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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 19cd977f3bff4f4⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, ### IMG_4660.PNG)

f60415 No.1463869

Welcome To Q Research General

"What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)? Stay vigilant. Q"

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1456131 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules)


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's Tripcode

Current Q Tripcode: Q !4pRcUA0lBE

PAST Tripcodes: !xowAT4Z3VQ , !2jsTvXXmXs [ Blacklisted see, >>>/patriotsfight/71 ]

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 05.17.2018

>>1449911 ------------------------ Messages sent

>>1449784 ------------------------ Guardian of the Pope

>>1449636 ------------------------ Space Shuttle Pic

>>1449191 ------------------------ Vegas Pic

>>1448841 rt >>1448660 ----- Pallet Pics

>>1448660 rt >>1448537 ----- Pallet Pics

>>1448537 rt >>1448466 ----- We are everywhere Anon

>>1448221 rt >>1448152 ----- Note the jackets

>>1448152 rt >>1448140 ----- London Pics

>>1448140 ------------------------ London Pics

>>>/patriotsfight/87 ------------ (deleted) see: >>1447680 , >>1458342

>>1445345 rt >>1445248 ----- >>>/patriotsfight/64

>>1445147 rt >>1444934 ----- As We Prepare To Land

>>1444934 rt >>1444808 ----- God Bless the United States of America

>>1444808 rt >>1444682 ----- Stay vigilant

>>1444682 rt >>1444632 ----- There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves


>>>/patriotsfight/85 ------------ ]SESSIONS[ Reels In Huber

>>1440925 ----------------------- Trump admin to provide F&F records

Wednesday 05.16.2018

>>1439789 rt >>1439665 ----- Bomb disposal team

>>1439564 rt >>1439507 ----- Think Pickle Factory

>>1439411 rt >>1439389 ----- Impressive

>>1439283 rt >>1439204 ----- 100% authentic

>>1438448 ------------------------ Gina Haspel Career Timeline

>>1438412 rt >>1438387 ----- WE ARE Q!

>>>/patriotsfight/84 ------------ Do what is Right

>>>/patriotsfight/83 ------------ End of the Witch Hunt

>>1434225 rt >>1434153 ----- "FREEDOM" Caucus.

>>1434153 rt >>1434062 ----- Today was the precursor

>>1434041 ------------------------ US History [ABCs]

>>1432972 rt >>1432956 ----- Those with an agenda to silence will fail

>>1432958 rt >>1432955 ----- Follow the pen/Jim_Jordan tweet

>>1432939 rt >>1432926 ----- SIS

>>1432932 ------------------------ Follow the pen

>>1431154 ------------------------ No Such Agency vs Clowns In America

Tuesday 05.15.2018

>>1428355 rt >>1428282 ----- [NP 8:14 “——————— Pier 39…”]

>>1427755 ------------------------ Start a Storm

>>1420066 rt >>1419965 ----- Do you trust POTUS? Does POTUS trust SESSIONS to protect the lives of our brave law enforcement?

>>1419926 ------------------------ Did you catch it?

>>1419720 ------------------------ Autists - we thank you. Patriots - we thank you. We came here for a reason

>>1419607 rt >>1419514 ----- What do you notice? They all drop hints they are considering future elected positions

>>1419531 rt >>1419500 ----- They knew this day would come. EVIL everywhere. CORRUPTION everywhere. We Fight! We, The PEOPLE

>>1419464 ------------------------ Who is Richard Donoghue? Background? PAIN

>>1416382 rt >>1416216 ----- Find the [2] NYPD detectives [187] mid 2017

>>1416241 ------------------------ ENJOY THE SHOW

>>1415794 ------------------------ #1776

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub


If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

'''2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

=Q Clock Graphic=


f60415 No.1463874


are not endorsements


>>1463426 Disappearance of weapons at AFB in ND

>>1463503 Why did an Indian minister just go to North Korea?

>>1463219 , >>1463274 Sudden Schedule Change for POTUS, Kansas, and Bolton

>>1463296 IG Horowitz Finds FBI, DOJ Broke Law In Clinton Probe, Refers To Prosecutor For Criminal Charges


>>1462913 , >>1462931 More on the LV photo dig

>>1463010 Brennan "Needs Very Good Lawyer" Says DiGenova; "He's Going To Be In Front Of A Grand Jury Shortly"

>>1462763 Clapper Says "Good Thing" FBI Was Spying On Trump Campaign

>>1462683 'Parkland' cropping up

>>1462610 Secretary Pompeo To Deliver Remarks on U.S. Policy on Iran at The Heritage Foundation

>>1462600 A rundown of today's (ff?) events

>>1462524 General Flynn interviews by J.B. Wells, "Caravan to Midnight"

>>1462494 Secretary of Energy Moniz invites Skippy to SEAB

>>1462409 Embezzlement trial of former Vatican Bank official begins

>>1462377 The Unholy Alliance Between George Soros and Pope Francis


>>1462290 Exclusive: Special Counsel subpoenas another Stone aide in Russia probe - sources

>>1462248 Anon Relating Message Rrom VPOTUS Rally

>>1462008 Project Monarch: Probing the Enigma of Multiple Personality (From nytimes.com!)

>>1461709 El Paso's 'Parkland' elementary school. Coincidence??

>>1461720 Allison Mack and Keith Raniere could also be charged with human smuggling


>>1461018 2018 Billboard Music Awards: Red carpet event this coming Sunday

>>1461271 Project Cassandra / Iran Deal: The pieces are coming together

>>1461140 Las Vegas photo was taken prior to May 2014 and >>1461424 (lb) Absinthe Tent visible (opened 2011)

>>1461150 Former Playboy centrefold jumps to death with seven-year-old son

>>1460960 Santa Fe: Every damn time

>>1461036 111Day Posts relevant today

>>1460990 JJ Pickle Research Campus dig

>>1460956 People are “missing” after the Santa Fe school shooting

>>1460923 Teacherfag reports that every single classroom has a land line phone (Santa Fe)


>>1460260 Sergei Skripal released from hospital

>>1460537 Q owl eye reflection

>>1460564 John Legend opines on MS 13

>>1460130 Jonathon Oddi the shooter from Trump Doral is also a registered foreign agent

>>1460112 , >>1460153 Recent live shooter drills at the Santa Fe High School and at the hospital nearby

>>1460098 HRC's statement on the IRAN [signed?] agreement

>>1460092 Robert Bauer (who just resigned), of Perkins Coie and Hussein's legal advisor was a registered foreign agent

>>1459336 (lb) Director, Bureau of Prisons resigns.

>>1460016 (lb) Owl in Vatican Coat of Arms


>>1459568 , >>1459837 Planefag Notables

>>1459919 Santa Fe witness wears a cool necklace

>>1459335 CBS News 'No service to call 911' however >>1459416 Open Signal map suggests otherwise

>>1459857 POTUS meets with UN Secretary General

>>1459553 /r9k/ chan thread @0hour1/Corsi setup

>>1459633 Weird time of day for "last bell"

>>1459696 Screenshot of /r9k/ thread

>>1459536 FAKE AND GAY shop of 4chan screencap

>>1459678 Santa Fe shooting listed in search 2 days ago?

>>1459631 , >>1459696 Original 'Last Bell' 4chan thread

>>1459396 Check False Flags before they happen. CALL TO DIG!

>>1459353 Washington Post being directly used to defend Amazon?

>>1459348 Pope accuses Chilean Biships of destroying sex abuse evidence

>>1459302 FBI visited the shooters home before today's shooting

>>1459322 False Flag crisis actors

>>1459320 Prodigy’s Letter From Jail


>>1459063 , >>1458587 , >>1458609 Planefag Update

>>1459039 , >>1459699 Corsi pushing theory that school shooter was coached by the chans

>>1458957 'Bomb Disposal Team' surrounds shooters home

>>1458953 '17' Gematria: A loud message to Q and team?

>>1458943 WTF is [The Kerry Plan]?!

>>1458934 Pope's Bodyguard: Dr. Domenico Giani, Inspector General of the Vatican police and security

>>1458865 'Behold a Plae Horse' PDF

>>1458845 What if the Both Theresa MAY and Pope are implicated in covering up Child abuse scandals?

>>1458769 , >>1458632 , >>1458789 , >>1458806 False Flag/s predicted?

>>1458827 Rosenstein Was Blackmailed Into Appointing Mueller?

>>1458797 All 34 Chilean Bishops hand their resignation regarding sexual abuse and await the Pope's decision

>>1458041 Lawfag help on pacer.gov for unsealed indictments: use RECAP

>>1458607 Dig on Pope's [personal] secretary: Miriam Wuolou

>>1458590 Meet Orthodox Vatican's official court painter... She has a pet owl

>>1458570 , >>1458586 Trump's 5 Eyes: Saudi Arabia

>>1458569 Dimitrios Pagourtzis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know


Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

f60415 No.1463877

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas

>>489697 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

f60415 No.1463879

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#22 >>>/comms/1119 , >>1450156

>>1335083 Previous GMT Graphics

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1411389 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 18,000 Memes and Infographs Searchable by Subject


Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Memes: Latest Stockpiles

Memes21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn to Bake! Q Loves Bakers (And So Does Your Mom)

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Or read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

f60415 No.1463909

File: 580429e7f5d816e⋯.jpg (71.11 KB, 400x364, 100:91, 580429e7f5d816e311d7c85471….jpg)

#1838 Dough


276949 No.1463921


Ruin the devil-worshiping baby-eaters wedding today with HUGE drops and HUGE arrests. FUCK THEM. They want to play dirty….step up

17ef89 No.1463946


Who has the last?

17ef89 No.1463947


in bread, sorry

b21f3a No.1463948

Time for Martial Law?

7fd061 No.1463949


Hey bro, mind if I bake one?

746848 No.1463950


>BLUF: I believe Roger Stone was the person who vouched/helped Manafort get into the Trump campaign.

>Since the beginning of the year I've had my suspicions about Roger Stone; he always talked about connections to sources in Trumps inner circle, but they never aligned with what we were digging up in the chans with Q.

>Last week after listening to Bongino podcast (He was asking WHO helped Manafort get into the Trump campaign) my gut is saying that STONE is the one who got Manafort placed into the Trump inner circle. IF IF IF IF this is true, then what would this due to INFOWARS once this information comes out? That mixed with Q's highlight of sorts with Corsi and AJ, helped provide the motive I've been looking for.

>The Whitehouse got cleaned…all of INFOWARS sources dried up. If Stone is a traitor and Corsi is a traitor and AJ found out, would this explain some of his stress/actions over the last month? They just spent a crap ton of money expanding IW. I'm in the camp that is still un-decided on AJ, if he is controlled/serving a master (other than money).

>Would AJ try to take down Q to save IW, yes, I could see it; could he be blackmailed? Possibility. I don't trust Stone and I've spoke out about misrepresentation by Corsi (his IC background = nill) since the beginning.

>If Stone put Manafort into the campaign and that gets exposed…INFOWARS reputation (+ Corsi) is fucked….


Interesting thoughts anon. I remember when AJ said he had sources in White House and I remember when AJ said now his sources in WH are gone. I assumed Bannon b/c Manafort was only there for short period in campaign

0a5d8e No.1463952

File: 04b3ca169f99da8⋯.jpg (67.31 KB, 600x317, 600:317, znsqmzmi16x6.jpg)

Super comfy bread baker, thank you!

ab26e4 No.1463953

File: 8ef8540af2ce8d0⋯.png (778.95 KB, 1740x1236, 145:103, ibor.png)

Fellow Patriots

Be sure to sign the petition and share it where ever you go


672044 No.1463954

Q = Quantum

"We are EVERYWHERE" = Quantum Superposition

"We have it ALL" = Quantum Entanglement

It's not just 5D chess!

It's 5D Technology!

D5 = Dimension 5 Avalanche Checkmate

5:5 What’s gonna happen on 5/25 when the clock strikes Q?

Use logic

It's the only way you can "be EVERYWHERE" and "have it ALL"

The cabal just got their secure unhackable iphones, and recent drops demonstrated that Q Team Alliance can hack ANYTHING.

All those secure unhackable AMD laptops you ordered? Worthless.

Message delivered.

The only reason victory isn't instantaneous is because Q Team Alliance is insuring the best possible outcome for all.

What about the boards?

Think critically.

We may be anonymous relative to one another, but they are EVERYWHERE and they have it ALL.

They can hear you breath.

You can't hide behind anonymity.

Shills, clowns, bad actors take note.

Cabal, your AI gods/ET overlords will not save you.

Didn’t you get the memo?

We have Quantum computers, and they work beautifully.

And guess what, we've had them for quite some time.

How does that make you feel?

All is well in hand.

Future proves past.

There is a divine plan.

Trust the plan.

40e637 No.1463955

It was at Graduation…


7ae221 No.1463956

File: ae2631904d687f7⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1008x800, 63:50, batrump-jrobin.png)

<Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.

85f62a No.1463957


Sky event. Please think LOGICALLY, emotions distract, feel them, but still keep logic at the helm.

This sounds like a nod to let folks know it was a parkland-similar event... we have infrared, one can see things where they are going to place them... too blatant, and no death means it wasn't cabal.

Emotions are fantastic, but they can control you....

272af2 No.1463958



e05c10 No.1463959


I was thinking about this today. Now that the country has been going through the "awakening" these kids are not suiciding themselves after committing these shootings. Is the awakening loosening the grip of the mind control over them?

33922e No.1463960


Not the best area of Suburbia Atlanta.... used to live in that area... pretty sketchy.

f476f0 No.1463961

File: 2392322c2f1719b⋯.png (128.37 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 5c15f3226ed6d6ed9cb535adf8….png)

61c49c No.1463962

>>1463505 lb

This is Hilarious. He did the Same thing last year with Obama wire tapped me and it was True as this is.

These People are Stupid

293249 No.1463964

Last bread:


Gates must be shitting his pants. He is not the genius he's been portrayed as. Evil bloodline cabal member. This is the Clement prophesy I thought was wrong.

1fea91 No.1463965

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

listen minute 2:30

Eric Garner

Loretta Lynch

ties to [R]

HRC tarmac meeting

>>1463796 (last)

80602b No.1463966


Thank you quantum bill

4c23dd No.1463967


You are right anon..


works better...

like "WhoisJohnGalt" in reverse

or move "V"

Im down... anons note this if you like

e05c10 No.1463968


It's not as fun as you think it is.

daa149 No.1463969

Why isn't Hannity and Limbaugh saying names?

Hagmann said Halper 2 days ago, had an hour on him. Whats the big deal?

e55535 No.1463970

Clapper flat out LIED on live TV earlier… Which is a great thing for us. He's going to catch himself in a lie that was recorded under oath. As well as him saying what he said, SHOULD shown normies that the F_I and DOJ are DEFINITELY stone walling Congress.

21d4dc No.1463971


Copy, thanks!

ab26e4 No.1463972


No you don't.

8eb766 No.1463973

File: 1fd900505ec5d05⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1500x1138, 750:569, PAIN.png)

Thanks Baker, autists and Q team!!!

7f0a6b No.1463974


i was putting that out there - i can come on strong with muh jesus - its too bad synagogue of satan has corrupted anything coming close to this topic in peoples minds with religion - i see we are discovering similiar things, however careful of the jewish (who will be the first to tell you they take credit for them) gnostic mystery schools, kabalah, etc that started popping up around 2nd century

40bc59 No.1463975

File: 562771475225893⋯.jpg (37.48 KB, 430x242, 215:121, memeforhumanity.jpg)


Company Selling Real-Time Cell Phone Tracking Ends Up Leaking Location Data

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-18/company-selling-real-time-cell-phone-tracking-ends-leaking-location-data

'''On Tuesday we covered a disturbing story from the New York Times and ZDnet.com detailing how some of the country's largest cellular providers have been selling your real-time location information, allowing a Texas-based prison technology company, Securus, to track any phone "within seconds" - all without a warrant - through an intermediary called LocationSmart. Now, as KrebsOnSecurity reports, in addition to a story from Motherboard on a hacker which had broken into the Securus servers and stolen the usernames, email addresses, phone numbers and other information of 2,800 users - mostly law enforcement, it turns out that a flaw in LocationSmart's tracking demo website gave anyone the ability to surveil anyone else's cell phone on the open web.

The demo, which has since been taken down, was a free service that would give anyone the approximate location of their own cell phones by entering their name, email address and phone number into a form. LocationSmart's service would then text the supplied phone number and request permission to ping that device's nearest cellular tower. Once consent was obtained, the service would then reveal the subscriber's approximate latitude and longitude on a Google Street View map.

As Krebs notes, "It also potentially collects and stores a great deal of technical data about your mobile device. For example, according to their privacy policy that information “may include, but is not limited to, device latitude/longitude, accuracy, heading, speed, and altitude, cell tower, Wi-Fi access point, or IP address information."'''

b21f3a No.1463976


Suspect all event of High School/

university for national emergency?

3d9e96 No.1463977


thought 'mt. ZION' high school might have something to do with it.

80602b No.1463978


now you are just an ass

84513d No.1463979


You got to reference MSM to see where the normies stand. Without the normies, it's difficult to win. Not impossible, but difficult.

If there is hope, it lies in the proles.

48c100 No.1463980

File: d0f2d5fe54431de⋯.png (235.4 KB, 1282x664, 641:332, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

File: 84dd98d132372c8⋯.png (63.85 KB, 1256x290, 628:145, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

File: e7410b4bf204980⋯.png (642.41 KB, 1292x1308, 323:327, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)


5e85f1 No.1463981

File: 8116fd112a8b687⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 512x512, 1:1, USofQ.gif)

thanks baker!


de342e No.1463982

File: 09c7be89be6cbbf⋯.png (497.32 KB, 640x656, 40:41, GA Shooting.png)


e05c10 No.1463983


Hannity said on radio today that he knew the name and wasn't saying or for a reason.

737b6f No.1463984


They arent human.

7b1cc6 No.1463985

File: 98a316032e550c6⋯.jpg (19.26 KB, 253x255, 253:255, 5f7f21e7c9a4fcdbaac6df4090….jpg)


Soooo, I have just read that we here are nothing more than a bunch of crazy cat ladies….

296e53 No.1463986

Maybe we really are dealing with satanists.

3ecd2a No.1463987

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Not really related to Q research but def. funny.

The funniest one is the last one. The black guy literally runs out of the car window like the door wasn't even there like a monkey.

e86ff9 No.1463988


There's a reason. Just wait.

f476f0 No.1463990

File: 97b760155be825b⋯.png (345.96 KB, 3200x1680, 40:21, 37352d860401f47540408cbfee….png)

7fd061 No.1463991


Remember the 100th monkey?

The more of us that are awake the less control they have.

Frequencies and vibrations, love and light.

838ea0 No.1463992


(((Zion))) high school

4bf97e No.1463993




44a4bf No.1463994


Maybe? The evidence is all over the place that we are.

314315 No.1463995

>>1463896 (prev bread)

“Hearing this, Jesus said to Jairus, ‘Don’t be afraid; just believe and she will be healed’.” - Luke 8:50

Neo: I thought it wasn't real

Morpheus: Your mind makes it real

“’If you can’? Everything is possible for one who believes.” - Mark 9:23

Morpheus: What are you waiting for? You're faster than this. Don't think you are, know you are. Come on. Stop trying to hit me and hit me.

“Because you have so little faith. Truly, I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” - Matthew 17:20

Neo: What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?

Morpheus: No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.

“Go… your faith has healed you.” - Mark 10:52

Morpheus: He's starting to believe. (during Neo's Resurrection)

The choice is going to be whether to wake up or not.

I guarantee it.

40e637 No.1463996


I'd be surprised if we don't see FF's at college graduations if something isn't done fast…

9f0cb7 No.1463997


or he's a lying sack of shit disinfo clown and he never had sources in the white house

0a5d8e No.1463998


>Mt. Zion


33922e No.1463999


There is a very good chance of that as well… so far I have heard only 1 person shot and killed.

might be unrelated to today's events.

15372e No.1464000

File: 3b6623b987ce0ac⋯.png (729.3 KB, 1073x1723, 1073:1723, 3 shot 1 killed during gr….png)


here's the screengrab

daa149 No.1464001


But Hagmann already went over it. I don't need Hannity or Limbaugh to tell me what I already know.

d8aa63 No.1464002

File: be1a70c3b68c240⋯.jpg (150.2 KB, 1020x623, 1020:623, MissingWeaponsHeadline.jpg)


Missing weapons at military base prompt investigation.

"The full, command-wide inventory at eight bases under the Air Force Global Strike Command will cover all small arms, machine guns, pistols, rifles and grenades, according to the official. Routine inventories of military armories at the bases are conducted three times a day and weapons are matched against serial number records."

https:// www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/disappearance-of-weapons-at-air-force-base-prompts-investigation/ar-AAxul89?ocid=spartanntp&ffid=gz

f0f7e8 No.1464003

The news is full of multiple possible school shootings and muh russia nukes/scare..

Those pictures sent a very clear message didn't they?

b21f3a No.1464004




bdd62b No.1464005

File: ccd8a7ed12b8032⋯.png (549.64 KB, 1533x565, 1533:565, Capture.PNG)

Lost some respect for myself analyzing this fucking pen. But here it is…

It's not "rth" it's "rtia"

3ecd2a No.1464006


They're all headed to ZION now…. HELL

b49a05 No.1464007


during graduation


e05c10 No.1464008

File: 0016c4455959529⋯.jpg (169.93 KB, 1600x840, 40:21, Custom Image 1805201821263….jpg)

80602b No.1464009

Quantum Bill knows the underlying pattern intuitively. As does - Newsweekannon. They feel the quantum connections without always knowing what they are.

de342e No.1464010



Don't ya just love the games they play? "Yeah, we know who it is but we ain't sayin'. Stay tuned."

Maybe they should try keeping their mouths shut until they can say something.

d68e2d No.1464011


bunch of sacrifices for wedding

"all this for you baby"

sic fucks i wouldnt doubt it

56ede1 No.1464012

File: cebc3d181c11756⋯.jpg (65.47 KB, 918x540, 17:10, DUFvnd-U8AAFCxH.jpg)

c61989 No.1464013


Yeah… Some of us know that for a fact. Try being related to some!

61c49c No.1464014


I also liked Clapper's "We put the Spies in to Protect Trump from the Russian's" 😂

Ben Rhode's must have Wrote that…..

288034 No.1464016

672044 No.1464017


Think about how much you didn't know before you were red pilled. Now, imagine that's just a fraction of what you still don't know.

cb2fa8 No.1464018

File: a37e4fe817aa40b⋯.png (144.22 KB, 335x225, 67:45, EMJ.png)

File: e4b80acc2d6aab6⋯.jpg (23.81 KB, 480x360, 4:3, mediaperpetrators.jpg)

File: 26140625a3c28a8⋯.png (84.11 KB, 1350x462, 225:77, Spartacus-Weishaupt.PNG)

File: 33c904330f76ff1⋯.jpg (2.83 MB, 2336x4160, 73:130, TH.jpg)

File: fbbf3c4e553311f⋯.jpg (2.42 MB, 4160x2336, 130:73, Wormser1.jpg)

Helping anons obtain high-altitude view:

Starting point: election; wide discussion of clinton crimes (FBIanon bigly. It's about crimes).

About "drain the swamp". What else? "America first", one big clue. Treason.

Mechanism? Tax-exemption. Goes all the way back to Reece Committee (Norman Dodd, Dodd Report; Rene A. Wormser, Foundations: their Power and Influence) (Rock, Carnegie, Ford… foundations; treason.commies).

Made possible (controlled) by usury. Banking (BIS, central banks).

Purpose. Higher altitude. Turn of the XXth. Cecil Rhodes (testament: creation of secret society with aim of british domain of globe).

> (Rhodesian) secret society (source: Carroll Quigley (Bubba Bill's history prof in Georgetown) Tragedy and Hope & The Anglo-American Establishment; TL;DR hooktube.com/watch?v=SgdQqH1NDRc): created on purpose with no name. Illuminati-like in structure (rings within rings). Center (1), Rhodes and pals (come WW1 shift to Rocks in NY; new purpose: NY (League of Nations, UN) global empire). 2 "Roundtables" (think tanks). 3. CFR, Royal Institute of International Affairs, etc. 4 Mainstream political parties.

Higher. Destroy the West (christianity): Weishaput -> Jacobins -> Commies… (see Churchill "Zionism versus Bolshevism" 1920)

Perhaps higher, Bible warned: cannot create Heaven on Earth. Tower of Babel cannot be built (God (unknowns) will always exist). See E. Michael Jones ("have we all become joos!?").

They believe (per Jones JRE, Ronald Bernard) in inter-dimensional voodoo involving "bastards" from higher dimensions. Battlefields (think Verdun) ← ritual sacrifices. Get the picture.

Sick fucks.

Could inter-dimensional reptile alien crap be MK-Ultra-related? Powerful 6-d reptile martians, or just greedy bankers?

In parallel: Fantasyland. Media; "science"; social engineering, "history", porn…

Consequence: psychotic population. Truth.file 404. Logos 404. (hooktube.com/watch?v=1MpDcBo5UOc).

Compromised: Western, central Europe; Vatican; Canada.

US saved itself in death throes. Ex-commie countries at vanguard (christly red-pilled).

Technology, the chink in their armour. Why we are here. Autist hivemind trumped MSM + Social Media + D-Wave.

Final blow: resurrect truth. Expose. Jordan Peterson (resurrected Bible, Solzhenitsyn, Dostoevsky's Demons, Orwell, Huxley). Globalist whitepapers (DIG). Keypoints (WWs (1, 2 & Cold), JFK, 9/11, Vegas…).

Just need to connect the dots now. Easy (they got reckless; last stage of criminal plan; she was supposed to win!). Awans, bathroom server. Nuke tech (NK, Iran, U1). Seth Rich (MS-13 alliance). Huma, HUMA (MB alliance). FFs (Vegas & Parkland should open the door). Tech supression (Make Tesla and Ford Great Again).

Read the goddamn globalist whitepapers! And EXPOSE. All there. They think we don't even read. e.g. Rome Club: humans ← enemy (thus CO2 ← enemy).

Egomaniacs on the loose, trying to create Heaven on Earth; self-entitled because "science".

Key. Re: Reece committee, China, NK… alliance between left (Nazis included) & globalist beaurocrats is old (they share, at least, objective (same as with Islam)).

History with logos → world makes sense → no longer psycopaths, decency → West survives.

737b6f No.1464019

I used to think he alien thing was hilarious. Till in started looking up and paying attention.

9d80a7 No.1464020

>>1463709 << my own lb

so much to remember to do.

Blue light s rare.

interpretation of progress.

White is every color... waking up.

pothole is a distraction.

no blinker ahead is above.

so many distractions.

it's fucking so hard.

worth every second.


God want's to prosper You.

never for get.




MOST Important next to...

You decide.

Me? decided long ago.


so much over the decades to remember.


11cf7d No.1464021


its good. real good.

4c23dd No.1464022

I was wondering last bread since possible georgia shooter…

If these guys go to a dark web emo forum and write out their frustrations… would that forum be fbi monitored or dark cell sponsored? Talented people can work up mentally ill people…

The question comes because these tend to happen as a flood.

And look what that flood does to any meaningful news for the country; it Blots it out.

Dead kids + 200 hour coverage, heart wrenching… destroys any news for our side.

Could these attacks be co-ordinated as described above?

966e55 No.1464023

File: 98dcf3d6a86b756⋯.jpg (53.32 KB, 405x540, 3:4, Martha's-Vineyard_03.jpg)

Lynn and her weird arm

ac1ab4 No.1464024



Only way to keep them safe!

Hard choices but their lives depend on you making the right choice!

56ede1 No.1464025

File: 8fcca81c59ccffc⋯.png (410.78 KB, 498x619, 498:619, 169df936e075ad507af56fe637….png)

24bd63 No.1464026

File: 5205e889d1137ff⋯.png (18.45 KB, 1198x163, 1198:163, Q No.80.png)

>>1463561 lb

[ACTIVATE SLEEPER CELLS] twzat by Comey when McCabe resigned on Jan 29 followed by the Q decode.

Then the SOTU, then the Nunes Memo in the same week.


d05f97 No.1464027


Pretty sure it's [rtic] as in "article" "particular" or "participant".

I support the curvature theory of the last letter but I believe it's a "c" not an "a." Could also be an "e" but I'm betting on "c."

3278d9 No.1464028


excellent post.

dc45a1 No.1464029


Agreed..............but I don't even think all of them were FFs.


I always say listen to your gut, but this does not ring true for me, anon.


You missed my point. I was being extreme as are some of these anons.

Certainly meant no disrespect.

e86ff9 No.1464030


Look, it's not just for YOU. No doubt there are other things going on in the background. If you know, fine, good for you. Everyone will eventually. It's not OUR timing that counts, anon. You know that.

16b541 No.1464031

all i can say is the drop on these people better be good for the price being paid

80602b No.1464032


you are dealing with beings that want to constrict not expand. Most just want to stay same. But satanist want to take your frequency down where they have more control.

8a710b No.1464033


kek. surely thats not her hands.

6f56f9 No.1464034


niggers gonna nig

69b7a0 No.1464035

File: 32343e663ada740⋯.png (55.32 KB, 621x329, 621:329, ClipboardImage.png)

daa149 No.1464036


Yup, stupid.

Here's a question.

Why should I care about a photo that's 5-6 years old?


Am I supposed to take the same photo as though it was taken the same day, week, month as it was posted? As in, recent…?

What is that pic or any of those pics supposed to prove? If one is 5+ years old, why can the rest not be called into question as to their age and thus, relevance?

750d2f No.1464038

File: 3dc1c37f62ef502⋯.png (920.1 KB, 990x770, 9:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5169fd53bc686a5⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1133x828, 1133:828, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2ddee3763259b4⋯.png (527.64 KB, 916x809, 916:809, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b71410eff5fd6bc⋯.png (555.33 KB, 891x822, 297:274, ClipboardImage.png)

Names of the victims at Sante Fe high school


Note the unverifiable nature of the one kid they profile. a "foreign exchange student" .. and the teacher was a substitute teacher.

more at link: (scroll down) https://www.11alive.com/article/news/1-woman-dead-after-shooting-near-mt-zion-high-school-in-clayton-county/85-555019543

56ede1 No.1464039

File: ac16bb2d365158b⋯.jpg (67.63 KB, 722x500, 361:250, 59ffa7dcdb56a00c487edca87f….jpg)

0a5d8e No.1464040

File: af0c4724685a395⋯.png (347.68 KB, 650x434, 325:217, __LdR.png)

cfa3ed No.1464041

File: 1550d93ef745c59⋯.png (10.75 KB, 1425x161, 1425:161, ng.png)

File: 6c196c0a06fcd38⋯.png (5.64 KB, 614x181, 614:181, ng 2.png)

The stolen weapons remind me of Charles Ng. He is a serial killer on death row for killing a bunch of Californians in the 80s with Leonard Lake. His kleptomania is what caused him to be court martialed from the Marines and eventual caused him and Lake to be arrested. Ng is from a very wealthy family from Hong Kong and the murders had ties to Satanism.



e05c10 No.1464042


I love this daddy.

3e1d0c No.1464044

File: 1a194e981860dbf⋯.jpg (204.08 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, acow-square-1536.jpg)

File: 38442d39838d916⋯.jpg (132.92 KB, 620x936, 155:234, space-odyssey-design-rodri….jpg)


not everyone can be prevented so easily. this book gives details of the connection between clarke, kubrick, walt disney, and werner von braun. . . wonder why they were so eager to program people about druggy space hallucinations. . .hmm. what did jfk know about it? why were apollo proj. astronauts like grissom killed ? operation fishbowl, dominic, starfish prime. get your ass to dome depot. 40k ft view?

d83105 No.1464045

File: 842b7b22cec395c⋯.jpg (49.05 KB, 670x388, 335:194, Ultimate-Warriorcheck.jpg)

>>1463600 (last)

Dubs confirm if you're anything like me, you've tried your best to live your life by a certain moral and ethical code (not necessarily military, but certainly "Christ-like").

(((Shills))) can fuck with us all they like...that's part of the game. I know what this fight's about, it is a righteous cause, and I have thick skin.

But God help the (((motherfucker))) that fucks with anyone in my family...because at that point, I will have no fucks to give about any ethical or moral code. I will hunt (((you))) down like the animals (((you))) are, and I will have long forgotten about Christ's lessons on mercy.

Thank you for your service, Marine. I'm glad you're on /our/ side. KEK!

c61989 No.1464046

This is 100% correct. The ones I know went out of their way to "Represent the Low Life". It is what they sell

56ede1 No.1464047

File: 513d3b89d1d4e98⋯.jpg (63.07 KB, 569x500, 569:500, 513d3b89d1d4e98ebe505c9fcf….jpg)

436392 No.1464048

File: 4f689cf057d3548⋯.png (368.03 KB, 474x524, 237:262, ClipboardImage.png)

687aac No.1464049


An M240 goes missing. M240 uses 7.62. A can of 7.62 linked rounds fall on a 'Parkland' school. On a day a school shooting occurred, which the shooting happened soon after (((They))) lost control of the narrative. What are the chances? Hmm

f60415 No.1464050



Check her feet.

69c18d No.1464051

File: 3bfedcfdb54f957⋯.jpg (53.36 KB, 450x300, 3:2, hellbaww.jpg)


Mt. Zion…….

aed5f8 No.1464052

File: 3f8a31d41b12dd6⋯.jpg (218.85 KB, 3000x1500, 2:1, Vote Against Crruption.jpg)

15372e No.1464053



56ede1 No.1464054

File: e9f8f38175f5b92⋯.png (243.03 KB, 600x325, 24:13, e9f8f38175f5b926a152d14527….png)

de427d No.1464055


i prefer it…….but anybody who asks / tells you to surrender your weapons is your enemy…..if you do that you should just kys

21d4dc No.1464056

File: 7b163ff8881265c⋯.jpg (111.9 KB, 1160x805, 232:161, paul-manafort-roger-stone-….jpg)



Thanks. Manafort was never in the WH - just historical ties to Stone.

Bannon was a leaker, so he could have fed IW, but I tend to think it was lower end sources - people he met during campaign portion. Who knows. Their sources as far as percentage of accuracy sucked, so I don't really care in that regard.

We do know, Stone got called to testify and I thought I heard that other people around Stone have been investigated. He was a part of the campaign, so he had the access then to make the in-road for Manafort and as far as I know that is one of the pieces of the puzzle that seems important, but hasn't been revealed.

If the HRC/Podesta/FBI wanted Manafort in the campaign…who did they approach to get the guy in. My first guess is Roger Stone based on history of the two working together and the access Stone already had.

9f0cb7 No.1464057

File: 6c2b1075db38f94⋯.png (88.71 KB, 1417x216, 1417:216, dimitriospagourtzisdiana.png)

Dimitrios Pagourtzis = Diana worship

80602b No.1464058


Challenge tell me one.

Let's keep it quantum or metaphysical.


17ef89 No.1464059

File: 96af30941d72329⋯.png (17.13 KB, 772x88, 193:22, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

33922e No.1464060


Gawd.. look at those huge feet!!

272af2 No.1464061


I'm not so sure of that. I have many members of my extended family who are "normies" who don't really follow the MSM anymore. Not too long ago one of them cited the 2016 and how all of the MSM got it totally ass backwards. "You can't really believe anything they say anymore," he said.

Now they're not hip too all the heavy shit we discuss here, but I think many will be receptive to it over time.

Anecdotal I know, but just saying.

56ede1 No.1464062

File: 70fd603ba125011⋯.jpeg (138.87 KB, 1242x1033, 1242:1033, 3f6cedc9a8f9fac856b2247e4….jpeg)

e86ff9 No.1464063


Maybe you should try to understand that IT'S NOT ABOUT WHAT YOOOOOOOOU WANT. FFS you either trust the plan or you don't. Fuck off with all the bitching, nagging, ragging & complaining. If you don't like what's going on, LEAVE. Jeeeeeeeeeeezus.

137951 No.1464064

NYTs Article from last bread being discussed on Fox right now

4c23dd No.1464065


Humanities teacher said movie was analogy for Christian faith;

Definitely there.

I had a personal revelation of Faith… look over my questions; It shook me up.

"Will you let me destroy myself"



"Because I have ( )"

only for you anon.

5b283a No.1464066

File: 90d129057b29519⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 11.98 KB, 204x255, 4:5, b8b49601eab18c423ad35df51f….jpg)


dc6acd No.1464067


and what if the feds take your kids anon ? then they are going to be put in protective services and who knows where they will end up from there

d68e2d No.1464068

File: 3d0d75b1c69e77e⋯.jpg (63.47 KB, 478x640, 239:320, toe.JPG)


we need a closeup?

40e637 No.1464069


The message is what would an M240 in the back of a truck do to a school…

7ae221 No.1464070

File: 1e7e06ae66dd3ab⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1008x800, 63:50, batrump-richbin.png)

c267e3 No.1464071

>>1463440 (LB)

When Rush was still only in Sacramento, a bunch of Patriots sent him info on everything that is finally being exposed now.

He doled out scraps of that info, just fast enough to keep many listening, while pretending he was uncovering it. He kept anything we knew about Bush off the air, and hasn't even come close to exposing things he was made aware of decades ago.

I was there, and wouldn't trust him to take care of my cactus over a weekend.

You have been deceived, anon. Sorry to have to be the one to point this out.

bdd62b No.1464072



The main reason I think it's an "a" is because Q seems to purposely leave the "a" below it fully visible, almost as a wink wink to what the obscured letter is.

60fd88 No.1464073

File: 86a90edeff6b672⋯.jpg (269.85 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_0017.JPG)

File: d3e09b6ad328043⋯.jpg (65.84 KB, 557x474, 557:474, IMG_0018.JPG)

File: 964d946bcc54d34⋯.jpg (109.02 KB, 773x986, 773:986, IMG_0021.JPG)

e1e175 No.1464074

I do feel it's Martial Law time. Too many FF's today and today is not over yet. Maybe this is why Potus canceled his Camp David weekend and Pompeo's Pentagon meeting. Thinking Martial Law is a good idea. A good time to arrest the Cabal Deep State hold outs. I think I am prepared now.

e86ff9 No.1464075


Yep, his story changed, didn't it?

3282f3 No.1464076

File: aba3cb6605b3d83⋯.jpg (33.43 KB, 498x516, 83:86, 1518245727926.jpg)


Yep, once you realize how intertwined some species are with the events related to the satanists, the bilderbergers, trilateral commission, council of foreign relations, it's hard to not look the other way. Whole new meaning to swamp gas..

b49a05 No.1464077


it's like mildly woke…a long way off, but open to truth if it is presented

56ede1 No.1464078

File: ca6da0e19cba70d⋯.jpg (91.12 KB, 500x573, 500:573, ca6da0e19cba70d93235cd0979….jpg)

33922e No.1464079


whoa…. lol

d8aa63 No.1464080

File: ec471aa0a1644a3⋯.jpg (39.97 KB, 526x196, 263:98, TodayEvents.jpg)


Busy day today.

a322a2 No.1464081

File: e53390a4cab1ca5⋯.jpg (41.8 KB, 665x900, 133:180, 82b1fac792f7d4a3aebd9e6c48….jpg)

File: 17278071c8cbf85⋯.jpg (18.57 KB, 300x391, 300:391, not_this_shit_again_1_71c2….jpg)

File: 53db32f15b7b593⋯.jpg (12.65 KB, 255x168, 85:56, c0f34ea24d8cb371350531b344….jpg)


56ede1 No.1464082

File: b66a9125072aba9⋯.jpg (41.38 KB, 600x300, 2:1, DUByAWnUQAAjy6u.jpg)

e91fff No.1464083


sex slave?

daa149 No.1464085


Triggered much?

61c49c No.1464086

caf02d No.1464087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



d14b74 No.1464088

File: d31616eb2b1f126⋯.jpg (4.77 KB, 272x185, 272:185, download (25).jpg)

File: 02926f9e8b0cbc5⋯.jpg (7.39 KB, 190x265, 38:53, download (26).jpg)

Pope's personal guardians.

Camillo Cibin ( Retired )

Domenico Giani ( Current ) ?



ba92ec No.1464089

File: 5fe998f518d69ed⋯.jpg (233.01 KB, 1024x662, 512:331, 583448602cbe954fb8b4561414….jpg)



5b283a No.1464090

File: 17d6dd0cf642a11⋯.jpeg (156.66 KB, 1440x1088, 45:34, 1524235180.jpeg)

56ede1 No.1464091

File: 1141d2f1b861da9⋯.jpg (167.17 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 1141d2f1b861da91512f026a6e….jpg)

7ae221 No.1464092

>>1464083 >>1464066

tip of the spear

d83105 No.1464093

File: 5fee1b7c78c1daa⋯.png (261.69 KB, 1061x640, 1061:640, ClipboardImage.png)


Not the only incident of fuckery in ND…

80602b No.1464094


ok here is something I am weak on - how do connect God to math for the people


3859bf No.1464095

Let’s say your a chic fag, how much crap takes place before you cancel your fairy tale wedding? Your Brother writes letters begging the Royals to cancel. Your father needs heart surgery out of the blue ( two days before your wedding). your sister in in an accident . Not to mention you’ve only been engaged six months. The wedding will take place on a Saturday instead of weekday per protocol because the government won’t make the day a holiday.

Prince Charles will walk her down the aisle like a lamb to the slaughter, won’t be his first sacrifice will it?

What is it that they “need” from her. She’s mixed race so it must be important to allow the blood to mix. Is it her relation to Jack the Ripper. Yes, she is kin (gaggle it I've already sauced it in PB.

Why do they need this wedding to happen? Is it a meeting for the cabal? was it to hand out the phones and or laptops to cabal members who normally wouldn’t be reachable, as it is a publicized event.

Or is it just gonna be a mass terror event. Ever since the ==laurel yannie== crap started ff’s EVERYWHERE!!!!! I believe that (((IT IS A TRIGGER))) and it’s working!!!!

dc6acd No.1464096


f33127 No.1464097

File: 21659dd25cb0151⋯.jpg (24.91 KB, 793x452, 793:452, mkultra-the-masses.jpg)

838ea0 No.1464098

here's their wiki page


03e846 No.1464099

Pickle Factory suggestion

Source: https:// wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/7230

Seemed interesting.


Talked about HRC giving orders through state cables for diplomats to spy. Talks about Susan Rice "not" asking members of her staff to collect diplomatic plates or cell phones or biometric data on people of her staff came into contact with. Etc.

Here's a fun quote from the email: 'David Corn, writing in.PoliticsDaily, predicts that Clinton will "survive the current storm," even though she might not

deserve to.'

9997e4 No.1464100

>>1463896 (prev bread)

Because (((they))) feed off of your bad decisions which are fear or ego based (of self) and consistently good ones based on unconditional love and no ego (of service) eases the higher vibratory ascension process.

caf02d No.1464101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

740ba7 No.1464102

File: 76f4344fbd55087⋯.jpg (126.2 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, FearThestorm-Bezos1.jpg)

File: 2a0e245373080ac⋯.jpg (113.36 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, FearTheStorm-Bezos2.jpg)

7ae221 No.1464103

File: 6ca3035b81a4796⋯.png (547.48 KB, 1024x662, 512:331, Hillareeeee.png)

daa149 No.1464104


Yup, rush is the definition of Controlled Opposition. And you blame AJ for it.


56ede1 No.1464105

File: c7da68daee173b8⋯.png (249.79 KB, 435x286, 435:286, c45694635957f777aab7b5e5f6….png)

e63933 No.1464106

Has any anon dug up any report on the autopsy/paternity DNA test that were reported to be conducted on Miriam Wuolou the [personal] secretary of the Pope who was found dead (7 months pregnant) in 2016? I can't find anything beyond initial reports- nothing on follow-up stories. Thinking this might be significant but coming up empty on dig.

56ede1 No.1464108

File: 3f18e3641cf1866⋯.jpg (118.84 KB, 1200x730, 120:73, DUZzYOsW0AEt7V6.jpg)

e86ff9 No.1464109


Because it doesn't belong here. There's a board for that. Fuck off.

9aedf0 No.1464110

File: 012042dc60c92ea⋯.jpg (315.45 KB, 616x616, 1:1, obama-election-fraud-consp….jpg)

File: 5c3866a4dc68ee4⋯.jpg (61.25 KB, 226x223, 226:223, wouldnt-it-blow-your-mind-….jpg)

File: 52dcca58c65c77b⋯.jpg (298.06 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, DWh8mSWX4AIMOfO.jpg)

File: 51e154a429b54f1⋯.png (236.18 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 51e154a429b54f1a38429eb8db….png)




61c49c No.1464111


Their Libel is in the $millions.

We say what we what

8f528e No.1464112

File: 3bdae6286974d33⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 23.45 KB, 320x482, 160:241, tumblr_mme4i2yLC01sogsklo1….jpg)

Bless this bread

7ae221 No.1464113

File: 9dfa5c4d1f25004⋯.png (1.52 MB, 777x788, 777:788, RUSSIAN BOTS_AMERICAN BOOT….PNG)

9b23a8 No.1464114



Space X

3278d9 No.1464115


At this point I think it a legitimate query…

this is a hot war now…

By what means shall we defend ourselves?

314315 No.1464116

File: a39cd7efa380f5f⋯.jpg (126.4 KB, 568x336, 71:42, Matrix Buddhism.jpg)


>for Christian faith.

Depending on what your definition of Christian is, I suppose.

However, there are many other things, such as Buddhism evident in it.

The thing about Buddhism and what Jesus actually taught is that they intersect in very many ways.

The thing is, lots of religions do, I suspect.

Common source?

The very idea of letting go to the material things that keep us bound and elevating into enlightenment by pure belief, as finding it inward instead of outward is a belief rarely held in mainstream Christianity.

74e773 No.1464117


rush is the original paytriot

fair weather friend of potus

stays on the fence on everything that might offend a single sponsor

never takes a challenge from anyone on the show

admits - nay - BRAGS about all the above

6efcf7 No.1464118

File: dda8a8b57e0cf3b⋯.jpg (40.17 KB, 634x321, 634:321, Election Revised.jpg)

de342e No.1464119


Maybe if you read something you don't like, you should either filter or move on. Cause I certainly didn't ask for your opinion.

3face1 No.1464120


you forgot the photo.

Person Of Interest

According to The machine is real (already shared by Joseph Anthony) seems like people have started building an AI similar to that we have seen in Person of Interest about a decade ago. When coming to the reality there’s a huge data involved in building such a huge AI. Watch this video How we're teaching computers to understand pictures by Fei-Fei-Li, where she tells up-to what level an AI is capable of recognizing an object .

If you’re getting shot at and you’re a trained CIA operative, I’d imagine you’d take cover and attempt to fire back, but the highly trained Samaritan agents can’t even fire properly, especially during the emotional finale. First they couldn’t shoot straight then suddenly (SPOILERS) he gets shot dozens of times in the chest.

PoI started out very realistic, especially with having the police on their back and Det. Carter trying to track them now. Overtime, however, the show leaned more into The Machine storyline than the characters’, which means we saw more predicaments involving The Machine, the rival AI Samaritan and more.

You could question the realism of shooting someone in the show but they do have their military, fighting scenes, firearms and hacking scenes as realistic as they come. I could genuinely imagine an AI being created the way Finch created her.


daa149 No.1464121


Ah, that makes sense.


de427d No.1464122


more psyops incoming

56ede1 No.1464123

File: a5443bc53b0eade⋯.jpg (50.73 KB, 500x399, 500:399, DUNA5d-UQAArBlM.jpg)

dfdbaa No.1464124







I didn't think about that.

4bf97e No.1464125

File: 4c247413a3244b0⋯.jpeg (43.71 KB, 305x289, 305:289, 93A63CB9-D06A-4986-9583-5….jpeg)

Qresearch ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7fd061 No.1464126


Especially bless the baker

44a4bf No.1464127

File: 9e2af9d855e9d58⋯.jpg (42.3 KB, 480x270, 16:9, q.jpg)

We're all Q.

ba92ec No.1464128

File: 8b9a6e14e32e812⋯.jpg (60.41 KB, 400x500, 4:5, Nice pepe _f765730d8d836f9….jpg)


still kek'n

0a4b21 No.1464129

File: 4429a5526c1b75c⋯.jpg (112.83 KB, 813x960, 271:320, 27749928_10156023420634890….jpg)

File: f7f1e436666bb76⋯.jpg (22.94 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 26239663_10155956374869890….jpg)

caf02d No.1464130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




3b4765 No.1464131

File: 5bf3f921fa4b82b⋯.png (226.6 KB, 479x212, 479:212, ClipboardImage.png)

0f614c No.1464132

Hey Q, seen that flight to gitmo today, nice.

56ede1 No.1464133

File: 4b6cecfe1b13084⋯.jpg (127.52 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, DUZzYOuWkAAeBzD.jpg)

3278d9 No.1464134

File: f16efb770def48e⋯.jpg (317.55 KB, 1811x1811, 1:1, IMG_0242.jpg)


Nice pic

74e773 No.1464135


well msm could sure not call him a tyrant after raving for him to do something

could be exactly what we are waiting for

e86ff9 No.1464136


When you post on the board here you invite everyone's opinion. I'm just tired of the stupid. But I can fix that too. Fucking retard.

b21f3a No.1464137

File: 576a0d15faee3a1⋯.png (13.21 KB, 468x176, 117:44, ___.png)

Pain here?

5e85f1 No.1464138



e91fff No.1464140



Probably right

4c23dd No.1464141

... I think we can do this








Hashtag flood?


respond or note if you want to do this.



e291d0 No.1464142

File: c2656c0a8be55f7⋯.jpg (83.02 KB, 658x610, 329:305, Dont Post.jpg)

d68e2d No.1464143

jonesburo ga

Mount Zion High School in Georgia

56ede1 No.1464144

File: 4d4b7a3c98a346b⋯.jpg (148.94 KB, 784x1024, 49:64, DUQXC0PWkAEwBBe.jpg)

caf02d No.1464145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8f528e No.1464146

File: 46ffab8ab50cddf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 96.06 KB, 796x544, 199:136, images.jpg)


Bless the Baker, in the name of the Father and of the Son and Of the Holy Spirit, YaHoVaH, both now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen

60fd88 No.1464147

File: 563a19258bea90d⋯.jpg (22.79 KB, 500x213, 500:213, IMG_0024.JPG)

Police investigate crimes, if you would like your murder to be investigated then please, rely on the police. You have the God given right to protect yourself, and in the U.S.A. you can use a gun for self defense. Rely on a gun and the police won't have anything to investigate.

daa149 No.1464148


you can fix that?


This is going to be fun

I've got my popcorn, get on with it

e86ff9 No.1464149


Nope. Just tired of the stupid.

a58aa7 No.1464150



804777 No.1464151

File: 970bd0c301f5bbe⋯.png (17.03 KB, 819x209, 819:209, what.png)

Just went to look up NolteNC twitter ('Sources Say' is Greek for 'Fake News'). I was curious to see how many followers he has. Came across this.

The fuck Google?

750d2f No.1464152

File: 215d9d34581058b⋯.png (86.76 KB, 708x497, 708:497, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5700b1068e0a10⋯.png (285.05 KB, 764x774, 382:387, ClipboardImage.png)


right, and the two teachers were both substitutes, if I'm reading that right.


Also I just did a couple of reverse image searches and look at the level of fuckery:

80602b No.1464153

Qctaves are not just music

They define the physical and levels of the physicals - Jesus went to the next octave.

within our physical reality are 8 planes. All of different amounts of 'physical to the current one we reside on"

288034 No.1464154


>Camillo Cibin

Camillo Cibin - Telegraph


Camillo Cibin, who died on October 25 aged 83, was the papal bodyguard who leapt over a wooden barrier in St Peter's Square to prevent the Turkish gunman Mehmet Ali Agca from escaping after he had tried to assassinate Pope John Paul II on May 13 1981.

dfdce0 No.1464155


Not so far fetched, but I tend to think of this world (what we experience as existence) as being under the influence of something akin to a pendulum, or wave of consciousness. Collectively, we can and do effect how widely it swings, or the height/frequency of the waves. Never will it be still. Those with power and money influence the movement, and specifically the extremes. We are currently in a time where our collective lack of awareness, plus incredible technology that keeps us unaware has reached a peak, the furthest the pendulum can possibly swing. Never has there been a time when it is so obvious to those even remotely aware that so much is wrong with the agenda and methodology of those who believe they have the powers of control. (((They))) only think they are in control because there has not been enough resistance. No correcting, either from themselves or others (no punishment). They're high on themselves. They are literally fiddling and dancing while the Titanic sinks. And because the falling sensation from sinking is enjoyable to them (like how a 2 year old feels being tossed about in the air), they want it to sink faster. I also believe it has been divine intervention that the pendulum wasn't pushed to the point where upon it's reverse course, it would also take out the entire world. Instead, it's only going to take out (((them))). A tidal wave upon themselves.

5e85f1 No.1464156

lol did anyone see that FEshill say "we"

who the fuck is "we" and how many of these FEtards shill our board daily?

d68e2d No.1464157

ONE woman is dead and at least one other injured after someone opened fire in a parking lot near the Mount Zion High School in Georgia.

The school, in Clayton County, was reportedly in the process of conducting an evening graduation ceremony when the gunshots rang out. But Clayton County Fire has since told local media the victims were not students at the school.

3b4765 No.1464158

File: c9888d930f192a2⋯.png (17.44 KB, 1561x109, 1561:109, ClipboardImage.png)

8c4617 No.1464159

File: 43e4e9402464c40⋯.jpg (27.97 KB, 596x256, 149:64, kashuv get idiot reply.jpg)

Dumbest fuck… ever

61c49c No.1464160


If your one of these HI-Tech Russian Bots the Demonrats keep telling us about you Failed

74e773 No.1464161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

better version

live sucks most of the time

the whole album is pretty great really

44a4bf No.1464162


KEK. Good one.

caf02d No.1464163

File: 3d1ee50513afbce⋯.jpeg (126.96 KB, 1140x856, 285:214, damn hippies.jpeg)


those are some ugly caca fegels lyn

9b02f1 No.1464164


well in martial law the constitution is suspended isn't it? that would also suspend the second amendment

7fd061 No.1464165


Nice get.

Blessings of the Most High upon this baker.

7ae221 No.1464166



there's Maxine Stupid, but there's definitely also Bezos Weird.

f60415 No.1464167

56ede1 No.1464168

File: 264b3957f6fc025⋯.jpg (101.09 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, DUZ8AfzW4AUZW8Y.jpg)

ac1ab4 No.1464169


They can't!

There is no judge that could deny the fact that kids are getting shot up in schools- it's on tv everyday!

Your comment makes it appear as if you have no choice.



Protect your children! (((They))) will not.

btw- new school shooting in GA tonight at a grad ceremony. Bet the shooter's in deep doo-doo for having that gun in a gun-free zone.

3d9e96 No.1464170



80602b No.1464171

vibration and frequency define everything.

daa149 No.1464172


that it does.

Careful what you wish for.

cb2fa8 No.1464173

File: ff7f316c776aeaa⋯.jpg (3.08 MB, 2336x4160, 73:130, Wormser2.jpg)


missed one pic

de427d No.1464174



arent we are tired of being told what do concerning our kids……..etc……..we are all slaves……AFTER Q WINS THIS THEN WHAT…..we will still be slaves

b21f3a No.1464175



UK Tomorrow

Message for Zion.

56ede1 No.1464176

File: a22b89a3e03ce1b⋯.jpg (73.82 KB, 514x680, 257:340, DUYNWRfU8AANk8H.jpg)

1778c4 No.1464177


Def not an "a". The curvature is too broad.

c d e o q

Not a.

0f614c No.1464178

So a military helicopter dropped a box of ammo through a roof of a school named Parkland???

a28a83 No.1464179

File: b48036e8f9a0cd3⋯.jpg (49.93 KB, 506x372, 253:186, YesJewMarx.JPG)

cdc266 No.1464180


maybe some hear yanny, some heard lauel and others heard something else

I heard yanny

81dca2 No.1464181


Ban Lightsabers!! They kill Jedi!!

672044 No.1464182

File: 7e8993dce6c8c2a⋯.jpg (70.35 KB, 462x467, 462:467, 08afd82a9d0b5e06fe70a4c52b….jpg)

737b6f No.1464183


One species specifically and their allies. Yup. Hard to not to look around and wonder who is who.

5e85f1 No.1464184

File: bb8351154bb756b⋯.png (404.75 KB, 743x370, 743:370, ClipboardImage.png)


lol all gone

dc45a1 No.1464185

>>1463925 From prev

Agreed..............but I don't even think all of them were FFs.


I always say listen to your gut, but this does not ring true for me, anon.


You missed my point. I was being extreme as are some of these anons.

Certainly meant no disrespect.

4bbcca No.1464186

File: 739a188303ea780⋯.png (1.23 MB, 660x721, 660:721, bigblue.PNG)

80602b No.1464187

perspective is based on pov and frequency and velocity.

de427d No.1464188


your right they will not they are sittings ducks for slaughter

d68e2d No.1464189


id say nig gonna nig

f33127 No.1464190


I hear both

0bb995 No.1464191


If you see it all and hear it all, how come so many school shootings today? How come so many kids had to die? If this is your plan, it stinks. Need some clarification Q.

And anons, before you all jump my a$$, I am a God-fearing, born again Christian. In God I trust, all others pay cash. Old saying but I am an old great grandma.

Been hear since before "Q" became a formal thing, back in 4 chan and before all the moves and drama w/Baruch the Scribe.

b4ef8b No.1464192


Agree. They are taking down his presidency with violence.

3b4765 No.1464193

File: f3fc3e365b4128c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 630.2 KB, 851x485, 851:485, ClipboardImage.png)

alert this is not a meme…

3278d9 No.1464194


LeVay was the Alt-Light of Satanism.

f476f0 No.1464195

File: 42eba6df0856e7e⋯.png (22.38 KB, 334x283, 334:283, eyeout.png)

4c23dd No.1464196


"… and bless the meme-makers"

5e85f1 No.1464197




both sounds are played at the same time

you hear the low frequency sound if you can't hear high

you hear the high frequency sound if you can't hear low

IF YOU ARE AWAKE, you hear both

muh hearing

84513d No.1464198


Agreed. I have the same sort of situation with most of the people around me. But there's also a lot of people I work with that only read headlines, and walk around thinking it's the truth. They think there is some sort of screening process and MSM is credible. Anything else is a conspiracy theory.

Hell, if 10% of black voters got redpilled, repubs would win every election. Like I said, not necessary to have the normies but it's a longer process without them.

44b91d No.1464199

File: 09be4b9d8c80b27⋯.png (115.48 KB, 304x308, 76:77, 1490171304350.png)

Things ramped up bigly today, Q said they may try to distract. What is coming?

de427d No.1464200


its from child abuse……..being yanked as a kid etc

751f49 No.1464201

(Bread #1837)


The article says he stated they were switched when 8-year-old Harry was going to say Charles was not his father. The article quotes the police as saying two or three did the hit, people in the building heard nothing, which means silencers, these were professionals. If people were going to start having to take court-ordered paternity tests, the whole royal fakery would come completely unraveled.

c6e927 No.1464202

File: 1f11c66a8f3e8a0⋯.png (253.28 KB, 1164x234, 194:39, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)


de342e No.1464203


I'm tired of this stupid shit too. Including fucktards like you that think they know everything and have no concern about children being killed today because some fucking bad news came out about criminal referrals.

And then there are anons like you that just do nothing but troll the board looking for a reason to cuss anons out. If you think I am a retard because I hate seeing children killed for no fucking reason, I would say look in a mirror.

b21f3a No.1464204


With a Humanity so and with this disaster.

it's difficult to find the change to a better live.

56ede1 No.1464205

File: 9c513e063797b3e⋯.jpg (200.83 KB, 1194x1200, 199:200, DUPbO19VoAAjK8z.jpg)

3d9e96 No.1464206


Too late. No room at the Inn.

60fd88 No.1464207


We need a law protecting the children, if the politician's have them and the stars also why not protect our kids. From now on it's our fault if we dont protect them.

ac1ab4 No.1464208


Bring them home. Nobody tells you sh!t about it anymore.


They can't!

There is no judge that could deny the fact that kids are getting shot up in schools- it's on tv everyday!

Your comment makes it appear as if you have no choice.



Protect your children! (((They))) will not.

btw- new school shooting in GA tonight at a grad ceremony. Bet the shooter's in deep doo-doo for having that gun in a gun-free zone.

3b4765 No.1464210

File: e6a70f6787b24d7⋯.jpg (572.43 KB, 1551x1145, 1551:1145, loqtus.jpg)

d68e2d No.1464211


well i took it wrong, i knew many older than me people tell me the horror in vietnam.

80602b No.1464212

Where you are in game theory is about POV and options.

Options are defined by frequency - what octave'level you are on.

kinda basic.

a322a2 No.1464213


I wouldn't be a bit surprised that yanni/laurel thing is a trigger. I did notice something interesting about that. Listening to that with both ears I heard yanni, listening with one ear it was laurel.

e86ff9 No.1464214


Lol that was funny anon. I can only fix it for the 1 particular stupid I was speaking of. We just have to deal with the rest.

288034 No.1464215


>Domenico Giani


VATICAN CITY – The Vatican's helipad is going to be getting a lot busier, for a good cause.

The Vatican on Friday signed an agreement with Rome's pediatric hospital to let it use the pope's helipad for emergency transport of patients and organs, around the clock.

The Holy See-owned Bambin Gesu, Europe's largest pediatric hospital and research center, is located just up the hill from the Vatican.

In a statement, hospital president Mariella Enoc said using the Vatican's helipad will greatly reduce transport time, "contributing in many cases to saving the lives of children."

Enoc said a key player in the deal was Domenico Giani, the pope's chief bodyguard, who is known for the gentle way he holds children up to the pope to be kissed whenever Francis is out in public.

7ae221 No.1464216

File: 45a635f4a82e03b⋯.png (298.29 KB, 405x540, 3:4, StretchArmweak.png)

56ede1 No.1464217

File: 74b4c3195c38964⋯.jpg (45.68 KB, 682x259, 682:259, DUZmnjjX0AAfs1I.jpg)

137951 No.1464218


1. Nolte is AWESOME

2. BB should probably see that

3. He calls out CNN and other fake news almost daily

4. That should tell you who is behind such BS

daa149 No.1464219

7fd061 No.1464220


Slow steps

Deep breaths

dc6acd No.1464221


slavery is a mindset if q fails go live deep in the woods and pray

3278d9 No.1464222


Yes, yass, indeed; let us sully this cuntbath!

625b2b No.1464223

File: e78e9a887c084ce⋯.png (55.68 KB, 1123x701, 1123:701, article.png)

File: e17fc3056832583⋯.png (34.81 KB, 1175x259, 1175:259, article2.png)


my guess is article

well used term in a lot of his orders. see pic

think articles of the constitution as well

a99eca No.1464224

File: 113d6c9aa7c1742⋯.jpg (384.74 KB, 1080x1034, 540:517, Screenshot_20180518-193034.jpg)

File: 9381ff04bee603a⋯.jpg (396.79 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, Screenshot_20180518-194245.jpg)

File: 450740fb1533799⋯.png (1.36 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 450740fb15337993c8d2087842….png)

This better be some reverse psychology shit DT is pulling on the sheeple in CA. John COX DOES NOT REPRESENT CALIFORNIA!!!

HE Supports Carbon Tax and HAS SOROS ties.

a65bc3 No.1464225

File: 2188411d7da395c⋯.png (4.79 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, We are Q.png)

Due to a bunch of shills and dickheads attacking each other over the existance or not of Q it occurs to me that we are all Q and we should slam these idiots in the face with that fact. So I am proposing that we all post memes and # Iam Q all over twitter to shut these dickheads up.

0a5d8e No.1464226


>MKUltra Trigger Code


This was published on the Official White House YT channel. NO chance POTUS would be involved in MKULTRA.


d600b5 No.1464227


ty rambleonanon.

jk… thanks for the info

f734a9 No.1464228



Now I need to put that ep of …..season 6 I think of X Files…with the field and cave goo where the gray alien winds up in Mulder's apartment.

Good background sound for tonight, mehthinks. KEK

daa149 No.1464229

File: 25a658861fb66e0⋯.png (103.3 KB, 650x376, 325:188, ClipboardImage.png)

This may be of some use should you find yourself in a pickle

56ede1 No.1464231

File: 2bd2e651beb9756⋯.jpg (51.42 KB, 589x391, 589:391, 2bd2e651beb9756b74286c1f88….jpg)

21d4dc No.1464232



Anon, it sucks to say, but good people die in a war. I guarantee our President and patriots are doing everything in their power to help avoid civilian death…you can do your part by continuing to pray.

7ae221 No.1464233

>>1464146 gotta love the prayer & nudity cocktails. spicy, and deliciously pre-emptive

a99eca No.1464234



Fuk, 4got link

f4565e No.1464236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11cf7d No.1464237


no. If you really HAD been on /pol, if you really WERE a great grandma, you'd blame the murderer. If you were a bible thumping fundamentalist, you'd blame the Devil.

But instead, you use the leftist/alinsky/marxist/manipulation tactic and blame the agenda item.

56ede1 No.1464238

File: b669c198c03118f⋯.png (401.69 KB, 728x605, 728:605, 78d882e91a8fdec23b5616cfcc….png)

102929 No.1464239


Except you're not Q. Q team is Q.

0f614c No.1464240

File: b6e7703009d8774⋯.jpg (577.27 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, RossanePirate05x.jpg)

bdd62b No.1464241


Context is a cool thing…

e49b19 No.1464242


strange you say that, in the WH video, Trump says he hears Covfefe. Could that be a message to the autists here. It stood out to me. I thought Trump looked annoyed. But after thinking of this in the light of a MK ULTRA command, his demeanor in the video makes sense. He's not annoyed, he's got a serious look. What you anons think of this?

dc45a1 No.1464243

No worries anon. I could have been clearer in my post.

92e9e9 No.1464244

File: fc74737bee01c57⋯.jpg (73.79 KB, 680x1157, 680:1157, note.jpg)


>Pendulum Theory Win

80602b No.1464245


You are endorsing being triggered.

Where you personally effected

Do you think it was not planned

Do you think it was meant to influence you

stop buying in.

de342e No.1464246


Just love your holy than thou attitude. WWG1WGA probably means nothing to you.

d83105 No.1464247

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.




Moar from CalChaos…stun gun bicycle.

55e54c No.1464248

File: e713c83a668eb86⋯.jpg (81.7 KB, 1200x606, 200:101, weinerprosecutor.jpg)

4c23dd No.1464249


This was my thinking anon, and it explains possibly why its harder to stop:


I dont know, but something at that level seems to be going on… might even be worse than what I posted

3b4765 No.1464250

File: 5f5d90d2ceac747⋯.jpg (556.25 KB, 1474x1467, 1474:1467, madmaxine2.jpg)

de427d No.1464251

File: 01f7bf262aec832⋯.jpg (16.39 KB, 283x240, 283:240, sixtoes.jpg)

737b6f No.1464252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is a face of mine.

5e85f1 No.1464253


everyone here think you are a joke

stfu then kys

or Run_SelfDestruction if you're a bot

b21f3a No.1464254


SO it's a MKULTRA code for activation?

e291d0 No.1464255

POTUS supports John Cox in CA!

Message received vote for Cox!

dc45a1 No.1464256

Man, something is messing with my posting. Some fuckery afoot.

56ede1 No.1464257

File: eeffeb7b1c8f050⋯.jpg (455.76 KB, 800x1282, 400:641, 49791edaddfdae1df20e0b9800….jpg)

737b6f No.1464258


Fav not face lol

4bbcca No.1464259

File: a2e5b75dbaa7266⋯.png (511.06 KB, 691x685, 691:685, MUHFLAT.PNG)

File: e3af7109da90e20⋯.png (839.87 KB, 627x577, 627:577, flatbreakdome.PNG)

File: 3343c372a0b7c69⋯.png (493.87 KB, 738x444, 123:74, flathell.PNG)

File: 8fd840b7528b2dd⋯.png (726.19 KB, 679x608, 679:608, flatpressure.PNG)

File: 00ff3d8b6514a5c⋯.png (744.76 KB, 844x545, 844:545, flatex.PNG)

>> 1464139

a28a83 No.1464260



b49a05 No.1464261

File: f590d84f443bd35⋯.png (415.79 KB, 640x625, 128:125, newfbbreach.png)

FB fiasco continues (article from yesterday)

https:// pjmedia.com/trending/massive-new-facebook-breach-personal-data-from-4m-facebook-users-available-on-open-web/

750d2f No.1464262


fractals, sacred geometry, fibonacci spiral

420ce0 No.1464263

File: 49a39b52ad304c9⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 720x713, 720:713, 3JfLFR.jpg)


Spending time with FLOTUS or destroying the cabal?

Maybe just curling up with a good book?

746848 No.1464264


Info about the relevant time-period

>Manafort began writing unsolicited emails to Trump offering advice about how to run the campaign in late February. According to Thomas Barrack, a long-time Trump associate who has known Manafort for decades, Manafort at one point told him, “I really need to get to” Trump. Manafort officially joined the campaign as an unpaid adviser on March 28 to help coordinate delegate-counting efforts for the Republican National Convention, and went on to become Trump’s campaign chairman on May 19, still as an unpaid position.



c61989 No.1464265


Happy Valentine's Day! …?

d68e2d No.1464266


eww six toed nephilim blood, lol

9997e4 No.1464267


We know that Q/Trump had foreknowledge of the Texas shooting from the drops. The People would understand if the White Hats at the FBI and DoJ, Wray, Sessions, Bolton, Mad Dog and @POTUS all made the case for short term, limited ML needed to round up this “terrorist” group who have conspired to a mass killing of our children. It would likely morph into other crimes which the People would then deman be rooted out at any cost. The time is right for selling ML.

a99eca No.1464268

File: 7760eeeb7e07cdc⋯.jpg (178.41 KB, 540x463, 540:463, 20180419_235602.jpg)

File: 1e67507b4cdcd99⋯.jpg (150.93 KB, 540x450, 6:5, 20180419_234720.jpg)

File: dffdcd71366bde8⋯.jpg (64.06 KB, 540x399, 180:133, Travis Allen--1.jpg)

File: 14e021cb1f03dca⋯.jpg (136.98 KB, 539x473, 49:43, 20180419_225830.jpg)


TRAVIS ALLEN ←- CA fags… this is our Guy.

0bb995 No.1464269


I pray for our President, his family, staff, Marines, Q team et all multiple times every day. And also for all in the patriot movement. Yes, this is a war, but if they see and hear it all, then they would know it had been planned/was being planned and could have intervened. My only point.

56ede1 No.1464270

File: e7dcf3e8d7fa2c0⋯.png (440.55 KB, 610x343, 610:343, e7dcf3e8d7fa2c0f81ffa1bcee….png)

3b4765 No.1464271

File: 00ccb819571f713⋯.png (110.78 KB, 398x219, 398:219, ClipboardImage.png)

288034 No.1464272


exactly anon!

f0f7e8 No.1464273

File: 2de3dda34286c0c⋯.jpg (74.82 KB, 700x443, 700:443, fe1.jpg)

Comfy <3

d0f11f No.1464274


>Time stamps are important.


Chronicles 20:30-30

Focuses on having faith in the plan even when all odds are against you.

Seems relevant given the sudden increase in:


FF attacks

Benedict Arnolds

The Storm is upon us.

Have faith.

Trust the plan.

80602b No.1464275


Bitch if I had Flotus i would not be president and just have a nice garden and fish any time she wanted it.

e05c10 No.1464276

Do these idiots realize they just gave another confirmation that Q is real by triggering a FF today after Q already called them out on it yesterday?

cdc266 No.1464277


I have really bad tinnitus and some hearing loss and know there are certain frequencies I can't hear, no need to be a dick about being "awake"


8f528e No.1464278

File: 317c785b7acf5dd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 80.41 KB, 736x987, 736:987, 40b255469e648cbcc6fa009d40….jpg)


The Body of Christ (nice dubs)

56ede1 No.1464279

File: 728942566128ed7⋯.png (452.19 KB, 785x771, 785:771, b50bee45159e8904d72b4e4c9b….png)

d0f11f No.1464280



Chronicles 20:20-30

8080dd No.1464281

>>1462728 lb

YES!! I'm the anon that bought it up in February and linked it to LynDR's LAST TWEET ABOUT "BEST HOT CHOCOLATE IN THE WORLD"...the fire took place about an hour from HERSHEY PA. at 3:00 am...

ba92ec No.1464283

File: 57a782d10458a6c⋯.jpg (38.88 KB, 599x571, 599:571, 74174670f3c9b1aa8cfa070738….jpg)

9f3ba5 No.1464284

File: d01469e8fd2ab60⋯.png (897.72 KB, 634x1076, 317:538, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c87bd9c48da1ddc⋯.png (386.86 KB, 306x609, 102:203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e90e01cdae8aaeb⋯.png (353.81 KB, 634x425, 634:425, ClipboardImage.png)

Mixing styles! Huma Abedin takes her son Jordan to school in a classic black dress and modern biker jacket paired with $400 sunglasses - while her ex Anthony Weiner remains in prison

Gotta have friends: Huma (left at the Met Gala earlier this month) previously opened up about her relationship with Georgina Chapman (right in October) in the June issue of Vogue


afb6df No.1464285


Love it!

1d8a18 No.1464286

File: d7dd3ff77d77c4a⋯.jpg (18.56 KB, 280x137, 280:137, owl.jpg)

tetradrachm = ancient greek coin

21d4dc No.1464287


I hear ya, but this isn't a movie and things don't always go to plan. Large scale stuff is easier to stop then Lone wolfs. Everything happens for a reason. Trust the plan and trust God's plan.

You've been called to this board for a reason. Keep up the good fight!

11cf7d No.1464288


And here's where we would have to trust Caesar would give Rome back to the people? No, I don't think the plan could include martial law. Clean house, and let the Constitution stand. Without any damn Convention, because that's a blank check for politicians do do what THEY want with it. (not you, not me..we don't get to go)

6e222e No.1464289

File: 28befd2eaa01e44⋯.png (870.65 KB, 620x727, 620:727, rm.PNG)

0a5d8e No.1464290

File: 16a07b53d6590c0⋯.jpg (59.53 KB, 696x720, 29:30, alien-thisiswhy.jpg)


Fuck off Shill

Karma's a bitch

7a3d5a No.1464291

File: a1257ba5f60e34f⋯.jpg (16.31 KB, 300x166, 150:83, 1.21.jpg)


5b59c2 No.1464292


all there is is cool X-sports. They should never have tried to redo Point Break. You just don't do that to some movies. And to package it as some multi-"sport" action flick?

Tired tired tired. I didn't see Mountain Dew.. but I am sure it is in there someplace.

906a70 No.1464293


Donald J. Trump

‏Verified account


5h5 hours ago

California finally deserves a great Governor, one who understands borders, crime and lowering taxes. John Cox is the man - he’ll be the best Governor you’ve ever had. I fully endorse John Cox for Governor and look forward to working with him to Make California Great Again!

0a4b21 No.1464294

File: 52cbed22b917d1c⋯.jpg (46.32 KB, 476x714, 2:3, 26231832_527137707659373_6….jpg)

40e637 No.1464295




>I pray for our President, his family, staff, Marines, Q team et all multiple times every day. And also for all in the patriot movement. Yes, this is a war, but if they see and hear it all, then they would know it had been planned/was being planned and could have intervened. My only point.

This is Dangerous…. If all this plays out and there is proof that this is true… then there will be hell to pay over it.

3b4765 No.1464296

File: 5bf3f921fa4b82b⋯.png (226.6 KB, 479x212, 479:212, ClipboardImage.png)

56ede1 No.1464297

File: b3f482b466d7a92⋯.png (245.68 KB, 766x670, 383:335, d1223b2acb802ff4b3bc61fee2….png)

436392 No.1464298

File: 6338b1336c88db8⋯.png (750.03 KB, 598x800, 299:400, ClipboardImage.png)

9997e4 No.1464299


“I told that brain dead Water Buffalo and everyone else that there’d be ‘nooses’ for all of us!”

0bb995 No.1464300


I guess with the public schools, you can't comprehend. Of course I blame the person shooting the weapon. And there is a great probability that the boy was MK Ultra. The point I am making, is if Q sees and hears it all, why did children need to die to win against the cabal. And, yes, became a great grama January of this year.

5f209e No.1464301

Not to be racist or sound racist but if this Clayton county thing is legit, it will be a bunch of dead blacks JUST WHAT THE MEDIA NEEDS TO DISTRACT

f33127 No.1464302

File: be81647ca1fc06e⋯.png (21.98 KB, 800x175, 32:7, 2018-05-18_2250.png)

a38b0c No.1464303



b21f3a No.1464304


it was as 30.000 years of deception.

A failed project for a utopia, Now converted in a big nightmare.

If I was really happy. I would like be free of this slavery/Prision planet.

that is the true freedom. Exit.

Because same, We aren't of this planet.

We're incarnated extraterrestrials.

838ea0 No.1464305

File: 970b15c1e878f7b⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 1366x4834, 683:2417, Next Stop Hell.jpg)





69b7a0 No.1464306

File: e2b8e05a4d7c320⋯.png (142.31 KB, 575x310, 115:62, ClipboardImage.png)

92e9e9 No.1464307

File: f3f47521a7d91c7⋯.png (647.8 KB, 763x494, 763:494, f3f47521a7d91c7d23a273b5b1….png)


dc45a1 No.1464308


Ever? No. not ever. That was Ronald Reagan.

5e85f1 No.1464309


my bad lol

then enjoy now knowing what this yanny/laurel nonsense is all about

I hate this random twatter bullshit

746848 No.1464310



Remember when Nunberg was drunk going on all those TV interviews after he got subpeanaed? He kept saying Roger Stone was his mentor, like a father to him, or something like that. Nunberg is a certified rat! I thought at the time that he was B.S.ing. But this is becoming clearer now.

>"A few things - Trump is referring to @NunbergSam in his tweet. He’s too aware of what Stone could do to him to be that direct. Also, Trump has been abusive to all his staffers at various points, but continues to greet @CLewandowski_ better than most," she tweeted, using the handle for former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/trump-has-been-scared-of-roger-stone-for-years-new-york-times-reporter-maggie-haberman

>Nunberg said the special counsel requested he provide "every communication" he had with his "mentor" Roger Stone www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ex-trump-aide-sam-nunberg-asked-drunk-cnn-interview-article-1.3857138

3b4765 No.1464311

File: 318bb79d4395711⋯.jpg (589.32 KB, 1588x1031, 1588:1031, wtf2.jpg)

7ad7bb No.1464312

File: 81fe0dddb7032b6⋯.png (346.18 KB, 1122x891, 34:27, no_I.png)

Can someone tell me why r/The_Donald has a poster who posts links from internal C_A servers?


c0a36f No.1464313

File: e48ffdf05c04902⋯.jpg (59.6 KB, 489x807, 163:269, Y chromesome.jpg)

File: 98dcf3d6a86b756⋯.jpg (53.32 KB, 405x540, 3:4, lynn on porch.jpg)


This is what the Illuminati value in a person.

Lynn was not born a Rothschild. I believe she was chosen for this anomaly.

737b6f No.1464314


A good portion are human. Hybrids. Incarnates.

1c8b4c No.1464315

420ce0 No.1464316


I accept your offer, but only if you have tits.

21d4dc No.1464318



Copy that. Thanks…so maybe Thomas Barrack was the bridge and not Stone….noted. Thanks…

a99eca No.1464319





11cf7d No.1464320



102929 No.1464321

File: a9d5a5f0ae872cb⋯.png (190.62 KB, 417x319, 417:319, e2230b723ec10935f804398dde….png)

Friday night

9f3ba5 No.1464322


The boy also used pipe bombs and a pressure cooker rigged to blow up. All three are considered weapons. Are we going to ban all three?

d68e2d No.1464323


it sounds like a jealous passion shooting

one woman dead, another injured

does not sound random or a ff

fe20b9 No.1464324

Anyone near Fort Knox? Have heard rumors there is military activity nearby.

4b0210 No.1464325


This is just how black people celebrate. Not news, not a deep state operation.

751f49 No.1464326


Poster says feeling the pain.


Second poster kicks first poster in the pain.

436392 No.1464327

File: 67c76ec48362604⋯.png (649.52 KB, 624x800, 39:50, ClipboardImage.png)

54679e No.1464328

File: e2bbf952c5efe9b⋯.jpg (68.39 KB, 990x556, 495:278, RogerStoneGlasses.jpg)

>>1463293 lb

Stone's physiognomy alone raises eyebrows.

>>1463430 lb

>Some of the popularity of the dem party in the past, was driven by hate/mistrust that occurred because of George W Bush. His corruption and lies, shifted people to the left.

Thanks for posting this. So much of our past pre-woke politics was about being AGAINST whichever face of evil they were putting in front of us. How long has it been since we've had anything to be FOR? Thank God for POTUS and Q and the awakening Patriots.

>>1463478 lb


daa149 No.1464329


Who's duty is it to follow the Constitution?

Who's duty is it really?

I will follow it. When/If the time comes, I will care not whom cannot follow it.

6423ee No.1464330


"rtio" fits as well is my guess

80602b No.1464331



we are quantum souls

quantum to what?

Chop wood carry water

personally me I fish, and make fires :)

ec0f27 No.1464332

File: 5859547d6fed5e4⋯.png (654.45 KB, 691x576, 691:576, ClipboardImage.png)

3938cf No.1464333

File: 5edeb252b8b0a16⋯.jpg (132.4 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, stooges1.jpg)

0a4b21 No.1464334

File: f68639597a84ad8⋯.jpg (17.73 KB, 231x218, 231:218, images.jpg)

1d0e46 No.1464335

I've had a realization. And it's batshit crazy. Or maybe I'm crazy… but here goes..

Children are taken by the satanic pedovores. Some survive.kind of And thrive. They are tortured at a young age, over and over. In the worse possible ways you can't imagine nor have the stomach for. This breaks the psychological parts of the brain. Fractures the personality (soul) or rather boxes it up. Here's the cliff diver.. they then take the fractured child, and in some real life ritual they summon a demon spirit into the body(becomes possessed on a whole other level). These human form demons are so numerous now, they are everywhere. On every tv show. Every movie. All the music big names. All the deep state and co. Call me crazy. Say what you will.

3d9e96 No.1464336


there's military activity nearby every day. it's FORT KNOX.

de427d No.1464337


slaves of the law……to many laws and far too much control……its the law they use to enslave us with……….we should just stick with GODS 10…and call it good……damn all the rest

a99eca No.1464338



why is this still allowed???

7f0a6b No.1464339



the 7.62 caliber bullets that fell thru rough at parkland were the same that supposedly assinated kennedy even though it was probably a smaller calliber mauser

5f209e No.1464340


Well it is Clayton County shootings happen like every week so I put it as gang related bunch of animals run that county its a disgrace to Georgia, if it was a white shooting up a bunch of black kids id say it was a FF but hopefully it isnt

d83105 No.1464341

File: 85b4e1c9a96fe11⋯.jpg (14.69 KB, 255x225, 17:15, pepeflummoxed.jpg)


>>1464164 You need a piece of paper to say it's OK to keep your weapons?

750d2f No.1464342

File: 0cf0ee3f4c2bd35⋯.png (209.92 KB, 739x526, 739:526, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm human, moron. Up your bot detection skills

e55535 No.1464343


COMPels me!

f8556f No.1464344


-This happened when i was stationed there. There were a number of Security measures turned off for that to happen. A number of airmen died in the weeks after. The Secretary of the Air Force Serving at that time was found in a landfill a few years later if i remember correctly.

-While performing a fire codes inspection on the command center there was a room that didnt fit the floor plan. Upon further inspection there was a secret room built behind a wall with murals of whales and dolphins being slaughtered. it never made sense but i believe now that base is deeply corrupted in more ways than i can understand.

1b1dfe No.1464345

File: 6330c749edf38b0⋯.png (588.56 KB, 964x503, 964:503, buckinghampalace.png)

>>1463736 (previous bread)

7f0a6b No.1464346


roof even, anon signing off going to bed

c3741f No.1464347

I still want the truth about Princess Diana, who i really care nothing for, was pregnant with a muslim child when she was killed, and was killed because they did not want their infiltration to become known. She was a fucking traitor cunt and Charles is a dumb fuck. The Muslims have a 30 yr plan and it starts with acceptance to interracial relationships. They have started in that dumb fuck limey country, but they will be here soon. DONT let your daughters date, marry, etc.. Dune coons.

746848 No.1464348




Also Cohen. Roger Stone is tight with Cohen. Who Trump fired.

>The Times report, published Friday, includes quotes from Sam Nunberg, a former aide to his campaign — who describes how Cohen now has "leverage" over Trump, representing a new dynamic in their relationship. It also has a quote from Stone, a longtime political trickster who also served as an adviser to Trump's campaign early on.

So we have Roger with Nunberg (bad actor) and Cohen (bad actor)

fe20b9 No.1464349



0a5d8e No.1464350

File: 68ac299fa156e86⋯.jpg (12.94 KB, 229x221, 229:221, laughing at you shill.jpg)

f57935 No.1464352

File: c9fa48143edbd4b⋯.png (507.92 KB, 723x659, 723:659, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

288034 No.1464353


is that even weiner's kid??

e91ebe No.1464354


I lived in the ATL for over a decade and this is just another Friday night on the south side. They don't need the cabal or clowns to mix things up for them. It's like a perpetual mayhem machine down there.

56ede1 No.1464355

File: 19e44573f7a2724⋯.jpg (67.66 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 19e44573f7a272438b35fe62c5….jpg)

0bb995 No.1464356


I am not in favor of banning any weapons. My God, look at the EU and Chicago. Take away one weapon and they will use another. Been a shooter for nearly 50 years since my first husband was in 'nam.

What part are you not able to comprehend? Why did children have to be "sacrificed" to further the take down of the deep state.

9d80a7 No.1464357

A NEW kind of light.



Do (You) understand?

91ed77 No.1464358

740ba7 No.1464359


Now you're talking! KeK

ab26e4 No.1464360

File: 0c651532e307456⋯.jpg (28.24 KB, 316x550, 158:275, 0c651532e3074567f0d985f1f2….jpg)

File: ed051d9fc8df99f⋯.jpg (167.71 KB, 657x547, 657:547, ed051d9fc8df99f0eabde3e835….jpg)

File: b11455b73da7026⋯.jpg (424.55 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, b11455b73da7026bf88fcbc1a6….jpg)

File: 8ef8540af2ce8d0⋯.png (778.95 KB, 1740x1236, 145:103, ibor.png)


Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN?

The choice is yours

Sign the Petition!


#1. We The People have the Right to complete free speech when on the Internet.

#2. We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time.

#3. We shall be given access to the most up to date and powerful technology available to us, with all provisions & efforts made by our elected officials to ensure that our Internet quality is always reflective of its importance to our Republic.

#4. We have the Right to NOT have our Internet throttled, prioritized, or restricted in any way.

#5. We have the Right to select and appoint a new special council to oversee these Rights, and a report on the State of The American Internet shall be submitted to POTUS by January 15th of each year.

5e85f1 No.1464361


IP hopping multiple times in one bread

just filter

91ed77 No.1464362

File: 1602039437c6619⋯.jpg (106.84 KB, 1200x802, 600:401, 57c0d3176bab1.image.jpg)

c3741f No.1464364


not buying the Stone shit, he got Trump elected.

80602b No.1464365



:) can you send it to the queen?

ab26e4 No.1464366




can you replace the top on with the bottom one? It has more memetics.

11cf7d No.1464367


they see all that happen on phones and on the web, that can be visible from satellites. And I apologize for misinterpreting you, but you miss something simple: to trigger someone into doing something like this can also take place face to face by minimal people, and just one 'handler' of the mind controlled 'asset'.

Clowns have practiced leaving no trace for decades.

d83105 No.1464368


dubs confirm that's all-the-way fucked up. O_O

b4ef8b No.1464369


I am in no mood for jokes tonight….

But this is good.

a38b0c No.1464370


"one of the best pleasures in life"

theres a womans head in his lap.

3d9e96 No.1464371

File: 6bfa55e60fe9b59⋯.png (545.71 KB, 804x852, 67:71, ClipboardImage.png)


nothing on the scope. i'll look into it. thanks.

61c49c No.1464372


What's up with you "I want Marshall Law Fags"

No One wants that and We Never want to create a Precedent so Future Dems could use

b21f3a No.1464373


Yep. The Human souls are tied of all this.

Only search to live in peace Once in life

The others as The Cabal, others haven't human souls, are Reptilian souls,

for something eat humans,

Before if Happen the Mass event Extinction,

I demand the disclosure. it's a complete shame that Our origins are still unknown.

750d2f No.1464374


I think it's something like that, anon.

I believe there's a combo pack of psychological 'reforms' … mostly I think that we began rewarding sociopathic behaviour and therefore they multiplied faster, got into positions of power, etc.

But also yes, MKUltra, SRA, etc really happens and it could very well invoke demons and allow them flesh to inhabit

46e597 No.1464375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Start listening at 4:47


5f209e No.1464376


I second this as I have been saying Clayton County is a festering shit hole of Low IQ residents

d8aa63 No.1464377


Done, thanks for posting link.

288034 No.1464378


be better off having more restrictions on voting

9040df No.1464379


ohhh it's not the Muslims infiltrating anon… they're just being used by the real infiltrators

10e392 No.1464380


And just how did he do that?

5e85f1 No.1464381


I haven't seen/heard anything from Stone that puts him in the AJ/Corsi category

Stone admitted he is on Infowars because he needs money lol

7a3d5a No.1464382


Let? You sound like a fucking muzzy thinking that you own your daughters. Gonna honor kill her if she does?

d68e2d No.1464383

File: 4218d2c42e27870⋯.jpg (108.79 KB, 701x605, 701:605, school - Copy.jpg)

740ba7 No.1464384

File: 868467243d369a5⋯.jpg (59.3 KB, 726x549, 242:183, Sauce.jpg)

ace2da No.1464385


Holy shit! Today has been one of the most event filled days, I think, since we started this. Whatever is about to happen must be HUGE.

112794 No.1464386

File: ba5561124cc5ffa⋯.png (629.06 KB, 803x690, 803:690, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

File: 5c1ca76c54e5e1c⋯.png (195.2 KB, 797x685, 797:685, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

File: 146a6034d67df7f⋯.png (87.77 KB, 788x340, 197:85, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

>>1463426 (prev notable)

C_A whistleblower Cody Snodgress talks about how he was recruited to bomb the OKC Federal Building and states that he was running weapons out of Military facilities during the Iran Contra operation.

Screenshots are of a short article. Several interviews of him are available on Youtube inwhich he goes into great detail about how he was recruited and what he was doing at the time of the FF operation.

ab26e4 No.1464387



74e773 No.1464388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


don't read anymore into this, but these video's seem to run in pairs here is the second one

436392 No.1464389

File: 210fd5118d89d62⋯.png (223.66 KB, 459x500, 459:500, ClipboardImage.png)

7f0a6b No.1464390


100 percernt on target

e05c10 No.1464391

56ede1 No.1464392

File: 9d4104340effcd6⋯.jpg (212.48 KB, 1024x770, 512:385, HotelGitmo.jpg)

de427d No.1464393


yup..except their not giants anymore

d26890 No.1464394

File: 4ce68672e53105e⋯.png (39.11 KB, 735x475, 147:95, Location Smart.PNG)

Location Smart can find the location of any phone in the US.

https:// www.cnet.com/news/fcc-investigating-locationsmart-over-phone-tracking-flaw/

ccb91b No.1464395

File: a7c1ce84b9428f5⋯.png (17.17 KB, 842x204, 421:102, Screenshot-2018-5-18 4 cha….png)

File: ebda6feb773dd70⋯.png (20.69 KB, 1060x181, 1060:181, Screenshot-2018-5-18 Chari….png)

File: 6e77b3183a2d037⋯.png (28.55 KB, 1170x145, 234:29, Screenshot-2018-5-18 Alaba….png)

File: 717bd6424323b02⋯.png (639.66 KB, 956x607, 956:607, Screenshot-2018-5-18 Misap….png)

File: 0cfbc027d3c8a08⋯.png (42 KB, 815x506, 815:506, Screenshot-2018-5-18 Chari….png)

When your leader tells you. "It's okay were not doing anything they can pin on us.", "It's fine your not going to jail.", "My lawyers have checked it out" Here's your DJT reminder. You're going to jail. Are you nervous?

fe20b9 No.1464396


I wonder if it's going to happen over the weekend. Can't have a school shooting if no one's in session..

8e4924 No.1464397


One hellfire missile would take out 500 bad actors instantly. A gift to the world.

dfdce0 No.1464398

File: ad25801cd5dd641⋯.jpg (31.14 KB, 186x216, 31:36, starpoint.jpg)

b4ef8b No.1464399


If there are "future Dems" Q will have failed.

0bb995 No.1464400


Couldn't agree more! How about not letting dead people vote? How about voter ID - they need it to buy booze and smokes

6f56f9 No.1464401


Knox isn't even owned by the military anymore.

d05f97 No.1464402


Agreed. I've been thinking the exact same thing every time this is posted.

Justice and Martial Law do not need to go hand-in-hand.. Some people are losing their internal compasses around here.

56ede1 No.1464403

File: f8271e989d152ce⋯.png (723 KB, 1510x886, 755:443, 30087bc07bcf60cd639d7dc8fb….png)

d68e2d No.1464404


no, been watered down through the years

f60415 No.1464405


Baker here, sure can.

5353d3 No.1464406


I have a feeling that they were some kind of CIA operation, producing and distributing videos of rape, torture, and murder.

eaffa0 No.1464407


I never even heard of Stone until InfoWars.

b21f3a No.1464408


For the 4D/5D. it's correct.

The risk of the Quantum plane is that You won't have protection of the bad entities.

c3741f No.1464409


He told him to go balls to the walls and be the Heel.

876ea9 No.1464410

Does anybody on this board work anymore?

4c23dd No.1464411


[[This long-winded post is for anon only; play if you want to]]


Im there already anon and appreciate you

Your brain is

Sensory/response organ

Your mind starts out as sensory/response conditioned organ

For your mind to not be a -Prison- but a tool… you must have a consciousness developed beyond the mind and that perspective.

In short, when you meditate, what you are doing is developing your consciousness, by observing your mind.

Than it becomes Counsciousness (Malleable You) (Mind/Lower Mind Sensory tool)

And then Body (Vehicle)

You drive a car better when you know that you are a driver and how a car works… Vehicle - Body

Upon development, there are very certain basic profound steps you reach, and share with everyone wether theyve crossed those steps yet.

Like when you finish anothers sentence or when someone learns something right when you did; or you go I know -exactly- what you are talking about.

One of those major intersections is this:

You cant live by fear

Body is what? What are its needs? do I need to be reminded constantly? are they real or


Christ and the 'place' that he resides requires the understanding that the body and all its needs/thinking are now -secondary- to your consciousness.

And that you cannot ascend past this point without accepting those teachings, and having been in the same spiritual place; and having done so, there is no reason not to accept him.

We can go into rhetoric and fragment ourselves arguing religion; the holy spirit contains those notions. Will say I believe in reincarnation and that reincarnation has more to do with a soul being allowed its dignity than some test. Hell is simply destruction; and the difference between Earth and Heaven is probably hell.

Get it? I like you. Been to the same place(s)

Excuse rant anons

10e392 No.1464412


Stone has a net worth in excess of $20M. He has no need to be on IW.


56ede1 No.1464413

File: 896e43f3e3bdfe1⋯.jpg (240.85 KB, 808x1100, 202:275, 896e43f3e3bdfe1b53b3f04dd2….jpg)

737b6f No.1464414


Light created life.

Life created darkness.

15372e No.1464415

File: b47d993af7daf97⋯.png (491.15 KB, 500x649, 500:649, M 377.png)

137951 No.1464416

File: cba4c0ab8588ffd⋯.png (277.11 KB, 654x588, 109:98, Drudge re Hotel Gunman 5-1….PNG)

File: 4d8ea31e34c3286⋯.png (54.36 KB, 632x568, 79:71, miamiherald 1 re Doral 5-1….PNG)

File: 205bd814375aef1⋯.png (402.12 KB, 577x823, 577:823, miamiherald 2 re Doral 5-1….PNG)

File: 79ae0a68d2c14a5⋯.png (278.64 KB, 588x862, 294:431, miamiherald 3 re Doral 5-1….PNG)

File: 817877e6847808d⋯.png (465.95 KB, 597x735, 199:245, miamiherald 4 re Doral 5-1….PNG)

The gunman shot at Trump hotel was a stripper and porn actor who loved Melania Trump


He fawns over first lady Melania Trump: "#flotus rocks! She sets the example of mannerism.

She counters Trumps aggressiveness," he wrote in one post showing Melania Trump smiling in

the White House.

80602b No.1464417

multiple different explosive devices

problem there

amateurs cannot do multiple devices.

a99eca No.1464418

File: 7e3dba9189ed2a5⋯.jpg (208.48 KB, 743x769, 743:769, Screenshot_20180413-162616.jpg)


thx, but still lame

ab26e4 No.1464419


Figure the Ultra Customize Custom Meme Awoo plus the Petition imbued with desired future is more powerful

8eb766 No.1464420

File: 457c54f96844241⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 320x289, 320:289, 1522520987834.gif)


I remember that, tripped me out.

7ae221 No.1464421

File: cf8305ebdbe53fc⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1008x800, 63:50, batrump-Q.png)

746848 No.1464422


Requires more digging.

750d2f No.1464423


I am TOTALLY on board with this.

it's a trigger.

876ea9 No.1464424

Shooting victims' names begin to emerge; 1st Texas casualty to be ID'd was substitute teacher

The first victim from Friday’s school shooting in Texas has been identified by family members as Cynthia Tisdale, a substitute teacher at Santa Fe High School.


3c43af No.1464425


In this system, do the tormented kids eventually become the leaders, when they grow up?

1b1dfe No.1464426


I'm sure she is already expecting it.

420ce0 No.1464427


Don't forget the reports of major military action around Ft. Knox. If POTUS/Mil/Q are seizing the gold, heads will start to explode.

6f56f9 No.1464428


I get 100% disability from VA so no not I

3ecd2a No.1464429


>Does anybody on this board work anymore?

plenty of time to be on the chan when you've got 20MM people reached.

The chan only runs for 24 hours a day.

20MM people = 20MM hours if everyone is here for 1 hour a day.

Now stfu.

e05c10 No.1464430


Yeah, pipe bombs and pressure cookers.

fe20b9 No.1464431


Is there any way to know whether you're a hybrid or something of greater significance?

44a4bf No.1464432


KEK. Must have had toelio when young.

c3741f No.1464433


Then you dont follow politics.

d05f97 No.1464434


The battle is not Dems vs Repubs.. it's GOOD vs EVIL.

The 2 party system needs to be eliminated after all this justice is served and elected leaders need to run on their platforms and beliefs rather than a mindless grouping defined as Dem or Rep.

b21f3a No.1464435


Atlantis & Lemuria

740ba7 No.1464436


I don't think it's so crazy, anon.

A long time ago, long long before 911, I was speculating that some of the people around us are empty shells, not really human, inhabited/animated by demons.

e574c5 No.1464437

File: a6e542c647cd41d⋯.png (731.27 KB, 640x517, 640:517, SA2.PNG)

File: 4efe9b41429b767⋯.png (421.15 KB, 645x483, 215:161, Sa4.PNG)

File: 50a4422e842ac90⋯.png (551.55 KB, 626x541, 626:541, SA6.PNG)

File: 6ef6957d55d7f59⋯.png (207.76 KB, 634x566, 317:283, SA5.PNG)

File: 0b6d26d6323be92⋯.png (52.25 KB, 586x264, 293:132, SA7.PNG)

Re: Stephanie Adams who jumped with her son. In going throught Twatter feed it looks like she wanted to belong to something, feel a part of something. Plenty of cabal content in benign fashion: Lots of ancestry stuff and her claims to royal lineage. Many British Royal posts, RT's of Lucis trust meetings, summer solstice, a few CIA retweets also (recruitment opportunity), archangel stuff. All under the guise of 'love' Hubby's logo for Wall Street chiro clinic is creepy. Plenty of occult info in images. Samples here

f4ad17 No.1464438

File: 150dfab2e38217d⋯.gif (1.36 MB, 200x118, 100:59, 200w.gif)

Such a shame POTUS didn't get invited to the royal wedding I wanted to see him walk up in there like a BOSS

5e85f1 No.1464439


yea POTUS has a net worth of over a billion dollars

that doesn't mean he has that much to spend

and he said he needed money for the legal fees of the muh russia shit

even had a go fund me shit too I think

f60415 No.1464440

File: 64456a20ab7f800⋯.png (751.13 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 64456a20ab7f800b0e8f862d80….png)

f5af02 No.1464441

Santa Fe (Spanish: Holy Faith)

Mount Zion is a hill in Jerusalem just outside the walls of the Old City

The cabal seems to be sending a message to those who stand to oppose evil by selecting targets named after holy sites.

74e773 No.1464442


yes - he and manafort were key to victory

BUT look who they forced on him for VP

think JFK/johnson


and they figured assasination would not even be needed as he would be impeached

but if it was…

Pence was their man all along

and remember they ALL hated HRC

f6e0d7 No.1464443


The demon spirit doesn't need to be real anon. The very trauma induced and the way they do it can create a split personality that believes it is a demon. That is bad enough.

dc45a1 No.1464444


There are no real Dems left, anon. The party has been taken over by the alt-left progressives.

Dems of old have either gone independent or slightly right of center.

56ede1 No.1464445

File: 6f769bcc95ebd8c⋯.jpg (69.9 KB, 750x678, 125:113, DUmWiwSVQAAM29h.jpg)

1d0e46 No.1464446


Watch videos of demons being cast out in churches. The real ones. Then watch the behavior of the "mk ultra glitches" (not doubting mk ultra, just comparing reactions) and it's identical behavior. In the Bible, there are examples of demons being cast out or at least affected when simply making eye contact with a devout Christian. Knowing that, watch the reactions of some of these people that don't make sense without the aforementioned context

436392 No.1464447

File: 7bede0ef94ca26b⋯.png (179.84 KB, 476x325, 476:325, ClipboardImage.png)

750d2f No.1464448

>>1464038 ←- link & pics here

Also notice that the one student was foreign exchange. Subs & foreign? difficult to falsify info.


11cf7d No.1464449


Not technically; the BOR just lays out what rights we already have that PRECEDE it.

ccb91b No.1464450


Hi, any airborne pathogens for me? Didn't think so. Waiting.

876ea9 No.1464451

School Shooter Found Carrying Symbol Linked to Radical Trump Haters

It appears that the shooter proudly wore a piece of pro-Communist propaganda on his clothing as he carried out the attack.

Photos and descriptions from the accused criminal’s Facebook page show an unmistakable Soviet “hammer and sickle” pin placed prominently on the lapel of his jacket — the same jacket that witnesses said he wore during the rampage.


dfdce0 No.1464452


Freaking Minerva!

4c23dd No.1464453


hot girls

red clothes


Catches the eye

3c43af No.1464454


what is yanni/laurel?

6c3764 No.1464455

File: 3b847f57dbd12de⋯.jpg (392.04 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, sheepnomore.jpg)

(from last bread)


Yes, I think so too. He went off the map on that one, Way off. He had no reason either. Just like he had no reason to worship Obama. No factual reason.


Personally I don't think it's the karma issue because they don't believe in that. It's that it gives them chuckles, believe it or not. It's a feat; Like a trophy. It's braggadocio. It's not normal, that's why you miss the meaning of it.

It's beyond the beyond. Beyond the imagination. That's how they get away with it too.

Normal people would feel better if they made it more fair. Religious people believe in Divine Justice. These people don't. They invert. And they are atheists, which is ironic. That's why they are desperately after transhumanism. They are materialists. That's not why they do it. They think it's funny to put it in everyone's face. That's their sense of humor. They want to break our spirit. First and foremost. They hate us.

If you listen to some of Ronald Bernard. He explains it.

The "karma" explanation sounds nice, but not true.


They are shitty actors. You need to go to some acting classes or try acting yourself to realize just how bad they are at it?

Maybe people are just over conditioned to TV and think the Crisis Actor behavior is normal?. Strong emotions in the audience turn off the critical facilities? The public \ feel guilty to question? I'm sure autists and others who are neurologically varietal can sometimes tell it better?

Some of the recognition comes through studying the vids. Slowing down looking at the micro facial expression. After you learn and get a hang to it you can pick it out better?

I knew about Sandy Hook without watching the TV. I was very surprised to see how many people woke up just from watching the bad acting. I didn't watch it since I don't watch TV but only looked later for evidence on YouTube. On YouTube you can slow the vid down half speed which can really helps.

On TV it might all go by too fast.

e91fff No.1464456

File: 746d9a6dcbcf1f6⋯.png (1.03 MB, 2360x872, 295:109, ClipboardImage.png)

f2f0fd No.1464457



a07297 No.1464458


just got here after day away, but THIS was a conversation I had more than once today. Am trying to skim past breads, but I saw we had the shooter name way before the news. Did we also make the tie to the Oklahoma Santa Fe HS Social Media scare and it being traced to THIS High School/ Were the three names given in that victims in Galveston?

dc6fca No.1464459

File: 66cf41765c6ad7b⋯.png (491.25 KB, 1067x544, 1067:544, Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 1….png)


Can we find out what P. Diddy really paid $21 million for?

It wasn't for this shit tier painting

c3741f No.1464460


horseshit. she was killed either by her own people or the muslims because she was carrying a dune coon baby.

0a5d8e No.1464461


Self-employed. Barely breaking even since last October, but totally worthwhile!!!!

746848 No.1464462


That's exactly why Q cannot be a larp. You can't defeat tens of thousands of anons digging into every post you make. They will discover what you're up to immediately. It's simply the math. One person, or even a group of people, cant put in more man-hours trying to outsmart tens of thousands of anons

3f504c No.1464463


and that's why you don't join the C_A kids.

80602b No.1464464


You missed the basics

Bad entities are lower frequency

to move to higher dimensions you must have higher frequency. Once in next octave the lower octave has very little influence but you have more on that lower octave. The satan octave however has found a looppol and that is the war.

f60415 No.1464465

Gems from this bread so far…

>>1463948 Missing weapons at military base prompt investigation

>>1463982 , >>1464000 Breaking: Another school shooting at Mt Zion High School in Georgia

>>1463975 Company Selling Real-Time Cell Phone Tracking Ends Up Leaking Location Data

750d2f No.1464466


I agree.

I have had what I believe to be several encounters with demons .. I won't go in to it but I believe they are real, they are predators, and love / faith can conquer them.

eaffa0 No.1464467


I was just waking up a few months before the trump election. Trump had fired him by then i think

137951 No.1464468

File: c3df1d7bda78d7e⋯.png (152.15 KB, 663x700, 663:700, LPatton re Dateline 5-18-1….PNG)

5e85f1 No.1464469


lol duh, its a GREEK coin

that's the ORIGINAL minerva, not the comped/stolen meaning of minerva

3d9e96 No.1464470


anon, i've been following breads for a few hours on and off and haven't seen anyone mention what you are talking about. might be worth posting something in case others haven't heard.

de427d No.1464471


he wouldn't go anyways…..its a war….they are rothschild

ie this one is personal

876ea9 No.1464472

Science Uncovers 1500 Genetic Differences Between Men and Women

More than 1500 genetic differences exist between men and women, beyond their sexual makeup.

That's according to a new study by a group of researchers and scientists.


eef269 No.1464473


Good work, anon. Wasn't too sure you weren't reaching but the contact with a Rothschild immediately sways any doubt. No coincidences.


751f49 No.1464474


>…they then take the fractured child, and in some real life ritual they summon a demon spirit into the body….

I never would've believed I'd get to that place, but after decades that's my conclusion. I'm guessing that those cultivated in such a special way might have certain unusual powers. I think it's also done in a general way by making life so tortured for everyone that anyone suffering on some level is an open portal. These inhabited souls then make more misery to create more portals. And that is why life is intentionally so horrible.

7fd061 No.1464475



44d188 No.1464476

File: 2e38273693b000a⋯.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1242x2012, 621:1006, A3BB055E-B1AD-4277-98D2-9….jpeg)

File: a5906c406e5c78c⋯.jpeg (599.35 KB, 1242x2055, 414:685, 8A3D2267-27DA-4D01-BEB7-7….jpeg)

File: 064e9cc512d99d3⋯.jpeg (561.54 KB, 1242x2076, 207:346, 24F91E85-22A7-4E39-9EBE-8….jpeg)

File: dae72ef448b9ff4⋯.jpeg (237.52 KB, 1242x2136, 207:356, 970795A2-B939-4AEE-8EB6-D….jpeg)

File: 019aee671ac3d32⋯.png (804.6 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 8D806ED0-2052-4587-8902-90….png)

746848 No.1464477


Good point. Need more digs on Stone's connections to bad actors.

f33127 No.1464478


Did he hear Laurel or Yanni ???

46e597 No.1464479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


<<song related :)

9d80a7 No.1464480


For those who may think God is NOT Ominous.

1b1dfe No.1464481


Depends on how you look at it.

c3741f No.1464482


Did you watch,"get me Roger Stone" ?

d76f2b No.1464483

Rod Rosenstein is coming up on American Greed discussing a case he prosecuted in Maryland.

Some guy scammed the biofuel industry the government funded

f6e0d7 No.1464484

File: 08ced39547cefa2⋯.jpg (18.63 KB, 600x600, 1:1, take this.jpg)


It's dangerous to go alone! Take this


de427d No.1464485


ie they want him dead

and tried to interfere with his election

d83105 No.1464486



I remember listening to AJ back in the day…he had Gen. Partin on to discuss how there was not enough energy in the "fertilizer bomb" to cause that much damage, given the proximity of the truck to the building…expert physical analysis from Gen. Partin.

4e8d7c No.1464487


Can somebody meme the scene from Spartacus and replace "I am Spartacus" with "I am Q"

15372e No.1464488

File: 50d8f36b84a7bcc⋯.png (408.88 KB, 600x338, 300:169, M 378.png)

8eb766 No.1464489


Is it weird that I have a memory of visiting what I thought was a dentist and in that memory being strapped into the middle of a large circular machine? I recall much of the visit except that, always thought it was an x-ray machine but why the need to strap a person down for that?

7f0a6b No.1464490


stop concernfagging you massive fucking pussy faggots, go back to reddit

5e85f1 No.1464491

File: 577aaf7483c3fb7⋯.png (173.83 KB, 411x274, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm young, but he was in Watergate

dude is OG political trickster

afe0dc No.1464492

File: a69e8f675515eca⋯.jpg (88.28 KB, 684x960, 57:80, 33032448_10214035947505060….jpg)



I'm confused.

What's w/ the disconnect??? Isn't Cox establishment?

80602b No.1464493


POTUS give away bride


With free double wide.

1d0e46 No.1464494


The deeper we go, the more I cling to Jesus. I'm learning everything I was taught in Sunday school is actually very much real. God bless you all

7ae221 No.1464495


welp, Trump is definitely feeling the slings & arrows of being like Bruce Wayne, who has to live being despised as a superficial billionaire in order to fulfill his mission…

69c18d No.1464497

File: fa584b4d86db3d8⋯.jpg (267.39 KB, 1875x1248, 625:416, ukowit.jpg)

f0f7e8 No.1464498




click regex

get comfy~

876ea9 No.1464499

Hannity, this is just stupid.

Sean Hannity after Texas shooting: School districts should monitor 'every kid’s social media postings'

Fox News host Sean Hannity suggested that school districts should hire at least one person to monitor “every kid’s social media postings,” following the school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas, on Friday.

“It’s not a gun issue. Every time it happens, the worse — it’s always a different gun,” Hannity said during "The Sean Hannity Show" on the radio. Hannity also said mentally ill people should not have guns.


b21f3a No.1464500


Correct. but the Human species are so sunken in the darkness. Even the plants are better beings.

No speak but it feels better the value of the life.


DNA (RH-). Even the Rituals. These rituals replace the soul with a Reptilian (or Other) bad entity. In Fact. it says that Bill Clinton has Voodo Soul.

0fb9f7 No.1464501


Seems notable baker, since you're going to jail with these. Just saying.

ace2da No.1464502

File: 5fffa70685fc91a⋯.jpg (252.81 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, powdered toast man.jpg)


My favorite night on the board

6c3764 No.1464503

File: e92230bcbbd56c5⋯.jpg (19.18 KB, 255x222, 85:74, goodthingshappening.jpg)


>The "karma" explanation sounds nice, but not true.

They see themselves as being free of any rules. Ubermensch. They hate "our god" And don't believe they have to follow "Golden Rule-s" They hide that from "normies" . They take pride in it. They are not like us, the sheep.

Anyway, good things are happening too. Who would've ever thought?

Sorry for the double post. I wanted to finish my thought.

3d9e96 No.1464504


that pic is from about 10 years after watergate.

876ea9 No.1464505

Texas has been hit hard in the last 12 months

e2887f No.1464506


Using the great grandpa plot to avoid backlash, obvious fake

80602b No.1464507



You control yours….

e91ebe No.1464508


It used to be a really nice place to live. But that all changed starting in the late 1980s-early 1990s. It got so bad that in 2008 the Clayton County school system lost its accreditation, forcing parents who actually cared about their children's education to sell their homes at a loss and move to counties with better school systems, so their kids could get into college. The corruption and stupidity in ATL and some of the surrounding counties, like Clayton and DeKalb, is breath-taking. And no one dares challenge it because no one wants to be called a racist.

1b1dfe No.1464509


Nicely done anon!

8c4617 No.1464510

File: 44f0c6f280fbff9⋯.png (340.5 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, #IAMQ.png)

File: 6a48cae6d072c6f⋯.png (371.01 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, #IAMQ1.png)

File: 5bfa0a0a1da2730⋯.png (205.32 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, #IAMQ Pepe.png)

#IAMQ all .png Only Files.

If you have requests Now is as good a time as any.

c3741f No.1464512


We should monitor their fucking parents! When the fuck do the parents go down for not realizing their kids are making fucking bombs in the garage!?!

b4d39d No.1464513

>>>>>relaxation tip<<<<<

Stand down from Red Alert on Mount Zion High School in Clayton County GA.

Here's what happened: It happened in the parking lot outside the school. Two women were shot, one was killed, the other injured.

But about Mount Zion - There are about 5,000 places named Mount Zion something or other in every state in the Southeast. It was hard as hell to live down here before there was air conditioning and screens to keep out the damn mosquitoes. As a result, pioneers got them some Jesus pretty fast while they were trying to make a go of farming or mining or whatever. No lie, if you didn't have some faith and hope, and be part of a church congregation so you'd have neighbors to help you if something bad happened, I don't know how you'd survive before, lordy, as late as 1900.

This anons own grandfather was a founder of a Mount Zion Baptist Church and this ain't doxing myself, because I'd bet a chicken dinner on there being at least 100 of them things in every state in the Southeast.

Anyway, Methodists and Baptists who lived in that region back in the day would have been poorly educated, because teachers were so scarce. They wouldn't have known about anything esoteric, only the basic explanation of Mount Zion's significance in the Bible (Wiki):

"In the New Testament, Mount Zion is used metaphorically to refer to the heavenly Jerusalem, God’s holy, eternal city. Christians are said to have “ . . . come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven”

Basically, no complicated meaning behind Mount Zion High School. It's just the name of the historic community that was where this school is today.

cdc266 No.1464514

File: 40abf81e95861ab⋯.png (399.21 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Male_Witch_Wizards_Evil.png)

File: 3919774391f8e92⋯.png (274.5 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, REAL_WITCHES.png)

File: d129256fc1b77c1⋯.png (335.17 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Red_Black_Witches_V2.png)


thanks for saving…

I made that a while ago

think it's important to have a sort of glossary of terms

spent a lot of time researching that and the ones attached as well

know what they are called in the cult

took a lot of time and questions to make the graphics - still have more that am processing

7fd061 No.1464515

Love yourself completely

Accept yourself completely

Own your mistakes (yes especially that one)

Remember we are all in this together

And you are never truly alone.

a07297 No.1464516


Are you sure she jumped? Been away, and saw some stuff that BF was a jerk. Why take the kid with you?

746848 No.1464517


Dude good point. Always knew that but didn't connect the dots. Maybe he outed Nixon LMAO

10e392 No.1464518


Search for articles pre-2005. Wash Compost and NYT archives, gargle using search time frames. There's a shit ton of press about Stone.

61c49c No.1464520


Unless Trump moves in the security of the voting booth he doesn't stand have a chance

5e85f1 No.1464521


lol I know, not the point

just that he's OG

f734a9 No.1464522



X files is exciting.

Typos happen.

The Truth is out there Anon.

(and quite a bit of it in here!)

c6e927 No.1464523


I don't understand why Trump is supporting Cox.

Primary is in a few weeks. I/we have work to do to figure out the difference in these men.

de427d No.1464524


Torah Talk Time: Behar Sinai "In my Statutes"

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The Apocalypse of Baruk - A Long Forgotten Treasure

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Area 51, Underground Mysteries and the Alien Agenda w/ Scott Hensler

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True Legends Little Nephilim w David Carrico & Gary Wayne 12-10-2016

FOJC Radio - Followers of Jesus Christ Radio


Mystery Babylon: Rider of the Beast w/ Jon Pounders

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The LAST prophecy: FUTURE of AMERICA (2017 ~ BEYOND) a Trey Smith documentary

Trey Smith

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Reptilians and the Bloodline of Kings


137951 No.1464525

File: b9b26774658aebd⋯.png (36.58 KB, 637x368, 637:368, NShort re Warner re Source….PNG)

File: 0c665266b2d5c3b⋯.png (90.69 KB, 609x867, 203:289, Warner re Sources 5-18-18.PNG)

e574c5 No.1464526

>>1464473 There were a few R posts, but by the tone i think she's reaching out-but not 'in'. Not sure. Trying to dig more on ex-hubby who she was joint on the chiropractic business with.Creepy logo though..Wall Street or not.

f60415 No.1464527

File: 3cb06aef8c4c8c6⋯.jpg (82.89 KB, 778x500, 389:250, Friday.jpg)

750d2f No.1464528


God bless you too anon!

2d0a29 No.1464529


Trump must not want to win CA. Sanctuary for more than illegals.

74e773 No.1464530


i used to really like stone - but over time on AJ show he and AJ and pizcenik and finally zach and corsi - all seemed very contrived and pushy

i stopped watching but checked recently given all the attention

looking at clips now they seem comical and phony and im convinced they are all self promoting and corrupt

3a62b9 No.1464531


You're creepy as fuck.

Just letting you know that


3b4765 No.1464532


maga kek

876ea9 No.1464533

House fails to pass farm bill over immigration fight

House conservatives killed a farm subsidy bill that would have imposed work requirements on food stamp recipients because they didn’t get their way on tough immigration reform.


288034 No.1464534


I agree with you.

Social media is nobody's business,

7846a6 No.1464535

Q. Sorry to interrupt your busy schedule, but you aren't allowed to take a Friday night off. All kidding aside, some of us want to know all that you know.

15372e No.1464536

File: bac8e0ea9bda0b8⋯.png (345.82 KB, 480x270, 16:9, M 379.png)

a07297 No.1464537


Gun friendly state with unique mystic. Think about it.

0a5d8e No.1464538


Wut? Methinks you responded to the wrong anon.

e43c7f No.1464539


>age of the smart phone

>no vids or pics from the crime scene

pics or it didn't happen

11cf7d No.1464540


oo oo me me can you do one with the #IAM in the blue field/white stars, and the Q in the red/white stripes?

746848 No.1464541


How do you search for news articles within a certain date?

ace2da No.1464542


Say what? I mustve missed that one entirely

ab26e4 No.1464543


Can you do a three panel version?

3ecd2a No.1464544





we will see.

maybe this is the time for POTUS to go completely off the rails to avoid backlash from the hammer dropping.

05f97e No.1464545

File: 4e8e5e6dc8c1010⋯.png (39.15 KB, 502x751, 502:751, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93b843dd447d7c9⋯.png (37.82 KB, 504x702, 28:39, ClipboardImage.png)

Right on Q


Parkland Activists Launch Attacks On Trump, NRA. Kyle Kashuv Flattens Them.

On Friday, far-left activists from Parkland, Florida launched vicious and absurd attacks on President Donald Trump and the National Rifle Association (NRA) in response to the tragic shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas.

The shooting was committed by a 17-year-old male who used a shotgun and a revolver to kill ten people. Law enforcement officials also found pipe bombs and pressure cooker bombs in the high school and the surrounding area.

As students were dying, far-left Parkland activists politicized the shooting in a series of ridiculous tweets which were quickly smacked down by their conservative classmate, Kyle Kashuv.

In response to a tweet from Trump that said, "School shooting in Texas. Early reports not looking good. God bless all!" far-left activist Jaclyn Corin tweeted:

Kashuv replied:

Far-left activist David Hogg tweeted:

Kashuv turned it around on him:

Hogg continued spreading blatant lies, tweeting:

Kashuv responded:

Far-left activist Delaney Tarr tweeted:

Kashuv responded:

Far-left activist Cameron Kasky tweeted:

Kashuv put him in his place:

Far-left activist Matt Deitsch tweeted:

Kashuv responded:

Hogg also tweeted something that didn't quite make sense:

To which Kashuv hilariously replied:

Read More: Gun Control Kyle Kashuv



Kyle Kashuv Takes Down Far-Left Parkland Activist In One Tweet

Kyle Kashuv Takes Down Far-Left Parkland Activist In One Tweet

By Ryan Saavedra

Parkland Teacher Attacks Kyle Kashuv Over Gun Photo

Parkland Teacher Attacks Kyle Kashuv Over Gun Photo

By Ryan Saavedra

Lawyer To Kyle Kashuv: Stop Complaining About Officers Questioning You. Internet Responds.

Lawyer To Kyle Kashuv: Stop Complaining About Officers Questioning You. Internet Responds.

By James Barrett

SHOWDOWN: Kyle Kashuv Challenges David Hogg To Debate; Dave Rubin Offers To Donate Proceeds To Charity

SHOWDOWN: Kyle Kashuv Challenges David Hogg To Debate; Dave Rubin Offers To Donate Proceeds To Charity

By Ryan Saavedra

What's Your Reaction?

Hot Wire

Student Says School Shooter Was Picked On By Coaches, Wore Trench Coat Daily

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Rapper Accepts White House Meeting About Criminal Justice Reform. Then Jay-Z Calls Him And Tells Him NOT To Meet Trump.

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Parkland Activists Launch Attacks On Trump, NRA. Kyle Kashuv Flattens Them.

By Ryan Saavedra

LISTEN: 26-Year-Old Former Prison Inmate Blows Away Rush Limbaugh In Epic Call: 'You Saved My Life'

By Amanda Prestigiacomo



dc45a1 No.1464546


Which brings up an interesting point:

Some anons think that Nixon was a black hat.

If that is true why was it a CIA faggot who ratted him out to the WaPo reporters?

0fb9f7 No.1464547


The best part, Pam thinks he's immune (connections) and you "volunteers' will take the fall.

Your life and family are more important, turn states witness.

c3741f No.1464548


umm Q has given us a lot, on friday, on tuesday, etc. You are not his boss.

5e85f1 No.1464549


tbh, haven't heard Stone say a bad word about Q, holding out hope for him

AJ and Corsi are comped and not able to be helped (muh zach is blah blah)

ace2da No.1464550


Kekek! Pretty much

3d9e96 No.1464551


i concur. also from the south. sounds like a random act not tied to why we are here.

906a70 No.1464552


Idk. Only the top two candidates can be on the final ballot in California - gotta get a Republican on that ballot somehow. There has to be a plan to take down Newsom, the crown D prince between the primaries and Nov.

a07297 No.1464553


What an idiot. Falling right into the trap to give it all away in the name of safety. Moron.

80602b No.1464554



Accept your faults know them embrace them

change what you can accept that you can't


8c4617 No.1464555


You got it Anon.

f2f0fd No.1464556

People still don't understand what "fake" news is. Sad.

4bbcca No.1464557

>> 1464511

Stupid cunt why u gotta post this shit?


750d2f No.1464558

File: b83dc7b65dfb796⋯.jpg (3.12 MB, 3288x4576, 411:572, nxivm deeper politicsgalis….jpg)



Stone comes up *everywhere* .. it's astonishing.

420ce0 No.1464559


There's a reddit link somewhere in the bread.

5a55db No.1464560


0fb9f7 No.1464561


Digits are in the phone book.

fc078a No.1464562

File: 099b7282b023711⋯.png (359.85 KB, 928x562, 464:281, QisTruth.png)

You follow this long enough, you start to see what they are doing. Diversion is real.

3d9e96 No.1464564


the man on the right in that photo set nixon up

11cf7d No.1464565




10e392 No.1464566


ugh. srry anon.

737b6f No.1464567


Humans are walking around wondering what's going on and when is lunch. Goodness most can't open a can of soup and heat it up.

Nah. Humans aren't even in the game. Fodder at best. Programmable for the time and the moment.

What is happening is a battle. A battle for the minds of humans. In order to get the soul, you first must capture the mind.

Whom do we choose to be?

Like THEM or

Like US

7846a6 No.1464568


You are a woman aren't you? And you have no Sense of humor.

0fb9f7 No.1464569


Yes I'm enough hops away, fuck off.

eaffa0 No.1464570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This owl always cracks me up.

He's normal, puffs up and then he transform into Transformer Evil Owl

74e773 No.1464571



an actual coincidence!

746848 No.1464572


I mean thinking back on it now, there were a lot of situations where I disagreed with a conclusion they were making, but shrugged it off b/c they appear so credible on everything else. But now the idea of a "gatekeeper" is coming into focus

59bf3e No.1464573

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Anyone know anything about the Trumpian Mark Taylor prophecies?

91ed77 No.1464574

File: c906dcda4891119⋯.jpg (294.62 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, DUMB-AND-DUMBER.jpg)


ec0f27 No.1464575


and then we have Schiff and Pelosi…

cb094b No.1464576

File: 28012ad87c05b87⋯.png (499.63 KB, 488x486, 244:243, May 18 there i was.png)

e86ff9 No.1464577


He probably knows things we don't. What is wrong with John Cox? I'm not familiar with him at all.

b3bc97 No.1464578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Start a Storm! Quick soc med censorship vid.

876ea9 No.1464579


not that, it would just be virtually impossible. These kids have multiple devices, multiple accounts. Maybe alphabets can do it, but not some rinky dink school. Alot of schools in Tx are arming, but metal detectors, dogs, there is so much more that can be done.

102929 No.1464580


Stupid niggers pimping a cult of personality, exactly what Q requested no one do

>No one is above the other

The focus has always been about distributing information, not some idiotic super hero worship


afe0dc No.1464581

File: f524b4b76f5ef0e⋯.jpg (106.74 KB, 800x500, 8:5, f524b4b76f5ef0e970f82c2b7c….jpg)





Perhaps it's more a gut feeling…..



Stock Broker / Assemblyman.





d68e2d No.1464582

ffs now they got a brother of fake victim of sandy hook on fox live


5f209e No.1464583

File: 63b6df63f681ef4⋯.png (10.66 KB, 580x236, 145:59, DrudgeNYtandWP.PNG)

Guys this is why Q is not dropping today, big shit is happening if you can not tell, if the NYT and CIApost are covering for what is about to drop it is fucking massive

86c4bc No.1464584


This event, DWTS, is held every year.


>>1462913 , >>1462931 More on the LV photo dig

So does Bailey's host this every year or only in 2013?

What hotel was the venue for 2017?

duckduckgo was unable to tell me.

don't use goog. too much metadata mining.

750d2f No.1464585

File: 4ac930d4280c7dc⋯.png (573.15 KB, 907x951, 907:951, ClipboardImage.png)


I missed it too.

Just looking now and found this related story which I did not know happened, either.

On the day of the Eclipse last summer.


7846a6 No.1464586



ou are a woman aren't you? And you have no Sense of humor.

5a55db No.1464587

File: 91dd172f60f1917⋯.jpg (383.48 KB, 1140x670, 114:67, Impossible Hubble.jpg)

File: a2727abe902f6d1⋯.jpg (193.71 KB, 631x623, 631:623, no sound.jpg)

File: 82aa1ae9d22cb3d⋯.jpg (464.51 KB, 1280x873, 1280:873, darwin shh1.jpg)

File: 0efb7123c5fcde0⋯.jpg (340.51 KB, 816x949, 816:949, chicago1.jpg)

I see that few want to talk about this issue as

they are being banned for bringing up the topic.

However, I have checked on some of these details

and found them to be credible information.

Therefore I MUST join in the fight to bring this topic

into discussion. Else I would not be doing my

job as a patriot!

ee473d No.1464588

With Leaks, DOJ Provides Clues About Secret Trump Campaign Informant

Halper, who has extensive ties to the CIA and MI6, first met Page in July 2016. They stayed in contact through September 2017, Page told TheDCNF.


f6e0d7 No.1464589



This will match both variants


746848 No.1464590


I don't know much about the time period, but I would guess by the way the media hated Nixon, that he couldn't have been TOO much of a black hat, if he was.

6c3764 No.1464591

File: 7f318dc435aa7f8⋯.jpg (44.67 KB, 625x415, 125:83, Anderson Vanderbilt Cooper….jpg)


Ya. I didn't believe that for one second.

Who saw her jump?

Reminds me of Anderson Cooper's mom and the brother, Carter.

f1dd5a No.1464592


Hannity wants us to turn all schools into prisons and treat students like prisoners. He's no different than all the other wealthy who have lost touch with reality. Let's put HIM through what he thinks should be imposed on others.

f2f0fd No.1464593


Feels like 2012 BS all over again. I hate newbies.

a58aa7 No.1464594

File: 39a1c762023ae45⋯.jpg (102.78 KB, 667x650, 667:650, flatEarthers.jpg)


you have the right to be stupid

you have the right to say stupid shit

don't be surprised when you are not welcomed

b21f3a No.1464595


Also influences the place in Where you are.

There places that are source of Dark energies. /

A example are the Ley lines,

Why the Cult always is there?

They always take advantage of the energy lines of the earth..

For Now, The 4D is the New Matrix for us. Awake and not Awake

80602b No.1464596



know your strength

know your power

know your passions

know yourself and only let the energy into your sphere that helps you and block and reflect all that to not

Frequency and discretion.

56ede1 No.1464597

Q Warned Us, Bad News About To Break - Episode 1571b

RR released a memo but no one can read it. Whole memo redacted.

Need to re-release memo.

NEED Muller to release the memo Again . Memo2 in meme war


https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVWe5brmGlA

876ea9 No.1464598


the link is posted anon. Do your own looking. Those who dont work shall not eat the bread.

0a5d8e No.1464599

File: 2684aceb3b796b0⋯.png (291 KB, 454x345, 454:345, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)



fea289 No.1464600


a point is being missed:

that ammo can that fell through the school roof is a ready ammo can, which hangs on the side of the mg mount. why did that bird have live ammo flying over civilians, much less a school?

was there a 240 in the pintle mount, and why?

low res pic in last bread, but didn't look like tracers were linked on that belt.

e05c10 No.1464601



4c23dd No.1464602


snatch someone right in the throes of their growth; manipulate


notable ^

8c4617 No.1464603

File: 06f4f7bb025e290⋯.png (418.56 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, #IAMQ USA Rev.png)


There ya go

3e1d0c No.1464604

File: be2af98fcbdfbef⋯.jpg (18.05 KB, 480x179, 480:179, 29063097701_56ec1d1b20_b.jpg)

File: c0db78f8d63217b⋯.jpg (13.79 KB, 352x270, 176:135, grissom-lemon.jpg)

File: b2125e9c25a8425⋯.jpg (237.39 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, f58c3471bfc1ae900073ebe887….jpg)

File: ae85027dd23b1fd⋯.jpg (126.9 KB, 736x997, 736:997, 249525f05cafdac24852660464….jpg)


>dome depot

5b59c2 No.1464605

File: f51177d19360f4f⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1324x1474, 662:737, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)




ccf9c7 No.1464606


narrative shift today,

reminded me of parkland

complete takeover of news

wall to wall coverage

10e392 No.1464607

File: 6baf259b8a4b8d3⋯.jpg (18.91 KB, 601x176, 601:176, gargle.JPG)


For example, in gargle, search for "roger stone" (in quote marks). Then, when the results pull up, click the "tools" button on the right, under the search bar. You get a time frame drop down. Select "custom range."

Pic related

4c23dd No.1464608

746848 No.1464609


It's obvious that AJ is purposefully avoiding Q while sicking his attack dog Corsi on Q so that AJ can save face but simultaneously still attack Q. If Stone is AJ handler then maybe Stone uses AJ the same way AJ uses Corsi

ace2da No.1464610


Interesting as fuck! Man, look at all that. What I wouldnt give for just one bar.

Just one.

59bf3e No.1464611

File: 27fb96a65208264⋯.jpg (167.97 KB, 489x736, 489:736, dream_6qxll3ef9w0.jpg)

File: ff27c5005a5251d⋯.jpg (93.39 KB, 370x581, 370:581, dream_j9h0zvo9j2j.jpg)

3f504c No.1464612

great Dig Anon


>In going throught Twatter feed it looks like she wanted to belong to something, feel a part of something

Anon has read a LOT of Alice Bailey (lucifer trust)

I can tell you beyond any shadow of a doubt, the

style of writing is absolutely designed to attract

those looking to be a part of something/seeking.

Pretty much every one of her chapters "cosmic fire" "treatise on white magic" ect. all have language

designed to trigger a feeling in the reader that

they are progressing in a spiritual direction, that

they are chosen/guided by the "masters" or

"brotherhood of the White Lodge" ect.

they're all really the same book too, just reworded/hashed but gives the appearance/feeling of personal evolution

f60415 No.1464613

File: 9ec5307e4f042ba⋯.jpg (296.04 KB, 540x494, 270:247, 9ec5307e4f042ba39a5a6097a4….jpg)


876ea9 No.1464614


and almost flooded off the map by Harvey

daa149 No.1464615


So, just let it go as it is? That's ok, most kids won't die. Those that do, well, that's life, some live, some die. Too bad it wasn't that way 30 years ago. Why was it we could go to school with rifles and shotguns in the car in the parking lot and no one ever shot any school up, 30 year ago?

11cf7d No.1464616




4b0210 No.1464618


>Black and white picture

Nice stack of aluminum ingots you got there.

f2f0fd No.1464619


wtf is wrong with that photo? What yr is that lol.

cdc266 No.1464620

File: d2d554d51ea5b3b⋯.png (761.09 KB, 1780x1696, 445:424, Bruderhof_Esopus_Island.png)

File: 9e1a78f19c4891e⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1414x1164, 707:582, Crowley_Esopus_Island.png)


Crowley, Esopus Island

Ley Lines

b8b84b No.1464622

File: 4be8df970a80612⋯.jpg (292.44 KB, 1075x1176, 1075:1176, Screenshot_20180518-221532.jpg)

File: c31219cd9f70945⋯.jpg (324.93 KB, 1060x1025, 212:205, Screenshot_20180518-221553.jpg)


Interesting one of the horses being used tomorrow for the royal wedding, is a famous horse with its own statue. Its name? Storm……

746848 No.1464623


Looks like good digs, but if you think important, maybe highlight the name Stone where it appears

ace2da No.1464624


Kek probably

0c541f No.1464625

Pleiadians are VERY IMPORTANT (and cute).

3e1d0c No.1464626

File: 5b959927528f8f3⋯.png (279.13 KB, 638x678, 319:339, Fake-NASA-Earth-pictures-p….png)


i know you want to believe in the lie

74e773 No.1464627


watched they guy for over a year

seems very sincere and basically is a bible thumper

so all his stuff he says god tells him

one way or the other i like what he says but dont count it as true - no sauce so to speak - just faith

b485de No.1464628


Important to note that not ALL Rh- individuals are sketchy.

102929 No.1464629

File: fa2e2898471fbef⋯.png (32.27 KB, 468x405, 52:45, ClipboardImage.png)

cb094b No.1464630


And we know there are no coincidences…

f33127 No.1464631

File: 8315d05f1691655⋯.jpg (33.89 KB, 752x395, 752:395, Untitled-3.jpg)

80602b No.1464634

it is amusing that I am on 3 mile view and others on 100 ft view

8c4617 No.1464635

File: f81ab9a0e82eca8⋯.png (1.63 MB, 2560x2561, 2560:2561, ThanQ Military Q Alpha.png)

746848 No.1464636


Same one who set up Kennedy

cdc266 No.1464638


also notice "Hyde Park" to the left

Q posted a picture of the other Hyde Park the other day

21d4dc No.1464640



Good, we better be packing some real gold in there, or we don't really have the power to push the NWO and our enemies around….

996c1a No.1464641

File: 08593ed9f1e75a6⋯.png (963.05 KB, 566x873, 566:873, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

File: 340e7cf3d7a0c23⋯.png (874.75 KB, 524x851, 524:851, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

File: d0e04194784038c⋯.png (889.19 KB, 516x859, 516:859, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

File: 2d9bfe52d7baf6a⋯.png (1002.01 KB, 579x873, 193:291, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

File: c4544c19ba7e9ed⋯.png (982.27 KB, 589x857, 589:857, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

Crossroads High School in Santa Monica (taken from Andrew Breitbart & Mark Ebner's "Hollywood, Interrupted")

dc45a1 No.1464642


They did. They HATED him. And, the charge was led by none other than Dan Rather.

The problem Nixon had was that once his team filled him in on the break-in he made a major mistake in trying to cover it up.

Of course, this is all minor compared to what is going on now, but still…….

ace2da No.1464643


GTFO kek! It has come up, its as if we are using their "storm" against them in all this?

ace2da No.1464644


*as much as it has come up

c61989 No.1464645


That is truth

b4ef8b No.1464646


Yeah, I've probably filtered 30 in this thread, counting ID+ on all FE related. That is a lot of stupid even for a Friday.

457b85 No.1464647

Muslims forced to drink alcohol and eat pork in China’s ‘re-education’ camps, former inmate claims

Muslims were detained for re-education by China‘s government and made to eat pork and drink alcohol, according to a former internment camp inmate.

Omir Bekali, one among perhaps a million people reportedly arrested and held in mass re-education camps, said he was detained without trial or access to a lawyer and forced to disavow his beliefs while praising the Communist Party.

Mr Bekali, a Kazakh citizen, said he contemplated suicide after 20 days in the facility – which itself followed seven months in a prison.

Since spring last year authorities in Xinjiang region have confined tens or even hundreds of thousands of Muslims in the camps, including some foreign nationals. One estimate put the figure at a million or more.

A US commission called it the “the largest mass incarceration of a minority population in the world today” while a leading historian called it “cultural cleansing”.


15372e No.1464648

File: 703860d58e5736f⋯.png (397.67 KB, 625x278, 625:278, M 380.png)

ee473d No.1464650


Way more articles about the FBI spying than the shooting today.

137951 No.1464651

File: 9d223d54cb7f40e⋯.png (636.61 KB, 637x703, 637:703, Trump Organization re Jr a….PNG)

91b20a No.1464652

Wee bit of a slide, but not really.

Anyone heard of the book

Killers of the Flower Moon?

e86ff9 No.1464654


Stone doesn't badmouth POTUS either. POTUS does not badmouth Stone either. It's interesting. POTUS says Stone was fired from the campaign for promoting himself (Stone) & Stone says he resigned.

cc97ba No.1464655


We don't need to be welcomed friend. Just need my

rights so that I can express my views freely.

Internet bill of right? Yes?

80602b No.1464656



4c9b9c No.1464657



876ea9 No.1464658

CNN Analyst Throws Hate Boomerang At Trump, Comes Back And Hits Her


5f209e No.1464659


False the IG can't refer criminal prosecutions, it is facts only that is what Huber is for, that is criminal justice 101

998795 No.1464660

File: f6439f2daf3030c⋯.jpeg (176.04 KB, 1005x614, 1005:614, weaerq.jpeg)


If WEAREQ is good enough for Q why are you fags sliding into something different?



would be expansions

No I in Team ANON

Pic related

ee473d No.1464661


Tyrone Biggums?

b41102 No.1464662


Not an ideal time for radio silence, Q. So many shootings and you didn't predict nor stop one of them.WTH?!

d8aa63 No.1464663


His ways are not our ways.

Trust POTUS.

Trust the plan.

746848 No.1464664


HA. Anons need to find the photoshop fails in those pix

e86ff9 No.1464665


If you are talking about the FE shit, you can express yourself all you want on that particular thread. This is the Q research thread, NOT FE.

24bd63 No.1464666

File: 5ea1977b4190120⋯.png (572.68 KB, 640x778, 320:389, Hudson.png)


>A fine autumn day

>kayaking on the Hudson

3295f9 No.1464667

File: a209b06c65b6941⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 2645x1700, 529:340, ray-insta.jpg)

436392 No.1464668

File: 95b21af7a2f876f⋯.png (162.34 KB, 385x288, 385:288, ClipboardImage.png)

72f159 No.1464669



746848 No.1464670




eb5b54 No.1464671



Why would you take a black and white photo of gold? Seems to me it would be in color to show its golden color. Maybe that isn't gold in the photo!

59bf3e No.1464673

File: ee95bede08ad848⋯.jpg (130.12 KB, 523x523, 1:1, dream_uz3r2ugqm5e.jpg)




Flour jokes.

5b59c2 No.1464674


So WND has the info wrong?

eaffa0 No.1464675


good one.

cdc266 No.1464676


digits confirm

nice V in the water

right down the river from Esopus Island

cc97ba No.1464677

File: 2dd3c4312b0ddf5⋯.jpeg (76.32 KB, 500x404, 125:101, Another one.jpeg)

File: fde89f048def21b⋯.jpg (146.19 KB, 500x575, 20:23, parachutes.jpg)

File: a4607ef4f433af5⋯.jpg (20.63 KB, 320x312, 40:39, Which Earth Is Real.jpg)


Thanks for helping us to fight for the right to talk

openly about this subject!

The rabit hole goes DEEEEP.

3d9e96 No.1464678


lone kayaker = lone gunman

b21f3a No.1464679



<Humans are walking around wondering what's going on and when is lunch. Goodness most can't open a can of soup and heat it up.

Difference between awake and not awake.

<Nah. Humans aren't even in the game. Fodder at best. Programmable for the time and the moment.

Even the Show is almost ready. As Q did. Enjoy the Show.

<What is happening is a battle. A battle for the minds of humans. In order to get the soul, you first must capture the mind.

The Earth is a yuge pandora box. Just imagine if They escape of the 4D and take physical form?

The Earth, Even the epicenter could be in huge trouble

<Whom do we choose to be?

<Like THEM or

<Like US

I decide, You decide, They decide.

102929 No.1464680


It's a photo of POTUS you fucking ignorant niggers

What part of

>Do not glorify us

do you not understand?

How is Batman Q you idiotic niggers?

You literally are not Q. You are supporting him. Stop being niggers

6f56f9 No.1464682


second time in iraq we had to share food and dining with the IA. we prepared pork free food specifically for them and pork for ourselves. never seen so many iraqi's eat pork.

746848 No.1464683



d68e2d No.1464685

its really simple

metal detectors at doors of school only need 1 or 2 per school

regular police presence on school grounds during school hours, just one… we r paying them anyway.

buzz in doors

hell, ghetto gas stations have more security

no armed teachers! teachers now days are just as f out there

8080dd No.1464686


I saw this the other day…wondered IF this pic is being "distributed" (public display) showing the empty vault so WHEN THE FED GETS RAIDED (Gold taken back) no one can accused POTUS of putting it in his OWN VAULT….lol…

Be just like the cabal/deep state/left to accuse him of something like that!!!

4bbcca No.1464687

File: 2198b43b75345fb⋯.mp4 (2.04 MB, 370x278, 185:139, fart.mp4)


Where's Kramer's handsome cab when you need it!

314315 No.1464688


I feel like I should apologize. I was very excited and I might have misunderstood your previous post.


I think I was meant to answer it. I am not sure if I can, to be honest. I will put down what rings true to me, though, I suppose, after giving ti some thought. A couple of answers ring true:

Love and Faith.

Faith because even thought we may actively destroy ourselves, what is us connects us with everything else, which is why everything can shift according to our expressed will.

I always understood "string theory" to be proof that the universe is an expression of thought; made of something, but as we see things are how the song is currently being played, or the strings are plucked.

Even when we try to destroy ourselves, that does not mean that the song has to end? I'm not sure. That feels somewhat wrong.

Love, though. Love… i you are to love something, then you are to let it express itself freely, whether that be for ill or not. To Love something is to know something because you cannot love something without an understanding of what something really is.

Something cannot tell you what it is if it is not allowed to express itself freely.

Even in the act of the self-destruction, as sad and terrible as it is, it is an expression of us.

That feels a lot more true.

>As for the rest of your post:

I've actually been wondering what the purpose of meditation is recently. I've been trying to do it after being told that I am empath by an angel "medium", one that's been reincarnated for a mission. It was a bit of a story to that point and since then, I've been looking for answers.

Meditation, though, is supposed to be important to me and I can understand what the end result would be, in theory, but I see in practice I may have been approaching it wrong. Well, all except for two times when I tried exploring knowledge of my past life/"real" identity recently.

I always imagine collecting energy and then spreading it outwards as positive energy and thoughts over the world. It's helped with some bits of my anxiousness, but recently, I've been feeling really excited. I've stopped smoking cigarettes, I've been waking up much earlier than before, I feel like I'm on the edge of my seat sometimes.

Then other people's dreams.

The places I've been, anon. I've been places prematurely because of DMT: I've been held and given the gift of Love, and given an idea of where my soul might have been born, I have banished evil entities with Love alone, been offered a gift by other evil entities that I nearly accepted.

These places are completely unlike anything else. I have been to terrible places, too. The medium has said that the "angels" say not to believe everything I've seen.

They did not say everything I saw was true.

They did not say everything I saw was false.

I've meditated and seen a world destroyed and that secrets have been locked in DNA.

But I've no clue how much of it is true and how much of it is just an overactive imagination.I want answers, though.

And I like you too, anon. If we've been to the same places, I hope they were good places.

996c1a No.1464689

File: c4c4f21702bc960⋯.png (377.95 KB, 944x739, 944:739, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

File: 288a7e10419919e⋯.png (113.25 KB, 629x302, 629:302, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

File: 802d429b49b78bc⋯.png (139.93 KB, 664x646, 332:323, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

File: 82e8e8cb9f6d6f3⋯.png (301.21 KB, 1673x818, 1673:818, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

File: 4201712b1161b03⋯.png (311.04 KB, 676x827, 676:827, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

Amy Pascal went to Crossroads High School

https:// www.theguardian.com/film/2015/feb/05/amy-pascal-leaving-sony-pictures-email-leak

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Pascal

https:// wikileaks.org/sony/emails/

https:// www.vanityfair.com/news/2005/03/crossroads-school200503

http:// www.crossroadstoday.com/story/38222642/multiple-deaths-in-shooting-at-texas-santa-fe-high-school-sources-say

5f209e No.1464690

File: 50e42779780ec1b⋯.png (583.69 KB, 1744x941, 1744:941, Saracarter.PNG)


Yes, but Huber can take that info and prosecute so its a technical error

cfa3ed No.1464691


Athena, Athens

72f159 No.1464692


They never thought she would lose..

They are real..


Not Aluminum

Why move it when you "owned" the mightiest government on earth that protected it?

Emphasis on OWNED

4e8d7c No.1464693


Excellent! Thanks!

3d9e96 No.1464694

File: 2bc89b99b6d1db2⋯.png (7.83 KB, 255x180, 17:12, f7e428523c1159f22f67f3cf1c….png)

Bread is getting stale…

f60415 No.1464695

File: f8633e62a184bee⋯.jpg (121.71 KB, 523x523, 1:1, #Bloomer.jpg)

Fresh Bloomer

Frash Brad




afb6df No.1464696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Only one way to find out for sure.

0f09bc No.1464697

File: 80824e0b12a4cd5⋯.jpg (25.53 KB, 555x416, 555:416, Drastic.jpg)


Top Kek!!

b49a05 No.1464698


is that a masonic lodge in the top left corner?

those lodges seem to find their way into Comey's photos.

ace2da No.1464699

File: aecb067786bb003⋯.jpg (235.68 KB, 616x900, 154:225, abe lincoln top kek 2.jpg)

5b59c2 No.1464700

File: 343afeafc0e8eef⋯.png (377.24 KB, 1670x1316, 835:658, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)


yeah I dunno man.. I am going with he can recommend and whoever is in charge of doing whatever they need to do to string these bastards up.. can do what they want with it.

746848 No.1464701



6fa95a No.1464702


Can't imagine what Trump was thinking walking into that den of vipers.

314315 No.1464703



Also, ,I've thought about that a lot. Why am I eating, drinking anything if I don't need to? Granted, I lowered my intake drastically recently… but that was without thought and I've been doing okay.

b4ef8b No.1464704

137951 No.1464705

File: 126f2d76b8c38b5⋯.png (49.32 KB, 666x493, 666:493, SDavis re Source 5-18-18.PNG)

0a5d8e No.1464706



sorry anon.

0c541f No.1464707


-you see more of the globe when further away; observe a desktop model of Earth at varying distances to see that

-air resistance is a thing

-0/10 psyop

7ae5f2 No.1464708


I hope that one day in the future, we can all dox ourselves safely, and have one big party and meet each other.

LOL. Will never happen.

d68e2d No.1464709


want them all to crumble

641383 No.1464710


Crossroads (mythology)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other uses, see Crossroads (disambiguation).

In folk magic and mythology, crossroads may represent a location "between the worlds" and, as such, a site where supernatural spirits can be contacted and paranormal events can take place. Symbolically, it can mean a locality where two realms touch and therefore represents liminality, a place literally "neither here nor there", "betwixt and between".

In Western folk mythology, a crossroads can be used to summon a demon in order to broker a supernatural deal. This legend can be seen in many stories. For example, in 1926's Faust, the title character summons the demon Mephistopheles at a crossroads. In the U.S. television show Supernatural, crossroads demons are a recurring plot device.

746848 No.1464711




996c1a No.1464712

File: 8482e0937907043⋯.png (146.05 KB, 1016x877, 1016:877, Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at ….png)

https:// www.hollywoodreporter.com/features/a-decomposing-body-10-duped-girlfriends-saga-alien-con-man-hollywoods-backyard-1037967

4e8d7c No.1464713


West Point. Just like Benedict Arnold.

f60415 No.1464714



Lubit Anon, merci merci

296e53 No.1464715


I used to listen to AJ years back on shortwave. I wonder if his show is still broadcast over the air.

6c3764 No.1464716

File: 07da803cfb520a1⋯.jpg (86.88 KB, 643x338, 643:338, Hillary wants the gold.jpg)


BS story. That's CNN

Image is ~50 years old.

And even with that you can show the things behind him are gold.

Why would anyone give any credence to CNN?

If it just because if you say "CNN" the ignorant won't make fun of you?

83d321 No.1464718


Filling bread over here Baker. sys

5e85f1 No.1464719


you FEtards talk to yourselves


hope you get banned for shitposting



7ae221 No.1464721


sometimes likewise, but also often happy we're not all in one big room.

imagine being stuck between people arguing about FlatJesus & Redheads and on and on

91b20a No.1464722


Actually, LdR and Sarkozy wanted it. But that's just semantics.

41cb79 No.1464723


The people who hated Nixon were not good. Nixon and his team were also not good. The world is too complex to use that enemy of my enemy formula.

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