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File: 91aa3116d9d2c45⋯.jpg (8.97 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 5e59c0924838843038dba201fd….jpg)

b76cbc  No.14831861[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)


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73258b  No.14831875

File: e3d87c616d925bb⋯.jpg (8.62 KB, 255x255, 1:1, file_store_14.jpg)


Night Shift

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b76cbc  No.14831877



>>14830365 Memorial service for Colin Powell set for Nov. 5 at Washington National Cathedral

>>14830349 Joe Manchin Offers to Become an Independent amid Reconciliation Negotiations with Biden

>>14830319 Biden straight up saying his plan “depends on Saudi Arabia” (opec) is wild considering we were in the middle of an energy boom before he took office

>>14830499 WATCH: Joe Biden says he hasn't had "time" to visit the southern border, says "I guess I should go down"

>>14830496 TOI: IDF said to resume practicing potential strike on Iranian nuclear sites

>>14830402 Mike Pompeo blasts Biden admin on leaving Remain in Mexico Policy on day 1

>>14830583 These are the 9 “Republicans” that voted with the Democrats’ illegitimate J6 Committee to weaponize the DOJ to persecute their enemies: the People

>>14830593 Known antifa seen everywhere during Jan 6th Capitol break-in

>>14830598 A woman has died after being shot during the filming of a movie starring Alec Baldwin in New Mexico

>>14830666, >>14830791, >>14830821 DARPA FUNDED HYDRA Research @ Columbia

>>14830689 Congress passed the JFK Records Act in 1992 to declassify all documents related to the assassination of President Kennedy, yet more than 15K documents are still being withheld from the public. I sent a letter w/ @RepCohen urging @POTUS to release all remaining records by Oct 26th

>>14830720 President Trump: “Look at what just happened in Arizona last night for the people that really won the Election, by a lot, us.

>>14830738 What is Rubicon Strategy Inc?

>>14830744 Read Cyber Ninja's highly professional and detailed response countering the Maricopa Board's lies about the 2020 election

>>14830775 CNBC: Evergrande sends funds for $83.5 million bond interest payment, says Chinese media

>>14830819 Congressman Massie grills AG Garland about one of his J6 operatives.

#18760 >>14830938


>>14829466 Queen Elizabeth II visited hospital Wednesday for “some preliminary investigations”

>>14829491 5 Sinema Advisors Quit, Accuse Her Of 'Selling Out' To Big Donors, As Far-Left Backlash Intensifies

>>14829520 US Military Base in Syria Attacked by Iran-Backed Militia DRONE STRIKE

>>14829555 AG Garland Says He’s “Not Aware” Zuckerberg Poured Over $400 Million To Interfere In The 2020 Presidential Election

>>14829597, >>14830065, >>14830091

Did US Marines die unnecessarily because Douglas MacArthur, Grand Lodge of the Philippines, was chasing Yamashita's gold?

>>14829619 Trudeau makes COVID vaccine passport mandatory, confirms jabs coming for kids

>>14829677, >>14829715, >>14829759 China gas explosion: Three dead and 30 injured after huge blast destroys buildings

>>14829788 Honolulu Police Department uses a $150,000 robot dog named Spot to “test” the homeless population for Covid

>>14829830, >>14829944 Police Say Armed Employee Stops Workplace Shooter In Nebraska; 2 Dead

>>14829851 11.3 verified

>>14829862, >>14829676, >>14829680 Statement by Donald J. Trump

>>14829892 Video: Bill Clinton glad to be home

>>14830177 1 year Delta

#18759 >>14830886


>>14828883 U.S. Navy Tweet - Another 11.3

>>14828722 Anon just sent this letter…Done funding stupid.

>>14828700 American Express Customers Report System Outages Worldwide

>>14828677 Final "Who Is In Their Seat" Audit for AG Garland Hearing Today

>>14828649 White House Knew About Letter That Compared Parents to Domestic Terrorists. NSBA collaborated with Biden administration, emails show

>>14828997 , >>14828919 , Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774?

>>14829001 Hawaii has deployed a robot dog to scan homeless people for covid at the taxpayers expense of $150,000

>>14829074 Block ‘fake news,’ Pope Francis begs social media firms, ‘in the name of God’

>>14829240 Anon theory - The pattern is quite clear. Learn the comms. The AC-130 is always followed by BOOMS.

>>14829235 For Keks - Let´s Go Brandon!, Thanks Q

>>14829366 , >>14829283 , >>14829277 FBI says human remains found in Florida park yesterday are those of Brian Laundrie

#18758 >>14830246

Previously Collected

>>14826873 #18755,

>>14824501 #18752, >>14825890 #18753, >>14826072 #18754

>>14822863 #18749, >>14822959 #18750, >>14823746 #18751

>>14822222 #18746, >>14820600 #18747, >>14822736 #18748

>>14817479 #18743, >>14818307 #18744, >>14820663 #18745

>>14816819 #18740, >>14815909 #18741, >>14816720 #18742

>>14813516 #18737, >>14814294 #18738, >>14815038 #18739

>>14811189 #18734, >>14812078 #18735, >>14813022 #18736

>>14810129 #18731, >>14809680 #18732, >>14810371 #18733

>>14806586 #18728, >>14808393 #18729, >>14808194 #18730

>>14803998 #18725, >>14804727 #18726, >>14805532 #18727

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316749  No.14831879

File: b2c2a542caeba15⋯.jpeg (291.99 KB, 730x727, 730:727, Real.jpeg)

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80a9d0  No.14831881

File: 11523e59c70c17e⋯.png (9.53 KB, 255x247, 255:247, night_shift_3.png)

TY baker

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b76cbc  No.14831883

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

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* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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2. Open Current Dough Link

3. Create Thread (Subject, Welcome Content, Image), Open thread and Paste Remaining Contents

4. Check Format against Current Dough

5. Request Baker for Review

Approximate baking time averages around 2-3 minutes reposting 4-5 posts.

*Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

*Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

*Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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316749  No.14831886

File: 55ba08b3360f8a9⋯.jpg (72.68 KB, 628x608, 157:152, The_Enemy.jpg)

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b76cbc  No.14831887



same ole dough

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73258b  No.14831889

File: 32d76c43be1b533⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1726x2048, 863:1024, file_store_33.png)

Alec Baldwin's Tweet aged well. 👀

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d2f25e  No.14831894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



bad karma for bread shitters

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316749  No.14831896

File: ecea06f0241badd⋯.jpg (95.01 KB, 960x720, 4:3, In_This_House.jpg)

File: 978ced4f85f3a73⋯.jpg (20.15 KB, 520x312, 5:3, 1_Yellow_flag_snake.jpg)

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8cbf5c  No.14831897

File: ee800cdcbe937e3⋯.jpg (144.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault_1.jpg)

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a45ed3  No.14831904


Something is off with the darkies in that pic. Kind of like the others are trying to stay as far away as possible while staying in frame.

Just my 2c if I may

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316749  No.14831905

File: ecea06f0241badd⋯.jpg (95.01 KB, 960x720, 4:3, In_This_House.jpg)

File: 068380673d5fd70⋯.jpg (25.24 KB, 460x649, 460:649, salute.jpg)

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627cb7  No.14831906

File: fb908c50374a888⋯.jpeg (172.07 KB, 750x946, 375:473, E8BF86E5_2395_42E0_9F62_9….jpeg)

Haiti/Lancaster Dig


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6036a0  No.14831907

File: cdb94012d931726⋯.jpg (131.18 KB, 751x499, 751:499, Biden_proper_fucked.jpg)

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959b9d  No.14831909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Everyone single one counts.

Even Curtis.

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a45ed3  No.14831911




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a845c5  No.14831913

File: d1fa1764563b696⋯.jpg (47.05 KB, 898x457, 898:457, lkjhgfdsfggt.jpg)

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8cbf5c  No.14831914

File: 95b688f85b1deb4⋯.png (581.15 KB, 773x907, 773:907, d5b83491ac84c3020e421c2094….png)

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a588a0  No.14831919

File: abf2306b7ed44de⋯.png (779 B, 118x32, 59:16, Screenshot_2021_10_22_at_0….png)

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316749  No.14831922

File: 882b74c485d2c92⋯.jpeg (101.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trump_McConnell.jpeg)

Look at the faces.

Look at them!

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8cbf5c  No.14831923

File: a498e17b24c5df9⋯.jpeg (65.81 KB, 766x432, 383:216, a498e17b24c5df92b9336f0c9….jpeg)

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2d4095  No.14831925


o7 Baker

Ebots gone full-retard

started own bread for tree fiddy no dough though. >>14831811

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92629e  No.14831926

File: 486c5b378f19d06⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB, 640x352, 20:11, 0gO_vQyxOYbwUfQP.mp4)

File: 61c12fa98631f47⋯.jpg (54.49 KB, 604x521, 604:521, ny_fdsvgfssd.JPG)

Republic Freed


Confirmed: Special Counsel John Durham is investigating the CLINTON FOUNDATION. Funding was approved.


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1e0d57  No.14831927

File: 5f5fdb56e10350c⋯.png (511.46 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 630AC259_8DAB_43A2_B666_4D….png)

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d2f25e  No.14831928

It’s an odd dynamic – One would think that if the covid vaccines were a generally benevolent program that actually “followed the science” then there would be no need to pile drive the public with an endless barrage of vax propaganda.

COVID Authoritarians Are The Cause Of America's Problems, Not The Unvaccinated


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72ee57  No.14831930

File: 7ca184b9be71522⋯.png (182.29 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 5d8417fd2e22af2059719e23_r….png)


thanks bakerer

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f9e832  No.14831931

File: eac7bad9079a224⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1023x854, 1023:854, ClipboardImage.png)


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509784  No.14831932

File: 944ba9a4f3e8355⋯.jpeg (216.52 KB, 750x718, 375:359, 2F2904F7_AFE4_4908_9F48_2….jpeg)

Saw this earlier on stocktwits..

See that message volume?

I’ve never seen anything like it before

😱 😱 😱


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2d4095  No.14831933

File: a67b161c7e5b152⋯.jpeg (49.15 KB, 597x598, 597:598, a67b161c7e5b152ca6afa6f48….jpeg)


>Ebots gone full-retard

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50bd83  No.14831934

File: d72df4b06a88f7c⋯.png (99.38 KB, 320x212, 80:53, 42525.png)


"follow the money"

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7ed4ab  No.14831936


Big mike literally towers over every one of them heheh…. I mean don't shit the bread!

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0997f8  No.14831937


CEO based in Wuhan

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2d4095  No.14831938

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a588a0  No.14831941

File: 7bdd1e135b1ca0d⋯.jpg (91.38 KB, 600x692, 150:173, FCQX_DcXIAE9m6K.jpg)

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72ee57  No.14831942

File: efc7bd34e8a16ef⋯.jpg (263.33 KB, 1964x985, 1964:985, _20211021_003743.JPG)

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8ed5f1  No.14831943

File: fb270543f4d2473⋯.jpeg (290.41 KB, 736x898, 368:449, tiddies_sandals.jpeg)


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50bd83  No.14831944


>Ebots gone full-retard

hope it stay in its own bread

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316749  No.14831947


Sauce or GTFO

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7ed4ab  No.14831949

File: 4da089683837d0e⋯.gif (17.17 KB, 74x132, 37:66, 20211010_005708.gif)

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18e75d  No.14831951

File: 37d1818d4532a22⋯.png (559.38 KB, 733x951, 733:951, ClipboardImage.png)


Both of them


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b76cbc  No.14831954



I was slow, figured someone would bake it

they didn't

kind sentiment though


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50bd83  No.14831956

File: 825294f1e2520dd⋯.png (510.97 KB, 581x637, 83:91, 3536.png)

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0997f8  No.14831957



also TRUTH means PRAVDA

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b8abd1  No.14831958

Maybe a planefag can confirm? Allegedly pilots have started using "Let's go Brandon" as a communication sign off. Sauce is a FAA air traffic controller in Southern/Centeral California area. Unclear how common this is or if military aviators are included.

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a45ed3  No.14831959

File: 0035544ca237f60⋯.jpg (145.17 KB, 766x432, 383:216, Joe_come_get_icecream.jpg)

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509784  No.14831960


Truth Social the new Facebook


Gettr the new Twitter

Both MAGA owned


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b76cbc  No.14831961



thought mabbe he was tripping up the bake so I gave it whirl

not daunted by thread hang

new bakers are though

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b4711b  No.14831962

File: 2810da04610554c⋯.png (17.4 KB, 409x260, 409:260, Screen_Shot_10_22_21_at_01….PNG)

President Biden


United States government official

It’s always a good bet to bet on America. That’s what my Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and Build Back Better Agenda do.

They’re about betting on America. About believing in America. About believing in the American people.

Let’s get this done.

10:40 PM · Oct 21, 2021·The White House


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7ed4ab  No.14831963

File: 4f33fef33283d65⋯.jpg (133.95 KB, 720x850, 72:85, 20210419_224018.jpg)

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751d91  No.14831964

File: 402fca5fe7da4d2⋯.png (888.49 KB, 1401x2048, 1401:2048, Screenshot_20211021_220655.png)

File: c7b262beb17fb2b⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1306x2048, 653:1024, Screenshot_20211021_220717.png)

File: eb8113d9c38a8ae⋯.png (772.47 KB, 1899x2048, 1899:2048, Screenshot_20211021_220748.png)

File: ef7265f5c4447f5⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1367x2048, 1367:2048, Screenshot_20211021_220813.png)

File: 8ca22beb1504cfc⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1324x2048, 331:512, Screenshot_20211021_220831.png)



Spidey senses kicked in…

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7771e3  No.14831965

File: d8702ba4cdbe2e1⋯.png (65.1 KB, 500x396, 125:99, tui2908qu5oiljht984fg390.png)


that dude trembling so much when speaking about Durham he may have just given himself shaken retard syndrome

kek someone getting rekt

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6036a0  No.14831966

File: 1c2cd1ce5986ba0⋯.jpg (49.7 KB, 502x497, 502:497, Fuck_joe_biden.jpg)

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5cdb60  No.14831967


Big Mike absolutely towering over the whole wretched gang

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50bd83  No.14831969

File: aeb9daca94abfe2⋯.png (849.7 KB, 750x784, 375:392, 4242542525.png)

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73258b  No.14831970

>>14831960 gettr in NOT MAGA owned.

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a45ed3  No.14831971

File: fed3e413c6ebeda⋯.png (7.38 KB, 449x118, 449:118, ClipboardImage.png)


1st second of clip

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2d4095  No.14831972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Posted late LB

Final Messages - pt 1 - How The Mandates End

56,273 views * Premiered Oct 15, 2021



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a45ed3  No.14831975


I reckon it's shopped.

'Specially JFK's killer up front

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72ee57  No.14831976

File: e3dcd4753b4b5c0⋯.jpg (175.13 KB, 1982x1395, 1982:1395, _20211022_021317.JPG)


being able to voice an opinion is a God given right to humanity

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0e5b43  No.14831978

File: 5a6db3a0ad52d31⋯.jpg (129.03 KB, 1261x1457, 1261:1457, queen_head.jpg)

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50bd83  No.14831980

File: 9e2eda76dcc3442⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 361.25 KB, 540x810, 2:3, big_mike.png)


>Big Mike

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509784  No.14831981

File: 21ec983b3c81197⋯.jpeg (214.61 KB, 750x402, 125:67, 3C0E69AC_0F3E_4390_9213_0….jpeg)



Good luck finding a CEO who hasn’t had their dick in China at some point.

Dude is CEO of a bunch of different companies. Fuck your fud you jelly roll.

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8cbf5c  No.14831982






is insider trading ok when DJT does it? aksing for a fren….

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a6ea1d  No.14831983

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8538d5  No.14831985


Cool bro.

Lemme know when you have the MF who shot her in custody.


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7ea412  No.14831986


Stealth Jeff.


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2d4095  No.14831987

File: 40c1064bb27e043⋯.jpg (63.53 KB, 982x804, 491:402, 40c1064bb27e0432d9a5e99e22….jpg)

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0997f8  No.14831988

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509784  No.14831989


>CEO based in Wuhan

Not based in wuhan he is the ceo of multiple companies, one of which is based in wuhan. Dude sounds like a business savvy man.


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5cdb60  No.14831990


Why did I click that shit?

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316749  No.14831991

File: 05b258420fc4f70⋯.jpeg (75.11 KB, 739x862, 739:862, Xiden.jpeg)




Maybe secret Chinese frens?

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7ea412  No.14831992

File: fadf2dd8cb9701b⋯.png (12.02 KB, 248x255, 248:255, file_store_13.png)

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7ed4ab  No.14831993


So Durham investigating Clinton's comes to conclusions in jan 2020justas the pandemic is released.

Hang em all from nooses

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8cbf5c  No.14831994


>After dough,morans!

take a deep breath, anon. hold it in. exhale. hold it out. now FUCKING RELAX.

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50bd83  No.14831995


breadshitter newbies, what can you do….

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a6ea1d  No.14831996



"Take the vaxx…."

Looks like he chosed the side.

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2d4095  No.14831997

File: 7edcf2f43cf3163⋯.jpg (21.88 KB, 248x324, 62:81, Screen_Shot_2021_04_26_at_….jpg)

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50bd83  No.14831998

File: c7d54bb960bf86c⋯.png (240.9 KB, 620x465, 4:3, 353.png)


too late now

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a45ed3  No.14832000

File: c19e53e54dfcf86⋯.jpg (107.08 KB, 335x240, 67:48, Joe_checkem.jpg)

File: e13ec7020e922f1⋯.jpg (872.97 KB, 1230x1227, 410:409, He_knows_Biden.jpg)


betting is gambling.

nice one Joe you stupid fuck.

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509784  No.14832001

File: af62beacd81cc36⋯.jpeg (219.21 KB, 750x651, 250:217, A206F167_D58C_416F_ACF6_3….jpeg)


>gettr in NOT MAGA owned.

Literally two seconds anon..

Try harder

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7ed4ab  No.14832002


yahoo nuff said

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509784  No.14832003


^^^ this

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0997f8  No.14832005


I mean I get why anons are excited. I was too for a minute. Then I remembered I don't do social media and don't do much digitally except the chans.

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8cbf5c  No.14832006

File: b31bfb05b21f2ad⋯.png (553.47 KB, 840x560, 3:2, Screen_Shot_2021_10_13_at_….png)

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2d4095  No.14832007

File: d186dbf6cb54a07⋯.png (236.04 KB, 375x552, 125:184, fb293c2147a229b85b6a2443fc….png)

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a45ed3  No.14832008


pree, no crikky

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509784  No.14832009


>Truth Social the new Facebook


>Gettr the new Twitter

>Both MAGA owned


I’m going to love seeing all the investors empty out of those evil big tech companies and into MAGA companies.


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72ee57  No.14832010


digits checked

link attached, not so much


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18e75d  No.14832012

File: 4038fd4f0c2673e⋯.png (291.28 KB, 1241x745, 1241:745, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32b99df62dd1a34⋯.png (230.37 KB, 1242x535, 1242:535, ClipboardImage.png)


Sooo much ammunition


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e9fdb6  No.14832013

File: 4f524da2e0acff1⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB, 640x272, 40:17, videoplayback_1_3.mp4)

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509784  No.14832014


Well Zuckerberg spent almost half a billion to get a senile pedophile elected so the less people using that creeps site means the less money he has to try and enslave humanity so be excited about that.

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8ed5f1  No.14832015

File: ebc284c7a8da1e0⋯.png (348.42 KB, 565x441, 565:441, he_totally_clicked_it.png)

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a45ed3  No.14832016



1993 Bill Clinton inaugurated.

digits confirmed

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72ee57  No.14832017


eloquently stated anon


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d0761c  No.14832019

>>14830694 (pb)

Bitter tastes set off your immune system because so many poisons are bitter.

I suspect the bugs aren't too happy with the acids involved either.


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6036a0  No.14832020

File: 2200c4c579ca0c3⋯.png (113.26 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 01d19974737e019f2de95bfd6d….png)


Aw hell you clicked that shit?

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0997f8  No.14832021


Yea, competition is good. But really, that kind of shit is for normies/masses and will eventually become some type of honeypot. It's not like the NSA is going away.

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f570dc  No.14832024

Howdy night shift. Anything interesting?

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5cdb60  No.14832025

File: fa114962b8fa7f4⋯.gif (173.42 KB, 438x500, 219:250, fa114962b8fa7f47e96979c827….gif)



Yea, I did. Not gud!

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509784  No.14832026


(You) try so hard (to shill)

Didn’t get so far (failed)

In the end it didn’t even matter (America still winning)

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8cbf5c  No.14832027



don't need 9 min of rehashing old news. get to the fucking point (if you have one).

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0997f8  No.14832028


Where exactly is America winning u tard?

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f570dc  No.14832030


Kinda makes ya wonder why some of the other living former presidents aren't there, like Jimmy Carter for instance. Was/is he an, "outsider?" Not in the, "club?"

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f15b6a  No.14832031


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ad8d4e  No.14832032

File: a155df661d339bb⋯.png (902.82 KB, 1920x924, 160:77, C17s.PNG)


>Anything interesting?

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8538d5  No.14832033

File: a0edb41d9d2d418⋯.png (483.74 KB, 474x467, 474:467, ClipboardImage.png)


Very interesting, anon. ;)

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509784  No.14832034

File: 44d414977a486c1⋯.gif (4.76 MB, 480x480, 1:1, D3BED79E_7EA8_446A_8849_8C….gif)





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f15b6a  No.14832035

Time to see how good an actor Qlec really is.

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0a068d  No.14832036

File: 7b2ec4075d773c8⋯.gif (1.72 MB, 426x240, 71:40, yt1s_com_DRACO_ARCHON_BRAI….gif)

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8ed5f1  No.14832037


nice gif


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f8760c  No.14832038

File: 3a6ca1f0799e0fb⋯.png (838.58 KB, 636x847, 636:847, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 333956ac5cc1a2d⋯.png (672.98 KB, 816x716, 204:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec6219c6847399d⋯.png (728.77 KB, 626x778, 313:389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a0240988210795⋯.png (1001.81 KB, 664x744, 83:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2659a94f650a080⋯.png (939.21 KB, 552x578, 276:289, ClipboardImage.png)

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2d4095  No.14832039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>bugs aren't too happy with the acids involved either.

Not so sure about that.

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b4711b  No.14832040

File: e959158ac946a40⋯.png (160.02 KB, 409x426, 409:426, Screen_Shot_10_22_21_at_01….PNG)

File: b4473708fdfd3af⋯.jpg (65.87 KB, 680x383, 680:383, LatinaEqualPayDay.jpg)

LATINA EQUAL PAY DAY = 17 letters and look at Beautiful Q!!!

President Biden


United States government official

Today is Latina Equal Pay Day – a day to recognize that it takes American Latinas 21 months to earn what white men earn in a year. It is unacceptable. And my Administration is committed to working to close this gap.

3:49 PM · Oct 21, 2021·The White House


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8ed5f1  No.14832043

File: 3791662610e1b0a⋯.webm (2.44 MB, 636x360, 53:30, tard_trike_race.webm)


>Where exactly is America winning u tard?

at the track

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a45ed3  No.14832045


muh gun control

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0997f8  No.14832046


Red text means you're right.

Btw, the stock market is gonna crash to fair value. -80% That's gonna be part of the Awakening.

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5cdb60  No.14832047


YW! Badge of honor

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f570dc  No.14832048


C17 landing in, what is that, Seattle? Can't quite make it out, looks like Washington though.

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0a068d  No.14832050

File: df3a442ccf96f43⋯.jpg (117.08 KB, 720x1076, 180:269, 20211022_013436.jpg)

Pervs of a feather flock together

He's looking like Deniro

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509784  No.14832051

File: 1b798460889fef3⋯.jpeg (367.8 KB, 750x621, 250:207, D0B483B9_F705_4AD0_9B25_7….jpeg)


>Red text means you're right.

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0997f8  No.14832053


I like that one. Gonna stealies.

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2d4095  No.14832054

File: 6d7623aa0d0feb0⋯.jpg (20.26 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 6d7623aa0d0feb0b1c6ed12233….jpg)


The world is watching.

(you) are not the only one here faggot.

The vid is short enough for normies to pay attention and get the point that they are complicit when it's all said and done.

Now go FYS and KYS.

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8cbf5c  No.14832055


>Jimmy Carter for instance. Was/is he an, "outsider?" Not in the, "club?"

def NOT in the club. honest God fearing man. could have been a great president if TPTB hadn't sabotaged him at every turn. the "news" program "nightline" was created specifically to embarrass him nightly, as they began each program with "day xxx of the iranian hostage crisis…" as if we couldn't add one to last nites number without their help. then the october surprise, engineered by GHWB, to block the release of the hostages that they had agreed to do in exchange for weapons (iran/contra deal), and finally, US special forces shooting down our own marines on a rescue mission. nope, JC was definitely NOT part of their club. the thought they could control him, but once he was in the WH, he was his own man. got israel and egypt to sign a peace treaty. that sure fucked with mossad's agenda.

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5cdb60  No.14832056

Alex Baldwinchester

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a45ed3  No.14832057


can we narrow the data to legal vs illegal latinos please joe.

Might be interesting

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e5695f  No.14832058

The Hunt for red October showed itself today, have you see it yet?

Durham is real

His investigation is real.

He is investigating the Clinton foundation.

You should of trusted sessions.

You should of elected Donald Trump.

Now the whole world is watching.

The stage is set.

All the players are going down.

Saving the best for last.

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7ea412  No.14832059


Former you fucktard. As in he was fired.

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b56857  No.14832061


… muh legacy.

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959b9d  No.14832062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We don't need to make it complicated…

just hard and fast.

Rock it.

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0997f8  No.14832063


Gettr is shorthand for Lock Her Up

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73258b  No.14832064

File: a5edc1b9b73e023⋯.jpg (400.79 KB, 720x1600, 9:20, Screenshot_20211022_013924….jpg)

>>14832001 I'm an anon. I use Google. KYS faggot.


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ad8d4e  No.14832066


McChord Field Air Base South of Tacoma and Seattle. 4 total. 1 on ground 3 appears incoming.

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73258b  No.14832067


Holy shit you are retarded.

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a6ea1d  No.14832068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let's go Brandon.



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0a068d  No.14832069

The curse of going after Trump strikes again. They will try to get him off. Russia Russia Russia. A waste of resources. Bye Alec bye.

Don't touch my anointed. -God

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0997f8  No.14832070


Only when I want to be

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e9fdb6  No.14832072

File: 6d11f2fba5ac139⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1367x2048, 1367:2048, ef7265f5c4447f555c5ae12c13….png)


Of Covid

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f570dc  No.14832073


Yeah, I pretty much assumed he wasn't in the club. It does make me wonder though, about the whole hostage thing. I wonder if it was staged in order to bring about some wanted thing. Essentially, the old, "order out of chaos," thing being played out for some kind of gain. Probably some kind of optics they were/are trying to create.

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ad8d4e  No.14832074



Not that interesting, it is the only thing on my radar worth mentioning at this point in time.

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18e75d  No.14832075

File: bc35648d5626650⋯.jpg (135.15 KB, 608x431, 608:431, oops_did_I_do_that.jpg)

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0997f8  No.14832076


Wrong. Renamed Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM)

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b76cbc  No.14832078


he was nominated to keep the South in line, Southerners weren't buying East coast crap, even then they worked on turning states to blue, dixiecrats lost theY'r charm

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f570dc  No.14832079


Yeah, ok, I had a brother stationed at McChord years ago.

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0a068d  No.14832080

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20ba4b  No.14832082

File: ab3c9af79e95a34⋯.jpg (118.88 KB, 720x869, 720:869, 20211021_223826.jpg)


Our profane president: Report says Biden fond of dropping the f-bomb

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8cbf5c  No.14832083


>The vid is short enough for normies to pay attention and get the point that they are complicit when it's all said and done

the vid is too long for ANONS to pay attention. in nine minutes, i can read ~ 5000 words. if there's an actual answer to the rhetorical question posed, JUST SPILL IT. USE YOUR WORDS, CHILD. it won't take 5000 of 'em.

I'M not going to sit thru it to get to the punch line, and i'm sure as fuck NOT going to give it to a normie without knowing what it says.

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f570dc  No.14832084


Yeah, I heard they joined the two bases together some time ago.

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a6ea1d  No.14832085


Criminals in power are the problem, so start talking, and help me clean this amazing planet of them. I know how, but I need your help.

Don't be jerks!!!!!

Start talking, b/c I don't take well undeserved pain!!!!

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8ed5f1  No.14832087


>Biden fond of dropping the f-bomb

well, son of a bitch

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d2f25e  No.14832089


been about 2.5 years for me since hearing from Lionel

Seems like a good guy

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20ba4b  No.14832090

File: cbf381b2983a264⋯.jpg (59.96 KB, 500x629, 500:629, cbf381b2983a26412dd5311674….jpg)

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ad8d4e  No.14832091


Yeah yeah, they ain't landing at the army air field though are they.

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8cbf5c  No.14832092


>I wonder if it was staged in order to bring about some wanted thing

of course. it was staged to keep JC from getting re-elected, and to get GHWB into the WH, just as soon as his BFF's son shot ronnie raygun.

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5cdb60  No.14832093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dc8af3  No.14832094

File: 060c1177cef16ea⋯.png (265.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cd2e6f471e52abf0d171a77b19….png)

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f570dc  No.14832095

Hmm, I wonder why nobody is talking about Bidets Ukraine shenanigans these days. Funny how that just slipped off the radar, or did it?

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2d4095  No.14832096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Where exactly is America winning

(you) must have been asleep.

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823c68  No.14832098


Useful idiot. Naive. Heart in the right place, but bought in to the globalist lies–that a vast expansion of government control over our lives is for our own good, as if the people running said government couldn't possibly be corrupt or evil.

Nobody can, on one hand, think themselves to be equal to other men, yet on the other believe they must be controlled.

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11b23a  No.14832099


Yes, but what does it mean? And how does a dummy that doesn't know anything get in without being preyed upon by big players?

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0997f8  No.14832100


They've done that all over the world, sometimes even when the bases being joined are fairly far apart. I suppose it's for efficiency, but from what I've seen, the bases each keep their previous services and amenities operating.

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f570dc  No.14832101


Yeah, but Regan got in instead. As soon as Regan was president, the hostages got released. They apparently didn't want to mess with Ronnie Ray Gun.

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5cdb60  No.14832102


We won't let (((them))) forget about it

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f570dc  No.14832103


Well, the AF was originally part of the Army anyway, so…not a big difference.

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8cbf5c  No.14832104


>but bought in to the globalist lies–that a vast expansion of government control over our lives is for our own good

cool story bro… did you make that up all by yourself? or you got any sauce? that's what i thought.

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627cb7  No.14832105

File: 3d68a1a48f2b20c⋯.jpeg (111.87 KB, 743x650, 743:650, 42178DA7_D7B5_4D4F_842A_A….jpeg)

Article from August


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d2f25e  No.14832106


proper especially since there has been no confession nor apology

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2d4095  No.14832107

File: ef2c7664c3266c0⋯.png (272.34 KB, 497x492, 497:492, 5d34c2175ddd6d80f56d2030b2….png)


You don't have to cuz… 'Merica.


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73258b  No.14832108


Wrong Baldwin

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76b3ad  No.14832109

Bros. I do like beers, though.

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0997f8  No.14832110


Until 10 days, I'm laying off the pipe

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a45ed3  No.14832112

File: 897ffd041e64674⋯.png (6.28 KB, 265x90, 53:18, ClipboardImage.png)


I bet he's a real nasty piece of work behind the curtain. he shows it regularly.

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b56857  No.14832113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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8ed5f1  No.14832114

File: 0d81649f0ec057c⋯.mp4 (599.69 KB, 1080x604, 270:151, posey_lets_go_brandon.mp4)

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76b3ad  No.14832115

File: 4200725dff5cfbe⋯.jpg (43.06 KB, 739x316, 739:316, SmartSelect_20210129_12133….jpg)

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11b23a  No.14832116

File: 1a75ad1c6f0395b⋯.png (640.9 KB, 600x750, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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d2f25e  No.14832117


usually gets even

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8cbf5c  No.14832118


no, dumbass, that's not what i said. the ayatollah and carter came to an agreement for the release of the hostages. but GHWB was in the CIA, and found out about it. he illegally traveled to iran and made an illegal backroom deal with the iranians for them to KEEP the hostages until after the election, and in return, ronnie raygun would sell them a shit-ton of US weapons for their war with iraq. then, when carter found out about bush's treachery, he ordered the marines to execute a military extraction of the hostages, but bush found out about that, and had black ops shoot down our own marines, just to keep JC from being re-elected. that's why the hostages were loaded onto the plane on inauguration day and sat on the runway with the engines idling, while they watched raygun get inaugurated on satellite. the very moment he was sworn in, they let the jet take off. all of the hostages swore affidavits to that effect. then raygun used the money he got from iran to fund an illegal war against the democratically elected leader of nicaragua. raygun was a senile puppet and GHWB was the de facto president. but that wasn't good enough for bush, which is why he tried to have raygun assassinated.

how does anyone as ignorant of the facts as you end up here?

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a6ea1d  No.14832119

File: 9777eb5e94195c6⋯.jpg (52.17 KB, 850x400, 17:8, srs.jpg)

File: f0898f412062d1c⋯.jpg (77.5 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, traitors.jpg)


You need to put your shit together.

Now go watch :



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751d91  No.14832120

File: deb999ec66cbb4d⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1282x2048, 641:1024, Screenshot_20211021_222527.png)

File: 14d20d83d100364⋯.png (716.79 KB, 1142x2048, 571:1024, Screenshot_20211021_222627.png)

File: 506273199a4b647⋯.png (1.48 MB, 2048x1452, 512:363, Screenshot_20211021_222330.png)

File: 670d621edead099⋯.png (693.77 KB, 2048x460, 512:115, Screenshot_20211021_224013.png)


From brother's IG acct: https://www.instagram.com/p/CSHIweMAuEK/

Off AB didnt age well tweet in comments…


His wiki page has been edited multiple times tonight https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alec_Baldwin

Prop gun safety should be addressed especially considering Baldwins nra anti gun stance. Hypocrite and pedo shot 2 essential people making the movie(director and camera), not at actors. Movie about an accidental shooting has an accidental shooting. Only in Hollyweird.

Will there be a two tier legal system in this case? Most likely.

Is there more to her past? Regardless of it being distraction, there is more here.

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a45ed3  No.14832121

File: 2a649c335fc89b6⋯.png (514.34 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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f000ae  No.14832122

File: d01e1c73fe223f8⋯.jpg (209.6 KB, 1692x982, 846:491, IMG_20211022_025413.jpg)



why didn't i know this years ago?

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11b23a  No.14832123

File: 9fe7fedea7c0b55⋯.gif (931.88 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Trumpium.gif)

File: 64ed74f05c2a20d⋯.jpg (31.09 KB, 220x382, 110:191, trumpnope.jpg)

File: 935cea9dc4edac6⋯.jpg (22.26 KB, 625x609, 625:609, TrumpSun.jpg)

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11b23a  No.14832124

File: 858ff1fa4b7c9e2⋯.jpg (52.15 KB, 750x571, 750:571, trump_ha_ha_ha_ha.jpg)

File: 25d54ff7caeb693⋯.gif (224.8 KB, 460x298, 230:149, trump_happening.gif)

File: 2c1d4d0131b744f⋯.gif (194.77 KB, 375x375, 1:1, trump_midas.gif)

File: dc6eeba98e5f100⋯.jpg (52.58 KB, 1125x845, 225:169, Trump_MyTurn.jpg)

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f570dc  No.14832125


Oh? Facts huh? Well, put up or shut up, where's your proof? I lived that era, did you? What you say MAY have some truth to it, but the fact you spout it off as a fact, tends to make me think you are full of shit and your theory as well.

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0997f8  No.14832126

File: 20b600d7928b813⋯.png (99.92 KB, 590x502, 295:251, ClipboardImage.png)


JC wasn't gonna win reelection regardless though. They may have done that to give Reagan an early win, but it wasn't to affect the election. Carter was very unpopular.

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b56857  No.14832127


Dead and bloated is the next suggested song? Granted, maybe a coincidence, but this shit happens way too often. What sickos are in control of this stuff? This is personalised comms or psyop for sure. If it's an algo, it's sinister af.

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e9e75b  No.14832128

File: a40ebec04d7d524⋯.png (27.64 KB, 727x244, 727:244, ClipboardImage.png)

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76b3ad  No.14832129

File: bde8ddf4ee5eba6⋯.jpg (54.52 KB, 455x418, 455:418, SmartSelect_20201006_14165….jpg)

File: 4fdb365e23f68de⋯.jpg (221.26 KB, 1336x301, 1336:301, SmartSelect_20190626_08355….jpg)

File: 0074a5e04329b26⋯.jpg (555.67 KB, 1064x967, 1064:967, SmartSelect_20190405_11450….jpg)

We got any folio or stapler people in the house? If we got any deskpad people, sound off.

El Casco staplers, Mont Blanc fountains, and Bosca Leather.

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664328  No.14832130

File: 64b55bab76a2930⋯.jpg (32.6 KB, 496x414, 248:207, 20211022_000554.jpg)

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e87573  No.14832131


Ebot raising money?

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a588a0  No.14832132

File: 053dd29a761c8fc⋯.png (347.78 KB, 598x703, 598:703, Screenshot_2021_10_22_at_0….png)

The Times of Israel


Bennett jets to Russia for lightning talks with Putin on Iran, region


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f570dc  No.14832133


Try this on for size as well. During Kennedy's presidency, the mob was in Cuba. Why? Gambling of course, but any OTHER reason? Does the mob limit itself to just gambling? No. Were they smuggling as well? What happened after Cuba got shut down? Did they move to Haiti?

Haiti seems to be right in the middle of all this shit. Why? New base of operations? Smuggling? Drugs? Humans? Whatever makes a buck?

WHY are they sooo interested in Haiti?

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627cb7  No.14832134

File: 526129af6cefe0c⋯.jpeg (141.4 KB, 750x924, 125:154, 809C94C6_BBE1_46C8_8560_A….jpeg)

File: 06caa7e44269e74⋯.jpeg (110.81 KB, 750x566, 375:283, 4B2B0117_40C1_449E_8048_B….jpeg)

Article from Feb 2020 mentions Scranton, PA


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e9e75b  No.14832135

File: 08b106f13410c2d⋯.png (82.96 KB, 300x197, 300:197, ClipboardImage.png)


>Dead and bloated is the next suggested song?

do you even STP bro?

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8cbf5c  No.14832136


if you lived in that era, you had your head up your ass. i've MET one of the black ops guys who pulled the trigger. they were all lied to and told that the iranians had stolen the marine choppers. they only found out afterward that they had killed our own soldiers. several were killed to keep them quiet. the rest were smart enough to keep their mouths shut.

you want sauce, dig up a report called october surprise, by david barsamian. now STFU, child.

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76b3ad  No.14832137

File: 31f469092020716⋯.jpg (547.03 KB, 1155x681, 385:227, SmartSelect_20211018_22165….jpg)

>>14832129 (Me)

We got any breakfast nuggets people?

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e87573  No.14832138

File: 39b5dacff61c27c⋯.jpg (54.74 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, photo_2021_10_21_03_57_38.jpg)

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b56857  No.14832139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… would have been better to suggest this considering the context of the cheers.


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a6ea1d  No.14832140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e87573  No.14832141


Where are 56 and 57 notables?

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76b3ad  No.14832142

>>14832137 (me)


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f000ae  No.14832143

File: 21fa3d91d33fade⋯.jpg (283.23 KB, 2393x1346, 2393:1346, _20211022_030726.JPG)

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11b23a  No.14832144

File: fe6a80b5fe3a45b⋯.jpg (599.93 KB, 3000x1800, 5:3, stem_ins_1358845209740.jpg)

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0997f8  No.14832145

>>14832126 me

The other thing forgotten is how Clinton's quiet handover of the Panama Canal was agreed upon during the Carter administration, despite Clinton knowing the Panamanians already signed a contract to handover operations to a Hong Kong based CCP linked company.

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627cb7  No.14832146

File: 483ce09aeb4f5c8⋯.jpeg (99.45 KB, 750x679, 750:679, 30405102_EC98_4A52_9F79_C….jpeg)



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b76cbc  No.14832147



Previously Collected

TBC #18761

>>14830246 #18758, >>14830886 #18759, >>14830938 #18760

>>14826873 #18755, >>14827669 #18756, TBC #19757

>>14824501 #18752, >>14825890 #18753, >>14826072 #18754

>>14822863 #18749, >>14822959 #18750, >>14823746 #18751

>>14822222 #18746, >>14820600 #18747, >>14822736 #18748

>>14817479 #18743, >>14818307 #18744, >>14820663 #18745

>>14816819 #18740, >>14815909 #18741, >>14816720 #18742

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9dfd8b  No.14832148

File: 390464340cd4daf⋯.jpeg (238.23 KB, 1125x1085, 225:217, 474747F2_12C5_4D2D_A548_D….jpeg)


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f570dc  No.14832149


I seem to remember your theory being floated around at one time. However, when dealing with clowns, it's not always easy to tell what is truth and what is cover.

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b56857  No.14832150

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76b3ad  No.14832151

Who's the first to ask Alec, "What

t's up, killer?"

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627cb7  No.14832152

File: 4f67e8d9ebb35f7⋯.jpeg (137.47 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 96FD4DB9_3A18_4841_B06C_D….jpeg)



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4b9c1e  No.14832153


Their all dead bitch replaced by cgi and actors.

You know nothing. Kek

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8cbf5c  No.14832154


the mob in havana was chicken feed. the real money was the entire population of cuba being used as slave labor by the US sugar manufacturers. castro was educated in the US and his heroes were george washington and thomas jefferson. castro came to the US gov't FIRST and asked their help to get rid of the puppet dictator batista. but the US said no. only after that refusal did castro turn to moscow. the cuban revolution was probably THE most popular revolution in history, with 99+% of the people in cuba supporting castro.

what happened after that was predictable, as he found himself a pawn in the US/USSR cold war.

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e87573  No.14832155


>>14826942 Biden and Harris speak at Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial

>>14826944 Blacklisted Chinese tech giant Huawei paid Tony Podesta $500,000 to lobby the White House

>>14826960 Live: AG Garland testifies before House

>>14826963, >>14827380 New details on the scope of John Durham's investigation -

>>14822243 ResignationAnon (PB) NOTE from ResignationAnon

>>14827069 US Commission on Civil Rights blasts AG Garland for memo on parents protesting school boards in new letter:

>>14827080 Latins fed up with Haitians migrants to US

>>14827114 “F**k Joe Biden!” Chants Break Out After Astros-Red Sox Playoff Game Behind Announcers at Fenway Park (VIDEO)

>>14827138 JUST IN - China tested TWO nuclear-capable orbital hypersonic missiles.

>>14827143 125,000 children have shown up alone at border on Biden's watch

>>14827151 New video shows Epstein before arrest, ‘I’m a supporter of Time’s Up

>>14827159 Trump's "TRUTH Social" SPAC Doubles Shortly After Start Of Trading

>>14827195 Ghislaine Maxwell attorneys want potential jurors screened privately

>>14827205 Dems block video of parents at school board meetings

>>14827230, >>14827234, >>14827247, >>14827256 (VIDS)

>>14827235 Migrant Children Being Flown in the Night to New York

>>14827244 The Bigger the Risk, The Bigger the Reward

>>14827309 Pentagon: US Army and Navy successfully tested hypersonic weapon prototypes on Wednesday.

>>14827358 Arkansas is on board. Let's keep it moving!

>>14827473 Top Channels to Join on Telegram [Oct 21, 2021]

>>14827505 #MamaBears #StartYourParades

>>14827534, >>14827552 Anthony Fauci and NIH Take Heat over Funding of Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab: ‘Will There Be Consequences?’

>>14827559 AG Garland testimony.

>>14827593 Confirmed: U.S. Atty John Huber passed the ball off to Special Counsel John Durham

>>14827600 LIVE: CDC advisory panel votes on Moderna and J&J boosters, discusses mixing shots

>>14827641 #18756

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76b3ad  No.14832156

Alec murded they ass. Got murdelized.

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0997f8  No.14832157


>During Kennedy's presidency, the mob was in Cuba. Why? Gambling of course

I watched Godfather II, too

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956815  No.14832158

File: 934c06e5127a9a6⋯.png (193.89 KB, 286x484, 13:22, Screen_Shot_2019_11_25_at_….png)


Planets been around for billions of years, she'll shake off humanity like a soaked dog.

Their brain dead 'global warming' bullshit is nothing but one big sick ass con.

muh CO2 changes atmospheric temperature, fuck off, you fucking liars!!!

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f000ae  No.14832159

File: 85f3dec677daa64⋯.jpg (211 KB, 2302x1341, 2302:1341, _20211022_031126.JPG)

pray for the Haitian hostages


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b76cbc  No.14832160


added to dough


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e87573  No.14832161

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76b3ad  No.14832162

Why's that fat dog turd even handling a gun? Isn't he a Democrat gun control guy?

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e9fdb6  No.14832163

File: 2c938e1c562c009⋯.jpg (30.11 KB, 676x380, 169:95, gettyimages_462084518_1_20….jpg)

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0997f8  No.14832164


It's a jew theater

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f570dc  No.14832165


Yup, that's pretty much how I read it. I know he wanted to get help from us first, but went to the Russians because he got sidelined.

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627cb7  No.14832166

File: 775055f9cafb721⋯.jpeg (76.01 KB, 750x538, 375:269, CAFD8664_4FD3_4918_BBF7_E….jpeg)

2010 article


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11b23a  No.14832167

File: dad08546bd7f995⋯.jpg (55.9 KB, 531x419, 531:419, pkmfairy.jpg)


Where my PKM collector people?

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799eaa  No.14832168

File: f3f1e05c0750082⋯.png (850.73 KB, 888x457, 888:457, ClipboardImage.png)

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76b3ad  No.14832169

So the producer was doing a comeo or something?

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f000ae  No.14832170

File: 8ef6a6b8012869a⋯.jpg (160.71 KB, 2403x743, 2403:743, _20211022_031528.JPG)

and then there was this too


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dc50fa  No.14832171

File: 4bf34aeeb9fef4f⋯.jpeg (374.37 KB, 1283x1348, 1283:1348, 41EDF0EC_3AFB_4A1A_A646_7….jpeg)

Pic posted on MacAffee’s Telegram channel today.

Notice how the snow divided each leg of the sign.

Trust the Plan….

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f570dc  No.14832172


So did I, but let me point out a couple of things. Q has mentioned that movie a few times. Also, it's pretty well known it was a haven for gamblers until Castro took over and spoiled their game.

So, that begs the question. Did they just give up, or did they find a NEW haven for their operations?

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d2f25e  No.14832173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e87573  No.14832174


No, that was the incorrect post number, this is the correct one…

>>14827669 #18756

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20ba4b  No.14832175

File: d523aa6af624d7a⋯.mp4 (762.51 KB, 480x566, 240:283, xthkfpGd4kYVnlYD.mp4)

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8cbf5c  No.14832176


>Notice how the snow divided each leg of the sign.

>Trust the Plan….


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85f710  No.14832177

File: d757acf1d8a2a5d⋯.png (91.65 KB, 218x553, 218:553, 4773.png)

File: b811adb060b3b70⋯.png (404.69 KB, 785x618, 785:618, 4773_.png)

File: 960ab9b9f56e738⋯.png (467.49 KB, 792x619, 792:619, 4773_.png)

File: d2c3838e3291b3b⋯.png (26.2 KB, 436x387, 436:387, 2603.png)



What did we learn this week?

1. Durham 'true' start?

2. Durham 'take-over' Huber [select parts re: CF-i]?

What if there's another prosecutor (outside of DC) assigned by SESSIONS w/ the same mandate/authority?


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a6ea1d  No.14832178


You think?

But the scheme is the same…..



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f570dc  No.14832179


Funny thing though, we still have Gitmo. Go figure.

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e87573  No.14832180



Alright, collecting #18757 and #18761

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76b3ad  No.14832181

>>14832169 (me)

Or did he park in Alec's spot?

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a588a0  No.14832182

File: acb602bfc81cc0e⋯.png (222.98 KB, 535x705, 107:141, Screenshot_2021_10_22_at_0….png)


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18e75d  No.14832183

File: 06c6fd5857fa497⋯.png (1.9 MB, 991x979, 991:979, baldwin_haha.png)

File: 818404c38dc324c⋯.png (804.42 KB, 800x800, 1:1, baldwin_phone.png)

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8cbf5c  No.14832184



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956815  No.14832185


The way I read it, it was a crime of passion!

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d2f25e  No.14832186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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46fc71  No.14832187

File: 81a6497bf5f22d3⋯.jpg (15.93 KB, 480x326, 240:163, FB_IMG_1634880768508.jpg)

ThanQ anons


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73258b  No.14832188

File: e03cbab9f188290⋯.jpg (286.81 KB, 719x873, 719:873, Screenshot_20211022_022200….jpg)



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b76cbc  No.14832189


there was already a 56 collected and noted

need 57 and 61

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6c3b70  No.14832190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alec Baldwin fired prop gun that killed cinematographer, injured director on Santa Fe set

>4,958 views | Oct 21, 2021 | KOB 4 - Albuquerque News

Authorities have confirmed Alec Baldwin fired the prop gun that killed "Rust" cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and injured director Joel Souza.


Double Vision

Double Vision

1 hour ago

Apparently they didn't learn from the Brandon Lee incident and change the way prop guns are used.

Crap Hitting The Fan

Crap Hitting The Fan

1 hour ago

How in the hell do crew members get shot and not an actor unless he was screwing around at close range, there is something wrong with this.

Qron Smoke

Qron Smoke

26 minutes ago

There is more to this story. I really hope that they are not just protecting Baldwin

ProudNavyDad SWO-N

ProudNavyDad SWO-N

1 hour ago

A "prop gun" with live rounds?



22 minutes ago

It's not really a "prop" gun" though is it? It's a real gun with blanks, possibly containing a live round.

What is up with this weird news case and the newscasters wearing black?

Anyone Cares

Anyone Cares

1 hour ago

Why was Alex Baldwin shooting at directors and not actors???



1 hour ago

This was not done by any 480 member or anyone from New Mexico.

Salt Life

Salt Life

14 minutes ago


Sebas Sanchez C-137

Sebas Sanchez C-137

1 hour ago


Eric Nelson

Eric Nelson

15 minutes ago

But he fired it twice.

gg allin

gg allin

1 hour ago

1 bullet cant hit 2 people. so alec fired 2 bullets at 2 different people

Jim Bowden

Jim Bowden

35 minutes ago

Body Count: Trump = 0 …….. Biden = (approx.2,000 in Afganistan) ………Baldwin = 1 ( known thus far ) ……….Let's go BRANDON & BALDWIN ……HHHHHaaaaa lol !

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799eaa  No.14832191


Chili Peppers Blood Sugar Sex Magik shirt

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8028a7  No.14832192


Do you think Ollie North is an all American hero? If you're 60-70 years of age then you might be suffering from deep indoctrination.

Seek out the old clips of Nightline…you can see Ted Koppel perform but you'll see with New eyes.

Go watch the Iran-Contra hearings. ALL the way through.

If you're here and still believe OBL did 9/11 you might need severe crash course boot camp

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e9e75b  No.14832193

File: 80ffff5f18ec3f0⋯.png (584.96 KB, 1806x817, 42:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5e31d0b9da9a45⋯.png (340.2 KB, 1809x821, 1809:821, ClipboardImage.png)


Florida vs MY county

handy map if you ever decide you coming to stay


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509784  No.14832194

File: 1a82686664b9e57⋯.jpeg (317.15 KB, 750x1061, 750:1061, CFD2984C_1EC7_4F9F_A4CE_9….jpeg)





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0997f8  No.14832195


Q mentioned III, not II, but whatever. In PG research, there was a theory that they prefer dark meat, so Cuba and Haiti can both fit.

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a45ed3  No.14832196

File: 7302332856abf5b⋯.png (100.67 KB, 447x536, 447:536, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a47f808a215db2f⋯.png (12.84 KB, 448x264, 56:33, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b4aaa31466ca18⋯.jpg (408.47 KB, 1163x662, 1163:662, Hunt_for_red_october_Baldw….jpg)

Durham in the news today


Red October


All coinkydinks

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46fc71  No.14832197

File: bbe82e2893b4775⋯.jpg (737.49 KB, 1660x1660, 1:1, Polish_20211021_140729093.jpg)

Big day today.

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664328  No.14832198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e87573  No.14832199



Alright, collecting #18757 and #18761

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11b23a  No.14832200

File: 1ee1053b7a289d5⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 1944x2592, 3:4, 1358923444252.jpg)

We just need a channel like this from San Diego to El Paso to cut off Panama as the trade route. 'Course, it will need to be 2 ships wide… And the amount of earth that will have to be removed is just monumental beyond imagining. In south Arizona the elevation is around 2000ft, lol.

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76b3ad  No.14832201

There was no excuse with Brandon Lee. After that there even more no excuse. Death penalty for Alec Bladwin.

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509784  No.14832202

File: 319acdf90e2d3ac⋯.jpeg (257.72 KB, 750x838, 375:419, C8997D90_B602_4217_AF94_6….jpeg)

I like this


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82b7d1  No.14832203


>Crap Hitting The Fan


>Crap Hitting The Fan


>1 hour ago


>How in the hell do crew members get shot and not an actor unless he was screwing around at close range, there is something wrong with this.


action scenes are shot from various angles, including the front view, think logically if in the movie you see a guy facing the audience with a gun in his hand, the gun points in the general direction of the camera man

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e9e75b  No.14832204

File: 5ef9ec04f25f1e7⋯.png (54.08 KB, 1068x789, 356:263, ClipboardImage.png)


where it was when anons posted it this morning

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f8760c  No.14832205

File: 2fa60748be4331c⋯.png (193.96 KB, 1543x658, 1543:658, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden was laying down FF talk exponentially today.

Even invoking Bloody Sunday.

Anon hopes all innocent people keep safe.




Is this where Biden was, screaming about us being terrorists, today?




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a6ea1d  No.14832206


Seriously, go take this scum off this board.

Go to fvckin reddit, here I want people that discuss future of the planet, not a psycho paedo from shitwood.

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0997f8  No.14832207


was posted last night too

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d2f25e  No.14832208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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76b3ad  No.14832209


Someone told someone to load 'em up real.

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82b7d1  No.14832210


>need 57 and 61

5 + 7 + 6 - 1 = 17

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e87573  No.14832211

File: 44a095bbf47aa85⋯.jpg (445.49 KB, 1079x1254, 1079:1254, 44a095bbf47aa858fd27fb1a8f….jpg)


say who?

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76b3ad  No.14832212

Will Alec be on SNL this weekend?

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f570dc  No.14832213


THAT, is an interesting thought. Chain of events.

Cuban missile crisis, Kennedy forces the Russians to get the missiles out, Castro prob scared shittless, possible US leaders reconsider being Castro's friend instead of giving him the cold shoulder?

It kinda boils down to who's REALLY running the show. Did the clowns make a deal with Cuba or did patriotic Americans make one? We still have Gitmo, so it seems that at least our military is on at least speaking terms with Cuba, or at least, paying big bucks to keep the base.

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76b3ad  No.14832214

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

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509784  No.14832215


Regardless it’s still MAGA

What’s great is Gettr will replace Twitter and Truth Social will replace Facebook

Maybe the optics are just for show.

I hope Dorsey and Zuckerberg lose their entire fortunes when investors choose MAGA because of how they treated us

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f000ae  No.14832216

File: cda4f7554c4def1⋯.jpg (190.26 KB, 2000x1440, 25:18, _20211022_032851.JPG)

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46fc71  No.14832217

File: ece0f631b0de692⋯.jpg (32.42 KB, 586x606, 293:303, FB_IMG_1634884116431.jpg)


>say who?

Chek the date

Patriots doubling down on data integrity

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18e75d  No.14832218

File: 57c2e576ade19e1⋯.jpg (97.58 KB, 604x584, 151:146, pepe_fu.jpg)

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59eb70  No.14832219


>You should of elected Donald Trump.

We did….

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e87573  No.14832221

File: 7e1935533a67451⋯.png (123.58 KB, 828x598, 18:13, 68989223d017869d8700212255….png)

File: bc13bcc7c561ab6⋯.png (912.12 KB, 1079x1079, 1:1, 59a0866eb833012b785ba70833….png)


Deal the next hand, and it's your shout.

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e9fdb6  No.14832222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a837f6  No.14832223

My theory, I know it's really out there but, here it is…the Mayan Calendar ended in 2012…did that mean the world was going to end on that year…the movie 2012 sure made it look like was…

what if somehow we were able to skirt that timeline and somehow survive 2012 only to bring us to what was inevitable…seems like we are reaching it pretty quick…somethings were/are just bound to happen…

we were on borrowed time after 2012…but that's just a crazy theory…

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a966b2  No.14832224

File: 8aa95a147afe634⋯.png (246.68 KB, 788x587, 788:587, mikey_bitch_wings.png)

File: da478029ccab094⋯.png (40.37 KB, 776x311, 776:311, gabby_nothing_is_real.png)

File: 1415a440a0dcdd1⋯.png (558.9 KB, 1068x448, 267:112, gabby_lynn.png)

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0997f8  No.14832225

File: 3e6b19bdd3e7756⋯.png (54.73 KB, 993x206, 993:206, ClipboardImage.png)

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37a1d4  No.14832227

I wonder if Clinton will try to suicide Durham if she even can

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e9e75b  No.14832228

File: fe7488cb38c3873⋯.png (3.35 MB, 1200x1690, 120:169, ClipboardImage.png)


>Will Alec be on SNL this weekend?

would be a great weekend for spazmo to be on and play alec baldwin

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f570dc  No.14832229


Ollie was/is a clown. OBL? I think it was the Bush's and a few others who did 9/11. No friggin way those buildings came down in their own footprint without it being a controlled drop, which would have taken weeks to prime, as well as easy access to the core, which most people don't usually get.

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a6ea1d  No.14832230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I love you too.

I love all the people that cares of other's future.

People like this:

-What division you are?-

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46fc71  No.14832231

File: c6c5743e0a250dc⋯.jpg (9.53 KB, 265x308, 265:308, FB_IMG_1634881478131.jpg)

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b76cbc  No.14832232


appreciated by anons, I'm sure

I'll update my dough with them

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b76cbc  No.14832233


yeah, a Q would be noice for sho

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82b7d1  No.14832234




>THAT, is an interesting thought. Chain of events.


>Cuban missile crisis, Kennedy forces the Russians to get the missiles out, Castro prob scared shittless, possible US leaders reconsider being Castro's friend instead of giving him the cold shoulder?


>It kinda boils down to who's REALLY running the show. Did the clowns make a deal with Cuba or did patriotic Americans make one? We still have Gitmo, so it seems that at least our military is on at least speaking terms with Cuba, or at least, paying big bucks to keep the base.

the deal between Kennedy and Krutchev was that the USA withdraws missiles from Turkey.

"did CIA make a deal with CUBA?" lol come on man

the USA pays something like 300 dollars a year because of the agreement done in the 30s …

the US considers the deal valid, the Cubans don't.

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f570dc  No.14832235



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76b3ad  No.14832236

Couldn't have happened to a better person.

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f4a950  No.14832237

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What am I doing here': Biden stumbles again during CNN Town Hall event

The event was an opportunity to reset his presidency, which is beset by domestic scandals and a plummeting approval rating.


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664328  No.14832238

File: d089a49731680d6⋯.jpg (259.98 KB, 924x928, 231:232, 20211022_003700.jpg)

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f570dc  No.14832239


Oh, nm, I figured out who OBL is.

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e87573  No.14832240

File: 9247f77f2f66333⋯.jpg (15.64 KB, 255x192, 85:64, 9247f77f2f66333d24fd2a8344….jpg)

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0f980d  No.14832241


I don't think these satanists have too much regard for killing.

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e87573  No.14832242

File: 78e50d4acb6483b⋯.jpg (57.44 KB, 960x600, 8:5, 78e50d4acb6483b7b377bdffd6….jpg)

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d2f25e  No.14832243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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28de3b  No.14832244

File: a4f2394b57884e9⋯.jpg (375.44 KB, 1077x1095, 359:365, Screenshot_20211022_193703….jpg)

Bad news coming out

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0997f8  No.14832245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0f980d  No.14832246


Why refer to this sick bastard as President?

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d2f25e  No.14832247


The Queen is 95 and has no time for masks…


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f15b6a  No.14832249

Where were they filming in NM?

Einstein's ranch?

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874fad  No.14832250


cause she wasn't wearing a mask when she was shot.

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f000ae  No.14832251


more sauce if needed


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82b7d1  No.14832252




>Oh, nm, I figured out who OBL is.

there were researchers who concluded Obama is Osama, based on analysis of the facial features

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e9fdb6  No.14832253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For Brandon

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d2f25e  No.14832254


>Einstein's ranch?

Relativity close

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46fc71  No.14832255

File: c36eebf956ca023⋯.jpg (34.44 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, FB_IMG_1634883531069.jpg)

Speaking of sick bastards

Did Sick Willie died yet?


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0997f8  No.14832256


Queen and BC going to the hospital and then coming out. Q's got a big remote control.

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f570dc  No.14832257


Nope. Interesting though. So many rabbit holes that have deep connections. In the end, I don't worry too much about it. I put my trust in God. It's all gonna play out how it plays out, but the bad guys have already lost.

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0f980d  No.14832258


Welfare ride is nearly over.

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cada02  No.14832259

File: eb0037c59c34717⋯.jpg (121.32 KB, 1920x961, 1920:961, Certificate_for_api_twitte….jpg)

I see the idiots are attempting DNS poisoning again, this time via Twatter.

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82b7d1  No.14832260





>>Einstein's ranch?


>Relativity close

Einstein was a leftist, might have had secret mini nukes stashed in his ranch that got ignited

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20ba4b  No.14832261

File: ed31ff8776bbb2f⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1085x1085, 1:1, 1634884934877.png)

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e9e75b  No.14832262

File: 4d0c0f1b8602dde⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb7ebb42895326e⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1200x783, 400:261, ClipboardImage.png)


always thought mayan calendar counted the cosmic ages

in 2012 we entered a new era (age of Aquarius) on our transition to another golden age

hence we see the turmoil of the old guard being destroyed and the awakening taking place

nothing to do with new age satanic gibberish, just the ancient clock fags keeping time


Who will sire the new age? Yes, Donald Trump appears to have a central role. And we will all participate in co-creating a future with our actions and thoughts.

Ancient sages predicted an age of expansion. The prophecy comes from observing cosmic cycles.

Ponder this: Only when we follow the Laws of Nature and live in harmony with planetary cycles, can we find happiness and spiritual fulfillment.

What is NASA’s “Great Year” cycle of 25,000 years, which Isaac Newton coined “Precession of the Equinoxes”? Does our sun move through the galaxy with a binary star partner? If so, please show me on the Milky Way map right now!

Hindu astronomers counted time in four Yugas, the Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Iron ages. What are these cycles that rule the rise and fall of consciousness and civilization on earth?

Where are we now in the Yuga cycle? Swami Sri Yukteswar says we are in the Bronze Age now, heading for a Golden Age, a time of peace and positive energies.

We see evidence of rapidly rising consciousness and more discoveries with every passing century.

Three great prophets were born at the dawn of this era. The Buddha, Jesus Christ, and Muhammad all spoke similar words to light our way.

We are in an expanding age. Good triumphs over evil. Like the swing of a pendulum, this is unavoidable. We are on a path of ascension. Darkness recedes and light can shine.

Yes. Ascension is imminent and ongoing. But don’t hold your breath. Right now we’re in the Bronze Age. The Silver Age starts in 4100 CE. The next Golden Age will begin in 7700 CE.

We have some work ahead of us, however. We will first have to learn to reside in the heart, to live sustainably, to heal the soil, to cease poisoning the earth, to control population, to end wars, share resources equitably, to harness electricity in service to health, and to hold offenders accountable.

Disclosure has already happened. Yep. Swami Sri Yukteswar describes our planetary family and an ancient time of gods here on earth. It’s in the Bible too!

Unity is coming. It’s already here. Believe it. Humanity is united in our wish for peace. Disputes are fading. Although a handful of elites may have ruled through fear for a few thousand years, no one can keep the lid on the coming expansion. Don’t waste precious time fighting injustice – the new times allow us to claim our birthright with strength and conviction.

Conclusion: Personal resiliency, responsibility and integrity are three keys to living in challenging, expanding times. We can find joy by embracing uncertainty together with courage.

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f570dc  No.14832263


I doubt it, I don't think they look the same, but ya never know these days.

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0f980d  No.14832264


She and the director had signed up to Truth Social app and that fat fool shot them up.

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735dc4  No.14832265


DNS fuckery: https://8kun.top/alleycat/res/968.html

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f000ae  No.14832266

File: 81c8e0948f28790⋯.jpg (381.28 KB, 1440x2280, 12:19, _20211022_034213.JPG)

China wins again

market melt up continues


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8cbf5c  No.14832267


>the deal between Kennedy and Krutchev was that the USA withdraws missiles from Turkey.

correct, the US had Jupiter missiles in turkey BEFORE the russians sent their missiles to cuba. and the US missiles were CLOSER to moscow than the russian missiles were to DC. it was khrushchev's way of getting our missiles out of turkey. the russians never wanted the stand-off to escalate to the point that decision times were reduced to minutes or seconds. way too dangerous of a game to play. it was the lunatic sabre rattlers in the pentagon that provoked the whole crisis in the first place by putting our missiles in turkey.

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874fad  No.14832268


There's rumors there were 2 "Jimmy Carters", one was actual Jimmy Carter and the other was JFK pretending to be Carter.

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76b3ad  No.14832269

File: 2fdea921855d442⋯.gif (478.63 KB, 500x279, 500:279, ljT1H10.gif)


Cue up all his "gun control" statements. Then one would ask why he's glorifying guns in his act. Then Brandon Lee wants to know why it happened again. There's no excuse to any of it.

I guarantee you that Toots is PISSED!

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f570dc  No.14832270

Wouldn't it be nice to make the fed go bye bye and return to constitutional money?

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f570dc  No.14832271


You mean the rumor you're trying to start right now?

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8cbf5c  No.14832272


the whooshing sound you hear is your joke going over the heads of half the tards here.

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735dc4  No.14832273

File: 9bedc87cd96d12f⋯.jpg (44.01 KB, 640x360, 16:9, snap.jpg)

Max Igan has fled Australia and is now in Acacpulco. He says that he was being harassed by the banks and the police. Good job, Aussies.


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0f980d  No.14832274


Yup - take Guns away from Hollyweird - they can use broom handles instead.

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0997f8  No.14832275


everybody watched 13 days

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d2f25e  No.14832276


it's ok

perhaps it was my delivery

I was hoping for at least one kek

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959b9d  No.14832277


Would it be hard to find out who ordered him to instigate a riot and who paid him to instigate a riot?

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46fc71  No.14832278

File: e32c9ab49fa6597⋯.jpg (13.38 KB, 440x534, 220:267, FB_IMG_1634883100794.jpg)


Lol is he still a Trump Hater?

Couldnt stand listening to him anymore beyond a certain point

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e9e75b  No.14832279

File: 73ec8347f8a06b8⋯.png (607.66 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>China wins again

China has never won in the history of mankind

even as old as they are, China never will win

any gains they ever make they lose because they are a primitive soulless barbarian race

never forget that

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82b7d1  No.14832280


Pentagon told JFK that there is a Thucydides Trap situation, the time to hit Russia with nukes is now, they could take 150 million Soviets with a first strike and the retaliation strike could not take out more than 15 - 20 million Americans max , later it would be less winning …. JFK thought they were crazy

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20ba4b  No.14832281

File: bea7c8d3708854b⋯.mp4 (7.79 MB, 720x720, 1:1, e8ITnArLrGINUo2o.mp4)

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76b3ad  No.14832282


They shouldn't need even prop guns in movies. Should be all about two fags having a kid, Trans people being awesome, etc. Etc.

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a6ea1d  No.14832283


She in hospital overnight means 2 things:

1- shit world must to see - I have a lapsus for the moment of the right expression-

2- reptoids's labs were boomed

I vote for the 1st, they can abduct her and clone her, all day long.

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8cbf5c  No.14832284


>everybody watched 13 days

but some of us lived it. and some of us knew the whole story, even back then. and just like now, the MSM did their best to keep the "unpleasant" parts from the normies. and just like now, there were people who spoke truth to power, at considerable personal cost.

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f4a950  No.14832285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alec Baldwin fatally shoots woman on film set

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509784  No.14832286

File: 18062171f35bfa2⋯.jpeg (648 KB, 750x1002, 125:167, 296BC1D9_9297_4CC4_85F5_3….jpeg)




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874fad  No.14832287


No I've seen convincing pictures here (can't seem to find them now) showing similarities between JFK and "Carter" facial features, teeth, eyes.

I'm no expert though.

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76b3ad  No.14832288

So If someone else loads the gun and I shoot somebody, I can just say I thought it was blanks? "We were shooting a movie!"

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f4a950  No.14832289


You mean Obama.

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f000ae  No.14832290

File: ffb27246f19b65a⋯.jpg (471.53 KB, 1907x1210, 1907:1210, _20211022_035005.JPG)




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46fc71  No.14832291

File: 4aa7c03fbd9d334⋯.jpg (18.15 KB, 720x405, 16:9, FB_IMG_1634841912528.jpg)


FOH China used to be based, Jews and Mongols just slaughtered shit out of them so all they have left now is communism and John Cena

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76b3ad  No.14832292

>>14832288 (me)

Why haven't more people used that?

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874fad  No.14832293


In Australia you can't leave the country unless you've been double vaccinated, has he been vaccinated?

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0997f8  No.14832294


Well we have nukes in Turkey now and I kind of think Turkey is holding them hostage at this point.

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781c72  No.14832295


We need memes pointing out how guns are only dangerous in the hands of idiots like AB.

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a966b2  No.14832296

File: 2a8558914565d65⋯.png (42.28 KB, 1029x251, 1029:251, Screen_Shot_2021_10_21_at_….png)

File: cfb24d9db3a6c59⋯.png (105.46 KB, 341x259, 341:259, Screen_Shot_2021_10_21_at_….png)

File: 06904812ad1af78⋯.png (319.58 KB, 490x351, 490:351, Screen_Shot_2021_10_21_at_….png)

File: 405b551a9ff6062⋯.png (420.47 KB, 399x503, 399:503, Screen_Shot_2021_10_21_at_….png)

File: 064365f833e617a⋯.jpg (118.68 KB, 960x712, 120:89, obama_like_never_there.jpg)

three toot toot


Frail and zealously shielded from a prying media, the 85-year-old woman Obama affectionately calls "Toot" won't be in Denver when he takes the stage at the Democratic National Convention.


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735dc4  No.14832298


>Lol is he still a Trump Hater?

I've only seen a few of his videos. He has a lot of interesting things to say but I don't remember him saying anything about Trump. He's Aussie so I don't think it matters what he thinks of Trump.

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a96338  No.14832299

File: 00cc95747cc30e3⋯.jpg (117.52 KB, 1078x430, 539:215, 20211022_000649.jpg)

File: b94dfa285b2eb51⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1079x1079, 1:1, CollageMaker_20211022_0050….jpg)

File: 9623f6a2b93aa2e⋯.jpg (658.45 KB, 1079x1081, 1079:1081, Screenshot_20211022_002652….jpg)

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76b3ad  No.14832300

Can we legally shoot blanks at Alec?

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8cbf5c  No.14832301


yes, mcnamara recounted the whole story of the meeting in his book. JFK went against the unanimous recommendation of the joint chiefs and thereby saved the human race. there was also a russian ship that a broken radio and did not get the orders from moscow to turn back. his ship crossed the "line" that was supposed to trigger a US first strike, but JFK held fast. before anyone puts DJT on mt rushmore, they damned well better put JFK up there, first.

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f4b7cd  No.14832302

Anyone have anything on this?



Is it total garbage or anyone think there is any truth to it?

Jerome Bell looks to be a real person


Former Navy and rep from Virginia and his account it suspended. His account in the video is the same on his website and his website points to the suspended Twitter account.

He looked like he posted Twitter contraband for sure


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76b3ad  No.14832303

>>14832300 (me)

And if we can't, can Toots? He's a cat.

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73258b  No.14832304

Just a reminder that if you accidentally shoot someone you're going to be arrested and charged with manslaughter at the very least.

Unless you got some of that Alec Baldwin "white privilege".

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751d91  No.14832305

File: 942bbc55c6b7d3e⋯.jpg (17.28 KB, 250x255, 50:51, file_store_1.jpg)

File: 142dc0b88db0e85⋯.jpg (61.67 KB, 500x568, 125:142, system_8.jpg)

File: ffe2b84f3a10dc3⋯.jpg (210.67 KB, 840x598, 420:299, file_store.jpg)

File: 17d7e784546f9e0⋯.png (202.72 KB, 500x522, 250:261, im_just_here_for_the_great….png)


Trips checked

Not crazy.

The timeline ended in 2012, we were given 9 years to collapse our own timelines, get to neutral point, see the system, grasp the duality, free will here, but in the same 'breath' know we are all one and we all come from source. Plus, a few more crazier things kek

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82b7d1  No.14832306




>They shouldn't need even prop guns in movies.


The NRA and the entertainment industry interact publicly as mortal enemies. But as the number of weapons shown in movies and TV steadily increases — and stars like Matt Damon and Angelina Jolie make fortunes wielding guns onscreen — a co-dependence that keeps both churning is revealed: “making the liberal bias a lot of money”

BURNISHED BY THE LOW LIGHT OF GLASS-WALLED DISPLAYS, THEY seem like ancient artifacts, but the objects here are beloved contemporary icons. One case houses the massive Smith & Wesson Model 29 wielded by Clint Eastwood's "Dirty Harry" Callahan in the 1973 film Magnum Force. In another rests the Beretta 92F used by Bruce Willis in Die Hard. All the great shoot-'em-up classics — The Bourne Identity, Pulp Fiction, The Wild Bunch — are here. This exhibit, celebrating cinema, isn't in Hollywood; it's thousands of miles away, in a museum at the headquarters of the National Rifle Association in Fairfax, Va.

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8cbf5c  No.14832307


>Well we have nukes in Turkey now

yes but AFAIK, no icbms, just bombers and bombs. big difference in response times.

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f4b7cd  No.14832308


Or just have him shoot blanks at himself.

Clearly hard to prosecute that way.

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e9fdb6  No.14832309

File: 3ff1fad965ee245⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB, 320x320, 1:1, JS_l8srVcEL4zCLc.mp4)




Thomas Massie


I questioned Attorney General Garland about whether there were Federal Agents present on 1/6 and whether they agitated to go into the Capitol. Attorney General Garland refused to answer.

3:14 PM · Oct 21, 2021·


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a6ea1d  No.14832310


You can insult me how much you want, scum.

I feel you, but you can't hurt me. Any of you, you are garbage, only your shit soul smell can hurt my smelling sense.

So, pray to satan, that I will not find you….

Knowing satan, he will escape using you.

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d2f25e  No.14832311


>white privilege".

DNC two tiered justice privy

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781c72  No.14832312


Watch the video. He details his journey.

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735dc4  No.14832313


>In Australia you can't leave the country unless you've been double vaccinated, has he been vaccinated?

If he has then I guess he would be a hypocrite. He doesn't say how he got out of Australia. We shouldn't believe everything we're told about what is going on down there.

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c84c54  No.14832314

File: 2ff4cce64ef0304⋯.jpg (116.27 KB, 728x1280, 91:160, photo_2021_10_20_06_58_45.jpg)

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0f980d  No.14832315


There is a cop rotting in jail for 22 years for Floyd - he was just doing his job of controlling hardened criminals. This prick Alec was also just doing his shit acting job - I say throw him in for 44 years.

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82b7d1  No.14832316


gravity bombs

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959b9d  No.14832317


IF USA loses FREEDOM because of tyrants, political criminals and their enforcing personnel…

HISTORY will tell the story of how PATRIOTS were so close to capturing the building where We The People could have regained FREEDOM.

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f000ae  No.14832318

File: c5d1023b77ebcec⋯.jpg (304.8 KB, 2311x1277, 2311:1277, _20211022_035726.JPG)


das rite

>white priviledge

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e9e75b  No.14832319

File: 041bfdafe1b4c48⋯.png (94.59 KB, 640x412, 160:103, ClipboardImage.png)


>the whooshing sound you hear is your joke going over the heads

the wooshing sound will actually be different depending on where the tard is on the bell curve. This effect was described by Doppler



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73258b  No.14832320


44. Like his little bitch president. Love it!

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0997f8  No.14832321


MAD used to be what kept the peace, but now MAD is a pact with lock step Covid policies.

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76b3ad  No.14832322

Murder is now legal.

"I thought you loaded blanks!"

"I thought you loaded it."

Accident. Every murder. We were shooting a movie.

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509784  No.14832323


So what’s crazy is that Trump was still president on Jan 5th & 6th

This proves that the FBI went rogue

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76b3ad  No.14832324

Toots ain't gonna put up with this shit.

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6cb09d  No.14832325

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d47f4a  No.14832326

It's looking like Trump got duped by Q even worse than anons did….

Very sad.

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664328  No.14832327

File: df95105fb923f32⋯.gif (407.9 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 20211022_010213.gif)

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76b3ad  No.14832328


Hey, fag.

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d2f25e  No.14832329


US mil showed up also to smash any and all dissent of the steal

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735dc4  No.14832330

File: b7b09c9239bde88⋯.png (142.23 KB, 442x399, 442:399, caco_shot.png)

They should start bribing people to get vaxxed with shares of Pfizer and Moderna stock to prove it works as intended.

Interesting idea, kek.

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509784  No.14832331

File: 944ba9a4f3e8355⋯.jpeg (216.52 KB, 750x718, 375:359, B5D6D0B2_D39E_4755_8AC1_E….jpeg)


Anons are voting with their dollars now

Go eat a tampon loserer

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e9e75b  No.14832332


yes really

the article actually says changes fast

what you are looking at is a small slice of time and imagining thats winning

its temporary

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8cbf5c  No.14832333


>MAD used to be what kept the peace

thankfully it worked as long as it did. but it's a flawed analogy. old school minds likened it to two gunfighters facing each other ready to draw. the truth was more like two people locked in a gasoline drenched room both holding cigarette lighters.

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6cb09d  No.14832334

File: 5c28dc00f5689e1⋯.png (56.2 KB, 451x376, 451:376, Screen_Shot_2021_10_22_at_….png)

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509784  No.14832335


The Democrats made them sleep on a cold garage floor and made thousands of them share a single porta potty and fed them raw chicken

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d47f4a  No.14832336


Trump told his own supporters to go to the capitol, got them all arrested, and then left them in jail to face the partisan Democrat prosecutors. Trump doesn't give a shit about his supporters.

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735dc4  No.14832337

New version of the 8kun Bread Launcher is now available

It's been a year since the original version of the Bread Launcher came out and now, finally, it has auto-updating and posting capability.

The Post Office feature is now fully implemented. Includes the capability to create new threads and to manage 5 posts per instance.

There is no better way to consume or make bread than this.

Go to my new GitHub Pages website: https://8chananon.github.io

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e9e75b  No.14832338


it was meant for high IQ anons, not you

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959b9d  No.14832339


That may have been a major loss.

Next, materials and food are becoming scarce.

Who really controls the containers parked offshore?

Who really controls the streets?

Who's going to starve?

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46fc71  No.14832340

File: a53a8534314d92c⋯.mp4 (12.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, a53a8534314d92c7f0b0be973b….mp4)


>Trump was still president

>implying he stopped being president

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76b3ad  No.14832341


They're gonna be able to figure out when Patriots go to be by that plateau.

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509784  No.14832342


>Trump told his own supporters to go to the capitol

DC is the capitol. Nice try loserer. Keep thinking cheating is winning (it’s not) (people are going to prison)

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f000ae  No.14832343

File: de7e9c74c5bed64⋯.jpg (266.79 KB, 2011x1148, 2011:1148, _20211022_040425.JPG)

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d2f25e  No.14832344


they did

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76b3ad  No.14832345


I dont even want to buy, I just want to donate $100.

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46fc71  No.14832346

File: b380f67df11b3fc⋯.jpeg (11.54 KB, 255x210, 17:14, 632b1dbfb774608eaa4b0f268….jpeg)


>Trump told his own supporters to go to the capitol, got them all arrested, and then left them in jail to face the partisan Democrat prosecutors. Trump doesn't give a shit about his supporters.

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509784  No.14832347


Currently 1.7 b market cap

What’s Facebooks market cap?

What about Twitter?

Plenty of room left to run?

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0997f8  No.14832348


For some reason, I never really believed it. I understand that technologically, it's possible, but doesn't make sense that, then one day, they decided to reduce arms, but still keep enough to destroy the world. Sounds like a badly written plot line.

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8cbf5c  No.14832349


>The Democrats made them sleep on a cold garage floor and made thousands of them share a single porta potty and fed them raw chicken

but jill biden made cookies for them… the press just happened to be there to record it…

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e9e75b  No.14832350

File: 68f923f465dcc3b⋯.png (1.71 MB, 900x960, 15:16, ClipboardImage.png)


get used to losing

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6cb09d  No.14832351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c84c54  No.14832352

File: 40ed56a55e89f46⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB, 848x678, 424:339, notyourpresident.mp4)

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b56857  No.14832353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


V8 digits


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82b7d1  No.14832354

File: 43f87c35458a188⋯.jpg (52.53 KB, 488x488, 1:1, index.jpg)


>>>14832280 (You)


>yes, mcnamara recounted the whole story of the meeting in his book.

I read about it in the Book JFK and the Unspeakable …

The book's central thesis is that Kennedy was a cold warrior who turned to peace-making, and that as a result he was killed by his own security apparatus

Published by the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, it received an award from the Catholic Press Association and coverage in the religious press; sales shot up after Oliver Stone recommended the book, with it featuring in Amazons Top 100 for a week The 2013 edition of the book was endorsed by Kennedy's nephew Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who said it had moved him to visit Dealey Plaza for the first time

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ad8d4e  No.14832355

File: 1527851445df13d⋯.gif (3.02 MB, 483x272, 483:272, jebfive.gif)


Kek, you are actually trying.

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735dc4  No.14832356


>Sounds like a badly written plot line.

At the risk of starting another flame war (kek), nukes don't work and never did.

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76b3ad  No.14832357

You guys think POTUS made MEME stocks happen and thennnnnnn comes out with a stonk?

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664328  No.14832358

File: 108a6736d8b6f4e⋯.gif (967.31 KB, 468x351, 4:3, 20211022_011028.gif)



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f15b6a  No.14832359

Dr jill has been to the border…both sides of it…Biden said

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8cbf5c  No.14832360


>For some reason, I never really believed it.

you may be ahead of the curve, anon. for all we know, the money supposedly spent on nukes actually went to funding cia black ops worldwide.

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28de3b  No.14832361

File: 03d11a791c5a385⋯.jpg (480.05 KB, 1073x970, 1073:970, Screenshot_20211022_201043….jpg)

Who protects the pope..


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959b9d  No.14832362


Was a very strong show of force though right?

Sucks people got arrested,

I mentioned here last year we needed to make a list of lawyers to trust for that reason when Patriots need help.

Still no list of friendly lawyers.

Guess sooner or later the buildings where they control peoples FREEDOM become a problem.

That's why they already have their people installed in important courthouses.

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f000ae  No.14832363


with that logic the infrastructure they built over the course of a decade and a half is worthless

look, this anon bleeds red, white, and blue & fears God Almighty

but facts are facts … China is a superpower that wants to dominate the earth Belt Road Initiative

is prime example of China's world influemce


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735dc4  No.14832364


Trigger them some more by changing the name from Manwich to Sammich.

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8cbf5c  No.14832366


>At the risk of starting another flame war (kek), nukes don't work and never did.

then why do it, since it's pure retarded bullshit. i KNEW people who WITNESSED it. now KYS, glownigger.

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664328  No.14832367

File: 4874073f0166dc7⋯.gif (143.86 KB, 500x434, 250:217, 20211022_011255.gif)


all of them?

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e9e75b  No.14832368

File: 65567a9033a88ae⋯.png (2.92 MB, 1080x1329, 360:443, ClipboardImage.png)

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a966b2  No.14832369

File: b63a5ee6284f522⋯.png (370.57 KB, 1280x729, 1280:729, Screenshot_2021_10_22_at_0….png)

File: 0a80b72c6564b07⋯.png (288.83 KB, 928x646, 464:323, Screen_Shot_2021_10_22_at_….png)

File: 20aa947176e8155⋯.png (454.89 KB, 1067x540, 1067:540, rbg_clones.png)



>New Mexico


Published August 14, 2018

Last Update August 15, 2018

Woman arrested at 'extremist Muslim' New Mexico compound moved to federal custody, sheriff says

Matt Richardson

By Matt Richardson , | Fox News

Jany Leveille, one of the five suspects arrested at the "extremist Muslim" compound in northern New Mexico, has been transferred to the custody of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Taos County Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe said Tuesday.

The remaining detainees are currently still in custody, the sheriff said.

Siraj Wahhaj, 40 , another suspect from the compound, is being held on an outstanding warrant from Georgia, Hogrefe said, while the three others allegedly involved - Lucas Morten, Hujrah Wahhaj and Subhannah Wahhaj - are still incarcerated pending the fulfillment of their release conditions.

The defendants were arrested and 11 children were taken into custody during a raid Aug. 4 on the compound near the Colorado state line.

Jany Leveille was transferred to federal custody on Tuesday.

Jany Leveille was transferred to federal custody on Tuesday. (Taos County Sheriff via AP)

News of Leveille's transfer comes a day after a judge ruled against the request of prosecutors to keep the five suspects imprisoned. Judge Sarah Backus said although she was concerned by "troubling facts," prosecutors failed to articulate any specific threats to the community.

She set a $20,000 bond for each defendant and ordered that they wear ankle monitors and have weekly contact with their attorneys.

The children discovered at the compound earlier this month were both trained to use firearms and taught multiple tactical techniques in order to kill teachers, law enforcement and other institutions they found corrupt, state prosecutors said on Monday.

3-year-old Abdul-ghani Wahhaj, who had been missing since December, allegedly died amid a ritualistic religious ceremony held on the grounds in an effort to “cast out demonic spirits,” Reuters reported.

“It was a religious ritual carried out… a ritual intended to cast out demonic spirits from Abdul-ghani Wahhaj,” Taos County Prosecutor John Lovelace said…..


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11b23a  No.14832370


>i KNEW people who WITNESSED it.

Which is a fancy way of saying you don't know dick.

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76b3ad  No.14832371

How do we donate to Trump's stonk?

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509784  No.14832372

File: 991a37a671a7102⋯.jpeg (587.68 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 65026B81_BAA9_4308_9E18_6….jpeg)

Joe Biden lost Afghanistan in ONE FUCKING DAY to a guy who couldn’t even find Afghanistan on a map



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11b23a  No.14832373


>How do we donate to Trump's stonk?

Send me a money order and I'll add it to the pile.

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0997f8  No.14832374


I mean I remember school drills as a kid getting under the desk, joking with my friends, to later understanding that shit wasn't gonna save us, then left wondering why they had us do that.

After 9/11, when they pumped the fear, it kind of clicked.

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e9fdb6  No.14832375

File: 6bf51789495c82b⋯.png (118.54 KB, 253x366, 253:366, Screenshot_20211022_000958….png)

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f15b6a  No.14832376

Anybody else see Bidan use hurricanes and floods as reasons why he had not gone to bordef.

It's almost as if those events were planned excusez.

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76b3ad  No.14832377


I'll mail cash.

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c84c54  No.14832378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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509784  No.14832379


If patriots prosper MAGA prospers

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b56857  No.14832380


this is cool.

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c84c54  No.14832381

File: f564c7a0334b343⋯.gif (15.6 KB, 555x97, 555:97, flood.GIF)

File: ec5eef5d85b8317⋯.jpg (17.03 KB, 255x254, 255:254, ec5eef5d85b8317895e24cba73….jpg)

File: 8ea372248b95091⋯.png (35.92 KB, 576x216, 8:3, NCSWC.PNG)

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11b23a  No.14832382


It serves a purpose–makes it easy to spot outsiders who have a purely academic understanding of the language because they didn't grow up around it using it and hearing it used in abstract and clever ways.

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8cbf5c  No.14832383


>Which is a fancy way of saying you don't know dick

NO… it's a PLAIN way of saying i know for certain that nuclear bombs exist, they work, and they have been used.

YOU on the other hand, are obviously WELL acquainted with dick. now go find a bloody baby dick to suck on, glowie.

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11b23a  No.14832384


>I'll mail cash.

Cool. I assume you already have my contact info so I'll be watching for your envelope. Cheers, anon!

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e34704  No.14832385

Wifeanon just informed me of a headline (probably on FB) that the worst storm in the North West's HISTORY is going to hit Sunday.

This whole place is so not ready for high winds. Trees everywhere slow it down, but they have shallow, broad roots because we're almost a rainforest (there actually is a temperate rain-forest inland a little ways) so high winds, especially from an uncommon angle, knock over a lot of trees.

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f000ae  No.14832386

File: 21d6c5d16f1e137⋯.jpg (327.78 KB, 2392x1330, 1196:665, _20211022_041513.JPG)


>I'll mail cash.

good idea

what's the address?

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61e311  No.14832387

File: ae92b43610e581c⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1908x1146, 318:191, ClipboardImage.png)


>>14830499 (pb)

Biden says I guess I should goDOWN

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11b23a  No.14832388


>NO… it's a PLAIN way of saying i know for certain that nuclear bombs exist, they work

No, it's a plain way of saying you've never seen one go of and you are misrepresenting second-hand info as your personal experience and then resorting to personal attacks because your argument has fallen on its face. Way to go, retard.

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28de3b  No.14832389

Maybe we are here to stand up for the sheep

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959b9d  No.14832390


Too obviously.

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c84c54  No.14832391


Expect a lot more PAIN

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735dc4  No.14832392


I doubt that learning Chinese is easier than learning English.

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664328  No.14832393

File: d4750bb31f04edc⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 270x151, 270:151, 20211022_011746.gif)


your choice of posting material shows, beyond doubt, that you are gullible and intellectually lazy.

<.gif rl8d

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509784  No.14832394


Gates probably playin God with the weather again

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11b23a  No.14832395


>good idea

>what's the address?

Just write

"For anon

Re: Trump stonk"

on the envelope, they'll know it's for me.

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28de3b  No.14832396

Well i am on the brink of losing my job if i dont get the vax.

I wont fucking get it ever

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cada02  No.14832397


Only sources I could find state only three.

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e9e75b  No.14832398

File: 5794e75b96c2e3f⋯.png (1017.08 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)


its not strange logic

I'm just old enough to remember Mao and the cultural revolution. and be familiar with their tribal history before that.

what is happening now has been gained thru corruption and force.

thats not a sustainable business model.

they are about to be shut down by DJT soon and their house of cards will collapse.

COMMUNISM does not work so they are bound to fail as a country

it all depends on how big of a timeline you take into account but do not forget 100 years ago they were primitive and contributed nothing to the world

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6cb09d  No.14832399

File: 874ef711c0fd902⋯.jpg (75.31 KB, 479x684, 479:684, 1b1a0bc8a294f96977a7c88b71….jpg)

File: cef48d518b0e198⋯.png (594.29 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1c491958994770a16da403e985….png)

File: ccc072d2639adc3⋯.jpeg (35.44 KB, 344x346, 172:173, 1fba5c9a64574dfea96570e7e….jpeg)

File: b56a6ea58f5c6ad⋯.png (128.03 KB, 373x299, 373:299, 3bf4e26c93b0bb44a63fcb5291….png)

File: 12242196c3c9d60⋯.jpeg (294.13 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, 4a4aa094f587e962eb6404ab7….jpeg)

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8cbf5c  No.14832400


>I mean I remember school drills as a kid getting under the desk, joking with my friends, to later understanding that shit wasn't gonna save us, then left wondering why they had us do that.

it depends on how far you were from ground zero. at a distance where the principle effect is going to be the mechanical shock wave, getting under the desk would offer some protection if the roof caved in. the long term effect of radiation was not fully appreciated, either. so it wasn't as nonsensical as it's made to sound today.

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e9e75b  No.14832401


sure bieber

your gifs still suck

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b56857  No.14832402


phonefaggin. Please attach

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0997f8  No.14832403


depends on your native tongue

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e9e75b  No.14832404


i dont see how that has anything to do with the OP or english

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11b23a  No.14832405

File: 5ed53e92cdfe2c2⋯.gif (204.28 KB, 1320x924, 10:7, 0605e29e651e9599dae2084f50….gif)


>I doubt that learning Chinese is easier than learning English.

You would be squarely correct on that one!

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509784  No.14832406

Truth about the uniparty and the illusion of choice:

Everyone is always just one Masonic handshake away from being sold down the river.

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8bfd87  No.14832407

File: 5e0148ccb556d98⋯.png (317.95 KB, 770x443, 770:443, Pelosi_act_retarded.png)


all gonna say the same thing

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509784  No.14832408


Kennedy warned us about secret societies

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e005a7  No.14832409

File: 26763e61c592dbb⋯.jpg (116.59 KB, 512x512, 1:1, who_is_pepe_really.jpg)

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735dc4  No.14832410


I can't imagine learning all those glyphs. Brain melted.

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ad8d4e  No.14832411


Make them fire you over it, if you have the time and energy. Make this all fall back on them.

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11b23a  No.14832412

File: 41dc9d14008c16b⋯.png (226.51 KB, 500x405, 100:81, pepe_feel_sunset.png)


>I wont fucking get it ever

Hang in there, anon. You can get another job. You can't get another immune system.

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0997f8  No.14832413


i lived in a major city with a large defense industry which i was told would be a primary target of multiple icbms.

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e34704  No.14832414


Something a bit closer to sauce:

WHUS76 KSEW 220346



National Weather Service Seattle WA

846 PM PDT Thu Oct 21 2021



Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island Out 10 Nm-

Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville Out 10 Nm-

Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater Out 10 Nm-

Coastal Waters From Cape Flattery To James Island 10 To 60 Nm-

Coastal Waters From James Island To Point Grenville 10 To 60 Nm-

Coastal Waters From Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater 10 To

60 Nm-

846 PM PDT Thu Oct 21 2021


* WHAT…South winds 25 to 35 kt and seas 14 to 17 ft at 14 seconds.

* WHERE…Coastal Waters from Cape Flattery to Cape Shoalwater out to 60 nm.

* WHEN…Until 5 AM PDT Friday.

* IMPACTS…Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility.


A Gale Warning means winds of 34 to 47 knots are imminent or occurring. Operating a vessel in gale conditions requires experience and properly equipped vessels. It is highly recommended that mariners without the proper experience seek safe harbor prior to the onset of gale conditions.

This, from https://a.atmos.washington.edu/data/warning_report.WWA.html just now.

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dc8af3  No.14832415

File: c7f66c86955f3bb⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1024x684, 256:171, fbi_computer_monitors.png)


>Well i am on the brink of losing my job if i dont get the vax.

What I hear you saying is the rule about wearing pants to work really doesn't matter any more.

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6cb09d  No.14832416

File: 5afacd356b5e2c5⋯.png (568.12 KB, 998x925, 998:925, 5afacd356b5e2c54e747c35370….png)

File: 2537a415e4713fe⋯.jpeg (63.15 KB, 400x495, 80:99, 5ccc0a027c66a973da698b814….jpeg)

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b56857  No.14832417


I've always been intrigued by kata and this stuff. My Chinese mate had a unique flair with his English handwriting. Best labelled cassettes ever.

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11b23a  No.14832418


>I can't imagine learning all those glyphs. Brain melted.

Dude, that's not even 10% of them. It was just the biggest compilation I could find.

It helps learning them because they are made up of sub-particles which allow you to read them as a burst of subparticles so you learn that "fire bird penis" means "solar flare" or whatever (made up example but it really do be something like that) and some of the more simple ones are pretty easy to remember and you use the simple ones to construct the complicated ones, but still. It's an unending clusterfuck

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46fc71  No.14832419

File: 779f5c6fc292edd⋯.jpg (6.6 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 122ec74e72aed3ed51f22aed26….jpg)

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8bfd87  No.14832420

File: 758505c1481d9ea⋯.jpg (34.7 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1605235140.jpg)

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f15b6a  No.14832421


excuses. Spouse is working on a q's5 page religious exemption.

How often do yo attend church?

Ate your kids baptized?

Did you offer your first child as a sacrifice?

Who are godparents?

What religion classes do you take.

How well do yo know bible?

Go you pray?

Why? How? For what?

Do you think Bidan was legally elected?

Do you think Trump is a sore loser?

IsvTrump a religious person.

should Fauci be canninized.

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d30fc7  No.14832422


Perfect timing to hit the East coast with a tsunami. Watch the Water.

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d47f4a  No.14832423


But I thought elections were safe?

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8cbf5c  No.14832424


so you're calling my father and my uncles liars? FUCK YOU, ASSBREATH.

but don't worry, i won't waste my time or bread by replying to any more of your moranic posts. i know how important getting the last word is to tiny, mentally retarded and emotionally crippled minds like yours. besides, it would be poor sportsmanship to engage in a battle of wits with an OBVIOUSLY unarmed opponent. but just so we're clear… GFY.

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6cb09d  No.14832426

File: 0e6d9be5d9d4cc7⋯.png (37.25 KB, 450x196, 225:98, Screen_Shot_2021_10_22_at_….png)


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82b7d1  No.14832427




>For some reason, I never really believed it.

MAD is apparently problematic in the Game theory analysis:

In the conventional telling of the tale, the nuclear stand-off between the USA and the USSR attributes the following policy to both parties. Each threatened to answer a first strike by the other with a devastating counter-strike. This pair of reciprocal strategies, which by the late 1960s would effectively have meant blowing up the world, was known as ‘Mutually Assured Destruction’, or ‘MAD’. Game theorists at the time objected that MAD was mad, because it set up a PD [Prisoner's Dilemma -anon] as a result of the fact that the reciprocal threats were incredible. The reasoning behind this diagnosis went as follows. Suppose the USSR launches a first strike against the USA. At that point, the American President finds his country already destroyed. He doesn’t bring it back to life by now blowing up the world, so he has no incentive to carry out his original threat to retaliate, which has now manifestly failed to achieve its point. Since the Russians can anticipate this, they should ignore the threat to retaliate and strike first. Of course, the Americans are in an exactly symmetric position, so they too should strike first. Each power recognizes this incentive on the part of the other, and so anticipates an attack if they don’t rush to preempt it. What we should therefore expect, because it is the only NE of the game, is a race between the two powers to be the first to attack. The clear implication is the destruction of the world.

This game-theoretic analysis caused genuine consternation and fear on both sides during the Cold War, and is reputed to have produced some striking attempts at setting up strategic commitment devices. Some anecdotes, for example, allege that President Nixon had the CIA try to convince the Russians that he was insane or frequently drunk, so that they’d believe that he’d launch a retaliatory strike even when it was no longer in his interest to do so. Similarly, the Soviet KGB is sometimes claimed, during Brezhnev’s later years, to to have fabricated medical reports exaggerating the extent of his senility with the same end in mind. Even if these stories aren’t true, their persistent circulation indicates understanding of the logic of strategic commitment. Ultimately, the strategic symmetry that concerned the Pentagon’s analysts was complicated and perhaps broken by changes in American missile deployment tactics. They equipped a worldwide fleet of submarines with enough missiles to launch a devastating counterattack by themselves. This made the reliability of the US military communications network less straightforward, and in so doing introduced an element of strategically relevant uncertainty. The President probably could be less sure to be able to reach the submarines and cancel their orders to attack if prospects of American survival had become hopeless. Of course, the value of this in breaking symmetry depended on the Russians being aware of the potential problem. In Stanley Kubrick’s classic film Dr. Strangelove, the world is destroyed by accident because the Russians build a doomsday machine that will automatically trigger a retaliatory strike regardless of their leadership’s resolve to follow through on the implicit MAD threat but then keep it a secret. As a result, when an unequivocally mad American colonel launches missiles at Russia on his own accord, and the American President tries to convince his Soviet counterpart that the attack was unintended, the Russian Premier sheepishly tells him about the secret doomsday machine. Now the two leaders can do nothing but watch in dismay as the world is blown up due to a game-theoretic mistake.

This example of the Cold War standoff, while famous and of considerable importance in the history of game theory and its popular reception, relied at the time on analyses that weren’t very subtle. The military game theorists were almost certainly mistaken to the extent that they modeled the Cold War as a one-shot PD in the first place. For one thing, the nuclear balancing game was enmeshed in larger global power games of great complexity. For another, it is far from clear that, for either superpower, annihilating the other while avoiding self-annihilation was in fact the highest-ranked outcome. If it wasn’t, in either or both cases, then the game wasn’t a PD. A cynic might suggest that the operations researchers on both sides were playing a cunning strategy in a game over funding, one that involved them cooperating with one another in order to convince their politicians to allocate more resources to weapons.


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f000ae  No.14832428


>they'll know it's for me

highest ranking anon ??

i want 45 stocks

please & thank you

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f000ae  No.14832429

File: 9e668f9cc8c0ec6⋯.jpg (95.21 KB, 1891x1146, 1891:1146, _20211022_042313.JPG)

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f15b6a  No.14832430

Got some catfights in here tonight.

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664328  No.14832431

File: 0716060d976e338⋯.gif (481.8 KB, 400x225, 16:9, 20211022_012747.gif)


amazing = any

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11b23a  No.14832432


Fuck you and your faggot father and your faggot uncle. I've never met any of your faggots. Nothing you know means a fucking thing to me, faggot. And you've never seen a nuclear bomb go off, regardless of what faggot shit your faggot uncle or your faggot father told you. So YOU go fuck off. Second-hand information is not personal experience. You don't know dick and you never will. Everything else you said was just whining and crying because you got called on it. Too bad.

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0997f8  No.14832433


u don't learn them each individually. They are of combinations of building blocks

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314d85  No.14832434

File: ba404ffc234a029⋯.png (394.57 KB, 647x500, 647:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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8cbf5c  No.14832435


>i lived in a major city with a large defense industry

yeah, your ass was grass, as we used to say. but for much of america, it was not QUITE as stupid as it's made to sound nowadays.

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dc8af3  No.14832436

File: d6841e897770b19⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1024x684, 256:171, 9059fc96fb42d574eeed85a386….png)


>Got some catfights in here tonight.

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a966b2  No.14832437

File: 0423b4a5d02daab⋯.png (482.9 KB, 386x652, 193:326, Screen_Shot_2021_10_22_at_….png)


Bacon is Shakespeare

The English language allegedly was built by Sir Francis Bacon who was inspired by Le Pleiade, a band of French poets that greatly enriched the French language. He gathered writers, poets and scientists to achieve a number of things:


The Baconian theory of Shakespeare authorship holds that Sir Francis Bacon, philosopher, essayist and scientist, wrote the plays which were publicly attributed to William Shakespeare. Various explanations are offered for this alleged subterfuge, most commonly that Bacon's rise to high office might have been hindered were it to become known that he wrote plays for the public stage. Thus the plays were credited to Shakespeare, who was merely a front to shield the identity of Bacon….

…..Baconian cryptology

In 1880 Ignatius L. Donnelly, a U.S. Congressman, science fiction author and Atlantis theorist, wrote The Great Cryptogram, in which he argued that Bacon revealed his authorship of the works by concealing secret ciphers in the text. This produced a plethora of late 19th-century Baconian theorising, which developed the theme that Bacon had hidden encoded messages in the plays.


The moon was silver. The sun corresponded naturally to gold, and so gold was normally found in the tropics where the sun was strongest. By learning the names of the angels who moved planets like the sun, Dee would become the master of the elements, able to change lead into gold, as well as the master of intelligence, able to send messages (via angels) back and forth without cipher. Dee would actually come up with a way of using angels as a form of communication.

Please note that Dee was mostly ignorant of modern science and his worldview was fraught with superstition. Dee’s most influential disciples were Francis Bacon, author of The New Atlantis, (original title: The Land of the Rosicrucians) and 20th-century occultist, Aleister Crowley, aka, “the beast,” and “666.” Jones continues


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509784  No.14832438

File: dc88af933a73539⋯.jpeg (355.57 KB, 750x833, 750:833, B1DB2A02_19D3_4D0A_B842_2….jpeg)


>Well i am on the brink of losing my job if i dont get the vax.

>I wont fucking get it ever


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959b9d  No.14832439


How long are they allowed to make threats and take from us,

until we ask when we are allowed to make threats and take from them?

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d2f25e  No.14832440


>How often do yo attend church?

[Col 2:16 KJV] 16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath [days]:

ps kidney fetal tissue was obtained from a child born full term and the only way to get the viable kidney cells was to take the kidneys from a live child

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11b23a  No.14832442

File: dde7bd551900107⋯.jpg (63.99 KB, 550x550, 1:1, pepe_sundae.jpg)


>highest ranking anon ??

>i want 45 stocks

>please & thank you


Roger that, 45 stonks coming up.

Hey, @POTUS, these anons want some stonks. I heard you had some stonks. Go do, you know, the thing.

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73258b  No.14832443

File: 9a2a041663a2d29⋯.jpg (313.88 KB, 720x1265, 144:253, Screenshot_20211022_032620….jpg)

Reminder that Stealth Jeff appointed Durham same day Q started.

There are no coincidences.

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e34704  No.14832444


might just be the bots were given a new script to distract, too.

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82b7d1  No.14832445


talibanis are not that interested in the outside world … and that means they have no plans to attack America …

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11b23a  No.14832447

File: 5ad60df4a63a6d8⋯.jpeg (389.84 KB, 750x549, 250:183, q_is_real_195000000.jpeg)

File: 2b82066dfa03931⋯.jpg (116.07 KB, 828x957, 276:319, q_proof_newtrip.jpg)

File: b528c7a432e4fb3⋯.png (509.5 KB, 500x659, 500:659, q_story_doggo.png)

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0997f8  No.14832448


hand writing is stressed very hard in east asian countries. when they write latin script, each generation writes exactly alike.

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dc8af3  No.14832449

File: 47ed76a71550be0⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1098x1385, 1098:1385, fabca0cc1a0af7238f624f6f77….png)

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664328  No.14832450

File: 234bff607604cb7⋯.gif (2.12 MB, 380x213, 380:213, 20211022_013143.gif)


… and your data are still shit.

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d2f25e  No.14832451


this one is tippy top secret

The server took too long to submit your post. Your post was probably still submitted. If it wasn't, 8kun might be experiencing issues right now – please try your post again later. Error information:

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b56857  No.14832452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Did you transfer currency into money? Can't be far away, surely.


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8cbf5c  No.14832453

File: 882980a6f512708⋯.jpg (357.15 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: bd0a1876c9b62f7⋯.png (109.49 KB, 555x674, 555:674, ped21.png)

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e9e75b  No.14832454




but most of the world can go thru life fine not understanding chinese

not the same for english

English remains the dominant language of international business and global communication and the official language of approx 70 countries

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764e5e  No.14832455

How’s that winning going you silly faggots?

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11b23a  No.14832456

File: 77b82d2300bebe5⋯.jpg (37.74 KB, 750x709, 750:709, pepe_nuclear.jpg)


>yeah, your ass was grass, as we used to say. but for much of america, it was not QUITE as stupid as it's made to sound nowadays.

I always figured they were heavily banking on the protective power of the lead paint in the schools and the desks back then, kek

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f000ae  No.14832457


totally get your opinion anon…nothing gained by theft theft should reap rewards

it's just not looking that way when China's GDP grows 5%+ nearly every year, unlike the USA's

my fingers are crossed that you are correct

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a966b2  No.14832458

File: cf7fafc45ba9d23⋯.png (153.51 KB, 756x552, 63:46, Screenshot_2021_10_22_at_0….png)

1 year delta one half hour ago…


21-Oct-2020 7:32:59 PM PDTQ !!Hs1Jq13jV68kun/qresearch11202412


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82b7d1  No.14832459




>>At the risk of starting another flame war (kek), nukes don't work and never did.


>then why do it, since it's pure retarded bullshit. i KNEW people who WITNESSED it. now KYS, glownigger.

it's the problem with doing one's own research if one has slept during the physics classes at school

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11b23a  No.14832460


>but most of the world can go thru life fine not understanding chinese

Totally agreed. If you want my meaningless opinion, Chinese is a worthlessly complicated language for soulless fucking ants. You don't need a special symbol for every possible idea and concept and common noun in existence. English is a nice middle ground between capability and complexity. Whereas Spanish goes full retard with unnecessarily low information density.

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d2f25e  No.14832461


>How’s that winning going you silly faggots?

no need to kick the nwo shitbags while they are down

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8cbf5c  No.14832463

File: 0f029858821e63c⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 320x179, 320:179, giphy.gif)

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f15b6a  No.14832464





Can you do handwriting analysis on Chinese writing ?

Because you sure can with English.

You can tell a lot about a person by their writing style. Is it true for Chinese characters?

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46fc71  No.14832465

File: cf1ef323ebce31e⋯.jpg (20.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, cf1ef323ebce31eebc41391b57….jpg)


Pretty comfy all things considered

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0997f8  No.14832466


in today's dynamic, if we were to assume it's not controlled by a global cabal, which strategic game would give the most advantage, chess, poker, or go?

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6cb09d  No.14832468

File: 297372ef66ed16f⋯.png (133.19 KB, 449x664, 449:664, Screen_Shot_2021_10_22_at_….png)

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b56857  No.14832469


Handwriting standards have dropped here. There is a connection between the hand and brain. Chicken scrawl central.

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751d91  No.14832470

File: 8bd0227a841e330⋯.png (113.54 KB, 967x806, 967:806, media.png)


PNWanon here, your wifeanon is correct.

Those fire areas are predicting mudslides, its been raining steady and winds here and there. Colder overnight temps, winds, loss of power will prove interesting. Being hit with 4 sep weather systems.


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959b9d  No.14832471

File: eb3536785a2c458⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1792x2048, 7:8, GenGDub.png)


Slow and weird with weak leadership.

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f000ae  No.14832472

File: 28acb3c7a5dc90e⋯.jpg (451.75 KB, 2316x1263, 772:421, _20211022_014448.JPG)


not bad

you hungry?

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509784  No.14832473

File: f946b77e62b7f06⋯.jpeg (218.92 KB, 750x711, 250:237, B4D19DD2_783F_4C13_B9A3_A….jpeg)


>How’s that winning going you silly faggots?

Love seeing everyone selling their Big Tech stonks and buying MAGA stonks


How’s your big tech portfolio doing (giggles)?

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664328  No.14832474

File: a376b3a67206a77⋯.gif (1.2 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 20211022_013741.gif)


>… handshake away from being sold down the river.

that would be past tense.

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b56857  No.14832475


Hi Mr. Rogers.

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82b7d1  No.14832476


>Anybody else see Bidan use hurricanes and floods as reasons why he had not gone to bordef.


>It's almost as if those events were planned excusez.

Using the HAARP to modify weather events?

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f15b6a  No.14832477


I thought either Merck's or Pfizer vax was made from non fetal tissue.

Can't remember which.

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11b23a  No.14832478

File: 2f2933162e615f0⋯.jpg (16.95 KB, 350x288, 175:144, faggots.jpg)


Makes me hungry. Faggots are delicious.

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8cbf5c  No.14832479


>it's the problem with doing one's own research if one has slept during the physics classes at school

sorry, your post is ambiguous to me… not sure which side you're taking… but it's pretty clear that the fuckwit who believes nuclear bombs are fake never got anywhere NEAR a physics class. probly never even been in a school of any sort.

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509784  No.14832481

File: 94b45d7d25a824b⋯.jpeg (191.8 KB, 750x625, 6:5, 7C3EC3A9_7405_4BFA_A954_8….jpeg)

File: 7c0ad2c7fc80231⋯.jpeg (198.01 KB, 750x633, 250:211, 22CA5F90_5E3F_4D28_82DF_F….jpeg)


>How’s your big tech portfolio doing (giggles)?

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45ea46  No.14832482

State Rep. Michael DiMassa, arrested by FBI in probe of misuse of West Haven COVID relief funds, expected to resign Friday from legislature

Two killed, two injured in plane crash near Holly Ridge airstrip

Biden will pass free community college or 'be sleeping alone for a long…

State Rep. Michael DiMassa, accused of stealing more than $600,000 in federal COVID-19 relief money by billing the city of West Haven for pandemic related consulting services that federal officials said he never performed, is expected to resign his seat in the legislature as early as Friday, House Speaker Matthew Ritter said.

“The secretary of the state tells us the letter is coming tomorrow,” Ritter said late Thursday. Lawmakers intending to resign must notify the secretary of the state in writing.

DiMassa also resigned his post as an aide to the West Haven City Council on Thursday, according to Ritter. DiMassa could not be reached immediately for comment.

Immediately following his arrest Wednesday, DiMassa, a Democrat, was stripped of all committee and leadership assignments by Ritter and House majority leader Jason Rojas.

SAUCE: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/state-rep-michael-dimassa-arrested-by-fbi-in-probe-of-misuse-of-west-haven-covid-relief-funds-expected-to-resign-friday-from-legislature/ar-AAPOiy1

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d2f25e  No.14832483


>State Rep. Michael DiMassa, accused of stealing more than $600,000

translation : failed to give big guy 60K

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735dc4  No.14832484


Not chess, Mr. Spock. Poker.

The Corbomite Maneuver

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e9e75b  No.14832485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the world may never know

there is quite a list of candidates and groups that debate it


Anonymous was a good movie imho

but Shakespeare in Love was one of my favorites

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11b23a  No.14832486


>but it's pretty clear that the fuckwit who believes nuclear bombs are fake

Get real, homo. I called you out for saying you "know for a fact" based on second hand information. Personally I THINK nukes are real. But there's no way to be certain, as I've never witnessed one in use and it's completely plausible that the powers that be have faked them using various techniques (as they've done with many other things). I'm riding your ass about this because you're claiming second hand information as personal experience but you're just as clueless as anyone else including your liar faggot father. And your pussy is absolutely broken over it. Life's rough when you're stupid, kiddo. Stay mad!

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b56857  No.14832487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… is that you Dog the Bounty Hunter?


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f000ae  No.14832488

File: 0d9e357c2058d0a⋯.jpg (513.02 KB, 1700x1342, 850:671, _20211022_043951.JPG)


needs peas and mash

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8cbf5c  No.14832489


>Chinese is a worthlessly complicated language for soulless fucking ants.

illiterate bigot rant much? how ya doin' these days, archie?

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45ea46  No.14832490


Will be interesting to see Friday's trades will go, and how much DWAC gains.

I don't suspect the DWAC stocks will really take off until Monday when the DWAC stocks have their first full week on the market.

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6cb09d  No.14832491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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73258b  No.14832492

File: 804334a58de98fd⋯.jpg (235.79 KB, 719x873, 719:873, Screenshot_20211022_034138….jpg)

Keks in No Name


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11b23a  No.14832493


>needs peas and mash

I prefer to make the mash by hand, the frozen stuff is rubbish.

Slice 3 large peeled taters into 1" coins, boil for 25 minutes with butter, garlic salt, and coarse black pepper in the water. Strain and mash in a big bowl. Murder it with more butter, garlic salt, and coarse black pepper. NUM NUM

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d47f4a  No.14832494


Trust Sessions

Trust Wray

Trust Huber

Trust Huber

Trust Horowitz

Trust Barr

Trust Mike Pompeo

Midterms are safe

Boom Week

Watch Hannity

Follow Bolton

July, the month the world will learn the trust (2018 still waiting lol)

Are you ready for arrests?

Magic Sword electro music

Trust the plan


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d2f25e  No.14832495


> don't suspect the DWAC stocks will really take off until Monday

thought the same

I say estimated top for now $170.00

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6cb09d  No.14832496


Tomorrow is FRIDAY.


Connect the dots.


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11b23a  No.14832497


>illiterate bigot rant much? how ya doin' these days, archie?

Sorry. Watch enough LeakReality\LiveLeak videos from China and it'll start influencing your opinions too. But I acknowledge that I'm being mean about this, and I should tone it down or stop. So again, sorry.

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45ea46  No.14832498


Don't drop the soap, Baldwin

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b56857  No.14832499


… I picked it.

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82b7d1  No.14832500


Pedosta is a septuagenarian pencil neck … not the guy in the pic … I doubt he's been in a disco for a long time

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735dc4  No.14832501


>but it's pretty clear that the fuckwit who believes nuclear bombs are fake never got anywhere NEAR a physics class. probly never even been in a school of any sort.

We all know that personal attacks are a strong indicator of a weak argument and a weak mind.

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f15b6a  No.14832502


>Two killed, two injured in plane crash near Holly Ridge airstrip

>Biden will pass free community college or 'be sleeping alone for a long…


First….the inserted linked stories sound interesting....PLANE CRASH KILLS TWO????

2nd. Which state is this?

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0997f8  No.14832503


they were the wealthiest and most populous country until the british forced opium on them. you don't do that by being retards. they even admit they had a 'hundred years of shame'. besides the well known things like gun powder, paper, etc. you should study why the brits, the french, germans, russians, wanted to go into china so bad. it's cause they made everything and was draining europes gold and silver through trade surpluses. the only ting the brits figured out was to sell them opium. why does the queen drink tea? why do europeans display their best CHINA and only use them for their most important occasions? why are ties made of silk. learn you dumbfuck. understanding the enemy is half the battle.

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11b23a  No.14832504

File: 679cd5161766b24⋯.jpg (93.22 KB, 650x467, 650:467, mccainlickcopyqn7.jpg)


They didn't invite his running mate Sarah Palin to the funeral, either. That's low

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f978e2  No.14832505

File: 34dde56620bb5e4⋯.jpeg (215.46 KB, 750x1039, 750:1039, D3B80C36_0FDC_4419_8CA0_D….jpeg)

Truth Social

How high do Anons think MAGA stonk will go today?

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b56857  No.14832506


People will start to play music, BBQ, picnic, and poor outta the pubs once again, but in a huge way.

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735dc4  No.14832507

File: 7373a02faf9b2f9⋯.jpg (92.24 KB, 567x338, 567:338, Faggots.jpg)



Might as well pile on with another faggots pic, kek.

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6cb09d  No.14832508

File: 2b1fac24175eefa⋯.jpg (74.29 KB, 700x1200, 7:12, 2mfWMKU.jpg)

File: 4a1ae45dbd7b95e⋯.jpg (284.56 KB, 889x1126, 889:1126, 2fh8t3sp82bz.jpg)

File: 6aa268187ea6710⋯.jpg (105.5 KB, 675x675, 1:1, 1uhja5ju30o11.jpg)

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b56857  No.14832509


You require big beer gardens.

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8cbf5c  No.14832510


game theory at that time was hopelessly naive and undeveloped. the "prisoners dilemma" is a classic example, because it was mis-applied to real world decisions, but failed to take into account that the real world is not a one-off scenario. "winning" one decision box did not lead to the end of history. in the real world, you would encounter the same players over and over and over. in the real world, trust and cooperation are the only long term winning strategies. assuming the worst and acting on impulse is a recipe for actual MAD.

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f978e2  No.14832511


Anon sounds like he knows linguistics aside for the crude summations

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e9e75b  No.14832512


i agree.

i love American english because it is a very precise language. we can describe & define our thoughts exactly in very few words.

i am excited by the way the internet has revised english even further with acronyms and spellings that do away with unnecessary letters symbols & punctuation when not needed

always bothered me that the brits have so many useless letter additions compared to American english

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d5cc64  No.14832513

22 mirror 55

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e87573  No.14832514

Q Research General #18757: Live: AG Garland testifies before House Edition




>>14827728 VP Biden Gave China Easy Access to US Markets Then Hunter Received $1 Billion, Now China’s Economy Is Failing and US Investors Are Stuck

>>14827745, >>14827817, >>14828033 ICYMI Jim Jordan Great Awakening (Cap 1:02)

>>14827777>>14827792 Summary: •COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs.

>>14827780 Brian Laundrie search: Attention shifts to parents after human remains found

>>14827707, >>14827785, >>14827847 Can anyone identify who the owner operator is of this helicopter?

>>14827821, >>14827828, >>14827831 WHAT IF CROWDSTRIKE WAS A PATSY?

>>14827887 We need this in Arizona. We need a special session!

>>14827908 General Electric employees walk off their job in protest against vaccine mandates.

>>14827918 ‘Central Intelligence Corporation’: Twitter’s Dorsey dunks on Zuckerberg’s reported rebranding plans

>>14827928, >>14828407 More than 40,000 American Patriots are leading the way to escape 'big tech' tyranny as part of the Jeff.pro Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and Linux community

>>14827960 Louie Gohmert Slams AG Merrick Garland On Treatment Of Jan 6 Prisoners: ‘For Heaven’s Sake, They Are Being Abused’

>>14827968, >>14827982 More bad news for @meghanmccain: her father was working with George Soros to frame President Trump

>>14827971 Unit 2 of Russia’s Rostov NPP shut down due to steam leak, says source: http://go.tass.ru/j17dB

>>14828016 Special Counsel Durham's latest filing leads us to believe he will charge those who pushed the Alfa Bank/Trump hoax.

>>14828017 Here is Trump's new company https://tmtgcorp.com/ and a preview of the social media platform TRUTH Social (looks like Facebook?)

>>14828026 Will the vaccinated end up becoming walking RFID tags to be tracked and monitored 24/7?

>>14828064 AG Garland’s Wife Connected to Voting Machine Vendor ES&S

>>14828068 Democrat Jerry Nadler Makes Up New Rule – BLOCKS and CENSORS GOP Video of Parents at School Board Meetings during AG Garland Testimony

>>14828087, >>14828093 For KEKS Resident Biden "…I am not your President. Donald Trump is still your President." (Cap 0:06)

>>14828125 @CBS_Herridge: McCabe will now receive pension + other benefits after recently settling his lawsuit w/DOJ

>>14828203 Delta and TSA Launch New Biometric “Digital Identity Experience” at Atlanta Hub

>>14828222 Bloomberg Home Page Today Promoting Pfizer Booster

>>14827984, >>14827994, >>14828145, >>14828158, >>14828282, >>14828298, >>14828315, >>14828225, >>14828249, >>14828277, 123… Saturday ought to be fun…

>>14828317, >>14828354 SURPRISE


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f000ae  No.14832515


pork faggots ?!

come on man

beef and gravy

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e87573  No.14832516

Q Research General #18757: Live: AG Garland testifies before House Edition




>>14827728 VP Biden Gave China Easy Access to US Markets Then Hunter Received $1 Billion, Now China’s Economy Is Failing and US Investors Are Stuck

>>14827745, >>14827817, >>14828033 ICYMI Jim Jordan Great Awakening (Cap 1:02)

>>14827777, >>14827792 Summary: •COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs.

>>14827780 Brian Laundrie search: Attention shifts to parents after human remains found

>>14827707, >>14827785, >>14827847 Can anyone identify who the owner operator is of this helicopter?

>>14827821, >>14827828, >>14827831 WHAT IF CROWDSTRIKE WAS A PATSY?

>>14827887 We need this in Arizona. We need a special session!

>>14827908 General Electric employees walk off their job in protest against vaccine mandates.

>>14827918 ‘Central Intelligence Corporation’: Twitter’s Dorsey dunks on Zuckerberg’s reported rebranding plans

>>14827928, >>14828407 More than 40,000 American Patriots are leading the way to escape 'big tech' tyranny as part of the Jeff.pro Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and Linux community

>>14827960 Louie Gohmert Slams AG Merrick Garland On Treatment Of Jan 6 Prisoners: ‘For Heaven’s Sake, They Are Being Abused’

>>14827968, >>14827982 More bad news for @meghanmccain: her father was working with George Soros to frame President Trump

>>14827971 Unit 2 of Russia’s Rostov NPP shut down due to steam leak, says source: http://go.tass.ru/j17dB

>>14828016 Special Counsel Durham's latest filing leads us to believe he will charge those who pushed the Alfa Bank/Trump hoax.

>>14828017 Here is Trump's new company https://tmtgcorp.com/ and a preview of the social media platform TRUTH Social (looks like Facebook?)

>>14828026 Will the vaccinated end up becoming walking RFID tags to be tracked and monitored 24/7?

>>14828064 AG Garland’s Wife Connected to Voting Machine Vendor ES&S

>>14828068 Democrat Jerry Nadler Makes Up New Rule – BLOCKS and CENSORS GOP Video of Parents at School Board Meetings during AG Garland Testimony

>>14828087, >>14828093 For KEKS Resident Biden "…I am not your President. Donald Trump is still your President." (Cap 0:06)

>>14828125 @CBS_Herridge: McCabe will now receive pension + other benefits after recently settling his lawsuit w/DOJ

>>14828203 Delta and TSA Launch New Biometric “Digital Identity Experience” at Atlanta Hub

>>14828222 Bloomberg Home Page Today Promoting Pfizer Booster

>>14827984, >>14827994, >>14828145, >>14828158, >>14828282, >>14828298, >>14828315, >>14828225, >>14828249, >>14828277, 123… Saturday ought to be fun…

>>14828317, >>14828354 SURPRISE


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b56857  No.14832517



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8cbf5c  No.14832518


>Watch enough LeakReality\LiveLeak videos from China and it'll start influencing your opinions too

it's ok anon. we all blow off steam from time to time. maybe stop watching?

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11b23a  No.14832519


>always bothered me that the brits have so many useless letter additions compared to American english

My one exception to that is the word "Judgement." It looks like garbage without the first 'e.'

But all those extra 'u's can fuck off, labour, colour, odour…

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e87573  No.14832520

Q Research General #18757: Live: AG Garland testifies before House Edition




>>14827728 VP Biden Gave China Easy Access to US Markets Then Hunter Received $1 Billion, Now China’s Economy Is Failing and US Investors Are Stuck

>>14827745, >>14827817, >>14828033 ICYMI Jim Jordan Great Awakening (Cap 1:02)

>>14827777, >>14827792 Summary: •COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs.

>>14827780 Brian Laundrie search: Attention shifts to parents after human remains found

>>14827707, >>14827785, >>14827847 Can anyone identify who the owner operator is of this helicopter?

>>14827821, >>14827828, >>14827831 WHAT IF CROWDSTRIKE WAS A PATSY?

>>14827887 We need this in Arizona. We need a special session!

>>14827908 General Electric employees walk off their job in protest against vaccine mandates.

>>14827918 ‘Central Intelligence Corporation’: Twitter’s Dorsey dunks on Zuckerberg’s reported rebranding plans

>>14827928, >>14828407 More than 40,000 American Patriots are leading the way to escape 'big tech' tyranny as part of the Jeff.pro Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and Linux community

>>14827960 Louie Gohmert Slams AG Merrick Garland On Treatment Of Jan 6 Prisoners: ‘For Heaven’s Sake, They Are Being Abused’

>>14827968, >>14827982 More bad news for @meghanmccain: her father was working with George Soros to frame President Trump

>>14827971 Unit 2 of Russia’s Rostov NPP shut down due to steam leak, says source: http://go.tass.ru/j17dB

>>14828016 Special Counsel Durham's latest filing leads us to believe he will charge those who pushed the Alfa Bank/Trump hoax.

>>14828017 Here is Trump's new company https://tmtgcorp.com/ and a preview of the social media platform TRUTH Social (looks like Facebook?)

>>14828026 Will the vaccinated end up becoming walking RFID tags to be tracked and monitored 24/7?

>>14828064 AG Garland’s Wife Connected to Voting Machine Vendor ES&S

>>14828068 Democrat Jerry Nadler Makes Up New Rule – BLOCKS and CENSORS GOP Video of Parents at School Board Meetings during AG Garland Testimony

>>14828087, >>14828093 For KEKS Resident Biden "…I am not your President. Donald Trump is still your President." (Cap 0:06)

>>14828125 @CBS_Herridge: McCabe will now receive pension + other benefits after recently settling his lawsuit w/DOJ

>>14828203 Delta and TSA Launch New Biometric “Digital Identity Experience” at Atlanta Hub

>>14828222 Bloomberg Home Page Today Promoting Pfizer Booster

>>14828317, >>14828354 SURPRISE


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3d46d1  No.14832521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I wanna go relax, for like 10 years, traveling Norway and other Nordic countries, in this, with Candance as companion…. FWB.

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b56857  No.14832522


Capped then you just get dividends.

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e9e75b  No.14832523

File: ba49f50059c5921⋯.png (451.97 KB, 455x469, 65:67, ClipboardImage.png)


>you should study

stopped reading arrogant narcissist's post right there

fuck off back to niggerland

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e87573  No.14832524


#18757 Notables


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f978e2  No.14832525


What if Trumps social media stock is the one that pulls off the MOASS and not AMC or GME?

I’m sure libs are gonna be spreading FUD about this ticker and I’m sure some lib politicians will try to bring it down.

Anons remember when Pocahontas crashed KODK?

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11b23a  No.14832526


>it's ok anon. we all blow off steam from time to time. maybe stop watching?

I've forced myself to cut back a lot because watching old white ladies get sucker punched by niggers every day is really trying on the soul. Also sorry if you don't like that word. I don't apply it to all black people or only to black people. I feel it's a powerful and necessary word to describe a cultural condition found in the modern world in people who do not respect the life, time, or property of others.

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d5cc64  No.14832527


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e87573  No.14832528


Where do you go to buy shares?

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f978e2  No.14832529


Some people in the stock boards are suggesting the price of:



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f978e2  No.14832530


>Where do you go to buy shares?

If you have to ask the answer is no.

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8cbf5c  No.14832531


>stopped reading arrogant narcissist's post right there

it's pretty obvious to everyone here that you stopped reading right around kindergarden. don't look now but your knuckles are bleeding from dragging them on the ground. calling you a neanderthal would be an insult to cavemen.

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b56857  No.14832532



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0997f8  No.14832533

File: 77330cf5e7ca8d7⋯.png (78.72 KB, 222x213, 74:71, ClipboardImage.png)



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82b7d1  No.14832534


>But there's no way to be certain, as I've never witnessed one in use and it's completely plausible that the powers that be have faked them using various techniques (as they've done with many other things)

like TPTB fake nuclear reactors by hiding diesel generators inside them?


>in the real world, trust and cooperation are the only long term winning strategies

following the Jesus strategy of turning the other cheek is a losing proposition in iterated PDs … cheating works as long as there are dupes around … initial trust plus tit for tat and then forgiving and a new start might work the best

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11b23a  No.14832536

File: 92161d22a528dce⋯.jpeg (20.59 KB, 341x268, 341:268, zip_continue.jpeg)


>it's pretty obvious to everyone here that you stopped reading right around kindergarden. don't look now but your knuckles are bleeding from dragging them on the ground. calling you a neanderthal would be an insult to cavemen.

Damn, anon. You're off to a good start. Keep up the momentum!

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b56857  No.14832537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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28de3b  No.14832538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

watch the water

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f978e2  No.14832539



If they are completely clueless and don’t know what the fuck they are doing it’s best they sit this one out or go talk to a real broker about it instead of trying on their own

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76b908  No.14832540


The stupid fucking bastard can't fucking do anything else right. About fucking time the fuckwit actually has a fucking skill he can be proud of.

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fd817f  No.14832541


DWAC = 31

MOAB = 31.

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6cb09d  No.14832542


try fidelity

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8cbf5c  No.14832543


not at all offended by the use of the word nigger. saying only blacks can use it is as racist as saying only whites can use this fountain. and i agree there are quite a few blond blue-eyed niggers around. we are in agreement on this topic.

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11b23a  No.14832544


>like TPTB fake nuclear reactors by hiding diesel generators inside them?

On the contrary, I believe nuclear power works and is amazing and excellent (which is why they make such a huge effort to suppress it and engender fear of it). Thorium reactors could easily obviate fossil fuels after a large initial investment, which would also create a lot of long-term high-paying high-education white collar jobs as well as half decent blue collar jobs to support them.

If nuclear weapons were not real, I would say the specter they represent is part of the strategy to keep people afraid of the technology behind nuclear power so it cannot proliferate to the point that the elite can no longer sell us fossil fuels. But for the record, I do believe that in all likelihood, nuclear detonations are real.

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e9e75b  No.14832545

File: 40636100dc0f6e1⋯.png (990.41 KB, 735x689, 735:689, ClipboardImage.png)


> to everyone here

still chugging along bieber

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735dc4  No.14832546


The dumbest word in the English language: lieutenant. Pronounced like 'leftenant'.

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b56857  No.14832547


… it's out there. A little effort can cut out the middle man. Shit. Or woman.

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e87573  No.14832548



Thanks, got to learn this, may as well be now.


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67cbce  No.14832549

I wish I could sleep longer than 4 hrs a night. The upside? I can sleep 4 consecutive hrs instead of an hr, wake up, an hr, wake up…..for the majority of my life. Another upside, I get so much done in a day, it's like there's 2 of me.

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11b23a  No.14832551

File: c47b9fd33d6ae26⋯.jpg (18.72 KB, 320x449, 320:449, wash_hands.jpg)


>not at all offended by the use of the word nigger. saying only blacks can use it is as racist as saying only whites can use this fountain. and i agree there are quite a few blond blue-eyed niggers around. we are in agreement on this topic.

Glad to hear that, anon. Let's shake on it!

kek. kidding

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d2f25e  No.14832552


robin hood app would probably be quickest way to gain access and easiest to learn in a short time

there are also electronic trading platforms

basically two types

1 provided by well known brokers ( ie Schwab, Etrade etc )

2 provided by independent companies

both of which would be too much to learn in a short period of time

an apple phone and the Robin Hood app would be the quickest and easiest to gain access

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e9e75b  No.14832553

File: bcf3c86c08c7fab⋯.png (888.11 KB, 800x558, 400:279, ClipboardImage.png)



hey! i know you

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f978e2  No.14832554


>try fidelity

If he has to ask he is better off talking to a broker like Edward Jones where they will sit him down and remind him of how retarded and financially illiterate he is

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82b7d1  No.14832555


actually when an event has happened the probability the odds for it are 1 or 100% … analyzing odds post facto is cheating, you can always pick up strange coincidences if you want

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f000ae  No.14832557

File: 7ddcd95b2839855⋯.jpg (108.27 KB, 1029x978, 343:326, _20211022_045803.JPG)


>Damn, anon. You're off to a good start. Keep up the momentum!

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95c09d  No.14832558

File: a0fd5f5461c2e4d⋯.png (369.93 KB, 650x340, 65:34, ClipboardImage.png)



AG Garland Debunks Democrat 'Insurrection' Claims About January 6th

Spencer Brown| @itsspencerbrown|Posted: Oct 21, 2021 1:30 PM

In congressional testimony on Thursday, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland answered questions on a wide range of issues and crises in which the Biden administration is mired, but one answer in particular again debunked a key Democrat talking point about what happened at the Capitol on January 6th.

Asked by Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) whether any of the individuals arrested in connection with the events of January 6th were charged with "insurrection," Garland answered "I don't believe so." -

As Gohmert then points out, Democrats in Congress and throughout the federal government along with mainstream media figures at CNN, MSNBC, and across the internet continue to assert that what unfolded on January 6th was "an insurrection." But if January 6th was an insurrection, certainly some of the individuals being prosecuted by the government for their alleged role in the events of January 6th would be charged with the crime of insurrection? If not, then the logical conclusion is that January 6th did not, in fact, rise to the level of an insurrection.

=>The federal statute such crimes — 18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection — reads as follows:

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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e9e75b  No.14832559


aluminum = al lue min nium

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f978e2  No.14832560

File: de3f067ecda4c02⋯.jpeg (386.72 KB, 671x942, 671:942, 25B5241B_CA49_4798_9F8C_2….jpeg)


>Or woman.

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959b9d  No.14832561

File: bb8cbbbcf49333e⋯.png (882.08 KB, 1359x705, 453:235, _You_12345678.png)



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8cbf5c  No.14832562


>like TPTB fake nuclear reactors by hiding diesel generators inside them?

anon's college roomie worked on LMFBR design, and anon has worked on nuclear reactors, so, you know, gonna call bullshit, AGAIN.

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664328  No.14832564

File: 825b2b113954cff⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 499x374, 499:374, 20211022_020344.gif)



nigger is not a color

it is a state of mind.

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85b4c9  No.14832565


>>14830720 President Trump: “Look at what just happened in Arizona last night for the people that really won the Election, by a lot, us.

WOW. Another repeating-the-same-shit-ad-nauseam statement from the Bloviator-in-Chief. Way to drain the fucking swamp asshole.

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f978e2  No.14832566

File: 9f05f1186879558⋯.jpeg (292.24 KB, 676x718, 338:359, 7F8F2D90_7C45_4CA2_A36F_8….jpeg)


>remind him of how retarded and financially illiterate he is

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11b23a  No.14832567


>Capped then you just get dividends.

Does that mean the stock only goes up to a certain price, at which point more people buying shares of it just causes existing shareholders to receive free money? Sorry, I know that sounds retarded, stonks is not my game. I've actually studied into it for a few dozen hours and I know some of the concepts and terms, but fuck me, I can't grasp the mechanics of it.

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e9e75b  No.14832568

File: e8963e5c1e6340c⋯.png (1.07 MB, 610x800, 61:80, ClipboardImage.png)


incoming 1 shot shill say wat?

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11b23a  No.14832569


>nigger is not a color

>it is a state of mind.

I like to say "Not all black people are niggers and not all niggers are black people. It's not a skin color, it's a way of life."

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6cb09d  No.14832570

File: 950206d45282dab⋯.jpg (25.21 KB, 299x499, 299:499, 41lC2eBNz8L_SX297_BO1_204_….jpg)


try this

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95c09d  No.14832571

File: 2936878d0d6e21c⋯.png (237.33 KB, 514x610, 257:305, ClipboardImage.png)



Garland's admission that no insurrection charges are being brought in no way absolves those being charged with different crimes

— mostly assault, entering a restricted building, disorderly conduct, and civil disorder

— and those charged should be granted their constitutional right to a fair and speedy trip through the criminal justice system. The lack of insurrection charges also does not mean those who allegedly damaged property, illegally entered the Capitol, or assaulted law enforcement officers shouldn't face accountability for their actions

— they should. But the kind and level of crimes committed shouldn't be exaggerated for political gamesmanship.

The Democrat-Media complex, through, is apparently not concerned with accuracy. For them, January 6th apparently needs to be made as scary as possible.

And as has been demonstrated by the likes of Chicago Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Democrats running for office, anything or anyone they don't like now is an insurrection or an insurrectionist. It's become a buzzword for the left, and their overuse and inaccurate use of the word means that now everything is insurrection, meaning nothing is an insurrection.

As Townhall reported in August, an FBI report concluded that the events of January 6th were not "the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result" because the FBI "believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump."



: "Has any defendant involved in the January 6th events been charged with insurrection?"

fAG GARLAND: "I don't believe so." -

GOHMERT: "Well that is the word most used by Democrats here on Capitol Hill."

12:20 PM · Oct 21, 2021·Twitter Web App




Quote Tweets




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b56857  No.14832572


I don't really like referring to 'them' as 'they'. I knew bugger all about BESBS 10 year ago… and consolidations, administration, fantastic press releases…

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735dc4  No.14832573


Aluminium is an alternate spelling. Aluminum is not pronounced the same.

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e9e75b  No.14832574

File: 77aa6af7f2a497b⋯.png (352.35 KB, 593x269, 593:269, ClipboardImage.png)

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f978e2  No.14832575


That actually looks worthy of the bookshelf

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85b4c9  No.14832576


"Colonel", pronounced "kernel".

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27f927  No.14832577

File: 9a0977dfd6a8355⋯.png (354.24 KB, 828x529, 36:23, Baldwin_Kill_A_man.png)

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82b7d1  No.14832578


>>>14832534 (You)


>>like TPTB fake nuclear reactors by hiding diesel generators inside them?


>On the contrary, I believe nuclear power works and is amazing and excellent (which is why they make such a huge effort to suppress it and engender fear of it). Thorium reactors could easily obviate fossil fuels after a large initial investment, which would also create a lot of long-term high-paying high-education white collar jobs as well as half decent blue collar jobs to support them.


>If nuclear weapons were not real, I would say the specter they represent is part of the strategy to keep people afraid of the technology behind nuclear power so it cannot proliferate to the point that the elite can no longer sell us fossil fuels. But for the record, I do believe that in all likelihood, nuclear detonations are real.

well I believe nukes exists and the "van Halen belt" didn't prevent Moon Landings

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8cbf5c  No.14832579

File: 3a3303d62c1651d⋯.jpg (77.84 KB, 1023x682, 3:2, depositphotos_50375515_sto….jpg)

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6cb09d  No.14832580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f978e2  No.14832581

File: 34f90d9cf5b88b2⋯.jpeg (293.07 KB, 672x390, 112:65, B996CD86_549E_480A_BA96_B….jpeg)

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11b23a  No.14832582


Wow. That's an absolute work of art. I need to spend more time on /pol/ again but it's gotten to be really low-density on good content these days.

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4b3632  No.14832583

WTF Faggot Nuse:

Received this morning EMAIL SPAM SATIRE Warren Buffet wants to give away his fortune. $4Million to select individuals.

Dear Recipient,

My name is Warren Edward Buffett, A philanthropist, the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, one of the largest private foundations in the world. Having pledged to give away 99 percent of my fortune to philanthropic causes via the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. I founded the giving pledge in 2009 with Bill Gates, whereby billionaires pledge to give away at least half of their fortunes. I believe strongly in giving while living and I had one idea that never left in my mind that you should use your wealth to help people and I have decided to give 4.8m USD to randomly selected individuals worldwide to help Citizens fight against COVID -19.

On receipt of this email, you should count yourself as one of the

lucky individuals. Your email was chosen online while searching for

random. Kindly get back to me at your earliest convenience so I know your email is still valid: wbf1234909@naver.com


Warren Edward Buffett

American business magnate

CEO Berkshire Hathaway.

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b56857  No.14832584


yeah good points

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8cbf5c  No.14832585


>well I believe nukes exists and the "van Halen belt" didn't prevent Moon Landings

ding ding ding… proof that not everyone on night shift is a tard. good work.

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f000ae  No.14832586

File: 665395528f7b990⋯.jpg (156.65 KB, 952x1335, 952:1335, _20211022_050459.JPG)


>nigger is not a color

>it is a state of mind

was condescending once upon a time

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e9e75b  No.14832587

File: 6e5a28e60c1c6c0⋯.png (411.3 KB, 1005x377, 1005:377, ClipboardImage.png)




i thought you were talking about brit vs us

nobody in us sas aluminium or leftenant

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85b4c9  No.14832588

File: a196e20dbd62985⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1080x1145, 216:229, milley_science.png)


I'm a memefag and I'm cranky as fuck. Neck yourself.

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0997f8  No.14832589


no, i never heard of what he's implying. i mean that could happen in a private company, but a publicly traded company would not cap at a certain price. and this new trump company would take years before it hands out dividends

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d2f25e  No.14832590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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11b23a  No.14832591

File: ab35cd16eb91dc3⋯.jpg (39.64 KB, 632x626, 316:313, dark_side_of_the_thats_no_….jpg)

File: 7d43bfc78096776⋯.jpg (42.81 KB, 550x254, 275:127, fe_UN.jpg)


>well I believe nukes exists and the "van Halen belt" didn't prevent Moon Landings

Let's have a flat earth and moon landing slide for old times sake, those are fun.

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f978e2  No.14832592

File: 3357071e185b364⋯.jpeg (128.33 KB, 739x617, 739:617, DD888F04_AD64_452D_8919_C….jpeg)


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8cbf5c  No.14832593


> those are fun.

you always been into S&M?

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b56857  No.14832594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e9e75b  No.14832595

File: ac319a7006d697f⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1125x1126, 1125:1126, ClipboardImage.png)


thank you

please stay that way for 30 mins

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11b23a  No.14832596

File: f049da1fcb9b09b⋯.jpg (18.27 KB, 283x213, 283:213, cute6539.jpg)


>I'm a memefag and I'm cranky as fuck.

>Neck yourself.

I like the cut of your jib. Let's be friends. You into this shit?

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95c09d  No.14832597

File: 6b355ce4ce959b9⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1242x936, 69:52, ClipboardImage.png)

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8cbf5c  No.14832598


> those are fun.

you always been into S&M?

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11b23a  No.14832599

File: 221ab4dd10e1384⋯.jpg (27.62 KB, 475x317, 475:317, toughcat.jpg)


>you always been into S&M?

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a966b2  No.14832600

File: c427426eeb04835⋯.png (917.04 KB, 798x520, 399:260, Screen_Shot_2021_10_22_at_….png)

File: 81ee492beab9cf1⋯.png (198.5 KB, 350x264, 175:132, Screen_Shot_2021_10_22_at_….png)

File: 74bbb065e9f4e0b⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1331x615, 1331:615, Screen_Shot_2021_10_22_at_….png)

File: be0d22752478ae0⋯.png (179.94 KB, 972x263, 972:263, Screen_Shot_2021_10_22_at_….png)

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28de3b  No.14832601

File: 30001e7725f4c18⋯.jpg (321.55 KB, 1059x866, 1059:866, Screenshot_20211022_211111….jpg)


Shots fired

red october

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959b9d  No.14832602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>nigger is not a color

>it is a state of mind.

Bitch isn't a gender assignment.

Bitch is a state of mind.

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95c09d  No.14832603

File: df5faa341786cbb⋯.jpeg (11.58 KB, 255x206, 255:206, 5038f26ade7dd3f2ef95854fe….jpeg)

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735dc4  No.14832604


Lieutenant, though, is spelled the same, just pronounced differently.

Aluminum and aluminium are two different words.

Aussies say "aluminium" but Canucks say "aluminum".

Very confusing, kek.

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0997f8  No.14832605

File: a08cc49a0df5318⋯.png (296.61 KB, 284x431, 284:431, ClipboardImage.png)


that's a dictionary. this is better if you want to learn.

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e9e75b  No.14832606

File: 759ecf10ab2d281⋯.png (228.25 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>WOW. Another repeating-the-same-shit-ad-nauseam statement from the Bloviator-in-Chief. Way to drain the fucking swamp asshole

>I'm a memefag and I'm cranky as fuck. Neck yourself.

no your not

the left cant meme and that pic proves youre a leftist pinko commie fag

very hard to fool anons

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f978e2  No.14832607

File: dd4cc932a09c669⋯.jpeg (123.87 KB, 750x597, 250:199, A2AADAF5_4F87_49C2_986A_4….jpeg)




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28de3b  No.14832608

File: 82cf1770f95d331⋯.jpg (346.01 KB, 1075x900, 43:36, Screenshot_20211022_211419….jpg)



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82b7d1  No.14832609


>You can tell a lot about a person by their writing style. Is it true for Chinese characters?

Ask Obama's brother who lives in China and teaches piano and Chinese Calligraphy …

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032332  No.14832610

File: 868d19e9acfe769⋯.png (417.42 KB, 1219x1313, 1219:1313, Mad_Hatter.png)

"Born in Ukraine in 1979, Hutchins grew up on a Soviet military base in the Arctic Circle. She attended Kyiv National University and graduated with a degree in international journalism. In her first career, she worked as an investigative journalist for British documentary productions in Eastern Europe."

"Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, who worked on a number of indie productions including Archenemy, Blindfire and The 𝐌𝐚𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫"




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dc8af3  No.14832611

File: 0a36f85249dd07f⋯.png (764.2 KB, 850x1025, 34:41, 547bca17632457d574a35d21f6….png)


>I'm a memefag and I'm cranky as fuck.


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8cbf5c  No.14832612


i know… let's have a slide talking about slides. then we can move onto a slide about the slide talking about slides, slide, ad infinitum.

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664328  No.14832613

File: eb28812fec62421⋯.gif (998.87 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 20211022_021538.gif)


one`s phrase of choice was "known just as many white niggers as black".

that was before meth tho… prolly many more wipepo niggers than black naow

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b56857  No.14832614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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11b23a  No.14832615

File: 37a8046f707b100⋯.jpg (12.96 KB, 213x255, 71:85, pepe_maga_hug.jpg)



So does that mean that before the market has actually opened, enough people have placed buy orders that the effective price of the stonk is already 70+ dollars, and once trading opens for the day, those buy orders will start being filled from any sell orders from people with outs triggered at that threshold?

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735dc4  No.14832616


>proof that not everyone on night shift is a tard

You get to decide who's a tard and who is not?

News for you: it is Van Allen, not van Halen.

Who's the tard now?

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e9e75b  No.14832617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>you always been into S&M?

The memory remains

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e9e75b  No.14832618



> it is Van Allen, not van Halen.

brian moran

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85b4c9  No.14832619

File: fde48b26044f247⋯.png (968.4 KB, 1000x1477, 1000:1477, John_John_Apu.png)


>very hard to fool anons

"Anons" are some of the most gullible souls on the planet.

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4b3632  No.14832620

File: 5a2147f94850f9e⋯.gif (6.42 MB, 750x679, 750:679, 70CF8042_CA5F_47C7_AECD_70….gif)


University Educated Liberals

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f978e2  No.14832621

File: 9cda3c61302c93c⋯.jpeg (276.08 KB, 750x687, 250:229, D9FDA3F5_631A_41F6_8322_1….jpeg)


Trump launching social media company 'TRUTH Social'


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8cbf5c  No.14832622


>Bitch isn't a gender assignment.

>Bitch is a state of mind.

and tard isn't an assessment of intellect.

oh wait…

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e50540  No.14832623


>it is a state of mind.

If you drive a hooptie with spinners, have gold caps and sell crack.. You may be a nigger.

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e9e75b  No.14832624

File: 2885e5536f895ac⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


sure bieber

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f978e2  No.14832625


Idk how that works anon that’s above my pay grade I’m just a humble farmer tending my memes

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8cbf5c  No.14832626


>News for you: it is Van Allen, not van Halen.

NEWS FOR YOU: neither one of them prevented the moon landings.

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8538d5  No.14832627

File: e026cf5fbf0a2e2⋯.png (279.32 KB, 500x330, 50:33, ClipboardImage.png)



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27f927  No.14832628

File: 6e6749a629f7936⋯.png (377.61 KB, 828x529, 36:23, Baldwin_Kill_A_man2.png)


Better with the tweet

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e9e75b  No.14832629

File: 96ee0199574ccb1⋯.png (51.72 KB, 361x443, 361:443, ClipboardImage.png)


stay safe memefarmer

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85b4c9  No.14832630

File: e28c7b653286a5b⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1147x1398, 1147:1398, hunter_tableau_duck.png)


Well, you just improved my mood somewhat by using my own meme against me. First time I ever saw Toots Grammar Cat pop up in the wild.


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978695  No.14832631

File: 35a7545812cb5a9⋯.jpg (393.12 KB, 1362x788, 681:394, notgonnata.jpg)

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d2f25e  No.14832632


some sells are more equal than others

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11b23a  No.14832633


>prolly many more wipepo niggers than black naow

I doubt that… huge roaming packs of feral black nigs, AKA memphis public schools, are a terrifying thing. Anon could not guess about the actual demographic totals but I've NEVER seen wypipo acting quite as animalistic as a zerg of nigs fighting each other over a dropped chicken leg.


>i know… let's have a slide talking about slides. then we can move onto a slide about the slide talking about slides, slide, ad infinitum.

Quantum Meta-Slide Mechanics is a 3rd-year course at Zogwart's School of Jewcraft and Shillarding. I still have to study Quasi-Aetheric Usury and Advanced Shekel Conjuring before I'm ready for that kind of Jewry. But if anon leads the way, I'll do my best!

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959b9d  No.14832634



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82b7d1  No.14832635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo …well he's a student of Chinese Calligraphy and a teacher of Piano, I slightly misremembered

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959b9d  No.14832636


lol 5'8"

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735dc4  No.14832637


Never said that I disbelieved the moon landing. Said nukes aren't real. You are conflating two different things. Shill tactic.

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e50540  No.14832638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7a0acf  No.14832639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

#PastorGregLocke #Warning #Prophetic #Dire



My Prophetic Warning To You:

The same EXACT thing that happened in that Evil Nazi Germany is happening right now in these United States of America. These Evil People in our Government, Corporations, Media, and YES THE LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE CHURCH have REBELLED AGAINST YEHOVAH GOD. I don't care who does not like the words of Prophetic Warning that comes out of me because they really do not like nor love our Holy and Blameless Yehovah. The Men in America and around this Wretched World need to stand up and shrug off, cast aside this Evil and Dark Demented Spirit of Jezebel through this Demonic "Divine Feminine" crap. Take back your homes, houses, families, communities, churches, and the media, corporations, businesses, and our government from these Lost Souls for whom have sought another Gospel, another Way, another Lie masquerading as Truth.

Take heed these Infallible and Inerrant Truths > GALATIANS 1:8, JOHN 1:1-3; 3:16-17; 14:6-7 PSALM 22; ISIAH 53 | 1 Timothy 3:1-2: Proper & Biblical Head of Household & a Ministry & 1 Corinthians 14:34: Proper Role of Women in Church & Household & Ephesians 5:22-31: Proper Roles and Behaviors of Men & Women in Marriage ( John 10:30; 14:9John 1:3; Colossians 1:15-17; Hebrews 1:2Philippians 2:5-8; Hebrews 4:15; 7:26;Luke 1:35;Galatians 4:4-5;Colossians 2:9; cf. Luke 5:18-26; John 16:30; 20:28;Matthew 17:2; Mark 13:32; Philippians 2:5-8;John 4:34; 5:19, 30; 6:38;Isaiah 42:1; Matthew 12:28; Luke 4:1, 14;John 1:14; cf. 2:11; 10:37–38; 14:10–11;Matthew 23:9,6:24; Exodus 20:3; John 10:30 )



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e4af1f  No.14832640

File: 5400b1569e8915e⋯.jpg (11.52 KB, 242x255, 242:255, whos_the_retard.jpg)

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e9e75b  No.14832641

File: 24be921c0aae225⋯.png (592.59 KB, 500x602, 250:301, ClipboardImage.png)


>nukes aren't real.

there an opening in the movie

you should audition

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c60597  No.14832642

File: cade0d4c61135cf⋯.jpg (292.42 KB, 1000x1426, 500:713, 817gKCTGg4L_SL1426_.jpg)


>red october


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664328  No.14832643

File: c4f0b9ee929b102⋯.gif (1.03 MB, 400x300, 4:3, 20211022_022427.gif)


condescension is a specialty.


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11b23a  No.14832644

File: c35e5edc5579b63⋯.gif (803.92 KB, 1307x734, 1307:734, c35.gif)


>News for you: it is Van Allen, not van Halen.

See diagram.

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e9e75b  No.14832645

File: 0b0856aa6f60204⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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95c09d  No.14832646



Our Purgatory Is Their Nirvana

One man’s anarchy is another’s road to justice.

By Victor Davis Hanson

October 20, 2021


- Sheer chaos and anarchy on the border?

- Afghanistan—the most humiliating defeat in recent U.S. military history?

- A labor-starved supply chain in shambles and holiday shelves emptying out?

- The worst inflation in 30 years that seems soon ready to match Carter-era levels?

- Gas hitting $5 a gallon with winter heating fuels soaring?

- Free-for-all looting in the major cities without consequences?

- Joe Biden’s policies and Biden himself diving in the polls?

Never in recent American history has any administration birthed such disasters in its first nine months.

Yet most Americans are arguing not over the sheer chaos and disasters of the Biden Administration, but rather how could such sheer pre-civilizational calamity occur in modern America?

Were these disasters a result of historic incompetency?

Or mean-spirited nihilism?

Or a deliberate effort to create the necessary turbulence to birth a new American revolution?

Or a bit of all three?

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e9e75b  No.14832647

File: 92ec19d3e4e6759⋯.png (1.12 MB, 807x806, 807:806, ClipboardImage.png)



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735dc4  No.14832648


Great video. Dripping with sarcasm against so-called "western" values.

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959b9d  No.14832649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They don't think it be like it is, but it do.

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735dc4  No.14832650


>brian moran

Point taken.

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0997f8  No.14832651


the asteroid belt is a blown up planet and their original inhabitants colonized earth

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76b908  No.14832652



Leaks from the Movie Set in New Mexico already in progress. 2 shots fired by Baldwin from a gun with live rounds. Wasn't an accident. More will come out. Nothing can stop what is coming.

Dark to Light

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95c09d  No.14832653

File: 3238972261b519a⋯.png (74.08 KB, 160x160, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



Start instead with the idea that what most Americans see as sheer ruin is not what the left-wing puppeteers, who are pulling the strings of the Biden marionette, see.

Our catastrophes are their minor glitches. For them bad polling is mostly a public relations problem of an occasional uncooperative media. Otherwise, a few broken eggs are always necessary to create the perfect socialist omelet.

The Left now controlling Washington believes that the U.S. border is a mere construct. Every impoverished person has a birthright to cross into America illegally. The 2 million who are scheduled to enter this fiscal year alone is a wonderful, if occasionally sloppy, event.

Our border calamity is their celebration of humanity and a long-overdue recalibration of ossified American demography, one that will properly warp the Electoral College to provide the necessary election result.

If you believe that a culturally imperialistic America needs to be taken down a notch overseas, then the flight from Afghanistan is “impressive” and a “success”—by how quickly and efficiently we skedaddled.

Why worry about a lost $1 billion embassy, a $300 million refit of the Bagram airbase, or $80 billion lost in military hardware and training?

Empty shelves? Boohoo.

Grasping, upper-middle-class consumers are angry that the working classes are not willing to risk COVID infection to supply them with their accustomed holiday trinkets.

So, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg intoned that the shortages mean only that the consumer class has to wait a wee bit—until Christmas Eve—to splurge on gifts.

Who worries about a little inflation? Under new monetary theory, printing dollars brings prosperity. Or as White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain put it in a retweet, inflation is a mere “high class problem” of the Peloton elite.

Only those with money worry their ill-begotten pile shrinks. But the majority without money will eventually rejoice that it is everywhere now—finally and properly “spread,” as former president and now multimillionaire Barack Obama once promised.

As AOC swore, gas and oil are going to be gone anyway in 10 years. So, if Joe Biden slashes over 2 million barrels a day in U.S. oil production, what’s wrong with that?

Didn’t Steven Chu, Obama’s energy secretary, long ago brag that when we hit $8-10 a gallon, we’d approach European levels of proper fuel usage? Why whine about paying over $100 to fill up, when the planet more quickly cools?

Did not Americans learn “critical legal theory” and “critical race theory”?

Or as the architect of the “1619 Project” reminded us, destroying or taking someone’s property is no big deal. Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey shrugged off torched downtown buildings; such torched stuff, he said, is mere “bricks and mortar.”

It is only a crime to “steal” over $500 of needed merchandise from a Walgreens in San Francisco, because the rich who make such absurd laws never have to steal goods from a pharmacy shelf.

If racists wish to point out that African American male youths are disproportionately represented in the latest crime wave, then maybe America should be learning not to create the conditions that force them to break the law.

In sum, we are on a left-wing roller coaster headed to a socialist nirvana.

Most Americans believe it is instead an out-of-control “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride” nightmare with incompetents at the wheel.

But the architects of such “hope and change” shrug that the occasional disturbing news that the media sometimes accidentally leaks out is merely the cost of an equitable America.

One man’s anarchy is another’s road to justice.

Keep that mentality in mind and the absurdities that are mouthed by Joe Biden, his advisor Ron Klain, press secretary Jen Psaki, Homeland “Security” Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, or the ravings of the Squad, make perfect sense.

They are merely trying to explain to us dummies that what we think is purgatory is actually the new paradise

—a promised land that, once we are properly programmed and educated, we too will welcome and thank them for our deliverance.



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e9e75b  No.14832654

File: 883153334c70c9a⋯.png (370.23 KB, 500x313, 500:313, ClipboardImage.png)

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e50540  No.14832655


My baby daddy do 2

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28de3b  No.14832656


He had Q clearance……

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85b4c9  No.14832657

File: f6e5b7efe57565d⋯.png (1.17 MB, 850x1311, 850:1311, Kayleigh_of_Arc_crusader_A….png)


>sure bieber

I was once a gullible cretin too. Here's another meme I made before Trump walked away and started endorsing vaccines that are maiming and killing people. It was much praised at the time, but I'm sure you'll find a way to slag it and reeeee SHILL. It's about all most anons here are good at anymore.

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e9e75b  No.14832658

File: 4eed77d848a4ea7⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1273x1287, 1273:1287, ClipboardImage.png)


>once we are properly programmed and educated

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d2f25e  No.14832659


>Or mean-spirited nihilism?

>Or a deliberate effort to create the necessary turbulence to birth a new American revolution?

>Or a bit of all three?

VDH is a smart cookie

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11b23a  No.14832660

File: a7617fb8e5dbb1f⋯.png (743.04 KB, 1024x567, 1024:567, ple_rep.png)


>colonized earth

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959b9d  No.14832661

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dc8af3  No.14832662

File: a4afe43ffd748e6⋯.jpeg (89.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, a4afe43ffd748e6a3cd439804….jpeg)

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e9e75b  No.14832663

File: abfdc0e8ff4c5e6⋯.png (175.85 KB, 518x720, 259:360, ClipboardImage.png)

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b56857  No.14832664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The CCB won't let me be. Covid Closed Borders.


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6cb09d  No.14832665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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95c09d  No.14832666

File: 634609ff54e8a1e⋯.png (737.66 KB, 720x537, 240:179, ClipboardImage.png)

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8cbf5c  No.14832667


>the asteroid belt is a blown up planet and their original inhabitants colonized earth

nope. sorry. put the comic book, er, i mean graphic novel down, and step away from the keyboard.

the asteroid belt was never a planet. it is the remnants of the protodisk that coalesced into the planets that was PREVENTED from coalescing because it is at the lagrange point between the sun and jupiter, ie, the opposing gravitational tug of jupiter and the sun keep the asteroids from clumping together to create a planet. this is the current best model, subject of course to change, GIVEN FACTS that disprove it. unfortunately for you, comic book storylines do NOT constitute evidence to the contrary.

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99a9a4  No.14832668



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99a9a4  No.14832669


How do you post gifs here damn

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11b23a  No.14832670


>How do you post gifs here damn

your computer is broken, take it back to the apple store and ask for a new one.

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b56857  No.14832671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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8cbf5c  No.14832672


well, first you have to HAVE a gif file. then you drag and drop it in the box below the text box in the reply window, just like any other image file.

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e50540  No.14832673

File: 1b9e513ed162e22⋯.png (433.78 KB, 445x362, 445:362, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a3ec581893b839⋯.png (835.37 KB, 1107x510, 369:170, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 702b5d92b374629⋯.png (226.22 KB, 803x407, 73:37, ClipboardImage.png)

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664328  No.14832674

File: b46ed3a79ae6772⋯.gif (219.18 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 20211022_023640.gif)



the sweet


of the



what sweet music they make.

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99a9a4  No.14832675


shit what you got?

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f978e2  No.14832676




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95c09d  No.14832677

File: ee278aae2d4163d⋯.png (404.04 KB, 526x701, 526:701, 8a6d7fb32a660a331e0203ee7b….png)

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0997f8  No.14832679


>this is the current best model, subject of course to change,

>GIVEN FACTS that disprove it.

you see the problem?

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99a9a4  No.14832680


I realize what I posted wasn't a gif but I tried pasting in a gif embed file what gives?

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e9e75b  No.14832681

File: 7a425a908c16028⋯.png (586.9 KB, 820x557, 820:557, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e59132250ec50b4⋯.gif (1.74 MB, 498x360, 83:60, nicole_richie_hot.gif)

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f978e2  No.14832682


I hope he mentions Truth Social some more I want to hear more about it!

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28de3b  No.14832683

File: 3fb95b2d7e34bb4⋯.jpg (349.72 KB, 1074x905, 1074:905, Screenshot_20211022_214005….jpg)

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d2f25e  No.14832684


don't cry

when you gat a

rod to the head

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99a9a4  No.14832685


You have to save it to post it? Fuck that

Thanks for the help.

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11b23a  No.14832687

File: 1849e25c3dda3d5⋯.gif (721.16 KB, 299x165, 299:165, PARTY_HARD.gif)


>shit what you got?

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8cbf5c  No.14832688


>you see the problem?

no. no problem. it's how science works. now go back to 5th grade and start over, but THIS TIME, PAY ATTENTION.

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e50540  No.14832690


>Amazin` Skillz

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b56857  No.14832691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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82b7d1  No.14832692


I like Mark Obama better …

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11b23a  No.14832693

File: 20eda067edd0e04⋯.jpg (44.28 KB, 300x385, 60:77, CheapAss.jpg)


>it's how science works.

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0997f8  No.14832694


>trust the science

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99a9a4  No.14832696

I like you too.

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11b23a  No.14832697

File: b5212160fcb232a⋯.jpg (43.48 KB, 449x628, 449:628, malik_pepe.jpg)


>I like Mark Obama better …

Goodnight anons

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f978e2  No.14832698



DonaldWinsAgain you filthy liberal fuckingCunts

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d2f25e  No.14832700



man's vain attempt to describe what God has created

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e50540  No.14832701


My dog asks to be let out again for another treat when she comes back in. She thinks I don't know what she is doing.

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99a9a4  No.14832702


I still want my MAGA FLEXFIT hat with Donny's name in sharpie on it from the man himself…

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8cbf5c  No.14832703

File: 34b9bf2b9170c12⋯.png (334.07 KB, 474x316, 3:2, 34b9bf2b9170c1238c8f1673cd….png)



you're right, of course. ALL scientists are paid liars, and ALL science is fake. except of course the science that makes it possible for you to spread your retarded bullshit across the entire planet in milliseconds. that science is real. but EVERYTHING ELSE is fake.

do you ever THINK about what you're about to write before you hit the send button?

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664328  No.14832704

File: 90267ba5788ddeb⋯.gif (1.02 MB, 444x249, 148:83, 20211022_024529.gif)


one doubts one shall gat shit.

sad delusions

bred of assumptions

created by doctrines

birthed by monsters

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99a9a4  No.14832705


I like you too.

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f978e2  No.14832706

File: d8c3e9f0ab5fa87⋯.jpeg (478.13 KB, 750x1044, 125:174, 7BEBD43D_4941_4897_983B_A….jpeg)




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e9e75b  No.14832707

File: 669d4e5ef6a31a8⋯.png (1.39 MB, 640x960, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


> what God has created

science is God's way of splaining shit to tards

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8cbf5c  No.14832708


man USING the brain God gave him to better appreciate the miracle of creation.

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f1c11a  No.14832710

File: 31956450dd3f188⋯.jpg (8.54 MB, 4928x3280, 308:205, Rest.jpg)


Anon, I quitted my job years ago! It was simply not possible to me to talk to the brainwashed any longer! I have done it due to self protection… The day I decided to do so was my ultimate "I feel free" moment! I had to find ways to come clean with a little money! It works! Hard, but it works! In my case, I am alone. No Children, not married. I think this made it more easy for me. But if you have to do it, try to enjoy your inner peace, after it happened and built up on that!

Stay strong and I hope, for all of you, facing this outside mess, that you have some people on your side! The not visible realm is filled with surprises and you are in the center of it all!

I just want to end the post with… Unbelievable good things (some hard mournings, due to lost of family members, too) happened to me, since I walked off my job (loved it to drive a Truck!)!

Never give up! There is a reason for everything. To find this reason or the purpose in some cases immediately is sometimes not possible, but "time" will tell! I wish you the best!

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e50540  No.14832713

File: e63b0d95a9f069a⋯.png (703.21 KB, 710x399, 710:399, ClipboardImage.png)


>do you ever THINK about what you're about to write before you hit the send button?

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e9e75b  No.14832716

File: 7bbfd08153f9071⋯.png (1.21 MB, 875x725, 35:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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