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File: f29555dd6b5230f⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 5dcf8a84bce0e22ca4e8412baa….jpg)

f30d17 No.1467675

Welcome To Q Research General

"These are the times that try men's souls."

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1464360 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules)


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's Tripcode

Current Q Tripcode: Q !4pRcUA0lBE

PAST Tripcodes: !xowAT4Z3VQ , !2jsTvXXmXs [ Blacklisted see, >>>/patriotsfight/71 ]

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 05.17.2018

>>1449911 ------------------------ Messages sent

>>1449784 ------------------------ Guardian of the Pope

>>1449636 ------------------------ Space Shuttle Pic

>>1449191 ------------------------ Vegas Pic

>>1448841 rt >>1448660 ----- Pallet Pics

>>1448660 rt >>1448537 ----- Pallet Pics

>>1448537 rt >>1448466 ----- We are everywhere Anon

>>1448221 rt >>1448152 ----- Note the jackets

>>1448152 rt >>1448140 ----- London Pics

>>1448140 ------------------------ London Pics

>>>/patriotsfight/87 ------------ (deleted) see: >>1447680 , >>1458342

>>1445345 rt >>1445248 ----- >>>/patriotsfight/64

>>1445147 rt >>1444934 ----- As We Prepare To Land

>>1444934 rt >>1444808 ----- God Bless the United States of America

>>1444808 rt >>1444682 ----- Stay vigilant

>>1444682 rt >>1444632 ----- There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves


>>>/patriotsfight/85 ------------ ]SESSIONS[ Reels In Huber

>>1440925 ----------------------- Trump admin to provide F&F records

Wednesday 05.16.2018

>>1439789 rt >>1439665 ----- Bomb disposal team

>>1439564 rt >>1439507 ----- Think Pickle Factory

>>1439411 rt >>1439389 ----- Impressive

>>1439283 rt >>1439204 ----- 100% authentic

>>1438448 ------------------------ Gina Haspel Career Timeline

>>1438412 rt >>1438387 ----- WE ARE Q!

>>>/patriotsfight/84 ------------ Do what is Right

>>>/patriotsfight/83 ------------ End of the Witch Hunt

>>1434225 rt >>1434153 ----- "FREEDOM" Caucus.

>>1434153 rt >>1434062 ----- Today was the precursor

>>1434041 ------------------------ US History [ABCs]

>>1432972 rt >>1432956 ----- Those with an agenda to silence will fail

>>1432958 rt >>1432955 ----- Follow the pen/Jim_Jordan tweet

>>1432939 rt >>1432926 ----- SIS

>>1432932 ------------------------ Follow the pen

>>1431154 ------------------------ No Such Agency vs Clowns In America

Tuesday 05.15.2018

>>1428355 rt >>1428282 ----- [NP 8:14 “——————— Pier 39…”]

>>1427755 ------------------------ Start a Storm

>>1420066 rt >>1419965 ----- Do you trust POTUS? Does POTUS trust SESSIONS to protect the lives of our brave law enforcement?

>>1419926 ------------------------ Did you catch it?

>>1419720 ------------------------ Autists - we thank you. Patriots - we thank you. We came here for a reason

>>1419607 rt >>1419514 ----- What do you notice? They all drop hints they are considering future elected positions

>>1419531 rt >>1419500 ----- They knew this day would come. EVIL everywhere. CORRUPTION everywhere. We Fight! We, The PEOPLE

>>1419464 ------------------------ Who is Richard Donoghue? Background? PAIN

>>1416382 rt >>1416216 ----- Find the [2] NYPD detectives [187] mid 2017

>>1416241 ------------------------ ENJOY THE SHOW

>>1415794 ------------------------ #1776

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub


If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

'''2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

=Q Clock Graphic=


f30d17 No.1467681


are not endorsements


>>1467061 “suspicious-activity report”

>>1467080, >>1467291, >>1467459, >>1467592, >>1467657 Planefag reports

>>1467155 More for the JJ Pickle Research Campus Dig

>>1467067, >>1467070, >>1467084, >>1467094, >>1467103 Foxconn is some sort of high tech optical device receiver/transmit

>>1467105, >>1467090, >>1467263, >>1467646 More Foxconn Anon digs


>>1467149 Combination post of above links

>>1467195 Mueller investigation coming to END?

>>1467219, >>1467418 Trump nominates Admiral Harry Harris to be US ambassador to South Korea

>>1467241 China offers to buy more US products to reduce trade imbalance

>>1467258 TE must change its management to get US reprieve says Larry Kudlow, White House economic adviser

>>1467287 China lands bombers on disputed territory

>>1467293 Microchips being implanted into employees

>>1467297 Method of transport?

>>1467302 Jesuits run the show diagram.

>>1467343 Democrats and the media lost the argument on immigration, so now they're lying

>>1467355 Journalists feel the burn article

>>1467416 The new Republican group that just entered the battle for the House

>>1467402 Nunes disregards DOJ invite to resume talks on Mueller docs he seeks

>>1467570 IHS boys in the HOTBOX graphic

>>1467580, >>1467559 FEMA notes

>>1467623 Grassley Wants To See Memo That Lays Out Scope Of Mueller Probe

>>1467632 POTUS Tweets foxconn investment

>>1467400, >>1467642 Skippy broadcasts Grassley Alert [Uranium One].


>>1466325 Comms?, >>1466632 1-post ID's, >>1466950 Input from BO

>>1466496 More Pedosta e-mails

>>1466553 the world is watching!!!!!!

>>1466614 TRUMP card coming.

>>1466666 The World is Watching (the Wedding)

>>1466883 Doing what's necessary isn't unthinkable.

>>1466940 Swiss Guard personal guards of the pope maintained by the Holy See….


>>1465995 More for the JJ Pickle Research Campus Dig

>>1465950 All Q's 'SKY EVENT' posts

>>1465776 Foreskin facials

>>1465935 A TIMELINE OF TREASON: How the DNC and FBI Leadership Tried to Fix a Presidential Election [Updated]

>>1465759 , >>1465764 Is the Royal Wedding the Red Carpet event?

>>1465653 , >>1465684 Media Matters weigh in on AJ and JC

>>1466187 Owl = Cannabalism?


>>1465339 , >>1465384 111DayAgo QPosts, relevant today

>>1465362 Thus does a lurker become Anon

>>1465254 [Stefan] Halper and his C_A connections

>>1465226 Jeff Sessions Curtails Immigration Judges’ Authority to Let Illegal Aliens Walk Free

>>1465137 Dept of Defense tweets

>>1464762 Sensible thoughts on the difficulty of seeing school shootings

>>1464759 Trump promises to sign prison reform bill that could free thousands


>>1464545 Parkland Activists Launch Attacks On Trump, NRA. Kyle Kashuv Flattens Them

>>1464437 Stephanie Adams who jumped with her son: twitter acct with lots of occult symbolism

>>1463948 Missing weapons at military base prompt investigation

>>1463982 , >>1464000 Breaking: Another school shooting at Mt Zion High School in Georgia

>>1463975 Company Selling Real-Time Cell Phone Tracking Ends Up Leaking Location Data


>>1463426 Disappearance of weapons at AFB in ND

>>1463503 Why did an Indian minister just go to North Korea?

>>1463219 , >>1463274 Sudden Schedule Change for POTUS, Kansas, and Bolton

>>1463296 IG Horowitz Finds FBI, DOJ Broke Law In Clinton Probe, Refers To Prosecutor For Criminal Charges


>>1462913 , >>1462931 More on the LV photo dig

>>1463010 Brennan "Needs Very Good Lawyer" Says DiGenova; "He's Going To Be In Front Of A Grand Jury Shortly"

>>1462763 Clapper Says "Good Thing" FBI Was Spying On Trump Campaign

>>1462683 'Parkland' cropping up

>>1462610 Secretary Pompeo To Deliver Remarks on U.S. Policy on Iran at The Heritage Foundation

>>1462600 A rundown of today's (ff?) events

>>1462524 General Flynn interviews by J.B. Wells, "Caravan to Midnight"

>>1462494 Secretary of Energy Moniz invites Skippy to SEAB

>>1462409 Embezzlement trial of former Vatican Bank official begins

>>1462377 The Unholy Alliance Between George Soros and Pope Francis

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

f30d17 No.1467683

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas

>>489697 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

f30d17 No.1467686

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#22 >>>/comms/1119 , >>1450156

>>1335083 Previous GMT Graphics

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1411389 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

*Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 18,000 Memes and Infographs Searchable by Subject


Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Memes: Latest Stockpiles

Memes21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn to Bake! Q Loves Bakers (And So Does Your Mom)

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Or read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9

f30d17 No.1467699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Dough pastebin.com/GkNJ0Ew6

For Quey Boy !!!

Enjoy the breddy !!!

550bf3 No.1467740

When the wicked are in authority, sin flourishes,

But the godly will live to see their downfall. (Proverbs 29:16)

f8ffa9 No.1467774

So I wonder who all's getting arrested while the World Watches the Wedding?

f8ffa9 No.1467787



33d77a No.1467802

File: 66f713fe63cac69⋯.jpg (95.57 KB, 550x703, 550:703, special notice to all jews….jpg)

File: f514c88917b9ead⋯.jpg (29.17 KB, 300x300, 1:1, a5dancingisraelis.jpg)

File: a4c1b0eb25f1a3d⋯.jpg (121.11 KB, 731x349, 731:349, benjamin franklin jews.jpg)

File: 76274af2c3c9889⋯.jpg (3.88 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, jews own the media.jpg)

File: 34e4b02fac62ba6⋯.jpg (467.94 KB, 734x677, 734:677, earl raab jewish agenda.jpg)

Here's some unpleasant truth the JIDF shill are trying to distract patriots from.

All news and drops need to be read through a correct filter of history.


acf25f No.1467808

File: 4e31df78bc7255b⋯.png (45.34 KB, 550x343, 550:343, clowns-eat-deep-state.png)

b9d2bd No.1467810

File: 87e4d0fdeae04f8⋯.png (299.63 KB, 1100x583, 100:53, us atty virgin.png)

File: 3e68385bb9deb1d⋯.png (81.58 KB, 766x595, 766:595, us atty virgin gretchen.png)

File: 129d67bbb05986b⋯.png (68.14 KB, 758x553, 758:553, virgin.png)



Information flo from Virgin Island is off, so is the crime compared to PR.

aad9e3 No.1467811

File: 98676a4d5b1b548⋯.jpg (68.33 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Diana3.jpg)

Hello, my name is Anon and I Am Awake.

c28212 No.1467812

SKY event, anons?

May 17, 2018:

Skyline Announces Intent To List On The New York Stock Exchange In Connection With Exchange Transaction With Champion Enterprises Holdings, LLC





Skyline Declares Special Company Dividend In Connection With Exchange Transaction

The special cash dividend will be paid on May 31, 2018 to Skyline's shareholders of record at the close of business on May 25, 2018. The special dividend will not be paid if the conditions to the closing of the Exchange that could have been satisfied prior to the payment date, including the approval by Skyline's shareholders of the matters to be considered at the May 29 special shareholders meeting, are not satisfied.



Was Skyline Corp. part of the NWO plans for housing?

Skyline Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries design, produce, and market manufactured housing, modular housing, and park models to independent dealers, developers, campgrounds, and manufactured housing communities located throughout the United States and Canada. The company has eight manufacturing facilities in seven states.

053d09 No.1467813

File: 8658ddb0e405fdc⋯.png (29.58 KB, 1790x446, 895:223, loveandpeace.png)


>The plant given words of love and encouragement remained healthy and thriving, while the bullied plant appeared to wilt from mean words alone.

Love really is the solution for everything.

3ba2ea No.1467814

I'm pretty sure I've heard this crowd soundbite before.

aad9e3 No.1467815

File: 9c9574fdea0682b⋯.png (462.13 KB, 1182x954, 197:159, ClipboardImage (2).png)

The Bloodline Of The Windsor Clan Will Be Exterminated

1523cd No.1467816

They're passing the grassy knoll now

b9d2bd No.1467817

File: cae4d5c43b020f5⋯.png (41.65 KB, 718x266, 359:133, virgin all links dead.png)


All links dead

c7b51a No.1467818



https://www.cellmedicine.com/stem-cell-therapy/video-stem-cell-therapy/stem-cell-lectures/neil-riordan-phd/ Here's Niel Riordan's book and other info...

e3eefb No.1467819

John Gizzi

John Gizzi




Has anyone explored strange 2000 case of how N. Cal. child pornographer David Asimov, son of sci-fi legend Isaac Asimov, avoided 4 counts of child open ( 6 yr. prison term for each) by accepting a plea w. supervision & probation crafted by then-US Atty. Robt. Mueller?

aad9e3 No.1467820

watching that tmz streamm

why are they laughing like a bunch of reptilian fuckharpies?

6f550c No.1467821

The new treatments provide hope to the estimated 37 million people in the U.S. who suffer from migraines, predominantly women. The neurological disorder is characterized by intense, painful headaches, often accompanied by other symptoms, such as sensitivity to light and noise, and nausea.

Until now migraine patients have largely had to take drugs created to treat other diseases, such as epilepsy and high blood pressure. “What is coming is a complete change in the way we will treat migraine,” says Stewart Tepper, a neurology professor at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth.


1a582f No.1467822

Holy crap the soundtrack is looped

facd49 No.1467823

File: d6688a397b39c01⋯.png (82.51 KB, 430x234, 215:117, PredatorFire.png)

Hey Q just a suggestion this royal wedding is like a meeting for every high level cabal member in the world all it would take is (pic related)

caa93e No.1467824


its a short loop too.

8557e4 No.1467825

File: d606cfde7794889⋯.jpg (127.88 KB, 500x531, 500:531, Deep State treason.jpg)

aad9e3 No.1467826


Great ear, anon.

This is entirely staged.

God Rape The Queen.

bcd08c No.1467827


And from myriad movies and video games.

5492e2 No.1467828

I'm going to quess during the weddings coverage today there will be a breaking news story during (sky event) that will wake up normies perhaps anthony weiner's laptop exposure maximum coverage news conference or perhaps something else but weiners laptop seems most devasting and best time

4f89c6 No.1467829


Yeah I bet those massive egos are just itching to tweet their opinions, surprised they have the discipline not to be looking down at their phones.

bfb3f7 No.1467830


can we revisit the nature of the quads on that post for a sec? quad 7's are auspicious af

dr. neil riordan confirmed dig needed

did Mel appear nervous and ashamed by his lies on that video, or was it just me?

1a582f No.1467831


Yah about 15 seconds

facd49 No.1467832


I didn't watch it, however from what I saw on twatter it looked like the BET awards

c93fcb No.1467833

no pakistanis , no women in burqas

is this even london, wtf

75169a No.1467834

File: 1ca2089f6245460⋯.png (701.92 KB, 948x623, 948:623, ClipboardImage.png)

60b003 No.1467835

there's no way that adrenochrome would be any kind of rejuvenator or life extension elixir. it's very similar to adrenalin. if anything, it would age one much faster, and too much would have effects imilar to meth.

e49758 No.1467837


It's just you. Mel was fine.

36dd3a No.1467838

File: ec535792cdb14ac⋯.png (1.05 MB, 994x677, 994:677, panem&circenses.PNG)


acf25f No.1467839

File: f4118424b458e71⋯.png (468.5 KB, 905x561, 905:561, aj-corsi-money-opposition.png)

bcd08c No.1467840

File: c3af3c2d20668a4⋯.png (120.25 KB, 700x397, 700:397, dreams.png)

ebf2e0 No.1467841

File: d3f07bd2e4dfb30⋯.jpg (44.52 KB, 874x1034, 437:517, bodyguard.jpg)

British A-list bodyguard, 38, hired by P Diddy, Madonna and Robert Pattinson is found dead at home


673e6d No.1467842



I think the adrenochrome is just for kicks

aad9e3 No.1467843

All these fucking fake laughers

I hope they will all die

Fuck these clowns

Fuck these childvoring clowns

Death To Those That Threating Out Children.

c0bd6a No.1467844

Wow did I land on Facebook? I was looking for 8chan /qresearch/, can someone help me find it? plox

caa93e No.1467846

they forgot to stop the crowd audio, doh!

aad9e3 No.1467847


I wonder what's the main course

Austrian Child Foie Gras ?

dc3c38 No.1467848

weird, no suicide bomber attempts or trucks of peace invited to the festivities?

3ba2ea No.1467849



a2bf7c No.1467850


Uhm, anon, it's youtube comment time, come back in 6 to 8 hours when we've regained focus. Thanks.

f10b12 No.1467851

File: 71901c91616ed87⋯.jpg (34.23 KB, 497x417, 497:417, sara huckabee_2.JPG)

File: 861bceeff477d78⋯.jpg (57.48 KB, 856x641, 856:641, calumny news network.JPG)

File: f394337ed469442⋯.png (10.45 KB, 677x108, 677:108, ClipboardImage.png)

That sounds about right…


A false statement maliciously made to injure another's reputation.

The utterance of maliciously false statements; slander.

f30d17 No.1467852

File: 469cdb94b49e89b⋯.jpg (15.21 KB, 253x255, 253:255, 52de7c0285b801cfb95f0b5869….jpg)


Finally someone who knows the truth

c0bd6a No.1467853


Damn! He knew too much.

1ad826 No.1467854

Safely in the shelter of the castle.

2ad3ea No.1467855

File: 4ab4fbadf196e35⋯.png (110.85 KB, 1191x850, 1191:850, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59dffc6c22dff59⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1192x674, 596:337, ClipboardImage.png)

75169a No.1467856

File: ec792e384d09408⋯.png (89.13 KB, 500x275, 20:11, ClipboardImage.png)


Worked for me…

c642bf No.1467857

File: abd9ba47a106b09⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1440x977, 1440:977, ClipboardImage.png)

do you think they will let her live??

cb18e3 No.1467858

File: d4e5482e3ebeb57⋯.png (22.04 KB, 258x263, 258:263, PEPE_CAT.png)


Here's your kittie picture for confirmation.

3ba2ea No.1467859

do you think they used these? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6xLXvFwsPg

1a582f No.1467860



Save this one!!!!

caa93e No.1467862

Back to some research!

1523cd No.1467863


Guess time will tell. Either

1. Her ancestry isn't what we were told it is

2. She'll get Diana'd eventually

3. She'll live because this is a PR stunt by the family to improve their image in these 'modern' times.

f30d17 No.1467864

File: 285fe31840243d8⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, 15.png)


I catch em all don't worry .

aad9e3 No.1467865

2ad3ea No.1467866

File: e2088e2b0f9e6bc⋯.png (979.33 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, ClipboardImage.png)

c0bd6a No.1467867


Ikr maybe I should come back on Monday when the drunk fags are sleeping.

Meantime I'll go watch Corsi's twat feed for more shits n giggles. ;p

facd49 No.1467868

File: 5972ecf7dae3588⋯.jpg (110.63 KB, 962x609, 962:609, lawl.jpg)

Whoever said that this didnt look like London here is a pic to prove you wrong !!!!

aad9e3 No.1467870



e49758 No.1467871

File: 8ae583ee34d1b15⋯.jpg (236.63 KB, 607x795, 607:795, RUN mcstain brennan.jpg)

2ad3ea No.1467872

File: 203142159d8f85e⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, ClipboardImage.png)

added handcloth

dc3c38 No.1467873

Elton John, Sheps eyes light up!

9071ff No.1467874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

After the wedding i feel like i have to watch something real.

facd49 No.1467875


shes so deep into the cabal theres pics of her with Alexander Soros she probably eats babies

aad9e3 No.1467876


It's Time, Liddle Lizzy

Time To Exit Your Shell

c0bd6a No.1467877


kek, thank fuck for that. I coulda sworn I was on FB with all the wedding talk.

c7b51a No.1467878


Children’s remains and records ordered destroyed by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, acting for Queen Elizabeth – Mass graves of trafficked children are identified in Canada, Holland and the United States, and are linked to the Ninth Circle sacrificial cult.

f10ec9 No.1467879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump taking care of business with the Deep State and Shadow government that are entrenched within Deep Underground Military Bases? LOL! F**ckers! Send us your "shemales"!

8d388d No.1467880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Very interesting interview. "golden cells", This is the whole Rogan interview with Gibson and doctor, umbilical cord 'juice' adult stem cell treatment, reverses aging, $100,000 treatments, amazing results, also mentions other research where scientists have connected blood flow from healthy young mouse to an old mouse, made old mouse younger and young mouse just regenerated the old mouse's blood, makes me wonder if elites are running living children's blood through their old bodies to reverse aging

36dd3a No.1467881

File: 9d96af18a6a9d0d⋯.png (447.05 KB, 682x290, 341:145, ClipboardImage.png)

cb18e3 No.1467882


Right there with you the last couple of weeks.

c93fcb No.1467883


thx anon

an imam just appeared on screen too


1ad826 No.1467884


Q did mention a SKY EVENT. This was broadcast on Sky News. We had to cover it.

f10ec9 No.1467885


Is Rogan considered "mainstream"?

aad9e3 No.1467886

File: bffae0f5e74d8ea⋯.png (885.37 KB, 900x911, 900:911, Royal_Pepe_Megan_.png)


A Pliable Puppet

Sad, really.

Sad To See.



cb18e3 No.1467887


And absolutely nothing happened.

c0bd6a No.1467888


Nah, they worked out school shootings get the most shock value these days. :^|

e01a74 No.1467889


Is it over though? We got a MOAB of love but its still early in the day

954984 No.1467890

File: 82dbe95cdb199db⋯.jpg (372.18 KB, 1223x897, 1223:897, T-785 19 May 18 1315.jpg)

T-785 landed at Payenne. Short flight.

f10ec9 No.1467891


Other than an asteroid that was passing by the closest in 300 years…

a2bf7c No.1467892

File: 854fef435a87c0f⋯.jpg (105.55 KB, 634x747, 634:747, 2be113611c79885d38ece77342….jpg)

facd49 No.1467893


kekekek this is just to funny at this point

1ad826 No.1467894


Surely there will be a reception later. Don't know if it will be covered.

ed7c17 No.1467895

Oh boy they requested charitable donations be made rather than gifts. Charities for CHILDREN.

c7b51a No.1467896


Rogan is open to anyone who will come on his show. Much like AJ, but without the craziness. Did you ever see the one where AJ was talking about interdimensional portholes, etc. Weird shit.

1ad826 No.1467897

I'm going to bed now. I actually lasted through it.

b9d2bd No.1467898

File: 16c287c89c6eb25⋯.png (188.32 KB, 369x625, 369:625, 9ac802b85050e596a68e089fef….png)

pretty sure everyone should be following this and related accounts.

954984 No.1467899

File: 38f277fe8938d8f⋯.jpg (453.49 KB, 1753x943, 1753:943, Dena06 19 may 18 1340.jpg)

Iranians headed for Tunisia.

34ddf4 No.1467900


"The Sonoma County District Attorney J. Michael Mullins covered up the case,

let the public believe the feds would prosecute it more thoroughly, and then

passed the cover up to U.S. Attorney Mueller…Mueller did a good job

protecting child pornographers in California."

1000s of CP files and the locals didn't think they had a case? Really??

Judge Maxine Chesney needs digging, too


bfb3f7 No.1467902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

from last bread

quads 7777 on this video

I was joking that ethics are "guaranteed" in a stem cell operation in Panama

this is a joke

ethics in a stem cell operation are certainly not guaranteed by having oversight by a banana republic health department

spent much time in central america?

shady af this

watch it

3ba2ea No.1467903


They want children AS donations

f10ec9 No.1467904


I know Rogan seemed stand offish towards Jones, almost like he was "unsure" of this guy in his studio.

f10b12 No.1467905

File: 9ef5b26fdfae199⋯.jpg (65.64 KB, 589x357, 589:357, fbi infomant cons treehous….JPG)

Corrupt Intelligence Apparatchik Leaks “Informant” Name (Stefan Halper) and Defensive Perspective To New York Times…

Posted on May 19, 2018 by sundance

The New York Times has essentially outed the CIA and FBI informant as Stefan Halper tonight in yet another lengthy justification article citing the reasoning from the perspective of the corrupt intelligence officers who conducted the surveillance and spying operation against the Trump campaign.


[PIC is Stefan Halper]


c0bd6a No.1467906


Oh please, that's a pathetic excuse

e056e1 No.1467907


I salute thee, Anon.

With Love, Anon.

ed7c17 No.1467908


Sonoma County, the location of Bohemian Grove.

582767 No.1467909

File: c9ede6638094957⋯.jpg (149.24 KB, 1200x680, 30:17, starblazers5.jpg)

Does this remind anyone else of Saturday morning cartoons we watched when we were liddle?

Maybe it's the weather.

a2bf7c No.1467910

File: cde2b45ac68c074⋯.mp4 (8.43 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nasim Aghdam - Do You Dare.mp4)

File: 0c9f809910ff709⋯.jpg (71.16 KB, 1196x400, 299:100, 0c9.jpg)



aad9e3 No.1467911

File: 1cb80a4ae4855fb⋯.png (453.63 KB, 634x590, 317:295, serving-the-royal-lunch.png)

ed7c17 No.1467912


Directly or indirectly

4f6316 No.1467913

File: 6e70adf7d264c44⋯.png (486.84 KB, 804x871, 12:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf16e6eb895c11c⋯.png (784.93 KB, 1918x508, 959:254, ClipboardImage.png)

Learjet changed course and is dropping altitude. Looked up New Haven Coast Guard station and found this article - Captain removed and reassigned due to a loss in confidence in his ability to command.

f10ec9 No.1467914

File: 60208787fe1c225⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1279x716, 1279:716, Screenshot_89.png)

954984 No.1467915

File: e63fc6061748ca3⋯.jpg (296.02 KB, 1229x963, 1229:963, Dena06 Flight Details.jpg)

Dena06 left Tabriz earlier.

aad9e3 No.1467916


I Love You Too, Anon.

We Will Get Them All.

02839a No.1467917

Well, there we have it: another groomed-by-the-cabal (via Hollyweird) nutjob joins the firm to pro-create yet another bunch of sick bastards.

Such a fucking great day :/

b9d2bd No.1467918


wow nice find

c7b51a No.1467919


He is. He thinks Jones is a joke, but entertaining

b3630f No.1467920


I think he is, but he is trying to create a kinds of old school hipster Rollings Stone for the new millennium. He is a Martian Artist, MMA Fighter, TV Sitcom Actor, Stand Up Comedian Bowhunter who trips acid, drinks fine scotch, drinks expensive coffee, works out with ice baths and an isolation chamber and hangs out with the cool crowd. I would say he is one of \them\

He is a little too much of everything to really take too seriously.

d1fc5e No.1467921

File: aad44ad5da3a064⋯.png (211.69 KB, 382x594, 191:297, Screenshot_4.png)

Samantha Bee to launch This Is Not a Game mobile game for midterm elections.


954984 No.1467922

File: cd6644523bedaca⋯.jpg (558.26 KB, 1733x885, 1733:885, 2PROP 19 May 18 1345.jpg)

2-PROP left Guernsey earlier. Currently headed for the Solent.

5b047c No.1467923

a2bf7c No.1467924

File: e5f2b2f0eeaa45b⋯.png (553.39 KB, 2126x1636, 1063:818, 1523054722914.png)

c7b51a No.1467925


I watch him for who he has on, not for him

e056e1 No.1467926


Very well, I got that as lunch. x)

240e25 No.1467927

Royal Wedding

What I just witnessed was a Political Coup in the UK (60/40)

Royals marry for political reasons - have for hundreds of years.

The Royals just got OWNED, by someone or some family with deep ties to the southern USA, and in the most Public of ways!!!!!!

ed7c17 No.1467928


Business as usual

aad9e3 No.1467929


>ethics in stem cell operation in banana republics

ethically fraught af

8d388d No.1467930


Rogan seems to question everything, has a lot of followers, so yes he's pretty mainstream, watch this video, you decide

bfb3f7 No.1467931

File: 009a956a79eb2e3⋯.jpeg (64.38 KB, 974x378, 487:189, fullsizeoutput_17ef.jpeg)

File: fe0a71b9848b852⋯.jpeg (116.52 KB, 811x844, 811:844, fullsizeoutput_7c.jpeg)


>>1467777 (lb)

but muh digits!

9071ff No.1467932


What you mean?

c7b51a No.1467933


Martian artist? That must be far out man! Does he paint after rolling a fatty?

c2d258 No.1467934



Ah, you're the clown with the 50 shitposts per bread again.

c0bd6a No.1467935


tru dat. autists still here tho, just lurkin cuz the breads are too noisy with idle chatter.

aad9e3 No.1467936

File: 85eb11067ddce21⋯.png (336.18 KB, 715x443, 715:443, 85eb11067ddce214f41e496356….png)


954984 No.1467937

File: 816424e1aa73c9f⋯.jpg (331.69 KB, 1753x629, 1753:629, Magma66 19 May 18 1345.jpg)

Magma66 now in German airspace.

02839a No.1467938



I hope all of the fools in the crowds are ensuring their children's safety.

No doubt, those bastards will enjoy quite a feast, this evening!

f10ec9 No.1467939

>>1467920 You worded that very well. That is exactly how I feel on Rogan. He seems to hang with the crowd and pulls in followers. He is smart and a "shiny" person. Those are the ones the Cabal love to use against us.

I think the waters need to be tested before one jumps all in with Rogan.

cb18e3 No.1467940


Yeah. Sitting on a mound of research.

Still frustrated by what we don't know.

80406c No.1467941

Where is Q

Was his most recent post his very last?

ed7c17 No.1467942


Anon seems to be getting at the Royals being comped with an American marrying into the family.

62e0b6 No.1467943


Could be related to this?


aad9e3 No.1467944

File: 73360c3b9637965⋯.jpg (269.56 KB, 826x982, 413:491, madmaxine.jpg)


Join The Party,

You've been here before anyway


240e25 No.1467945


The Royal Family just got OWNED and told what to do on one of their most special events!!

f2ecf9 No.1467946

File: 98c2032597b1de1⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1430, 108:143, Screenshot_20180519-074740….png)

Is Chuck drunk? I know what he is trying to say but……

b9d2bd No.1467947


Surface Fleet Commander to Resign After Reported Firing Recommendation



c7b51a No.1467948


Rogan seems to be 70% anti-SJW, pro-Free speech, but then he flips on it sometimes with certain guests…

f10ec9 No.1467949


Fuck NO!

b3630f No.1467950


Same, I like him but he believes that he is so level headed that his point of view is reasonable (the most reasonable) point of view. And if someone does not go his way he will argue the pettiest things. But I also say him take apart a Building Seven denier who said it did not look like a demolition. Joe would not let him go because it fucking looked like a demolition. So I like him in doses, but he gets good people on his show. No denying his reach and influence.

e70bf8 No.1467951

This wedding is really fucking bizarre

ed7c17 No.1467952


Yep keep your kids on a leash. That reminds me, I need to buy one of those kid leashes for mine.

cb18e3 No.1467953


Bill Clinton's cousin. Kek.

7c7c81 No.1467954


I'd say dropping a box of ammo on an elementary school could count as a sky event. Has that EVER happened before? Coincidence?

What if white hats had taken control of the FF op and it was a way to project this to the cabal? (but still keep the normies in the dark a bit longer - build more baseline for the upcoming cognitive dissidence).

40027f No.1467955


perfect time for max headroom to make a comeback

3ba2ea No.1467956


Maybe Markle is a plant. Did she request the Preacher of Love?

99521a No.1467957


conclusion: british women have no taste and very little style. did like looking at all the ridiculous hats and all the women in high heels lumbering along barely able to stay upright.....queen looked miserable, as usual. the big question of the day is when is shit show coming down, when is this finally ending....q?

9885ee No.1467958


made me wonder if they were taking out a underground bunker with the explosion in ely, nv

e3eefb No.1467959

I'm old enough to remember getting up at 4 am to watch the wedding of Charles and Dianna. World was a different place then, and we were blind. That wedding brought world wide warm feelings toward the royals. Harry is not in line to the throne so can be "sacrificed, and I'm sure there is a more indepth reason, but on the surface, they picked a mixed race, commoner actress, suitable to the cabal side, but normally unsuitable to royalty, in an effort to recreate the public enchantment of Charles and Diana wedding and connect to the commoners. Wont work this time, cabal. We are woke.

I'll admit Ive had hard time letting go of the queen, and believing her involved in the evil, as I have familial ties to Britain; sentiment and denial on my part. My oldest child's observation finally snapped me out of it: They let homosexuals perform in that church and progressives to preach in that church, not done in the True Church. Ding, ding, ding….the Queen is the head of the church. N, the Word says Christ is the Head of the Church, the True Church.

I'll stop sliding. I seldom soliloquy here, but been a tough couple of days. Just strange how we lie to ourselves because we dont want to believe something anathema to our own perceptions, and one little remark from someone else causes the light bulb to come on. Yes, I'm shutting up, getting back to work, and lurking moar.

e056e1 No.1467960


There where a few anonymous posts from Q team past 2 days. And posts from Frank Wilson.

f10ec9 No.1467961


Did Rogan ever jump on the Q train? Did he ever talk or report on QAnon phenomena?

e49758 No.1467962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


But he does have brilliant interviews with top notch guests. Paul Stamets is one, about fungi.

240e25 No.1467963


Royals got told what to do on their most covered event they get 2 times a generation by someone or some family with deep ties to southern USA

c6a6ac No.1467964

c7b51a No.1467965


Eddie Bravo is good and entertaining. Also Joey.

1523cd No.1467966



this is what I was thinking when people half expected a broadcast interruption.. would have been hilarious

02839a No.1467967


Hehe bless ye.

582c0f No.1467968

File: b91adf7c3c706cc⋯.jpg (64.54 KB, 635x441, 635:441, 2alg8q.jpg)


b9d2bd No.1467969


Surface Fleet Commander to Resign After Reported Firing Recommendation



Buffalo Naval park director resigns over dispute with board



1a582f No.1467970



We understand your words Anon be more specific

06ea38 No.1467971

Galye King CBS

Americans everywhere. They love the royals and the Queen.

It is as if we are part of the family.

Every channel Wedding

The Queen and the rothchilds would like to thank you for your gift to the Royal Family !!!

bfb3f7 No.1467972


Rogan is irrelevant in that video

check out Mel and especially mr dr black leather Panama stem cell operation

4f6316 No.1467973

File: 58f4d7a450fa7fd⋯.png (115.58 KB, 829x910, 829:910, ClipboardImage.png)


I looked for a technical description of what "loss of ability to command" means. We might have a whole new list of notable firing/resignations. (pic related)

8e131d No.1467974

File: 9414d8fb87cf16e⋯.jpg (92.56 KB, 442x476, 13:14, sick.jpg)

a9547d No.1467975


blah blah blah muh NAFTA blah blah blah farmes will be hurt blah blah blah emotional plea for political points

d1fc5e No.1467976


Also note, the Rino's defeated the farm bill. The one that requires food stamp recipients to look for work?

b9d2bd No.1467977


Ooooohh sookie sookie!!!

240e25 No.1467978


I basically don't know anything about her, but Royalty does not do a wedding like that and would not if they had a choice.

fc5115 No.1467979

>>1467601. (Lb)

Remember when potus tweeted about Syria without naming Assad but used “gas killing animals” instead?

Some thoughts at the time were Cindy McCains Operation Smile.

c3660b No.1467980


3ba2ea No.1467981


s'what I'm sayin

7c7c81 No.1467982


Whistles are a good option. They are on both backpacks, and as necklaces. Low cost, have a distinct sound, reliable to operate (assuming your kid can get it to their mouth and blow). Teaches child to 'signal for help' at an early age too. Also gives them a sense of security versus being controlled with restraints.

06ea38 No.1467983

File: 2b54b77e3d15ef1⋯.png (128.27 KB, 392x345, 392:345, 2b54b77e3d15ef1aa417a712b1….png)

Royal wedding party !!!!

CNN Many americans here

These kids love the queen !!!!

ed7c17 No.1467984


I suppose the question is who would that be? Deep ties to the southern US….

b21fd3 No.1467985

We need some wedding memes w/Pepe, like maybe Pepe holding the veil, or officiating at the alter, Or sitting next to the queen.

f10ec9 No.1467986

>>1467976 Does anyone remember that there was supposed to be a manufactured food crisis by weather tech focusing primarily on Colorado and Texas border regions where the majority of the country's food production comes from???

72ad95 No.1467987

File: 4ff1d01c2079a20⋯.png (1.04 MB, 965x542, 965:542, 1526734385032.png)

240e25 No.1467988


Someone else OWNS the Royalty I am not sure who but Ownership has changed.

06ea38 No.1467990

File: 0f37577690ae97b⋯.jpg (349.96 KB, 842x554, 421:277, 0f37577690ae97b012373154cf….jpg)

Tell your German Queen we are bout to drop the Moab !!

2bc3ce No.1467991

celebrity guests:

Sir Elton John

George Clooney and his wife Amal

Oprah Winfrey

David Beckham and his spouse Victoria

Idris Elba

James Blunt

Priyanka Chopra

Serena Williams

James Corden


c0bd6a No.1467992


the drops are easier to understand now, mostly cuz we're used to them.

Plus the disclosure is coming out so fast now into the mainstream it's incredible.

02839a No.1467993


It's the Chinese Li family.

3eea0e No.1467994


If you watch'd Joe Rogan everyday like i do,

you'd change your mind. He plays stupid…

He subliminally trigger's a normalfag's mind

by hinting at many truths, without actually saying them… ex: Moon landing, Qanon, Trump presidency, etc

People hate on him, cuz it doesn't make sense why he WOULDN'T be one of /them/…

but I feel like he's a patriot playing the role of a hipster redpilling normalfag's without them even knowing it… Joe is a good motherfucker in my book.

240e25 No.1467995


Ownership of the crown just changed lol

9071ff No.1467996

06ea38 No.1467997


Oprah and the Owl Network


O -> Owl

Gayle King CBS Expert on Royals

says Kids love the Queen. Many AMericans here

c7b51a No.1467998


I know I was the one originally sharing it in last bread.

2bc3ce No.1467999


Something is going on ….


75169a No.1468000

File: 43197dd77b98784⋯.png (913.84 KB, 698x670, 349:335, ClipboardImage.png)

f30d17 No.1468001


Q is GONE forever. That is my theory

8cfa04 No.1468002


Makes you wonder why [R] backed out…. Or where the clintons are

.. Were looking at whos there from the cabal, we're not paying attention to who DIDNT show up

44ff39 No.1468003

I watched with the World.

The Queen, Prince Philip and most of the royals were NOT happy to be there.

There was something very "off" about the whole thing.

16234a No.1468004

240e25 No.1468005


That is what the anons are for digging on the questions that are hidden below the surface.

02839a No.1468006



f53011 No.1468007


corsi looks like aj in 30 years

ed7c17 No.1468008


Found it to be extremely odd that the Obamas weren't invited. Or the Clintons for that matter.

c948ba No.1468009

While they are all inside, now would be a good time for..

Castle LOCK.

b9d2bd No.1468010


I couldn't find any of these are in the resignations thread. I don't think this was on the radar until now.

40027f No.1468011


Yeah that's some cringe-tier brainwashing anon, it's clearly deep.

I think we should agree to point out each other's mkultra blindspots.

You should always be able to trust your family to deliver harsh truths.

And we're all family.

Well, most of us anyways.

bcd08c No.1468012


They can't leave the country.

b3630f No.1468013


Yeh, I would go on the side of liking him, hard to say I don't when I watch his shows at least 2 times per week.


36dd3a No.1468014

File: 7ca54efc18648fd⋯.png (743.85 KB, 736x552, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

06ea38 No.1468015

File: 1bde565ef1081b9⋯.jpg (59.5 KB, 800x546, 400:273, 1bde565ef1081b9205eda26b92….jpg)

Raw Vid 5:5 - Queen and Princess Diana

cb18e3 No.1468016


Two things that mess with me:

Inability to talk to normies now.

No big arrests.

f30d17 No.1468017


He stole Popes owl photo from his phone and shitposted /trolled that fucking jesuit . Q posted the best for last. Meaning The popes phone has been comped the whole time and Q said fuck you. You can see popes head in the reflection of the owls eye upside down.

My theory now. Q is gone until its over then maybe he wil return ? Not sure at this time. Q's 5D chess spin is hardcore.

c3660b No.1468018

File: 6c9e6980dbdae8a⋯.jpg (92.78 KB, 775x1072, 775:1072, 2018-05-18_10-12-42.jpg)

Hungarian Prime Minister Accuses George Soros Of Spreading Anti-Semitism Across Europe

Just days after the George Soros-funded Open Society Foundation announced that it had withdrawn from Hungary and relocated to Berlin, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban accused Soros of fomenting anti-Semitism by aiding immigrants seeking safe harbor in Europe.


1a582f No.1468019



Haven't Noticed (((ANY))) Government Officials from (((ANY))) Government there or on a list either…

ed7c17 No.1468020


Invitation to keep up appearances. Decline invitation with some polite explanation. Can't attend due to (insert bullshit here).

8cfa04 No.1468021


Literally just typed the same thing

bfb3f7 No.1468022


from the video:

Dr. Riordan explains that the clinic he runs in Panama uses intravenous stem cells on their patients

>the stem cells come from umbilical cords

>the stem cells hone to areas of inflammation >dramatically reducing inflammation

ever notice the lack of inflammation in many politicians, elites, etc. lately?

so many tight skinned faces on old fucks who by all rights should be looking a lot worse

954984 No.1468023

File: 5028fc1921072dc⋯.jpg (387.52 KB, 1817x687, 1817:687, T785 19 May 18 1400.jpg)

T-785 has taken off again. Everything surrounding this plane is spoopy.

c7c8d9 No.1468024

File: b1ce0dbe8167f0f⋯.gif (1.77 MB, 360x270, 4:3, YwmDsdX.gif)

f3907e No.1468025



guests seemed there under protest too (some)

cb18e3 No.1468026


I'M going to be 97 and still waiting for confirmation.

f30d17 No.1468027


Yea they were hinting during Qs last post barrage some undercover anons stating Q is about to be gone from us.. We shall see…

3ba2ea No.1468028

I've been to a lot of weddings and I've Never seen anyone that miserable. It looked like they were all gonna puke. The bride was the only one smiling in that whole building.

b21fd3 No.1468029


Eh, that theory has been proposed time and again. And then Q posts.

44ff39 No.1468030


He can't - unless zombies are a thing.

c7b51a No.1468031


He's both entertaining to watch and has some good insights especially when talking about SJW's and how absurd their points are…

60b003 No.1468032


what a thing for a baker to say

shill baker?

give up. get a new job. and a haircut.

ed7c17 No.1468033


Especially since Markle was/is a huge HRC supporter.

caa93e No.1468034



582c0f No.1468035


She will fit right in, she's going to keep her mouth shut because all her life all she has wanted is fame and recognition and she'll get that in spades being part of the Royal Family. Diana was off'd because she was speaking out and became a risk, this abomination will never be in the same class as Diana and will fade into the background soon enough. Its then when she might start attention seeking but I don't think she will ever disclose any secrets, my guess is she will revel in being one of them and will become more of a Fergie type character doing the chat show scene. You'll barely be able to remember her name in a few years!

8d388d No.1468036


This doctor says they are using umbilical cord stem cells, then growing the cells in petri dish, adult stem cell research is the future, doesn't necessarily have to be unethical, fucking FDA, AMA, insurance companies, and (big pharma) is hampering medical research, they want to keep us unhealthy, follow the money, this research should be allowed and promoted in our universities, make affordable and available to anyone,not just the wealthy elites

40027f No.1468037


that phrase makes me think of petroleum genesis theories

9071ff No.1468038


I can at least confirm that i have much respect and love for you sir.

a9547d No.1468039

File: eec08fb8ee861f7⋯.png (342.01 KB, 618x412, 3:2, == S A L T ==.png)


because their world order is crumbling in real time, anon.

acf25f No.1468040

File: 239da0977fbf827⋯.png (420.03 KB, 494x400, 247:200, q-larp-say-1-more-time.png)

bfb3f7 No.1468041

File: 82d106ce4e5c582⋯.jpeg (579.19 KB, 1696x1252, 424:313, fullsizeoutput_18.jpeg)


very strong key

e49758 No.1468042


That depends on your definition of big. But bigger is coming.

c3660b No.1468043


She looks good in this picture. Better than her other ones.

8cfa04 No.1468044


Sorry to burst your bubble Anon, but eventually Q will end .. 1 way or another.. Either we win! Or they get the team but it is an eventuality that needs to be reconciled

c7b51a No.1468045


AJ ages fast. Maybe 5 years?

f10b12 No.1468046

This behavior is bizarre…what is wrong with people…the world is going mad.

Angry mob leaves players bloodied after attack on Portuguese soccer team

May 15, 2018

(((50 masked intruders))) invaded training centre


bfb3f7 No.1468047


kek wtf

I meant kek

why is my computer such an asshole

cb18e3 No.1468048


Oh, and I still want The Cures

And Free Energy.

3ba2ea No.1468049


Why else would they have to have a fake crowd cheering?

c3660b No.1468050


Which Li?

06ea38 No.1468051

File: 1ff6392cd3a8e83⋯.jpg (83.6 KB, 600x593, 600:593, 1ff6392cd3a8e839faa3cdaf42….jpg)

Rothschilds would like to thank all Americans for their IRS check.

A great wedding will be Royal Today.

Gayle King CBS Ophrahs network are all getting paid. Elites will fest on your money. The Federal Reserve just paid for the food shipping it in at Terminal E.

f10ec9 No.1468052

File: fe3a79f320067c9⋯.png (1.15 MB, 812x946, 406:473, Screenshot_90.png)

bcd08c No.1468053


Just to clarify on that, it's likely the producers had the soundbite ready to go to compensate for iffy outdoors audio/the same crowd enthusiasm all the way, as opposed to setting up a moving outdoor mic to follow the car.

f10ec9 No.1468054

File: 60208787fe1c225⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1279x716, 1279:716, Screenshot_89.png)

File: fe3a79f320067c9⋯.png (1.15 MB, 812x946, 406:473, Screenshot_90.png)

6a1ca1 No.1468055


Sauce on this is talk radio, 2 or more people put forth this idea:

Farm Bill failed cuz the Freedom Caucus is exercising veto power. They are slamming down Paul Ryan (good thing to do) for NOT bringing forth the conservative immigration bill which would start to fix legal immigration, all but stop illegal immigration AND fund The Wall. They are pushing for Jim Jordan to take over as Speaker NOW. They are saying we will vote against everything until Wall is funded, then we will do the Farm Bill. Imo it is a great move.

e49758 No.1468056


True history. The anti grav that comes with the free energy….and a few others too. ;-)

06ea38 No.1468057

File: 0f9b1b6814246ca⋯.png (224.78 KB, 729x432, 27:16, 0f9b1b6814246cafe1803aabe9….png)

yes Obama you are invited to the Wedding.

The IMF moved your slush funds from Iran To her Royal Queen.

Try not to grasp the Queen. Thanks for your sacrifice. The IMF appreciates it.

f30d17 No.1468058


I think YOU got it Brain

Anon !

>>1467961 Fuck Joe rogan he never gives anyone props but himself. He has been involved in Professional billiards that is hardly promoted for many years and will NEVER ever promote it or talk about it. Hes a comped faggot. FU Joe Rogan

7785d7 No.1468059

File: fd5bb199dbd0303⋯.jpg (234.18 KB, 1034x1577, 1034:1577, Nasim_of_Arc.jpg)

c3660b No.1468060


Can't wait.

cb18e3 No.1468061


As long as it will let me live off the grid comfortably and never have to talk to anyone again. :)

582767 No.1468062

File: 9ec7d8a60ddbf8c⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 600x613, 600:613, meme.jpg)

06ea38 No.1468063

File: 6f7899e5948adb8⋯.jpg (77.64 KB, 500x544, 125:136, 6f7899e5948adb818ab7ba7eff….jpg)

b90e41 No.1468064


582c0f No.1468065

I can't wait to see what the royal kids will look like, Ginger and Black is a strange genetic mix. My guess is they will use true royal stock for the embryos and she will just carry them. I doubt they will even be Harry's kids, they'll have eggs and sperm waiting to go from the true evil bloodline

16234a No.1468066


Starts with moon landing…then Q…

f30d17 No.1468067


Niggers are going to GITMO !!!!!! Praying so anyway.

40027f No.1468068


440hz music

60hz/50hz grid greases the wheel

16234a No.1468069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f10ec9 No.1468070

File: 5bbd8de36afe263⋯.png (3.68 MB, 1443x963, 481:321, Screenshot_92.png)


Why do these people look like fucking muppets?

cb18e3 No.1468071


Matters not at all. They've all been released back to their districts for the parade and ice cream social season. Nothing will be accomplished before midterms November 2018.

cf0ff1 No.1468072

Stealth Jeff twatter…

I've been referring to the two soon-to-be-released reports as 'Clinton Email Report' and 'Trump Spying FISA Court Report'.

Horowitz stated the final Clinton Report will be out by the end of this month, and since a draft report is already out., looks like its on schedule…. won’t let me post pics here now because I’m on iPad. I turn off java… lets me post, but not pics…

06ea38 No.1468073

File: 59b6caea7bf35c5⋯.jpg (352.43 KB, 1242x1517, 1242:1517, 8db4078e8e0367e24ed23e7f4d….jpg)

Obama has a date for the Royal wedding

954984 No.1468074

File: 28d178bf4ad4d34⋯.jpg (220.1 KB, 1745x633, 1745:633, Dena06 19 may 18 1410.jpg)

Dena06 now in Algerian airspace.

8cfa04 No.1468075

So last wedding post … But if the stage is set ( wedding ) and the actors are in play… Maybe just maybe we're rolling up all the bad actors not there…

It would be the best time to do it

Obama getting arrested still wouldnt make it thru the MSM coverage of the wedding

e49758 No.1468076


First bits easy, the second..Hmmm… When everyone awoke, you might find you want to socialise more…lol

fc5115 No.1468077

The talk about the individual flowers sewn onto MM’s veil brings me back to “slave garden”

Change of ownership?

8d388d No.1468078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rogan and Eddie Bravo discuss Q anon, Rogan acts like he hasn't heard of Q anon, I don't believe him

cf0ff1 No.1468079

Kimberly strassle


I should have been more clear. This first IG report is about the FBI's handling of the Clinton affair. But the IG recently announced that he would commence an investigation into the FBI's handling of Trump-Russia probe. So he's working on it.

d1fc5e No.1468080


They've been doing that kind of research for 30 years now. Doesn't seem like they've made much progress for the benefit of the population.

7c7c81 No.1468081


Big BOOMs habbening have been interesting for a while now.

But, the 'shemale' vs email; and adding "f**krs" to the transcript is VERY interesting from a censorship / discrediting approach by the tube.

If anons want to check that part out, it's in the last minute or so.

c7c8d9 No.1468082


the left photo of the side by side was taken with a potato. hard to tell…

c7b51a No.1468083


Tinfoil Hats on YouTube is good too…They're tied to Joe Rogan and are comedians…Eddie shows up on that show frequently too…

06ea38 No.1468084

File: 961df6475df2c86⋯.jpg (74.83 KB, 544x477, 544:477, 9c48947f388e7f12846f51d62e….jpg)

File: 9da79aa3495f771⋯.jpg (14.53 KB, 188x255, 188:255, 9da79aa3495f771acad25d861b….jpg)

We are invited to the Royal wedding on Taxpayers Dime !!!!


02839a No.1468085


NONE of them were happy about what the preacher was saying about love.

A large number of the 'guests' smirked, A LOT!

Piss-taking bastards.

4a4371 No.1468086

File: 8533e9ee41a7a34⋯.jpeg (109.48 KB, 767x930, 767:930, download (2).jpeg)

File: f9542d2919567ca⋯.jpg (225.07 KB, 1277x1373, 1277:1373, clown-or-ringmaster-what-d….jpg)

Why is Joe Bidens involvement in BHO's overall activities almost completely ignored?

Free pass???

fc5115 No.1468087





“…definition of is is”


954984 No.1468088

Baker Heads Up

Planefag Notables So Far








Please add these to the next Bread. Will update further in this bread. Thanks.

c7b51a No.1468089


It's not for the population. It's for the 1%.

2fd92d No.1468090


I'm with him, as long as I can pick and choose who to talk to, not have to talk to anyone else if I don't want.

f30d17 No.1468091


I wonder how many children have left the world no understanding what is happening and looking into those sick demonic eyes..

7a2635 No.1468092

File: 9196babcdd36c6f⋯.jpg (31.61 KB, 408x632, 51:79, 1524.jpg)

You realize Q is done posting, right?

922d51 No.1468093

Parkland: No Coincidences?

Parkland ← is an anagram of Dark Plan

2/14/18. Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Florida. A mass shooting in which "17 people were killed and 17 more were wounded, making it one of the world's deadliest school massacres. The perpetrator, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, was identified by witnesses and arrested shortly afterward." There are many open questions surrounding this incident, such as why were deputies told to stand down, why security video was not available, and how the alleged shooter could have entered the school with 40 pounds of body armor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoneman_Douglas_High_School_shooting

2/23/18. Parkland School District, Allentown, PA. Approximately 25 school buses were destroyed after a fire broke out in a bus depot garage overnight. Fire not considered suspicious; diesel buses had electric engine block heaters that came on automatically around midnight. http://www.mcall.com/news/breaking/mc-pol-south-whitehall-fire-stadium-rd-bus-depot-fire-20180223-story.html

4/20/18. Parkland Middle School, El Paso, TX (Ysleta Independent School District). A 6th grade student was struck and killed by a vehicle while crossing the highway to leave school premises in order to avoid participating in an anti-Second-Amendment "walkout" protest. http://kfoxtv.com/news/local/parkland-middle-school-student-killed-crossing-loop-375-left-closed-campus

4/26/18. National Archives releases additional 18,731 documents concerning the John F. Kennedy assassination. (JFK was taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, TX after being shot.) https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/release

5/17/18. Parkland Elementary School, El Paso, TX. Ammo box falls from military chopper, crashes through the roof into Parkland Elementary School. Left a hole in the roof and caused a power outage, but no injuries. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/el-paso-texas-ammo-box-military-chopper-crashes-into-parkland-elementary-school-2018-05-18/


Does this fit with the twisted reasoning of Satanists? Satanists believe they must announce their heinous acts ahead of time, to receive credit from the one they worship. They warn their victims in advance, and if the victims don't grasp the warning in time to avoid being harmed, the Satanists believe the victims have "consented" to be harmed.

Does Parkland actually mean Dark Plan?

Could it refer to something larger and darker?


cb18e3 No.1468094


So we can still argue about FE?

f30d17 No.1468095


So far


are not endorsements


>>1467899, >>1467890, >>1467913, >>1467915, >>1467922

>>1467937, >>1468074 PlaneFag reports

>>1467841 British A-list bodyguard, Robert Pattinson is found dead at home

>>1467866 Symbolism will be the downfall

>>1467898 Follow US ARMY CORPS of Engineers on twat

>>1467905 Corrupt Intelligence Apparatchik Leaks “Informant” Name (Stefan Halper)

>>1467921 This Is Not a Game mobile game for midterm elections.

>>1468018 Hungarian Prime Minister Accuses George Soros Of Spreading Anti-Semitism Across Europe

>>1467947 Surface Fleet Commander to Resign After Reported Firing Recommendation

ebcfdf No.1468096

File: d7fc2ff858f46a1⋯.png (219.89 KB, 849x437, 849:437, Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at ….png)

Alleged Glyph chatter from this week. Looks sketchy to me. Anyone have related?

02839a No.1468097


The richest ones!

f10ec9 No.1468098


Yep, Rogan is playing dumb. He knew exactly what Q was about.

1a582f No.1468099

File: 4872a757c3cb359⋯.jpg (282.31 KB, 1109x1479, 1109:1479, S__2359299.jpg)

This should tell her something, Rachel has the Eye of Rah on her Pineal Gland!!

06ea38 No.1468100

File: 2bdf3e8564461d6⋯.png (278.36 KB, 932x602, 466:301, 2bdf3e8564461d699e0578b72f….png)

Rothchilds own Oprah and many others

Own - Nwo - Ophra Own Network

2fd92d No.1468102


If so, the clone lost the good hair gene somewhere in the translation.

f30d17 No.1468103

>>1468086 Jesuit !!!!!!! CoAdjutor Biden !! HANG HIM !!!!!!!!!!

c3660b No.1468104


Kek. Seems like you have no idea.

e49758 No.1468106

File: d24bad6a8e53bee⋯.jpg (14.09 KB, 373x135, 373:135, suck my balls.jpg)


Try harder.

fc5115 No.1468108

File: 5ec55c592571a2b⋯.jpeg (758.53 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 9E69065C-4396-48DF-836A-F….jpeg)

File: 5a13449491faa8b⋯.png (3.98 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 6F0A48D1-D5D5-44FE-89D9-A2….png)

SINGAPORE orchids…. hmmmmm

ebcfdf No.1468109


Fack nevermind. I see it's from before RM was appointed.


e49758 No.1468110

75169a No.1468111


Perfect time to do some white-hat shit. Would never show up on MSM.

dd12cb No.1468112

File: 4e14e9cf4985117⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1080x683, 1080:683, No Till.png)


Can a midwest farmerfag tell me if this is what no till corn looks like?

More interesting than inbred shits marrying a yacht girl.

f10ec9 No.1468113

>>1468102 If little Willy would let his hair grow long, it might actually be a pretty good match. Cloning a human from the DNA of a dude that died 2000 years ago, might have glitches here and there. Even identical twins have subtle differences.

02839a No.1468114


Nope, but whoever asked such a silly question most certainly has no idea.

a9547d No.1468115

File: 272fbe0ba60a400⋯.png (60.85 KB, 1354x889, 1354:889, 1472067775201.png)

06ea38 No.1468116

File: 2a5c4b265c42d07⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 2048x1486, 1024:743, 2a5c4b265c42d07889b5fa77e6….jpg)

The Queen is German !!!!

bcd08c No.1468117

For you newfags concerned that Q's "END" literally means the end of Q, here is the first post he did that in…

Q !ITPb.qbhqo

8 Dec 2017 - 3:29:30 AM

For Green.



It was after Cpt. Mike Green died while performing an extraction from a Rothschild estate. Many months ago now.

The "END"–I believe–simply signifies the end of communications on that subject/part of the op.

Stop concernfagging; we're good for now.

c3660b No.1468118


Kek. Just testing you.

c7b51a No.1468119


However it turns out, it will be better than the inbreeding in the royal bloodline since its beginning.

Notoriously inbred Royal Family of England set to add American beauty in attempt to rejuvenate gene pool, sources say.

1a5b78 No.1468120

File: a563ca37bc86d94⋯.jpg (184.24 KB, 1184x666, 16:9, my-what-long-fangs-you-hav….jpg)

>>1467567 (last bread)






f2ecf9 No.1468121



fc5115 No.1468122

slave garden on the veil

Flowers of Commonwealth countries

Singapore orchid

ce11b3 No.1468123

File: 80c410d1bacfe04⋯.jpg (866.44 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, May 18, 2018 110524 PM PDT.jpg)

File: 62481b6aad2086d⋯.jpg (770.1 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, May 18, 2018 110212 PM PDT.jpg)

File: 2ba0503858d0d3a⋯.jpg (758.95 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, May 18, 2018 110111 PM PDT.jpg)

I've been reading from Behold A Pale Horse. Im nieve enough that I only believe about 20% of it so far but some of the statements are the most true things that I have ever read. It's amazing that it was written in 1992 because there are things that are super relavent to The Storm. Here are a few things I found interesting. Do yourself a favor and read the book.


e6bf86 No.1468124

File: 1f2cfc5e75185dc⋯.jpg (780.57 KB, 1603x925, 1603:925, Screenshot-2018-5-19 ADS-B….jpg)

Royal Moroccan AF Landing in Paris

Long flight from M

Notice their Emblem - Crown over 5 point star

02839a No.1468125


Yeah yeah ;)

9885ee No.1468126


they take Harpo out- it will be a $$ windfall when the government freezes then seizes her finances

e02638 No.1468127

File: 2bb2915c26e16fd⋯.jpeg (100.32 KB, 480x800, 3:5, islamturbans.jpeg)


582c0f No.1468128


The Queen would have written the guest list and would have been very careful not to have turned it into a political event. With POTUS not being able to attend because he would have upstaged everybody that left them unable to invite any other political figures past and present and run the risk of offending POTUS. Even the British PM didn't get an invite, very insightful and a signal that the royalty are trying to distance themselves from the government because they see whats about to drop.

ddff9c No.1468129


I noticed his looks were different. More than growing up and looking like a man. Sometimes he is not handsome , but the newer one does look handsome. Where are these photos from?

4a4371 No.1468130

File: a0cebf5ac81f964⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1134x1060, 567:530, 7810412530f1041b595e2345c7….jpg)

File: 11a7c8650a0ec94⋯.jpg (78.11 KB, 627x750, 209:250, 5a26c80e547f094b3a730382f8….jpg)

954984 No.1468131

File: 2409fc0610ab4cb⋯.png (378.45 KB, 554x629, 554:629, AF Recon_png.png)


That's why Kek Recon 1 is on the case.

8d388d No.1468132


watch the video, they've made a lot of progress in the research, but yes not yet for the benefit of the general population, rich people will have access, poor people will just continue to suffer and die

972e1a No.1468133

File: b4b59807af7144a⋯.png (411.33 KB, 385x469, 55:67, obozo-clown.png)

06ea38 No.1468134

File: 2e2c99ee0de1b3c⋯.jpeg (938.04 KB, 1216x1454, 608:727, 2e2c99ee0de1b3c8e5b6b3b25….jpeg)

London Mayor Prepares for the Wedding ?

What do you mean Q has vids on Lady Di?

72ad95 No.1468135


Look at the toe tho shits huge, big toe fag would love it.

dd12cb No.1468136



>Eh, that theory has been proposed time and again. And then Q posts.

I think Q is addicted to us as bad as we are to them.

f10b12 No.1468137

>>1449911 ———————— Messages sent

>>1449784 ———————— Guardian of the Pope

>>1449636 ———————— Space Shuttle Pic

Why are these not in https://qanon.pub/?

all are 5/17/18 drops

d1fc5e No.1468138


GOP RINO's only need a handful more votes to put forth amnesty bill. Anons need to get on the phone Monday and protest this unprecedented move to grant amnesty. Thank God for the freedom Caucus. Sure wish there were more of them on Congress.

Of course Ryan wants a RINO to replace him. We'll see who ends up getting that position.


I am absolutely fed up with our dysfunctional Congress. Are you sure they recessed?

6c8b03 No.1468139

They're the "globalist" couple. Oh boy….

f10b12 No.1468140


THAT would be a notable resignation…

f10ec9 No.1468141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c6a6ac No.1468142


cant tell

would look the same if till or no till once planted

no till = roundup= gmo= evil poison

44ff39 No.1468143


I wonder if she'll give up 'yachting' - price would've just gone up (x10) - good little earner now.

c7b51a No.1468144


Stefan Halper was actually leaked by Dan Bongino. NYT retweeted his tweet…

8e131d No.1468145

File: 158242db53ecef8⋯.jpg (104.68 KB, 800x500, 8:5, MasterShifuQ.jpg)

c3660b No.1468146


Appreciate the diversity of our species.

d362e6 No.1468147


My dad is in his 80s. He resisted seeing the scope but now says the more he looks the less he recognizes the country. He is mourning the noble things that seem to be passe'. Honesty, Honor, Accountability. Integrity. Love for our Constitution. He did everything the right way and now feels like a total dupe. I want nothing more than for him to feel again like the country will pass into deserving hands. I can afford to wait a little longer than he can.

e6bf86 No.1468148


Does this mean Q is going dark for 10 days now?

I never remember a signoff from Q that said

Messages Sent



1a5b78 No.1468149

File: 948a160fb871b02⋯.jpg (87.87 KB, 1200x722, 600:361, G-old-man-RED-crosS.jpg)


>>1467698 (repost)




5b24e6 No.1468150


They sent Mel to re-education camp

7e402f No.1468151

File: 4a4ac02730cea08⋯.jpg (548.05 KB, 1035x1635, 69:109, royaltyworship.jpg)


Couldn't invite Obama without Trump


>>1466726 (from last night)

Of course there are many Royals with Red Hair!

Elizabeth One

for one

Henry "8" her Dad.

New forensic evidence suggests

Genghis Khan had Red Hair!

c7b51a No.1468152


I think they are… Look again.

06ea38 No.1468153

File: 90ce5045cd1d7aa⋯.jpg (31.76 KB, 555x398, 555:398, 90ce5045cd1d7aaea934ffb2cb….jpg)

A gift for the Queen !!!

Royal Wedding !!! Royal Shoes!!!

The divine right of kings !!!

05575a No.1468154


Notice the E visible in the 4th pic on twatter

a3ef13 No.1468155


Speaking of that - has it ever been determined if old man Roth died that night? He hasn't been heard from or seen since, has he?

954984 No.1468156

File: 16da8037748db31⋯.jpg (600.18 KB, 1819x821, 1819:821, RMAF101 19 May 18 1415.jpg)

Lots of moving parts today. Royal Moroccan Air Force out and about. Magma66 and T-785 in the same shot.

c3660b No.1468157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Real FBI

582767 No.1468158

File: ffc95ae2081fd8d⋯.jpg (74.33 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, biden.jpg)



Watch Blabbermouth hang himself. Best around the 45 - 50 mark.

d1fc5e No.1468159


100% Correct

End means end of message. It was not meant for anons. There is still much work to do.

72ad95 No.1468160


I do friend but not at the expense of fun :)

582c0f No.1468161


But remember anon, Harry is not royal bloodline either.

fc5115 No.1468162

File: 54df3ce13685808⋯.jpeg (325.64 KB, 1242x671, 1242:671, 6236510F-2973-4B4B-AA8D-9….jpeg)

File: 0fc7d1aad7e04e7⋯.jpeg (351.45 KB, 1242x1281, 414:427, 866D1905-807C-47A5-8427-6….jpeg)

File: ab93e7e0eac20f6⋯.jpeg (478.74 KB, 1242x1325, 1242:1325, 0B2F0425-235F-4DA1-9073-3….jpeg)




2fd92d No.1468163


Does your postulation indicate you believe the shroud image is authentic?

02839a No.1468165


FFS Markle is a distant relative, as was Diana - Harry's mother. They're inter-bred no matter what!

2fd92d No.1468166


Clearly no till.

c6a6ac No.1468167


les AuCoin info touched me in a way not expected


susan = edee (sp?)

f2ecf9 No.1468168

Apr 20 2018 21:17:04 (EST)


This door will be opened later.

The choice, to know, will be yours.



Apr 10 2018 14:16:11 (EST)



Testify then drop.

We have it all.

These people are stupid.


POTUS’ weekly address.



Mar 6 2018 13:10:24 (EST)



Who are we taught to trust the most?

This will not be easy.

The END.


Jan 6 2018 00:49:27 (EST)

Test Device 1.



Dec 7 2017 22:29:30 (EST)

For Green.



d1fc5e No.1468169


That was a message to (((them))). And no, Q is not going dark for 10 days. Messages have been sent to Iran and [P]. Waiting for responses.

8d388d No.1468170


I think Q was hinting about this and the Red Cross connection, Red Cross probably providing young blood donations to elites

2fd92d No.1468171


FFS we all are distant relatives.

f30d17 No.1468172

Il need a backup baker at the start of next bread I been on the clock since 4 am . TQ

bfb3f7 No.1468173


AJ went on about Q on that one JRE from a while ago, and Eddie was there

this was before we met Q iirc

1a5b78 No.1468174


try this?

>If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are:

qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

f10b12 No.1468175


I took it to mean (((THEY))) have been warned/ informed/put-on-notice.

END of postings in that context (the series of drops on 5/17/18, particularly the PIC series).

bcd08c No.1468176


He has not.

Likely dead. Kept silent for everyone's sake, I guess. Good and bad.

If you recall, the fourth passenger wasn't revealed for some time and when it was, there was some suspicions around the alleged guy (co-pilot, I believe?) being who it was claimed.

Assumedly, the fourth passenger was Roth. Or he was the fifth and that number was shortened for the papers and the wait on the co-pilot I.D. was just theatrics.

7e402f No.1468177

File: 029eb67217e0fc9⋯.jpg (452.64 KB, 1000x1980, 50:99, JOKERgiant.jpg)


They are all frauds.

Imposters, Thieves, Liars.

Like other people we allegedly "know"

And worse

The genealogies are forged/ compromised.

f10ec9 No.1468178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>1468163 I am up in the air, but I listened to this talk and kind of made me rethink the possibility.

c3660b No.1468179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f30d17 No.1468180

File: b3259bceab284cd⋯.jpg (10.27 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 03cb9d9c442d391a36999fa01f….jpg)

File: 6bf77bf981e84b2⋯.png (14.51 KB, 203x255, 203:255, 5f5acd54f3dec216fe38aa0d2e….png)

File: 2fb63406c59bd8e⋯.jpg (18 KB, 244x255, 244:255, 032ba4d40ccd50006b9974a9ea….jpg)

File: 37491296c281a7d⋯.png (151.93 KB, 728x249, 728:249, 61d32b98fc306e2956083d5480….png)

File: a7724cf5ca89e00⋯.png (362.28 KB, 552x554, 276:277, a7724cf5ca89e006d307d99665….png)


Q come back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

d1fc5e No.1468181


Wrong. Kim Strassel mentioned him first.

ddff9c No.1468182


Please show us the vids

4f6316 No.1468183

File: 3d91f3ab162d31d⋯.png (457.74 KB, 1898x774, 949:387, ClipboardImage.png)


Learjet - Lands in NY (ISP)

a9547d No.1468184

File: 189a8781a47ef43⋯.png (124.96 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 1461380560204.png)

File: 3153a871d1ec26e⋯.png (132.82 KB, 601x601, 1:1, 1465185917437.png)

File: 262835fc31190e5⋯.png (297.82 KB, 626x778, 313:389, 1467633212520.png)

File: 73b4890dce75310⋯.png (58.02 KB, 450x568, 225:284, hilldawg820347.png)

File: c9cabf375238878⋯.png (590.12 KB, 517x581, 517:581, hilldawg832944.png)


f10b12 No.1468185



thx Anon.

think https://qanon.pub/? is down or Anon has not had time to update?

f10ec9 No.1468186

>>1468168 The word "END" might be important towards navigating the map later on when all is said and done.

06ea38 No.1468187

File: 5ab02d34cb6e4b0⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, 483393ed659bbe51031bba3183….png)

Operation Hurricaine - London - Royal Wedding

2fd92d No.1468188


An open mind is a good thing to have. Keeps you nimble.

02839a No.1468189


Haha not that closely, fool!

c7b51a No.1468190


qanon.pub works for me. Refresh your browser, purge your history / cookies and refresh…

ebf2e0 No.1468191

File: 48100c7572b87fb⋯.jpg (114.86 KB, 634x645, 634:645, snoop.jpg)

Italian police stopped Snoop Dogg on Friday as he prepared to board a private plane

The 43-year-old rapper - real name Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr. - was heading to England with $422,000 in cash in his Louis Vuitton luggage, said an Italian lawyer representing the entertainer.

In the European Union, the maximum amount of undeclared cash one can take on board a plane is 10,000 euros, which is $10,986.00 American.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/usshowbiz/article-3182302/Rapper-Snoop-Dogg-stopped-Italy-airport-422-000-cash.html#ixzz5FxBpGBXb

Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


f30d17 No.1468192


There is a special seat in hell for this bitch . I hope her hourglass is almost empty .

d1fc5e No.1468193


Q will be back when there is more info to share. I imagine they are very busy atm. Patience grasshopper.

2fd92d No.1468194


If he is dead, couldn't happen to a better conehead .. er, person.

f30d17 No.1468195

>>1468191 Dumb nigger fuck you snoop dog. I hope he goes to GITMO !!!!!!!!

f10ec9 No.1468196


Q Drops. Only 99 cents! Get it while supplies last!

c7b51a No.1468197


Private security due to feeling SS was comped…

8557e4 No.1468198


dats sum scarrrrrry lookin' feets! lmao


bfb3f7 No.1468199

File: 434ae5cfd9c0c89⋯.jpg (56.24 KB, 625x414, 625:414, IMG_0124.JPG)


you see it too?

he appeared nervous

some bodylanguagefag please review

we know you are watching too

6c8b03 No.1468201


Are you sure it's not the other way around? Seems to me the groom runs the show. I think they just took America back. First black woman president??

f30d17 No.1468202

File: a76bffad71ba5ec⋯.jpg (9.47 KB, 242x255, 242:255, 2925a1e42866729538fa0b54bd….jpg)


Q is super busy wow I believe it! Q is amazing he can do so many things at once. He is everywhere all at the same time !! GO Q DOITQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9071ff No.1468203


Why that?

c3660b No.1468204

Time to summon Q :)

7e402f No.1468205

File: 53c1c0235ec718b⋯.jpg (210.12 KB, 1098x1106, 549:553, mccainimg_5191.jpg)


Right it was late at night and there were a bunch of postings.

Be ready for anything. But that communications was telling people they could go to sleep now.

"At Ease" Just generosity so people wouldn't wait and wait for more.

e6bf86 No.1468206


Cool. So, we Anons will be focusing on things after this that are preBooms and postBooms. But we will have to wait some time to see indictmentBooms. It just takes time, and some of us are worn out waiting. Not me, but I see it here.

We have until 2020 to see most of this land.

The interesting thing is that no matter what happens in the midterm elections, elections cannot undo indictments under a sitting president.

We should not worry about that leg of the triad. Congress can go straight to hell and they can't mess with Judicial branch.

Messing with Judicial takes a long time.

And by 2020, we may have 2 more conservative judges when Kennedy and RBG retire/croak.

2fd92d No.1468207


No, HRC does not reeeeee. Reeeeee-ing is righteous fury, and nothing about HRC is righteous.

c23345 No.1468208

Free Beer Today?

How are those arrests going?

ebf2e0 No.1468209


He knows what's about to happen kek

bfb3f7 No.1468210


wonder why he needed so much undeclared cash?

a9547d No.1468211

File: 584c2843bc46f50⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, hilldawg39882378023.png)

14744f No.1468212



There can be no end to a eternal fight.

bcd08c No.1468213



And more than suspicious. He's a dicey guy, for sure: never gave off good juju.

And we still need a new baker.

cd8c61 No.1468214

File: 7f12d622cbd9290⋯.jpeg (413.3 KB, 1242x1745, 1242:1745, 170F096C-5941-4BC2-8C5C-0….jpeg)

File: 52dd1ab135ca796⋯.jpeg (787.43 KB, 1242x2142, 69:119, F4608E39-95B9-4642-BC3C-C….jpeg)

President’s weekly address wiki


a73192 No.1468215

File: 211b3e5f791d450⋯.jpg (106.18 KB, 1200x711, 400:237, halper.jpg)

Media outing the cia spy inside the trump campaign?


f30d17 No.1468216

File: f339d4f36710425⋯.png (18.13 KB, 223x255, 223:255, 10db121cd25a7f9223d037e001….png)


Because he talks shit about MY PRESIDENT and disrespects him. His voice carrys alot of weight to the black community . FUCK SNOOPDOG !!

DEATH TO HIM !!!!!!!!!!

f10ec9 No.1468217

>>1468204 There are no more virgins. Unable to summon.

b56144 No.1468218

The European Union is considering switching payments from the US dollar to the euro after Washington threatened to target European firms working in Iran, according to reports.

The measure may help the EU to retain one of the world's largest markets, which was opened for trade after the historic nuclear deal signed by Tehran and the P5+1 powers (China, France, Russia, UK, US, plus Germany) in June 2015.

The idea to eliminate the role of the greenback in international settlements is not new. Aside from the EU, a number of nations have been mulling the idea. RT discussed with analysts how realistic the prospect of countries ditching the dollar is.

In light of the recent developments Iran is the most pressured nation to drop the dollar with Tehran having partially adjusted trade without the US currency, Alexandre Kateb, president of Competence Finance SAS, told RT.

"When Iran was previously under sanctions from 2012 to 2015, it established new mechanisms to bypass US-related financial institutions, such as barter exchange and to replace the dollar with other currencies, such as the renminbi in its bilateral trade with China or the euro in its trade with European countries," the economist said.

At the same time, China's recent move to trade oil in yuan is seen as an initial step to challenging the dollar dominance, Stephen Innes, Head of FX Trading for OANDA in Asia Pacific told RT, stressing that the number of bilateral trade agreements, signed amongst Asia Pacific nations, will settle in yuan.

"Mainland it is laying the ground for the Belt and Road Initiative, and China is even sweetening the pot by offering swap facilities to local countries to promote the use of the yuan," he added.

Experts are unanimous on the point that bi- and multi-lateral pacts between various nations could become the major drivers on the way toward decreasing the dependence on US currency in international trade.

bfb3f7 No.1468219


top kek

2fd92d No.1468220


Doesn't matter. Harry is a by-blow.

ed2c72 No.1468221


So why would the royal family exchange Harry for another kid?

dd12cb No.1468222


>no till = roundup= gmo= evil poison

Buddy of mine just came back from Nebraska. Said it's all no till, all chemicals all the time, GMO round up ready seed, gigantic machinery, year after year after year.

I'm on irrigation so have to have some corrugations/furrows. Weeds come in with the water, so we cultivate. No GMO, minimum 2-4 D. I eat the things that eat my corn/grass/grain, so I have a vested interest in keeping it real.

b9d2bd No.1468223

File: 1b73af7ba928fd4⋯.png (109.19 KB, 410x630, 41:63, edabc51eeca88556965e8feb75….png)

f30d17 No.1468224


I got it in there. Il be needing backup at the start of the next thread. I got this one it will be fucking perfect.

c23345 No.1468225


Do you think anyone will even get arrested over this "worse than watergate" scandal?

c318c6 No.1468226


They have those crazy hats at horse races too. Preakness is later on today isn't it?

06ea38 No.1468227


Planning from London?


Comey - helping out for the Royal Wedding ?

c3660b No.1468228

b56144 No.1468229

"This would depend on the leverage the EU, the UK, Russia and China deploy. The likely scenario is diversification – bilateral arrangements between trading partners, or regional arrangements, substituting for multilateral arrangements that supported dollar dominance," Ramaa Vasudevan an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, Colorado State University told RT.

At the same time, analysts admit that getting rid of the greenback is not an easy task. It took the US dollar nearly a century to unsettle the British pound that had been enjoying its preeminence through the 19th century and the first half of the 20th as the global reserve currency.

"Old habits are hard to break as most of the global hedging is still done on US exchanges like Nymex or ICE," Innes said. "The issues are working out the deliverable to hedge ratio factors which could put many off from breaking long-held settlement in US dollar."

"The US dollar is still, for many reasons, the international trade and reserve currency of choice," according to Kateb. "The whole international financial system is currently structured around the United States and around the central role of the dollar."

However, the expert noted that the international system will change dramatically. Rapid development of blockchain technology along with rooting of virtual currencies is reportedly set to bring about the changing process.

"Eventually, the evolution of global finance will be very much related to the evolution of the global balance of power," the economist told RT. "This will not happen overnight. It will take time and many more crises and balance shifts. None really knows what the new system will look like."

The experts agreed that expelling the greenback from its dominant position in the international monetary system will take much more effort than just replacing it with the euro or other domestic currencies.

"Dollar dominance does not depend simply on its use to denominate trade, but on the dollar's role as the pivot of the international financial system – the fact that about 88 percent of the average daily turnover of foreign exchange instruments is against the dollar, in contrast to the share of the euro which is only about 31 percent," said Vasudevan.

The researcher highlighted that the recent impulse for dislodging the US currency is a symptom of a wider discontent with the rules of the dollar system, but is not a cure for the dollar problem.


6a73dd No.1468230



"Message(s) sent";

we havent found the other message yet

He's giving a chance; waiting.

Anons are impatient; its our fault

"I was always waiting for you, inspector"

I just found the idea by looking through notables.

And remembering Who Q is ((BY his work, NOT person))

Expand your thinking.

Means to keep focus; Autism is fine, Aim weapon correctly. Decide carefully where to dig.

Cant miss my flight after family visit. I will post more on possible message and credit the anons as best I can @ Message(s), some loaves ago.



6a06e8 No.1468231

File: 20fe6b84bd21a2b⋯.png (332.38 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6271.PNG)

So…who all has the "insurance" files? When will the American people get to see the extent of the evilness of HRC & the Cabal? Release the tapes! Release the insurance file!

"A panicked Anthony Weiner gave all his electronic devices to private investigators two days after he was exposed for engaging in lewd, online exchanges with a 15-year-old girl, court records revealed Thursday.

A newly unsealed, search-and-seizure warrant obtained by the feds shows that the disgraced ex-pol handed over an iPhone, iPad and laptop computer to Granite Intelligence on Sept. 23, 2016."

954984 No.1468232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Previously unseen footage of the Dambusters raid was discovered. Note the owner of the channel's name - RMueller1111…

Spooky… Even more so, knowing that the dam is about to burst on what we know about the Cabal.

8e131d No.1468233


I hope Q gives us the opportunity to know 100%. "The choice to know will be yours"… Truth shouldnt be classified.

7e402f No.1468234

File: 903dac5600f5183⋯.jpg (220.98 KB, 2048x1452, 512:363, WashingtonSully.jpg)


American President should never be seen at a "Royal" English Wedding, in any case.

f30d17 No.1468235


Thats about a 50 thousand dollar necklace on that baboons neck. I hope Q gets it.

75169a No.1468236


Bad guys don't take American Express

b56144 No.1468237


It's not. You are jut looking in the wrong places.

a9547d No.1468238

File: 0d92c0ee4d639b4⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 300x300, 1:1, 1445343101324.gif)

File: 0096a4481ccb576⋯.jpg (91.04 KB, 461x532, 461:532, 1495472154112.jpg)

File: 225da3d16ba4221⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1232x1232, 1:1, 1501316932295.png)

File: 1bbeedb4f2888a1⋯.jpg (26.2 KB, 502x374, 251:187, 1495474489690.jpg)

File: 764dd46c9f6856e⋯.png (588.08 KB, 517x581, 517:581, hilldawg38742.png)



dd12cb No.1468239



Hill arious! You do that?

14744f No.1468240



It's only weekend BLOW

34ddf4 No.1468241

File: e81cb661c6289a0⋯.jpg (20.12 KB, 770x415, 154:83, pacifier.jpg)


Muh Q!

813d17 No.1468242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Princess Diana's secret Interview (The reason of her death)


literally share the fuck out of this.

The world is watching anons

d1fc5e No.1468243


Anon. Congress makes the law we all have to live under. They are currently working to grant amnesty to illegals. glad that doesn't bother you, but it bothers the hell out of me. They won't get appointments done for judges. Hell, they are totally useless in advancing what's good for America. It may not be a concern for you, but those of us who do worry about the laws that are being passed have eyes focused on 2018. If we lose control of the House, we are fucked.

c21281 No.1468244



b56144 No.1468245

Still following the stars? Distraction works every time.

a4e584 No.1468246

it's easy to spot the newfags who think Q is gone forever after a day or two of no new crumbs.

9071ff No.1468247


I dont think this is a "thing". If you are not allowed to take 3 kilo of weed with you, than you can bet your ass that snoop will have it in cash.

a9547d No.1468248

File: ea3670cf1cb585b⋯.jpg (72.85 KB, 500x541, 500:541, 1495464596732.jpg)



American Renaissance imminent

6c8b03 No.1468249


Aren't most royal weddings at St. Paul's cathedral?? This is so weird.

06ea38 No.1468250


When JFK was assassinated

Cruz Father went to Canada ?

Queen Ruler over Canada ?

Ted Cruz running for Pres last election.

Queen is German ?

Bush family helping Germany WWII?

[I]SIS and JFK ?

c7c8d9 No.1468251

File: c8e090d361305d1⋯.jpg (58.61 KB, 500x710, 50:71, checkem_kansas1.jpg)





They're doing blood replacement. They have unlimited blood from the red cross.

e0f029 No.1468252

File: 2d4522ceb86d00a⋯.jpg (42.13 KB, 521x309, 521:309, RoyalSacrifice.JPG)

c23345 No.1468253

Question for Anons

Did Q give us any idea of when


would be coming?

2fd92d No.1468254


SS was comped. Don't know if it still is. But SS was doing the wild and crazy sex and drugs things, like a number got caught in Brazil doing. Def comped.

8f2d87 No.1468255


And many ppl make you look in the wrong places.

So far, Q hasn't dropped a lot of whole truths… I'm still waiting for them to realize the power of the evidence compiled by Dr. Judy Wood.

c6a6ac No.1468256


this is really starting to feel anunnaki ish

c3660b No.1468257


tbh I do not think these two are involved in pedophilia or child sacrifice.

d1fc5e No.1468258


I don't have sauce, but supposedly, the investigator turned the laptop over to NYPD.

e0f029 No.1468259

File: ea898dfa158371c⋯.jpg (15.28 KB, 264x299, 264:299, Goyim.jpg)


Jews. The Royals are Jews….

facd49 No.1468260


He said Justice phase next

f30d17 No.1468261

File: fad49940694bf81⋯.gif (45.75 KB, 300x360, 5:6, 0214df7700.gif)


Come back Q I want more Doom Pls !!

d1fc5e No.1468262


Once the judicial branch has been cleaned.

c3660b No.1468263


Within the next 8 months.

d461b6 No.1468264

1a5b78 No.1468265

File: f6f15247d0a55c0⋯.png (43.08 KB, 467x329, 467:329, Q128724-12.19.17-20.50.59-….png)

File: f1a58a123aa4a4f⋯.png (38.01 KB, 466x286, 233:143, Q35048-12.05.17-00.31.00-R….png)

File: b276f5f5a9ec210⋯.png (16.15 KB, 419x109, 419:109, Q273-12.5.17-16.20.32-RED(….png)



your thought finds receptive ears

let's spread the crumbs, shall we?

a9547d No.1468266

File: b0230dc10d136be⋯.png (253.59 KB, 308x368, 77:92, 1501367697773.png)

File: 394508a6f386646⋯.png (226.88 KB, 760x506, 380:253, bill hannah montana shuttl….png)

File: 022b5cc26eaba72⋯.png (18.17 KB, 440x252, 110:63, chelsea62.png)

File: 93f4c64079f66f8⋯.jpg (25.22 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Dang ol what is, is again ….jpg)

File: 9b9b481bf77e68c⋯.png (171.13 KB, 800x800, 1:1, hilldawg202854.png)


if my post ends with a number 0-9 these people will burn in hell for all eternity

e0f029 No.1468267

File: 134a7ac4e1f969b⋯.jpg (71.86 KB, 497x373, 497:373, FordJewBaiter.jpg)


She's Jewish.

They sacrifice

8d388d No.1468268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


that JRE show with AJ was pretty good, I never saw AJ be himself like in this interview, Rogan got AJ to smoke some weed on air, pretty funny show except for Eddie Bravo making an ass out of himself, the whole show was set up to legitimize AJ and Infowars, everything Jones talked about Rogan mocked, and then they brought up proofs, in the end Rogan makes AJ legit, mission accomplished, AJ is seen and heard talking to his handler offscreen, someone named Q, this one is well worth the watch, AJ lays it all out months before Qanon arrived on the scene

3ba2ea No.1468270

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 479ca5 No.158261 📁

Dec 23 2017 15:42:56 (EST)

Who is meeting in secret right now?





Pertains to photos posted two days ago of people in London with coats and scarves? Right time of year.

34ddf4 No.1468271


A few yesterday. Something pops up everyday.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Kingsmen Motorcycle Club Gang President, Regional President, and Member Convicted By A Federal Jury of Murder and Racketeering

Friday, May 18, 2018

Rabobank NA Sentenced for Conspiring to Impair, Impede, and Obstruct Its Primary Regulator

Friday, May 18, 2018

Former New York City Correction Department Investigator Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for Transporting, Receiving and Possessing Child Pornography


c3660b No.1468272


LIkely have to wait till new development comes out. The shootings were expected / already predicted.

c23345 No.1468273




Thanks Anons

It's all wasted taxpayer money, until someone is hung with a rope.

d1fc5e No.1468274


You want one of these cases going in front of a compd judge?

a9547d No.1468275

File: 3dac7445d70eb67⋯.jpg (32.86 KB, 400x460, 20:23, 1501901303097.jpg)

f30d17 No.1468276


Is this the 111 day mirror post ??

520143 No.1468277

Just a fantasy

But today would be a good day to take care of lots of the Cabal.

They will all be at that Evil Cult Cabal Royal Wedding.

Just put a fucking dome over it and feel it with

the parents of all the children they've taken, murdered over the years.

bfb3f7 No.1468278

File: cefc14e8e49363e⋯.jpeg (312.25 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, fullsizeoutput_200.jpeg)

d1fc5e No.1468279


Can't argue with that.

b9d2bd No.1468280

File: b28d05ec909f374⋯.jpg (322.07 KB, 1350x900, 3:2, awesome-of-fungal-infectio….jpg)


newly released weiner prison photo

14744f No.1468281


That was lingering. (solved)

b3630f No.1468282


Pretty hard to believe he does not know what Q is, at those moments I cringe because he acts above the fray of the emotional/misguided minions. Just like anyone, if you see the good and bad side of them you are not seeing the real them. His image gets him people for the show, I guess he has to protect that or he had taken sides. You don't get millions of viewers by being decisive and too far out there for normies.

2fd92d No.1468283


I suppose the PI looked at the content of the laptop… so probably has seen the HRC vid. Hope the PI has kept up the life insurance payments.

If it were me, I would have cloned all the devices and disseminated the incriminating info widely and randomly (and anonymously).

e6bf86 No.1468284


But we will not lose control of the House. All this blue wave shit is just shit. Only the MSM talk of it and we see the prelims to the vote strong RED. So, more BS on voting from MSM won't make it true. People are pissed off again, and they are RED. This will be just fine. And nothing worth a fuck will pass on illegals in Congress. At least the RINO's know they will be screwed if they don't toe the line for POTUS.

They all see that they are shunted already.

Dems can rattle until they croak. Nothing other than uncorked indictments will happen before Election Day.

Other than FF's that are horrible to endure.

b56144 No.1468285


Observation. It all sounds very nice, warm and cozy. But. There are a few red flags. We shall see!

520143 No.1468286


You need a spoiler on that ldskfjlasjdf!

bb80eb No.1468288

File: a66fbf0c8852256⋯.jpg (17.77 KB, 207x254, 207:254, nowcomesthepain.jpg)

The stage is set.

Now comes the pain.

Code Red: The Coming Eruption

One of the incredible stories du jour is the latest phase of the Hawaiian volcano.

Code red. That’s the official designation for what’s happening.

Code Red. It’s about to blow.

But I’m speaking of the leftist cabal, not Kilauea. The Democratic/media complex is about to get worse than it has before. Soon. That’s hard to believe, but just watch. Yes, they have been spewing destruction in their wake for well over two years now. Destroying property, lives, states, cities, nothing escapes their toxic brew.

Code Red for the left. Worst cognitive dissonance ever. They have no clue what is about to hit them.


c7b51a No.1468289



@5k a kilo, that's 90,000 kilos. . .

0a932f No.1468290


The initial press reports in the U.K. all claimed he was killed or “feared” killed. I’ll dig for sauce if not scrubbed. Also it took 3 - 4 days to ID the helo co-pilot as Vietnamese (former ?) Military.

c23345 No.1468291


What is the Mueller investigation at now.

10 million taxpayer dollars

Hope that is not going to be wasted money or a claw back happens.

c7c8d9 No.1468292



Isn't SS owned/controlled by the federal reserve?

f2ecf9 No.1468293



Arrests have been going on since at least Nov. But talking about big arrests, Q said justice phase next, meaning Justice Dept/judiciary system. Hundreds of Trump appointments are being slowed walked to confirmation. Q has said that we need midterms to put in more Rs so that we can speed up confirming good judges. No sense in charging anyone if judges will just help them get off easy. On the flip side what needs to happen in order for military trials is to prove that FBI, CIA, DOJ, JUDGES, ETC are all compromised and unable to be trusted. We will see which direction we go and when.

b56144 No.1468294


I had to look up Dr. Wood. Didn't recognize thr name at first. But defiantly the face and the material lol.

Could you imagine it being said out loud? People would lose their shit.

f10ec9 No.1468296

File: 3807cd83f4793dd⋯.png (926.55 KB, 1248x704, 39:22, Screenshot_93.png)

f2ecf9 No.1468298


He would never get his hands that dirty. He had his people do it.

b56144 No.1468299


She was killed by her boyfriend dater and her ex husband mother. How fucked up can it get.

75169a No.1468300

File: 1bf85a3c9796271⋯.png (9.83 KB, 621x109, 621:109, ClipboardImage.png)


Is it required to have a body - to sit on the supreme court?

954984 No.1468301

File: 464c62a72af33e6⋯.jpg (329.71 KB, 1205x961, 1205:961, T785 19 May 18 1430.jpg)

File: 93da96f2c93131b⋯.jpg (258.69 KB, 1207x957, 1207:957, Dena06 19 May 18 1435.jpg)

T-785 still headed North. Dena06 passing Algiers, still headed West.

d1fc5e No.1468303


yeah, I would have done the same. Keeping it a secret only endangers those who know the secret. The NYPD was supposed to have backed up all of it. They would have pushed for it to come out but then cops got [187]. I have serious doubts that the whole truth will come out.

b56144 No.1468304

Ugh. Father.

c3660b No.1468305



What happens after justice? How glorious would 2018 really be?

2fd92d No.1468306


I recall seeing a similar infection in a med text, only rather than about the mouth, it was the patient's penis. Completely covered. Couldn't even tell for sure what it was, until you noticed the scrotum barely visible below.

cceb94 No.1468307


Halper popped up on Bongino's radar on back 3/27, he did a long bit on him on his daily podcast that day (ep685 - starting at the 20 min mark)


7e402f No.1468308

File: 21ef44eb765f2fa⋯.jpg (258.42 KB, 736x981, 736:981, dianablueeyes.jpg)


James Goldstein is her Dad.

Why did they kill her?

Good question. I think "Q" asked that.

1. love affair with Musselman

2. Shoots off her mouth too much

3. Carrying baby of Musselman

4. Knew Charles is a Pedo

5 None of her children are his

6. More popular than the "Queen"

If you add it all up I'd conclude "Too powerful"

But of course I don't really know.

There's likely a reason I don't know. But wouldn't it also include an opportunity for a Ritual Killing? Human Sacrifice?


What blue eyes do those resemble? I don't remember.

Also the reason they are staging a wedding with a dark skinned person? Likely to avoid the charge they killed Diana for racist reasons?

954984 No.1468309


I'm not sure, but the donor can be a Senator - ask Maxine Waters.

41b2b2 No.1468310

File: 727058f04868aca⋯.jpg (136.61 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, RRInformedPatriot.jpg)

b56144 No.1468311


I think the spinal column has to be intact. I don't know for sure.

06ea38 No.1468312

File: 4930ba2caea8d07⋯.jpg (16.77 KB, 620x433, 620:433, Stefan Halper speaks at We….jpg)


EXCLUSIVE: A London Meeting Before The Election Aroused George Papadopoulos’s Suspicions

The meeting request, which has not been reported until now, came from Stefan Halper, a foreign policy expert and Cambridge professor with connections to the CIA and its British counterpart, MI6.


http ://dailycaller.com/2018/03/25/george-papadopoulos-london-emails/

582767 No.1468313

File: 5d7a2feeea70919⋯.png (108.73 KB, 1838x770, 919:385, Screen Shot 2018-03-02 at ….png)


Can do on the last part

Don't have much choice do we

Somehow others can't see that

Haven't recieved the memo yet

Seeking coun·sel , can't see the map

Flooding rain is more fun during the day when you can see the damage

f30d17 No.1468314

File: d07f30f278ceb93⋯.jpg (15.73 KB, 255x200, 51:40, 0c95a6d5aa36fd5b6880095236….jpg)


Ok I was just joking I trust the plan more than ever !!

16234a No.1468315

File: ebe85ba5cdcb154⋯.png (4.39 MB, 1126x1360, 563:680, PettingZooNellisAFB.png)

670651 No.1468316


I will take c

cd8c61 No.1468317


Musselman? Where did that come from?

e49758 No.1468318


Anti landmine cause wasn't popular either.

b56144 No.1468319


"I want to do GOOD. Some one should go out and LOVE the PEOPLE. It comes from my heart".


e6bf86 No.1468320


Hard to drape robes on a brain tank and have the rest of the court be at ease!

9d26d5 No.1468321

File: ea0de0f7d3d4e33⋯.jpeg (272.95 KB, 1536x1546, 768:773, CA927B58-CB53-44F5-A0D6-4….jpeg)


GRANITE? Hmmmm. Rising seas? Hmmmm.

2fd92d No.1468322


William is def Charles' son. Harry isn't. Charles only had sex with Diana until she conceived the heir, I don't think he had it in him to go for the spare. She was disgusted by the royals, and her disgust disgusted him.

No wonder she was throwing up all the time.

db926d No.1468323


Been waiting on the clearing after what Hussein did to the military command and implemented ((them)).

05575a No.1468324

File: 54f0c5eb84bae47⋯.jpg (458.79 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180519-084405….jpg)


Who is for granite investigations leads to.




12808 Gran Bay Parkway West





Postal Code:






Phone number leads to attached photo per source watch.

That leads to link here https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Jeff_Gannon

Jeff Gannon aka james dale guckert. Had a WH press pass and visited with George bush!!!

1a582f No.1468325



>GRANITE? Hmmmm. Rising seas? Hmmmm.

Don't forget "Appreciate the sediment"…..

53d110 No.1468326

File: 947f6cd5bd4007a⋯.png (407.86 KB, 811x533, 811:533, Screenshot (552).png)

Just ran across this article, interesting links embedded.

What gives credence to QAnon’s reference to the cult and financial power of the Rothschilds is Dr. Bill Deagle, a former physician with U.S. Space Command, who was mysteriously approached by Guy De Rothschild, who claimed to be the “Pindar”, the CEO of Earth Inc.


b3630f No.1468328


Does anyone else feel that Halper is the fall guy offered up to protect the real Mole? First off the WP and NYT outed him (conventionality), he is British so will face no punishment, and he is old so what are they gonna do to him anyway. The way the D's are acting so mad about him being outed makes me think its a big play to hide the real mole.

Too easy and the real mole may still be in place.

40db37 No.1468329


Liddle Adam Schiff. Granite.


41b2b2 No.1468330


We need a memeber to do a Volcano with these crooks blowing out of it.

Code Red with some refrigerator sized boulders blowing out of the thing.

Wow, the illustrations are fascinating. We wrestle not against flesh and blood.

Stay strong, Patriots and fight on.

Seek Truth and Righteousness and Trust in the Almighty YaH.

c28212 No.1468331


Apr 27


Who makes arrests?


Can you make arrests w/ a crooked FBI sr team?

See prev post re: FBI.

Not easy for anyone.

We are in this together.

Much appreciation.

It’s what you don’t know and can’t see (ongoing) that will validate your efforts.

Trust the plan.

Step back.

Remove arrests.

What do you see?

Stage being set?

Godspeed, Patriot.


9d26d5 No.1468333


Weird how Schiff leaked the Granite Investigations info linked to Weiners investigation

aade55 No.1468334


Maybe Q is a chick, and she'll only give us arrests when we stop asking for arrests.

2fd92d No.1468335


They were instituted before the Fed, original purpose was to pursue and bring to justice counterfeiters. Don't know about the Fed "controlling" them, but do know they were seriously comped during the last 16 years, using the usual tricks.

d1fc5e No.1468336


let's not even get into the FF's issue, please.

The RINO'S don't give a fuck. They will screw us every chance they get before the midterms. They aren't towing the line. There is a very real chance they are granted amnesty. So, we disagree on that issue.

Not taking into account anything MSM says. I look at Primaries that have been ongoing now. We are not on a red wave rising. That last primaries, with 4 states voting. If it had ben an actual election, we would have lost 2 of the 4, based on number of votes. To say we have no worries about midterms is false. Red may be pissed off, but Blue is even more pissed off. Just remember that.

06ea38 No.1468337

File: 4930ba2caea8d07⋯.jpg (16.77 KB, 620x433, 620:433, Stefan Halper speaks at We….jpg)

c3660b No.1468338


Shits just going too slow.

b9d2bd No.1468339


next time I promise

41b2b2 No.1468340

File: 35d9bcbaacb7493⋯.jpg (14.24 KB, 212x237, 212:237, #lion.jpg)



Thanks, Bakers!

Thanks, Patriots!

caa93e No.1468341

7e402f No.1468342

File: 2d36194b3189512⋯.jpg (30.33 KB, 400x266, 200:133, joe-rogan-lavey1.jpg)


fraud satanist

05575a No.1468343


moar digs on guckert. Looks like renee did some work on him in the past too


6a1ca1 No.1468344


He wasn't part of the campaign, right? How could he be the spy? He must just be the handler, the spy/spies. would have to be on the inside. I'm thinking Carter Page, Manafort and George P were the actual plants.

06ea38 No.1468345

File: 6631b0f902de719⋯.jpg (31.79 KB, 281x220, 281:220, 6a78c284d2d5df15ca76d20e46….jpg)

BBC London Knew 911

Queen help out in the Sacrifice ?

14744f No.1468346


a FAT six in the cloud or a misformed Q

f30d17 No.1468347

File: d58918f4ee6ef10⋯.jpg (15.56 KB, 211x255, 211:255, 1b9b4b7b59eec2d623980b37d1….jpg)

>>1468338 5D chess is a slow game I am seeing but effective and exciting . The heads will roll I can feel it !!!

b9d2bd No.1468348

File: b4af614415a844b⋯.png (67.51 KB, 753x434, 753:434, trump on o and bibi.png)




b56144 No.1468349


Or maybe the PEOPLE demand arrests instead of waiting for the Phantom Q to save the day. Or jesus. Or maitreya. Or buddha. Or Allah. Or whomever else we are waiting on to save the day. Bunch of lazy ass humans we are.

Some one do all the work and save us!

670651 No.1468351


Same Halper author all these books

3ed6a6 No.1468352


2fd92d No.1468353


>They were instituted before the Fed, original purpose was to pursue and bring to justice counterfeiters. Don't know about the Fed "controlling" them, but do know they were seriously comped during the last 16 years, using the usual tricks.

8e131d No.1468354


NYPD sources are pointing me to Nicholas Budney. It wasnt mid-2017… so… is this Detective #2? Did he see the insurance file?



5b8829 No.1468355

File: 6a30d0b13a759fb⋯.jpg (10.43 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images.jpg)

If Huma is (not) cooperating, she must have got (no) a deal.

Exposing the video of HRC and Huma will not happen if there is a deal.

Exposing Huma links to MB, SA will ruin the current relationship with SA and Trump.

Do you think we will ever see the truth and links?

PS Comey Clapper will take the heat, maybe even BO HRC.

Same as always the men behind the scene will walk as they are TOO BIG TO FAIL.

What about the CFR? ++, +, Bilderbergers, Bohemian officials, and the truth about 911?

Same as JFK files.

44ff39 No.1468356


Bastard Harry's not in the bloodline, so I'm sure the real Royals don't give a shit about whatever kids they have. That would also be the only reason MM got this far.

f30d17 No.1468357


SHould be no clown shit in here


are not endorsements


>>1467899, >>1467890, >>1467913, >>1467915, >>1467922

>>1467937, >>1468074, >>1468124, >>1468156, >>1468301

>>1468183 PlaneFag reports

>>1467841 British A-list bodyguard, Robert Pattinson is found dead at home

>>1468242, >>1468308 Princess Diana's secret Interview (The reason of her death) +diggs

>>1467866 Symbolism will be the downfall

>>1467898 Follow US ARMY CORPS of Engineers on twat

>>1467905 Corrupt Intelligence Apparatchik Leaks “Informant” Name (Stefan Halper)

>>1467921 This Is Not a Game mobile game for midterm elections.

>>1468018 Hungarian Prime Minister Accuses George Soros Of Spreading Anti-Semitism Across Europe

>>1467947 Surface Fleet Commander to Resign After Reported Firing Recommendation

>>1468093 Parkland: No Coincidences?

>>1468108, >>1468122, >>1468162 SINGAPORE orchids…

>>1468153 Red shoes gift

>>1468231, >>1468321, >>1468324 Who else has the insurance file? +Granite Investigation diggz

>>1468288 Code Red: The Coming Eruption

>>1468312 EXCLUSIVE: A London Meeting Before The Election Aroused George Papadopoulos’s Suspicions

d1fc5e No.1468358


Much, much higher than 10mil. That's only speculation since Mueller will not released the financials. It's already wasted taxpayer dollars. Should never have happened to begin with, so every dollar is wasted. It's still an on-going attempted coup. I don't believe Mueller is /ourguy/ Totally corrupted for decades.

813d17 No.1468359

File: ff2b1ce780bae37⋯.jpg (61.57 KB, 600x471, 200:157, 2aljcb.jpg)

File: 3587f620a91aa78⋯.jpg (64.82 KB, 600x471, 200:157, 2aljbf.jpg)

File: 16e2c964ec2aa59⋯.jpg (72.76 KB, 526x440, 263:220, 2alj7c.jpg)

File: 22234e5e2b8c6b3⋯.jpg (74.8 KB, 526x440, 263:220, 2alj5s.jpg)

File: 2f3beb7b96c39e4⋯.jpg (72.7 KB, 526x440, 263:220, 2alj3r.jpg)

f10ec9 No.1468360

File: 115d72171e8dbb6⋯.png (3.36 MB, 2376x952, 297:119, Screenshot_94.png)

b9d2bd No.1468361


c7c8d9 No.1468362

File: 15cb5ece1556753⋯.jpg (16.03 KB, 300x300, 1:1, pepe_rainbow.jpg)


fair enough

6c8b03 No.1468364


Ah, but isn't image everything to them?

7e402f No.1468365


Archaic spelling for Muslim

02839a No.1468366



"Her nicknames for the Windsors were “the lizards” and “the reptiles” and she used to say in all seriousness: “They’re not human”. There is a very good reason for Diana using this description of the Windsors."

e6bf86 No.1468367

>>1468336 Primary votes may not account for much. No doubt RINO's are a threat, but I think POTUS may have shorted the RINO threat out with intimidating things like overhanging indictments.

Hence all the resignations on both sides but mostly RINO's

In hindsight we may likely see that POTUS and AG had a pile of things leveraged since the election. We all Anon's admit that this is a grand show and POTUS is the director

So, we will get out and vote again and make it a cleaner place than it now is in Congress

At least that is the POTUS plan and we Anon's agree

cceb94 No.1468368


Agreed. Halper is not the only one sent to try to set up Trump campaign members.

c3660b No.1468369



6a73dd No.1468370




Credit to anon @


deleted code 58235 etc... -12 #87


All picture file names

Combine first letter of each picture in chronological or



= Message(s)


dont forget



Im passing this ball and will receive it back when I can do something with it.

Love you assholes

Autism good weapon, aim carefully, or stab own foot and right eye.

Focus and Godspeed Anons

Q usually gives us a chance on these.


bb80eb No.1468371


Great meme ideas!

Anyone up for the challenge?

bab2ef No.1468372

File: 6ac02d3b52a2234⋯.jpg (76.62 KB, 615x409, 615:409, ZomboMeme 19052018084715.jpg)

b3630f No.1468373


Yea, this is too fishy and you know when the Dems are acting angry and appalled they are lying about something. Such a fucking swamp of deceit. I wish they would nuke DC. Start over.

b56144 No.1468374


Please. Diana wasn't dropping bombs on innocent people from the heart. You have all lost your minds.

670651 No.1468375


his wife co-author?


e0f029 No.1468376

File: 6aae0e41fd93d28⋯.png (30.32 KB, 551x207, 551:207, ClipboardImage.png)

Always a second shooter that magically disappears.

2fd92d No.1468378


More than think they are, dearie. Striding lords of old, and all that. First night rights.

1a5b78 No.1468379



Coming soon to a Hangout, Ltd. near you:

They are just like US!

From the Creators of:

Pedophilia is a sickness, not a crime.

7e402f No.1468380

File: 91d4186e6f775b3⋯.jpg (99.64 KB, 661x558, 661:558, carlosisrael.jpg)


No, James Goldsmith is her Dad

And Carlos of Spain is the Dad of William

c3660b No.1468381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alex Jones would like to eat children.

2f729b No.1468382

File: 3a5b4dc7bdb48db⋯.jpg (116.45 KB, 1061x193, 1061:193, Friscoj.jpg)

File: 968cb7c79c05921⋯.gif (47.14 KB, 319x210, 319:210, Soros and Mabel smit.gif)


Reminds me of the Dutch prince Frisco that married the ex gurlfriend of one of the biggest Dutch crooks.

…and Qs : follow the wives….

There were rumors that Prince Frisco was involved (or his brother, not sure whom) in pedophilia for starters.Frisco not much later, after the rumors started, suffered an accident in a (D5?) avalanche and never recovered consciousness.

His wife Mabel Wisse Smit still remains highly interesting to dig into because of her contacts with the Dutch drug kingpin Klaas Bruinsma as well as many more strange global links and contacts she has.

She founded the EACPB (European Action Council for Peace in the Balkans in 1994, in order to lobby for Bosnian Muslims. Simultaneously Mabel Wisse Smit had a relationship with Mohammed Sacirbey, then UN Ambassador of Bosnia. She co-founded Warchild in 1995, was director of EU affairs for George Soros' Open Society Institute (2002-2008).

6a73dd No.1468383




… Its fucking there… hah!

Message(s) sent…!

Looking at Baker@ and anons.

Getting ready for flight


Heres the pitch off


670651 No.1468385

Would not Trump team wait until after wedding to drop big news?

The next FF might be much bigger than a shooting.

d1fc5e No.1468386


If we are still waiting for the judiciary to be cleaned, 2018 will be over. Almost 200 Judicial appt's not granted yet by Senate. An anon just said they have recessed for the month. With the budget coming up, I can guarantee very few will be appointed any time soon. Now we are at the mid-terms. Lame duck Congress still won't do anything. Next Session of Congress won't be in until end of 2018. Don't see 2018 being Glorious under those circumstances.

9071ff No.1468387


Ok thats alot even for snoop and his friends but still… Where are the strip clubs, the bling bling? Rappers spend 100k on one night like nothing.

I have seen it a few times now but i just dont feel the snoop conspiracy.

16234a No.1468388


I listened to this between Tonopah and Vegas.

Had me kekkin' out loud!

b9d2bd No.1468389


Someone ate the baby

It's rather sad to say

Someone ate the baby

So she won't be out to play

We'll never hear her whiny cry

Or have to feel if she is dry

We'll never hear her asking, "Why, why, why?"

Someone ate the baby

Someone ate the baby

It is absolutely clear

Someone ate the baby

'Cause baby isn't here

We'll give away her toys and clothes

And we'll never have to wipe her nose

Dad says, "Aah, that's the way it goes,

Someone ate the baby."

Someone ate the baby

What an awful thing to eat

Someone ate the baby

Though, though she wasn't very sweet

It was a heartless thing to do

The policemen haven't got a clue

I simply can't imagine who would go and eat the baby

Shel Silverstein – Someone Ate The Baby (Dreadful) from Where The Side Ends

7e402f No.1468390


That makes me shake.

He's insulting humans.


41b2b2 No.1468391

File: 727058f04868aca⋯.jpg (136.61 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, RRInformedPatriot.jpg)



He knows.

c28212 No.1468392


Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.


Answer to your question, "Did Q give us any idea of when ARRESTS would be coming?"

Yes after:

1. first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population

2. shifting the narrative

3. removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success

4. defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes

5. freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities

6. kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org

etc, etc,

Q seems to be checking things off that list!

d1fc5e No.1468393



c23345 No.1468394




CIA launders money to him by buying his shitty products. His products are a front, nobody buys them but the CIA.

193069 No.1468395

File: 481747204e9f968⋯.jpg (675.65 KB, 5400x3600, 3:2, Vote Register New Republic….jpg)

File: 68e906bafa3fe53⋯.jpg (573.92 KB, 6648x3324, 2:1, demsLOGOcnnDNCvote.jpg)

b9d2bd No.1468396



813d17 No.1468397


shit only feels slow if you're looking at one thing. hundreds if not thousands of happening a day. you take that into account and think about how long it took them to get into their position of power, and in comparison….

this maga train is in overdrive son!!!

d1fc5e No.1468398


No anon. We're looking for deaths in mid 2017, not January.

922d51 No.1468399

File: 5a51ed931894d4b⋯.jpg (164.43 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening552.jpg)

File: 9b4e8b65df85e62⋯.jpg (256.06 KB, 1025x519, 1025:519, GreatAwakening701.jpg)

File: bd4745091440b4b⋯.jpg (506.29 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningBirthNewNati….jpg)

File: 7491a8f85915190⋯.jpg (155.39 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening540.jpg)

c3660b No.1468400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hope this song can soothe you from the AJ terror.

e056e1 No.1468401

File: 5ff5a3521bdb45c⋯.png (67.93 KB, 1758x320, 879:160, Qsummary.PNG)

MIL-OSI USA: Cyber Mission Force Achieves Full Operational Capability

“I’m proud of these service men and women for their commitment to developing the skills and capabilities necessary to defend our networks and deliver cyberspace operational capabilities to the nation,” said Army Gen. Paul M. Nakasone, Cybercom’s commander.

Cybercom leaders emphasize that while this is an important milestone, more work remains. Now, the focus will shift toward readiness to perform the mission and deliver optimized mission outcomes, continuously.

“As the build of the cyber mission force wraps up, we’re quickly shifting gears from force generation to sustainable readiness,” Nakasone said. “We must ensure we have the platforms, capabilities and authorities ready and available to generate cyberspace outcomes when needed.”


69ffc5 No.1468402

File: da4ec634fcf906b⋯.png (35.33 KB, 558x264, 93:44, Nick.png)


http:// highlandscurrent.com/2018/01/21/just-thinking-story-coincidences/

999570 No.1468403

File: ce1817a885db5e7⋯.png (380.2 KB, 1373x792, 1373:792, ClipboardImage.png)

>>1466187 (pb)

shout out to this anons post, this did not get enough attention!

41b2b2 No.1468404

File: d4cd6a2c12fdcf5⋯.png (582 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, QproofsMueller.png)

06ea38 No.1468405

File: 1a9877ad4589623⋯.png (879.85 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, 4f11975442d38d5c5164ff2382….png)

b56144 No.1468406

File: 7d1f1e7bb5efc4d⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Screenshot_2018-03-19-20-4….png)


They say the eyes are the windows to the soul

d1fc5e No.1468407


Anon, the symbolism owls represent is secrecy and darkness.

193069 No.1468408

File: 38863aaa7840ec1⋯.jpg (78.03 KB, 651x978, 217:326, hillaryMarryTheRussian].jpg)

8d388d No.1468409


Rogan plays it safe, always acts like he's a skeptic, doesn't want to be labeled as a conspiracy nut, but he does plenty of interviews with people labeled as conspiracy theorists

41b2b2 No.1468410



Thank you.

After the Alfie Evans tragedy involving the Pope, it's pretty clear he's not the one in control.


06f13c No.1468411


The article I read said they swapped him out when he was 8 at the direction of the Queen because he threatened to tell that he wasn't Prince Charles' biological son.

https:// worldnewsdailyreport.com/man-claiming-to-be-the-real-prince-harry-found-dead-in-irish-hotel/

670651 No.1468412

Stefan Halper = close Bush Sr. aide


Shortly before 7:30, I reached Stefan Halper, a Bush aide. Talking to him from the nearly empty suite, I asked him, in as circumspect a manner as possible, to seek Bush's assurance that he could support the platform with no exceptions. Halper knew what I meant: Was Bush interested in the job? Would he implicitly abandon his support for abortion and his opposition to supply-side economics by embracing the platform? I then called an old friend, Richard Fairbanks, to ask him to approach Bush with the same question. I wanted two sources of independent confirmation and knew Fairbanks was close to Bush.

c3660b No.1468413


You are right. A lot of stage setting takes place behind scenes. I just can't wait till EVERYTHING comes out and everyone around wakes up.

813d17 No.1468414

File: 0e9b014120d7f32⋯.jpg (57.26 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 2aljwv.jpg)

File: 4395bff31195483⋯.jpg (55.66 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 2aljub.jpg)

File: a19e628b4333871⋯.jpg (56.02 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 2aljss.jpg)

File: a23a8525f95273c⋯.jpg (56.64 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 2aljs9.jpg)

File: 18b25265ec6f963⋯.jpg (52.02 KB, 552x414, 4:3, 2aljqv.jpg)

e9545e No.1468415


Larry Klayman said he's senile.

69ffc5 No.1468417


Interesting. That story ran 6 days before his death.

Shortly after the discovery, Joel Sussman, who like his uncle Bill, grew up on Long Island, paid a visit and was surprised to realize that the surname on all three report cards was very familiar to him: Budney.

“Nick Budney is a good friend of Joel’s; both are members of the NYPD,” Sussman says. The report cards belonged to Frank and Stan “Mackey” Budney, Nick’s great-great uncles, and Olga Budney, his great-great aunt.

2fd92d No.1468418


No, they are not just like us. I do understand your sarcasm, but that's not at all what I was getting at.

They want to corrupt all that are willing to be corrupted, for power or wealth or fame or … whatever one's weakness. True humans resist the attempts at co-option. Resisters are the ones these others would kill if they could.

c7b51a No.1468419


Maybe but why need it in cash? Can't charge it?

c23345 No.1468420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c7c8d9 No.1468421

File: 70b6714e8a0a51f⋯.png (197.8 KB, 480x320, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

41b2b2 No.1468422

File: 727058f04868aca⋯.jpg (136.61 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, RRInformedPatriot.jpg)


Niiice. Thank you.

1a5b78 No.1468423

File: e238b61b872ba66⋯.jpg (96.73 KB, 650x816, 325:408, diana-princess-of-wales-e1….jpg)


>Look it up



While researching this book I was introduced to Christine Fitzgerald, a close friend and confidant of Diana for nine years. Because of Christine’s understanding of the esoteric, Diana was able to talk to her about matters she would not dare to share with anyone else for fear of being dubbed crazy.

Her nicknames for the Windsors were “the lizards” and “the reptiles” and she used to say in all seriousness: “They’re not human”. There is a very good reason for Diana using this description of the Windsors.

b3630f No.1468424


They pope knew they would never send Alfie out of Londonstan. It was in the MSM so the story is not true, or better said it was not the entire story. The Pope is losing favor and it made him look good, like he cared. He would have only saved Alfie so that he could diddle him later. The man is evil.

4ba7a2 No.1468425


There is an ISIS mosque close to the Virgin Islands, IIRC in St. Martin. Its so close they could hop to the Virgin Islands in a small boat and from there to Culebra, Vieques and then Puerto Rico where they can get access to an international airport either for an attack or to get to CONUS. This was warned by an FBI agent in Puerto Rico a couple of years ago and was ridiculed for it.

06ea38 No.1468426

File: a6d83d528075ca3⋯.jpg (113.9 KB, 857x499, 857:499, a6d83d528075ca343df84e0a8d….jpg)

cf0ff1 No.1468427

Wedding cake made with elderberry, royal wedding…

Folklore: elderberry….

Folklore related to elder trees is extensive and can vary according to region.[16] In some myths, the elder tree is thought to ward off evil and give protection from witches, while other beliefs say that witches often congregate under the plant, especially when it is full of fruit.[17] If an elder tree was cut down, a spirit known as the Elder Mother would be released and take her revenge. The tree could only safely be cut while chanting a rhyme to the Elder Mother.[18]

Made from the branch of an elder tree, the Elder Wand plays a pivotal role in the final book of the Harry Potter series, which was nearly named Harry Potter and the Elder Wand before author J. K. Rowling decided on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.[19][20]

b65e46 No.1468428

good morning anons


f10ec9 No.1468429

File: 6d8394dcbb097ea⋯.png (796.52 KB, 1339x820, 1339:820, Screenshot_96.png)

7e402f No.1468430

File: ea509e4da89f5c9⋯.jpg (33.51 KB, 600x399, 200:133, 0519.jpg)


Works. Thank you.

It's elevating him to call him a piece of vomit.

06ea38 No.1468431

File: 937d34fbcffec71⋯.jpg (120.62 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 486fb7750dd2fb154395eb0121….jpg)

582767 No.1468432


setting up a golf game with scantily clad pornstar


Sounds like fun. But this is not a game.

I'll be sipping Pappy till I get my invite.

I've never shot under 100, but I can be fun company.

c28212 No.1468433



Proof Q thinks Mueller is our guy!


April 25:


What happens to the special counsel?

Rudy met w/ Mueller today.



Public announcement.

End of POTUS investigation?

Continue w/ other investigations?

Stage set?

Support growing?



We have it all.

Welcome to the WH.



We don't know what the other investigations are that are within Mueller's scope….it was all redacted. Judge Ellis just got a peek on Friday.

46a698 No.1468434

File: 34165b38806ed46⋯.png (80.07 KB, 500x231, 500:231, James wood.png)

I’m not sure if anyone has seen this, but am posting it anyway, it is rather interesting.

James Wood tweeted: Wherein a truly dangerous plan to destroy the Constitution is laid out in full. These are the traitors we are facing. Know them. Understand their thought process.


It is an interesting read, I don’t pretend to understand all the ins and outs of the judicial system, however, when I read such things as: “And Democrats must decide whether they want to be the victims of Orbanism, or whether, instead, they want to use their power to create a fairer and more just political system that translates the will of the American people into policy.” And “Such an amendment would be nothing short of magical. While winning the presidency would obviously still be very important for short-term control of the court, no longer would our politics be held hostage to these ugly court battles. Partisans could see losing a presidential election not as a mortal blow to their hopes of ever controlling the courts, but rather as a temporary setback that can remedied four years later. Perhaps many pro-life Republicans wouldn’t have held their noses to vote for Donald Trump as a proxy for a Supreme Court seat but could instead have cast a ballot for Hillary Clinton for the good of the country.”

I know damn well that the proposed machinations to our Constitution to supposedly create something more fair and just is exactly the opposite.

66290c No.1468435

File: 9f35010b1944e1d⋯.png (395.63 KB, 813x352, 813:352, ClipboardImage.png)


What does the registration for GWOLF mean? Can a military aircraft change registration at will????

(screen shot of your screen shot! HA!)

b9d2bd No.1468436


Same Children's author wrong for Dr. Hook & the Medicine band

Well there's gonna be a freaker's ball (ha ha)

Tonight at the Freaker's Hall

And you know you're invited one and all

Uh oh

Come on baby's grease your lips

Grab your hats and swing your hips

And don't forget to bring your whips

We're going to the freaker's ball (yes)

Blow your whistle, and bang your gong

Roll up something to take along

It feels so good, it must be wrong

We're freakin' at the freaker's ball

Well all the fags and the dykes they're boogie-in' together

The leather freaks are dressed in all kinds of leather

The greatest of the sadists and the masochists too

Screaming please hit me and I'll hit you

The FBI is dancin' with the junkies

All the straights, swingin' with the funkies

Across the floor and up the wall

We're freakin' at the freaker's ball, y'all

We're freakin' at the freaker's ball

Everybody's kissing each other

Brother with sister, son with mother

Smear my body up with butter

And take me to the freaker's ball

Pass that roach please, and pour the wine

I'll kiss yours if you'll kiss mine

I'm gonna boogie 'til I'm cold blind

Freakin' at the freaker's ball

White ones, black ones, yellow ones, red ones

Necrophiliacs looking for dead ones

The greatest of the sadists and the masochists too

Screaming please hit me and I'll hit you

Everybody ballin' in batches

Pyromaniacs strikin' matches

I'm gonna itch me where it scratches

Freakin' at the freaker's ball, y'all

We're freakin' at the freaker's ball

We're at a ball

We're freakin' at the freaker's ball

999570 No.1468437


>>1468407 Um ya and?? Look at that stunning connection.

41b2b2 No.1468438

File: 99e84b3c9eeeac1⋯.jpg (9.27 KB, 275x183, 275:183, #DZ1shhDV4AA8IYp.jpg large.jpg)

c7b51a No.1468439


The only other celeb who carries around a shitload of cash is Floyd Mayweather…to my knowledge. Seems a little fishy for anyone to carry around 500k - multi-millions in cash. Like wanting a reason to launder it instead of it being tracked normally with a paper trail.

d1fc5e No.1468440


If you are trying to tell me Mueller is /ourguy/, save it. I know his history. And being a Marine in the past makes 0 difference. He left the Marines 50 years ago. That is 5 decades to become corrupt.

Q's post are meant to deceive for a reason. It is up to anons to research and come to their own conclusions. If you want to take a few crumbs and make s decision based on that without doing your own research, then be my guest. But don't try to convince others who have done the research.

41b2b2 No.1468441

File: 6178a56c2159cfe⋯.jpg (14.19 KB, 236x236, 1:1, tjcrim.jpg)

c3660b No.1468442



yes checks out

06ea38 No.1468443

File: afa00829d6cd380⋯.png (740.99 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, f1df5d019e3b12b521ea14e5e3….png)

c7b51a No.1468444


Shel Silverstein has links to Abramovic and Andre Balazs of the Standard Hotel, I believe.

b9d2bd No.1468445


stands out

Screaming please hit me and I'll hit you

The FBI is dancin' with the junkies

All the straights, swingin' with the funkies

Across the floor and up the wall

We're freakin' at the freaker's ball, y'all

61e58b No.1468446


Party after the day after the “shamanic wedding” at Lypiatt Park (Check those coordinates) and apparently on Easter.











2f729b No.1468447


ahahahaha …that little girl's look of disgust…is never too much! Anon you and yr girl are always spot on! Thank you for many a laugh.

b56144 No.1468448


Al Fayad said in an interview that the queen looks like an alligator lol

41b2b2 No.1468449

File: 360f70e7260855e⋯.jpeg (23.2 KB, 527x350, 527:350, pexels-photo-399647.jpeg)

f2ecf9 No.1468450

File: 7ad0598cf45809c⋯.png (682.37 KB, 1080x1220, 54:61, Screenshot_20180519-090906….png)

Not sure if accurate but interesting.

813d17 No.1468451

File: 15ac41abba25d9a⋯.jpg (39 KB, 500x303, 500:303, 2alkae.jpg)

File: 57abe5c3832e00a⋯.jpg (40.13 KB, 500x303, 500:303, 2alk92.jpg)

File: fdab4199cf83750⋯.jpg (75.88 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2alk5y.jpg)

File: 1abea8df012401f⋯.jpg (69.28 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2alk4e.jpg)

File: 8e5fe8a40395bb3⋯.jpg (74.3 KB, 622x477, 622:477, 2alk19.jpg)

b9d2bd No.1468452


makes sense

53d110 No.1468453

File: 5dd26c4eb249788⋯.png (464.2 KB, 642x356, 321:178, Screenshot (555).png)

The military intelligence group that comprises QAnon continues to make extraordinary revelations about behind the scenes efforts to displace and remove U.S. officials that make up or have been compromised by the Deep State.

Most recently, QAnon has been focusing on why President Donald Trump's withdrawal from the July 14, 2015 Iran nuclear deal is a positive development, and how this is connected to Trump helping free North Korea from Deep State control.

On the Iran issue, QAnon has made many posts that suggest the Iran deal was a cover for Iran to secretly develop a nuclear weapons program in northern Syria, with funding being facilitated by the Deep State working through a multilateral international peace framework.

QAnon has previously described how the Deep State's puppet masters,


House of Saud

George Soros,

…use the enormous funds at their disposal, to manipulate national elites, organizations and even nation states.

The Deep State plan was to secretly assist Iran in building nuclear weapons using uranium that could be linked to Russia, and subsequently used in a false flag attack on U.S. territory.

More importantly, Trumps action will free Iran of Deep State influence through its covert funding of rogue Iranian operations in Syria and elsewhere.


670651 No.1468454



hmmm forgot about that one

c7b51a No.1468455



Actually not Abramovic. . . Kris Kristofferson who was a CIA operative in the Sex slave business… Cathy O' Brien… He was friends with Kris Kristofferson…

c3660b No.1468456


Not sure if interesting but accurate.

d1fc5e No.1468457


Don't see a stunning connection. They are not normally cannibalistic. Very rare.

388c04 No.1468458

File: fd0bc6135f1eb71⋯.png (135.25 KB, 571x594, 571:594, Screenshot-2018-4-4 Robert….png)

2473fc No.1468459


Trump Twitter Header Pic changed…

Something odd…

If that’s a mirror behind Paul Ryan….that’s not his back or head in the mirror.

b9d2bd No.1468460


they ruined music and kids books for me. I hate these people

f2ecf9 No.1468461

File: 2a1f7538d7db57f⋯.jpeg (150.46 KB, 899x1200, 899:1200, DdcMaiJW4AASIqr.jpeg)

eRmAgErD 😍

193069 No.1468462

File: 3f90b19b68cd9d3⋯.jpg (6.59 MB, 6000x4200, 10:7, MUELLER Scalia.jpg)


You prove nothing. Mueller is a pig.


a86760 No.1468463

File: 5bee1ace1e51f7c⋯.jpg (49.23 KB, 584x250, 292:125, arf.jpg)


Anyone who thinks we can go back to being a prosperous nation without some growing pains is an idiot.

The fuck tards designed this BS to be impossible to get out of.

They empowered all the minorities/chicks/sjw's they unleashed the drug companies they put unemployed fathers in the streets/prisons and labeled them dead beats, they filled there bellies with booze and drugs, the kids got full on free food.

WE NEED THE LEVI TO BREAK. without checks and balances we are so FUCKED "ROYALLY"

69ffc5 No.1468464

File: e3ef8964de7932c⋯.jpg (148.02 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, CQKAc4aU8AERAdC.jpg)


Looks like Nick was good friends with this guy, who posted this on his twitter…

https:/ /twitter.com/wmsussman/media


fcaabd No.1468465

anyone have the side by side of RR and his dad handy?

2473fc No.1468466

File: dab4b1fffd380e5⋯.jpeg (822.23 KB, 1536x966, 256:161, 1A7831A6-E476-45C5-B657-6….jpeg)

File: fed9b99c19d1da5⋯.jpeg (44.51 KB, 256x164, 64:41, 623AB21E-A028-4768-8006-8….jpeg)

c23345 No.1468467

Remember Anons

The public only understands one thing

Shock and Awe

The cabal is trying to stay in control with directed public outrage (gun control).

Don't be surprised if they up the ante to WAR

e0517e No.1468468


We don't need a nukes anon we need to organize, grow some almonds and like Patrick Henry March on DC for liberty or death.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

c7b51a No.1468469


Also… Look at this!!!

Do the illustrations look familiar?


7e402f No.1468470

File: 01857d366f752d9⋯.jpg (31.77 KB, 640x489, 640:489, MuellerMarine.jpg)


Could be disinfo.

Difficult to believe Mueller would change his habits of life [crime] and his past of criminal behavior. Also with the group he's in with? Unlikely.,

You never know. But as of now I don't believe he was turned.

This post says nothing like "Trust Mueller"

What can be derived from it?

Rudy tried to get him to drop it; and he wouldn't?

He doesn't have jurisdiction nor staff for the big prosecutions which are coming. That would be Huber.

When the Pope himself is corrupt and not sure what the slight background as a Marine proves one way or the other about Mueller?

Future will tell.

b9d2bd No.1468471

File: 33ad8f1ee00f241⋯.jpg (66.94 KB, 600x400, 3:2, paul ryan life log.jpg)

c28212 No.1468472


The scope was revised mid-August and the changes redacted. The August memo was just given to Judge Ellis yesterday un-redacted. I wish I was a fly on the wall to see it.

388c04 No.1468473




and related matters

2fd92d No.1468474


No, exposing the links to SA/MB won't destroy our relationship with the current SA rulers. There has been a coup inside the kingdom.

Huma was a part of the alWaleed group, not binSalman. The SA's know the score.

Huma may not have a choice on the deal, exposing the vid is not her call. She will have to live a life as a pariah no matter what, so what is her weakness, the thing she will bargain to retain?

What motivated her to enter into her devil's bargain to begin with? Read her letter to her brother. There is something that is important enough to her to do the despicable things she has done. That is her weakness. That is where pressure must be brought to bear.

I have hope that all will be brought to light. The core must be cut out and destroyed, or the sickness will only spread again.

2473fc No.1468475

Is that wording on the vase?

d1fc5e No.1468476

46a698 No.1468477


Which is why they keep wanting to monkey with the constitution.

f0b39d No.1468478


Planefags, I have a question. This plane shows as Lawrence Moore UK, but identifies as a military aircraft. Why are these different?

99521a No.1468480


they have four!

c23345 No.1468482


Ryan only one in Mirror?

e9545e No.1468483

I haven't kept up w this retarded wedding shit. But does anyone know how Harry met the B lister? Doesn't seem like they'd run in same circles.

e3eefb No.1468484


with ya

a86760 No.1468485


we told trump we did not like this ass hole since day one, trump chose not to listen. of course PR is a fucken rino.

c3660b No.1468486

Really wish I could travel in time so I can go back to the past to mend a few things and also go to the future to see how glorious it is.

c28212 No.1468487


To each their own. I am privvy to some classified information that leads me to believe Mueller is our guy or at least being used by our guys. Our guys are in control.

6c7f66 No.1468488

b21fd3 No.1468489

File: 9dfd3536570be45⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1254x570, 11:5, Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at ….png)

Can a meme master put Pepe in here somewhere?

922d51 No.1468490

File: 50980e1402670cb⋯.jpg (215.57 KB, 1125x750, 3:2, WWG1WGA-a2.jpg)

File: 6878d689d250110⋯.jpg (528.45 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, WWG1WGA-a3.jpg)

File: 8f8050e842adbd2⋯.png (672.23 KB, 632x439, 632:439, WWG1WGAc.png)

File: 248849d92f64cd4⋯.jpg (109.99 KB, 888x500, 222:125, StayTheCourseWWG1.jpg)

File: 26fa0c4a9054710⋯.png (76.53 KB, 236x213, 236:213, Covfefe4.png)


Good morning! Have a WWG1WGA with your covfefe.

62b165 No.1468491

>>1467105 >>1467090

> Foxconn chips and boxes

Clarification from TechFag

1. Foxconn is a general tech manufacturer. Foxconn might make that chip, but Foxconn "IS" NOT the chip any more than Ford "IS" a car's windshield.

2. Those markings on the boxes... 960*960*935... that's just the size of the box.

Please use your autism for good. Walk to the light.

f10ec9 No.1468492

File: 0db39813a2f093f⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1450x964, 725:482, Screenshot_97.png)

fcaabd No.1468493


too funny drill sergeant! lololol

c7b51a No.1468494


http://21stcenturywire.com/2013/12/30/cia-social-control-through-sex-drugs-and-rock-n-roll/ This is tied into the whole movement back then…Shel was a hippie artist / musician before writing books… He toured with Kris Kristofferson and a few others…mostly country singers…

670651 No.1468496



Trump and McCarthy have hand in same location

69ffc5 No.1468498


correction, good friends with his nephew joel

c23345 No.1468499



Has this been noted that PAUL RYAN is the only one in the MIRROR and if you MIRROR the clock it is Q?

193069 No.1468501

File: d68712d4ca4d53b⋯.jpg (205.77 KB, 2400x3600, 2:3, Mueller Bad Actors.jpg)


Rudy's arrival for POTUS marked the beginning of Mueller's downfall – the COURT JUDGES started speaking out against Mueller FROM THE BENCH after Rudy arrived.

"There are no coincidences"

THINK: Mueller is 100% Corrupt. "Anons" who refuse to believe this are slid and stupid and ASLEEP.

e076ef No.1468502

File: ea0de0f7d3d4e33⋯.jpeg (272.95 KB, 1536x1546, 768:773, A06F309A-9E52-42CD-8F30-4….jpeg)

File: 668e20a8446f522⋯.jpeg (238.52 KB, 2026x1498, 1013:749, 314BA865-5804-4472-84EB-1….jpeg)



Why would Schiff say GRANITE in context of rising sea? Coded Intel leak? Weiner investigation? Granite quarries are not near oceans.

06ea38 No.1468503

File: 5e49ee966dd7038⋯.jpg (300.45 KB, 1244x918, 622:459, f91323356b910307e5f2e4656c….jpg)

MSNBC Joy wearing a funky hat

talking about all the Charities that the Monarchy gives to.

Red Cross , Elton John Aids. Saving Kids worldwide

This is a marriage between the US and UK

6c7f66 No.1468505


I said that the day POTUS uploaded the pic and got called a shill for it

kek. I still think I was right.

c3660b No.1468506


Replace everyone's head with pepe's head.

3e8a73 No.1468507

In honor of the wedding I was reading an article about POTUS and Princess Dianna. Interesting to notice the the blog is called "As my world turns".


8c7ab6 No.1468508


Desktop Support Fag here, you guys know those boxes in >>1448660 are laptop boxes right?

d1fc5e No.1468509


Think it will become public record?

c3660b No.1468510


Younger version of HRC.

388c04 No.1468511


Did he just change it to that pic? If so, odd, as I saw that one a while ago I think. Why would he put it up now?

2fd92d No.1468512


Wish we had the DNA to know for sure.

75169a No.1468513


POTUS is about the only person I like in that line-up

922d51 No.1468514


…and why would he substitute the word 'sediment' in place of 'sentiment'?

Weird. Must be code.

06ea38 No.1468515


Penn State rigged the number of data. This was found in emailgate or climateGate.

UK and US rigging number. Scientists getting paid from government producing Rigged data. They would laugh in the emails and worked together to rig. Thousands of emails.

8c7ab6 No.1468516


crap, wrong link, I meant >>1467067

f10ec9 No.1468517


Weiner's Laptop? Did he have one of those?

6577b2 No.1468518




It does not appear to be Paul Ryan in the mirror. No huge ear showing, skin is darker. Also look at vase.

Request autists review pic.

54d029 No.1468520

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah I recall Johnny Cash sang that famous song "A Boy Named Sue" written by Shel

Thankfully it's not about a tranny

c23345 No.1468521


BOOM you were right.

That is definitely the MIRROR

Wonder if there are any more MIRROR pics we missed?

193069 No.1468522

File: ba24b4c7b97d01e⋯.jpg (33.26 KB, 1023x512, 1023:512, MuellerADOLF&OTTO&aChild.jpg)

8c7ab6 No.1468523


No idea, I just see 10-20 boxes of similar size that contain HP boxes in my daily work

b9d2bd No.1468524

File: 03c1460b56b020d⋯.jpg (315.79 KB, 960x1213, 960:1213, d577e_coverstory1_7.jpg)


Singer-songwriter Chris Gantry remains a living link to Music City’s ragged and rowdy bohemian heyday



d1fc5e No.1468525


Thanks anon. It's really sad so many believe Mueller is still a Marine.

abac5f No.1468526

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

145f02 No.1468527


If the DS had already nuclearized NK why would they have to do it again with Iran?

Me thinks the two states must be more integrally connected.

922d51 No.1468528


On the graphic lower left →

should be DIEU not EU

(God in French = Dieu)

The rest is really interesting. Good job /good find.

fcaabd No.1468529


johnny was the man….in black

54d029 No.1468530



He's just being punny. The story is about how rocks raise sea level, hence "Granite" And "Sediment"

813d17 No.1468531

File: 3f7fdf74676407b⋯.jpg (45.48 KB, 330x478, 165:239, 2alkxh.jpg)

File: 92b504aae403288⋯.jpg (55.14 KB, 350x348, 175:174, 2alkv6.jpg)

File: 6735d0f043e417b⋯.jpg (48.55 KB, 469x359, 469:359, 2alkpt.jpg)

File: a42ee85d7881f20⋯.jpg (14.75 KB, 271x186, 271:186, 2alkmm.jpg)

File: 20e0206674b2418⋯.jpg (90.78 KB, 708x495, 236:165, 2alkfr.jpg)

f10ec9 No.1468532


I had already had that posted months ago.

8b55c0 No.1468533


Guilliani and Mueller are acting

06ea38 No.1468534

File: cb6948892a903fa⋯.png (776.33 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, 19290901ad7aa39829631911fc….png)

8557e4 No.1468535

File: d606cfde7794889⋯.jpg (127.88 KB, 500x531, 500:531, Deep State treason.jpg)

fcaabd No.1468536


do u have the side by side of RR and his dad handy?

75169a No.1468537


At first I thought that was Jim Carey

e0517e No.1468538


It's a satanic ritual Anon! And charity is a mason thing for sure. I pray this is the last public Baal worship that we are forced to watch. They are making fun of us with their symbols.

f10ec9 No.1468539


You have to look at the thumbs too. Look at POTUS' thumb?

c28212 No.1468540


Yes…I think soon…June?

9d97e8 No.1468543


Perhaps you should read Q's first drops. Specifically October 31st.

c23345 No.1468544


So any more Mirror pics from Potus?

f3dde4 No.1468545

Has Q EVER said "Trust Pence" ?


8b55c0 No.1468546

I'm about 90% sure Mueller and Rosenstein are White Hats, just take the latest revelations that Mueller said he could not prosecute a sitting President. They would definitely try to if they were black hats and then fall back on impeachment if that didn't work.

fcaabd No.1468547


how was u forced to watch? i didnt watch that shit

5410ec No.1468548

File: 9506e8ee2b27996⋯.png (686.29 KB, 2344x1039, 2344:1039, Insurance.png)

File: 8b991afe275684a⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1574x901, 1574:901, Grandma.png)

File: 40d40045c836819⋯.png (321.72 KB, 1592x605, 1592:605, Sun Queen.png)

d6df69 No.1468549


Knowing what I know now, this dialogue is so fitting.

c7b51a No.1468550

File: 416166fa104b260⋯.jpg (400.19 KB, 2048x1843, 2048:1843, gropeandstrange.jpg)


Instead of giving you Hope and Change, they gave us Grope and Strange…

d1fc5e No.1468551


Only time will tell. I truly hope you are right and I am wrong. Never doubting our guys are in control. Doesn't mean there aren't forces working against them. I just wish it would end so the country can start to move forward.

3ba2ea No.1468552

I sincerely apologize if this has already been speculated, but has anyone else thought that a capital Q looks a lot like a tiny magnifying glass? Especially on qanon.pub

Again, sorry if already discussed.

06ea38 No.1468553

File: a41d75cad133224⋯.png (680.64 KB, 719x848, 719:848, ea01978f08fbd8556a14ed0460….png)

c2d258 No.1468555




Same fuckin Sayanim shitclown every single morning.

954984 No.1468556

File: e7c966c64515eef⋯.jpg (434.86 KB, 1817x845, 1817:845, T-785 19 May 18 1515.jpg)

File: 049b0e9a1be3f9d⋯.jpg (278.29 KB, 1725x721, 1725:721, T 785 19 May 18 Malmo.jpg)

File: 4b765669890c008⋯.jpg (263.02 KB, 1211x945, 173:135, Dena06 19 May 18 1520.jpg)

RMAF in Polish airspace. T-785 landing at Malmo, Sweden. Dena06 possibly headed for Casablanca.

569d7f No.1468557


Nope…just searched the q pub.

i trust the guy personally but staying open about it

c28212 No.1468559


Believe you me…I wish it would end soon. 4 years of insomnia and cut off from my family is getting old.

569d7f No.1468560

I DONT trust pence sorry

f3dde4 No.1468561


OANN reported this AM that George Soros is Successfully buying District Attorney seats throughout the USA

This is Not Good People

e6bf86 No.1468562

File: 5fe79491ed6626a⋯.jpg (674.96 KB, 1603x925, 1603:925, Screenshot-2018-5-19 ADS-B….jpg)

Iran AF Airbus Algiers to Morocco

e056e1 No.1468563

File: fea3f7159dd4d58⋯.png (155.13 KB, 439x232, 439:232, potusmirrorclockleveled.png)


The clock; 18:35?

954984 No.1468564


Can you please update the Planefag notables before baking?


c23345 No.1468565

File: 96c624f2f2978db⋯.jpg (176.54 KB, 1200x754, 600:377, DdgbzxVWsAAPzBL.jpg)

What is on the table?

Potato chips?

Gold Coins?

c7c8d9 No.1468566

File: 14ca32339d7ce70⋯.jpg (49.94 KB, 540x960, 9:16, hairless_jones.jpg)


y knot

569d7f No.1468567


ma gut

b56144 No.1468568


Roses. -.-

06ea38 No.1468569

File: 6e0dc5f88abfc55⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 620x349, 620:349, 88a73136d247b52331cef26c0d….jpg)

IRS US Dollar buys a lot of Gold

Have the Rothchilds print more

We have a wedding

54d029 No.1468570


I think the mirror is just smudgy, which is odd I suppose.

f30d17 No.1468571

File: b7ef26ecb32bb13⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 5353x3569, 5353:3569, trumpflag.jpg)

>>1468555 SUCK MY BALLS CLOWN BITCH , I did the last 2 breads show me where I am a clown you fuck ?!!

>>1468564 Too late Il fix the dough and repost next bread for the updates can you gather them for me and post me the links over there of the ones i missed? PPM speed is increasing






GodSpeed Q and Patriots !

His hands are strong, WE CANNOT LOSE !

e0517e No.1468572


Not forced but how many people tunes in to watch because they think its normal? How many children now want to me Meghan and Harry? It's not that I can't decide for myself it's that 99% cant

5dea14 No.1468573



2fd92d No.1468574


A bowl of yellow roses, anon.

b9d2bd No.1468575

File: ff9f4c09545db62⋯.png (83.99 KB, 1313x503, 1313:503, COMEY KENNEDY FBI LA APPT ….png)

Was their a connection to Kennedy teacher that died and the FBI agent Comey appointed in LA?

b21fd3 No.1468576


Me either, and because he has a reptilian look/feel about him.

c7b51a No.1468577


Read something somewhere that said RR was blackmailed to hire Mueller.

c7c8d9 No.1468578


that is a good indicator

c23345 No.1468579


Thanks. LOL

954984 No.1468580


Registered in Guernsey under the 2-reg scheme. They appear to be exploiting the relaxed rules surrounding military aircraft in terms of customs and immigration clearances.

569d7f No.1468581


idk about all that…

60b003 No.1468582


notice the 29 post bread sliding baker this bread

954984 No.1468583


Gotcha - thanks.

f10ec9 No.1468584

File: d4b52d8475c2f30⋯.png (358.2 KB, 601x481, 601:481, Screenshot_99.png)

fcaabd No.1468586


it gets 0 airplay in my home!

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