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File: d5864fabf1371e9⋯.jpg (140 KB, 900x721, 900:721, d5864fabf1371e9f1f347ed5ef….jpg)

8d6c94  No.14823752[Last 50 Posts]

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8d6c94  No.14823757

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8d6c94  No.14823758



>>14823156, >>14823278, >>14823588, >>14823274, >>14823250, >>14823292, >>14823354, >>14823550, >>14823660 Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) will soon launch a social network, named "TRUTH Social," to "rival Big Tech," per company announcement. 1.7 Billion

>>14823399 President Trump Creates Trump Media & Technology Group ‘To Stand Up To The Tyranny Of Big Tec

>>14823479 Trump announces new social media site ‘Truth Social’

>>14823491 Trump announces he is launching his own social media network called 'TRUTH Social' which will launch nationwide at the start of 2022

>>14823655 Trump Media and Technology Group and Digital World Acquisition Corp have entered into a definitive merger agreement

>>14823680, >>14823714 @Jack shits himself over TRUTH

>>14823004 Scientist shows vaccine effects in autopsies. Don't believe it? See for yourself. (13:34)

>>14823033 Leaked Audio Reveals DOJ Officials MOCKING Americans Who Oppose Vaccines On Religious Grounds

>>14823057 Facebook Successfully Sued For Choosing Foreigners, via the H1B Loophole, Over American Workers.

>>14823097, >>14822425 lb, PF Reports 64 is a lot of Helos

>>14823105, >>14823117 72%+ of all covid deaths in Sept. In England were FULLY vaccinated

>>14823107 ‘It’s crap’: Victorian study claiming mandatory masks stopped second wave shredded by experts

>>14823122 U.S. Naval Institute @NavalInstitute In 1967, the amphibious assault ship USS Iwo Jima (LPH-2)

>>14823060, >>14822996 (lb), >>14823072, >>14823132 Operation warp speed to force the DS to fast track its "plan" long before they were ready, which is why their "plan" is falling apart at the seams.

>>14823182, >>14823087, >>14822999, >>14822801 lb, >>14822733 lb Matt Gaetz Received Death Threat and shakedown with a hostage in Iran?

>>14823322 'I Think Someone May Be Trying To Kill Me': Matt Gaetz Reveals Threat He Received

>>14823133 U.S. Naval Institute @NavalInstitute Senate Appropriators Call for GAO Probe into Navy's Budget Tactic to 'Deliberately Underfund Programs'

>>14823135 Rotherham Child Sex Abuse Scandal Looms Over Loudoun County

>>14823177 FAKE NEWS FDA Takes Additional Actions on the Use of a Booster Dose for COVID-19 Vaccines

>>14823215 @VP shouts “Surprise!” upon arriving at her own surprise birthday celebration, dressed as a frump (Cap 0:40)

>>14823217 DOD/US Army Red/Green 2 min delta

>>14823207 DELTA

>>14823289 Pharmacy Hands Out ‘Blue Pill’ Jellybeans to Reward People For Getting Vaccinated

>>14823303 Facebook admits letting users share information on human smuggling

>>14823342 Experts Puzzled By Why Haiti Has One of the Lowest COVID-19 Death Rates In the World Despite Administering Zero Vaccine Doses: ‘We Don’t Know’

>>14823381 Texas nurse convicted of murdering four patients http://hill.cm/VddSrnZ

>>14823402, >>14823231, >>14823567 Manhunt for Brian Laundrie leads authorities to at least 5 bodies of missing persons

>>14823424 GOP rep leaves committee assignments after indictment http://hill.cm/T6cLHlU

>>14823425 PF Report OTIS25 170039

>>14823465 Washington Attorney General submitted charging documents filing misdemeanor charges against Pierce County Sheriff Ed Troyer

>>14823486 Cyber Ninjas releases supplemental report to correct the disinformation coming from the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors

>>14823529 Putin signs decree declaring non-working days from October 30 to November 7

>>14823630 'Low-polling Liz Cheney' is a "smug fool

>>14823669, >>14823713 ClockFag Full Moon Fever

>>14823746 #18751

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8d6c94  No.14823760


>>14822235 Kansas GOP Senator Marshall introduces bill to halt grants going to gain of function research

>>14822243 ResignationAnon here

>>14822249, >>14822282 Rioters Walk Through Capitol Building, Statuary Hall Outside of House Chamber | MSNBC

>>14822258 FDA Approves Moderna, J&J Boosters And Releases Guidelines For "Mix And Match"

>>14822299 United States v. Maxwell Order — Document #361 District Court, S.D. New York Docket Number: 1:20-cr-00330

>>14822321 U.S. Secret Service @SecretService The #SecretServiceCyberGames have begun

>>14822323 #Markofthebeast system? Amazon unveils contactless payment system that uses your palm

>>14822363 Sweden, Norway and Denmark no longer use face masks

>>14822373 Human remains, items belonging to Brian Laundrie found in Florida park

>>14822397 Salmonella outbreak across 37 states caused by fresh onions; hundreds sickened, CDC says

>>14822381 Blackbirdair.Com CALL FOR DIGG

>>14822406 “IT’S UNCONSCIONABLE.” Pres. Biden Issues Scathing Statement After GOP Blocks Dems’ ‘Voting Rights’ Bill

>>14822408 After your Jab, they hand you a blue pill

>>14822443 Story about Trump For president in 1999 JFK Jr death issue of National enquirer (Cap 0:20)

>>14822475 Connecticut Rep. Michael DiMassa has been arrested and accused of misusing federal funds meant for Covid-19 relief $630,000

>>14822492 The FBI Continues to Be a Vindictive, Politicized Dumpster Fire

>>14822500 Democrats Are "Hit(Ting) The Road Jack

>>14822560 Biden Tells Debunked Story About Amtrak Worker For the FOURTH Time, Claims he “Commuted Every Single Day for 36 Years as Vice President”

>>14822584 The Jerusalem Post @Jerusalem_Post A US #Navy facility in #Maryland

>>14822597 Former CDC Director Says Over 40% Of Recent Maryland COVID Deaths Were Vaxxed

>>14822622, >>14822626, >>14822693, >>14822685 Facebook recently filed a trademark for a new logo that appears to be a seeing eye made up of “666”s.

>>14822576 Megyn Kelly Says Son’s School Told Third Grade Boys About Taking Puberty Blockers So They Can Have Genitals ‘Chopped Off’

>>14822655, >>14822662 New details on the scope of John Durham's investigation - He has provided Michael Sussmann w/ 81K pages of documents.

>>14822725, >>14822755 Romanian government has closed all vaccine centers because 70% of the citizens won’t get the jab. Coercion did not work.

>>14822733, >>14822801, >>14819148 (pb) FBI Raids DC home of Oleg Deripaska


>>14822762 LIVE now https://lindelltv.com/

>>14822763 Guess where manufacturing of Comirnaty?? Italy…

>>14822776 @HillaryClinton We’re No. 1! So honored and delighted

>>14822806 Joe Biden Pitches His Build Back Better Agenda in Scranton: “We Will Take, Literally, Millions of Automobiles off the Road. Off the Road”

>>14822909 PF Reports155 military aircraft visible CONUS

>>14822959 #18750

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8d6c94  No.14823762


>>14821468 West Coast Weather…Beast of a bomb cyclone is set to wallop the West Coast

>>14821479 American Billionaires Added $2.1 Trillion to Their Fortunes During the Pandemic

>>14821567 Israel…Bennett Meets With Top Health Officials After Case of New COVID Sub-strain Found in Israel

>>14821620 ,>>14820255 pb PIDB Submits Letter to President Biden Supporting Transparency in Public Release of JFK Assassination Records

>>14821672 Mossad's New Boss Is a Gadget-Loving Killing Machine

>>14821773 NASA to launch secretive US military payloads on 3 sounding rockets from Virginia tonight

>>14821918 They’ve Got Nothing Else to Talk About, This is The Worst Administration In History:” Rep Jim Jordan Drops Bomb on Biden and the Sham Jan 6th Commission During Firey Bannon Contempt Hearing

>>14821946 WashPost: Official Leak Shows Biden’s Record Migrant Inflow

>>14821960 Report: ABC, CBS, NBC Report ‘0 Seconds’ on Joe and Hunter Shared Bank Account

>>14821970 Russia involvement in Syria, more digs?

>>14821984 Jill Biden Boo'ed off stage

>>14821991 Australia calls out Chinese coercion

>>14822015 FBI confirms backpack, notebook belonging to Laundrie found with human remains

>>14822017 Drone attack Syria

>>14822048 Former CEO, CFO, And VP Of Email Security Company Charged With $50 Million Fraud Scheme

>>14822863 #18749


>>14820723 BO/HRC intercomms

>>14820724 Confusion And Mismanagement Reign In Biden White House As More Than 40 Groups Demand Meetings Over Proposed COVID Vaccine Mandate

>>14820738 CDC Director Walensky Says All Children Should be Forced to Wear Face Masks in School

>>14820750 White House Details Plan To "Quickly" Vaccinate 28 Million Children Age 5-11

>>14820795 Trump Organization Facing New Criminal Investigation by Trump-Hating Democrat District Attorney in Westchester County, NY

>>14820801 DC AG adds Zuckerberg as defendant in Facebook privacy lawsuit, claims he was ‘personally involved’ in Cambridge Analytica debacle

>>14820811 Wretched Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Vetoes Two Election Bills Attempting to Make Elections Legit

>>14820817 Missing Persons Have Now Been Found Murdered Hunting Brian Laundrie

>>14820822 Protesters claim Italian authorities tampered with ‘live webcam’ to show empty square instead of huge anti-vaccine-passport rally

>>14820841 UK govt must crack down on apps promoting extremism, Labour leader Starmer says, taking special aim at Telegram

>>14820843 Manchin May Leave Democratic Party, Tells Associates Of 'Exit Plan': Report ZeroHedge

>>14820870 Ghislaine Maxwell doesn’t want accusers being called ‘victims’ at trial

>>14820886 Lancet COVID Origins Investigator Wins $1 Million Chinese Prize For Claiming Virus Developed Naturally. (wtf?)

>>14820893 CIA operated top-secret Kabul airport "Glory Gate'

>>14820902 Gates Foundation to Fund $120 Million of Oral COVID-19 Drug for Poor Nations

>>14821005 Five U.S. Senators Tell Zuckerberg that Facebook Can’t Be Trusted and to Back Off His Crypto Plans

>>14821030 Biden’s EPA Faces Lawsuit for Illegally Stacking Science Advisory panels

>>14821071 Cheney: Bannon's actions suggest Trump was involved in Capitol riot planning

>>14821264 Saudi Arabia Arrests 21, Mainly Public Officials, for Corruption

>>14822736 #18748

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8d6c94  No.14823763


>>14819851 Committee meeting about Elections Utah Oct 20th 1:15PM (VID)

>>14819851 #18745 >>14818303 TBC

>>14819778 (PB) NYC to require cops, firemen and city workers to be vaxxed, they say.

>>14819927, >>14819951 BTC @ 66,666.66 (#PayingAttentionYet)

>>14819941 LIVE: Business owners testify on challenges of global supply chain issues

>>14819956 Labor Department will be free to penalize employers who do not comply with President Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate.

>>14819964 LIVE: House Committee Discussing Bannon Contempt of Congress

>>14819970 LIVE: Rahm Emanuel confirmation hearing to be U.S. ambassador to Japan


>>14820009 12,000 Afghans in U.S. Now with No ID Whatsoever

>>14820168 Bannon War Room is heating up. Congress is after Bannon.

>>14820173 @US5thFleet is proud of this toy for some reason. [AI?]

>>14820195, >>14820226 Jack trolling FaceBook? [Central Intelligence Corporation]

>>14820207 RealGenFlynn Digital Soldiers Looking for Truth (Viva La Italy)

>>14820231 These people are sick. -q pretty sure

>>14820234 1776 Continental Dollar DIg

>>14820235, >>14820253 PF ping []

>>14820255 Bidet has until the 26th to declassify JFK or not. (wonder if he even knows)

>>14820259 Steve Bannon urged his followers to take over local-level GOP positions (#StartYourParades)

>>14820261, >>14820116 Moar PF

>>14820299 White House Details Plan To "Quickly" Vaccinate 28M Children Age 5-11 #SaveOurChildrem

>>14820293 White House has weighed tapping National Guard to address mounting supply chain Crisis

>>14820377 'F** Joe Biden' Chants Break Out Behind Fox Pundits Covering Astros v Red Sox #WhereIsBrandon

>>14820430 another 9:04 timestamp from the Army [904] (SoftwareFactory)

>>14820437 '20 Times Increase' of CANCER in Vaccinated Patients?

>>14820448, >>14820465 Brian laundrie FBI live at the reserve

>>14820450 Minnesota Gov. Walz Offering Vaccine Incentives for Teens

>>14820559 We went right over the precipice and into hell. (International Pronoun Day WDF?!)

>>14820563 PIDB Submits Letter to President Biden Supporting Transparency in Public Release of JFK Assassination Records (September 28, 2021)

>>14820600 #18747

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8d6c94  No.14823765


>>14819113 They are going to use the IRS to shut down any opposition to the Uniparty

>>14819137 Report: Shipping Containers from Stranded Ships Dumped in L.A. Neighborhoods

>>14819141 Fox’s Neil Cavuto off air after contracting Covid; vaccinated host heavily immunocompromised

>>14819148 FBI Raids DC Home of Oleg Deripaska


>>14819172 Nets Skip Parents Suing AG for 'Terrorism' Smear, NBC Rails Against Anti-CRT Law in TX

>>14819183 AUDIT UTAH: Patriots Organize Rally For a Full Forensic Audit At Committee Meeting WEDNESDAY AT UTAH CAPITOL!

>>14819198 Records Suggest Loudoun Sent Team Of Police To Deal With ‘Upset Parent,’ Not Alleged Rape Of Student

>>14819208 has realPOTUS created the perfect storm

>>14819210 one of Facebook‘s fact checkers about Covid disinformation is funded by Johnson and Johnson.

>>14819218 Newark schools face complaints about ‘horrible’ meals amid food, labor shortages

>>14819224 Mayor de Blasio to announce COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all city workers

>>14819199 The US Government Trying To Cover Up Their Corruption Against President Trump

>>14819239 Sumpin goin on out yonder off the East coast. Heavy helo and jet traffic.

>>14819244 LEAKED AUDIO: DOJ official on WH call says many federal worker religious exemptions on abortion testing are ‘not sincere’


>>14819304, >>14819305, >>14819577 PF

>>14819334 The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier (210 pgs)

>>14819336 drip - FLOOD Qmapped

>>14819363 NJ gov. changes state law so nurses, other medical professionals can perform abortions

>>14819366, >>14819372, >>14819374 Caps/memes

>>14819285 Note the last side effect (Sudden Death), at least Ireland is being honest.

>>14819403 Fauci lied, people died

>>14819408, >>14819468 Any Planefags out there?

>>14819419, >>14819423 Does 10/28 = 11.11 ?

>>14819426 US army: Light discipline

>>14819439 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

>>14819458 America Marks 240th Anniversary of Victory That Won Our Freedom

>>14819485 Britain's Queen Elizabeth accepts medical advice to rest for a few days

>>14819489 Texas Sheriff Will Deputize Local Citizens to Fight Border Crisis, Plans to Build Fence Around County

>>14819497 ​Child Pornography Arrest Rocks House Of Representatives - 10 Felony Charges Filed

>>14819505 Vladimir Putin Orders Week-Long Paid Holiday As Covid Cases Soar In Russia

>>14819516 Netflix Normalizes Violence Against the Unvaccinated

>>14819548 CDC Dr. Rochelle Walensky says that even if kids get vaccinated (per FDA approval) schools should still have mask mandates

>>14819550 Coming up on a1 yr DELTA

>>14819529 Senate Democrats’ Bill Shifts Border Patrol Funds to Remove Border Wall

>>14819565 Remember When: Jeffrey Epstein Makes Stunning Claim During Interview With Steve Bannon

>>14819593 Judge Rejects Florida Husband's Attempt to Force Hospital to Use Ivermectin to Treat COVID

>>14819594 A revived Obama program to allow more migrants under the age of 21 to come to the U.S (DONOTCOMEHERE)

>>14819612 White House unveils plan to "quickly" vaccinate kids ages 5-11

>>14819646 New footage shows the moment Mount Aso erupted in Japan

>>14819721 Seattle firefighters and Seattle police officers that were fired for not complying with the vaccine mandate are feeding the homeless.'

>>14819761 LIVE: Nicholas Cruz Hearing

>>14822222 #18746

Previously Collected

>>14817479 #18743, >>14818307 #18744, >>14820663 #18745

>>14816819 #18740, >>14815909 #18741, >>14816720 #18742

>>14813516 #18737, >>14814294 #18738, >>14815038 #18739

>>14811189 #18734, >>14812078 #18735, >>14813022 #18736

>>14810129 #18731, >>14809680 #18732, >>14810371 #18733

>>14806586 #18728, >>14808393 #18729, >>14808194 #18730

>>14803998 #18725, >>14804727 #18726, >>14805532 #18727

>>14801555 #18722, >>14802433 #18723, >>14803500 #18724

>>14799395 #18719, >>14800534 #18720, >>14800345 #18721

>>14796851 #18716, >>14800471 #18717, >>14800406 #18018

>>14794614 #18713, >>14795361 #18714, >>14796575 #18715

>>14794389 #18710, >>14794269 #18711, >>14793858 #18712

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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8d6c94  No.14823770

File: 00f5fc5724e95d7⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 8807d291b24fea261c8efe4348….png)



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b8c17e  No.14823788

File: a838f9a58c9e94c⋯.jpeg (27.54 KB, 700x420, 5:3, 5616.jpeg)

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241f9d  No.14823792

File: 7bbcc83d41690e3⋯.png (545.94 KB, 487x394, 487:394, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e8d6b  No.14823793

Why would Biden go to Scranton, PA, which ultimately is in the middle of nowhere, to tell people there that cars will be taken off the road? Doesn’t he think that an isolated population might be best served by the convenience of automobiles to travel farther distances faster if needed?

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4751a5  No.14823794

File: db0315ddbed87b4⋯.mp4 (11.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Im_glad_to_be_home_.mp4)


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da7368  No.14823795

File: 80c9ed3ecb3b560⋯.jpg (148.48 KB, 953x669, 953:669, capture_5834_18102021_2146….jpg)

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d26288  No.14823796

File: 15552cb83f182dc⋯.png (239.17 KB, 700x613, 700:613, ditm.PNG)

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a3afef  No.14823797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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bff4ce  No.14823798

Tranimae shill is here, yeah.

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8ca4b7  No.14823799

File: 6d095fa4736f1fd⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1397x2057, 127:187, ClipboardImage.png)

Free Blue Pills with your vax

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bd8ca1  No.14823800

File: 8efbbd9424e1f94⋯.jpg (107.24 KB, 740x1109, 740:1109, 8efbbd9424e1f94e40eb49c999….jpg)

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e2cdef  No.14823801

File: f31bf9b30311604⋯.jpg (282.22 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, family_of_six_black_bears_….jpg)

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9e4c61  No.14823802

File: 27a87f87ddc3385⋯.mp4 (4.21 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 953efkwxa3dY7fx9.mp4)

Bill Clinton tweet

Repost, not sure why embedding link fucks up. Trying mp4.


BC “Each of us has an important role to play”

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7082f5  No.14823803

No chance Trump goes back to White House.

Owning a likely “massive” media platform while sitting in the Oval Office?

He would look like the Marcos’ in the Phillippines.

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3279c6  No.14823804

File: e5d162cb2de7464⋯.jpeg (425.78 KB, 1541x553, 1541:553, DEBD1B19_8FCA_4DF4_B1D3_5….jpeg)

Welcome to the T MEDIA TECH website. This Site has been created for your entertainment as well as educational and personal use.


Also kek at prohibit section 7 .17

harass, annoy, intimidate, or threaten any of our employees or agents engaged in providing any portion of the Site to you.


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4751a5  No.14823805

File: cc1bf97c4f2622d⋯.mp4 (15.43 MB, 640x480, 4:3, At_his_1993_retirement_cer….mp4)


At his 1993 retirement ceremony, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Colin Powell is awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom with distinction by President Bill Clinton.


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e8d933  No.14823806

>>14823766 lbpb

Speed of tyranny is greater than the ability of peaceful resistance to oppose it.

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3587e3  No.14823807


god only knows what the bonus jelly bean is comprised of

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17de73  No.14823808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c27e18  No.14823809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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083325  No.14823810

File: 7cb47b09786bc33⋯.jpg (456.41 KB, 796x958, 398:479, 7cb47b09786bc33ffe63dac714….jpg)

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e9ddf4  No.14823811

File: 40d47b5b5321e79⋯.png (810.98 KB, 832x887, 832:887, ClipboardImage.png)

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7c87eb  No.14823812

(pb) >>14823687

You can't retreat once I knock out. After that you'd have to rely on my GOD given sense of justice. I already told you I'd leave a bag of jelly beans for you and your boyfriend. What's next? You want certain flavors? What's your boyfriends favorite flavor. I really don't want to get you is trouble.

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587e29  No.14823813

File: a4191076cb7c77a⋯.png (460.01 KB, 601x309, 601:309, truth.PNG)


Thanks Baker

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601866  No.14823814

File: 385c7f739bfacc0⋯.mp4 (12.81 MB, 224x416, 7:13, Poison.mp4)

>>14822210 pb

chemical sensitive young woman smells the covid on vaxxed/ injected people too

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4751a5  No.14823815

File: c78cc201ffffadc⋯.jpeg (176.58 KB, 1241x1280, 1241:1280, nojabme.jpeg)

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a566a0  No.14823816


You have always been a deepfake William.

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f4c48b  No.14823817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4aad0a  No.14823818


cue cards?

Movie get weirder and weirder

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19cbc0  No.14823819

File: edfc3b386621908⋯.png (647.42 KB, 605x451, 55:41, Oct_20_Thank_you_Baker.png)

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c27e18  No.14823820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9e2b41  No.14823821

Can't wait for the Truth Social Media. I will finally get to educate all my friends and family of the truth and the normie will awaken. Big things are going to happen.

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e9ddf4  No.14823822

File: 0887c9708868ade⋯.png (408.77 KB, 445x550, 89:110, ClipboardImage.png)


> “Each of us has an important role to play”

we're all in it

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c02c19  No.14823823

File: 16335b8c52a9e46⋯.jpg (268.3 KB, 1680x2048, 105:128, teddy.jpg)


what the fuck are you chode swallowing shills arguing about on the internet now

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4751a5  No.14823824

File: ac7a5384452c73b⋯.png (386.64 KB, 545x641, 545:641, catherin_herridge_trinity_….png)


>god only knows what the bonus jelly bean is comprised of

it's a free booster shot

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c27e18  No.14823825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


milk died

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bdb149  No.14823826

File: 5e01a33d87292b0⋯.png (763.55 KB, 625x492, 625:492, ClipboardImage.png)

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969dda  No.14823827

File: 8898f26ba7f354b⋯.jpeg (403.52 KB, 750x765, 50:51, A1735B0F_383E_409A_BA46_5….jpeg)


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dc6a74  No.14823828


Hey Shill Team 6

You are gonna need to spin up a whole new team for this.

You'll need fresh material.

And you are going to need to be careful, or you'll be dragged into arbitration!

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3773b3  No.14823829

File: 33318ca0e1e510c⋯.jpg (3.21 MB, 3094x2112, 1547:1056, here_for_lemons_2_.jpg)

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c27e18  No.14823830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>milk died

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601866  No.14823831

File: 2eaf79eb3de35b1⋯.jpg (36.25 KB, 607x255, 607:255, wen.jpg)

>>14823786 pb

Why would a Crisis Actor, i.e "Wen" know anything about the Constitution or the fact an American has the right to freely travel without Government permission.

Is she Chinese? What's the deal?

Chinese Crisis Actor

Couldn't they at least pay an American for it?

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e8d933  No.14823832


>milk died

And was resurrected as an almond

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bbe7fa  No.14823833


They stink. Ever been to a joint?

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c27e18  No.14823834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>milk died

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4aad0a  No.14823835

File: bbd45b7ff6816db⋯.jpg (32.24 KB, 502x500, 251:250, 5qlctv.jpg)


very nuanced type of coo coo

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e9ddf4  No.14823836

File: bc7b7ff9fa02a99⋯.png (214.76 KB, 244x300, 61:75, ClipboardImage.png)

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59a5d4  No.14823837

File: da7f36090a24de1⋯.png (716.01 KB, 661x779, 661:779, ClipboardImage.png)

Woolworths and Coles demand ALL 250,000 of their Australian workers get a Covid jab or face being sacked in sweeping vaccine mandates

Woolworths and Coles staff will need to have received the Covid-19 jab

Workers in various states will be required to have the vaccine by certain dates

Customers will not need to be fully vaccinated to shop at the supermarkets

Woolworths and Coles staff will be required to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 in the coming months.

The mandate enforced by the nation's biggest retailers will apply to all staff including those working in stores, distribution centres and offices.

Woolworths employs 170,000 staff while Coles has more than 120,000 workers.

Woolworths staff in NSW, the ACT, Victoria, the Northern Territory, and WA will need to have received the jab by January 31.

Workers in all other states will be required to be vaxxed before March 31, unless public health orders are brought in sooner which will bring this date forward.

Coles has meanwhile announced their vaccine mandate will apply to staff working in Victoria, NSW, the ACT, WA and the Northern Territory.

Those in NSW and the ACT will need to have had the jab by December 17.

Coles staff in Victoria, the NT and Western Australia have already been required to get the vaccine under health mandates.

The supermarket giant says it will continue to work with health authorities to encourage vaccination in Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania.

Vaccines are currently not required as a condition of work in those states.

Some Coles and Woolworths employees have already been required to receive the vaccine based on health orders in their states.


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c27e18  No.14823838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>milk died

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241f9d  No.14823839

File: f7b939b79997ef3⋯.png (90.5 KB, 954x523, 954:523, ClipboardImage.png)


dubs chek'ed - well done for taking your 2nd jab and reducing your immune system by 40%

What a moran, jelly baby will be the only baby you will have from now on. infertile bitch !!


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34160d  No.14823840

File: 1d87a8e5bd1365a⋯.png (448.42 KB, 924x3084, 77:257, ClipboardImage.png)

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8d6c94  No.14823841

File: 035cc71723acb7e⋯.png (15.97 KB, 241x255, 241:255, 035cc71723acb7eca277b2b242….png)

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8df84a  No.14823842

>>14823697 pb

Well, if true, the body doubles are doing a bang up job destroying the country. Might want to let the real fucks out of Gitmo and put the BD's in their place.

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c27e18  No.14823843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>milk died

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969dda  No.14823844

File: d6b9419cc595868⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 611x666, 611:666, 7B46B1C6_E2C4_4F68_96AC_08….gif)

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8ca4b7  No.14823845

File: 9c8f88ef7714543⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1400x1000, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Natali Nemtchinova aka Natalia Andreeva

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c27e18  No.14823846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>milk died

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4aad0a  No.14823847

File: ad54b4c1e2a4d5b⋯.jpg (194.9 KB, 671x1114, 671:1114, 20211019_231715.jpg)

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d3330f  No.14823848


green screen & he won't be around for long..he's still super sick.

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c27e18  No.14823849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>milk died

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bd8ca1  No.14823850

File: f02bf6751eec7fb⋯.jpg (379.46 KB, 1000x300, 10:3, zone_hero_top_shelf.jpg)

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c27e18  No.14823851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>milk died

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c76c2b  No.14823852

File: 5dc146e8d168a25⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1723x1349, 1723:1349, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14823713 (lb)

>Full Moon Fever 2

old graphic.

Full Moon tonight

10/20 totals 30, letter "D" 2nd time thru alphabet.

Time in tweet 11:32

Qclock today 11:33 (32 or 33, "two 3's" either time)

NASA tweet time 5:35pm

23:35 only ~27 hours away.

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969dda  No.14823853


Dang no wonder they are still trying to arrest Trump and Bannon

Truth Social gonna be huge

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f4c48b  No.14823854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5b27fd  No.14823855


At this junction in time I don't think anyone cares anymore considered everyone that was enthusiastic about this movement is burnt out and not vested anymore. Plus it's obvious that most people prefer lies over truth because they themselves are a part of the lie that they so desparately protect.

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c27e18  No.14823856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>milk died

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e0d744  No.14823857

File: 3854b5ff934a853⋯.jpeg (1.94 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, A28ACF6F_3613_4E7A_91A8_2….jpeg)

File: 4f868c9ae33bd57⋯.jpeg (330.96 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, D27A07CB_A3E7_404B_B6BF_2….jpeg)

File: bb1231d5deb19f5⋯.jpeg (103.66 KB, 635x437, 635:437, 070A0796_6FFE_4176_BBC0_E….jpeg)




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6ce05b  No.14823858


great, so he'll die comfortably at home never having to pay for his nefarious deeds

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dc6ea6  No.14823859

File: d456acba912f57f⋯.jpeg (156.79 KB, 1068x791, 1068:791, AE508F32_D489_4278_8A73_C….jpeg)

“Stop worrying about wokers and start worrying about workers”

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9ff3b7  No.14823860

File: ffd6d87fc7f99f4⋯.jpg (34.52 KB, 591x422, 591:422, 5vxzsdxhm4we.jpg)

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c27e18  No.14823861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>milk died

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dc6a74  No.14823862

File: 8d0fe8608c82517⋯.jpg (12.89 KB, 213x255, 71:85, Gnz2.jpg)


Did you mean juncture?

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952fcd  No.14823863


seems credible. interesting

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9a0a66  No.14823864

>>14823730 PB

Read the privacy statement.

I'm reserving judgment but it doesn't look good.

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9e4c61  No.14823865

File: d79053fef787ab3⋯.jpeg (19.83 KB, 255x147, 85:49, 56E985D7_ACF7_4F9C_A01C_0….jpeg)


KEK good catch, the green is super obvious once you’re looking for it. The movement behind his right shoulder.

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9e4c61  No.14823866


Green *screen

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34160d  No.14823867

File: 8616aff2c9d75f3⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1120x630, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: abb0fd0684aa928⋯.png (831.72 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc12511a6bb38cb⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28e928b832526a9⋯.png (882.49 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a34c2e645d0d7a⋯.png (881.92 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

https://lindelltv.com/ live

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c27e18  No.14823868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>milk died

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969dda  No.14823869


Nice try shill

Now begins the big tech exodus


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a6e710  No.14823870

File: 6a9877dfd03c0b2⋯.png (739.17 KB, 934x1314, 467:657, merckpill82cropanon.png)


Take the RED PILL

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d26288  No.14823871

File: a376c4cd9e4788c⋯.png (325.56 KB, 416x553, 416:553, trnf.PNG)

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c27e18  No.14823872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>milk died

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9e2b41  No.14823873

Just had an argument with my liberal teenage daughter that wants to become a man. If I only had a social media that promoted truth. I really could have used it just now.

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6e6939  No.14823874

File: 5ea839ec63c016c⋯.jpg (23.03 KB, 461x654, 461:654, FAGRct7UUBMs_TO.jpg)

Our moral rises, how you feel about that DS?

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c27e18  No.14823875

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>milk died

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587e29  No.14823876


quite autistic and poignant

thanks for posting

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f4c48b  No.14823877



you are a faggot

and your daughter is rebelling against the fact that you are gay


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1966d6  No.14823878


he’s got that herp lip

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c27e18  No.14823879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>milk died

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e8d933  No.14823880


>reducing your immune system by 40%

Almost sounds like they acquired an immune system deficiency. it could be a syndrome.

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8ca4b7  No.14823881

File: 41bbcf3b4dabcfa⋯.png (1.18 MB, 940x1167, 940:1167, ClipboardImage.png)

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9e4c61  No.14823882


Think from the spiritual war angle. Them losing at this stage is a huge blow to them spiritually. Think of it like irreversibly losing all your XP right before going to level up.

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969dda  No.14823883

Truth Social..

The Don never stops fighting!

A true patriot!

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7c87eb  No.14823884


Wow. She's a walking toxicity meter. Where can I buy one? I have a thermometer for cooking Rib Eye Graphene steaks. You should rent yourself out. A $1,000 per hour toxicity meter. Guaranteed not to rust, bust, corrode, explode, or exude a sense of humor or smell bad when rented. When humans become more fragile than the plants in their home they'll be afraid the plants are taking over. People baffle me.

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99d472  No.14823885

File: 8d5949df79fd05a⋯.jpg (266.94 KB, 2538x843, 846:281, Dark_Light_Sky.jpg)

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c27e18  No.14823886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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34160d  No.14823887

File: 01a2c794f6f4953⋯.png (889.79 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c24644595757be⋯.png (710.03 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81021fa79c7bcfa⋯.png (956.87 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce6d9f458944ef1⋯.png (883.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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da7368  No.14823888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


City shuts down In-N-Out's only San Francisco location for not checking COVID-19 vaccination

>476 views | Oct 20, 2021 | FOX5 Las Vegas

In-N-Out's San Francisco was closed by city health officials after the eatery refused to check customers' vaccination status.




21 minutes ago

We're going to continue letting bums shit in the street but we are going to close you down for a stupid reason.

I like sandwiches

I like sandwiches

2 hours ago

Just close it for good San Francisco is a third world shytehole

Run by a third world Governor



2 hours ago

The real headlines…

1.F Joe Biden has taken over the nation.

2. Comedian Joe Rogan exposes doctor of CNN live on his show as a liar..

3. Our local news is against the local people..

4. A Nazi owner of the NBA is forcing black players to stick needles in their arms or they don't get to feed their families.

5 F Joe biden everywhere is the result

Happy Guy

Happy Guy

2 hours ago

Nevada needs a wall to keep California out… and they call us Sin City…smdh…

CNN created Q

CNN created Q

2 hours ago

Let's split up this country.

Mack Donalds

Mack Donalds

2 hours ago

Fuck San Fran. Fucking tyrants. The tree of liberty needs watering already. Good for IN-N-OUT. Stand strong. America is behind you.

Genocider Jill

Genocider Jill

3 hours ago

San Francisco = hell on earth!



Chaos Engagement

Chaos Engagement

3 hours ago

You cannot Comply your way out of Tyranny . I applaud their refusal to go along with this abuse of authority.

>The celebutante of Love City, simply dazzling…

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a2107c  No.14823889

File: c77cd8a8f89f0b0⋯.png (8.31 KB, 220x255, 44:51, 6c60bb721eee28a3a6c5f79d14….png)


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9a0a66  No.14823890


There are thousands and thousands of types of mold.

She didn't do herself any favors making that blatantly over broad statement.

Interesting though.

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c27e18  No.14823891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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07678e  No.14823892

Clinton sounds like he's had a tube down his trac.

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a6e710  No.14823893

File: 76cb11462e40753⋯.png (6.11 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, qclockoldguard.png)

File: d8b8fc9b189d723⋯.png (3.86 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, qclock_q_djt3x3ScottFreewD….png)


Tiger got one.

So did the Babe.

Elvis too.

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c27e18  No.14823894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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722581  No.14823895


On July 30, Powell emailed several people a link to a Huffington Post article on Trump’s then-budding feud with the Khans.

On August 2, longtime Powell friend and adviser Harlan Ullman asked Powell, “when are you going to throw the knock out blow?”

“I try not to bother someone who is beating himself and the GOP up. And please, don’t start bugging me like every newsie and getter in town,” Powell replied. “If and when I do it will be known.”

This statement is why the Ullman/Powell email subject: Trubnikov is interesting, what is this knock out blow of which Powell and Ullman speak?

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fc6af1  No.14823896

We're good.

We don't want cheep Chinese junk.

The container ships can just set sail for home now.

Next time… mind your own business and stay out of our election.

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bd8ca1  No.14823897

File: a785386475ed4d3⋯.jpeg (76.02 KB, 1080x728, 135:91, 1591645834.jpeg)

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601866  No.14823898

File: 09fad151ca8257d⋯.jpeg (183.31 KB, 1020x612, 5:3, ceremonialmagicmarssciccf….jpeg)


if it's on Alex Jones it's probably Bullshit.

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083325  No.14823899

File: 9a2c0349ed500f4⋯.jpg (275.05 KB, 500x656, 125:164, 9a2c0349ed500f4821d4257a73….jpg)


>Just had an argument with my liberal teenage daughter that wants to become a man

No social media acct promoting truth could have prevented that. Your fault.

But then again, you already knew that.

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587e29  No.14823900

File: f2120448093f584⋯.png (357.37 KB, 488x359, 488:359, potus_inauguration_4.PNG)

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969dda  No.14823901


Empty store shelves stacked with lawn chairs to hide supply chain issues

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4751a5  No.14823902

File: 438d1b093efa329⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 720x406, 360:203, _DrLeanaWen_There_are_priv….mp4)

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acbe9a  No.14823903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>become a man


told him "someday you will be a man

And you will be the leader of a big old band

Many people coming from miles around

To hear you play your music when the sun go down

Maybe someday your name will be in lights

Saying "Johnny B. Goode tonight"

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c27e18  No.14823904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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34160d  No.14823905

File: 8cb90b55e9ccbc3⋯.png (225.96 KB, 1120x630, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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c27e18  No.14823906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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07678e  No.14823907

Trump will return

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da7368  No.14823908

File: cad3466d963b699⋯.jpg (100.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, City_shuts_down_In_N_Out_s….jpg)

File: b39294bb892169b⋯.mp4 (9.59 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, City_shuts_down_In_N_Out_s….mp4)


>City shuts down In-N-Out's only San Francisco location for not checking COVID-19 vaccination

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969dda  No.14823909


>if it's on Alex Jones it's probably Bullshit

Yet Alex Jones is still here and Q is not..

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dc6a74  No.14823910

File: 01bf803e00205a4⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1245x702, 415:234, AlwaysDeceiving.png)

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8d6c94  No.14823911

File: 0102ee4a70bea1f⋯.png (155.38 KB, 313x293, 313:293, 0102ee4a70bea1f4b8dc580f66….png)

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1a263c  No.14823912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This one is for [them]

Hangman, hangman

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f10cec  No.14823913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14823283 lb

>>14823087 lb

I think crooked Feds use Levinson as a shakedown for 25 million. at least with Gaetz. probably Deripaska too.

you are right, Something is missing. but maybe that is the point, just to make everything so murky.

and check this out

MATT GAETZ: 'DC Capitol Police Wont Arrest ASSASIN who was Contracted to take me out!

Oct 20, 2021

Golden State Times

440K subscribers

Rep. Matt Gaetz took to the House floor on Wednesday and revealed that someone may be attempting to take him out and the DC police doesn't want to do anything about even though the assailant traveled to DC,


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bd8ca1  No.14823914

File: c55d3ca4b63f7f6⋯.png (533.37 KB, 1080x1253, 1080:1253, Memeto_1625694377509.png)

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c27e18  No.14823915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d43746  No.14823916

File: 2d55f612c5cb2c4⋯.jpeg (254.06 KB, 750x1013, 750:1013, D44D6AFA_BF5B_4089_A278_6….jpeg)

File: f9930d1a3c7eb8f⋯.jpeg (288.76 KB, 683x859, 683:859, 267EA241_733F_4A3B_B895_A….jpeg)

Whole lotsa “truth” drops

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c27e18  No.14823917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>milk died

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eee0a9  No.14823918

File: 13018eb38566714⋯.jpg (68.95 KB, 636x636, 1:1, 20211020_150446.jpg)

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f4c48b  No.14823919


you shouldn't care

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07678e  No.14823920


Its so obvious now.

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5b27fd  No.14823921


miloko drencrome

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d83270  No.14823922

File: 7054aa7ff9b6808⋯.png (476.33 KB, 592x296, 2:1, 2021_10_20_21_46_48.png)


>We're good.

>We don't want cheep Chinese junk.

>The container ships can just set sail for home now.

>Next time… mind your own business and stay out of our election.

APPLAUSE: Trash dumps across America filled with cheap ChYna junk.

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4751a5  No.14823923

File: b48fc3587c76640⋯.png (69.9 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


> MATT GAETZ: 'DC Capitol Police Wont Arrest ASSASIN who was Contracted to take me out!

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8ca4b7  No.14823924

File: 133c4c723766c36⋯.png (458.12 KB, 453x737, 453:737, ClipboardImage.png)


Just because he's not posting does not mean he's not here. Logic.

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e9ddf4  No.14823925

File: e66f905c432c648⋯.png (844.44 KB, 888x666, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>Full Moon tonight

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4c98cb  No.14823926


IPO at $17.33?

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4751a5  No.14823927

File: 429dfcfad166529⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB, 320x320, 1:1, Biden_talking_about_brain_….mp4)


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969dda  No.14823928

File: b7c76c1aa2b1b56⋯.jpeg (387.47 KB, 664x513, 664:513, E82DAF10_3A36_41F7_964F_F….jpeg)


>Yet Alex Jones is still here and Q is not..

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5abb00  No.14823929

File: 8d01ceba2e1e2ac⋯.jpg (85.94 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 59sn5d.jpg)

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c27e18  No.14823930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>milk died

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a3afef  No.14823931

File: 91ec1c8be31ebe0⋯.png (267.36 KB, 535x532, 535:532, Screenshot_2021_10_20_at_2….png)

File: 38d174bf49aeed5⋯.jpg (83 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, FCLq2K7XMAEnRWm.jpg)



Britain in talks to sell missiles in arms deal with Ukraine -The Times http://reut.rs/3E1ahDv



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9b52a3  No.14823932

File: c7ee697c7187907⋯.jpg (77.04 KB, 288x487, 288:487, gretch_mound.jpg)

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99d472  No.14823933

File: b3f0fa39cf87c0c⋯.jpg (270.93 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, BloodMoon_NS.jpg)

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7c87eb  No.14823934




>what the fuck are you chode swallowing shills arguing about on the internet now

Nothing maser. Just gettin the buckets lined up so when the chodes fill em up you get your night cap. Just like you always sir.

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da7368  No.14823935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Full Moon tonight

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ae7713  No.14823936


Who picked that sweater?

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e9ddf4  No.14823937

File: 73122b128c3f95c⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 640x480, 4:3, bidan.mp4)


one of these things is not like the other

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63dc4e  No.14823938

>>14823686 Lifelog

Seems like there should be some stipulations in there about them not weaponizing it agains the American people being that we funded it and all.

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4751a5  No.14823939

File: 765ab4fa72c1da5⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB, 640x800, 4:5, dearunvaxed.mp4)

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d0cae0  No.14823940

File: bf9596368300b0b⋯.png (25.51 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Space_Force_Starfighter.png)

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a6e710  No.14823941

File: 4056fd191dae7bb⋯.jpg (697.29 KB, 1920x1271, 1920:1271, Full_moon_coming.jpg)

File: 85a52a1765fe633⋯.jpg (620.47 KB, 1244x931, 1244:931, QCrumbsMorningSunFullMoonU….jpg)

File: 25fe34e9db4f747⋯.jpg (231.06 KB, 1000x681, 1000:681, revolutionary_battle_North….jpg)


Thanks fren.


The full moon was beautiful over the lake tonight.

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969dda  No.14823942

File: 85b0797ddfc4038⋯.jpeg (141.05 KB, 420x383, 420:383, 238E72F1_23AF_462A_81EA_0….jpeg)


>Yet Alex Jones is still here and Q is not..

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f10cec  No.14823943


>Yet Alex Jones is still here and Q is not..

Alex Jones gained so much weight because of Q. He ate Corsi's ass and Z(ach)

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34160d  No.14823944

File: ac4f9f37c48e864⋯.png (667.52 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4235a31d6661798⋯.png (912.08 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac37b464d9f9e76⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 826911e2d63b7b0⋯.png (160.84 KB, 1120x630, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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eee0a9  No.14823945

File: 3b51c3035430140⋯.gif (1009.66 KB, 498x498, 1:1, tenor.gif)

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4751a5  No.14823946

File: 7fabfe007d4b234⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB, 320x690, 32:69, unhealthywoman.mp4)

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c27e18  No.14823947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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98e32c  No.14823948

File: 14b17926b31f145⋯.jpg (170.95 KB, 572x449, 572:449, AllahNoLikey.jpg)

File: 57aa933e6aae4cf⋯.png (388.59 KB, 613x608, 613:608, ChromosomesMatter.png)

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ca01fe  No.14823949

File: b837598d8471bee⋯.gif (391.72 KB, 380x675, 76:135, videotogif_2021_10_20_21_4….gif)


*clik it

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4751a5  No.14823950

File: 7b069c1189b7ee3⋯.jpg (193.58 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, BN_EZ882_obamaa_M_20141014….jpg)


>Seems like there should be some stipulations in there about them not weaponizing it against the American people being that we funded it and all.

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241f9d  No.14823951

File: 4cfe5b269bcf56f⋯.png (172.7 KB, 606x278, 303:139, ClipboardImage.png)


dubs chek'ed

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e8d933  No.14823952


You have that filed under gretch mound but it should be filed under gretch mound with milkies

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07678e  No.14823953

File: 954a31337724526⋯.jpg (13.84 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 615e97c9ae9b9a65d2a64aad96….jpg)

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a1a48a  No.14823954

Are you ready for the fourth quarter ?

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c27e18  No.14823955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d3330f  No.14823956

File: 3579a3323b4d752⋯.jpg (30.43 KB, 414x508, 207:254, 3579a3323b4d752003c5b6166e….jpg)


If he's in front of a green screen, & I think he is, why do you think he would be if he is really convalescing at home all cozy like? He ain't in his jammies trying to get well. Somebody told him to get dressed & read this script!

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8d6c94  No.14823957

File: 0f28b537f81a6d0⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 4159x2127, 4159:2127, 504_Copy_2_.jpg)

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d90bdc  No.14823958


MSM loves cheney

hates Manchin

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969dda  No.14823959


People that look like that spend half their day at the methadone clinic

Don’t pay any attention to them obamaphone types

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d26288  No.14823960

File: 2ca8dd57b6121ed⋯.jpg (22.49 KB, 276x297, 92:99, az54.JPG)

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d26288  No.14823961

File: 2ca8dd57b6121ed⋯.jpg (22.49 KB, 276x297, 92:99, az54.JPG)

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d43746  No.14823963

File: dd5c7a2281f373d⋯.jpeg (446.29 KB, 672x1189, 672:1189, 5B900C62_C680_4DA2_970C_E….jpeg)

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1c24dd  No.14823964



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c27e18  No.14823965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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9c27a8  No.14823966

File: 4114415bbfd584f⋯.jpg (480.4 KB, 1000x923, 1000:923, ant_diversity.jpg)

>>14823467 pb

>They accomplished exactly what they intended to accomplish in those theaters, anon. If they wanted to "WIN" those wars, that would have taken mere days. They wanted us stuck in a mire forever, wasting money and losing the lives of good soldiers and radicalizing muzzies and destroying buildings so we could have connected contractors go in and rebuild them for triple the going rate, earn stripes for Blackwater mercenaries, practice false flagging, etc. etc. etc.


>Plus they probably captured LOADS of humans and harvested their organs, got all the gold, and more.

This post deserved way more (you)s

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f10cec  No.14823967


>Full Moon tonight

"You Anons will be able to see the Hunters become the Hunted Moon with your own eyes! With your own eyes"

Kamala Harris

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da7368  No.14823968

Giddiness ensues, regularly.

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c27e18  No.14823969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e8d933  No.14823970


Has anyone ever been in a bathroom like that and every toilet was being used?

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969dda  No.14823971

File: 1167848834b97f3⋯.gif (94.03 KB, 220x124, 55:31, CD950C68_C4D7_4AAD_B3BD_E8….gif)


>Yet Alex Jones is still here and Q is not..

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bd8ca1  No.14823972

File: 00fda02dbd8bdeb⋯.jpeg (195.86 KB, 1080x759, 360:253, 1587829532.jpeg)

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d83270  No.14823973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Feinstein milk died

Why the crazed look?

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8df84a  No.14823974


Love this guy. no homo

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a3afef  No.14823976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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34160d  No.14823977

File: 9833337fa6c5ff5⋯.png (90.37 KB, 914x586, 457:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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98e32c  No.14823978


First, I require a new fifth.

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722581  No.14823979


i know anons did a number of digs on it ways back, but qresear.ch is still TU.

Jablonski, Anne was running this thing

and there was something about her hubby John but the archive is down.

He was trying to get to Salahuddin and then who knows what happened next.

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63dc4e  No.14823980

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c27e18  No.14823981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2a805a  No.14823982


If I'm around vaxxed people for more than a few minuttes, my lungs hurt for several hours later…usually into the next day. Fortunately live alone and limit contact much more since discovering this little side fx. Natural immunity and well supplemented, but still sucks and should be cause for concern among the unconcerned vaxxers, but whatever..

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f9fc4b  No.14823983

File: 1375381677d6d7f⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1545x1925, 309:385, ClipboardImage.png)

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da7368  No.14823984

File: a49346a9988b428⋯.jpg (436.69 KB, 616x967, 616:967, SkyOverMoscow.jpg)

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8df84a  No.14823985


Where you been B?

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aaf32b  No.14823986

File: 727ff1c97f80f11⋯.png (258.31 KB, 442x452, 221:226, 3556.png)


The cat whisperer told me my cat wants a sex change.

Told the cat whisperer to tell it it can pay for the operation itself. Boo meow hoo

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f10cec  No.14823987


Janet Napolitano?

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c76c2b  No.14823988

File: dac172ccf4e920a⋯.png (27.8 KB, 983x283, 983:283, ClipboardImage.png)


So everything "they" do is a dark magik spell ritual to alter reality, with all the correctly-named players involved.

11-12 "Milk has opposed the reappointment of White"

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c27e18  No.14823989




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f5e17e  No.14823990

File: 08040cbb7d6fdd8⋯.jpg (126.08 KB, 652x920, 163:230, ZomboMeme_07062021162754.jpg)

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e9ddf4  No.14823991

File: 688f0166b115328⋯.png (1.07 MB, 888x687, 296:229, ClipboardImage.png)




1 year deltas

TRUTH = TRUTH social

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8aee60  No.14823992


Is that a Lemon - like the Lemons on Jill's dress?

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bd8ca1  No.14823993

File: 0535db52c0fb8b9⋯.jpg (33.41 KB, 282x178, 141:89, 20200107_141933.jpg)

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c27e18  No.14823994





( ᐛ )( ᐖ )

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34160d  No.14823995

File: 0f3053895057ce3⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d7a3b509e1b41b⋯.png (238.82 KB, 1120x630, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ba0aa47b4b1bcf⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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8d6c94  No.14823996

File: 247556cb9bbba00⋯.png (377.01 KB, 600x516, 50:43, 874740b54c987898f6f038b950….png)

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da7368  No.14823997

File: 92c77a3afe868fe⋯.jpg (246.99 KB, 1058x999, 1058:999, capture_5836_18102021_2148….jpg)

File: b0c3d025ff3b6a9⋯.jpg (140.23 KB, 949x668, 949:668, capture_5835_18102021_2148….jpg)


>Janet Napolitano?


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c27e18  No.14823998

– 𝓗𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔤𝔬𝔫𝔫𝔞 𝔥𝔞𝔱𝔢 - ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ✧

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d3330f  No.14823999

File: 2b57c91693b6952⋯.jpg (69.77 KB, 768x402, 128:67, 05xp_carterphoto_facebookJ….jpg)

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083325  No.14824000

File: d9cdd9766943f7c⋯.jpg (101.63 KB, 888x499, 888:499, d9cdd9766943f7c44ddef23a1a….jpg)

Can't believe Hannity still riding that train that is "rushin rushin rushin"

What a dumb ass ….

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63dc4e  No.14824001


That bitch handed me my law school diploma. If I would have known, I would have whispered “William Cooper” to her.

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91c14b  No.14824002

File: 972653036bc738e⋯.jpg (631.45 KB, 1936x1936, 1:1, 972653036bc738e1d8aa6b4ea6….jpg)

>>14823320 lb

What event would bring the world together?

Release the deleted Hillary emails along with frazzel RIP.

Show the proof of her trafficking children from Haiti.

Release Hunter bidens laptop.

Release Weiners laptop

Release videos of the Coyotes picking up underage immigrants in NY. Planned by biden admin.

Release the videos of Barry Soetero's pizzagate party.

Release Ghislaine Maxwell's black book.

Release the real truth of why Tony Podesta was arrested.

MSM FAKE NEWS * ANCHORS, all get arrested for peddling and covering through

"Project Mockingbird" Communist Propaganda for NWO/GLOBALISTS/PEDOPHILES

I can think of many things.

GLOBALISTS exposed for the Georga Guidestones plan.

Pics & video of them rescuing the mole children from the DUMBS, some who have never seen the light of day.NUREMBERG TRIALS FOR ALL INVOLVED!let the world see the evidence and the trials.

If JFK Jr. really, is not dead & can prove he faked his death because Hillary's hit put out on him.

* If Dr. Fauci & Bill Gates were arrested for their vaXXX experiments and sterilization on Humanity.

*Once and for ALL, expose the Luciferian/Freemason death cult & Hollywood for the pedovore they are.

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b1bab4  No.14824003


That’s a good meme.

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3279c6  No.14824004

File: 00932959422b9c7⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1299x953, 1299:953, 3B89C771_DBA3_4971_83A7_3….jpeg)

Hunter Biden pitched himself as expert in Russian oligarch targeted by FBI: Devine

Hunter Biden boasted he could provide intelligence on the shady Russian oligarch whose Greenwich Village townhouse was raided by the FBI on Tuesday.

The president’s son said he could provide Alcoa, a giant US aluminium firm, with knowledge about the “elite networks” connected to Oleg Deripaska in a proposal from his company Rosemont Seneca, emails on Hunter’s laptop show.

Federal agents carried out “law enforcement activity” on Tuesday at the Gay Street townhouse and a Washington mansion tied to Deripaska, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Deripaska was investigated for money laundering and extortion and sanctioned by the US in 2018. A spokesperson for Deripaska told the Associated Press that the searches were “connected to U.S. sanctions” and that the homes didn’t belong to him but belonged to relatives.

Hunter Biden in 2011 offered to “provide Alcoa with statistical analysis of political and corporate risks, elite networks associated with Oleg Deripaska (OD), Russian CEO of Basic Element company and United company RUSAL,” reveal documents on the laptop he abandoned at a MacBook repair shop in Delaware in April 2019. RUSAL is a Russian aluminum company.

In an email to Daniel Cruise, Alcoa’s then-Vice President of Government and Public Affairs, on June 3, 2011, Hunter wrote: “Please see the attached proposal per our last conversation . . . we tried to provide a little better sense of the product by attaching some of the raw data that is produced through the elite mapping procedure.”

Included in the proposal, was a “list of elites of similar rank in Russia, map of OD’s [Deripaska’s] networks based on frequency of interaction with selected elites and countries.”


The FBI raids the home of Russian oligarch and Putin ally Oleg Deripaska in the Embassy Row in Washington DC on October 19, 2021.

FBI swarm DC mansion of Russian oligarch and Putin ally Oleg Deripaska

Hunter wanted to charge Alcoa fees of “$25,000 for phase one of the project [and] $55,000 for refined analysis.”

In a June 8, 2011, email forwarded to Hunter, Cruise’s colleague at Alcoa, Pei Cheng, wrote to Cruise: “I don’t believe the data analysis is worth the full $55,000. I think the most valuable piece for us would be the list of Russian elites connected to OD [Deripaska] that would not otherwise be on Government Affairs team’s radar, including various Russian Committee Heads, Union leaders or Ministers.”

Cheng also noted Hunter’s political pedigree in her email: “Rosemont Seneca [has] Co-chairmen: Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, and Christopher Heinz . . . stepson of Sen. John Kerry”.


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f10cec  No.14824005



Nobody ever asks Alex Jones about his fake Q, Zach.

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c27e18  No.14824006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dc6cc6  No.14824007


It already is the 4th quarter

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eee0a9  No.14824008

File: 77771f96bd476bf⋯.png (477.94 KB, 479x480, 479:480, file_store_53.png)


>trust me I'm a doctor

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6c6684  No.14824009

File: 458acf49672945f⋯.jpg (131.42 KB, 1282x674, 641:337, bird.jpg)

Jesus please let this plat will be formed correctly


>QAnon billboards are a thing now. This one's in Georgia.


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d0cae0  No.14824010

File: dbdb96dc15d3cfb⋯.jpg (10.34 KB, 200x289, 200:289, hunterfather44.jpg)

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c27e18  No.14824012


"lwt me ask you something. If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?"

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f10cec  No.14824013



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8d6c94  No.14824014


You make taking your notables easy, thanks

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a6e710  No.14824015

File: 6c0bf3c68c729c6⋯.png (3.19 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, qclock_q_djt_3_4x3NOv12del….png)

File: 0f7a6e040a55f45⋯.png (6.96 MB, 4100x2400, 41:24, qclock_vanillaMoonphotojus….png)

MOAR Full Moon?

My eyes and my memory aren't what they used to be.

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aaf32b  No.14824016

>>14823999 trips

As you go through life, remember the little people.

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da7368  No.14824017

File: 105375e8116440c⋯.jpg (377.59 KB, 1325x861, 1325:861, _NCSWIC_.jpg)


>“Stop worrying about wokers and start worrying about workers”

Coon Militia

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d0cae0  No.14824018

File: 804753f920a709e⋯.jpg (19.49 KB, 193x255, 193:255, 7be34eb4e34a426df1fd2daa56….jpg)


chkt and interrupted

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f4c48b  No.14824019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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43d471  No.14824020

File: 30f503fe8c9777e⋯.png (187.7 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Trump Blasts Biden, Boosts Fracking in PA Tele-Rally

President Donald Trump virtually returned to the Keystone State on Sunday evening for the first time in a few months to host a “tele-rally.”

During his 30 minute speech, Trump attempted to paint former Vice President Joe Biden as a “radical Democrat,” and leveled a series of attacks on the Democratic presidential hopeful from their differences on the energy industry and questioning if the former VP, a Scranton native, is really a “Pennsylvanian.”

“Fracking is a big factor in Pennsylvania,” Trump said. “In your history the greatest year you ever had, fracking is a big, big factor in Pennsylvania jobs and success and your low taxes.” …


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dc6a74  No.14824021


Give us a rock solid prediction clockfag.

Not something that happened yesterday mapped into your gadget after the fact.

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59a5d4  No.14824022

File: 430309f4d66a4f4⋯.png (71.48 KB, 709x658, 709:658, ClipboardImage.png)

The Government that is protecting pedophile networks which involve Judges elite and a former PM with 80 and 90 year suppression orders now is doing this

$146 million strategy to combat child sexual abuse across Australia

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced an imminent 10-year national strategy for the prevention of child sexual abuse.

The announcement, given in Parliament, came a day ahead of the anniversary of the national apology to the victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse.

The Commonwealth has set aside $146 million for the first four years of the national plan, which will include extra law enforcement measures and support for victims and survivors.

The details of the plan will be unveiled next week, during National Children's Week.

"Our national apologies have always been days of reckoning," Mr Morrison said.

"Those days of reckoning have become importantly part of our national story.

"The apologies reflect our acknowledgement of our failures as a people. As a liberal, democratic people we are not afraid of our history."

Mr Morrison also announced that the Blue Knot Foundation, Australian Childhood Foundation, and Healing Foundation, would partner to build the $22.5 million National Centre for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, as recommended by the Royal Commission.


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c27e18  No.14824023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>"lwt me ask you something. If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?"

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bd8ca1  No.14824024

File: c36690a92df8b93⋯.png (428.24 KB, 824x464, 103:58, pdyiRf3.png)

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e9ddf4  No.14824025

File: b94f64f2e550405⋯.png (391.58 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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e79e8b  No.14824026

File: c5e55e5fb932a96⋯.jpg (88.32 KB, 600x335, 120:67, WhatIfIamthe100thMonkey.jpg)

File: 7c7ed173d11019a⋯.jpg (91.49 KB, 600x335, 120:67, 100thPepe.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!!

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4751a5  No.14824027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Canada's Bruce Xiaoyu Liu has won 1st prize at the 18th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition

Bruce Xiaoyu Liu, a 24-year-old pianist from Montreal, has won first prize and the gold medal at the 18th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw. Toronto's JJ Jun Li Bui, 17, was awarded sixth prize.

They were two of 12 finalists who performed a concerto with the Warsaw Philharmonic and conductor Andrzej Boreyko in the competition's final round, held on Oct. 18, 19 and 20.

Liu is a graduate of the Montreal Conservatoire, where he studied under Richard Raymond, and is currently a student of Đặng Thái Sơn, who won first prize at the Chopin Competition in 1980 and was a member of the jury this year.

Bui is a recent graduate of the Royal Conservatory of Music's Taylor Academy, where he studied with Li Wang and Michael Berkovsky.

First prize comes with a $57,000 cash award; the sixth prize winner receives $10,000. In a press conference following the announcement of the prize winners, a spokesperson for the jury explained that due to the high level of musicianship at this edition of the competition, they awarded eight prizes instead of the usual six.

Second prize was awarded ex aequo to Alexander Gadjiev of Italy/Slovenia and Kyohei Sorita of Japan. Third prize went to Martin Garcia Garcia of Spain; fourth prize was awarded ex aequo to Japanese pianist Aimi Kobayashi and Polish pianist Jakub Kuszlik. Leonora Armellini, from Italy, received fifth prize.

"Being able to play Chopin in Warsaw is one of the best things you can imagine," Liu said upon learning that he had won first prize. At the press conference, he added, "I'm happy to finally be able to sleep and party."

To reach the competition's final, Bui and Liu advanced through a preliminary round held in July (150 pianists took part), to then perform three successive solo recitals in October: Stage 1 (87 pianists), Stage 2 (45 pianists) and Stage 3 (23 pianists).

Here is Liu's first prize-winning performance of Chopin's Piano Concerto in E Minor:

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da7368  No.14824028


>Coon Militia

The title " Coonass Militia" was changed to "Cajun Militia" in 1992, and subsequently changed to "Bayou Militia" in the late 1990s. The LA ANG use Warning Area airspace over the Gulf of Mexico for most of their training.


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c27e18  No.14824029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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59a5d4  No.14824030

File: 520357c6b1037c0⋯.png (128.53 KB, 306x423, 34:47, ClipboardImage.png)

One of Australia's richest men Mike Cannon-Brookes and his wife will donate $1.5 BILLION of their $33.5billion fortune to fighting climate change

Billionaire couple Mike and Annie Cannon-Brookes donate to climate change

Mr Cannon-Brookes is third on Australia's Rich List for 2021 worth $33.5billion

Atlassian founder donating money towards combatting global warming by 2030

Australian billionaires Mike and Annie Cannon-Brookes have pledged a slice of their wealth to helping the country fight climate change.

Mr Cannon-Brookes, third on the Rich List for 2021 with a net worth of $33.5 billion, said the government needed to do more to address the 'growing environmental crisis facing the world and Australia'.

The couple are donating $1.5 billion, including $1 billion in financial investments towards cutting carbon emissions and $500 million in philanthropic endeavours, all aimed at limiting global warming to 1.5C.

'The two things required here is the ambition, and the urgency,' Mr Cannon-Brookes told AFR.

'The next decade is the time that really matters, not, not the next 30 years to 2050. And that's what I'd like to see more philanthropists and investments doing, looking at the now.'


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a3afef  No.14824031

File: 3ea75ac4deafa71⋯.jpg (40.03 KB, 680x385, 136:77, yILbrkB3.jpg)

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c27e18  No.14824032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a6e710  No.14824033

File: 2855ea6ad027218⋯.jpg (77.24 KB, 640x640, 1:1, doaflip.jpg)


Do a flip, faggot.

It isn't for predictions.

News unlocks the map.

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17de1e  No.14824034

File: 8a405f6eea0e5af⋯.jpg (603.38 KB, 1047x1573, 1047:1573, Screenshot_20211020_190042….jpg)

A Department of Corrections representative said 92 percent of employees are vaccinated, lower than the state average at 95 percent.


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9be2be  No.14824035

File: c16a236889c140a⋯.jpg (106.76 KB, 512x498, 256:249, c16a236889c140a594e1297676….jpg)


o7 Baker.

:Trump is the TRUMP-CARD.

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acbe9a  No.14824036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Golden Earring

8,263,134 viewsOct 6, 2017

This Classic Track by Golden Earring is another fan-favorite that was requested very often and again it was a lot of fun to do. I’ll keep working my way through my to-do-list!


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6e6939  No.14824037

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You are Living Under an Occultocracy, Not A Democracy


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aaf32b  No.14824038

File: db610d5a01a3577⋯.png (477.03 KB, 413x387, 413:387, BostonMemeParty_Pepes.png)

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7c87eb  No.14824039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thanks' be to GOD. One of the diminishing places I can look at and still see the TRUTH.

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3279c6  No.14824040

File: 41418fbaf09853e⋯.jpeg (118.23 KB, 1168x338, 584:169, 1130468A_37F6_4CA0_99ED_5….jpeg)


Donald J. Trump


"@GirlDayTrader: Our new President will provide something we've never had before.#TRUTHeven if it hurts. #Trump https://t.co/lZFolvR38a"

Oct 20th 2015 - 8:40:18 PM EST

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8df84a  No.14824041


Q is here. Team is here. So is POTUS.

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a6e710  No.14824042

File: 199a955c3d0a64a⋯.jpg (743.96 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening21.jpg)

File: e01bb8389c6d611⋯.jpg (685.42 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening51.jpg)

File: ef0bc059227e7ce⋯.jpeg (16.5 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 72EACB5B_9E8B_4E26_B13E_7….jpeg)

Full Moon on some of these images.

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c27e18  No.14824043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e9ddf4  No.14824044

File: eef8d0987a46948⋯.png (1.07 MB, 888x636, 74:53, ClipboardImage.png)

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d83270  No.14824045

File: 4874093f0a86f42⋯.png (109.9 KB, 339x258, 113:86, 2021_09_19_00_01_01.png)


>One of Australia's richest men Mike Cannon-Brookes and his wife will donate $1.5 BILLION of their $33.5billion fortune to fighting climate change


Child eeters?

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dc6a74  No.14824046


I can give you a rock solid prediction.

There will be a full moon 28 days from today.

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ca01fe  No.14824047

File: 9920d14bf725fb8⋯.png (72.07 KB, 3607x1021, 3607:1021, 1634777775337.png)

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4751a5  No.14824048

File: e7d5b1a3930d414⋯.mp4 (9.14 MB, 640x800, 4:5, pianooo.mp4)

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dde9c3  No.14824049

It's time for some habbenings.

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c27e18  No.14824050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8ca4b7  No.14824051

File: af31d189fd8fdc9⋯.png (627.2 KB, 519x495, 173:165, hPP8E0DZ.png)

Always remember: It took someone that spent the first 50 years of their life as a man to become the first female 4 star admiral. "The military is the only way" is making them do wonderfully stupid things that will boomerang back on them badly.

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59a5d4  No.14824052

File: 86a9de36b05f2ec⋯.png (36.51 KB, 665x475, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Public Interest Legal Foundation Files Lawsuit Over Illegal Absentee Ballots in Fairfax County in Advance of VA Gubernatorial Election

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Virginia Public Policy Institute on Wednesday alleging illegal absentee ballot procedures in Fairfax County, Virginia in the 2020 general election.

The move comes less than two weeks before Election Day in the highly contentious gubernatorial race between former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-VA) and Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin.

PILF’s aggressive action to address issues of election integrity in advance of the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election in a pre-emptive legal strike represents a marked contrast to the after-the-fact election integrity challenges made to the November 2020 general election across the country by Republican organizations and conservative nonprofits.

“Fairfax County is not following the rules for absentee ballots,” PILF President J. Christian Adams said in a statement released on Wednesday.

“These rules exist to protect the right to vote and must always be followed to ensure free and fair elections. Virginians deserve a gubernatorial election that follows the rule of law,” Adams added.

PILF “filed a complaint and motion for an injunction against the Fairfax County General Registrar and three members of the Fairfax County Election Board for violating Virginia election law, the statement noted:

The case is brought on behalf of the Virginia Institute for Public Policy, a local organization that promotes election integrity. The lawsuit explains that Fairfax County is violating Virginia law by accepting and approving applications for absentee and mail-in ballots that do not include the last four digits of the applicant’s Social Security number, as required under Virginia statues.

The requirement to provide the last four digits protects the right to vote. It ensures that nobody loses their right to vote because a ballot has been sent to someone else.

Fairfax County is not only violating Virginia law, but also the Virginia Constitution. The Constitution’s Anti-Suspension Clause requires that laws passed by the Virginia’s legislature are supreme to any act by a local government employee or even the Governor himself. This is important because it restrains election officials in Virginia from disregarding and replacing election administration laws.

PILF asked the Fairfax County Court to “preliminarily and permananently enjoin the Defendants from:”

continuing to violate the Constitution of Virginia, Virginia Statutes, and any other relevant authorities with respect to absentee and mail-in applicants and ballots.

sending absentee and mail-in ballots to any applicant who did not follow Virginia law and include the last four digits of his or her Social Security number on the application

approving additional absentee and mail-in ballot applications that do not comply with Virginia law and include the last four digits of the applicant’s Social Security number and from enrolling applicants who submit such applications


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8f79d2  No.14824053

File: 0a33308479f433d⋯.png (365.9 KB, 579x500, 579:500, M_587.png)

File: b1e926493c5043b⋯.png (509.46 KB, 890x605, 178:121, M_923a1c.png)

Only 6 days left.

A lot of finger pointing going on.

Who will be their scapegoat ?


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8d6c94  No.14824054




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a3afef  No.14824055

File: 49f01f0b87fa874⋯.png (414.35 KB, 430x707, 430:707, 49f01f0b87fa87408f0a1a6c8f….png)

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c27e18  No.14824056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2a805a  No.14824057


Imagine the smell.

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dde9c3  No.14824058


6 days till what?

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d0cae0  No.14824059

File: 529d8713f44b664⋯.jpeg (36.17 KB, 427x427, 1:1, OIP_50_.jpeg)


tetras chkt

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4c98cb  No.14824060


Karen Kingston is the highest ranking Karen. <3

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a6e710  No.14824061

File: 044d2af8e99e194⋯.png (1.88 MB, 2062x2062, 1:1, 1qclock_q_djt_8_DtoL.png)

File: 949fb557199d2e4⋯.png (6.41 MB, 3600x3900, 12:13, DTLkillerwhaleBOOMwDS.png)

File: 3968e3c08050cda⋯.png (3.36 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, gameoverclock.png)

DARK TO LIGHT marker this week.

GAME OVER clock as a bonus.

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d83270  No.14824062

File: 73d72921822daf2⋯.png (133.18 KB, 345x308, 345:308, bewbs_copy.png)

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587e29  No.14824063

File: ef62b242fac7410⋯.png (24.95 KB, 628x238, 314:119, epstein_zorro_ranch_1.PNG)

File: 154e66eead84de6⋯.png (565.52 KB, 636x427, 636:427, epstein_zorro_ranch_2.PNG)

JEFFREY Epstein’s notorious Zorro Ranch had three computer rooms "the size of houses" to spy on famous guests including Prince Andrew, one of the pedophile's victims has claimed.

Former employee Maria Farmer alleges footage would include the Duke of York's alleged seven-day stay at Epstein's 33,339 square foot desert estate in New Mexico in 2000.

Epstein reportedly had the warped idea of using the ranch for inseminating women with his sperm with the aim of creating a 'master race'.

Local radio station owner Eddie Aragon has obtained architect plans, which date back to 1998, five years after Epstein purchased the property.

The plans, obtained by The Sun, reveal a huge underground floor, around 8,000 sq ft in size, which includes exercise, massage and jacuzzi rooms, later transformed into a pool area.

They also show three unusually large "mechanical rooms" on this lower floor.

Farmer claims the rooms, usually for a boiler and electrics, were packed with Epstein and alleged accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell's computers and video equipment for his spying network.

She told The Sun: "All of Epstein's residences had these mechanical rooms and tunnel systems. I know this because Epstein told me.

"These rooms were enormous - bigger than houses. I have no idea why anyone needs so many computers in one room.

"There were pinhole cameras to record everything on every estate. The cameras were ubiquitous. You couldn't see them unless they were pointed out to you."

Epstein had many guests at his ranch over the years, including Prince Andrew, who allegedly vacationed there with his neurosurgeon 'friend' Dr Melanie Walker, whom former Zorro housekeeper Deidre Stratton described as "beautiful, young and brilliant".

Stratton previously claimed she was tasked with looking after the royal and his guest, who asked her for tea which would make him "horny", claiming: "She asked me to find one that would make him more horny, that he hadn't been interested in her. I'm guessing because she understood her job was to entertain him."

The Sun previously reached out to Walker, who has never commented on her relationship with the Duke.

The Duke also allegedly spent two days alone at Epstein's ranch in 2001 with the billionaire paedophile's "sex slave" Virginia Roberts, court documents claimed.


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f4c48b  No.14824064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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357410  No.14824065


>Mike Cannon-Brookes

"In September 2020, it was revealed that Cannon-Brookes was listed on a Chinese Government ‘Overseas Key Individuals Database’ of prominent international individuals of interest for China illustrating his prominence in the Australian technological and industry landscape.[9] "

Chinese spy

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8d6c94  No.14824066

File: 6741cd97884ebaf⋯.png (409.09 KB, 457x584, 457:584, 6741cd97884ebafd83b8152ab6….png)

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d6c320  No.14824067

File: 5bb56e2a82d232e⋯.jpeg (60.87 KB, 446x735, 446:735, 387FBE2E_7ED7_4409_9267_B….jpeg)

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aaf32b  No.14824068

File: bd01ff99614b09b⋯.png (666.28 KB, 673x747, 673:747, Greta_One_burp_Etna.png)


>One of Australia's richest men Mike Cannon-Brookes and his wife will donate $1.5 BILLION of their $33.5billion fortune to fighting climate change

Good they can toss it all into Mt. Aso for Greta.

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34160d  No.14824069

File: bd1bbd5b14d9d07⋯.png (13.82 KB, 448x409, 448:409, ClipboardImage.png)



No, it was $10.00



The 17.33 was the highest price atm.

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bd8ca1  No.14824070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c8bc43  No.14824071

Sadduces = Libs

Pharisees = GOP

Essenes = Anons

There ia nothing new under the Sun. Same fucking divide and rule as always.

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8d6c94  No.14824072

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c27e18  No.14824073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8df84a  No.14824074

Who thinks that the election coming up in Virginia will be stolen by the democrat/communist just like 2020 and the recall in Ca?

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969dda  No.14824075


If it were in San Francisco every other dude would be getting a blumpkin from some toothless bearded junky

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f10cec  No.14824076


you are the adorbs poster

no one says that here. you did about 10 months ago when posting that vid

how are you? silver and cold?

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e9ddf4  No.14824077

File: c4cf65a8d41d7f9⋯.png (496.12 KB, 1333x760, 1333:760, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4cf65a8d41d7f9⋯.png (496.12 KB, 1333x760, 1333:760, ClipboardImage.png)

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dc6a74  No.14824078

File: a132e284f87a3f1⋯.png (575.63 KB, 1920x941, 1920:941, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb2d33a25081919⋯.png (15.94 KB, 554x519, 554:519, ClipboardImage.png)

SAM491 GLF5 coming in from Europe (RAF Fairford UK)

Mapping Q491

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1b23f5  No.14824079


:37 or -23

Mirror 1:07

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ca01fe  No.14824080

File: c539e9a02253f06⋯.jpg (191.08 KB, 2204x1238, 1102:619, _20211020_221035.JPG)

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34160d  No.14824081

File: 081cb64b9c21bc5⋯.png (606.52 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e926b79271b87a⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbced1a79efc2c8⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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c27e18  No.14824082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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da7368  No.14824083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


SECRET RECORDING: Exxon Exec Reveals How Politicians Are Bought

>33,926 views Oct 20, 2021

DR Dan

DR Dan

3 hours ago

How are they bought? Just visit the art gallery where Hunter is selling his finger paintings for half million each.

Eddie Roy

Eddie Roy

3 hours ago

This is because of no accountability our justice system is compromised.

Jojo Adeyemi

Jojo Adeyemi

3 hours ago

This is why Dave Chapelles comedy special dominates the news. This story should be starting criminal investigations.



3 hours ago

Something tells me Jimmy is going to be the only person talking about this.

hey you , hi.

hey you , hi.

3 hours ago

What's actually surprising is that people don't already know this. Bought and paid for government has been around for decades, probably longer. Keep voting for your professional wrestler.

Luis S

Luis S

3 hours ago

It doesn’t matter how organized or clean cut or well suited a company or government, and unfortunately, justice can look. Down to the core they’re corrupt.



3 hours ago

Carbon Tax is passed on to the working class so its nothing more than another burden for working families. How about we force shareholders to pay fucking income tax instead?



3 hours ago

So Exxon has a "private and public persona".

Sounds familiar.

Callum Bush

Callum Bush

3 hours ago

Bribery is really sophisticated nowadays!

God Mecha Isaaczilla

God Mecha Isaaczilla

3 hours ago

And people think anyone else will be a straight shooter. Hahahahaha.

randy osborne

randy osborne

3 hours ago

Congress is for sale. And they wouldn't have it any other way. Whips and Leaders are the comptroller of the donor money, campaign contributions and special interest money. Then the Whips and Leaders whip the congressional party into how they were paid.

the Last

the Last

3 hours ago

They should just put politicians on Amazon so everyone can just see how much they cost.



3 hours ago

I love how gleefully he says that political will and courage doesn’t exist in politics

I mean the wholehearted confidence in the statement is just sooo amazing…

Debbie Box

Debbie Box

1 hour ago (edited)

Just a Re-Minder "Prior to joining the Trump administration, Tillerson was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Exxon Mobil."

My So Called Reality

My So Called Reality

2 hours ago

We need roads and bridges because they are being destroyed by companies that don’t pay the taxes for them… incredible… you need to start moving your stuff to Rumble sir…thank you 🙏🏼

julio rosa

julio rosa

3 hours ago

It's called Lobbying, in the USA. In Europe it's called European Union, because individual countries have laws against corruption. This "insider" is about 50 years late at least.

Waiting for someone to come up with a solution.

Suggestion: make lobbying illegal, make off-shores illegal, make campaign financing illegal. That is a good start.

Politicians can use tweeter to pass the message. It's free.

spitfire red

spitfire red

3 hours ago

Bravo Jimmy for putting this out there, I pray that everyone will see this and Wake the Hell Up! Be Safe and Healthy!

Jonathan Haun

Jonathan Haun

3 hours ago

The Klepto-Fascist bipartiscam…. one party, two symbols

Peter Stoughton

Peter Stoughton

3 hours ago

Magic 101, distract them with the left hand while the right hand is where the action is.

Yasmine Rivera

Yasmine Rivera

3 hours ago

This is why I love the Jimmy Dore's show, things like this would NEVER been reported in CORPORATE OWNED MEDIA

Felipe I

Felipe I

3 hours ago

and people still fighting each other over political parties….



3 hours ago

This should be on every news agency.

Gilbert Gélinas

Gilbert Gélinas

3 hours ago

"… it would take political courage. And that doesn't exist…"



3 hours ago

So its Exxon and not the Russians. Epic plot twist

Tina Smith

Tina Smith

3 hours ago

The answer is simple though. We all just need to stop voting for anyone who doesn't support ending corporate campaign donations and ending lobbying. It won't be hard because it's got 90% support.

james walker

james walker

3 hours ago

So blatant even before they say it out loud

So obvious even before they admit it in public

I suspect their response will be So what!

Com ment

Com ment

3 hours ago (edited)

Noone talks about Citizens United. It has been a disaster for America and the world.

>Stay calm and carry Jimmy…

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a3afef  No.14824084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a1a48a  No.14824085


DEclass on the truth ?

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e9ddf4  No.14824086

File: d30fc627487b5cc⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1079x699, 1079:699, ClipboardImage.png)

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4751a5  No.14824087

File: 281ef4937efa5f0⋯.mp4 (5.58 MB, 426x240, 71:40, leon.mp4)

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59a5d4  No.14824088

File: 6fc4bb0a710c06a⋯.png (951.63 KB, 900x506, 450:253, ClipboardImage.png)

$2.6 Billion Deal for China Evergrande Collapses, Shares Set to Slide 10.5 Percent

HONG KONG—Shares of China Evergrande Group are set to fall 10.5 percent on Thursday after a deal to sell a $2.6 billion stake in its property services unit fell through, in the latest blow to the developer whose massive debt woes have rattled global markets.

Evergrande Property Services Group’s stock was set to drop 8 percent as trading in both companies’ shares resumed.

In a statement late on Wednesday, Evergrande said it had scrapped a deal to sell a 50.1 percent stake in its property services arm to smaller rival Hopson Development Holdings.


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99d472  No.14824089

File: bb5135b6cd2deb3⋯.jpg (76.34 KB, 600x444, 50:37, classroom.jpg)

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67494e  No.14824090

File: ac5dbec64b621e2⋯.png (685.83 KB, 872x565, 872:565, The_Best.png)


kekitty kek dub dubs

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acbe9a  No.14824091


>, 1634777775337.png) (h) (u)

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f4c48b  No.14824092


you sound desperate

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c8bc43  No.14824093


They have no choice but to steal the election and to destroy anyone who tries to prevent it or expose them. Easy for them woth the C_A, the FBI, and the NSA is their backyards, each with unlimited warrants to murder, blackmail or otherwise destroy anyone who would get in their way.

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8d6c94  No.14824094

File: e5ec74e63862b14⋯.png (684.44 KB, 1004x1250, 502:625, 434852ca12b81f97adfef5c25f….png)

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f10cec  No.14824095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


here is some top kek nobody is really talking about. proves this is a movie. Jan 6 hearing votes to arrest (or some shit) Bannon. This comes out today?

Jeffrey Epstein NEW Interview Teaser w/ Steve Bannon

Oct 20, 2021


45 subscribers

Previously unseen footage of Jeffrey Epstein from Steve Bannon's upcoming show "The Monsters".


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969dda  No.14824096


Oh shit is this for real? The fucking markets are fucked!

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a566a0  No.14824097


Translation: donation to the state of the nation

induces further 'climate' change.

Thinks he's bought himself a ticket to Elysium.

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ca01fe  No.14824098


>DEclass on the truth ?

^ ^


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c27e18  No.14824099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8d6c94  No.14824100


>>14823770 @300


>>14823802 Bill Clinton tweet (Cap 1:00)

>>14823837 Woolworths and Coles demand ALL 250,000 of their Australian workers get a Covid jab or face being sacked in sweeping vaccine mandates

>>14823799, >>14823839 Taking your 2nd jab and reducing your immune system by 40% jelly baby will be the only baby you will have from now on. infertile

>>14823840, >>14823631 lb, >>14823926, >>14823977 Digital World Acquisition Corp 9.96 was 17.33

>>14823867, >>14823887, >>14823905, >>14823944, >>14823995 Lindell tv Luciferase

>>14823913 Matt Gaetz: 'Dc Capitol Police Wont Arrest Assasin Who Was Contracted To Take Me Out

>>14823916, >>14823963, >>14824040 Truth 1 year deltas TRUTH = TRUTH social

>>14823852 Full Moon Fever 2

>>14823931 Britain in talks to sell missiles in arms deal with Ukraine -The Times http://reut.rs/3E1ahDv

>>14824004 Hunter Biden pitched himself as expert in Russian oligarch targeted by FBI: Devine

>>14824022, >>14824054 Australian Gov protecting their own pedos while spending $146 million strategy to combat child sexual abuse across Australia

>>14824030, >>14824065 Chinese spy and Australian Mike Cannon-Brookes and his wife will donate $1.5 BILLION of their $33.5billion fortune to fighting climate change


Baker has a date in an hour, looking for a handoff

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c27e18  No.14824101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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616f5e  No.14824102

haven't been on the board for a couple days, it seems to be running much better

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1a263c  No.14824103


8kun For Normies?

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c27e18  No.14824104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4751a5  No.14824105

File: 7db314976057b17⋯.png (632.89 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


You are here.

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2318b1  No.14824106


Gonna need a Truth Social invite.

(captchas are badass right now)

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59a5d4  No.14824107

File: e49a057fe4d268b⋯.png (554.66 KB, 882x863, 882:863, ClipboardImage.png)

Newman: "Deep State Cannot Stop Unprecedented Awakening"

Award winning journalist Alex Newman says, “The Deep State globalists cannot stop the “unprecedented awakening going on in America.”

Newman, who wrote the popular book called “Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes,” explains, “Everybody knows that the press is lying…"

" Nobody believes the press anymore. ‘Let’s go Brandon.’ Everybody knows this is absolutely absurd. The point is not to make people believe these absurdities anymore. The point now is to demoralize people and to really silence us. That’s what’s going on with sicking the FBI and DOJ on parents complaining about hate being taught to their children, and that’s what’s going on with the propaganda…

They want to silence us. They want to intimidate us. They want to bully us, and they want to terrorize us into staying quite…

AG Garland said all these parents are intimidating and harassing school boards. What could be more intimidating than sicking one of the world’s most powerful law enforcement agency on parents expressing their concern? I can’t think of more things that would be more intimidating than that. So, the irony is off the charts, but the goal here is to silence people into submission.”

Newman says the threats and bullying are backfiring and is not working in the least. There is good news, and Newman explains,

“They trot out these people to demoralize us and to scare us and make us think that everything is over. Just keep your head down and comply, but it’s not working.

It is absolutely not working.

We have an awakening going on in this country… there’s an awakening that is happening here that is unprecedented in the modern history of this country. It is such good news, but now we are in a race against time. They are trying to collapse the supply chain and trying to implode everything before enough people wake up and do something about it.”


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e9ddf4  No.14824108


>8kun For Normies?

#Qanon will trend again!!!

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4751a5  No.14824109

File: 758950276462d09⋯.png (344.79 KB, 444x554, 222:277, miles2.png)

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c8bc43  No.14824110


Ohhh, the exposed a climate denier. Real strong fakenews there.

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a3afef  No.14824111

File: 7f1d54542afc9ca⋯.jpg (50.72 KB, 1078x1086, 539:543, FB1izpgaIAEZDh3.jpg)

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2318b1  No.14824112


How is that not a girl?

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aaf32b  No.14824113


>Who thinks that the election coming up in Virginia will be stolen by the democrat/communist just like 2020 and the recall in Ca?

Blacks aren't falling for the Stacy Abram's pitch.

Virginia is not Georgia and they can see the disingenuousness of McAulife in trotting her out.

Also that Kamala Kameleon (black? asian?) doing the holy roller circuit. They all see what the Democrats do to them after they get their vote.

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2a805a  No.14824114


Forever denying the opportunity to a real woman to hold that distinction because of this ridiculous faggotry.

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dc6a74  No.14824116


Seems a bit tiresome to start all this shit again from scratch.

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446376  No.14824117

File: e5e5a66efe9eee0⋯.png (561.48 KB, 1126x316, 563:158, yahoo1020.PNG)

What is this bs about?

All I can think of is they

found out onions kills covid…

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67494e  No.14824118

File: e7f6536bc718c63⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1023x915, 341:305, Big_Events.png)


Cost of shipping gonna go geometric… who gonna insure all those ships now?

Does anyone know how much anyone really has now… how much net worth is real?

Looks like some rich people gonna wake up insta-poor

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2318b1  No.14824119


There's still a Woolsworths???

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f2fca9  No.14824120



Evergreen back on the market today after being paused Sept 30th, -7% in first hour

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eee0a9  No.14824121

File: 3eb1aff72363a11⋯.jpg (95.26 KB, 720x988, 180:247, 20211020_201613.jpg)

File: 31a043a351bac8d⋯.mp4 (265.11 KB, 244x432, 61:108, YniVMGcQydRWI88I.mp4)


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616f5e  No.14824122


so does wormwood

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f5e17e  No.14824123

File: f4c6e71deb1ac5a⋯.jpg (59.02 KB, 780x792, 65:66, ZomboMeme_06022021191043.jpg)

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2318b1  No.14824124


Thank you very bigly baker.

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4751a5  No.14824125

File: fad2df1b6cbcd6c⋯.png (660.28 KB, 1012x479, 1012:479, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd12d4e424fadfd⋯.jpg (19.1 KB, 754x506, 377:253, flag.jpg)

Honk Honk

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8f79d2  No.14824126

File: dbccf00748fc842⋯.gif (7.62 MB, 400x300, 4:3, globe_00.gif)


>6 days till what?


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0fd9e8  No.14824127

File: 4fdcc661b6e8018⋯.jpg (83.78 KB, 550x453, 550:453, 4fdcc661b6e8018cf8914650f5….jpg)



Not interested in hypefagging up a new company.

I'd settle for some big name arrests, not more social media.

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429157  No.14824128

File: 240bd5f495fe1c6⋯.png (484.41 KB, 720x405, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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371210  No.14824129

New version of the 8kun Bread Launcher is now available

It's been almost exactly a year since the original version of the Bread Launcher came out and now, finally, it has auto-updating and posting capability.

The Post Office feature is now fully implemented. Includes the capability to create new threads and to manage 5 posts per instance.

There is no better way to consume or make bread than this.

Go to my new GitHub Pages website: https://8chananon.github.io

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e9ddf4  No.14824130

File: 3beb85bcfd7cec1⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1615x911, 1615:911, ClipboardImage.png)


>Seems a bit tiresome to start all this shit again from scratch.

it wasnt scratch

it was foreplay

we are stronger than ever now

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8d6c94  No.14824131

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4751a5  No.14824132

File: 882d26225be35d4⋯.png (51.77 KB, 210x192, 35:32, ClipboardImage.png)

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e79e8b  No.14824133


>What is that on his shirt…is it a pineapple or some other fruit? The colors just reminded me of Jill Biden's citrus dress.

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dc6cc6  No.14824134


And you think MSM would report said arrests?

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a3afef  No.14824135

File: 44197483194d8c6⋯.png (110.2 KB, 535x705, 107:141, Screenshot_2021_10_20_at_2….png)

Michael Salla


Much chatter that major disclosures are to begin with Oct 27 release of the last of the suppressed JFK Assassination files. Is the CIA finally going to be fingered for ordering the hit? CIA Counter Intel chief controlled UFO files JFK wanted to release:


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aaf32b  No.14824136

File: f932b7ead88a396⋯.png (260.69 KB, 600x600, 1:1, pepe_pulling_the_plug.png)


>$2.6 Billion Deal for China Evergrande Collapses, Shares Set to Slide 10.5 Percent

All the on-shore insiders made whole?

Ok, pull the plug.

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17de73  No.14824137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YUP they wakin'

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bdb149  No.14824138

File: 3b35aa6066fd05f⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1339x600, 1339:600, ClipboardImage.png)

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a6e710  No.14824139

File: d9be98c18fc3862⋯.png (7.87 MB, 3600x3600, 1:1, 1qclock_vanilla_2_36x3644O….png)

File: 1ac87aa8704b6f2⋯.png (4.92 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 1qclock_q_djt_15_3x3oct22B….png)

Some other recent clocks.

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126cfe  No.14824140


Wait, what? When did he interview him? Before or after he didn’t kill himself

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2318b1  No.14824141

Two minutes into this bred. Not usual.

Something is at play.

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c27e18  No.14824142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d83270  No.14824143

File: f8e515e3d0b8996⋯.png (318.58 KB, 492x350, 246:175, 2021_10_20_22_15_51.png)


>Sadduces = Libs

>Pharisees = GOP

>Essenes = Anons

>There ia nothing new under the Sun. Same fucking divide and rule as always.

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04ae92  No.14824144

File: ecd4c3fdb647b73⋯.png (373.31 KB, 580x377, 20:13, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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616f5e  No.14824145


what pattern are you seeing?

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4751a5  No.14824146

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB, 640x360, 16:9, wtc7.mp4)


China’s ‘controlled demolition’ plan for Evergrande marks the end of its housing boom

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dc4a38  No.14824147

RE: Experts Puzzled By Why Haiti Has One of the Lowest COVID-19 Death Rates In the World Despite Administering Zero Vaccine Doses: ‘We Don’t Know’

Haiti uses chloroquine widely for malaria prevention.


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c27e18  No.14824148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d90bdc  No.14824149


"the people enjoyed the ride of their lives - only is such high moments of historical prosperity can one do such grand extravagances - truly an modern progressive expression saving democracy


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e99234  No.14824150

Behold, I give you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will in any way hurt you.

Luke 10:19

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ca01fe  No.14824151


>Haiti uses chloroquine widely for malaria prevention.

the irony of it all

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67494e  No.14824152

File: e7c46365752307b⋯.png (99.57 KB, 760x355, 152:71, Ping_An.png)

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a3afef  No.14824153

File: 5dd767fddb04cb0⋯.png (357.55 KB, 614x692, 307:346, 03edaa303ceb90998a79e4c7a0….png)


>upcoming show "The Monsters".

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2a805a  No.14824154

File: 82cf9362df2d225⋯.png (398.68 KB, 457x584, 457:584, Night_Shift_gears_you_r_he….png)

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8c6915  No.14824155


" When you examine it closely, it all falls apart. It’s true with the clot shots. It’s true with the mandates. It’s true with the schools. It’s true with the courts, and it’s true with everything that they are doing. They have to rely on lies. The Bible says the devil is the father of lies.”

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04ae92  No.14824156

File: a6662d0aefe7ba6⋯.png (299.81 KB, 562x402, 281:201, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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08c719  No.14824157


Had the same reaction!

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c6c0ba  No.14824158

File: ba5d33b238584df⋯.png (570.53 KB, 480x720, 2:3, Night_Surf_Q.png)

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8d6c94  No.14824159


FUCK A Fucking duck, what the fuck is this distraction

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e9ddf4  No.14824160

File: 20ea073d981394d⋯.png (17.63 KB, 688x373, 688:373, ClipboardImage.png)


>Not interested in hypefagging up a new company.

some of you do not realize what is about to be unleashed

the LARGEST global information platform the world has ever seen

it will have anons from every country

and you get to be a plank holder

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f5e17e  No.14824161


Where's Gina?

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c27e18  No.14824162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

captive bolt dealer wins blumpkin award

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429157  No.14824163


do wokers have wangdoodles?

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2318b1  No.14824164


Genuine understanding.

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371210  No.14824165


>Oct 27 release of the last of the suppressed JFK Assassination files

To coincide with the anniversary of Q's first appearance?

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3795fd  No.14824166


at least the last 5-1/2 hours

noticed it about 5 minutes after an anon posted possible HRC & BO tweet comms in an earlier bread


more than average bot activity

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126cfe  No.14824167


Yeah, app not available in germany. Great fucking success.

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0fd9e8  No.14824168

File: 4fdcc661b6e8018⋯.jpg (83.78 KB, 550x453, 550:453, 4fdcc661b6e8018cf8914650f5….jpg)


>information platform


Already got one of those right here.

Not interested in hypefagging up a company for Donny.

Big name arrests will do just fine.

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bdb149  No.14824169

File: 461c504ae1ef337⋯.png (731.74 KB, 851x427, 851:427, ClipboardImage.png)



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a3afef  No.14824170

File: 3cda5224a495244⋯.png (159.57 KB, 398x679, 398:679, Screenshot_2021_10_20_at_2….png)

File: 27e6d061693ccbb⋯.png (209.92 KB, 478x711, 478:711, Screenshot_2021_10_20_at_2….png)

Adam Schiff


Just got word I’m a New York Times #1 Best-Selling Author for Midnight in Washington!

So glad that people will hear its warning, and come to democracy’s defense.

Thank you all so much for making this happen!




The final battle?

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4751a5  No.14824171

File: 257cdd0aa9a07df⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 304x224, 19:14, DeliberateEvil.mp4)

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f2fca9  No.14824172

File: 0cb6dfb4b46f19c⋯.png (3.22 MB, 1869x2039, 1869:2039, 0ccdd824551302d3e79fd8dc7e….png)

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a6e710  No.14824173

File: c72772106763131⋯.png (4.99 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 1qclock_vanilla_1_3x3JUSTI….png)

Posting problems….

Will try one at a time.

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acbe9a  No.14824174


Apr 26, 2018 — President Trump vowed last year to release all the long-secret files related to the JFK assassination, but the administration announced …


Sep 22, 2021 — — The JFK Act passed in 1992 required that all government agencies send any records concerning the JFK assassination to the National Archives …



John F. Kennedy was assassinated 58 years ago, but the U.S. government has balked at the full release of some secret CIA documents.

Jefferson MorleyRex BradfordJefferson Morley, Rex Bradford

20 October 2021 1334

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN will soon decide an obscure but potent question: Which secret files related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy should be made fully public?

When President Donald Trump faced the same decision four years ago, he delayed in the name of national security. While releasing thousands of files about the 1963 Kennedy assassination, Trump acquiesced to the demand of CIA Director Mike Pompeo to keep portions of thousands more secret until October 2021, 58 years after Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested as the gunman. For all his “deep state” rhetoric, Trump issued a memo giving the executive branch agencies four more years of secrecy.


Sep 28, 2021 — Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act (JFK Act). Passed in 1992, the JFK Act required all federal agencies and offices to identify, …

PIDB Submits Letter to President Biden Supporting Transparency in Public Release of JFK Assassination Records

September 28, 2021 By PIDB, Posted In Uncategorized

On September 27, 2021, the Public Interest Declassification Board (PIDB) submitted a letter to President Biden unanimously encouraging the maximum public release of records under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act (JFK Act). Passed in 1992, the JFK Act required all federal agencies and offices to identify, organize, and transfer copies of all records regarding the JFK assassination to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

Although the JFK Act broadly required the public disclosure of the Kennedy assassination records collection under NARA’s custody, it empowered an independent Assassination Records Review Board to postpone temporarily specific records from public disclosure, using narrow criteria specified in the JFK Act.

Those temporary postponements expired on October 25, 2017. However, the JFK Act permitted agencies to petition the President to delay the public release of those records beyond that date. Then-President Trump subsequently approved agency requests, totaling about 14,000 records, and extended postponements until October 26, 2021. Agencies have now requested that President Biden delay the public release of approximately 12,000 records a second time.

Over the past eight months, the PIDB has received many letters and comments from the public on the continued postponement of the release of these records; the writers stressed their interest in seeing them declassified and released to the public, as the JFK Act intended. As the President contemplates whether to approve the agencies’ requests, the PIDB felt it important to add its voice by advocating for the declassification of as much information as possible.

The PIDB will continue to monitor the public release of these records to ensure proper application of the JFK Act criteria for postponing release of information. Additionally, the board may consider requesting a random sampling of documents to verify that agencies are following the review procedures established by the act.

The PIDB’s letter to President Biden is now posted on the PIDB’s website, see:



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ca01fe  No.14824175

O O >>14824165



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c27e18  No.14824176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





>YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>>14824012 (You)

>>"lwt me ask you something. If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?"

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8d6c94  No.14824177



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dde9c3  No.14824178

File: 4cc5c9ad7c0bf9c⋯.jpg (238.31 KB, 648x1553, 648:1553, Screenshot_20211020_222457….jpg)

McAfee telegram Joe M video.


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8d6c94  No.14824179

File: 00ae21346725402⋯.jpeg (297.11 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, 00ae21346725402f54b4a6c5b….jpeg)

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34160d  No.14824180

File: 86fde4b311941f5⋯.png (78.64 KB, 915x610, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee48c15f7c06c10⋯.png (85.98 KB, 907x606, 907:606, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b10a503d539249⋯.png (91.37 KB, 819x867, 273:289, ClipboardImage.png)



I also just found DWACU bc of the article with the 11.3…



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3b8afa  No.14824181

File: 016765cb216539e⋯.jpg (56.24 KB, 1043x1280, 1043:1280, 016765cb216539e2beebbe85af….jpg)

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e0d744  No.14824182

File: 376856d761b536c⋯.jpeg (97.7 KB, 640x546, 320:273, DA8114BC_186E_4CF0_AEFB_3….jpeg)


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4c26e4  No.14824183

File: e978560164bb60e⋯.png (511.01 KB, 980x954, 490:477, trend.png)

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f10cec  No.14824184


>Just got word I’m a New York Times #1 Best-Selling Author for Midnight in Washington!

Hillary is not going to like this

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2318b1  No.14824185



First instinct is to not trust what I'm seeing, but yet, it's there.

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a6e710  No.14824186

File: 3d0f34db593020a⋯.png (4.84 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 1qclock_vanilla_1_3x3lexin….png)


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6e6939  No.14824187

File: 5eb0fc53f11b353⋯.png (286.63 KB, 578x432, 289:216, 99fe5945c2281686035c4df090….png)


Your black magix doesn't work here faggot

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9be2be  No.14824188


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357410  No.14824189


Go grift for bitcoin somewhere else faggot.

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73e338  No.14824190


I thought the same thing.

In Bangor, ME, there is a Howard Johnson's hotel and a Ground Round. About 3 blocks or something from each other,

It's as if timelines have split, and the location of the split is very close to that exact spot.

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241f9d  No.14824191

File: 19c33cb8269cffc⋯.png (96.95 KB, 464x477, 464:477, ClipboardImage.png)


Always grifting

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c8bc43  No.14824192


Q is talking about a global bioweapon being spread via vaccine mandate and you think it's about The Almighty Trump's little honeypot to shill for $ and bitch about the FAKENEWS.

Bet anyone who tries to talk about vaxx injuries on there gets suppressed or keelhauled by TPTB.

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d83270  No.14824193

File: 7a3e56affb20e12⋯.png (416.71 KB, 528x473, 48:43, abrams.png)


>Blacks aren't falling for the Stacy Abram's pitch.

>Virginia is not Georgia and they can see the disingenuousness of McAulife in trotting her out.

trotting her out?

Moar like a waddle…

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eee0a9  No.14824194

File: 5043f00ba332f12⋯.jpg (163.74 KB, 720x1137, 240:379, 20211020_145552.jpg)

File: 3c9376460d66f6c⋯.jpg (163.18 KB, 1080x587, 1080:587, 20211020_202707.jpg)

File: 73a2a5594677d57⋯.jpg (158.58 KB, 1080x732, 90:61, 20211020_202711.jpg)

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04ae92  No.14824195

File: c46ab5daea152d7⋯.png (309.48 KB, 579x405, 193:135, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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e99234  No.14824196

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c27e18  No.14824197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d90bdc  No.14824198

do it Q


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2318b1  No.14824199

We're there.

12 D House members not running again.

We've don't it.

We're there.

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98e32c  No.14824200

File: e4a2985b8616d26⋯.jpg (426.91 KB, 1068x791, 1068:791, Wangdoodle.jpg)

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19cbc0  No.14824201

File: b01c42bf6710f00⋯.png (163.84 KB, 1409x913, 1409:913, Daily_nothing_else_matters.png)

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a6e710  No.14824202

File: 8c226e72bdb5bc4⋯.png (3.79 MB, 3000x3200, 15:16, 3838PANICnoPPDayv2wTPwmiss….png)



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03e07b  No.14824203

File: a823f106f682050⋯.jpg (65.59 KB, 680x454, 340:227, FatSlobSuperModel.jpg)

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d3330f  No.14824204


I did not expect his voice to be weak like that. Two islands? He owned 2 islands?

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c76c2b  No.14824205

File: 94753587f3b5df5⋯.mp4 (8.37 MB, 654x366, 109:61, victor_davis_hanson_laura_….mp4)

iwo jima board shout out?

Laura looks like some kinda Stepford Wife mannequin here. Something's off.

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43d471  No.14824206

File: abdc8613b61ab36⋯.png (293.46 KB, 1730x748, 865:374, ClipboardImage.png)


chek't 2 infinity

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a3afef  No.14824207

File: 8c628ff822b20a1⋯.png (65.28 KB, 592x145, 592:145, Screenshot_2021_10_20_at_2….png)

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8f6878  No.14824208

File: 0597011bfaef589⋯.png (96.87 KB, 1920x946, 960:473, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b3ce6834bee82f⋯.png (43.71 KB, 760x372, 190:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fead7e833e1cbbc⋯.png (90.31 KB, 773x825, 773:825, ClipboardImage.png)


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dc6a74  No.14824209

File: 11134fc5e8bf6c5⋯.png (60.67 KB, 800x800, 1:1, DoubleDiamond.png)

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371210  No.14824210

File: 49ac9952b819779⋯.jpg (26.87 KB, 577x406, 577:406, Hang_in_there.jpg)


Massive white pill, kek. There is good reason to be optimistic.

Hang in there, anons. Nothing can stop what is coming.

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c17a4d  No.14824211

File: 25cb42aecb60925⋯.gif (5.26 MB, 242x270, 121:135, abrams.gif)

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8d6c94  No.14824212

File: 4de7082cd890f9f⋯.png (5.51 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 4de7082cd890f9ff00dbb3a06f….png)


That's cool, thanks, nicked

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cfddff  No.14824213


>One of Australia's richest men Mike Cannon-Brookes and his wife will donate $1.5 BILLION of their $33.5billion fortune to fighting climate change

So, THIS is one of the Australian "elite" (probably a satanic pedo too) working with the CCP to turn Australia into another communist country–

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a6e710  No.14824214

File: 7cc09e7354163c6⋯.png (667.99 KB, 1862x710, 931:355, breadsidebysidecrop.png)


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78ad33  No.14824215

File: 547557f49b17ad1⋯.jpg (30.95 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, gates_microsoft_named_afte….jpg)

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17de73  No.14824216

File: be7191fa62eb6da⋯.jpg (209.75 KB, 764x701, 764:701, nyt_1.jpg)





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91c14b  No.14824217


That's all you need to know of that touchy feeeely faggot guy.

Monarch/MK Ultra

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c27e18  No.14824218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2318b1  No.14824219


Too quick to be organic.

Try again.

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04ae92  No.14824220

File: dd29235d7ee560e⋯.png (313.9 KB, 584x408, 73:51, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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e0d744  No.14824221

File: c390fe7b35fab0b⋯.jpeg (259.65 KB, 1007x555, 1007:555, 0B0E644B_B79F_434C_A4C1_5….jpeg)


That she/he’s someone’s mandate tonight?


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dc6a74  No.14824222


Not at all.

They have TallyWhackers or HooHoos.

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08da2d  No.14824223

File: bf782651f49b310⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1080x2160, 1:2, CA6BA7AF_0078_4AD1_8346_91….png)

File: f35658ca0eef5ce⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1080x2160, 1:2, 41292C27_4B3E_4CC3_AFE1_3E….png)

File: f9982b3298250e5⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1080x2160, 1:2, E46FD4A8_18DB_4637_87E2_25….png)

File: 8b54961e56e841c⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1080x2160, 1:2, 3DE49C25_867A_4A38_BB18_DF….png)

Again with source.


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f4c48b  No.14824224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f10cec  No.14824225


oh, did not know that


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e397f0  No.14824226

File: 5c3af8f76dad831⋯.png (593.72 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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bd8ca1  No.14824227

File: 5a5e2579974d752⋯.png (544.27 KB, 1080x669, 360:223, Memeto_1607986664704.png)

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8d6c94  No.14824228


That made me feel sick, listening to Epstein

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a6e710  No.14824229

File: f0a2f3009400ead⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, clockfagsrightdisclaimersa….png)


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e9ddf4  No.14824230

File: 3716b8ee90cf3e2⋯.png (452.34 KB, 805x600, 161:120, ClipboardImage.png)


the only reason THEY are winning now is that THEY are controlling the information

#Qanon hashtag knocks out servers

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c27e18  No.14824231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5861ce  No.14824232



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2318b1  No.14824233


Well that's fresh.

And made anon spit beer through the nose, which is never ever pleasant.

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5c9aa0  No.14824234

File: 42ad67d7283a9be⋯.mp4 (9.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 42ad67d7283a9be107b772ceca….mp4)



Do it Q, Trust the plan!

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d90bdc  No.14824235


any livestream sauce on the action

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8d6c94  No.14824236

File: b24b1b8e5ab4389⋯.png (89.25 KB, 714x574, 51:41, b24b1b8e5ab438998b113627d3….png)

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19cbc0  No.14824237

File: caeaa2bae941cc2⋯.png (842 KB, 615x737, 615:737, Oct_20_Comfy.png)

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d83270  No.14824238

File: df0d3f5f084c028⋯.png (251.96 KB, 336x433, 336:433, wtf.png)


> Epstein

> 2 islands

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357410  No.14824239

File: 3a944bca2b6d188⋯.jpg (98.78 KB, 1170x764, 585:382, 953e025a295f17ab9a32f3f376….jpg)

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9e9945  No.14824240

>>14823156, >>14823278, >>14823588, >>14823274, >>14823250, >>14823292, >>14823354, >>14823550, >>14823660 Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) will soon launch a social network, named "TRUTH Social," to "rival Big Tech," per company announcement. 1.7 Billion

>>14823399 President Trump Creates Trump Media & Technology Group ‘To Stand Up To The Tyranny Of Big Tec

>>14823479 Trump announces new social media site ‘Truth Social’

>>14823491 Trump announces he is launching his own social media network called 'TRUTH Social' which will launch nationwide at the start of 2022

>>14823655 Trump Media and Technology Group and Digital World Acquisition Corp have entered into a definitive merger agreement

For the last week diverse and myriad anons have been asking “do you feel it”?, many replied and and yes, we’re feeling it. I believe this is the “it” we’ve all been asking about and feeling.

So the real question is“Do You Feel It Now”

I absolutely love our President/POTUS/Donald J. Trump! We are not going to take it anymore.

Cheers Anons, a new day cometh, enjoy the ride.

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d90bdc  No.14824241


right on, Brandon

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cfddff  No.14824242

File: b6e7047b2969462⋯.png (863.6 KB, 612x610, 306:305, Abrams_fart.png)




>Blacks aren't falling for the Stacy Abram's pitch.

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455583  No.14824243

File: dca081d740a4ee9⋯.png (58.69 KB, 192x192, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>re: Putin days off

is darnkess happening between those days?

even though it's something we've all been waiting for, i'm kinda scared for when it actually happens.

nervous like

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e9ddf4  No.14824244

File: e1483b2ba83213c⋯.png (863.48 KB, 888x736, 111:92, ClipboardImage.png)


tard say wut?

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c27e18  No.14824245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2318b1  No.14824246



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a6e710  No.14824247

File: 54c2324541e0073⋯.png (2.89 MB, 2062x2062, 1:1, deathtollcoincidences.png)

I see the autistic kid accused of shooting 34 people (17 killed, 17 wounded) pled guilty today.

NO evidence reviewed in the case. Down the rabbit hole.

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dc6a74  No.14824248



Makes them look like mannequins.

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0fd9e8  No.14824249


You waving the sign outside of the new office for advertisement?

You'd be a great marketing PR guy for Trump in the new biz.

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9b52a3  No.14824250

File: 138119b99ef249f⋯.jpg (325.64 KB, 685x877, 685:877, book_on_stretching_with_gr….jpg)

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c27e18  No.14824251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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46bc47  No.14824252

File: 040933c8c0e0267⋯.png (653.25 KB, 656x671, 656:671, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc40bc9eb4610bf⋯.png (782.96 KB, 768x570, 128:95, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 364b0b8e9d7fb20⋯.png (1.88 MB, 2400x2400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Hot Judge Alert

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3b8afa  No.14824253

File: 3a826ebe3b8af21⋯.png (875.15 KB, 1296x721, 1296:721, ns_meme_meirl.png)

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6e6939  No.14824254

File: c196d563e3628f7⋯.jpg (289.9 KB, 504x720, 7:10, c196d563e3628f733adcba301f….jpg)


The habbens are

No see is blind by teers you are

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ca01fe  No.14824255

File: e647f54843946ff⋯.jpg (115.73 KB, 1154x1155, 1154:1155, IMG_20211020_220251.jpg)

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e99234  No.14824256

The next Bread I'm only posting Q memes.

it's been awhile since the Qteam has been recognized for their outstanding job in helping everyone who comes here to learn.

Qappreciation…….it's what's for dinner. Meme's at the ready anons, autists. I know you got em.

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f2fca9  No.14824257


China Evergrande Group (3333.HK)


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2318b1  No.14824258

File: bedefadb7cab1f6⋯.jpg (39.22 KB, 665x909, 665:909, dunce_pepe.jpg)

So, oldfags, what are we about to see?

The MSM is salivating over hunting "remains" all across America.

Colon (sic) Powell just kicked, yet no mention of services.

And shit is WEIRD here.

What's next?

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17de73  No.14824259

File: a01e7e754d119aa⋯.jpg (920.14 KB, 960x540, 16:9, tom.jpg)

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0fd9e8  No.14824260


I'm really not sure what to thank that entity for.

Ugh, country looks great gents.

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e0d744  No.14824261

File: 600ab211d91a012⋯.jpeg (419.15 KB, 1789x1675, 1789:1675, A9892FE5_AC64_42D1_B4E5_4….jpeg)



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4a99be  No.14824262

File: f64d643e1135d3f⋯.png (194.67 KB, 1135x546, 1135:546, haitiMalaira.png)


>>14823342 Experts Puzzled By Why Haiti Has One of the Lowest COVID-19 Death Rates In the World Despite Administering Zero Vaccine Doses: ‘We Don’t Know’

gee what could it possibly be?

bet you 10 shekels the Haitians suck down hydroxycholoroquine like skittles to prevent Malaria

HAITIHaiti has the highest number of malaria cases among the Caribbean Islands and Central American countries(17,696 in 2014). Inadequate coverage of surveillance in previous years preempts assessing progress of the country towards meeting its RBM and WHA 58.2 goals for MDG 6C (Figures 1 and 2).


Malaria treatment policies and drug efficacy in Haiti from 1955-2012

Michael E von Fricken,corresponding author1,2 Thomas A Weppelmann,1,2 Jennifer D Hosford,2 Alexander Existe,3 and Bernard A Okech1,2

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Chloroquine (CQ), after 67 years of use in Haiti, is still part of the official treatment policy for malaria. Several countries around the world have used CQ in the past due to its low incidence of adverse events, therapeutic efficacy, and affordability, but were forced to switch treatment policy due to the development of widespread CQ resistance. The purpose of this paper was to compile literature on malaria treatment policies and antimalarial drug efficacy in Haiti over 67-year period.


A systematic review of PubMed, Web of Science, and the Armed Forces Pest Management Board, was conducted to find pertinent documents on national malaria treatment policies and antimalarial drug efficacy studies in Haiti between 1955 and 2012. A total of 329 citations and abstracts were reviewed independently by two researchers, of which thirty three met the final inclusion criteria of studies occurring in Haiti between 1955 and 2012 which specifically discuss malaria treatment policies and drug efficacy.


Results suggest thatCQ has been the predominant antimalarial drug in use from 1955 to 2012. In 2010 single dose primaquine (PQ) was added to the national treatment policy, however it is not clear whether this new policy has been put into practice.


Although no widespread CQ resistance has been reported, some studies have detected low levels of CQ resistance. Increased surveillance and monitoring for CQ resistance should be implemented in Haiti.

Keywords: Hispaniola, Haiti, Malaria treatment policy, Chemotherapy, Chloroquine, Anti-malarial drug resistance, Plasmodium falciparum, Pyrimethamine


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f5e17e  No.14824263

Hunter Moon. None of the strays I feed have even been here. Usually by this time the canned food is gone.

I also went to get the mail and found 5lbs of pears on my doorstep in a grocery bag. Called everyone we know and nobody left them.

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acbe9a  No.14824264

File: 6adfaf60e24b870⋯.png (13.5 KB, 454x219, 454:219, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2e4f44167c0a0a⋯.png (59.03 KB, 1019x422, 1019:422, ClipboardImage.png)

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Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 896ac0 No.2846457 📁

Sep 2 2018 12:24:11 (EST)

Ezra Cohen-Watnick




How a former Trump aide is pressing Biden to loosen national security secrets

Ezra Cohen, one of the former president’s more controversial advisers, is wielding an obscure advisory board to try to reform the classification system.


—09/29/2021 03:27 PM EDT

Upon taking office, President Joe Biden and his Cabinet cleared out scores of government advisory panels containing Trump administration appointees.

But an obscure presidential advisory board still led by one of former President Donald Trump’s more controversial aides is pressing Biden to dramatically reduce government secrecy on everything from military space programs to historical records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

The bipartisan Public Interest Declassification Board, whose members serve three-year terms, is now chaired by Ezra Cohen, who worked for disgraced Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn and held several top national security posts (and has also been dogged by one of the leading conspiracy theories trafficked by Trump supporters).

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2a805a  No.14824265

File: ee13983da7e8490⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 1000x470, 100:47, Ivermectin.jpg)


Also Ivermectin is used at the community level to prevent river blindness in tropical areas and Haiti has a big program in place with the Carter Center.


horse pic for keks

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c27e18  No.14824266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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03e07b  No.14824267

File: 65bf60a361175ae⋯.jpg (75.58 KB, 1480x1195, 296:239, IMG_20190116_083934.jpg)

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371210  No.14824268

File: 0ffd121834a243b⋯.jpg (239.05 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, patriots.jpg)


>“do you feel it”

Yep, this anon feels it. There is something in the air.

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dc6a74  No.14824269


I find them exceedingly trying.

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c2fa3d  No.14824270


>Daughter's boyfriend has tested positive. He's the only person at work out of 300 who's wearing a mask.

Was he wearing that mask before too? Did he get the vaxx? I hope she got the vaxx too.

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e9ddf4  No.14824271

File: c6671f08420ce83⋯.png (411.86 KB, 515x555, 103:111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbbbe381f1751b6⋯.png (498.88 KB, 887x936, 887:936, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbbbe381f1751b6⋯.png (498.88 KB, 887x936, 887:936, ClipboardImage.png)

gotta admit,

i have no complaints about the vax so far

seems to be working slowly but surely

maybe things will pick up soon

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46bc47  No.14824272



Hive mind…although i was in the gutter…and you're a whole lot more detailed.


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