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File: b583bfbcb1d9f49⋯.png (45.91 KB, 250x140, 25:14, zzzNewBred.png)

45cce0  No.12623121[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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45cce0  No.12623123

Global Announcements

Reminder: Stay out of ALL STATE CAPITOLS on January 20, 2021. There are no "armed protests" being planned by Patriots

>>12537546 , >>12537580 , >>12537612 , >>12537672 Backup of the 11 transcripts released today by Graham on Russiagate / Obamagate

>>12495002 Using TOR/Onion with Brave Browser instructions

Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/


>>12596347 NOTICE qanon.pub maintainer here. qntmpkts.keybase.pub will no longer serve Q posts.

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>12622381 Anon dig: CASTLE ROCK?

>>12622452, >>12622563 Trump rescinded the EO prohibiting staff from lobbying. Swamp rats are now free to rejoin their frens.

>>12622514, >>12622761, >>12622779, >>12622810, >>12622818 Planefag reports

>>12622528 Anon opines on the DC cam: Some interesting comments/debate in this live stream…

>>12622697 APF: Rouhani picks a side…

>>12622842 king5 Reporting that Bannon is among the newly pardoned

>>12622921, >>12622930, >>12622933, >>12622935, >>12622952, >>12622955 Anon chatter concerning the POTUS Obelisk pic

>>12622972 Six men arrested as part of online sex sting operation

>>12623050 Brighteon: live- General McInerney, Lin Wood, General Paul Vallely, Mike Lindell, Mary Fanning & Mike Adams talk about stuff

>>12623091 #16116


>>12621657, >>12622063 Planefag reports

>>12621658 ADL Hails Big Tech Censors. Go figure?

>>12621726 Breibart: Gun owners in central Florida began camping out as early as 2 a.m. Monday in order to get stocked up

>>12621727, >>12622213 Just the news: confirmed, Steele subsource was a clown

>>12621867 Solomon: Just hours before departing office, President Trump on Tuesday evening formally completed the declassification of a large trove of Russia probe documents

>>12621941 Lin Wood: "January 20, 2021 has arrived…"

>>12621956 At least six major news networks have assigned women to lead White House coverage of the Biden administration

>>12621957 Gretchen Whitmer appoints new Republican to Michigan election board

>>12621964 Alibaba founder Jack Ma breaks 'missing' rumours by appearing in online conference

>>12622039 Dog comms? famous police dog from Washington state released from hospital after shooting

>>12622060 Twitter starts the reee as commutees become known…

>>12622083 Lady Gage present in DC to pray? For What? To Who?

>>12622178 Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding Executive Grants of Clemency

>>12622181 Express: Robbie Williams wins the covid lottery

>>12622268 #16115


>>12620892 Breaking: Trump has granted clemency to rappers Lil Wayne and Kodak Black and former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick

>>12620922 Text of the letter Pelosi sent to Miller

>>12620946, >>12621151 Planefag reports

>>12620967 WAPO: Trump expected to pardon former RNC finance chair Elliott Broidy

>>12621028 Trump reportedly grants clemency to rappers Lil Wayne, Kodak Black

>>12621271 Anon notices Sen Grassley got his numbers ‘confused’ in his Tweet earlier.

>>12621345 Gatewaypundit: "CROWDS OF PATRIOTIC SUPPORTERS in West Palm Beach Already Preparing for President Trump’s Arrival"

>>12621373 DailyMail: Unusual process for handling Nuclear Codes tomorrow

>>12621044 Anon nom: Do you really think it's over? Look!

>>12621498 Stephen King hit with backlash for demeaning waitresses in attempt to insult Kayleigh McEnany

>>12621536 #16114


>>12620126 Brass Parachutes: The Problem of the Pentagon Revolving Door

>>12620139 Grassley tweet tonight


>>12620159 11-26-20 The 4 Year Long Campaign Against DJT Infographic

>>12620165 10th Mountain Division you say?

>>12620170 What happens when people don't conform to their rule? Q Post 1232

>>12620281 , >>12620308 Indian police bust baby-trafficking ring in financial capital

>>12620326 Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry spotted in downtown D.C. on eve of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration

>>12620337 Meanwhile, in today's WTF news… Senator-elect Jon @Ossoff will use the Bible once owned by #Rabbi Jacob Rothschild when he is sworn in on Wednesday.

>>12620400 Boatfag Update Report SEA/AIR OPS WEST COAST US

>>12620259 Enjoy the show. Q

>>12620534 Stephen Miller’s going away note to his colleagues tonight, passed along by source

>>12620594 Boatfag Report

>>12620605 , >>12620618 The 'Dossier'

>>12620647 Remember this day - Stock market above 30 K. US is energy independent. Gas under two dollars a gallon,And no new wars in four years. January 19 , 2021

>>12620707 Lin Wood Forwarded from Sidney Powell - We have only begun to fight. We uncover more evidence of this criminal fraud by the day. Stay tuned. Have faith

>>12620716 Lin Wood We must trust God. He has a plan for us and He is in control. God will direct us to the other side of our present turmoils. All will be well. Wait on the Lord.


>>12620746 #16113

Previously Collected Notables

>>12619173 #16111, >>12619979 #16112

>>12616913 #16108, >>12617647 #16109, >>12618495 #16110

>>12614712 #16105, >>12615389 #16106, >>12616159 #16107

>>12611680 #16102, >>12616286 #16103, >>12613779 #16104

>>12611693 #16099, >>12611899 #16100, >>12614285 #16101

>>12607353 #16096, >>12608132 #16097, >>12608931 #16098

>>12604968 #16093, >>12605762 #16094, >>12606596 #16095

>>12602706 #16090, >>12603434 #16091, >>12604201 #16092

>>12601916 #16089B, >>12601915 #16089A

>>12599575 #16086, >>12600395 #16087, >>12601143 #16088

>>12597316 #16083, >>12598055 #16084, >>12598802 #16085

>>12594969 #16080, >>12595798 #16081, >>12596494 #16082

>>12592728 #16077, >>12593509 #16078, >>12594276 #16079

>>12590446 #16074, >>12591225 #16075, >>12591953 #16076

>>12588142 #16071, >>12589344 #16072, >>12590818 #16073

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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45cce0  No.12623126

Other Dedicated Research Threads

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>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>12219245 ————————————–——– Japan #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

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45cce0  No.12623137

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45cce0  No.12623141



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6d9dcf  No.12623152

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is a short clip about a man that tricks news companies to put out fake news and then forces their noses in it when he tells them it was a hoax. Pretty good.

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684f8d  No.12623159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Take some time for God.

Prophecy is real. They came for a reason.

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44a797  No.12623160

If you're going to kill yourselves, have the decent to put up some plastic to make clean up easier for your disinterested children.

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6d9dcf  No.12623165



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1b9a6e  No.12623177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Livestream of military movements in DC.

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6d9dcf  No.12623183

File: bd8d460b1887633⋯.png (305.79 KB, 2420x1138, 1210:569, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)

Do you think this is where they grew Julian Assange?


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d5f8b8  No.12623184

File: 26c4844620aeacb⋯.png (716.31 KB, 1222x1280, 611:640, twitterTrumpChabad.png)

Trump is a New Jersey mob boss.

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c815bf  No.12623185

>>12623124 (pb)

The shoplifter left the store when the election was certified. The window to make a move goes up until Biden completes the oath. Once he's officially sworn in, that window slams shut…and the military reports to him. Don't know how that's so hard to understand. I hate using "uncle" intel, but I had 2 friends of mine IN THE MILITARY essentially tell me the same thing.

"Hey, you know, this whole theory you have won't work if Biden actually gets inaugurated, right?" I'm gonna trust them, since they've been there. One of them served under Obama, the other served under both Obama, and Trump (And he's a hardcore Trump supporter…hated his time under Obama)

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a3c74a  No.12623186

Who exactly is in control

If the military takes over

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564349  No.12623187

File: 3d183fb1185b6a5⋯.png (217.38 KB, 412x288, 103:72, God_Wins.png)

Good Night Anons

Tomorrow will speak for itself

It's been an honor serving with you, through the comfy and the flak

Q has led us towards something that the DS can't control. They will try to censor and spam our chats with sin, but there will still be the Humble Patriots willing to do the digging and take the arrows (that require eye bleach and prayers)

God Bless America

God Bless President Trump

God Bless Q Team

God Bless the Anons who became the Army of Digital Soldiers

The Best Is Yet To Come! 07

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a6f0ca  No.12623188

File: aaee43c22fba10b⋯.jpg (75.93 KB, 495x900, 11:20, IMG_20201227_200504.jpg)

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8bc786  No.12623189

>>12621044 pb

This anon members the Scott O'Grady. Got shot down over Bosnia and survived until rescue based on cold weather survival training received at Fairchild AFB survival school. Whilst at Fairchild to thank and speak with the instructors he stopped at my neighbors house, a woman who used to babysit him as a child, to visit with her. As an aside, she also baby sat for two members of the Doobie Brothers. Imagine my surprise when I saw their tour bus parked on my street one day to visit with her. Small world.

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9edede  No.12623191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





ELECTION FRAUD MUST HEAR!! By and For the People – 2021.01.19

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ccd552  No.12623192




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5d9338  No.12623193

File: ba464c45ae7b139⋯.png (62.84 KB, 789x223, 789:223, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)

>>12622381 (pb Notable about CASTLE ROCK)

Guise…did no one but me notice this? (Surely not)

Coincidentally, look at when I capped it.

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7f346a  No.12623194

File: 468f6041766fd1a⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1080x1111, 1080:1111, ClipboardImage.png)

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0386ae  No.12623195


Think of all the little peope who came forward with their stories of seeing fraud at the various election hearings, thinking it was going to be ok because of "Kraken" and "We have it all" and "we have the server!" etc. and now are fucked and facing retribution for blood thirsty tyrant dems and libs.

Man… meanwhile Trump has his merch shop back up and pardons grifters and rappers, while leaving patriots to dangle.

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78c5cc  No.12623196

File: 4daa15fbe224387⋯.jpg (344.09 KB, 798x898, 399:449, Awesome_464_.jpg)

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9a982c  No.12623197


goodnight, sweet dreams, God Bless You.

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44a797  No.12623198


Niggers and kikes.

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4420a7  No.12623199


hard to imagine that every monster was at one point a cute little kid.

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5b9863  No.12623200

File: 6a789bef4ea9439⋯.png (139.3 KB, 565x433, 565:433, 01_20_01_40_19.png)

>>12623081 /lb

Annotation here


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000000  No.12623201

Thinking of 1776, the Civil War, WWI+II, and so much more, all the death, the heroes, the struggle, starvation.

The American Dream.

To pass power over to someone who stole an election, and is part of an evil global cabal hellbent on destroying the constitution and the people of the world is such a low, disgusting, painful thought, it's almost unthinkable.

It's tragic.

It'd be the greatest betrayal ever witnessed, in my opinion.

Crushing the souls of tens of millions, dooming the world to a thousand years of darkness.

Liberty, Justice, God, there would be no way these things could be real after.

I pray I'm wrong, but tomorrow could be the saddest day in the history of the world. The day we watched America die, and it's all because the people in power, and the military, didn't have the courage to do what's right, to make the tough choices.

To do what past great Americans knew HAD to be done.

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a6f0ca  No.12623202

File: f9931124796e101⋯.jpg (377.15 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_20201025_220655.jpg)


And he's the cleanest pol. Sucks to be you.

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9820ed  No.12623203

File: 12ea85a1e226fbe⋯.jpg (165.5 KB, 1197x1031, 1197:1031, 12ea85a1e226fbe8b13b673b11….jpg)

>>12622999 (PB)


>It sure exposed a lot more rats, and that is the whole point.

We CERTAINLY all learned, and normie conservatives did as well, just how HATEFUL and vindictive the LEFT is when they have power. This is waking the people up, ALL of us, like, just seeing "Farewell" by POTUS or FLOTUS names, I don't like it, at all, and it makes me all the hungrier to be ready to give my all when the dust settles.

This is masterful. Biden has been acting. He's with us. Let's do the math.



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ccd552  No.12623204




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9a982c  No.12623205


stfu gtfo

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ef6c9a  No.12623206

File: 6718b08fad87d05⋯.png (640.67 KB, 646x679, 646:679, comfy.png)

Holy shit the day has arrived. God bless each and everyone here. 2000 years ago started the process of the end of barbarism and a new way, a better way. Today we will find out if those days are over. Good luck, drink responsibly or don't, and keep in mind it was a pretty good time to be alive and witness it.

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4420a7  No.12623207


he's still diving in there looking for that plug.


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a45b39  No.12623208

File: 84e2d8e606bbafb⋯.png (111.99 KB, 1245x616, 1245:616, ClipboardImage.png)





Just so we are clear, this is not meant to be depressing.

I am full of hope for our road ahead, no matter what.

Today I saw people from every walk of life band together and cry out in a unified voice for the freedom of one individual who had sacrificed everything on their behalf. Humanity rose up, awake; and even though its voice was denied for a moment, the road does not end here. I am incredibly proud of all of you, and look forward to continuing our collective fight for all that is right and good. Don't be defeated, and never give in. We live to fight another day, learning from the one that came before.

With love,

Your eternal friend,


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c05ab6  No.12623209

Barry and Big Mike attending the inauguration?

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f8ce6b  No.12623210


>Who exactly is in control if the military takes over

I'd imagine the Joint Chiefs.

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e347f6  No.12623211

File: 1d23d83a32d4b5e⋯.png (107.93 KB, 1276x598, 638:299, 2608_What_were_in_the_enve….png)

What were in the envelopes ???

Our promise to 'counter'.

QAnon post #2608

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7f346a  No.12623212

No cures.

No Arrests

No Justice.

No Gold Standard.

No Wall.

No declassification

No JFK Files.

No reforms.

Just a future of re-education camps for us.

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0386ae  No.12623213


This is correct.

It could have been handled the next day, and the reason it wasn't we told ourselves was to get all the traitors together to arrest them.

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12f8aa  No.12623214

File: 82b28af338a9054⋯.png (22.52 KB, 1618x285, 1618:285, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80a0af8a9097233⋯.png (15.24 KB, 1668x210, 278:35, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 989ff3fe197a0c5⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1317x1164, 439:388, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a43626c0bcd2a10⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, calendar6.jpg)

Look. These are messages with me corresponding with my dad about my Binary Calendar in 2016.

If you want proof they are stealing my intellectual property. Compare my Binary Calendar to this Calibri Circle. Tell me they are not the same. I beat them to the punch, they made the finished product.

Listen to me. I do not lie.

Do six rows, start like this

It doesn't line up right in the text. But if you line it all up. It creates alignment points. You will see the number of 0 in a column grow, and then collapse to higher state as a 1. You will see the number of 1 in a column grow and then it will collapse to a higher state as 0.




If you seriously want to look at this and you have any questions just ask.

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4420a7  No.12623215



Trump is the biggest cuck in politics.

will all the republicans around, that's saying a lot.

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7f346a  No.12623216

File: 2a82081db68a26c⋯.png (247.64 KB, 592x1169, 592:1169, 2a82081db68a26cebb42b3f77a….png)


Literally KYS

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b48bb0  No.12623217


Are you kidding??? Being sarcastic???

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12f8aa  No.12623218


Ypu all think I started planning a LARP in 2016 so I could show up on qresearch babbling at ya'll?

If I am LARPing. I am LARPing to myself too.

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d5f8b8  No.12623219


>Sucks to be you

My position is the same as yours, except I'm honest.

"They say I'm totally immune. Full immunity, isn't that great?" - Trump

You really need to stop sucking Trump dick. He is a self-serving billionaire. There is zero chance he became president out of the kindness of his heart. Stop living in an illusion, start embracing honest to God Truth. You will eliminate a lot of internal conflict by doing so.

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ccd552  No.12623221




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8f12a3  No.12623222


digits confirm 19 presidency



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9d10d8  No.12623223

File: 549efcc059fd804⋯.jpg (32.09 KB, 474x315, 158:105, download.jpg)

>>12623155 (pb)

^^^scary clown post

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c05ab6  No.12623224

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4974f0  No.12623225

File: 4117d432af81c30⋯.jpg (185.6 KB, 1318x864, 659:432, Newly_elected_Trump_on_lob….jpg)

File: 4e4af44074569d7⋯.jpg (61.08 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Traitor_Trump_ends_ban_on_….jpg)

Another last minute knife in the back by Trump to his supporters - ending ban on lobbying (saw on pol, verified on Ben Jacobs twitter).

The first pic is Trump's position on lobbying on 1/29/17.

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7f346a  No.12623226


>No cures.


>No Arrests


>No Justice.


>No Gold Standard.


>No Wall.


>No declassification


>No JFK Files.


>No reforms.


>Just a future of re-education camps for us.

Oh, and actual patriots like the oathkeepers and SOTAR about to be labelled domestic terrorists.

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9820ed  No.12623227

File: 0bb0f8cc0bdf426⋯.jpg (53.33 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 0bb0f8cc0bdf42655ac8b55d41….jpg)


>Today we will find out if those days are over.

Day of Days

It's been an HONOR Anons, no matter the outcome, which is in God's hands, we gave our all. It's been like trying to empty Lake Mead with paper cups, but a dedicated Army moving together, one cup at a time, and we did it. I think America is ready, and you KNOW DJT has something great planned.

What makes a movie GREAT??



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ccd552  No.12623228




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fe3166  No.12623229

so how long after tomorrow until the next Q drop?


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072ead  No.12623230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

As far as I know, this hasn't been duly noted, and it should be.

There is a lot of talk that Trump never mentioned a Biden administration. This is false.

Cue up the embedded video of Trump's speech in Alamo, TX at 15:54. He utters the phrase "Joe Biden and the Biden administration."

Not trying to be a wet blanket, but it should be acknowledged that Trump said this.

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156f84  No.12623231

Whatever you see and hear today and tomorrow from the “Biden Administration” is nothing but massive theatrics. This is the biggest drama the worlds ever witnessed.

Please visit my Telegram channel



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eb5630  No.12623232

why does the obelisk notable use "POTUS" when its a photo of biden/harris. what happend to this board. Add this to the "chatter"

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6d9dcf  No.12623233


Didn't he already do his inauguration on video for tomorrow because "it won't be safe" tomorrow?

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78c5cc  No.12623234

File: ed71e6984cdbf49⋯.png (63.58 KB, 684x292, 171:73, PANIC_Patriots_R_Now_In_Co….png)


I'm not seeing an end to Trump's MAGA. They saw what they saw and there is much proof.

Hint: Patriot Party.

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7efdeb  No.12623235

Yep, he's a complete faggot. Owned by Jews.

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7ff5e2  No.12623236

File: c835130534ece4c⋯.jpg (66.2 KB, 600x574, 300:287, antifa_debit_payment_card.jpg)

File: 896e5491d87dbe5⋯.webm (2.49 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 4chan_antifa_attacking_st….webm)

File: 74471c39915a33a⋯.webm (2.93 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 4chan_protestors_attackin….webm)

File: ff32335bdbec287⋯.png (50.95 KB, 850x1100, 17:22, 4chan_dont_fuck_with_white….png)


Remember, they had to pay Antifa.

For 4 years we've prayed and trusted the law and the plan. 5 years we've suffered attacks, deplatforming, digital depersoning, threats of re-education camps.

If Joe Biden is sworn in as president and moves into the white house….just remember this, there has not yet been a scenario in which blue team wins. Ever. They'll assassinate his demented skeleton, blame it on us, like they do everything else.

Chinks have big ideas…using their brainwashed bugmen troops to invade?

Don't call ME a fucking traitor.

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faf8c8  No.12623237

File: c28885a8cba6038⋯.jpeg (4.14 KB, 300x168, 25:14, dig_it.jpeg)

>>12623107 LB [Faggot]

>>12623023 LB [Faggot]

>>12623023 LB [Faggot]

you 3 are losers

>>12622999 [Patriot]

you can lead a horse to water but….. hi fren o7

we knew Trump had to step down [or out] to do Gersara [BREXIT 1 YEAR TIMING] but if Biden [Not Bidin] is sworn in to the corp? then the Mi can end it, Trump did not do it … does the republic need a potus? Who cares its all fake and gay Military runs it all if they want Joe and Kamel toe they got ac130 gunships now shut the fuck up and shit post memes we like those, when the shilling stops we are missing out target o7

its all a test you are class members dont fail [SPACE FORCE] you are on a prison planet but there is moar for the graduates

think logically do you not think we are still with you ?

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5a912d  No.12623238

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5f5ee2  No.12623241

File: 99b420969576dd1⋯.jpg (618.5 KB, 1080x1496, 135:187, Screenshot_20210119_225950….jpg)

File: c3bbbbf099a0ae1⋯.jpg (708.03 KB, 1080x1560, 9:13, Screenshot_20210119_233631.jpg)

File: c294da5adb95c8b⋯.jpg (595.38 KB, 1080x2007, 120:223, Screenshot_20210119_233652.jpg)

File: 25a3cddf18c0384⋯.jpg (144.93 KB, 1080x857, 1080:857, Screenshot_20210119_233708.jpg)

File: a8ac638202516d2⋯.jpg (219.28 KB, 1080x1102, 540:551, Screenshot_20210119_233731.jpg)

If you use 143 to filter Q drops, it almost appears to be communication. The 143 is captured in the post number as well.

Can anyone else confirm?

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627332  No.12623242


"It looks like I'm immune for, I don't know, maybe a long time, maybe a short time," he said. "It could be a lifetime. Nobody really knows, but I'm immune. So the president is in very good shape to fight the battles."

Go back to Twitter faggot

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7efdeb  No.12623243


Trump can eat a dick and so can any party affiliated with him. Trump is OVER!

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6d9dcf  No.12623244


Good. See which ones scurry back to their pied piper.

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ccd552  No.12623245





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4974f0  No.12623246


Lots of info on the shitbags Trump pardoned too.


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e347f6  No.12623248

File: 998e117ecd20c2c⋯.png (54.03 KB, 1367x286, 1367:286, 309_Justice_.png)

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9a982c  No.12623249

I love you, anons. God Bless You! It ain't over yet. Not our plan or timeline. We wait, hold the line, and pray. God Bless President Trump. God Bless America.

In God We Trust. o7

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78ff03  No.12623250

File: ea0d2827f0493c2⋯.jpg (24.91 KB, 346x425, 346:425, 1959e75fae53dfe2bbf653e539….jpg)


>What makes a movie GREAT??

Bewbs don't hurt.

Post some new ones, ladies.

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8c2c1e  No.12623251


>did no one but me notice this?


Harking back to the belligerent occupation and the GC.

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06769a  No.12623252

Yo I need the 4 videos of dude changing clothes in the Capitol

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9d10d8  No.12623253

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b48bb0  No.12623254


Would you not show up at the big reveal of your greatest work?

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fcf70e  No.12623255

Biden’s DHS Pick To "Study" Whether To Keep Trump’s Border Wall


Who didn't see that one coming

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7f346a  No.12623256



The biggest demoralization campaign in history. If there was a chance to remove the deep state still he wouldn't be pardoning the Deep State. I can't believe after this any Trump/Kushner would ever have the fucking ovaries to run for POTUS in '24

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8f12a3  No.12623257

File: 15c8612d0fa2009⋯.png (274.55 KB, 427x427, 1:1, 15c8612d0fa20098cdf47d1cf8….png)




>Take some time for God.

Prophecy is real. They came for a reason.

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4420a7  No.12623258

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5f5ee2  No.12623259

File: 486132ab33e97a7⋯.jpg (184.56 KB, 1080x992, 135:124, Screenshot_20210119_233749.jpg)

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7efdeb  No.12623260


Fuck off Schicksa whore.

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559760  No.12623261


Thank you for your support and service, patriot. We will never forget.

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5d9338  No.12623262

File: 14bdf0b0f04aac8⋯.png (32.03 KB, 780x125, 156:25, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)


Trips of truth?

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b48bb0  No.12623263


>Day of Days

First day of the last days of the Republic.

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9edede  No.12623264

File: 901f3901a00ec64⋯.png (557.62 KB, 500x531, 500:531, ClipboardImage.png)


TRIPLE DUBS NOTED, we have come this far, it is worth a hour of peoples time to listen to this podcast and the real events happening, THE DISTRICT COLUMBIA IS NOT PART OF THE USA, IT IS A SEPARATE STATE,


nothing happening in D.C HAS CREDENCE OR VALIDITY !!!

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7ff5e2  No.12623265

File: a8cde21af09c563⋯.webm (2.94 MB, 202x360, 101:180, 4chan_niggers_mob_attack_….webm)

File: e153d7d913784fd⋯.webm (2.87 MB, 360x202, 180:101, 4chan_black_man_beating_a….webm)

File: c5c6e66464a6538⋯.webm (2.84 MB, 640x800, 4:5, 4chan_nigger_stabbing_whi….webm)

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000000  No.12623266


After stealing the general election, then Georgia with the same methods, elections are irrelevant. The People no longer have any power over their government or the ability to vote.

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0386ae  No.12623267


That might be the only redemption out of all of this - Patriots uniting w/o the Trumps and forming a cohesive patriot party.

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9d89cb  No.12623268

File: 1b5c2677ef98842⋯.gif (907.96 KB, 640x542, 320:271, confusception.gif)


You just took a screenshot of a screenshot, nigger.

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4af7bf  No.12623269

oh man… dude just doxxed himself.

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4420a7  No.12623270


just in time for Pence, Jared, and all the other douchebags to jump right back into the swamp.

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000000  No.12623271


Chris Miller

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7efdeb  No.12623272


He never planned for a second term. Covid was his job and his haters bought it up like lemmings.

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d5f8b8  No.12623273

File: 5abf1abb3408af0⋯.png (145.92 KB, 1321x734, 1321:734, pfisa.png)


What exactly are you defending?

The guy who had over 1500 opportunities to invoke the insurrection act and failed us?

You are not an American if you think Trump served us well.


Holy shit you fuckers are dense.

I would bet my nuts he has a development deal for the Golan Heights. How much you want to bet?

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5a912d  No.12623274

File: ab96a11df665c7d⋯.gif (4.34 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 20180729_022356.gif)

æı got yer clown cœк§цкя.


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bf47cf  No.12623275

File: 8101ccd40ceff67⋯.gif (6.48 MB, 510x508, 255:254, 20201222_205814.gif)

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7ff5e2  No.12623276

File: 7744a1fff1bab51⋯.jpg (121.75 KB, 700x232, 175:58, dont_fuck_with_white_peopl….jpg)


Pic related…tru

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8c2c1e  No.12623277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This PLAN is pure fucking genius

How long has Trump been talking about a coup against him and exposing the corruption and lies?

Did the world take notice and believe it and act with outrage?

Sometimes you have to show them and that's exactly what he's doing.

Bidan had to be certified as the final nail in the coffin of the corrupt media, big tech, political graft, corruption and control, in short, the entire Deep State.

Two of the 3 branches of government have usurped the rights of the people.

The last branch to check them is the Executive branch.

The system had to be allowed to fail for the following to be possible:

Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.

And while the concernfags were wetting their knickers, gnashing their teeth and shit posting low tier bait, the actors have all been playing their designated roles in the movie you are currently watching.

What makes a great movie?

Suspense, disappointment, a story with twists and unexpected turns, highs, lows, joy, sadness, good guys, villains, and some you are unsure if they're white hats, black hats or grey hats and, most of all, GREAT ACTORS; Q’s already provided the soundtrack.

So, sit back and enjoy the show, and not only witness history in the making, but be an active part of history in the making.

Moar popcorn?

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12f8aa  No.12623278

File: 3aec394695b781d⋯.png (89.05 KB, 1806x523, 1806:523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ce9c95fda6de96⋯.png (582.84 KB, 1000x1080, 25:27, ClipboardImage.png)


I have the spreadsheets I sent him too. I will show you. I needed him to help me, but he didn;'t really understand what I was doing.

He works with heuristic algorithms. I live in my van and barely know math. I don't think he thought much of what I was doing

This is the first incarnation of that binary system calendar clock thing. I just started imagining it. it was like an energy I downloaded. It was like whoah. Okay. Now what.

I bet it works more like a spiral, it gives it a fibonaccial component. I just can't make it.

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e347f6  No.12623279

File: b478ec2b2958a8b⋯.png (113.04 KB, 1324x650, 662:325, 491_How_are_Senators_worth….png)

"How are Senators worth many millions of dollars? How does MW live in a $4mm home? How many past/current politicians have foundations or institutes? CORRUPT. BROKEN. TRAITORS!!! JUSTICE. JAIL. DEATH." QAnon post #491


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78c5cc  No.12623280


How easy is it to predict what E would say? I don't get the "following".

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fcf70e  No.12623281


JANUARY 19, 2021 / 5:56 PM

Former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama are expected to attend the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on Wednesday


Doesn't mention anything about the wives or husbands kek

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a6f0ca  No.12623282

File: d1e5205985def9e⋯.jpg (34.84 KB, 640x767, 640:767, ilhan_omar.jpg)



Post it again schlomo I don't give a fuck.

>>12623236 take a xanax, ip hop, whatever turd

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5826ce  No.12623283

File: 5c2dddbceb9f358⋯.mp4 (402.63 KB, 640x360, 16:9, MaskedMadman.mp4)

A few studies recently promoted by MSM suggest that some "masks" (medically approved surgical masks) only reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 by 30 to 50%. The same studies also concluded that cloth masks were less effective than that. Note that these studies required "social distancing" in order to achieve the 30% to 50% mask-wearing protection.

For example:


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ca980e  No.12623284

File: 71244c6fb4bc318⋯.png (145.68 KB, 2030x846, 1015:423, ClipboardImage.png)

DC weather for today.

Rod of God would be obvious. Too many questions…even if there are 4 asteroid flybys.

But a HAARP (biblical) storm…

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9a982c  No.12623285


probably not her posting. HOWEVER, Trump is still president. DO NOT DISRESPECT his daughter.

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7f346a  No.12623286


>After stealing the general election, then Georgia with the same methods, elections are irrelevant. The People no longer have any power over their government or the ability to vote.

Taxation without representation. We just became an apartheid state.


>if you are jewish.

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7efdeb  No.12623287


This country is finished! Too many cowards and ducks.

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c3eb8e  No.12623288



The ending's going to amaze 99% of the folks on this board (both sides) and 99.9% of gen pop.

absolutely nothing like what I expected (or even remotely suspected) as late as just an hour ago.

I would suggest to stay sober

… and even then it'll still be hard for nearly all to reconcile what just happened.

Full on WOW !!!!

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5c1a59  No.12623289

File: c40452ff8135cca⋯.png (660.65 KB, 1587x686, 1587:686, ClipboardImage.png)

VV 1 of 8 trackable MLAT planes in the US currently flying and the only one high in the sky. Flying between Monroe , Jacksonville, Durham, and Wilmington North Carolina

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5f5ee2  No.12623290

File: 7a17ae864548fb7⋯.jpg (192.68 KB, 1080x902, 540:451, Screenshot_20210119_233810.jpg)

File: a0173e72b2c68dd⋯.jpg (467.7 KB, 1080x1614, 180:269, Screenshot_20210119_233834.jpg)

File: 481c5e03338d0b8⋯.jpg (734.53 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210119_233847.jpg)

File: de42986072c12ad⋯.jpg (640.62 KB, 1080x2007, 120:223, Screenshot_20210119_233916.jpg)

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000000  No.12623291


Which will have every election stolen brazenly before your eyes. Congrats. It's like everyone forgets that part. Without being able to vote anyone in or out, you have lost your Republic. You can not bring change. Take up arms and be labelled a terrorist, and I bet Biden, unlike Trump, will actually use martial law and insurrection act to crush their enemies.

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156f84  No.12623292

File: b6d27e784f648d6⋯.png (45.95 KB, 845x537, 845:537, ClipboardImage.png)

Just bet the fools the money they'd get with NESARA. Say okay, I bet you Trump stays in, to the amount of your first NESARA installment.


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7efdeb  No.12623293


Not to mention not having a leader with the courage to strand up and fight. Trump rolled right over, like a bitch.

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45cce0  No.12623294


#16117 @earlies, >>12623141

>>12623230 Anon points out for the record that Trump is not avoiding the "Biden Administration" phrase as insurrection rumors swirl..

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9a982c  No.12623295


don't care, won't and didn't wear one

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5826ce  No.12623296


The man he grabs by the arm (standing next to the woman) is so flummoxed he forgets how to clap his hands for a moment.

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fe86a5  No.12623297

File: e5f4dcdcbda0714⋯.jpg (99.62 KB, 960x540, 16:9, e5f4dcdcbda0714b61529c4886….jpg)

For all of the "anons" flooding the board with doubt, read up on Sun Tzu.

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”

“Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.”

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win”

“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected .”

“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.”

“To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.”

“Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.”

“There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare.”

- Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Pray for President Trump! Repent of your SINS AND PRAY. All glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.

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4f1f88  No.12623298

Psalm 17:13

Arise, O Lord, disappoint him, cast him down: deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword:

14 From men which are thy hand, O Lord, from men of the world, which have their portion in this life, and whose belly thou fillest with thy hid treasure: they are full of children, and leave the rest of their substance to their babes.

15 As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.

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1d3ed9  No.12623299

File: 018e6b763e98912⋯.jpg (31.77 KB, 852x712, 213:178, MQ9_sub.jpg)

This is cool. Potentially very useful to our Pacific friends who need to worry about Chinese subs.


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40ecdb  No.12623300


The word to remember is REPLACING. Not continuing the same old BS.

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684f8d  No.12623301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0b19bc  No.12623302

File: da8372ea75c242f⋯.png (154.41 KB, 900x900, 1:1, pepe14.png)


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9d10d8  No.12623303


Think about it logically.

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7ff5e2  No.12623304

File: cbbebd80b4e3713⋯.webm (2.83 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 4chan_nigger_mob_of_kids_….webm)

File: 4199051c1383f40⋯.webm (1.91 MB, 408x720, 17:30, 4chan_nigger_child_attack….webm)

File: 98d38355b9f0a5a⋯.webm (2.2 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 4chan_nigger_mob_attack_e….webm)

File: d63e620a1ddd29c⋯.webm (2.83 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 4chan_nigger_attacks_gun_….webm)

File: 021cef0cd88c106⋯.webm (2.86 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 4chan_nigger_woman_sexual….webm)


Fuck niggers

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c05ab6  No.12623305

File: 0abaa94d53ec068⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1981x1485, 1981:1485, E4C129C5_D0D8_460F_85B0_0….jpeg)


These people are stupid.

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9a3841  No.12623306

File: 3d2672b437ddc43⋯.jpeg (30.83 KB, 748x471, 748:471, 42C817BC_4E56_4CB8_BA50_4….jpeg)

A Q drop right before noon tomorrow would be the most epic shit possible.


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106519  No.12623307

File: 427848b7f03790c⋯.png (356.09 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Do_Your_Part_1.png)

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106519  No.12623308

File: 586cb47f0c57d54⋯.png (395.54 KB, 640x360, 16:9, DO_YOUR_PART_2.png)

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7f346a  No.12623309

File: 61242ca91cd3482⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1125x1348, 1125:1348, ClipboardImage.png)


>For all of the "anons" flooding the board with doubt, read up on Sun Tzu.

What chapter in the art of war covered this shit?

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9d89cb  No.12623310



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697e02  No.12623311



Coordinates take me to china

30.461764 99.44736

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106519  No.12623312

File: c140fc5418e67a2⋯.png (273.49 KB, 724x404, 181:101, DO_YOUR_PART_3.png)

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d5f8b8  No.12623313

File: b38525654435ca1⋯.png (546.68 KB, 858x769, 858:769, ilhanMynett.png)


oyyy vey

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ef6c9a  No.12623314

File: 31050be07953431⋯.png (25.84 KB, 724x193, 724:193, PDJT.png)


>How long has Trump been talking about a coup against him and exposing the corruption and lies?

Oh, it goes way back.

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49084d  No.12623315


sober almost a year, anon!

staying up tonight

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7efdeb  No.12623316


Wow is right. Wow you're deluded.

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106519  No.12623317

File: a3cfebe9fc152e6⋯.png (13.12 MB, 4088x2725, 4088:2725, DO_YOUR_PART_4.png)

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106519  No.12623318

File: 8596a110985e1bd⋯.png (926.44 KB, 768x834, 128:139, DO_YOUR_PART.png)

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106519  No.12623320

File: 53f041628352dce⋯.png (370.01 KB, 970x444, 485:222, DO_YOUR_PART_6.png)

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a6f0ca  No.12623321

File: ac1fc46ad799a01⋯.jpg (137.36 KB, 756x928, 189:232, Sammy_Davis_Jr_1972.jpg)

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7ff5e2  No.12623322

File: d6eb3da84cc0ae7⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1498x904, 749:452, Surprise_its_a_kike.png)



That is NOT Ezra Cohen Watnik.

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460a9b  No.12623323

All the lawyers were in it for the money.

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106519  No.12623324

File: d4a3a4c804c5049⋯.png (372.93 KB, 670x376, 335:188, DO_YOUR_PART_7.png)

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220622  No.12623325

File: 24da1cec43c3807⋯.jpeg (76.06 KB, 472x650, 236:325, 10134DC6_C4A8_43B7_B9FA_D….jpeg)

niggas, i’ve gone too far, where does it stahp?

>It’s the greedy banker kikes

>It’s the satanic democratic party

>It’s bad actors in every political party

>It’s the illuminati cabal

>It’s the Vatican Holy See

>It’s the Reptilians

>It’s the Archons

>It’s the Nazi breakaway civ consciousness harvesting for ‘20 and back’ slave labour on colonies like Ceres

>It’s the time travel war between mercenary black goo injecting Nazi’s vs Borg Banker kikes

>It’s the karma fearing spocks ayys in the Galactic Federation of Planets

>It’s the Egregors of regressive thought patterns of souled humanoids on Earth creating nightmarish soul growth opportunities

>It’s the Source of all things playing around with the concept of Duality through lower vibratory frequency realms through each sentient being

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12f8aa  No.12623326


I am trying to show you something.

It isn't terribly meaningful to everything. Is it interesting and cool yea. But it doesn't have much to do with Q. If you have a lab in your garage want to try an anti-gravity engine, have fun, this is probably a little starter pack for you.

This is the best sauce I have for you at the moment that I am communicating important things to you possibly. If you haven't considered the things I have said previously, please try this on for size.

I posted this last night. I base this off that little circle of 0 and 1. It could also be A or M

#12599146 at 2021-01-19 07:03:15 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #16086: Philosophical Reflections when Hours Away from Revelations Edition


In a fractalized world of exponentional binaric fibinoccial hexidecmal observations.

You are going to choose something called the theory of special relativity. You are going to keep at it. You are all stupid.


I know other people do other stuff.

String theory is interesting, but it isn't quite right either.

There is only one solution you dumb dumbs.



a big circle

call it whatever you fucking want







Matter / Anti-Matter [A/M]

It is in the Vatican library. There are letters in the alphabet. They correspond to technology. There is just a list of contributors and a letter of the alphabet.

The first letter is A

I solved it years ago.

I will not solve anymore, that wouldn't be fun for the rest of you, now would it.

I will do something, I don't know… but a new world awaits.

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106519  No.12623327

File: 315ba44d099d707⋯.png (293.98 KB, 670x376, 335:188, DO_YOUR_PART_8.png)

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808a55  No.12623328



They are that too.

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4bb8cb  No.12623329


We got this anons. Trump is a genius. Planned for decades.

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7efdeb  No.12623330


Fair enough. I'll "respect" her for 9 more hours.

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0386ae  No.12623331


That is true.

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106519  No.12623332

File: 3869091bf67e545⋯.png (971.29 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, DO_YOUR_PART_8_2.png)

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684f8d  No.12623333

File: 5b08e7a1d177936⋯.jpeg (251.89 KB, 395x828, 395:828, 6EF5E741_C51C_4BA7_B8D3_4….jpeg)


You’ll find out.

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bf8541  No.12623335

File: 0562e0d77fdef1f⋯.jpg (375.39 KB, 1643x1849, 1643:1849, 0562e0d77fdef1f00cd5be1017….jpg)


Meh…I'll let it slide. Gotta have some drama and shit right? Kek.

Fucking comfy here

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d91655  No.12623336


My wife was a poll watcher and saw when our local machine went down and had to be rebooted, which required them to scan in all the votes at a later time. We thought about reporting it in the heat of the moment, but are now glad we dindu nuffin. We have to live in this community. So much corruption and fraud in this election, and Biden couldn’t fill a stadium or online forum if he was giving away new Jeeps. No way he won and everybody knows it. The entire government from Trump on down failed us, which I now believe was the plan all along. No more poll watching or voting for us; we’re out for good. Corruption can’t be fixed, and trying to fight it only destroys lives and this whole thing has nearly destroyed my marriage. It will take years to recover from the damage this has caused to us. So much hope, all gone. Feeling totally betrayed and abandoned by Trump. He goes back to his fortune, we continue grinding the stone to barely survive.

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7d5e10  No.12623337

File: 59e47cf0c5c5ebd⋯.mp4 (8.82 MB, 480x360, 4:3, JFK_As_the_world_turns.mp4)

File: a190bf087b825c7⋯.png (697.99 KB, 1040x1008, 65:63, 2320.png)

As The World Turns

1, 20 , 23, 20

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5b9863  No.12623339


Hey, he drug your sorry ass out of the wood work didn't he. How about the 1000's of assholes just like you. Smile.

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7ff5e2  No.12623340

File: f24cc8823efedcc⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1867x933, 1867:933, juan_o_savin_wayne_willott….png)

File: df99dbca9f1bf24⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1365x8155, 39:233, juan_o_savin_wayne_willott.png)

File: 4efe3efe4adda38⋯.png (320.85 KB, 848x816, 53:51, juan_o_savin_willott.png)


Juan O Savin cashing in on a different market?

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460a9b  No.12623342


And this would be a good time for a break.

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106519  No.12623343


"Popcorn day" came and went, dickhead.

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0b19bc  No.12623344

File: aa5cc467cba3d44⋯.png (1.59 MB, 825x1010, 165:202, ClipboardImage.png)

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8bc786  No.12623345

File: bb0b2dacf0af9ae⋯.png (687.63 KB, 680x546, 340:273, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12620716 Lin Wood: We must trust God. He has a plan for us and He is in control. God will direct us to the other side of our present turmoils. All will be well. Wait on the Lord. pb notable

Agnostic anon here. Since the bloodline families of the deep state got started about 6000 years ago, has not humanity been trusting God & awaiting his plan for us? Has God not been in control all these centuries? Why has God waited until NOW to direct us to the other side of our turmoils and make all well? Vert da ferk was wrong with yesterday or the day before? Why not last year or last century? Why not 4000 years ago? Why not the day before my dad died? Do Deity's just treat our lives along with our joys and our sufferings like a giant Crap Shoot?


If you work at the Hershey Candy Company and call in sick saying you have the Hershey Squirts, will you get fired?

THESE are the things that keep me up nights with you glorious faggots!

/end rant

I'm all tingly and loving this movie so nothing to do but shit post really.

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106519  No.12623346

File: 6f9c8bae287ebae⋯.jpg (737.78 KB, 1248x1731, 416:577, GPJs5.jpg)

File: 9e50061d9263bd3⋯.jpg (103.45 KB, 450x575, 18:23, GPJs4.jpg)

File: 932a619c4428b26⋯.jpg (488.75 KB, 744x1024, 93:128, GPJs2.jpg)

File: f7668e78c68ad4f⋯.jpg (86.6 KB, 324x450, 18:25, GPJs.jpg)

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5826ce  No.12623347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is that joy, or…?

Speech begins at 2:10.

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106519  No.12623348

File: bcab12d82a9aeb7⋯.jpg (45.44 KB, 250x350, 5:7, GPJs9.jpg)

File: 6cbc7cb91902e3f⋯.jpg (89.12 KB, 388x600, 97:150, GPJs8.jpg)

File: 7b69902e553f46f⋯.jpg (81.6 KB, 350x490, 5:7, GPJs7.jpg)

File: dde34a3efefcee2⋯.jpg (146.85 KB, 457x640, 457:640, GPJs6.jpg)

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c5dafa  No.12623349

Did I graduate yet? Somebody said they were going to give me something when I did.

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493a02  No.12623350

File: 2ff13522eaf00d7⋯.jpg (44.3 KB, 576x434, 288:217, 1595250744665.jpg)


Kill yourself, tranny kike

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106519  No.12623351

File: 2e5a9465144f61d⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 250x350, 5:7, GPJs12.jpg)

File: 175ae4466060698⋯.jpg (44.66 KB, 236x314, 118:157, GPJs11.jpg)

File: e0755f06477f174⋯.jpg (42.78 KB, 236x330, 118:165, GPJs10.jpg)

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8c2c1e  No.12623352



A not oft seen word.

Wordsmithanon approves.

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2701f4  No.12623353

We have yet to see the precipice.

It is not about Democrat or Republican.

It is about Good vs. the Evil.

How do we Unite and stop being divided?

The truth.

Everyone will need to understand the the truth.

They must be SHOWN.

The must Experience the truth.

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7d5e10  No.12623354

File: ebd1383deacf3c2⋯.mp4 (8.18 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Freedom_is_not_free_a_sold….mp4)

File: e658dadd3ebda9d⋯.png (32.21 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

A Soldiers Pledge

President Ronald Reagan first Inaugural Address, delivered on January 20, 1981:

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dcfda9  No.12623355

File: 5e994daec1608e5⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1574x903, 1574:903, 6vt3crewq.PNG)

I'll take orange thumb prints too!

If that means the US can have fraud free elections.

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9a982c  No.12623356

The fear is HIGH. The shills are going crazy. KEK They have no idea. So, don't discuss or ponder what will happen next. Stay calm. Hold the line. Throw back the popcorn, and enjoy.

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a53729  No.12623357

File: 27bfb7dc35770a2⋯.png (1022.17 KB, 1041x608, 1041:608, Pelosi_Virus_meme.PNG)

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70b3ee  No.12623358

File: bba71676cb0e375⋯.jpg (988.73 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, mama.jpg)

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60b003  No.12623360


time is a funny thing

sleep well

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a6f0ca  No.12623361

File: 9fd71aa26527986⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 2576x1932, 4:3, 1607994972.jpg)


Balls! Kek

Hey brudder can you spare 200k? My house got burned down.

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ef6c9a  No.12623363

"Come to know what is in front of you, and that which is hidden from you will become clear to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not become manifest."

Today a beam of light. A gift if you can see it.

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fe86a5  No.12623364

File: 240918a0aa2289c⋯.png (1.47 MB, 939x714, 313:238, mayyouliveforever.PNG)

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4f1f88  No.12623366

Daniel 12:4

But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.”

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31d63a  No.12623367



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fcf70e  No.12623368


He's never been that emotional before. And I don't believe he's crying for Beau.

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7dd653  No.12623369


> Awesome_464_.jpg

are there 463 more?

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9d10d8  No.12623370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now and always.

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45cce0  No.12623371


#16117 @200, >>12623141

>>12623230 Anon points out for the record that Trump is not avoiding the "Biden Administration" phrase as insurrection rumors swirl..

>>12623289 Planefags report

>>12623299 ZH: sub hunting drones tested off the Ca. coast

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7ff5e2  No.12623372

File: 7766f7181158272⋯.mp4 (382.84 KB, 360x360, 1:1, biden_our_president_we_are….mp4)


>Once he's officially sworn in, that window slams shut…and the military reports to him.

If Biden is sworn in, the Military best go back to ordering body bags. We will be in a war for kikes within 2 months. They'll get us while we're depressed.

Finish off Assad, enter Iran (Bibi's dick just got hard with hope)…everything we have fought for…

What does a man do when there's nothing left to lose?

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000000  No.12623374

If creating and wielding SPACE FORCE isn't fucking enough to destroy the cabal, what chance is there post-Trump?

Global uprising and awakening + Presidency and Space Force fails?

Seriously, what's the next play?

Everyone, including the military, accepts Biden and acts like vote fraud never happened?

Most popular of all time?

Checkmate, eh?


That's so dumb, you have to show them? You can't stop a murderer unless you let everyone see him murdering people first? No. If they could destroy the cabal, they should have done it. PERIOD.

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7d1368  No.12623375

File: 31956450dd3f188⋯.jpg (8.54 MB, 4928x3280, 308:205, Rest.jpg)

I don´t know a single one of you, but I am here, with you until the end!

Beer at the parade!

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8c2c1e  No.12623376


>The word to remember is REPLACING. Not continuing the same old BS.

Dub dubs confirm.

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559760  No.12623377

File: 048afd04878090f⋯.jpg (204.02 KB, 650x484, 325:242, MANHATTAN_LIGHTNING.jpg)


I will not stand down if things don't happen. I will no longer trust the plan on the 23rd and walk in faith and knowledge and bring God Wrath upon the World each according to their sin.

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c05ab6  No.12623378


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dfa50c  No.12623379

What’s up with that declass. It never happened as usual.

What a bitch move, now with Biden president-we will never know.

Goodbye obamagate huntergate all the pedoshit. Ffs. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPEND?







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d91655  No.12623380


Talk is worthless. It’s all Trump is good for.

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71c467  No.12623381


POTUS took the picture?

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e347f6  No.12623382

File: 58bfb89f8f0658d⋯.png (65.19 KB, 478x394, 239:197, Q_981SleepWell_Patriot_.png)

File: 7d1a6a635984b5d⋯.jpg (51.23 KB, 398x504, 199:252, MAGA_SLEEP_WELL.jpg)

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12f8aa  No.12623383

I do find it funny.

My dad worked on algorithms, but write code and did stuff with math.

I worked on algorithms, but from a different angle. I started embedding stuff in the algorithm. My first embed has never been used. I still have it. My very very very first major embed. It was like tina turner titties at the superbowl but better. Everyone was saying it and I knew this moment would happen in the future. If you


But it isn't rest in peace, it is rip, like, let it lose.

Do not ask me why, it is attached to the RIP Robin WIlliams algorithm. It recalls each year. I don't know why.

I don't say dumb shit to LARP you about stupid ass stuff.

I just say what happened.

Trust me, it would be much much easier to convince you all of other things that are not that. That is a dumb thing, I know.

Gotta be something?

It was like 2012, was it suppose to say Q?

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de6e90  No.12623384

File: 910db2c41ed1a5a⋯.jpg (35.22 KB, 467x150, 467:150, 3880.jpg)

File: 1fab2b66e2b822b⋯.jpg (17.47 KB, 266x127, 266:127, 3967.jpg)

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c5dafa  No.12623385


Of course. Just like last time.

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5d9338  No.12623386

File: f20dd14b526f9ec⋯.png (38.79 KB, 775x169, 775:169, Screen_Shot_2021_01_19_at_….png)

Guise…lets THINK.

DC is an (occupied) district of which Biden will apparently become "president".

Trump LEAVES the failed and occupied district (which is NOT part of sovereign United States of America?).

Trump pardons people under which authority? NOT USA sovereign authority? Ploy, perhaps? Further DESTROY DS cabal owned district?

Through a very interesting string of happenings in my personal life I was shown this date February 1st as the END of "Columbia". Anon posted Q dark from 1/11-2/1 (2019, I believe). Also 18th anniversary of the destruction of the shuttle Columbia OVER TEXAS.

Another possible Q drop highlighted this man Charles S. Castle.

Why did Obama stay in DC after losing election? Shadow Presidency of DC?!

I am wondering if Biden is "president" of DC and Trump is President of the United States of America. Is DC is cabal territory and "fake" head/seat of government. Does DoD lawyer Charles S. Castle have the legalities worked out?

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ed8ebc  No.12623387

File: afd1775ee32ce0e⋯.png (208.97 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 4_terms.png)


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9820ed  No.12623388

File: 55a0914c20aaf53⋯.jpg (323.25 KB, 1199x773, 1199:773, 1trump.jpg)


Oh yeah, I'm in. Comfy.

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214b5b  No.12623389

Potus said key word is LUCK in his alleged farewell speech on Tuesday.

In JEWISH Gematria LUCK ADDS TO 233.

UNDER 233 LUCK, "DO IT Q" comes up as well as "Encoding Decoded" 233 (cabal mirror 332 Skull and Bones)…….. However, "Encoding Decoded" adds up to 233 in Jewish, 666 in English Gematria and 111 in Simple Gematria. Think reverse mirror digits …332, 666, 111


Was Potus sending us a message that what he was saying in his farewell speech was misinformation? Or was he sending a message to the cabal that Potus is the last 45 President and the the 19th President under the original constitution?


Word Jewish English Simple

LUCK 233 444 74 328488

Messiah 233 444 74 100233

Encoding Decoded 233 666 111 41278

God Date Code 233 498 83 38696

Dec Sag God Code 233 552 92 35478

Luck 233 282 47 26077

Behold Light 233 612 102 17000

Meaning I Am God 233 672 112 13892

Rek I N R I 233 504 84 6326

Decode The End 233 552 92 6012

Light Race 233 498 83 5906

Ra Codes 233 390 65 5795

Do It Q 233 390 65 4279


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31d63a  No.12623390


Well Ovomit pardoned Bill Ayers the demented bomber of Police and our Military…traitor to the USA that should have been hanged for treason. It can't get any worse than that crying commie demshits & rinos.

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78ff03  No.12623391

File: 434f4ae99b50813⋯.png (265.06 KB, 855x885, 57:59, 47cde5891d4498c9ef2edbb48f….png)


>Beer at the parade!

Oy! Do you have a permit for those pints?

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45cce0  No.12623392


you're a pint

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7fbf4c  No.12623393

File: a72df5e1f8801a0⋯.png (537.4 KB, 1106x888, 553:444, The_Movement_manifesto_oct….png)

File: ecdf63ed54123f9⋯.jpg (395.03 KB, 777x777, 1:1, trump_patriots_2020_777x77….jpg)

File: bd5328dd0161b83⋯.png (632.22 KB, 1001x872, 1001:872, xiden_fail.png)

Looking for

*precipice (could be Xiden getting nuke football control)

*shot heard 'round the world

*Truth will shock the world

*First arrest will shock the world

*sky event

….but we are definitely experiencing "the scare event".

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dfa50c  No.12623394


it’s assumed dumbass

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106519  No.12623395

File: 1f6c873d28ebdf9⋯.jpg (385.62 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, Calm_before_the_storm_you_….jpg)

Tomorrow… No, the day after that… No next year… Trust the plan, anon… No, we didn't mean this decade… It's the long-game… 5-D Chess… Trust the plan… Yes, there will be FREE BEER TOMORROW… Just wait until Biden is inaugurated, then we win… We are winning… Losing is our strength… Being labeled "domestic terrorists" is a badge of honor… This is what winning feels like… Got your popcorn ready?… You need non-perishible popcorn that last 12+ years, anon… FREE BEER TOMORROW… Trust the plan… Everything is fine… The 2nd Amendment is just for show… Joining a militia will just get you put on a list… Trust the plan… The generals saying they support Democrats are just joking… It's 5-D chess, anon… You're a shill unless you trust the plan and wait for FREE BEER TOMORROW…

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460a9b  No.12623396

My take on all this.Christians thought they had more power than God gave them.

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6d6ec0  No.12623397

is hillary arrested yet?

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c05ab6  No.12623398

Anyone know what happened to John E Hoover?

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bf8541  No.12623399

File: 53ccbae4ec8e66d⋯.png (88.09 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 53ccbae4ec8e66de607244bec7….png)


>"Popcorn day" came and went, dickhead.

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df6a5f  No.12623400

Not only do I not trust the plan. If we ever find q, he/they should be hung. Fk the plan. It was retarded. Words w/out actions mean nothing

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dfa50c  No.12623401


Who gives a shit

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000000  No.12623402

Maybe the elites used some AI to play us into a corner?

Lockdowns, vaccines, decimated small businesses, crushed spirits, and the do-nothing Q and Trump betrayal.

Now all that'd be left is armed uprising, and they have a newly rebuilt military, globalism reigning supreme and they are just itching to declare the people terrorists.

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0f2645  No.12623403

ready for this?

you're going to love how this movie ends

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d75bb0  No.12623404

File: c60f6961c55c9a4⋯.jpeg (487.42 KB, 750x657, 250:219, 61B99A48_4088_4396_88A9_3….jpeg)

To commemorate National Popcorn Day on 1/19: It is really no secret to get from the beginning to the end. It only works one way.

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ed8ebc  No.12623405

File: 13abe1764b6ddf6⋯.jpg (71.18 KB, 608x551, 32:29, doggo_is_blessed.JPG)


I'm right here, peasant.

hung? my future is brighter than ever.

deal with it.

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6d6ec0  No.12623406


>Fk the plan. It was retarded. Words w/out actions mean nothing


damn, lord kek is angry at Q and trump

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0386ae  No.12623407


Next fucker who tries to steer me with riddles will wish he hadn't.

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fe86a5  No.12623408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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561e41  No.12623409


>They must be SHOWN

You can fight a war with 7000 marines. They deputized 2300 Marshals for this thing that no one can even attend because they can't get within 2 miles of the capital.

What exactly will we be shown today?

With no invading rioters and a light attendee list for this years gig, who the fuck are they even there to protect?? The only thing that makes sense is they start pulling people out of the tunnels…

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e81da1  No.12623410

Fuuuuukkkkkkeeennnn concern trolls concern trolling me

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8c2c1e  No.12623411


>If you work at the Hershey Candy Company

do you have to enter work via the Hershey highway?

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808a55  No.12623412


Lying shill, ANTIFA hates Israel just like you. Do you believe in coincidences?

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5826ce  No.12623413


I agree.

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214b5b  No.12623414


Ummmm Anon, she is already dead.

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4f1f88  No.12623415

Anons. Stop posting angry comments about shit not happening. It's not over yet. You can post about your anger if and when it's actually over.

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808a55  No.12623416


Yeah MSM never lies or anything.

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5495e3  No.12623417


Ikr, I tuned out his speeches after the last rally. Enough speeches. Do something period

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6d6ec0  No.12623418


>she is already dead.

people only die when the whole world officially agrees they died.

what is history but a lie agreed upon?

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6d6ec0  No.12623419


> if and when it's actually over.

give me a date

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0e971d  No.12623420

File: 20afd01d82d78f4⋯.jpg (93.52 KB, 862x581, 862:581, thwack.jpg)

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b48bb0  No.12623421


My faith started slipping with the 2018 election and bottomed with the twitter cheerleader posts. Been hanging around since because I ain't the smartest and I could've been wrong…..

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000000  No.12623422

Joseph J Flynn




Tomorrow is the first time we will inaugurate an illegitimate POTUS. 80 million registered voting Americans believe with excellent

reason that the 2020 election was illegitimate ..an absolute disgrace.. there cannot be true unity till truth revealed… all in good time.


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6d6ec0  No.12623423

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4f1f88  No.12623424


If Biden is the president for 1 week, then I'd say it's over.

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c4869c  No.12623425


He’s toast and he knows the end is near! TFB

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8bc786  No.12623426

File: 08fd74dfd196cf6⋯.png (131.72 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


No need to think now. Aboot nine more hours and we get to watch it live…..whatever IT is.

As that brilliant bastard Geo. Carlin once said:

"When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat."

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c05ab6  No.12623427


Yo mama. She gives a shit

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c4869c  No.12623428


One minute

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000000  No.12623429


Trump encouraged everyone to come to DC, gunna be WILD, we can't let them steal the election, you won't have a country, etc etc, never marches with the people to the capitol, and after the left FF's us, everyone flips and Trump walks out without doing shit, acting like he's also outraged at the "horrible" event that happened on the 6th, what kind of horse shit is that? I wish I could time travel the founding fathers here so we could deal with this shit properly.

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0a85e2  No.12623430


Just had this same thought.

Call for dig

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33cdec  No.12623431


>The only organics I won’t ‘’bewbs of breads past’’

Spoiler that shit anon. It was bad enough when she first posted it.

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6d6ec0  No.12623432


okay…i'll give a few days more… if biden is pres on feb 1, it's over

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d91655  No.12623433

One more thing, Trump: thanks for getting us all banned from Twitter, FB, etc. You really tried to silence us all for good, didn’t you? Jesus fucking Christ, you were a shiny fucking Trojan horse. Do you even give a shit about the USA?

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808a55  No.12623434


Your wife saw election fraud and didn’t report it? Either you’re a liar or a coward.

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214b5b  No.12623435

File: 78a63eae01cc166⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1400x1179, 1400:1179, screen_shot_2021_01_18_at_….png)


Yup….pre recorded and notice no masks!

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559760  No.12623436

File: 7ec66665b2230ed⋯.jpg (7.44 KB, 590x221, 590:221, precipice.jpg)

File: 9d1c3cacc9ede1a⋯.jpg (39.7 KB, 300x444, 25:37, shroud.jpg)


Still in my heart I trust him and the plan because I know by personal experience that they, the patriots, were sent the Light; whether they recognized it or not. I pray that they move in faith, if not I am the chooser, and should that occasion arise, I will choose myself as the chosen with God at my side. I've seen the one who has overcome death and am ready, willing, and able. Not for my glory but His Glory that all may come to worship the Father who can do all things.

Son of the Almighty, The Art of Self Sacrifice

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7fbf4c  No.12623437

File: 0ae01ccdc1bb343⋯.jpg (551.79 KB, 1440x614, 720:307, keep_going_keep_going_like….jpg)

File: ca49e4916311d99⋯.jpg (44.7 KB, 800x533, 800:533, AmphibianBattalion_1.jpg)

File: 63624535f44f783⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 2332x1345, 2332:1345, AmphibianBattalion_3.jpg)

File: d6cec09effead5f⋯.png (1015.92 KB, 834x617, 834:617, USMC_DC_b.png)

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5a912d  No.12623438

File: 2c968009f9d0b01⋯.jpg (138.93 KB, 976x346, 488:173, 20210120_010750.jpg)

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ed8ebc  No.12623439

File: 99c7e214b2f797d⋯.png (47.77 KB, 508x552, 127:138, shillteam6.png)



after one week, will you PROMISE you won't post here ever again?!

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7d5e10  No.12623440

File: 0f2c4b35cbb7889⋯.jpg (18.4 KB, 266x380, 7:10, Biden_Diddler.jpg)

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fcf70e  No.12623441


Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton are all set to attend, as are former first ladies Michelle Obama, Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton. Jimmy Carter, the country's oldest living former president, at 96, and former first lady Rosalynn Carter will not be there


Look who definitely isn't going. The only ones who didn't get that envelope at Bush sr. funeral.

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106519  No.12623442

File: 8dee306a5fa1de6⋯.png (276.15 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, DO_YOUR_PART_9.png)

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5c1a59  No.12623443

File: 2e5fcf6888d48bc⋯.png (626.54 KB, 1589x716, 1589:716, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 185daf0dd70e656⋯.png (27.24 KB, 799x436, 799:436, ClipboardImage.png)



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6d6ec0  No.12623444


>you were a shiny fucking Trojan horse


lord kek coming in all guns blazing

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5b9863  No.12623445


I don't think this is China. The lines look like county lines. Square like Texas. Someone else said Texas, West of Austin. think -99.44736

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a53729  No.12623446

File: 4f0f8dc6fc44d0c⋯.png (343.27 KB, 605x809, 605:809, Red_Punisher.PNG)

File: 9dc1f22fc98d5a7⋯.png (297.14 KB, 603x808, 603:808, White_Punisher.PNG)

File: c4b0dfda6b82776⋯.png (371.09 KB, 599x806, 599:806, Blue_Punisher.PNG)

File: 53143c9bb081f08⋯.png (449.85 KB, 796x792, 199:198, Stars_Stripes_Punisher.PNG)

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7efdeb  No.12623447


Yep, it just proves the stupidity of man. He set everyone up and they still think he's going to betray his jewish masters.

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8c2c1e  No.12623448

File: 381cd56925ea60e⋯.png (899.27 KB, 1071x896, 153:128, hanged_v_hung.png)


Obviously there are not enough funds in the coffer to hire educated shills.

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78ff03  No.12623449

File: 7a03d96391c6e43⋯.png (45.72 KB, 968x852, 242:213, 7a03d96391c6e4307491576ef8….png)


>drink responsibly or don't

Choosin' the latter.

Will be historic day no matter how hammered anon gets.

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49084d  No.12623450


wow, powerful tears; thanks fren, God bless

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a06aca  No.12623452

Luke 12:2-3

2 For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops.

New King James Version (NKJV)

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5d9338  No.12623453

File: c8b1c01078385a4⋯.png (19.92 KB, 527x67, 527:67, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)


Oops. My bad William S. Castle.

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6d9dcf  No.12623454


Did they decide to prerecord it so it will be an excuse for them not really inaugurating an enemy power like Hussein knows it isn't Treason because he wasn't born here?

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106519  No.12623455


Remember when America used to kill it's enemies?… Remember when good guys used to shoot the bad guys?…

Remember when we were Americans?

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773e45  No.12623456

File: 59efaf813e85a23⋯.jpg (18.68 KB, 214x255, 214:255, clownsgonnaclown.jpg)

if the military wants joe bro its how it goes, dont join the military [do you think they want joe] >>12623395

you just want the fake news to say you are right

its all fake, all of it

Anons knew since day one trump would not have a second term GESARA you type are never happy prob waiting for hill dawg to get arrested and then you get her money huh? you only care about money cause you are poor huh? its your fault anyway fag? you are not owed shit you are how we almost lost it now go back to redit

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627332  No.12623457


After the False Flag at the capital , Jimmy Carter released a quote with the word “precipice” in it.

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12f8aa  No.12623458


I think it was like the whole country mourned for the loss of Robin.

It was something felt across the country and the whole facebook world was lit up with RIP Robin. I attached RIP LOVE or something.

I can't remember, it was too long ago. I just know it was the first major embed I made and I have never collected that loop capitol until that last post.

I have an image loaded deeper.

Okay. I got the perfect fucking explaination of how this algorithm thing can work.


seriously. this is worth a read probably. if you are scrollin through some stuff. I have been talking algorithms, but this is one of the better explainations i have gotten out.

If you take a picture of a scene. Post that picture. You can take a picture of a smaller object in that image that would not be noticed by the viewer as being related to the larger image. If I take a giant picture of a concert or something. Then I take a picture of a piece of trash on the ground, or cut it out of the image. You wouldn't know that piece of trash belongs to the larger image, but the algorithm does. You can post it and it will recall the entire image. Even though you don't see the entire image, the algorithm connects it, but doesn't like, tell the user that it know that. Okay. I can show you how I was trying to do this in a way. I was just jamming and making some goofy stupid memes doing it. I was cutting memes from memes. I thought it was like "meme-photography". I know, a bit lame. But you gotta know that it works. The images float around here too. You may have seen some. I will tell you what is more important though, the fact that they recall the entire system related to the entire meme it was extracted from. What about the memes that led up to the meme that it was extracted from.

Can the algorithm trace the root of an idea to it's source inventor of said idea that led to the creation of a cartoon, in which I extracted these images?

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ed8ebc  No.12623459


yall said this stupid shit back during the 'russian collusion' days…then Trump pulled himself out of it and you suck'd his dick again..

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391056  No.12623460


Slow down man! I understand your anxiety! I get it! Just WATCH! Pres. Trump is doing it!

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df6a5f  No.12623461



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b48bb0  No.12623462


“Knowing a great deal is not the same as being smart; intelligence is not information alone but also judgement, the manner in which information is coordinated and used.”

-Carl Sagan

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8c2c1e  No.12623463


>You can post about yourfeignedanger

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ed8ebc  No.12623464

File: 22cf3d95de458a3⋯.jpg (70 KB, 796x934, 398:467, fbi_pepe.jpg)


take it easy, those words can get doors kicked down…

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4281d0  No.12623465


What? He turns in the video and he's president? How does that work? If he's done all the words than shouldn't he already be president? What formalizes it?

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5b9863  No.12623466


Whatever this is, this dude is freaking out about it, and my guess is he is high up in the military. he knows something.

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fcf70e  No.12623467


Of course they are caught once again without masks. The whole thing was bs from the start,

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581d4b  No.12623468

>>12622338 (lb)

Care to elaborate why George Washington is a nigger in this video?

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df6a5f  No.12623469


Brain dead cunt. Antifa is kike

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12f8aa  No.12623470

File: 5ccee9e19ad6339⋯.jpg (27.52 KB, 410x497, 410:497, pat17.jpg)

File: f79659c82cbc417⋯.jpg (70.02 KB, 725x732, 725:732, pat29.jpg)

File: 5aa05556e373492⋯.jpg (24.98 KB, 475x484, 475:484, pattern57.jpg)

File: bfe34add9328923⋯.jpg (69.42 KB, 1002x1080, 167:180, patt23.jpg)

File: 28f6deaaccd3b6a⋯.jpg (44.98 KB, 740x809, 740:809, pa19.jpg)


Forgot to add images.

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1b8d97  No.12623471

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1513cb  No.12623472


What about hunged?

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31d63a  No.12623473

File: 128bfe98e040349⋯.jpg (125.12 KB, 768x384, 2:1, use_this_one_bumpy_night_i….JPG)

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0b19bc  No.12623474

Imagine all the crack Hunter can smoke now…

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9d89cb  No.12623475

File: 12d854f69bfab4f⋯.png (305.89 KB, 904x556, 226:139, antifamily_card.png)



Fake and gaaaaay.

That card is satire.



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45cce0  No.12623476


I'll vote for him again if I get a ballot shoved at me.

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c4869c  No.12623477

Looking forward to the biblical part!

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8f12a3  No.12623478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>This PLAN is pure fucking genius

>Q’s already provided the soundtrack.

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fe86a5  No.12623479

File: 0e805efa169ce4a⋯.jpeg (378.09 KB, 1170x1170, 1:1, 0e805efa169ce4abadd41d3c9….jpeg)




I stand with President Trump HE FIGHTS FOR US.


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45cce0  No.12623480


#16117 @300, >>12623141

>>12623230 Anon points out for the record that Trump is not avoiding the "Biden Administration" phrase as insurrection rumors swirl..

>>12623289, >>12623443 Planefags reports

>>12623299 ZH: sub hunting drones tested off the Ca. coast

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d91655  No.12623482


You know, what we saw seemed small in comparison to everything else that was being reported. We thought reporting it would just muddy the waters and be unnecessary, like reporting a serial killer for jay walking.

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000000  No.12623483

If Trump walks away tomorrow and nobody is held to account, then maybe there ARE aliens or demons behind this shit.

Despite being a lifelong skeptic, I can't imagine any human being knowing of this level of evil in the world, being the President and having the military, but yet never doing anything and walking away to retire in Florida.

Who could let America fall?

Who could sentence the world to a thousand years of darkness? Who hates humans so much?

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7efdeb  No.12623484


You mean your enslavement under a zionist one world government while you beg for the return. Enjoy!

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5d9338  No.12623485

File: 7bd22d085ca89a2⋯.png (92.51 KB, 698x417, 698:417, Screen_Shot_2021_01_19_at_….png)


William S. Castle.

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460a9b  No.12623486

Trump wont pay any of his lawyers one red cent.

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a6f0ca  No.12623487

File: ba995dd84041310⋯.png (153.29 KB, 680x491, 680:491, 1610586800.png)


How bad?

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0386ae  No.12623488


"Tomorrow is the first time we will inaugurate an illegitimate POTUS."

Well if that doesn't shut the door on the mass arrest theory and Gitmo flights, nothing will.

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70b3ee  No.12623489

File: ad069955adbb2e5⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1333x1333, 1:1, gonavy.jpg)

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7efdeb  No.12623490


You know who.

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627332  No.12623491


It’s not the first time

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d5f8b8  No.12623492


>I stand with President Trump


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31d63a  No.12623493

File: 00864fac1b524ea⋯.jpg (47.35 KB, 680x453, 680:453, dkdkjfuy78756.jpg)

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0b19bc  No.12623494

Trannies in the military, joining in droves for the free reassignment surgery at taxpayer's expense…

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10fbcb  No.12623495

File: 4d48fefec652026⋯.png (81.63 KB, 685x240, 137:48, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8c1461726fef6e⋯.png (33.28 KB, 659x93, 659:93, ClipboardImage.png)

*All HRC's 33,000 missing emails are available

* Anthony Weiner's laptop may have classified info on it


The FBI just released a batch of special counsel interviews of Michael Flynn.

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a06aca  No.12623496

File: e0540bf91bdbbfb⋯.jpeg (287.13 KB, 1125x774, 125:86, B2542E7D_C245_4428_A93A_D….jpeg)

File: d006ac7700f798f⋯.jpeg (429.8 KB, 1125x1117, 1125:1117, 712AFD04_B694_4E1E_96F5_F….jpeg)

Seems like every conservative group was represented


Oath keepers

Proud Boys



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773e45  No.12623497


what up mofo You excited ? I am long road huh +++++

you feel like we will have to work soon? i do lol

tippy top keks in the future fren ++++

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12f8aa  No.12623498

File: 88f18117ccbe197⋯.jpg (1008.16 KB, 1056x1336, 132:167, pattern70.jpg)

File: 49df09ff634ceec⋯.jpg (359.61 KB, 2398x1870, 109:85, pattern60.jpg)


This too is something I was working on.


I am not making shit up to you.

I was looking at the impact of color on the alphabet and how it could be used.

It is pretty obvious though. It is already used.

This is your holographic universe stuff.

Your eye is like a computer monitor or TV.

It has a refresh rate.

You do not see some stuff.

You are like an old movie from a crappy projector.

You just see frames.

In a more fluid world.

You do not see the subtle field.


You have cones and rods.

Black and White

and next is RED.

Remember that. Red is important.

Anger and Love.

It polarizes?

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4f1f88  No.12623499

When Jesus was crucified it may have looked like a defeat, but it was actually the greatest victory in the universe.

God always wins, anons. Have patience.

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7ff5e2  No.12623500

File: fa18e477c941067⋯.gif (1.39 MB, 600x600, 1:1, hunter_biden_jock_strap_9_….gif)


Yes, I know…and he's doing an EPIC job right now..pardoning niggers (while Meemaw gets called a terrorist) pardoning kike ponzi schemers that robbed Maga folk, revoking the swamp lobby EO..(whew lads, all the swamp rhinos in my state just sighed with relief)….sure looks like he fucked us over. Hey maybe Melania can put on her "I don't really care, do you?" coat on as they leave …just to really twist the knife so everyone will believe he's finished.

Oh, well, there's always 200 more years of Hunter Biden's dick.

I know–

tension strategy

OHHH maybe it will happen and they'll pass out envelopes at the inauguration!

I cannot imagine going through what POTUS and his family have gone through. Even billions that can smooth the way cannot cover the harm. Although it sure makes things ore comfy.

I'm not accusing of insensitivity…but tomorrow…is when I decide. See, I won't take the covid test or the vaccine. I lost my mostly everything…when for years I worked at home, have worked since age 12….. and never took a penny…but tomorrow….well, I cannot walk well, no new job, no applying for disability (to get hip replacement). I could have gone the rest of my life keeping my own self on my feet…but being forced into potatohood…now, all is lost.

I will not take the test, nor the vaccine.

I will NOT comply

(Wonder if you get good shit in FEMA camps or prison?)

Put me down as "some gave all". What they're going to do to us….well, my Revolutionary War grandpappy…is weeping. But we only have ourselves to blame.

(Thanks POTUS for freeing Mexico…..too bad the second you're gone…Salinas will make sure Obrador….)

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dfa50c  No.12623501


Yeah. She gives shits alright. I’ll tell her that you want her to shit on your face.

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214b5b  No.12623502


I think they did this pre recorded because Biden isn't stable. He cried today during his speech and all the cabal were wearing black. The networks will try to run this lie in real time. They must know that he can't take the oath off office before noon on January 20th. They know they have been defeated, especially with all those troops surrounding the Capitol.

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49084d  No.12623503


quads, kheked

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c5dafa  No.12623505


You can't teach someone how to be intelligent. You can help them memorize information.

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9d89cb  No.12623506

File: fdb37225e898b83⋯.png (36.89 KB, 458x376, 229:188, q_post_143.png)




Why not just jumping to post #143?

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31d63a  No.12623508

File: 521fb85dad41488⋯.jpg (18.81 KB, 408x528, 17:22, 0924663.jpg)

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6d9dcf  No.12623509


He has placed his chess pieces appropriately. If they try anything then we can buzz off the flight decks and hit them pretty quick.

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70b3ee  No.12623511

File: 332641865362f2c⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 1333x1333, 1:1, gonavyi.jpg)

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8bc786  No.12623512


Naw. I grows da semiconductors in trade for shekels.

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884710  No.12623516

File: 79b6269d6fbe1e6⋯.jpg (943.03 KB, 1482x960, 247:160, PepeWWG1WGA.jpg)

Sending you love and faith, anons.

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559760  No.12623517

File: e2e645221f608d3⋯.jpg (5.45 KB, 277x182, 277:182, Q.jpg)


One anon said the 23rd as 23 was used in many Q posts [23] and now comes the pain 23.

But consider 23 = w = double you.

So then again it could be for us, that is the problem with riddles, they are up to interpretations. Blind faith does not = knowledge.

Nevertheless, when one has knowledge it can be used at one's discretion.

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391056  No.12623518


Kek! It's gonna be like watching Mike Tyson in the ring!

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460a9b  No.12623519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3f1788  No.12623520

File: c2da7aaa1290de1⋯.jpg (269.3 KB, 1321x761, 1321:761, what_is_it.JPG)



here is the post…it from another thread…1st row…3rd down in Catalog.

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dfa50c  No.12623521


Ehhh not really. That shit took centuries to level out.

Also. What about. Muhammad? Billions follow that guy and millions are murdered bc of him.

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0b19bc  No.12623522

Ghislaine gets to go free! Doesn't that make anons happy?

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5a912d  No.12623523

File: f94d2d3abc5d7f1⋯.gif (113.59 KB, 360x360, 1:1, 20191126_222557.gif)


keep using their number magic.

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7569fa  No.12623524

File: b94806351b05c25⋯.jpeg (399.65 KB, 828x528, 69:44, 91703EC1_CC14_4341_BC0F_E….jpeg)

File: d4912c20bf4f379⋯.jpeg (220.75 KB, 1280x377, 1280:377, 2001C259_B15C_412F_9F1C_D….jpeg)

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c05ab6  No.12623525

First arrest, Q+ to be arrested tomorrow.

White squall. Trust the Plan! Scott Free.

Great Awakening. WWG1WGA

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45cce0  No.12623526

>>12623496 Daily Mail Hit piece seems to cover all the bases.. Looks like the Fake News hates… …the People.

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fcf70e  No.12623527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I watched this thing twice. Am I still missing it? I haven't heard him say the name Biden once. Just the new administration.

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1fa9b7  No.12623528

File: 2637b9d1f608534⋯.gif (186.81 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, photo0.gif)

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808a55  No.12623529


Grammar Kitty approves.

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45cce0  No.12623530

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297def  No.12623531

File: a57c57760f334b7⋯.jpeg (48.36 KB, 828x546, 138:91, 94B47581_5424_48AB_AC4E_3….jpeg)

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4f1f88  No.12623532


That picture made my day, thank you :)

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b48177  No.12623533

File: 68dcec02fafa014⋯.png (150.54 KB, 438x551, 438:551, 4602.png)


dogma wouldn't be dogma if you could substantiate it anon

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000000  No.12623534

Is it our fault we're on this nightmare timeline?

Did we sin too much?

Should we have done something differently?

Why do this to America?

Is there truly never going to be justice or liberty again?

I'm Canadian, and yet to see this happen to America is gut wrenching, I feel like I weigh 1000 pounds.

The shining city on the hill, surrended to satanic pedophile globalists, and then systematically dismantled before my eyes? Why have I been sentenced to this horrific reality?

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000000  No.12623535


No 9/11 files either.

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a6f0ca  No.12623536

File: 7cd9751f9a5ee49⋯.jpg (368.58 KB, 825x468, 275:156, 1610779781.jpg)


Get a life.

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84b042  No.12623537

File: 2f779800df4b1b9⋯.jpeg (19.49 KB, 450x300, 3:2, images_2020_10_05T173156_….jpeg)

File: 4968d36039025f6⋯.png (838.03 KB, 720x537, 240:179, Ejgfjm7VgAQXy63.png)

File: bfd6aa77b589f30⋯.jpeg (63.03 KB, 680x727, 680:727, Ejk2nQsWkAEw3Qb.jpeg)

File: 796e6c6f2d8f040⋯.jpg (81.09 KB, 650x384, 325:192, 3onatu.jpg)

File: 4dc95005dedf894⋯.jpeg (105.26 KB, 500x645, 100:129, download_18_.jpeg)

The [cabal] worldwide are exposed.

[they] are weak.

We know all their symbols.

We have their emails.

We have all their online data.

We understand they one eye symbolism.

We know the networks.

We have the servers.

We have enerything in place.

We remain in full control.

We have been researching since 1980s

We have been research [cabal] since 1998.

We control the horizontal and the vertical.

There is too much at stake to give up.

God bless President Trump and First Lady Melania, Q team, Trump family, secret service, good generals and military in harms way, and anons worldwide.

We honor all fallen heros of our movement.

We hold the line worldwide.

We will win.

You will see.

We are the Storm.

The Storm is upon [them].

God wins

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000000  No.12623538

Troops in DC have 10th Mountain Div Patch…


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a6f0ca  No.12623539

File: e89527e2c767225⋯.jpg (87.74 KB, 586x800, 293:400, 4.jpg)

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106519  No.12623540

File: 80418ee76c9494a⋯.png (400.02 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, THIRD_WORLD.png)

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4f1f88  No.12623541



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000000  No.12623542

Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

US Holocaust Museum



Jan 18

Holocaust analogies seem to be everywhere these days. While they may demonize, demean, and intimidate their targets, there is a cost for all of us.


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31d63a  No.12623543

File: 5dcd33a9cd462f6⋯.jpg (40.17 KB, 718x492, 359:246, Dems_are_desperate.jpg)

It's Coming……

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6f7e8c  No.12623544

File: 680c9d71ef752d8⋯.png (573.22 KB, 500x668, 125:167, ClipboardImage.png)

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3f1788  No.12623545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A lot of buses…loading or unloading???

Trying to see what is happening…could be off loading NG or loading people.

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9d10d8  No.12623546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch the water!

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460a9b  No.12623547

I've been part of all of the Christian movements for 50 years. They always fail because it ends up being about money and control.

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808a55  No.12623548


Book of Job

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d5f8b8  No.12623549


>keep using their number magic.

keep pretending they dont

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faf8c8  No.12623550

80% on our side


who do you trust?

The great awakening

Anons know


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49084d  No.12623551

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3a3334  No.12623552

File: d42bf7c2bad201d⋯.png (2.02 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Patriot_Q_Badge_Alpha.png)


Thank You Baker

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70b3ee  No.12623553

File: 7e9ac8ed60f845f⋯.jpg (963.55 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, doit.jpg)

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5a912d  No.12623554

File: 2036f723ab7b4fe⋯.jpg (59.64 KB, 608x446, 304:223, 20210120_011947.jpg)

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106519  No.12623555

File: 47c36b435b5eb04⋯.png (420.76 KB, 879x422, 879:422, US_Aid_to_Israel_Remphan.png)



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39ac80  No.12623556


Hint: nothing out of the ordinary will happen today. Difficult truths, it’s all too late now.

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7ff5e2  No.12623557

File: 4f5f02fc2826831⋯.png (648.1 KB, 1177x699, 1177:699, NOOSE_in_biden_video.png)




A noose, a noose, please, send your agents, we demand an investigation. NOW. How fucking racist!

Ah there's Mr. Bigger James..and Jamie pretending to be Hunter (again).


fuuuck it's a noooose!

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31d63a  No.12623558

File: e90ec29a822cd02⋯.jpg (335.21 KB, 781x821, 781:821, these_people_are_sick.jpg)

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000000  No.12623559


Thing is this has been the situation for decades. It's just been exposed now for all that can to see.

None of this sprang up overnight. Trump will go back to his wealthy world, maybe create a BS party. One thing this has taught us is that the answers will not be found in any of them.

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d5f8b8  No.12623560


wooden doors

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b48bb0  No.12623561


Naval nuclear power school in the mid 80's was just that. We were threatened that if at any time they check our notebooks and we don't have word for word what was written on the chalkboard we would be in trouble. However, every question on the tests were long answer with all work shown, no multiple choice or fill in the blanks. My favorite was "explain briefly in detail".

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5b9863  No.12623562


Thanks anon. I'm working on trying to pull it all together.

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4eed2d  No.12623563

File: 3bdd807e3938acf⋯.png (583.42 KB, 500x505, 100:101, 3bdd807e3938acfc837ed9e363….png)

Good night burger anons.

Good morning euro anons.

World. Tip of the hat to ya.

It's 1202021


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a3c74a  No.12623565

How long are we supposed to hold the line?

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8c2c1e  No.12623566


Pics or it didn't happen.

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8bc786  No.12623567


Indeed! Substitute Religion for News | Socials and that Q drop would be equally valid.

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106519  No.12623568



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45cce0  No.12623570

File: ad644ade51d8723⋯.png (138.32 KB, 442x304, 221:152, drillharder.png)


>>12623496 Daily Mail Hit piece seems to cover all the bases.. Anons have dug some of the actors from the so-called "conservative groups" already hae been outed as [inserts].. How many moar?

If these fake news fuckers want to keep fucking around, then pic relates

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fcf70e  No.12623571


4 more years kek

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4f1f88  No.12623572

Any other NZ anons here? I'm gonna get up at 5am to watch the "inaguration"

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12f8aa  No.12623574


If you look here. These are the most common used letters in the English language. My question is this, what happens if i make a big RED letter E.

I see an E as a branching or something.

I look at the shape of the character to find meaning. I also look at different glyphs and stuff to see if I can't make observations.

I wonder if E was the first sound or something. It is used the most, does that make it the root? Hell if I know.

I just started applying the frequency of the letter with the order the eyes sees color. Just looking for observations. I am just showing you. It may not be anything, but it isn't nothing either.

Considering subliminal messaging and modern "design" concepts and stuff. This stuff does need a look I think.


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ad9f22  No.12623575

Whats up night shift faggots. Been here 5-6. days a week since 2017-half chan board migrate with a majority of time logged in lurk / research and a handful of notables. Here we are, one day away from an important ‘inauguration’ marker. Full

Confidence + full strength of anon army. War fog discernment activated + armour of God + more discern.. Godspeed. Just want to thank all autists and information specialist faggots that contribute here. We are the future. We are the breakers of the fradulent bonds. This is it. Muh precipce. Thanks to all fags in all fag diciplines contributing. So

Important that collaborative free speech and based in God and Jesus Christ boards exist. Thank you baker patriots + board owners and CM + father Jim for staying the course and keeping faith throughout. Best to come, no doubt about it.

Jesus is King.

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c05ab6  No.12623576


Until further notice.

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7ff5e2  No.12623577


So, you're denying that Antifa was supported and paid? (card is satire retard).

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460a9b  No.12623578

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1fa9b7  No.12623579

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1513cb  No.12623580


8.5 hours

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5a912d  No.12623581

File: b442bedb8df7327⋯.gif (629.12 KB, 639x359, 639:359, 20200824_135133.gif)


if it does anything for You… you are them.

<đœňþ fûķ w/мæı kid… îň иœ мооđ.

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106519  No.12623582

Is the military listening on here? (Surely some of you are).

Well, we have waited for this day… We are all counting on you. Don't let us down. That is, if you ever want us to count on you again.

We know ISRAEL can certainly count on you… But us? Can the American people count on you?

We'll see.

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7d5e10  No.12623583

File: 78159e70d169fd8⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 78159e70d169fd86792a738e5a….png)

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6b29f7  No.12623584


Yeah why don't you take off, you haven't convinced anyone to follow you, so see ya shill.

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fc88ee  No.12623585



Lots of white buses pulling into Capitol in middle of night of innaguration day.

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000000  No.12623586

Techno Fog




Quite the scoop from





The Flynn/Kislyak leak investigation has been closed with no charges filed.

Someone powerful got away with a felony.



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156f84  No.12623587

File: 20f4761ff320490⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1183x707, 169:101, InItTogether.png)

I just look in a pic file, this is the original copy when it first came out.

So Bakers if you want this here ya go.

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a3c74a  No.12623588


"I'm buried alive……

But, I'm alive!"

- R.Kelly

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dcfda9  No.12623589

You can betray the country but I will fuck with you!

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000000  No.12623590


Until they are all at GITMO awaiting their tribunal.

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4281d0  No.12623591


They looked empty. Vans empty too.

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45cce0  No.12623592


#16117 @400, >>12623141

>>12623230 Anon points out for the record that Trump is not avoiding the "Biden Administration" phrase as insurrection rumors swirl..

>>12623289, >>12623443 Planefags reports

>>12623299 ZH: sub hunting drones tested off the Ca. coast

>>12623496 Daily Mail Hit piece seems to cover all the bases.. Anons have dug some of the actors from the so-called "consevative groups" already. Some already hae been outed as [inserts].. How many moar?

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8a0b71  No.12623593

Seriously, why don't we 'say his name'?

No one has ever given a proper explanation….Anons?

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294cc5  No.12623594

Nakamura effect…..

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460a9b  No.12623595

I've been part of all of the Christian movements for 50 years. They always fail because it ends up being about money and control.

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808a55  No.12623596

File: 082127c3bf921ff⋯.jpeg (490.33 KB, 1242x721, 1242:721, 13FF5DD1_0FBA_4DDA_B3C7_F….jpeg)


Any sign of Jacinda?

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000000  No.12623597

Techno Fog




New info on the Don Lemon Assault Case (accused of a disgusting sexual act):

Lemon's lawyers, in an effort to attack the victim, publicly disclosed a private file-sharing link.

Confidential and sensitive information on the victim was "immediately breached by the general public"


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4f1f88  No.12623598

Listen to this while we wait for it to happen


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c30e3f  No.12623599


Sup. Well put, anon. Peace with you dude.

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84b042  No.12623600

Who would have ever thought we'd finally be in the day. After more than 3 years on here and many more years researching, it finally comes down to this.

I'm pretty comfy. Hope you are also.

Is everybody in?

The ceremony's about to Begin.

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7ff5e2  No.12623601

File: eb8cacf0f8b06ad⋯.mp4 (2.69 MB, 320x400, 4:5, 4chan_omars_district_in_mi….mp4)


Omar's district…I guess there really IS no place like Somalia…I mean…home.

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637faf  No.12623602

File: 8b1968aa4910663⋯.jpg (107.4 KB, 707x943, 707:943, 20210120_012136.jpg)


Three former presidents will attend Biden's inauguration


time to bag these fuckers

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4f1f88  No.12623603


No, but I don't give a shit about gay little NZ's politics lol. I haven't heard anything about her being missing anyway.

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31d63a  No.12623604

File: eb68a97bef60011⋯.jpg (34.21 KB, 500x603, 500:603, kkzxqiiopsd3.jpg)

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559760  No.12623605


Christ is here, make no mistake. Everyone knows what is the right thing to do, God gave man free choice and will not relent a vow. He never gave man a free pass.

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78ff03  No.12623606

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB, 700x674, 350:337, d8a0b1920a863272277f9b8488….png)


>Naval nuclear power school in the mid 80's was just that.

Anon was planning that route before getting hurt and disqualified. After hearing your story, kinda glad it never habbened.

Good and bad, I guess.

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c05ab6  No.12623608

File: 85956f3d1bd8db5⋯.jpeg (114.98 KB, 971x750, 971:750, 5724F2F9_7F5C_443C_A7D3_D….jpeg)


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7efdeb  No.12623609

Lin Wood finally admits he has no clue and it's all based on his religious hunch.


He'll claim it's god's will when we're all Zionist slaves.

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d5f8b8  No.12623610

File: c510fc9a5d89710⋯.png (344.44 KB, 1763x946, 41:22, jesuitTraining.png)

File: cc42795478db586⋯.png (779.4 KB, 1667x766, 1667:766, jesuits.png)

it takes 17 years to complete Jesuit training

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6b29f7  No.12623611

File: 74c7fade9eba387⋯.jpg (671.82 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210120_020251.jpg)

File: fd1f65b470c0ebe⋯.jpg (115.19 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210120_020102….jpg)

Just ran to er vet with my childs dying cat. He was in good health n neutered today.

Stoped by to pull cash out of the ATM because I've been waiting for my commission check so I would have the cash to do it. Atm systems were down, as was my app. banking and www.regions

Guess I be hocking something today! Lol thought u might like the atm update.

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460a9b  No.12623612

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808a55  No.12623613


If she comes to DC maybe she can enjoy Gitmo 2.0.

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ae04cc  No.12623614

File: b5b683b6cc52b91⋯.jpg (3.68 MB, 3584x2864, 224:179, tanks_optimized_timeline_l….jpg)

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376202  No.12623615


To prove a point to the devil, to test us, destroy good people to see if we're still good when we have nothing?

Will we still love God after he destroys America?

What a sick, twisted idea.

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1fa9b7  No.12623616


I've wondered this too.

Kinda funny. "No name."

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0386ae  No.12623617

>>12623558 The audience chuckled. God they are all evil.

She was a snake in the bed the next morning… Did she try to tell someone what happened?

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c5dafa  No.12623618


I hated having to show my work because I usually skipped steps, and the repetitive nature of math homework was so boring I almost never did it. I was a 90% Test 30% daily student in math.

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12f8aa  No.12623619

File: ee4963efc1f0ba5⋯.png (930.8 KB, 855x518, 855:518, ClipboardImage.png)

Okay. I want to show you something else.

I can jam the system through unpredictability.

I don't not like your meme.

I want to do something real though.

I am jamming the system by doing something strange and not reactive, it is intentional to jam the system.

Once you start jamming systems you won't be able to stop. See, I had to take a screenshot and take copy paste and shit.

Why would a normal user do that. It fucks shit up. Trust me.

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49e304  No.12623620

File: 3a0458292b1e438⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1224x1224, 1:1, ReadyForBattle.png)

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460a9b  No.12623621

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71c17f  No.12623622

The farewell speech had 20 cut-always to the close up shot.

The seconds of each cutaway are;





















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294cc5  No.12623623

File: fc3044f33601ae1⋯.gif (300.95 KB, 600x600, 1:1, lganmrt.gif)

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106519  No.12623624


Sad, but likely true.

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7d5e10  No.12623625

File: 1d9c0575d734e5d⋯.jpeg (256.58 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, iu_644.jpeg)


Clinton Obama Bush

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808a55  No.12623626

File: f3dcfeeadbf5408⋯.jpeg (278.76 KB, 899x834, 899:834, CC8E95BC_B49F_422C_89E6_A….jpeg)

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106519  No.12623627


Ffs… You faggots are exhausting. Not EVERYTHING is a goddamn comm/conspiracy, you fucking weirdo.

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d91d94  No.12623628

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ca980e  No.12623629

File: 460c1f91378b94e⋯.png (699.55 KB, 660x500, 33:25, ClipboardImage.png)

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ae04cc  No.12623630

>>12623600 Nice dubs.

"Let's see what happens."

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49e304  No.12623631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7ff5e2  No.12623633

File: 05f5abd30ab6e8c⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 360x640, 9:16, new_zealand_jacinda_prie_m….mp4)

File: 9a7665e743b547d⋯.jpg (31.72 KB, 462x924, 1:2, 4chan_naomi_campbell_dick.jpg)

File: b81b6f4b8f843e0⋯.gif (2.7 MB, 280x158, 140:79, big_bouncing_dick_obama.gif)


WTF can a woman have in her pants that swings like a dick?


"love offerings".

Check out Creeflow Dollar….kek Jimmy Swaggart, "Oral" Roberts….my parents fell for this shit…if they can sing and say praise jesus…..that automatically makes them good.

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460a9b  No.12623634


Except the Zionist slave crap.

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000000  No.12623635

Trump was offered life extension to a new body.

That or watch his family suffer.

Few could resist.

Art of the deal.

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808a55  No.12623636


Bad things happen to good people, and good nations, but God is still good and grace wins.

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dcfda9  No.12623637

File: b75473b32a52ada⋯.png (501.43 KB, 668x633, 668:633, 8m74n56b45v645.png)

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0386ae  No.12623639


Lin tried and fought to the end. Tried to bluff and rattle some cages. I don't blame him, but he was fighting for a phony.

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106519  No.12623640


If America is being "Job'd", real Christians will still love God, of course… But then what?

REMINDER: Tolerance is NOT a Christian virtue. And he who cause to be angry and is not angry, sins.

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ad9f22  No.12623641


Was watching oan 2nite, clip of russian patriot guy getting attacked by state. Apparently the state media refers to him as ‘we dont say his name’. Assume not relatwd. Just saying apparently other statws use this term and found it interesting

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71c17f  No.12623642


Really? That’s why in his speech last week his one cut away was 17 seconds long!

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c5dafa  No.12623643


Hunter must be balls deep in that meth pipe tonight. Thats wayyy out there.

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31d63a  No.12623644


Biden describes granddaughter at 12 as a 'little butterfly' but …

www.washingtonexaminer.com › news › biden-describ…

Biden describes granddaughter at 12 as a 'little butterfly' but then there was 'a snake in the bed'. By Ellie Bufkin. June 28, 2019 - 2:25 PM. In his first public …

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559760  No.12623645



One pillar has already traveled from east to west, a pillar of Mercy.

I pray those in charge do the right thing in the next few days or they will be held accountable when the other pillar comes.

Praying for them to walk in faith. God gives man free choice.

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5a912d  No.12623646

File: 8dfb0c920b73434⋯.jpg (59.71 KB, 608x450, 304:225, 20210120_013119.jpg)


no point other than this…

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fcf70e  No.12623647



Jimmy and Rosland Carter aren't going. But they sent their "best wishes." The inauguration is the first they have missed since Carter was sworn in in 1977.

They are also the only ones of those clowns who didn't get an envelop at Bush sr funeral.

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84b042  No.12623648


Convert to letters a=1 b=2..


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4f1f88  No.12623650

Psalm 37

16 A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked.

17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the Lord upholdeth the righteous.

18 The Lord knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever.

19 They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.

20 But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.

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3c94a4  No.12623651


For 80% of the population, order a McRib and fries cause it's the American way

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000000  No.12623652


Where do anons suspect DECLAS docs will drop? FBI vault?

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31d63a  No.12623654


Of course it's been removed,

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5a70a9  No.12623655


Lynn Grayson?

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b48bb0  No.12623656


It was good. I would do it again. I hated every minute of not being in control of "me", though. In the end, how many people can say they rode a sub with enough destructive power to completely destroy nations and you were the one answering the bells or controlling the electric plant driven by a nuclear reactor?

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000000  No.12623657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hundreds of "civilians" let in through the capitol checkpoint at 2.30 in the morning. Many with full backpacks and security not checking the backpacks. No MSM news coverage.

Seems legit…

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78c5cc  No.12623658


It has to start somewhere, Anon.

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a6f0ca  No.12623660

File: e55a7d5744aa814⋯.png (91.7 KB, 207x156, 69:52, 1602729182.png)

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106519  No.12623661


OMG, one cutaway was 17 seconds long? OMG, OMG, OMG… That MUST mean that Q was the cameraman, or is part of the "storm", surely.

Couldn't possibly be a fucking coincidence, and you couldn't possibly be retarded.

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8bc786  No.12623662


DISTRICTof Columbia


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A district is a type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by local government. Across the world, areas known as "districts" vary greatly in size, spanning regions or counties, several municipalities, subdivisions of municipalities, school district, or political district.

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78c5cc  No.12623663

File: e7d443a13be301a⋯.jpg (19.65 KB, 400x382, 200:191, Maybe.jpg)

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7efdeb  No.12623664

General McInerney speaks the truth! "Trump will either be the greatest President ever, or the worst president ever." We'll know in a few hours.


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b48bb0  No.12623665


You a nuke?

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376202  No.12623666

Aliens used to freak me out, now I hope every day they will abduct me from this wretched planet.

Pedo Joe, certified after stealing an election? America lost? Trump does nothing?

Where are these hot Pleiadian chicks and how can I contact them?


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d5f8b8  No.12623667

File: ded4ad3bda6fa62⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1236x820, 309:205, 3worldWars.png)

3 world wars

planned long ago

necessary to destroy the peoples inclination toward nationalism.

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7e17d6  No.12623668

VV is likely to be a P-8 Poseidon out of Jacksonville.

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70b3ee  No.12623669

File: 2a8495dca658bf2⋯.jpg (171.47 KB, 1280x534, 640:267, singog.jpg)

people are exposed to massive black magic hexery, coordinated all over the world, the objective is perception management for control, those that humbly turn to God cannot be controlled by evil and have nothing to fear

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460a9b  No.12623670

I doubt Trump will ever trust a Christian again.

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4f1f88  No.12623671


guys watch this live stream - could be interesting

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106519  No.12623672

File: 4dfca3fa0b2173c⋯.jpeg (12.92 KB, 204x255, 4:5, Someone_talked_shill_meme.jpeg)


Haven't you learned yet? In cult-think, you never question the leader. Q is the leader. And if you think for yourself and/or question him or the "plan" (that no one knows either), you are a "shill".

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0c1684  No.12623673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

drinking heavily frens

never forget anons became the most feared entity on the planet in just 3 short years. feels good.

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cb23b9  No.12623674


Did anyone think you;d be allowed as a citizen to even GO to DC right now? So bizarre.

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3c94a4  No.12623675


So legally Trump would still be in power? I don't quite understand admittedly.

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c5dafa  No.12623676


Admirable. More dedication than I would have had at that age.

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0386ae  No.12623677


Memory holed for sure.

Be nice to have a video of that. If anyone has it archive it and post it to spread far and wide.

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8bc786  No.12623679

File: b943eaa08bc24c8⋯.png (714.71 KB, 624x780, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


William S. Castle, Esq.,

Counsel, having been so appointed by the Secretary of Defense in August 2017. He also served as Acting General Counsel and the official performing the duties of the General Counsel from August 2017 to August 2018.

In December 2019, Mr. Castle was awarded the Department of Defense’s Medal for Distinguished Public Service. This is the highest award presented by the Secretary of Defense to a non-career federal employee for exceptionally distinguished service.

Previously, Mr. Castle was Minority General Counsel to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Chief Counsel in Senator Orrin Hatch's Office of the Senate President Pro Tempore, and Senator Hatch’s Senior National Security Counsel.

Mr. Castle received his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Brown University in 1993 and his Juris Doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1999. His work has been published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy. Mr. Castle is admitted to practice law in New Jersey and the District of Columbia.

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12f8aa  No.12623681

File: cb5e00bd51fce05⋯.jpg (69.69 KB, 975x1542, 325:514, asdgdsbffg.jpg)


I am not saying to do this. I am just saying it can be done by a series of system jammers.

You can make fake virility.

Because if someone else copies that image and posts it again. It builds.

It could go literally viral cause someone shares it.

Like, take this meaningless image. Why would anyone share it or copy it or post it. It has no meaning and it is just a sample of something with zero meaning really.

Okay. If 10 other people knew, that this fake ass meme should be jammed into the system, they can do it. It is like fake viral. If it were a meaningful meme, you can create an echo chamber around people.

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637faf  No.12623682

File: 62d5dc4854e4658⋯.png (509.88 KB, 666x493, 666:493, 20201229_022734.png)

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798494  No.12623683

File: 7412d3476f1ea9c⋯.jpg (332.62 KB, 1080x920, 27:23, Screenshot_20210120_095401….jpg)

Looks like the people being pardoned would have information on some bad guys. Did they cut deals?

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8f12a3  No.12623684

File: 2b693cca1d80cd5⋯.jpg (47.02 KB, 468x356, 117:89, 2b693cca1d80cd571b4f7e2462….jpg)


Calm down anon~

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cd3816  No.12623685

File: a08412a6703ed92⋯.jpg (629.8 KB, 751x907, 751:907, 20210120_anon.jpg)

File: 6cc44a9d9ac3b5a⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1372x914, 686:457, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)

File: 1035805b8f8597d⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1496x978, 748:489, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)

It's been fun frenz. Vengeance and justice are the Lords. That you can see is nothing you should take pride in, for but the grace of God you too would be blind. Despise the evil that blinds them but be careful not to take joy at their fall lest you too should stumble. Be measured in all things. Be both the lion and the lamb like your Father.

o7 fags.

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7ff5e2  No.12623686


>What makes a movie GREAT??

Steve Mnuchin as director?


> Gersara

OH god you called ME faggot? Then go on to post that a fake biden will be sworn in? OMG fucking god..you follow BULLford, Wilcock, and….ICKE?

I simply cannot fucking wait…IF POTUS makes it….I simply am going to fucking BE here to LMAO at you GERSARA/NESARA bullshit.

Pay your debts. Stop the fucking magical thinking. I've been here with 10/10 retards.from aliens will save us to the dragon clan….I cannot wait to be out of your company.

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7058ec  No.12623687

File: 6b702d53a862d93⋯.jpg (12.75 KB, 600x360, 5:3, iuy9877p7v.jpg)

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7d5e10  No.12623688

File: 7f8381d00cb7c30⋯.png (89.75 KB, 1280x1294, 640:647, 1280px_SES_Emblem_svg.png)

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70b3ee  No.12623689

File: bdf2ad2dcd61389⋯.jpg (353.26 KB, 790x444, 395:222, vicktory.jpg)

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12f8aa  No.12623690


If there were 100 people purposefully repeating a lie while surrounding 10 people.

It is likely those 10 people could be impacted by the lies.

Welcome to your life America.

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c5dafa  No.12623691


Fuckin' awesome. He's pretty funny. Spot on with the hd posturing too.

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8c2c1e  No.12623692


>I hated having to show my work because I usually skipped steps,

How does one show their work when the answer is just there in your head?

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106519  No.12623693


Dude, I believe in Almighty God, and an afterlife. I know I'm not of this world….

But I still have to fucking live here for the time being. So do my children.

Kill and commie for Christ and then we can talk repentance. I think it's easier to forgive a man who kills the enemy to defend his family and nation, than the man who does nothing while his family and nation are killed.

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45cce0  No.12623695


#16117 @500, >>12623141

>>12623230 Anon points out for the record that Trump is not avoiding the "Biden Administration" phrase as insurrection rumors swirl..

>>12623289, >>12623443 Planefags reports

>>12623299 ZH: sub hunting drones tested off the Ca. coast

>>12623496 Daily Mail Hit piece seems to cover all the bases.. Anons have dug some of the actors from the so-called "consevative groups" already. Some have been outed as [inserts].. How many moar?

>>12623602 CBS: George Bush, Hussein, HRC to attend Biden's inauguration

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dfa50c  No.12623696


Ohhhh for fuck sakes.

He purposely made whoever wrote and edited that speech to specificly last 17 seconds as a nod to a couple of faggots on the internet.

Give me a break. Actually YOU take a break, go reclaim the 4 years lost following this shit and get a hobby or a job.

People like you who make this shit their lives are loser Qtards. Not everything potus or anyone else is a coincidence or a nod to anons.

Fucking retard

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12f8aa  No.12623697


Negative ghostrider.

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0386ae  No.12623698


Probably already cleared congressional staffers, political hacks, government employees and bureaucrats, already cleared at another location and bussed in.

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c3eb8e  No.12623699


Consider getting some sleep, nothing's habbening tonight.

… ALL of the players are already in bed.

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4f1f88  No.12623700

File: 648872adad09c9b⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1259x697, 1259:697, ClipboardImage.png)

They are letting non-military guys into the fenced off capitol area…

live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScDE2pVozCY

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627332  No.12623701

“Now as I prepare to hand power over to a new administration at noon on Wednesday, I want you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning. There has never been anything like it. The belief that a Nation must serve its citizens will not dwindle but instead only grow stronger by the day. As long as the American people hold in their hearts deep and devoted love of country then there is nothing this Nation can’t achieve. Our communities will flourish, our people will be prosperous, our traditions will be cherished, our faith will be strong, and our future will be brighter than ever before. I go from this majestic place with a loyal, and joyful heart, and optimistic spirit and a supreme confidence that for our country and for our children”

The Best is Yet to Come

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391056  No.12623702


He's not worthy of his name being spoken! Traitor!

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8f12a3  No.12623703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


One deep breath~

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5a912d  No.12623705

File: 4147a6739eaa6e1⋯.gif (333.14 KB, 596x596, 1:1, 20210120_013807.gif)

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c5dafa  No.12623706


There may be a way now with certain tech. Not exactly sure though.

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73ef27  No.12623707


Wow what if he fuck

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0386ae  No.12623708


Or pretend he is is one again.

Curious how it is Christians fault?

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71c17f  No.12623709


Yes I did and didn’t see anything. I also did seconds difference between 11,19,9,23 etc:





















And letters:





















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8a0b71  No.12623710


Thank you for that really helpful shitpost…i'll go research for myself then…

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b48bb0  No.12623711


All that stuff I said came with age and reflection. At the time, nobody really thought much about it. It was just a job from an enlisted point of view.

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b71e31  No.12623712

File: 714aaf41ef72135⋯.jpg (79.04 KB, 720x641, 720:641, fullCorneymoon1.jpg)

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106519  No.12623713


Seriously… It's faggots like that who gave us all a bad name. These fucking normies that poured in here ruined everything with their wack-job new-age, numerology, Kabbalah bullshit.

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9edede  No.12623714

File: f45590b0ff9426e⋯.png (92.39 KB, 601x563, 601:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19979c62f53064d⋯.png (88.93 KB, 601x550, 601:550, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad2fc9285b4534d⋯.png (92.88 KB, 598x559, 46:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04376f092915945⋯.png (94.57 KB, 598x635, 598:635, ClipboardImage.png)



===============←- those the recognize the red dotted line know this U.K anon does not shitpost unless saying this is a shitpost !!!

https://t.co/wIYYovjduh?amp=1 ←must watch video and grab the popcorn !!! bards of war !!

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45cce0  No.12623715

>>12623700 What is this? Are they letting non-military guys into the fenced off capitol areas?

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0c1684  No.12623716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

be fucking proud faggots. anons changed the world wearing pajamas & eating tendies.

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4eed2d  No.12623717

File: 1f997443c630a2a⋯.png (78.51 KB, 325x325, 1:1, 1526234443541.png)


Well put. And thank you for your service anon o7. Some words from a euro midfag (early '19) as well - a few notables. First of all: I truly believe this movement belongs to the US and US anons. It has always humbled me, only being able to chime in from afar. You really are the greatest nation in the history of mankind. Be proud. Secondly: I fucking love you guys. You are the real deal. Especially, indeed, the autists, bakers, clockfags, planefags, mappers and everyone in between. Finally: I will pride myself in being a infinitesimally small part of this community/movement/ultralarp. Popcorn ready. Comfy. Big day ahead. AS THE WORLD TURNS. Enjoy.

>Will this cement my way into the Historical Museum of Kun?

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33cdec  No.12623718


Tom Rice bad

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1fa9b7  No.12623719

File: d88f2185d987c44⋯.gif (2.94 MB, 540x222, 90:37, 504e12ccad12a3b5311c246510….gif)

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f9ab07  No.12623720

why do jews hate the goyim?

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4f1f88  No.12623721


that's what it looks like… watch the stream, it's live rn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScDE2pVozCY

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9820ed  No.12623722

File: 9e98ab31387cb40⋯.jpg (112.66 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 9e98ab31387cb4021e624a6e2e….jpg)


>Moar popcorn?

Just stocked up!


>The word to remember is REPLACING.


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a3c74a  No.12623723

The only biblical story I can think of right now is…


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0386ae  No.12623724


Geez. Indefensible. Kushner family friend probably, and off to Israel he will scurry.

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53f637  No.12623725





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1513cb  No.12623726

File: 36e385cab4159b0⋯.png (719.54 KB, 797x493, 797:493, ClipboardImage.png)


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

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460a9b  No.12623727


Look within for the answer.

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000000  No.12623728


And then he passes the power to a cheater.

And declas nothing of importance.

Dem has total control of house and senate.

Censorship still all over the place.

His supports still ridiculed.

Q is nowhere to be seen.

Yeah great.

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d91655  No.12623729



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70b3ee  No.12623730

File: 6197f0022f48798⋯.mp4 (134.45 KB, 360x202, 180:101, sign.mp4)


if its a checkpoint its out of protocol not to check bags

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106519  No.12623731


That is PURE speculation… Hopium… Wishful thinking…

Until something ACTUALLY happens, maybe we should start holding POTUS and Q accountable?

How bout dat?

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7ff5e2  No.12623732


Save this video. Sting operation? dont be fucking stupid…letting Antifa/Chink/Nigger terrorists in so at least one person gets a shot at him. Why is anyone fucking assuming this shit is a good thing?

In comes the white Antifa bus.Why the fucking hell is he making assumptions that this is a good thing?


DC is locked down tight due to …bad bad bad…man stands filming watching people carry shit into the venue….carrying bags and who knows what else. They're not even fucking checking people.

Dude, that's Hunter in the back of that limo smoking crack. fucking coward…get a fucking shot of them…then you'll fucking know what it's about.


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45cce0  No.12623733

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31d63a  No.12623734

Baxter Dmitry reports for Newspunch, April 3, 2019, that according to Paul Tatchell, a roommate of Joe Biden at the Syracuse University College of Law, Biden admitted he was sexually attracted to children.

Tatchell reportedly said that Biden “used to say it was his ‘civic responsibility’ and that if he didn’t ‘choke the chicken’ or ‘clean the hosepipe’ before spending time around children he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off them.”

Joe Biden’s Syracuse Roommate: Yes Joe Is Sexually Attracted to Children



Believe All Women: Joe Biden's Sexual Assault Accuser Has Now Filed A Criminal Complaint


NEW REPORT OF BIDEN SEX CRIMES – ‘He Penetrated Me With His Fingers’: Joe Biden Accused of Sexual Assault

Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden has been accused of sexual assault by one of his former Senate staff assistants. According to the alleged victim, Biden forcibly penetrated her against her will with his fingers in Washington, D.C. in 1993.


Creepy Joe Biden - Who Will Vote For President #Pedogate? – Baxter Dmitry reports for Newspunch, April 3, 2019, that according to Paul Tatchell, a roommate of Joe Biden at the Syracuse University College of Law, Biden admitted he was sexually attracted to children.


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fcf70e  No.12623735


I hope when I wake up, going to sleep in a little bit, the world has ended.

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cb23b9  No.12623736


I'll withhold judgement until further digging.

What we have learned is that Trump has had absolutely indefensibly awful fuckin advisors and WH Gen Counsel. So who the hell knows what he knew of who he pardoned or what he was told.

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0386ae  No.12623737


Very nice!

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78ff03  No.12623738

File: b1e09e2d3f3fb31⋯.png (344.5 KB, 669x546, 223:182, 269c953bb792473ac343ad795a….png)


Anon members ASVAB results coming in and some wide eyes at results.

They also gave anon SAT's in middle school.

Guess anon wasn't a "normal" kid.

Kinda wonder what muh FBI file looks like…

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d705b7  No.12623739

If you disregard Joe's china and Ukraine crimes, has he committed a crime in election fraud if he didnt dire t or was not involved in it?

Is taking the oath a crime?

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7efdeb  No.12623740

General McInerney speaks the truth! "Trump will either be the greatest President ever, or the worst president ever." We'll know in a few hours.


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ca980e  No.12623741


>Thank you for that really helpful shitpost

That's why they recruited me.

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45cce0  No.12623742

>>12623700 What the hell is this? Are they letting non-military guys into the fenced off capitol areas now?


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4f1f88  No.12623743



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5c1a59  No.12623744

Chris Cuomo lists who ISNT on pardon list, lastly says Trump didnt give himself or his family pardons… then looking suspect says… "notable?…."


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8bc786  No.12623745


NZ anon doesn't need to be reminded of that shit! Damn. Show some respect for the Kiwi bastards among us.

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fcf70e  No.12623746


Eh turned it off right after he just said "If everyone could send me $10"

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0f3b02  No.12623747

>>12620438 pb

Not even close, newfag!

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d5f8b8  No.12623748


>why do jews hate the goyim?

Because they have it stuck in their head that we're all idiots for doing the only option given to us… by them.

"We will corner you and force you go go in a direction"

"Look how stupid the goyim are for going in that direction!"

They're pure fucking evil. Everything that is Untrue.

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5a912d  No.12623749

File: f4a247803c7e0c3⋯.gif (628.6 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 20210120_014243.gif)





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376202  No.12623750


If POTUS and military allow Biden and cabal to take power, all is lost in my eyes, not spending 4 years on boomer radio and newsmax.

I played my part, every single day.

If I join the army and stand ready to serve, but the orders never come in, what else can I do?

Fight the cabal single handedly?

It's going to be time to lay low, go underground, and maybe someday I'll find out why God betrayed us all.

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7d5e10  No.12623751

File: dea9f93e5ae4ec4⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1388x1204, 347:301, Screen_Shot_2021_01_17_at_….png)

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d91655  No.12623752


Loser should get a job.

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8a0b71  No.12623753


Are you actually a child…? Genuine question.

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fe86a5  No.12623755


I understand your feelings, but we have all fallen short and have sinned before a Holy God.

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" - Romans 3:23

God does not respect persons.

"For there is no respect of persons with God." -Romans 2:11

We therefore, must all be born again by faith in Jesus Christ.

"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." -John 3:3

For… we are saved and justified by faith alone in Jesus Christ.

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." -Ephesians 2:8-9

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fcf70e  No.12623756


Believe me if they were that worried about him being there, he'd be long taken care of.

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f9ab07  No.12623757


Look, another big name specifically telling patriots to stay passive and do nothing as the election is successfully stolen. But it's definitely not a psyop right?

what did Yuri say about the normalization phase of subversion?

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9d89cb  No.12623758


It's all of that and more. You haven't even scratched the surface yet.

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0c1684  No.12623759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


anons been fighting long before trump, you were never alone fren

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106519  No.12623760

Screw those Wikileaks, amirite?

Totally worthless. No need to pardon Assange. If we REAL:LY want to MAGA, we need to pardon members of the "Blood" gang, like Lil Wayne.

So much winning I cannot stand it.

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1fa9b7  No.12623761


It's over.

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000000  No.12623762


When the movement look more like a honeypot than not

you have a problem

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0386ae  No.12623763


Fuck off with your childish riddles, trying to hide you have nothing. Go away shill.

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dfa50c  No.12623764


Peace is the prize is referrenced to former enemy foreign countries that Trump brought peace to. (Temporarily as Biden is taking us to war to finish the Middle East

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c57956  No.12623765

File: 66b1e3da7ca6095⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1123x890, 1123:890, 907547612098634.png)

The Fight Ain't Over 'til We Say It's Over!

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c30e3f  No.12623766

Technically it's Bidan being inaugurated…we haven't seen the real Joe Biden in at least a year…what are the laws about impersonating the president-elect or govt official?


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106519  No.12623767


I looked within… The depths of my being told me you are a faggot.

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7ff5e2  No.12623768


Livestreamer sucks donkey dicks. Begs money coward…doesn't get faces, es fucker car is parked in front of fire hydrant…begs money…where the kids? begs money…doesn't do the dan fucking JOB like actually catching their faces, steps back and critical moment…

what is going on here? FUCKING retard, it's Joe Biden's inauguration.

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106519  No.12623769


Go get 'em, anon.

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021639  No.12623770


Its been a pleasure working with all of you just in case everything goes dark.

Been here through the many boards since we were playing capture the flag with Shia Leboof on 4chan.

I feel like a military intelligence analyst after 4 long years of all of this.

Lets finish the game

God wins!!!

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460a9b  No.12623771


God did not betray you.

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cf03d3  No.12623772


It's over.

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a6f0ca  No.12623773

File: 110bff966c0652a⋯.png (12.09 KB, 249x249, 1:1, 1607294194.png)


Jesus, you fucking dumbass.

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460a9b  No.12623774


He will never betray you.

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cf03d3  No.12623775


Trump did.

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7efdeb  No.12623776


Fuck Byrne! He's a charlatan piece of shit! Hang him for treason too!

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106519  No.12623778


WE THE PEOPLE are the ones with supposed real power in this nation… What if we, ya know… exercised it?

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76014d  No.12623779


>Why have I been sentenced to this horrific reality?

1 - Trudeau

2 - Bob and Doug McKenzie

3 - Terrance and Phillip

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376202  No.12623780


The abortions and child trafficking alone under a Biden cabal administration are a betrayal by God. How could he allow this? Why?

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8f12a3  No.12623781

File: 452f47cda37d443⋯.png (885.15 KB, 928x1040, 58:65, 452f47cda37d4431bdacb47c9b….png)

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297def  No.12623782

File: 32601142d54bf69⋯.jpeg (193.96 KB, 1242x696, 207:116, 4102215B_D2D4_4AB3_A13B_1….jpeg)

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0c1684  No.12623783


4- bieber

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cf03d3  No.12623784

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d5f8b8  No.12623785


>If POTUS and military allow Biden and cabal to take power,

then every political option has failed

there will be no use in voting or partaking in any of the political system anymore

If Biden gets sworn in today, head inland where you'll have more time til destruction. North Dakota probably is best. I'll meet you there.

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31629b  No.12623786


Art Bell > George Noory

It's all gonna be Paytriots now, with Infowars knockoffs selling HGH, bitcoin, and hopium.

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7efdeb  No.12623787


Just another fag telling you to trust the plan and wait 30 days. Fucking morons.

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9edede  No.12623788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




must watch video and grab the popcorn !!! bards of war !!

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70b3ee  No.12623789

File: 847566f38b9d7ae⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, capped.jpg)


all ppl that will be there are parts of the set, they are making a movie

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dfa50c  No.12623790


I looked deep into your loose asshole and determined that you are a colossal faggot

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376202  No.12623792


How so? With arms? Organized uprising? President Biden will be waiting eagerly to declare martial law and fight back against you as terrorists. Jan 6 will be the cabals new 911.

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106519  No.12623793


Kek… That meme

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0e971d  No.12623794

File: 8296efee5efd3e0⋯.jpg (26.65 KB, 237x142, 237:142, fixed.jpg)

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f9ab07  No.12623795


That won't happen. This psyop designed to keep the patriots passive has worked to perfection

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dfa50c  No.12623796


Didn’t that art guy kill his wife to marry a underaged chink.

Suspected child molester.

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7ff5e2  No.12623797


Oh he's talked to the FBI….kek. FBI talks to all the "right people" don't they

Well, at least when one of them tries to murder Biden we'll have proof of the lax security.

E-begger. He's literally playing on HOPE that this is some last minute POTUS save.

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31d63a  No.12623798



In his first public appearance since Thursday night's contentious 2020 Democratic debate, Joe Biden addressed a large crowd at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition Convention in Chicago on Friday afternoon

The former vice president, 76, held hands with his granddaughter, Finnegan, 19, daughter of Hunter Biden, when he described what it was like to raise a young girl. He said, "When your daughter's about 12 and half years old you put this little butterfly in bed and you kiss it goodnight. Next morning you walk in and there's a snake in the bed."

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0386ae  No.12623799


I am not reading his wall of text, but I am sure at some point in those 30 days you will need to send money as well "for the fight for our nation!"

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cb1477  No.12623800

Declassifying documents generally contain evidence, crimes committed, witnesses & suspects (redacted). What follows declassification? Documents remain classified or under seal for the purpose of ongoing investigations. How many declassification's were released Tuesday 19 January 2021 by PDJT, ODNI and CIA? Take all those declass and assign to departments or agencies and all former staff involved. Some of these actors crisscross like a web.

It is now safe to assume investigations are complete by SC, MI, GJ and trusted respective agencies. Indictments are ready, prepared, being processed and arrests warrant have been prepared. Because the 3 top agencies were corrupted, SC & MI were assigned the task of Investigations and adjudication. Adjudication will most like be both in USDC & JAG.

Don't be surprised if there are more than 1 SC, Huber was a smoke screen to cover for SC that were assigned the task on October 2017. 44's blanket pardon covered only his 8 years was a hic-up, but many committed new crimes expose facto.

Who are the first batch to get the bracelets? Remember there is a big fish in that batch. Cheers Frenz!

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73ef27  No.12623801

WTF dude is saying his wife cheated on him with an FBI agent …8

Of 17 year marriage


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627332  No.12623803


They talk about 9/11 so much like every single person involved with the coup on Trump wasn’t directly involved with 9/11 the shear PANIC is beautiful to watch

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48e894  No.12623804

"RED 6" telegram was nice to see. They didn't have to do that.

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b48bb0  No.12623805


>I looked deep into your loose asshole

You might want to redact that, anon. Optics and all.

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8a0b71  No.12623806

File: 36ba54d05a4b7d6⋯.jpeg (586.76 KB, 1369x1245, 1369:1245, E03513AB_7E89_4FB3_AFCD_B….jpeg)


First link in the chain…out come the shovels…


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31d63a  No.12623807

"One night when they're 12 & a half, you tuck a beautiful butterfly in bed. The next morning- there's a snake in the bed" Biden on daughters

— ~0~ #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica (@PaxNostrum) January 6, 2015


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000000  No.12623808


If nothing happens by noon


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460a9b  No.12623809

The Apostle John is the only apostle that didn't cash in.

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71c17f  No.12623811

File: 2ff56523f336e23⋯.jpeg (7.85 MB, 3024x3661, 432:523, EA187831_BE09_428D_8C54_6….jpeg)


20 cutaways.

Q20 fits.

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8f12a3  No.12623812




Yup… MSM programming

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9d89cb  No.12623813



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45cce0  No.12623814

>>12623798 Creepy Joe Biden talks about snakes in the bed. And his butterfly child.

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faf8c8  No.12623815

File: 32426359c0b5efa⋯.jpg (16.89 KB, 255x226, 255:226, scif.jpg)


holly shit what are you worried about?

its all fake and gay

we grabbed you for something else

Biden is our guy [different dude ]

turn off the news and stay here, we got space shit to do the narrative is not for us

we still control your toaster and all street lights, think logically you dont know any of the real enemy's names lol

a fools name and fools faces are seen in many places

Trump saved himself and just gave the worlds premier fighting force the full command,

not all will be clean but you are safe

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297def  No.12623816

File: 2c54365e4733758⋯.jpeg (169 KB, 1242x984, 207:164, CC520F07_B1DF_4586_BD62_9….jpeg)

Big Joe said he’d cure cancer

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b71e31  No.12623817

File: 60d274978cbefcb⋯.png (118.83 KB, 450x405, 10:9, 60d274978cbefcb54ec6c22801….png)


>drinking heavily frens

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7ff5e2  No.12623818


Retard. CNN is NOT there to record a Trump victory.

JAYSUS tel him to STFU begging. He's a jew isn't he.

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5a912d  No.12623819

File: d8a5b27693f7381⋯.jpg (84.46 KB, 610x460, 61:46, 20210120_015157.jpg)

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d5f8b8  No.12623820

File: e4c213495dcb12d⋯.png (245.79 KB, 673x438, 673:438, rudy.png)


>every single person involved

both sides

they have always controlled both sides

it's why they never lose

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ef6c9a  No.12623821


Man, he would have to act fast.

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376202  No.12623822


And it's the people of NK that suffer the most.

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45cce0  No.12623823


#16117 @600, >>12623141

>>12623230 Anon points out for the record that Trump is not avoiding the "Biden Administration" phrase as insurrection rumors swirl..

>>12623289, >>12623443 Planefags reports

>>12623299 ZH: sub hunting drones tested off the Ca. coast

>>12623496 Daily Mail Hit piece seems to cover all the bases.. Anons have dug some of the actors from the so-called "consevative groups" already. Some have been outed as [inserts].. How many moar?

>>12623602 CBS: George Bush, Hussein, HRC to attend Biden's inauguration

>>12623700 What the hell is this? Are they letting non-military guys into the fenced off capitol areas now?

>>12623798 Creepy Joe Biden talks about snakes in the bed. …And his butterfly child.

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637faf  No.12623824

File: 2ec33bdfe92f621⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1074x635, 1074:635, 2ec33bdfe92f6217ba4e6c5658….png)

File: 2b49972d9eb0ac8⋯.png (2.21 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, 2b49972d9eb0ac80c955db6612….png)

File: dceb3ad528a0dbb⋯.png (331.93 KB, 603x608, 603:608, 5cf926aed4ede58160b0676a24….png)

File: 9fb3f95913f3f72⋯.jpg (338.3 KB, 1116x961, 36:31, 9fb3f95913f3f7201458d81619….jpg)

File: 6f1b3b4ec6da471⋯.png (982.48 KB, 975x705, 65:47, Joe_grand_daughter_Titanic.png)




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70b3ee  No.12623825

File: 8cc90f23b087259⋯.jpg (538.35 KB, 1198x896, 599:448, honestly.jpg)


dont underestimate the power of tweeting, they are #1 in the world in strategic tweeting

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5991cb  No.12623829

File: 9884cfdfe518e06⋯.jpeg (180.6 KB, 1800x920, 45:23, q_anon_research.jpeg)

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53f637  No.12623830


For you? Yes.

So who cares.

This ain't an airport.

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52fc49  No.12623831

Don't worry guys

Next year there will be some FIVE YEAR "deltas" you can get excited about.




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0386ae  No.12623832


Well in his addled mind: You go to them in their bed, and have a beautiful moment of love and touching etc. and then the next morning you come back and they are angry, sullen and withdrawn from you and don't want anymore of the beautiful things from the night before. Like a nasty little snake!

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45cce0  No.12623833

>>12623798, >>12623824, >>12623558 Creepy Joe Biden talks about snakes in the bed. …And his butterfly child.

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78ff03  No.12623834

File: 5790c4e9fcaded9⋯.png (273.9 KB, 1250x1404, 625:702, a12474cb2bbc1e2a356fe79ead….png)



>drinking heavily frens

RIP, liver.

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297def  No.12623836

File: 9466dc383efbe88⋯.jpeg (471.9 KB, 828x1334, 18:29, 08646CA2_1873_430C_9C4C_E….jpeg)

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13c4a7  No.12623837


Bro you’re wasting your life away with this shit, go outside or fuck your own hand or something

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3df82f  No.12623839

File: ea1b1773dd581d8⋯.jpg (203.53 KB, 2032x725, 2032:725, Screenshot_20210120_025327….jpg)

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8a0b71  No.12623840


BO - how come we are still allowing shills/DS AI to post and clog the threads at this point?

I mean I get the whole free speech thing, but it's just stopping actual useful information being shared before everything goes down…

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faf8c8  No.12623841

File: 654b9cc32745e42⋯.jpeg (12.56 KB, 232x217, 232:217, pedro.jpeg)

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0f3b02  No.12623842

Any anons sleeping tonight?


Dec 19, 2017 1:11:33 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c07cfc No. 122211

19 OPs [now].

Operators active.

Operators in harms way.

POTUS awake.

NO SLEEP during OP.




May 12, 2019 8:26:01 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: dfeded No. 6482810

Attempts by Dems, FAKE NEWS, and those 'guilty of TREASON' to shape the public narrative [prior to] by providing FALSEHOODS will FAIL.




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000000  No.12623843


The final act.

False flag.

Blaming everything on Trump supporters.

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8f12a3  No.12623844



anons still need motivation to pray?

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375104  No.12623845

File: 2664eafe1df3f31⋯.gif (9.46 MB, 496x640, 31:40, F2A8B9AC_B0AF_4C5C_9052_3B….gif)

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12f8aa  No.12623846

File: a1391c121e60846⋯.png (98.35 KB, 208x158, 104:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d647f697f3aab68⋯.png (62.51 KB, 787x650, 787:650, ClipboardImage.png)



I pulled this from OP. It is what I meant earlier when I said recalling the entire loop with a smaller image that is not detectable as part of the whole to the the average user.

Cause if I post this little flag, like tomorrow.

What if someone posted the big meme after meme, not on purpose, but on accident?

What if someone saw the little flag, but recalled the whole image??

Shit is bananas.

Do you see what I did with that and the attached image.

Now. What other information did we actually recall? I havent even read it yet, but maybe we pulled something relevant from the algorithm. Maybe not a dig, but meaningful to the present conversation..

You posted the meme that triggered me to do all this, so did you actually recall the information that I am posting here?

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bf8541  No.12623847

File: 5a7a821ab50c847⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 480x449, 480:449, 5a7a821ab50c84700d7e0698b8….jpg)

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48e894  No.12623848


"Those who know, cannot sleep." And we barely know anything.

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b71e31  No.12623850



live feed of people entering DC checkpoints dead of night

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fe86a5  No.12623851

File: 00bbd3eed2d0237⋯.png (591.43 KB, 819x432, 91:48, ferewrafwdcw.PNG)

MSM pushing "muh militia" narrative just in time with 4 AM talking points (EST)…


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b5e18a  No.12623852

File: 8bf3dd126dd82b5⋯.png (13.18 KB, 856x175, 856:175, HelperAnon.PNG)


It has been a pleasure serving with you Anons.

While we appreciate the label of "Possible Q drop"

Q cannot 'officially' drop at this time.

Think optics.

We are not Q

But we are always watching.

Missions forward.

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60b003  No.12623853

File: 68e3ca0a77bafc7⋯.png (367.75 KB, 640x355, 128:71, biden3.png)



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081ef9  No.12623854


Mark 14:51-52

Now a certain young man, wearing nothing but a linen cloth, was following him. They caught hold of him, but he left the linen cloth behind and ran away naked.

He ran away naked

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460a9b  No.12623855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dfa50c  No.12623856


Your new president lady’s and lady’s

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0f3b02  No.12623857


That means he'd have to kill himself. He (and the original one) ARE a CANCER on this Nation.

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0e971d  No.12623858

File: dd4fbaccf311169⋯.jpg (65.35 KB, 785x129, 785:129, kek.jpg)

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dcfda9  No.12623859

File: 4835652f19a8bcb⋯.jpg (90.82 KB, 334x225, 334:225, 97745654265465426236.jpg)

Can we have a purple thumb print like IRAQ??

Please, for the Republic!!!!

Americans just want fraud free elections!

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460a9b  No.12623860

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7ff5e2  No.12623862


NO Trump gear/clothes..is he stupid? Retard keeps saying it's an operation..prison…while witnessing hundreds of people going in for Biden's inauguration.

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dfa50c  No.12623863


Q can drop whenever he wants. The election is over. Gtfo faggot

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f91e71  No.12623864


Barry Sotoero was illegitamate. Trump knew that. Dropped the case after scoring the post office on Pennsylvania ave. Hope its all chess moves. Couldn't actually believe the pdf was legit. Kind of lame Gen Flynn wouldn't realize that. Technically Trump would be 44th.

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5a912d  No.12623865

File: 04088593868f599⋯.gif (76.64 KB, 400x225, 16:9, 20210120_015754.gif)


you donot know, you are taking some one's word for that statement.

<mordant intellect.

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834fb0  No.12623866

File: d51434da241bca8⋯.jpg (36.77 KB, 794x595, 794:595, faith_is_seeing_light_with….jpg)

Oldfag sitting here, thinking about what our imminent future holds. Started anon to thinking that this must be what it's like, on a front line - knowing you'd be in mortal combat by Dawns early Light; the glomm'in.

The Faith a warrior has might start to whither the fears, not of dying, but of not winning pour upon him like a liquid frost. I don't know how Warriors kept it together until the gloom'in; the first light, first contact.

I know what I've done. I completed an inventory of what I believe in of what I have faith in. Like an old bull rider, I've spiritually slapped my own face, shook me by my collar and told my self to remember who on earth anon is; who/what anon believes in.

On the eve of the battle that anons have all prepared for…

Anon has Faith in God,

Anon believes in Q+ and Q.

Anon's one and only job here is to meme - dig - Pray with fellow anons, the hive mind, the Band of Anons.




The Light shall soon be on anon's face - Anon is prepared.


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627332  No.12623867


Absolutely not…wouldn’t miss this for the world. Have you ever gone all-in with a Trump card in your hand then decided to just walk away? No sleep til Brooklyn

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70b3ee  No.12623868

File: d6fc6c6e2021e64⋯.png (577.79 KB, 663x1270, 663:1270, see3.png)

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8a0b71  No.12623869


Can you trademark an acronym? Interdasting point you've just raised 'Q'….

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7fbf4c  No.12623870

File: 207eb521512e2df⋯.jpg (210.31 KB, 678x621, 226:207, selection_spoiled_election.jpg)

File: 531177d9acf95d7⋯.png (79.2 KB, 579x811, 579:811, simple_solution_casino_ove….png)

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106519  No.12623871


That IS his job… He said that. He is trying to make a living as a citizen journalist.

He is gathering intel that you are not, faggot.

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376202  No.12623872

If God allows Biden in, he is not a fair and just God, or we are an undeserving, sinful people.

Our hard work, our dreams and aspirations, weren't good enough for God.

But apparently he liked what Biden was pushing.

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45cce0  No.12623873


#16117 @FINAL, >>12623141

>>12623230 Anon points out for the record that Trump is not avoiding the "Biden Administration" phrase as insurrection rumors swirl..

>>12623289, >>12623443 Planefags reports

>>12623299 ZH: sub hunting drones tested off the Ca. coast

>>12623496 Daily Mail Hit piece seems to cover all the bases.. Anons have dug some of the actors from the so-called "consevative groups" already. Some have been outed as [inserts].. How many moar?

>>12623602 CBS: George Bush, Hussein, HRC to attend Biden's inauguration

>>12623700 What the hell is this? Are they letting non-military guys into the fenced off capitol areas now?

>>12623798, >>12623824, >>12623558 Creepy Joe Biden talks about snakes in the bed. …And his butterfly child.


Save notes for next bred anons!

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3b06be  No.12623874


are they setting up the "Presidential balls" and the celebration in general? I mean this guy keeps saying it's an operation but to me it looks like a lot of civilians.

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0f3b02  No.12623875


There's no "we" in "you," faggot! Speak for yourself.

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12f8aa  No.12623876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I was here the other night, shit was bananas. Everyone was saying it. We loaded the algorithm or created a egregore. A temporary manifestation of culture.

An inside joke. You had to be there to understand?

What if I didn't explain it all to you, and simply posted "Shit is Bananas" with no context. I would have recalled the entire system without you realizing it.

What if I just posted the song like OP on 1/3 did.

Some of you are with me on this, I am gonna go a bit further.

Okay. When people put on music, I try to listen with them. If we are all sitting in our house, listening to the same song, at the same time….. are we dancing to the same beat in our minds? Does it help organize the whole? It happens on accident, but can be purposefully induced.

I don't personally like the song, so I dont really want to hear it. It is more food for thought, like what if.

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9d89cb  No.12623877


That's plastic surgery, for all we know.

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106519  No.12623878

File: 668fce01cded7c0⋯.jpg (444.63 KB, 800x513, 800:513, Jesus_Whips.jpg)


Even Jesus had a spine…

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5a912d  No.12623879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



<too l8.

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e1675a  No.12623880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Source: mustang medic

D.C. livestream showing a massive line of empty buses at 3am 01.20.21 to pick up detainees. No sauce on the reason for these buses yet.

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637faf  No.12623881

File: 8de75eea01bdd78⋯.jpg (76.91 KB, 634x480, 317:240, 33fvz8.jpg)

File: d1cd5932467bbc9⋯.jpg (96.81 KB, 500x748, 125:187, 33fw7a.jpg)

File: 909c4a27d227afc⋯.jpg (96.86 KB, 500x675, 20:27, 33fw24.jpg)

File: 2fa78fdfbb1b13b⋯.jpg (46.16 KB, 903x499, 903:499, 33fwrk.jpg)

File: a4b2a84cebde6b1⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 903x499, 903:499, 33fwud.jpg)

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460a9b  No.12623882

The Trumps lawyers were in it for the money.

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7ff5e2  No.12623883


Patrick is literally saying Biden is getting inaugurated…make buttons.

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fe86a5  No.12623885


Jesus Christ is the Word of God (John 1). Everything I gave you is from the Bible.

God Bless.

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000000  No.12623886

Something happened right before China and Russia congratulated Biden.

They held on longer than others.

Then it was like a deal was made.

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b71e31  No.12623887

File: 80f9fa16d4cfba9⋯.png (702.58 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_01_20….png)

File: adf3783123e8c13⋯.png (512.14 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_01_20….png)

File: c0ae50827f72ef6⋯.png (655.59 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_01_20….png)

File: ea39051d557a0b9⋯.png (708.18 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_01_20….png)



>of people

busloadsof people

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a45493  No.12623888

File: 03504e326bbd2d0⋯.jpg (31.3 KB, 540x960, 9:16, patiently_waiting.jpg)


we're down to hours now….

any minute now, something will happen

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7ff5e2  No.12623889



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ad9f22  No.12623890



He keeps adking for 10 dollars, but good footage tho

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b48bb0  No.12623891


Where are the pallets of bricks?

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106519  No.12623892


I didn't come to bring peace, but a sword.

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76612c  No.12623893

File: bd2db9a3800b0af⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, WelcomeNewfagsLargerTextWi….png)

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460a9b  No.12623894

Joe Biden is not opposed to having sex with his children and grandchildren.

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12f8aa  No.12623895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What if I wanna change the vibe.

Can I?

How do I know if anyone listens. Does it matter?

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d5f8b8  No.12623896

File: 92c5f6df2dc3a8e⋯.png (819.59 KB, 800x609, 800:609, gadreel.png)


this is the god you've been following

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bf47cf  No.12623897


In or out of green zone?

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081ef9  No.12623898


Yeah, I don't think he knows that.

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106519  No.12623899


Some say the "plan", may last 1000 years…

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a45493  No.12623900


what a joke.

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49cde7  No.12623901


Rudy is a comped piece of shit.

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7ff5e2  No.12623902


He's literally at the inauguration site. Ebegging.

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45cce0  No.12623903

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375104  No.12623904

File: e41a208ddbfb013⋯.gif (4.77 MB, 640x606, 320:303, 32DD87A4_32A0_4C06_93E8_1A….gif)


Thank you…

“The truth is like a lion.

You don’t have to defend it.

Let it loose. It will defend itself.”

– St. Augustine.

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78c5cc  No.12623905

File: 2b5c9eba840bbdf⋯.jpg (1 KB, 25x22, 25:22, 000000000.jpg)


Something new to ad? Please explain.

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73ef27  No.12623906


Yo Mad Child

Nice … change my vibe

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45cce0  No.12623907

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>12623230 Anon points out for the record that Trump is not avoiding the "Biden Administration" phrase as insurrection rumors swirl..

>>12623289, >>12623443 Planefags reports

>>12623299 ZH: sub hunting drones tested off the Ca. coast

>>12623496 Daily Mail Hit piece seems to cover all the bases.. Anons have dug some of the actors from the so-called "consevative groups" already. Some have been outed as [inserts].. How many moar?

>>12623602 CBS: George Bush, Hussein, HRC to attend Biden's inauguration

>>12623700, >>12623887 What the hell is this? Are they letting non-military guys into the fenced off capitol areas now?

>>12623798, >>12623824, >>12623558 Creepy Joe Biden talks about snakes in the bed. …And his butterfly child.

>>12623873 #16117

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e1675a  No.12623908


Rewind the feed genius! I'm so fresh you can suck my nuts

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000000  No.12623909

Shills are in PANIC mode. KeK AF!!!!

If they "won" the election why are they still here?

Because they know they are fucked. We have everything and they walked into every trap set. These people are stupid and arrogant.

Anons know whats coming for them and the corrupt are too stupid to figure it out. They try to shutdown the hive but they can't.

This is only the beginning. The majority is awake. POTUS / Q mission accomplished. The world is awake.

This is not going to end well for the corrupt swamp rats.

Biblical….now they all lose.

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b48bb0  No.12623910


>How do I know if anyone listens

I do if I know it and like it…..

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460a9b  No.12623911

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7ff5e2  No.12623912


They're at the damn inauguration site dropping people off.

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15c255  No.12623913

Has baker ghosted? If not, now would be a good time to get a new bread going.

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4281d0  No.12623914


Thought it might be staff but they are all dressed in street clothes, not office suits or dresses.

All carrying backpacks but non are checked. They've all been prescreened for entry.

Work crews?

Paid supporters of Biden so he has a crowd.

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5a912d  No.12623915

File: 375637a6d7d060c⋯.gif (907.08 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 20201212_092609.gif)


you fools are thick tonight.

keep God's Name out of your mouth…


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9d89cb  No.12623916



God bless you, guys.

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d705b7  No.12623917

Will you think logically?

If Trump was not in control, he would have been dead by now. And NP would not be begging the DoD for changed 2 days befor Joe swears in.

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12f8aa  No.12623918

File: a705027cbee22a0⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1269x677, 1269:677, asfasvcxvcxvxc.png)

I will color your next bread.

I was painting your breads to see if I could observe any changes in behavior from you all.

You see this meme, this is funny shit.

I have been experimenting to figure out how all this matrix algorithm shit works. See, I warned everyone.

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b5e18a  No.12623919


We know you aren't a shekel chaser but small narrow minds such as yours are not needed anymore.

Return to your simple Muh Dick jokes.

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637faf  No.12623920

File: 9e5a760326ef937⋯.jpg (44.61 KB, 617x463, 617:463, 9e5a760326ef93717fe5e42cba….jpg)

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0f3b02  No.12623922


I doubt that we will hear from Q again, although at one point he mentioned thanking us for our great work across all platforms. I don't recall that ever happening, unless you count General Flynn's reference to "digital soldiers."

Then, there's this:


Nov 02, 2017 7:31:24 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No. 147683156

Fellow Patriots,

I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.

We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.

Watch the news outlets.

POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).

Should the lights go out please know we are in control.

Do not panic.

We are prepared and assets are in place.

God bless - I MUST GO for good at this point.


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15c255  No.12623924



Baker hadn't posted when I scrolled up and posted. Carry on baker.

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8cf7d0  No.12623925

File: af2666c9df18ed1⋯.png (1.11 MB, 627x619, 627:619, Vlad_Cross.png)

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081ef9  No.12623927


I've been listening for a couple of hours. If you were in his situation you would too. All live streamers ask for donations.

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106519  No.12623928

File: 9cef37332f5babc⋯.png (941.52 KB, 1246x685, 1246:685, Star_Of_Remphan.png)

File: 55d4609cee84db1⋯.png (176.03 KB, 476x347, 476:347, Saturn_Hexagon_Storm_Black….png)

File: e28cb3a93714f39⋯.jpg (84.08 KB, 840x959, 120:137, god_saturn_photo.jpg)


Remphan, Moloch, El, Kronos, Saturn, Satan… All the same.

Notice the 3 stars?

Saturn, and apparently, D.C., eat their young.

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156f84  No.12623930

File: 0c5f8fcab577874⋯.png (1.28 MB, 960x879, 320:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ff5e2  No.12623931


>Paid supporters of Biden so he has a crowd.

THIS. NO Trump gear, not so much as a hat…traitor capitol police said "operation"…yeah operation fuck America.

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106519  No.12623933

File: 5363c4beddad6a4⋯.png (68.95 KB, 555x298, 555:298, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)

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000000  No.12623934


You are just jealous that he is doing something worth paying for while you are sitting at home complaining about stuff.

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70b3ee  No.12623935

File: dc964114efcefb2⋯.jpg (383.11 KB, 678x659, 678:659, suspend.jpg)

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8cf7d0  No.12623936

File: 52cb1d3cb5d8504⋯.mp4 (7.83 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Putin_braves_icy_dip_in_fr….mp4)

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dfa50c  No.12623937



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a45493  No.12623938


>Paid supporters of Biden so he has a crowd

this makes sense.

fake and gay crowd

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b4b047  No.12623939

File: 4abd0c2f611fecd⋯.png (700.11 KB, 1482x813, 494:271, ClipboardImage.png)

Is this a bug?

No MLAT traffic over the whole continental US?

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9edede  No.12623940


It makes no difference,it is not part of the usa, fcuk how many times, it is part of the deep state,

fema stands for FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGMENT AGENCY. really important to watch the bards of war recommendation. they want you to turn on each other, why do you think they have 25k troops there that look do not even behave like a drilled army, the real people did not vote for biden via the constitution. i am in the uk but stupidity has got a lot of people killed through their actions, the only way is military,

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45cce0  No.12623941


>>12623921 bread

>>12623932 dough

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460a9b  No.12623942

The secret societies have film of all their members having sex with children or animals.

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106519  No.12623943


Fuck off, pussy… YOU are the traitor, sitting on your ass, and waiting for those consistently letting you down to save this nation. DO YOUR PART, faggot.

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73ef27  No.12623944


Imagine having to pay people to go kek

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1ec04a  No.12623945




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3d2eef  No.12623946

File: 916bc070f3e7849⋯.jpg (17.79 KB, 255x255, 1:1, muhdick.jpg)

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b5e18a  No.12623948


You have yet to learn "who has been talking to you here."

Q will return.

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7d5e10  No.12623949

File: f0508800f5f2938⋯.png (818.37 KB, 2088x1268, 522:317, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)

File: 9c49fcfa069d7f3⋯.png (1.19 MB, 2084x1266, 1042:633, Screen_Shot_2021_01_20_at_….png)

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106519  No.12623950



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add366  No.12623953


But why at this hour?

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627332  No.12623954



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12f8aa  No.12623955

File: b231e8403cfc226⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 4216x4160, 527:520, ajaskljdkjasdkj.jpg)

File: 35969c3720f20c5⋯.jpg (1.81 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, mkultra.jpg)


Do you see all the different memes that are embedded inside this meme.

You saw the Fuck the Algorithm earlier tonight.

I have the others, I can show you.

It is intentional. I dunno. I got the one that says brainhack somewhere.

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dfa50c  No.12623957


That was back when a “rouge” Twitter employee deleted Trumps Twitter for a few hours.

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78c5cc  No.12623958

File: 145f32fed754348⋯.jpg (87.03 KB, 500x595, 100:119, Pain_Q_Lion.jpg)


Nope. After Jan 20, if nothing happens, it's time to bring the PAIN. We have been prepared.

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cb1477  No.12623959

>>12623714 FBI toad giving advice, no thanx!


Ka-hump', tossed from a moving van, we're done, bye!

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106519  No.12623960

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000000  No.12623961



Learn our comms


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dfa50c  No.12623962


So how can this be used for us?

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8cf7d0  No.12623963

File: 1af2d7ff7b667fb⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1211x677, 1211:677, capture_503_31052019_21470….png)

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0386ae  No.12623964


I can't imagine after him/her being 0-279 or something, wanting them to come back for any other reason than to vent rage at them for the lies and larping.

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fc499c  No.12623965



History has been full of wicked and evil rulers. The most treacherous and vile people; driven by an insatiable lust, power, eternal life (or as close to as can be attained by any means necessary).

Now does feel like the culmination of things on an global scale though, a precipice. But, this could also only be the beginnings of tribulation.

Is God unjust to do the things He promised? Revelation doesn’t paint a comfortable ride through the last days before Jesus Christ returns.

In my heart I am hoping for a public revelation of this evil that opens the door for national repentance and a massive revival, full of the power of God.

Either way, God is good. Pray and seek His face.

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0f3b02  No.12623966


He had cosmetic surgery to attach his earlobes to his skull?

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45cce0  No.12623968


>>12623921 bread

>>12623932 dough

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45cce0  No.12623969


>>12623921 bread

>>12623932 dough

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559760  No.12623970


They say only Jehovah, YHVH, is God and anyone that believes in anything else is a gentile not a Jew. Yet they are not true in their own religion, they do not equate Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:23 as the link from old to new testament. Christ taught self sacrifice, the Jews would rather practices self indulgence and preservation with their Talmudic Hedonistic practices. This is why they are called the synagogue of Satan because they are liars like their Father Satan. They worship Baal, and believe in child sacrifices and blood letting.

Their souls will wind up in a cave down in Ol Sheol where they will be buried yet again. They will have to not only pay for their sins but to pay for the sins of others that they have caused to spill blood. Buried one on top of the other by the weight of sin. Many will be pushed and their souls blotted when Sheol can no longer sustain them. This is the vision of Sheol that the Lord of Light gave to me regarding redemption.

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0386ae  No.12623974


This may be the best take of the night that I have seen.

I hope i can use my ammo before I am raptured though.

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b48bb0  No.12623976


That could be looked at in a different way. Maybe it kept "us" from going after BLM/ANTIFA last summer thereby exposing who was really to blame, imagine if patriots had started a war in the cities.

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8ab746  No.12623978

Its going to be ok. Get some sleep. Trust the Plan. Trust The Creator. It was him that enabled The Plan. You can have another beer before you crash if you want. Nobody promised it would be over even after the Inaguration or lack of one therof. He got this.

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b4b047  No.12623979


These simply do not show up here…

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8cf7d0  No.12623980

File: 4bf411fc6784720⋯.png (1.35 MB, 849x553, 849:553, Jordan_Peterson_s_13th_Rul….png)

File: b772e082d209b33⋯.png (1.05 MB, 835x440, 167:88, Dems_A_Team.png)

File: 79f1aa09c7dde74⋯.png (536.49 KB, 609x300, 203:100, WTF.png)

File: b26770997a71cc3⋯.png (442.67 KB, 471x320, 471:320, Mnuchin.png)

File: 018b00aeb24c7dc⋯.png (444.99 KB, 472x321, 472:321, _VILE_.png)

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5c1a59  No.12623982

Obama holds the record for the largest single-day use of the clemency power, granting 330 commutations on January 19, 2017, his last full day in office. He also issued more commutations than the past 13 presidents combined.




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0f3b02  No.12623984


Think logically, pinhead! Q has said many times, you have more than you know. The whole point was an information drop to spread the news of what is happening, and to calm the normies, once operations commence. What would be the point of him posting on here again, once it's done? Sorry to break it to you, but maybe you can pull your baby blankie out of the drawer and suck your thumb, or a dick, if you miss Q that bad, faggot!

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2757e5  No.12623986

Did POTUS refuse to authorize a government plane for Xiden?

I guess that fucking MSM lie!!!!


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7ff5e2  No.12623990


EVERY few minutes? really?


HUNDREDS of people going IN. Surely you noticed the ASTROS bus….you know, the ball team?


He's been a citizen journalist for precisely 2 days.


They are entering the inauguration area.


doing it to who? LOL operation for WHAT? they expect Biden's folk to just mosey in and get on the buses? KEK there is no fucking logic. Retard. CNN is only going to call you if Biden IS sworn in. There's zero way CNN doesn't get the same "operation" story he did. WHY do they fucking care if he's in DC? ebegging again.

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b71e31  No.12623991


looks like in to the RED zone

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8cf7d0  No.12623994

File: ce8e58f5cc3f842⋯.png (907.9 KB, 506x611, 506:611, capture_080_06042019_09212….png)


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