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9ff4bb  No.14906048[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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523f80  No.14906077

The state of critical mass has been achieved.

Just waiting for the Earth shattering Kaboom!

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e4efc3  No.14906078

culo surgery griefer distracts

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05a79c  No.14906079


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'God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.' -SwordAnon

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3919da  No.14906080

Finish the bake moran

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05a79c  No.14906081



>>14905302 Youngkin For Governor Bus Tour: Loudoun Parents Matter Rally!

>>14905381 Angry brittle teacher hits a student who provoked her and all we got was a QR notable.

>>14905448 If COVID was such a surprise then how did you fund implantable biochips to deploy Moderna’s vaccine last year?

>>14905476 Svalbard Global Seed Vault

>>14905398 Short squeeze hedge funds out in force today $DWAC at $58.96,

>>14905537 Have Faith and Believe

>>14905577 Q's shuttle launch vid link has 27M views vs 36K views for others on the same website

>>14905640 Jesse Jackson hospitalized after fall at Howard University

>>14905660 Sen. Ron Johnson to Hold Expert Panel on COVID Vaccine Injuries, Federal Vaccine Mandates

>>14905683 Biden Participates in a Meeting on the Build Back Better World (B3W) Initiative

>>14905713 This is what (((they're))) doing in Virginia (CAP)


>>14905720 CISA monitoring seems more like a buffer against claims of fraud and tampering.

>>14905751 Pilot fag radios in NOT on Frequency 121.5 [4.5]

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05a79c  No.14906082


>>14904527 Moar on U of Wash plan to vaccinate children

>>14904541 Censored Viagano text: We don't have a Pope who will defend those who do not want to have the experimental gene serum

>>14904556 Florida ‘Teacher of the Year’ arrested for hitting pupil who criticized award

>>14904573 PDJT: “The biggest change I’ve seen in Congress is Israel literally owned Congress…"

>>14904620 Britney Spears bizzare murder mystery photo

>>14904636 CNN witnesses 9 year old being sold for marriage to 55 year old man (needs verification)

>>14904676 Am Airlines cancelled flights now tops 2300

>>14904693 KanekoaTheGreat: Florida Canvass reveals 20% of mail in ballots came from Phantom Voters

>>14904704, >>14904752 OSHA Will Start Enforcing Biden's Vaccine Mandate Within Days

>>14904736 Virginia mom claims white daughter asked if she was 'born evil' after history lesson

>>14904749 Brits Who Post "False Information" About Vaccines Could Be Jailed For Two Years

>>14904760 Myrtle Beach mayoral candidate: QAnon conspiracy followers ‘some of the most nicest people'

>>14904762 Afghanistan: Twin blasts reported near military hospital in Kabul

>>14904776 Louisiana extending vaccine bribery/extortion - "Shot for $100" being extended

>>14904782 Vaccine mandate puts LA at risk for mass law enforcement exodus

>>14904804 Eyes on Wisconsin. It's the next domino to fall.

>>14904958 Yahoo says it pulled its services in China.

>>14904977 Word From VA "They Cheating Again" (CAP)

>>14905028 Biden Approval Rating 42.9 Approve

>>14905039 President Joe Biden appearing to fall asleep during a United Nations climate change summit

>>14905054, >>14905065 Britt Comms - gotta check out @lockeandkeynetflix "Book of Lock and Key?"

>>14905084 Juan Williams has a message for parents opposed to critical race theory instruction in their schools: “You’re racists!”

>>14905112 Donald Trump Hosts Telephone Rally for Glenn Youngkin: Vote and Send a Strong Message to Joe Biden

>>14905134 The Navy Just Set Up a Hospital in a Norwegian Cave

>>14905170 Anon Bun

>>14905279 #18854


>>14903790 News Bun

>>14903857 The more voters turn out the more cheating they need, the more obvious it becomes

>>14903941 LAX Airport Power Outage 11/1/21

>>14903928 Australia Plandemic cases remain low: 170,500 infections and 1,735 deaths. 77% of citizens have now been fully vaccinated

>>14903958, >>14903785 Youngkin has a huge crowd.

>>14903985 CMZ has questions about Karen Fann

>>14903966 Archbishop Viganò warns of coming ecological dictatorship

>>14904028 Huma 4 year deltas, eyes on the Frazzledin

>>14904031 The "Guard" Frequency VHF 121.5MHZ-LGB! Buckle up

>>14904036, >>14904054 https://fanncontracting.com/ 4 year Karen Delta?

>>14904042, >>14903972, >>14904233 This man needs to be the Pope. Make it happen

>>14904073 The coverup is worse than the crime. COVID is cover for election fraud

>>14904167 It was all a dream! C_A and heavy D, for publicity. uhh!

>>14904230 For the last time you illiterate cretins. RED OCTOBER IS ON NOVEMBER 7TH

>>14904283 Palmetto State Armory does it again!!!


>>14904347 According to @VictorianCHODE directives - can't take a flag to a 'protest' - for your Health

>>14904370 University of Washington Medicine makes plans to vaccinate 5-11 year olds

>>14904372 Meanwhile in Poland

>>14904383 Greta sings "you can shove your climate crisis up your ass"

>>14904443 #18853

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05a79c  No.14906083


>>14903018 Utah’s new digital mobile drivers license

>>14903022 Reminder of the depth of the corruption

>>14903027 Biden now wants to increase tax rates for US Corporations to more than double that of China

>>14903049 Sleepy Joe Biden snoozing

>>14903053 Members of the faith widely known as the Mormon church remain deeply divided on vaccines and mask-wearing despite consistent guidance from church leaders

>>14903065 Tucker Carlson Begins Series on How Jan 6 Was Instigated by Left-Wing ‘Agent Provocateur’s’ – Something TGP Reported Months Ago (anything new or less with Tucker vs. TGP?)

>>14903148 The U.S. Navy has moved a new 150 bed hospital to an underground cave system in Norway.

>>14903270 Philadelphia becomes first major city to ban police stops for minor traffic violations

>>14903295 26 Democrats Ask Federal Agencies to Investigate if Texas Migrant Arrests Violate Constitution

>>14903329 Houthis Reportedly Targeted Civilians With Ballistic Missiles, As Their Advance In Ma’rib Continues

>>14903418 PM pledges $2 billion for Pacific countries to help fight climate change

>>14903447 Illegal Aliens Get Priority Over American Citizens in Boarding Flights from Texas

>>14903495 Kyle Rittenhouse jury has been seated. (Poso should sauce his tweets https://www.foxnews.com/us/jury-seated-kyle-rittenhouse-opening-statements-begin-tuesday)

>>14903551 Apple announces first states signed up to adopt driver’s licenses and state IDs in Apple Wallet

>>14903559 How Fauci Fooled America | Opinion

>>14903723, #18852


>>14902248, >>14902305 Rumors Mounting around submarine crash from October

>>14902252 Mail-In Ballot Nightmare: Dems File Lawsuits

>>14902254 huge news day. Recapping the day for everyone:

>>14902259, >>14902475 The @HillaryClinton @HumaAbedin View

>>14902264, >>14902249 Ghislaine Maxwell loses key rulings ahead of trial for Jeffrey Epstein sex crime case

>>14902274 Trump TeleRally tonight at 7PM EDT for Mike Carey running for Congress in Ohio-15

>>14902279 The risks behind the widespread use of siliconized syringes in the healthcare practice…

>>14902281 Statement by Trump: "Even Biden couldn't stand hearing so much about the Global Warming Hoax…"

>>14902302 The machines are designed to elect godless commies in both parties. Period.

>>14902284 Statement by Trump: Don't forget to go vote… for Esteban "Steve" Bovo for Mayor of Hialeah. He is fantastic!

>>14902342, >>14902566, >>14902707 Adrian Fontes confirmed he is under investigation. "The air is poisoned, the canary has died."

>>14902381 We Refused to Lie About Rachel Levine's Gender—So Twitter Locked Our Account

>>14902384 Is Ford Caving to the Demands of a Soros Stooge??

>>14902390 Mike Lindell LIVE

>>14902450, >>14902443, >>14902452 RED CROSS Denies money laundering allegations…

>>14902492 Aussie TREASON INFERNO

>>14902538 Court Gives DOD Extensive Homework Before Navy SEAL 1 v. Biden Hearing

>>14902556 ICYMI Brandon took a nap during COP26

>>14902564, >>14902611 The CDC miscalculated the data! 80-90% of expecting mothers will have spontaneous abortions!!

>>14902581 Scranton aka Brandone, Pennsylvania School Board Meeting tonight

>>14902607 Lawsuit: Texas Cops Refused to Escort Biden Bus, Told Hysterical Staffers to 'Call Back' Later

>>14902621 Washington Post Reports On "Demonic Energy" Behind The Left’s Culture War

>>14902667 In 1918 New Zealand had set up inhalation chambers filled with zinc sulfate

>>14902673 Another Vaxx'd Professional Soccer Player Collapses on Field

>>14902681 Reminder to media shills

>>14902708, >>14902741 Minneapolis Votes On Tuesday to Replace Police with "Peace Officers"

>>14902721 @Donald Trump Jr : "VA Democrats Have Reached a New Low!"

>>14902730 Jury seated for homicide trial of Kyle Rittenhouse

>>14902733 POOPIE AND THE POPE: Did Biden collect $10,000 after he visited Pope?

>>14902778 Karen Fann Announces Her Retirement From the AZ Senate After 28 Years

>>14902781 CISA will be monitoring for any threats to election integrity in Virginia governor's race

>>14902782 For the Keks

>>14902932 Vaccine batches & adverse events

>>14902964, #18851

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05a79c  No.14906084


>>14901498 Republican Utah lawmaker who called for ‘forensic’ audit of state’s 2020 election abruptly resigns

>>14901534, >>14901545 EXPLOSIVE REVELATION: Indian Television Exposes How Pfizer Bullies and Blackmails Countries for COVID Shots – “Desperate Countries force to Make Humiliating Concessions” (VIDEO)

>>14901509 Adrian Fontes, the previous Maricopa County Recorder, confirmed to be under investigation by AG Brnovich

>>14901516, >>14901872 Statement by Trump: "The Fake News… Perverts… are trying to create an impression that Glenn Youngkin and I are at odds"

>>14901522 PULL them, Mike. Faux is worse than all the others who aren't dividing OUR SIDE.

>>14901528, >>14901559 Datefagging RE: Red October/Nov 5th

>>14901533 Go vote even if you think the election is rigged and will be stolen, keep giving them rope!

>>14901535, >>14901573, >>14901648 Trump tele-rally tonight?

>>14901542 The Queen’s speech at the COP26 Evening Reception

>>14901557 “Biden can only talk about one thing: Donald Trump”

>>14901564 Tracking [HUMA]

>>14901634 Report: Build Back Better Act to Have $500 Billion in Climate Carveouts

>>14901661 >11.3 coming up… largest_flying_flag_in_america.jpg

>>14901745 Companies mull ending government contracts over vaccine mandate

>>14901781, >>14902170, >>14901735 Archbishop Vigano says it all, strap in!

>>14901831 Pegasus Chief Flies: Notorious Israeli Spyware Firm Founder Resigns


>>14901852 Supreme Court to hear legal challenges to Texas Heartbeat Act 11/1/21

>>14902011 [AUDIT THE VOTE] what happened in Utah in 2020?

>>14902048 FJB shares an emotion. LGB tells a story.

>>14902095 LIVE Mike Lindell coming up!

>>14902100 Italy Arrests 103 in Anti-Mafia Operations Across the Country

>>14902141 Wisconsin’s Racine County GOP Finds 23,000 Voters with the Same Phone Number and 4,000 Voters Registered in 1918!

>>14902207, >>14902104 Texas Gov urges Texas Association of School Boards to ensure no child in a Texas public school is exposed to pornography

>>14902205 Game Theory

>>14902658, #18850

Previously Collected Notables

>>14900663 #18848, >>14901428 #18849

>>14899416 #18845, >>14900265 #18846, >>14899740 #18847

>>14895768 #18842, >>14896556 #18843, >>14897309 #18844

>>14893485 #18839, >>14894246 #18840, >>14895018 #18841

>>14891188 #18836, >>14891957 #18837, >>14892916 #18838

>>14888916 #18833, >>14889685 #18834, >>14890441 #18835

>>14886627 #18830, >>14887384 #18831, >>14888151 #18832

>>14884327 #18827, >>14885008 #18828, >>14885870 #18829

>>14882037 #18824, >>14882806 #18825, >>14883563 #18826

>>14879707 #18821, >>14880459 #18822, >>14881238 #18823

>>14877312 #18818, >>14880151 #18819, >>14878904 #18820

>>14874902 #18815, >>14875719 #18816, >>14876536 #18817

>>14872508 #18812, >>14874072 #18813, >>14874063 #18814

>>14870147 #18809, >>14870888 #18810, >>14871713 #18811

>>14867856 #18806, >>14868618 #18807, >>14869391 #18808

>>14865528 #18803, >>14866300 #18804, >>14867087 #18805

>>14863227 #18800, >>14863949 #18801, >>14864719 #18802

>>14860929 #18797, >>14861710 #18798, >>14862461 #18799

>>14858577 #18794, >>14859338 #18795, >>14860162 #18796

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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e4efc3  No.14906085

frontbutt tranny babylon died in iraq whine needs your candelstick whine jew holiday whine for glee sympathy

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523f80  No.14906086

Hows the popcorn?

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46720a  No.14906087

File: 18e1718071cd308⋯.jpg (407.36 KB, 719x958, 719:958, BidenRuns.jpg)

So now it's virtuous to shit ones pants, now that sleepy Joe's done it!

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c82ef3  No.14906088

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* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

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* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

=!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

1. Watch >>14692975 VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS

2. Open Current Dough Link

3. Create Thread (Subject, Welcome Content, Image), Open thread and Paste Remaining Contents

4. Check Format against Current Dough

5. Request Baker for Review

Approximate baking time averages around 2-3 minutes reposting 4-5 posts.

*Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

*Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

*Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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e4efc3  No.14906089

File: e3a95d94659da8a⋯.jpeg (194.9 KB, 774x809, 774:809, OAJN9615.jpeg)

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e4efc3  No.14906090

File: cca877e5a0d25ed⋯.png (279.3 KB, 759x1200, 253:400, ClipboardImage.png)

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c82ef3  No.14906091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


#18856 https://controlc.com/5b4ad056


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3919da  No.14906092

Yo baker you got Bell’s palsy or something finish the fuckin bake

Piss or get off the pot already

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5ef28b  No.14906093

File: fc2f177d5cbb574⋯.png (442.88 KB, 716x499, 716:499, Biden_pooped_.png)





Shitting the bread like Biden shitting his pants…

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6587d1  No.14906094


Ugh… Fuckers shitting the bread already…



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f061ed  No.14906095

The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of GOOD and EVIL is the Bible.

If you "eat" from it, you are worshipping the Serpent.

The ideas you have about RIGHT and WRONG come from Satan.

Put the book down.

Be free from satanic ideology.

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e4efc3  No.14906096

culo surgery griefer seeks handjob

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a68f5d  No.14906097

File: a3507668e70105e⋯.png (218.37 KB, 730x431, 730:431, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e72a1497db6bcc4⋯.png (325.65 KB, 912x537, 304:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8820bceab5e0f99⋯.png (428.87 KB, 919x539, 919:539, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5731bf2aa5fa50⋯.png (329.08 KB, 917x553, 131:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01556a6fc881003⋯.png (389.62 KB, 913x543, 913:543, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14906071 (lb)

>>14906055 (lb)

>>14906040 (lb)

WATCH LIVE: CDC advisory panel votes on Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11


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64efa1  No.14906098

File: 80a697689746aa8⋯.png (81.51 KB, 491x380, 491:380, Screenshot_2021_11_02_8_35….png)

Parasite Propaganda, parasites (toxoplasmosis) now cures cancer

Scientists have discovered that a deadly parasite, known to cause ill health in pregnant women and immunocompromised patients, could potentially be used to treat various types of tumors.

The research, published today in the Journal for ImmunoTherapy Cancer, was carried out by experts from the University of Nottingham, Ningbo University and Shanxi Agricultural University in China.

Improving the effectiveness of treatments against certain types of tumors is vital in order to beat certain cancers, stop tumor progression, and prolong the lives of patients. In this new study, scientists revealed that a parasite found commonly across the globe, is able to sensitize cold tumors—tumors that are not likely to trigger a strong immune response by the body—to immune checkpoint blockade therapy.

Scientists leading the study believe that this finding could have broader therapeutic implications for many types of cancers.

The team managed to 'tame' the parasite Toxoplasma gondii—a single-celled opportunistic protozoan capable of infecting a broad range of warm-blooded animals and has been reported in nearly one-third of the world's human population.

Toxoplasma gondii must live inside the cells of its host and secretes many proteins to counter the host's immune defenses and to facilitate their own invasion and colonization of the host cells. The researchers first built a Toxoplasma gondii mutant strain with a limited ability to grow, in cultured cells or to cause disease in mice, but at the same time is able to manipulate the host immune system.

The researchers have shown that direct injection with this mutant parasite in solid tumors, induces inflammatory responses in the injected tumors and even in tumors located in a distant location in the mouse body. They have also shown that this treatment approach has made tumors more responsive to treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitor.

This dual treatment significantly extended the survival of mice and reduced tumor growth in mouse models of melanoma, Lewis lung carcinoma, and colon adenocarcinoma.

Dr. Hany Elsheikha, associate professor in the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science at the University of Nottingham, and one of the lead authors of the study, said: "The use of a mutant version of Toxoplasma gondii in the treatment of certain tumors in mice models has been previously reported. What makes this study different is the confirmation that intratumoral injection with mutant Toxoplasma gondii strain boosts antitumor immunity and the effectiveness of checkpoint inhibition therapy.

"These are significant findings and are relevant to future tumor therapy. The marked reduction in tumor size and the significant improvement in the survival of mice that received this novel combinational therapy is promising but should be interpreted with caution as further research is needed."


>it's getting ridiculous /wagmi

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3919da  No.14906099

File: 5f3fde5d8ae07fc⋯.jpeg (274.91 KB, 707x543, 707:543, 621FB2E5_DBBB_43B6_87CA_D….jpeg)


Ty bakerer

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4f8ee8  No.14906100

When multiple shills,

Of various flavors,

Fill up the breads,

With; Old, Moldy agitprop & stale, lame disinfo attemps,


Has someone's,

→ Attention Today

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a68f5d  No.14906101

File: 0b27e89788d5f21⋯.png (260.36 KB, 916x530, 458:265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f9abb7d857d262⋯.png (240.9 KB, 871x519, 871:519, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f741d8aca1d4a2f⋯.png (240.49 KB, 912x526, 456:263, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad1e6b58b0219f1⋯.png (249.35 KB, 915x532, 915:532, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc1e46a4b025e36⋯.png (281.55 KB, 915x549, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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6587d1  No.14906102

File: 509c62baf2ef75e⋯.jpg (12.73 KB, 456x261, 152:87, Binary_Oct_1.JPG)

File: abf5281cee90e92⋯.jpg (12.71 KB, 449x250, 449:250, Binary_Oct_2.JPG)



Binary to Dec, yes, you are correct.

Binary to Oct, pics related.

Biblical, yes.

But we still fight in the digital realm. 17:15. binary to Oct and Dec? 17:15.

No such thing as coincidence.

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8e3d13  No.14906103

File: 690115914c28364⋯.jpg (187.9 KB, 584x876, 2:3, george_mixing.jpg)


Thanks baker

Lag is anon's best fren

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d3637e  No.14906104

>>14905905 lb

Anon thunk Merkel retired….why is she still showing it at g20 and running her mouf?

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2f56ce  No.14906105

File: 2ded0e46d61f636⋯.jpg (85.27 KB, 700x939, 700:939, 2ded0e46d61f6369b0c934ec71….jpg)

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47e3c6  No.14906106



TY -BakerG even if you were really eating chicken wings.

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f96d54  No.14906107

File: 7ca51144fb93fb9⋯.jpg (5.45 KB, 325x155, 65:31, gunsup44.jpg)

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1e89d8  No.14906108

File: c180a0c5dc9dc75⋯.png (668.34 KB, 775x434, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)




>>14905868 lb

>>14905852 lb

>>14905798 lb


WATCH LIVE: Kyle Rittenhouse trial begins over Kenosha, Wisconsin, shooting

2,208 watching now Started streaming


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cd6071  No.14906109

File: d82d4dcc2dcbdfb⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 693x485, 693:485, 5j0afcxcvbtfcxc4.jpg)

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0d073c  No.14906110

File: 035431599a1a3d2⋯.png (381.83 KB, 458x524, 229:262, b2ccedda9a9ee37e53368cd569….png)


lag and all

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5ef28b  No.14906111

File: 1a7b72eb7e9f973⋯.png (737.09 KB, 750x925, 30:37, pepe_naughty7.png)




Think you can do better? I don't see you volunteering faggot.

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6587d1  No.14906112

>>14906064 (LB)

>>14906076 (LB)



Revelations 17:15.

No such thing as coincidence.

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35d1d7  No.14906113

File: 0a80e7fa785ca0d⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1200x610, 120:61, CIA.png)

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4e9a95  No.14906114

File: dbf61daf7b157ab⋯.png (227.33 KB, 583x334, 583:334, Pope_history_Im_Not_saying….png)

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c4b239  No.14906115



Karen Fann, Marjorie Greene and Russell Gould need to come out of the dough. Also Sebastian Gorka is in twice.

Why are we even advertising social media addresses for anybody but Q+ family? Not the greatest idea…

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d3637e  No.14906116

God wins


Anons know

Bigger than you can imagine


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c82ef3  No.14906117


kKitchen is open, im done lagging and trying to beat my head against the wall to try and bake a bread that should take 2-3 minutes




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23be56  No.14906118

File: 960335c99487417⋯.png (83.93 KB, 251x210, 251:210, look.png)

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d3637e  No.14906119

File: 54daa9282e29010⋯.jpg (43.97 KB, 666x376, 333:188, 20211101_101758.jpg)

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72d411  No.14906120

File: 09410f362f69788⋯.jpeg (358.64 KB, 1205x230, 241:46, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

Gingrich says Democrats will try to 'steal' close election if they lose in Virginia

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) suggested that if Tuesday's Virginia gubernatorial race comes down to a narrow margin of victory, the Democrats will attempt to "steal it."

"First of all, if it's really tight, they'll steal it, so you can't afford to have a really tight election," Gingrich said during an appearance on Sean Hannity's Fox News program Monday. "You have to win by a big enough margin that they can't steal it."


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cd7869  No.14906121


The only thing I see coming are experimental injections in millions of children

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0d073c  No.14906122

File: bdf3ea20c5a82d8⋯.jpg (136.3 KB, 509x339, 509:339, istockphoto_537383686_1706….jpg)

iykyk and ykwya

Mierda En Pan

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8e3d13  No.14906123

File: c015a4c86fd2341⋯.png (1.03 MB, 800x652, 200:163, c_scale_fl_progressive_q_8….png)


I think there's some truth to this

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135bec  No.14906124

>>14905340 (lb)

Clear the voter rolls and start over.

-Mortgage or rental contract for proof of residence.

-In person registration by town clerk only.

-Picture ID, but tricky if voter doesn't have a driver's license or passport. May need national voter ID at 18. Yeah, but might be better than the shit we have now. Voter ID applied for at 17, run like a passport application.

-Proof of citizenship. Need clarification of anchor baby law. Anchor babies should have citizenship from parents. Rescind citizenship status to green card. No transferring of green card to parents.

-Database of registered voters is USA wide to check for voters with multiple residences or relocations. Any new registration expunges current entry.

-Students vote in state they attend school in.

What did I miss?

Oh yeah, if this is racist, somehow, we need an argument on the public square of whether racist is worse than rumors of a president who shits his pants, twice, in a papal audience, that sends a corresponding twitter hashtag to numero uno. You know, the thing. Yeah, pres shits his pants, but at least we're not racist. 81 million votes, suck it.

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e704f9  No.14906125

>>14906045 Lb

Scripture is inspired by God. It is not itself the Word of God, it talks about the Living Word of God. Many read it, few understand it.

It's not followers of Christ putting the mark of the beast on people, it's those pretending to be His followers.

Little hint… “This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666”

The only man in the bible with the number 666 associated with him is Solomon. He was world famous for his wisdom. That's two points in a single verse pointing to Solomon.

“The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents, not including the revenues from merchants and traders and from all the Arabian kings and the governors of the territories.”

Solomon was the Son of David and Bathsheba. He thought God meant him as the descendant of David who would build a house for the Lord, and he had the first temple built. He had 1000 wives/concubines besides Pharaoh’s daughter taken from nations God told them not to intermarry with and in his old age he abandoned God for the gods of his foreign wives.

He is the one who many believed Jesus was the reincarnation of.

“All the crowds were amazed, and were saying, “This man cannot be the Son of David, can he?”

“Many were sternly telling him to be quiet, but he kept crying out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!””

“While Jesus was teaching in the temple courts, he asked, “Why do the teachers of the law say that the Messiah is the son of David? David himself, speaking by the Holy Spirit, declared: “‘The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.”’ David himself calls him ‘Lord.’ How

then can he be his son?”

What else did Solomon do?

“Then the king had a throne brought for his mother, who sat down at his right hand.”

Jesus told us that position was not His to grant.

The Roman Catholic church worships and prays to Mary and calls her the Queen of Heaven. They teach that she intercedes for us and sits at Jesus right hand. They claim she's the mother of God.


Sound familiar?

Don't throw out Truth because of what those He warned you about falsely teach in His Name.

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d3637e  No.14906126


Imagine the blah,blah,blah

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2a929b  No.14906127

File: 517ab6c5b830028⋯.png (1 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, MauriceStrong1.png)

File: 5c6c90a0c142ef0⋯.png (1.34 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, MauriceStrong2.png)

File: e31a806811ada67⋯.png (1.28 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, MauriceStrong3.png)

File: 388e4dc61aeecff⋯.png (1.1 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, MauriceStrong4.png)

File: f5cecb4bbb4f7b8⋯.png (1.05 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, MauriceStrong5.png)

With all the talk about a 'climate crisis' I thought it might be a good time to mention the man who created climate change, Maurice Strong.. He was mentioned in one Q post (sadly I can't find it, it was an image of him with Chairman Mao)..

“In order to save the planet, the group [GIM] decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about? This group of world leaders [GIM] forms a secret society to bring about an economic collapse.”

Maurice Strong - regarding Generation Investment Management LLP


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39b657  No.14906128

File: c844d9555b96b0c⋯.png (786.36 KB, 546x730, 273:365, Screen_Shot_2021_10_31_at_….png)

File: 5a0c21de311e468⋯.png (147.7 KB, 879x654, 293:218, Screen_Shot_2021_11_02_at_….png)

File: 42b71cd533677ec⋯.png (1.14 MB, 978x542, 489:271, Screen_Shot_2021_11_02_at_….png)



Stick the binary into this thingamedic and not understand anything about anything anymore…

Then you realize, your automatic shotgun mech on the inside of the door, isn't real either, and you're like, ymuh-iMAGANATION so unrealistic deep and realistic is all becoming.


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3919da  No.14906129


Thanks for baking we preciate our bakers even if they bake like a crayon eater

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2012c2  No.14906131

>>14905876 PB

That is how prisoners are treated.

I've seen them on the Sheriff's bus on their way to the county courthouse.

They have hands and feet shackled to their waist and put on a bus with all of the windows covered in metal grating.

She doesn't get any special treatment because she is a "socialite"

All anons here would be treated the same way.

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b00412  No.14906132

File: 21892d40072e9c7⋯.png (939.55 KB, 1906x1078, 953:539, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14905832 pb & >>14905889 pb

>>14905978 pb

>>14905995 pb

suppose I should have added that the three triangles could be 33 symbolism, too, as well as Y

'prediction': USA depopulated to 69M by 2025. wonder why they push the vaccine so hard?

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a68f5d  No.14906133

File: 2f0c18e1090ae31⋯.png (218.24 KB, 913x509, 913:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0e6ed1494b0435⋯.png (217.12 KB, 908x503, 908:503, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2001f14568269dd⋯.png (465.68 KB, 904x527, 904:527, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0beb4ba3b0d39a3⋯.png (258.75 KB, 906x529, 906:529, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb441292b12a5da⋯.png (283.83 KB, 910x527, 910:527, ClipboardImage.png)

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bad69e  No.14906134

File: 74824691d8b4347⋯.jpg (112.06 KB, 590x655, 118:131, FLOTUSthumbsup2.jpg)

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d3637e  No.14906135

File: 819247ae5c2460c⋯.gif (309.99 KB, 220x220, 1:1, tenor_5.gif)


Will sell you out for a sniff of your donut

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cd6071  No.14906136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14905872 (lb)

Promotional Video at COP26:

One Sun, One World, One Grid.

Global Grids to compliment Regional Power Pools

[back video up about 43 minutes]

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13b65c  No.14906137

stupid question

if garland is going after Q and anons; shouldn't he identify who Q is?

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3919da  No.14906139


Are there any photos on the internet where this fat fuck is NOT eating?

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135bec  No.14906140


She's in a caretaker role until a new government coalition can be worked out.

They need to combine 3 parties to get to 50%, since the lead vote getter, SPD, doesn't want a coalition with Merkel's party.

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037ceb  No.14906141




Board Is Shit

l a g s

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5ef28b  No.14906142

File: 4123a0ecf350ee3⋯.png (330.97 KB, 726x720, 121:120, pepe_nerd.png)


>shouldn't he identify who Q is?

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2a929b  No.14906143

File: 517ab6c5b830028⋯.png (1 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, MauriceStrong1.png)

File: 5c6c90a0c142ef0⋯.png (1.34 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, MauriceStrong2.png)

File: e31a806811ada67⋯.png (1.28 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, MauriceStrong3.png)

File: 388e4dc61aeecff⋯.png (1.1 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, MauriceStrong4.png)


Cancer = symptom of acidosis. Correct the acidosis, heal the cancer.

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64efa1  No.14906144


yet another pro-parasite article



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0d073c  No.14906145

File: efbbe455e9c63f8⋯.jpg (39.78 KB, 474x685, 474:685, OIP_8_.jpg)


juries out though whether he's aiming at the mascot with a bag of popcorn

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06ad36  No.14906146

File: 5d4f3883cddae7d⋯.png (4.1 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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344945  No.14906147


read up on toxoplasmosis before you decide to use it

they out to kill us now for sure

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35d1d7  No.14906148

File: bc4e181d6210e54⋯.png (864.28 KB, 1070x838, 535:419, ClipboardImage.png)


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9d0783  No.14906149

File: 5eceae8e2f5f8a5⋯.png (48.88 KB, 500x411, 500:411, bc5624cb4eb2904757b4e6d124….png)


>shouldn't he identify who Q is

better question is: shouldn't he define what anon is?


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2a929b  No.14906150


I thought I deleted those images before posting.. I guess not. Apologies..

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a68f5d  No.14906151

File: f83a99a908520af⋯.png (240.07 KB, 895x526, 895:526, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04f7c07b4fae527⋯.png (320.28 KB, 910x528, 455:264, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7590d6fd503373f⋯.png (196.85 KB, 908x520, 227:130, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4866a7289853a69⋯.png (233.16 KB, 919x518, 919:518, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0372aea8723edea⋯.png (293.29 KB, 894x521, 894:521, ClipboardImage.png)

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3919da  No.14906152

Anons think AMC & GME on the next leg up?

Meme stonks are back?

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5ef28b  No.14906153


If he only murdered him, then the asshole got off easy.

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0922e7  No.14906154

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14906064 (lb)

You're forgeting the 'Law of War' manual (11.3), multiple meanings:



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037ceb  No.14906155

File: a59e0659a064e54⋯.png (102.91 KB, 244x280, 61:70, ClipboardImage.png)


>Are there any photos on the internet where this fat fuck is NOT eating?


Whales Only

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d3637e  No.14906156


My soul magnifies the LORD. -Mary

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64efa1  No.14906157

File: 00964e26e4bed7e⋯.png (414.54 KB, 632x493, 632:493, Screenshot_2021_11_02_8_48….png)


check out this pic from the article

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1e89d8  No.14906158

File: 4688192705f9e89⋯.png (281.87 KB, 438x373, 438:373, ClipboardImage.png)


much appreciated baker,

you are doing great work !!

spank you very mucho!!

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06ad36  No.14906159


worked as a volunteer at triathalons.

this is way more common then anyone wants to know. do not google "bathroom accidents at marathons".

what is seen…

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a68f5d  No.14906160

File: 9dfe46f696bb680⋯.png (193.52 KB, 907x524, 907:524, ClipboardImage.png)


Pfuck Pfizer & BioNtech

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063976  No.14906161


I have only been able to post recently, if I turn off my VPN. testing…

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35d1d7  No.14906163

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b00412  No.14906164

File: b3f4f8c8b20baa5⋯.png (7.58 KB, 288x74, 144:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc31b8d51c75406⋯.jpeg (24.27 KB, 256x227, 256:227, bc31b8d51c754067f9b82e64b….jpeg)



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28085a  No.14906165

File: 0fdbd0b12a21344⋯.jpg (9.6 KB, 255x235, 51:47, biblical.jpg)

File: 373b8f4763188cf⋯.jpg (18.39 KB, 474x206, 237:103, HB_John_832.jpg)

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06ad36  No.14906166


and this



oh the ironing

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063976  No.14906167


Nm today I can post w/vpn.

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28085a  No.14906168

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344945  No.14906169


which hosts they infect is operative here


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f96d54  No.14906170

File: 63dbfcf20bc81f7⋯.jpg (9.58 KB, 255x195, 17:13, af7790481df0507830bd2db325….jpg)

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28085a  No.14906171


Thank you Captain Obvious

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23be56  No.14906172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hold my beer!

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13b65c  No.14906173


overheard in the halls of Christianity:

excommunicated, hell NO!

he was granted religious exemption and can receive communion, the BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST



oh the irony


Prayers work best with those who profess the BLOOD AND BODY OF CHRIST

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06ad36  No.14906174

File: 6d5ccf96ed3a8c3⋯.png (730.03 KB, 750x925, 30:37, ClipboardImage.png)


trips checked!!!

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369bd3  No.14906175

File: 7b597f261196938⋯.jpg (92.12 KB, 480x768, 5:8, ArmyOfOne.jpg)


tyb for the link

Made this meme for you, for anons, for America.

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0d073c  No.14906176


Capt. Wild Bill Kelso approves this message

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037ceb  No.14906177

File: 2438fa55cd99d50⋯.png (133.76 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 306faa99a5046ce⋯.png (136.17 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a7e3695e2f5137⋯.png (143 KB, 251x201, 251:201, ClipboardImage.png)


>check out this pic from the article

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06ad36  No.14906178


the gift that keeps giving

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39b657  No.14906179




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e0486e  No.14906180

File: 1bb8281bd7c29a5⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1345x757, 1345:757, ClipboardImage.png)

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3919da  No.14906181

File: 2c06e92888edccf⋯.jpeg (355.92 KB, 739x710, 739:710, 04F7179B_2F44_4B4C_893B_5….jpeg)


>juries out though whether he's aiming at the mascot with a bag of popcorn

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5d8c55  No.14906182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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64efa1  No.14906183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


diet is a BIG factor, no question. but parasites wreak havoc. You can't just switch your diet and get rid of parasites. That is why people are curing themselves just by taking simple dog dewormer fenbendazole.

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8e3d13  No.14906185

File: 1bccc9554fc26f1⋯.jpg (250.46 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1635823316578m.jpg)

File: e97d23987c83671⋯.png (495.59 KB, 678x960, 113:160, 1635822314934.png)

File: d3ebee714c73d45⋯.jpg (79.72 KB, 1080x719, 1080:719, d3ebee714c73d45e4a835ddffe….jpg)

File: 9f016103dd9e3ce⋯.jpg (51.53 KB, 526x935, 526:935, 9f016103dd9e3ce76076f7d261….jpg)

File: b50f1c54376cbaf⋯.png (58.79 KB, 332x279, 332:279, c486275083dfa9e6708c302276….png)

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1e89d8  No.14906186

we desperately need a lip reader anon on the board, would be great to get a run down of the dialogue at the trial of Rittenhouse.

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135bec  No.14906187


Rule is, I believe, you have to finish the race with what you started with. Can't peel away layers of clothes and throw them away, for example.

She did the correct thing by keeping it in her shorts, showing solidarity with the pres, too. WH visit?

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d3637e  No.14906188

File: 4737d38dc9ef1fa⋯.jpg (354.71 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, Screenshot_20211102_103330….jpg)

Smart kid with unadulterated keen instincts

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9f7e77  No.14906189

File: 094d0b46dedbd99⋯.jpeg (258.04 KB, 1390x988, 695:494, ADC8057C_0313_4780_8832_A….jpeg)

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77def6  No.14906191

File: fc27ec739bfe8ba⋯.jpg (424.46 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, donttread.jpg)

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4603c6  No.14906192

File: d7ca4f7e805a731⋯.jpg (624.85 KB, 1080x2106, 20:39, Screenshot_20211102_085448….jpg)

Would this not be the third election since the EO on election fraud. Is it possible to accumulate all three strikes in one hearing


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56918f  No.14906193

File: 6b11c5b7daebcf1⋯.jpeg (384.81 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, FB307DAA_0A30_45BB_8405_9….jpeg)

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4fe549  No.14906194


111 is 7.

So you either get 7 15 or 7 17.

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4f8ee8  No.14906195

File: 3b80f4f6e2701b1⋯.png (546.98 KB, 640x445, 128:89, ClipboardImage.png)


Just an observation.

[These] are "The Ones" [They] wanted (you)' to see.


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e2731a  No.14906197

File: 4a527d6208a362a⋯.jpg (700.5 KB, 1169x1606, 1169:1606, 4a527d6208a362a415a3c0de77….jpg)

File: 40063777577f8e4⋯.jpg (225.55 KB, 875x650, 35:26, 40063777577f8e484a2af3800c….jpg)

File: d79f7fe6684781a⋯.png (720.44 KB, 760x600, 19:15, d79f7fe6684781ab5ee715918a….png)



bread shitters? yuck

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34b3db  No.14906198





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a72fb7  No.14906199

File: 4cda2525650753d⋯.png (541.02 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

To poop, or not to poop: that is the question:

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e0486e  No.14906200

File: 6d922bad29541b5⋯.png (150.76 KB, 1161x386, 1161:386, ClipboardImage.png)

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d3637e  No.14906201

File: 4260194749199cb⋯.jpg (240.54 KB, 720x1132, 180:283, 20211102_115751.jpg)

A praying Montreal is a game changer for the continent

And its already hitting momentum

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2012c2  No.14906202

>>14905876 PB

That is how prisoners are treated.

I've seen them on the Sheriff's bus on their way to the county courthouse.

They have hands and feet shackled to their waist and put on a bus with all of the windows covered in metal grating.

She doesn't get any special treatment because she is a "socialite"

All anons here would be treated the same way.

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e39a08  No.14906204


Reminds me of my daughter when [they] installed him. She freaked the fuck out.

I had to comfort her and say that maybe he will be a good president.

Sometimes lying to your children is the only way to make them feel at ease.

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f061ed  No.14906205


The Cathars, the Gnostics, and all other sects who followed Jesus, have been exterminated by the Catholics, and their decendants, the Protestants.

The Holy Bible was created, compiled, edited, and assembled by the Catholics and their decendants.

While there remains a trace of Jesus' teachings in the Bible, it is not a good or reliable source worthy of attribution to divine inspiration. It was inspired by an earthly King, Constantine, to create a global religion to subjugate all humanity under the rule of One human…global communism.

Jesus rejected the social strata, and so they killed him and co-opted his story for evil purposes. The remnants of Christianity are purely Satanic.

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0d073c  No.14906206


We are waiting for a reporter to ask the ultimate question.

What are they waiting for?

They can end this at any time simply by asking POTUS, right?

We may have to ‘force’ this one.

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4fe549  No.14906208


Among those born to women, there is none greater than John, but the least in the kingdom of God is greater than Him.

So is Jesus greater than John or born of a woman?

"When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman, here is your son,”"

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ff8497  No.14906209

File: 54b3cf5903437e5⋯.jpg (109.95 KB, 1390x582, 695:291, How_did_they_know.JPG)

Suggested by Amazon.


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5d8c55  No.14906210

File: 603f896560ba20e⋯.jpg (128.35 KB, 750x422, 375:211, 422.jpg)

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77def6  No.14906211

File: 010ad6d6401f0c5⋯.png (267.73 KB, 800x600, 4:3, VOTEBLUE11.png)

File: 1bee7a7ea013ce2⋯.png (274.62 KB, 800x600, 4:3, VOTEBLUE12.png)

File: e010904f10aacf3⋯.png (279.32 KB, 800x600, 4:3, VOTEBLUE13.png)

File: 1e31f1897759045⋯.png (267.35 KB, 800x600, 4:3, VOTEBLUE17.png)

File: ef63a434444f765⋯.png (269.79 KB, 800x600, 4:3, VOTEBLUE18.png)

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b5d352  No.14906212


Get off muh desk, ya silly broad!

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e39a08  No.14906213


Why do you guys post pictures of women that you couldn’t possibly get?

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06ad36  No.14906214


it is the ones in office they are distracting all from

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33aacb  No.14906215

I tried to leave this movie and Q said

sit the fuck back down

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d3637e  No.14906217


two different johns, fren.

First one mentioned is the Baptist

Second one references the disciple.

Peace to (you)

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9f7e77  No.14906218

File: 483c2d23bd93579⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 303x368, 303:368, 407F47EB_EE30_498B_BE71_A8….gif)

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1a6bb3  No.14906219

File: d01c4405171d795⋯.jpg (183.44 KB, 1302x891, 434:297, TY_Baker.JPG)


Anons whipping out all the lovelies today. It's starting to smell like 2018/2019 in hurr.

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3d0869  No.14906220

Jesus declared that "we should know the truth, and the truth would

make us free." That truth was the power which He exercised. He had so

perfect an understanding of truth that it gave Him absolute dominion

over evil, enabled Him to heal diseases of every nature, even to raise the

dead. The power that He exercised then was not confined to His time,

nor limited to His own immediate followers. "Lo, I am with you always,"

He said, "even unto the end of the world." And He is just as available to

us now as He was to His own disciples 1900 years ago.

"I have given you power to tread serpents and scorpions under foot and

to trample on all the power of the enemy; and in no case shall anything

do you harm."

That gift was never meant to be confined to His own disciples or to any

other one group. God has never dealt in special or temporary gifts. He

gives to all—to all who will accept—to all who have an understanding


All sickness, all poverty, all sorrow, is the result of the incorrect use of

some gift of God, which in itself is inherently good. It is just as though we

took the numbers that were given us to work out a problem, and put

them in the wrong places. The result would be incorrect, inharmonious.

We would not be ex-pressing the truth. The moment we rearrange those

numbers properly, we get the correct answer—harmony—

the truth! There was nothing wrong with the principle of mathematics

before—the fault was all with us, with our incorrect arrangement of the


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d3637e  No.14906221


no outside comms 😉

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13b65c  No.14906222




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d98cae  No.14906223

File: 75d3d8e2f0e5bf7⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1174x1156, 587:578, ClipboardImage.png)

A Florida man is being fined $50 per day for his “Let’s Go Brandon” and "Trump Won" banners hanging down his four-story home.

The Walton County man says he has no intentions of taking down the banners expressing support for Trump and Brandon.


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a72fb7  No.14906225


Gospel of John.. my favorite.

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71b447  No.14906226

File: f7516c7eb0cb608⋯.png (818.75 KB, 1557x984, 519:328, ClipboardImage.png)

"Real Clear Politics"

October 31, 2021

Senate Budget Committee Bernie Sanders weighed in on the new slimmed-down "Build Back Better" budget bill during an interview Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union."

"I spent all of yesterday on the telephone," Sanders said. "We are paying the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. The pharmaceutical industry has spent hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars to make certain that Americans pay ten times more for some drugs and the Canadians and the Mexicans, so that fight continues."

"It's a very good bill, but I can tell you we're going to work tomorrow to strengthen that bill. It is outrageous that we continue to pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs," Sander said. "And that one out of four Americans can not afford the prescriptions their doctor writes."

This is not easy stuff. But what we are trying to do is put together the most consequential piece of legislation in the modern history of this country, which will transform the role of government in protecting the needs of working families."


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3d0869  No.14906227

File: a88bac396d799b1⋯.jpg (32.54 KB, 720x904, 90:113, Rainbow_Lightning.jpg)

The Only Power

He who is looking for wisdom, power, or permanent success, will find it

only within. Mind is the only cause. Your body is healthy or sick

according to the images of thought you impress upon your subconscious

mind. Ii you will hold thoughts of health instead of sickness, if you will

banish all thoughts of disease and decay, you can build up a perfect body.

Dr. William S. Patten of New York says, "To know and to understand the

organization of mind and to recognize the action of mind is the first and

the only requisite of a sound body."

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f38dad  No.14906228



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a68f5d  No.14906229

File: 278a379fd7a43e2⋯.gif (2.81 MB, 552x304, 69:38, thinking.gif)


> you guys

It's a distraction shill, who did their job well it seems.

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3d0869  No.14906230

File: 3b8639061ab31a0⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 750x220, 75:22, Be_Not_Afraid.jpg)

But whichever it is, it is FEAR that starts it. You visualize, consciously or

unconsciously, the disease that you fear, and because that is the image

held before your thought, your body proceeds to build in accordance

with that model. You believe that disease is necessary, that you have got

to expect a certain amount of it. You hear of it every day, and

subconsciously at least you are constantly in fear of it. And through that

very fear you create it, when if you would spend that same amount of

time thinking and believing in the necessity of HEALTH, you would

never need to know disease.

Disease is not sent by God. It is not a visitation of Providence. If it were,

what would be the use of doctoring it? You couldn't fight against the

power of God!

God never sent us anything but good. He never gave us disease. When we

allow disease to take hold of us, it is because we have lost touch with

God—lost the perfect model of us that He holds in mind. And what we

have got to strive for is to get back the belief in that perfect model—to

forget the diseased image we are holding in our thought.

Remember the story of Alexander and his famous horse, Bucephalus? No

one could ride the horse because it was afraid of its shadow. But

Alexander faced it towards the sun—and rode it without trouble. Face

towards the sun and the shadows will fall behind you, too. Face towards

the perfect image of every organ, and the shadows of disease will never

touch you.

There is no germ in a draft capable of giving you a cold. There is no

bacteria in exposure to the weather that can give you a fever or

pneumonia. It is you that gives them to yourself. The draft doesn't reason

this out. Neither does your body. They are both of them merely phases of

matter. They are not intelligent. It is your conscious mind that has been

educated to think that a cold must follow exposure to a draft. This it is

that suggests it to your subconscious mind and brings the cold into


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644782  No.14906231

File: d6b046c95b3202b⋯.jpg (653.16 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, 20211102_090748.jpg)

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4fe549  No.14906233


They have no need to change what they don't understand.

The bible is a collection of scripture. Don't throw out the scripture because they assembled some of it into one book and don't understand it.


No anon, it's not.

Wait until you find out what born again really means.

Either way, among those born to women there is none greater than John. So is Jesus greater than John or born of a woman?

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1a6bb3  No.14906234

File: 0bba58c45a418fb⋯.jpg (149.65 KB, 497x750, 497:750, 0bba58c45a418fbc1567b21ad9….jpg)


That's the thing about being anon. You never know with whom you is interacting wif.


Also this. That's one of those "half and half" deals.

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b5d352  No.14906235

File: 8062136d7165e0e⋯.png (331.71 KB, 713x481, 713:481, D0CF04E0_9193_4E87_8720_4E….png)


>Why do you guys post pictures of women that you couldn’t possibly get?

Triggering fat chicks is fun.

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e39a08  No.14906236

File: 7b7a54aad91d1c8⋯.jpeg (312.66 KB, 828x785, 828:785, F29596F2_6A82_4C1E_90C3_D….jpeg)


I clicked on the link of the gif and this popped up.

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9d0783  No.14906237

File: 3a435f6969c86fc⋯.png (798.28 KB, 1078x1066, 539:533, frog_memeing.png)

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d3637e  No.14906238

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e39a08  No.14906239


You wish, 130 lbs is not fat.

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3d0869  No.14906240

File: 501d8208ad1a36e⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 200x200, 1:1, Frens_of_Jesus.gif)

File: 6e29d66c55cfe1a⋯.jpg (24.51 KB, 696x433, 696:433, Glory_Jesus.jpg)

File: 706816b2476cb73⋯.jpg (27.89 KB, 640x480, 4:3, jesuschristredrobe_large.jpg)

File: fe77c973f2a0a62⋯.jpg (1.98 MB, 914x1200, 457:600, Walk_on_Water_with_Jesus.jpg)

File: 1e1ff6be6a49106⋯.jpg (244.39 KB, 900x720, 5:4, Laughing_Wine_Jesus.jpg)



Every form of disease or sickness is solely the result of wrong thinking.

The primary law of being is the law of health and life. When you

recognize this, when you hold before your mind's eye only a perfect body,

perfect organisms functioning perfectly, you will "realize the truth that

makes you free."

Farnsworth in his "Practical Psychology" tells of a physician who has

lived on a very restricted diet for years while at home. But about once a

year he comes to New York for a week. While here, he eats anything and

everything that his fancy dictates, and never suffers the least

inconvenience. As soon as he gets home he has to return to his diet.

Unless he sticks to his diet, he expects to be ill—and he is ill. "As a man

thinketh, so is he." What one expects to get he is apt to get, especially

where health is concerned. For matter has no sensation of its own. The

conscious mind is what produces pain, is what feels, acts or impedes


Functional disorders are caused by certain suggestions getting into the

subconsciousness and remaining there. They are not due to physical, but

to mental causes—due to wrong thinking. The oasis of all functional

disorders is in the mind, though the manifestation be dyspepsia,

melancholia, palpitation of the heart, or any one of a hundred others.

There is nothing organically wrong with the body. It is your mental

image that is out of adjustment. Change the one and you cure the other.

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037ceb  No.14906241

File: da8e82d47bcca19⋯.png (207.85 KB, 400x400, 1:1, c9bdb40cd984c13342630e379b….png)


>Why do you guys post pictures of women that you couldn’t possibly get?

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0922e7  No.14906242

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"11.3END OF OCCUPATION AND DURATION OF GCOBLIGATIONSThe status of belligerent occupation ends when the conditions for its application are no longer met. Certain GC obligations with respect to occupied territory continue for the duration of the occupation after the general close of military operations.End of Occupation. Belligerent occupation ceases when the conditions for its 11.3.1application are no longer met.81 In particular, as discussed below, the status of belligerent occupation ceases when the invader no longer factually governs the occupied territory or when a hostile relationship no longer exists between the State of the occupied territory and the Occupying Power.82Belligerent occupation ends when the Occupying Power no longer has effectively placed the occupied territory under its control.83 For example, an uprising by the local population may prevent the Occupying Power from actually enforcing its authority over occupied territory.Similarly, the Occupying Power’s expulsion or complete withdrawal from the territory would also suffice because the former Occupying Power generally would not be able to control sufficiently the occupied territory. Belligerent occupation also may end when a hostile relationship no longer exists between the Occupying Power and the State of the occupied territory (although, as discussed in the following subsection, certain GC obligations may continue to apply).84 For example, if a new,"



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9a160f  No.14906243


>Wait until you find out what born again really means.

guru-anon spewing lies

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47e3c6  No.14906245

File: 64368d8cd3a4ad6⋯.jpg (32.18 KB, 459x268, 459:268, fatty.jpg)





I believe you, liar.

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e39a08  No.14906246

File: 41ed50e70bf17fc⋯.gif (2.3 MB, 360x181, 360:181, 5245BF83_19C5_4C83_BDF1_21….gif)

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d3637e  No.14906247

File: 3dd4157e9e54118⋯.jpg (51.25 KB, 500x649, 500:649, 58tkja.jpg)

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037ceb  No.14906248

File: ca9cfbffaf9edbc⋯.png (223.88 KB, 320x580, 16:29, ef424ac1f02edf09fa6f0b4ce4….png)

File: 8ca2349aa5544f2⋯.png (241.03 KB, 312x480, 13:20, 4cd0e9a677604230bc6fd710f8….png)


>>Why do you guys post pictures of women that you couldn’t possibly get?

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3e5dc6  No.14906249

File: d53da4ccc17bcff⋯.png (318.72 KB, 863x545, 863:545, Screen_Shot_2021_11_02_at_….png)

File: d53da4ccc17bcff⋯.png (318.72 KB, 863x545, 863:545, Screen_Shot_2021_11_02_at_….png)

File: d53da4ccc17bcff⋯.png (318.72 KB, 863x545, 863:545, Screen_Shot_2021_11_02_at_….png)

muh abundance of transparency

Fully vaxxed White House press secretary tests positive for COVID-19

'I am disclosing today’s positive test out of an abundance of transparency,’ Jen Psaki said, adding ‘I last saw the President on Tuesday, when we sat outside more than six-feet [sic] apart, and wore masks.’


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0fa6eb  No.14906251

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, somuchtext.gif)

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a72fb7  No.14906253


idk.. you do sound kind of fat. kek

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e4efc3  No.14906254


loser says what

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5ef28b  No.14906255

File: 7ea7b9f4459bd44⋯.png (337.4 KB, 500x761, 500:761, karen_vaxx_nazi.png)


>Fully vaxxed

← How [they] will explain this….KEK!

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037ceb  No.14906256

File: 4fe5d057076747e⋯.png (132.85 KB, 475x233, 475:233, FDD_loBX0AAgIq1.png)

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1a6bb3  No.14906257

File: eade654cc72590c⋯.png (13.37 KB, 693x138, 231:46, ClipboardImage.png)


That's how it works. It's always good to take some time to rest, reset, and reengage. Lots to digest with each phase of progress.

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4fe549  No.14906258



"And if you are willing to accept it, he (John) is the Elijah who was to come. Whoever has ears, let them hear.

You do not have ears to hear.

There's a reason Jesus told them they testify against themselves when they admit their ancestors killed the prophets.

Don't reject Truth because it's not what those He warned you about taught in His name.

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a72fb7  No.14906260


>what born again really means.

listening…enlighten, anon?

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264c92  No.14906261

File: 879e36ad2ea0613⋯.png (136.01 KB, 308x444, 77:111, ClipboardImage.png)


sorry the Qanon is not available to reply to your post. Could one of our fabians, masons, dements or shills help you?

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d3637e  No.14906262

File: 1b2006c434de360⋯.jpg (62.13 KB, 678x380, 339:190, 20211028_114513.jpg)

Thinks he'll just slip back into privileged….

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644782  No.14906263

File: fbdf77aab8c9522⋯.jpg (293.16 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200826_092620….jpg)

File: 944cc618f30e4db⋯.jpg (471.28 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, Screenshot_20200827_085917….jpg)

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e39a08  No.14906265

File: 30287bd72d27ebb⋯.jpeg (37.17 KB, 318x320, 159:160, D7357926_37AE_4F20_8787_3….jpeg)


Ok, 130 lbs is fat.

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23be56  No.14906266

File: 0d18b029aefb1ba⋯.png (322.98 KB, 508x329, 508:329, bidan.png)


>To poop, or not to poop: that is the question:

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4fe549  No.14906268

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3d0869  No.14906269

File: 6d9f55572b10595⋯.jpg (110.62 KB, 801x845, 801:845, Arch_of_God_s_Kingdom_w_Lo….jpg)

File: bc1ffea4717bfad⋯.gif (3.86 MB, 400x300, 4:3, The_Lord_Sent_Me.gif)


You cannot receive good while expecting evil. You cannot demonstrate

plenty while looking for poverty. "Blessed is he that expecteth much, for

verily his soul shall be filled." Solomon outlined the law when he said:

"There is that scattereth, and increaseth yet more;

And there is that withholdeth more than is meet,

but it tendeth only to want.

The liberal soul shall be made fat;

And he that watereth shall be watered also himself."

The Universal Mind expresses itself largely through the individual. It is

continually seeking an outlet. It is like a vast reservoir of water,

constantly replenished by mountain sp rings. Cut a channel to it and the

water will flow in ever-increasing volume. In the same way, if you once

open up a channel of service by which the Universal Mind can express

itself through you, its gifts will flow in ever-increasing volume and YOU

will be enriched in the process.

This is the idea through which great bankers are made. A foreign country

needs millions for development. Its people are hard-working, but lack

the necessary implements to make their work productive. How are they

to find the money?

They go to a banker—put their problem up to him. He has not the money

himself, but he knows how and where to raise it. He sells the promise to

pay of the foreign country (their bonds, in other words) to people who

have money to invest. His is merely a service. But it is such an invaluable

service that both sides are glad to pay him liberally for it.

In the same way, by opening up a channel between universal supply and

human needs—by doing your neighbors or your friends or your

customers service—you are bound to profit yourself. And the wider you

open your channel- the greater service you give or the better values you

offer—the more things are bound to flow through your channel, the more

you are going to profit thereby.

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f061ed  No.14906270


He had all the power of God, and then he was tortured and executed by men, for telling the truth and upsetting the social order.

Quite an example to follow if you find yourself in a death cult.

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1e89d8  No.14906271

File: f024f35ed55faad⋯.mp4 (12.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, alex_baldwin.mp4)


baldwin latest interview

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2012c2  No.14906272


It depends how tall you are.

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a72fb7  No.14906273

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d3637e  No.14906274


maybe just go sit in the park

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0fa6eb  No.14906275


To poop or not to poop; It's not even a question.


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1a6bb3  No.14906276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


John the Beloved. There's only one ideology that ultimately unites all of humanity.

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a68f5d  No.14906277


Guns don't kill people, friends do

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8e3d13  No.14906278



He didn't like people working around the ban hammer that one BV was handing out like candy at a pedo convention

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644782  No.14906279

File: a3a3c8931780e41⋯.jpg (642.5 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, Screenshot_20200827_085910….jpg)

File: 2c9e7e9ef97839e⋯.jpg (731.19 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, Screenshot_20200827_110645….jpg)

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37491a  No.14906280

File: 5e7d59b50a74977⋯.png (14.37 MB, 4288x2848, 134:89, GODWINS.png)

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9f7e77  No.14906281

File: 0be5cfdbcd789e9⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 319x290, 11:10, E99519A1_E798_4DAC_85C2_24….gif)

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3d0869  No.14906282

File: 932f7b2da440052⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 1860x2720, 93:136, 20210730_065729.jpg)

File: f8a4da809c6d483⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 1860x2529, 620:843, 20210730_071226.jpg)

File: 718ce99731c2f76⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 1859x2345, 1859:2345, 20210730_071023.jpg)

File: 9600000920fdd51⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1807x2626, 139:202, 20210730_072102.jpg)

File: e730615dd6c9820⋯.jpg (512.66 KB, 998x1360, 499:680, 20210730_074725.jpg)


How Satanic of You…

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God. This is the first and the greatest

Commandment." Thou shalt show thy love by using to the best possible

advantage the good things (the "talents" of the par-able) that He has

placed in your hands. "And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy

neighbor as thyself." Thou shalt not abuse the good things that have been

provided you in such prodigality, by using them against your neighbor.

Instead, thou shalt treat him (love him) as you would be treated by him.

Thou shalt use the good about you for the advantage of all.

If you are a banker, you've got to use the money you have in order to

make more money. If you are a merchant, you've got to sell the goods

you have in order to buy more goods. If you are a doctor, you must help

the patient you have in order to get more practice. If you are a clerk, you

must do your work a little better than those around you if you want to

earn more money than they. And if you want more of the universal

supply, you must use that which you have in such a way as to make

yourself of greater service to those around you.

"Whosoever shall be great among you," said Jesus, "shall be your

minister, and whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of

all." In other words, if you would be great, you must serve. And he who

serves most shall be greatest of all.

If you want to make more money, instead of seeking it for yourself, see

how you can make more for others. In the process you will inevitably

make more for yourself, too. We get as we give—but we must give first.

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c1604f  No.14906283

File: cea72ec58b3ee13⋯.png (42.51 KB, 750x737, 750:737, WWhpzyHCEYEyFonFiDm5_02_af….png)

Reminder: Anything they say regarding the climate - is complete bullshit.

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4fe549  No.14906284


Maybe you should pray and ask for Truth, even if everything you think is a lie, and then trust in Him to show you if it is.

I pray the Father opens your eyes and ears to Truth in Jesus name.

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d3637e  No.14906285


then goes on for twenty mins….Attention whore

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8e3d13  No.14906287


Top fucking kek

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2a929b  No.14906288


Speculating but perhaps the parasites produce an acidic residue in the body as they do whatever it is that they do.. Over time, turning the body acidic?

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a72fb7  No.14906289


tell it to shakes pierre!

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2d1ea7  No.14906290

File: bfd06e768022bad⋯.png (345.56 KB, 535x782, 535:782, Rosas_re_Rittenhouse_FBI_P….PNG)

>And there it is….corrupt FBI involved…shocked not shocked

Binger said there is infrared video taken from an FBI plane, which will be shown during the trial, that will prove Rittenhouse chased Rosenbaum into the car lot. Though he admits "we don't know exactly what was going on at that very moment. We don't know what words were said.".



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13b65c  No.14906291


say brandon decides to cede American power over to a King in Europe, is that what must habben for storm order signal?

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e2731a  No.14906292

File: fcbf0524845ad4d⋯.png (1001.03 KB, 721x888, 721:888, 6bcb489ddd5de6b8e18ec06816….png)


>You never know with whom you is interacting wif.

true dat.

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0a4c09  No.14906293

File: 098d253a76b3ab6⋯.png (706.24 KB, 787x552, 787:552, NJ_Voting_machines.PNG)

File: b23a01fafcd5494⋯.png (50.64 KB, 960x540, 16:9, NJ_Voting_machine_curtains.PNG)

File: 854fc8b2eb6bc5f⋯.png (161.46 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, NJ_Voting_wifi_signals.png)

NJ Voting (older model)machines w/curtains…see pics…

Why would they need wifi…

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d3637e  No.14906294


maybe you should pray for us …

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4fe549  No.14906295


Is Jesus greater than John? Or was Jesus born to a woman?

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37491a  No.14906296

File: 6283918a67d0ddb⋯.png (758.63 KB, 1048x680, 131:85, TheOrderofKek.png)

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f061ed  No.14906297


>We get as we give—but we must give first.

Jesus got murdered, so how many did he murder to "get" that?

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3d0869  No.14906298

File: a877c5c5caa43db⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB, 720x1060, 36:53, Redpill_Mortar_Pepe.mp4)

It matters not where 'you Start you may be a day laborer. But still you

can give—give a bit more of energy, of work, of thought, than you are

paid for. "Whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile," said Jesus, "go with

him twain." Try to put a little extra skill into your work. Use your mind to

find some better way of doing whatever task may be set for you. It won't

be long before you are out of the common labor class.

There is no kind of work than can-not be bettered by thought. There is

no method that cannot be improved by thought. So give generously of

your thought to your work. Think every minute you are at it—"Isn't there

some way in which this could be done easier, quicker, better?" Read in

your spare time everything that relates to your own work or to the job

ahead of you. In these days of magazines and books and libraries, few are

the occupations that are not thoroughly covered in some good work.

Remember in Lorimer's "Letters of a Self-Made Merchant to His Son,"

the young fellow that old Gorgan Graham hired against his better

judgment and put in the "barrel gang" just to get rid of him quickly?

Before the month was out the young fellow had thought himself out of

that job by persuading the boss to get a machine that did the work at half

the cost and with a third of the gang. Graham just had to raise his pay

and put him higher up. But he wouldn't stay put. No matter what the job,

he always found some way it could be done better and with fewer people.

Until he reached the top of the ladder.

There are plenty of men like that in actual life. They won't stay down.

They are as full of bounce as a cat with a small boy and a dog after it.

Thrown to the dog from an upper window, it is using the time of falling

to get set for the next jump. By the time the dog leaps for where it hit, the

cat is up the tree across the street.

The true spirit of business is the spirit of that plucky old Danish sea

captain, Peter Tordenskjold. Attacked by a Swedish frigate, after all his

crew but one had been killed and his supply of cannon balls was

exhausted, Peter boldly kept up the fight, firing pewter dinner-plates and

mugs from his one remaining gun.

One of the pewter mugs hit the Swedish captain and killed him, and

Peter sailed off triumphant!

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1a6bb3  No.14906300


Wait, are you suggesting Jesus was sacrificed to Moloch?

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47e3c6  No.14906301


kek well played

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fecbbe  No.14906302


It’s not uncommon for a marathon runner to shit his/her self!

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4fe549  No.14906303


What did I just say?

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71c598  No.14906304

File: a469ab4cadbdbc9⋯.jpeg (78.58 KB, 471x600, 157:200, D7F62657_B198_43D5_94DE_D….jpeg)

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e4efc3  No.14906305


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b5d352  No.14906306

File: 0e1e7f501fc0cee⋯.png (502.6 KB, 840x654, 140:109, 2939B83C_D874_4A17_9587_43….png)


It’s not just fat chicks.

Used-up roasties get triggered, too.

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37491a  No.14906307

File: 93224657b52b3de⋯.png (468.56 KB, 700x471, 700:471, Get_In_.png)

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5d8c55  No.14906308

File: 4fae308846c033e⋯.gif (522.56 KB, 320x229, 320:229, barn.gif)

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644782  No.14906309

File: c74b46880bc823e⋯.jpg (483.04 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200402_095634….jpg)

File: 944cc618f30e4db⋯.jpg (471.28 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, Screenshot_20200827_085917….jpg)

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e2731a  No.14906310

File: 3eb6395cd5f1845⋯.gif (1.57 MB, 300x225, 4:3, 52b2ef5decb8c98d5dc5354d08….gif)

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3ee723  No.14906311


That antifag was just about to cap him. Just like the other faggot who shot at Kyle putting him in immediate fear for his life. Defense rests ur honor.

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c82ef3  No.14906312



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f38dad  No.14906313


is dis your meme fren? if yes, can you put the KYLE "don't tread" meme from this anon


on the forehead ?


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3d0869  No.14906314

File: cf7d586f83ce5fb⋯.mp4 (11.07 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 1_POWER_AND_GLORY.mp4)

"Now, why am I so sure of this law? How can you be sure? I have

watched it work; it works everywhere. You have only to try it, and keep

on trying it and it will prove true for you. It is not true because I say so,

nor because anybody else says so; it is just true. Theosophists call it the

law of Karma; humanitarians call it the law of Service; business men call

it the law of common sense; Jesus Christ called it the law of Love. It rules

whether I know it or not, whether I believe it or not, whether I defy it or

not. I can't break it! Jesus of Nazareth, without reference to any religious

idea you may have about Him, without consideration as to whether He

was or was not divine, was the greatest business Man that ever lived, and

he said: 'Give and ye shall receive—good measure, pressed down, shaken

together, running over!' And this happens to be so—not because He said

it—but because it is the Truth, which we all, whether we admit it or not,

worship as God. No man can honestly say that he does not put the truth


"It is the truth—the principle of giving and receiving—only there are few

men who go the limit on it. But going the limit is the way to unlimited


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264c92  No.14906315

File: a69f534b4014936⋯.png (461.32 KB, 499x499, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4efc3  No.14906316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

gehy niggs invade yopoleland stanks

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644782  No.14906317

File: d90bf86a4662ef8⋯.jpg (12.32 KB, 176x255, 176:255, ddbe7ca9366e961b16efaff9ab….jpg)

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37491a  No.14906318

File: 339d48ced9249b2⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1240x760, 31:19, Where_life_ends.png)

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5d8c55  No.14906319

File: 59d3df49ac429a2⋯.png (63.49 KB, 333x151, 333:151, beer.png)

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6587d1  No.14906320


Interdasting utility…

Gonna have fun playing around with this little doo dad.

Automatic shotgun mech?

Very cryptic, but dasting…


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9820e0  No.14906321

File: caa3e3226060e5a⋯.png (418.22 KB, 625x699, 625:699, pepeJoeTatoeBread.png)

Fann Contracting bun from last night

all lb

it will then be time for you to meet the argentinian women

Fann Website Hidden Text dig


>>14903029, >>14903274 4 year delta today. Fann put in submission

>>14903050, >>14903111, >>14903124 fanncontracting.com hidden text. it will then be time for you to meet the argentinian women

>>14903173, >>14903317 confettiskies.com/

>>14903192, >>14903155, >>14903252 fann contracting russian brides

>>14903096, >>14903195, >>14903185 , >>14903144 screenshots and archived

>>14903531, >>14903603 Fann Annual Report

>>14903569, >>14903575 Govt Contracts

>>14903304 moar Gov Contract some shared with CEMEX

>>14903442, >>14903476, >>14903502, >>14903521, >>14903596, >>14903348 James Lee Fann > Sid Webb >? Dell Webb / Mafia dig?


>>14903374 37 years of owning her business, which she recently sold.

>>14903361 Karen Fann Announces Retirement

>>14903352 SETUP by Webmaster?

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2d1ea7  No.14906322


>That antifag was just about to cap him. Just like the other faggot who shot at Kyle putting him in immediate fear for his life. Defense rests ur honor.

Solid defense

Prosecutor have ties to Soros like so many others?

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d3637e  No.14906323

File: 7acd3ff0752d7c4⋯.jpg (116.12 KB, 672x794, 336:397, 20211019_231848.jpg)


Idk…that you're finally accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior born of the Virgin

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47e3c6  No.14906324

File: ad82baf34695077⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1287x962, 99:74, Anon_20181217_01.png)


Or who you're shitposting while watching rallies with.

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e39a08  No.14906325


What kind of title is that for a book? Weird!



I’m not a nigger chewing her cud. No that sounds fat!


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43a78b  No.14906326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“You’ve Gotta Be Kidding!” This Is So Corrupt It’s Almost FUNNY!


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a72fb7  No.14906327


kyle should have been exonerated within a couple of days. disgusting that he has to go through this stupid shit show trial.

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1a6bb3  No.14906328


That's a great question. When the framers of the compilation of books were putting this all together, they should've had anons lending a hand, but as it were, they kicked all those dudes out during the Council's meeting. Essentially, they were disinvited from the think tank.

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3ee723  No.14906329


Jury case. Just takes ONE to have a reasonable doubt about prosecution's case.

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644782  No.14906330

File: 28907c4a1bb2fa1⋯.png (7.9 KB, 224x224, 1:1, 20200828_225030.png)

File: f6d0d51b65e9c11⋯.jpg (47.59 KB, 680x383, 680:383, EghLXPwVoAAVWvv_jpeg.jpg)

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e39a08  No.14906331

File: 4d3b091816f3ef3⋯.gif (581.55 KB, 260x160, 13:8, C62F83DA_A0EA_4B1A_B8CE_78….gif)

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c3f10b  No.14906332

>>14904573 (pb)

He did not say it was a good thing in the past. This looks like the master making a move. He stated the truth about how it was before. He stated the truth about how it is now. The man is out there swinging, and this is basically saying, "Look at how things are in Congress. Consider that you yourselves are hugely responsible for this. Thought you might come over to our side before, and now really think you should consider it strongly."

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1a6bb3  No.14906333



God bless ladyanons.

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28085a  No.14906334

File: 9a9706408592f0d⋯.jpg (173.66 KB, 564x830, 282:415, HB_Matthew2818.jpg)

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e4efc3  No.14906335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

34,000,000 heard zelda beg fo GEHY

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0922e7  No.14906336

File: 809e261bdf8dee3⋯.png (404.5 KB, 634x724, 317:362, Screen_Shot_2021_10_28_at_….png)


Top KeK, Classic, archived!

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4fe549  No.14906337


Why do you accuse me because you don't like what I say?

Why don't you try to prove me wrong with scripture?

I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior a long time ago. You accuse me because I have ears to hear something you don't.

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0d073c  No.14906338

File: b7bb320865bcc78⋯.jpg (172.61 KB, 1068x1700, 267:425, depositphotos_164304334_st….jpg)

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f061ed  No.14906339


I'm not suggesting it, I'm stating it. He was sacrificed to the God of the Jews, Moloch. The wame God that the Catholics worship.

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a72fb7  No.14906341


>nigger chewing her cud. No that sounds fat!

point well made… well played.

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e2eb75  No.14906342

Fuck this illegitimate government.

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b1366c  No.14906343


"Ben Garrison", kek

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d3637e  No.14906344


I think they desensitize you at the party's entrance with this and as the night progresses and you become inebriated you are shown the really baked corpses in backrooms..

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4fe549  No.14906345


The council didn't write it, they just put it in one book and tried to convince you the warning in the scroll of revelation applied to the whole book.

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5ef28b  No.14906346


[They] → >>14906290 are going to set him up. Sending a message to all who oppose [them].

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e4efc3  No.14906347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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23be56  No.14906348

File: fd52a98313dd43f⋯.png (53.92 KB, 247x202, 247:202, yikes.png)



Tastes like chicken?

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fecbbe  No.14906349


Now that’s funny as shat!

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a68f5d  No.14906350

File: 1f70f7cb605f275⋯.png (18.29 KB, 524x171, 524:171, ClipboardImage.png)


Had over 111K views an hour after it was published. Love or loathe him, he's reaching the people.

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e2731a  No.14906351

File: 43ab5fd3bc6836f⋯.jpg (325.57 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 43ab5fd3bc6836fcfa478de385….jpg)


Makes it fun that way, no?

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e4efc3  No.14906352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

mustache rides in leather pants angry bout fermented cabbage songs

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b00412  No.14906353



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06ad36  No.14906355

File: 5748b714132425d⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1257x681, 419:227, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9aaa7aa12cad1a9⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1221x681, 407:227, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 635389898f7a5b4⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1161x649, 1161:649, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 316f64230b9d90b⋯.png (418.04 KB, 873x597, 291:199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 409c49252209ed8⋯.png (474.65 KB, 905x341, 905:341, ClipboardImage.png)


this place solved this within 24 hours of Kyle defending himself on the street.

the mob led by bald gas station pedo thought Kyle was the same kid who he wanted to get shot by at the gas station.

they saw Kyle, who's only crime was trying to put out a dumpster fire, and proceeded to hit him with a skateboard, and chase him with weapons.

He defended himself.

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9820e0  No.14906356

sounds like the Defense is about to BTFO prosecution opening statements

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e39a08  No.14906357


ThanQ, I do try…

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264c92  No.14906358

IDK the bottom is a trap.

(you) sure this isn't clown IO?

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9f7e77  No.14906359

File: 71eeb1955d99714⋯.gif (4.15 MB, 634x804, 317:402, 47BC6CDF_9F0D_4CF7_877D_78….gif)

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d3637e  No.14906360


well now go find a Bible and ask Jesus to help you.

God bless.

The spirit of Rage is not of God fren

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f38dad  No.14906361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

YO, Portland Andy got da Trial on


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e4efc3  No.14906362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>34,000,000 heard zelda beg fo GEHY

another 15,000,000 listened to zelda beg fo GEHY fo 10 hours

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264c92  No.14906363

File: c6337716c88361d⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1536x1990, 768:995, ClipboardImage.png)



meaning this image

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b00412  No.14906364


chek'd + amen

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23be56  No.14906365

File: 379c4991140cc79⋯.png (80.48 KB, 235x206, 235:206, pepe_laugh.png)


>baldwin latest interview

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4fe549  No.14906366


Anon I read it all the time, and I have cited it.

You don't like what I say so you accuse me.

"If they hate you remember they hated me first".

I am in no way raging kek.

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47e3c6  No.14906367

File: b238adac4c45fcb⋯.jpg (223.88 KB, 1080x1182, 180:197, Anon_20210611.jpg)


Yep - hope Bubbles is doing well.

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8318d9  No.14906368

File: d34a2a4b4b72b60⋯.png (45.76 KB, 813x621, 271:207, 4514350098564132.png)

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37491a  No.14906369

File: 928b00b78e12fc2⋯.png (637.78 KB, 1280x688, 80:43, IEnjoy.png)

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6587d1  No.14906370

File: bcc60de6f846720⋯.jpg (72.64 KB, 557x866, 557:866, Tankred.jpg)


Anons be busy last night…

All sorts of dasting stuffs..


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e4efc3  No.14906371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>34,000,000 heard zelda beg fo GEHY

>another 15,000,000 listened to zelda beg fo GEHY fo 10 hours

and 1,200,000 are still in the closet bout listening to zelda beg foGEHY fo 10 hours

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4beab8  No.14906372


So the FBI is admitting to using spy planes with infrared cameras to watch the Antifa terrorists.

And the only thing they did with this unlawfully gathered evidence is persecute Kyle.

Seems legit.

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e39a08  No.14906373


Chicken on every table

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28085a  No.14906374

File: 9e9cc5cc9629cac⋯.png (8.59 KB, 194x259, 194:259, HB_1_Cor_134_8.png)

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f96d54  No.14906375

File: 891834944049881⋯.jpg (12.44 KB, 201x301, 201:301, OIP.jpg)




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d3637e  No.14906376


Evil digits confirm 👌

Get right with Jesus

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814470  No.14906377

File: a4e9e071d8b6dba⋯.png (821.8 KB, 854x708, 427:354, ClipboardImage.png)

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9820e0  No.14906378



Prosecutor whined like a little bitch

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6e450c  No.14906379


Gonna need to see your tits ma'am. It's a procedural thing.

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4fe549  No.14906380


You're so desperate kek

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264c92  No.14906381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

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e4efc3  No.14906382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fuck taht yugo

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1a6bb3  No.14906383

File: 9f6c7f20bcc2a81⋯.png (1.45 MB, 618x974, 309:487, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah, but you see, some of the books sort of conflicted with others, and the idea was "Well, we'll just keep it in a language that only we will learn and speak, and they'll have to take our word for it, and shiet." Shit, most Christians, today, would lose their shit if they suddenly were faced with the fact that prior to Constantine, "God the Father" was the dominant ideology. Then there was that meeting thing and some stuffs got changed around.

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06ad36  No.14906384

File: 70b9f800bc6b2cf⋯.png (265.91 KB, 576x398, 288:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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2d1ea7  No.14906385

File: 5e26fc44ece0255⋯.png (396.76 KB, 529x553, 529:553, Rosas_at_Rittenhouse_Trial….PNG)


>He defended himself.

Yes, we know that

BTW, recall, Rosas, the tweet posted, was there reporting and may be called as an eyewitness


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d3637e  No.14906386


I'm just messing with you anon. Go take a midol.. (and read a bible)

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814470  No.14906387

File: c7b5b85d7a5b124⋯.png (965.31 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c25ffafc96a468⋯.png (913.88 KB, 800x462, 400:231, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Won

Fire Them All

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e4efc3  No.14906388

File: 2cdfe65ceafc3d3⋯.jpg (39.79 KB, 355x606, 355:606, AQIE6188.jpg)

larps to wonderland

larps for wonderland

larps with wonderland


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e2731a  No.14906389

File: 3e2410712613138⋯.png (902.34 KB, 899x741, 899:741, f761d6b198089929fac8216841….png)


Oh yes I remember Bubbles, hope she is too..

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e37e94  No.14906390


Kek! He’s right though. TOGTFO

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4fe549  No.14906391

File: f5ee06f64859065⋯.png (32.87 KB, 787x286, 787:286, ClipboardImage.png)


No they don't conflict, many just don't understand.

You're falling for the deception.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Seek Truth!

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9820e0  No.14906392

File: a6dd32241bcb03f⋯.gif (464.89 KB, 790x837, 790:837, pepe_fren_fire_autism.gif)


>Anons be busy last night…

>All sorts of dasting stuffs..

active breads

anons on fire

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d3637e  No.14906393



God bless the little anons

All the little anons of the world music 🎶

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e4efc3  No.14906394

File: 7e3480123de3130⋯.jpg (12.11 KB, 225x225, 1:1, BJTS6845.jpg)


>larps with wonderland


pixie dust wonderland larps drive libor rates

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4fe549  No.14906395


Take your own advice anon.

I pray God opens your eyes and ears to Truth in Jesus name.

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03423e  No.14906397

File: 0a5339443d1cea3⋯.jpeg (204.99 KB, 828x1051, 828:1051, B322B82C_5586_4049_9409_5….jpeg)

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06ad36  No.14906398


guy on left talked shit to bald manlet at gassation. which cause bald manlet to go into his "shoot me ni66er" rant.

they caught up with Kyle, who had on green shirt and long rifle BUT pants not shorts.

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ba258d  No.14906399

Motorcade to the WH


New suvs, not the old junk bidan rides in.

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9f7e77  No.14906400

File: 76b9038ba7e4dff⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 360x270, 4:3, 3C143C4E_D526_45E6_8338_53….gif)

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b1366c  No.14906401




>What kind of title is that for a book? Weird!



it requires logical thinking and knowledge of logical connectives

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e2731a  No.14906402



>Kek! He’s right though. TOGTFO

Unless she has the premium package otherwise, yes TOGTFO

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0d073c  No.14906403



whether they're rules or guidelines

procedure is procedure

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e4efc3  No.14906404

File: d5a3a347884640d⋯.jpg (74.61 KB, 640x640, 1:1, EXBT1443.jpg)








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8e3d13  No.14906405

File: e1a373176bd2dc8⋯.jpg (114.92 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 4ab58da2825d3dc56e7ff52ac6….jpg)


Who could forget bubbles?

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264c92  No.14906406

File: 2a6439a5095fde6⋯.png (2 MB, 1440x810, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb00610ea84695b⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1300x953, 1300:953, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6886561 (PB)

Relative value: Camel to cattle

A Masai Warrior states, “We don’t like the taste of camel meat or milk” another Masai warrior tells few of his countrymen seem to have any interest in discussing camels, let alone learning more about their advantages over cattle. "

“One camel costs 36 goats or sheep. One camel costs three donkeys or 12 cows.” he answers. Later I find out a camel costs 60 000 Kenyan shillings, around US$ 700/R 6 700.


MBS is a brilliant and noble leader. He must give the finest camels alive so let us assume Gulf-finest "dowry quality racing camels" are worth 100 * $70,000.00 .

While it is possible to assert "dowry quality racing camels" are worth much more than 70 k based on sales figures from the Emirates and by analogy with Keeneland thoroughbred sales, QR camel flesh and dowry analysts do not believe the Saudi Prince means to assert this valuation.


While the bride’s bloodline has a great genetic endowment, Saudi dowry tier racing camels do also.


In fact, it is expected the Kingdom would suggest that dowry valuations are and archaic modern liberated women are worth more (or less depending) and in any case, just as camels can be troublesome and expensive, spit in an owners' faces, destroy their property, kick grooms to death, abuse servants, need therapists and expensive medical procedures - women/wives do also and the preference for one over the other is a matter of taste.

US Camel breeders warn:

" Many people in our community that we’ve mentored have had lots of large animal experience from professional horse trainers to zoo keepers, they all realized that a camel cannot be compared to any other animal and they are in fact ‘unique’ and require a ‘unique’ way of handling and training."


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1e89d8  No.14906407

File: 3166aa23e74c78e⋯.png (661.73 KB, 789x435, 263:145, ClipboardImage.png)

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3ee723  No.14906408


That FIRST SHOT fired in close proximity to Kyle and the antifags chasing and throwing objects at him, after cornering Kyle in that dark parking lot was the DIRECT CAUSE of the alleged crimes charged against KR.

Ask yourselves, ladies and gentleman, how would YOU have reacted IF you were Kyle? What frame of mind do you think Kyle was in while being chased, never turning on his pursuers with his weapon, and running in the dark when that FIRST LOUD SHOT was fired close to Kyle?

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5d8c55  No.14906409

True if big

Yahoo pulls out of China over 'challenging' environment


US technology company Yahoo announced Tuesday it had completely pulled out of China in response to a widening crackdown on the tech industry.

Under Chinese law, companies operating there are required to censor content and keywords deemed politically sensitive or inappropriate, including references to the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

"In recognition of the increasingly challenging business and legal environment in China, Yahoo's suite of services will no longer be accessible from mainland China as of November 1,'' the company said in a statement.

It said it "remains committed to the rights of our users and a free and open internet.''

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e39a08  No.14906410


Jesus is dead, j/s

Waiting on the second coming are you?

Let’s do some basic math:

Jesus was born (1)

Jesus was murdered and rose (2)

Jesus’ return (3)

Answer: 3, the second coming of Christ is actually 3.

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273994  No.14906411

I'm just gonna put this out here….

ALLLawyers, Politicians, Insurance salesman ans car sales man need to be relocated to another distant Planet.


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e4efc3  No.14906412

File: 442a2f1ae96e8ef⋯.png (1 MB, 1051x701, 1051:701, BQNP0413.png)


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d3637e  No.14906413


Open-source as Q said

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9820e0  No.14906414

File: 0b1819f9a2ef5e4⋯.png (617.4 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_11_02….png)



cry moar faggot

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d3637e  No.14906415

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e4efc3  No.14906416

File: 13c4be23394c021⋯.jpg (101.1 KB, 900x900, 1:1, IMG_6728.JPG)

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2d1ea7  No.14906417

File: 641b207cbca106c⋯.png (66.77 KB, 539x457, 539:457, Twitter_censoring_Brandon_….PNG)

#LetsGoBranden is trending right now because Twitter is censoring the real one

Get #LetsGoBrandon trending!


>Ah twitter…so consistent with their censorship

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3ee723  No.14906418


…in a pizza parlor.

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8318d9  No.14906419

File: 5a5dacf09068aa5⋯.png (209.15 KB, 697x648, 697:648, 6631087862413456.png)

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0fa6eb  No.14906420

File: 7a76cf0eb1aaa8d⋯.png (133.92 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)




Just make it a mandate.

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8e3d13  No.14906421

File: 9265d8f533b89b6⋯.jpg (125.11 KB, 825x510, 55:34, shimizu.jpg)


>Big if true

AP is reporting it as well. Very odd. Disney, NBA, Google and John Cena would never.


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39b657  No.14906422

File: 7cf0d88d3ae4316⋯.jpg (183.5 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, mmmcake.jpg)

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e331cb  No.14906423

File: 48c3ebeafaebd1a⋯.png (33.5 KB, 603x522, 67:58, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_11….png)

#Update the search off of #NausetBeach has been suspended pending further information.


crews searched a total of 55 hours and 2,076 square miles with no sign of pilot or aircraft.


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264c92  No.14906424

File: 7a199b17267c68f⋯.png (273.41 KB, 497x407, 497:407, ClipboardImage.png)

Winner of Emirate's Prix D'Oro


The Qanon

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34591d  No.14906425

>>14905897 (PB))

>Maxwell in court

Actually I think the system is fuked.

Right to a speedy trial ? Transparency of the system ? Where is Durham in this ? Where is Huber ? Where is the AG from the Bahamian district ? They have mountains of evidence, This is typical Federal LEO BS.

If she is a foreign enemy accused of stirring up sedition, she belongs in Military Court and would have been hanged already.

This could be the tipping point for ratting on the big names in exchange for her life or speedy execution.

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e39a08  No.14906426

File: b55b20bf2cfb682⋯.jpeg (19.38 KB, 231x244, 231:244, 29EE2171_195E_416B_A197_A….jpeg)

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64fa67  No.14906427

File: 9818e1f4c0320f2⋯.png (481.03 KB, 508x771, 508:771, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bb65dfcbb7158b⋯.png (386.07 KB, 439x342, 439:342, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26690e6e010b848⋯.png (208.98 KB, 820x342, 410:171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f16ec98705c397⋯.png (358.58 KB, 332x342, 166:171, ClipboardImage.png)

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81c589  No.14906428

File: 1bd4e883c49b6f2⋯.png (806.4 KB, 920x759, 40:33, ClipboardImage.png)


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e4efc3  No.14906429

File: 590926fdb5a4765⋯.png (533.67 KB, 923x542, 923:542, HXBV3163.png)


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e2eb75  No.14906430


Fucking treason. FUCK YOU!

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cd6071  No.14906431

Prosecutor in Rittenhouse trial complained about defense presenting evidence in opening statement.

Judge: I've seen it done [before] by your office.

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47e3c6  No.14906432



QR 2018:

DayShift diggs / NightShift posts tits

QR 2021:

NightShift diggs / DayShift posts tits

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03423e  No.14906433

File: a84d4d62a88220e⋯.jpeg (119.35 KB, 828x357, 276:119, D6D3E6F2_9E10_43DD_ADFF_9….jpeg)

https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/11/bidens_accident.html November 2, 2021

Biden's accident

By Pete McArdle

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/11/bidens_accident.html#ixzz7B4y9A1G1

Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

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cbd561  No.14906434


I don't like the fuck wad to begin with

but I figured I would look

can't watch it , had to cut it, he is doing the piglosi, gates, zuckerberg Witchy arm faggot waving bullshit

Fuck him, switch hitting, evil useless cut

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956430  No.14906435

File: 08f366f0d21a29a⋯.jpg (107.33 KB, 939x1280, 939:1280, IMG_20211027_192500_605.jpg)

Miles Mathis has a Game Plan for our work in the End Game


People talk of azombie apocalypse, not realizing they are the zombies. The US was a zombie world

long before the fake pandemic arrived. Many seem to think they can drug themselves out of this

stupor, but the opposite is true: it is going to take a mass intervention, a mass cold-turkey dry-out

decades in length. It will require a complete re-education from the ground up, a sort of antibrainwashing. All the effluent fed into people's heads since the First World War will have to be

flushed out and replaced by real information. All the hosepipes of disinformation will have to be cut

and wrapped around the throats of millions of propagandists. ==Several generations of liars will have to

be permanently jettisoned from society, reinstalled as toll booth operators or sandwich wrappers, where

they can't do any harm.== Thousands of top names will have to be excised from the history books, except

as examples of what NOT to do. Every last trace of Modernism will have to be purged from the

syllabus, lest it reinfect us and drive us once again to the verge of insanity and collapse.

We got here because people like the Rockefellers

wanted complete control of art, and artists like me back in the 1920s wouldn't do what we were told.

So the Rockefellers pushed us all out of the field, redefined art, and hired their own hack artists, who

would do what they are told. This is no longer in doubt. A few mainstream writers have gone AWOL,

admitting precisely that. See Frances Stonor Saunders, for example.


Frances Stonor Saunders wrote:Who Paid The Piper?

American title: The Cultural Cold War


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bb1a3c  No.14906436

File: f42c77f260bd4e0⋯.jpg (331.07 KB, 616x768, 77:96, nightdog.jpg)

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4fe549  No.14906437


Proof to begin 11.3. America will be unified 11.11.18(R)

Revelation 11:3-12

>11.3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” 4 They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth.”5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. 6 They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.

>7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. 8 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. 9 For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. 10 The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.

>11 But after the three and a half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. 12 Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on.

Are we posting in a cloud?

The Witnesses go to heaven in a cloud.

>"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Like Q said… Power to the People.

>After He had said this, they watched as He was taken up, and a cloud hid Him from their sight. - Acts 1:9

>“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11

Jesus returns the way He left, hidden in a cloud, but don't look to the sky!

>“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." - John 17:20-23

>"And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them."

The Great Awakening. This is biblical.

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e4efc3  No.14906438

File: 8d9543236d4b573⋯.jpg (161.35 KB, 871x800, 871:800, IMG_8383.JPG)

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5d8c55  No.14906439


>You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the old guard.

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1a6bb3  No.14906440

File: 6b523f92bc692b6⋯.jpg (27.97 KB, 354x404, 177:202, Jesus_Gains.jpg)


Old Language:

>I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father but by me

New Language:

>Emulate what I do, and seek truth in my words. Follow the 2 most important commandments, and you will be granted eternal life in the Kingdom of my Father.

So where'd I fuck up, there, anon? Which were the most important commandments?

"And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all? 29And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: 30And thou shaltlovethe Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 31And the second is like, namely this, Thou shaltlovethy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these."

So there ya have it. Maybe John THE BELOVED was the first one to figure this out of all Christ's disciples? Maybe that's what set him apart so much.


Replace "Jews" with practitioners of the Law. There were more than just Jews that were Pharisees/Sadducees. Their adherents spanned all the tribes. Other than that:


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264c92  No.14906441

File: a6967e595e1812b⋯.png (96.26 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

The Gringo Shaman of Iquitos.


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e4efc3  No.14906442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c4b239  No.14906443

DC Whispers

Approximate 30 to 40% of the Federal Contracting Services in the District of Columbia are refusing the vaccine mandate by the Biden Regime, will walk off the job instead.

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d3637e  No.14906444

File: 359285b5406721a⋯.jpg (46.94 KB, 661x377, 661:377, 20211102_123701.jpg)

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f96d54  No.14906445

File: dbcf5af805f6a66⋯.jpg (13.82 KB, 275x183, 275:183, target44.jpg)


TODAY: CDC Panel To Vote On Pfizer Vaxxine In Kids Ages 5-11; Then CDC Director Walensky Gives Final OK"


No risk of Fertility Issues. How they test that one?

28 million children in this age group


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e4efc3  No.14906446

File: 134bdefaa2e2285⋯.jpg (214.26 KB, 1422x800, 711:400, IMG_9488.JPG)

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81c589  No.14906447

File: f8d2fc453249f8e⋯.png (391.57 KB, 502x500, 251:250, ClipboardImage.png)

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0d073c  No.14906448



Arizona Senate President Karen Fann has explained the path to issue warrants to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, and how to launch decertification of the 2020 election results.

Speaking to JT Harris on Conservative Circus, Fann expressed her frustration at Arizona State Senator Paul Boyer, who has “gone over to the dark side” and blocked efforts from the Senate to hold the Maricopa Board of Supervisors in contempt by voting against a resolution to do so. Fann seemingly agreed with President Trump’s assessment of the situation, who last week slammed Boyer for “doing everything in his power to hold up the damning Forensic Audit of Maricopa County which has been taking place over the last 90 days, saying he has been “nothing but trouble.”


Fann also laid out the path to the decertification of the 2020 election results. She confirmed that she had no power to be decertify the election herself, and that any such move could only take place after a court had verified the results of the audit if they proved that the numbers from the election were incorrect. A simple majority vote in the House and Senate would then take place with a resolution to decertify, and it would be handed over to the state’s Attorney General to proceed from there.

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814470  No.14906449


Now the Lost Tribe is claiming to be Latinos and demanding reparations. 2-3%?

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3e5dc6  No.14906450





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264c92  No.14906451

File: e8a5fc660178ab6⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1200x848, 75:53, ClipboardImage.png)

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273994  No.14906452



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5ef28b  No.14906453

File: f3ba82df616006a⋯.jpg (18.59 KB, 728x450, 364:225, small.jpg)

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3e5dc6  No.14906454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ef201c  No.14906455


>The closer he is to the earth's core the deadlier.

TOP KEK>>14906330

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4fe549  No.14906456


Your "new language" is nonsense. He is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. This sums up the law and the prophets.

The BREATH of LIFE enters the Witnesses.

He overcomes with the BREATH of His mouth.

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d3637e  No.14906457


Positioning themselves

But no one walks away from this

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bb1a3c  No.14906458

File: 9a6e422be36dcab⋯.jpg (76.5 KB, 680x680, 1:1, eggman_2.jpg)

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47e3c6  No.14906459


If they ackshually did anything productive that would really cause some problems for the Deep State.

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e2731a  No.14906460

File: 900a537660ed2d4⋯.mp4 (2.67 MB, 640x640, 1:1, What_The_2.mp4)


Someone had to.


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991029  No.14906461


(((they))) really don't want people taking ivermectin

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928ca6  No.14906462

File: b1f9a972c2fbabb⋯.png (1.36 MB, 646x937, 646:937, b1f9a972c2fbabb2e549984c88….png)


Fucker had pulled on gun on Kyle.

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c4b239  No.14906463

DC Whispers

Historically when a President's approval drops below 35% impeachment rumors begin. Biden is in the mid 20's.

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e4efc3  No.14906464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9d0783  No.14906465

File: a77165f6227af4f⋯.png (230.86 KB, 514x511, 514:511, pepe_on_doamel.png)


fixed it for you

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264c92  No.14906466

File: a6b367b6d3131ef⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1035x852, 345:284, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4efc3  No.14906467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3e5dc6  No.14906468


if trailer park walls could talk

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e4efc3  No.14906469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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f96d54  No.14906470

File: 4d93bbc762f50b0⋯.jpg (6.17 KB, 300x168, 25:14, hellfire44.jpg)


Once the FAA starts grounding pilots and flight attendants, it will get 'dasting.

Military Flight Surgeons, take note.


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e4efc3  No.14906471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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8e3d13  No.14906472



Impeachment fails.

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5d8c55  No.14906473

China tells families to stockpile food after floods and coronavirus lockdowns sparked fears of shortages

A directive from Beijing's commerce ministry told families to stockpile essentials

The move comes amid supply chain fears after heavy flooding and lockdowns

Some speculated online measure was in place in preparation to invade Taiwan

State-run media calmed speculation warning against an 'overactive imagination'


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e4efc3  No.14906474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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065586  No.14906475

File: 040351741a62f52⋯.jpeg (235.31 KB, 1124x2048, 281:512, divine_mercy_image.jpeg)

pray the rosary! Jesus, I trust in You.

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0922e7  No.14906476

Not hearing much about this, but we will soon. Moar population control stratagies?

Supply chain issues worsen medication shortage

October 21, 2021


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019d25  No.14906477

>>14905683 Pb

President Biden Participates in a Meeting on the Build Back Better World (B3W) Initiative

B=2 3 W=23 23 23 = Pain Pain. 2+3=5 2+3=5

Double Pain. 5 5

We got it. Let’s go Brandon. Bring the pain.

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791b39  No.14906478

I am digging on this guy I think is Kyrsten Sinema's ex husband Blake Dain. This exhibit he did for Nike in 2013 monitored peoples brain functions as they walked through the exibit.


Blake Dain

Production Design Director

For its Hyperfeel product launch, Nike commissioned a high-profile interactive arts installation. The resulting design collaboration launched on the streets of NYC during fashion week. The exhibition was housed in a temporary structure, and visitors were invited to walk barefoot through a variety of experience-rich reactive corridors. Guests' brain functions were monitored during the exhibit and translated into digital media.


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928ca6  No.14906479

File: 5ff19556e4677e4⋯.jpg (61.43 KB, 720x713, 720:713, ffgrtpwwsfl.jpg)

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c82ef3  No.14906480



>>14906097, >>14906101, >>14906133, >>14906151, >>14906160 LIVE: CDC advisory panel votes on Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11

>>14906098, >>14906143 Parasite Propaganda, parasites (toxoplasmosis) now cures cancer

>>14906108 LIVE: Kyle Rittenhouse trial begins over Kenosha, Wisconsin, shooting


>>14906120 Gingrich says Democrats will try to 'steal' close election if they lose in Virginia

>>14906127 The man who created climate change, Maurice Strong (DIG)

>>14906223 A Florida man is being fined $50 per day for his “Let’s Go Brandon” and "Trump Won" banners

>>14906249 Fully vaxxed White House press secretary tests positive for COVID-19

>>14906271 Baldwin latest interview for KEKs

>>14906321 Fann Hacked website Contracting bun

>>14906417 #LetsGoBranden is trending right now because Twitter is censoring the real one

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47e3c6  No.14906481


True, but Nixon should really count.

He was going down if he hadn't resigned.

Now whether the whole saga was legit is a whole other story…

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e4efc3  No.14906482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f061ed  No.14906483


One could easily replace "the world" with "the law".

For his father so loved the law he gave his only begotten son, as it was customary to sacrafice your firstborn to Moloch, under the law.

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4fe549  No.14906484


"But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen."

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e4efc3  No.14906485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c4b239  No.14906486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It was the shrinkage Jerry!


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5d8c55  No.14906487

Shills work in teams.

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a72fb7  No.14906488


He’s a Catcher..

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3ee723  No.14906489


He was about to cap him from behind little a good little communist.

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20e582  No.14906490

File: 89643c04e46560d⋯.png (15.63 KB, 610x197, 610:197, ClipboardImage.png)


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d25772  No.14906491


that does fuck all for me. what's the point of letting someone pass the torch to his VP if he stole the fucking election/office?

and God only knows who that really is. I think Patriots are in control of him, but then the vax may not be.

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3e5dc6  No.14906492

heed bitches


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5ef28b  No.14906493

File: b5c6b65a42c0360⋯.png (25.66 KB, 199x198, 199:198, Kekking.png)

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47e3c6  No.14906494


Which id are you working with?

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2b4074  No.14906495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

27. Oktober EU Parliament,

AfD-Abgeordnete Christine Anderson

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e4efc3  No.14906496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0fa6eb  No.14906497


With stolen code from Github?

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8e3d13  No.14906498


There's also the possibility that if they had gone through with an impeachment trial of Nixon would have brought to light some dark secrets.

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956430  No.14906499

File: 2fd0a8d6ec1b3db⋯.png (303.57 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

"I must not fear.

Fear is the mind-killer.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face my fear.

I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

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bad69e  No.14906500

File: 244c0708f7ac89a⋯.jpg (69.97 KB, 818x338, 409:169, Capture.JPG)

Alec Baldwin's wife Hilaria is 'very worried' about 'struggling' husband after he accidentally killed cinematographer on Rust set: 'He's just haunted by Halyna Hutchins' death'.


- Baldwin accidentally shot a gun on the Rust film set which should not had a real bullet and killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins

- The 63-year-old 30 Rock star is said to be 'haunted' by the death after the tragic incident on October 21 which happened in Santa Fe, New Mexico

- A source said: 'Hilaria is very worried about him. He is not really sleeping and just haunted by Halyna's death'

- It has been claimed that the veteran actor is having such a rough time because he wants to focus to remain on the cinematographer's family as she is survived by husband Matthew and their nine-year-old son Andros

- The source said that Alec is 'is struggling, because he clearly understands that things are even worse for Halyna's family. He doesn't want any sympathy. He doesn't want this to be about him'

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e331cb  No.14906501

File: 821208f980d4557⋯.png (360.13 KB, 600x611, 600:611, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_11….png)

NEW: Microsoft entering metaverse alongside Facebook – Users will be able to share Office files and features, like PowerPoint decks, in the virtual world.


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e4efc3  No.14906502

File: 7562f38c1117868⋯.jpg (115.68 KB, 800x800, 1:1, JEQW9433.jpg)

oppenheimer h00m00'd earth flat proof

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fa2f21  No.14906503

File: a87b5287d3e4777⋯.jpg (135.88 KB, 890x668, 445:334, moo.jpg)

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5ef28b  No.14906504




Microsoft hasn't had an original idea, or not stolen someone else's since they were founded.

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2b4074  No.14906505


IT IS IN ENGRISH, You undereducated white trash and niggeranons

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c4b239  No.14906507


I think that's the point imho - Biden is sitting at between 25 and 28% and McConnell / McCarthy aren't doing the politically prudent thing - impeaching Biden.

That's how corrupt Congress is. Not a peep and EVERYBODY on Capitol Hill should be talking about impeachment.

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b8a281  No.14906508

>>14906389 - not me

>>14906367 - dis me and I am well

also workfaggin

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47e3c6  No.14906509


Yeah, I'm sure it would have been lit.

That's why it didn't happen.

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f061ed  No.14906510


Sen Ron Johnson is holding a live hearing on vaccine injuries.

The MSM was invited, but has failed to cover this event.

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0fa6eb  No.14906511

File: 4f2842784c098a2⋯.png (126.84 KB, 1009x406, 1009:406, ClipboardImage.png)

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3ee723  No.14906512


Poppy and that "Cuban thing"….

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1a6bb3  No.14906513

File: 4f426452a6f2c77⋯.gif (677.06 KB, 250x188, 125:94, magnum_pi.gif)

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afbef2  No.14906514

File: cf88ba4b2c087c5⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1468x438, 734:219, Screenshot_2021_11_02_at_0….png)

File: fb59e227b8f8c19⋯.jpg (358.93 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, All_Souls_Day_ss_66107944.jpg)

…Today may require more covfefe. http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7

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e4efc3  No.14906515

File: fcac8d585f10092⋯.jpg (30.37 KB, 474x456, 79:76, HSUX8009.jpg)

/pone/ dingus map

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3e5dc6  No.14906516

File: e62f5c702f247e9⋯.png (222.24 KB, 305x302, 305:302, Screen_Shot_2021_11_02_at_….png)


metaverse vs metaverse

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a72fb7  No.14906517

File: 9f03705ff3a672f⋯.png (9.11 MB, 494x498, 247:249, ClipboardImage.png)


vaccine injuries

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a0e54a  No.14906518


Man I can't wait until we all have implants so my brain can get the BSOD.

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273994  No.14906519


I would imagine any Metaverse would require massive servers and power supplies.

Seems like a vulnerability that can be taken advantage of. Like 5G antenna mining.

What habbens if you're getting a metaverse B J and all of a sudden the power goes out?

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d25772  No.14906521


ahhh. Yes I see now. I shoulda caught that.

o7 higher IQ anon.

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bbf504  No.14906522

File: 6becc1b35f35d01⋯.jpeg (106.39 KB, 407x415, 407:415, alec.jpeg)

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0922e7  No.14906523

Yeah, many past digs on this fraud. Using it to demonize CO2 that's somehow morphed into the demonization of Carbon.

Pretty much the genesis of their looting and eugenics crimes against mankind.

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3ee723  No.14906524


*Nixon's code talk for JFK assassination

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e4efc3  No.14906525

File: 6454e4f63a43490⋯.jpg (156.75 KB, 960x699, 320:233, IMG_9617.JPG)

we should throw them back into the MORIArty mine

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47e3c6  No.14906526


>doesn't want it to be about his fee fees

>puts out an article in the Mockingnigger press about it

Stay classy, Alec.

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e4efc3  No.14906527

File: abdca7882738650⋯.jpeg (19.3 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ANUN1067.jpeg)


>we should throw them back into the MORIArty mine

bikini atoll mocks quietly

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9f7e77  No.14906528

File: 61137a5fb3c0f1f⋯.gif (1.72 MB, 400x225, 16:9, 5591E7C4_882A_4A40_9618_C5….gif)

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c4b239  No.14906529


Kek - we're all pretty damn clever (anons) You caught me post 1st cup of coffee anon.

God Bless You o7

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e4efc3  No.14906530

File: 605e0a7155294d9⋯.jpg (175.91 KB, 500x465, 100:93, DROF0226.jpg)


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bbf504  No.14906531

File: 521105a02ab0b66⋯.png (4.38 MB, 2000x1719, 2000:1719, gavinwho.png)

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3ee723  No.14906532


Waiting on the military to call the ball.

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928ca6  No.14906533

File: db1792690ae300b⋯.png (522.28 KB, 940x788, 235:197, kldkfjfjhutito.png)

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47e3c6  No.14906534

File: b7a65448ed36288⋯.png (518.38 KB, 488x628, 122:157, Keks_in_Moz.png)


>There she is

Bubbles was looking for a job and she found a job.

And heaven knows she's miserable now.

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0922e7  No.14906535

oops forgot reference post: :>>14906127


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b809c2  No.14906536

File: 55fceea99f9550e⋯.png (388.29 KB, 884x762, 442:381, ClipboardImage.png)


Ran across this article this morning, sort of an interesting read (at least for me it was).

Did not realize they have been working with this since the beginning of the internet basically.

In a booth at Ted’s Fish Fry, in Troy, New York, my friend Daniel Beck and I sketched out our plans for the metaverse. It was November 1994, just as the graphical web was becoming a thing, and we thought that the 3-D web could be just a few tweaks down the road. In our version of the metaverse, a server would track the identity of objects and their location in virtual space, but you’d render the objects locally, loaded to your hard drive off of a CD-ROM. It made a certain sense: Most users were on sub-56k modems, and AOL was shipping out enough CD-ROMs to pave Los Angeles each week.

To be very clear, Daniel and I were in no way being original. We were hoping to re-create the vision that Neal Stephenson had outlined in his 1992 book, Snow Crash. We were both (barely) self-conscious enough to understand that Snow Crash took place in a dystopia, and that Stephenson was positing a beautiful virtual world because the outside world had become so shitty that no one wanted to live in it. But we were young and naive and believed that our metaverse would rock. (Stephenson, of course, wasn’t being entirely original either. His vision of the metaverse owed a debt to Vernor Vinge’s 1981 True Names and to a series of William Gibson novels from the ’80s. Both of those authors owed a debt to Morton Heilig’s 1962 Sensorama machine, and on and on we go, back in time to Plato’s shadows on a cave wall.)

Daniel and I got a chance to actually build our metaverse about six months later, after we both joined Tripod as graphic designers and “webkeepers.” This was well before Tripod became a competitor to GeoCities, offering free webpages to all. (It was also before I accidentally invented pop-up ads. Sorry again about that.) Instead, we were a lifestyle magazine for recent graduates, providing smart, edgy, but practical content—“tools for life”—while hawking mutual funds to 20-somethings. When that business model didn’t take off (can’t imagine why), the half-dozen folks in the “tech cave” revived the metaverse idea.

And so, we skinned a MOO—that is, an online environment meant for multiplayer games. Our friend Nathan Kurz hacked Pavel Curtis’s LambdaMOO code to turn an “object oriented multiplayer dungeon”—a multiplayer, text-based game—into a web-based, graphical experience. Each room in the MOO, which would normally have only a text-based description, was associated with six JPEG images representing directions you could go (up, down, north, south, east, west), each of which was an image map with objects you could click on and interact with. Melanie Stowell, who had spent much of her undergraduate education logged on to various MOOs and MUDs (multiuser dungeons, another kind of virtual game space), wrote the code to make this work, and Daniel and I made hundreds of images to illustrate the space, which were dutifully inserted into webpages via Nate’s code.

We sold our CEO on the idea by telling him that the MOO could be a simulation of life in the big city postcollege, bringing onto the site new users who wanted to experience New York City while still in Ann Arbor or State College. And remember, this was 1995: The photos we used to represent this metaverse of ours were taken on chemical film! Which we then developed at a photo-processing lab! And then scanned on a flatbed scanner!


Much more story at the link.

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1e89d8  No.14906537

File: 1050332a8065304⋯.png (724.88 KB, 792x440, 9:5, ClipboardImage.png)


dubs chek'ed

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72963a  No.14906538

File: 8e25f2acc71b78c⋯.jpg (108.52 KB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, 6_w_1986_q_low_c_0_bild_1_.jpg)

Paris Jackson goes topless for full moon ritual with friends

Paris Jackson and her friends all gathered topless and in their underwear to participate in a ritual in honour of Wednesday’s full moon – and then posted photos from their experience on social media.

Surrounded by candles and notebooks, the group of five posed smiling during the ritual.

“Thank you mother moon,” Jackson, 23, captioned one of the pictures.

“’Tis the season️,” another read.

According to ancient spiritual practices, moon rituals can help manifest a fledgling dream, call forth a lover, banish an enemy or cauterise an old wound, depending on the lunar phase. Nudity is encouraged but not required – though it appears Jackson and company were prepared to maximise the full power of the moon.

Those participating in the rituals are traditionally encouraged to write a list of everything and everyone that “no longer aligns” with them, read it out and then close the ceremony with an enthusiastic: “Be gone!”

It’s unclear if Jackson and the group did this particular ritual though.


Is it just me or is the floor openly littered with drug stuff?

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f96d54  No.14906539

File: c277da18627af13⋯.jpg (11.73 KB, 255x162, 85:54, 0cf435659f4a77eb64c44e21c3….jpg)


"Pence Says He Looked To James Madison As He Certified The Election"


"You gotta be willing to do your duty" -Pence


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e4efc3  No.14906540

File: 5ff46b024f8cd7b⋯.jpg (174.05 KB, 749x749, 1:1, NOZY4682.jpg)


>>we should throw them back into the MORIArty mine

>bikini atoll mocks quietly


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ceb9c5  No.14906541


>You have to win by a big enough margin that they can't steal it

Just like POTUS 2020, eh? Can't mention all that election fraud proof on faux, can you.

Fuk off, Newtered, and take that fraud, hannity with you.

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b8a281  No.14906542


I've had the same job the whole time. That could change over the vaxx crap at any moment though

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c4b239  No.14906543

All Patriots who are eligible should be voting for Youngkin today.

We will


the cheaters anons.

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1a6bb3  No.14906544

File: 8c1aed9950d2ac5⋯.jpg (146.41 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Michelangelo_Sistine_Chape….jpg)


There is no "End Game". Only the beginning. We will be the authors of our own destiny as the grip of the usurpers is removed by the ideological renaissance of freedom.

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3e5dc6  No.14906545

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e4efc3  No.14906546

File: 0c3e7c3d2ca75dd⋯.jpg (70.02 KB, 556x930, 278:465, IMG_8726.JPG)


>>>we should throw them back into the MORIArty mine

>>bikini atoll mocks quietly


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f061ed  No.14906547


Calling the ball means saying, "Got it".

The mil is currently standing in line to "get it", meaning, the ahot.

Think mirror. The military isn't gonna stop the genocide. They created the pandemic, and the vaccine.

Mil is cabal.

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3802bc  No.14906548

Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health, (88-1503), 497 U.S. 261 (1990)

Worried about vax mandates?? Hahaha fuck there mandate.. look at this beauty

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e4efc3  No.14906549

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264c92  No.14906550

File: 8e8c24d990c1daf⋯.png (173.02 KB, 900x548, 225:137, ClipboardImage.png)

Well I've got to move on now to Gemini Junction

And that clock full of good times awaiting me there.

Lord, I hope that I find it this side of the Jordan

and if I don't – well it won't be like I didn't care.

There'll be mountains to pass full of many a hazard,

where riders lose heart and horses go lame,

there'll be rivers to cross and a terrible desert,

but I know where to go. It's the way that I came.

There's a man in the moon over Gemini Junction

and the Mexicans call him primero ladrone

what that means, I believe, is the theif who's forgiven:

I should think that he'll wink when he sees I've come home.

I've dreamed of that man with the stars all around him;

I've dreamed of a dawn that would quicken the dead,

but I've dreamed far too long – It's time that I found them,

Or went bust. So there's just one more thing to be said:

I'd admire to see you in Gemini Junction

and I'll send you a letter if I ever get there;

It'll say "What a day for my love to come calling!

My best to the rest. I'm enclosing your fare."

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1e89d8  No.14906552

File: de182db24c88505⋯.mp4 (8.01 MB, 854x480, 427:240, reagon_midnight_riders.mp4)


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c4b239  No.14906553


Vote against the Clinton BAGMAN

Vote Youngkin in Virgina Patriots - Get the word out.

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3ee723  No.14906554


Second victim is an easy defense. It's the first victim where Kyle's state of mind must be established AFTER HEARING THAT FIRST SHOT close to him after being chased into that dark parking lot by a crowd…throwing objects at him….Kyle's heart is in his throat, fight or flight….and then BOOM!!!

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47e3c6  No.14906555


Yeah, many such cases.

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3802bc  No.14906556


Gives you your federal birth right to refuse life saving treatment.. can't even force you to drink water if you don't want to.

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28085a  No.14906557



he was going for the close-up gun to the head execution

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f96d54  No.14906558




POLL: 30% Of Republicans Say Violence May be Needed To Save U.S.

Independent: 17%

Dem 11%



calling for violence

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625861  No.14906559

File: 8396a4f29d35d2f⋯.jpeg (983.28 KB, 1401x1418, 1401:1418, 0D178059_C405_435B_AB41_9….jpeg)

HRC tweeting with another :17 timestamp


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cdf1a6  No.14906560

File: 295feeb23965ed0⋯.png (88.35 KB, 299x168, 299:168, ENFC0336.png)

File: 4aec2d51f923fcc⋯.png (596.7 KB, 718x469, 718:469, HGDW3275.png)

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0d073c  No.14906561

File: ccf1c3ba6c6019c⋯.png (22.92 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)



Sometimes you cannot tell people the truth.

You must show them.

Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].

We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.







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5d8c55  No.14906562

Air Force faces COVID-19 vaccine mandate deadline

WASHINGTON (AP) — More than 335,000 Airmen and Space Force Guardians face a deadline Tuesday to be fully vaccinated – a mandate put in place by the Biden Administration.


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cdf1a6  No.14906563

File: 6a86238604a3296⋯.png (116.73 KB, 420x294, 10:7, CJQV9119.png)

File: 1ad6635d26cadf6⋯.jpg (43.63 KB, 441x677, 441:677, CLBL2383.jpg)

File: 9fb45d7fee5b7ce⋯.png (383.04 KB, 570x542, 285:271, CLDY3640.png)

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b1366c  No.14906564


>He is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

anons already know what social media platform He will use when he comes back …

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ceb9c5  No.14906565

File: ef5749913551a8c⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB, 640x360, 16:9, POTUS_Q_clip.mp4)

File: 664f9fac7950e78⋯.mp4 (9.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, POTUS_Q_TH.mp4)


At least these reporters had the balls to broach the subject, and POTUS' answer didn't even require a specific identity of Q. His explanations nailed it.

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71c598  No.14906566

File: 0f75d1810c70a78⋯.jpeg (24.96 KB, 421x612, 421:612, 8E84C8C5_8A06_4853_B17C_6….jpeg)


Yes, works

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e2eb75  No.14906567


still walking free

November 2021

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28085a  No.14906568


DO IT!!!

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e2731a  No.14906569

File: ad69748d3a0a38c⋯.jpeg (122.86 KB, 626x499, 626:499, ad69748d3a0a38c02aa14e67d….jpeg)


Glad to hear your doing well anon.

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47e3c6  No.14906570

File: 742b6104008ba32⋯.jpg (60.75 KB, 1148x271, 1148:271, Screenshot_2021_11_02_1200….jpg)


Here we go.

Here we go.

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cdf1a6  No.14906571

File: 22b444d6a1d6fee⋯.png (363.8 KB, 612x408, 3:2, IKLL0218.png)


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a735bd  No.14906572

File: cf0642717fb44b8⋯.jpeg (85.53 KB, 395x550, 79:110, 2A244E0B_07B3_4289_93A1_A….jpeg)