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977879 (6) No.1336539>>1336682 >>1336722 >>1336795 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

Board Rules (Read the rules please)


>>1254488 (Introduction)

New Q Drop Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's NewTripcode: Q !2jsTvXXmXs

Q's OldTripcode: Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 5.08.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/66 ---—- Use LOGIC

Friday 5.04.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/65 ---—- The World is Connected. (JKerry_Traitor.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/64 ---—- THE SWAMP IS BEING DRAINED (Justice_1.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/63 ---—- A rigged system (Justice_.png)

>>>/patriotsfight/62 ---—- [OnReady] (Justice.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/58 ---—- Whitelist on /qresearch/ -- Deleted, see >>1298468 , >>1303388

>>>/patriotsfight/2 ---—-- Trip Conf – Deleted, see >>1298492 , >>1302636 (full thread captures)

>>>/patriotsfight/1 ---—-- Tripcode Update – Deleted

>>1298146 ---————— /patriotsfight/

Wednesday 5.02.2018

>>1280616 ---————— (Shipping Pallets)

>>1280036 ---————— (Apple HQ)

>>1280030 ---————— (JetBlue taking off from San Jose?)

Backup Q Posts


Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE


1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING''' link to 8ch.

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1126202 , >>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1127332 For Website mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

>>1113115, >>1113120 How to filter a Shill

977879 (6) No.1336546


are not endorsements


>>1335909 answers to Q's post on his board part 1

>>1335913 Part 2

>>1335914 Part 3

>>1336032 EZ Peazy Treason Decoder Ring


>>1335092 'Anti-Trump AG Tried To Shut Down EPA’s Transparency Plan Hours Before Resigning'

>>1335088 Recap of RR and Sessions confirmation votes

>>1335037 , >>1335104 Who is Huber?

>>1335048 QPost Theory

>>1335027 QPost Theory


>>1334793 Monsanto's CEO Technology Chief to exit after Bayer takeover

>>1334565 Higher than usual number of large DC properties up for sale

>>1334419 , >>1334615 RR RM on our side or not?

>>1334537 Al Gore and Schneidermann's climate alliance

>>1334402 QPost theory

>>1334333 iPads: Hidden weapon of NWO 5G microwaves? Linked to Q pic Apple HQ

>>1334358 What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled?


>>1333984 Soros right hand man arrested for reape and human trafficking: Previous news story

>>1333719 Schneiderman used color of law to attack enemies

>>1333375 Original, full-size pictures that Q posted

>>1333675 Bronfman family's alleged connections to narcotics and methanol

>>1333618 , >>1333627 The Bronfman family's Russian roots

>>1333599 USA vs Raniere: Court Docs

>>1333264 , >>1333615 Does Stormy have an NVIXM brand?

>>1333557 Sept 13, NostraDonald tweets about Shneidermann

>>1333569 Gillibrand Emails For Schneiderman

>>1333491 Kerstin Gillibrand endorses Shneidermann

>>1333333 Quints confirm!

>>1333378 No-name's First Wife Speaks Out; McCain Dumped Her After Crippling Car Wreck

>>1333503 Meme War tomorrow

>>1333479 Counter-Proliferation Investigations Program

>>1333468 Cornerstone: ICE initiative


>>1333247 Clare Bronfman

>>1333225 Schneiderman and Al Gore initiatives pay a lot in salaries

>>1333218 Complicated history between Schneidermann and POTUS

>>1332724 , >>1332758 , >>1333076 Met Gala 2018: Heavenly Bodies / Catholic theme

>>1332892 Make a MAP of the connections of the NXIVM people

>>1332935 The process for replacing Eric Schneiderman

>>1332868 , >>1332744 Schneiderman and The Clinton Foundation

>>1332847 Eric Schneiderman connected to George Soros


>>1332491, >>1332490 , >>1332499 , >>1332464 BREAKING: Schneidermann resigns after abuse allegations

>>1332052 The Markham Group based in Little Rock Arkansas, named as being tied directly to NXIVM

>>1332031 Ex: Schneiderman called me his ‘brown slave,’ would slap me until I called him ‘Master’

>>1331998 SpreadSheetAnon update on archives


>>1331244 Eric Schneiderman was investigating NXIVM in 2017

>>1331348 POTUS vs Schneiderman graphic

>>1331542 Baby Soros and Eric Schneiderman connection

>>1331592 Comey Grand Jury Investigation

>>1331641 , >>1332086 Mueller's RICO team


>>1330445 AP Cover Up Clinton Ties to NXIVM

>>1330501 Russian Helicopter Crash in Syria

>>1330546 National Commission on Military Aviation Safety

>>1330603 Interesting HRC email

>>1330740 NSA secret rooms in AT&T facilities

>>1330621 What do YOU do between Q posts

>>1330904 VP's Clock Set to 5:5 (twit pic)

>>1331021 Ben Carson sued for suspending Obama-era rule


>>1329510 Sidney Blumenthal sent CLASSIFIED emails to HRC

>>1329521 Oliver North, newly named NRA president

>>1329571 HRC wearing a back brace

>>1329666 Kansas grilling HRC Benghazi

>>1329708 Iran Land Bridge Map

>>1330169 Giuliani Rips Up Iran Deal


>>1328778 POTUS Will Announce His Decision on the Iran Deal @2 EST Tomorrow

>>1328768 General Flynn Blurbs

>>1328851 NEW FBI VAULT SIX - Comey Memos

>>1328994 FLOTUS Unveils Her Official Initiatives: #BeBest

>>1328807 POTUS Announces Delegation for Jerusalem Embassy Opening

>>1329181 You Decide.

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

>>1329296 Clinton direct mail/email voter lists.

>>1329347 FBI Reveals Cllinton Server Was Hacked

>>1329385 NXIVM's Powerful Friends And Long History Of Known Abuses

>>1329099 Green Castle?

>>1329256 Neil Bush Pedofile Ring

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

977879 (6) No.1336553

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>16785 ----- Prayer

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>566073 --- Q Cards Collection

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>169315 --- Notable Resignations Thread 1/2

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>1233401 - All Executive Orders

>>1241760 - Shill posters

>>1243929 - JFK Files released

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas

>>489697 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1009786 - DARPA/FB/Lifelog/5g/2020

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1276151 - Military Plane Crashes

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

977879 (6) No.1336554>>1336682 >>1336795

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

>>1335930 Q Graphics all in GMT #20

>>1287664 Q Graphics all in GMT #19 >>>/comms/987

>>1185120 Q Graphics all in GMT #18 >>>/comms/953

>>1335083 Previous GMT Graphics

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ------------------ >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.0.0 [updated 5/5]) >>1314112

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Updated Q archives: qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge >>1176816 http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS-tweet archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form. https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools=

* Qcode guide to abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link >>851957

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert app can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub (vetted by >>968129 )

NEW Federal Procurement Data System fpds.gov >>1300457 https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 17,000 Memes and Infographs.


Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Memes: Stockpiles

Memes20 >>1232995, 19 >>1144040, 18 >>1027465

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


SpreadsheetAnon https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn to Bake! For God & Country!

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Or read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

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0140ff (6) No.1336556

biggest intel drop in history wat do anons. :D

977879 (6) No.1336562



e07cb3 (1) No.1336575>>1336997

File (hide): 65c0f6ce2555abe⋯.jpg (209.17 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, int conv ctr 7.30pm.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7941f059dbee678⋯.jpg (208.73 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Melb conv cntr 7.30pm.jpg) (h) (u)

A reminder to Aussie Anons

HRC will be speaking in Melbourne and Sydney this week

Just in case you would like to spread the word about Q

Also for other anons - prayers those nights would be good

a2490e (2) No.1336585>>1336716 >>1336807

File (hide): 543d93a9d366ac0⋯.png (191.26 KB, 1830x574, 915:287, Screen Shot 2018-05-08 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ac19e93b03712c9⋯.png (156.12 KB, 1850x534, 925:267, Screen Shot 2018-05-08 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e517ffda24332d4⋯.png (190.73 KB, 353x431, 353:431, kekmate19.png) (h) (u)

https://libertyunyielding.com/2018/05/07/bombshell-alleging-trump-oppo-against-iran-deal-supporters-looks-like-fusion-gps-work-and-maybe-a-soros-backed-vendetta/ <<<<<<< <<<<<< <<<<<<https://www.insidephilanthropy.com/home/2017/5/24/press-freedom-defense-fund



Merry Christmas.

ea4b65 (19) No.1336602>>1336615 >>1337245

Omg…it just hit me. "Past Proves Future" that #QAnon has said before may mean the Presidents tweets. Far too many times the President had posted something a few years back and it comes back around full circle. It's like he's from the year 3000…lol

8e6329 (2) No.1336607>>1336645 >>1336671 >>1337197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Volcano eruption fears as almost 300 earthquakes rock Spanish holiday hotspot


ae6f3b (2) No.1336609>>1336621


Does Giuliani's precense on DJT legal team imply 9/11 truth is off limits? Is the part that can never become public even though it is well known that the attack was aided and abetted by the swamp and foreign allies? I always assumed Giuliani may have been an slight minded pawn. His latest press remarks tend to support this thesis. Might be a good idea to ditch the stooge even if he was thought to buy political support due to his former "heroic" - cough, image.

ffcc44 (14) No.1336615

File (hide): c6a46a540117f7d⋯.png (786.36 KB, 1260x1868, 315:467, NY AG Eric Schneiderman sl….png) (h) (u)

0637c3 (5) No.1336616>>1336634 >>1336636

File (hide): 2e09eb2d030c3b4⋯.png (506.4 KB, 785x593, 785:593, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Anons.. did we ever figure out this Q drop?

who are the people with Mao (?) .. the white woman and the indian looking fella, in particular?

51ad06 (1) No.1336617

File (hide): ff84c169f1c6d3f⋯.jpg (110.55 KB, 575x860, 115:172, Sexy-Photo-July-4th.jpg) (h) (u)

Thank You Baker

bc258b (2) No.1336620>>1336630


Interesting piece on the NY AG who with his cast of characters in his office have been filing lawsuits for everything under the sun against the Trump admin.

There is a 60 minutes piece which they have buried some where on Schneidermann and his relentless frivolous lawsuits against the Trump Admin.

ea4b65 (19) No.1336621>>1336680


>Stupid analogy.

ffcc44 (14) No.1336625>>1336944 >>1337279

File (hide): d1ce7c876011f4d⋯.png (296.77 KB, 628x648, 157:162, Xi - Un.png) (h) (u)

fd38e9 (2) No.1336626

File (hide): 615a26cf7a75e3b⋯.png (319.9 KB, 417x457, 417:457, dank-you-baker2.png) (h) (u)

ty baker

8e64dc (23) No.1336627>>1336734

File (hide): b8fd9d1b477a17a⋯.jpg (204.37 KB, 1024x597, 1024:597, ForeverFirstLadyContestant….jpg) (h) (u)

3c0622 (15) No.1336628>>1336638 >>1336655

File (hide): 63e02179e712d88⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


ffcc44 (14) No.1336629

File (hide): 32c5ef2c52a78c4⋯.jpg (134.82 KB, 952x488, 119:61, schneiderman EX-ag.jpg) (h) (u)

9f083c (9) No.1336630


Preet Baratha prly isnt having a good morning.

@war economy is tweeting someone at CNN is also sweating bullets right now

9a1147 (9) No.1336632>>1336738

The last desperate plan of the deep state, secret society is to rig the mid terms, which means they will be doing that desperately which means they need to start all that work now, which means they are up against massive pressures, which means they are making mistake after mistake and getting caught.

As they get caught one by one, they are ratting out those above them, to save themselves, which make the next lot more desperate.

Because of no leaks or very few leaks, no one knows who is ratting on who, or who is set up.

Comms are all comped.

Bad actors know that those they gave funds to and bribed can carry off their promised corruption and will want to silence those they bribed.

Expect to see "suicides" of corrupt politicians and businessmen increase as the need to silence them snowballs.

b2b238 (2) No.1336633>>1336641 >>1336717

All modern revolutions in their early stages appeared to the public as nothing more than toilet graffiti. :D


5285c9 (2) No.1336634>>1336694 >>1336747



>A simple reverse image search anon…

Given Strong’s remarkable ascent through the ranks of political power to become a globalist kingpin, it won’t be surprising to hear that he had political connections in his family. But it may be surprising to hear where those connections were placed. His aunt, Anna Louise Strong, was a committed communist who befriended Lenin and Trotsky (who asked her to teach him English) before she ultimately settled in China, where she was on familiar terms with Mao Zedong. She became close with Zhou Enlai, who wept openly when she was buried with full honors in Beijing’s Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery.

4ba3df (1) No.1336635>>1336642

The new shill technique appears to be (bot generated?) existential gibberish, and it's working a treat.

0b7a2b (7) No.1336636>>1336679


W. E. B. Du Bois with Tang Ming-Chao (one of the Under-Secretaries of the United Nations), Ting Hsi-lin (Vice-Chairman of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations), Chu Poshem (direct descendant of the last Chinese emperors) , Mao Tse-tung, and Anna Louise Strong (American writer who lived in China for may years).

Source: http://credo.library.umass.edu/view/full/mums312-i0673

8c4607 (6) No.1336637

File (hide): b4ed7ffafbd2fd7⋯.png (443.23 KB, 623x512, 623:512, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Lovely bread, baker…!

977879 (6) No.1336638>>1336646 >>1336648 >>1336682


Handoff Confirmed

God bless you baker

Luv all you faggots(no-homo)

af00c6 (1) No.1336639

ea4b65 (19) No.1336640>>1336725

File (hide): 1a9ebd17ed4507e⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 400x400, 1:1, 31942414_318334212029939_6….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

Q has his own board now.


8e64dc (23) No.1336641>>1336649 >>1337249

File (hide): 4d5b9d2751c4481⋯.jpg (90.02 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WhoIsQanon43.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6abbf3e8d8d8abe⋯.jpg (74.76 KB, 800x498, 400:249, WhoIsQanon42.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9f4bf7989aae4dd⋯.jpg (40.96 KB, 640x275, 128:55, WhoIsQanon41.jpg) (h) (u)

cf8b13 (15) No.1336642



9a1147 (9) No.1336643>>1336647 >>1336652 >>1336664 >>1336752 >>1336849 >>1337006 >>1337213

Rumours that Tony Blair is squealing to desperately save himself, his reputation, his wife and his children from bankruptcy and life in prison.

Remember, Blair has the dirt on everyone, including ex-special forces. EVERYONE. He has no morals.

bc0f5e (5) No.1336644

File (hide): abad92af6b80080⋯.jpg (250.94 KB, 1000x827, 1000:827, Authentic.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3199b4a06299c02⋯.jpg (205.23 KB, 621x753, 207:251, Executive Order 13775 US a….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d092cd91382c790⋯.jpg (122.29 KB, 706x725, 706:725, Executive Orders Jan 2017.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 76776af05fd251b⋯.jpg (253.78 KB, 892x757, 892:757, TruePunditNews05012018.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7ec03d96f4c4a0c⋯.jpg (83.57 KB, 720x413, 720:413, Hannity Clapper.jpg) (h) (u)

>>1336586 lb


"oh shoot, sorry Prez, forgot to lock the room."

"What? forgot to lock the room? What does

that mean?"

"Nevermind, i can fix it, one minute sir."

"Okay, good, good. Dang wind."

>>1336587 lb

nice1s, carry on anon.

1c23f9 (20) No.1336645>>1336671 >>1336833 >>1337235


I'm actually more worried about the volcano over in Hawaii right now, it's on the side of the big island where they are predicting a massive landslide that could cause some serious damage when the tsunami hits the west coast.

That landslide could create almost 1000 ft. tall wave.

3c0622 (15) No.1336646>>1336745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



On a side note, check this out. Great music if anons haven't heard it.

9a1147 (9) No.1336647>>1336668 >>1336673 >>1336684


Can't give sauce (dangerous) but notice he is suddenly VERY quiet about reversing BREXIT.

Singing like a canary.

1ec667 (2) No.1336648>>1336654


Daybaker here on standby.

Love you all too.

Rest easy.

WorkfagBaker, I'm here if you need me.

8e64dc (23) No.1336649>>1337249

File (hide): 0fde0b8d916b5cd⋯.jpg (230.05 KB, 960x640, 3:2, WhoIsQanon40.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0d88a6eab887003⋯.jpg (83.61 KB, 900x506, 450:253, WhoIsQanon39.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3000ce4966d5eab⋯.jpg (225.05 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, WhoIsQanon38.jpg) (h) (u)

7047b2 (5) No.1336650>>1336667 >>1336749

Peter Comey

Strzok of genius? or no…

8e64dc (23) No.1336651>>1337249

File (hide): 06d68c5bd1e8094⋯.jpg (116.1 KB, 955x651, 955:651, WhoIsQanon37.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e47b04ae111ca72⋯.jpg (169.73 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, WhoIsQanon36.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 047c1b582bba4f3⋯.jpg (133.02 KB, 1024x567, 1024:567, WhoIsQanon35.jpg) (h) (u)

ffcc44 (14) No.1336652>>1336799


>Tony Blair is squealing to desperately save himself

Blair is also a Boho Grove attendee!

46b872 (1) No.1336653

official cannabis sales in washington seem overstated


bc0f5e (5) No.1336654

File (hide): 7ed7a3a50f059bf⋯.jpg (114.07 KB, 1133x504, 1133:504, mueller 12 years.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): adb2ae9cd7a10d7⋯.jpg (149.27 KB, 1127x399, 161:57, 10 years.jpg) (h) (u)


Bakers and anons saving the world.

TY bakers.

8e64dc (23) No.1336655

File (hide): 4f472442bdb34a0⋯.jpg (339.63 KB, 1242x1241, 1242:1241, Katherine-Timpf-Thanks-U-B….jpg) (h) (u)

d82548 (12) No.1336656>>1336816

File (hide): 1e507035b4764cb⋯.png (824.28 KB, 998x1117, 998:1117, analyst_division.png) (h) (u)

>>1336469 (l.b.)

Very nice analysis, anon. Like this part in particular :

>Wherein if you are at the top of the pyramid you can being too many people down.

Which then gives you leverage with those people to have them divert attention from you & your High Crimes - By Any Means Necessary.

ea4b65 (19) No.1336657>>1336658

File (hide): 551a6ecb72bc607⋯.jpg (54.81 KB, 568x568, 1:1, DcjZywcXkAICc7X.jpg) (h) (u)

Q's new 8Chan board.

Shits getting real.

ea4b65 (19) No.1336658>>1336669



8e6329 (2) No.1336659

What will they blame on Russia next, 9/11?


8d7284 (5) No.1336660>>1336724

It should be "What is Q anon".

1c23f9 (20) No.1336661

Over CONUS now.

54+18 3F4D0C

German Air Force GAF058

Germany Military

Airbus Military A400M A400

7047b2 (5) No.1336662


Ramsey Rapist

7dcbaf (9) No.1336664


Please be true… Vile Human Blair

4410cf (4) No.1336665>>1336944 >>1337279

File (hide): 440d4a03fcd7e59⋯.png (426.35 KB, 764x632, 191:158, iranbombshell.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 36444c27834b0c7⋯.png (26.83 KB, 734x344, 367:172, ColinTwat.png) (h) (u)



Knew I recognised Colin Kahl's name. He appears in the article - All of this coincides with the Iran Deal being ripped up today. Soros is peddling this because of his interest and the MSM are going crazy for it.

Hypocrisy is real with the left. It seems to be a problem when Black Cube do oppo research on Obama Officials involved in the Iran Deal under Trump (Again, all Fake News - I don't believe it for a second.)

However, It isn't a problem when Obama illegally spies on Trump team and tries to overthrow the duly elected President.

This is being pushed hard today.

b07ef9 (2) No.1336666>>1336689 >>1336697 >>1336701 >>1336944 >>1337279

You're going to want to archive this article. I have a feeling we will all be laughing and mocking Booker on his way to prison in due time.

Presidential hopeful? Ha!!

https:// www.yahoo.com/news/cory-booker-real-090003827.html

bc0f5e (5) No.1336667>>1336749

File (hide): c190764564a3527⋯.jpg (244.31 KB, 965x660, 193:132, Strok of gen.jpg) (h) (u)


>Strzok of genius?


4dbc4b (1) No.1336668


Interesting, thanks anon.

25cdcc (25) No.1336669

>>1336658 post less please

>>>/patriotsfight/66 ---—- Use LOGIC

d82548 (12) No.1336670>>1336701

File (hide): 6069b3d476359a3⋯.jpg (102.33 KB, 1286x720, 643:360, WhiteObamaPopeBlack.jpg) (h) (u)

db5095 (24) No.1336671>>1336674



Actually, what if both pop off at the same time? Or in a one-two punch sequence? Both coasts go bye-bye Very bad.

On the plus side, the blue wave would be a nonstarter after that.

0932ae (1) No.1336672>>1336695 >>1336703

File (hide): 8a262b09e11c83c⋯.jpg (574.84 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180508-091822….jpg) (h) (u)

GOOD! Thank you potus!!!

9f083c (9) No.1336673>>1336678 >>1336688 >>1337284


Another one obscurefagging.

Last nights resignation is scaring the living fuck out of a lot of people

1c23f9 (20) No.1336674>>1336779


Yep…that would be a swamp over-fill! Kek!

ea4b65 (19) No.1336675>>1336681 >>1336876

Q's new board…


ffcc44 (14) No.1336676>>1336787 >>1337146

File (hide): 0c2d85d7867b50c⋯.png (316.7 KB, 446x692, 223:346, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Our 'prophetic' POTUS has the dirt on ALL of the slimeballs, sleazebags and corrupt evil bastards!

7529c1 (1) No.1336677>>1336683 >>1336685 >>1336691 >>1336730 >>1336785 >>1336843 >>1336853 >>1336877 >>1336936 >>1337100 >>1337258

File (hide): 1a0004b12307440⋯.png (32.18 KB, 637x256, 637:256, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Corsi- you idiot

Q never "preached" socialism

You are a dumb fucker Jerome.

Q said that patriots do not fight to get paid.

Patriots are paid in freedom.

You are just another opportunist.

Go sell your book fatboy

e38d81 (15) No.1336678>>1336704 >>1337284



it was abrupt and seemed calculated.

we started hearing drops about him only a few hours before he resigned.

0637c3 (5) No.1336679


fantastic thank you anon

ae6f3b (2) No.1336680>>1336693 >>1336801 >>1336983


FMGiuliani failing to defend the citizens in a FF event is quite salient to the expose of his character. It implies his myopic and dependent, or he is party to the swamp. Occam's Razor.

25cdcc (25) No.1336681




before teaching other anons anything, thanks

99f385 (1) No.1336682

>>1336539 (OP)



Beautiful Bread, Baker.

Thanks for sorting the GMT graphics situ. :)

62b94a (3) No.1336683

8e64dc (23) No.1336684


Stay safe anon. God bless you.

0b7a2b (7) No.1336685>>1336692 >>1336698 >>1336740 >>1336771


Which part of Q's drops is Corsi refering to as being socialism?

ffcc44 (14) No.1336686


>Voters in West Virginia, Ohio, North Carolina, and Indiana

will select their nominees to represent their respective parties for a variety of different offices, from House races to Senate nominations to governor’s races--and much of what happens in these states will set the tone for what is to come in upcoming races elsewhere around the country."

8ef29d (3) No.1336687>>1336699 >>1336766 >>1336907

File (hide): d9ea95d351a8509⋯.jpg (267.05 KB, 836x748, 19:17, witchhunt.jpg) (h) (u)

did someone say witch hunt?

9a1147 (9) No.1336688


The biggest problem they have to rig the election are poll numbers, to fit the mid-term blue wave nonsense narrative.

What can they do?

It is VERY desperate to hold polls back like Reuters.

The enemy is surrounded and out of ammo.

They are all turning on each other in a RACE to BOTTOM.

b07ef9 (2) No.1336689


1>2>4 and QUADS!

My best digits yet :)

This article won't age well

ae9962 (2) No.1336690>>1336809 >>1336933

so I log on to FB this morning (which I am rarely on anymore) and on the right where it has suggested groups there are several QAnon suggested…..hmmm could it be that FB is tracking that I come here?

cf8b13 (15) No.1336691


Somebunny is getting a lot of coal in his stocking this year.

62b94a (3) No.1336692>>1336713


Paytriots drop

ea4b65 (19) No.1336693


>Read Q's new post about Sessions.


0637c3 (5) No.1336694>>1336729


ha I'm under the weather today but point taken. will remember next time. :)

thank you.

7dcbaf (9) No.1336695>>1337293

File (hide): 026ee208bcb34c6⋯.png (1020.54 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Dead man walking

ecccf9 (1) No.1336696>>1336705 >>1336832

Mayflower Hotel

Well known DC honeypot cathouse

Hillary Clinton introduced Obama to about 300 of her leading contributors at a meeting at the Mayflower

Most significantly it’s where Sessions recusal of all things Russia can be tied to because of a conversation with Kislyak during the infamous Trump speech in 4/16

There are no coincidences

ae9962 (2) No.1336697


I'm laughing at it now. What tripe

1124fe (1) No.1336698>>1336713 >>1336823


The part where Q said those faggots shouldn't be hijacking our work for profit.

7dcbaf (9) No.1336699


They actually had permission fron the Vatican to use robes as templates for this sataNIC SHIT

9a1147 (9) No.1336700

As Q would say, Mayor and Governor of NY, coming to a theatre near you.

d82548 (12) No.1336701



<Missed it by 3 -- >>1336670

Like yours more tho. They are already making Book'em to be the next Great Black Hope.

And like the last One, we still got some Singapore connections to dig up still…

>Gateway Bridge Project.

>$1.8mm Cory Booker - Singapore.

3c0622 (15) No.1336702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Feel Like I'm Drowning - Two Feet

Workfag is obsessed with this band right now, but I promise not to post anymore videos. This song in particular is stuck in my brain and won't leave.

bc0f5e (5) No.1336703

File (hide): 35720c5b5448bd4⋯.jpg (280.63 KB, 800x1644, 200:411, TY POTUS 05082018.jpg) (h) (u)



b4a97c (6) No.1336704>>1336708


Q said we would only see a portion of what was true - so if what we saw was only a bit of his real activities - no wonder he resigned

8e64dc (23) No.1336705>>1336710


Thanks for bringing that back into memory anon ;)

4410cf (4) No.1336706>>1336719 >>1336737 >>1336944 >>1337279

File (hide): d49385825227536⋯.png (22.7 KB, 737x270, 737:270, IranDealDone.png) (h) (u)

Iran Deal is done. Tehran John's meddling ruined any chance of it being resolved. Ironic considering he was a leading member in the BS deal to begin with.

85929b (15) No.1336707>>1336731

File (hide): 179661eb2d8ef89⋯.png (296.12 KB, 519x433, 519:433, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Suspicious Kike found at entrance of West Bank

9a1147 (9) No.1336708


Imagine the number of 'escorts' he has beaten up.

Killed any?

He is not the only one at the top in NY to have done this.

How many are about to come out?

Race to bottom.

96d141 (1) No.1336709>>1336857 >>1336978 >>1336995

Long time lurker, sorry if this is old news.


The logic puzzle was first produced by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, who is better known under his pen name Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. In his book The Game of Logic he introduced a game to solve problems such as confirming the conclusion "Some greyhounds are not fat" from the statements "No fat creatures run well" and "Some greyhounds run well"[1]. Puzzles like this, where we are given a list of premises and asked what can be deduced from them, are known as syllogisms. Dodgson goes on to construct much more complex puzzles consisting of up to 8 premises.

In the second half of the 20th century mathematician Raymond M. Smullyan has continued and expanded the branch of logic puzzles with books such as The Lady or the Tiger?, To Mock a Mockingbird and Alice in Puzzle-Land. He popularized the "knights and knaves" puzzles, which involve knights, who always tell the truth, and knaves, who always lie.

There are also logic puzzles that are completely non-verbal in nature. Some popular forms include Sudoku, which involves using deduction to correctly place numbers in a grid; the nonogram, also called "Paint by Numbers", which involves using deduction to correctly fill in a grid with black-and-white squares to produce a picture; and logic mazes, which involve using deduction to figure out the rules of a maze.

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic_puzzle

7dcbaf (9) No.1336710>>1336712 >>1336715


March winds

April Showers

May Flowers

38ac9b (4) No.1336711>>1336718 >>1336720 >>1336723 >>1336756 >>1336821 >>1336834 >>1336842 >>1336920 >>1336937 >>1337178 >>1337323 >>1337348

So no one cares that the flat earth thread on this board got deleted

8e64dc (23) No.1336712


June Booms :)

0b7a2b (7) No.1336713



lol so comic

bc258b (2) No.1336714>>1336883


More bad news for the NY AG

1c23f9 (20) No.1336715


Almost time for Spring Cleaning

a2490e (2) No.1336716>>1336721 >>1336765


First article is a good read, thanks to the the anon that posted it. Second article not so great.

Soros(Omidyar as his agent/side kick) <<<<<<<

<<<<<Black Cube<<<<Fusion GPS


What's an 'R' with no leg to stand on? ((P))

db5095 (24) No.1336717


Torches and pitchforks. We are Many. They are Few.

3de383 (1) No.1336718


What Flat Earth board? (snicker)

9a1147 (9) No.1336719


4D chess, wouldn't you say.


0479df (3) No.1336720>>1336735


Not in the least.

8e64dc (23) No.1336721

File (hide): 93653fe344b2c4b⋯.jpg (237.86 KB, 1028x749, 1028:749, NotALegToStandOn.jpg) (h) (u)

1101fe (1) No.1336722>>1336758

>>1336539 (OP)


d2544f (1) No.1336723>>1336735


no one does

anyone so stupid should just lurk, they couldn't possibly contribute anything requiring critical thought

9249f6 (10) No.1336724>>1336744 >>1336762


It should be quit shitting up the board.

db5095 (24) No.1336725>>1336746 >>1336775


What a waste of ammo.

1c23f9 (20) No.1336726


Actually, the crowd went wild when they saw it gone.

9beaca (4) No.1336727>>1336732 >>1336751

Can you imagine how work looks like in a world without the Cabal?

af2d53 (1) No.1336728

File (hide): d87f1a15bacbe3d⋯.png (488.05 KB, 800x640, 5:4, Baghdad_150_to_300_AH.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4b360fce443abc3⋯.jpg (409.51 KB, 765x477, 85:53, Harun-Charlemagne.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e16cb935402bfd5⋯.jpg (167.15 KB, 750x493, 750:493, Battle_between_Clovis_and_….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f99f5beeba38775⋯.jpg (192.11 KB, 800x1029, 800:1029, behold, a pale horse.jpg) (h) (u)

>Follow the bloodlines.

They hide among us in pseudo-histories and lies.

Pepin conquered Septimania from the Islamic Umayyads.

Charlemagne had contact with the Baghdad court.

Charles Martel fought the army of the Umayyad near Tours, "the holy town of Gaul"

William of Gellone went to battle against them in Narbonne.

Godfrey of Bouillon conquered Jerusalem.

St George slayed The Dragon.

There are two holy bloodlines. The (P)atriarchy and the Virgin Goddess. Follow them back to the stars.

Why don't they say they name of their god?







>Follow the stars.

5285c9 (2) No.1336729


No problem. It was meant as advice not criticism although reading my words back, they could appear a little short :-)

cedd5a (4) No.1336730>>1336733 >>1336739 >>1336754


This liar Corsi has a lot of nerve bringing God into his little snake oil act.

Lot of nerve.

Maybe he doesn't fear God enough or in any right way.

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

ef3d08 (1) No.1336731


Suspicious Kikes…Everywhere

fd38e9 (2) No.1336732>>1336743

File (hide): 29667bc9f5b57a7⋯.png (966.63 KB, 618x614, 309:307, fed-end-future.png) (h) (u)

650dc0 (4) No.1336733

8de9fc (1) No.1336734>>1336781

File (hide): 2bc0dabc6dd3538⋯.jpg (126.49 KB, 460x686, 230:343, rightonerightjob.jpg) (h) (u)

38ac9b (4) No.1336735>>1336763 >>1336850



Q has shown to you that they lie about everything. What makes you think space is the one thing they don't lie to you about? Please do some research, or continue worshipping the satanic spinning ball.

2b7b0d (12) No.1336736>>1336817 >>1336944 >>1337279

Ever heard of CIPE?

It is EPIC spelled backwards. (Think Mirror)

I searched on CIPE and it is a major NGO.


and is supported by USAID (supported through the United States Agency for International Development).

Just so happens Tom Donnelly, US Chamber of Commerce President, is its president. (his wiki is misleading because it says he has served as president)



CIPE is one of the four core institutes of the National Endowment for Democracy and an affiliate of the US Chamber of Commerce.

Since 1983 CIPE has been working from the ground up with partners to find locally driven solutions to problems that affect the lives of millions of people. We at CIPE believe that democracy is at its strongest when the private sector is flourishing. Working with our local partners that include business associations, chambers of commerce, think tanks, universities and advocacy organizations, CIPE is helping create the enabling environment for business to thrive. This can only happen when the core institutions of democracy are strong and transparent. We are there to help build those institutions. That is our mission. That is our strength.



839cbc (2) No.1336737


Maybe he botched the renegotiating of it so it would not pass, and would have to be completely rewritten from scratch, because if passed as an amended pact perhaps JK would have been held liable/prosecutable. A long stretch but perhaps ….

b49505 (23) No.1336738>>1336778


Comms are comped but they're still pulling off plane crashes. Right.

cf8b13 (15) No.1336739>>1336748 >>1336755


>Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

It's the end of it, too.

9249f6 (10) No.1336740>>1336858


It's called "stray voltage"

He is just playing guerilla marketing to keep his name active and tweets appearing here on the general threads.

Obviously, it's working.

1c23f9 (20) No.1336741


Gud-bye with this bullshit.

559c0a (4) No.1336742>>1337019

Europe really has gone Third World. It is now standard fare for little kids there to get raped by Muslim invaders and NOBODY---not even the parents—say or do anything. This is what happens ALL the time in Third World shitholes.

What kind of fuckery is this? Where are the men…who refuse to stand for the honor of their daughters, mothers, sisters, and wives? What kind of future can these Europeans possibly have if they turn their backs and refuse to protect even their own vulnerable children?

George Soros singlehandedly fucked the entire European continent with this Muslim migration, open borders bullshit, and I fear for them that they will NEVER recover from it. I think about those kids who become victims every day. No one is looking out for them at all. And the media, the politicians, and the police all just look the other way and act like its not happening. So interesting when you talk to Europeans. Many of them still hate our guts and consider themselves superior to us. They hate our POTUS too. But we didn't completely escape it either because Hussein was seriously trying to flood the US interior with these so called refugees. Not that long ago they gang raped a little girl here too, and the judge and the local politician protected the animals and chastized the parents. Hey Q, please tell us what the plan is for these refugees. We want them gone from the USA.

When even wild animals treat their young better than humans do we can know that we've come to be past all moral sense. Somebody needs to do something to help those children. Canyou believe a judge saying that the sexual assault of a 10 year old girl was not rape? I'd bet money that that judge is either gay and hates women doesn't have a daughter. These fucking liberals are so insane that they are willing to sacrifice their own childrento the gods of multiculturalism. When the mass Jihad begins in Europe I get the feeling that the people there will say that they deserve it. This is how stupid and pathetic the world has become.





9beaca (4) No.1336743>>1336753

8d7284 (5) No.1336744>>1336804


Fuck you. It's about more than a person. Don't respond.

db5095 (24) No.1336745>>1336750


Dat's nice.

b4a97c (6) No.1336746>>1336868


Really? Think about the cost of installing and using the older, bigger and less effective rotary guns. You can pop this baby into a helo or a humvee in 5 min and have more firepower. It also doesn't overheat and require cooling down. It an burrow through an 8 inch concrete wall in no time - hard to hide behind them if they can be disappeared. You might want to think before you pop-off stupid.

0b7a2b (7) No.1336747


Interesting article. Tying communism, UN, Rockefeller and Rothschild altogether. What went wrong and what has changed?

8e64dc (23) No.1336748

File (hide): 9614f26c81f23ee⋯.jpg (68.55 KB, 749x939, 749:939, bigbrowncunt.JPG) (h) (u)

d82548 (12) No.1336749>>1336790 >>1336846 >>1337122


Top Kek Mashup Meme of the Week so far.


>Peter Comey Strzok of genius?

For those who may have missed the double entrendre:


But the employment status of Comey’s brother Peter Comey is arguably the most egregious conflict of interest in the entire Hillary Clinton investigation, let alone in James Comey’s career.

Peter Comey works at the Washington law firm DLA Piper, serving as “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas.”

Shortly before the election, my source called up DLA Piper’s offices in Chinatown and confirmed that the law firm immediately patches callers through to Peter Comey’s direct line there.

DLA Piper is one of Hillary Clinton’s top ten all-time career campaign donors.

DLA Piper also does the Clinton Foundation’s taxes. That’s right. In fact, when the Clinton Foundation scandal broke, it was DLA Piper that performed the 2015 audit on the Foundation, which was supposed to be an independent audit for the appearance of propriety.

Property records show that James Comey owns the mortgage on his brother Peter Comey’s house in Virginia. Therefore, James Comey had a direct financial relationship with a DLA Piper executive at the time he was investigating Clinton.

These relationships, though egregious, are symptomatic of the brazen culture of crony capitalism that exists in our nation’s capital. The public usually is prevented from learning these kinds of things, with the mainstream media blocking information from coming out. Sunlight is the only remedy.

3c0622 (15) No.1336750


Two Feet is a great band.

4410cf (4) No.1336751>>1336798


We'd be able to advance technology faster that is for sure.

6eb526 (5) No.1336752>>1336761 >>1336802


This Blairbitch needs to get it

1c23f9 (20) No.1336753>>1336769 >>1336798



Nothing but socialist communism at it's best.

b4a97c (6) No.1336754>>1336772


Karma is….

cedd5a (4) No.1336755


There are as many kinds of fear as there are human machinations.

Some are more fearful than others.

9249f6 (10) No.1336756

File (hide): 8bb3fe22b1e9bd1⋯.jpg (307.04 KB, 792x714, 132:119, did-someone-say.jpg) (h) (u)

7dcbaf (9) No.1336757>>1336760

File (hide): edef6625854b2dc⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

2b7b0d (12) No.1336758

File (hide): 4812a6a88e68129⋯.jpg (50.95 KB, 890x445, 2:1, ciainvestment.jpg) (h) (u)



9f59b6 (4) No.1336759

>>1330740. 1668



Debtors' Objection to Proof of Claim Filed by AT&T Corp. (Claim No. 3725)

Order Directing the Docketing Clerk to Remove Exhibits A and B to the Debtors' Objection to Proof of Claim Filed by AT&T Corp. (Claim No. 3725) from the Docket



AT&T Corp For Itself and Its Affiliates

Why the interest?

The recurrence of the NSA rooms at AT&T.

And if the financial crisis was Obama "crisis" that bite me said would test him...


This link has the reference that JPM had a war room where they were watching deposits fly out of Wamu. Puget Sound wants cash to read.

We were watching money “fly out of the bank,” from a “war room” at JPMorgan’s New York headquarters, said one JPMorgan executive, according to these people. 

WaMu staffers who heard the comment were startled. They believed that kind of detailed information was strictly confidential, known only to a select handful at WaMu --- and the bank’s federal regulators. 

“There were several of us that looked at each other and thought, ‘Did he just say that?’” said one former employee who attended. 

How does one bank see another banks withdrawals?


125B in liquidity pulled from market.

Not long after liquidity withdrawn Wamu sold to JPM.

Was this part of a bigger plan?





The open source article is hidden behind a pay window now.

Essentially, any company goes to the Fed for a loan if they have exhausted all other means and they get their $$$.



Federal Reserve Lent To Gaddafi-Owned Bank, European Firms After Fighting Disclosure For 3 Years

No wonder he was a Target.


Index of examiner findings if ever needed.


I hope the Q team has all of the Yahoo Finance message board messages saved or has access as contained in them are references (iirc) to doe/nrc couriers and nuclear materials transport. An odd topic of conversation for a bank failure.

3c0622 (15) No.1336760



4410cf (4) No.1336761


Tony Blair needs to be dragged up in front of The Hague. Sick of hearing about that man.

8d7284 (5) No.1336762


Oops. Think I took that the wrong way. Sorry.

0479df (3) No.1336763


You do not know who or what I worship. GTFO.

8ef29d (3) No.1336764>>1336769

everyone working 25 hours in jobs they enjoy, more than well paid, and self-sustaining, i.e more farming?

839cbc (2) No.1336765>>1336893


The name Black Cube seems so well chosen for them to have named it--because it's (again) symbolic in many ways. One way that occurred to me lately has been "black box," or: something goes in and comes out different and no one knows the mechanism

cd1fe0 (3) No.1336766>>1336786


I still wouldn't mind seeing what's behind door #2, second from left, top row. Old Gigi Hadid. Very pretty gal, when she's not trying too hard to look glamorous.

8bb520 (16) No.1336767>>1336796 >>1336812 >>1336824 >>1336854 >>1336970 >>1337128 >>1337187 >>1337242 >>1337346 >>1337377

File (hide): f84461494575137⋯.png (22.65 KB, 868x597, 868:597, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fd9a2df5c3488d9⋯.png (7.26 KB, 343x212, 343:212, sfdsfdsf.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 33eb37b4d156f85⋯.png (13.19 KB, 870x352, 435:176, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 86439c21e3489d7⋯.png (6.59 KB, 358x216, 179:108, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Reposting for visibility

Anons last night a few of us dug into the Q pics…. there's hidden info in the Q pics, the file size is way to large (MB+) for a small png, and the filenames match the file's sha256 checksum (in most not all)

we need to figure out the password to the encrypted data in the pictures, or at least realize that there is indeed data within them. Maybe its not for us.

b5baf6 (8) No.1336768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jordan Peterson - Why Atheism Will DESTROY YOU


"In the case of Hitler…it's easy to blame what happened in Germany on Hitler but that's a big mistake because it was a dialogue between Hitler and the German people, right…Hitler didn't create himself. It was co-creation. He said things, people listened and told him back what so say, and he said them and they listened and they told him back what to say, and it looped…until he was the mouthpiece of their darkest desires…now that's a game he was willing to play…but it isn't like Hitler created Nazi Germany. Hitler and the Germans co-created Nazi Germany, and a leader gives articulation to the imagination of the population. That's what a leader does.

And you know, you could say that maybe Hitler filtered what the Germans were telling him through a particular lens because he had no shortage of resentment and desire for revenge in his own heart…it's not like his life was a spectacular success before he became a political activist…and he was brutalized very badly in WWI and he didn't get to pursue his primary dream which was to be an art student in Vienna and he had applied 3 times and got rejected all 3 times, and so he was bitter about that. He was basically living on the streets after WWI wasn't the world's happiest person and I'm sure he carried a fair bit of resentment in his heart in the trenches of WWI.

In one experience that he had, all of his friends had been killed by a mortar when he had wandered off to go do something else…so, it's hard to even imagine what something like that would do to you…but I can tell you when you're the only survivor of twenty people that's also going to give you an enhanced sense of your own specialness because the alternative is just to think about how goddamned arbitrary the universe really is."

1c23f9 (20) No.1336769

62b94a (3) No.1336770>>1336774 >>1336830

What time is POTUS going to fold on the crapran deal today?

7e8151 (1) No.1336771>>1336792 >>1336793


If you sign up for my Premium subscription area we can discuss all of this in detail.

cedd5a (4) No.1336772>>1336782


Think of Karma like a mirror…

It's both incentive (to do good) and deterrent (poor choices).

What goes around does come around, but maybe not quite on the timeline you expect…

6d4b4a (4) No.1336774


Statement at 2pm ET.

ea4b65 (19) No.1336775>>1336991

File (hide): 96e0854b8d69182⋯.mp4 (357.86 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1525746951.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


>You have to stay tuned up.

Blacks don't pick on poor Chinese beggers.

ddb731 (12) No.1336776>>1336827

Not gonna lie anons, this makes me sad.

745c78 (14) No.1336777>>1336791 >>1336814

File (hide): a0a1ca9cb00cbbf⋯.png (644.38 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180508-085910.png) (h) (u)

Well then……

9a1147 (9) No.1336778>>1336820


Are they?

Last two attempts failed.

Neither window blow out worked in the US and the engine devices didn't even go off at all.

db5095 (24) No.1336779


The cabal said that God intervened in the 2016 election. Maybe God is going to intervene in 2018, if the coasts don't straighten up and fly right…?

Sorry for the woowoo.

9f083c (9) No.1336780>>1336806

File (hide): 94cc2de3393c213⋯.png (45.93 KB, 618x358, 309:179, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

10cc90 (2) No.1336781


Well, at least one of these is a dude sooooo…..

b4a97c (6) No.1336782


5:5 - agree

2b7b0d (12) No.1336783

Is it coincidence that Trump gives update on NK summit the same day as Iran deal's deadline?

daa8e6 (25) No.1336784>>1336795


somebody mentioned Q starting at 62 nd post on the new board………..WHERE ARE THE FIRST 61 POSTS ??????

095e5b (1) No.1336785

25cdcc (25) No.1336786


BakerBabe commenter keeping us updated on his ratings of female attractiveness posted here


db5095 (24) No.1336787



There is no escape.

745c78 (14) No.1336788

File (hide): 83ef5e4d4202d5a⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1369, 1080:1369, Screenshot_20180508-090118….png) (h) (u)

6d4b4a (4) No.1336789>>1336811 >>1336928

NEW QPost Archive Website ---Posted last night. Check it out anons, give it a whirl —

QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub

Features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

bc0f5e (5) No.1336790>>1337057

File (hide): 16f54d66f779585⋯.jpg (232.51 KB, 965x660, 193:132, Comey DLA Piper.jpg) (h) (u)

b4a97c (6) No.1336791>>1336805


so we bail out of it, stop paying…and they are going to seek a stronger deal…from who?

0b7a2b (7) No.1336792

db5095 (24) No.1336793



1c23f9 (20) No.1336794


Didn't read a fucking thing when you got on this board, did you.

25cdcc (25) No.1336795>>1336825



>>1336539 (OP)


don't post again

8bb520 (16) No.1336796


the last pic was just a collection of different different stringers I tried for the password, along with trying the other checksums and their mirrored text

492ac4 (10) No.1336797>>1336803 >>1336845 >>1336872 >>1336878 >>1336888 >>1336944 >>1337279


Judge Nap was on Fox Business news a little while ago

He said he'd been through all the Strzok/Page texts and that out of all the meetings they'd documented, everybody attending was federal except for ONE STATE PERSON

That person was NY AG Schneiderman


KEY POINT: President can pardon federal crimes but can't pardon STATE crimes

Moreover, NY State law financial crimes have a lower bar to prove wrongdoing than federal financial crimes, easier to prosecute

BONUS JUDGE NAP: Predicted that Preet Bharara will be the next NY State Attorney General

9beaca (4) No.1336798


Yes. Some also believe in the meme that "conflict is good and provides incentive for development. Survival of the fittest." Those may just as well go follow paytriot shills that want to capitalize and therefore survive in the rigged system. We want to expand from survival to creativity, because WE THE PEOPLE are powerful, abundant and have the means to do anything we want. ANYTHING.


Your thinking. Expand it. You saw a picture and got a Pavlovian reaction. This is what bacteria can do, and that is not thinking.

6eb526 (5) No.1336799


Yeah gay as f<*k - his so called kid ain't his - she was shagging the lord chancellor when he was upping Mandleson

e4139e (1) No.1336800>>1336813

File (hide): 86c800a1bbfa645⋯.png (820.35 KB, 1024x657, 1024:657, Trust.png) (h) (u)

This ANON gets pissed when Q has to keep saying


because all new fags won't trust it and won't SHUT THE FUCK UP and keep questioning it!

"If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses?





db5095 (24) No.1336801


When he ran for pres, he annoyed the shit out of me with his constant muh 911.

9a1147 (9) No.1336802>>1336875


Given he has started to spill everything, he will need to go into hiding.

It is unlikely you will ever hear from him again once his testimony is finished.

It has to be over a few days so as not to give away that he is fully co-operating.

He is at massive risk this week.

Then he will be gone for good, once all those he is giving up find out.

Win win.

3c0622 (15) No.1336803>>1336859 >>1337035



9249f6 (10) No.1336804>>1336815


Fun fact:

In hexadecimal anagram

"Who is Qanon?" =

"Filter Me"

745c78 (14) No.1336805>>1336829 >>1336988


They aren't going to strong arm POTUS into staying in it. Iran says they won't accept changes or a new deal so I'm not sure what France thinks it's going accomplish by acting this way.

2b7b0d (12) No.1336806>>1336831 >>1336923 >>1336971


Amazing! huh? KEK

now we need to find all the "eye"liner wearers.

34d2ba (4) No.1336807


In 2007, Omidyar invested in Maui Land & Pineapple, which was subsequently accused of being part of the largest human trafficking operation ever busted by US federal officials.

Between 2011-2013, Omidyar Network co-funded with USAIS regime-change groups in Ukraine that organized the 2014 Maidan revolution. In India, the head of Omidyar Network’s operation, Jayant Sinha, concurrently worked for the far-right BJP leader Narendra Modi helping him take power in 2014, after which Modi appointed the Omidyar Network partner as his junior finance minister.

Omidyar was investigates by Congress and sued for secretly “spinning stocks” --- insider trading on IPOs — with Goldman Sachs. Omidyar was also accused by Craigslist and a Delaware judge of stealing the "secret sauce of Craigslist's success” and passing those secrets to eBay in violation of contracts, fiduciary duties and securities laws.


1c23f9 (20) No.1336808>>1336955


>Your thinking. Expand it. You saw a picture and got a Pavlovian reaction. This is what bacteria can do, and that is not thinking.

We stand corrected and bow to your ALMIGHTY way of thinking!!!!

Fuckoff shill!!!!

db5095 (24) No.1336809

7dcbaf (9) No.1336810

File (hide): 027aacde2f2c753⋯.png (773.8 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

e7df0d (11) No.1336811>>1336972


Checked it out this morning. Pretty nice.

e38d81 (15) No.1336812>>1336835 >>1336836 >>1336854 >>1336866 >>1336870 >>1336970

File (hide): 443967586120a88⋯.png (2.59 MB, 3966x5894, 1983:2947, LATEST Q VERIFIED NOV6.png) (h) (u)


Q said repeatedly that the Q Map 1/2 was the key.

something about one of the first images was important…how it was arranged, the order, something about it was the key.

this is that file, but it's from archive.4plebs, and NOT original, so if there's something else important about that specific file, i don't know.

3c0622 (15) No.1336813>>1337028


Check 'em!

It's frustrating, but just ignore it and move on anon. It sucks for Q, but he should know by now that there's a core of anons who have been here and refuse to leave until we see it done.

1ec667 (2) No.1336814



>Yeah, we'll openly foot the bill and fund a psychotic regime designed to harass white hats in Asia.

This won't look good if/when Iran revolts over the next several months/years.

>France wanted to keep the mullahs in power.

>France wanted to keep the Iranian people enslaved.

>France wanted to continue warmongering in the Middle East.

They're all kinds of fucked now.

cf8b13 (15) No.1336815


>hexadecimal anagram

Autism is a hell of a drug

529e0b (2) No.1336816>>1336822 >>1336898 >>1336956 >>1337002 >>1337035

File (hide): 71532e15f7471b2⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1746x986, 873:493, KILLTHEMESSENGER.PNG) (h) (u)


Thanks anon.

If you really look at it closely, the War on Drugs and the criminalization therein

provided the means for the Deep State to expand it's corrupt influence massively.

When one understand that the money of that trade literally

funds the deep state and creates the corruption that it thrives on

you understand why the U.N. made an Agenda for the Drug War to begin with.

Then you look at Bush Senior and How Bill Clinton, Oliver North, and the rest of them

created this nucleus of cancer which spread to the entire Government and World,

it was a Globalist UN agenda from the get go.

We lost our rights for the 2nd A, the 4th A, and privacy.

All for a war on something that the Deep State was creating and actively involved in.

Literally this Free Pass for Clinton all began and was formed around Iran Contra - Mena AR

Cocaine trafficking that the government was involved in.

Fortunately, it seems that TRUMP is hip to this game and he is shutting down their Heroin Operations

in Afghanistan. I believe TRUMP is awoken to this reality, and realizes that he needs to eradicate

this Drug War scam and eliminate it's fertile soil wherein corruption flourishes.

da9877 (3) No.1336817


nice dig anon. I wonder if there is (was) a white helmet link to CIPE.

0b7a2b (7) No.1336819

File (hide): a5b30825b232f25⋯.jpg (86.68 KB, 960x626, 480:313, person_hitler134.jpg) (h) (u)

b49505 (23) No.1336820


What about Georgia?

10cc90 (2) No.1336821

ddb731 (12) No.1336822


True anon. I've come to look at every financial exchange I make in terms of "how does the cabal steal money from this?" Because they are really good at it.

cd1fe0 (3) No.1336823>>1336838 >>1336848

File (hide): df7b176698c8bda⋯.jpeg (27.9 KB, 192x278, 96:139, image.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c86e2b3091ddec3⋯.jpeg (49.77 KB, 430x283, 430:283, image.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 512d670877f92f2⋯.jpeg (33.09 KB, 377x395, 377:395, image.jpeg) (h) (u)


Touché. Very witty. I'm not jumping on the muh Corsi traitor bandwagon, but I like you're incisive writing style/keen intellect.

Just curious, what exactly did the guy do? He disavowed Q, perhaps profits off the Great Awakening and recently wrote a book, Killing the Deep State? Doesn't rise to my level calling for a beheading as yet. We are all flawed, but I see the anger towards him as a bit out of proportion, something more insidious and pathological.

b2b238 (2) No.1336824>>1336851 >>1337377

File (hide): 8d04a6de0579b11⋯.jpg (38.69 KB, 474x631, 474:631, strong.jpg) (h) (u)


Thanks for digging

daa8e6 (25) No.1336825>>1336860


huh ??

745c78 (14) No.1336826

9249f6 (10) No.1336827>>1337053


When I first discovered /pol in 2014 I did nothing but read for the first 7 months.

Yeah I am a newfag and yeah, I cheated by not waiting the full 2yrs

b4a97c (6) No.1336829


I'm thinking virtue signaling more than anything else - and a bad case of inability to change

dd1562 (1) No.1336830


and fold he will…

trust the plan though…

daa8e6 (25) No.1336831>>1337104


comery wears eye liner for sure…pedo fag

ef84b6 (2) No.1336832


https:// www.usatoday.com/story/life/books/2018/04/24/book-review-hellfire-club-jake-tapper-mccarthy-era-thriller/543899002/

da5e8b (3) No.1336833>>1336873


No one is predicting any such thing, except a bunch of ill-informed anons on this board…

c04bdc (7) No.1336834>>1336840 >>1337074


doesnt matter anon

the truth will set them free

or not

its not for everyone

8bb520 (16) No.1336835>>1336869


yep very well could be that "the map" is a key/password to the pics in some way. I grabbed the file on the 4chan archive "1510280445405.png" but not sure if this was the filename that Q re-uploaded/designated as the key. can any anons confirm?

p.s. if it was 1510280445405 then it didnt work :(

25cdcc (25) No.1336836>>1337063


>something about one of the first images was important…how it was arranged, the order, something about it was the key.

it's the crumbs.

re-read every crumb about the graphics/map/key

there are many.

remember that at that point: no trip, no graphic archives yet.

so starting those is key.



is it really that necessary to compress the Q Graphics?

Q Graphics all in GMT

>>1335930 Q Graphics all in GMT #20

>>1287664 Q Graphics all in GMT #19 >>>/comms/987

>>1185120 Q Graphics all in GMT #18 >>>/comms/953

>>1335083 Previous GMT Graphics

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---————— >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

some archives sections could be moved to dough part3 as needed

ea4b65 (19) No.1336837

File (hide): f8a8047a984da90⋯.jpg (36.59 KB, 474x632, 3:4, downloadfile-5.jpg) (h) (u)

Trust the plan it's not all a bed of Rose's…

cf8b13 (15) No.1336838


>implying anon need a reason to hate someone

b6dc52 (1) No.1336839>>1336841 >>1336910

NY AG wanted to play hard ball with Trump, got knocked the fuck out

cf8b13 (15) No.1336840>>1336884 >>1337132


Some people really do find happiness in being a slave.

ea4b65 (19) No.1336841

File (hide): 96e0854b8d69182⋯.mp4 (357.86 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1525746951.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


Like this?

db5095 (24) No.1336842


Not relevant to the board, burned bread, glad to see that BS gone.

738ce6 (1) No.1336843


coming from the guy that actually did compromise Q, this is about as disingenious as it gets.

b49505 (23) No.1336844>>1336856 >>1336871

I see no reason to allow Hillary to remain free. Now they made a deal with her after ststing directly about her that they said no deals in November. This is getting fucking stupid.

"Well Hillary, we have everything comped, we hear and see all, we know you eat babies and kill noble men that try to tell the truth about you….you've ruined a country in Haiti, you tried to create nuclear war (supposedly)…BUT…we need you to join us. Without you on our side, this is fucked. We planned all of this, with the assumption you would help us after we said no deals.

I know, I know "KYS SHILL". If you all feel the need to suggest suicide to someone for not agreeing with your opinion, I suggest locking yourselves in the basement you're currently in until you can find some tranquility, life after 20 gets much harder. Freedom or not.

"Ready to be a Patriot and take back our country Q! Right after I post a few more responses to these dumbass Anons that need to kill themselves! MAGA!"

2b7b0d (12) No.1336845




c04bdc (7) No.1336846>>1336861


they never thought she would lose

97d3dd (5) No.1336847>>1337181 >>1337241

It's amazing how so many Anons still have not figured out RR or Mueller ….. I would expect this on Reddit but not 8ch

9249f6 (10) No.1336848


>something more insidious and pathological.

Fuck off Jerome.

5d0803 (2) No.1336849>>1336897


Always knew Blair was up to his neck in the swamp. His Faith Foundations made him a multi-millionaire in a few years and he was thick as thieves with Bil and Hil. And Cherie Blair is blatantly avaricious.

db5095 (24) No.1336850



daa8e6 (25) No.1336851>>1336867 >>1336887 >>1337377


agreed file size is way larger than normal….any idea how many digits the pw is? could be anything……

9d35ba (1) No.1336852

ANONS!!!! We are LIVE from the 111 day marker! Catholic Met Gala? Schumer back on Q marker. Vote count back on Q marker. Q asked us for a side by side!!!!!!!!! Maybe it’s the markers!

Someone also confirmed a 65 day marker. Watch the water (Flynn) careful who you follow (@_have we agreed on Corsi?__) Roasted - Trump tweets circa 2013 v schniderman who has been grilled these last 24 hours. Big booms dropping. WELCOME TO CHINA! KJU was IN CHINA! WTF?!?!?

b49505 (23) No.1336853>>1336899


Now this is entertaining. Corsi is a shill and he's mad at a Larp.

ddb731 (12) No.1336854>>1336867

File (hide): dcb3c4d4870627f⋯.jpg (13.06 KB, 255x211, 255:211, investigator pepe.jpg) (h) (u)


Thanks anon for the repost. They can be really helpful when catching up.


Of course! Start with Washington crossing the Delaware and go from there!

BTW, this anon gifted us with original image storage archive - something I'd hoped for a few days ago. And there it is. It's a miracle or something. ;)

https://postimg. cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

So much work. It will all get done.

cf8b13 (15) No.1336856


Rage Against the Anon

34d2ba (4) No.1336857>>1336865


Good info, lurker anon. With the amount of times Q posted about using LOGIC, and the fact that it was capitalized, I definitely think logic refers to something more specific

d82548 (12) No.1336858>>1336896


Yup, "stray voltage" -> brilliant metaphor.

Interestingly enough, he included a "trigger word" that accurately describes the Dem platform for the 2018 midterms.

492ac4 (10) No.1336859


Ergh, just went through FBN's website and YT and nothing (yet), maybe later this morning they'll post video

I did take a verbatim transcription from DVR and tweeted it

It's out there tagged #Schneiderman and #Strzok

25cdcc (25) No.1336860>>1336917

>>1336825 the answers to your questions are all there. read & learn before wasting time & space, please. no need to reply, you're filtered at this point

b49505 (23) No.1336861>>1337140


And she did, and apparently now gets to play on their side.

ea4b65 (19) No.1336862>>1336886 >>1336918

File (hide): a9ceb27d71e93c5⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 474x405, 158:135, downloadfile-6.jpg) (h) (u)

My money is on Obama skipping town before the shit hits the fan.

095739 (1) No.1336863>>1337088

Not sure if this was ever mentioned.

C_A "Finders" Abduction Operation.


C_A supplies pedophiles with Children…


When does it end?


19928d (2) No.1336864

b49505 (23) No.1336865



670f95 (9) No.1336866>>1336934


Still analysing but it.s curious that the timestamp minutes on the 1st & second posts are at 00. - pre- written & posted together. The next two show the seconds at 00. Tough to achieve unless in full control.

8bb520 (16) No.1336867>>1336887 >>1336913 >>1337377



no clue on the digits, and ya could be anything…

tahts why I also said, maybe its not for us, maybe for a specific person/operator. I just have a feeling this ties in with "you have more than you know" and we are really missing some good info

db5095 (24) No.1336868


Waste of ammo, in the context of holding it like that, stupid.

e38d81 (15) No.1336869


the file was uploaded with the filename i used:


but i don't know if it was jpg or png, and i don't know what the original 4chan number was.

but that's exactly what was posted when Q confirmed as key.

ca1dd8 (3) No.1336870>>1336882 >>1336902


news unlocks the map.

745c78 (14) No.1336871>>1336874


You are who is stupid. Q was talking about the "Free Pass" Comey gave her and all the Free Passes she has been given for her previous crimes. Lurk Moar.

da5e8b (3) No.1336872>>1337133 >>1337149


Interesting. A lot of people think Preet is a bad guy, but he's got a solid legal reputation. Seems he's a bad guy because he refused to resign and Trump had to fire him. Sounds like a perfect candidate for the Dems to appt. as AG.

Now, what if he is a good guy… and the firing was all for show…

1c23f9 (20) No.1336873>>1336889


Dig on it yourself.

b49505 (23) No.1336874>>1336881 >>1336906


I don't need to lurk to see she still has a free pass. Is she in jail?

db5095 (24) No.1336875


If he has in fact started spilling. Hope so, but no sauce, so speculation.

77cb19 (1) No.1336876>>1336879 >>1336885 >>1336890 >>1336892 >>1336894 >>1337010 >>1337168 >>1337382


Why is Q posting over there if the new trip is whitelisted over here?

14a142 (1) No.1336877


Is he playing his part of "The Plan" or just an idiot?

c04bdc (7) No.1336878


>President can pardon federal crimes but can't pardon STATE crimes

yes but its not that simple

The pardon power of the President extends only to an offense recognizable under federal law

almost all state crimes are "recognizable" under federal law so when a prez pardon is issued a defense arises to state prosecutions

i think that is why you see so few pardoned parties ever prosecuted under state law

are anons aware of this ever happening?

b49505 (23) No.1336879>>1336892 >>1336903 >>1336904 >>1337382


Agreed. What happened to no outside comms.

19928d (2) No.1336880

File (hide): c7d932d1abc902f⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1722x931, 246:133, 318965239086748965289.png) (h) (u)

745c78 (14) No.1336881>>1336895 >>1337176


Trust the plan. Read Crumbs, or STFU.

8bb520 (16) No.1336882


I had that theory as well, and was going to request if any anon could help me look up what was the 4am talking points/talking words given out that morning that Q posted the latest batch of photos (cargo, jet blue plane, ect) maybe that could be the password in some way

0637c3 (5) No.1336883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i have a feeling this is going to play into the grand narrative.

it involved a guy named Pigeon & a judge called Eugene Fahey..

connections to many many players.

daa8e6 (25) No.1336884>>1336915 >>1337132


just save it….not everybody is not able to receive…..i just hope the coming great deception doesn't ensnare them all…i.e. aliens being the saviors of mankind, mark of the beast, human alien hybrids (not e.t.'s), christ being the only way not a way, repentance………..

9249f6 (10) No.1336885

File (hide): e2b5eb0bd2b357a⋯.jpg (163.39 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, born.jpg) (h) (u)

85929b (15) No.1336886>>1336905

File (hide): 6e465f8996a03b2⋯.jpg (197.92 KB, 1019x594, 1019:594, RiversDeath.jpg) (h) (u)

8e64dc (23) No.1336887>>1336914 >>1336939 >>1336951



Right guys, I'm calling BS on this AGAIN.

Tell us, what apps are you using?

I have a host of steganography apps and analysis tools and know how to use them. I've been through all these photos.

So now, prove me wrong and post all your sauce, including methods and apps used so we can compare.

492ac4 (10) No.1336888>>1336900 >>1336944 >>1337158 >>1337279 >>1337281


OK one heavily edited twitter transcription so I don't dox myself, yeesh

Judge Napolitano: "(Schneiderman) was very much a thorn in the side of the President, publicly and privately. Publicly, leading the charge in litigation against the federal government, litigation that can be taken up by whoever replaces him. Privately, it's very interesting…"

"…you know, I have to read a lot of stuff for this work here (TV), and one of the things that I was reading, some of it is salacious, I have to tell you, is the Peter Strzok/Lisa Page emails and text messages. And those text messages…"

"…reflect a lot of meanings outside the Justice @TheJusticeDept with members of the DOJ and the FBI and one state official, not federal. Eric Schneiderman was present at a lot of those meetings. Speculation: it was sort of their 'insurance policy', because Donald Trump…"

"…can pardon anybody for a federal crime, but he can't pardon anybody for a state prosecution. I honestly believe that Att'y Gen Schneiderman was contemplating indicting either the people around the President, or the President…"

"… depending upon the outcome of the Mueller Investigation, for violation of NY State financial laws, which have a low bar. They're a little bit easier to prove guilt than the federal statutes. Now, the question is who replaces him, and how does it happen?"

"It's an odd system. He's popularly elected here (NY) but yet he'll be replaced by a vote of the (state) legislature. So, some name will come up. Now, can you think of a prominent Democratic ex-federal prosecutor, thorn in the side of the President, who lives in NYC?"

Other host: "Ugh, Preet Bharara?" Judge Nap: "There you go. If the state legislature picks him, he'll be a little bit of a thorn in the side of Gov. Cuomo, but he'll be that Progressive attack dog that Schneiderman was, until yesterday."

"I don't know about these allegations, but they must be profound, because he fell like that (gestures). This has been bubbling beneath the surface for a long time, and we didn't know about it, or the evidence is overwhelming, and he couldn't stop it."

"So the big picture here, is who wanted him to go, as quickly as possible? Not his opponents, but Democrats. They did not want this albatross around their neck. He resigned within 2 hours of Gov Cuomo saying, 'you have to go'."

"This may not necessarily be good news for the Trump people, because he might be replaced by someone whose political goals will be the same, but whose personal behavior will be acceptable."

1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

da5e8b (3) No.1336889


I don't need to. I live there. No one is predicting any such thing. (At least not anyone who understands geology and volcanoes…)

ea4b65 (19) No.1336890


This board was hacked by the deep state.

25cdcc (25) No.1336892>>1336912


re-read all crumbs, from the beginning.

this is nothing new.



>What happened to no outside comms.

ohgod the stupid, it hurts…


Think logically.

No outside comms.



Q's own board on 8chan is not "outside"

fuckinghell, are these all newsfags or a new tactic?

db5095 (24) No.1336893

File (hide): 77551e0f95e58f0⋯.jpg (21.31 KB, 255x215, 51:43, bound to happen.jpg) (h) (u)


Just makes me this of this…

0b7a2b (7) No.1336894


Sneaky Q

b49505 (23) No.1336895>>1336901 >>1336986


I can't have a voice here?

So, no voice, kill yourself, - can you guys replace the current cabal then, or..?

97d3dd (5) No.1336896


Yep pretty accurate

7dcbaf (9) No.1336897


Ever seen a TV dectective show?

They let the perp walk so they see who they run too

cd1fe0 (3) No.1336898

File (hide): 6722f67e0fa34c8⋯.gif (76.05 KB, 321x300, 107:100, image.gif) (h) (u)


Great post. Nice to see someone engage with an historical knowledge of what actually happened. RIP Gary Webb.

650dc0 (4) No.1336899

3c0622 (15) No.1336900



25cdcc (25) No.1336901>>1336954


> I can't have a voice here?

you chose to forfeit it:

Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.


e38d81 (15) No.1336902


i can go back, find, and repost - but there were several crumbs in a row where Q said Q map 1/2 is KEY, you have more than you know, the graphic is the KEY. the implication wasn't entirely clear at the time, but in retrospect it seems that Q is talking about the file AS the key, we just didn't know it…the file is/was "more" than just the map.

d497f9 (11) No.1336903


oh lord, his own board on 8 ch is not outside comms. u probably do not belong here

8d7284 (5) No.1336904


How new are you? It's no different than when the great awakening was open. It's their "post only" board.

ea4b65 (19) No.1336905>>1336929

File (hide): 3df79e21f27b45f⋯.mp4 (270.9 KB, 360x360, 1:1, hi nigger.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

31dbe5 (6) No.1336906>>1336921


She might be traveling and showing Qteam where everyone and everything is…possibly talking down others in order to reduce her sentencing…hanging vs life at Gitmo.

Remember "NO Deals"…well she probably asked for more than Qteam was willing to offer…remember photo of BC, HRC and Chelsea (baby) DEAL DENIED…

She might be trying to be able to show good efforts in return for favor later at trial.

54d007 (1) No.1336907


Looks like someone is coordinating outfits..

Last years MET theme was Man+Machine

745c78 (14) No.1336908

File (hide): 7a5f4afedf9f282⋯.png (428.22 KB, 1080x578, 540:289, Screenshot_20180508-092052….png) (h) (u)

Long walks in the beach with Xi.


1c23f9 (20) No.1336909


Then you know nothing.

Bye shillbot

903c31 (2) No.1336910


Now the NYPD wont be stonewalled with evidence found on Weiner's laptop! Clinton's and Royal family were paying Allison Mack for children 13yrs old and much,much younger!

650dc0 (4) No.1336911


seriously who is this and why is it relevant to research?

b49505 (23) No.1336912>>1336924


Nice attitude to attract new folks. Why take down a cabal when you act elite yourself?

daa8e6 (25) No.1336913


right……i bet you if we had a program similar to the one they used to with the torah bible codes it would be cake…..or if we could somehow get an idea of what the pw might look like ……if not then probly write it off as impossible without more clues or info on it

8bb520 (16) No.1336914>>1336935


i posted all sauce in the first post, check the filesize of the images, they are in the MB, where if you save them in 24png format in photoshop, they are MUCH less. then we looked at the checksums, and the sha256 matched the filenames in some of the photos. you dont think any of that smells of hidden data? what were your methods anon

cf8b13 (15) No.1336915>>1336947

File (hide): 5f036535b9a4413⋯.jpg (8.49 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download-8.jpg) (h) (u)


You worry way too much.

d497f9 (11) No.1336916>>1336925 >>1337093

good morning anons

damn i missed Q

big drop

daa8e6 (25) No.1336917


ok thx

529e0b (2) No.1336918>>1337308

File (hide): 1b98c3ee2cc2a0c⋯.png (150.51 KB, 639x986, 639:986, kenya.PNG) (h) (u)

85929b (15) No.1336919

File (hide): 19d0dd411f5a53b⋯.png (105.98 KB, 587x474, 587:474, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

So, Trump tells NASA to go to the moon and they launch a cube satellite to Mars?

ddb731 (12) No.1336920


I'm sorry to hear that anon. I would hope that every opinion be allowed to stand until vetted as complete.

No science is ever settled. That's the magic of science.

Don't let it get to you. If there is truth in the theory, it will out eventually.


b49505 (23) No.1336921>>1336943


If they have everything they know where it all is. I've played every scenario in my head for weeks. I don't understand how she continues to remain free.

2b7b0d (12) No.1336922>>1336927

Will New York turn RED in election?

And was Chris Cuomo on CNN today?

Anybody see him.

This is getting close to Cuomos.. . Drudge has headline asking if Gov. Cuomo knew.

559c0a (4) No.1336923>>1336981 >>1337036

File (hide): a3a206b46ab588e⋯.jpg (47.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, queen.jpg) (h) (u)


That could be a long list. Kohl eyeliner has been cultural norm for Arab and African men and women since the days of Ancient Egyptians. Some Jews picked up the practice too. Lots of them still wear it today as a cultural thing. I didn't know that eye liner is now a pedo freak code symbol.

Maybe they could start the list with Shep at Fox News. Bitch looks like he takes makeup tips from Queen Nefertiti herself. Especially how to apply eye liner. I've notice lots of older white dudes wearing eyeliner and other makeup too. Definitely Comey.

25cdcc (25) No.1336924


>attract new folks.

we'd prefer the opposite.

not all are welcome here, only those who find the way, and learn to contribute.

but you know this, you're faking and behind a filter, now, so long

9249f6 (10) No.1336925


Some review, some red meat for the boys.

6f42ec (2) No.1336926>>1336949


>The question that now remains is one of when to spring the trap. How far in advance or close to the midterms to achieve maximum effect? It will take the public some time to comprehend and digest the truth. 1 month? 3 months? 6 months? We are getting very close

>When did Q first post? Nearly a year ahead of the target date? When are the midterms? 11/6? What happens after that on 11/11? I love a parade

What if the midterms turned into a Contract-With-America-type referendum on cleaning all the agencies once and for all...

11/6 elections

11/9 election results confirmed = bipartisan support for swamp draining

11/10 massive firings, final swamp draining, power pyramid take-down

11/11 Parade to celebrate that 21st century to be free from war, pedo rings, financial slavery

745c78 (14) No.1336927



d6279b (2) No.1336928


great job anon. very nice.

a suggestion (if i may), i think it would be useful if we could filter Q posts by month.

85929b (15) No.1336929>>1336946

File (hide): 728571f7cd7f53f⋯.jpg (21.39 KB, 344x431, 344:431, BSTelegram.JPG) (h) (u)


Telegram for Mongo (eesh!)

1f5885 (1) No.1336930

3301 Masons exposed by Defango

https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=UpE72LrUob0

3b75e6 (8) No.1336931

File (hide): f602910cbd9c3d6⋯.png (5.58 KB, 220x96, 55:24, download.png) (h) (u)

Pope Francis - A Man Of His Word

PG 2018 ‧ Documentary ‧ 1h 36m

Image result for the pope movie 2018

Play trailer on YouTube

Pope Francis embarks on a personal journey to present his work of reform and answer today's global questions -- from his deep concern for the poor and wealth inequality to his involvement in environmental issues, social justice and calls for peace.

Release date: May 18, 2018 (USA)

Director: Wim Wenders

Screenplay: Wim Wenders

Cast: Pope Francis

Producers: Wim Wenders, David Rosier, Andrea Gambetta, Alessandro Lo Monaco, Samanta Gandolfi Branca

1fcba7 (3) No.1336932


Never a lady

9c7368 (3) No.1336933


just from personal experience, I wouldnt use the same browser to go to both, cuts down on a lot of nonsense

e7df0d (11) No.1336934>>1336942 >>1336973


I agree. I've been thinking about timestamps a bit lately and wondering about this very thing. How can you, as normal anon, manage to post at a specific time.


I'm going to aim for 10:26:26 EST DST

8e64dc (23) No.1336935>>1336948 >>1336952


That's not sauce anon. Sauce = All the photos you are working on, apps used, methods. Your first post contains none of that.

a99500 (2) No.1336936>>1336960

File (hide): 5a7142ab08f21f5⋯.jpg (17.46 KB, 297x162, 11:6, 29021v.jpg) (h) (u)


Corsi is Stormy, Stormy is Corsi. He can't be that stupid. He has to be part of the plan. I just can't see how this could benefit anyone. Other than Corsi's shekel collection.

b49505 (23) No.1336937>>1336999 >>1337379


They only care about Q. That's why this board is a pit. They skip over censorship and go to favoritism. As long as it's not their precious Q posts they don't care.

Kind of like the real world they're allowing to continue around them while they sit on here waiting and waiting and waiting

86bb7e (5) No.1336938

>Why did MP step into the C_A prior to Sec of State?

>They are deeply connected.

>Think Offshore.

Just getting caught up - is Q saying US embassy's are CIA Op Centers (back) using the SecState's office as the (front)?

This suggests USA corruption is as deep in our diplomacy as it is our spy network.

ddb731 (12) No.1336939>>1336950


>know how to use them.

I don't believe you. I will believe you when you take one photo and thoroughly debunk it using all your programs with screenshots.

ffcc44 (14) No.1336940>>1337052

File (hide): 7104df74372eb6b⋯.jpg (596.16 KB, 2294x874, 1147:437, Voters Don't like.jpg) (h) (u)

Will she EVER just go away? smdh

3a1b29 (1) No.1336941>>1336998

File (hide): bf2b61476fdde1c⋯.jpg (178.08 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Trump-TW5.jpg) (h) (u)

How are you feeling this morning Schneiderman? Who's next?

e7df0d (11) No.1336942>>1336961 >>1336962


Hmm. Holey fuck. It worked.

I'm going to aim for 10:27:27 EST DST

31dbe5 (6) No.1336943>>1336959


Might be to speed up the process…

Also, remember Q stating it will take time. They can't just go around arresting all the big players…it would be cause for civil unrest/panic easy target for "dictatorship Trump"

Gotta play the game for the slow "roll" to turn the vast majority of her supporters and help them understand the nasty deeds she and others committed.

I think BO stated so much in his tweet posted earlier…many on their side are talking

3c0622 (15) No.1336944>>1336965



>>1336625 Trump Tweets About Call With Xi on the Day After Surprise KJU Visit to China


>>1336666 Anon Has a Feeling This Article on Cory Booker Will Be Important Later

>>1336706 WH Sources Say Iran Deal is Done, and Kerry is to Blame for Meddling

>>1336736 CIPE Dig

>>1336797 ; >>1336888 Judge Nap on FBN This Morning


0104c2 (2) No.1336945>>1337005

File (hide): 92c551506581751⋯.png (480.49 KB, 1366x2454, 683:1227, screencapture-lucistrust-o….png) (h) (u)


ea4b65 (19) No.1336946>>1337014


When people get old they accidentally shit their pants.

daa8e6 (25) No.1336947>>1337004


not worried…just not selfish or living in a bubble either….save the pearls for those it was intended for, not the swine

ddb731 (12) No.1336948>>1336979


Sounds like you want someone to do the work for you.

9249f6 (10) No.1336949


Pretty smart idea,, anon. Seriously.

Start a blog and or send a letter and maybe the White House comms team will hire you.

They sure as fuck need a concept for the mid terms because the Republican Party is comped like a 100 piece tray of sushi.

8e64dc (23) No.1336950>>1336953


Already did last night when I debunked you all then.

daa8e6 (25) No.1336951>>1336994


go back thru all the breads its right there genius

8bb520 (16) No.1336952


ah i should have looked at your post history before engaging you, nothing but bad memes, and shitposting…..

damnit i poked the shill with this post…

ddb731 (12) No.1336953>>1336996


Then give a number to your brilliant post so that we can review.

903c31 (2) No.1336954


Firing those who decide what is a crime and who to charge that are on shadow goverment payroll must be removed/fired first in order to see justice..

9beaca (4) No.1336955


You don't need to bow to "me" or anything "mine", I didn't invent logic and reason, I merely use it

621a0f (2) No.1336956


I am amazed how the "leaders" and "law enforcement" of this country pretend the drug "problem" is just some kind of baaaad accident. How'd all this dope get here? In someone's underwear? Be real. There is as big a distribution network afoot as Coke Pepsi or Doritos has. Trucks planes ships CONSTANTLY ferrying the product around. This is a business model, not a horrible coincidence. They know. If I know, they know.

Mo money MO MONEY !!

ffcc44 (14) No.1336957>>1336963 >>1337279

File (hide): 4919aa5b3b85636⋯.png (217.71 KB, 622x606, 311:303, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Another pervert bites the dust!

ea4b65 (19) No.1336958>>1337150 >>1337161 >>1337331

May I recommend Depends Diapers.

b49505 (23) No.1336959>>1337001


At the very least, thank you for holding a conversation with me and not attacking me. I guess we will know soon enough? I hope you're right.

650dc0 (4) No.1336960


Literally who the fuck are you talking about and why do they have their own thread


Post it in there anon not here

86b77a (1) No.1336961>>1336993


So, you're using the time.gov website "in tandem" as a marker to post? That's a nice discovery Anon!!

e38d81 (15) No.1336962>>1336974



using time.gov to synchronize posts implies none (or only some?) of Q's timestamps are accidental.

286fa4 (2) No.1336963


Pedowood is going to need one hell of an exorcism.

1c23f9 (20) No.1336964>>1336965 >>1336969 >>1336975 >>1336976 >>1336984 >>1337162 >>1337179 >>1337229 >>1337279

Weapons-grade plutonium vanishes from Idaho State, school fined


1c23f9 (20) No.1336965

bd44c3 (3) No.1336966>>1336977 >>1337018 >>1337025 >>1337037


Obama is a satanist

Google for his inauguration speech played backwards. He has mastered the are of speaking backwards. When he chooses unusual ways of saying things you should play a recording of his speech backwards and see what he is ACTUALLY saying.

0dcce4 (2) No.1336968>>1336980 >>1337016

File (hide): 08b7ed75cf5b8f3⋯.png (38.39 KB, 1128x594, 188:99, tot.png) (h) (u)

I know it is just wishful thinking, but was POTUS signaling a TOT w/his tweet?

Donald J. Trump

Verified account


Follow Follow @realDonaldTrump


Gina Haspel, my highly respected nominee to lead the CIA, is being praised for the fact that she has been, and alway will be, TOUGH ON TERROR! This is a woman who has been a leader wherever she has gone. The CIA wants her to lead them into America’s bright and glorious future!

4:09 AM - 8 May 2018

9249f6 (10) No.1336969


Was news 2 days ago.

0104c2 (2) No.1336970

File (hide): 19adc2b8c290c0e⋯.png (4.95 KB, 134x146, 67:73, QRKillary.png) (h) (u)



Maybe it's the HRC video.

db5095 (24) No.1336971


Keith Richardson, Jack Sparrow - rocking the guyliner for years.

6d4b4a (4) No.1336972


It does anon, looks slick too. I like the ‘Players’ section amd how the Resignations are tied in there also.

670f95 (9) No.1336973


Well done but it's quiet. Not sure but with posts and tweets monitored WW, the hours might be irrelevant while minutes and seconds remain constant. per Q posts, Timestamps and order are critical..

25cdcc (25) No.1336974>>1337021


…and you're implying he posts by hand watching that site?

wewlad. it's a neat trick for anons to get more precise timing, but… tells us nothing about how Q posts, and we don't need to know that anyway.

d497f9 (11) No.1336975>>1337015


seen that this morning

wth is weapons grade plutonium doing at a college with lax security?????

5aaf54 (2) No.1336976>>1337162

b49505 (23) No.1336977>>1337018


Have your personally tried this? Any sections in particular to try?

5d0803 (2) No.1336978


The Hidden Math Behind Alice in Wonderland


8bb520 (16) No.1336979>>1337047


yeah, it does, he/she/it tryna stifle the dig. if I didnt crack it yet, and aint really close, just reposting for viewability, then why call BS? why ask for all the apps and methods if none have worked yet? smells of shillery (plus check their post history, all shitposting)

i simply was trying to share on the dig we had last night. becareful of anons/shills trying to "call BS" on the possbility of a dig… "over the target" maybe?

86bb7e (5) No.1336980>>1337043


We were told that the CIA would be scattered into the fucking wind.

I'm holding POTUS to that.

2b7b0d (12) No.1336981


It could def be one of their symbols/signs.

Of course some wear it as a fad.

1fcba7 (3) No.1336983>>1337008


>ea4b65 = paid shill; do not feed

b49505 (23) No.1336984>>1336989


Jesus. So this goes missing with all that dynamite from the east coast 2 weeks ago.

9ea687 (7) No.1336985>>1337033 >>1337072

Just getting back here from sleep and work. After reviewing Q's last post just after midnight EDT, I am completely relieved. No more fretting, but bad things can still happen, or it wouldn't be the fallen world that it is. Some thoughts on Q:

1. The MSM is completely fooled. Those idiots love the hooey that was leaked about the questions, and they completely fell for it.

2. Rudy is creating even more chaos, which is a good smokescreen for real POTUS/AG/FBI/DOS/CIA activities. He is doing a great job!

3. Even if POTUS deactivates Rudy, the key here is that even more outrageous things may be needed to keep the MSM/Cabal misdirected. That is a good thing.

4. MP is doing a great job as SOS and his successor is even blinding the same pukes on her way to confirmation. Imagine what is going on behind the POTUS Team curtains?

5. If all these BO creeps are all ticketed for eventual falls, letting them out to run around and be stupid tipoffs for more Cabal draining is also a good thing.

6. Even with setbacks, it seems as though Q was correct in that the next months the Cabal will all have indictments revealed that end the Cabal

7. Deep Cabal cleanup may take years, but eventually they can all be judged, and POTUS Team is the one to do it.

8. POTUS Team White Hats have ancillary plans to deal with kinks in the road and it extends into our loyal military to ensure no kink is too kink for them

9. This could not have been done unless Loyal Military decided to have this happen and put POTUS in place, although they might have been more overt if POTUS did not win. Hard to tell what they knew and when and how they decided things we may never know.

10. As a son of a war hero, I am pleased to be here. My dad would be pleased with the true ANONS! He thought POTUS was a hoot before he died.

11. God bless our entire team from POTUS on down to us, less the shills, clowns, and all the darkhearts that mess with us, thinking themselves to be wise.

7720a2 (2) No.1336986>>1336990


there is no audio so no you dont have a voice fucktard

1c23f9 (20) No.1336987>>1337175

Logan Act about to get called up?

'Stay away John!' Trump tells top Obama diplomat not to interfere in Iran talks


67885f (2) No.1336988


They can only threaten to make a run on the $USD and the economy. The main reason why JK snubs @POTUS and breaks law with impunity. Is our economy being held hostage?

d497f9 (11) No.1336989>>1336992 >>1337257


they supposedly recovered the dynomite

b49505 (23) No.1336990


And now neither do you, "filtered"

a99500 (2) No.1336991>>1337023

b49505 (23) No.1336992>>1337023


Oh, did not hear about that. Well thats good.

e7df0d (11) No.1336993


Yeah. I never would have thought that it would work. I just hit the New Reply button when the time was right. I'm sure when it's busy here the results would be less accurate… IE: Ability to hit the desired second. But minute is easily hit IMO. I only started thinking about it because of the whole delta idea, and then the newer matching timestamps idea. I had never actually tried it out myself.

>10:33:33 EST DST

8e64dc (23) No.1336994>>1337024 >>1337045 >>1337069 >>1337196

File (hide): f7d45cd1ac5eb9f⋯.png (454.16 KB, 1235x740, 247:148, ImReady.png) (h) (u)



Right I'm Ready!!

Analysing as we speak. AGAIN. Keep posting all your work too and we can compare.

9c7368 (3) No.1336995


Very nice, had not read that at all

8bb520 (16) No.1336996>>1337012



kek there wasnt a single anon trying to debunk us last night. this nigger starting to glow

9f59b6 (4) No.1336997>>1337007 >>1337022 >>1337038

File (hide): 2ce36767e2d6bf7⋯.jpg (381.61 KB, 1752x2048, 219:256, 2ce36767e2d6bf7ab04a3cc09e….jpg) (h) (u)



And please have a photo like this available

492ac4 (10) No.1336998>>1337013 >>1337036

File (hide): 95f1be3bbc7b06d⋯.jpg (30.84 KB, 366x450, 61:75, FireEyesPunisher.jpg) (h) (u)




Go to Gitmo, you abusive pervert!

38ac9b (4) No.1336999>>1337056 >>1337125 >>1337379


It just amazes me. They know about the pedoshit and satanic symbolism everywhere but they can't make the connection to flat earth. They won't believe anything until Q explicitly states it. Still need to latch on to an authority figure..

621a0f (2) No.1337000

They never thought she would lose.

Hell I NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE. I went to sleep at night thinking Oh good God, four years of this demonspawn. I woke up the next day to the news that Trump was our new President and I was totally floored… TOTALLY. I did not know what to make of it all but it is all becoming quite clear and VERY EXCITING, the possibilities for our future. WW future!! These boards are the most inspiring thing to come along in quite some time.

GOD BLESS the work of the Patriots (real ones) and all Anons etc….. Prayers DAILY for our success.

31dbe5 (6) No.1337001>>1337131


No attacks needed.

The "attackers" are not genuine…think about people who over the phone are aggressive/mean but when you meet them face to face they are MEEK and MILD…same here…

The guys typically are weak introverts who have small pee pees! Hence all the negative black talk…they are jealous projectionists

Have a great day and lurk moar!

d82548 (12) No.1337002


Indeed. Anyone who's followed Gary Webb's work & story will understand this intimately.


Kill the Messenger is the true story of Sacramento-based investigative reporter Gary Webb, who earned both acclaim and notoriety for his 1996 San Jose Mercury News series that revealed the C_A had turned a blind eye to the U.S.-backed Nicaraguan Contras trafficking crack cocaine in South Central Los Angeles and elsewhere in urban America in the 1980s.

One of the first-ever newspaper investigations to be published on the Internet, Webb’s story gained a massive readership and stirred up a firestorm of controversy and repudiation.

3b75e6 (8) No.1337003>>1337009 >>1337030 >>1337042 >>1337068 >>1337101

Washington Post

Verified account


7m7 minutes ago


This owl had an extraordinary survival story after a very bad day

cf8b13 (15) No.1337004

File (hide): 4be4eb43e63482d⋯.gif (904.3 KB, 500x500, 1:1, giphy.gif) (h) (u)


No one wants fake pearls. Not even the people you consider pigs. Instead of taking the hint you keep insulting them. You exist in a strange reality I never want to experience first hand. Be well, if that's possible.

0637c3 (5) No.1337005



are those all freely available???

noice anon

6eb526 (5) No.1337006

File (hide): 358eaa069000413⋯.png (8.03 MB, 2613x3530, 2613:3530, TonyBlairtwofaced.png) (h) (u)

25cdcc (25) No.1337007>>1337073

File (hide): b62c8272bd72f4d⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1111x1299, 1111:1299, HRCKEKed.png) (h) (u)

>>1336997 spot the difference

0479df (3) No.1337008


Agreed. 16 shit posts, so far, just in this bread.

3b75e6 (8) No.1337009



ffcc44 (14) No.1337010>>1337032


>Why is Q posting over there if the new trip is whitelisted over here?

The same reason Q posted on GA board, because he fucking wanted to! smh

2b7b0d (12) No.1337011


Dear Mr. Podesta:

The attached memorandum is sent at the direction of Jeffrey R. Krinsk.

Thank you very much.

Lori Lori Gilmore Legal Assistant Finkelstein & Krinsk LLP

550 West C Street, Suite 1760

San Diego, CA 92101

Eric Schneiderman, Attorney General for New York, who is also suing Trump and Trump

University, has said that more than 5,000 people across the country were deceived by the

university’s promises. That number includes an unknown number of California residents who

entered Trump University after seeing ads featuring Trump claiming his program would provide

them “amazing instructors AND priceless information . . . all for FREE.”

ddb731 (12) No.1337012>>1337017


Indeed. Was simply calling him out in hopes that others would see his motive.

3523fa (2) No.1337013


Insurance policies are very, very long.

85929b (15) No.1337014>>1337027 >>1337040 >>1337062

File (hide): a4803f69e40b8ee⋯.png (196.74 KB, 316x422, 158:211, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

1c23f9 (20) No.1337015>>1337039


What gets me is they only 'fined the school'.

WTF? Why have they not shut the school down and start looking for leads?

17356c (2) No.1337016>>1337029 >>1337049 >>1337098 >>1337113


Time On Target. Anon means all targets hit at same time despite different firing times.

Good idea. Some steps are sequential, some simultaneous.

I think arrests begin slowly as public becomes aware of the corruption; bottom up. Hillary at the end.

June-July 2018 FBI and DOJ cleaned out.

August confessions, exposure of rest of deep state.

September-October arrests, 2019 tribunals.

ddb731 (12) No.1337017>>1337044


Gah. I want this image puzzle solved. Glad for the progress to date, but hungry for moar!

daa8e6 (25) No.1337018>>1337089 >>1337107 >>1337151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c91a28 (1) No.1337019>>1337153


If and when Syria and Iran are declawed, these migrants can be relocated back to their nations of origin. Unless they have acquired citizen or some protected resident status.

3b75e6 (8) No.1337020

File (hide): cdb4e7cc3cdb1db⋯.jpg (78.15 KB, 600x314, 300:157, 91_wfrCo (1).jpg) (h) (u)


Washington Post

Verified account


7m7 minutes ago


This owl had an extraordinary survival story after a very bad day

e7df0d (11) No.1337021>>1337051


I'd seen some talk of CM giving Q access to the db direct. As a codefag, I can say that would be unlikely. It's not Q that CM and the 8ch owners would have to worry about, it's other bad actors. I'm sure that Q+ would have seen the issue with any direct access here. IMO, yes, Q is posting at specific times.

1fcba7 (3) No.1337022


Clinton Medusa

ea4b65 (19) No.1337023>>1337031

8ef29d (3) No.1337024


hey there is another thread named " Anonymous" with lots of anons working to decode the qmap, might be useful checking it out

cf8b13 (15) No.1337025


>When Obama chooses unusual ways of saying things you should play a recording of his speech backwards and see what he is ACTUALLY saying.

Beautifully stated.

85929b (15) No.1337027

File (hide): 3bda527fcb82126⋯.jpg (35 KB, 350x476, 25:34, BadJewSchneidermann.JPG) (h) (u)

da9877 (3) No.1337028>>1337078


Q Obviously gets that there will always be chatter. They are 10 moves ahead of us! A heinous generational plan to take over and enslave the world is being thwarted by patriots, for patriots. People are stepping into this (and will be!!!) in the coming months. Stay vigilant and Honor our God and Country.

286fa4 (2) No.1337029


FBI-DOJ then State Department.

State Department leads to the CIA.

Disclosing the CIA's crimes will forever transformation the way we view the world.

4a12a6 (13) No.1337030>>1337101


The storm is here! These fuckers are gonna burn!!

Thank Q

85929b (15) No.1337031

File (hide): 483f7b6953ddb59⋯.jpg (40.55 KB, 379x426, 379:426, Cosby.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): b8d047198979092⋯.jpg (31.98 KB, 467x356, 467:356, CosbyII.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): c88ce28cacd3f95⋯.jpg (39.87 KB, 461x341, 461:341, CosbyIII.JPG) (h) (u)

670f95 (9) No.1337032


It stops the shills and crap posts from burying the drop and makes them easy to reference

a873e4 (1) No.1337033>>1337055


This is a nice analysis. With Q posing on /patriotsfight/, there are no replies and I miss the observations and analysis that many of them contained.

ea4b65 (19) No.1337034>>1337059 >>1337144

Obama will skip town before the shit hits the fan.

db5095 (24) No.1337035>>1337119

ffcc44 (14) No.1337036

File (hide): 9a9d7b14ebd092a⋯.jpg (123.22 KB, 952x488, 119:61, schneiderman EX-ag.jpg) (h) (u)

4a5c84 (2) No.1337037


reminds me of the Beatles..


d6279b (2) No.1337038

File (hide): 119bc542e71d90a⋯.jpg (124.97 KB, 1122x994, 561:497, hillary_its_bad.jpg) (h) (u)

d497f9 (11) No.1337039>>1337058


yea, makes no sense to me

it has no business at a civilian school

should only be done at secure military facilities 4 sure

3523fa (2) No.1337040>>1337064


Worked at a golf course, main guy was ex-C_I.

I forgot the key to open early one morning - went to his house which was on the golf course, he was sitting on the front porch with a stack of newspapers - he was gloriously dressed and painted up like a woman. He was really pissed. Later asked me to keep it quiet.

e38d81 (15) No.1337041>>1337060 >>1337065 >>1337066

File (hide): 443967586120a88⋯.png (2.59 MB, 3966x5894, 1983:2947, LATEST Q VERIFIED NOV6.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b2e0698d5111c24⋯.jpg (822.54 KB, 1687x904, 1687:904, keystonemaybe.jpg) (h) (u)

one of the things Q said about the qmap/key was to find the keystone.

the keystone is specifically the apex of the bridge, the stone in the center of the arch.

if the map, in chronological order (posted here again) is a bridge, the metaphorical keystone would be the central post.

with that in mind, i counted. there are 91 posts (please doublecheck me - i went through it three times to be sure)

45 posts

a post about noname, but actually using his name

45 posts

45 - 1 - 45

the one highlighted below.

is this the keystone?

cf8b13 (15) No.1337042


>This owl had an extraordinary survival story after a very bad day


daa8e6 (25) No.1337043


CIA'S UNCHECKED POWER IS GETTING CLIPPED ………i hope they are 86'd totally, we dont need them they were always intended as the ss natzi cops for the deep state illumanati

Why did MP step into the C_A prior to Sec of State?

They are deeply connected.

Think Offshore.

MIL INTEL providing support during this time?

Why are select EO's aggressively being written and put into law?

State/C_A next?

Think logically.

8bb520 (16) No.1337044


ya anon same, i will keep trying, but it feels like its an old crumb or repeated stringer that would help us make progress. been trying to go through Q posts to see if anything pops out with the Qpicpuzzle in mind

8e64dc (23) No.1337045


There is absolutely no hidden data in the pallets @ apple photo.

745c78 (14) No.1337046


I fully appreciate your fight for this recessions! Thank you for working so hard for us!


ddb731 (12) No.1337047


We ARE! And whatever is there is gonna be big.

ffcc44 (14) No.1337048>>1337061 >>1337114 >>1337199

File (hide): d4c0468804a78a8⋯.png (56.84 KB, 628x584, 157:146, 5-8-18 Glorious.png) (h) (u)

6f42ec (2) No.1337049


Timing hits on Target requires pre-planning when the charges are fired. Just as there are multiple meaning for drops, there are multiple time intervals involved, 111 days being maybe the main one.

2b7b0d (12) No.1337050>>1337171

We have some special guests. All of you are special, but I want to

make sure that you acknowledge them. First of all, the head of the DNC,

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz is here. (Applause.) She's doing

an outstanding job. One of the finest public servants we have up and

coming, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is in the house.

(Applause.) The New York City public advocate, Bill de Blasio is here.

(Applause.) And give it up for the folks who performed for you -- Ali

Wentworth and Regina Spektor -- thank you. - Obama


25cdcc (25) No.1337051>>1337065 >>1337136 >>1337148


>yes, Q is posting at specific times.

but of course:




Timestamps have meaning.


Timestamps important.




The timestamp is key.

559c0a (4) No.1337052


If you were her, could you just go away---like nothing ever happened…after waiting your WHOLE life to become the most powerful person in the world…only to watch all your hopes and dreams be dashed upon the rocks and smashed into 1,000,000 pieces at the very last minute?

This hag will NEVER go away. It burns her too much that she lost the election. She wanted it so bad! It was her turn. She was promised. She was to be the annointed of the cabal who was to deliver the USA into their hands. She was all dressed up in purple and ready to receive the presidency. They gave her hundreds of millions of dollars. The fake media promoted her shamelessly and told her the odds were greater than 99% in her favor. The DOJ, FBI, and Clowns did EVERYTHING to protect and help her. Hussein set things up for her to pick up the baton. It was all going exactly as planned. She was not supposed to lose. Then Trump showed up, and what they all thought was impossible became a reality.

Did she ever concede the election? I don't think so. This bitch will go to her grave bitter and defeated. And like a defeated demon from a 1980s horror movie she will keep trying to come back.

db5095 (24) No.1337053


I think the two years are more of a guideline…

492ac4 (10) No.1337054>>1337087

File (hide): d2a5419bf59c9c4⋯.jpg (50.95 KB, 885x516, 295:172, Schneiderman.jpg) (h) (u)

Eric "Insurance Policy" Schneiderman!!


9ea687 (7) No.1337055


Big thanks, Anon! It is hard to be here sometimes because over the months, there has been very depressing news, even for a nondepresser. I have been praying for more truth, and last night's Q drop did it for me this morning. ROCK ON Q, ROCK ON POTUS TEAM, ROCK ON ANONS!

ae72e9 (2) No.1337056

File (hide): bfa15c61c236614⋯.gif (122.45 KB, 500x336, 125:84, kys.gif) (h) (u)


I am sorry for those wasted trips.

And do me a favor and pic related.

d82548 (12) No.1337057



86bb7e (5) No.1337058>>1337077


Why should it be different than other aspects of the 2nd amendment. Civilians should have access to the same weapons as the government.

Also it is used for things besides making nukes.

31dbe5 (6) No.1337059


(((They))) have a lot of people talking in order to save their asses…He is trying to notify (((them))) to keep their mouth shut…

670f95 (9) No.1337060>>1337071


You would need to combine 1 AND 2 for that.

d497f9 (11) No.1337061>>1337067


has potus given a time yet on his decision on iran deal yet?

sorry if its been discussed, just woke up.

daa8e6 (25) No.1337062>>1337081

File (hide): dca41c9c81e01c5⋯.jpg (83.61 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, DSpz1DxWAAEqfEO.jpg) (h) (u)



6d4b4a (4) No.1337063


Yesterday, that section was so long that it wouldn’t post, and the bottom part of it was left out for something like 6 breads. No one noticed. I found it again and consolidated what I could, the maps being the longest. They’re all still there, and very easy to get to for those who don’t have the older maps. They’re also well backed up over at comms. Just my opinion.

85929b (15) No.1337064

File (hide): 319fd0ed1fe5303⋯.jpg (22.41 KB, 628x419, 628:419, PitchforksForPedos.jpg) (h) (u)

e38d81 (15) No.1337065

25cdcc (25) No.1337066>>1337124 >>1337137

File (hide): abd849025a975d3⋯.png (893.09 KB, 1111x1952, 1111:1952, Q_Keystone.png) (h) (u)

3c0622 (15) No.1337067


2 pm EST

37e401 (1) No.1337068


Symbolism will be their downfall.

A local news story I saw the other night was about a missing barn owl from a nature center.

They said the owl was on a "special diet" and it was about 10 years old. They said they had been in possession of the owl for "some time."

They said the owl was "used once every two weeks or so" for "instruction"

Total BS story and I noted that to the wife as we were watching it. Now the news story says it has been returned.

"Special diet" = there is no fucking owl missing and the special diet is blood

Said it had a deformed wing in the article on the web but no mention of that during the three mentions of it I saw on the local news.

Now there's a WaPo owl story. They love the little symbolism bullshit.

WaPo Owl story:

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2018/05/08/this-extraordinary-owls-survival-story-is-the-remedy-for-your-bad-day/


http:// archive.is/U0ggK

Local News story (Nexstar / NBC):

http:// www.kark.com/news/local-news/update-stolen-barn-owl-returned-to-nature-center/1156347779


http:// archive.is/zeQPO

ddb731 (12) No.1337069


I ran that exact program and received different results. A string of I (capital I) and $ and dots. Lost on me. That's part of my problem. Not trained enough to understand what I'm seeing.

3b75e6 (8) No.1337070>>1337080 >>1337159 >>1337182 >>1337221

File (hide): 1862e35bee9585b⋯.jpg (30.76 KB, 780x438, 130:73, Dcro9RTWsAA3SDK.jpg) (h) (u)


Verified account


32s33 seconds ago


New York Solicitor General Barbara Underwood has been named the state's acting attorney general and will take over for Eric Schneiderman, who resigned after allegations that he assaulted several women https://cnn.it/2KJ8yYR


e38d81 (15) No.1337071>>1337079


Q said map 1/2 was the key.

4a12a6 (13) No.1337072>>1337110


This anon gets it.

To your #1, some of them suspect they’re fucked. My favorite moments are the brief ones of clarity they have on the air where they admit POTUS is smarter than they look. They had it yesterday at points when they realized they don’t have the will of the people on their side in regards to Melania.


9f59b6 (4) No.1337073>>1337083



Pepe down under

c95644 (3) No.1337074>>1337092 >>1337116

File (hide): e3af7109da90e20⋯.png (839.87 KB, 627x577, 627:577, flatbreakdome.PNG) (h) (u)


>its not for everyone

No, it's only for retards who live in a 15th century fantasy, FFS. Look at my pic related-do you honestly really believe this crap? Who cleans the soot off the inside of the dome, explain eclipses, seasons,soltices day/night for starters? Fuck you people are stupid, Maxine stupid

e8d4a5 (1) No.1337075

Tomorrow marks [43] days that JA has been offline.

b49505 (23) No.1337076


d497f9 (11) No.1337077


common sense should answer the ? 4 u regarding plutonium

daa8e6 (25) No.1337078



25cdcc (25) No.1337079>>1337091 >>1337127


he didn't stop there…

re-read all crumbs related

559c0a (4) No.1337080


Is that really a female? Looks like a dude in a wig.

745c78 (14) No.1337081>>1337201


Ahhh the look on Stephens face!

492ac4 (10) No.1337082

File (hide): d2a5419bf59c9c4⋯.jpg (50.95 KB, 885x516, 295:172, Schneiderman.jpg) (h) (u)

Welcome to my shit list, Preet Bharara.

Arthur Schwartz

‏Verified account @ArthurSchwartz

3h3 hours ago

Arthur Schwartz Retweeted Preet Bharara

This is probably why POTUS fired you --- because you’re a biased piece of trash. Your lunch buddy @Schneiderman gets caught beating the crap out of a bunch of women & you comment on the quality of the reporting.

Arthur Schwartz added,

Preet Bharara

Verified account @PreetBharara

Once again @RonanFarrow exposes horrific conduct and holds the powerful accountable. Thank you Ronan

39 replies 463 retweets 973 likes

d497f9 (11) No.1337083


thats one brave pepe, lol

8e64dc (23) No.1337084>>1337285

File (hide): e1988e006dd2127⋯.png (43.58 KB, 800x397, 800:397, LOGIC.png) (h) (u)


For anons who do not know of Digital Logic AKA Boolean Logic, it's worth checking out just for insight.


3ffd7c (1) No.1337085>>1337095 >>1337379

Anons, I,m going back to watching the Simpsons, there's more "future proves past" in that program than any of this Q stuff!!!

97d3dd (5) No.1337086>>1337177

Hezbollah is Iran origination or Yemen? I get them and Hamas mixed up

da9877 (3) No.1337087

File (hide): c054d942b675015⋯.gif (20.14 KB, 324x324, 1:1, CantStumpTrump.gif) (h) (u)


Starting to drop like flies. Trump says, You won't work for as an informant?

6d2c3a (6) No.1337088>>1337097


I think this is the part where most patriots have lost focus. Let me help you understand:


4a12a6 (13) No.1337089



e38d81 (15) No.1337091>>1337111


point taken.

frustrating when puzzle has more pieces than holes and stupid brain keeps adding pieces which don't really exist.

1c23f9 (20) No.1337092


> Maxine stupid

Hummm…possible new catch phrase?

d83041 (5) No.1337093>>1337115


good morn,

good coffee.

enjoy the drop.

only hrs old.

3b75e6 (8) No.1337094

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸

Verified account


1m1 minute ago


It all makes sense now. They sent Donald Trump back in time to save America

2 replies 13 retweets 35 likes

3c0622 (15) No.1337095

File (hide): 2a0bc83703218c4⋯.png (301.06 KB, 552x507, 184:169, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Don't let the door hitcha where the good lord splitcha!

6d2c3a (6) No.1337097


Sorry, link here:

https:// 8ch. net /qresearch/res/119439.html#120050

0dcce4 (2) No.1337098


My self-interested Part of me really wants to know 'about' when the FANG crew is going to be held trUly accountable - would like to make a biT off their downfall.

17356c (2) No.1337099

The ENTIRE leadership of the democrat Party and half the Republicans…

cb7a21 (1) No.1337100


Take note, Q never mentioned his name and tubby is STILL whining about Q. Remember when Q said to watch those who make the most noise ?

daa8e6 (25) No.1337101>>1337120 >>1337135 >>1337280




WOW……i thought he od'd on meth a while ago…..he was in HEAT right? bad ass movie though…..except when that cop shot the genius at the end……he shoulda skipped town and got him later

ea4b65 (19) No.1337102

File (hide): c1c57243e78ff44⋯.jpg (30.99 KB, 474x471, 158:157, downloadfile-7.jpg) (h) (u)

Preet Bharara is next he's headed for shit town.

ffcc44 (14) No.1337103>>1337117

File (hide): 90b5ed5cded34d0⋯.png (411.66 KB, 722x1012, 361:506, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

THIS bitch needs to go to jail!


82c865 (1) No.1337104



All stars wear makeup for camera purposes. We also wear it in theatre. I looks hideous in normy world.

But via filming, it looks perfectly normal. Theatre makeup appears thoroughly clownish in daylight. All politicians wear it for tv interviews. Others are involved in films and theatre. Just saying that seeing him in eye liner does not mean he is a pedo.

023dff (1) No.1337106

File (hide): dca177a8febd1c0⋯.png (511.96 KB, 797x1148, 797:1148, Screenshot-2018-5-8 Crimin….png) (h) (u)

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-08/criminal-probe-launched-against-disgraced-ny-attorney-general-schneiderman

1f6a66 (1) No.1337107>>1337207


Did that say "Thank you Satan"? Seriously?

b49505 (23) No.1337108

8e64dc (23) No.1337109

File (hide): 1760b934035b86b⋯.jpg (157.23 KB, 1024x578, 512:289, Prayers4GenFlynn.jpg) (h) (u)

9ea687 (7) No.1337110


You are spot on, Anon! And we have Melania to get the children to a clean and good place while POTUS cleans out the filth.

WWG1WGA and the sooner the better!

25cdcc (25) No.1337111>>1337204


i don't want to discourage anons from digging, the timestamps haven't been analyzed enough yet anyway, but oftentimes (and ESPECIALLY with analyzing pictures) it feels like anons are looking for the nose on their face (making things infinitely more complicated than they actually are)

9f083c (9) No.1337112>>1337121 >>1337126

File (hide): 6052787dffe0ead⋯.png (166.59 KB, 624x674, 312:337, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Ok fuckfaces… get digging

67885f (2) No.1337113


This explains the apparent lack of concern about the mid-terms. The Dims have been undergoing a slow, rolling implosion for months now. After these summer purges at FBI/DoJ with dozens of witnesses singing about O and HRC, what’s left of the DNC will be lucky to save one seat, let alone flip any others. The money will be on anyone @POTUS endorses. They will be clamoring for his attention. Instead of campaign ads, free coverage of the purges (MSM will be forced) will suffice. #MAGA

2b7b0d (12) No.1337114>>1337139 >>1337218

File (hide): fa572a9ce7beb67⋯.png (90.13 KB, 253x160, 253:160, ginahaspel.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 80bb90b182138f8⋯.png (75.81 KB, 186x275, 186:275, lyndacarter.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 945d0055d745582⋯.jpg (90.4 KB, 700x470, 70:47, ghcia.jpg) (h) (u)


That Gina Haspel kinda/ sorta reminds me

of Lynda Carter, Wonder Woman.


d497f9 (11) No.1337115>>1337143 >>1337184


im kinda mind boggled on hrc free pass


i sure hope that means she only allowed out for

snitchin and not a total free pass.

bout got sic to stomach when i read that

c04bdc (7) No.1337116>>1337192


you just proved my point

check and "airy's failure" and get back

its real science - an actual experiment to prove movement of the earth

1c23f9 (20) No.1337117


That James character had a pretty good reply. Kek!

ddb731 (12) No.1337118

We been here before?


http://logic. com


daa8e6 (25) No.1337119


the war on drugs is nothing but a money maker for the gov. and a way to exert control……most of the elite and gov officials use drugs whether prescribed or other

4a12a6 (13) No.1337120


He looks like a fuckin creep!

The eye test almost never fails.

9f083c (9) No.1337121


https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic_programming

7047b2 (5) No.1337122>>1337195


Philippe Starck

ca1dd8 (3) No.1337124>>1337134


We have more than we know. Q and POTUS are waiting for us to figure out something we are missing. Once we have it, the Patriots will be able to join the fight. They gave us the key and are waiting for us to turn over the stone.

b49505 (23) No.1337125


EXACTLY. Said it since the start. Finding out your sheep and simply going to a different Shepard isn't freeing. Think for yourselves.

745c78 (14) No.1337126

670f95 (9) No.1337127>>1337167


Perhaps there should be a dedicated thread for qmaps 1&2 for those that want to try and crack this particular enigma. I suspect that the clowns already know the answers, they just don't want us to know.

ae72e9 (2) No.1337128


Is this maybe the:

"You have more than you know!" ?

b49505 (23) No.1337131


Thanks, Anon. God be with you.

c04bdc (7) No.1337132>>1337165



it wont matter

those who cannot see or hear will be left with nothing

db5095 (24) No.1337133


Possible. That was a really odd thing for him to do, all the fed attorneys always tender resignation letters with the incoming admin, it's how the system always works. And most get kept on. Why'd he so publicly buck the system? Made no sense at the time. You may have the answer to that.

25cdcc (25) No.1337134>>1337209


>waiting for us to turn over the stone.

did… you re-read those?

9c7368 (3) No.1337135


Such an incredible movie! Most people don't like it because the acting is a little stiff here and there but god dayum, such an epic movie, wew

daa8e6 (25) No.1337136>>1337154 >>1337231

File (hide): dca41c9c81e01c5⋯.jpg (83.61 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, DSpz1DxWAAEqfEO.jpg) (h) (u)


yes probably on his bathroom breaks…or when the wifey is sleeping….lol

d83041 (5) No.1337137>>1337164


ooohhhhh Keystone.

we are the Keystone.


"Apply the Keystone"


what is our role specifically?

86bb7e (5) No.1337138>>1337147 >>1337185

>Horowitz has served as the Inspector General of the United States Department of Justice since April 16, 2012

Definitely not /ourguy/ if he managed 450 people who should be identifying corruption and they let it all happen to destroy America.

Why is he still there?

2b7b0d (12) No.1337139


do we even know if she is a white hat?

c04bdc (7) No.1337140

File (hide): 3b037c0ec7ecf36⋯.jpg (11.6 KB, 300x168, 25:14, exlax.jpg) (h) (u)


take 2 and post in the am….

9c00c6 (1) No.1337141

A Clockwork Eric

http:// observer.com/2014/02/the-politics-and-power-of-a-g-schneiderman/

85929b (15) No.1337142

File (hide): 166e98592d6f417⋯.png (192.56 KB, 473x577, 473:577, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ed521d28f0fdd15⋯.jpg (40.04 KB, 514x351, 514:351, AdmRogersHero.JPG) (h) (u)


3c0622 (15) No.1337143>>1337160


Q was talking about the free pass she got before, anon.

b49505 (23) No.1337144


HA, since fucking when?!

842f69 (1) No.1337145>>1337205 >>1337216 >>1337289 >>1337302

Hey all, I'm going to repost this again from a former bread because I had some saltfag over me namefagging and accusing me of not rereading crumbs, which really killed my mood. But here I go reposting this, because I think I got this figured out.

I've been trying to solve this puzzle, why does the establishment try to attack Trump, Sanders, Le Pen, Corbyn, Farage, Salvini, Chavez, Melenchon, etc, yet they are on the completely different ends of the political spectrum?

Well, I may have the answer. And as much it has taken time for me to figure it out, it's actually quite simple really.

They unite, not divide.

They smash the whole system of identity politics.

They don't unite under a specific spectrum.

Why do you think people like Donald got support from people all across the board? Why do you think Bernie did? Why do you think Corbyn did? Why do you think Salvini did?

Once again, it's simple, they had a message that attracts everybody. They are uniting everybody against the common enemy, and I don't want to even call this collectivism.


Even worse for the establishment, the thought of individualism is something they hate. They know this because when these parties (REAL nationalist parties) can rally people from all corners to fight a common enemy. And if they can do that, they can't be under their control. They achieve FREEDOM.

Freedom is not an ideology.

Left-wing. Right-wing.



This is what makes them absolutely shit their pants.

6edfc3 (2) No.1337146

File (hide): 2abc14abd4b5d38⋯.jpg (95.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg) (h) (u)

745c78 (14) No.1337147


He is our guy because he is doing his job.

e7df0d (11) No.1337148


I get it. I've been looking at timestamps for a long while now. I just had never tried myself to try and hit a specific hh:mm:ss here before. Just an test to see if anyone could do it when the shills were on break.

I've been trying to work out markers and some of the timeline code. It's easier for me to keep everything in the same zulu/gmt times.

231147 (1) No.1337149


Bharara is on Mueller's team.

How will all that shake out if he's appointed Ny AG?

8cebdb (1) No.1337150

File (hide): 6e29b0b8677ce69⋯.png (44.03 KB, 160x120, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


fake and gay.

34d2ba (4) No.1337151


Use LOGIC (the sound analyzing software)?

bbceab (2) No.1337153


Sadly migrants going back was never (((their))) plan. Jihadists do bidding of cabal (and dammit if the dumbasses would turn on the elite and blow up QE2 they might actually be appreciated!) …but CIA-trained jihadists were mixed in with families who are stuck in handy "camps" in what WILL BE new ovens.

> The "NWO" (NWDisorder) always meant for migrants to be shoved into ovens after the "we've had enough" Europeans "woke up".

Trump hoping to stop that by getting ME nations to work together and carve out land for migrant family returns might help and I sure hope it does because because putting innocent families into ovens is only good for future "ancestors were bad" photo ops.

We have got to stop blaming pawns and start looking at the elite; dig them out of shadows and THEN, we might have rule of law back and be able to shove the cabalist asses in ovens, and let migrants go back to ME countries.

2b7b0d (12) No.1337154


If looks could . . . .

3b75e6 (8) No.1337155>>1337373

Eric Holder

Verified account


3m3 minutes ago


To reform America's prisons we must change the laws that send too many people to them in the first place-for no good law enforcement reason. Bipartisan sentencing reform has strong support in Congress. We can’t miss this opportunity to move forward with bold reform. Time to act

b49505 (23) No.1337156

Whatever happened to @jack?

ea4b65 (19) No.1337157

File (hide): 0c93ac5c2ccd305⋯.jpg (217.12 KB, 962x693, 962:693, 0c93ac5c2ccd30540afcbc81c6….jpg) (h) (u)

Trump fired Preet Bharara, look for Preet Bharara to get entangled in the Russian lawyer scandal…

Preet Bharara helped the Russian lawyer setup Don't Jr.

d82548 (12) No.1337158


Thanks for this, anon. Transciption is a little appreciated but very valuable service for us.

>So, some name will come up. Now, can you think of a prominent Democratic ex-federal prosecutor, thorn in the side of the President, who lives in NYC?"

>Other host: "Ugh, Preet Bharara?" Judge Nap: "There you go.

>someone whose political goals will be the same, but whose personal behavior will be acceptable."

Personal behavior MAY be acceptable, but Bharara's got a LOONG history as US Atty for SDNY.

Fine time to dig into some of these cases to head off the "Preet Knight" at the pass?

492ac4 (10) No.1337159>>1337311

File (hide): 769ffe3f6018f26⋯.jpg (115.09 KB, 620x372, 5:3, Underwood.jpg) (h) (u)



73 years old

Also plays classical piano


I love it when vintage 90's news articles turn up. Always juicy.


"Preserving diversity has been her most significant legal contribution." Idiot progressive confirmed.

I'd have copy/pasted, but the internet police at the NYT have rigged their site to prohibit highlighting of text.

745c78 (14) No.1337160>>1337180 >>1337191


Where did these "Anons" come from?? They started this disinfo about HRC last night and haven't stopped since. Are they dumb or trying to spread this shit on purpose??

85929b (15) No.1337161

File (hide): 98b7f9e273e71e1⋯.jpg (30.89 KB, 379x257, 379:257, ShrinerClowns.JPG) (h) (u)


Your friends

9f083c (9) No.1337162



Sum of all fears

8c4607 (6) No.1337163>>1337186

File (hide): a7a8f8c3f67ef3b⋯.png (720.91 KB, 1593x764, 1593:764, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


We just had a GlobemasterIII Kuawit Airforce jet show up over in Saudi.

Another GlobemasterIII show up over in Turkey.

A USAF Galaxy show up in IS.RA.EL

AND a UK Airbus Military Atlas in Cypress.

All within the last half hour or so.

GlobemasterIII and Galaxy are the largest mil jet carriers known, used for transport of

heavy equipment and very large loads.

Atlas can also carry some heavy loads.


cedd5a (4) No.1337164


We prove that God is more organized than any organization on Earth.

cf8b13 (15) No.1337165


Just like when they started.

b5baf6 (8) No.1337166>>1337392

File (hide): 2d74f1579e239b6⋯.png (27.62 KB, 664x299, 664:299, djtjr-twt-future.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d3da78b8eab0afd⋯.png (36.78 KB, 685x248, 685:248, djt-twt-schneiderman.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 636d0d8b2dc1cc4⋯.png (41.51 KB, 669x277, 669:277, djt-twt-2013.png) (h) (u)


25cdcc (25) No.1337167>>1337310


there are 2 that exist already that could be used for that:

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

db5095 (24) No.1337168>>1337203


My opinion: Fucking wasted bread with "Hi Q!" from all the faggots on the board. No more of that since the change. Now Q can post without it being a huge distraction, but rather a focusing of the board on the substance of the drop.

d497f9 (11) No.1337169>>1337183 >>1337194 >>1337379


I was thinking, from what i been seeing as of late is

new shill tactic/bad actors. promoting violence.


there should be something put on top of bread stating something like…



3b75e6 (8) No.1337170>>1337198



1m1 minute ago



9b0866 (2) No.1337171

File (hide): e0b1242e966ed9a⋯.gif (805.86 KB, 500x270, 50:27, IMG_6272.GIF) (h) (u)

39185c (2) No.1337173




WOW! Outstanding work Anon!

Thank you.

2d1922 (2) No.1337174>>1337190 >>1337225

File (hide): df8009cec981629⋯.jpg (513.63 KB, 1607x2317, 1607:2317, shit_threads.jpg) (h) (u)

Shit threads removed.

c04bdc (7) No.1337175


not a chance

that would generate msm ridicule for the duration

and rightly so

if that is all they got we are fucked

but its not….

db5095 (24) No.1337176>>1337248


New shill tactic, accuse anons of being a new, improved, replacement cabal! KEKEKEKEK!!!

9f59b6 (4) No.1337177>>1337219


Hezbollah Shiite Lebanon based

Hamas Sunni Palestine based. Hezbollah ally Iran funded

6edfc3 (2) No.1337178>>1337200 >>1337202

File (hide): f85c801603e4269⋯.png (297.13 KB, 645x726, 215:242, DoD 4-21-18 1 pm PST.PNG) (h) (u)


Flat Earth was already answered the day after anon asked during the Q&A "Flat Earth or Round" the next day this was posted --– so go fuck yourselves, until Q says otherwise THIS STANDS!

78835f (1) No.1337179>>1337188


Plus … no word on the missing explosives from PA.

3c0622 (15) No.1337180


Clowns and shills, anon. Clowns and shills.

fb95cf (2) No.1337181>>1337241

File (hide): f0324031a8e8ef7⋯.jpg (220.83 KB, 1115x758, 1115:758, muellerourguyeeeee.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): af967d25f3aa838⋯.jpg (120.05 KB, 700x960, 35:48, muellerpardon.jpg) (h) (u)

8a3a47 (1) No.1337182

File (hide): a16c7e720c897b3⋯.jpg (71.37 KB, 780x438, 130:73, dude looks like a lady.jpg) (h) (u)

86bb7e (5) No.1337183


You are fucking stupid and obviously have never read the art of war.

d83041 (5) No.1337184


i have a feeling this problem will be

revisited. Makes me think… remember the

boot? Then no boot. Talked for for free pass?

Needed her to talk to dismantle the evil?

Imagine if she admits all about all she knows

about, the core. The devil to go free to

save the country. Coming to a theater near

you? That's one that Qwon't let go so easily,

ithink, imo.

4a12a6 (13) No.1337185


Lurk Moar. Some people stuck it out through the Hussein years so everything didn’t go to hell.

Hussein took his power away and LL did most of the heavy lifting.

5aaf54 (2) No.1337186>>1337236


Wonder what they're carrying…

f35686 (3) No.1337187>>1337189 >>1337246

File (hide): 29b60cb4ea9d2e9⋯.png (7.86 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, blank.png) (h) (u)


Is 3.45 MB really that much though? I just made this blank PNG and its 7.86 MB. Although I will agree that the quality of the image should be better for 3.45 MB.

8bb520 (16) No.1337188>>1337208

File (hide): 00ceda5bb911437⋯.png (546.93 KB, 853x618, 853:618, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


yes there was anon, they reported they recovered all the missing explosives


f35686 (3) No.1337189>>1337206


Forgot to mention I made the dimensions the exact same

25cdcc (25) No.1337190


mium, thanks BO!

d497f9 (11) No.1337191>>1337292


i was referring to Q drop this morning

im neither dumb nor disinfo

simply commenting on what i seen… jeez loosen your belt a bit

c95644 (3) No.1337192>>1337271


It's aclown psyop meant to derail stupid gullible people who first start "investigating" & "researching" the internet with a "it's on the internet; therefore it must be true" wide eyed innocence from the real hideous Truth we're uncovering here daily. ANYONE posting that absolute retardation here is one of 2 things;

A retarded useful idiot

An agent of Fuckery™ desperate to distract/divert attention away from their despicable crimes.

'Nuff said.

I wasted 5-6 hours "resurchin flat earf" (keking hard I might add) & I ain't wasting another second of my life on your retardation. Now kindly go KYS

492ac4 (10) No.1337193>>1337325

File (hide): 0dc0c5dc5f5af94⋯.jpg (2.79 MB, 1350x1826, 675:913, CabalSpiderweb.jpg) (h) (u)

Ya'll, I'm totally convinced that Schneider, the walking eyeliner-wearing INSURANCE POLICY, is the slam dunk connection between the Cabal/Clintons and NXIVM/pedo trafficking/smuggling organizations.

Q said it's much worse than we can imagine.

Brother, I'm beginning to be able to imagine really fucking clearly. Been here since FBI Anon first showed up on halfchan, like a lot of people, and we've learned and confirmed PLENTY.

1c23f9 (20) No.1337194


You don't understand the urge of people that have been following this for a long period of time starting to get itchy trigger fingers.

d82548 (12) No.1337195

File (hide): d21f339b69fd4cf⋯.jpg (13.21 KB, 360x288, 5:4, R1304N_STARCK.jpg) (h) (u)


Starck an interesting case of sly fuckery on the fast food tip, but relevance to /qresearch/ a bit of a stretch, yes?

Any sauce to connect with a crumb?


For example, in the Delano Hotel (1995) in the South Beach area of Miami Beach, Florida, each room has a metal apple holder affixed to the wall; the phrase “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is printed on the holder, promising a daily replenishment of apples.

7dcbaf (9) No.1337196>>1337224


This photo is taken from the screen another phone (swipe)

Thats why ithe image is so large

7c4bdf (1) No.1337197>>1337347


Earthquakes or blowing up tunnels?

31dbe5 (6) No.1337198>>1337243 >>1337274


NOW it starts with the election fraud info!!! Small drops will lead to tidal waves!!

Stories will get bigger and bigger which enables the sheep to be able to swallow and process…

For example, San Diego, other cities, to Alabama, to the last Presidential Election…

39185c (2) No.1337199>>1337212


Thank you and good morning!

0140ff (6) No.1337200>>1337217 >>1337379

looks flat >>1337178

daa8e6 (25) No.1337201>>1337264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


he is a communications genius at DUKE univ…ie lacrosse players fiasco and then was jeff sessions right hand man for 9 yrs before getting on with potus, speech writer, crowd warmer, senior campaign advisor, now a senior advisor right hand man to potus…has risen to stardom weathering all the storms…..i think he helped potus clear the cabinet of leaks…priebus, hicks, bannon etc…………he's a bulldog, dont let the hair fool ya

watch the last 2 mins at least

85929b (15) No.1337202>>1337228 >>1337252 >>1337268


Hmm, where's the curve?

fb95cf (2) No.1337203>>1337321


Hi Q. Is Trump going to be added to Mount Rushmore? - Newfag

e38d81 (15) No.1337204>>1337214 >>1337220 >>1337226 >>1337254


as soon as post 91 was added to graphic, Q said graphic confirmed, followed by cryptic message.

in reference to that message, Q later saidanalyze time stamps of my go message.

time stamps in his go message:

11/5/17 19:08:10



02:00 Z (which is 10EST - interesting, because Q stressed that all timestamps should be normalized to EST)

4a12a6 (13) No.1337205>>1337216


Bernie is comped asf fuck though your premise is solid. Socialism esta no bueno anon.

8bb520 (16) No.1337206>>1337286

File (hide): b22e8fb3c9c2b86⋯.png (491.13 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, dfsadfsdfe.png) (h) (u)


i did the same, and got less than 500 kb using paint…. what program are you using

c398a5 (1) No.1337207

>>1337107 Makes sense - any action without dependence upon God = self will! ALL can be boiled down to the worship of self or the worship of God!

1c23f9 (20) No.1337208>>1337211 >>1337222


"But it remained unclear at the time of recovery how much more of the explosives were still unaccounted for, ATF spokeswoman Charlene Hennessy told PennLive.com."

From your very own link.

ca1dd8 (3) No.1337209


We are the stone, but we have yet to discover what we have.

7740fd (8) No.1337210>>1337232 >>1337234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interesting Interview with John Macafee

Talks about Comey, FB, Bitcoin, Media, Trump (pro), Snowden, Privacy (lack of), CIA

Connects a lot of Dots Q related. Guy is woke and carries a piece. respect.

8bb520 (16) No.1337211


theres more updates than that, it was just a quick debunk of the anon saying that nothing was heard of from the missing explosives.

ffcc44 (14) No.1337212


yw & good morning

9be278 (2) No.1337213>>1337233 >>1337307


Hillary and Tony emails from DoS FOIA files. Hillary travel schedule from


e38d81 (15) No.1337214

File (hide): 384d78b007b3187⋯.jpg (74.56 KB, 472x665, 472:665, 101.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): dc26c8b576bbebe⋯.jpg (99.28 KB, 469x367, 469:367, 108.jpg) (h) (u)


got excited, didn't post corresponding caps.

0140ff (6) No.1337215

it would make more sense that the earth is a type of dodecahedron shape thingie.


d83041 (5) No.1337216

File (hide): d9ed8eb4a44a181⋯.jpg (375.82 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, NavySEALSjpg.jpg) (h) (u)

daa8e6 (25) No.1337217>>1337239


it is potus has said it was…in a (Q code style of speak)…very publicly

8e64dc (23) No.1337218

File (hide): 39c258099960b00⋯.gif (52.9 KB, 750x485, 150:97, gina.gif) (h) (u)


>Gina Haspel

97d3dd (5) No.1337219


Thats what I figured. Makes me wonder if we are going to neutralize Lebanon, or if its not really the country that needs to be addressed, but just the people who fund Hezbollah. Thanks Anon

25cdcc (25) No.1337220>>1337254


why don't we have a separate Spreadsheet to focus/filter by timestamps?

that would be very useful for digging like this

5bb552 (1) No.1337221


They were afraid of picking a man in the #metoo era.

They still have to prosecute weinstein.

31dbe5 (6) No.1337222


Look who is reporting it!!


The ATF was told, via pagers, to stay away from work on the day of Oklahoma City Bombing…wonder how that happened…

85929b (15) No.1337223>>1337347

File (hide): c7f3f555e742838⋯.png (240.45 KB, 580x481, 580:481, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Fucking half Jew is guilty as fuck pos

8e64dc (23) No.1337224>>1337238


I know this anon. Just debunking these cryptoshills. They are laughable.

4a12a6 (13) No.1337225>>1337244


Good work BO. Great fine line in general you draw with these assholes. Gonna screenshot this for future white supremacist smear that will inevitably come.

e7df0d (11) No.1337226>>1337266


Normalized to EST? He did?

af999d (4) No.1337227>>1337230 >>1337240

How many of you Anons post with these photos?


Just curious. A lot of good memes and interesting digs have this, so I always assumed it was just peoples personal cloud/folder and this was the default.


daa8e6 (25) No.1337228


save it……some people can't reason or think things thru……….ie IQ issues or just cant get out of there box

bbceab (2) No.1337229



The sample has been missing since 2003.

Just sayin'.

I don't think universities are /ourguys/

This shit's GOT to be collected and the EPA is a fuckin joke. EPA misses way too much shit. Especially money but also weapons-grade shit.

since 2003

Only now getting fined.

LOGIC. Let's use it!

8bb520 (16) No.1337230


anon, go to your search bar, type "snipping tool" and you will understand

7740fd (8) No.1337231>>1337362

File (hide): dcf28e89fee2852⋯.jpg (39.63 KB, 800x642, 400:321, fredo.jpg) (h) (u)


He looks like Fredo.

b5baf6 (8) No.1337232>>1337261


guy is nuts. but hey, I'll put it in the queue

8a51f3 (2) No.1337233>>1337282


It appears to me that Blair was in China, not Hellary.

9f083c (9) No.1337234>>1337261


The cabal was trying to take him down with that weird murder thing in C Rica I think.

Didnt follow it closely enough

93a434 (1) No.1337235


Area involved faces south towards equator headed most directly towards Antarctica. Bigger Tsunami problem for southern hemisphere

8c4607 (6) No.1337236


They are all over the place there

We even have a Russian Ilyushin north

of Georgia.

"… The Il-96-300PU(M1) [is] one of four "air force ones" of the first persons of Russia (President Putin and Prime minister Medvedev)…"


7dcbaf (9) No.1337238>>1337260


Good stuff. Post results when you can

0140ff (6) No.1337239>>1337278


its not round or flat its more complicated and science does not understand gravity or space time and perception AT ALL and have zero proof of any of it. ZERO (funny zero isn't even real either!)


25cdcc (25) No.1337240


does that when you copypaste the pic instead of selecting it. pretty normal, but annoying when saving files, especially when people make good memes but don't bother titling them

d82548 (12) No.1337241


Your post reminded me of this



670f95 (9) No.1337242>>1337270


The difference in size is because of the 4MB disk cluster size. 3620864/4096 = 884 clusters

492ac4 (10) No.1337243>>1337360

File (hide): 5c38fc79b04eae2⋯.png (87.37 KB, 228x255, 76:85, Pepe4.png) (h) (u)


Looks like OUR talking points today are --

-- Schneiderman as "insurance policy", his protection of NXIVM

-- Election fraud > Soros meddling

-- Iran deal announcement at 2:00

Curious to see how Dow Jones average responds today

cf8b13 (15) No.1337244>>1337336


Yes, a screenshot will surely convince the sort of people that throw accusations like that round of how wrong they are.

f7452b (3) No.1337245>>1337251 >>1337253


ffs…..still going at it here?

youtube ablaze with info coming out that Q was a cicada3301 creation and not real and was hijacked after it moved from halfchan by bakers and corsi who turned it into NeoQon.

It's over already. You're all like the Japanese soldiers on remote islands who never got word the war was over 10 years after it was over.

daa8e6 (25) No.1337246


could be the image was cut from an actual video thus the file size…image shows but the video is locked

0d64b8 (1) No.1337247>>1337255 >>1337256

File (hide): a2dacdcbb74d117⋯.jpg (197.85 KB, 800x708, 200:177, PopcornEnjoy3.jpg) (h) (u)

Oh anons.

This is such a great timeline.

We are SO privileged to have been chosen play a role in it.

Things are moving along just right.

Anon is very happy.

4a12a6 (13) No.1337248>>1337273 >>1337333 >>1337349


That is actually the only viable concernfag point imo. Could be a power swap from one corrupt unit to another. Has to be some trust somewhere though and I trust my gut. You don’t expose satanists and wipe them out in order to work for him later. They were winning, if a continuation of the same this wouldn’t be the way to go about it.

7740fd (8) No.1337249>>1337272




sorry these are awful. What point are you trying to make?

2dbfd3 (2) No.1337250


Can't wait! :)

25cdcc (25) No.1337251


>youtube ablaze

yer ferny

7720a2 (2) No.1337252


depends how high the plane is 10,000 feet you can see 122 miles, at 30,000 feet you can see 211 miles, and at 40,000 feet you can see 244 miles

cf8b13 (15) No.1337253>>1337378


They won't listen to you.

e7df0d (11) No.1337254>>1337283


I set up a timestamp search here




I don't know that everything needs to be normalized to EST. Everything just has to be normalized. It all depends on where/how you are getting the data. 8ch is Zulu/GMT in the JSON. The UI is localizing it for you. Same with Twitter.

8ac92c (1) No.1337255

File (hide): e228d5990f06e02⋯.jpg (140.83 KB, 1000x1192, 125:149, 1525100879913.jpg) (h) (u)

85929b (15) No.1337256

File (hide): 8e1e2ced82660bb⋯.jpg (38.8 KB, 457x320, 457:320, JusticeIsBeautiful.JPG) (h) (u)

05d75c (1) No.1337257


last i heard it was 'mostly' recovered. Like 50%

6d2c3a (6) No.1337258


What a paper tiger that guy ended up being. Here's a real Q quote:

https:// 8ch. net/qresearch/res/938239.html#938749

2dbfd3 (2) No.1337259>>1337316 >>1337338 >>1337339 >>1337340


‏ @BreakingNLive

13m13 minutes ago

BREAKING: Trump will pull United States out of Iran nuclear deal, according to European official. Official statement from the President at 2 PM Eastern.

5 replies 46 retweets 52 likes

8e64dc (23) No.1337260


I analysed the images using Stegsolve, it's open source anon. You can go through all the layers and check for hidden data. Anyone can do it.

7740fd (8) No.1337261>>1337267


NO sure I heard about that. Been a bit news silent lately.


Isn't that what (they) say about anons too?

7047b2 (5) No.1337263


You have more than you know

d8387e (4) No.1337264>>1337269


>i think he helped potus clear the cabinet of leaks…priebus, hicks, bannon etc


smh, are you honestly still confused about bannon? do you know ANYTHING about him?

97d3dd (5) No.1337265

File (hide): 354d10e7e8ccc96⋯.jpg (55.13 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 29u55o.jpg) (h) (u)

e38d81 (15) No.1337266>>1337288 >>1337299 >>1337343

File (hide): 11d9d3754c9e6a4⋯.jpg (308.84 KB, 1509x811, 1509:811, timezone-comment.jpg) (h) (u)



i was wrong.

normalized, but maybe i misinterpreted.

b5baf6 (8) No.1337267


dam I knew you'd say that…

daa8e6 (25) No.1337268>>1337276 >>1337277


did you take art in high school or college….study horizon and perspective….

0140ff (6) No.1337269>>1337300


i know he's an actor in the play and he and potus speak often

8bb520 (16) No.1337270>>1337309


ya anon, i was just tryna show how large the simple png's were taht Q posted

38ac9b (4) No.1337271>>1337296 >>1337379


The psyop is that it's a psyop. If you actually did diligent research like you said you did you'd notice all the conflicting information and disinformation everywhere in the truther community. It's the one thing They can not let go of. They have to shutdown and misdirect discussion at all costs because if too many people wake up to the truth it's game over for them. If you do the research and be honest with yourself you will never go back to believing the globe model. No one ever goes back after the veil has been lifted and they see the how far the deception really goes.

8e64dc (23) No.1337272


When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.

cf8b13 (15) No.1337273>>1337370


>You don’t expose satanists and wipe them out in order to work for him later.

Evil betrays evil all the time, that's what evil does.

4a12a6 (13) No.1337274>>1337360


This is becoming glorious! Oh man, we’re in the happening stage.

All of your outrage are belong to us!

0140ff (6) No.1337276>>1337383


uhhh thats for 2D

85929b (15) No.1337277>>1337383

File (hide): 23ea56547d82442⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 374x380, 187:190, AngryCat.JPG) (h) (u)


Um vanishing point.

Way ahead of you.

daa8e6 (25) No.1337278


right i was putting it in simple terms…….

3c0622 (15) No.1337279>>1337297



>>1336625 Trump Tweets About Call With Xi on the Day After Surprise KJU Visit to China


>>1336666 Anon Has a Feeling This Article on Cory Booker Will Be Important Later

>>1336706 WH Sources Say Iran Deal is Done, and Kerry is to Blame for Meddling

>>1336736 CIPE Dig

>>1336797 ; >>1336888 Judge Nap on FBN This Morning

>>1336957 Actor Tom Sizemore Accussed of Molesting 11 Year Old On Set

>>1336964 Weapons-grade plutonium vanishes from Idaho State, school fined



7740fd (8) No.1337280>>1337386


I thought he died last year.

af999d (4) No.1337281>>1337313 >>1337314

File (hide): b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, pepelooking.png) (h) (u)

9be278 (2) No.1337282>>1337330


You're right of course. I'll request delete. TY

25cdcc (25) No.1337283>>1337294 >>1337299 >>1337304


>I don't know that everything needs to be normalized to EST. Everything just has to be normalized.

but if we take, for example, this drop:

Apr 2 2018 20:57:40 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3feab4 873643


The timestamp is key.


The numbers are significant: in another timezone, it can't work.


risk of missing such connections when out of EST

6d2c3a (6) No.1337284



You know what happens to cockroaches when you shine a light on them? That's how disgusting these people are. What makes it so eerie for many is the #Trumpstadamus / #Donstradamus effect of the 2013 tweet.

I imagine that woke a lot more normies and lefty shills, too.

34d2ba (4) No.1337285>>1337328 >>1337344


It would be really interesting to use this to link together all Q statements. Future proves past, truth leads to more truth. Boolean logic to unlock the map.

f35686 (3) No.1337286

File (hide): 7ce404107ecc5bb⋯.png (21.41 KB, 718x501, 718:501, sbs.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 74fac8e3b8163e5⋯.png (5.97 KB, 308x227, 308:227, options.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fe0c3df4ef8fae5⋯.png (23.69 KB, 651x480, 217:160, Untitled.png) (h) (u)


Photoshop. Although that one I saved with no compression. Big difference if compressed.

I'm sure other settings make a difference too.

7047b2 (5) No.1337287


Be Anon

e7df0d (11) No.1337288>>1337299


You are right. Normalized. He was just saying that everything needs to be in the same timezone. Q with the laser pointer early on so we could learn comms.

9b0866 (2) No.1337289

File (hide): 732b2bd19e06847⋯.png (5.64 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_6383.PNG) (h) (u)


Even simpler

9ea687 (7) No.1337290>>1337312 >>1337345

Do you know Napolitano and his background?

I know people who do. Ain't pretty.

I mean really.

Would not quote him.

He may be one with a sealed indictment.

a8d7d9 (2) No.1337291>>1337295

On a lark I did some digging on the Trailblazer Project. Rather interesting.

Trailblazer Project

Seal of the U.S. National Security Agency.svg

National Security Agency surveillance

Boundless Informant data collection.svg

Map of global NSA data collection




Since 1978

Upstream collection BLARNEY FAIRVIEW Main Core ThinThread Genoa

Since 2001

OAKSTAR STORMBREW Trailblazer Turbulence Genoa II Total Information Awareness President's Surveillance Program Terrorist Surveillance Program

Since 2007

PRISM Dropmire Stateroom Bullrun MYSTIC MonsterMind (alleged)

Databases, tools etc.


GCHQ collaboration










v t e

Trailblazer was a United States National Security Agency (NSA) program intended to develop a capability to analyze data carried on communications networks like the Internet. It was intended to track entities using communication methods such as cell phones and e-mail.[1][2]

"…The complaint was accepted by the IG and an investigation began that lasted until mid-2005 when the final results were issued."

Note the above date, 2005.

"…The people who filed the IG complaint were later raided by armed Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents. While the Government threatened to prosecute all who signed the IG report, it ultimately chose to pursue an NSA Senior Executive Thomas Andrews Drake who helped with the report internally to NSA and who had spoken with a reporter about the project."

So…who was director of the FBI during 2005? Hmm, none other than our friend Mueller. What a coincidence.

"Trailblazer was chosen over a similar program named ThinThread, a less costly project which had been designed with built-in privacy protections for United States citizens.[3][4] Trailblazer was later linked to the NSA electronic surveillance program and the NSA warrantless surveillance controversy.[3]"

"In 2002 a consortium led by Science Applications International Corporation was chosen by the NSA to produce a technology demonstration platform in a contract worth $280 million. Project participants included Boeing, Computer Sciences Corporation, and Booz Allen Hamilton. The project was overseen by NSA Deputy Director William B. Black, Jr., an NSA worker who had gone to SAIC, and then been re-hired back to NSA by NSA director Michael Hayden in 2000.[6][7][8] SAIC had also hired a former NSA director to its management; Bobby Inman.[9] SAIC also participated in the concept definition phase of Trailblazer.[10][11]"

Booze Allen again, hmmm. More threads to follow:




745c78 (14) No.1337292


I will "loosen my belt" when you tighten your brain.

7740fd (8) No.1337293


Dead Jew walking

e38d81 (15) No.1337294


yes, this is my interpretation.

normalize graphics to the established pattern.

it was an instruction that the EST version of the timestamps were important.

a8d7d9 (2) No.1337295


Damn, sorry about the cut and pasting fuck up.

c95644 (3) No.1337296


Yes a psyop that half the world would have to be in on- nope you're a fucking useful idiot or an agent of Fuckery™ , t's cut & dried at this point Fucko. The prosecution rests, retard

d83041 (5) No.1337297>>1337301

File (hide): 38eb54430033cf1⋯.jpg (270.75 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, TYALLjpg.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3c222102f809bc2⋯.jpg (275.31 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, TYPOTUSJFKjpg.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1703a9070603623⋯.jpg (410.86 KB, 1200x806, 600:403, TYQ.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f5d8f105bc00a7f⋯.jpg (129.67 KB, 900x506, 450:253, SbatianGorkaSpeechJpg.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4fa0523fb2b52be⋯.jpg (175.5 KB, 1000x554, 500:277, End Korean War.jpg) (h) (u)


Bakers and anons saving the world.

6eb526 (5) No.1337298

File (hide): 4893766b604538f⋯.jpg (799.39 KB, 1307x1765, 1307:1765, BushBlairfakeandgay.jpg) (h) (u)

25cdcc (25) No.1337299>>1337322

d8387e (4) No.1337300


not just actor, main character, more MAGA than what you think potus is

85929b (15) No.1337301

File (hide): 0c97e79ce06c884⋯.jpg (38.44 KB, 339x439, 339:439, Mongo.JPG) (h) (u)


Mongo like

4a5c84 (2) No.1337302


Nice layout of reality.

This anon thinks your puzzle is correct.

bb4c0d (2) No.1337303>>1337315 >>1337358

CNN reporting Trump will stay in the Iran deal

e7df0d (11) No.1337304>>1337350


Yeah but what I'm saying is that the data below the UI is in Zulu. Change the timezone on YOUR computer and see what happens here.

Q only needs things to be in the SAME timezone, not a specific one. I stuck with Zulu because that's what 8ch/twitter is.

2d1922 (2) No.1337307


Files deleted by your request.

d82548 (12) No.1337308

File (hide): 5e3d2ba48c652f6⋯.png (116.73 KB, 704x390, 352:195, planet = wandering star.png) (h) (u)



How many times does an angel fall?

How many people lie instead of talking tall?

He trod on sacred ground, he cried loud into the crowd

670f95 (9) No.1337309>>1337324 >>1337351


I've run a test over all the pics and found no hidden space, but it wouldn't detect alteration of the lower order picture pixels where any data might be hidden.

88af89 (1) No.1337310


I think the image names of the graphics Q drops are some sort of encryption key, and once we string them together (or perhaps backward for a mirror), we'll be able to unlock 40,000ft info.

Not a techfag, so I have no idea how to go about doing it, but a lot of the images Q dropped are named in the following format: XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXX

It's an 8, 4, 4, 4, 12 configuration. It's also possible they're hiding files in the images, and we use the image name to unlock the data that is hidden in the image. And then if we string it all together, we might get a map or something.

Some of the images in the drops are named normal words, and others are like this, so there has to be some sort of significance.

And Q literally has said "graphic is the key". I think it was meant to be taken literally.

db5095 (24) No.1337311


screen cap and post as pic?

9f083c (9) No.1337312>>1337327


Obscurefagging again. Sauce of fuck off.

641df3 (3) No.1337313



Kek! There he is !

af999d (4) No.1337314

File (hide): 3c8de6a02030b97⋯.jpg (27.51 KB, 620x470, 62:47, starwars1.jpg) (h) (u)


Did you guys notice?


Q post in history Silence = 3 days

Last 3 days = Q Silence

f2ee9a (4) No.1337315>>1337332


I think they got their facts wrong

8c4607 (6) No.1337316


So it begins…..

Maybe that's why all those heavy load carrier jets from several different nations were setting

up there en masse about an hour ago… according to the jet tracker map.

79c106 (1) No.1337318


I go to the Canary Islands every year for my holidays, every year without fail the press run this type of scare story.

db5095 (24) No.1337321


Kek-zactly. ;)

e38d81 (15) No.1337322>>1337343 >>1337359


i think we agree, or at least understand each other.


when Q says normalize for consistency, and then posts a timestamp in Z time.

what do you think that means?

7740fd (8) No.1337323

File (hide): 4ac9cff2e59419a⋯.jpg (32.95 KB, 474x355, 474:355, archie FE - Copy.jpg) (h) (u)


Fuck off FE shill

8bb520 (16) No.1337324>>1337367 >>1337371


hmm maybe it is debunked then, cause the stegsolve anon said he ran through them and got nothing. and stegsolve runs hella filters and color variations to find hidden pixel shit. dam

bd44c3 (3) No.1337325


Right now it seems that the elite have been breeding girls to be sex slaves within the system. In other words, some of their children are raised specifically to be sex toys for pedophiles. NXIVM was likely an attempt to organize the sex slaves on a systematic basis so that the families did not have to juggle that work themselves.

Remember that the cabal was building society as a machine that was totally planned and controlled in all its aspects. Things like NXIVM were components of this machine.

Also the elite are incestuous because it helps them to maintain control over the top tier of the pyramid. This makes members of their bloodlines even less important as individuals and more important according to their roles. They also foster out their children so the parents of record are not necessarily the real parents of the children. I think that the sex slaves have been specifically bred for this role in the sense of breeding livestock, i.e. selecting certain qualities such as pretty face, slim figure, big smile, blond hair, right size breasts and so on. I think Allison Mack is one of the products of this breeding program. So was Mariah Sunshine Coogan and Maggie Nixon and many others.

9ea687 (7) No.1337327>>1337334


You know nothing about him. Otherwise you would not respond like you did. Plenty of people do, but they keep it quiet. Check out his home from GE. Sussex County, NJ

8e64dc (23) No.1337328


I like your thinking anon ;)

b5baf6 (8) No.1337329

"Men have forgotten God"

Regarding atheism, Solzhenitsyn declared:

Over a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: "Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened." Since then I have spent well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: "Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened."[78]


8a51f3 (2) No.1337330>>1337337


Hey don't worry Anon. Too much research makes one have a mistake here and there!

433b76 (1) No.1337331


Fake…… and fuck you shill faggot for posting it

bb4c0d (2) No.1337332>>1337338



db5095 (24) No.1337333


Yeah, but anons?? Not bloody likely → elites. As for Trump and Q, we have to trust the plan.

9f083c (9) No.1337334>>1337342


This is where you drop info fag, not shill and send people on wild goose chases.

Know something? Spill it or fuck off.

4a12a6 (13) No.1337336


For he who has eyes faggot, not the 4-6% or the media.

af999d (4) No.1337337


in the end it doesn't matter

what we do here is more then jut research

and shitpost

both are equally as good, dont you notice?

its not just you, the search algos and the topics of discussion, ads you name it, remember?

fb and all are listening, what are people talking about? the more they are informed

type hillary or soros or any of the degenerates invovled in the dark nest of horror




f2ee9a (4) No.1337338


According to other sauces (Hollandaise-sauce in particular)


8c4607 (6) No.1337339


Do you have a link to that?

From what I have read, CNN is reporting that

Trump is going to approve new sanctions on

Iran as a first step in exiting the deal.


bd44c3 (3) No.1337340


I expect that Trump will extend the deal.

However since Iran violated the terms, Trump will impose severe sanctions that will have to be also implemented by all NATO member countries. This will trump the EU insistence to keep the deal and have business as usual.

By staying in the deal and invoking sanctions within the framework, Trump will force the hands of the EU.

89883e (1) No.1337341

The Pavuk application shows the timestamps all normalized to your present timezone. It consumes the UTC data from the JSON endpoint and stores internally as the Unix epoch value.

9ea687 (7) No.1337342


Ok, he has a lot of young men there. House is heavy secure. Moat. Weird tales for almost 2 decades about this place. Can't be fake. Too long in the tooth on his fegala behavior. Many locals know. Done.

25cdcc (25) No.1337343>>1337353


>i think we agree, or at least understand each other.



>then posts a timestamp in Z time.

hmm, where? example you posted earlier showed a cap by an anon, not from Q

( >>1337266 )

anon had used diff. timezones, Q was pointing out not to do that

8e64dc (23) No.1337344>>1337354


Just thought, 4D chess would require LOGIC to be used to figure out all possible opposing moves!

b5baf6 (8) No.1337345>>1337366


not Judge Nap.

what's he done?

1a51eb (1) No.1337346


Try: Matlock

That was one of Q’s passwords for his first trip that got hacked but he wanted it known for us later

78960d (1) No.1337347


You know you stood by him with muh patriotism when he shot Trayvon. Don't play yourself, faggot.


There was an earthquake in Cabazon, my neck of the woods. Felt more like a tunnel getting rekt.

6eb526 (5) No.1337348



d8387e (4) No.1337349>>1337388


yes, sadly no way to tell yet.

1. good unit taking out a bad unit

2. bad unit taking out a different bad unit

things would look the same in either scenario.

we won't be able to tell until people see clear effects in their own lives

25cdcc (25) No.1337350


>Q only needs things to be in the SAME timezone, not a specific one.

Not always true, see drop 985 (https://qanon.pub/), about Beverly Eckert.

That one needed to be in EST to work, so possibly more like it

670f95 (9) No.1337351>>1337363 >>1337380


Not necessarily, just need to find a password to unlock. Q hasn't said no steg when asked, although maybe looking for nothing would also give Snow White a headache as well.

338caf (2) No.1337352>>1337364 >>1337375

File (hide): 9c5f5327d29d0f8⋯.jpg (67.21 KB, 632x733, 632:733, 1525791342515.jpg) (h) (u)

e38d81 (15) No.1337353

File (hide): 384d78b007b3187⋯.jpg (74.56 KB, 472x665, 472:665, 101.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): dc26c8b576bbebe⋯.jpg (99.28 KB, 469x367, 469:367, 108.jpg) (h) (u)


108-Q : analyze timestampS (emphasis mine) of my go message

101-Q : timestamp1 - EST / timestamp2 - no zone given / timestamp3 no zone given / timestamp4 - Z

f2ee9a (4) No.1337354


That's a top level deduction right there !

3c0622 (15) No.1337355>>1337361






ef84b6 (2) No.1337356

https:// www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-protecting-american-taxpayer-dollars/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=wh

Spending cuts

8c4607 (6) No.1337358


Do you have a link to that?

From what I have read, CNN is reporting that

Trump is going to approve new sanctions on

Iran as a first step in exiting the deal.


e7df0d (11) No.1337359


You talkin ta me?

I think it's telling us the timestamps are important and than in order to interpret them correctly, everything should be in a single timezone. If anon wants to do everything in EST. GREAT! Doit. But then you have to account to DST/conversions in and out and when you do them.

I jacked with timestamps for a while to make sure. The easiest way to look at them is in Zulu.

d82548 (12) No.1337360


>All of your outrage are belong to us!

Kek, Magic 8 Ball says there's a viral meme in that slogan.


>-- Schneiderman as "insurance policy", his protection of NXIVM

Yes, Key Link to be hit with the Hammer. Might it be wise for the Scout Battalion to start digging on a possible er, probable link from N14M to NY Guv Dandy Andy?

b5baf6 (8) No.1337361


thanks baker

daa8e6 (25) No.1337362

File (hide): b858ccb0e8aa486⋯.jpg (132.74 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DGQKZWXVYAAd2SC.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3649e30ac2ef24e⋯.jpg (5.77 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5d3a4cc9fe7b024⋯.jpg (462.87 KB, 1074x1500, 179:250, 91J7qaG-5ZL._SL1500_.jpg) (h) (u)

55656a (1) No.1337363


what kind of password? length? makeup?

7740fd (8) No.1337364


Thats a good meme

ffcc44 (14) No.1337365

File (hide): 0d889e5dc981571⋯.png (37.87 KB, 617x269, 617:269, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

POTUS knew about Iran, NK & Pakistan's nuclear weapons years before the election!

9ea687 (7) No.1337366>>1337376


He is probably Cabal, because his life is full of filth for a very long time. He screws with POTUS on stupid shit too. He has a lot of gay secrets. Many secrets.

db5095 (24) No.1337367


Maybe need secret-level government program to decode, and it's not for us.

21968d (1) No.1337368>>1337391

Can we speed things up so McCain doesn't die before we get to hang him for Treason…

641df3 (3) No.1337369>>1337374

File (hide): fd028b8e19db11b⋯.png (223.31 KB, 720x1215, 16:27, 20180508_162339.png) (h) (u)

Subpoena's are SO inconvient

4a12a6 (13) No.1337370>>1337380


But evil doesn’t destroy their own means of cover and methods of maintaining such. The end result of this will be MUCH LESS trust in the people in power, a bad solution for people looking to hide their evil actions. Also goes against their whole “throw it in their faces” methodology they’ve employed.

While it is our job to stay watchful, and we should never falter on this, I think we are in the beautiful big hands of POTUS at the moment and in GREAT shape.

670f95 (9) No.1337371


>sorry wrong target

Not necessarily, just need to find a password to unlock. Q hasn't said no steg when asked, although maybe looking for nothing would also give Snow White a headache as well.

0af38d (1) No.1337373


Holder would like to remove 'gun running' from the list of crimes requiring a prison sentence.

641df3 (3) No.1337374



d8387e (4) No.1337375


group photo, ministry of propaganda

b5baf6 (8) No.1337376


he has been spewing shit lately, so I wouldn't be surprised

6d2c3a (6) No.1337377

File (hide): cbc9948538b0ddc⋯.png (54.58 KB, 582x941, 582:941, Image File Names 1 of 2.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): facc3b4de7cb2ad⋯.png (21.55 KB, 365x515, 73:103, Image File Names 2 of 2.PNG) (h) (u)





Here's something from a few threads ago. The file names in order, not truncated, from Q.

Notables >>1285727

Here's a non-truncated list -- pastebin (all images) at pastebin.com/8BYKCuLW

















































































f7452b (3) No.1337378>>1337390


frightening how people are hoodwinked and refuse to believe facts when presented. they WANT to believe the fairy tale.

now we know how Goebbels was able to hoodwink an entire nation.

it's easy to see how media manipulates people who want to believe lies.

8d7284 (5) No.1337379


Thanks for outing yourself turd. Boo hoo to you, Maggot.


Does it bother you when you collect your sheckels that you've sold your soul. Try harder just retarded… lol


Dumb shit. Don't come back.


Except for shills, they should always drink bleach and the KYS thing…lol… kidding.


Cock muncher.


Maggot. Your times coming too


4a12a6 (13) No.1337380>>1337388


Outlined my response below. I think we’re in good shape on this. Been watching with this in mind the whole time. It will be hard to hide the kind of evil we’ve seen after the public is made aware.


6d2c3a (6) No.1337382



8ch forums aren't outside.

Q's new approach is simple:

He'll drop over there, and keep the board/threads orderly from here on out. We have everything we need here. We're in Phase 3, unannounced.

daa8e6 (25) No.1337383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f7452b (3) No.1337385

please people…start using your heads. cicada3301 people now admitting Q was a puzzle….NOT REAL.

daa8e6 (25) No.1337386


ya me 2

4a12a6 (13) No.1337388


Damnit linked wrong crumb.


f2ee9a (4) No.1337390


"Looking at ones cards is crotch for players who rely on skill" - Bender at a poker tournament.

492ac4 (10) No.1337391


IIRC, if No Name is still alive on June 1, no special election will be necessary

Am fuzzy on this so please correct if this is unclear or wrong

338caf (2) No.1337392


i love don jr kek

8618fa (1) No.1337393

File (hide): 60cb65150c99adf⋯.png (114.64 KB, 407x633, 407:633, cohn.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 43b5e711e5cc897⋯.png (99.78 KB, 385x699, 385:699, pawn_cruz.png) (h) (u)

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