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File: 77478b24d5d5d5f⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1178x781, 1178:781, GODSPEED.png)

5e3599  No.14904462[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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835d23  No.14904468


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'God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.' -SwordAnon

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879505  No.14904473

File: ddfb9dde0679e20⋯.png (72.3 KB, 182x222, 91:111, 9b136e24dc9229d12a754a6c76….png)



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835d23  No.14904474



>>14903790 News Bun

>>14903857 The more voters turn out the more cheating they need, the more obvious it becomes

>>14903941 LAX Airport Power Outage 11/1/21

>>14903928 Australia Plandemic cases remain low: 170,500 infections and 1,735 deaths. 77% of citizens have now been fully vaccinated

>>14903958, >>14903785 Youngkin has a huge crowd.

>>14903985 CMZ has questions about Karen Fann

>>14903966 Archbishop Viganò warns of coming ecological dictatorship

>>14904028 Huma 4 year deltas, eyes on the Frazzledin

>>14904031 The "Guard" Frequency VHF 121.5MHZ-LGB! Buckle up

>>14904036, >>14904054 https://fanncontracting.com/ 4 year Karen Delta?

>>14904042, >>14903972, >>14904233 This man needs to be the Pope. Make it happen

>>14904073 The coverup is worse than the crime. COVID is cover for election fraud

>>14904167 It was all a dream! C_A and heavy D, for publicity. uhh!

>>14904230 For the last time you illiterate cretins. RED OCTOBER IS ON NOVEMBER 7TH

>>14904283 Palmetto State Armory does it again!!!


>>14904347 According to @VictorianCHODE directives - can't take a flag to a 'protest' - for your Health

>>14904370 University of Washington Medicine makes plans to vaccinate 5-11 year olds

>>14904372 Meanwhile in Poland

>>14904383 Greta sings "you can shove your climate crisis up your ass"

>>14904443 #18853


>>14903018 Utah’s new digital mobile drivers license

>>14903022 Reminder of the depth of the corruption

>>14903027 Biden now wants to increase tax rates for US Corporations to more than double that of China

>>14903049 Sleepy Joe Biden snoozing

>>14903053 Members of the faith widely known as the Mormon church remain deeply divided on vaccines and mask-wearing despite consistent guidance from church leaders

>>14903065 Tucker Carlson Begins Series on How Jan 6 Was Instigated by Left-Wing ‘Agent Provocateur’s’ – Something TGP Reported Months Ago (anything new or less with Tucker vs. TGP?)

>>14903148 The U.S. Navy has moved a new 150 bed hospital to an underground cave system in Norway.

>>14903270 Philadelphia becomes first major city to ban police stops for minor traffic violations

>>14903295 26 Democrats Ask Federal Agencies to Investigate if Texas Migrant Arrests Violate Constitution

>>14903329 Houthis Reportedly Targeted Civilians With Ballistic Missiles, As Their Advance In Ma’rib Continues

>>14903418 PM pledges $2 billion for Pacific countries to help fight climate change

>>14903447 Illegal Aliens Get Priority Over American Citizens in Boarding Flights from Texas

>>14903495 Kyle Rittenhouse jury has been seated. (Poso should sauce his tweets https://www.foxnews.com/us/jury-seated-kyle-rittenhouse-opening-statements-begin-tuesday)

>>14903551 Apple announces first states signed up to adopt driver’s licenses and state IDs in Apple Wallet

>>14903559 How Fauci Fooled America | Opinion

>>14903723, #18852

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835d23  No.14904476


>>14902248, >>14902305 Rumors Mounting around submarine crash from October

>>14902252 Mail-In Ballot Nightmare: Dems File Lawsuits

>>14902254 huge news day. Recapping the day for everyone:

>>14902259, >>14902475 The @HillaryClinton @HumaAbedin View

>>14902264, >>14902249 Ghislaine Maxwell loses key rulings ahead of trial for Jeffrey Epstein sex crime case

>>14902274 Trump TeleRally tonight at 7PM EDT for Mike Carey running for Congress in Ohio-15

>>14902279 The risks behind the widespread use of siliconized syringes in the healthcare practice…

>>14902281 Statement by Trump: "Even Biden couldn't stand hearing so much about the Global Warming Hoax…"

>>14902302 The machines are designed to elect godless commies in both parties. Period.

>>14902284 Statement by Trump: Don't forget to go vote… for Esteban "Steve" Bovo for Mayor of Hialeah. He is fantastic!

>>14902342, >>14902566, >>14902707 Adrian Fontes confirmed he is under investigation. "The air is poisoned, the canary has died."

>>14902381 We Refused to Lie About Rachel Levine's Gender—So Twitter Locked Our Account

>>14902384 Is Ford Caving to the Demands of a Soros Stooge??

>>14902390 Mike Lindell LIVE

>>14902450, >>14902443, >>14902452 RED CROSS Denies money laundering allegations…

>>14902492 Aussie TREASON INFERNO

>>14902538 Court Gives DOD Extensive Homework Before Navy SEAL 1 v. Biden Hearing

>>14902556 ICYMI Brandon took a nap during COP26

>>14902564, >>14902611 The CDC miscalculated the data! 80-90% of expecting mothers will have spontaneous abortions!!

>>14902581 Scranton aka Brandone, Pennsylvania School Board Meeting tonight

>>14902607 Lawsuit: Texas Cops Refused to Escort Biden Bus, Told Hysterical Staffers to 'Call Back' Later

>>14902621 Washington Post Reports On "Demonic Energy" Behind The Left’s Culture War

>>14902667 In 1918 New Zealand had set up inhalation chambers filled with zinc sulfate

>>14902673 Another Vaxx'd Professional Soccer Player Collapses on Field

>>14902681 Reminder to media shills

>>14902708, >>14902741 Minneapolis Votes On Tuesday to Replace Police with "Peace Officers"

>>14902721 @Donald Trump Jr : "VA Democrats Have Reached a New Low!"

>>14902730 Jury seated for homicide trial of Kyle Rittenhouse

>>14902733 POOPIE AND THE POPE: Did Biden collect $10,000 after he visited Pope?

>>14902778 Karen Fann Announces Her Retirement From the AZ Senate After 28 Years

>>14902781 CISA will be monitoring for any threats to election integrity in Virginia governor's race

>>14902782 For the Keks

>>14902932 Vaccine batches & adverse events

>>14902964, #18851


>>14901498 Republican Utah lawmaker who called for ‘forensic’ audit of state’s 2020 election abruptly resigns

>>14901534, >>14901545 EXPLOSIVE REVELATION: Indian Television Exposes How Pfizer Bullies and Blackmails Countries for COVID Shots – “Desperate Countries force to Make Humiliating Concessions” (VIDEO)

>>14901509 Adrian Fontes, the previous Maricopa County Recorder, confirmed to be under investigation by AG Brnovich

>>14901516, >>14901872 Statement by Trump: "The Fake News… Perverts… are trying to create an impression that Glenn Youngkin and I are at odds"

>>14901522 PULL them, Mike. Faux is worse than all the others who aren't dividing OUR SIDE.

>>14901528, >>14901559 Datefagging RE: Red October/Nov 5th

>>14901533 Go vote even if you think the election is rigged and will be stolen, keep giving them rope!

>>14901535, >>14901573, >>14901648 Trump tele-rally tonight?

>>14901542 The Queen’s speech at the COP26 Evening Reception

>>14901557 “Biden can only talk about one thing: Donald Trump”

>>14901564 Tracking [HUMA]

>>14901634 Report: Build Back Better Act to Have $500 Billion in Climate Carveouts

>>14901661 >11.3 coming up… largest_flying_flag_in_america.jpg

>>14901745 Companies mull ending government contracts over vaccine mandate

>>14901781, >>14902170, >>14901735 Archbishop Vigano says it all, strap in!

>>14901831 Pegasus Chief Flies: Notorious Israeli Spyware Firm Founder Resigns


>>14901852 Supreme Court to hear legal challenges to Texas Heartbeat Act 11/1/21

>>14902011 [AUDIT THE VOTE] what happened in Utah in 2020?

>>14902048 FJB shares an emotion. LGB tells a story.

>>14902095 LIVE Mike Lindell coming up!

>>14902100 Italy Arrests 103 in Anti-Mafia Operations Across the Country

>>14902141 Wisconsin’s Racine County GOP Finds 23,000 Voters with the Same Phone Number and 4,000 Voters Registered in 1918!

>>14902207, >>14902104 Texas Gov urges Texas Association of School Boards to ensure no child in a Texas public school is exposed to pornography

>>14902205 Game Theory

>>14902658, #18850

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835d23  No.14904479

Previously Collected Notables

>>14900663 #18848, >>14901428 #18849

>>14899416 #18845, >>14900265 #18846, >>14899740 #18847

>>14895768 #18842, >>14896556 #18843, >>14897309 #18844

>>14893485 #18839, >>14894246 #18840, >>14895018 #18841

>>14891188 #18836, >>14891957 #18837, >>14892916 #18838

>>14888916 #18833, >>14889685 #18834, >>14890441 #18835

>>14886627 #18830, >>14887384 #18831, >>14888151 #18832

>>14884327 #18827, >>14885008 #18828, >>14885870 #18829

>>14882037 #18824, >>14882806 #18825, >>14883563 #18826

>>14879707 #18821, >>14880459 #18822, >>14881238 #18823

>>14877312 #18818, >>14880151 #18819, >>14878904 #18820

>>14874902 #18815, >>14875719 #18816, >>14876536 #18817

>>14872508 #18812, >>14874072 #18813, >>14874063 #18814

>>14870147 #18809, >>14870888 #18810, >>14871713 #18811

>>14867856 #18806, >>14868618 #18807, >>14869391 #18808

>>14865528 #18803, >>14866300 #18804, >>14867087 #18805

>>14863227 #18800, >>14863949 #18801, >>14864719 #18802

>>14860929 #18797, >>14861710 #18798, >>14862461 #18799

>>14858577 #18794, >>14859338 #18795, >>14860162 #18796

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

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* Download Any Videos https://distillvideo.com/

Other Tools

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* The Brain Project: https://bra.in/5jQ7RE

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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* Military Ship Tracker https://www.shiplocation.com/military/tracker

* Baker Tools v0.7.5: https://controlc.com/a0409084

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835d23  No.14904480

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

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>>>/warroom/ ————————————–— 8kun Warroom

International Q Research Threads

>>14789296 ————————————–——– Australia #19

>>14841879 ————————————–——– Balkan #9

>>14866898 ————————————–——– Canada #25

>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>14739794 ————————————–——– Germany #89

>>14586201 ————————————–——– Nederland #7

>>14740217 ————————————–——– Japan #3

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

=!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

1. Watch >>14692975 VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS

2. Open Current Dough Link

3. Create Thread (Subject, Welcome Content, Image), Open thread and Paste Remaining Contents

4. Check Format against Current Dough

5. Request Baker for Review

Approximate baking time averages around 2-3 minutes reposting 4-5 posts.

*Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

*Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

*Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watc

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835d23  No.14904481

File: 4e54abcf8ad22aa⋯.jpg (160.83 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 4e54abcf8ad22aa51cf468f1f4….jpg)



kitchen ghosted

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835d23  No.14904484

File: 8f71b52266944e9⋯.jpeg (97.84 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, 8f71b52266944e9cb8682d1fc….jpeg)

next baker self confirm

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36b3f9  No.14904495

File: 166550751dd9857⋯.jpg (948.36 KB, 2576x1848, 46:33, 166550751dd9857f4cbc2282e5….jpg)

File: f0ad963b7444ae7⋯.png (1020.22 KB, 1049x2041, 1049:2041, ae801612e8b4f4c84722706a10….png)

File: f14a80fc01e9de7⋯.png (759.54 KB, 800x600, 4:3, d15f4b8f13ce66ba2cb6fb80d0….png)


ty ghost b

Any anons on wanna add to the collection?

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879505  No.14904514

File: 7bb249b97307396⋯.png (38.58 KB, 983x703, 983:703, 7bb249b973073961b03e7ff900….png)


>Any anons on wanna add to the collection?

Gimme a minute. Which tits do you want glazed?

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3cc459  No.14904519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thank you all. God bless you.

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75ec79  No.14904527

File: 39051d1a27fc7fb⋯.png (87.78 KB, 539x557, 539:557, CDC_Pediatrics_Covid19_pre….png)

File: b57dd27ae39887f⋯.png (59.97 KB, 527x392, 527:392, CDC_pedia_covid19.png)

>>14904098 pb

>>14904370 pb

CDC Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccination Operational Planning Guide for children

note: pre-ordered purchases of vaccines before authorization.


• FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) is

scheduled to meet on October 26th. The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization

Practices (ACIP) is scheduled to meet on November 2nd and 3rd, 2021. Jurisdictions

should be ready to vaccinate children 5–11 years old shortly thereafter, pending FDA

authorization and CDC recommendations.

• To ensure efficient rollout of vaccine supply, jurisdictions should plan their ordering

strategy now and identify the priority locations and sequence of activating these priority

locations during the initial weeks of the pediatric vaccination efforts.

• Shipment for pediatric vaccines can begin once FDA issues the EUA, and vaccine

administration can begin once the CDC Director makes a recommendation.

o For the initial roll out, a large, one-time bolus of pediatric product will be made

available pro-rata for jurisdictions to pre-order.

▪ Pre-orders will occur in three waves beginning October 20th. Jurisdictions

will have 48 hours to enter orders for each wave.

▪ Wave 1: Order cap will be raised October 20th

▪ Wave 2: Order cap will be raised again on October 22nd

▪ Wave 3: Order cap will be raised again on October 24th. This will be the

final order cap raise of the initial launch period, and standard order cap

cycles will begin the first full week of the launch.

▪ Pre-ordering through these waves will allow for a manageable and

equitable launch for this new vaccine

o This bolus of supply will ensure that vaccine can be placed in many locations

nationwide, making it easier for children to get vaccinated. These doses will

remain in ordering caps for jurisdictions to order as needed. Second dose

planning is the responsibility of the jurisdiction and should be considered as part

of the initial order.

o Depending on the jurisdiction’s roll-out plan, the entire allocation may not need

to be ordered the first week. Any unordered doses will remain allocated to the

jurisdictions to order in the future as needed.

o After this initial bolus, a weekly supply will be made available to help sustain the

network and support site specific needs as vaccine is administered.



❑ Create a communication plan that outlines strategies, audiences,

and products that will be used to promote COVID-19 vaccination

of 5–11-year-olds.

❑ Understand existing data on parent knowledge, attitudes, and

perceptions regarding vaccination (including co-administration

with influenza and routine childhood vaccines) in terms of

demand, provider types and locations where vaccination would

be preferred (e.g., pediatric clinics, schools, pharmacies), and

anticipated timing of when parents would be interested in

children being vaccinated relative to issuance of EUA or Biologics

License Application (BLA). Share these data with jurisdictions and

partners to help shape messages.

❑ Develop communications products for providers, pharmacies,

and public; align with federal messaging (e.g., How to Talk with

Parents about COVID-19 Vaccination) and ensure communication

materials are culturally and linguistically appropriate.

❑ Leverage partnerships (e.g., American Academy of Pediatrics

[AAP] State Chapters) to help mobilize providers and messaging

to families.

❑ Engage and educate partners and trusted messengers as soon as

possible (e.g., healthcare providers, community leaders, school

administrators, faith leaders and faith-based organizations).


CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) November 2nd and 3rd, 2021.


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3cc459  No.14904537


>>>14904230 For the last time you illiterate cretins. RED OCTOBER IS ON NOVEMBER 7TH

2 days early…nov 5 pffftt

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3bb808  No.14904541

>>14904042 (lb)

Here is the missing text at the 15:14 - 16:25 mark

that youtube censored:

- We don't have a Pope who will defend those who do not want to have the experimental gene serum. Nor bishops who will raise their voices to condemn the use of aborted fetuses to produce these so-called vaccines. On the contrary the shepherds kick us out of churches if we don't have the Green Pass. They remove the priest who does not yield to the pandemic delirium, and in the Vatican the employees of the Holy See are fired, including the Swiss guards who refuse to get branded by rejecting the diktat of a courtly hierarchy of the New World Order.

I express here my total solidarity with priests outlawed by their bishops, and with the former Swiss Guards; in particular to Pierre-André Udressy, who had the courage to publicly denounce the abuses he suffered by the Vatican authorities.

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e8f5a9  No.14904549

File: 93c212434c8a1f9⋯.png (684.96 KB, 800x800, 1:1, pepe_patriot_tomahawk.png)

Evening, frens. How goes the communist takeover?

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879505  No.14904552

File: 8ee94e7c41298d9⋯.png (186.49 KB, 844x827, 844:827, Screen_Shot_2020_04_02_at_….png)


>Evening, frens. How goes the communist takeover?

About the same as yesterday.

Get off muh lawn!

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82d96a  No.14904556

File: 0fc5a2abb93597f⋯.png (840.27 KB, 701x982, 701:982, 1_NYPost_Teacher_of_Year_b….PNG)

File: f24d7803583b09a⋯.png (1.09 MB, 697x806, 697:806, 2_NYPost_Teacher_of_Year_b….PNG)

Florida ‘Teacher of the Year’ arrested for hitting pupil who criticized award


>This is so 2021

A Florida educator was busted for child abuse two days after being named Teacher of the Year — for allegedly hitting a student who criticized her getting the award, according to police.

High school English teacher Caroline Melanie Lee, 60, was proudly hailed for her achievement by the Duval County Public Schools last Wednesday, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office.

She was arrested Friday, accused of hitting a female pupil in the face and leaving her with a bloody nose, the arrest report said.

Lee allegedly demanded the pupil come to her office after she read a comment thread on the Instagram post that challenged her new award, accusing her of using the N-word in classes.

The pupil — who was not identified because she is a juvenile — was too terrified to go to Lee’s office, she told investigators.

But the teacher stormed into her classroom and demanded she leave with her, the police report said, with surveillance showing the teacher “walking ahead … at an aggressive pace,” the affidavit said.

Once alone in Lee’s classroom, the teacher shut the door — and then “reached across the table and struck her on her face with the heel of her palm,” the girl told investigators.

“Lee then began repeatedly calling her a ‘f—ing bitch’ as she landed several more strikes on the top of her head” and also “kicked her on her lower leg,” she told officers.

Surveillance footage shows the girl holding her face as she went straight to the school’s guidance counselor to report the alleged attack, the report said.

Lee admitted being in the classroom, but denied hitting the girl — and “could not explain the bloody nose,” officers said. She also admitted using the N-word in classes, but only while reading it in John Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men,” the arrest warrant said.

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879505  No.14904560

File: 2a35da9f4c09bdb⋯.png (48.7 KB, 362x294, 181:147, 235e998fa5c17b0ef29f499deb….png)

Sculpted eyebrows are a sure sign of crazy.

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40717c  No.14904561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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cd233d  No.14904562


FF by vicious BLM cunt willing to give herself a bloody nose to punish perceived raycissim of white teacher.

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38ef3e  No.14904563

>>14904491 PB

Who is going to do all of this "rounding up"?

The corrupt cops?

The corrupt FBI?

The corrupt military?

Who is going to prosecuted them?

The corrupt judges?

The corrupt State's Attorneys?

Who is going to bell the cat?

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c6d3eb  No.14904564

File: 3096117fb304252⋯.gif (6.31 MB, 700x700, 1:1, 20211023_032257.gif)

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cd233d  No.14904565


>The corrupt military?

no… the supposedly un-corrupt mil DJT kept tell us about. "mil is the only way."

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a03cf2  No.14904566


Sessions and Bill Barr

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3a3bc6  No.14904567

File: b7546ea2a6ea736⋯.png (131.43 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



Israel does not control Congress. U.S. support for Israel remains strong and bipartisan. As ADL has long said, these types of remarks play into tropes about “Jewish control” of government and are unacceptable. https://antisemitism.adl.org/power/

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c6d3eb  No.14904568


that is what the vaXXX is for.

never seen a cull, нuн.

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40717c  No.14904569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a03cf2  No.14904570


Vax is communism though.

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cd233d  No.14904572


>that is what the vaXXX is for.

then why are only good people dying, while the evil ones are still laughing it up? you're a moran. KYS, tard.

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3a3bc6  No.14904573

“The biggest change I’ve seen in Congress is Israel literally owned Congress — you understand that. Ten years ago, 15 years ago, and it was so powerful, it was so powerful and today it’s almost the opposite,” Trump said.


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a03cf2  No.14904574


Deep state swapped the viles when Trump wasn't looking

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cd233d  No.14904575


>today it’s almost the opposite,

yeah, now congress is owned by muzzie jew bashers. (HINT: israel owns the muzzie jew bashers.)

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40717c  No.14904576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… you have to show them. People really just don't wanna have to deal with it, but I guess we have to.


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bcced0  No.14904577

Corruption Worldwide: Nowhere to Run. Nowhere to Hide.

Nairobi County Secretary Jumps Through City Hall Office Window to Escape Arrest by DCI

Acting Nairobi County secretary Jairus Musumba jumped out of the executive wing at City Hall to avoid being arrested by DCI detective over a corruption case.

3 hrs ago


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cd233d  No.14904578

File: 258c144f58bfbe1⋯.jpg (22.02 KB, 227x300, 227:300, 258c144f58bfbe12ce8b1484be….jpg)

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72e7b5  No.14904579

Spiritual warfare.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/CNfmij_Cpq8" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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c6d3eb  No.14904580

File: 649d2138c5f080e⋯.gif (38.65 KB, 300x295, 60:59, 20191113_015317.gif)


your reading comprehension is shit.

the vaXXX is to kill Y.O.U.


whether you take it or not


²and all you love

³are already dead.

that is what they are saying, anyway.


<¹no ²great ³loss

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72e7b5  No.14904581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Embedded spiritual warfare.

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c6d3eb  No.14904582

File: 28a9402d7c891a9⋯.gif (1.4 MB, 573x573, 1:1, 20200424_011934.gif)



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38ef3e  No.14904583


When did it become illegal to use "the N word"?

How did we get so stupid?

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40717c  No.14904584


… where are the biohazard bins?

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cd233d  No.14904585


>your reading comprehension is shit.

my reading comprehension is just fine. try writing something comprehensible, instead of cryptic gibberish. MORAN.

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e8f5a9  No.14904586

File: 0b10390488909ee⋯.mp4 (650.53 KB, 720x720, 1:1, bidan_to_pope.mp4)

Dear American "men":

Keep chanting Fuck Joe Biden and Let's Go Brandon. Eventually your chanting will wear out the communists coming at your children with jabs and they will relent and all will be restored.


The Communists Coming At Your Children With Jabs

P.S. Now you know why we never bothered repealing muh second amendment, why we never bothered with a serious effort to confiscate your guns. We knew all along that you'd be too much of a bunch of pussies to ever put your guns to use. Enjoy what remains of muh show.

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c428b0  No.14904587

File: e351383be174286⋯.png (251.54 KB, 755x547, 755:547, Bildschirmfoto_2021_11_02_….png)

Time is running out, they can put it in tap water if they want to…

Vaxart COVID-19 Oral Vaccine (VXA-CoV2-1) Description (updated 26th of October, 2021



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b2d783  No.14904589

File: 8c37081c373e7d0⋯.jpg (20.06 KB, 1080x242, 540:121, Screenshot_20211102_003853….jpg)

File: 1dd18a90a12b9e9⋯.jpg (484.51 KB, 810x1467, 90:163, Screenshot_20211102_004139….jpg)

File: f3e3fc5a3762b9c⋯.jpg (480.38 KB, 1080x1377, 40:51, Screenshot_20211102_004106….jpg)

JFK Jr. trending on Twatter because we're morons.

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cd233d  No.14904590


>Time is running out, they can put it in tap water if they want to…

would not survive the filtration and purification procedures. put a carbon filter on your tap. anon left cities long ago - has a well. LOTS of the GOOD americans have wells.

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c6d3eb  No.14904591

File: 969af758dd6955c⋯.gif (1.55 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 20211102_014747.gif)


you are an ignorant barbarian deserving of your fate.

<that comprehensible enow¿

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40717c  No.14904592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

… it won't work because their base gives support but it's totally pin the tail on the donkey… (unless it's regeneron which would be a major curve ball). Extremely inefficient. Those people pose no threat other than conscious or subconscious perpetual lies, misinformation, and known/unknown sabotage.

It all comes out in the wash.


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b2d783  No.14904593

File: fb6d111ecf62c6d⋯.jpg (465.69 KB, 810x1773, 90:197, Screenshot_20211102_005022….jpg)

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5e3599  No.14904594

File: f7bd600703e5330⋯.jpg (217.83 KB, 972x1484, 243:371, Screenshot_20211102_034906….jpg)

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e16055  No.14904595

File: b6d571c343f5495⋯.png (75.89 KB, 398x247, 398:247, ITS.png)

File: 7fcd8365416cc2c⋯.png (141.93 KB, 707x247, 707:247, GOING.png)

File: 5c39e25a293ffc3⋯.png (63.46 KB, 349x247, 349:247, TO.png)

File: ec47a84efcf30cd⋯.png (66.07 KB, 335x247, 335:247, BE.png)

File: a9e9fc1a0887ad5⋯.png (166.13 KB, 1001x247, 77:19, BIBLICAL.png)

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e16055  No.14904596

File: a4a0b51046307b9⋯.jpg (138.84 KB, 668x362, 334:181, Moses_Biblical.jpg)

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e16055  No.14904597

File: 1723496b5b7b783⋯.jpg (242.31 KB, 612x444, 51:37, moses_biblical2.jpg)

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cd233d  No.14904598



you wanna drink the kool-aid…? knock yourself out. whattaya waitin' for? do it. do it NOW!

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e16055  No.14904599

File: 20b752c0970f91f⋯.jpg (144.87 KB, 555x438, 185:146, moses_bush.jpg)

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c6d3eb  No.14904600

File: 3ac5b760972625b⋯.gif (4.88 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 20211027_002717.gif)


sad liddl

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5e3599  No.14904601

File: e0bfb206a085473⋯.jpg (50.77 KB, 960x612, 80:51, FB_IMG_1635838856144.jpg)

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cd233d  No.14904602


LMAO. 'zat what passes for jedi mind tricks in your lame-ass brain? it would be sad if it weren't so HILARIOUS.

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5e3599  No.14904603

File: 93e27cec75c9de2⋯.jpg (50.79 KB, 960x678, 160:113, FB_IMG_1635759199376.jpg)

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72e7b5  No.14904604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Take one deep breath.

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abee56  No.14904605


So now we're talking about Israel huh? Saw this shit on the twitter - that have banned me again - just can't win - today ish, and that /those people who are big on chip investments and tech 'sharing' between the US and China/Israel are everywhere again.

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5e3599  No.14904606

File: 1b18e9d71a48dd6⋯.jpg (55.38 KB, 640x637, 640:637, FB_IMG_1635816207306.jpg)

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1787f1  No.14904607

File: 0240c59911c1749⋯.png (207.45 KB, 600x597, 200:199, 5636636.png)

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38ef3e  No.14904608



He is boxing them in

[ ]

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1787f1  No.14904609

File: 2c3600b5e6ee185⋯.jpeg (40.69 KB, 587x263, 587:263, 5435.jpeg)

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8fd5cf  No.14904610


Sounds like fake news.

None have MAGA hats.

Made up nonesense.

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1787f1  No.14904611

File: 2a07208d67da1aa⋯.png (889.12 KB, 1080x1145, 216:229, 2425.png)


the science is settled

the vaccines are safe and effective


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5e3599  No.14904612

File: 426660b5ea167e5⋯.jpg (99.22 KB, 1080x1152, 15:16, FB_IMG_1635840046637.jpg)

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cd233d  No.14904613


no one has forcibly jabbed any of my family. tried to coerce? yes. forced? no. they didn't "bother" to repeal the 2nd amendment because they have a good idea of how many un-registered guns are out there. it would be pointless, plus it would tip the scales, not in their favor. eventually they will cross a line. beware the wrath of the patient man.

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1787f1  No.14904614

File: 7411ebab467b5d2⋯.jpg (824.62 KB, 1242x1194, 207:199, 35356657.jpg)


it's a niggerfaggot glowie psyop

move along… just another alphabet agency larp

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5e3599  No.14904615

File: 9353eae2017381d⋯.jpg (65.82 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, FB_IMG_1635840173583.jpg)

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c6d3eb  No.14904616

File: a62055bc5ee96dd⋯.gif (4.38 MB, 300x300, 1:1, 20211102_012355.gif)


rent free

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cd233d  No.14904617

File: 0913eb23fca60a1⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1435x768, 1435:768, Screen_Shot_2021_11_01_at_….png)

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1787f1  No.14904618

File: 97410df7d2aa748⋯.png (211.8 KB, 480x447, 160:149, 353536.png)

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40717c  No.14904619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… this should be your next movie.


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b5b845  No.14904620

File: 1c5055aeeae787f⋯.jpg (603.52 KB, 1071x1440, 119:160, Screenshot_20211102_210446….jpg)

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1787f1  No.14904621

File: b6d79f6c0aaac0f⋯.jpg (64.76 KB, 576x702, 32:39, 42526.jpg)


commie bastards

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bb1e6d  No.14904622

File: c6be853a166a5ea⋯.jpg (102.99 KB, 1272x663, 424:221, 20211102_020301.jpg)


Wtf is that

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c6d3eb  No.14904623

File: e63d0c23a20feb4⋯.gif (528.48 KB, 409x264, 409:264, 20211102_020752.gif)

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1787f1  No.14904624

File: b8403873c0e27a6⋯.gif (99.1 KB, 230x290, 23:29, 363636.gif)


>using the N-word in classes,

omg !

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b5b845  No.14904625

File: 5d72c19476b6328⋯.jpg (317.92 KB, 1076x945, 1076:945, Screenshot_20211102_210927….jpg)

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1787f1  No.14904626

File: 8dff969be9f2f72⋯.png (233.94 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 5636366.png)

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c6d3eb  No.14904627

File: 5c431dc4c885637⋯.jpg (389.12 KB, 1080x1452, 90:121, 20211102_021220.jpg)


foreshadow much?


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f0121a  No.14904628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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40717c  No.14904629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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cbcef0  No.14904630


08:09= yup 17

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678dca  No.14904631


Why is he still wearing his halloween costume?

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c6d3eb  No.14904632

File: 9294e4f4635b6bc⋯.gif (497.1 KB, 485x640, 97:128, 20201116_210344.gif)

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eb7197  No.14904633


>- Mcafee Afterlife https://t.me/McafeeAfterlife/

>- Karen Fann https://twitter.com/FannKfann

>- Kanekoa https://gab.com/KanekoaTheGreat https://rumble.com/user/kanekoathegreat

>- George News: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHuJRxaJssaumjcv9aLZ21Q

>- :Russell-Jay: Gould. LastFlagStanding.com

>- Jack Posobiec https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/

>- Marjorie Greene https://twitter.com/mtgreenee/

>- Sebastian Gorka https://twitter.com/SebGorka/

>- Media: @RSBNetwork | @OANN | @Newsmax | @News_ntd

All this crap in the dough is useless. This weekend we had bakers use simple dough. You know the old school of Q's last post and just a few lines in the OP. Next post was the notables. Next was the tweet deck and such. Then dough.

The thousand lines of bat shit crazy links in the dough is trash.

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b5b845  No.14904634

File: c037c2e6b0517b5⋯.jpg (357.5 KB, 1075x972, 1075:972, Screenshot_20211102_212028….jpg)

4 fucking years i have waited…….

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40717c  No.14904635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… oops. You got the cuts.


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bbfacd  No.14904636

https://youtu.be/e3C8grEN2Fk (9 years ago)

CNN witnesses 9-year-old being sold for marriage to 55-year-old man



Girl was sold so the rest of her family could eat

Can anyone translate this so we can verify that CNN's Translation is saying what they are saying?

They are speaking in DIRI I believe. ThanQ

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bbfacd  No.14904637



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93976e  No.14904638


>All this crap in the dough is useless. This weekend we had bakers use simple dough.

I've been wondering about that myself. I have only baked once and that was for 6 hours but those globals were not in the dough that I used. Nobody mentioned the omission. Who really needs that shit? I vote to leave it out or at least trim it down to a few essentials.

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bbfacd  No.14904639



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40717c  No.14904640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hate all you want. Anons are the immoveable.


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bbfacd  No.14904641

Also how do i embed youtube videos?


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678dca  No.14904642

File: 5fd23d28d6159e4⋯.jpg (51.88 KB, 362x480, 181:240, Whos_a_good_boy.jpg)

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bbfacd  No.14904643


bro how do you embed the videos?

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1277cd  No.14904644

File: 901669c62002223⋯.jpeg (354.16 KB, 1124x1625, 1124:1625, 3C57E1DA_4015_4E4A_956F_F….jpeg)

File: 7219147eba8e273⋯.jpeg (388.01 KB, 1124x1692, 281:423, 8C07B9E3_33BB_4853_827F_5….jpeg)

File: be24a7a2fa4044a⋯.jpeg (423.21 KB, 1124x1447, 1124:1447, 822F9003_A93D_4997_82FE_C….jpeg)


>>14904481 < TY Baker!

>>14903065 (lb)

^^^ Yes, but Anons and others have been giving heads up to TGP, Twitter-ites, and many others for many years. Plus some of us were tracking this real-time. We were watching John S while in Provo Utah in July 20 when he just so happened to catch on film the shooting of a man being provoked at an intersection. Provo…get it…Provocateur…

In fact, its kind of funny how things get communicated. As some of us were tracking, monitoring, and documenting the movements of individuals and malcontents through the last two years, we were also calling out and documenting (via Twitter, 8kun/4chan, Signal, texts, etc.,) participants as we saw ‘em and called ‘em. For instance, we were Tweeting/Texting out:

Agents and Provocateurs


Agents & Provocateurs



Meaning that there were“Agents”of the FBI, Capitol Police, some possible DEA acting as informants. Some had also infiltrated the “Jericho March” and “Stop the Steal” organizations earlier. That’s where we caught on to a few (as well as the dozen+ Michigan Capitol “Push-ers”) that were fairly obvious on camera.

ANDthat there were also groups of planned (Antifa, John Sullivan types, etc.) and spontaneous (various groups of individuals)“Provocateurs”. Yes, there were some that have now been identified by name who were apparently actual Agents who were doing the Provocateuring, but we weren’t considering them as such during the time. It’s possible that the term was coined and used years ago, but we didn’t know that.

Did we accidentally move a new term forward by forgetting to put the ampersand or dash a couple of times on our comms before people started copying and pasting?

Oops…”Agents Provocateurs” is now the popular term although somewhat grammatically incorrect.

When is the government going to recognize the role of Agents Provocateurs?

Never…because that would be too provocative and downright comical.



Yes…TGP, WarRoom, Natalie W., et. al., ZeroH, etc., … you are welcome and thanks for finally catching up.

Patriots and Anons are in-the-know.


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f0121a  No.14904645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>bro how do you embed the videos?

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c428b0  No.14904646




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40717c  No.14904647



Hide post button

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f0121a  No.14904648

File: 38ac30aa89f0d32⋯.jpg (44.45 KB, 883x439, 883:439, Screen_Shot_2021_11_02_at_….jpg)

File: 0a0e42efd889e63⋯.jpg (34.19 KB, 389x382, 389:382, Screen_Shot_2021_11_02_at_….jpg)




>bro how do you embed the videos?

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c6d3eb  No.14904649

File: fe515eade04860f⋯.gif (335.75 KB, 374x374, 1:1, 20211102_023250.gif)


>The thousand lines of bat shit crazy…

<at least it fits in.

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8fd5cf  No.14904650


Bwahaha!!! you got Q good this time.

How stupid you going to look when nothing happens?

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40717c  No.14904651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

… metal anons.


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bbfacd  No.14904652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bbfacd  No.14904653


thanks G

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1a1683  No.14904654

File: 93c212434c8a1f9⋯.png (684.96 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 5795cca05bfa84738567e6c4a8….png)

Wish I could be there tomorrow Q , you know I would if I could , Welcome Back Sir ! WWG1WGA , LOVE 💘 Pilotorb , Love , Truth , Trust , and Faith in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 🙏❤ is the Answer , ThankQ Q , Q+ , Q++ , WRWY Always !

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c6d3eb  No.14904655

File: f45a5cd6f9e1021⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 496x400, 31:25, 20211102_023704.gif)


no need.

it is just their "culture" dontchaknow.

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f0121a  No.14904656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>²and all you love

>³are already dead.

<=For the 'CURE'. >>14863399 (QSG)


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40717c  No.14904657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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cbcef0  No.14904658

Anybody got the Kyle Rittenhou.se superpowers unlocked series of memes.

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c6d3eb  No.14904659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f0121a  No.14904660

File: 2111c4eab36fe8e⋯.png (456.57 KB, 469x551, 469:551, Screen_Shot_2021_02_04_at_….png)

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40717c  No.14904661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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9f0663  No.14904662

File: 3ea2b31dcd13aa7⋯.jpg (315.41 KB, 616x768, 77:96, nightdog.jpg)

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cde359  No.14904663

File: 5f5fb035032cff5⋯.jpg (44.43 KB, 678x500, 339:250, 5so1lx.jpg)

Black people in government suffer a failure rate of 96%.

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40717c  No.14904664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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40717c  No.14904665


… you have to include the communities in decision making, peanuts.

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eb7197  No.14904666

File: 9f016103dd9e3ce⋯.jpg (51.53 KB, 526x935, 526:935, 9f016103dd9e3ce76076f7d261….jpg)


I've got the achievements unlocked one.

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f0121a  No.14904667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Who is going to do all of this "rounding up"?


: Russell-Jay: Gould.

49,125 views * Sep 23, 2021


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b1f7eb  No.14904668

File: 465494a37290f2a⋯.gif (2.8 MB, 373x498, 373:498, fuck_make_face.gif)

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c6d3eb  No.14904669

File: 100913cba69c34b⋯.gif (732.93 KB, 256x192, 4:3, 20211017_222135.gif)

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f0121a  No.14904670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>14904563 (QSG)

>>14186793 (QSG)

>Who is going to do all of this "rounding up"?


81,855 * views • Jul 20, 2021

: Russell-Jay: Gould.


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b1f7eb  No.14904671


This Quantum lunacy is appropriate for its natural state.

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604daa  No.14904672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f53af7  No.14904673

File: 46afa4a446035e9⋯.png (177.47 KB, 291x213, 97:71, ClipboardImage.png)

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1277cd  No.14904674


Yo…how ya doin’ NS friend!

Cheers…but it’s now time to hit the sack before the day job.

Might not have it in a few months tho, as the pressure for the jab heats up on 22 November. They have no intentions of approving any religious or medical exemptions. None to date and the forms were just made available. They’re going to start having supervisors begin disciplinary sessions right after Thanksgiving.

Fun, huh?!

Let the Revolution of Massive Protests of the Skilled Unemployed begin.

—Maybe we should write a protest song about that!—

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bbfacd  No.14904675

File: 799b0b74ca0b5fc⋯.png (22.06 KB, 295x329, 295:329, ClipboardImage.png)



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0c42fa  No.14904676

File: 8f44f08b15011d5⋯.png (246.2 KB, 777x743, 777:743, 23_h.png)


American Airlines cancels more flights; total tops 2,300

By Reuters

November 2, 2021 12:03am

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bbfacd  No.14904678


23 means pain….

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0c42fa  No.14904680

File: 1de0857780a8ee1⋯.png (237.61 KB, 792x699, 264:233, never_to_late.png)


Tucker Carlson Begins Series on How Jan 6 Was Instigated by Federal Provocateur’s and Leftwing Radicals – Something TGP Reported Months Ago

By Joe Hoft

Published November 1, 2021 at 8:35pm

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cbcef0  No.14904681

File: 7c31f023ebc679b⋯.jpg (539.54 KB, 1800x1056, 75:44, 7c31f023ebc679bb8fea86b224….jpg)


Thats the one. Thanks.

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c6d3eb  No.14904682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


they already did.

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bbfacd  No.14904683

File: 5d84770d2e744e4⋯.png (7.58 KB, 293x132, 293:132, ClipboardImage.png)


how do we remember?

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0c42fa  No.14904684

File: 56c8737ba1bd2e9⋯.png (447.34 KB, 883x789, 883:789, hack_dan.png)


Discredited Hack Dan Rather Blasts 'Let's Go, Brandon' — Oh, What a Short Memory He Has

By Mike Miller | Nov 01, 2021 7:45 PM ET

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604daa  No.14904685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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bbfacd  No.14904686

File: e28605add9b8266⋯.png (32.8 KB, 296x507, 296:507, ClipboardImage.png)



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821deb  No.14904687

File: e815571e2a226b3⋯.jpeg (293.83 KB, 1461x968, 1461:968, E14C52F9_8C0D_4BCF_9C52_E….jpeg)


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1277cd  No.14904688


Hey I can play that one! A little slower though.

On the piano, not the Paganini version on the violin.

Liszt is my favorite.

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f0121a  No.14904689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>14904667 (You)

>>14904563 (QSG)

>>14186793 (QSG)

>>14539175 (QSG)

>Who is going to do all of this "rounding up"?


: Russell-Jay: Gould.

16,350 views * Sep 7, 2021


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c6d3eb  No.14904690

File: c7cfbc602670791⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 400x225, 16:9, 20211102_030649.gif)


could you identify your enemy for the class, awake?

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bbfacd  No.14904691

File: dc963005185bb54⋯.jpg (98.21 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, timetobridgethegap_6665048….jpg)


nice meme

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604daa  No.14904692


… I just flicked my top hat away and pulled up my strides then MJ'd on my toes for 2.37 seconds…. dropped into a whirl and busted out with a slide.

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0c42fa  No.14904693

File: 5d4b64ec6c6d1ae⋯.png (118.69 KB, 413x813, 413:813, fl_can.png)


KanekoaTheGreat, [02.11.21 04:15]

[Forwarded from ElectionEvidence.com/UnmaskingTruth.org Official Telegram Channel]

[ Photo ]


When extrapolated out, this yields up to 960,000 of mail in ballots are phantom votes.


Please contact the Secretary of State (Laurel Lee) and ask her why so many phantom voters exist on the voter rolls.



@ElectionEvidence 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

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bbfacd  No.14904694

File: f067aee54ee756b⋯.jpg (140.9 KB, 1061x719, 1061:719, Bravenewworld.jpg)

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c6d3eb  No.14904695

File: 2aa5b2e6276f3e3⋯.gif (386.93 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 20190124_015226.gif)


as one said.

completely fabricated.

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604daa  No.14904696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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73beef  No.14904697

File: 09ec626a42a0b70⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB, 640x268, 160:67, Wassssup_.mp4)

Good morning, frenz…


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f0121a  No.14904698

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c6d3eb  No.14904699

File: 1aeb87e7d2ad22c⋯.jpg (178.75 KB, 1060x718, 530:359, 20211102_031430.jpg)

fuck off

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0c42fa  No.14904700

File: 87c25a8a8cf1a09⋯.png (158.29 KB, 425x428, 425:428, mayo.png)


BREAKING HEADLINES, [01.11.21 19:18]

[ Photo ]

J&J COVID Vaccine Recipients See Higher Risk of Blood Clots: Mayo Clinic Study

READ: https://breakingheadlines.news/hjnsPF


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1277cd  No.14904703


True. But it would be interesting to see it happen down the Streets and Avenues in major US cities near Hospitals, Fire-stations, Police-stations, Schools, Factories, etc., with all the associated former employeesprotesting to get back in so they can get back work.

Soon there will be the same potential firings at Federal Buildings, Federal Contractor Offices, US military Bases, Forts, and Naval Ports.

It would be fun to watch people storm the CDC, NIH, WHO Headquarters, John Hopkins University, etc., and demand all documentation.

A big FOIA and GRAMA Request

No employed Police Officers or Security Officers around so it would be a simple thing.

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0c42fa  No.14904704

File: 2ad2cb9ef997c97⋯.png (125.44 KB, 422x430, 211:215, osha.png)


The Western Journal, [01.11.21 22:42]

Alert: OSHA Will Start Enforcing Biden's Vaccine Mandate on American Businesses Within Days

READ: http://w-j.co/s/fc224

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604daa  No.14904705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f53af7  No.14904707


people just don't realize just how fucked they really are

oh well

can't say they weren't warned

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73beef  No.14904708

File: fc1007b64a025a1⋯.png (6.23 MB, 1019x9600, 1019:9600, ClipboardImage.png)

McAuliffe Abruptly Cancels Virginia Beach Rally on Election Eve as Youngkin Draws Large Crowds as Both Candidates Barnstorm State

- Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe were both initially scheduled to hold events in Virginia Beach on Monday, Nov. 1, but a spokesperson for McAuliffe said he would no longer be having one in Hampton Roads.

Instead, McAuliffe will be campaigning today in a different portion of the state.


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3fbbf2  No.14904709

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c6d3eb  No.14904710

File: a06198e6b2f49c5⋯.gif (1.11 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 20211102_032050.gif)

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cbcef0  No.14904711

File: c55a0188d28edd1⋯.mp4 (375.77 KB, 320x320, 1:1, c55a0188d28edd1c9475a13bdc….mp4)

File: efde40789a011bb⋯.mp4 (3.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, efde40789a011bbd011f415921….mp4)

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bbfacd  No.14904712

File: 394f4069da432f7⋯.png (5.29 MB, 1440x2212, 360:553, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f974cf0feee5b9c⋯.png (5.98 MB, 1434x2217, 478:739, ClipboardImage.png)



The Loop resets every 22 minutes, when The Storm closes it reset, as confirmed in the Batman: Zero Point comics, and it also does some things to inhabitants on the Island. Upon entering the Loop, you are completely mute, which explained the lack of voice acting in the game. The Loop also drains your memories, but some characters are able to find their memories or not to lose their memory. It is also known that the loop only resets the memory, it does not reset the environment as to why the island can evolve, nor does it reset the physical appearance of the inhabitants of the island. It is also confirmed that the loop does not effect feelings or emotions. In order to escape the loop you must be in the final storm circle of the match, on the Eye of the Storm and alone.

The Extra-Loop or outside of The Loop, After a Looper gets a eliminates everyone and stands in the center of the final circle they will be sent here. The Storm and the resets do not exist here and it won't regain all lost memories. Only memories from The Loop is retained.

The Storm

Defy the Storm

The force that maintains the loop is the storm, a sentient entity powered by The Zero Point. Without it the Loop cannot reset.

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c6d3eb  No.14904713

File: cbc9cf1c23d27f1⋯.gif (106.51 KB, 348x464, 3:4, 20211102_032252.gif)


yes [you]

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1277cd  No.14904715



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bbfacd  No.14904716

File: 3feab36f206b3eb⋯.png (5.43 MB, 1440x2222, 720:1111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36fca556f817a44⋯.png (5.3 MB, 1440x2196, 40:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b3c465705c8fa8⋯.png (3.97 MB, 1434x1107, 478:369, ClipboardImage.png)

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01d13c  No.14904717


that's lipstick not blood

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e45b02  No.14904718

Yale Epidemiology Professor Dr. Harvey Risch says he would pull a healthy child out of public school and home-school before he gave them this vaccine.


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bbfacd  No.14904719

File: 3feab36f206b3eb⋯.png (5.43 MB, 1440x2222, 720:1111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36fca556f817a44⋯.png (5.3 MB, 1440x2196, 40:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9651f168385928c⋯.png (4.22 MB, 1440x2201, 1440:2201, ClipboardImage.png)

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604daa  No.14904720

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bbfacd  No.14904721

File: 3feab36f206b3eb⋯.png (5.43 MB, 1440x2222, 720:1111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36fca556f817a44⋯.png (5.3 MB, 1440x2196, 40:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9651f168385928c⋯.png (4.22 MB, 1440x2201, 1440:2201, ClipboardImage.png)

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cbcef0  No.14904722

File: 16c4ab13f3ef553⋯.mp4 (14.85 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 16c4ab13f3ef553eba1bd46068….mp4)


11 3 c1 noice.

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604daa  No.14904723

… trust and trustworthiness Mr. Biden.

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9272d5  No.14904724

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, B3EB0920_B58B_4449_B0BD_EC….gif)

Morning, Frenz

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ed1627  No.14904725

File: f169ce0a0022220⋯.jpg (2.99 MB, 3800x5352, 475:669, kayleigh_super_pic.jpg)

Psaki will never be Kayleigh.

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bbfacd  No.14904726

File: 3feab36f206b3eb⋯.png (5.43 MB, 1440x2222, 720:1111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9651f168385928c⋯.png (4.22 MB, 1440x2201, 1440:2201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c2133720abbdf0⋯.png (4.71 MB, 1440x2199, 480:733, ClipboardImage.png)

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73beef  No.14904727


Her mug gives off that insane Glenn Close vibe.

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73beef  No.14904728

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c6d3eb  No.14904729

File: 5f2e2df39489057⋯.gif (4 MB, 1078x606, 539:303, 20211102_033249.gif)



worthless platitudes

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604daa  No.14904730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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cbcef0  No.14904731

File: 5cfd9a620dad81c⋯.png (328.1 KB, 363x642, 121:214, 54ac38cea08dccb592bbdde840….png)


00:00 is 11+3+2+1=

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73beef  No.14904732



I just noticed that.

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240d6d  No.14904733


That's why she is teacher of the year…

She reads to her class ..sure they are in high school but still…

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3fbbf2  No.14904734


No, (you).

Shouldn't you be sucking a dick? Stop wasting your time here…

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bbfacd  No.14904735

File: 9651f168385928c⋯.png (4.22 MB, 1440x2201, 1440:2201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c2133720abbdf0⋯.png (4.71 MB, 1440x2199, 480:733, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a452a5812a18ce⋯.png (4.49 MB, 1440x2193, 480:731, ClipboardImage.png)

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0c42fa  No.14904736

File: 98fb5a6f31295fc⋯.png (304.97 KB, 595x571, 595:571, mom_claim.png)


Virginia mom claims white daughter asked if she was 'born evil' after history lesson https://trib.al/N5wIM4F


3:01 AM · Nov 2, 2021

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73beef  No.14904737




Knock it off before I tell your mothers.

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fa8560  No.14904738

Jim Cavaziel on what the experience was playing Jesus in “The Passion of The Christ”. Amazing really



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51cb8a  No.14904739

File: afe7b535fa0fabb⋯.jpg (31.84 KB, 640x459, 640:459, al.jpg)


Mornin' Sam

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c6d3eb  No.14904740

File: 8a7d3de2159d6cb⋯.gif (3.14 MB, 1440x1920, 3:4, 20180808_190959.gif)



you have it backwards…

one wastes your time here.

<one has no time


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604daa  No.14904741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… stumbled across this.


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c3516a  No.14904742

File: e49111729e68305⋯.png (224.77 KB, 314x474, 157:237, rather.png)


>Discredited Hack Dan Rather Blasts 'Let's Go, Brandon' — Oh, What a Short Memory He Has

Liberal sock puppet (Dem party literally had their arm so far up his ass they controlled all his movements) now crawls out from underneath his rock.

What is he trying to hide?

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bbfacd  No.14904743

File: 9651f168385928c⋯.png (4.22 MB, 1440x2201, 1440:2201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c2133720abbdf0⋯.png (4.71 MB, 1440x2199, 480:733, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbf05f062fc1e6d⋯.png (4.21 MB, 1440x2202, 240:367, ClipboardImage.png)

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0c42fa  No.14904744

File: d966da487592ac9⋯.png (35.37 KB, 944x197, 944:197, huma_news.png)


Clinton aide Huma Abedin blasts Comey for 'decision to play God' during 2016 election

by Daniel Chaitin, Deputy News Editor |

| November 01, 2021 11:14 PM

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c6d3eb  No.14904746

File: d868aac2d0ce6c4⋯.gif (1.46 MB, 1920x1440, 4:3, 20200122_031449_1.gif)


all kinds of assumptive



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3fbbf2  No.14904747


Didn't realise there was a 'toddler scribble' font. You should use it exclusively.

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bbfacd  No.14904748

File: 326a49f15874768⋯.png (823.22 KB, 563x865, 563:865, ClipboardImage.png)

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0c42fa  No.14904749

File: 2ddd4a4504b57cf⋯.png (227.54 KB, 866x569, 866:569, 2_years.png)


Brits Who Post "False Information" About Vaccines Could Be Jailed For Two Years

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Tuesday, Nov 02, 2021 - 03:30 AM

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b087f2  No.14904750

File: 22b09b29df1c4d2⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1468x438, 734:219, Screenshot_2021_11_02_at_0….png)

File: fb59e227b8f8c19⋯.jpg (358.93 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, All_Souls_Day_ss_66107944.jpg)

…If i must do 1 drunken shitpost, it is today. One post only.

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bbfacd  No.14904751

File: bddcdf7bcf29592⋯.png (3.3 MB, 1440x1113, 480:371, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1032d6ae2f2c4e8⋯.png (910.38 KB, 561x862, 561:862, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 421d51447158e4a⋯.png (818.88 KB, 552x864, 23:36, ClipboardImage.png)

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1277cd  No.14904752

File: 1f92876ba8f7881⋯.jpeg (639.97 KB, 1125x1781, 1125:1781, CEA67818_4A2F_46DD_B73F_5….jpeg)



Baker…Suggest as Notableas this is just a day old.

We knew that actions couldn’t be formalized until OSHA and the Labor Department collaborated (re: colluded) and established official policy. It was designed to scare and push people in a direction before things were ironed out and communicated.

Just like the exemption forms/processes was created and communicated as late as possible.


From the article:

Alert: OSHA Will Start Enforcing Biden's Vaccine Mandate on American Businesses Within Days

Cue the lights and sirens, America: The vaccine police will soon be coming to a workplace near you.

And, according to one report, workers who are not vaccinated against the coronavirus may pay the price.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, an agency within the Department of Labor, said Monday that an interagency review has been completed that was the final step for its plan to enforce President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate on employers with 100 or more workers.

Fines of $14000 per violation.

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e45b02  No.14904753

File: 5edee071a88ed2c⋯.png (196.79 KB, 500x362, 250:181, 5bd0b90840f36359.png)

File: 1251390c20107fe⋯.png (23.91 KB, 850x567, 850:567, dlskfja_lsdjfal_sdjf.png)

File: 2051cac28fcc20c⋯.jpg (45.92 KB, 720x790, 72:79, 19429766_1568900183185485_….jpg)


Desperate For Attention Psychotic Slut

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bbfacd  No.14904754

File: 5d435760355f064⋯.png (1007.9 KB, 547x853, 547:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 945b93fee84c371⋯.png (907.89 KB, 558x861, 186:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e05e52a5e74562b⋯.png (797.89 KB, 562x871, 562:871, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63f183d3c102e92⋯.png (890.43 KB, 563x874, 563:874, ClipboardImage.png)

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c3516a  No.14904755

File: 89838c85411bf61⋯.png (101.13 KB, 278x264, 139:132, doggo.png)


>A Florida educator was busted for child abuse two days after being named Teacher of the Year

>High school English teacher Caroline Melanie Lee, 60, was proudly hailed for her achievement

>Once alone in Lee’s classroom, the teacher shut the door — and then “reached across the table and struck her on her face with the heel of her palm,” the girl told investigators.

>“Lee then began repeatedly calling her a ‘f—ing bitch’ as she landed several more strikes on the top of her head” and also “kicked her on her lower leg,” she told officers.

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0c42fa  No.14904756

File: 84b3cba98095c1f⋯.png (42.21 KB, 714x275, 714:275, ex_pla.png)


'Let's go Brandon,' explained

Chris Cillizza

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

Updated 2:04 PM ET, Mon November 1, 2021

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bbfacd  No.14904757

File: 7914bbc2f3acb46⋯.png (848.81 KB, 550x860, 55:86, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b120d864ab90f0⋯.png (1.05 MB, 563x873, 563:873, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0459d2a48e6eb9⋯.png (813.98 KB, 547x859, 547:859, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 886c3d8661179ef⋯.png (869.89 KB, 541x857, 541:857, ClipboardImage.png)

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bbfacd  No.14904758

File: 3b0e499975db4c0⋯.png (850.72 KB, 559x873, 559:873, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00fe3ea017a0359⋯.png (888.79 KB, 545x861, 545:861, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9739afe5d325fc⋯.png (837.82 KB, 544x870, 272:435, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e14d212c4a9670⋯.png (910.97 KB, 544x854, 272:427, ClipboardImage.png)

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bbfacd  No.14904759

File: 35deebd0e796b54⋯.png (1.05 MB, 556x869, 556:869, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fce40f22cdd165⋯.png (1.15 MB, 548x859, 548:859, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52acceb12a657e4⋯.png (1.02 MB, 551x874, 29:46, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 001d3b79636bee0⋯.png (1.08 MB, 553x869, 7:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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0c42fa  No.14904760

File: 68958c2aaadb572⋯.png (47.12 KB, 882x368, 441:184, mb_may.png)


QAnon conspiracy followers ‘some of the most nicest people,’ says Myrtle Beach mayoral candidate

by: Matt Fortin

Posted: Nov 1, 2021 / 01:24 PM EDT / Updated: Nov 2, 2021 / 05:38 AM EDT

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bbfacd  No.14904761

File: 6099760e087953b⋯.png (1.13 MB, 554x869, 554:869, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16421a99a8c85e9⋯.png (1.14 MB, 564x873, 188:291, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be69030178e1208⋯.png (1.09 MB, 551x855, 29:45, ClipboardImage.png)

File: baa24e04fa57ad2⋯.png (933.85 KB, 562x871, 562:871, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ba25c  No.14904762

File: acd031c83fd887c⋯.jpeg (259.56 KB, 1242x2107, 1242:2107, F07888A0_76BD_4029_BE88_8….jpeg)

File: 761bdf34a65ef07⋯.jpeg (356.4 KB, 1242x2155, 1242:2155, 80CF881F_B31E_4511_8282_A….jpeg)


Afghanistan: Twin blasts reported near military hospital in Kabul

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0c42fa  No.14904763

File: cd4c049817e8a55⋯.png (597.83 KB, 1592x583, 1592:583, germ_q.png)


Opinion: Germany has a QAnon problem, and it’s not going away anytime soon

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bbfacd  No.14904764

File: e8d5763eb2050fc⋯.png (843.55 KB, 558x870, 93:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07256cd57120bef⋯.png (599.16 KB, 395x621, 395:621, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33df0045f750ea3⋯.png (940.53 KB, 550x863, 550:863, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ce578ca2dbd053⋯.png (1.04 MB, 567x874, 567:874, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c621b8176d1e59b⋯.png (1.19 MB, 570x880, 57:88, ClipboardImage.png)


The realm of dark matter is the World Forge.

The World Forge is the realm of dark matter, rich with potential, beneath creation, from which all the worlds in the Multiverse and the Dark Multiverse have been created.

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7ba25c  No.14904765



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0c42fa  No.14904766

File: f882a91733b6d58⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1542x809, 1542:809, nov_4.png)

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1277cd  No.14904767


Oh no… you’re here already.

Crap…it is time to go to sleep.

Good morning…

Good Night!

Night Shift Rocks!

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e45b02  No.14904768



MPLS MN is an embarrassment to the entire state 365 days a year!

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c6d3eb  No.14904769

File: c02cbfadc12db50⋯.gif (499.72 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 20211014_022524.gif)

File: 58562850aeefd92⋯.gif (823.81 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 20211025_215553.gif)

æı čæи…

уü fœłк æř þü §þüקîđ þü яēם îþ þнœ.



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c6d3eb  No.14904770



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bbfacd  No.14904771



yall better read that comic!

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615585  No.14904772

File: 4011676bb821369⋯.png (3.59 MB, 2204x1672, 29:22, 1635837544015.png)

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3fbbf2  No.14904773


Good. Well done.

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58f08f  No.14904774

File: 85bfe64beb452e0⋯.png (329.64 KB, 680x490, 68:49, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ba25c  No.14904775

So how far does this precipice business have to go?

If they mandate the jab for children, and many children die from it, then how is that not past the precipice of destruction?

Don’t get me wrong; let’s go Brandon football chants are a good sign and so are the airline cancellations. That said, I don’t know how much longer people are gonna hold out if their children are being harmed en masse.

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0c42fa  No.14904776

File: 3118b8cbe2a448d⋯.png (268.67 KB, 607x718, 607:718, brib.png)


Bring Back Louisiana announced on Monday that it would extend the "Shot for $100" through Nov. 30.

Any Louisiana resident who is not yet vaccinated can receive a $100 Visa cash card, including children who have parental consent.



Louisiana extends program giving citizens $100 Visa card to get vaccinated

To help boost COVID-19 vaccinations, Louisiana is extending the availability of one of its vaccine programs to incentivize the unvaccinated.

5:24 AM · Nov 2, 2021·

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c6d3eb  No.14904777

File: 44ff9e6a4333f91⋯.gif (4.04 MB, 540x303, 180:101, 20211102_035437.gif)


red november

Godspeed you poor вasтards.

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58f08f  No.14904778

File: 7e2ba08b4d68466⋯.png (167.75 KB, 456x472, 57:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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bbfacd  No.14904779

File: 28bffafa5caf88a⋯.png (133.52 KB, 192x291, 64:97, ClipboardImage.png)




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3fbbf2  No.14904780


Picture books are for children.

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7ba25c  No.14904781


Any fucking day now.

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0c42fa  No.14904782

File: 22b589863501dad⋯.png (249.76 KB, 616x733, 616:733, risk.png)


The sheriff stands to lose up to 44% of his force if he enforces the vaccine mandate, the sheriff suggested.

Such a rapid decrease in the number of law enforcement officials poses a severe risk to public safety, he said.



Vaccine mandate puts LA County at risk of mass police 'exodus': Sheriff

Los Angeles may face a "mass exodus" among law enforcement officials due to its vaccine mandate, according to a letter from Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva.

5:54 AM · Nov 2, 2021

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bbfacd  No.14904783

File: 10e4e8e1357f989⋯.png (60.05 KB, 812x387, 812:387, ClipboardImage.png)


https://www.dcuniverseinfinite.com/premium 7 day free trial to read and screen shot all the comics, nake sure u cancel ur subscription as u make it so u dont forget and it still charges u haha

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8fd5cf  No.14904784

File: f6c7665bcbbe21e⋯.jpeg (9.54 KB, 244x207, 244:207, face.jpeg)


Some are.

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58f08f  No.14904785

File: f33501cc74bc819⋯.png (609.99 KB, 548x481, 548:481, ClipboardImage.png)

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c6d3eb  No.14904786

File: 763761b279f7cec⋯.jpg (270.07 KB, 600x780, 10:13, 20211102_010808.jpg)


so very fucking bad

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bbfacd  No.14904787


And we are children of GOD.

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c3516a  No.14904788

File: a907974bbc6ba4a⋯.png (141 KB, 357x396, 119:132, 2_more_weeks.png)


>First to Decertify the 2020 Election?

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0c42fa  No.14904789

File: 5f96842a25eb0c0⋯.png (188.78 KB, 843x525, 281:175, thanks.png)


NEW NewsBusters Podcast: Thanks for Flying 'Let's Go Brandon Airlines'

Tim Graham

November 1st, 2021 8:14 PM

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c6d3eb  No.14904790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


would be nice

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58f08f  No.14904791

File: 6aa7110d9e34f12⋯.png (532.59 KB, 622x384, 311:192, ClipboardImage.png)

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c6d3eb  No.14904792

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7ba25c  No.14904793

File: d18e243765b2195⋯.png (60.07 KB, 614x518, 307:259, d18e243765b219539027c96f85….png)

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3806a1  No.14904794

File: c158bc9a968fc74⋯.webm (2.92 MB, 720x720, 1:1, snake_yawn.webm)


…..some of you are……

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240d6d  No.14904795



You beat me to it…Ive only gotten this far…for a second there, I thought I had done it but had no idea how. Hivemind at work.

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7ba25c  No.14904796


what a mesmerizing creature.

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bcced0  No.14904797


Anil Deshmukh's arrest shows PM Modi's vision of zero-tolerance policy towards corruption: Maharashtra BJP chief

2 November 2021


Maharashtra ex-home minister arrested in money laundering case

02 November 2021


Billionaire philanthropist George Soros slams Modi govt at World Economic Forum in Davos

Billionaire philanthropist George Soros has called out the actions of the Narendra Modi-led government as the "biggest and most frightening setback" to the survival of open societies worldwide

January 24, 2020


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c6d3eb  No.14904798

File: 1e1dfc651ef5ed8⋯.gif (8.54 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 20200809_235940.gif)


fuck humanity

it gets what it deserves

for the children

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eb7197  No.14904799

File: 6ab717bfcad16d9⋯.jpg (57.69 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Batman_and_Robin_pride_pil….jpg)

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c428b0  No.14904800



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e45b02  No.14904801

File: c2574ce3de9f16a⋯.jpg (26.25 KB, 528x408, 22:17, 20106819_10209206799872639….jpg)

File: 9711c2172ce593f⋯.jpg (87.64 KB, 528x408, 22:17, liberals_become_more_stupi….JPG)

File: 42a05d35366746a⋯.jpg (106.35 KB, 408x528, 17:22, libatarded_left.JPG)

File: f216b5fc3eb9e99⋯.jpg (18.19 KB, 236x249, 236:249, d791741004d1e2972b40d0116.jpg)

File: 0f90e5ef04f99a7⋯.jpg (156.63 KB, 576x384, 3:2, democratinfestedshitzone.JPG)


MPLS MN is an embarrassment to the entire state 365 days a year!

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c6d3eb  No.14904802

File: e44338ba1ad784c⋯.jpg (206.34 KB, 1080x808, 135:101, 20211102_040814.jpg)

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36be34  No.14904803

File: efdc48c5f2aebfe⋯.jpg (52.99 KB, 885x463, 885:463, Ghost_Kitchen.jpg)

>>14904481 Dough

Early Notes for Eventual Baker @250

collector out - working the polls this a.m. Pray.


>>14904527 Moar on U of Wash plan to vaccinate children

>>14904541 Censored Viagano text: We don't have a Pope who will defend those who do not want to have the experimental gene serum

>>14904556 Florida ‘Teacher of the Year’ arrested for hitting pupil who criticized award

>>14904573 PDJT: “The biggest change I’ve seen in Congress is Israel literally owned Congress…"

>>14904620 Britney Spears bizzare murder mystery photo

>>14904636 CNN witnesses 9 year old being sold for marriage to 55 year old man (needs verification)

>>14904676 Am Airlines cancelled flights now tops 2300

>>14904693 KanekoaTheGreat: Florida Canvass reveals 20% of mail in ballots came from Phantom Voters

>>14904704, >>14904752 OSHA Will Start Enforcing Biden's Vaccine Mandate Within Days

>>14904736 Virginia mom claims white daughter asked if she was 'born evil' after history lesson

>>14904749 Brits Who Post "False Information" About Vaccines Could Be Jailed For Two Years

>>14904736 Virginia mom claims white daughter asked if she was 'born evil' after history lesson

>>14904749 Brits Who Post "False Information" About Vaccines Could Be Jailed For Two Years

>>14904760 Myrtle Beach mayoral candidate: QAnon conspiracy followers ‘some of the most nicest people'

>>14904762 Afghanistan: Twin blasts reported near military hospital in Kabul

>>14904776 Louisiana extending vaccine bribery/extortion - "Shot for $100" being extended

>>14904782 Vaccine mandate puts LA at risk for mass law enforcement exodus


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eb7197  No.14904804

File: 86d3584f617bc94⋯.png (397.05 KB, 576x796, 144:199, Screenshots_2021_11_02_03_….png)

Eyes on Wisconsin. It's the next domino to fall.


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eb7197  No.14904805


> working the polls this a.m

God bless you patriot.

See something. Say something.

Nothing the deep state fears most than an engaged American electorate.


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36be34  No.14904806

>>14904803 (me) Eventual Baker - double posted these two - sry.

>14904736 Virginia mom claims white daughter asked if she was 'born evil' after history lesson

>14904749 Brits Who Post "False Information" About Vaccines Could Be Jailed For Two Years

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7ba25c  No.14904807


seems to me that, as far as habbenings go, whenever we get pointed in a direction, it's almost always for the wrong direction.

Whatever state decertifies first (if any state decertifies at all) my guess is that it's one that is currently under the radar.

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7ba25c  No.14904808

File: f09a32cf6f70e65⋯.png (53.69 KB, 482x390, 241:195, f09a32cf6f70e65d33d18f0878….png)

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3806a1  No.14904809

File: c13fcbaa0e3ae48⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Who_is_Q_Gantt_Chart.png)


thank you, I get that a lot.

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c6d3eb  No.14904810

File: 4147a6739eaa6e1⋯.gif (333.14 KB, 596x596, 1:1, 20210120_013807.gif)


everything is a child of God.

a Child of God is exceeding rare…

for now.

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e8f5a9  No.14904811


>eventually they will cross a line.

They stole the election, hijacked your country, and are now importing hordes of militant illegals paid cash from your taxes and sent to cities where they can vote. That dark winter is almost upon you, and it is no joke. And there is yet a line to be crossed?

>beware the wrath of the patient man.

Bemoan the cowardice of the pussified man.

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114d18  No.14904812

File: 867ffe1c85ff01b⋯.png (172.51 KB, 472x350, 236:175, helloRalph.png)


>morning, frenz

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c6d3eb  No.14904813



keep beliebing.

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c846ff  No.14904814

File: 4e1dcf75c8ba8c9⋯.png (293.63 KB, 527x584, 527:584, sftn.PNG)

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114d18  No.14904815

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 339x195, 113:65, 5kuz14.gif)


>Morning, Frenz

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c6d3eb  No.14904816




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240d6d  No.14904817

Starting an IV isnt hard either, but here is my problem…

I dont have an embed option on my share menu in Youtube, nor do I have an embed option when I post here…so I know everyone says just click the embed symbol and drop it in but….I dont see the symbol.

Now to start an IV all you have to do is apply the tourniquet, if you suck, and place the needle at a 45 degree angle over the vein, once you get blood return drop down to 15 and advance the catheter, boom you're done…

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e45b02  No.14904818

File: 8e8859dfdfa0693⋯.jpg (120.11 KB, 972x972, 1:1, dsafsdafdeewww.jpg)

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a53fab  No.14904819

File: 75522115d28d515⋯.png (417.46 KB, 1080x673, 1080:673, Memeto_1630249745711.png)

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c6d3eb  No.14904820

File: cc74cc8bfc4d441⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 470x627, 470:627, 20190108_224041.gif)


tell the germanic tribes.

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8fd5cf  No.14904821


Click on [>show post options & limits]

Bottom of the reply box

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3806a1  No.14904822

File: f3e19fa4b726f81⋯.jpg (67.55 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, the_office_face_off_.jpg)

File: dba30fec8410a73⋯.jpg (36.41 KB, 520x371, 520:371, faceoffIIII.jpg)

File: 5c191d209f5256d⋯.gif (494.24 KB, 500x288, 125:72, Eyes_without_a_face.gif)

File: 8828a100ad6fd56⋯.jpg (90.19 KB, 900x599, 900:599, Rick_and_morty_face_peel_r….jpg)

File: 6411cca24aca9af⋯.png (3.6 MB, 930x1164, 155:194, Santa_is_Q.png)


Ideologically that would be incorrect.

John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Some things you cannot come back from.

It's about to drop.

It's why they are fucking w the internet now…so they can have an excuse later.



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No.922237 📁

Apr 6 2018 14:22:28 (EST)

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No.922142 📁

Apr 6 2018 14:17:40 (EST)


Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.

One of many.

Net shut down.



Fake pic push by MSM.

Videos / backup.

Google kill.

YouTube kill.

FB kill.

Twitter kill.

Yahoo kill.

Bing kill.

Instagram kill.

Net will be paused.


On the clock.



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a53fab  No.14904823

File: 0ed3e6269857576⋯.png (207.25 KB, 638x378, 319:189, 20211031_183317.png)

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c6d3eb  No.14904824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

and yet…

the illusion of justice exists…

as does the illusion of wisdom.

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e8f5a9  No.14904825


>So how far does this precipice business have to go?

A nation that allowed its government to mainstream abortion deserves destruction.

Much more so a nation of armed men who fail to protect their children from government violence.

Chanting at sportsball events is for ineffectual faggots. Unfortunately, that is what has become of American men.

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eb7197  No.14904826

File: 74223a3ad008bd1⋯.jpg (25.46 KB, 354x600, 59:100, b516285bcc4ed2a7fd8dcd52e5….jpg)

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c846ff  No.14904827


Will she be thrown from the freedom train.

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73fa4a  No.14904828


that's funny 😂

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604daa  No.14904829


… or free Psyllium Husk?

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58f08f  No.14904830

File: fd8da0a7c434d2a⋯.png (807.4 KB, 826x525, 118:75, ClipboardImage.png)

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bcced0  No.14904831


Socialite and businessman, Obinna Iyiegbu, aka Obi Cubana, has been arrested

Anambra-born tycoon

a source disclosed that his case borders on alleged money laundering and tax fraud



Obi Cubana is a popular Nigerian businessman, entrepreneur, and billionaire.

Chairman of the Cubana Group, a multimillion-dollar premium entertainment company.

Cubana is also the owner of over five other blooming businesses across Nigeria, including the Cubana Leisure Outfits, Opium Cubana, Crave Cubana, and Rolex Hotels. He often refers to himself as God’s favourite son.


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c6d3eb  No.14904832

File: d1490e2a5805a2b⋯.gif (175.92 KB, 338x190, 169:95, 20190813_202852.gif)

File: 07a136742157a84⋯.gif (694.63 KB, 616x462, 4:3, 20190814_015029.gif)

File: 8233b675eabb7e6⋯.gif (303.87 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 20190922_142750.gif)

this river Will be crossed if it must.

some remain unforesworn.

be damned

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fe9ea0  No.14904833

File: d8285d1e2f7418b⋯.png (644.5 KB, 1237x504, 1237:504, alex_jones_three_way.png)

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fe9ea0  No.14904834

File: 84227b87c1fc923⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1366x588, 683:294, mccoy_kilmer.png)

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3806a1  No.14904835


She is trying to tell you something.

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07027b  No.14904836

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 253x204, 253:204, dafuqPepe.JPG)


>free chemo

No thanks

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9e328c  No.14904837

Good morning to all you inglorious frogs. Another day of exposing the evils of our world and all those who perpetrate it. GOD Bless you all.

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240d6d  No.14904838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here goes nothing…

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c846ff  No.14904839


Yea. She's going to be thrown from the Freedom Train.

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9cee99  No.14904840

File: 0752a2664c524e6⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


So eventually we have to send Kyle back in time to become Bill hicks and then Alex Jones?

Main character in terminator was Kyle Reese

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4a2043  No.14904841

File: 877fc3b3c016558⋯.png (859.56 KB, 834x1024, 417:512, Make_everything_Trump_Agai….png)

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114d18  No.14904842

File: 7545252373f935b⋯.png (282.48 KB, 645x480, 43:32, stealinit_sleepyJoe.png)

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c6d3eb  No.14904843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


for eternity.

everything serves The Maker.


especially pain

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9e328c  No.14904844

Good morning to all you inglorious frogs. Another day of exposing the evils of our world and all those who perpetrate it. GOD Bless you all.

Apparently after 6 captchas i can still post to a flood detection.

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7ba25c  No.14904845


still waiting on the payoff for this part of the 'movie'.

Will Britney become a massive redpill, or will this wind up being a stunt that fades from memory like a fart in the wind?

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fe9ea0  No.14904846

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240d6d  No.14904847


Well how about that…it is easier than starting an IV. Thank you anon.

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c6d3eb  No.14904848

File: 2ca01bba1bb9340⋯.jpg (291.3 KB, 1080x808, 135:101, 20211102_043520.jpg)

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1787f1  No.14904849

File: e2c667efc046c7d⋯.png (708.21 KB, 772x571, 772:571, 536336.png)


>Any fucking day now.

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9cee99  No.14904850


1:5, no copy.

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240d6d  No.14904851


Hey while we are at it I have a few other questions…

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eb7197  No.14904852

File: 246d7787be9b631⋯.png (64.72 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 1635819550828.png)

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1787f1  No.14904853

File: c0cc26e29eb1e02⋯.png (556.97 KB, 855x1024, 855:1024, 35353636.png)

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9272d5  No.14904854

File: db6b5feb4638f19⋯.jpeg (104.37 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, 6688A9BB_EEAC_4187_AFF3_6….jpeg)

File: 9bb545be9aa3ca7⋯.jpeg (87.13 KB, 1638x2048, 819:1024, DF130D3B_8F6B_4276_A21D_5….jpeg)

File: 7ea9037e01ddc7c⋯.jpeg (260.71 KB, 1638x2048, 819:1024, 5B188AB7_F459_4813_8CDA_C….jpeg)

File: 68d33e421c8c5ac⋯.jpeg (230.94 KB, 1638x2048, 819:1024, 47554222_FBBF_4BEB_AC28_E….jpeg)

JFK Jr. is trending on twatter

This is the first hit

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e8f5a9  No.14904855

File: 983a8aca9cc8717⋯.png (183.9 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0c59ee2463990e⋯.png (640.02 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfdb055382ad845⋯.png (723.88 KB, 700x500, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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c6d3eb  No.14904856

File: 54686ad61a5d45b⋯.gif (109.75 KB, 254x254, 1:1, 20211027_034041.gif)


so one thought.

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c6d3eb  No.14904857

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e6e6ba  No.14904858

File: 8c95b533bc9efce⋯.jpg (75.42 KB, 768x510, 128:85, PK_HARRIS_2148.jpg)

Gukomite?!🤣🤣🤣🐸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Fellas, am I wrong? Kek!

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0cc33b  No.14904859

File: 6d2450f8639bcff⋯.jpeg (673.19 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 2FBF2E81_45BB_4A54_8701_9….jpeg)

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4a2043  No.14904860

File: 1c0c40ca9be7940⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, youcantrun.png)

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58f08f  No.14904861

File: 49bfd753e066c2c⋯.png (140.87 KB, 679x690, 679:690, ClipboardImage.png)

Available on Amazon, can't post sauce.

This item has no reviews.

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1787f1  No.14904862

File: 7648d805a0cd2ac⋯.png (188.55 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 777.png)


lucky trips checked

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eb7197  No.14904863

File: 686b7fd2372e72a⋯.jpg (184.63 KB, 953x939, 953:939, 1635812822669.jpg)

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4a2043  No.14904864

File: 5e7d59b50a74977⋯.png (14.37 MB, 4288x2848, 134:89, GODWINS.png)

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c6d3eb  No.14904865

File: cbe3d26d5ea2b94⋯.gif (9.01 MB, 540x317, 540:317, 20211030_000952.gif)

File: b184a66ffd89c67⋯.gif (688.22 KB, 540x303, 180:101, 20211030_001641.gif)

File: bb2aad3cc07a6f2⋯.gif (4.16 MB, 540x405, 4:3, 20211030_004720.gif)


you are misled.

you speak other mens words.

you have forgotten The Face of your Father.

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6a88b0  No.14904866


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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3806a1  No.14904867

File: bfa027f2195618a⋯.jpg (198.91 KB, 800x966, 400:483, HRC_faces_of_death.jpg)

File: d982238b3e5e882⋯.jpg (32.95 KB, 411x585, 137:195, HRC_EX_RVID_5774_MOVIE_VID….jpg)

File: e88268f5f6fd8d5⋯.jpg (105.25 KB, 1024x535, 1024:535, COLBERT_HRC_KILLERS.jpg)

File: 2dfd34fa966a967⋯.jpg (119.18 KB, 731x972, 731:972, HRC_Video_Hillary_Clinton_….jpg)

File: 27f52d20e26e1b9⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB, 872x360, 109:45, HRC_says_video_will_cause_….mp4)


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0ad5ef No.5791828

Mar 20 2019 13:11:41 (EST)


The attempted 'COUP' [TREASON] opens the 'public' door to more serious……

The PILL must be easy to swallow.

The 'LEAD-IN'.

The PUBLIC must be prepared for what is about to come.

"THE CLINTON FOUNDATION" +++++++++++++++++++++++++


-Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails

-Hillary Clinton & Foundation

-Crime Against Children+++

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563806

Mar 6 2018 01:09:09 (EST)

Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774.

We have it all.

Re_read re: stage.

The nail in many coffins [liberal undo].

[Impossible to defend].

[Toxic to those connected].

WE must work TOGETHER.

WE are only as strong as your VOICE.

YOU must organize and BE HEARD.

THIS is why they keep you DIVIDED and in the DARK.


We are here to UNITE and provide TRUTH.

Dark to LIGHT.

EVIL surrounds us.

WE are FIGHTING for you.

Where we go one, we go ALL.

The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end].


Good Morning @everyone

Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [19.10.21 02:57]

The stage is set.


All three movies playing simultaneously - 10/21/2020

Red October - Crimson Tide

Set condition 1SQ for strategic missile launch - 10/20/2021



This is not a drill - 10/22/2021

National Make a Dog's Day - 10/22/2021


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c6d3eb  No.14904868

File: cf2139a7ae2639d⋯.gif (147.15 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 20191204_144011_2.gif)



something like that.

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1cff8c  No.14904869

File: 9ec45343074911b⋯.png (245.27 KB, 900x606, 150:101, ClipboardImage.png)

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240d6d  No.14904870


Neverending need to understand I suppose…

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c6d3eb  No.14904871


вut will вritвros?

orwell et al.


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c846ff  No.14904872

Red October was more a light shade of commie pink.

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1cff8c  No.14904873

File: ebd41a1e958fb6e⋯.png (293.94 KB, 900x665, 180:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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114d18  No.14904874

File: e68601ce1f837d4⋯.png (576.55 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_11_02….png)


>you know what he saying Ho

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c6d3eb  No.14904875


it is a waste of time better spent on humans.


you will like nothing you will find

and the weight of knowing grows.

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f0984d  No.14904876

File: b63c0f6638a0e36⋯.jpg (50.33 KB, 716x536, 179:134, LT_2.jpg)


Mornin Sam

carry on…

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1cff8c  No.14904877

File: 5c4c460ce1299ba⋯.png (60.19 KB, 1127x780, 1127:780, ClipboardImage.png)

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4a2043  No.14904878

File: 928b00b78e12fc2⋯.png (637.78 KB, 1280x688, 80:43, IEnjoy.png)

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e8f5a9  No.14904879

File: 75d66f3985703a6⋯.png (500.82 KB, 975x894, 325:298, ClipboardImage.png)



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1cff8c  No.14904880

File: a1f16a7733c7463⋯.png (72.03 KB, 647x485, 647:485, ClipboardImage.png)

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eb7197  No.14904881

File: f94a62c4208485f⋯.gif (93.44 KB, 220x162, 110:81, annie_sun.gif)


Been like that 3 Red Octobers and counting.

On the bright side, the 4th anniversary of 11.3 is only a day away.

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c6d3eb  No.14904882

avé satanas

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7ba25c  No.14904883

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056f2b  No.14904884

Good morning Anons:

Local word here in northern Va. is Youngkin is looking good. But can he really claim a victory even if he gets the votes?

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604daa  No.14904885


… and pay the farmers very handsomely indeed.

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9272d5  No.14904886

File: d0f49bf390872c2⋯.jpeg (68.98 KB, 676x427, 676:427, 2B7685F4_68E5_46DB_B86D_1….jpeg)

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114d18  No.14904887

File: 220ca762ff86981⋯.png (117.96 KB, 255x222, 85:74, kekistanYous.png)

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604daa  No.14904888


… we'll sort it all out on The Gold Standard.

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f0984d  No.14904889

File: 9dfc4bd12bb98a3⋯.png (41.64 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, CulpeperFlag.png)

Mornin US anons

Get out and do your DUTY and VOTE

Go Virginia!

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240d6d  No.14904890


Relax, I was going to ask why some anonymous are green and others are blue…

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1a1d90  No.14904891

File: d34a2a4b4b72b60⋯.png (45.76 KB, 813x621, 271:207, 4514350098564132.png)

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1787f1  No.14904892

File: 8a54c7ac95994e3⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, ardern.jpg)

There is a Communist, a NWO whore and a Horse in this photograph ?

can you see it ?

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0241e0  No.14904893

File: 3ab79f59cd9c5e8⋯.jpg (93.62 KB, 600x400, 3:2, result_1603839414814.jpg)

File: f0492e8b005e6c4⋯.jpg (58.45 KB, 550x275, 2:1, result_1603839473704.jpg)

File: 68aed9291a074b8⋯.jpg (162.59 KB, 920x659, 920:659, result_1603839491437.jpg)

File: 273e019cabe1b64⋯.jpg (83.48 KB, 625x352, 625:352, result_1603839576073.jpg)

File: de11e8d6d13828e⋯.jpg (130.96 KB, 930x620, 3:2, result_1603839538725.jpg)

>>14903857 The more voters turn out the more cheating they need, the more obvious it becomes


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b3f27e  No.14904894

File: 67f9aae594441fc⋯.png (10.6 KB, 422x168, 211:84, MedMatt2.png)

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8fd5cf  No.14904895


Ho’s campaign finance disclosure shows “Q Con Live” paid him $1,000 for a speaking engagement in October 2020. The Q-Con Live website says it brings together “Freedom loving patriots — including followers and influencers of the Q movement,” among others.

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0241e0  No.14904896

File: d3ebee714c73d45⋯.jpg (79.72 KB, 1080x719, 1080:719, result_1606097977599.jpg)

File: 804628ace4399f2⋯.jpg (224.82 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, result_1606054009578.jpg)

File: 2bc1297f6817009⋯.jpg (60.44 KB, 700x357, 100:51, result_1606054030192.jpg)

File: 832fde09fd45215⋯.jpg (166.04 KB, 712x475, 712:475, result_1605958324990.jpg)

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3806a1  No.14904897

File: 80cefeb523251fc⋯.jpg (36.86 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 3RDeye_butt_Eye_Shirime_as….jpg)


Go watch some more eastern religion, transvestite movies, Sodomite.

And stop putting things in your anus, you turd eye new age retard.

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0241e0  No.14904898

File: 60ddf2c49d77a00⋯.mp4 (13.28 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 6_NSA_THE_TURNING_AWAY.mp4)

File: dff8f50543be3b7⋯.gif (999.72 KB, 500x281, 500:281, The_Shadow_Knows.gif)

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604daa  No.14904899


It really is incredible wisdom.

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eb7197  No.14904900

File: 1c85aa0766422ea⋯.png (466.2 KB, 720x1042, 360:521, Screenshot_20211102_035352….png)


>Local word here in northern Va. is Youngkin is looking good. But can he really claim a victory even if he gets the votes?

Democrats (Marc Elias) are already in court to keep the polls open until there are enough votes received for McAuliffe to win.


Virginia Democrats sue postal service over claims of delayed election mail

Days before the high-profile race for Virginia's next governor, a new lawsuit has put a spotlight on the United States Postal Service.

The suit, filed by the Democratic Party of Virginia last Friday, alleges "significant delays" in election and voter mail across the Commonwealth.

It claims "thousands of absentee ballots currently sit at postal facilities" across the state, and that the USPS has not yet scanned them into the system.

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07027b  No.14904901


The movie is rigged.

You think the votes matter?

If they did Trump would be president.

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a53fab  No.14904902

File: 73575f4f25d5004⋯.jpeg (160.88 KB, 1080x748, 270:187, 1549671524.jpeg)

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ebe539  No.14904903

Trap day

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3806a1  No.14904904

File: 7fabe85577ad23d⋯.png (770.02 KB, 658x823, 658:823, Sexy_patriot.png)

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0241e0  No.14904905

File: 70ee1cd1c0abb10⋯.mp4 (14.58 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 3_TREASON_INFERNO_DANTE_MI….mp4)




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7ba25c  No.14904906


>Red October was more a light shade of commie pink.

yeah, we haven't been doing too well on meeting expectations yet.

That's not to say /ourguys/ won't deliver, but I find it highly unlikely overt, normie level proofs begin before 3-5 states deliver on audit results and durham is finally allowed/decides to indict the household names.

Anything before that feels like a host working the crowd while the main event makes it to the arena.

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1cff8c  No.14904907

File: 4493775a6875a86⋯.png (169.28 KB, 830x900, 83:90, ClipboardImage.png)

Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.

In the 1950s the US Post office employed hundreds of agents to police the mails. Pornography was seized regularly.

Freedom of speech arguments prevailed in our courts and allowed the cult/mob to take us from no-sexual- material-goes-through -the-US mail in the 1950s to Deep Throat opens in regular theaters and drive-ins in 1972.

Masturbation was declared by 'experts' to be harmless and pornography was said to be wholesome and natural sexual expression of delight in the beauty of the opposite sex and to offer a safe outlet to perverts who might otherwise rape children. Porn was marketed and promoted across the entire culture by the cultists.

US porn was a NY based Gambino family business, run by Robert DiBernadino partnered with the Cleveland porno distributor and dildo manufacturer Reuben Sturman. The two men controlled almost all the print and film/video porno produced and distributed in the US and worldwide – with exception of honeypots like Playboy magazine which was C_A cult controlled from Langley. The idea that the 50s were staid and uptight is myth. This was a planned psychological attack, it created a hyper sexualized culture where media is perfused with overt and subliminal imagery and people count orgasms and leave the driving to the pros.


Pop culture is an entirely artificial medium. It was and is engineered to control purchasing habits, regulate our mental capacity and guide our choices for the future by controlling the range of possibilities we are aware of.

Information Operations use our powerful innate drives or instincts against us.

Our reproductive drive is among our most powerful. When we are sexually aroused we do not think clearly and are more vulnerable to hypnotic induction techniques which alter our belief systems, slowly, over time, in ways we are not consciously aware of.

Pornography, promoted as naturally healthy, harmless and a safe outlet, is not. It is part of the comprehensive social subversion and social control operation intended to weaken and distract our attention from the looting of the US treasury, the infiltration of financial, judicial, legislative, and regulatory systems.

The pedovore cult controls all media content and distribution infrastructure, including porno.

Our civilization rests on the integrity of an information distribution system architecture controlled by entirely corrupt individuals uniformly devoted to the enslavement and/or destruction of human beings.

Porn is good for you












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240d6d  No.14904909


Whole house wants to stay home, me included, but you've convinced me so I will try to convince them…

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e44c5b  No.14904910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stumbled over this. Starts at 8:15, if you are interessted

The Lost Gospel Q

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604daa  No.14904911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuck shills. They disgust me.


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0241e0  No.14904912

File: 25af68a1eae381e⋯.mp4 (4.5 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, Special_Night_Ops_Kansas_C….mp4)



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3806a1  No.14904913

File: 6bfacb92832f4c6⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1088x1579, 1088:1579, ClipboardImage.png)


Ok Ray, you should get pissed, grab your musket and head to the crapital…I'll call 911 and meet you there.

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08663c  No.14904915

Prediction: McAuliffe will win through cheating and Durham will come through sometime after most of us are vaxed or out of a job.

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9e328c  No.14904916


You are giving Durham too much credit. He will name people in 5 yrs after all of them are dead already.

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1cff8c  No.14904917

File: 2c9cf9214a7f54d⋯.png (347.33 KB, 791x609, 113:87, ClipboardImage.png)

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eb7197  No.14904919

File: eff5ef367212b6c⋯.jpg (111.11 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, final_fantasy_7_remake_is_….jpg)



Don't give up hope.

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0241e0  No.14904920

File: 6c2dfeb3a1892bb⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, bless.png)

File: cee28450c137f11⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB, 270x480, 9:16, 2_JOIN_TOGETHER.mp4)

File: 9f0047c32de5f20⋯.jpg (636.29 KB, 1640x1912, 205:239, result_1606048749401.jpg)

File: 3f9bee5f7d57609⋯.jpg (97.29 KB, 600x497, 600:497, result_1605958350256.jpg)


Stand Tall!

Join Together. Unity is Power, Division is Weakness.

God moves through his people. Remember not thy will but thine. Always do what is right and you'll never go wrong. GOD BLESS YOU ANON. This day and forever!

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e45b02  No.14904921

File: 09ce20057b4fc7a⋯.jpg (55.24 KB, 800x681, 800:681, 12573220_10205203849841390….jpg)

Good Morning Frenz

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0241e0  No.14904923

File: 3cecb6c5e3a2535⋯.jpg (89.74 KB, 960x408, 40:17, Shitpost_Uncle_Argyle.jpg)

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4a2043  No.14904924

File: e08a724f86ce1c1⋯.png (397.49 KB, 624x469, 624:469, SB_flying_dog.png)

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177b6f  No.14904925

File: e7f11501748bdaf⋯.png (440.88 KB, 667x397, 667:397, d8f20e4878172329fc566aec86….png)

There once was a LARPing faggot named Q, A few useless clues the riddlenigger did spew.

A one year delta turned into two, three, and four, Anons are a sucker for punishment so let's wait ten more.

The grand plan of 8kun and open source design, Is just a place to shitpost in your spare time.

Promises of big name arrests had repeatedly been made, But future proves past they were never repaid.

We got strung along by Q's promise of hope, For nothing to habben so now we just cope.

"The Great Awakening" fell flat on it's face, to your friends and family an outcast and disgrace.

A natural death has been the only "justice" so far, Maybe Q could hang just one traitor and at least raise the bar?

Pissy smell Hill was supposed to be caught in October by the team, But all we got for Christmas was a shitty Santa meme.

Skippy the pedo was another promised indictment, But he's still scot free and tortures minors for excitement.

Did you really believe the elites would be put in a cage?, Trump pointed his finger "you'd be in jail" - but it was just for the stage.

Whether you know it or not Donny is related to rotten cabbage Hill, You claim to be woke but ate the Blue Pill.

A few million people had to die just for "optics", While Trump played golf with his friends in the tropics.

But don't worry frens Q said "this is war", While globalists rape our country like an old dirty whore.

Fauci made a new strain in the lab just for fun, To use on the public when Q's job was done.

Make no mistake we all think Q's plan is just fab, So we wait in line like good little sheep just for the jab.

Don sat on the fence while he gave more to Israel, Ever wonder why his cabinet and team leads were so miserable?

Trump sent more to (((them))) then in all of past history, Are his zionist friends really a mystery?

He signed an EO to protect his tribe from a slur, Undone in a year by Joe his victories were a blur.

You thought Donny would deliver us to the land of milk and honey?, Nah the country burns while his face shines on zionist money.

Grabbing women by the pussy is common behavior, Do you really think Trump is humanity's savior?

For thousands of years they've won at this game, Red vs Blue it's always the same.

A cognitive dissonance when faced with this proof, Cry all you like every word is the truth.

With this ballad of truth you might call me a shill, but only the learned chose the Red Pill

History repeats itself all through the ages, those who can see are the wisest of sages.

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e45b02  No.14904926

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1cff8c  No.14904927

File: ddab910706e5ceb⋯.png (437.28 KB, 383x739, 383:739, 8dabd3ad8e9a1910887b19ba67….png)

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fa8560  No.14904928

File: 78b1c9e895ca792⋯.jpeg (405.73 KB, 1241x1887, 73:111, 086B43E0_574D_4737_901D_D….jpeg)

It would be a great day to take this asshole down, don’t you think


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7ba25c  No.14904929

File: f9db6a714f84a76⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 960x960, 1:1, f9db6a714f84a761f20f5db4eb….jpg)


>Red October was more a light shade of commie pink.

yeah, we haven't been doing too well on meeting expectations yet.

That's not to say /ourguys/ won't deliver, but I find it highly unlikely overt, normie level proofs begin before 3-5 states deliver on audit results and durham is finally allowed/decides to indict the household names.

Anything before that feels like a host working the crowd while the main event makes it to the arena.


> and Durham will come through sometime after most of us are vaxed or out of a job.

This tbh is how retarded I think this will be. I'm stressed about the kids in my family being forced to be vaxxed, and spouseanon isn't fully convinced of the plan anymore because we flubbed it on the 'not another 4 year election' election. Once employers rolled out mandates it was game over for many who don't have the means to just say fuck it..

I couldn't believe it went from Enjoy the show to 'just quit your job', 'start home schooling' , and 'hey, don't fret if you don't make it to the end, cause n the end , God wins (which is a given)'

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114d18  No.14904930

File: a3386e81fbb96d4⋯.png (329.64 KB, 963x492, 321:164, kansasCityChoppersPost.png)

File: 1015b9d20d04393⋯.png (693.29 KB, 1021x603, 1021:603, Screenshot_from_2021_04_14….png)

File: d7c9f673f43f2ab⋯.jpg (389.46 KB, 1488x735, 496:245, d7c9f673f43f2aba70664062fb….jpg)




nailed it

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604daa  No.14904931


Yeah people are probably not up for it just yet. All these distractions. 911 was about Nesara huh.

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07027b  No.14904932

File: c4ae660283120c6⋯.png (390.05 KB, 500x498, 250:249, wat.png)



About what?

That almost EVERYONE believes/accepts Bidet won because MSM said so?

What is most important, facts or public perception?


(pic related)

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3806a1  No.14904933

File: 38ae39934a88032⋯.png (2.6 MB, 1920x1030, 192:103, Rick_Wilson_Thoughts_on_Li….png)

File: 073e5d11040a27e⋯.png (183.38 KB, 494x711, 494:711, pedobear_Lincoln_Project.png)

File: 860810e7689e8c1⋯.png (1.05 MB, 900x900, 1:1, the_lincoln_project.png)

File: 27fa4fa472246fb⋯.png (3.82 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, Kathy_Griffin_Rick_Wilson.png)


Good Morning, Rick!

You'd better spray off that little boy and get him back home to his Mom before he's late for school.

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0241e0  No.14904934

File: 8039026ca02e72e⋯.jpg (85.27 KB, 936x708, 78:59, ZomboMeme_20102021183535.jpg)

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1787f1  No.14904935

File: cf7daca3303ea17⋯.jpg (274.95 KB, 1280x1726, 640:863, b536647.jpg)


He tried to save us

We should have listened

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8fd5cf  No.14904936

File: 11fd54eee6f4a92⋯.png (2.69 KB, 273x185, 273:185, Q.png)


There once was a man from Nantucket

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177b6f  No.14904937


After five fucking years the "patriots" have failed to set the stage for optics.

All that matters is public perception, not the truth.

The truth gets you nowhere.

As we know after five fucking years…

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3806a1  No.14904938

File: 8602d65211ae570⋯.jpg (265.88 KB, 744x467, 744:467, full_retard_II.jpg)


Right……Let's Go Brandon.

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6bc632  No.14904939


alternative is BLOODY WAR!! I will wait

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0241e0  No.14904940

File: a3636cd5f48778d⋯.jpg (32.48 KB, 400x399, 400:399, result_1602893327563.jpg)

File: 67bd4b71714414b⋯.jpg (52.08 KB, 400x400, 1:1, result_1603538753192.jpg)

File: 055758c91a10a06⋯.jpg (64.19 KB, 507x492, 169:164, result_1603538740265.jpg)

File: d943c165d2f7906⋯.jpg (37.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, result_1603547715058.jpg)

File: 0c8607a4ece3df4⋯.jpg (139.95 KB, 951x719, 951:719, result_1603547727900.jpg)




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4a2043  No.14904941

File: 6d221d077a0ef8f⋯.png (507.94 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Hold_the_line.png)

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01fa6c  No.14904942

File: 4fdcc661b6e8018⋯.jpg (83.78 KB, 550x453, 550:453, 4fdcc661b6e8018cf8914650f5….jpg)

File: 6dae73408c98764⋯.png (564.55 KB, 720x720, 1:1, peppee.png)


back atcha anon

always a good day to expose the traitors in our midst. God Bless QResearch.>>14904837

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fa8560  No.14904943

File: 86e1d0fc2af8ddd⋯.jpeg (239.61 KB, 932x1109, 932:1109, 424F3A73_579C_47B4_A43A_B….jpeg)

File: f5b0a96e920d7a3⋯.jpeg (570.18 KB, 1240x1809, 1240:1809, B2CC3E2F_1A40_4CB7_9718_7….jpeg)

CDC is wrong, very bad with fake numbers and is straight out lying


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52e081  No.14904944

"He additionally dictated that businesses with more than 100 employees also have to implement vaccine requirements, although for those companies, proof of regular negative COVID-19 tests can be used in lieu of a worker getting inoculated."


Citibank is not giving this option to be tested weekly. Those that are being forced to get vaccine…is your business offering you the tested weekly option?

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a53fab  No.14904945

File: 4e9b3f9cf0e0c47⋯.gif (583.19 KB, 230x158, 115:79, 1575712696722.gif)

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0241e0  No.14904946

File: 0eadde9896a456f⋯.mp4 (8.07 MB, 400x224, 25:14, Trump_Thunderstruck.mp4)

File: 52a3a7a6f761b86⋯.gif (552.28 KB, 200x113, 200:113, Odin_Battle_Flash.gif)

File: e7caa33ff84bfc9⋯.gif (3.89 MB, 498x258, 83:43, Odin_is_With_Us.gif)

File: f5e2af3f4a2b5b5⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB, 624x400, 39:25, Fauci_Masks_Don_t_Work.mp4)


Welcome to the Party Pal…

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58f08f  No.14904947

File: d72f3b147124124⋯.png (549.87 KB, 718x480, 359:240, greta_maga.png)

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9e328c  No.14904948


911 was a Mossad /C_A/MIL hiding 3 trillion bucks worth of crime

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3806a1  No.14904949

File: 8eaa2a000802838⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 640x636, 160:159, 1630199559063.gif)


>your country

Go back to your 3rd world socialist shit hole, we don't need your advice or help.

Thanks in advance.

>dark winter…..


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4a2043  No.14904950

File: fb93af9660d339c⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1200x960, 5:4, Victory.png)

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a53fab  No.14904951

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpeg (126 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1535943976.jpeg)

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07027b  No.14904952




But most think it is. And that is all that matters.

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604daa  No.14904953


… and Gold from 7

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fe9ea0  No.14904954

File: 1e4ce27acf1a09f⋯.png (557.08 KB, 547x677, 547:677, AJ_kinnison.png)

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3806a1  No.14904955

File: 639a2daf2462bcc⋯.png (518.89 KB, 460x689, 460:689, call_it_in.png)

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604daa  No.14904956


… 'we have the gold' is probably code for a wicked nipple cripple.

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3806a1  No.14904957

File: 215afa8f7794800⋯.png (3.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, watch_the_water_III.png)


for now.

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fa8560  No.14904958

File: 451cb0c7aa2da7e⋯.jpeg (516.28 KB, 1241x1608, 1241:1608, 7CBD7273_8B3C_4A84_8F58_4….jpeg)

Wow, Yahoo pulls out if China


Yahoo Pulls Out of China, Ending Tumultuous Two-Decade Relationship

It is the second well-known U.S. tech firm to downsize China operations in less than a month

Yahoo says it pulled its services in China.

By Liza Lin

Updated Nov. 2, 2021 7:15 am ET

Yahoo Inc. said it pulled its services in China, citing an increasingly challenging business and legal environment.

It is the second well-known U.S. technology firm to downsize China operations in less than a month following the closure of Microsoft Corp.’s LinkedIn social-networking site.

“In recognition of the increasingly challenging business and legal environment in China, Yahoo’s suite of services will no longer be accessible from mainland China as of November 1,” a Yahoo spokesman said. “Yahoo remains committed to the rights of our users and a free and open internet. We thank our users for their support.”

The China departure was largely symbolic, as Yahoo had already begun shutting down its main servicessuch as email, news and community services in China starting 2013. Still, Yahoo’s exit is a reminder of the increasing challenges foreign companies face in operating in China, as the nation’s regulators have tightened the reins on data security, privacy and internet content this year.

Yahoo’s pullout coincided with the implementation of China’s Personal Information Protection Law, a privacy law to curb data collection by technology companies that went into effect on Nov. 1.LinkedIn said it had made the decision to shut down its operations in China after “facing a significantly more challenging operating environment and greater compliance requirements.”


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01fa6c  No.14904959

File: 1b0176ac511ec28⋯.jpg (44.93 KB, 1200x667, 1200:667, fake.jpg)


>What is most important, facts or public perception?


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c58293  No.14904960


>Big name arrests will bring families together.

And not a minute sooner.

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968172  No.14904961


Emily Litella is alive and well and living on the internet.

This is the perfect example of a rant where the premise is (easily) provably false. It's the correct plural from the French plural, dumbass.


agent provocateur noun

agent pro·​vo·​ca·​teur | \ ˈä-ˌzhäⁿ-prō-ˌvä-kə-ˈtər , ˈā-jənt-prō-ˌvä-kə-ˈtər \

plural agents provocateurs\ ˈä-​ˌzhäⁿ-​prō-​ˌvä-​kə-​ˈtər , ˈā-​jən(t)s-​prō-​ \

Definition of agent provocateur

: one employed to associate with suspected persons and by pretending sympathy with their aims to incite them to some incriminating action

Examples of agent provocateur in a Sentence

The government used agents provocateurs to try to undermine the opposition party.

Recent Examples on the Web

At the same time, agents provocateurs played a significant role in the turbulence.

— Adam Hochschild, The New Yorker, 4 Nov. 2019

It is now known who that agent provocateur was that the FBI used and John Brennan used and James Clapper.

— Fox News, 17 May 2018

History and Etymology for agent provocateur

borrowed from French, literally, "provoking agent"

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ec8143  No.14904962

File: 37178754ebb3c19⋯.jpeg (275.47 KB, 1000x625, 8:5, 638BE17B_37DB_4270_9EB1_4….jpeg)

File: c422886fd387528⋯.jpeg (402.72 KB, 640x982, 320:491, 66F5ACA1_88D8_4A00_9DF3_A….jpeg)

File: 208654d51dad6e8⋯.jpeg (340.74 KB, 640x917, 640:917, 0049479C_7067_42A2_91E9_D….jpeg)

File: 1b7cdbf8c860cec⋯.jpeg (59.89 KB, 440x660, 2:3, 017DD055_1996_465D_B947_A….jpeg)

File: a2be7ba5245fa70⋯.jpeg (56.44 KB, 500x753, 500:753, 644827E4_72D3_4F51_92B2_2….jpeg)


God Bless America

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07027b  No.14904963


If no one believes your facts, do the facts matter then?

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ed2562  No.14904964

File: 4528c12af154b55⋯.jpg (9.53 KB, 225x255, 15:17, 761a5d08f226239867cefb74dd….jpg)

File: 1591237bc3217ab⋯.jpg (207.88 KB, 791x593, 791:593, 1591237bc3217abb16ca563f1f….jpg)

File: 68200255b1d4976⋯.png (500.88 KB, 787x776, 787:776, f08d849a63dd5b4d2eed329752….png)

File: 4fbd692ec7314fc⋯.png (204.43 KB, 450x345, 30:23, ee3edc06424964d9d57fd9d6e9….png)

File: 3e7f0deec90d10e⋯.png (156.43 KB, 325x382, 325:382, 2c33f41cb7f757615f1195e3dd….png)

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ec8143  No.14904965

File: 3ebd7179d7cf569⋯.jpeg (57.52 KB, 452x740, 113:185, 08C9CBA2_A0FA_499A_93F4_F….jpeg)

File: 83ac5d81edecc36⋯.jpeg (133.33 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, BCBD8E2B_1540_4690_A798_6….jpeg)

File: 43bd4c1704deeba⋯.jpeg (218.64 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, D0260DAD_EAB6_4417_BE9A_8….jpeg)

File: bbc9febfa65fa30⋯.jpeg (88.54 KB, 640x810, 64:81, 451F0FB9_D2E2_42C4_A64E_D….jpeg)

File: 089d5489413b782⋯.jpeg (38.69 KB, 350x525, 2:3, B8471202_64E5_46BC_9B82_F….jpeg)

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604daa  No.14904966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c58293  No.14904967


You could have all the answers in the universe, and there isn't a single human on the planet who would sit and listen.

It doesn't matter what you know, it's what you can get through to people's thick heads through their cognitive dissonance.

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bb1e6d  No.14904969

File: 4b3726ac535b14f⋯.jpg (113.23 KB, 960x639, 320:213, 49918307_10155213_Presiden….jpg)

File: a66e39ce0791eaf⋯.png (837.69 KB, 960x639, 320:213, Biden_tp_chair.png)

File: 37f5522a07786f9⋯.png (178.56 KB, 359x369, 359:369, Biden_tp_chair_2.png)

I was looking through some daily mail articles about Joe Biden and the climate summit for some meme pics, and i noticed what looks like tp near Biden's butt and on the chair. kek


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3806a1  No.14904970

File: ee90497253fc27a⋯.jpg (53.55 KB, 474x600, 79:100, HIllary_Clinton_Nude_Paint….jpg)

File: 3dc7ed10ec8fa57⋯.jpg (36.24 KB, 583x415, 583:415, Clinton_bear_skin_rug.jpg)


Just wait until you see what comes next…..

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fe9ea0  No.14904971

File: 4321192b914e9a4⋯.png (228.64 KB, 1119x1416, 373:472, Screenshot_2021_11_02_at_0….png)



18-Feb-2019 10:57:32 AM -08Q !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch

How can an entity known only as 'Q' (face-less, name-less, fame-less, etc.) begin to ask questions on 4ch (now 8ch) and build something of this magnitude?

How can this same 'Q' entity garner such a massive amount of WW MSM [FAKE NEWS] attention [attacks]?

How is it possible this 'Q' entity can 'forecast' future events or 'know' when the POTUS is about to Tweet?

How is it possible 'FUTURE PROVES PAST' re: information provided?

How is it possible this 'Q' entity, an entity who began by merely asking questions on 4ch/8ch, was able to ………(fill in the blank).

Think logically.

People are craving TRUTH.

People are craving TRANSPARENCY.


People are craving GOOD.

People are craving RIGHT.

People are craving TRUE FREEDOM.

People are craving SAFETY & SECURITY.

People are craving ………..(fill in the blank).


Those who attack have an agenda or remain plugged into the biggest disinformation campaign to be ever witnessed.


Ask yourself, why are 'Liberals' always angry?

Why do they curse?

Why do they slander (push fake labels > racist, sexist, …ist etc.)?

Why do they create 'emotional outbursts' when challenged?

Why are they violent?

Why do they form mobs (packs)?

Why are they incapable of listening to the other side (fascist)?

When you don't have facts to support your arguments (present logical reasoning), you must resort to the above tactics.

The NARRATIVE is designed to keep people in a constant state of 'FEAR' thereby forcing 'ANGER', 'RAGE', 'VIOLENCE'.

Emotionally unstable people are easier to CONTROL.

They want you DIVIDED.



















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c53a25  No.14904972


Nominate for post of the day.

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c8c083  No.14904973

File: fad9ba41dc5bd1a⋯.png (15.94 KB, 255x253, 255:253, soon.png)

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bb1e6d  No.14904974

File: dd14c0cbaacbce5⋯.jpg (118.37 KB, 962x696, 481:348, 49930995_10154599_image_a_….jpg)

File: 28adb2d535f8dba⋯.jpg (119.94 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 49930725_10154599_image_a_….jpg)

File: c1dbaab66bd77db⋯.jpg (167.42 KB, 962x962, 1:1, 49929993_10154599_image_a_….jpg)

File: 2f37b7d40e5f7e9⋯.jpg (73.32 KB, 960x641, 960:641, 49918967_10154599_Presiden….jpg)


also Biden looks like a complete clueless dumbass.

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fa8560  No.14904975


NZ Flag of New Zealand This Is Simply Stunning FireLadies and Gentlemen…This is the BEST takedown of thePandemic…Jacinda gets Torched by Reporterwho explodes and Drops some…Epic WAX Truth Bombs..Down

11:47 PM · Nov 1, 2021·Twitter for Android


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7ba25c  No.14904976


'I consider it murder!': A grieving father cries out to warn others about COVID vaccine

Ernesto Ramirez has journeyed to Washington, D.C. to honor his deceased 15-year-old son who died after taking the Pfizer vaccine. Ernesto is joining together with other vaccine victims to call attention to the scandal of a massive coverup of tens of thousands of deaths from COVID vaccines. Help Ernest warn others out the shot at https://www.lifefunder.com/pfizervictim

This is the problem I have with this fucking "plan"

Why does this guy's child dying (and others like him)have to happen for the sake of dumbass adults to reconsider their beliefs? What makes them so damn special?

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c8c083  No.14904977

File: 080154626183f84⋯.png (1.55 MB, 972x2497, 972:2497, ClipboardImage.png)

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fa8560  No.14904978

File: 40cd0e17e960b19⋯.mp4 (2.12 MB, 540x540, 1:1, zyp5EIqtPMO9cK9x_2.mp4)

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968172  No.14904979

File: 1e67dd1c0932bb2⋯.png (16.22 KB, 255x255, 1:1, GrammarKittyMocking.png)


Chaton de Vichy approuve.

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bb1e6d  No.14904980

File: d12654d660f9136⋯.jpg (72.99 KB, 748x500, 187:125, 5soc8a.jpg)

File: 87786b1d2192200⋯.png (520.82 KB, 689x456, 689:456, Biden_smells.png)

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c8c083  No.14904981

File: 2e73b8f5e00be65⋯.png (355.17 KB, 905x942, 905:942, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ba25c  No.14904982


ain't that the truth.

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9cee99  No.14904983


"My people perish for lack of knowledge"

We are responsible for ourselves

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ec8143  No.14904984

File: cff7244bfc26bac⋯.jpeg (177.02 KB, 750x927, 250:309, 43DCC4C8_F507_402E_AB74_E….jpeg)

File: fcf914c6dbc1196⋯.jpeg (68.47 KB, 576x768, 3:4, C40EFF9D_1D28_40DE_AC7C_5….jpeg)

File: c809759bcaf5cd0⋯.jpeg (95.44 KB, 721x726, 721:726, C50BA3A4_F02F_40F1_8E23_9….jpeg)

File: 88f71fa2f3b5df2⋯.png (211.22 KB, 560x750, 56:75, DB8A2C0F_4C68_4087_BC90_9C….png)

File: 84404a599107055⋯.jpeg (207.48 KB, 500x870, 50:87, C642428C_2AA9_42BA_A22E_5….jpeg)

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3806a1  No.14904985


It's the space on the chair between the seat and the backrest.

You ignorant retards make anons look bad.


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eb7197  No.14904986


>Biden looks like a complete clueless dumbass

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

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968172  No.14904987


You can't tell people, you have to SHOW them. Like an icepick in the forehead.

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01fa6c  No.14904988


If you are asking

does the truth matter?


that is a question for the sheeple

anons are standing firmly on the rock of TRUTH and are not moving.

question is-

If no one cares about the facts, do they matter?

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ec8143  No.14904989

File: 156145674ed06f6⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 300x150, 2:1, 6D5497DA_CA06_4799_881E_1D….gif)


Noooooo You Can’t Unsee That 🤮

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bb1e6d  No.14904990



the carpet is gray.

That is a white paper of some sort on his ass

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7ba25c  No.14904991

File: 06e6183ad5ad9c4⋯.png (171.04 KB, 355x343, 355:343, 06e6183ad5ad9c4ca65d00a468….png)


>We are responsible for ourselves


>"My people perish for lack of knowledge"

>We are responsible for ourselves

ok, so riddle me this:

If it's about being responsible for ourselves, then why isn't trump just saying fuck it and moving on the plan, 'cause it's the left's fault they don't know/accept this knowledge?

By your reasoning it all should've happened by now, and whomever disagrees with mass arrests, tough for them, because they're responsible for themselves.

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01fa6c  No.14904992


“Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes” Psalm 37:7, NLT.

(you) are only responsible for (you)

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07027b  No.14904993


I think I qualified my question pretty well for you. I wasn't talking about here.

I specifically said "public perception" vs facts.

With public perception acknowledging the facts, the facts doesn't matter.

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07027b  No.14904994




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ed2562  No.14904995

File: bd51e54c714de08⋯.png (45.63 KB, 198x194, 99:97, 22cd39567575cc6f7d37866511….png)

File: 2a48dcaa5180101⋯.png (51.72 KB, 249x250, 249:250, Pepe_Lure.png)

File: 45845c410f8c744⋯.png (394.25 KB, 535x308, 535:308, Trump.png)

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fa8560  No.14904996

File: c2f86725b579434⋯.jpeg (28.09 KB, 474x316, 3:2, C5E6AAF6_9752_4755_B6B5_1….jpeg)

File: 87379df0550c8ab⋯.jpeg (35.6 KB, 474x315, 158:105, 4AB22E47_FB3E_48E2_BFCB_8….jpeg)

File: 49899d630a1a932⋯.jpeg (19.85 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 5AE46544_F8E7_41D7_9447_0….jpeg)

File: 818f8f1c4fd6e82⋯.jpeg (18 KB, 474x248, 237:124, A322612D_080F_43EC_AB5F_2….jpeg)

File: 9c795431953566b⋯.jpeg (27.05 KB, 474x248, 237:124, 81328C7A_B43A_4526_984B_7….jpeg)


Goofy ass clown

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968172  No.14904997


You can't tell people, you have to SHOW them. Like an icepick in the forehead.

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c8c083  No.14904998

File: 86db7b636d44063⋯.png (111.82 KB, 400x207, 400:207, ClipboardImage.png)


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01fa6c  No.14904999

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ebe539  No.14905000

File: 6b8305653db83d8⋯.jpeg (277.45 KB, 828x746, 414:373, D9D62AF7_17A5_493B_9583_9….jpeg)

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9cee99  No.14905001


I'm not even talking about Q, this is bigger than Q. Biblical.

I gave you god's word on the subject. God gave US dominion over the earht and told us to SUBDUE it. We shirked that responsiblity long ago.

We are not robots, god will not violate his word. We are the stewards and we made a mess by letting this happen.

Its happened over and over int he bible. Israelites were slavest o egypt, babylon, etc.

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968172  No.14905002



Oops. Sorry for the double post. Post window locked up.

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1787f1  No.14905003



at the end she says she's going to the bathroom

probably to powder her giant cock

fucking blobohomo tranny

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ed2562  No.14905004

File: ec6295f6d3f4fd9⋯.jpg (67.04 KB, 454x303, 454:303, ec6295f6d3f4fd913e7dd68a1a….jpg)


>Goofy ass clown

like all jews around the world!

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72ceeb  No.14905005


Sauce it.

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532c94  No.14905006


>You think the votes matter?


>If they did Trump would be president.

If votes don't matter, why do the bad guys from the uniparty go to such great lengths to rig and steal them? Why do deep state cabal finance and push these operations from behind the scenes if voting didn't matter? Why do they they censor our free speech if our voices don't matter? PATRIOTS, not democrats and republicans need to turn out and vote in such big numbers that there is no fucking way they can steal another one. We the people let this shit get out of hand a long time ago by abdicating our responsibility to hold these fuckers accountable in every decade from our founding to today. It is going to take we the people to rectify this situation and part of that is to VOTE and hold the bastards accountable and when we catch them doing what treasonous fucks do, we try them, sentence them and execute them like traitors deserve IN EVERY FUCKING INSTANCE!

Q and GEOTUS are not going to ride in on shiny steeds and save us. Any American that values freedom and liberty is going to fight for it or lose it and when we get it back there won't be any soy boy beta cucks like you left because you're ARE the problem. They will fear us and bend if we are united. You're running out of time to chose sides because Patriots will not forget.

Get involved. Volunteer to be an election observer/worker. If you see illegal activity at any polling place or vote counting area, call your Constitutionally elected Sheriff and report it. Fuck the city and state police, they work for the bureaucrats. Your Sheriff and his deputies work for you and if he doesn't, remind him who the boss is.

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0092f1  No.14905007

File: f6190786c687b1a⋯.png (45.64 KB, 796x358, 398:179, Screen_Shot_2021_11_02_at_….png)

Morning anons…

I have never been very good at decodes, etc. Gifts are in other areas…

I just noticed that posts did not get signed asQuntil 11/2/17…

Also this post hasMOARmeaning now…

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98defb  No.14905008


No it’s not time until millions of children have been injected by experimental pharmaceuticals

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05ecb5  No.14905009


nobody should sign a false affidavit. It's a crime. The affidavit should say the truth. If the precinct denied them the right to vote unless they signed a false affidavit then they should have declined and took the name of the person demanding ( suborning perjury ) and filed a criminal complaint with the police.

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146150  No.14905011


>Accredited members of the media"

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3806a1  No.14905012

File: de4e861738209c8⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1322x688, 661:344, never_go_full_retard.png)


The carpet is gray…but the reflected light off of his plastic Chinese chair is white.

You won't win this argument because your nurse at the retard hospital is about to come to get you from your internet room and put you to bed.

Now fuck off with your distractions.

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3d89cb  No.14905013


So they signed to say they did something, that they didn't - that's not what you do with affadavits…

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968172  No.14905014


Yes, sauce please.


This anon has a point. Any lawfags weigh in on how to use this to our advantage?

Voting in person in Fairfax County today.

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7ba25c  No.14905015


Look, we all know that GOD wins. No argument there. That is ALWAYS the case, even if the cabal wins this thing on earth. We all know that in the hereafter God wins.

What we are talking about is this ridiculous plan to allow kids to be vaxxed and their lives likely ruined because of it.

Let's not pretend that Q talked all kinds of shit about what's gonna happen to this guy and that gal, then when the shit goes south and they don't deliver after they constantly datefagged, we get the bible quotes and 'hey we work on our own timetable'.

You damn sure wouldn't accept a job, not get paid, and when you confront the boss about it he says, "hey, don't worry about the money, cause in the end, GOD WINS."

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1787f1  No.14905016

File: 2d48692d3a6b3bd⋯.png (303.54 KB, 613x542, 613:542, 1635849749048.png)

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3806a1  No.14905017

File: f653f7bd75a40be⋯.jpeg (213.95 KB, 2000x1125, 16:9, Servers.jpeg)


Missing [r]

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c8c083  No.14905018





off GAB sounds off but its VA

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01fa6c  No.14905019

File: 2b0a22af97182f4⋯.jpeg (272.99 KB, 1001x943, 1001:943, 2b0a22af97182f4d29a490d45….jpeg)

File: 84de5949f402c9d⋯.png (872.21 KB, 1077x1071, 359:357, 59455913221e94f53c0159a79c….png)

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fa8560  No.14905020

File: 57c07b0c46236bd⋯.jpeg (136.96 KB, 1343x992, 1343:992, 57DDE721_832C_4FF2_954F_6….jpeg)

File: e9f6a75a67836d1⋯.jpeg (238.34 KB, 1406x1003, 1406:1003, C6D1869C_34F3_4AD7_A306_C….jpeg)


Bidan and Lurch. Looks like he’s trying to fart but shart

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ead22a  No.14905021

File: 1dfc4194950e43e⋯.png (138.28 KB, 296x300, 74:75, 6650F8D3_CC63_4F2C_A06D_45….png)

Matthew’s Message via Suzanne Ward | Nov. 1, 2021

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us address concerns about ingredients in the solution falsely called vaccines that are causing most deaths officially attributed to the virus.

First, if you loved any of those dear souls, let it be a measure of comfort to know that most transitioned to spirit life because they had completed chosen karmic experiencing, and, at soul level, others chose the option to leave and complete remaining lessons in Nirvana.

Each person whose physical lifetime ends from any cause is lovingly greeted and given personalized care until wellbeing in mind, body and spirit is restored. Then they begin an active life in that wondrous world of love, diversity and illumination, from whence they are guiding everyone with whom they’re bonded in love.

Now then, if employment, school attendance or travel is requiring you to be vaccinated and exclusions are not accepted, please do not worry. Gaia’s desire for her humankind to be healthy is being honored. Immune systems and cellular restructuring from carbon to crystal are being fortified by increased light as more and more civilizations are aiding Earth’s peoples in this respect. Your worst enemy is fear—don’t let its low vibrations interfere with absorbing the light being beamed to you in ever greater abundance.

We don’t know when this “pandemic” scourge will run out its energetic course, but what we do know in addition to light intensification will let you feel greatly encouraged. Because puppets of the darkness are violating Creator’s cosmic law by denying instead of honoring others’ free will choices about vaccination, some in peak ranks of the Illuminati have been taken off the planet by one means or another and others are soon to meet that fate, some who are aware of this are taking their own lives, and many in lower ranks are abandoning the sinking ship.

Please give no energy in thoughts or feelings to any dire-sounding information about AI, 5G or any other plans based in dark intention—none of those will come to fruition! Dear ones, live in your heart space—God said, “The heart is the seat of the soul”—and continue embracing the light to bring ever closer the day when you will live freely as the multidimensional, divine sovereign beings you are!



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e8f5a9  No.14905022


Sure, wait until you are rounded up and carted off to gulag. Sounds like an American pussy.

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7ba25c  No.14905023


just 17 more elections and I'm SURE the people will get the wake up call

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07027b  No.14905024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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968172  No.14905025


Sauce, not ketchup, please. Link?

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ed2562  No.14905026

File: 1cd050469881cd2⋯.jpg (80.4 KB, 530x398, 265:199, 1cd050469881cd2ae6a244beea….jpg)

File: 3de45fdd0e2356e⋯.jpg (49.15 KB, 476x534, 238:267, 3de45fdd0e2356e7b2355eabdf….jpg)

File: 151e74ea73a6754⋯.jpg (201.4 KB, 572x728, 11:14, 151e74ea73a675439544d9b3bb….jpg)

File: b03f09e32c19717⋯.png (296.89 KB, 546x355, 546:355, filthy_Kike_Rat.png)

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e8f5a9  No.14905027


American men are showing the world levels of pussification that shouldn't even be possible. Be sure to keep drinking plenty of soy milk before even that vanishes from the shelves.

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e5118e  No.14905028

File: bc984013b97430a⋯.png (154.14 KB, 1199x801, 1199:801, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84a63e7ad985d44⋯.png (121.91 KB, 1105x853, 1105:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0daeee997154183⋯.png (158.52 KB, 896x811, 896:811, ClipboardImage.png)

50.7 Disapprove

42.9 Approve

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1787f1  No.14905029

File: 2f5fbc4e0cfa0bc⋯.jpg (113.03 KB, 1261x800, 1261:800, 1635847802622.jpg)

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ead22a  No.14905030


“Please ask Matthew why Earth was chosen as the battleground between light and dark forces. He said the light already won. If that is true, why then is the darkness still able to control our lives?” Since antiquity the planet has been one of countless sites of spiritual warfare between the light and dark forces.

Destroying life in numerous sinister ways has long been apparent in your world, but this universal battle is not for bodies, it is for souls—bodies are temporary, souls are eternal. That is why capturing souls is the quest of the dark forces and light forces use the far greater power of love to prevent it. And, absolutely the light has won the battle! This is true not only for Earth—civilizations throughout the universe are being liberated from the dark forces’ ages-old reign.

You do know this at soul level, but the importance of knowing it consciously cannot be overstated. A message I gave my mother in 1995, when I was still living in Nirvana, “has all the dots,” if you will, of information offered in many subsequent messages. At that time, a quarter century past in your linear time, communication between Nirvana and Earth was being heavily assaulted by the dark forces, and “we” in the message is the hundred souls whose collective energy safely secured my transmission.

Mother, we greet you this morning with MOMENTOUS news! Creator has decreed that the free will of the dark forces no longer will be permitted to override the free will choices of the light beings! The willful destructiveness within the darkness that has prevailed through the gift of free will is coming to an end!

We have just learned of this victory for the light from sources who have visited realms at the highest point available to any soul with the power to ascend to that height and return to this level. The news comes from a series of such messengers, all totally trusted within the light and at such high grace and station that their integrity and enlightenment cannot be in doubt.

Creator’s decree is not because the forces of light are dimmer or weaker than the forces of darkness. Light always shall be stronger in total, and ultimately light shall prevail completely. Always the individuality of each light being has been and ever more shall be held sacred and inviolate, with the free will choices of each soul separately registered and honored.

With the dark forces, it has been different always. The free will of a person drawn into fascination with the darkness has been added to the power of the darkness by the design of its masters. No longer have that person’s choices been individual, because his or her free will has been gathered into the total armament of the darkness and become a part of its grand deception.

These combined free will choices of the dark forces have been their strength. Evidence of the effects of that strength is the negativity that has been building so long on Earth. The magnitude of that combined strength is far greater in intensity than the choices of each individual light being, thus the forces of darkness have been able to continue proliferating negativity and prevailing over the free will choices of individual light beings.

Only by the withdrawal of free will from the apex of the darkness can the free will of all other souls be honored, and that is what Creator via God is now instituting within this universe. The battle no longer will be lopsided, with a massive dark force of captive beings acting in unison to conquer the individual beings of light.

The decree’s most profound effect on Earth is this: The cleansing to rid your planet of the accumulated negativity will continue, but it can be far less in scope and intensity, far less in damage and physical death than formerly required! It is far more likely now that there will be several years of releasing kinetic energy without the cataclysmic force that would have been necessary prior to the decree from Creator.

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fa8560  No.14905031


I would have crossed out lost ballots and written in never requested and never received bsllots, I’ve this on legal papers before, crossed out and initialed the change and its acceptable

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bb1e6d  No.14905032

File: d22bf509ab9f502⋯.png (191.28 KB, 572x511, 572:511, Biden_tp_chair_3.png)




That is not light. Explain the v shaped rip looking pattern.

That is white paper, not light.

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1787f1  No.14905033

File: d6a92c7b959a0a4⋯.png (468.72 KB, 719x487, 719:487, 563636.png)

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a13d90  No.14905034

File: 6358212bdefeb21⋯.jpg (59.14 KB, 1369x286, 1369:286, 2021_11_02_075452.jpg)


Here is the next post, early posts on 4 chan.

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e8f5a9  No.14905035

File: 547bca17632457d⋯.png (775.34 KB, 850x1025, 34:41, Grammar_Toots.png)



Too bad sniper school didn't teach you the very best targets to have in your sights when communists are taking over your nation.

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c8c083  No.14905036

File: be85cc4a013d385⋯.jpg (117.45 KB, 671x537, 671:537, be85cc4a013d385665173cdc56….jpg)

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7f2c01  No.14905037


Did you ever have the ass-gasket toilet seat cover stick to your ass from sweat? I did and almost pulled a biden once.

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01fa6c  No.14905038


it's joepedos jacket

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e5118e  No.14905039

File: 07108143fdeb138⋯.png (769.57 KB, 981x551, 981:551, ClipboardImage.png)

President Joe Biden was seen on camera appearing to fall asleep during a United Nations climate change summit, prompting both criticism and sympathy.

A video posted on Twitter by Zach Purser Brown, a reporter with The Washington Post, showed the president closing his eyes for about 20 seconds during the opening speeches of the COP26 summit in Glasgow, Scotland, on Monday. An aide is seen approaching the president, who then opens his eyes and claps as the speech ends.

The video soon went viral, and has been viewed more than 4.6 million times as of early Tuesday. Some criticized the president for the optics of the moment, but others expressed sympathy for the president's jet-lagged state. He arrived in Glasgow after meeting with Group of 20 leaders in Rome.

"America is in crisis, and Joe Biden is asleep at the wheel," House Republicans said in a tweet.

"Jeez… not the best look when you're trying to tell the word to wake up," Piers Morgan tweeted.

Rep. Ronny Jackson, who previously served as White House physician under former presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, tweeted: "NOBODY in their right mind believes this man is actually running our country. It's so painfully obvious he's not physically or mentally up for the job, that it's EMBARRASSING. He needs to resign. America deserves better than this."

However, others defended Biden, with some suggesting they too would struggle to stay awake during a climate summit. "To be fair, I'd fall asleep during a climate conference too," Natalie Johnson wrote on Twitter.

Daniel Garza tweeted: "I'm giving him a pass on this one: traveling abroad, speaker is monotone, talking points being repeated…."

Ari Fleischer, who served as White House press secretary during George W. Bush's presidency, wrote that it was "hard to blame him."

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump took the opportunity to mock Biden, alleging that the president "fell asleep" because he could not bear to hear more about global warming.

"Even Biden couldn't stand hearing so much about the Global Warming Hoax, the 7th biggest Hoax in America," Trump said in a statement.

"Biden went to Europe saying Global Warming is his highest priority, and then promptly fell asleep, for all the world to see, at the Conference itself," he added. "Nobody that has true enthusiasm and belief in a subject will ever fall asleep!"

During a speech at the summit, Biden had apologized for Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement. "I shouldn't apologize, but I do apologize for the fact the United States, the last administration, pulled out of the Paris Accords and put us sort of behind the eight ball a little bit," he said.

The White House has been contacted for comment.


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72ceeb  No.14905040

File: 4b5acdfd137a863⋯.jpg (120 KB, 683x480, 683:480, Are_you_SURE2.jpg)


Allj the chairs have an "opening" where the back meets the seat. That is what we are looking at here.

His coat tail (look closely at the seam running down his left side) is the small "v-shaped" item cutting into the picture.

Jeez people!

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e5118e  No.14905041


this is correct

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3806a1  No.14905042

File: 78f1c8c02cfae92⋯.jpg (97.65 KB, 500x355, 100:71, baby_KYS.jpg)


That's the tail of a two-sided vent on his suitcoat.

A Walmart shopper wouldn't know that.

When is Trump announcing JFK Jr as his VP?



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a13d90  No.14905043


You're fucking blind, its light angled straight down on the chair, look at the other chairs. You have convinced yourself that is what it is, you may need to take a break.

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7ba25c  No.14905045


..and this is what we've been reduced to. From Fisa specialists to Toilet paper analysts.

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9e328c  No.14905046


Not to worry, it's Alec Baldwins personal prop gun. Nothing can go wrong.

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01fa6c  No.14905047

all the scatopaths, this one's for you

Feces-smeared fakes: Scientists use rubber hands in OCD therapy

LONDON (Reuters) - A new type of therapy using feces and fake rubber hands may be able to help patients with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) overcome their fears of touching contaminated surfaces, according to new research.

The Anglo-U.S. trial involved patients having a fake hand and watching it being stroked until they developed a sensation that it was their own. The rubber hand was then smeared with feces while their real hand was dabbed with damp tissue to mimic the feeling of feces touching their skin.

The patients were asked to rate their disgust and anxiety levels, and the strength of the urge to wash their hands.

“Exposure therapy can be very stressful and so is not always effective or even feasible for many patients,” said Jalal.

“If you can provide an indirect treatment that’s reasonably realistic, where you contaminate a rubber hand instead of a real hand, this might provide a bridge that will allow more people to tolerate exposure therapy or even replace (it) altogether.”


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3806a1  No.14905048

File: 9d24cb32a09988c⋯.jpeg (77.57 KB, 795x1024, 795:1024, American_Sexy_Patriot.jpeg)

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6ea90c  No.14905049

File: 8f60ed5454c9c4e⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1563x1536, 521:512, DBF4247B_1F01_49C6_BE1A_8E….png)

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3806a1  No.14905050

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f299c4  No.14905052

File: f14fa13e8859176⋯.jpg (90.21 KB, 1200x791, 1200:791, 739789.jpg)



Um, no.

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114d18  No.14905054

File: ee38e50c816b712⋯.png (589.67 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_11_02….png)


britneyspears's profile picture



5:45 … she arrived … the doorman said she came home alone !!! She went to dinner with two girlfriends and had 1 drink … took a cab home but was found on the floor by her neighbor … it remains a mystery 🕵🏼‍♀️🙀😳😜 … who would do such a thing 🤷🏼‍♀️🎃 ??? She had a wonderful family and of course they were nowhere nearby !!!! Pretty lame I did this for Halloween 🎃 last night but if interpretation is coincided with opposition what are the beneficial effects of an imaginative reality ??? Is EFFORT to play it out an insult ???? Or is effort simply put … just a play ??? One might do it better but who on Earth 🌎 would do one bad 😉 ??? I mean COME ON … let’s play!!! It’s a start …. thoughts 💭 ??? Psss she broke her leg too !!! 🤷🏼‍♀️😉 Pssss no … I’m not showing my lips for an ad for lip injections in the video 😹 !!!! On a SPECIAL note 📝 Stay classy ‘Murica and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do because that’s like a WHOLE LOT y’all 😉😉 😉 !!!! Let me explain myself 🥒🥒 … I’m saying in a crazy world like we have today that it’s pretty important to stay safe !!! Like we did for Covid y’all !!!! But still have fun … I mean duh !!! It’s been 13 years for me so I’m a little rusty !!!! Ma and dad can I drive my car now 😒 😜 ??? JUST KIDDING … but seriously, can I play now ???? I just really don’t want to offend anyone though … oh but wait, what are we watching tonight on TV ??? Holy crap you guys, gotta check out @lockeandkeynetflix 🔐 … it’s pretty good 😌 !!!


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ead22a  No.14905055


>but this universal battle is not for bodies, it is for souls—bodies are temporary, souls are eternal.

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f31205  No.14905056


I haven’t seen a dark colored quality coat or jacket lined with white fabric.

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b1ba25  No.14905058

File: 1edcc52fedae833⋯.jpeg (121.66 KB, 600x1171, 600:1171, E235691B_55D1_4603_9216_2….jpeg)


Let’s all take a moment and solemnly praise God and give thanks that my personal worth has no linkage to what I look like in underwear…



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fa8560  No.14905059

File: 2fe183e24ca50e8⋯.jpeg (156.07 KB, 808x1227, 808:1227, 49438D3A_E21D_403B_B679_E….jpeg)

File: 572dc9766adc3ee⋯.jpeg (189.39 KB, 1841x1227, 1841:1227, 7F320838_0201_41A4_85DE_C….jpeg)

They are really trying to show hiw important the Dementor in Chief is

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c8c083  No.14905060


Record and film and document everything. Send to county sheriff

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86affc  No.14905061

File: e9ba02fd0bc36b7⋯.jpeg (116.58 KB, 723x723, 1:1, LooseTalkBird.jpeg)


I can't stay mad at you for long, Lil Fighter.

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0a2510  No.14905062


We did not receive mail in ballots for 2020, but we did receive mail in's for the two people we bought our home from…in 2009! Like good citizens, we wrote "not at this address" and put them in return mail. Where they went from there is anybody's guess, and I have mine.

Here's the strange part. For the past 6 months, we have been receiving their mail, magazines, credit card offers and other types of junk. Why? They haven't lived here for over 12 years. Any guesses?>>14904977

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09fc4f  No.14905063

File: f4c6209c0c9d393⋯.png (58.31 KB, 1248x572, 24:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04d78645aca9fbd⋯.png (76.68 KB, 1250x593, 1250:593, ClipboardImage.png)

November 2, 2017

Four Year Deltas

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e43c05  No.14905064

File: cfd5a8e4f5704c7⋯.png (374.22 KB, 659x529, 659:529, apu_padawan_fail.png)

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c53a25  No.14905065

File: cb385d0cbc73aaa⋯.png (105.24 KB, 588x464, 147:116, Locke_and_Key.PNG)

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09fc4f  No.14905066

File: 659aa0f3f73912a⋯.png (28.47 KB, 1285x313, 1285:313, ClipboardImage.png)


Nov. 2 includes 44 and 55 posts

Huma, back in the news. On the drops.

4 year delta

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01fa6c  No.14905067

File: f17b8e7fb7e9c33⋯.jpg (15.07 KB, 190x265, 38:53, rwed8iorp.jpg)



with what authority?

bad chess move

all a bluff

vaccine mandate dates - are all a bluff

don't fold

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7ba25c  No.14905068


Cmon Trump, don’t disappoint us. This shit has gone on long enough.

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c3516a  No.14905069

File: df7239944fd9c9e⋯.png (199.57 KB, 510x354, 85:59, 2018_08_05_11_04_13.png)


>They are really trying to show hiw important the Dementor in Chief is

Most of the money from the Climate change scam will come from the US.

Of course they will?

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72ceeb  No.14905070


Video usage inside a polling place is prohibited in most states.

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f299c4  No.14905071

File: 8357d1eca7ccdb7⋯.png (113.22 KB, 208x242, 104:121, ClipboardImage.png)


Posts like these only serve to highlight your intentions here.

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3806a1  No.14905072

File: 8db6b2a804db490⋯.jpg (130.33 KB, 1024x672, 32:21, QAnon_Q_Team.jpg)

File: e85f3bd726d00db⋯.jpg (169.28 KB, 754x431, 754:431, Ivanka_Clever_Gurl.jpg)

File: 4758fb0febea667⋯.jpg (140.51 KB, 634x793, 634:793, Ivanka_Paris_NYE_II.jpg)

File: 3dc8ccfb706b3bb⋯.png (3.99 MB, 1439x1076, 1439:1076, Ivanka_Kushner_Q.png)

File: a6aea23adad3f13⋯.png (748.47 KB, 935x935, 1:1, Ivanka_plays_spy_hunter.png)

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86affc  No.14905073

If Karen Fann is dirty, Wendy Rogers must also be dirty.

If Wendy Rogers is dirty, Karen Fann must also be dirty.

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a13d90  No.14905074


This is about the election today .


This is about the election today.

Because we spread the news of election fraud, keep this in mind and do not be distracted.

Focus. We are the news.

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dc0bb6  No.14905075


Sending the ballots back allowed those in control to use them . It's form of ballot harvesting.

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b1ba25  No.14905076

File: 0f0e3d4c9a93d24⋯.jpeg (78.81 KB, 480x483, 160:161, FC40DC81_2985_4927_91CE_C….jpeg)

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e44c5b  No.14905077

File: 792075fb076be63⋯.jpg (134.31 KB, 800x1040, 10:13, JohnHLoudon_Committee300.jpg)

File: a42ea9d8e7f06d3⋯.jpg (49.21 KB, 400x527, 400:527, TimeLoudon.jpg)

I am listening to some "conspiracy" things and want to share some names or things I heard and check out!

From 1996

John Loudon, 90, Ex-Head Of Royal Dutch/Shell Group

John H. Loudon, who headed the Royal Dutch/Shell Group when it was the world's second largest oil company and guided it through times of turmoil in the Middle East, died on Saturday. He was 90.

He died of respiratory failure at the Haarlem Hospital in Haarlem, the Netherlands, his son John said.

During his 14-year tenure as head of the sprawling Anglo-Dutch oil empire, Mr. Loudon helped to rebuild the company's operations from the devastation of World War II, guided it through the shutdown of the Suez Canal in 1956 and the war that followed and worked hard to preserve the oil group's influence in the Middle East during the 1960's.

As the power grew of the nations that eventually formed the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Mr. Loudon used his friendships with the sheiks and the leaders in the region to defend the Shell group's interests.

A tall athletic man who spoke five languages, he moved easily in the realm of political leaders as diverse as de Gaulle and the Shah of Iran. He kept close friendships with such business leaders as David Rockefeller and Henry Ford II.

After he took over as director general of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group in 1951, he took steps to diversify the management of the closely knit and secretive company.

Seeing that nationalism was growing in many countries where oil was being discovered and produced, he established training programs to groom executives from countries in the Middle East and elsewhere. He also sought to prevent discrimination and put in policies to have the European managers treat the nationals as equals.

According to a Time magazine profile in 1960, Mr. Loudon sent his managers out to foreign operatons with this advice: "Be a good citizen, obey the laws but never get mixed up in politics. Never contribute to political campaigns and never pay baksheesh. Never. Never."

After he stepped down as chairman in 1965, he continued to be active in the company as chairman of the board of supervisory directors for 11 more years.

Editors’ Picks

As U.S. Reopening Approaches, Travelers Take Their Marks

What Happened After the Most Deadly Antisemitic Attack in American History?

Should I Tell a Facebook Friend I Had an Affair With Her Partner?

Continue reading the main story

When David Rockfeller, the president of Chase Manhattan Bank, set up an advisory committee in 1965 to counsel the bank on its growing international business, Mr. Loudon was named as chairman. He retired from the group in 1977.


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c3516a  No.14905078

File: 917571fcc33f9ea⋯.png (236.32 KB, 530x489, 530:489, 2018_08_03_14_24_07.png)


>President Joe Biden was seen on camera appearing to fall asleep during a United Nations climate change summit, prompting both criticism and sympathy.


He's supposed to be the leader of the free world.


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3806a1  No.14905079

File: 2312a71bcbe4f45⋯.png (1.14 MB, 660x426, 110:71, Ivanka_Q.png)

File: 1b0c2ff82b48a6b⋯.png (896.5 KB, 620x574, 310:287, Ivanka_light_based_compute….png)

File: 30044b9f035bedb⋯.png (251.4 KB, 1298x840, 649:420, Government_AI.png)

File: 29fcf28d24f77f8⋯.png (62.48 KB, 593x254, 593:254, Elon_Musk_Prometheous_unbo….png)

File: edfc1c5968802fc⋯.jpg (9.8 KB, 236x279, 236:279, Ft_Meade_17.jpg)


Ivanka + AI

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09fc4f  No.14905080

File: 0659cc067a019f6⋯.png (6.23 MB, 3700x2400, 37:24, POPCORN.png)


Get popcorn.

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1e81f5  No.14905081


“Prohibited” to document an ‘open and transparent public process’, and/or “Prohibited” to document the systems of fraud and corruption???

Now what kind of gang of fuck heads came up with EITHER of those ideas? Hummmmmmm

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dc0bb6  No.14905082


…all bluff until the SC says it's all ok.

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86affc  No.14905083

File: b873a50cd7f063e⋯.png (296.77 KB, 630x335, 126:67, CatHerding.png)

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fa8560  No.14905084

Parents, Juan (the cretin) Williams Thinks You're Racist


Fox News contributor Juan Williams has a message for parents opposed to critical race theory instruction in their schools: “You’re racists!”

In his Monday column for The Hill, Williams writes that “Trump-imitating Republicans think they have struck political gold” with a “Culture Wars” campaign “dressed up as a defense of little children.”

After white supremacists spilled blood in defense of keeping up Confederate statues in 2017, the GOP candidate for governor of Virginia, Ed Gillespie, said the monuments should stay up as a matter of heritage and history.

His TV advertising featured threatening images of Latino gangs, labeled illegal immigrants, involved in murder and rape.

The racially loaded “Culture Wars” campaign, straight from then-President Trump’s playbook, gave Gillespie a push, but he ultimately lost the race to Democrat Ralph Northam.

This is the same Northam who in college either dressed up in blackface or as a Klansman and the same Gillespie who even the Daily Beast’s Matt Lewis argued “isn’t running a racist campaign.”

You probably won’t be surprised when I tell you that Williams again repeats the demonstrably false “very fine people” smear against former President Donald Trump in a desperate attempt to paint the comparatively milquetoast Glenn Youngkin as a Trump clone.

Williams also whitewashes — can we still use that word? — exactly what CRT is.

m discussion of Black Lives Matter protests or slavery” that parents fear “could upset some children, especially white children who might feel guilt.”

If you’re teaching children to feel guilty about a practice that ended almost 160 years ago — by a largely white army, I might add — you might have an agenda that’s something quite other than fighting racism.

Just so we’re clear, CRT is Marxism dressed up in the language of so-called anti-racism, which is about teaching white kids that they’re racists because they’re white and teaching kids of other colors that they’re victims because they’re not white.

All to drive up the grievances and division that Marxists thrive on.

Or as former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on ABC’s The View last week, “I would like black kids to be completely empowered, to know that they are beautiful in their blackness, but in order to do that, I don’t have to make white kids feel bad for being white. So somehow, this is a conversation that has gone in the wrong direction.”


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01fa6c  No.14905086

File: c337527eda9f87a⋯.jpg (69.3 KB, 425x328, 425:328, Ass_too_Small.jpg)

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9cee99  No.14905088


Juan is so dumb that i find it hard to believe its not an act. He gets destroyed by the rest of the 5 and just keeps coming back for more beatdowns.

Is he just a paid baddy like faux wrasslin?

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f299c4  No.14905089


MIL is playing Pokemon. Gotta "catch 'em all". Does that make sense to you, or do we need to whip out the crayons?

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0943f1  No.14905090

Anons, do you notice that the shills and their respective obsessions or nicknames actually sometimes manifest into something real? How long have we been talking about Karen, and now Karen Fann shows up as a real life Karen. Just finding it interesting.

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e5118e  No.14905091

File: c667bab3524fae6⋯.jpg (187.95 KB, 1240x890, 124:89, qanon_in_carson.jpg)


I agree anon.

90% of people do not feel 'sympathetic' towards Bidan for falling asleep, and will have your exact reaction to MSM reporting.

Showing them?

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ed2562  No.14905093

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b1ba25  No.14905094

File: aca319311eccb54⋯.jpeg (35.12 KB, 310x264, 155:132, 81D47165_8DFB_4369_AB4D_7….jpeg)


Juan isn’t normal. Cretinism seems low on the list for possible causation. Craniofacial characteristics not aligned well.

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dcb87f  No.14905095

anon, anon



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c8c083  No.14905096

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3b4301  No.14905098

File: 7179139f345652f⋯.png (24.94 KB, 342x450, 19:25, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_11….png)

File: efdcafcd07cebae⋯.png (14.69 KB, 354x545, 354:545, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_11….png)

Is Twitter usually this sexual & gross so early in the morning?!

I seriously hope the people that work & run Twitter get named, shamed, an incurable itchy STD, fired & never allowed near a computer again.

(I'm trying my hardest lately to not wish death or dismemberment on people I hate)

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86affc  No.14905099


I must be in your 10% then.

On this particular subject only that is.

I simply refuse to bust anyone's balls for falling asleep during a climate change speech.

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61ce3c  No.14905100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Newest lands of La Palma that got formed some weeks ago. 4K Drone footage. The newest piece of land on planet Earth. New sovereign terriotory of Spain. Tazacorte municipality, La Palma, Canaries, Spain. Drone: DJI Air 2S. Some 2.5 km (one way) flight over the ocean.

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dcb87f  No.14905101


they got what they wanted

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4f07a1  No.14905103

File: 8e0457bdadb8df9⋯.jpg (37.87 KB, 590x590, 1:1, NWA_Champ_Dusty_Rhodes.jpg)


Dubs confirm kayfabe

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f299c4  No.14905104



Yep, needs sauce.


Yep, this is not very smart on their part.

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e5118e  No.14905105

>>14905067 vaccine mandates are all a bluff - don't fold

>>14904675, >>14904683 remember THIS DAY

>>14905066 Nov 2. 4 year Delta

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09fc4f  No.14905106

File: 1ac87aa8704b6f2⋯.png (4.92 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 1qclock_q_djt_15_3x3oct22B….png)


Crimson Tide KEK

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3806a1  No.14905107

File: 4772bf3797fcdcb⋯.png (566.02 KB, 656x466, 328:233, ivanka_check_em.png)

File: 5cb925f8301b176⋯.jpg (68.54 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Trump_Fire_Truck_AF1.jpg)


How do you fight a Shadow Government?

With a shadow POTUS.

Bottom right-hand corner….B&W herringbone overcoat.


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7f2c01  No.14905108


Yes. Thank you. I've seen it for years. Even before this all started. When he gets cornered by obvious facts, he derails, changes the subject, gets loud, etc. He knows better.

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eb7197  No.14905109


>Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump took the opportunity to mock Biden, alleging that the president "fell asleep" because he could not bear to hear more about global warming.

I'm noticing an uptick in MSM coverage of Trump's personal statements. A couple months ago, they completely ignored them.

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7ba25c  No.14905111


Tell that to the health care workers who lost their jobs over it. Tell the mortgage company it’s all a bluff

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fa8560  No.14905112

File: fdbe7f3932b7233⋯.jpeg (45.24 KB, 640x480, 4:3, FC10BE7D_63C3_4BE6_BBAE_C….jpeg)

Donald Trump Hosts Telephone Rally for Glenn Youngkin: Vote and Send a Strong Message to Joe Biden

Charlie Spiering1 Nov 2021

Former President Donald Trump spoke to Virginia voters in a telephone rally on Monday, urging them to support Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin for governor, just hours before the polls open on Tuesday in the race for governor.

“Tomorrow you can send a message, a great, great strong message to Joe Biden,” Biden said, adding their vote would also send a message to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Majority Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her allies as well as the media.

Trump also criticized the “fake news media” for trying to keep his “great big giant base” at home and not to support Youngkin.

The former president spoke about Youngkin in glowing terms, calling him a great leader who would lead the commonwealth into prosperity after decades of Democrat governors.

“We have a great relationship and he’s a fantastic guy,” Trump said, praising his “tremendous success” as a businessman.

“He’ll make Virginia really the envy of the world, you watch, he’ll be able to do it, won’t even be hard for a guy like that,” Trump continued.

The former president spoke about the importance of energy independence, low taxes, and fighting the radical Democrat machine that had been in control of the commonwealth for so long.

“The future of this great commonwealth is on the ballot tomorrow,” Trump said. “And again, our country is hurting, but we will take it back.”

The former president described Youngkin’s opponent, former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-VA), as a “very shady” candidate who had pledged his loyalty to the radical left.

“He’s gotten worse in the sense that he has made a corrupt bargain with the radical left, the extremists who now control the Democrat party,” Trump said, calling him “completely totally owned and controlled” by the far-left, and would do their bidding on critical issues in the commonwealth.


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b1ba25  No.14905113

File: 0f3fd5f6394757a⋯.jpeg (51.73 KB, 700x700, 1:1, D94AC236_EFA3_4E9B_9B3F_7….jpeg)

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e5118e  No.14905115

>>14905099 but the progressives certainly will give him hell for it.

I think the idea is to make as many people as possible hate Bidan… We aren't the target audience, we already know he is shit.

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7f2c01  No.14905116



When he came to FOX from NPR he pretended it was because of his conservative slant and he had "differences" with NPR. BULLSHIT. He is the paid liberal mouth for FOX.

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4ced95  No.14905117


This will happen. SCOTUS will sell-out.

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07027b  No.14905118


>or do we need to whip out the crayons?

Uhh crayons.

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4f07a1  No.14905119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yep. Everyone is doomed. (You) might as well dive feet first into a woodchipper.

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114d18  No.14905120

File: 971cd54656536c8⋯.jpg (8.99 KB, 226x255, 226:255, pepehmmm.jpg)

File: 4968438c698f7d7⋯.png (136.14 KB, 269x418, 269:418, Screenshot_from_2021_11_02….png)


not seeing Britney's story in the episode list


>I’m not showing my lips for an ad for lip injections in the video

lip injections

name some suicided stars with lip injections

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7f2c01  No.14905121


Already did several times before.

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a13d90  No.14905122


So important to understand the full picture, It is about the elections, we have to unite against these criminals in a show of unite in showing up and voting their crime will be obvious.

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fa8560  No.14905124

File: bfb9df7d7fbb7d1⋯.jpeg (71.7 KB, 860x475, 172:95, 61BB0ED1_3D85_44B3_B6E5_B….jpeg)


He also talks about his son is Republican

Something is very wrong with this thing, he might be retarded by a lot of money

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dcb87f  No.14905125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




2 B Shore 2 B Shore

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0ef1d8  No.14905126

File: 5d9db1da68e131a⋯.png (56.76 KB, 1144x439, 1144:439, ClipboardImage.png)

Media narrative change

Liberal Media Scream: Chuck Todd shocked GOP favored over Biden


“Republicans, believe it or not, have double-digit leads in dealing with border security, inflation, crime, national security, the economy and, shockingly, on ‘getting things done,’” Todd said on his Sunday show discussing a new NBC News poll.

Todd led Sunday’s Meet the Press on NBC:

“We have a brand new NBC News poll out this morning that’s filled with some scary news for the Democrats. The overarching message: Americans have lost their confidence in President Biden and their optimism for the country, at least, they have right now. Just 22% of adults say we’re headed in the right direction. A shocking 71% say we’re on the ‘wrong track’ and that includes a near majority of Democrats who are saying that.

“President Biden’s approval rating stands at a dismal 42% versus 54% who disapprove. Believe it or not, just two months ago, Mr. Biden was in positive territory — 49% approving and 48% disapproving. So, what’s pulling down the president’s numbers? Well look at his set of numbers: Just 37% say he has the ability right now to handle a crisis versus nearly a majority who say he does not. Thirty-seven percent also say he’s competent and effective as president. Fifty percent disagree with that description.

“What’s more, Republicans, believe it or not, have double-digit leads in dealing with border security, inflation, crime, national security, the economy and, shockingly, on ‘getting things done.’”

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ead22a  No.14905127

File: 859b5e3fdb316a1⋯.jpeg (34.1 KB, 300x213, 100:71, EFB3C570_EF3B_4A32_A561_D….jpeg)

You may not call this miracle a gift, but it has to do with cellular structure and awareness, and it’s called change. Just when you get used to feeling spiritually different, it’ll change.

There are those of you walking the planet in the process of “waking up,” understanding your spiritual essence. One of your interesting attributes is that in the midst of your awakening to spiritual things, you are anxious!

Many of you are “waiting for the other shoe to drop,” as my partner says.

There’s a level of anxiety because nothing is staying the same. And you’re feeling it at the cellular level, of course. That’s where the change is.

It’s time for you to grasp the theory of a constantly changing cellular structure being the normal status for the spiritual evolving Human Being. The evolution will not stop from now forward. It is called ascension because there is a rise involved, a constant, continual evolvement. This indicates that it is always changing, which is the way of things for you now.



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ed1627  No.14905128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

General Milley interview

They clip the video when he's talking about the Afghanistan withdrawal.

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86affc  No.14905130


> but the progressives certainly will give him hell for it

You think so?

It seems to me they see any criticism of Brandon (no matter how justified) as being a benefit to Orange Man.

Thus, don't do it.

I could be wrong tho and the worm has started to turn.

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4f07a1  No.14905131


If you haven't figured out by now that he's just there to be Chris Wallace's kayfabe house-nigger you never will.

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114d18  No.14905132

File: 7ccf8cb70342526⋯.png (176.68 KB, 566x537, 566:537, Screenshot_from_2021_11_02….png)

File: 0ebd88331c3f163⋯.jpg (249.1 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 0ebd88331c3f16352a1751579b….jpg)



Anna Nicole Britney & Mind Control $19.99

Could it be that what we are witnessing in our top pop stars recently is the result of trauma-based mind control? There is a program so grim; its aspects are difficult to talk about. I am referring to Satanic Ritual Abuse. It is widespread and goes to the upper echelons of the world's rulers. Most Americans won't believe that mind control is going on in the "homeland." Well, it is. Many of the rituals and methods employed in the mind control projects are inspired by the ancient mystery schools; blood and sex rituals to their god and goddess. From ancient Babylon to Nazi Germany and on into America, trauma-based mind control has been the modus operandi of the Illuminati.

Join Freeman for a discussion of current events involving Anna Nicole, Britney Spears, Madonna, Walt Disney and much more. Could our top pop stars be mind controlled slaves for the Illuminati. Is Anna Nicole's baby girl an attempt to raise a "moonchild" through an occult ritual? You decide.

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eb7197  No.14905133

File: 6b103396b9fafdb⋯.jpg (3 MB, 2500x1668, 625:417, 170228_kellyanne_couch_ova….jpg)


Kellyanne not looking so good. Having a husband linked to a pro boy love affiliation and a whore daughter is taking its toll.

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c0e128  No.14905134

File: b3f0e1ecfa88f15⋯.jpg (342.92 KB, 720x1347, 240:449, Screenshot_20211102_073501….jpg)

The Navy Just Set Up a Hospital in a Norwegian Cave

The U.S. Military spends a surprising amount of time underground in Norway.

The U.S. Navy has moved a new 150 bed hospital to an underground cave system in Norway.

The U.S. military, particularly the Navy and Marine Corps, have taken to Norway’s cave system as a secure means of storing and operating equipment.

The facilities are used not only to help defend Norway, but project power into the Arctic region.


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86affc  No.14905135



She must have fucked up extra bad to get 2 black eyes.

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3b4301  No.14905137


That whole sexual harassment thing probably followed him from PBS or wherever he worked before NPR. It still annoys me that all during the MeToo bullshit when people were losing their jobs/livelihood for some bullshit reasons, that douchebag was on the five talking shit about them all. All while he was a creepy creeper like the rest of them

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114d18  No.14905138

File: 8c99be8b99670b8⋯.png (115.44 KB, 1169x395, 1169:395, stern.png)


fuckin Stern

another honeypot

11 years ago

Stern convicted in Anna Nicole Smith case

Splash News TV

Splash News TV

Over three years after Anna Nicole Smith's tragic death, Howard K. Stern has been found guilty on two felony charges of conspiracy for obtaining medications for the star in his own name.

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fa8560  No.14905139

File: 3c145eff306cd34⋯.jpeg (72.01 KB, 640x480, 4:3, B553363E_022C_4401_8197_E….jpeg)

Cori Bush Decries Joe Manchin’s Concerns about $1.75 Trillion Infrastructure Bill as ‘Anti-Black,’ ‘Anti-Immigrant’

Sean Moran1 Nov 2021

Just watch, theyre going to come put with, “helping black communities is racism”.

Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) said in a statement Monday that Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) concerns about the $1.75 trillion Build Back Better Act are “anti-black, anti-child, anti-woman, and anti-immigrant.”

Manchin, one of the key swing votes for Democrats in the Senate, said Monday that he would not consider voting for the Build Back Better Act without knowing about the bill’s impact on inflation and the deficit.

The West Virginia Democrat also decried leftists holding the $1.2 trillion so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill “hostage.”

“This is a recipe for economic crises,” Manchin said.

Bush said she does not trust Manchin’s beliefs in what America needs in the mammoth Build Back Better Act.

“I trust the scientists who have shown us what our future will look like if we fail to meaningfully address the climate crisis. I trust the patients and doctors crying out for comprehensive health coverage for every person in America,” she said.

Bush added, “When I promised St. Louis a historic investment in children, in our seniors, in housing, and in our schools, I said that I would do everything I can to actually deliver change that our community can feel.”

“Joe Manchin’s opposition to the Build Back Better Act is anti-Black, anti-child, anti-woman, and anti-immigrant. When we talk about transformative change, we are talking about a bill that will benefit Black, brown, and Indigenous communities,” the progressive Democrat declared.

“Those same communities are overwhelmingly excluded from the bipartisan infrastructure bill. We cannot leave anyone behind. Senator Manchin must support the Build Back Better Act,” she added.

She wrote:

That’s why folks can sometimes come across as careless when saying “well isn’t something better than nothing?” For many communities, their not having a seat at the table is a precondition for bipartisan deals to work in the 1st place. & that’s not only seen as normal, but valued. Meanwhile, when representatives of excluded communities object to the exclusion &marginalization required to make many bipartisan deals work, they’re dismissed as “unreasonable.”

Ocasio-Cortez added, “So who/what often benefits from this type of bipartisan dealmaking? Corporations & structural racism.”


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26ff5e  No.14905140


looks like she was threatened

she acted it out, mocking them

big balls on that broad

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3806a1  No.14905141

File: a73509730253743⋯.png (2.2 MB, 960x838, 480:419, Covid_19_nurse_worked_thro….png)

File: f9a21d563969720⋯.webm (1.81 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, Covid_nurses_take_a_break.webm)


Do you mean the ones getting compensated $100/hr. plus overtime, making TikTok videos, telling everyone to socially distance, wear 4 masks, and to get vaccinated during Covid?

Yeah…..FUCK 'EM.

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678dca  No.14905142


CRT = communist doctrine in the 21st Century.

Juan supports CRT

Juan is a communist.

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7f2c01  No.14905144


Shameless. Born without a soul?

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b1ba25  No.14905145

File: 5e1853dbd8b1f1a⋯.jpeg (65.71 KB, 500x586, 250:293, D863ECCD_8761_48EE_BC3F_4….jpeg)


Where is homeostasis of muh ascension?!?

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86affc  No.14905146

File: b7a65448ed36288⋯.png (518.38 KB, 488x628, 122:157, Keks_in_Moz.png)


Mozzer does a great cover version of that song.

He calls his version The Smiths.

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3b4301  No.14905147


She's a little "rusty"

Holy shit…Is she calling out Baldwin

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eb7197  No.14905148

File: c6346d975131562⋯.jpeg (169.77 KB, 1279x1280, 1279:1280, im_321154.jpeg)


>Ocasio-Cortez added, “So who/what often benefits from this type of bipartisan dealmaking?

Bipartisan legislation is bad mmmkay.

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678dca  No.14905149


The only racism is coming out of Cori's mouth.

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c0e128  No.14905150


CRT is losing it's power. Juan is losing his influence. We (the nation) are reaching a point where the norms don't care if another person is offended or what Juan has to say.

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97dc0f  No.14905151


patriots need moar coffee.

Get in while you still can



📜 SEC Form 425 filed by SilverBox Engaged Merger Corp I

Black Rifle coffee

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f99477  No.14905153

Operation London Bridge - the secret plan which means 27 things will happen in London when the Queen dies


- It will be on so-called 'D+1' - the day after the death - that Charles will be officially proclaimed King.

He will speak his first words as the monarch at St. James's Palace.

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a46ee2  No.14905154


Anxiety is the same emotion as excitement… It just doesn't know where that excitement is coming from, and so it can be overwhelming…

When ever I get anxious (a little, as I don't get overly anxious) I get excited as I know that something will happen soon, it's just that my body / spirit is picking up on it beforehand..

Like knowing there is a surprise coming your way KEK

Blessings and happy ascension anons

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ead22a  No.14905155

File: d19ad525c408a1e⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, 4E34273A_774D_4818_A0D0_91….png)

My Dear soul family many of you are beginning to become tired of what is happening on the world’s stage at this great time of awakening and wonder when all of this dark deception will be over. I wanted to give you all some hope . There is so much going on behind the scenes which even the most highly evolved human being on the planet cannot even begin to understand. As many of you know, much of the world’s so called Main Media media are trying to hide the Truth of what is happening. However much of the alternative media is now waking up and shining a Light on the darkness that has been going on for eons of your time.

There are so many more humans waking up to their own spirituality now that it is becoming like a House of Cards. Once the first card falls the rest will follow suit so to speak and the real Truth of the Great Awakening cannot be stopped now. The Divine being that many of you call God is in charge of all that is happening on Earth during Goddess Gaia’s transition to the 5th Dimension. Each and everyone one of you is known personally to these great beings.

Everything has been planned to the nth degree and although some of you may think otherwise, All is Well, and there is no cause for concern. Yes it is very hard for you all to see so many souls leaving the planet but Dear Ones know that they have all chosen this time to leave and they will still be helping but from a different plane of existence. They will still be with you in spirit ,so to speak. Gaia now has no further need for the darker souls who have been trying to destroy all that is Good on the planet and they too will be leaving to continue their lessons elsewhere.

Imagine your life on Earth as if it were a play. If you look back on your life as if you were an actor you may well see why everything that has happened to you, has happened for the very best of reasons. It is so important for you to know that you are a Divine soul having an Earthly journey and that you are learning and growing with every experience.

As a soul you sat down with the Divine and your guides to discuss your Earthly journey before you incarnated onto the planet . In this present incarnation you had to fast track your lessons to reach a level whereby you could help with Gaia’s Ascension into the 5th Dimension. Some of your lessons may well have been extremely challenging but many of the Starseeds have now completed their work and are staying on Earth to concentrate on helping Gaia to Ascend.

If you are reading this missive you are most likely a Starseed. It may be difficult for you if your own family are not aware of their origins at this present time but I assure you that they will wake up in time and join you to usher in the New World.

You may be seeing many long term marriages and relationships breaking up at this time as soul families come back together to continue the work that they started in other lifetimes. This can be challenging for many especially when children are involved but however hard it may be, know that all of the souls have chosen this experience for their own learning. It is so important to let go of the anger that you may be feeling with one another and it may be very beneficial to go through a form of couples counselling and if needs be to learn to separate in a loving manner.

Many of you have been on your own for a long time and your wish for a partner has not materialized. Again when you look back on your time ,you will see that it has been imperative for your soul’s growth to be alone and in a relationship with your own self before embarking on a new partnership. However I am here to tell you that many of you have completed your lessons and it is time now to meet that soul partner of yours.

Many of you may be feeling very alone in these challenging times as those around you hold a different belief system to yours. Do not be concerned Dear Ones ,it is time for soul families to come together again. You may be leaving behind old friends but new ones will be taking their place.

As I have said before the Truth is now coming to Light and this will awaken more souls on their journey. Those of you who are the wayshowers will begin to see this awakening around you. You do not need to do anything than to just be your loving selves .Your loving aura goes before you and you may notice that people will be coming to you for help and guidance ,sometimes from out of the blue so to speak. Everything is in synchronicity and there are no accidents. Relax and know that you will always meet who you are supposed to meet.



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f0121a  No.14905156

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b1ba25  No.14905157

File: c3ecfbad7ca3984⋯.jpeg (139.26 KB, 500x662, 250:331, 427F04B9_5BB8_4D3C_9C49_7….jpeg)


>Juan is losing his influence.

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c58293  No.14905158


2/10 for creative writing.

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3b4301  No.14905159


Amanda Bynes talks about that shit but it was when she was having "breakdown" so no one believed her.

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d8856a  No.14905160




BAKER CLAIMING THE 1000's of line Script

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9cee99  No.14905162


its gotta be true, those dubs are specific to me for reasons

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4f07a1  No.14905163

File: 0d2974e76431da7⋯.jpg (10.26 KB, 186x255, 62:85, 27955138c070441bc03c7d3d57….jpg)


On D+2 watch Russian intelligence drop the receipts on Di's murder just to be trolls.

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44cd8e  No.14905164

File: 2fee5477c5ffbd3⋯.png (769.81 KB, 640x939, 640:939, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 172025e0abaec68⋯.png (472.41 KB, 558x974, 279:487, ClipboardImage.png)


London Bridge coincidentally in the news recently too…

'EMOTIONAL MOMENT' Convicted murderer who tackled London Bridge terrorist receives bravery award

23:43, 30 Oct 2021

Updated: 0:08, 31 Oct 2021


‘Heroic’ responders to London Bridge terror attack recognised

Kit Heren (01 November, 2021)


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3b171e  No.14905165

File: 8812cf5362da19c⋯.png (5.87 MB, 1600x2000, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


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9cee99  No.14905166



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f99477  No.14905167

Operation London Bridge - the secret plan which means 27 things will happen in London when the Queen dies


- It will be on so-called 'D+1' - the day after the death - that Charles will be officially proclaimed King.

He will speak his first words as the monarch at St. James's Palace.

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678dca  No.14905168


>Bipartisan legislation is bad mmmkay.

Yes, because look at the state of the nation today.

It's the American people that gets their rights, wealth, health, etc. negotiated away.

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e5118e  No.14905170

NOTES @08:50

>>14904803 Early Notes for Eventual Baker @250

>>14905006, >>14905112 Votes DO matter.

>>14905067 vaccine mandates are all a bluff - don't fold

>>14904675, >>14904683 remember THIS DAY

>>14905066, >>14904886 Nov 2nd | 4 year Delta

>>14905132, >>14905138, >>14905159 Celebrity mind-control

Baker Claims Empty Kitchen

>>14904484 Next baker self-confirm

>>14904481 Dough

>>14904803 BAKER CLAIMING THE 1000's of line Script

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45cade  No.14905171

All eyes on Virginia

Rigged for RED

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7ba25c  No.14905172

File: d511566f78427b2⋯.jpg (23.38 KB, 400x400, 1:1, sopranos_paulie_walnuts.jpg)


Kek. You Don't have to give me the stink eye, anon.

I'm not the one with the half empty bag of deliverables and the traveling goalposts.

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9b5ed6  No.14905173

File: 6c3fb59d6219e8c⋯.jpg (7.92 KB, 271x186, 271:186, dirtybird44.jpg)


FDNY Reports Sickouts Over Vaxxine Mandates

"For the ones who are playing this game, there will be consequences." -deBlasio


don't think this is a game, buddy


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dcb87f  No.14905174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Who is she ?

Amanda, my sister


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b1ba25  No.14905175

File: e0620fd9ba91889⋯.jpeg (59.1 KB, 500x647, 500:647, 8642D5FD_2A5F_4AAF_B5F6_4….jpeg)

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4f07a1  No.14905176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3b4301  No.14905177


The felony conviction was dismissed twice in 2011 and 2015.

In 2019, Stern sort of resurfaced when it was announced that he was joining the L.A. County Public Defenders Office. "I can confirm that Howard K. Stern was hired June 3, 2019, as a deputy public defender," said information officer Pamela Johnson.

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9cee99  No.14905178


i am hoping and faithing for this to be true! shouldnt need to rig it but im guessing the rig is to undo the rigging of the otherside. what if they only rig enought to cover it. it all balances out kek

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4f07a1  No.14905179

File: 2d56e82352dd26b⋯.jpg (67.93 KB, 667x500, 667:500, 2d56e82352dd26b473300a6377….jpg)

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45cade  No.14905180


Pin head wore it better

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fa8560  No.14905181

File: 6d4f03b4056053c⋯.jpeg (47.83 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 35A2AE45_60E4_4C96_A81A_D….jpeg)

Xi Jinping Scolds World on Climate Change While China Keeps Polluting

Chinese President Xi Jinping attends a summit at the Belt and Road Forum on May 15, 2017 in Beijing, China. The Belt and Road Forum focuses on the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) trade initiative. (Photo by Thomas Peter - Pool/Getty Images)Thomas Peter/Getty Images

JOHN HAYWARD1 Nov 2021192


Chinese dictator Xi Jinping chose to address the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland, by video link instead of attending in person.

Xi demanded “concrete action” on climate change from the rest of the world, while China hauls record-breaking volumes of coal out of the Earth and pours it into the record-breaking number of carbon-generating coal-fired power plants it built over the past few years.

China’s state-run Xinhua news agency summarized Xi’s remarks without dwelling on how sharply his rhetoric differed from China’s actions:

Climate change and energy issues are today’s prominent global challenges, which concern the common interests of the international community and the future of the Earth, Xi said.

The willingness and motivation of the international community to work together to cope with challenges continued to rise, and the key is to take concrete actions, he said.

He called on the world to adopt comprehensive and balanced policies, and balance environmental protection and economic development, as well as addressing climate change and safeguarding people’s livelihood. Major economies should strengthen cooperation in this area, he added.

Xi bragged that China, which remains the world’s worst polluter, made great strides toward reducing its carbon emissions over the past 15 years and promised to make greater commitments in the future. He claimed the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic set China’s plans for carbon neutrality back, even though Beijing laid the groundwork for its delirious coal-plant binge long before the pandemic erupted.

Xi argued the “developed” world should make more sacrifices to fight climate change, giving time for “developing” nations (as China likes to describe itself) to fully develop their industrial capacity.


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32fbd9  No.14905182


First time it occurred. Perhaps the focus of this pic. Is not the distraction. Lots of honest faces in there. Bu KEK e.

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1e81f5  No.14905183

File: 97cfbcc8a3455fe⋯.jpeg (23.14 KB, 640x234, 320:117, 20085DF0_D25B_48CA_A69E_0….jpeg)



Makes as much sense as anything else.

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8629c4  No.14905184

File: bade2d5a40195ad⋯.png (362.28 KB, 500x544, 125:136, Bob.png)

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3b4301  No.14905185


I still can not believe they, not only thought that was a good idea, but people out there actually defended them & still do to this day.

It's shit like that that causes me to curse people & wish horrible things on them. fuck.

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38ef3e  No.14905186


Mr. Fakey Fake Faker

We have no leaders, only a criminal mob who call themselves our leaders. Who say we elected them when we really didn't elect them.

The whole shit show is a sham.

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45cade  No.14905187

Expecting massive election fraud today.

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114d18  No.14905188

File: a23bb02bfeedb06⋯.png (113.05 KB, 1205x595, 241:119, brokenleg.png)



> she broke her leg too


>lip injections

>name some suicided stars with lip injections


>fuckin Stern

>another honeypot

Saturday, December 12, 2009


This clip is weird, the first time I uploaded it, it was a different video, then I realized I had a different one on the computer and it rejected it, and then it changed this video to that, so the "Trading Places" one is now gone. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME FOR FULL EPISODES OF THIS SHOW. I DO NOT HAVE SEASON 2. IT USED TO BE AVAILABLE ON AMAZON TO RESIDENTS OF THE US ONLY FOR DOWNLOAD TO THE COMPUTER BUT AS FAR AS I KNOW IT IS NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE. I WILL NOT RESPOND TO ANY COMMENTS ASKING ME …

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7ba25c  No.14905189

Another thing about today's VA election: Lefties up there do not give a shit if they cheat to win an election. Virignia of all places, is full of assholes who think the rest of the country is too stupid to make the 'right decisions', so if they have to cheat to make the right one, then so be it.

VA anons, tell me if I'm wrong.

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9b5ed6  No.14905190

File: d7fcb98e51638bf⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 640x264, 80:33, Z9g9cX6.gif)

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05ecb5  No.14905191

File: 96a5086ba8eab6b⋯.png (127.15 KB, 513x225, 57:25, ClipboardImage.png)

GO VOTE! Surround DC!

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c58293  No.14905192


>election fraud today.

Where the fuck have you been the past year?

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1e81f5  No.14905193


Is water wet?

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678dca  No.14905194

File: 1dd6c5c6c048f75⋯.png (100.9 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 159m_voters_out_of_133m.png)


>All eyes on Virginia

1. Counting stops at 22:15

2. Calculations are made to know how many votes McAuliffe is behind by.

3. Ballots made/computer entries made to "correct" the deficit.

4. At 03:00 the next morning…McAuliffe is now ahead by ~ 20-30,000 votes.

5. There is no step five.

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3b171e  No.14905195

File: 40b307c2bff91b1⋯.png (237.08 KB, 900x507, 300:169, 3d52f5d3f64ff1eedaa1ab8746….png)



Shill masturbate in [headgear]

& replace [skypiece] on skull

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dcb87f  No.14905196

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fa8560  No.14905197

This is what propaganda is folks

MSNBC’s Johnson:January 6 ‘Terrorists’ Being Treated with Kid Gloves Because They Are ‘Non-Black’

PAM KEY1 Nov 2021569

ask patriots in jail if they are being treated with kid gloves

MSNBC analyst Jason Johnson said Tuesday on “Deadline” that the rioters on January 6 were being treated with “kid gloves” because they were not Black.

Johnson said, “It shouldn’t all be on the 1/6 Commission. It should also be on the Department of Justice. Why isn’t Merrick Garland scream being this every day, the president screaming about it every day?”

He continued, “This is also why Biden’s numbers are where they are. Those who voted for him, those who believe in democracy in this country, including people who didn’t vote for Biden but are not insurrectional terrorists, they fell like they got punched in the face on January 6.. They saw the whole country get attacked. They want a president who is going to fight back. They want a president who talks about these terrorists the same way we heard Bill Clinton and Gorge Bush talk terrorism for 20 years. They want to hear this about these people. It seems like they are being treated with kid gloves in a lone committee that has limited power that’s hamstrung by basically a bunch of Benedict Arnold on the Republican Party is not going to be enough to keep us safe.”

He added, “I swear, I don’t hear anybody getting that concerned about constitutional rights when they’re knocking Black people’s heads up against the wall for fighting for rights and justice. Right? Let’s be clear about why our law enforcement doesn’t get as serious about this as they have for people who were protesting all last summer. There is no chance in heck if the demographics of that crowd wasn’t not composed of a lot of former military and law enforcement people and a lot of non-Black people that this would have happened the way it did. They need to be just as passionate about defending this country against people who look like them as they were against people who were fighting for the soul of this country who were fighting last summer.”


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636215  No.14905198


al-otaiba house in mclean, virginia

clowns...go fig

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7ba25c  No.14905199

File: 7773a237926152b⋯.jpg (153.9 KB, 994x1014, 497:507, 7773a237926152b68972e93207….jpg)


anon knows several conservative health care workers who are feeling the squeeze. They follow Q posts, reject the vax, and are losing their jobs.

but hey, fuck them too, right?

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3b4301  No.14905200


Fuck Ukraine

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86affc  No.14905201



Bob Manhands tits are so hot.

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58f08f  No.14905202


So these fuckers where their masks during the conference but during happy hour they go maskless JFC.

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c53a25  No.14905203

File: d8a84dd5a4eda83⋯.png (963.59 KB, 886x750, 443:375, Comped.PNG)

File: ccf6d8f706c71dc⋯.png (142.94 KB, 720x976, 45:61, Censor_me_harder_mommy.PNG)


Era of Light instantly censored anon's comment. Comped

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1e81f5  No.14905204


Not wrong about [them]. However, [they] ARE mostly concentrated in the DC metro area and dense urban clots. The countryside and rural areas have been in something of a fog produced by [them], yet still much closer to the land, dirt, and reality. *rubbing eyes awake*

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b3f660  No.14905205


They miss the ratings

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9b5ed6  No.14905206

File: cb5d72003361f74⋯.jpg (3.09 KB, 284x177, 284:177, sun44.jpg)


SOON: "Bidan Announces New Rules To Limit Planet Warming Methane Emissions."

Another "speech" coming up. No time provided


Final Day of UN Climate Summit


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fa8560  No.14905207

File: 22cec4ade8a19c9⋯.jpeg (40.28 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 590C25FC_83E9_458B_A63A_A….jpeg)

A picture for later

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7ecb49  No.14905208

File: f107b2ba219e46a⋯.png (90.3 KB, 1088x967, 1088:967, qresear_ch_1.PNG)

File: 020ef1c2563cd15⋯.png (96.94 KB, 1081x977, 1081:977, qresear_ch.PNG)

A couple days ago someone mentioned what to check as you are going to vote…it was something about checking wifi networks as you get there…as you sign in…and as you vote in the voting booth to see if the networks "available" changes…Qresear.ch is shits now…I tried to search on Voters…nothing pops up from Main Q threads…

Does anyone have that info, I want to text it to my wife as she is just getting ready to vote…

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86affc  No.14905209


They'll stone you when you take the vaxx.

They'll stone you when you reject the vaxx.

Well we should not feel so all alone.

Everybody must get stoned!

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678dca  No.14905210

File: 6c09fabf0e1ee4d⋯.jpg (58.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, His_name_is_Robert_Paulson.jpg)

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dcb87f  No.14905211


imagine that

Red October 2 days late

later anon,

have to go fall on my arse

2 B Shore 2 B Shore

and the gadget is ded


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a13d90  No.14905212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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040244  No.14905213

File: ff03d609f3c1bd7⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1169x1180, 1169:1180, you_donut_unnastan_fredumb.png)

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44cd8e  No.14905214


And still the normies don't get it…

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8629c4  No.14905215

File: a4a8b9869598017⋯.png (343.52 KB, 497x500, 497:500, Toots_an_Co.png)

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678dca  No.14905216

File: d45bc1510392f92⋯.jpg (117.23 KB, 673x725, 673:725, One_burp_Etna.jpg)


>"Bidan Announces New Rules To Limit Planet Warming Methane Emissions."

Cork all the volcanoes.

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3b4301  No.14905217


They keep making excuses for it & I want to throat punch them

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9e328c  No.14905218


Just started on H&I Good ol Clint shit

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636215  No.14905219

The Visit

I hear you have a problem with germs

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8629c4  No.14905220

File: b91c341c8e1ddec⋯.gif (224.54 KB, 600x532, 150:133, Weed.gif)


>Everybody must get stoned!

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86eae4  No.14905221


He replied years ago, Anon.


Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1]

General Statement:

We understand that there is extreme fatigue and frustration re: the wheels of justice [slow].

Exclude emotion and personal desire, instead use logic and critical thinking based on situational awareness [undo a lifetime of evil & corruption [infestation] in the span of less than 2 years w/ a corrupt DOJ & FBI in place?].

[Process & Planning – Law and Order]

[Military OP]

How can you make arrests [non military] prior to first fully cleaning out corrupt elements [at the top] of those departments [FBI][DOJ] that oversee ‘investigation & prosecution’ in the United States [they [themselves] are the very ones engaged in the illegal treasonous acts]?

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114d18  No.14905223

File: dc4bdec958ecdd4⋯.png (96.22 KB, 850x551, 850:551, Screenshot_from_2021_11_02….png)


Why was he with Smith?

Never watched or listened to that faggot


ANS dead inBroward Countyof course

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ead22a  No.14905224


Interesting comment, I hope once they review, they post it

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fa8560  No.14905225

Mayor Stoney: ‘Youngkin and His Supporters Don’t Believe’ Slavery, Holocaust Were Real

When will people get tired of this lie?

Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney (D) said Monday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin’s (R) and his supporters did not believe slavery and the Holocaust were real.

Stoney is the co-chair of the Terry McAuliffe (D) campaign.

Mitchell said, “How did Terry McAuliffe let Glenn Youngkin reframe the debate on education, including things like Toni Morrison’s book ‘Beloved’ becoming a flashpoint in this race with the issue of Critical Race Theory, which is not even taught in Virginia schools, but it’s become, according to most of the polls a big deal?”

Stoney said, “You are correct. We have seen Glenn Youngkin sort of divide parents all throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia, pitting parents against parents, demonizing teachers, demonizing public education, and to me, that’s not the sort of governor I know that Virginians want. We want a governor who understands that taught about the seriousness and how barbaric slavery was featured in ‘Beloved’ is actually correct. In order for us to actually grow as a commonwealth, we have to understand that slavery was real, the Holocaust was real and unfortunately Glenn Youngkin and his supporters don’t believe so and believe that our children should not be taught the same as well.”

He added, “At the end of the day, when you run down people lie Toni Morrison, a Nobel Prize winner, a Pulitzer Prize winner as well, that’s the sort of divisiveness that the commonwealth cannot stand for. Glenn Youngkin is ending his campaign the same way he began his campaign, on Trump conspiracy theories, dividing families and parents and running down teachers thought the Commonwealth of Virginia.”


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7f2c01  No.14905226

File: 0c29afc78279798⋯.png (5.41 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Good plan.

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32fbd9  No.14905227

File: 495c706ebe88df5⋯.jpeg (14.78 KB, 220x278, 110:139, FDMLyjxWEAY7VEx.jpeg)

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678dca  No.14905228


>So these fuckers where their masks during the conference but during happy hour they go maskless

Proving they should be no wear* the levers of power…. Inconsistent thinking.

*ahem, (a polite GramKitty hint)

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f299c4  No.14905229

File: d2741e218471429⋯.jpg (41.05 KB, 420x630, 2:3, Nurse.jpg)


Shills (and lesser IQ anons) are just division fagging. The dancing nurses were either actual dumb fucks, or it was a social media psyop to get people aware that most hospitals weren't experiencing massive surges of cases in 2020. There were hospitals, however, that were utterly fucked, and doing the COVID "protocol" (shove a pipe down the throat instead of using early treatment/prophylactics to prevent hospitalization). Then, of course, there were hospitals in between where every fucking doorway had plastic taped everywhere, and regular doctors/nurses (who just want to help people) contracting and getting through the virus while still helping patients to the best of their ability.

Anyone saying "fuck em" is low IQ. Anyone saying the nurses and doctors losing their homes/livelihoods deserve it are low IQ. Anons that recognize this, and help to encourage or support those that supported communities when everyone was a scared-shitless dumbfuck mask-nazi are good anons.

There are some good people in the healthcare field that are losing everything they have just to keep their employees on staff while the hospitals change their business models to be COVID-exclusive. There are good people out there doing what they can to get through all of this, and they employee a significant percentage of people in their practices. Folks need to take a step back and quit being so easily divided on black/white memes and perceptions lacking in depth of understanding.

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7ba25c  No.14905230


>We understand that there is extreme fatigue and frustration re: the wheels of justice [slow].

faitgue and frustration is one thing, anon. That is mere an inconvenience.

Forced vax on children is a whole nother ballgame. I don't believe that half the country's children suffering>half of the country waking up due to said children's suffering.

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fa8560  No.14905231


Theyll stone you when you are stoned

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86affc  No.14905232


>Mayor Stoney


That dude sounds like a real douchebag, but gotta admit it'd be hard to not vote for him if I lived there.

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7ba25c  No.14905233

File: f09a32cf6f70e65⋯.png (53.69 KB, 482x390, 241:195, f09a32cf6f70e65d33d18f0878….png)


>There are some good people in the healthcare field that are losing everything they have just to keep their employees on staff while the hospitals change their business models to be COVID-exclusive. There are good people out there doing what they can to get through all of this, and they employee a significant percentage of people in their practices. Folks need to take a step back and quit being so easily divided on black/white memes and perceptions lacking in depth of understanding.

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5b6f4d  No.14905234

File: a71809234dfe487⋯.jpg (112.45 KB, 700x544, 175:136, Cima_da_Conegliano_God_the….jpg)

File: 6b4d0a21f20a584⋯.jpg (12.75 KB, 415x276, 415:276, EABU3V7PDJDLNLN5OQFFNSLIXI.jpg)

You are made in the IMAGE OF GOD.

You have been made WHOLE.




The Chinese have a saying that when the plague comes, 5,000 people may die of the plague, but 50,000 will die of the fear of it.

Two things—Desire and Faith. "What wouldst thou that I should do unto thee?" the Saviour asked the blind man who kept following and crying out to him. "Lord that I should receive my sight." And again of the cripple at the Pool of Bethesda Jesus asked—"Wouldst thou be made whole?"

You must have the sincere desire first. That is prayer. Then the faith— the kind of faith that Jesus meant when he said—"Whatsoever ye ask for when ye pray, believe that ye receive it, and ye shall have it." Mind you, not "believe ye are going to receive it.""Believe that ye receive it"— now—this very minute. Know that the REAL you, the image of you held in Universal Mind—in short, the Truth concerning every organ in your body—is perfect. "Know the Truth." Believe that you HAVE this perfect image. On the day that you can truly believe this—carry this sincere conviction to your subconscious mind—on that day you WILL BE perfect.

This is the faith that Jesus meant when he said—"Thy faith hath made thee whole." This is the faith that is responsible for the miracles of Lourdes, for miraculous healings everywhere. It matters not whether you be Catholic or Protestant, Jew or Gentile. Desire and faith such as these will heal you.

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c53a25  No.14905235

File: f45f0b4a83fbf6d⋯.gif (540.59 KB, 250x200, 5:4, dolphin_toke.gif)


That just means you get more stoned.

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d8856a  No.14905236


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af87ba  No.14905237

File: 65dbce9164bf0cf⋯.jpeg (171.92 KB, 897x881, 897:881, D3F69766_6E3A_42E8_9084_2….jpeg)

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114d18  No.14905238

File: 224b64cf200fc4a⋯.jpeg (171.72 KB, 897x881, 897:881, attentionVoters.jpeg)

File: 53ad972c48e7a6a⋯.png (42.56 KB, 739x442, 739:442, Screenshot_from_2021_11_02….png)


i gotchu

search vote +wifi

>>14898968 pb

>>14898777 pb

And another thing!

Attention Virginia voters, even ESPECIALLY if you have already sent your Mail In vote ahead of time… consider going to your actual precinct, play absent-minded and ask to vote. Reconnoiter the WiFi atmosphere and/or see to it that your Mail In vote was infact received and that you have been noted in the roll as having already voted. The USPS fiasco is being argued BOTH ways, as a scam by Youngskin AND a scam by McAwfuck.

Do not lie about who you are, but you can play-forgetful and TEST your precinct to see that your Mail In vote was actually received. Still, ya know there is absolutely no guarantee that your vote was counted honestly, so there’s still THAT.

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8629c4  No.14905239

File: 82af1d3fd61a4b6⋯.png (353.73 KB, 500x493, 500:493, Cat.png)

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7ecb49  No.14905240


Thank you…o7

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01fa6c  No.14905241

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7ecb49  No.14905242



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86affc  No.14905243



I was kinda expecting Michael Phelps to jump out of the pool.

But, then I saw dolphin_toke.gif.

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678dca  No.14905244


> did not believe slavery and the Holocaust were real.

That is what is in his head. He wants to believe that so much. No mental filter, then he speaks it. What a dumbass.

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01fa6c  No.14905245




check and record wifi addresses before during and after voting

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e44c5b  No.14905246

File: a9084194153e7e2⋯.jpg (114.38 KB, 960x640, 3:2, KnightsOfMalta.jpg)

Knights Of Rhodes

The Knights of Rhodes was the name given to the Knights Hospitaller after they occupied the Island of Rhodes, and established their headquarters there. The scheme had the approval of the Pope and the King of France. A Crusade was preached, without mention of its destination. The Greek Emperor, Andronicus, refused to give up his claim upon Rhodes, and, when Villaret and his knights landed on the island, they were met with strong resistance.

After fierce fighting, with considerable losses on both sides, on August 15, 1310, Rhodes was in possession of the Knights of Saint John, who from then on became known also as the Knights of Rhodes.


The Knight Templars & the Knights of Malta

In 1523 the Turkish siege of Cyprus put the Knights Hospitaller on the move again, and they found refuge in Malta, given to them by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, where they became known as the Knights of Malta or the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.


William J. Casey


Alexander Haig


Lee Iacocca


James L. Buckley


John A. McCone


Alexandre de Marenches


Valéry Giscard d'Estaing


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e5118e  No.14905247

File: 098c3f8788e1968⋯.png (7.39 MB, 3026x2008, 1513:1004, ClipboardImage.png)

Everett Stern, a Republican candidate running to represent Pennsylvania in the U.S. Senate, revealed Sunday that aides to former national security adviser Michael Flynn allegedly asked him to "gather intelligence" on various lawmakers and judges for extortion purposes.

Speaking to a group of reporters, Stern said representatives for Flynn approached him through his Patriot Caucus group earlier this year with the objective to influence lawmakers to support election audits in favor of former President Donald Trump.

"They wanted to gather intelligence on senators, judges, congressmen, state reps, to move them towards the audit. The word 'move' was emphasized tremendously," Stern said. "What they wanted was to extort and to literally move people towards the audit with dirt."

Stern, who owns the private intelligence agency Tactical Rabbit, alleged that Flynn and others sought to use his company in April to gather information and recruit intelligence officers "both domestic and foreign." Stern said he believes he was approached by the group because his firm had access to a wide range of lawmakers.

Stern said the Patriot Caucus was running operations out of multiple states, including Oklahoma, Nebraska and Virginia, using the financial support of Texas billionaire Al Hartman. In Pennsylvania, Stern said he was given two main targets to focus on: Republican Senator Pat Toomey and Republican Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick.

In conversations about those lawmakers, Stern was told to gather intelligence and to "accomplish the mission even if you have to use domestic terrorism."

"The severity and the danger of domestic terrorism in this group became very very apparent to me. It was extremely disturbing," Stern said.

He said he immediately alerted the federal government and the Pennsylvania GOP about the group's operations and did not comply with their requests.

"I believe that General Flynn has committed treason against the United States," Stern said on Sunday. "Based on what I have seen and witnessed, I truly believe that's the case."

A GOP Senate candidate in Pennsylvania said he was approached by Michael Flynn to gather "intelligence" on lawmakers. Here, Flynn sits before U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe hold a joint press conference at the White House on February 10, 2017 in Washington, DC. Mario Tama/Getty Images

Flynn, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant general and former national security adviser to Trump, has been a leading voice in supporting conspiracy theories regarding the 2020 presidential election. The organization America's Future, of which Flynn is its chairman, was one of the groups that reportedly financed an election audit in Arizona.

Stern is looking to take over Toomey's seat in the Senate. He previously made headlines as a whistleblower at HSBC bank, where he helped expose international fraud and money laundering within the company.

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678dca  No.14905248

File: d0be1d1c96a02b4⋯.jpg (24.62 KB, 474x308, 237:154, Phelps.jpg)

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7ba25c  No.14905249


>Do not lie about who you are, but you can play-forgetful and TEST your precinct to see that your Mail In vote was actually received.

MSM will jump on it and say


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3b171e  No.14905251

File: 110ad06019de2a3⋯.jpeg (74.69 KB, 463x331, 463:331, 110ad06019de2a38754166d83….jpeg)

An Awakening is a natural or induced coming to consciousness or awareness of the surrounding metaphysical reality. The exit from the matrix is accompanied by a profound leap of consciousness, an augmentation of awareness, which to be sustained must be balanced.

What advertisers and shills do is an effort to unbalance the forces within us. Advertisers use our emotional imbalance to influence our buying. Shills try to generate hate by a creating a mirrored reciprocal response, and by convincing us freely expressing hatred of others is normal, natural and rational for human beings.

Shills interact with each other in the language of Hell.

Hell is an environment – a place where words like cocksucker and phrases like fuck your mother are a standard greeting.

What we are learning is that this world is a "self-created" hell.

It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.

By Awakening we learn to keep our internal forces balanced, to know that when we hate we are wrong, and every day to put on the full armor of God.


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fa8560  No.14905253

File: 02cdc4c1a821182⋯.jpeg (184.27 KB, 1241x772, 1241:772, 233CCD9A_4020_45BE_B99C_5….jpeg)

A win today anons, pray for the children


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c53a25  No.14905254

File: f09d0f9f085e444⋯.png (849.63 KB, 621x927, 69:103, Memegician.PNG)

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5b6f4d  No.14905255

Having formed life here on earth, Universal Mind proceeded to develop it. Starting with a single cell, It built tell upon tell, changing each form of life to meet the different conditions of atmosphere and environment that the cooling of the earth trust brought about. When the multi-cellular structure became complicated, It gave a brain to it to direct the different functions, just as you put a "governor" on a steam engine. When land appeared and the receding tides left certain animals high and dry for periods of hours, It gave these both lungs and gills—the one for the air, the other for the water.

When the creatures began to prey upon one another, It gave one speed, another a shell, a third an ink-like fluid, that each in its own way might escape and survive.

But always It progressed. Each new stage of life was an improvement over the previous one. And always It showed Its resourcefulness, Its ability to meet ANY need.

Finally, as the culmination of all Its efforts, It made MAN—a creature endowed not only with a brain like that of the lower animals, but with the power of reason—"made in His image and likeness," sharing Infinite Intelligence—himself a Creator and a part of Universal Mind.

All through the creation—from the time of the one-celled Amoeba right up to Man—every scientist will admit that the directing intelligence of Universal Mind was on the job every minute, that It formed the models on which each new and different kind of animal was made, that each of these models was perfect—the one model best fitted to cope with the conditions it had to confront.

Certainly when It came to Man, It is not likely to have been any less successful in forming a perfect model than it was in making the tiger or the elephant. So we can take it, I assume, that all will admit that Man as formed by Universal Mind is perfect—that the idea of Man as it exists in Universal Mind is perfect in every particular.

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1e81f5  No.14905256



Funnynotfunny, the Party most known for burning down history and monuments ,saying the other side doesn’t know history. Thisanon is all spent with laugh-crying.

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86affc  No.14905257


Never has one man single-handedly destroyed a stereotype so effectively.

Or, at least caused people to admit NASALT.

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ac95e8  No.14905258

File: ae0e838518bdc03⋯.jpeg (829.61 KB, 1427x1247, 1427:1247, CBB4D8B1_AEDE_4808_B1B9_5….jpeg)


Damaged U.S. nuclear submarine hit underwater mountain in South China Sea, Navy says


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01fa6c  No.14905259

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ed2562  No.14905260

File: dca436f7f7f11c7⋯.jpg (45.1 KB, 739x493, 739:493, cb4bb21faed3c2f28a072a727f….jpg)

File: 44a20ac0173340c⋯.jpg (65.14 KB, 643x887, 643:887, f2760be622481aab0bf67e7f82….jpg)

File: 94009c86810769e⋯.jpg (119.54 KB, 656x720, 41:45, 94009c86810769e43ec1eb8db3….jpg)

File: 640a08979de4ad5⋯.jpg (59.32 KB, 643x511, 643:511, 640a08979de4ad552701cc0ff9….jpg)

File: 67bea5f372fbe79⋯.jpg (69.37 KB, 606x500, 303:250, 67bea5f372fbe7996572787891….jpg)

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86eae4  No.14905261


Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?

Difficult truths.


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35e725  No.14905262

File: dc258b81c6dac85⋯.png (385.14 KB, 500x667, 500:667, joe_holio.png)

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01fa6c  No.14905263

File: a0e00412d036911⋯.jpg (278.39 KB, 1080x1056, 45:44, a0e00412d036911288272c7e23….jpg)


no words can fully describe the evil they do to the children

Pray for the children always

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3b171e  No.14905264

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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678dca  No.14905265


>Never has one man single-handedly destroyed a stereotype so effectively.

Ikr? In a sport that is heavily oxygen-dependent, as well.

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1e81f5  No.14905266


“Precinct TESTED to see that they are accurately recording votes”.

MSM is more than welcome to try and run with their version. In fact, I DARE them.

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820192  No.14905267

File: f632b80dfb93856⋯.mp4 (10.38 MB, 720x720, 1:1, UPDATE_Navy_nuclear_engine….mp4)

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5b6f4d  No.14905268

Jesus proved that we have, and his disciples and followers added still further proof. After the third century of the Christian era, that power was allowed to lapse through disuse, but of late years thousands have been taking advantage of it for themselves and for others through psychology or religion. A new Church has been founded upon the words of James:

"Faith without WORKS is dead." It differs from most Churches in that it teaches that Jesus meant ALL that he said when he commanded his disciples to—"Go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils;

freely ye have received, freely give." The sick, the lame, the halt and the blind have flocked to it literally by the hundred thousands. That thousands have been cured is beyond dispute. That many were cases which had been given up by the medical fraternity, the doctors quite frankly admit.

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8629c4  No.14905269

File: 1e73869b522f910⋯.jpg (765.28 KB, 904x1208, 113:151, Statue.jpg)


Bless ya Swordy.

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752067  No.14905270

File: 94decde7cf45383⋯.jpg (65.63 KB, 772x824, 193:206, EM2F5_qUwAE6ObG.jpg)


o7 swordy

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9b5ed6  No.14905271

File: 3acef748c9d69fd⋯.png (14.15 KB, 170x255, 2:3, dff4126be8e9ee34b3e8fe9146….png)


Mornin' Swordy




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fa8560  No.14905272


They fail to realize they wouldn’t be in office if white people didnt vote. Them calling people racist makes people ignore all racism

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7ba25c  No.14905274


>MSM is more than welcome to try and run with their version. In fact, I DARE them.

I hear what you're saying, but

After stealing an presidential election, you're daring them to steal a gubernatorial election in a single state?

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35e725  No.14905275

File: 12f0de500b12361⋯.jpg (94.21 KB, 706x387, 706:387, JuanWilliams.jpg)

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678dca  No.14905276


>Damaged U.S. nuclear submarine hit underwater mountain in South China Sea, Navy says

…and no one died.

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01fa6c  No.14905277


Jim Jones had to force jab the children after the parents weren't so eager to drink his koolaid

It was not suicides but murders

once the parents saw their children dying from being shot against their will it was much easier for some to succumb to suicide.

this is the red line for just about every body

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fa8560  No.14905278


And I cannot wait for the full reveal and the judgement of God uppn them all

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01fa6c  No.14905280

File: 014056909d737e2⋯.png (50.63 KB, 176x255, 176:255, c402e2e3cdc9d3b552df51685d….png)


God Bless Swordy

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820192  No.14905281

File: 813ce8adf02f3b1⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1238x930, 619:465, qblunt.png)


>Theyll stone you when you are stoned


>That just means you get more stoned.


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44cd8e  No.14905282

File: 1a793a46756485e⋯.png (414.44 KB, 772x434, 386:217, greta_no_tp.PNG)

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26c412  No.14905284

File: a0f350873677bbd⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1284x861, 428:287, 12de260804ccf364.png)

File: f54eb8639d63284⋯.jpg (56.28 KB, 421x379, 421:379, d8ab37cd8d06dccc.jpg)

File: 4bea9d58d5ed20d⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1284x861, 428:287, G20plus.png)

File: 14ca821ea7d3d28⋯.png (672.17 KB, 955x979, 955:979, plus_plus.png)

File: 2c397073d666f76⋯.png (4.78 KB, 486x277, 486:277, 5f74aeca61b28cd6.png)

Tile pattern 'X' and +'s any meaning?

Two +'s at the bottom.. Roths?

Biden, Johnson, Merkel and Trudeau engage in dinner-time climate change diplomacy as the biggest meeting of world leaders in Britain in 75 years are greeted by William and Kate at lavish evening bash at COP26 summit


co. uk/news/article-10154599/Biden-Johnson-Merkel-Macron-launch-dinner-time-diplomacy.html

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5b6f4d  No.14905286

And the basis of all there cures is that there is nothing miraculous about the cure of disease at all. That it is "Divinely Natural." That it requires merely understanding. That Mind is the only Creator. And that the only image Universal Mind holds of your body is a perfect image, neither young nor old, but full of health, of vigor, of beauty and vitality. That all you have to do when assailed by disease is to go back to Universal Mind for a new conception of its perfect image—for the Truth concerning your body. Just as you would go back to the principle of mathematics for the Truth concerning any problem that worked out incorrectly. When you can make your subconscious mind copy after this Universal image— the Truth—instead of the diseased image you are holding in your thoughts, your sickness will vanish like the mere dream it is.

Does that sound too deep? Then look at it this way:

When you think an organ is diseased, it is your conscious mind that thinks this. Inevitably it sends this thought through to your subconscious mind, and the latter proceeds to build the cells of that organ along this imperfect, diseased model. Change the model—in other words, change your belief—and your subconscious mind will go back again to building along right lines.

Your body, you know, is simply an aggregation of millions upon millions of protons and electrons, held together by mind. They are the universal substance all about us, the plastic lay from which the sculptor Mind shapes the forms you see.

To quote the New York Sun: “Man's body is made up of trillions of miniature solar systems, each with whirling planets and a central sun.

These tiny systems are the atoms of modern science. The atoms of all elements are made up of protons and electrons in varying quantities and arranged in various ways.

“But what are protons and electrons?

“The masters of physics have succeeded in weighing and measuring them. We know that they carry the smallest possible charges of electricity, and we are learning much about the way they behave; but students are beginning to doubt that they have real substance, that they are anything one could hit with a lilliputian hammer. Dr. H. G. Gale of the University of Chicago, addressing the Ohio Academy of Science the other day, said there was good reason to believe that electrons were composed entirely of electricity and that their mass or weight was only a manifestation of electrical force. According to this view, nothing exists in the universe except electricity—and perhaps ether.”

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01fa6c  No.14905287

File: 37e934a81d56daa⋯.jpg (14.87 KB, 189x255, 63:85, 37e934a81d56daaf53b32f34ec….jpg)


well said

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b3f660  No.14905288


So they didn't notice an underwater mountain?

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b62d6f  No.14905289

File: 071401963cb4424⋯.jpg (681.98 KB, 1200x2061, 400:687, Accolade_by_Edmund_Blair_L….jpg)


God Bless you, Swordanon

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a1daba  No.14905290

File: 2dc1c939558e490⋯.jpg (17.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2dc1c939558e4906a51de34269….jpg)

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636215  No.14905295


gristle and fat

which one is which

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678dca  No.14905296


>So they didn't notice an underwater mountain?

Sonar broken, they had to use hand signals.

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9b5ed6  No.14905297

File: 8374d38a7e81921⋯.jpg (49.51 KB, 800x400, 2:1, R.jpg)


Today: Air Force Deadline For Personnel TO BE Vaccinated


-Refusing a "lawful order".

-12,000 unvaccinated in AF.


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fa8560  No.14905298

File: 2b92bf1099c85f8⋯.jpeg (342.04 KB, 1241x1591, 1241:1591, 2C3AD0F3_9F67_46A7_B6C9_6….jpeg)

4,000 voters with registration date 1918, so that makes them 111 years old right


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4f07a1  No.14905299


Good Morning Swordy.

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01fa6c  No.14905300


one of them titanic style devices planted within the sub that's posing as a big hill?

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86affc  No.14905301


Sorry, Greta.

But, trees soak up carbon.

We simply can't afford luxuries like TP while the planet is almost ded.

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d8856a  No.14905303



>>14904527 Moar on U of Wash plan to vaccinate children

>>14904541 Censored Viagano text: We don't have a Pope who will defend those who do not want to have the experimental gene serum

>>14904556 Florida ‘Teacher of the Year’ arrested for hitting pupil who criticized award

>>14904573 PDJT: “The biggest change I’ve seen in Congress is Israel literally owned Congress…"

>>14904620 Britney Spears bizzare murder mystery photo

>>14904636 CNN witnesses 9 year old being sold for marriage to 55 year old man (needs verification)

>>14904676 Am Airlines cancelled flights now tops 2300

>>14904693 KanekoaTheGreat: Florida Canvass reveals 20% of mail in ballots came from Phantom Voters

>>14904704, >>14904752 OSHA Will Start Enforcing Biden's Vaccine Mandate Within Days

>>14904736 Virginia mom claims white daughter asked if she was 'born evil' after history lesson

>>14904749 Brits Who Post "False Information" About Vaccines Could Be Jailed For Two Years

>>14904760 Myrtle Beach mayoral candidate: QAnon conspiracy followers ‘some of the most nicest people'

>>14904762 Afghanistan: Twin blasts reported near military hospital in Kabul

>>14904776 Louisiana extending vaccine bribery/extortion - "Shot for $100" being extended

>>14904782 Vaccine mandate puts LA at risk for mass law enforcement exodus

>>14904804 Eyes on Wisconsin. It's the next domino to fall.


>Yahoo says it pulled its services in China.

>>14904977 Word From VA "They Cheating Again" (CAP)

>>14905028 Biden Approval Rating 42.9 Approve

>>14905039 President Joe Biden appearing to fall asleep during a United Nations climate change summit

>>14905054, >>14905065 Britt Comms - gotta check out @lockeandkeynetflix "Book of Lock and Key?"

>>14905084 Juan Williams has a message for parents opposed to critical race theory instruction in their schools: “You’re racists!”

>>14905112 Donald Trump Hosts Telephone Rally for Glenn Youngkin: Vote and Send a Strong Message to Joe Biden

>>14905134 The Navy Just Set Up a Hospital in a Norwegian Cave

>>14905170 Anon Bun


Q Research General #18855: Youngkin For Governor Bus Tour: Loudoun Parents Matter Rally! Edition




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678dca  No.14905305


It means you are going to have to use rocks and sticks.

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44cd8e  No.14905306

File: e8ff17980d8aee1⋯.png (327.68 KB, 800x430, 80:43, you_POTUS.png)

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1e81f5  No.14905307

File: 14bd731b369d78b⋯.jpeg (112.15 KB, 720x540, 4:3, B44FD33E_FC7A_4E7E_9D6E_9….jpeg)

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5b6f4d  No.14905308

The clay cannot reply to the sculptor. No more can these tiny particles of electricity. Your body has nothing to say as to whether it shall be diseased or crippled. It is MIND that decides this. Jesus understood this, and it was on the basis of this understanding that he was able to cure any and all manner of disease. He was not a magician or occult wonder-worker, aiming to set aside the laws of nature. He was a TEACHER, demonstrating those laws. He didn't pick the learned Scribes and Pharisees and let them in on the secret of his wonder working. On the contrary, the men he chose were simple fisher folk, and to them he gave the UNDERSTANDING that enabled them, too, to cure the sick, the halt and the blind.

For what is sickness? An illusion, a mortal dream—merely the absence of health. Bring back that health image, and the sickness immediately disappears. Universal Mind never created disease. The only image it knows of man is the Truth—the perfect image. The only idea it has of your body is a perfect, healthy idea. "For God is of purer eyes than to behold evil." Then where does disease come from? Who created it? No one did. It is a mere illusion—just as, if you think a pin is sticking you, and you concentrate your thought on the pain, it becomes unbearable. Yet when you investigate, you find that no pin was sticking you at all—merely a hair, or bit of cinder lodged against the skin. How often have you had some fancied pain, only to have it promptly disappear when your physician assured you there was nothing wrong with you at all. It would be the same way with all sickness, all pain, if you would understand that it is merely fear or suggestion working on your conscious mind, and that if you will deny this belief of pain or sickness, your subconscious mind will speedily make that denial good. Don't render that mind impotent by thoughts of fear, doubt and anxiety. If you do, it is going to get like a working crew which is constantly being stopped by strikes or walk-outs or changes of plans. It will presently get discouraged and stop trying.

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ac95e8  No.14905309


The silent war continues?

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35e725  No.14905310

File: bfd04facc20e565⋯.png (772.14 KB, 500x660, 25:33, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d4ed8  No.14905311


"Biblical" implies it refers to Christians, so only about 1/3 of the global population.

That's right. 2/3rds of the global population isn't brainwashed into helping the christians destroy humanity by following along with their story book.

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86affc  No.14905313


>People in WI live long lives


What are they putting in the water up there?

I want some of that.

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820192  No.14905314

File: c61ac253c6eede3⋯.png (455.58 KB, 680x469, 680:469, ClipboardImage.png)


>responders to London Bridge terror attack recognised


President of the European Council

In office

1 December 2014 – 30 November 2019


29 November 2019


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44cd8e  No.14905315

File: e7b74232d032457⋯.png (393.24 KB, 579x632, 579:632, greta.png)

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c9d50b  No.14905316


>registration date 1918, so that makes them 111 years old right

Your math is not up to date!

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f299c4  No.14905317

File: c5011c122f2d3a6⋯.png (238.59 KB, 152x621, 152:621, Sword.png)


Same to you, Swordanon!

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0f17c9  No.14905318


Must be 18 to vote. They registered on 1/1/1918. 131 years old.

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678dca  No.14905319


>Your math is not up to date!

math is racist.

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d8856a  No.14905320



Q Research General #18855: Youngkin For Governor Bus Tour: Loudoun Parents Matter Rally! Edition




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35e725  No.14905322

File: 6c57182feb615a3⋯.jpg (16.99 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2_2_a.jpg)

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9b5ed6  No.14905323

Potato just walked out

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74c227  No.14905324

File: 52a0a2bf38881db⋯.jpg (397.64 KB, 1400x582, 700:291, DQLLAR.jpg)

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86affc  No.14905326

File: 31c50b13d878f6b⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 400x236, 100:59, Phil_simonsays.mp4)

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fa8560  No.14905327

The odds of even 1 person 111 years old voting are like a 1/2 billion to 1, nevertheless 4,000

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820192  No.14905328

File: e34c5145976f38d⋯.png (236.93 KB, 416x394, 208:197, ClipboardImage.png)


>So they didn't notice an underwater mountain?

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678dca  No.14905330

File: bc2d40ff823e8e9⋯.gif (150.55 KB, 220x220, 1:1, Back_in_cave_Pepe.gif)

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