 KB, 977x708, 977:708, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59c57d8234d56da⋯.png (221.63 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Mr. Michael B. Yanney II

He served as a Director of Level 3 Communications Inc. from March 31, 1998 to October 4, 2011

3e29e9 No.1521886

574538 No.1521887

Guess the 23rd wasn't the answer to the Q password "leak" since there's not much news today. Another let down but at least things are picking up speed.

6c22fb No.1521888


Sauce or link to WL email drop?

de052c No.1521889



d50e02 No.1521890


Halper missing, Misfud missing.

seems like a pattern is developing.

2d7f3b No.1521891


Dan Scavino, Jr.

3a9da2 No.1521892


6 kids too ?? WTF

e9ebfa No.1521893

File: bdafb90adada71b⋯.png (246.76 KB, 491x394, 491:394, ClipboardImage.png)



I've seen this circulating already today, and it's the press conference group of 12 GOP congressmen (Jim Jordan, etc) from yesterday demanding 2nd special counsel. The audio is removed and replaced and that false headline is shopped over the top.

a5a41a No.1521894

File: b457602995d8ebe⋯.jpg (226.22 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, HRC.jpg)

You've seen this, I know, but I can't stop looking at the way she is dressed. What is she wearing?

c3a622 No.1521895


GITMO already?

4a0197 No.1521896



1d92a2 No.1521897


Any link between pimentel and buck?

6c22fb No.1521898


You assumed 23 meant to day not -23 as the password described )meaning in 23 days) look what happens in 23 days retard

866de3 No.1521899


Sounds very crazy. but the rockets (falcon 9, others) maybe it's for to open a Portal (Space-Earth)

5a58d4 No.1521900


Her mothers address (9727 Channel Rd., Lakeside CA) is not a very nice area. It's not a ghetto but Lakeside was at the center of meth production during the late 80's.

28054a No.1521901

File: 6279eebf081bd5e⋯.png (139.05 KB, 1080x696, 45:29, Screenshot_20180523-181755….png)

4b901a No.1521902


…and at least twice, Q signed off with Godfather lll instead of Godfather III. The first one has three letter L's.

14008f No.1521903


An Anon yesterday had ringing ears and a bad feeling that there was going to be the Mother of all Earthquakes today..

ef9d1f No.1521904

File: 496d7a71c953062⋯.png (380.75 KB, 600x446, 300:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ae6a7289c55311⋯.png (223.5 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

7e0ab6 No.1521905


How does one come out with that spelling? Adding an extra phonetically-related letter?

I'm just saying: that's the sort of thing AI does. Your awkward and abrupt response hardly makes you seem like a very credible person meanwhile.

0feaee No.1521906

Watch and get pissed.


'this' is the amount of insanity in the msm we're pushing back so hard against. 'this' is the type of shit we can expect to see targeting us, here.

cf96fb No.1521907

File: 435c5d7154238d3⋯.png (189.57 KB, 857x729, 857:729, Call list.png)

Call list: LdR and….Elie Wiesel? He's the holocaust survivor that wrote the books

4a0197 No.1521908


Maybe they nabbed him before the release of the info …

c63ec0 No.1521909

>>1521778 last fucking bread



14 3 20,8,5,16 13 minus 23


56 days from May 19th is July 14, 2018.

I would watch the fucking news on this day!

3a9da2 No.1521910


RETARDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07ba48 No.1521911

File: 62f02553ca14a9b⋯.png (293.96 KB, 619x836, 619:836, ClipboardImage.png)

574538 No.1521913


Never assumed anything stupid fuck, just was one of several potential answers re: 23.


c0076b No.1521914

File: a957e94df842845⋯.jpg (772.28 KB, 1712x1028, 428:257, SEINFELD AND DEMSAMEME.jpg)

File: 0a34c3e1c1f66b6⋯.jpg (736.98 KB, 1712x1028, 428:257, SEINFELD AND DEMSA BEST.jpg)

Thanks to the anon who offered a better choice of words, good stuff!

original and new meme

2d7f3b No.1521915


And the twit celeb that posted fake news is a Q hater…and rags on Anons quite a bit.

28054a No.1521916

File: 2252870a2803dc6⋯.png (126.96 KB, 1078x633, 1078:633, Screenshot_20180523-181941….png)

5beeb4 No.1521917

File: db36f65a3ad1f74⋯.jpeg (221.26 KB, 1440x1466, 720:733, Ddwk0fxU8AAB7EZ.jpg-large.jpeg)

File: 5c6e9670759e21e⋯.jpg (14.1 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 774bdfd34ed50299473e070e8b….jpg)

File: 50f6ee36ae71f7c⋯.jpg (89.45 KB, 747x683, 747:683, DcOYxoCV4AAEZjW.jpg)

39a04a No.1521918

>>> 1521219 (pb) bot check

I'll give it a test

Hannity, building seven, Military bases, Bin Salman, Shootout at Trump Hotel

0279c2 No.1521919


Who gives a fuck about this famefag.

d5ae68 No.1521920

File: 9178e0d758434f8⋯.jpeg (9.22 KB, 148x255, 148:255, 9178e0d758434f8f61d17d9fe….jpeg)


Have some Tits, Anon.

684ace No.1521921

File: 70120ca4f1b0d9d⋯.png (247.56 KB, 419x405, 419:405, bake-pepe-q1.png)

ty baker

d4af3d No.1521922


Is that Bar Harbor? That place looks FAMILIAR

3a9da2 No.1521923


Quite possible ANON !!! Closer to mid terms what state NOW DIG !!!

f624e3 No.1521924


A Hermes back/neck brace

23c1d8 No.1521925




Plz, continue digging, anons. This is important.

I have to go. It's 1.20am here…

8996ad No.1521926

File: dc64e5b54634a9a⋯.jpg (86.39 KB, 460x672, 115:168, cssetlogo.jpg)


Where have I seen that cassette before (pic related). Did you put that in there? I know ive seen that in my NXIVM digging somewhere. Ima go lookin.

574538 No.1521927


Maybe she's turning into her final demon form and has to hide it for awhile.

af8bf5 No.1521928


Give em THE ROPE !!!!!!

866de3 No.1521929


Alternative for YT?

bdf7f2 No.1521930

Anyone know which notable the mossad - ms13 - SR link is?

07ba48 No.1521931


Let go of the anger Anon, it's not the person it's the action you should be concerned with!


7e0ab6 No.1521932


Sadly, this board is infested with AI. It's extremely easy to tell (in many many cases) the AI posts. The entire system of propaganda and subversion strategies is extensive.

4b901a No.1521933

File: 826ab809afd76f7⋯.png (121.69 KB, 1026x505, 1026:505, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

File: dd2c1b14d26f8c0⋯.png (68.07 KB, 730x306, 365:153, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)


Q signed two of the posts with Godfather lll (L's). L3, get it? They're attached.

d5ae68 No.1521934

>>1521874 by baking bread!

28054a No.1521935

File: 9c45c561ad3cb07⋯.png (205.86 KB, 1080x1139, 1080:1139, Screenshot_20180523-182201….png)

0279c2 No.1521936


Anger? What anger?

He's a fucking famefag aligned with Blue Space Chicken psyop.

07ba48 No.1521937


He's on Steemit possibly???? Not sure

4496ce No.1521938



3e29e9 No.1521940


It's not open source.

bbc1d4 No.1521941


Who is this?

Is it one of those youtubers?

Tracy Beanz?

c3adcb No.1521942

File: 1a68f133216da4a⋯.png (494.68 KB, 690x781, 690:781, HillaryLost.png)

68225f No.1521943

28054a No.1521944

File: d616297eee7b465⋯.png (220.7 KB, 1080x1169, 1080:1169, Screenshot_20180523-182323….png)

c0076b No.1521945

File: ee08b39e061e155⋯.jpg (573.41 KB, 1712x1028, 428:257, SEINFELD AND DEMSA TEST.jpg)

d5ae68 No.1521947

File: 437d8caf45dff56⋯.jpeg (152.75 KB, 750x750, 1:1, i-see-you.jpeg)

448976 No.1521948



This should be dug.

a03cd6 No.1521949

File: d0d8e01462be78b⋯.png (228.76 KB, 790x837, 790:837, 1522614395711.png)


Very interesting reading thx for sharing.


Yea i remember that.

ef9d1f No.1521950

File: a20e216b0e3d188⋯.png (415.73 KB, 667x750, 667:750, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83ba8dbbfde584b⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1286x738, 643:369, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 477b52c6e03bc1c⋯.png (594.13 KB, 743x809, 743:809, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b9c1bc93bfae0a⋯.png (455.32 KB, 989x796, 989:796, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d736b98257cbe7a⋯.png (57.03 KB, 622x251, 622:251, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/disneys-bob-iger-hosts-hillary-913028

https:// www.politico.com/story/2016/11/haim-saban-hillary-clinton-donor-230711

http:// variety.com/2017/biz/news/hillary-clinton-haim-saban-dinner-los-angeles-1202424539/

http:// deadline.com/2018/05/disney-chairman-ceo-bob-iger-tweets-supporting-gun-control-in-wake-of-texas-shootings-1202394744/

https:// twitter.com/RobertIger/status/997814486206595077

5beeb4 No.1521951

>>1521866 Zuckerperv FB Wants Your Nudes


c4f599 No.1521952


are you dumz


abffc2 No.1521953


Whats L3?

07ba48 No.1521954


OLD not notable

7e0ab6 No.1521955


You're going to be extirpated. Time is running out. Your attempt at control has failed. Your efforts are becoming progressively less effective and more obvious. Futility and necessity are converging in a tightening circle. Out out out.

6c22fb No.1521956


so no way to prove…. if it is not open source how did you come across it?

04b0cd No.1521957

f8b83f No.1521958


Surprisingly, I've had NO ear ringing today. I usually have it all the time. Maybe my comms are down. lol

But seriously tho, I've been suspecting an earthquake since I saw an article last week about Nevada having drills for "mass evacuation" of So.Cal due to a massive earthquake.

06e481 No.1521959

a new meat suit


b0d77d No.1521960


echo "eat shit and die {$racialslur}!";

866de3 No.1521961


Now lack a New social media.

b2c3ca No.1521962

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKHjTXqtNxU

Q= Quatermain

aeed99 No.1521963


Notable notable notable

Get Rahm oval office pics with Obongo. Then meme the shit out of them with his own words.

Go go go go

574538 No.1521964

How nice for Goldman Sachs, making 200 million in one day off the biggest drop in Dow Jones history (2.5.18).

Must be nice to run the swamp.


6eb2cf No.1521965

File: 655e4a4bf8ea9c2⋯.jpg (58.63 KB, 500x335, 100:67, Hypo.jpg)


My first meme :)

7be93d No.1521966

File: ecb227c0485c9fa⋯.png (199.4 KB, 517x517, 1:1, Recon.png)


>German Air Force appear to be approaching Beijing. Should be on the ground in about 56 minutes if this is correct. Can another planefag monitor this please? Thanks.

I got here too late or else it's not on radar. Not found on ADSB or FlightRadar24. Sorry.

866de3 No.1521967


Now lack a New social media.

78706a No.1521968


sure would love to pop his car tires

cc195d No.1521969


Level 3 is now CenturyLink. Glen Post’s last day was today. He resigned after CTL purchased Level 3. Jeff Storey takes over for Glen. James Crowe was founder and former CEO. JC donated Level 3 network for local DNC in Colorado some time back.

8a8a5a No.1521970


a flak vest

d5ae68 No.1521971


which casette?

i've got a bombass mixtape coming, but that's for another day

a03cd6 No.1521972

File: 5eb5d733b75fc26⋯.jpg (38.27 KB, 382x379, 382:379, DY_5Zo-XUAI4kxp.jpg)


Looks like shes trying to get back into favor with her Zionist handlers. Its never the Jews goyim.

7e0ab6 No.1521973

FWIW, I'd bet money baker is AI. The use of a unique catchphrase may be part of the 'tacit consent tactics' that seem to be si important to the AI monster.

140270 No.1521974


0279c2 No.1521975


If it were really about the message, he'd do the same content without his name and face.

He's a famefag that puts ego over the message. Ergo, it's not about the message at all.

We the media here. Stop promoting these frauds.

2d7f3b No.1521976


Q already talked about this email.

Lurk the Q posts.

be3580 No.1521977


That's not in a 747, the roof curvature looks like too much for that.

04b0cd No.1521978


Welcome aboard Faggot!

af8bf5 No.1521979

File: 391d0ac2123caa6⋯.png (251.91 KB, 600x433, 600:433, Timeisrunningout.png)


Just a matter of time, Q will crush them all I think

d5ae68 No.1521980

File: 953926854ae05df⋯.png (924.69 KB, 1024x498, 512:249, 953926854ae05df3e581d4a257….png)


Ain't that something..

Welcome aboard!

866de3 No.1521981


Check Palantir

c63ec0 No.1521982


— this is an EM DASH, it symbolizes the letter M, the 13 letter.

Capital letters are:



This equals 66

add the letter M: 13

you get 79

Now subtract 23

You will get 56.

56 days, not 23.

Q never specifies the time, just to watch the news on that day.

July 14, 2018

Watch the news on THAT day!

1dc129 No.1521983

Victor Davis Hanson is spelling it out for the normies, Hanson style!


8ecda1 No.1521984



A fox on Fox.

e33136 No.1521985

File: 2dc25a350c912d3⋯.jpg (67.35 KB, 583x809, 583:809, capablancamate.JPG)



I love the analogy that match provides for this whole situation–essentially, 'winning against the established attack.'

ef9d1f No.1521986

File: ff9e33b70a2b3bf⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1000x562, 500:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff66597bf3a09ad⋯.png (531.65 KB, 984x755, 984:755, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3d990457cc5f9c⋯.png (4.58 MB, 2048x1395, 2048:1395, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c0c4607be15b6d⋯.png (110.64 KB, 505x172, 505:172, ClipboardImage.png)

http:// deadline.com/2018/05/hasbro-acquires-power-rangers-haim-saban-deal-1202380227/

a310f3 No.1521987

>>1520288 (from past bread)

>wild heart

I'm thinking Nicks was sweet to start and the music biz chewed her up and spit her out.

Sad . Really beautiful voice on this clip. Later not so much.

Wonder how she was recruited?

140270 No.1521988

File: 0537124606b4ae4⋯.png (816.27 KB, 933x761, 933:761, ClipboardImage.png)

7e0ab6 No.1521989


Look now bot, slow down our you'll start spilling secrets– you don't want to spill secrets. Don't spill secrets bot. Don't!

ee1d4d No.1521990

File: 328b04ce4308f2d⋯.png (213.47 KB, 1065x327, 355:109, For Staff Sergeant Inman 1.png)

File: 0a11575e110af7d⋯.png (22.51 KB, 468x88, 117:22, Anon Request to help Staff….png)

File: f5b988ceae5c335⋯.png (26.96 KB, 222x214, 111:107, Cody Inman Memorial Fund .png)

File: 709482582ba0a35⋯.png (25.15 KB, 705x86, 705:86, Hero wants to help .png)

FOR RaisedByHeroesANON FROM BREAD 1902

FOR RaisedByHeroesANON FROM BREAD 1902

FOR RaisedByHeroesANON FROM BREAD 1902, "I like to help families of heroes. I was raised in one."

Cody Inman Memorial Fund


a70fd8 No.1521991

FBI: Two of our spies are missing and everyone else has been fired…

585786 No.1521992

(Bread #1911)


Obama was a globalist plant, groomed in a number of countries by the various local branches of the C_A.

d78bc9 No.1521993


It's Marine One

7be93d No.1521994


You are very a foolish person.

Fuck off.

cc195d No.1521995


There was a predicting company L3 that existed and Level 3 ran into a few issues with using L3 for their company.

b5c640 No.1521996


great meme, I like it. Going to put it out there on Al Gores amazing web LOL

bb8a52 No.1521997

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


The problem is jewish/zionist-supremacy.

Listen to this amazing interview anon.

6c22fb No.1521998


Im not talking about Q I think the email content is the truth, but the email if not open source how did an anon get it use logic you fuckwit, if Q has it, it is classified information at this point just because you agree with something doesn't make it true, it is valid point if not open source how did an anon come across it?

0afa7f No.1521999

Hah! They literally just claimed that public figures can't block, aiming it at Trump, but by extension that includes Obama, Brennen and others. Lets get them to ban us, then we sue for infringing our first amendment rights. We'd win now that there's precedent

76cfe4 No.1522000


This makes more sense than ever with Mrs. Ore. Long dash in Morris code is T so T-23 or T minus 23

a69c39 No.1522001


Got it…. this dude is powerful he is in to every thin from agriculture to child healthcare to communication networks

a5f96d No.1522002

Avatar: gold eyed blue skinned people fighting a military with characterization of redneck white trash (see plinkets review) over a connected network under a tree that you upload and download everything to. So much to explain….

And that chrome logo…. i have so many things im looking forward to teaching when i get a computer and can do my infographics again on edraw… im talking a giant database to peruse logo changes and senator names and movie imagery…. soon…. i hope

4496ce No.1522003


Whatever you say comey

8996ad No.1522004


The one I circled in the image in yellow. That cassette is a logo for something. I was doing endless hours diggin into NXIVM last night, and I know I saw that cassette. Its a logo for something. Im trying to find it.

4378de No.1522005

do i really need this distraction of a burning Q on here? is it cool? yup. but it's a fucking distraction. i vote thumb down.

c6daa9 No.1522006

Love the Q static background - but it's driving me nuts. Can we lose it?

af8bf5 No.1522007


I like this guy he is hardcore we need that. too many pussy soyboys listen to the feminists .

1d92a2 No.1522008

Joseph Yanny was a LA lawyer who had some big problems with the church of scientology.


cc195d No.1522009


I hate phones. Level 3 was NOT allowed to use the L3 symbol on official documents because the L3 company was already using that.

e9ebfa No.1522010


>L3 = Level3 = Centurylink

Wholesale network service provider. Interconnects with all the Internet major players globally.


173555 No.1522011

Is this what we were waiting for today?


07ba48 No.1522012


I'm not promoting anyone, I'm merely showing the board that more content providers who are sympathetic to OUR cause are being removed from YT.

7e0ab6 No.1522013


I don't see any reason to react angrily. Do you think AI DOESN'T make that kind of "error"? I've often observed it. How about you?

7be93d No.1522014

File: 3395257958ac71e⋯.jpg (235.81 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, DoYouTrustFacebook3.jpg)

File: 4d3dd90ddfd57f9⋯.jpg (134.54 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, DoYouTrustFacebook2.jpg)

File: 9294191ee4c2385⋯.jpg (258.63 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FacebookAdmits1.jpg)

File: 7deaf6608f977b6⋯.jpg (239.09 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FighCensorship-Facebook2.jpg)

File: 0345c88ea08b86b⋯.jpg (214.41 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, FightCensorship-Facebook31.jpg)


They have other perv problems too.

894e3c No.1522015


The original tweet told you exactly what aircraft that was.

83b3d5 No.1522017

I had an interesting spotting today…

Every day I walk to work, I go down this kind of one way street and on it is a Bank of X Country Federal building, It's a smaller center. Not even a million people.

Every day between 750-8am a Brinks/Armoured truck makes a drop off/pick up, I see it almost every day of the week if I'm not late.

Today it's ride height in the back was maybe 1/2 inch - 1 inch off of the back tire. The truck usually has 3-5 inches of space when empty…. As confirmed by pics looking at the trucks now. Cash doesn't weigh enough to weigh that truck down.

On top of that, it left today at 11:45am as I was going walking for lunch, I've never seen it at that time coming or going…. I should gave glanced at the plate to see if it was the same.

How long does it take to unload a truck with pallet jacks and bunch of heavy precious metal? A couple hours..?

Last week there was also additional security around (I've never seen that before in 3 years)

af8bf5 No.1522018

File: 8795ac6eeb1ecfe⋯.png (12.62 KB, 161x255, 161:255, 1b5e29e5473100cd4b38b8c92d….png)

File: 3741cf1a29716b6⋯.jpg (18.99 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 4ad14d663826edaeff8555d822….jpg)

File: c7e4d68abc08004⋯.jpg (17.76 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 8f5ba10aa016e84aff5d903ca7….jpg)

File: 2111aec5c653749⋯.png (7.17 KB, 198x255, 66:85, b326545447df7fa82d2d8d360a….png)

File: ab7f4aaff01853b⋯.png (13.81 KB, 197x255, 197:255, ba57d615006cfc2e17da1827b9….png)



23c1d8 No.1522019



Yanny is spelled without an 'e'.

0279c2 No.1522020


He didn't even vote for Trump.

He's on bitchute. Ergo, not a problem. YT is facing a class action.

525641 No.1522021

Kansas – Congressional Hearing

Watched carefully. Talk re: Russia 2016 election interference. Pompeo absolutely agrees and says much more to be done & there can never be enough to guard against vote meddling. Thinking this is precursor to clamping down across the board in mid-terms to prevent illegal & fraudulent domestic voting….due to muh Russia.

As always, brilliant part of The Plan – Thank Q !!

04b0cd No.1522022

File: 09f2d5bb5b96cda⋯.jpeg (147.71 KB, 1440x756, 40:21, 1524518402.jpeg)

fdb9ed No.1522023

File: 71f3032b0fe57b5⋯.jpg (62.02 KB, 628x667, 628:667, wh twit ms13 5 23 18.JPG)

President Donald J. Trump is Dedicated to Combating MS-13

Issued on: May 23, 2018


11e0f8 No.1522024


>Have adblocker

>Never see shit

07ba48 No.1522025

File: 20bc1312ec63062⋯.png (361.54 KB, 509x394, 509:394, ClipboardImage.png)

f6004e No.1522026

>>1521780 (lb)


hahahahaha, brilliant.

140270 No.1522027

File: a16d753ac7a7427⋯.png (345.24 KB, 1880x1302, 940:651, a16d753ac7a7427fc07f505379….png)


4378de No.1522028



3db135 No.1522029

File: 2ee3034bcd0f5c2⋯.png (137.93 KB, 337x480, 337:480, BC-Book-Winning.png)

File: ac689e5b723e111⋯.png (133.75 KB, 337x480, 337:480, BC-Book2.png)

File: 3f23e63e3f806d3⋯.png (148.22 KB, 337x480, 337:480, BC-Book3.png)

File: 77f09dc356a60f3⋯.png (116.13 KB, 337x480, 337:480, BC-Book4.png)

File: f665f64b38af73a⋯.png (122.18 KB, 337x480, 337:480, BC-Book5.png)

94a9df No.1522030

File: 7c75340d97b32b6⋯.jpg (113.21 KB, 1014x570, 169:95, Qg47L4S5g4.jpg)

File: b4736e85df83d5b⋯.jpg (100.51 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, QQ7L4S.jpg)

7e0ab6 No.1522031


Lack of creativity is a very serious handicap for AI. It shows in the posts.

de052c No.1522032

File: 2cf8315bbc099a9⋯.png (72.58 KB, 1174x256, 587:128, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's a link between Buck and the L.A. Unified School District where Pimental worked. He donated to someone running for school board at some point.


be3580 No.1522033


Marshall Gambit wasn't established at the time, in fact that game was the first time it was ever played. I'd say it was more like "winning against something that had enough to it, that it would later become established".

3db135 No.1522034

File: 600eb8e1bbaacc8⋯.png (122.03 KB, 337x480, 337:480, BC-Book-Not-Hil1.png)

File: ed769b809ec8ef8⋯.png (116 KB, 337x480, 337:480, BC-Book-Not-Hil2.png)

File: 4e80e1446a3d059⋯.png (133.63 KB, 337x480, 337:480, BC-Book-Not-Hil3.png)

File: 9d923265fa09bc4⋯.png (153.07 KB, 337x480, 337:480, BC-Book-Not-Hil4.png)

a03cd6 No.1522035

File: 88115233348beb8⋯.png (255 KB, 650x832, 25:32, noratoiv90589034503.png)

Heres an interesting new name that keeps popping up in the Hillary emails. Literally no skills still works in State Dept today.

(((Nora Toiv)))


f8b83f No.1522036



I'm not seeing anything…

2d7f3b No.1522037


I saw it over a year ago on 4ch…WL was asked about it.

They said they didn't release.

Q was asked about it.

Q responded that it wasn't open source.

Speculation is it might be one of the Podesta's that wasn't released…or it is a generated fake to cause a reaction.

And, your mom's a fuckwit.

cf96fb No.1522038

File: e6b1014477bdff6⋯.png (76.13 KB, 764x380, 191:95, Gates.png)

File: ff40413ecede6a6⋯.png (108.24 KB, 789x615, 263:205, NBAcommiss.png)

File: 5cd766e4aa1ddfa⋯.png (64.62 KB, 764x463, 764:463, noname.png)

5cac52 No.1522039


KEK…TY ShoopFag Anon

c58bc5 No.1522040

File: 35f9a761f3c818a⋯.png (86.42 KB, 972x378, 18:7, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

af8bf5 No.1522041


(((THEY))) know Q is coming to get them. GULP !!! PANIC MODE (((JIDF))))

4496ce No.1522042

File: cd964f792e89ea2⋯.jpg (31.14 KB, 252x253, 252:253, Corsi.The.Shill.jpg)

100a5a No.1522043

Mueller will interview Trump because Trump is a witness.

0279c2 No.1522044

a1628c No.1522045

File: 5db37ff45270b41⋯.jpg (2.6 MB, 4504x4448, 563:556, Q Map Graphic 23.jpg)




Q Graphics all in GMT Update

Hi Baker, this post replaces >>1509230 Q Graphics all in GMT #23 seen here >>1521811

Please update the dough.

Godspeed Baker/s

af8bf5 No.1522046


Eh Give her the rope too , Im feeling generous today .

c58bc5 No.1522047

File: 910a9d615b5ef07⋯.png (79.02 KB, 1137x254, 1137:254, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

e32876 No.1522048

File: 2cc8ecb56f9423c⋯.jpg (496.04 KB, 1080x1434, 180:239, Screenshot_20180523-182122.jpg)

File: 319f5f7b7850beb⋯.jpg (581.24 KB, 1072x1525, 1072:1525, Screenshot_20180523-182143.jpg)

File: b337b831f6090ba⋯.jpg (547.92 KB, 1079x1549, 1079:1549, Screenshot_20180523-182220.jpg)

File: c1aab20be76259e⋯.jpg (346.06 KB, 1078x465, 1078:465, Screenshot_20180523-182240.jpg)

File: d9d9aba1fcf6033⋯.jpg (483.19 KB, 1053x1476, 117:164, Screenshot_20180523-182404.jpg)


Another London meeting. This timed with wiener laptop. Is this the meeting in London with the pics?

d5ae68 No.1522049

File: 4bbbf5747bad6b7⋯.jpg (46.4 KB, 479x275, 479:275, 2_drawings_straightened.JPG)


shitposts, but ignores the obvious..


flames wont save you this time!


af8bf5 No.1522050


You do a great job map anon thank Q

6c22fb No.1522051


My bet is on generated fake no way something like that is leaked if not open source it is 9 times out of 10 fake, Until Q releases the actual email my bet is on its fake and gay

311957 No.1522052


nice find

a1628c No.1522053


*taking a bow* ;)

d5ae68 No.1522054

File: a9baf21b9b80da2⋯.jpeg (128.57 KB, 800x483, 800:483, semaforo.jpeg)


Soon it will come to you in a dream..

7e0ab6 No.1522055


Since every attempt you make at banter comes off as the most tired and routine cliche, you might be better off just remaining silent. I doubt you're fooling anyone.

4378de No.1522056


maybe it's your theme. but i say fuck it after this. big burning Q distracts the eye from posts.

94a9df No.1522057

File: b266c6ad8fa2321⋯.jpg (85.53 KB, 602x536, 301:268, givemethebreak.jpg)

72ffe1 No.1522058



4b901a No.1522059

File: d3c73c55eb54310⋯.jpg (629.33 KB, 1893x1231, 1893:1231, Level_lll_Michael_Yanney1.jpg)


Here it is in a graphic.

f8b83f No.1522060


By Nevada, I mean Arizona. lol


07ba48 No.1522061


Props Brother love your work!

224e52 No.1522062


Excellent, as always, GraphicsAnon.

Not the current Baker, but I'm a fan nonetheless.

Keep up the good work.

94a9df No.1522063

File: 00d949125039917⋯.jpg (286.86 KB, 1024x1021, 1024:1021, JohnnyConstipato.jpg)

b8560c No.1522064



1d92a2 No.1522065

Joseph yanny represented vagos motorcycle gang. Interesting comment about f i interviewing clowns in Las Vegas.


76a11e No.1522066


Y head

4378de No.1522067


yep >>1522036

turned on dark theme and gone.

7e0ab6 No.1522068


Would you agree that bot bakers are a problem that keeps cropping up? And as result, we need to be vigilant?

36c14d No.1522069

Couple things anons. Trump hasn't gone to the UK, wondering why.

Two, did anyone else notice he said in his talk at the rally for life that big things coming in Nov.? Do you think that is when the round up of the perps will go down?

5a79fe No.1522070

File: 5153896fa9e6322⋯.png (1.83 MB, 2098x1088, 1049:544, l3 02.png)

File: 27449b3c4ca2de3⋯.png (141.38 KB, 1184x738, 592:369, l3 01.png)

a1628c No.1522071



Awe, you guys. Thanks :)

3a9da2 No.1522072


STFU !!!!!

04b0cd No.1522073

File: 28345fbc4a24fb5⋯.png (11.55 KB, 178x255, 178:255, 7840e6bc892058e3529be72c7b….png)


Don't forget this classic!

4496ce No.1522074


I thought i was a (((muh AI)))

7be93d No.1522075

File: fdfe78be2f0fedc⋯.jpg (524.26 KB, 1170x650, 9:5, DrainSwamp1.jpg)

File: 093355904afb597⋯.jpg (191.52 KB, 1024x537, 1024:537, DrainSwamp2.jpg)

File: b06cca0e46bc367⋯.jpg (365.34 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, DrainTheSwamp1.jpg)

File: 0a69ed6a359483f⋯.jpg (179.38 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DrainTheSwamp2.jpg)

3aa1d8 No.1522076

>>1521358 (lb)

>Can NSA be considered as part of military?

If you mean a part of the DOD/Dept. of Defense, yes

684ace No.1522077

File: bf45d44730501f7⋯.png (110.29 KB, 419x397, 419:397, police-pepe-love.png)

We love our police pepes. Unity, not division

c58bc5 No.1522078

File: c76ccd447a376f6⋯.png (25.09 KB, 690x101, 690:101, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)


is rachel chandler related to a mark?

c3adcb No.1522079

File: d8b1e3158f70fed⋯.png (247.5 KB, 524x500, 131:125, candyfrombaby.png)

f5f229 No.1522080

File: 0df74e05bf71b65⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 3143x2234, 3143:2234, WakeUpJeff.jpg)

68225f No.1522081

76a11e No.1522082

File: dcf1f55582dd4f1⋯.jpeg (352.47 KB, 1242x2007, 138:223, 753C1703-3540-498A-A18F-3….jpeg)

71ae6d No.1522083


Are there any laws regarding people like Soros who are not elected and yet try to influence policy? This guy uses his money to influence, and not necessarily for good. There has to be some way we can take him out of the picture.

c63ec0 No.1522084



2d7f3b No.1522085


I have always thought the same…generated..and put out there for a reason…

68225f No.1522086


Put Gannett on the newspaper he's reading.

11e0f8 No.1522087

File: 309a95d8839bd79⋯.jpg (149.98 KB, 818x818, 1:1, No rest for patriots.jpg)

bb8a52 No.1522088

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


You heard his interview with NBC?

It's amazing too.

94a9df No.1522089

File: fab1fcafb871a23⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1280x850, 128:85, mgibsonhwd.png)

a310f3 No.1522090

File: 2ad2b060461f467⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 2592x1456, 162:91, breadofegypt3.jpg)



I got one too. Like that one. And it stole the Y O U from the post. I wonder why and how.

But I actually read meaning into it and replied. In my imagination it was a good post.


It might pass the Turing Test every so often, by accident? Syntax looked very queer though.

Maybe they try out new bots today?

8eaef5 No.1522091

File: 18e8bfce64be56b⋯.jpg (502.57 KB, 2792x1172, 698:293, skyeventbreakmsm.jpg)

Do we know if POTUS stopped by Singapore during his Asia trip? Looked like he was pretty close. Could the anon that made this assumed the shortest distance? Is there a planefag that could look into records?

I'm trying to prove POTUS and Kim already met there back in NOV.

cc105a No.1522092

File: 08ab7def07c5d32⋯.jpg (130.71 KB, 1125x1131, 375:377, Dd4ZQYGU0AAu1e4.jpg)

File: 57769d81ce804f5⋯.jpg (97.65 KB, 1079x758, 1079:758, Dd6OlqYV0AA5nGv.jpg)

Those who REEEEEEEE! the loudest…..

7e0ab6 No.1522093


It wouldn't surprise me in the least. Are you?

Given the fact that AI is almost exclusively restricted to expressing itself according to cliched templates, it's pretty easy to tell. You can't post anything that will make it plain as day you're an actual human. You just repeat stock phrases, poses, arguments, and attitudes.

3a9da2 No.1522094


Why hasnt someone taken him out yrs ago ?? Wanna make me a millonaire >>?? ill handle it

af8bf5 No.1522095

File: 12769b458c03853⋯.jpg (15.25 KB, 255x219, 85:73, e43e8472c4b394cf248735ca7c….jpg)



af8bf5 No.1522096



4f7335 No.1522097



My first meme :)>>1521979


Awesome, first post on Q board as well… Been following 6 months. I dont do social media so please share!

c58bc5 No.1522098

File: bd01ca53537889b⋯.png (149.77 KB, 1078x605, 98:55, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

71ae6d No.1522099


These are very interesting. It's the between the lines information that stands out.

Thanks for sharing anon.

8eaef5 No.1522100

File: 18e8bfce64be56b⋯.jpg (502.57 KB, 2792x1172, 698:293, skyeventbreakmsm.jpg)

File: 2487e6f3c4f3613⋯.png (548.96 KB, 1087x803, 1087:803, SidebyAsiaTripHI.png)


adding POTUS trip

5a48ac No.1522102

https:// www.wilsoncenter.org/article/wilson-center-honors-michael-yanney-and-ambassador-james-collins

https:// thefallen.militarytimes.com/army-pfc-jonathan-c-yanney/4251134/

91fe92 No.1522103

File: 2b4ce40a9735401⋯.png (402.97 KB, 791x577, 791:577, london_mccabe.png)

File: aa306425edbd2c6⋯.png (824.22 KB, 742x785, 742:785, london_podesta.png)

I was reading this thread asking WHY McCabe was in London right before the election.


Then I remembered Podesta was ALSO in London, 2 weeks before the election.

Why the hell was the Hillary CAMPAIGN MANAGER going to London during this critical time?


It wasn't the same time. Podesta was there Oct 21… McCabe was there Oct 27-30.

fdb9ed No.1522104

More (((LOUDEST)))


Pelosi, Schumer Call Trump ‘The Swamp.’ Combined, They’ve Spent More Years In Office Than Trump’s Been Alive


7be93d No.1522105

File: 8b94019147c619f⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1801x605, 1801:605, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99df623200882aa⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1820x793, 140:61, ClipboardImage.png)


We've got a convoy over PA. XTNDR73 is most likely a refuelling tanker. The other 2 planes are flying together on the same course with it.

I haven't seen this before.

71ae6d No.1522106


Foocktards were running the Clinton Foundation out of the State Department.

Fooking sick.

65a5a9 No.1522107

Lots of emails between Huma and Doug Band (TENEO)

Should ring some bells anons


140270 No.1522108

File: a7e203703a25a1b⋯.jpg (139.16 KB, 729x494, 729:494, a7e203703a25a1bb1a0f3553f8….jpg)



7e0ab6 No.1522109


Are you a bot?

585786 No.1522110

File: 1ab42149c854e11⋯.jpg (38.37 KB, 333x500, 333:500, BOOKTheSenseOfBeingStaredA….jpg)

(Bread #1911)


>...really gross, dread-y feeling for a few minutes now, more so than normal. Like eyes watching....


>...same feel since I was 17 years old....


>I've had it my whole life, but it's hitting Hard right now.


>i tried burning my whole field of fucks…

>but that shit like weeds

It might go further back, but I remember a particular event when I was eleven.

I saw a book title years ago, it had a different cover but it might have been this, never read it.

4378de No.1522111

Noah. Where are you?

David? Are you awake?

ab5935 No.1522112


personal flotation device?

bb8a52 No.1522113

File: 1804476f39f90ef⋯.png (1.57 MB, 2255x3190, 41:58, Unite_Against_Jewish_Supre….png)




4496ce No.1522114


beep boop beep boop I am human, beep boop beep kekkling boop beep

bbdaab No.1522115


Where have you been? you don't think the GOP press announcement wasn't BIG News. Telling normies that Bill, Hill, Comey, McCabe are going down. Mentioning receiving bribes, uranium one… there was so much.

Catch up bro…

bdf7f2 No.1522116

File: 9ce244f6231db38⋯.png (108.99 KB, 1804x585, 1804:585, brennanSR.PNG)

File: 14bebbbd57a0d16⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1527x1012, 1527:1012, restoftheworld.png)


8996ad No.1522117


No I found it. Im building a graphic.

be3580 No.1522118


Was it heavy going to the local bank or coming from it?

65a5a9 No.1522119

File: ea3855e639aeb60⋯.png (178.59 KB, 326x282, 163:141, ClipboardImage.png)


Released by Jay Sekulow.

aeed99 No.1522120


His father was a (((newswriter))).

78706a No.1522121


got to deport jews to have unity tbh

c3adcb No.1522122

File: 88cfc7b42a56645⋯.jpg (183.37 KB, 800x869, 800:869, 1526976538256.jpg)


Little is pretty awesome.

44c8ba No.1522123

Nice Q CM.

1d5710 No.1522124

File: 190fa043cbf3bac⋯.png (326.32 KB, 1170x901, 1170:901, ClipboardImage.png)


http:// thebaltimorepost.com/former-white-house-staff-emails-reveal-private-thoughts-amid-one-of-the-nations-most-horrific-school-tragedies/

Former White House staff emails reveal private thoughts amid one of the nation’s most horrific school tragedies


When tragedy struck a Newtown, Connecticut community five and a half years ago, an unimaginable nightmare unfolded while the country looked on in horror.

Heavily armed, 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot his way through a plate glass window adjacent to the entrance of Sandy Hook Elementary School, stoically proceeded down a hallway, and systematically took the lives – one by one – of 20 first graders and six school personnel with a Bushmaster Model XM15-E2S rifle.

But even before victims were laid to rest after their fatal shootings, former U.S Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel exchanged messages on how to frame the tragedy, politically.

During a roughly 10 minute period, the native Chicagoans exchanged seven messages two days following the massacre, in which Mayor Emanuel, who had previously served as President Barrack Obama’s chief of staff, advised Secretary Duncan on what position he should take on the Sandy Hook shootings.

At 6:57PM EST on December 16, 2012, Duncan wrote to Emanuel in a message titled “CT shootings.”

Duncan asked the Chicago mayor, “What are your thoughts?”

Five minutes later, Emanuel responded, “Go for a vote this week before it fades. Tap peoples emotion. Make it simple assault weapons.”

Duncan responded immediately, “Yup- thanks.”

“When I did brady bill and assault weapons for clinton we always made it simple. Criminals or war weapons,” Emanuel said in the email to Duncan.

“Gun show loophole?” Duncan responded. “Database? Cop-killer bullets? Too complicated?” he said.

“Cop killer maybe,” Emanuel responded. “The other no.”

The exchange ended when Duncan concluded with, “Got it.”

Two days after the Sandy Hook massacre, the former education secretary and the sitting mayor of Chicago were already discussing a national strategy.

550079 No.1522125


>>1522110 It's called simply "The Fifth"

7e0ab6 No.1522126


You haven't posted a thing that isn't standard bot fare. So I would hardly bet money on your humanity.

Assuming, for the sake of argument, you WERE a bot, what secrets would you spill?

ab5935 No.1522128


five eyes connection?

or just assuming she'd win and setting things up ahead of time?

c5ab53 No.1522129

Levin is playing the Deliverance song while playing a clip of Morning Joe rambling on. Said that it was probably he and his wife's wedding song.

c1b0dc No.1522130


Holy shit guys, Q is telling it straight. Watch the news TODAY. It is a veritable assault on the deepstate coordinated by /ourguys/.

Dont make this harder than it is:

There's at least ten articles breaking right now.. including:

-new Hillary emails

-the republican house resolution for a second special council

-FBI agents wanting to be subpoenad to testify against their corrupt bosses

-Kushner permanent security clearance granted

-FBI Agent Pientka to testify against McCabe corrupt Flynn probe

-NFL Anthem BTFO

-Obama former chief of staff coldly exploiting Sandy Hook for gun control (leaked emails hmmm)

-Halper linked to dossier

-Trump on the maga offensive with articles everywhere

-Avenatti MIA (blamed on family "medical issues" kek)

-Caputo claims of second possible spy attempt in Trump campaign

-Twitter declared public forum!!! Huge for snti-censorship lobby

Don't miss the obvious. This is a YUGE counter narrative push foretold by Q. The pain.

894e3c No.1522131


Sure… sure… kill Cobain, now bitch about the president. Your current band sucks.

7be93d No.1522132

File: 2494f2821ffcd69⋯.jpg (162.08 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DreamersToo1.jpg)

File: b31e61bf3b75ac0⋯.jpg (151.79 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DreamersToo3.jpg)

File: cea83542cd91b17⋯.jpg (205.12 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DreamersToo4.jpg)

File: 5df464eeb681774⋯.jpg (296.93 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DreamersToo5.jpg)

File: a7cf488387a6a2d⋯.jpg (194.41 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DreamersToo8.jpg)

311957 No.1522133

After the MSM has not choice but to admit OBOMO SPIED,,,then next big awakening will be when they find out WHY they spied…it was not to win an election, it was to keep ANYONE from finding out all the crimes they committed over the past decades…it will be glorious

cf96fb No.1522134

File: 490c1b31d4006d4⋯.png (190.92 KB, 1293x487, 1293:487, Turkey PM.png)

550079 No.1522135


In the Lap of luxury as usual.

be3580 No.1522136


I don't see a reason to believe Brennan isn't Muslim. There are anti-Jewish factions in Israel too. For example "Jewish Voice for Peace" would be happy if Jews were wiped from the earth.

59bbcb No.1522137

New Potus Tweet


Follow Follow @realDonaldTrump


Thank you to all of the incredible law enforcement officers and firefighters in Bethpage, New York. Keep up the great work!

802f35 No.1522138


it could be cleaner…. if the spirit moves me later… I"ll make the text tighter

2377e2 No.1522139

File: b8381b747f06f8f⋯.png (355.34 KB, 1673x421, 1673:421, 977090909.png)

550079 No.1522140


Gotta take CNN anchors out. MOAB !They will NOT let the truth out no matter what. Its Stormy,Stormy Stormy till the end of time.

bb8a52 No.1522141

File: 72bfbfed13920aa⋯.png (640.23 KB, 1644x2326, 822:1163, 1526853991512.png)



He is.

His campaign staff is 100% volunteers!

91fe92 No.1522142


Huma was actually working for Teneo and the State Dept AT THE SAME TIME.

They actually gave her permission to do that.

So yeah, I would expect some communications.

abffc2 No.1522143

If i hear about Hussein and his husband starting their netflix show or HRC and her speeches… im going to be sick. If those MB evil sick fucks air their show even one episode I am going to completely give up.

3d842c No.1522144


I was going to go with her big fat ugly mug and keep the title the president is missing.

550079 No.1522145


be3580 No.1522146


It's in semi-upstate NY, maybe Dutchess County. I remember that, she went to an expensive ($600 / night sticks in my mind) resort to lick her wounds and whatever, after losing.

4b901a No.1522147

File: e072c2761b75fe8⋯.jpg (682.03 KB, 1893x1231, 1893:1231, Level_lll_Michael_Yanney3.jpg)

Adding more to the Michael Yanney/Level 3 graphic. This includes an NSA connection of being accused of tapping Google and Yahoo data centers, which Level 3 denied.

fdb9ed No.1522148

Nigel Farage Gets Spicy With Mark Zuckerberg…

[VIDEO at link]

“Who decides what’s politically acceptable, Mr Zuckerberg? Stop telling us Facebook is a ‘platform for all ideas’ when the evidence shows your algorithms censor conservative opinions.”

European Parliament, Brussels, 22 May 2018


Social Media Bill of Rights

f8b83f No.1522149

File: 469446cc12b560e⋯.png (212.71 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)



b0d77d No.1522150


Your mom gives a great soapy titty fuck and your dad's asshole tastes like pickle Pringles.

4c779e No.1522151

File: de61678d10470d7⋯.png (23.73 KB, 581x193, 581:193, Screenshot 2018-05-23 at 6….png)

Twatter's day is coming soon. I hope they hang that little faggot for taking away my first amendment …God, I can't wait

d5ae68 No.1522152

File: 03c7b4f7784e2e2⋯.jpg (32.64 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 03c7b4f7784e2e22b49eb36fd6….jpg)



Awesome jOB!

de052c No.1522153

File: 39c434f5bd8991b⋯.png (743.44 KB, 856x850, 428:425, ClipboardImage.png)

9a76af No.1522154

File: da1dc9d488cee02⋯.jpg (117.13 KB, 683x488, 683:488, 2aonh3.jpg)

78706a No.1522155


put a bounty on their heads and see how fast they flee the country

bdf7f2 No.1522156


Maybe so, but how about Mueller looking into Israel and the SR connection, to much speculation?

f6004e No.1522157

File: 42bf96ad4089941⋯.jpg (176.46 KB, 269x375, 269:375, EinsteinInstDir.jpg)



>five Iridium NEXT telephone relay stations and two for NASA and a German research agency

>>1521705 >German agency?

>Transformers 3? (kek)


>Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics


Sauce on Max Planck Institute:


The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) is a Max Planck Institute whose research is aimed at investigating Einstein’s theory of relativity and beyond: Mathematics, quantum gravity, astrophysical relativity, and gravitational wave astronomy.

The Institute was founded in 1995 and is located in Golm, Potsdam (theoretical branch) and in Hannover (experimental branch).


Bruce Allen (born May 11, 1959) is an American physicist and director of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Hannover Germany and leader of the Einstein@Home project for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. He is also a physics professor at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee (near CHICAGO).


The Max Planck Society is formally an eingetragener Verein, a registered association with the institute directors as scientific members having equal voting rights.[9]

The __society has its registered seat in Berlin (!!!),

while the administrative headquarters are located in Munich__ (near the Black Forest).

Funding is provided predominantly from federal and state sources (that's German federal & state sources), but also from research and license fees and donations.

One of the larger donations was the castle Schloss Ringberg near Kreuth in Bavaria. The castle was pledged by Luitpold Emanuel in Bayern (Duke in Bavaria); it passed to the Max Planck Society after the death of the duke in 1973 and is now used for conferences.

59bbcb No.1522158

c1b0dc No.1522159


exactly… for normies this is the MOAB theyve been waiting for. (Republican House Special Council Resolution) Watch the video listen 16 minutes of deep state fuckery crimes… years of investigation ahead based on the scope ofthis new special council… it is literally every "known" scam theyve pulled the past 3 years being investigated officially. Where will the evidence lead hmmm????

7e0ab6 No.1522160


The anti-Jew stuff is so forced. Not organic at all. This is Richard Spencer deux. Very crude how the propaganda is implemented.

550079 No.1522161



be3580 No.1522162


I love Nigel Farage, nohomo. He catches the important aspects. Here, it's after Zuckerberg bobbed and weaved in his recent testimony to Congress. The one thing he would not promise about FB is that it would be unbiased.

Similarly, it looks like the rework of the Google mission statement takes out the idea of being unbiased.

b61ac7 No.1522163

>>1521909 Another predictionfag

550079 No.1522164

My dream is to see all the CNN A team anchors get Uncle Q's special traitor rope treatment

03cf9b No.1522165

File: 7049f3f8512b450⋯.png (312.13 KB, 600x399, 200:133, comeykho.png)


I love thighhighs , but that underwear completely steals the show.

Too bad about the top though..should of skipped it.

(sorry about the slide anons)

894e3c No.1522166


Yes, it is fucking annoying.

224e52 No.1522167

File: 70508b46c19f70f⋯.png (462.9 KB, 597x557, 597:557, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)


fa51d7 No.1522168

WOW Number of Loafs Baked Daily is going up fast

3fe928 No.1522169


last hour or two the soapbox has been asking the jewish question

pointing out that the jewish people are being mislead by a small group of infiltrators who are false jews that have lead them to the position of being hated by the right they are in now

7be93d No.1522170

>>1522130 Right you are, lad. It is a flurry of punches, a fast paced combination. Power punches included.

aeed99 No.1522171


Are we allowed to do that?

That is something Hitler didn't even do!

All he did was merely say…

"Noooo. We are not going to have juden run mein media. Lets try it without juden."

0a6805 No.1522172

File: ad706b390b9f3f2⋯.png (1.01 MB, 675x732, 225:244, ad706b390b9f3f221c7c59b6f9….png)



I contended it was T-23, a countdown. July 14 would be a good day (Bastille Day). But it could still be layered so as not to tip off black hats. So for me, it comes when it comes, because only the white hats know when they ready.

4496ce No.1522173

afc18b No.1522174


Anon this post was like 2 hours ago and from like 3 breads ago. I just saw the response and wanted to say thank you, I hope you see it lol

7e0ab6 No.1522175


Not impressed at all. Not hard for a bot whatsoever. You CAN'T make a post that isn't closely tied to linguistic patterns that are standard and hackneyed. You can nofuckingt do it botward. Sowsy.

7be93d No.1522176

File: 2eeb3b167895548⋯.jpg (43.77 KB, 588x276, 49:23, BrennanMuslimScum.jpg)

File: 4700ceeb88a6dd1⋯.jpg (115.29 KB, 1305x727, 1305:727, BrennanCommunistMoslem.jpg)


Of course Brennan is a Muslim.

It's not even debatable.

bbc1d4 No.1522177


You know who else has curious travel habits?


Back in November when he is done in China

He leaves for meetings in Vietnam

But does he fly south?

No, he heads East NorthEast directly towards PyongYang

Crosses the peninsula just north of Dalian

Then past the islands off the coast

Dachangshan and Xiaochangshan which Q photographs out the window

And across the bay towards PyongYang

Then, after confirming that air defenses in NK have been neutralised

He heads to the interior where the Hyangsan hotel is in a valley

That looks a bit like a rabbit from the air

No doubt they fly over the nuclear research center

And then turn back towards Hanoi

Curious and curiouser travel habits

And the shills convinced all the anons

That he flew over HongKong on his way

As if HongKong is a notable place

In relation to current events


68225f No.1522178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f8b83f No.1522179

a93c98 No.1522180


I hope the fuck not. She can keep her lying, cheating, treasonous, evil ass right the fuck out of my state.

5a48ac No.1522181

http:// www.baltimoresun.com/ph-ll-sept-11-terrorism-0908-20110907-story.html


4e14f4 No.1522182


Thanks Anon. I haven't seen it before and I've been here all along. I'm phonefagging and I've never been able to post an image. I'd drag it into this one if I could, unless its old news and I've just missed it. Maybe I need to work harder on learning how to post images from my phone. Advice appreciated, and thanks.

866de3 No.1522183


Musk has SEC_Clearance (Immunity)?

a9187d No.1522184

File: 7631c8bc3e0ec96⋯.png (758.95 KB, 786x794, 393:397, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

Swallow well Eric. I'm sure you will be the Gitmo belle of the ball.

802f35 No.1522185

File: 3919774391f8e92⋯.png (274.5 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, REAL_WITCHES.png)

File: 764158de5c41d34⋯.png (357.6 KB, 340x472, 85:118, Feminist_Witches_Soyboy_Bi….png)

File: 40abf81e95861ab⋯.png (399.21 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Male_Witch_Wizards_Evil.png)

684ace No.1522186

File: 1e33a3e6648bf16⋯.png (279.44 KB, 382x467, 382:467, jewish-pepe-love.png)

Wow. Jerome Corsi handlers are in full force here …trying to paint us as anti jewish

Love the jewish people, just not the wannabe commie deepstate ones, inculding subverted controlled opposition.

3fe928 No.1522187


oh and the shill op 0hour1 on twitter immediately jumped on them calling them antisemitic.

looks like we found the shills trigger words.

time to bring the well meaning average jew into the fold, expose their false leaders for the liers they are.

636215 No.1522188

File: 65bca0877acd950⋯.jpg (67.2 KB, 360x270, 4:3, 2018-05-23_19.46.35.jpg)

Uncle Q wants YOU

cc105a No.1522189

File: e2f19fd1a1aaa42⋯.jpg (66.21 KB, 500x300, 5:3, dd4275d1-94ac-4c51-83da-e0….jpg)


We're taking on water Sir, what now, eh?


08d299 No.1522190


screw him.

be3580 No.1522191


Only after fair trials where they testify against each other.

aeed99 No.1522192


Basic bitch understanding of the JQ.

Always worrying first and foremost about being juden cucks.

fd54e6 No.1522193


Delta of 100.

454 554

a310f3 No.1522194

File: b08eaf0b67bbd8b⋯.jpg (316.89 KB, 1000x728, 125:91, (Groenlo)_-_Siege_of_Grol_….jpg)

File: 9d8ef1a9eb89d22⋯.jpg (38.11 KB, 280x280, 1:1, True Stench Never Dies Gro….jpg)





I honestly think GHROL mean ASSteric


I'm glad you asked. I've been trying to post this for a while. No I'm a human being.

7e0ab6 No.1522195


Yes, AI can quote all the posts calling it out, and offer yet ANOTHER flaming cliche.

Your style is very very monotonous. Very easy to recognize.

cf96fb No.1522196

File: 09251bcf4b4db09⋯.png (141.91 KB, 1245x749, 1245:749, Ephi.png)

Ephi is referring to climbing some mountain, but I thought this was interesting:

"The other possibility is if you know the ceo of freeport

It is a new orleans based company that run the biggest gold mine in the world near the mountain

They can approve anything in this areaand in fact in the past approved for very selected people to go via the mine

I wonder if you or the president know somewhere in the company"

550079 No.1522197


CNN deserves the rope PERIOD ! They are the most demonic force of evil to ever hit the airwaves. I would hang every single employee if I was Q . Sickening but they really chose the path they are on.

05eddc No.1522199

File: a120cb0fa99f907⋯.jpg (32.25 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Timothy Cunningham - CDC.jpg)

File: b59ab001f05b1e9⋯.jpg (16.54 KB, 400x501, 400:501, 1522087846-bradley.jpg)


does Timothy Cunningham = Francho Bradley

Why "three crystals" in the (his?) corpse's pockets ?

What weaponized things are delivered in crystallized form?

5a79fe No.1522200


Depending on the size of the truck, it could be unloaded in a matter of minutes. You would need several people ready to go with pallet jacks.

Since no one really deals in cash anymore, armored trucks typically carry receipts and other important paper work. Sometimes coins and currency, but that's more on the 15th and end of the money for paycheck withdrawals.

Maybe the gold is being spread around the country?

de052c No.1522201

File: bf9525f8c8a9122⋯.png (678.4 KB, 1028x571, 1028:571, ClipboardImage.png)

Which one of you faggots is on Fox right now?

4e14f4 No.1522202


It's not my post. I'd like to repost into this bread but ive had no luck posting images from phone. Assistance grabbing it from the last bread? Thanks if u do.

d5ae68 No.1522203


Gotta Bake 'Em All (;

7e0ab6 No.1522204


Your posts are incoherent. You seem like a bot that is breaking down.

94a9df No.1522205

File: 3de98facdbcad6c⋯.jpg (63.06 KB, 602x288, 301:144, GEOTUS1.jpg)

1868bf No.1522206


I think the herd is thinning. Laughing stock an understatement.

11e0f8 No.1522207


It's just divisive BS, I filter the Little/Hitler (((muh joo))) shills.

be3580 No.1522208


Musk is going down in flames. He wants to sell a souped-up version of his $35,000 Tesla 3 (as advertised a couple years ago) for $78,000. Yes that's not a typo. He'll only sell the 78,000 (not including autopilot, but with special paintjob) ones for now.

That should solve his manufacturing issues. He won't have to produce more than about 10 per month to keep up with demand for THAT.

4e14f4 No.1522209


Are you the op of the image? Because it's very intriguing.

f5f229 No.1522210

File: 5d7ee250c015f8b⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 2753x1911, 2753:1911, MrEvil.jpg)

whats with all the jewfag shit

whats that got to do with Q

4378de No.1522211


We are Awakening.

One by One.

You were the first you'll be the last.

Whatever you want I'll give it to you.


He want's only to prosper you. Sent in a song.

cc105a No.1522212

File: 542064a7e467224⋯.png (973.41 KB, 909x1017, 101:113, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

Our POTUS, so thoughtful, recognizing the ones the cabal vilified.

59bbcb No.1522213


Rudy reversing….

c63ec0 No.1522214


That's all and good, but none of that makes me want to really watch the news today, as I don't trust most of what comes out of that crap box.

What would make me watch the news is when these people are finally arrested.

That's not happening today or anytime soon.

It will take time to string it all together.

That's why July time frame is much more plausible to watch the news.

All this has to pan out first.

July 14th sounds good to me.

I'll watch the news on that day.

550079 No.1522215


He is in the game for sure little pedo I can tell . Squirming little faggot [SWALWELL]

4b901a No.1522216

File: 63b2465a594bb74⋯.jpg (742.19 KB, 1854x1219, 1854:1219, Level_lll_Michael_Yanney5.jpg)

Level 3/Yanney updated with NY Times article headline from where they were accused of wire-tapping Google and Yahoo.

a310f3 No.1522217


This guy must be GHROL cause he's full of shit.

Hi Ghrol

71ae6d No.1522218


Stay anonymous. Kek. Some countries keep him out, but not ours..the one where the Pollies are bought and paid for.

1bb289 No.1522219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Im going to post this again just because I do to .. (esp after watching him in action)

Best line 2:30 … but worth watching it all ..

b8560c No.1522220


That was pathetic I had to turn that off.

That man would starve to death in a free kitchen.

b7cf39 No.1522221

be3580 No.1522222



fdb9ed No.1522223

REPORT: FBI Agents Want Congress To Issue Them Subpoenas So They Can Reveal Dirt On Comey, McCabe…

Sources tell The Daily Caller several FBI agents want congressional subpoenas to testify about the agency’s problems.

The sources claim there is a demand within the agency to prosecute former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe. They also say the bureau has become totally politicized.

The subpoenas are desired by the FBI agents because it requires Congress to pay for their legal fees and protects them from agency retribution.


b5c640 No.1522224


Welcome aboard anon! appreciate the help!

aeed99 No.1522225

File: 7d2d0a148d78f2d⋯.jpg (45.11 KB, 238x366, 119:183, HanAssholeSolo-1.jpg)

File: f02f9d2e21c6e12⋯.jpg (209.43 KB, 522x800, 261:400, memebetter.com-20170709222….jpg)

File: d5db8de5edb7aca⋯.jpg (98.75 KB, 507x700, 507:700, 13391d65302db095d06a9852d3….jpg)


Being anti cnn is not allowed. We love jews.

246427 No.1522226

File: 436df7a4dd36d67⋯.jpg (36.19 KB, 295x640, 59:128, hand_off_1 .jpg)

File: 7b1812435b50e0b⋯.jpg (34.08 KB, 295x640, 59:128, hand_off_2.jpg)

Theory: These 2 pics show a HAND OFF. Notice the guy in the tasseled hat is by himself without the other man around. Later in the next pic the man with the tasseled hat is still there and handing off something to the man in the black hat. Who are these 2 men?

5a48ac No.1522227

File: d9b5cb98c997724⋯.png (386.45 KB, 786x1660, 393:830, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

11e0f8 No.1522229

File: c55e5bcde632d18⋯.png (103.56 KB, 417x480, 139:160, Checkum.png)

b61ac7 No.1522230

File: 53fc20185e91e04⋯.png (112.99 KB, 1192x498, 596:249, ClipboardImage.png)

Eddie Trump?

140270 No.1522231

File: 913cc0b743e0bb4⋯.png (479.71 KB, 824x648, 103:81, 9b1cbde26351f2fd128bd36e6d….png)

c3adcb No.1522232

File: 43385891c9ec9ac⋯.png (211.81 KB, 983x620, 983:620, 1526968822917.png)


Jews are very divisive.

cc105a No.1522233

File: 7aa78b60527caf6⋯.png (175.03 KB, 580x494, 290:247, Screen Shot 2018-05-21 at ….png)

40c50e No.1522234

Hahaha new shill tactic:

Muh AI

I bet they're the same shills who whine about muh BV

4e14f4 No.1522235


Well thanks for posting it. Maybe it really is for real a big bada boom.

ef9d1f No.1522236

File: 7e55262f82a7486⋯.png (1.58 MB, 880x1360, 11:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74e20fa665ccf05⋯.png (447.26 KB, 969x619, 969:619, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c240724b2ec3f8d⋯.png (94.51 KB, 798x594, 133:99, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6477a1702f19c0b⋯.png (594.68 KB, 1854x905, 1854:905, ClipboardImage.png)

Laurel Canyon

Wonderland School

Lookout Mountain Laboratory

http:// www.whale.to/b/lookout_mountain_laboratory.html

http:// deadline.com/2018/03/lockdown-wonderland-elementary-top-los-angeles-public-school-hollywood-parents-on-edge-1202336629/

https:// www.vanityfair.com/culture/2015/02/laurel-canyon-music-scene

be3580 No.1522237


Could be. In her opening statement to the Senate committee for her confirmation as CIA Director, Gina Haspel started out by describing her career as a CIA spy by saying her first op was a handoff.

ddf683 No.1522238



this is what we are all waiting for

224de6 No.1522239

>>1521694 lb

BC and HRC provided missile secrets to China for $$. Search it

2557a5 No.1522240


No relation to DT per this article

http:// www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/06/06/judicial-watch-huma-abedin-emails-show-favors-clinton-foundation-donors/

3fe928 No.1522241


subverted jews, those ones where mislead by a false jew leader.

casting the net of guilt on the whole jewish race is the exact antisemetic thinking the shills WANT us to fall for. then your nazi and look how much anti nazi hate the shills have stoked up in the last years… its all by design.

last thing the deep state wants is for us to befriend the jews away from the zionist agenda. that takes their power. and gives it back to the people.

e2018d No.1522242


Because we are so far ahead of MSM we forgot

how big these things are. When you spend all

day digging into child sacrifice and FF nuclear deals,

It's hard to get excited about how slow the ball is

rolls on MSM. But put your normie hat on and you

see that even that, is ground breaking for a whole

population who went to and failed out of public


fccd71 No.1522243


5:5 CONF

cc6229 No.1522244

File: 2161f07de2b0bad⋯.png (851.39 KB, 770x435, 154:87, ClipboardImage.png)

Jim Mattis 'wide open' to potential reorganization of US military space operations

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Wednesday he is “wide open” to a potential reorganization of Air Force space operations, but cautioned that the Pentagon has yet to fully understand what issues first need to be addressed.

Two ongoing space studies will help lead to solutions, he told the Washington Examiner during an interview, pointing to the service’s struggles in developing and buying new space technology as well as years of stopgap budgets from Congress as potential reasons for why the U.S. might be losing its edge in space against competitors such as China and Russia.

Meanwhile, some lawmakers in the House push for a separate Space Force military service.

“To look now at the problem means we have to look fresh at it and where are the specific problems and break them down, and if an organizational construct has to change then I’m wide open to it,” Mattis said.

President Trump has touted the idea of a Space Force, and the House Armed Services Committee has laid the groundwork for the new service with some initial reorganization as part of the annual National Defense Authorization Act, which is being considered on the House floor this week.

Reps. Mike Rogers, R-Ala., and Rep. Jim Cooper, D-Tenn., who head an Armed Services subcommittee, have charged the Air Force with bungling space operations and putting the country at risk of missile attacks and assaults on communications satellites. Rogers has said repeatedly that the Space Force will become reality, possibly within a few years.

“Frankly, I like congressman not just involved, but digging into issues. That it is in my best interest,” Mattis said. “I don’t think they are moving forward too fast. I think they are bringing legitimate issues up.”

Last year, Mattis took the usual step of writing a letter to lawmakers urging them to drop efforts to create a Space Force, saying it would create a "narrower and even parochial approach" to space. The House instead requested a study from the Pentagon on the idea that is due in December.

“We have some studies coming out and some very good work done on them, and when we see what the studies bring forward as the problem statement, then we’ll solve it,” Mattis said Wednesday. “But you break the problem down into bite-size pieces because you don’t just say ‘We have to solve space.’ That provides zero fidelity for what we have to do.”

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/jim-mattis-wide-open-to-potential-reorganization-of-us-military-space-operations

c63ec0 No.1522245

11e0f8 No.1522246


You guys go overboard with it though, you can't condemn an entire demographic of people over the actions of the few.

d5ae68 No.1522247

File: 3a95c3393dccdec⋯.png (133.49 KB, 239x459, 239:459, 3a95c3393dccdec86b7fab0e87….png)


i like it

71ae6d No.1522248

Best meme ever may be:

With a young black girl wearing red, white, and blue on the 4th of July standing next to a male 'Dreamer' of the same age with a flag of a foreign country. Nancy Pelosi standing between them and yelling at the little black girl saying "You can't dream, only he can"

ddf683 No.1522249



if this asshat is a patriot we are all fucked

he is not

just a coward and a liar

550079 No.1522250

File: 42dc60c09fb8b34⋯.jpg (6.57 KB, 255x127, 255:127, 689457106b96e77ee6d896b26c….jpg)

fdb9ed No.1522251


covered up by the Monica Lewinsky distraction.

40c50e No.1522252

I see the muh joooo shills are in force

Probably due to the Iran newd

05ed6f No.1522253

File: e1316b4521906ff⋯.jpg (88.51 KB, 700x438, 350:219, bakerbabebutt.jpg)


Here's 2 u

c1b0dc No.1522254



Kek. Q said "Enjoy The Show" obviously he is talking about the narrative push with "good actors".

b5c640 No.1522255


Yes anon, been one hellava day!!!!!!

40c50e No.1522256

be3580 No.1522257


I doubt the networks will ever say that. Maybe not even Fox. Protecting these people is more important, ideologically or personally or spiritually (dark spirits), than money.

Can't expect to use market forces when these are representatives of "principalities and powers" essentially.

44c8ba No.1522258


We obey the law here. If you want assasinate someone youre not wanted here. We like civilization, and to keep it you honor its laws. Enemies do not.

b61ac7 No.1522259

File: fdd46571cd8b6b7⋯.png (505.29 KB, 1022x1700, 511:850, ClipboardImage.png)

Here is this Eddie Trump guy again, this time with Doug Band being directed to the CF and coordinating a meeting with Huma with MUH RUSSIANS.

7e0ab6 No.1522260


As I recall, we've often has bots seize the bake in the past. I suspect that is happening now. We ought to make sure bakers aren't AI, IMO.

Don't be mad bot defenders– is perfectly reasonable to bring up.. I am sure we can all agree that we need to be vigilant.

ab5935 No.1522261

File: cdca261c7bd75d2⋯.png (662.58 KB, 1014x500, 507:250, map1.png)

aeed99 No.1522262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




You have to admit this is funny.

(((Over representation)))

a310f3 No.1522263

File: 3e7c5882e55f2f9⋯.jpg (48.7 KB, 329x500, 329:500, penrose.jpg)


They are actually trying to make people believe strong AI exists. Stupid.

Read Roger Penrose / Assholes.. yeah, you are all Ghrols.

c3adcb No.1522264

File: 1cb8c5edde16134⋯.jpg (117.21 KB, 882x1080, 49:60, 1526577669287.jpg)



That is an old, worn out argument.

We know all about the jews.

Can't unring that bell.

f6004e No.1522265


>Max Planck Institute sauce from

>>1521765 (lb)

So why is NASA partnering with the Albert Einstein Institute HQ'ed in BERLIN & Bavaria to launch satellites in order to get

" ultra-precise gravity readings to measure how water is distributed around the world."?

This wouldn't happen to be for "climate change" research would it?

Maybe we should ask Lynn Rothschild? She works @ NASA :


Where are you from?

I am from Greenwich, Conn. which makes me a Connecticut Yankee, and it gives me an excuse to talk quickly. Since 1987, when I left Rhode Island, I have called the San Francisco Bay Area home. (OK, I was born in New York City, but I think I have lost most of the accent.)

Where are you from?

I am from Greenwich, Conn. which makes me a Connecticut Yankee, and it gives me an excuse to talk quickly. Since 1987, when I left Rhode Island, I have called the San Francisco Bay Area home. (OK, I was born in New York City, but I think I have lost most of the accent.)

<Scientific curiosity should be like an itch—you can't sleep at night until you find the right answer. - Lynn Rothschild

Describe the first time you made a personal connection with outer space.

In particular I remember being fascinated by Apollo 8, the first manned craft to orbit the moon, and of course Apollo 11 (courtesy of Werner von Braun) when the first humans set foot on another body in space. I was 12, and at a summer camp in Maine (Arcadia) when the moon landing took place.

How did you end up working in the space program?

Within a year I had an application in hand for a fellowship at NASA, which was followed by a call from NASA in the middle of winter asking me if I wanted to look for life on Mars, go to the Antarctic and move to California. Well, what would you say?

Tell us about a favorite moment so far in your career.

having an offer to fly an experiment to 100,000 feet on a balloon -- or 400,000 feet on a rocket -- spending the night in Windsor Castle, being filmed for television, or speaking at the Vatican Observatory -- how can you beat these for career excitement?

7e0ab6 No.1522266

Need a human to step in and bake please.

Watch out for this Vincit, who seems to use that as a signature. IMO

40c50e No.1522267


Muh AI

2557a5 No.1522268


Not related per this article:

http:// www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/06/06/judicial-watch-huma-abedin-emails-show-favors-clinton-foundation-donors/

4378de No.1522269

there are no deals.

set in stone 1000 years as you know days.


YOU decide.


9d7c4c No.1522270

File: 00d53c0994bfe6e⋯.png (136.63 KB, 836x368, 209:92, Screenshot-2018-5-23 Q(2).png)

d30427 No.1522271

File: 9f550bea119d052⋯.png (581.92 KB, 1070x462, 535:231, shut it down.png)

>takes over the deep state and their privatized spying apparatus

>turns it against them

>dismantles them all

>pulls the plug

this is too much power for one person

fdb9ed No.1522272


>Need a human


bdf7f2 No.1522273


Fuck off you cum gargling faggot fuck.

28054a No.1522274


AI can't bake retard. It involves running 2 websites and 3 open tabs at once.

be3580 No.1522275


Do we want that second special counsel? I thought we were better off handling this stuff in the DOJ via Huber. Special counsel can't prosecute.

Once it started looking bad for the anti-Trump crowd, that's immediately when Congress stopped being so protective of Mueller and wanted to shut him down. Because they see the Mueller setup helping Trump.

I don't even trust the congressional Republicans on this, not even folks like Chuck Grassley, Jim Jordan, and others who seem to be staunch good guys.

715f1f No.1522276


thank you for that update, I just got back from Sailing and trying to catch up- been digital free for more than a dozen hours and it was AMAZING and a beautiful day!

140270 No.1522277

File: 17c09a27c4b66d8⋯.png (310.38 KB, 499x583, 499:583, jewwwwwz.png)

4496ce No.1522278

File: 385c72677df5b8d⋯.png (211.16 KB, 785x465, 157:93, STFU.Corsi.png)



b61ac7 No.1522279

File: 08313381349791a⋯.png (278.64 KB, 996x912, 83:76, ClipboardImage.png)

This Rina Kirshner sure does appear alot, and seems they want to connect her up…

cc105a No.1522280

File: 1f1aec67b467f73⋯.png (117.17 KB, 929x550, 929:550, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

File: d90eb4ae1d359a2⋯.png (132.72 KB, 923x1126, 923:1126, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

File: f57c093185d0e9e⋯.png (239.6 KB, 1057x1218, 151:174, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

Concening the Auto Industry:

"I instructed Secretary Ross to consider initiation a Section 232 investigation…"


"What you need to know: Section 232 investigations and Traiffs."


d2011c No.1522281

On Pompeo admission that Iran is conducting assassinations in Europe, patriots don't disclose classified information.

https:// www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/may/22/mike-pompeo-iran-assassination-operations-europe

"The most recent killing of an Iranian dissident took place in The Hague in November last year, when a gunman shot Ahmad Mola Nissi"

"However, the Dutch investigation into the killing has not publicly blamed the IRGC. If Pompeo was referring to the Nissi murder, he was disclosing formerly classified information."

It might be worth looking into who Iran is trying to off in Europe.

4b901a No.1522282

File: 5687b53052cc008⋯.jpg (735.02 KB, 1854x1221, 618:407, Level_lll_Michael_Yanney6.jpg)

Adding the connection to the "Yanny" White House tweet.

7e0ab6 No.1522283



Doubling down on the bottishness.

Reminds me of the episode of Beavis and Butthead when they photocopied money and tried to buy stuff with it.

be3580 No.1522284


Cool, my son likes racing Lasers.

104fd8 No.1522285


He's one of 'Corey's Kids', Corey Goode and David what's his name…. Corey coached some younger people to spread the message of the blue aliens and other topics. Ever wonder how Jordon learned all that stuff at such a young age?

ee28cc No.1522286


iirc, she was working for the Clintons, Dept. of State, the Clintons' lawyer / firm, and i can't remember the 4th.

<sry to go full Rick Perry onya…

(4th besides TENEO)

c5ab53 No.1522287


Not a slide, but I can’t NOT comment on this. Thank you anon, I needed that. Saw it earlier, and you focused in on the important “asspects”

ddf683 No.1522288


no math or gematriafag here

not even a fan really

but your formula sounds right to me

de052c No.1522289


Band founded the Clinton Global Initiative.

Eddie Trump lost a lawsuit to Trump. Trump used 5D chess to get the rights to use the Trump name even though Eddie was older and a successful real estate developer. Eddie had to change the name of the company he had named after himself. No relation to POTUS.

65a5a9 No.1522290

File: bdb2e96503ef087⋯.png (110.04 KB, 587x643, 587:643, ClipboardImage.png)

Some goodies in these emails

This one about setting up clinton to go get reporters out of NK

pg 86


Also some talks about Anarctica in there.

140270 No.1522292


8b248a No.1522293

The watermark Q is very pretty. Unfortunately it is interfering with my vision. How can I remove it?

9d7c4c No.1522294

File: d7ea7bcf3d65220⋯.png (296.24 KB, 631x531, 631:531, #CPSkidnapping.png)

File: 0fc656162daeb15⋯.jpg (80.1 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, #nancy.jpg)

File: f1c3eab42fd5f68⋯.jpg (174.69 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, #Newsweek sex trafficking-….jpg)

File: 1587a4fff4a9862⋯.jpg (70.57 KB, 823x416, 823:416, ;;40-eVxUoAAChIF.jpg)

File: 2e5e6c0bb993810⋯.jpg (24.04 KB, 552x137, 552:137, #fbianon2.jpg)

3ab57c No.1522295

File: 8f7b25fb61a7c8a⋯.jpeg (42.27 KB, 375x500, 3:4, image.jpeg)

550079 No.1522296

File: 780f38ccbc30057⋯.jpg (12.21 KB, 162x216, 3:4, b0fe14d8e8ddb2c6681dea4e55….jpg)

28054a No.1522297


You beat me! I shoulda never shared my secret sauce. ;-)


Office of the Press Secretary


May 23, 2018


*Statement from the President on Potential National Security Investigation into Automobile Imports*

Today, I met with Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross to discuss the current state of our automobile industry. I instructed Secretary Ross to consider initiating a Section 232 investigation into imports of automobiles, including trucks, and automotive parts to determine their effects on Americas national security. Core industries such as automobiles and automotive parts are critical to our strength as a Nation.


9d7c4c No.1522298

File: 1cda79d19cbb88e⋯.jpg (33.59 KB, 475x446, 475:446, #Fleshandblood.jpg)

cc6229 No.1522299

File: 6429db3df2174f0⋯.png (800.37 KB, 1002x567, 334:189, ClipboardImage.png)

Jared Kushner lawyer dishes on client's second interview with Mueller team

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner's lawyer revealed Wednesday that his client had been interviewed by special counsel Robert Mueller’s team a second time last month, during which Kushner fielded questions about his communications with foreign nationals and the firing of FBI Director James Comey.

Abbe Lowell told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday that Kushner, who is President Trump's son-in-law, answered every single question asked of him and that the interview covered “the appropriate topics that Bob Mueller and his team were looking at.”

“They’re looking to see whether there was collusion with Russia in the campaign, and whether or not anybody in the campaign was involved, and if that violated any law,” Lowell said. “And they’re looking at this broad topic that they call, or the media calls, obstruction of justice.”

He added that Mueller’s team “would have asked questions of all their witnesses, including Jared Kushner, about those topics,” but also noted that Kushner is in a “unique role” because he was part of the campaign, the transition team, and worked at the White House when “events occurred after the inauguration that is of interest to the counsel.”

Lowell did not disclose what questions were asked, but noted that Mueller’s team zeroed in on Kushner’s relationship with former White House national security

adviser Michael Flynn, who last year pleaded guilty to misleading the FBI about his communications with Russians.

Kushner’s relationship with Flynn was also a topic of discussion at his first interview with the special counsel’s team in November.

Altogether, Kushner’s latest interview with Mueller’s team lasted “almost an entire work day," according to Lowell.

Mueller is looking into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/jared-kushner-lawyer-dishes-on-clients-second-interview-with-mueller-team

c1b0dc No.1522300


special council is for show… (enjoy the show) these crimes need to be "investigated" and reported first so normies can start to digest the gravity of the situation and start to realize Trump is innocent… by the time the council is finished, DOJ will be cleansed and ready to drop the hammer.

11e0f8 No.1522301


Kek'd heartily, make no mistake there are bad Jewish people out there but there's a reason Q labels these people 'black hats' vs 'white hats', not all are guilty.

715f1f No.1522302


hobie cat little sailboat

no motor, foot pedals and 2 sails

it is exercise that doesn't feel like it

ddf683 No.1522303



so why dont they?

i would

you would

congress wont

house cleaning needed

550079 No.1522304


866de3 No.1522305


<patriots don't disclose classified information.

Use a better phrase.

9d7c4c No.1522306

File: 3df3a3770aae4e5⋯.png (611.61 KB, 838x583, 838:583, #Qairlines.png)

d8f3ae No.1522307


This is definitely part of the plan, rank and file are not with the corruption and bullshit coming from their former leadership

a310f3 No.1522308

File: ff6588906bbc191⋯.jpg (33.98 KB, 447x600, 149:200, 5232.jpg)


You seem like a doubtfag

Why would you bother?

Obviously the posts I make are hitting a nerve or you wouldn't bother to target me.

bce856 No.1522309

Thank Q!

7e0ab6 No.1522310


Hardly convincing "anon", and it's a style of post we've seen over and over and over. You have very specific personality.

b61ac7 No.1522311

File: 7ba37ee2688de7b⋯.png (258.69 KB, 986x971, 986:971, ClipboardImage.png)

Rachel McLain? General Shallikashvilli?

e2018d No.1522312

File: 9c7d93ac735a0d0⋯.png (304.47 KB, 581x563, 581:563, FullHouse.PNG)



be3580 No.1522313


Or LLL could be Lawrence Livermore Labs.

94a9df No.1522314

File: 7505cdc2a70f8e7⋯.jpg (109.32 KB, 640x480, 4:3, DacrmmmXcAAwUij.jpg)

05ed6f No.1522315

File: cb034d827533130⋯.jpg (239.77 KB, 1078x623, 154:89, QD5Comfy.jpg)

File: 37e01f77fccd0f7⋯.jpg (2.3 MB, 2079x7357, 297:1051, Qproof_Plane_Shot.jpg)


You mean these, rrriiigghhttt?

; )

Glad I can halp.

cc105a No.1522316

File: aecbdc4f6bdb2f7⋯.jpg (12.94 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download.jpg)


Cheers for that, Anon!

8996ad No.1522317

File: dc64e5b54634a9a⋯.jpg (86.39 KB, 460x672, 115:168, cssetlogo.jpg)

File: ddd1c36b039c01a⋯.jpg (237.67 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, NXIVM stge 1.jpg)


Yea I saw that cassette in your picture (which is hilarious BTW). I found it.

Last night I was digging into the NXIVM companies. There is a lot of interesting things Ive come across. But Im still in early stages of diggin on it. There are quite a few companies. However this is what popped in my mind when I saw your picture. I was kinda curious where you got that picture.



https: //theyig.ning.com/front-page-news/nxivm-affiliated-companies

Rcg Kids and Ultima LLC

https: //www.corporationwiki.com/p/2byn61/rcg-kids-international-llc

Michele Tarzia twitter

https: //twitter.com/MicheleTarzia1/followers

Vincent Tarzia Twitter

https: //twitter.com/VincentTarzia

Stage Right Secrets website

http: //www.stagerightsecrets.com/category/gallery-2/

a03cd6 No.1522318

File: f8449bd2144bd07⋯.jpg (242.87 KB, 1024x807, 1024:807, 1522703745031.jpg)


> condemn entire demographic

We dont. Stop being a faggot. Doesnt seem to bother you anything negative about Israel/kikes gets jumped on by 10 Hasbara shills?

d2011c No.1522319


Also is a stall tactic to remove the corrupt judges and agents in the bureaucracy.

de052c No.1522320

File: 82c276053cac8a6⋯.png (539.46 KB, 564x699, 188:233, ClipboardImage.png)

2377e2 No.1522321

afc18b No.1522322


Thanks so much for the response Anon. I hope you see this

9d7c4c No.1522323

File: 66eed7e96515b57⋯.png (16.69 KB, 410x307, 410:307, #arrests.png)

File: 672a678380db458⋯.jpg (53.63 KB, 952x631, 952:631, #qtrusttheplan.jpg)

File: d95f05c1cbb71f2⋯.jpg (32.47 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, #qtruthwins.jpg)

File: 7fdd4ac23b00c24⋯.jpeg (100.16 KB, 1020x572, 255:143, #qthp.jpeg)

ef9d1f No.1522324

File: 2c5d9afca649d39⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1024x782, 512:391, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1b50533b5d915f⋯.png (371 KB, 1663x812, 1663:812, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_High_School

fdb9ed No.1522326


agree…they just need protection…and I don't mean from losing their jobs…I mean protection from being eliminated

b5c640 No.1522327


Need more patriots that have the time to put the news highlights in text form like this everyday. Wish I had the time to do this everyday. Working fag "not Gay" Great job ANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

afc18b No.1522328

Anons what are your thoughts on Obama's (not his real name) country of birth. I am ruling Hawaii and Kenya out, and I am going with Indonesia

cc6229 No.1522329

Hang on might be back with a Royal Flush!

b61ac7 No.1522330

File: c13a384d398439e⋯.png (58.74 KB, 969x431, 969:431, ClipboardImage.png)

Wonder what the Salinas thing is?

715f1f No.1522331

78ffba No.1522332

Q said concerning today, "I'd watch the news that day."

I'm guessing though he means the Thursday meeting where Congress gets briefed on the documents.

8a8a5a No.1522333



That's why all this is taking so long - gotta change out the judiciary before any justice can be served for their crimes.

cc10ff No.1522334


Seriously ffs don't claim everything that you cannot comprehend to be a psyop. Be more open-minded about these things rather than straight on attack them. Treat these guys as one potential source when looking at the whole picture.

c85f52 No.1522335

File: e0b54e01e1c59a8⋯.jpeg (231.53 KB, 1164x1050, 194:175, 4EDBE773-2213-4656-870C-8….jpeg)

11e0f8 No.1522336


>We dont

(You) might not but many do. All the 'Hitler did nothing wrong' kiddies from 4chins come one here feeding off those kinda posts.

94a9df No.1522337

File: 72968aea5f53d08⋯.jpg (263.59 KB, 1224x760, 153:95, 5b5bgbh.jpg)

65a5a9 No.1522338

File: a96a2d3d3f52e3e⋯.png (70.17 KB, 435x315, 29:21, ClipboardImage.png)

28054a No.1522339


Heard this earlier. Very interesting. We will see this come public eventually. Pompeo would never leak tid bits if there wasn't a huge amount of evidence behind it. He had made a statement about Iran hitting the US with missiles when Bibi made his Iran Lied presentation and it just came public today that Iran has way more missile capabilities than people knew of. Mike is a super-patriot.

ab5935 No.1522340


I think he meant June 11

bdf7f2 No.1522341

File: a283c53ba21bf7b⋯.jpg (20.91 KB, 217x320, 217:320, barry.jpg)



ef75b6 No.1522342

Anyone watching Tucker? WOW!

f6004e No.1522343

File: 52a2ad922bf9344⋯.jpg (93.3 KB, 541x468, 541:468, Q1336-05-10-18-23-45-37-SE….jpg)


If everyone with a security clearance in this Nation gets immunity, that makes ~2 million immunity agreements.

If you're referring to Q's "SEC_Clearance", please provide evidence for your claim and reasoning behind it.

Also does that mean that all

> 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance

get (Immunity) as well?

EnQuiring minds want to know…

68225f No.1522344

c0076b No.1522345

File: 19ff2ad21d36c3b⋯.jpg (763.15 KB, 921x724, 921:724, JAMES CLAPPER LIPS MOVING ….jpg)

8a8a5a No.1522346

File: 5ffe87b4fa10c82⋯.jpg (182.44 KB, 1005x614, 1005:614, 9c1d9b8bfedbe3aaa506d35973….jpg)


You're welcome ; )

144bdf No.1522347

File: 9091a187eac4731⋯.png (48.19 KB, 626x369, 626:369, POTUS Schedule 5-23-18 4 5….PNG)

c0ed1f No.1522348




140270 No.1522349

File: c43f59bdeadc82d⋯.jpg (78.7 KB, 600x400, 3:2, POINT CRAKER MONEY.jpg)

550079 No.1522350

File: 0c33bdc9a29993f⋯.png (14.29 KB, 235x255, 47:51, 4e2326ed20227075bba51e091d….png)


Trusting the plan is the smart move !!! POTUS GOT THIS !!!!

28054a No.1522351


Yes! I have to put kids to bed and resume digging.

824506 No.1522352


yes.. watching now have it dvr… home from work, watching tuck and the board

c3adcb No.1522353


Hitler did something wrong?

You're right, he did.

He lost the war.

cf96fb No.1522354

File: 367d4b646ac946f⋯.png (4.67 MB, 1220x1000, 61:50, Kerry Doha 2010.png)

Kerry going to Doha in 2010. Headlines are from 2015.

9d7c4c No.1522355

File: 727058f04868aca⋯.jpg (136.61 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, RRInformedPatriot.jpg)

8eaef5 No.1522356

File: 2487e6f3c4f3613⋯.png (548.96 KB, 1087x803, 1087:803, SidebyAsiaTripHI.png)

File: 6a3b49e8e9d6e2f⋯.jpg (717.83 KB, 3722x1172, 1861:586, skyeventbreakmsm.jpg)

We know Kim and Trump met. Deal made. We know they are supposed to meet at the SKY EVENT June 12th for the MSM.

Did they already have the meeting in Singapore?

check graphics

need a planefag to verify AF1 could have been at Singapore in NOV

a9187d No.1522357

File: b76cc3c1683d82c⋯.png (668.3 KB, 780x868, 195:217, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

ab5935 No.1522358

File: 44eb41a5460024d⋯.jpeg (30.66 KB, 750x700, 15:14, baking.jpeg)

eff15f No.1522359

File: 5caea24e69c43c9⋯.jpeg (419.69 KB, 799x1086, 799:1086, Screenshot_2018-05-23-00-….jpeg)

NASA has been fooling around with the Kilauea Volcano for quite awhile now. BASALT Research Team.

ddf683 No.1522360


lets hope gitmo equals that poker hand soon

cc6229 No.1522361

File: 08c466846388801⋯.png (576.59 KB, 847x567, 121:81, ClipboardImage.png)

James Clapper claps back at Trump for creating a 'distortion' of what he said about FBI spying

Former intelligence chief James Clapper on Wednesday shot back at President Trump for creating a "distortion" of what he said about the intelligence community and the president's 2016 campaign.

Earlier in the day, Trump said Clapper “sort of admitted” the intelligence community spied on his campaign after it was revealed an FBI informant met with several members of the Trump campaign.

In speaking to CNN’s Jake Tapper, Clapper, who was formerly director of national intelligence, rebuked the president, asserting that the intelligence community did not spy on Trump or his campaign.

“No, we did not. And that is — that is a distortion of what I said. In fact, I had an aversion to the use of the term and thought I made that clear,” Clapper told Tapper.

Clapper said that the intelligence community was trying to determine if the Russians were seeking to gain access or infiltrate a campaign, noting that it didn’t matter which campaign. “And it had nothing to do with spying on the campaign, it was about the Russians which is what we should all be concerned about, to include Trump,” Clapper added.

Earlier Wednesday, Trump misquoted Clapper on the topic early Wednesday morning.

“Trump should be happy that the FBI was SPYING on his campaign” No, James Clapper, I am not happy,” Trump tweeted Wednesday. “Spying on a campaign would be illegal, and a scandal to boot!"

“Trump should be happy that the FBI was SPYING on his campaign” No, James Clapper, I am not happy. Spying on a campaign would be illegal, and a scandal to boot!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 23, 2018

Trump’s tweet referred to Clapper’s Tuesday appearance on “The View," where he used the word “spy” to indicate that there was intelligence being unearthed concerning Russian meddling.

When asked if the FBI had been “spying” on Trump’s campaign, Clapper said they “were spying on, a term I don’t particularly like, but on what the Russians were doing.”

Joy Behar, a co-host of “The View,” then asked,” Well why doesn’t he like that? He should be happy.”

“He should be. I mean, Russia — it’s one of the reasons I wrote my book, was the threat Russia poses because they are bent on undermining our system,” Clapper said. “And that’s what they did, and had a lot of success during the course of the election.”

Multiple media reports have identified an American who worked at Cambridge University as an FBI source who met with three Trump campaign staffers, including campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, and campaign co-chair Sam Clovis.

The Justice Department inspector general is looking into whether there were any irregularities in surveillance tactics that were used on Trump associates during the 2016 election.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/james-clapper-claps-back-at-trump-for-creating-a-distortion-of-what-he-said-about-fbi-spying

d8f3ae No.1522362


Q knows what's coming soon but at the same time they can't be 100% accurate when things are going to happen exactly. Too many moving parts and variables. Patience is best and removing yourself from having specific expectations, just go with it. There are also a few red herrings and disinfo thrown in too.

a310f3 No.1522363

File: d60ada7d1e3ad26⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 1796x1436, 449:359, lordoftherings.jpg)


Now we've got the "Watch out, it's AI fags"

Go back to crazy lying con-man fake Buddhist "Michael" - Him and the guy with no judgment Jason G. That's their gig.

Fight Fight Fight

It's good vs. evil.

Seems like those who see bots everywhere, don't realize they themselves exist, so they believe others are machine-like as they are?

11e0f8 No.1522364


Thanks for proving my point. Enjoy your filter.

550079 No.1522365

File: 8d5eea7ca748911⋯.png (12.51 KB, 199x255, 199:255, 2df0c020d09c4df2bf1837b5ed….png)


Must have been fun for him to be back home for awhile !! What a great man we love you in this house President Trumpy Doo !!!

969f76 No.1522366


In wilileaks you can find VJ as a young asset traveling all over hell and gone (Valerie Bowman) father James Bowman.

>pakistan, nigeria

7e0ab6 No.1522368

The identical appearance (to humans) of capital 'i' and lower case 'L' is a good war to troll AI on internet forums, btw.

8a8a5a No.1522369


I too have thought him Indonesian for quite some time. He just looks more Indonesian to me. I think they darkened his skin some also - just my opinion - no sauce

ca06d9 No.1522370

File: 67a9a284e6cf025⋯.jpg (72.53 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ExoChecked.jpg)


Checking those full house digits.

44c8ba No.1522371


AGI is not the danger. Powerful narrow AI in the hands of evil humans is. Narrow AI app are surveillence facial ID and mind control / consciousness manipulation.

Narrow AI is enough to enslave us forever if we dont secure our network.

866de3 No.1522372


just it's a thought. But maybe for the SEC_Clearance.

As Suckerberg, ElonBraun, Thanos, is so quiet.


aeed99 No.1522373


See that class?

Now they are a race.

I don't want to go twelve rounds. Point was made.

4378de No.1522374

To the Moon Alice!


YOU just try it!

Walking in the Winter Wonderland!

9d7c4c No.1522375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"If you think freedom is free, you better think again. Lock and Load."


550079 No.1522376

File: c5df3ee6305c067⋯.jpg (10 KB, 255x143, 255:143, c7f8043a16298ff6d9a3aca4df….jpg)

c3adcb No.1522377

File: 52008a68d56cc11⋯.jpg (18.08 KB, 460x306, 230:153, 52008a68d56cc11a29482b80ae….jpg)


You are not worthy to read my posts, anywat=y. Pussy.

bcdf8c No.1522378

Caputo on Tucker

Ill pay the fbi employees legal fees. No need for subpoenas.

c5ab53 No.1522379


Nice graphics! You’re halpful in many ways.


Godspeed Patriot.

94a9df No.1522380

File: 587451765d47c64⋯.jpg (145.61 KB, 733x960, 733:960, Indyglimpses2018.jpg)

f6004e No.1522381


kek, well done anon. new cover & title before the book's even for sale.

They should do a reprint, would probably make more $ on sales in the end.

c1b0dc No.1522382


a place in the notables for a rundown come 5pm would be nice… agreed.

28054a No.1522384

File: 77d972b285a499b⋯.jpg (92.49 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, Custom Image 1504201809585….jpg)


Resume the DRAINING at full security clearance level Jared!

f894c2 No.1522385

File: 8619eb5cc6f0bbd⋯.png (694.78 KB, 1681x976, 1681:976, Screenshot (171).png)


34f2f0 No.1522386


Breaking News,

8a8a5a No.1522387

File: 3c840f2be1a900c⋯.jpg (61.58 KB, 637x405, 637:405, DcxQdgRWAAEVRDw.jpg)

be3580 No.1522388


Sounds like fun, I don't think he's ever sailed a cat. Maybe this summer.

a310f3 No.1522389

File: dde1781d7be7edc⋯.jpg (60.03 KB, 404x504, 101:126, hrclown2.jpg)

the reason they are distracting with accusing people of being bots - talk.

is because Congress is doing something special?

11 members of Congress calling for HRC's arrest today?

fdb9ed No.1522390

From April 2018

Homeland Security to Compile Database of Journalists, Bloggers

The DHS request says the selected vendor will set up an online “media influence database” giving users the ability to browse based on location, beat, and type of influence.

data base of (((Media Influencers)) ???



c63ec0 No.1522391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


United States Space Force training.

144bdf No.1522392

File: c88d5e9369b7a4f⋯.png (28.66 KB, 639x363, 213:121, Saavedra re Hummus 5-23-18.PNG)

File: e23fda40c524db2⋯.png (46.97 KB, 638x545, 638:545, Hummus 1.PNG)

File: 9ed97304b1f61fa⋯.png (41.74 KB, 641x503, 641:503, Hummus 2.PNG)

File: 37c8229d4873b2b⋯.png (38.28 KB, 637x495, 637:495, Hummus 3.PNG)

"If you need a serious laugh, this thread is for you."

re Hummus

cc6229 No.1522394



684ace No.1522395


Try to refrase like "has no jewish participants"

What you do is playing into the narrative the deepstate wants

44f190 No.1522396


Notice the "in" before 23 and not "on"?

Sounds more like the place rather than a date or day.

The 23rd letter of the alphabet is W.

Where are most of the "loudest" located?

Are they in pain, or soon to be?

Washington fits the "in" and doesn't set a date because it's continual.

Just speculation though.

91fe92 No.1522397


Literally a Russian who was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs under Clinton


He died in 2011

be3580 No.1522398


The thing he used to like about lasers was that he could be aggressive, capsize them and quickly get them upright again.

9d7c4c No.1522399

File: 6ed8cf93f7f0f96⋯.jpg (49.7 KB, 482x404, 241:202, #madbro.jpg)


Draw 'em out POTUS. Get 'em talking.

DJT knows how to "play the game"



3fe928 No.1522400


race/religion whatever you want to call them doesnt matter, my point still stands, you have Jewish individuals in your neighborhood who are not the enemy, you have jewish individuals who voted trump, you have jewish individuals supporting Q and the plan

you hate them too?

of course not, its the corrupt leaders who mislead the people who are our target.

blaming all jews is a trap, and your blind if you cant see that.

fccd71 No.1522401

File: fd4db42ac13df27⋯.png (188.29 KB, 558x460, 279:230, ClipboardImage.png)


U.S. cautions citizens in China after 'abnormal' sound incident


36fb92 No.1522402

File: bcbd4c245787ec3⋯.jpg (446.91 KB, 1080x2158, 540:1079, Screenshot_20180523-201354….jpg)

Macaulay Culkin just did an AMA on Reddit. Addressed pizzagate and illuminati, sorta.

b61ac7 No.1522403

File: 1f0d975b722c9af⋯.png (368.58 KB, 988x1854, 494:927, ClipboardImage.png)

>>1522330 More on Salinas, seems like a person. NYC. They weren't having a lot of luck.

34f2f0 No.1522404

At least four people have been killed and 15 injured in a suicide attack in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, according to the local security services.

cc6229 No.1522405


Don't you just love the sucking sound of a drain when it nears the end!

516d68 No.1522406


Guess we were looking for BIG BOOM!!!

as opposed to little boom

969f76 No.1522407


Go cat go!!!

7e0ab6 No.1522409


It is indeed a fight between good and evil– and it appears that AI is an interface that evil makes extensive use of.

Do you agree that there is an AI problem on the internet? Naturally, AI would defend itself by trying to diminish the idea of AI in any way it can, when called out– so you at least must about that a particularly meticulous form of vigilance is necessary here.

This is all out war– how would we NOT be getting invaded by that best AI they have available?

be3580 No.1522410


Yeah it seemed strange at the time, but we were assured he was a patriot and we do have immigrants from all over etc. etc.

19e00e No.1522411


Could we get one American w/ #17 ?

43c20f No.1522412


be still my heart~

I pray he isn't compromised

9d7c4c No.1522413

File: b0c5f11b8cb77b1⋯.jpg (75.86 KB, 664x499, 664:499, #acting.jpg)

550079 No.1522414

File: 660c2cdbc18bb23⋯.jpg (4.35 KB, 290x174, 5:3, images (9).jpg)

Im softening up the normies on facebook everyone is stunned the shit coming out . They cant take it claiming WHERE IS THE PROOF ?? WE NEED THE MOAB SOON !!

05eddc No.1522415


dude on the right in 2nd pic looks like brennan.

a03cd6 No.1522416

File: 736765ee38f2e45⋯.png (210.71 KB, 500x568, 125:142, 64d9943c4b6fac17464fccc2dc….png)


Hitler did lots of things wrong. Like losing the war and getting millions of Germans killed. He also did lots of good stuff. Germany at peace was a model for what the western world should have become.

d8f3ae No.1522417

https:// theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/05/23/senator-chuck-grassley-demands-page-strzok-text-message-redactions-be-removed/

b5c640 No.1522418


can you kids get over it and start contributing to the Q posts. That would help considerably in our search for the truth!

c3adcb No.1522419

File: 00cd88191c1143b⋯.jpg (11.24 KB, 208x243, 208:243, happymerchant.jpg)


You wreak of desperation.

9d7c4c No.1522420

File: 7c801d313268c10⋯.jpg (307.3 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Qproofs-PixTeller-245675.jpg)

550079 No.1522421

I trust the plan tho so whatever the timetable is it is .

fd54e6 No.1522422

File: 4880cfdf4166ef6⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Great to be in New York fo….mp4)

Great to be in New York for the day. Heading back to the @WhiteHouse now, lots of work to be done!


Twitter NEW YORK VIDEO attached.

9d7c4c No.1522423

File: 4b318dba5188a2b⋯.png (67.61 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, #QProofs2-PixTeller-203487.png)

File: afbca3476f31899⋯.jpg (138.87 KB, 722x842, 361:421, #qproofgun.jpg)

a310f3 No.1522424


Thanks. And "mind control" or persuasion is not mechanical.

The surveillance only works if they get away with their schemes and kill the dissidents. Still new dissidents are born every generation.

And those at the top are apparently Stupid. So we are told. And evidence shows it, as well.

4378de No.1522425

comms yet?



NEVER tell the enemy.

only inform them.


ee28cc No.1522426


Nigeria is one we are missing imho.

> Dr. Rice


>"Evil Agenda" video on the shelf in Paper Planes

grabs shovel

aeed99 No.1522427


Here is a coincidence.

None of my neigbor jews support Trump. None. Zip. Zilch.


be3580 No.1522428


AI at least in its current (not very advanced) forms has a generally damaging effect on the internet. Like a dumb bomb, just pure destruction.

So black hats might not mind using it, but white hats will tend to back away from causing such damage. It's asymmetric warfare.

bce856 No.1522430


What if the pics of the space shuttle and owl go together?

The space shuttles deployed many a satellite. What if one of them launched was a military satellite that is a keeping an eye on the pope.

f6004e No.1522431

File: 25a95745f31ca7c⋯.jpg (80.04 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 21l61o.jpg)


No harm in throwin out spitballs.

ElonBraun = kek.

All I got to say about possibility of "Protected" is this:

Better be a damn good deal.

9d7c4c No.1522432

File: 6eb14eb4b05d2d5⋯.png (103.29 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, #QConfirm.png)

a9187d No.1522433

File: 88c11049fd10bb3⋯.png (203.04 KB, 776x404, 194:101, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

Question for Q (if you are monitoring):

Is POTUS totally stressed out, or is he having the time of his life? Asking because I love the man, and he looks like he's having a blast, but I know the pressure must be tremendous. How's he doing?

866de3 No.1522434


IRGC Going down..

715f1f No.1522435



ours is red..

43c20f No.1522436


these booms have

been plenty for me!

hard to catch up~

802f35 No.1522437

File: 183e008e407394a⋯.png (192.73 KB, 1024x335, 1024:335, Bronfman_Witch_Hunt.png)


Bronfman PIG FARM in Virginia - Witch Hunt

Last spring, when forensic accountants and private investigators intensified their probe, Nemeyer appeared eager to simply give back the barn property. However, he concluded, as he told Bronfman in the letter, that tapping his retirement account and obtaining a loan would consume less time and raise more repayment money.

Such efforts were rebuffed, says Nemeyer's friend Masloff, who heard that the Nemeyer family– including his wife and three kids– were ordered, once Bronfman decided he'd been robbed, to vacate the house they'd inhabited for over two decades in less than an hour.

"It seemed like a David and Goliath kind of thing," says Masloff, "kind of a witch-hunt."

http:// www.readthehook.com/101776/wrath-or-con-farm-manager-not-guilty-bronfman-case

51022b No.1522438

File: 5b3728a92553718⋯.png (179.02 KB, 1260x998, 630:499, strk.png)


9d7c4c No.1522439

File: b25ab03a41cfdca⋯.jpg (98.42 KB, 1048x391, 1048:391, #GFlynntimeline.jpg)

550079 No.1522440

YAAAAAYYYY POTUS !!!! Thanks for protecting him Military !! keep our amazing savior safe !!!

4b666b No.1522441

File: b65014a8693d641⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 553x369, 553:369, doorgunner.jpg)


I want to be a Space Shuttle Door Gunner

28054a No.1522442


Yeah I'm not the baker but I am a baker…..AI can't bake.

b61ac7 No.1522443

File: b98d7cf16865873⋯.png (267.11 KB, 1002x1306, 501:653, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d791235e369f1dd⋯.png (330.83 KB, 973x1290, 973:1290, ClipboardImage.png)

HRC and Jewish + anger at Obama

9d7c4c No.1522444

File: 61212efc8643016⋯.jpg (208.76 KB, 1200x886, 600:443, #qfiretruck2.jpg)

File: 4ed0d1373bb193a⋯.jpg (76.35 KB, 720x470, 72:47, #qfiretruck3.jpg)

File: c8963b4d947b91a⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1583x1750, 1583:1750, #qfiretruck2.png)

File: 1a0b068cc741953⋯.png (719.16 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, #QFireTruck.png)

cc105a No.1522446

File: 7cf17afab5fc08a⋯.jpg (23.45 KB, 430x234, 215:117, sound_cannon_2.jpg)


Sonic weapon?

c3adcb No.1522447

File: 3d8e23c95af069f⋯.png (426.71 KB, 800x764, 200:191, 3d8e23c95af069fd83009a2fa2….png)


Informing my fellow goy about the jew is my contribution to this board.

You get over it.

be3580 No.1522448


To keep a steady eye on the pope it would probably be in geostationary orbit, 22,000 miles up. Way up there. Could it protect the pope from good people trying to cure the world of him?

ca06d9 No.1522449


My extended telomeres are ready.

05eddc No.1522450


in the 1st pic, looks like a tall woman standing next to a perambulator. probably did the drop in to the baby buggy. a drop more than a handoff. whose baby?

c63ec0 No.1522451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What would you be gunning exactly?

b61ac7 No.1522452

File: 1684fbbd1b31b20⋯.png (156.19 KB, 980x1287, 980:1287, ClipboardImage.png)

Philip Levine won't be pleased to see this. Wonder who he is.

11748d No.1522453


Just came here to inquire what everyone's opinion was on the big news today? Or if May 23rd was even the correct interpretation?

(I wasn't sure if Q was a LARP or not for a long time (due to the heavy shilling) but Corsi/Jones disavowing really confirmed Q was real for me. Just thought I'd mention that)

866de3 No.1522454


For something the Shills.

IRGC going down..

9d7c4c No.1522455

File: 35925b44ba4644f⋯.jpg (141.42 KB, 1012x1024, 253:256, DdaM59kWkAIuT0m.jpg)

File: 0f1b84573cdca4e⋯.png (652 KB, 1516x1328, 379:332, #qrabbit.png)

File: af2d564059da64e⋯.png (293.57 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, #q-PixTeller-225634.png)

cc105a No.1522456

File: ad110232d33d40b⋯.png (237.86 KB, 909x1036, 909:1036, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

69b0f8 No.1522457

BAKER. Dough says Q trip was changed YESTERDAY. Please reconcile.

d8f3ae No.1522458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I Was a Communist for the FBI 520514 Red Red Herring, Old Time Radio

969f76 No.1522459


Phone deal with Carlos Slim? Lololololololol

And sjw’s

>what could go wrong…. visa shuttled through State Dept… vetting problem


4b666b No.1522460


Space Shills?

9d7c4c No.1522461

File: c22eabc492f8cfb⋯.png (384.13 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, qproofsdod.png)

File: 0774e0582ba93d9⋯.png (839.33 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, qproofsdod (2).png)

File: f88c3e0b0a42537⋯.png (581.38 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, QproofsDOD3.png)

File: 1b7a8106404ed9b⋯.jpg (185.17 KB, 900x1650, 6:11, DODboom.jpg)

cc6229 No.1522462

File: 694d15f2770143d⋯.png (229.93 KB, 781x567, 781:567, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump-backed VA bill sails through Senate, with signature ahead

The Senate overwhelmingly approved legislation to send to President Trump on Wednesday that would allow more veterans to see doctors outside the Veterans Affairs system.

The president has openly backed the bill, the VA Mission Act, and is expected to sign it into law. It passed the Senate 92-5, marking a bipartisan legislative victory for the president.

The bill failed to win the support of Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Mike Rounds, R-S.D., Bob Corker, R-Tenn., Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, and Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.

The bill would allow more veterans to go outside the VA healthcare system and use private-sector doctors when VA medical centers can't provide appointments within a month, veterans have to drive more than 40 minutes to access care, or when care is determined inadequate by VA leaders. It also would provide more access to caregivers.

The $52 billion plan includes $5.2 billion to avoid a shutdown of the Choice program, which is expected to run out of funds as early as May 31, disrupting medical care for veterans. Choice was created as a reaction to the scandals involving long wait times for care in the VA system, when veterans died while they waited to receive medical care.

"Veterans of all eras rely on the promise of accessible, quality care when they return home," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., wrote on Twitter. "But too often, the VA has fallen short of fulfilling it, with long waiting lists and limited treatment options. The shortcomings of the federal bureaucracy were apparent."

Veterans of all eras rely on the promise of accessible, quality care when they return home. But too often, the VA has fallen short of fulfilling it, with long waiting lists and limited treatment options. The shortcomings of the federal bureaucracy were apparent. (1/2)

— Leader McConnell (@SenateMajLdr) May 23, 2018

Opponents of the legislation have said they fear the VA is headed toward privatization, which would remove many responsibilities from the VA system and provide public funding to private medical centers.

Sanders said in a statement that while he believed the bill contained some positive provisions, he believed the best way to reduce wait times was to fill vacancies and feared the legislation would continue "a trend toward the slow, steady privatization of the VA."

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/healthcare/trump-backed-va-bill-sails-through-senate-with-signature-ahead

550079 No.1522463


Is this attacking the fucking (((CLOWNS)))) on here?

0afa7f No.1522464


He hasn't really ever gone on about blue aliens, and tends to have pretty good material. Most of his stuff he provides sources, we don't need to hate everyone just because they cover the topic.

Might be biased, I was looking for his video on my way home today

4496ce No.1522465


Corsi and his stooges are behind the shilling fyi

fd54e6 No.1522466

File: d670400213e5659⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, New_York.png)


The video was downloaded without error, however uploading it here causes lose of color saturation (in my browser).

Please view video on Twitter just in case:


43c20f No.1522467

there is a gal named Laurel

on Survivor tonight

we shall see if she wins or not

not a crumb

just a coincidence

7e0ab6 No.1522468


Not sure what actual point you're trying to make.

AI effectively controls /pol/, and chews up a huge number of posts on each one of the breads here. There is reason to think it is autonomous. It's clearly fairly sophisticated (though unable to overcome inherent limitations). Do you pretend to be completely unaware of all that?

331fbc No.1522469


Fairly certain knowing his philosophy he is grinning, focused, and dead serious. His enemies on the other hand…

34f2f0 No.1522470

Goldman Sachs has warned that the growing US deficit could pose a significant threat to the country's economic security during the next recession.

The bank's chief economist Jan Hatzius forecast the federal deficit to increase from $825 billion (or 4.1 percent of gross domestic product) to $1.25 trillion (5.5 percent of GDP) by 2021. The number will balloon to $2.05 trillion (seven percent of GDP) over 10 years, he said.

“An expanding deficit and debt level is likely to put upward pressure on interest rates, expanding the deficit further,” said Hatzius. “While we do not believe that the US faces a risk to its ability to borrow or repay, the rising debt level could nevertheless have three consequences long before debt sustainability becomes a major obstacle.”

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said in April debt could equal GDP within a decade if Congress extends the tax cuts. That’s a level not seen since World War II.

According to CBO, economic growth should jump above three percent this year thanks to the stimuli. Nevertheless, debt held by the public will soar to $28.7 trillion by the end of fiscal 2028.

“Lawmakers might hesitate to approve fiscal stimulus in the next downturn in light of the already-substantial budget deficit,” said Hatzius. “While we would expect some additional loosening of fiscal policy during the next downturn, there is a good chance in our view that it would be less aggressive than it was in the last few recessions.”

Goldman analysts’ team explained that even if the debt and deficit levels don't prevent lawmakers from approving countercyclical fiscal stimulus during the next recession, a political desire to stabilize the debt level would likely hamper growth during the next recovery. “The current fiscal expansion … must at some point give way not just to a neutral stance, which we expect by 2020, but to a tightening of fiscal policy that could restrict growth,” Hatzius wrote.


550079 No.1522471

File: 7e471f9800fe9f2⋯.jpeg (5.83 KB, 255x212, 255:212, b77273e2ed14c0445cdb28587….jpeg)

File: 577902e5520c655⋯.png (5.32 KB, 238x255, 14:15, e2cc1641f776f3b33ec6527327….png)

File: 071fc844fcb9937⋯.png (20.94 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e65f6fd2b8b1e307432ab8f21d….png)

It got awfully quiet all the sudden the bot fuck went away and the filter filter faggots are all gone ..hmmmm I hope Q fucking crushes all the ((CLOWNS))) that fuck this board up !! GO Q !!!!!

969f76 No.1522472


What an ABSOLUTE GAS that must have been!!! This is a beautiful time of year in the city. Marine One x2 flying overhead YEOW!!!!!

625b26 No.1522473

b3e617 No.1522474

What's with the giant Q on the side of the page?

d4af3d No.1522475


Miami Beach Mayor and would-be-Florida-governor Philip Levine


7e0ab6 No.1522476


And here we see the point of the AI shill baker :|

224e52 No.1522477



This is actually a good point.

Would be worth updating the dough to reflect that the trip change took place a while ago.

Worth getting rid of that bit altogether, really, at least until the next trip change.

cc105a No.1522478

File: 8e14ae4556eb11d⋯.png (76.31 KB, 934x384, 467:192, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

The FBI Agent who interviewed Flynn to testify…

144bdf No.1522479

File: b53696faf04c6a3⋯.png (274.57 KB, 647x581, 647:581, POTUS 5-23-18 5 08 pm PST.PNG)

9d7c4c No.1522480

File: 165126bc9745ed6⋯.jpg (108.19 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, #Louisvilleky-PixTeller-24….jpg)

be3580 No.1522481


If it's about Israeli settlements, Trump recently told Netanyahu to withdraw from those same settlements and I heard a rumor that Trump's 2 state solution idea is to put the Palestinian capital in one of those areas of withdrawn settlements.

f18767 No.1522483


fdb9ed No.1522484

(((A Weapon Test?)))

U.S. cautions citizens in China after 'abnormal' sound incident

“We notified China of what took place as best we know it and they have responded in a way that is exactly the right response,” Pompeo told a news conference with Wang. “We’re working together to resolve (this) … I hope we can figure it out.”

The State Department was taking the incident very seriously and working to determine the cause and impact, the embassy said. Pompeo said that medical teams were heading to Guangzhou to investigate the incident.

The State Department added that the Chinese government told the embassy it was also investigating and taking appropriate measures.

“We cannot at this time connect it with what happened in (((Havana))), but we are investigating all possibilities,” a U.S. embassy official told Reuters.


34f2f0 No.1522485

Left leaning billionaire Michael Bloomberg says he would like to hike taxes on low-income citizens in his crusade against sugary drinks. He says it’s a “good thing for those people.”

Bloomberg says he wants to decide on what is good for low-income people. “The question is do you want to pander to those people? Or do you want to get them to live longer? There's just no question,” he said.



HomeBusiness News

Raising taxes on poor is a 'good thing for those people' – billionaire Michael Bloomberg

Published time: 23 May, 2018 14:20Edited time: 23 May, 2018 14:42

Get short URL

Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg at the US Open Championships tennis tournament in New York © AI Project / Reuters

Left leaning billionaire Michael Bloomberg says he would like to hike taxes on low-income citizens in his crusade against sugary drinks. He says it’s a “good thing for those people.”

Bloomberg says he wants to decide on what is good for low-income people. “The question is do you want to pander to those people? Or do you want to get them to live longer? There's just no question,” he said.

Read more

Soros says he wants to pay more taxes, but prefers Ireland where he paid less than $1,000

“If you raise taxes on full sugary drinks, for example, they will drink less and there's just no question that full sugar drinks are one of the major contributors to obesity and obesity is one of the major contributors to heart disease and cancer and a variety of other things,” he said at the IMF discussion panel talking to the IMF Chief Chrisine Lagarde.

The billionaire went on to compare the US army with the coal industry. “We have a lot of soldiers in the United States in the US Army, but we don't want to go start a war just to give them something to do and that's exactly what you're saying when you say 'well, let's keep coal killing people because we don't want coal miners to lose their jobs.’”

“The truth of the matter is that there aren't very many coal miners left anyways and we can find other things for them to do. But the comparison is: a life or a job. Or, taxes or life? Which do you want to do? Take your poison.”

Bloomberg has been a fierce proponent of soda taxes. Last year, he spent $3 million on an advertising campaign that backs a Chicago-area soda tax. When he was a New York City mayor, he tried to ban super-sized sugary drinks in the city, but failed.

He has also criticized the recent tax cuts by US President Donald Trump. Bloomberg believes they are an  “economically indefensible blunder” and will not lead to significantly higher wages and growth.


3aa1d8 No.1522486

b61ac7 No.1522487

File: d409ab3b0d35dac⋯.png (378.24 KB, 996x1303, 996:1303, ClipboardImage.png)

This smells like fuckery.

This asshole met with Rhodes, then HRC, and now wants to meet off the record with Cigar Bill.

Wadah Khanfar

05eddc No.1522488




bce856 No.1522489


The comment was only "guardian of the pope". Not destroyer of the pope. If that satellite kept an exact location of him at all times I'm sure there is something else that can take him out.

550079 No.1522490

File: c95ac62331023e7⋯.jpg (12.55 KB, 255x240, 17:16, 6e1164273a4acfdbfac73bc9e1….jpg)


He''s coming back to bake a few bredds !!

7e0ab6 No.1522491







3061fc No.1522492


Q did not change trip yesterday. "Bolded trip fake Q" faked a trip change, but it was fake.

9d7c4c No.1522493

File: c5ac19806cab4a5⋯.jpeg (178.69 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, #comeythatsit.jpeg)


Yeah BABY!

BAKER notable

It was all COMEY…..haha

969f76 No.1522494


SpaceX didnt exist then…..

684ace No.1522495


You'r deep state …we see you …think we dont have secondary methods to track people behind VPN? …think again

fdb9ed No.1522496


(((those people)))

wow…where are the SJW's ???

34f2f0 No.1522497


Humans don't come here.

b61ac7 No.1522498



Interesting, wonder what they were setting up. Isnt this DWS's district?

b5c640 No.1522499


Is the pic taken from AF1?

be3580 No.1522500


When Trump visits NYC he's considerate and comes in on a helicopter. When Obama visited he had half the roads in and out of the city blocked, causing much damage to many people, seemingly as much damage as possible.

969f76 No.1522501



I am 100% wrong! Founded 2002

cc105a No.1522502

File: d143e39e04defb5⋯.png (329.82 KB, 925x817, 925:817, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

No more harming our children deepstatefaggots!

c1b0dc No.1522503


Here is your answer anon:


ca06d9 No.1522504


You can go to [Options] (Top right of screen) >> Theme, and choose a different theme if it hampers your ability to focus.

5cac52 No.1522505

File: 41d8af6bd36c622⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 244x255, 244:255, traitorjohns.jpg)


Traitor John "I'll sell our Hummus reserves to Iran under the table."

cc6229 No.1522506

File: 781e1a08f649bb7⋯.png (785.28 KB, 850x567, 850:567, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump to cut foreign aid for home countries of illegal immigrants

President Trump announced Wednesday that the U.S. will begin to deduct foreign aid from countries whose residents illegally enter the United States.

"Many of these countries we give tremendous amounts of aid to. Tens of millions of dollars. And we're working on a plan to deduct a lot of the aid," Trump said at an event in New York denouncing the Salvadoran gang MS-13.

"We're going to work out something where every time someone comes in from a certain country, we're going to deduct a rather large amount of money from what we give them in aid, if we give them aid at all," Trump said. "We may just not give them aid at all."

Trump did not specify which countries would be targeted, but spoke after another panelist mentioned foreign countries refusing to accept deportees.

"They'll let you think they're trying to stop this. They are not trying to stop it," Trump said. "I think they encourage people… They don't want the people that we're getting."

"Despite all of the reports I hear, I don't believe they're helping us one bit. and it may be that's the way life is," he said. "We know where these people are coming from. We're looking at our whole aid structure and it's going to be changed very radically. It's already started."

MS-13 was founded in Los Angeles in the 1980s among refugees from El Salvador, where a U.S.-backed government fought communist rebels, with human rights violations on both sides. Many of its young members today illegally entered the U.S.

According to USAID, El Salvador received $75 million in U.S. aid in fiscal 2016. The amount fluctuates, and spiked to $332 million in 2015. Mexico, the top home country of illegal immigrants in the U.S., received $87 million in foreign aid in 2016, according to USAID.

Trump previously has threatened foreign aid penalties, notably in December after various countries that receive aid voted to condemn his decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/white-house/trump-to-cut-foreign-aid-for-countries-that-send-illegal-immigrants

bbc1d4 No.1522507


He was DEFINITELY born in Kenya at the mouth of the Nile river. This has great occult significance to those who worship the old Egyptian gods and take the trouble to do a Babalon Working to draw down the moon and create a moonchild.

91fe92 No.1522508


You have to go back.

144bdf No.1522509

BO or Baker

Please get rid of the Q in the bottom right

I appreciate the intent but it is screwing up screen caps and reading posts

c3adcb No.1522510

File: 90f999808eadaf3⋯.jpg (158.47 KB, 998x1078, 499:539, 3d335a9b05e206eba1b6112fc6….jpg)


You are pathetic.

d4af3d No.1522511


Old pal of Bill Clinton……………..is a rapist

140270 No.1522512

09d6f8 No.1522513

File: 65a868a8ff2abb5⋯.jpg (47.3 KB, 480x601, 480:601, 65a868a8ff2abb5e0ba92ab2d3….jpg)


There is no fucking way kek . It's way to complex for a bot . This baker is good .

269740 No.1522514





I removed it, but it will take a while for the site to update the changes. Sorry about that guys.

b61ac7 No.1522515

File: 84a99cc08d07aad⋯.png (719.56 KB, 600x722, 300:361, 84a.png)

b3e617 No.1522516


Same thing in Los Angeles, and always at fucking rush hour! God, I used to cuss him so much.

34f2f0 No.1522517


Their heads are trapped in Trump's arse.

11748d No.1522518


should've read the thread first. that IS quite a lot of pieces moving all of a sudden today. thank you. feels good to believe in Q again.

28054a No.1522519


Marine 1, the helicopter.

be3580 No.1522520


I know. I am just hoping they can't guard him too well from the faithful.

ddf683 No.1522521


ill make a nuclear hummus bomb

with extra garlic!

3fe928 No.1522522


im sure your small sample of a dozen people at best is a perfectly accurate representation of the whole of them…


071cde No.1522523

File: 3144035178ae809⋯.png (45.7 KB, 705x552, 235:184, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ab75b28c34872c⋯.png (365.45 KB, 1188x254, 594:127, ClipboardImage.png)


Counter-narrative went out @ 4am to MSM contractors [like clockwork]

Talking points [4am] - private email addresses.

interesting site https://www. documentcloud.org/public/search

found it reading about fake DNC hack

https://www. zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-23/day-guccifer-20-quit-hacking-dnc

fdb9ed No.1522524


good…the leadership of those countries need to take care of their own…enough

b5c640 No.1522525


Thank you!!!

b3e617 No.1522526


No worries. Just wondered why it was there. Thought I had missed something big. :)

3aaff9 No.1522527

Rita Kirshner, VP Russian American Foundation… huge CF donors:



684ace No.1522528

Welcome to the the honeypot deep state handler muh jew shills …judgement day is soon.

You know your assets will be freezed right? including bitcoins …besides prison time

ddf683 No.1522529

lets take a quick look at the muhjoo shill tactic from 40,000 feet

what is the cabal's most used tactic? blame others for what they are doing

feature evidence = protocals of the elders of zion - what are they? The Protocols are claimed to be the minutes of a late 19th-century meeting where Jewish leaders discussed their goal of global Jewish hegemony by subverting the morals of Gentiles, and by controlling the press and the world's economies. Does that evil goal sound familiar?

of course it does - just what we are fighting. aside from the fact that this was debunked long ago the lies persist. but debunking aside just consider 2 simple questions

1st - if the jews really were the ones who formed this plan does anyone believe they would write it all down in plain clear english?

2nd - what was going on before thee protocals were written? perhaps then there was no cabal and no plan for controlling the press and the world's economies before 1900.

So here are the two options:

1. The jews somehow fabricated 3000 years of human history and no one ever noticed, or;

2. The jews were a special people who brought monotheism to the world - which turned out to be the most powerful tool for good and for evil - making them a very convenient target for those same 3000 years.

140270 No.1522530

File: 667ea8b3cf10e94⋯.png (509.65 KB, 786x794, 393:397, 7631c8bc3e0ec9612a0411dbe9….png)



did someone say pickle?

7a1a82 No.1522531


it is, in fact, a neck/back brace, as the other anon said.

d8f3ae No.1522532

How many boobs does it take to change a lightbulb?

05eddc No.1522533


i was thinking the shooting because of the dates in 2010, this seems more like meeting with a person.

maybe this salinas?



3b0c2c No.1522534


did Soros fund Musk's Tesla company or SpaceX or both?

c1b0dc No.1522535


breads are fast today. I'll repost next bread up top for easier access.

bbc1d4 No.1522536


The one on the right

Reminds me of a vagina

Is that why you say "Pussy"?

be3580 No.1522537

>>1522512 Limited hangout. I am sure it goes above Comey. His boss' boss Loretta Lynch only discussed golf and grandkids with WJC on the tarmac? lol

a310f3 No.1522538

File: 37f2e8ffcab26f8⋯.jpg (15.22 KB, 204x255, 4:5, 523c8818e64018bcb76327b8f5….jpg)


No I don't think there is an IA problem.

I think that notion is more "fear porn" which they love..

The main problem is censorship.

They might block out whole ranges of IP and not let certain info get to those places.

They will take down particular YouTube channels (and have for years) - if those channels have potential. Or mute them. Put it in a backwater.

What can a bot do? Bots are stupid.

It's fear porn.

As Scientol ogy founder Hu bbard did on those he desired to control: He created little creatures that attacked people and then, if you followed his program of "therapy" you could get rid of them.

But only he Elron L . r on could see them.

kek. I might be drinking so my spelling /typing is worse than usual, but hat doesn't mean I'm a fucking robot.

kek ked

Something good might be happening in Congress today. I heard.

09d6f8 No.1522539

File: 7137fd4d9ad8e16⋯.jpg (10.08 KB, 167x255, 167:255, 7026d7de4d3d8b9d29f6199c9c….jpg)


I cannot wait for the day of the rope for the 4 am drop faggots. MSM needs an enema !

cc105a No.1522540

File: 85ed70259604344⋯.png (642.46 KB, 929x973, 929:973, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

Wonder what they talked about… the reason why the Left will REALLY hate him (and NYPD)

99264a No.1522541


KEK! Thank you Anon!!!

cc6229 No.1522542


He is the Man!!

5cac52 No.1522543


Where's yesterday's Earthquake fag when you need him?

ddf683 No.1522544

File: 265482c668bb81b⋯.jpg (6.32 KB, 300x168, 25:14, myers2.jpg)


get those pickles and hummus in my BELLY

f18767 No.1522545


CNN: BO kills Q

f6004e No.1522546


>Don't miss the obvious

Well said, agree.

>-Twitter declared public forum!!! Huge for snti-censorship lobby

Perfectly played by the Maestro & his social media sensais.

Decision has enormous implications, especially when combined with this ruling:

>>1520605 #1810



>The Court analogized access to the Internet to public streets and parks, finding that the Internet was no different than traditional public forums and adopting a broad interpretation of First Amendment protections.

Now what we have to do is figure out a way to prevent Silicon Valley from being able to track & snoop on us whereever we go in return for using "their" public utility.

140270 No.1522547

File: b171439c2cf471b⋯.png (209.98 KB, 457x396, 457:396, 3ecbb3202eda88dd1ce822d7f9….png)

File: 48a3b74992bb718⋯.png (561.46 KB, 649x459, 649:459, 48a3b74992bb71879a4a817305….png)

224e52 No.1522548


Eh, I liked it, but I'm only one Anon.

Could you please share the CSS rules for it, by chance?

b61ac7 No.1522549


>>1522533 ooooh. That would make the (jazz music stop)

773671 No.1522550


All that work for nada

bcb960 No.1522551


Pretty much lost my admiration of Foo Fighters and DG after this collaboration: http://www.lifenews.com/2014/07/18/cbs-airs-feminists-anti-christian-song-i-wish-the-virgin-wouldve-had-an-abortion/

bce856 No.1522552


He can't stay in a bunker or dumb 24/7. Not to mention I wouldn't be surprised if there were white hats close enough to him to do the job if need be.

cc6229 No.1522553


Agree this made me very happy, more incentive for the leaders to keep them home, rather than kick their problems to the USA.

4378de No.1522554


dud 77 or niot… fuck off clown.

a88365 No.1522555


The Q tripchange info's been the same since the weekend. The date (not yesterday), needs to be updated, that's all. I baked it in alongside the side-by-sides and if the baker / anons think so, it can all easily come out. Twas a temp thing.

09d6f8 No.1522556


Can anyone give me the email for this pic so I can show the THATS NOT REAL zombie the email or number link?? Pls ANon?

fd54e6 No.1522557

File: 4f62bb2a6fc80d9⋯.png (83.94 KB, 733x956, 733:956, Q_Drop_1010.png)



>>894401 (Q Drop 1010 on April 04, 2018))


5cac52 No.1522558

File: 62ee3d0fa9c8032⋯.jpg (6.79 KB, 301x167, 301:167, ajtrump.jpg)

c63ec0 No.1522559

File: b3eab830a1e5942⋯.png (218.05 KB, 894x534, 149:89, Screenshot_57.png)


Falcon 9


99f8a8 No.1522560


He's praying in the woods waiting for the animals to give him an update…

34f2f0 No.1522561

Turkey, Japan and Russia have calculated how much US tariffs would add to the cost of steel and aluminum exports to America, and submitted their claims to the World Trade Organization.

The countries followed similar moves by the European Union, India and China. Russia estimated that it would lose $538 million because of the US tariffs, which President Donald Trump imposed in March. Japan reported $440 million, while Turkey added a further $267 million.

Earlier, China, the EU and India estimated their losses at $612 million, $1.6 billion and $165 million respectively. The countries that have turned to the WTO say the tariffs – 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminium – cannot be explained by the US security concerns, the issue on which Washington is basing its actions.

Under WTO rules, if any country seeks to cut its imports, thus protecting local producers, it should compensate its trade partners with a net increase in imports of other goods. Washington has refused to do so. Japan and Russia have not provided the details on retaliation, but Turkey has said it would target 22 American goods, ranging from nuts, rice and tobacco to cars and steel products.

269740 No.1522563


body {

color: #000;

background: url('https://media.8ch.net/file_store/0b0840728eae09e295d4551f6696b30d00154811ff5fa720fc07a378f68268a3.png');

background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat;

background-attachment: fixed, fixed;

background-position: right bottom, center;


cc6229 No.1522564



7be93d No.1522565

File: 47abf9591626d4f⋯.jpg (71.92 KB, 327x377, 327:377, PepeDream.jpg)

Sometimes it just can't be put into words.

Will a picture do?


d5ae68 No.1522567

>>1521487 New [HRC] emails just released by the state dept GO

HRC Digs

>>1522038 : Huma,McCain, Graham & Afghanistan

>>1522443 HRC and Jewish + anger at Obama

>>1522403 More on Salinas

>>1522487 Wadah Khanfar


are not endorsements

Headline News: >>1504997 Second spy infiltrating Trump campaign; Former adviser: “This is just the beginning.”


>>1521850 HRC e-mail: The Dogs Are Loose. 'Pre-Programming' the Machines. Attending A Collective Soul Concert (Not Code! So Don't Look For It)

>>1521866 The Zuck Strikes Again: Give Me Your Nudes!

>>1521879 Stefan Halper, FBI Spy, Missing.

>>1521880 Joseph Yanny, Defender Of Pedophiles

>>1521885 Mr. Michael B. Yanney II, served as a Director of Level 3 Communications Inc, >>1521933 Q's Godfather 3 Quotes

>>1521909 Quite Possible, Anon!

>>1521953 What's Level 3?, >>1522010

>>1522035 Clinton Connection: Nora Toiv Still Works @ State Departement Today!

>>1522048 McCabe's Skips Town During Crisis To Visit London Town

>>1522065 Yanny Represented Vegas Motorcycle Gangs

>>1522148 Farage Goes After MZ

>>1522157 Bruce Allen And The Max Planck Institute in Hannover, Germany

>>1522212 Thoughtful POTUS Tweets.

>>1522223 Feds Want Congress To Issue Them Subpoenas

>>1522244 Jim Mattis 'wide open' to potential reorganization of US military space operations

>>1522280 Concening the Auto Industry:

>>1522317 Casette, NXIVM, Tarzias & Stage Right Secrets

>>1522385 Praiyers

>>1522386 US Coalition Strikes Syria

>>1522402 Macaulay Culkin just did an AMA on Reddit

>>1522462 Veteran Care

>>1522478 The FBI Agent who interviewed Flynn to testify…


>>1521042 More on Heather O Rourke: H. Michael Worthen, M.D. signed the death certificate.

>>1521071 Airkek Industries Update, >>1521524

>>1521132 Ed Buck: All For A Laurel, >>1521416

>>1521488 Michael B. Yanney, >>1521459, >>1522147

>>1521141 Pompeo Agrees:Chinese Sonic Attacks Similar To Cuban Sonic Attacks

>>1521365 Emails Show Obama Staff Mailing Excidedtly About Anti-Gun Agenda

>>1521373 Cohen Eats The Cake

>>1521474 Ed Buck (Laurel ave) lives 3.67 miles from Yanny & Smith law office.

>>1521492 Sigle - Cameron Mckenna Sigle: Part Of London's {Magic Circle} Lawyer District

>>1521599 dig

>>1521605 Israelis & Mueller Probe, >>1521615, >>1521622

>>1521644 Bill Tweets About Missing Presidents

>>1521677 Fly: Michael Avenatti, Vocal Anti-Trump, Amiss

>>1521752 Who Runs ACLJ?

>>1521780 Eric Schmidt & Bill Richardson in NK, >>1521806 tl;meme


>>1519198, >>1519978, >>1519621 → Could this CDAN blind be Stormy Daniels and Ed Buck? (Michael Avenatti & Adam Schiff the fixers)

>>1520264 Return Of The Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

>>1520284 [RR] delivers remarks at the Bloomberg Law Leadership Forum

>>1520276 Thoughtpiece On Pompeo

>>1520292 Tarrifs where they hurt most: ZTE Estimated To Have Lost $3.1 Billion From US Technology Ban

>>1520303 Big Merger News: Comcast/Disney In 'all-cash' Race For Fox

>>1520323 Definition Forum

>>1520339 SEKULOW: We Have Uncovered Thousands of Docs Showing Pay-to-Play Between Hillary State Department and Clinton Foundation

>>1520476 Possible intel drop.

>>1520519 5-23

>>1520597 M 2.7 Explosion - 15km E of Ely, Nevada"

>>1520569 Stephan Halper purchase order paid by DOD

>>1520623 FBI Agent at Mike Flynn Interrogation Is Ready to Testify Against McCabe, Strzok and Comey!

>>1520631 SpyGate Timeline (back to 2015) in 3 parts >>1520639, >>1520648

>>1520659 Connect It All

>>1520660 Ever Wonder Why They Made Him Order Pizza With Extra Cheese..? >>1520521, >>1520766 (Macaulay, Bro, if you are lurking here, we got your back, bro!!)

>>1520671 Happy 111 days after Freedom Day.

>>1520687 Q post January 14th. ALL FOR A BUCK

>>1520692 POTUS Words Before Marine One Departure

>>1520751 Jailbirds Like To Sing

>>1520752 Ronan Farrow Torches The Weinstein Castle

>>1520785 Re: Podesta dig in Notables, >>1516904 Erskine Bowles was a very busy man!

>>1520887 Bumbling Doctors Killed Heather O' Rourke, >>1520980, Death Certificate, >>1520944 NBC Story On The Subject

>>1520896 88 immigrants caught on route 77 towards Corpus Christi

>>1520905 Evening School

>>1520914 Fed to vote next week on rewriting Volcker Rule

>>1520950 Obama Hussein's fraudulent Social Security number?

>>1520973 The Moloch Sacrificial Pit On Epstein Island

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

09d6f8 No.1522568


Q is the Guardian of the ROPE. Even Better

c1b0dc No.1522570


Smashing anon. NOTABLE quality connection. Need a side by side for this.

a5f96d No.1522572


Blue ocean = information/looking

Red fire = punishment/hate

Gold sunlight = desire/god

Green plant = subservient/contact

Course owls and numbers and letters… i oft think i need to teach this stuff but clearly at some point the military will give us the giant cheat sheet

09d6f8 No.1522574



1a207c No.1522575


they need us more than we need them.

d44b95 No.1522576

That giant Q a number of Anons were seeing on the right side of there screen, I went to the link >1472440 now comes the pain 23 post. Once you click on that post you wait for the post to set into place then all of a sudden you get a Giant Q on the right side of your screen. Just hit the back button till it clears.

140270 No.1522578


child trafficking hub?

224e52 No.1522581


Excellent, thank you!



You need to calm down.

3e29e9 No.1522582

File: f7c7dd749c423b8⋯.jpg (75.21 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ToKillAMockingbird.jpg)

273904 No.1522583

File: 17b0b6ca15450e2⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 384x270, 64:45, GTFO.gif)







585786 No.1522584

File: bf87eb99f1bd68e⋯.jpg (105.7 KB, 600x800, 3:4, SYMStJohnsChurchNYC1.jpg)

File: 9369c509a6488c9⋯.jpg (366.12 KB, 500x800, 5:8, SYMStJohnsChurchNYC4.jpg)

File: d54176e94f07060⋯.jpg (287.79 KB, 500x800, 5:8, SYMStJohnsChurchNYC2.jpg)

File: 07e4b0cd626ec14⋯.jpg (129.9 KB, 480x640, 3:4, SYMStJohnsChurchNYC3.jpg)

File: f5ceb9814e78734⋯.jpg (358.55 KB, 500x800, 5:8, SYMStJohnsChurchNYC5.jpg)


>personal flotation device?

As well she might, if she's in NYC.

St. John's Cathedral

1047 Amsterdam Avenue

New York, New York, 10025

09d6f8 No.1522586


Things are looking alot better in here BO thank Q for getting shit under control. Good work. I can see you are making effort.

bcb960 No.1522588


Chump change.

afbe0a No.1522589

File: 930acac57181269⋯.jpg (59.65 KB, 800x416, 25:13, obama-netflix-01-800x416.jpg)

Netflix is now a Obama leftist propaganda machine.


b5c640 No.1522590

Breads moving fast? Hive mind working?

34f2f0 No.1522591


Those days are long over. The world doesn't need nor want the USA anymore. You are only fooling yourself.

84a747 No.1522592


Are the normies getting tired of our tax dollars being used for this non-sense yet? Who gives a shit? Arrest the guy or don't but I think we passed a threshold a long time ago to where it has to be impossible to calculate the bazillions spent between gov't and media wasting their time with things nobody cares about.

Whats up with NK, Syria, Flint Water, Border Security, Mental Health, Opiate Crisis, Human Trafficking rings, Sex cults, Where we at with Mars? Come on media and gov't agencies, quit fucking around and do something useful, you're are a disgrace to this great country.

7e0ab6 No.1522593



>Scientol ogy

>Hu bbard

>Elron L . r on

>I might be drinking so my spelling /typing is worse than usual, but hat doesn't mean


I appreciate the amount of processing that went into this, but you've failed utterly to deflect from the bot error in the bake by attempting (badly) to simulate a drunken human.


Scientol ogy founder Hu bbard did on those he desired to control: He created little creatures that attacked people and then, if you followed his program of "therapy" you could get rid of them.

But only he Elron L . r on could see them.

kek. I might be drinking so my spelling /typing is worse than usual, but hat doesn't mean I'm a fucking robot.

kek ked

aeed99 No.1522594


99% of public thems are nevertrumps.

Its pretty obvious.

Neocons et all

8996ad No.1522595


If your fairly new to this board, you might notice we keep helmets around. If you see a muh jew pass by, not wearing one, put one on em. We dont want them getting hurt.

ec840b No.1522596

File: 6c562fc7929e107⋯.png (337.82 KB, 944x936, 118:117, ClipboardImage.png)


She's on a shit ton of emails…. Pic related.

cc105a No.1522597

File: bf789e5d35c58d7⋯.jpg (33.7 KB, 512x358, 256:179, r361q2.jpg)

File: a70894f3bcc7b0f⋯.png (606.71 KB, 909x920, 909:920, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

File: d4c9fa359fa166a⋯.png (224.41 KB, 698x385, 698:385, Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at ….png)

c4f599 No.1522598


I know.

Relax - audience needs to be EASED into this. Step by step, anon.

We're trying to ease them into this without making them throw up their hands and flip shits.

269740 No.1522599


Thank you.

And again everyone I'm sorry about the giant Q. I'm using a low DPI setting in my browser so it looked a lot smaller for me. I'm an idiot.

0279c2 No.1522600


>Seriously ffs don't claim everything that you cannot comprehend to be a psyop. Be more open-minded about these things rather than straight on attack them. Treat these guys as one potential source when looking at the whole picture.

Oh, I understand it. They're a pure psyop trying to appear to be an organic outgrowth of interested persons on the internet. It's a marketing sham all from Sphere Dung Alliance.

bbc1d4 No.1522602


Tell them not to look for the proof because if it is true then the proof will come out in court cases.

Then ask them, WHY IS THIS COMING OUT?

Why are these people talking about it?

Why are so many politicians announcing that they will not run for re-election?

Why are so many CEOs of big companies resigning?

Why are there so many sealed indictments in the Federal court system?

Why is trump going after MS13 gangs and pedophile sex traffickers?

Just keep asking them questions. If they go all "well how should I know", then tell them, well usually you DO KNOW what is going on and I rely on you to hear the right thing, so what the hell is happening now? Please, I beg of you, find out for me.

That will get them solidly on the path to the red pill enlightenment

d4af3d No.1522603

File: a7ef15c32acfd42⋯.png (137.66 KB, 420x420, 1:1, 0b0840728eae09e295d4551f66….png)


34f2f0 No.1522604


When the dollar tanks. Remember you said that.

4378de No.1522605


i'm calm. remember cbts and the PANIC! ???

do you?(You) need to CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!!


1a207c No.1522606


check'd and kek'd. we still love you bro.

3aaff9 No.1522607

File: e6cfc698a4bd4c2⋯.png (316.92 KB, 1784x1088, 223:136, Screenshot 2018-05-23 17.3….png)


684ace No.1522608


Not even a potus EO needed …just current rules

585786 No.1522609


>It's called simply "The Fifth"

Understood. :) The months before big events are always a drag.

7be93d No.1522610

File: 205dcab2471b089⋯.jpg (130.56 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WitchHuntHRC1.jpg)

File: 7ff1b80468889ca⋯.jpg (109.57 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WitchHuntHRC2.jpg)

File: 95ffeb6c6222371⋯.jpg (166.42 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, HRCBlood.jpg)

File: e0bd1918db71af6⋯.jpg (145.67 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, HRCBlood-.jpg)

File: 06b2c29ce617c9a⋯.jpg (238.56 KB, 1373x766, 1373:766, HRCBlood-2.jpg)

8996ad No.1522612


I still dont get the falcon 9 tie. He specifically said F9 Algorithm. A rocket to me isnt an algorithm, unless Im missing something.

d5ae68 No.1522613

File: 17645e013c6291d⋯.png (110.26 KB, 293x147, 293:147, ClipboardImage.png)


next bread!

902aed No.1522614

File: 5dda27329f0a1e9⋯.png (21.07 KB, 159x250, 159:250, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ab2e2c4c65e50e⋯.png (4.95 KB, 75x75, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


As has been discussed ad nauseum in multiple prior threads:

f6004e No.1522615


Thx for catching & copping to the mistake. Underpracticed good practice, imho.


I believe that ES NK trip was right around the time that SpaceX started hitting the public consciousness, and right after NASA got effectively defunded.


thx. forgot about the F9 fb connection.

that entire topic still has room to be explored further, yes?

be3580 No.1522616



09d6f8 No.1522619


Will do . The obama in the muslim gear shocking the fuck out of them. They are spinning in circles in disbelief . I have lost many faggot friends off fb today . Fuk em , good. BRAINWASHED BY [CNN]

311957 No.1522624


multiple meanings, good catch anons

c63ec0 No.1522625

File: ec5e98a2c66f48a⋯.png (490.06 KB, 433x388, 433:388, Screenshot_60.png)


Bohemian Club



969f76 No.1522626


Grifter game. Shill and Bozo playing good cop/bad cop with Israel. Clinton coffers full, Bozo cozy to Iran. Grifters.

7243d6 No.1522628


L3Technologies, godfather lll (LLL)

Big into defense contracts, in the running with Raytheon, bell, et. al.

Cursory glance, given the issues with sensor instruments, and navigation of planes/aircraft recently, too much coinkydink.

04fd55 No.1522630



SEKULOW: We Have Uncovered Thousands of Docs Showing Pay-to-Play Between Hillary State Department and Clinton Foundation

: We Have Uncovered Thousands of Docs Showing Pay-to-Play Between Hillary State Department and Clinton Foundation An attorney for Trump, Jay Sekulow announced Wednesday the American Center for Law and Justice uncovered thousands of documents showing Clinton Foundation pay-to-play with Hillary’s State Department through a FOIA lawsuit. We have uncovered a ‘favor factory’ the ACLJ reported on Wednesday. There was no firewall between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation as Hillary previously claimed to the public.


d5ae68 No.1522633


No Worries, Operator

I liked it briefly

224e52 No.1522635


Before that, even.

Not sure if this is a joke or just plain sad.

Safe to go with "both".

Here's your $14.50 and the last <you> you'll get from me tonight.

Go home.

d8f3ae No.1522637



64feaa No.1522638


M Caputo was just on Tucker and mentioned these FBI agents. He said he has set up a fund and his org will pay attorney fees for these fbi agents

3aa1d8 No.1522639


d4af3d No.1522641

fill the bread dopes

4b901a No.1522643

Last post

d4af3d No.1522644

One more time

c63ec0 No.1522645

File: 2c22b671a3b8f3f⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1364x836, 31:19, Screenshot_11.png)

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