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File: 79b59e03bcb17f1⋯.jpg (59.63 KB, 600x335, 120:67, 79b59e03bcb17f11f9e3194036….jpg)

9b9527  No.14832730[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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9b9527  No.14832734


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Gather Everyone In the AM and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got in the PM! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

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[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from https://botsentinel.com and use them to help get your #HASH out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Try to Post Meme/Cap/Vid/Article (Not just plain text)

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'God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.' -SwordAnon

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9b9527  No.14832735


#18762 TBC

#18761 TBC


>>14830365 Memorial service for Colin Powell set for Nov. 5 at Washington National Cathedral

>>14830349 Joe Manchin Offers to Become an Independent amid Reconciliation Negotiations with Biden

>>14830319 Biden straight up saying his plan “depends on Saudi Arabia” (opec) is wild considering we were in the middle of an energy boom before he took office

>>14830499 WATCH: Joe Biden says he hasn't had "time" to visit the southern border, says "I guess I should go down"

>>14830496 TOI: IDF said to resume practicing potential strike on Iranian nuclear sites

>>14830402 Mike Pompeo blasts Biden admin on leaving Remain in Mexico Policy on day 1

>>14830583 These are the 9 “Republicans” that voted with the Democrats’ illegitimate J6 Committee to weaponize the DOJ to persecute their enemies: the People

>>14830593 Known antifa seen everywhere during Jan 6th Capitol break-in

>>14830598 A woman has died after being shot during the filming of a movie starring Alec Baldwin in New Mexico

>>14830666, >>14830791, >>14830821 DARPA FUNDED HYDRA Research @ Columbia

>>14830689 Congress passed the JFK Records Act in 1992 to declassify all documents related to the assassination of President Kennedy, yet more than 15K documents are still being withheld from the public. I sent a letter w/ @RepCohen urging @POTUS to release all remaining records by Oct 26th

>>14830720 President Trump: “Look at what just happened in Arizona last night for the people that really won the Election, by a lot, us.

>>14830738 What is Rubicon Strategy Inc?

>>14830744 Read Cyber Ninja's highly professional and detailed response countering the Maricopa Board's lies about the 2020 election

>>14830775 CNBC: Evergrande sends funds for $83.5 million bond interest payment, says Chinese media

>>14830819 Congressman Massie grills AG Garland about one of his J6 operatives.

#18760 >>14830938


>>14829466 Queen Elizabeth II visited hospital Wednesday for “some preliminary investigations”

>>14829491 5 Sinema Advisors Quit, Accuse Her Of 'Selling Out' To Big Donors, As Far-Left Backlash Intensifies

>>14829520 US Military Base in Syria Attacked by Iran-Backed Militia DRONE STRIKE

>>14829555 AG Garland Says He’s “Not Aware” Zuckerberg Poured Over $400 Million To Interfere In The 2020 Presidential Election

>>14829597, >>14830065, >>14830091

Did US Marines die unnecessarily because Douglas MacArthur, Grand Lodge of the Philippines, was chasing Yamashita's gold?

>>14829619 Trudeau makes COVID vaccine passport mandatory, confirms jabs coming for kids

>>14829677, >>14829715, >>14829759 China gas explosion: Three dead and 30 injured after huge blast destroys buildings

>>14829788 Honolulu Police Department uses a $150,000 robot dog named Spot to “test” the homeless population for Covid

>>14829830, >>14829944 Police Say Armed Employee Stops Workplace Shooter In Nebraska; 2 Dead

>>14829851 11.3 verified

>>14829862, >>14829676, >>14829680 Statement by Donald J. Trump

>>14829892 Video: Bill Clinton glad to be home

>>14830177 1 year Delta

#18759 >>14830886


>>14828883 U.S. Navy Tweet - Another 11.3

>>14828722 Anon just sent this letter…Done funding stupid.

>>14828700 American Express Customers Report System Outages Worldwide

>>14828677 Final "Who Is In Their Seat" Audit for AG Garland Hearing Today

>>14828649 White House Knew About Letter That Compared Parents to Domestic Terrorists. NSBA collaborated with Biden administration, emails show

>>14828997 , >>14828919 , Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774?

>>14829001 Hawaii has deployed a robot dog to scan homeless people for covid at the taxpayers expense of $150,000

>>14829074 Block ‘fake news,’ Pope Francis begs social media firms, ‘in the name of God’

>>14829240 Anon theory - The pattern is quite clear. Learn the comms. The AC-130 is always followed by BOOMS.

>>14829235 For Keks - Let´s Go Brandon!, Thanks Q

>>14829366 , >>14829283 , >>14829277 FBI says human remains found in Florida park yesterday are those of Brian Laundrie

#18758 >>14830246

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9b9527  No.14832736


>>14827745, >>14827817, >>14828021 Jim Jordan Great Awakening & 1-yr delta

>>14827784 LIAR, LIAR – NIH Today Corrects False Statements by Directors Collins and Fauci – the NIH Did Fund Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan – Fauci Lied Under Oath

>>14827857 Fight against racism is noble cause, but in ‘cancel culture’ it turns into reverse discrimination, pushing people apart – Putin

>>14827891 EcoHealth Alliance violated terms of NIH grant with experiments on deadly MERS virus in China

>>14827908 General Electric employees walk off their job in protest against vaccine mandates.

>>14827918 @Jack tweets: Central Intelligence Corporation

>>14827960 Louie Gohmert Slams AG Merrick Garland On Treatment Of Jan 6 Prisoners: ‘For Heaven’s Sake, They Are Being Abused’

>>14827979 WH Press Briefing

>>14827982, >>14828016 Why was @LeaderMcConnell working behind the scenes to quash subpoenas in the Alfa Bank case?

>>14828017 Here is Trump's new company and a preview of the social media platform TRUTH Social

>>14828026 CMZ: Will the vaccinated end up becoming walking RFID tags to be tracked and monitored 24/7?

>>14828033 'Your Memo Was The Last Straw': Jordan Rips Into Garland After School Board Directive

>>14828036 VIDEO: Governor DeSantis Calls On Businesses To Pay For Adverse Reactions To Vaccine If They Mandate It.

>>14828040 Video from La Palma

>>14828047 House Judiciary GOP: This is the video of parents at school board meetings that @RepJerryNadler refused to let us play at today’s Judiciary Committee hearing

>>14828064, >>14828068 AG Garland’s Wife Connected to Voting Machine Vendor ES&S

>>14828087, >>14828093, >>14828311 Resident Biden at a speech today, "…I am not your President. Donald Trump is still your President."

>>14828098 LIVE: House votes on holding Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress

>>14828112 Brave Boeing workers in Mesa are walking out in protest of the vaccination mandate!

>>14828328 A letter has now come to light from the UK's HM Courts & Tribunals Service, which carries the heading "Re: Service of Foreign Process on Prince Andrew, Duke of York"

>>14828334 Gas hits $7.59 a gallon in CA town

>>14828074, >>14828355 FOIA'd emails show Biden admin worked with National Association of School Boards on the infamous letter calling concerned parents "domestic terrorists."

>>14828383 Battle of Iwo Jima: Japanese WWII ships sunk by US emerge after volcano tremors lift seabeds

>>14828408 American Express status: system down

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9b9527  No.14832738

Previously Collected

>>14826873 #18755,

>>14824501 #18752, >>14825890 #18753, >>14826072 #18754

>>14822863 #18749, >>14822959 #18750, >>14823746 #18751

>>14822222 #18746, >>14820600 #18747, >>14822736 #18748

>>14817479 #18743, >>14818307 #18744, >>14820663 #18745

>>14816819 #18740, >>14815909 #18741, >>14816720 #18742

>>14813516 #18737, >>14814294 #18738, >>14815038 #18739

>>14811189 #18734, >>14812078 #18735, >>14813022 #18736

>>14810129 #18731, >>14809680 #18732, >>14810371 #18733

>>14806586 #18728, >>14808393 #18729, >>14808194 #18730

>>14803998 #18725, >>14804727 #18726, >>14805532 #18727

>>14801555 #18722, >>14802433 #18723, >>14803500 #18724

>>14799395 #18719, >>14800534 #18720, >>14800345 #18721

>>14796851 #18716, >>14800471 #18717, >>14800406 #18018

>>14794614 #18713, >>14795361 #18714, >>14796575 #18715

>>14794389 #18710, >>14794269 #18711, >>14793858 #18712

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9b9527  No.14832740

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

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International Q Research Threads

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>>14739794 ————————————–——– Germany #9

>>14586201 ————————————–——– Nederland #7

>>14740217 ————————————–——– Japan #3

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

=!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

1. Watch >>14692975 VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS

2. Open Current Dough Link

3. Create Thread (Subject, Welcome Content, Image), Open thread and Paste Remaining Contents

4. Check Format against Current Dough

5. Request Baker for Review

Approximate baking time averages around 2-3 minutes reposting 4-5 posts.

*Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

*Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

*Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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9b9527  No.14832741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dough: https://controlc.com/060b0d48

#18761 and #18762 need collecting

Kitchen is Open

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1129d8  No.14832752

File: f2c108275b302fd⋯.png (881.13 KB, 839x566, 839:566, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7dd266d00cbf2b1⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14829642 pb

>How Florida could save Christmas:…via Panama Canal

Is anyone else getting the feeling of another "EVERGREEN" incident at hand?

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9c9302  No.14832760

File: 92cb8e830043105⋯.gif (1.82 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 20211022_025517.gif)

File: c7434742eb7a7ed⋯.gif (897.36 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 20211022_031043.gif)


all sciences were created by the cabal…

your enemy.

unless you can see reality, you are already dead.

these years spent here and you have yet to learn the depths of their deception.



over anthropomorphize The Most High at your peril.

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001408  No.14832763

File: 1d90168fe06d8ba⋯.jpg (50.61 KB, 551x664, 551:664, girl_bike2.jpg)


Sondra says lets go bike riding

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e0c465  No.14832768

File: 2b6de7ada7ed68a⋯.jpeg (41.31 KB, 634x404, 317:202, EB04522C_7717_4E24_B1A1_C….jpeg)


Vladimir Putin slams 'monstrous' West for teaching children they can change their gender, saying it is 'close to a crime against humanity'

The Russian leader launched an attack on LGBT attitudes in the West

He said children are pushed to believe they have a choice in their gender.




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24b9ba  No.14832777

File: 9475ad97d9325ec⋯.gif (9.85 MB, 732x727, 732:727, 9475ad97d9325ecc5625f6f914….gif)

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e0c465  No.14832782

File: f0df539397bff24⋯.jpeg (150.69 KB, 554x774, 277:387, DED630D1_0D27_456A_8FE8_4….jpeg)


Cycling is great exercise for your eyes.


Onya Bike

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c7ceb3  No.14832783

File: bae70d312b56ad4⋯.jpg (297.04 KB, 786x720, 131:120, bae70d312b56ad432d1a70077e….jpg)

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a41ee9  No.14832788

File: adbbf3d4192f252⋯.jpg (108.84 KB, 554x692, 277:346, IMG_0787.JPG)

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e0c465  No.14832790

File: adb1a5e54b6df41⋯.jpeg (148.26 KB, 1200x861, 400:287, CDC60EF4_45C4_442F_972E_B….jpeg)


“Save the planet! Cycle in hot pants” Aristotle

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e0c465  No.14832793

File: 2aab51a137d5462⋯.jpeg (315.36 KB, 713x1000, 713:1000, 5489B333_B186_444C_A51A_E….jpeg)

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8bd073  No.14832795

File: 3585ae6c30227de⋯.jpeg (50.44 KB, 518x204, 259:102, 0897DC92_A5D4_42D2_B7B7_0….jpeg)

File: 3727886f7bc8ea9⋯.jpeg (48.9 KB, 483x206, 483:206, 878C43EF_11B9_418F_8FB0_9….jpeg)

File: f72bbe153e5bec4⋯.jpeg (57.88 KB, 534x207, 178:69, 07A720A4_6780_45C5_9DEF_0….jpeg)

I love watching the MAGA stonk siphon money out of big tech

It’s like America is taking its soul back

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239470  No.14832796


My favorite Pepe. Today is going to be a good day.

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f8fbb4  No.14832798

File: e69c336c4053969⋯.png (272.8 KB, 540x597, 180:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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239470  No.14832799


MAGA mutual funds next please.

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e0c465  No.14832801

File: 91e7c9e008417e4⋯.jpeg (91.94 KB, 736x920, 4:5, D87F057C_FB06_4BB4_83D6_C….jpeg)

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1de5e2  No.14832803


>these years spent here and you have yet to learn the depths of their deception.

True dat. Some people take comfort in the idea that they "understand science", completely ignoring the fact that they are really choosing what to believe and what to disbelieve based on little more than peer pressure and what fits inside their comfort zone. Are nukes real? Are viruses real? Was the moon landing real? Who do you believe? Your parents? The teachers that you had in school? This board? The bought-and-paid-for scientists? Who is telling the truth?

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f8ab8b  No.14832804

File: 3c2fef7f44e6322⋯.png (756.98 KB, 768x660, 64:55, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef23751c24a09c3⋯.png (759.6 KB, 696x683, 696:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec0cb5b687066de⋯.png (506.88 KB, 718x576, 359:288, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 279f12b4a2bd3f6⋯.png (375.89 KB, 677x591, 677:591, ClipboardImage.png)


Representative Thomas Massie Questions AG Merrick Garland About FBI Agents and Informants Participating and Agitating in January 6, DC Protest

October 21, 2021 | Sundance | 146 Comments

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing today, Representative Thomas Massie questioned Attorney General Merrick Garland about FBI agents and possible FBI informants planted in the crowd in DC to organize events.


U.S. Capitol Violence

The FBI is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying individuals who made unlawful entry into the U.S. Capitol building and committed various other alleged criminal violations, such as destruction of property, assaulting law enforcement personnel, targeting members of the media for assault, and other unlawful conduct, on January 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C.

We have deployed our full investigative resources and are working closely with our federal, state, and local partners to aggressively pursue those involved in these criminal activities.

If you have witnessed unlawful violent action—or have any information about the cases below—we urge you to contact us.

You can call ‪1-800-CALL-FBI (1-‪800-225-5324) to verbally report tips and/or information related to this investigation, or submit at tip online at tips.fbi.gov.

Note: As of February 2, 2021, all images from previously released Seeking Information posters have been consolidated below.

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a1294c  No.14832805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

https://youtu.be/DWpwyTIC98U The TRUTH

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8bd073  No.14832807


>MAGA mutual funds next please.

This ^^^

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3fb534  No.14832808

File: 9377176674ff978⋯.jpeg (84.35 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 835F97BB_A81A_4354_BA8C_1….jpeg)

Morning, Frenz

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d16c1a  No.14832809

File: a0cb0aca7de5396⋯.jpg (125.19 KB, 980x450, 98:45, Fraudy_the_night_fauci.jpg)

Anybody still listening to this monumental nut job fraud?


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8c1324  No.14832810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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239470  No.14832811


Who even knows the truth to tell?

Tell-a-vision has us spellbound.

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8bd073  No.14832812


>I love watching the MAGA stonk siphon money out of big tech

>It’s like America is taking its soul back

If DWAC gets to $500 per share I hope they do a stock split 10:1 so we can try to get it back to $500 again (America Winning)

I think the float is less than 40 million hence the reason it’s gapped up so fast

Primed for gamma squeeze

*not financial advice

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f8ab8b  No.14832813




Within the questioning, Massie presented Garland with a picture of Ray Epps, a former leader with the Arizona chapter of Oath Keepers attempting to agitate the crowd.

Massie also played a video [also below], highlighting how Ray Epps was one of the key people trying to stir up trouble and create an agitated mob response. Ray Epps is an interesting possibility, because he was never arrested or charged by the FBI. As pointed out by Sean Davis on Twitter, “At one point, the FBI had his picture up on its page of people it wanted to question (Photograph 16). Not only was he not arrested, his picture was quietly removed from the FBI “Capitol Violence” page.”

The issues of Ray Epps not being arrested; and then his photograph mysteriously being removed; can be reconciled by a hypothesis that Epps was actually working for and operating with instructions from the FBI itself. Not only would this not be surprising, it would actually track directly with coordinated activity the FBI is known for.

“Anti-law enforcement violent extremists – may pose the “greatest threat” domestically this year and likely into 2022″, the narrative continues.

Perhaps I am wrong, but the only time I can recall in modern U.S. history that aggressive and illegal federal activity was halted mid-effort, was the example of the Clive Bundy ranch in 2014. Armed citizens forced federal authorities, including the FBI, to back down. In response to their loss, former AG Eric Holder vowed to revive “a domestic terrorism task force.” Contemplate that response against the 2021 statements of the FBI saying domestic violent extremists (DVE’s) represent the greatest threat. Can you see the connective tissue?

From the worldview of the DOJ/FBI, law-abiding U.S. citizens – pushed to the point of taking up defensive arms against federal agents – are a threat. Ergo, the newest definition of “Domestic Violent Extremists, or DVEs”, to define who the FBI view as their most substantive enemy. Two years after the Bundy Ranch standoff, the FBI shot and killed LaVoy Finicum, fulfilling their promise to eliminate extremists as defined by their worldview.

The FBI was fully aware of the Boston Marathon bombers, the Tsarnaev brothers, before they executed their plot. The FBI took no action. The FBI knew about the San Bernardino terrorists, specifically Tasfeen Malik, and were monitoring her phone calls and communications before her and Syed Farook executed their attack killing 14 people and leaving 22 others seriously injured. The FBI took no action. The FBI knew Colorado grocery store shooter Ahmad Alissa before he executed his attack. The FBI took no action.

The FBI knew in advance of the Pulse Nightclub shooter (Omar Mateen) and were tipped off by the local sheriff. The FBI knew in advance of the San Bernardino Terrorists (Tashfeen Malik). The FBI knew in advance of the Boston Marathon Bombers (the Tsarnaev brothers) tipped off by Russians. The FBI knew in advance of the Parkland High School shooter (Nikolas Cruz). The FBI knew in advance of the Fort Hood shooter (Nidal Hasan), and the FBI knew in advance of Colorado grocery store shooter Ahmad al-Aliwi Alissa. The FBI took no action.

Consider the case of the first recorded ISIS attack on U.S. soil in Garland, Texas in 2015. The FBI not only knew the shooters (Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi) in advance, the FBI took the shooters to the venue and were standing only a few yards away when Simpson and Soofi opened fire. Yes, you read that correctly – the FBI took the terrorists to the event and then watched it unfold. “An FBI trainer suggested in an interview with “60 Minutes” that, had the attack been bigger, the agency’s numerous ties to the shooter would have led to a congressional investigation.”

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bf4667  No.14832814

File: 203c2ee59c9dcb6⋯.png (27.67 KB, 625x264, 625:264, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 490df2fd6ea1ab7⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


BTC tops out at 66,6

DWAC at 45


Trick or Treat???

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f8ab8b  No.14832815

File: 455fea1b23044fe⋯.png (98.71 KB, 300x109, 300:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b20dc8fd70e57e⋯.png (1.14 MB, 768x857, 768:857, ClipboardImage.png)



Remember, shortly before the 2018 mid-term election, when Ceasar Syoc – a man living in his van – was caught sending “energetic material that can become combustible when subjected to heat or friction”, or what FBI Director Christopher Wray called “not hoax devices“? Remember how sketchy everything about that was, including the child-like perpetrator telling a judge later than he was trying to walk back his guilty plea because he was tricked into signing a confession for a crime he did not create.

Or more recently, the goofball plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer that involved 18 suspects, twelve of them actually working for the FBI as the plot was hatched? And we cannot forget the January 6th. DC protest turned insurrection effort, which is clearly looking like an FBI inspired and coordinated effort.

Have we forgotten the Atlanta “Olympic Park Bombing”, and the FBI intentionally setting up transparently innocent, Richard Jewel?

Then, there’s the entirety of the FBI conduct in “Spygate”, the demonstrably evident FBI operation to conduct political surveillance against Donald Trump using their investigative authorities; and the downstream consequences of a massive institutional effort to cover up one of the biggest justice department scandals in the history of our nation. The original effort against Donald Trump used massive resources from the DOJ and FBI. Heck, the coverup operation using the Mueller/Weissmann special counsel used more than 50 investigative FBI agents alone.

And of course, the FBI still had 13 extra agents available to rush to a NASCAR racetrack to investigate a garage door pull-down rope that might have been perceived as a noose; but the serial rape of hundreds of teenage girls, eh, not-so-much effort – even when they are standing in front of the FBI begging for help.

[At this point, I am increasingly convinced by evidence the FBI themselves are the perpetrators involved in sex trafficking, human smuggling and abduction as part of their operational mission.]

It is important to realize what exactly happened in the case of the Olympic gymnasts and the rape of hundreds of teenage girls. When the victims and parents told the FBI about what Larry Nassar was doing, the FBI did not bungle the investigation. The FBI did not investigate. But worse…. after the parents kept coming back to the FBI to ask what was going on; and report that other parents were now reporting that new rapes and assaults were ongoing; the FBI told those parents an investigation was ongoing. Except it wasn’t. The FBI was lying.

As the FBI was telling the victims they were investigating Larry Nassar, the FBI was doing no such thing. The FBI was lying to the victims and their families. The FBI was not taking any action whatsoever to address the multitude of claims against Nassar.

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1de5e2  No.14832816

File: 0d6681fa8dffe30⋯.jpg (109.44 KB, 606x602, 303:301, peperr.jpg)


Look who's here! And five minutes late. Top o' the mornin' to you, fren.

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db5d31  No.14832817

File: b9b747639e44169⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1292x616, 323:154, Screen_Shot_2021_10_22_at_….png)

Watch weasel Garland do the "uh, uh, uh" when Louie Gohmert asks him if the FBI broke the glass and vandalized the capitol.

Can you imagine his face when he is facing the tribunals? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!


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e0c465  No.14832818

File: cdcf20d42ceb592⋯.jpeg (264.75 KB, 511x650, 511:650, 020AA35E_C3D0_4CAB_A819_B….jpeg)



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f8ab8b  No.14832819



After the FBI was caught lying about their conduct, they then lied to the internal oversight, the OIG, about everything surrounding their conduct. The FBI didn’t make a mistake, or drop the proverbial ball, they intentionally and specifically maintained the sexual exploitation of teenage girls by doing absolutely nothing with the complaints they received. This is not misconduct, this is purposeful.

Then, as if to apply salt to the open wound of severe FBI politicization….what did the FBI do with the Hunter Biden laptop?

[Notice I’ve set the issue of the disappearing Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner laptop –in the known custody of the FBI– over there in the corner, next to missing investigation of the Awan brothers.]

♦My point is this…

What the Federal Security Service (FSB) is to the internal security of the Russian state; so too is the FBI in performing the same function for the U.S. federal government.

The FBI is a U.S. version of the Russian “State Police”; and the FBI is deployed -almost exclusively- to attack domestic enemies of those who control government; while they protect the interests of the U.S. Fourth Branch of Government. That is the clear and accurate domestic prism to contextualize their perceived mission: “domestic violent extremists pose the greatest threat” to their objective.

Put another way, “We The People”, who fight against government abuse and usurpation, are the FBI’s actual and literal enemy.

Let me be very clear with another brutally obvious example. Antifa could not exist as an organization; capable to organize and carry out violent attacks against their targets; without the full support of the FBI. If the FBI wanted to arrest members of Antifa, who are actually conducting violence, they could do it easily – with little effort.

It is the absence of any action by the FBI toward Antifa, that tells us the FBI is enabling that violent extremist behavior to continue. Once you accept that transparent point of truth; then, you realize the FBI definition of domestic violent extremism is something else entirely.

The FBI is not a law enforcement or investigative division of the U.S. Department of Justice. The FBI is a political weapon of a larger institution that is now focused almost entirely toward supporting a radical communist agenda to destroy civil society in the United States.

Anyone who continues to push the fraudulent “honorable FBI rank and file talking point”, is, at this point in history, willfully and purposefully operating to deceive the American people on behalf of government interests who are intent on destroying us. It is not a difference of opinion any longer. It is a matter of just accepting what is staring us directly in the face. People like Sean Hannity and Dan Bongino who continue pushing a lie that FBI agents -any FBI agents- are honorable people, are -by nature of their disconnect- purposefully manipulating their audience.

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584ee5  No.14832821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f8ab8b  No.14832822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thank You, Congressman Massie

13,183 viewsOct 21, 2021


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8c1324  No.14832823


yo learn to be concise

tldr: FBI = KGB. watch ur back.

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f8ab8b  No.14832824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. Massie's Video Presentation to AG Merrick Garland 10-21-21

4,113 viewsOct 21, 2021


What is Agent Provocateur known for?

An agent provocateur may be a police officer or a secret agent of police who encourages suspects to carry out a crime under conditions where evidence can be obtained; or who suggests the commission of a crime to another, in hopes they will go along with the suggestion and be convicted of the crime.


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e0c465  No.14832825

File: 763b79dd09ea954⋯.jpeg (186.46 KB, 454x661, 454:661, CD6DD25E_37C1_4FD6_942E_B….jpeg)

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584ee5  No.14832826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… copy. ✌🌻


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f8ab8b  No.14832827


>What is Agent Provocateur known for?

See also



Bob Lambert (undercover police officer)

Brandon Darby


Covert interrogation

Denial and deception


False flag

Fifth column

Grant Bristow


Internet troll

Mark Kennedy (police officer)

Terry Norman



Sting operation

Umbrella man (Minneapolis riots)

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e0c465  No.14832828

File: 9fb52024dfebb36⋯.gif (1.49 MB, 300x221, 300:221, A5C2CFC2_B56A_4FD2_8AF9_AD….gif)

File: 35d2ff48d63faba⋯.gif (1002.22 KB, 500x232, 125:58, 12D613F8_1189_40F9_A6A7_21….gif)

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f8ab8b  No.14832829

File: fc2ed1c83047f55⋯.png (116.95 KB, 494x441, 494:441, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8098367ff2a0289⋯.png (756.87 KB, 844x1044, 211:261, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73814f97825e915⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1619x1080, 1619:1080, 4bf260adf55e05edd81db22f5f….png)

File: 20c2a623bfc76a6⋯.png (280.81 KB, 650x340, 65:34, da701e4a47acc4eb62014d3fe6….png)

File: 8ef86a42cd13bd2⋯.png (101.75 KB, 203x256, 203:256, 8ef86a42cd13bd28e959e74c77….png)

Director Wray’s Statement on Violent Activity at the U.S. Capitol Building

January 7, 2021

The violence and destruction of property at the U.S. Capitol building yesterday showed a blatant and appalling disregard for our institutions of government and the orderly administration of the democratic process. As we’ve said consistently, we do not tolerate violent agitators and extremists who use the guise of First Amendment-protected activity to incite violence and wreak havoc. Such behavior betrays the values of our democracy. Make no mistake: With our partners, we will hold accountable those who participated in yesterday’s siege of the Capitol.

Let me assure the American people the FBI has deployed our full investigative resources and is working closely with our federal, state, and local partners to aggressively pursue those involved in criminal activity during the events of January 6. Our agents and analysts have been hard at work through the night gathering evidence, sharing intelligence, and working with federal prosecutors to bring charges. Members of the public can help by providing tips, information, and videos of illegal activity at fbi.gov/USCapitol. We are determined to find those responsible and ensure justice is served.


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584ee5  No.14832830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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959856  No.14832831

File: d45a0ef58fe32c6⋯.png (98.63 KB, 281x283, 281:283, yeah_right.png)


>What is Agent Provocateur known for?

>An agent provocateur may be a police officer or a secret agent of police who encourages suspects to carry out a crime under conditions where evidence can be obtained; or who suggests the commission of a crime to another, in hopes they will go along with the suggestion and be convicted of the crime.

DOJ 3-letter agency scumbags

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6c3ed5  No.14832833

File: 71469e963e81918⋯.png (285 KB, 518x459, 518:459, 71469e963e81918e94f8a93706….png)


>3-letter agency scumbags


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1de5e2  No.14832834


My daughter was a big fan of the Spice Girls. Seems like yesterday.

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584ee5  No.14832835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… fair enough.


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e0c465  No.14832836

File: 5c15aa1186cb2d8⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 292x440, 73:110, 8D51F730_136B_4F4E_BFF3_4F….gif)

File: 0b6da4133402e0f⋯.gif (5.48 MB, 450x283, 450:283, 337D0539_5DC3_4045_9016_58….gif)

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959856  No.14832837

File: 0ef3d4317d9865c⋯.png (236.78 KB, 608x365, 608:365, fag_tards.png)


>3-letter agency scumbags



Yeah, they are.

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15d017  No.14832838

File: e9064b6ca87e874⋯.jpg (75.42 KB, 640x627, 640:627, LeGk9tRl.jpg)

File: 6552406f8e8bd05⋯.jpg (12.04 KB, 342x256, 171:128, iNGeqoCl.jpg)

File: 8c13c8d5232a21d⋯.jpg (68.58 KB, 640x529, 640:529, imQJUXPl.jpg)

File: da923ceaf46c20e⋯.jpg (69.65 KB, 640x631, 640:631, uCZB5p9l.jpg)

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584ee5  No.14832840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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5a3565  No.14832841

File: 28ab0407d86cb1c⋯.png (714.77 KB, 971x696, 971:696, ClipboardImage.png)

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a39244  No.14832842

File: 924c70094a6b611⋯.png (259.05 KB, 381x480, 127:160, fauci_liar.png)

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15d017  No.14832843


99% of FBI are Patriots who serve with distinction


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8c1324  No.14832844


Disinformation is real.

Disinformation is necessary.


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1de5e2  No.14832845

File: c8c947e50551067⋯.jpg (48.63 KB, 433x480, 433:480, bidenbowl.jpg)

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584ee5  No.14832846


… didn't apply.

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5fc27a  No.14832847

File: cb06b57b43159cf⋯.jpg (281.86 KB, 829x1024, 829:1024, ciabioweapons.jpg)

>>14830937 pb


just people having an orgasm which looks like death

"le petit morte" ~ in French.. ?

It's compared.

The elite claim the world is overpopulated, yet have large families.

I think Gates lies about how many children he has. "Wife" is Catholic. A real Deep Ecology committed person doesn't have many children … They hid how many children they had, IMO. "Greta" is a singleton, right;? no brothers or sisters?

Probably relates to the Sadists who "get off" on killing?

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e9f806  No.14832848


You've been in my playlist again VJanon…and I like it!

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9f1138  No.14832849

File: 74e5e5eaef659ce⋯.jpg (14.34 KB, 245x205, 49:41, 74e5e5eaef659ce0ba0dcd294e….jpg)

File: 0eade7977b98b93⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1200x908, 300:227, 331ef80da11a37dc57d167253a….png)

File: 0682dda8211f8f9⋯.gif (8.92 KB, 164x219, 164:219, 0682dda8211f8f9636283f182f….gif)

File: e9557837032382c⋯.png (424.41 KB, 575x571, 575:571, 73baa0555a3822406afb5e417a….png)

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8c1c8b  No.14832850

Alec Baldwin killed a lady.


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584ee5  No.14832851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1a0643  No.14832852

Q Research General #18761: Getting Closer Edition




>>14831046, >>14831392, >>14831730, >>14831229, >>14831054, >>14831132, >>14831134, >>14831159, >>14831068, >>14831132, >>14831707, >>14831136, >>14831150, >>14831186, >>14831289, >>14831307, >>14831408, >>14831478, >>14831484, >>14831711, >>14831778, >>14831405, >>14831459, >>14831489, >>14831497, >>14831526, >>14831566 Alec Baldwin fired the gun that killed one and injured another in an accident set of his film "Rust."

>>14831054, >>14831184, >>14831193, >>14831152, >>14831214, >>14831415, >>14831552, >>14831445, >>14831417 Halyna Hutchins Mad Hatter Bun

>>14831308 Southwest Airlines trims planned flights due to staffing shortage

>>14831347, >>14831500, >>14831532 The WaPo editorial board is calling for the invasion of Haiti. PANIC

>>14831358, >>14831367 Adam Schiff

>>14831479 #Turkey claims they arrested 15 Arab #Mossad spies

>>14831539 Sean Penn's stolen car found on Richmond street / 2 guns actor left in the vehicle are missing 2003

>>14831560, >>14831152, >>14831054, >>14831590, >>14831597, >>14831663 Possible comms- human trafficking Mad Hatter - Marty Torrey (the port guy) From Clinton emails WikiLeaks, briefly:



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15d017  No.14832853


disinformation for anons … or for the FBI so that the agents start to suspect that their fellow agents might be undercover Patriots?

if for anons, why?

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959856  No.14832854

File: c99a096152257e3⋯.png (144.16 KB, 380x382, 190:191, 2021_10_16_18_40_45.png)


>99% of FBI are Patriots who serve with distinction


Those who KNOW but say nothing are Patriots?

How convoluted is that?

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bc88e7  No.14832855

Morning anons…


>Alec Baldwin killed a lady.

He killed the Dir of Photography and he wounded the director…with a prop pistol…

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584ee5  No.14832857

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e9f806  No.14832858


I dont think that was in the script…

How careless do you have to be to kill someone, and as I understand events, hospitalized the films director…with a blank…cause Im thinking negligently homicidal…

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f8ab8b  No.14832860

File: 11a8ff34ad1f672⋯.png (474.88 KB, 720x537, 240:179, ClipboardImage.png)

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8c1324  No.14832861


he could have meant think mirror for anons. only 1%.

and the world is watching so he can't say anything but 99%. china and russia are here. hi putin.

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1a0643  No.14832862


Q Research General #18761: Getting Closer Edition




>>14831046, >>14831392, >>14831730, >>14831229, >>14831054, >>14831132, >>14831134, >>14831159, >>14831068, >>14831132, >>14831707, >>14831136, >>14831150, >>14831186, >>14831289, >>14831307, >>14831408, >>14831478, >>14831484, >>14831711, >>14831778, >>14831405, >>14831459, >>14831489, >>14831497, >>14831526, >>14831566 Alec Baldwin fired the gun that killed one and injured another in an accident set of his film "Rust."

>>14831054, >>14831184, >>14831193, >>14831152, >>14831214, >>14831415, >>14831552, >>14831445, >>14831417 Halyna Hutchins Mad Hatter Bun

>>14831308 Southwest Airlines trims planned flights due to staffing shortage

>>14831347, >>14831500, >>14831532 The WaPo editorial board is calling for the invasion of Haiti. PANIC

>>14831358, >>14831367 Adam Schiff

>>14831479 #Turkey claims they arrested 15 Arab #Mossad spies

>>14831539 Sean Penn's stolen car found on Richmond street / 2 guns actor left in the vehicle are missing 2003

>>14831560, >>14831152, >>14831054, >>14831590, >>14831597, >>14831663 Possible comms- human trafficking Mad Hatter - Marty Torrey (the port guy) From Clinton emails WikiLeaks, briefly:



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e0c465  No.14832864

File: d40b67ac5f776f9⋯.jpeg (407.17 KB, 1512x1317, 504:439, 9088DC65_4BA5_4C8D_BBD5_5….jpeg)

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584ee5  No.14832865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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239470  No.14832867

File: 762f21630b8c058⋯.jpeg (341.64 KB, 1280x2093, 1280:2093, 3A64D8DD_BA65_4354_9511_0….jpeg)


I saw this years ago on Colombo.

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15d017  No.14832868

File: 89df97203516927⋯.jpg (34.78 KB, 800x430, 80:43, index.jpg)




>>Alec Baldwin killed a lady.


>He killed the Dir of Photography and he wounded the director…with a prop pistol…

Patriots set up Baldwin for mocking POTUS?


revenge is best served cold ….

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9f1138  No.14832869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dave funny as fuck

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1a0643  No.14832870



>>14826942 Biden and Harris speak at Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial

>>14826944 Blacklisted Chinese tech giant Huawei paid Tony Podesta $500,000 to lobby the White House

>>14826960 Live: AG Garland testifies before House

>>14826963, >>14827380 New details on the scope of John Durham's investigation -

>>14822243 ResignationAnon (PB) NOTE from ResignationAnon

>>14827069 US Commission on Civil Rights blasts AG Garland for memo on parents protesting school boards in new letter:

>>14827080 Latins fed up with Haitians migrants to US

>>14827114 “F**k Joe Biden!” Chants Break Out After Astros-Red Sox Playoff Game Behind Announcers at Fenway Park (VIDEO)

>>14827138 JUST IN - China tested TWO nuclear-capable orbital hypersonic missiles.

>>14827143 125,000 children have shown up alone at border on Biden's watch

>>14827151 New video shows Epstein before arrest, ‘I’m a supporter of Time’s Up

>>14827159 Trump's "TRUTH Social" SPAC Doubles Shortly After Start Of Trading

>>14827195 Ghislaine Maxwell attorneys want potential jurors screened privately

>>14827205 Dems block video of parents at school board meetings

>>14827230, >>14827234, >>14827247, >>14827256 (VIDS)

>>14827235 Migrant Children Being Flown in the Night to New York

>>14827244 The Bigger the Risk, The Bigger the Reward

>>14827309 Pentagon: US Army and Navy successfully tested hypersonic weapon prototypes on Wednesday.

>>14827358 Arkansas is on board. Let's keep it moving!

>>14827473 Top Channels to Join on Telegram [Oct 21, 2021]

>>14827505 #MamaBears #StartYourParades

>>14827534, >>14827552 Anthony Fauci and NIH Take Heat over Funding of Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab: ‘Will There Be Consequences?’

>>14827559 AG Garland testimony.

>>14827593 Confirmed: U.S. Atty John Huber passed the ball off to Special Counsel John Durham

>>14827600 LIVE: CDC advisory panel votes on Moderna and J&J boosters, discusses mixing shots

>>14827669 #18756

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584ee5  No.14832872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2fe0c8  No.14832874

Is this the right bread or is the faggot rainbow, out of.numbered sequence the proper bread? Im going to venture it to be this bread as it is a proper looking bread.

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8733ba  No.14832875


>Patriots set up Baldwin

do you know how fucking stupid that sentence is?

i'll give you a few minutes to think about how and why that sentence is so fucking stupid

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15d017  No.14832876


>>>14832853 (You)


>he could have meant think mirror for anons. only 1%.


>and the world is watching so he can't say anything but 99%. china and russia are here. hi putin.

truth would put 1% in hospitals would still be bad over three millions

Total Staffed Beds in All U.S. Hospitals


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766bfb  No.14832877

File: 9e59225ed45ac76⋯.png (700.8 KB, 720x714, 120:119, I_wanted_Zombies.png)


Good Morning

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9f1138  No.14832878


sounds good to me, SNL was so cringe with the Trump skits

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e9f806  No.14832879


Think mirror could mean its opposite day but I am more inclined to think it refers to collecting evidence from laptops…

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1de5e2  No.14832880

File: 3433af9dc5d0c6a⋯.jpg (53.62 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, alien.jpg)

Andrew Anglin pontificates on aliens:

Do you think that if that Anthony Fauci comes out and does his sexy grandfather routine, saying that the science shows that these people are from the Pleiades, that people will push back and say “this is fake – these are people in suits!”?


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959856  No.14832881

File: fc6c561181685b7⋯.png (140.01 KB, 336x316, 84:79, 2020_06_21_22_58_36_copy.png)



>Patriots set up Baldwin

>do you know how fucking stupid that sentence is?

>i'll give you a few minutes to think about how and why that sentence is so fucking stupid

A few minutes won't help that moron.

Just sayin'…

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d75591  No.14832882


If anything cabal setup baldwin as a pressure release. But most likely he is just retarded.

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e9f806  No.14832883


Well there is one less staffed bed because I fucking quit!

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e0c465  No.14832884

File: 5a2147f94850f9e⋯.gif (6.42 MB, 750x679, 750:679, 030C72D2_EFB3_401E_A7D4_CC….gif)


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f7b659  No.14832885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f8ab8b  No.14832886

File: bbe7d1a9761c7f4⋯.png (73.79 KB, 591x574, 591:574, ClipboardImage.png)

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8c1324  No.14832887


that reminds me. remember the fake AF1 pic anons lost their shit over. it was off the reflection of an iphone. hunter had a picture off the reflection of an iphone. i never dug which was shot first.

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15d017  No.14832888


>>Patriots set up Baldwin


>do you know how fucking stupid that sentence is?

BAldwin is still gonna walk away Scot Free?

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5fc27a  No.14832889

File: f50bcd906ab686b⋯.jpg (79.81 KB, 720x720, 1:1, apingc.jpg)


I don't know if it's "Alex Jones" fear porn or not, but another "subway test" of "bio-warfare" is planned for the NYC subway system.

"The MTA and Department of Homeland Security are conducting tests between Oct 18-29, where they will be releasing "non-toxic" gas into the subways to "test NYC's response plans for a chemical attack". They are only releasing "harmless" gas.


It's planed for 120 subway stations, but they only list Times Sq, WTC complex, Union Sq Park and Subway, and the Oculus Transit hub.

We know better than to trust ANYTHING those in power say, and their claims that something is "non-toxic" are totally worthless. Therefore we are encouraging EVERYONE TO AVOID THE SUBWAYS DURING THIS TIME PERIOD, ESP THE STATIONS LISTED. Instead, please take city buses, bikes, the LIRR, Uber or Lyft, taxis, walk, drive, carpool, or take any other mod of transport. We don't want to make people paranoid, but we have to take these things seriously considering what's going on. See links below:



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8c1324  No.14832890


that's not what we were talking about.

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f7b659  No.14832892


Mr. Charisma. The Musical.

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1de5e2  No.14832893


Rook to D4.

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8733ba  No.14832895


- patriots would not be accomplices to murder of an innocent or they wouldn't be a patriot

- patriots wouldn't need to set up someone who is already guilty

- the very fact being if someone "set Baldwin up" and was found out, then Baldwin would get off scot-free anyway

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15d017  No.14832896


which is the right mate?

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f7b659  No.14832901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Pianist children. 2hrs for 4 days.

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15d017  No.14832905


>>>14832888 (You)


>- patriots would not be accomplices to murder of an innocent or they wouldn't be a patriot

I thiought we were dealing with the Hollywierd pedosatanists

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9f1138  No.14832906


bullshit, white hat tactics anon

cause the enemy PAIN

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b415d7  No.14832907

File: cfbbe87a376a123⋯.jpg (597.71 KB, 1080x822, 180:137, cfbbe87a376a123daac5a94574….jpg)

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b5064b  No.14832908

File: e0149a0bac19b4c⋯.png (554.27 KB, 1495x2048, 1495:2048, Screenshot_20211022_031635.png)

File: 5a268b7fd150d61⋯.png (603.51 KB, 1505x2048, 1505:2048, Screenshot_20211022_032035.png)

File: ead90a17ad0a61b⋯.png (598.61 KB, 2048x1895, 2048:1895, Screenshot_20211022_032107.png)

File: 90fdfa7f6dca0d3⋯.png (593.64 KB, 2048x1969, 2048:1969, Screenshot_20211022_032132.png)

File: 0113fb7480fbd8d⋯.png (583.47 KB, 1192x2048, 149:256, Screenshot_20211022_032207.png)

6 Sneaky Signs You're Experiencing Ongoing Trauma From The Pandemic


When we talk about trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder, there is usually a singular life-altering event that triggers an intense emotional and physical response. With the pandemic, however, we haven’t witnessed one stressful event — we’ve experienced, and continue to experience, many traumatic events.

For nearly two years, people have experienced a ton of grief and loss. People have lost loved ones. They’ve lost jobs and financial security, and they’ve also lost their identity, sense of self and, most notably, control.

(First four in graphics)

You haven’t been sleeping well

Traumatic stress can lead to all sorts of sleep disturbances, including insomnia, issues falling and staying asleep, stress dreams and nightmares. Estimates suggest that up to 91% of people with PTSD have issues with sleep.

Sleep issues are often overlooked, but they impact everything we do, Rodney said. Sleep resets the mind and body, and a lack of sleep can really disrupt our quality of life and daily functioning.

You’ve been withdrawn

Avoidance, or being purposefully detached from others, is another common effect of being exposed to trauma. With COVID specifically, many people are having trouble reengaging with activities, places and people they once enjoyed.

It’s also important to develop healthy coping mechanisms. Reengage yourself socially with people. Exercise regularly. Be patient and listen to your body. Symptoms can appear at any time, sometimes months or years after the traumatic event, and there is no set path or time frame for recovery. Let yourself heal and process your emotions at your own pace.

Remember that you aren’t alone and that so many others are experiencing physical and emotional symptoms as a result of all the pandemic trauma.

“Our responses are normal,” King said. “It’s the circumstances that are abnormal.”

** Armor of God on daily! 🙏

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f7b659  No.14832910


10 000 hours.

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8733ba  No.14832912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

take me hooooome

where the collective IQ is above a potatoooooo

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e9f806  No.14832917


Imagine if Trump opens his Truth app with a parody of Alec Baldwin as his first post.

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959856  No.14832918

File: 9ac613a68b12465⋯.png (776.39 KB, 931x525, 133:75, grey_fauci.png)




Maybe the truth is right in front of us?


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5fc27a  No.14832920

File: ba149e804ba84b5⋯.png (950.87 KB, 788x622, 394:311, cnnredpill.png)


No need to set him up

He did it to himself.

Has to enact the exact thing they accuse us of?

Rage to Violence

That's Trump Derangement not 8kun anon.

Is it fake news anyway

If he did that he's likely be protected and one would never hear of it?

Wierd Daily Beast is talking about protected speech; as in they are allowed to viciously mock the President.

But they decline to protect political free speech of POTUS and his followers.

Political speech is supposed to be the more highly protected form of speech

Is viciously attacking the person of the President violent speech, lacking real content about the issues?

This is another "prop gun" incident; wasn't there another one yesterday ; or is it the same one and the first coverage failed to connect it to Baldwin's name?

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15d017  No.14832921


>that's not what we were talking about.

think mirror

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5f13c6  No.14832922

File: 6f17a8ca57908a3⋯.jpg (9.69 KB, 239x257, 239:257, abg.JPG)

File: f006f9874e83d7c⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 428x281, 428:281, questions.jpg)

satanic ritual sacrifice in plain sight?

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f27a87  No.14832923


He was probably banging her and she wouldn’t shut up about it or something stupid like that

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15d017  No.14832924






>Maybe the truth is right in front of us?



Adam Shit could be another Pencil neck Grey Alien, POTUS had a COMM about it

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0176f2  No.14832925




That’s some shit that doesn’t add up.

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8c1324  No.14832926


maybe they starting to test graphene/5G related behavior modification.

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1de5e2  No.14832927

File: 1285ef89e15b36f⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 2400x1634, 1200:817, coronavirus_regime_1.jpg)


Juvenile self-centered leftist wrote that crap. Not a word about the child abuse.

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1de5e2  No.14832928


Beam me up, Scotty. There is no intelligent life on this planet.

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8733ba  No.14832929

File: 2f4ba6d75784533⋯.mp4 (11.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 2f4ba6d7578453343b3fd2134f….mp4)

>nah, I don't want to hurt anyone

that would be a whitehat op

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1a0643  No.14832930

File: 18e925d1931a03d⋯.png (534.45 KB, 1200x982, 600:491, ClipboardImage.png)

GEORGENEWS, [21.10.21 19:32]



OCTOBER 21, 2021


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

So funny to watch the Biden Administration try to blame “Trump” for the fact that there are thousands of ships that can’t be unloaded, in any other time but now a very simple task. No, just like the Border, just like the Afghanistan withdrawal, just like Inflation, and just like many other things that have gone so wrong for our Country, it’s the Biden Administration that’s at fault. They are only really good at two things, rigging elections and misinformation!


https://t.me/georgenews | @GEORGENEWS


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959856  No.14832931

File: 502b9934d8c8faf⋯.png (864.45 KB, 815x776, 815:776, vic_morrow.png)


>satanic ritual sacrifice in plain sight?

Wouldn't be the first?

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1a0643  No.14832932

File: c9a4be4a00f9368⋯.png (544.54 KB, 824x1199, 824:1199, ClipboardImage.png)

GEORGENEWS, [21.10.21 20:18]



OCTOBER 21, 2021


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Look at what just happened in Arizona last night for the people that really won the Election, by a lot, us. The FORENSIC AUDITORS released a new report that discredits all of the disinformation put out by the RINO Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. The auditors said Maricopa County purposely misled the public and spread “outright lies” about their findings. The Board provided zero evidence for their false claims, including no accounting for the 12,772 illegal ballots (more than the election margin alone) who moved outside of Maricopa County before the election. They have no valid answer for how there were more early ballots returned by voters than received, why their official results did not match who voted, why there were more duplicate ballots than originals, or why they deleted and purged their Election Management System data in defiance of a subpoena, which is against the law, and they did it on the day before the audit began. These incredible findings affect tens of thousands of ballots, and therefore, the outcome of the Election. This does not even touch Pima County, which had precincts with more than 100 percent turnout for mail-in ballots.

The Presidential Election in Arizona (and in numerous states) was a Fraud. Maricopa County officials lied, and then tried to cover it up. Now they are facing criminal liability since defying a subpoena and deleting election records are serious crimes. Hopefully Attorney General Mark Brnovich will do something about it. Regardless, based on these findings, and many others, Arizona should decertify their Fake Election results immediately!


https://t.me/georgenews | @GEORGENEWS


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15d017  No.14832933


>Imagine if Trump opens his Truth app with a parody of Alec Baldwin as his first post.

Alec handling a gun …oops …

could be too harsh

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b415d7  No.14832934

File: 390f35d64dd6258⋯.jpg (507.36 KB, 1026x1525, 1026:1525, 20211022_053826.jpg)

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1a0643  No.14832935

File: 7f45738afc93a3f⋯.png (20.29 KB, 468x197, 468:197, ClipboardImage.png)


Ron Watkins

[CodeMonkeyZ], [21.10.21 12:44]

= File : Cyber_Ninjas_Response_Maricopa_County_Analysis_of_Senate_Report.pdf ==


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1de5e2  No.14832936


Fast work, anon. Less than 10 minutes. Impressed am I.

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1a0643  No.14832937

File: 5b7dcca9f4a824d⋯.png (121.78 KB, 454x492, 227:246, ClipboardImage.png)


Liz Harrington, [21.10.21 20:52]

More here!




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d75591  No.14832938


Bishop to E6

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1a0643  No.14832939

File: f5391c36d6d4cb8⋯.png (569.83 KB, 656x708, 164:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 761db3a40298e56⋯.png (473.46 KB, 828x914, 414:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04966f91baa4078⋯.png (214.17 KB, 828x479, 828:479, ClipboardImage.png)


StormyPatriotJoe - Channel, [21.10.21 19:28]

[ Album ]

When do you remove the Queen?

Mid-End of the game

Who protects the King?

The Queen


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da4ec4  No.14832940

>>14832082 (lb)

What's wrong with that?

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747aa8  No.14832941


Normies and lamestream media won't even read a paragraph unless someone was arrested and perpwalked. Then they will want to know why so they can attack if the case is weak.

Making posts like that on Save America shows who really has the weak cases.

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24b9ba  No.14832942

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6a8e29  No.14832943

Boycott businesses that charge you to bribe political criminals.

There is an IT company called Twilio. They sell email and messaging services in the cloud. They are having a marketing criminal gathering. Michael Obama is their keynote speaker. Other than engaging in computer crimes like weaponizing the IRS against law abiding crackers, what does Michael know about anything? Don't give Twilio any business.

Get woke go broke.

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a39244  No.14832944

File: 27d7c0eb9034144⋯.png (781.28 KB, 613x528, 613:528, first_cat_meme.png)

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9001f3  No.14832945

File: 7af1957694dbcd9⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 340x184, 85:46, ralph1.gif)


>Morning, Frenz

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f7b659  No.14832946


… concentrate.

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6b8f9f  No.14832947


Those arent training wheels, they're outriggers, amd woefully undersized.

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747aa8  No.14832948


Arabic pussy.

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1a0643  No.14832949

File: c0c838683e1e58f⋯.png (41.78 KB, 438x483, 146:161, ClipboardImage.png)

@RealGenFlynn, [21.10.21 23:26]

Read this attached report:

“Maricopa County continues to purposely mislead Arizonans and the American public about the nature of audit findings, and the impact they had on the 2020 General Election. Their response renames and redefines audit findings so the claim can be made that the findings are false, includes logical sounding arguments that simply don’t add up, and is completely devoid of any supporting evidence. The following response to their review continues to refute their baseless claims with evidence and citations.”



@RealGenFlynn, [21.10.21 23:26]

File : Cyber_Ninjas_Response_Maricopa_County_Analysis_of_Senate_Report.pdf


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f7b659  No.14832950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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0123d3  No.14832951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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64bdc3  No.14832952

File: f6b8ca1848f05af⋯.png (66.31 KB, 857x942, 857:942, ClipboardImage.png)



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1a0643  No.14832953

File: 64781f59a3959af⋯.jpg (81.5 KB, 500x340, 25:17, 64781f59a3959afccb83944c41….jpg)


Learn to speak for yourself.

Your generalizations show your low end mind set.

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1de5e2  No.14832954


I think that's it. Rook to D4 has an out.

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747aa8  No.14832955



They took him away from his family, arrested and broke him.

So he types mean things now.

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da4ec4  No.14832956

File: 53f33d9374bba5e⋯.png (14.1 KB, 409x171, 409:171, Screen_Shot_10_22_21_at_06….PNG)

Eric Trump


Out of respect for the young woman that @AlecBaldwin killed yesterday, I will let this one rest. Had the roles been reversed, he would have been calling for the electric chair. RIP Halyna

5:33 AM · Oct 22, 2021 from Richmond, VA·Twitter for iPhone


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1a0643  No.14832957

File: 85e202072286f0c⋯.png (732.78 KB, 882x1280, 441:640, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6829a4a2505fb4⋯.png (125.41 KB, 322x637, 46:91, ClipboardImage.png)

TheStormHasArrived17, [21.10.21 23:39]

[ Photo ]

Scavino insta story

“My fellow Americans, our movement is far from over. In fact, our fight has only just begun.” 🇺🇸


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15d017  No.14832958


>satanic ritual sacrifice in plain sight?

they always on symbolism … we need decodes

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da4ec4  No.14832959


It will be alright.

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1a0643  No.14832960

File: 52037f4cc55a269⋯.png (359.23 KB, 1280x485, 256:97, ClipboardImage.png)

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747aa8  No.14832961


Share 45's post to your normie/lib/friends/colleagues or older children.

They will literally roll their eyes at you.

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f7b659  No.14832962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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9f1138  No.14832963

File: daa591d2a5ae290⋯.png (426.43 KB, 609x593, 609:593, EpnYhapWMAIDBJ5.png)

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15d017  No.14832964



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5fc27a  No.14832965

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14830593 pb

just sayn'

1/6 D.C. ~ACTORS for the Capitol Attack Mass on Side Street.


FBI ignores forensic evidence;

Well they were "in on it" so what do you expect;

Same with 9/11, same with WACO , same with OK bombing…

For years the same story

Never realized FBI is apart from the USA gov. "of the people, by the people and for the people"

Disgusting liars, murderers, fakers , jokers..

It's sickening

We always knew for decades

"You can't expect the Government to find themselves Guilty"

But only now I realize FBI / C-A is aligned with the USA enemies, and lies with the claims of "protect American" "Love America" . They are betrayers.

You might say "They never do their job"

Yet, they actually do their job, it's just they work for someone different than the American people

Remember when that sick puppy "Turn my Page" claimed the government belonged to her?

Was she even legitimately born in USA?

How many generations were her ancestors here?

The original Americans feared foreign influence; they knew what they had escaped.


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1a0643  No.14832966

File: e94bc3adf3c94c6⋯.png (81.52 KB, 943x263, 943:263, ClipboardImage.png)

How does that make you feel?


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0176f2  No.14832967


The black and white on either side are EITHER suicidally stupid, or diabolically evil…. either way the result upon the children is the same.

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1a0643  No.14832968

File: 87d98c7946bfae9⋯.png (269.39 KB, 438x448, 219:224, ClipboardImage.png)

KanekoaTheGreat, [21.10.21 19:59]

[ Video ]

Australian Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk says quarantine facilities are going to be needed for the unvaccinated.




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9f1138  No.14832969

File: d6540bc284eb3e5⋯.gif (3.24 MB, 343x498, 343:498, d6540bc284eb3e50328167e5e5….gif)

File: 624bee7d343b192⋯.jpg (114.63 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 624bee7d343b1924b2c9f191a3….jpg)

File: c8352b11570a616⋯.jpg (290.28 KB, 1024x633, 1024:633, c8352b11570a616dea06e68ebd….jpg)


Remove the T


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8bd073  No.14832970

File: 85b0797ddfc4038⋯.jpeg (141.05 KB, 420x383, 420:383, 083121C2_CD48_4220_B025_9….jpeg)


>I love watching the MAGA stonk siphon money out of big tech

>It’s like America is taking its soul back

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747aa8  No.14832971

File: eb3536785a2c458⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1792x2048, 7:8, GenGDub.png)


I wish he'd start Nuremberg 2.0 instead of making quotes that will be laughed at or ommitted from the history books and memes 300 years in the future.

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340bb0  No.14832972


Jolly Jumper a4 to b2

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14adc0  No.14832973

File: 073fb9e761e7db3⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1034x808, 517:404, tree_lean.png)

File: 2199c33a871db54⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1818x750, 303:125, entrance.png)

Satellite Photos Modified By Google at Req. of USG

When they pull this shit, you know there is something VERY interesting going on.

The way you can tell it's fake is the way the trees seem to be leaning. Parts of the image show trees photographed from a certain angle. Other trees were clearly photographed from a different angle. Satellites take photos of a conical area and rarely is the orientation a perfect -90 degrees straight down.

A different satellite photo shows what is really there. What appears to be a shiny, water-like tarpaulin covering the entrance to a tunnel at the X-Bar Ranch. That tunnel would appear to run east about 3 1/3 miles toward an area marked on maps as the Lechuguilla Cave Protection Area.

This area is home to something very intersting, indeed. Discovered in 1987 and closed to the public ever since, an underground complex was built designed to house a neutrino detector with the caves providing natural protection from EM of all kinds. Absolute radio silence is required for the detector to function correctly. Its function is to receive information from the future.

Whites City, NM is home to America's time travel program.

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4cdd41  No.14832974

File: 84b88db95441333⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1476x440, 369:110, Screenshot_2021_10_22_at_0….png)

File: e5780a677de7686⋯.png (314.94 KB, 439x325, 439:325, Lurkinhard.png)

…Finally, some Schumann action.

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f7b659  No.14832975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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9001f3  No.14832976

File: f0a9320129ee93a⋯.png (836.66 KB, 634x890, 317:445, gamestonk1.png)

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96b42b  No.14832977

File: 4837fe626badecb⋯.png (362.99 KB, 530x450, 53:45, stth.PNG)

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8bd073  No.14832978


Eventually they should change name and ticker name it kind of reminds me of ‘prestige worldwide’ kek

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5fc27a  No.14832979

File: 9a82146b80f587a⋯.jpg (33.84 KB, 500x394, 250:197, bush.jpg)

File: e1a33db4ba7c0f1⋯.jpg (152.58 KB, 992x742, 496:371, bush_regime_9_1104_.jpg)


The Bushes faked an American geneology for a reason.

Not long ago if you were German that would bar you from too much public influence.

Bushes are impostors.

The "Royalty" in England are also under-cover German. They do that so the "natives" won't resent being exploited by foreigners.

Certainly the same "royal" class also exploit the German people;

Just sayn' They don't imposter and set-up cut outs for nothing.

It's all optics. They have to hide; and it's because they do bad, rather than fear of persecution for doing good.

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1a0643  No.14832980

File: 17b8b508f5fe5fe⋯.png (184.18 KB, 461x497, 461:497, ClipboardImage.png)


Aussie Cossack #TheBoikovReport

[21.10.21 22:27]

"The works being carried out include implementation of a system which will allow the Australian government to “freeze” the ABN and/or TFN of any Australian citizen that is unvaccinated."

A shocking move further towards a dystopian dictatorship.



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f7b659  No.14832981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1a0643  No.14832982

File: cdd5c878fa11a2e⋯.png (551.71 KB, 954x916, 477:458, ClipboardImage.png)



LEAK: Aus. Government Plans to Freeze ABN &/or TFN of the Unvaccinated

A whistleblower spills the beans on what could be a massive blow to those who stand on the side of freedom of choice.

Services Australia has contracted an IT firm to upgrade its systems to better work with other Australian Government bodies. One of which being the Australian Immunization Register.

The works being carried out include implementation of a system which will allow the Australian government to “freeze” the ABN and/or TFN of any Australian citizen that is unvaccinated.

A shocking move further towards a dystopian dictatorship.

Any Australian that is not up to date with their immunization schedule could potentially have their life turned upside down by these new powers.

The Australian Immunization Register contains a list of vaccines that it has determined we must have in order to be safe. It was originally called the Australian Childhood Immunization Register but this was changed in 2016.

As of the end of 2016 the Childhood Immunization Register will simply be called the Australian Immunisation Register. Now why would that be?


As you see from the quote above we wrote about this back in 2015. These plans have been in the works for many years. The current “pandemic” has given them the opportunity they needed to further this control agenda.

The ability to freeze an individual’s Australian Business Number (ABN) could have a catastrophic effect on an individual’s livelihood and the entire economy. Effectively barring them from legitimately earning a living and running a business.

Then there’s the Tax File Number (TFN). No tax file number, no job. Circumventing the direct No Jab – No Job plan. By simply freezing an individual’s TFN the Government freezes their ability to survive.

This is coercion on a massive scale.

Informed consent under the mental health act says that informed consent must be given without undue pressure or coercion!

Informed consent

The informed consent of a person must be sought before treatment or medical treatment is given to a person in accordance with the Mental Health Act.

A person gives informed consent if they:

have capacity to give informed consent to the treatment or medical treatment proposed

have been given adequate information to enable the person to make an informed decision

have been given a reasonable opportunity to make the decision

have given consent freely without undue pressure or coercion by any other person

have not withdrawn consent or indicated any intention to withdraw consent.

If your ABN and/or TFN is frozen as punishment because you have chosen not to get a COVID-19 vaccination then doesn’t that fit the definition of coercion?

This is an absolute violation of our rights if this comes to fruition.

Obviously this is the goal of the Australian government otherwise why else would they employ IT experts to create this very system?!


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da4ec4  No.14832983

File: 64b63bc31dc57e4⋯.png (72.66 KB, 1173x600, 391:200, Screen_Shot_10_22_21_at_07….PNG)

Joe's headed to Delaware for the weekend.


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6a8e29  No.14832984

File: 4fc7146dc2c990c⋯.png (754.21 KB, 800x543, 800:543, ClipboardImage.png)


The OWO plutocrats didn't destroy SV, they stole it by dotcom usury, infiltrated it and sucked it dry.

Look at the IT board members before/after the "bubble".

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1a0643  No.14832985

File: 2c805ed94bee066⋯.png (68.12 KB, 461x348, 461:348, ClipboardImage.png)

🇦🇺Aussie Cossack #TheBoikovReport🇷🇺, [22.10.21 05:36]

[Forwarded from David Avocado Wolfe]

[ Video ]

What to Expect during this Dark Winter. (4 min 7 sec) Greg Reese of InfoWars


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b5064b  No.14832986

File: 89ca95465f01515⋯.png (489.97 KB, 1805x2048, 1805:2048, Screenshot_20211022_035646.png)

File: 8f09a3a84420288⋯.png (1.18 MB, 2048x1284, 512:321, Screenshot_20211022_040228.png)

Mysterious fireball streaks across night skies over Midwestern states


A mysterious fireball was seen late Wednesday night in skies over Michigan and Indiana. Some experts believe it was a Russian satellite that failed to reach orbit.

Additional link: https://interestingengineering.com/failed-russian-satellite-falls-to-earth-over-the-us-skies

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2a7d4b  No.14832987

File: b78d5b1e50e189a⋯.jpeg (107.24 KB, 900x900, 1:1, brandonlee_thecrow_2_900x….jpeg)


not at all.

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129f51  No.14832988


Brandon, son of the legendary martial artist ​and film star ​Bruce Lee, starred in the 1994 movie The Crow as the titular character, Eric Draven. The film was an adaptation of the comic book of the same name, which focussed on a man who watched his wife being murdered and sexually assaulted before he himself was killed. After being resurrected by a mystical crow, Eric sought revenge on the thugs who wronged him. On March 31​ 1994,​, during the last days of filming,Brandon was shot and killed by a prop gun.=


Just a tragic coincidence.

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6a8e29  No.14832989

File: 88e8cd1eb995b33⋯.png (509.37 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Look at the USPTO. All our www inventions and discoveries have been stolen and patented by foreign corporations who even copied our patent filings, verbatim. Unholy fuck.

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a39244  No.14832990

File: 4fc3fc9309d1d83⋯.png (430.93 KB, 533x785, 533:785, Screenshot_2021_10_22_at_1….png)

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f7b659  No.14832991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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9001f3  No.14832992

File: b874b3c9a3c131d⋯.png (963.17 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_10_21….png)

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da4ec4  No.14832993


Why don't we ever hear much about the CIA?

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a39244  No.14832994


Arrust Baldwin Nao!

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129f51  No.14832995

File: 849221cffbf194f⋯.png (257.14 KB, 1288x513, 1288:513, brandon_hive.PNG)



Let's go Brandon hive mind.

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e9f806  No.14832996


Honey Badger dont give a fuck…

Whats with these links to audible and double down having seizures this morning?

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40f49e  No.14832997

File: 62f5a368b1c722b⋯.jpg (106.17 KB, 726x541, 726:541, 2021_10_21_195143.jpg)

"stage is set"? dinner is set?

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a39244  No.14832998

File: dfdc1b2abec8799⋯.png (58.78 KB, 320x480, 2:3, great_work_ded.png)

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1de5e2  No.14832999

File: 44c411c469a0c5c⋯.jpg (179.48 KB, 1548x1024, 387:256, tawny.jpg)

Actress Tawny Kitaen died on May 7 from dilated cardiomyopathy. The manner of death was ruled natural today by the Orange County Sheriff’s Dept. in California.

Why did it take six months for a coroner's report? Another vax death?


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f7b659  No.14833000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e64286  No.14833001

Real Pain Incoming

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f7b659  No.14833002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ac1487  No.14833003


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.


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0011ea  No.14833005

File: 88fdd668fbce8ce⋯.png (595.19 KB, 708x1296, 59:108, 83fe1c758fab2196.png)

File: b89ceae3a26af3a⋯.png (261.63 KB, 710x582, 355:291, baldwin_1.png)

File: 87c5ff523356a09⋯.jpg (345.92 KB, 683x724, 683:724, Alec_Baldwin_Eyes.jpg)


Alec Baldwin deletes bloodied pic of himself on Rust set after shooting crew member dead in horror accident

https://www.the-sun. com/entertainment/3909746/alec-baldwin-deletes-picture-rust-shooting-crew-member/

https://www.the-sun. com/entertainment/3909262/alec-baldwin-rust-film-halyna-hutchins-shooting-movie/

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b5064b  No.14833006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Warning for USA, Astronomy Has Changed, Space Weather | S0 News Oct.22.2021

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ad22d0  No.14833007


STILL can't filter in silence?

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f7b659  No.14833008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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da4ec4  No.14833009



I mean like these recent stories about FBI…I can't really think of any about the CIA. Have they been behaving?

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ac1487  No.14833010


Pass the covfefe Ralph… It is going to be a 2 cup morning.


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0123d3  No.14833011

Love you faggots. Good Lord can't believe I just said that.

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ad22d0  No.14833012

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186a40  No.14833013

File: 7da27eaf99b017f⋯.jpg (110.38 KB, 900x900, 1:1, FCF8oXeXoAERkdh.jpg)

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7fefb1  No.14833014


I don’t even drink coffee and I just be indulging in a cup o Java myself. Cheers to you.

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0123d3  No.14833015

same same


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7fefb1  No.14833016


I don’t even drink coffee and I just might be indulging in a cup o Java myself. Cheers to you.

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72028e  No.14833017

File: c2e716f5173722f⋯.jpg (53.59 KB, 535x530, 107:106, Screenshot_20211019_155645….jpg)

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f7b659  No.14833018


… dumb humans. kek.

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f27a87  No.14833019


For who?

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1b6081  No.14833020

File: ef32448d78cc7df⋯.gif (220.93 KB, 174x144, 29:24, darktolight.gif)

good morning you filthy unwashed

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0123d3  No.14833021


as Scavino once said. You might have aides.

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ad22d0  No.14833022


>I agree I'm a homo.

First step is recognition.

GJ, HomoAnon.

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f7b659  No.14833023


'A devine creature the human'.

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a39244  No.14833024


White and Black are both smiling/laughing.

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0011ea  No.14833025

File: 7ee1d2668d90e70⋯.png (621.7 KB, 833x1009, 833:1009, DavidSimonBaldwin.png)

File: 97f70c21419c521⋯.jpg (669.84 KB, 1565x1012, 1565:1012, Baldwin_David_Simon_Dayan.jpg)

File: 15a136af9c2874a⋯.jpg (240.38 KB, 645x787, 645:787, Baldwin_David_Simon_Dayan2.jpg)


His daughter has nice friends..

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0123d3  No.14833026


dubs chekked

would you care to go a round?

go around?

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ad22d0  No.14833027

File: 87eb1d2556940be⋯.png (167.9 KB, 600x370, 60:37, ClipboardImage.png)

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2fe0c8  No.14833028

Being as its Good morning time ill say Hello to all you inglorious Frogs. Praying that today something wonderful will happen, to rid ourselves of this current fraud of a Government and this fake ass Plandemic. Knowing as I do, this has been planned for decades, I shall not hold my breath.

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47789e  No.14833029

14833333< this bread

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da4ec4  No.14833030


Anons are something else, aren't they? Love you!

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f7b659  No.14833031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1b6081  No.14833032

File: 1b6e5a0468f1971⋯.png (89.58 KB, 250x350, 5:7, barbie.png)

File: a14ed939b52ab8e⋯.png (456.91 KB, 472x594, 236:297, ClipboardImage.png)

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5fc27a  No.14833033

File: 967358fabb905f6⋯.jpeg (119.11 KB, 1080x541, 1080:541, bushsmiles.jpeg)

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ad22d0  No.14833034


Be the change you want to see in the world.


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1b6081  No.14833035

File: 4bc075b977e790b⋯.png (389.85 KB, 593x592, 593:592, ClipboardImage.png)

The International Cinematographers Guild confirmed the tragic fatality of Director Of Photography, Halyna Hutchins - which occurred just before 2 p.m. PST - in a statement on Thursday.

County officials said in a statement: “The Santa Fe County sheriff’s office confirms that two individuals were shot during filming of a scene on the set of the movie western, Rust.

“According to investigators, it appears the scene being filmed involved the use of a prop firearm when it was discharged. Detectives are investigating how and what type of projectile was discharged," the department stated.

The statement continued: “One shooting victim, a 42-year-old female, was transported via helicopter to University Of New Mexico Hospital. The Sheriff’s office confirms she has succumbed to her injuries.

"The second victim, a 42-year-old male, was transported by ambulance to Christus St. Vincent’s hospital where he is receiving emergency care.

“The incident remains an active investigation. As more information becomes available, updates will be provided.”

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9d2a43  No.14833036


>I shall not hold my breath.

I'd do the same if you were waiting for any big name arrests.

I guess after four years of promising to take down the DS all we get is another social media site to satiate Trump's ego.

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72028e  No.14833037

File: 23453591a1e3e09⋯.jpg (4.18 KB, 111x74, 3:2, Screenshot_20211021_175427….jpg)

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6a8e29  No.14833038

File: 733ff411abe71d6⋯.png (237.85 KB, 599x211, 599:211, ClipboardImage.png)

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6a8e29  No.14833039

File: ae55e0a6cd64ff9⋯.png (350.06 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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7aefb9  No.14833040

File: b045d75226d08b5⋯.png (1004.76 KB, 500x1050, 10:21, ClipboardImage.png)

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6a8e29  No.14833041

File: 16c41c99bdf944d⋯.png (679.55 KB, 500x517, 500:517, ClipboardImage.png)

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2fe0c8  No.14833042


Im not expecting anyone of the criminal elites to be arrested. Not wasting my time in that fantasyland. All I can hope for and do is get word out of their crimes against humanity and cause as much disruption in their plan as I can.

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f7b659  No.14833043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b415d7  No.14833044

File: f5ade65e76d0dfc⋯.jpg (226.03 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, l_intro_1628873771.jpg)

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0123d3  No.14833045

File: b87e85daa2f4130⋯.jpg (35.72 KB, 828x540, 23:15, 246414210_4341563642545668….jpg)


You fuckers have any credibility then you would be hanging out on 8992 USB. Talk to me once you have something intelligent to say. Other than that. STFU.

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4e1c5e  No.14833046

File: b65d4fbd84c9274⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 879f9c5fae0a42f⋯.jpg (743.76 KB, 2688x1242, 448:207, IMG_4594.jpg)

File: 1edf54b66406bbe⋯.jpg (379.69 KB, 1230x1021, 1230:1021, IMG_4593.jpg)

Abu Dhabi Central Bank under full scale renovation.

–Nothing in media about it at all.—

Used to look like first pic, now covered in scaffold. Tender first advertised in August 2021, but `I cannot find any newspaper articles.

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6a8e29  No.14833047

File: 69cd44439268c44⋯.png (174.96 KB, 499x497, 499:497, ClipboardImage.png)

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1b6081  No.14833048

File: c1c4d523d6a0ff6⋯.mp4 (3.76 MB, 320x568, 40:71, baldie.mp4)

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5fc27a  No.14833049

File: fac00d9ee6f037c⋯.jpg (91.7 KB, 600x400, 3:2, laughing.jpg)


each are "42" just a coinkydink


prop guns are props; if there were real bullets it wasn't "prop"er

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ad22d0  No.14833050


>Want to get in on my circle jerk?

No, thank you, HomoAnon.

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7a8913  No.14833051

File: c53209d947ab042⋯.jpg (76.84 KB, 800x517, 800:517, unvaxcamp.jpg)


>quarantine facilities are going to be needed for the unvaccinated.


Vax Macht Frei

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239470  No.14833052


Couple of 42s

42nd President : Bill Clinton

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ecba16  No.14833053

File: b30ec6c75a6cad8⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 600x450, 4:3, E71809E5_5030_40FE_951D_4E….gif)


it's friday


getting ominous

why can't we hear the scary soundtrack music?

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b21bfb  No.14833054

Looks like nuland and the gang going back to Ukraine…..and the 2014 reachout rec to Biden, what would that portend for the present


Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued statements in reaction to US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin's official visit to Ukraine, Romania and Georgia this week where Austin told Ukrainian leaders there's an "open door to NATO" membership if the necessary defense spending and anti-corruption reforms are made. 


In October 2014, Ullman urged Breedlove to reach out to Vice President Joe Biden. Aside from Powell, Ullman wrote, “I know of no better way of getting into 1600,” referring to the White House’s address on Pennsylvania Avenue.

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1b6081  No.14833055

File: a11d7e91f78f435⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB, 640x364, 160:91, NEW_NY_Governor_Hochul_pro….mp4)

File: cb679f032be5fec⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, New_York_GovKathyHochul_de….mp4)

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2a7d4b  No.14833056


so they must have flown one to albuquerque, and the other hospital is in santa fe. Wonder where they are shooting. Literally.

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6a8e29  No.14833057

File: dfe6d640db90aed⋯.png (924.88 KB, 800x480, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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72028e  No.14833058

File: 171620eec64bed6⋯.jpg (24.22 KB, 253x380, 253:380, Screenshot_20211022_063351….jpg)

I'm a hu bc/ l care? Good morning…

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ad22d0  No.14833059


Right back at ya, HomoAnon.

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0123d3  No.14833060


an empty reply

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ad22d0  No.14833061


Same same.

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1a0643  No.14833062


Dont have the space for shitty, timewasting useless bunk.

If you make snide comments or make a nuisance of your self, on posts I make. I will fuck you off faster than you can take a breath in.

Posting current information, for others to read, adds to our collective hive mind.

That being said, filtered.

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1b6081  No.14833063

File: fb5d6a8fd82f2da⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB, 640x368, 40:23, BLM_co_founder_who_went_on….mp4)

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f7b659  No.14833064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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9f1138  No.14833065

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1de5e2  No.14833066

File: 13de2ff937b9d1d⋯.jpg (64.16 KB, 741x409, 741:409, virus_invasion.jpg)

New analysis has suggested that unvaccinated individuals should expect to be reinfected with Covid-19 every 16 months, on average.

That's the new mantra. Get ready to be infected and re-infected over and over again, even if you are vaccinated. Endless lockdowns and quarantines are in your future. They REALLY don't want this to go away.


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0123d3  No.14833067



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7c240d  No.14833068


Wrong spelling

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1b6081  No.14833069


old twitter post of his, I'm not digging through that garbage fire again

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7aefb9  No.14833070

File: a82a362be85f7f5⋯.png (1.38 MB, 800x1000, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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ad22d0  No.14833071


Good for you.

Do it in silence.

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5fc27a  No.14833072

File: 90862f5671d8c7d⋯.jpg (741.15 KB, 2160x1545, 144:103, allassetsdeployedfc25.jpg)



wasn't MACafee tatooed with WHACK?

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11c44e  No.14833073

FACT: Our world is structured the way it is so that demonic entities, who are not on the soul matrix, can feed. What they feed on, of course, is the energy we humans who are on the soul matrix, charge negatively. That's the reason we live in the pathological, sociopathic, narcissistic world that we do: so we can feed these beings! And in turn, they continue to control us to create food for them. Our world is completely parasitic.

The only reason we exist right now, is for the sake of largely unseen entities to continue to feed off of us. Or as some of you call it, "evil". You see the correlation: evil vs. live. Evil is live spelled backwards. We are living to support evil beings and in turn they have to control us to create their food source: Loosh.

In the same way that benevolent ETs are showing themselves to us in any form they can, these malevolent entities are being exposed by many people working in the "ghost busting" field. There are TV shows which thankfully are showing the general public that these things do actually exist. The point they don't make, though, is that we're not to fear them because our fear feeds them.

Many times I've heard it said on these programs that the entities are attracted to those with psychic abilities. Of course, those people with psychic abilities have higher energetic origins or more active DNA, and these people are closer to ascending and leaving these loosh feeders behind, than are anyone else who does not have psychic abilities.

But at least this is part of the disclosure of negative entities upon earth.

The other part of this are the people who expose the existence of cryptids: sasquatches (some are negative and eat people), chupacabra's, skinwalkers and werewolves. Same thing. These are EMBODIED negative entities that come here to feed on us as well - however they eat flesh.

There are many negative portals on the planet that the Light forces are trying to close and to keep closed. The Light forces are trying to take the 4D grid back from the dark forces, and that is why there are a lot of wars on this planet: in order to recapture key ley line points. Such as the Vatican, the pyramids and Antarctica, to name a few of the larger ones. But there are many. Polarities have been reversed at these high energy earth points by the dark forces through the use of sacrificial ceremonies and more, and the light forces are trying to stop this and return these key points on the grid to the naturally positive frequency they should be holding.

What's more, evil people are opening their own portals. Yes, that's what a Ouija board can do. That's why it's best not to play with them.

These things are now being revealed and reversed in many cases. Hauntings have to stop. Disembodied humans have to go into the Light because now they can again. All negative entities embodied or not, have to stop harassing the people of earth. That is the goal of the Light forces. To regain peace on this planet again.

Once they are removed, as well as the mind control being perpetrated upon us, humanity will naturally return to a more peaceful state just because its collective vibration will rise.

Continued here if interested


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2a7d4b  No.14833074

File: 2633b5f55b3ef51⋯.png (440.39 KB, 472x594, 236:297, zrwvvodr.png)

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1b6081  No.14833075


>old twitter post of his

or Instagram

March 27 2020

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9c3ab2  No.14833076

Who was cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, killed by Alec Baldwin’s ‘prop gun’?

“She’s a wonderful, positive, creative person that was so excited to be breaking through and making movies,” Michael Pessah, a cinematographer who was a friend of Hutchins, told Variety. “She was really on the upswing.”

Born in Ukraine in 1979, Hutchins grew up on a Soviet military base on the Arctic Circle, according to The Hollywood Reporter. She attended Kyiv National University and graduated with a degree in international journalism, the website reported.

She worked on British documentary productions as an investigative journalist, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Hutchins later to moved to Los Angeles, and in 2018 she was a cinematographer for the 21st Century Fox DP Lab, the website reported.

Ukrainian and an investigative journalist… thing that make you go hmmm.


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5fc27a  No.14833078

File: 722b6a764e21d5c⋯.png (431.77 KB, 720x486, 40:27, antifa.png)



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1b6081  No.14833079

File: 28d109c704b68bf⋯.jpg (35.08 KB, 500x610, 50:61, patrissecullors.jpg)

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ad22d0  No.14833080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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11c44e  No.14833081


>The only reason we exist right now, is for the sake of largely unseen entities to continue to feed off of us.

Invisible Enemy

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6a8e29  No.14833082

File: 2a499ba211c18d9⋯.png (1.92 MB, 900x986, 450:493, ClipboardImage.png)


The face burka isn't cutting it. You need the full, pressurized burka with air tanks by Merrick and diapers by Garland.

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e02231  No.14833083

File: bf06b7a47fd57f3⋯.png (131.32 KB, 396x327, 132:109, ralph3c.png)


>Pass the covfefe Ralph… It is going to be a 2 cup morning.

2 cups?

already downed a pot!

Well… Times a wastin

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b415d7  No.14833084

File: aa637f75263ed83⋯.jpg (17.16 KB, 272x184, 34:23, 20211007_200310.jpg)

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48ace3  No.14833085


>Couple of 42s

>42nd President : Bill Clinton

Now that would be interesting comms: 42 female dead (Killary ) 42 male hurt, not dead. (Bill) by Alec Baldwin (Trump SNL)

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f7b659  No.14833086

… from this day forward, all attempts to have my babies will be granted.

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11c44e  No.14833087


>The only reason we exist right now, is for the sake of largely unseen entities to continue to feed off of us. Or as some of you call it, "evil". You see the correlation: evil vs. live. Evil is live spelled backwards. We are living to support evil beings and in turn they have to control us to create their food source: Loosh.

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0123d3  No.14833088


Feeling generous. Offering possibility for you to put your crew ashore.

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1b6081  No.14833089

File: 8971308d0f37b8f⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


>Alec Baldwin (Trump SNL)

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ad22d0  No.14833090

File: ce503b0119d8a90⋯.png (295.81 KB, 400x515, 80:103, ClipboardImage.png)

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9d2a43  No.14833091



I've read all this shit too, but where's the real proof?

Like rock solid concrete tangible evidence?

Facts matter.

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1a0643  No.14833092

File: 367c48f5ccf5627⋯.png (34.32 KB, 413x526, 413:526, ClipboardImage.png)

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a7ac51  No.14833093

What exactly is supposed to happen next? I don't think it's a slow, drawn-out audit+de-certify process.

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b415d7  No.14833094

File: f2764a9d8c53f7e⋯.jpg (159.99 KB, 1440x688, 90:43, IMG_20181016_143114.jpg)

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f7b659  No.14833095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1b6081  No.14833096

predict dire outcomes

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239470  No.14833097


Haven’t seen that pic before. Is that Merkel looking on? And Macron with the gesture?

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ad22d0  No.14833098

File: b670a96919cb088⋯.png (163.77 KB, 630x630, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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da4ec4  No.14833099

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e063ec  No.14833100


> Macron


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adbd13  No.14833101


What were live rounds doing in a prop gun?

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72028e  No.14833102

File: 0f7e56603a3b55b⋯.jpg (15.31 KB, 308x237, 308:237, Screenshot_20210822_020259….jpg)

File: a54b712cf76eccb⋯.jpg (7.14 KB, 144x91, 144:91, Screenshot_20210823_185337….jpg)

Fear = the mind killer.

Reaping evil one Halliburton swing a a time.

Let's get some…>>14833073

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d8ef5c  No.14833103

File: 78462715b6a29fd⋯.jpeg (303.48 KB, 1084x577, 1084:577, 9D59D621_4D0B_4A64_A0F1_7….jpeg)

File: ec9c489eab46280⋯.jpeg (426.62 KB, 1691x610, 1691:610, 6B4D34FA_ACF0_48DB_B57D_4….jpeg)

File: 1c5f9a78d741660⋯.jpeg (393.96 KB, 828x857, 828:857, A3B84BDF_8193_46A0_8BB3_B….jpeg)

File: 1715f3c2cc74934⋯.jpeg (533.78 KB, 828x1155, 276:385, 51DDA756_934C_4244_8414_E….jpeg)


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6a8e29  No.14833104

File: 15d4ac59eb7867d⋯.png (845.24 KB, 826x763, 118:109, ClipboardImage.png)

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1a0643  No.14833105

File: 5ebe76f1280faa3⋯.png (49.09 KB, 413x854, 59:122, ClipboardImage.png)


Sep 06, 2018 7:08:46 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c3b95b No. 2909418

Sep 06, 2018 6:22:54 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 23f371 No. 2908723


>There is a lot more to this than you realize.

>Think 'collective' attacks v. 'Q'

They 'attack' AJ to give him fake credibility amongst POTUS supporting Patriots, thus POISONING THE WATERand directing narrative of the 'opposition' through a MOS supported asset aka AJ.

All team effort, coordinated 'collective' attacks with pawns and actors serving black hat agenda and attempting to control/divide the Patriots.

>Attacks will come from ALL sides.


Control & Divide.

Think Mueller.

Who is testifying before Mueller tomorrow?

Forensic data analysis on phone(s) and/or computers?

This is not about Guccifer 2.0.

What happens if Mueller 'proves' 'Free Speech Systems LLC' aka 'InfoWars' is linked to a Foreign Intel Agency or other Non_Domestic entity?

How can the 'LEFT' use that information to DIVIDE and CENSOR the RIGHT?

Why are affiliates of InfoWars constantly attacking 'Q'?

Who is pulling the strings?

[ ]>>>[Free Speech Systems LLC]


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1b6081  No.14833106

File: afb0f059696a595⋯.png (263.47 KB, 468x286, 18:11, ClipboardImage.png)


>Let's go Brandon

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239470  No.14833107


Blanks was reported

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e063ec  No.14833108


> live rounds

No one has said there were live rounds in it - read the sauce.

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f7b659  No.14833109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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48ace3  No.14833110

File: 012cab1db4fec22⋯.jpeg (428.8 KB, 1855x909, 1855:909, FFF95AB1_ADD0_45A9_AE82_E….jpeg)


Even more Interdasting is Eric Trump’s response about the electric chair. There is moar to this than meets the eye.

Posted at 5:33 am EST. 33=masons.

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d8ef5c  No.14833111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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239470  No.14833112


Always the feeling that we need to go back.

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adbd13  No.14833113


There are field offices all over the country, and those locations are filled with non-political people who are interested in law enforcement and not Beltway politics. There are probably bad apples among them but those are the folks more likely to be honest, decent people. I know one of them.

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ad22d0  No.14833114


>read the sauce

Pfft, nobody does that anymore.

If it's not included in the headline…

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0123d3  No.14833115

New heading 270.

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da4ec4  No.14833116


and "Had roles been reversed"

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e063ec  No.14833117


>If it's not included in the headline…

… people will make shit up and spread it?

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2a7d4b  No.14833118

so this looks like it was taken after he did it. Filming at a place called Bonanza Ranch right out side of downtown santa fe, also 50 miles give or take from albuquerque. Question is if this was taken after the incident, why is he not in costume. Did he change?

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193e28  No.14833119

File: e6d81de70677a0c⋯.jpeg (186.01 KB, 984x559, 984:559, 693E226C_F9B6_4723_AB40_C….jpeg)

How does this nigga keep gettin away with this shit

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9d2a43  No.14833120


It's actually still being investigated, but as with other movie related gun deaths shrapnel coming from the crimp at the end of the blanks is the cause.

Very fine and difficult to extract.

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4cdd41  No.14833121

File: 35682e71a880789⋯.png (946.85 KB, 1012x890, 506:445, Screenshot_2021_10_22_at_0….png)

…Random news post because something about a Triceratops. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/worlds-biggest-triceratops-sells-for-7-7-million-in-paris

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2a7d4b  No.14833122

File: cae69edcf7d7007⋯.png (8.8 MB, 3300x2313, 1100:771, 6lwx73gx.png)


shit forgot to attach image.

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4e1c5e  No.14833123

File: b65d4fbd84c9274⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Video cuts at 34 seconds just missing where QEII meets Abu Dhabi Prince.



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72028e  No.14833124

File: 90e24e43509314e⋯.jpg (27.91 KB, 341x233, 341:233, Screenshot_20210730_191813….jpg)

File: 46e3ea13725380c⋯.jpg (13.72 KB, 169x242, 169:242, Screenshot_20210914_121913….jpg)

File: 48b63d935bbae2f⋯.jpg (33.46 KB, 417x501, 139:167, Screenshot_20210914_121926….jpg)

Pop corn is like a sponge and catalyst for getting

Medicine or nutrients into the GI tact, I.e. HCQ plus zink from say black strap molasses.

Loads of Vitimin C

Vitamin D



Pop corn is like a sponge and catalyst for getting

Medicine or nutrients into the GI tact, I.e.

HCQ plus zink from say black strap molasses.

Lets ALL kill covid forever w/ holistic therapeutic approach!!!

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d8ef5c  No.14833125

File: 02a568940c425ed⋯.jpeg (579.8 KB, 828x953, 828:953, 56BDB745_1A77_4E42_BF7A_F….jpeg)


https://mobile.twitter.com/WhiteHouse45/status/1219994339197231104? Happy 15th anniversary, President




! ❤️


9:44 AM · Jan 22, 2020·The White House

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1b6081  No.14833126





The family's language was Danzig German. His grandfather, Józef Tusk (1907–1987), was a railway official who was imprisoned at the Neuengamme concentration camp; later, as a former citizen of the Free City of Danzig, he was apparently conscripted by German authorities into the Wehrmacht.

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12e2b8  No.14833127


>non-political people who are interested in law enforcement

What is needed now is a switch back to the Peace Officer mindset rather than Law Enforcers. Words matter.

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f7b659  No.14833128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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da4ec4  No.14833129


So 2022 would be 17!

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72028e  No.14833130

File: 081444f3d66f7fd⋯.jpg (156.48 KB, 1159x708, 1159:708, Screenshot_20211021_175714….jpg)

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239470  No.14833131


Q post 4242

2020-05-14 22:11:27 (UTC+1)



Buckle Your Seat Belt:


anticipates more explosive Spygate evidence to come out against the Obama administration within the next 3 to 4 weeks. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs

Also where has John Solomon disappeared to?

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56ae7b  No.14833132

File: 3048a2b6d714e82⋯.jpg (80.02 KB, 550x381, 550:381, when_will_America_wake_up.jpg)

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5fc27a  No.14833133

File: 1396093ef5104c3⋯.png (912.25 KB, 576x609, 192:203, charolotte.png)

File: 05dae30ef320c8c⋯.png (4.39 MB, 1643x1846, 1643:1846, charolottsopiee.png)


Soviet Military base on Artic Circle.. really?

investigative journalist?


Want to get this out there; I know its out of the flow of what anons are concentrating on, but I just want to mark it down

I think at some point the "Royal" scepter was given to people related to "Sophia" and to "Charlette" They re both related pretty close to the "Georges" that we Americans fought our Independence against.

Charlotte looks like, resembles closely "Hadid" of Sandy Hook fame -( see vid I will post connected to this post)

Also concerning the eyes;


and also the fucked-up eyes of the Rockefeller branch apparently connected with Tom HANKerchief;

many in that family have somewhat fucked up eyes like that.

I believe Tom got his corrected by surgery.

Inbreeding; We know the royals do it.

And from Director anon we learned many in "Hollywood" films are pulled from the same batch of genetic inheritance ?

"Hadid" is also a company which transport movie sets. Got the sauce on that too


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1b6081  No.14833134



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d8ef5c  No.14833135

File: 175f5118e4235cc⋯.jpeg (553.96 KB, 828x1156, 207:289, 4A47A421_D645_4224_A247_9….jpeg)

https://x22report.com/aiovg_videos/ep-2607b-big-tech-ds-panic-strategically-planned-dark-to-light-truth-end/ Ep 2607b – Big Tech/[DS] Panic, Strategically Planned, Dark To Light, [TRUTH] = END


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f2d193  No.14833136

File: 36cb1722963d33b⋯.png (960.03 KB, 628x620, 157:155, ClipboardImage.png)

Never forget what these sick murderers did.

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f2d193  No.14833137

File: 1b5c3523e0353e8⋯.png (558.59 KB, 774x572, 387:286, ClipboardImage.png)

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1de5e2  No.14833138

New version of the 8kun Bread Launcher is now available

It's been a year since the original version of the Bread Launcher came out and now, finally, it has auto-updating and posting capability.

The Post Office feature is now fully implemented. Includes the capability to create new threads and to manage 5 posts per instance.

There is no better way to consume or make bread than this.

Go to my new GitHub Pages website: https://8chananon.github.io

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f2d193  No.14833139

File: e064c4940a2decc⋯.png (260.37 KB, 768x310, 384:155, ClipboardImage.png)

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1b6081  No.14833140

File: 823597de0a79345⋯.png (84.76 KB, 250x250, 1:1, sussman.png)


>why is he not in costume

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f7b659  No.14833141

File: ddc0d60c53045a2⋯.jpg (38 KB, 716x428, 179:107, 5nt3yj.jpg)

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72028e  No.14833142

File: 43b8ca47a566f73⋯.jpg (62.2 KB, 632x352, 79:44, Screenshot_20210808_095944….jpg)

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4e1c5e  No.14833143

File: b65d4fbd84c9274⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 853444d8992600d⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1280x788, 320:197, Screen_Shot_2021_10_22_at_….png)

AD Prince is hardly likely to be Deep State, is that why he get cut?

Video cuts at 34 seconds just missing where QEII meets Abu Dhabi Prince.



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1b6081  No.14833144

File: da341084069e2c8⋯.png (1.32 MB, 643x930, 643:930, ClipboardImage.png)

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1a0643  No.14833145


intending to read 50 Q posts everyday, from the beginning

having been through everything, up to this point

the patterns in the posts and information missed could be absorbed more by reading again?

I need to go back

And also look at PDJT tweets, there is something I'm always so close to solving but have allowed muh self to be distracted

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193e28  No.14833146

File: 41d878e7b661462⋯.jpeg (99.7 KB, 759x422, 759:422, A1250992_75D8_4CC9_9F99_9….jpeg)

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6a8e29  No.14833147





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7a8913  No.14833148

File: 36bbf95984fe39e⋯.jpg (18.51 KB, 400x400, 1:1, yKqVsZBF_400x400.jpg)


This is on the internet

So it has to be real

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5fc27a  No.14833149

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Annie Hadad

Banned Everywhere Video; Wonder why?

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4e1c5e  No.14833150

File: b65d4fbd84c9274⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 853444d8992600d⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1280x788, 320:197, Screen_Shot_2021_10_22_at_….png)

AD Prince is hardly likely to be Deep State, is that why he get cut?

Video cuts at 34 seconds just missing where QEII meets him. He does not look too impressed.



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1b6081  No.14833151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f2d193  No.14833152

File: d898e76e2131b5f⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1175x1394, 1175:1394, ClipboardImage.png)

Now he doesn't need to wonder.

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56ae7b  No.14833153

File: 08c6f2ff6ae9cde⋯.jpg (142.51 KB, 666x824, 333:412, wisconsin_fake_voter_purge.jpg)

File: 0d33d46bb14e1df⋯.jpg (236.72 KB, 954x604, 477:302, out_of_state_voters_counte….jpg)

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4e1c5e  No.14833154

File: b65d4fbd84c9274⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Something is messing with my posts

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f2d193  No.14833155

Alec Baldwin has now killed more innocent people than Kyle Rittenhouse

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72028e  No.14833156

File: 1a6586640f6f058⋯.jpg (30.14 KB, 266x363, 266:363, Screenshot_20210823_191930….jpg)

File: c2999aa700433c4⋯.jpg (18.93 KB, 351x253, 351:253, Screenshot_20210823_192002….jpg)

God bless the board & ALL whom chill here.

This is a new day that the lord hath made, rejoice and be glad


God bless you today…

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0123d3  No.14833157

This had to happen. Anon apologizes, and prays for, any hurt in the conflict. Anon would be lying if said was fun.

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f7b659  No.14833158

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c008c4  No.14833159

"Jews pushing this theory should never have gone there, because it points directly at my theories. I have shown you the Cohens have been the big winners in the Phoenician Navy battles for supremacy. They were formerly Comyns, Komnenes (from Armenia), and they are also. . . Kahns and Khans. Genghis Khan was really Genghis Komnene or Genghis Cohen. The last thing the new theorists want you to realize."

I'm not arguing against Israel's (ancient one) connection to Tartaria, but I certainly don't equate modern inhabitants of Palestine's lands to ancient Israelites. Phoenician hypothesis kinda fits here, but when proponents of this suggestion argue like this, it becomes suspicious. Maybe this "Miles Mathis" blog is some kind of gatekeeping


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6a8e29  No.14833160

File: f439831fa8a97f0⋯.png (536.97 KB, 464x480, 29:30, ClipboardImage.png)


The Unconstitutional FBI was created by the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve.

The Unconstitutional C_A was created by the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve. The first thing they did was take over the FBI.

Back, and to the left. Back, and to the left. Back, and to the left.

This is it.

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27f64b  No.14833161

Isaac Kappy body cam footage


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1b6081  No.14833162

File: da8625720d1a386⋯.png (114.12 KB, 266x266, 1:1, neck.png)

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d5e95f  No.14833163

File: b65d4fbd84c9274⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Something is messing with my posts

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1a0643  No.14833164

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c008c4  No.14833165

from Gab

@Ffe3301 1d ·

Those of you who follow this group were made aware of the coming supply chain issues with posts on Parler starting back in March of 2020, well over a year ago.

The media won't be able to cover it up too much longer.

Shelves are starting to go bare. You probably noticed some sections of your grocery store bare but thought they were just restocking. Not true.

Shop for Christmas before it's too late.

If you need a new phone, don't delay.

Screen shoot this If you don't believe and check back in couple months.

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f7b659  No.14833166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f2d193  No.14833167

File: d96d835c847135f⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1280x1255, 256:251, ClipboardImage.png)

DJT: "Biden regime good at only two things, Rigging elections and misinformation

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7a8913  No.14833168

File: dcf5448512c17f4⋯.jpg (58.34 KB, 474x266, 237:133, caddyFAG.jpg)


>Alec Baldwin has now killed more innocent people than Kyle Rittenhouse

The only real question is how big the margin of victory. Angry fucker may have priors that got covered up.

Service to the Cabal has its privileges

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47789e  No.14833169

6th circle

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ad22d0  No.14833170


Options > Auto clear fields > STFU > KYS.

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193e28  No.14833171

File: 5de59a374db8f7f⋯.jpeg (128.07 KB, 925x539, 925:539, 060718CA_54E1_415B_9691_F….jpeg)

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47789e  No.14833172

File: 303de76f44d9890⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1629x762, 543:254, ClipboardImage.png)

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445ae9  No.14833173

File: f860eac10803892⋯.png (532.88 KB, 720x570, 24:19, mtg_vs_liz_cheney.PNG)

Greene, a top Trump loyalist, crossed the aisle and approached Reps. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) as voting began on a resolution holding a former adviser of former President Trump, Stephen Bannon, in contempt for defying panel subpoenas.

“This is a joke,” Greene said, her voice rising, referring to the Jan. 6 investigation and the Bannon contempt vote. “Why don’t you investigate something people actually care about?”

Cheney shot back that Greene was “a joke” and that she should be focusing on Jewish space lasers, a reference to a conspiracy theory Greene previously had promoted on Facebook blaming “space lasers” controlled by a powerful Jewish family for starting wildfires in California.

“I never said that! You’re done. You’re a joke!” Greene yelled at Cheney, according to CNN. “Why don’t you go investigate something that matters to the American people?”


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7a3e44  No.14833174


at least a foot of fuckery. probably moar.

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239470  No.14833175


It certainly felt like the autists left at some point (hopefully to join the white hats with security clearances) and regular ol anons tried to pick up the patterns. Many more guesses, with some guidance, got us this far.

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9d2a43  No.14833176


Surprisingly one out of a hundred faggots I originally followed and don't hate now.

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1b6081  No.14833177

File: 6bc558923e9477d⋯.png (155.92 KB, 362x453, 362:453, kevino.png)

File: 033fc5934b66367⋯.png (232.71 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Stephanopoulos911.png)

File: 7dbe3e955cb4575⋯.png (315.62 KB, 414x480, 69:80, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b27465dc9950e8⋯.png (1.88 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, miles3.png)

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f6ccbe  No.14833178

File: 861bd91136f5b70⋯.jpg (4.12 MB, 2400x3000, 4:5, Sheriff_Adan_Mendoza.jpg)

Meet the sheriff of sante fe. Prepare to retire if you dont arrest baldwin.

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f2d193  No.14833179

File: 079213e407cbb9d⋯.png (902.38 KB, 986x1280, 493:640, ClipboardImage.png)

It's almost like the timing for the start Truthsocial coincides with the end of Fakebook and Twatter

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f38b68  No.14833180


And was more threatening than Ashli Babbit.


>may have priors

Anon wouldn't doubt an orphanage full of children being among his victims. The deep state revels in blood of the innocents.

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193e28  No.14833181

File: e2cad7f2b215412⋯.jpeg (98.8 KB, 724x465, 724:465, C5D200AC_3230_4E74_8C9D_D….jpeg)

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1b6081  No.14833182

File: c68ced253c4a115⋯.png (97.48 KB, 1024x989, 1024:989, ClipboardImage.png)

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64bdc3  No.14833183

File: 52db43a98bfabc1⋯.png (282.89 KB, 401x496, 401:496, baldwin_two_brids_one_ston….png)

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f2d193  No.14833184

File: f92a5aa00dc298d⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Pfizer Issues Official Termination Letter to Whistleblower Melissa Strickler Who Leaked Internal Emails From Execs Detailing Suppressing Information From Public on Use of Fetal Cell Lines in Covid Vaccine Program Testing


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12e2b8  No.14833185

File: 2dafb5e7ade2409⋯.jpg (100.47 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2rf65k.jpg)

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ac1487  No.14833186


>Something is messing with my posts

Feeble brain perhaps?

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f38b68  No.14833187


Yes! The monopoly switches. Thise that were clinging to FB will have to migrate or miss out on all their normal normie fun. Some will boycott and learn to deal without, as some of us have had to.

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1b6081  No.14833188

File: 203e06d42affe84⋯.png (621.21 KB, 704x880, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Remember, I'm an anon just like you.

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78594f  No.14833189

File: a805f288870489d⋯.jpg (172.8 KB, 1080x1362, 180:227, 20211022_070857.jpg)


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ad22d0  No.14833190


I'll take Gov't Assassins Hiding in Storm Drains for $1000, Alex.

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27f64b  No.14833191

File: 245212a5678c7e3⋯.png (3.96 MB, 1152x1678, 576:839, ClipboardImage.png)

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193e28  No.14833192

File: 4e37e2902f54d04⋯.jpeg (172.25 KB, 1287x626, 1287:626, 10FABE0F_3668_4389_A910_E….jpeg)

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11c44e  No.14833193

File: cba8a399ab422eb⋯.jpeg (85.27 KB, 476x357, 4:3, B913037A_40DB_4BCF_8FAC_1….jpeg)


Brings back memories of seeing Fonzie skiing and jumping over a shark

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f7b659  No.14833194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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40f49e  No.14833195

File: 54f1f6d6fd27f5e⋯.jpg (102.03 KB, 599x671, 599:671, 2021_10_22_080426.jpg)


FFS, He's a paranoid fucking maniac, look at her back ground. Hutchins was a Los Angeles-based cinematographer from Ukraine who grew up on a Soviet military base within the Arctic Circle, according to her website.

She earned a degree in international journalism from Kyiv National University in Ukraine and had worked as an investigative journalist with British documentary productions in Europe.

She graduated from the American Film Institute Conservatory in 2015 and would go on to earn a spot as one of American Cinematographer‘s Rising Stars of 2019 and cinematographer for the 21st Century Fox DP Lab in 2018, her website said.

Most recently, Hutchins served as director of photography for feature film Archenemy, starring Joe Manganiello, Blindfire, a racially charged cop drama starring Brian Geraghty, and Darlin’, a horror feature.



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1a0643  No.14833196

File: daf08d810ae077a⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1916x1008, 479:252, ClipboardImage.png)

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e02231  No.14833197

File: ded4f4b515e2da3⋯.png (152.08 KB, 1090x529, 1090:529, q4800_redoctober.png)

File: f1a178d2b226f93⋯.png (74.46 KB, 345x256, 345:256, seanConneryHunt.png)

File: d5d3313f0816aa9⋯.png (547.24 KB, 686x770, 49:55, Screenshot_2021_10_22_The_….png)

File: b1b4e72a2227443⋯.png (575.33 KB, 936x562, 468:281, Screenshot_from_2021_10_22….png)






>Even more Interdasting is Eric Trump’s response about the electric chair. There is moar to this than meets the eye.

>Posted at 5:33 am EST. 33=masons.


>and "Had roles been reversed"

wait a second.

We in Red October

What day did Ramius "die"?

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f2d193  No.14833198

File: 75ce0d52ab50b08⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1572x1152, 131:96, SLM.png)

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912146  No.14833199


Kinda slow at the moment. Anybody happen the have the video of the antifa pink mask getting bonked with a steel helmet from yesterday? Wanted it to show someone.


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1a0643  No.14833200


Lost many autist when migrating to boards and sites, especially when hidden for that period in time.

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56ae7b  No.14833201

File: 7040b4ef16d3e73⋯.jpg (222.56 KB, 864x576, 3:2, punch_it_scotty_punch_it.jpg)

File: 626f595365f9feb⋯.jpg (35.31 KB, 388x291, 4:3, brownouts_blackouts.jpg)

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2a7d4b  No.14833202


I will be shocked if charges are actually pressed. Even if it is considered accidental they will say he had no way of knowing it was a faulty prop gun. Be ruled an accidental death. Especially considering the corrupt nature of not only the sheriffs department, and the film industry and the state itself.

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d8ef5c  No.14833203

File: 65102ab112c150d⋯.jpeg (175.14 KB, 828x486, 46:27, A33F28B8_029E_4216_950B_1….jpeg)

https://defiantamerica.com/child-in-indiana-who-has-been-diagnosed-with-an-infection-gets-refused-treatment-in-the-hospital-because-of-vaccination-status/ Child In Indiana Who Has Been Diagnosed With An Infection Gets Refused Treatment In The Hospital Because Of Vaccination Status – Everything Was Caught On Video

By Mack Cogburn - October 22, 2021

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0011ea  No.14833204

File: 8725f3cad305c95⋯.jpg (562.8 KB, 1565x903, 1565:903, Baldwin_video_23_17.jpg)

File: c1add58f30be29b⋯.png (257.28 KB, 700x274, 350:137, f8572a3c09e6e805.png)





At this 12m and 17 seconds long video, he pulls the trigger exactly at 6m and 23 seconds…


https://www.instagram. com/tv/CQBXTXKDwGl/

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27f64b  No.14833205

File: f60faf7583de639⋯.png (4.75 MB, 4961x3508, 4961:3508, ClipboardImage.png)

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445ae9  No.14833206

File: be7612fc1b36c22⋯.png (102.5 KB, 410x351, 410:351, potus_pointing.PNG)


never forget

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f38b68  No.14833207


Anon thought of the last hollywierd movie set sacrifices he could think of. Twilight zone chopper beheading and the poor woman that was caught on the train tracks on that bridge. The thoughts occoured two days ago, thought about putting something up here, but ended up just shitposting and memeing.

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ad22d0  No.14833208


If they couldn't find their way back, they weren't autists.

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0123d3  No.14833209


No touch Chicken Little.

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7a3e44  No.14833210

File: be1727263292b1d⋯.jpeg (19.37 KB, 250x243, 250:243, 4ddf3f29551c05c1781b19fcf….jpeg)

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193e28  No.14833211

File: 7d5eab130f142d8⋯.jpeg (161.85 KB, 1143x618, 381:206, AFA1C18D_3EBB_4872_AB94_A….jpeg)

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959856  No.14833212

File: 8462d7277816dcf⋯.png (544.91 KB, 438x724, 219:362, habsburg.png)


>AD Prince is hardly likely to be Deep State, is that why he get cut?

>Video cuts at 34 seconds just missing where QEII meets Abu Dhabi Prince.


Kerry the Habsburg, the bald Prince (Bwyan Stelter look-alike), and the Queen Reptilian aren't deep state?

Looks like a whole gaggle of them in that photo?

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1b6081  No.14833213

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5839ea  No.14833214


>HCQ plus zink from say black strap molasses.

Is this true?

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c008c4  No.14833215

File: ced72faacd51e59⋯.jpg (60.37 KB, 999x593, 999:593, BildLilli.jpg)


The #1 song March 1959 was titled “Venus” and it was about a man asking the goddess of “Venus” to send him a “little girl” for him to “kiss” and “thrill”

#1 on the charts and stayed there for 5 weeks beginning March 9th 1959.

Dick Clark's Top Ten

Know what else happened that day?

03/09/1959 Venus Hits #1 on the charts stays there for weeks.

03/09/1959 Venus Radio Contact first made!

03/09/1959Barbie Doll “Teen Model” First Introduced

So the first ever radio contact with the planet Venus using radar… and it happened the same day a new song tears up the radio charts about it?

I’m sure you can figure out what kind by those lyrics about wanting a little girl to kiss and love. A blackmail op had launched. Comms were sent of first radio contact because communications had been established!

Know what comes after that? They need PROMOTIONS to grow the op, women to join, men to partake… therefore they need many more comms sent throughout the world.

Hence “Barbie: Teenage Fashion model” launched. Commercials make sure nobody can ignore the new op. Little girls idolize it unknowingly promoting what kind of activity?

Development of Barbie led by “Ruth Handler” https://www.thomasnet.com/insights/lessons-from-leaders-mattel-s-ruth-handler/

I’ve gone over those ops as being about blackmail in past posts https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/08/10/fallen-star/

The original ad for Barbie: note the big section right after it describing their ICBM Missile toys.

In a number of posts I go over how blackmail is symbolized with nuclear weaponry. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/09/08/nuclear-q/

Read the post above if you aren’t familiar with it, understanding why someone like Hugh Marston Hefner = Nuclear stockpile sounds like insanity if you haven’t learned the history of symbolism. So please read the post if you haven’t.

It’s comms for info so explosive that it can topple countries. Or more specifically the leadership of countries. Consider Playboy beginning with Marylyn Monroe. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/04/13/celebs-and-pets/

If Monroe really did have an affair with JFK and it went public? Scandal removes head of country? = Nuclear weapon destroying what?

08/04/2017 PEOPLE Explains: All About Marilyn Monroe’s Alleged Affairs with JFK and Brother Bobby Before she died, Monroe was reported that she had been threatening to hold a press conference divulging her relationships with them. https://people.com/politics/marilyn-monroe-affair-john-f-kennedy-robert-f-kennedy/

Monroe got her big movie break literally months after posing nude for pics that would only be shown in Playboy.

The system feeds into itself. Women become stars thru blackmail ops, and blackmail in turn is used to obtain stars by blackmail. After a while all new stars are blackmailed and all existing stars become blackmailed.

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9c3ab2  No.14833216


Brandon Lee on the set of The Crow.

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0123d3  No.14833217

QR Q was

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56ae7b  No.14833218

File: 0bc9a3383aa657a⋯.jpg (104.9 KB, 682x563, 682:563, this_will_hurt.jpg)

File: 0b58b59e162701f⋯.jpg (275.21 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, DONE_ALL.jpg)

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27f64b  No.14833219

File: d4503008eb53ebd⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1076x1280, 269:320, ClipboardImage.png)

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445ae9  No.14833220


and the left, the mockingbird media, and their cohorts will make alec the victim in this sad saga…

poor alec, what he must be going through…

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2a7d4b  No.14833221


you need to scroll up, remember the crow.

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1b6081  No.14833222

File: 54adbc700c098a5⋯.png (484.48 KB, 500x700, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a8913  No.14833223

File: faae50e7608acd1⋯.jpg (98.03 KB, 1287x626, 1287:626, alecPRON.jpg)

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766bfb  No.14833224

File: aa50f3f898e0a5e⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1132x575, 1132:575, ClipboardImage.png)

Cannot wait..

Crispy Venison Filet tonight with Louisiana hot sauce on the side.

My dad just got back from a few days in the Cambridge, Ohio area.

Filled both tags with his crossbow, a small spike and a large doe.

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959856  No.14833225

File: 8b1f06a2c5f10da⋯.png (72.95 KB, 253x223, 253:223, interdasting_copy.png)


>Alec Baldwin killed a lady.

So it wasn't part of them shooting a scene?

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c9e9be  No.14833226

File: f38858b8c398b0a⋯.jpeg (23.18 KB, 407x295, 407:295, 92B9E6A9_9857_4484_8D9A_0….jpeg)

JUST IN: Alec Baldwin Accidentally Shoots and Kills Crew Member on Movie Set

Alec Baldwin on Thursday accidentally shot and killed a crew member on a movie set while filming the western “Rust” in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

According to Deadline, Baldwin discharged a prop gun that killed one member and injured another.

The fatal shooting is currently under criminal investigation.

Deadline reported:

The Sante Fe, New Mexico Sheriff’s Department has confirmed that Alec Baldwin “discharged” the prop gun that killed one Rust crew member and injured director Joel Souza.

Director of Photography Halyna Hutchins died not long after being transported to a hospital in Albuquerque, NM this afternoon.

Deadline earlier reported that Criminal Investigators were called to the scene with sources informing us that a principal castmember cocked a gun, hitting a man, 42 and woman, 42, on set. The entire Bonanza Creek Ranch went under lockdown during the investigation. The castmember we’re told was unaware about the type of ammunition in the gun. A rep from the production said that “Production has been halted for the time being” on Rust and that “the safety of our cast and crew remains our top priority.”

Traditionally the prop master or armorer is responsible for fire arms and fire arms safety on a set such as Rust.

Full statement from the Santa Fe Sheriff’s department:

Santa Fe County Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to the Bonanza Creek Ranch movie set of the western “Rust”, October 21, 2021, when an 911 caller reported a shooting on the set.

The sheriff’s office confirms that two individuals were shot on the set of Rust. Halyna Hutchins, 42, director of photography and Joel Souza, 48, director, were shot when a prop firearm was discharged by Alec Baldwin, 68, producer and actor.

Ms. Hutchins was transported, via helicopter, to University of New Mexico Hospital where she was pronounced dead by medical personnel. Mr. Souza was transported by ambulance to Christus St. Vincent Regional Medical center where he is undergoing treatment for his injuries.

This investigation remains open and active. No charges have been filed in regard to this incident. Witnesses continue to be interviewed by detectives.


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0123d3  No.14833227


Anon knows exactly where you are coming from. Always that feeling. Sometimes being human is not so nice.

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27f64b  No.14833228

File: cf22d6a4e98f18d⋯.png (421.7 KB, 3508x2481, 3508:2481, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a8913  No.14833229

File: ebac181dff4daec⋯.jpg (63.78 KB, 645x830, 129:166, alec.jpg)

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1a0643  No.14833230



Going to the pub.


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56ae7b  No.14833231

File: 0085879e72caa0e⋯.jpg (113.63 KB, 750x500, 3:2, it_starts_with_the_fingers.jpg)

File: ac5f6380a6e2bb4⋯.jpg (170.22 KB, 805x555, 161:111, SPINELESS_MAGGOT.jpg)

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2a7d4b  No.14833232

File: bee21a91fc9d8e9⋯.jpg (10.24 KB, 275x183, 275:183, abg.jpg)

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f7b659  No.14833233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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1b6081  No.14833234

File: 1918d0a492b6379⋯.png (343.12 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983). On 23 July 1982, two children, Myca Dinh Le (aged 7) and Renee Shin-Yi Chen (aged 6), and actor Vic Morrow were killed by a helicopter during production when it was caught in the pyrotechnics flying low at 25 feet (8 metres). The tail rotor decapitated Morrow and Le and crushed Chen to death.


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ad22d0  No.14833235



Rick and Morty's home Universe.

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03bf10  No.14833236


Joseph Conrad - The Secret Agent

A good read and a prime example.

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193e28  No.14833237

File: df5ec4345e3f4a7⋯.jpeg (94.73 KB, 750x490, 75:49, 8927D7C8_5045_4300_8614_6….jpeg)

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239470  No.14833238


Kek! If I’m still here, they weren’t autists.

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f38b68  No.14833239


True. Hard to forget that.


Actor/killer had to be shooting a part of a scene that was either pov or in the line of fire.

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c7ceb3  No.14833240

File: 947d647cf4620f2⋯.jpg (77.51 KB, 500x700, 5:7, 5rel8k.jpg)

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56ae7b  No.14833241

File: 122d6c5733c168d⋯.jpg (106.5 KB, 850x428, 425:214, will_starve_and_kill.jpg)

File: 2e3cb267434c5b3⋯.jpg (177.06 KB, 1200x674, 600:337, riding_the_gravy_train.jpg)

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e3aec6  No.14833243

File: 7f6d8d3ab1d1d53⋯.mp4 (1.11 MB, 540x540, 1:1, bill_gates_smiles_at_stopp….mp4)



this is why bill gates is in the uk bending the ear of boris and the establishment.

Stop their benefits so they get the jab.

Arsehole, we paid in with our taxes and everything we use buy or sell.

fuck you gates, you may be able to hide behind the establishment but try walking the streets

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2a7d4b  No.14833244


Spielburg had a hand in that movie. Landis and Him were arrested and charged with involuntary manslaughter. They were both acquitted though.

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193e28  No.14833245

File: 0e34be9f07d32ea⋯.jpeg (128.22 KB, 961x571, 961:571, D4FD0EBD_194E_4FF8_AD33_D….jpeg)

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0123d3  No.14833246

So? This should be interesting.

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5cd745  No.14833247


Never could into Pauley Shore. Dude was annoying as hell.

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ad22d0  No.14833248


It's not.

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c9e9be  No.14833249

Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday. It was a disaster

I watched some of it, this guy saysUmm, Ahhmore than any word in his testimony kek

Garland mumbled through his testimony and at several points looked as lost as his boss Joe Biden.

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Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) grilled Garland on his family’s financial ties to critical race theory studies. Garland did not have an answer. It was embarrassing.

Rep. Johnson said Garland was one for the worst witnesses to ever testify before Congress.

Rep. Mike Johnson: “You know, we were surprised. I think many people who watched this hearing today thought that he was one of the worst witnesses who has ever appeared before the committee…I practiced law for 20 years and I would say he ranks up there with some of the worst. He seemed unprepared. He was evasive. He dodged question after question and he used simple talking points that apparently were prepared for him by someone else. It was very unimpressive. And the idea that he would be the top pick of the Democrats to be on the Supreme Court makes us all wonder what was going on there.

Exactly, Mitch did us one solid by denying him to the SC! Only one solid though.

Via Greg Kelly Reports:


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e02231  No.14833250

File: b47092db06e4c29⋯.png (159.96 KB, 583x484, 53:44, Screenshot_from_2020_11_07….png)

File: 72ab82185221b93⋯.jpeg (108.07 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ElMrH9lXgAIFyzh.jpeg)

File: 1a69036e0ffc87b⋯.png (109.84 KB, 378x183, 126:61, Screenshot_from_2020_11_07….png)

File: 51bab9076bdb612⋯.png (102.52 KB, 408x276, 34:23, pepeBond.png)


Potus, October 2020 in Maine

Setting for last scene of Red October


Sean Connery

Sean Connery (1983).jpg

Connery in 1983

Born Thomas Connery

25 August 1930

Edinburgh, Scotland

Died 31 October 2020(aged 90)

Lyford Cay, Nassau, Bahamas

Resting place Cremated, ashes scattered in Scotland[1]

Occupation Actor

Years active



Full list


Diane Cilento

(m. 1962; div. 1973)​

Micheline Roquebrune

(m. 1975)​

Children Jason Connery

Relatives Neil Connery (brother)

Website https://www.seanconnery.com/


The Hunt for Red October (1990)

Alec Baldwin:Jack Ryan

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f7b659  No.14833251


… ugh. dark to lignt

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0123d3  No.14833252



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959856  No.14833253

File: aba443d6b90af46⋯.png (426.31 KB, 474x470, 237:235, bidan.png)


>Alec Baldwin

>It was an accident

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56ae7b  No.14833254

File: 84e2c9ff9613590⋯.jpg (14.95 KB, 257x138, 257:138, EVIL_WITCH.jpg)

File: 5d68cc7576b6282⋯.jpg (110.08 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, KILL_THEM_LIKE_COUMO.jpg)

File: a28acc27472efa3⋯.jpg (301.89 KB, 1127x634, 1127:634, blood_on_hands.jpg)

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2a7d4b  No.14833255

File: 43462e6892c9ef1⋯.png (43.28 KB, 676x860, 169:215, Screenshot_2021_10_22_at_0….png)

did not know he had also hired two illegal child actors who were the ones who died on set for the twilight zone. Wonder if they were sacrificed because they did not please the film jews.

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48ace3  No.14833257


>…Random news post because something about a Triceratops. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/worlds-biggest-triceratops-sells-for-7-7-million-in-paris

Moar comms-

Posted at 7:33 am. 33=masons

‘Big John’ sold yesterday at auction in Paris for $7.7 million equates to 6.6 million Euros

He was 66 million years old.

66= double 33

??? Not sure, but interesting.

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193e28  No.14833258

File: c7a4aaa4ab50848⋯.jpeg (140.09 KB, 727x495, 727:495, DEB65DDC_FEA8_4C33_8585_5….jpeg)

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0123d3  No.14833259


8992 USB fuckers.

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56ae7b  No.14833260

File: 84e2c9ff9613590⋯.jpg (14.95 KB, 257x138, 257:138, EVIL_WITCH.jpg)

File: 5d68cc7576b6282⋯.jpg (110.08 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, KILL_THEM_LIKE_COUMO.jpg)

File: a28acc27472efa3⋯.jpg (301.89 KB, 1127x634, 1127:634, blood_on_hands.jpg)

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766bfb  No.14833261


The gun is obviously at fault.

"I was holding it and it just went off!"

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239470  No.14833263


Being human is amazing. Hoping I don’t discover I’m really a reptilian or alien

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bbf40d  No.14833264

File: 43bc36974f4f90f⋯.png (278.85 KB, 609x415, 609:415, Oct_21_Baldwin.png)

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ad22d0  No.14833265


Was it black?

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27afd7  No.14833266


Right nice pic…


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1b6081  No.14833267

File: f1b116cd31c1921⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1260x900, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>Alec Baldwin:Jack Ryan

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56ae7b  No.14833268

File: 84e2c9ff9613590⋯.jpg (14.95 KB, 257x138, 257:138, EVIL_WITCH.jpg)

File: 5d68cc7576b6282⋯.jpg (110.08 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, KILL_THEM_LIKE_COUMO.jpg)

File: a28acc27472efa3⋯.jpg (301.89 KB, 1127x634, 1127:634, blood_on_hands.jpg)

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f7b659  No.14833269


… you can't piggy back this shit.

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0011ea  No.14833270

File: 9e4b59c1a9cf2a3⋯.jpg (389.24 KB, 1093x1051, 1093:1051, EpsteinZorroRanchTheCircle.jpg)

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5cd745  No.14833272

File: 40a4b391740d627⋯.jpg (342.57 KB, 640x877, 640:877, Pepe_Perspective_Escher.jpg)


Re-reading is always a good idea. Information changes, and sometimes with it, perspective.

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4cdd41  No.14833273


…Yes, all of the matching numbers caught my eyes and remembering the Tricera chatter from a few days ago.

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c0ae24  No.14833274

File: cac7b95b4c2b6fd⋯.png (392.05 KB, 805x590, 161:118, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61e1bb4de819656⋯.png (140.5 KB, 631x617, 631:617, Georger_bush_dog_wolf.png)

File: ef877deb5881e0d⋯.png (48.5 KB, 545x216, 545:216, State_Funeral.png)

File: e33027f83948247⋯.png (543.5 KB, 497x529, 497:529, HRC_Blue_Dog.png)

File: 3c98c17d6ac88b0⋯.png (588.25 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Happy Make a Dog's Day!

Wheel of Misfortune [Every dog has its day]

Who will be the distraction?

Jimmy Carter?

Bill J. Clinton?

George W. Bush?

Barry Sorento?


Joe R. Biden?

Cast your vote, NOW!

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1b6081  No.14833275

File: 9b5d474d9df9633⋯.png (611.41 KB, 634x423, 634:423, ClipboardImage.png)


Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's victim claim his Zorro Ranch had three computer rooms the 'size of houses' to spy on guests including Prince Andrew

Maria Farmer claims the rooms were hidden in the basement of the Zorro Ranch

'Bigger than houses', the rooms underground were 'packed with computers and video equipment' belonging to Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, Farmer said

She claims that Epstein and Maxwell used hidden cameras to film their guests

One such guest to the ranch was allegedly the Duke of York, Prince Andrew

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1b6081  No.14833276

File: 322c3da75e09ef7⋯.png (293.82 KB, 634x423, 634:423, full.png)


>One such guest to the ranch was allegedly the Duke of York, Prince Andrew

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56ae7b  No.14833278

File: 5abd08f364079e7⋯.jpg (167.22 KB, 1020x573, 340:191, Scott_Morrison_knows.jpg)

File: 7007bcc0df74786⋯.jpg (115.31 KB, 860x576, 215:144, death_sentences_for_traito….jpg)

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