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6441e9  No.10161215[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Friday 07.31.2020

>>10134839 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Revolution

Thursday 07.30.2020

>>10133702 ————————————–——– Tucker: America is witnessing a brazen power grab (Cap: >>10133900)

>>10125999 ————————————–——– Do not mistake silence for inaction.

>>10125966 ————————————–——– "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."

Tuesday 07.28.2020

>>10110219 ————————————–—— NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING.

>>10110207 ————————————–—— INFORMATION WARFARE.

>>10110177 ————————————–—— Tucker opening from today (Cap: >>10113490)

Thursday 07.23.2020

>>10058962 ————————————–—— Catherine Herridge on FBI doc declas (Cap: >>10058986)

Wednesday 07.22.2020

>>10045084 ————————————–—— Next: more 'act of violence' frame-ups, #2 attacked topic [#1 POTUS] INFILTRATION NOT INVASION.

>>10044656 ————————————–—— INFORMATION WARFARE Q#4509

Sun 07.19.2020 >>10142456

Mon 07.20.2020 >>10142445

Sat 07.18.2020 >>10136697

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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6441e9  No.10161218

Global Announcements

None at this time.

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10161179 Trump supporters flood hotline for IOWA precinct chairs

>>10161166 GM & Walmart: some of the audit work is done by Chinese firms

>>10161161 Mainstream media is the sound of a populace left in the dark about COVID-19

>>10161135 (2011) Arnold Prosperi visited EPSTIEN in jail died Saturday, March 5, 2016. He was 67.

>>10161131 Huawei and Russia for kek tweets

>>10161090 (2011)Virginia Roberts early account of Epstein encounters

>>10161021 Tick tok news

>>10161060 Pelosi: 'I don't have confidence' in White House coronavirus coordinator Dr. Birx

>>10161059 John Durham Report: Obama Weaponized The Federal Government Against American People, And It All Started In Ukraine

>>10161011 Planefag Kuwaiti AF KAF3211 C-17 Globemaster departed Dulles Int'l ne

>>10160998 The White House Flotus tweet the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have had a serious impact on America’s children and those who care for them

>>10160995 USAF (ret) Feds investigating flight logs of all planes that flew to EPSTEIN island Oprah had at least 11 flights

>>10160984 Minneapolis police tell residents to obey criminals and be prepared to be robbed

>>10160973 No injuries reported after massive train derailment in Montgomery County MISSOURI

>>10160932 Dan Bongino: Biden’s cognitive decline is rapidly worsening and is becoming increasingly difficult to mask

>>10160920 Death of free speech in the US; Dailymail newsrooms sees journalists who deviate from the new liberal orthodoxy hounded out

>>10160879 “I Thought You Said the Mayor And Governor Were On Our Side?” Antifa/BLM Portland

>>10160868 Former Democratic FCC Commissioner and Jim Clyburns daughter joins Soros open society foundations

>>10160855 California, NY, NJ and Texas receive the most foreign direct investment in the United States

>>10160819 Planefag updates

>>10160804 Maggie Haberman opinion

>>10160799 DJT New tweets

Notetaker notes

>>10160648, >>10160697 Planefag Reports

>>10160568, Chinese Virus Reports

>>10160586, >>10160706 Ray Chandler Info digs

>>10160587 E tweet about ticktok

>>10160596 Pentagon IG Report

>>10160603, >>10160622, >>10160683 Past Bread Dig and Repost

>>10160620 AUSTRALIA - Julia Gillard

>>10160624 Outrage! Clyburn Plus Soros Plus the FCC: Killing the First Amendment

>>10160646 BLM Terror reports

>>10160655 Dr. Alveda King Blasts Obama For Politicizing John Lewis Funeral: Leftists Will ‘Grab At Any Opportunity’

>>10160656 Berlin protests

>>10160672, >>10160686 @SecPompeo on the national security threat tic-tok poses.

>>10160580 Dr Fraudci warned Trump Rallies Dangerous, won't say same of leftist crowds and mobs

>>10160689 NJ State Legislature passed this bill Establishes requirements for sale of home baked goods."

>>10160651 The Traffic King Vid

>>10160715 Minneapolis surrenders to the criminals

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6441e9  No.10161220


>>10160342 President Trump would like you to take a survey on Twatter censorship

>>10160423 Planefag Reports

>>10159769 Grenell on NYT Bias

>>10159907 Texas city commissioner fatally shot

>>10159938 How High-Powered CEOs Prepare To Face Tough Questions

>>10159982 Delta flight returns to gate after two passengers refuse to wear masks

>>10160038 BLM/Antifa Terrorist reports

>>10160076 7 Marines, sailor presumed dead after California incident


>>10160081, >>10160114 Latest Epstein accuser Shelley Anne Lewis

>>10160083, >>10160224 3 Gorges Dam reports

>>10160097 Richard Grennell's RT of thread by Dr. James Todaro:

>>10160214 SecPompeo tweet

>>10160157 Org "Help Asheville Bears" paying 5000 dollars for info on a Trump 2020 sticker put on bear collar

>>10160265 Aug 2 Q delta

>>10160061, >>10160383 Ginsburg waited 4 months to say her cancer had returned

>>10160123 Austria Confirms OPCW Report On Skripal-Faking By The British, Exposes FT Lies & Cover-Up

>>10160409 More and more doctors are now speaking out on the POLITICIZATION of COVID

>>10160424 Melbourne, Victoria - Daniel Andrews significant ties to Chyna/CCP

>>10160484 NASA SpaceX Dragon Crew Return to Earth & Splashdown

>>10160489 Holland's top scientists say there's no solid evidence coverings work and warn they could even damage the fight against Covid-19

>>10160501 LIVE WEATHER WATCH: Tracking Tropical Storm Isaias

>>10160506 AUSTRALIA Julia Gillard (Former Prime Minister) and Clinton foundation


>>10160527 #13001


>>10159613, >>10159632 Chicago 15th district officers confiscate high capacity magazine (twitter)

>>10159583 Editorial/Opinion: Dissenters live in fear and serious debate is silenced - America's cultural revolution

>>10159581 Sources say special prosecutor Bash is looking @ Obama admin's "to/from/about" queries

>>10159580 PDJT - Big China Virus breakouts all over the world

>>10159565 "Protestors" marching in London dressed in paramilitary garb

>>10159527 Arizona School districts planning to reopen schools as 'daycare centers' AND charge parents $

>>10159514, >>10159545, >>10159571 #BillClintonIsaPedo Trending

>>10159481 Scarborough Opinion in WaPo - "none dare call it treason"

>>10159427 Whitmer - vetoed a bill barring patients who test positive from being sent to nursing homes

>>10159414 220 Foreign Orgs Participating in US Election Interference

>>10159379 EU death stats don't show excessive German deaths - why lockdown?

>>10159312, >>10159417, >>10159493 Digg reminder: Obama HHS Dir. of Cybesecurity got 25 yrs for CP crimes

>>10159277 CNN suggests Biden should refuse to debate PDJT

>>10159260 New PDJT - Fake News

>>10159252 Bishops Cave: OK to use vaccines w/questionable cell line

>>10159248 Editorial; Abolish Police and 2nd amendment becomes a first resort

>>10159206, >>10159223, >>10159269 Call for Downunder Diggz: Julia Gillard, Julie Bishop, Turnbull

>>10159175 (RT) Doc talks stats and verified COVID deaths in the UK

>>10159121 Planefags

>>10159113, >>10159118, >>10159136 In Honor of the Bred - The number 13

>>10159681 #13000

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6441e9  No.10161223


>>10158244, >>10158428 Live streams updates

>>10158275 Of course he did: Jeffrey Epstein Visited Clinton White House Multiple Times in Early ’90s

>>10158290 Slate 2016 - mail in voter fraud exists

>>10158310 NObama: Russiagate: Obama knew he abused power in Trump probe, ex-prosecutor says

>>10158326 (Zerohedge): CIA Fabricated Russiagate 'Evidence', Says former NSA Tech Chief

>>10158353 NG on why [They] Hate Trump and his UN-Involvement in 'Secret Societies'

>>10158393 MSM Bombshells Recap

>>10158395 Another Fire in Cali? Southern California's Apple wildfire continues to spread as officials order nearly 8,000 people to evacuate

>>10158469 (Old Newspaper Article Resurface) Fauci has known about HCQ for 15 Years

>>10158477, >>10158433 S.A. Farmers Protest 3 killings on their farm

>>10158495 (Sputnik): UK MP arrested on suspicion of sexual offenses - reports

>>10158519 (Washington Examiner): CDC director acknowledges hospitals have a monetary incentive to overcount coronavirus deaths

>>10158572 Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago Sees 139 Percent Increase in Murder

>>10158613 The land with no face masks: Holland's top scientists say there's no solid evidence coverings work

>>10158634 AUSTRALIA LOCKDOWN! (News.com AU): Coronavirus in Victoria: Melbourne to enter stage 4 lockdown

>>10158676 Dr. Alveda King Blasts Obama For Politicizing John Lewis Funeral: Leftists Will ‘Grab At Any Opportunity’

>>10158683 Gavin Newsom's Back Taxes: Cash Crunch? Gavin Newsom’s 2020 Property Taxes Are Delinquent on BOTH of His Estates

>>10158732 Donald Trump Demands Change: ‘Too Much Income Disparity’ After COVID-19

>>10158735, >>10158768 CIA Fabricated Russiagate ‘Evidence’, Says Former NSA Tech Chief

>>10158765 Trump offers, Democrats reject fix for $600 jobless benefit

>>10158808 Q Article Recap Infographic IMG 1

>>10158842 Biden Eyes Major Foreign Policy Shifts if He Wins

>>10158868 MELBOURNE: Australia's Victoria declared a state of disaster on Sunday

>>10158882 Couple Pleads Guilty to Stealing Children’s Hospital Trade Secrets for China

>>10158891 Clinton Andrews Chronicles Aus

>>10158901 Bun Report: Prisoners overtake Ware prison in Georgia, multiple active shooters and people down, fires spreading

>>10158903, >>10158932 Bun Vigano Recap +Kek

>>10158904 Bun Why’d Donald Trump donate to the CF? (2015 Article) Facts Matter

>>10159022 #12999

Previously Collected Notables

>>10157363 #12997, >>10158175 #12998,

>>10153169 #12994, >>10154472 #12995, >>10156048 #12996

>>10150906 #12991, >>10151617 #12992, >>10152411 #12993

>>10148136 #12988, >>10149366 #12989, >>10150136 #12990

>>10146152 #12985, >>10146845 #12986, >>10147772 #12987

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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6441e9  No.10161224

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/warroom/ Les Deplorables Platoon

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

International Q Research Threads

Germany #60 >>9799424

UK #19 >>9947756

Australia #8 >>9062489

Canada #7 >>9725975

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

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Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

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Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #123 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/18630

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6441e9  No.10161231

QPosts Archives

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

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Meme Ammo

PUT to Memes60 >>10031965 for the Warehouse

GET from Warehouse - tagged, sorted, reformatted, compacted ammo from memers and scouts

USE Catalog to access over >77,000 memes https://mega.nz/folder/VcZBSQpA#QyzqtX6hyKeUbNI6Nv2noA


* Censorship by Big Tech https://mega.nz/folder/hMplDZiA#ttp-iRrGPrcN2ycwdQvjTg

* Hydroxychloroquine/HCQ COVID therapy/prophylactic. Make it OTC – https://mega.nz/folder/AdAgCKRD#mC2IVsbIJ4J2qD07Pf9jxA

* Big Pharma Prioritizes profit over health. Trump lowers drug prices – https://mega.nz/folder/9MplDKrS#2ErTJWcfFQA3scFeGu02hA

* Masks Useful or not? Mask to vote in person? Unconstitutional mask orders? – https://mega.nz/folder/sYQgTYwa#RIPJHhLMruz-7htXPeExyg

* Anarchy! BLM, Antifa, riots, violent protests, law & order, defund or support police – https://mega.nz/folder/oYYjwYiC#8OUQyoljn9zdMQxxzotINA

* China CCP Evil Chinese Communist Party – https://mega.nz/folder/FJRkzShR#psJQYVth_N2v_9AqvYLWxw

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar Baking Seminar #25 >>>/comms/21322

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting:

https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/

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6441e9  No.10161242

File: 4d764590d731007⋯.jpg (46.01 KB, 538x768, 269:384, 4d764590d73100710fc68d717d….jpg)



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2975c8  No.10161252

File: 2ab1549195d2dcc⋯.png (868.9 KB, 1520x1524, 380:381, fast_day_2.png)

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2975c8  No.10161257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Happy Sunday Patriots!

welcome to church!

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be805f  No.10161258

File: a1421c368474acf⋯.png (26.37 KB, 750x194, 375:97, CHYNA.png)


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2975c8  No.10161296

File: 671ad701c146166⋯.jpg (49.62 KB, 661x623, 661:623, be_on_your_gaurd.JPG)

File: 2582eacbd008a4c⋯.jpg (72.23 KB, 686x674, 343:337, GA_NATIONAL_GAURD.JPG)

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888ffc  No.10161301

File: 61828d9a87d9bc7⋯.png (350.71 KB, 460x382, 230:191, biden_mask_3.PNG)

File: 61828d9a87d9bc7⋯.png (350.71 KB, 460x382, 230:191, biden_mask_3.PNG)

File: 61828d9a87d9bc7⋯.png (350.71 KB, 460x382, 230:191, biden_mask_3.PNG)

File: 61828d9a87d9bc7⋯.png (350.71 KB, 460x382, 230:191, biden_mask_3.PNG)

Thank You You You You, Baker Baker Baker Baker

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67f4c7  No.10161307

File: 1d09837b8c461f3⋯.png (526.88 KB, 1054x525, 1054:525, 2f34f4974db0be6fe192ab43d1….png)



I converted to Cathohalicism last night in this very forum so it's ok now, we can finally be together! kek

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c67f71  No.10161309

File: fa5f1bede324123⋯.png (8.07 KB, 255x134, 255:134, a7ffb193423f0a5573ceeefe7c….png)

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6bf299  No.10161312

The ‘Black Stone’ is a meteorite that the Muslims gather around and make pilgrimages to every year in Mecca. I wonder if Islam becoming the religion of a third of the worlds peoples (water) is the third trumpet.

Revelations 8:10-11

10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;

11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

Revelations 17:15

15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

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6441e9  No.10161328


Baker is have tech difficulties

Please call out notables

Notetakers please Step Up

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67f4c7  No.10161332

File: 69db858337a34ce⋯.png (8.74 MB, 4968x3104, 621:388, KOM1.png)



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4afe7c  No.10161341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WOW!!!! This Woman Issues A Warning!! She Wants All Americans To Hear This

Premise: What was done to Yugoslavia in the 1990's is being done to America (and the world) today.

Offered as is, anons. Responsibility for your reaction to it is yours alone, don't project it on anon.

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165ef3  No.10161350






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4afe7c  No.10161356



rot in hell, along with all your union buddies who have been ruining qresearch all weekend.

to restate, you may rot in hell, traitorous cretin shill.

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e893af  No.10161357

File: fcc22e6559eaeb9⋯.png (135.2 KB, 657x400, 657:400, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23c93811ba35c49⋯.png (155.78 KB, 581x400, 581:400, ClipboardImage.png)



Anon has been watching coverage of the return Crew Dragon to a splashdown inthe Gulf Of Mexico. Never heard of a splashdown in the gulf before. Thought this might be the first one. And, after some digging I beleive it is the first. MSM newsers appear to have failed to catch onto this as a histroical precedent. Because I'm not seeing it reported anywhere.



>>10161281 last bread

>Wonder how they test capsule/parachute viability. Maybe by pushing the capsule out the back of a plane. Like this.

Yes. Dropped from a plane. From a balloon and then there was the coolest one. The pad abort test.


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165ef3  No.10161358

File: 84b44a44f0b04aa⋯.mp4 (10.86 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, CancelTikTok.mp4)



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f0d1e2  No.10161360

File: 6830ab30dcb4b03⋯.mp4 (601.72 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1585491010.mp4)

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655033  No.10161361

File: 75827af76c5f6c7⋯.jpeg (128.1 KB, 590x635, 118:127, 1307B381_F8C3_4AF3_877E_5….jpeg)

8 years of perfection.

Admit it: you miss him.

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6441e9  No.10161362

File: 73d52dc87cfe5e1⋯.jpg (14.89 KB, 255x146, 255:146, 01daff950c1f269f07904940ea….jpg)

>>10161290 lb

no sorry anon, too late

Please ask another baker in a few breads to do so.

You understand?

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d3987e  No.10161363

File: aafeca0e01fad9d⋯.jpg (52.74 KB, 535x211, 535:211, Nazi_s_sneak.jpg)

File: 8d479776415e0b9⋯.jpg (124.43 KB, 522x722, 261:361, SHILLS.jpg)

File: 3ec62d08f7e97b1⋯.jpg (95.08 KB, 532x380, 7:5, lost_forever.jpg)

File: f494e84cc3dfd50⋯.jpg (124.97 KB, 748x679, 748:679, It_s_a_shame_really.jpg)

Shills are here in force to disrupt and mislead.

1 tactic is to flood the board with irrelevant information.

2 tactic is to sow division.

3 tactic is to post as many high resolution pics/memes as possible, to slow the board down.

There is ALWAYS 3 or more shills in the room at ALL times.


… look at file sizes… how many pics posted

… whether a comment is actually helpful

… times it's been posted and by who… whether it's opinion or FACTS

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Play-fighting (3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense)

… is it a 4chan character shill or Ebot…minion loves his anime,cartoons, nasimfag(transvestite)…and more

… Is Minion larping as AntiFungalLeafBread-AFLB(always bullshit), a stoner larp or aussiefag.

… Is it 000000 spruking for consensus manufacture/gate keeping or Cauldron boi, "swordy",<^>, daniel etc

… is it God bothering and preaching with tons of scripture quotes, hokus pocus new age bullshit

… Is it ancient history theory, waffling and dribbling, flat earth, constellations, anything older than 100 yrs

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… Is it board sliding with circumcision of any sort/gore/porn, shills imitating women

… Be wary of "frens" "fwens","fren"and ALL retard speak between shills(needed for manufactured consensus)

… Be wary of "they know someone/Heard rumor", can you guess who I am? posting

… Notice that Ben Garrison's cartoons are from a PATRIOT, so anyone defacing them is a soulless shill

… is it "divide and conquer", male/female, old/young, religions, etc,

… Be suspect if they feel the need to defend nudes and titty pic posts(open another browser and fap away retards)

… Ignore hennypenny's…Hopefully, Maybe, I sorta trust the plan… Q better do something…Q is a larp

… Are they just plain mean and nasty to anons(anons, not shills), Butting into conversations unwarranted

… Are they trying to normalize nigger and all inflammatory words..cunt etc.. (faggot is exception->dictionary)

… Is it Red texting, posting opinionated misleading comments, random garble… nonsense memes/pics

… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, BO, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"(the hypocrisy… smh)

… Are they posting music/lyrics/dribbling/debating about music (Music is NOT Q research)

… are they namefagging, oldfagging, ancientfagging, Nightshift fagging (needed to manufacture consensus)

… Is it old planefag posts or some stupid trainer/crop duster irrelevant planefag post

… Are they posting old irrelevant digs.. racing/filling to 750 posts

… Are they adding comments that add little or no further credence to an argument

… Are they bullshitting about"Q replied to me and…", I talk to Q…etc

… Are they twisting Q posts or misquoting Q, including outside comms

… Are the shills actively "burning" one of the above larps, to form another identity (savior larp)

… The above also applies to bakers (Shills have infested the bakery) and Minion loves to bake.

… Are they baking absolute rubbish and old digs. Ignoring facts or adding known lies. Blackmailing.

… Are they encouraging the posting of self gratification and nudes for the bakers(shitposting… 1-5 is enough).

…. Enough to list for now, but you get the picture… Control-f search post history always



To gatekeep information or control the narrative, shills have to manufacture consensus and look as though

they are speaking for the majority or are the authority on something. Always a name/meme/logo or

something that sets them apart from anonymous. Only then, can consensus be built on that character with

fake posters.

ALL the shills have huge ego problems, that GLOW. In a crisis situation, ALL humans drop egos to work together.

The world is in crisis right now, all PATRIOTS know this and will overcome personal issues and judgement to

get the job done…But shills wont… Their ego inhibits hive mind and their mind is elsewhere.


We are at war and the enemy is under the wire…. Filter ruthlessly and fast.

If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +

Always use filter + when filtering a known shill. Only shills and useful idiots respond.

If it helps for being ruthless, just remember this→ We are uncovering corruption and pedophilia etc.

shills are trying to stop that = shills ARE pedophiles….. Filter fucking ruthlessly!

With retards gone the room becomes comfy.

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9fe766  No.10161364

File: 84b030ed8a41883⋯.png (19.18 KB, 598x327, 598:327, Screenshot_2020_08_02_Trum….png)



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3f2c2a  No.10161365

File: a9ab8ed98df7b55⋯.png (394.71 KB, 508x342, 254:171, EagleWater.png)

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67f4c7  No.10161366

File: 3a1c7c70ca1e6ba⋯.jpg (41.21 KB, 663x502, 663:502, jane_john_roberts.jpg)

File: e646dad2f25806f⋯.jpg (108.04 KB, 690x650, 69:65, john_roberts_in_malta.jpg)

File: 21ee95a42fcee4d⋯.jpg (104.96 KB, 881x1200, 881:1200, KOM46.jpg)

File: 22469dfac340a28⋯.gif (49.69 KB, 244x244, 1:1, KOM44.gif)

File: da88bee4f1d12dc⋯.jpg (101.99 KB, 570x705, 38:47, o_JOHN_ROBERTS_MALTA_570.jpg)

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c55fbd  No.10161367

File: 2e52665bcbe67cf⋯.jpg (40.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

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f63095  No.10161368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚊 Jews.

We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Shtetls.

We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔

Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

>Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

for ever, and ever, and ever.


🙏🙏🙏6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud🙏🙏🙏:


"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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4afe7c  No.10161369


baker ip hopping

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15a9cd  No.10161370

File: bac64d71e793d13⋯.jpeg (198.58 KB, 1781x998, 1781:998, BE2884F2_F484_42CE_970C_9….jpeg)

Keks in Dilbert


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fbbf4c  No.10161371

>>10160580 lb

>Dr Fraudci warned Trump Rallies Dangerous, won't say same of leftist crowds and mobs

IMAGINE a virus so dangerous it knows the fucking difference between a riot and a Trump rally!Spoopy!

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000000  No.10161372

Veritas Omnia Vincula Vincit

I see you.

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8a88c4  No.10161373

File: 76cd1e587f9665b⋯.png (1.09 MB, 639x842, 639:842, pepe_hussein_arrested.PNG)

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102f48  No.10161374

File: d742e9caa96b3dd⋯.jpg (130.24 KB, 726x931, 726:931, Islam_plan.jpg)

File: 930c8cf5c84edcf⋯.png (311.02 KB, 480x470, 48:47, Islam_rules_6.png)

File: f97048014ea957d⋯.jpg (31.89 KB, 288x360, 4:5, Jihad_district.jpg)

File: 5b29b1571c05f4e⋯.jpg (48.37 KB, 585x652, 585:652, Muslim_state_now.JPG)

Minnesota as predicted!!…told you!!! idiots!!!

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3b6325  No.10161375

>>10161339 (pb)


muslim brotherhood?

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e69ac8  No.10161376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Video breaksdowns the Mid-Air Collision near Soldotna Alaska

13-minutes•2,826 views•Aug 2, 2020

moar info here:

Anchorage Daily News

State lawmaker and local pilot among 7 killed in midair collision

over Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula

Updated: 18 hours ago


>>10161243 LB

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f0d1e2  No.10161377


you like pedophiles, apparently

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4ffea3  No.10161378

File: 97df69c1f327ff5⋯.jpg (7.58 KB, 250x191, 250:191, 52471edd5e923d345dab7c75a1….jpg)

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bbdd9a  No.10161379

File: c57de750a28eda8⋯.jpg (113.49 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Remember_REMEMBER_vote_TRU….jpg)

File: 8c32c4a3fdc0d0e⋯.jpg (136.89 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 43ubfr.jpg)

File: f09154eecdc4ea6⋯.jpg (139.82 KB, 888x500, 222:125, the_coup_will_end_when_i_v….jpg)

File: 2a129b99c81df99⋯.jpg (136.67 KB, 680x453, 680:453, God_Wins_1_.jpg)

File: 160a33d02c17ab3⋯.jpg (106.63 KB, 800x500, 8:5, watch_the_water.jpg)


ty baker

inappropriate photo for a Sunday morning

see me after mass

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fe41c5  No.10161381

File: 9b2ba5ab45546b2⋯.jpg (266.97 KB, 1242x1068, 207:178, theater_pepe.jpg)


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6441e9  No.10161382

File: a6050b3e27cc935⋯.png (12.19 KB, 255x206, 255:206, 1c91a65348063021590c215baf….png)


Back at ya!

stop making me laugh!

am working

You know Im bllind

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8529f7  No.10161383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TRUTH about Forced Vaxxing exposed!


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3b6325  No.10161384


USAI dat but i dont belief u

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8d137d  No.10161385

File: 631258c69b055d5⋯.png (1.46 MB, 904x1180, 226:295, FLOTUS_vol24.png)

FLOTUS, volume 24

August 2020

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165ef3  No.10161386

File: 7199c9ef766b62d⋯.png (878.57 KB, 1296x1362, 216:227, Screen_Shot_2020_08_02_at_….png)



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c55fbd  No.10161387

who guess Mike Flynn 2024,

was 8 yo between Bush Sr

& Bush Jr,

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67f4c7  No.10161388

File: ff67f7404690740⋯.png (238.45 KB, 800x959, 800:959, 800px_Holy_Roman_Empire_Ar….png)

why head who? kek

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e69ac8  No.10161389

File: 0514f1a3dc34457⋯.png (3.68 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10154873 PB


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6441e9  No.10161390

File: 23b71f07de82bb8⋯.jpg (17.19 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 3e6b2acc4d6c1454416e16bea6….jpg)


Happy Sunday pipette!

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fbbf4c  No.10161391

File: c319d349b9d8229⋯.png (50.68 KB, 714x112, 51:8, TikTok.png)



Cancel CCP!

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96efda  No.10161392

>>10161264 pb “Germs”

Surprisingly there hasn’t been more comment about Trump’s prior known tendency as a neat-nick, perfectionist, clean-freak, ‘germ-a-phobe’....

This anon can tots see that his personal profile was examined and targeted by this fake pandemic.

However, anon is uplifted by the large possibility that They miscalculated his actual mind.

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3b6325  No.10161393


That must be confusing

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8a88c4  No.10161394

File: 4a507f077428aba⋯.png (289.25 KB, 1452x591, 484:197, SAM177_SAM180_MAGMA89_and_….PNG)

P-8's and P-3's oh myyy

The ac movement out of the approaching storm continues westward from NAS Jax with Ft. Worth NASJRB the destination for these ac

SAM180 USAF G5 departed JBA sw

SAM177 USAF G5 departed JBA to the wn

MAGMA89 departed San Juan, PR and heading for Homestead ARB, FL

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266568  No.10161395


Good God…

look at the size of those diamonds.

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6441e9  No.10161396

>>10161357 Get back to me with sauce! good leads

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3b6325  No.10161397


maybe he doesnt like germans


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34fb6b  No.10161398

File: d3666e8349fbb4b⋯.png (321.3 KB, 590x630, 59:63, Capture.PNG)

File: 47c6838aa0283df⋯.jpg (527.2 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1.jpg)

File: 80c9c3bfca1f446⋯.jpg (476.18 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 2.jpg)

The request for State from



explores new leads raised by UK litigation with dossier author Christopher Steele as well as contact between State + Fusion GPS, FBI agents travel to London summer 2016 (reflected Strzok/Page texts) and Ukraine records.


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fe41c5  No.10161399

File: 0b509170ae95c03⋯.jpg (161.24 KB, 600x750, 4:5, VJ_2.jpg)

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67f4c7  No.10161400

File: 8c3669508cf6ec6⋯.jpg (191.7 KB, 1025x1200, 41:48, obama11.jpg)

File: e12287537f1f513⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1132x1004, 283:251, OBAMACIA23.png)

File: 0fdacd2ab505308⋯.png (529.65 KB, 1600x911, 1600:911, oo_Screen_Shot_2016_12_26_….png)

File: 5ef7c88f4bd645f⋯.jpg (74.28 KB, 887x291, 887:291, o_subud_founder.jpg)

File: bdb9ce9d2ec6470⋯.jpg (77.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, obama_shh.jpg)


oh alright but I would rather focus on the Owl!

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ed0a3b  No.10161401


Why they put a deer on their head

Are these people retarded

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bbdd9a  No.10161402


God has truly Blessed America

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3b6325  No.10161403

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888ffc  No.10161404

File: e58114af3f5f1d8⋯.png (548.07 KB, 678x376, 339:188, bill_gates_epstein.PNG)

File: cc55d2c18d7f439⋯.png (374.66 KB, 467x303, 467:303, bill_gates_epstein_close_u….PNG)

File: c22d0e45b7bd600⋯.png (409.01 KB, 336x471, 112:157, bill_gates_epstein_plane.PNG)

File: 2d68941309241ec⋯.png (244.75 KB, 351x351, 1:1, bill_gates_smirk.PNG)

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c55fbd  No.10161405

Trump as President, his empire was

real estate, as potus basically real

estate all over again, no doubt he

is having more fun than ever,

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6ca296  No.10161406

File: d3de96ea1861301⋯.jpg (15.94 KB, 300x225, 4:3, Amanda_Gardiner_Testimonia….jpg)

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3b6325  No.10161407


she cant be human lol

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e893af  No.10161408




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f0d1e2  No.10161409

File: 22d5892fe31c060⋯.png (235.87 KB, 620x351, 620:351, clyburn_poltergeist.png)

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6441e9  No.10161410


knicked, beautiful

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67f4c7  No.10161411

File: d7ca46300901d47⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1486x806, 743:403, Q1.png)

File: 189dcc8618b1489⋯.png (971.52 KB, 1480x780, 74:39, Q2.png)

File: 1c7196cdef47dcb⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1482x790, 741:395, Q3.png)

File: 1672a7894f9b5d6⋯.png (933.85 KB, 1505x801, 1505:801, Q4.png)

File: 2cf4d6cbc1fd0f0⋯.png (838.99 KB, 1513x821, 1513:821, Q5.png)

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4a14a0  No.10161412

Where ya at Q? No one posting anything on Twitter that you can pass off as something important and exciting?

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617d35  No.10161413

File: 5598430dc7fd9bf⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1000x790, 100:79, dumptruck.png)


Not perfect. He's holding the ball upside down.

Plus, he's a gay muslim traitor that plays with his Big Mike and I don't mean the toy truck.

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994407  No.10161414

>>10160855 (lb)

For years I've been trying to wake Texans up to the corruption in this state!

Very hard to do! Easier to fool a man than convince him he's been fooled!

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fbbf4c  No.10161415


>who guess Mike Flynn 2024,

If we have POTUS for 8, Flynn for 8 than Jr for 8, we might just be able to save out Republic!

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3b6325  No.10161416


can we finally have a real state?

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67f4c7  No.10161417

File: 5c8755448cd05e6⋯.png (212.93 KB, 663x784, 663:784, 5c8755448cd05e6b435f3c3f21….png)

File: 67bba9dd180c6b5⋯.png (333.59 KB, 1265x772, 1265:772, 67bba9dd180c6b548cc5e4beaa….png)

File: ac6eefac8982739⋯.png (341.4 KB, 888x776, 111:97, ac6eefac89827399c381762e8a….png)

File: 6a9d0f4e4f2bd6a⋯.gif (1.2 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 6a9d0f4e4f2bd6a6e58d21621e….gif)

File: 09fa4743e2ef06a⋯.jpg (115.22 KB, 1125x631, 1125:631, EXv7_jmWAAEu4EA.jpg)


get some!

get some!

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dd8e52  No.10161418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WOW! Must watch. From 2014. Talk about baking your noodle. Please watch and spread anons.

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266568  No.10161419


Flynn is too short.

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f63095  No.10161420

File: 8428bbf1a5095a6⋯.png (2.35 MB, 900x1192, 225:298, ClipboardImage.png)

The Christian Holocaust: White Russian Christians Killed by Bolshevik Jews

*66 Million White Russian Christians Killed over 39 Years

*100 Million White Russian Christians Killed over 100 Years

>Why hasn't Hollywood made 1 single movie about The WHITE CHRISTIAN HOLOCAUST?

*Why Isn't The White Christian Holocaust Taught In Schools?

Why aren't there 69 White Christian Holocaust Museums in America?

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1727d8  No.10161421

File: d472da05ace6426⋯.png (113.81 KB, 917x704, 917:704, tempsnip.png)

Let's hope Lin has an inside scoop.


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537370  No.10161422

File: bbd017cd123ea13⋯.png (594.56 KB, 1357x706, 1357:706, tiktokpervs.png)


Thanks Baker. Notables look like notables again.

Anons - diggs on tik tok?


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c55fbd  No.10161423

File: b1440d0b0a3b394⋯.jpg (29.17 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

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bbdd9a  No.10161424


the fact he doesn't always wear a mask says something about his germ-a-phobe level, if any

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3b6325  No.10161425

Liberty Bell 7

Bell Spacecraft?

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94a1c6  No.10161426

File: eb4b32fdf76265b⋯.jpg (66.51 KB, 612x407, 612:407, Biden.jpg)

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522808  No.10161427

File: a360ee267166a47⋯.jpg (469.71 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20200802_121158….jpg)

File: 5688013becbe6dd⋯.jpg (528.4 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20200802_121025….jpg)

File: da80e566bde05c7⋯.jpg (377.98 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20200802_121014….jpg)

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34fb6b  No.10161428

>>10161398 me

4 fucking years later and theyre still asking for fucking documents. This theatre is fucking ridiculous. Fuck all of them. Rant over. Yardwork vs reading this depressing bullshit

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522808  No.10161429


These people….ARE SICK!



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fe41c5  No.10161430

File: 634eb49f362ef11⋯.jpg (89.03 KB, 778x500, 389:250, knightsa.jpg)

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3b6325  No.10161431

File: d73d168b820ca1f⋯.jpg (50.6 KB, 552x551, 552:551, Capture3.JPG)

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3b6325  No.10161432



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d920ee  No.10161433

File: edd7d682a32fbb3⋯.png (617.04 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, demwallace1.png)

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bbdd9a  No.10161434

File: 4c1675d0ac59410⋯.jpg (145.37 KB, 500x750, 2:3, not_a_medical_professional.jpg)

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888ffc  No.10161435

File: 596efef4636a072⋯.png (394.37 KB, 412x396, 103:99, valerie_jarrett_john_podes….PNG)

File: 37a6eab2e881c9e⋯.png (404.16 KB, 398x389, 398:389, bill_clinton_blue_dress.PNG)

File: 6a3e2ad63d0cff3⋯.png (379.52 KB, 439x355, 439:355, hussein_clooney.PNG)

File: 6a6419db3ce34ff⋯.png (590.55 KB, 458x470, 229:235, w_bush_paper_planes.PNG)

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ed0a3b  No.10161436


>Anons - diggs on tik tok?


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1727d8  No.10161437


Maltese Pigeons must shit on constitutions instead of statues.

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63bfaf  No.10161438

train derailments- tactic of antifa

lb notable >>10160973 No injuries reported after massive train derailment in Montgomery County MISSOURI

a wave of them?

disrupt commerce, supply lines cause havok, very easy to do, and very easy to not get caught.

(eyes on- see something say something, im guessing they use quick set)

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655033  No.10161439

File: a64e77abbb39aa0⋯.jpeg (86.21 KB, 576x500, 144:125, F9940170_3B39_43A1_8B8E_6….jpeg)







pic related is what you look and sound like.

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6441e9  No.10161440

File: 900ffb10a2494a9⋯.jpg (60.41 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 2821412_0.jpg)


Back off, Im in love with another.

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67f4c7  No.10161441

File: 02bb0b43716ea1b⋯.png (430.46 KB, 2033x412, 2033:412, OBGZ.png)

File: 5d132905b5259af⋯.png (3.31 MB, 2021x2468, 2021:2468, obgate4.png)

File: 66bf8e7eba7745a⋯.png (17.69 KB, 582x515, 582:515, t15682.png)

File: a2683d05f6293e5⋯.png (379.47 KB, 579x1045, 579:1045, t15704.png)

File: 02beda99c8d9159⋯.png (21.29 KB, 580x618, 290:309, t15718.png)


get some!!!!!

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5c6006  No.10161442

Amy Barret Coney replacing RBG is an easier fix than trying to remove Roberts.

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9ca964  No.10161443

Another HUGE Trump 2020 FLOTILLA in FLORIDA


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8529f7  No.10161444

File: 4c494057a2425af⋯.jpeg (130.26 KB, 1600x640, 5:2, 06D849AE_4E22_48BE_BA87_B….jpeg)

Brad Garrett “everybody loves raymond” says

It’s common knowledge that E. Degenerate abused staffers!


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578453  No.10161445

There is much wanking here this am…

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266568  No.10161446


I still don't understand why Q used "these" instead of "those".

There is a huge different.

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df5848  No.10161447

File: ce15970954aa66d⋯.png (120.38 KB, 401x346, 401:346, magacal_pep.png)

>>10161353 lb



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f0d1e2  No.10161448


of course he does - buds with DJT

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6441e9  No.10161449

>>10161376 Nailed that fast! got it

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aeb043  No.10161450


Satan has style, I'll give him that.

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f63095  No.10161452

File: cbb1171931777c1⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, ClipboardImage.png)

Why Are There 69 Jewish Holocaust Museums In America?

>To INDOCTRINATE the 98% Non-Jewish Children that 


Here is a List of 29 States that have Holocaust Museums and Memorials:

1 Arizona

2 California = 7 Museums/Memorials

3 Colorado

4 Florida = 6 Museums/Memorials

5 Georgia

6 Illinois - founded by Billionaire Jew Governor J.B. Pritzker

7 Indiana

8 Louisiana

9 Maine

10 Maryland

11 Massachusetts

12 Michigan = 3 Museums/Memorials

13 Mississippi

14 Missouri

15 Nebraska

16 New Hampshire

17 New Jersey

18 New Mexico

19 New York  = 9 Museums/Memorials

20 Ohio = 4 Museums/Memorials

21 Oregon

22 Pennsylvania = 5 Museums/Memorials

23 Rhode Island

24 South Carolina25 Tennessee

26 Texas = 5 Museums/Memorials

27 Washington, D.C. - the NATIONAL Museum (!)

28 Wisconsin

29 Virginia

Why Is The FOREIGN Jewish "Holocaust" MORE Important Than The American Revolution?


Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Holocaust_memorials_and_museums_in_the_United_States

On "Holocaust" Remembrance Day 2 years ago,

The Holocaust Museum in DC actually had the nerve to Rebuke President Trump for Not Saying the "6 Million" number

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96efda  No.10161453


I noticed that myself… and he did an interview sometime ago, talking about handshakes as something he made himself ‘get over’. Very healthy, and very stable anon thinks.

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f0d1e2  No.10161454


ok, pederast

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6441e9  No.10161455

>>10161379 Thats what she said!

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fe41c5  No.10161456

File: fae185f62a8d58e⋯.jpg (52.58 KB, 652x383, 652:383, chuck_no_rike.jpg)


>There is a huge different.

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94a1c6  No.10161457

File: 39ea25d9678f07f⋯.jpg (21.89 KB, 255x246, 85:82, Kek_Crack_Up_png.jpg)

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d0ccf3  No.10161458



Watch the water

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87f2c2  No.10161459

Biden's cognitive/mental/health decline is a lie. A lie being spread by the Deep State banking cabal themselves.


They are laying the groundwork for Biden to be replaced by his female Vice President once he becomes President. Then they will make her the "Angela Merkel of America". The one who will destroy the nation and bring the entire republic down.

So stop spreading the false narrative about Biden's declining mental health. It's all part of the Deep State's ploy. They want you to do it.

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fbbf4c  No.10161460

File: a8bb22062425284⋯.png (377.1 KB, 852x432, 71:36, 00000.png)


He is full of shit!

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fc0432  No.10161461


Good call!


These/those are the plural forms of this/that, and behave in the same way. As a determiner this is used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being experienced. As a determiner that refers to the more distant of two things near to the speaker, or to a specific thing previously mentioned.

For example, in context of the sentence:

Sonny has many qualities worth recognizing, and the purpose of this letter is to point out two of [these/those] qualities.

These would be best.

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df5848  No.10161462

File: 3ada050dc566c81⋯.png (102.27 KB, 340x248, 85:62, 2020_05_24_16_30_55.png)


sick degenerates all?

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4ffea3  No.10161463


These = This || Used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being indicated or experienced.

Those = That || Used to identify a specific person or thing observed or heard by the speaker.

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67f4c7  No.10161464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


but you are so sweet and I am the one!

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798bb9  No.10161465

File: 6c943afeae089ce⋯.jpg (35.29 KB, 520x282, 260:141, starshiptroopers1997_0113.jpg)



>IMAGINE a virus so dangerous it knows the fucking difference between a riot and a Trump rally!Spoopy!

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5de3fb  No.10161466

From 'Spook Air' to The 'Lolita Express': The Genesis And Evolution of The Jeffrey Epstein-Bill Clinton Relationship

Aug 2019

The Clintons' own involvement in Iran-Contra revolved around the covert activities at Arkansas' Mena Airport, which involved the CIA front company Southern Air Transport and occurred while Clinton was governor. Just a few years into the Clinton presidential administration, Leslie Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein would play a major role in Southern Air Transport's relocation to Columbus, Ohio, leading to concerns among top Ohio officials that both men were not only working with the CIA, but that Wexner's company, The Limited, sought to use the CIA-linked airline for smuggling.


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6b2cbf  No.10161467

File: 5edb773c22ac62d⋯.png (45.26 KB, 789x750, 263:250, pepe4844.png)

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fe41c5  No.10161468


>So stop spreading the false narrative about Biden's declining mental health. It's all part of the Deep State's ploy. They want you to do it.

umm, yeah. 8kun made Biden a moran.

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266568  No.10161470


that you JD?

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c93fd7  No.10161471

File: 633977198dcd3b2⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1237x1255, 1237:1255, ClipboardImage.png)



need to put it into practice.

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dd8e52  No.10161472


Interesting that the pen has a barcode. Comms maybe? Prison bars?

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655033  No.10161473

File: a376f686455a951⋯.jpeg (65.19 KB, 500x557, 500:557, 26C64D99_5A6E_44B0_BACC_2….jpeg)



There you go again. Believing every little thought that bounces around your empty skull.

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67f4c7  No.10161474

File: 472f3b329e3e31f⋯.jpg (16.6 KB, 346x183, 346:183, nothing1.jpg)

File: 625a68a46f2df40⋯.png (716.97 KB, 1189x1154, 1189:1154, nothing2.png)

File: e1e00683c6358f6⋯.png (544.24 KB, 823x1288, 823:1288, nothing3.png)

File: 249c0f02a618653⋯.png (1.28 MB, 3344x3316, 836:829, nothing4.png)

File: 88c9e81244a698c⋯.png (4.23 MB, 6704x5136, 419:321, nothing5.png)


get some!

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6441e9  No.10161475

>>10161398 not sure how to phase this, please rewrite

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94a1c6  No.10161476

File: 426beef799537f3⋯.jpg (17.32 KB, 253x255, 253:255, BidenWWIII.jpg)

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888ffc  No.10161477

File: be5e5fde46df11e⋯.png (419.63 KB, 640x369, 640:369, john_roberts_what_if_i_tol….PNG)

File: 56f3acab4efe5af⋯.png (197.83 KB, 558x271, 558:271, john_roberts_epstein_fligh….PNG)

File: 71ed4c40c47e9d8⋯.png (362.7 KB, 445x441, 445:441, john_roberts_potus.PNG)

File: e59daff0c370db5⋯.png (155.27 KB, 301x226, 301:226, rbg_pedophilia.PNG)

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8529f7  No.10161478


You miss the Kenyan Tranny show?

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f0d1e2  No.10161479




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798bb9  No.10161480

File: e61d311d34eb660⋯.jpg (24.38 KB, 600x338, 300:169, adam_schiff_wut_.jpg)

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000000  No.10161481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3e09b4  No.10161483


They're pretty much retarded.

There's an elemental being named 'Pan' often depicted as a deer, which the retards qualify as satan.

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df5848  No.10161484

File: 0771f8a7c32abe5⋯.png (120.41 KB, 338x314, 169:157, 2020_06_07_07_16_07.png)

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94a1c6  No.10161485

File: 5db36ca7ec3bc35⋯.jpg (16.52 KB, 170x255, 2:3, BidenSmackDown.jpg)

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f63095  No.10161486

File: 1a50d4933c4ebe6⋯.png (258.89 KB, 540x304, 135:76, ClipboardImage.png)

US Foreign Aid To ISRAEL From 1946 - 2019 Is $266.7 BILLION Dollars

Read that again: $266.7 BILLION US Taxpayer Dollars to Israel. 

Israel is the size of Maine.

US Foreign Aid To ISRAEL From 1946 - 2017 Is $228.7 BILLION Dollars

Plus the recent $38 BILLION Dollars our Swamp  MOSSAD-Controlled Congress signed to give Israel.

Congressional Sauce: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL33222.pdf

Imagine what $266.7 BILLION Dollars could do for Americans, if it was given to Americans instead of given away to ISRAELI JEWS.

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fbbf4c  No.10161487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>Another HUGE Trump 2020 FLOTILLA in FLORIDA

You're doing it wrong!

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6b2cbf  No.10161488


Serious question. When we win this war where

do seditious liars like this cunt end up? Will they

still be free to spread dis-info without penalty?

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67f4c7  No.10161489

File: f8f0f58602bc197⋯.png (18.53 KB, 761x652, 761:652, Q_22.png)

File: fecefe5cf062050⋯.png (9.25 KB, 758x421, 758:421, Q_26.png)

File: b64eb1fb68e3b9e⋯.png (11.33 KB, 758x474, 379:237, Q_32.png)

File: 9d7d89ed25f583d⋯.png (18.51 KB, 748x612, 11:9, Q_43.png)

File: 6f0f3e39ca5b631⋯.png (10.48 KB, 835x618, 835:618, Q_55.png)

yeah!!!! Q is so sweetttttttt…..


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c55fbd  No.10161490

File: 65b9faa73c174b9⋯.jpg (286.4 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, 1200px_Michael_T_Flynn.jpg)

File: b19a9a734e200ac⋯.gif (30.77 KB, 520x216, 65:27, Isaiah_copy.gif)


Isaiah 6:8

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”

Mike signally come back,

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6b2cbf  No.10161491


I've been trying to get these digits for years!

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266568  No.10161492


Seems like it would make more sense if Q was referring to them (not us) Q would have said…

" Those people are sick"

" Those people are stupid"

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798bb9  No.10161493

File: 0bd5307ce38909d⋯.jpg (24.5 KB, 550x432, 275:216, cindynoname.jpg)


>It’s common knowledge

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fbbf4c  No.10161494

File: 0a4a977b485c423⋯.png (17.47 KB, 429x334, 429:334, 8_kun_embed.png)



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94a1c6  No.10161495

File: 03495339e4b7970⋯.jpg (14.41 KB, 255x197, 255:197, Traitor_Bunch_png.jpg)

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fe41c5  No.10161496


this right here is one of the many dichotomies that helped me successfully de-program.

If you read the Old Testament, and then this, any thinking person has to ask how Satan can offer up "all the kingdoms of the world".

and why stop there? why not the whole solar system? galaxy? universe?

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522808  No.10161497


Was there a connection found between Michael Chelbin and Ray Chandler?

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5de3fb  No.10161499


> Southern Air Transport


Southern Air Transport (SAT) (1947–1998), based in Miami, Florida, was a cargo airline best known as a front company for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (1960–1973) and for its crucial role in the Iran-Contra scandal in the mid-1980s. During the affair, Southern Air transported arms to Iran and to the US-backed stateless mercenary army in Central America known as the Contras, which were fighting the revolutionary Sandinista government in Nicaragua.


SAT was founded in 1947 in Miami as a charter airline flying cargo to The Bahamas. By the time it was acquired by the CIA in 1960 for $300,000 (from the company's founder, F. C. "Doc" Moor[2]) it was still small, with three aircraft, and "plenty of debts".

SAT became a subsidiary of the CIA's airline proprietary network managed by George A. Doole Jr., the Pacific Corporation.[3] SAT's Pacific Division supported the US war effort in Southeast Asia,[3] and operated 23 Lockheed Hercules aircraft in its fleet.[4] According to the Miami Herald, during the 13 years the agency owned the airline it earned $3 million in profits, most of which were poured back into the firm to expand its operations.[2]

At one point, SAT was the CIA’s largest “proprietary” – a private business owned by the CIA – with estimated assets of more than $50 million and more than 8,000 employees worldwide.

The CIA sold Southern Air Transport for $2.1 million in 1973 to an aviation executive who had fronted for the agency's ownership of the airline for 13 years, the Miami Herald reported on 10 March 1975. According to the newspaper, SAT had a stockholder equity of $4.2 million when the CIA sold it to Stanley G. Williams, who had fronted as president of the firm from 1962 to 31 December 1973, when he purchased the airline. The Miami Herald said, however, that Williams did not get as good a deal as he wanted for the airline. "It was a long, hard, arms-length transaction," Williams said of the sale.[2]

SAT was sold again in 1979, this time to James H. Bastian – described by the Los Angeles Times in 1986 as "a top-notch Washington, D.C., aviation attorney who had worked with Doole at the Pacific Corp. from 1961 to 1974, as secretary, vice president and general counsel."[3] Under Bastian the company expanded its revenues (from $9.8m in 1982 to $38.m in 1985) and had over 500 employees in 1986.[3]

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798bb9  No.10161500

File: 780b489b5baddce⋯.jpg (61.52 KB, 360x451, 360:451, adolfthumbsup.jpg)

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5a58bc  No.10161501

File: 62dc3c8d7f6c565⋯.jpg (276.06 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Empty.jpg)

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fe41c5  No.10161502


>Mike signally come back,

more discount translators

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5efd33  No.10161503

File: 75625e7ff58d15f⋯.png (8.15 KB, 909x96, 303:32, Screenshot_2020_08_02_QRG_….png)

File: f4dc6b9dabd5ade⋯.png (288.15 KB, 1297x598, 1297:598, Screenshot_2020_08_02_Q_Re….png)

File: 4cfccda74a49f76⋯.png (12.16 KB, 1081x136, 1081:136, Screenshot_2020_08_02_Q_Re….png)

Anons need to start vettingBAKERSbetter. The GraveYard Baker was trying to add notables callingPDJTa pedophile and accomplishess of Epstein, and like always, the anons that caught it and called him out were accused of being "divisionfags"

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1c57e1  No.10161504

File: 7b313ad9107adb2⋯.png (315.85 KB, 595x448, 85:64, IWY.png)

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94a1c6  No.10161505

File: f4a2dbbd01d6b2b⋯.jpg (9.84 KB, 210x255, 14:17, SwampGasFromVenus_22_02_20….jpg)

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5174a2  No.10161506

File: bce34dae787a2aa⋯.png (211.33 KB, 800x600, 4:3, MRPOTATOSCHITT1.png)

Hey kids of all ages, announcing the Mister Potato Schitt Challenge!

No prizes except the satisfaction of a job well done.

Post your entry today!

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0b11bb  No.10161507


he's a filthy liar so are the Jews.

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cba958  No.10161508

Is Marxism/communism the "invisible enemy" that President Trump is talking about when it seems he is referring only to the so-called "novel" coronavirus apparently originating in Wuhan, China?

Communism, it seems to me makes the "state" a type of "god" and universally, where communism is implemented other religions are suppressed. If governments world wide have been infiltrated and subjugated by devil-worshipping pedovores then making the "state" into a "god" is actually attempting to subject the world to satanic control it seems to me.

Of course this must be defeated, anything else is unthinkable. We and our children would be nothing but cattle or even less than cattle if the wicked succeeded. That is what firms my resolve, accepting death is one thing, letting our children be socially engineered, mutilated, sacrificed, etc. is unimaginable.

I think this is why, even in Q drops, we are encouraged to take up the "full armor of God". People alone cannot succeed against this enemy, but with God through His Son, Jesus we are victorious.

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5efd33  No.10161509




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655033  No.10161510


Michele Obama is not a man.

Literally only flat earthers and “satanism!” dotards believe that.

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798bb9  No.10161511

File: fa4baf6df2659a7⋯.jpeg (151.71 KB, 2000x1095, 400:219, lightfoot.jpeg)

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888ffc  No.10161512


fuckin' A

pedophiles and coronavirus connected

mockingbird mainstream media hyping corona while hiding the pedophile connections

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411554  No.10161515

Shadowbanned dot eu is acting up biggly today….

Looks like someones trying to crash it.

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67f4c7  No.10161516

File: fa39a3a6d7f5297⋯.jpg (6.66 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


I hear he can't surf worth a fuck kek

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94a1c6  No.10161517

File: d9cf8f5290c8b7b⋯.jpg (86.27 KB, 535x379, 535:379, Mother_Grandmother_Wife_Fr….jpg)


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1748f0  No.10161518

File: 3dc89facc256633⋯.png (765.83 KB, 1048x475, 1048:475, ClipboardImage.png)

I can't help but wonder if the name CHOP was trolling white hats….

Foreign business owners may not be familiar with company chops in China, which are an essential tool to conduct business in China. If you plan to operate in China, it is vital that you understand the role of company chops in China and how to safeguard them. New Horizons Global Partners can provide you with additional guidance on using company chops in China and internal controls that you can implement to avoid your company chop being misused.

What Is a Company Chop?

A company chop is an official seal or stamp that replaces the use of a signature in Western countries.

A company chop is used to legally authorize documents instead of using a signature. Managers and administrators commonly use company chops. There are various types of chops in China that may limit the use of who can utilize the particular type of chop.


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63bfaf  No.10161519

File: 63cc832a8ed4953⋯.png (3.57 KB, 609x85, 609:85, ClipboardImage.png)

Records request this week by Senate:

__The Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (HSGAC) and the

Committee on Finance are investigating matters related to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s

(FBI) Crossfire Hurricane investigation.__

'''As part of that investigation, we have made a number

of requests to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the FBI, and the Department of

Justicethat implicate CIA equities.'''


Jul 28, 2020 Johnson, Grassley to CIA - Oversight Records Requests

Jul 28, 2020 Johnson, Grassley to Director of National Intelligence - Oversight Records Requests

Jul 28, 2020 Johnson, Grassley to Justice Dept. & FBI - Oversight Records Request

Jul 28, 2020 Johnson, Grassley to State Dept. - Oversight Records Requests

(docs are pdf)



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4627de  No.10161520

File: feaa5c5cfb30f7c⋯.png (289.32 KB, 597x693, 199:231, BeBest2.png)



Be Best!

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cf2f46  No.10161521

File: 9f445eebd9fa4ce⋯.png (36.5 KB, 1030x996, 515:498, fdb9108c006d0da6b0c20124ba….png)


I've seen so many of these sorts of pics from different accounts, mostly RC's multiple accounts posted here by many anons over the yrs. I still believe as I did the 1st time I saw any of them..these kids are from the streets. They're labeled as "throw aways" by the world. God will hold the abusers accountable at their judgement.

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fe41c5  No.10161522

File: 1b8167b07a3eead⋯.jpg (30.49 KB, 576x264, 24:11, 6666668.JPG)

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522808  No.10161523


these refers to currently, and the information Q presents us is close to us. not far away.

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537370  No.10161524


BakerNotableContains sauce and here are links to the journalist -



Here is a facebook post talking about his diggs into autism:


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c55fbd  No.10161525


gentle hand dude,

a shill woulda y'ewed me,

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1727d8  No.10161526

File: a1f5a9bfba3b98b⋯.jpg (185.14 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, BabyGotBack.jpg)

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5de3fb  No.10161527



Southern Air Transport


SAT operated out of Kenya during the Rwandan Civil War using C-130 aircraft. They also recruited and tried to recruit Canadian service members and some members of Relief Air Transport, the Canadian airline operating C-46s in Kenya, into their group.

SAT operated out of Asmara, Ethiopia, (now Eritrea), during the Ethiopian famine of the late '80s. It hauled thousands of tons of relief supplies in the middle of a hot war under contracts for the UN, Caritas Internationalis, Lutheran World Federation, and the International Committee of the Red Cross, saving thousands of lives.

SAT was also heavily involved in famine and disaster relief efforts in other areas of Africa. SAT supported the airlift into southern Sudan from the late '80s into the middle '90s. At one time, SAT Hercules aircraft were the sole food supply for the refugee camps in the Juba, Sudan area, during the north-south war. Again, SAT provided food for the helpless and saved countless thousands of lives.

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bbdd9a  No.10161528

File: e137ab76fc6a0c2⋯.jpg (102.09 KB, 500x625, 4:5, up_your_ass_2.jpg)

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f0d1e2  No.10161529

File: 7d905d8cc15e54c⋯.png (561.49 KB, 908x630, 454:315, 1544817396.png)

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888ffc  No.10161530


yes, they all seem to be connected to epstein one way or another

the paintings of bill and w were at epstein's mansion, btw

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ccc33e  No.10161531

File: d6b810116d445cb⋯.jpg (784.15 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200802_122430….jpg)

yo someone post the Q pics of those traitors in London from so long ago to Catherine Herridge post I don't have them

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34670a  No.10161532

File: 3cd463fd933786a⋯.jpeg (436.77 KB, 1956x987, 652:329, 6153FF9B_AF77_47F4_AA3F_7….jpeg)

One Of Many Important Million Dollar Questions

>>10161128 pb

>>10161128 pb

>You’re not paying attention.

>Lurk moar!

>Mass pedo arrests WW

>Epstein did not kill himself

>Maxwell in chains

>CEO’s WW incarcerations

>Lurk moar!

I am quite cognizant of the above and your responses, HOWEVER, Ill give ya another shot:

How many arrests so far of top felons and traitors in FBI, DOJ, and “Intelligence”?

How many arrests so far of top felons and traitors of the House, Senate, Executive Branch, and/or Federal Judiciary?

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6441e9  No.10161533

File: dbf4a556fd3e33d⋯.jpg (364.6 KB, 1600x1112, 200:139, dbf4a556fd3e33d89c7f298536….jpg)

>>10161464 Okay Ames, if you say so or is it George?

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974758  No.10161534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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94a1c6  No.10161535

File: 28c07fedc724f32⋯.jpg (188.67 KB, 600x337, 600:337, Poofters_Everywhere_Female….jpg)

Disc. Looks controversial.

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d72be2  No.10161536


Looks like a black Admiral Ackbar…..

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fd341e  No.10161537

File: b579391ce323d67⋯.png (2.39 MB, 1392x788, 348:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Campaign Says He Is So Close To A VP Pick He Can Smell Her


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f0d1e2  No.10161538

File: a973866c413738d⋯.png (185.08 KB, 507x371, 507:371, reporter.png)

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b1d17b  No.10161539

File: fcf7ebfd2e43de4⋯.jpg (12.57 KB, 307x164, 307:164, SIZZLE_.jpg)

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c55fbd  No.10161540


he may take us to inspiration point

in the oval office, then everyone will

wanna touch his pen,

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0b11bb  No.10161541


*he was referring to satan

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dee910  No.10161542

File: ea71ed1e3f9d45a⋯.jpg (425.56 KB, 911x1362, 911:1362, WhyAuto2.jpg)

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67f4c7  No.10161543

File: 0e1df36ec9f98a8⋯.jpg (83.15 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 0e1df36ec9f98a823377edb8eb….jpg)


you tried to force the bread all night long and that was probably one of your minions pushing the CFR bullshit and even if he did donate that might be a way to LIGHT THAT BITCH UP huh smart faggot?

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fe41c5  No.10161544

File: c15de3d70582cf7⋯.jpg (28.66 KB, 474x384, 79:64, bass_face.jpg)


"she's got Scaramucci eyes…"

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94a1c6  No.10161545

File: aca9710730ce10b⋯.jpg (625.43 KB, 1690x1125, 338:225, 5ssss.jpg)

True. Heavy.

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bbdd9a  No.10161546

File: b48ec517215fe1b⋯.jpg (115.17 KB, 750x499, 750:499, Three_people_that_didn_t_d….jpg)

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67f4c7  No.10161547

File: ccb705f1d226734⋯.png (494.4 KB, 638x876, 319:438, nsff2.png)


glowfags glow

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34fb6b  No.10161548


EAD sammich faggot.

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6441e9  No.10161549

Call out Notables

Notetakers Step Up

I've lost the capacity to see replys to every post

and the disclaimer keeps reappearing

something is wrong, fyi

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c55fbd  No.10161550


he won't be no Black Hawk Down,

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f0d1e2  No.10161551

File: 4b5f9d412197df8⋯.jpg (64.09 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Part_1_2_6.jpg)

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94a1c6  No.10161552

File: 1249e306c36cb32⋯.jpg (9.63 KB, 255x162, 85:54, Pepe_Notable.jpg)

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e893af  No.10161553

File: 08e6243b7dbf099⋯.png (875.4 KB, 540x564, 45:47, ClipboardImage.png)

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bbdd9a  No.10161554

File: 14a1a8ab91256ba⋯.jpg (101.72 KB, 500x625, 4:5, up_your_ass_3.jpg)

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537370  No.10161555

It turns out Tik Tok is a child grooming psyop that China spent billions on to deceive/program American/European children. Are you awake yet?

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266568  No.10161556


They act gross and put on a good show to distract from the drug/weapon deals.

Nobody in the media is going to want to get involved with/report on weird fetish activity. If I was a reporter or lawman In wouldn't want to be within 100 miles of those parties.

Perfect cover for international crime syndicates.

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651764  No.10161557

File: a0ea993ca65fe40⋯.png (170.69 KB, 2864x1448, 358:181, Screen_Shot_2020_08_02_at_….png)

qmap.pub down

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798bb9  No.10161558

File: aef650dfe320481⋯.jpg (2.73 KB, 480x360, 4:3, gralien.jpg)

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5de3fb  No.10161559



SAT's crew training was maintained to high standards. The aircraft were consistently well-maintained, often under the most difficult of circumstances.

Prior to the military cutback during the Clinton administration, SAT supported the U.S. Air Force's Logair cargo system, as well as the U.S. Navy's Quicktrans systems, operating much more efficiently than the military could using their own airlift. SAT also flew extensively in Europe and west Asia in support of both the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy, basing out of Ramstein Air Force Base near Landstuhl, Germany, and RAF Mildenhall in East Anglia, U.K.

SAT carried cargo of all possible description,from hauling newspapers from the U.K. to Ireland at night in winter across the Irish sea, to carrying breeding horses to Brazil. Additionally, SAT was entrusted with King Tutankhamun's treasure. One notable 747 mission involved hauling a load of lions from Amsterdam to Johannesburg, South Africa, the lions being on loan from the Amsterdam Zoo to the Johannesburg Zoo.

Relocation of SAT from Miami to Columbus

1994 Edmund James, president of James and Donohew Development Services, negotiated with SAT and announced that it was locating to Rickenbacker International Airport in Columbus, Ohio. Much of the Hong Kong-to-Rickenbacker cargo was for Leslie Wexner's The Limited Inc. Governor George Voinovich stated: “I am extremely pleased to welcome Southern Air Transport to Ohio, as it will be the first airline to have its world headquarters located at Rickenbacker Airport. This will help Columbus tremendously in becoming a world-class inland port.


In late 1998 it tried to merge with other aviation companies, but it filed for bankruptcy on October 1 in Columbus, Ohio - the same day that the CIA Inspector General released a report detailing allegations of Southern Air Transport’s involvement in drug trafficking in connection with US-backed and funded right-wing Contras in Nicaragua.[9]

On March 10, 1999, the assets of Southern Air Transport were purchased by Southern Air, and the new carrier began operations in November 1999.

Southern Air = SA?

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33f6b4  No.10161560

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9095dd  No.10161561

not a peep about pedo criminals like demonrat clinton, from the pedo loving left baby killer msm msdnc mainstream - howie is a faux saux liddle schitt peddler like up and chuck todd, packy andrea mitchell, and the rest of the demontards

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f0d1e2  No.10161562

File: 91ac9cb77e76f52⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 360x640, 9:16, naked_guy_gets_nailed.mp4)

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3b6325  No.10161563


I`ll join u

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bbdd9a  No.10161565

File: 338427ea01b48c1⋯.jpg (90.78 KB, 500x579, 500:579, lowest_drug_prices.jpg)

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fe41c5  No.10161566




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0fade8  No.10161567

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Burkle You Autists want someone to dig on Dig on Ron Burkle Owner of the Pittsburgh Penguins Huge DemonTARD donor & fundraiser & Bubba Clinton & he flew on his jet that was derisively called Air FUCK One

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f0d1e2  No.10161568



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3b6325  No.10161570

U.S. employers must check to make sure all employees, regardless of citizenship or national origin, are allowed to work in the United States. Having an Employment Authorization Document (Form I-766/EAD) is one way to prove that you are allowed to work in the United States for a specific time period.

To request an EAD, you must file Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization.

You will need to apply for an EAD if you:

Are authorized to work in the United States because of your immigration status (for example, you are an asylee, refugee, or U nonimmigrant) and need evidence of that employment authorization, or

Are required to apply for permission to work; in other words, you need to request employment authorization itself. For example:

You have a pending Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status.

You have a pending Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal.

You have a nonimmigrant status that allows you to be in the United States but does not allow you to work in the United States without first seeking permission from USCIS (such as an F-1 or M-1 student).

You do not need to apply for an EAD if you are a lawful permanent resident. Your Green Card (Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card) is evidence of your employment authorization. You also do not need to apply for an EAD if you have a nonimmigrant visa that authorizes you to work for a specific employer (for example, you have an H-1B, L-1B, O, or P visa).

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8a88c4  No.10161571

File: ed8b3ba3796940b⋯.png (258.1 KB, 450x450, 1:1, notetaker_badge.png)


sorry baker, gotta leave

baker requesting notetaker, please assist your baker

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6441e9  No.10161572


got it, thanks

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7b6eb4  No.10161573

File: 649a1ce6a3569c2⋯.png (472.11 KB, 1758x658, 879:329, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe4a52058711b7a⋯.png (264.03 KB, 620x349, 620:349, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14c24e97b863e9f⋯.png (130.79 KB, 1009x335, 1009:335, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a0b792beee8cf4⋯.png (48.34 KB, 957x268, 957:268, ClipboardImage.png)

The suspicious death of a former Australian Prime Minister and the fate of Joe Biden

Bob Hawke, 23rd Prime Minister of Australia, was a Rhodes scholar and yet somehow thought of as a man of the people. He was immortalised by the Guinness Book of Records in 1954 for sculling 2.5 pints of beer in 11 seconds. Every Australian knew about this and some were even proud.

Hawke was a member of the Labor Party, the equivalent of the Democrat Party.

Hawke was Prime Minister in 1983 when Australia won the America's Cup yacht race - the first time it has ever been taken away from America. Hawke famously said on that joyous morning "Any boss that sacks someone for not going into work today is a bum". Australia loved him for that.

Just 2 days before the 2019 federal election, Bob Hawke, one of Australia's most popular ex-prime Ministers, died. It was a Thursday. The leftist newspapers and TV news shows (i.e. all of them) ran their puff pieces on the Friday, lamenting his loss and reminding a grieving nation what a great statesman he had been. On Saturday, Australians went to the polls. Despite the sympathy vote, that would undoubtedly favoured the Leftist Labor Party following Hawkes death, Scott Morrison of the Liberal Party (equivalent to the Republican Party) won the day. The leftists had taken their best shot. I firmly believe that the leftist Labor Party had either killed Hawke or had his body on ice in order to announce his death so as to give them the best chance of winning the election. Anything for the party, comrade.

In thinking about Bongino's recent tweet about Biden's declining cognitive ability, I wondered how exactly the Democrats can have Biden pull out and retain any credibility when he does? He can't really say he's pulling out due to cognitive issues as everyone who supported him will look like fools for ignoring what we all saw happening before our eyes.

What sort of reason can they give for him to withdraw at this point that doesn't look like the DNC rigging the process?

Hussein and other Dem power brokers would have to know his mental capacity is diminishing yet they still publicly endorsed him (albeit weakly in some cases) to lead the country knowing he cannot effectively do so. Perhaps the only viable option they have left is the sympathy vote. Watch for the D party to "pull a Bob Hawke" and sacrifice Biden in order to try and save the election. I hereby predict that Biden will 'die' (be killed) shortly before election day. I wouldn't put it past them. Anything for the party, comrade.

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34fb6b  No.10161574

File: a6479c8a0efa22b⋯.png (388.16 KB, 603x820, 603:820, Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: 7 Marines and a Navy sailor are presumed dead after the group went missing Thursday when an amphibious vehicle sank during a training mission in Southern California - KABC


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80f468  No.10161575

File: 4867f4cf7690046⋯.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1605x2480, 321:496, 003F000C_C30C_4D93_BDBC_C….jpeg)

File: 87c607bee8c851e⋯.jpeg (65.18 KB, 264x264, 1:1, 0FFE8BE0_4804_47DC_85D6_6….jpeg)

File: 4169268feaffc4f⋯.jpeg (318.42 KB, 913x1500, 913:1500, BB3BAB15_046A_40E2_9BB8_9….jpeg)

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522808  No.10161576

File: a8aa107fb737347⋯.jpg (701.58 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20200802_123143….jpg)


children and goat horns….

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d0bc2a  No.10161577

File: e870bb586f39495⋯.jpg (294.44 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200802_092745.jpg)

File: 90ca813da920d93⋯.jpg (296.16 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200802_092855.jpg)

File: 7a74ce1d04c17da⋯.jpg (238.65 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200802_092930.jpg)

File: c1452f0e5a3d509⋯.jpg (231.14 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200802_092758.jpg)

File: 64d49ad7f868e14⋯.jpg (257.79 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200802_092939.jpg)


in 1983 Princess Diana was arguably the most famous and adored media character.

same year biggest alien series of its time debuts a commander of same name.

MAGA means contact. virus and vaccines are tools of colonization. waves are used to describe energetic arrivals, including military.

V is visitor. and vampire.

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bbdd9a  No.10161578

File: 1e76d403a145a37⋯.jpg (87.95 KB, 500x667, 500:667, I_like_chinese_asshoe_raw.jpg)

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94a1c6  No.10161579

File: bb18f32e26b2078⋯.jpg (67.58 KB, 680x443, 680:443, FederalReserveExpTerms.jpg)

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4627de  No.10161580

File: 9e843ba0269310a⋯.gif (6.62 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GifObamaGate.gif)



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6441e9  No.10161581

>>10161524, >>10161418 Talking about wHAt?

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76b045  No.10161582



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3b6325  No.10161583

File: b3604d2013d08d5⋯.jpg (90.36 KB, 828x822, 138:137, Capture.JPG)


can we PLEASE

fuck them up

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06aa0c  No.10161584

File: f098056b8b77354⋯.jpg (320.71 KB, 900x506, 450:253, Your_vote_counts_copy.jpg)

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522808  No.10161585

File: 97c5dbd2bda0cdb⋯.jpg (105.67 KB, 1200x796, 300:199, Dagon_Uxia.jpg)

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d0ccf3  No.10161586

File: cb105395322fa93⋯.png (8.76 KB, 157x255, 157:255, 3fbeeeb394bd2fd795c4a75a70….png)

I see a trend starting WW at protests…….Patriots chanting "Pedo scum" at Antifa.

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bbdd9a  No.10161587


Look at the store sign


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8fae54  No.10161588

File: f152f91ccac8d67⋯.png (94.12 KB, 531x566, 531:566, ClipboardImage.png)

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5efd33  No.10161589




Take note Anons, Baker tries to add notables calling POTUS a pedophile and the anons that call the baker out are accused of being the shill.

This place is completely comped.

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d3987e  No.10161590

File: 84e2c9ff9613590⋯.jpg (14.95 KB, 257x138, 257:138, EVIL_WITCH.jpg)

File: 1f6e9f24436cc43⋯.jpg (48.96 KB, 441x255, 147:85, GLARES_DONT_WORK.jpg)

File: 0b28a7c064ee571⋯.jpg (142.25 KB, 811x533, 811:533, Putin_Blah.jpg)

File: 5cfcf789b4b9b46⋯.jpg (78.5 KB, 634x478, 317:239, BYE_BOB.jpg)

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d0ed85  No.10161591

NTSB recovering planes in midair collision near Soldotna that killed 7, including legislator and local pilot

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Investigators are trying to figure out what exactly occurred when two planes collided in midair near the Soldotna airport on the Kenai Peninsula on Friday, killing seven people including a Kenai lawmaker.

The single-engine de Havilland DHC-2 Beaver involved in the crash carried six people: 57-year-old pilot Gregory Bell, of Soldotna; 40-year-old guide David Rogers, of Kansas; and South Carolina residents Caleb Hulsey, 26, Heather Hulsey, 25, Mackay Hulsey, 24, and Kirstin Wright, 23, according to the Alaska State Troopers.

The only person in the other plane, a single-engine Piper PA-12, was 63-year-old state Rep. Gary Knopp of Kenai, troopers and federal aviation officials said.

Six people were confirmed dead at the scene while one person died on the way to Central Peninsula Hospital in an ambulance.

SAUCE: https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/aviation/2020/08/01/investigators-recovering-planes-in-midair-collision-near-soldotna-that-killed-7-including-legislator-and-local-pilot/

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522808  No.10161592


Did we archive it all yet?

Bunch of new shit on his insta..

Was the link found between him and chandler?

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3b6325  No.10161593


Iron Eagle Down

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80f468  No.10161594

File: 89c44b03c5f9b90⋯.jpeg (23.07 KB, 236x314, 118:157, 37E2DA2D_8C99_4F05_A4E4_B….jpeg)

File: 82aae9754fcb37c⋯.jpeg (106.07 KB, 370x554, 185:277, 35332C9F_AF1B_4F16_843D_3….jpeg)

File: d7cbe613d91f4ef⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 828x1288, 9:14, C31253A2_82C2_4FDB_BBC2_F….jpeg)

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06aa0c  No.10161595

File: 7f258925f04c1f6⋯.jpg (365.45 KB, 900x552, 75:46, obama_gate_copy.jpg)

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537370  No.10161597

File: d98cf998e075704⋯.jpg (35.04 KB, 600x450, 4:3, d98cf998e07570445f67c38d99….jpg)


Yep. Sexual miscreants lost in debauchery of their souls.

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c5c689  No.10161598


Still working…Plenty of alternatives


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176393  No.10161599

File: 97c65c3687ca580⋯.png (688.72 KB, 787x627, 787:627, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7befca7adcb2a69⋯.png (567.65 KB, 619x504, 619:504, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 371aecffc00985e⋯.png (1.27 MB, 960x883, 960:883, ClipboardImage.png)

Inside 'poor man's pedophile island' where children are delivered to sick predators' hotel rooms

'pedo island' Children are being delivered to Western sex beasts on ‘pedo paradise’ island by sick taxi drivers


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ed0a3b  No.10161601


Dianna is the one person we haven't been able to find.

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3b6325  No.10161602


I guess so, you aren`t amateurs after all


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4f53ef  No.10161603

File: 71e2120cabc319d⋯.jpg (11.58 KB, 245x192, 245:192, 838f34f8bb13bc8b62886793a1….jpg)

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d0ed85  No.10161604

Sorry, fixed and removed the excess text from copying and pasting…

NTSB recovering planes in midair collision near Soldotna that killed 7, including legislator and local pilot

Investigators are trying to figure out what exactly occurred when two planes collided in midair near the Soldotna airport on the Kenai Peninsula on Friday, killing seven people including a Kenai lawmaker.

The single-engine de Havilland DHC-2 Beaver involved in the crash carried six people: 57-year-old pilot Gregory Bell, of Soldotna; 40-year-old guide David Rogers, of Kansas; and South Carolina residents Caleb Hulsey, 26, Heather Hulsey, 25, Mackay Hulsey, 24, and Kirstin Wright, 23, according to the Alaska State Troopers.

The only person in the other plane, a single-engine Piper PA-12, was 63-year-old state Rep. Gary Knopp of Kenai, troopers and federal aviation officials said.

Six people were confirmed dead at the scene while one person died on the way to Central Peninsula Hospital in an ambulance.

SAUCE: https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/aviation/2020/08/01/investigators-recovering-planes-in-midair-collision-near-soldotna-that-killed-7-including-legislator-and-local-pilot/

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52e7ad  No.10161605

File: 541b9961541d4d6⋯.png (240.28 KB, 750x730, 75:73, 20200413_155839.png)



Southern air

South africa

Saturn algorithm

I keep hoping some Christian software engineer computer programmer guy will write an algorithm that would exclusively quote Jesus Christ in order to create a great filter OTI that would separate the [((hypocritical pharisees))] from the true Christians and it would be called a Jesus Algorithm.


Julian Assange

Jupiter Algorithm

Juss thinkin out loud fren. Kek

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4627de  No.10161606

File: 14dc796d3183910⋯.png (822.06 KB, 601x804, 601:804, ClipboardImage.png)




Shared for you anon great job.

Be Best!

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94a1c6  No.10161607


Not anything like ya, disgusting woman.

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3b6325  No.10161608


Diana Miana ….

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5bd827  No.10161609

Reminder for anons to take their daily OTC supplements:

Quercetin + zinc (superior ionophore to HCQ + zinc). Vitamin D3, at least 4000IU per day (t-cell support). Lipsomal vitamin C (1gram daily at least - prevent cytokine storm).

If everyone in the US did the above, covid ceases to be an issue immediately.

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fe41c5  No.10161610


she's still alive, and will replace Pence.

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c5c689  No.10161611

File: 965ed3e13e61396⋯.jpg (36.9 KB, 601x334, 601:334, Capture.JPG)

“There’s Something’s Not Quite Right” – Secretary of State Pompeo Drops a BOMB on Senator Feinstein – Outs Her Many Meetings with Iran’s Foreign Minister (VIDEO)

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

The Trump Secretary of State discussed the Chinese app TikTok, the Chinese human rights abuses and the postponed election in Hong Kong.

Pompeo dropped a bomb on Senator Feinstein!

Maria Bartiromo asked Pompeo about Senator Feinstein’s driver, a Chinese spy, who worked for the California senator for 20 years! Then this past week Senator Feinstein praised the Chinese Communist regime.


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3b6325  No.10161612


message over messenger


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c71dc1  No.10161613

File: 438e1ad40bf4a72⋯.jpg (9.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, in_this_together.jpg)

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4627de  No.10161614

File: 3b789cb87b903d6⋯.jpg (228.31 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, ComeyKnew6.jpg)

File: c5c3546348a73dc⋯.jpg (286.1 KB, 1201x627, 1201:627, HIllaryAllIn.jpg)

File: 30d4577e7b4c00d⋯.jpg (257.83 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, StrzokKnew3.jpg)

File: 51a56dbde7e9ac8⋯.jpg (332.98 KB, 846x1200, 141:200, TheyAllKnew2.jpg)

File: 9a37bbc8bc8c061⋯.jpg (240.15 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, TheyAllKnew3.jpg)

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523dc4  No.10161615

File: 7c0a6206d5691c0⋯.mp4 (10.76 MB, 640x360, 16:9, The_Trumpinator_Q.mp4)

The Trumpinator!

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578453  No.10161616


Can't do any suffocations yet.. Need proper steamroller.

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a85947  No.10161617



Revelation, full stop.

Fallen stars are apostates, as described by Jude, "wandering stars". Wormwood is described by a prophet in the Old Testament as "false prophets", or at least what they are teaching, "bitter" things. Next, the star "Wormwood" is the Man of Sin as promised by Paul the Apostle which would appear after the Great Apostasy came to full maturity. The Harlot of Revelation 17 is the apostate church led by that Man of Sin.

However, as for Islam, that was the plague of the sixth bowl (or vial). The bowl plagues were a result of the Harlot and the Man of Sin's war against the Saints for not denying the Testimony of Christ.

It's no coincidence the office of that Man of Sin was created/given him in 536 AD by Emperor Justinian I (the same one for whom the Justinian Plagues are named); and that Mohammed was born in 570 AD, merely a generation afterward.

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c5c689  No.10161619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stray Cats - Rock This Town (Live 1983)

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689c8d  No.10161620

Attention Haggie Dobermann: The penalty for sedition/treason is not a conspiracy. Check it out sometime.

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8d137d  No.10161621

File: 89956a610328613⋯.png (3.32 MB, 2472x1362, 412:227, Screen_Shot_2020_08_02_at_….png)


Godfather III


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3b6325  No.10161622


Hey Jude

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fe41c5  No.10161623


qmap.pub is back.

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c71dc1  No.10161624



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80f468  No.10161625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6441e9  No.10161626

>>10161604 Good job

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3b6325  No.10161627


The Herding group was created in 1983 and is the newest group that was classified by the American Kennel Club. Before this group was created, the dogs that are in this group currently were previously a part of the Working group. A Herding dog is described as a dog that is easily trained to help with herding purposes. Some of the dog breeds that fit under this category would be the MSM among others. These dogs are great for herding for farm purposes among others, but require lots of space to run around and exercise.

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94a1c6  No.10161628


unsourced anonymous doctor

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ed0a3b  No.10161630


This fucking guy

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537370  No.10161631


I don't believe ANYTHING the FAA or NTSB say. Anchorage is totally corrupt. Lisa Murkowski got her Senate seat from her daddy (Gov Murkowski) when they forced Ted Stevens out for charges that were overturned on appeal. Funny how Ted Stevens died in a 'plane crash'.

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c5c689  No.10161632

File: 666df82d36387be⋯.jpg (27.73 KB, 597x314, 597:314, Capture.JPG)

Federal Government and Yale Are Holding Clinical Trials on How Best to Persuade Americans to Take COVID-19 Vaccines

The Federal Government and Yale are currently holding clinical trials on how best to persuade Americans into taking the Fauci-Gates COVID-19 vaccines.

The study is published at the government website on clinical trials.

The options they are studying include shame and anger techniques:

Other: Control message

Other: Baseline message

Other: Personal freedom message

Other: Economic freedom message

Other: Self-interest message

Other: Community interest message

Other: Economic benefit message

Other: Guilt message

Other: Embarrassment message

Other: Anger message

Other: Trust in science message

Other: Not bravery message


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1d6c8b  No.10161633

>>10160799 pb

When is he going to realize they keep moving the goal post and he he keeps chasing it? Masks will not be enough.

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dd0b88  No.10161634


Need a bunch of TV & print reporters in those pics.

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e3d3db  No.10161635

File: 29b6842157436d9⋯.png (2.22 KB, 379x96, 379:96, ClipboardImage.png)

This has been allowed to trend all day. I don't get it. Where is @jack? He busy?

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bbdd9a  No.10161636

File: 9b3ea138bc2d540⋯.jpg (128.94 KB, 616x893, 616:893, 9b3ea138bc2d540b662e2a806d….jpg)

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6441e9  No.10161637


Call out notables and check em'

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10161611 Pompeo Drops a BOMB on Senator Feinstein – Outs Her Many Meetings with Iran’s Foreign Minister

>>10161604 NTSB recovering planes in midair collision near Soldotna that killed 7, including legislator and local pilot

>>10161599 (Feb 2020)Inside 'poor man's pedophile island' where children are delivered to sick predators' hotel rooms

>>10161537 Babylonbee on Biden for keks

>>10161519 Records request this week by Senate

>>10161466 (2019) From 'Spook Air' to The 'Lolita Express': The Genesis And Evolution of The Jeffrey Epstein-Bill Clinton Relationship

>>10161444 Brad Garrett “everybody loves raymond” Ellen Degenerate abused staffers!

>>10161422 Anons - diggs on tik tok?

>>10161394 Plane fag Special Air Missions (2) and MAGMA89

>>10161376 Video breaksdowns the Mid-Air Collision near Soldotna Alaska

>>10161370 Keks in Dilbert HCQ

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1645da  No.10161638


Chinese Scientist leaks the truth regarding Covid-19.

Chinese Bioweapon.

Make this story VIRAL anons.

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3b6325  No.10161639


Hard to be two places at the same time

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689c8d  No.10161640

>>10161627 Best disciplined with a shock collar, know what I mean?

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4627de  No.10161642

File: 97bff5a8e192745⋯.jpg (152.75 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, B2_Bomber_Traitors.jpg)

File: 4591fac255de35a⋯.jpg (102.41 KB, 953x895, 953:895, BidenDefinetlyKnew.jpg)

File: 8a3e12abbd8456e⋯.jpg (204.26 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ObamaKnew4.jpg)

File: 61c25ccb047a604⋯.jpg (224.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ObamaSpy.jpg)

File: a8821e6e3042175⋯.jpg (272.49 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, TheyAllKnew.jpg)

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67f4c7  No.10161643


Honestly? I have read the history and I was no rookie when I walked through the door so I am on the fence. I don't accept shit on the face of it like most anons here do and for damn good reason.

He was either this generations Smedley Butler Freed…. or Flipped and I cannot tell which and I don't care how many WWG1WGA etc etc as none of that erases the history, the facts, the associations with people that I know for a fact are pieces of shit. and so on the fence I will stay, for now.

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3b6325  No.10161644


sadly yes, I actually do

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94a1c6  No.10161645

File: c342baa36c2f83f⋯.jpg (8.6 KB, 255x192, 85:64, Infanticide_3.jpg)

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ed0a3b  No.10161646

Posting on Twitter is weird.

>I came searching for Corona virus conspiracies after my friend told me about one. Is it real?

Bless their normie hearts.

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4627de  No.10161647


Its only trending in our "Echo Chamber" they created for us. Via our shadow and search bans.

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c5c689  No.10161648

File: 2e0fd45f96d8dc9⋯.jpg (79.66 KB, 748x422, 374:211, Capture.JPG)

The Deep State And The Global Reset – Unplugged

These obscure individuals who pretend running our world have never been elected. We don’t need to name them. You will figure out who they are, and why they are famous, and some of them totally invisible.

They have created structures, or organisms without any legal format. They are fully out of international legality. They are a forefront for the Beast. Maybe there are several competing Beasts. But they have the same objective: A New or One World Order (NWO, or OWO).

These obscure individuals are running, for example, The World Economic Forum (WEF – representing Big Industry, Big Finance and Big Fame), the Group of 7 – G7, the Group of 20 – G20 (the leaders of the economically” strongest” nations).

There are also some lesser entities, called the Bilderberg Society, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Chatham House and more.

The members of all of them are overlapping. Even this expanded forefront combined represents less than 0.001%. They all have superimposed themselves over sovereign national elected and constitutional governments, and over THE multinational world body, the United Nations, the UN.


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5efd33  No.10161649



Maxwell House

I’m being shadowed banned, they are misreporting the numbers of views on my videos to discourage the content. This happens when you’re truthful. They dont do this for Liars. 2 of 4 Series

Video is to big to upload

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c55fbd  No.10161650

File: 7616b4b08d01568⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 2400x1600, 3:2, 20_24.jpg)

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fbbf4c  No.10161651

File: 9368d54e97d38fc⋯.mp4 (227.1 KB, 640x360, 16:9, DJT_WJC_JE.mp4)


>This has been allowed to trend all day

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d0ed85  No.10161652


The State Legislator that died was Gary Knopp, he was part of the Alaska House of Representatives since 2017. He was a Republican.


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93b422  No.10161653

>>10153364 (PB)

Until it is based on solid knowledge, your opinion doesn't matter. You could start by reading post >>10153287 DIRECTLY above (you obviously did NOT read it because you show no understanding of it) and, if that awakens your remaining neuron, then turn your limited attention to "Unrestricted Warfare" by Col. Qiao Liang and Col. Wang Xiangsui ... translated from the original PLA documents.

If it's not at your local library. ask for an inter-library search. If it's not there, buy it.

Stop walking around ignorant.

Musk is correct. The Chinese are, in general, more energized ... and why not? Their country is winning while western nations are whining. If we (all western nations) do not evict the invaders, using whatever force is necessary, we are doomed.

<rant> Time after time after time we refer to the Alinsky Papers and "Prairie Progress" and to the videos of Russian spies and Soros and to The Fourth Turning and "Unrestricted Warfare" and Hayek's "Road To Serfdom" and writings of our own intelligence agencies, but you fuckers are too goddam smart and arrogant to do the actual fucking homework. The referrals have been spread out and repeated over YEARS and still you have not taken the hints, but talk like you know it all. YOU DO NOT. Buck up and get with the program. Musk just told you that your ass has gotten soft and you are about to be genocided. And he's correct, but damned few of you could get past the childish taunts because you have not gotten your entitled head out of your entitled asses. Oldfags have been showing you the way for years. You can taunt us with "Okay, Boomer" -- but we did the homework while you dreamed of being social media celebrities.

It will be to your own destruction.

I'm okay with that ... if you choose ignorance, death is a reasonable result ... but YOUR ignorance imperils ME, too. And THAT is NOT OKAY.</rant>

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3b6325  No.10161654


did you check with VPN and stuff?

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5bd827  No.10161655


>t. chink

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d0bc2a  No.10161656

File: e11a752f0984b74⋯.jpg (366.03 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200802_094317.jpg)

File: 11398c71601b95b⋯.jpg (275.54 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200802_094257.jpg)

File: 21f5669b3f2605b⋯.jpg (397.01 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200802_094311.jpg)


NBA Steve Kerrs daddy was a dead spook in beruit, where Steve was born

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523dc4  No.10161657

File: 0addc42514da5cb⋯.jpg (75.33 KB, 367x240, 367:240, SCOTT_BAIO_MICHELLE_OBAMA.jpg)



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3b6325  No.10161658




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96efda  No.10161659


Why spread more of a false story? If the Kungflu was a virulent and deadly Chinese Bioweapon… there would have been no need to fudge domestic numbers.

Get your head out of your ass.

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c5c689  No.10161660

File: 231e573da51974c⋯.jpg (27.09 KB, 577x481, 577:481, Capture.JPG)

Pompeo: Trump to Act on Chinese Software Companies in Coming Days

President Donald Trump will take action shortly on Chinese software companies that are feeding data directly to the Beijing government, posing a risk to U.S. national security, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Sunday.

"President Trump has said 'enough' and we're going to fix it and so he will take action in the coming days with respect to a broad array of national security risks that are presented by software connected to the Chinese Communist Party," Pompeo said on Fox News Channel's "Sunday Morning Futures."

On Friday, Trump said he would ban Chinese-owned TikTok from the U.S. following concerns about data collection by the popular music-video app, escalating the administration’s clash with China.

“As far as TikTok is concerned, we’re banning them from the United States,” the president told reporters Friday night. Asked when it would happen, he said: “Soon, immediately. I mean essentially immediately.”


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8d137d  No.10161661

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266568  No.10161662



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94a1c6  No.10161663


civilian directed opinionated notablehaha

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f63095  No.10161664


Bakers should use their User names because it is still anonymous and it would make them accountable.

Even Baker A, Baker B, Baker C.

This past week I've noticed a Lot of weird baker stuff, like New Bread not in Catalog even though there will be 2 breads with the same number, or the next bread number but it leads to the old bread which has 751 and finished.

Index also not showing new bread.

I've had to wait 5 minutes or more for new bread to show up in Catalog.

Also, look at the Titles of breads this past week -

"I will Ban and Filter You if you post Violence"

"Shills are Stale"

"Shills Still Stale"

Read through all the bread titles over the week and the comped Baker makes very personal Editorial comments.

A new Jewish baker??

But again, without Baker "ID" on each bread, very easy to do this because the baker is not accountable.

Why the Secrecy?

Bakers control the Narrative of what the world watching sees in the Notables.

Most anons can't read everything, but will catch up and read all the Notables, so it's an important thing when Notables are messed up.

Which could be easily stopped if each bread's baker uses their anonymous User name to take responsibility and be accountable.

Why the resistance to this?

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b7d671  No.10161665



Wormwood = opiates

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1645da  No.10161666

File: 9bde81192b70daa⋯.jpeg (285.43 KB, 704x454, 352:227, 49D83548_946F_4D40_94E3_8….jpeg)


Got meme ready to go along with the link.

Let’s spin this story as China INTENTIONALLY releasing the virus on humanity.

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810ca9  No.10161667

File: a5403462d225f56⋯.png (3.64 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, FFDBBD70_6372_4ADA_8062_72….png)

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3b6325  No.10161669


Still wondering if its completely made up (THE AIR IS POISONOUS)

or "side effects"

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e3d3db  No.10161670


Are they going to let him take one for the team? That's a big fish.

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e893af  No.10161671

File: 8c4f89e4fd5aabe⋯.png (1.16 MB, 538x750, 269:375, ClipboardImage.png)

Typical day on QR.

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6441e9  No.10161672


Anons can you check this source? thanks

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3b6325  No.10161673



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c5c689  No.10161674

DC Mayor Browser says Dems returning from Rep Lewis’ funeral exempt from quarantine

It’s not about the virus. Quarantine is about much more than the virus.

Far left D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser exempted Democrat lawmakers returning from John Lewis’s funeral from the city’s very strict 14-day quarantine order.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and many other Democrats attended John Lewis’s funeral in Georgia this week.

People were packed into the funeral services and there was no social distancing but they must have the John Lewis antibodies.

Mayor Bowser’s recent quarantine order forces people to self-quarantine after non-essential travel. But not for Democrat lawmakers who attended John Lewis’ funeral.


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87f2c2  No.10161675

Why is Trump pushing the vaccine narrative? Is he a Deep State asset? Controlled opposition?

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b6e0c7  No.10161676

What you hear, Tell.

What you see, Say.

What you know, Show.

Use your ear · For the [C]

Have no fear · You are FREE

What you hear · What you see

What you SAY · It's the KEY

Time is here · Say and show

Tell the [C] · What you KNOW

Find a fact · Set it free

Tell or show · Time to ACT

Make a leap · On your own

Feed the sheep · Lead them HOME!

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4ddfa7  No.10161677

File: 344beef43c7cc0c⋯.png (322.3 KB, 614x410, 307:205, michelle_obama_buff.png)

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523dc4  No.10161678

File: b26adc30b134607⋯.jpg (65.62 KB, 626x876, 313:438, obama_facts_nwo_lib.jpg)

File: 1d2af7b67cf154b⋯.jpg (99.3 KB, 750x844, 375:422, Obama_Lies_NWO_cry_gun.jpg)

File: b1fde896bf6fc7d⋯.jpg (48.04 KB, 590x421, 590:421, ObamaDoll_Life_Like.jpg)

File: 61219b2b0dd8262⋯.jpg (47.45 KB, 720x818, 360:409, trump_melania_obama.jpg)

File: ec5f7df07742ea1⋯.jpg (42.7 KB, 480x326, 240:163, Obama_truth.jpg)

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fbbf4c  No.10161679


>Are they going to let him take one for the team? That's a big fish.

Wouldn't be surprised, Slick Willy is already like the walking dead!

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32d22c  No.10161680

File: 156c34b042c5999⋯.png (317.8 KB, 600x271, 600:271, ClipboardImage.png)

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bbdd9a  No.10161681



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6fe551  No.10161682


Wonder if Trump is responding to the chink virus with this move or the Chinese knew he was going to do a lot of these type moves and sent the chink virus ahead of time?

Either way fuck Chyna.

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67f4c7  No.10161683

File: c1182274fe6ae5d⋯.png (40.25 KB, 860x642, 430:321, 107_1078164_viking_pepe_pn….png)


see! why you put up an image of one of my fav shield maidens yet then push me away by tryin' to dox an anon? kek

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c55fbd  No.10161684


I don't know much on Flynn, I'm just guessing

on the next Potus, who are the brightest faces

for the position, right now Don Jr is too young

so it's a guess with name power that it may be

Flynn in the office next, no one else has that

same fame,

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6441e9  No.10161685


Which cheeky?


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94a1c6  No.10161686

File: 939d7f775a252c8⋯.jpg (11.82 KB, 255x137, 255:137, Traitor1_png.jpg)

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1645da  No.10161687


You do NOT have to have high lethality to make an effective bioweapon.

The TERROR FACTOR alone can be effective as a weapon.

Example: The bacteria connected with rabbit skining is fully capable of being made into a bioweapon. Is NOT highly lethal.

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3b6325  No.10161688


bigger fish to fry

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458e35  No.10161690

File: f54f82b3568e7a5⋯.jpeg (806.07 KB, 1242x1225, 1242:1225, 66E32400_2F25_4F5E_8CC6_6….jpeg)


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537370  No.10161691

File: 2ffd90d0d0bc768⋯.png (412.04 KB, 1636x764, 409:191, airdis.png)




For plane fags from Greg Bell's (supposed pilot) company web page.


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fc0432  No.10161692

File: 88b1fc52c0f6039⋯.png (4.6 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, NYC_lightning_1.png)

File: bc6097660552e82⋯.jpg (400.14 KB, 1600x1231, 1600:1231, 146f9521fb6a5eb516f76887f2….jpg)

Full Disclosure when?

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d3987e  No.10161693

File: a36eb8e2c0a3dcc⋯.jpg (120.31 KB, 331x494, 331:494, kitty_strides.jpg)

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3b6325  No.10161694






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94a1c6  No.10161695

File: 8e6b44e28b2306f⋯.jpg (36.34 KB, 253x255, 253:255, TrumpAudit2.jpg)

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689c8d  No.10161696

>>10161659 The most disturbing things of all are the insane lockdowns in GB & Australia. An outright assault on the people, with zero justification. And of course the people doing it are well aware of what the reality is.

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f1aef1  No.10161697

File: 945e4eaf0ee961d⋯.jpg (126.3 KB, 316x475, 316:475, michael_obama_transgender_….jpg)

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c5c689  No.10161698

File: d0a765d89cd0a02⋯.jpg (103.53 KB, 894x537, 298:179, Capture.JPG)

UK Conservative MP arrested after aide accuses him of rape

London’s Metropolitan Police, without naming the politician, said the allegations related to four separate incidents

A spokesperson for the Tory party said ‘we take all allegations of this nature extremely seriously’

An MP and former minister from Britain’s ruling Conservative Party has been arrested after a parliamentary aide accused him of rape, sexual assault and coercive control, according to reports Saturday.

The politician was not named but the Metropolitan Police said in a statement that it had begun an investigation.

“On Friday, 31 July, the Metropolitan Police Service received allegations relating to four separate incidents involving allegations of sexual offences and assault,” said the police.

“A man in his 50s was arrested on Saturday, 1 August on suspicion of rape. He has been released on bail to return on a date in mid-August.”

Reports of the arrest also appeared in The Sunday Times newspaper, which said the allegations had been raised with a senior Conservative party official.


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000000  No.10161699


>You do NOT have to have high lethality to make an effective bioweapon.

not much of a bioweapon if it just gives lads a bit of a coof.

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3b6325  No.10161700


all the time

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ed0a3b  No.10161701


It's completely made up. There is literally zero virus. There is no bioweapon research, no gene splicing. Our DS friends would never risk one of their assets getting "sick".

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e69ac8  No.10161702

File: 0ee09168b116545⋯.png (1.16 MB, 382x2927, 382:2927, ClipboardImage.png)

White House web post this weekend:

Heroes of Western Civilization: 76 Years After the Warsaw Uprising

The heroes of the Warsaw Uprising remind us, President Trump said, “that the West was saved with the blood of patriots; that each generation must rise up and play their part in its defense; and that every foot of ground, and every last inch of civilization is worth defending with your life.”

President Trump understands that religious liberties are not a creation of the state. They are “a gift of God to every person and a right that is fundamental to the flourishing of our society.”


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67f4c7  No.10161703


Well was it donating to the CFR or POTUS is a PEDO? yet nice try at a bait and switch ya shill bitch

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3b6325  No.10161704



i swer i dindo nuffinn

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87f2c2  No.10161705

Why did Trump allow the central bankers and big corporations to destroy small businesses and the middle class? How is this a good thing?

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c55fbd  No.10161706


you don't need to <3 me,

the real question is, does that seem legit to actually be the course,

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6441e9  No.10161707

File: d39794d59f5b359⋯.jpg (175.14 KB, 1404x1800, 39:50, 80cszswdknc51.jpg)


Ohh hun You can make yourself a cup of tea.

I will make you feel something better.

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cf2f46  No.10161708



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da8c48  No.10161709


Sure Chip. What ever you bald ass talking heads say. How about this scenario. After he wins he will not hold back. He is going to unleash hell and rip the shit out of everyone of you frauds, cowards and criminals. And we will be cheering. You've been warned.

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3b6325  No.10161710

File: 80c70d76e11b4b4⋯.jpg (174.74 KB, 608x592, 38:37, 80c70d76e11b4b498647e550f5….jpg)

File: 2ba339f6b1bc1fc⋯.png (897.95 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 2ba339f6b1bc1fc14aa502d0d7….png)


I PROMISE I`ll be best <3

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b7d671  No.10161711


No, they will have to answer to me.

I will personally drag them out of the holes they are hiding in and make sure they are arrested so they can face justice.

If they are sentenced to death, I respectfully request to be the executioner.

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3b6325  No.10161712


If u kill everyone you dont have much of a world to rule do ya

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3b6325  No.10161713


U go boss

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5efd33  No.10161714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Found a youtube link to the full video

Head of the Snake - Wexner, Maxwell’s, Mossad & Mega Group Exposed

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94a1c6  No.10161715

File: d84b20c1c30ddcf⋯.jpg (32.29 KB, 255x181, 255:181, Ben_Garrison_12.jpg)

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1645da  No.10161716


If the objective is to serve as an agent of terror, a lower lethality but higher contagion rate disease can be very potent.

Especially when combined with a cooperative media and corrupt politicians.

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458e35  No.10161717

File: e5b2b20c13ae570⋯.jpeg (928.35 KB, 1242x1171, 1242:1171, 7AE7BDE6_E367_4BDD_BDC5_2….jpeg)


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2b682b  No.10161718

File: ea4dc74aa8d75f4⋯.jpeg (1.81 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, DFEC9083_7953_4515_B19A_2….jpeg)

File: 2479622bebcf46f⋯.jpeg (672.27 KB, 1111x1744, 1111:1744, 6AEEA3F5_6813_4A8A_9855_3….jpeg)

File: 1a70f6e2a2b4957⋯.jpeg (693.51 KB, 1125x1954, 1125:1954, E63ABDCC_AC42_4770_AE98_7….jpeg)


Q team and any other anons who have connections. This is a pic from actual tv commercial notice her hands. They are like that the entire commercial. For the kids. It’s always about the kids. I’m quite annoyed that they are doing this in the wide open. Eyes on this group. Their western counterpart managed to misplace a young girl February 2019. No trace anywhere. Ironically they “lost” her just weeks after receiving a $55m donation from TD Sanford who also has given gigantic donation to build a pentagon sports complex in the state. Pentagon? Really? Again it’s always for the kids.

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458e35  No.10161719

File: 7089d149efe84e3⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1242x869, 1242:869, FA065BC5_DA1F_432F_963A_4….jpeg)

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f63095  No.10161720


Not completely comped. Most bakers are excellent bakers.

It's because the Baker is unknown, that the one comped one is not accountable because we don't know who it is.

Just like we need Voter ID, we need Baker ID (still anonymous) for accountability.

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6441e9  No.10161721

File: 8826e1cca1a1f04⋯.jpeg (235.26 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 8826e1cca1a1f046a4389c2fb….jpeg)

File: d134f7212a92a98⋯.png (447.98 KB, 550x464, 275:232, d134f7212a92a983185e1f0fce….png)

>>10161683 She looks like your type…


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3b6325  No.10161722


What do you mean, legit

Let them come here if they want

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96efda  No.10161723


This anon is ever more certain that the Invisible Plague is a targeted psychological weapon. Nocibo induced, MSM enhanced psychosomatic, decades long Education and academic hypochondria driven into the soft heads of a population critically low on natural and healthy nutrition of common sense.

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3b6325  No.10161724


It`s better than Aids!

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fe41c5  No.10161725

File: f685072646bfc78⋯.jpg (79.08 KB, 500x613, 500:613, tp_muh_sides.jpg)


remember the two primaries where Biden was not a factor?

hint: they were before Super Monday.

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3b6325  No.10161726


That resonates with this anon.

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537370  No.10161727


Didn't Scott just marry a woman 30 years his junior? Pervert.

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bbdd9a  No.10161728


smaller supply of blood and human organs/by-products too

I am not too sure how wise their plan is, unless ritual death guarantees population rates and births are just for the above mentioned needs.

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266568  No.10161729

File: 8b370ef76abeb2c⋯.jpg (76.04 KB, 1005x794, 1005:794, RidersOnTheStorm.jpg)


Buckle up

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0b11bb  No.10161730

File: 1bc5c5d7f073ff3⋯.jpg (85.21 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, 1019202132.jpg)


commie, jews, merchants.

rothschilds own china.

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5de3fb  No.10161731

Meet Jeffrey Epstein’s gang of accused slave ‘recruiters’ - August 10, 2019

Darren Indyke lived in apartment owned by Eptein's brother, Mark


In addition to his secretaries, Epstein worked with his longtime lawyer Darren Indyke, who occupied a two-bedroom apartment at the East 66th Street building between May 2000 and February 2009, public records show.

Indyke’s apartment was owned by Ossa Properties, a firm controlled by Mark Epstein.


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c5c689  No.10161732

File: ade90de5dc19158⋯.png (379 KB, 559x342, 559:342, Trump1.PNG)

File: 119a83689f5050f⋯.png (503.91 KB, 975x402, 325:134, TrumpWins.PNG)


Personally…I think this fake virus wasn't supposed to happen until Hillary was elected and they had gun control and confiscated weapons…Just like the Red flag laws ….Trump and Q-team FORCED their hand…they had no other choice..Expect a second wave….ALL..assets deployed…..End Game coming…2020 Draining the swamp Part 2…

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c3a3b4  No.10161733

File: ab91fb862f21584⋯.png (307.03 KB, 480x370, 48:37, ccp_clown.png)

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6441e9  No.10161734

>>10161690 Date anon, photo with date, I don't have time to check. Thanks

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ac8cdc  No.10161735


>Serious question. When we win this war where

>do seditious liars like this cunt end up? Will they

>still be free to spread dis-info without penalty?

They will pay whatever penalty is assessed to them here on this earth. It is after they face The Lord is when the truest justice will be found.

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3f2c2a  No.10161736

File: 69718ce65ed3b8f⋯.png (151.54 KB, 391x377, 391:377, billt.png)



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3b6325  No.10161737


you mean like a matrix of forced re incarnation?

sounds like a conspiracy theory to me

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6ab224  No.10161738

File: adab77955dd87ac⋯.jpg (53.71 KB, 630x645, 42:43, mypepe.JPG)



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523dc4  No.10161739

File: 5a0c0048202e473⋯.png (349.24 KB, 575x816, 575:816, ClipboardImage.png)

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f63095  No.10161740


you sound worried.

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93b422  No.10161741


Her best option is if Trump wins handily.

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be5645  No.10161742

File: 95b3a9488685de5⋯.jpeg (14.63 KB, 620x348, 155:87, breivik.jpeg)


Anders Behring Breivik, the norwegian mass murderer who smirked in court about what he did, claimed to be a member of the order of malta, the knights templar. They denied it, though.

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401232  No.10161743

File: 837f84ad3c6128a⋯.png (841 KB, 1079x556, 1079:556, ClipboardImage.png)

Hrrrrmmm… Interesting…

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38cdd5  No.10161744



NOTES chekeked, baker - looking good.

hope tech problems settled, bake looks good.


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1645da  No.10161745


Thank you for pointing out what I’ve been trying to say.

The concept of psychological terror when it comes to contagious but low lethality diseases as a bioweapon.

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94a1c6  No.10161746

File: 6931504528a0802⋯.jpg (14.39 KB, 255x217, 255:217, JaredRoger_3.jpg)

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93b422  No.10161747


I see the trips. But there is no need to "spin" this. It's what happened.

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3b6325  No.10161748


More info?

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c3a3b4  No.10161749

File: 9a4aeceb724d386⋯.png (406.6 KB, 527x802, 527:802, grope.png)

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90c373  No.10161750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ac8cdc  No.10161751

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5de3fb  No.10161752


>Darren Indyke lived in apartment owned by Eptein's brother, Mark

AUG. 14, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein’s Curious Ties to His Brother’s Real-Estate Business


behind paywall

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6441e9  No.10161753



one of you guise are taking notes because this rig is worrying me, (computer)

Still having issues

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523dc4  No.10161754

File: 45a1a4f37b0bd0c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.4 MB, 754x762, 377:381, ClipboardImage.png)


Big Mike


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f26569  No.10161755

File: d16aaa2d129e693⋯.png (8.14 KB, 504x128, 63:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2829dbe9a3c389e⋯.jpg (65.33 KB, 505x454, 505:454, AQ2.jpg)

Looks like BLM is at Minn Sen Limmer's doorstep.


Wikipedia shows where he lives.


Turns out, he's a Pro-Police guy.



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bbdd9a  No.10161756

File: da10c3a9d220167⋯.jpg (101.94 KB, 808x451, 808:451, deflection_shill_fu_is_wea….jpg)



>you mean like a matrix of forced re incarnation?

no I don't

I hate faggots who put words in my mouth

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f63095  No.10161757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






YOUTUBE    SUSAN WOJCICKI   JEWISH                   

       (Youtube owned by GOOGLE)


(Genetics, look at Long Nose and Wide Mouth) Reeeee


      (threatened to fire Jack Dorsey as CEO)





        (born Dharma Jeremy Butterfield, name changed age 12)




              (Sold to Condé Nast)



             (former DISNEY head of streaming)












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5174a2  No.10161758

File: 4e66207b877eb6f⋯.png (520.31 KB, 800x600, 4:3, spockfeel1.png)

File: 38a69b1ab837d4e⋯.png (509.16 KB, 800x600, 4:3, spockfeel2.png)

File: 3ccf101f2b390d1⋯.png (524.13 KB, 800x600, 4:3, spockfeel3.png)

File: 7124914269a4c14⋯.png (473.33 KB, 800x600, 4:3, spockfeel4.png)



that's a good one…

Here's some suggestions for captions.

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6a1e05  No.10161759

File: 65cad02989052b5⋯.jpg (55.73 KB, 850x281, 850:281, IMG_0038.JPG)


At the funeral.

No masks.

No social distancing.

Every last one of them is taking weekly HCQ covid protection.

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c5c689  No.10161760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shapes of things before my eyes

Just teach me to despise

Will time make men more wise?

Here within my lonely frame

My eyes just hurt my brain

But will it seem the same?

Come tomorrow, will I be older?

Come tomorrow, may be a soldier

Come tomorrow, may I be bolder than today?

Nazareth - Shapes Of Things

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3b6325  No.10161761


I mean ou wouldnt neet rituals for forced birth baby farms would you

not trying to put words in ur mouth

just trying to pul em out

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c71dc1  No.10161762

File: 86222435367fab3⋯.png (287.61 KB, 495x498, 165:166, Flotus_choose.png)

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401232  No.10161763



5 second news clip

It was a "Computer Glitch"

More like Accidentally on Purpose

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6441e9  No.10161764

>>10161698 good find

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76a8e1  No.10161765

File: bb3506aa81ffecd⋯.png (117.91 KB, 478x784, 239:392, Screenshot_2020_08_01_Goog….png)

1PM REMINDER: We need (you) helping to share the #CovidCure cuz Google wont.



Big Tech Google, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube are hiding the #Covid19 Cure in an effort to sway the Election and force Mail in Voter Fraud. (chYna)

It's not about your health, the virus, or the color of your skin, it's about power. Democrats want power and control over (you).

Democrats will never win though, even with the media and Big Tech doing their bidding as long as Anons are Here.

We will target the #TechGiants and #FakeMedia and redpill their following. Redpill your local governor/senator/congressman as well.



#StopTheBias https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1034907478566359041

Scouts - Notify us whenever a target tweets

TA - Target Primary Directly

Flanks - Target Secondary Directly

Unit Ops - Post This Op to your social to gather the masses

FIRE: 9AM 1PM 5PM and everytime they tweet.

TARGET (To be seen by google's followers, use .@google in your reply to google tweets)










HASH (Pick 1 - 2 Hashes per line)

#StopTheBias #FreeSpeech #Censorship #BigTechCensorship #BigTech #BigTechCorruption #surveillance #privacy

#google #twitter #facebook #youtube

#FrontlineDoctors #Hydroxychloriquineworks #BigTechIsTheThreat #COVID19 #HCQworks #WhiteCoatSummit

#Congress #BuyingCongress #AMERICASFREEDOM #MediaLies #fakemedia #FakeNews #WarRoomPandemic

#Qanon #WWG1WGA #QAmerica #MAGA #TUMP2020 #AmericaWorksTogether


* Censorship By Google, Twitter, Facebook, social media, surveillance, privacy, free speech

Meme Folder: https://mega.nz/folder/hMplDZiA#ttp-iRrGPrcN2ycwdQvjTg

Last updated: 30-Jul-2020 Number of Images: 617 Size: 132M




Tucker Carlson - Big Tech Google Twitter and Facebook are Hiding the Covid19 Cure in efforts to sway an Election.



Rep Jim Jordan's Opening Remarks At Big Tech's Antitrust Hearing.


Americas Front Line Doctor Summit




Round Table Podcast with ABCU



How Big Tech, Antifa, MSM Are Using Aggression, Suppression and Censorship to Reinforce D Narratives


Google Unfairly Influenced the 2016 Election in Hillary's Favor by Millions of Votes


Google Also Under CIA Control?


Big Tech Censorship Will Lead to Their Breakup (Antitrust Regulations)


Google to be Regulated; MSM Defending at All Costs



Big tech’s out to get conservatives. It’s time they face the consequences.


Free speech advocates call YouTube’s removal of coronavirus-related video 'egregious censorship effort'


Donald Trump Jr. On Big Tech Censorship: They believe in their speech, not free speech


Greg Steube Pledges ‘No More’ Big Tech Donations


Trump Administration Directs Federal Communications Commission to Combat Big Tech


Recall Federal Licenses Issued to Technology Companies that Violate First Amendment Free Speech Rights


'The better the quality of information circulating among us, the less error it contains, the more truthful it is qualitatively, the better people we are.'


#GodBless #Patriots.


DOUGH: https://qanonbin.com/paste/9OMg9doWA

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94a1c6  No.10161766

File: 99537e80cba0be7⋯.jpg (109.61 KB, 500x710, 50:71, Sharvirt.jpg)

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578453  No.10161767

File: 629710144a2a2b4⋯.png (714.58 KB, 697x496, 697:496, kek_bees_dd_mashup.png)




tyb, looks lit o7

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f3b945  No.10161768

File: bb8788d0afc25e7⋯.png (1.08 MB, 768x960, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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96efda  No.10161769


You’re making my case.

The Plague is more in the mind than originating in physiology. THAT requires a domestic component, a very large domestic component to the Weapon. Shove China, the whole thing, up your stupid ass.

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3b6325  No.10161770


comms probably

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458e35  No.10161771

File: 37ed5a0bd77b8aa⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1779, 414:593, 6E7ACABF_04F4_4BEE_B8D2_B….jpeg)


Sorry here u go Anon

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6a1e05  No.10161772


Clinton the first arrest?

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ed0a3b  No.10161773


There must be some element to that in all this. What kind of organisation is fine with taking 100+ years to slowly enact a plan?

Husk bodies? Forced soul reentry? Astral possession? Who fucking knows.

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4ddfa7  No.10161774

File: 09cabd366ae07c7⋯.jpg (76.72 KB, 615x409, 615:409, deuce_bigalow.jpg)


Thats a huge bitch!

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523dc4  No.10161775

File: 8df552dab3f6829⋯.png (514.05 KB, 558x489, 186:163, ClipboardImage.png)

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9095dd  No.10161776

like obongo and mikey could stay away from lolita island hot dog and pizza men. tiegen and her gai boi hubby either, come on mann biden too

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c55fbd  No.10161777


if Flynn took 2024 w/ Don Jr as the VP then

Don Jr would be mid 50s for 2032, would lay a

nice foundation for Don Jr, I think Don Jr needs

more experience first, to me it seem plausible,

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dc7f46  No.10161778

File: de5012b01cc5e5d⋯.mp4 (5.07 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Michael_benis.mp4)


Sure, Jen.

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80f468  No.10161779

File: 8777b0740b6c050⋯.jpeg (41.55 KB, 405x280, 81:56, F740E17E_29E6_4402_9FBC_E….jpeg)

TheY don’t quit.

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000000  No.10161780


> Plague is a targeted psychological weapon

What if it just wipes out all the left-wing communists and POTUS is "literally hitler"?

I think I'd have to surgically remove the smile from my face.

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3b6325  No.10161781


maybe straight demons

or someone froze himself after he set a plan in motion and is set to be unfreezed when its done

or mad scientists?

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f3b945  No.10161782

File: ca3450ee904877a⋯.png (208.06 KB, 317x314, 317:314, ClipboardImage.png)

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bbdd9a  No.10161783


using humans as a commodity is not a normal way of thinking

I have trouble thinking like them

I was supposing out loud about how their forced population control would work, without immersing myself too deeply in their debauchery

they are sick

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798bb9  No.10161784


confirmed. now is.

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6a1e05  No.10161785



>Our DS friends would never risk one of their assets getting "sick".

They have the cure.

Taking weekly HCQ to prevent illness.

They knew this before we even had a clue what coronavirus was.

That's why they ban it everywhere, sometimes even BEFORE the first US case of covid.

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3b6325  No.10161786


Idk, DJR has to prove he has the Energy of his father

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94a1c6  No.10161787

File: d9d82060beb2b92⋯.jpg (13.2 KB, 255x163, 255:163, BidenNetworking_png.jpg)

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6441e9  No.10161788

>>10161714 how many mins anon?

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7775bb  No.10161789

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e3d3db  No.10161790


You get to choose your treasurer and you choose Mickey Mouse over Scrooge McDuck? What a Loser.

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5de3fb  No.10161791


> Eptein's brother, Mark

The Man Who Could Inherit Jeffrey Epstein’s Millions

The unexplained wealth of artist-turned-real estate magnate Mark Epstein, the deceased sex offender’s younger brother, is likely to come under further scrutiny by the feds.


Updated Aug. 19, 2019

After multimillionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s dramatic death in a New York jail cell, both alleged victims and a curious public have turned their attention to the former financier’s only remaining close relative: his younger brother, Mark Epstein.

A former artist turned real estate magnate, Mark raised eyebrows last month by offering up his Florida condo as collateral for his brother’s bail. While he has denied any connection to Jeffrey’s businesses, at least one of Mark’s properties has turned up repeatedly in sex trafficking suits against his older sibling. And his unexplained wealth—he claims to have semi-retired at age 39 and has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to charity—may come under further scrutiny as the federal conspiracy investigation into his brother’s trafficking ring continues.

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000000  No.10161792


that thing is one of them. one of the "not us" I can see them like Roddy Piper. I think I'm becoming The One.

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6ab224  No.10161793

File: 746921a07f48cde⋯.jpg (72.94 KB, 573x812, 573:812, ivanka_thanks.JPG)


nice digits, but KEK has already spoken.



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3b6325  No.10161794


targets lefties because they`re miserable

and we cant stop winning


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f3b945  No.10161795


its naker, joo

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c5c689  No.10161796

File: 7fa499a5dd03cee⋯.jpg (106.79 KB, 890x560, 89:56, Capture.JPG)

No more free rides: Australia orders Facebook, Google to share advertising revenue from news articles with media organisations

Facebook and Google will have to negotiate with traditional media on remuneration in good faith, failing which a binding arbitration process will be put in place

The draft code is open to consultation until August 28 before being legislated this year

Australia’s government has ordered Facebook and Alphabet’s Google to share revenue generated from news articles, adding to growing global regulatory and political pushback against the digital giants.

The two companies will have to negotiate with traditional media on remuneration in good faith, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said Friday.

If no agreement is reached, there will be a binding arbitration process and penalties for breaching the code of up to A$10 million (US$7 million) or 10 per cent of local revenue.

The move aims to correct what the government says is a power imbalance between two of the world’s most profitable companies and a local media industry that’s bleeding jobs as it loses advertising revenue to digital platforms. It follows measures elsewhere in the world, including in France where antitrust regulator in April ordered Google to pay media companies to display snippets of articles.


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3b6325  No.10161797



I am!

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80f468  No.10161798

File: d37ac07459aa08d⋯.jpeg (115.52 KB, 522x346, 261:173, FD2FCB67_06AB_4BBF_BE50_1….jpeg)

File: 45c35f443296035⋯.jpeg (114.71 KB, 828x648, 23:18, 8196E406_30C7_4E3A_A3B5_C….jpeg)

File: 87d06433db96558⋯.jpeg (25.55 KB, 236x177, 4:3, 6AEDFA34_699E_4378_A4B0_5….jpeg)

File: 97fc2d0a20d94f1⋯.png (1.24 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, DD3C16F7_6F19_4D18_87C8_D8….png)

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aca7d8  No.10161799


Reading Virginia Robert's 2011 testimony from the last bread, she said she never saw Clinton with girls, and he wasn't ever in bed with her, either.

>>10161090 (LB)

>Yet Virginia Roberts stresses that she was never 'lent out' to Mr Clinton. On one occasion, she adds, Epstein did invite two young brunettes to a dinner which he gave on his Caribbean island for Mr Clinton shortly after he left office. But, as far as she knows, the ex-President did not take the bait.

Publication of Jizz's deposition was recently put on hold by 2 judges (Clinton appointed, I believe) until a September court date.

Have to be careful of a play to build up expectations of a Clinton takedown, only to have it exposed as a, "right wing, fake news conspiracy". Old Clinton playbook staple.

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67f4c7  No.10161800


Maybe someone we aren't thinking of right now will take the stage? Maybe we should have a constitutional convention and change it all?!

I am ready for Aliens or God or something so none of this stuff will be a shocker really kek

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3b6325  No.10161801


You`re right but TBH in this ANons eyes even his close friends do things and think thoughts that are hard to grasp for this anon

they seem dumdum

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3e09b4  No.10161802

File: 8a3e00c5e57668c⋯.mp4 (10.85 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Biowarfare.mp4)


chinese bioweapon explained on chinese tv.

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f63095  No.10161803

File: 8f3dcf17591501e⋯.png (114.95 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


XHARVEY WEINSTEIN  - JEWISH (Hollywood Propaganda)



*a minute drop-in-the-bucket sample.



*GEORGE SOROS -  JEWISH   (also owns a Virus Lab in WUHAN)

Soros' Wuxi also owns many cell/antibody manufacturing labs all over America.

*BILL GATES -     JEWISH    (Genocide by VACCINE)









Unemployed narcissist. >Stealing Valor.

Arrested. Awaiting Court date. GPS monitor.


alias C.W. CHANTER, cursing Qanons.

Low rent lawyer ambulance chaser. Being sued for Defamation.


Promotes Israel, Chabad, AIPAC.  Research assistant for Sara Carter.

"Covers anti-semitism" on her Twitter. Future waitress.

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6a1e05  No.10161804

File: 992de2928b6b528⋯.jpg (83.97 KB, 715x558, 715:558, MIRROR.jpg)

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76a8e1  No.10161805





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6441e9  No.10161806



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7775bb  No.10161807




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c5c689  No.10161808


Let me quote what everybody else likes to say..The Good Ole Days..kekekeke

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c55fbd  No.10161809



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4ffea3  No.10161810


Who is in South Dakota?

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76a8e1  No.10161811

File: c57d59a5efeb8f4⋯.png (31.49 KB, 478x313, 478:313, Screenshot_2020_08_02_2_Ci….png)

>>10161765, >>10161805

and cap attached

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bbdd9a  No.10161812



I'm never a red text caps lock guy, but damn it, that would be the biblical way!

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94a1c6  No.10161813

File: 74b2c82498d1c3c⋯.jpg (14.91 KB, 170x255, 2:3, QuantumEntanglementTimes.jpg)

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f1113b  No.10161814


"lets spin this story'

uh no

then we are no different than cnn or fox

find the truth

then report it

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5174a2  No.10161815

File: 46f8cb057f1ee9a⋯.png (503.83 KB, 800x600, 4:3, spockfeel5.png)

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0216c5  No.10161816


About 850,000 people. Why?

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692eed  No.10161817


Cuomo signed the act that holds Nursing home owners not liable for Deaths in early January I think.

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c5c689  No.10161818


KEK…Pretty sure that's coming…They're Seriously Skeered…..Gives me a decent chuckle to watch them melt down ..kekekekeke

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3b6325  No.10161819


Like a shortcut..?

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96efda  No.10161820


Than there shouldn’t be any trouble dropping the Concern about the/any bio component… the psychological Plague is vastly more dangerous to ALL than any germ.

Get it?

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5de3fb  No.10161821


yes, her accounts are different.

I meant to make note of that when I posted.

Thanks for doing it.

It is really odd how her accounts are different and then what Alan D is saying matches moar her early account.

Don't know what to think about her.

Was she forced to lie in first account?

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7775bb  No.10161822

File: 073c6925df1b085⋯.jpg (61.06 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, IG.jpg)




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ed0a3b  No.10161823


There are no contagions fullstop Anon. Don't give this fucking planet an inch on anything. It's a big fucking lie ball.

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6a1e05  No.10161824

File: 56e1b5b24b942e6⋯.png (637.5 KB, 640x425, 128:85, ClipboardImage.png)

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94a1c6  No.10161825


Been there done that. Actually nah man they are bigger. They'd be the biggest. Haha.

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6441e9  No.10161826


hello baker

lost every thing

am flying blind

can take it to the nb

need to handoff?

can You?

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3b6325  No.10161827


Be Best! Thank you!

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458e35  No.10161828

File: 748aba64d871ef4⋯.jpeg (637.83 KB, 1242x1399, 1242:1399, 31CAE086_F0CF_40D7_BB9D_7….jpeg)


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6441e9  No.10161829


Call out notables and check em'

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10161731 Meet Jeffrey Epstein’s gang of accused slave ‘recruiters’ - August 10, (2019)

>>10161702 White House web post this weekend: Heroes of Western Civilization: 76 Years After the Warsaw Uprising

>>10161698 UK Conservative MP arrested after aide accuses him of rape

>>10161674 DC Mayor Browser says Dems returning from Rep Lewis’ funeral exempt from quarantine

>>10161660 Pompeo: Trump to Act on Chinese Software Companies in Coming Days

>>10161638 Chinese Scientist leaks the truth regarding Covid-19.

>>10161611 Pompeo Drops a BOMB on Senator Feinstein – Outs Her Many Meetings with Iran’s Foreign Minister

>>10161604 NTSB recovering planes in midair collision near Soldotna that killed 7, including legislator and local pilot

>>10161599 (Feb 2020)Inside 'poor man's pedophile island' where children are delivered to sick predators' hotel rooms

>>10161537 Babylonbee on Biden for keks

>>10161519 Records request this week by Senate

>>10161466 (2019) From 'Spook Air' to The 'Lolita Express': The Genesis And Evolution of The Jeffrey Epstein-Bill Clinton Relationship

>>10161444 Brad Garrett “everybody loves raymond” Ellen Degenerate abused staffers!

>>10161422 Anons - diggs on tik tok?

>>10161394 Planefag REPORT (2) Special Air Missions and MAGMA89

>>10161376 Video breaksdowns the Mid-Air Collision near Soldotna Alaska

>>10161370 Keks in Dilbert HCQ

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94a1c6  No.10161830

File: 19ecc87fe9c43db⋯.jpg (18.25 KB, 255x254, 255:254, Eclipse1_png.jpg)

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93b422  No.10161831


It DID close down the hottest economy in the world and it DID set aside the recent trade negotiations with the US (oddly enough, there was a "pandemic" clause AND it's clear that the WHO is in the control of the CCP.)

Since it killed relatively few Chinese while dealing a crushing economic blow to the rest of the world (at a time when China was struggling and becoming less competitive), I'd say it was wildly effective.

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3b6325  No.10161832


Apex Predator Energy

Night Vision

Glowing Eyes

All that shit


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ed0a3b  No.10161833


>They have the cure.

>Taking weekly HCQ to prevent illness

We've never really assessed how deep the DS goes on a need to know basis. The MSM is just a mouthpiece, why can't their doctors and politicians be the same?

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c5c689  No.10161834

File: 5783251b63b4a41⋯.jpg (81.24 KB, 808x398, 404:199, Capture.JPG)

Mask madness is causing Kens & Karens everywhere to beat the cr*p out of each other (VIDEOS)

The efficacy of mandatory mask rules is debatable, but a series of viral videos provide ample evidence that the guidelines have helped make 2020 one of the most absurd and painfully idiotic years in recent memory.

Mid-flight fisticuffs over maskless passengers

The latest incident in the saga of mask-related assaults kicked off on a flight from Amsterdam to Ibiza. Two passengers on the KLM flight reportedly became physical after refusing to wear masks during the journey to Spain. Passengers and crew worked together to restrain the two men, who reportedly had been drinking.

Footage of the insane mid-flight fracas shows multiple passengers squeezed into the airplane’s aisle as they shout and exchange punches. The two men, who are not believed to be Dutch citizens, were reportedly detained by authorities once the plane landed in Spain.

“Stoppen nu, er zijn kinderen hiero!”Knokpartij op @klm vlucht naar Ibiza. Dronken passagier weigert mondkapje te dragen ✈️ Panic and violent brawl! Unruly passenger on board KLM flight,he refused to wear face mask 😷#incident#klm#avgeek#aviation#planespotting@KLM_presspic.twitter.com/RPM0g1Kqh9

— The Mic High Club Luchtvaart Podcast (@MicHighClub) August 2, 2020


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3b6325  No.10161835


I`m coming!

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6441e9  No.10161836

File: 4d74a14891d76eb⋯.jpg (236.74 KB, 800x1010, 80:101, 4d74a14891d76eb66d06a0a827….jpg)


Thank you

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2a7874  No.10161837

File: 4bd40798610970b⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB, 648x352, 81:44, Fucked.mp4)

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458e35  No.10161838

File: 0ead142e3d13180⋯.jpeg (931.25 KB, 1242x1657, 1242:1657, 6ED23BB7_7047_43A5_832A_D….jpeg)


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dee910  No.10161839

File: 14e2db3cb18fdbc⋯.jpg (69.12 KB, 1024x615, 1024:615, 14e2db3cb18fdbc26c73305c71….jpg)

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0b11bb  No.10161840

those baby raping commie kikes are a bunch of crying lying fagits.

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38cdd5  No.10161841

File: ef64adf01852902⋯.png (56.38 KB, 278x184, 139:92, kekistan_with_shitistani_s….png)


>rot in hell with all your union buddies who have been ruining qresearch all weekend

Time for the shill shitshow to shove off off to Shitistan!

Went thru and traced every detail re double bakes, etc.

1. /qr/ not ruined - we take a lickin' and keep on tickin'

2. just the usual battlefield stuff caused by shills exploiting /comms/ problems and human imperfections

3. time for shills to migrateSee MAP

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20c2a5  No.10161842


Guise, Apple is the word of the day.

Apple fire in CA…

Gweneth Paltros daughter Apple news story…..

And a couple other APPLE news stories.

It's comms fuckers, figure it out. I'm out of here for the day.


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5efd33  No.10161843

File: c1410b89914987e⋯.png (134.98 KB, 231x234, 77:78, Screenshot_2020_08_02_Q_Re….png)


The most Jewish she's ever looked.

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537370  No.10161844



Ivanka 2024-2032

DJT Jr 2032-2040

Baron 2040-2048

Melania as HHS Secretary 2024-2032

Eric Trump Dept of Commerce 2024-2032

The Trump dynasty.

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a85947  No.10161845



The request for State from @SenRonJohnson @ChuckGrassley, re: contact between State + Fusion GPS, FBI agents travel to London summer 2016

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458e35  No.10161846

File: 757f027509eb687⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x1692, 69:94, 4EA8E48C_A280_4C9B_8FDD_6….jpeg)


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3b6325  No.10161847


"Anon, what have you been doing all night`?"

>ummmm… stuff….masturbate probably

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c5c689  No.10161848

File: 7e71b71f054b65e⋯.jpg (57.54 KB, 814x453, 814:453, Capture.JPG)

‘Masks are muzzles’: Protesters rally outside BBC HQ & march to Downing Street after UK govt widens mask-wearing orders

Activists took to the streets of London a day after the UK cabinet expanded its guidelines for mandatory face coverings. The demonstration comes amid growing skepticism worldwide over the efficacy of such policies.

A large group of demonstrators assembled in Hyde Park on Saturday, where they listened to speeches denouncing the government’s anti-coronavirus measures. Piers Corbyn, brother of former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, was among the speakers.

Carrying placards reading “Stop the new normal, save lives,”“Freedom over fear,” and “Masks are muzzles,” the protesters then marched towards Downing Street, stopping outside BBC headquarters along the way.

The Anti-Mask March went from an earlier rally at Marble Arch which then progressed down through Oxford Street left at Regent Street then proceeded towards the BBC centre #KBFpic.twitter.com/wZRq0ekqqb

— jack Lord oatkon (@Bookhimdannom1) August 1, 2020

Footage from RT’s Ruptly video agency shows a huge crowd, most without masks, filling the streets of the UK capital as they marched toward Downing Street


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67f4c7  No.10161849

File: 37a8046f707b100⋯.jpg (12.96 KB, 213x255, 71:85, 2_PEPE_TRUMP2.jpg)

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 0_LAUGH.png)


now I am gonna have that gay AF potus dream again kek! Its like we are in bed but its not really sexual, he just holds me, strokes my hair and tells me that everything is going to be alright, sorta like I am sick and he is my father… he tells me God wins and stuff like that and then I fall asleep in his arms…


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4627de  No.10161850

File: 5b55e3aded2f2cd⋯.jpg (307.67 KB, 736x970, 368:485, Sheep_Time_To_Eat.jpg)

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7103d4  No.10161851

File: 8ec61fae125133d⋯.png (418.96 KB, 535x626, 535:626, Screenshot_2020_08_02_The_….png)

"The Trump administration is fully committed to restoring all parts of America’s once-vibrant manufacturing base to its former—and now future—glory. The Kodak project is … a huge step forward toward US pharmaceutical independence."


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15a9cd  No.10161852

Anon have graphic with corporate logos like aGmail being Mason apron and such?

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7400f2  No.10161853


Because the last dynasty worked so well. Love POTUS, but no.

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bbdd9a  No.10161854


all this horrible shit is in the Old Testament

it's just written with a [G] rating, but comes with a warning written in [PG-18]!

I told ancientmomanon, all these horrible things they are doing with children and blood is in the old testament -evil merged with technology

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3c2963  No.10161856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


omo baba olowo

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578453  No.10161857


>can take it to the nb

>need to handoff?

>can You?

If no one else takes the hand off, will do.

IF another baker steps up, this baker will defer though, due to connection problems of their own.

It's been okay so far so see you at the dough o7

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94a1c6  No.10161858


PhD opportunity

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3f2c2a  No.10161859



not recent news but interesting..

slightly moar diggs..

>reddit thread:


also check >https://qresear.ch/?q=INDYKE

for example, 3 black book entries and lots of 'Indyke' WH visits (who is Doris B Indyke?)

Darren Indyke Timeline from medium.com (Jul 30, 2019)

On May 21, 1993, Zorro Development Corp was registered, with the Company Secretary listed as Darren Indyke.

On May 31, 2002, Darren Indyke founded the organisation Max Hotel Services Corp. in New York.

On November 1, 2007, the Florida Science Foundation, Inc. was incorporated by Darren Indyke.

On July 9, 2008, the C.O.U.Q. Foundation, Inc. was founded by Epstein, Darren Indyke (as Vice President and Company Secretary) and Richard Kahn (as Treasurer).

In September 2012, Gratitude America, Ltd. was granted charitable status in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, with Darren Indyke as Vice President, Erika A. Kellerhals as Company Secretary and Richard Kahn as Treasurer. This would change by 2017 — Kahn would be the President, Indyke as Vice President, and Kellerhals as both the Company Secretary and Treasurer. The telephone listed for Kellerhals is conneceted to the organisation Kellerhals Ferguson Kroblin PLLC.

>source: https://medium.com/@the_war_economy/investigation-jeffrey-epstein-d2ad68e2e845

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c55fbd  No.10161860



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5efd33  No.10161861



>how many mins anon?

It's long, over an hour and fifteen, but lots of background information on Wexner, Maxwell, P Andrew, Israeli intelligence.Very Notable

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d538ef  No.10161862


Blahhh-blah blhahh blah-blah.

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1990ee  No.10161863

File: dc75981a5b119ff⋯.png (965.81 KB, 761x1140, 761:1140, learn_our_comms.png)


Corn comms.

Corney in the cross hairs?

Farms ready to be harvested?

I still don't know the comms.

Honestly asking.

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5de3fb  No.10161864



Why does Virginia Roberts the only one, or one of few, who were interviewed for Epstein's first conviction?

why were not the other ones interviewed?

Was Virginia Roberts working for DS, too, somewhere along the line?

Did Epstein get smacked down by DS for trying to do something on his own?

Her stories are not consistent.

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537370  No.10161865

File: 53e488874d20a01⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1127x576, 1127:576, royalbhall.png)


I just love trolling… Kek

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be5645  No.10161866

>>10161828 Chuck Grassley Corn Comms


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3b6325  No.10161867



Apple MVC again

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38cdd5  No.10161868

File: ee865ee673ebc70⋯.png (68.11 KB, 327x189, 109:63, night_shift_punisher.png)


At Night?

hey, this is what we be doin….

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523dc4  No.10161869

File: 42142dede177656⋯.mp4 (201.92 KB, 640x476, 160:119, TREK_Bags_of_Water.mp4)

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458e35  No.10161870

File: 6c5afab54404303⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1242x1994, 621:997, 37B88BFB_442F_4B38_9FF0_0….jpeg)

File: 6fa403c40cc1714⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1242x1521, 138:169, 92A06A88_C532_444A_AC19_1….jpeg)


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6441e9  No.10161871

>>10161793 sauce?

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808a55  No.10161872


Nobody knows. And anybody who acts like they do, is just full of shit.

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3b6325  No.10161873

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401232  No.10161874

File: 5924d857cb1a2fd⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1016x723, 1016:723, ClipboardImage.png)



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96efda  No.10161875


Until this anon sees “National Security” beginning to use actual intelligence… will keep the guns well oiled.

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6ab224  No.10161876

File: 50a855876db5feb⋯.jpg (40.58 KB, 695x339, 695:339, search.JPG)


i have it… somewhere in my 300GB+ of pure memes… I forget what i labeled it though.

I know what you talkin' bout tho… the graphic with all the 'apps' showing the symbolism in each

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692eed  No.10161877

File: 2083a1bd3bf44a9⋯.png (3.09 MB, 1876x2048, 469:512, Screenshot_20200617_014358.png)

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6ca296  No.10161878

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93b422  No.10161879


Chip is a liar. Period. He's not a blue check so if he wants, he can sue me for defamation. I'd be happy to kick his ass in court and take everything he has except for his skanky wife and mousy kids.

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bbdd9a  No.10161880



yes dear

you are right dear

you are eternally right dear

don't wear those jeans, they make your ass look too small!

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3b6325  No.10161881


I guess I should read thru my bible sometimes

any favorite passages?

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458e35  No.10161882

File: 5963a4ba8b96c58⋯.jpeg (789.41 KB, 1242x1614, 207:269, 25779164_9FE0_4E9C_B4CE_1….jpeg)


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77316f  No.10161883

File: 5687da141235c95⋯.jpg (87.3 KB, 617x539, 617:539, Lawson_post_.jpg)



>Hi Fren I noticed your iQ is above room temp, I think DJT fixed the Vote by mail in the Blue states so he is getting them on record for next week, Wa primary is coming Inslee will get knocked out Then they have Gates boy to put in as VP or maybe the man, Denny Heck was placed to take over Wa after there Repuplican candidate gets removed from pending Indictment into Campaign Finance[cop book] BUT djt has Patriots [from here] Run in key positions and they are winning thats the panic Its sweet I have never seen the schills act like this before Kek

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6ab224  No.10161884

File: 694eddb964820f9⋯.png (281.07 KB, 964x964, 1:1, meme_forces_patch.png)


theres one.

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000000  No.10161885


clean that jelly off your face, boomer

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3b6325  No.10161886


Look in the news! Thats what weve been doing!

>well if u want to change something maybe u should become a politician, anon

fuuuukk uuuuu :D

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a85947  No.10161887


It would be an honor to have Sydney as one of the Justices!

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537370  No.10161888


Scott, quit perving.

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bbdd9a  No.10161889


I actually did not list the ways I would like to see them die. Shall we begin?

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4a92cc  No.10161890

File: db2cf1c6efd089d⋯.jpeg (106.4 KB, 1080x677, 1080:677, 1586520184.jpeg)

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6441e9  No.10161891

>>10161845 got it tanks

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523dc4  No.10161892




Has anyone decoded any of those yet?

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95236b  No.10161893

>>10161088 (pb)

Vids are already gone. Over target, anons.

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c5c689  No.10161894

File: 6e4741117abfa42⋯.jpg (105.88 KB, 885x498, 295:166, Capture.JPG)

Bloomberg-backed gun safety group endorsing Democrats in 14 North Texas statehouse races

A national gun advocacy group’s strategy to flip the state House in 2020 relies heavily on races in North Texas.

Everytown for Gun Safety, which has financial backing from Michael Bloomberg and has pledged to pump $8 million into Texas’ state and federal races this cycle, endorsed 26 Democratic state House candidates Thursday. More than half of them are competing for seats in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

The group also announced plans on Thursday to invest $3.5 million in digital advertising for Texas House and congressional races. Everytown did not name the specific contests.

The move comes almost a year after mass shootings in El Paso and Midland-Odessa.

Everytown said its decision to focus on North Texas is based on polling that shows gun violence prevention is one of the most “persuasive attacks” on GOP representatives in competitive districts.


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692eed  No.10161895


I know there's a better (and clearer) one, I have it, digging through thousands of unorganized files. sorry

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611e4b  No.10161896

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15a9cd  No.10161897


Yes, that one. Normie wifeanon just made me fall outta my seat. She said “ I just saw this video Compilation of years of Joe Biden groping women and children”

So I mentioned the FBI pedo symbolism and want to show her both.

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e31e04  No.10161898

File: 4247c67b02acec6⋯.jpg (35.65 KB, 534x439, 534:439, Crocker.jpg)


Ooga Booga

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3b6325  No.10161899

File: 5bd8bbce30b3f32⋯.jpg (95.57 KB, 1024x838, 512:419, oumcgmbm4su01.jpg)

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3d1047  No.10161900

Firm Owned by Joe Biden’s Son-in-Law Benefited from Upwards of $350K in PPP Loans


A healthcare investment firm started by former Vice President Joe Biden’s son-in-law received upwards of $350,000 in forgivable loans from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

StartUp Health, a medical-focused investment and consulting firm, received between $150,000 and $350,000 in April from the coronavirus relief program. The company is run, in part, by Dr. Howard Krein, the husband of Biden’s daughter, Ashley. The Wall Street Journal was first to report the connection on Friday.

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f63095  No.10161901

File: faee7ab5a52a706⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Ivanka Kushner is a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT. so you want a NYC LIBERAL DEMOCRAT as POTUS? with Chabad 666 JARED KUSHNER?

Ivanka does not have any charisma, unlike Don Jr who is witty and personable.

Ivanka is has a flat dull persona. Even with years of Daddy bringing his daughter to work, and free global publicity on The Apprentice, then the White House…..

Ivanka still has no popularity outside of the Jewish anons on this board.

Get real.

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3b6325  No.10161902


My ass is b00tiful.-

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6441e9  No.10161903

>>10161861 got it tanks

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93b422  No.10161904


But still of legal age. Not a pervert.

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bbdd9a  No.10161905


the fake red head is not not able

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15a9cd  No.10161906

File: fcbdd80b4d1af0d⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ACDFA402_FCCD_4429_98FE_8….jpeg)

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fe41c5  No.10161907


a wall of moms

i thought walls were bad

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798bb9  No.10161908


serious lag..kek

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a85947  No.10161909


Or one of the bishops.

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689c8d  No.10161910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Most detailed account yet of the June 15 India/China border fight.

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3b6325  No.10161912


Makin it rain?

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537370  No.10161913

File: cf4f001f4f283ae⋯.png (297.39 KB, 1837x656, 1837:656, whhcqpet1.png)

Petition to get HCQ as an over the counter medicine is at 20,000 - We have 80,000 to go by August 19th.


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aca7d8  No.10161914


>Don't know what to think about her.

>Was she forced to lie in first account?

Don't know either.

What I found interesting was that she was working at Mar A Lago when she met Jizz. Year was 2000, she would have been 16 going on 17. It looks like her father may have been working there at the same time. A Skye Roberts had a letter of recommendation from Trump for the years 2000 - 2003. He worked as a caretaker.

Does that tie in to the rumor that Trump banned Epstein from Mar A Lago? Did Roberts get lured away to go with Jizz and Ep while she was working at Mar A Lago? That seems important to me, because, if so, I think POTUS would have a vested interest in her case. If POTUS was FBI, as some claim, then this whole thing has roots going back for more than 25 years. Jizz was picked up for crimes during the years 1993/94-1997.

There's still a lot of missing parts to this puzzle.

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e31e04  No.10161915

File: caede9b669dd946⋯.jpeg (260.76 KB, 1080x1410, 36:47, freeway.jpeg)


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808a55  No.10161916


Finally some people are thinking critically and not taking the bait.

Why is she even still alive if her testimony is so damaging? Perhaps because her testimony isn't nearly as damaging as what really happened on that island. Think cover story.

If you don't read into anything she states, then it all sounds relatively harmless. Rich guys having sex with 16 and 17 year old girls, which in many states is not even illegal (age of consent in Florida is 16). Sure, people are acting outraged, but deep down they aren't. It's just virtue signaling.

Meanwhile, the official story by the "official witness" is set in the minds of the people as what it is, and the REAL crimes are hidden and doomed to be nothing but conspiracy theory. Hell, Virginia doesn't even say she saw BC having sex with any of these girls. And she doesn't even give the ages of the "young girls". It's all a big smoke show.

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c55fbd  No.10161917


didn't Obama put in two, if he gets impeached etc

that will be two more for Donald plus RGB - for sure,

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2f29c8  No.10161918


Kek, one dude looks like Steinlarp.

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647011  No.10161919

"Died of covid19 w underlying issues"

2 gunshot wounds = underlying issues

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3b6325  No.10161920


corn pop


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537370  No.10161921


We all have our opinions. Mine is he's a pervert.

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d3987e  No.10161922

File: 18a45749603820f⋯.jpg (200.97 KB, 1148x649, 1148:649, Modi_with_Xi_dictating.jpg)

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9095dd  No.10161923


DR. IMMANUEL – please retweet this

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c5c689  No.10161924

File: 9f6d675534deff0⋯.jpg (95.87 KB, 876x493, 876:493, Capture.JPG)

Chinese national pleads guilty to stealing trade secrets from Nationwide Children’s Hospital

A Chinese national admitted Thursday in federal court to stealing scientific trade secrets for personal gain and for her country while she worked as a researcher at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

Li Chen, 47, who had lived in Dublin, Ohio, pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to commit theft of trade secrets and conspiracy to commit wire fraud. The plea was entered via video conference with Judge Sarah D. Morrison of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio in Columbus. Her sentencing date has not yet been set.

“Chen betrayed her employer of 10 years by stealing trade secrets from this American institution and transferring them to China after receiving payments from the Chinese government,” said David M. DeVillers, the U.S. Attorney in Columbus.

Chen and her husband, accused co-conspirator Yu Zhou, worked for 10 years in separate medical research labs at the Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Zhou worked there from 2007 to 2017 while Chen was employed from 2008 to 2018.

The couple was arrested in July 2019 in California, charged with conspiring to steal at least five trade secrets related to exosome research while they were employed at Nationwide Children’s. Zhou’s case is still pending.


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38cdd5  No.10161926


u got 56 posts anon

how u got time ta do anything when yer just runnin yer mouth in here?

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94a1c6  No.10161927

File: 164ec881b845df0⋯.jpg (60.62 KB, 620x413, 620:413, WhatAreWeDoing.jpg)

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7775bb  No.10161928



>Passengers and crew worked together to restrain the two men, who reportedly had been drinking.

I don't even care if I could understand a single word of what the euros were saying but if I was there it would have been three.

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77316f  No.10161929

File: 31d3c727b32b358⋯.jpg (7.79 KB, 191x127, 191:127, What_michelle.jpg)

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3c2963  No.10161930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6441e9  No.10161931


Call out notables and check em'

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10161870 US Strategic command tweet

>>10161714 Background information on Wexner, Maxwell, P Andrew, Israeli intelligence vid

>>10161398 The request for State from @SenRonJohnson @ChuckGrassley contact between State + Fusion GPS, FBI agents summer 2016


>>10161731 Meet Jeffrey Epstein’s gang of accused slave ‘recruiters’ - August 10, (2019)

>>10161702 White House web post this weekend: Heroes of Western Civilization: 76 Years After the Warsaw Uprising

>>10161698 UK Conservative MP arrested after aide accuses him of rape

>>10161674 DC Mayor Browser says Dems returning from Rep Lewis’ funeral exempt from quarantine

>>10161660 Pompeo: Trump to Act on Chinese Software Companies in Coming Days

>>10161638 Chinese Scientist leaks the truth regarding Covid-19.

>>10161611 Pompeo Drops a BOMB on Senator Feinstein – Outs Her Many Meetings with Iran’s Foreign Minister

>>10161604 NTSB recovering planes in midair collision near Soldotna that killed 7, including legislator and local pilot

>>10161599 (Feb 2020)Inside 'poor man's pedophile island' where children are delivered to sick predators' hotel rooms

>>10161537 Babylonbee on Biden for keks

>>10161519 Records request this week by Senate

>>10161466 (2019) From 'Spook Air' to The 'Lolita Express': The Genesis And Evolution of The Jeffrey Epstein-Bill Clinton Relationship

>>10161444 Brad Garrett “everybody loves raymond” Ellen Degenerate abused staffers!

>>10161422 Anons - diggs on tik tok?

>>10161394 Planefag REPORT (2) Special Air Missions and MAGMA89

>>10161376 Video breaksdowns the Mid-Air Collision near Soldotna Alaska

>>10161370 Keks in Dilbert HCQ

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3b6325  No.10161932


Neither Don Jr nor Ivanka come close to daddy in terms of ball size, and thats what we need

BUT i have the feeling DJR can become a LION too :)

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c93fd7  No.10161933

File: c3fb15ed7107e32⋯.png (452.69 KB, 682x383, 682:383, ClipboardImage.png)


sometimes I debate where free speech ends and sedition begins. this kinda leans sedition, but I'm REALLY hesitant about saying "you can't say that!" Nice palindrome timestamp, by the way.

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5174a2  No.10161934

File: eb62d9e3a4042e5⋯.jpg (10.39 KB, 236x198, 118:99, Larry.jpg)

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e893af  No.10161935

File: 3fec144f2139686⋯.png (620.94 KB, 1440x972, 40:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbe8bd152cb1988⋯.png (530.94 KB, 938x547, 938:547, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef8add7a41c7b4a⋯.png (1.65 MB, 955x1002, 955:1002, ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Camera Plane WB-57, tail number N927NA is moving into position for Crew Dragon re-entry.


High in the sky; that's the usual destination for an aircraft that called NASA Langley home for two months.

A WB-57, operated by Johnson Space Center and normally based at Ellington Field in Houston, was here until late December installing and integrating a new payload.

The WB-57 is one of only two kinds of aircraft in which crews can fly over 50,000 feet. The other is the U-2.

"We usually fly about 60,000 feet," (18,288 m) said Joe Gerky, WB-57 manager. "That's a big advantage for testing systems that are going into space or in high altitude unmanned aircraft, since they must be able to withstand the harsh conditions found there."

The WB-57 can stay aloft for an extended period of time, about six and a half hours, and has a range of approximately 2,500 miles (4,023 km).


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6ab224  No.10161936

File: 0ffa42c4f7b4542⋯.jpg (70.48 KB, 747x785, 747:785, a_pile_of_memes2.JPG)

File: 33588424f29b86a⋯.jpg (19.36 KB, 194x271, 194:271, a_pile_of_memes.JPG)


topkek i know the feeling…

If only i labeled things better…

my problem is, i have like 4 thumbdrives, an SSD and an external that ALL have random folders full of random memes….

I'd pay someone to come organize this shid out alil…

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3b6325  No.10161937


We talking Chess or Malta now


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000000  No.10161938


Oh no, they condemned Nigel!

How will he recover?

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d93324  No.10161939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Recovering liver transplant recipient has leg broken by scofflaw

To be clear, I am against having to wear masks. I don't support violence against people who request you follow the government laws, and the rules of the any establishment or business you are patronizing. It is common courtesy, and in a civilized society that we treat each other with respect when someone requests you to follow them. It's never a good outcome when you follow up bad and disrespectful behavior with even worse behavior.

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563f82  No.10161940

File: 9716ceb0e2be8b4⋯.jpeg (355.27 KB, 1367x1345, 1367:1345, BD0D0055_31BA_4F8B_8558_9….jpeg)


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6441e9  No.10161941

>>10161857 okay, really

what about the notables?

See you in the next bread

Can you please check the notables?

Thanks :)

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5de3fb  No.10161942


I agree,

there is moar to this story and her account, imho.

Her dad working at maralargo is indeed 'interesting'

I wonder if her dad was C_A.

And where is he in all of this?

Was the C_A spying on Trump while he was spying on them?

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c5c689  No.10161943


Only if wall is there to protect the country to keep invaders out…..But to build walls to divide people they think is good

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7775bb  No.10161944


Those digits remind us that democracy doesn't actually work.

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3b6325  No.10161945


good thing THEIR PLAN is part of OUR PLAN



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458e35  No.10161947

File: b9165f393552e13⋯.jpeg (734.11 KB, 1242x1637, 1242:1637, 6D54CFC0_4000_4D47_BE76_C….jpeg)

File: 05fdc826203c9c9⋯.jpeg (604.82 KB, 1242x1141, 1242:1141, ED8742D1_8E69_4973_8CBE_B….jpeg)


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b0f830  No.10161948



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27a83d  No.10161949

File: a643a7d7804b78f⋯.jpg (24.93 KB, 613x399, 613:399, bidenmask.jpg)

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fe41c5  No.10161950


>where free speech ends and sedition begins

it is not a crime to yell "nigger" in a crowded theater.


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0b11bb  No.10161951

boycott china is not giving money to kikes. you know they don't give it to the people. jew bastards.

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6441e9  No.10161952

>>10161935 Only got two of your posts, are there more on this bread, mate?

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3b6325  No.10161953


running my mouth in here is the only thing that needs to be done at this point

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4ffea3  No.10161954

File: 0d8e339f3daa4f6⋯.png (505.64 KB, 800x546, 400:273, ithasbegun.png)

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f63095  No.10161955


Yup, age + experience.

DJR has the spirit of a LION, he'd make a great Senator, then POTUS.

Ivanka + Jared are both NYC Liberal Democrats, and Israel first.

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000000  No.10161957


psyop != bio-weapon

there's still no evidence China-Virus even exists.

Hint: Dead people rarely close their eyes when they die.

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be5645  No.10161958

File: 83241f04832513c⋯.jpeg (102.29 KB, 640x664, 80:83, mike_fake_beard.jpeg)

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3b6325  No.10161959



Obama RIPS Jesus in FIERY speech to Donors, says "love has always been an instrument of white supremacy"

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6975b1  No.10161960


You sure that's the real Lin Wood? I kinda doubt it.

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6ab224  No.10161961

File: d7d76109426cca1⋯.jpg (171.56 KB, 1391x888, 1391:888, i_can_be_funny_sometimes.JPG)


>yup! the larp that saved the world.


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fbbf4c  No.10161962


>Head of the Snake - Wexner, Maxwell’s, Mossad & Mega Group Exposed

THIS is a great video!

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7775bb  No.10161963

File: e9cbe071e399ec7⋯.jpeg (53.02 KB, 477x335, 477:335, zogpig.jpeg)

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fc0432  No.10161964


I miss pre-Cabal Atlantis, that's the only thing I miss.

And the folks in the Pleiades cluster.

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c5c689  No.10161965

File: 5fe1784a707f693⋯.jpg (45.76 KB, 978x374, 489:187, Capture.JPG)

India's Anti-Terror Body Arrests Six in Diplomatic Gold Smuggling Case

New Delhi (Sputnik): Last month, 30 kgs of gold, worth $2 million (INR 150 million) was seized from a diplomatic cargo addressed to a person in the UAE's Consulate-General by customs officials at Thiruvananthapuram Airport in Kerala.

India's anti-terror probe body, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested six people in connection with a diplomatic gold smuggling case in Kerala, a senior official said on Sunday. The number of people arrested in the case now stands at 10.

The NIA has also conducted a series of searches at six places connected with the case, including the home addresses of the people arrested.

"Earlier this week [30 July], our team nabbed two accused identified as Jalal A.M. and Said Alavi for conspiring with an already arrested accused Ramees K.T. and for smuggling gold through diplomatic baggage addressed to the UAE Consulate at Thiruvananthapuram," an NIA official said on Sunday.


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e31e04  No.10161966

File: d14547074f81f37⋯.jpg (40.93 KB, 566x441, 566:441, 4a54as.jpg)

Meanwhile in the SDNY.

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f1113b  No.10161967


if a senator from iowa does not talk about corn

the iowa people think he is a dc sellout

if he does not tell the city people about the difference between field corn and sweet corn

they will be thinking they are eating pig food

its sweet corn season and the main "comm" is to get people to go buy iowa corn

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80f468  No.10161968

File: b537b3832415465⋯.jpeg (390.67 KB, 644x1013, 644:1013, 60C9A6AC_696E_43D0_8C1C_9….jpeg)

File: b57bf7419a05ebd⋯.jpeg (171.9 KB, 758x795, 758:795, 31587970_4ED5_4763_9A36_1….jpeg)

File: 704b3009fe235b1⋯.jpeg (146.28 KB, 641x447, 641:447, 43AB0612_3AFE_4001_8A62_0….jpeg)


Pics out of order, 2,1,3

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578453  No.10161969


they look fine. anons would be all over you if they weren't ;)

see you at the top o7

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fe41c5  No.10161970

File: 8fb225758f34144⋯.jpg (88.16 KB, 927x613, 927:613, ns_72.jpg)


fut the wuk? i mean, even disregarding the classified hypersonic stuff…


>The WB-57 is one of only two kinds of aircraft in which crews can fly over 50,000 feet. The other is the U-2.

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95236b  No.10161971



Last Bread Notable with Reponses:

>>10161021 (lb)

>>10161021 (lb)

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5de3fb  No.10161972


I think the 'sex' with underage girls in a cover for the 'human sacrifice' that was going on at the Temple island.

somebody must have caught on to the human sacrifice going on , so the C_a charges Epstein with underage girls as a cover for what they really wanted hidden.

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e69ac8  No.10161973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Heroes of Western Civilization: 76 Years After the Warsaw Uprising

This video is embedded:

The White House


2-minutes•24,870 views•Aug 1, 2020

"The People of Poland, the People of America, and the People of Europe still Cry Out 'We Want God'"

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fbbf4c  No.10161974


>"love has always been an instrument of white supremacy"

How can that be cuz I'm white and I hate that mfer!

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563f82  No.10161975

File: db5711191777ecb⋯.jpeg (302.37 KB, 1345x1345, 1:1, 09E0AFE1_0FD7_4F85_81F7_E….jpeg)


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3b6325  No.10161976


Agree on the DJr thing

Not making a judgement on Ivanka and Jared tho

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44afa7  No.10161978


This Anon gets it

make the serfs prisoners in their own homes

steal their children if either the parents/ guardians test positive, or the child tests positive

cover their faces with masks & face shields & goggles

UGLY Assault on Humanity

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fe41c5  No.10161979

File: 023cff0db124365⋯.jpg (140.88 KB, 847x642, 847:642, snopes_jk_zarif.JPG)

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ec48cf  No.10161980



A root cause it happens there (and hundreds of places throughout the world is poverty- the economy.

Think about the priority Trump gives to a vibrant economy. 1. Get it going. 2. Clean it up and improve life for everyone.

It's complicated to fix, to actually improve the situation.

Except for the sick scum who are trying to protect their money, status and power.

Makes me sick to imagine sickos like Hillary or Biden as president. … or even on a school board or city council.

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3b6325  No.10161981


Militeri inteligonce

so smort

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000000  No.10161982


I knew that little white hair fruit-cake was a commie faggot. OUT! GET HIM OUT!

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523dc4  No.10161983

>>10161666 ← scary timing!

It was Fauci Gates Obama etc that funded Wuhan Lab and that Harved "professor".

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fbbf4c  No.10161984

File: bda906c32c967fe⋯.png (572.29 KB, 1232x2088, 154:261, JohnHereToHelp_election.png)

File: 3d1fdb1a5595c06⋯.png (196.08 KB, 616x1564, 154:391, JohnHereToHelp_Orders_Give….png)



/biden-gang-must-going-steal - 100%

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e893af  No.10161985


Nope, just two.

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8940ba  No.10161986


Farmers would feed chop to the pigs.

Surprised nobody picked up on that.

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9fc9ad  No.10161987

File: 516fbb17502deed⋯.png (431.75 KB, 740x804, 185:201, ClipboardImage.png)

why was this a notable with no sauce faggots?

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6441e9  No.10161988

Call out notables

WE are getting close folks

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4ffea3  No.10161989

…the return of the king. How about that… Thanks anons, how exciting!

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6ab224  No.10161990

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3b6325  No.10161991



Sexy mofukin plane

looks like a podracer or something


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c71dc1  No.10161992

File: 83f088b828acb8c⋯.jpg (74.54 KB, 888x499, 888:499, trump_spy_gun.jpg)

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e31e04  No.10161993

File: 5e2315590da3518⋯.png (93.88 KB, 323x412, 323:412, downloadfile_1_removebg_pr….png)


You miss your tranny.

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bbdd9a  No.10161994


verbatim-memory-anon I am not

Leviticus is where most of the law is

the parts of the bible dealing with Israel going astray and worshiping other gods

He used His own people as examples to every people and generation of what not to do.

They have always had a target on their back. And the tares will always grow next to the wheat, just like the founding of this country.

Puritans and satanist founded the USA, in general terms. We are no different than any other group in our guilt (ie Israelites). We have good and bad. Very good and very bad. And so do every other group or country, team or party, church or neighborhood.

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798bb9  No.10161995

File: 8b5d097c7d207a3⋯.jpg (230.02 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, DIANNE_FEINSTEINthumbup.jpg)



There was also evidence that Chen was following a method that has been used by other Chinese nationals to transfer foreign research and technology to the Chinese government, a press release from the U.S. Attorney’s office states.

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7775bb  No.10161996




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6ab224  No.10161997

File: e7693eb2d927052⋯.jpg (28.31 KB, 493x348, 17:12, q_is_milintel_pepe.jpg)


im actually not military intelligence, but its whatever.

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458e35  No.10161998

File: c81a19a947ee98c⋯.jpeg (826.13 KB, 1242x1825, 1242:1825, E623DF94_D808_4264_BF88_2….jpeg)


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6441e9  No.10161999


Call out notables and check em'

Notables are NOT endorsements


Baking in a bit

>>10161947 Fake news NBC claim on HCQ

>>10161870 US Strategic command tweet

>>10161714 Background information on Wexner, Maxwell, P Andrew, Israeli intelligence vid

>>10161398 The request for State from @SenRonJohnson @ChuckGrassley contact between State + Fusion GPS, FBI agents summer 2016


>>10161731 Meet Jeffrey Epstein’s gang of accused slave ‘recruiters’ - August 10, (2019)

>>10161702 White House web post this weekend: Heroes of Western Civilization: 76 Years After the Warsaw Uprising

>>10161698 UK Conservative MP arrested after aide accuses him of rape

>>10161674 DC Mayor Browser says Dems returning from Rep Lewis’ funeral exempt from quarantine

>>10161660 Pompeo: Trump to Act on Chinese Software Companies in Coming Days

>>10161638 Chinese Scientist leaks the truth regarding Covid-19.

>>10161611 Pompeo Drops a BOMB on Senator Feinstein – Outs Her Many Meetings with Iran’s Foreign Minister

>>10161604 NTSB recovering planes in midair collision near Soldotna that killed 7, including legislator and local pilot

>>10161599 (Feb 2020)Inside 'poor man's pedophile island' where children are delivered to sick predators' hotel rooms

>>10161537 Babylonbee on Biden for keks

>>10161519 Records request this week by Senate

>>10161466 (2019) From 'Spook Air' to The 'Lolita Express': The Genesis And Evolution of The Jeffrey Epstein-Bill Clinton Relationship

>>10161444 Brad Garrett “everybody loves raymond” Ellen Degenerate abused staffers!

>>10161422 Anons - diggs on tik tok?

>>10161394, >>10161935 Planefag REPORT (2) Special Air Missions and MAGMA89

>>10161376 Video breaksdowns the Mid-Air Collision near Soldotna Alaska

>>10161370 Keks in Dilbert HCQ

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b0f830  No.10162000


when bacon is secondhand cannibalism

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1b3e1e  No.10162001

File: c3cd4da40c9439e⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1007x669, 1007:669, Screenshot_2020_08_02_Weak….png)


Hurricane Isias is currently still battering the Bahamas and still expected to go up the Florida Coast. Sea would be too rough to land Dragon off eastern coast of Florida. Gulf of Mexico much calmer

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2264fe  No.10162002

File: 3071b4ef7f90c30⋯.png (1.03 MB, 3726x1923, 1242:641, iridium_u3fVr8J72R.png)


Good and trending up even.

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f63095  No.10162003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚊 Jews.

We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Shtetls.

We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔

Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

>Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

for ever, and ever, and ever.


🙏🙏🙏6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud🙏🙏🙏:


"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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e893af  No.10162004


>The WB-57 is one of only two kinds of aircraft in which crews can fly over 50,000 feet. The other is the U-2.

Kek, well we don't know who wrote that NASA page like that, or why. hahaha

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3b6325  No.10162005

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aa8198  No.10162006


Yea, this asshole!He was on one of the Sunday Political News shows spouting that bullshit. Talk about a sold-out traitor swamp rat.

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9b661b  No.10162007

File: 418a18508a8172a⋯.png (706.93 KB, 561x523, 561:523, ClipboardImage.png)


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808a55  No.10162008


Exactly. It's definitely a cover. And now anything else that may come out will just be dismissed as "conspiracy theory", because after all, the star witness didn't see any of that going on. She just saw "young" girls giving massages and perhaps having sex. Meanwhile, this shit and 10x worse happens in Hollywood and D.C. on a daily basis. Just about everyone reading about this was probably having sex at 16 and 17, so how outraged can they get? Not very. But if you tell them that little kids were being tortured and raped and sacrificed in satanic rituals, then this whole shitshow would end in a few days.

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0216c5  No.10162009


Focus on the dungeon/ tunnels and other q reveals that haven’t been discussed in the public yet. That’s where we are headed

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6b836d  No.10162010

Has Hillary Clinton been arrested yet?


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fbbf4c  No.10162011


>I knew that little white hair fruit-cake was a commie faggot. OUT! GET HIM OUT!



Isn't it 'funny' just how easily they out themselves as DS/NWO puppets?

We need to start a list! And add this POS to it! He even looks like a pedo!

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537370  No.10162012

Morality matters. How do you think all these Politicians/CEOs/Government workers got compromised? IMMORALITY.

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e893af  No.10162013

File: 97d9c303c155e26⋯.png (1.57 MB, 720x750, 24:25, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4d181  No.10162014

File: 33958d151e5dae6⋯.png (107.12 KB, 542x193, 542:193, Screen_Shot_2020_08_02_at_….png)

SpaceX Q & A

7 y.o Ayin asks….

2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein.

US loses space dominance.


IRAN Nuke deal.

NK Nuke/Missile Tech.


NASA Tech to ?

HRC SAPs (private server).


$$$,$$$,$$$.00 (pockets).


Left eye [marker].






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be5645  No.10162015


>I think the 'sex' with underage girls is a…

Abuse of innocence is the core of it. They believe that it is what makes them powerful.

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401232  No.10162016


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2f29c8  No.10162017


So many traitors in uniform.

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3b6325  No.10162018


In Germany we say "Jemandem die Leviten lesen" when you tell them how much they fucked up

translated "to read to somebody from the book of leviticus"


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523dc4  No.10162020

File: 513314d165ef3f4⋯.png (537.69 KB, 578x379, 578:379, ClipboardImage.png)



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6ab224  No.10162021

File: ef98bb4a7c546e0⋯.jpg (70.54 KB, 667x715, 667:715, coming_soon.JPG)

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5de3fb  No.10162022




I think it can be logically induced from the Q drops about SA/Clinton/Child trafficking that our c_a under Brennan and his predecessors were the ones in charge of trafficking of kids all around the world.

Epstein was reported to be in very good spirits and have not a care in the world when he was first found guilty.

Virginia Robert is most likely a liar and c_a, and Epstein gladly 'sacrifice' a slap on the wrist to protect the human sacrifice at the temple on the island.

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3b6325  No.10162023


spacewizard frog intelligence then i guess

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4ffea3  No.10162025


Like. Okay. Trump. Right.

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000000  No.10162026


welp, looks like schumer is balls deep in the tiktok scandal.

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3b6325  No.10162027


To make eeryone guilty?

Exept muslims?


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3b6325  No.10162028

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7775bb  No.10162029




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2a7874  No.10162030

File: 643f3b6feb001c4⋯.png (640.3 KB, 788x594, 394:297, ClipboardImage.png)


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e31e04  No.10162031

File: 119c56f87326f2c⋯.jpg (67.62 KB, 525x449, 525:449, kek.jpg)

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f2a3d1  No.10162032

File: 5d5c18b85c494a0⋯.png (327.25 KB, 602x535, 602:535, ClipboardImage.png)




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6ab224  No.10162033

File: 1e0215c37b91ba0⋯.png (635.84 KB, 652x576, 163:144, JOINTKEKFORCEUSA.png)


cannot confirm or deny

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ec48cf  No.10162034

>>10161999 (notables)


BAKER, Thread no. is #13003, not 4, right?







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2264fe  No.10162035


So much for the A-12/SR-71 family of planes. Unless of course they consider those to be spacecraft.

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3b6325  No.10162036


Go Go Anontron Infiltration Force

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523dc4  No.10162037

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93b422  No.10162039


Bonaparte was too short, too. So was Genghis Khan.

Your point?


No blue check? Seems odd.

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6441e9  No.10162040

File: 38f59d721bc6f02⋯.jpg (13.57 KB, 255x165, 17:11, 0748a973edd172fd771d4e47bd….jpg)

Save notable for next bread please!

Thank you

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cc40e8  No.10162042

File: 67d372c7c06d8dc⋯.png (584.87 KB, 1920x952, 240:119, ClipboardImage.png)

Aircraft Callsign "Anon" out over Gulf, West of Tampa…. Eyes on.

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3b6325  No.10162043


We need to break mockingbird control and start calling the child by its name





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d3987e  No.10162045

File: 9950b656846c5d4⋯.jpg (112.53 KB, 573x419, 573:419, grannies_bleeding_pedo.jpg)

File: 3cc25e909297a85⋯.jpg (44.26 KB, 506x377, 506:377, NOT_A_POLITICAL_CHOICE.jpg)

File: 6c50c1c608006cf⋯.jpg (66.09 KB, 550x366, 275:183, END_HUMAN_SLAVERY.jpg)

File: bd2b32e184471ce⋯.jpg (259.53 KB, 992x558, 16:9, ROYAL_SHARKS.jpg)

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d920ee  No.10162046


George Soros donated more than $100,000 to a PAC that supports St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner.

Soros, the prolific liberal donor, cut a check for $116,000 last month to the Missouri Justice and Public Safety PAC, which was created to support Gardner. Soros was the only donor listed on the Missouri filing.

As of Aug. 1, the group has spent $104,393 of the $116,000 that Soros donated, with $77,804 paid to Gardner's campaign directly, according to a Sunday report from Just The News. Gardner is facing a primary election in St. Louis on Tuesday.

Michael Vachon, a Soros spokesperson, confirmed the donation and noted that Soros has a history of supporting candidates who share his views on criminal justice reform.

Gardner caught national attention after she charged Mark and Patricia McCloskey for brandishing weapons after protesters broke down a fence and entered their private neighborhood last month. While the McCloskeys were hit with felony charges, Gardner opted not to charge protesters who had been arrested in June during the George Floyd protests.

Gardner has also been questioned for failing to disclose her travel outside of Missouri, as required by state law. According to a recent report from KMOV4, Gardner went on several vacations paid for by the activist group Fair and Just Prosecution without disclosing the trips.

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6ab224  No.10162047


yes, baker will be BAKING number 13004, as this one is 13003.

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5de3fb  No.10162049


> SA/Clinton/Child trafficking

I am beginning to think that if c_a was doing the trafficking of kids, they were using the same airlines they had for trafficking drugs.

The airline just changed its apparent owner and name from SAT to SA, Southern airlines.

Which would mean that SA may be Southern Airlines, probably still run by the c_a

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798bb9  No.10162051

File: fb98d0a87eed284⋯.jpg (57.29 KB, 750x498, 125:83, schumerweiner.jpg)

File: f7841595c3979c7⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 427x372, 427:372, weinerehud.jpg)

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f1f2ca  No.10162053


Thanks, Good Chuck

I was traumatized as a child by corn.

Pretty sure these tweets are forcing me to revisit suppressed memories about being forced to eat corn on the cob everyday for weeks while in season

Not that I don't like corn. Just that my folks had a habit of eating corn like it was a dessert, after we already ate dinner.

Don't think I'd mind as much if my stomach wasn't so full by the time I got to corn, but I'd get punished if I let food go to waste. So, I'd be forced to sit at the table for a considerable amount if time, not wanting to eat any moar, waiting to go play outside before dark, like a normal kid would, only to be too full by the time I was finished, as the days got shorter, and muh childhood slowly slipped away into the abyss of eternal clown world…

Glad our garden wasn't any bigger, 'Cause I'd probably have a lot moar problems

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bbdd9a  No.10162054


Cruz would be a good VP, you know, an ornament? I don't trust him enough for President. Not sure about AG either.

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5174a2  No.10162055

File: 9532026613deab5⋯.png (523.8 KB, 800x600, 4:3, spockfeel6.png)

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fbbf4c  No.10162056

File: 13c0cd377663ad0⋯.png (3.83 MB, 2564x884, 641:221, Les_Wexner_Epstein_Island.png)


>I think the 'sex' with underage girls in a cover for the 'human sacrifice' that was going on at the Temple island.

No one 'needs' a 10,000 sq' room, 8 stories below ground for 'rape'! I think you are correct!

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689c8d  No.10162057

>>10162013 kek "I need a big bong hit of adrenochrome."

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2f29c8  No.10162058


Yes. Where the fuck have you been?

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fe41c5  No.10162060

File: f2d18d863b370b0⋯.jpg (34.71 KB, 500x282, 250:141, tearsofaclown.jpg)



if Chuck agrees with Trump about anything China,

China must be proper fucked.

and Chuck is trying to get in b4 [controlled]

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000000  No.10162062


i bet she smells like moth balls

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2264fe  No.10162063


Bonaparte was actually of average height for the time. He was 5'6" by British measure, 5'2" by French (pre-metric).

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3b6325  No.10162064


Me neither. Probably just one of those conspiracies.

You wanna play summin?

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537370  No.10162065

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a85947  No.10162066


It was Man who was given the dominion over the earth, and only over the earth. When Man sinned, the creature that was the Serpent, took the dominion since the Man became his slave of sin. The Serpent couldn't "offer" any other realm but the earth since that was all the Man had in the beginning.

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fe41c5  No.10162067


without an audience, there is no show

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cc40e8  No.10162068

File: 6d4fc1b3f8b2d37⋯.png (876.52 KB, 1920x951, 640:317, ClipboardImage.png)


…and look at that crazy flight history…

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401232  No.10162069

Be B.E.S.T.

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7775bb  No.10162070

niggers stink

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3b6325  No.10162072


Do USA MIL INTEL kekforce spacefrog operations have privileges when they are in """"International waters"""" ??

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689c8d  No.10162073

>>10161978 An unforgivable outrage-these people are not on our side.

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7775bb  No.10162074


niggers stink

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4ffea3  No.10162075


eyes on.

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5174a2  No.10162076

File: 6fa9f212efc7fa9⋯.jpg (222.1 KB, 800x505, 160:101, FAKENEWS1.jpg)

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7775bb  No.10162078


Guess what?

You're right

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4ddfa7  No.10162079


Nigga be joyriding

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3b6325  No.10162081




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810ca9  No.10162082

File: e531e45bff481fb⋯.jpeg (330.9 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 1A9C4ADD_8AE1_4389_939B_2….jpeg)


fuck brennan

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fe41c5  No.10162083


okay, so when did this change?

will satan offer Trump America? or did that already happen?

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5de3fb  No.10162084


>Aircraft Callsign "Anon" out over Gulf, West of Tampa…. Eyes on.


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6441e9  No.10162085

File: a70bd32bb99ee6c⋯.jpg (57.27 KB, 530x707, 530:707, a70bd32bb99ee6c2ec2c51b48c….jpg)

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7775bb  No.10162087


Yes, I am. They really _do_ stink.

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2b24c3  No.10162089


you give almost no information about this supposed fire.

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7775bb  No.10162090


Sure do

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dd0b88  No.10162091


>the abuse of innocence (raping a child) is the core of it.

Why do they do that? It's the ultimate sin. The only sin in the Bible which will not be forgiven. They actually believe they are stronger than God.

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6441e9  No.10162092

>>10162068 cray cray

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1b3e1e  No.10162093


Notabled back in #12985

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4ffea3  No.10162094


I can't make sense of it.

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ec48cf  No.10162097



I could never come close to doing your job.

God speed.


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6441e9  No.10162099


13003 yes

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bbdd9a  No.10162101


I see. Very cool.

'To be read the law', is how an American might phrase it.

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cc40e8  No.10162102


That flightpath looks to me like KeyWest or GITMO direct…..

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7775bb  No.10162104

<testing on a dead bread


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bdf304  No.10162105

File: e015b22093c9543⋯.jpg (20.77 KB, 500x376, 125:94, 51156315_2003656963002976_….jpg)


I shot up three reefers this morning. Got them from Negro jazz musicians. Now for rape and to microwave poodles

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ec48cf  No.10162106

File: ace343453829e7f⋯.png (41.76 KB, 561x335, 561:335, x.png)


oops fergot graphic

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96efda  No.10162107


Without such domestic criminals and traitors, the nineteen Freedom Haters from the Faroff land, led by Osama BinKidney-Failure with his dialysis machine, laptop and sat phone in his cave to foil the greatest Defense system the world has ever seen, using box cutters, tin darts and lamp oil…

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d3987e  No.10162108

File: ea02e6a194a6e88⋯.png (283.95 KB, 600x416, 75:52, old.png)

File: 0a30875dc5ba157⋯.png (817.75 KB, 6568x2792, 821:349, 7_days_of_creation_Sitchen….png)

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fbbf4c  No.10162110


>So many traitors in uniform.

too many!

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7775bb  No.10162111

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80f468  No.10162112

File: d14df5b393f2cb3⋯.jpeg (119.54 KB, 828x1065, 276:355, F8D21C55_0C07_40B2_84D4_8….jpeg)

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b6e0c7  No.10162113

File: ff4fc50757ee1bf⋯.jpg (365.85 KB, 1200x674, 600:337, FeedHungrySheepBread.jpg)

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fc0432  No.10162114

File: 745bd0b0349619e⋯.png (755.43 KB, 2548x1368, 637:342, 745bd0b0349619ef19c9f455c6….png)

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3b6325  No.10162115



Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.), developed by Dr. M.T. Morter, Jr., is a non-forceful, energy balancing, hands-on procedure used to help reestablish the full healing potential of the body.

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f3b945  No.10162116



Just remember 13013 is BOB bread

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d3987e  No.10162117

File: ec263f29e732d74⋯.jpg (213.27 KB, 996x596, 249:149, Hangar_Ctesiphon_Iraq_.jpg)

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a85947  No.10162118



This Anon which you put on Notables list:


…..had more posts to go along with that one:




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27a83d  No.10162120

File: 0e1fad5932e6cdc⋯.jpg (76.94 KB, 513x487, 513:487, rtgsrtgs.jpg)

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7775bb  No.10162121


>nineteen Freedom Haters from the Faroff land


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3b6325  No.10162122


No deals.

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810ca9  No.10162127

File: e815a8016cf355f⋯.jpeg (57.27 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 2212CA83_4C47_44D0_8EDD_8….jpeg)

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2b24c3  No.10162128

fill old breads!

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2b24c3  No.10162131

fill the bread or it will be used later to screw with the catalog ordering.

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80f468  No.10162133

File: fc00d8e02878ff0⋯.png (3.7 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, B0489685_C69D_480A_B63C_9F….png)

File: 2c4cb41e7b66018⋯.jpeg (245.34 KB, 530x545, 106:109, F308507E_70EB_440F_B45F_2….jpeg)

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f1f2ca  No.10162136


You know what?

You smell like bologna

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e4d181  No.10162137





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810ca9  No.10162138

File: 3ac9888849c0115⋯.png (2.66 MB, 3360x1678, 1680:839, Screen_Shot_2020_07_29_at_….png)

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77316f  No.10162141

File: a004101d52f3717⋯.jpg (135.68 KB, 1026x927, 114:103, thought_you_would_never_as….jpg)


Are you sure ?

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810ca9  No.10162144

File: 26861388e9148b7⋯.png (2.8 MB, 1476x1856, 369:464, Screen_Shot_2020_07_30_at_….png)

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f63095  No.10162146


Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚊 Jews.

We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Shtetls.

We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔

Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

>Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

for ever, and ever, and ever.


🙏🙏🙏6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud🙏🙏🙏:


"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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523dc4  No.10162149



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