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8803f9  No.14858604[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


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8803f9  No.14858611

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8803f9  No.14858612



>>14858356 What are the chances?

>>14857903, >>14858077, >>14858105 DWAC???

>>14857915, >>14857944, >>14857986, >>14858049, >>14858313, >>14858342 The clockfags are here

>>14857925 We got fireballs (17 to be exact)

>>14857939, >>14858364 Guess who made it a Federal Felony to abuse animals back in 2019?

>>14857940, >>14858046 Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Led The First 1/6 "Attack"

>>14857954 PETA was killing animals this whole time?

>>14857971 Senior Advisor Reveals NJ Governor Murphy to Impose State-Wide Covid Vaccine Mandate AFTER Re-Election

>>14857983 Judge to hear Trump's case against Jan. 6 committee in November (4)

>>14857991 Meet these 95 High-Profile individuals who support pedophilia

>>14857992 Fulton County Georgia Ordered More Than One Million Absentee Ballots from Printer Days Before the 2020 Election

>>14857999 Reminder: 4 year Qniversary is in 3 days!

>>14858005 Following Fauci's Psychological torture experiments

>>14858010, >>14858054, >>14858264 (VIDS) RE: The Vatican

>>14858015 About to see a lot of discussion about pain? Trump holding a beagle named miss P? Pain coming?

>>14858081 Vaccinated pregnant women no longer allowed to get monoclonal antibodies in King County WA.

>>14858172 RE: Military Coup in Sudan

>>14858531, >>14858161, >>14858186, >>14858193 LA PALMA PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING

>>14858202 JFK nephews call for assassination records' release

>>14858215 (VID) Bezos Upgrades Disaster Plan, La Palma, Ionospheric Disturbances

>>14858251 Behind High Walls: Clinton Charity Moves Moroccan Party Out of View

>>14858252 "wins of the day" is a useful thread to check out from time to time

>>14858298, >>14858287 chip shortage just got worse

>>14858302 Throwback To Adam Carolla Roasting Alec Baldwin For Being Pedo Buddies w/ Epstein

>>14858367 Add Cats to the List of Test Subjects Harmed in Taxpayer Funded Programs

>>14858391, >>14858415 The Apprentice (American season 13) RE: MISPELLINGS MATTER/BALDWIN

>>14858456 Essay/Joel Freedman: Dr. Fauci’s egregious cruelty to ‘man’s best friend’

>>14858513 Muh Whistleblower

>>14858530 Check this out. UV street lights to end Covid?

>>14858541 Flynn r/r AZ AG re JUSTICE

>>14858546 Sure got the other guy's name off the front page, [Dave Halls] of The Crow infamy

>>14858577 #18794


>>14857201, >>14857234, >>14857262 PB discussion: Q 4949

>>14857273 Brittany about to spill it?


>>14857403 (Image) Donald Trump holds Miss P at the Trump Tower in New York shortly after the beagle won best in show (2015)

>>14857446, >>14856621 #FauciLiedDogsDied trends at #1 on Twitter in the United States.

>>14857466, >>14857538 Fauci funded "maximum pain" experimentation on Beagles.

>>14857730, >>14857762 Experiments on —> dogs—> children next??

>>14857618, >>14857661, >>14857709 LET'S GO BRANDON by BRYSON GRAY REACHED #1 ON ITUNES CHART TODAY

>>14857630 "I think everybody who heads an NIH agency right now should resign," said @peta


>>14857712 United Airlines pilot leads COVID revolt, files medical freedom lawsuit with 2,000 fellow workers

>>14857724 Scott Morrison unveils details of 2050 net zero plan

>>14857745 Texas SUES Twitter & Others Successfully!

>>14857778 #18793

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8803f9  No.14858613


>>14856365 Pure Marxism: McAuliffe Supporters Are Posting Signs Promising to “Keep Parents Out of Classrooms” as Campaign Winds Down

>>14856373 Amid soaring inflation, alarms sounded about central banks’ focus on climate change, racial justice

>>14856383 Border Patrol to fire up to 5K agents over vaccine mandate - 10/23/21

>>14856393 Trump says Maricopa County 'officials LIED and then tried to cover it up'

>>14856406, >>14856902 Wisconsin audit results are IN: Dozens of discrepancies discovered

>>14856407 ‘Stop the Shot: Caught on Tape’ conference will expose doctors, hospitals that deny care to COVID patients

>>14856409 Fake Fact Checkers Smeared Rand Paul as Liar over ‘Gain of Function’

>>14856423, >>14856440 PF REPORT - C-17RCH3259from Wright Patterson heading into JBA.

>>14856437 ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC Refuse to Cover New Migrant Caravan Careening Toward U.S.


>>14856492 Juvenile court judge finds sufficient evidence that teen sexually assaulted fellow student in Loudoun County

>>14856507, >>14856524, >>14856534 Gowdy Slams ‘Partisan’ SCOTUS Coverage: ‘Try To At Least Fake Being Fair’

>>14856516 Tina Peters, Mesa County Clerk and Recorder gets her chanced to tell her side of the story.

>>14856564 I Don't Back Down': Banned 'Let's Go Brandon' Rapper Speaks Out

>>14856597 The FDA seems ready to approve the Pfizer vaccine for kids aged 5-11. But there's a problem..

>>14856621 #FauciLiedDogsDied trends at #1 on Twitter in the United States.

>>14856639 RETRACTO 349: Daily Beast's Will Sommer RETRACTS headline ‘Judge Rules Veritas is Political Spying’

>>14856654 Dr. Vladimir Zelenko drops the reddest of red pills, and names names.

>>14856662 Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The Very First 1/6 Attack On

>>14856669, >>14856701 Scaramucci calls President Trump a domestic terrorist @ 1:46 / Scaramucci in Q drops

>>14856672 185 Employees Separate From Triad At Los Alamos National Lab Due To COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

>>14856680 First Responders, City Workers Protest Vaccine Mandate In New York, Loud Chants Of ‘Let’s Go Brandon’, ‘F*ck De Blasio’ Erupt

>>14856736 Diplomatic Security Service’s Office of Special Investigations Seek Information Regarding Serial Sexual Offender and Former CIA Employee Brian Jeffrey Raymond

>>14856740 PERMANENT State of Emergency Legislation for Dan Andrews

>>14856789 Caught On Hot Mic, Pelosi Says ‘Americans Are The Stupidest People On Earth’

>>14856804 Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ] - Maricopa County Audit Call to Action – For all who participated in the audit

>>14856917 Special Report - John Durham’s Salad Shooter

>>14856953 Halyna was doing a documentary on the pedo rings in Hollywood.

>>14857074 #18792

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8803f9  No.14858615


>>14854953, >>14855082 Military Coup in Sudan

>>14854970 Former Navy Commander Sentenced to Life in Federal Prison for Coercing a Minor, Child Pornography Charges

>>14854978 Israel Launches Missiles On Southern Syria Amid Reports Hezbollah Entrenched Along Golan Border

>>14854985 Fauci slams Rand Paul’s claims US-funded bat virus research led to Covid-19 after senator demands his firing amid longstanding row

>>14854992 Biden Delivers Remarks on the Build Back Better Agenda & Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

>>14855003 ADL Publishes Ridiculous Halloween Costume Guide Urging Parents to Avoid ‘Costumes That Perpetuate Gender Norms’

>>14855009 Facebook tells staff to expect ‘more bad headlines’ amid DAMNING reports based on whistleblower leaks – media

>>14855038 ‘Ample Scientific Data’: Congresswoman Introduces ‘Natural Immunity Is Real Act’

>>14855054 New Evidence Reveals Facebook Censoring Conservative Content; Breitbart Traffic Hobbled

>>14855092 'Flat-Out Disgusting': DeSantis Tears Into Fauci Over Experiments On Dogs

>>14855163 Facebook ‘whistleblower’ Frances Haugen represented by US intelligence insiders

>>14855400 UV Light Fixtures Would END COVID TYRANNY, They're Available NOW / TRUMP KNEW and [they] all made fun of him.

>>14855414 Putin compares woke culture to Bolshevik propaganda, calls gender ideology ‘crime against humanity’

>>14855446 Protestors in Brooklyn city showing with "F Joe Biden" playcards are marching towards City Hall.

>>14855479 IT’S A HIT! Anti-Biden Rap Song ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Reaches #1 on the Charts, Beats Adele

>>14855500 Anthony Fauci’s Freakshow: NIH Conducted Psychological Torture Experiments on Monkeys

>>14855519 PF REPORT - Couple of C-32A VIP planes both using n/a callsigns.

>>14855544, >>14855615 A Fayette County priest pleaded no contest Monday to charges of repeatedly assaulting an altar boy over three years

>>14855740 WA State Vax Verification ‘Toolkit’ Published: Never Go Full Retard

>>14855746 Pope Francis appoints population control activist Jeffrey Sachs to Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

>>14855816 NIH Removes Language on ‘Gain-of-Function’ From Website Amid Criticism Over Funding Chinese Research

>>14855909 Checkmate: Jim Jordan Tricks A.G. Garland Into Making Damaging Confession

>>14856002, >>14856034, >>14856081 MI5 and MI6 strike intelligence deal with Amazon: US company to host top secret UK data

>>14856010 Tom Cotton on Suppression of Breitbart: Facebook Acts Like a ‘Wing of the Democratic Party’

>>14856018, >>14856040, >>14856040 Sotomayor Calls Supreme Court’s Refusal To Block Texas Abortion Call ‘Catastrophic’

>>14856105 Jan. 6 ‘Insurrection’ Was A Failed Intelligence Operation

>>14856106 #18791

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8803f9  No.14858617


>>14854888, >>14854889, >>14854895 The FDA is meeting on 10/26 to discuss mandating vaccines for kids ages 5-12.

>>14855056 Biden Delivers Remarks on the Build Back Better Agenda & Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

>>14855116, >>14855199 Anon Optics Bun

>>14855209 SMOKING GUN: Shocking New Info About Gun Used By Baldwin

>>14855239 REVEALED: Fauci’s Record-High Salary for ‘Vaccine Development’ and Bio-Terror ‘Research’.

>>14855245, >>14855262 Facebook failed to police abusive content globally, documents show

>>14855254 Sudanese Prime Minister, Senior Government Officials Detained In Likely Military Coup

>>14855264 US secretly sending Afghans flagged as security threat to base in Kosovo: report

>>14855281 Man Rams Car into Crowd Protesting Coronavirus Vaccine Mandates

>>14855303 Liberals Censor Republican Video In Congress to Further The Teaching of Liberal Agenda

>>14855306, >>14855325, >>14855374 Roberts confirmation hearing / Joe's main speech (P16/1452)

>>14855308 Disgraced ex-Arkansas judge, 75, who let underage convicts off with light sentences in return for sexual favors now claims he has judicial immunity from victims' civil claims against him

>>14855321, >>14855460, >>14855545 NIH Funds ‘Toxic Brain Injection’ Monkey Experiments, Holes Drilled Into Skulls, Devices Implanted Into Brains – REPORT

>>14855323 Pure Marxism: McAuliffe Supporters Are Posting Signs Promising to “Keep Parents Out of Classrooms” as Campaign Winds Down

>>14855368 Giuliani Associate Found Guilty Of Financial Crimes

>>14855387, >>14856033 Marine Corps Makes It Clear: Get The Vaccine or Get Out

>>14855394 British PM tells Putin Russia-UK relationship "is not the one" London wants

>>14855417 Turkey reveals photos of 15 alleged Mossad spies arrested

>>14855437 Leaflets Warning Of Cooperation With Hezbollah Dropped Over Syria’s Al-Quneitra Following Israeli Airstrikes

>>14855476 Obama says change may be coming 'too rapidly' for many

>>14855492 Dan Andrews to table legislation for new unprecedented emergency powers

>>14855529 Former Air War College Professor Pleads Guilty to Making False Statements About Relationship with Government Official in China

>>14855534 Tennessee State Senator and Nashville Social Club Owner Indicted for Alleged Campaign Finance Scheme

>>14855543 Chinese Tech Giant Huawei Had Secret Offshore Contracts With Men Linked to Serbian State Telecom Company

>>14855573 Manhattan Man Pleads Guilty To $6.9 Million Scheme To Defraud Loan Program Intended To Help Small Businesses During COVID-19 Pandemic

>>14855582 Gulf Cartel Member and Criminal Migrants Arrested at the Border

>>14855592 This is ER consultations in Germany by indication. Upper is respiratory, middle cardiovascular, bottom neurological.

>>14855599 Agents Arrest 17 People in Large-Scale Multi-State Drug Trafficking Ring Involving Fentanyl, Heroin, Crystal Methamphetamine and Firearms

>>14855642 Gov. DeSantis Calls For “Mad Scientist” Fauci to be Fired and Investigated for Funding Illegal Gain-of-Function Research and Beagle Torture

>>14855689 Betting for or Against Trump SPAC Is Expensive as Options Trade Begins

>>14855781 XVIII Airborne Corps - In this pic from 38 years ago today, troops from the 82nd Airborne wait at Bragg to board aircraft to invade Grenada

>>14855807 U.S. Navy - Failing to prepare is preparing to fail! Pilots assigned to Carrier Air Wing 2 participate in a brief aboard #USSCarlVinson

>>14856029 #BREAKING: Judiciary Republicans demand Attorney General Garland withdraw school board memo.

>>14856125 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14856209 Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ] - We are living through a new civil rights movement. A digital civil rights movement. / Maricopa County Audit Call to Action – For all who participated in the audit

>>14856270 Five Former Attorneys General Call on Mark Herring to Immediately Open an Investigation into the Loudoun County School Board

>>14856271 Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The Very First 1/6 Attack On The U.S. Capitol

>>14856276 PF REPORT - EXEC1F heading towards JBA from South Carolina.

>>14856315 #18790

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8803f9  No.14858618

Previously Collected

>>14853380 #18788, >>14854767 #18789

>>14851299 #18785, >>14852532 #18786, >>14854213 #18787

>>14848997 #18782, >>14849758 #18783, >>14850524 #18784

>>14847112 #18779, >>14847476 #18780, >>14848901 #18781

>>14844315 #18776, >>14845360 #18777, >>14845872 #18778

>>14842040 #18773, >>14842798 #18774, >>14843565 #18775

>>14839615 #18770, >>14841534 #18771, >>14841662 #18772

>>14836179 #18767, >>14836976 #18768, >>14838572 #18769

>>14834461 #18764, >>14835361 #18765, >>14836204 #18766

>>14832852 #18761, >>14834430 #18762, >>14834430 #18763

>>14830246 #18758, >>14830886 #18759, >>14830938 #18760

>>14826873 #18755, >>14827669 #18756, >>14832520 #18757

>>14824501 #18752, >>14825890 #18753, >>14826072 #18754

>>14822863 #18749, >>14822959 #18750, >>14823746 #18751

>>14822222 #18746, >>14820600 #18747, >>14822736 #18748

>>14817479 #18743, >>14818307 #18744, >>14820663 #18745

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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8803f9  No.14858619

File: 8f71b52266944e9⋯.jpg (97.84 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, USA.jpg)



Baker Requesting Handoff

Kitchen Open

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d9557d  No.14858644

File: ba40ef637afee73⋯.jpg (255.01 KB, 719x1153, 719:1153, Screenshot_20211026_000435….jpg)

Fuck Joe Biden Disney Edition


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323956  No.14858652


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d9557d  No.14858654

File: 4e66590bc00a231⋯.mp4 (433.6 KB, 320x584, 40:73, Fuck_Biden_Disney.mp4)


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3146e9  No.14858657






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fb68df  No.14858658

File: 91f640b1abd2eed⋯.jpeg (42.72 KB, 816x543, 272:181, 220A3135_D05A_44BB_B159_B….jpeg)

Thanks for your service baker

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51b736  No.14858659


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c8b4f8  No.14858660

File: 5c7948ef6428ba9⋯.png (166.81 KB, 579x532, 579:532, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1d5d55386ffa1d⋯.png (16.61 KB, 777x129, 259:43, ClipboardImage.png)

National School Board President Tapped To Biden Admin After Comparing Parent Protests To ‘Domestic Terrorism’

The Department of Education tapped National School Board Association (NSBA) President Viola Garcia to serve on a federal education board a few weeks after she wrote a letter comparing parent protests to “domestic terrorism.”

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona appointed NSBA President Viola Garcia to the National Assessment Governing Board, which creates a “report card” on student performance nationwide. Garcia joined the board Oct. 13, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Garcia and NSBA CEO Chip Slaven sent a letter Sept. 29 addressed to the Biden administration requesting the assistance of the federal government in dealing with allegedly unruly parents at school board meetings. The letter claimed that teachers and school administrators had been threatened with violence and harassment. The letter said these actions were “the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

According to emails obtained by Parents Defending Education, a concerned parent group, Slaven and Garcia sent the letter without permission of the NSBA board. The organization’s board has since issued an apology for the letter.

“On behalf of the NSBA, we regret and apologize for the letter. To be clear, the safety of school board members, other public school officials and educators, and students is our top priority, and there remains important work to be done on this issue,” the letter reads. “We apologize also for the strain and stress this situation has caused you and your organizations.”

The White House was in communication with the NSBA for “several weeks” before the letter dropped. According to emails, the White House requested additional information on “specific threats” taking place nationwide.

Days after the NSBA’s letter was published, Attorney General Merrick Garland directed the Department of Justice to create a task force to determine how “federal enforcement tools can be used.”

House Republicans are now calling on Garland to withdraw his memo, according to the Washington Examiner. Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan asked Garland whether it was a coincidence that he issued a directive five days after the NSBA letter was sent.

Garland claimed it was a “relevant factor.”


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0bbbb9  No.14858661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a6fe35  No.14858662

File: 2685e99ca47b081⋯.jpg (149.34 KB, 800x533, 800:533, jab.jpg)


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3146e9  No.14858663

File: 5092c5ff52f7989⋯.jpeg (547.22 KB, 750x965, 150:193, 320C875F_9CC0_4400_BA21_4….jpeg)

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1bbae4  No.14858664

File: 74512716a60d19c⋯.jpg (161.69 KB, 585x1266, 195:422, IMG_6101.jpg)

>>14858642 pb

I shouldn't do this, but here's your sauce, motherfucking cocksucking asshole morons. God, the absolute state of this place.

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c8b4f8  No.14858665

Alabama governor issues order combating federal vaccine mandate

Order argues best ways to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations is through ‘education, transparency, communication, and persuasion.’

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey issued Executive Order No. 724 on Monday calling for the state to oppose the Biden Administration’s COVID-19 mandate that businesses that employ more than 100 people require their workers to be vaccinated or tested weekly.

In the order, Ivey said the best ways to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations is through “education, transparency, communication, and persuasion," and not “government coercion.”

“The federal government’s overreach has given us no other option, but to begin taking action, which is why I am issuing this EO to fight these covid-19 vaccine mandates. As long as I’m governor, AL will not force anyone to take the vaccine,” Ivey tweeted.

State Sen. Greg Reed, R-5, who serves as President Pro Tem of the Alabama Senate, said on Twitter the executive order “is a positive step toward protecting Alabamians from the vaccine mandates imposed by the federal government. This overreach by the Biden Administration puts individual freedom at risk & will cause significant economic challenges across our state.”

“@GovernorKayIvey's E.O. is a positive step toward protecting Alabamians from the vaccine mandates imposed by the federal government. This overreach by the Biden Administration puts individual freedom at risk & will cause significant economic challenges across our state,” Reed tweeted.

In the order, Ivey said it was the “policy” of her administration “to encourage COVID-19 vaccination as safe and effective but to oppose overreaching COVID-19 mandates imposed by government.”

The Biden Administration issued a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for businesses that employ more than 100 people to ensure the employees are either fully vaccinated against the coronavirus or are tested weekly.

Ivey said in the order that the “new federal mandates threaten to increase vaccine skepticism” and would “severely disrupt the state’s economy.”

The governor called the mandate a “significant overreach” by the president.

Ivey said the president’s vaccine mandate “rests of dubious legal grounds” and through the state’s Attorney General an “immediate legal challenge to stop the egregious and illegal federal overreach” is imminent.

Meanwhile, Ivey said in the order that “state government should set example by encouraging but not requiring COVID-19 vaccinations to employees and contractors.”

Through the order, Ivey said she is asking for cooperation from individuals and businesses with the state’s Attorney General; asking for non-enforcement of the federal mandate and no agency, department, or board within state government utilize a penalty on a business or individual who is not in compliance with the mandate.

The governor also said in the order the state government is to enforce to the “maximum extent protections afforded to public employees regarding vaccination records” and that executive branch agreements with contractors can’t “include any agreement or provision” for getting vaccinated.


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cc7493  No.14858666

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a6fe35  No.14858667

File: 59b1cbcefe6c53e⋯.jpg (103.72 KB, 394x467, 394:467, stock_photo_hillbilly_smok….jpg)


This oughta get good

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f4fc8e  No.14858668


un ba livable ..epic Shit right there

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fb68df  No.14858669


Congrats, that’s a random pic with no context.

If you have a sauce showing she was working on a HWood pedo doc, post it. Otherwise:

FAKE & GHEY, nyigguh

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e79fe8  No.14858670

File: 253247e65ca0678⋯.png (560.15 KB, 800x450, 16:9, fauci_feeling_cute_murder_….png)

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fbc494  No.14858671

File: c098f7fbf432c4c⋯.jpg (29.21 KB, 242x350, 121:175, ANGEL_DUST_LIFE.jpg)

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ec3d04  No.14858672

File: 59ecb2d931bd6d9⋯.jpg (78.39 KB, 797x802, 797:802, TargetNS.jpg)

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e24596  No.14858673

“Alec Baldwin is not a murderer. He is not a murderer.


Alec Baldwin Embraces Husband of Slain Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins in New Mexico

Rachel Mason, a close friend of Hutchins, tells Inside Edition she spoke to Baldwin and does not blame him for the incident. Attorney Royal Oakes discusses potential legal ramifications that could stem from the case.

It was an intense and heartbreaking meeting as Alec Baldwin embraced the husband of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, who was fatally shot by the actor last week while rehearsing a scene on the set of “Rust.”

The two were seen outside a hotel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, over the weekend. Hutchins’ son, 9-year-old Andros, was also there and is said to be "very badly affected" and "lost without his mother.”

RachelMason, a close friend of Hutchins, tells Inside Edition she does not blame Baldwin for what happened. 

“Alec Baldwin is not a murderer. He is not a murderer.In some ways, he’s a victim of this mess, which was sloppy and crazy and irresponsible,” Mason said.

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1b41b5  No.14858674

>>14858632 /LB

You should know by now that I don't give a rats what most of these traumatised people, or you, think. I've witnessed what I needed to witness when the chips were down. I know the West has been terrorised, but the 'friendly fire' is unforgivable.

Pollination vs. Cross Contamination.

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f4fc8e  No.14858675

File: 24406357f7fe797⋯.jpg (60.79 KB, 629x397, 629:397, 5pe9dk.jpg)

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c8b4f8  No.14858676

File: 730ac8dd0925263⋯.png (59.41 KB, 745x866, 745:866, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dbf81043994d01b⋯.png (28.74 KB, 743x408, 743:408, ClipboardImage.png)

Sexual, financial impropriety claims loom over reelection bid of New Mexico Democratic gov

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham's political action committee recently made its final payment in a $150,000 sexual harassment settlement with 2018 campaign staffer James Hallinan.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has settled a sexual harassment complaint filed by a male 2018 campaign staffer, another example of hypocrisy, GOP critics argue, by a governor facing a tough reelection bid.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham's political action committee paid former campaign staffer James Hallinan $150,000 in a sexual harassment settlement, recent campaign filings show.

The final payment in an installment plan was paid Sept. 29.

The governor's campaign unequivocally denies Hallinan's claims, arguing it chose to settle the case in order to save on legal expenses and avoid distraction from state business.

Campaign spokesperson Kendall Witmer said in a statement earlier this month: "The Governor, Dominic Gabello, and New Mexicans for Michelle unequivocally deny the false, dubious, and meritless claims made by Mr. Hallinan and feel certain the claims would have been disproved in court. The settlement resolved suspect and varied claims made by Mr. Hallinan, including his search for employment and clients following his tumultuous tenure on the 2018 campaign. The campaign reached this settlement in 2020 due to the expense of litigating business disputes and to prevent any distraction during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic."

The Albuquerque Journal reported that Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver's office found that the "settlement payments are an allowable expenditure under the state's campaign finance laws since they relate to an employment dispute with a former campaign staffer."

Hallinan accused Grisham in late 2019, roughly one year after he left the campaign. His complaint states that the governor poured a bottle of water on his crotch and "then grabb[ed] his crotch through his clothes as she laughed." Hallinan said this occurred in front of other campaign staffers during a meeting in 2018 and that he was talked out of reporting the incident by Grisham's former campaign manager.

Grisham's pandemic lockdown policies shuttered more than a third of the state's small businesses, and New Mexico continues to have one of the highest unemployment rates, along with the 14th-highest electricity costs, her Republican challengers argue.

The mayor of small-town Grants, N.M., Martin "Modey" Hicks, went so far as to order the town's police force not to issue lockdown violation citations to its roughly 9,000 residents.

"The governor is killing us," Hicks said last spring when all "nonessential businesses" were ordered to remain closed. "She's totally killing us."

Likewise, "millions of dollars have vanished from public agencies and her administration has seen some of the highest turnover in state history, with over 24 cabinet members jumping ship," argues John Block, founder and editor of the conservative Piñon Post.

"She claims to be innocent, but most innocent people do not pay off their sexual accusers in hush money, especially to the tune of hundreds of thousands of donors' money," Block adds.


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51b736  No.14858677

Donald J. Trump


Greatest of All Time

Best President Ever

Stolen Election 2020

Joe and the Ho Suck. Fuck em

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e24596  No.14858678

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3bf15d  No.14858679

>>14857804 lb

Hunter's just misunderstood. He's actually a perverted drug addict and extremely sketchy, just like Dad.

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8803f9  No.14858680

File: 47e90b2127fbaeb⋯.png (252.51 KB, 580x755, 116:151, DB.png)




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d9557d  No.14858681

File: 0dd4acf20ea1d54⋯.mp4 (313.16 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Carolla_Roast_Baldwin.mp4)


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1b267e  No.14858682

File: 07d610c37215cc9⋯.png (252 KB, 535x551, 535:551, Screenshot_2021_10_26_at_0….png)

The Hill


Deadline for Prince Andrew to testify in accuser's lawsuit set by judge http://hill.cm/xpIdTc0


Justice is coming!

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3cf975  No.14858683

File: ce914c9d6464623⋯.jpg (305.88 KB, 1076x694, 538:347, bad_weather.jpg)


Thank you, Baker.

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0bbbb9  No.14858684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14858646 ((LB))

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fbc494  No.14858685

File: 4d99131a967e5be⋯.jpg (108.13 KB, 490x560, 7:8, MURDERER_VICTIM.jpg)

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f4fc8e  No.14858686



In other news. You just missed hitting sixes…I call thee

2ligit to quit

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4a7890  No.14858687

7 fs?








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c8b4f8  No.14858688

File: b91b884cffd35b4⋯.png (576.91 KB, 862x485, 862:485, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cc437e51ea561b⋯.png (214.88 KB, 726x790, 363:395, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9d3699a595c2ae⋯.png (58.33 KB, 716x480, 179:120, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like the Jew lady lied and got caught

Gladys Berejiklian told top staffer about secret relationship before ICAC bombshell, corruption inquiry told

Gladys Berejiklian's former chief of staff has told the state's corruption watchdog of a "difficult conversation" during which the "inherently private" premier revealed her secret relationship with Daryl Maguire.

Key points:

Gladys Berejiklian will now be called to give evidence on October 29 and November 1

Two of Ms Berejiklian's former chiefs of staff and an advisor are giving evidence to ICAC today

Previous witnesses have said the former premier should have declared her relationship with Daryl Maguire

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is examining whether Ms Berejiklian breached public trust or turned a blind eye to alleged corruption in connection to grants handed out in Mr Maguire's Wagga Wagga electorate.

Neil Harley, who was her chief of staff from February 2020 until her resignation this month, today told the ICAC he first learned of the relationship when Ms Berejiklian received a summons to appear before the watchdog last year.

"It was, as you can imagine, a very difficult discussion to have," Mr Harley said.

"It was a private matter for the former premier, who is inherently a very private person.

"So we didn't go into detail about when it commenced or when it finished, I didn't believe that that was appropriate to do so at that stage."

Mr Harley said while his initial impression was the relationship was "historical" and had concluded, he learned in subsequent weeks it was "more recent" than he thought.


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3bf15d  No.14858689


Rumble to merge with Trumpbook and DWAC?

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1164f3  No.14858690


top kek tonight

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6dda46  No.14858691

File: 9802057b7f83a6a⋯.jpg (92.25 KB, 900x507, 300:169, ZomboMeme_25102021204640.jpg)

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8803f9  No.14858692

File: 3be322d8b364530⋯.png (731.82 KB, 986x653, 986:653, b16d5a3344f7bc89f7268b057f….png)



I'm speechless

Here's a Mr. Pig meme

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3cf975  No.14858693


The Deep State actors rally to protect Baldwin. Sounds like they were all in on it. Ritual sacrifice, maybe?

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74d067  No.14858694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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51b736  No.14858695

Fuckery afoot. Long post times and uncollected post references. Something is comped.

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40e28d  No.14858696


someone may have dubbed over this. I dont see anyone clapping or shouting….

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ae2905  No.14858697

File: 0c72df3af311b80⋯.png (31.5 KB, 150x150, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



Don't know about that one friend. Can see nobody clapping and the audio has the reverb of a stadium.

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3146e9  No.14858698

File: 65c4ac3da6d77d7⋯.jpeg (210.81 KB, 750x738, 125:123, 8FB7DE36_3C3B_4601_8AB0_7….jpeg)






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1c0f1e  No.14858699

File: abcc27384e5a03a⋯.png (224.44 KB, 480x475, 96:95, Real_HRC.png)

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e24596  No.14858700


Of course, he murdered her.

There is no way he did not know the gun was loaded and live.

All of those Baldwin bros have shot guns.

He knew the difference.

Besides, he was responsible , in part, for the hiring and safety.

Are people forgetting that Baldwin was moar than just an actor in this movie?

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149957  No.14858701

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f29c7f  No.14858702

>>14858005. PB/LB

Do all these outlets get headlines from us? I think so, I think they should give us credit. (Anons (o/w known as Great researchers and ahead of the curve) helped out with finding this story

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f4fc8e  No.14858703


Interesting choice of words?

" Sloppy"

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f4fc8e  No.14858704


love shack baby love shack

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40e28d  No.14858705


Yeah, and she is probably and accessory to murder now.

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78c593  No.14858706


she was a hit, a sacrifice in a state where he will never pay

we aren't shocked because Killery has been getting by with it for decades


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1bbae4  No.14858707


This post proves you don't belong here. Autists have no trouble from here. But being stupid must be difficult. My condolences.

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68d4cf  No.14858708

File: 8ef513df5bf82f1⋯.png (548.65 KB, 615x409, 615:409, beleve.png)

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ae2905  No.14858709

File: 86074bbd6125610⋯.jpeg (37.12 KB, 430x575, 86:115, 86074bbd6125610a6e058d68b….jpeg)

24 hours left to make a submission to Digital Identity Act

If you have not done this yet get started here: https://www.digitalidentity.gov.au/have-your-say/phase-3/submission-form

If you are a lazy and or dumb aussie here is in quick inspiration:

Our institutions have proven time and again, never more so than over the past 2 years, that they will use every power they have, contrary to it's purpose and introduction, to coerce the population into obedience to limitless control over their lives, putting the government above the law, crown and God. If obedience is not forthcoming, or legitimate balancing provisions are attempted to be invoked, our institutions will use regulatory control, censorship, media, and force to reach their desired outcome, contrary to the overwhelming will of the people. Government IT has weaker data security protections compared to private industry, and responses to potential breaches are even worse. Legislators need to provide the maximum amount of options to draw the maximum amount of the population towards their end goal VOLUNTARALY by virtue of the benefits of the ends, anyone can speak the law into existence and use the force of the state to mandate compliance, this is not the purpose of elected representative government. Legislators need to rise above their habits to always include clauses in legislation that states they can add, or interpret, or delegate their responsibilities to unelected bureaucrats to enact legislation by declaration that would not have been passed if it was stated in the original bill. Until the universal learnings of the Stanford Prison study (power corrupts no matter what the intentions or who the person was before they had power), Asch Conformity study (Individuals will support something they know to be against their own beliefs under pressure from a group) and Milgram obedience study (Individuals will knowingly kill someone, against the individual's beliefs, if a perceived authority directs them to) are integrated into legislators understanding of the human societal psyche, and they craft legislation that is compatible with that universal truth, instead of trying to suppress it, no further oversight of individual citizens should be attempted to be brought into being. Until legislators craft and pass a universal bill of rights, enshrining negative rights that restrict government actions instead of positive rights that declare what the government must provide, designed, enforced and enshrined in a matter that is protected from subversion using the previously detailed studies that clarify the weaknesses in the human societal psyche AND the reasons for the requirement of this bill of rights is integrated into all law enforcement and other martial government institutions from Ministers, bureaucrats, and Regulators, right down to the employees, trainers and new recruits, this goal should be the top priority of legislators, well above the enactment of the provisions of this bill.

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3cf975  No.14858710


8kun.top and sys.8kun.top are having connection issues. Maybe a DDoS attack?

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3bf15d  No.14858711


jack@twat thinks that his stock about to get trashed by Trumpbook is "hyperinflation" coz he will lose a zillion. Nobody likes you @twat.

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1bbae4  No.14858712


Finally. Someone in this place who isn't a complete poltroon.

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404211  No.14858713

File: aff6bd49a0920c6⋯.jpeg (322.83 KB, 750x1257, 250:419, 34499598_84E6_4C0A_B765_5….jpeg)


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8803f9  No.14858714

File: 2aa9cab2f22319f⋯.png (1.02 MB, 750x499, 750:499, ClipboardImage.png)


>Fuckery afoot.

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1b41b5  No.14858715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Didn't expect me to keep getting up and underestimated my powers of intuition and IQ. These rats always operate from the shadows.


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1c0f1e  No.14858716

File: a7ba95561688cfd⋯.jpg (48.71 KB, 1093x615, 1093:615, Comped.jpg)

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fb68df  No.14858717

File: a1a6be6a1836a5f⋯.jpeg (21.84 KB, 255x241, 255:241, EE011562_4453_4EF9_A266_9….jpeg)


You’ve still not provided a source for your claim

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e24596  No.14858718


Very dating choice of words, for sure.

It was one sloppy murder, Alec.

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e79fe8  No.14858719

File: 64cee94cec47468⋯.png (740.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Alec Baldwin now lives in a glass house…

…He'll NEVER be able to talk shit about anybody or anything ever again.

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1b267e  No.14858720

File: e7841d9be702d4e⋯.png (97.17 KB, 535x520, 107:104, Screenshot_2021_10_26_at_0….png)

AFP News Agency


#BREAKING Samsung boss convicted and fined for illegally using the anaesthetic drug propofol: Yonhap


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cc7493  No.14858722

File: e14e955d913d4d0⋯.jpg (256.84 KB, 1172x1352, 293:338, Xnip2021_10_26_00_20_03.jpg)

He would win because he already did. They stole it and everybody knows it.


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d9557d  No.14858723


I think you're right. Good ear.

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51b736  No.14858724


I have not dug into it as I have been reading notables and catching some Christ-cuck stuff online. My DNS was not reconciling the sites about an hour ago and then itUI magically started working again. I did not feel the need to dig for the root cause cuz I am pretty sleepy anon. Sorry.

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489023  No.14858725

>>14858626 (LB)


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1bbae4  No.14858726

File: b776c04c25fb6ce⋯.png (30.85 KB, 255x239, 255:239, baitin.png)


In like manner, you have not proved you are worthy of me giving it. But then, I''ve been here for a very long time.

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e9d52d  No.14858727


Dan posts a lot of fake and ghey shit.

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fbc494  No.14858728

File: 9f5915a9b735ef2⋯.jpg (99.89 KB, 646x362, 323:181, BOOMINGFIGHT.jpg)

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404211  No.14858729

File: f91c89d3a81ba60⋯.jpeg (144.83 KB, 674x1111, 674:1111, 93C4A4A2_7936_4065_9C97_4….jpeg)


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6dda46  No.14858730


I dunno. I mean he's cool and all, but not 81 million votes cool.

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8803f9  No.14858731

File: bf4905e80b9c439⋯.png (535.51 KB, 885x563, 885:563, he_shilled_me.png)

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f4fc8e  No.14858732

File: 158ba50cb5735ef⋯.mp4 (2.6 MB, 848x464, 53:29, Ron_Watkins_CodeMonkeyZ_Te….mp4)

Anon love



Anon hear

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3cf975  No.14858733


Report on the DNS fuckery which has been ongoing since the beginning of May:


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602ffc  No.14858734

File: 03e7a132028cda3⋯.jpg (387.37 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 03e7a132028cda3ef3167531d1….jpg)

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ae2905  No.14858735

File: a3cc1448475f676⋯.png (582.96 KB, 1173x723, 391:241, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49eb597f667e198⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1228x1113, 1228:1113, ClipboardImage.png)

La Palma and cargo ships connection

Trying again since I have not seen it put together anywhere, the tsunami impact has not been measured including the backlog of cargo ships off impacted coasts. Think over pressure wave that also contains poisonous toxic and hazardous ball bearings and caltrops.

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fac61b  No.14858736

File: 3f8ba86514e54a9⋯.jpg (258.81 KB, 800x723, 800:723, 86752_276_1029244136103_ts….jpg)

File: 2fb33675d68c91f⋯.jpg (220.35 KB, 1228x1113, 1228:1113, f4r3de2swa.jpg)

File: 192990263359cc9⋯.png (325.63 KB, 535x749, 5:7, gt4fr3ed.png)

File: 50938509c1e14e9⋯.jpg (78.4 KB, 996x559, 996:559, download.jpg)

Learn to swim

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fbc494  No.14858737

File: abf57a6c678a172⋯.jpg (149.54 KB, 859x505, 859:505, WIN_STORY.jpg)

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fbc494  No.14858738

File: f3301d07f1c4622⋯.jpg (114.67 KB, 717x478, 3:2, 81_PIGS_ASS_FIX.jpg)

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fb68df  No.14858739

File: 6755fc814c5206e⋯.png (968.02 KB, 1080x721, 1080:721, 668A30D3_5F57_452B_BE5B_0A….png)


You’re the one pushing the clickbait claim Hutchins was working on a pedo doc. Given the board you’re posting on, it seems like if you had evidence to back up that claim it would be relevant to the general topics discussed here and posted rather than demanding anons jump through hoops to satisfy your conditions for posting it.

But you don’t have any sauce, so…

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fac61b  No.14858740

File: abf08655f8ab4ad⋯.jpg (1.95 MB, 2500x2842, 1250:1421, HiveMind.jpg)

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6dda46  No.14858741

File: dc65fd2407bf68d⋯.jpg (93.21 KB, 1003x477, 1003:477, ZomboMeme_20012021121143.jpg)

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404211  No.14858742

File: 072834a6c691efd⋯.jpeg (200.15 KB, 750x1126, 375:563, 42E4F807_5C92_4A89_8738_1….jpeg)

File: 3c2f9d35ca9b539⋯.jpeg (208.26 KB, 750x1086, 125:181, 418B4DA6_8924_4650_A673_8….jpeg)

File: 03f1a71e3597416⋯.jpeg (99.26 KB, 750x511, 750:511, AFE67920_1AB4_4C9C_B807_B….jpeg)


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7bc0f1  No.14858743





Propofol: the drug that killed Michael Jackson

November 7, 2011 By Peter Wehrwein, Contributor, Harvard Health

ARCHIVED CONTENT: As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Please note the date each article was posted or last reviewed. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

If you’ve been following the manslaughter trial of Michael Jackson’s personal physician (not surprisingly, the Los Angeles Times has had the most complete coverage), today’s guilty verdict wasn’t a surprise.

Prosecutors built a strong case that the 50-year-old “king of pop” died after Dr. Conrad Murray had given Jackson a large dose of propofol (pronounced PRO-poe-fall), a powerful anesthetic, to help him sleep and then left him unattended.

Murray’s defense team spun a theory that Jackson gave himself the lethal dose.

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40e28d  No.14858744

File: 66c25dfa9b0fee3⋯.png (190.09 KB, 613x407, 613:407, bfdoge.png)








Yes yes. We must thank all the baker, even if the baker is a verified shill.

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8803f9  No.14858745

File: 80a78b064e9e450⋯.png (105.13 KB, 369x271, 369:271, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08f37a4a234ecff⋯.png (326.18 KB, 848x511, 848:511, afe0e8316c0fc94f7f229bcaec….png)


Member how Muh "BV" would always flip shit and cry about sharing this?

Doge members.

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68d4cf  No.14858746

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ec3d04  No.14858747

File: a3fc8d609742e1f⋯.jpg (119.82 KB, 659x632, 659:632, TrumpWon.JPG)

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e24596  No.14858748


Isn't that what Michael Jackson used.

Isn't that the stuff they put you under for colonoscopies?

It does make you feel nice and relaxed.

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1164f3  No.14858749

File: 762ce357bf5e656⋯.png (193.17 KB, 475x268, 475:268, ClipboardImage.png)


Many beliefs and claims laid here, but only one currency.. its possible to be the sauce, but only if you give yourself to the sauce.

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fbc494  No.14858750

File: 38f81d6be29fdce⋯.jpg (83.4 KB, 784x402, 392:201, GA_WINNING_2.jpg)

File: 757b190b7005212⋯.jpg (71.74 KB, 813x413, 813:413, WV_PIG_WIN.jpg)

File: 1f6a267efb78718⋯.jpg (80.88 KB, 824x418, 412:209, WV_WINNING.jpg)

File: a7685c447d0e609⋯.jpg (53.04 KB, 779x383, 779:383, VA_WINNING.jpg)

File: 3b78bfeac834dd6⋯.jpg (57.21 KB, 713x362, 713:362, VA_PIG_WIN.jpg)

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7bc0f1  No.14858751

File: ab2de3b71863de8⋯.png (8.59 KB, 310x76, 155:38, ClipboardImage.png)



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8803f9  No.14858752

File: 68ae0f11b6a4b77⋯.png (358.43 KB, 565x499, 565:499, ANONS_KNOW.png)


Oy vey, not this format again

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d9557d  No.14858753

Love me some Mr. Pig.


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51b736  No.14858754

This is me on whitelist:

List of whitelisted entries





Domain/RegEx Type Status Comment Action


Exact whitelist


Exact whitelist

Added from Query Log


Exact whitelist

Added from Query Log


Exact whitelist

Added from Query Log


Exact whitelist

Added from Query Log


Regex whitelist


Regex whitelist


Regex whitelist

And this is my blacklist plus all the others that are naturally blocked.


List of blacklisted entries





Domain/RegEx Type Status Comment Action


Regex blacklist


Regex blacklist

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3cf975  No.14858755


>We must thank all the baker, even if the baker is a verified shill.

Yep. Because that's how we swing here. Thank the baker first and then insult him later.

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68d4cf  No.14858756

File: 9f6227f7f4f8d33⋯.jpeg (50.39 KB, 1000x745, 200:149, DianasRoyaleDigit.jpeg)

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65a29c  No.14858757

The vax mandate just might boomerang on TPTB. At least here in the USA. A lot of people are walking away from jobs that require the clotshot. Once that happens that person has nothing more to lose.

I can foresee a lot of whistleblowers. From all (former) walks of life.

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54a12c  No.14858758




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fbc494  No.14858759

File: 4c0108c723e0b27⋯.jpg (155.32 KB, 782x518, 391:259, TEACH_FREEDOM.jpg)

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7bc0f1  No.14858760

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e79fe8  No.14858761

File: 3832a42e02d89d1⋯.png (447.61 KB, 800x450, 16:9, angry_baby_and_doge.png)

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8803f9  No.14858762

File: ec3c514a369b662⋯.png (995.76 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>Thank the baker first and then insult him later.

The unwritten rule. should not have typed it, anon.

Now, I fear the consequences will never be the same.

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1b267e  No.14858763

File: 14587088a781583⋯.png (323.14 KB, 478x630, 239:315, Screenshot_2021_10_26_at_0….png)

AFP News Agency


Japan's Princess Mako finally marries her university sweetheart Kei Komuro on Tuesday, but it won't be a lavish affair, with the couple forgoing traditional rites after years of controversy.


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6dda46  No.14858764

File: f51895c2446dba5⋯.jpg (403.84 KB, 903x931, 129:133, Screenshot_20210128_163730….jpg)

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a6fe35  No.14858765

File: 178747b7388e146⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, trumpfa.jpg)

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0da243  No.14858766

Any anon got the vid from Q's lasr post? Could use a little pick me up right now (diff device).

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31bc53  No.14858767

Eric C_A_rmella >=Bryan L__ndrie

So he was JB/BHO/HC hitman? PLanted in DJT's NSC? The hairline, nose, manlet…some prosthetics and photoshop.

Makes sense now that he was trained as a survivalist & so many bodies turned up. He's the guy no one suspects to be a trained sabateur/killer, who trains others (Antifa), and commits arson.

It all makes sense why he had so many corrupt LEO connections and why protection.

I see it. Anything else?

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0da243  No.14858768

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31caab  No.14858769

File: f0e4f381c5b93a4⋯.jpg (57.44 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 5zqope02o.jpg)

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3146e9  No.14858770

File: 08d3459542d6bf2⋯.jpeg (319.87 KB, 750x594, 125:99, 9B9B7AA1_8886_48B0_9DB1_E….jpeg)


Mr Pig,

I want to see the shorts get burned on DWAC

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8803f9  No.14858771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6dda46  No.14858772

File: 7752509bde570c6⋯.jpg (298.21 KB, 1076x509, 1076:509, Screenshot_20211010_225640….jpg)

File: 61e755b5d0d05b9⋯.jpg (109.69 KB, 540x699, 180:233, ZomboMeme_24102021183612.jpg)

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0da243  No.14858773


Thank (you)! o7

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8803f9  No.14858774

File: 3c325fed427da88⋯.png (219.75 KB, 512x487, 512:487, BANNED_GARY_AGAIN.png)


Shalom, Babyfist

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65a29c  No.14858775

For Christians who believe the prophets of God: 2 different prophets said not to be discouraged by what we see in November. This has to do with Biden removal. People will call for his removal, but it won't happen, not by a human. God himself will remove him. Kind of indicates it may not happen in November? I dunno. I don't want to put words in the prophets mouths.

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fbc494  No.14858776

File: 48f23fc3feaeb4d⋯.jpg (113.15 KB, 532x609, 76:87, DR_PIG.jpg)

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fb68df  No.14858777

File: 005e41c8f68dbb3⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1392x1903, 1392:1903, C3E0E03B_E05C_4DDD_AE07_0….jpeg)

Obama Tweet

[R] calling for young people to “put yourselves out there” and to “take a risk”

Call for violence/FF’s?


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e24596  No.14858778


>Eric C_A_rmella >=Bryan L__ndrie


Where did this come from?

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323956  No.14858779


Yeah was sleeping on that one. Doge and tranny all over tonight.

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fb68df  No.14858780

File: 186b25eee04a4ae⋯.mp4 (368.54 KB, 320x320, 1:1, DWSjbfV09Wt_XUJE.mp4)

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d9557d  No.14858781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7aae23  No.14858782

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has spent millions in taxpayer dollars conductingpsychological torture experiments on primates— news which has resurfaced following the revelation that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIH division partially funded experiments allowing hungry insects to eat dogs alive.


Since humans are closely related to primates, could this study be related to adrenochrome harvesting?

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68d4cf  No.14858783

File: d7e6533079f35c9⋯.jpg (650.71 KB, 1144x761, 1144:761, doorofdoors.jpg)


you know jesus loves you

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54a12c  No.14858784

File: 6a7bc5c0d8a5c73⋯.jpeg (118.95 KB, 1170x1122, 195:187, baldwin_criminal_mastermi….jpeg)


Alec is probably unironically a textbook psychopath unable to feel remorse or guilt and obsessed with terrorizing the people around him, verbally and physically abusing them. I bet Alex probably strangled a few highway prostitutes before but that was not enough Alec needed to get that ultimate sexual thrill: destroying a beautiful blond women on camera, in front of onlookers, and then getting away with it. The ultimate triumph over his victim.

Once he's pardoned Alec is probably going to write a book about it to cash in on it, relive the moment again, savor all the details, her contorted face, the bafflement of the crew, the invigorating smell of the barrel smoke of his murder weapon. It will be the ultimate humiliation of his victim, something he can masturbate to even years later.

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1b41b5  No.14858785

Yeah yeah it's all based on lies and it will all come to light. The movie ends with some sacrificial lamb saying, "nah, the whole experience was shit. Now please deposit the compensation monies, go away and never return, tell Mom & what's left of the family the truth, and let me pick my own friends and maybe a wife". The end.

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31caab  No.14858786

File: 615011509e6a01c⋯.jpg (28.88 KB, 745x323, 745:323, 3rb2nne3.jpg)

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1b267e  No.14858787

File: ec401ae78d4933a⋯.png (433.46 KB, 535x655, 107:131, Screenshot_2021_10_26_at_0….png)

George Papadopoulos


Breaking: The ‘Mystery Man’ AG Garland Won’t Deny Was a Fed Inciting Jan. 6 Rioters Was Scrubbed from FBI ‘Most Wanted’ List



"Do some shit nigga!"

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ba9819  No.14858788


youtube deleted the video linked by Q.

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68d4cf  No.14858789

File: 56d0ce60c9f27ac⋯.jpg (39.41 KB, 1024x438, 512:219, 2T2KyAy_1024x438.jpg)

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6dda46  No.14858790


I think they were researching how to damage the amygdala and frontal lobe connections (which usually control/override the amygdala) without cutting into the brain.

Access through deep nasal invasion perhaps with some kind of chemical to induce damage and bring about a constant state of fight or flight unrestrained by higher brain function.

Now what could they use for deep nasal penetration without arousing suspicion….

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1164f3  No.14858791


doesn't matter if its related to adrenochrome harvesting (but dig away at that)..

Its one thing if you're testing a product to avoid testing on humans.. still a shame, but defensible in some ways.. but all this torture-play with animals seems defenseless and needs to be pressed hard.. what was it for?

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31bc53  No.14858792


>“If we get the Democrats to turn out, we win. And that’s point blank.”

He did it again. Used the trigger word to actually call for shooting innocents.

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bb503a  No.14858793

Fuck Joe Biden

Fuck Social Media

Fuck Socialism

Fuck Cell Phones

Fuck The Planet

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d9557d  No.14858794

File: cd29ca54de64f47⋯.jpg (24.49 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 1634933425418.jpg)

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e24596  No.14858795


Interdasting thought

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3cf975  No.14858796


>Now what could they use for deep nasal penetration without arousing suspicion….

Those nasal swabs have always been suspicious. You would think that a tongue swab would be sufficient for a "disease" as infectious as Covid. Especially considering the manic attempt to hide our mouth and nose lest someone get infected by a whiff of bad breath.

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49aa14  No.14858797

An alternative future laid in silence far in advance is a battlespace for which our enemy wasn't prepared. Time is a battlespace.

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baf9e5  No.14858798

File: bb03df2a324bd9c⋯.png (722.33 KB, 2311x1048, 2311:1048, ClipboardImage.png)


Too bad they pinned a screencap you calling yourself babyfister into the discord channel.

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1b41b5  No.14858799


He's trying to wind back atrocities. They all are. They fucked with humanity, wonder, and destiny.

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54a12c  No.14858800



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ef5b1e  No.14858801


Texas plate?

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a6fe35  No.14858802

Cats and quick reflexes

But why are there so few copies of the Rh- allele? And why does it vary so widely between populations? There is no clear answer, but there is a very interesting hypothesis involving cats and quick reflexes.

There is a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii that normally infects cats. When this parasite infects humans, it can cause people to react more slowly. Studies have shown that Rh+ heterozygotes (people who carry the Rh+ and Rh- allele) may be resistant to this symptom.

Some scientists think that because of this resistance, the Rh- allele has stayed in the population, even though the Rh- trait can cause difficulties for Rh- women during pregnancy.

Different rates of infection by this parasite may have caused different frequencies of the Rh- allele. For example, the large number of wild cats in Africa and Asia could have raised the frequency of Rh- there….

By Joe Davis, Stanford University


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3dbc66  No.14858803

File: 7c5a75cf7820bb5⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1289x828, 1289:828, 91039FD3_8A07_4670_9346_2F….png)

File: 1bc6c9dd6b0cfc1⋯.png (300.96 KB, 2000x4200, 10:21, 2E57C695_B03C_48E7_A19E_87….png)

File: 8356110cb8d92af⋯.png (90.66 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 498DAEBB_BD8E_4497_AE5D_E3….png)

>>14858577 lb

>>14858138 lb

>>14858192 lb

>>14858314 lb

>>14858401 lb

>>14857991 lb

(Forgive, that took longer than i thought, met an 11brovo and had to visit.)

Couple of things right off the bat, the Colonial Farm has been closed now for more than two years. Can get into more of those details later. It is a very interesting story, but from first hand knowledge there was no formal/functioning relationship beyond geographic neighbors. We were not three minutes away, more like thirty feet across the road. There is a little more that can be said about that, but the CMCF was not the same “Farm” as the actual training facility/ies Farm/s related to the CIA.

John Podesta did work at our farm (an actual working farm and pre-Revolutionary reenactment of colonial life), but he was a weirdo from the start. Like many people, he probably thought he was auditioning for Agency work which was not true, at least NOT through the Colonial Farm.

Kenneth Starr was a ‘Friend of the Farm’ but not on the board. However, his SPOUCE was. Again, like many people, they both probably thought they were training to be super secret agents or something, but again, no.

Kloman, served on the board (again, i thought he was a weirdo within minutes of meeting him) but the MOMENT he was charged with molestation at the Potomac School (about a mile away), he was removed from the board before sunset.

Some time back, here at QR someanon infered Nellie Ore had some relation of interaction at the CMCF. Myself, i had several HAM friends around over the years and we put up various homemade antennas… but personally never saw Nellie at the CMCF

The most curious common thread MOST everyone who visited, volunteered or worked at the farm was spoken or unspoken inference… believing that they were somehow interacting with CIA in someway or another. More than half the population of McLean (i lived there almost thirty years), was actual and/or IMAGINED affiliation with the Agency. Most everyone fancied imagining themselves Spooks… even the analysts.

If there is interest in the story, i can dig a bit deeper on some of the other names of the listing in the image and try to bring into the conversation. Just wanted to wedge some worthy clarity between shitty people who haunted the farm vs. the actual good and honest farm that was.

“Would you like to know more?”

Conceived in the late 60s, opened in the early 70s, The Farm at Turkey Run, aka Colonial Farm at Turkey Run (named after the creek, later name changed in recognition of large donor Dr. Claude Moore (yet another ODD sort himself)) located near the north end of the George Washington Mamorial Parkway, was envisioned by the National Park Service to be an answer/echo to Mount Vernon located at the south end of the GWMP.

Among several dealbreaking issues that ultimately closed the Colonial Farm (one of the only privately-operated Open-to-the-Public Parks inside the Department of Interior National Parks System… was the FACT that we did not rely upon taxpayer money to operate. We ran the farm on direct donations, contributions, farm sales, and volunteers. Rarely more then ten employees at any one time over fifty years, and sometimes as little a ONE! Hundreds of annual volunteers… attending tens of thousands of visitors to the park. MILLIONS of visitors since the early 70’s

I think we made the NPS look like fools, and they were jelly, covetous, and embarrassed. The last years trying to negotiate renewal of the land lease were literally daywalkingnightmarish. Yet all good things come to an end, and i for one don’t miss the NPS on bit.

Ive written so much text. Stopping here.

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6dda46  No.14858804


And remember they have also found compromised Blood Brain Barrier function caused by the spike proteins.

This could be part of a long game, indeed.

"Hey, New variant. Gotta go back to swab testing. "

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592b93  No.14858805

File: 43462220497529e⋯.png (269.22 KB, 414x415, 414:415, KEK.png)


Show me on that pic where it says Doge Baker

Oh wait, you can't. You're retarded!

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e8bd20  No.14858806

Follow the Data with Dr Frank, [25.10.21 19:41]

If I’ve been quiet here lately, it’s because I’m working really hard on the Supreme Court pleading that is going to be released the Tuesday before Thanksgiving…

My work is core to the case, but many are contributing.

It’s gonna be a blockbuster!

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49aa14  No.14858807



Q's palm tree photo?

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491c6e  No.14858808


middle row, second from bottom

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a6fe35  No.14858809

File: 6120fffe0586aa1⋯.png (1.91 MB, 2289x1505, 327:215, cdczom.png)

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3cf975  No.14858810


>all this torture-play with animals seems defenseless and needs to be pressed hard.. what was it for?

For training the next generation of psychopaths and satanists?

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ef5b1e  No.14858811


Beer googles anon, peace.

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bb503a  No.14858812

Let us all know when Trump is back and it's official. Everything else bullshit distractions and hopium until then.

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6dda46  No.14858813

File: a47cf3d7b92214b⋯.jpg (421.68 KB, 1058x1218, 529:609, Screenshot_20211026_004402….jpg)

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2cb94f  No.14858814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now Ivey and the other Governors need to go after the VENUES. That's who is continuing to enforce the "mandates" regardless of the State's position.

Sauce: See Travis Tritt and cancellations. He won't play their game.

(not a Travis Tritt song)->

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e24596  No.14858815


Does Dr. Fauci have any pets?

There is no verifiable information available regarding if Fauci is the owner of any pets. He does not appear to have spoken publicly about being a pet parent, and there do not appear to be any photos or information available from any of his relatives that show him with one. Dr. Fauci has been married to Dr. Christine Grady since 1985.

The U.S. top infectious disease expert has three adult daughters as well:Megan Fauci, a teacher; Jennifer Fauci, a psychologist; and Alison Fauci, a software engineer.It does not appear that any of them have gone on the record mentioning any family pets either.

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0982e0  No.14858816

File: 4abca71d9ff963d⋯.png (4.77 MB, 1284x1712, 3:4, 064DED8B_2048_4AE6_8A90_B4….png)

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f37f50  No.14858817



Not sure how crackheads do it but anon has been freebasing hopium for four years

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1b267e  No.14858818

File: d6d1e7023bfd691⋯.jpg (273.02 KB, 800x800, 1:1, d6d1e7023bfd69106c79ea42a8….jpg)

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fb68df  No.14858819

File: 3ef76f8d3cfa629⋯.jpeg (435.46 KB, 2263x1546, 2263:1546, 0670C38B_4B84_432A_87E0_3….jpeg)


Obama tweeted that at 1:26, Hillary seems to respond at 1:45. Shared keywords, plus her “RSVP here”



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7e95a8  No.14858820

File: fd5bb5278835b56⋯.jpg (112.7 KB, 1920x768, 5:2, 1112395_opener_395318_shat….jpg)

Black feather on Bezos back - now what's that supposed to mean?

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49aa14  No.14858821

File: 9661413dcd11669⋯.png (891.42 KB, 700x456, 175:114, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>14858367 Add Cats to the List of Test Subjects Harmed in Taxpayer Funded Programs

Just ticked off the world's population of disgarded and forgotten women

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6dda46  No.14858822

File: 76c7306b1f0e6c5⋯.jpg (341.24 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20211026_005029.jpg)

Have they modified their comms because of Q?


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bb503a  No.14858823


Sexual harrassment of womens? No one cares.

Covid, covid, masks, mandates, get the jab…. etc. etc.

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592b93  No.14858824

File: 93766c095ba3ecb⋯.png (665.62 KB, 720x581, 720:581, ClipboardImage.png)


Uhh, thanks anon…

But this is Doge shift


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6dda46  No.14858825


Crackheads use Bakering Soda. Coincidence??

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f37f50  No.14858826


That flag is on the ground

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3146e9  No.14858827

File: c011ac2eaeabc61⋯.jpeg (174.82 KB, 750x748, 375:374, 519BD8B3_51D5_4858_B7B8_B….jpeg)

File: 1140b0c5c9e8fc8⋯.jpeg (109.98 KB, 750x528, 125:88, F93D88CB_8ABF_426B_8B4A_9….jpeg)


>Rumble to merge with Trumpbook and DWAC?

That’s the trillion dollar question kek

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592b93  No.14858828

File: 970c18f5ea3a00a⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1934x1618, 967:809, its_coming.png)


>Black feather on Bezos back - now what's that supposed to mean?

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d9557d  No.14858829

File: 6b9d060195910f1⋯.png (12.34 KB, 255x172, 255:172, file_store_28.png)

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bb503a  No.14858830

12 days since the train story broke and no mention from the influencers.


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fbc494  No.14858831

File: 057d24d686898d4⋯.jpg (132.01 KB, 767x539, 767:539, DOWN_SHE_GOES.jpg)

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f37f50  No.14858832


Anon doesn’t know about that. Took some pots before and partied hard but nothing like that. Was being funny. Anons best move in old age would be a keg stand for keks

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e9d52d  No.14858833

File: f18f849dda0dec4⋯.png (39.15 KB, 386x656, 193:328, ClipboardImage.png)

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a6fe35  No.14858834

File: 20488382c6a88cb⋯.jpg (105.8 KB, 650x640, 65:64, speakeasyns.jpg)



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e24596  No.14858835


Is there any way Jennifer Fauci could be one of The Therapist?

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2cb94f  No.14858836

File: e3324cdee2ef9c2⋯.png (35.17 KB, 846x763, 846:763, Naker.png)

File: 76e8973c3d5f2d9⋯.jpg (121.28 KB, 818x621, 818:621, ObamaGitmoFacingMecca.jpg)


Not this shit again.

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487835  No.14858837

Major shift in delta charlie.

Echoes of certain high profile vips planning to resign 11/1.

Enough to initiate CoG and force the whisky hotel to enact martial law. Hill is not prepped and mike bravo’s role to be widened.

If you feel the ground shake, don’t panic. Shaking means operations are in the process of success.

Escape routes.

Sub tango travel.

Have a good night.

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0b49ff  No.14858838

File: 12e52d1fe55541f⋯.jpg (288 KB, 1080x1554, 180:259, 12e52d1fe55541f9cb6f4a057b….jpg)

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fb68df  No.14858839

File: b7980487947c9ca⋯.gif (3.05 MB, 447x250, 447:250, 5B137636_0361_42A9_BC2E_D6….gif)


Every last stone upturned.

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e24596  No.14858840


And it's at this point that maybe those women knew what they were doing after all.

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592b93  No.14858841

File: 7d639f1f15debfd⋯.png (453.85 KB, 399x439, 399:439, hmmmm.PNG)


>That flag is on the ground

Nice catch anon, I take back my previous reply, shill confirmed


Nice try, hornyposter

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c7577a  No.14858842


>Major shift in delta charlie.

>Echoes of certain high profile vips planning to resign 11/1.

>Enough to initiate CoG and force the whisky hotel to enact martial law. Hill is not prepped and mike bravo’s role to be widened.

>If you feel the ground shake, don’t panic. Shaking means operations are in the process of success.

>Escape routes.

>Sub tango travel.

>Have a good night.


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f37f50  No.14858843


>every stone

Dang. Any anon ever pick stones from a field? It’s pretty invigorating

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3146e9  No.14858844

File: 1167848834b97f3⋯.gif (94.03 KB, 220x124, 55:31, CF5B44CF_2B70_48A6_949B_D5….gif)

Truth Social


Feeling nothing but positive vibes

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fbc494  No.14858845

File: e30ee2a20fbcc8a⋯.jpg (79.94 KB, 453x515, 453:515, YUP.jpg)

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1b41b5  No.14858846


Trust me, it starts with me. Clear conscious is a wonderful thing, though divisive.

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8e8bfa  No.14858847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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592b93  No.14858849

File: 45b7e07e173d6eb⋯.jpg (44.89 KB, 942x770, 471:385, 241443643_922278215305784_….jpg)


>▶Anonymous  10/26/21 (Tue) 00:58:47c7577a (1)  No.14858842


>>Major shift in delta charlie.

>>Echoes of certain high profile vips planning to resign 11/1.

>>Enough to initiate CoG and force the whisky hotel to enact martial law. Hill is not prepped and mike bravo’s role to be widened.

>>If you feel the ground shake, don’t panic. Shaking means operations are in the process of success.

>>Escape routes.

>>Sub tango travel.

>>Have a good night.


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fb68df  No.14858850

File: ee214defbe0797c⋯.jpeg (500.17 KB, 1620x1162, 810:581, 86176447_A37D_4B89_B989_B….jpeg)


Black Swan event maybe?


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1b41b5  No.14858851



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f37f50  No.14858852



Me too, Pig. Many a stone. They ain’t got shit on me.

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e24596  No.14858853



>Jennifer Fauci, a psychologist;

Jennifer Fauci is a Cambridge, Massachusetts based psychologist who is specialized in Clinical Psychology. Her current practice location is 1493 Cambridge St, Cambridge. Patients can reach her at 617-665-1183. Jennifer Fauci NPI number (Unique professional ID assigned by NPPES) is 1023488236.

Jennifer Fauci is a mental health professional with highly specialized training in the diagnosis and psychological treatment of mental, behavioral and emotional illnesses, including obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Her main focus is on diagnosing and treating mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Some of the common disorders that she can treat are learning disabilities, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and eating disorder

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0982e0  No.14858854



Not a flag.

it’s a blanket she bought for me, but used it for the photo.

Anon would never allow the flag to be on the ground.

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3dbc66  No.14858855

File: bc9dd4a8d5b3a9b⋯.jpeg (116.37 KB, 626x470, 313:235, ACAD18BA_F904_47AC_AA6A_0….jpeg)



And boobs for the baker.

This was noted last bread, but deserves some clarifications.

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f41c18  No.14858856


Seem to recall FUCK Joe Biden struggling to read a verse of scripture that had to do with the Psalms but he kept saying palm? Worth a look?

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11f661  No.14858857

>>>14858531,>>14858161,>>14858186,>>14858193 LA PALMA PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING (From last bread in notables)

I was reading NOTABLES and saw that some Anons had posted about La Palma, and in particular, had posted about cargo ship traffic.

So, it came to mind that from the looks of the EQ placement on that island that the chunk that looks like it will fall into the ocean would have the greatest effect towards the Caribbean and Florida.

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6dda46  No.14858858

File: b143bde6ef854eb⋯.jpg (66.34 KB, 540x942, 90:157, ZomboMeme_25102021182255.jpg)

File: 7be23d61215cea0⋯.jpg (25.42 KB, 598x306, 299:153, ZomboMeme_25102021225715.jpg)

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3146e9  No.14858859


Who cares? Fuck that guy

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68d4cf  No.14858860

File: 7aff115e59e1177⋯.jpg (64.26 KB, 1024x578, 512:289, hourglass_desktop_nexus_10….jpg)


God is your maker

Time is running out

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a78214  No.14858861


do you feel tacti-cool now anon? kek

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3bdcb8  No.14858862

File: 26164e58bd7f0a2⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 1200x1717, 1200:1717, Alec_Baldwin.jpg)

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592b93  No.14858863

File: 254ef3554abf8df⋯.jpeg (27.96 KB, 474x470, 237:235, 254ef3554abf8dfbb17fff716….jpeg)


Well it says right there in the definition that it cannot be predicted

Therefor Bozos either thinks he can play God again

or it's something else.


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3146e9  No.14858864


Who cares? Fuck that guy

Fuck all them rich joos who think they own us

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ebe402  No.14858865

File: 1a6586640f6f058⋯.jpg (30.14 KB, 266x363, 266:363, Screenshot_20210823_191930….jpg)

God bless the board from evil.

God bless you…

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c7577a  No.14858866


>Major shift in delta charlie.

Major shift in DC–

Echoes of certain high profile vips planning to resign 11/1.

Enough to initiate CoG and force the whisky hotel to enact martial law. Hill is not prepped and mike bravo’s role to be widened.

"continuity of government–"

"force the WH to enact martial law–"

If you feel the ground shake, don’t panic. Shaking means operations are in the process of success.

Escape routes.

Sub tango travel.

Have a good night.

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fb68df  No.14858868


According to her Twat profile, today is HRC’s birthday.

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6dda46  No.14858869

File: f064ee7bc457506⋯.jpg (57.67 KB, 634x669, 634:669, 39BE2F5600000578_3875474_H….jpg)

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592b93  No.14858870

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

>>14858619 @222

>>14858654, >>14858696 FJB @DISNEY? muh deepfakes!!

>>14858709 [24 hours] left to make a submission to Digital Identity Act https://www.digitalidentity.gov.au/have-your-say/phase-3/submission-form

>>14858720 Samsung boss convicted and fined for illegally using the anaesthetic drug propofol: Yonhap

>>14858733 Report on the DNS fuckery which has been ongoing since the beginning of May

>>14858782 (NIH) has spent millions in taxpayer dollars conducting psychological torture experiments on primates

>>14858771 We're not gonna take it


>>14858787 The ‘Mystery Man’ AG Garland Won’t Deny Was a Fed Inciting Jan. 6 Rioters Was Scrubbed from FBI ‘Most Wanted’ List

>>14858803 RE: Mclean Virginia, 95 Pedo supporters

>>14858806 Follow the Data with Dr Frank: Supreme Court pleading is going to be released the Tuesday before Thanksgiving

>>14858820 Black feather on Bezos back - now what's that supposed to mean?

>>14858819 Obama tweeted at 1:26, Hillary seems to respond at 1:45. Shared keywords, plus her “RSVP here”

>>14858837 Echoes of certain high profile vips planning to resign 11/1.

pls callout

sensors still scanning

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f37f50  No.14858871

Because anon is somewhat of a wuss… anon ponders the long game. Everyone that doesn’t like us doesn’t understand the intent or purpose anons play with. It’s pretty hurtful. It reminds anon of Trump and all the malicious attacks he had suffered and endured. For us.. it’s a little different because we don’t have $7 billion in the bank nor USSS protection. Has he protected us? Pretty sure or 99% of us would be dead. Kinda funny, actually…. If you have an anons sense of humor

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5208c0  No.14858872

File: 65b2369f33d452d⋯.jpeg (90.5 KB, 828x601, 828:601, E1AE8E37_57C0_4D1B_B188_A….jpeg)

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2cb94f  No.14858873

File: bedb3d82761ec25⋯.png (301.28 KB, 330x412, 165:206, ClipboardImage.png)




Like Penguin pineal glands…WTH was/is that about?



BOSTON AUGUST 4 AT 1330 P.M. AWB NO. 02651794035. FREIGHT



Sauce: https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/1973BUENOS05632_b.html

Maybe this Krebs:

Max Vance Krebs (1916–2006)

Career Foreign Service Officer

State of Residence: California

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Guyana)

Appointed: February 28, 1974

Presentation of Credentials: April 4, 1974

Termination of Mission: Left post on June 15, 1976

Commissioned to the Republic of Guyana.


Related to Christopher Krebs? No direct link found but nepotism is not unheard of.

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c7577a  No.14858874

File: 5c097e98c2b0cb0⋯.png (1.16 MB, 750x784, 375:392, HRC_Nacho.png)

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e24596  No.14858875




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fb68df  No.14858876


Anons have friends in 44k ft places kek

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6dda46  No.14858877

File: 0144119c1a5689f⋯.jpg (129.36 KB, 1080x1491, 360:497, IMG_20191011_191328.jpg)

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ebe402  No.14858878

File: 8253be743a32f2f⋯.jpg (43.51 KB, 341x413, 341:413, Screenshot_20211025_235420….jpg)

Fuchini out, pup images get some….

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fc78a9  No.14858879

File: ce6cfaba9899593⋯.png (1.17 MB, 810x837, 30:31, ClipboardImage.png)



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06b3f2  No.14858880

File: f3b42390a5e0010⋯.png (54.58 KB, 255x245, 51:49, f3b42390a5e0010687ebf90fc3….png)


Odd bit of pepe trivia.

Anon was only trying to give naker a torch, but computer glitched and saved him all burnt up.

Anon still unsure if NSA was having a bit of fun that day.

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3146e9  No.14858881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e24596  No.14858882



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0b49ff  No.14858883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fb68df  No.14858884

File: 53d0d10e83c7c73⋯.gif (1.05 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 7EF7E67E_6361_4262_959D_81….gif)

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6f60ce  No.14858885

File: ab099bdfbe8ad3b⋯.png (386.68 KB, 778x480, 389:240, gretch_pillows.png)

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7bc0f1  No.14858886

File: f1481c448e63499⋯.png (273.42 KB, 524x960, 131:240, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95bb52aadfa9cb4⋯.png (439.25 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20fdc4090e6d5cd⋯.png (193.57 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9820ba5cafac877⋯.png (121.43 KB, 524x547, 524:547, ClipboardImage.png)

'BREAKING: New Jersey Democrats threaten me with legal action for publishing spoken quotes from the NJ Governor’s campaign office. I’m sharing this letter for all of you to see. My response to Governor is this:

Dear Gov. Murphy — you’ll need a head start on writing yet another threatening legal letter to me because we’re going to release more video inside your campaign this week.'

All the best,

James O’Keefe


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fc78a9  No.14858887

File: b921acd60dcfb3e⋯.png (146.6 KB, 392x400, 49:50, 809e9a4f54a3be240c3079370c….png)

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3dbc66  No.14858888


“Invigorating” is hardly the word i would ‘pick’ for that activity.

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8e8bfa  No.14858889

File: 58833a4c5f65979⋯.png (552.55 KB, 1756x615, 1756:615, Lords_Prayer.png)



i trip out on this thought quite a bit, but can't make any real sense of it.

they try to make debt = trespass, but debt has an "obligation" tied to it

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6dda46  No.14858890

File: 9f6e0817881e555⋯.jpg (30.73 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 5ef14f8594958_image.jpg)

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fc78a9  No.14858891

File: 024dfbd6232278d⋯.png (199.56 KB, 517x432, 517:432, wtf_nigger.png)


Quads confirm

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6f60ce  No.14858892

File: 3b038b70b71d875⋯.jpg (79.94 KB, 640x480, 4:3, gretch_page.jpg)

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bb503a  No.14858894


Your soul is lacking.

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e24596  No.14858895


Whiskey hotel ..white house

Mike bravo..

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d9557d  No.14858896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kek for the original.

We will be victorious.

Credit @trumperland

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f60634  No.14858897

File: 3a7b0c5d7aca8d5⋯.png (11.17 KB, 255x224, 255:224, 2fb38d14bba5d3e6b66cfda50d….png)


Yes I got my weather stone from the field out back in fact.

Now I don't need to watch local fake news for the weather hell that stone is more accurate than the weather people.

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fc78a9  No.14858898

File: 2d9b4ff38b504f1⋯.png (112.71 KB, 430x328, 215:164, 1626459742137.png)


Your Havel is showing

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59c39c  No.14858899


because Jesus is a complicated attorney joke, going back to the scribes and the pharisees. Jesus is the mythical being who can always live in honor, in the sense of lex mercatoria.

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e8bd20  No.14858900

File: 053ed8100342cd7⋯.png (123.24 KB, 600x347, 600:347, weaponized_autism.png)

File: 959b6551783b035⋯.png (23.28 KB, 235x255, 47:51, united.png)

File: 0cc2174dcd7675d⋯.jpg (72.16 KB, 800x800, 1:1, photo_2021_06_11_04_38_41.jpg)

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65a29c  No.14858901


Jerimiah was a prophet. Your reply indicates you don't believe the prophets of today, even though both have perfect track records? Your choice, but God will not be mocked and remember, He said, touch not my anointed. When you mock the anointed of God, you mock God since He sent them to tell people what He is going to do. The Bible says that He doesn't do anything without telling His prophets. If you fear God at all, tread lightly.

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7bc0f1  No.14858902


>James O’Keefe


Project Veritas Promises “Explosive” Hidden Camera Footage Within Phil Murphy’s Political Campaign

October 24, 2021, 3:44 AM by 6Park NewsDesk

TRENTON, NJ – Something is happening in New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s campaign involving James O’Keefe and Project Veritas. O’keefe is known for eliciting candid statements from left-wing operatives to lay out a broader progressive agenda that exposes what businesses and politicians say in public versus what they say behind closed doors.

In an image shared by O’Keefe on Instagram, the undercover reporter said: “BOMBSHELL concealed camera footage within New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s reelection campaign. Monday night at 8:00 p.m. M. … “

Murphy will host President Joe Biden in New Jersey on Monday before O’Keefe’s big announcement.

O’Keefe didn’t say anything more, but you can be sure to check back here Monday night to see what this is all about.

All photos are copyrighted by BigStockImages, Google, Dreamstime Photography, unless otherwise noted. Report any DMCA violation or editorial correction to news@shorenewsnetwork.com and allow up to 24 hours for a response. If you want to report news to Shore News Network, please email news@shorenewsnetwork.com.

#Project #Veritas #Promises #Explosive #Hidden #Camera #Footage #Phil #Murphys #Political #Campaign #Source #Project Veritas Promises “Explosive” Hidden Camera Footage Within Phil Murphy’s Political Campaign

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31bc53  No.14858903

File: 1a2c06b9decbdea⋯.jpg (269.83 KB, 1926x918, 107:51, 163.jpg)


John Brennan's FARM boy. Planted in Trumps NSC to take him out. DJT,Flynn, Rogers knew and kicked him out. "Whistleblower" cover story.

Then he goes on to the next mission, ANTIFA handler & trainer. Q posts confirm. Also dealt Ecstacy & handled Gabby.

5 missing bodies turned up while searching for him. One victim was an informant/member of the Latin Kings.

He's also a "Cleaner"

The reason why the MSM spiked the NSC/ fake Whistleblower story is because they wanted him to remain a ghost, unrecognizable. Too much exposure to the public and he could be ID'd.

That's just how shit goes in tyrannical clown world.

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06b3f2  No.14858904

File: b6a0f5d7b06e7ea⋯.png (214.71 KB, 844x827, 844:827, b6a0f5d7b06e7eabf56acb3e83….png)


>Dang. Any anon ever pick stones from a field? It’s pretty invigorating

Get your ass over to muh field.

Anon will bring you some ice cream bars for extra super invigoration.

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e24596  No.14858905


Bidan is leaving Thursday for oversea?

Will this happen before?

No deal reached on bill then?

McAuliffe will lose VA.

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ebe402  No.14858906

File: 00e996bb2a2bb4c⋯.jpg (29.99 KB, 396x446, 198:223, Screenshot_20211026_000235….jpg)

I see some juniper hooch, tea tree oil, bath salts l forgot to use the other day, especially oils of varied assortment a 8 paper spiff in the shape of a unicorn horn and basil just in case…

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59c39c  No.14858907


muslim brotherhood

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8e8bfa  No.14858908

File: 319dccf7b4abdf9⋯.jpg (62.13 KB, 640x638, 320:319, 4a81ec6176b1c751997c154942….jpg)


anons have friends?

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0b49ff  No.14858909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bb503a  No.14858910


Well, I wouldn't know anon. I'm not a crackhead or a freebaser of anything. Have a yourself a very nice time though.

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3146e9  No.14858911


What if DWAC merges with Rumble + Gettr?

Is that even possible?

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ca9d86  No.14858912

File: 41175c0bc56ce08⋯.jpg (240.38 KB, 700x528, 175:132, 1630222639.jpg)

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db053e  No.14858913

File: 5c3686e189b1480⋯.jpeg (145.24 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 81F0B810_2F08_410D_B567_B….jpeg)


Who the fuck is Mike Bravo????

Johnny Bravo’s brother?

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d9557d  No.14858914

File: 2773e69d92317d3⋯.jpg (31.4 KB, 400x263, 400:263, cfdd33f60a46f67c82ba8812ef….jpg)


It was them. It was always them.

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6dda46  No.14858915

File: 9cefc6ebc060d46⋯.jpg (606.86 KB, 1075x1357, 1075:1357, Screenshot_20211026_011625….jpg)

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e24596  No.14858916


Joe bidan keeps saying…'this is no hyperbole' again and again and again….

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3146e9  No.14858917


What if DWAC merges with Rumble + Gettr?

Is that even possible?

That would be like the MAGA version of Facebook, Twitter and Youtube all under the same ticker..


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e9d52d  No.14858918

File: f959e8e92a5f0b8⋯.png (531.04 KB, 880x322, 440:161, ClipboardImage.png)

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df0885  No.14858919

File: 98da41d9770fe2d⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 500x400, 5:4, 20211025_221047.gif)


weak minds make soft asses.

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6dda46  No.14858920

File: 46fdabf025edaf4⋯.jpg (40.49 KB, 540x312, 45:26, ZomboMeme_05032021135613.jpg)

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1e3985  No.14858921

File: e11b21e342ab9b0⋯.png (696.2 KB, 902x654, 451:327, Screen_Shot_2021_10_25_at_….png)

andouille ‹informal› f, imbécile ‹informal› mf

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fbc494  No.14858922

File: d3999d934aeb04f⋯.jpg (47.49 KB, 678x333, 226:111, NJ_PIG_WIN.jpg)

File: a7d01a6db9efaf5⋯.jpg (45.27 KB, 594x304, 297:152, NJ_WIN.jpg)

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f37f50  No.14858923


>anons have friends

Kek! That’s funny

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1b41b5  No.14858924

Fk this autism shit is getting so old. Has to be the biggest criminal gaslight in all of history.

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bb503a  No.14858925


Filtered for implying redheads are prostitutes.

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06b3f2  No.14858926

File: d2b3b3ad1c5a187⋯.png (57.34 KB, 336x232, 42:29, 5e8201b39cb05a6ddf63e04d97….png)


>anons have friends?

Not IRL, but the imaginary ones on the internet are pretty cool.

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d9557d  No.14858927

File: 6202c54ae01ad16⋯.jpg (150.87 KB, 715x404, 715:404, 1635067204492.jpg)


They have brainwashed you into obedience.

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1fb2aa  No.14858928

File: b6f30e86faf555c⋯.png (533.34 KB, 591x528, 197:176, ClipboardImage.png)


>Is that even possible?

Do you even GAB? There's like..

A parallel patriot universe forming as we speak.

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8d8d76  No.14858929



to all the qtards going on and on about alec baldwin was in a movie about red october and he killed a woman in october, therefore it MUST be comms for us to "decode

do any of you have the slightest inkling of how long it takes from pitching a movie idea to the start of filming? YEARS! the accident happened in october because THEY'RE FILMING IN OCTOBER. they're filming in october because after years of running around hollywood, they finally got all their ducks in a row. do you think this accident was planned to the day YEARS in advance? if the accident had happened a few weeks sooner or later, your grand confluence of implications totally falls apart.

going by occam's razor, the real culprit is almost certainly political correctness. the "armorer" for the movie was a 24 yr old bimbette, who had ZERO minutes of training with firearms, who twatted that she was terrified of blanks, and who almost certainly got a position for which she was totally and utterly UNQUALIFIED, just to fill a gender quota and satisfy the feminazis and their soiboi suckups in hollyweird.

that's it. that's all there is to it. no convoluted conspiracy. no impossibly complicated plot. no secret messages. just STUPIDITY FOR $1000, alex.

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3146e9  No.14858930


Fuck doge

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f37f50  No.14858931


Omgosh anons crack me up. If it wasn’t for anons there would be no peace

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add819  No.14858932

File: 26e2826d6e38894⋯.jpeg (358.5 KB, 828x632, 207:158, 22232DC3_FC94_4854_AD13_7….jpeg)


Jimmy Dore & Max Blumenthal Red Pilling the Left

As a YT subscriber, I’ve seen a few live streaming Jimmy Dore shows during the day recently and I’ve been pretty impressed with the massive red pilling going on RE Covid jab mandates, attacks on early treatment docs, and calling out the DAVOS elite in concocting the gain of function bioweapon and PsyOp for their Great Reset. Today they were talking about lying Fauci and how him funding the cruel puppy research may be the major catalyst needed to finally free brainwashed TDS minds. After-all, liberals love puppies too and apparently progressives and conservatives are coming together to write legislation against funding this kind of horrific research. Jimmy played a recent clip of Chomsky (looking vaccine damaged at 91) siding with the Biden Authoritarian regime on vaccine mandates and demonizing the unvaxxed. Then Max Blumenthal revealed less known Chomsky history with Mitre back during war times. It was glorious seeing this old establishment icon get torn down by these guys. If they keep digging for the truth, at some point they are going to discover that the same people like Gates, Rothschilds, Klaus Schawb, and others are also behind the great climate change scam as well.

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8d8d76  No.14858933

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1b41b5  No.14858934


Yeah join a criminal, debauched gaggle for company and cocktails.

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fbc494  No.14858935

File: 6bcc583c2cace17⋯.jpg (70.12 KB, 570x426, 95:71, AZ_ENEMY_MALONEY.jpg)

File: 74551e5a809ab45⋯.jpg (92.01 KB, 589x431, 589:431, AZ_ENEMY_SELLERS.jpg)

File: f552e96aa2e03b2⋯.jpg (91.51 KB, 590x438, 295:219, AZ_ENEMY_GATES.jpg)

File: 961f58258283818⋯.jpg (112.16 KB, 821x530, 821:530, GROOVY.jpg)

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1e3985  No.14858936

File: 8a432b1316eb030⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1364x647, 1364:647, Screen_Shot_2021_10_25_at_….png)

File: eb239efd83d0623⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1300x1229, 1300:1229, Rong_goes_to_arizona_2.png)

File: 0657dfee2bf93eb⋯.png (438.02 KB, 452x656, 113:164, Screen_Shot_2021_09_25_at_….png)

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6f60ce  No.14858937

File: fc5e14e92a35e9d⋯.jpg (178.48 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, gretch_beer.jpg)

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1fb2aa  No.14858938

File: 27c760a40bca61d⋯.png (67.27 KB, 696x562, 348:281, npcwmfojigwnrpingwshe.png)



Have you tried literally crying about it?

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65a29c  No.14858939


When they stop the murder of babies in their mothers wombs, and stop the clotshot nonsense and all the death and injuries that causes, I will believe these evil ones have been arrested, hung, whatever. Yes, we will prevail, soon I think, but until then, stop lying. You're no better than CNN, MSDNC, etc.

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f29c7f  No.14858940


God these people were threatened

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6dda46  No.14858941


From what I read she was trained since birth by her dad, a veteran armorer.

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6be1f6  No.14858942

File: 4a1c8bcb0841a62⋯.jpg (31.42 KB, 533x440, 533:440, Screen_Shot_2021_03_07_at_….jpg)


o7 Baker

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d9557d  No.14858943

File: 26b46eba8d4bc5b⋯.jpg (12.75 KB, 228x255, 76:85, file_store_30.jpg)

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fb68df  No.14858944

File: 09dd89272f093e5⋯.jpeg (25.92 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 147825F4_C586_407B_9751_E….jpeg)


They said Q-tards!

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cdb7a1  No.14858945


Since there isn't a pressing reason to make a decision and couple it with the fact their either theory may still be valid… then I suggest standing in front of a mirror talking and watching yourself jerk off till you break an arm. Cheers.

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ca9d86  No.14858946

File: e3455d186aed997⋯.jpg (91.01 KB, 750x840, 25:28, e9bb3628de29e083.jpg)

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54a12c  No.14858947

File: e9412f96ebd1e3a⋯.png (282.6 KB, 846x499, 846:499, pepe_marcos.png)


top fucking kek

that face hahahahha them eyes hhahahahaha the lack of retardness is appalling

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e9d52d  No.14858948

File: 0b2eaf177674f68⋯.png (178.14 KB, 626x342, 313:171, ClipboardImage.png)

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fbc494  No.14858949

File: 9550503439619cd⋯.jpg (59.74 KB, 515x271, 515:271, SPACE_POWER.jpg)

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f37f50  No.14858950


Is that Space Force1 Pepe?

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8d8d76  No.14858951

File: 0b902de0fc4c63a⋯.jpg (15.72 KB, 496x421, 496:421, Sliding_Boards_Baby_Slides….jpg)


you're the one crying. i'm trying to put an end to a pointless slide. that's what anons do. posts likee yours….? that's what shills do.

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3146e9  No.14858952


I had millions of doge years ago when it was next to worthless big fucking deal whatever yawn

I’m into voting with my dollars now I’m buying into patriotic public companies

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3cf975  No.14858953


>that's it. that's all there is to it. no convoluted conspiracy. no impossibly complicated plot. no secret messages. just STUPIDITY FOR $1000, alex.

That was a long screed just to say that it's not an October conspiracy. Stupidity or a coordinated plan? Is that how you see the world? As a gigantic mountain of stupid? No plan, just a bunch of idiots being idiots. Yeah, right.

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0b49ff  No.14858954

File: 880e47b9260278d⋯.jpg (48.77 KB, 474x376, 237:188, EaritUdXsAIZ6G_.jpg)

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df0885  No.14858955

File: b1c8f4eeed875fc⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 500x375, 4:3, 20211025_232457.gif)


about the size ovvit.

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e79fe8  No.14858956

File: ce5eb82488191c1⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Anon isn't here Mrs. Torrence…

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11f661  No.14858957

File: 417526d4aa01973⋯.png (760.14 KB, 614x401, 614:401, ClipboardImage.png)

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fb68df  No.14858958

File: 2a6c4a9e580e7c8⋯.jpeg (113.63 KB, 624x408, 26:17, BD21FB6D_FCFC_4234_A285_A….jpeg)


>anons have friends?

Not to Biblefag, but…

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e24596  No.14858959


Hey Alec.

You know where you messed up just now?

The 24 year old arnorer…..was trained by her dad…..the best in the business….

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452d4d  No.14858960

File: 8f13920fe32e5f4⋯.jpg (131.57 KB, 752x940, 4:5, 8f13920fe32e5f4b6eadb7c1e3….jpg)


> if the accident had happened a few weeks sooner or later, your grand confluence of implications totally falls apart.

but it didn't

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1fb2aa  No.14858961

File: f087ab4bd900942⋯.jpg (175.74 KB, 680x565, 136:113, 1626685634287.jpg)


>you're the one crying.


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d9557d  No.14858962

File: d0568c0f119b68f⋯.jpg (15.22 KB, 231x255, 77:85, file_store_37.jpg)


How am I lying? Just cause I celebrate the winning and have a little fun with a classic parody video? Lighten up doubtfag.

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59f572  No.14858963


The guy who taught me to skydive, was found to have multiple careless mistakes in his gear… after he bounced.

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1b41b5  No.14858964

Anons don't have friends.

Antifa does.

Fuck the level of stupidity and attempts at degradation is off the Richter.

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a6fe35  No.14858965

File: 3298564df7568a8⋯.jpg (686.6 KB, 720x662, 360:331, faucid.jpg)

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1fb2aa  No.14858966

File: 72c97bbebaea6bc⋯.png (694.24 KB, 600x598, 300:299, ClipboardImage.png)


>The 24 year old armorer…..was trained by her dad…..the best in the business…

Darn shame she couldn't tell the difference between blanks are real cartridges then.

How wacky

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df0885  No.14858967

File: 9f6e71db6cf9624⋯.gif (6.39 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 20211023_200457.gif)


there have been no prophets for nearly two millenia.

you are suffering the great delusion.

that means you are fucked.

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8d8d76  No.14858968

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6dda46  No.14858969


Just saying in answer to anon that she wasn't spme untrained bimbo.

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1e3985  No.14858970

File: c03e713ba793607⋯.png (971.55 KB, 1345x684, 1345:684, soros_family.png)

File: dcfd2ff5f7595ba⋯.png (562.87 KB, 942x375, 314:125, Screen_Shot_2021_10_25_at_….png)

File: 93c3b33be6db04d⋯.png (100.39 KB, 362x304, 181:152, Screen_Shot_2021_10_25_at_….png)

File: bb909f854e2fa07⋯.png (460.41 KB, 1008x566, 504:283, maher_fool.png)


>enemy of the people

a nana..

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bb503a  No.14858971


"No one cares. Things will only get worse from here." Is all I keep hearing sooooo…..

NO ONE CARES and we'll have a lot more of these disgusting crimes because NO ONE CARES.

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f41c18  No.14858972


Indeed he does.

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0b49ff  No.14858973

File: d2af240ef61d9f1⋯.jpg (119.02 KB, 653x1200, 653:1200, FCWbAOsVQAgnQ_C.jpg)

File: 0cec6719393a756⋯.jpeg (100.89 KB, 2048x1074, 1024:537, FCfHuPfUcAIjv9G.jpeg)


explain this

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1fa1f7  No.14858974


maybe she's not dead. maybe she's in witness protection and alec got flipped and he's going into witness protection too. maybe even during SNL, alec called DJT and apologized after every episode. who the fuck nose.

>what makes a good movie?

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d9557d  No.14858975


>Anons don't have billionaire Soros friends.

>Antifa does

There I fixed it for you.

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6be1f6  No.14858976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For this anons spirit bears witness this may be the case though in the meme-time get in here for the WIN!





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7b22f9  No.14858977

File: 1f0c7b8d2512af8⋯.png (133.79 KB, 268x290, 134:145, Screen_Shot_2021_08_03_at_….png)


2 dimensional thought will get you in trouble around here.

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e24596  No.14858978


What makes you think she couldn't?

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31caab  No.14858979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not sure if there is more, but here is some of the video, as well as commentary by a New Jerseyan who is not too happy with the Murphy administration. kek

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06b3f2  No.14858980

File: d0563b22d4cf128⋯.png (663.71 KB, 1160x652, 290:163, c816702996434456739010f056….png)

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f37f50  No.14858981


>a future

Will take a miracle. God, your move. Anon loves you, btw

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a91563  No.14858982


the ears don't match

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fb68df  No.14858983

File: de0787491bed66e⋯.jpeg (52.7 KB, 565x441, 565:441, F6440909_8BBF_407B_AB8C_2….jpeg)

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35362e  No.14858984


Hold my gretch coozie

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3cf975  No.14858985


Anons are simply doing what anons have always done. We speculate. We examine possibilities. When the facts don't add up, we shift to another foot and speculate some more. When facts are hard to come by, speculation is the only recourse.

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0b49ff  No.14858986

File: d2af240ef61d9f1⋯.jpg (119.02 KB, 653x1200, 653:1200, FCWbAOsVQAgnQ_C.jpg)



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1b41b5  No.14858987

Well, the intel and judicial community should have become accountants if they can't do their jobs.

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8d8d76  No.14858988


>who the fuck nose.

EXACTLY. so what good does it do to eat up bread after bread with idle speculation that provides zero answers or insight?

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fbc494  No.14858989

File: e0a4cb653af7752⋯.jpg (114.45 KB, 545x551, 545:551, SURE.jpg)

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f37f50  No.14858990


Don’t dox my ex like that!

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59f572  No.14858991


Understood. And, I'm just adding my experience to the mix.

Truth is, anyone who handled that gun and didn't see the obvious, is culpable… unless it was murder. It's very interesting to me, for IRL reasons.

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e24596  No.14858992


You stupid fool.

Your meme gave you away as a lefty.

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e0f141  No.14858993

File: 05f123061f46920⋯.png (254.27 KB, 1271x553, 1271:553, Bildschirmfoto_2021_10_26_….png)

Jamaican Pastor Accused of Human Sacrifices Dies in Car Crash En Route to Court


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d9557d  No.14858994

File: fadf2dd8cb9701b⋯.png (12.02 KB, 248x255, 248:255, file_store_13.png)

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1fa1f7  No.14858995


cause one anon's speculation can tingle another anon's almonds. that's what anons do

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df0885  No.14858996

File: 926a7ee2e9bed41⋯.jpg (130.82 KB, 1000x706, 500:353, 20211025_233316.jpg)


context is a thing.

as is missed opportunity.

r v w was America's death knell.

that bell can not be untolled.

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452d4d  No.14858997

File: 13b280ece153029⋯.jpg (48.29 KB, 630x420, 3:2, addd0262611733b4e6baf170ad….jpg)

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592b93  No.14858998



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2cb94f  No.14858999

File: 4ed04e953e39f35⋯.png (152.03 KB, 474x239, 474:239, ClipboardImage.png)



No IPO in the works, lawsuit settled? Acquired?


"The Rumble-Google lawsuit

Rumble sued Google in Jan. 2021 for $2 billion, accusing it of rigging video search results on its platform in favor of YouTube. It claims that the unfair search results cause it to lose advertising revenue.

Does Rumble pay dividends?

As a private company, Rumble doesn’t publish its financial reports. Therefore, it's not known whether it’s profitable or pays dividends to its private shareholders. But its founder and CEO revealed in Dec. 2020 that the business had become financially self-sustainable."


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1b41b5  No.14859000


What's the big deal about 'friends' anyway?

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6dda46  No.14859001


That's what the speculation is. Murder as a message, probably for Sussman to STFU.

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f29c7f  No.14859002


I thought it was a made up word, but I have learned many new words since i came a long time ago. And n my education we were taught to look up words in the dictionary we didn’t know, so ladies and gentleman, I give you the definition ofpoltroon. I personally think its the second defintion brilliant anon was referring to:

poltroon. pŏl-troon′. noun

An utter coward.

A lazy, idle fellow; a sluggard; a fellow without spirit or courage; a dastard; a coward

Synonyms Craven, Dastard, etc. See coward.


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db1b5a  No.14859003

File: 36a4533b55eef1b⋯.gif (5.28 MB, 600x600, 1:1, Sword444.gif)


nite anons


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11f661  No.14859004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



am I the only one having slow internet problems? I am using Firefox. It is almost unbearable.

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fb68df  No.14859005

File: 147f22bdabda75c⋯.jpeg (13.33 KB, 255x145, 51:29, EED88B4E_B35A_4F8A_8EAB_1….jpeg)


>cause one anon's speculation can tingle another anon's almonds. that's what anons do

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d9557d  No.14859006

Gayest metaphor ever.


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8d8d76  No.14859007


>speculation is the only recourse.

great. just pointing out that my speculation is the only one consistent with occam's razor.

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31bc53  No.14859008


You never heard of photoshop or disguises?

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2cb94f  No.14859009


Many naker keks were had and stole that priceless Pepe, o7

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3dbc66  No.14859010

File: e0108f5295b7f28⋯.jpeg (140.63 KB, 990x494, 495:247, DBC5098D_E6A4_4AB9_8121_E….jpeg)


Something just remembered worth adding to that…

Very much like anon’s military experience being asked to falsify airworthiness documentation,

AND anon’s post-911 truth seeking experience assuredly interacting with some plants and provocateurs falsely putting my name to papers I DID NOT support,

When Kloman was due to be sentenced, his advocates went ALL OVER soliciting for letters from his many Professional and neighborhood acquaintances, to be sent to the Judge and “would remain sealed and confidential”… ‘attesting to his (other than diddling kids) many good deeds and quality character’…

Yet in anon’s view and the CMCF Director, NO AMOUNT of works can makeup for molesting kids, thus the principals at the CMCF flatly refused, while affiliates and “Friends” DID write letters for him.

Have at times wondered if Klomen’s [friends] and others like [them] got something stuck in their craw about the farm, which worked its way up into [their] “Government”, and then back down to our farm to drum us out, so to speak. Just A. Thought

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592b93  No.14859011

File: fc9e90a8a513120⋯.png (422.23 KB, 611x541, 611:541, ClipboardImage.png)

>You stupid fool.

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68d4cf  No.14859012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0b49ff  No.14859013

File: d2af240ef61d9f1⋯.jpg (119.02 KB, 653x1200, 653:1200, FCWbAOsVQAgnQ_C.jpg)



Alec Baldwin starred in the film, The Hunt for Red October, wherein he helps hunt down a Russian nuclear submarine that was originally docked in Murmansk on a Soviet base in the Arctic Circle. Hutchins grew up in Murmansk on a Soviet base in the Arctic Circle "surrounded by nuclear submarines."

The set where she was shot is about 30 minutes from Epstein's 33k sq ft Zorro ranch in New Mexico - the same one that had computer rooms the 'size of houses' to spy on guests including Prince Andrew, when he allegedly stayed for a week there.

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35362e  No.14859014

File: 487808c1917842e⋯.jpg (34.41 KB, 330x235, 66:47, Screenshot_20211020_085657….jpg)


Pardon me, but I'll stand I front or behind any spiritual warrior, God won, end transmission…

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3146e9  No.14859015



This demoralizing shill has been posting all day

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f37f50  No.14859016


Anon never paid attention to any of it until recently… what’s that cray cray chick Brittney on the Shia videos that yelled “reeeeee”? That was funny

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d9557d  No.14859017


Not frenz… billionaires

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3048ef  No.14859018


@jack was having problems last year with a major investor.

Trump amassing capitol first before building the company's own component platforms smells like a hostile takeover of established platforms may be in the cards.

Twat & @jackis a prime target at this point, if you ask me. What a movie.

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3cf975  No.14859019


Unbearable? I'm seeing a failure to connect every few minutes but nothing unbearable.

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299f7d  No.14859020


Das goot!

Always liked Jimmy even though he's a progressive turd, it is really interesting how he's like 6-degrees or something from full red pill. I think the hang up with guys like him is the whole "If rednecks love Jesus, then I better reject Him"….. something has got to get these people past that.

Without God and Morality in Public Life, we are as good as animals and will be treated as such. And Chomsky….. Good Lord what a colossal failure of the intellectual!!!

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54a12c  No.14859021

File: 286cc1348a34c25⋯.png (18.18 KB, 200x50, 4:1, popckorn_sign.png)


hahha what is a weather stone tho

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e24f7e  No.14859022

File: 038b81c3b7e0747⋯.mp4 (959.92 KB, 360x480, 3:4, file_store_171.mp4)


Island Boys, kek

Called a "cameo"

Got $

Here's much better (Q)ameo

Haven't a clue bout these island boys but to tat a 17 on yo fohead…dumb

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fb68df  No.14859023


Slow server here too despite browser rebooting

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f37f50  No.14859024


No such thing as “Friends”. It’s not a real thing

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fbc494  No.14859025

File: e8f1a401676bf36⋯.jpg (146.24 KB, 892x410, 446:205, WOOF_WOOF.jpg)

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e9d52d  No.14859026

File: 1885c3779a35f7d⋯.png (156.82 KB, 342x342, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


> We speculate

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3cf975  No.14859027


>just pointing out that my speculation is the only one consistent with occam's razor.

That's fine. Adding your speculation to the pile of speculations. Why do you need to get haughty about it?

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84cf17  No.14859028


Jaw, chin and neck do not match

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0b49ff  No.14859029

File: d2af240ef61d9f1⋯.jpg (119.02 KB, 653x1200, 653:1200, FCWbAOsVQAgnQ_C.jpg)




Her father was in the Soviet Navy.

Halyna was the wife to a lawyer who works for a law firm currently embroiled in Sussman's legal woes involving the Clintons.

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c077cc  No.14859030

File: 10a4183ef83bfe6⋯.jpg (107.42 KB, 1170x1195, 234:239, IMG_20211026_013842_061.jpg)



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59f572  No.14859031


Yup. And, if the armorer is good, she'll chew up the accident narrative in a real hurry.

Chain of custody… if it was safe when she last saw it, that cuts the number of suspects down quite a bit.

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d9557d  No.14859032

File: 4a118a7e96c10bd⋯.jpg (232.32 KB, 960x1440, 2:3, p183931_i_v8_ag.jpg)

My programming says otherwise.


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c077cc  No.14859033

File: 09f5e4ff8369417⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, file_store_433.mp4)

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f37f50  No.14859034


That dude has a nice hat

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e79fe8  No.14859035


These movie people treat firearms like toys and they just have no clue how to handle them. You ALWAYS treat a firearm as if it was loaded. Period. Baldwin should have known that; if he didn't - he's dangerous; if he did he's a tool. I noticed [they] are trying to blame the prop guys, assistant directors - ANYONE but Baldwin. HE was holding the gun when it fired, so the blame for the death and injury caused by his lack of concern and pure ignorance is on HIM.

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35362e  No.14859036


Wonderfilled, artistic, Erotica, pastel, expression makes anons night, more pls,

full stop.


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f29c7f  No.14859037


No I had it this am, it couldnt open even regular sites, i had to restart my laptop for it to connect

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592b93  No.14859038

File: adcbfb518a95e17⋯.jpg (8.38 KB, 200x166, 100:83, 1626594605046.jpg)


>Plot thinkening

You mean like your peepee when u keep posting this with no sauce?

As if everyone didn't see it yesterday?

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fb68df  No.14859039

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0b49ff  No.14859040

what about uranium one and Ghislaine ?

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e0f141  No.14859041

File: 4a2068e04f291dd⋯.png (508.78 KB, 740x646, 370:323, Bildschirmfoto_2021_10_26_….png)


UPDATE: JA Pastor Who Allegedly Performed Human Sacrifices Mysteriously Killed in Car Crash


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1b267e  No.14859042

File: 661a449c8703569⋯.jpg (321.65 KB, 1116x1280, 279:320, 661a449c8703569297850531ed….jpg)

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df0885  No.14859043

File: d0d433e2f23d099⋯.gif (4.41 MB, 410x307, 410:307, 20211025_234122.gif)


a false paradigm designed by your enemy to steal Glory from God.

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592b93  No.14859044

File: 1e533e59b53bf77⋯.jpg (28.95 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1626383541688.jpg)


Ask Santa Claus

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f37f50  No.14859045


The only real question is what jens butthole looks like when hitting that from the back. Otherwise… they can pound sand.

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1fa1f7  No.14859046


censorship, interference, and all that, but also remember pizzagate and the human trafficking EO. Trump knows what's coming for big tech. We all know NCSWIC. TMTG is gonna fill the vacuum, maybe buy parts of them on sale.

Gets me to wonder though, is Turmp retiring then? Endorse DeSantis?

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f51557  No.14859047


DJT Quantum Physicist, hmmm

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2cb94f  No.14859048

File: 56398436c4b6ea0⋯.png (685.79 KB, 500x705, 100:141, ClipboardImage.png)


Soon all he will say is Garp

then Gar

then Ga

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35362e  No.14859049


Did Brittney go patriot mode this board ever?

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3dbc66  No.14859050


If it’s hot and dry, it’s sunny.

If it’s wet, it’s rainy.

If there’s snow and ice on it, it’s snowy and icy outside.

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ca9d86  No.14859051

File: 9062e33fa133f8a⋯.jpg (51.88 KB, 670x356, 335:178, 9062e33fa133f8a18327763e6c….jpg)

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bb503a  No.14859052



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a91563  No.14859053


exactly.. basic firearms safety..

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1b41b5  No.14859054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some are still my 'friends', I just don't ring them back. Been there done that. I'm in the middle of a freak show anyway.

My ex asked me that. Where's your friends? Never thought about it to be honest. Other side of country, married with children, fuck knows… on FB, I'm not on FB so we're growing apart. kek.

Most of you are a bunch of fucking brainwashed idiots anyway.


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c077cc  No.14859055



The Marina Abramović look is all rage for in the now witches these days.

Warlocks and witches.

Wizards and warlocks….

Deep state vs Illuminati.

The greys vs the lizard people. Kek

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1e3985  No.14859056

File: d7451f5fe3ffd07⋯.png (259.11 KB, 603x571, 603:571, Screen_Shot_2021_10_25_at_….png)

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fb68df  No.14859057


> Authorities were also looking into child sexual abuse allegations surrounding Smith.

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e24596  No.14859058


There really are at least two different questions about alec Baldwin.

have nothing to do Red October , but he still murdered her for some reason….Hillary send a message, she was going to squeal on something , …

It had something to do with Red October and he murdered her.

It had something to do with RO and he did not murder her

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3d9b93  No.14859059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


commies don't surf. anons do.

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f37f50  No.14859060


Quantum physicist

Medical doctor

Film expert

Military General

Chess expert

What else?

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f29c7f  No.14859061


So he was sacrificed for being caught sacrificing another? Man those human sacrificers are harsh!

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0b49ff  No.14859062

File: 16b3caf0f2278c8⋯.gif (103.58 KB, 910x431, 910:431, UK_nuclear_submarine_layou….gif)


Well apparently there are reindeer in Murmansk &

how to power a nuclear sub?

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fbc494  No.14859063

File: a1220436d15f3b5⋯.jpg (90.52 KB, 671x398, 671:398, CHARLIE_CANT_SURF.jpg)

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54a12c  No.14859064


I want one

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6be1f6  No.14859065

File: a9f01391eec0f6a⋯.jpeg (145.74 KB, 1108x831, 4:3, a9f01391eec0f6af09990e374….jpeg)



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c077cc  No.14859066



It's grey ate news. Kek

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592b93  No.14859067


>It had something to do with Red October and he murdered her.

>It had something to do with RO and he did not murder her

Why not both, and he's just a murderer?

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e0f141  No.14859068


It is getting more likely.

The cone collapsed about 5 times yesterday with massive overflow of Lava.

Roads were blocked yesterday and day before (in Fuencaliente/La Palma) due to landslides and further risk of landslides.

Volcano activity intensifies.



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04559f  No.14859069



>Das goot!

>Always liked Jimmy even though he's a progressive turd, it is really interesting how he's like 6-degrees or something from full red pill. I think the hang up with guys like him is the whole "If rednecks love Jesus, then I better reject Him"….. something has got to get these people past that.

>Without God and Morality in Public Life, we are as good as animals and will be treated as such. And Chomsky….. Good Lord what a colossal failure of the intellectual!!!


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0b49ff  No.14859070

File: 4c0195a05aaf5ad⋯.png (257.63 KB, 785x429, 785:429, EqxQKkEXIAAVUaM.png)

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7e95a8  No.14859071


Perhaps yes.

Having a savespace in orbit while earth is doing a poleshift?

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e24596  No.14859072


Are you saying prosecutors sin when they try to solve a death by speculating on a reason?

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35362e  No.14859073


If One can belive in the vril posib paracite that was purged out of my swallon gums/tooth ache

( status: no pain, due to clove & cinnamon topical treament)

One can belive in God almighty…

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3048ef  No.14859074


>Sub tango travel.

Might be subterranean.

I.E. tunnels.

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8d8d76  No.14859075


>From what I read she was trained since birth by her dad, a veteran armorer.



>The 24 year old arnorer…..was trained by her dad…..the best in the business….


The rookie armorer in charge of weapons when Alec Baldwin accidentally shot dead his cinematographer on the set of his film “Rust” said on a recent podcast that the “best part” of her job is proving “how safe” guns are.

Hannah Gutierrez Reed, a 24-year-old former model, told the “Voices of the West” podcast last month about landing the “pretty sweet gig” with her first movie as head armorer in August.

She said her dad, well-known Hollywood armorer Thell Reed, gave her some direction growing up — but she “figured” out most of the job requirements on “my own.”

She also admitted that “loading blanks” is the “scariest thing to me” — the issue seemingly behind the fatal accident on the New Mexico set of Baldwin’s movie “Rust,” only her second head-armorer job.


QED. i rest my case.

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3cf975  No.14859076


>Man those human sacrificers are harsh!

Double kek.

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ca9d86  No.14859077

File: 012696bb49a80f9⋯.jpg (203.11 KB, 690x846, 115:141, 1a1370753646c25f.jpg)


>but all this torture-play with animals seems defenseless and needs to be pressed hard.. what was it for?

It does indeed seem to demand an explanation.

In attempting to infer a causal model capable of accurately explaining the behaviors of living entities, food is usually a good hypotheses class from which to sample.

Perhaps the humans that Fauci funded were not the eaters.

Perhaps they were the servers.

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af9d5c  No.14859078

File: 50808b57cd6535d⋯.jpg (123.08 KB, 1024x791, 1024:791, rmadmit_it_by_crazyfangirl….jpg)

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862b67  No.14859079

File: 70b629ad72b377c⋯.jpeg (209.74 KB, 780x1110, 26:37, 41656689_0927_4D74_9AB6_A….jpeg)

File: 6db3b2a4d221fb6⋯.jpeg (244.05 KB, 750x644, 375:322, 80111C90_5DBC_4A7E_ACA6_F….jpeg)



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fb68df  No.14859080

File: b5d5c38255e77e9⋯.jpeg (134.25 KB, 1620x305, 324:61, E1D9DBD1_7182_4D1D_80DD_C….jpeg)

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1fa1f7  No.14859081


that fool is making a false equivalency.

gossip and speculation are not the same.

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1e3985  No.14859082

File: 7aca6e27875d84c⋯.png (496.76 KB, 753x496, 753:496, Screen_Shot_2021_10_25_at_….png)

File: fa80ddb5bf13ec6⋯.png (398.93 KB, 413x608, 413:608, Screen_Shot_2021_10_25_at_….png)

File: 16cd423d4be4928⋯.png (46.28 KB, 1141x285, 1141:285, Screenshot_2021_10_25_at_2….png)




368015-Dec-2019 9:21:40 AM PSTQ !!Hs1Jq13jV68kun/qresearch7514575

Archived links:




[AS] memo FALSE.

If [AS] was privy to GANG OF 8 classified material would he not know the same FACTS (TRUTH) as NUNES/others?


OP activity pre_July 2016?

Why is this relevant?

Worth watching from [11:50] to end.



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e0f141  No.14859083


Voodoo people is scary

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452d4d  No.14859084

File: 787e088b410f4e5⋯.jpeg (181.14 KB, 750x613, 750:613, 787e088b410f4e5eeeb9eeaf5….jpeg)


>QED. i rest my case.

then go to bed happy with your NYpost bedtime story and fuck off

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862b67  No.14859085


The Dog Who Stopped The War

The film involves a huge snowball fight between the children of a small town in Quebec during winter vacation who split into two rival gangs, one defending a snow castle, the other attacking it. The attackers are led by a boy who styles himself as "General Luc" and has a reputation for being bossy. The defenders are outnumbered and led by Marc, who owns a dog named Cleo. They also have the genius boy François on their side.

François designs a massive, elaborate snow fortress, and Marc's group constructs it. Luc arrives with his army, wearing makeshift armour and wielding wooden swords. They attempt to scale the walls with a ladder, but Luc is injured in the battle and orders a retreat. They regroup and stage a second, more covert attack, but they are spotted and beaten back again with snowballs soaked in ink.

Luc counters by attacking a third time, this time with his army dressed in garbage bags as protection from the ink. They overwhelm the fort's defences, and Marc and François escape via toboggan through a secret tunnel. The two groups meet and agree to have one final battle to determine the winner.

Luc shows up for the final siege with an even larger army, having recruited additional (younger) children with chocolate. They also possess new weapons such as slingshots and a snowball cannon. Luc orders them to charge, and despite being slowed by barricades, they eventually breach the fortress walls and engage in melee combat with the defenders. Marc's dog Cleo comes after her owner, and one of the fortress walls collapses, killing her. The war ends, as both sides help bury her.

The song at the end of the movie is performed by Nathalie Simard. It's called "L'amour a pris son temps" ("Love Is On Our Side").

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8d8d76  No.14859086


>Why do you need to get haughty about it?

because the rest are colossally stupid, bordering on DJT is JFKjr?

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fbc494  No.14859087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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df0885  No.14859088

File: a10da76df769e7d⋯.gif (3.47 MB, 480x640, 3:4, 20211025_235323.gif)



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af9d5c  No.14859089


>Mike bravo..

Military Brass?

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c077cc  No.14859090



When I was searching for the sauce I came across this.

Bannon interviewed Epstein.

The Monster's


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592b93  No.14859091

File: 0109c4125f22c26⋯.jpg (54.71 KB, 720x772, 180:193, cheems_cry.JPG)


Mr. Pig, please, my sides

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3d9b93  No.14859092

File: 5ed8a3ce2facbe7⋯.jpg (120.42 KB, 640x960, 2:3, you_re_awesome.jpg)

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3aaffe  No.14859093

File: b8303a6a937eb1d⋯.png (883.4 KB, 1023x549, 341:183, JOSwMJ2.png)

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8d8d76  No.14859094


>then go to bed happy with your NYpost bedtime story and fuck off

if you don't like the NYP link, watch her podcast yourself, asshat.

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7bd4a5  No.14859095


I miss our beautiful gracious 45 First Lady, we have not had enough fresh pics. We love you Melania .

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c077cc  No.14859096


Mike Bravo

Military Bases?

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f60634  No.14859097

File: 7d8132c1cb1473d⋯.jpg (60.13 KB, 798x499, 798:499, weather_stone_Trump_won.jpg)


Its also accurate at predicting the outcome of elections

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e0f141  No.14859098


why Michael?

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c077cc  No.14859099

File: a0685b3d3030140⋯.jpg (1010.72 KB, 1600x2560, 5:8, Screenshot_20211026_015636.jpg)

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452d4d  No.14859100

File: b7ef9f92ad2f6e4⋯.jpeg (318.96 KB, 682x717, 682:717, b7ef9f92ad2f6e47641b0e315….jpeg)


would rather watch you continue to lose your shit over the red october spy murder theory

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35362e  No.14859101

File: 973a10a69d2daed⋯.jpg (171.52 KB, 1264x620, 316:155, Screenshot_20211022_145611….jpg)

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1b41b5  No.14859102

Pollination vs. Cross Contamination.

I could be surrounded by people every night if I wanted to. It's not you, it's me.

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3d9b93  No.14859103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bb503a  No.14859104

Let's all get glammed up, pop some bottles and post some selfies. America winning.

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fb68df  No.14859105

File: f9432a8fe8a57d5⋯.jpeg (95.39 KB, 824x500, 206:125, F5BE86E7_9ECB_48FC_A5BA_2….jpeg)

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f37f50  No.14859106


>Military Brass?

People that love flair?

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bb503a  No.14859107


No one cares.

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35362e  No.14859108

File: a4ecb58de8c77b7⋯.jpg (59.28 KB, 419x522, 419:522, Dooberdoodles_go.jpg)

Dooberdoodles, go…

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58218a  No.14859109


Laws for THEE, but not for ME… Dems moto

He was working with BLM/ANTIFA

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592b93  No.14859110

File: 2acb0de7c04f83e⋯.png (97.89 KB, 384x355, 384:355, ClipboardImage.png)

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3048ef  No.14859111


>Gets me to wonder though, is Turmp retiring then? Endorse DeSantis?

My gut says when it's over no one will trust any current politician. DeSantis himself may be OK, but the system around him will eat him up and we're back to DDSS.

I think it will be a Trump family dynasty. It will be the only configuration people will have confidence in if the reveal is pulled off correctly.

I also think that is where the never Trumpers are coming from. They see the dynasty in the making and want it stopped. No different, in a lot a ways, from the Kennedy dynamic in the 60's.

The dynasty potential, and in the Trump's case, a very competent dynasty potential, is the end of the road for any ambitious politician currently in DC. Like LBJ in the 60's.

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bb503a  No.14859112


I don't give a shit and neither do you.

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8d8d76  No.14859113

File: e56b3e8beb357b6⋯.png (422.22 KB, 960x539, 960:539, 7855d6932e7acd43dbf4081fda….png)


I'M not "losing my shit," (You) are. can't stand it that it's just another nothingburger that has nothing to do with what we are supposed to be doing here.

btw, nice self-portrait. now KYS.

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2cb94f  No.14859114

File: 1685cd483a971b8⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 2975x2628, 2975:2628, Swingline.jpg)


Every time I see that pic I laugh. On the way out the door anon took the red stapler. Gave myself a retirement gift.

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3aaffe  No.14859115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He was protecting the children, and knew it all. Also very close to DJT. They went to Ryan White's (the young boy who was suspended from school because he had a blood transfusion with AIDS) home the day he died. DJT flew MJ out to Indiana

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1e3985  No.14859116

File: 8c01c2d480f1446⋯.png (326.76 KB, 637x467, 637:467, Screen_Shot_2021_10_25_at_….png)

File: 09f448c2da5962f⋯.png (13.61 KB, 581x220, 581:220, Screenshot_2021_10_25_at_2….png)

File: 69c2133bf80f65a⋯.png (330.86 KB, 533x465, 533:465, Screen_Shot_2021_10_22_at_….png)

File: dda5f6c2b68da03⋯.png (15.31 KB, 547x193, 547:193, Screenshot_2021_10_25_at_2….png)



20-Mar-2019 8:48:16 PM PDTQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch





15-Dec-2019 2:13:28 PM PSTQ !!Hs1Jq13jV68kun/qresearch7517929

GANG of 8 DECLAS = [[[AS]]]



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fb68df  No.14859117

MB = Muslim Brotherhood (in this context)?

Looking at news from Syria, Iran, Israel, and Sudan, that would seem to fit.

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d7f79b  No.14859118

$100K FINE! YOU'RE F*&^ing JOKING!

Dear World,

Can you see the bullshit Australia has to face.

This turd needs a fast trial and a hanging.

Oh, lets not apply these fines to the grubberment or medical practitioners despite the fact they are the ones doing the most harm.


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3aaffe  No.14859119

File: bac9ffca563ebc0⋯.mp4 (14.5 MB, 400x222, 200:111, MJsony1.mp4)


Also, can't forget MJ calling out Mottola (sp?) of Sony as "The Devil". MJ Outsmarted them.

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1e3985  No.14859120

File: 848f0569b839bb1⋯.png (187.68 KB, 298x353, 298:353, Screen_Shot_2021_10_25_at_….png)

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e24596  No.14859121

If AB shot the gun during a rehearsal, why wasn't he in costume?

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bb503a  No.14859122


Only Antifa and influencers have friends now.

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6be1f6  No.14859123

File: b08678d23630de9⋯.png (288.62 KB, 440x559, 440:559, b08678d23630de9dfc3f5749ad….png)


And: Burn[ed] it down.


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e0f141  No.14859124



…I was about to get mad because he was placed on the list with the bad guys (next to Epstein)

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f37f50  No.14859125


We could all just be honest and admit over half this board could smash his face with a hammer. Isn’t that a movie? Heck, the other half could do it with fists. He is a pussy bitch and he knows it

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8d8d76  No.14859126


it was a confluence of incompetence by ALL on the set. charge 'em ALL with involuntary manslaughter, AT THE VERY LEAST.

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e0f141  No.14859127


MJ also said:


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bb503a  No.14859128



Demoralization shill has called me a name!

I am mortified. : /

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e9d52d  No.14859129

File: 427ffd33e5a77c4⋯.png (128.57 KB, 300x233, 300:233, ClipboardImage.png)


You're not a prosecutor nor a prophet.

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fb68df  No.14859130

File: d2ce0a27e149fba⋯.jpeg (525.21 KB, 636x1683, 212:561, A48DEA99_091F_491E_AB19_F….jpeg)


Always wondered if Q was hinting in 1431 DeSantis is a clown asset

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452d4d  No.14859131

File: 5626f9ed377b7bb⋯.jpg (38.02 KB, 400x494, 200:247, e89tajkt20i8g20923g.jpg)


this is exactly what this anon is suppose to be doing here, 1$ off 8kun premium subscription every time you reeee

try harder faggot

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1fa1f7  No.14859132


>Trump family dynasty

Yea that was meme'd constantly. Ivanka, Jr, even Baron. kek. But I don't wanna see Kushner in the WH and tbh, I don't like the idea of KG in the WH either. Q told us they had a plan…

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ca9d86  No.14859133

File: b268790e6b3b619⋯.jpeg (26.53 KB, 400x579, 400:579, 1629877652.jpeg)


>there have been no prophets for nearly two millenia.

By what authority do you make this claim?

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7b22f9  No.14859134

File: 3950a01726f65cc⋯.png (963.24 KB, 1128x458, 564:229, Screen_Shot_2021_10_25_at_….png)

Alex, I'll take Fauxi and 'Gain of Function for 1000 please.

REVEALED: Fauci’s Record-High Salary for ‘Vaccine Development’ and Bio-Terror ‘Research’

October 25, 2021

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci’s salary – the highest of all federal employees – was increased due to his work on vaccine development and bioterrorism research, internal U.S. government documents have laid bare.

Obtained by transparency group OpenTheBooks through a Freedom of Information Act request, a letter from then-National Institutes of Health (NIH) Deputy Director Raynard S. Kingston makes the case for Fauci’s sizable pay increase.

Fauci’s permanent pay raise was to “appropriately compensate him for the level of responsibility… especially as it relates to his work on biodefense research activities.”

Kingston outlines the rationale behind proposing Fauci’s salary increase, emphasizing how he “has been a key figure in the White House and Department’s response to bioterrorism”:

“More recently, Dr. Fauci has been a key figure in the White House and Department’s response to bioterrorism. His contributions to this effort have been outstanding and include the development of the departmental strategy to augment smallpox vaccine supplies and the development of a plan to develop new anthrax vaccine. He serves as an expert consultant to the White House, the Secretary of DHHS, congressional staff, and a number of HHS groups on the development of biodefense-related research, and public health priorities. He is leading the development of a series of research initiatives, has coordinated fast-track initiatives for academia and industry participation in biodefense-related research, and is responsible for the development of future intermediate and long-range research plans and policies for a sustained and committed biomedical research response to bioterrorism threats. During FY2004, under Dr. Fauci’s leadership, NIAID significantly expanded, intensified, and accelerated its research programs in biodefense.”


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e0f141  No.14859135

Michael Jackson is Q

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862b67  No.14859136

File: 986e0cb1e818d64⋯.jpeg (144.69 KB, 750x712, 375:356, A2617450_5153_4299_90FB_6….jpeg)

File: 821250c97cb9398⋯.jpeg (31.3 KB, 780x439, 780:439, 19FD5FA6_68CA_4A00_94AB_8….jpeg)


What is your gut instinct of the head of the BC Teachers Union?

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7dc8e8  No.14859137

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB, 1326x878, 663:439, 88dbe69e9671bbede0ef44a8cc….png)

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f37f50  No.14859138


>What’s your gut instinct

That’s a dude

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3cf975  No.14859139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Best is Yet to Come

Did MJ make a song with that title?

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727d50  No.14859140

File: 1d4ec6667b1be8f⋯.jpg (835.11 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 1d4ec6667b1be8f2ab62bcb6ea….jpg)

File: dd1d0cb6e5337bb⋯.png (840.45 KB, 1370x912, 685:456, dd1d0cb6e5337bba97195977bc….png)

File: b3842c013854244⋯.png (389.79 KB, 509x561, 509:561, b3842c013854244e778e281a00….png)


Hope you know how to surf, MR. PIG?

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fb68df  No.14859141

File: df09cad3039e190⋯.jpeg (374.43 KB, 1209x802, 1209:802, 55696753_1B60_434C_BE7D_9….jpeg)


The literal face of honesty itself!

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d9557d  No.14859142


Ellen G. White is a prophet and she died in 1915.

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6be1f6  No.14859143


< anon hasn't tuned in.

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f37f50  No.14859144


Would she share one of those cowboy killers or what?

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df0885  No.14859145

File: f4ca53c4ee1d798⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 296x222, 4:3, 20211026_000837.gif)


one gives a voluminous shit.


God ist.

He can not be dissuaded.

nothing can stop what is coming

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35362e  No.14859146

File: cd8cc5f1486754d⋯.jpg (85.89 KB, 695x340, 139:68, Screenshot_20211026_010650….jpg)

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d9557d  No.14859147

File: 2e196836ff8e74a⋯.jpg (173.29 KB, 715x536, 715:536, 1635067172114.jpg)


Vincent Fusca is Q.

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f29c7f  No.14859148

File: 34ab4c0de15620d⋯.jpeg (404.85 KB, 1332x1227, 444:409, C2250186_E5B0_4FD6_AE00_C….jpeg