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File: d5864fabf1371e9⋯.jpg (140 KB, 900x721, 900:721, d5864fabf1371e9f1f347ed5ef….jpg)

43bd2b  No.14852090[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


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43bd2b  No.14852092

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TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

President Donald Trump Launches new Platform https://www.truthsocial.com

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43bd2b  No.14852093



>>14850595, >>14850605, >>14850615 All the times Kamala Harris said we should use paper ballots on twitter (1/3)

>>14850629 Reminder Those who do not remember and learn from the past are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past

>>14850658 For keks Biden Drives Windowless Van Through Neighborhood Offering Kids Free Vaccines

>>14850661 UNICEF 'sounds alarm' over abductions of women and children from Haiti

>>14850732 #ArrestFauci Trends at #1

>>14850911, >>14851133 Fauci’s taxpayer funded animal experiments in Tunisia

>>14851282 The Effect Of Adrenochrome And Adrenolutin On The Behavior Of Animals And The Psychology Of Man

>>14850885 Donor list for the Peta website reads like an Epstein flight log

>>14851107, >>14851176, >>14850666 The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci, is reportedly "testing on animals for close to four decades, and failing to produce results for just as long."

>>14850779 Cartoonist Michael Leunig axed from prime spot at The Age over ‘offensive’ vaccine image

>>14850786 Illinois Supreme Court Rules Tax On Guns & Ammo Unconstitutional

>>14850791 ICU doc letter to FDA: “I can no longer silently accept the serious harm being caused by the C19 vaccines

>>14850829 FAKE NEWS U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen proposes a tax on unrealized capital gains to finance Biden's "Build Back Better" plans (Cap 1:02)

>>14850863 Are ships being used as a defensive wall? Watch the water? 2 if by sea?

>>14850870 Panicking MSM take a listen to tyranny over https://truthsocial.com/

>>14850879 Here they come… Migrant caravan streaming in to America (Cap 0:44)

>>14850966 Australia Must Listen: Clive Palmer Press conference (16:34)

>>14851003 Seattle area power outages

>>14851015 Catherine Austin Fitts & Corey Lynn Discuss Vaccine ID Passports and Global Control

>>14851096 Mike Pompeo @mikepompeo “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.”

>>14851163 Barack Obama Urging people to vote Democrat in Jersey

>>14851202 HILLARY CLINTON has demanded Prime Minister Boris Johnson mandate vaccines and sack those refusing jabs

>>14851240 Democrat Terry Mcauliffe Claims Georgia Election Was Stolen

>>14851299 #18785

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11e8c7  No.14852094

File: c36a7ec64f5f0e5⋯.png (6.64 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 24_10_2021_10_17.png)

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43bd2b  No.14852095


>>14849920 Will the Biden Administration Vaccinate Kids Without parents consent…

>>14849921, >>14849940, >>14849956 Dr Carrie Madej: Covid-19 Injections - A Gateway to Transhumanism

>>14849982, >>14850004 Alec Baldwin shooting news – Gun used to fatally shoot Halyna Hutchins ‘used by crew for recreational target practice’

>>14850055 China’s Debt-Ridden Evergrande Resumes Work on More Than 10 Property Projects

>>14850064 Lira Tumbles To New Record Low As Critics Blast Erdogan's Ambassador Expulsion Scandal

>>14850084 St. Louis County Executive and Tyrant Sam Page Caught Maskless Out in Public Again After Just Recently Reinstating Mask Mandate

>>14850094 Queenslanders could be banned from overseas travel for up to a YEAR thanks to state's lagging Covid vaccine rollout

>>14850115 Colombia Getting Ready to Extradite Most Wanted Drug Dealer Otoniel to US - Minister

>>14850125 Remains of United executive found at suburban Chicago forest

>>14850164 Italian flight attendants strip clothing to protest job conditions

>>14850213, >>14850406 MUST WATCH: His 11-Yr-Old Daughter Inspired Him To Speak Out Against Vaccine Mandates…

>>14850218, >>14850227 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14850273 Open Letter to RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki

>>14850278 Federal RePORTER - Search Results for Ivermectin

>>14850308 New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern Happily Admits She Created Two Classes of People: The Vaccinated and the Unvaccinated

>>14850333 Facebook employees tried to suppress conservative news outlets, report shows

>>14850452 Attorney General Ford Announces Voter Fraud Charges

>>14850466 Major anti-terrorist joint drills staged by Russia & post-Soviet allies conclude on Afghan border in Tajikistan

>>14850524 #18784

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43bd2b  No.14852096


>>14849022, >>14849088 Post Vax: Normal healthy 13 year old is now wheelchair bound, with memory loss, a feeding tube, in severe chronic pain.

>>14849032 Kentucky teacher convicted of producing child pornography, cyberstalking

>>14849036 $5 Million in Marijuana Seized at the Port of Buffalo

>>14849039 Sen. Manchin To Meet With President Biden In Delaware

>>14849061 ‘Establishment Elite … Will Target You, Censor You, Demonize You And Call You A Domestic Terrorist,’ Says Tulsi Gabbard

>>14849083 Rep. Adam Schiff: Midnight in Washington / Commonwealth Club of California

>>14849085 Biden’s Latest Report: Lacking Logic, Biden Gang Claims Climate Change Leads to Illegals Crossing the Southern Border Into the US

>>14849089 Italian City Disappears THOUSANDS of Anti-Green Pass Protestors on City LIVE-STREAM VIDEO!

>>14849092 PF REPORT - Couple of interesting callsigns RASPY42 & BURNT44 both are E-6 Mercury TACAMO planes.

>>14849093, >>14849106 Walensky Says the Biden Regime is Planning on “Education and Counseling” For Unvaccinated Police Officers and ‘Essential Workers’

>>14849102, >>14849511 'Cruel' Fauci is condemned for spending $2m on experiments which saw beagles 'de-barked' and trapped in cages so flies could eat them alive

>>14849104 MFA Russia - #Russia considers @UN as the “centre for regulating international relations” and the #UNCharter as the “cornerstone” of the world legal system.

>>14849115, >>14849157 ‘On the verge of sadism’: Moscow slams State Dept as US classifies Russians ‘homeless nationality’

>>14849150 DC Assistant Police Chief Sues Department For Allegedly Pressuring Her To Have An Abortion Or Be Fired

>>14849190 Washington Post ‘Forced to Admit They Lied’ After Pretending ‘F*ck Joe Biden’ Chant Was ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’

>>14849206 Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis called a special legislative session in the state to stop President Joe Biden's vaccine policy from affecting Floridian businesses.

>>14849215 The Biden Admin Said It Left 100 Americans in Afghanistan. They Now Admit It’s Far More.

>>14849251 QAnon Congressional Candidate Farcically Compares Himself to Civil Rights Icon: I’m the ‘Digital Rosa Parks’

>>14849260 The CIA Democrats: A balance sheet of the primaries - 21 September 2018

>>14849380 Arizona audit reportedly found ‘potentially thousands’ of duplicated ballots without serial numbers

>>14849413 British Columbia - A shipping vessel that lost 40 shipping containers off Washington's coast had to be evacuated after a fire broke out on the boat.

>>14849499 Anti-Trump Nutjob Predicts Civil War If Trump Is Reelected In 2024 (VIDEO)

>>14849621 A Day of Reckoning Is Coming In Michigan As Patriots Have Been Working Behind The Scenes To Uncover Election Fraud

>>14849637 Rep. Banks' Twitter account suspended over calling transgender HHS official Rachel Levine 'a man'

>>14849688 PF REPORT - EXEC1F Jill Biden's plane

>>14849758 #18783

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43bd2b  No.14852097


>>14848302 U.S. Department of Homeland Security is building a taxpayer-funded $457,000 security fence around #Biden's Delaware beach house by the end of this year.

>>14848304 Hunter Biden faces fresh cash-for-access questions after his art dealer wears Camp David hat

>>14848305 Fairfax County mom confirms that AG Merrick Garland sent the Feds and a HELICOPTER to intimidate parents at a school board meeting.

>>14848306 Jon Stewart DESTROYS CNN on Their Trump Obsession

>>14848314, >>14848398 Joe Biden booed in his hometown of Scranton, PA / LETS GO BRANDON

>>14848371 Book Depicting Child Pornography Keeps Appearing in School Libraries

>>14848421, >>14848494 Shipping backlog not related to foreign election interference - AP

>>14848426, >>14848486 Federal Judge Allows Texas to Seek Internal Documents from Facebook, Twitter and Google Regarding How They Censor Conservatives

>>14848465, >>14848478 My experience using ivermectin and fluvoxamine in 4000 acute COVID-19 patients: 5 hospitalized. 0 dead. 4000 recovered.

>>14848499 Colombia arrests most-wanted drug lord Otoniel in jungle raid involving 500 troops & 22 choppers

>>14848515 EcoHealth Throws NIH Under The Bus Over Wuhan Gain-Of-Function Report; Researcher Claims 'Massive Cover-Up'

>>14848533 Sen. Josh Hawley Calls on AG Merrick Garland to Resign After Mobilizing FBI Against Parents Without Legal Basis and Premised on Complete Lies

>>14848539 Biden Gang Supports Reelection of WHO Director General Tedros Despite His Connections to Terrorists and China and Terrible COVID Performance

>>14848561 Deleted UK Government Report Celebrates How Public Loves To "Conform"

>>14848595 185 Employees Leave Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons Lab Due to Vaccine Mandate

>>14848613 Barack Obama Calls Outcry over Loudoun County Rape Coverup ‘Phony, Trumped-Up Culture War’

>>14848628 Hillary Clinton Insists It’s ‘Imperative’ Boris Johnson Mandates Vaccine Passports in UK

>>14848631 Alleged FETAL VIVISECTION is the source of cell lines used for vaccines.

>>14848645 U.N. Warns of Global ‘Famine, Chaos, Terrorism and… War’ if COP26 Climate Summit Fails

>>14848661 Texas National Guard Blocks Border Crossing as Wall Construction Continues

>>14848677 MASSIVE Illegal Alien Horde Invading America, Carrying “Joe Biden Is For All” Sign

>>14848723 USC fraternity president is suspended after five women said their drinks were spiked at a party

>>14848732 Baldwin Red October Speculation

>>14848742 There is No Inflation, There is No Supply Chain Issues…Just Games

>>14848761 Joe Biden goes on national TV, demands all Unvaccinated police and first responders be fired if they refuse vaccine

>>14848810 Congress Faces Decision on Military Justice Overhaul

>>14848855, >>14848888, >>14848920 Rowe/Biden dig

>>14848858 Satellite Images: Attack on US Al-Tanf Garrison In Syria Inflicted Some Serious Damage

>>14848866 COVID Madness Down Under Continues – Queensland Premier States Quarantine Camps are For Unvaccinated

>>14848903 Dalai Lama & Sweet Sarin-ade

>>14848914 Fauci Earns More Than Any Other Federal Employee. His Job? ‘Prevent Pandemics’

>>14848950 Breitbart headlines are funny

>>14848967 Worker Exposes How Pigs Are Fed Plastic And Paper And Got Fired For Doing So — Claim

>>14848975 Exelon/Heinz

>>14848989 Russia in RSA - #OTD in 1975, Soviet unmanned craft Venera-9 successfully landed planet Venus.

>>14848994 Dark Winter

>>14848997 #18782

Previously Collected

>>14847112 #18779, >>14847476 #18780, >>14848901 #18781

>>14844315 #18776, >>14845360 #18777, >>14845872 #18778

>>14842040 #18773, >>14842798 #18774, >>14843565 #18775

>>14839615 #18770, >>14841534 #18771, >>14841662 #18772

>>14836179 #18767, >>14836976 #18768, >>14838572 #18769

>>14834461 #18764, >>14835361 #18765, >>14836204 #18766

>>14832852 #18761, >>14834430 #18762, >>14834430 #18763

>>14830246 #18758, >>14830886 #18759, >>14830938 #18760

>>14826873 #18755, >>14827669 #18756, >>14832520 #18757

>>14824501 #18752, >>14825890 #18753, >>14826072 #18754

>>14822863 #18749, >>14822959 #18750, >>14823746 #18751

>>14822222 #18746, >>14820600 #18747, >>14822736 #18748

>>14817479 #18743, >>14818307 #18744, >>14820663 #18745

>>14816819 #18740, >>14815909 #18741, >>14816720 #18742

>>14813516 #18737, >>14814294 #18738, >>14815038 #18739

>>14811189 #18734, >>14812078 #18735, >>14813022 #18736

>>14810129 #18731, >>14809680 #18732, >>14810371 #18733

>>14806586 #18728, >>14808393 #18729, >>14808194 #18730

>>14803998 #18725, >>14804727 #18726, >>14805532 #18727

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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43bd2b  No.14852098


Same dough from last bread

going back to look for notes

kitchen still open

original baker should be back

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9d73ee  No.14852099

File: a5ee14f61b2813f⋯.png (1.88 MB, 972x1212, 81:101, 75ed97a525d0ba8ad2e0052451….png)

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5efbdf  No.14852100

For the Anons that have missed the 107 association:

1 Jaun

0 O

7 Savin

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15270f  No.14852101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b744a0  No.14852102


Missed? No we didn't give a fuck. Thank you very much though.

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c50af9  No.14852103

File: 39b98b63ce6db62⋯.png (665.67 KB, 346x640, 173:320, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7dce826e6cc137⋯.png (838.24 KB, 499x750, 499:750, ClipboardImage.png)

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43bd2b  No.14852104



the patrol car JFK assassination


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4703e3  No.14852105

File: a5e99d148399d23⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1000x750, 4:3, 2C35B73F_9A30_4ED7_A5D5_87….png)

Evenin anons, frogs, and Patriots

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11e8c7  No.14852106

File: c26b93f46c78dcc⋯.jpg (12.56 KB, 185x278, 185:278, downloadfile_4_7_.jpg)

America is still a law abiding coun.

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f6aeb1  No.14852107

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c7a8d4  No.14852108

>>14851031 PB

During the Trump Administration, Melania used semaphore to send messages. Instead of flags, she used dresses. She's famous for this. She wore this dress on January 20. This was the last message she sent.

What does it mean?

Simple. Just check out a copy of Juan O Savin's book "The Kid By the Side of the Road". Every page in that book has an orange cube near the page number. The cube is a message. It represents the central theme of Juan's book:


Where E represents "Election" and CORN represents farm products (think clown farm). That's right, [C]lowns [I]n [A]merica.

This equation/message simply means to win the election, we must cube MAGA. Thus, the orange cubes on each page represent what must happen for us to win.

Melania's dress (Jan 20) is semaphore for at least two things: (1) dark to light and (2) the orange cubes in Juan's book which symbolize cubing MAGA.

When was Juan's book published you ask? It was published BEFORE Melania wore the dress.

This is why Juan had the dress on the stage at the Double Down event in Las Vegas this week. He tells the story often.

Juan has also advised Q followers to check out McAfee's Telegram channel. This is NOT to suggest that the Q team is posting on Telegram. They, of course, are not. However, Juan O Savin says that a team similar to Q is using McAfee's Telegram to transmit messages. I'll share the latest message below (from today):

Thank You @Snowden.

Open the Door.

How's Russia?

How’s Iran?

We Hear You.

We See You.

A_B or C.

You Know The Game.

We Will Come Get You Anytime.


Thanks for Playing, @Jack.

Still Living in the Shadows with

Your Gay Lover Dopey?

We Have the [A]lgorithm.

Learn Chess.

Showing your Hand Was the Intended Target.

The 'SRIKE' will be FAST.

We Play for KEEPS.

Testify then Drop.

We Have it [A]ll.

JOHN 3:16.

[W]hat is Jack's SECRET T-handle?


PANIC Increases the RAT Population.

'Paid shill brothers'

Operation Q-T2810C.

Once A Clown

Always A Clown.

Sleep is important.

Nobody Escapes This.



Alice & Wonderland.

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48763a  No.14852109

File: 7ca51144fb93fb9⋯.jpg (5.45 KB, 325x155, 65:31, gunsup44.jpg)

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e1c088  No.14852110

File: b4f6bf3354cfde0⋯.jpg (66.28 KB, 657x485, 657:485, eesdfghjgddf.jpg)

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b32241  No.14852111

File: ffbefb473d0dff5⋯.jpg (7.48 KB, 248x169, 248:169, file_store_6.jpg)


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eb327e  No.14852113

File: f88464454032b68⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1094x1086, 547:543, 2479164f64496163cffa3846c2….png)

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43bd2b  No.14852114

>>14851663 lb through 300


>>14851334 Q drops with Puppy

>>14851347 Axios on HBO: Matt and Mercedes Schlapp on the 2020 presidential election (1:20)

>>14851382, >>14851408, >>14851445, >>14851446 Careful what you wish for, Bald headed baffoon Mark Elias wish list

>>14851396 This is not about the rich, this is about taxing people whose homes went up a lot in value, Yellen proposes a tax

>>14851430 Actress Suffers Stroke Caused by Blood Clot Side-Effect After Taking AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine

>>14851466, >>14851489 #ArrestFauci still #1 trending in the United States…

>>14851497 Vanguard and Black Rock are stake holders in all industry, media, academia, and politics.

>>14851504 Conference speaker Juan O' Savin is the living JFK Jr?

>>14851543 WTF….all the dark roads lead back to DARPA EcoHealth Throws NIH Under The Bus Over Wuhan Gain-Of-Function Report; Researcher Claims 'Massive Cover-Up'


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b744a0  No.14852115


get ready for another 5 hours of new age R fagging then.

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5efbdf  No.14852116

File: 7a0b4828156acce⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1918x936, 959:468, ClipboardImage.png)

Any ideas WTF this is?


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999118  No.14852117

File: c756138b84ef380⋯.png (773.35 KB, 1358x1119, 1358:1119, 1dc457cb84d35572c260ec646e….png)


Step up if your able.


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64888a  No.14852118

File: 61ced0e4128a141⋯.png (2.6 MB, 1284x1797, 428:599, ClipboardImage.png)

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ff2f2b  No.14852119

File: 364eacccf56d39e⋯.png (871.63 KB, 1743x588, 83:28, ClipboardImage.png)

Our Time, Is Closer Than It Appears.

Ride The Waves.


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fe4e91  No.14852120


JD Tippet's car? that has nothing to with anything. stop trying to make JUan o savin and JFK jr happen fag

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b744a0  No.14852121


A website set up to aid in a grifting larp, just like the last five or six times.

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3de57c  No.14852122

File: e633b48cd1d9c06⋯.jpg (66.47 KB, 756x892, 189:223, 8787.JPG)

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999118  No.14852123

File: 3e10015d6828228⋯.png (920.34 KB, 1080x1474, 540:737, 20211024_210752.png)

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a5279b  No.14852124

Buy his book.

Watch his videos.

Buy him another aston martin.

When you get done with him, you can do the same for J00 Peters, Tamara Scott, Marc Levin, and all the other conservative grifters.

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1974e3  No.14852125

File: ff946a04aaa03bb⋯.png (941.08 KB, 987x555, 329:185, ClipboardImage.png)

another child phucker priest arrest in pedojoe's stompin ground


Father Gregory F. Loughney was arrested by members of the Pocono Mountain Regional Police Department Saturday, on four criminal charges all connected to alleged inappropriate contact with a minor.

Anyone who might have relevant information is urged to call the Pocono Mountain Regional Police Department at (570) 895-2400, the Monroe County District Attorney’s Office at (570) 517- 3052, or any local law enforcement agency.



be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power

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b43216  No.14852126

File: c8cce320eba7eac⋯.jpg (130.81 KB, 1210x722, 605:361, Screenshot_20211023_215125….jpg)

Our time

It's dasting video?


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5efbdf  No.14852127

File: f8dd10901a3c4cd⋯.png (253.45 KB, 741x481, 57:37, GriftShill.png)


You said Grift.

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edc26f  No.14852128

File: 8b881ded98d9302⋯.png (535.92 KB, 922x896, 461:448, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 507030cb98648e3⋯.png (1.29 MB, 940x724, 235:181, ClipboardImage.png)

33°43'10.3"N 118°06'50.5"W

Oil Rig Esther

Long Beach, CA

At first I got 10 photos of the oil rig.

Then I plugged in the number 40 degrees instead of 33 degrees and google maps took me to somewhere around Mill City, NV.

Then, I plugged 33 degrees in again and returned to Oil Rig Esther, but there was only one photograph now instead of ten. And this is what it was.

Does this do this for anyone else?

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c41034  No.14852129

File: eda6b1f09a96f05⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, nVISIONS.png)

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baf169  No.14852130

File: b8b4faa82510b47⋯.png (268.52 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 1526058382.png)

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11e8c7  No.14852131

File: fa50e0a91f14b23⋯.jpg (55.6 KB, 500x690, 50:69, 5rnzor.jpg)

BLM 2 billion in looter and arsonist damage.

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b744a0  No.14852132

File: 2869426a196952e⋯.png (180.94 KB, 613x407, 613:407, 106c78bdc90a75d8f70fc093e1….png)

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3de57c  No.14852133

File: 9dfc4bd12bb98a3⋯.png (41.64 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, CulpeperFlag.png)


trips of truth


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439925  No.14852134

File: 1add2fed0e38309⋯.jpeg (79.75 KB, 750x744, 125:124, 71487A87_698E_4CA0_A173_7….jpeg)

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15270f  No.14852135

File: 55b176090289906⋯.png (109.22 KB, 250x350, 5:7, ellen.png)

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f6d12e  No.14852136


That is "Jaun O Savin's" social media site.

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c7ba9c  No.14852137

Once upon a time the Don & John were the best of friends, then an evil witch from the east stole the ruby keys to the patent office and killed the Don's very good friend.

The Don has been "not a fan" of that evil witch ever since.

The day Q posted about the start, was the day an anon who remembered that connection posted about it.


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5efbdf  No.14852138

File: af018dcd1a7c77e⋯.png (311.02 KB, 702x336, 117:56, Solemani.png)

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15ba05  No.14852140


hey soldiers what is so great about this meme?

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a5222b  No.14852141

File: c673940b7b4509d⋯.png (550 KB, 502x470, 251:235, ClipboardImage.png)

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4703e3  No.14852142


Notable Pedo arrest

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64888a  No.14852143

File: 214441470bc570c⋯.png (1.41 MB, 997x1216, 997:1216, ClipboardImage.png)

Please Please….I'll do anything, don't send me to Dr. Fauci.

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c175f7  No.14852144

File: 0b8ca6ff34a2c2e⋯.jpg (219.18 KB, 1024x977, 1024:977, celine_Dion_covid_illness.jpg)

Anons, check this shit out…also…youtube vid will be linked to next post…

Celion Dion crippled, cancels tour





breathing black dust particles in some babies' faces transforms them and gives them a cute little shirt that says'new order'on it

What the FUCK is this satanic, new order, freemason bullshit…


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48763a  No.14852145

File: ec5884d32cde3cc⋯.png (341.78 KB, 613x407, 613:407, download_3_.png)

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5c424c  No.14852146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c175f7  No.14852147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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830bbe  No.14852148

File: caba65c4af04ddd⋯.png (149.19 KB, 894x629, 894:629, 1.png)

File: b88f71d49f6737b⋯.png (165.75 KB, 884x645, 884:645, 2.png)

File: 1a5f8a12b7b4bc8⋯.png (161.95 KB, 882x644, 63:46, 3.png)

File: c776e2153f9c51a⋯.png (160.88 KB, 883x645, 883:645, 4.png)


Federal RePORTER Documents Funding for 82 Beagle Dog Related Projects.

The Beagle dog projects, funded by tax payers, date back to at least 2008. Most of the Beagle related projects are funded by NIH. On a disturbing note, one of them has been funded by the FDA. Three have been funded by the CDMRP. Yeah, I had to look it up. CDMRP isCongressionally Directed Medical Research Programs. One of the CDMRP programs does not specifically state Beagle, so Anon is wondering why it is included in these results. Sauce for related CDMRP articles is included in 3/3 below.

Go to


and type Beagle Dog into the search bar.

Find 82 results.

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11e8c7  No.14852149

File: 53d95690cf2ec06⋯.png (746.98 KB, 1080x1474, 540:737, Screenbbff.png)

2 billion in looter and arsonist damage caused by the negroid in America.

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acb2a9  No.14852150


starting to really tink scranton is a corn pop glownigger slur with intent projecting scrotum

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48763a  No.14852151

File: 6e85cb9022f20c4⋯.png (16.74 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 7b78607d172820d7dedb7c2d1d….png)

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baf169  No.14852152


107 is prime!

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95425a  No.14852153

File: 82354af4b0b054e⋯.jpg (14.93 KB, 255x158, 255:158, 4ae4194b2a8cb6120a2b11f09c….jpg)

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3de57c  No.14852154

File: b8d8d4100680266⋯.jpg (44.77 KB, 468x269, 468:269, GreenNightNS.jpg)

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1974e3  No.14852155

Ivory poaching has triggered a surge in elephants born without tusks

After the Mozambican Civil War ended, people began to notice that tuskless elephants had become more common in Gorongosa National Park. However, Campbell-Staton realized, little was known about what genetic changes might have actually caused the phenomenon.

To get to the bottom of this mystery, he and his team pored over photos and videos of elephants in the park from before the conflict, as well as more recent observations. Generally, it’s rare for elephants to be born without the ability to develop tusks, and the trait is only seen in females. The park’s elephant population already had an unusually high number of tuskless females before the war, perhaps as a consequence of past hunting practices. Afterwards, though, the proportion of females without tusks had nearly tripled to 50.9 percent.


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830bbe  No.14852156

File: 936185ab94b9d17⋯.png (157.82 KB, 881x651, 881:651, 5.png)

File: 6f1391bfa901921⋯.png (146.45 KB, 884x647, 884:647, 6.png)

File: d4cbe63cd7f3ff4⋯.png (146.63 KB, 886x649, 886:649, 7.png)

File: 2d7aa0c21754adc⋯.png (97.97 KB, 882x568, 441:284, 8.png)



Federal RePORTER Documents Funding for 82 Beagle Dog Related Projects.

Go to


and type Beagle Dog into the search bar.

Find 82 results.

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15270f  No.14852157

File: c3bf206e41ec9e2⋯.png (626.13 KB, 634x892, 317:446, ClipboardImage.png)



Celine Dion forced to delay Las Vegas residency after suffering 'severe muscle spasms' as she shares: 'I'm heartbroken by this'

Celine Dion is suffering from serious muscle spasms that have required her to postpone her upcoming residency in Las Vegas.

After retiring her famous Caesars Palace residency in 2019, the 'Queen Of Vegas' had been coaxed back to Sin City to perform at the new Resorts World on the Strip.

But the promoter AEG Presents revealed Tuesday that Celine, 53, has had to scrap the first two sets of shows in November, January and February, Variety reports.

'I’m heartbroken by this. My team and I have been working on our new show for the past eight months, and to not be able to open this November saddens me beyond words,' the My Heart Will Go On hitmaker shared.

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b744a0  No.14852158

File: f19dc6aba2d0387⋯.png (6.03 MB, 3489x2326, 3:2, nighthawk.png)

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ff2f2b  No.14852159

File: 3cd6d18a3c86192⋯.png (18.72 KB, 455x269, 455:269, ClipboardImage.png)

The Story Is Never-Ending

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c68e3d  No.14852160

File: 19ecb6970d40ff7⋯.png (122.4 KB, 729x511, 729:511, Face_La_Palma.png)


so she is a victim of vaxx injury

severe persistent muscle spasms due to spike protein prions destroying her nervous system

and she wants everyone else to get injured too

cuz misery wants company

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830bbe  No.14852161

File: 18cd3f90da6b910⋯.png (203.59 KB, 1120x635, 224:127, 9.png)

File: dc8859130ddf4ed⋯.png (105.79 KB, 1108x547, 1108:547, 10.png)

File: 889a673f77475ae⋯.png (204.77 KB, 1132x639, 1132:639, 11.png)

File: 1debafab07d8d32⋯.png (204.41 KB, 1128x643, 1128:643, 12.png)

File: 73d4d422c426b39⋯.png (121.33 KB, 1106x634, 553:317, 13.png)



Federal RePORTER Documents Funding for 82 Beagle Dog Related Projects.


"Fluorenone Drug for Treatment of Combat-Related Traumatic Optic Neuropathy"



"Pharmaceutical Development ofInjectable Oxygenin Preparation for Clinical Testing"



"Development of a Long-Acting Lidocaine Formulation for the Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome"


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fe4e91  No.14852162


>Celion Dion crippled, cancels tour

Her heart will go on….in Quebecois

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1974e3  No.14852163



severe AND persistent


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acb2a9  No.14852164


thanks peta brandon

the only ones who can usher in climate change

minus a few dawgs - REALLY! what does it really matter anyways

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5efbdf  No.14852165

File: 5f02231533d2b1d⋯.png (186.76 KB, 512x384, 4:3, RaccoonNS.png)

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43bd2b  No.14852166


some other notes in 786

>>14851725 Black Lives Matter stage vaccine mandate protest at NYC's Barclays Center to demand unvaccinated Kyrie Irving be able to play NBA games

>>14851735 Fauci refuses to budge when confronted about damning NIH letter seemingly admitting risky research funding

>>14851997 ADL Warns: Avoid Culturally Insensitive, Gender-conforming Halloween Costumes

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11e8c7  No.14852167

File: dd23a3c18c847b9⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB, 320x596, 80:149, dd23a3c18c847b997fd96d8a82….mp4)

BLM Negroid cesspool looter clown hair going up in flames.

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0377ab  No.14852168

File: 520869e176dbb5a⋯.png (576.35 KB, 980x542, 490:271, mixandmatch.png)

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43bd2b  No.14852169

>>14852089 lb

tail plane icing or so anon recalls

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fe1d96  No.14852170

File: 782fb0cc6f20298⋯.gif (4.37 MB, 500x246, 250:123, 20211024_212112.gif)

>Although it is each individual that decides…


God Decides.

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48763a  No.14852171

File: 5c3aa2b66ab8546⋯.jpg (13 KB, 194x259, 194:259, 4455.jpg)

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c175f7  No.14852172


close…almost gave a fuck…but nope…just had to fart…thank you very much…

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c5cb6d  No.14852173

18787 breads and clinton is still free.

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0722d8  No.14852174

File: 6cf7b9b47bedf3c⋯.jpg (50.29 KB, 512x720, 32:45, 248335221_1022836663029038….jpg)


Transhumanism and transgenderism are both disharmonious to the principles of creation

Charatas the Chaldaean taught Pythagoras that the principles of all things originate from pairs, such as light and darkness. And from these, along with man and woman, creation unfolds “in a musical harmony.”* Thus, it’s self evident that transhumanism and transgenderism are both disharmonious to the principles of creation.


VOLUME I (1944)


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77399e  No.14852175

File: 3cee6a8511e4c9f⋯.png (1021.55 KB, 933x648, 311:216, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df3fbcb6367ff46⋯.png (95.77 KB, 321x274, 321:274, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ffbc36fa53b745⋯.png (391.58 KB, 579x281, 579:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ff3119b03f3dd9⋯.png (575.09 KB, 652x342, 326:171, ClipboardImage.png)


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99798b  No.14852176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Called JUAN O SAVIN (Makings for a Perfect Day ) MOVIE LINK BELOW in description box



the link://youtu.be/L-v15HG0Eqg

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15270f  No.14852177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>ADL Warns: Avoid Culturally Insensitive, Gender-conforming Halloween Costumes

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81c0a9  No.14852178


>The Don has been "not a fan" of that evil witch ever since.

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85f842  No.14852179

File: e0f6d3e179d34d6⋯.jpg (227.28 KB, 720x1119, 240:373, 20211024_212224.jpg)

File: e7aea6dfcebf378⋯.jpg (141.01 KB, 634x634, 1:1, 1s_1.jpg)

File: daeb0a4ff53b3d1⋯.jpg (98.63 KB, 634x398, 317:199, 1s_2.jpg)

File: d29ba4cadecae8d⋯.jpg (66.73 KB, 306x389, 306:389, 1s_10.jpg)

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden faces fresh cash-for-access questions after his art dealer - who claims to be the only person to know the identity of president's son's art buyers - is snapped wearing Camp David hat


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b744a0  No.14852180

File: f2a9a07f07fc5b8⋯.jpg (189.93 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, p5mlhpeuzdhczovfzc99.jpg)


Its a little of both.

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da1f6f  No.14852181

File: f28f14b6cddcc86⋯.jpeg (141.54 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 02316177_7F6C_477B_A08A_C….jpeg)

Wayfare competition from Walmart.

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ff2f2b  No.14852182

File: b21fa8b7e4ef02c⋯.gif (4.58 MB, 480x356, 120:89, 1619138747_1_Copy.gif)

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15ba05  No.14852183


pain and death huh?

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dd48f1  No.14852184


Sad pepes, empty bags, Halloween canceled.

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d785f4  No.14852185

File: 902e34c068a14d9⋯.jpg (570.5 KB, 1891x1988, 1891:1988, Trumpkin.jpg)

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439925  No.14852186

File: 16a311610ad898d⋯.png (295.4 KB, 494x374, 247:187, B1C331E9_682B_4537_A833_EF….png)

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43bd2b  No.14852187


bery bery nice uh

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0377ab  No.14852188


whoa that is weird

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11e8c7  No.14852189

File: b85b9f657ccd120⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB, 316x664, 79:166, b85b9f657ccd120db42c6e56fc….mp4)

BLM monkey clown hair flame out….lol

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93391b  No.14852190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Go Peru!

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85f842  No.14852191

File: 0e58b56606d8f40⋯.jpg (74.3 KB, 720x474, 120:79, 20211024_205831.jpg)


BREAKING 🚨 Reports of military coup in #Sudan with arrests are being made of a number of ministers in the government of Prime Minister Hamdok

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15270f  No.14852192

File: d56726905f77af4⋯.png (599.38 KB, 1353x657, 451:219, ClipboardImage.png)

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43bd2b  No.14852193


>>14851334 Q drops with Puppy

>>14851347 Axios on HBO: Matt and Mercedes Schlapp on the 2020 presidential election (1:20)

>>14851382, >>14851408, >>14851445, >>14851446 Careful what you wish for, Bald headed baffoon Mark Elias wish list

>>14851396 This is not about the rich, this is about taxing people whose homes went up a lot in value, Yellen proposes a tax

>>14851430 Actress Suffers Stroke Caused by Blood Clot Side-Effect After Taking AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine

>>14851466, >>14851489 #ArrestFauci still #1 trending in the United States…

>>14851497 Vanguard and Black Rock are stake holders in all industry, media, academia, and politics.

>>14851504 Conference speaker Juan O' Savin is the living JFK Jr?

>>14851543 WTF….all the dark roads lead back to DARPA EcoHealth Throws NIH Under The Bus Over Wuhan Gain-Of-Function Report; Researcher Claims 'Massive Cover-Up'

>>14851725 Black Lives Matter stage vaccine mandate protest at NYC's Barclays Center to demand unvaccinated Kyrie Irving be able to play NBA games

>>14851735 Fauci refuses to budge when confronted about damning NIH letter seemingly admitting risky research funding

>>14851997 ADL Warns: Avoid Culturally Insensitive, Gender-conforming Halloween Costumes

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830bbe  No.14852194


You don't think the dog comms are all for nothing do you? NIH and Congress are mixed up in Beagle experiments. Don't see how this can help Dems and their climate agenda. You reinforce an idea I had earlier. Thanks, I almost forgot.

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48763a  No.14852195

File: 5b210430b153913⋯.jpg (7.79 KB, 369x137, 369:137, snootchy44.jpg)

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15270f  No.14852196

File: 708597489957911⋯.png (953.57 KB, 1353x657, 451:219, ClipboardImage.png)

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2d540c  No.14852197

File: 617ffd5096f430f⋯.png (41.04 KB, 625x604, 625:604, Screenshot_2021_10_24_2127….png)

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93391b  No.14852198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Go Indonesia! We should be doing the same thing. They've killed off the fishing industry here in the PNW (with help from our crooked fisheries dept). Even the Sea Lions and Orcas are feelin' it.

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865292  No.14852199

File: 65d3f39de506085⋯.jpg (80.39 KB, 960x739, 960:739, 1555468588821.jpg)


Sudan's Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok was put under house arrest after an unidentified military force besieged his house early on Monday, Al Hadath TV reported on Monday citing unidentified sources.

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fa6452  No.14852200

Jews are very jealous non-Jews aren't born with such physical and mental handicaps as they are, so they are trying to cripple society with their bullshit vaccines thinking everyone is going to submit to their ridiculous demands. Fuck them.

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15270f  No.14852201

File: 18c27305258491d⋯.png (744.13 KB, 1353x652, 1353:652, ClipboardImage.png)

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43bd2b  No.14852202

File: 6de4e88a129b862⋯.png (16.67 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d10002e12a0a5c09809c01b715….png)


updated dough with inclusions from #18786

previous baker had to bail for ~1 hour

stepped in to ebake and update and

heading out.

Mind the kitchen


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76f064  No.14852203

File: ef0d807c20676f3⋯.png (817.36 KB, 765x596, 765:596, ClipboardImage.png)

i was told there would be hoverboards by 2015

bunch of bullshit

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fe1d96  No.14852204

File: a3fc0726c176a57⋯.gif (344.61 KB, 333x249, 111:83, 20211024_212932.gif)


the sheep can not see reality.

telling them will change nothing.

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11e8c7  No.14852205

File: 488de7f5a6b4fe4⋯.jpg (118.56 KB, 500x698, 250:349, 5q.jpg)


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c50af9  No.14852206

File: adc324c0323f0db⋯.png (762.51 KB, 640x460, 32:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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4703e3  No.14852207

File: bafb9fe25b841c4⋯.png (300.16 KB, 500x496, 125:124, 64FA6572_3206_4E4E_A2E3_D4….png)

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d01897  No.14852208

File: aaaa45b0a689eef⋯.jpg (71.74 KB, 672x1024, 21:32, Sicko.jpg)

Delta Buys Father Sichko's Pasta Sauce For 11 Sky Clubs Across The U.S

>Father Jim Sichko is well known in Kentucky for his givingspirit. Now he may become more famous for his special sauce.

This is a slow pitch softball, guys.


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865292  No.14852209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Looks like we got streams. Looking for english.

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5efbdf  No.14852210

File: e5b5aba292ce716⋯.jpg (10.83 KB, 255x175, 51:35, MakingSHitUp.jpg)


You seem to know an awful lot about Jews.

Are you Jewish?

How could you have such intimate knowledge of what Jews are thinking?

…or do you just make shit up?

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fc0800  No.14852211

Glowniggers lit up that past bread so much it looked like dayshift in there.

Fucking turn out the lights boys

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15270f  No.14852212

File: c5f79dbc1b11e04⋯.mp4 (4.77 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 9convert_com_Recent_Ellen_….mp4)

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c175f7  No.14852213

File: 3b4bdafb267dc84⋯.mp4 (11.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Celine_Dion_ad.mp4)


here is the New Order ad without the youtube attached…

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fa6452  No.14852214

File: f37f5830350befd⋯.jpg (287.67 KB, 850x850, 1:1, af9acdbde56ce81634c6ed9349….jpg)

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f1fedc  No.14852215

File: babb90aff7ffe14⋯.jpg (4.91 MB, 8192x6125, 8192:6125, jenns.jpg)

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865292  No.14852216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ff2f2b  No.14852217

File: 69b914f16428ff5⋯.png (582.01 KB, 721x499, 721:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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15270f  No.14852218

File: 4974bc3baed0378⋯.mp4 (15.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 9convert_com_Weekend_Updat….mp4)

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15270f  No.14852219

File: e17422c9b942d2b⋯.mp4 (725.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, WATCH_New_Zealand_PM_Jacin….mp4)

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11e8c7  No.14852220

File: 644d84152ea2935⋯.jpg (74.61 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 5rm5id.jpg)

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48763a  No.14852221

File: 149996da3a591e8⋯.jpg (12.22 KB, 267x195, 89:65, OIP_1_.jpg)



i 'member

seen't that special too when i was a kid

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fe4e91  No.14852222


now i need a smoke

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9d8e56  No.14852223

File: 4fdcc661b6e8018⋯.jpg (83.78 KB, 550x453, 550:453, 4fdcc661b6e8018cf8914650f5….jpg)

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fa6452  No.14852224

File: e3eab17092d66f1⋯.jpg (80.57 KB, 640x514, 320:257, e3eab17092d66f11aef41a00ef….jpg)

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dee351  No.14852225


Fucking junkie bitch.

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64888a  No.14852226

File: f5929cdf9e01649⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1280x1457, 1280:1457, ClipboardImage.png)


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c175f7  No.14852227


add'l notes…wonder which "VAXX" she got???…

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15270f  No.14852228

File: a37b35967eb8ee5⋯.png (771.81 KB, 980x551, 980:551, ClipboardImage.png)


Sudan PM Abdallah Hamdok is under house arrest

Sudan's Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok was put under house arrest after an unidentified military force besieged his house early on Monday, Al Hadath TV reported on Monday citing unidentified sources.

No independent confirmation was immediately available.

A military force stormed the house of the prime minister's media adviser and arrested him early on Monday, family sources told Reuters.

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f1fedc  No.14852229

File: 8f757975b1da215⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 1600x1600, 1:1, starjab.jpg)

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865292  No.14852230

File: ae30b9837e74e85⋯.jpg (141.52 KB, 1115x712, 1115:712, sudan.jpg)

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225fe0  No.14852231

the next 2 years are gonna be brutal.

supply shortages.


massive # of vaxxed sick this winter and beyond.

unemployment #'s skyrocketing.

fed gobernment rampantly destroying freedoms "1A&2A" gone.

Only at the Precipice

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0377ab  No.14852232


maybe lower class citizens want to do something about it?

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11e8c7  No.14852233

File: 05f5abd30ab6e8c⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 360x640, 9:16, 05f5abd30ab6e8c0da976b607f….mp4)


Ball Buster…lol

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999118  No.14852234

File: be7e05107078a99⋯.jpg (408.56 KB, 1080x848, 135:106, Screenshot_20211024_120957….jpg)



Military Coup/Government Takedown

>The first of many

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48763a  No.14852235

File: 2ee55a998b5a5fd⋯.png (9.22 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 3e7527d072c600ec06efa4e1c4….png)

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eb327e  No.14852236

File: 83e58ae47c37528⋯.png (166.74 KB, 449x437, 449:437, 0c33af09e2014456f87a711a5d….png)



This is related.

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ff2f2b  No.14852237


Black Magic

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15270f  No.14852238

File: 7bd88c169e39118⋯.png (790.9 KB, 980x551, 980:551, ClipboardImage.png)


Deputy White House press secretary: ‘We want to make sure immigration policy represents who we are’

Karine Jean-Pierre made history in May by becoming the first openly LGBT individual – and only the second Black woman – to lead a White House press briefing. In an interview with FRANCE 24, she discussed her upbringing, the Haitian migrant crisis and the recent diplomatic crisis with France.

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8ff4a6  No.14852239


Completely forgot about all that…. about election fraud and sworn testimony, hoping for fair elections.

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dee351  No.14852240


This is one area where diversification would help a lot.

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fe4e91  No.14852241


>unidentified military force


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439925  No.14852242

File: dcb0102a20cf592⋯.jpeg (88.68 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 845EC33C_641B_4542_9CD7_D….jpeg)

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2f9001  No.14852243

File: 6f2398dcd4b67ad⋯.jpeg (99.54 KB, 550x678, 275:339, Big_Tits_matter.jpeg)

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999118  No.14852245

File: fb1f3828909346c⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1014x1810, 507:905, 20210824_013545.png)

>>14852222 I'll join you

>>14852170 let's step outside

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dee351  No.14852246


And how will this fix election fraud? Voting no longer matters.

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11e8c7  No.14852247

File: d4ae789a9617db8⋯.png (265.36 KB, 1080x554, 540:277, Screenshot_20.png)

File: edd3af5c6da1a42⋯.jpg (50.24 KB, 500x690, 50:69, 5rny7l.jpg)

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439925  No.14852248

File: 709af8bbb407df1⋯.jpeg (79.39 KB, 640x440, 16:11, CB1D60AC_B7A0_4B71_A675_3….jpeg)

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fe1d96  No.14852249

File: 3571b48b6826f5d⋯.gif (1.06 MB, 765x596, 765:596, 20211024_213638.gif)


you do not understand reality.


perspective is everything.



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c175f7  No.14852250


>Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs

That's disturbing when our Congress gets involved with "OUR" taxdollars and doesn't say a fucking word about it…I'm guessing that if they were transparent about it…we would have already been up in arms about it…sneaky…sneaky…bastards all of them!!!

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fa6452  No.14852251

File: ff8dd0d0dfa8171⋯.jpg (340.25 KB, 1000x525, 40:21, jfkhitlerquote.jpg)


You're still buying the narrative the Jews sold you.

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1d1eca  No.14852252

File: 08cfa3678457622⋯.jpg (24.32 KB, 535x337, 535:337, 20211024_233313.jpg)


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3ad357  No.14852253

File: 51d8fff706f1600⋯.png (9.25 MB, 7817x5077, 7817:5077, D5.png)

Judgement day is coming November 5th


Eye of the storm

Anons at the ready

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1d1eca  No.14852254

File: 08cfa3678457622⋯.jpg (24.32 KB, 535x337, 535:337, 20211024_233313.jpg)



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edc26f  No.14852255

File: 857b92541a93a4c⋯.png (3.95 MB, 1239x1600, 1239:1600, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0f0f00282297bb⋯.png (38.73 KB, 732x260, 183:65, ClipboardImage.png)


First and ten on the forty



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1d1eca  No.14852256

File: 08cfa3678457622⋯.jpg (24.32 KB, 535x337, 535:337, 20211024_233313.jpg)


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a58cad  No.14852257


Epstein, Andrew, and "crazy" Qanons.

wow, so edgy


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b744a0  No.14852259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They exist but they suck.

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15270f  No.14852260

File: 7b19b4d23ecb9ac⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, MadcowPanicIamQ.mp4)



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dee351  No.14852261


Many anons have died of old age waiting for it…

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9b4bad  No.14852262

File: 350ce4e1ce0de60⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1432x1796, 358:449, Jobs_report.png)

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edc26f  No.14852263

File: a1e31559aba2451⋯.png (13.17 KB, 272x549, 272:549, ClipboardImage.png)



Double Tenth Day

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c68e3d  No.14852264

File: 5925beab4e3d7b5⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1024x671, 1024:671, Long_Exposure.png)


YOU vote to reveal fraud

That is why you vote now

If you dont vote,

then that establishes your consent to get fucked

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11e8c7  No.14852265

File: b3e403e2d5161ac⋯.jpg (89.08 KB, 638x500, 319:250, 5pn7mb.jpg)

CodeMonkey is Winning Big League.

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9d8e56  No.14852266


Well, he's already semi-famous.

He'll be rich at the end of the great awakening.

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c175f7  No.14852267


spoofy…saw that…gave me bad vibes…

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eb327e  No.14852268



Everybody knows there is no qanons.

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6cb464  No.14852269

File: d81d60bb4f046b6⋯.png (67.91 KB, 774x839, 774:839, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80752f61e792e68⋯.png (64.21 KB, 765x860, 153:172, ClipboardImage.png)

Bad apples or bad orchard? KPMG Australia fails ethics test

It’s a good thing engineers didn’t have the professional standards of some of today’s accountants when the Sydney Harbour Bridge went up, or we might be driving straight into the water. Michael West examines the ethical cloud over a local arm of one of the Big Four accounting firms, with some technical advice from accountant Jeffrey Knapp.

Last month a regulatory body from the US censured and fined KPMG Australia over professional standards. The findings raise a pressing question: how widespread is this poor culture within the accounting industry?

On September 13, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) of the US made an order that (1) censures KPMG Australia; (2) fines KPMG Australia $450,000; and (3) requires KPMG Australia to undertake remedial actions.

The board’s website explains that its mission is to oversee audits of public companies in order to protect investors and further the public interest in the preparation of informative, accurate, and independent audit reports. This body investigates and, if necessary, disciplines registered public accounting firms and their associated persons for violations of specified laws, rules, or professional standards.

So why do investors in public companies need protection from KPMG Australia? What ghastly behaviour has attracted the ire of the Americans?

The board found that from at least 2016 until 2020, KPMG Australia failed to identify that more than 1100 firm personnel, including more than 250 auditors, were involved in cheating on tests for mandatory training courses that included professional independence, auditing, and accounting. The cheating involved improper answer sharing including the giving and receiving of answers relevant to the tests.

Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the KPMG Australia cheating scandal is that it reportedly involved18 partners, including two who are no longer with the firm.

From time to time there might be one or two bad apples in a firm that act unprofessionally and humiliate themselves and embarrass the firm. But according to Jeffrey Knapp, retired accounting lecturer from UNSW, KPMG Australia’s failings of professional ethics in training courses is “not a case of one or two bad apples”.

According to its Audit Transparency Report for 2020, KPMG Australia had 1187 client service audit staff excluding partners. Apparently, around 250 of those audit staff have been cheating on mandatory professional training tests. That comes in at over 20%.

Knapp says the public will not tolerate that sort of behaviour from that many partners at a Big Four Audit firm. ‘’Reputation and trust are everything in the audit business and KPMG Australia should expect to lose some audit clients over this,’’ he said.

‘’KPMG has an Audit and Assurance Services Division. How utterly unassured an audit client of KPMG Australia over 2016-2020 must feel. There is a one in five chance that someone in the KPMG Australia personnel on their audit engagement has been cheating on their professional training tests. Stakeholders of public companies would also have the right to feel utterly unassured by a KPMG Australia audit report if 1 out 5 of their professional audit staff have been caught cheating.’’


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11e8c7  No.14852270

File: 1d923b6a6630889⋯.jpg (52.02 KB, 613x407, 613:407, 5pr944_1.jpg)

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c175f7  No.14852271


well at least she acknowledges that there are two genders and they each have their own color…blue for boys…pick for girls…kek…

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6cb464  No.14852272

File: bbc0d2c9aa85104⋯.png (412.01 KB, 586x536, 293:268, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61e0a79ce9e3f21⋯.png (27.04 KB, 912x299, 912:299, ClipboardImage.png)

CDC Plans to 'Educate and Counsel' the Unvaccinated

With the CDC expanding eligibility for COVID-19 booster shots— endorsing both the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, while also approving a mix-and-match approach to boosters— CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky joined “Fox News Sunday”.

During the 15-minute interview with host Chris Wallace, Walensky said booster shots do not change your vaccination status, despite reports late last week.

“I want to be very clear about that,” she said. “We do not have a plan to change that definition right now.”

Asked about President Joe Biden’s controversial comments during Thursday night’s disastrous town hall about firing police and first responders who refuse to be vaccinated, Walensky claimed, ”The most disruptive thing you can do to a workforce is to have a Covid outbreak in that workforce. That will most definitely not only send people home but it will send people to the hospital and some may pass.”

Regarding mandates, which have been continuously challenged and protested across all professions, she stuck to White House lines and oversimplifications.

“What we know from the police workforce is there have been more deaths from the coronavirus over the last year and a half than all other causes of death for that workforce combined. So we believe it is very important to get these people vaccinated,” Walensky argued. “There is a plan, should these people not want to be vaccinated, toward education and counseling to get people the information they need so that they are feeling comfortable in getting vaccinated.”

“We can’t get complacent yet,” she reiterated, while urging more vaccinations despite a welcome drop in cases and deaths during October.

The director also agreed with Wallace that massive outdoor sporting events have not caused large spikes or outbreaks.


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dee351  No.14852273


I'm already getting fucked by the bastard govt in Canada… I voted Turdeao the fucktard out, and no they bring in vax passports and mandates.

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c50af9  No.14852274

File: 873aeef8e3ed939⋯.png (370.4 KB, 384x479, 384:479, ClipboardImage.png)


Get sterilized, reduce your life expectancy to 0 - 12 years from the first jab and you get to keep all your privileges. Or don't, and you get to keep all your privileges and piss off chickenshit conformists who are soon going to be too busy getting wiped out by criminal aliens anyway.

Tough call.

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3cdf4e  No.14852275


>i was told there would be hoverboards by 2015

so make one

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3a4476  No.14852276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hate SNL, but this is for the kek’s!

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224c2f  No.14852277

File: 926930f3f427a5e⋯.jpg (71.78 KB, 540x594, 10:11, FCU07x2WEAgIaCG.jpg)

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a5279b  No.14852278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New flows sperging on the face of La Pinche Palma. Lots of booms tonight too.

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999118  No.14852279

File: a65714a8af76ade⋯.jpg (118.13 KB, 940x483, 940:483, Screenshot_20211024_214132….jpg)


And this is exactly why OSHA wants to change their rules.

If OSHA wants to break their own rules.

The WE THE PEOPLE don't have to abide by them.

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d8106d  No.14852280

File: bb07ea7488428c7⋯.mp4 (127.18 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Nice_Ron_Sound_on_.mp4)


Nice, Ron!

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c175f7  No.14852281


dare i say they got more balls on them then our guys who can't see that our Country has been taken over by the Deep State Cabal and they can't get off their asses to protect the citizens they swore to protect…hats off to those gents…

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830bbe  No.14852282


They have a website.



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b0e976  No.14852283

File: ed18840e309bb94⋯.jpeg (117.65 KB, 750x943, 750:943, 11654B80_23E8_41B6_A6BF_4….jpeg)

File: 18a0f5f6d65fd6c⋯.jpeg (151.78 KB, 750x760, 75:76, 8A1CE459_02B3_4E68_9C67_A….jpeg)


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cfa399  No.14852284



gotta set some tires on fire if there is a coup de tat going on.

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c50af9  No.14852285

File: c577dc430a74a60⋯.png (316.11 KB, 430x322, 215:161, ClipboardImage.png)


Soros rigged your election too.

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fe1d96  No.14852286

File: c4ecc903fece58e⋯.png (495.04 KB, 1118x815, 1118:815, 635133605785.png)

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228f5c  No.14852287

File: e7f11501748bdaf⋯.png (440.88 KB, 667x397, 667:397, d8f20e4878172329fc566aec86….png)

There once was a LARPing faggot named Q, A few useless clues the riddlenigger did spew.

A one year delta turned into two, three, and four, Anons are a sucker for punishment so let's wait ten more.

The grand plan of 8kun and open source design, Is just a place to shitpost in your spare time.

Promises of big name arrests had repeatedly been made, But future proves past they were never repaid.

We got strung along by Q's promise of hope, For nothing to habben so now we just cope.

"The Great Awakening" fell flat on it's face, to your friends and family an outcast and disgrace.

A natural death has been the only "justice" so far, Maybe Q could hang just one traitor and at least raise the bar?

Pissy smell Hill was supposed to be caught in October by the team, But all we got for Christmas was a shitty Santa meme.

Skippy the pedo was another promised indictment, But he's still scot free and tortures minors for excitement.

Did you really believe the elites would be put in a cage?, Trump pointed his finger "you'd be in jail" - but it was just for the stage.

Whether you know it or not Donny is related to rotten cabbage Hill, You claim to be woke but ate the Blue Pill.

A few million people had to die just for "optics", While Trump played golf with his friends in the tropics.

But don't worry frens Q said "this is war", While globalists rape our country like an old dirty whore.

Fauci made a new strain in the lab just for fun, To use on the public when Q's job was done.

Make no mistake we all think Q's plan is just fab, So we wait in line like good little sheep just for the jab.

Don sat on the fence while he gave more to Israel, Ever wonder why his cabinet and team leads were so miserable?

Trump sent more to (((them))) then in all of past history, Are his zionist friends really a mystery?

He signed an EO to protect his tribe from a slur, Undone in a year by Joe his victories were a blur.

Grabbing women by the pussy is common behavior, Do you really think Trump is humanity's savior?

For thousands of years they've won at this game, Red vs Blue it's always the same.

A cognitive dissonance when faced with this proof, Cry all you like every word is the truth.

With this ballad of truth you might call me a shill, but only the learned chose the Red Pill

History repeats itself all through the ages, those who can see are the wisest of sages.

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815fb0  No.14852288

File: cc1098159667b21⋯.jpeg (354.07 KB, 603x887, 603:887, 4A23D5EB_F4D3_4D03_8EB8_C….jpeg)

Are they really selling Trump Titty Nfts?

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c68e3d  No.14852289


you keep fighting

you dont consent

you keep living

and work around, through, or whatever you have to do

to exercise and establish your freedom

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dee351  No.14852290


CDC can go fuck Bill Gate's ass.

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30ce28  No.14852291

File: b8a125f4b8f3b52⋯.jpg (114.59 KB, 555x541, 555:541, photo_2021_01_21_11_04_29.jpg)

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11e8c7  No.14852292

File: e960ba8a5b3dda8⋯.png (328.12 KB, 384x480, 4:5, 2d633fb16cd5c996a3dcfc0aad….png)


Anon, compared to CodeMonkey your life is an illegal alien's welfare check.

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5b8114  No.14852293

>>14850879 LB

Here they come… Migrant caravan streaming in to America (Cap 0:44)

This is being done to force amnesty part of the $3.5T spendng plan.

Soros paying Mexico to let them pass.

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815fb0  No.14852294

File: 34f90d9cf5b88b2⋯.jpeg (293.07 KB, 672x390, 112:65, 5C77D3F2_1690_4134_B7F6_0….jpeg)

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eb327e  No.14852295


Soros is about to lose a whole bunch of money, he better pull out.

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dee351  No.14852296


I was really hoping US would get back in the hands of patriots so the tide can be turned all over the world, but it looks like the shit is still hitting the fan worldwide. Australia is just freaky horrible and I can see it coming over. Communism is moving forward unchecked…

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a5222b  No.14852297


Thanks for this.

I've been trying different buzzwords for the last 20 minutes with some interdasting results.

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99798b  No.14852298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Called The Makings for a Perfect Day JUAN O SAVIN 2021 01



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815fb0  No.14852299

No more CM dickriding plz

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11e8c7  No.14852300

File: 26fe6b89b6131ff⋯.jpg (10.77 KB, 255x193, 255:193, 26fe6b89b6131ff6bbe6083a26….jpg)

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815fb0  No.14852301

File: 7a9f47da9d44183⋯.gif (588.3 KB, 640x602, 320:301, B75E19AB_3C6C_4ED5_936D_19….gif)


>he better pull out

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a58cad  No.14852302


watch the stupid snl video

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228f5c  No.14852303


Sycophantic faggots here will suck that yellow niggers dick just in hopes of getting a shout out. Never ceases to amaze me what Anons will do for attention.

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c175f7  No.14852304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


–kek, Pepperidge Farm remembers…==

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999118  No.14852305

File: 4c2d7d5491c57a6⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 480x476, 120:119, 4c2d7d5491c57a641f6c0492d0….gif)




What Ron needs to do is say"Yes, I run a free speech board. Heres the web address."Everyone already knows.

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815fb0  No.14852306

File: 1b798460889fef3⋯.jpeg (367.8 KB, 750x621, 250:207, 7B4DA39F_74DD_4E2E_A3DA_4….jpeg)


>watch the stupid snl video

I’ll pass

Their joo magic only werks if you participate

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81c0a9  No.14852308

File: 47dc4cab4663fc1⋯.jpg (388.85 KB, 690x1049, 690:1049, capture_121_24102021_20494….jpg)

File: 8402859cc3b4acb⋯.jpg (273.17 KB, 689x1059, 689:1059, capture_122_24102021_20500….jpg)

File: afe762724480c10⋯.jpg (307.17 KB, 677x1065, 677:1065, capture_123_24102021_20500….jpg)

Polis is building a database of Colorado students for the CDC


Colorado is still struggling to attract kids to its school COVID testing program

>Oct 18, 2021

A federally funded statewide program to test students, faculty and staff across Colorado for COVID-19 is still struggling to expand, with less than 1% of public school students being tested weekly.

Meanwhile, COVID-19 continues to spread in schools. As of last week, there were 199 active coronavirus outbreaks in K-12 schools linked to 3,453 cases, including 2,997 cases among students, according to data from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. A few weeks earlier, there were 156 active outbreaks with 2,150 cases.

There are nearly 900,000 students enrolled in public schools in the state, along with almost 56,000 teachers. That doesn’t include students and teachers in private schools, who are also eligible to sign up for the program.

But Gov. Jared Polis continues to express hope that the testing program, funded by $173 million from the federal government, will expand.

“Last week we tested about 5,000 students on a weekly cadence,” Polis told reporters Monday. “That’s up from 4,000 the week before, 3,400 the week before and 2,900 the week before that. So it’s going up.”

(A spokesman for the governor later clarified that those figures also include testing for school staff).


Polis also pointed out that the school COVID testing program has so far caught as many as 70 positive cases, which the governor argued meant hundreds of potential cases were prevented.

<The program is funded entirely by $173 million from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under the American Rescue Plan Act that Congress approved earlier this year.

Polis has said the state needs more buy-in from parents and schools, but some districts say they’ve had to wait weeks to hear back from the state after expressing interest in the program.

The state is offering financial incentives to kids who agree to weekly testing, including $25 for the first test, and $10 for each test after that.

Polis said Monday that the state wanted to offer more, but federal officials only agreed to the $10 payments. He argued the program would have attracted more students had the state been able to offer three, four or five times as much money to kids. He also pointed to a need to raise more awareness within districts that are offering testing.

“I think fundamentally, we need to get word out about the program,” Polis said Monday.

The state has contracts with two companies to perform the testing. One isMobile Health, based in New York City. That contract is valued at $15 million and runs through the end of November.

The other contractor isNovir, based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which has a contract with the state worth $12 million that also expires at the end of next month.

School districts that sign up to participate in the state’s program can choose from two different options: a full-service model in which one of the state contractors provides the staff, equipment and supplies needed for testing, and a direct-ship model in which the company provides the district with training and support, and ships all of the necessary equipment and testing supplies directly to schools.

Polis noted that there’s no “silver bullet” to address COVID-19 in schools, saying measures like mask wearing, opening windows and keeping kids home when they’re sick are also important. The most effective strategy, he emphasized, is vaccinations, which are currently only approved for children 12 years of age and up.

Polis said he was confident that children ages five to 11 will be able to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in the coming weeks.

>Call for a dig on the contractors ~ Mobile Health/NYC and Novir/Milwaukee

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88621f  No.14852309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can't wait. He's my favorite pastor.

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64888a  No.14852310

File: 5220f240f0a38ff⋯.png (4.73 MB, 3238x1741, 3238:1741, ClipboardImage.png)

QClock October 24, 2021

North Korea & Missiles

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245637  No.14852311

File: 8ed912f04358723⋯.jpg (26.09 KB, 300x359, 300:359, wtaf_.jpg)


engrish not first rangrage?

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4baf50  No.14852312

File: a48d996d5eab6a2⋯.jpg (214.27 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, CovidBlindfold.JPG)

>>14851240 PB

Election stolen. Hmmmph!

What a whacked-out, extremist, conspiracy nut.

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a58cad  No.14852313



you need to go back

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e3b8b7  No.14852314

File: 3f8b1aba4df0c04⋯.png (64.72 KB, 1237x554, 1237:554, sudan_military.png)

"Pfft, there's no worldwide military round-up of Cabal and taking back control of the world from the Satanic elites"

Worldwide military round-up of Cabal and taking back control of the world from the Satanic elites be like:

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815fb0  No.14852315


>What Ron needs to do is say"Yes, I run a free speech board.

He stepped down early this year

Try to keep up newfag

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1974e3  No.14852316


oh that would be true save for a certain redemptive event that will interrupt all the tyranny

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439925  No.14852318

File: c7b70da763cb981⋯.jpeg (33.48 KB, 540x540, 1:1, C00E0170_88B0_4BAC_A3E8_6….jpeg)


Arrogant cunt.

Maybe they are educated already.

They have made a choice. A hard one. What stupid hubris.

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ff2f2b  No.14852319

File: be28ba0ba3fce04⋯.png (811.38 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


++ you say

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c50af9  No.14852320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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99798b  No.14852321

File: 6d760c6cb74685b⋯.png (101.45 KB, 653x1645, 653:1645, ClipboardImage.png)

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865292  No.14852322

File: 906eb3053d98d2c⋯.jpg (64.89 KB, 670x377, 670:377, CVZxCwBVEAE95QX.jpg)

File: 49d28038a2f4c40⋯.png (162.39 KB, 640x480, 4:3, GettyImages_1310265169_1_6….png)

The democrats love the CCP. The CCP does not love them. Like Yurri said, useful idiots are the first to be rounded up and shot by the communists they help get into power because they know how disloyal they are in betraying their own countries in the first place. Then the rest of us will be enslaved to work 12 hours a day and live in a cubical and eat insect-seaweed paste.

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11e8c7  No.14852323

File: ad8f06bedc80f39⋯.jpg (65.24 KB, 500x567, 500:567, 5pjih3.jpg)


Fart Knocker get off your couch and be an activist like CodeMonkey.

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76f064  No.14852324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14852221 the future was hijacked

>>14852259 damn that thing is atrocious, there could probably be real ones made with some kind of electro-magnetic forces at work with some ideas taken from vid related

>>14852275 that would require a lot of funding and r&d. the tech or know-how is most likely already out there but being applied towards much bigger projects that aren't public yet

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c50af9  No.14852325

File: e9c993378ed8e5d⋯.png (506.69 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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85f842  No.14852326

File: a6ad1513d61eb76⋯.jpg (145.09 KB, 720x1184, 45:74, 20211024_215547.jpg)

File: eb108cf5f291a84⋯.jpg (60.88 KB, 1364x804, 341:201, 20211024_215523.jpg)




⚠️ Confirmed: Internet disrupted in #Sudan amid reports of military coup and detention of Prime Minister; real-time network data show national connectivity at 34% of ordinary levels; incident ongoing 📉

📰 Live Report: https://t.co/uVVZKchH5S https://t.co/SoyZK2uYQ9

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ca3552  No.14852327

File: c69120aeaddfaa0⋯.jpeg (47.32 KB, 1280x721, 1280:721, ExgkYiZi.jpeg)

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4baf50  No.14852328

File: 971603222cccf84⋯.jpg (279.84 KB, 1555x990, 311:198, PsakiSplash.jpg)

File: 86148ab1c7dbc4e⋯.jpg (256.8 KB, 1280x1080, 32:27, 4thEstate5thCol.JPG)

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1974e3  No.14852330


>If you dont vote,

>then that establishes your consent to get fucked

completely backwards

If you vote,

then that establishes your consent to get fucked

asking the pedovore elite cabal to be your slavemaster by pretending to vote?

fuck that.

never voted until the Trump Card was played.

I trusted Trump to be worthy

I'll never vote twice unless he is on there

or Q

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fe1d96  No.14852331

File: d3b2cdc78ab186b⋯.gif (296.42 KB, 482x482, 1:1, 20210706_134259.gif)

File: 37158a0310e4be1⋯.gif (6.13 MB, 579x579, 1:1, 20210729_150103.gif)

File: 5e5bc0bb6a63b3e⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 500x375, 4:3, 20211023_012739.gif)

File: df4c2ec1421b526⋯.gif (1.31 MB, 473x200, 473:200, 20211023_020430.gif)

File: b2e04a566fb3041⋯.jpg (149.66 KB, 1080x684, 30:19, 20211024_215930.jpg)



it helps.

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80f432  No.14852332


It's form a song. 'Mystery' by Dio. You think it sounds Chinese? kek

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11e8c7  No.14852333

File: 55cc0de7ca9c2ab⋯.jpg (61.69 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5ro1xq.jpg)

John Durham is a disgrace to law enforcement.

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815fb0  No.14852334


Biden gave Afghanistan to China and now Sudan apparently, so what’s the next grift for the CCP puppet? Taiwan?

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a58cad  No.14852335


It is time to fucking minecraft them all. I don't even care anymore.

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999118  No.14852337

File: 40c33e406b7cfd0⋯.jpg (245.75 KB, 1080x226, 540:113, Screenshot_20211023_123443….jpg)



You do realize, each one of the studies equates to different types of physical torture perpetrated on each one of these Beagle's.

Just how many dogs did they kill in the course of these experiments?

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1d1eca  No.14852338

File: 6803d9f216c4e1e⋯.jpg (347.36 KB, 672x1000, 84:125, I0000OA8S1a_ccWo.jpg)

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a5279b  No.14852339


Face down, ass up!


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ea0284  No.14852340


Celine Dion's new hit: My vaxx will go on

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245637  No.14852341


TARD. go filter yourself. too retarded to waste time 'splainin' or reasoning with. get the clotshot. get one a day.

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513d37  No.14852343

File: 4eac1622d2182aa⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB, 480x270, 16:9, file_store_2.mp4)

You are not hidden

There's never been a moment

You were forgotten

You are not hopeless

Though you have been broken

Your innocence stolen

I hear you whisper underneath your breath

I hear your SOS, your SOS

I will send out an army to find you

In the middle of the darkest night

It's true, I will rescue you

There is no distance

That cannot be covered

Over and over

You're not defenseless

I'll be your shelter

I'll be your armor

I hear you whisper underneath your breath

I hear your SOS, your SOS

I will send out an army to find you

In the middle of the darkest night

It's true, I will rescue you

I will never stop marching to reach you

In the middle of the hardest fight

It's true, I will rescue you

I hear the whisper underneath your breath

I hear you whisper, you have nothing left

I will send out an army to find you

In the middle of the darkest night

It's true, I will rescue you

I will never stop marching to reach you

In the middle of the hardest fight

It's true, I will rescue you

Oh, I will rescue you

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4703e3  No.14852344

File: fcd311ee85fa250⋯.mp4 (7.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ZD1mu0Y0w8T4ragh.mp4)

#TropicLightning Soldiers in action!

Soldiers with @25thID performed an air assault mission during the Indo-Pacific Army Chiefs Conference at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.

🎥 by Pfc. Daniel Proper

#ArmyTraining | #Readiness

6:04 PM ET 10/24/21


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b0e976  No.14852345

File: 1ec95f16f07a473⋯.jpeg (57.15 KB, 750x303, 250:101, 3282A11A_9465_48C2_B6B4_3….jpeg)


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c175f7  No.14852346


everytime you post this stuff…I just have to watch it, damn you…kek…keep up the good work…damn you…

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48763a  No.14852347


'round late 80's or early 90's?

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fe1d96  No.14852348

File: 454b221583870ab⋯.jpg (52.86 KB, 486x442, 243:221, 20180318_052754.jpg)

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c68e3d  No.14852349


OK… Thank you for not voting…

they will make sure

you never will be offered to vote again.

You will be told what to do

and you will obey or die.

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245637  No.14852350


>You think it sounds Chinese? kek

i think it sounds like retarded sentence construction and an inability to articulate clearly and concisely. it's also a retarded idea.

"All mysteries lie before us in perfect openness. Only we graduate ourselves against them, from stone to seer. There are no mysteries, as such, only the uninitiated of every degree." – Christian Morgenstern

skinny version - ignorance is a choice.

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3b9355  No.14852351

File: d91ece5631346b9⋯.png (294.25 KB, 265x1334, 265:1334, Screenshot_2021_10_24_at_2….png)

File: 3edc28d35966456⋯.png (260.19 KB, 263x1387, 263:1387, Screenshot_2021_10_24_at_2….png)

File: 16af8ca634a586a⋯.png (163.47 KB, 271x936, 271:936, Screenshot_2021_10_24_at_2….png)

File: 8c9faeb6630bece⋯.png (457.68 KB, 271x2499, 271:2499, Screenshot_2021_10_24_at_2….png)

File: ef0c404d12e7845⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1023x3357, 341:1119, Screenshot_2021_10_24_at_2….png)


the CRux

c before d

can you see the C in the sea?

Kern = Kernel = Corn

Kernkraft = Corn Power


1 Pl. (Physik) nuclear forces

2 nuclear power no art.

Kern | kɛrn |

Mask. Kern[e]s, Kerne

1 (Fruchtsamen) pip (von Steinobst) stone (von Nüssen, Mandeln usw.) kernel

der Kern eines Problems/Vorschlags

(fig.) the crux or gist of a problem/gist of a suggestion

er hat einen guten od. in ihm steckt ein guter Kern

(fig.) he is good at heart

das birgt einen wahren Kern

(fig.) it contains a core of truth

zum Kern einer Sache (Gen.) kommen

(fig.) get to the heart of a matter

2 (wichtigster Teil einer Gruppe) core


der harte Kern

the hard core

3 (Physik) (Atomkern) nucleus

4 (einer elektrischen Spule, eines Reaktors) core

5 (Gießerei) core

6 (Biol.) (Zellkern) nucleus (Anat., Biol.) (Nervenkern) centre

7 (Zentrum) city/town centre

Nuss, Nuß* | nʊs |

Fem. Nuss, Nüsse | ˈnʏsə |

1 nut

eine taube Nuss

(fig.) a useless article or item (coll.)

eine harte Nuss [für jmdn.]

(fig.) a hard or tough nut [for sb to crack]

2 (salopp) (abwertend) (Mensch) so-and-so (coll.)

3 (Kochk.) (Fleischstück) eye

4 (Technik) socket

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fe1d96  No.14852352

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6cb464  No.14852353

“Donald Trump’s Victory in 2016 Was Providential… In 2020 Donald Trump Won a Bigger Victory” – Steve Bannon Ignites the GOP Crowd in Pima County

“Elections have consequences and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.”

Steve Bannon, the former Chief Strategist for President Donald Trump, was the keynote speaker at the Pima County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner on Saturday night.

Steve Bannon opened up with this: Let’s cut to the chase, Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 was providential. Right? Anybody here debate that? Donald Trump would be the first to admit, he’s not the “churchiest” guy in this country, but it was divine providence that worked through him for that victory in 2016… We had a man a message and a plan, and we won the greatest come-from-behind victory in the history of this country. Why? Because his message resonated with working-class and middle-class people who understand that something has to change in this country. In 2020 Donald Trump won a bigger victory in this country. And I will debate any person, take on any presidential commission, go before Congress, do anything they want, and show them the receipts, starting here in Arizona!…

…The 2020 big steal is just as providential because now there’s no more fooling ourselves, there’s no more kidding ourselves. We know exactly what they stand for… We lost more elections since 1968 and let’s be brutally honest, we lost the country! Think of where we are today… Look how radical they are. Let’s be blunt, the model they want to pursue is the Chinese Communist model, slightly dialed down. We didn’t change China. They changed our elites. What they want is a type of state capitolism, with a total authoritarian government, with social media scores, all of it. And they couldn’t be more blunt about how they are going to do this. That is why Arizona is so important…

…It was mathematically impossible for Joe Biden to win.

Steve Bannon: “You have no allies except history.”

Steve brought his A-game to Pima County.

Please take the time to listen to one of the great thinkers of our time.



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81c0a9  No.14852354

File: 079f35780a733a8⋯.jpg (601.29 KB, 1297x683, 1297:683, capture_128_24102021_21054….jpg)

[MSNBC] sleeps whilst anons dig, dig and dig some moar…

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4703e3  No.14852355

File: 059b09d8ffb149d⋯.jpeg (450.01 KB, 624x1636, 156:409, E4F2E2CF_1462_4CAE_BDC2_F….jpeg)

File: 883bec26b1b78f0⋯.jpeg (882.42 KB, 628x1904, 157:476, EF52C727_0A37_4DFD_A1FC_6….jpeg)

File: 41303ce858cb896⋯.jpeg (618.69 KB, 595x1690, 119:338, 39BB2D0E_1AB2_42AD_9692_D….jpeg)

File: e9fe5815091285b⋯.jpeg (25.58 KB, 363x139, 363:139, 24642771_8F2F_465B_91DD_A….jpeg)


Video is 1:36 in length

If you add that to the timestamp 1804


Drop #1940 = HOOAH

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c175f7  No.14852356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They weren’t expecting THIS to happen!

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ca5f62  No.14852357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



For the WIN!





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ec19b6  No.14852358

Did you know that the Islamic rulers of Iran are Jews?


Really they are Phoenicians …

Moloch… Golden calf..

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14ea9a  No.14852359


natural immunity is far superior to the nwo synthetic immunity….wtf is she bawling aboot ?

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d8106d  No.14852360


Just like ewe and me

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95425a  No.14852361


It's about time.

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b0e976  No.14852362

File: de2e5c31d572369⋯.jpeg (78.75 KB, 750x569, 750:569, B090461C_8BF8_4191_B39A_F….jpeg)


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4baf50  No.14852363

File: ada7c2b0f18b09f⋯.jpg (100.56 KB, 1200x802, 600:401, AOK666Clinton.JPG)

File: 7db9e1116690555⋯.jpg (49.99 KB, 300x221, 300:221, Sikh.JPG)

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1d1eca  No.14852364

File: 3e1d7f00a7138a2⋯.jpg (72.31 KB, 289x336, 289:336, 20211025_001026.jpg)

File: a61fde4bb94503e⋯.jpg (228.37 KB, 494x516, 247:258, 20211025_001005.jpg)

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0a3413  No.14852365

The US Military needs to be on our US/MEXICO Border! War Game that Sector!!

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48763a  No.14852366

File: 26e85d21955102a⋯.jpg (3.93 KB, 259x194, 259:194, junglemac444.jpg)


tell that to jungle m.a.c.

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bc093a  No.14852367



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245637  No.14852368



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77399e  No.14852369

File: b43608cc690429e⋯.png (669.89 KB, 608x342, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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999118  No.14852370

File: 22abfa09a915372⋯.jpg (9.65 KB, 255x186, 85:62, 22abfa09a915372fa85dc127a9….jpg)


God have mercy on us

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ec19b6  No.14852371


The correct treatment for severe COVID-19 related sepsisis non-invasive ventilation, steroids, and

antioxidant infusions. Most of the drugs repurposed for COVID-19 that show any beneft

whatsoever in rescuing critically-ill COVID-19 patients are antioxidants.

N-acetylcysteine, melatonin, fuvoxamine, budesonide, famotidine, cimetidine, and ranitidine are all antioxidants.

Indomethacin prevents iron- driven oxidation of arachidonic acid to isoprostanes. There are

powerful antioxidants such as apocynin that have not even been tested on COVID-19 patients yet

which could defang neutrophils, prevent lipid peroxidation, restore endothelial health, and restore

oxygenation to the tissues.

Scientists who know anything about pulmonary neutrophilia, ARDS, and redox biology have known

or surmised much of this since March 2020. In April 2020, Swiss scientists confrmed that COVID-

19 was a vascular endotheliitis. By late 2020, experts had already concluded that COVID-19

causes a form of viral sepsis. They also know that sepsis can be efectively treated with

antioxidants. None of this information is particularly new, and yet, for the most part, it has not been

acted upon. Doctors continue to use damaging intubation techniques with high PEEP settings

despite high lung compliance and poor oxygenation, killing an untold number of critically ill patients

with medical malpractice.

Because of the way they are constructed, Randomized Control Trials will never show any beneft

for any antiviral against COVID-19. Not Remdesivir, not Kaletra, not HCQ, and not Ivermectin. The

reason for this is simple; for the patients that they have recruited for these studies, such as

Oxford’s ludicrous RECOVERY study, the intervention is too late to have any positive efect.

The clinical course of COVID-19 is such that by the time most people seek medical attention for

hypoxia, their viral load has already tapered of to almost nothing. If someone is about 10 days

post-exposure and has already been symptomatic for fve days, there is hardly any virus left in their

bodies, only cellular damage and derangement that has initiated a hyperinfammatory response. It

is from this group that the clinical trials for antivirals have recruited, pretty much exclusively.

In these trials, they give antivirals to severely ill patients who have no virus in their bodies, only a

delayed hyperinfammatory response, and then absurdly claim that antivirals have no utility in

treating or preventing COVID-19. These clinical trials do not recruit people who are presymptomatic.

They do not test pre-exposure or post-exposure prophylaxis.

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27b264  No.14852372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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fe1d96  No.14852373

File: 6a9a4b22787e7b1⋯.jpg (257.56 KB, 1080x836, 270:209, 20211024_221520.jpg)


the illusion of choice is the illusion of freedom.

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6cb464  No.14852374

File: 459e6aaf7ceed6a⋯.png (481.09 KB, 634x510, 317:255, ClipboardImage.png)

Jacinda Ardern BARGES a sign language interpreter out of the way during a Covid press conference - and she's NOT happy about it


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b0e976  No.14852375

File: 6f84915b097a514⋯.jpeg (162.35 KB, 715x935, 13:17, 59970964_43F4_4E30_8D91_4….jpeg)


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14ea9a  No.14852376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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245637  No.14852377


may God forgive me, but i hope she dies.

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1974e3  No.14852378

File: 871349681d31471⋯.jpg (91.4 KB, 613x920, 613:920, cath.jpg)



Database of Publicly Accused Roman Catholic Priests, Nuns, Brothers, Deacons, and Seminarians



Off My Knees - A Blog by Michael Baumann


French report: 330,000 children victims of church sex abuse

Victims of abuse within France’s Catholic Church welcomed a historic turning point Tuesday after a new report estimated that 330,000 children in France were sexually abused over the past 70 years, providing the country’s first accounting of the worldwide phenomenon.

Jill Biden says SC 'prayer partner' helped change her life

Robin Jackson, wife of the pastor at Brookland Baptist Church in South Carolina, offered to be Jill Biden's “prayer partner” when the Bidens worshipped at the church.

Thus began a relationship that the first lady said had helped “shape my life.”

follow the wives


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14ea9a  No.14852379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1d1eca  No.14852380

File: fe41e6cbd946110⋯.png (162.29 KB, 2894x2300, 1447:1150, Sad_Pepe_The_Frog_PNG_Pict….png)

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fe1d96  No.14852381

File: 153ce265fc8a68e⋯.jpg (120.71 KB, 1080x1288, 135:161, 20211024_221826.jpg)



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e45ee3  No.14852382


Eyes on!

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b744a0  No.14852383

File: 2f4289e4e020399⋯.png (15.13 KB, 814x214, 407:107, ClipboardImage.png)

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df7123  No.14852384

File: dacdd126a8eda34⋯.png (221.32 KB, 455x620, 91:124, ClipboardImage.png)

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30ce28  No.14852385

File: 6d641554c9b375f⋯.mp4 (6.55 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, 8b7382f43d3255fd69bbc099e5….mp4)

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224c2f  No.14852386

File: ca42de179fd7c25⋯.png (210.79 KB, 478x623, 478:623, Screenshot_2021_10_25_at_0….png)



Russia state-affiliated media

Pandemic will end when world chooses to end it, WHO chief says




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9ee87c  No.14852387


>Then the rest of us

OK… so your just going to roll over for it all. There is no going back now, all or nothing. Fight to the death.

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14ea9a  No.14852388


muh reeducation camps …..gfy

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81c0a9  No.14852389


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3b9355  No.14852390

File: beff0b76279b5b6⋯.jpg (586.73 KB, 1512x1437, 504:479, JimmyCarterPeanutScarfComm….jpg)

File: 64db6a28f649be7⋯.png (61.3 KB, 265x936, 265:936, Screenshot_2021_10_24_at_2….png)

File: 0c856c4bbc2bb31⋯.jpg (86.6 KB, 550x654, 275:327, 0c856c4bbc2bb3149ea248a928….jpg)

File: 61c11fe096c51b6⋯.png (476.19 KB, 1122x873, 374:291, Screenshot_2021_10_24_at_2….png)

File: 058db68e6e20701⋯.png (50.41 KB, 270x509, 270:509, Screenshot_2021_10_24_at_2….png)


El Arbusto…

Bush fam gone native

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1974e3  No.14852391

File: 4a40ea14755362c⋯.jpg (9.32 KB, 221x229, 221:229, deevo.jpg)


Freedom of Choice is what you got

Freedom from Choice is what you want

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830bbe  No.14852392

File: 9879bb0abdb064d⋯.png (231.84 KB, 885x615, 59:41, 1.png)

File: ad6aaef4ecffbb7⋯.png (193.03 KB, 819x610, 819:610, 2.png)

File: bb66b5fcfdf4d18⋯.png (50.55 KB, 638x630, 319:315, 3.png)

>>14852297 I tried buzzword "flies".

>>14852337 Snoopy wants to know.

NIH Has a Lot of Flies

NIH Federal RePORTER search results for flies returns 86 results.

Go to Federal Reporter


type flies into the search bar and get 86 results.

NIH NIAID pays a lot of money for their flies. This result shows$65,000spent on sand flies and their larva.


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4703e3  No.14852393

File: 34ebe6c5ba0bc1b⋯.mp4 (77.63 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 6v2D96HlXJ_yTy6_.mp4)

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d8106d  No.14852394


So seizures…..

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a58cad  No.14852395


"…who is vaccinated."

What a bunch of horse shit.


fuck you


fuck this stupid cunt

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fe1d96  No.14852396

it is fucking sudan.


africa is cabals larder.

they do coup like amerika does football.

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14ea9a  No.14852397


>what Anons will do for attention.

you must be newfag or at least post q anon

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245637  No.14852398


>The correct treatment for severe COVID-19 related sepsisis non-invasive ventilation, steroids, and antioxidant infusions. Most of the drugs repurposed for COVID-19 that show any benefit whatsoever in rescuing critically-ill COVID-19 patients are antioxidants.

>N-acetylcysteine, melatonin, fuvoxamine, budesonide, famotidine, cimetidine, and ranitidine are all antioxidants.

>Indomethacin prevents iron- driven oxidation of arachidonic acid to isoprostanes. There are powerful antioxidants such as apocynin that have not even been tested on COVID-19 patients yet which could defang neutrophils, prevent lipid peroxidation, restore endothelial health, and restore oxygenation to the tissues.

>Scientists who know anything about pulmonary neutrophilia, ARDS, and redox biology have known or surmised much of this since March 2020. In April 2020, Swiss scientists confrmed that COVID-19 was a vascular endotheliitis. By late 2020, experts had already concluded that COVID-19 causes a form of viral sepsis. They also know that sepsis can be efectively treated with antioxidants. None of this information is particularly new, and yet, for the most part, it has not been acted upon. Doctors continue to use damaging intubation techniques with high PEEP settings despite high lung compliance and poor oxygenation, killing an untold number of critically ill patients with medical malpractice.

>Because of the way they are constructed, Randomized Control Trials will never show any benefit for any antiviral against COVID-19. Not Remdesivir, not Kaletra, not HCQ, and not Ivermectin. The reason for this is simple; for the patients that they have recruited for these studies, such as

>Oxford’s ludicrous RECOVERY study, the intervention is too late to have any positive effect.

>The clinical course of COVID-19 is such that by the time most people seek medical attention for hypoxia, their viral load has already tapered of to almost nothing. If someone is about 10 days post-exposure and has already been symptomatic for fve days, there is hardly any virus left in their bodies, only cellular damage and derangement that has initiated a hyperinfammatory response. It is from this group that the clinical trials for antivirals have recruited, pretty much exclusively.

>In these trials, they give antivirals to severely ill patients who have no virus in their bodies, only a delayed hyperinfammatory response, and then absurdly claim that antivirals have no utility in treating or preventing COVID-19. These clinical trials do not recruit people who are presymptomatic.

>They do not test pre-exposure or post-exposure prophylaxis.

i know this to be all or mostly true, but some links or references to original source materials would be nice, esp the ref to "swiss scientists."

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830bbe  No.14852399

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0cbf57  No.14852401

File: 98a92873944c821⋯.png (618.43 KB, 1016x692, 254:173, neworderbaby.png)

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e13c8b  No.14852402


We are white Americans, asshole.

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ea0284  No.14852403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Was Jacinda smoking that crack again right before and she must be taking lessons from Amber Heard pushing a black model into the back of the row.

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a5279b  No.14852404



I guarantee you they would not be saying the things they are saying if someone walked into their office and beat them mercilessly with a golf club.

Does everyone get it?

We are on the precipice.

They do not communicate.

The only form of communication that they understand is pain.

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4baf50  No.14852405

File: 298b8beb34a0a92⋯.jpg (563.81 KB, 2048x1444, 512:361, WatergateX1000.JPG)

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d8106d  No.14852406



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1974e3  No.14852407


they call them freedom jerks

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14ea9a  No.14852408


ruh roh

don't get the hemp heads all roiled up

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4baf50  No.14852409

File: 4cc2e138f269dfc⋯.jpg (122.85 KB, 640x699, 640:699, DisneyABC.JPG)

File: 4c6a6cd782e07de⋯.jpg (82.28 KB, 720x748, 180:187, DisneyMirror2.JPG)

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5c424c  No.14852410

File: d144e8752f0c877⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1291x2048, 1291:2048, Screenshot_20211024_211902.png)

File: 6c2c20ad82a6535⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1266x2048, 633:1024, Screenshot_20211024_211946.png)

File: 5cbb8703d242159⋯.pdf (2.25 MB, 1266x2048, 633:1024, pd.pdf)

Exercise of NASA asteroid from late April conference-early May 2021 to hit Earth October 20, 2021


*Reminder that "Dark Winter" was an exercise, yet it happened… next incoming asteroid October 25, 2021, and its not just the big 'rocks' its what is trailing them.

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c50af9  No.14852411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e14873  No.14852412

File: e398aecaa5ecfda⋯.jpg (35.85 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Canada_Cons0471.jpg)


A ray of Hope perhaps…but we're Trumpless up here in CanuckKuckistan. Pray for the Patriots.

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14ea9a  No.14852413

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815fb0  No.14852414


Muh devil’s lettuce slide

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d8106d  No.14852415


Nasty stink

Noted rude fuck

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a58cad  No.14852416


I was thinking shovel blade.

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76f064  No.14852417

>>14852346 maybe some big cats watching can put some of his ideas to use

>>14852347 that was in 1972

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815fb0  No.14852418



IP is faggot or anon is just shitposting

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a5279b  No.14852419



Pole axes and pitchforks. It is about time to end this once and for all.

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b6ed32  No.14852420

Hello, Good Shift!

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999118  No.14852421

File: fbd0a82291552a2⋯.jpg (336.91 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, fbd0a82291552a22951084ae70….jpg)

I pray they all get nailed and suffer the shame of being put down like the Rabid Dogs they are… Crimes Against Humanity for the Children and the Covid Deaths and much more by Bill Gates with Glutens and GMO's… they are killing us and creating fear to do what they say…

These Tribunals would be much bigger that Neuremberg… it will cover alot more than Nuremberg

The Evil Ones have broken the trust of everyone living on the Earth by their actions… They deserve the Worst of Dishonor! They need to fear All of Us!

That prayer was from my mum. She's hard core


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2f9001  No.14852422

General Milley loves to get woke on reptilian propaganda

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d8106d  No.14852423


God wins

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48763a  No.14852424



when they actually stole time

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3b9355  No.14852425

File: f3c092540f61d8c⋯.png (941.56 KB, 876x656, 219:164, Screen_Shot_2021_10_24_at_….png)


>Bush fam gone native

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689d92  No.14852426


>>>14851497 Vanguard and Black Rock are stake holders in all industry, media, academia, and politics.

Make voting rights "pass-thru" for etfs and mutual funds. Would solve that shit real quick.

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1974e3  No.14852427

File: bff060b6d9c4075⋯.jpg (189.33 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, shovels.jpg)

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b0e976  No.14852428

File: 0ec57dbdce8e111⋯.jpeg (88.44 KB, 750x730, 75:73, A1CCA47B_CA44_4DB0_AA54_6….jpeg)


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13c1c2  No.14852429

File: 0b5b319e1138fad⋯.png (548.05 KB, 606x410, 303:205, ClipboardImage.png)



Monday start of the last week of RED OCTOBERExpect fireworks !!!

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999118  No.14852430

File: 8d9573338ff1f7c⋯.jpg (40.22 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 8d9573338ff1f7c1d311c71e44….jpg)


Hello fren

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cec75c  No.14852431

File: d5be82aa135e1d2⋯.png (1.08 MB, 640x960, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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14ea9a  No.14852433


>Muh devil’s lettuce slide

this post was brought to you by the cabal

providers of all things concerning da pots

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d8106d  No.14852434

File: dfddf30fc48020d⋯.mp4 (135.91 KB, 144x256, 9:16, JUST_IN_President_Macron_s….mp4)


Like love taps?

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ec19b6  No.14852435


I googled that one sentence…


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76f064  No.14852436

>>14852424 when tesla was killed and his ideas stolen and tucked away for privatization

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689d92  No.14852437

2017 Charlotteville protest case starts tomorrow. No sauce, but you can get it. Just here to say that local community chatter is that while statues are in storage, lots of pressure to melt them down.

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fe1d96  No.14852438

File: 6021ecfe25d1308⋯.gif (690.58 KB, 603x603, 1:1, 20211024_223155.gif)

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f61c23  No.14852439

File: 83ef21acbd1ea39⋯.jpg (44.91 KB, 789x486, 263:162, 1599621136.jpg)

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e13c8b  No.14852440


Real cunt muppet.

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14ea9a  No.14852441


link works for me in both posts

plus not a premium subscriber

again odd

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7aa446  No.14852442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jennifer Rush > cd

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245637  No.14852443


>It is about time to end this once and for all.

it's WAAAAAAY past time. vigilante justice. "it won't be safe for them to walk down the streets."

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a58cad  No.14852444


This is actually what they want too. They really might want to reconsider.

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1974e3  No.14852445

File: 8a92a3764ca763a⋯.jpg (60.38 KB, 357x512, 357:512, rife.jpg)

File: eeb6771fd9f5751⋯.jpg (8.53 KB, 256x192, 4:3, rifer.jpg)

File: 831949b5a5dd679⋯.jpg (60.93 KB, 512x365, 512:365, riff.jpg)

File: 6db9b3482609b61⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 522x377, 18:13, rifff.jpg)

File: 004f0267e7415aa⋯.jpg (122.07 KB, 1075x640, 215:128, riif.jpg)






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fe1d96  No.14852446



trumpless in america, too

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999118  No.14852447

File: 073ffbe1e03df16⋯.jpg (102.62 KB, 640x440, 16:11, 20211024_223337.jpg)

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c0aac3  No.14852448


Cunt muppet? Sounds fun kek

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318079  No.14852449

File: 7174557d4d47f84⋯.jpg (63.98 KB, 600x335, 120:67, APepePrayer.jpg)



Thank you, Baker.

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ca5f62  No.14852450


>taking back control. >>14852357

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1974e3  No.14852451


they won't be able to walk down the street

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14ea9a  No.14852452


>Pray for the Patriots.

Done anon in Jesus's mighty name.

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245637  No.14852453


>I googled that one sentence


damn, anon. thx. i'm going to tard jail now.

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e13c8b  No.14852454


AGREE 100%.

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a5279b  No.14852455



They have pushed people too hard and for too long. They laughed at us and stole our election in broad daylight. This is a test. This is a test of our republic and our resolve as patriots. We either believe in freedom, or we allow ourselves to be cucked like the people of other nations around the globe. This is up to us. Liberty and freedom either lives into perpetuity and we never allow our government to become comped again, or we get cucked and sing songs of praise to comrade xi.

The choice is ours.

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c99238  No.14852456

File: e6d1ab50e67f9da⋯.jpg (78.81 KB, 684x734, 342:367, e6d1ab50e67f9da4d4795d014d….jpg)



>trumpless in america, too

Nah….not the same, Bubba. Trump is there larger than life. Rejoice in your Freedom and Keep on fighting. Plus 2A eh?

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ca5f62  No.14852457

File: 64d352ad87944e0⋯.jpg (98.78 KB, 1280x675, 256:135, 1x1_9_Grammar_Flag.jpg)

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d8106d  No.14852458


But we haven't seen the damage Kamel will unleash

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c0aac3  No.14852459


Dude, they won’t be able to walk down the street. That’s a fact. Ever see a “karen” get mad about the incorrect order for a to-go order? That is who is coming for them. It’s not us. It’s “Karen’s”. Grab every helmet and body armor because they are gonn a year this whole shit down.

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4703e3  No.14852460

File: be360ca25e38d78⋯.jpeg (852.53 KB, 1391x1511, 1391:1511, EF9C4483_624E_4BB4_9397_D….jpeg)

File: 53c298b44757838⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 434x250, 217:125, 91BAE470_4104_4DAF_9E98_EE….gif)

Sudan military coup/Godfather

Khartoum was the name of the race horse killed in the beginning of The Godfather tosend a messageto corrupt movie producer Jack Woltz.


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fe1d96  No.14852461

File: 7b12439c50a2007⋯.jpg (153.7 KB, 998x622, 499:311, 20211024_223816.jpg)

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999118  No.14852462

File: 11fed35812c016b⋯.jpg (158.12 KB, 1078x884, 539:442, 20211024_192419.jpg)

File: 33fded796cdd4c4⋯.jpg (449.84 KB, 1078x519, 1078:519, Screenshot_20211024_162043….jpg)

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230d75  No.14852463

File: 2272f38c4ea2a48⋯.jpeg (97.32 KB, 768x576, 4:3, 2298ED78_91E7_460F_9799_E….jpeg)

File: bf7f267ad2b7454⋯.jpeg (101.4 KB, 768x432, 16:9, E959668F_1C43_44FB_9185_F….jpeg)

File: eae79af62538e03⋯.jpeg (123.26 KB, 768x432, 16:9, 5FC983D0_AE6C_4C0D_A3D2_9….jpeg)

File: 7aa7f8449a95ba2⋯.jpeg (79.85 KB, 768x432, 16:9, BF57E9AB_B49D_4307_B74D_8….jpeg)

File: eb83113160799a7⋯.jpeg (95.47 KB, 768x432, 16:9, 6F414413_A211_4E0F_B734_A….jpeg)


A few other pics there for me when I tried it.

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351848  No.14852464

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fe1d96  No.14852465


don is a traitor.

nothing will change that.

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3b9355  No.14852466

File: 3ac9fa952565123⋯.png (550.07 KB, 436x652, 109:163, Screen_Shot_2021_10_24_at_….png)

File: 7cab3f7cf520bd0⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1362x636, 227:106, abramovic_army.png)

File: 93e47fcf1db7b6c⋯.png (868.5 KB, 1271x466, 1271:466, Screen_Shot_2021_10_20_at_….png)

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c99238  No.14852467

File: 9ae8d9b48262e5c⋯.jpg (42.09 KB, 438x293, 438:293, potakerer.jpg)


That ain't an eighth…kek.

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245637  No.14852468


50 yrs ago, anon actually knew a really cool guy who was in his 20s and DIED the very first time he smoked pot.

turned out he had an aneurysm and he didn't know about it, and when he smoked reefer, it burst, and he died within minutes.

his nickname was sunshine and he drove forklift in a glass factory. RIP.

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1d1eca  No.14852469

File: 58de48abcf4ce2c⋯.jpg (162.72 KB, 720x367, 720:367, 20211025_003719.jpg)

Kraken 5:5

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c99238  No.14852470


Amen Anon. Tanqs fer dat.

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14ea9a  No.14852471


Americans have already rejected the endless vaccine garbage.

They had their chance to prove it was safe and effective and they fuqed that up bigly.

They are pushing their luck on forcing this on the kids.

That is the line that they will die on imho.

Americans will not stand by and let kids be murdered/hurt by the fraudulent medical industry.

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ca5f62  No.14852472

File: 8f71b52266944e9⋯.jpeg (97.84 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, 8f71b52266944e9cb8682d1fc….jpeg)

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3b9355  No.14852473

File: 1d58449fc41e472⋯.png (95.9 KB, 529x325, 529:325, Screen_Shot_2021_10_24_at_….png)

File: 04877a27f8ad2d5⋯.png (115.17 KB, 945x270, 7:2, Screen_Shot_2021_10_24_at_….png)

File: a83be092099b09c⋯.png (433.91 KB, 647x652, 647:652, Screen_Shot_2021_10_24_at_….png)

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245637  No.14852474

File: 35453794c6709d9⋯.jpg (129.47 KB, 589x423, 589:423, bit22.jpg)


>But we haven't seen the damage Kamel will unleash

"blessed are those who have NOT seen, and yet still believed."

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999118  No.14852475

File: a13c4bb26082e6f⋯.jpg (402.67 KB, 1080x818, 540:409, Screenshot_20211024_130045….jpg)

File: 7bebeeb17ad4a71⋯.jpg (370.84 KB, 1052x689, 1052:689, Screenshot_20211024_130305….jpg)

File: 7e7869c290d7891⋯.jpg (113.28 KB, 1080x574, 540:287, 20211024_131803.jpg)


That will work.

>make them dig their own graves first

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d8106d  No.14852476


Good stuff!

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1974e3  No.14852477

File: 9d24af55d4c6f81⋯.png (890.44 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



Churchgoers had just come out of Sunday morning mass where they learned their Pastor Gregory Loughney had been arrested.

"Under its longstanding zero-tolerance policy, the Diocese of Scranton immediately removed Father Loughney from active ministry pending the outcome of the investigation."

And at Sunday mass, members say the priest read that statement while delivering the day's sermon.


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76f064  No.14852478

>>14852445 would have to look into him. the usual hit pieces and terminology is used against him from a brief search so may be worth checking out

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245637  No.14852479


>Americans will not stand by and let kids be murdered/hurt by the fraudulent medical industry.

many parents are lining up to get the clotshot for their kids. the programming is complete.

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14ea9a  No.14852480


>don is a traitor.

Just because someone does not join team darkside, that does not make them a traitor.

It makes them intelligent.

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5cde4b  No.14852481


Americans already stood by and let them put masks on kids for over a year. I hope you're right but I wouldn't bet on it.

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d8106d  No.14852482


so bidan's diocese

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14ea9a  No.14852483

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1974e3  No.14852484


dude, kek there ain't a restaurant anywhere near me

but I get your drift

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c75599  No.14852485

File: 0dcc6d12202e4f5⋯.jpeg (229.75 KB, 750x649, 750:649, E348E3D6_6F0D_44C5_A605_2….jpeg)

What do Anons think about DWAC?

Still on a bull run?

Friday was pretty wild. I bet if they didn’t halt it for as long as they did it would have mooned. Kek


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fbc900  No.14852486

File: a983b564a66a2be⋯.jpg (20.66 KB, 358x241, 358:241, lurk.JPG)


>don is a traitor.

>nothing will change that.

You need to lurk MOAR.

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fe1d96  No.14852487

File: 6e607766ec0367f⋯.gif (811.51 KB, 457x609, 457:609, 20201031_130155.gif)


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be2272  No.14852488

File: 67502eaa4fbcc83⋯.jpeg (33.89 KB, 337x450, 337:450, 1358C4B0_FDF4_4E42_9B75_D….jpeg)

Giant Jenga set - $20

Custom Giant tower set for sale, comes with the Tupperware bin for storage.

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14ea9a  No.14852489


>many parents

Less than 30% at the most

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43f711  No.14852490

File: 1d8821c28b47022⋯.jpg (85.45 KB, 648x769, 648:769, Screenshot_20211025_004524….jpg)


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43f711  No.14852491

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c175f7  No.14852492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


At the end of the movie "On deadly ground" with Stephen Seagal…he rants on about how we are behind about 50 years…here is the ending dialog…now mind you…this movie came out in 1994…27 years ago…


Ending Notes on a movie called "On Deadly Ground" plus personal notes!!!

27 years ago!!!!! How much has changed???


I'd like to start off by saying…thank you..to the brothers and sisters who've come here today…representing this cause.

I've been asked to speak to you and the press about the injustices brought against us…by some government officials and big business.

"How many of you out there have heard of alternative engines… engines that can run on anything from alcohol to garbage or water? Or carburetors that can get hundreds of miles to the gallon? Or electric or magnetic engines that can practically run forever?"

You don't know about them, because if they were to come into use…they'd put the oil companies out of business.

The concept of the internal combustion engine has been obsolete for over 50 years. But because of the oil cartels and corrupt government regulation…we and the rest of the world have been forced to use gasoline for over 100 years.

Big business is primarily responsible for destroying…the water we drink, the air we breathe and the food we eat. They have no care for the world they destroy…only for the money they make in the process.

How many oil spills can we endure? Millions and millions of gallons of oil…are destroying the ocean and the many forms of life it supports. Among these is plankton, which supplies 60 to 90% of the earth's oxygen. It supports the entire marine ecosystem…which forms the basis of our planet's food supply.

But the plankton is dying. I thought, "Well, let's go to some remote state or country…"anywhere on earth."

But in doing a little research, I realized…that these people broker toxic waste all over the world. They basically control the legislation and, in fact, they control the law. The law says no company can be fined over $25,000 a day.

If a company's making $10 million a day…by dumping lethal toxic waste into the ocean…it's only good business to continue doing this. They influence the media so that they can control our minds. They've made it a crime to speak out for ourselves. If we do so, we're called conspiracy nuts and we're laughed at.

We're angry because we're all being chemically and genetically damaged…and we don't even realize it.

Unfortunately, this will affect our children. We go to work each day and right under our noses…we see our car and the car in front of us spewing noxious, poisonous gases…that are all accumulative poisons.These poisons kill us slowly, even when we see no effect.

How many of us would've believed if we were told 20 years ago…that on a certain day we wouldn't be able to see 50 feet in front of us… that we wouldn't be able to take a deep breath…because the air would be a mass of poisonous gas.

That we couldn't drink out of our faucets…that we'd have to buy water out of bottles. Our most common and God-given rights have been taken away from us.

Unfortunately…the reality of our lives is so grim that nobody wants to hear it. I've been asked what we can do. I think we need a responsible body of people that can actually represent us…rather than big business.

This body of people must not allow…the introduction of anything into our environment that is not biodegradable…or able to be chemically neutralized

Finally, as long as there's profit to be made from the polluting of our earth…companies and individuals will continue to do what they want.

We have to force these companies to operate safely and responsibly…with all our best interests in mind, so that when they don't…

We can take back our resources and our hearts and our minds, and do what's right!!!

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14ea9a  No.14852493


>let them put masks on kids

does not give their kids life threatening side effects

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77399e  No.14852494

File: 5852753d4c479c1⋯.png (356.82 KB, 598x584, 299:292, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22b98d60f1beb13⋯.png (429.16 KB, 591x412, 591:412, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f090c49a8295346⋯.png (284.06 KB, 597x483, 199:161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bacea97395f4249⋯.png (397.4 KB, 600x671, 600:671, ClipboardImage.png)

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1974e3  No.14852495

File: d8639d73767b2dc⋯.jpg (213.63 KB, 1182x1042, 591:521, d8639d73767b2dc22b6e08430f….jpg)

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c75599  No.14852496


Sad thing is with the price of lumber these days that’s probably at least $50 worth of wood

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a5279b  No.14852497


I think they fucked with the kids for a reason. They want to see the parent's resolve. They want to label the parents "domestic terrorists". They want to see how many parents will actually pull their kids out of the public system and home school them. They are measuring the strength and resolve of the people. What they do not expect, is for the productive members of society to go full-blown showdown over it. They cannot control the public. There are simply too many of us and not enough of them. If they set it off, we win.

Jan 6 was a test. Nothing really happened but they made a big deal out of it.

What happens when 50% of the population (those of us who will not vaxx) says fuck it, we are NOT complying with anything you say.

What? Are the cops going to come get us? Nope, the cops are us. This whole thing descends into a very tepid scenario very quickly.

However, we have to be concerned about our adversaries who may be looking to usurp us as our government descends into uncertainty.

If this is not the precipice, I dont know what is.

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14ea9a  No.14852498


peaks above $200 on Mon

closes @ $130

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c50af9  No.14852499

File: 1aa271785d69e05⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Bill_Gates_admits_on_CNBC_….mp4)

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ce5806  No.14852500


>while statues are in storage, lots of pressure to melt them down.

I read that *white* statues are in storage

this is nothing less than the destruction of our heritage by our own institutions andmost all of them are tools of satan

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13c1c2  No.14852501

File: 28e7ddb48cfa0eb⋯.png (560.22 KB, 500x702, 250:351, ClipboardImage.png)




The south china sea and Taiwan is another trading route and hotspot which at the moment has massive navel forces gathering with China and Russian fleets approaching the British and USA navel military exercises



BREAKING 🚨 Reports of military coup in #Sudan with arrests are being made of a number of ministers in the government of Prime Minister Hamdok !!

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c50af9  No.14852502

File: 1284a8aae9f28ed⋯.png (108.69 KB, 532x825, 532:825, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f45cd  No.14852503

File: e3f76e72c0da108⋯.jpg (812.04 KB, 698x1000, 349:500, ccReefer_3.jpg)

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fbc900  No.14852504


Noice. Nik'd.

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245637  No.14852505


30% of 330,000,000 equals 99,000,000. how big does the number have to be to qualify as "many" in YOUR mind? that's just the US.

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2c5256  No.14852506




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c75599  No.14852507


>peaks above $200 on Mon

>closes @ $130

That seems reasonable however I’m inclined to believe one of the globalist trillionaires may have bought a bunch just to walk it down because they hate MAGA and a billion is just a drop in the bucket for them.

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14ea9a  No.14852508


fren there is not 330,000,000 parents in the USA

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ca5f62  No.14852509

File: bffbb7ce5172dad⋯.png (459.35 KB, 469x555, 469:555, Screen_Shot_2021_02_04_at_….png)

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5cde4b  No.14852510


Psychological issues can be life threatening.

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999118  No.14852511

File: cc1fae39d610aa0⋯.jpg (282.79 KB, 868x779, 868:779, Screenshot_20211024_165201….jpg)

Bidens diocese sex crime charges


>>14852477 dubs


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ce5806  No.14852512


KYS jidf


Mathis says everyone's a jew though

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76e977  No.14852513



The operative word isSHOULDas in SHOULD QUESTION.

Jesus, you people are STUPID.

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dd48f1  No.14852514


Q14 addresses this.

last line

Hoo is hell ping pot us?

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4703e3  No.14852515

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a58cad  No.14852516


Oh fucking really?

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1974e3  No.14852517


there are many more of us than of them

think the one old impotent man behind the curtain

that's all there is

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fe1d96  No.14852518

File: e73e46aeebda275⋯.gif (199.3 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 20211024_224950.gif)












<get fucked

The choice is ours.

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d8106d  No.14852519

its always about capturing the next generation. That's why they are pursuing the children younger and younger in schools.

(When they aren't murdering them in the womb)

Did you know they give out birth control pills in third world and poor areas that cause spontaneous abortions at the child's youngest age.

Which is the complaint about the vaxx.

like the pill, it prevents the egg from attaching to the womb.

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d04830  No.14852520

File: 0e39ef37668c227⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB, 320x568, 40:71, weedHollandContactHigh.mp4)


Drop that here, anon will keep it safe

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cec75c  No.14852521

File: 83e5c4d07dda0bc⋯.png (697.53 KB, 564x434, 282:217, ClipboardImage.png)

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551d30  No.14852522

More One Zero 7…for those inclined.

Jim Caviezel and Juan O Savin


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e43f0e  No.14852523


Owns https://www.lidomarinavillage.com/directory

That is the place with the dr Seuss pictures

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a58cad  No.14852524


They are anti-human murdering fucks and can't be allowed to share the planet with us. It's 100 years past due.

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14ea9a  No.14852525


> believe one of the globalist trillionaires

I am not familiar with Wall Street rules

but I believe stops are put in place to prevent such one man actions

Now if they had say a group of 1000 spending that billion, it may offset millions of investors but like I said I am not very familiar with the system in place.

I do understand speed of orders being filled is key.

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a5279b  No.14852526


Wow…..here is what is interesting about that. I have worked since 2012 to be a "we" and "our" person rather than an "I." and "my" person.

I guess all that money and training worked. Thank you Dr. W_

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13c1c2  No.14852527

File: 96c90de68a25d35⋯.png (642.04 KB, 492x632, 123:158, ClipboardImage.png)


notable - unidentified military force?

>Sudan's Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok was put under house arrest after an unidentified military force besieged his house early on Monday, Al Hadath TV reported on Monday citing unidentified sources.

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551d30  No.14852528

File: 8ba6dad68f5786f⋯.jpg (44.71 KB, 600x420, 10:7, InsaneCat.jpg)


Good Solid American Fun and Ingenuity…

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cec75c  No.14852529

File: 82fcb33278a2788⋯.png (134.11 KB, 500x786, 250:393, ClipboardImage.png)

juss sayin

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aef340  No.14852530

File: 029e4e6a6ccbf33⋯.jpg (313.84 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 029e4e6a6ccbf33a3aa67260f0….jpg)



Lost my way back here


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c50af9  No.14852531

File: 113df72282b70e3⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1280x512, 5:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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aef340  No.14852532





>>14851334 Q drops with Puppy

>>14851347 Axios on HBO: Matt and Mercedes Schlapp on the 2020 presidential election (1:20)

>>14851382, >>14851408, >>14851445, >>14851446 Careful what you wish for, Bald headed baffoon Mark Elias wish list

>>14851396 This is not about the rich, this is about taxing people whose homes went up a lot in value, Yellen proposes a tax

>>14851430 Actress Suffers Stroke Caused by Blood Clot Side-Effect After Taking AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine

>>14851466, >>14851489 #ArrestFauci still #1 trending in the United States…

>>14851497 Vanguard and Black Rock are stake holders in all industry, media, academia, and politics.

>>14851504 Conference speaker Juan O' Savin is the living JFK Jr?

>>14851543 WTF….all the dark roads lead back to DARPA EcoHealth Throws NIH Under The Bus Over Wuhan Gain-Of-Function Report; Researcher Claims 'Massive Cover-Up'

>>14851725 Black Lives Matter stage vaccine mandate protest at NYC's Barclays Center to demand unvaccinated Kyrie Irving be able to play NBA games

>>14851735 Fauci refuses to budge when confronted about damning NIH letter seemingly admitting risky research funding

>>14851997 FAKE NEWS ADL Warns: Avoid Culturally Insensitive, Gender-conforming Halloween Costumes


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14ea9a  No.14852533


then chalk them up as co abuser

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77399e  No.14852534

File: d39ab9436ceffb2⋯.png (13.99 KB, 598x140, 299:70, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4eda65dec0fbaa⋯.png (393.63 KB, 595x629, 35:37, ClipboardImage.png)


Scott Morgan


Replying to


This is happening hours after US Envoy Feltman left Khartoum ….Wonder what he will tell the President


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245637  No.14852535



>fren there is not 330,000,000 parents in the USA

quibbling about numbers is a diversion tactic. which side are you on? anon in 7th decade has LARGE extended family and i hear from all of them about their friends and neighbors. there are HORDES of brainwashed normies mutilating their children because of MSM induced paranoia.

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3b9355  No.14852536

File: 2c57a69fba7901c⋯.png (740.87 KB, 1351x1503, 1351:1503, abramovic_state_dept.png)

File: 7e6d30a40f8d072⋯.mp4 (5.4 MB, 720x1268, 180:317, farash_empty_shelf.mp4)

File: ffeb2ade55e0e84⋯.gif (168.85 KB, 350x350, 1:1, mask_actors.gif)

File: 6b1cc938e890944⋯.mp4 (22.37 KB, 202x200, 101:100, laughing_group.mp4)

File: b18ad651231870b⋯.png (888.66 KB, 1334x608, 667:304, Screen_Shot_2021_10_24_at_….png)

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ca5f62  No.14852537

File: 945efa08706c5bc⋯.jpeg (82.44 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 72943d3a6a41edfc59bb1c5c7….jpeg)

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14ea9a  No.14852538


>quibbling about numbers is a diversion tactic

nope it is pointing out facts

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a58cad  No.14852539


The parents that let it happen. you mean? Absofucklutely.

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80f432  No.14852540


>dumping lethal toxic waste into the ocean

I remember watching that ending, and the short clip of them in protective suits dumping barrels into the ocean. Probably never even got fined.

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aef340  No.14852541

File: 074c6fc6ca28dfc⋯.jpeg (225.29 KB, 805x1196, 35:52, 074c6fc6ca28dfc64b1cf70a1….jpeg)

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1974e3  No.14852542


I was in agreement

not sure why you reeeee so

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d8106d  No.14852543

Doesn't sound like celine dion at all. Fact.

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245637  No.14852544


>most all of them are tools of satan

all of them are just tools, period.

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14ea9a  No.14852545



Perhaps they simply do not realize that their trust is being abused

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fe1d96  No.14852546

File: 928677ed652fe7b⋯.gif (409.42 KB, 440x640, 11:16, 20200911_113615.gif)



keep beliebing

the fact it is a matter of nearly three centuries of

tradition being betrayed mean nothing to


he could have stopped all of this

he did not

at least lincoln did what he thought was right

you are both too stupid to live

stay in your herd

you are not safe otherwise

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81c0a9  No.14852547



>Owns https://www.lidomarinavillage.com/directory

>That is the place with the dr Seuss pictures





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d904f6  No.14852548


Can we just get back to this time in America??

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acb2a9  No.14852549


brandon lid is aware of habbenings and is watching press keeping up to date

no intelligence was aware of habbenings busy getting woke arresting parents in living in America (

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c50af9  No.14852551

File: 34acf0f29a4765d⋯.png (1.08 MB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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76e977  No.14852552


Perhaps they simply TOO STUPID AND UNCARING to realize that their trust is being abused.


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1ba113  No.14852553

File: e36c295904eb341⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1467x438, 489:146, Screenshot_2021_10_24_at_2….png)

File: df6f6a93db4537f⋯.jpg (26.14 KB, 480x472, 60:59, 2b61a4cddcfd0a0c0440db0768….jpg)

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aef340  No.14852554

File: 00ada9fd96a5f5a⋯.png (743.56 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 00ada9fd96a5f5a5042fa0b711….png)

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1974e3  No.14852555


you spelt tribe wrong

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999118  No.14852556

File: 8f48bb11a44cb8b⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 4963x3413, 4963:3413, 8f48bb11a44cb8bf310fd3654e….jpg)


That's a very sad story anon.

But that is very rare, he had to have had an underlying brain condition, not caused by the herb.My mum has TSI's mini brain strokes & it helps her immensely.

I had a friend dye years ago from a brain aneurysm. Totally out of the bue, she was at one of her kids baseball games.

So, it can happen anytime anywhere to anyone.

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acb2a9  No.14852557


you wanna see a flip, faggot?

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6a6d93  No.14852558

File: 1798b04ca660574⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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76e977  No.14852559


Cool story, bro.

What about the MILLIONS of people that smoke pot without problem? What about them, MORON?

How fucking stupid can you be?

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a58cad  No.14852561


It's real child abuse as an answer to a fake pandemic. Fuck you if you are too stupid to not see this.

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13c1c2  No.14852562

File: 6e7a079e8119cfe⋯.png (173.76 KB, 606x340, 303:170, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a308c0664251ac5⋯.png (517.78 KB, 606x482, 303:241, ClipboardImage.png)








The brain trust of the world !!!

Fucking awesome anons, i am never failed to be impressed by the minds here !!


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d8106d  No.14852563


Know guy who develop schizophrenia day after first try.

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c75599  No.14852564

File: 19dba27c314b6f9⋯.jpeg (291.25 KB, 750x951, 250:317, D345C36A_3942_41A1_AB5F_0….jpeg)

File: a3cae6f13c9b955⋯.jpeg (238.73 KB, 750x1164, 125:194, EB796AD9_3B03_4EB0_9317_1….jpeg)




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c41034  No.14852565


so let's see, that would be 77 years ago and with this knowledge …………………………. how old is 45 again? JFK?

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e43f0e  No.14852566


Lido Marina Village


Owned By DJM Company


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245637  No.14852567

File: 44afcafa80455ef⋯.jpg (25.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, NPC_header_1.jpg)


> 27 years ago!!!!! How much has changed???


nothing has changed. the sheeple are STILL willfully ignorant. don't know. don't care. don't WANT to know. vax 'em all.

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5c424c  No.14852568

File: 87f51bca3e66e45⋯.png (1.59 MB, 2048x1349, 2048:1349, Screenshot_20211024_215727.png)

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0b2171  No.14852569

Sending LOVE to (You)!

Peace be with you.

May God bless you all.

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3b9355  No.14852570

File: c73841788b572c2⋯.png (233.05 KB, 843x392, 843:392, Screen_Shot_2021_10_24_at_….png)

File: 7c5739b6181efd1⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1000x561, 1000:561, Screen_Shot_2021_10_24_at_….png)

File: 3a6419203197005⋯.png (294.94 KB, 1083x274, 1083:274, Screen_Shot_2021_10_24_at_….png)

File: 0b7909c6bf86c5e⋯.mp4 (591.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, deadPoolTheater.mp4)




potus (Latin)

Origin & history

Perfect passive participle of pōtō ("I drink").


Pronunciation example: Audio (Classical)


pōtus (genitive pōtūs) (masc.)

drink, draught

drinking (action)

Nom. potus potus

Gen. potus potuum

Dat. potui potibus

Acc. potum potus

Voc. potus potus

Abl. potu potibus

potatus (Latin)

Origin & history

Perfect passive participle of pōtō.


pōtātus (masc.) (fem. pōtāta, neut. pōtātum)

Alternative form of pōtus

Entries with "potatus"

potatos: potatos (English) Noun potatos Misspelling of potatoes potatos (Latin) Participle pōtātōs Inflection of pōtātus (accusative masculine plural)

potati: potati (Ido) Noun potati Plural of potato Synonyms terpomi potati (Italian) Verb potati (masc.) Plural of potato Anagrams optati, patito, piatto potati (Latin)…

potata: potata (Italian) Verb potata Feminine of potato Anagrams optata potata (Latin) Participle pōtāta Inflection of pōtātus (nominative feminine singular)…

potatum: potatum (Latin) Participle pōtātum Inflection of pōtātus (nominative neuter singular) Inflection of pōtātus (accusative masculine singular) Inflection of pōtātus…

potatae: potatae (Latin) Participle pōtātae Inflection of pōtātus (nominative feminine plural) Inflection of pōtātus (genitive feminine singular) Inflection of pōtātus…

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fe1d96  No.14852571

File: f937c8707c48621⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 701x525, 701:525, 20190322_213723.gif)


tell the dead that need not have died they are watching a movie.

tell the children that are still being raped to death and eaten wwg1wga

the full might of THE UNITED STATES MILITARY could have been brought to bear years ago to stop cabal, literally, dead.

but no.

datestamps are fun.

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0ade75  No.14852572


Looks to me this is a replay of Michael Jackson "This is It" tour.

Sell out all venues in advance. Off the talent, claim insurance. Pocket the loot.

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a58cad  No.14852573


Yes, we are all dealing with this conundrum. Fuck off.

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c75599  No.14852574


That impression wasn’t half bad

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14ea9a  No.14852575


Sounds like you are trying to justify someone choosing to do evil upon those that do not

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d8106d  No.14852576


And also with (you)

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fe1d96  No.14852577


alot of $ to learn to glow.