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File: b583bfbcb1d9f49⋯.png (45.91 KB, 250x140, 25:14, standard_banner.png)

10a097  No.12635430[Last 50 Posts]

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We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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10a097  No.12635443

Global Announcements

Reminder: Stay out of ALL STATE CAPITOLS on January 20, 2021. There are no "armed protests" being planned by Patriots

>>12537546 , >>12537580 , >>12537612 , >>12537672 Backup of the 11 transcripts released today by Graham on Russiagate / Obamagate

>>12495002 Using TOR/Onion with Brave Browser instructions

Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/


>>12596347 NOTICE qanon.pub maintainer here. qntmpkts.keybase.pub will no longer serve Q posts.

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>12634920, >>12634983 PF Report

>>12634950 Over 18,000 Pentagon Contractors Remain in Afghanistan Despite Troop Reduction

>>12635394 #16132


>>12634047 antifa.com is redirecting to whitehouse.gov

>>12634059 Biden’s Secretary of Defense Nominee Says if Confirmed He will “Rid Our Ranks of Racists and Extremists”

>>12634148 Keep yer friends CLOSE… And yer 'HANDLERS' CLOSER!

>>12634307 The New Domestic War on Terror is Coming

>>12634348 Governor Abbott Declares Texas a ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’

>>12634360 Trump Pardons Israeli Handler Of Jonathan Pollard, A Traitor To America Who Spied For Israel

>>12634412 #NotMyPresident trending on Twitter

>>12634473 The Deep State’s Stealthy, Subversive, Silent Coup to Ensure Nothing Changes

>>12634532 China Sanctions Trump Administration Officials

>>12634585 #16131


>>12633291 UK PM Johnson says he 'doesn't know' how many arrest records accidentally deleted in 'outrageous' wipe of police database

>>12633387 Rashida Tlaib and the 'Squad' lead charge against expanding national security powers after Capitol riot

>>12633420 Chinese celebrate departure of President Trump

>>12633450 ‘This is What 80 Million Votes Looks Like’: Biden Inauguration EMPTY

>>12633671 , >>12633486 PF Report

>>12633682 Antifa Plans ‘Targeted Destruction’ and ‘Direct Action’ on Inauguration Day

>>12633782 #16130

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10a097  No.12635456


>>12632604 CHINA IN CHARGE: The Chinese Communists are Gloating: “Good Riddance Donald Trump”

>>12632645 A Florida congresswoman is proposing legislation that would require individuals to report if they were members of Q Research, attended the Capitol Hill rally, or other ‘Stop the Steal’ events

>>12632703 Fake POTUS Issues Barrage Of 17 Executive Actions On Border, Climate, Immigration & "100 Day Masking Challenge"

>>12632890 Just 32k watching the Joe Biden YT channel. But 81MM votes right?

>>12632893 Narrative building - China Barricades Beijing, Locks Down Another 1.7MM As Mutant COVID Invades

>>12632931 Trump Revokes His Own Lobbying Ban For Former Officials

>>12633053 #16129


>>12631852 PF Report


>>12632278 #16128

Previously Collected Notables

>>12630845 #16126, >>12631504 #16127

>>12628532 #16123, >>12629320 #16124, >>12630131 #16125

>>12626246 #16120, >>12627046 #16121, >>12627747 #16122

>>12623907 #16117, >>12624658 #16118, #16119 >>12627211

>>12621536 #16114, >>12622268 #16115, >>12623091 #16116

>>12619173 #16111, >>12619979 #16112, >>12620746 #16113

>>12616913 #16108, >>12617647 #16109, >>12618495 #16110

>>12614712 #16105, >>12615389 #16106, >>12616159 #16107

>>12611680 #16102, >>12616286 #16103, >>12613779 #16104

>>12611693 #16099, >>12611899 #16100, >>12614285 #16101

>>12607353 #16096, >>12608132 #16097, >>12608931 #16098

>>12604968 #16093, >>12605762 #16094, >>12606596 #16095

>>12602706 #16090, >>12603434 #16091, >>12604201 #16092

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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10a097  No.12635460

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9901078 ————————————–——– Questions & Practice Thread

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

>>>/qrb/13005 ————————————–——– Planefagging 101 Q&A

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>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #2

>>12145439 ————————————–——– Germany #74

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>12219245 ————————————–——– Japan #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>12173250 ————————————–——– Nordic #2

>>12228207 ————————————–——– Portugal #1

>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>12443793 ————————————–——– UK #29

>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

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>>11716920 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>11728868 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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10a097  No.12635467

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10a097  No.12635477

>>12635430 OP



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55ade2  No.12635504

File: 88ad0fd3ec1967d⋯.png (86.49 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 4u438j.png)

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000000  No.12635528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They won't refute it, they'll just try to distract you from it.

It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Edomite Canaanites Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today / They control China


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today / They control China


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today / They control China

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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e2a6f6  No.12635529

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, _The_Protocols_of_the_Lern….png)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, protocols.png)

File: e755e6461f967e3⋯.png (487.08 KB, 746x596, 373:298, Protocols1.png)

File: ee54579eaf80143⋯.jpg (242.16 KB, 1065x595, 213:119, protocols3.jpg)

File: cb544c4c4adf936⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 1137x590, 1137:590, protocols5.jpg)

They won't refute it, they'll just try to distract you from it.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary



















The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

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000000  No.12635540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They won't refute it, they'll just try to distract you from it.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


ADL Calls for Trump's Impeachment After Capitol Violence


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208bf8  No.12635543

If Q was a psyop, he'd be here right now encouraging us to be rioting

just saying

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e2a6f6  No.12635560

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, _.jpg)

File: 5384ac0197f318f⋯.png (291.46 KB, 1584x765, 176:85, _.png)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, _.jpg)

File: 7ddd9e7418fd0aa⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1919x1079, 1919:1079, _molcock.png)

They won't refute it, they'll just try to distract you from it.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary



















The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

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000000  No.12635564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is a name or term that appears several times in the Hebrew Bible, primarily in the book of Leviticus. The Bible strongly condemns practices associated with Moloch, which appear to have included child sacrifice. Traditionally, Moloch has been understood as referring to a Canaanite god. However, since 1935 scholars have debated whether the term instead refers to a type of sacrifice on the basis of a similar term used to mean "sacrifice" in the Punic language. This second position has grown increasingly popular but remains contested. Since the medieval period, Moloch has often been portrayed as a bull-headed idol with outstretched hands over a fire; this depiction takes the brief mentions of Moloch in the Bible and combines it with various sources, including ancient accounts of Carthaginian child sacrifice and the legend of the Minotaur. Moloch has been used figuratively to refer to a person or thing demanding or requiring a very costly sacrifice.

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982cf1  No.12635565

General John E. Hyten on Telegram… "NOW, we begin THE PLAN." "Who was born on Feb 6, 1911?" "Important date." "We begin THE PLAN: Part 1." "Patriots will answer The Call.". Hold the line and push forward. Blessing to Anon Warriors!!!!

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c7a559  No.12635577

File: 8afd2f52bed1fa9⋯.mp4 (7.52 MB, 640x360, 16:9, DW0bjouoOzhSWtw_.mp4)

Arrest these Bastards

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d55459  No.12635579

File: dfcb23151ceba7d⋯.jpg (41.25 KB, 700x337, 700:337, fraud_e1549361928125_790x3….jpg)


What is the significance of left and right in the Bible?

by Matt Slick | Aug 15, 2015 | Questions, The Bible

Something as simple as left and right in the Bible may not seem to be significant. However, you might be surprised to learn that studying how God uses individual words, can be beneficial. In this case, the word “left” and the word “right” have many different usages. Sometimes the words can mean position, a direction, etc. The word “left” can mean that which remains (Genesis 7:23; Exodus 34:25; Psalm 106:11), a direction (Genesis 13:9), to leave something with someone (Genesis 39:6), the side of a person (Leviticus 14:16; Song of Solomon 2:6), a representation (Isaiah 1:8), to leave (Matthew 2:12), etc. Likewise, “right” can mean that which is correct (Genesis 24:48; Mark 5:15), the side of a person (Genesis 48:13; Psalm 16:8), authority (Psalm 50:16; John 1:12), that which is proper (Matthew 20:4), etc.

But besides these, there are symbolic uses of left and right. For example, on the day of judgment, those who are condemned to run the left of Christ and those who are saved are on his right (Matthew 25:33). Please consider the following categories designated by left and right.

The blessing of laying the right hand was greater than the left hand.

Gen. 48:17-19, “When Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand on Ephraim’s head, it displeased him; and he grasped his father’s hand to remove it from Ephraim’s head to Manasseh’s head. 18 Joseph said to his father, “Not so, my father, for this one is the firstborn. Place your right hand on his head.” 19 But his father refused and said, “I know, my son, I know; he also will become a people and he also will be great. However, his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his descendants shall become a multitude of nations.”

Judgment for those on the left of Christ, salvation is on his right.

Matthew 25:33, 41, “and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left. 41 Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels.”

Wisdom is to the right; foolishness is to the left

Ecclesiastes 10:2, “A wise man’s heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man’s heart directs him toward the left.”

Ordination of Aaron and sons as priests were on the right ear, thumb of the right hand, and big toe on the right foot

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67eaf4  No.12635582

File: 5b8d198ad228a7e⋯.png (367.42 KB, 750x1003, 750:1003, ClipboardImage.png)


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e2a6f6  No.12635583

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB, 603x960, 201:320, 718df6af0efef52b3c77e4f662….png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, 836965582abd4221ac7a525055….jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, adl_jidf1.png)

File: 6ecef38d684f64d⋯.png (214.19 KB, 1238x554, 619:277, adl_jidf2.png)

They spend quite a bit of time trying to convince you they are just a normal anon and that anyone posting truth about jews are the jews

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

It’s not the Jews™

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that SPLIT THE BREADS to get away from the truth about jews, never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

It’s not the Jews™

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "Qanon / There is no Qanon" back and forth, "selfkill" "Muhjoo is a jew", "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

"Finkelfag" isn't one of them.

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39bf26  No.12635584



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000000  No.12635587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They spend quite a bit of time trying to convince you they are just a normal anon and that anyone posting truth about jews are the jews

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

It’s not the Jews™

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that SPLIT THE BREADS to get away from the truth about jews, never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

It’s not the Jews™

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "Qanon / There is no Qanon" back and forth, "selfkill" "Muhjoo is a jew", "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

"Finkelfag" isn't one of them.

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eb3840  No.12635594

File: 3817f4521705bb4⋯.png (12.84 MB, 2243x3871, 2243:3871, ClipboardImage.png)


Earning your keep today Baker, thanks

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9bac7d  No.12635595

Think about it logically. Q said that disinfo is necessary.

Now ask: Why is 8kun still here?

They knocked 8chan offline in 2019, and it took months to replace it.

Since the election they have deflatformed anyone and everything that they deem a threat.

But not 8kun. Presumably this was because they couldn't do it.

Now we are more than an hour into "the Biden administration" and the site is still up.

Every minute the site is here is additional evidence that they cannot take it down.

(But who knows how long that will last?)

So we must presume that The Plan placed enough confidence in the security of the site to allow Biden to take office.

And then the question is: WHY would Biden be allowed to take office?

Think this out. POTUS could have struck against the criminals at any time.

But to dismantle their network completely would require great force, and this would be spun by the fake news media as illegitimate.

The upshot is that the optimal Plan would not have the Storm initiated by the use of force.

It would instead initiate the Storm via Information Warfare waged by anons against the fake news media.

The fake news media must be DESTROYED before any effective use of force can be deemed credible.

It doesn't matter if you deem it impossible. If you haven't figured out that it is all "impossible" then pay more attention.

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ccf3d7  No.12635597

We finally alone in here?

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a9367d  No.12635599

Keep the faith anons!!….


You lure them into a trap(DC). It’s not over untill they leave DC

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b24f1a  No.12635600

File: 848e8ce47863aa1⋯.png (274.24 KB, 348x440, 87:110, ClipboardImage.png)




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21645a  No.12635601

File: abf888d3395160a⋯.png (88.56 KB, 738x760, 369:380, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c9a786f8ef5114⋯.png (77.82 KB, 748x719, 748:719, ClipboardImage.png)


All the Jews Joe Biden has tapped for top roles in his administration

> Here’s a rundown of the Jewish names you should know as the Biden administration begins.

Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State

Blinken, a longtime Biden advisor with an extensive diplomacy resume, is the stepson of a Holocaust survivor whose stories shaped his worldview and subsequently his policy decisions, including in the Middle East. He holds mainstream Democratic views about Israel and said during his confirmation hearing Tuesday that he wants the U.S. to reenter the Iran nuclear deal — and that he would consult with Israel on Iran policy.

David Cohen, CIA Deputy Director

Cohen, who has long been involved in Jewish causes and issues, will occupy the job he held under President Barack Obama. He does not require confirmation, meaning that Biden’s CIA has a top expert in Iran issues from Day One.

Merrick Garland, Attorney General

Garland was blocked from joining the Supreme Court in the last year of the Obama administration. Now, he’ll require Senate confirmation to become the country’s top lawyer. In his speech after being nominated, he credited his grandparents, who fled anti-Semitism in Europe before coming to the US.

Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence

Haines was deputy director of the CIA under Obama and Biden reportedly considered her to run that agency. Her mother was the Jewish painter Adrian Rappin (originally Rappaport), and her non-Jewish father once wrote in an account about a trip with Haines to Israel that the nominee identifies as Jewish.

Ronald Klain, Chief of Staff

Klain, a longtime Biden who was the president-elect’s first major appointment in November, was previously chief of staff to Biden in his vice president days and to Vice President Al Gore. He has maintained ties with his childhood synagogue in Indianapolis, where he famously learned multiple Torah portions for his bar mitzvah, and has spoken about his commitment to raising Jewish children.


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651a39  No.12635602

File: 219b868bc5dfef1⋯.jpg (65.95 KB, 600x878, 300:439, boomboom.jpg)

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cb0686  No.12635603


You are lucky. I have gone to the hospital four times being manic. No one even thinks I am sane now.

My wife has told me to my face she thinks I am a simple minded moron for falling for the Q stuff.

Q is giving us nothing to work with. We have nothing to help us. Nothing but suffering.

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1f7e2a  No.12635604

Biden reading those eos for the first time


Fuck this.

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96511e  No.12635605


I had another involuntary psych stay in a hospital, where i fucking contracted covid lmao

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96db3a  No.12635606

File: ee1aa4fc462a0f4⋯.jpg (45.68 KB, 384x498, 64:83, 20b2e86e72eb0f63dceeff54f5….jpg)

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715cea  No.12635607


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4a10fa  No.12635608


Thanks Bakes.

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2313e6  No.12635609

File: 29f5edbfff8ce31⋯.jpg (838.9 KB, 2160x1080, 2:1, Screenshot_20210120_103147.jpg)

This rotunda looks kinda like the Q clock.

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e96577  No.12635610

DC is surrounded by a steel wall and 20,000 NG

That foreign owned and controlled patch of dirt just inaugurated their next CEO

But Trump just quarantined DC from the Republic

How they gonna feel when they learn they have no comms beyond that steel fence?

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12920c  No.12635611

Finally we have a alpha male who knows how to run the country. Now we can get some real work done.

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e2940a  No.12635612

File: 1e56ec7dc38d7f5⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 1036x562, 518:281, jpg_38_.jpg)

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d07fca  No.12635613

File: 83d9f5b1cc46703⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1139x663, 67:39, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d586aa2a087f4e8⋯.png (36.47 KB, 601x287, 601:287, ClipboardImage.png)

There is no time to waste when it comes to tackling the crises we face. That's why today, I am heading to the Oval Office to get right to work delivering bold action and immediate relief for American families.

12:36 PM · Jan 20, 2021·Twitter Web App


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f6e42c  No.12635614





Post Obama/Biden material, reference a date, if you can. tag with #ObamaDate


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c1c1ad  No.12635615

>>12635502 lb

2017, you mean…

If that is true, and you are MOST probably right, there is no inauguration date of jan 20 anymore.

US has already been freed.

That's why the sayanim clowns are going nuts here.

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dbc790  No.12635616

By day's end we will need legit comms, signals or an actual Q post.

If not we have to start Plan Z. This isn't bullshit.

If we've been worked or been had, we gotta roll.

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e870de  No.12635617



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fc8ea9  No.12635618

File: b35393404aa6fb2⋯.gif (21.2 KB, 220x217, 220:217, sad.gif)

All of these soldiers can one just stab him with his gun please? And Kamalla after that

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21645a  No.12635619

File: 8e426bf7bbc59a9⋯.png (637.41 KB, 703x402, 703:402, ClipboardImage.png)

Nice phoenix rising

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f88a41  No.12635620

File: b59d4e710431562⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….jpg)

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d55459  No.12635621


Which hand do you place on the Bible when sworn in?

User Avatar

Asked by Wiki User

Top Answer

User Avatar

Wiki User

Answered January 04, 2009 3:35PM

The left hand is placed on The Bible and the right hand is raised.

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e2aa67  No.12635622

File: 123a7e6e8840738⋯.jpeg (232.75 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 9D7D9804_90E2_40D9_BC24_5….jpeg)

So since it’s clear now that Q was a larp.. Who’s ready to go to the concentration camps?

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f88a41  No.12635623

File: 722f7d2520c68db⋯.jpg (38.32 KB, 667x361, 667:361, cuomocriminal.jpg)

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c786ed  No.12635624


I assume your better now.

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b9930f  No.12635625

File: 9bb9c8efccff801⋯.jpeg (31.64 KB, 255x236, 255:236, 2D09A6CE_DECE_4312_B604_0….jpeg)

I’m still comfy!

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87062c  No.12635626


Why? The CCP won.

Rioting now is bad for them.

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5ec1dc  No.12635627

File: e548dd4ad85a8e1⋯.jpg (539.46 KB, 719x2749, 719:2749, antifa_WHOIS.jpg)

>>12634047 antifa.com is redirecting to whitehouse.gov (pb/notables)

the domain was updated yesterday according to whois

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b95cae  No.12635628

File: 0cc3d4c7f20b1f6⋯.png (711.6 KB, 800x500, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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cba03e  No.12635629



Arent we all

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35c8a2  No.12635631

SO know that we live in a lawless society what are we gonna do? I personally have always wanted to be a low level underling. I am not paying taxes to a system that does not represent me. WE literally are taxed with out representation. I am also never going to wear a mask again ever. FUCK MASKS, I will not comply with ANYTHING. Good luck folks. Hope you dont end up in my neighborhood

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b308b4  No.12635632


Board is controlled by DS

Always has been,

The Albatross sinks.

New Q is a traitor.

No more back door comms.

Pray for Q+ and family. DEFEND YOUR OWN.

Every man for himself.

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39bf26  No.12635633

AF1 plane is either coming back to DC or heading to somewhere “abroad”.

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e2a6f6  No.12635634

File: dcdd4c3de2bf24c⋯.png (323.64 KB, 602x725, 602:725, bidensjewsquad.png)

File: 417d53694e8d916⋯.png (371.71 KB, 960x846, 160:141, bidensjewsquad2.png)

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cbd931  No.12635635

>>12635138 lb

We'll see or will the world fall back into its slumber. Remember to the average Joe it's all about optics. Not seeing any booms today will have a lot of people rethinking this whole Q and WWG1WGA thing. I've been awake for decades now waiting and looks like I probably won't see the change in my remaining lifetime.

I use to be fairly quiet about things but for the past 3 years I've been trying to wake up those around me. After today, I look just like a nut to them now and ready to be committed.

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7eefbb  No.12635636

File: 8cc734790c934f3⋯.jpg (204.21 KB, 1242x1247, 1242:1247, 1611101089478.jpg)

>>12635386 (lb)

My red line was today at 12:00pm EST.

Now I'm just here to watch it all burn.

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f91b74  No.12635637




– Nothing is random.

Everything has meaning.

Q –

====> meaning you are a lying manipulator piece of shit <======

Fok you q.


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a2ea7a  No.12635638

File: c5ac0795f71099d⋯.jpg (512.62 KB, 1059x2142, 353:714, ea.jpg)

did anyone else get an Emergency Alert Test alert on their phone at exactly noon today???

I got this, don't know if it's nothing, don't know if anyone else got it, or maybe it's just a local thing or something???

Repost because absolutely no one said anything the 1st time, then I accidentally posted after bread ended, and I'm freaking out a bit admittedly.

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8ca786  No.12635639

where's the gore?

where's the porn?

I guess they know they won and their job is done.

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49a446  No.12635640

File: bcd5a53fb59d3b7⋯.png (53.74 KB, 214x336, 107:168, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12635415 LB

literally in your face

right there

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d764a2  No.12635641

>>12635307 lb

>2 hours of requesting donations


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cabeac  No.12635642

File: 39e392ca1b11bb2⋯.png (798.45 KB, 1271x733, 1271:733, 39e392ca1b11bb223701952c01….png)



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7c5245  No.12635643

File: 7a3a9199f22be8d⋯.jpeg (2.41 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 6CB5ABAD_F56F_4BCC_B6CB_B….jpeg)


Holy shit anon I was just about to share and say that


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000000  No.12635644

Q lost when Putin congratulated Biden.

Xi then said fortune was on their side.

Something fucked up at that point.

The Q clearance generals were COVID'd or locked out and replaced with clones.

Nobody would know.

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b95cae  No.12635645


forgot tyb

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4ad9cb  No.12635646

Lord God, please rectify this situation before anons have to go to D.C. and rectify it ourselves.

Thanks. Amen.

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12920c  No.12635647

Trump and Q handed the enemy the keys to space force

a better military

A booming economy

All their investigations

Thanks Trump.

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e102ad  No.12635648

File: 3568539bfd08120⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1917x880, 1917:880, Annotation_2021_01_20_1329….png)

09-0017 shadowed AF1 to S.FL and just landed back at JBA. Still finding this a very interesting callsign for an Andrews VIP bird.

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000000  No.12635649

To all active duty Mil- BE READY

We can expect the Biden admin to seek to purge any Q Anons from Military ranks.

Anyone who has posted on social media, or used this site without protections may be targeted for revocation of clearances and/or discharge.

It is best to lay low, remember what you have learned from the research done here into the deep state, expect to run into scenarios where you are required to complete deep state tasks.

Remember your oath, play to win for the people of America, against this Chinese infiltration.

God Speed.


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0067c5  No.12635650


You gotta be kidding with this bs right now?

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199702  No.12635651

File: f7f3198373ce965⋯.gif (23.56 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1162d8d39e270eb2f55d3f9eaf….gif)


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e30e71  No.12635652


Good point actually, since I think the DS next step is to foment “white supremacist” violence and use that to make arrests.

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c814f8  No.12635653

File: dfc39acecbe07b2⋯.png (298.07 KB, 809x662, 809:662, thinking2.png)


>it will take some time for it to get in the news cycle.

drop that shit here… I thought we were the news now?

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651a39  No.12635654

File: 4e8b0fb0db5401e⋯.jpg (60.28 KB, 530x588, 265:294, ncswic.jpg)

File: 9151b328b252f69⋯.jpg (37.4 KB, 459x378, 17:14, GenMcInerny.jpg)

General McInerny posted this on Telegram. Unfortunately I had a couple dozen tabs open and lost the link.

Still interesting.

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4574be  No.12635656


today's best narrative

every so comfy

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7fbb0c  No.12635657


Think "Melech"

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d6cc2b  No.12635658

>>12635411 PB

Patriots stand at the ready

Shills whine.

Nothing has changed.

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fdc281  No.12635659


>the domain was updated yesterday according to whois

thats because it used to take you to the biden/harris campaign site.

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e2940a  No.12635660

File: 7cce182726d2421⋯.jpg (104.64 KB, 845x597, 845:597, jpg_36_.jpg)

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0fd0ee  No.12635661


so it's the same kind of cretins that we;ve had since 1973.

same old same old.

they eat each other.

why should we worry?

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cd00ca  No.12635662

File: a162cb90c5e47dd⋯.jpg (314.5 KB, 940x816, 235:204, bible.jpg)

>>12635415 (pb)


Biden's wife was wearing teal

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341b3b  No.12635663

Wonder how they feel knowing Americans hate them more then obama

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194c3f  No.12635664

File: fc94b2c03329737⋯.png (455.47 KB, 421x408, 421:408, melania_beautiful_3.PNG)


Thank You, Baker

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bea273  No.12635665

File: 4af7684bdf8a410⋯.png (2.5 MB, 5340x2956, 1335:739, Checkmate.png)

File: 3cabde549fae469⋯.png (294.73 KB, 495x482, 495:482, Alinsky.png)






You won't argue or refute Anon research digs in the breads.

You're trying to distract instead.

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e20abf  No.12635666

well..you can bitch about the plan failing and accept Biden, Soros and Klaus Schwab as your new masters. Or you can turn this dough machine into /qresistance !!!! What will it be?

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000000  No.12635667

>>12635183 (pb)



For those of us that were awake B4Q … we have been here before. Now that there is an army of US…Comfy AF!

This show is far from over. For all the Debbies out there…pull it together.

These people are really stupid.

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b8b69c  No.12635668


I mean reading this just made me throw up in my mouth

I feel so sick

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d3f17e  No.12635669


Bow to your Chicom masters

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000000  No.12635670


Only to be replaced by you demoralization kikes.

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c614b4  No.12635671


Shut the fuck up you cuck. Torah Donald sold you down the river over and over again to keep that cunt Ivanka happily mounted on the Jewish knob.

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c072ef  No.12635672


Is it? Did you “Watch The Water”?

It’s Happening!!

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f6e42c  No.12635673



>>12634920, >>12634983 PF Report

>>12634950 Over 18,000 Pentagon Contractors Remain in Afghanistan Despite Troop Reduction

>>12635394 #16132

baker reported

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b95cae  No.12635674


and yeah..they are all in DC…no way in or out…all major players…in one spot

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8455a7  No.12635675

File: bebe56ce95bc71f⋯.jpeg (295.75 KB, 1094x843, 1094:843, 39F8219D_5CE5_4F5B_A803_0….jpeg)

Here is the 2021 Congressional Calendar for both Houses.

Thought this may help Fellow Anons with digs….

Both Houses reconvene tomorrow, 01/21/2021.

….sad, surreal day today, 01/20/2021

Link to calendar:


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8aa710  No.12635676

File: 0e7948feb950620⋯.png (14.75 KB, 868x273, 124:39, Suicide_Weekend_comin_righ….png)

>>12635548 (LB)

I agree with this Anon.

Shall we start a pool, Anons, on the closest date to Bubba Clinton's appointment with the bottles of booze & barbiturates?

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129602  No.12635677


Who gives a fuck?

The person who won is who everyone says won.

Every single person that matters declared Biden the winner.

Rand Paul said he couldn't challenge those people no matter the evidence.

Because our system relies on chains of command to enforce the words of the Constitution, and if all those people needed are corrupt, they win.

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7fbb0c  No.12635678

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accd38  No.12635679

File: 49adaec579f2990⋯.png (15.8 KB, 666x142, 333:71, ClipboardImage.png)

To all the concernfags

And to all the legit anons who are legitimately scared that today went as it went:

The next-to-last Q drop was DURHAM


POTUS made SURE every document related to ObamaGate would be ACTUALLY declassified, overriding FBI WRAY

Shills are here trying to convince you to give everything up for a reason

Watch them get furious at the mention of Durham, telling you he will get fired (he can't, he's a special counsel), telling you it's over, etc.

Loyalist anons, HOLD THE LINE

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c1c1ad  No.12635680


They didn't know, and discovered it just this morning.

That's actually funny.

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bb2c30  No.12635681

File: fd5f832b99c14f8⋯.jpg (10.17 KB, 191x255, 191:255, fd5f832b99c14f82b5e5590a89….jpg)


Comfy as fuck

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5abea2  No.12635682

Anyone know where I can purchase a Kekistan flag (banner) to fly for now?

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3e57f0  No.12635683

File: 703eb5c3f923f40⋯.png (427.41 KB, 896x615, 896:615, yfdgh.png)




Fuck off asswipe there ain't no plan and there never was a plan.

Nothing on the scoreboard absolutely nothing.

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000000  No.12635684


It's a fake account FFS

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9a2c0e  No.12635685


it uses that (tail #) all the time

rarely does it ever has a specific call sign.

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be7bf8  No.12635686


I'm ready as fuck.

Got a gold star ready for all my clothes to make sure everyone knows I'm unvaccinated.

Super fucking ready

Would definitely rather die making a point than give my labor to these shitstains

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1aafa8  No.12635687

Q drop 4952 - 11/13/2020



Here's a reassuring article about Special Counsel John Durham from the Trump-hating bunch at Lawfare Blog.



The folks at Lawfare are very nervous about the sweeping mandate Durham was given by Bill Barr.

Durham CANNOT be fired by Biden, except for Good Cause.

Durham beefed up his staff and is going "full steam ahead" remember?

Durham's mandate has boxed in Biden's incoming Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Durham will have the last word of the Trump Administration.

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163990  No.12635688




have a look at these two pics!

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69cf9c  No.12635689


you have a very smart wife, congratulations

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4856dd  No.12635690

SITREP: Gatekeeper C4ISR_:[0]:



3 hour operational window Conf_



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199702  No.12635691

File: 860ebddac849838⋯.png (929.18 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 6QDHL7.png)

File: 58f07b2d499976a⋯.png (773.16 KB, 800x600, 4:3, S63ZKIH0.png)

File: 2b70a704eadedb4⋯.png (733.49 KB, 800x530, 80:53, 406GTZVM96RH.png)

File: 6d72359984edf12⋯.png (684.51 KB, 800x531, 800:531, 8N4QEOR8XHXMU4K7.png)

File: e4cb83abc7ba5b4⋯.png (785.93 KB, 800x533, 800:533, KHAG4H.png)

gover .?


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5e0ba0  No.12635692


Think your'e safe shill?

They will throw you in to for posting here

That's what commies do.

you are next to be purged

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12920c  No.12635693


Like you know wtf is going to happen.

Fuck off, everything you guys say is lies and assumptions with no proof.

Keep larping faggot while the rest of the world looks down on you losers and laugh.

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e2a6f6  No.12635694

File: b75b713c407ab61⋯.png (298.99 KB, 1408x1222, 704:611, trash2.png)

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a14344  No.12635695




>Biden's wife was wearing teal

It was snowing?

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69cf9c  No.12635696


then you are what my grandmother referred to as a dumb dumb

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62290f  No.12635697

File: 9fa8b3b467f6208⋯.png (160.73 KB, 268x476, 67:119, Fight_Back.png)

File: afdf82cb3276efd⋯.png (321.04 KB, 435x487, 435:487, rise.png)

File: c7dd854ae22c33a⋯.png (242.75 KB, 330x473, 30:43, we_are_the_doctors.png)

File: e1efd484b019b2d⋯.jpg (44.14 KB, 499x607, 499:607, The_Reich_never_Ends.jpg)

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8aa710  No.12635698

File: e1ba180f26e3d7e⋯.png (157 KB, 855x743, 855:743, Hostile_Territory_definiti….png)

File: 89626b49559035e⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1600x1220, 80:61, comfy.jpg)

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1c6d09  No.12635699


Fuck you!

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dbc790  No.12635700

Still trying to piece together how up and down the road we've been made to look like fool's to everyone we've woken.

"Trumps gonna win in a landslide! Just get out and make sure you do your part!"

"Be sure to tune in, you won't want to miss it! Enjoy the Show!"

All potatoes.

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925580  No.12635701

In 2016, when Trump won I was sick and told my mother that his tax policy SUCKS and we were fucked.

Along came Q.

Along came 2021. Biden gets sworn in, now we’re really fucked.

Back to back disappointments, both with hard evidence of election fraud. Huge kick in the dick. Major L

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b9db80  No.12635702

Considering we have been told to, "Trust the plan," from the VERY BEGINNING, suggests, at least to me, there might be a point in which it may be hard to do, otherwise, why say it at all?

Just a thought. Add to that, the fact that shills are still shilling. Dunno, make up your own minds.

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cd00ca  No.12635703


Upside down picture was not from today


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e102ad  No.12635704

File: cd1e496309f5e6f⋯.png (697.34 KB, 1894x875, 1894:875, Annotation_2021_01_20_1334….png)


82-8000 (the AF1 bird) is headed back to DC from WPB. This makes Anon sad.

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c554ae  No.12635705

Giving up

People like their lives too much and enjoy being a zoo animal

Maybe they should be left alone

Those not woke by now

Simply don’t want to

Sucks for us

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96511e  No.12635706


Yup! Feeling great!

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d3f17e  No.12635707


Trump got a good price for you.

Hope that makes you feel better.

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67c419  No.12635708

File: cb373f1bbe3d79a⋯.png (56.42 KB, 940x667, 940:667, ClipboardImage.png)

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caf49f  No.12635709

File: e21e22e42869112⋯.png (1020.93 KB, 1040x1040, 1:1, 880E85B1_DFC2_4BBA_9DB4_74….png)

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8aa710  No.12635710

File: dfb1ad6466e9c25⋯.png (181.58 KB, 614x365, 614:365, _150p_Protect_Comfort_Thos….png)

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03132b  No.12635711


不可能。 可能沼泽比预期的要深,但我们不可能做到。 您不能让1亿人重新入睡,其中大多数人拥有枪支。 您可以将他们的死亡归咎于Covid,但不能让他们重新入睡,而最初的计划对他们而言会更有效率。 如果您真的认为我们曾经有过,也许您不属于这里。

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49e137  No.12635713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c786ed  No.12635714


Suck it

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139faf  No.12635715


>My red line was today at 12:00pm EST.

>Now I'm just here to watch it all burn.

Eloquently put anon.

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a71b51  No.12635716

>>12635292 lb


It's the only peaceful option I see.

Not buying another thing that is made in a foreign land.

Not supporting anything pushed by the mainstream global business.

Not working with, for, or around anyone unless they are dealing good goods and services.

Recognize, support, and strategically deal with only our people.

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000000  No.12635717


Cry louder shlomo

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653de8  No.12635718

File: 1dfbdc95bb9fc34⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1044x696, 3:2, mitch.png)

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42ba39  No.12635719

File: 5c6668892d92bd0⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1449x815, 1449:815, 5c6668892d92bd00fce8360765….png)


Cannot thank you enough baker!


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49a446  No.12635720


stop using amazon faggot

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e2940a  No.12635721


Or are we caged?

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522e26  No.12635722

This is what we call… CHECKMATE.

Prepare for the Great Reset.

We will show you a beautiful Brave New World.

We will take this journey together.

Hail Satan!


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ed26ff  No.12635723

File: c8054fd1581fc4e⋯.png (715.49 KB, 862x1059, 862:1059, 2021_01_20_13_33_34.png)

>>12635121 LB

>Check out General John E, Hyten on Telegram. "NOW, we begin THE PLAN."

Isn't that a fake site?

Hard to keep up with accounts being locked up and new ones coming online.

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c614b4  No.12635724




Guys stop everything, after 3 years of bullshit irrelevant digs, this insignificant detail will surely save us. Fucking LOL.

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c383eb  No.12635725


That account is fake btw

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199702  No.12635726

File: 225880ede5b2428⋯.png (741.32 KB, 800x533, 800:533, R9M2EZY9XFCHGVA2.png)

File: 2c49a5fddc5be37⋯.png (858.29 KB, 800x595, 160:119, JRPR49.png)

File: 94e67f7cef19860⋯.png (1.18 MB, 800x582, 400:291, PA0HRXPW.png)

File: 2c3825171a9e3fa⋯.png (1.1 MB, 800x604, 200:151, 3YBBH3YK1KWC.png)

File: a489603c97d0fff⋯.png (949.96 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SYGMEF7A1PGVXTD3.png)

It will happen when the weather cools.

That's when they'll make their move

The plans laid long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition.

They're trying to force God's hand.

Watch for these signs:

Three branches will become one.

>If the infiltration is so deep, that Military [Intelligence] leading Investigations over three letter agencies is the only way to uphold the Constitution…

An island will drift away.

A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.

The star will gorge itself on clay.

Idols will speak and move about.

The black flag will fly above the dome.

The belly of the dragon will drip water.

Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.

A rock will stand on seven hills.

The ravens will starve.

The bear will leave its cave forever.

The rod and the ring will strike.

<The vantage point of a 40K ft view?

What's the 17th line?

Posted Tue 14 Jun 2016

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12920c  No.12635727

It will be the ultimate troll if the new NSA Q guys came in here and started dropping pro Biden/China propaganda

For the lulz

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633ecd  No.12635728

perp walk in disguise

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fdc88d  No.12635729

>>12635187 (lb)

Please don't.

I hate to be the one to tell you, but we are all to blame for trusting some plan without any proof of an actual outcome and for not having a backup plan.

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b29c4d  No.12635730

File: 4dee08d4fcb0248⋯.png (6.97 KB, 112x112, 1:1, E2CC592F_BB84_4094_AC50_D4….png)

I think some of yall’s inability to recognize the difference between shilling and mockery is the funniest part of it all. Like do you morons think im trying to change your mind?

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3b378a  No.12635731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

for whomever resonates

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c56dab  No.12635732

File: 744747122956948⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1036x1814, 518:907, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53bc034289c52cb⋯.png (1.23 MB, 804x735, 268:245, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9affac4d508cbae⋯.png (684.16 KB, 595x409, 595:409, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8d6f73ff00580e⋯.png (852.86 KB, 611x770, 611:770, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ae3c078f3ca8b6⋯.png (157.97 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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d8c951  No.12635733


looks more like Epstein's sundial

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c3edb1  No.12635734

checkout Lin Woods telegram

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7fbb0c  No.12635735



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730e5a  No.12635736

If Q was a LARP, then why are the shills still here?

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1d56f5  No.12635737

>>12635048 (lb)

"Lion to our Base"

Is their slogan. Seems pretty fake.

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1f73d5  No.12635738

Some good news about bidan winning - the cure for dementia will be revealed to the public.

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710bb7  No.12635739


Hunger games

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cba03e  No.12635740


Got a standard Monthly mobile EAS 2x back to back. Nothing out of ordinary.

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000000  No.12635741

America is dead. Become anarcho-capitalist and stop supporting politicians.

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653de8  No.12635742

File: 656b7f8ee7e3662⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1152x864, 4:3, nancyoffice2.png)

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8aa710  No.12635743


向 中国 人民 解放军 网络 战 司 的 朋友 问好。

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792bf6  No.12635744


Agreed. The plan to completely subvert America to Israel continues to go forward uninterrupted.

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41cf25  No.12635745

File: c84473d9020ca2d⋯.png (70.08 KB, 474x249, 158:83, ClipboardImage.png)

Been here since Jan of 2018. This is my last visit, and my last post. Fuck you Q. Fuck You Trump. Fuck your deception. The same trust you wanted from us, is the same trust you now deserve to lose.

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67eaf4  No.12635746


wow, you're a fucking sperg.

fap off, faggot.

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dbc790  No.12635747


Not a shill, been here since FBIanon and pizzagate drops.

Most of us are just frustrated from the can kicking.

Sure, Q never said "The Show IS the Inauguration. " but the markers all lined up with today.

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037b6d  No.12635748


Romancing the stone:

Time - Phrase

01:31:20 I'll send the boat back for you, Ralph!

01:31:22 - When? - Soon!

01:31:24 - How soon? - Very soon!

01:31:33 No.

01:31:34 No! No!

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d3f17e  No.12635749


You're telling me. That burrito didn't go down very well.

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000000  No.12635750


The kikes are terrified.

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c786ed  No.12635751


That is good.

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115c4f  No.12635752

RighT after 12 the embed videos start working?

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3a273a  No.12635753


There's a difference between being loyal and being gullible. We've been loyal for 4 years and got nothing in return. No justice, no accountability, no declas, nothing.

Should have thrown up red flags for everyone when the last year's worth of Q posts were fucking boomer memes and gay music videos.

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d74516  No.12635754


keeping my trash can near by





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e11034  No.12635755


dipshit, ex-potus trump agreed to all FBI redactions you can't show a damn bit of evidence or proof of anything

Durham is pointless and Q is a manipulative demon

God sees all of it and will judge accordingly, if I am wrong he will not fault me for being kept in the dark by so called patriots.

Truth for the people was all that was needed and they FAILED to deliver.

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6179bb  No.12635756


C4ISR is an acronym used by the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. intelligence agencies, and the defense community which stands for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance.

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833ce0  No.12635757


LB ffs ya psycho

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464da6  No.12635758

File: fe459df11ec5705⋯.jpeg (30.65 KB, 255x253, 255:253, F98F95CF_64A7_44A8_A75D_A….jpeg)

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b95cae  No.12635759

File: bd71592bb3237d6⋯.png (899.28 KB, 1348x1026, 674:513, ClipboardImage.png)



Q came to help those already engaged…so some of us…..just way way way comfier then lets say 2016 prelection…weve only just begun

V ictory awaits

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21645a  No.12635760


>Would definitely rather die making a point than give my labor to these shitstains


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12920c  No.12635761


Prove it.

Everything that is posted on this board is 100% true

The arrest will be happening all guise. Trust me, I know Q wouldn’t abandon us. Patriots are in control.

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0fd0ee  No.12635762


they don't win.

they cheated.

they get to play act as resepcted leaders.

they are not.

they can be in those roles, and cause a lot of damage.

but the difference is now people have eyes on.

and if they go all 'crush kill detroy' the people will start to walk like Eygptians, do what they want, tell them fuck off.

and be righteous.

Biden may be called 'president' but he is not the leader of the Americans. He's a fraud. He'll keep being a fraud.

same old same old.

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6eb828  No.12635763

File: 10e4995a0fc19a5⋯.jpg (755.09 KB, 1046x1355, 1046:1355, Screenshot_20210120_112758….jpg)

File: c7f305f224a8d08⋯.jpg (289.59 KB, 1080x813, 360:271, Screenshot_20210120_112828….jpg)

File: 295e527302c0d12⋯.jpg (311.3 KB, 1050x1306, 525:653, Screenshot_20210120_112919….jpg)

File: 2f3f14406f67e51⋯.jpg (209.28 KB, 788x608, 197:152, Screenshot_20210120_113119….jpg)

File: 1a220ba9d3d166f⋯.jpg (139.19 KB, 1080x713, 1080:713, 20210120_113336.jpg)

Here we go again…

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50885e  No.12635764


Well put. Prolly won’t ever see it though.

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e04e85  No.12635765


I wonder who the power behind Biden is?

Anyone got a clue?

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8c957b  No.12635766

File: 53c1fd33f39bd1d⋯.jpg (88.52 KB, 919x1295, 919:1295, Haile_Selassie.jpg)

Q has failed us

It's time to put our faith in His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie

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8ca786  No.12635767

see you on the battlefields anons

May God save our Republic!

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46ed55  No.12635768


yep that's why Biden was just sworn kek fucking gullible

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b981bb  No.12635769

So if they dismantle the fence around the WH Nd send the NG home?

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87062c  No.12635770


To have fun.

Try it. It's fun to mock Qtards who still believe Q is real.

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7fbb0c  No.12635771


Watch everything again.


Timing is everything Patriot!

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e29ec8  No.12635772

File: e88ed0523ba29f7⋯.png (196.3 KB, 602x340, 301:170, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)

File: 1a187269314fd82⋯.png (56.85 KB, 210x208, 105:104, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)

File: 993e571a4e3d667⋯.png (2.25 MB, 2062x1200, 1031:600, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)

Aren't these Marshalls?

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199702  No.12635773

File: b63573d32f22f77⋯.jpg (298.43 KB, 800x689, 800:689, oqlk8VHlhKx9XCgz.jpg)

File: e04cee565c99caf⋯.jpg (266.19 KB, 800x547, 800:547, sdeK3z.jpg)

File: 8062482e76c5fa5⋯.jpg (148.23 KB, 800x533, 800:533, IFESZM5L.jpg)

Dear qresearch/midnightriders team,

Trust is what enables us to look at each other without running away screaming.

If we're in a relationship with you and we trust you then we make certain assumptions about the past

and we make certain assumptions about the present

and we make certain assumptions about the future..

And everything is stable, so we're standing on solid ground, and the chaos - it's like we're standing on thin ice - the chaos is hidden;

The shark beneath the waves isn't there, we're safe, we're in the lifeboat.

But then if you betray us, like if we're in an intimate relationship and you have an affair and we found out about it then, then we think

one moment we're one place, where everything is secure because we predicated our perception of the world on the axiom of trust and the next second, really the next second, we're in a completely different place

and not only is that place different right now

the place we were years ago is different

and the place we're gunna' be in the future years hence is different and so all of that certainty, that strange certainty that we inhabit can collapse into incredible complexity.

So if you betray us..

Who were you… because you weren't who we thought you were, and we thought we knew you but we didn't know you at all, and we never knew you, and so all the things we did together those weren't the things we thought were happening - something else was happening.

You're someone else.

That means we're someone else because we thought we knew what was going on and clearly we don't and we're some sorts of blind suckers or or the victims of psychopaths or we're so naive that we can barely live. We don't understand anything about human beings and we don't understand anything about ourselves and we have no idea where we are now.

We thought we were at home but we're not we're in a house and it's full of strangers and we don't know what we'll do tomorrow or next week or next year it's like that certainty that habitable certainty collapses right back into the potential from which it emerged and that's a terrifying thing.

Clean our ship.


The voice reading this~

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bea273  No.12635774

File: b1aee51022576e1⋯.png (342.92 KB, 2055x1225, 411:245, ghtv6abc.png)



Projection again.

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7c5245  No.12635775

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62290f  No.12635776

File: c6d00b4b98f29bf⋯.jpg (78.27 KB, 599x348, 599:348, c6d00b4b98f29bf74d4bfde758….jpg)

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96a64b  No.12635777

File: 5bcdd9dbe1c29d3⋯.jpg (34.37 KB, 400x400, 1:1, fake_and_gay.jpg)

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fdc88d  No.12635778


They are here to gloat and rub it in, don't you get it yet?

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b24f1a  No.12635779


Been here since 12/15/2017…..

I hear ya….!!

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a86542  No.12635780

The last time I was this disappointed with the government was when obama was elected. The election,the congress,the senate, the supreme court, etc.

I was content with President Trump. A good leader.

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0083fc  No.12635781


If that's the plan, it's over. There's zero chance 8kun will be able to defeat the combined efforts of the MSM, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

My only hope now is that Lyn Wood was telling the truth when he said Epstein is still alive.

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e63f6e  No.12635782


4 years and now it’s time to take on the media…these people are really stupid, jeez.

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833ce0  No.12635783


I'm sure Dr Jill will do great things

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5302fe  No.12635784

>>12635525 (LB)

Kek! It's not a crime for taxpaying law-abiding citizens, business owners, property owners, patriots to gather together in logic and reasoning to openly discuss politics, current events, history, people, places, religion, or ideas. We gather our information together - expanding our knowledge. We make awesome memes, graphics, videos, blogs, articles, etc. We do not steal information. We do not violate anyone else's rights. We dig into easily-verifiable open-source information. That is not a crime and we are not intimidated by evil bastards. We call them right out. Rightfully so.

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6663ac  No.12635785

Well I sure hope I’m wrong about EVERYTHING. I hope Joe Biden isn’t corrupted by China and a dozen other countries. That Kamala Harris is nicer than she looks on TV. That Hilary and Bill really aren’t evil blackmailing POS. That Obama is really married to a woman.

But… what do we really know? Did the media ever ask Biden any tough questions? Was the entire election forced down our throats? Did Biden really get 80 million votes? There is nothing anyone can say to convince me that Biden really won. Or that Trump hasn’t been working for us and had every intention on really draining the swamp. It sure feels like we lost, but now we really have to stand up and fight. I expect the coming days and weeks to be some of the darkest in our lifetime. Hopefully enough people have woken up and can see the truth for themselves. The only ones that can stop them is us, unified, and together. I hope I’m wrong about EVERYTHiNG.

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37d95b  No.12635786

File: 010e275b1326af2⋯.png (520.26 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, Screenshot_at_2021_01_20_1….png)


Would have said it has just been refueled

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35c8a2  No.12635787


you so cumfy cuz you got a little CCP dick in your ass.

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1f7e2a  No.12635788

No lunch.

Off script.

Fuck this.

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8aa710  No.12635789


In prain Ingrish, this say:

"impossible. Maybe the swamp is deeper than expected, but we can't do it.

You can't put 100 million people back to sleep, most of whom own guns. You

can blame Covid for their deaths, but you can't put them back to sleep, and

the original plan will be more efficient for them. If you really think we have,

maybe you don't belong here."

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50ce01  No.12635790

File: e6f8be474820b59⋯.jpg (41.51 KB, 500x630, 50:63, abd794d2004031d66631c36bf5….jpg)


>Upside down crosses.


It's the Cross of St. Peter. It's a traditional Christian symbol, and it isn't Satanic just because a few edgelords think inverting the cross makes it "Satanic".

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a9e2e1  No.12635791


Trump is a traitor.

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08e062  No.12635792


how do I do that?

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96511e  No.12635793

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a2ea7a  No.12635794


>>>12635638 (You)


>stop using amazon faggot

Yeah, I know. Not what I asked. Irrelevant right now.

Anyone get the emergency alert at noon?

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72c837  No.12635795


Trafficking more kids and drugs.

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d764a2  No.12635796



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766b8a  No.12635797

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e21adc  No.12635798


theres basically a commie pedo in the white house

from my vantage point, the plane was to put a commie pedo in the white house

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d1e3b7  No.12635799



So we now must wage information warfare against a rapidly evolving system that is implementing measures to silence and destroy us, without any bureaucratic/governmental/military support?

Ezra was right. They should have nipped this in the butt as soon as it materialized.

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c554ae  No.12635800

Saddest part for me is there are no White Hats

There are no Patriots

There are no good guys anymore

Trump tried and so did we

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e2a6f6  No.12635801

File: 78829d8e416e5f8⋯.jpg (49.36 KB, 729x453, 243:151, pedo_rabbiii.jpg)

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b1b2a8  No.12635802

There are more important things to stand up for than one day or one illegal election. Q said that we would have to be taken to the precipice before the masses would understand the danger. We have to keep standing up for our rights, truth, and true justice while the brainwashed normies catch up. Ignore the shills, keep sight of your core principles and stay true to your oath.

Shills want to depress you so you will leave and it won’t be as hard to keep stealing future elections. They want you to feel beaten and hopeless. It took a Jimmy Carter to bring us Ronald Reagan. It took a Hussein to give us Donald Trump. Just think how the people will feel during an illegitimate BiteMe administration (or whoever succeeds him). We are stronger than him!

Hold the fuckin’ line Patriots!

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67eaf4  No.12635803


you are a fickle cunt.

good luck, Barbara.

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e2940a  No.12635804

File: 0e11cb7fbd12f20⋯.jpg (39.28 KB, 510x597, 170:199, jpg_33_.jpg)

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c6556c  No.12635805

The shilling increased at least threefold since fucking yesterday. That should tell you everything you need to know.

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c614b4  No.12635806


Holy fuck, reddit level delusion here.

Not everyone is a shill you thick skulled moronic cretin. How much further down the river must you be sold to finally realize you were played. How many fucking times did Trump DO ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING while the deep state ran the show unchallenged?

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5431fe  No.12635807


they gotta earn those shekels

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4574be  No.12635808

next tv moment for roundup: arlington

everyone's gonna be there. maybe the old guard will do it on behalf of the fallen.

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b05fd3  No.12635809

File: 97e6cab89268958⋯.png (583.38 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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24916f  No.12635810

>>12635580 (lb) Durham is not done. Why would he have been made a special counsel, if they knew a fake incoming prez would torpedo him? e can not be arbitrarily removed as SC. No, Durham is waiting to drop when the cue is given.

Most logical course now is military rule during a very short, fake & gay presidency by the animal. None of his fake pronouncements will be obeyed outside of DC. And all to be undone when the penny drops. Trump inaugurated on 3/4. Before that, everyone will know the truth about many things.

Paraphrasing DJT from today: "We will be back in some form." "See you soon."

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6b52c1  No.12635811


Great Awakening….wasn't just for Trump supporters but EVERYONE.

You can't wake up normie lefties with conservative talk radio and Hannity drops.

Going to require something bigger. Something that has to utterly destroy the MSM.

Releasing docs which show cozy relationships between media and Dem party won't do it either.

I think there is still reason to believe something big is still coming.

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b95cae  No.12635812

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000000  No.12635813


Already trying to buy the public's trust.

They know they are fucked.

He isn't going to do jack shit for the people

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1f73d5  No.12635814


money, money, money…

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7fbb0c  No.12635815

What happened at 12:17:59 EST?

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c786ed  No.12635816

File: f08c61a96430f89⋯.png (779.21 KB, 876x546, 146:91, ClipboardImage.png)


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8aa710  No.12635817

File: 1d5f9705071d52b⋯.jpg (96.49 KB, 1578x480, 263:80, and_yet.jpg)

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f1692a  No.12635818


you can stop now

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0fd0ee  No.12635819


f off faker

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3c00dd  No.12635820

File: 1f695ea949ae71f⋯.png (91.21 KB, 178x283, 178:283, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm sure the Swamp and their Puppet Masters had countermoves to Blackmail Q and Q+ such as Tactical Nukes hidden in major cities, bridges to obliterate a lot of Americans if Bidan was prevented from his show "Inauguration".

The Deep State/Mil also has advanced weapons that the public doesn't know about.

Cornered rats are the most dangerous.

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cabeac  No.12635821

File: 2213e853befd418⋯.png (66.19 KB, 700x381, 700:381, ClipboardImage.png)

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a4b61a  No.12635822



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6cc843  No.12635823


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e2940a  No.12635824

File: 5b57544bac1a7df⋯.jpg (2.47 KB, 161x86, 161:86, jpg_35_.jpg)

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4f11e8  No.12635825

>>12635575 lb

Disgusted, that is right! I am seriously disgusted by that shit!

But I am more disgusted about the fact, that the Mass is buying that shit (worldpopulation)! Humanity is very guidable and I will never be able to talk to them!

Anon we will win, but it is dark outside because of their stupidity! They have to swallow the Sledge Hammer… And they deserve what they will get!

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96511e  No.12635826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000  No.12635827



Every number is connected to something.

If you dig hard enough you'll find what you want to see.

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6fbfbc  No.12635828

File: 512e318258d44e1⋯.jpeg (16.38 KB, 355x354, 355:354, AB2A8EFE_CD0F_4A4D_A69C_B….jpeg)

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62290f  No.12635829

File: 7a8035e5b869316⋯.jpg (51.17 KB, 720x406, 360:203, 7a8035e5b869316842c58f6eea….jpg)

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982cf1  No.12635830

General John E. Hyten on Telegram… 11th Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff https://t.me/GeneralJohnHyten

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eb49c1  No.12635831

File: 7a0f284296fbb6c⋯.png (46.08 KB, 613x426, 613:426, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8336b0fc0688d0⋯.png (6.37 KB, 309x111, 103:37, ClipboardImage.png)

God Bless America!


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c072ef  No.12635832


You fockers will be gone from here in a week! That’s what I call glorious!

This was one way to get rid of the shills, use a “scare event” to wash out the scum!

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bf983a  No.12635833


Q was real - you have to be a retard not to believe it. The discovery is that Q was opposition disinformation. He was definitely on the inside, but working against Trump. That is absolutely clear now.

Tough day.

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653de8  No.12635834

File: 51dd0023ff1f660⋯.jpg (381.29 KB, 1035x944, 1035:944, dome.jpg)

Is that a dome painting?

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71eacc  No.12635835

File: 7dbb10679470c3b⋯.jpg (146.04 KB, 736x1308, 184:327, wnb.jpg)



Agreed. Moments of doubt, yep a doubting thomas for sure, but as other anon said - moar work ahead.

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a654ff  No.12635836

Biden currently admiring a painting of a rainbow, made by a nigger… Fuckin America, amirite?

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b9db80  No.12635837


Yeah, I get it. With so much misinformation, and not REALLY knowing anything, just suppositions, it's kinda hard to stay positive all the time.

The only thing that really keeps me comfy is, that I trust God, and am not really too worried about anything. What happens, will happen, but my faith in God remains intact.

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e67bff  No.12635838

Ivanka 2024…..


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3e57f0  No.12635839

Good part is the MAGA Patriots are still in the most sensitive area's of government because they are the only people capable of doing those jobs to keep America safe.

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e7a197  No.12635840



Just fucking neck yourselves you cucked retards

Nothing was stopping POTUS from grabbing a box of juicy documents and having a fireside chat from the Oval Office and DECLAS every one of them

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e102ad  No.12635841


Even more interesting in a way, but maybe it's just a line number. Probably doesn't matter anymore.

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39bf26  No.12635842


They are working their job as hard as they can because they fear their time is short. They are right.

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7a36b0  No.12635843

File: f1e3bc7302caa25⋯.jpeg (98.05 KB, 700x525, 4:3, codex_gigas.jpeg)

File: 10b5f00f2bcf464⋯.jpg (225.28 KB, 1080x599, 1080:599, codex_gigax.jpg)



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cbd931  No.12635844


Like many of us that are still here, we have nowhere else to go.

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530652  No.12635845

The Rage is palpable, as is the fear.

Something MUST break, the people are ready. To tear each other to shreds out there.

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73f9af  No.12635846

>>12635450 lb

>I will filter everybody who is giving in just right now, when we have to stand together as never before!!!

>We should come up with a plan aside from Q or whoever. THINK FINALLY!

This anon is on board. If we got played, so be it, lick our wounds and move on. Anons were brought together from every corner to this place. Now it's our call on how and what to do going forward.

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6348e4  No.12635847

File: e594dad2ca090dd⋯.png (356.81 KB, 481x740, 13:20, Screen_Shot_2020_04_04_at_….png)

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d07fca  No.12635848

File: 610339d790f994a⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1203x676, 1203:676, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7689202de2d5ac⋯.png (1.06 MB, 987x673, 987:673, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9b54efb3bb735c⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1087x707, 1087:707, ClipboardImage.png)

Evil going back to the White House.

I feel the pain spiritually

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fd762f  No.12635849


now you have a problem with kikes running an administration.

forgot to mention that the last one (and every other one) was exactly the same.

except the president and his family were kikes too.

go fuck yourself

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000000  No.12635850

Anyone here tracking the Obamagate documents that are supposed to come out midday? That's pretty much our last hope. It truly depends how criminal the material really is. Getting close to being blackpilled, but if the documents come out Special Counsel Durham and Rosen will have to immediately act on it.

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50885e  No.12635851

There was a Bards Of War video. I missed it. Anyone have it?

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a2ea7a  No.12635852


>>>12635638 (You)


>Got a standard Monthly mobile EAS 2x back to back. Nothing out of ordinary.

Okay, thank you. I'm going to assume that's what's happened unless something else comes up.

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d74516  No.12635853


Sign me up.

Would rather have storm troopers kick in my door then live through being played + communist satan worshipers


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71932d  No.12635854


If you can get that to trend I'll believe it.

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caf49f  No.12635855


No…..Royal Guard will remain in DC as the politicians rape children

Bunch of kids have disappeared in NJ already….you go Devilcrats

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a6c786  No.12635856

File: 0edfa8aa0b0b640⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1426x807, 1426:807, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6d633475e53182⋯.png (690.3 KB, 748x610, 374:305, ClipboardImage.png)



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3fd351  No.12635857


>>>12635502 lb

Wake up! Trump fucked us all the way out the door. He had us designated as terrorists by leading his most loyal supporters into a FF set up, he pardoned the scum of the earth including a guy that looted Medicare for $1.3 billion, and ended the ban on lobbying. That's just in his last week! But his entire term was nothing but back stabbing his base, you just didn't see any of it because you stayed in the bubble of the psyop. He did far more damage than King Nig with the scamdemic alone, not t mention the Constitution crushing omnibus bills he signed, or the expansion of surveillance powers in the 2017(!) reauthorization of the NDAA that he signed. You have no clue that you supported a traitor for the last 4 years because the psyop worked!

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8aa710  No.12635858

File: 70f33269095b59f⋯.png (118.61 KB, 584x1204, 146:301, _Achtung_Minen_for_autodox….png)

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d943fd  No.12635859

>>12635591 lb


sad but true, cabal made trump look like an amateur,

they checkmated his ass with ease,

the covid and the mail in ballots was brilliant

at this juncture, the unthinkable has become thinkable

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bea273  No.12635860


Because they were never after Trump, they were after us and Trump was just in the way.

They need us to believe/trust their deception. Without it, they have no power.

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a33a77  No.12635861

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03132b  No.12635862

File: 957558792b207a6⋯.mp4 (7.77 MB, 230x360, 23:36, Bryson_Gray_Chinese_Virus_….mp4)


>向 中国 人民 解放军 网络 战 司 的 朋友 问好。


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d1e3b7  No.12635863


Yep. Me too.

I have to hand it to the CIA, this was one hell of a psyop.

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e96577  No.12635864

oBiden fake inauguration in foreign owned DC had shit satan loving poet read shit satanic poetry

Thank god they surrounded by steel fence and 20,000 NG

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6efedd  No.12635865

File: 18e25851c246a32⋯.png (81.5 KB, 920x552, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes anon, I've only ever received today's and the one back in 2018.

Today's was not called Presidential alert though.

don't know if it's something or nothing butNOTABLE

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9863ed  No.12635866


We are not a threat. No need to remove. In fact it’s a honeypot for the coming camps.

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cd00ca  No.12635867

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e42449  No.12635868

File: 47ba7f199d434d2⋯.gif (295.66 KB, 796x408, 199:102, 20210120_113547.gif)

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a654ff  No.12635869



The Trumps only get to fail once.


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216081  No.12635870


And when does Biden ax Durham and all the others?

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17fb42  No.12635871

File: f0d82b87fc32ce6⋯.png (92.17 KB, 590x891, 590:891, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)

File: 8421aec96a5c87f⋯.png (80.15 KB, 590x791, 590:791, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)

File: 161f8f4f23c2ab7⋯.png (82.84 KB, 589x869, 589:869, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)

File: d8dfefa6a66e19f⋯.png (79.44 KB, 591x848, 591:848, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)


Hello Gatekeeper. How many HITL this time?

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dc91f6  No.12635872

File: 64eae1c78ef6627⋯.jpg (99.95 KB, 656x1199, 656:1199, EH2oeWdWoAELiGR.jpg)


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184739  No.12635873



I propose that step 1 be refusing to recognize the entire government structure as every member was put in power in a rigged election.

Step 2 can be something we learned from (((them))) and that can be that we lie and deceive everyone about belief and consequent actions of step 1.

Thoughts? Nest steps?

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6eb828  No.12635874

File: 35ecaa8f28c3dd5⋯.jpg (684.79 KB, 1079x1454, 1079:1454, Screenshot_20210120_113202….jpg)

File: f64dc6fe82988a7⋯.jpg (106.91 KB, 1079x614, 1079:614, Screenshot_20210120_113026….jpg)

File: ea8a0968b6b62de⋯.jpg (292.4 KB, 1078x721, 154:103, Screenshot_20210120_112942….jpg)

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61a900  No.12635876

Originally I came here because I hoped this would be the movement that frees the planet from the poison of the satanic cabal

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fff259  No.12635877


Yeah me too

Mourning the loss of a dream.

Praying to God I’m wrong.

All we can do is ask.

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000000  No.12635878



May 21, 2018 7:04:49 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 622a94 No. 1497716

Military OP.


General K [JFK]

Full Disclosure.

General Statement:

Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated.

[RR] problems.

What was RR's Senate Conf Vote?

WRAY reports to RR [important fact].

Who do you TRUST?

[RR] recuse/fired who has direct oversight of Mueller?

Sessions un-recuse or #3 [until refill]?

Who is Rachel Brand?

Why was Rachel Brand dismissed?

Think timing.

"The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically."



When does the clock run out?

Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?

TRUST (name).

These people are stupid.



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d943fd  No.12635879

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b24f1a  No.12635880

Think about it and ALL these Cucks who had the PLAN don pat….



Other than the fact that we'd all better learn Mandarin

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497d6d  No.12635881

File: 6e623eb621cbc9b⋯.png (407.72 KB, 639x794, 639:794, Screen_Shot_4.png)


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11be01  No.12635882


>If Q was a LARP, then why are the shills still here?

Mocking us for waiting on some mysterious superhero to save the day while the Democrats continue to rob our country blind and rig elections.

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7fbb0c  No.12635883


Seriously dude? Either post something useful or get off the fucking boards.

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f1692a  No.12635884

File: bbbb6a289caac50⋯.png (484.59 KB, 827x586, 827:586, ClipboardImage.png)


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10a097  No.12635885

>>12635430 OP

>>12635477 Dough

#16133@250 Notables

>>12635648 09-0017 shadowed AF1 to S.FL and just landed back at JBA. Still finding this a very interesting callsign for an Andrews VIP bird.

>>12635704 PF Report

>>12635615 Anon opines - US has already been freed

>>12635601 All the Jews Joe Biden has tapped for top roles in his administration

>>12635831 Sec Pompeo - God Bless America!


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653de8  No.12635886

File: d105caec207c14f⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, michellew.png)

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811285  No.12635887





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e8d75d  No.12635888

File: e5c5f6f79ad9098⋯.png (132.92 KB, 724x750, 362:375, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)

The first post on this telegram posts came IMMEDIATELY after Biden signed the inauguration documents on TV. It was weird:


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7eefbb  No.12635889


If this is how it truly ends, the Trumps will be complete pariahs on the leftandright.

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8b8816  No.12635890


Well at least I will be in good company

I love all u anons

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d9c556  No.12635892

Dr. Biden is going to

Tell us about vax

The next 8 years

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21645a  No.12635893


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1ff58a  No.12635894

Not even a farewell message from Q?

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e63f6e  No.12635895

So how many more children have to get raped, tortured, and murdered? Just a few more weeks worth…

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e9671d  No.12635896

File: 3bb6f3ceefc42b1⋯.jpeg (154.01 KB, 960x690, 32:23, C90394DC_A360_49E0_BB61_0….jpeg)

File: acd79f4903f3c02⋯.jpeg (70.51 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 438A3412_0451_43A1_AB76_8….jpeg)

Spiritual Anon still here. Old Souls know we win. Sending Love and Good Vibrations to The Alliance +++


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fc78de  No.12635897


If we're roomies dont worry

I'm easy to get along with

and only jerk off once a week

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3fd351  No.12635898


>they checkmated his ass with ease,

FALSE. He was onboard from day one.

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000000  No.12635899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i dunno if this is what you mean but it was posted earlier

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ea8e39  No.12635900


I like that.


oaths for President were always sworn right hand up,

left hand on Bible.

Even Trump did this.

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12920c  No.12635901


So delusional

No one gives a shit how they got the victory

They won. Regardless of cheating, they won the house/senate/whitehouse and theee is nothing you can do about it.

What are you gonna do? Be mad and Cry on the internet?

How much longer before the “Biden’s not my President” nonsense start to come out of you losers?

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62290f  No.12635902

File: da51b46f5b5f4d9⋯.png (267.76 KB, 422x650, 211:325, Der_Eckstein.png)

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6cc843  No.12635903



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96db3a  No.12635904



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a654ff  No.12635905

File: 6e8cc08a23b086d⋯.png (9.13 MB, 2670x2670, 1:1, MILITARY_GAY_1.png)

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101307  No.12635906

File: effc00f8e9299d0⋯.jpg (55.76 KB, 610x610, 1:1, 9c8snw_l_610x610_underwear….jpg)



>>12634922 (LB)

it's called gloating

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aaab6e  No.12635907

File: 4fcae351a4ee8fc⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


The election was stolen from the people, those governing are only doing this in a non state DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, which is occupied by foreign entities. The constitution says that the government is there with the consent of the people, There have not had the authority of the people.

Now it is up to you whether you pay any more taxes to a corrupt state or you live below the tax thresh hold and contribute towards your own community. If you earn more then threshhold, refuse to take the money and instead hold it as a marker for work you may want done.

do not buy or work for any companies which have helped steal your rights.

What ever trump does, should not matter, non compliance is the way !!!

take accountability for yourself and stay together !!!

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0bbd13  No.12635908

"All roads lead to…Scranton"

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f4e6cd  No.12635909

Xiden has to be president and not just a candidate when they show the proof of his and others' crimes to show normies what they voted for so they feel disgusted?

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34b9c1  No.12635910

If Biden is now the President why are the Jew Shills still pumping crap all over this board?

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97314d  No.12635911

trump is in gitmo, we lost and biden is our new god.thats the fucking truth. this board and Q was a psyop created by Codemonkey you idiots. go to a mirror and slap your face 9 times and you will feel better instantly.

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279d61  No.12635912

Not a stockmarketfag, but,

is it up or down after xiden iniqqeration?

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a6c786  No.12635913

File: 92aaa69eaafe0db⋯.png (672.09 KB, 826x670, 413:335, ClipboardImage.png)


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ad55eb  No.12635915

File: 5429c4322c52b82⋯.gif (4.2 MB, 600x600, 1:1, D15CA9E9_285A_46E5_AB85_6C….gif)


makes the most sense

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139faf  No.12635916


> The same trust you wanted from us, is the same trust you now deserve to lose.


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be7bf8  No.12635917

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a654ff  No.12635918

File: b73bb1a007f514e⋯.png (4.85 MB, 2248x1530, 1124:765, MILITARY_GAY_4.png)

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caf49f  No.12635919


To think the entire NSA, CIA and FBI…..all proud commies

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25b71d  No.12635920


+1 anon…to what end? Has to be more to this…

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4c2543  No.12635921

File: 6fbfcc1225e7ee5⋯.png (664.11 KB, 669x852, 223:284, 2021_01_20_12_39_58_Letter….png)


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ea8e39  No.12635922


Signature doesn't match.

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a87feb  No.12635923

well since every one wants to know how this ends. read the book of revelations to find out.

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50ce01  No.12635924

File: e4804654b8f113f⋯.jpg (71.35 KB, 500x630, 50:63, hgjhyjg.jpg)

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a9e2e1  No.12635925


You'll have to use more of your double-digit IQ. next time. Your logic fails.

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7c5245  No.12635926


What’s the telegram link I been trying to look it up …

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216081  No.12635927



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fd762f  No.12635928


>8chan is going to save the world

you specifically deserve to be thrown in a camp.

too stupid to live

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90dcee  No.12635929


>won’t be as hard to keep stealing future elections

Seems like it's easy af to do that already and will only get easier.

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980f57  No.12635930

This is gerbil following protocol anons. take notice.

Operation has been notabled and awaiting insertion.


>>12635614 1

>>12635885 2



Post Obama/Biden material, reference a date, if you can. tag with #ObamaDate


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8aa710  No.12635931

File: 4a888bbdbd2d941⋯.jpg (70.15 KB, 960x939, 320:313, Anons_Are_11.jpg)

Some of you whining jack-asses are, or claim to be, Anons.

How about some of that Fearlessness and Gratitude, you dumb fucks.

Watch: Shills will attack this post because I am encouraging you. Their attacks are proof you need to get your shit together.

{As for you shills: enjoy your stay in Gitmo.)

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edbc75  No.12635932

Biblical patriots…

You are missing critical points…

They will have their last dinner tonight…

Remember Jesus last dinner?

And after arrests are happening!

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62290f  No.12635933

File: 8cabf3ff073f9d2⋯.png (222.34 KB, 557x321, 557:321, 8cabf3ff073f9d2bccec6133cf….png)

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a654ff  No.12635934

File: b50e427799cb5bd⋯.png (1.81 MB, 2100x1182, 350:197, MILITARY_GAY_2.png)

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3fd351  No.12635935


Q is irrelevant and always was. IT'S TRUMP THAT FUCKED US.

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dbc790  No.12635936


A lot of our egos are getting in the way.

We wanted a gigantic win to shut up the doubters and to bring our families who are torn apart by this to reconcile. Now all we have is, "you're a fucking retard. I told you this shit was fake n gay."

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faf7ec  No.12635937

File: cb5829e54a91d52⋯.png (180.99 KB, 680x603, 680:603, sun_tzu_war_face.png)

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e20abf  No.12635938

This here board needs to man up and turn into the /qresistance

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d3f17e  No.12635939



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87062c  No.12635940


Oh, he was real alright.

A real PsyOp.

I know how the CIA works.

I can smell a LAPR from a mile away.

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627f57  No.12635941

8kun will be deleted in next few days 100%.

It was pleasure to be with you last 4 years Anons.

I just pray, that there will not be Civil war.

CzechAnon off.

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a2ea7a  No.12635942


>>>12635638 (You)


>Yes anon, I've only ever received today's and the one back in 2018.


>Today's was not called Presidential alert though.


>don't know if it's something or nothing but NOTABLE

Thank you for letting me know & your input.

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d764a2  No.12635943


Yeah it's so hard to believe people are tired of double speak.

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cbd931  No.12635944


This wasn't a very happy inauguration was it

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21645a  No.12635945

Wow, Politico Is No Longer Covering Up Biden's Cognitive Decline

On the eve of his inauguration, Politico published an article that contains an anecdote that is actually quite disturbing.

For higher-profile remarks, [Biden would] obsessively rehearse portions until he committed them to memory. And at times through the various iterations of outlining remarks, Biden could grow downright ornery.

“I would never say this,” Biden once snapped at an aide, aghast over the prepared remarks he was reviewing, according to a person in the room during a speech prep session last year. “Where did you get this from?’”

The aide explained that Biden had just said it in a public speech a couple of weeks earlier.


There are many troubling things about this story. Biden forgetting part of a stump speech is bad enough, but this is an incident that took place last year, but has only come out now. Biden’s handlers kept it under wraps until now. How many other examples of Biden’s cognitive decline from the 2020 campaign have been covered up? If it was leaked to the media earlier, they didn’t report on it then. The obvious question is “why not?”

Obviously, Politico got the memo. The election is over. Trump is out of office. Biden’s cognitive decline is no longer taboo. It can be discussed ad nauseam by the media now because getting Biden into office wasn’t the primary objective of getting him elected.

Biden’s sole purpose was to play the role of an “electable” candidate who could appeal to independents and anti-Trump Republicans under the ruse of being a centrist just to get Trump out of office. For all intents and purposes, Biden’s job is complete, and a San Francisco liberal is now waiting in the wings to take his place at the appropriate time.

While conservative media outlets didn’t shy away from reporting on Biden’s deteriorating mental faculties, the mainstream media tried to pretend they didn’t exist. But the rules have changed now. Expect more anecdotes like the one above to make their way into mainstream media reports.


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c072ef  No.12635946


This sums up the feelz ^^^^^^

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42ba39  No.12635947

File: a7e84ce867141e4⋯.jpeg (58.35 KB, 636x358, 318:179, a7e84ce867141e42a0f7911c1….jpeg)

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c65fc1  No.12635948

File: 3bf372b57fcde85⋯.png (2 MB, 1280x1019, 1280:1019, ClipboardImage.png)

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5a6d38  No.12635949

>>12635444 (lb)

i had heard something like that too… the pre 20th amendment inauguration date… some suggest April 30 (the orig inauguration date g.wash)

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6348e4  No.12635950

File: 2d3b734cf06620d⋯.png (523.33 KB, 510x511, 510:511, 2d3b734cf06620db9c0598d4bb….png)

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199702  No.12635952

File: 9a6c33085527cac⋯.jpg (5.29 MB, 2079x7357, 297:1051, Qproof_Airplane_PictureUpd….jpg)

TL;DR of AJ interview with Robert Barnes.

The narrative of the infiltrators [AI, virtual reality, secret MAGA patriot messages, cult] replaced the content of Q.

The expected confusion of those assaulted in an Information War is taken as the epitome of insights we have to offer.

Curiously, this is exactly what happened at the capital hill 'riot'.

It's naive to omit the actions of our enemy, and insidious to blame what they do on the very target they're hitting.

That's the framework, isn't it?

On one hand their public belief is that Q itself is the poisonous message.

On the other, Q is the message many want to poison.

In both frameworks, we're in an Information War, which posits the presence of 'infiltrators whom push a narrative' as a tactical fact.

We have an OSINT geolocate proving Q has access to the Presidents phone while on board AF1 in real time, that trumps the credentials of any AJ brownnoser's 'word'.

Is that a simulation?

Simulations are shattered with real world events, no?

That happened.

You deny it?

Then you know the implications of this.

Exactly who's living in a 'simulation'?

Neither of us. You know well what's at stake.

So what's the approach Journalists on the 'platform of the highest caliber' use?

Did they separate out the obvious poison thrown on us, or did they see us through the lens of their own pushed narrative.

They smiled as they lied to your face

"We are all Alex Jones now"

No sweetie, we have Souls, you jelly wannabean~

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d07fca  No.12635953

File: cc51bd38661fd73⋯.png (1.36 MB, 969x663, 19:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6843d024d631831⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1006x633, 1006:633, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1c9a1e236dd97b⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1052x586, 526:293, ClipboardImage.png)

look at the frumpy "first lady" trying to be like Melania with the Tiffany Blue……


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2e8505  No.12635954


Not so much as a middle finger. How inconsiderate.

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089445  No.12635955

File: 83b88833fe3281e⋯.png (790.66 KB, 640x800, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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530652  No.12635956

File: 3835236c930f817⋯.jpeg (182.23 KB, 827x803, 827:803, A21F6AB0_B4D0_4C92_83A2_E….jpeg)

File: 12818543dee117b⋯.jpeg (526.48 KB, 828x626, 414:313, AD6BD33B_6492_4835_A055_0….jpeg)

File: 57ae0daffdc559a⋯.jpeg (330.8 KB, 828x878, 414:439, 4CB3AE2B_D4DE_41D4_AAEB_B….jpeg)

File: 10a0fc971d3c1bf⋯.jpeg (395.58 KB, 828x590, 414:295, EDD8F522_4C8C_489F_BF39_B….jpeg)

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8aa710  No.12635957

File: ed452a9aafce311⋯.png (181.47 KB, 614x365, 614:365, _450p_Protect_Comfort_Thos….png)

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a654ff  No.12635958

File: 9d88e866c5106c8⋯.png (724.2 KB, 800x552, 100:69, MILITARY_GAY.png)

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194c3f  No.12635959


that biden trolling us

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b05fd3  No.12635960


K, keep me posted.

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8b5fda  No.12635961


Full-on self loathing

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a9e2e1  No.12635962


Enslaved by Jews hoping the man in the sky returns to save us? Cool Hebrew prophecy, bro.

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6aaa71  No.12635963

Since Gates bought up all the farmland he’s gonna need slave labor so that’s when the Democrats will round up all the trump supporters and put them in camps to work on the GMO farms.

They will make us all white slaves

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5431fe  No.12635964


>whats the biggest threat to America?

>A Democrat


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982cf1  No.12635965

>>12635606 https://t.me/GeneralJohnHyten

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67eaf4  No.12635966

File: 067f72e4ce55082⋯.png (447.62 KB, 523x2802, 523:2802, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5add3d0b3c5e99⋯.png (75.73 KB, 560x465, 112:93, ClipboardImage.png)


Who was born on Feb 6, 1911?


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1d6cf5  No.12635967

and just like that we have a virtual Presidential Library


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accd38  No.12635968


Look at how the shills get furious when you mention Durham:


>There's a difference between being loyal and being gullible. We've been loyal for 4 years and got nothing in return. No justice, no accountability, no declas, nothing.

>Should have thrown up red flags for everyone when the last year's worth of Q posts were fucking boomer memes and gay music videos.


>dipshit, ex-potus trump agreed to all FBI redactions you can't show a damn bit of evidence or proof of anything

>Durham is pointless and Q is a manipulative demon

>God sees all of it and will judge accordingly, if I am wrong he will not fault me for being kept in the dark by so called patriots.

>Truth for the people was all that was needed and they FAILED to deliver.


>Just fucking neck yourselves you cucked retards

>Nothing was stopping POTUS from grabbing a box of juicy documents and having a fireside chat from the Oval Office and DECLAS every one of them

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586f51  No.12635969

File: 984eeeb95d67f0c⋯.jpg (144.52 KB, 750x725, 30:29, ffe12120054e1adedb6c50ea49….jpg)

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005be7  No.12635970

File: e0cccbcc857c211⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, TGA_Alt_.jpg)


Thank You Baker.

Keeping the FAITH

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467120  No.12635971


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8aa710  No.12635972

File: e03db9178685a8a⋯.png (350.67 KB, 1907x711, 1907:711, ForNewfags_1_What_You_ll_F….png)

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dbc790  No.12635973

anons keep eyes on the Military Presence in D.C.

If it just dissipates then it was there for no reason than to seriously guard sleepy Joe.

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3c00dd  No.12635974

File: ee07c893ed38198⋯.png (125.46 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


Because they are paid well all that $$$MONEY that our MOS controlled US Politician gave to them

Oh, and each Israeli got a $5,000 check from it, while We, The People get a measly $600.

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a654ff  No.12635975

File: 551b0f247605504⋯.png (972.05 KB, 824x549, 824:549, MILITARY_GAY_3.png)

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7fbb0c  No.12635976

File: 64df12ac57990fe⋯.jpeg (165.05 KB, 892x317, 892:317, E6E6669E_E818_409E_979E_9….jpeg)

Read this again and reconcile.

Last line is your proof.

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ea109a  No.12635977

I'm crushed, concerned, angry and many other emotionsBUTI have to be rational . All my life I was a forgotten man until 4 years ago.

I had hope , real hope, for the first time ever. I'm proud to have supported POTUS and I am grateful for the 4 years he gave me hope.

I'm proud to have been here will all of you. It has been the best 4 years for me.

We hold the line and we hold it together For God and Country! We reach out to patriots and support patriots. Our future is in our own hands.

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f1692a  No.12635978

File: 06008abcc95e98b⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1332x759, 444:253, ClipboardImage.png)

it still looks CGI

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4281c0  No.12635979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bidan follows the markers…

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b95cae  No.12635980



not Phoenix…Dove

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ed26ff  No.12635981

File: c1f0144a642f74c⋯.png (73.99 KB, 252x185, 252:185, 2020_02_27_13_52_35.png)


>Been here since Jan of 2018. This is my last visit, and my last post. Fuck you Q. Fuck You Trump. Fuck your deception. The same trust you wanted from us, is the same trust you now deserve to lose.

One guy against the whole swamp, what did you expect?

JFK and Reagan tried also.

Deep state is a real tough nut to crack.

He tried.

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beb0e7  No.12635982

Do you think Hunter and Gaga had already sex in the WH?

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e63f6e  No.12635983


The rich always get richer, what do you think?

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a654ff  No.12635984

File: 540df6ab2ad6526⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1300x866, 650:433, MILITARY_GAY_6.png)

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c7a559  No.12635985


yea its disgusting

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8b8816  No.12635986


You’ve said that 50 times already get lost


Thank you anon love all our anons

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46ed55  No.12635987


exactly fucking right

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62290f  No.12635988

File: fb072b7504d26f3⋯.png (764.73 KB, 640x913, 640:913, fb072b7504d26f3bc225e31f18….png)

File: 9f23cee77bc8030⋯.jpg (139.68 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 9f23cee77bc803087526d1ea39….jpg)

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f944c6  No.12635989




Doesn't mean he doesn't know stuff. Fucking autists get too zoned in.

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73d525  No.12635990

File: 70e541e9ff8bd85⋯.jpeg (245.35 KB, 1121x1229, 1121:1229, BE11834F_8BA6_459A_8D6A_C….jpeg)

Sleepy Joe is a sleeper.

This is the only thing I’ve seen today that makes sense. POTUS tweeted twice that it’s not the real Joe.

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3fd351  No.12635991


The psyop that you're too stupid to wake up from is supported by a large cast of shills, including the MSM that victimized Trump for the sole purpose of manipulating you into rallying around him and giving him your BLIND trust.

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000000  No.12635992


I'd agree that's the message she wants to convey.


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a9e2e1  No.12635993


Stupid faggots. Now it's Feb 6th?

Next is March 4th and then 2024!

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715cea  No.12635994


just two more weeks Goy!

Twust da pwan!

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f1692a  No.12635995

File: 07565460e42addc⋯.png (151.03 KB, 605x568, 605:568, ClipboardImage.png)


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8f7aac  No.12635996


a nice big VASE

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2a3028  No.12635997

Kamala harris, puts a national spin to the phrase(Cock Sucker)

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12920c  No.12635998



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a87feb  No.12636000


only a kike or an ill informed retard would say something like this

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000000  No.12636001

We live in the USSA. Q was a Operation Trust 2.0.

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c614b4  No.12636002


Not a second term of slobbering over Kushner's knob! More of Trump's first term? No thank you.

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3a273a  No.12636003


It's an unverified LARP account anon. Move on. This isn't healthy anymore. We got got. It's over.

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000000  No.12636004



May 21, 2018 7:04:49 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 622a94 No. 1497716

Military OP.


General K [JFK]

Full Disclosure.

General Statement:

Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated.

[RR] problems.

What was RR's Senate Conf Vote?

WRAY reports to RR [important fact].

Who do you TRUST?

[RR] recuse/fired who has direct oversight of Mueller?

Sessions un-recuse or #3 [until refill]?

Who is Rachel Brand?

Why was Rachel Brand dismissed?

Think timing.

"The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically."



When does the clock run out?

Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?

TRUST (name).

These people are stupid.



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96db3a  No.12636005

File: 4374e218b0ec580⋯.jpg (52.2 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Filter_on.jpg)

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b19507  No.12636007


Their followers don't use the term Satan

its a pejorative


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b35cd6  No.12636008


>After today, I look just like a nut to them now and ready to be committed.

Not really…we just had an election obviously stolen with foreign interference. The courts refused to even hear evidence. Military intervention was the obvious next step. Why it hasn't happened is the question.

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b889f6  No.12636009



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3c00dd  No.12636011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Exposing CRIMINAL JEWS Is "jew-hate" = Jew SHILL

JEW Accusing Patriot of Being "muhjoo" = Jew SHILL

JEW Pornifying The Lord's Prayer = Jennie Taer Jew SHILL

NAMING The Jewish CABAL Is "identity politics" = Jew SHILL



[using aggression- slander]





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1d6cf5  No.12636012

File: 8978044e5f5f023⋯.png (549.87 KB, 909x1211, 909:1211, ClipboardImage.png)

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a66c27  No.12636013

Just put anon's Navy Jack flag over the Trump flag. Fuck them!

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87062c  No.12636014


Holy shit you are so dumb.

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982cf1  No.12636015

PANIC…. so much shilling. They know. Plans are in effect!!!! https://t.me/GeneralJohnHyten

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21b813  No.12636016

Firstly, breathe. It will be okay.

You weren't told the plan. You knew this. Welcome to the plan.

Now a gift to you during the gifting ceremony from me to you:


Not English.

Split in half.


Look it up.

And reconcile that your hatred blinded you to the whole point of this.

For a research board I cannot believe you guys never got it.


Welcome to the light.

God bless that darnkess.

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b8b69c  No.12636017

File: e7c62a1b5b7c7d3⋯.jpeg (24.79 KB, 640x588, 160:147, BathroomLarge.jpeg)


Anon - you gotta add this to your collection


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e2a6f6  No.12636018

File: 86e040921117113⋯.png (64.73 KB, 485x457, 485:457, _molcockk.png)

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4eec19  No.12636019


yeah 2017 thx anon

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a4b61a  No.12636020


The upside down cross is NOT a symbol of Christianity! It IS a RELIGIOUS symbol most notably used by Satanists and Catholics

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1c6d09  No.12636021


We should expose those assholes ourselves!


Make accounts en mass in all social media and put this stuff out everywhere!!!

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f1e995  No.12636022

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accd38  No.12636023



>And when does Biden ax Durham

he can't, that's the point of a special counsel

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314bb9  No.12636024

File: e5268f29571c1fc⋯.jpeg (2.69 KB, 225x225, 1:1, man.jpeg)

Say when to release the Tary…

Urban Dictionary: Tary

A Tary is a large, squid like, sea creature that is often refered to as a Kraken. It has several large and powerful tenticles that can each crush a ship. A Tary is also mostly in descise as a human but can sometimes revert into its true form due to lack of water. This generaly hushed up by the government and is blamed on an earthquake. Due to the Tary's immense size it can only fully revert into its true form out at sea.

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4cb617  No.12636025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Okay. I am opening a youtube channel.

I am going to record my convsersatiions with my mom.

If you are interested in what is hapenning to me.

You can take a peak in on my life and watch my atheist, earth loving, mother, try to actively destroy, crush, dismiss my faith and any discussion of it.

I will have psychological manipulations used against me. I know the behavior pattern. It is THEY stupid shit logic, I swear. I will ask it many relevant questions, it will not provide answers. I will speak of my belief in God and right to listen to the voice of God. It is my faith and I do follow God. It will never answer any questions. It will only change the subject.

Dismiss. Discourage. Watch the instructive nature what what it says to me. It will literally start telling me what to do. I will openly call it E.T…… America, just observe the behavior. It will refuse to say that it believes it self god and worships the earth. It only accepts that there is no god and it loves the earth. To imply sacred belief, or ultimate understanding as one-self being God, is insulting to these things.

It will not like when I bring up satanism or pagan. I will show you the belief system of these thing if I can. It has strange behavior for a being that doesn't believe in religion. It believes all religion are valid paths towards God, but it actively crushes any notion of a Lord.

The channel will be boring. If you are interested in what is going on between this dude that says he is talking to God, and his family. I will open a window here. It will take time and be boring. If you are interested in E.T. behavior and how the voice of God I hear is being smashed, just listen.

I wont be available to respond.

I am just asking you, is it normal for someone to treat someone telling this they hear God in this fashion? it is abnormal. I can prove it. Everything will sound normal at first, it will change, just pay attention and bare with it.

Just trust me. I am telling you that I talk to God. I am going to tell my family what I have always told them about talking to God. Observe the respond America.

Everyone is really concerned about my faith. I told them I listen to God and have faith. They are all worried God is going to tell me to do something bad, they don't care about good stuff.


Okay. she just got here.

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7f7176  No.12636026

Today is a pleasant fiction for the left.

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ee098a  No.12636028


the daily school shootings can continue now as well. gotta keep the fear among the populace.

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8aa710  No.12636029

File: 21283a4c0692bc1⋯.jpeg (285.92 KB, 750x863, 750:863, DesCartes_Shitpost.jpeg)

File: 3afe919e522ec99⋯.jpg (19.64 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Q_Sees_All_Clean_Copy.jpg)

The US Military is taking notes, faggot.

You get the Gitmo cage where there is no shadow from the sun, all day.

Enjoy your Carribean vacation.

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bd0245  No.12636030

I just woke up from a handoff..

looks like clowns are pissed because America avoided a Maidan event.

Am I right?

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cbd931  No.12636031


Better late than never I guess

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67eaf4  No.12636032

File: 2956ebbe20bb0a6⋯.png (958.71 KB, 788x1485, 788:1485, ClipboardImage.png)


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fdc88d  No.12636033


Bullshit. He did what he could but was manipulated and shielded from "people intel" the entire way. In the end, he was played too, just like the rest of us.

Centuries of swamp muck cant be cleaned out that easy and we had no backup plan if this grand Q plan failed. So blame me and blame yourself, but do not blame Trump.

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653de8  No.12636034

File: 45392838cff39cc⋯.jpg (183.96 KB, 403x604, 403:604, point.jpg)

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20b399  No.12636035

This is gerbil following protocol anons. take notice.

Operation has been notabled and awaiting baker insertion.


>>12635614 1

>>12635885 2



Post Obama/Biden material, reference a date, if you can. tag with #ObamaDate















baker is not a patriot, he is the gore porn shill from gerbils bake.


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d3f17e  No.12636036


POTUS Biden request your presence.

he needs a blow job

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b308b4  No.12636037


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a654ff  No.12636038


One guy??? He had 80 million fucking supporters… All he had to do was LEAD and we could have won this. All he would have had to say, is… "We must protect this nation, my fellow Americans, do your part!"

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6e5642  No.12636039


Ronald Regan was born 2-6-1911.

So what.

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ad55eb  No.12636040


that was the symbol on front of that accursed tome biden's hand was laid upon

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b0609f  No.12636041

File: a5857f18fa1e697⋯.png (367.24 KB, 1391x445, 1391:445, 078221115632.png)

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003ada  No.12636042


>At this point the noble and patriotic thing to do would be to offer all of us who worked so hard an explanation.

The First rule of a Republic is, You aren't owed anything.

The Second rule of a Republic is, You aren't owed anything.

This includes all Socialist programs. Welfare, Food Stamps, Stimulus Checks, Reparations, etc.

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b05fd3  No.12636043

Now come all the grifters on Telegram. Follow me for Info anons, by the way my Venmo/cashapp is:

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037b6d  No.12636044


Fuck that and any reference of Q

/PatriotsFight needs to be resurrected

We did not lose, the entire compromised system was rigged for the steal. Unless the media is taken over and the truth broadcast on all channels the sheep will stay asleep.

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a6c786  No.12636045

File: 8e9c58186281618⋯.png (686.3 KB, 792x719, 792:719, ClipboardImage.png)

This would make me sad if I didn't believe in God

The absolute disrespect our President DJT has had to endure is disgusting and evil.


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872c35  No.12636046

Patriots were never in control, obvious because the chemtrails never stopped. I think we were had boys….

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21645a  No.12636047


there is no justice

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3fd351  No.12636048


Ignore the LARP's army of shills. Let's deal with reality going forward FFS.

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05e4a9  No.12636049

Are you ready for some football?

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fd762f  No.12636050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


enjoy the show.

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96511e  No.12636051

File: 8cc0e3706685c25⋯.jpg (749.61 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20210120_134241….jpg)

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bea273  No.12636052

Anons if it's not clear by now, the fact the shills are still shilling is proof that it is we who always had the power.

They need us, but we don't need them.

They need us to believe and trust their deception, but we don't need their deception.

They can't win as long as the people are awake.

Doesn't matter if they hold all 3 branches.

They depend entirely on our trust for their power to 'exist' in material visible form.

As long as we forever hold the line, they can't win the long war.

The more I'm attacked here, the more comfy I am, because it's only proof that what I think is soooooo important to them.

Come at me shills, your panic is my energy,

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97314d  No.12636053

Codemonkey fucked u all up here with his board and playing Q here.

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caf49f  No.12636054


There will be a huge upswing with all the public spending at first, but later market will correct to real levels, around 8000

Market represents public spending.

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391424  No.12636055


I didn't get one but heard someone elses phone going off.

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368bb4  No.12636056

We the people cant trust military. Over the last 108 years, it has been totally infiltrated up to the very top.

Freemasons and other mystery babylon followers have infiltrated top positions and have acted as gatekeepers. No legitimate good person exists in any branch of military or intelligence anywhere near the top.

It has always come down to WE THE PEOPLE. AND IT STILL IS.

Not Q. Trump. Etc. Q lies when he says military is the only way.

We've allowed all this to happen. Now we must RECONCILE.

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f897f5  No.12636057

As bad as today is, tomorrow will be worse. I don't think it's sunk in how bad bidan will be..I gave up everything for this "movement' money, vacations, I lost friends and family…We weren't stupid to believe in a "movement" that brought us hope. We were stupid to believe in Q and others…I wish I had never found this board. 5 years of my life destroyed and now we are back to a clinton/bidan/obama presidency…It's beyond my worst nightmare…..

Trump could have done so much like releasing obama records, arresting criminals, and not counting on fucken the very swamp he promised to drain to help him drain it…

We LOST BIG TIME TODAY and it's only the Beginning…Say goodbye to your property, your guns and your freedoms…

No future, no hope…..


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e67bff  No.12636058


sarcasm anon.

I will never vote again for anybody.

I'm out.

It truly is Rigged, all of it.

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7b6276  No.12636059


literally wow

"When you lose, you win."

Hey Q, why cause so much grief for loyal patriots that preached Q posts & at least 74 million Trump voters?

Part of "The Plan"?

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080c96  No.12636060

What's that bruise next to Pelosi's left eye? She also is having a ton of trouble speaking.

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b19507  No.12636061


Reminds me of Obama

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6d4e4e  No.12636062

File: a21f930d1c9db45⋯.png (312.69 KB, 4067x4066, 4067:4066, a21f930d1c9db45513044e2922….png)

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c7a559  No.12636063

Remember the dems and rinos are still pushing for the impeachment trial of our President Trump.

That means Trump can present evidence.

They want to make sure he can't run again and they are all giddy with power( they have the republican rino numbers to make a conviction possible.

Trial may be coming, ( how do you introduce evidence) That and all the investigations already conducted and the special counsel that was assigned to Durham.

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811285  No.12636064





























































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0fd0ee  No.12636065

same old same old

your families own it all and treat others with disdain and get fat and try to make other fight over it and bet on it.

they pay you slum wages to shill here.y

you'll still be the pig-descendant that you are, and those of us who aren't , shut out, will still see you as that and not say anything.

nothing you can do to be seen as real leaders or honorable people. you lose.

you're tagged. you have the mark

you live this life to prove how horrible you are.

you fail.

you have no effect and yet you want to keep saying 'oh all you fail, only me and us are pure and good'

once again inverted like all you do.

reap the wind which is what you sow.


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87062c  No.12636066



THis guy is fucking with you dumbases


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03132b  No.12636067

What's with my id changing on the regular but the (YOU) keeping up with it?

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4f47e6  No.12636068


I did and posted about it. Got crickets

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f1692a  No.12636069

File: aded41d6e582a0d⋯.png (19.33 KB, 602x170, 301:85, ClipboardImage.png)


i would give them shit from day 1 like they did

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6cc843  No.12636070

File: 36b18fb7607c763⋯.png (10.02 KB, 1073x529, 1073:529, muhjoo.png)

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f88a41  No.12636071

The Plan did not start when Trump was elected in 2016. It began before he took office, and is still ongoing.

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62290f  No.12636072

File: 5450b83fc92967b⋯.png (1.53 MB, 713x1122, 713:1122, 5450b83fc92967b9a6c4dbf26e….png)

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7fbb0c  No.12636073


Follow that train of thought further.

What is easier than CGI?

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c11060  No.12636074


>Who was born on Feb 6, 1911?

Don't know. They are all dead. Get a new plan. This one is dead.

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7eefbb  No.12636075

File: 9b943cdb79e0d73⋯.jpg (329.42 KB, 990x902, 45:41, 1589464616304.jpg)


Maybe nationalism does need to die at this point. I don't fucking even know anymore, globalism doesn't sound so bad if it wasn't run by literal satanic pedophile vampires. But it is, so you want to fight against it. But you clearly can't, so what do you do?

Who fucking knows. I'm just where I started; disillusioned and bored.

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ac585a  No.12636076

File: 4662151f5453221⋯.jpeg (950.67 KB, 867x6091, 867:6091, F5B2B69A_A093_4D80_B18F_F….jpeg)

File: 5a139e164d67135⋯.jpeg (280.24 KB, 823x1666, 823:1666, 3B107CC6_8663_400A_8F3B_1….jpeg)

File: 0853ca2745d78b3⋯.png (685.48 KB, 1483x457, 1483:457, 97B8651A_AAD9_4B8B_B5D1_D5….png)

Anons, I don’t know if you remember this thread on POL from 8/17/2016 talking about “time travel” and someone was explaining this phenomenon and taking questions. Long story short the very last post by this individual (those in the thread thought it was Barron Trump) this person told everyone that the next time they post they would use this tripcode “defL22WSHKN” I searched and a article had that tripcode in it. It was about Dominion Voting machines flipping votes and coincidentally, that is what this person had discussed in said thread back in 2016. 🤔 🤔


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b05fd3  No.12636077

File: 2a82081db68a26c⋯.png (247.64 KB, 592x1169, 592:1169, 2a82081db68a26cebb42b3f77a….png)



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25b71d  No.12636078


there are 100MM of us if we would come together…

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beb0e7  No.12636079

File: 743656a89d92974⋯.png (482.03 KB, 738x945, 82:105, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS letter

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7d6990  No.12636080


>Sleepy Joe is a sleeper

I said it before and got slapped down, and will say it again knowing I'll get slapped down.

Biden Jr = B2, the Stealth Bomber

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67eaf4  No.12636081

File: 90921fb30475ed0⋯.png (14.23 KB, 655x145, 131:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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a654ff  No.12636082


Ha… Well, now you owe reparations to Israel and Africa.

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f1e995  No.12636083


He doesn't even know he's alive

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f944c6  No.12636084

File: 6657194fbceda37⋯.jpg (19.7 KB, 320x320, 1:1, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


o7, I like this Anon, We did it's what we do, we don't need Q, or someone to hold our hand to do this.

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d1e3b7  No.12636086


How does disclosure help us, at this point?

Most of the material has been made public enough that the military could have moved, before he was sworn in. (Surely, they have known the truth for quite some time.)

We no longer have a man in the WH. The whole idea was that this was going to be a peaceful revolution, operating within the confines of the existing laws, and the existing broken system.

I don't see how that happens now that our man has been ousted from the WH.

I suppose the military can step in, as Q promised they would, but who is leading them? Who is in command? Certainly not Trump. (If they were still taking orders from him, then it is illegal, and Trump is a Shadow President.)

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5e0ba0  No.12636087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Video Surfaces Of Trump Supporter Begging Police To Stop Capitol Riot

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7c5245  No.12636088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pelosi kept saying play ball play ball…

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9863ed  No.12636089

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bea273  No.12636090

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accd38  No.12636091


pic or GTFO

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530652  No.12636092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e870de  No.12636094


Unfortunately, the only ones feeling pain right now is us. It's been fun anon. But it's time for me to look to other activities. Maybe if something actually happens to the traitors, I might visit again but with the whole entire apparatus corrupt, any thing we do is just dropped in a deep hole.

Good luck everyone. Going to do an inventory and see what I am lacking. Stock up, Biden will completely screw everything. One encouraging thought (kind of), Biden will not be president for 120 days - the dems will remove him.

And the joy of having the Ho as president will enrich us all. /s

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792bf6  No.12636095


Keep fighting, igging and memeing, but drop all the Q shit. That Larp is a millstone around our necks.

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b95cae  No.12636096


AJ freaks easy to Tell…they are Now Joe Rogan Freaks..

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10a097  No.12636097


Not notable

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000000  No.12636098


Tell them that…If they believe it in their "religion" its true to them.

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f944c6  No.12636099



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d764a2  No.12636100


See, this is helpful.

had to wade through a river of shit to get here.

Thanks, anon.

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3fd351  No.12636101

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497d6d  No.12636102

File: bc02f6d5a9315f9⋯.png (403.96 KB, 638x794, 319:397, Screen_Shot_5.png)

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4cb617  No.12636103


I am setting up a super secret spy cam so everyone can hear me telling people in real life about the voice of God. Watch the responses, it is wild. I speak english, they do not.

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8aa710  No.12636104

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005be7  No.12636105


No. You must be special since you're the only one who got it

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10a097  No.12636106

>>12635430 OP

>>12635477 Dough

#16133 FINAL Notables

>>12635648 09-0017 shadowed AF1 to S.FL and just landed back at JBA. Still finding this a very interesting callsign for an Andrews VIP bird.

>>12635704 PF Report

>>12635615 Anon opines - US has already been freed

>>12635601 All the Jews Joe Biden has tapped for top roles in his administration

>>12635831 Sec Pompeo - God Bless America!


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4ee608  No.12636107

File: f6e51728a0903d2⋯.jpg (45.22 KB, 800x446, 400:223, KMVOQ4QWO7JRDUNNKS5PBNVNAY.jpg)

Alex Jones was 100% right.

All for a LARP? Apparently so…

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a654ff  No.12636108


That's NOTHING compared to the backlash he's about to get from his own base for going out with a whimper.

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e67bff  No.12636109


what a fucking comped faggot

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71932d  No.12636110


This is why you don't trust faggots.

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e2a6f6  No.12636111

File: 3ba6d3a455a43a6⋯.jpg (166.67 KB, 741x907, 741:907, al.jpg)

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bdf728  No.12636112

So after they round up all the Trump supporters they will make them slaves to work on Bill Gates farms.

Welcome to hell.

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b05fd3  No.12636113


Wow, we got played hard as fuck.

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be7bf8  No.12636114


>Our future is in our own hands.

How do you draw this conclusion? How do you honestly think there is anything we can do at this point? We vote, it's defrauded. We so much as make a peep that registers on anyones radar and we're branded as domestic terrorists. We're about to be fucking shipped off to reeducation camps for posting online.

How can you honestly think anything we do matters?

I swear I'm not a shill. I want to believe someone is trying to help us. And I am 100% certain that I know what I know. But none of that matters. The knowledge we all share is nothing more than a burden. Unless we're professional-grade liars all it does is ostracize us from our peers and threaten our own safety.


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9bfef0  No.12636115

10 days


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7e4007  No.12636116

File: aade8a859f9a379⋯.jpeg (93.58 KB, 888x499, 888:499, aade8a859f9a3795f5cd85f13….jpeg)

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000000  No.12636117

Anarcho-capitalists rely on themselves, not on politicians. Form decentralized cells with like-minded people and cooperate on the lowest level.

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caf49f  No.12636118


Yup……Hero’s to goats……now be all faggy and rainbows

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f1692a  No.12636119

covid19 goes away tomorrow

well done joe

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8c132e  No.12636120

We know the truth. We have it all.

Now nut the fuck up anons.

It’s on us now.

You want something doing……………..,,

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a5b6bb  No.12636121


The Lord was seated at the right hand of the Father

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02f676  No.12636122




i made a commitment;

i will be committed.


>read the book of revelations

Revelation. why don't you read it?

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037b6d  No.12636123


Well the Spartans were butt fuckers, so I guess they have been reinstalled as our military.

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c6556c  No.12636124

File: ce451f113ab8de9⋯.jpg (133.45 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, IMAGE_2021_01_20_19_05_22.jpg)

File: c31bc28a5d5b715⋯.png (130.27 KB, 826x876, 413:438, Schermafbeelding_2021_01_2….png)


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000000  No.12636125


The FBI, CIA, Alex Jones, Cernovich, and others always here, anon.

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180ce3  No.12636126


Did 70+ million people vote for him? How many more million foreigners in all other countries supported his stance on world issues?

Defeated by a rigged system that had tons of external International support not least in terms of the MSM media

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b889f6  No.12636127


Hahahaha. He can’t???? Hahahahaha. Watch and learn. He can’t add 8876655 more judges to the Supreme Court either right? Watch. Your delusional

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21645a  No.12636128


fucking homos go to hell

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96511e  No.12636129

File: 41107766761f8a1⋯.jpg (933.52 KB, 972x4086, 54:227, Screenshot_20210120_134654….jpg)

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653de8  No.12636130

File: b46650388f5fb45⋯.jpg (170.27 KB, 396x663, 132:221, obamaball.jpg)

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cbd931  No.12636131


If those troops are still there in a weeks time. we'll know something is definitely up.

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20b399  No.12636132

This is gerbil following protocol anons. take notice.

Operation has been notabled and awaiting baker insertion.


>>12635614 1

>>12635885 2

>>12636106 3



Post Obama/Biden material, reference a date, if you can. tag with #ObamaDate















baker is not a patriot, he is the gore porn shill from gerbils bake.


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6eb828  No.12636133

File: 4e7af430cbfbbde⋯.jpg (354.71 KB, 1080x1314, 60:73, Screenshot_20210120_114623….jpg)

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dc9338  No.12636134

But…. JFK jr and Assange!!!!


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ea8e39  No.12636135



17th SpaceX went up today.


Perhaps the "ten days",


darnkess (pain/23)

is really CEO Biden and Co.?

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d07fca  No.12636136

File: 0eb12073ef22bb0⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1009x696, 1009:696, ClipboardImage.png)