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11fb93  No.14869399[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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11fb93  No.14869402


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- General Flynn: https://parler.com/profile/GenFlynn/

- Sidney Powell: https://defendingtherepublic.org/

- Lin Wood: https://fightback.law/

- Mike Lindell: https://frankspeech.com/ | https://LindellTV.com/

- Wendy Rogers: https://t.me/wendyrogersaz/

- Liz Harris: https://twitter.com/lizharrismba

- George Papadopoulos https://twitter.com/GeorgePapa19

- Liz Harrington https://twitter.com/realLizUSA

- Steve Bannon: https://warroom.org/listen-live/ | https://americasvoice.news/

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- George News: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHuJRxaJssaumjcv9aLZ21Q

- :Russell-Jay: Gould. LastFlagStanding.com

- Jack Posobiec https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/

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Standard Information Warfare Procedures


Gather Everyone In the AM and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got in the PM! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from https://botsentinel.com and use them to help get your #HASH out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Try to Post Meme/Cap/Vid/Article (Not just plain text)

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts and ask question instead of making statement.

[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots (New account, no followers, lots of RT's)

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information Warfare https://controlc.com/06508634 [ARCHIVE OFFLINE]


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Civilian ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/lYWIE

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Psyop Link Dump https://ghostbin.com/paste/xZsDo

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BackGround Check Person/Site: https://ghostbin.com/SAq0o

'God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.' -SwordAnon

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11fb93  No.14869404



>>14868640, >>14868642, >>14868644, >>14868646 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14868650 GEORGENEWS - US issues its first passport with X gender for non-binary, intersex and gender non-conforming persons

>>14868655, >>14868724, >>14868749, >>14868771 CALL TO DIG - Investigators Raid Three Locations Of Parlor Pizza Restaurant

>>14868658 400+ Americans still stranded in Afghanistan, Pentagon confirms

>>14868671 ICYMI: “Did Jake Sullivan commit perjury? Emails reveal ‘lie’ on Trump”

>>14868682 Aussie Cartoonist Fired After Comparing Australia's COVID-19 Mandates to the Tiananmen Square massacre

>>14868683 Gladys Berejiklian’s barrister flags going the nuclear option and start naming all NSW politicians who have had undeclared “intimate personal relationships”

>>14868722 Graves discovered under Sydney's Central Station

>>14868728 [DS Assets] Are Used to Manufacture [Dirt] Used to [Frame] Patriots.

>>14868730 PF reports from PB #18807 / Tail number N72HP. / Shows up as State trooper on DuckDuck

>>14868731 AG Garland refuses to retract controversial school board memo during Senate hearing

>>14868744, >>14868823 HS students gave lap dances to staff — including principal — for school's 'Man Pageant.' Now an investigation is underway.

>>14868758, >>14868860, >>14869126, >>14869127, >>14869120, >>14869137, >>14869153, >>14869155, >>14869164, >>14869169, >>14869186, >>14869198, >>14869204 EO 13848 BUN

>>14868768 Ted Cruz Grills Merrick Garland Over Alleged Conflict Of Interest Regarding His Son-In-Law’s Education Company

>>14868779 Defendants Charged in Connection with Multi-State Forced Labor Conspiracy Involving the Forced Labor of Minor Victims

>>14868817 United States Naval Intelligence Software Engineer Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Distribute and to Possess with Intent to Distribute Controlled Substances

>>14868818, >>14868824 Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ] - AZ Senate President Karen Fann confirmed that AG Brnovich has opened up a formal criminal investigation.

>>14868851, >>14868867 Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

>>14868885 PEDO BUN 27 October 21,BOOK EM DANNO!

>>14868888, >>14869149 QUADS OF TRUTH - Trump Won + infinity………

>>14868959 Thousands of Australians with unpaid fines for breaking Covid rules have their homes seized..

>>14869015, >>14869040 Former NKY teacher charged with rape, sodomy of student gets probation

>>14869050 Julian #Assange’s request to attend the High Court hearing in person was in fact rejected.

>>14869063 Nuclear arms race ‘stupid,’ Beijing will make sure it can destroy US just ‘ONCE’ – Chinese media boss

>>14869086 Maine police officers, prosecutor accused of covering up MASSIVE drug operation

>>14869139, >>14869150 Bill Gates and 166 Projects Documented in the Federal RePORTER

>>14869199 President Trump Writes into Wall Street Journal on Stolen Election — Points Out the Obvious

>>14869234 India’s top court orders probe into use of spyware by Israel’s NSO

>>14869236 Michael Salla - Secret Underground War Reaches It's Final Countdown

>>14869292 Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen confirms U.S. troops on the island, says the threat from Beijing is growing "every day"

>>14869391 #18808

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11fb93  No.14869407


>>14867907 Biden FBI Joins Pelosi In Blocking GOP From Investigating January 6

>>14867972 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot

>>14867990 Enes Kanter has again addressed Nike Owner Phil Knight asking him to stop using Chinese slave labor to make Nike’s products.

>>14867999, >>14868004, >>14868031 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14868010, >>14868021 Trump tightens grip on social media company after SPAC deal success

>>14868032 PETA on Fauci’s NIH – Cruel Animal Experiments ‘Have No Place in the Modern World’

>>14868049 CIA Director William Burns being questioned right now on c-span

>>14868160 Warrant Issued for Former Clinton Global Initiative Co-Chair Steve Bachar on Charges of Securities Fraud and Felony Theft

>>14868177, >>14868212, >>14868228 Republican Party Senators Retiring from public office, 2022

>>14868226, >>14868228, >>14868271 Project Veritas Part II: Sr. Advisor Reveals NJ Governor Murphy Secretly Funneled $40 Million In Taxpayer Funds To Illegals and Plans to Give Millions More

>>14868284 Fauci and his wife to receive award from Catholic charity for ‘significant contributions’ to the church

>>14868294 US National Archives - The next meeting of the Chief Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officers Council is Wednesday November 17, at 10 am EST.

>>14868346 U.S. Air Force - "Innovation depends on both creativity and support to turn concepts into reality. It requires courage and rewards tenacity—but most importantly—it takes #Airmen."

>>14868394 Report: John Durham to call former FBI general counsel in Hillary Clinton lawyer case

>>14868446 US National Archives - One hundred years ago this week, a flag-draped coffin carrying the unidentified remains of an American soldier began the journey home from France.

>>14868477, >>14868488 JUST IN: Grassley Confronts Garland About 'Polarizing' School Board Memo

>>14868482 NatlSecurityArchive Retweeted - We got the FBI's guide to obtaining cellular data and geolocation info, and shared it w/ @josephfcox/@motherboard.

>>14868494, >>14868545 Ohio Department of Health circling a sub division West of Sidney Ohio. WTF? Tail number N72HP. / Shows up as State trooper on DuckDuck

>>14868537 35% of voters in new poll say 2020 election should be OVERTURNED

>>14868548, >>14868556 Rust shooting: officials say single bullet likely caused injury and death after Alec Baldwin fired gun on set

>>14868618 #18807

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11fb93  No.14869408


>>14867117 Dr. Deborah Birx Blames 30 to 40 Percent of Pandemic Deaths on Trump’s Negligence

>>14867127 Federal judge in Florida says Trump Twitter case must be heard in California

>>14867149 NGOs And United Nations Helping Caravan At Border To Get Into America

>>14867167 Cotton Confronts Garland Over 'Outrageous Directive Siccing The Feds' On Parents 'Across America'

>>14867168, >>14867276, >>14867673 Hollywood Camera Operator Arrested for Allegedly Threatening to Kill Rep. Matt Gaetz

>>14867215, >>14867216 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki

>>14867225 Mexico-based US Embassy staffer who drugged, sexually assaulted and filmed attacks on at least 24 women was CIA spook, FBI admits

>>14867251 The Truth About The Privately Owned Federal Reserve Bank

>>14867286 Soros Attorney Selected by Biden Administration to Review US Drug Enforcement Agency’s Foreign Operations Strategy

>>14867294 Illinois Senate Votes to Repeal Law That Requires Parents Be Notified Before a Minor Has an Abortion

>>14867302, >>14867489 FYI Executive Order 13848 is still in FULL effect

>>14867305 US "Assures" London Court That Assange Can Serve All Prison Time In Australia

>>14867333 Trump says Brazil ‘lucky’ to have Bolsonaro after its Senate votes to charge him with ‘crimes against humanity’ for Covid toll

>>14867342 Serial Rapist CIA Agent Arrested After Naked Woman Seen Screaming for Help from Balcony

>>14867370 Bogus FDA Advisory Committee On Child Vaccines Featured Pfizer Group Chair

>>14867397 Joe Biden Says United States ‘On the Right Track’ Despite Record Inflation, High Gas Prices, and Shortages

>>14867404 Pompeo: Xi Jinping Knows Joe Biden Not Defending America’s Interests

>>14867414 Journalist Reads Filthy Porn Book from School’s Library at FL School Board Meeting

>>14867425 Report: Build Back Better Act to Have $500 Billion in Climate Carveouts

>>14867450 Rules for Thee, Not MPs: Parliament Mandates Masks for All – Except Politicians

>>14867453 NJ Gov Phil Murphy OMITTING info on giving Taxpayer Funds to Illegal Immigrants until after Election

>>14867490 Taliban Gives Huge Reward to Families of Suicide Bombers Who Killed U.S. Soldiers

>>14867508 Israeli physicians, scientists advise FDA of ‘severe concerns’ regarding reliability and legality of official Israeli COVID vaccine data

>>14867524 Biden Officials Say US Military Not Leaving Syria Any Time Soon

>>14867572 Hacker group leaks data, photos from Defense Ministry, Benny Gantz

>>14867592 Top News Organizations Run Huawei-Sponsored Puff Pieces

>>14867610 House Intelligence Committee calls for the ARREST and PROSECUTION of Dr. Anthony Fauci

>>14867620 US Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

>>14867624 Canadian Politician demands urgent investigation into rise of sudden deaths among Teens following Covid-19 Vaccination

>>14867635 THEORY of who is TECH EXEC 1 in Sussmann's Indictment

>>14867650, >>14867715, >>14867736 A hacker group called Moses Staff claimed this week that it has successfully conducted a cyberattack on the @Israel_MOD, releasing files and photos it claims it obtained from the ministry's servers.

>>14867665 Unearthed Wuhan Lab Docs Show ‘Bat Lady’ Shi Zhengli Isolating Coronavirus Strains For ‘Direct Human Infection.’

>>14867675 Premier Daniel Andrews pushes for extra pandemic powers. / Dan's new Bill allows Police to JAIL mask breachers

>>14867695 Warrant Issued for Former Clinton Global Initiative Co-Chair Steve Bachar on Charges of Securities Fraud and Felony Theft

>>14867716 Former ICE Director Says Biden Should Be Impeached Over "Intentionally Unsecured" Border

>>14867790 Secret Epstein settlement agreement to remain under wraps in Prince Andrew suit

>>14867856 #18806

Previously Collected

>>14865528 #18803, >>14866300 #18804, >>14867087 #18805

>>14863227 #18800, >>14863949 #18801, >>14864719 #18802

>>14860929 #18797, >>14861710 #18798, >>14862461 #18799

>>14858577 #18794, >>14859338 #18795, >>14860162 #18796

>>14856106 #18791, >>14857074 #18792. >>14857778 #18793

>>14853380 #18788, >>14854767 #18789, >>14856315 #18790

>>14851299 #18785, >>14852532 #18786, >>14854213 #18787

>>14848997 #18782, >>14849758 #18783, >>14850524 #18784

>>14847112 #18779, >>14847476 #18780, >>14848901 #18781

>>14844315 #18776, >>14845360 #18777, >>14845872 #18778

>>14842040 #18773, >>14842798 #18774, >>14843565 #18775

>>14839615 #18770, >>14841534 #18771, >>14841662 #18772

>>14836179 #18767, >>14836976 #18768, >>14838572 #18769

>>14834461 #18764, >>14835361 #18765, >>14836204 #18766

>>14832852 #18761, >>14834430 #18762, >>14834430 #18763

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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11fb93  No.14869411

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

* Whats Tweeting https://onemilliontweetmap.com

* Check Hash Trends https://www.hashtags.org/

* Download Any Videos https://distillvideo.com/

Other Tools

* Complete Kun List of Tools and Services: https://controlc.com/ddb49661

* The Brain Project: https://bra.in/5jQ7RE

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* Compress Video https://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp4

* Remove Image Background https://www.remove.bg/

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* Download Webpage as PDF https://webtopdf.com/

* Military Ship Tracker https://www.shiplocation.com/military/tracker

* Baker Tools v0.7.5: https://controlc.com/a0409084

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

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International Q Research Threads

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>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>14739794 ————————————–——– Germany #89

>>14586201 ————————————–——– Nederland #7

>>14740217 ————————————–——– Japan #3

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.gq | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

=!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

1. Watch >>14692975 VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS

2. Open Current Dough Link

3. Create Thread (Subject, Welcome Content, Image), Open thread and Paste Remaining Contents

4. Check Format against Current Dough

5. Request Baker for Review

Approximate baking time averages around 2-3 minutes reposting 4-5 posts.

*Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

*Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

*Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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11fb93  No.14869416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Everyone accounted for? Let's win this!!

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567403  No.14869439

File: bc1109060386a33⋯.jpg (12.37 KB, 196x255, 196:255, 815c6a6fd596411ce813557fdd….jpg)


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2260ea  No.14869442

File: 142260fbb4be502⋯.png (88.2 KB, 1273x575, 1273:575, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f19033e20727827⋯.png (248.56 KB, 795x633, 265:211, ClipboardImage.png)


Meet LIBERAL District Attorney in Alec Baldwin murder, Mary Carmack-Altwies

Mary Carmack-Altwies has spent her professional career working to address issues of safety and justice. As a lawyer with expertise in criminal law, Mary has seen both sides of the courtroom, working in the trenches as a public defender in the Santa Fe District Attorney’s office, running her own practice, and as a Deputy District Attorney in the First Judicial District.

A graduate of University of New Mexico School of Law, Mary lives in Santa Fe with her wife Jo, a retired law enforcement officer, and their two energetic young children. Community is important to Mary. She has served as President of her local PTA, has taught at UNM Law School, volunteered with Big Brothers Big Sisters, and served as a legal advocate for survivors of sexual assault.


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07e433  No.14869445

File: d9850f7662288e4⋯.jpeg (304.8 KB, 915x641, 915:641, C4063B01_0678_451E_B673_0….jpeg)

>>14869338 (PB)

No no no really..

How many Mr Pigs are in this meme?

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c1522c  No.14869450

File: 4e71bee458e97b5⋯.png (353.51 KB, 858x441, 286:147, chekd.png)


TY Chef Baker

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2260ea  No.14869453

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151863  No.14869454

File: 2cd855c06287a9f⋯.png (44.79 KB, 349x607, 349:607, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85ec8c5f174d5ea⋯.mp4 (280.98 KB, 500x506, 250:253, comfy_pepe_prepper.mp4)



happy 4th birthday to Q

in before everyone gmt time 28th oct here.

hee hee

taking cover gif !!

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efc152  No.14869455

File: f0217f4534bcd80⋯.jpeg (183.96 KB, 750x934, 375:467, 1647C7EE_52E8_40AC_BDCB_4….jpeg)


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3ebf70  No.14869456


Pig’s a chicom. I’d love to smash his face flat but that’s impossible. I suppose concave will do.

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fe987d  No.14869457

File: 052ab99c4050b2f⋯.jpg (42.38 KB, 634x406, 317:203, 052ab99c4050b2f3d4d6e02164….jpg)


TYVM, Baker!

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1a3a82  No.14869458

File: 083dcd8459dad51⋯.jpg (219.39 KB, 828x830, 414:415, 083dcd8459dad514132ee32bb8….jpg)

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11fb93  No.14869459

File: 0cb67f7a240ae48⋯.jpg (202.82 KB, 870x1224, 145:204, 0cb67f7a240ae4859d199e99ca….jpg)

Never forget the importance of BACKCHANNELS.

Expand the Overton Window one day at a time, post by post.

Some come and some stay, but the frequency opens what can be said.

If it cannot be said, it cannot be done; So let us expand on what can be said so that what must be done can be so!!!

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440387  No.14869460

File: de8b7aa5f3baea3⋯.png (42.08 KB, 750x369, 250:123, je_suis_aussie.png)

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efc152  No.14869461

File: 99c78512e93448c⋯.jpeg (115.12 KB, 750x742, 375:371, 0C93F983_2246_43E9_ABEB_E….jpeg)



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893771  No.14869462


Can we send the obelisk topple-rs over to the Georgia Guidestones?

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440387  No.14869463

File: 55611b0d9644cd7⋯.png (181.26 KB, 555x428, 555:428, muhjooshills_filter.png)

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347dbc  No.14869464

no serious individual takes this place seriously

it's just a place to fuck with kikes and boomers

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440387  No.14869465

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676906  No.14869466

Past notables without the anime


>>14868640, >>14868642, >>14868644, >>14868646 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14868650 GEORGENEWS - US issues its first passport with X gender for non-binary, intersex and gender non-conforming persons

>>14868655, >>14868724, >>14868749, >>14868771 CALL TO DIG - Investigators Raid Three Locations Of Parlor Pizza Restaurant

>>14868658 400+ Americans still stranded in Afghanistan, Pentagon confirms

>>14868671 ICYMI: “Did Jake Sullivan commit perjury? Emails reveal ‘lie’ on Trump”

>>14868682 Aussie Cartoonist Fired After Comparing Australia's COVID-19 Mandates to the Tiananmen Square massacre

>>14868683 Gladys Berejiklian’s barrister flags going the nuclear option and start naming all NSW politicians who have had undeclared “intimate personal relationships”

>>14868722 Graves discovered under Sydney's Central Station

>>14868728 [DS Assets] Are Used to Manufacture [Dirt] Used to [Frame] Patriots.

>>14868730 PF reports from PB #18807 / Tail number N72HP. / Shows up as State trooper on DuckDuck

>>14868731 AG Garland refuses to retract controversial school board memo during Senate hearing

>>14868744, >>14868823 HS students gave lap dances to staff — including principal — for school's 'Man Pageant.' Now an investigation is underway.

>>14868758, >>14868860, >>14869126, >>14869127, >>14869120, >>14869137, >>14869153, >>14869155, >>14869164, >>14869169, >>14869186, >>14869198, >>14869204 EO 13848 BUN

>>14868768 Ted Cruz Grills Merrick Garland Over Alleged Conflict Of Interest Regarding His Son-In-Law’s Education Company

>>14868779 Defendants Charged in Connection with Multi-State Forced Labor Conspiracy Involving the Forced Labor of Minor Victims

>>14868817 United States Naval Intelligence Software Engineer Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Distribute and to Possess with Intent to Distribute Controlled Substances

>>14868818, >>14868824 Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ] - AZ Senate President Karen Fann confirmed that AG Brnovich has opened up a formal criminal investigation.

>>14868851, >>14868867 Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

>>14868885 PEDO BUN 27 October 21,BOOK EM DANNO!

>>14868888, >>14869149 QUADS OF TRUTH - Trump Won + infinity………

>>14868959 Thousands of Australians with unpaid fines for breaking Covid rules have their homes seized..

>>14869015, >>14869040 Former NKY teacher charged with rape, sodomy of student gets probation

>>14869050 Julian #Assange’s request to attend the High Court hearing in person was in fact rejected.

>>14869063 Nuclear arms race ‘stupid,’ Beijing will make sure it can destroy US just ‘ONCE’ – Chinese media boss

>>14869086 Maine police officers, prosecutor accused of covering up MASSIVE drug operation

>>14869139, >>14869150 Bill Gates and 166 Projects Documented in the Federal RePORTER

>>14869199 President Trump Writes into Wall Street Journal on Stolen Election — Points Out the Obvious

>>14869234 India’s top court orders probe into use of spyware by Israel’s NSO

>>14869236 Michael Salla - Secret Underground War Reaches It's Final Countdown

>>14869292 Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen confirms U.S. troops on the island, says the threat from Beijing is growing "every day"

>>14869391 #18808

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440387  No.14869467

filter the cancer early and often.

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1a3a82  No.14869468

File: 4d7e285e4bdcbed⋯.png (277.09 KB, 588x369, 196:123, 20210722_214049.png)

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827a36  No.14869469

File: 6f8e0cf35175bb4⋯.png (3.13 MB, 1382x881, 1382:881, ClipboardImage.png)



Let's get these notabruhs

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08e8aa  No.14869470

File: 0ad56a3bcdebf5c⋯.png (909.17 KB, 775x465, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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347dbc  No.14869471


like this is a jew.

this is an obvious jew.

they are a mod

they have been a mod since /cbts/

they are still here

this is a paid jew

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676906  No.14869472

Past notables without the anime


>>14867907 Biden FBI Joins Pelosi In Blocking GOP From Investigating January 6

>>14867972 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot

>>14867990 Enes Kanter has again addressed Nike Owner Phil Knight asking him to stop using Chinese slave labor to make Nike’s products.

>>14867999, >>14868004, >>14868031 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14868010, >>14868021 Trump tightens grip on social media company after SPAC deal success

>>14868032 PETA on Fauci’s NIH – Cruel Animal Experiments ‘Have No Place in the Modern World’

>>14868049 CIA Director William Burns being questioned right now on c-span

>>14868160 Warrant Issued for Former Clinton Global Initiative Co-Chair Steve Bachar on Charges of Securities Fraud and Felony Theft

>>14868177, >>14868212, >>14868228 Republican Party Senators Retiring from public office, 2022

>>14868226, >>14868228, >>14868271 Project Veritas Part II: Sr. Advisor Reveals NJ Governor Murphy Secretly Funneled $40 Million In Taxpayer Funds To Illegals and Plans to Give Millions More

>>14868284 Fauci and his wife to receive award from Catholic charity for ‘significant contributions’ to the church

>>14868294 US National Archives - The next meeting of the Chief Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officers Council is Wednesday November 17, at 10 am EST.

>>14868346 U.S. Air Force - "Innovation depends on both creativity and support to turn concepts into reality. It requires courage and rewards tenacity—but most importantly—it takes #Airmen."

>>14868394 Report: John Durham to call former FBI general counsel in Hillary Clinton lawyer case

>>14868446 US National Archives - One hundred years ago this week, a flag-draped coffin carrying the unidentified remains of an American soldier began the journey home from France.

>>14868477, >>14868488 JUST IN: Grassley Confronts Garland About 'Polarizing' School Board Memo

>>14868482 NatlSecurityArchive Retweeted - We got the FBI's guide to obtaining cellular data and geolocation info, and shared it w/ @josephfcox/@motherboard.

>>14868494, >>14868545 Ohio Department of Health circling a sub division West of Sidney Ohio. WTF? Tail number N72HP. / Shows up as State trooper on DuckDuck

>>14868537 35% of voters in new poll say 2020 election should be OVERTURNED

>>14868548, >>14868556 Rust shooting: officials say single bullet likely caused injury and death after Alec Baldwin fired gun on set

>>14868618 #18807

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440387  No.14869473



filtering you sick fucks is just prophylaxis.

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440387  No.14869474

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ffe2e8  No.14869475

File: fa1b41f73b027dd⋯.jpg (32.35 KB, 398x509, 398:509, cheers.JPG)

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3ebf70  No.14869476

Hey all 17 of us!! Yuuuge movement ya got here.

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347dbc  No.14869477


this is simply hotwheels

he is a retarded cripple

not much can be done with this one

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8863f9  No.14869478

File: e243a8ff06c5917⋯.jpg (130.58 KB, 554x564, 277:282, BAKER_2FER1.jpg)

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967bca  No.14869479

File: 7c1f64f20b55421⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, thetwo44.jpg)

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fe987d  No.14869480

File: c4b592e929dd75c⋯.jpg (280.53 KB, 1416x591, 472:197, c4b592e929dd75c8210941a056….jpg)

Kek! total shillstorm last bread, or did I get something wrong?

Just returned a few mins ago and bread was full of complaints about "Mr Pig is chinese", "muh jews" and "muh pedo anime shill"

As if anyone would even care what they post …

What did miss? Did the aliens visit finally?

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37be91  No.14869481

File: a4382057fe69728⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1044x1556, 261:389, DiCaprio_NightShift.png)

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567403  No.14869482


We are all Mr. Pig.

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3ebf70  No.14869483


Crippled and an IMP. Jesus H Christ. So sad.

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8863f9  No.14869484

File: 2784955f414f2ac⋯.jpg (108.93 KB, 535x532, 535:532, 2_BREAD_MAD.jpg)

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a41e43  No.14869485

File: aea44c6b3d5a237⋯.jpeg (71.31 KB, 419x390, 419:390, 7CB11B19_2C22_4555_AA81_5….jpeg)




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62a236  No.14869486

File: 7cd0dcc68e84591⋯.jpg (34.58 KB, 666x370, 9:5, 5sewredtgfh2ikq.jpg)

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9d27c4  No.14869487

File: 9bbbc442437dea1⋯.mp4 (6.25 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1599405830_Copy.mp4)

Board is on fire tonight!

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347dbc  No.14869488


this is a bot

if you talk to a bot without knowing it then you are a target for the individuals who run this board

this is what is called separating the chaff from the wheat

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2260ea  No.14869489

Anderson Cooper is going after Chuck Grassley.

Do you want to see some Chuck?

Do you? Want to see some chuck?

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676906  No.14869490

File: 94ff24c262e5985⋯.png (731.82 KB, 986x653, 986:653, mr_pig_chuck_winning.png)

Rise above the conflict - adapt and overcome. Anon will be reposting notables for those that don't want to see the anime. We have work to do. No distractions. Only anons can get this done.

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aefe6e  No.14869491


>>Hollow are their eyes, their looks / Peering anxiously


>>Hollow are their eyes, their looks / Peering anxiously


>>Hollow are their eyes, their looks / Peering anxiously


>>Hollow are their eyes, their looks / Peering anxiously

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9d27c4  No.14869492

File: 320f0f977159486⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB, 720x404, 180:101, 1626742108_Copy.mp4)

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07e433  No.14869493


17 Mr Pigs


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347dbc  No.14869494


this is either a stupid fucking boomer or the shill that operates the pig bot

could go either way

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1944f6  No.14869495

File: bce9cff5904179a⋯.png (204.17 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 8E06B57E_2EE7_4437_A132_16….png)


Thx baker…

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8c83d6  No.14869496

File: 2a246b27d8c16bc⋯.png (533.8 KB, 534x497, 534:497, top_notch_memeing_crew.png)

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827a36  No.14869497

File: aed246a57d66da0⋯.png (589.45 KB, 508x668, 127:167, shills.png)


I have to say your fan fiction is getting quite boring.

Perhaps you could just toss us some unintelligible word salads like normal when out of ammo?

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967bca  No.14869498

File: a4c5bb951595c10⋯.jpeg (619.19 KB, 969x1280, 969:1280, reeeee44.jpeg)

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c06dfc  No.14869499

Satanic notification - 19 fucking 56!

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efffe3  No.14869500

File: e271c50398eee8b⋯.png (91.09 KB, 644x436, 161:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 405182f3540baeb⋯.png (188.77 KB, 844x664, 211:166, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be076e577d5eee0⋯.png (149.07 KB, 339x225, 113:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58b5cf8b5d516c0⋯.png (130.9 KB, 261x193, 261:193, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c00112b8adb3045⋯.png (916.36 KB, 960x826, 480:413, ClipboardImage.png)


Our Administration put America first, but the Biden Admin is willing to sacrifice our important security objectives for climate change.


10.27.21 Mike Interview With Stuart Varney, Varney & Co.

5:58 PM · Oct 27, 2021


Men only work out, lose weight, get a tan when they are cheating on their wife. Someone needs to warn Pompeo's wife.

Mike Pompeo is a traitor to all human beings. How are your Chinese investments going?

In his confirmation he failed to disclose the links between his company in Kansas and a Chinese government owned firm.[53]


Mike Pompeo: Xi wants virtual meeting with Biden to secure good deal for CCP


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8863f9  No.14869501

File: c9e7d03473641fd⋯.jpg (86.07 KB, 470x505, 94:101, HIVE_MINDS.jpg)

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2260ea  No.14869502

File: 3b294c18a295ee2⋯.png (36.23 KB, 556x396, 139:99, ClipboardImage.png)


>Do you want to see some Chuck?

>Do you? Want to see some chuck?


Under our Constitution, the President is not a king who can exercise this sort of unbridled power unilaterally.

Arizona is taking action to protect hard-working taxpayers.

4:39 PM · Oct 27, 2021·

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75424a  No.14869503

File: a54ae36a8ad49b1⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1024x1223, 1024:1223, SideEye.png)


I reckon the shills are big mad about the 4-year anniversary of Q.

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827a36  No.14869504

File: a4c87e5e8f63ab1⋯.jpg (26.13 KB, 500x485, 100:97, UNITED_WE_WIN.jpg)

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08e8aa  No.14869505


I'm Mr Gold, if you don't mind.

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c06dfc  No.14869506

File: 330dd59130b9196⋯.mp4 (15.11 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 1956_1_.mp4)

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8863f9  No.14869507

File: 617c5fdfb2f67b1⋯.jpg (85 KB, 666x638, 333:319, IMAGE_4_AMERICA.jpg)

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efffe3  No.14869508

File: a9ad3d656bac094⋯.jpeg (33.75 KB, 419x547, 419:547, a9ad3d656bac09497066d9240….jpeg)

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d156aa  No.14869509

File: c3f5ec49f97714c⋯.jpg (15.96 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 20211027_193724.jpg)

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2260ea  No.14869510

File: 1ed30d5f262cc4c⋯.png (394.15 KB, 599x736, 599:736, ClipboardImage.png)



The president does not have the authority to issue these unconstitutional vaccine mandates.

It is incumbent on us as state officials to do everything we can to protect hardworking taxpayers & to push back against the overreach of the federal government.


How Arizona AG Mark Brnovich is trying to stop Biden vaccine mandates

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich on Friday requested a temporary restraining order as part of his ongoing lawsuit against pending federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

1:06 PM · Oct 24, 2021·

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3566d3  No.14869511


Row Butts.


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aefe6e  No.14869512

Greek underworld























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827a36  No.14869513

File: 60508d7a1456b80⋯.png (77.98 KB, 320x363, 320:363, rare_doge_pepe.png)


>Rise above the conflict - adapt and overcome. Anon will be reposting notables for those that don't want to see the anime. We have work to do. No distractions. Only anons can get this done.

Wow thanks anon, without your coping method we would surely be lost

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efc152  No.14869514

File: 0eb57d3a076e007⋯.jpeg (172.69 KB, 750x1008, 125:168, 7A297708_32A0_48C5_9E76_1….jpeg)


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2260ea  No.14869515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Do you want to see some Chuck?


'You Want More Chucks? You Got More Chucks': Arizona AG Shows Off Nunchucks Skills

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567403  No.14869516


Are you the one that doesn't tip waitresses?

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aefe6e  No.14869517













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347dbc  No.14869518

i mean you all unironically post on a board ostensibly dedicated to Q that is unapologetic ally run by the BO that Q said was comped and you literally have no problem with this because you're all the stupidest fucking people on the internet

it's so pathetic it's actually sad

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efffe3  No.14869519

File: c224443976835de⋯.jpeg (146.34 KB, 1200x796, 300:199, c224443976835de5c60aea7f8….jpeg)

Beka believe it

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676906  No.14869520


Kek - We have to get past the infighting and even though anime has self control problems, anime is a really good baker and we have to find ways to relieve pressures.

United not Divided

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07e433  No.14869521

File: 7581c394b0297f0⋯.jpeg (648.9 KB, 750x938, 375:469, 2BE722CE_32A0_4002_BB7D_E….jpeg)


>17 Mr Pigs


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5bc9d3  No.14869522

File: fb270543f4d2473⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 290.41 KB, 736x898, 368:449, tiddies.jpeg)


pic rel: appreciation tiddies

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7229ec  No.14869523

Found: Reliable 8kun IP address

So I cycled through all of the 8kun IP addresses to see if one or more of them actually work reliably instead of going dead every so often. The rate of failure ranges from 1/3 to 1/20 though no particular address seems to be more vulnerable than the others and I have no way to determine if geographical location is a factor. The end result is that your 8kun client may lock up occassionally, necessitating a reload.

The only address that is consistently working is this one:

That address is not even assigned to 8kun. It is assigned to dailystormer.su which is a Vanwanet client so that's why it works. This is very suspicious. I'm thinking that Vanwanet is deliberately sabotaging 8kun. Or it could be the DDoS protection service which, as far as I know, is still DDoS-Guard (https://ddos-guard.net).

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b9be3f  No.14869524

File: 07767843aad0196⋯.png (733.75 KB, 1246x953, 1246:953, ClipboardImage.png)

Early Birthday treat for Q on Birthday Eve

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d156aa  No.14869525

File: fa17929201296e6⋯.gif (1.81 MB, 248x248, 1:1, fa1b9d105e3abf5cae7b142837….gif)

File: 0e913542266093c⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 500x277, 500:277, Jsk.gif)

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aefe6e  No.14869526


Famous Tartarus inmates








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efc152  No.14869527

File: 02ddbac77ba6561⋯.jpeg (200.03 KB, 750x845, 150:169, 71141975_04D7_437D_8F60_9….jpeg)



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aefe6e  No.14869528












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ef6a42  No.14869529

""BREAKING: WI Judge Rules Prosecutor Is Not Allowed To Call Rioters, Looters and Arsonists In Kyle Rittenhouse Case “Victims” [GRAPHIC VIDEOS]""

On August 26, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse of Antioch, IL, who traveled to Kenosha to volunteer to help the community that was ravaged by the domestic terror group, found himself in a life-threatening situation during yet another night of violent BLM rioting in Kenosha, WI, that allegedly lead to him shooting 3 and killing two…


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08e8aa  No.14869530

File: eefa590004cc949⋯.png (786.21 KB, 960x500, 48:25, ClipboardImage.png)



No, that's Pink

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aefe6e  No.14869531

(Ancient Greek: Κωκυτός, literally "lamentation") is the river of wailing in the underworld

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827a36  No.14869532

File: 4af8978d9735fec⋯.jpg (12.29 KB, 250x334, 125:167, us.jpg)

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07e433  No.14869533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>this is a bot

>if you talk to a bot without knowing it then you are a target for the individuals who run this board

>this is what is called separating the chaff from the wheat

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efffe3  No.14869534

File: bc559d7bd2ec605⋯.png (819.2 KB, 449x972, 449:972, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f25b07948814b71⋯.png (67.9 KB, 435x940, 87:188, ClipboardImage.png)

EWillHelpYou, [27.10.21 09:29]

[In reply to EWillHelpYou]



This is the fifth part of the Day one thread in which the prosecution will make their argument.


Julian looks exhausted and is having trouble staying awake it seems.


Prosecution is arguing that by not disclosing Stella's relationship to Julian, they actively misled the court (one might assume the US governments non-admittance of attempting to murder all of them might also be considered misleading and directly related to this event. Defense will have to decide that. )


Prosecution fails to note that the original judge took into consideration the situation around Stella and Julian, and understood the implications of Kopelmans actions and knew about their relationship *before* weighing any medical evidence. So even with the omission, it would not have impacted her decision.

Julian has moved out of camera view (again, he looks very ill, not sure what is going on there)

Prosecution attempts to wave away expert testimony from Dr Crosby, as a "friend of Assange". And says they wont bother the court with it.

*Dr. Crosby found Assange suffered from major depression with psychotic characterstics due to his long term imprisonment, and found him to be at extreme risk of self harm and suicide.


Prosecution continues to tought their own doctor, Dr. Blackwood who has received millions from US and UK militaries and special interests, as an unbiased opinion who just so happens to agree with them completely that Assange's condition is just fine for extraditing. That all the other multiple experts can be ignored based on that fact.


Prosecution claims Julian did not report any psychotic symptoms to any of their medical experts or Belmarsh prison psychiatrist.

Prosecution then proceeds to echo the doctors they funded whose testimony says Julian's depression was not that bad etc.


Prosecution is treading a lot of ground already covered here. Really their entire argument has nothing to do with legal technicalities, but seems to be an attempt to convince different judges of an already failed and disproven argument.

Prosecution just argued that Julian liking the library, and oranges, meant he wasnt suicidal.

They legitimately argued this, in a court of law.

Nothing new out of the prosecution on this appeal.

They are attacking Kopelman's testimony; which was their original failed move. Only it looks much worse this time around kn light of the public exposure of the CIAs plot to kidnap/kill Julian and staff/family.


Prosecution is now complaining about Nils Milzer, the UN special Rapporteur on torture, who interviewed Assange and found significant signs of psychological torture. Claiming because Dr. Kopelmam agreed, that somehow this means they had a "bias"?

(The US Government's argument is… not so good here)


Prosecution seems to dislike the fact that testimony from US Attorney for the EDVA Gordon Kromberg was not taken seriously by Nilz and Kopelman (Kromberg basically wrote fiction, so this is understandable).


Prosecution is now attacking the fact that only one doctor diagnosed Assange with autism (though two others diagnosed him with "autistic traits") so…. the US government is again, just treading old ground here.

Their goal here to undercut the idea that his autism causes ruminations; and with his depression, dwells around suicide, and single mindedly might drive him to commit suicide if extradited.


Chief Justice agrees with prosecution on technicality that district court judge may have committed an error in negotiating kopelman statement opinion.


The final moments of the prosecution end with them wrongly concluding that evidence and testimony deserved to be weighted differently (by which they mean in their favor instead).

Defense will have 30 minutes now, and the whole day tomorrow


Defense argues that prosecution completely misrepresented both evidence and district Judge's ruling.

Defense points out Dr Blackwood said 'suicidal ideation is not a medical issue.'

Character limit,

Continues below.

EWillHelpYou, [27.10.21 09:49]

[ Album ]

The CIA has been in the UK all day, right outside the courthouse where the Assange trial is taking place.


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347dbc  No.14869535

i just really hope some of you stupid fucks begin to realize how easily you were played

and i hope you use that resultant rage to good purpose

because the kikes that run this shit are laughing at you 24/7

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fe987d  No.14869536

File: 901bfbd7a86904e⋯.jpg (570.13 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 901bfbd7a86904e6f6bf1250e0….jpg)


Thanks fren, my bad. Apologies!

of course …. funny that even this aged anon didn't think about it or put much importance to it.

Guess the least thing I can do now is thank the shills for the reminder.


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aefe6e  No.14869537

File: aed48ea216216f2⋯.png (46.99 KB, 450x315, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)

The Wood of the Self-Murderers: The Harpies and the Suicides is a pencil, ink and watercolour on paper artwork by the English poet, painter and printmaker William Blake (1757–1827). It was completed between 1824 and 1827 and illustrates a passage from the Inferno of the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri (1265–1321).[1] The work is part of a series which was to be the last set of watercolours Blake worked on before his death in August 1827. It is held in the Tate Gallery, London.


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347dbc  No.14869538

just join their discord

see for yourself

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8863f9  No.14869539

File: e6713586c45d5c5⋯.jpg (79.7 KB, 500x322, 250:161, NO_DOUBTS.jpg)

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c020b3  No.14869540

File: 1052825338233c3⋯.jpg (134.15 KB, 1072x883, 1072:883, 1052825338233c3c0ac360ce2d….jpg)

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827a36  No.14869541

File: 19d73304f0e0668⋯.png (435.91 KB, 555x406, 555:406, comfefe.PNG)


The trap has been set

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2e6bc9  No.14869542

File: dcd9d4d1f827b83⋯.png (242.22 KB, 485x383, 485:383, ClipboardImage.png)

what date was the first Q post?

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676906  No.14869543


The revolution won't be televised but the internet will have play by play.


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4e335e  No.14869544

File: 961fa4df2666ac5⋯.png (136.45 KB, 423x476, 423:476, 961fa4df2666ac5e61d59d49d2….png)

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07e433  No.14869545

File: cc1098159667b21⋯.jpeg (354.07 KB, 603x887, 603:887, C60F5D71_E621_43BB_8C92_3….jpeg)


>this is either a stupid fucking boomer

No fucking way Mr Pig can be a boomer

Not with those meme skills

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8863f9  No.14869546

File: 14a7464aeea06b7⋯.jpg (84.26 KB, 701x676, 701:676, TRUST_GOD_COIN.jpg)



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827a36  No.14869547

File: 8f3b4b94fe359c1⋯.jpg (52.65 KB, 600x369, 200:123, Qanon_internet.jpg)


>what date was the first Q post?


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b9f874  No.14869548

File: b5ceb44781bdae4⋯.png (307.61 KB, 792x360, 11:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Mr Pig did 45 in 1 bread

a new Pig record

i seentit

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54fc29  No.14869549


> really hope

> i hope

I hope you realize how gay it is to come somewhere that like minded people gather and be the only nigger crying about how we're wrong and you're trying to save us from ourselves.

You dumb motherfucker. Listen to yourself, you sound stupid.

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194193  No.14869550

File: bffd8e9735e5e86⋯.png (39.11 KB, 620x533, 620:533, ClipboardImage.png)



JW promotes this site.

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aefe6e  No.14869551

File: 5dcdcc3d6c80a64⋯.png (23.56 KB, 225x277, 225:277, ClipboardImage.png)


Blake was commissioned in 1824 by his friend, the painter John Linnell (1792–1882), to create a series of illustrations based on Dante's poem. Blake was then in his late sixties, yet by legend drafted 100 watercolours on the subject "during a fortnight's illness in bed".[2] Few of them were actually coloured, and only seven gilded.[3] He sets this work in a scene from one of the circles of Hell depicted in the Inferno (Circle VII, Ring II, Canto XIII), in which Dante and the Roman poet Virgil (70–19 BCE) travel through a forest haunted by harpies—mythological winged and malign fat-bellied death-spirits who bear features of human heads and female breasts.

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ffe2e8  No.14869552

File: bea4fc5c0937427⋯.jpg (82.17 KB, 692x495, 692:495, Q_1_2.JPG)

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2260ea  No.14869553

File: 4e8a0886b614f33⋯.png (270.02 KB, 609x665, 87:95, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a4bacca09272e9⋯.png (108.88 KB, 1177x397, 1177:397, ClipboardImage.png)



ICYMI: Yesterday a federal judge set a hearing date of November 10 for arguments in BRNOVICH V. BIDEN - our first-in-the-nation challenge to Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates.


Arizona attorney general asks for restraining order to block federal

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R) filed an amended lawsuit against the Biden administration Friday, seeking a temporary restraining order and nationwide preliminary injunction to block the

4:39 PM · Oct 27, 2021


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aefe6e  No.14869554

File: 164af08104b20cd⋯.png (32.26 KB, 330x233, 330:233, ClipboardImage.png)

The harpies in Dante's version feed from the leaves of oak trees which entomb suicides. At the time Canto XIII (or The Wood of Suicides) was written, suicide was considered by the Catholic Church as at least equivalent to murder, and a contravention of the Commandment "Thou shalt not kill", and many theologians believed it to be an even deeper sin than murder, as it constituted a rejection of God's gift of life. Dante alludes to this by placing suicides in the seventh circle of Hell, where the violent are punished, alongside murderers, tyrants, blasphemers, sodomites and usurers.[4]

Dante describes a tortured forest infested with harpies, where the act of suicide is punished by encasing the offender in a tree, thus denying eternal life and damning the soul to an eternity as a member of the restless living dead, and prey to the harpies. Furthermore, the soul can only speak and grieve when its tree is broken or damaged as punishment for choosing suicide to express grief. Lastly, in another act of symbolic retribution, when each of the blessed and damned returns with his or her body from the Last Judgment, those damned for suicide will not re-inhibit their bodies but instead hang them on their branches, both because they denied them in their final act of life and as a reminder of what they denied themselves.[5] Blake's painting shows Dante and Virgil walking through a haunted forest at a moment when Dante has torn a twig from a bleeding tree, and then dropped it in shock on hearing the disembodied words, "Wherefore tear'st me thus? Is there no touch of mercy in thybewbs?".[1]

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3566d3  No.14869555

File: 9573fffdf4d5c2c⋯.png (150.01 KB, 398x260, 199:130, ClipboardImage.png)


>…strong message of concern

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967bca  No.14869556

File: 7f008febe32bfb8⋯.jpg (13.21 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 3344.jpg)

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2260ea  No.14869557

File: 29fb7dea6717223⋯.png (60.94 KB, 1136x334, 568:167, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94f3e38d99bba64⋯.png (227.17 KB, 832x705, 832:705, ClipboardImage.png)


Feds accuse Kansas 'cult' of running unpaid child labor network

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fb7560  No.14869558

File: cb727d3d564ef9d⋯.png (440.35 KB, 680x510, 4:3, Mac_s_Rally.png)

Terry McAuliffe is drawing more people to his rally than Joe Biden did in 2020…

so Dems feel very confident they can steal the election in Virginia next week.

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b26ed9  No.14869559

File: 104dd0b094b6006⋯.png (354.18 KB, 780x620, 39:31, 104dd0b094b600645f6494c603….png)

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096977  No.14869560

File: 8a1d61d4e0da76f⋯.png (237.19 KB, 400x400, 1:1, FrenKeyB.png)


No apologies necessary.

Time flies

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3566d3  No.14869561


And just like that…Q was born.

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2a8601  No.14869562

File: 08fcd5481dc37de⋯.jpg (92.12 KB, 960x613, 960:613, FCtEwoDXMAoVkDC.jpg)

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e7ce2a  No.14869563

File: 3e10b85d0bbf9c0⋯.png (249.92 KB, 485x383, 485:383, ClipboardImage.png)

Racine, Wisconsin County Sheriff’s Office to Announce PROOF OF STATE-WIDE ELECTION LAW VIOLATIONS – Thursday at 11 AM

The Racine Sheriff’s Office will hold a hearing on Thursday at 11 AM at the Sheriff’s substation.

Sheriff Christopher Schmaling will unveil the results of an extensive investigation with implications throughout Racine County and Wisconsin.

At the conclusion of the presentation, Sheriff Schmaling and the lead investigator will be available to answer questions and provide documentation.

The Racine Sheriff’s Office made the announcement Wednesday on their Facebook page.


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b9f874  No.14869564

File: 2262e3b037ba34b⋯.png (955.73 KB, 1200x659, 1200:659, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2262e3b037ba34b⋯.png (955.73 KB, 1200x659, 1200:659, ClipboardImage.png)

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ffe2e8  No.14869565

File: 0bee1fe5eff0d04⋯.jpg (154.61 KB, 764x747, 764:747, WinningP.JPG)

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42c809  No.14869566

File: d6eb7f896f5414c⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1122x2940, 187:490, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14863022 PB notable

>Three Ohio judges “die unexpectedly” in nine-day span after vaxx mandate

This got notabled but so did another anon's concerns over the source (Hal Turner).

I independently checked the info, and it all checks out. The deaths were shortly before the vax mandate was set to go into effect, but after it was announced.

Refs in graphic.

Vax mandate → county employees dropping like flies

Judges are hard deaths to hide. Other deaths are surely happening.

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827a36  No.14869567

File: e46abb493d0192b⋯.jpg (146 KB, 1114x1080, 557:540, IMG_5858.JPG)

>>14869558 Terry McAuliffe is drawing more people to his rally than Joe Biden did in 2020

notable nom

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54d1a7  No.14869568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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347dbc  No.14869569



they're just mocking you at this point

as would i

if i were jewish and paid to psyop boomers that the nsa and jfk jr was going to save them

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11fb93  No.14869570



>>14869442 Meet LIBERAL District Attorney in Alec Baldwin murder, Mary Carmack-Altwies

>>14869510 The president does not have the authority to issue these unconstitutional vaccine mandates.


>>14869553 Yesterday a federal judge set a hearing date of November 10 for arguments in BRNOVICH V. BIDEN

>>14869557 Feds accuse Kansas 'cult' of running unpaid child labor network

>>14869563 Racine, Wisconsin County Sheriff’s Office to Announce PROOF OF STATE-WIDE ELECTION LAW VIOLATIONS


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08e8aa  No.14869571

File: 50bfd86a534bbe2⋯.png (579.31 KB, 650x400, 13:8, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks, Piggsy

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912c2b  No.14869572


so at least one anon clicked that shit…

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9b926a  No.14869573

File: e59f095aec6fe52⋯.pdf (1.05 MB, Fall_of_the_Spirits_of_Dar….pdf)

The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness


Humanity has made great play of its intellectual progress and scientific achievements in the last few centuries and has been particularly insistent on this at the turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth century. Yet, strangely enough, the unconscious and instinctive life was never more to the fore than it is at this time. Up to the present time this instinctive and unconscious element has increasingly taken hold of the human race. Failure to see the spiritual reality and take account of the element of the spirit is ultimately the cause of this terrible world war. Nor can it be said that through these years — years which have turned into centuries for anyone who is awake in them, as I have said — humanity has learned an adequate lesson from the terrible events around us. Sadly, it has to be said that the opposite is the case.

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893771  No.14869574


Hes making Sotomayer and Kagan look like legitimate legal scholars

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2260ea  No.14869575


>Racine, Wisconsin County Sheriff’s Office to Announce PROOF OF STATE-WIDE ELECTION LAW VIOLATIONS – Thursday at 11 AM

eyes on

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4e335e  No.14869576

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6066c2  No.14869577

File: 5f59717014b8e64⋯.png (316.79 KB, 767x435, 767:435, ftfngjw19.PNG)

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40855e  No.14869578

File: efe39c311f0a450⋯.jpg (202.32 KB, 1435x1533, 205:219, _20211027_190507.JPG)

Wonder why this video does not start at Trump 2020?

The earliest date anon can find is 2019-06-21 which is far before the 2020 election cycle.

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827a36  No.14869579

File: 27c760a40bca61d⋯.png (67.27 KB, 696x562, 348:281, npcwmfojigwnrpingwshe.png)


>they're just mocking you at this point

>as would i

>if i were jewish and paid to psyop boomers that the nsa and jfk jr was going to save them

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347dbc  No.14869580

but you're too fucking stupid to understand that

so they continue to mock you

you see how this works?

do you see how the internet works, you dumb fucking boomer?

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676906  No.14869581

Anime Notables without the anime


>>14869442 Meet LIBERAL District Attorney in Alec Baldwin murder, Mary Carmack-Altwies

>>14869510 The president does not have the authority to issue these unconstitutional vaccine mandates.


>>14869553 Yesterday a federal judge set a hearing date of November 10 for arguments in BRNOVICH V. BIDEN

>>14869557 Feds accuse Kansas 'cult' of running unpaid child labor network

>>14869563 Racine, Wisconsin County Sheriff’s Office to Announce PROOF OF STATE-WIDE ELECTION LAW VIOLATIONS

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b9f874  No.14869582

File: c116575a57b3cad⋯.png (199.99 KB, 447x356, 447:356, ClipboardImage.png)


eat moar swine legion

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fbbd66  No.14869583

File: 9f6118d57336943⋯.jpeg (221.58 KB, 1035x1291, 1035:1291, 83A9A500_0FFA_45FB_A6E4_6….jpeg)

File: 6a600362b3063a9⋯.jpeg (381.64 KB, 992x1317, 992:1317, 6498D70E_CAD9_4277_A319_4….jpeg)

File: 03d136cf2a3789a⋯.jpeg (224.18 KB, 1110x980, 111:98, 3531ED4A_BA69_4EBF_A3AA_D….jpeg)

>>14869416 < TY Baker

Aerospace Patriots Standing Up Against Medical Mandates

Mandates Won’t Fly is an organization started in Melbourne, FL by aerospace workers and spouses of aerospace workers in direct response to the unconstitutional mandates that our current administration is trying to force on federal workers and federal government contractors.

We stand with employees in the Aerospace industry to help organize and unite as a cohesive front to protest these mandates, no matter what company or location.

Beyond protest organization and planning, we are seeking legal counsel for a lawsuit.

Next Event in Utah next to Hill Air Force Base

Aerospace Against Mandates


Support Medical Freedom

If not now, when? If not you, who?

Bring your friends, families, signs, and American Flags. Stand up and fight against medical mandates. Please keep this about choice and protest peacefully. Do not protest on company time.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

6:30 to 8:30 am

Northrup Grumman - Ogden UT

Open to the Public. All employees are encouraged to unite and stand together.

Previous Events

-October 27, 2021: Kennedy Space Center

-October 25, 2021: Cape Canaveral Space Force Base, FL

-October 18, 2021: Baltimore, MD

-October 18, 2021: Palm Bay, FL

-October 14, 2021: Palmdale, CA

-October 11, 2021: Melbourne, FL

Also From Site:

Email: mandateswontfly@gmail.com

Join our Telegram group “Mandates Won’t Fly – Protest and News” for ALL AEROSPACE companies to stay informed and connected regarding protests and efforts to preserve your medical freedom. https://t.me/joinchat/mbXnjDE2MM80MDMx

If we spread this out further, it might help encourage the co-located Federal civilian and Military folks to stand united.

Any force multiplier is needed at this point!

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e7ce2a  No.14869584

File: 13ea91dada3132b⋯.png (280.01 KB, 1430x714, 715:357, ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Facing Massive $2.7 Billion Cost Overruns at Its Facilities

The space race between private companies continues with actor William Shatner flying to the edge of space on Blue Origin’s New Shepard 4 vehicle and SpaceX recently sending a civilian crew to space. While the competition between Blue Origin and SpaceX heats up, NASA is taking a back seat as it faces billions of dollars in project overruns.

While the National Aeronautics and Space Administration manages $40 billion in facility assets, more than 75 percent of it is beyond its design life and NASA faces a deferred maintenance backlog of $2.7 billion as of 2020, according to a recent report on cost overruns from NASA Office of Inspector General.

The IG reviewed 20 construction projects and found that six had “significant cost overruns” and 16 took or will take longer to complete than initially planned.

It looked at six projects at Glenn Research Center, Kennedy Space Center and Langley Research Center “that were significantly over budget as of June 2021.”

Cost increases ranged from $2.2 million for upgrades at Glenn to $36.6 million for repairs and modifications at Kennedy, the report found.

The increased costs for two of the projects were attributed to changing requirements, while contract prices for four others were either higher than originally estimated or resulted from disagreements between NASA and the contractor, the IG report found.

NASA didn’t provide effective oversight to determine whether the projects met cost, schedule and performance goals, the report found.

A second NASA IG report estimated that delays from the Covid-19 pandemic cost nearly $3 billion.

Pandemic delays aside, NASA’s cost overruns can’t be accepted as the norm when private industry is passing up our taxpayer-funded space program almost daily.



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3566d3  No.14869585





I am getting prepared to be hopelessly disappointed…again.

But here's to hoping!

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893771  No.14869586


He'll do anything to avoid going after election fraud.

Fix the election and the vax mandate doesn't exist. Duh.

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827a36  No.14869587

File: f30030699c042cd⋯.jpg (449.51 KB, 1165x1227, 1165:1227, who_could_it_be.jpg)



What'cha doin there rabbi?

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33800c  No.14869588

comfy is as comfy does.. tyb

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fb7560  No.14869589


2020 only 1 person per white circle

2021 many people in brown square

i dunno… it could all be sarcasm and mockery

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eab954  No.14869590


dat's nice.

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347dbc  No.14869591


go the fuck outside

stop reading this shit

you are being played by people who hate you

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8863f9  No.14869592

File: 65581ae20134d8f⋯.jpg (75.04 KB, 385x531, 385:531, 45.jpg)

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4e335e  No.14869593

File: 67fb373b721e505⋯.png (92.7 KB, 356x288, 89:72, 41d35e4210fc5492273e559c58….png)

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e7ce2a  No.14869594


Hillary won't be arrested tomorrow

The first date I'd consider would be Podesta on 11/3

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676906  No.14869595


God Bless You anon for being honest. May the Lord inspire you today. Amen

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9b926a  No.14869596

File: 4493775a6875a86⋯.jpg (169.28 KB, 830x900, 83:90, 4493775a6875a86c5baf235e32….jpg)

File: 4a9f65fe6272e72⋯.png (693.6 KB, 1131x875, 1131:875, ClipboardImage.png)

Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.

In the 1950s the US Post office employed hundreds of agents to police the mails. Pornography was seized regularly.

Freedom of speech arguments prevailed in our courts and allowed the cult/mob to take us from no-sexual- material-goes-through -the-US mail in the 1950s to Deep Throat opens in regular theaters and drive-ins in 1972.

Masturbation was declared by 'experts' to be harmless and pornography was said to be wholesome and natural sexual expression of delight in the beauty of the opposite sex and to offer a safe outlet to perverts who might otherwise rape children. Porn was marketed and promoted professionally.

US porn was a NY based Gambino family business, run by Robert DiBernadino partnered with the Cleveland porno distributor and dildo manufacturer Reuben Sturman. The two men controlled almost all the print and film/video porno produced and distributed in the US and worldwide – with exception of honeypots like Playboy magazine which was C_A cult controlled from Langley. The idea that the 50s were staid and uptight is myth. This was a planned psychological attack, it created a hyper sexualized culture where media is perfused with overt and subliminal imagery and people count orgasms and leave the driving to the pros.


Pop culture is an entirely artificial medium. It was and is engineered to control purchasing habits, regulate our mental capacity and guide our choices for the future by controlling the range of possibilities we are aware of.

Information Operations use our powerful innate drives or instincts against us.

Our reproductive drive is among our most powerful. When we are sexually aroused we do not think clearly and are more vulnerable to hypnotic induction techniques which alter our belief systems, slowly, over time, in ways we are not consciously aware of.

Pornography, promoted as naturally healthy, harmless and a safe outlet, is not. It is part of the comprehensive social subversion and social control operation intended to weaken and distract our attention from the looting of the US treasury, the infiltration of financial, judicial, legislative, and regulatory systems.

The pedovore cult controls all media content and distribution infrastructure, including porno.

Our civilization rests on the integrity of an information distribution system architecture controlled by entirely corrupt individuals uniformly devoted to the enslavement and/or destruction of human beings.

Porn is good for you












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eab954  No.14869597


ah, the keks keep coming

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fb7560  No.14869598

File: e26818a15174647⋯.png (420.43 KB, 456x759, 152:253, FL_Cargo.png)

Desantis saves Christmas in Florida

Container ships divert to FL ports

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827a36  No.14869599

File: 4d8e73efd6be37b⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, unvaxxed.mp4)


>Hillary won't be arrested tomorrow

Why would we arrest here again?

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347dbc  No.14869600


i mean look at this response

honestly read it and look at the "meme"

is this an anon from the dark web?

how fucking stupid are you people

you are being played

you are being herded

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01fb4b  No.14869601

File: 64f1507736fc256⋯.png (576.69 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 435.png)

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fbbd66  No.14869602



^^^ Self nom but still Notable

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893771  No.14869603


I don't think the cabals candidates lose another election until the military performs it Constitutional role.

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279a74  No.14869604


kek I'm there

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096977  No.14869605

File: db970fd03e3e96f⋯.png (505.45 KB, 1266x589, 1266:589, IAF292.png)

Israel Air Force C30J is up

flew to USA 2 days ago



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11fb93  No.14869606

File: 4c5cda644e70ce5⋯.jpg (11.78 KB, 238x211, 238:211, 4c5cda644e70ce58aa305730b5….jpg)


I added it, just waiting a bit to repost notes.


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efc152  No.14869607

File: 2a796602dc04bc6⋯.jpeg (72.55 KB, 750x435, 50:29, 66942E33_CA7E_4164_8023_0….jpeg)


Article from a month ago


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9b926a  No.14869608

File: 83521a9306811e1⋯.png (221.84 KB, 1600x1220, 80:61, ClipboardImage.png)

Be more careful as to what you say upon forbidden topics. The “eighth sphere” mystery is a very confidential subject, and you are far from understanding even its general aspects. You were repeatedly warned and should not have mentioned it. You have unintentionally brought ridicule upon a solemn matter.


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827a36  No.14869609

File: ee1a2d299add546⋯.jpg (26.69 KB, 540x363, 180:121, IMG_6034.JPG)


Imagine watching another man fuck a woman and thinking it's good for you, kek!

All my homies hate porn

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fe987d  No.14869610

File: 72c4e53d05bffdc⋯.jpg (543.17 KB, 1600x1166, 800:583, 72c4e53d05bffdc85872618c52….jpg)


>time flies

Like the breads oftentimes

4 yrs, 18809+ breads, almost 15 million posts

I'll use this occasion: Thanks Bakers, Anons, Q(+), Ron & Jim!

Almost feels like I could be proud of us!


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9b926a  No.14869611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

No information obtained over anonymous insecure networks, built to intelligence agency specs, as the internet was, can be trusted.

The internet was designed to be irremediably insecure by intel agencies to facilitate illicit commerce and permit universal surveillance and psychospiritual control.

We've exposed gross lies propagated by legacy media, but less evident, more serious, damage is done silently, by subliminal embeds, subsonics and influence technologies which manipulate memory and perception by hypnotic induction and implanted suggestions – processes which mostly happen below the viewers’ threshold of conscious awareness.

Anyone can inject toxic self-replicating material into media content streams over anonymous insecure networks. Network user’s cognitive autonomy and physical security depend on the integrity of the network which serves to connect them as it does the integrity of the content producer.

Our internet is not only insecure by design, it is irremediably insecure by design. It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.

Civilization rests on identity and advanced computational civilization rests on identity-over-networks. We need to know to a high degree of assurance who originated our email, who runs what appears to be a merchant or bank website and who owns, transmits, and produces our news and “entertainment” media content to know whether to trust that website or media content.

A high percentage of the data we receive is not only network delivered but network sourced, and a news story will contain generations of layered error and inherited assumptions. When unrecognized errors accumulate in our circulating information supply, (news and entertainment content) our ability to make good decisions is gradually degraded. We make social and economic decisions based on what we assume to be facts - and the unrecognized errors in that data produce errors of ever-increasing magnitude. This not a hypothesis, it’s an axiom, and is cited by John von Neumann in “Computation and the Brain” JvN’s never completed final work.

We know technologies exist which permit precise control of individual and group information environments. News feeds, display ads, forum topics and visible response; all can be individually curated to produce predictable effects on a targeted individual or group.

Civilization, community and commerce all rest on identity, and we have no assured anonymity (by design) on the spy-built internet. Nor would we give up our real anonymity (if we had it) for the sake of secure networking. We don’t have real anonymity on the internet, though people who use C_A’s TOR mix net and proton mail users think so.

There are righteous reasons for anonymity and for that reason assured elective anonymity must be integral to the information system of the future.

How do we get both – assured identity AND anonymity on the same network without compromising either?

We the People need trusted networking to reliably distribute information that is real and true and important, information every person needs to make informed decisions. We the People’s decisions can be no better that the information they are based on – and right now they are based on accumulated MSM deceptions and psychological operations whose objective is terror.

In order to be secure FOR all, the internet must be secure FROM all, including the people who build it.

That's why an open, international program is essential, and why an information distribution platform or network is a UTILITY. It can never belong to a private company or a nation state entity. It MUST belong to its user’s information is a substance as essential to us as water.


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5dafec  No.14869612

File: 45df2bee6378da0⋯.jpg (142.01 KB, 948x966, 158:161, We_re_scattering_the_fucki….jpg)

File: 84a4ece8be1ed34⋯.jpg (203.72 KB, 851x648, 851:648, 2.jpg)



Gun Fired by Alec Baldwin Identified


It is official. The revolver fired by Baldwin that killed Halanyi Hutchins and Joel is a F.lli Pietta 45 Long Colt Revolver.

It is a single action revolver. That means you have to cock it manually in order to fire it each time. There is no way to fire it accidentally. You have to cock the hammer and then put your finger on the trigger. (The gun, if loaded, can be fired if you hit the hammer with a club of some sort, but that also is a purposeful act.) If you pick it up and the hammer is de-cocked it will not fire.

Also look carefully at how it is loaded. You have to cock the hammer halfway back and open the loading gate. The cylinder stays in place. You must rotate it to insert a round into each of the chambers.

This is negligence on an enormous scale. To check the revolver to ensure there is no live ammunition you must remove the rounds and inspect each one before re-inserting. It is now quite clear that everyone who handled the revolver did not follow this basic rule of gun safety. Baldwin may have fired the round that killed the cinematographer, but he is the small chain in the large chain of custody. It looks like the Assistant Director bears the greatest legal risk. We’ll see.

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efffe3  No.14869613

File: 0c77ac69c5cecf6⋯.png (40.08 KB, 684x700, 171:175, 0c77ac69c5cecf6f7ba5620a46….png)


For a comfy bread filtered ID 9b926a


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d86955  No.14869614

File: 3eb5b577e23b0a1⋯.png (148.43 KB, 331x328, 331:328, barr.png)

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676906  No.14869615



porn is a dead end for humanity

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1aa2a8  No.14869616

File: 0396ea93a2a1a75⋯.png (2.45 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 73225C3F_3538_47CE_85D1_A7….png)

Frogs in space….


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e7ce2a  No.14869617

FNC’s Rivera: ‘Nasty’ Cruz, Hawley, Cotton ‘Make My Skin Crawl’ Disrespecting AG Garland

Fox News co-host Geraldo Rivera said Wednesday on “The Five” that Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) were “nasty” and disrespectful to Attorney General Merrick Garland during his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Rivera said, “I have to say, watching Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, they’re so nasty, so snarly. They make my skin crawl. It really is. The way they were so disrespectful. And Tom Cotton? That attack just now? That doesn’t make Tom Cotton look like a real serious senator. That looks like an ideological warrior trying to score a cheap point.”

Co-host Jesse Watters said, “You thought that was bad? Do you remember the Kavanaugh hearings, Geraldo?”

Rivera said, “I do remember. They were getting back at Merrick Garland, who had nothing to do with the Kavanaugh hearings.”

Co-host Katie Pavlich said, “It makes my skin crawl the calling for the DOJ to be politicized to go after everyday parents for daring to question their school board members that they elect.

Rivera said, “What about children watching the Senate in action? Where is Jimmy Stewart? “as low down and dirty as it gets.”

Watters said, “You have not been paying attention.”

Rivera said, “I have been plenty paying attention.”


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827a36  No.14869618

File: 03bce11c4204c13⋯.jpg (219.68 KB, 739x500, 739:500, you.jpg)


Could you say that again, but without sounding like such a glownigger?

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2e6bc9  No.14869619

File: e6fbedf4ad9c003⋯.jpg (457.23 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, nice_gold_pumps.jpg)


so, you do agree that this is not pron?

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01fb4b  No.14869620

File: c6e832e97dceddb⋯.png (278.74 KB, 581x479, 581:479, 2425.png)








OSS is this you or one of the MR faggot clan ?

LOW energy shilling

keep the keks coming

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b9f874  No.14869621

File: 90a8cd6350a6a24⋯.png (956.23 KB, 617x888, 617:888, ClipboardImage.png)


>you are being played

>you are being herded

we are being played

we are being herded

we are being played

we are being herded

we are being played

we are being herded

we are being played

we are being herded

we are being played

we are being herded

we are being played

we are being herded

5:5 hymie, your message is noted

now do a kosher flip

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5dafec  No.14869622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2260ea  No.14869623

File: fef0f9cb6456f3e⋯.png (559.91 KB, 511x602, 73:86, ClipboardImage.png)


why does she have her hands behind her?

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9b926a  No.14869624

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Child stealing networks operate worldwide. They frequently prey on indigenous populations living in remote areas of third world countries.

This witness describes what he saw in the Guatemalan Highlands.

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97cea2  No.14869625

File: 2c81ab526b0577b⋯.png (448.91 KB, 500x700, 5:7, ALEC_BALDWIN_BANG_GUN.png)

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279a74  No.14869626


Single action. Story shot to shit.

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347dbc  No.14869627

File: b7eb889c792bfeb⋯.png (277.13 KB, 835x742, 835:742, ClipboardImage.png)


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f3f2f8  No.14869628


Happy Birthday Q!

Never Forget!

Future Proves Past


I remember seeing that robot malfunction, then tossed into the back of vehicle like a package.

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827a36  No.14869629

File: 10f00c35f284f82⋯.jpg (10.33 KB, 320x320, 1:1, huehuehuehuehuehuehue.jpg)


Pornographic, but not pron, no

Wish she'd stop making that retarded face

killed my boner before it could arrive

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347dbc  No.14869630

jews hate being called out as jews especially when they are the BO and the BV

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eab954  No.14869631

File: 78a54bcfe5725cd⋯.png (238.1 KB, 502x497, 502:497, ClipboardImage.png)


Fixed it for ya

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3d78fc  No.14869632

File: c605fe337b9ade3⋯.png (403.18 KB, 761x404, 761:404, n.png)

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e7ce2a  No.14869633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Consumers’ Research Slams BlackRock’s Close Ties to the Chinese Communist Party

Consumers’ Research, an educational nonprofit dedicated to consumer information, launched a new campaign targeting “woke finance” to expose BlackRock, an American-based money management firm with close ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

The nonprofit calls attention to BlackRock’s vast hypocrisy and anti-American, pro-China tendencies as they continue their woke finance façade and attempts to tell businesses how to operate and Americans how to live. Consumers’ Research is releasing a new ad to begin their multimillion-dollar campaign, titled “Betting on China,” to turn their attention to woke finance.

“No amount of woke posturing can hide what BlackRock is really up to. The idea that an American company is taking billions of dollars and using it to bet on China’s success is extremely concerning,” Executive Director of Consumers’ Research Will Hild said in a statement. “We can’t allow this to continue. Funneling Americans’ hard earned retirement savings to China is unsafe from both a national security and financial perspective.”

“By putting BlackRock’s shady dealings out in the open for all to see, we’re sending a message that companies won’t get away with taking advantage of hard-working Americans,” Hild further said. “Any company trying to use woke politics to mask their misdeeds should see this campaign and know they could be next.”

Their ad will air nationally on cable television news and business networks, as well as have billboards throughout New York City, with a targeted digital component. The nonprofit also released a new website, which shows more information on BlackRock’s close ties with the CCP and shows the billboard art with the digital ad.

The narrator asked, “Where are they investing your money,” noting they are pouring billions into China.

“BlackRock is propping up Chinese Communist Leaders. Putting money into surveillance companies used by the Chinese military,”the narrator added. “Even left-wing billionaire George Soros knows BlackRock is harming US national security. CEO Larry Fink loves to tell Americans how to live, but he negotiated against America, sucking up to China.”

“We cannot let executives like Larry Fink try and tell Americans how to live while simultaneously cozying up to one of the world’s leading human rights abusers,” Hild noted.

Consumers’ Research has previously targeted other “woke” organizations in another campaign, such as American Airlines, Coca-Cola, Nike, Ticketmaster, and the MLB.


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8863f9  No.14869634

File: 56aedf39fe30c30⋯.jpg (121.46 KB, 492x554, 246:277, SAD_SACK.jpg)

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6066c2  No.14869635

File: 2015f5707fa6251⋯.png (188.14 KB, 495x432, 55:48, ftfngjw19a.png)

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2260ea  No.14869636

File: 1d8bb5e4c337443⋯.png (292.52 KB, 301x585, 301:585, ClipboardImage.png)


if she is so weak and dehydrated that she can't walk, then why does she only have one person on her left.

why is there not a person holding her up on her right side?

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2e6bc9  No.14869637

File: 0a69db37df4bf56⋯.jpg (472.88 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, was_going_to_make_you_cook….jpg)


so, this doesn't cross the line yet, because there is no benis, but just a vagina?

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efffe3  No.14869638

File: b913f01c2e7c4f8⋯.png (1.08 MB, 999x943, 999:943, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d160cdada36edb4⋯.png (866.44 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6e05fc50d9849c⋯.png (990.07 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41a0fd789f39d1d⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1024x670, 512:335, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Vows To Break Big Tech’S ‘Chokehold Over The Voices Of The American People’ With Truth Social

President Donald J. Trump unveiled the details of his upcoming “TRUTH Social” free speech social media platform that will be released early next year.

Trump’s highly anticipated social media platform will be a competitor to big tech platforms that have censored conservatives, such as himself, and be a place that he noted will invite “people of all political stripes, and different viewpoints, to come together and participate once again in the great American debate.”


— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) October 26, 2021

Trump Media & Technology Group unveiled the details behind the 45th president’s new social media platform.

“Last week, I announced the creation of a major new company that will challenge the dominance of the Big Tech giants and Big Media bosses. Today I want to explain more about what I am doing and why. For me, this endeavor is about much more than politics. This is about saving our country,” said Trump.

“America has always been a nation of smart, spirited, and independent people who take pride in thinking for themselves. We admire those who aren’t afraid to speak their minds, or go against the tide,” he continued. “Yet suddenly, we find ourselves being censored and dictated to by a small group of self-righteous scolds and self-appointed arbiters of what everyone else is allowed to think, say, share, and do.”

Referring to platforms that kicked him off, despite being a sitting President of the United States, Trump blasted companies like Twitter, Facebook, and Google.

“Nowhere is this censorship more dangerous and brazen than on social media, the public square of our times,” he warned. “We have seen renowned medical doctors being banned from platforms for contradicting ‘health authorities’ or questioning the political narrative of the moment. We’ve seen scientists blacklisted for sharing evidence that the pandemic began in a Chinese lab. We’ve seen vital reporting about Joe and Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings—information that voters needed and deserved to hear—ruthlessly suppressed and erased from the internet just weeks before a presidential election. And as everyone knows, we’ve seen a sitting president of the United States effectively silenced by a small oligarchy of tech titans and ‘mainstream’ media corporations.”

President Trump’s Twitter account was permanently suspended on Jan. 8, 2021 “due to the risk of further incitement of violence,” according to Twitter Inc.

“The corruption of these platforms cannot be ignored. We have fallen far down the ‘slippery slope’ of censorship in our country, and the topics that Americans are increasingly forbidden to debate are among the most important issues of our day,” the 45th president said. “This wildly aggressive censorship and ‘cancel-culture’ is not only un-American—it has direct, real-world consequences.

Explaining some of those negative consequences, President Trump listed Biden’s foreign policy debacles, skyrocketing inflation, and socialist spending bills.

“Most obvious are the many catastrophes unfolding under the current administration: the calamitous Afghanistan withdrawal, the disaster at the Southern Border, runaway inflation, and the multi-trillion-dollar socialist spending nightmare, just to name a few. In a country that had free speech and a free flow of information, none of this would ever have happened—and no one understands that better than the people doing the censoring,” he noted.

“Yet the silencing and cancellation also affects our country in more subtle, but equally destructive, ways. How many Americans no longer trust a word they hear from their leaders, media, or public health officials, because the one thing they know for certain is that they are not getting the full story? How many ordinary citizens have sadly come to resent their neighbors, feeling that they now live in two entirely different realities? And how many millions of Americans silently oppose so much of the nonsense being inflicted on us, but see the heavy hand of the cancelers, and conclude that their voice can make no difference, or that the cost of speaking up is just too high?” Trump asked, rhetorically.

He also expressed the importance of having free speech and open debate in a country like ours where we elect our local, state, and federal officials.

“The new age of censorship is a disaster for our country. Things were far better in the days when we had our debates fiercely and openly, and then we could move forward together, as Americans, with both sides knowing that their voice, and their best arguments, had been heard,” the 45th president exclaimed.

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8f0a4a  No.14869639

File: 2986e1897740029⋯.jpg (55.62 KB, 768x438, 128:73, Screenshot_2021_10_26_Opin….jpg)

File: 1ff1455d26e0a53⋯.jpg (100.9 KB, 732x919, 732:919, photo_2021_10_27_19_46_15.jpg)


New Lawsuit: Biden Task Force Schemes to Deny Religious Exemptions, Falsifies Medical Records

A lawsuit filed Oct. 24, 2021, in DC District Court by attorney Michael Yoder details the illegal steps taken by the Biden Administration to unconstitutionally deny religious exemptions to federal employees by using a Task Force and fake deadlines to circumvent the first amendment and deprive Plaintiffs of their free exercise of religion.

Shocking video footage from an Oct. 8, 2021 ‘Safer Federal Workforce Task Force’ Zoom call reveals Sam Berger—former Senior Advisor to Obama and the former VP of Democracy for John Podesta’s Center for American Progress (CAP)—outlined to nearly 200 high-level officials from various government agencies the “methodical approach” for each agency to adopt when dealing with religious exemptions.

The Unbelievable Task Force Scheme to Deny Religious Exemptions

In order to find out how many federal employees might seek an exemption, the Task Force advised the agencies to establish a deadline, with no intention of enforcing it, to induce all or nearly all federal employees seeking religious exemptions to submit them. Armed with that information, the Task Force then instructed the agencies not to issue any decisions. As explained in the lawsuit, the Task Force reasoned:

“once you grant an exemption to an individual in a job category, it is very hard to say that you’re not going to grant [an exemption] to a similarly situated person.”

The Task Force stressed out loud that, because it is important to “collect information” on federal employees who might hold sincerely held religious beliefs prohibiting them from complying with the vaccine mandate, the agencies should “take their time,” and “should not feel rushed that they have to take steps immediately.”

The Zoom call further revealed that the Task Force provided the agencies with a religious exemption questionnaire designed to collect specific information from employees seeking religious exemptions. Granting the agencies the full authority to refuse to provide religious accommodations under “whatever circumstances each agency so chooses,” the Task Force further directed the agencies to:

“work bearing in mind that a fair bit of thought went into the range of questions and the kind of information that [the questions] would provide.”

The lawsuit points out that instead of advising the agencies against taking any actions that would constitute a violation of federal law, the Task Force instead further identified its scheme to NOT provide any exemptions, emphasizing how important it is for the agencies to “figure[e] it out as quickly as possible . . . because [the agencies are] not going to run an accommodation in those places–and that’s totally fine.”

By following the directives of the Task Force, the lawsuit maintains the Defendants have either failed to implement a process for Plaintiff and federal employees to submit religious exemptions or intentionally implemented a strategy to collect information from Plaintiff’s and federal employees to which they are not entitled. Both are in violation of current EEOC Guidance, federal statutory law, and the fundamental First Amendment right to engage in the free exercise of religion.

Reinforcing the nefarious agenda of the Task Force, the lawsuit explains that EO 14043—signed on Sept. 9, 2021, to establish the “Vaccine Mandate“—insists all federal agencies implement a program “requiring COVID-19 vaccination for all of its federal employees, with exceptions only as required by law.” EO 14043 also declares that within 7 days of the EO, the Task Force must issue guidance on agency implementation of the vaccine mandate for all agencies covered by the order.

Still, on Sept. 13, 2021, when the Task Force published its Guidance titled “COVID-19 Workplace Safety: Agency Model Safety Principles,” the Guidance was entirely devoid of any information about religious exemptions. Instead, it established the Nov. 22 deadline for compliance and delegated decision-making authority to the heads of respective government agencies. By not including guidance on exemptions as clearly provided by law, the lawsuit states the Task Force violated EO 14043 “on its face” adding:

“… the egregiousness as the why the Task Force refused to give the agencies guidance is conscious shocking.”

More at link. Also "HUGE NEWS on the case we published on today, in regards to the government purposefully scheming to deny religious exemptions!! There was a teleconference today and the government must submit to the court in writing by TOMORROW that NO ONE will be terminated after 11/8 if they have submitted a religious exemption and are unvaccinated. Huge kudos to BRILLIANT constitutional attorney Mike Yoder on this masterful case. " from Beanz

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efffe3  No.14869640

File: b913f01c2e7c4f8⋯.png (1.08 MB, 999x943, 999:943, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d160cdada36edb4⋯.png (866.44 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6e05fc50d9849c⋯.png (990.07 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41a0fd789f39d1d⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1024x670, 512:335, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Vows To Break Big Tech’S ‘Chokehold Over The Voices Of The American People’ With Truth Social

President Donald J. Trump unveiled the details of his upcoming “TRUTH Social” free speech social media platform that will be released early next year.

Trump’s highly anticipated social media platform will be a competitor to big tech platforms that have censored conservatives, such as himself, and be a place that he noted will invite “people of all political stripes, and different viewpoints, to come together and participate once again in the great American debate.”


— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) October 26, 2021

Trump Media & Technology Group unveiled the details behind the 45th president’s new social media platform.

“Last week, I announced the creation of a major new company that will challenge the dominance of the Big Tech giants and Big Media bosses. Today I want to explain more about what I am doing and why. For me, this endeavor is about much more than politics. This is about saving our country,” said Trump.

“America has always been a nation of smart, spirited, and independent people who take pride in thinking for themselves. We admire those who aren’t afraid to speak their minds, or go against the tide,” he continued. “Yet suddenly, we find ourselves being censored and dictated to by a small group of self-righteous scolds and self-appointed arbiters of what everyone else is allowed to think, say, share, and do.”

Referring to platforms that kicked him off, despite being a sitting President of the United States, Trump blasted companies like Twitter, Facebook, and Google.

“Nowhere is this censorship more dangerous and brazen than on social media, the public square of our times,” he warned. “We have seen renowned medical doctors being banned from platforms for contradicting ‘health authorities’ or questioning the political narrative of the moment. We’ve seen scientists blacklisted for sharing evidence that the pandemic began in a Chinese lab. We’ve seen vital reporting about Joe and Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings—information that voters needed and deserved to hear—ruthlessly suppressed and erased from the internet just weeks before a presidential election. And as everyone knows, we’ve seen a sitting president of the United States effectively silenced by a small oligarchy of tech titans and ‘mainstream’ media corporations.”

President Trump’s Twitter account was permanently suspended on Jan. 8, 2021 “due to the risk of further incitement of violence,” according to Twitter Inc.

“The corruption of these platforms cannot be ignored. We have fallen far down the ‘slippery slope’ of censorship in our country, and the topics that Americans are increasingly forbidden to debate are among the most important issues of our day,” the 45th president said. “This wildly aggressive censorship and ‘cancel-culture’ is not only un-American—it has direct, real-world consequences.

Explaining some of those negative consequences, President Trump listed Biden’s foreign policy debacles, skyrocketing inflation, and socialist spending bills.

“Most obvious are the many catastrophes unfolding under the current administration: the calamitous Afghanistan withdrawal, the disaster at the Southern Border, runaway inflation, and the multi-trillion-dollar socialist spending nightmare, just to name a few. In a country that had free speech and a free flow of information, none of this would ever have happened—and no one understands that better than the people doing the censoring,” he noted.

“Yet the silencing and cancellation also affects our country in more subtle, but equally destructive, ways. How many Americans no longer trust a word they hear from their leaders, media, or public health officials, because the one thing they know for certain is that they are not getting the full story? How many ordinary citizens have sadly come to resent their neighbors, feeling that they now live in two entirely different realities? And how many millions of Americans silently oppose so much of the nonsense being inflicted on us, but see the heavy hand of the cancelers, and conclude that their voice can make no difference, or that the cost of speaking up is just too high?” Trump asked, rhetorically.

He also expressed the importance of having free speech and open debate in a country like ours where we elect our local, state, and federal officials.

“The new age of censorship is a disaster for our country. Things were far better in the days when we had our debates fiercely and openly, and then we could move forward together, as Americans, with both sides knowing that their voice, and their best arguments, had been heard,” the 45th president exclaimed.

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efffe3  No.14869641


White House Press Sec. Jen Psaki confirmed during a White House press conference in July that the Biden administration was flagging “problematic” Facebook posts that they believed spread misinformation.

He continued, “The more I looked into this problem, the more I realized that to restore free speech, a major new platform would have to enter the market, with an ironclad commitment to protecting vigorous debate from all sides. But since it is both hard and expensive to build a new platform totally independent of Big Tech’s infrastructure, it would have to be an extremely well-funded, multi-year undertaking. In addition, such a platform would need the ability to rapidly attract millions of users, welcoming not only Republicans to join, but Independents and Democrats as well.”

“It’s a tremendously difficult set of challenges—and I realized I might be the only person in America with the megaphone, the resources, the experience, and the desire to make it all happen. So with the same ‘can-do’ spirit that has always allowed Americans to persevere, that is exactly what I am doing,” Trump added.

Average Americans who have been targeted by Big Tech companies online have long wondered who would step up and create a viable free speech platform. President Trump confirmed that he is willing to take on the fight.

“To take on Big Tech censorship, we are creating a ‘Big Tent’ platform: Truth Social. We are inviting people of all political stripes, and all different viewpoints, to come and participate once again in the great American debate. That’s what our country is supposed to be about. Unlike with the Big Tech platforms, there will be no shadow-banning, throttling, demonetizing, or messing with algorithms for political manipulation. We will not be treating users like lab rats for social experiments, or labeling alternative views as ‘disinformation.’ We will not silence our fellow citizens simply because they might be wrong—or worse, because we think that Americans ‘can’t handle the truth.'”

Trump stated that TRUTH Social is a “Big Tent” platform that will invite “people of all political stripes, and all different viewpoints, to come and participate once again in the great American debate.”

“It will be as free, vibrant, lively, and diverse as America itself. And Truth Social is only the beginning of our plans. The Trump Media and Technology Group will also be launching an on-demand video streaming service that competes with the increasingly ‘woke’ and politicized ‘entertainment’ programming created by Big Tech and Big Media players. TMTG also sees opportunities to create ‘cancel-proof’ alternatives in other key areas ranging from web services to payment processing.”

Investors speculated last week that TMTG could become a powerful alternative to companies like Disney in addition to the social media giants.

Trump concluded, “In the end, a small number of powerful people who all think the same and wish to silence anyone who thinks differently cannot be trusted to control almost every major media, technology, and entertainment company in America. I am determined to break their chokehold over the voices of the American People—not just for myself and my own supporters, but for the United States of America!”

According to the Trump Media and Technology Group, “TRUTH Social” will be a place where Americans can go to freely express their thoughts without fear of leftist censorship. The app is currently available in the Apple App Store for pre-order. Future users can sign up for updates at www.truthsocial.com.


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01fb4b  No.14869642

File: 47255bf6a9193c8⋯.jpg (52.32 KB, 509x368, 509:368, 5363.jpg)


go and coom in half-chins, faggot

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5dafec  No.14869643




right here

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b9f874  No.14869644



wow- all that and no link

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aefe6e  No.14869645

File: b8d532998c20ce9⋯.png (29.98 KB, 340x255, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

In Dante's poem, the tree contains the soul of Pietro della Vigna (1190–1249), an Italian jurist and diplomat, and chancellor and secretary to the Emperor Frederick II (1194–1250). Pietro was a learned man who rose to become a close advisor to the emperor. However, his success was envied by other members of Frederick II's court, and charges that he was wealthier than the emperor and was an agent of the pope were brought against him. Frederick threw Pietro in prison, and had his eyes ripped out. In retaliation, Pietro killed himself by beating his head against the dungeon wall. He is one of four named suicides mentioned in Canto XIII,[6] and represents the notion of a "heroic" suicide.[7]

Describing the scene, Dante wrote:

Here the repellent harpies make their nests,

Who drove the Trojans from the Strophades

With dire announcements of the coming woe.

They have broad wings, a human neck and face,

Clawed feet and swollen, feathered bellies; they caw

Their lamentations in the eerie trees.[5]

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eab954  No.14869646

File: 5506531565033a9⋯.png (24.59 KB, 747x391, 747:391, ClipboardImage.png)



JUST IN - Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen confirms U.S. troops on the island, says the threat from Beijing is growing "every day" (CNN)

6:14 PM · Oct 27, 2021·Twitter Web App


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fb7560  No.14869647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Terry McAuliffe cringe dancing

with Let's Go Brandon

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aefe6e  No.14869648


It is Hidalgo’s interpretation of damned souls journeying across the River Acheron towards the gates of hell or Hades.[1][2] The protagonist of the painting is the boatman of classical mythology named Charon,[1][2] who is depicted as the personification of the merciless harvester of condemned souls with "eyes of coal" glaring forebodingly from the shadows at the boarding commuters. Charon is presented at the right side of the canvas as a lone figure with a shroud. He was positioned in opposition to a red-colored sky. Charon’s facade is forbidding and obscured in the shadows and his oar is glinting like the rapier of a slayer. An offset on the left side of the image is the “diagonal disturbance” composed of plummeting and helpless unclothed bodies heading into Charon’s water vessel. The “diagonal movement” on the left-side of the painting is described to be subdued shades of pink and blue in “strong tension” with the right side of the work of art. This portion of the painting is the steady “solitary form” in black color going against the shimmering red backdrop. Measuring 80.65 cm x 108.59 cm, La barca de Aqueronte is a "companion piece" to Hidalgo’s other painting, La Laguna Estigia (The River Styx).[1][2][8]

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e7e1f2  No.14869649

File: bb952198ec4cf97⋯.png (619.29 KB, 1031x619, 1031:619, pain.png)

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5bc4f4  No.14869650


like a sack of meat

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a7372d  No.14869651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


docuseries on UNOI

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08e8aa  No.14869652

File: ecbdcc734e258a3⋯.png (658.86 KB, 708x540, 59:45, ClipboardImage.png)


Why, it would take the strength of a mule to pull that trigger

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8e7de5  No.14869653


Sadly, the religious brainwashing, R vs D programming, & pro-plantation slave mentality is strong with a large portion of the crowd that posts here. So many thinking that humans will retain somehow miraculusly perfected human systems, become "free" and all corruption will just magically disappear. They don't understand that by the machine's definition, all humanity is corrupt, and therefore the end of corruption can only come about with the end of humanity.

Enjoy whatever time you have left. When you're dead, the only people who suffer are the living. We have mortal souls, because they are not immortal, meaning there is no "eternity" in either "place"…just death.

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01fb4b  No.14869654


ugly roastie, no thanks

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151863  No.14869655

File: 26bbfae4b8f8f03⋯.png (153.68 KB, 283x272, 283:272, ClipboardImage.png)




Note: Anon wonders if the local sheriff could announce the arrest of Hillary Clinton? Also there was a raid on the Clinton office a long while ago where a plane was flown away with lots of evidence from the Clintons? cannot remember which?


Because the crime was committed and planned under the sheriff's territory?

could it happen this way?

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8863f9  No.14869656

File: e8f1a401676bf36⋯.jpg (146.24 KB, 892x410, 446:205, WOOF_WOOF.jpg)

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827a36  No.14869657

File: 43462220497529e⋯.png (269.22 KB, 414x415, 414:415, KEK.png)


I mean, if you're viewing, let alone touching yourself to vidya showing another man naked

You might be a cuck. That or gay.

Anon never understood it.

Btw, nice beef flaps

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aefe6e  No.14869658

File: ada9638f0964d35⋯.png (64.97 KB, 450x421, 450:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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50d550  No.14869659


you can misfire once with unintentionality… not twice

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d57d45  No.14869660

File: 1ee8cad1a311212⋯.jpeg (7.16 KB, 260x174, 130:87, th.jpeg)


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967bca  No.14869661

File: 6641c2384a34f6d⋯.jpg (26.37 KB, 255x245, 51:49, ba3e5810947a604eee70b214a0….jpg)


almost like it was planned that way

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096977  No.14869662

File: b1e95ff7588366b⋯.jpg (72.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ghisl.jpg)

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6066c2  No.14869663

File: c200f5d759fb2d1⋯.png (365.36 KB, 530x450, 53:45, stth.PNG)

File: 08ca757b0c81d8a⋯.png (120.52 KB, 308x315, 44:45, stths.PNG)

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2260ea  No.14869664


he is desperate

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b9f874  No.14869665


it only fired once

went tru the first body, struck the second

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676906  No.14869666

San Francisco


Santa Fe

New York


Palm Beach

They are ALL enabled by



Anons, you've been snowed. It's not the Federal Government with all the power. It's the COUNTY Government. Take back your Cities and Counties and the State / Feds will fold like a sack of shit.

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8fdae3  No.14869667

File: 6d928ea5625b0ca⋯.png (578.64 KB, 1366x682, 683:341, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_10….png)

This storm has barely moved all day

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08e8aa  No.14869668

File: a550a7f3d58bca3⋯.png (983.81 KB, 1178x618, 589:309, ClipboardImage.png)

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279a74  No.14869669

File: 84b22a2b8b7aa26⋯.png (1.15 MB, 606x808, 3:4, 27450947250945724756240746….PNG)

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50d550  No.14869670

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fe987d  No.14869671


>killed my boner before it could arrive

Kek! Be honest. Everybody knows dogs get a boner even on so little as fucking leather boots, no matter who wears them.


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d86955  No.14869672


This…I've not seen.

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4e335e  No.14869673

File: d1e4950f586b1fe⋯.jpg (12.59 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 8982ac4b88175077d5f76a92dd….jpg)

This stolen meme is now archaic and irrelevant.

But I'm still keeping it and posting it from time to time.

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3d78fc  No.14869674

File: 2b68d040a0ea55c⋯.png (223.22 KB, 555x512, 555:512, KLB.png)

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01fb4b  No.14869675

File: d11dd5046c6aec3⋯.jpg (38.8 KB, 384x380, 96:95, 3535.jpg)




fixed it for ya

piggy is paid in shekels

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3c0778  No.14869676

File: 3f92750a7894f7c⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 1500x1494, 250:249, RiseUp.jpg)

The reason that theCIA Psychological Operations Groupspreads crap on the board is that they want you to be insanely angry so that you will support their clowns in making Washington DC the center of focus for the whole country. The reality is that DC is just for psyops and for counting your cash that youwillinglyhand over to them.

As you have seen in the election fraud videos, the real corruption and fraud is run in your own town and if you ever rose up to clean out your own neighborhood


Fix your county or town or school board FIRST!!! because they are helpless to stop that.

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279a74  No.14869677



whoops, had sauce for that


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aefe6e  No.14869678

File: c9bb5e07d85ad34⋯.png (15.93 KB, 400x232, 50:29, ClipboardImage.png)

La Laguna Estigia (The River Styx or The Styx), also known simply as Laguna Estigia,[1] is an 1887 Greco-Roman painting by Filipino painter Félix Resurrección Hidalgo. It is a companion-piece for Hidalgo’s other painting entitled La barca de Aqueronte. Like the La barca de Aqueronte, the La Laguna Estigia is based on Dante's Inferno, the painter pursuing the theme leading towards a “darker” and “more somber interpretation” of it.[2]

The painting was a silver medalist during the 1887 Exposicion General de las Islas Filipinas in Madrid, Spain.[3] La Laguna Estigia (The River Styx or The Styx), also known simply as Laguna Estigia,[1] is an 1887 Greco-Roman painting by Filipino painter Félix Resurrección Hidalgo. It is a companion-piece for Hidalgo’s other painting entitled La barca de Aqueronte. Like the La barca de Aqueronte, the La Laguna Estigia is based on Dante's Inferno, the painter pursuing the theme leading towards a “darker” and “more somber interpretation” of it.[2]

The painting was a silver medalist during the 1887 Exposicion General de las Islas Filipinas in Madrid, Spain.[3]

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fb7560  No.14869679

File: fd8064db5416cdf⋯.png (13.99 KB, 780x126, 130:21, Kun_Prunes.png)


She ate some prunes?

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7e9454  No.14869680

File: 44437f8b6916b2a⋯.png (530.23 KB, 757x571, 757:571, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)

Anti-vax, conspiracy theorist, collector of dead animals — RFK Jr. is the dumbest Kennedy

How does this guy still have a platform?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the left’s most prominent anti-vaxxer — wait, doesn’t the left despise all things anti-vax? — has a new book, a big feature in Town & Country online, and a starring role on op-ed pages agitating for parole for his father’s assassin.

I thought there wasn’t much lower RFK Jr. could go than accusing two unknown black teenagers in the 1975 murder of 15-year-old Martha Moxley — a crime his cousin Michael Skakel was convicted of, and a conviction he worked to successfully overturn.

Or the smear campaign he waged against his late wife, Mary, who died by suicide in their barn, telling the New York Times and other national media that Mary was crazy, it was a miracle he survived, he was the real victim here, then secretly and without permission exhuming Mary’s remains from the family plot in the dead of night, burying her on the other side of a hill, alone.

moar: https://nypost.com/2021/09/23/anti-vax-conspiracy-theorist-rfk-jr-is-the-dumbest-kennedy/

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efffe3  No.14869681


There were two parts to it, you fuckwit. Mind your own fucking business.

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3c0778  No.14869682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Amentet (Ament, Amentit, Imentet, Imentit) was the Egyptian goddess and friend of the dead, and the personification of the Land of the West, 'Amenti'. It was she who welcomed the deceased to their new dwelling place in the netherworld. She was also a goddess who helped with the rebirthing process, and thus a goddess of fertility and rebirth, who regenerated the deceased with food and water.

In her town was born a child, deformed and ugly. He was left to die in the desert sun.

Baal of the Crimson Sands, found the infant crying and recognized the potential power in the child. Baal named the infant En Sabah Nur, literally meaningThe Morning Light, and raised him as his own son

I bring you the wisdom of En Sabah Nur, the son of God…

You are all my children and you are lost because you follow blind leaders

Only the strong will survive

The time is almost upon us. My centuries of manipulating… of preparing… are reaching their resolution. With the dawning of the new day, the end times will be upon us… my ascension complete

As above so below. As without, so within. And as you die, one by one… I shall rise as the sun, at the heart of this new universe. All your power will flow into me through me through the new Ra, ultimately, the be-all and end-all to come!

Weapons… superpowers… The weak have taken the Earth. For this, I was betrayed. False gods, idols… no more. I have returned.

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aefe6e  No.14869683


foreskin lickin in the closet has new fletcher token

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444cb9  No.14869684

File: ea3f1ebfa0bcb3f⋯.png (293.46 KB, 588x338, 294:169, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)

File: 340761c0bea31a6⋯.png (187.62 KB, 597x444, 199:148, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)

File: c3d06bb3547e5d2⋯.png (579.63 KB, 765x612, 5:4, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)

File: 65cf6759788a05e⋯.png (434.32 KB, 796x448, 199:112, Screen_Shot_2021_10_27_at_….png)


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2e6bc9  No.14869685

File: a8dce860986e5af⋯.jpg (158.51 KB, 900x600, 3:2, reality_kings_14.jpg)


just trying to establish what is pron, as most say they can't describe it, but know it when they see it : we have determined that a guy fucking a girl is pron…just trying to fine-tune : in this example, well, there is no nudity and that could be lotion or salad dressing on her face

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efffe3  No.14869686

File: 277debfc6e8506c⋯.png (743.13 KB, 994x960, 497:480, ClipboardImage.png)

Nearly 150 Legislators Sign Letter To Audit The 2020 Election Results In All 50 States

Amidst a growing national call for election integrity, nearly 150 legislators from 38 states have signed an open letter calling for forensic audits of all 50 states in the Union.

The letter was spearheaded by Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers, a Republican and staunch supporter of President Trump. Rogers has been one of the biggest fighters for election integrity in Arizona, and she has wasted no time in broadening the scope of her demands for a 50-state audit.

BREAKING: 138 Legislators from 38 States Write a Letter to the American People Calling for a 50-State Audit, Decertification Where Appropriate, and Possible Convening of the US House of Representatives pic.twitter.com/ksv1OiEW9C

— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) October 15, 2021

Her latest letter comes on the heels of troubling information released during the Maricopa County election audit results hearing, which revealed more than 700,000 problematic paper ballots and 86,000 non-identifiable voter matches in Maricopa alone.

Recently, an independent analysis of Pima County, Arizona revealed that tens of thousands of ballots were potentially fraudulent there, as well. Joe Biden’s margin of victory in Arizona was just over 10,000 votes, an alarmingly small number in light of the massive number of reported fraudulent ballots. In fact, over 17,000 ballots in Maricopa County were reported to be duplicated votes at the election hearing in late September.

Rogers’ letter demands accountability and transparency from the electoral process, presenting a clear case of democratic expectations to the American people. In light of the staggering allegations of fraud, which span from Maricopa County, Ariz., to Fulton County, Ga., these 138 legislators have concluded that an “inaccurate” election was held in 2020.

They make this powerful demand in their letter:

We have come to the conclusion that all 50 states need to be forensically audited. Voter rolls should be scrubbed with a canvass of the voters to ensure future integrity of our elections. If the results from those measures prove an inaccurate election was held, as has been shown in Arizona, and is being shown in many other states; then it is clear that certification of many electors was improperly rendered in January 2021 of the November 2020 United States presidential election. We call on each state to decertify its electors where it has been shown the elections were certified prematurely and inaccurately.

Numerous rallies and protests have sprung forth across the country to pressure lawmakers into standing up for election integrity by conducting forensic audits. A fiery, energetic audit rally took place in Lansing, Michigan’s capitol, last week, lauded by President Trump in a statement as an event with “unbelievable spirit and knowledge of what went on in with respect to voting and vote counting in the 2020 Presidential Election.”

Sen. Rogers’ historic letter calling for election integrity also makes a bold and convicting statement for anyone who believes in the sanctity of the election process in America:

If we do not have accurate and fair elections, we do not have a country.

In the United States, a presidential election result has never been decertified or reversed, but there has never been a presidential election plagued by such overwhelming, nationwide reports of fraud and irregularities before either. The 138 lawmakers demanding election reform and justice are echoing the rising tide of American patriots who are concerned about the value of their vote.

President Trump reminded supporters and allies in a sobering statement last week that if the presidential election fraud of 2020 is not fixed, “Republicans will not be voting in ’22 or ’24. It is the single most important thing for Republicans to do.”



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096977  No.14869687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


from One on One interview


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7e9454  No.14869688

File: f78024f94e31067⋯.png (54.46 KB, 339x249, 113:83, filtered.png)

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ba9fa3  No.14869689

File: 4c0481b72b69908⋯.jpg (40.04 KB, 720x481, 720:481, Sessions_boots.jpg)


Sessions was playing possum. Unpack what we know. He was in it to win it from Jump St.

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8d0296  No.14869690

File: f8fb0ff859afae2⋯.jpeg (142.1 KB, 1536x773, 1536:773, D6672A1C_03A9_43C8_A11E_C….jpeg)

File: af382ea500bbe6a⋯.jpeg (143.07 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 942DBF5A_0B22_458F_8E00_2….jpeg)

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42c809  No.14869691

File: 61b0c861d7a556e⋯.jpeg (120.81 KB, 1125x1099, 1125:1099, 911_never_forget.jpeg)

File: fe1fa7e860ebdf4⋯.png (8.1 KB, 470x334, 235:167, ClipboardImage.png)


>dailystormer.su which is a Vanwanet client

Oh OK, so a known tridigital honeypot is Vanwa client.

Don't forget to use Signal.

[user was given an extra captcha for this post]

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c060bc  No.14869692

File: 406b5295b1e3eb1⋯.jpg (257.54 KB, 951x810, 317:270, capture_016_27102021_17511….jpg)

File: b18c3c537c0aabc⋯.png (67.84 KB, 172x134, 86:67, capture_015_27102021_17505….png)

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01fb4b  No.14869693



"This domain is not part of the VanwaNet content delivery network.

Contact support@vanwanet.com for assistance"

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2260ea  No.14869694

File: 48d8dff61bb9f79⋯.png (250.67 KB, 1060x720, 53:36, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecd912d51b2b096⋯.png (319.11 KB, 869x781, 79:71, ClipboardImage.png)


Herschel Walker's alter personalities

April 15th, 2008

By Dr. Sanjay Gupta

Chief Medical Correspondent

When I first heard that former football great Herschel Walker had multiple personality disorder, I was pretty stunned. Even though, I am a doctor, I had to admit that I knew very little about this particular psychiatric disorder. For starters, it is called DID, or dissociative identity disorder, instead of multiple personality disorder. Most people think of Sally Field's character Sybil, but another thing I learned is neither Sybil nor Walker actually has multiple personalities, but rather the lack of one cohesive personality. In Walker's case, he has 12 – yes 12 – alter personalities, which are all better described as fragments of one.

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9b926a  No.14869695

File: 4b0ee0c68afa8cd⋯.jpeg (144.78 KB, 1480x834, 740:417, 3e5f27253510ad9e2973631fa….jpeg)

File: 23d24d546538847⋯.png (227.52 KB, 319x480, 319:480, 3f4f14d948171723f1f1ad503b….png)

satanists love the art, museum, foundation business - for good reason. Art can have any assigned value. An art market can be created overnight in a previously unknown artist like Keith Haring. This makes art/museums antiquities a perfect way to move money around, while, at the same time, promoting inventory or stock-in-trade, art, as a store of long-term value.

A painting is worth what you say it is if you're the Getty Museum, the Hammer, the Broad, the Norval, the Huntington or the whatever-cult-tycoon is pretending philanthropy and laughing at us as we reverently troop through their art gallery front operation. There's another good, valid and unholy reason satanic cult con artists like to use art galleries foundations and museum cover structures as operational fronts.

In the case of *art* we've been POWERFULLY conditioned never to seriously question art. Anyone who says "my kid could do that- " is culturally defined as an idiot. Only an ignoramus questions art. We’ve been taught this in movies and sitcoms, we've been told a hundred ways, a thousand times: only vulgar and uneducated people criticize art. Philistines. Prudes. Hicks. Yokels. Furthermore, we are taught that art is a specialist area, and if we aren't specialists or insiders, we couldn’t possibly have anything worthwhile to say and we ought keep our crude thoughts to ourselves and our boorish mouths shut around what we don’t understand; because art is sacrosanct; the sacred self-expression of the individual.

Decades of this powerful conditioning allowed Pedosta's fat brother Tony to pose for a multi-page spread in a glitzy DC magazine with his daemonic sculpture of a gilded homosexual torture victim and with pictures of abused children in bizarre ritual locations. ART. The same conditioning protects Marina Abramovic and the crowd of *stars” and *celebrities" photographed eating an *art* corpse soaked in honey at an *art* event. It’s ART. The pedovores are rightfully confident in the powers of our conditioning to protect them that they licensed photos of themselves with forks stuck into the honeyed *art* corpse to be published in *art* & fashion magazines, blogs and supermarket tabloids. The honeyed corpse is a gnostic occult ritual. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mellified_man

Why do satanist pedovores parade their pathology in front of us? When we see Tony Pedosta, John “Skippy” Pedosta’s brother's sculpture we do not understand consciously what we are seeing is a gold leaf covered model Dahmer’s homosexual torture victim. What effect does seeing something we don’t consciously understand or necessarily recall having seen have on us?

A lot. This is the “secret” of the effectiveness subliminal and subsonic embed programming. Words and images we don’t know that we’ve seen are perceived by the unconscious component of our minds. We know this because tests using subliminal embeds not consciously seen still raises our blood pressure, increases our pulse rate, and fMRI studies show that these unperceived influences activate portions of the brain associated with memory and emotional trauma. We *do* understand sex and death images unconsciously and traumatic images are retained in memory below the threshold of conscious awareness to influence our future behavior over time. Images of sex and violence in unconscious memory affect us like PTSD caused by real world exposure to rape, torture, child pornography or physical trauma.

Information War or IW operations target the unconscious mind. This “witchcraft” works best when we are *not* aware of images we’ve been exposed to subliminally or even that we are being targeted at all.

Sculpture of Dahmer’s torture victim is presented at galleries and in publicity as fashionable, highly sought after, rare and precious work collected by knowledgeable, prominent people like Tony and John Pedosta.

satanist’s social subversion/sabotage operations exploit our strongest social conditioning. Art world institutions, galleries and foundations are trumpeted as the highest form of philanthropy and criticizing them is not just foolish it’s ungrateful. Art is a satanist controlled industrial market. Since the days of Bernard Berenson art has been used to create and launder money to authenticate forgeries and to smuggle antiquities. Big art shows and exposition are used to emotionally prime us for coming events, to predispose individuals and groups to adopt preferred attitudes, practices or behaviors in a multitude of social dimensions; while, at the same, generating enormous profits, tax breaks and (through school outreach programs) providing access to children.




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eab954  No.14869696


really is a nice graphic.

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7e9454  No.14869697

shit do habben

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8e7de5  No.14869698


RFK, Jr has the truth about childhood vaccine injuries. We must be getting closer if instead of ignoring him, they are attacking him now.

Protect the children


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9b926a  No.14869699

File: 5a396d35bd7f19e⋯.jpg (82.83 KB, 400x489, 400:489, shills.jpg)

Remote and ineffectual shill

That dared attack my president

With that poor weapon, half-impelled,

Unlearnt, unsteady, hardly held,

Unworthy for a tilt with men—

Your quavering and corroded pen;

Shill poor at Bed and worse at Table,

Shill pinched, shill starved, shill miserable;

Shill stuttering, shill with roving eyes,

Shill nervous, shill of crudities;

Shill clerical, shill ordinary,

Shill self-absorbed and solitary;

Shill here-and-there, shill epileptic;

Shill puffed and empty, shill dyspeptic;

Shill middle-class, shill sycophantic,

Shill dull, shill brutish, shill pedantic;

Shill hypocritical, shill bad,

Shill furtive, shill three-quarters mad;

Shill (since a man must make an end),

Shill that shall never be my friend.

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827a36  No.14869700

File: 76a04bd9f298f23⋯.jpg (86.97 KB, 900x900, 1:1, IMG_1273.JPG)


>leather boots


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7e9454  No.14869701

File: e44cf63dd2dff55⋯.png (4.78 KB, 252x66, 42:11, z_ban_owany.png)




ever heard of Karma, bitches?

ban every ip under the sun and whoops! ban yer own too!

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11fb93  No.14869702

File: d7db8c96685179a⋯.gif (101.56 KB, 300x300, 1:1, d7db8c96685179ae80a03c4dfa….gif)





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2a8601  No.14869703

File: 2b1838a42550cc7⋯.png (397 B, 61x28, 61:28, Screenshot_2021_10_27_at_2….png)

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01fb4b  No.14869704



"This domain is not part of the VanwaNet content delivery network.

Contact support@vanwanet.com for assistance"

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567403  No.14869705

File: 50a2563d1808789⋯.jpg (124.33 KB, 900x900, 1:1, ZomboMeme_31072021215216.jpg)

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2260ea  No.14869706

File: fd6fc9f48949451⋯.png (134.08 KB, 1055x756, 1055:756, ClipboardImage.png)


about 1 percent of the population has the disorder. It is often associated with psychological and physical abuse as a child; in fact it is a childhood disorder that is often diagnosed as an adult. The child starts to separate his or her personality into fragments in order to deal with different aspects of life. By adulthood, these fragments become full-fledged alters. Herschel himself admitted he was bullied a lot as a child, because he was overweight and stuttered.

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8863f9  No.14869707

File: 317e1c901188617⋯.jpg (105.04 KB, 501x562, 501:562, TRUMP_PLAN.jpg)

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7e9454  No.14869708



but he seems to have a past

how many of the geeeniuses here knew about that?

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9b926a  No.14869709

File: b52640e8c7acec8⋯.jpg (21.11 KB, 179x255, 179:255, 7c82f3f292b9422e006cae6f80….jpg)

File: 2129a5c2c1ce3d5⋯.jpeg (559.53 KB, 1125x2310, 75:154, 7e5c47bb722d1c150b593e5d8….jpeg)

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42c809  No.14869710

File: 767ce62981cc613⋯.jpg (169.77 KB, 1122x1557, 374:519, bunghole_variant.jpg)


bill hicks told me the supreme court defined it as "no artistic merit + causes sexual thought"

There's some artistic merit to that

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7e9454  No.14869711

File: 2e31cff31703d98⋯.png (389.78 KB, 503x498, 503:498, chinee.png)

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11fb93  No.14869712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>14869442 Meet LIBERAL District Attorney in Alec Baldwin murder, Mary Carmack-Altwies

>>14869510 The president does not have the authority to issue these unconstitutional vaccine mandates.


>>14869553 Yesterday a federal judge set a hearing date of November 10 for arguments in BRNOVICH V. BIDEN

>>14869557 Feds accuse Kansas 'cult' of running unpaid child labor network

>>14869563 Racine, Wisconsin County Sheriff’s Office to Announce PROOF OF STATE-WIDE ELECTION LAW VIOLATIONS

>>14869583 Aerospace Patriots Standing Up Against Medical Mandates

>>14869584 NASA Facing Massive $2.7 Billion Cost Overruns at Its Facilities

>>14869596 Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.

>>14869605 PF REPORT - Israel Air Force C30J is up / flew to USA 2 days ago

>>14869612, >>14869622 Gun Fired by Alec Baldwin Identified

>>14869617 FNC’s Rivera: ‘Nasty’ Cruz, Hawley, Cotton ‘Make My Skin Crawl’ Disrespecting AG Garland

>>14869633 Consumers’ Research Slams BlackRock’s Close Ties to the Chinese Communist Party

>>14869638, >>14869641 Trump Vows To Break Big Tech’S ‘Chokehold Over The Voices Of The American People’ With Truth Social

>>14869639 New Lawsuit: Biden Task Force Schemes to Deny Religious Exemptions, Falsifies Medical Records

>>14869646 Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen confirms U.S. troops on the island, says the threat from Beijing is growing "every day"

>>14869686 Nearly 150 Legislators Sign Letter To Audit The 2020 Election Results In All 50 States


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e7ce2a  No.14869713

File: b9c02801bcbfd14⋯.png (1 MB, 1024x682, 512:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8237ace8de51f1⋯.png (682.61 KB, 839x862, 839:862, ClipboardImage.png)

FDA Admits MORE Serious Adverse Effects From Pfizer Vaccine ‘May Become Apparent’ With Widespread Use

'Additional adverse reactions, some of which may be serious, may become apparent with more widespread use'

A Fact Sheet for Vaccine Providers published on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website admits that “Additional adverse reactions, some of which may be serious, may become apparent with more widespread use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.” The Fact Sheet was issued in response to the FDA granting an emergency use authorization for the Pfizer vaccine for people aged 12 and older. The Fact Sheet also notes that the Pfizer vaccine carries risk of the heart conditions myocarditis and pericarditis in addition to numerous other ailments that have been reported in clinical trials, and that “immunocompromised persons…may have a diminished immune response to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.” Recent former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb (pictured above) is now on the board of directors of Pfizer. A contingent of recent Pfizer workers who serve on an FDA advisory committee are trying to get the FDA to authorize a Pfizer vaccine for children aged 5 to 11.

The fact sheet for the vaccine for people aged 12 and up is also published on the PFIZER LABELING website and it states: “Postmarketing data demonstrate increased risks of myocarditis and pericarditis, particularly within 7 days following the second dose. The observed risk is higher among males under 40 years of age than among females and older males. The observed risk is highest in males 12 through 17 years of age. Although some cases required intensive care support, available data from short-term follow-up suggest that most individuals have had resolution of symptoms with conservative management. Information is not yet available about potential long-term sequelae.”

“Immunocompromised persons, including individuals receiving immunosuppressant therapy, may have a diminished immune response to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine,” according to the Fact Sheet promoted by the FDA.

“Adverse reactions following the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine that have been reported in clinical trials include injection site pain, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, malaise, lymphadenopathy, and decreased appetite,” Pfizer states.

Pfizer adds: “Severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, and other hypersensitivity reactions (e.g., rash, pruritus, urticaria, angioedema), diarrhea, vomiting, pain in extremity (arm), and syncope have been reported following administration of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine outside of clinical trials. Myocarditis and pericarditis have been reported following administration of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine outside of clinical trials. Additional adverse reactions, some of which may be serious, may become apparent with more widespread use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine,” according to the Fact Sheet promoted by the FDA.


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444cb9  No.14869714

File: b7cac93d11cac6d⋯.mp4 (9.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Q_T_Christmans_stockings.mp4)



Murray XMAS!

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8863f9  No.14869715

File: 2a0ba5a0be6f9c8⋯.jpg (107.57 KB, 898x282, 449:141, MUH_JENNY_MUH_MUH.jpg)

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eab954  No.14869716

File: bad2df1f104e417⋯.png (550.42 KB, 1104x734, 552:367, ClipboardImage.png)

Antidepressant Significantly Reduces Covid-19 Hospitalization

Patients who received the low-cost and widely available fluvoxamine were far less likely to be hospitalized in a clinical trial

Oct. 27, 2021 6:30 pm

In use for decades, fluvoxamine has been shown to be safe and costs about $4 for a 10-day course, said Edward Mills, one of the study’s lead researchers and a professor of health sciences at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. He said fluvoxamine’s low cost and wide availability make it a compelling alternative to other Covid-19 therapies including monoclonal antibody treatments, which are costly and require an infusion.

The researchers found that patients who received fluvoxamine were 32% less likely to be hospitalized than those in the placebo group. Among patients who stuck to the regimen closely and reported taking the drug or placebo for at least eight days of the 10-day course, there was an even bigger difference—a 66% reduction in hospitalization and 91% reduction in death rates


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8d0296  No.14869717


Master of the rope-a-dope.

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01fb4b  No.14869718


Her teeth are not properly aligned….she needs to see an orthodoontist

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54fc29  No.14869719

File: 79a1370a19ccd49⋯.png (21.08 KB, 179x82, 179:82, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de9cad556bd6918⋯.png (436.02 KB, 876x336, 73:28, ClipboardImage.png)


this is up there with the Q thumbs up on AF1 with file name DOITQ!.

3 Qs




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2e5451  No.14869720


prolly not in racine wisconsin..

not sure what the CF has there but i dunno

i like the cut of yer hopium

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42c809  No.14869721



Isn't that a purely made up term with no basis

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0a3b60  No.14869722


tomorrow night

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7e9454  No.14869723


>‘May Become Apparent’ With Widespread Use

translated: still in trials. yer all guinea pigs

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151863  No.14869724

File: 9807b4fffbd4fc2⋯.png (500.29 KB, 500x730, 50:73, ClipboardImage.png)



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42c809  No.14869725

File: 51a14170022a7bf⋯.png (102.63 KB, 225x224, 225:224, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe987d  No.14869726

File: e24e082ef3ea7f5⋯.jpg (314.44 KB, 1484x1292, 371:323, e24e082ef3ea7f511beb63a01e….jpg)


You asked for it.


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9be411  No.14869727

File: da5bc7187e653a8⋯.jpg (101.62 KB, 720x563, 720:563, Malcolm_X.jpg)


Free speech is too much? Go cry to the pedo defending ADL because no one here cares.

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2260ea  No.14869728



CNN is doing hits on Herschel Walker, Trump's endorsed pic to go up against Warnock….

i think it's time to meme Warnock.

wasn't he involved in some child sex ring at his church…or was it tax fraud?

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676906  No.14869729

Anime Notables without the anime


>>14869442 Meet LIBERAL District Attorney in Alec Baldwin murder, Mary Carmack-Altwies

>>14869510 The president does not have the authority to issue these unconstitutional vaccine mandates.


>>14869553 Yesterday a federal judge set a hearing date of November 10 for arguments in BRNOVICH V. BIDEN

>>14869557 Feds accuse Kansas 'cult' of running unpaid child labor network

>>14869563 Racine, Wisconsin County Sheriff’s Office to Announce PROOF OF STATE-WIDE ELECTION LAW VIOLATIONS

>>14869583 Aerospace Patriots Standing Up Against Medical Mandates

>>14869584 NASA Facing Massive $2.7 Billion Cost Overruns at Its Facilities

>>14869596 Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.

>>14869605 PF REPORT - Israel Air Force C30J is up / flew to USA 2 days ago

>>14869612, >>14869622 Gun Fired by Alec Baldwin Identified

>>14869617 FNC’s Rivera: ‘Nasty’ Cruz, Hawley, Cotton ‘Make My Skin Crawl’ Disrespecting AG Garland

>>14869633 Consumers’ Research Slams BlackRock’s Close Ties to the Chinese Communist Party

>>14869638, >>14869641 Trump Vows To Break Big Tech’S ‘Chokehold Over The Voices Of The American People’ With Truth Social

>>14869639 New Lawsuit: Biden Task Force Schemes to Deny Religious Exemptions, Falsifies Medical Records

>>14869646 Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen confirms U.S. troops on the island, says the threat from Beijing is growing "every day"

>>14869686 Nearly 150 Legislators Sign Letter To Audit The 2020 Election Results In All 50 States

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8e7de5  No.14869730


Think back 500 years. When groups of people lived communally in tents or teepees, without walls or doors. People had sex. Other people watched them. It was normal. It had been normal since the beginning of humanity…500,000 years or more.

Wake up to see the depth of their mind-control.

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8863f9  No.14869731

File: 60106d32aed06b8⋯.jpg (109.78 KB, 848x376, 106:47, MAKE_THE_LINE.jpg)

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5dafec  No.14869732

File: 3018b4c87ac2525⋯.png (49.87 KB, 480x246, 80:41, Tuco.png)



If you’ve been wondering how the world economy has been hijacked and humanity has been kidnapped by a completely bogus narrative, look no further than this video by Dutch creator, Covid Lie.

What she uncovers is that the stock of the world’s largest corporations are owned by the same institutional investors. They all own each other. This means that “competing” brands, like Coke and Pepsi aren’t really competitors, at all, since their stock is owned by exactly the same investment companies, investment funds, insurance companies, banks and in some cases, governments. This is the case, across all industries. As she says:

“The smaller investors are owned by larger investors. Those are owned by even bigger investors. The visible top of this pyramid shows only two companies whose names we have often seen…They are Vanguard and BlackRock. The power of these two companies is beyond your imagination. Not only do they own a large part of the stocks of nearly all big companies but also the stocks of the investors in those companies. This gives them a complete monopoly.

A Bloomberg report states that both these companies in the year 2028, together will have investments in the amount of 20 trillion dollars. That means that they will own almost everything.

Bloomberg calls BlackRock “The fourth branch of government”, because it’s the only private agency that closely works with the central banks. BlackRock lends money to the central bank but it’s also the advisor. It also develops the software the central bank uses. Many BlackRock employees were in the White House with Bush and Obama. Its CEO. Larry Fink can count on a warm welcome from leaders and politicians. Not so strange, if you know that he is the front man of the ruling company but Larry Fink does not pull the strings himself.

BlackRock, itself is also owned by shareholders. Who are those shareholders? We come to a strange conclusion. The biggest shareholder is Vanguard. But now he gets murky. Vanguard is a private company and we cannot see who the shareholders are. The elite who own Vanguard apparently do not like being in the spotlight but of course they cannot hide from who is willing to dig….

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01fb4b  No.14869733

File: fe22e063ef63a66⋯.png (326.21 KB, 679x421, 679:421, 53536.png)

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8d0296  No.14869734

Fuck off Alexander Vindman, habitual lying traitor. Short or shorter rope?

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567403  No.14869735

File: 282f3d58515e8c9⋯.jpg (44.29 KB, 538x522, 269:261, ZomboMeme_14102021114727.jpg)

File: 239869c6e4ebd1b⋯.jpg (72.29 KB, 540x457, 540:457, ZomboMeme_17092021223108.jpg)

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096977  No.14869736

File: d8d1f5755290c11⋯.jpg (189.32 KB, 560x665, 16:19, wwn.jpg)


I didn't realize Ed Anger was still writing columns.

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fb7560  No.14869737

File: ac689854b4177be⋯.png (209.07 KB, 633x428, 633:428, Dance_off.png)


Lets Go Brandon mentioned Trump 42 times in his rally speech for Mcaullife…

I guess Terry thought he could win a dance off

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9d27c4  No.14869738

File: e47c0e20abeacb3⋯.mp4 (3.85 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 1620799477_Copy.mp4)

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7e9454  No.14869739

File: 3de27046ce0c531⋯.png (409.09 KB, 696x422, 348:211, ratigan_pity.png)

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ffe2e8  No.14869740

File: 7888b11e5376661⋯.jpg (209.21 KB, 1210x850, 121:85, POTUSgrin.jpg)


>Sessions was playing possum…He was in it to win it from Jump St.


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37dc3b  No.14869741


Garland refuses to submit to “conflict of interest inquiry” because his son in law makes dough from CRT. He refuses to reverse domestic terrorist of parents. He allow his DOJ persecute peaceful Trump Supporters. Etc etc etc

But Jeff Sessions is blocked from being involved in Russia, Russia, Russia Coup. Jeff was investigated for conflict of interest because he met Russians as a campaign event. Jeff is relegated to releasing his power of AG to the coup plotters. Etc.

When Consevatives get back in, let the media scream and yell all they want, dont be intimidated by these assholes. Trump needs to do a secret EO no one will be prosecuted for doing their job in good faith.

These are only a few of the things media and DS did to Trump and his Admin. No more Mr. Nice Guy expecting them to come around, and no more deals to save face for them.

The fucking war is not over, round 2 is going to be brutal

Merrick Garland is the first to be arrested with his entire family, after Bidan & family, Kamala & family. Clintons are long gone by then!

Fuck em all! Gloves off, all within the law, but its going down

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ba6468  No.14869742

File: 9a10ae3a78d3980⋯.gif (412.22 KB, 507x762, 169:254, 9a10ae3a78d3980de93113edaa….gif)

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9b926a  No.14869743

File: 60a4cd8c93ce85c⋯.png (308.08 KB, 384x510, 64:85, 473240f8f89bb92147b8911470….png)

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74773d  No.14869744

File: ac39cf13293442f⋯.jpg (56.24 KB, 564x442, 282:221, 4h98h7.jpg)

It's pretty thick right now.

Everyone stay frosty.

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7e9454  No.14869745



fuck off, cancer

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b9f874  No.14869746

File: 1ff60859e4a6b98⋯.png (290.25 KB, 500x492, 125:123, ClipboardImage.png)


at least you realize youre a tard

thats the first step

now stop the words spam faggot

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54fc29  No.14869747

File: b0eb3da346dc87c⋯.png (39.78 KB, 374x877, 374:877, ClipboardImage.png)

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42c809  No.14869749


None of the shit in that note came true though. And it's been 4 years

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ba6468  No.14869750

File: 6f5a6700ba0d1db⋯.jpg (5.88 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 8b101cb83f8b5d315942055701….jpg)

File: be778efe078922d⋯.jpeg (9.23 KB, 233x216, 233:216, be778efe078922d8b2b640543….jpeg)

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08e8aa  No.14869751

File: b764b0ede910843⋯.png (399.17 KB, 642x400, 321:200, ClipboardImage.png)



I love festivities.

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245eaa  No.14869752


yea your existence is pretty sad

imagine defending a country that was illegally created by the people who control the monetary usury system and then using that control to blackmail politicians to send them american taxpayer money and weapons because they're too weak and cowardly to defend their own existence and still have to resort to pulling false flag attacks on america to pull it into war to fight their battles

pretty fucking pathetic tbh

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11fb93  No.14869753

File: 366330667428c69⋯.jpg (77.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1635249853151.jpg)


Holy shit, I lost this reaction… THANK YOU!

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9b926a  No.14869754

File: dcff8e8ee507fa1⋯.jpg (25.03 KB, 428x489, 428:489, donald_trump_buddha_statue….jpg)

In the troubled worlds of the five kinds of defilement,

Sentient beings are only attached to various desires,

And ultimately do not seek the path of the buddhas.

In the future the impure will hear

The Buddha teach the single vehicle,

But they will be confused and will not accept it.

They will reject the Dharma

And fall into the troubled states of being.

To those who are modest and pure,

And seek the path of the buddhas,

I will praise extensively

The path of the single vehicle.

O Sariputra!

You should know that the Dharma

Of all the buddhas is like this.

They teach the Dharma

With myriads of kotis of skillful memes,

According to the capacities of sentient beings;

The inexperienced cannot understand this.

You have come to know with certainty the skillful memes

Of the buddhas, the Teachers of the World,

That are expounded in accordance

With people’s capacities.

All of you, have no further doubts!

Let great joy arise in your hearts

And know that you will all become buddhas

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3c0778  No.14869755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cabal leaders are virtually immortal

Like vampires

Or Highlander there can be only one.

The old person prepares a young person to give up their soul

Then the old person transfers their soul to the young body

Part of the process is usually ritual murder of the old one

The young one breathes in the dying breath

And the soul transference completes.

Dalai Lama has done this for some 500 years.

Others from Egyptian/Phoenician origin have been doing it much longer

Some of the Cabal elders live in symbiosis with their young hosts rather than displacing their soul

This is where Star Trek got the idea of the Trill.

They need the right genetics to do this

A large proportion of Neanderthal DNA.

Neanderthal were far more intelligent than Cr Magnon man and did not need writing due to their prodigious memory capability

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01fb4b  No.14869756

File: 278506c1f08c59d⋯.png (471.85 KB, 497x491, 497:491, 4252526.png)

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8863f9  No.14869757

File: 72c35a00c7e051a⋯.jpg (77.71 KB, 760x436, 190:109, FOG_OF_WAR.jpg)

File: 4c6394fb9544171⋯.jpg (77.44 KB, 593x398, 593:398, B_FROSTY.jpg)

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0866bd  No.14869758







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5bc4f4  No.14869759

File: eb0ef906567aba0⋯.png (137.91 KB, 1038x442, 519:221, firstThreadPost.png)

File: 1945e5d482ba9f4⋯.png (12.93 KB, 536x104, 67:13, badlarp.png)

File: 89e96c005264ba4⋯.png (17.64 KB, 995x122, 995:122, dontCare.png)

File: a562d7be446c04c⋯.png (56.33 KB, 658x263, 658:263, whoAreYou_Rolling.png)

File: 9fd52b48f24e753⋯.png (51.87 KB, 668x303, 668:303, noNeedToRoll.png)



>Happy Birthday Q!

>Never Forget!

>Future Proves Past

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e7ce2a  No.14869760

File: cc3fbbe81158a0e⋯.png (231.59 KB, 512x440, 64:55, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bcff0b9035b4ef⋯.png (421.25 KB, 1080x873, 120:97, ClipboardImage.png)

Florida Now Has the LOWEST Rate of New Covid Cases Per Capita in The Nation – State Has Remained Open With No Mandates, No Masks, and Almost No Restrictions

Florida has officially become the nation’s leader in getting the Covid-19 crisis under control – and the best part of it all, they validated their strategy of ignoring the ‘expert advice’ of the tyrannical public health regime in the process.

According to the most recent data that was published by the CDC, Florida now owns the LOWEST rate of new Covid-19 cases in the nation on a per capita basis. The state checks in well below several other democrat havens, including ones that employ the most restrictive mandates (California, New York), and also the states with the highest vaccination rates in the country (Vermont, Rhode Island).

The latest numbers are just more proof that the Democrats’ dystopian policies to combat Covid do nothing other than crush people’s freedoms.

Florida is now averaging just 60.6 new cases per 100,000 residents a day, which blows several other blue states’ numbers out of the water. In comparison, New York’s case rate is more than DOUBLE, at 129.8, and Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware is approaching FOUR TIMES as bad, checking in at 211.1 new daily cases per capita.

Keep in mind, Florida was kept open for business almost the entire time, and thanks to that, is also pacing the country with its economic success as Democrats continue to push crippling lockdowns and abhorrent vaccine mandates on businesses across America.

In other words, Florida = WINNING.

Throughout the ‘pandemic’ Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has stood firmly against the calls to impose draconian Covid restrictions and mandates on the citizens of the sunshine state. His resistance to the Left’s sweeping power grab that’s being masqueraded around under the guise of public health had created an intense backlash from the ‘experts’ in the Biden administration and the hacks in the politicized media that dutifully carry water for them.

For months, scathing pieces were published in ‘news’ outlets across the country, characterizing the governor as some sort of crazed conspiracy theorist that was intentionally leading the citizens of Florida to their certain deaths. One of the best examples of this ridiculous gaslighting was from the Guardian’s piece titled: “The Pied Piper Leading Us Off a Cliff: Florida Governor Condemned as Covid Surges.”

There was even a horror-movie-style TV ad that was created by a progressive group called “Remove Ron.” The unbelievably stupid video depicts DeSantis’ Flordia as if it was going to become the sequel to “The Purge” and includes several clips of DeSantis saying things like “we trust people to make their own decisions in the state of Florida” as evidence that the State has become too dangerous.

These people are clearly unhinged.


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c060bc  No.14869761

File: 6a79d60ab7f483c⋯.jpg (82.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Motorcyclist_killed_in_Nor….jpg)

File: 9be2b29d1fc2920⋯.mp4 (3.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Motorcyclist_killed_in_Nor….mp4)

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ffe2e8  No.14869762

File: 925d2eac922eb90⋯.jpg (17.08 KB, 316x159, 316:159, MS_MrPig.jpg)

File: f5a1a4f30bfc810⋯.jpg (18.18 KB, 316x159, 316:159, MS_Winning.jpg)

File: 7fd793f024f89b6⋯.jpg (280.92 KB, 1491x740, 1491:740, OR_MrPig.jpg)

File: 60807223a87e4ed⋯.jpg (289.74 KB, 1491x740, 1491:740, OR_Winning.jpg)



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b9f874  No.14869763

File: 10fd5615fabfd55⋯.png (1.59 MB, 716x1034, 358:517, ClipboardImage.png)

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6066c2  No.14869764

File: dda101672ff2976⋯.png (183.8 KB, 536x636, 134:159, mhfy.PNG)

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54fc29  No.14869765


>Isn't that a purely made up term with no basis

i just answered your question, thats all.

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42c809  No.14869766

File: 61b0c861d7a556e⋯.jpeg (120.81 KB, 1125x1099, 1125:1099, 911_never_forget.jpeg)


>Thank back 500 years

>People had sex. Other people watched them. It was normal.

Do you always just make up history in your own head based on your limited understandings? That's really dangerous.

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ab7a28  No.14869767

File: 4fdcc661b6e8018⋯.jpg (83.78 KB, 550x453, 550:453, 4fdcc661b6e8018cf8914650f5….jpg)


Less social media.

More big name arrests.

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9b926a  No.14869768

File: 3e2c23785a519e7⋯.png (386.68 KB, 900x507, 300:169, 3d52f5d3f64ff1eedaa1ab8746….png)

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ba9fa3  No.14869769

File: 4171013409c5043⋯.jpg (107.92 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Lethal_Inj_Room.jpg)

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5dafec  No.14869770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


10/21/2021 is when Alec Baldwin shot the chick.


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37dc3b  No.14869771


TY baker glad I don’t have your job! Keep up the timely breads. A relief for sure

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2e5451  No.14869772


never seen those before…


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fcc1ec  No.14869773

in b4 mr pig spams this post

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efffe3  No.14869774

File: 743076a66beff72⋯.png (24.43 KB, 462x273, 22:13, ClipboardImage.png)

Gen Flynn

@RealGenFlynn, [27.10.21 20:47]

🚨🚨🚨HUGE NEWS on the case we published on today, in regards to the government purposefully scheming to deny religious exemptions!! There was a teleconference today and the government must submit to the court in writing by TOMORROW that NO ONE will be terminated after 11/8 if they have submitted a religious exemption and are unvaccinated. Huge kudos to BRILLIANT constitutional attorney Mike Yoder on this masterful case.



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eab954  No.14869775

File: ab0991946818146⋯.png (494.43 KB, 701x732, 701:732, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56f03e76893ffd2⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB, 480x270, 16:9, RFK_jr_walk_out.mp4)

Children's Health Defense


WORLDWIDE WALKOUT NOV 3: Join CHD + demand a return to freedom + democratic principles. People around the globe are protesting the loss of liberty, illegal mandates + tyrannical govt overreach. #BeADefender of truth, freedom + children’s health. More details TBD @RobertKennedyJr


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5bc4f4  No.14869776

File: d8969d5fd681399⋯.png (195.68 KB, 597x418, 597:418, Potus.png)

File: b3bc0b3e8943e6c⋯.png (10.78 KB, 533x104, 41:8, winning.png)


>whats the plan


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b9f874  No.14869777

File: bea7e350c791921⋯.png (133.09 KB, 795x607, 795:607, ClipboardImage.png)

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827a36  No.14869778

File: 7d03464dbe61516⋯.png (322.38 KB, 531x441, 59:49, KEK.png)

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9d27c4  No.14869779

File: d4fcf70724b46e0⋯.png (407.94 KB, 787x419, 787:419, ClipboardImage.png)

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7229ec  No.14869780


Vanwanet is a CDN. You can't use the direct IP. You would have to modify your "hosts" file or employ some other method to bypass the DNS.

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42c809  No.14869781


>he government must submit to the court in writing by TOMORROW that NO ONE will be terminated after 11/8 if they have submitted a religious exemption and are unvaccinated

sounds great. pls confirm if this actually happens

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6d6fef  No.14869782


herschel walker's alter personalities

by dr sanjay gupta


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8e7de5  No.14869783


I talk to people who aren't brainwashed by demonic religions. I read history books. I study other cultures and learn.

St. Augustine made sex a taboo in the Christian religion. Not "God". Not Jesus. It's a good way to torment people and a useful form of population control.

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fab65b  No.14869784

File: d757acf1d8a2a5d⋯.png (91.65 KB, 218x553, 218:553, 4773.png)

File: e314bdb4bbc394a⋯.jpg (884.6 KB, 1100x456, 275:114, 4773_LI.jpg)

File: 5046e6039bb978f⋯.jpg (974.28 KB, 1131x266, 1131:266, 4773_LI.jpg)


1. Durham 'true' start?

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611ff3  No.14869785

File: 9729ceb7b9ba139⋯.png (49.45 KB, 170x255, 2:3, Glow.png)

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3de358  No.14869786

File: 039d7323c52d69f⋯.png (1.04 MB, 634x953, 634:953, ClipboardImage.png)

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8863f9  No.14869787

File: f3537fcbd2935fa⋯.jpg (62.2 KB, 688x345, 688:345, LA_PIG_WIN.jpg)

File: eac97a964fb78d8⋯.jpg (59.02 KB, 661x327, 661:327, LA_WINNING.jpg)

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42c809  No.14869788


>changes the subject

making up "how things used to be" in your head is a childlike mindset. stop it.

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01fb4b  No.14869789

File: 0f4b6dd6d1bd791⋯.jpg (224.88 KB, 1732x996, 433:249, 245.jpg)

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279a74  No.14869790


>Nice one, Pig. o7

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17732d  No.14869792


"Herschel's gonna do what's best for Herschel." - Herschel

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827a36  No.14869793

File: 5409adb2b6c604e⋯.jpg (50.06 KB, 720x574, 360:287, 41915914715184152958471984….JPG)

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3c0778  No.14869794

File: 5e038376bc358b7⋯.png (4.55 MB, 1908x1146, 318:191, ClipboardImage.png)

If you are wondering how the US Govs case against Assange is looking, the answer is, not good.


Tomorrow we strike back, it becomes the defense's turn, and you can bet that we will be pursuing the CIAs plot to murder him and other Wikileaks staff, the spying operations contracted through UC Global and Sheldon Adelson, and beyond that, the massive number of dangerous illegalities exposed in this case, and the impossible nature of this ever representing anything even remotely close to the pursuit of justice.

The US Gov trodded out a tired and already disproven argument, that signals either they are out of wiggle room, or they have given up on legitimately fighting this. (I tend to think they have simply run out of space to manuever).

What is clear from today, though, is regardless of this trial; Assange is very sick right now, and needs to be freed; cared for, and back with his family.

So here, my friends, is to the rising possibility of victory for Julian, for the protection of our inalienable rights and liberties which are directly at risk in this case, and to the furtherance of transparency and accountability for ruling institutions.

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efffe3  No.14869795

File: 3bdf980cd360fa6⋯.png (33.12 KB, 475x463, 475:463, ClipboardImage.png)

Endorsement of Dawn Buckingham

A Senator and Doctor, Dawn Buckingham was one of my very first supporters in the Great State of Texas. She has served in the Senate for eight years, is highly respected, and is someone who can always be counted on to do the right thing for her State. She is running for the position of Land Commissioner in order to protect the great legacy of Texas including defending the Alamo which, like all other amazing institutions, is under siege. She is strong on Borders, our Second Amendment, Law Enforcement, loves our Military and our Vets. Dawn has my Complete and Total Endorsement!


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bd7ccf  No.14869796



the Pietta has a RETRACTABLE firing pin.. the trigger must be pulled to engage the firing pin within the hammer. its a modern safety feature for a old school gun. you cannot hammer on the hammer to make it fire.

just saying this statement isnt true

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4e335e  No.14869797

File: 555f9dca84ee929⋯.png (12.23 KB, 253x255, 253:255, 086e12968f14ce8fc263a7c102….png)


trips confirm

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efffe3  No.14869798

File: af719986277c1de⋯.png (39.26 KB, 451x525, 451:525, ClipboardImage.png)

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Vito Fossella is running as the very popular Republican nominee for Staten Island Borough President. Under the failed leadership of Mayor Bill de Blasio, Staten Island, a place I know and love so much, has become New York's forgotten Borough. The Radical Left is defunding our police, corrupting our schools, and endangering our children. It can come back strongly, but New York City is now a filthy and dangerous place. This is what happens under a corrupt one-party rule. Vito is the only true Conservative Republican in the race who will stand up to the Radical Liberal Mob. I have been a proud supporter of Vito Fossella because he is Strong, Tough, and Loves the incredible people of Staten Island. Vito has my Complete and Total Endorsement. He will not disappoint you!


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5dafec  No.14869799

File: bbd80cf558f3d4e⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


This is where they were filming.

Bonanza City is a ghost town, located 13 miles (21 km) southwest of Santa Fe in Santa Fe County, New Mexico, United States.[1] The town was founded in 1880 as a mining town, following the discovery of gold and silver in the nearby Cerrillos Hills. It was abandoned sometime in the early 1900s. Later in the 20th century, The Bonanza Creek Movie Ranch, which contains a movie set depicting a late 19th century mining town, was built near the ruins of Bonanza City.


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ba9fa3  No.14869800


Huma is one of the Black Eyed Ps They all have those void, soulless black eyes.

Now you know what Black Eyed Peas really refers to…Black Eyed Peoples that aren't necessarily people anymore.

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4e335e  No.14869801

File: 3119b2c70faffb6⋯.jpeg (51.53 KB, 520x480, 13:12, 3119b2c70faffb61f96a23f63….jpeg)

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54fc29  No.14869802

File: 2b648686324018d⋯.png (3.32 KB, 122x37, 122:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce681d3f14f8bf9⋯.png (8.46 KB, 370x177, 370:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4fc0135c3eafd1⋯.png (13.65 KB, 579x439, 579:439, ClipboardImage.png)



01<>10 21

I didn't think is was it until you pointed this out. Nice.

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fb7560  No.14869803

File: 7b7a1f65fb53ac2⋯.png (239.58 KB, 596x334, 298:167, Heart_Warmers.png)


trips checkt

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676906  No.14869804


The last thing we Patriots need right now are any arrests. Awakening is exploding and the Cabal (blinded - Space Force seized and compartmentalized all geo-spatial sensor / foreign intel) is making mistake after mistake.

No martyrs, no memorials. They [Cabal] will even be forgotten by their own supporters forever. We do what we do for the ages, not for a cheap emotional high.

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827a36  No.14869805

File: 8c234fb4b313544⋯.png (653.7 KB, 530x650, 53:65, crinj.PNG)



I second this, considering faggotbook meme groups still can't stop meme-ing it, a week later

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54d1a7  No.14869806


Yet here you are, fuckface.

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8e7de5  No.14869807


Biblical writers admonished Christians to “stop thinking like children [paidia]” (1 Corinthians 14:20).

Imagine, then, the people’s astonishment when Jesus brings a troublesome, noisy child and places him in front of the crowd (Matthew 18:1-9). With His hand on the lad’s shoulder, Jesus has the audacity to suggest that this small tyke provides an example to be followed.

No. I won't stop. Perhaps you should start using your brain.

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2260ea  No.14869808


HW has to defend his split personality which came about as a result of being abused as a child.

Warnock has to defend abusing children like HW

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efffe3  No.14869809

File: 72a6a298fbc71e0⋯.png (208.04 KB, 443x826, 443:826, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3bc9a60807f4ee⋯.png (547.85 KB, 750x1054, 375:527, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f17a8fbee845d52⋯.png (326.8 KB, 680x689, 680:689, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d744d11a2825a4⋯.png (881.23 KB, 739x1280, 739:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

[QDrops] [8Bakes] [Crumbs] [Covfefe], [27.10.21 18:46]

[ Album ]

It’s a fact

check date: 9/14/2020


FYI Executive Order 13848 is still in FULL effect




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d86955  No.14869810

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218f03  No.14869811

Q left half chan because the board mods were "comped"

the BO of /cbts/ is your current BO

the BV of /cbts/ is your current BV

I can't, in good conscience, believe that any of you are real at this point knowing how easily accessible this information is

which is fine, i love making fun of some stupid flag waving dipshit like anyone else but

holy shit man

do the slightest amount of due diligence before you sell your soul to someone on the internet

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245eaa  No.14869812


that's the dumbest fucking thing i've ever heard in my life

>law and order



you: fuck all that, let them get away with their crimes and go on to buy off more puppets


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fcc1ec  No.14869813

did anyone interview Dr. Fauci about sand flies eating dog heads alive yet

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3d78fc  No.14869814

File: a5c67da486eb1df⋯.png (135.44 KB, 611x468, 47:36, Rep.png)

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5dafec  No.14869815


Yes I should have pointed that out. Sorry.

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0866bd  No.14869816


Yes. Wont that be fun?

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3c0778  No.14869817

File: d42d6f7ceb56af8⋯.png (1.81 MB, 923x850, 923:850, ClipboardImage.png)

Many of you don't know this, but because of the work we've done in Maricopa we've been sued a number of times. Specifically, these lawsuit(s) have attempted to classify Cyber Ninjas as a "public entity" so that I am subject to public records requests (also known as "right to know" or "freedom of information act" requests).

Specifically, these request(s) have demanded all communications I have with everyone including a roster of every person involved in the audit, and all details on audit financing.

I have nothing to hide and have chosen to disclose financial details once; and I will do so again as soon as I have time to finish the project financials. However, disclosing communications including a roster of people have much larger implications and set a precedent I can't let exist.

The 1st amendment grants us the right to freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. The Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments protect us against government seizures of private documents and property. These rights have routinely been found in the courts to further give the right to be associated with whoever you want to be associated with. It is a fundamental liberty of a free society. Yet, cancel culture attacks this very fundamental right.

The seeking of private communications from a private company is a violation of these rights. The seeking of a roster of people who worked on the audit I can't see utilized for any other purpose than to again violate those rights. And we believe the law is clear that only documents which the government creates or owns are considered public records—but the government does not own my company’s documents and did not create them, so they are not public record. For these reasons, amongst others, I am fighting these lawsuits in court. If I lose this could mean that ANYONE who does ANY business with the government can be required to give up their communications at any time. We've already seen with the federal vaccine mandate for federal contractors how many people that really impacts.

So, what can you do about it?

1) Please pray for the situation. Pray that our Country would return to the foundation on which it was built. Pray that these judges would see clearly what is in front of them; and would choose what is right. Pray that our nation would turn from its broken ways, humble itself, and pray to God.

2) Please consider politely and nicely making your voices heard with these organizations letting them know you do not support their actions. I do not condone any type of rude or threatening behavior. Follow Proverbs 25:21 and win them over from your niceness. You may even consider sending them a public records request to make the point.

The plaintiffs on the lawsuit against me are:

Phoenix Newspapers, Inc (which owns the Arizona Republic and is owned by Gannet Co, owner of USA Today and newspapers across the country)

The plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the Senate is a group called American Oversight.

3) If you agree with what we're doing and want to help me stick this out as long as I can; please consider making a donation to the Arizona Audit. This can still be done at either Voices and Votes or Defending The Republic. We're still significantly in the red from the audit which makes it difficult to continue fighting legal challenges like this.



4) Please share this message with others.

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74773d  No.14869818

File: 9f155943e9b15ce⋯.jpg (91.66 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 55q1ky.jpg)

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ab7a28  No.14869819


Every time I mention big name arrests he says always the same thing, which proves he's always on here.

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44cd54  No.14869820


Q said something about Canada PM being important to HRC and border.

I wonder if Trudy will give HRC some sort of passport or try to allow her to seek sanctuaryu

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4e335e  No.14869821

File: 810065ec14bf256⋯.png (208.15 KB, 560x575, 112:115, e8b203ca779da9e4bbad87bea5….png)

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83873b  No.14869822

File: 5a1051d1fb259a9⋯.jpg (65.95 KB, 582x581, 582:581, slaves.JPG)

File: e0a6e004edfcbbf⋯.jpg (50.92 KB, 555x362, 555:362, nike4.JPG)

File: 1cd76c071c2ea39⋯.jpg (22.32 KB, 347x189, 347:189, nike3.JPG)

File: 115a3e0ee8b1f54⋯.jpg (36.5 KB, 511x267, 511:267, nike2.JPG)

File: 2fdf85196ab354b⋯.jpg (33.06 KB, 558x358, 279:179, Nike1.JPG)

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194193  No.14869823

File: acdccd68fb68550⋯.png (314.92 KB, 514x342, 257:171, ClipboardImage.png)


>Antidepressant Significantly Reduces Covid-19 Hospitalization

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efffe3  No.14869824

File: 7ee59d6f731fc4a⋯.png (597.57 KB, 743x604, 743:604, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2fb40c65dadcd4b⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1280x804, 320:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13e50e0c711679c⋯.png (513.76 KB, 824x1009, 824:1009, ClipboardImage.png)

[QDrops] [8Bakes] [Crumbs] [Covfefe], [27.10.21 18:11]

[ Album ]

House Intelligence Committee calls for the ARREST and PROSECUTION of Dr. Anthony Fauci https://www.dcclothesline.com/2021/10/27/house-intelligence-committee-calls-for-the-arrest-and-prosecution-of-dr-anthony-fauci/


House Intelligence Committee calls for the ARREST and PROSECUTION of Dr. Anthony Fauci

By Lance D Johnson -October 27, 2021

(Natural News) The ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, US Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA), is calling for the prosecution of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Devin Nunes joins a growing list of Congressmen and women who are calling for the arrest of Tony Fauci. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has finally admitted to funding controversial gain-of-function virus research in Wuhan, China. This research was formerly banned in the United States, but was later off-shored by Dr. Fauci through Dr. Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance and expounded upon by Dr. Ralph Baric.

Fauci’s arrest and prosecution nears

Fauci has repeatedly denied his involvement in gain-of-function virology research, lying to Congress multiple times during sworn testimony. When Fauci went before the U.S. Senate, Senator Rand Paul provided detailed evidence about Fauci’s dangerous gamut of gain-of-function virology research. Dr. Paul questioned Dr. Fauci on the controversial research, holding him to account. Fauci repeatedly denied the allegations, as he tried to cover up his leading role in the bioweapons research. Fauci committed perjury, while denying the very essence of the research he authored.

For this reason, “he should be prosecuted here [in the Senate],” Rep. Devin Nunes told Fox News. “If he was notified, our committee did a year-long investigation. We talked about it on your show back in May, we put out an official report. So he was clearly on notice then.” Rep. Nunes said Fauci was questioned twice by Senator Rand Paul. “He [Fauci] said it [gain-of-function research] didn’t happen, and that’s simply not true,” Nunes stated.

“And I don’t think his e-mails, when you go back and look at the time, show that he wouldn’t know something about this either. So he’s long been on notice, he knows this, and now the question is, will The Department of Justice do anything about it,” he said.

take our poll - story continues below

“Look, we heard Dr. Fauci say simply ‘I don’t know how many times I can say it,’” said Richard Grenell, the acting director of national intelligence. “I think we should take him up on this and we should count how many times he said it, because this isn’t just once or twice or three times. He has been unequivocal in denying this. This is a real problem. He not only doubled down, tripled down, but he promised that unequivocally this wasn’t even close, it wasn’t a spin.”

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5dafec  No.14869825


Look at the wiki page. It says October 21 is when the shooting happened.

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827a36  No.14869826

File: 42b27b7bbc0af3d⋯.jpg (8.52 KB, 225x225, 1:1, _.jpg)


Bread is bread


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676906  No.14869827


This is a marathon. Arrests come when they're out of power and isolated / fakenews has no power to create the martyr.

We learned. We're the first to learn. We're the first to trust God and invoke our consecration. We set the tone, the goal, the strategy and the tactical environment. We're in control of this argument because we fight with the sword of truth.

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01fb4b  No.14869828

File: c50e19df910eb59⋯.png (288.14 KB, 460x309, 460:309, 46466.png)

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96a07d  No.14869829

File: 9ffb17013c73893⋯.png (1.43 MB, 985x613, 985:613, ClipboardImage.png)


Am I just being a dick or is this dude anticipating the recoil and also displaying the opposite of a smooth trigger pull?

>Called the single action as soon as we knew it was a western.

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efffe3  No.14869830


“Look, we heard Dr. Fauci say simply ‘I don’t know how many times I can say it,’” said Richard Grenell, the acting director of national intelligence. “I think we should take him up on this and we should count how many times he said it, because this isn’t just once or twice or three times. He has been unequivocal in denying this. This is a real problem. He not only doubled down, tripled down, but he promised that unequivocally this wasn’t even close, it wasn’t a spin.”

“And I think that his total deception is what takes place in Washington D.C.,” Grenell said. “Look, those of us on the outside of Washington, we look at this clown show and we say how is this possible? How is DOJ not immediately going after them?” Grenell continued, “This is really scary for the United States to not have a DOJ and an attorney general to jump on this immediately, prosecute the guy.”

Senator Rand Paul has been calling for Fauci’s resignation for months. He is now joined by Tennessee Senator Bill Hagerty and California Rep Doug LaMalfa, who are now calling out Fauci’s unlawful actions. LaMalfa said, “We have incontrovertible proof that he [Fauci] has been intentionally lying to Congress.” “Dr. Fauci must resign and should face prosecution for perjury,” he said.

As a longstanding director at the NIH, Fauci oversaw multiple gain-of-function studies, and even approved research that attached baby scalps to rodents to study immune responses. Fauci is culpable for inhumane human experimentation and is responsible for the development of bioweapons and chimeric viruses that are designed to exploit human immune systems. Under the watch of the Chinese Communist Party, this research can be used for even more nefarious ends.

One of the stated goals of this research is to develop new vaccine technology that transcribes properties of the bioweapon into human cells, interfering with how the cells read their own genetic instructions. This forceful genetic experimentation is currently being carried out on populations that have been locked down and restricted, civil liberties threatened, and freedoms stolen. Fauci has been at the forefront of this global terror experiment, issuing decrees of medical tyranny that are delegated by governments for the complete subjugation of people’s minds and bodies.


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5bc4f4  No.14869831

File: 0542813049ca800⋯.png (1.4 MB, 2580x4534, 1290:2267, CalmBeforeTheStorm1.png)

File: 0fec743a7080fed⋯.png (214.93 KB, 1055x590, 211:118, calmjfk1.png)

File: 955f2dd1d292b46⋯.png (81.24 KB, 749x636, 749:636, Screenshot_from_2021_10_27….png)

File: 885eea0bccf5daf⋯.png (147.08 KB, 947x1036, 947:1036, qproof1_jfk_3letter1.png)



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218f03  No.14869832


you are a jewish woman trying to fuck with the goyim while your husband works late at the law firm

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37dc3b  No.14869833


Youre full of shit! Many people do this for others reasons for doing this, like it could be life and death. And because of such a strange attack, you can go to your corner and contemplate how many other reasons one would have to get in healthy shape

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ca022e  No.14869834



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0a3b60  No.14869835


well said

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8c83d6  No.14869836

File: f23f0cbec7e9ea9⋯.png (416.43 KB, 474x364, 237:182, ClipboardImage.png)

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aefe6e  No.14869837


cheap hookers

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37dc3b  No.14869838

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ef27ff  No.14869839

File: 95b86687ede7476⋯.png (122.58 KB, 465x462, 155:154, TYB.png)

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54fc29  No.14869840



no need, great decode.


yeah, man. I was just adding some supporting documents. You are spot on.

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2976b4  No.14869841

File: a1ff93d10abbcb1⋯.png (94.44 KB, 451x340, 451:340, we_the_people_stand_with_d….PNG)

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218f03  No.14869842



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bd7ccf  No.14869843


the ole sweats on the brick rest.. so manly!

its a SAA 45 .. hold it and shoot it right

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50d550  No.14869844


la palma is having large upheaval

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999061  No.14869845

File: 1e40d77b043a0f2⋯.jpg (74.55 KB, 960x933, 320:311, 1e40d77b043a0f24585bb69b89….jpg)


Damn, that's even better than the Yakety Sax version. Missed opportunity to make everything after he falls down a miss though.

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50d550  No.14869846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8d0db8  No.14869847

File: a8cd00477501b08⋯.jpg (50.57 KB, 783x156, 261:52, JudgesDeaths.jpg)


Regardless of vaxx status, isn't it odd that 3 judges in the same county die within days of each other?


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efffe3  No.14869848

File: 1d46f53c80465b2⋯.png (682.54 KB, 732x919, 732:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f29eb5ad85d818⋯.png (201.46 KB, 365x714, 365:714, ClipboardImage.png)


Tracy Beanz, [27.10.21 19:18]

[ Photo ]

🚨🚨🚨HUGE NEWS on the case we published on today, in regards to the government purposefully scheming to deny religious exemptions!! There was a teleconference today and the government must submit to the court in writing by TOMORROW that NO ONE will be terminated after 11/8 if they have submitted a religious exemption and are unvaccinated. Huge kudos to BRILLIANT constitutional attorney Mike Yoder on this masterful case.



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aefe6e  No.14869849


cheaper hookers

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54fc29  No.14869850

File: 230dcd72a346c83⋯.jpg (9.09 KB, 255x170, 3:2, bread0f64b0675a9ba129c6841….jpg)


>Bread is bread

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8863f9  No.14869851

File: 0a7001737bf0666⋯.jpg (94.33 KB, 720x356, 180:89, OR_PIG_WIN.jpg)

File: dd138f4a7ff7bae⋯.jpg (101.05 KB, 752x374, 376:187, OR_WINNING.jpg)

File: 1e6c20102ac23ca⋯.jpg (54.23 KB, 675x345, 45:23, MS_PIG_WIN.jpg)

File: 70d5cec2bfe7a9f⋯.jpg (59.75 KB, 700x355, 140:71, MS_WINNING.jpg)

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5dafec  No.14869852

File: f8a09c4dbbb2f2a⋯.jpg (44.11 KB, 750x423, 250:141, 1581556931400.jpg)



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7229ec  No.14869853

Found: Alternative IP address block for 8kun

So I cycled through all of the 8kun IP addresses to see if one or more of them actually work reliably instead of going dead every so often. Unfortunately, they all have a failure rate ranging from 1/3 to 1/20, varying over time. I don't know if geographical location is a factor. The end result is that your 8kun client may lock up occasionally, necessitating a reload. You may also get the "deleted or pruned" error message. These are the IP addresses currently assigned to 8kun:,,,,,

I have long suspected that Vanwanet has an entire address block that can be used to access 8kun. There are two other sites that I know to be Vanwanet clients, qagg.news ( and dailystormer.su ( Digging further, I find that the entire block of addresses from to inclusive belong to Vanwanet and any of them may be used for 8kun. The few that I tested extensively work reliably, unlike the IP addresses assigned to 8kun by the Vanwanet DNS server.

We can speculate as to why this is. Is Vanwanet deliberately sabotaging 8kun? Or is it the DDoS protection service which, as far as I know, is still DDoS-Guard (https://ddos-guard.net).

Additionally, the posting server at sys.8kun.top has been slow to respond. The 8kun client is impatient and times out too soon with an error message saying that the "server took too long to respond". I'm experimenting to determine if switching the posting server to the alternative address block will help with that.

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2a8601  No.14869854

File: 94a73a6b6a14938⋯.jpg (36.28 KB, 362x604, 181:302, FCT_iulXsAc1igQ.jpg)

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279a74  No.14869855



anything specific or…?

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a0be41  No.14869856

File: b6205a4dd74c448⋯.png (628.89 KB, 600x445, 120:89, ClipboardImage.png)

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37dc3b  No.