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File: 3581733c912d312⋯.jpg (19.26 KB, 640x272, 40:17, 3581733c912d3123efb9f802f2….jpg)

1b7aa2  No.14863963[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


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1b7aa2  No.14863969

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President Donald Trump Launches new Platform https://www.truthsocial.com

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1b7aa2  No.14863970



>>14863261 Fulton County Georgia Ordered More Than One Million Absentee Ballots from Printer Days Before the 2020 Election Knowing There Was No Time to Mail Them Out – Why?

>>14863299 Trump's Truth Social beta site violates open source license President Trump's Truth Social = Mastodon?

>>14863300 If You Take the COVID Vax, You Can Never Achieve Full Immunity Again

>>14863313, >>14863594, >>14863327, >>14863356, >>14863378, >>14863339, >>14863634, >>14863639, >>14863639 German Chancellor #Merkel is out. Era ends after 16 years (Cap 0:32)

>>14863325 Durham about to question Michael Sussman and James Baker (0:57)

>>14863872, >>14863326 "FUCK Joe Biden"

>>14863351 Michigan over 616,000 people in the Qualified Voter File at time of 2020 election More "voters" than people

>>14863355 Tracking the FDA advisory panel meeting on Covid-19 vaccines for kids

>>14863360, >>14863363, >>14863666, >>14863729, >>14863787 Alabama Governor Orders State Agencies To Defy Vaccine Mandates

>>14863379, >>14863410, >>14863437, >>14863447, >>14863706, >>14863766 "Lets go Brandon" is officially topping the charts

>>14863381 NIH Director Shredded Over Risky Research In Wuhan After CNN Interview Goes Sideways

>>14863383, >>14863625 Texas Governor Signs Bill Requiring Student Athletes Play On Teams Matching Birth Sex

>>14863400 ABC News’ ‘Gun Violence Tracker’ Pads Numbers with Non-Crimes: Officer-Involved Shootings, Suicides

>>14863438 Based NZ mayor basically says 'Fuck the Pfizer'.

>>14863464 The Passion of the Christ actor Jim Caviezel tells QAnon conference to send their enemies ‘back to hell where they belong’

>>14863487 FAKE NEWS: Jim Caviezel recites Mel Gibson’s ‘Braveheart’ battle cry at QAnon conference

>>14863515 Bidenflation: U.S. Home Prices Jump by Record 19.9%

>>14863519, >>14863532, >>14863546, >>14863563 DOJ RELEASES Chicago Tech Executive Guilty of Illegally Exporting Computer Equipment to Pakistan

>>14863523 Comcast Censors Vaccine Paralyzed 13-Year-Old Girl

>>14863537 Era of Big Tech Over? Big Threat to Tech Monopoly Emerges

>>14863554, >>14863858 Those who were vaccinated are sentenced to death

>>14863580 Joint Base Andrews to Gitmo flight tomorrow morning

>>14863592 General Flynn created a new word: Faucism The practice of eugenics to determine what a society should be instead of what God has created for all of humanity

>>14863489, >>14863595 Celine Dion sick Vegas shows cancelled

>>14863611 PEDO BUN 26 October 21

>>14863612 Ron Watkins: Ray Epps instructed protesters to enter the Capitol, why did the government ask people to commit crimes?

>>14863682 Member Cambridge Analytica? Ann Sarnoff is married to the nephew of General David Sarnoff, the spook from Minsk who founded RCA and NBC

>>14863664 Sidney Powell: DefendingTheRepublic.org has sued on behalf of multiple members of the military who do not want their cell structure altered

>>14863680 Berejiklian ‘lied’ to then-chief of staff and friend about relationship: ICAC

>>14863707 PETA Calls on Fauci to Resign After (More) Allegations His Agency Funded Horrific Experiments on Puppies

>>14863736 Chelsea Clinton Clown Comms

>>14863747 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Google has deleted one of the best and largest left-wing media outlets in the UK Novara Media @novaramedia

>>14863748 McAuliffe/Biden supporters are in line for security. Gates opened a little less than an hour ago (Cap 0:10)

>>14863765 Action Alert: Send RFK, Jr.’s letter to your elected officials now regarding potential FDA Authorization of COVID vaccines for five- to eleven-year-old children

>>14863768 Why Is The Media Letting Hillary Clinton Sell Her Book Without Getting Epstein Questions?

>>14863773 U.S. Navy @USNavy Cruising the night sky! Waxing gibbous moon symbol

>>14863775 Law Firms That Raced To Defend Terrorists In Gitmo Leave Jan. 6 Defendants Out To Dry

>>14863779 JUSTICE marker

>>14863781 What To Do About Your Local Library Putting Porn On Kids’ Shelves

>>14863786 McAuliffe-Linked Law Firm, NSBA Fighting Student Who Said She Was Gang-Raped, Asks Supreme Court To Alter Title IX To Diminish Victims Rights

>>14863788 Joe Rogan: Dr. Pierre Kory Said 200 Members of Congress Were Treated With Ivermectin

>>14863808 VAERS Admits Fewer Than 1% of Vaccine Adverse Events are Reported

>>14863812, >>14863816, >>14863869, >>14863829, >>14863893 FOLLOW HUMA

>>14863828 PF Reports 40 Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawks in the sky

>>14863361, >>14863842, >>14863818 The Covid-19 Timeline. No Evidence of a “Pandemic”

>>14863874 FCC Votes to Terminate China Telecom’s Operations in US Over National Security Concerns

>>14863917 Durham probe: 15 Grand Jury subpoenas….Clinton admin emails they fought to hide…

>>14863942 Navy Tweet digits bun

>>14863949 #18801

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1b7aa2  No.14863975


>>14862538 FDA Panel Recommends Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine For Kids Ages 5 To 11

>>14862549 CDC Director Redfield, before he was a top bureaucrat, was found guilty of falsifying data to make it look like his HIV vaccine candidate worked.

>>14862560 LIVE: Vaccine-Mandate Protest for Auburn University Staff in Auburn, AL 10/26/21

>>14862564 Thompson engineered the BBC Savile cover up then jumped ship to become CEO of the NY Times

>>14862576 Texas National Guard deployed to border.

>>14862715, >>14862758 John Durham has interviewed the Clinton Foundation whistleblowers who have testified before Congress and blew the whistle on multiple decades of malfeasance, corruption, tax evasion and more.

>>14862717 It Wasn’t Just Beagles and Monkeys – Fauci’s NIH Also Funded Medical Experiments on AIDS Orphans in NY City

>>14862770, >>14863048, >>14863119 Durham to Call James Baker to Testify in Case of Former Hillary Clinton Campaign Lawyer Michael Sussmann

>>14862778, >>14863065 Reid Hoffman and George Soros launching a group to fight disinformation that they are calling “Good Information Inc.”

>>14862872 Hillary Clinton - Facebook has privileged lies, damaged our democracy, and worsened divisions in our society… knowingly, for profit.

>>14862954, >>14862959 U.S. Navy - Integrating #NavyPartnerships w/unmanned systems Flag of United States ⚓ Flag of Bahrain

>>14862955 150 people arrested, over $31M seized in international drug trafficking sting: Department of Justice

>>14863014 FDA Panel Approves Pfizer Covid Vax For Kids Ages 5-11, Concedes it Doesn’t Know Long-Term Risks to Children

>>14863022, >>14863054 Three Ohio judges “die unexpectedly” in nine-day span after vaxx mandate

>>14863028 Jury fuckery? Jizzylane tries to move trial again

>>14863035, >>14863036 Statement on TMTG by the 45th President Donald J. Trump

>>14863037, >>14863089 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14863058 ICYMI: "Washington Post ‘Forced to Admit They Lied’ After Pretending ‘F*ck Joe Biden’ Chant Was ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’"

>>14863069 FBI Raids Chinese Point-of-Sale Giant PAX Technology

>>14863080 Idaho School Board Race: Democrats Vandalize Signs, Intimidate Voters Supporting Anti-CRT Candidates

>>14863087 CONFIRMED: Arizona Audit Report Validates Fraud—A Must Read!

>>14863088 Why is Pfizer Requesting Legal Immunity if Vaccines For 5 to 11 Year-Olds are Safe?

>>14863092 We don't need no vaccination, We don't need no thought control (Meme Music Video)

>>14863095, >>14863187 Biden Admin Appoints School Boards Association President 2 Days After Signing ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Letter / NSBA chief who penned ‘domestic terrorism’ letter named to federal post

>>14863104 Biden Back To Using Fake White House Set

>>14863131, >>14863181 EPIC! Marine Veteran Hero Who Stopped Robbery in Progress Receives Valor Award

>>14863172, >>14863210 FDA Panel Votes Unanimously to Approve 5 to 11-year-old Vaccinations: “We’re Never Going to Learn About How Safe This Vaccine Is Unless We Start Giving It, That’s Just The Way It Goes”

>>14863190 California has paid at least $20 billion in fraudulent unemployment benefits since the start of the pandemic. - ABC 7

>>14863206 PF REPORT - 1992 Boeing 737-4Q8 U.S. MARSHALS SERVICE

>>14863223 JUST IN - Missouri terminates National School Boards Association membership, MSBA cites NSBA's letter to Biden as the reason.

>>14863227 #18800

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1b7aa2  No.14863977


>>14861739 Gas Stations Across Iran Crippled After Massive Cyberattack

>>14861746 NIH Director Francis Collins faces tough questions from CNN about Wuhan lab research, misleads with answers

>>14861756 Minnesota Surgeon Fired After Speaking Against Mask Mandates at School Board Meeting

>>14861760, >>14861886 200402-N-PH222-1182 LOS ANGELES (April 2, 2020) Sailors treat a patient aboard the hospital ship

>>14861761 Louisiana High School Under Investigation For Vaccinating Teenage Students Without Parental Consent

>>14861778, >>14861997 Zuckerberg claims Facebook is victim of ‘coordinated media effort’ to tarnish its image with leaked documents

>>14861787 150 arrested in dark web drug bust as police seize €26 million

>>14861789 Missouri terminates National School Boards Association membership

>>14861793 Criminal group behind €45 million money laundering scheme dismantled in Spain

>>14861807 US Treasury Secretary Yellen Holds Talks With China’s Trade Negotiator

>>14861818 COVID-19 Vaccine Advisor To FDA, CDC Attends Wuhan Conference Featuring Chinese Military Researchers.

>>14861837 Delaware Audit Confirms Dead Voters And Literally Impossible Numbers From Nursing Homes In The 2020 Election

>>14861843 NIH Erases Website’s Section on Gain of Function amid Fauci Fallout

>>14861849 UK Spy Agencies Sign Deal with Amazon to Host Classified Information: Report

>>14861858 Boris Suggests Feeding Humans to Animals to Save the Environment

>>14861872 Who are the Uyghurs and why is China being accused of genocide?

>>14861890 If You Take the COVID Vax, You Can Never Achieve Full Immunity Again – Government Stats Unveil the Horrifying Truth

>>14861909 [Biden][NSBA] Targeting Parents as "Domestic Terrorists" = Echoes [Hussein][IRS] Targeting Tea Party & Conservatives.

>>14861945 Governor Inslee to mandate COVID vaccination for all private businesses

>>14861965 Israel refuses to condemn China's abuse of Uyghur Muslims

>>14861983, >>14862162 German President presents Angela Merkel with resignation papers

>>14861993 FDA Committee Members DIRECTLY Tied to Pfizer, Plan to "Approve" Vaxx for Kids

>>14862001 Israel to promote plans for 3,144 settler homes despite international uproar

>>14862009 White House ‘Gender Equity’ Plan Calls for Elimination of Cash Bail

>>14862020 From The Desk Of Donald J. Trump

>>14862060 BioNTech Agrees To Construct mRNA Vaccine Manufacturing For African Union

>>14862073 Leader of Money Laundering Network Responsible for Laundering Millions of Dollars in Drug Proceeds Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison

>>14862076 Study Coordinator Pleads Guilty in Scheme to Falsify Clinical Drug Trial Data

>>14862083 Non-Profit Ceo Sentenced to Two Years in Federal Prison After Pleading Guilty to Wire Fraud

>>14862092 10 Foreign Nationals Charged In Years-Long, Multimillion-Dollar Investment And Impersonation Scheme

>>14862105 Nine Therapists Arrested in Scheme to Defraud Program for Developmentally Disabled Children

>>14862151 Joe Rogan: “By the way, 200 Congress People Have Been Treated with Ivermectin for COVID”

>>14862240, >>14862362 FAUCI IS SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED in connection with the NEVIRAPINE trials

>>14862248 U.S. Navy - #FlyNavy supporting a #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific!

>>14862337 Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

>>14862342 DWAC Up 650% in 4 days. Oh, the keks.

>>14862461 #18799

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1b7aa2  No.14863979


>>14860955 largest Migrant Caravan To date in route.

>>14860976 Finchem talking Ballot Watermarks on warroom

>>14860986 Background checking for a Website/Person (GLOBAL NOMINATION FOR BAKERS)

>>14860990 This is a bit strange, and what would Obama know about it??

>>14860991 DWAC down

>>14860993 Ontario Superior Court issues interim injunction against Toronto hospital network's vaccine mandate

>>14860995 CA Newsom (D) will jet to the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland [Scottish MASONS?]

>>14861021 Health Care Workers Speak Out on Why They Would Rather Lose Their Jobs Than Take a COVID-19 Vaccine

>>14861033 PF Reporting for Duty [Any planefags on?]

>>14861037 "Biden to Campaign in VA Tonight for Terry McAuliffe."

>>14861053, >>14861177, >>14861260 Here is the #Walkout of students at @LCPSOfficial Broad Run High School in Loudoun County. (VID)

>>14861121 A "QAnon" conspiracy theory about election fraud is becoming a pro-Trump push for traceable ballots (Qanon.com)

>>14861143 Pray

>>14861174 Twitter Suppressing hash Trend #DrDogKiller?

>>14861182 It is about morality.

>>14861195 Operation Dark HunTor

>>14861230 Anon Got memes (Templates)

>>14861175 Executives from Snapchat, TikTok, and YouTube will testify before the Senate Commerce Consumer Protection Subcommittee

>>14861263 #FauciLiedDogsDied [#DrDogKiller]

>>14861282 What have you learned about HUMA? (Call To Dig)

>>14861324 GOP Rep. Jeff Duncan of SC wearing a mask with a phrase that Republicans are using in place of F*** Joe Biden. [NOT KEKKING]

>>14861349, >>14861393 Reminder: It's the Aliens?

>>14861367, >>14861481 Anon list of 17 items of Truth Suppresion (Capo)

>>14861402 E-6B TACAMO c/sAWOKE54 Squawking 3645

>>14861438 @USNavy Cruising the #SouthChinaSea [Watch The Water!!!]

>>14861451 RittenHouse Winning (LibelSuits?)

>>14861468 'Fed-Protected' Man Identified As Mystery Instigator Of J6 Capitol Breach

>>14861498 10/21 Delta Force Raids Adrenochrome Warehouse

>>14861542 Tennessee State Sen. Brian Kelsey and local business owner Joshua Smith indicted

>>14861546 LA PALMA UPDATE!!

>>14861582 Another E-6 showing on the screen RESET54

>>14861606 Elementary school principal has been arrested and is facing charges of aggravated assault.

>>14861710 #18798

Previously Collected

>>14860929 #18797,

>>14858577 #18794, >>14859338 #18795, >>14860162 #18796

>>14856106 #18791, >>14857074 #18792. >>14857778 #18793

>>14853380 #18788, >>14854767 #18789, >>14856315 #18790

>>14851299 #18785, >>14852532 #18786, >>14854213 #18787

>>14848997 #18782, >>14849758 #18783, >>14850524 #18784

>>14847112 #18779, >>14847476 #18780, >>14848901 #18781

>>14844315 #18776, >>14845360 #18777, >>14845872 #18778

>>14842040 #18773, >>14842798 #18774, >>14843565 #18775

>>14839615 #18770, >>14841534 #18771, >>14841662 #18772

>>14836179 #18767, >>14836976 #18768, >>14838572 #18769

>>14834461 #18764, >>14835361 #18765, >>14836204 #18766

>>14832852 #18761, >>14834430 #18762, >>14834430 #18763

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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1b7aa2  No.14863981



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4e3877  No.14863985

File: b3f07a0841efcf0⋯.png (72.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, HeyNewfag.png)

File: 2487bcf59512ba7⋯.jpg (10.78 KB, 190x255, 38:51, hwfg.jpg)

Board Fuckery Afoot

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9dbe20  No.14864002

File: 9834a2504761de7⋯.jpeg (704.7 KB, 1125x1555, 225:311, EAA696A7_847F_462A_970E_0….jpeg)

Donald Trump Jr.


I’ve got another idea: if you think this sign is reasonable, then at the end of this 30-second ride, why don’t you just continue to STFU in perpetuity.


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437ec1  No.14864004


on and off last 2 days

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d455ef  No.14864008

File: 93e5adc70b08d39⋯.jpg (75.12 KB, 1100x600, 11:6, fauci_beagle_torture.jpg)

>>14863381 pb

>NIH Director Shredded Over Risky Research In Wuhan After CNN Interview Goes Sideways


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437ec1  No.14864011

File: c4e2c7eb1f1ca0f⋯.png (133.43 KB, 898x878, 449:439, ClipboardImage.png)

Pediatric COVID Hospitalizations Plunge As Schools Reopen, Baffling Experts

All summer long, Dr. Anthony Fauci, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and other unelected federal bureaucrats have been warning that COVID cases will explode as soon as teachers and students return to classrooms in person this fall, which is why Dr. Fauci has been one of the loudest voices cheering on politicians like NYC's de Blasio and others who have imposed such mandates on teachers and school employees (which has since been expanded to cover most, if not all, city employees). But just as Pfizer, Moderna and their allies in the federal bureaucracy prepare to declare mRNA vaccines safe for all students between the age of 5 and 11, Bloomberg has just pointed out a remarkable shift: hospitalizations involving US children (already extremely rare compared with the adult population) have fallen sharply as schools reopen.

The number of children who have been hospitalized or died in the US due to COVID has remained extremely small: while the number of US minors who have been confirmed positive with COVID has numbered about 5MM since the start of the pandemic, fewer of 700 of those people have died. When it comes to hospitalizations, the difference between infected adults and children is pretty dramatic.


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8a2fd2  No.14864017

File: d944fdee50ce4a5⋯.jpeg (73.82 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 5EB3DBE0_5E3F_44C5_8392_E….jpeg)

File: b2e22cf76f18415⋯.jpeg (584.17 KB, 1017x1191, 339:397, 91766045_1D93_4C44_96BD_3….jpeg)

File: 48beb8dfcfa5a20⋯.jpeg (25.51 KB, 193x255, 193:255, 921FA9A1_A514_4992_AF56_5….jpeg)

File: 55498d73f3eb3d8⋯.jpeg (745.04 KB, 1487x1191, 1487:1191, 182CF2B9_CBC5_45DA_8A61_D….jpeg)

File: 3720cb7974efaab⋯.jpeg (25.6 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 571D938A_EBD9_43F4_9232_C….jpeg)

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4e3877  No.14864018


It all connects:







Can't have Anons exposing the truth….

It's coming.

Nothing can stop it.

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d455ef  No.14864020

File: 40ce7d530a72a08⋯.png (367.06 KB, 800x737, 800:737, it_was_the_jews.png)

>>14861739 PB

>Gas Stations Across Iran Crippled After Massive Cyberattack


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437ec1  No.14864025

File: a003969d3c6950b⋯.png (346.57 KB, 567x580, 567:580, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eeec432277b51f0⋯.png (76.87 KB, 659x846, 659:846, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd4d9e57462918b⋯.png (66.61 KB, 675x830, 135:166, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec1eba0fed9f2ca⋯.png (83.01 KB, 679x910, 97:130, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dcc4075b0005e85⋯.png (47.66 KB, 587x484, 587:484, ClipboardImage.png)

Establishment Media Shut Down Secret Chat Room Coordinating Facebook ‘Whistleblower’ Document Releases After Breitbart News Inquiries

Several establishment media outlets coordinated the release of document disclosures in a giant and secret, now-defunct online chat group, hidden from the public, a series of recent reports reveals. The group shut down abruptly on Tuesday afternoon after a series of unanswered inquiries from Breitbart News were sent to known members throughout the establishment media, including at least two New York Times reporters, a senior editor at the Atlantic, an NBC News reporter, and several others.

The online chat, through an application called Slack that facilitates group chats and is used by many different newsrooms and other companies nationwide, helped establishment media outlets coordinate the release of their stories on documents provided to them by so-called Facebook “whistleblower” Frances Haugen. Slack is generally used internally for easier communication in remote companies, but special features do allow Slack users to set up groups with members from a selection of different companies. That appears to be what happened here, as representatives from each of the above named companies and others all joined a specially created Slack group to coordinate their stories for maximum impact.

It is unclear who created the group, and its full membership list is as of now unknown. But two different press reports—one from an outlet called The Information, and the other a reported column from the New York Times’s Ben Smith—publicly revealed the existence of the group and the nature of its purpose, as well as some members. Most known members did not respond to Breitbart News requests for interviews, which were sent earlier on Tuesday, but after the first round of inquiries went out asking for information about the Slack group and whether its members in the interest of transparency would support the public release of its full contents, a third report—this one from tech blog Gizmodo—revealed that the group would be shutting down permanently. Smith himself has not replied to a detailed interview and comment request about his column, but in it he downplays these revelations.

The Information, the first outlet to reveal the secretive chat’s existence, was according to its and Smith’s subsequent report, barred from membership in the group despite efforts to join.

The excuse from Andrew Couts, Gizmodo’s executive editor, for the shutting down of the Slack group is because now “access” to the documents its members coordinated release of in it “is being expanded beyond the original group of publications.”

Mac has not answered whether he supports the public release of the entire contents of the Slack group in which these media outlet representatives including himself were allegedly coordinating the document dumps.


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7dd0f6  No.14864027

File: a775f0b7c211b9b⋯.png (12.77 KB, 450x243, 50:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 765b8b372a75c23⋯.png (48.06 KB, 450x338, 225:169, ClipboardImage.png)

The Kingdom of Archaea

The word archaea comes from the Ancient Greek ἀρχαῖα, meaning "ancient things"

Recently we've discovered and entirely new form(s) of life which biologists tend to be matter of fact about, mostly because we don't really understand them very well. An entirely new kingdom of life that is adaptable enough to live in both the deep earth "hot biosphere" in extreme heat and pressure and to metabolise ammonia and sulfur, and are also found… in the human intestine.

> Despite a morphological similarity to bacteria, archaea possess genes and several metabolic pathways that are more closely related to those of eukaryotes, notably for the enzymes involved in transcription and translation [codes for bio material]

Archaea are part of the microbiota of all organisms. In the human microbiome, they are important in the gut, mouth, and on the skin.

No clear examples of archaeal pathogens or parasites are known. Instead they are often mutualists or commensals, such as the methanogens (methane-producing strains) that inhabit the gastrointestinal tract in humans and ruminants, where their vast numbers facilitate digestion.

Archaea are genetically distinct from bacteria and eukaryotes, with up to 15% of the proteins encoded by any one archaeal genome being unique to the domain, although most of these unique genes have no known function

Archaeal energy sources are extremely diverse, and range from the oxidation of ammonia by the Nitrosopumilales to the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide or elemental sulfur by species of Sulfolobus, using either oxygen or metal ions as electron acceptors

Smaller independent pieces of DNA, called plasmids, are also found in archaea. Plasmids may be transferred between cells by physical contact


There's lots of life in the deep hot biosphere, archaea and perhaps more complex species such as fiery salamanders, rock eaters and the mysterious and fiery seraphim that populate scriptural revelation, folklore and myth.

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7dd0f6  No.14864031

File: 12dbd3d521332da⋯.png (164.44 KB, 661x538, 661:538, ClipboardImage.png)

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437ec1  No.14864035

File: 7711fa79c57a7f7⋯.png (234.39 KB, 550x648, 275:324, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d553d270f733a11⋯.png (452.14 KB, 535x707, 535:707, ClipboardImage.png)

THE REGIME IS REAL: Corrupt Judge Amy Berman Jackson Releases Jan. 6 Protester from Pre-Trial Custody After Repudiates Donald Trump

Corrupt Judge Amy Berman Jackson released a January 6th protester after several months from pre-trial incarceration after he disavowed President Trump.

We are now living under a communist cloak of oppression.

Via Mike Cernovich:

Thomas Sibick wrote a letter to Amy Berman Jackson repudiating President Donald Trump.

He says Trump should be “ostracized” from society.

Amy Berman Jackson is the same wicked DC judge who harassed and abused Roger Stone for years.

The far left judge lied repeatedly during his sentencing and accused Stone of threatening her which was a ridiculous joke.

The woman is not fit for office and this has been obvious for years.


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3dd99e  No.14864037

File: f743ae7e8172576⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 640x640, 1:1, fhgN7j1.jpg)

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9a6759  No.14864041

File: ef6bf2472a321a9⋯.png (990.86 KB, 1200x911, 1200:911, 536363.png)

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3775c4  No.14864043

File: 0f7fea6278d13b3⋯.jpg (218 KB, 949x1003, 949:1003, 1635270957068.jpg)


Thanks Bakes.


o7 o7

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437ec1  No.14864045

File: 908d97c02b9f2d4⋯.png (291.21 KB, 601x493, 601:493, ClipboardImage.png)


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3795ef  No.14864048

File: 9e1dde4535894cf⋯.jpg (193.26 KB, 720x1206, 40:67, 20211026_184838.jpg)

File: 791fdcbab2047c9⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, _qPfh_oiSIjcE_LS.mp4)


WOW. Barack Obama can't Help Himself. He says BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN FANS loved Clarence Clemmons but only "on-stage"if the "primarily white audience" ran into Clarence at a bar, they'd call him THE N-WORD. Barackyou don't have a damn CLUE about this country. https://t.co/X4xwQU5ld8

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401511  No.14864049

So is anything ever going to actually happen?

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647994  No.14864050

File: 0aa722cb3f3c628⋯.mp4 (235.48 KB, 478x270, 239:135, Breitbart_War.mp4)

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95d51f  No.14864053

>>14864022 lb

Naval Station Guantanamo Bay

what Harm may be up to

maybe that flight from JBA down to GITMO has something to do with

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437ec1  No.14864055

Dr. Zelenko Drops ATOMIC BOMB: Where Did the Influenza Go?

Believes Ivemectin zinc hcq cures the flu and covid

Then says he believes the flu could be released every year

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437ec1  No.14864056



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041593  No.14864058

File: caa3e3226060e5a⋯.png (418.22 KB, 625x699, 625:699, pepeBreadJoeTatoe.png)




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7dd0f6  No.14864061

File: 4319242400d1703⋯.png (134.25 KB, 593x266, 593:266, ClipboardImage.png)

Rand Walzman did develop the first social media manipulation software at DARPA. Not sure if we have seen it operational – but there are/were candidate bot attacks at half chan in '17 which fit the bill.

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2e5609  No.14864062

File: b4cf4629f93046c⋯.png (185.05 KB, 424x323, 424:323, soooon1.png)

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be6362  No.14864065

Jab all the kids. White hats, Trump, and Q are definitely not in control.

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5afc89  No.14864066

File: eaed00b7f3c0120⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1467x438, 489:146, Screenshot_2021_10_26_at_1….png)

File: 715503563ce18d6⋯.png (88.2 KB, 540x406, 270:203, Screenshot_2021_10_26_at_0….png)

…Might as well drop this Schumann here. http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7

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b831c6  No.14864068

File: d6a88df94cdc363⋯.jpg (103.34 KB, 500x676, 125:169, 5m09m5.jpg)

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9a6759  No.14864069

File: e86bef6065436e2⋯.png (232.35 KB, 497x486, 497:486, 253255.png)


>Where Did the Influenza Go?

We still had influenza…they just rebranded it Covid 19

They'll do the same fuckery in 2022

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22f228  No.14864070

File: e1b758d1f0c98ba⋯.jpg (90.21 KB, 500x625, 4:5, no_mask.jpg)

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7dd0f6  No.14864071

File: a76b4e8a05f5e7d⋯.png (126.78 KB, 921x411, 307:137, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e5609  No.14864072

File: 040c5f2521be984⋯.png (162.06 KB, 490x293, 490:293, sns5a.png)

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57a1d2  No.14864073


not for free on the internet

what, are you retarded?

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7e2d6f  No.14864074

File: d7838186e30d3f3⋯.gif (961.74 KB, 235x426, 235:426, giffrustratedcce4c03d28cf6….gif)

You wanna know something that frustrates the shit out of me about the bread layout?

why do the image links have to exactly line up wit the refresh button, so when you hit refresh but the new posts already loaded so you end up clicking the image link and you end up off bread looking at the image and then when you click back it never fucking takes you to where you were when you accidentally hit the image link?

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682a20  No.14864075




This was covered yesterday on X22. It is only a violation AFTER the site goes live, not the beta. It is no different than how Gab and others did it when launching their platforms.

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795091  No.14864076

File: 643699991e986d2⋯.png (277.53 KB, 466x688, 233:344, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e5609  No.14864077

File: 2bc40b491ca2d76⋯.png (21.64 KB, 656x457, 656:457, end1ab.png)

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9370a2  No.14864078

last bread


Dude pay attention, already told you you're barkin' up the wrong tree

Carley is his chosen one, i wouldnt fuck with her if i was you

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5ed848  No.14864079

File: ac6015d07687fef⋯.png (5.76 KB, 155x254, 155:254, 5ee39a0ceca058ad30faf0abdb….png)


Too soon?

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437ec1  No.14864080

File: 4623dc28ff221d9⋯.png (21.76 KB, 626x174, 313:87, ClipboardImage.png)


Brazilian Senate panel recommends President Bolsonaro face criminal charges for allegedly bungling pandemic response

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78aa81  No.14864081

File: e9e09edfd6e4897⋯.jpg (29.17 KB, 400x299, 400:299, OwlsNotWhatSeem_NS.jpg)

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7dd0f6  No.14864082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In the everyday world we attach “me” to our body and to that “me” we attach multiple defined identities. Religious, racial, social, economic –

How real are those defined identities?

To some of us they're extremely real.

To others, including most of the satanist pedovore cult con artists we contend with, none of those identities are real.

Our ethnic, racial and religious identities, to the cultist’s way of thinking, are simply masks, sheep's clothing, to be worn or exchanged at convenience.

Pedovores assume and discard Catholic, Jewish, evangelical protestant, and secular humanist identities as easily as they express right wing, left wing or centrist ideological positions. These labels are meaningless to pedovores who use our treasured identities as protective camouflage for the abduction and ritual abuse of our children as well as economic depredation.

Ideologies and dogmas are cognitive malware. They make effective smokescreens.

Whatever identity mask they adopt, cult pedovores need and seek access to vulnerable children.

We have found satanist pedovore cultists running major charitable organizations, respected foundations and reputable institutions which are collectively responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of national and international programs targeting “at risk” ie vulnerable children – all under pretext of helping.

Children's Defense Fund is a prime example of a pedovore social subversion weaponized as a charitable construct. CDF is endorsed by the biggest “stars” and executives in the entertainment business.


Most of the same people were also involved in starting the National Center for Missing and Exploited children, which gave pedovores both access to children and a heads-up early warning system because the creepy sham center for M&E children started the “Amber Alert Service” run by the evil pedovore Laura Silsby, arrested for kidnapping “orphaned” children (parents alive) in Haiti.


Pedovores are con artists, they steal your wallet and offer to help you look for it.

Similarly, when communities ask themselves, "who's going to care for our orphans?" Pedovores always have their hands up, and may style themselves Catholics Jews or evangelicals in order facilitate access.


Pedovores don't believe in national, religious or ethnic identities. cultists are identity-shifters who embed themselves in ethnic, religious or ideological communities and seek control of fund raising and identity defining structures.

Pedovore run such organizations today, and hide been hide the philanthropic reputation of do-gooder organizations.

This is information war, and that's how IW is fought.


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1b7aa2  No.14864083

File: 9e938909e6d1786⋯.jpeg (43.17 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 9e938909e6d1786d09933680a….jpeg)

File: 2d0012cdd8c1cc5⋯.png (263.47 KB, 687x541, 687:541, 2d0012cdd8c1cc57bb9ccfe0bb….png)

File: 9992d02a338da4f⋯.jpeg (141.61 KB, 914x562, 457:281, 9992d02a338da4f4ef1b90cc7….jpeg)

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2e5609  No.14864084

File: 8c24f8ecf45137f⋯.jpg (29.08 KB, 403x362, 403:362, ftrmp.jpg)

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1b3a1d  No.14864085

File: ae6beda926d4dff⋯.png (345.27 KB, 398x679, 398:679, Screenshot_2021_10_26_at_2….png)

The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall Retweeted

Prime Minister's Office, Pakistan@PakPMO

PM @ImranKhanPTI Flag of Pakistan held a telephonic conversation with HRH Prince Charles, Prince of WalesFlag of United Kingdom, today.

The two leaders exchanged views on the forthcoming @UN Climate Change Conference #COP26, scheduled to be held from 31 October to 12 November 2021 in Glasgow, United Kingdom


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869111  No.14864086

File: 1cafbd3a68abdcc⋯.jpg (220.96 KB, 500x697, 500:697, 1cafbd3a68abdcc9a3975be844….jpg)

Fucking shills are hilarious.

So many happenings today in Notables.

Brings a smile to my face after a long day workfagging.

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95d51f  No.14864087

>>14863999 lb

trips on the subpoenas

Bring forth moar subpoenas

moar indictments

let it crash into a crescendo 11/11/2021 at 1111 Eastern

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a895bd  No.14864088

File: 3b05fbbd45842bc⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1863x2754, 23:34, nightshiftsf.png)

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437ec1  No.14864089

File: 2ca41490c40f0e7⋯.png (152.71 KB, 581x286, 581:286, ClipboardImage.png)

A senior NSW bureaucrat was told former MP Daryl Maguire "had the ear" of then-premier Gladys Berejiklian as he advocated for a multi-million-dollar grant for his electorate, the corruption watchdog has heard.

Key points:

The inquiry has heard that Ms Berejiklian's office took a particular interest in a $5.5m grant to a Wagga Wagga shooting club

A senior bureaucrat says there were frequent requests for updates from the premier's office

The bureaucrat took to emailing Ms Berejiklian's chief of staff with progress reports

The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is considering whether Ms Berejiklian breached public trust in connection to grants awarded in Wagga Wagga, due to a potential conflict of interest created by her secret relationship with the local MP, Mr Maguire.

Secretary of the Department of Regional NSW, Gary Barnes, today recalled there being a "particular interest" from Ms Berejiklian's office in a $5.5 million grant to the Australian Clay Target Association.

In late 2016, that proposal received conditional approval from a cabinet committee chaired by then-treasurer Ms Berejiklian, who went on to become premier in January 2017.

"I seem to remember someone in the deputy premier's office had told me Daryl was well-regarded by the premier as a person that understood the bush, as a Liberal party person and that he had the ear of the premier," Mr Barnes said.

Mr Maguire was a "strong advocate" for projects in his electorate, he said.

Mr Barnes agreed the frequency with which staff from the offices of then-deputy premier John Barilaro and Ms Berejiklian asked for updates on the Australian Clay Target Association proposal was "atypical".

He told the commission he gave the project priority partly because of the "political imprimatur" which came with the expenditure review committee's conditional backing.

Mr Barnes emailed Ms Berejiklian's then-chief of staff, Sarah Cruickshank, with updates about the project.

He said he felt this was "warranted" due to the particular interest being shown.

The ICAC had previously heard the conditions for approval of the grant included a satisfactory business case, as the original document was considered "deficient".

The shooting club had received government funding for its initial business case, but Mr Barnes said proponents were usually expected to fund their own grant applications and this was "unusual".

The Office of Regional Development provided $26,950 for the business case to be revisited.

Upon revision, the project was found to have met a government benefit-to-cost benchmark to qualify for funding.

Ms Berejiklian denied wrongdoing when she resigned at the beginning of this month and said history would show she always acted with integrity.


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4c949d  No.14864090

File: f632b80dfb93856⋯.mp4 (10.38 MB, 720x720, 1:1, UPDATE_Navy_nuclear_engine….mp4)

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9a6759  No.14864091

File: f45081d29fef6e0⋯.png (472.43 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 3532525.png)


thanks for the keks

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820f38  No.14864092

File: de4593aa81d1421⋯.jpg (10.37 KB, 400x290, 40:29, Dawsons_creek_crying_meme_….jpg)

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2e5609  No.14864093

File: 1b20cac6c958d23⋯.png (182.9 KB, 478x408, 239:204, bwt.PNG)

File: 043080625af3c55⋯.png (727.92 KB, 657x662, 657:662, ftmp.PNG)

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4c949d  No.14864094

File: ae9738c68df0f0a⋯.mp4 (932.24 KB, 640x352, 20:11, australian_psychopath_Glad….mp4)


>Wagga Wagga

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3795ef  No.14864095

File: 9789a55b09ac1e5⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, TFcxHC6ySETcLA_o.mp4)


Please Virginia End This cringe

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b831c6  No.14864096

File: 53fda819040ee41⋯.jpg (88.81 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5oh9lu.jpg)

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647994  No.14864097

File: 59c290dbf66e157⋯.jpg (86.55 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Hide_the_Faggot_.jpg)

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862184  No.14864098

File: 0eec4e569939092⋯.jpeg (49.46 KB, 407x611, 407:611, 133876D9_726E_46CA_A497_4….jpeg)


Thx baker.

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9a6759  No.14864099

File: 80cb6aebead7817⋯.jpg (82.63 KB, 662x479, 662:479, 88.jpg)


HH dubs checked & Heil'd

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4c949d  No.14864100

File: a5d055b2b529290⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, BaldwinEpstein.mp4)

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7dd0f6  No.14864101

File: 1b16d4cb937e348⋯.png (256.51 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e5609  No.14864102

File: 7839a2a3cd9722b⋯.png (566.52 KB, 798x621, 266:207, agnt.PNG)

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22f228  No.14864103

File: 44d0a364eafb9f1⋯.jpeg (41.45 KB, 566x500, 283:250, 44d0a364eafb9f1de44d4ab03….jpeg)

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682a20  No.14864104


Yep. Fauci's boss getting shredded instead of the other way round. Normally it is the lacky getting thrown under the bus amirite.

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7211b7  No.14864105

File: 593b63f11720724⋯.jpg (27.66 KB, 650x415, 130:83, nnbjhgfdd.jpg)

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57a1d2  No.14864106


>HH anon

omg you feds are so adorable

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b771e7  No.14864107

File: 0d40215b4456932⋯.png (992.83 KB, 811x714, 811:714, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0026a53f512acb0⋯.png (83.4 KB, 897x700, 897:700, ClipboardImage.png)


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3795ef  No.14864108

File: f665aa880cd0a35⋯.jpg (124.6 KB, 1024x761, 1024:761, 20211026_190044.jpg)

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2e5609  No.14864109

File: 2205cdb8118a3dc⋯.png (414.17 KB, 625x424, 625:424, ftrp3.PNG)

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1b3a71  No.14864110


Sounds like you took the pots.

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95d51f  No.14864111

File: c1897c3029a6097⋯.gif (2.24 MB, 695x392, 695:392, 29b74Fy.gif)

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7dd0f6  No.14864112

File: 20e09c856fafd06⋯.jpg (96.2 KB, 1128x851, 1128:851, 92186fba6e09d78c8295d540a7….jpg)

File: 60a4cd8c93ce85c⋯.png (308.08 KB, 384x510, 64:85, 473240f8f89bb92147b8911470….png)

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4c949d  No.14864113

File: 15c6f42fe73e59c⋯.mp4 (621.86 KB, 640x360, 16:9, soul_paralyzing.mp4)

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ed88c3  No.14864114

File: 302880a2e2d6b6e⋯.jpg (27.55 KB, 594x385, 54:35, gettyimages_641477874_594x….jpg)


newt approves

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a1726b  No.14864115

File: e5d2ff03a7fb2e5⋯.png (104.6 KB, 300x300, 1:1, CC04BBB5_C81C_4D0C_BB0C_6A….png)


Free beer tomorrow.

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e9274a  No.14864116


>Pediatric COVID Hospitalizations Plunge As Schools Reopen, Baffling Experts

I guess that proves they are not and never were experts. After this Covid BS I'm filing the Medical Industrial Complex folder with my NASA folder.

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ed88c3  No.14864117

File: 5aeacdfb81d8702⋯.png (60.51 KB, 378x357, 18:17, IMG_2007.PNG)

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5ed848  No.14864118

File: c45afb6b542fba1⋯.png (1.12 MB, 828x780, 69:65, 01a02a6d7a57a32387f45feedb….png)


>so adorable

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9a6759  No.14864119

File: b2d4809e1039ac0⋯.png (346.58 KB, 677x500, 677:500, 35336.png)


I hope the chess shills come back

they were easily triggered and good value

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3d24c3  No.14864120

Come start talk w/ me and I will show you why I/m in here.

Rules are made to be broken.

Let's make this flat triangle rombus heaven!!!!!

bv, try harder.

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95d51f  No.14864121


parade too?

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437ec1  No.14864122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

78. "Who Killed Diana?" - Best and Most Rare Documentary -2005


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9a6759  No.14864123

File: 269f8806e7b15fa⋯.png (217.61 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, 5353636.PNG)

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d4f2a8  No.14864124

File: f100c3b27c94ed4⋯.png (402.97 KB, 479x522, 479:522, ClipboardImage.png)

bidet mcawful rally




‘You can feel the energy’: Here’s the crowd to see President Biden campaigning for Terry McAuliffe

Posted at 8:24 pm on October 26, 2021 by Brett T.

President Biden’s up late tonight and he’s not in Delaware but in deep blue Arlington to campaign for Terry McAuliffe. According to the campaign, there were about 2,500 people there:

To illustrate from a nearby building.

On the left you have a view of about half the park.

On the right you can see the tiny area they eventually squeezed people into to pretend people care about Terry McAuliffe.

8:15 PM · Oct 26, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

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3dd99e  No.14864125

File: 92f2d63978eb596⋯.jpeg (73.09 KB, 848x476, 212:119, 1538855794.jpeg)

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be6362  No.14864126

Follow Huma


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1b3a1d  No.14864127

File: 58a83daf865da14⋯.png (232.8 KB, 478x604, 239:302, Screenshot_2021_10_26_at_2….png)

In today's episode of TACAMO callsign wordsmithery…

MAVIS52 is E-6B Mercury 164387 #AE0414

"Mavis" is a girl's name of French origin for "songbird," but in certain western Eurpoean dialects, denotes song thrushes in particular.


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1b3a71  No.14864128


Is the parade tomorrow?

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dfc371  No.14864129

File: 42b8fbbb6c7defa⋯.png (913.09 KB, 1514x536, 757:268, Director_of_WA_Dept_L_I_Jo….png)

File: 1cc6db9714338f8⋯.png (94.88 KB, 760x814, 380:407, Screenshot_2021_10_26_1731….png)

File: 77c8272fc33cc4a⋯.png (18.97 KB, 788x404, 197:101, Joel_saks_salary_increase.png)

File: a667b8a7ec5402d⋯.png (112.53 KB, 1364x705, 1364:705, Screenshot_2021_10_26_1803….png)

For Wa. anons - Washington State Employees Salaries Database and Dept. of Labor and Industries Employees List

For the 2016-2020 database, use double quotes ("") in the name field and gives you the complete employees list for State of Washington Gov. :https://www.thenewstribune.com/news/databases/article253068518.html


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d4f2a8  No.14864130

File: 73d0532d4dc0d5f⋯.png (1 MB, 644x592, 161:148, ClipboardImage.png)

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57a1d2  No.14864131


yeah, super legit bro

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d4f2a8  No.14864132

File: 6a3e1585dcbbc43⋯.png (697.81 KB, 469x625, 469:625, ClipboardImage.png)

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5ed848  No.14864133

File: bb7a97092515d96⋯.jpeg (9.87 KB, 255x142, 255:142, 7a9d86fa59905bedde5f57133….jpeg)

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3006a4  No.14864134

File: 2a8fa9658ee0548⋯.jpg (79.2 KB, 960x960, 1:1, FB_IMG_1631878822527.jpg)



Wuts a Grand Jury?

Is it like a supreme court?

If so, I'm afraid it may be corrupt!

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2e5609  No.14864135

File: c1a1ede0de0310c⋯.jpg (43.73 KB, 661x388, 661:388, ke23w1.jpg)

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ea4ccd  No.14864136

File: da53ba2a5785939⋯.png (719.44 KB, 1133x1003, 1133:1003, ClipboardImage.png)

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e0dfb3  No.14864137

File: 8c215ca5b53a84a⋯.png (485.54 KB, 503x480, 503:480, F21BBCED_C17F_44EC_99C3_34….png)


>omg you feds are so adorable

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9370a2  No.14864138


This is why you are dangerous

no bible prophecy

when you stole Stephen, the Jerusalem star was lined up for the wedding feat at Christmas

those who missed that star allignment missed the wedding feast and will never hear his 'flute' again

the 'flu'

youi stole that you stupid dumb cat cunt

please excuse my language

so stephen loves you Emma, a fake

just like 'new' Emma in number 14

Emma Louise

same alignment

same stealing

another covenant broken


for christians i'd like to offer you comfort that behind all of that is another


Stephanie at 17

she ski's chris

at the moment i do, but have prepared for the blow of him leaving me for her

their games and witchcraft are beyond me anon

also it is not my way

if some one can be one over by magic and witchcraft did they ever really love you anyway ? and if they love someone else, why not let them go and be happy ?

anon is upset because, ultimately, they people involved realise they've made a mistake, only after the damage is done

anon has seen this already


Paul goes to Stephanie and a car


because i am not able to fight like they do

my strength is my weekness

my heart

i care

too much

and if you do not love me for me, then love another, with my blessing

just wish the witchcraft would not win you so easy


anon is low


not panic

more desolation

what i once was is dead, never to return

what is left, ir-repairable

countin' down, yes


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d4f2a8  No.14864139


Crowd at tonight’s #McAuliffe rally 2,500 per campaign. Decent turnout with week to go

8:05 PM · Oct 26, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


Does This Look Like A Crowd Of 2,500?

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a1726b  No.14864140

File: 2ac43f380d7cbc8⋯.jpeg (180.65 KB, 980x1453, 980:1453, 76693325_57A3_4E6D_A3C8_0….jpeg)

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bdc37e  No.14864141


yay return of sweet dough

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041593  No.14864142

File: e28a2ec366394d0⋯.png (174.33 KB, 566x431, 566:431, frankFaggot.png)


Frank Faglizzi

Is that you?

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e0dfb3  No.14864143

File: f83bcea876f43b0⋯.jpeg (226.26 KB, 750x805, 150:161, 268C46AE_5568_4A0E_AE7B_9….jpeg)

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2e5609  No.14864144

File: fc071eed454d484⋯.png (174.25 KB, 360x364, 90:91, tstr.PNG)

File: c200f5d759fb2d1⋯.png (365.36 KB, 530x450, 53:45, stth.PNG)

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1b3a1d  No.14864145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos) Singing !

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7e2d6f  No.14864146

File: 703de9345cf7fd5⋯.png (272.06 KB, 500x1211, 500:1211, ClipboardImage.png)

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6e1773  No.14864147

File: 4c0481b72b69908⋯.jpg (40.04 KB, 720x481, 720:481, Sessions_boots.jpg)

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b831c6  No.14864148

File: 457f2c03f9fedcf⋯.jpg (84.01 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5ry3qn.jpg)

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1bda73  No.14864149


I used to have a husband like that.

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3d24c3  No.14864150


Yooo, neutrals, come assist me and be part of the making.

Ignorance it is complicity to the crime.

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9370a2  No.14864151


spelling, sorry Grammar kitty

bit low

my apology

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2d1983  No.14864152

File: a74ed6256412ac0⋯.jpg (65.98 KB, 500x551, 500:551, muellerdirtycop.jpg)

File: 6c321d1864def6a⋯.png (470.4 KB, 960x574, 480:287, mccabe.png)

File: 64d22e71a893522⋯.jpg (72.87 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, kruchavb.jpg)

File: 36ff42f9d02c357⋯.png (342.23 KB, 640x360, 16:9, muellercomey2.png)


I guess the FBI needed to frame a few more people

Is the man of the couple a real man or also from the FBI?

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e0dfb3  No.14864153


>I used to have a husband like that.

Congrats faggot

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862184  No.14864154

File: 3e85656a463a702⋯.jpeg (123.77 KB, 754x944, 377:472, EE2DB9E8_5897_4C1D_AA8E_C….jpeg)

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5ed848  No.14864155

File: 1ea713664a079ed⋯.png (124.65 KB, 732x880, 183:220, Screen_Shot_2021_10_10_at_….png)

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2e5609  No.14864156

File: d2014dc7d5cbaaf⋯.png (343 KB, 363x468, 121:156, ipv.PNG)

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95d51f  No.14864157

File: 408f6643f56ee78⋯.jpg (65.61 KB, 734x734, 1:1, E02yznZWUAIDTtJ_Copy.jpg)


>Durham's 15 Grand Jury subpoenas Clinton fought to hide


a reminder from last year ish


Aspects of U.S. Attorney John Huber’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation have been assumed by U.S. Attorney John Durham as part of his review into the origins of the Russia probe, Fox News has learned.

A source familiar with Durham’s investigation told Fox News on Thursday that parts of what Huber was investigating in 2017 involving the Clinton Foundation have been incorporated in Durham’s investigation.

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c924fc  No.14864158

File: d5c8e89ce3b183d⋯.jpeg (288.52 KB, 968x1280, 121:160, C3F998B9_324F_4A40_BAC9_B….jpeg)

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1b3a71  No.14864159


VPN related? Don't have a clue what you're referring to.

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682a20  No.14864160

File: 24ae6ac086324da⋯.jpg (177.92 KB, 1942x1192, 971:596, swagger_figured.jpg)

bot algos in this bread seem disrupted


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47fb60  No.14864161


Not sure we need craft beer. Too high of an alcohol content. Some Canadian beer will do just fine since it’s basically piss

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437ec1  No.14864162

NSW Health Minister signs new law targeting anti-vaxxers as state records 304 local COVID-19 cases

NSW has introduced a law making it illegal to present false vaccination certificates in a bid to crack down on unvaccinated residents breaching public health orders.

New South Wales Health Minister Brad Hazzard has signed a public health order which prevents a person from forging their vaccination status.

It is now illegal to present a false COVID-19 vaccination certificate or use another person's information to enter venues in NSW.

The amendment to the NSW health order states a person "must not provide, display or produce another person's information or evidence, including vaccination evidence".

Breaching public health orders can lead to a maximum penalty of $11,000 or 6 months imprisonment.

It comes as vaccinated residents enjoy their third week of eased lockdown restrictions, with the state recording 304 cases and three deaths on Wednesday.

The three deaths include a man in his 30s, a person in their 70s and a person in their 80s. Two people were not vaccinated and one person had received their first dose of a vaccine shortly before testing positive.

Across the state, 93.2 per cent of the over 16 population received their first dose of a vaccine and 85.5 per cent are fully vaccinated.

In the 12-15 year age group, 78.3 per cent have had their first dose and 53 per cent are fully vaccinated.


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041593  No.14864163

File: 9df76562eda65b4⋯.jpg (39.63 KB, 349x827, 349:827, nonameBoots.jpg)

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d4f2a8  No.14864164

File: 8921e336104184d⋯.png (29.99 KB, 695x256, 695:256, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3629e2dee2ff78a⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1024x685, 1024:685, ClipboardImage.png)


>Does This Look Like A Crowd Of 2,500?

The penalty box is the large rectangle extended around the goal at either end of the pitch. This is the area where the goalkeeper is allowed to use his hands, and any fouls committed by the defending team will result in a penalty kick.

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9a6759  No.14864165

File: 2dca6067da1c802⋯.png (92.46 KB, 417x222, 139:74, 5336.png)


Hi Barry, doesn't Big Mike satisfy you anymore ?

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22f228  No.14864166

File: 7ffd280eadc12ce⋯.jpg (39.64 KB, 616x499, 616:499, Let_s_go_Brandon3.jpg)

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5afc89  No.14864167

File: fba6e29025b8c2a⋯.png (667.1 KB, 700x1038, 350:519, Immanuel_Velikovskymarijua….png)


…How about the Vatican vaults and their astronomical records, going back centuries (if not longer)? *Pot taking intensifies*

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5ed848  No.14864168

File: f6c785abe637bf0⋯.jpg (72.05 KB, 577x432, 577:432, index.jpg)

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f1a53b  No.14864169

File: ac9205720c94c84⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 1653x1333, 1653:1333, michelledick.jpg)

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5ea92d  No.14864170

File: 25d7ada91fa463a⋯.png (143.12 KB, 408x326, 204:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7376f34bfa1249⋯.png (35.92 KB, 472x309, 472:309, October_National_Days_Nati….png)

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9a6759  No.14864171

File: ab0c7956d4a4755⋯.png (55.25 KB, 255x177, 85:59, 5353.png)

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ed88c3  No.14864172

File: 323e4b9f4ed6ef8⋯.mp4 (6.25 MB, 472x400, 59:50, Bugs_Bunny_Hare_Lift_1952.mp4)

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a8a5da  No.14864173

File: c40886fbbcebf3a⋯.jpeg (25.18 KB, 255x235, 51:47, fbi_pride_shirt.jpeg)

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3d24c3  No.14864174



such a tard.

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682a20  No.14864175

File: 4e9f4928547b38f⋯.jpg (96.97 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, fauci_bolton.jpg)

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47fb60  No.14864176


Anyone ever take a kick to the face as a goalkeeper? It kinda feels good after the fact

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8ccdf9  No.14864177

File: babde9856e4cdff⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 2334x1744, 1167:872, mccain_Ldr.jpg)

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4c949d  No.14864178

File: 74f91f867f38c09⋯.mp4 (246.34 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, MORE_Dr_Ruben_on_the_FDA_p….mp4)

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7e2d6f  No.14864179

File: bc939a77c081a13⋯.png (3.97 KB, 663x77, 663:77, ClipboardImage.png)


lets say you want to update the posts before the timer count down is finished or perhaps ,like now when auto update isn't working, so you click update but the instant you click update the board has magically already updated and now your mouse pointer is no longer hoovering over "update" but now its over the post aboves image link so you click it and now you are off bread looking at the image insted of just cruising along updating the bread at you convenience. is simple really, i already drew a pic.

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9370a2  No.14864180



Stefan Molyneux


here we are women, there

you know

'Koph Q




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1ab547  No.14864181

File: 56193363b2b0053⋯.jpg (143.93 KB, 1080x387, 120:43, Screenshot_20211026_211451….jpg)

Hard for me sometimes.

Start loading mags, then I remember…

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437ec1  No.14864182

File: 1e92da4fe374b9a⋯.png (106.33 KB, 640x358, 320:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 987f9d7a30ea8a7⋯.png (54.48 KB, 699x721, 699:721, ClipboardImage.png)

Gab’s Statement on President Trump’s Social Network

Gab is a Christian-owned family-run technology company. Our mission is to build a parallel digital economy and defend free speech online for all people.

Our industry-leading free speech social network has a community of over 20 million people and growing. We invite you to join us here and please kindly tell a family member or friend, as word-of-mouth is our only form of advertising.

Recently hundreds of thousands of doctors, nurses, students and employees who have been fired for refusing to be injected with an experimental substance have joined Gab.

Our religious exemption documents have been viewed and shared tens of millions of times across the internet and have been successful for many people.

Our No Vax Mandate Job Board is helping tens of thousands of people find new jobs. It’s also helping businesses who are facing incredibly challenging staffing and hiring conditions in the market.

Gabbers are buying and selling goods and services from one another. They are helping their businesses and families thrive in this time of great trial and uncertainty.

Businesses are using Gab Ads to grow.

Dissident Soaps, a Christian family-run soap company, received so many orders that they were backlogged for weeks and had to move to a bigger office space.

Happy’s Woodworks, a Christian family-run business, told us that they “turn off our ad spend after 30 minutes, so our industrial laser can keep up with orders.”

Malina New York, a natural skincare company founded by the wife of a US Marine, had this to say about Gab:

“[Gab] brought a record number of people to my website (over 800), gave me a record number of daily newsletter subscribers (over 200), and over 20 orders. These numbers may not be big to some, but my company (despite appearances) is really small, and operated by me alone. I really can’t thank you enough. You gave me the exposure I need so badly these days and hope that I can grow this business to support my family.”

The point is that Gab is having a real impact in the lives of real people. It’s more than just a social network, it’s a parallel economy and a community.

Gab gives a voice to the voiceless.

Gab helps people feel less alone in this crazy world and gives them hope of a brighter future for our children and country. These are the people we are building for. This is our mission, actualized.

If there is anything we discovered during our talks with the President’s team earlier this year, and based on his public statements, it’s abundantly clear that his mission is to build a parallel economy and media empire for himself that he fully owns and controls, and that’s wonderful!

We support the President participating in the marketplace and building up a community in the growing balkanized internet landscape. We wish him all the best as we know full well the consequences and many challenges that come with taking on the wicked and fallen people in Silicon Valley.

Gabbers can follow all of President Trump’s statements on his reserved Gab account which has been viewed hundreds of millions of times and is followed by millions of people. Gab has gladly served as the single largest uncensored distribution channel of the President’s voice on the internet since he was banned by Big Tech in January 2021.

The more time that We The People stop spending on Big Tech platforms the faster the balkanized internet will grow and decentralize. That’s always great news for Gab.

What we have seen time and time again is that these new channels act as a gateway to Gab. People join places like Parler en masse, then discover Gab from the people on Parler. They then join Gab and stay, because unlike many other alternatives we have a real mission and a real community of real people who support that mission.

We see other players in the alternative technology space, Trump included, as a market validation of our five year thesis on the balkanization of the internet into communities of shared values.

On Gab our values are simple: we fear God, we cherish and protect our families, and we defend free speech for all people as not only a fundamentally Christian value, but as a basic human right.

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2e5609  No.14864183

File: ed67eb90fd94871⋯.png (443.54 KB, 614x391, 614:391, osno.PNG)

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1b3a1d  No.14864184

File: 1077684ca6dd029⋯.png (187.4 KB, 478x674, 239:337, Screenshot_2021_10_26_at_2….png)

File: 3b6f75a095ae2a9⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 640x426, 320:213, FCqFK9RWYAQc696.jpg)

U.S. Army


The #USArmy unveiled the newest variant of the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, the UH-60V, during a ceremony at the @PANationalGuard’s Eastern Army National Guard Aviation Training Site.

Rightwards arrow http://spr.ly/6014JPjcA


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2d1983  No.14864185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




The number hip hop "Lets Go Brandon" is a Christian and doesn't want to swear and say "fuck"

He's the one who got banned. The other "tops of the pops" on Itunes remain at YT



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6e1773  No.14864186

File: 7154641f614df7f⋯.jpg (106.43 KB, 867x901, 51:53, Rabbi_Baruch_Levy_to_Karl_….jpg)


'splains it all. Over a century ago.

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041593  No.14864187

File: b1e1beb994fd983⋯.jpeg (146.37 KB, 936x837, 104:93, mccainfun1.jpeg)



too bad they can't kill him again

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ed88c3  No.14864188

File: 45c3247e193f7cd⋯.jpg (55.12 KB, 900x400, 9:4, nw.jpg)

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625cdf  No.14864189

thread deleted or pruned

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ea4ccd  No.14864190

File: d3adc7d46dc547b⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1198x925, 1198:925, ClipboardImage.png)


Next year's fashions…

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9a6759  No.14864191

File: bd5591216ac3abc⋯.png (113.64 KB, 410x231, 410:231, jacinda.png)



The tranny in NZ came a close second in that contest

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1bda73  No.14864192

File: a8822eab701eb2d⋯.jpeg (20.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a8822eab701eb2d1ecddcf856….jpeg)



Kek, whatever.

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3006a4  No.14864193

File: b25e4b4cbc10270⋯.jpg (102.22 KB, 960x960, 1:1, FB_IMG_1635297362586.jpg)



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437ec1  No.14864194

File: d61864d6730944e⋯.png (39.47 KB, 762x831, 254:277, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea42b546233ed42⋯.png (65.93 KB, 750x824, 375:412, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 639e3a69a139858⋯.png (33.38 KB, 764x821, 764:821, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56ec3fdff31974a⋯.png (34.63 KB, 747x819, 83:91, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f14ad904aa8d04c⋯.png (32.45 KB, 743x753, 743:753, ClipboardImage.png)

Report Reveals European Firms Have More Than $255B Entwined in Illegal Israeli Settlements

The continuous settler takeover of Palestinian land has prevented Palestinians from developing and utilizing their resources and therefore significantly depleted their economy.

OCCUPIED WEST BANK, PALESTINE — Nearly 700 European firms have financial ties worth $255 billion with businesses actively involved in Israeli settlements, according to a new civil society report.

The Don’t Buy Into Occupation (DBIO) coalition is a joint project between 25 Palestinian and European non-governmental organizations investigating the business connections between companies operating in illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (oPT) and European financial institutions. The coalition’s latest research found 672 European financial institutions had relationships with 50 businesses participating in Israel’s settlement economy. Between 2018 and May 2021, major European firms provided loans and underwritings amounting to $114 billion to these businesses while investing $141 billion.

“The involvement of these corporations with the settlements — through investments, banking loans, resource extraction, infrastructure contracts, and equipment and product supply agreements — provides them with the indispensable economic oxygen they require to grow and thrive,” Michael Lynk, UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territory Occupied since 1967, wrote in the report.

The findings

The DBIO coalition found that the top 10 creditors collectively gave $77.81 billion to businesses involved in the Israeli settlements. These firms are BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Barclays, Société Générale, Santander, ING Group, Commerzbank, UniCredit, and Crédit Agricole. And the top 10 investors — Deutsche Bank, Crédit Agricole, Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG), Investor AB, BPCE Group, Allianz, Swedbank, Legal & General, AB Industrivärden, and Alecta — contributed $67.22 billion.

The coalition reached out to 138 firms as well as three corporations highlighted in the report and additional businesses the coalition found to be heavily involved in the settlement economy. Booking.com, BNP Paribas, and HeidelbergCement and 21 financial institutions responded to the report’s results.

Replies varied, with some banks wanting to set up meetings to further discuss the findings while other institutions said they’ve already investigated human rights concerns with their business partners. The report’s authors declined to disclose with which institutions they are meeting, but DBIO said they plan to publish updates in the future.

“Some of them claim they did their human rights due diligence, but still decided to be involved in a settlement enterprise, which is quite against any of the suggestions or analysis of human rights experts,” Dr. Anna Khdair — a legal researcher at Al-Haq, a Palestinian human rights organization, and one of the report’s co-drafters — told MintPress News.

Other institutions said any ties to Israeli settlements are not within their sphere of decision-making because settlements are legal under Israeli law. While they are warranted by Israel, settlements are illegal under international law.

“So, we still have a lot of work to do to explain how the settlement enterprise actually works and how much it is connected to the Israeli economy, [while] Israel itself will not provide enough information or transparency about those links with the illegal settlement enterprise,” Khdair said.


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437ec1  No.14864195

File: 03f170e7df20f11⋯.png (53.4 KB, 776x768, 97:96, ClipboardImage.png)

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d4f2a8  No.14864196

File: 893f04ba47d1b8f⋯.png (313.96 KB, 407x458, 407:458, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9d8e6f78693058⋯.png (6.38 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)



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d4f2a8  No.14864197

File: 893f04ba47d1b8f⋯.png (313.96 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9d8e6f78693058⋯.png (6.38 MB, ClipboardImage.png)



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d4f2a8  No.14864198

File: b3f14ccba8ae7e6⋯.png (243.23 KB, 474x347, 474:347, ClipboardImage.png)


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3d24c3  No.14864199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5c971b  No.14864200

File: e5b09bb3b7a51f6⋯.png (386.28 KB, 555x382, 555:382, ClipboardImage.png)

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d544d6  No.14864201

File: c0fdb0e10a6dde7⋯.png (3.56 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 782075F0_8578_4D0A_B7AF_1D….png)


just flew into greenville sc

not spoopy at all

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4c949d  No.14864202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


International Law Enforcement Operation Targeting Opioid Traffickers on the Darknet Results in 150 Arrests Worldwide and the Seizure of Weapons, Drugs, and over $31 Million

The Department of Justice, through the Joint Criminal Opioid and Darknet Enforcement (JCODE) team joined Europol to announce the results of Operation Dark HunTor, a coordinated international effort on three continents to disrupt opioid trafficking on the Darknet. The operation, which was conducted across the United States, Australia, and Europe, was a result of the continued partnership between JCODE and foreign law enforcement against the illegal sale of drugs and other illicit goods and services. Operation Dark HunTor builds on the success of last year’s Operation DisrupTor and the coordinated law enforcement takedown earlier this year of DarkMarket, the world’s then-largest illegal marketplace on the Darknet. At the time, German authorities arrested the marketplace’s alleged operator and seized the site’s infrastructure, providing investigators across the world with a trove of evidence. Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) and JCODE have since been compiling intelligence packages to identify key targets.

International Law Enforcement Operation Targeting Opioid Traffickers on the Darknet

The Department of Justice, through the Joint Criminal Opioid and Darknet Enforcement (JCODE) team joined Europol to announce the results of Operation Dark HunTor, a coordinated international effort on three continents to disrupt opioid trafficking on the Darknet. The operation, which was conducted across the United States, Australia, and Europe, was a result of the continued partnership between JCODE and foreign law enforcement against the illegal sale of drugs and other illicit goods and services. Operation Dark HunTor builds on the success of last year’s Operation DisrupTor and the coordinated law enforcement takedown earlier this year of DarkMarket, the world’s then-largest illegal marketplace on the Darknet. At the time, German authorities arrested the marketplace’s alleged operator and seized the site’s infrastructure, providing investigators across the world with a trove of evidence. Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) and JCODE have since been compiling intelligence packages to identify key targets.

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b8e3f4  No.14864203

>>14863187 (pb)

NSBA chief who penned ‘domestic terrorism’ letter named to federal post

[Quid Pro Joe]

The Biden administration has tapped the president of the National School Boards Association — who penned a letter to President Biden comparing parents speaking out about their children’s education to “domestic terrorism” — for a position on the federal ​board setting policy for students’ performance.

Viola Garciawas named by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to ​sit on the National Assessment Governing Board, which was established in 1988 and oversees and sets policy for the National Assessment of Education Progress.

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d7592b  No.14864204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14863765 (lb)

Their alleged ongoing efforts to change mankind (YOU) as per Klaus Schwab, via 'experimental gene therapy'/'gene editing', now the children if inoculated will become their property, patents will see to that (natural life to unnatural modified life) plus it puts moar meaning to 'hacking the software of life'.

Changing (YOU), of course they don't know if it will work, per Tal Zaks.

Rewriting the Genetic Code: A Cancer Cure In the Making | Tal Zaks | TEDxBeaconStreet


Schawab Intervie on Charlie Rose:


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7bad48  No.14864205

File: 0a465563cdaeff3⋯.jpg (42.48 KB, 940x944, 235:236, I_just_blocked_myself_0a46….jpg)

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d4f2a8  No.14864206

File: 4315363b7dde778⋯.png (4.3 MB, 1660x1142, 830:571, ClipboardImage.png)

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258594  No.14864207

File: 27c94914e7d17b4⋯.png (210.24 KB, 1173x783, 391:261, Screen_Shot_2021_10_26_at_….png)

[They] are losing their grip on [Info Control].

And [They] are scared.

Enter: Good Info

Good Information Inc. A Public Benefit Corp Backed By ReidHoffman Launches to Counter Disinformation Online

NEW YORK, NY – October 26, 2021

With a multi-million dollar Series Seed investment led by Reid Hoffman and joined by investors Kenand Jen Duda,Incite, and George Soros, Good Information Inc. plans to invest in, incubate and scale new business models and smart distribution strategies that are capable of breaking through echo chambers and information silos to reach consumers with trusted information. Its investments will offer the kind of fact-based information and local community news that audiences are searching for on the internet, especially in markets where there are few or no local news outlets reaching communities online.

…Tara McGowan, Good Information Inc. Founder and CEO.

“This is no longer a political dispute about the truth, but thedirect result of unregulated business models that are putting whole communities around the world at risk, and putting democracy around the world in peril.”


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b8e3f4  No.14864208

File: 4c23a6f977db869⋯.png (2.23 MB, 2168x976, 271:122, ViolaGarciaUmbridge.png)

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e9274a  No.14864209


It was a million bucks for the Democrat Party! And 20% for me.

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7bad48  No.14864210

File: c8420ea4e02d5d1⋯.png (449.69 KB, 954x398, 477:199, ClipboardImage.png)


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4c949d  No.14864211

File: e44d129dc56748b⋯.png (2.98 MB, 2449x1632, 2449:1632, ClipboardImage.png)


With Overdose Deaths at a Historic High, FBI and Partners Target Online Drug Markets

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2d1983  No.14864212

File: 581a070aab6fc75⋯.jpeg (323.15 KB, 1242x1189, 1242:1189, mccursed.jpeg)

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d6ea9b  No.14864213

File: 6ea7bac14be9cf0⋯.png (117.62 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e5609  No.14864214

File: a505b7af135d8c0⋯.png (925.52 KB, 941x600, 941:600, ewb2a.png)

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b8e3f4  No.14864215

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7e2d6f  No.14864216


kek, ty

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d4f2a8  No.14864217

File: 24054f2e2ff72ad⋯.jpg (245.1 KB, 962x1187, 962:1187, 3C548ECE00000578_0_image_a….jpg)

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65cb1d  No.14864218



those look like wax figures

hillary is fat

that's not real hill

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1b3a71  No.14864219


Ok, have to call VPN issue on this. Did not submit this post, but I'm getting a (you) on it.

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9a6759  No.14864220

File: a778fc001958ed4⋯.png (206.52 KB, 480x288, 5:3, 234235335.png)

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7bad48  No.14864221

File: bb8a9dc5fe4b56f⋯.png (309.35 KB, 600x400, 3:2, bb8a9dc5fe4b56f822b09e9b02….png)

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6e73dd  No.14864222



“FBI and partners” ARE the online drug markets.

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ed88c3  No.14864223

File: 80358b6f1226648⋯.jpg (319.96 KB, 1116x1280, 279:320, 661a449c8703569297850531ed….jpg)

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a563fe  No.14864224


anybody that showed up was probably paid to be there…I've seen this movie before…

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1ab547  No.14864225



Huma totally ate her ass.

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d6ea9b  No.14864226

File: f15ed38fb6c2d5e⋯.png (383.6 KB, 500x664, 125:166, ClipboardImage.png)

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d8964d  No.14864227


I spread my legs for anyone and everyone, for muh Allah. But not the Senatorial Tongue.

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9370a2  No.14864228





about this anon, with the info about number 14 Emma Louise from the last thread

you know she uses my energy which gives her John

remember John PodEstar pictures

"Golde'N' Fish"

'N' = 14 = Emma Louise

stolen covenant

I am Nancy Maree at 12A/13


ahh the Scapular

wish he'd tell me when to wear them and when

later anon

its all too much for me

Think about whom you serve

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dbf6bc  No.14864229

File: a550a7f3d58bca3⋯.png (983.81 KB, 1178x618, 589:309, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ae1f0ce8d6bf12⋯.png (985.01 KB, 1178x618, 589:309, ClipboardImage.png)

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5ed848  No.14864230

File: f857aea5bbb9d72⋯.jpeg (13.54 KB, 255x197, 255:197, 02df3cf38551f74179d022577….jpeg)

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4c949d  No.14864231

File: bf94f0c0948de44⋯.png (64.56 KB, 350x250, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>“FBI and partners” ARE the online drug markets.

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682a20  No.14864232


Yeah I'm not buying the "computer-text-designed-to-look-old bit."

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4c949d  No.14864233


like a saucy burrito

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47fb60  No.14864234



Kek! Yeah… so they’re targeting themselves?

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95d51f  No.14864235

File: f834ecfe066cdbe⋯.jpg (96.58 KB, 800x502, 400:251, R_2_.jpg)

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3695f7  No.14864236

Yes, IP hopped. Saw what appeared to be a vpn issue.

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9a6759  No.14864237


kek…the NPC comments in that Twitter post are Hillary'ous

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5c971b  No.14864238

File: 992ac908a4a6a90⋯.png (4.29 MB, 1660x1142, 830:571, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12ebf5f7babbe64⋯.png (499.65 KB, 388x565, 388:565, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b51c1416b16cfa⋯.png (730.36 KB, 888x405, 296:135, ClipboardImage.png)

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5ed848  No.14864239

File: 13a6f58d07473c9⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1080x719, 1080:719, ef33744fc0350222e6c357ab3a….png)

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4c949d  No.14864240

File: 6217aab2789e48d⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1050x700, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


hot sauce

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625cdf  No.14864241

thread deleted or pruned

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2b9c69  No.14864242

File: 56fd86ababa2859⋯.jpg (64.42 KB, 345x594, 115:198, TICK_TOCK_1111.jpg)

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3d24c3  No.14864243

I am so tired……

Van you come take me on other dimension and have some sleep like for 12h, then bring me back like nothing happened?

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e0dfb3  No.14864244


How do you think them perverts get all that money to flip their penises into vaginas and vaginas into penises oh wait nevermind the taxpayers pay for that

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e9274a  No.14864245


Well he's supposed to be half white from the narrative. That must be the half of him he hates. He was like Hitler. And orator. But you really never knew his personality. It was hidden from view. It's looked like a Hollywood production of an actor acting as President. His background is a mystery. But his foreground isn't. He's garbage.

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242ce2  No.14864246


She was given to Hillary to be abused.

Hillary liked being munched while watching Bubba.

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a1726b  No.14864247

File: a38569707d81851⋯.png (93.98 KB, 450x555, 30:37, C361B577_E510_47CD_9A90_92….png)




Hmm, I wonder what this pic related will get added to.

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b8b923  No.14864248

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7bad48  No.14864249


Can you bun yourself , ty

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d9a864  No.14864250

File: 28b9b12109df9e4⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB, 524x480, 131:120, Die_Maske.mp4)

German police officers mistreating a man who was tied up

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ec7f7a  No.14864251


This motherfucker is eating applesauce in hell

>special place

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bd2b7d  No.14864252


Trump got rid of Killary, English Killary, and German Killary. French and Canadian Killaries pending…

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828b61  No.14864253

File: 3a963c80d449c38⋯.png (62.09 KB, 225x225, 1:1, EiPvspCWoAEyTwo.png)


F5 fixes it for me

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95d51f  No.14864254

File: 6881d157cfef840⋯.jpg (38.91 KB, 634x638, 317:319, 6881d157cfef8401ccad3cc5f8….jpg)

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5afc89  No.14864255

File: e5780a677de7686⋯.png (314.94 KB, 439x325, 439:325, Lurkinhard.png)

…Trips 2's check'd. File this under, "You can't make this shit up".

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2e5609  No.14864256

File: 48d2eb61992eab2⋯.png (325.91 KB, 564x589, 564:589, mvd.PNG)

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437ec1  No.14864257

File: 13d0b561c154460⋯.png (225.96 KB, 1586x864, 793:432, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f35871b2166285f⋯.png (52.77 KB, 761x859, 761:859, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f1d98ba2571bb1⋯.png (132.51 KB, 757x630, 757:630, ClipboardImage.png)

The Greens have written to new Senate President Slade Brockman to stop Australia’s Parliament House being used to gouge money from billionaires and corporations. Michael West reports on Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s gala fundraiser in the Great Hall.

The Greens have written to new Senate President Slade Brockman to stop Australia’s Parliament House being used to gouge money from billionaires and corporations. Michael West reports on Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s gala fundraiser in the Great Hall.

You don’t have to don leopard-skin and be dripping in pearls to get to the top table with the Scott Morrison government, but donating to the Liberal Party isn’t going to do you any harm.

The Prime Minister and his Coalition cabinet love to talk about the “the Australian people”, the “quiet Australians’’, but it’s the people they talk to who really count.

The tycoonophiles at Rupert Murdoch’s The Australian ran this smarmfe

You don’t have to don leopard-skin and be dripping in pearls to get to the top table with the Scott Morrison government, but donating to the Liberal Party isn’t going to do you any harm.

The Prime Minister and his Coalition cabinet love to talk about the “the Australian people”, the “quiet Australians’’, but it’s the people they talk to who really count.

The tycoonophiles at Rupert Murdoch’s The Australian ran this smarmfest in the wake of the Budget night this year:

“It was Josh Frydenberg’s night, but when billionaire Packer family matriarch Ros Packer comes to town she can’t help but steal the show.

“Swathed in leopard-skin fabric from neck to toe and dripping in pearls, the renowned philanthropist and widow of late media mogul Kerry Packer turned heads as she made her way to the Great Hall to join Australia’s rich and powerful, and digest Frydenberg’s third financial blueprint for the nation.”

It went on, swathed in the customary Murdoch media adoration for billionaires. Did anyone stop to say, hang on, what the blazes are they doing degrading the seat of Australia’s government by hosting Liberal Party fundraisers? As MWM discovered, ordinary Australians can’t even get through security downstairs with material which might be construed as political yet the Liberals are using the place as a billionaires’ tuckshop.

Somebody did protest. Greens senator Larissa Waters brought it up at Estimates shortly afterwards. It turned out the NSW division of the Liberal Party had hired the Great Hall for $67,700. In a letter to the President of the Senate, Slade Brockman, Waters questioned whether the use of Parliament House for political fundraisers constituted a breach of House rules: “It is unacceptable, undignified, offensive, and presents a risk of conflicts of interest that could undermine decision-making in this place.”

Friend markets not free markets

There is little the Coalition won’t do to grease its political donors, indeed to return their favours. Some snippets from the gala gathering of Josh, Ros and the fan club:

At least five rich listers at the event boast a collective wealth of $16.3 billion,

They have disclosed donations of at least $1.4m to Liberal and National parties,

Two of the rich listers were people Frydenberg called up to discuss the design of JobKeeper. One of those two is in court over an underpayment case from 14,000 staff seeking $129m in stolen wages,

One of them asked Frydenberg to be groomsman at his wedding,

Another was former Fortescue Metals CEO Nev Power. Christian Porter has disclosed on his register of interests that he has flown on Power’s private jet from WA to Canberra on multiple occasions. Power was appointed Covid Recovery Commissioner.

A letter from Empire Energy, which is fracking the new coal seam gas province of the Beetaloo Basin, obtained by MWM, states that there were 500 people at the event.

The mood was no doubt jubilant, despite Frydenberg notching up the biggest Budget deficit in history and recording a monstrous increase in the nation’s debt. After all, the wealth of Australian billionaires and many corporations soared during the pandemic.



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20739c  No.14864258


Feels like we’re living in it

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258594  No.14864259


>THE REGIME IS REAL: Corrupt Judge Amy Berman Jackson Releases Jan. 6 Protester from Pre-Trial Custody After Repudiates Donald Trump

Communist coerced "confessions".

Maoist Cultural Revolution "Struggle Sessions"

→ Repudiate your disloyalty to [The State].

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ed88c3  No.14864260

File: e1028c6068f8bad⋯.jpg (173.92 KB, 500x750, 2:3, StMichaeltheArchangel2.jpg)

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e9274a  No.14864261


>…Might as well drop this Schumann here. http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7

Posting fake sun photos from NASA with it won't get you far boy.

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95d51f  No.14864262

File: 77abc2edf3672df⋯.jpg (29.55 KB, 750x500, 3:2, John_Wick_watch_inside_wri….jpg)


Focus, sheer will, determination

he will come for you

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2d1983  No.14864263

File: e13803a9f5d151f⋯.jpg (240.13 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, merkel.jpg)

File: d96423b25900588⋯.jpeg (161.97 KB, 1125x1497, 375:499, merkel9.jpeg)

File: d279fb91fdf2cc2⋯.jpg (56.35 KB, 648x385, 648:385, merkhussfb.jpg)

File: 832de433b925fae⋯.jpg (89.51 KB, 732x784, 183:196, merkelhitler.jpg)

>>14863333 pb

3333 should've gotten the Notable

just sayn' It's a big deal. And that's what the German phrase said.


spoiler that.

Merkel Meme Review

in honor of her Gracious Exit

(Boy she looked pissed)




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47fb60  No.14864264


Anon wishes huma didn’t eat babies and was a demon witch. Anon likes ugly bitches

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d8964d  No.14864265


>She was given to Hillary to be abused.

Some of the things she has said have made it clear that she volunteered. Ho for the MB.

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c08d4a  No.14864266



people are going to keep buying cheap shit from chinkland and tuning in to the next niggerball game

that's what will habben

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e9274a  No.14864267


A women's work is never done. Either is a men's.

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3795ef  No.14864268

File: 6891a9d4469a376⋯.jpg (109.14 KB, 720x835, 144:167, 20211026_192610.jpg)

File: 1b021a9128b8321⋯.mp4 (5.23 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, su_zs21ruG3gRipd.mp4)


For the keks

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db7b21  No.14864269


Why are any of these people still milling about alive and in our faces?

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dbf6bc  No.14864271

File: abcc68546307ab5⋯.png (571.17 KB, 696x482, 348:241, ClipboardImage.png)

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ed88c3  No.14864272

File: 9daea7225f857f6⋯.jpg (296.87 KB, 1360x1500, 68:75, K90052_01a.jpg)

feels like something big went down today

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2b7837  No.14864273

File: bcf2e0a7d22464a⋯.png (908.14 KB, 941x723, 941:723, huma.png)

File: 0928038ea6a833c⋯.png (610.32 KB, 950x528, 475:264, 6f31a99c03070f23abeb27510c….png)


she is a neat looking ugly, is she not?

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5afc89  No.14864274


…Amuse me with a better source, that isn't based on archaic superstitions or STFU.

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258594  No.14864275


>Then says he believes the flu could be released every year

I've suspected for years that the flu is intentionally released every year to keep the cold & flu otc medicine industry in business.

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20739c  No.14864276


It is frustrating, still waiting for the majority of public opinion to turn

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2b9c69  No.14864277

File: f4320e26ef97e97⋯.jpg (97.29 KB, 421x673, 421:673, PIG_WICK.jpg)

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d544d6  No.14864278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5c971b  No.14864279

File: d3b6a3128c2637a⋯.png (513.17 KB, 555x362, 555:362, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 056bc017e9de1a7⋯.png (476.56 KB, 555x421, 555:421, ClipboardImage.png)


is this chelseas arm?

if not, is this child still alive?

pic from 25 years ago, what event?

dress up & walmart people in the same institutional room. White House tours?

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ffb07f  No.14864280

File: 7687ec5644fe9b1⋯.png (425.46 KB, 500x585, 100:117, ClipboardImage.png)

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65dd46  No.14864281

File: 8542faa446ae7c6⋯.jpg (6.68 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 404.jpg)


>Why are any of these people still milling about alive and in our faces?

Because America is full of bitch ass niggas

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e107b6  No.14864282

File: 0bfa016d4d1666c⋯.jpg (51.63 KB, 375x351, 125:117, 0bfa016d4d1666cd9288ec960a….jpg)

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be3a1a  No.14864283

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b771e7  No.14864284

File: b3909b80e495d50⋯.jpg (88.32 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Correct.jpg)

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9a6759  No.14864285

File: b00315d16bf024a⋯.png (1014.01 KB, 929x1044, 929:1044, 353536.png)

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dbf6bc  No.14864286



mad skillz

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d544d6  No.14864287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


that hand is so ugly and looks like her mop of hair.. figured it was chelsea

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5ed848  No.14864288

File: 3c0615bf6f3e5b5⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1238x923, 1238:923, 3c0615bf6f3e5b53c0f26fa00a….png)


I know right?!

I just wish Merrick Garland would hurry up and shut down John Durham's investigation.

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2e5609  No.14864289

File: 9ebeb0d327d6c97⋯.png (591.98 KB, 817x621, 817:621, ns3.PNG)

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95d51f  No.14864290


dubs confirm

Are you here on business sir?

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e0dfb3  No.14864291

File: 6b0a14f16f11809⋯.jpeg (335.02 KB, 750x645, 50:43, D2F2F10D_0EB8_4E26_AF00_D….jpeg)


Mr Pig

How much money did you lose on DWAC come on post your loss porn

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4c949d  No.14864292

We are here today to expose those who seek the shadows of the internet to peddle killer pills worldwide. Thanks to unprecedented international law enforcement collaboration — 150 Darknet drug traffickers have been arrested around the world — including 65 here in the Untied States.

Led by the Joint Criminal Opioid and Darknet Enforcement team, an international law enforcement partnership — also known as JCODE — Operation Dark HunTor spanned 10 months, three continents, and more than 12 international law enforcement agencies. The graphic you see on screen reflects what can be achieved through global cooperation — including the recovery of more than 500 pounds of illegal drugs, which contained enough fentanyl for more than four million lethal doses. This operation seized nearly $32 million in cash and virtual currencies — the largest JCODE seizure to date.

Our efforts span back to the January 2021 dismantling of Dark Market — at the time the world’s largest illegal marketplace on the Darknet — thanks to our German law enforcement partners. Armed with intelligence from that action, Operation Dark HunTor was launched with one clear goal: to hunt down the vendors, buyers, and suppliers who had been hiding on that site and make sure they did not find a new platform.

The timing was key: since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, more people have turned to the Darknet than ever before to buy drugs. Already a billion-dollar illicit drug industry, Darknet drug revenue has surpassed pre-pandemic levels. With muchof the sales occurring on social media platforms — including sales of fake pills, which are often laced with fentanyl and methamphetamine. Last month, DEA Administrator Milgram and I warned from this same podium that “One Pill Can Kill.” Well, Operation Dark HunTor went after illegal drug distributors who use the Darknet to traffic the illicit drugs — and items like pill presses — which are fueling the ongoing opioid crisis plaguing our communities.

The FBI Deputy Director and DEA Administrator will describe their operations in more detail but as part of Operation Dark HunTor, we saw Darknet drug vendors running laboratories at home, creating fake pills with pill presses — pills styled to look like OxyContin, Xanax, or Adderall but which are actually laced with fentanyl, methamphetamine or other potentially fatal doses of narcotics.

In the United States alone, this operation seized over 200,000 pills, 90% of which were found to contain counterfeit opioids or narcotics. To put this in perspective, just two milligrams of fentanyl — a size so small it could fit on the tip of a pen — is considered a deadly dose.

Thanks to the partnership represented here, lives around the world will be saved.

Before I close, I want to address those who remain on the Darknet, peddling illegal drugs and thinking they are safe behind layers of digital anonymity.

My message to you is simple: there is no dark internet. We can and we will shine a light. The agencies you see here and the thousands of the law enforcement professionals they represent will bring to bear all of their resources to protect our citizens and hold you accountable.

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e9274a  No.14864293


A picture tells a thousand words? No a picture tells a thousand stories.

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2d1983  No.14864294

File: d9b751ea9c62672⋯.jpg (88.2 KB, 309x333, 103:111, huma.jpg)


If she wasn't dressed up in those expensive clothes you wouldn't look twice.

Wait til she gets the prison clothes.

Or the shroud.

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e107b6  No.14864295

File: 4df2c8f6361ae32⋯.jpeg (5.51 KB, 199x253, 199:253, 4df2c8f6361ae32b3a11d5140….jpeg)


fuck mcstain

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89b2ed  No.14864296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can bet this was probably the least of nomame's treasonous, murderous


noname 1969 Vietnam Confession

Apparently this recording was not released officially by the US Government, but was discovered inadvertently by someone searching through the US Archives and was mislabeled as something else.


To the Vietnamese people and the Government of the DRVN I’m John Sydney McCain 624787, Lieutenant Commander US Navy. Born 29 August 1936 Panama, home state (unaudible) Shot down 26 October 1967 A4 Aircraft. I as a US Airman am Guilty of Crimes against the Vietnamese country and people. I have bombed their cities, towns and villages and caused many injuries, even death to the people of Vietnam…


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d9a864  No.14864297

File: 6ed6566524b7a93⋯.mp4 (6.28 MB, 480x320, 3:2, video_x264.mp4)

Austrian policeman. Either brain death or on drugs

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7bad48  No.14864299

File: 1ba0e2c46549b72⋯.png (173.62 KB, 1011x983, 1011:983, ClipboardImage.png)



1 History

2 Today

3 Types of grand juries

3.1 Federal grand juries

3.2 State grand juries

3.3 Civil grand juries

4 Legal aspects of the grand jury

4.1 Preliminary hearing

4.2 Committal procedure

5 Grand jury and society

6 Notes

7 References

8 External links


A grand jury is a type of jury, in the common law legal system, part of criminal procedure, which determines if there is enough evidence for a trial. Grand juries carry out this duty by examining evidence presented to them by a prosecutor and issuing indictments, or by investigating alleged crimes and issuing presentments. A grand jury is traditionally larger and distinguishable from a petit jury, which is used during the trial.

As a body of qualified individuals who hear complaints of an offense and ascertain if there is prima-facie evidence for an indictment, the grand jury offers valuable service to society. In this system, the value of a judgment by one's peers is acknowledged through recognizing the rationality and maturity of human beings and their quest to make a valuable contribution beyond themselves to their community and world.


A grand jury is part of the system of checks and balances, preventing a case from going to trial on a prosecutor's bare word. The grand jury, as an impartial panel of ordinary citizens, must first decide whether there exists reasonable suspicion or probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed. The grand jury can compel witnesses to testify before them. Unlike the trial itself, the grand jury's proceedings are secret; the defendant and his or her counsel are generally not present for other witnesses' testimony. The grand jury's decision is either a "true bill" (meaning that there is a case to answer) or "no true bill." Jurors typically are drawn from the same pool of citizens as a petit jury, and participate for a specific time period.

The first grand jury was held in England in 1166. The grand jury was recognized by King John in the Magna Carta in 1215, on demand of the people. Its roots stretch back as early as 997 C.E., when an Anglo-Saxon king, Ethelred the Unready, charged an investigative body of his reign that it should go about its duty by accusing no innocent person, and sheltering no guilty one.[1]


Grand juries are today virtually unknown outside the United States. The United Kingdom abandoned grand juries in 1933, and instead uses a committal procedure, as do all Australian jurisdictions. In Australia, although the State of Victoria maintains provisions for a grand jury in the Crimes Act 1958 under section 354 Indictments, it has been used on rare occasions by individuals to bring other persons to court seeking them to be committed for trial on indictable offenses. New Zealand abolished the grand jury in 1961. Canada abolished it in the 1970s. Today approximately half of the states in the U.S. employ them,[2] and only twenty-two require their use, to varying extents.[3] Most jurisdictions have abolished grand juries, replacing them with the preliminary hearing at which a judge hears evidence concerning the alleged offenses and makes a decision on whether the prosecution can proceed.

Types of grand juries

Federal grand juries

Charges involving "capital or infamous crimes" under federal jurisdiction must be presented to a grand jury, under the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. This has been interpreted to permit bypass of the grand jury for misdemeanor offenses, which can be charged by prosecutor's information.

State grand juries

Unlike many other provisions of the Bill of Rights, the Supreme Court has ruled that this requirement does not pertain to the state courts via the Fourteenth Amendment, and states therefore may elect to not use grand juries.

Civil grand juries

California and Nevada have what are known as civil grand juries. In California, each county is required by the state constitution to have at least one grand jury empaneled at all times. Most grand juries are seated on a fiscal cycle, namely, July to June. Most counties have panels consisting of 19 jurors, some have as few as 11 jurors. All actions by a grand jury require a two-thirds vote. Jurors are usually selected on a volunteer basis.


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b8b923  No.14864301

File: 4dc62b2973b5467⋯.jpeg (66.69 KB, 932x692, 233:173, 1591919190.jpeg)

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5ac3f2  No.14864302

File: f84b6d4fcf82749⋯.png (114.66 KB, 288x349, 288:349, grammar_nazi_eye_patch.png)

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eade98  No.14864303


According to her letters she was sent to infiltrate by the MB and pull the strings.

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62086f  No.14864304


dog comms🤓

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b771e7  No.14864305

File: 95c830a5b32fd33⋯.png (3.43 KB, 615x198, 205:66, ClipboardImage.png)

what's it mean.

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1b3a1d  No.14864306

File: 2efdf4099668e1a⋯.png (69.59 KB, 478x583, 478:583, Screenshot_2021_10_26_at_2….png)

U.S. Navy


Cruising the night sky!

Waxing gibbous moon symbol

Recently, #USSCarlVinson (@CVN70) and Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 2 conducted night flight operations in the #SouthChinaSea, while on a scheduled deployment in @US7thFleet. #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific.


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2b7837  No.14864307

File: 8c0084ef7cf8188⋯.jpg (7.9 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4bec2fc209d92cba7d21953b5d….jpg)


as long as the electric stays on, and the media continues to be controlled by 'them' …. there will be no traction with the normie

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65dd46  No.14864308

File: b5c0e56af1da5be⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 300x424, 75:106, 1605834714722.gif)


now that's funny

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5c971b  No.14864309

File: 9d4890bb87c70fe⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1073x812, 37:28, ClipboardImage.png)

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258594  No.14864310


Bots get buried out past Terlingua.

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9a6759  No.14864311

File: 3796ce647b19d38⋯.jpeg (80.53 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, HH_2_.jpeg)

File: 82531bef02bae2e⋯.png (232.21 KB, 463x517, 463:517, HH_1_.png)

File: 1bb5a68bcd1901b⋯.jpeg (1.94 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, HH_1_.jpeg)


Release the video, Q

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6e73dd  No.14864312



Deep thoughts?

“What the fuck am I doing?”

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9a63e1  No.14864313

>>14863022 lb

watch out for this guy Hal Turner majorred flag

He was a FBI informant just like Oath Keeper Ray Epps

Look him up. do not post this shit. He entrapped a lot of people in the Patcon operation.

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437ec1  No.14864314

File: aee9961405959e2⋯.png (45.2 KB, 689x610, 689:610, ClipboardImage.png)

Two DC police officers say they were forced to have an abortion or lose their job

‘When I was [18 years old] as a police cadet, I was told I had to have an abortion or be fired from the MPD cadet program.’

Two police officers have accused the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C., of forcing them to have an abortion to keep their jobs while they were cadets in the department’s training program.

In a community meeting October 19, Assistant Police Chief Chanel Dickerson stated that when she was a cadet in the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) training program in 1988, she was told to abort her child or be removed from the force. On October 20, another woman came forward and accused the force of giving her the same ultimatum in 1997.

“When I was [18 years old] as a police cadet, I was told I had to have an abortion or be fired from the MPD cadet program,” Dickerson said. “Wow. My choice to have a baby was personal and it should’ve been mine alone and not for an employer ultimatum.”

Dickerson, who stated that she never ended up becoming a mother, also said she witnessed other instances of misconduct at the hands of the department, including a time a mother on the force asked for a shift change to be able to care for her child, and “she had to do things no woman should ever have to do to care for her child.”

Karen Arikpo came forward with a similar accusation, stating that in her case the class sergeant in charge went as far as referring her to a local doctor that would perform the infanticide procedure.

“If we were pregnant, we needed to get an abortion or we would be fired,” stated Arikpo. “So later that day, I went and told my class sergeant that I was pregnant. And she said I needed to have an abortion and she referred me to a doctor in D.C. to get it done.”

At the time of both incidences, in 1988 and 1997, Democrat and now-convicted felon Marion Barry was the mayor of D.C.

Dickerson’s statements are pursuant to a $100 million dollar lawsuit in which she and other former cadets are seeking damages for abuse and mistreatment suffered at the hands of the MPD.

In addition to the coerced abortion, the suit alleges that when the plaintiffs cooperated with an internal investigation looking into the conduct of one of their superiors, they were met with retaliation and abuse after the department broke protocol and allowed him to read their statements against him.

In response to the troubling allegations, the MPD said, “While we cannot discuss the specific allegations due to pending litigation, the Metropolitan Police Department is committed to treating all members fairly and equitably throughout our organization. We take these allegations seriously and we will be reviewing them thoroughly and responding accordingly.”

If the allegations against the MPD prove true, the department would become one of many pro-abortion entities that value a woman’s career over the life of an unborn child.


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e9274a  No.14864315


Something is coming down on Huma. She's getting in front of it. Meanwhile. Carlos Danger is naked with a hard on charging his cell phone.

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2b9c69  No.14864316

File: c0df83cac0af6bf⋯.jpg (120.32 KB, 652x401, 652:401, WINNING_BET.jpg)

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47fb60  No.14864317


Was just hoping for a decent teeth job. Sometimes the hurt feels good

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9a63e1  No.14864318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NJ Gov Phil Murphy Repeatedly REFUSES COMMENT When Questioned About Vax Mandates AFTER Re-Election

Oct 26, 2021

Project Veritas Action

230K subscribers


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b831c6  No.14864319

File: 024fc06bf2e955c⋯.jpg (67.02 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 4nlkar.jpg)

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2b9c69  No.14864320

File: b7a45520cc505be⋯.jpg (87.08 KB, 488x519, 488:519, SMILES.jpg)

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9a6759  No.14864321

File: 9dfcdfee5b71d1a⋯.jpg (37.48 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 3535.jpg)

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6e98b8  No.14864322

File: 27bc53986b64558⋯.jpeg (36.16 KB, 800x450, 16:9, B1A59C09_4E4F_47B4_A67E_8….jpeg)


Boris’ bewbs?

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22f228  No.14864323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5ed848  No.14864324

File: 0e4aeced3729c9b⋯.jpg (199.84 KB, 640x469, 640:469, 0e4aeced3729c9bd3ad8f91f64….jpg)

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4c949d  No.14864325

File: eea27d369509ffa⋯.png (830.58 KB, 975x651, 325:217, ClipboardImage.png)


Prince Andrew must submit to interview in sex abuse suit by July

A federal judge in New York has set a deadline for British Prince Andrew to be questioned in a lawsuit in which he's accused of sexual abuse.

U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan of the Southern District of New York on Monday said the duke of York must make himself available for questioning by July 14.

American Virginia Giuffre filed the lawsuit against Prince Andrew in August, accusing him of rape and sexual abuse when she was underage. The civil lawsuit is tied to since-disgraced and deceased financier Jeffrey Epstein's alleged sex ring.

Under the order, Giuffre's lawyers must interview Prince Andrew and submit the transcript by July 14.

Giuffre first took her allegations public in 2015, saying British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, a friend of Prince Andrew and Epstein, recruited her and other underage girls to be sexually abused by Epstein. She said Maxwell and Epstein offered her to Prince Andrew, as well.

Andrew, who is Queen Elizabeth II's second-oldest son, has denied the allegations.

Epstein died by suicide in jail in 2019 while being held on sex trafficking charges. Maxwell is set to go on trial in November on charges she recruited underage girls. She's being held in a Brooklyn jail without bail.

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2b7837  No.14864326


is that the base sauce for that claim ?? (image in the middle, there)

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4c949d  No.14864327

White House Counsel Dana Remus on Monday sent National Archivist David Ferriero a letter that was obtained by CBS News and The Hill, and which was first reported on by CNN, stating President Joe Biden will not assert executive privilege on documents that Trump wants to prevent the committee from obtaining.

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d544d6  No.14864328


it's far worse than that

the flu is the annual release of cancer starter germs

they boost the release in the annual flu vaccines

each year it's different and different sets of people get the cancer bug depending on their genetics and immune system

it just gets in there and germinates into cancer if it can

they weaponize it to cull the flock and fleece us right up to the grave

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c08d4a  No.14864329

File: 39314675155fb61⋯.png (811.71 KB, 738x808, 369:404, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0df7b96e65c3e99⋯.png (897.49 KB, 648x766, 324:383, ClipboardImage.png)


you realize for every 1 of those i could find 50 doing the exact opposite, right?



let me know when he's forced to resign due to conflicts of interest

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d7592b  No.14864330

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


PURE BLOODED (The UnVaxxed Anthem)


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1d0da5  No.14864331


top kek

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9a6759  No.14864332


that's ghislaine maxwell's milkers

they've seen plenty of action

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be3a1a  No.14864333


I’m not one of them but this nigga right yo

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2d1983  No.14864334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



In the re-worked verssion of this they took out the black face.

This was predictive programming for Obama, IThey might block things out that far ahead.


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2b7837  No.14864335


was trying to ask….is that middle image the original sauce for that claim?

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9a63e1  No.14864336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Daniel Deluxe - Territory


Q likes NewRetroWave, let's summon him pig

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e9274a  No.14864337



Check put the eyes on Hillary. This was the marriage or two pussies and two countries all in one. She couldn't have been be happier. How about now?

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437ec1  No.14864339

File: 250fab0d2e97488⋯.png (794.67 KB, 749x455, 107:65, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e838bdfd7e7f35a⋯.png (322.44 KB, 514x424, 257:212, ClipboardImage.png)

Gross: Maskless Biden Spits on Woman at McAuliffe Rally

Joe Biden spoke to a crowd of about 1,500 to 2,500 Tuesday night at a rally for Virginia Democrat candidate for governor Terry McAuliffe held in Arlington, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. After he spoke, Biden bounded down the stairs in front of the stage and started working the crowd. Biden, who was not wearing a mask, leaned over to get close to a maskless woman supporter as she spoke to him. As Biden pulled back spit flew from his mouth as he said something in reply to her.


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539438  No.14864340

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4c949d  No.14864341

File: 1cc551abadd7133⋯.png (1.06 MB, 975x651, 325:217, ClipboardImage.png)


CDC designates Ukraine as 'very high' COVID-19 travel risk

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday designated Ukraine as a "very high" risk travel destination.

The health agency designated Ukraine as "Level 4: Very High," its most severe travel warning, citing high amounts of COVID-19 cases in the Eastern European nation.

Ukraine has reported 397,851 COVID-19 cases and 8,727 deaths in the past 28 days, according to data gathered by Johns Hopkins University.

The CDC defines a "Level 4: Very High" COVID-19 risk destination as an area that has reported more than 500 COVID-19 cases per 100,000 residents within the past 28 days.

Monday's designation marks the second consecutive week the CDC has only designated one new nation as a Level 4 travel risk, after designating Singapore last week.

The current list of Level 4 destinations also includes Austria, Bahamas, Botswana, Croatia, Greece, Ireland, Jamaica, Maldives, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey and Britain.

Seven destinations including Guatemala, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritius, Puerto Rico, Saint Martin and Sri Lanka were downgraded from Level 4 to "Level 3: High" risk.

Egypt and the Dominican Republic were moved up to Level 3 from "Level 2: Moderate" and the Cayman Islands were raised from "Level 1: Low."

Destinations designated as a Level 3 risk have had between 100 and 500 cases per 100,000 residents in the past 28 days, while Level 2 destinations have reported 50 to 99 cases per 100,000 residents in the same period.

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d455ef  No.14864342


>Tal Zaks.

they borrowed some steve jobs code

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a7c6e5  No.14864343

File: 2c793bcd2c8d60d⋯.mp4 (179.2 KB, 502x270, 251:135, POTUS_Never_Give_Up.mp4)

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5ed848  No.14864344

File: d6d0ded83d45518⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 828x1052, 207:263, d6d0ded83d45518fb08ccefaea….jpg)

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47fb60  No.14864345


That’s Maud. She has coffee and pancakes waiting for us

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a80d1d  No.14864346


Hey, if she is really a supporter, then she deserves it. She deserves the Presidential Tongue of Woe.

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78aa81  No.14864347

File: eb03432b8ccf030⋯.jpg (16.47 KB, 300x150, 2:1, MD_MrPig.jpg)

File: 7a2e4dec08f18e2⋯.jpg (18.41 KB, 300x150, 2:1, MD_Winning.jpg)

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437ec1  No.14864348

File: fc58b81063b3a32⋯.png (9.49 KB, 539x126, 77:18, ClipboardImage.png)


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bd2b7d  No.14864349

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539438  No.14864350

File: 14677360e06d425⋯.jpeg (325.08 KB, 750x608, 375:304, 21294E67_9F00_4AE0_832F_A….jpeg)


Mr Pig,

I guess that means you’re a hodler

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dcdf23  No.14864351

Call the ball

Let's play billiards!

But first…

This is not a game!

There is real money riding on it.


Learn how to ay the game.

When it's your turn,

Take up the CUE

But begore you hit the CUE ball

Make sure that you call the ball.

Otherwise the ball that you hit would be a foul.

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d455ef  No.14864352

File: dd9976ad1f6ef9c⋯.jpg (519.47 KB, 1842x1036, 921:518, ack_ack_pelosi_schumer.jpg)


>I’m not one of them

ok then

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be3a1a  No.14864353


Those aren’t yours hon

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c958e3  No.14864354

File: 07dcaad320a3478⋯.jpeg (7.66 KB, 231x218, 231:218, biggz_kekz.jpeg)

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b831c6  No.14864355

File: d715f7d2b3df6c2⋯.jpg (96.36 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 4iyst5.jpg)

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539438  No.14864356


Since we are showing boobs over 40 I’m sure Anons won’t mind seeing my 60 year old nutsack

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d455ef  No.14864357


> i could find 50

fake inorganic trash

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604774  No.14864358

File: 137b804b9389f49⋯.png (437.74 KB, 486x356, 243:178, mbsabe2.png)

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e92a38  No.14864359

why was fauci on with manncow talking about the vote in VA on some big board? and in weird mustard yellow clown wear?

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4c949d  No.14864360

File: c93d638061b9ac0⋯.png (309.17 KB, 700x1037, 700:1037, ClipboardImage.png)



Technology enables researchers to teach robots to think like humans

Advances in physical reservoir computing, a technology that makes sense of brain signals, could allow robots to be taught to think like humans, researchers said Wednesday.

The technology was used to train robots to navigate through a maze by electrically stimulating human brain nerve cells connected to the machine, the scientists, from the University of Tokyo, wrote in an article in Applied Physics Letters.

These nerve cells, or neurons, were grown from living cells and acted as the physical "reservoir" for the computer to generate coherent signals.

The signals, which are homeostatic, or living, effectively guided the robot through the maze, according to the researchers.

Whenever the robot veered in the wrong direction or faced the wrong way, the neurons in the cell culture were stimulated by an electric impulse.

Throughout trials, the robot was continually fed signals interrupted by the electrical impulses, which acted as disturbance signals, until it had successfully navigated the maze.

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e9274a  No.14864361


They look like they're ready to be married. One that can't wait in Hillary and the one apprehensively being given away Whooma. There's a lot going on behind the scenes. As always.

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47fb60  No.14864362


Omgosh that’s hilarious. Junior must be lurking and learning how to smack talk from anons kek

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5ed848  No.14864363

File: fac62d5a24396bd⋯.png (97.75 KB, 224x225, 224:225, d7b5b96da2280fa78e5a6febf7….png)

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65dd46  No.14864364

File: 5bb2a82278a9c3b⋯.jpg (32.03 KB, 400x400, 1:1, full_creepazoid.jpg)


BREAKING: Creepy Old Man Who Thinks he Is President Drools On Innocent Retarded Wom*n

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c6e678  No.14864365


pig a tranny?

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539438  No.14864366

File: c0b5ecd5c13b7b0⋯.jpeg (221.52 KB, 750x806, 375:403, C5EAA1F2_313E_42C8_8931_3….jpeg)

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40a3e3  No.14864367

File: fd434aeb729667a⋯.png (129.26 KB, 255x245, 51:49, laughing.png)


>Gross: Maskless Biden Spits on Woman at McAuliffe Rally

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888b3e  No.14864368

File: a667e3b0a0da30b⋯.jpeg (222.37 KB, 1210x238, 605:119, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

Business lobby calls for administration to 'pump the brakes' on vaccine mandate

Groups worry that the mandate will lead to bulk resignations and add to industries’ struggles. Businesses are already experiencing a shortage of workers in the lead-up to the holiday season.


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5ed848  No.14864369

File: 11236bad7b008a6⋯.png (6.51 KB, 255x173, 255:173, e2de6b6b0908d838bf638b203d….png)

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4c949d  No.14864370


18.8 Gbps real-time quantum random number generator with a photonic integrated chip

Quantum random number generators (QRNGs) can produce true random numbers. Yet, the two most important QRNG parameters highly desired for practical applications, i.e., speed and size, have to be compromised during implementations. Here, we present the fastest and miniaturized QRNG with a record real-time output rate as high as 18.8 Gbps by combining a photonic integrated chip and the technology of optimized randomness extraction. We assemble the photonic integrated circuit designed for vacuum state QRNG implementation, an InGaAs homodyne detector, and a high-bandwidth transimpedance amplifier into a single chip using hybrid packaging, which exhibits the excellent characteristics of integration and high-frequency response. With a sample rate of 2.5 GSa/s in a 10-bit analog-to-digital converter and subsequent paralleled postprocessing in a field programmable gate array, the QRNG outputs ultrafast random bitstreams via a fiber optic transceiver, whose real-time speed is validated in a personal computer.

We acknowledge technical supports from QuantumCTek Co., Ltd. and China Electronics Technology Group Corporation No. 44 Research Institute. This work has been supported by the National Key R&D Program of China under Grant No. 2017YFA0304004, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 11674307, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Anhui Initiative in Quantum Information Technologies.

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d455ef  No.14864371


just a kid inside, wondering why he's wearing that dumb suit

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9a63e1  No.14864372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Mainstream Media Operator ARRESTED for Threatening to Kill Matt Gaetz & Family

Oct 26, 2021

Congressman Matt Gaetz

59.4K subscribers

BREAKING: Eugene “Gene” Huelsman, a longtime camera operator for CNN, ABC, NBC, and others, has been ARRESTED for threatening to kill Matt Gaetz and his family.

Another man who recently threatened Rep. Gaetz, however, is still free after the DOJ blocked Capitol Police’s recommendation for arrest.

Visit https://gaetz.house.gov/firebrand for ALL Firebrand content!


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c08d4a  No.14864373

File: dec463479166528⋯.png (1.06 MB, 2970x2483, 2970:2483, 643.png)


whatever helps you sleep at night, princess

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be3a1a  No.14864374


I’ve risked it all for what I believe in, what are you willing to sacrifice?

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78aa81  No.14864375

File: f11a4720102ff73⋯.jpg (110.78 KB, 840x583, 840:583, HH1.jpg)

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6e98b8  No.14864376

File: 50f8ecfa42a5f12⋯.gif (8.83 MB, 804x452, 201:113, B0318966_5249_434F_BBE6_EA….gif)

Bewbs make the dough rise

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539438  No.14864377

File: 1167848834b97f3⋯.gif (94.03 KB, 220x124, 55:31, 9073503A_AF62_4A84_832F_17….gif)


>Since we are showing boobs over 40 I’m sure Anons won’t mind seeing my 60 year old nutsack

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9a63e1  No.14864378


needs digging

also, my man Kevin Corke reporting


alarm about to ring?

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2b7837  No.14864379

File: 676a2331ba8dbde⋯.png (75.18 KB, 315x181, 315:181, ClipboardImage.png)


everybody is a tranny : that is what sends 99% to the loony bin

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7bad48  No.14864380


>>14863981 @340


>>14864011 Pediatric COVID Hospitalizations Plunge As Schools Reopen, Baffling Experts

>>14864025 Establishment Media Shut Down Secret Chat Room Coordinating Facebook ‘Whistleblower’ Document Releases

>>14864126, >>14864198 Huma

>>14864035 Corrupt Judge Amy Berman Jackson Releases Jan. 6 Protester from Pre-Trial Custody After Repudiates Donald Trump: THE REGIME IS REAL

>>14864089 Australian news Senior NSW bureaucrat told Daryl Maguire 'had the ear' of then-premier Gladys Berejiklian, ICAC hears

>>14864162 Australian news NSW Health Minister signs new law targeting anti-vaxxers as state records 304 local COVID-19 cases

>>14864107 Former Clinton Operative Charged With Securities Fraud Steve Bachar

>>14864122 78. "Who Killed Diana?" - Best and Most Rare Documentary -2005

>>14864127 In today's episode of TACAMO callsign wordsmithery… MAVIS52 is E-6B Mercury 164387 #AE0414

>>14864129 Washington State Employees Salaries Database and Dept. of Labor and Industries Employees List

>>14864139 Crowd at tonight’s #McAuliffe rally 2,500 per campaign Does This Look Like A Crowd Of 2,500?

>>14864157 Durham's 15 Grand Jury subpoenas Clinton fought to hide a reminder from last year ish

>>14864184 U.S. Army @USArmy The #USArmy unveiled the newest variant of the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter,

>>14864194 Report Reveals European Firms Have More Than $255B Entwined in Illegal Israeli Settlements

>>14864203, >>14863187 (pb) NSBA chief who penned ‘domestic terrorism’ letter named to federal post

>>14864207 [They] are losing their grip on [Info Control]. And [They] are scared. Enter: Good Information Inc. owned by George Soros, Reid Hoffman, Kenand Jen Duda and Incite


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00af5c  No.14864381

why does the bread keep getting deleted or pruned? I then go back to catalog and can get back to current break.

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437ec1  No.14864382

File: 65d02ac9244ea70⋯.png (944.84 KB, 736x472, 92:59, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Clinton Operative Charged With Securities Fraud

Steve Bachar, who specializes in 'socially responsible' investing, also accused of stealing funds earmarked for life-saving PPE at height of COVID-19 pandemic

Authorities in Denver have ordered the arrest of Steve Bachar, a longtime Clinton operative and "socially responsible" investor who has been charged with felony theft and securities fraud. The former co-chair of the Clinton Global Initiative is also under investigation for unrelated allegations that he mishandled millions of dollars allocated for personal protective equipment at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bachar is accused of stealing as much as $1 million and lying to an investor "in connection with the offer, sale or purchase of a security," according to the criminal complaint filed by the Denver district attorney's office. The crimes are alleged to have occurred between October 2017 and August 2018. The former Clinton operative told the Denver Post the criminal charges were "outrageous, unfounded, and false," and he looks forward to letting "the facts come to light."

Bachar, who served as White House advance lead and in the Treasury Department under former president Bill Clinton before joining the Clinton Global Initiative, also served on the national finance committee for Hillary Clinton's failed presidential campaign in 2016 and as an adviser to former governor John Hickenlooper (D., Colo.). His private sector career as a corporate attorney and cofounder of Empowerment Capital Management was focused on "socially responsible investing."

This is not the first time the socially responsible investor has been accused of serious wrongdoing. In 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bachar allegedly pocketed nearly $2 million from health care companies that believed they were purchasing life-saving personal protective equipment such as masks and gowns.

According to a lawsuit filed by a Denver-based health care company, Bachar agreed to sell them 4,200 cases of N95 masks for $2.4 million in April 2020 but never delivered the masks and did not return their initial payment of $604,000. Over the summer, Bachar was ordered to pay nearly $4.5 million to the companies he allegedly defrauded but has yet to comply with the civil judgments against him.

In other words, a longtime Clinton associate was caught behaving like a longtime Clinton associate. It's weird how this keeps happening.


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2b9c69  No.14864383

File: dca0a81fe8f5756⋯.jpg (126.87 KB, 535x568, 535:568, AIR_FLAVORED.jpg)

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f913aa  No.14864384

File: 1e4d17925fcf753⋯.png (326.33 KB, 1080x689, 1080:689, 00.png)

File: cdf89791a0f7cab⋯.png (93.65 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 01.png)

File: a91ff996d7dbb78⋯.png (1017.12 KB, 1080x1040, 27:26, 02.png)

File: ec57d8d6e9b16ec⋯.png (326.5 KB, 616x664, 77:83, 03.png)

File: aa39fa754b95439⋯.png (466.4 KB, 1406x963, 1406:963, 04.png)


Gab is no such thing. They front like they're our heroes yet they laid all the satanic symbolism bedrock years ago.

They're just the next set of Edomite Jews who have been improperly assigned to speak for the heirs of Jacob. Gab panics like Alex Jones whenever the spotlight is off of them because their job is to steal the spotlight and Pied Piper all truth followers into getting doxxed and harrassed.

Never ever forget how these companies betray you like clockwork. They always mass dump your information to the rest of the cabal and call it "hackers". Hackers are as fake as coronavirus.


September 20, 2021

Epik data breach impacts 15 million users, including non-customers


September 25, 2021

Fallout begins for far-right trolls who trusted Epik to keep their identities secret




September 7, 2021

ProtonMail deletes 'we don't log your IP' boast from website after French climate activist reportedly arrested


>Encrypted email service ProtonMail has become embroiled in a minor scandal after responding to a legal request to hand over to Swiss police a user's IP address and details of the devices he used to access his mailbox – resulting in the netizen's arrest.

>Police were executing a warrant obtained by French authorities and served on their Swiss counterparts through Interpol, according to social media rumours that ProtonMail chief exec Andy Yen acknowledged to The Register.


March 1, 2021

Social network Gab hacked, hit with $500,000 ransom demand


March 2, 2021

Gab Hack Reveals Passwords And Private Messages


>The data was leaked to the WikiLeaks-style group Distributed Denial of Secrets (DDoSecrets), which says it has received around 70GB of data, including passwords and private messages. It includes all Gab’s public posts and profiles, apart from photos or videos, as well as private posts and messages from groups and individuals. "This dataset includes over 70,000 messages in more than 19,000 chats, by 15,000 users, in plaintext format," says DDoSecrets director Lorax Horne.

March 11, 2021

Gab: hack gives unprecedented look into platform used by far right


>The user lists appear to mark 500 accounts, including neo-Nazis, QAnon influencers, cryptocurrency advocates and conspiracy theorists, as investors. They also appear to give an overview of verified users of the platform, including prominent rightwing commentators and activists.

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1b3a1d  No.14864385

File: 121f831e6848b81⋯.jpg (686.66 KB, 4096x2733, 4096:2733, FCoEU9CWYAQBw6K.jpg)

File: 5d2e73ff5560499⋯.jpg (58.32 KB, 649x649, 1:1, FCoDrqpWUAAJCDy.jpg)

Meme ammo.

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65dd46  No.14864386

File: 9d20b9a87b5641f⋯.jpg (30.11 KB, 1035x1035, 1:1, what_s_this.jpg)


>why was fauci on with manncow talking about the vote in VA on some big board? and in weird mustard yellow clown wear?


Yeah even anons normie friends are talking about Fauxi killing dogs, what gibs CNN?

Didn't u get the memo?

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62086f  No.14864387

File: 07df5e92a17c646⋯.jpg (102.53 KB, 720x514, 360:257, 20211023_101629.jpg)

If the red October cowinky dinky

Don't crank your shift

How be the oddity

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4c949d  No.14864388

File: bc86c5bba77d558⋯.png (505.63 KB, 720x480, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


>Whenever the robot veered in the wrong direction or faced the wrong way, the neurons in the cell culture were stimulated by an electric impulse.

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d4f2a8  No.14864389

File: 5fe1e522ee9749f⋯.jpg (158.61 KB, 600x1090, 60:109, huma_and_anthony_1.jpg)

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2b9c69  No.14864390

File: cf4f38cc7be1a5a⋯.jpg (131.06 KB, 459x716, 459:716, WNNING_BADGE.jpg)

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d544d6  No.14864391

File: e9e998e2355239c⋯.jpeg (261.57 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 2AAEC03D_6708_42B9_8446_5….jpeg)

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9bd052  No.14864392


Some day I'd like to go to Australia and have a beer with you all.

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40a3e3  No.14864393

File: 943b39d8e819378⋯.png (322.97 KB, 401x392, 401:392, 2021_10_26_21_49_22.png)


>Huma and Killary


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95d51f  No.14864394


Club Scene Pig Wick

Mr. Pig:

[points a Meme at Francis' head] Hello, Francis.


говно, Mr. Pig.

Mr. Pig:

Вы похудели


Более шестидесяти фунтов.

Mr. PIg:

да? Впечатляющий.


Are you here on business, sir?

Mr. PIg:

Afraid so, Francis.


Why don't you take the night off?


Thank you, sir.

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dbf6bc  No.14864395

File: b46ec876cb9146d⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1000x679, 1000:679, ClipboardImage.png)



Mel was a genius.

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647994  No.14864396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I am the Alpha and the Omega.

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539438  No.14864397

File: 2c28565da5cdbfd⋯.jpeg (336.65 KB, 689x607, 689:607, 5B5911F3_5A11_488A_86E2_5….jpeg)


>I’ve risked it all for what I believe in, what are you willing to sacrifice?

Probably milk. I could do without that for awhile. But thinking about not having it already makes me want to have a glass.

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d455ef  No.14864398


> FBI and Partners Target Online Drug Markets

this can be partly funded by the legal marijuana business now. ca cracking down on "illegal drugs" as it's cutting into their margin

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437ec1  No.14864399


under attack

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d9a864  No.14864400

maybe the shot^^

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e9274a  No.14864401


Around the same time we had John Kerry marrying into Iran via his daughter. We had John Brennan aligned with the Middle East. We had Barrack Obama aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood. We had Bill Clinton aligned with the CCP.

Anyone besides me get the feeling America was to be carved up like a side of beef. And apportioned to aforementioned foreign entities. Wake up.

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d4f2a8  No.14864402

File: 9f2c9f000bd86d0⋯.png (253.9 KB, 269x400, 269:400, ClipboardImage.png)

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7bad48  No.14864403

File: 5da128a0e646624⋯.jpeg (11.94 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 5da128a0e646624ad6480c853….jpeg)

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437ec1  No.14864404

US intervention in Syria is a failure, it could turn into a catastrophe, Lamear

Washington, SANA- The writer in the American magazine Newsweek, Geoff Lamear criticized the illegitimate US presence in Syria, affirming that this presence, which Washington has taken as a pretext for fighting terrorism, has failed and could turn into a catastrophe.

The US military intervention has failed to achieve its objectives hostile to Syria. It is time for Washington to face reality; Syria has won the war and the US decision makers must deal with this reality, Lamar said in an article published in the magazine.

He pointed out the falseness of the American discourse during the Trump administration on the US troops’ withdrawal from Syria as this presence continued, stressing that the United States should pull out of Syria before the failure becomes a catastrophe.

A few days ago, the White House confirmed that a drone attack and accompanying missiles targeted al-Tanf base affiliated to the US occupation in Home eastern countryside on the Syrian-Iraqi border.


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5c971b  No.14864405

File: 8bd00b784560046⋯.png (1.84 MB, 934x888, 467:444, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66082ce89dde468⋯.png (612.55 KB, 555x469, 555:469, ClipboardImage.png)

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47fb60  No.14864406


if they start messing with the beer store anon will be pissed

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b831c6  No.14864407

File: 9658647720b241d⋯.jpg (99.36 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5ry2hv.jpg)

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9a6759  No.14864408

File: 2b96d08da2fe614⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1216x1628, 304:407, 252526.png)


The Huma/Hillary/Child video is supposedly on the seized Wiener laptop that the NYPD has

There are story variations on the face-video…many NYPD cops who viewed it have been suicided/arkancided

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539438  No.14864409


Isnt one Arab and the other a Jew? And they are married?

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dcdf23  No.14864410

Obama's grandparents photographed on grassy knoll at JFK assassination


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c85337  No.14864411

So now That vax mandates are approved for kids, are you motherfuckers in charge finally gonna put a stop to this shit?! Or do we have to allow the children to be maimed for life so the remaining fucking idiots in the country say ,”huh, that was weird”

So tired of the goddamn excuses.

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4c949d  No.14864412

File: 991fbb965a42349⋯.png (370.95 KB, 720x471, 240:157, ClipboardImage.png)


>under attack

stay on target

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00af5c  No.14864413


How does one stop the nothing that is coming?

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eade98  No.14864414

File: 114e82a403586fa⋯.jpg (95.21 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Fosters_Lager_Blue_Cans_25….jpg)


Welcome, Mate

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b831c6  No.14864415

File: 4b381980ebcb35a⋯.jpg (83.44 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5psmdc.jpg)

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47fb60  No.14864416



My girl is a dude?

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d4f2a8  No.14864417

File: ccc0869d6d7cb4e⋯.png (885.24 KB, 648x616, 81:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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bdc37e  No.14864418

File: 25ee4d22288f4a5⋯.jpg (157.3 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, you_are_the_movie.jpg)


>you are the movie

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c08d4a  No.14864419

File: 3a5fac3d1fb5009⋯.png (248.69 KB, 726x535, 726:535, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df2b66f1c2c0cd0⋯.jpeg (41.12 KB, 454x419, 454:419, 049.jpeg)

>1 day ago

when all else fails, just resort to spamming catch phrases because surely that will work

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00af5c  No.14864421


Is that white dot an ingrown whisker?

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65dd46  No.14864422

File: 1bf5a855f5ab68f⋯.png (206.74 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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95d51f  No.14864423


My girl’s a vegetable

She lives in a hospital

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5c971b  No.14864424

File: 6b3585a04154b57⋯.png (11.1 KB, 904x172, 226:43, ClipboardImage.png)



We will prevail

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015629  No.14864425


Drop the link

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4c949d  No.14864426


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d4f2a8  No.14864427


>Isnt one Arab and the other a Jew? And they are married?


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fe208f  No.14864428


>My girl is a dude?

No, anons have picrel'd a picture of her cooch in the past. She's real. She's a nasty little thing, into kink.

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dd437f  No.14864429

Seems like a good time for BV to ban the shill infestation. HCQ for shill parasites.

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5ed848  No.14864430


oh the glory days

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539438  No.14864431


Specially choccy milk

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437ec1  No.14864432

Explosion Strikes North China Chemical Plant

China reports its fourth explosion in just one week—this time, at a chemical plant.

China has a new military ambition. Party leader Xi Jinping is calling for new military equipment and weapons, part of his plan to build what he calls a “world-class” army.

President Joe Biden is committed to avoiding confrontation with China, according to his top Asia diplomat. He said Washington and Beijing should “build confidence” and be able to communicate in a crisis.

An NBA star player is calling out Nike. The player accuses the sports brand of using slave labor in China.

A celebrity sex scandal rocks China’s internet. But some suspect Beijing’s propaganda system is fanning the flames, and redirecting the public’s attention from other crises.


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647994  No.14864433

File: d27fe36acbdcf93⋯.jpg (213.9 KB, 719x672, 719:672, Screenshot_20211026_215250….jpg)

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c6e678  No.14864434

File: 64b307ff15ed859⋯.png (181.13 KB, 256x350, 128:175, anthony_weiner.PNG)

File: af0b400a754fdc1⋯.png (370.43 KB, 471x356, 471:356, hillary_video.PNG)

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95d51f  No.14864435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e9274a  No.14864436


>archaic superstitions

I never mentioned archaic superstitions. Are you crazy or stupid. Let's start there.

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22f228  No.14864437

File: 46c946b7b2f27cd⋯.png (99.27 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 46c946b7b2f27cd1968fab5725….png)

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e7b157  No.14864438

File: 0d8e339f3daa4f6⋯.png (505.64 KB, 800x546, 400:273, 0d8e339f3daa4f69f7e02460a7….png)


Codeanon here, long time lurker, sometime cage rattler. I have a pet that sees and tracks(unless to many proxies) ips, (how many eyes are on board)on site…bruhhh, today….holy shit…the mother fucking world is WATCHING! 20:36 central time 378.62 ml…Goddammit, feels good man!!

Carry on faggots, the world is getting smaller…WINNING BITCHES

Can't sauce, because fuck everybody..my baby…so take it, or don't, dgaf, it's fuckingHAPPENING


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5afc89  No.14864439

File: e53ff7a5d6219ca⋯.jpg (85.68 KB, 295x429, 295:429, velikovsky.jpg)


…Still waiting.

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62086f  No.14864440

dancing boy


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9dbe20  No.14864441

File: 84167ce47db128d⋯.jpg (187.19 KB, 686x1199, 686:1199, wwg1wga_1.jpg)


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5ed848  No.14864442

File: 3420bcf0625eae2⋯.jpeg (9.02 KB, 255x189, 85:63, c6a0f5ef4d0aac686728bff6e….jpeg)

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539438  No.14864443

File: 85b0797ddfc4038⋯.jpeg (141.05 KB, 420x383, 420:383, 1F04CCE7_AF2C_403D_A0D9_D….jpeg)



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dbf6bc  No.14864444

File: a47a1a4fe78fc5b⋯.png (607.74 KB, 838x649, 838:649, ClipboardImage.png)

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47fb60  No.14864445


Anon was just being funny. Have no clue why but anon loves a good horse face.

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437ec1  No.14864446

File: bedfab9d9b2e323⋯.png (108.13 KB, 687x887, 687:887, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fac37f8d5b8ed27⋯.png (107.05 KB, 682x782, 341:391, ClipboardImage.png)

China poised to overtake US as top space power, Space Force vice chief says

China is poised to overtake the U.S. military as the dominant space power, Vice Chief of Space Operations Gen. David Thompson said in an interview with The Washington Times last week.

Thompson, the second-highest-ranking officer in the U.S. Space Force, said the now two-year-old branch must speed up its implementation of new critical space technologies if it wants to maintain an edge over China. Thompson added that the next decade will be critical for staying ahead of China in space.

“Since about 2007, potential adversaries, specifically the Chinese and Russians, have noticed how effectively we use space in military operations and they have begun to develop and build weapons systems that take those capabilities away from us,” Thompson said.

In 2007, China conducted an anti-satellite (ASAT) missile test that destroyed one of its own satellites and spread debris throughout Earth’s orbit.

In April 2020, Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond described Russia’s development and testing of anti-satellite weapons, including direct-ascent anti-satellite (DA-ASAT) missiles and a January 2020 encounter Russian satellites “that exhibited characteristics of a space weapon.” In April of 2020, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) also warned of China developing anti-satellite weapons, saying “Beijing continues to train its military space elements and field new destructive and nondestructive ground and space-based antisatellite (ASAT) weapons.”

A recent report by the China Aerospace Studies Institute — a part of Air University, a part of the U.S. Air Force’s education university system — warned, “China’s military has designated outer space as a warfighting domain — described as a ‘new commanding height of war that China must fight for and seize if it is to win future wars.” The report further noted China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) officers and analysts “assert that space is the ultimate high ground, and that whoever controls space controls the Earth.”


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3695f7  No.14864447


Second pic "implying" it's a zoom of the first pic.

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00af5c  No.14864448


This is encouraging.

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7bad48  No.14864449


Was that notabled?

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1c39e5  No.14864450

File: cd2c1e912d6ea38⋯.png (224.44 KB, 480x475, 96:95, scared_hillary_in_car.png)

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0b3d91  No.14864451


The movie is for someone very powerful, but very stupid, to do something in an irrecoverable fashion. Like an unsanctioned invasion of Taiwan, without orders.

Or using Q ships on US Ports.

The list is endless, but ALL traceable, and unifying, most importantly.

Enjoy your popcorn. May we survive it all.

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d06be9  No.14864452


378.62 ml…


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bd2b7d  No.14864453


In my minute on gab, I got as many fake hotties as on match.com. Turned it off. Aren't we over fake hotties yet?

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5ac3f2  No.14864454

File: f637d4916af4c1b⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1628x1628, 1:1, f9d55f0a9f99830103d6d662cf….png)


>Are you crazy or stupid. Let's start there.

I hate it when multiple choice tests don't have an option for all of the above.

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0f3378  No.14864455

File: 70e90e2f9314b18⋯.jpeg (76.46 KB, 700x700, 1:1, Herodotus.jpeg)


Ya gotta come back with sauce Man. We're waiting. True if Bigly.

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fe208f  No.14864456


I know, me too. For some reason, she seems hot AF to me.

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5ed848  No.14864457

File: 0041b4ac0d5c7b7⋯.jpg (53.15 KB, 800x419, 800:419, 0041b4ac0d5c7b7fce37b88000….jpg)

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e0995a  No.14864458

File: 1c8de4b6d6e2564⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1280x1003, 1280:1003, 068606B4_CE62_424E_8D25_E4….png)


Quads confirm.

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5c971b  No.14864459

File: 26d9d43d1d93848⋯.png (67.38 KB, 155x168, 155:168, ClipboardImage.png)


>anons have picrel'd a picture of her cooch

are you really this gullible?

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eade98  No.14864460

File: f0288861eadabe4⋯.jpg (333.02 KB, 992x814, 496:407, Screenshot_20211025_222757….jpg)

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bd2b7d  No.14864461


Well, it certainly won't be a super-spreader.

Let's go Brandon!

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4b1435  No.14864462

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65dd46  No.14864463

File: dc431fb1ceeffa2⋯.jpg (50.64 KB, 500x500, 1:1, wow.jpg)

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1c91c6  No.14864464


do nothing

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2b9c69  No.14864465

File: 6a585116d3dc7e1⋯.jpg (135.46 KB, 1020x589, 1020:589, IN_DA_REAR_VIEW.jpg)

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795091  No.14864466

File: 954f64c87ec9fc2⋯.png (538.42 KB, 606x344, 303:172, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6db202087625cf⋯.png (564.62 KB, 606x343, 606:343, ClipboardImage.png)


>WATCHING! 20:36 central time 378.62 ml

with only 110 UIDS

knew that was the case,

We watch them change headlines from what is posted on the board, statements made to change their failed narrative !!!



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4c949d  No.14864467

File: f3d0807bec48067⋯.png (267.54 KB, 320x480, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

What does a gay horse eat?


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fe208f  No.14864468


p[cewl anon had way too much knowledge of this hooker. If it wasnt her, it was another hooker that was hot AF so who cares……

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5c971b  No.14864469

File: d904d36a8e8d0c1⋯.png (190.08 KB, 500x528, 125:132, ClipboardImage.png)


>anon loves a good horse face.

anon loves a good whores face.

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6e73dd  No.14864470

File: 52867a29086f7da⋯.jpeg (67.25 KB, 1254x1214, 627:607, DAA5F527_1D4D_410F_914B_4….jpeg)

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40a3e3  No.14864471

File: b4b6216d54fe267⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 498x276, 83:46, killary.gif)


This is their leader?

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2d2eb6  No.14864472

File: 0a4e624ccc91117⋯.png (97.77 KB, 180x212, 45:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7bc05679a076941⋯.png (279.72 KB, 620x412, 155:103, ClipboardImage.png)

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4c949d  No.14864473

File: e17422c9b942d2b⋯.mp4 (725.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, WATCH_New_Zealand_PM_Jacin….mp4)

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4230a1  No.14864474


There is, and has been, so much evil working among us innocents, and the evil increases every year, it's a wonder there is a single righteous man on earth, much less millions. You know who you are.

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5ed848  No.14864475

File: b647800c4e18ed1⋯.png (554.25 KB, 1001x640, 1001:640, b647800c4e18ed1e96a8b82ac9….png)

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d9a864  No.14864476


maybe the shot^^

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9a6759  No.14864477

File: b80142ece588b78⋯.jpg (116.1 KB, 1235x832, 95:64, e.jpg)


the podesta email about Hillary's unique odour

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7bad48  No.14864478

>>14864313Hal Turner major red flag Look him up. do not post this shit. He entrapped a lot of people in the Patcon operation.

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c43312  No.14864479


FBI general counsel James Baker

keks in baker

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65dd46  No.14864480

File: b8eced1282a33a2⋯.png (381.91 KB, 500x566, 250:283, neverforgetti.png)

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9bd052  No.14864481

File: cb9a840479f79c7⋯.jpeg (72.88 KB, 1193x680, 1193:680, Merkel_history.jpeg)

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d544d6  No.14864482

File: 29d8de3e5a56020⋯.jpeg (404.17 KB, 1800x1012, 450:253, 169614B8_D436_4CA8_B387_9….jpeg)



eyes on, hombres

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5c971b  No.14864483

File: 3da2322fe006545⋯.png (411.57 KB, 428x404, 107:101, ClipboardImage.png)


>so who cares……

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150619  No.14864484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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258594  No.14864485

File: 789ae3cc9182576⋯.png (78.7 KB, 140x255, 28:51, ClipboardImage.png)



>Isnt one Arab and the other a Jew? And they are married?

That marriage had to be a strategic alliance of [Cabal Factions].

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5ed848  No.14864486

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, a3482af3374bb7f9c50d517d84….jpg)

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40a3e3  No.14864487

File: 12dea816bc2afe7⋯.png (99.6 KB, 348x271, 348:271, quotes_clothespin.png)


>the podesta email about Hillary's unique odour

"unique odor"

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47fb60  No.14864488


>anon loves a good whores face.

Who is judging? Would take a horse if she was cute enough kek

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