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1091c1  No.14879697[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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1091c1  No.14879705


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'God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.' -SwordAnon

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1091c1  No.14879707



>>14878918 #18819 >>14877338 TBC

>>14879347 Adam Kinzinger Announces He Will Not Run for Reelection

>>14878958 NBC claims parents outrage over Virginia high school ‘trans’ rape is political stunt

>>14879016 The internet will eventually evolve into the metaverse, which will come to represent the next major computing platform. [Fresh Metaverse LB???]

>>14879021, >>14879197 Satanist leads prayer at Pensacola council meeting July 15, 2016

>>14879025 Biden administration temp blocked from mandating that civilian and active-duty military members are required to get vaccinated.

>>14879029 CME UPDATE/Earth will be Hit by 1.8 Million MPH Solar Winds

>>14879068 ‘Rust’ armorer has ‘no idea’ where live rounds came from and blames deadly accident on cost-cutting bosses

>>14879082 This isn't in the script? [KEK]

>>14879087 Why is facebook copying the 8chan logo? [infinite Logo of life and death?]

>>14879150 Busy Skies

>>14879170 Jovan's report finally finished headed to the Arizona Senate…

>>14879175 James Knox, of The Liz Harris Voter Integrity Project, has created a "Cheat Sheet" to summarize some of the most problematic findings from the audit:

>>14879176 The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is looking into disclosed Facebook documents that indicate the company may have violated its 2019 settlement with the regulatory agency

>>14879181, >>14879303 New PDJT 2 Down 8 To go [11.3?]

>>14879182 Extract from today's hearing. Tom Hawley VS Merrick Garland

>>14879185 Ted Cruz, Garland Clash Over School Board Memo: 'Now You Don't Care?'

>>14879192 Hawley Presses AG On Dad Arrested At School Board Meeting

>>14879198 The Racine Sheriff’s Office made the announcement Wednesday on their Facebook page. [State Wide MASS Fraud Confirmed]

>>14879204 A QAnon influencer who accused Democrats of being pedophiles turned out to be a convicted child molester

>>14879206 Racine County sheriff speaks about possible election law violations | FOX6 News Milwaukee

>>14879209 @USNavy Lets dive into the weekend Calendar Diving mask

>>14879212 CNN favorite..Governor Andrew Cuomo, expected to be arrested next week for sexual assault.

>>14879213 WATCH: Joe Rogan, InfoWars Destroy Mainstream Media Lies to America About Ivermectin

>>14879216 Chagas found in the vaxx. They literally injected everyone with AIDS?

>>14879245 Australia follows the example of France and Canada

>>14879269 Former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo charged with sex crime | Read the complaint

>>14879273 Media didn’t disclose doctor’s $2M in Pfizer funding in coverage promoting child vaccination

>>14879297 When do the charges for crimes against humanity start ?

>>14879299 Four anti-Biden ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ songs reach iTunes top 10

>>14879313 10 House Republicans Voted to Impeach [Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois]

>>14879352 Ammo Request:

>>14879354 Anon General Pins

>>14879402 "The extrajudicial assassination of Julian Assange in London was discussed at the highest levels of the US government"

>>14879458 Vax mandate could force FDNY companies to close, as NYPD faces street cop shortage

>>14879510 Possible C19 Jab Protection Protocol

>>14879514 ‘Meta’: Facebook’s New Name Mocked Online, Means ‘Dead’ In Hebrew

>>14879529 Strange_attractor (Vectors)

>>14879530 KYLE RITTENHOUSE Legal experts see strong self-defense claim for Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha protest shooting trial

>>14879612 Facebook Meta: Aldi and Twitter mock rebrand in hilarious fashion

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1091c1  No.14879710


>>14878599 #18819 >>14877338 TBC

>>14878173 Anon Opines FB META - Make Everything Trump Again

>>14878228 Joe and Jill Biden exchange gifts with the Pope during 75-minute meeting at the Vatican:

>>14878231 A Student Stabs Another Student Repeatedly In A Nebraska High School While All Their Classmates Look On

>>14877677 (LB) AustraliaOne's Ricardo Bosi goes nuclear

>>14878237 COVID-19 Cases Plummeted in Indonesia After Government Authorized IVERMECTIN For Treatment

>>14878263 This is happening in hospitals across the country.

>>14878296 Chicago Communism in 3..2...

>>14878309, >>14878491 Biden Gives Pope a "Token" of a Famous Black Baseball player (Vid)

>>14878321 WeatherFag Chimes in TODAY'S FORECAST (KEK)

>>14878356 Obama slammed for defending school boards, dismissing ‘fake outrage’ amid Virginia rape scandal

>>14878360 Alec Baldwin ditches beard and shops in Vermont amid ‘Rust’ shooting investigation

>>14878368 Another social media platform bans 'Let's Go Brandon.'

>>14878373 Quebec drops vaccine mandate for schools and university staff in the province


>>14878456 Mourning doves have stopped singing in California and no one knows why?

>>14878476 META Templates

>>14878534 Anons META Logo Bun

>>14878563 Anon Home Remedy - A little whisky, honey and lemon mixed. (In case of Flu, Seek Nearest Bar)

>>14878598 The healing effects of forests

>>14878683, >>14878689 Kinzinger announces he won't seek reelection

>>14878719 The governments lied and now they're admitting it.

>>14878343 PANIC by DC old guards

>>14878777 Qmap META [Data Collection]

>>14878852, >>14878858 My THREAD on the F9 Algorithm used to spy on you all.

>>14878904 #18819

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1091c1  No.14879713

#18819 >>14877338 TBC


>>14876716 (IMPORTANT VIDYA) User Clip - We know who our fact checker is C-SPAN

>>14876787 One thousand six hundred eighty four pages. That's how long the $1.85T "Build Back Better" framework is.

>>14876614, >>14876808 Active shooter reported at (LAX) Los Angeles international airport

>>14876584 US SENATORS Involved in MILAB Child Trafficking, list of how many they raped & killed.

>>14876588, >>14876606, >>14876685, >>14876715 New Scavino on Rumble (Rumble embed still displaying random vidya)

>>14876624, >>14876648, >>14876795 Anon has observed E-4B Nightwatch command poat flying with the call sign RULE45

>>14876629, >>14876638 Scavino post: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, AGAIN!

>>14876639 Precedent of charging Bolsonaro with ‘crimes against humanity’ threatens leaders that deviate from the western Covid narrative

>>14876640, >>14876675 o7 Planefags!

>>14876644, >>14877282 Cuomo charged with sex crime, Read the complaint

>>14876667 "Thank You Federal Reserve": Hilton CEO Says, As Company Is Hedged Against Inflation

>>14876673, >>14876951 Red October, Quite a few habbenings, wouldn't you say?

>>14876687 Tulsi Gabbard slams Biden administration’s ‘crusade’ against Julian Assange

>>14876694 WI Elections Commission Holds Emergency Meeting After Racine County Sheriff’s Dept. Accuses WEC of Class I Felony Fraud in Nursing Home Scandal

>>14876696 Looks like they are trying to take out Space Force.

>>14876708 The forbidden 5G piñatas... it's only a matter of time

>>14876719 Mayorkas carves out sweeping range of 'protected areas' off-limits to immigration enforcement

>>14876728, >>14876676, >>14876754 If this ($450k BS) isn't enough to make Americans get off their asses, nothing will


>>14876740 AT&T's Internal 'Racial Reeducation Program' Leaked

>>14876761 HRC dropped a :17 timestamp this morning at 11:17 ET. [Investments in children]

>>14876932 BO and BC both tweeted statements on BBB bs, with the same keywords/code phrases.

>>14876831, >>14876907 Did the timeline need to patiently wait until the perfect solar STORM hits planet Earth?

>>14876920 Sun fires off major solar flare from Earth-facing sunspot

>>14876937 interdasting, if true? bake your noodle, happy 4 years anons!

>>14876993 @NGA_GEOINT, 13 days of the #CubanMissileCrisis. #NGAinHistory

>>14877005 Powers out all over the evergreen state right now

>>14877056 Yeah soo the mRNA-BNT162b2 vaccine induces complex functional reprogramming of innate immune responses

>>14877068 @HMSDefender We're having a busy week, Lots of booms

>>14877138 Kim Basinger (Baldwins Ex-Wife) looks downcast in Los Angeles, sporting an ankle monitor?

>>14877189 Nine Therapists Arrested in Scheme to Defraud the Program for Developmentally Disabled Children

>>14877196 They care deeply about kids too, so much that your kids are property of the State


>>14877219, >>14877226 (VIDYA) Just Watch it, she's spittin straight facts

>>14877269 New Audit Numbers Release and Wisconsin is in DEEP DOO DOO!

>>14877274 Moar Dan proofs?

>>14877277 RE: Facebook changing their name to Meta. Let's check out Q drop 1337

>>14877312 #18818

Previously Collected

>>14874902 #18815, >>14875719 #18816, >>14876536 #18817

>>14872508 #18812, >>14874072 #18813, >>14874063 #18814

>>14870147 #18809, >>14870888 #18810, >>14871713 #18811

>>14867856 #18806, >>14868618 #18807, >>14869391 #18808

>>14865528 #18803, >>14866300 #18804, >>14867087 #18805

>>14863227 #18800, >>14863949 #18801, >>14864719 #18802

>>14860929 #18797, >>14861710 #18798, >>14862461 #18799

>>14858577 #18794, >>14859338 #18795, >>14860162 #18796

>>14856106 #18791, >>14857074 #18792. >>14857778 #18793

>>14853380 #18788, >>14854767 #18789, >>14856315 #18790

>>14851299 #18785, >>14852532 #18786, >>14854213 #18787

>>14848997 #18782, >>14849758 #18783, >>14850524 #18784

>>14847112 #18779, >>14847476 #18780, >>14848901 #18781

>>14844315 #18776, >>14845360 #18777, >>14845872 #18778

>>14842040 #18773, >>14842798 #18774, >>14843565 #18775

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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1091c1  No.14879715

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

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Other Tools

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* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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Other Dedicated Research Threads

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>>14739794 ————————————–——– Germany #89

>>14586201 ————————————–——– Nederland #7

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>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

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>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

=!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

1. Watch >>14692975 VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS

2. Open Current Dough Link

3. Create Thread (Subject, Welcome Content, Image), Open thread and Paste Remaining Contents

4. Check Format against Current Dough

5. Request Baker for Review

Approximate baking time averages around 2-3 minutes reposting 4-5 posts.

*Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

*Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

*Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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1091c1  No.14879721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


#18822 https://controlc.com/0ff21906




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64ce86  No.14879736

File: 51a47b26ae9c1f9⋯.png (486.95 KB, 750x500, 3:2, lets_go_brandon_triggering.png)

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5dd70c  No.14879739

File: 0b10390488909ee⋯.mp4 (650.53 KB, 720x720, 1:1, FamousAfricanAmericanBaseb….mp4)

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bc0a34  No.14879740

File: 802a9ad0d7ff39f⋯.png (32.3 KB, 685x265, 137:53, Screen_Shot_2021_10_29_at_….png)

>>14879709 p

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b41085  No.14879741

Charlie Ward reveals Alec Baldwin is a free mason, seeking a promotion which requires human sacrifice.

Any truth to this claim?


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64ce86  No.14879742

File: a8dc6d685780445⋯.png (537.83 KB, 676x562, 338:281, Greta_Points5.png)

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46ea20  No.14879743



never phone it in again. kek

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118eeb  No.14879744

File: 90cd4cf384fe4a5⋯.png (508.7 KB, 903x579, 301:193, adl_tucker_jan_6_letter.PNG)

File: d3c20ea88952944⋯.png (97.53 KB, 496x522, 248:261, adl_tucker_jan_6_letter_2.PNG)

Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt is frantically pleading with Fox News to stop the release of Tucker Carlson’s upcoming Patriot Purge documentary and hide it from public view.

In a letter written to Fox Corporation Executive Chairman and CEO Lachlan Murdoch, Greenblatt called Patriot Purge “dangerous misinformation,” and desperately pleaded with Murdoch to “reconsider airing” the program because it has the potential to make people angry with our public officials and elected leaders.

In the letter, Greenblatt highlighted that the ADL is extremely worried about Carlson deviating from the current narrative being pushed by the federal government, establishment politicians, and corporate media outlets.

The documentary is expected to expose undercover federal involvement in the escalation of the January 6 protests, something that federal officials, aside from a select few elected officials, have been severely reluctant to discuss despite growing evidence indicating otherwise.

“Let’s call this what it is: an abject, indisputable lie and a blatant attempt to rewrite history,” Greenblatt wrote, adding that the organization remains “deeply concerned that the false narrative and wild conspiracy theories presented by Carlson will sow further division and has the potential to animate violence.”

In his effort to persuade Fox News to conduct a cover-up of Carlson’s documentary, Greenblatt wrote “you are giving license to yet another conspiracy theory: that January 6th was an inside job with the intention of rounding up and imprisoning conservatives.”


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5dd70c  No.14879745

File: 00e387ffa4e1a37⋯.png (281.47 KB, 444x444, 1:1, goodjobbuddy.png)

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59a14d  No.14879746

File: f8edf16325716ea⋯.jpg (14.66 KB, 183x275, 183:275, 44glass.jpg)

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5dd70c  No.14879747

File: 5d7a7de80cf88f6⋯.png (581.46 KB, 520x694, 260:347, fanvindone.png)

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daeddf  No.14879748

File: 2c2893c04d77d8f⋯.png (610.36 KB, 520x694, 260:347, FISA.png)

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e6ecd4  No.14879749

File: a9f057775dbe92f⋯.png (201.79 KB, 292x452, 73:113, What_s_So_Bad_About_Feelin….png)


The podcast This American Life just aired a rerun of a 9/11/2020 episode on movies. One of the movies, What's So Bad About Feeling Good, was released in 1968: A new infection that simply makes people feel happy is treated as a threat by the authorities while its "victims" work to spread it to others.

I initially found it interesting that the podcaster, Sean Cole, described his difficulty in finding the movie anywhere online. My interest heightened as I continued listening: the virus comes from a toucan on a cargo ship; the government wants to stop the virus because happy people won't buy tobacco and alcohol, and this will decrease government tax revenue; the vaccine is developed within weeks of the first recorded cases; a military character suggests that the virus was laboratory-made by communists in order to advance their own agenda; the government releases the vaccine throughout the city by means of factory chimneys and air vents (think NYC today releasing gas into the subway); the list goes on. The podcaster, Sean Cole, repeatedly tells the audience how bad this movie is, making me wonder if there is something he doesn't want us to find if we go out of our way to watch it. You can listen to the podcast segment on 'What's So Bad About Feeling Good?' here:


Interesting quote (from IMDB):

Dr. Shapiro: What this particular virus evidentally does is cause changes in our behavior patterns. People infected become euphoric, have a sense of well-being.

The Mayor: Well, I'm not going to order the Police Commissioner to call out twenty-eight thousand cops to find some bird that makes people feel good.

Dr. Shapiro: But we have no way of knowing what it may lead to. People could feel so good they'd quit their jobs, fly kites in Times Square, block traffic, uh… stop voting…

The Mayor: Stop voting!

[picks up the phone]

The Mayor: Get me the Police Commissioner.

Thoughts: Was this movie produced in order to create negative sentiment against the US government? Was it scrubbed online because it was too close to the truth of [[[their]]] plans, or because the dissimilarities between the movie and [[[their]]] plans encourage critical thinking and questioning about what the truth might actually be, or because of something else entirely?

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a53495  No.14879750

File: 6a93e21281198bd⋯.jpg (123.25 KB, 798x408, 133:68, TRUTH_OR_DIE.jpg)

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98a577  No.14879751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

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64ce86  No.14879752

File: c9015ade29386fb⋯.jpg (74.88 KB, 549x361, 549:361, panic1.jpg)

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5dd70c  No.14879753

File: 674bbaa32b17fea⋯.mp4 (7.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, NEW_Greta_Thunberg_says_bl….mp4)

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2ab4ad  No.14879754




Late Notables

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653032  No.14879755


back hole buddies

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5dd70c  No.14879756

File: ba5671f580d828e⋯.mp4 (8.63 MB, 652x360, 163:90, All_3_Locations_of_Parlor_….mp4)

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f5bce8  No.14879757



sour dough (((jazzzhands)))

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007686  No.14879758

File: acd4662eb47bcb0⋯.png (222.28 KB, 478x579, 478:579, Screenshot_2021_10_29_at_1….png)



Russia state-affiliated media

Major magnetic storm on Sun set to ‘bombard’ Earth Saturday, scientists warn


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2ab4ad  No.14879759

File: a1ff58392edbc5a⋯.jpeg (778.82 KB, 1402x1276, 701:638, 24781344_DF57_4EBF_B4DB_9….jpeg)

File: 8aa3d60eeee3b02⋯.jpeg (70.36 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, 1ECC62FE_AC7C_4F49_A025_1….jpeg)



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118eeb  No.14879760

File: d0169292a4f8ffa⋯.png (14.73 KB, 668x155, 668:155, cnn_tucker_jan_6_doc.PNG)

CNN's John Avlon, John Berman, and Brianna Keilar teed off on FOX News host Tucker Carlson's upcoming documentary on the January 6 Capitol Riot and an op-ed from former President Trump which ran this week in the Wall Street Journal, Friday morning on "New Day."

"The hate and the anger and the lies are the point," Keilar said. "Why does [FOX News and Wall Street Journal owner] Rupert Murdoch want to destroy America?"

"While the direct responsibility may fall on Tucker Carlson, the larger does fall on the people who run the company," Avlon said.


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f9df0a  No.14879761

File: e8e603154d4cffb⋯.jpg (180.5 KB, 1125x1656, 125:184, a010e4c463b301c625450b3ff7….jpg)

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4c62d2  No.14879762

File: f567f6f85ea5a78⋯.jpg (41.54 KB, 750x491, 750:491, 5nvfsdfghtn7y3.jpg)

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64ce86  No.14879763

File: 51a43e659031ed5⋯.png (355.36 KB, 574x498, 287:249, Biden_sniff_6.png)

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46ea20  No.14879764

File: 9fbc20fb045e42e⋯.png (49.04 KB, 640x400, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Anti-Defamation League calls for Trump’s removal from the presidency


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416b49  No.14879766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6a5180  No.14879767

File: ac2c84973ce354b⋯.png (288.65 KB, 1280x856, 160:107, ClipboardImage.png)

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bc0a34  No.14879768


muh advance publicities

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57449b  No.14879769

File: f576d2a4de1afae⋯.png (384.07 KB, 1200x1334, 600:667, Coat_of_arms_of_the_Vatica….png)

Catholic Diocese

The Canon Law of the Catholic Church defines a diocese as "a portion of the people of God which is entrusted to a bishop for him to shepherd with the cooperation of the presbyterium, so that, adhering to its pastor and gathered by him in the Holy Spirit through the gospel and the Eucharist, it constitutes a particular church in which the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church of Christ is truly present and operative."[9]

Christianity was given legal status in 313 with the Edict of Milan. Churches began to organize themselves into dioceses based on the civil dioceses, not on the larger regional imperial districts.[3] These dioceses were often smaller than the provinces. Christianity was declared the Empire's official religion by Theodosius I in 380. Constantine I in 318 gave litigants the right to have court cases transferred from the civil courts to the bishops.[4] This situation must have hardly survived Julian, 361–363. Episcopal courts are not heard of again in the East until 398 and in the West in 408. The quality of these courts was low, and not above suspicion as the Bishop of Alexandria Troas found that clergy were making a corrupt profit. Nonetheless, these courts were popular as people could get quick justice without being charged fees.[5] Bishops had no part in the civil administration until the town councils, in decline, lost much authority to a group of 'notables' made up of the richest councilors, powerful and rich persons legally exempted from serving on the councils, retired military, and bishops post-AD 450. As the Western Empire collapsed in the 5th century, bishops in Western Europe assumed a larger part of the role of the former Roman governors. A similar, though less pronounced, development occurred in the East, where the Roman administrative apparatus was largely retained by the Byzantine Empire. In modern times, many dioceses, though later subdivided, have preserved the boundaries of a long-vanished Roman administrative division. For Gaul, Bruce Eagles has observed that "it has long been an academic commonplace in France that the medieval dioceses, and their constituent pagi, were the direct territorial successors of the Roman civitates."[6]

Modern usage of 'diocese' tends to refer to the sphere of a bishop's jurisdiction. This became commonplace during the self-conscious "classicizing" structural evolution of the Carolingian Empire in the 9th century, but this usage had itself been evolving from the much earlier parochia ("parish"; Late Latin derived from the Greek παροικία paroikia), dating from the increasingly formalized Christian authority structure in the 4th century.[7]

As of April 2020, in the Catholic Church there are 2,898 regular dioceses: 1 papal see, 9 patriarchates, 4 major archdioceses, 560 metropolitan archdioceses, 76 single archdioceses and 2,248 dioceses in the world.

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e024fa  No.14879770


Self nominating your posts as notable automatically invalidates them.


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007686  No.14879772

File: f86ffd1573f77c2⋯.png (70.18 KB, 478x576, 239:288, Screenshot_2021_10_29_at_1….png)



Russia state-affiliated media

#BREAKING | Saudi Arabia reportedly gives Lebanese ambassador 48 hours to leave Kingdom


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5e084a  No.14879773




and another one.

>>14879537 Cuban exile told sons he trained Oswald, JFK’s accused assassin, at a secret CIA camp

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0d5b98  No.14879774

File: 5b4b82cc68320b4⋯.jpg (149.85 KB, 614x768, 307:384, abilities.jpg)

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5dd70c  No.14879775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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588ca5  No.14879777

File: fb270543f4d2473⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 290.41 KB, 736x898, 368:449, tiddies.jpeg)


comfy tiddies 4 u

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f9df0a  No.14879778

File: 6b7403fe1943da8⋯.png (425.09 KB, 1080x1142, 540:571, Memeto_1619185148399.png)

Been awhile

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bc0a34  No.14879779

File: 442542ac0fa2e17⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 498x410, 249:205, thomas_the_tank_engine_no.gif)


no fucking way nigga

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64ce86  No.14879780

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe_12.png)


"Could Destroy America"

Translation: Will expose [their] lies. Tucker has video footage that the rest of the MSM refused to show. Gee I wonder why…

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b0f4b9  No.14879781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

An X-Flare & Direct Hit by Halloween | Informal Solar Storm Forecast 10.28.2021


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5dd70c  No.14879782


sound of golf ball falling into hole

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e6ecd4  No.14879784


Thanks for telling me, still a newfag

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5dd70c  No.14879785

File: 4ab762f56c54d2c⋯.mp4 (13.41 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, FacebookMeta.mp4)

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66d4a4  No.14879786

File: 95f85205cde9d4d⋯.png (435.17 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_10_28_at_0….png)





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59ee91  No.14879787

File: 9bb56f25ef2913a⋯.png (200.55 KB, 382x333, 382:333, bidan_copy.png)


Ole' Smellin' Pedo Joe

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37d6af  No.14879788

File: c2c70c6a1b77ec5⋯.jpg (157.3 KB, 680x850, 4:5, Joseph_Stealin.JPG)

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a99ad7  No.14879789

File: 31625334273c435⋯.gif (493.4 KB, 500x264, 125:66, 5798DCD9_0FC4_4363_AC74_AD….gif)

File: 62cb72e1b77979d⋯.gif (456.2 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 224FFABF_AEE5_4E88_B403_B6….gif)

File: 67d399bbd9abdc4⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 500x266, 250:133, 507B87F1_3E6E_436F_945D_BC….gif)

File: c533c152342bdd3⋯.gif (2.49 MB, 540x292, 135:73, 06631F7F_5580_4F17_A3F6_57….gif)

Butts and bikes

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f5bce8  No.14879790


grey area

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5dd70c  No.14879793


make sure you wave your hands like a confused robot

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f9df0a  No.14879794

File: d35905affd136bb⋯.jpeg (75.42 KB, 1080x817, 1080:817, 1588388091.jpeg)

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a53495  No.14879795

File: 60f5fcafdacd599⋯.jpg (156.74 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, YUP_GONNA_HURT.jpg)

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65e523  No.14879796


Gratuitous Hooahness - Gratuitous Booms.

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64ce86  No.14879797

File: 681ac6bb54901f3⋯.png (880.85 KB, 890x499, 890:499, aliens3.png)

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6a00dc  No.14879798

File: 7e3b07f6ec90581⋯.png (50.09 KB, 837x295, 837:295, ClipboardImage.png)

Bill Gates says nuclear power ensures ‘reliability’ of energy supply, warns of public ‘backlash’ against carbon tax, price hikes

Billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates said that completely abandoning nuclear power makes it harder to guarantee stable energy supply. He warned against making climate change decisions that may anger the public.

The Handelsblatt newspaper asked Gates whether Germany’s move to completely phase out nuclear power next year was a mistake.

The businessman said each country must decide for itself if it wants to shut down existing reactors, but doing so “makes it harder to guarantee the security of [the energy] supply and favorable prices.”

“We must not forget: The demand for electricity will increase dramatically because we will need it not only to power our cars, but also have our homes heated and convert many factories into using it. That's why the reliability of power supply is so crucial,” Gates said.

If we achieve a miraculous breakthrough in the cost of electricity storage, we won’t have to worry about nuclear power. But in the meantime, forms of energy not dependent on the weather – which produce electricity even when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine – will be helpful in delivering the reliability we need.

“We must not rule out any solution as long as we have carefully examined the costs and safety,” the Microsoft co-founder said.

Gates, who is funding the research and construction of an experimental nuclear reactor in the US, criticized Germany’s plan to expand the use of gas-fired power plants. “Natural gas is not a true ‘bridge technology,’” he argued, adding that the work of gas-fired plants involves with emitting CO2 and gas leaks pose risks for the environment.


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f9df0a  No.14879800

File: 82bbecee2b4a7db⋯.jpg (32.71 KB, 460x259, 460:259, 6083343_460s.jpg)

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a99ad7  No.14879801

File: b898c8ee0d98a6b⋯.jpeg (406.89 KB, 1512x1094, 756:547, 344295DC_9A8A_41F4_866D_6….jpeg)

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5dd70c  No.14879802

File: f632b80dfb93856⋯.mp4 (10.38 MB, 720x720, 1:1, UPDATE_Navy_nuclear_engine….mp4)


>Bill Gates says nuclear power ensures ‘reliability’ of energy supply

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a99ad7  No.14879803

File: 507c09d86392f10⋯.jpeg (299.22 KB, 1512x1066, 756:533, 44860378_D208_4365_A926_4….jpeg)

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8e0ea0  No.14879804

This is called desperation and panic

INSIGHT-Trump's real-estate empire pays the price for poisonous politics BY Reuters— 6:00 AM ET 10/29/2021 By Joseph Tanfani

Part 1 of 3

Oct 29 (Reuters) - Former U.S. president Donald Trump's slashing rhetorical style and divisive politics allowed him to essentially take over the Republican Party. His supporters are so devoted that most believe his false claim that he lost the 2020 election because of voter fraud.

But the same tactics that have inspired fierce political loyalty have undermined Trump's business, built around real-estate development and branding deals that have allowed him to make millions by licensing his name.

Trump's business brand was once synonymous with wealth and success, an image that now clashes sharply with a political brand rooted in the anger of his largely rural and working-class voter base. His presidency is now associated in the minds of many with its violent end, as supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

Those searing images, along with years of bitter rhetoric, are costing Trump money. Revenues from some of his high-end properties have declined, vacancies in office buildings have increased, and his lenders are warning that the company's revenues may not be sufficient to cover his debt payments, according to Trump's financial disclosures as president, Trump Organization records filed with government agencies, and reports from companies that track real-estate company finances.

Prospective tenants in New York are shunning his buildings, one real-estate broker said, to avoid being associated with Trump. Organizers of golf tournaments have pulled events from his courses.

Trump's focus on the political brand has increasingly overtaken his identity as a real-estate mogul, says one hospitality industry veteran.

"Prior to his political career, the Trump brand was about luxury - the casinos, the golf resorts," said Scott Smith, a former hotel executive and hospitality professor at the University of South Carolina. "When he entered into politics, he took the Trump brand in an entirely different direction."

Trump's business also remains under the cloud of a joint criminal fraud investigation by the Manhattan District Attorney's office and the New York Attorney General. The company and its longtime chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, have been charged with a scheme to evade payroll taxes, and investigators continue to probe whether Trump or his representatives committed fraud by misrepresenting financials in loan applications and tax returns. Weisselberg and the company deny wrongdoing and are contesting the charges.

As his development business struggles, Trump has announced his first major deal since leaving office - and it has nothing to do with real-estate. On Oct. 20, he said he will build a new social media platform aimed in part at giving him a political forum after being banned by Facebook and Twitter, who said after the U.S. Capitol riots that Trump used their platforms to incite violence.


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f5bce8  No.14879805


>crowd murmurs

>gentle clapping

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bc0a34  No.14879807


“We must not rule out any solution as long as we have carefully examined the costs and safety,” the Microsoft co-founder said.

unless we're talking about vaccines, that is.

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da24cc  No.14879808

File: c01a533d9f6e005⋯.png (510.88 KB, 596x605, 596:605, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_10….png)

Missouri reports 12 bears harvested in first black bear hunt


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653032  No.14879809



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8e0ea0  No.14879810


Part 2 of 3

That deal could prove lucrative for Trump regardless of whether the platform succeeds. Investors rushed to buy shares in Digital World Acquisition Corp ( DWAC ), the publicly traded blank-check acquisition company that plans to merge with the newly announced Trump Media and Technology Group. Digital World shares surged and are now worth about $2 billion. Trump's new media company will have at least a 69% stake in the combined company, but Trump has not disclosed his level of ownership in Trump Media.

Trump has also been raising money for his political operation, which reported having $100 million on June 30, as he hints at a 2024 presidential run.

Eric Trump, the former president's middle son and a Trump Organization executive, said in an interview that the company is now in "a phenomenal spot." He cited a refinancing of a loan on San Francisco office buildings that gave the Trump business about $162 million in cash, according to loan documents and a release by Vornado Realty Trust ( VNO), the venture's majority owner.

"We're sitting on a tremendous amount of cash," Eric Trump told Reuters.

In an email, a spokesperson for Donald Trump denied that the business has slumped since he entered politics.

"The real estate company is doing extremely well, and this is evident in Florida and elsewhere," Liz Harrington said in an emailed statement. "Considering the coronavirus pandemic, in which the hotel industry was hit particularly hard, Mr. Trump's company is doing phenomenally well."

Financial records show Trump's real-estate business has declined. Income from the family's holdings, heavy on golf courses and hotels, took a beating during 2020 amid the coronavirus pandemic. Revenues at his Las Vegas hotel, for instance, fell from $22.9 million in 2017 to $9.2 million during 2020 and the first 20 days of 2021, according to Trump's financial disclosures.

Trump is now making a second attempt to sell his lease on one high-profile property, the Trump International Hotel, housed in a former federal building in Washington, D.C., after failing to secure a buyer at the original asking price of $500 million. Meanwhile, the business is paying the federal government $3 million annually in lease payments, according to documents released earlier this month by the House Oversight Committee of the U.S. Congress. Those records show Trump's Washington hotel lost more than $73 million since 2016.

The damage to Trump's business image started early in his presidency. One consultant for Trump, arguing in a 2017 public hearing for a lower tax bill at his Doral golf resort, said Trump's politics had damaged his business model.

"It's actually not about the property, it is about the brand," said consultant Jessica Vachiratevanurak, at a December 2017 hearing of the Miami-Dade Value Adjustment Board, in a video recording reviewed by Reuters. She cited a meeting she attended where top Trump Organization executives had described "severe ramifications" to his golf business from, for instance, tournaments and charity events being canceled by organizations wanting to avoid associating with Trump.

The resort saw revenues fall from $92 million in 2015 to $75 million in 2017, she said at another hearing the following year. Trump's presidential financial disclosure listed Doral revenues at $44 million last year.

Vachiratevanurak declined a Reuters request for comment.

"This is obviously false as Doral is doing very well," Trump spokesperson Harrington said.

In Trump's home base of New York, the Trump name has become increasingly toxic. One high-profile property, the Trump SoHo hotel in lower Manhattan, was rebranded the Dominick in 2017. New York City in January canceled his leases on a golf course, two Central Park skating rinks and a carousel; Trump has sued the city for wrongful termination of the golf course lease.

At 40 Wall Street, the 72-story skyscraper that was among Trump's proudest acquisitions, problems that started before the pandemic have gotten worse, according to reports from firms that track real-estate performance. After the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riots, some of Trump's large tenants, including the Girl Scouts and a nonprofit called TB Alliance, said they were exploring whether they could get out of their leases. One commercial real-estate broker says many prospective tenants won't consider the building because Trump's name is on it.

The Girl Scouts did not respond to comment requests, and TB Alliance said it was "exploring all options" for leaving the Trump building.


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f5bce8  No.14879811


global report and move on

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6a00dc  No.14879812

File: 3065c755171dda7⋯.png (1000.51 KB, 816x461, 816:461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba2561753ec085e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 861x723, 287:241, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Coercion is not consent’: Firefighters and police rally against vaccine mandate outside New York mayor’s residence

Firefighters and police officers protested against the mayor’s vaccination mandate in New York City as first-response services are scrambling to deal with looming staff shortages there.

Hundreds of firefighters, police officers and other first responders rallied outside Gracie Mansion, Mayor Bill de Blasio’s official residence, on Thursday. They held signs that said “My body my choice” and “Coercion is not consent.”

“Finally we are out, because we are not taking this anymore, this is insanity,” a protester told Ruptly video agency.Most municipal workers have until 5pm Friday to submit proof of receiving at least one dose of the vaccine. Those refusing to do so will be placed on unpaid leave for at least 30 days.

Andrew Ansbro, the president of the FDNY Firefighter Association, whose members participated in the protest, warned that 45% of the city’s firefighters are unvaccinated, and up to 40% of New York firehouses will be forced to close down due to staff shortages after the deadline to receive the vaccine expires.

“The response times are going to go through the roof. We’re just not going to be able to get to the emergencies in time,” Ansbro told Fox News Radio on Wednesday, adding that “fires are going to burn longer.”


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15d0a5  No.14879813

File: f87628c7d0ae39b⋯.png (150.04 KB, 448x341, 448:341, pussy.png)

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da24cc  No.14879814

File: 572a034155dc08d⋯.png (264.48 KB, 1080x2400, 9:20, 1635528379591.png)

They all running from Canary Islands

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8e0ea0  No.14879815


Part 3 of 3

"Most New York tenants want nothing to do with it, and that's been the case for five years now," said Ruth Colp-Haber, who said she has placed seven clients in the building over the years, but can't interest anyone now. "It's the biggest bargain going, but they won't look at it."

Occupancy was 84% in March 2021, well below the average of about 89% for that downtown New York office market, according to Mike Brotschol, managing director of KBRA Analytics LLC. The rents Trump has been able to charge are lower, too - between $38 and $42 per square foot in a market where the average runs closer to $50, he said.

The property's financials have tumbled into risky territory, the reports say.

Trump took out a $160 million loan in 2015 to refinance 40 Wall Street - personally guaranteeing $26 million.Last year, the building was placed on an industry watchlist for commercial mortgage-backed securities at risk of defaulting, according to reports by KBRA and Trepp, which also monitors real-estate loans. In the first quarter of the year, according to the KBRA report, the debt-service coverage ratio, a statistic monitored by banks, dipped to a number indicating that the building's cash flow can't cover its debt payments.

In the statement for Trump, Harrington blamed "the disastrous policies of Bill de Blasio," New York's mayor, for the downturn in the city's office market. "Despite all these serious headwinds, Mr. Trump has very little debt relative to value and the company is doing very well," she said.

The Doral resort and Washington hotel, along with a hotel in Chicago, are secured by about $340 million in loans from Deutsche Bank AG, Trump's biggest lender. But the bank has no appetite for more business with Trump and has no plans to extend the loans after they come due in 2023 and 2024, a senior Deutsche Bank source told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

Asked about the bank's unwillingness to work with Trump, his spokeswoman said: "So what?"

Experts say the prospect of any new Trump-branded development faces long odds. One hotel industry executive said hotel developers - worried about cutting themselves off from the millions of customers turned off by Trump - will likely think twice before signing any branding deals to put the Trump name on their properties.

"People have choices. You can go to the Ritz Carlton, you can go to the Four Seasons, and not bring the politics into it one way or the other," said Vicki Richman, chief operating officer of HVS Asset Management, a hospitality industry consultancy and property manager.

The Trump Organization tried to take its premium luxury hotel brand downmarket with two new brands: Scion, a mid-priced offering, and American Idea for budget travelers. The company scrapped plans for both in 2019, citing difficulties doing business in a contentious political environment.

Harrington said nothing is off the table for Trump's business.

"We have many, many things under consideration," she said. "But we also have politics under consideration." (Reporting by Joseph Tanfani; additing reporting by Peter Eisler, Greg Roumeliotis and Matt Scuffham; editing by Jason Szep and Brian Thevenot)


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5dd70c  No.14879816

File: b8bd43661d86c80⋯.gif (4.84 MB, 300x307, 300:307, laughing.gif)

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59a14d  No.14879818

File: 3908e6b13a9188d⋯.jpg (10.32 KB, 284x177, 284:177, 44.jpg)

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bf58c5  No.14879819


black bear 'harvesting'

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1cf7c8  No.14879821

File: ec316788fd94d66⋯.png (168.87 KB, 590x332, 295:166, AB07152D_E841_4700_9ED2_7F….png)

>>14879703 lb

>>14879467 lb

>>14879733 lb

>>14879722 lb

Is Va. being goaded? Is the Gov race a big deal here, and for America? Is the rigging going to the shown either way? Is Youngskin actually any better deal then McAwfuk? Will the FBI raid homeschools for forced vax and arresting Domestic Terrorist for being “mad” about the ACTUAL rape of their children while the School System and LEOs cover it up?

Have no idea how this goes down... but i can tell you this... people used to range practice ALL THE TIME. It has been particularly silent for more than a year now... and I highly doubt people “turned in their guns” as tribute to The State, nor chopped’m in half as a dedication to Pacifism.

Trump probably should NOT visit right now. It’s something of a powder keg already. I’d much sooner wish to see a revelation, a truth telling... the sky open up... damn, how about some arrests???? I just don’t know how or which way this all breaks first.

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d2ca6a  No.14879822

Passing this along. It’s a newspaper I think published monthly (someone drops it off free around my town and I might subscribe.). I just noticed it last month at a local store. Anyway, Christian based. No skin in the game.. I just wanted to bring an alternative news source into view.

https://www.wisconsinchristiannews.com/ Main site. Pretty busy but lots of info. Most free, some to subscribers only.

https://www.wisconsinchristiannews.com/view.php?sid=8688 “ An Alternative to Refusing the Jab at Work”. I know I saw this on the board, so it’s good they’re getting the word out to others.

Lots of based pastors writing articles. One calls them “demoncrats”. Kek. Here: https://www.wisconsinchristiannews.com/view.php?sid=8678

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f5bce8  No.14879823


>even zook does (((jazzhands)))

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d3c584  No.14879825

File: 54fd2157ef82159⋯.png (239 KB, 1988x1112, 497:278, Screen_Shot_2021_10_29_at_….png)

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15d0a5  No.14879826

File: 4eab9aa487b7725⋯.png (354.81 KB, 607x496, 607:496, auc.png)


Expected cuts to Treasury auctions may be 'calm before the storm' http://reut.rs/3Gt8U2B


1:30 PM · Oct 29, 2021·

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a53495  No.14879827


Boil water faster…. ffs.

You can have your piss poor world that runs on boiled water.

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007686  No.14879828

File: 577ad72d6abae3e⋯.jpg (85.32 KB, 680x680, 1:1, HvXPlifQ.jpg)

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59a14d  No.14879829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f5bce8  No.14879831


>pig without pig


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37d6af  No.14879832

File: e694668f6cfcaa2⋯.gif (361.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, PANIC.gif)

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66d4a4  No.14879833



People tend to forget the ADL was formed to protect a Jewish man because of what he was doing to a female worker.

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72c038  No.14879834

File: 543411b5fb2ee15⋯.png (433.9 KB, 590x778, 295:389, Screenshot_at_Oct_29_13_46….png)


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7b8b5c  No.14879835

File: acbee01ae62ce96⋯.png (654.77 KB, 622x586, 311:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: afd8fe8542e37cf⋯.png (4.25 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Meme request

Shop the pepe w/doughnut arm onto the GlowingGlenn tiki torch fags.

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64ce86  No.14879837

File: 0cf7c02234fe456⋯.png (220.15 KB, 474x315, 158:105, boiled_cabbage_and_piss.png)


Boiled water cabbage

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57449b  No.14879838


It's a shame that Molten Thorium Salt reactors were shelved in favor of enriched uranium reactors which dovetailed with nuclear weapons research.

China is currently leading in thorium reactor research and may have a working plant by 2030.

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84c227  No.14879839

File: 6c07c14cefdf169⋯.jpg (173.41 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, Angel_Art_Collective_Consc….jpg)

>>14879657 (lb)

>"Satan" is just God when He's drunk"?

That depends on what you want to believe.

>>14879661 (lb)

That's not what my post says, though. I personally think the biggest issue is with how people view (internalize vs externalize) God/Satan. It's become very apparent, though, that those that are willing to embrace worshiping something that even their own tools (religion) say will ultimately perish in the end, are as sharp as a puddle of piss water.

>>14879638 (lb)

Mmm Hmm. Some need iconography for adherence to principles that keep the foundations of civilization firmly in pace. When these institutions are subverted, what happens to civilization? What if they were made that way from the outset? From one system of control to the next, to the next, etc. Wouldn't a real awakening shatter conditioning that separates humanity from its true God-given potential and seek to expose institutions of trust for the nefarious ones they really are? Ever wonder just how tongue-in-cheek it must be for some of the big names to get on a kick about "the cloth" while ranting on twitter?

People drop hints all over the place, but some crumbs are very small, or perhaps wear a specific camouflage that most eyes aren't able to pick up on.

Dark to Light:

Good v Evil

Freedom v Communism

God v Satan

Where is psychological warfare fought?

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

We're called to rally around an ideology (or set of ideologies) that are unifying. When people finally wake to the fact their icons have been subverted, there's going to need to be a safety net to keep people from rejecting truth. Why do you think Papi is so focused on being so positive and loving day in and day out over twitter? We're really going to need to be there for our fellow man/woman/child.

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0d331d  No.14879841


Her primary responsibilty is to the line of succession. She must protect that at all costs.

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64ce86  No.14879842

File: e4701ef582495cf⋯.png (126.02 KB, 530x460, 53:46, pepe_ponder.png)


I wonder what the numbers are for the VAXX death rate…

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9e9d27  No.14879843



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5dd70c  No.14879844

File: cfb3902f1398238⋯.png (80.38 KB, 512x512, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


that is weird


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f5bce8  No.14879845


>marks down '2 strokes' on scorecard

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d2ca6a  No.14879846


I quit my job because he bought the company I worked for. Evil man.

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17a577  No.14879847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Keep the Faith Patriots…

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9e9d27  No.14879849

File: 2d97b5accca670e⋯.jpeg (108.07 KB, 1200x631, 1200:631, 76F911BB_712F_4D1E_8CC6_C….jpeg)

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59ee91  No.14879850

File: c15d52b21e49838⋯.png (315.47 KB, 613x347, 613:347, bidan.png)

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5dd70c  No.14879851

File: 1e498a1d285b5ea⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1419x800, 1419:800, ClipboardImage.png)


solo sailor

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4b9135  No.14879852

File: 09f56b52be5a427⋯.png (136.38 KB, 556x504, 139:126, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14879606 lb

>URGENT: Queen Elizabeth ordered by doctors to rest for 2 WEEKS, palace says

Queen/monarchs seeking shelter.

They know it's coming.

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15d0a5  No.14879853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e024fa  No.14879854


Running from an active volcano is weird to you?

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64ce86  No.14879855

File: 81db1f095cb17ef⋯.png (107.77 KB, 500x500, 1:1, sniff_that.png)

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f9df0a  No.14879856

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f5bce8  No.14879858


>'boat parade'

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b0f4b9  No.14879859

File: a3df3acdc255ba9⋯.jpg (119.54 KB, 1080x767, 1080:767, 596c05cee89951b4648001b98a….jpg)


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6a00dc  No.14879860

File: 4bd8000b163f188⋯.png (4.18 MB, 1431x1431, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2c3980876c6ad0⋯.png (674.11 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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f679a0  No.14879861


Nuclear would be okay if they built the closed-loop system that's been known about since the 60's. Other half consumes the spent fuel. Hundreds of thousands of tons of that shit lying around is the real danger with the current setup.

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72c038  No.14879862

File: a54e49b1e1c57d4⋯.png (36.81 KB, 586x183, 586:183, Screenshot_at_Oct_29_13_49….png)



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5dd70c  No.14879864

File: 73f0869e090af5e⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1396x930, 698:465, ClipboardImage.png)


they're all "solo sailor"

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64ce86  No.14879865


Cat yoga class

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a30be2  No.14879867


There’s a FoxNews email going around where a reply was received from the Mc Aullife campaign, asking some one to “kill it”!

What they want to “kill” this the answer to why Mark Elias’ group is in town preparing for election challenges?

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58db04  No.14879868

>>14879515 pb

You obviously jumped in the middle. Repeating myself now, perhaps for the first time in ages, not because of my age.

Adam 'took' Eve. The same word is used for 'married' and for 'doctrine'.

God says the act is the 'marriage'.

1Co 6:16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.

So people may divert all they wish by sliding with 'marriage' discussions , but sex was not intended to be practiced like animals.

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23e98d  No.14879869

File: 0463324b63a91cd⋯.jpeg (102.14 KB, 1071x561, 21:11, 0463324b63a91cd7ce2a4c029….jpeg)


2 moar weeks. Kek

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64ce86  No.14879871

File: 2f91f7f074178a0⋯.jpg (26.7 KB, 500x341, 500:341, 2_weeks_.jpg)

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0d5b98  No.14879872

File: 73dc33fa5ce3515⋯.jpg (48.65 KB, 492x675, 164:225, sniff_it.jpg)

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5dd70c  No.14879873

File: ee4199058318fe4⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1395x930, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

That's another one for the bucket list; build forest house then sailboat.

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f56a63  No.14879874

File: ad6ed4b4929e039⋯.png (530.73 KB, 500x627, 500:627, ClipboardImage.png)




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15d0a5  No.14879875

File: b699f8fc10a7f85⋯.png (67.45 KB, 424x536, 53:67, micro.png)

File: 0059a34cd98b992⋯.png (663.25 KB, 841x532, 841:532, linux_exo.png)


Capitol News, [29.10.21 13:09]

[Forwarded from Blockchain Report]

"Spray Attack:" BILLIONS of passwords HACKED - Warns Microsoft

The tech giant has sent a chilling warning about evolving techniques used by hackers to breach multiple accounts - in what's known as a “password spray” attack.

"This threat is a moving target with techniques and tools always changing," Microsoft researchers wrote in a blog post, with Google estimating 4 BILLION username/password combinations have been leaked in recent years.

Password spray attacks attempt to use the same combinations once they’ve breached one account to access others, exploiting people who have multiple identical login details.

Two Techniques Revealed:

▪️Matching already known usernames to common passwords like "123456" or… "password"

▪️Using previous usernames and passwords leaked online by cyber criminals - in 2012, 6.5MN logins were leaked from LinkedIn

You can use tools like Have I Been Pwned or Password Checkup to find out whether your accounts have been compromised.

🥅 t.me/BlockchainReport

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287892  No.14879876


who/what eats bear meat?

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0d331d  No.14879878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e024fa  No.14879879


Solo sailors getting their very expensive boats away from an active volcano is weird to you?

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6a00dc  No.14879880

File: 6172775ba37876d⋯.png (241.36 KB, 564x567, 188:189, ClipboardImage.png)

Federal Judge Temporarily Bans Biden Administration from Firing Unvaccinated Employees

A federal judge for the district court in Washington, DC, issued a temporary restraining order on Thursday barring the Biden administration from firing both unvaccinated civilians and active-duty military members, Fox News reported.

The order comes after 20 plaintiffs sued the Biden administration for its handling of religious exemptions in its Chinese coronavirus vaccine mandate for federal employees. President Joe Biden issued an executive order on September 9 requiring all employees working for a federal contractor or subcontractor to get vaccinated against the Chinese coronavirus by November 24 to be considered “fully vaccinated” by a December 8, 2021, deadline. The mandate will also order private companies with more than 100 employees to implement required vaccinations or weekly testing for employees.

“None of the civilian employee plaintiffs will be subject to discipline while his or her request for a religious exception is pending,” District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly ordered, according to a Minute Order obtained by Fox News.

In her ruling, Kollar-Kotelly also ordered “active duty military plaintiffs, whose religious exception requests have been denied, will not be disciplined or separated during the pendency of their appeals,” the report states.

The Biden administration must file a supplemental notice by noon on Friday stating if they will agree to comply with the court’s ruling that no plaintiff will be fired or disciplined before the court rules in the case.

The administration has faced intense backlash since Biden announced the mandate, especially since he repeatedly promised to make vaccination voluntary. After much pressure, on Wednesday, the White House Coronavirus Response coordinator, Jeffrey Zients, claimed federal contractors “will not be required to immediate [sic] lay-off workers” and will allow time for “education, counseling and other measures before potentially ending employment,” Reuters reported.

In a statement obtained by Fox News from the plaintiff’s attorney, Michael Yoder, Yoder said the Biden administration has displayed “an unprecedented, cavalier attitude toward the rule of law and an utter ineptitude at basic constitutional contours.”

The statement continued:

This combination is dangerous to American liberty. Thankfully, our Constitution protects and secures the right to remain free from religious persecution and coercion. With this order, we are one step closer to putting the Biden administration back in its place by limiting government to its enumerated powers. It’s time citizens and courts said no to tyranny. The Constitution does not need to be rewritten, it needs to be reread.

Notably, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) administration announced on Thursday that it also filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration for its Chinese coronavirus vaccine mandates, suing both Biden and NASA.

This case is Church v. Biden, No. 1:21-cv-2815 in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.


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a53495  No.14879881

File: ddb53e151e6f07c⋯.jpg (560.59 KB, 1352x1208, 169:151, MEGA.jpg)

Gravity is making the mass move faster downhill… rolling and adding mass with every rotation… NO pushing anymore…. just a tap or two to keep it on track.

This ball is like a "jumbo bowling ball"…lol… and who are the pins?…lol.

We get to find out soon as we watch them go flying….lmao.

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66d4a4  No.14879882

File: f2bafa78901e561⋯.jpg (235.48 KB, 890x890, 1:1, alex_clark.jpg)


I thought she looked familiar.

Name is Alex Clark.

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64ce86  No.14879884

File: 60c91c3da4df533⋯.png (653.88 KB, 492x675, 164:225, ClipboardImage.png)

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f5bce8  No.14879885


>Charles will nevar 'ascend'

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9e9d27  No.14879886


Now that she’s older shedding her skin takes longer.

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57449b  No.14879887

File: d16d7052c220b22⋯.pdf (9.95 MB, Ellerbe_The_Dark_Side_of_C….pdf)


Hail Satan!

Hail Augustine!

Sex is a normal and beautiful part of being a human, you dirty evil Papist.

Read Chapter 3.

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0d5b98  No.14879888

File: 0d73c9a9db3070c⋯.png (14.17 KB, 225x227, 225:227, cheers.png)


Exactly what I hoped for when I posted it.

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416b49  No.14879889

File: cfa6421aae633d2⋯.jpg (295.39 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ready_to_take_the_plunge.jpg)



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007686  No.14879891

File: b570c10df7a1868⋯.png (297 KB, 478x582, 239:291, Screenshot_2021_10_29_at_1….png)

File: d88e619139b5d1c⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, FC4EQudWYBEI9Jw.jpg)



Our SIGMA+ program, in collaboration with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, recently concluded a 3-month-long pilot study with new sensors intended to support early detection and interdictions of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) threats



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5500e5  No.14879892

File: 0af30920f455b84⋯.jpg (68.06 KB, 640x480, 4:3, gnome.jpg)

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23e98d  No.14879893

File: 4af418ee7340182⋯.png (407.73 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Screenshot_2021_10_29_at_1….png)


People who tasted the meat claim that it is not as weird as it sounds. In fact, they are of the view that bear meat can be as tasty as elk meat or bison meat.


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a99ad7  No.14879895

File: 21336ccbb01762f⋯.jpeg (192.15 KB, 1512x1235, 1512:1235, 231832DE_D47E_4C17_9634_B….jpeg)


Greta Fatbird. How Dare You!

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f5bce8  No.14879896


>because they can

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6a00dc  No.14879897

File: 838e16fbf222368⋯.png (347.09 KB, 583x515, 583:515, ClipboardImage.png)

Italian Who Shot Migrant Home Invader Who was Pointing Gun at Him Investigated for Murder

An Italian man who fatally shot a home invader who was pointing a gun at him has been placed under investigation for murder.

Tobacconist Sandro Fiorelli has been placed under investigation for murder after he surprised several criminals at his home in the town of Santopadre and fatally shot one of them, who was allegedly armed and pointing his firearm at him.

The man shot, 34-year-old Romanian migrant Mirel Joaca Bine, collapsed to the ground and the other three criminals fled the scene. They soon returned but were scared off when Fiorelli fired several more shots in the air, Il Giornale reports.

“I realised that there was someone upstairs and so I took the shotgun because I was scared… while I was walking around the house a man stood in front of me. He was holding a gun, he pointed it at me and at that point, I shot,” Fiorelli told Italian media.

Some details of the incident remain unclear, including whether the firearm brandished by the home invader was a real firearm or a blank gun. The Romanian’s three accomplices are said to be still on the run as of Tuesday.

Several members of populist Senator Matteo Salvini’s League (Lega) party reacted to the incident, defending the use of force by Fiorelli as a legitimate case of self-defence.

“If… armed people enter, well … then self-defence is legitimate,” League Senator Gianfranco Rufa said.

Francesca Gerardi, a League member of the Italian chamber of deputies, highlighted the reforms made by Matteo Salvini when he served as Interior Minister on self-defence.

In 2019, the Italian Senate passed a law liberalising self-defence that allowed Italians possessing legally acquired weapons to use them to protect their homes from burglars and other intruders.

“A thief comes into your house, company or store, and you defend yourself? It will be your right to do so, and the thug (and his relatives) will not be able to ask for a euro of compensation,” Salvini said at the time, adding: “Besides, you won’t end up on trial for years and you won’t pay your own pocket: the state will cover any legal expenses of those who defended themselves.”

Earlier this year, one of Salvini’s fellow party members was placed under house arrest after fatally shooting a Moroccan migrant outside a bar in the town of Voghera.

League councillor Massimo Adriatici claimed that his firearm had gone off after the Moroccan had assaulted him and forced him to the ground and claimed the incident was self-defence. Adriatici was allowed to go free from house arrest last week.


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9caafd  No.14879898

File: 259f79e9c0c2776⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, Donut.png)

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29353a  No.14879899

File: 6dae7cc485a0ffe⋯.jpg (163.5 KB, 1395x597, 465:199, JFKhouse.JPG)

File: affaae533a8233f⋯.jpg (118.38 KB, 1454x721, 1454:721, Harvest.JPG)

File: 742fb2266361c38⋯.jpg (104.16 KB, 1532x845, 1532:845, Mariosharvest.JPG)

File: 0f1057c8dbab400⋯.jpg (58.21 KB, 1042x536, 521:268, AG.JPG)


7th Floor could've also been routed to an offsite building connected to the Embassy in Limassol, Cypress

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15d0a5  No.14879900

File: 050726b88ad049d⋯.png (65.9 KB, 312x623, 312:623, enjoy.png)


StormyPatriotJoe - Channel, [29.10.21 12:01]

[ Photo ]

How are these 10 Reps doing?

Enjoy the Show


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6a00dc  No.14879901

Dozens Charged in Connection with Violent BLM Riot in Sweden

A total of 36 people have been charged by Swedish prosecutors in connection with a Black Lives Matter (BLM) demonstration last year in Gothenburg that escalated into a riot.

The group of 36 people are charged with a number of crimes connected to the violence that took place on June 7th of last year, including violent rioting, sabotage of emergency services operations, vandalism, violence against a public official, and charges of assault.

The incidents of violence took place after the BLM demonstration when the organiser ended the event after speaking with the police. Prosecutors say that the situation then descended into a full-blown riot, broadcaster SVT reports.

“The violence has mainly consisted of participants in the crowd kicking, beating, and throwing stones and other objects at the police and their vehicles,” prosecutor Elisabeth Trouvé stated in a press release on Thursday.

Investigators say they have at least 145 hours worth of footage from public CCTV cameras as well as police body camera footage, videos posted on social media, and footage from shops in the area. The trial for the 36 people involved is scheduled to start in November.

In the days after the riot, Gothenburg police chief Erik Nord admitted that he did not foresee the amount of violence that would take place on the day which saw at least 15 to 20 cars set on fire.

“These are quarrelsome people who just wanted riots and that is the most difficult thing a police organisation can face. It took quite a few hours before we had it under control,” Nord stated.

The Gothenburg riot was not the only BLM protest last summer in Sweden. In the multicultural city of Malmo, for example, BLM protestors demanded the abolition of the police.

“Although the history of the Swedish police does not have the same relation to slavery as the United States, it is the same structures that have emerged: institutionalised racism, where it is clear who is most persecuted, stopped and controlled, abused, locked up and even murdered,” the leaflet alleged.


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1cf7c8  No.14879902


Here and i thought thorium was a proven tech more than 60 years ago? *shrugs*

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0abdb1  No.14879903

File: 626356fd2c3b29b⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1889x897, 1889:897, Capture.PNG)

Willie Robertson (Duck Dynasty), Larry the Cable Guy (Comedian), Alfonso Ribeiro (Carlton Banks), Dennis Haysbert (AllState Insurance guy), Justin Timberlake, David Ross (Catcher from the Cubs), "some random lady", and Bill Clinton (Pedophile)

From their podcast: Willie Robertson's Assistant Quits | Duck Call Room #81


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64ce86  No.14879904

File: 14afd1acef61791⋯.jpg (117.88 KB, 500x485, 100:97, pepe_pissed.jpg)


Defend your home against an armed invader….. get charged with murder.

Only in Biden's America

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653032  No.14879905



line of succession is taken care of

her sons are the problem she can't solve and she owns 1/6 of the worlds wealth so who is the real problem, and when she goes the problem does not

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a53495  No.14879906


I disagree… Nuclear is not needed.

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37d6af  No.14879907

File: 56e733d6ffaa39e⋯.png (523.68 KB, 1068x571, 1068:571, Virginia2ASantuaryCounties.png)


> people used to range practice ALL THE TIME. It has been particularly silent for more than a year now

Practice is over, they are wisely saving their ammo for when/if the SHTF from the communist's making their move.

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caaba4  No.14879908

File: 112df3b6b17d090⋯.jpg (208.32 KB, 1251x937, 1251:937, 64u4ththw46yhn6u84i7iu4qge….jpg)


Now that right thar…that's funny!

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8cfa81  No.14879909


nothin can stop what has started rolling, nothing

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59ee91  No.14879910

File: 3281400dc715ea5⋯.png (62.57 KB, 250x255, 50:51, eh_.png)


>Greta Fatbird

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66d4a4  No.14879911

File: 19417be0a36be5f⋯.jpg (113.01 KB, 511x593, 511:593, 1635508841902.jpg)

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f5bce8  No.14879912


read the halloween-memos

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981c19  No.14879913


President Trump is now releasing cryptic messages, kinda like Q.

The deep state has got to be shutting their britches.

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a30be2  No.14879914


Those who scream the loudest!

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15d0a5  No.14879915

File: 55b6b2c156828e0⋯.png (47.33 KB, 1092x236, 273:59, take_stand.png)


Former top FBI lawyer James Baker to take stand in Durham’s case against Michael Sussmann

by Jerry Dunleavy, Justice Department Reporter |

| October 26, 2021 02:57 PM

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57449b  No.14879916


It was proven, but shelved by Oak Ridge because it's byproducts couldn't be easily weaponized.

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6ab539  No.14879917


Had bear sausage pizza while up in Alaska, it was beary good, no pun intended.

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f56a63  No.14879918

File: 719c9d40b5bb945⋯.png (104.25 KB, 602x336, 43:24, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9ac14327f8cab8⋯.png (72.9 KB, 256x264, 32:33, ClipboardImage.png)


Anon porn


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ed4401  No.14879919

File: 0e24d791c711901⋯.jpg (412.09 KB, 964x908, 241:227, capture_141_29102021_10462….jpg)

File: 32af7b1bb464659⋯.jpg (168.99 KB, 679x651, 97:93, capture_142_29102021_10530….jpg)


Las Vegas police make 33 arrests in sex offender operation ahead of Halloween

>2,910 views Oct 29, 2021

Thirty-three people were arrested in a compliance effort by Las Vegas police and other local police agencies ahead of Halloween.


Scoot FrmDag

Scoot FrmDag

1 minute ago

Send em up the river 👍🏾🌊



20 minutes ago

1000? Damn

Delta Hawk

Delta Hawk

23 minutes ago

Metro should be checking on CCSD, considering in the news recent sex offenders have been teachers and coaches.



33 minutes ago

Great!! Now, how about those Hollywood freaks, what about these politicians. Seem like you are trying to deflect us from the real criminal. Yes good job catching these scumbags. However the rabbit hole goes deeper. 'And we know this" WOKE.

Jesse Price

Jesse Price

44 minutes ago

And they all rented rooms on the 32nd Floor Of The Mandalay Bay

Christian Montpetit

Christian Montpetit

50 minutes ago

33 arrests , of course 33

B.O.C. WeAre

B.O.C. WeAre

57 minutes ago

This is not news brah stop putting this content on the internet for our kids to see ashame how yall making money off that dumb ass shit i can see if i came across this on the news but youtube like thats stupid

Ned Pepper

Ned Pepper

58 minutes ago

Gee whiz. Diversity really is our strength.



1 hour ago

Biden's WOKE America.

Ron Figg

Ron Figg

1 hour ago

33? Always 33 in news stories!! 🤦🏼‍♂️ if you don’t know why then you’re probably vaccinated!! Lol

Chas Montalbo

Chas Montalbo

1 hour ago

It should be the purge for sex offenders everyday.



1 hour ago

Let’s go BRANDON ! ! We need a new president

Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones

1 hour ago


Natural Kinks

Natural Kinks

2 hours ago

I thought Charles Manson was dead lol

While Black in Vegas

While Black in Vegas

2 hours ago

Where are the trolls? 🦗🦗

Mundana Ess-Haghabadi

Mundana Ess-Haghabadi

2 hours ago

They all look like how I would imagine a sex offender to look actually. Vile.

Dan Dan

Dan Dan

2 hours ago

Creepy fucks

Phil Tanics

Phil Tanics

2 hours ago

33 huh?

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6a00dc  No.14879920

File: 2aaff9161b8895e⋯.png (894.71 KB, 500x949, 500:949, ClipboardImage.png)

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98a577  No.14879921

File: 5a44e548699b75e⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1200x840, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)


solo non stop race around the world.



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ed4401  No.14879922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Las Vegas police make 33 arrests in sex offender operation ahead of Halloween

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5dd70c  No.14879923



After casting off from Santa Cruz de La Palma they'll make for Saint-François, in Guadeloupe, which equates to a sea passage of 2,700 miles. As such, all the sailors are preparing to tackle the true transatlantic section of this event, the only instructions being to leave the island of El Hierro to starboard together with the negotiation of a waypoint located at 25° North and 30° West and a special mark at Terre de Bas. In terms of the weather, things are playing out as expected with conditions set to force the competitors to drop a very long way south in the hunt for a consistent trade wind. Pretty soon, these will also require them to make some important strategic choices in order to extract themselves from the Canaries archipelago.

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15d0a5  No.14879924

File: 58c64b0f8e40d85⋯.png (163.93 KB, 422x391, 422:391, another_.png)


TeoAnon17, [29.10.21 11:58]


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64ce86  No.14879925

File: 64e68173e0092cf⋯.png (648.3 KB, 500x580, 25:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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caaba4  No.14879926


how does it respond if darpa is a weapon of mass destruction?

is there an off button?

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8cfa81  No.14879927


Stormy-Joe Horseface should decide what she's going to be and do for the rest of his/her/xir life

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72c038  No.14879928

File: a0667b509df9c66⋯.png (356.25 KB, 591x635, 591:635, Screenshot_at_Oct_29_14_00….png)


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416b49  No.14879929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Practice is over

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15d0a5  No.14879930

File: 002cfafc271e7e4⋯.png (164.26 KB, 421x465, 421:465, x_warn.png)


Tracy Beanz, [29.10.21 13:33]

[Forwarded from UncoverDC Channel (Rebecca Diefendorf)]


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424ef1  No.14879931

File: f627db5a530246d⋯.jpg (318.72 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, gz.jpg)

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71d795  No.14879932

File: 977f5755933e0e6⋯.png (231.44 KB, 987x500, 987:500, ClipboardImage.png)



Told you Smarty Pants.

>>14879414 lb

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1cf7c8  No.14879933



When can anyone go anywhere for reliable statistics on anything right now?

Called my county seat dayone of “Lockdown” to get the names of the dead. Was told they no longer shared that info and had ‘turned’ it over to the State Capital. Called the State Health Department, they said they couldn’t share that information anymore “because it would violate the privacy” (of the dead).

Fucking scumbags up and down the bureaucracy and at every turn.

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6a00dc  No.14879934

File: 5022154e12b8d02⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7476dbd9853c9e3⋯.png (1.22 MB, 900x506, 450:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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9bfd59  No.14879935

>>14879519 (lb)

Rape is never funny, unless you're mocking a rapist, Dave Chappelle.

Way to skim over that tirade with a fake anti-trans scandel, bandwagon anons. FO

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5dd70c  No.14879936

File: ef938df27faa617⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Media_Asks_Whats_The_Big_D….mp4)



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9caafd  No.14879937

File: ef938df27faa617⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Big_deal.mp4)



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5dd70c  No.14879938

File: 98ed646010b17ba⋯.png (377.83 KB, 823x680, 823:680, wellhesdeadso.png)

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64ce86  No.14879939


If they''re hiding stats, then those stats don't agree with their narrative.

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6a00dc  No.14879940

Pfizer adds ingredient used to stabilize heart attack victims in vax for kids

Buried on Page 14 in the Pfizer paperwork submitted to the FDA for the Covid vaccine for children is this disturbing nugget.

Vaccine formulation

Authorization is being requested for a modified formulation of the Pfizer‑BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Each dose of this formulation contains 10 μg of a nucleoside-modified messenger RNA (mRNA) encoding the viral spike (S) glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 that is formulated in lipid particles and supplied as a frozen suspension in multiple dose vials.

To provide a vaccine with an improved stability profile, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for use in children 5-11 years of age uses tromethamine (Tris) buffer instead of the phosphatebuffered saline (PBS) as used in the previous formulation and excludes sodium chloride and potassium chloride. The packaged vials for the new formulation are stored frozen at -90°C to – 60°C. The frozen vials may be thawed and stored at refrigerator at 2°C to 8°C for up to 10


Tromethamine (Tris) is a blood acid reducer which is used to stabilize people with heart attacks. Here are known side effects: Respiratory depression, local irritation, tissue inflammation, injection site infection, febrile response, chemical phlebitis, venospasm (vein spasms), hypervolemia, IV thrombosis, extravasation (with possible necrosis and sloughing of tissues), transient decreases in blood glucose concentrations, hypoglycemia, and hepatocellular necrosis with infusion via low-lying umbilical venous catheters



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15d0a5  No.14879941

File: d76556e71246db0⋯.png (129.36 KB, 425x427, 425:427, now_know.png)


Becker News, [29.10.21 10:28]

The Pope's reaction just says it all.

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f56a63  No.14879942


9/10 people survey in a gang rape approved !!

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4b9135  No.14879943



What do you think happens after an X flare hits the ground, especially a region with an active volcano?

Of course they flee.

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0d331d  No.14879944


Succession isn't just the throne, it's also the wealth and properties. And power.

That's why the US is still a British holding, but in secret. It wa King George's responsibilty to pass the colonies on to the successor, as his predecessor handed it to him. Read the Paris Treaty of 1783. Look carefully at the preamble and Article 5. Think, if the English had really just surrendered in a war, why was the British king dictating the terms of the treaty?

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6a00dc  No.14879945

Ontario's bill mandating vaccines for education and health workers defeated


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caaba4  No.14879946


liberals are silent as the walls close in


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98a577  No.14879947

File: 37b0dd6dab2ee42⋯.jpg (55.53 KB, 624x351, 16:9, _109229382_mediaitem109226….jpg)

One of the lions on your chair growled.

I heard it.

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6ab539  No.14879948

File: 6633503794df53b⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1726x2048, 863:1024, Screenshot_20211029_110424.png)

Kayleigh McEnany: Americans are having Biden remorse


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d2ca6a  No.14879949


Me! They’re everywhere here. Tastes like ground beef.

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8cfa81  No.14879950

>>14879231 pb





>Less than 10.


>Who are we talking to?



it's the "place holders" 1 - 10 ... can the Patriots keep up the pace?

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57a7c2  No.14879951

File: eee345ed90ca5fb⋯.jpg (42.32 KB, 579x779, 579:779, FB_IMG_1635450340863.jpg)



It's a pleasure to serve with you

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8e0ea0  No.14879952


This is too funny, they haven't seen it yet, but they are sure the world will end. They are so used to getting their way in disinfo,they can't imagine anyone exposing it.

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1cf7c8  No.14879953

File: 8f8072addb82688⋯.jpeg (36.06 KB, 627x352, 57:32, 786FE621_1527_47CF_9C5F_D….jpeg)

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57449b  No.14879954


So, new formulations don't have to go through premarket testing? Apparently we're just ignoring all laws and doing whatever we want now.

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84c227  No.14879955


>but sex was not intended to be practiced like animals.

Meh… I don't disagree with you in as much as it pertains to the interest of the continuance and preservation of a cooperative society. However, I am very much a dolphin fan, and given their level of intellect, I'm inclined to say there's a distinct difference between living a life of fornication and carefree debauchery, and people giving each other the chance to take a test drive before putting their name on the dotted line for a long term commitment to a particular make/model.

God isn't going to sentence society to eternal of hellfire and damnation because a few single adults choose to knowingly engage in the occasional tryst, and quite frankly, it's nobody else's fucking business. It's when we prioritize eclectic romantic encounters over solid and meaningful long-term relationships is when things start to go downhill for society and the individual (whether they realize it at the time or not). Does that make sense?

The point I was trying to make, though, is perhaps taking such a literal view of the "Good Book" might continue causing some or a great amount of consternation as this awakening proceeds forward.

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04e91b  No.14879956

Can I tell you a story?

A sci-fi one?!?!

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8cfa81  No.14879957


guys look like POTUS voters … you can never tell

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727229  No.14879958


About 35 years ago, was in a lounge with my date, and the standup did his imitation of an asthmatic rapist. Wildly unexpected, and both of us laughed, somewhat nervously.

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caaba4  No.14879959


he didn't want to get sniffed and fondled in front of the world.

off camera is another matter.

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7b8b5c  No.14879960

File: 15326d036e2dc62⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB, 500x506, 250:253, 1609202686.mp4)


Thanks anon, you have the arm/doughnut blank by any chance?

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416b49  No.14879961

File: 515dc48987257e0⋯.jpg (80.2 KB, 500x707, 500:707, 515dc48987257e0b351b533dc0….jpg)

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5dd70c  No.14879962

File: b4573b475685abe⋯.jpg (973.16 KB, 2285x1392, 2285:1392, NIE_1905_Ship_rigging.jpg)

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d2ca6a  No.14879963


I’m 99% sure Dan (Larry the cable guy) is for POTUS.

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a53495  No.14879964

File: f92feb6d66c6062⋯.jpg (134 KB, 768x556, 192:139, ODDS_ARE_WORSE.jpg)

File: 8cc42e9578e7e9d⋯.jpg (73.44 KB, 552x319, 552:319, genocide.jpg)

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a99ad7  No.14879965

File: 364464355b48af2⋯.jpeg (274.24 KB, 1511x1397, 1511:1397, 59AB6B74_906B_4363_8928_F….jpeg)



Manish Goldberg

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bc0a34  No.14879966


Flying Jib Guy

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84c227  No.14879967


The world's fastest implementers always test in production. It's like banging strippers without condoms or driving as fast as possible through the ATL during Freaknik without a gun. Yeah, it's risky, but you're bound to have a shit load of fun for at least a minute or two.

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04e91b  No.14879968


So let's say that ETs has any connections w/ missile nuclear sites.

>>14879961 -welcome aboard

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9caafd  No.14879970

File: d105a5575bff2cc⋯.png (65.68 KB, 293x449, 293:449, Pepe_donut.png)


Not the blank per se.

I Cut it out from OP

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caaba4  No.14879971


first explain the term 'science' 'fiction'.

then we'll see.

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64ce86  No.14879972

File: 013a4e118f0ea68⋯.png (586.7 KB, 734x412, 367:206, ClipboardImage.png)



Go on…

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6a00dc  No.14879973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Queensland senator speaks out about adverse effects of vaccines

SENATOR Gerard Rennick puts Sky News presenter back in his place as he lists SERIOUS adverse reactions happening to young people after the vaccine across the country.

Senator Rennick speaks up for the people who have suffered adverse events from Covid shots. He said it’s bad enough people weren’t given a choice, which is their right, but it’s downright inhumane to force someone to take a second shot if they suffered an adverse event from the first. Furthermore, Senator Rennick will continue to fight to ensure people receive immediate income support for those who cannot return to work while they have to recuperate. No one should be left behind.


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5dd70c  No.14879974


Spanker Boom

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416b49  No.14879975

File: 56e54a33d63a10b⋯.jpg (49.18 KB, 340x500, 17:25, Royces_Sailing_Illustrated.jpg)

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04e91b  No.14879976


Now let's go back to the creation!

Let's say. for your amusement, that you're the only one on on this universe.

Discover nuclear bomb and hit each-other.

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6a00dc  No.14879977

Mike Pompeo: Israel might need to attack Iran due to US 'appeasement'

The former US secretary of state also spoke on a Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem, a Saudi addition to the Abraham Accords and the "lie of occupation."

An Israeli last-resort military action against Iran is a risk of American appeasement and emboldens the Islamic Republic, former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo said Tuesday at the Jerusalem Post Conference.

Military action is “not in the best interests of anyone,” he told Jerusalem Post editor-in-chief Yaakov Katz.

Pompeo defended the Trump administration’s decision to leave the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), known as the Iranian nuclear deal, in 2018, saying the policies it adopted had made the world safer from the Iranian regime.

“We denied them resources, and we denied them the ability to build out a Gulf-threatening culpability,” he said. “The strike on [former Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force commander] Qasem Soleimani demonstrated our willingness to defend American interests around the world. The work we were engaged in would have prevented Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.”

In a speech to the UN General Assembly in September, US President Joe Biden said the US was seeking a return to the JCPOA.

“The current administration wants to re-enter the deal, longer, better, stronger? Well, I want it longer, I want it better, and I want it much, much stronger,” Pompeo said.

Had the Trump administration stayed in office for another year or two, the cooperation between it and Israel would have been able to prevent Iranian nuclear advancements, he said.

“We were never going to let Iran get a nuclear weapon on our watch,” he added.

Pompeo criticized the Biden administration for complying and returning to a “false principle that Israel is an illegal occupier” and called on Israel to confront that narrative, which he said is the beating heart of modern antisemitism and dubbed the “lie of occupation.”

“Occupation is a legal term whose definition does not apply to the State of Israel under the law,” Pompeo said, adding that US support of Israel is an expression of American patriotism.


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3d06ce  No.14879978

File: d2db2b4b54de889⋯.jpg (75.83 KB, 1080x291, 360:97, Screenshot_20211029_120717….jpg)

I see



>His Desensitization Method


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e1e0c7  No.14879979

File: 9fab94bf836409d⋯.png (378.15 KB, 1023x549, 341:183, clownc_Where_s.png)

File: 5bae768a6d5d5e8⋯.png (114.89 KB, 734x472, 367:236, clowncaband.png)

File: 8cb0290662a1a74⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1414x916, 707:458, jen2.png)

File: 911fc9d370740ed⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1626x958, 813:479, RubyCCfaux.png)


We MUST realize by now that ALL of this crap is on the SAME SIDE. ANY mention of carlson has ALL of pravda "reporting" on it. Why does nobody "pick on" One America News' Pearson Sharp, Chanel Rion… who have been reporting on everything which that faux entertainer has kept suppressed, kept people DISTRACTED from WHILE SHADING from his buddies, the bidans' crimes?

 Oct. 29, 2020 Tucker Carlson Suddenly Says It’s Time to Leave Hunter Biden Alone

“I never thought Hunter Biden was a bad person,” he concluded. “I thought he had demons but in the time I knew him he kept them mostly under control. At some point, he lost control… He's now humiliated and alone. Probably too strong to say we feel sorry for Hunter Biden, but the point is pounding on a man, jumping on, and piling on when he's already down is something we don't want to be involved in.” https://archive.is/TaB3f



Now in another language, wasn't when it was saved! https://archive.is/c2vmM

January 26, 2020 Tucker Carlson talked about his former Washington neighbor, Hunter Biden… telling host Jesse Waters he feels a degree of "sympathy" for the son of former Vice President Joe Biden now that the son is facing scrutinty "I know him well. He was my neighbor. He's a really nice guy, Carlson said. "I've always liked him. "I still like Hunter Biden… It's, like, of course, he's making, you know, whatever, a million a year from some Ukrainian energy company.

Hunter Biden and his 77-year-old father have been frequent subjects of conversation among Republicans amid the ongoing Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. The president is accused of abuse of power for allegedly using military aid to pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden’s…Trump is also accused of obstruction

I’m sympathetic because, like, if his dad wasn't running for president, we wouldn't have heard of all of this Carlson said. https://archive.is/wip/O9JaP https://www.foxnews.com/media/tucker-carlson-tells-watters-hes-sympathetic-to-hunter-biden

COMPAREthat dirty clown's defense of hunter to Our President:

REAL CLEAR POLITICS: June 26, 2020 On Thursday's broadcast of his FOX News show, Carlson challenged viewers to name a single leader in world history that stayed in power after failing to "quell a rebellion." …. At some point in the future, historians will marvel at the fact the president lost ground during a pandemic and then during mass riots… because all lives do matter. God made us all. If you can’t say that, what’s the point of living here? Trump never quite articulated any of this… And yet when widespread disorder arrived, Trump did not act decisively. He said little. He did less. Voters felt undefended… https://archive.is/8mDoy

WHY was this even a "topic" at the time Rudy/Chanel Rion/OAN were airing countless tons of PROOF regarding all the bidan corruption?:

Par for the course - KEY POINT = VEILED; “Controlled Oppo” is putting it mildly here:

November 28, 2019 Conservative commentator Tucker Carlson launched an unusual defense of President Donald Trump Wednesday night, describing the president as a "racist liar" and a "full-blown BS artist."

Carlson made the claims on his Fox News show Tucker Carlson Tonight. He began by bringing up the Washington Post's claim that Trump has made more than 13,000 "false or misleading claims" since taking office in January 2017. Carlson seemed to agree that the president frequently fails to tell the truth and used a clip of Trump wrongly claiming that the crowd attending his inauguration ceremony was the "biggest ever."

"We're not going to lie to you: that was untrue," said Carlson. "The crowd at the 2017 inauguration was not the largest ever measured on the national mall. Sorry, it wasn't."

The pundit then explained he believes Trump made the false claim because it is part of his nature, likening the president's alleged repeated lying to the skill set of a car salesman. "That's who he is," said Carlson. "Donald Trump is a salesman. He's a talker, a boaster, a booster, a compulsive self-promoter. At times, he's a full-blown BS artist. If Trump hadn't gotten rich in real estate, he could have made a fortune selling cars."

Carlson appeared to discount the importance of Trump lying, saying that "most people know" Trump is a frequent liar because it's "obvious."

Although Carlson's monologue initially seemed bizarre coming from a Trump supporter, it soon became clear that he was setting up an attempt to defend the president … https://archive.md/KmBGL


Oh but ask him about HUNTER!

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653032  No.14879980


that was my point

these people being gone won't change any of that

they thought themselves untouchable but it's the charter, the US corp that lives, whether they do or not and no one cares about them

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23e98d  No.14879981

File: 2a254055304b330⋯.png (14.33 KB, 478x203, 478:203, Screenshot_2021_10_29_at_1….png)

This isn't really about climate, is it?


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9bfd59  No.14879982


Congratulations piece of shit.

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46ea20  No.14879983

File: 00a43090a51baef⋯.png (5.84 KB, 224x225, 224:225, ClipboardImage.png)


let’s ride, goldberg.

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bf58c5  No.14879984

File: 19781c816b784d4⋯.jpg (155.4 KB, 680x510, 4:3, communism.jpg)

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ed4401  No.14879985

File: e5f92b8507cf560⋯.jpg (306.05 KB, 540x960, 9:16, Donut.jpg)

File: b1f9d694fd996fa⋯.mp4 (10.99 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, donut_.mp4)

File: 791f7da26a1482f⋯.jpg (136.81 KB, 538x379, 538:379, _Peace_.jpg)

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a53495  No.14879986

File: c721676f85c1aa8⋯.jpg (228.68 KB, 1127x634, 1127:634, responsible_for_deaths.jpg)

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727229  No.14879987

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5e084a  No.14879988

File: c9d0f727bd012d0⋯.png (82.54 KB, 689x483, 689:483, Screenshot_from_2021_10_29….png)

File: b24812e9e690b5a⋯.png (110.27 KB, 1046x480, 523:240, Screenshot_from_2021_10_29….png)

File: d20d4b2ef986bc4⋯.png (24.54 KB, 344x263, 344:263, Screenshot_from_2021_10_29….png)

File: fca6eec67f5a49d⋯.png (125.94 KB, 394x1289, 394:1289, Screenshot_2021_10_29_Q_Dr….png)


>>14879181, >>14879303 New PDJT 2 Down 8 To go [11.3?]

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d4a642  No.14879989



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84c227  No.14879990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh you know they are.


>Neo-feudalism is sooooo much more better than neo-colonial capitalism

It's always about control. Always.

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6a00dc  No.14879991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dr Fauci says that if his kids were between ages five and 11 he would 'vaccinate them in a second' after FDA advisory committee recommends approval of Pfizer's shot

Dr Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, said that if his children were aged five to 11, he would 'vaccinate them in a second' following a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel recommending the jab for that age group.

Fauci, who is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has three adult daughters who are already eligible for the COVID-19 shot.

He told Axios this week that he is confident the vaccine is safe and effective in kids and he trusts it enough that he would use it on his own theoretical young children.

The vaccine will likely receive controversial authorization from regulators within the coming weeks with a large percentage of parents saying they do not want their children to get the jab even if gets a greenlight from the FDA due to the low risk of severe disease in youngsters.


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e3bc37  No.14879992

File: 02ac2826c003270⋯.jpg (199.85 KB, 844x1024, 211:256, 02ac2826c00327033b43f8a6c0….jpg)



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5dd70c  No.14879993

File: c78cc201ffffadc⋯.jpeg (176.58 KB, 1241x1280, 1241:1280, nojabme.jpeg)

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529aa2  No.14879994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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5dd70c  No.14879995

File: 6bbc8d81fc2d1dc⋯.png (893.31 KB, 930x930, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_09_17_at_1….png)

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1cf7c8  No.14879996


It’s a worldwide LIE!

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8cfa81  No.14879997

The passage in question deals with the historical evolution from the preaching of abstinence and saving that characterized the speech and life-style of early capitalists, to the cult of consumption and luxury that were beginning, in Marx’s day, to dominate capitalism in its more “modernized” form. In his characteristically facetious way, Marx, having just cited a very lengthy passage from Martin Luther (1483–1546) in which Luther inveighs against usurers as the greatest enemies of mankind after the devil himself, says that original sin is, alas, to be found everywhere: the original sin is accumulation. Marx next cites two lines from Faust (Chapter 24, Section 3) about “two souls” dwelling within the same individual, opposing one another, and concludes by asserting that there is, in the capitalist’s breast, “a Faustian conflict between the [sordid] passion for accumulation, and the desire for enjoyment”. (This remains, incidentally, a fundamental conflict within contemporary capitalism – call it, in today’s language, the conflict between profit maximization and consumerism – that only gets resolved, if at all, in an ambivalent, compromising fashion). Marx then goes on, one paragraph later, to intone another line that has become very famous: “Accumulate! Accumulate! That is Moses and the Prophets!” ([1], p: 594–595).

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416b49  No.14879998

File: 42611856c9090aa⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1080x1329, 360:443, 65567a9033a88ae79cb079c89f….png)

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5dd70c  No.14879999

File: 5d77f29f90d08c1⋯.png (196.6 KB, 360x360, 1:1, cafeanyone.png)

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d4906e  No.14880000

henlo frens

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64ce86  No.14880001

File: 104dd0b094b6006⋯.png (354.18 KB, 780x620, 39:31, pepe_10.png)


"''She offered me a blowjob and a donut for some toilet paper'"

Still makes me kek.

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e10513  No.14880002

Remember when Russia was testing the hypersonic missile technology that Obama/Hillary sold to them… and it blew up?


Then Trump warned Russian not to proceed, because we have

hypersonic missiles that actually work and fly "17 times the speed of sound".


Looks as though Russia didn't take the hint and finally worked out the kinks the white hats through into the plans. And now China has working hypersonic missiles - jeez, I wonder where they could have gotten their grubby little hands on that…?

We all know Russian and China have gotten quite cozy together. As America pulls back from the world scene, will they attempt a run for complete dominance (it's a valid question)?

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e3bc37  No.14880004

File: b12d8cf4fb6761f⋯.png (588.92 KB, 698x660, 349:330, b12d8cf4fb6761f3f02ccf570b….png)


Doge, could you collect the missing notable bun? #18819.

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416b49  No.14880006

File: 8c14bc5dc9d9e25⋯.jpg (163.59 KB, 400x582, 200:291, 8c14bc5dc9d9e25d74ee7fd02b….jpg)

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6a00dc  No.14880007

File: d0cba1958549f47⋯.png (449.57 KB, 1024x608, 32:19, ClipboardImage.png)

Democrats Are ENRAGED As Tucker Carlson Plans To Expose FBI’s Jan. 6 Hoax on Monday — Now They Are Trying To Shut Him Down

Democrats have vowed to use every trick in the book to censor an upcoming Tucker Carlson report exposing the FBI’s Jan. 6 hoax.

Tucker reacted to a tweet posted by RINO Rep. Liz Cheney on Thursday in review of his upcoming expose she hasn’t even seen. Here is the tweet:

“According to Liz Cheney, this show is dangerous, because we dared to report on what actually happened on January 6th. This show is somehow, she says, abetting violence.”

“Now, if that argument sounds familiar, there’s a reason that it does. That argument is a staple of those hysterical purple-haired college activists you see yelling at people in viral videos. ‘Your speech is violence!’, they shout, ‘Our violence is speech!’”

“That is not how a free society works. Politicians don’t get to put parameters around your thoughts or conversations. Free people are permitted to ask any question they want.”

“What we found in the end bore no resemblance whatsoever to the story that you have heard repeatedly from Liz Cheney and from Nancy Pelosi, as well as from their many obedient mouthpieces in the media. They were lying.”

“It turns out that Liz Cheney is not simply a liar, she is also a coward.”


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6a00dc  No.14880008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fauci’s wife approved NIH puppy experiments…


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64ce86  No.14880009

File: fd1e219b506622c⋯.png (296.06 KB, 515x484, 515:484, pepe_proper_fkd2.png)

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65e523  No.14880010


Henlo to you and your digits.

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a53495  No.14880011

File: fb37adc78335280⋯.png (326.95 KB, 500x420, 25:21, how.png)

File: bd569164359279d⋯.png (57.9 KB, 473x640, 473:640, vaccine_adverse_reactions.png)


Sky new sucks balls.

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2dda6f  No.14880012

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caaba4  No.14880013

‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Backlogged in VAERS, Analyst Says


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8cfa81  No.14880014




>first explain the term 'science' 'fiction'.


>then we'll see.

you never heard about science fiction … where do you live?

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a53495  No.14880015

File: 3bb89c74d5fa66f⋯.jpg (62.64 KB, 442x457, 442:457, sneaky_little_prick.jpg)

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2dda6f  No.14880016

File: 10b0fe177c7e60d⋯.png (219.04 KB, 584x677, 584:677, baker_is_compd_muhjooshill….png)

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66d4a4  No.14880017


>liberals are silent as the walls close in

Claustrophobic is no laughing matter.

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2dda6f  No.14880018



fuck off pedo anime larp muhjooshill

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df876a  No.14880019

File: caf3ffa6b23af73⋯.png (342.26 KB, 657x527, 657:527, ClipboardImage.png)


henlo fren

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6a00dc  No.14880020

Chinese state media vows military ‘will show up at US doorstep’ soon and ‘China will win’

Chinese state-run Global Times media outlet published an op-ed from its editorial board on Wednesday vowing that China’s military will soon confront the U.S. in a hostile exchange.

“The US will definitely see the PLA show up at its doorstep in the not-too-distant future,” the op-ed said. “The two sides’ warships and aircraft on the seas will carry huge mutual strategic hostility, and the two countries will not yield to each other.”

“Once the situation gets out of control and triggers military clash between China and the US, we must give full play to our home field advantage. China will definitely win once there is a war,” the Global Times op-ed said.

The op-ed came in response to U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Benfold conducting a freedom of navigation operation near the Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands of the South China Sea on Wednesday.

“What the US has done is a naked provocation, and this is obvious to all,” the Global Times op-ed said, adding that the ship “posed a threat” to the “many Chinese people and facilities” on the island.



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98a577  No.14880021

File: 7a34bbd0dc9fc2e⋯.png (300.73 KB, 1302x1588, 651:794, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df04608e7712a9c⋯.png (290.35 KB, 1214x1517, 1214:1517, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a20172ff7870cb5⋯.png (320.08 KB, 1227x1598, 1227:1598, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b1426d17754c7b⋯.png (73.05 KB, 940x404, 235:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34ec94380930557⋯.png (17.38 KB, 527x535, 527:535, ClipboardImage.png)

T he Interplanetary Superhighway is a moving gravitational passage that runs throughout the solar system connecting every planet. A Lagrange tunnel (so to speak) that allows us to send freight or cargo between planets at almost no energy cost.

The complex calculations to locate the IPS are done in what mathematicians call 6 Dimensional phase space.

This is a higher dimensional structure which is invisible and which interacts demonstrably with 3D material reality.

The Genesis Mission flew on and verified the plausibility of spacecraft navigating the IPS



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57449b  No.14880022


I saw a numbnuts on TikTok earlier who said that in order fo4 him to believe there was anything wrong with the vaccines he'd have to believe that, "There's a global conspiracy," and that's just not possible.

People know, they just refuse to expand their thinking enough to accept the awful truth, because it is pretty damn awful, until you realize 99% of people killing humanity with vaxxes think they are patriots doing the "right" thing. They don't know they'vve co-opted by the cabal to do their dirty work.

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2dda6f  No.14880023

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f31662  No.14880024

File: eaad5ec35459e3c⋯.png (712.13 KB, 1245x622, 1245:622, fbbranding.png)

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2ab4ad  No.14880025

File: dfb28503a14717c⋯.jpeg (62.52 KB, 501x498, 167:166, B7F5B812_78E4_43C3_BAB9_9….jpeg)

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a53495  No.14880027

File: 7007bcc0df74786⋯.jpg (115.31 KB, 860x576, 215:144, death_sentences_for_traito….jpg)

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b0f4b9  No.14880028

File: a2121dd994619ec⋯.jpg (28.61 KB, 406x612, 203:306, gettyimages_1096027068_612….jpg)

File: 2c769044780ba13⋯.jpg (26.12 KB, 406x612, 203:306, gettyimages_655947491_612x….jpg)

Why is ADL so nervous, kek?



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d4906e  No.14880029


Quite some things we have been through

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04e91b  No.14880030


Who will survive?

"Cockroaches have a reputation for resilience, even when it comes to surviving a nuclear bomb and radiation."

Now imagine reptoids, birds.

If this was billions of billions years ago,HOW ABOUT YOU?On a planet w/o history, that triesNUCLEAR BOMBS.

"Ex-Air Force Personnel: UFOs Deactivated Nukes."

"Air Force Captain Claims UFO Deactivated 10 Nukes in Silos. Paul Seaburn June 23, 2017."

"Ex-USAF Captain: UFOs Hacked Malmstrom AFB Nuke System, Deactivated 10 Missiles. Since 2020."

Got it?

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7491ff  No.14880031


It's more about influencing the flow of information.

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caaba4  No.14880032

‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Backlogged in VAERS, Analyst Says



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529aa2  No.14880033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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23e98d  No.14880034

File: 150c5385f30603c⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB, 480x852, 40:71, VmS9YZ8wjSvjPBOh.mp4)

She never learnes….never mention a specific time for anything related to climate change


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8e0ea0  No.14880035


pretty convenient he has no kids that age, wouldn't be surprised if he real adult kids never got vaccines

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bf58c5  No.14880036

File: 91ddebd4930abcc⋯.png (127.27 KB, 997x838, 997:838, billl.png)

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df876a  No.14880037

File: 54726aee6f0dbab⋯.png (637.47 KB, 1089x889, 1089:889, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d4b10  No.14880038

>>14879519 (PB)

The new Dave Chapelle is not the Old Dave Chapelle. Another Actor reintroduced during the great awakening having resurfaced from Africa.

Good Lawd peoples everywhere are f'ing stoopid. Unless he spent 10 years doing roids that is not just a Dad body.

He is funny because he makes fun of every division that exists out there and calls every injustice what it is. He has turned into a "blek" Bill Hicks.

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b0f4b9  No.14880039

File: 546bc40ea5f07e3⋯.jpg (31.41 KB, 417x612, 139:204, gettyimages_94237741_612x6….jpg)

File: 3c48b475d94ebe0⋯.jpg (49.72 KB, 412x612, 103:153, gettyimages_94237912_612x6….jpg)

File: 2cbc8b422f7bc7f⋯.jpg (55.85 KB, 612x610, 306:305, gettyimages_133353305_612x….jpg)



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727229  No.14880040


Much scare, petrified.

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8e0ea0  No.14880041

File: 0a496bedfd70bcf⋯.png (530.51 KB, 479x573, 479:573, ClipboardImage.png)

I wish I knew how to meme

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41ad4f  No.14880042

File: aaff0c57d99de21⋯.jpg (80.92 KB, 538x361, 538:361, ZomboMeme_29102021142410.jpg)

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c0b4ae  No.14880043

File: 023a5553c20bcfd⋯.png (167.33 KB, 551x459, 551:459, 023a5553c20bcfd5b5095fdc9d….png)

The first time I heard about Q was in the middle of the night between 12/31/17 and 1/1/18… This date alone is some crazy shit, considering that I was always drunk on new years eve before…

I have no idea, how I got there… alone in my living room, desperate, because it was clear to me, that I had to fight an ugly war, in the not too distant future!

Since I found Q and you guys, a lot has happened in my small microcosmos!

I started my personal mission with the crumbs, immediately and I was praying, that I could end this ride as it has begun for me! It worked!

I never got letters from the goverment, due to "you have to take this job" or "you have to go there to get this" and so on. Not once, in fucking 4 years! They just left me alone!

I have/had enough money to survive and to buy enough weed for the countless days or nightshifts (your nightshift is my dayshift stuff!)! Great people in my family made this all possible for me and I am thankful for the blessing of my life!

I kicked all idiots out of my life and I was more direct, than ever before (and I was direct, my entire life!)

I am talking with everybody about the mission, always, as far as I see people…

I reached some important people to me a while back and fixed them into Q and the things POTUS was/is doing! (Feels good man!) Others, not much time to get into the "Clearance Patriot thing" are listening and they are ready, if needed to do things! And we know each other our whole life!

I met a great women, almost a year ago and we are in the fight, together! With two dogs! I have learned, that it is o.k. to accept help (I am struggeling with that a bit, but it is o.k. to accept help…)

Why am I writing this shit?

First of all, because I am seriously high and I love you and I want to let you know something, with damn much text!

The thing I want to let you know is… I think I will go back to work! I mean paid work! Here, still for free!

That was my thought, a week or so ago!

I told that to a good relative to me and after I told him that and the absolute fact, that I would never work for someone with masks or vax shit, my godson came to me and offert me a Truck he would buy for me and asked if I would work with him, beceause he has started his own company!

The conclusion:

I was praying to end the mission the same way I started it!

It was a manifistation and it worked in every aspect of my life! Literally in every aspect!

And now, the strong wish to go back to work, helping my godson and starting a family buissness with him as my "boss"!? (my start early 2022…)

Maybe I am just stoned, but all of this and my obsession with cause&effect and Jesus as my King, I really think, go time is on! Something tells me, that there is a shift in a shift and an unbelivable paradigm is very close!

That´s all!

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d4906e  No.14880044


And I feel that we have cleared a hurdle that was veryn intimidating

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04e91b  No.14880045

File: 8e98e0e38469cf9⋯.jpg (56.13 KB, 600x386, 300:193, Praying_Mantis.jpg)


So you must understand this, when I'm kidding w/ you,I'M NOT!


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7b8b5c  No.14880046

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41ad4f  No.14880047

File: 10cf9bf5e4fe86c⋯.jpg (72.64 KB, 576x768, 3:4, ZomboMeme_28092021130834.jpg)

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a53495  No.14880048

File: 28704cf5a234979⋯.jpg (98.25 KB, 550x650, 11:13, MSM_Walking_dead.jpg)

MSM will hang… tic toc.

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6a00dc  No.14880049

Israeli Military Sets Up Shop at US Central Command With Eye on Iran

Israel previously fell under US European Command

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) sent a representative to US Central Command’s headquarters in Florida this week, solidifying Israel’s move under CENTCOM’s area of operations.

“As part of his position, he will be responsible for coordinating joint orders between the IDF and CENTCOM, in peace and wartime, strengthening operational cooperation and exchanging operational knowledge, among other things,” the IDF said, according to The Times of Israel.

Previously, Israel fell under US European Command since Washington’s Arab allies in the Middle East did not have formal relations with Israel. The Trump administration ordered the change early this year after Israel normalized with the UAE and Bahrain.

The idea of the move was to boost cooperation between the US, Israel, and the Gulf states on Iran. “Through cooperation in training, intelligence and operational planning, we will continue to tackle current challenges, chief among them the Iranian threat. I have no doubt that the joint work with CENTCOM and Gulf countries will continue to lead Israel and its security to great achievements,” said IDF Maj. Gen. Tal Kalman, who heads the military unit that focuses on Iran.

Israel recently approved a $1.5 billion military budget boost that will go towards preparing for attacks on Iran. IDF leaders have said they are “accelerating” plans to hit Iran, and the Israeli Air Force has resumed practicing bombing Iranian nuclear facilities.

The Biden administration has been coordinating closely with Israel on Iran. Biden and his cabinet claim they want to pursue diplomacy to revive the Iran nuclear deal but have also hinted at military action against Iran alongside Israeli officials.


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f31662  No.14880050


Que the you wrote too much text gif

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5d4b10  No.14880051


Atlantis sinking was a pre-deluvian nuke war.

Look around the features in Europe, N. America and S. America mimic Nuke strike patterns not meteor hits. If a Meteor hit, where is the residual material ?

The Watchers job is to keep us from completely fucking up again

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d4a642  No.14880052



Did you read this or just the headline?

Not America

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8e0ea0  No.14880053


God, anything is possible! pretty naive people. They just can't imagine the evil it takes for the conspiracy

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3d06ce  No.14880054

File: 1258ecf3ba4aa98⋯.jpg (436.87 KB, 1080x1340, 54:67, Screenshot_20211029_121613….jpg)

File: c2ceee4c3c36833⋯.jpg (29.59 KB, 542x296, 271:148, FCy85i2WUA4ZLth_jpeg.jpg)

File: f8bfc7b28ef7851⋯.jpg (426.67 KB, 1080x1578, 180:263, Screenshot_20211029_121553….jpg)

File: 186baeda2067556⋯.jpg (349.7 KB, 1080x1342, 540:671, Screenshot_20211029_121705….jpg)

File: 7dfc3b5941c292f⋯.jpg (589.05 KB, 1080x1692, 30:47, Screenshot_20211029_121840….jpg)


What a dumbass.

Can't even Engrish…

With comments

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64ce86  No.14880055

File: c8df813ec3bfe8c⋯.png (578.51 KB, 728x724, 182:181, pepe_china2.png)

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e3bc37  No.14880056



>>14879744, >>14879760, >>14879979, >>14880007 Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt is frantically pleading with Fox News to stop the release of Tucker Carlson’s upcoming Patriot Purge documentary and hide it from public view.

>>14879759 U.S. Army - Gratuitous Hooahness! - 10/28 / on Q Birthday

>>14879812 ‘Coercion is not consent’: Firefighters and police rally against vaccine mandate outside New York mayor’s residence

>>14879826 Expected cuts to Treasury auctions may be 'calm before the storm'

>>14879880 Federal Judge Temporarily Bans Biden Administration from Firing Unvaccinated Employees

>>14879891 DARPA - 3-month-long pilot study with new sensors intended to support early detection and interdictions of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) threats

>>14879901 Dozens Charged in Connection with Violent BLM Riot in Sweden

>>14879919 Las Vegas police make 33 arrests in sex offender operation ahead of Halloween

>>14879924 Democrat Resigns From Office After being Arrested on Federal Criminal Charges.

>>14879940 Pfizer adds ingredient used to stabilize heart attack victims in vax for kids

>>14879973 Queensland senator speaks out about adverse effects of vaccines

>>14879977 Mike Pompeo: Israel might need to attack Iran due to US 'appeasement'

>>14880049 Israeli Military Sets Up Shop at US Central Command With Eye on Iran


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588ca5  No.14880057

File: 74f30762e3eb01d⋯.jpg (99.04 KB, 1080x805, 216:161, coof_cat.jpg)


0000 digits

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98a577  No.14880058

File: 64eb841a7e3914e⋯.jpg (753.62 KB, 984x1476, 2:3, Songs_of_Innocence_and_of_….jpg)

File: 0952b21d549ac15⋯.jpg (104.66 KB, 800x644, 200:161, The_Wounded_Angel_Hugo_Sim….jpg)

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416b49  No.14880059

File: ebd2edb65d47764⋯.png (138.77 KB, 1224x646, 36:19, dc.png)



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df876a  No.14880060

File: bc9fb459e226df5⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1454x1083, 1454:1083, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f0593  No.14880061

File: 2c4290e943df709⋯.jpg (53.18 KB, 754x754, 1:1, 166964635_3930664850313591….jpg)

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007686  No.14880062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Do you believe in coincidences?

We have the source.



/Source Code (2011) Official Trailer

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6fdcee  No.14880063

Red October? Maybe red as in Americans are now in the red financially. The elite and celebs and sports and political people aren’t. But the “Normie” who drives this country is.

But who gives a fuck about them and their bullshit vacations and attempts to pursue happiness…… I mean choke out a survival.

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57449b  No.14880064


The faces change, but the lies remain the same.

18 spectacularly wrong predictions made around the time of first Earth Day in 1970, expect more this year


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f5bce8  No.14880065


>peanuts rustled

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57a7c2  No.14880066


I could, but not right now 🤣

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da58ae  No.14880067


He actually probably would, the evil slug

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27b649  No.14880068

Here is what is fucked up…The Governors/Mayors/City Officials don't care whether or not you leave because of the VAX Mandate or whether you sue the Government because it's ILLEGAL, THEY KNOW IT'S ILLEGAL…THEY DON'T CARE!!!…WHY???…BECAUSE IT IS "NOT" THEIR MONEY IF THEY "LOSE" THE LAWSUIT…


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6a00dc  No.14880069

Hunter Biden Admitted Shady Chinese Deal Had “Everything to Do with My Last Name”

In newly released emails from Hunter Biden, the son of the President admitted in an email that one of his shady business deals in China had “everything to do” with his last name considering he was the son of then Vice President Joe Biden.

“Biden and his associates met in April 2010 with businessman Che Fung to lay the groundwork for a partnership to invest in companies in China and the United States, according to emails from Biden’s abandoned laptop,” the Washington Free Beacon reported. “Other emails show the Biden consortium discussing a deal with Che’s company, Ever Union Capital, to invest up to $150 million in partnership with China’s sovereign wealth fund. In a Sept. 23, 2011, email to his partner Devon Archer, Biden admitted Che wanted to work with him because of his father, then-vice president Joe Biden.”

This is just the latest example of how Hunter Biden abused his last name for financial gain.

The Washington Free Beacon continues:

The emails provide another example of the younger Biden using his family name to further his foreign business interests, undercutting Joe Biden’s claims to the contrary. Hunter Biden landed a high-paying position on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings in 2014, just as his father was taking over the Obama administration’s Ukraine portfolio. Some of Biden’s associates recognized the importance of his family ties to their business deals. One Biden partner touted the “political and strategic value of the Biden family” during 2017 negotiations with a Chinese energy conglomerate.

Che’s fate raises the likelihood that Chinese authorities knew of Biden’s business dealings. Che, who is reported to be the son-in-law of a former chief of China’s central bank, was arrested on Feb. 2, 2015, on charges that he laundered $15 billion. According to one report, Che provided investigators with details of his business activity. It is unclear if he discussed his links to Biden, though the Chinese government would likely have been interested in details of his interactions with the son of an American vice president.

The issue with Hunter Biden’s business deals is that it appears President Joe Biden was directly involved, a clear ethics violation.

In 2013, according to Peter Schweizer’s Secret Empires, Hunter Biden’s firm signed a billion dollar eal with the Bank of China, “ironically” just ten days after Joe and Hunter Biden flew to China on Air Force Two.

Chuck Ross with the Free Beacon reports:

[T]he businessmen involved in the discussions would later partner on one of Biden’s most controversial business deals. One email from the laptop describes Che as a “close business partner” of Chinese investment banker Jonathan Li.

Biden has come under scrutiny for introducing his father to Li during an official U.S. government trip to Beijing in 2013. Emails show that Li, Biden, and two other businessmen, James Bulger and Michael Lin, discussed the investment fund with Che. According to one email, Che planned to commit $100 million to the partnership while granting an investment stake to China Investment Corporation, the Chinese government’s sovereign wealth fund, and other “high power” Chinese firms.

Biden, Archer, Li, Lin, and Bulger in 2013 formed the private equity firm Bohai Harvest Rosemont Partners, known as BHR Partners. Biden has come under fire for failing to divest a 10-percent ownership stake in the partnership, even though he pledged to do so in 2019. The White House has refused to answer questions about the investment.


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416b49  No.14880070

File: 3ec84f51801de6b⋯.jpg (71.86 KB, 643x820, 643:820, 3ec84f51801de6bcf78a3b0728….jpg)

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0d331d  No.14880071

Trump on KLBJ at 2:30 eastern.


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8e0ea0  No.14880072


that's what bio-ethicists do, they justify, harming, maiming and killing people in the name of science. There is nothing they won't allow

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04e91b  No.14880073


All this species, need it billion of years to evolve, in stress condition, like your MK-Ultra doe it to yo, to fast the progress.

The only thing bad for you is:My family and I are here.

Try us.


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2ab4ad  No.14880074


BakerQofE nooze

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65cf4a  No.14880075

File: fc66957b849e651⋯.jpeg (564.97 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, 67F61A74_3802_497E_A2F8_2….jpeg)

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e10513  No.14880076


They want to keep us trapped here in their caged infinity looped timeline. Notice how it is not broken? Kun and Ghidra both have broken infinity loops, because we are breaking free from this time prison they had us in.

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d4906e  No.14880077

show me something interesting

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f75984  No.14880078

File: 49fa3e4c0cb6a96⋯.png (218.36 KB, 355x458, 355:458, donut_hand_transparent.png)

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d131af  No.14880079

DWAC gonna do a little afternoon delight?

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f5bce8  No.14880080


>he saw Ratzinger go this way

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6fdcee  No.14880081


Wasted Dubs.

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caaba4  No.14880082


correction: the cabal will win (again).

would be of great delight to the masses if china, russia and usa suddenly turn on the very few corrupt puppeteers in a coordinated effort simultaneously.

then everyone has decades of sovereignty and peace until the next infiltration go round.

pipe dream or reality?

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6a00dc  No.14880083

File: a2bfd3a0a158fc9⋯.png (47.04 KB, 681x709, 681:709, ClipboardImage.png)

Police nab 15 in suspected forex investment scam of German citizens

Raid on Petah Tikva call center carried out at request of German police; group allegedly persuaded investors to invest in fictitious financial operations, authorities say

Israeli police on Wednesday raided a call center in Petah Tikva and detained 15 individuals suspected of online investment fraud against citizens of Germany.

The raids were carried out at the request of German authorities, Israeli police said in a press release.

After questioning the 15 suspects, police released all but four, who were brought to Jerusalem Magistrate’s court today for a remand hearing and a request to extend their remand. The court prohibited publication of the names of the suspects until the next hearing in their case.

However, court documents showed that the suspects allegedly ran the websites IntegraOption, SolidCFD, Tradesolid, BitCapitalMarkets, Mycoinbanking, Getfinancial, Procapitalmarkets, Profitstrade, FXPace, Acceptrade and Gainfintech. Their websites used the platforms SpotOption and Tradologic. They allegedly ran call centers in Israel, Georgia, Armenia, and Moldova.

The suspects are part of a group of Israelis who allegedly established call centers in Israel and other countries, persuading individuals to invest money in forex, binary options, and other financial instruments. By the time those duped realized that the investments were fictitious, their money had already disappeared, police said.


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9bfd59  No.14880084


Mocking rape victims is never funny.


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e3bc37  No.14880085

File: 25a45ebbaf643bc⋯.jpg (54.72 KB, 860x720, 43:36, 25a45ebbaf643bc75ddb602d6f….jpg)


Repost them, not savvy of placing PB links into the bun.

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f56a63  No.14880086

File: 643699991e986d2⋯.png (277.53 KB, 466x688, 233:344, ClipboardImage.png)


nice to hear a good story ending story.

anon, keep up the work

watch your triggers

now get back to digging meming and praying

Semper fidelis

Veni Vidi Vici

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41ad4f  No.14880087

File: 7840010d873693d⋯.gif (415.75 KB, 245x180, 49:36, 7c76f9c2d516c9863b41bd60b4….gif)



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2ab4ad  No.14880088

File: ffeae1add71f79d⋯.gif (2.83 MB, 320x240, 4:3, DDAECFA3_D7EA_4124_ABE0_F9….gif)

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416b49  No.14880089

File: 05845f9054eea86⋯.png (838.43 KB, 1195x963, 1195:963, 05845f9054eea860ef57c9d078….png)

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65cf4a  No.14880090

File: d1bf35f2f4d329f⋯.jpeg (602.62 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, FA5053A0_8AEB_44D1_8F7F_0….jpeg)

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f47ede  No.14880091

File: 2a63ad662a7c228⋯.jpg (25.91 KB, 255x258, 85:86, Screenshot_20211029_034800….jpg)


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86c19b  No.14880092

File: a66a7b62673a63d⋯.jpg (129.43 KB, 1046x1195, 1046:1195, IMG_20211020_090543_473.jpg)


anon alert

The Truth about ANTIFA.

In an upcoming Center for Security Policy webinar on November 10, the Center’s Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, Kyle Shideler, will lift the veil that has concealed Antifa for too long. The Center’s Director for State Legislative Outreach Christopher Holton will moderate.

Register now and gather your notes. Good articles in this pond too.


With so much misinformation and outright disinformation circulating about the movement called Antifa, many Americans have been left in the dark about this troubling threat to our American constitutional system.

Despite statements from politicians and bureaucrats dismissing the threat posed by Antifa, the movement is fundamentally committed to the abolition of the U.S. government and the violent overthrow of the United States Constitution. It is committed to the use of both subversion and violent extremism to enforce its political views by terrorizing American citizens.

The purpose of Antifa’s street violence is to silence opposition, to put the cost of political participation out of the reach of everyday Americans.

Unfortunately, members and leaders of federal law enforcement have made false and incorrect statements about Antifa, even to go so far as to deny that Antifa exists.

Far from “not existing,” Antifa has leaders, organization, structure and techniques, policies and procedures that are readily discoverable for anyone with the motivation to conduct research. Shideler has done that exhaustive research and will share his findings in the webinar.

As we approach the 2022 mid-term elections, it is likely that Antifa will once again become active in the streets of America. This time, however, more Americans will know and understand the true anarcho-communist nature of this violent movement. Shideler himself has trained scores of law enforcement officers about Antifa in the last year and now American civilians will have the opportunity to learn what so many have been kept in the dark about.

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f75984  No.14880093

File: 3bdf61972da8543⋯.mp4 (2.81 MB, 640x360, 16:9, sea_of_libtards.mp4)

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9bfd59  No.14880094

Fuck you Dave Chappelle!

Fuck you in the ass with a rusty hose!

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2ab4ad  No.14880095

File: fef3b18bda0b775⋯.jpeg (321.77 KB, 1427x1335, 1427:1335, 2BCE1E9C_E13A_410C_A10F_1….jpeg)


URGENT: Queen Elizabeth ordered by doctors to rest for 2 WEEKS, palace says


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7844ca  No.14880096

File: b1d4cb3d1617409⋯.png (846.49 KB, 1368x864, 19:12, Alien.png)


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f47ede  No.14880097

File: 1b2fa28559d320f⋯.jpg (16.83 KB, 282x155, 282:155, Screenshot_20211029_132142….jpg)

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e1e0c7  No.14880098

File: d719065ca8f1176⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1502x804, 751:402, fauxaired.png)

File: 5ac7356b47e7bd3⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1664x958, 832:479, fauxyathink.png)


Anyone who's been watching OANN doesn't need to watch a fuking "documentary" by this dirty clown. How much will it COST to view it?

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7eb4c3  No.14880099

File: a241c19fc2534f9⋯.png (621.73 KB, 515x792, 515:792, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3a0d512f2dbbc2⋯.png (416.71 KB, 408x338, 204:169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b80eb9573953d16⋯.png (254.59 KB, 651x342, 217:114, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75cb7503db24b67⋯.png (400.88 KB, 512x342, 256:171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89b8d1a51c70941⋯.png (88.72 KB, 500x281, 500:281, ClipboardImage.png)

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e10513  No.14880100


Atlanteans destroyed themselves with a doomsday weapon we now know as "the Bermuda Triangle". If you knew the enemy had won and you were doomed, would you surrender or go out with a bang?

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f31662  No.14880101

File: 216ae630fbbb9ca⋯.jpg (292.57 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, camel.jpg)

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71d795  No.14880102

File: cf92799437858e6⋯.png (51.29 KB, 550x500, 11:10, trannytrumptweetTTT9868409.png)


Trannies mad

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6a00dc  No.14880103

GOP Sen. Burr under SEC investigation for stock sell-off when pandemic emerged

The SEC says that it "appears" to be the case Burr had nonpublic information when deciding to sell almost all of his stock holdings.

The Securities and Exchange Commission is still investigating whether North Carolina GOP Sen. Richard Burr violated federal insider trading laws when he sold more than $1.6 million in stocks shortly before the market crashed during the onset of the coronavirus pandemic last year.

A recent court filing shows the federal agency is probing the senator's decision to sell close to his entire stock portfolio on Feb. 13, 2020 after he received classified briefings about the emerging coronavirus pandemic. The agency is also taking a look at Burr's brother-in-law, Gerald Fauth, who made a similar decision for his own portfolio after receiving a call from Burr on that day, just weeks ahead of the declaration of a pandemic.

"Among other things, the commission is investigating whether [Burr] sold stocks on the basis of material nonpublic information," the agency said in a declaration filed in the District Court for the Southern District of New York.

On Feb. 13, Burr allegedly called his stockbroker in the morning and told him to sell more than $1.6 million in equities held in his and his wife's joint IRA accounts. Later in the day, he called Fauth. Three minutes after that phone call ended, Fauth called his stockbroker with instructions to sell several stocks in his wife's IRA.

The market began to crash roughly two weeks after Burr's sudden sale. It has since recovered and then some, though the initial sell-off likely spared Burr and his wife and wife's family hundreds of thousands of dollars in initial losses.

It is federally illegal to buy or sell securities based on nonpublic information that will probably impact the asset's value once it becomes widely known.

The STOCK Act, which was passed in 2012, bans members of Congress from using information gained through their positions and access to sensitive intelligence to game the financial markets.

The Justice Department investigated Burr's stock sales but declined to bring charges against the senator, who is set to retire when his term ends in 2022.

Burr has said that he based his significant sell-off on coverage of the unraveling pandemic's early impact on Asia and its markets.


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66d4a4  No.14880104

File: f83859a9d5d4fc8⋯.gif (3.66 MB, 337x263, 337:263, YES.gif)


That's fucking hilarious!


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772dc3  No.14880105


He can’t hear you, fucking snowflake

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df876a  No.14880106


that's so scary

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f47ede  No.14880107

File: 49f0bbd7c2a7fe8⋯.jpg (126.01 KB, 679x687, 679:687, Screenshot_20211018_162558….jpg)

File: 26f25ab79c27aa7⋯.jpg (73.14 KB, 544x724, 136:181, Screenshot_20211018_162629….jpg)

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f5bce8  No.14880108


tidy up ahoy!

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f47ede  No.14880109

File: 5d9987445dc25f9⋯.jpg (17.42 KB, 310x224, 155:112, Screenshot_20211026_145200….jpg)

File: 181449f686e2e8f⋯.jpg (168.08 KB, 632x593, 632:593, Screenshot_20211027_082042….jpg)

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6a00dc  No.14880110

File: 053bcdc747e19b0⋯.png (666.93 KB, 630x360, 7:4, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Urges Allies To Lift Restrictions On Lethal Aid For Ukraine

The United States, which has been providing Ukraine with lethal “defensive” aid is urging allies and partners to lift restrictions on security assistance.

Assistant Secretary of Defense Laura Cooper said that at an online event “U.S. Defense and Security Engagement in the Black Sea Region,” held by the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

“The first thing I would mention is I would like to see all allies lift their restrictions on defensive lethal assistance,” Cooper said.

She reminded that the United States had handed Javelin anti-tank systems to Ukraine and Georgia, which she said was a clear example of defensive lethal assistance capability provided by the U.S.

“We have a number of allies who have that as a restriction – some have it as a restriction in terms of their security assistance programs, but some also have it as a restriction in terms of their sales,” the Pentagon spokeswoman said.

” I believe that Ukraine should be able to purchase the capabilities it needs to defend itself, so I’d like to see that restriction lifted,” Cooper stressed.

At the same time, she noted that Ukraine continues to be the focus of U.S. attention so Washington will continue to provide defense assistance to Ukraine as the country needs to defend itself.

Cooper also reminded of the importance of reforms in defense and other areas, reaffirming U.S. support in their implementation.

Previously, on October 26th, for the first time since Ukraine acquired Bayraktar TB2 reconnaissance and strike unmanned aerial vehicles, one of them engaged an enemy target in ​​the Joint Forces Operation zone.

Today, October 26, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Valery Zaluzhnyi, the Bayraktar reconnaissance and strike UAV was for the first time employed in ​​the Joint Forces Operation zone,” the statement said.

Two Ukrainian servicemen were wounded in that shelling, one of whom later succumbed to his wounds. With the start of the shelling, Ukraine immediately demanded through the OSCE SMM that the enemy cease fire, and a note was sent through diplomatic channels.

“In order to force the enemy to cease fire, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Bayraktar was used. The UAV did not cross the line of contact and destroyed with a guided bomb an artillery gun with the crew from the Russian occupation forces,” the statement reads.

After the strike, the shelling of Ukrainian positions stopped.


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3cea56  No.14880111


I was thinking about that too. The day after Thanksgiving or black friday is usually the time that retail stores go from Red to black in the books. They finally start making a profit. I wonder how many will move into the black with all those container ships parked in California?

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f47ede  No.14880112

File: a010440c494545b⋯.jpg (23.21 KB, 222x296, 3:4, Screenshot_20211029_132155….jpg)

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f56a63  No.14880113

File: b9fb25510b16263⋯.png (125.55 KB, 606x341, 606:341, ClipboardImage.png)


dubs dubs dubs all wasted for being a needy faggot

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9bfd59  No.14880114



Your diversion tactic is SHIT.

Stop glorifying RAPISTS!

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7ca18a  No.14880115

File: 53a209721383e07⋯.jpg (18.57 KB, 474x268, 237:134, ujuyhyghtf.jpg)

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5d4b10  No.14880116


The Third Peril Upon the Union as seen by George Washington

The Third Threat

“And again I heard the mysterious voice saying, “Son of the Republic, look and learn.” At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia and Africa. Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene: from each of these countries arose thick, black clouds that were soon joined into one. And throughout this mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed men, who, moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to America, which country was enveloped in the volume of cloud. And I dimly saw these vast armies devastate the whole country and burn the villages, towns and cities that I beheld springing up. As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of swords, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat, I heard again the mysterious voice saying, “Son of the Republic, look and learn.” When the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast.”

Heaven Intervenes

“Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shone the word “Union”, and who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well-nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle. Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I heard the mysterious voice saying, “Son of the Republic, look and learn.” As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious. Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure standard he had brought in the midst of them, cried with a loud voice: “While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last.” And taking from his brow the crown on which blazoned the word “Union,” he placed it upon the Standard while the people, kneeling down, said, “Amen.”

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64ce86  No.14880117

File: 6b8078e01b6ad24⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1440x756, 40:21, hrc_evil.png)

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71d795  No.14880118

File: d261217bab8dc9b⋯.png (194.62 KB, 388x342, 194:171, trannyce533dc68721908fa7af….png)



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5500e5  No.14880119


KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Belarus has forced the closure of the U.S. Embassy’s Public Diplomacy and USAID offices in a move that comes amid the tensions with the U.S. and its allies over Belarusian authorities’ crackdown on protests.

Samantha Power, the U.S. Agency for International Development administrator, said Friday that the Belarusian authorities aim to “severely disrupt U.S. development assistance and public diplomacy in Belarus by forcing the closure of facilities that house key U.S. Government operations, and by ending employment of all of USAID’s local staff and Department of State public diplomacy staff.”

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f47ede  No.14880120

File: 2d50cda5d635c3d⋯.jpg (15.16 KB, 276x239, 276:239, Screenshot_20211022_062646….jpg)

File: 1cb8399f5898c4b⋯.jpg (44.42 KB, 308x528, 7:12, Screenshot_20211026_144635….jpg)

File: f855395542f6b24⋯.jpg (85.3 KB, 669x488, 669:488, Screenshot_20211026_144924….jpg)

File: 711f0570af06604⋯.jpg (407.55 KB, 2000x1200, 5:3, Screenshot_20211027_071158….jpg)

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b0f4b9  No.14880121


Trump live now

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8e0ea0  No.14880122

File: 75a3633e38ec77a⋯.png (58.82 KB, 714x537, 238:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92578e2fe07d30b⋯.png (536.82 KB, 754x705, 754:705, ClipboardImage.png)

Kek, I guess the interview with Cash & Ric is pretty good


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f47ede  No.14880123

File: 2c7ff2ed96426ad⋯.jpg (23.17 KB, 208x415, 208:415, Screenshot_20211029_034734….jpg)

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e3bc37  No.14880124



>>14879744, >>14879760, >>14879979, >>14880007 Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt is frantically pleading with Fox News to stop the release of Tucker Carlson’s upcoming Patriot Purge documentary and hide it from public view.

>>14879759 U.S. Army - Gratuitous Hooahness! - 10/28 / on Q Birthday

>>14879812 ‘Coercion is not consent’: Firefighters and police rally against vaccine mandate outside New York mayor’s residence

>>14879826 Expected cuts to Treasury auctions may be 'calm before the storm'

>>14879880 Federal Judge Temporarily Bans Biden Administration from Firing Unvaccinated Employees

>>14879891 DARPA - 3-month-long pilot study with new sensors intended to support early detection and interdictions of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) threats

>>14879901 Dozens Charged in Connection with Violent BLM Riot in Sweden

>>14879919 Las Vegas police make 33 arrests in sex offender operation ahead of Halloween

>>14879924 Democrat Resigns From Office After being Arrested on Federal Criminal Charges.

>>14879940 Pfizer adds ingredient used to stabilize heart attack victims in vax for kids

>>14879973 Queensland senator speaks out about adverse effects of vaccines

>>14879977 Mike Pompeo: Israel might need to attack Iran due to US 'appeasement'

>>14880049 Israeli Military Sets Up Shop at US Central Command With Eye on Iran

>>14880069 Hunter Biden Admitted Shady Chinese Deal Had “Everything to Do with My Last Name”

>>14880092 The Truth about ANTIFA.

>>14880095 URGENT: Queen Elizabeth ordered by doctors to rest for 2 WEEKS, palace says

>>14880103 GOP Sen. Burr under SEC investigation for stock sell-off when pandemic emerged


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66d4a4  No.14880125

File: 3fad291a0143db5⋯.png (335.84 KB, 488x326, 244:163, 1635414572447.png)

File: 16a7c16dded40cc⋯.jpg (163.89 KB, 706x960, 353:480, 1635490573448.jpg)

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57449b  No.14880126


Every gov't department has a mortality risk valuation for the value of a human life of about $7.4M.

The Cost Benefit Analysis doesn't "care" how many die, as long as profits exceed losses.

Here's the EPA's Mortality Risk Valuation


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752126  No.14880127

WTF is this shit?

White House considering payments of $450K — per person — to immigrant families separated at border


The Biden administration is discussing paying out hundreds of millions of dollars to illegal immigrant families who were separated at the US-Mexico border under the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy in 2018, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

According to the Journal, the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering the payments in order to settle lawsuits filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and others on behalf of families who crossed into the US from Mexico illegally to seek asylum.

The paper reports that the average demand in each lawsuit adds up to approximately $3.4 million per family, while the settlement offer being mooted by the Biden administration amounts to around $450,000 per person and close to $1 million per family.

Fuck this shit. Biden is out of his fucking mind. Where's my money? We need to spread this info EVERYWHERE. Even lefties will feel left out.

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81d8ae  No.14880128


Trips. Don’t know. But “Dark Winter” is a-comin

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caaba4  No.14880129


wizards, warlocks and sorcerers who have it all and the source sure are taking a long time with all that power.

i don't trust any of those three according to God's word and common sense.

wreck the denizens or get off the pot.

looking glass is divination and sorcery. reconcile.

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64ce86  No.14880130

File: 96de61629f27b18⋯.png (561.01 KB, 1125x1003, 1125:1003, waat.png)

"I am a trans lesbian woman. I am a woman who likes other women."

No you're a straight man who likes to dress up as a woman.

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2ab4ad  No.14880131

File: cfcde52158a9c34⋯.jpeg (910.39 KB, 1410x1242, 235:207, 7F0906AC_6195_42F3_AC1B_E….jpeg)

New York prosecutors file for lawyer Michael Avenatti to start serving prison sentence in Nike extortion case


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a53495  No.14880132

File: 854c3601ae0b19a⋯.jpg (20.22 KB, 288x174, 48:29, GOODBYE_MAINSTREAM.jpg)

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f47ede  No.14880133

File: b46d35f74d42b3f⋯.jpg (17.25 KB, 306x220, 153:110, Screenshot_20211026_150850….jpg)

File: da248dd6561fc92⋯.jpg (22.63 KB, 326x240, 163:120, Screenshot_20211026_150852….jpg)

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81bada  No.14880134

File: 630ae04b5889bba⋯.png (112.43 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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7491ff  No.14880135


They took him off to an mk ultra facility in "africa" and gave him a new personality likely because they wanted a black comedian to help blm movement.

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9bfd59  No.14880136


It's a NO fuckboy.

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81d8ae  No.14880137


You’re the only rapists I know.

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0ccd34  No.14880138

>>14876740 (PB)

AT&T has been purging white people and hiring Asian and Indian contractors. But they still have racism at the executive level, mostly white, but with tokens. My entire group was male muslims before I got fired for no cause. AT&T still fires lots of blacks. They drug test whites but as an employee I would read how they had to fire blacks doing crack on the job. Wondered how the hell they got through HR.

I suspect AT&T was spying on private conversations because I never did personal coms using company internet EVER. They started firing conservatives, citizens, and christians. Their legal department is very very good and trust me when they blanket fire people they lead plat their asses.

dump your at7t service is you can. They are not American anymore.

Stanky is a dick of the highest level, mean and heartless. REMEMBER AT&T OWNS CNN. AND AS AN EX EMPLOYEE let me tell you when AT&T aquired, the original executive staff of the acquired was gone within a year. BUT NOT CNN_ they kept them. Who runs CNN? What's his name? Why do you think AT&T didn't push him out? Why is there no diversity at the executive levels of CNN?

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a20d86  No.14880139

File: 3da9a25175a5d3d⋯.png (63.99 KB, 701x647, 701:647, ClipboardImage.png)

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a99ad7  No.14880140

File: 3c10affc3cc4a9b⋯.jpeg (276.62 KB, 1512x1090, 756:545, ACF78BAA_B772_4803_B48E_9….jpeg)

File: d141c3f2481b7c6⋯.jpeg (248.5 KB, 1511x1277, 1511:1277, CBEF2764_6D51_40EC_988C_2….jpeg)

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8e0ea0  No.14880141


so if they are elderly it's greatly reduced.

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416b49  No.14880142

File: 1dc53cd75663d59⋯.jpg (95.74 KB, 750x620, 75:62, 618984623.jpg)

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71d795  No.14880143

File: d9bf0cb6941e989⋯.jpg (100.73 KB, 751x500, 751:500, maam2q1jk7.jpg)



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9caafd  No.14880144

File: 5fcb1640e201014⋯.jpg (193.43 KB, 900x625, 36:25, Fod.jpg)

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7b8b5c  No.14880145

File: 6e13b493ff668e2⋯.mp4 (876.79 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, LosAngelesNigs.mp4)

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ed6c90  No.14880146


no sense in wasting a targeting solution

in this case instead of targeting the darpa

defaults to the nearest Trump voter

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f47ede  No.14880147

File: 6aee38085adfaf7⋯.jpg (46.37 KB, 392x405, 392:405, Screenshot_20211028_124947….jpg)

File: bd95b4e2ea12d4e⋯.jpg (44.44 KB, 399x520, 399:520, Screenshot_20211028_125316….jpg)

File: 6e30b6be84370cf⋯.jpg (33.58 KB, 394x323, 394:323, Screenshot_20211028_125331….jpg)

Did Desantis open Florida's ports to releave suppy chain tension w/ Democrats, and why? Seems like it from above…

“So we have capacity at all of our ports. … We’ve got capacity, and all of our ports can offer these businesses good incentives if they reroute their ships,”

Seem's like it from above…

She's flying… gj!


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9bfd59  No.14880148


I'm not Dave Chappelle.

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3e1de7  No.14880149

File: 99eaea083cf339b⋯.png (12.35 KB, 316x445, 316:445, Q_2227_Panic_in_DC.png)


>Former top FBI lawyer James Baker to take stand in Durham’s case against Michael Sussmann

Q 2227 Panic in DC

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64ce86  No.14880150

File: 878662e4fe68909⋯.jpg (7.76 KB, 259x194, 259:194, dave.jpg)

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e3bc37  No.14880151



>>14877373 "How Many Besides James Baker Have Flipped? [and what other prosecutions might Baker be assisting Durham with?]

>>14877379 Crowd EXPLODES Into "We Want Trump" Chant As Biden Attempts To Give Speech

>>14877387 Nobel Prize Winner: 97% False Positive PCR Test Drives Pandemic Narrative

>>14877423 Wisconsin Elections Commission Holds Emergency Meeting After Racine County Sheriff’s Dept.

>>14877473 Gen Flynn - Okay Senator Ron Johnson, here’s your chance to be a Rule of Law Senator and correct the fake / false election that Wisconsin held.

>>14877491, >>14877503, >>14877536, >>14877589, Israeli Vax Data Dig

>>14877492 link for global human/child trafficking arrests

>>14877539 Scavino pinned this to his FB page on the 4-year anniversary of the first anonymous Q drop on the boards!

>>14877607 Fans Hang ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Banner During Game 2 Of The World Series

>>14877680 Former Clinton Operative Charged With Securities Fraud

>>14877722 NBA Player Challenges LeBron James And Nike To Visit The Slave Labor Camps In China

>>14877836 Project Veritas Exposes NJ Gov Hiding Info On Money To Illegals Until After Re Election

>>14877854 New York City firefighters protest vaccine mandate outside mayor's residence as deadline nears

>>14877869, >>14877906 Minnesota School Board Tries To SILENCE Parents By Requiring Them To Give Their Home Address Before Being Allowed To Speak At Public Meetings


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007686  No.14880152

File: cad26b39247e558⋯.jpg (186.02 KB, 800x635, 160:127, SR71_factoryfloor_SkunkWor….jpg)

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81d8ae  No.14880153


I know. You’re the whiny bitch on 8kun trying to have a pity party. Fuck out of here and go do something if you feel a way about it.

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f47ede  No.14880154

File: bd95b4e2ea12d4e⋯.jpg (44.44 KB, 399x520, 399:520, Screenshot_20211028_125316….jpg)


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c44969  No.14880155

File: 61c0f59a23b8c02⋯.png (36.54 KB, 185x185, 1:1, taterthot.png)



It has a very confusing UI, but there are plenty of tutorials for everything you could want to do with it.

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f47ede  No.14880156

File: 8f4a7ef26505287⋯.jpg (138.33 KB, 1267x742, 181:106, Screenshot_20211028_232138….jpg)

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71d795  No.14880157

File: c2c29687b7738df⋯.jpg (931.88 KB, 1480x1771, 1480:1771, tranny3938984168.jpg)


>I'm not Dave Chappelle.

You're not a woman either, never will be.

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f47ede  No.14880158

File: 084de7a3dd6786d⋯.jpg (145.12 KB, 661x889, 661:889, Screenshot_20211023_210940….jpg)

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46ea20  No.14880160

File: 875187777f0b3d0⋯.png (110.45 KB, 553x503, 553:503, ClipboardImage.png)

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d4906e  No.14880161

four years

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04e91b  No.14880162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Need a hint?


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9bfd59  No.14880163

File: b12b97c65d85711⋯.png (1.16 MB, 550x809, 550:809, ClipboardImage.png)

Last post.

Have a wonderful day, massholes.

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81d8ae  No.14880164


They will never have a woman’s intuition. Never.

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f47ede  No.14880165

File: a50137606dac781⋯.jpg (70.55 KB, 642x540, 107:90, Screenshot_20210803_163652….jpg)

File: 6af0844b67634aa⋯.jpg (49.31 KB, 403x418, 403:418, Screenshot_20211026_145345….jpg)

File: 894e1186d1d8cc5⋯.jpg (39.97 KB, 426x460, 213:230, Screenshot_20211026_145346….jpg)

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0ccd34  No.14880166


it is illegal for US elected politicians to represent illegal aliens

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f47ede  No.14880167

File: 3ae4ebb5c948b04⋯.jpg (75.7 KB, 681x604, 681:604, Screenshot_20210726_111816….jpg)

File: 786a43e2d7e5adf⋯.jpg (139.07 KB, 837x589, 27:19, Screenshot_20210726_113546….jpg)

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f75984  No.14880168

File: 76de43ee30ab95b⋯.png (353.76 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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a99ad7  No.14880169


Is that Hillary Clinton?

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a53495  No.14880170

File: 638afb3ea8cc07a⋯.jpg (284.74 KB, 890x808, 445:404, muffburger.jpg)

File: 977ecf9f0f70cef⋯.jpg (163.85 KB, 812x538, 406:269, ACCOUNTABLE.jpg)

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57449b  No.14880171


To the so-called experts humans are nothing but statistics in their little experiments.

At this point, with no financial liability to the manufacturer, healthcare worker, or taxpayer, the costs of killing people with vaccines are $0; so no risk…pure profit.

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0ccd34  No.14880172


god they are ugly. I dont use that term lightly

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f47ede  No.14880173

File: f44ce205763edc1⋯.jpg (111.53 KB, 808x669, 808:669, Screenshot_20210726_113326….jpg)

File: 7a2ce03020723f6⋯.jpg (40.78 KB, 633x624, 211:208, Screenshot_20210726_122818….jpg)

File: 6c26b6a57be320a⋯.jpg (12.66 KB, 591x136, 591:136, Screenshot_20210726_123227….jpg)

File: 2104d863392b9ac⋯.jpg (34.06 KB, 495x610, 99:122, Screenshot_20210726_123242….jpg)

File: 84e5a93adedf215⋯.jpg (176.58 KB, 1266x716, 633:358, Screenshot_20210729_132932….jpg)

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41ad4f  No.14880174

File: 11cd5560acac30e⋯.jpg (171.96 KB, 911x939, 911:939, ZomboMeme_16082021185701.jpg)

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6a00dc  No.14880175

File: 21564d37466a7ee⋯.png (361.62 KB, 541x514, 541:514, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af1b10da2479a91⋯.png (326.77 KB, 879x887, 879:887, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba8e288be82a4e7⋯.png (78.69 KB, 893x545, 893:545, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87de253271985ff⋯.png (456.41 KB, 887x752, 887:752, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c76bce15f331954⋯.png (132.63 KB, 905x865, 181:173, ClipboardImage.png)

From Press Freedom to Prison Systems, Everything Assange Touches Gets Illuminated

The bombshell revelations of the imprisoned journalist were arguably small potatoes compared to the criminality Assange exposed by simply standing his ground, writes Caitlin Johnstone.

The U.S. appeal of a British court ruling on the Assange extradition case has concluded, and the judges will probably not have a decision ready until at least January — a full year after the extradition was denied by a lower court. Assange, despite being convicted of no crime, will have remained in Belmarsh prison the entire time.

During that time the judges will be weighing arguments they’d heard about the cruel nature of the U.S. prison system, which formed a major part of the reasoning behind Judge Vanessa Baraitser’s rejection of the U.S. extradition request. They’ll be considering the draconian policy of Special Administrative Measures, whose victims are cut off from human contact and from the outside world.

They’ll be considering the brutality of the supermax ADX facility in Florence, Colorado, where inmates are kept in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day, and where Assange could easily wind up imprisoned despite the prosecution’s flimsy assurances.

Assange probably never set out on this journey with the goal of calling attention to the abuses of the U.S. prison system as his foremost priority, but, as is so often the case with anything his journey touches, those abuses keep getting pulled into the light of public awareness anyway.

His case now goes beyond press freedom, U.S. war crimes, corrupt governments collaborating to stomp out inconvenient truth tellers and the malfeasance of U.S. alphabet agencies. It’s about the abusive nature of the U.S. prison system as well.

And this is a big part of what I find so endlessly captivating about the life of this extraordinary individual. No matter what he’s doing, no matter where he is, no matter how beaten down and silenced and immobilized he may appear, his life keeps exposing things. Keeps bringing things into the light.

It’s been a constant throughout his life as near as I can tell, from when he was a young man using his technical prowess to help Australian police bring down distributors of online child pornography in the mid-nineties. This curious impulse to bring what is hidden in the dark out into the light where it can be seen is what gave birth to WikiLeaks and all the major revelations about the criminality and corruption of the powerful which resulted from its publications.

And as paradigm-shattering as those many bombshell revelations were, they were arguably small potatoes compared to the criminality Assange exposed by simply standing his ground until the most powerful institutions in the world conspired to drag him from the Ecuadorian embassy and lock him in Belmarsh Prison for telling the truth.



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5d4b10  No.14880176

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23e98d  No.14880177

File: 076c8cf545904a4⋯.png (373.49 KB, 444x334, 222:167, Screenshot_2021_10_29_at_1….png)

Australian actress fighting for life after suffering a stroke caused by AstraZeneca Covid vaccine


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0ccd34  No.14880178


this. but they better have excellent security

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007686  No.14880179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


As Cold War tensions between the USA and the USSR intensified at the start of the 1960s, the American military created an intricate failsafe system to coordinate its strategic and nuclear arsenal in case of a nuclear attack. While multiple facilities existed on the ground,

Looking Glass provided an additional airborne node in case all these ground centres were somehow wiped out.

The name Looking Glass was chosen since the airborne fleet mirrored operations on the ground. Consisting of specially equipped EC-135 aircraft, Looking Glass flew out of Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska, the headquarters of the Strategic Air Command. From the moment the first aircraft took off on 3 February 1961, a Looking Glass plane flew above the United States 24 hours a day for the next 29 years, except for a brief interruption in March 1980.

Each aircraft was crewed by one of seven operational teams consisting of up to 20 skilled individuals known as battle staff. In the event of a devastating nuclear attack that wiped out all ground control centres, the Airborne Emergency Action Officer (AEAO) could assume full authority to coordinate a counterattack. This included the ability to direct bombers and launch intercontinental ballistic missiles using the radio-controlled Airborne Launch Control System. This ability to retaliate was well known to the Soviets, and consequently served as an additional deterrent to any potential attack.

Although Looking Glass’s continuous airborne alert was discontinued on 24 July 1990, the planes and crews continued their 24-hour alert from the ground but with the ability to take off at a moment’s notice. A similar system continues to function today.


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1cf7c8  No.14880180


Turd Blossom says, ‘while you’re still trying to figure out the last rigged election, we’re rigging the next one’

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8e0ea0  No.14880181

File: 47c4114182b4500⋯.png (1.09 MB, 723x717, 241:239, ClipboardImage.png)



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46ea20  No.14880183


Free Julian Assange!

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0ccd34  No.14880184


her body her choice

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f5bce8  No.14880185


are you taking my peeeels?

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7491ff  No.14880186


Mostly numbers for the public to see.

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6a00dc  No.14880187

File: f2d3a395c84abac⋯.png (89.24 KB, 886x443, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Just the Beginning: Ten Afghan Evacuees Detained as National Security Risks

The Biden administration is giving America gifts that will keep on giving for generations to come, and one of the foremost of these gifts is the newly-arrived group of Afghan evacuees: 70,000 are now in the U.S., and the total number is expected to exceed 124,000 before long. One of Biden’s handlers, unnamed in a Wednesday Wall Street Journal report, has admitted that ten of these evacuees have already been detained as risks to national security. Only ten out of 70,000 isn’t bad, right? Sure. But Biden’s handlers’ catastrophic mishandling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan makes it virtually certain that there will be many more.

The reasons for this are clear. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas noted in late September that 60,000 Afghans had been brought to the United States by that time, including nearly 8,000 who were American citizens or residents of the country, and 1,800 had Special Immigrant Visas (SIV) issued to them for aiding the U.S. military in Afghanistan.

What about the rest? Mayorkas explained:

Of the over 60,000 individuals who have been brought into the United States [from Afghanistan]—and I will give you approximate figures and I will verify them, approximately 7 percent have been United States citizens. Approximately 6 percent have been lawful permanent residents. Approximately 3 percent have been individuals who are in receipt of the Special Immigrant Visas. The balance of that population are individuals whose applications have not yet been processed for approval who may qualify as SIVs and have not yet applied, who qualify or would qualify—I should say—as P-1 or P-2 refugees who have been employed by the United States government in Afghanistan and are otherwise vulnerable Afghan nationals, such as journalists, human rights advocates, et cetera.

The upshot of this is that over eighty percent of the Afghan evacuees were neither American citizens nor SIV holders. So who are they? No one knows. Certainly Biden’s handlers don’t. Congressman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) recently discovered that 12,000 of the Afghans who were sent to Camp As Sayliyah in Qatar and then went on to the U.S. were not just “individuals whose applications have not yet been processed for approval,” as Mayorkas put it, but had no identification at all. Issa stated: “They came with nothing. No Afghan I.D., no I.D. of any sorts. Those people were all forwarded on to the U.S., and that’s quite an admission. So many people had no I.D. whatsoever and yet find themselves in the United States today based on what they said.”

This is no reason to be concerned, say Biden’s handlers. Another (or maybe the same one quoted before) unnamed “senior official” in the Biden administration assured the Wall Street Journal that “the use of biometric and biographic data was a robust screening strategy, as the U.S. had decades to build up databases of information related to national security threats and crime. The official said it was sufficient to address the lack of paperwork or other identifying information.” The official downplayed any risk: “In the case of Afghanistan, we had quite a lot [of data] because we’ve spent almost 20 years in the country. It was actually a particularly rich set of information in those various databases.”

National Security Council spokesperson Emily Horne added: “The fact that some have been flagged by our counterterrorism, intelligence, or law enforcement professionals for additional screening shows our system is working. Many of the same people criticizing us for bringing in Afghans were on TV calling for us to evacuate as many Afghans as possible in August.”


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d3c584  No.14880188

File: 01168d16d2573ed⋯.png (360.87 KB, 456x762, 76:127, 587.PNG)

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a99ad7  No.14880189

File: d21ba061e93e0bd⋯.jpeg (44.71 KB, 375x500, 3:4, 26475252_E493_4862_B242_6….jpeg)

Target Practice

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0caedc  No.14880190

File: e5e301a6500ebfd⋯.png (242 KB, 360x678, 60:113, ClipboardImage.png)

Two Down, Eight to Go: Primary the RINOs

• Valdao is being challenged in CA by Chris Mathys (https://www.mathyscongress.com/)

✅ Kinzinger is being challenged in IL by Catalina Lauf (https://www.catalinaforcongress.com/)

• Meijer is being challenged in MI by Tom Norton (https://tom.gop/)

• Upton is being challenged in MI by Steve Carra (https://www.carraforcongress.com/)

• Cheney is being challenged in WY by Harriet Hageman (https://www.hagemanforwyoming.com/)

• John Katko (NY-24) is currently uncontested [ Need Primary Candidate]

✅ Gonzalez is being challenged in OH by Max Miller (https://www.votemaxmiller.com/)

• Tom Rice is being challenged in SC by Ken Richardson (https://kenforcongress.com/news) (https://kenforcongress.com/news)

• Herrera-Beutler is being challenged in WA by Joe Kent (https://www.joekentforcongress.com/)

• Newhouse is being challenged in WA by Loren Culp (https://culpforcongress.com/)

Learn more 🔎🧵 Peter Thiel Funding MAGA Candidates (https://t.me/LibertyOverwatchChannel/5717)


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f47ede  No.14880191

File: 0c2c382b7f3f1fc⋯.jpg (17.63 KB, 205x278, 205:278, Screenshot_20210821_144542….jpg)

File: 79d87872ccbd351⋯.jpg (80.35 KB, 539x556, 539:556, Screenshot_20210823_205431….jpg)

File: 173b5f72a4944d9⋯.jpg (38.62 KB, 379x260, 379:260, Screenshot_20211026_192302….jpg)

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5d4b10  No.14880192


Last I checked Sticks and Stones still break bones. Gardening requires you use the right tools for the job to be effective. Using a rope to pull out a tree stump for instance may cause quite a bit of damage when it snaps.

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ed6c90  No.14880193


Taiwan has more deaths from Vaccine than Covid


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8cfa81  No.14880194


anons are maybe too eager to support Bidan regime's belligerence towards China …







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f47ede  No.14880195

File: acf8fd069ab2f37⋯.jpg (519.63 KB, 1200x1685, 240:337, Screenshot_20211027_235011….jpg)

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9caafd  No.14880196

File: cbf067c8083faf3⋯.jpg (328.24 KB, 710x826, 355:413, Pepe_shrugged.jpg)


>Australian actress fighting for life

She fighting from beyond the grave then?


She chose poor;ly.

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f47ede  No.14880197

File: e94ce48cf4ad566⋯.jpg (100.95 KB, 959x599, 959:599, Screenshot_20211028_225920….jpg)

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48d959  No.14880198

File: 74ade5010d1c9ed⋯.png (1.18 MB, 861x589, 861:589, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ef0ee16cdea2b1⋯.png (1.1 MB, 826x589, 826:589, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f68d17d76b7e99⋯.png (1.06 MB, 800x589, 800:589, ClipboardImage.png)

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0502e8  No.14880199

Cuomo's indictment for a "Misdemeanor" stopped the whole NEWS FLOW for going on two fucking days…WHY IS THIS ASSHOLE RELEVANT???…

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ed6c90  No.14880200


Queensland Health confirms 'adverse vaccination events' aren't being followed up - there are too many.


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23e98d  No.14880201

File: 3ddea2c07ab5211⋯.png (199.04 KB, 620x409, 620:409, Screenshot_2021_10_29_at_1….png)


VAGINAL ulcers could be a newly discovered side effect of Covid vaccination, US doctors have claimed.


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f47ede  No.14880202

File: bdd1e6b5ad99a51⋯.jpg (19.28 KB, 262x371, 262:371, Screenshot_20211024_204934….jpg)