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File: de7fff1187caa1f⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1030x728, 515:364, qresearch.png)

654978  No.14867075[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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a2f4fc  No.14867085


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- Sidney Powell: https://defendingtherepublic.org/

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- Wendy Rogers: https://t.me/wendyrogersaz/

- Liz Harris: https://twitter.com/lizharrismba

- George Papadopoulos https://twitter.com/GeorgePapa19

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Standard Information Warfare Procedures


Gather Everyone In the AM and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got in the PM! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

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[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from https://botsentinel.com and use them to help get your #HASH out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

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'God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.' -SwordAnon

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a2f4fc  No.14867087



>>14866314 Us appeal on Julian Assange Extradition Day 1

>>14866346 DWAC filed the merger agreement:

>>14866368 Twitter posts $536M loss in Q3 over lawsuit payout.

>>14866371 United States issued the first passport with an "X gender marker" for "non-binary, intersex, and gender non-conforming persons" today.

>>14866372, >>14866382 Voter Integrity Project, has created a "Cheat Sheet" of the most problematic findings from the audit: (PDF, CAPS)

>>14866380, >>14866462 LIVE: Attorney General Merrick Garland testifies on Justice Department oversight

>>14866386 Why have the Nordic countries suspended use of your Moderna vaccine for young people?

>>14866402 Brace yourselves for a wall of fear in the UK over the next few weeks.

>>14866433 FTC examining Facebook disclosures: report

>>14866435 !!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!

>>14866448 Anon needs of list of Companies doing Business with China (see Fortune500)

>>14866469 Nicolas Cage on prop weapon disharge "You blew my F*king eardrums out!"

>>14866506 Anons need Christmas ideas?

>>14866520, >>14866577 FDA Panel Votes Unanimously to Approve 5 to 11-year-old Vaccinations

>>14866536 Your Immune System Explained

>>14866581, >>14866647 RITTENHOUSE PANIC (#BasedJudge)

>>14866650, >>14866689 Juan O' Hoss

>>14866728, >>14866671 Baldwin Movie Shooting Interestingly, about an hr away from Epstein's Zorro Ranch

>>14866738 Anon saving money just in time for Christmas

>>14866771, >>14866817 Los Angeles is launching the US' biggest universal basic income pilot. (#Communism in 3..2..)

>>14866785 witch comms

>>14866818, >>14866868 BombAlert and Multiplying

>>14866826 CA war on water continues, watch the water wasted there

>>14866840 CIA Looking Glass - Remote Viewing (Portal… TOR?)

>>14866929 Sante Fe authorities give an update on 'Rust' movie set shooting case

>>14866943 news on those still in Afghanistan

>>14866997 Jovan's report finally finished headed to the Arizona Senate

>>14866892 Multiple Attorney Generals To File w/SCOTUS To Decertify

>>14866969 Obama's Parents at JFK Event?

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a2f4fc  No.14867090


>>14865560 : Victorians could be fined up to $90,000 and jailed for TWO YEARS just for not wearing a mas (Seriously its about your health)

>>14865630 Louisiana gave a 16 year old the Covid vaccine without his parents knowledge or consent:

>>14865640 Job listings for employers who do not have Covid vaccine mandates.


>>14865666 Durham unloads thousands of documents to Sussmann defense

>>14865676 A law firm that employed Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe is being paid handsomely to fight victims of alleged sexual abuse in schools

>>14865682 demons are real

>>14865687 Here Are Some Of The Consultants Raking In Millions Promoting CRT In Schools, According To Conservative Advocacy Group

>>14865688 Wisconsin Senate Finally Decides to Request Investigation into 2020 Election

>>14865692 Missouri and Ohio Leave National School Boards Association

>>14865731 Huma Abedin: Clinton aide details sex assault by US senator

>>14865797, >>14865909 Ex-US Embassy staffer accused of drugging, molesting women worked in CIA, FBI urges victims to come forward

>>14865812 A California man was busted for threatening to kill Rep. Matt Gaetz and shoot his children in a profanity-laced phone message to the Florida congressman’s office, reports said.

>>14865857 anon speculates 2 years of stormy weather

>>14865935 US to appeal British judge's decision to block Assange extradition

>>14866056 Steve Bachar, former White House staffer and former co-chairman of the Clinton Global Initiative, charged with felony theft and securities fraud

>>14866099 RightForge, an internet infrastructure company that courts conservatives, will host former President Trump's new social media platform,

>>14866176 People arrested for sex crimes against children mysteriously change their race and ethnicity to white. WTF?

>>14866246 Denounce Trump and you walk free.

>>14866300 #18804


>>14864794, >>14865185 The George Soros 'Good Information Inc.' is a panicked response to TruthSocial

>>14864986, >>14864994, >>14865009 [They] are losing their grip on [Info Control]. And [They] are scared.

>>14865125 FDA Panel Votes Unanimously to Approve 5 to 11-year-old Vaccinations: “That’s Just The Way It Goes

>>14865142, 3 year olds get the jab in China

>>14864918 This is why Terry McAuliffe shrugs at the rape of teen girls in Loudon County and the coverup

>>14864966 ANOTHER California In-N-Out shut down over vaccine mandate

>>14864976, >>14864993, >>14865003, >>14865014, >>14865020, >>14865042, NEW MESSAGE FROM ARCHBISHOP CARLO VIGANIO

>>14865027 AT&T Promises Its 5G Network Is About to Get Better…

>>14865075, >>14865085, >>14865112, >>14865123 [eyes on]

>>14865094 jim this is shit

>>14865139, >>14865146 Everyone knew it was a rigged election, except the voters.

>>14865177 Microscope evidence of phizer vaccine causing blood clotting/clumping, blood loss of oxygen carrying capability

>>14865230, >>14865240 WA has gone full retard

>>14865420, >>14865471 Kim Wyman to become Election Security Lead for DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

>>14865470 On this Telegram channel, we teach you how to escape tyranny by 'big tech' companies

>>14865480 Without election integrity we have a dictatorship; with a dictatorship we have no rights.

>>14865510, >>14865517, >>14865521, >>14865522, >>14865523 Who is Ray Epps?

>>14865513, >>14865515 Trump endorses Charles W. Herbster and President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil

>>14865170, >>14865319 We salute on this #DayOfTheDeployed (NSA proof)

>>14865528 #18803

Previously Collected

>>14863227 #18800, >>14863949 #18801, >>14864719 #18802

>>14860929 #18797, >>14861710 #18798, >>14862461 #18799

>>14858577 #18794, >>14859338 #18795, >>14860162 #18796

>>14856106 #18791, >>14857074 #18792. >>14857778 #18793

>>14853380 #18788, >>14854767 #18789, >>14856315 #18790

>>14851299 #18785, >>14852532 #18786, >>14854213 #18787

>>14848997 #18782, >>14849758 #18783, >>14850524 #18784

>>14847112 #18779, >>14847476 #18780, >>14848901 #18781

>>14844315 #18776, >>14845360 #18777, >>14845872 #18778

>>14842040 #18773, >>14842798 #18774, >>14843565 #18775

>>14839615 #18770, >>14841534 #18771, >>14841662 #18772

>>14836179 #18767, >>14836976 #18768, >>14838572 #18769

>>14834461 #18764, >>14835361 #18765, >>14836204 #18766

>>14832852 #18761, >>14834430 #18762, >>14834430 #18763

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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a2f4fc  No.14867093

Tweet Tools

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* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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Other Dedicated Research Threads

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International Q Research Threads

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>>14739794 ————————————–——– Germany #89

>>14586201 ————————————–——– Nederland #7

>>14740217 ————————————–——– Japan #3

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

=!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

1. Watch >>14692975 VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS

2. Open Current Dough Link

3. Create Thread (Subject, Welcome Content, Image), Open thread and Paste Remaining Contents

4. Check Format against Current Dough

5. Request Baker for Review

Approximate baking time averages around 2-3 minutes reposting 4-5 posts.

*Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

*Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

*Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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a2f4fc  No.14867098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


#18806 https://controlc.com/65f1fe61

Kitchen Open For Next Baker

Note Takers Standby.



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2490cb  No.14867102

File: abab0f20bdcd196⋯.png (808.37 KB, 1065x766, 1065:766, Oct_27_15_most_influential….png)

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a3b7b7  No.14867103

File: 0c17d923a18bbaa⋯.jpeg (222.37 KB, 567x184, 567:184, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

I hope everyone is watching the MASSIVE Caravan pouring through Mexico and headed to our Country. This must be stopped before they reach our Border, or before. Just nine months ago, we had the strongest Border in our Nation’s history. This should have never happened!


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a3b7b7  No.14867117

File: fbaaaa3755def17⋯.jpeg (222.37 KB, 660x709, 660:709, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

Dr. Deborah Birx Blames 30 to 40 Percent of Pandemic Deaths on Trump’s Negligence

In closed-door testimony to the House Select Coronavirus Subcommittee this month, excerpts show that Birx claimed that up to 130,000 lives could have been saved if the administration had promoted mask-wearing and social distancing in the pandemic’s early days. The White House did, however, promulgate the “15 days to slow the spread” talking point while Dr. Anthony Fauci said people had “no reason” to be wearing masks. Birx said:

I believe if we had fully implemented the mask mandates, the reduction in indoor dining, the getting friends and family to understand the risk of gathering in private homes, and we had increased testing, that we probably could have decreased fatalities into the 30 percent less to 40 percent less range.

Birx, who violated her own coronavirus restrictions to meet with her “depressed” and downtrodden elderly parents on Thanksgiving, further claimed that President Trump did not do enough to curb the pandemic.


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0f799b  No.14867121

Something is happening somewhere

I just looked at ADS radar & a train of MIL planes literally flew over my house. I could hear them in the distance but obviously couldn't see shit. I look at that radar every day & this is the first I've seen such a train. There is a lot of activity along the East Coast as well

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0f799b  No.14867125



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a3b7b7  No.14867127

File: ef81e9011fb8338⋯.jpeg (222.37 KB, 1213x239, 1213:239, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

Federal judge in Florida says Trump Twitter case must be heard in California

Miami-based U.S. District Judge Robert Scola Jr. ruled that Trump agreed to be bound by Twitter’s terms of service in 2009 when he created his @realdonaldtrump handle while he was a private citizen. Those terms include a so-called “forum selection clause” requiring that suits against the San Francisco-based company be brought to federal court in northern California.

Scola, an Obama appointee, rejected Trump’s claim that his position as a sitting president should exempt him from that requirement.


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f28e86  No.14867128

File: 038b81c3b7e0747⋯.mp4 (959.92 KB, 360x480, 3:4, star_trek_q.mp4)



back to reddit… kek

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e802db  No.14867130

making a threat against parents yourself is not investigation

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5df9c2  No.14867133


Intel55 transits anon airspace ATM

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0bb526  No.14867141

File: 51a47b26ae9c1f9⋯.png (486.95 KB, 750x500, 3:2, lets_go_brandon_triggering.png)

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f28e86  No.14867142

God is trying to show anons something bigger than Balwin (marker)

Santa Fe

Zorro Ranch

Bonanza Creek Ranch



Playboy Mansion

Make the connections anons.

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a3b7b7  No.14867143

File: 7b0a01117b3cde3⋯.jpeg (222.37 KB, 1175x230, 235:46, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

'Striketober' has been a long time coming and is only the beginning


It shouldn’t take a strike to make sure wealth is more fairly shared with those who create it, to make workplaces safer, and to reward a life of work with dignified retirements. But today it does take that. We can expect more strikes — and we should all hope that the courage of the strikers prevails.

Edward M. Smith began his work-life laying asphalt in Illinois as a member of the Laborers’ International Union, working his way up in the union to become a vice president. Today he is president and CEO of Ullico Inc., an insurance and investment company.


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155073  No.14867144


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b624f1  No.14867145

File: e33bf62fa468d54⋯.jpg (307.89 KB, 1444x1135, 1444:1135, system_1.jpg)



Last two verses in the Bible…

20 & 21. Interesting it’s 2021


Blessing to you all

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f28e86  No.14867146

Santa Fe Sheriff and DA aren't protecting Baldwin. They're protecting something much bigger.

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e8aae5  No.14867147

File: 56495c4e0d020cb⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14867129 Lb

He doesn't have Alzheimer's or dementia, he's playing a part. It's a show.

His butts been wiped with the constitution, he needed TP for his bunghole.

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5a3d1c  No.14867148

File: a2b5038da4353c9⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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35d6dd  No.14867149

File: fb5c033e6d5cc1c⋯.png (779.77 KB, 1009x624, 1009:624, ClipboardImage.png)



repost - important to understand the real power behind the destablization of countries - NGO'S AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH





NGOs And United Nations Helping Caravan At Border To Get Into America

Bannons War Room Published October 27, 2021


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48d16c  No.14867150

WTF is Blumenthal babbling about? He having Vietnam flashbacks?

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461c8d  No.14867151


marie needs pills for schizophrenia

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d9883e  No.14867152

sup anons, had to come in through the back door, catalogue fucky or me?

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fc7c33  No.14867153


No charges for the shooter

The only thing being shown is that there is no God, and that if you are rich and powerful you can get away with murder, Scott-Free.

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e6f22a  No.14867154


Not sure how ALL of you do this thankless task…YOU ARE LOVED!!!

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ba6273  No.14867155

File: 73ab14f6e7aa850⋯.jpg (34.15 KB, 597x415, 597:415, sandyblumenthal.jpg)

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0bb526  No.14867156

File: d02dd4d22d3ac4f⋯.png (316.7 KB, 612x407, 612:407, kek_one_kek_only.png)


>Vietnam flashbacks

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e802db  No.14867157


he's trying to appear like he actually cares about teh fibbies bs letting pervs go while simultaneously making the threats against parents seem less important

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8897c8  No.14867158

The elections are safe!

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155073  No.14867159

garland admitted that the targetting is for threats against public officials from anonymous sources

VESSEL : def, TROJAN whoreS

tool = garland

garland face of the soviet dictatorial POWER on AMERICANS

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0bb526  No.14867160

File: 4a1fc7ec725a99d⋯.jpg (87.57 KB, 609x493, 21:17, Russia.jpg)

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fa4744  No.14867161

File: 6d518bd0472005a⋯.jpeg (426.23 KB, 1241x1655, 1241:1655, 3CB51B56_AA9C_4AE3_AE39_4….jpeg)

WI going down for voter fraud

And Fuck Joe Biden and Merrit Garland, may you both land in the pits of hell


Have a great day Anons.

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5d8464  No.14867162

File: 560d1f2308b781b⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 297x359, 297:359, F3E3DB41_4F0A_4557_B6AD_8B….gif)


Anons notice that bewbs make the dough rise

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1aeac0  No.14867163

File: 3e23f1a9480ff3e⋯.png (174.33 KB, 753x575, 753:575, Screenshot_from_2021_10_27….png)

File: 4a45996de904621⋯.png (116.61 KB, 506x502, 253:251, Screenshot_from_2021_10_27….png)

File: 280b0cda72c3975⋯.png (133.22 KB, 461x507, 461:507, Screenshot_from_2021_10_27….png)

File: 286d4a2957e22dc⋯.png (196.74 KB, 635x590, 127:118, Screenshot_from_2021_10_27….png)

>>14866871 pb

>>14866871 pb

>Notice anything weird in this video?

The Jab gave that kid tourettes

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ad9a11  No.14867164

File: c00691c7c020ad7⋯.mp4 (14.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, We_re_Not_Gonna_Take_It_An….mp4)

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eaeeb8  No.14867165


I have seen the 404 error here a few times today myself, something odd happening once in a while.

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1f259d  No.14867166

File: 38615b5a89a008d⋯.jpeg (26.78 KB, 500x437, 500:437, qstarktrek.jpeg)


kek alrighty then

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a160bb  No.14867167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cotton Confronts Garland Over 'Outrageous Directive Siccing The Feds' On Parents 'Across America'

At today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) confronted AG Merrick Garland about a controversial memo on school board safety.


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a3b7b7  No.14867168

File: 7e0ba34c9a8773c⋯.jpeg (222.37 KB, 663x712, 663:712, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

Hollywood Camera Operator Arrested for Allegedly Threatening to Kill Rep. Matt Gaetz

“Federal prosecutors say that on Jan. 9, Huelsman called the office of someone described in the indictment solely a ‘M.G.’ and issued threats to him and his family,” Politico reported on Tuesday.

According to the indictment, Huelsman told Gaetz to “watch his back” and “watch his children”

“Tell [M.G.] to watch his back, tell him to watch his children,” Huelsman allegedly said. “I’m coming for him… I’m gonna f*ing kill him… I’m gonna put a bullet in you and I’m gonna put a bullet in one of your f*ing kids too.”


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35d6dd  No.14867169

File: d2852c6a2365d0d⋯.png (73.78 KB, 289x361, 289:361, ClipboardImage.png)

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fa4744  No.14867170


Da Nang Dick is irreputable, and cannot be relied on to have any good intent or interests for the American people

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1c2347  No.14867171

File: 2130e10770fbd07⋯.jpg (167.65 KB, 1708x828, 427:207, retro244.jpg)

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7ca835  No.14867172

File: 98e28665033ddf5⋯.png (999.83 KB, 620x775, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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0bb526  No.14867173

File: a02809f4a98842e⋯.png (452.23 KB, 744x495, 248:165, f_biden_keks.png)


>Fuck Joe Biden

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3092cd  No.14867174

File: 78bfc0bc14b33d8⋯.jpeg (173.62 KB, 1440x1593, 160:177, 78bfc0bc14b33d81b8a65946a….jpeg)

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5df9c2  No.14867175

File: 741a7eba32c4219⋯.png (46.72 KB, 600x433, 600:433, ClipboardImage.png)

Animal Kill clock.


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8897c8  No.14867177

The American people are stupidest in the world!


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a6d5fd  No.14867178

We know they create fake narratives to change the news cycle.

We know they create fake narratives to send comms in plain sight.

Could Baldwin (who plays DJT) firing a [shot] heard [round] the world actually be comms that DJT is done playing cat and mouse and he's [LOCKED AND LOADED] to fire with LIVE AMMUNITION?

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ad9a11  No.14867179

File: c00691c7c020ad7⋯.mp4 (14.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, We_re_Not_Gonna_Take_It_An….mp4)

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9c21e0  No.14867180


In other words, Trump should have acted as a dictator after four years of falsely accusing him of acting as a dictator. We all know that mandating masks would have been used as proof that he's a dictator.

These people are sickening.

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fa4744  No.14867181


So Nunes, Gaetz and others said the Efbreeye doesnt investigate death threats against them and their familes.

Time for the whole corrupt temple to come down on DC’ by a natural event

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0bb526  No.14867182

File: e511e5002e99cbc⋯.png (242.6 KB, 613x407, 613:407, Biden_blame_trump.png)

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155073  No.14867183


Don't say anything about justice - that's considered a threat by garland

school board meetings to be staffed with under cover polain clothes roy epps intigators and violent committers with no badges, legal repurcussions

protecting democracy with stazi secret police waving their alec baldwin wands

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119bc8  No.14867184

File: 3a283b186b2421a⋯.png (391.19 KB, 620x790, 62:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ec42be67b64480⋯.png (383.99 KB, 513x784, 513:784, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 993043517dbc834⋯.png (194.35 KB, 591x477, 197:159, ClipboardImage.png)

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ba6273  No.14867185

Tillis: The full force of the FBI is now something a parent has to think about before they go before a schoolboard meeting to express their concerns.

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8897c8  No.14867186

The Serfs better learn their place

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fa4744  No.14867187


These people feel empowered now, these people are stupid

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872c60  No.14867188

File: ccf5d7eea0e76f4⋯.jpg (112.64 KB, 448x442, 224:221, cashflip.jpg)

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a160bb  No.14867189

File: 6555b5f1bb177da⋯.png (321.06 KB, 307x480, 307:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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a3b7b7  No.14867190

File: bb74772e034336f⋯.jpeg (222.37 KB, 656x610, 328:305, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

White male marketing VP at North Carolina hospital wins $10million 'reverse discrimination' payout after he was replaced by two women - one of whom is black - as part of diversity and inclusion program


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2bd17d  No.14867191


Why would they use this clip?

The kids eye movements are plain freaky!

Any normal person watching that clip surely has 2 nd thoughts of letting their child get the jab.

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f0a602  No.14867192

File: 48a8ff878e2a2f9⋯.jpg (804.57 KB, 1290x710, 129:71, 48a8ff878e2a2f941252cfbaa8….jpg)

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f28e86  No.14867194

Why was the staple of Hollywood 'Westerns'? (Gun violence) How long has the Cabal been setting up for gun grabs?

What is Bonanza Creek Ranch a part of? Is Epstein 'Zorro Ranch' really in the middle of nowhere, like fake news says or is it in the Santa Fe orbit? How many movies have been filmed at Bonanza Creek Ranch? Who from Hollywood has houses in Santa Fe? Corporate/Government 2nd homes?

Baldwin is a segway to things much bigger.

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6fc170  No.14867195

anybody else see the public school system imploding over the next 5 years?

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68c4c9  No.14867196

File: 825897f4f2f55d4⋯.jpg (44.85 KB, 642x750, 107:125, ECC9q7cWkAE5vtf.jpg)

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ad9a11  No.14867197



Sorry for positing twice, didn't appear to be successful the first time.

In case anyone wanted this video as an MP4 since youtube keeps removing. Enjoy!

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fa4744  No.14867198


I just got the thought that are are successfully stifling even our speech, you just proved it

Anyone can say Fuck You to me and I could care less

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a6d5fd  No.14867199


The full force of MAMA BEAR FUCKING RAGE is what the FBI will have to deal with if they come anywhere near me.

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65d046  No.14867200

File: d27f6e33ef98f63⋯.png (44.28 KB, 598x559, 46:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd637e6cd78481d⋯.png (536 KB, 1198x452, 599:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c390d54d4ad4191⋯.png (30.7 KB, 598x397, 598:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 828045e7c504014⋯.png (32.65 KB, 748x390, 374:195, ClipboardImage.png)

TheLastRefuge Retweeted

Glenn Greenwald


Judge Amy Berman Jackson releases a 1/6 defendant from pre-trial prison, where has been held since March, after he writes a letter promising that he has changed his political views and now hates Trump. The judge directs his father to keep Fox and MSNBC off in the house. Thread:


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68c4c9  No.14867201

File: 460b236d277ee90⋯.jpg (38.05 KB, 566x318, 283:159, EXBYH3hWoAA2lKk.jpg)

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5b8ef7  No.14867202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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68c4c9  No.14867203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

pinkie swear

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5a3d1c  No.14867204

File: 54d28830b524c5f⋯.png (649.52 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3849f709878352a⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1800x888, 75:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40f9fc3e9dc4e98⋯.png (822.4 KB, 1804x880, 41:20, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5642358f7321f3⋯.png (952.29 KB, 1800x876, 150:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e30488504cfbda5⋯.png (529.34 KB, 1798x872, 899:436, ClipboardImage.png)


Toss in Chaco Canyon, Roswell, White Sands/Holloman AFB, and Sandia National Laboratories too

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4f29ea  No.14867205

File: 9fd5498bca45ed1⋯.png (117.06 KB, 1081x822, 1081:822, Information_Gatekeepers_In….png)



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1aeac0  No.14867206

File: 82eac52f77eb322⋯.png (923.24 KB, 1074x756, 179:126, argentinaEpsteinSundial.png)

File: fa7b7a40393f88c⋯.png (57.71 KB, 673x576, 673:576, santaFe1.png)

File: 1e427df6aba956f⋯.png (166.15 KB, 410x272, 205:136, baldwinTrump.png)

File: 1b5ad2a855e9e70⋯.png (730.53 KB, 1238x1202, 619:601, baldwinTweet3.png)


how about comms

but not from [them]?

pb below


>Actors are acting


>1 hit in Q drops.

>re a shooting.

>Santa Fe High school


>Santa Fé in American English

>(ˈsɑntɑ ˈfɛ )

>city in central Argentina


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f94219  No.14867208

It's a Perfectly Normal Migration of People

Just ignore the 100's of Buses, Food Trucks & Free Phones.

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2fd5b1  No.14867209

File: 6234640bbd49d1f⋯.png (441.11 KB, 480x449, 480:449, ClipboardImage.png)


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0bb526  No.14867210

File: e79847ce2d2e3a6⋯.png (400.5 KB, 667x403, 667:403, ClipboardImage.png)

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a3b7b7  No.14867211

File: 8e723ddd12c04d9⋯.jpeg (222.37 KB, 660x428, 165:107, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

Facebook stood by and watched as Donald Trump ignited torrent of hate with social media posts telling looters in Minneapolis they would be shot, leaked documents reveal

Leaked Facebook documents on Wednesday revealed how Donald Trump's posts last year triggered a wave of hate-filled messages and calls to violence yet the social media giant took no action on the then president's words.

And they suggest that Facebook's own automated controls, meant to catch dangerous posts, should have flagged a problem with a post in which Trump warned looters they might be shot.

The revelations - among the latest from a whistleblower - will heap more pressure on Mark Zuckerberg's company to take more responsibility for content posted on its platform.


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155073  No.14867212

standard American rights don't apply when they're using terrorism laws against American civilians

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d778f9  No.14867213

File: 95264241ffe761a⋯.jpg (94.06 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ZomboMeme_27102021092634.jpg)

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27d39c  No.14867214


>This should have never happened

uhm anons

"This should have never happened!"

32 characters used


maybe im smoking too much again @.@

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5a3d1c  No.14867215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki

Beginning Shortly

Oct 27 2021


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5a3d1c  No.14867216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki

Beginning Shortly

Oct 27 2021


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155073  No.14867217

keeping school randi board safe using the TERRORISM LAWS

he's only concerned about violence and threats of violence

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f94219  No.14867218

Positive Energy Levels Rising

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034eb9  No.14867219

File: 21f4e303d627ecb⋯.jpeg (58.89 KB, 800x574, 400:287, 09EBD438_4864_42ED_8B8A_1….jpeg)

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fa4744  No.14867220


Well if hes going to investigate anyone that says fuck Joe, hes legally required to investigate anyone that said fuck Donald Trump for the last five years. Justice is not limited when it comes to the protection of any president of the US.

This rule he made up, applies to all that held the office

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dad425  No.14867221

File: b6bb370d1b5279d⋯.png (60.74 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 643BED1B_B84B_49C9_955B_98….png)


We’ll need to see your tits, ma’am.

It’s a procedural thing.

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5b8ef7  No.14867222


They are only a few miles from Guatemalan border.

At that rate it will rake 3 months to walk to Texas


What if they get on trucks and buses?

If you were Mexican police would you want to arrest 2000 poor migrants?

Or would you want to wait for the truck and bus drivers who are easier to track back to the caravan organizers?

It's a trap!

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2dd2c5  No.14867223

File: 7714d7d1ca42100⋯.jpg (136.16 KB, 718x318, 359:159, IN_DS_FACE.jpg)

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8897c8  No.14867224

File: fa7ad50d3f08b8d⋯.jpg (19.83 KB, 718x349, 718:349, IMG_20210930_141505_712.jpg)

Looks like Congress is about do greatest heist in history! Your 401k, your investments, your pension funds, even your house!

Not satisfied with the treasury

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a3b7b7  No.14867225

File: 31ec3c89eedc6b5⋯.jpeg (222.37 KB, 657x479, 657:479, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

Mexico-based US Embassy staffer who drugged, sexually assaulted and filmed attacks on at least 24 women was CIA spook, FBI admits


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6fc170  No.14867226

File: 9e8fd63e283c258⋯.gif (970.68 KB, 500x490, 50:49, 9e8fd63e283c258af25f29db22….gif)

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ba6273  No.14867227

Padilla suggesting President Trump be 'held accountable' for his 'scheme' to 'undermine our democracy'.

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5d8464  No.14867228

File: 571dab61dde976e⋯.jpeg (101.37 KB, 1284x707, 1284:707, 48D42416_C06A_41E2_ABAB_9….jpeg)

The Sequel to The Fall of the Cabal, Part 7, there is a very good overview for those needing an introduction to the dark side of NGOs, and particularly Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Warren Buffett

And, in the following few episodes, she digs deep into Bill Gates evil deeds and agenda


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119bc8  No.14867229

File: 61b86714f7356fc⋯.png (79.43 KB, 342x342, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



Newest cringe marketing campaign?

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155073  No.14867230


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e802db  No.14867231


DJT did not start that fire, the idiot DNC/MSM'S REACTION TO DJT is what started that "hate"

"Basket of Deplorables"?

turned quickly into white nationalists which then turned into accusations of outright racism

Fuck you ass holes… WE SEE YOU.

not (you) anon, just (them)

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6fc170  No.14867232

File: 685898e1140885c⋯.jpeg (49.21 KB, 214x255, 214:255, 006df268b94f8170623ab53b2….jpeg)

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3092cd  No.14867233

File: d973c6e3d7cde28⋯.png (164.27 KB, 656x767, 656:767, Time_KEK.png)

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0bb526  No.14867234

File: e11e6f7c3201f98⋯.png (285.65 KB, 515x484, 515:484, pepe_panic.png)


[They] hope that bringing Trump's name into this again will stop his new social media platform.Panic!

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1aeac0  No.14867235

File: 1749d951e968637⋯.png (479.22 KB, 1048x574, 524:287, santaFeArg.png)

File: f27e22e6c7e2826⋯.png (257.01 KB, 928x572, 232:143, Screenshot_from_2021_10_27….png)

File: 637ddb991a67adf⋯.png (480.71 KB, 1242x449, 1242:449, patagonia.png)

File: 0bfd08efabca000⋯.png (100.06 KB, 439x488, 439:488, patagoniaArg.png)

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1c2347  No.14867236

File: b0a8466b4abefc9⋯.jpg (5.01 KB, 225x225, 1:1, tisU44.jpg)


"Sheriff: Live Round Fired From Round That Killed Cinematographer"


distract from Garland


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140fc2  No.14867237


got a 1 min delta

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9c21e0  No.14867238


>Any normal person watching that clip surely has 2 nd thoughts of letting their child get the jab.

Maybe that was the point. It was a setup by a white hat on the inside.

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8897c8  No.14867239

Mustn't rhial the peasant serfs!

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715dcb  No.14867241

File: 8f83a00c2560926⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1200x680, 30:17, ClipboardImage.png)



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1c2347  No.14867242

File: b042affce91707e⋯.png (393.2 KB, 858x759, 26:23, timejump26OCT21.PNG)



time jump

had one yesterday

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5a3d1c  No.14867243


I did that last bread too.

Posting is weird today.

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6e5b9b  No.14867244


Yes. This is the start.

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98f8c1  No.14867245



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9c21e0  No.14867246

Why is it only the R's who are offended by the Garland memo?

The silence of the D's shows that they are fine with the DOJ going after parents.

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98f8c1  No.14867247



>>14867117 Dr. Deborah Birx Blames 30 to 40 Percent of Pandemic Deaths on Trump’s Negligence

>>14867127 Federal judge in Florida says Trump Twitter case must be heard in California

>>14867149 NGOs And United Nations Helping Caravan At Border To Get Into America

>>14867167 Cotton Confronts Garland Over 'Outrageous Directive Siccing The Feds' On Parents 'Across America'

>>14867168 Hollywood Camera Operator Arrested for Allegedly Threatening to Kill Rep. Matt Gaetz

>>14867215, >>14867216 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki

>>14867225 Mexico-based US Embassy staffer who drugged, sexually assaulted and filmed attacks on at least 24 women was CIA spook, FBI admits


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41da22  No.14867248

Military Tribunals

Life and death sentences already handed down.

Those that refuse to play their next role are ‘No Named’

Those playing their roles are exposing everything.

Do you see it?

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40bcbc  No.14867249

File: 5c4750c9cf3844e⋯.jpg (46.77 KB, 474x609, 158:203, hang_traitors.jpg)

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9c21e0  No.14867250

File: eb2770411ae0b20⋯.png (149.18 KB, 423x479, 423:479, pedo_jack_3.png)

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618eb4  No.14867251

File: ad3c03b80bdbcae⋯.png (391.68 KB, 1124x2766, 562:1383, ClipboardImage.png)

The Truth About The Privately Owned Federal Reserve Bank

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a3b7b7  No.14867252


> rhial

To "Rile" someone is to annoy or bother them. For example, a friend might rile you by constantly texting when you're trying to have a conversation with her. You can also rile water, meaning you make it muddy by stirring it up.


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8897c8  No.14867253


That's the dam precipice!

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d9883e  No.14867254

File: 1563fd34e42643d⋯.png (454.48 KB, 1693x590, 1693:590, ClipboardImage.png)

Over on half, copy below >>


Good redpill stuff…

The vaccine passport was always the plan. Even before this non-crises started.

Here's the roadmap for the vaccine passport for the EU was a goal since at least 2018




On pages 17-18, the report decrees that “privacy concerns must be set aside”

A depiction of our future vaccine I.D. card can be found on page 18 of the report.


The shots are 100% simply the Trojan Horse for the ID2020 bullshit.

March 2021

A blockchain empowered and privacy preserving digital contact tracing platformA blockchain empowered and privacy preserving digital contact tracing platform



ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines


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e802db  No.14867255


you will own nothing, including/especially your children.

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872c60  No.14867256

File: afa108bd80594e9⋯.jpeg (125.24 KB, 720x714, 120:119, jackd.jpeg)

File: 251bdd4ffaf8b8b⋯.jpg (54.91 KB, 392x330, 196:165, jack.jpg)

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8897c8  No.14867257


Was said with an accent!

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ba6273  No.14867258

Blackburn requesting a written status report of the Durham investigation.

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b1a293  No.14867259


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9c21e0  No.14867260


Apparently, it is wrong to hate looters. You should love them because they are just peaceful protestors.

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b624f1  No.14867261

File: fb112aad51f9b1e⋯.mp4 (608.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, file_store_24.mp4)

File: f2c2432a4ff47bd⋯.png (289.94 KB, 400x600, 2:3, e94e126be68f74f8ac0cdedd7a….png)

File: cddd624bcf708e0⋯.jpg (63.62 KB, 640x434, 320:217, cf7b9fc1c383f00f10647a4b75….jpg)

File: eaf2d53a63dca87⋯.jpg (322.15 KB, 720x1185, 48:79, 20181209_190218.jpg)

File: 272ad0eda3185b8⋯.jpg (16.86 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 272ad0eda3185b8af525c224e3….jpg)


>Anons notice that bewbs make the dough rise


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5b8ef7  No.14867262

File: b7261a34e4cf029⋯.jpg (103.04 KB, 1080x828, 30:23, IMG_20211024_201816_867.jpg)

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f94219  No.14867263

File: 1ef6aebbe030d6a⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1622580586_Copy.mp4)

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1cec95  No.14867264


Wish I could say yes

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c43ba6  No.14867265

m00 m00 cowbutt gangbang h00 m00

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1c2347  No.14867266

File: 3908e6b13a9188d⋯.jpg (10.32 KB, 284x177, 284:177, 44.jpg)

Will you provide for me a status report on the Durham Report. -Blackburn

44 Senators requested


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c43ba6  No.14867268


JACk drive thru hole stil not banged


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6e5b9b  No.14867269


Kek.. the lady in the truck window is from that meme with the speed bumps and the tube top.

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8897c8  No.14867270


Ruddy Milkies!

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0bb526  No.14867271

File: 413b56d8231a227⋯.png (138.06 KB, 500x325, 20:13, pepe_shit_.png)

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2fd5b1  No.14867272


Bezos in Bariloche:


/ / / / / / / / / / /

British billionaire Joe Lewis has acquired immense territories in the South of Argentina and even neighbouring Chile. His properties cover areas several times larger than the State of Israël. They are situated in Tierra del Fuego, at the extreme Southern point of the continent. In particular, they surround the Lago Escondido, which effectively denies access to the entire region, despite a legal injunction.

The billionaire has built a private airport with a two kilometre landing strip, in order to be able to receive civil and military aircraft.

Since the Falklands War, the Israëli army has been organising « holiday camps » (sic) in Patagonia for its soldiers. Between 8,000 and 10,000 of them now come every year to spend two weeks on Joe Lewis’ land.

While in the 1970’s, the Argentinian army noted the construction of 25,000 empty houses, which gave rise to the myth of the Andinia Plan, hundreds of thousands have been built today.

It is impossible to verify the state of the construction work, since these are private lands, and Google Earth has neutralised the satellite photographs of the area, just as it does with NATO’s military installations.



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f94219  No.14867273

File: 85ec8c5f174d5ea⋯.mp4 (280.98 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 1609203609_Copy.mp4)


Heh heh heh heh

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8897c8  No.14867274


Is this EO also including imported OIl?

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715dcb  No.14867275

File: f633c1b3000100a⋯.png (9.44 KB, 304x166, 152:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b1cacc8079c84b⋯.png (208.92 KB, 585x226, 585:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8886eada5cab527⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14864966 (pb)

In-N-Out is a Jewish establishment. They play games just like the rest of the cabal. Lynsi Snyder as Christian as Kenneth Copeland and she's been seen wearing the "Star of David" around her neck. The In-N-Out arrow represents Osiris's penis just like Amazon's swoosh.

When you see black people breaking into stores and looting everything, it's always corporate stores they loot.

When you see restaurants fight with the system and lose, it's always corporate restaurants.

When you see (((politicians))) get upset, they always whine on Gateway Pundit or other dumb bullshit news sites that only promote outrage.

They're all actors. This is more of the same Freemason blue/red black/white bullshit.

(pic related)


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28426d  No.14867276

File: 3c952c8e9460cfb⋯.png (882.1 KB, 880x598, 440:299, ClipboardImage.png)

Former ABC, NBC, and CNN Emmy-Nominated Cameraman Arrested for Threatening to Kill Matt Gaetz and His Family

A former camera guy for ABC, NBC and CNN has been arrested for threatening to kill Rep. Matt Gaetz and any future children that he has.

Eugene “Gene” Huelsman, 58, was arrested in Los Angeles on an indictment returned by a federal grand jury in Pensacola, Florida.

“Tell [M.G.] to watch his back, tell him to watch his children,” Huelsman told Gaetz’s office on Jan. 9, according to the two-page indictment shielding the lawmaker’s name as “M.G.” that was obtained by Law & Crime. “I’m coming for him, he’s gonna fucking die… I’m gonna fucking kill him… Watch your back, I’m coming for you. I’m gonna put a bullet in you and I’m gonna put a bullet in one of your fucking kids too.”

The indictment was filed under seal all the way back in May, but there was seemingly no effort to arrest him until Gaetz complained on the House floor about the Justice Department not taking threats against him seriously enough.

“I think someone may be trying to kill me and if they are successful I would like my constituents and my family to know who stopped their arrest,” Gaetz said last Wednesday. He added that someone had threatened him on Twitter and travelled to DC, but the Justice Department declined to arrest the suspect — even though the Capitol Police recommended that they should.

Huelsman previously received five Emmy nominations for his work on NBC’s Late Night with Conan O’Brien.

Though he was not fully named in the indictment, Gaetz confirmed to Politico on Tuesday that he was the target of the threats.

“An indictment was issued in May, and has now been unsealed the week after my criticism,” Gaetz said. “If they took our security seriously, they would arrest all of the people who violate federal law and the threats to kill us, not just some of them… I think that the Department of Justice is biased against Republicans.”


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1c2347  No.14867277

File: c7553ae849edbb7⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 498x208, 249:104, db44.gif)


yes sir

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0bb526  No.14867278

File: 7a54517642183f6⋯.png (361.48 KB, 565x441, 565:441, scared2.png)

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680f24  No.14867279

File: 4dfdc827689b15f⋯.png (601.64 KB, 1058x772, 529:386, ClipboardImage.png)


Kids today do routinely get:

13 vaccines, including 5 doses of DTaP, 4 doses of IPV (polio), 3 or 4 doses of hepatitis B, 3 or 4 doses of Hib (the number of doses depends on the vaccine brand used), 4 doses of Prevnar, 2 or 3 doses of rotavirus (the number of doses depends on the vaccine brand used), 2 doses of MMR, 2 doses of Varivax (chicken pox), 2 doses of hepatitis A, 1 doses of Tdap, 2 or 3 doses of HPV (the number of doses depends on the age you start the vaccine series), 2 doses of MCV4 (meningococcal vaccine), and yearly influenza vaccines

protection against 16 vaccine-preventable diseases, including diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, chicken pox, pneumococcal disease, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, meningococcal disease, HPV, rotavirus, Hib, and flu

about 28 doses of those vaccines by age two years (with yearly flu shots)

about 35 doses of those vaccines by age five years (with yearly flu shots)

as few as 23 individual shots by age five years if your child is getting combination vaccines, like Pediarix or Pentacel and Kinrix or Quadracel and Proquad

about 54 doses of those vaccines by age 18 years, with a third of that coming from yearly flu vaccines

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618eb4  No.14867280

File: 51bb55710063793⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1000x600, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


The entire nation has been pacified with a "hero" saving the day.

Dragging it out as long as possible until they get everything in place and everyone identified.

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155073  No.14867281


protecting democracy North Korea style

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fc7c33  No.14867282


We had to let the elections be stolen by Communist Dictators to show the world,that, "Patriots are in control."

You larpers are a hoot.

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6fc170  No.14867283

File: fc4c8255fdf13b1⋯.jpeg (29.95 KB, 247x255, 247:255, a51e332e472acf2eaa8030009….jpeg)


ever been late to hooters?

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40bcbc  No.14867284

File: e159fcdfb74ee40⋯.jpg (34.73 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_if_any_one_attempts_….jpg)

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0bb526  No.14867285


It's about time. It only took them months to finally get around to it. Had it been someone threatening a democrat, I guarantee it would have been handled much more quickly.

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28426d  No.14867286

File: 6376c2b7d74c452⋯.png (235.88 KB, 416x309, 416:309, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53437ce465a9c94⋯.png (927.32 KB, 1871x900, 1871:900, ClipboardImage.png)

Soros Attorney Selected by Biden Administration to Review US Drug Enforcement Agency’s Foreign Operations Strategy

More absolute corruption coming absolutely. The Biden Administration has hired a George Soros lackey to run an investigation into the international strategy of the US Drug Enforcement Agency.

This is unbelievable. The US government is being taken over by our enemies under the Biden Administration. This has to stop soon.

The DEA announced yesterday that a top-level Soros lackey has been appointed to the DEA to look into its foreign operations strategy.

What the DEA does not mention is that Boyd Johnson is a former counsel for the George Soros Fund Management as his resume at WilmerHale Law Firm confirms.

Leveraging three decades of public and private sector experience, Boyd Johnson provides strategic counseling to companies, boards of directors, and senior executives in their most significant and sensitive investigations, litigation, and regulatory matters. Over the past three decades, Mr. Johnson has served in a variety of senior roles, including as global general counsel for Soros Fund Management, the investment management firm founded by George Soros; the co-chair of WilmerHale’s White Collar Defense and Investigations Practice; and the Deputy US Attorney for the Southern District of New York. A skilled trial lawyer who has tried numerous cases to verdict and managed litigation matters in-house as a general counsel, Mr. Johnson is uniquely positioned to bring high-stakes disputes to positive resolutions for clients. Chambers USA, Best Lawyers in America, and The Legal 500 have consistently recognized Mr. Johnson as one of the nation’s leading defense lawyers.

There must have been better options than Johnson for this task at the DEA


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8897c8  No.14867287

Veitnam style…." We have to burn down the nation to save it".

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add173  No.14867288

File: 4c27dd9ed3fe9e1⋯.jpeg (58.29 KB, 362x334, 181:167, 0C052F7D_EB9B_4F2F_9458_4….jpeg)

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c43ba6  No.14867289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>cowbutt gangbang h00 m00

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f94219  No.14867290

File: 6946eaec1363319⋯.png (868.2 KB, 500x703, 500:703, ClipboardImage.png)

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680f24  No.14867291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The number of communists

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fc826a  No.14867292

File: 6c07c14cefdf169⋯.jpg (173.41 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, Angel_Art_Collective_Consc….jpg)

>>14867110 (lb)

>isn't exactly a show to be enjoyed.

"The end won't be for everyone."

At what point do we decide "enough's enough" and set our sights on real progression for the sake of humanity and the future of this world? It's tough leaving behind folks that we're deeply attached to, either spiritually, mentally, or ultimately physically. It's also tough to wake everyday knowing the pain and suffering WW due to the enemy we're fighting in the realm principalities. It's gotta start some time, and we're all going to feel the effects of progress. Pain is the wisest teacher of all. Time is the only healing salve for some wounds. The price and purpose for rescuing humanity is a debt we all pay in one way or another. We come into this world in love, and leave it the same. It's all that matters. We take comfort in knowing that when this is all complete, generations to come will know fully what it takes to keep the ship on the right course, and their lives will be exponentially better than our imaginations can even remotely conceive.

True human progress.

>>14867126 (lb)

>Brandon brings the keks.

Damn sure does!

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28426d  No.14867294

Illinois Senate Votes to Repeal Law That Requires Parents Be Notified Before a Minor Has an Abortion

The Illinois state senate has voted to repeal a law that requires parents be notified before a minor receives an abortion.

Tuesday’s vote took aim at a law that went into place in 2013 and required that parent or guardian be alerted at least 48 hours before the abortion.

Minors were allowed to waive the notification in cases where they were concerned for their safety.

The vote was 32 to 22 in favor of repealing the statute. Four Democrats crossed the party line to oppose it and five did not vote.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker has supported the effort to repeal notifications.

State Sen. Elgie Sims, who is a sponsor of the bill to repeal, said it is “a necessary proposal to move our state forward to protect our young people, often those who cannot protect themselves,” according to a report from the Chicago Tribune.

The Tribune reports that Republican Sen. Jil Tracy called the repeal proposal “illogical” and said it’s an example of Pritzker’s “radical agenda” that drives wedges between parents and their obligations to their children.

“Of all the human relationships, there’s none stronger than a relationship between parent and a child, and certainly while it lasts an entire lifetime, there is no better time and critical event in the minor years that child needs nurturing and support and counseling from their parents,” Tracy said at a news conference ahead of Tuesday’s vote.

The bill is now heading to the Democrat-majority House.


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c43ba6  No.14867295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a160bb  No.14867296

File: be1afb75bdd2f4d⋯.png (528.35 KB, 833x462, 119:66, ClipboardImage.png)

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d9883e  No.14867297

File: 2f9d5b4df0696a1⋯.png (901.46 KB, 1000x1130, 100:113, ClipboardImage.png)

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1aeac0  No.14867298

File: 356b8ebfe06917a⋯.png (897.95 KB, 953x948, 953:948, Fentanyl_george_f_valentin….png)

File: d80113a703baf3e⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 1616004971759.jpg)

File: 87fc6d1a36ac54f⋯.png (64.49 KB, 688x425, 688:425, Screenshot_from_2021_10_27….png)

File: 87fc6d1a36ac54f⋯.png (64.49 KB, 688x425, 688:425, Screenshot_from_2021_10_27….png)


wait, George Floyd was shot dead?

Fake news can't get anything right

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1c975a  No.14867299

File: 0e02a6aba88c6c3⋯.png (24.04 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Why bother going before the School Board?

Just take the kids out of the Septic School System.

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016ec7  No.14867300


this is fucking rich

she resigned right after she was caught having a thanks giving gathering while telling others not to do the same, last year

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7ca835  No.14867301

File: fa3ebe47a6f1371⋯.png (13.33 MB, 2560x1995, 512:399, ClipboardImage.png)

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add173  No.14867302

File: 9fa6c11b1a4c0aa⋯.jpeg (260.46 KB, 750x1054, 375:527, 2C19D381_F893_4121_9EC3_F….jpeg)


It’s a fact


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8897c8  No.14867303

The administration is concidering the adoption of internal covid passports for interstate travel for american citizens. Migrants will be exempt

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c43ba6  No.14867304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hiv mind just GEHY poo'd

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28426d  No.14867305

File: 02a3624585ce735⋯.png (466.24 KB, 500x370, 50:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60b8244976ced4d⋯.png (190.14 KB, 519x544, 519:544, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b01610275e1c11⋯.png (15.6 KB, 865x171, 865:171, ClipboardImage.png)

US "Assures" London Court That Assange Can Serve All Prison Time In Australia

US prosecutors who are on Wednesday arguing for the London High Court to overturn a prior January ruling by Judge Baraitser banning WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's extradition to the US on the basis that he would face cruel punishment in a US federal 'supermax' prison, are now offering multiple "assurances" in order to get that ruling overturned.

Most importantly, the US side says it will allow Assange to serve any prison time stemming from US charges - which include 18 criminal counts related to espionage - in his native Australia. Lawyer for the US DOJ James Lewis filed a document with the court promising the following:

"The United States has also provided an assurance that the United States will consent to Mr Assange being transferred to Australia to serve any custodial sentence imposed on him."

The January ruling which the US is this week seeking to have overturned was based on Assange being a potential suicide risk if transferred into US custody. It was a huge win for the WikiLeaks legal team, but the US side is now arguing that it can provide many assurances that this wouldn't be the case.

WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson this week said it would be "totally unacceptable" and "unthinkable" for the London court to reverse the prior decision, lifting the extradition ban.

Among the "package of assurances" the US lawyer is offering the court is that US authorities would ensure "any such clinical and psychological treatment as is recommended by a qualified treating clinician" at whatever prison Assange would be kept in custody.

Lewis has additionally said that Judge Baraitser had admitted to being "misled" by the psychiatric expert called on behalf of Assange, thus the case should be sent completely "back to the beginning". His strategy has been to pick apart all psychiatric testimony as unreliable and inaccurate.


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dad425  No.14867306

File: 4e96c21a933e21d⋯.png (214.43 KB, 377x424, 377:424, B7F6C62A_CB8A_4291_A592_9B….png)


Why not both?

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5d8464  No.14867307

File: 4af63e844cf60d7⋯.gif (1.57 MB, 400x225, 16:9, 7E6A0422_BCA1_45C7_B485_C1….gif)

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5a3d1c  No.14867308

File: e99afda6a814eb0⋯.png (826.09 KB, 474x657, 158:219, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73111a565adc5c9⋯.png (1.14 MB, 599x821, 599:821, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a9c02d7218373d⋯.png (690.42 KB, 919x578, 919:578, ClipboardImage.png)

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fc826a  No.14867309

File: 2b710885dbc245e⋯.jpg (146 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Fly_Girl_6.jpg)


It's going to sound crazy (coincidence, lol?), but I've had a few fly over the house goin' mighty fast. The most crazy one was about the time Psaki got buzzed during a presser (the visible fear in her face was telling). Anon lives in an area where that's just not a common occurrence. I'm curious to see if it happens again 'cuz I just recently relocated.

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9c21e0  No.14867310


>Some…Women are not decorations.

Omigod. That is so funny and so true at the same time.

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6fc170  No.14867311


Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election


its in there, gotta dig for it, but its in there.

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618eb4  No.14867312

File: d99be207e11bea5⋯.png (310.67 KB, 601x595, 601:595, AAngry_pepe.png)



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c43ba6  No.14867313





same turkey feathers

same asshole

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40bcbc  No.14867314

File: 2439b94b66e1dd9⋯.jpg (15.5 KB, 474x223, 474:223, Thomas.jpg)

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97d888  No.14867315


Maybe they punch him a few times or beat him with a stick to get him to complly - like they do monkeys in circuses.

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9c21e0  No.14867316


>More absolute corruption coming absolutely.

You must SHOW them.

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b624f1  No.14867317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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97d888  No.14867318


What happens when it's in the middle? Split population?

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6fc170  No.14867319

>>14867311 < THITH IS THE THAUCE.

>>14867262 < FOR THITH.

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c43ba6  No.14867320


maybe it is just designer pandering for elongapes

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2bd17d  No.14867321


It’s really about Antarctica, but you know that!

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c43ba6  No.14867322


some completely retarded idiot prime minister somewhere in syrup suckin cuntry wants to get that dude banged fo sho

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6fc170  No.14867323

File: a7905a3bc6329b2⋯.jpg (12.06 KB, 245x255, 49:51, ff6135e9c5673768b1afedfd10….jpg)

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97d888  No.14867324


Who they fuck is listing to this enemy combatant fraudster?

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f94219  No.14867325

File: 9864f8fd3c570de⋯.png (4.94 MB, 2048x1902, 1024:951, ClipboardImage.png)


Bring. It. On.

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98f8c1  No.14867326



>>14867117 Dr. Deborah Birx Blames 30 to 40 Percent of Pandemic Deaths on Trump’s Negligence

>>14867127 Federal judge in Florida says Trump Twitter case must be heard in California

>>14867149 NGOs And United Nations Helping Caravan At Border To Get Into America

>>14867167 Cotton Confronts Garland Over 'Outrageous Directive Siccing The Feds' On Parents 'Across America'

>>14867168, >>14867276 Hollywood Camera Operator Arrested for Allegedly Threatening to Kill Rep. Matt Gaetz

>>14867215, >>14867216 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki

>>14867225 Mexico-based US Embassy staffer who drugged, sexually assaulted and filmed attacks on at least 24 women was CIA spook, FBI admits

>>14867251 The Truth About The Privately Owned Federal Reserve Bank

>>14867286 Soros Attorney Selected by Biden Administration to Review US Drug Enforcement Agency’s Foreign Operations Strategy

>>14867294 Illinois Senate Votes to Repeal Law That Requires Parents Be Notified Before a Minor Has an Abortion

>>14867305 US "Assures" London Court That Assange Can Serve All Prison Time In Australia


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0bb526  No.14867327

File: 83d40ae138f5139⋯.png (352.27 KB, 491x494, 491:494, pepe_naughty4.png)

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715dcb  No.14867328

File: f633c1b3000100a⋯.png (9.44 KB, 304x166, 152:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b1cacc8079c84b⋯.png (208.92 KB, 585x226, 585:226, ClipboardImage.png)


How could I have forgotten the most important piece? Thanks anon.

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6fc170  No.14867329

File: 05fed1ad2a00724⋯.jpg (15.07 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 74abdcbc87310c6d259ce74f1e….jpg)

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e5f76f  No.14867330

File: 02d1aacb96bab90⋯.jpg (123.58 KB, 578x500, 289:250, 5ra0wh.jpg)

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ba6273  No.14867331

Garland was sitting waiting with mask on. Of course, it's okay to remove it during hearing while he is talking; pulled it down briefly to take a drink of water.

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8897c8  No.14867332


Explains the rising gas prices…

Shut down domestic production, along with no port of entry for imported oil…. A recipe for artificial shortages and high prices…

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28426d  No.14867333

File: 6ea1969f7e95355⋯.png (192.15 KB, 557x812, 557:812, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9efb0551436a96e⋯.png (72.18 KB, 848x389, 848:389, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump says Brazil ‘lucky’ to have Bolsonaro after its Senate votes to charge him with ‘crimes against humanity’ for Covid toll

Former US President Donald Trump has expressed support for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro after a parliamentary committee recommended charging the latter with “crimes against humanity” in relation to his Covid-19 response.

On Tuesday, seven senators of an 11-member Brazilian Senate commission assented to bringing nine criminal charges against Bolsonaro – on the basis of a high-profile report that compiled the findings of a six-month inquiry into his administration’s handling of the pandemic.

Hours after the announcement, Trump released a statement noting that Brazil was “lucky” to have Bolsonaro “working for them.” Describing him as a “great President”, Trump said he would “never let the people of his great country down.”

President Jair Bolsonaro and I have become great friends over the past few years. He fights hard for, and loves, the people of Brazil – just like I do for the people of the United States.

The endorsement was appreciated by Bolsonaro’s son, Eduardo, who tweeted his thanks for the “fine words” and described both his father and Trump as “two patriots who love their countries”.

Dubbed the “Trump of the Tropics,” Bolsonaro had become one of Washington’s closest Latin American allies during Trump’s presidency. Both leaders have regularly exchanged praise for one another, with Trump saying he was “honored” to have his 2016 US election victory compared to Bolsonaro’s triumph in 2019. In May 2019, the US had designated Brazil as a “major non-NATO ally”.

The report, which was tabled last week by the Senate’s Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI), found that Bolsonaro’s government had “deliberately exposed the population to the [explicit] risk of mass infection,” including through the “deliberate delay” of vaccine purchases.

Centrist Senator Renan Calheiros, the report’s lead author, called for the CPI’s recommendation to charge Bolsonaro with crimes against humanity to be referred to the International Criminal Court (ICC). Brazil is a party to the Rome Statute, which created the Hague court – but the ICC would first need to determine whether the case has merit.


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7ca835  No.14867334

File: 025a207fa2d9e95⋯.png (4.43 MB, 1800x2495, 360:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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40bcbc  No.14867335

File: ca97a59ca40fa12⋯.jpg (11.68 KB, 474x252, 79:42, Jackson.jpg)

File: 04e093b3868519e⋯.jpg (38.12 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_when_tyranny_becomes….jpg)

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b624f1  No.14867336

File: 84104f65ae4b1d1⋯.gif (990.45 KB, 289x257, 289:257, LWtej2lt303K.gif)


Karate milky chop, kek

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ee2adf  No.14867337

File: c830b557388c1ff⋯.jpg (63.43 KB, 626x204, 313:102, Screenshot_20211027_122404….jpg)

First Missouri, now Ohio!


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6fc170  No.14867339





you guys are up next.

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8897c8  No.14867341

$4 dollar a gallon gas soon, nation wide average.

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28426d  No.14867342

File: 437cc523434d9b0⋯.png (468.41 KB, 660x330, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a707aeaefa3e0a⋯.png (765.88 KB, 595x868, 85:124, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 808a83b15a59590⋯.png (43.92 KB, 655x577, 655:577, ClipboardImage.png)

Serial Rapist CIA Agent Arrested After Naked Woman Seen Screaming for Help from Balcony

Brian Jeffrey Raymond, who has lived in D.C. and San Diego, while working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), is now on the other side of the law after a naked woman was seen screaming for help from the balcony of his latest residence in Mexico City.

According to the FBI, Raymond, 45, pleaded guilty in July 2021 to two counts of sexual abuse, in which the victims were incapable of consent, and one count of transporting obscene material. Now, they are seeking more information after images of multiple victims were found on his devices.

The FBI began investigating Raymond in May of 2020 when a naked woman was seen screaming for help from his residence in Mexico City. According to authorities, the woman had no idea how she got to his home and claimed she had no memory after the pair ate dinner together.

When searching his devices, the FBI discovered hundreds of images and videos taken over the the course of 14 years from 2006 to 2020. This serial rapist had dozens of victims and all of them were unconscious during their rapes.

According to court filings, in some of the 500 images in videos, Raymond can be seen holding open the victims’ eyelids, waving their limp arms and legs around, or putting his fingers in their mouths to demonstrate that they are unconscious.

When investigators looked into Raymond’s online search history, they discovered he had looked for phrases including “passed out black girl,” “deep sleep,” “Ambien and alcohol and pass out,” “dissolve,” and “passed out and carried.”

The FBI reports that the women in the photos and videos experienced memory loss during their time with Raymond and had no knowledge of the photographs, videos, or any physical contact.

Raymond resided in the Washington, D.C., and San Diego areas according to the FBI and he traveled extensively for work and leisure, and lived in numerous countries, including Mexico and Peru. Raymond was living in Mexico City and working at the U.S. Embassy from August 2018 until May 2020 when he moved in with his parents after the investigation was launched into his acts.

Both the FBI and the CIA refused to elaborate on Raymond’s position within the intelligence agency and the CIA only released a canned statement claiming it “condemns in the strongest terms the crimes committed by former Agency officer Brian Jeffrey Raymond.”

Given the nature of his job, however, and the travel it entailed, the FBI believes there could be many other victims.


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d9883e  No.14867343

File: de7672ec1c238fd⋯.jpg (7.39 KB, 255x166, 255:166, waht_the.jpg)

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0bb526  No.14867344

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB, 398x442, 199:221, pepe_5.png)


[They] shut down domestic production. Moves and countermoves…

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3a459b  No.14867345


fake and ghey post. not the general

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618eb4  No.14867346

File: ef85f31d2e3f2e1⋯.jpg (112.16 KB, 720x535, 144:107, 3_12.jpg)

File: b6e87859596b570⋯.jpg (77.49 KB, 720x514, 360:257, 1_17.jpg)

File: 8240c89d7cf211b⋯.jpg (178.86 KB, 212x320, 53:80, 1635354287005blob.jpg)

File: 6a68a0531939dbb⋯.jpg (592.3 KB, 581x386, 581:386, 1635300035743blob.jpg)

File: fc6d4fbc889bd3f⋯.jpg (41.7 KB, 700x466, 350:233, awesome_photos_41.jpg)

For anons viewing and sharing pleasure.

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28426d  No.14867347

File: 437cc523434d9b0⋯.png (468.41 KB, 660x330, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a707aeaefa3e0a⋯.png (765.88 KB, 595x868, 85:124, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 808a83b15a59590⋯.png (43.92 KB, 655x577, 655:577, ClipboardImage.png)

Serial Rapist CIA Agent Arrested After Naked Woman Seen Screaming for Help from Balcony

Brian Jeffrey Raymond, who has lived in D.C. and San Diego, while working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), is now on the other side of the law after a naked woman was seen screaming for help from the balcony of his latest residence in Mexico City.

According to the FBI, Raymond, 45, pleaded guilty in July 2021 to two counts of sexual abuse, in which the victims were incapable of consent, and one count of transporting obscene material. Now, they are seeking more information after images of multiple victims were found on his devices.

The FBI began investigating Raymond in May of 2020 when a naked woman was seen screaming for help from his residence in Mexico City. According to authorities, the woman had no idea how she got to his home and claimed she had no memory after the pair ate dinner together.

When searching his devices, the FBI discovered hundreds of images and videos taken over the the course of 14 years from 2006 to 2020. This serial rapist had dozens of victims and all of them were unconscious during their rapes.

According to court filings, in some of the 500 images in videos, Raymond can be seen holding open the victims’ eyelids, waving their limp arms and legs around, or putting his fingers in their mouths to demonstrate that they are unconscious.

When investigators looked into Raymond’s online search history, they discovered he had looked for phrases including “passed out black girl,” “deep sleep,” “Ambien and alcohol and pass out,” “dissolve,” and “passed out and carried.”

The FBI reports that the women in the photos and videos experienced memory loss during their time with Raymond and had no knowledge of the photographs, videos, or any physical contact.

Raymond resided in the Washington, D.C., and San Diego areas according to the FBI and he traveled extensively for work and leisure, and lived in numerous countries, including Mexico and Peru. Raymond was living in Mexico City and working at the U.S. Embassy from August 2018 until May 2020 when he moved in with his parents after the investigation was launched into his acts.

Both the FBI and the CIA refused to elaborate on Raymond’s position within the intelligence agency and the CIA only released a canned statement claiming it “condemns in the strongest terms the crimes committed by former Agency officer Brian Jeffrey Raymond.”

Given the nature of his job, however, and the travel it entailed, the FBI believes there could be many other victims.


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fc826a  No.14867348


>Those playing their roles are exposing everything.

>Do you see it?

It's about waking everyone else up. There was a meme floating around here featuring Psaki that says something to the effect of "We were instructed to go over the top so the people would wake up".

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0bb526  No.14867349

File: 5967993e3b17bbb⋯.jpg (68.43 KB, 640x960, 2:3, gas_prices.jpg)

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9c21e0  No.14867350


Let me get this straight. They want to charge Bolsinaro with crimes against humanity for NOT acting like a dictator by throwing people out of work and jabbing them with a poisonous substance? What planet is this again?

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9b2e38  No.14867351


One of the Senators in today's hearing listed a whole bunch of states. It's a lot more than two.

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fb3b76  No.14867352

File: 01aa89b7e9836f5⋯.jpg (185.78 KB, 1015x633, 1015:633, pdjtga16.jpg)


TY, Anon. Will never get old.

Board's been a little glitchy lately.

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2fd5b1  No.14867353

File: a7357442a07bb45⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1419x764, 1419:764, ClipboardImage.png)

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1c975a  No.14867354

File: 269322c1a4a89a2⋯.png (758.28 KB, 678x435, 226:145, ClipboardImage.png)


And put a bell on the cat.

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9c21e0  No.14867355

File: 8b97ad5c48864de⋯.png (125.48 KB, 421x478, 421:478, jack_6.png)

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ba6273  No.14867356

File: ddc8c39fa71082c⋯.jpg (40.13 KB, 612x396, 17:11, 5gpwo9u6u.jpg)

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618eb4  No.14867357




They will use anything to change the narrative of exposing truth. And bewbs is clearly a weak spot!


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add173  No.14867358

Is there ANY sauce that Halyna Hutchins was actually working on a documentary to expose elite pedophiles in Hollywood and beyond?

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c43ba6  No.14867359


cause justin face retarded huh

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8897c8  No.14867360


Next up

Create artificial borders between states to choke commerce to a crawl

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1c2347  No.14867361

File: 2b12e77c41b9a2c⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 255x128, 255:128, 4cb6097a07ea32fd0f9b0fb8a5….jpg)


EO 13848

its the key to everything

Paired with the LOW Manual makes for very 'dasting reading, if this is your first exposure.

Prior to midterms: September 12, 2018


Prior to midterms: June 12, 2015.



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6fc170  No.14867362

File: 54753b11c591607⋯.jpg (17.24 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 2e7998de2878ac2583c66af54b….jpg)



great set! yeah babyyyyy!

lets fuggin go!

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119bc8  No.14867363

File: ce3b6b6faca9f0c⋯.png (16.22 KB, 902x177, 902:177, ClipboardImage.png)


Why is the site being throttled?

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0764a3  No.14867364


this is one weird fucking mvoie

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5b8ef7  No.14867365

File: 524436454b43146⋯.png (15.92 KB, 280x280, 1:1, SPECTRE_Logo.png)



This Anon understands why the board is calledQ Research

On Anon posts a CUE

And other Anons do research to find sources and additional info.

Collaborative Investigation

We find the facts to show that the Conspiracy is not just a theory.

SPECTRE is real!

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c43ba6  No.14867366



overcooked tranny propoganda

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5217bd  No.14867367

File: c3e5bb47cb7ecd1⋯.jpg (60.49 KB, 538x299, 538:299, ZomboMeme_26102021210759.jpg)

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0bb526  No.14867368

File: 7d564b1dddf6a42⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1024x853, 1024:853, fuck_biden.png)

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07fd22  No.14867369


already paying it for premium in FL

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28426d  No.14867370

File: 761bc01c48a8282⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1024x536, 128:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3092a0c9835086⋯.png (1.24 MB, 933x785, 933:785, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba474935157459b⋯.png (344.4 KB, 961x641, 961:641, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c67e585bcef559c⋯.png (630.27 KB, 896x804, 224:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed64a550ed0ab5a⋯.png (382.4 KB, 995x886, 995:886, ClipboardImage.png)

Bogus FDA Advisory Committee On Child Vaccines Featured Pfizer Group Chair

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory committee voted 17-0 to authorize Coronavirus injections for children between the ages of 5 to 11, but the FDA has not yet authorized the child vaccine based on the Committee’s recommendation.

Numerous Pfizer-connected people including a former Pfizer Vaccines vice president, a Pfizer vaccine site mega-operator, and a currently serving chair of a Pfizer-sponsored committee served as FDA Advisory committee members, as we explain below. This massive conflict of interest with Pfizer makes this hearing a total joke.

In the virtual meeting, a temporary voting member on the Committee named Eric Rubin of Harvard said that “But we’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes.”

The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee is holding a virtual meeting Tuesday October 26 to discuss authorizing a Pfizer-BioNTech Coronavirus vaccine for children between the ages of 5 to 11 years old.

This committee has a lot of sway with the FDA and their findings will be relevant, considering the Biden administration is getting ready to ship vaccines to elementary schools and California has already mandated the vaccine for schoolchildren pending federal authorization.

But the meeting roster shows that numerous members of the committee and temporary voting members have worked for Pfizer or have major connections to Pfizer.

Members include a former vice president of Pfizer Vaccines, a recent Pfizer consultant, a recent Pfizer research grant recipient, a man who mentored a current top Pfizer vaccine executive, a man who runs a center that gives out Pfizer vaccines, the chair of a Pfizer data group, a guy who was proudly photographed taking a Pfizer vaccine, and numerous people who are already on the record supporting Coronavirus vaccines for children. Meanwhile, recent FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb is on Pfizer’s board of directors.

HERE’S THE MEETING ROSTER: Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee October 26, 2021 Meeting Draft Roster.

Acting Chair Arnold S. Monto was a paid Pfizer consultant as recently as 2018.

Steven Pergam got the Pfizer vaccine: Building trust in safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines (fredhutch.org)




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779aea  No.14867371

File: dc84e156e0d1ee2⋯.png (837.01 KB, 687x643, 687:643, Capture.PNG)

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c43ba6  No.14867372


poland polelandstanks homo

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0f799b  No.14867373


Another memorable moment on halfchan when Germananon made a bunch of threads where we figured out all the comms & the fuckery with the blur tool etc. Germananon sent an email to the Dailymail after we went through it all explaining all we found & they did a story on it.

Good times. It is so rare to find moments like that over there. But it still happens

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b624f1  No.14867374

File: 8b0426b64a0aefd⋯.png (217.69 KB, 488x512, 61:64, file_store_38.png)




It might go as high as $25/gall in certain locals like CA imo.

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c43ba6  No.14867375


must be a succubus joke

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5217bd  No.14867376

File: 863f3f4074e2c8b⋯.gif (865.67 KB, 280x204, 70:51, Q_Cigars.gif)

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f5f6bd  No.14867377


I'm sure C_A employees can get access to all kinds of mind control drugs. This is one more reason to disband that department for good.

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a2ff2e  No.14867378

File: dece8b6d6d8f272⋯.png (388.04 KB, 661x449, 661:449, 2021_10_27_13_34_08.png)


>Illinois Senate Votes to Repeal Law That Requires Parents Be Notified Before a Minor Has an Abortion

Everthing wrong with Illinois Boss Hog

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fc826a  No.14867379

File: 09f2afce0744549⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 46.19 KB, 829x545, 829:545, Mound_drone.JPG)


Top notch, anon. TY!

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6e5b9b  No.14867380

Garland getting bitch slapped r n.

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0bb526  No.14867381

File: 0a479d3c8c55a24⋯.png (659.03 KB, 697x719, 697:719, game_over_man.png)


No coincidences

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40bcbc  No.14867382

File: 157744f700f6690⋯.jpg (12.97 KB, 474x223, 474:223, Adams.jpg)

File: 5a5bd55278a45fb⋯.jpg (17.69 KB, 474x200, 237:100, Stand_Your_Ground.jpg)

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9c21e0  No.14867383

Garland getting torn apart again, this time by Hawley.


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d9883e  No.14867384



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28426d  No.14867385

File: ba0e306e687a9cf⋯.png (1.16 MB, 794x794, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d7d8e7fd3e8d56⋯.png (229.58 KB, 763x801, 763:801, ClipboardImage.png)

More than 470,000 without power in Massachusetts after devastating nor’easter

More than 470,000 people are without power in Massachusetts Wednesday morning as a nor’easter pounded the region with fierce winds and heavy flooding.

The state’s outage map shows a whopping 473,200 people without power as of 8:20 a.m.

Wind gusts reached 97 mph at the height of the storm — and although the wind is expected to die down as the morning progresses, gusts still reached around 70 mph on the outer Cape early Wednesday, NBC 10 Boston reported.

About half of the town of Chatham was left without power Wednesday morning as the storm tore down trees and branches, according to the report.

A woman needed to be rescued from her car after a tree fell on top of it as she drove on Route 6A in West Barnstable, the outlet reported.


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119bc8  No.14867386

File: 57dbe845b805a83⋯.png (303.5 KB, 607x342, 607:342, ClipboardImage.png)

Unfuck the site.

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97d888  No.14867387


I just realized this bastard is profiting from my SquareUp payment processor - hurry up Trump, we desperately need alternatives to cunts like this.

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2fd5b1  No.14867388

File: 3c582abf85bf4ac⋯.png (1.16 MB, 954x799, 954:799, ClipboardImage.png)



Watch the water

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c43ba6  No.14867389

>>14867370 gehy shit jewbeef necromancer robohomo pricks drugs means david willcoke is not publicly fehgel

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1c2347  No.14867390

File: 93064a081b03e5a⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 360x195, 24:13, R.gif)


above my pay grade

been recording the "time jumps" for weeks.

establishing a framework for this place is a whole different rabbit hole.


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7ca835  No.14867391

File: e0c5522837b28e5⋯.png (22.67 KB, 729x177, 243:59, ClipboardImage.png)


innout tuonni tuoni

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a160bb  No.14867392

File: 5be373f56f70ea6⋯.png (744.23 KB, 834x469, 834:469, ClipboardImage.png)

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add173  No.14867393


The movie keeps getting better and better :)

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c43ba6  No.14867394


danielfaggot still wants watch up his asshole

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cd55b9  No.14867395

File: 7cacfad11555af3⋯.jpg (17.08 KB, 352x366, 176:183, Screenshot_20211020_165903….jpg)

Live to fight another day sexy Qd

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ba6273  No.14867396

Hawley: [Going by the US Attorney in Montana memo] They [parents] could be prosecuted for using the internet, I guess that would be Facebook, in a way that may cause emotional distress to a 'victim'.

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28426d  No.14867397

Joe Biden Says United States ‘On the Right Track’ Despite Record Inflation, High Gas Prices, and Shortages

President Joe Biden argued Tuesday the United States is “on the right track” under his leadership, during a campaign speech for former Gov. Terry McAuliffe in Virginia.

“We’re on the move but we’re on the right track, we’ve got more to do,” Biden boasted during his address, urging Virginians to support McAuliffe for governor.

The president ignored Americans struggling with increased inflation, high gas prices, and supply chain shortages, and promoted the free things he wanted to give Americans.

He argued Americans were enjoying increased household wealth, more manufacturing, and a high stock market.

“Take a look at the stock market now, it’s higher than it’s ever been,” Biden boasted. “I guess everything doing well!”

Biden promised better infrastructure and internet access across the state, free pre-school, free child care, cheaper prescription drugs, and replacing lead pipes in homes and schools across the United States, even though Democrat divisions in Congress has stalled his agenda.

He said Donald Trump “was the only president since Herbert Hoover” to experience more jobs lost than gained during his four years in office, without mentioning the coronavirus pandemic as the cause of job losses.

Likewise, Biden boasted he was bringing back jobs at a faster rate than any president in history, without mentioning the jobs were lost as a result of artificially shutting down the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden also excoriated Trump for only getting two million people fully vaccinated, even though the Food and Drug Administration did not issue emergency use authorization until December, one month before Trump left office.


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0f799b  No.14867398

Merrick was just doing SOS blinks!!! HAHAHAHA

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cd55b9  No.14867399

File: aead6d85c3519b6⋯.jpg (37.48 KB, 307x362, 307:362, Screenshot_20211027_113104….jpg)

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0bb526  No.14867400

File: bd003bc815dc971⋯.png (483.22 KB, 952x500, 238:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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bd313c  No.14867401

File: 284a494a71eff1e⋯.png (2.11 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 09EB7CF7_907D_4337_8F7A_2E….png)


Got a line of thunderstorm that reach from the bottom of the US all the way to the top of Canada. Never seen that before.

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cd55b9  No.14867403

File: d362a3243b76590⋯.jpg (591.64 KB, 2000x1200, 5:3, Screenshot_20211023_172607….jpg)

File: 047401b1f673bdb⋯.jpg (653.26 KB, 2000x1200, 5:3, Screenshot_20211023_172611….jpg)

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28426d  No.14867404

Pompeo: Xi Jinping Knows Joe Biden Not Defending America’s Interests

Tuesday on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle,” former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned President Joe Biden was revealing to the Chinese that the Biden administration was not enacting policy that was not necessarily in the best interest of the United States.

Pompeo told host Laura Ingraham warned Chinese President Xi Jinping was aware of this and was using it to his advantage.

“I think [Xi Jinping] believes that he will be sitting across the table from a leader who will not defend America’s interest, not provide a clear articulation of America being first and foremost in his policy vision,” he said. “I think he thinks he is sitting across from a leader who he can roll and get a deal that will make a lot better outcome for the Chinese Communist Party, a worse outcome for the American people, frankly a worse outcome for most the Chinese people as well, but certainly one that’s not in America’s best security interest. I think that’s the reason he wants to sit across the table from President Biden, so he can cut a fat deal for his own team.”


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6fc170  No.14867405

trimmed? pruned? wtf is this satanic faggotry?

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1c2347  No.14867406


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9c21e0  No.14867407


Maybe it's time for anons to take the 8kun Bread Launcher seriously.


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6e5b9b  No.14867408

Cruz up.

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a3c439  No.14867409

File: ea1c684c818e1d3⋯.gif (8.21 MB, 630x354, 105:59, 20211027_113814.gif)


God has no need to conquer evil.

He Created it for His Own Reasons..you would not be in this situation if He did not Desire it be so.

one does not understand why you deny His Absolute Sovereignty.

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0764a3  No.14867410



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ba6273  No.14867411

Hawley suggests Garland may not be in control of the department…

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a160bb  No.14867412

File: 64056e6a762c361⋯.png (749.7 KB, 830x461, 830:461, ClipboardImage.png)

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0764a3  No.14867413

File: 919c2c00a48287f⋯.png (195.93 KB, 492x524, 123:131, cruz_clam.png)

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ee2adf  No.14867414

File: e84e05731ce00ce⋯.jpg (280.35 KB, 720x1004, 180:251, Screenshot_20211027_123749….jpg)

VIDEO: Journalist Reads Filthy Porn Book from School’s Library at FL School Board Meeting – Board Members Call Police to Have Him Forcefully Removed for Reading Obscene Content Aloud

The book, Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe, a graphic novel with drawings that explains in lurid detail the sexual interactions between two young men, has been inserted into high school libraries across America, despite it violating guidelines against pornography or sexually explicit materials being provided to minors and paid for with our tax dollars.


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eaeeb8  No.14867415

File: 40ab05eec335497⋯.png (697.56 KB, 941x663, 941:663, ClipboardImage.png)


Found this article, it lists 3.


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cd55b9  No.14867416

File: f8d328cc0c55a43⋯.jpg (39.8 KB, 398x276, 199:138, Screenshot_20211024_201436….jpg)

81 boomers hands on stick ;)


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6fc170  No.14867417


weather warfare on our ag sector. (harvest time)

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b1a293  No.14867418

File: 9f32fc32ed2dea6⋯.png (80.49 KB, 854x853, 854:853, ClipboardImage.png)

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1c975a  No.14867419

File: 341ee7a0d05bb3f⋯.png (14.17 KB, 220x374, 10:17, ClipboardImage.png)

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0764a3  No.14867420


unleash the camels of carnage

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c43ba6  No.14867421


herndon and onions

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35d6dd  No.14867422

File: f6cd7aed4acd954⋯.png (541.32 KB, 606x344, 303:172, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2fe432f43df5e2⋯.png (336.33 KB, 606x390, 101:65, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20d3244e7680f82⋯.png (402.84 KB, 606x342, 101:57, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 890b9c28c50ac25⋯.png (585.74 KB, 606x411, 202:137, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b5b319e1138fad⋯.png (548.05 KB, 606x410, 303:205, ClipboardImage.png)


that anon is what is called a hive mind.

we do it cos who else will or can?

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c5d683  No.14867423

When are these lefties goona drop any remaining pretense and out right rule by decrees…..

Cut to the chase please.

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9c21e0  No.14867424

Ted Cruz taking his turn at bitch slapping Garland.

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28426d  No.14867425

File: 29153847d047444⋯.png (564.34 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e76f2bb6fcc4222⋯.png (30.59 KB, 677x427, 677:427, ClipboardImage.png)

Report: Build Back Better Act to Have $500 Billion in Climate Carveouts

The Build Back Better Act, President Joe Biden’s roughly $2 trillion infrastructure bill, will reportedly contain more than $500 billion in carveouts to combat climate change.

Axios reported Tuesday that the Build Back Better Act will contain more than $500 billion in spending to address climate change.

Axios’ Alayna Treene said this would amount to “the single biggest component of the sweeping package.”

Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI) told Axios that the provision would exceed $500 billion in spending.

“Everything else is getting a massive haircut, but this isn’t,” Schatz said.

“This will be, just as a matter of fact, the biggest climate bill in human history. At least half a trillion dollars. That’s a pretty good story to tell at the Conference of Parties (COP26),” Schatz added.

President Joe Biden will travel to the 2021 United Nations climate conference Thursday in Glasgow, Scotland. Biden has hoped to use the passage of his dual infrastructure bills as a way to tout America’s mission to combat climate change.


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cd55b9  No.14867426

File: bdd1e6b5ad99a51⋯.jpg (19.28 KB, 262x371, 262:371, Screenshot_20211024_204934….jpg)

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d9883e  No.14867427

File: 6b60c5ea1ca4b88⋯.png (173.54 KB, 728x410, 364:205, ClipboardImage.png)


Check date

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ba6273  No.14867428

Reporter: Is getting a deal by tomorrow realistic?

Psaki: Yes..we'll see.

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0764a3  No.14867429


thismovie sucks

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cd55b9  No.14867430

File: da248dd6561fc92⋯.jpg (22.63 KB, 326x240, 163:120, Screenshot_20211026_150852….jpg)

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7ca835  No.14867431

File: 6aa4d4f82016d59⋯.png (412.26 KB, 450x450, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13f148637e08ffc⋯.png (3.16 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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97d888  No.14867432

The 99% have some serious ass kicking to do.

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d9883e  No.14867433

File: 4fe6030b7bf5281⋯.png (196.17 KB, 680x689, 680:689, ClipboardImage.png)


oops, check date: 9/14/2020

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972075  No.14867434


This board used to be breaking news. Now it's more than a week behind. Nothing breaks here anymore and since everyone stays on the board and is engrossed in cartoons real news is neglected..Shame.

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0bb526  No.14867435

File: 4123a0ecf350ee3⋯.png (330.97 KB, 726x720, 121:120, pepe_nerd.png)


For [them] yes…

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6fc170  No.14867436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2bd17d  No.14867437


So, you find out info on the ships, you have the culprits of the election interference!

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5b8ef7  No.14867438

File: 8027a68e0fe53c3⋯.png (95.81 KB, 576x289, 576:289, Poor.png)

1000's of years of human history.

Poor people struggled for dignity & justice; rich people fought for more, more, more. The ghosts of nobles & serfs, kings & peasants, princesses & peons, masters & slaves lined up in the living bodies of the present.

More: https://www.riverasun.com/chessboard-of-the-nation/

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c43ba6  No.14867439

File: 27c7d9af052303b⋯.png (557.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, trout_faced_portfolio.png)

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155073  No.14867440

stupid question

can i tell the irs i don't know how the money was spent and earned– like garland does his job?

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b1a293  No.14867441

File: 1710f73ecc2533d⋯.png (29.5 KB, 640x320, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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a99ad0  No.14867442

File: af1327b88b0942d⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1279x799, 1279:799, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14866552 (lb)

Can we pay using Patriot currency?

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2dd2c5  No.14867443

File: 56fd86ababa2859⋯.jpg (64.42 KB, 345x594, 115:198, TICK_TOCK_1111.jpg)

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155073  No.14867444

chef he doesn't care about the letter from the national school board association

chef - he just doens't care

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9c5d6a  No.14867445


Better cartoons here than on the cartoon channel!

Besides you get occasional milkies

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0bb526  No.14867446

File: f07607a62df71cc⋯.png (539.24 KB, 480x652, 120:163, pepe_morton_salt.png)

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c43ba6  No.14867447

File: b4a748526a2dd18⋯.jpeg (17.58 KB, 227x255, 227:255, retarded.jpeg)

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761067  No.14867448

Garland's "public reports" are fake news LIES!!

What a moran!

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add173  No.14867449


True, and most of that crap is from China

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28426d  No.14867450

Rules for Thee, Not MPs: Parliament Mandates Masks for All – Except Politicians

Mask-wearing has once again become mandatory in Britain’s House of Commons – for everyone except Members of Parliament.

Guidance published by Sir Lindsay Hoyle, the Speaker of the House, said that requiring masks in the Commons is meant to “ensure that those on the estate are safe while business is facilitated”.

Those with “legitimate exemptions” will not be included in the mandate alongside MPs, over whom the Commons authorities have no direct powers to compel mask-wearing, The Telegraph reports.

The requirement then will impact security, cleaning, and cooking staff, contractors, most journalists, and researchers.

The wearing of masks has largely fallen along political lines, with Conservative MPs largely refraining from donning the coverings in Parliament and left-wing Labour and Liberal Democrats mostly choosing to wear masks.

Despite the open displays of mask-wearing, the leader of the Labour Party, Sir Keir Starmer, was forced to refrain from participating in Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) on Wednesday after he tested positive for the Chinese coronavirus.

Jacob Rees-Mogg, the Leader of the Commons and a Tory MP, has argued that as there are currently no requirements for the workplace and therefore shouldn’t apply to Parliament.

“The advice on crowded spaces is with crowded spaces with people that you don’t know. We on this side know each other,” he added, in an apparent jibe at the Labour Party, suggesting the left-wing members aren’t friends with each other.

During PMQs on Wednesday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Chancellor Rishi Sunak, Justice Secretary Dominic Raab, and Health Secretary Sajid Javid all decided to wear masks.


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b7748b  No.14867451


I've been too busy watching the Braves trying to close out the Dodgers.

I sure hope they make it to the World Series.

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0f799b  No.14867452


Putting on Weed hat

It is a line of strong storms they made to counter act the incoming Tsunami that will be happening in a few days.

WW Fight with Weather/Natural Disaster manipulators in action

Movies use Kyju(however you spell it) Monsters in place of massive weather manipulators

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28426d  No.14867453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NJ Gov Phil Murphy OMITTING info on giving Taxpayer Funds to Illegal Immigrants until after Election

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5c42cc  No.14867454


record unemployment, product shortages, high gas prices, inflation…

yep, just as they intended.

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ffdbfb  No.14867455


Not just the owners of the ships but the owners of the cargo.

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c43ba6  No.14867456

File: 4c08549485f340b⋯.jpg (19.35 KB, 255x255, 1:1, COWBUTTtarded.jpg)


>, retarded.jpeg

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9c5d6a  No.14867457


Lets go Brandon

Oops Braves

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8a9724  No.14867459

File: 920e80932d5aa7b⋯.png (12.92 KB, 255x223, 255:223, tard.png)

File: 4f5f4af577a9a8a⋯.png (87.66 KB, 773x671, 773:671, ClipboardImage.png)

I don't always date fag, but when I do it will be wrong. Post 16 was Oct 31. Two days ahead of schedule puts at Friday. I'll put myself in tard jail now.

(2 days ahead of schedule)


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9c21e0  No.14867460


>This board used to be breaking news. Now it's more than a week behind.

You're the one who's not paying attention.

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0bb526  No.14867461

File: d5dd049a9b5b557⋯.png (702.78 KB, 1071x910, 153:130, datefag.png)


>I don't always date fag, but when I do


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d3129e  No.14867462

File: 289e11bb2f81cfc⋯.png (522.54 KB, 1020x571, 1020:571, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)

File: ac7ece7f258b0dc⋯.png (306.49 KB, 1031x261, 1031:261, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)

File: 2934835153a77d5⋯.png (327.56 KB, 615x983, 615:983, Screenshot_2021_10_27_at_1….png)

File: 59252534c4dcc20⋯.png (270.89 KB, 915x395, 183:79, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)

File: e1071c7555eb81f⋯.png (159.18 KB, 1036x322, 74:23, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)


31-Jan-2018 7:39:44 PM PSTQ !UW.yye1fxo8ch/qresearch

Archived links:




Watzman was the General Manager of the Standard hotel in West Hollywood. She had worked for the company for nearly 11 years.

http:// www.latimes.com/socal/daily-


What happened @ hotel?


What is [AS] attempting right now?

Favor repaid.


"In addition, Ms. Joe served as Assistant Special Agent in Charge, FBI Los Angeles, where she oversaw intelligence, surveillance, and aviation programs;….. "

"…..Ms. Joe succeeds Tonya Ugoretz, a career FBI intelligence analyst who served as CTIIC Director for almost three years.


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9b2e38  No.14867463

Garland did not seek an Ethics Opinion.

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28426d  No.14867464

File: 4644ffe5f9254b0⋯.png (69.82 KB, 640x854, 320:427, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdc7db6fad9ac9e⋯.png (56.28 KB, 639x749, 639:749, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66f1781cae178d6⋯.png (27.93 KB, 634x339, 634:339, ClipboardImage.png)

Study: Toxic fracking waste is leaking into California groundwater

Chevron has long dominated oil production in Lost Hills, a massive fossil fuel reserve in Central California that was accidentally discovered by water drillers more than a century ago. The company routinely pumps hundreds of thousands of gallons of water mixed with a special concoction of chemicals into the ground at high pressure to shake up shale deposits and release oil and gas. The process — called hydraulic fracturing, or fracking — produces thousands of barrels of oil every day. But it also leaves the company saddled with millions of gallons of wastewater laced with toxic chemicals, salts, and heavy metals.

Between the late 1950s and 2008, Chevron disposed much of the slurry produced in Lost Hills in eight cavernous impoundments at its Section 29 facility. Euphemistically called “ponds,” the impoundments have a combined surface area of 26 acres and do not have synthetic liners to prevent leaking. That meant that over time, salts and chemicals in the wastewater could leak into the ground and nearby water sources like the California Aqueduct, a network of canals that delivers water to farms in the Central Valley and cities like Los Angeles.

And that’s exactly what happened, according to new research published in the academic journal Environmental Science & Technology this month. Carcinogenic chemicals like benzene and toluene as well as other hydrocarbons have been detected within a half a kilometer of the facility. About 1.7 kilometers northwest of the facility, chloride and salt levels are more than six times and four times greater than background levels, respectively. The research leaves little doubt: The contaminants are migrating toward the aqueduct.

“Clearly, there’s impact to groundwater resources there,” said Dominic DiGiulio, lead author of the paper and a researcher at the nonprofit Physicians, Scientists, and Engineers for Healthy Energy. “At the section 29 facility, you have to go 1.8 kilometers away from the facility to find background water quality. That’s pretty far.”

The facility shuttered in 2008, and it no longer accepts wastewater. Chevron has continued to monitor the contaminant plume and submits yearly water quality reports to the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, a local groundwater quality regulator. In a 2019 report, the company claimed it would cost more $800,000 to monitor the plume and report to the regulator for the next 30 years.

Jonathan Harshman, a spokesperson for Chevron, said the company was reviewing the study and that it “has complied and will continue to comply with” the Central Valley Water Board’s requirements for maintaining and monitoring leaks at the Section 29 facility.


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eaeeb8  No.14867465


Yes, Cruz just destroyed him over this.

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a160bb  No.14867466

File: 4544899cc65d938⋯.png (610.52 KB, 709x458, 709:458, ClipboardImage.png)

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fc7c33  No.14867467

The only way to stop the genocide and communist takeover is to prosecute hate speech and sex crimes.

It had to be this way.

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9b2e38  No.14867468

Am I correct in assuming McCabe can be reindicted by Durham? Or is that double jeopardy?

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9c21e0  No.14867469


>Rules for Thee, Not MPs: Parliament Mandates Masks for All – Except Politicians

Proving, once and for all, that masking is political.

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0bb526  No.14867470


He can be indicted for something different.

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3a459b  No.14867471


there is no such thing as hate speech unless you are a communist. nice try. you must go back.

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9b2e38  No.14867472


That's why I posted that. :)

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d70e03  No.14867473

File: d0fb2a4a5ed36e7⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 625x399, 625:399, 5s18ze.jpg)

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1c2347  No.14867474

File: 236255aced6994e⋯.jpg (6.31 KB, 299x168, 299:168, chkt3.jpg)

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749578  No.14867475

File: b46d35f74d42b3f⋯.jpg (17.25 KB, 306x220, 153:110, Screenshot_20211026_150850….jpg)

File: 986178cb31f658c⋯.jpg (21.56 KB, 330x224, 165:112, Screenshot_20211026_150852….jpg)

File: 5b1c95044edb3a1⋯.jpg (63.3 KB, 421x413, 421:413, Screenshot_20210818_130154….jpg)

File: 972f79232458420⋯.jpg (122.43 KB, 951x737, 951:737, Screenshot_20211022_143532….jpg)

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a160bb  No.14867476

File: 4dac5173dac83de⋯.png (573.93 KB, 658x455, 94:65, ClipboardImage.png)

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98f8c1  No.14867477



>>14867117 Dr. Deborah Birx Blames 30 to 40 Percent of Pandemic Deaths on Trump’s Negligence

>>14867127 Federal judge in Florida says Trump Twitter case must be heard in California

>>14867149 NGOs And United Nations Helping Caravan At Border To Get Into America

>>14867167 Cotton Confronts Garland Over 'Outrageous Directive Siccing The Feds' On Parents 'Across America'

>>14867168, >>14867276 Hollywood Camera Operator Arrested for Allegedly Threatening to Kill Rep. Matt Gaetz

>>14867215, >>14867216 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki

>>14867225 Mexico-based US Embassy staffer who drugged, sexually assaulted and filmed attacks on at least 24 women was CIA spook, FBI admits

>>14867251 The Truth About The Privately Owned Federal Reserve Bank

>>14867286 Soros Attorney Selected by Biden Administration to Review US Drug Enforcement Agency’s Foreign Operations Strategy

>>14867294 Illinois Senate Votes to Repeal Law That Requires Parents Be Notified Before a Minor Has an Abortion

>>14867305 US "Assures" London Court That Assange Can Serve All Prison Time In Australia

>>14867333 Trump says Brazil ‘lucky’ to have Bolsonaro after its Senate votes to charge him with ‘crimes against humanity’ for Covid toll

>>14867342 Serial Rapist CIA Agent Arrested After Naked Woman Seen Screaming for Help from Balcony

>>14867370 Bogus FDA Advisory Committee On Child Vaccines Featured Pfizer Group Chair

>>14867397 Joe Biden Says United States ‘On the Right Track’ Despite Record Inflation, High Gas Prices, and Shortages

>>14867404 Pompeo: Xi Jinping Knows Joe Biden Not Defending America’s Interests

>>14867414 Journalist Reads Filthy Porn Book from School’s Library at FL School Board Meeting

>>14867425 Report: Build Back Better Act to Have $500 Billion in Climate Carveouts

>>14867450 Rules for Thee, Not MPs: Parliament Mandates Masks for All – Except Politicians

>>14867453 NJ Gov Phil Murphy OMITTING info on giving Taxpayer Funds to Illegal Immigrants until after Election


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749578  No.14867478

File: e9b2dc6a980af94⋯.jpg (127.99 KB, 758x744, 379:372, Screenshot_20211026_003221….jpg)

File: 043cba8e8849bef⋯.jpg (76.85 KB, 657x805, 657:805, Screenshot_20211027_124258….jpg)

File: 6af0844b67634aa⋯.jpg (49.31 KB, 403x418, 403:418, Screenshot_20211026_145345….jpg)

File: 894e1186d1d8cc5⋯.jpg (39.97 KB, 426x460, 213:230, Screenshot_20211026_145346….jpg)

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d3129e  No.14867479

File: f4e49a042513af0⋯.png (222.67 KB, 508x258, 254:129, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)

File: 1a74cd7dbe862e1⋯.png (599.9 KB, 821x469, 821:469, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)

File: c03e713ba793607⋯.png (971.55 KB, 1345x684, 1345:684, soros_family.png)

File: dce23cb02a85876⋯.png (101.82 KB, 449x353, 449:353, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)

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07884a  No.14867480

So which groups exactly are getting genocided?

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749578  No.14867481

File: d8a9f0b5f321d09⋯.jpg (94.69 KB, 668x685, 668:685, Screenshot_20211026_151904….jpg)

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3a459b  No.14867482


not a very good meme. the average person will have no clue who he is even talking to.

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ba6273  No.14867483


McCabe is a career state criminal. There are almost certainly multiple crimes he can be charged with.

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9c21e0  No.14867484

The Pineapple is trying to steer the discussion to "voting rights". Fuck parents' rights.

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0f799b  No.14867485


Not to add to the crazy, but…One of the things that I look at that adds up to 17 a lot makes me smile, but the past day or so, they have been adding up to 16 which was bumming me out.

Huh. Not bummed out anymore

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779aea  No.14867486

Back when Garland was hearing arguments during the Flynn case from Sydney Powell he was an arrogant, smug motherfucker with all the confidence in the world.

Now he is either completely controlled or completely defeated. He is a bumbling shell of his former self.

We are winning.

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e802db  No.14867487

In comes Hirono to pretend using the FBI as a scare tactic to dissuade parents from showing up at school board meetings isn't that big a deal.

Oh hah hah.

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0bb526  No.14867488

File: 9e7dc24d300c0b4⋯.jpg (12.15 KB, 254x255, 254:255, pepe_cross.jpg)

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add173  No.14867489

File: 9f97bf5d51b4e74⋯.jpeg (271.15 KB, 750x1299, 250:433, 682D8010_3C98_4ECC_8A45_0….jpeg)


FYI Executive Order 13848 is still in FULL effect


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28426d  No.14867490

THANKS JOE: Taliban Gives Huge Reward to Families of Suicide Bombers Who Killed U.S. Soldiers

Thanks to President Joe Biden, the Taliban is now rewarding the families of the suicide bombers with land who killed 13 U.S. service members. The Biden administration once praised the Taliban as “businesslike and professional.”

“Addressing the gathering Monday evening, [Sirajuddin Haqqani] praised the sacrifices of ‘martyrs and fedayeen,’ referring to fighters killed in suicide attacks,” The Associated Press reported. “Haqqani called them ‘heroes of Islam and the country,’ according to [Interior Ministry spokesman Saeed Khosty]. At the end of the meeting, he distributed 10,000 afghanis ($112) per family and promised each a plot of land.”

To make matters worse, the Biden administration is actively funding the Taliban considering they handed them over millions of dollars in “humanitarian aid” last week.

“The U.S. has agreed to provide humanitarian aid to a desperately poor Afghanistan on the brink of an economic disaster, while refusing to give political recognition to the country’s new Taliban rulers,” a separate AP report stated. “The statement came at the end of the first direct talks between the former foes since the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops at the end of August.”

In a statement, State Department Spokesman Ned Price asserted that the U.S. delegation “focused on security and terrorism concerns and safe passage for U.S. citizens, other foreign nationals and our Afghan partners, as well as on human rights, including the meaningful participation of women and girls in all aspects of Afghan society.”

“The two sides also discussed the United States’ provision of robust humanitarian assistance, directly to the Afghan people,” the statement continued. “The discussions were candid and professional with the U.S. delegation reiterating that the Taliban will be judged on its actions, not only its words.”

The decision to hand over money to the Taliban is despicable to say the least considering the Taliban recently stated that they would not help the U.S. punish those responsible for planning the attack on the U.S. service members.

The AP reported:

Taliban political spokesman Suhail Shaheen told The Associated Press there would be no cooperation with Washington on containing the increasingly active Islamic State group in Afghanistan. IS has taken responsibility for a number of recent attacks, including a suicide bombing Friday that killed 46 minority Shiite Muslims and wounded dozens as they prayed in a mosque in the northern city of Kunduz.

“We are able to tackle Daesh independently,” Shaheen said, when asked whether the Taliban would work with the U.S. to contain the Islamic State affiliate. He used an Arabic acronym for IS.


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5a3d1c  No.14867491

File: b8f0d5770ec6e03⋯.png (852.67 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)


Those playing their roles are doing so marvelously.

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2fd5b1  No.14867492

File: 0256af581d1cc1f⋯.png (968.68 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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9b2e38  No.14867493


Her three minutes should already be gone.

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35d6dd  No.14867494

File: b0b3ced27a1dd02⋯.gif (2.54 MB, 390x373, 390:373, faggot_gif.gif)



no, date faggin here is the worst crime and you will have to wait until the date passes!!!

be prepared to be ridiculed and called a faggot first !!

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0d9a14  No.14867495

File: b641042bd2ba920⋯.jpg (21.94 KB, 250x250, 1:1, Screenshot_20211027_112902….jpg)

File: 1f1e365bab25acc⋯.jpg (36.02 KB, 389x383, 389:383, Screenshot_20210801_165738….jpg)

File: de516afe3a06d84⋯.jpg (14.58 KB, 169x176, 169:176, Screenshot_20210801_170913….jpg)

File: 6417ae8c3f8ea66⋯.jpg (50.75 KB, 577x455, 577:455, Screenshot_20210803_082224….jpg)

File: 73b1758b7763cd6⋯.jpg (198.51 KB, 1242x727, 1242:727, Screenshot_20210803_084057….jpg)

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e2a07a  No.14867496

File: 286649767547dd0⋯.jpeg (147.46 KB, 750x313, 750:313, 18214E24_49FB_464D_B8FC_B….jpeg)

File: c7583a1330aa328⋯.jpeg (684.04 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 5C2DADFB_7570_47B0_975D_0….jpeg)

File: b721e96633020ad⋯.jpeg (221.43 KB, 1000x1346, 500:673, 9C04A71C_6D51_4CC2_A6DF_5….jpeg)

The God of the whole Earth shall He be called.

Loserfer BTFO eternally. Digits confirm. This is our house!

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e802db  No.14867497


someone needs to bust out all the recent headlines regarding fraud in the 2020 election.

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2dd2c5  No.14867498

File: 8749a42aa2ed622⋯.jpg (64.37 KB, 454x375, 454:375, AMERICAN_DADS.jpg)

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0d9a14  No.14867499

File: 20dd169794e99e8⋯.jpg (31.13 KB, 378x263, 378:263, Screenshot_20211027_112742….jpg)

File: 69ed6e931633542⋯.jpg (38.44 KB, 373x324, 373:324, Screenshot_20211027_112810….jpg)

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119bc8  No.14867500

File: 8e9c1985ffabed3⋯.png (583.93 KB, 539x771, 539:771, ClipboardImage.png)

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0bb526  No.14867501

Garland is such a worm…

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f28e86  No.14867502

Baldwin (marker)

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07884a  No.14867503

Test post

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a2ff2e  No.14867504

File: 36284253e8578cb⋯.png (235.43 KB, 355x445, 71:89, lemon.png)


CNN gay lovers are only white guys?

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0bb526  No.14867505

File: 195b82fdf37dc8b⋯.png (336.51 KB, 459x353, 459:353, Russia_Russia_Russia.png)

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618eb4  No.14867506

File: 9f793e75a2d48a9⋯.mp4 (4.45 MB, 380x560, 19:28, Alyssa_Meltdown_Milano.mp4)

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cdb3b0  No.14867507

File: 399db0fef4a239d⋯.jpg (47.83 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, FCs_VDHXEAAgXf5.jpg)

Dutch government gave Adolf Hitler a valid QR code with proof that he is vaccinated

They have no clue how this could have happened in their waterproof system..


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28426d  No.14867508

File: c69a81533db68b1⋯.png (93.33 KB, 1024x880, 64:55, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 073b53d3a07ed71⋯.png (101.96 KB, 932x908, 233:227, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03fbdc18c0749b2⋯.png (89.42 KB, 947x861, 947:861, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04ab817424fac75⋯.png (877.6 KB, 1030x861, 1030:861, ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli physicians, scientists advise FDA of ‘severe concerns’ regarding reliability and legality of official Israeli COVID vaccine data

An independent Israeli group of physicians, lawyers, scientists, and researchers called the Professional Ethics Front today advised the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding the upcoming FDA discussion on administering COVID-19 vaccines to children aged 5-11, expressing “severe concerns” regarding the reliability and legality of official Israeli COVID vaccine data.

The letter is signed by Dr. Sorin Schapira, MBA, Eitan Marchand, Dr. Moran Kronenberg, Dr. Sergei Bianover, Ph.D, Prof. Alon Warburg, Dr. Boaz Ilan, Prof. Eti Einhorn, Dr. Daniel Mishori, Adv. Orly Yaron, Prof. Natti Ronel, Dr. Ety Elisha, Adv. Dana Kovalskiy, Adv. Galit Polatchek, Adv. Yoram Morim, Dr. Yaffa Shir-Raz, Adv. Yossi Bitton, Adv. Valentina Nelin, Dr. Ilan Makover, MD, Osnat Navon, Dr. Itsik Vorgaft, and Dr. Yael Stein, MD.

“We are aware that the state of Israel is perceived as ‘the world laboratory’ regarding the safety and efficacy of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, as reflected by statements made by Dr. Albert Bourla, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and other senior figures in leading health authorities throughout the world,” the letter reads. “It is therefore our understanding that the data and information coming from Israel play a crucial role in critical decision-making processes in regards to COVID-19 vaccination policies. We thus see it of utmost importance to convey a message of warning and raise our major concerns regarding potential flaws in the reliability of the Israeli data with respect to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, as well as many significant legal and ethical violations that accompany the data collection processes.”

The letter elaborates: “We believe that the significant failures underlying the Israeli database, which have been brought to our attention by numerous testimonies, impair its reliability and legality to such an extent that it should not be used for making any critical decisions regarding the COVID-19 vaccines.”

America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) spoke to Haifa and Reichman Universities Health and Risk Communication lecturer Dr. Yaffa Shir Raz, one of the letter’s authors, about their findings and conclusions:


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eaeeb8  No.14867509


>He is a bumbling shell of his former self.

Was thinking the same thing, sort of reminds me of Mueller in his infamous hearing on russian interference.

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833942  No.14867510

File: a1294ae50a53a82⋯.jpg (79.09 KB, 982x726, 491:363, Rachel_Dolezal.jpg)

File: 5d197502dbd02ca⋯.jpg (46.73 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Im_a_PowWow.jpg)


Let me get this straight [kek]

Rachel claims she is Black

Elizabeth Warren claims she is an Indian

Some Dude feels like a lady, puts on a skirt and Rapes Geraldo Rivera's daughter (I I'm using that reference, since Geraldo was fine with it yesterday)

and less than 1% say they are an "X"

What the F is going on? If you can just claim something is true, can you therefore claim you are VAXed?

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968d15  No.14867511

One more day until the 4 year anniversary of Q…and STILL not a SINGLE worthwhile arrest.

Soon though, amirite? kek.

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761067  No.14867512


This fuckin shaved gerbil looking little cunt is the worst!

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2d83b8  No.14867513


Lately there has been a server draught of conspiracies to report! They're all coming true!

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0d9a14  No.14867514

File: 40a35b53a46e009⋯.jpg (181.46 KB, 958x813, 958:813, Screenshot_20211020_143326….jpg)

File: f8d3f8ca8ab0543⋯.jpg (44.34 KB, 257x386, 257:386, Screenshot_20210816_220854….jpg)

File: c2999aa700433c4⋯.jpg (18.93 KB, 351x253, 351:253, Screenshot_20210823_192002….jpg)

True LOVE does not fail.

LOVE'S eternal!!!

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fc7c33  No.14867515


Fuck off, you binary, non-bi-poc, heteronormative, cis-gendered, oppressor. You've had 6000 years to freely post your opinion on the internet and oppress the minorities. It's time for you to sit down and shut up and allow the kids with kool-aid colored hair to make the decisions.

This is the land of freedom and your type are no longer welcome.

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ecfc6a  No.14867516

>>14866548 pb

>>14866548 pb

Santa Fe

What does it mean? Why is it important? Was 'Rust' movie set for a movie or for symbolism? Dig anons.

iron content in blood

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d3129e  No.14867517

File: 0b290ec7b401669⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1164x652, 291:163, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)

File: 19881172543c4da⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1126x651, 1126:651, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)

File: 568b6d5ce8535df⋯.png (928.14 KB, 1044x631, 1044:631, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)

File: e74af6742e212cf⋯.png (484.53 KB, 992x516, 248:129, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)



Mezvinsky serves on the board[19] of the Pembroke College Foundation and the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases, an organization dedicated to transforming the future of medicine through collaboration and patient-centered research.[20

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2d83b8  No.14867518


They froze Hitlers body!

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add173  No.14867519


Thank you Ivan :D

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07884a  No.14867520

So no matter what happens/happened, I'm still winning on my terms? So ultimately, I don't have anything to worry about!

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1cec95  No.14867521


look on NIH site re: vaccine reactions. you'll find it

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0d9a14  No.14867522

File: 13f55ec875438b4⋯.jpg (81.5 KB, 689x684, 689:684, Screenshot_20211023_212915….jpg)

File: c8cce320eba7eac⋯.jpg (130.81 KB, 1210x722, 605:361, Screenshot_20211023_215125….jpg)

File: 08ed49e63c31771⋯.jpg (28.76 KB, 314x241, 314:241, Screenshot_20211023_221315….jpg)

Who is interlooper and what's the story morning glory?


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a160bb  No.14867523

File: be9aa160f3e280d⋯.png (921.74 KB, 1019x463, 1019:463, ClipboardImage.png)

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28426d  No.14867524

Biden Officials Say US Military Not Leaving Syria Any Time Soon

The Afghanistan withdrawal sparked rumors that the US might leave Syria, but the Biden administration has made it clear they plan to stay

Since the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, there has been speculation that the US might also leave Syria, but the Biden administration has been quick to dispel such rumors. In the latest comments, Biden officials told Al Jazeera that a Syria withdrawal wouldn’t be happening any time soon.

An assistant to a senior Middle East official on Biden’s National Security Council said the administration had given “assurances” to the US-backed Kurdish forces in Syria that the US would not be leaving. Earlier in October, a Syrian Kurdish official traveled to Washington and met with Biden officials who promised the US would continue its military presence in Syria.

Officially, the US is in Syria to support the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) against ISIS. But the presence is really a part of a broader campaign against the Syrian government. The region of eastern Syria where the US has about 900 troops is where most of the country’s oil fields are, and the occupation keeps the resource out of the hands of Damascus.

On top of the military occupation, the US maintains crippling economic sanctions on Syria to prevent the country from rebuilding. Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently admitted that the US policy on Syria is to “oppose the reconstruction” of the country.

The Biden administration’s Syria policy has bipartisan support in Congress. An aide to a Senate Democrat told Al Jazeera that there are “pretty strong feelings in both parties that we should exercise full leverage, including our military presence” against the Syrian government. “From what I hear, when it comes to the issue of our boots on the ground, the White House is on the same page,” the aide said.


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fc826a  No.14867525

File: 43d4e1486095bd8⋯.png (2.05 KB, 484x33, 44:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>establishing a framework for this place is a whole different rabbit hole.



No shit; lol.

>something something "Some image servers I control, some I don't…" something, something.

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3a459b  No.14867526


no. now just go away and shill elsewhere.

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0d9a14  No.14867527

File: 48c04c0ae6ae343⋯.jpg (92.29 KB, 829x488, 829:488, Screenshot_20211024_193550….jpg)

File: 292f123d9108789⋯.jpg (53.73 KB, 451x581, 451:581, Screenshot_20211024_193621….jpg)

File: 052b44150d893f0⋯.jpg (81.67 KB, 390x561, 130:187, Screenshot_20211024_193653….jpg)

Why have l been poisoned 2 days in a row?

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119bc8  No.14867528

File: 3fa4e0ab42f1817⋯.png (891.53 KB, 1084x632, 271:158, ClipboardImage.png)

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d48ae3  No.14867529

File: d1c46e4da0b2020⋯.png (302.21 KB, 1080x673, 1080:673, Memeto_1633881840552.png)


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fc7c33  No.14867530


Yes, yes!

One world religion

All shall bow and call him Master

You're free to believe exactly as you are instructed to believe!

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0f799b  No.14867531

Booker has fucked up front tooth. He sounds coked up too

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e802db  No.14867532

Farticus moment

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871d5e  No.14867533

File: 88a6b61d3946787⋯.jpg (72.12 KB, 679x580, 679:580, Screenshot_20211025_191121….jpg)

File: a37583c23104c6c⋯.jpg (100.85 KB, 818x842, 409:421, Screenshot_20211025_191239….jpg)

File: 0720cd5ad66c5da⋯.jpg (35.49 KB, 365x341, 365:341, Screenshot_20211025_194530….jpg)

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0bb526  No.14867534

File: 596914ab723f427⋯.png (187.33 KB, 500x413, 500:413, Booker_1.png)

File: d9fbf99838be188⋯.png (199.33 KB, 726x720, 121:120, pepe_double_bird_r.png)

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3a459b  No.14867535


you commies are on the short end of this stick. the ending won't be for everyone. now go take your clot shot like a good commie.

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4be166  No.14867537

File: 3e8009d8ee6fe13⋯.jpg (713.97 KB, 1854x1334, 927:667, Xnip2021_10_27_14_01_08.jpg)

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618eb4  No.14867538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tick Tock…

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9b2e38  No.14867539

and here is Booker with the race card.

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35d6dd  No.14867541

File: 1432fdffc5789a3⋯.png (90.2 KB, 571x640, 571:640, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f153687d1174003⋯.png (75.38 KB, 576x347, 576:347, ClipboardImage.png)




Siladitya Ray VERIFIED

Tech and Breaking News Reporter, Forbes

New Delhi, New York, Southern Asia

India, Technology, U.S.

As seen in: Forbes, Sportstar, Forbes Brasil, Forbes JAPAN, Forbes España, Medianama, Forbes Africa, Forbes Argentina, RealClear Health, News and Guts, Forbes Ecuador

Covers: Tech Policy, Tech Businesses, and Digital Platforms

Tech & Breaking News @Forbes. Alumnus @columbiajourn @Columbia. Previously: @medianama, @httweets. ❤️'s Tech, gaming and geek culture. He/Him



@SiladityaRay — 998 followers, 7,852 tweets

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618eb4  No.14867542

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0bb526  No.14867543

Taking physical action / threatening people

Like burning down their businesses? FUCK YOU BOOKER.

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8582ef  No.14867544

File: e9a49ce997a2cbd⋯.jpeg (123.59 KB, 750x725, 30:29, DA4416B1_D9A9_4F4D_86A4_E….jpeg)

File: 0e0e1a0d7931aaf⋯.jpeg (91.38 KB, 750x592, 375:296, 9DBA1980_FFDE_4F43_9668_5….jpeg)

Has anyone been keeping count of how many women have died of Covid after giving birth. Why are so many being put on ventilators? The babies are ok but the mothers are dying.



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761067  No.14867545


he is just such a fuckin fool! Spartacus retard!

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ecfc6a  No.14867546


Originally named the Jarrett Ranch, Hollywood first became interested in the location in 1955 for the Jimmy Stewart movie, The Man From Laramie.

From then on, the ranch has been the set of numerous western films.

The Hughes Family have owned the Bonanza Creek Ranch since the 1980’s, with the current owner being Glenn Hughes.

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3a459b  No.14867547


much better.

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c94202  No.14867548

File: 084de7a3dd6786d⋯.jpg (145.12 KB, 661x889, 661:889, Screenshot_20211023_210940….jpg)

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45f991  No.14867549


Master Race Baiter Booker

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e802db  No.14867550

Still awaiting actual PROOF there were violent threats……..

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e5279d  No.14867551

I know someone who is a teacher they said that tic toc is telling kids to be disruptive to classrooms and mess with teachers.

So maybe Trump was right for trying to ban that Chinese app because it is just a bunch of Marxist subversion. Remember John Cena apologizing in mandarin on Tic Toc? Creepy Chinese shit.

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fc7c33  No.14867552


I've had all my boosters and the myocarditis I developed is because I was around and unvaxxed person. You freedom worshippers are literally killing people.

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c94202  No.14867553

File: cffcee469347ac0⋯.jpg (105.22 KB, 722x735, 722:735, Screenshot_20211026_151245….jpg)

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0bb526  No.14867555


>Spartacus retard!

He is. Trying to drag Parkland into this, as if it's related. What a gas-lighting shill faggot he is.

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c94202  No.14867556

File: 572c69455c53a4b⋯.jpg (101.09 KB, 710x625, 142:125, Screenshot_20211026_090632….jpg)

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82080e  No.14867557


Bullshit, sauce the shit of GTFO

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3a459b  No.14867558


please go smoke your crack somewhere else. you stink up the place.

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dcf04e  No.14867559


The Jones Act, as well, effects domestic oil shipments. It only allows US built, flagged and US citizen majority crewed vessels to do inter US oil shipments. So, say a Gulf refinery wanted to ship to New England, it would have to be on a US ship, and there aren't that many that fulfill the requirements.

That multiplies the problem. Say a foreign tanker can drop off oil in an open US port. That port may have a surplus of oil, but it can, basically, only be carried by train or truck to other parts of the country, if they're not on an inland waterway that handles barge traffic.

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1c2347  No.14867560

File: e0d29565671421a⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1397x930, 1397:930, 0a0322dd0e4b3b2b6478b6ab6d….png)


confirmed, hooptie

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cdb3b0  No.14867561

Vax side effect. Since that didn't happen last year

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eaeeb8  No.14867562


Booker seems to have forgotten Rand Paul and his wife getting mobbed in 2020 by the BLM crowds. I don't recall anyone getting busted for the event either.

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bc7623  No.14867564

File: 38bcd32b96cb0bd⋯.jpg (123.19 KB, 519x724, 519:724, covid_impeach_timeline.jpg)

File: 130d2b537b9d091⋯.jpg (2 MB, 1080x9919, 1080:9919, COVID19_healthcare.jpg)

File: 771967723920692⋯.jpg (139.19 KB, 672x960, 7:10, covid_payments.jpg)

File: f0a324c16655237⋯.jpg (103.73 KB, 675x560, 135:112, covid_vax.jpg)

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9c21e0  No.14867566

Booker is trying to gaslight.

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cdb3b0  No.14867567


>Vax side effect. Since that didn't happen last year

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0bb526  No.14867568

File: 3ffe90f41c3bbb7⋯.jpg (32.7 KB, 400x400, 1:1, grammar.jpg)


>around and unvaxxed person

Fuck off back to China.

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e802db  No.14867569

Hooker's grasping at straws… but they were banned so he won't find any

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d3129e  No.14867570

File: c0af5101d38cb0d⋯.png (211.43 KB, 468x262, 234:131, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)

File: c3012f5c8403c46⋯.png (601.85 KB, 1141x653, 1141:653, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)

File: ca6458a94679e93⋯.png (163.17 KB, 943x656, 23:16, Screenshot_2021_10_27_at_1….png)

File: d186797b3cd347b⋯.png (416.77 KB, 1351x831, 1351:831, Screenshot_2021_10_27_at_1….png)

File: 6694e2f0c5b41e9⋯.png (230.31 KB, 921x733, 921:733, Screenshot_2021_10_27_at_1….png)


If you're just learning about the existence of long-distance sex toys, welcome. You may think sex requires proximity—but given recent advances in technology that isn’t exactly true. There's been a steady increase in the growth of app-controlled devices that allow you to control the sensation your partner is feeling on their most sensitive parts from anywhere on the planet. It's the usual bedside table suspects: vibrators, prostate massagers, masturbators—that are also hooked up to a globe-spanning orgasm Skynet.


S eX



think of this, CYBORG implies people…

"these people are sick" -Q

"These people deserve …. . .. ……." -Q

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28426d  No.14867572

File: ca3d1d305a313d3⋯.png (864.38 KB, 822x537, 274:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2399c08cd9030f3⋯.png (77.84 KB, 715x683, 715:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 631e2b153b9d766⋯.png (91.59 KB, 716x748, 179:187, ClipboardImage.png)

Hacker group leaks data, photos from Defense Ministry, Benny Gantz

A hacker group leaked data from the Defense Ministry, warning "we've kept an eye on you for many years."

A hacker group called Moses Staff claimed this week that it has successfully conducted a cyberattack on the Israeli Defense Ministry, releasing files and photos it claims it obtained from the ministry's servers.

Moses Staff's website claims that the group has hacked over 165 servers and 254 websites and compiled over 11 terabytes of data, including Israel Post, the Defense Ministry, files related to Defense Minister Benny Gantz, the Electron Csillag company and Epsilor company.

"We've kept an eye on you for many years, at every moment and on each step," wrote the group in the announcement of the attack on their Telegram channel on Sunday. "All your decisions and statements have been under our surveillance. Eventually, we will strike you while you never would have imagined."

Moses Staff claimed in the announcement to have access to confidential documents, including reports, operational maps, information about soldiers and units, and letters and correspondence. "We are going to publish this information to aware [sic] all the world about the Israeli authorities’ crimes," warned the group.

The files leaked included photos of Gantz and IDF soldiers and a 2010 letter from Gantz to the deputy chief of the joint chiefs of staff and chief of intelligence in the Jordian Armed Forces. The leaked files also included Excel files allegedly containing the names, ID numbers, emails, addresses, phone numbers and even socioeconomic status of soldiers, mechina pre-military students and individuals connected to the Defense Ministry.

The group stated on its website that it is targeting the same people who "didn't tolerate" the legitimacy of Moses, seemingly the reason for the name Moses Staff.

The group's description states that it will not forget "the soldiers whose blood is shed due to wrong policies and fruitless wars, the mothers mourning for their children, and all the cruelty and injustice were [were] done to the people of this nation." The group did not clarify in its description which soldiers it was referring to.

It is as of yet unclear if the group is acting independently or is backed by a state.

Moses Staff leaked identifying information, addresses and information about packages from an attack it says it conducted on the Israel Post. The group also leaked pictures of identity cards from a number of companies it claims it attacked.

The group's website also has a contact form for those interested in joining the group.

THE NATIONAL Cyber Directorate stated in response to the leaks that it has repeatedly warned that hackers are exploiting a vulnerability on the Exchange email service in order to attack organizations, according to Ynet.

"The directorate once again calls on organizations to implement in their systems the latest critical updates that Microsoft has released for this vulnerability – a simple and free update that can reduce the chance of this attack," the directorate said.


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f94219  No.14867573

Booker is Calling for More Attacks and Violence.

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1aeac0  No.14867574

File: e60d42b544e5b36⋯.png (19.11 KB, 361x251, 361:251, q4740_massiveOrdnance.png)

File: 72f098ffdc6ed34⋯.png (280.02 KB, 715x787, 715:787, q4740_massiveOrdnanceLink.png)

File: f373f1c01214a34⋯.gif (1.36 MB, 480x300, 8:5, B2_pepetrator3.gif)






Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 8bc83a No.10728061 📁

Sep 20 2020 23:00:31 (EST)



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c94202  No.14867575

File: 973a10a69d2daed⋯.jpg (171.52 KB, 1264x620, 316:155, Screenshot_20211022_145611….jpg)

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ee2adf  No.14867576

Topic of discussion last night: Huma being given to Hilldawg.

Anon hopes it gets brought out that Hilldawg was a slave owner. Disgusting old witch.

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016ec7  No.14867578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fox 32 Chicago: Storefronts Remain Empty In “The Loop” Because People “Feel Less Safe”

Oct 27, 2021

GOP War Room

137K subscribers



Mar 26, 2019 5:35:13 PM EDT



LOOP Capital?

What are the odds of that?



Jan 06, 2018 4:07:34 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo




Jan 05, 2018 5:12:23 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo

Follow the MONEY.

LOOP Capital Markets.

Happy Hunting.



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fc7c33  No.14867579


All the unvaxxed are pedos. Our Lord and Savior, Her Worshipful Kamala Harris is gonna chop all your heads off when SHE takes throne. You will worship the science or you will die!

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c23c89  No.14867580

Hi guys, hoping I can get some help with this. I just created a board but I can't log into it using the username and password provided. Do you guys know if this is a normal thing?

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28426d  No.14867581

File: 485c4eafea04d07⋯.png (73.49 KB, 1045x406, 1045:406, ClipboardImage.png)

Soros Bankrolls Far-Left Group at Heart of Anti-Semitism Scandal

Soros gives millions to Sunrise Movement which refuses to rally with Jewish organizations

Left-wing billionaire George Soros is bankrolling the political arm of the Sunrise Movement, a far-left group engulfed in an anti-Semitism controversy after its Washington, D.C., chapter said it will no longer hold rallies with Jewish organizations.

As part of his eight-figure cash infusion during the 2020 election cycle Soros’s Democracy PAC gave $250,000 to Sunrise Movement’s political action committee, according to Federal Election Commission filings reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. Sunrise PAC also received $500,000 from the far-left dark money group the Sixteen Thirty Fund, which received $9.6 million from the Soros-run Open Society Policy Center in 2019. Those two donations constituted nearly a third of the $2.35 million Sunrise PAC raised from Jan. 1, 2019, to Dec. 31, 2020.

Sunrise DC was widely condemned last week after it released a statement on "future coalition spaces with Zionist organizations." The group said it will not appear at a rally for Washington, D.C., statehood because other left-wing groups in attendance, such as the National Council of Jewish Women and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, support Israel’s existence as a nation. The group said the fight for D.C. statehood was "incompatible" with Zionism.

Soros did not respond to a request for comment on his future funding of the organization.

Soros and his allies have raised the alarm about anti-Semitic attacks against the billionaire, but his decision to bankroll a group purveying an anti-Semitic trope—and his silence in the face of it—raises questions about his sincerity.

For example, when Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin, a Republican, mentioned Soros at a rally earlier this month, Democrats said his comments were anti-Semitic.

"Evoking George Soros as a shadowy funder is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory," Rep. Elaine Luria (D., Va.) said in a tweet. "This is an unacceptable statement from Glenn Youngkin." Luria did not respond to a request for comment on Soros and the Sunrise Movement.

Soros's involvement in the Sunrise Movement raises questions about how he oversees the distribution of his fortune. Sunrise isn't the only anti-Semitic group Soros is known to give money to that has promulgated anti-Semitic tropes. He also funds the isolationist Quincy Institute, a think tank that employed scholars such as Sarah Leah Whitson, a former Human Rights Watch executive, who appeared to celebrate draconian public health measures used early on in the coronavirus pandemic by the Israeli government. She said whatever inconvenience they imposed on Israeli citizens was not enough to compensate for the suffering they have perpetrated on Palestinians. Whitson later deleted the tweet and said it "didn’t come out right."

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean and director of global social action at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish organization formed to combat anti-Semitism, said Soros should cease his funding of the Sunrise Movement and other anti-Semitic organizations.


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c94202  No.14867582

File: 6e39c6bb6a714c8⋯.jpg (67.47 KB, 651x326, 651:326, Screenshot_20210806_083906….jpg)

File: 6420d4c5b495773⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 613x323, 613:323, Screenshot_20210806_083926….jpg)

File: 6e2e08ecc9e1b7f⋯.jpg (131.25 KB, 1200x1329, 400:443, Screenshot_20210806_083956….jpg)

File: bb5b3d29f70059d⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 498x681, 166:227, Screenshot_20210806_084739….jpg)


is this relevant?

At In-Q-Tel, Painter’s work focused on identifying, researching and evaluating “new start-up technology firms that were believed to offer tremendous value to the CIA, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.” Indeed, the NGA had confirmed that its intelligence obtained via Keyhole was used by the NSA to support US operations in Iraq from 2003 onwards.

A former US Army special operations intelligence officer, Painter’s new job at Google as of July 2005 was federal manager of what Keyhole was to become: Google Earth Enterprise. By 2007, Painter had become Google’s federal chief technologist.

‘TK’ refers to Talent/Keyhole, code names for imagery from reconnaissance aircraft and spy satellites,

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5a3d1c  No.14867583

File: b17645ccb699144⋯.png (906.11 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: efee7f82f106c9b⋯.png (1.35 MB, 979x734, 979:734, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 809557b5d411516⋯.png (2.08 MB, 811x1200, 811:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

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761067  No.14867584


Trips confirmed. Chekt.

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016ec7  No.14867586

File: 07c540449fb65e0⋯.png (30.18 KB, 1220x410, 122:41, 480.png)

File: 9595b6f11431bb2⋯.png (38.23 KB, 1220x542, 610:271, 464.png)

File: 1011067bf0cf58c⋯.png (40.29 KB, 1220x498, 610:249, 3216.png)



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82080e  No.14867588


Goodbye pos

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3a459b  No.14867589


they call it projection

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e2a07a  No.14867590

File: 38f196ec20069b2⋯.jpeg (193.62 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 05B67F35_DB42_41C3_B97B_6….jpeg)

File: f82d594b9d9613e⋯.jpeg (213.94 KB, 952x948, 238:237, 4453E428_54B2_46AC_8292_A….jpeg)


Faith ALWAYS feels good. Fear/worry always feels bad. Every time. No exceptions ever on that long journey, inches apart, from the head to the heart.

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c94202  No.14867591

File: b8de54f0bea177f⋯.jpg (70.91 KB, 693x500, 693:500, Screenshot_20211018_162549….jpg)

File: d009731929ba4ae⋯.jpg (41.75 KB, 325x422, 325:422, Screenshot_20210726_182227….jpg)

File: c9ed2aeb424c8ce⋯.jpg (42.44 KB, 269x377, 269:377, Screenshot_20210726_205015….jpg)

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28426d  No.14867592

File: 4eb31f29bbc30d1⋯.png (114.86 KB, 1041x588, 347:196, ClipboardImage.png)

Top News Organizations Run Huawei-Sponsored Puff Pieces

Politico, Reuters partner with China-backed telecom giant

Some of the country's most prominent news organizations have partnership deals with telecom giant Huawei, which the U.S. government considers a national security risk because of links to the Chinese government.

The Wall Street Journal, Wired, Reuters, and Politico have all published news-style pieces commissioned by the Chinese telecom giant to advance its interests, according to a Washington Free Beacon review. Since July, Reuters has published two sponsored articles touting Huawei's investments in the United Kingdom. The Journal has published 14 sponsored articles since last year, while Wired has hosted virtual events sponsored by the tech giant. Politico ran pro-Huawei content last year. The articles disclose that Huawei sponsors the content, though the company's ties to the Chinese government may not be apparent to readers.

Huawei has come under fire for its cozy relationship with Beijing. Critics of Huawei, whose founder is an avowed member of the Chinese Communist Party, say the company's links to the Chinese government pose risks to dissenters in China and could help the regime spy on foreign adversaries. The Trump administration put Huawei on an economic blacklist over those concerns, and the Biden administration has maintained the policy. Huawei has spent millions of dollars on advertising and lobbying to beat back the sanctions and to rehabilitate its image. The company has paid Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta $500,000 since August to lobby the White House, according to lobbying disclosures.

Media companies that partner with Huawei and other Chinese entities have drawn scrutiny in recent years as Beijing has mounted an aggressive foreign propaganda campaign. The Journal, New York Times, and Washington Post all ended partnerships with China Daily last year, citing concerns about working with state-run media outlets. The National Association of Black Journalists last year canceled an online event to discuss misinformation regarding coronavirus after backlash over Huawei's sponsorship.

Huawei has sponsored events through Wired‘s "Brand Lab," which offers the magazine's clients "the chance to connect your brand to the Wired world." Huawei sponsored a conversation with Brookings Institution fellow Dr. Nicol Turner Lee, whose think tank has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from Huawei. That funding from Huawei has bought friendly write-ups of Huawei projects. The Brand Lab also has created friendly, unsigned opinion pieces on behalf of Huawei. In one, Wired argues that although "computer chips make the digital world go round," the United States risks "decoupling supply chains" and "dramatically impacting the bottom lines of businesses." The piece blames the United States for pressuring Huawei and makes no reference to national security concerns.


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ecfc6a  No.14867593


only one source that I have seen and it was fake

grey world news or something…

but the telegram rumor has started so…

oh well.

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0c7855  No.14867594

File: 0e55124c60b7a88⋯.mp4 (457.49 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Escalated_Quickly.mp4)