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File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, qanon_research.jpg)

5b8f50  No.10136151[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 07.30.2020

>>10134839 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Revolution

>>10133702 ————————————–——– Tucker: America is witnessing a brazen power grab (Cap: >>10133900)

>>10125999 ————————————–——– Do not mistake silence for inaction.

>>10125966 ————————————–——– "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."

Tuesday 07.28.2020

>>10110219 ————————————–—— NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING.

>>10110207 ————————————–—— INFORMATION WARFARE.

>>10110177 ————————————–—— Tucker opening from today (Cap: >>10113490)

Thursday 07.23.2020

>>10058962 ————————————–—— Catherine Herridge on FBI doc declas (Cap: >>10058986)

Wednesday 07.22.2020

>>10045084 ————————————–—— Next: more 'act of violence' frame-ups, #2 attacked topic [#1 POTUS] INFILTRATION NOT INVASION.

>>10044656 ————————————–—— INFORMATION WARFARE Q#4509

Monday 07.20.2020

>>10017824 rt >>10017535 ———————— General Flynn meme: A Real American Hero

Sunday 07.19.2020

>>10017199 ————————————–—— Anons take note. You have a rival (Cap: >>10017474)

>>10016912 ————————————–—— Acknowledged. God Bless America.

>>10016468 ————————————–—— *** Are you ready to serve once again?

>>10016309 rt >>10016299 ———————— Red X over photo of Wray

>>10016273 ————————————–—— Photo of WRAY

>>10015906 ————————————–—— Batten down the hatches

>>10015756 ————————————–—— ren·e·gade

>>10015372 ————————————–—— "Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint (Cap: >>10015638)

>>10015079 ————————————–—— Sunlight kills. v2 (Cap: >>10015116)

>>10015028 ————————————–—— Sunlight kills. v2 (Cap: >>10015087)

>>10011517 ————————————–—— [8.19.2018] August

>>10011231 ————————————–—— Follow for days ahead [DECLAS]. [note the pen]

>>10010219 rt >>10010141 ———————— Zero Delta

>>10009912 rt >>10009900 ———————— Mark Meadows on Spygate: "It's All Starting to Unravel" Video

>>10009902 ————————————–—— THE SWAMP RUNS DEEP. (CAP: >>10009935)

>>10009877 ————————————–—— Meadows signals imminent indictments in Durham probe (CAP: >>10009887)

Saturday 07.18.2020

>>10000273 ————————————–—— UNITY NOT DIVISION (Cap: >>10000310)


>>9999653 ————————————–——– 5:5? (Cap: >>9999740)

>>9999604 ————————————–——– At what point does it become painfully obvious? (Cap: >>10000633)

>>9996420 ————————————–——– Cap of prev Q and link to NY Post article: Epstein was a puppet (Cap: >>9996455, text: >>9996339)

>>9996171 ————————————–——– Do not give up the citizen investigation (Disney child trafficking references in plain sight) (Cap: >>9996184)

Fri 07.17.2020 >>10017993

Thu 07.02.2020 >>9967719

Wed 07.01.2020 >>9967734

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How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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5b8f50  No.10136158

Global Announcements

None at this time.

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10135403 The Hill Twats Cohen Gag order Lifting

>>10135452 Report: U.S. Will Have Half a Million Fewer Births Next Year Due to Pandemic

>>10135480 Google, Facebook Must Pay News Media To Publish Content Under Australia's New Conduct Code

>>10135482 COVID-19: Inslee order will shield private data obtained during contact tracing calls

>>10135488 Recommended letter for Virginia's father from POTUS. Nil, None, Zero, 0, Coincidences.


>>10135507 ABCU8: Opinion; 'Burning Books One Word At A Time'

>>10135509 Father whose penis dropped off became the first man to have a new one built on his arm

>>10135510 Ellen Show crew claim that she turned a blind eye to sexual harassment and bullying by top producers as she apologizes to staff amid probe into 'toxic culture' and hints she will fire people

>>10135530 Ghislaine Maxwell Had Sex With Teenage Girls on Epstein’s Island, His Former ‘Sex Slave’ Claimed

>>10135563 Trump vows to deploy National Guard to quell Portland's ‘beehive of terrorists’ if feds fail to stop unrest by ‘tomorrow’

>>10135574 All Countries Are Infected: US lawmakers demand 'immediate' action from Navy chief over alleged naval sex trafficking scandal

>>10135579 Stockfag: Gold Uppity

>>10135582, >>10135585, >>10135592, >>10135597, >>10135636, >>10135697, >>10135875 Gislaine Maxwell Archives

>>10135589, >>10135663 Streams Update

>>10135596 Tech hub Obama, Biden and Clinton helped Russia build set off U.S. intelligence alarms

>>10135603, >>10135609, >>10135624, >>10135635, >>10135644, >>10135673, >>10135863, >>10135899, >>10135953, >>10135960, >>10135962, >>10136074, >>10136079, >>10136081 The Best Is Yet To COME!

>>10135634, >>10135881, >>10135930 Militant Antifa Group Urges Deadly Violence Against Feds

>>10135645, 'The biggest fraud: Part 2 – The vaccine swindle’''

>>10135647 Command and Control of Ports

>>10135695 Another Setup: Trump Blamed After Democrat HQ Burned To Ground In Arizona. Police Claim Democrat Activist Responsible.

>>10135748 Does Breitbart News have a Pro Catholic Bias?

>>10135760 First dog that tested positive for COVID-19 dies in New York

>>10135778, >>10136054 Family of Vanessa Guillen announces legislation, demands change

>>10135812 Patreon Just Lost MAJOR Culture War Lawsuit

>>10135814, >>10135825 Sen. Duckworth, an Iraq war veteran, confirms she was interviewed by Biden team for VP slot

>>10135862 CDC Director Robert Redfield says threat of suicides, drugs, and more are a bigger problem for youth than COVID-19

>>10135865 Weatherfag: Isaias strengthens to Category 1 hurricane: US forecaster

>>10135900 The Q Nears: I wonder how much of our Nat Sec has been compromised by pedophiles in gov.

>>10135940 Underwater Traffick

>>10135976 Taiwan's former president Lee Teng-hui, who defied China and earned the nickname "Mr Democracy" for the part he played in the island's transition away from authoritarian rule,has died

>>10135983, >>10136013, >>10136018 Turtle Sinks Eagle

>>10136031 Rheuters Jumps on board: Ghislaine Maxwell documents are released, including Jeffrey Epstein emails

>>10136088 WV University Professor Sentenced on Fraud w\China

>>10136090 "Individuals with a cervix"…this is how loony Left CNN describe "women".

>>10136131 #12972


>>10134666 Judge grants over reach for Governor Polis' last call order for alcohol will remain in effect for at least another three weeks

>>10134678 Candace Owens seems happy to see Bill Clinton 'exposed'!

>>10134698, >>10134789, >>10134796, >>10134800, >>10134835 GODFATHER 3 Recap

>>10134744 Gislaine Maxwell unredacted Deposition

>>10134759 Smartass Repost all in one Kek

>>10134793 And Johanna has a youtube channel. 5 older videos. Seems inactive now.

>>10134928, >>10134936, >>10134939, >>10134942, >>10134947, >>10134955 Quick Reference List – Enemies

>>10134974 When is Midterms? Or Was?

>>10135110 NPC News: 'Mike Pence talked Dan Coats out quitting Trump administration'

>>10135350 #12971

Previously Collected Notables

>>10134577 #12970,

>>10132330 #12967, >>10133075 #12968, >>10133734 #12969

>>10130013 #12694, >>10130734 #12695, >>10131550 #12966

>>10127534 #12961, >>10128271 #12962, >>10129060 #12963

>>10125208 #12958, >>10126020 #12959, >>10126756 #12960

>>10122900 #12955, >>10123719 #12956, >>10124445 #12957

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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5b8f50  No.10136159

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/warroom/ Les Deplorables Platoon

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

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International Q Research Threads

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France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Deutsch #3 >>9941341

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

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5b8f50  No.10136160

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

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Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

PUT to Memes60 >>10031965 for the Warehouse

GET from Warehouse - tagged, sorted, reformatted, compacted ammo from memers and scouts

USE Catalog to access over >77,000 memes https://mega.nz/folder/VcZBSQpA#QyzqtX6hyKeUbNI6Nv2noA


* Hydroxychloroquine/HCQ COVID therapy/prophylactic. Make it OTC – https://mega.nz/folder/AdAgCKRD#mC2IVsbIJ4J2qD07Pf9jxA

* Big Pharma Prioritizes profit over health. Trump lowers drug prices – https://mega.nz/folder/9MplDKrS#2ErTJWcfFQA3scFeGu02hA

* Masks Useful or not? Mask to vote in person? Unconstitutional mask orders? – https://mega.nz/folder/sYQgTYwa#RIPJHhLMruz-7htXPeExyg

* Anarchy! BLM, Antifa, riots, violent protests, law & order, defund or support police – https://mega.nz/folder/oYYjwYiC#8OUQyoljn9zdMQxxzotINA

* Barr Attorney General Bill Barr – https://mega.nz/#F!wFpnBKhS!V3dZsLTQF1M69ZtBaIu1Xw

* China CCP Evil Chinese Communist Party – https://mega.nz/folder/FJRkzShR#psJQYVth_N2v_9AqvYLWxw

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar Baking Seminar #25 >>>/comms/21322

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting:

https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/

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5b8f50  No.10136165

File: 74be68949a46796⋯.jpeg (135.08 KB, 980x500, 49:25, Hand_Off.jpeg)

File: 881b8c2b99349f1⋯.png (786.16 KB, 734x489, 734:489, Handoff.png)




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ce4b5a  No.10136202


Are you asking for handoff?

if so, I'm replying

"Can bake"

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5b8f50  No.10136203


Wierd Error.

Didnt Show. Corrected.


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5b8f50  No.10136207


Acknowledged. Firmed


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def89a  No.10136211


>hand on

>hand off

Is this like that clapper gadget that turns the lights on and off when you clap?

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c3b1c1  No.10136214

File: c014dfdff63a663⋯.png (968.97 KB, 1024x806, 512:403, ClipboardImage.png)





>>10136080 last bread

TY for that one. Catholic girls can get it done.

>>10136200 last bread

Certified Genius right there.

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a8cf07  No.10136224


Nope. That takes an 8kun Gold Premium account, anon.

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ce4b5a  No.10136230


should have been red text

can bake

but i'm still sleepy, kek.

When i asked if there was a baker last bread, there was no reply.

Please ALWAYS reply is a baker asks

especially at the end of bread.

Looks like you had GHOSTED that bread earlier.

>>10135503 pb

You didn't sign back in again (as far as I can tell) and tag the ghost post or dough.

Gotta do that if you're gonna bake so bakers like me don't come along and bake a DUPLICATE.

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def89a  No.10136232

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cec241  No.10136236

i only post here because I'm not censored.

If Q has something to say she should stop speaking in parables.

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a8cf07  No.10136239



>>10136200 last bread

Certified Genius right there.

THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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5b8f50  No.10136240

File: 1221df052e42a40⋯.jpeg (327.69 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, QResearch_Bread_Family_Ba….jpeg)





>>10136230 We gots a regular bakers meet in here.

You all sort it out and hold it down. Just wanted to throw it out there. All yours!

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9960a8  No.10136241

File: c7c408f290378c9⋯.png (383.62 KB, 716x313, 716:313, Screenshot_2020_07_31_term….png)

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2443cc  No.10136242

File: 91ddeb4faca42ef⋯.jpg (4.72 KB, 161x50, 161:50, Screen_Shot_2020_07_31_at_….jpg)

to make sure we aren't late

the chinese consulate

will start to count

the vast amount

of ballots in the mail

it will be slow

cause we all know

the changes they will make

they fill a tick

to make your pick

then throw it in the pail

you were not told

you vote was sold

by an evil snake

we must say no

so we can show

the criminal deep state

we will all fight

with vicious might

to keep this country great

united stand

and hear the call

where we go one

we go all

God Bless America

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8e22cc  No.10136243


May as well call this “the wasted bread edition” the way it’s starting. Shill fest ahead?

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a8cf07  No.10136244


Tasty AF, no?

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a3e748  No.10136245

File: 3deaa720e7b054b⋯.jpg (177.66 KB, 720x1215, 16:27, n9kkgxkl05e51.jpg)

Is this real?

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bf172e  No.10136248

File: 768461b08050cb8⋯.png (426.21 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, Louie_Gohmert_Texas.png)

AG Barr tests negative for coronavirus after encounter with Rep. Louie Gohmert

Jason Lalljee, Kevin Johnson and David Jackson USA TODAY

Published 8:20 PM EDT Jul 29, 2020

WASHINGTON – Attorney General Bill Barr tested negative for the coronavirus Wednesday after coming into contact with a Texas congressman who has tested positive.

The Justice Department reported the result late Wednesday after being notified of the positive test for Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas.

The two had a brief interaction during Barr's appearance at a combative House Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday, said an official with knowledge of the matter. The official, who is not authorized to comment publicly, said it is not believed that the two had physical contact.

Gohmert joins a growing number of lawmakers to contract the virus. The Texas Republican has previously refused to wear a mask while speaking on the House floor, and reporters on Capitol Hill have frequently spotted him without one.

Gohmert was supposed to accompany President Donald Trump to Texas on Wednesday, but was scratched from the Air Force One manifest because of a positive COVID-19 test, an administration official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the incident involves the congressman’s health records.


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e867ea  No.10136249

File: 94f4aa4e0bf2b68⋯.jpg (49.76 KB, 472x645, 472:645, b5v4yw3c83bu.jpg)

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cec241  No.10136251





me out.I feel sorry for Ron.

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c418b9  No.10136252

File: 93e1ebf01d863a6⋯.jpg (5.6 KB, 98x109, 98:109, 1579175530130.jpg)


I'm here for the bitches.

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a8cf07  No.10136253


>Is this real?


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5b8f50  No.10136254


Check Notables Anon. They are there.

Better yet, Try it yourself. highlight it and copy to notepad where you paste or word or something.


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bf172e  No.10136255

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a3e748  No.10136256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


is POTUS talking about C19 vaccines, or Gitmo vaccines?

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77cdcf  No.10136257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ce4b5a  No.10136259


Now you ask

handoff confirmed?

and new baker (me) confirms.

THEN you acknowledge.

see below plz…..

Here is the protocol for handoffs, baker friend

From baking class today, in fact:

= = = = =


b1: baker seeking handoff

b2: can bake

b1: request for bin (mebbe)

b2: posts bin

b1: handoff confirmed

b2: acknowledged

when bakers skip the middle part, it's confusing. Also looks like a possible shill move.

= = = = =

Might take a look at that class - it's all about COMMS, kek.


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8a1718  No.10136260

File: 8a5c0ece7c35c37⋯.png (1.24 MB, 800x622, 400:311, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51e5f4256d93908⋯.png (2.37 MB, 800x1210, 80:121, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49318c86760327d⋯.png (856.72 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70226799d3c8940⋯.png (1.82 MB, 800x1200, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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a8cf07  No.10136261


durrr ur a faggot shill

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5b8f50  No.10136262

File: 93c8e8b8d25d37f⋯.jpg (13.17 KB, 235x255, 47:51, _Feels_Good_Man.jpg)


Alright Bakers This Baker is En route to Civilization Currently So. . . Bake.

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be8d28  No.10136263

File: 8a0132094dee970⋯.png (268.22 KB, 862x536, 431:268, g_docs.PNG)


Ghislaine Maxwell Documents Unsealed: Allegations Against Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Others — FBI Knew Had Evidence of the Crimes for Years



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5b8f50  No.10136264



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4a2a84  No.10136265

Perfect easy to swallow beginning to the flood. How do you defend Comey now? Clinton has been fried. Interesting to see what Hillary’s response will be. Dershowitz they will probably try to tie to Trump.

Question is….. was Barry in the club early enough to visit? Biden HAD to be included right? Or was he “smart” enough to stay away from this particular blackmail ring?

It’s 4am, I’d love to see those drops… this will only get worse.

Impossible to defend. - Q

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a8cf07  No.10136266


>Ghislaine Maxwell Documents Unsealed: Allegations Against Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Others — FBI Knew Had Evidence of the Crimes for Years



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ce4b5a  No.10136267

File: 703565284ff3dd0⋯.png (82.09 KB, 290x286, 145:143, baker_lucy.png)


handoff confirmed

I got the bread


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cec241  No.10136268


Then why did he want to hang out with me?

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c3b1c1  No.10136269

File: 2457990a27ca37e⋯.gif (1.11 MB, 500x375, 4:3, ezgif_com_rotate.gif)

>>10136235 last bread

You are one sick fuck. Best beware what you revel in because you will manifest what is before you.

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8e22cc  No.10136270


sis in-law anon says the test is like getting nose fucked. Hurt like hell. IDK 🤷‍♂️

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def89a  No.10136271


you're a comm

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85e16e  No.10136272

File: 9baf11b8de8f993⋯.jpg (43.54 KB, 780x440, 39:22, 3ghlvvgt8.jpg)

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c7cf0b  No.10136273

File: 0fb48069eed1fae⋯.jpeg (2.06 MB, 1651x2160, 1651:2160, CABB5D37_1865_4653_8649_0….jpeg)

Lot of connections from July 30th

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5df95e  No.10136274

File: 849c923c4b7e359⋯.png (45.96 KB, 501x389, 501:389, scuba.png)

Attachment 26.

Scuba + Little St. James


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e867ea  No.10136276


>FBI Knew Had Evidence of the Crimes for Years

Otherwise known as aiding and abetting

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3f81e0  No.10136277

File: eeef3191d9fec38⋯.png (865.95 KB, 640x977, 640:977, CE916750_16A7_4B11_829D_A5….png)


HW Bush and the Clintons were smuggling guns and drugs continually since the days of Iran-Contra… Obama continued the family business…

The biggest scandal in American history…


The Bush-Clinton empire and criminal succession.

“At a spring 2016 Republican debate attended by the Bushes, George H.W. “Poppy” Bush, looked directly at Donald Trump and gave him the “throat slit” gesture, the traditional threat of murder. The Bushes want the Clintons back in the White House.

Bush Sr. knows that the criminal empire he created, and still oversees, would be in reliable hands with the Clintons. They are family. The Clintons love “Poppy” Bush like a father. He is their crime godfather. Barbara Bush loves the Clintons. George W. Bush views Hillary Clinton as a sister-in-law.

“Poppy” trusted them with Arkansas in the 1980s, and with the White House in the 1990s, and he can trust them with the marching orders again. A Hillary Clinton presidency guarantees that all the things that the New World Order wants done will continue to get done.

The Clintons and Bushes have been criminal partners for more than 30 years. They and their colleagues have dominated the American government, the military-intelligence apparatus, the judicial system, the financial markets, and the banks. Their friends dominate the corporate media and Hollywood—the shapers of The Big Lie.”


Clintons, Contras and Cocaine:

“Just as the BCCI trail heads back toward Arkansas and a prime cash register for the Clintons, so too does another  long-running and explosive scandal within the state, involving money-laundering, drug-running and support for right-wing insurgents backed by the CIA.

By the mid-1980s, Arkansas was a crucial link in the contra war against Nicaragua being masterminded from Washington. One scheme for maintaining a cover-up for Oliver North’s network was, it appears, played out in the Governor’s mansion occupied by Bill Clinton.”



“In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.”

“…And while the pursuit may be shadowed in secrecy, from Latin American luxury hotels to car parks in Africa to the banks and battlefields of the Middle East, the impact is not: In this case, multi-ton loads of cocaine entering the United States, and hundreds of millions of dollars going to a U.S.-designated terrorist organization with vast reach.”


“The truth can go un-rescued for a long time… but, not forever”


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5df95e  No.10136278

File: 891f6ff05cfffb8⋯.png (77.21 KB, 487x582, 487:582, book2.png)

File: 4683c61bbd23747⋯.png (21.81 KB, 432x163, 432:163, book1.png)

Simpsons dick has nasty feet.

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b4dd99  No.10136280


What’s on that Weiner laptop

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a8cf07  No.10136281


>AG Barr tests negative for coronavirus after encounter with Rep. Louie Gohmert


Honeybadger don't give a fuck!

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be8d28  No.10136282

File: bbbffdddb390dab⋯.png (26.22 KB, 631x216, 631:216, skid_row.PNG)


Four men admit to paying homeless people in LA's Skid Row cash and cigarettes in exchange for forged signatures on ballots and voter registration forms

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704bf9  No.10136283


Maybe if you spent less time thinking about old hairy men you wouldn't get so hot and bothered by them, anon.

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5b8f50  No.10136284





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67ab57  No.10136285


I would welcome him explaining his actions face to face. Skipper would have a hard time explaining his actions. In fact there would be no justifiable explanation.

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8a7fb5  No.10136286

File: 24e17ade807ebd8⋯.jpg (120.66 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 49zhmo.jpg)

File: 5f1ca6764ac872f⋯.jpg (121.37 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 49zj36.jpg)

>>10136090 pb

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ce4b5a  No.10136287


Thanks baker.

Just had big discussion about handoff protocols.

It's a pretty formal procedure but ensures that there's clarity about the bake.


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a8cf07  No.10136288


>HW Bush and the Clintons were smuggling guns and drugs continually since the days of Iran-Contra… Obama continued the family business…


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be8d28  No.10136289

File: e05162d4ac3ed35⋯.png (456.53 KB, 928x508, 232:127, rec_cash.PNG)


Trump Recovers Taxpayer Cash On A $1 Billion Obama-Backed Solar Plant That Was Obsolete Before Ever Going Online

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8b36fe  No.10136290


Here I was waiting for Hussain and Kilary to hang live on Pay Per View and according to Qs Long Drop I have to wait till next season.

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3333ee  No.10136291

File: 9ccb81ad33320a7⋯.jpg (60.73 KB, 272x270, 136:135, 9ccb81ad33320a730c1ded5fbe….jpg)



Demons! Healed!

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89ec6d  No.10136292

File: dcb0e5aa2bfddeb⋯.webm (1.36 MB, 352x640, 11:20, asdf8.webm)

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219975  No.10136293

File: 179a9bd459d3ef9⋯.gif (9.82 MB, 720x556, 180:139, 179a9bd459d3ef9f4055badd4d….gif)


Very Nice Anon!!


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a8cf07  No.10136294


>Four men admit to paying homeless people in LA's Skid Row cash and cigarettes in exchange for forged signatures on ballots and voter registration forms


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fe8579  No.10136295

File: 3d4b60fa5b3a5dc⋯.jpg (18.47 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Voting.jpg)

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4a2a84  No.10136296


It is really happening isn’t it? August/September/October surprises lined up. Fantastic. Burn these motherfuckers at the stake I cannot wait!

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be8d28  No.10136297

File: 1d936c8aa3669cf⋯.png (355.45 KB, 868x500, 217:125, every_play.PNG)


Every Player On The Jazz And Pelicans Kneels During The National Anthem

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bf172e  No.10136298

File: bc4cb8f323fa7b6⋯.png (212.39 KB, 674x379, 674:379, origins_sea.png)


Haven't had it but heard They go deep with the swab …brain deep. Its not uncommon for them to cause a bloody nose. I wonder if they are intentionally trying to infect with comped swabs.

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bd0391  No.10136299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



(not me)

Please make that shit global for keks and truthbombs

It's fuckin' funny AND educational.

What a ride…

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e867ea  No.10136300

File: 6a9dfc6335fe1d6⋯.gif (736.26 KB, 320x211, 320:211, CAN_YOU_FEEL_IT.gif)





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9cd4d7  No.10136301

File: c4f87b91fc97ae3⋯.webm (2.95 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, oops.webm)


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5df95e  No.10136302

File: 937bf27807b53f3⋯.png (21.3 KB, 491x177, 491:177, book7.png)

Clooney again

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be8d28  No.10136303

File: d7cb9a5000b63f3⋯.png (165.01 KB, 694x301, 694:301, rush_on_goo.PNG)


Rush Limbaugh: Google ‘Essentially Trying to Erase Breitbart’

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a8cf07  No.10136304


>Trump Recovers Taxpayer Cash On A $1 Billion Obama-Backed Solar Plant That Was Obsolete Before Ever Going Online


Billions, Trillions, Quadrillions,…

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def89a  No.10136305

File: 5ec154a2b2b7338⋯.png (925.5 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 5ec154a2b2b7338aa525c7705a….png)

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657f98  No.10136307

Trump’s comments today regarding the election had two purposes. One was to start a discussion on voter fraud with mail in ballots. The second and more important reason was to set the Democrats up as the election nears. Biden is becoming increasingly unhinged. An internal source says that not only is Biden talking to dead people but is making policy decisions based on those discussions. His decision to select Kamala Harris as his V.P. is grounded in his discussions with his dead brother. As the election gets closer Biden will drop out because of his dementia or it will be revealed Biden is a pedophile. His running mate Harris has a video of her having sex with Willie Brown on Chirstmas eve. Once Biden and Harris are blown out enter Hillary Clinton and Stacy Abrams, who is the Governor of Georgia, in what remains of her brain. Hillary will be taken out because of the Weiner tapes and Abrams who was involved in criminal behavior that takes her out. So close to the election the Democrats will have no viable candidates and will go batshit crazy to cancel the election till they can put together a team with a chance. This will go down in flames and the Democrats with the assistance of renegade military elements will attempt an overthrow of the Government. Remember Trump understood that you appear weak when you are strong. Back to work and read the tea leaves they are right in front of you. By the way I believe there is less than a 10% chance of an election based on this and other things.



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cec241  No.10136308


I did contract work for the people that put Bush and Clinton in office.

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704bf9  No.10136309



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ce4b5a  No.10136310


provided wrong link from baking class, kek.

here's the right one:


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be8d28  No.10136311

File: b8c2e4a6e3a76bf⋯.png (576.15 KB, 913x545, 913:545, aclu_vid.PNG)


ACLU Sues Portland Police To Block Them Videotaping Protesters

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c3b1c1  No.10136312


Yeah, but the show is like a Howard Stern knockoff. And Howard Stern sucks.

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c418b9  No.10136313


>that's right plebs, pay no mind to me and my gore videos im just a shill haha

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704bf9  No.10136314

File: ed25ac4eb28423f⋯.png (1.25 MB, 848x1078, 424:539, 1511264779144.png)


Haha I forgot all about space jesus

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3b53b1  No.10136315

File: dc33f8875dfbe33⋯.jpg (16.75 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 00a68edb3b13e7a4299b96f833….jpg)


please look below


The other bread has been reported.

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a8cf07  No.10136316


>Rush Limbaugh: Google ‘Essentially TryingFailing to Erase BreitbartTrump’


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efb2f3  No.10136317

File: 6ae34db4363cbf6⋯.png (206.95 KB, 272x254, 136:127, ClipboardImage.png)

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cec241  No.10136318


He wanted to hang out with me I didn't want to hang out with him.

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147172  No.10136319

File: 1d23e1dc2092b46⋯.jpg (64.63 KB, 735x919, 735:919, 698954ad8313f8fadee4af55c4….jpg)

You are lucky if you have kids.

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67ab57  No.10136320

Any anons have any spam calls from DC recently? I have had three since I looked up contact pages for DoJ, FBI and NTSB on Sat. No coinkydinks.

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c3b1c1  No.10136321

Roll call anons. As long as we got the shills going. How many of you were here last night to see Q get doxxed?

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8e22cc  No.10136323


first her eyes turned into Niagara Falls and the swab came out bloody. Her words…..

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4a2a84  No.10136324


Kek! Trump vs the Libertarian woman whatever her name is. There’s no law saying the Dems have to run a candidate.

Man I need to sleep but this is just too good.

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e867ea  No.10136325

File: 9bdaa3f881adb4f⋯.jpg (597.3 KB, 1600x1098, 800:549, Look_closely.jpg)

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be8d28  No.10136326

File: 378203b1ccf3eed⋯.png (740.79 KB, 930x642, 155:107, resp_n.PNG)

File: af797f60464a15c⋯.png (329.36 KB, 595x282, 595:282, ms_d.PNG)


Feinstein: China Is ‘Growing Into a Respectable Nation’

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1bb862  No.10136327

File: 8440abb1dab092a⋯.png (318.92 KB, 577x474, 577:474, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c63277a9585f99⋯.png (363.87 KB, 482x476, 241:238, ClipboardImage.png)

DNC Approved Changes to Quaker Oats

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a3e748  No.10136328

File: 7787bffa5d3fd8f⋯.jpg (134.68 KB, 698x754, 349:377, dc_courts_delayed_1.jpg)

File: e447a739cc4a8b7⋯.jpg (63.59 KB, 679x362, 679:362, dc_courts_delayed_2_v2.jpg)


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fe8579  No.10136329


Pretty sure the world is getting doxxed.

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3f81e0  No.10136330

File: a4d205bed46450c⋯.gif (5.28 MB, 477x640, 477:640, 12251902_08BD_4774_A845_E1….gif)


"BREATHES there the man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native land!

Whose heart hath ne'er within him burn'd, As home his footsteps he hath turn'd From wandering on a foreign strand!

If such there breathe, go, mark him well; For him no Minstrel raptures swell; High though his titles, proud his name, Boundless his wealth as wish can claim; Despite those titles, power, and pelf, The wretch, concentred all in self, Living, shall forfeit fair renown, and, doubly dying, shall go down.

To the vile dust, from whence he sprung, Unwept, unhonored, and unsung."

Sir Walter Scott

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cec241  No.10136331


I asked Bush's pilot. So they are evil right? He said yes.

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3333ee  No.10136332

File: 2be314f0fc8a348⋯.png (807.45 KB, 1278x948, 213:158, 07312020t1.png)

Another roadside conspiracy


Proponents of the deranged QAnon theory take to Wisconsin's


"QAnon is a baseless, far-fetched conspiracy theory that fuels dangerous corners of the far right. But I may have found a small, inconsequential use for it.

I won’t go into much detail about QAnon so I can avoid amplifying the message. In short, QAnon supports the idea that a deep state including political elites, executives and movie stars—who are all pedophiles and get high on a chemical compound derived from child torture—runs all government, business, media, and Hollywood. Adherents to the theory believe President Trump is coordinating with the U.S. military to stop them.

It’s really out there and people are getting banned from Twitter for spreading it. A Twitter account supporting the effort to recall Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway shares QAnon stuff too.

I’m not interested in QAnon but I am interested in completing the Alphabet Game while driving with my daughter. The object of the game is to find, in order, words on signs that start with each letter of the alphabet. Q is usually one of the harder letters to find—you get no help from Kwik Trip and its stylized spelling. Enter the roadside QAnon shrine we recently saw on Interstate 90.

Pro-Trump signs often dot the shoulder of major roadways, particularly when traveling through counties that voted for him. Some of those signs are professionally produced and others are kitschy DIY projects. While driving recently —I want to say we were somewhere on 90 between Wisconsin Dells and Mauston —we saw a homemade Trump poster stuck to a tree off the side of the road. In between “Trump 2020” lettering and American flags, the sign had a big “QAnon” printed on it. Boom! QAnon. That’s Q! Now be ready because you’ll probably see R, S and T all together on the next sign.

By the time I realized what I was seeing, we were already zipping by too quickly to snap a picture. So, I recognize the irony of telling you there’s a conspiracy theory sign next to the highway but not having any evidence. This display isn't nearly as well-documented as one of the other roadside oddities on this stretch of interstate, the "For Sall" sign. But if you’re in the area and need that Q, keep a lookout. And if there are any future right-wing conspiracy theories in the works that might inspire similar roadside shrines, it would be really cool if they could start with X. If the grand American tradition of conspiracy theories must continue to poison our public discourse, it might as well have unintended benefits for the grand American tradition of car games."



Why you so crazy, Qanon? kek

"Another"? Who is this clown?!

That's odd because I been all over man and I do not recall ever

pulling off the exit and bumping into a conspiracy "theory"!

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be8d28  No.10136333

File: 1e89e6294ea77d0⋯.png (22.29 KB, 656x249, 656:249, h_mouth.PNG)


PERSECUTED Chinese ambassador to UK claims Uighurs aren’t in concentration camps but being retrained as artists and estate agents

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a8cf07  No.10136334


>ACLU Sues

No. Americans are going to sue the fuck out of ACLU's existance with the rest of the scum when full truth is learned about C19….SOON!

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4a2a84  No.10136335


I saw the bickering. Q is going to doxx himself soon enough anyway, assuming it isn’t a person with a cervix.

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cec241  No.10136336


I am walking distance from Nixons beach house.

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be8d28  No.10136337

File: 601944a29c517f8⋯.png (31.46 KB, 651x246, 217:82, colors.PNG)


REVEALED: Obama raised sex assault allegations against Trump and slammed his 'nativist, racist and sexist' agenda during virtual fundraisers for Biden that have included George Clooney

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0376a3  No.10136338


Go play in the street, little boy.

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704bf9  No.10136339

File: 231f1238ba314d3⋯.jpg (25.27 KB, 525x350, 3:2, space_jesus.jpg)

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e867ea  No.10136340

File: e58cfc2596302ba⋯.jpg (35.82 KB, 417x350, 417:350, 65brewvtc4vye6ur.jpg)


>Q posts tits with a timestamp

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5df95e  No.10136341

File: 14cdc3462ffa182⋯.png (22.56 KB, 487x203, 487:203, andrew1.png)

File: a853bed3e27de81⋯.png (28.32 KB, 498x218, 249:109, andrew2.png)

File: 6a2b26303dfd4eb⋯.png (171.31 KB, 1105x700, 221:140, andrew3.png)

Andrew stuff

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657f98  No.10136342


Kek, the chinks really need to learn to lie better. Maybe the DNC should step up and help their allies with that.

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be8d28  No.10136343

File: c0ceb61bd23ac24⋯.png (174.98 KB, 489x376, 489:376, 1776.PNG)



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4a2a84  No.10136344


Hahaha! Oh God I would love it.

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bd0391  No.10136345

File: eea856434ac1d81⋯.jpg (9.42 KB, 255x254, 255:254, reeeeeeeeee.jpg)


These people hate Howard Stern too..get familiar with Compound Media and Anthony Cumia, the owner of the company..he was on Sirius and got fired because muh racism. Watch the show. btw..Q even posted a tweet by Anthony Cumia right after Don Jr. was on his show.

Fock outta here.

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9cd4d7  No.10136346

File: b9b848263e30cd4⋯.jpg (61.05 KB, 500x556, 125:139, trump2020.jpg)

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be8d28  No.10136347

File: 40e209c1a119053⋯.png (448.25 KB, 853x721, 853:721, big_t.PNG)


Big Tech censors debate about hydroxychloroquine

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a8cf07  No.10136348


>REVEALED: Obama raised sex assault allegations against Trump and slammed his 'nativist, racist and sexist' agenda during virtual fundraisers for Biden that have included George Clooney


movie gettin guuuddde

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704bf9  No.10136349

File: 0161f9311270d99⋯.jpg (31.27 KB, 324x324, 1:1, space_jesus_card_rb475467c….jpg)

File: 22683b504592dc8⋯.png (79.62 KB, 200x268, 50:67, Spacejesus_1_.png)

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4a2a84  No.10136350


I hate/love this woman.

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bf172e  No.10136351

File: ca3e24b98a2d850⋯.png (804.1 KB, 1660x934, 830:467, barr.png)

…interesting read.

Letters to the Editor — William Barr, Texas Education Agency, Big Tech, John Lewis, Pete Sessions, Republicans

Barr’s mission accomplished

Re: “Barr, Dems spar over protests, Russia probe — AG defends use of agents, intervention in cases,” Tuesday news story.

Quote of the day to the House Judiciary Committee: “This is a hearing. I thought I was the one who was supposed to be heard.” — Attorney General William Barr.

Democrats did everything they could do to deny Barr the courtesy of time to respond to their questions. Barr sat through five hours of aggressive and rude behavior on the part of House Democrats, much of it with congressional representatives barely allowing him to get a word in edgewise. When allowed to respond, Barr’s answers were clear and concise and proved that he was in complete control of the hearing, much to the chagrin of House Democrats on the panel.

The Democrats’ search-and-destroy efforts to make Barr the political linchpin of the Trump administration were a miserable failure. Barr’s no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners approach, combined with his stoic manner, turned the hearing into a mission accomplished for him.


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ce4b5a  No.10136352


tanks anon for noms, you're really on it.


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a8cf07  No.10136353


>Big Tech censors debate about hydroxychloroquine


"We Are The CURE"

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be8d28  No.10136354

File: 1f5c5fd94f8b503⋯.png (29.79 KB, 832x290, 416:145, sch_out.PNG)


Dinesh D'Souza: Antifa is a direct outcome of university education

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4009fe  No.10136355


Had it done today.. only took 10 seconds in each nostril.. Goes in about 1.5 inches.. It tickles and is annoying af.. whole process took 2-3 minutes.paper work and id check.. took the most time.

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cec241  No.10136356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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000000  No.10136357

Judge Orders Patreon to Pay Owen Benjamin Fans Millions of Dollars In Massive Blow to Tech Censorship

"Owen Benjamin and his fans have prevailed in their legal battle with Patreon.

According to reporting by Mike Cernovich, the Judge in the case has finalized a ruling ordering Patreon to pay at least $10,000 in arbitration fees to Benjamin and 100 of his fans."



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b905ad  No.10136358

I was thinking about the torture to create multiple personalities and I suspect each of them in the club has an alter/alters.They don't just do this to others, they do it to their own children.

Look at GWB. One of his alters is most likely a prepubescent boy with a crush on Mike. It would also explain the childlike pose in front of his desk playing with planes.

Clinton. The pic of him in the blue dress points to his alter being a very self assured woman. It might also explain Bill's blank look in an old vid.

In addition to these sexual alters there are probably some pretty capable alters for day to day but they probably need someone to prod them now and then (handler).

I'm sure there are other examples but I don't want to speculate too much. It may explain away some of the facial differences as well. Sometimes when a different alter takes over it can change facial expressions, making someone appear older or younger or whatever.

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ce4b5a  No.10136359


ok i'm listenin….

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be8d28  No.10136360

File: 6f163ba9f12a4df⋯.png (19.76 KB, 738x224, 369:112, ex_post.PNG)


Exclusive: Trump's ICE chief Matt Albence leaving post

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c3b1c1  No.10136361

File: 57a6b0212ef8dad⋯.png (20.67 KB, 733x566, 733:566, ClipboardImage.png)



They sure come rushing in when Q drops. And then hang around for a while. Next bread was 185 IDs. Anon imagines that just mentioning it sends the shills scurrying off to dig into past breads. Say what you want about the poster. But anon knows this. Q is very, very, intelligent. And if there is one shred of evidence available online that is a possible vector then Q is aware of it and willing to accept the possibility of it getting dug up. It was interesting though. Thought provoking in fact. My two cents. o7

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a3e748  No.10136362

File: 12af9a994683445⋯.jpg (165.44 KB, 927x500, 927:500, 49wcsd.jpg)



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bd0391  No.10136363



She's gorgeous.

She carries 120 pounds sandbags up a mountain.

It's a full hour of awesome.

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704bf9  No.10136364

File: f061029fa72c3d4⋯.jpg (712.05 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, PSX_20200730_222241.jpg)

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be8d28  No.10136365

File: 5b5fd648d64232d⋯.png (479.75 KB, 675x715, 135:143, plane_host.PNG)


Jeffrey Epstein hosted Bill Clinton on his private island, documents reveal

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c418b9  No.10136366


Make me you fucking tough guy faggot.

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b05437  No.10136367

File: 0876662178a6afb⋯.png (661.39 KB, 1141x570, 1141:570, ClipboardImage.png)

Can some anon explain this to me please? I'm not disputing any of it but I just don't get it.

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3333ee  No.10136368

File: 336e3305b67b60c⋯.jpg (13.1 KB, 442x293, 442:293, mike_rogers_nsa.jpg)


Ya know, one of my pet theories is that the Gods like to come here and talk shit about themselves so anon's will rise to their aid and if I didn't think this way I might do the same yet most of the time it takes all I have to simply keep my sides from splitting open as I laugh my fucking ass off! kek!

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be8d28  No.10136369

File: a5b63722be273eb⋯.png (457.92 KB, 660x610, 66:61, cons_org.PNG)



Court docs detail Maxwell’s ‘constant’ orgies with young girls on Epstein’s island

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fe8579  No.10136370

File: ec1a4dda486f70e⋯.jpg (73.87 KB, 500x665, 100:133, SIC.jpg)

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01e6b4  No.10136371


Why is this new news. I guess MSM actually reporting it is.

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cec241  No.10136372

Q it's too late.

No way will the justice department file this close to the election.

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be8d28  No.10136373

File: b05a8ee3d4cefae⋯.png (470.37 KB, 783x655, 783:655, van_full.PNG)


Seattle Mayor Again Blames Trump After Rioters Blew Open a Police Station Using a Van Full of Explosives

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961f34  No.10136374



So this is a shill. And a jew. One of those pedo jews. He's angry at Dan. Daniel. Nathaniel. For erasing the jew pedos and exposing them.

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da3bfa  No.10136375


Wasn't there a dumb conspiracy theory doing the rounds a few years back that a dumb playboy called Donald Trump would actually win the Presidential election?

That was fun for a time, but eventually sanity won out in the end when good citizens actually went to the polls.

But that's why conspiracy theories, especially baseless, deranged ones, can actually be dangerous. People actually believe in them. People actually thought Trump would glide down an elevator just coz they saw it on Simpsons - Kek.

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67ab57  No.10136376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3b53b1  No.10136377

File: 824437542d0382c⋯.png (177.57 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 824437542d0382c0a5debbec8d….png)


Baker here

Can bake


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bf172e  No.10136378

File: f6914588f44806d⋯.png (100.07 KB, 474x263, 474:263, those_arent.png)

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4a2a84  No.10136380


Fuck me your ID is fantastic. Also a high candidate for Q ofc.

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cec241  No.10136381


Trump got screwed again.

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b541d5  No.10136382

File: f2d33b3648f51ca⋯.jpeg (3.7 MB, 1920x3437, 1920:3437, 9DF6A4A9_1894_4E24_83C7_0….jpeg)

File: 9d25cbd3696f55a⋯.jpeg (156.75 KB, 1401x1442, 1401:1442, 4B959EE0_923D_4BB8_8605_2….jpeg)

Cross posting from half. TL;DR - confession by Epstein’s driver, nice larp or notable.

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657f98  No.10136383


Dammit, when are terrorism charges going to be filed against these idiots?

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be8d28  No.10136384

File: fa797c5e82cdd5d⋯.png (396.02 KB, 789x669, 263:223, last_q.PNG)


Insanity Wrap #17: Bill Gates Demands, 'Silence, Disgusting Peasant!'

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ce4b5a  No.10136385


Not seeing another bread unless catalog is weird again. Previous bread, yes.


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01e6b4  No.10136386


If I ate a ham sammich near a mosque i would get charged.

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e867ea  No.10136387

File: 45d7b1064c42bda⋯.jpg (202.47 KB, 1365x910, 3:2, tfw_always_deceiving.jpg)


Oh no….it's over. This time for sure!

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fe8579  No.10136388


That's worse than deplorable, is it?

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cec241  No.10136389


So were you against Trump or for Trump?

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332e74  No.10136390


Not even good. By the end it just looks like a hit piece against Roger Stone.

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c3b1c1  No.10136391

File: 785333c87cec802⋯.png (711.95 KB, 800x646, 400:323, kek.png)

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704bf9  No.10136392

File: 5b458a5ee7a5a08⋯.jpg (69.73 KB, 235x287, 235:287, PSX_20200730_222833.jpg)

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da3bfa  No.10136393


Weirdness is the new normal.

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478b6c  No.10136394

Suicide weekend.

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3ff3e1  No.10136395

File: 946bf09236e54d6⋯.png (26.49 KB, 427x222, 427:222, andrew5.png)

File: cf2ee112b955841⋯.png (49.94 KB, 498x402, 83:67, andrew6.png)

File: f306db02c0cc800⋯.png (47.91 KB, 499x401, 499:401, andrew7.png)

More Andrew

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9a532b  No.10136396

File: ca07901aea66c93⋯.png (198.14 KB, 376x230, 188:115, ClipboardImage.png)

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3b53b1  No.10136397

File: a70bd32bb99ee6c⋯.jpg (57.27 KB, 530x707, 530:707, a70bd32bb99ee6c2ec2c51b48c….jpg)


Correct, it is all guud.

We have a clean and tidy kitchen.


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3ff3e1  No.10136398

File: 41a7acd16e402c1⋯.png (60.8 KB, 496x488, 62:61, security.png)

Security system

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ce4b5a  No.10136399


wanna see article before notabling - daily mail is kind of a rag, is there anything new?

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c3b1c1  No.10136400

File: c74c61f20af82ef⋯.png (952.13 KB, 665x589, 35:31, c74c61f20af82ef7bcebc2dfe4….png)


Alright, calm down anon. I'll take a second look.

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11abe9  No.10136401

Ghislaine Maxwell Documents -another format on doc cloud


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fe8579  No.10136402


I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

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cec241  No.10136403


When did it go well for a Republican?

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b541d5  No.10136404


And the Romney family

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3ff3e1  No.10136405

File: be221fd2fb729ae⋯.png (11.37 KB, 481x108, 481:108, symbols.png)


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e867ea  No.10136406


You need to go deeper

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bf172e  No.10136407

File: 21f97a220fb718c⋯.jpg (492.39 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, field_5155976_1280.jpg)


>That was fun for a time, but eventually sanity won out in the end when good citizens actually went to the polls.


There was another one saying that trusted British entertainer and all round charity hero the late Sir Jimmy Savile was making a bit fast and loose with the ladies, but we all knew he was close friends with the Royal Family and politicians, and must have been vetted many times, still some nutters used to say he was a wrong 'un. I think they project their own sickness on famous people.


>I'm sure there are other examples but I don't want to speculate too much. It may explain away some of the facial differences as well. Sometimes when a different alter takes over it can change facial expressions, making someone appear older or younger or whatever.

That fits, a good actor or actress can do that (good meaning talent, not personal values). Glenda Jackson & Charlize Theron can pull this off, be completely different people. I also read people’s voice and speech pattern, especially women, can be frozen at the age they were abused.


I needed that, thanks anon.


>>Q posts tits with a timestamp

Big melons, nips point outwards, "Q" moniker suddenly explained. Brrrr.

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85e16e  No.10136408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Now all the Portland kids are bored and just wandering around. They don't seem to know what to do. Groups are apparently jumping people and have set several fires in the street. Haven't seen the Oregon State Police all night.

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de47a8  No.10136409

>>10134839 (LB notable Q)

Hello Q!

Glad, Eternally Grateful that I was allowed to be here, on earth, at such a time as this. I hope I can serve in whatever way will help POTUS, our country, the world.

As someone once said "What a time to be alive"

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ce4b5a  No.10136410

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f48508  No.10136411


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332e74  No.10136412

File: 00ce237c02f41f6⋯.png (109.45 KB, 432x338, 216:169, gates_vs_musk.png)


You gonna take that from that fucking nerd, Elon? Go push Gates's face in a toilet and flush it repeatedly.

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b05437  No.10136413

File: 1562bc3d8b49452⋯.png (848.06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Dis haf negrow be lookin' old, tired and skeered. I like it.

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4a2a84  No.10136414


I fuckin despise the government for all the reasons we have been here. I don’t like the idea of mass surveillance, fiat currency, shit I hate seat belt alarms, I always say it sounds like tyranny. So, I’m skeptical of all of this based on what comes next. But… clearly the enemy was in control for too long, if Patriots are really in control now it’s not as if we could win by running Leonard Peikoff for Prez and cutting everything including our military.

I just pray we really return to a representative republic and avoid the fate that, frankly, we deserve. God bless all of the people that have fought / died for this moment to be here.

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ce4b5a  No.10136415


I'm already baking, baker.

Tanks anyway.


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a8cf07  No.10136416


>Jeffrey Epstein hosted Bill Clinton on his private island, documents reveal


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6c326f  No.10136417


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d4e4b9  No.10136418

File: 4e8632a46df1b43⋯.jpg (196 KB, 291x372, 97:124, 20200731_043242.jpg)

If you thought anyone was a pedo just by looking at them, it's this guy.

>Marvin Minsky

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3ff3e1  No.10136419

File: cb435bf073133bb⋯.png (35.1 KB, 502x279, 502:279, circlej.png)

Russian girl circle jerk.

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a8cf07  No.10136420


>Court docs detail Maxwell’s ‘constant’ orgies with young girls on Epstein’s island


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bf172e  No.10136421

File: f751aea2839addc⋯.png (245.38 KB, 524x372, 131:93, stickin_with.png)

Hydroxychloroquine: Researchers publish scathing critique of Henry Ford study touted by the White House

Global COVID-19 cases surge by 2 million in 8 days

CCTV Script 29/07/20

CNN logo Hydroxychloroquine: Researchers publish scathing critique of Henry Ford study touted by the White House

Researchers on Wednesday published scathing critiques of a study President Trump repeatedly touted on Twitter. That study, published earlier this month in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases, claimed to show that hydroxychloroquine saved lives.

President Trump tweeted about it enthusiastically.

"The highly respected Henry Ford Health System just reported, based on a large sampling, that HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE cut the death rate in certain sick patients very significantly. The Dems disparaged it for political reasons (me!). Disgraceful. Act now," the President tweeted on July 6.

But the study had multiple errors, flaws and biases, according to letters to the journal's editors.

"As a result of the flaws in the analysis the conclusions reached in [the study] are invalid," Graham Atkinson, an independent consultant in health care policy, wrote in one of the letters.

The study was conducted at the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit. It contradicts many other studies, which have found the drug does not help Covid-19 patients.


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961f34  No.10136423


Lots of Jew names.

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cb3d97  No.10136424

>>10133847 (PB) poster of this still here? Rick Joyner…Knights of Malta…any other info. Reason why you posted him? thanks

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657f98  No.10136425

File: bedffd609af4973⋯.jpg (633.62 KB, 3166x1879, 3166:1879, goojfcard.jpg)


Too many of these have been issued.

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48f39b  No.10136426

File: 1e94165693534e2⋯.png (3.95 MB, 2160x2160, 1:1, PosterMaker_1596184478018.png)


This meme is going places

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3333ee  No.10136427

File: 37a8046f707b100⋯.jpg (12.96 KB, 213x255, 71:85, 2_PEPE_TRUMP2.jpg)


Hey, that is a nice id!

Nope, just a terribly comfy nobody from nowhere yet if I don't get some meritous service awards, silver stars and some other fancy ribbons and shit and a hug from POTUS! this will not end well for everyone! kek!

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cec241  No.10136428


Don't tell me what to do. its the same shit over and over again.

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e867ea  No.10136429

File: 39610c70d8db5f1⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 480x264, 20:11, Ogre.gif)






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3b53b1  No.10136430

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8e22cc  No.10136431

Welcome to the “Romper Room Bread Edition”.

Have fun, reminds me of chicken catching.

Lots of running in circles…..oil hot?

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3333ee  No.10136432

File: 640991c170825e5⋯.jpg (6.87 KB, 285x177, 95:59, 3k24jh2kjh2kj2hkj234h.jpg)


Hey! wait a minute!

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c418b9  No.10136433


Antifag lieutenants were probably told to back off for now, leaving the useful idiots to shuffle around without direction.

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fe8579  No.10136434

File: 28d95023cf6ee4d⋯.png (32.39 KB, 1200x1748, 300:437, AAAAA.png)

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4a2a84  No.10136435


I never thought he had a chance kek. Until he actually won the nomination. Then I didn’t even bother getting up to vote, just kind of figured we were screwed either way. I was still rooting for him though whatever that is worth, if not for the joy of watching the liberals freak out.

Sometimes life is so insanely unpredictable.

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cec241  No.10136436


Flabby boobs rib bones are gross, hair is a mess , filthy room.

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332e74  No.10136437


It would be pretty fucking funny watching those two attempt to brawl, you gotta admit.

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48f39b  No.10136438

File: bbc94d21d8232e5⋯.jpg (1019.49 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, image3A15151370_Glitch.jpg)



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ce4b5a  No.10136439

past bread:

>>10135812 Patreon Just Lost MAJOR Culture War Lawsuit

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4a2a84  No.10136440


I’ve gotten some awesome IDs in the past, sometimes I think they’re like winks from the big homies behind the curtain.

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be8d28  No.10136441

File: 2fe569be03fa6f7⋯.png (225.37 KB, 847x518, 121:74, fired.PNG)


Emergency Room Dr. Simone Gold Fired from Hospital After Attending White Coat Summit — Says She Has Hired Lin Wood to Represent Her (VIDEO)

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0ead18  No.10136442

File: bdb9c002427993c⋯.png (5.18 KB, 474x118, 237:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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da3bfa  No.10136443


Reads like a novel… a racy novel of badly written sex scenes.

Are some of these people really 'victims' or fantasising groupies?

Still think some of this Epstein stuff is designed and prepared to 'give closure' to the Pedophile chapter without needing to go into the darker stuff We believe is hidden in deeper places. Much younger victims, no survival rates, no payments or gifts.

I'm still waiting for revelations about that stuff, and won't be satisfied or pacified until truth about that level of pedophilia and violence and murder comes out.

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8e9145  No.10136444

Juicy Links List Continued





















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a8cf07  No.10136445


>Emergency Room Dr. Simone Gold Fired from Hospital After Attending White Coat Summit — Says She Has Hired Lin Wood to Represent Her (VIDEO)


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bf172e  No.10136446



Hey how come I have the same ID as you? Tor browser?

My post: >>10136407

I'll log out, you seem more relevant.

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be8d28  No.10136447

File: de32b45719ecf6f⋯.png (659.06 KB, 861x581, 123:83, just_2.PNG)


FBI Finds Two ‘Material’ Errors In Audit Of 29 FISA Applications. The Carter Page FISAs Had 17 ‘Significant’ Omissions


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4a2a84  No.10136448

Oh btw anons, we know where Rachel Chandler is these days?

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b05437  No.10136449


Great tune by Motorhead.

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0ead18  No.10136450


in the face of the use of the holocaust lie she

remained silent, actually commending the speaker.


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a8cf07  No.10136451


>FBI Finds Two ‘Material’ Errors In Audit Of 29 FISA Applications. The Carter Page FISAs Had17‘Significant’ Omissions


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3ff3e1  No.10136452


Completely agree.

Red herring for the rest of what's going on.

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c3b1c1  No.10136453

File: 692572fcb211437⋯.gif (1010.9 KB, 400x297, 400:297, based.gif)



The field was shit show. I've said it many times before. Look. I've suffered through decades of this bullshit and I've read Atlas Shrugged. So I was a Rand Paul supporter. Rand Paul dropped out. It literally took me about ten seconds to decide that I was throwing everything I have behind Trump.

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0376a3  No.10136454

For those who have read the docs thus far, is there any mention of Dersh in this dump? He's got to be scared shitless about what's to come.

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cec241  No.10136455

there is a blogger on the internet that tells what happens at the Bohemian grove.

It is way more sick than you could ever imagine.

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bf172e  No.10136456

File: 4dbf96cf8c8cd0c⋯.jpeg (28.71 KB, 474x273, 158:91, killery.jpeg)


Why Is Dr. Stella Immanuel Talking about Demon Sex? A Professor Explains

(RNS) — When André Gagné heard Stella Immanuel, a Trump-supporting doctor, talk about demon sex and hydroxychloroquine, he knew what she was talking about.

At least the demon part.

“That’s essentially Genesis Chapter 6,” said Gagné, professor of theological studies at Concordia University in Montreal. Or at least one interpretation of the passage.

In that chapter of the Bible, spiritual creatures known as the “sons of God” look down on human women, find them to be good-looking and decide to sleep with them, leading to the birth of a group known as the Nephilim. All of this behavior eventually culminates in the Flood.

Immanuel, a doctor and the head of Fire Power Ministries, made headlines this week — both for her medical claims and her beliefs about spirituality and conspiracies involving aliens— when she appeared in a video promoting hydroxychloroquine to fight COVID-19.

Gagné said he can’t comment about conspiracies. But the professor, who studies Pentecostal and charismatic Christians, said Immanuel’s spiritual beliefs sounded familiar.

Immanuel appears to be connected with African Pentecostal and charismatic church movements, where the spiritual world and the physical are closely connected.

What happens in the spiritual world affects the physical world in that belief system.

“It could be sickness, it could be prosperity,” he said about how the spiritual world might influence everyday life events. “It could be things around infertility. It could be anything. That world has an impact.”


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ce4b5a  No.10136457


see >>10132202

Hey newsfag,

Appreciate your contribution but can you check qresear.ch to make sure your stuff isn't already notabled?

see >>10132202

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0ead18  No.10136458


i trust people that slander me, daily.

cuck. yes!

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fe8579  No.10136459

One thing that has affected my life a fair bit is the whole human meat thing. Surely… there are no human products in our food as of today 2020. A lot of speculation out there. Time I got the truth on this one. Fk it bugs me.

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a8cf07  No.10136460


>alex jones

is faggot

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be8d28  No.10136461

File: 727d79d80c69b7e⋯.png (39.42 KB, 1190x229, 1190:229, penn_bal.PNG)


Here's What Happened When a Reporter Experimented with Mail-In Ballots

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48f39b  No.10136462


Not the girl, the text.

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000000  No.10136463



Obama Unleashes on Trump Privately as He Raises $24 Million for Biden

Barack Obama has spoken candidly about President Trump to party donors, bringing up the sexual assault allegations against Mr. Trump and warning of his efforts to push “nativist, racist, sexist” fears.


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be8d28  No.10136464


try doing that after working 60 hours already this week anon

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bcce80  No.10136465


I'm sorry to inform you but you will have ingested human products in your food

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0376a3  No.10136466

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fe8579  No.10136467


Pure faith on this one.

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da3bfa  No.10136468


Where are the counter-studies that show demonstrably that ventilators did NOT help recovery from Covid? That is to say, the procedure didn't always work and in many documented cases, hastened death.

But still the go-to treatment?

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efb2f3  No.10136469

File: ada7baaee803561⋯.png (1.13 MB, 938x611, 938:611, ClipboardImage.png)


The tunnels under the island don't seem to be mentioned anywhere in the docs

Doesn't that seem odd, considering she's talking about everything else?

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bf172e  No.10136470


Shared gateway / proxy tor.

Hive mind anomaly-magic on the kun…habbens all the time.

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c77e13  No.10136471

File: 98e863ed56b95d7⋯.jpg (40.87 KB, 1017x678, 3:2, download_85_.jpg)


Just finished reading all 47 of the unsealed pdfs that were unsealed today.

I'm left with an undeniable feeling that…Prince Andrew is a complete fucking idiot!





Literally a prince.

Think about it.

Could have found any other gorgeous young woman to have a consensual relationship with.

But, blinded by his retarded tiny mind, he fell into an obvious under age blackmail trap.

This is the end of the royals.

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aa080d  No.10136472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You are my brothers-at-arms.

And I love you unconditionally.

It is time for us on the right to break through the programming and conditioning we are so accustomed to.

The fate of our country is not up to others but to ourselves.

Choose victory.

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be8d28  No.10136473

File: 1a5dd4669ea3489⋯.png (24.79 KB, 827x301, 827:301, ore_well.PNG)


With silencing of speech, is America entering Orwellian territory?

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b9604e  No.10136474

Oh, we are going all the way back to Johanna? Fun times sir.

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a8cf07  No.10136475


>Why Is Dr. Stella Immanuel Talking about Demon Sex? A Professor Explains


Nephilim? Read the bible. God wins.

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cec241  No.10136476


I was in communication with him until I couldn't take it anymore. These people are way more sick than you could even imagine. worse than cutting off a Childs face.

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e867ea  No.10136477


Well we all know who is to blame don't we? The Christ Killers of course. The thousand (and then some) year plague


One faggot that probably hasn't had to open a jar in over 30 years and another faggot with glued on asshair. Sounds great

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3ff3e1  No.10136478

File: 30c8f053423daff⋯.png (32.61 KB, 496x293, 496:293, clinton1.png)

Clinton party

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b905ad  No.10136479

What if the threat of GM's release Monday causes 'suicide weekend'? I went deeper with that train of thought and began to wonder if the reason we haven't seen any big name arrests is because he is setting it up for this BIG release. Imagine you're a criminal. You've done some very bad things and it's finally coming out. Do you kys? Do you run (everyone knows what you did.) You won't be able to walk down the street. Do you turn yourself in, plead for protection and a guilty plea? Final option: You take as many as you can with you.

Some will suicide, some will give up in shame (too cowardly to kts) …some will try to run. Regardless, all three options end with their death or incarceration.

I assume the good guys know what's in the release and who is in it. They just have to sit back and wait for them to make a move. Go in with their sealed indictments when they start crying like babies.

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0ead18  No.10136481

File: 1e47d850bd3482a⋯.png (765.64 KB, 625x838, 625:838, ClipboardImage.png)


re-runs of Petticoat Junction?

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ce4b5a  No.10136482

This is already in notables - and there's a much more extensive article, not just a headline. Consider doing fewer pieces with more info that are not yet in notables, plz.


see >>10132643

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4a2a84  No.10136483


We are coming up on the weekend aren’t we?

I kind of expect the the last weekend of August to be it. There were 3 posts with that phrase and we are passed the other two. The next one was around 8/27 I think in 2018. I’m too tired to scroll through the imperfect qmap search to find the exact date but that’s a Thursday this year.

Would be poetic justice if the Clintons went out that way.

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bf172e  No.10136485


Its all fake and they are knowingly miss informing public.

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fe8579  No.10136486


Same shit mate. If there are practices out there like that, they need to be exposed and shut down. Fk me. This is simple stuff. What am I missing?

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be8d28  No.10136487

File: cab1ba244103e11⋯.png (24.15 KB, 1333x175, 1333:175, cia_targ.PNG)


In dramatic expansion of Russia probe, Senate investigators target CIA, State records

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3ff3e1  No.10136488

File: f1cd746d23df310⋯.png (50.04 KB, 504x424, 63:53, ad.png)


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77abd7  No.10136489


You cannot be held morally or spiritually responsible for what you didn't know and would never accept. The sin is upon those who contaimanated the food. But yes, l-cysteine in some bread comes from human hair.

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657f98  No.10136490

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fact: How Much Foreign Aids Go Into China's Pocket? | UK | Australia | US Trade | Japan | Germany

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48f39b  No.10136491

File: c04b9c7381575d6⋯.png (5.55 MB, 1734x3084, 289:514, PosterMaker_1596185304535.png)


To the moon, Alice…

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bf172e  No.10136492


News unlocks

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fd55d6  No.10136493

Fun times.

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000000  No.10136494


What's the extent an Anon could engage the lying sack of shits who are putting out fake information on HCQ in an effort to kill us without actually breaking the law?

Could an Anon call them and tell them they're sick, twisted assholes or would that be considered harassment? I know threats are off limits, but if we could each call once, I'd be inclined to dig up some phone numbers on these piles of human excrement.

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fe8579  No.10136495


Well tell everybody on the TV.

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be8d28  No.10136496

File: e1d8a68816c8560⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1196x798, 598:399, force_this_one_Q.PNG)

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cec241  No.10136497


Alex jones job was to make Bohemian grove look like a frat party not a child rape and sacrifice cult.

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ce4b5a  No.10136498


>Weirdness is the new normal.

That's why i just said I'm not seeing it.

(Could be there for all i know - like a magic trick, now ya see it now ya don't)

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a8cf07  No.10136499


>News unlocks


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c418b9  No.10136500


That's DUMB-level shit, likely highly classified. I know they say "unredacted" but that's bullshit, they're not letting that be known yet. DUMBs connect to other DUMBs so those tunnels probably led to what are technically US government facilities. This shit implicates basically the entire US military/industrial complex in a massive human sex trafficking/slavery/murder network, not coming out right now.

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3333ee  No.10136501


Do you think that most of us just came here simply because we had hope?

No, no, we Saw, we Seen, shits happening and that's why many of us started monitoring the action and now we cannot turn away.

The list is long and I will not repeat it now.

Get more! Read all the drops and reread them.

Click the links, read the articles, the tweets etc etc. If all I had was hope I would have left long ago.

God Bless us all, Fren.

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478b6c  No.10136502

August <24 hrs

Bring the heat.

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bf172e  No.10136503


…class action lawsuits perhaps?

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0ead18  No.10136504

File: 2514bade10ccce5⋯.webm (2.82 MB, 427x320, 427:320, 1595778543649.webm)


The Assumption is August 15th.

Ironic potential = NO SCOPE! +420

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ce4b5a  No.10136505


need to see the article

anything new or not?

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3ff3e1  No.10136506

File: 02de4435a90ae2e⋯.png (30.5 KB, 478x247, 478:247, baby.png)

Baby fever.

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aa080d  No.10136507


eyes on

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cec241  No.10136508


I couldn't handle it I deleted all contact with him.

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ce4b5a  No.10136509


article needed to check it out (anything new?)

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a8cf07  No.10136510


>Alex jones job was to make Bohemian grove look like a frat party not a child rape and sacrifice cult.

Well spoken, anon. A lot know before 2015 his gigg and questioned his every move over 20 years as do anons today. Totally Outted!!!

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be8d28  No.10136511

File: 7ded7255b56866f⋯.png (10.6 KB, 1016x125, 1016:125, ga_talk.PNG)


GA Congressional candidate Marjorie Greene talks about masks, race, QAnon and more

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1b89bf  No.10136512

File: 0eb3871f980c4db⋯.png (168.35 KB, 680x425, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2e0b1efa153751⋯.png (463.81 KB, 900x506, 450:253, ClipboardImage.png)

Who Killed Citizen Cain?

Steele's Novichok Again?

Hate mongers glory in Cain's death blaming his stance on masks as cause, muh covid- some sniveling racists calling him uncle tom, ignoring his illustrious accomplishments entirely but Cain does fall into a trend that's become obvious.

Any prominent high profile man speaking out publicly in exercising their inherent rights encouraging others to follow suit, against the mandate of communist regime are suddenly dying. What are the odds Cain was another?



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efb2f3  No.10136513


Right… but if Ray Chandler could have access, access with a phone, not to mention all the people on the channels, I don't think it would've been military level secure.

Either that or Ray's photo was taken somewhere else.

I lean toward the latter.

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478b6c  No.10136514


Hussein On Trial

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219975  No.10136515

File: 2fbc2f9aaa629b8⋯.gif (1.46 MB, 320x480, 2:3, 2fbc2f9aaa629b82b8c91c012b….gif)


Forecast calls for



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fe8579  No.10136516


Ya scared about how people will react. It's better than current grocery shopping and just knowing it's probably real.

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696fca  No.10136517

File: d4e77ddd3365acc⋯.png (285.37 KB, 572x542, 286:271, Screen_Shot_2019_03_09_at_….png)


thinking the same thing

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b905ad  No.10136518


>I also read people’s voice and speech pattern, especially women, can be frozen at the age they were abused.

Most of what I have read indicates that most alters remained a fixed age.

Not to get creepy but GWB altering to a small boy that never ages is probably quite the catch for someone with that particular taste.

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77abd7  No.10136519


Has anyone seen "You Were Never Really There" (ex military with PTSD kills pedos with hammer, on hire from the kid's families). There's a scene just like those cameras in it. It was based on a novel, the camera scene is brutal. One can never tell with Hollyweird if it's revealing or bragging, or just stealing ideas from what gets discussed online.


So long as neither of us touched the peepee, we good. I'll always treasure our time together, anon.

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a8cf07  No.10136520


“Ghislaine, myself, Jeffrey, another girl in this blue, outdoor — I don’t know what you want to call it. Cabana, that … just a bed could fit in,” she added.

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696fca  No.10136521


doesn't make any sense

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3333ee  No.10136522

File: 136bdecd2f4a773⋯.jpg (8.19 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0_CLOCK.jpg)


Who wants to know and why! kek!

Sure I got's all kinds of files backed up, saved offline and 3 friends have access to the file on the cloud and if I ever get suicided they will release said file to all major media outlets as well as every foreign government worldwide…

I am sorry, what were you saying? kek?!

[P] controls the Knights of Malta…

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b51550  No.10136523

Alan Dershowitz


I demanded release of all documents because they contain emails and manuscripts proving in Guiffre’s own words that she never met me. I knew they would repeat her false accusations against me, Al and Tipper Gore and others, which her own lawyers admit are “wrong”.

1:50 AM · Jul 31, 2020·Twitter Web App

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fe8579  No.10136524


I also think Usara or whatever it is will be compensation for the people.

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023eb2  No.10136525

File: 3838832716ca770⋯.png (330.87 KB, 1063x683, 1063:683, cPWI8Xs.png)

Cover is easy.

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a8cf07  No.10136526


>Who Killed Citizen Cain?

>Steele's Novichok Again?


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961f34  No.10136527


R.Chandler probably took the picture from on-site security room. Anon here dropped reference in this bread.

So it's not military level security, private level Epstein had installed.

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77abd7  No.10136528


>Reads like a novel… a racy novel of badly written sex scenes.


>Are some of these people really 'victims' or fantasising groupies?

Thirded. Way too floral. Police statements and official descriptions are usually pared down to the point of over-simplification.

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aa080d  No.10136529

File: 738b59ffb4fe3b0⋯.jpg (129.94 KB, 800x842, 400:421, awake.jpg)


We know. Are you going to stop?

When you have no point of breaking you have already won the battle. Think BUD/S class hell week.

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c418b9  No.10136530


What's in that picture is probably not part of the larger network, likely still in the island facility. Photos of the gov DUMBs don't exist anywhere on the internet that I'm aware of, they'd be scrubbed immediately if they were uploaded. What I'm talking about is above Ray Chandler's pay grade, WAY above it.

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a8cf07  No.10136531


hi alan, up late?

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000000  No.10136532


>gets discussed online.

I like to write short stories and used to store them in my gmail account as drafts until one of them ended up on screen as a movie. They didn't even bother to change the name of the characters.

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961f34  No.10136533


Kek. Keep diggin that hole Alan. We will fucking bury you in it.

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eabe69  No.10136534

File: eef4689cec5d5c1⋯.png (1.11 MB, 2160x1215, 16:9, PosterMaker_1596185900384.png)

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cec241  No.10136535


Dudes with huge penises killing boys by raping them….. thats just the start it got way worse. It went to court. They didn't believe the children.

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fe8579  No.10136536



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a8cf07  No.10136537


>GA Congressional candidate Marjorie Greene talks about masks, race, QAnon and more


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62d365  No.10136538


Should be noted the passages before and after 5:19.

5:15 Drink water from your own well - share your love only with your wife.

5:16 why spill the water of your springs in the streets, having sex with just anyone?

5:17 You should reserve it for yourselves, never share it with strangers.

5:18 Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you, rejoice in the wife of your youth.

5:19 She is a loving deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts satisfy you always. May you always be captivated by her love.

5:20 Why be captivated, my son, by an immoral woman, or fondle the breasts of a promiscuous woman.

Honestly I would recommend just reading all of proverbs 5 yourself; some high value wisdom about avoiding immoral women.

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b905ad  No.10136539


That's why they fill them with cement. Not hide what was in them but to block access to other parts.

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aa080d  No.10136540

File: d8d69ba277a2752⋯.jpg (71.21 KB, 800x533, 800:533, sealhooyah.jpg)


We will never stop. We have already won.

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c3b1c1  No.10136541

File: 669fb88500641a9⋯.png (1.15 MB, 960x540, 16:9, 04_15_20.png)


Someone needs to meme Andrew as Humpty Dumpty with all the King's horses and all the King's men.

Get it?



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748d7d  No.10136542

File: 0cfe178ab9fe51a⋯.jpg (132.58 KB, 1024x772, 256:193, ssgfeogbwg.jpg)

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0ead18  No.10136543

File: 7b9d3925077949b⋯.webm (3.86 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1595770511022.webm)

File: 4ab164f4f8a4649⋯.png (807.87 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Screenshot_2020_07_30_gif_….png)

File: 835dfddfb586241⋯.png (990.05 KB, 1097x617, 1097:617, Screenshot_2020_07_31_gif_….png)

File: 5ad1f3fad6c4b71⋯.png (244.84 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, awesomedrawing.png)


>Surely… there are no human products in our food as of today 2020

been thinking same thing for quite some time

>as of Jan 2017+++

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9cd4d7  No.10136544


please help me.

what kind of degenerate posts that shit.

seriously, what are your motivations?

what do you hope to accomplish??

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bf172e  No.10136545

File: 9b5e3e1b76bb4ea⋯.jpg (10.28 KB, 225x224, 225:224, comfy2.jpg)

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ce4b5a  No.10136546

File: 4a553ca2aa8fa6d⋯.png (869.42 KB, 1813x796, 1813:796, check_the_effing_notables.png)


FBI Finds Two ‘Material’ Errors In Audit Of 29 FISA Applications. The Carter Page FISAs Had 17 ‘Significant’ Omissions

already notabled


please ck qresear.ch before nomming

thank you.

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77abd7  No.10136547


>[P] controls the Knights of Malta…

Thomas in Bridges & Maps latest (main catalog) is doing some diggs, my takeway was Malta = last currently standing bit of "Atlantis" but I may have misread.

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cec241  No.10136548


all the elitist thought it was awesome.

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fe8579  No.10136549

File: ef44f59cd0cf5a8⋯.jpg (18.68 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Kekpopcornstorm.jpg)

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000000  No.10136550


>…class action lawsuits perhaps?

I'm not all fancy, anon. I just want to call someone at 1am and tell them their fridge is running and they better catch it.

I'm a simple Anon.

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ce4b5a  No.10136551


sometimes anon

less is more

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3ff3e1  No.10136552

File: 5fce3d3c529f488⋯.png (47.94 KB, 563x690, 563:690, billicopter.png)


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eabe69  No.10136553

File: 4bb5678b5038012⋯.jpg (260.91 KB, 800x533, 800:533, PSX_20200730_230318.jpg)

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a8cf07  No.10136554


>Anons take: Just finished reading all 47 of the unsealed pdfs that were unsealed today. This is the end of the royals.


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cec241  No.10136555

The Bohemian Grove holds all the answers.

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c418b9  No.10136556


Exactly. Zorro Ranch is also surrounded by supposed DUMB locations, right in the middle of New Mexico which is for all intents and purposes one giant square territory of the [DS].

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cbdf09  No.10136557

File: 0cd05a8c52bfb0a⋯.png (16.56 KB, 627x203, 627:203, technofrogdrop.png)

File: 0cbe5f9b8a2dc8b⋯.png (94.59 KB, 504x445, 504:445, technofrogtweet.png)

File: 0c9cfac702ce394⋯.png (60.71 KB, 631x614, 631:614, technofogdrop1.png)

It's interesting to me that starting back in April, Q spotlighted the Techno Fog twitter account a couple of times, and now within the past 24 hours that Twitter account has gone "viral" in the MSM's coverage of the Ghislaine Maxwell court documents.

It's notable to me that even satanic cabal newspapers like the New Zealand Herald are posting direct links to the Techno Fog twitter account to flesh out the Epstein Island story.


So why is NZ Herald using Techno Fog of all possible sources to cover this story? Don't they have some mainstream media pundit to refer to? Is it relevant that Q spotlights that account in a drop where he says "sunlight kills"?

Have we entered the realm of "conspiracy no more"?

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a8cf07  No.10136558


>The Bohemian Grove holds all the answers

sure anon, sauce?

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ce4b5a  No.10136559

#12973 @310

>>10136248 AG Barr tests negative for coronavirus after encounter with Rep. Louie Gohmert

>>10136266 Ghislaine Maxwell Documents Unsealed: allegations against Prince Andrew, Clinton, others (FBI already knew)

>>10136277 Anon: HW Bush and the Clintons were smuggling guns/drugs since Iran-Contra era

>>10136282 Cali Ballot fraud revealed (homeless given cigs etc for signing ballots)

>>10136289 Trump recovers taxpayer cash on $1Bil Obama-Backed solar plant (already obsolete)

>>10136299 Tina Forte's Covid-19 story (vid–funny & educational)

>>10136303 Rush: Google ‘Essentially Trying to Erase Breitbart’

>>10136311 ACLU Sues Portland Police To Block Them Videotaping Protesters

>>10136332 Proponents of the deranged QAnon theory take to Wisconsin's highways (hit piece)

>>10136347 Big Tech censors debate about hydroxychloroquine

>>10136351 Letter to the Editor on Barr testimony

>>10136421 Researchers publish scathing critique of Henry Ford study (hit piece? ANONS DIG)

>>10136441 ER doctor Simone Gold fired from her position after 20 years after appearance at White Coat Summit

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4a2a84  No.10136560


10-4. I’m not newfag. Just suspicious of power and have an idea how these cults operate. Blame the fuckin psychopaths, I will never blindly trust anyone ever again, if I can help it. It’s hard though.

Unless you’re in the know, ultimately hope is the final leg all of this stands on. It has to be.

You do see the surveillance state right? And the monetary system we currently use? And a billion other things I could name that I’m sure you’re smart enough to figure out on your own.

Game this all out, even if everything pans out exactly how Q lays it out. Consider technology and the corrupt nature of power. It’s just a lot to process sometimes.

I’m also tired and need to retire for the night. I hope the movie ends the way I think it will. It would be the most glorious event in human history.

God bless y’all and goodnight.

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77abd7  No.10136561

File: 10d84211a6eb47a⋯.jpg (54.32 KB, 749x200, 749:200, hair_bread.jpg)


>Well tell everybody on the TV.

If you mean l-cysteine, search human hair bread additive pic related is what you get when you do.

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b905ad  No.10136562


Not all of it.

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c3b1c1  No.10136563


And there it is. The meme from which Snoots was lifted and placed at the bar in Toot's stead.

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fe8579  No.10136564


That kinda does make sense come to think of it.

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0ead18  No.10136565


stop it

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3ff3e1  No.10136566

File: 3d1bf8ceebb7ef8⋯.png (30.34 KB, 637x443, 637:443, email.png)


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c418b9  No.10136568


Here's hoping, I might have to head there in the near future.

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d6edd9  No.10136569

File: 751afec3499bd1b⋯.jpeg (8.45 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images.jpeg)

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000000  No.10136570


I mentioned this yesterday

Anyone would look at this and think, "Oh, I agree with that!" but the fact is this is as dangerous or even more dangerous than censoring. The title opens discussion, which is the precursor to action. A proper title would be, 'Americans WILL NOT slip into an Orwellian Nightmare!"

The way they subtly insert these articles into the public conscious is underhanded and deliberate. Try to reject these sort of messages mentally so you Anons don't submit yourself to unseen power.

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a8cf07  No.10136571


>thank you.

Glad you're checking, anon.


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aa080d  No.10136572

File: 8ba473e3497dfb2⋯.jpg (82.21 KB, 1000x558, 500:279, SEALstjohn.jpg)


Up from a sub 60 feet below

Scuba to the surface and we're ready to go

Breast stroke side stroke to the shore

We hit the beach and we're ready for war

K-bar grease-gun by my side


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cec241  No.10136573


Sauce would put us in prison.

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c3b1c1  No.10136574

File: 5e873c8f4d9ccd2⋯.png (394.27 KB, 498x499, 498:499, snootsdrink.png)



I offer up the original Snoots.

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3333ee  No.10136575

File: 748134ee739060d⋯.png (617.32 KB, 1840x770, 184:77, within1.png)

File: bbff9db619fbd6f⋯.png (356.31 KB, 998x365, 998:365, WWG1WGA1.png)


Either that or…..

Maybe they are marking us for reeducation!?!?!?

I am not paranoid! kek


Brother, we are in this together yet we have enemies within so please do not be confused when a sword comes flying passed your head…

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01e6b4  No.10136576


only one of many

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fe8579  No.10136577

File: 7b9a5eadc66b8ee⋯.jpg (10.37 KB, 175x255, 35:51, Voting1_png.jpg)

Disclosure: Just picked this outta my collection without reading it.

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762bc7  No.10136578

File: e3a70bbd642c62f⋯.jpg (32.58 KB, 601x368, 601:368, 2020_07_31_045702.jpg)

Good Morning Frens!

Logging in to Twat, I thought I'd check this poll we were losing last night and sure enough… WE CHANGED IT!

Nice work!


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63e121  No.10136579

File: 5e1899e67fbb2cd⋯.jpeg (259.59 KB, 1800x1198, 900:599, 2A7A72F3_A864_4DBB_B442_0….jpeg)

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d6edd9  No.10136580

File: 78f2625aa6a845c⋯.jpg (257.43 KB, 1000x558, 500:279, PSX_20200730_230906.jpg)

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a8cf07  No.10136581


>stop it

Its okay, hillary the pain will stop when you quit breathing.

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aa080d  No.10136582


Singin hoo-ya-hey

Runnin daya


Just another easy day.

Just a commie-killin day.

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0ead18  No.10136583



who writes this stuff?

this is so fucking hopeless at times.

just look at this place.

censor city.

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3333ee  No.10136584

File: 0dc28cd09f9d44d⋯.jpg (266.51 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, EcGgYT5XkAAsc2T.jpg)


I would say that we see all of that and moar yet it would sound pompous and overconfident so yeah I think we covered that stuff…. kek

Sleep Tight, Patriot

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8e9145  No.10136585


Maxwell Files.pdf

REMINDER: The hotel-chain owner's name, redacted in the new Jeffrey Epstein/ Ghislaine Maxwell court documents, is 70-year-old Hyatt Hotel owner, Thomas Pritzker.


Ill. Gov. J.B. Pritzker doesn't know if cousin Thomas Pritzker knew Epstein after name included in sex-trafficking allegations

Other men named in the lawsuit included former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell, hedge fund manager Glenn Dubin, the late MIT scientist Marvin Minsky, modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel, among others.


Thomas Pritzker, Hyatt chairman: a billionaire with many faces


Thomas J. Pritzker

Chairman, Center for Strategic & International Studies

Ranked #1 Think Tank in U.S. by Global Go To Think Tank Index


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a8cf07  No.10136586


>Good Morning Frens!

>Logging in to Twat, I thought I'd check this poll we were losing last night and sure enough… WE CHANGED IT!

>Nice work!

EYE on……


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478b6c  No.10136587

I still want to know what took place in the fake tennis court.

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bcce80  No.10136588


Naked Republicans: A Full-frontal Exposure of Right-wing Hypocrisy and Greed

Shelley Lewis

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d6edd9  No.10136589

File: 4c97fa16be6e990⋯.jpg (41 KB, 254x199, 254:199, PSX_20200730_231120.jpg)


Gimmie another

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0ead18  No.10136590


everything is notable when you a jew fucking with free speech

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000000  No.10136591


>doesn't make any sense

It does if you've been down the dark, dirty road.

People have a hard time understanding that sex with beautiful women can get old and boring but just like anything else, it can get boring and you will find yourself searching for the next fix. With sex, it's often younger and younger or the taboo of getting a BJ from a man, which leads to mroe and darker taboos.

Everything can become a drug and drug addicts need more, stronger fixes to continue getting high. It's human nature. I have no doubt Prince Andrew was doing some seriously vile shit. His dealer could deliver anything he wanted and he had all the resources in the world to feed his addiction.

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ce4b5a  No.10136592


yes, i'm checking.

but when newsfag goes on a posting spree, i have first to check the article out (to make sure it's not faggy sensationist stuff we already know) and then ck to see if notabled. to post 25+ headlines wo/articles is not a contribution.

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cec241  No.10136593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bohemian grove.

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3ff3e1  No.10136595

File: 2ed8249cf2df467⋯.png (26.09 KB, 308x547, 308:547, foreign_pres.png)

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a8cf07  No.10136596


ooohhh so triggered, goodbye faggot!

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c3b1c1  No.10136597

File: 4293e6948bf5e6e⋯.png (418.43 KB, 680x680, 1:1, snootscrop.png)


Snoots cutout blank for your meme pleasure.

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68ead5  No.10136598

File: d1c546728b770ea⋯.jpeg (30.2 KB, 500x653, 500:653, BA2EEC62_5542_4D6E_AA53_A….jpeg)

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cec241  No.10136599


The Bushes loved Bohemian Grove.

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5a939c  No.10136600

File: cfb3a7f22b0e1db⋯.png (1007.92 KB, 1317x681, 439:227, ClipboardImage.png)

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da3bfa  No.10136601


Fake tennis.

No ball

Ghislain as umpire.

Epstein won all sets and matches. Never dropped a ball in the many years of playing with the world's most famous bastards.

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d6edd9  No.10136602

File: 66afb98984939e4⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PSX_20200730_231355.jpg)

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aa080d  No.10136603


Let me teach you about psy-ops.

Do it again.

Without the Q.

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d6edd9  No.10136604


Thanx i like meme pleasure

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ae0153  No.10136605

File: 7fb5e99502218fd⋯.png (354.3 KB, 630x672, 15:16, technoglovesflynn.png)


Notable to me also that Techno Fog is another shill account that worships at the feet of [Flynn]. So we're to believe that NZHERALD is quoting a Flynn-loving twitter account, and at the same time we're supposed to believe that Flynn is a patriot that leftards are supposed to hate. That doesn't make any sense … unless Flynn is not good. Which anons already know.

In fact, "Flynn (was*) 1st strike designed to 1. cripple 2. prevent exposure of illegal acts [Hussein WH CoC] through NAT SEC [intel] discovery 3. Install ‘controlled’ replacement [rogue1_McMaster].

McMaster removal of ‘loyalist’ intel community_NAT SEC

Install ‘controlled’ [rogue2_Coats_DNI] prevent DECLAS [House-Senate blockade]."

* my editorial addition to Q's quote

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e51d7b  No.10136606

File: 54d33c020415b2e⋯.jpeg (117.83 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 9AAD0AC2_1932_402E_BD4D_1….jpeg)

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da3bfa  No.10136607


Bushes, shrubs, trees - they all love that place.

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cec241  No.10136608


The Bush's are satanist witches.

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5a939c  No.10136609

File: 233e3b4f9e39aac⋯.png (703.25 KB, 516x528, 43:44, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e696dfec3d284fe⋯.png (222.83 KB, 701x392, 701:392, ClipboardImage.png)

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cec241  No.10136610


Spell check dork drop dead.

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8a1274  No.10136611


This corruption is present at the city level too. Why be ambiguous? We need action and assistance. We need the economy to move again. We need swamp cleaning from the top to the bottom. Unbelievable the US is closed for business, and these fuckers support communism and group think over American liberty.

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d6edd9  No.10136612

File: a13236f45fe702f⋯.jpg (135.83 KB, 640x414, 320:207, PSX_20200730_231647.jpg)

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478b6c  No.10136613


Can’t wait for the pics.

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fe8579  No.10136614


I agree. I think about this shite all the time. They make decisions for us for fucks sake.

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c3b1c1  No.10136615

File: b444cb7cbc0d2ef⋯.jpg (34.98 KB, 500x638, 250:319, 12289724_10208333633048298….jpg)


No prob anon. Only thing I ask is that you preserve the name. Snoots.

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bc5443  No.10136616

File: 70c1192c4d14bc7⋯.gif (4.15 MB, 498x373, 498:373, Morning_Ralph.gif)

Morning, anons…

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ce4b5a  No.10136617

>>10136512 Who Killed Citizen Cain?


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42d979  No.10136618

File: fe341b265dad37b⋯.jpeg (60.06 KB, 640x640, 1:1, image_asset.jpeg)

File: bb508bfdd191c61⋯.jpg (7.4 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

File: 4462b89f5aec747⋯.jpeg (42.66 KB, 640x400, 8:5, WhatsApp_Image_2020_07_30….jpeg)


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bf172e  No.10136619


..that works for me too.

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9cd4d7  No.10136620

File: f6a5b29d42a4712⋯.png (67.24 KB, 891x672, 297:224, noseeum.png)

Oy vey, shills…please, bring us some fresh shitposts.

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5a939c  No.10136621

File: a2d8338793209bc⋯.png (178.09 KB, 810x973, 810:973, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.10136622


There's a recording of an interview with one of the chosenites where he laughs because we're all so stupid nobody would believe him, then goes on to tell the interviewee about how he feeds us back to ourselves and that's why they only eat meat labeled Kosher.

So, there's a high likelihood of it having been a common practice and I'd bet some good money all the meat packing plants that got hit with "China Virus" early in this movie were serving it up nationwide.

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aa080d  No.10136623


Let's try the op again.

This one is fail.

"I'm sorry my love"

"Still voting Trump"

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42d979  No.10136624



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023eb2  No.10136625

Statement 37

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000000  No.10136627


Hey Mark

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ce4b5a  No.10136628


who is talking? what is the evidence? are the claims substantiated by others? is it new information?

Headlines aren't enough - need to SEE the article when source is sketchy.

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961f34  No.10136629

File: 15d386e58caab89⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB, 640x360, 16:9, EmaE5aBgk88A16Vs.mp4)

Hello Q; it's me again.

Night Shift retard.

Just want to ask you once again, are Anons watching POTUS sending threats to HRC.

First the whole cognitive test.

Person = Young male child.

Woman = HRC

Man = Doctor

Camera = Blood transfusion being filmed.

TV = POTUS and Patriots are ready to broadcast it to normies. HRC are you and your Cabal handlers ready to play?

And now this video.

We're watching a older man, in a doctors chair donating blood.

I suspect in the video the Patriots now have from Weiner laptop insurance file.

Hillary would be sitting like that in a doctors chair, but not donating blood. Transfusion from a young male child.

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da3bfa  No.10136630


Ha, ha! Relax. The Bush babies were there too, not denying that. Sleep soundly.

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5a939c  No.10136631

File: 14bc12a4c3efece⋯.png (400.17 KB, 891x442, 891:442, ClipboardImage.png)

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a8cf07  No.10136632


calm down breath, anon. yes you can breath, do it anon, just breath. sometimes they slip through geez can you imagine if shillz actually notable'd notables how much progress humanity would make?

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cec241  No.10136633


women rape boys.

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bf172e  No.10136634


SAM…yer early

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2e03b2  No.10136635

File: 218d8f3d304a5e3⋯.jpg (318.91 KB, 680x680, 1:1, Moku_Hanga_1596187250626.jpg)

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fe8579  No.10136636


It's painful, not only to yourself, but those around you…. watching them really try to better themselves, and tap into talent… but are degraded by draconian rules and restrictions. Everybody wants to be safe, and have fun, and be productive. It's deliberate retardation.

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a483ca  No.10136637

File: 3400ea80e6b69ba⋯.png (159.44 KB, 376x253, 376:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.10136638


The best part of this board is the filter feature.

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93861c  No.10136639


Next we will have to cover our ear holes then pee holes and lastly our bung holes.

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a8cf07  No.10136640


ketchup mate

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bf172e  No.10136641


He needs to be holding up a whu-flu virus…

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77cdcf  No.10136642



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aa080d  No.10136643


Meme magic is magic.

Shall we carry on?

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b33e32  No.10136644

File: 52262f22039434e⋯.jpg (20.78 KB, 406x291, 406:291, DpQwEBhWkAAeMRU.jpg)


Can't rape the willing, anon.

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cec241  No.10136645


Girls rape boys.

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3333ee  No.10136646

File: f4be19ef9c0aa7a⋯.png (687.13 KB, 1398x734, 699:367, PQ56.png)


but I don't want Night Shift to be over right now!!!

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cec241  No.10136647


If they are 7 years old?

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a483ca  No.10136648

File: 944e17d38af6d68⋯.png (939.62 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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478b6c  No.10136649

Some of them want to abuse you

Some of them want to be abused

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aa080d  No.10136651

File: f9816782f3106d8⋯.jpg (110.81 KB, 638x479, 638:479, revolution.jpg)

Let's start our lesson with something basic.

Why is this image powerful? Truth is the most powerful image you can project. There are two sides to psy-operators: those who project truth and those who project falsehood.

Is the image I have shown the truth?

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a8cf07  No.10136652


okay feel badz, simple anon…its in the 47 released they made it easy in that article zooooomed in edition but sooooo much more to come get ur diggerz on!

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a483ca  No.10136653

File: e42add1939a001a⋯.png (473.01 KB, 629x683, 629:683, day_night_shift.png)

File: ee663319989b486⋯.png (147.81 KB, 499x499, 1:1, q_shift.png)

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000000  No.10136654


Go learn to meme on reddit faggot.

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fe8579  No.10136655





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cec241  No.10136656


So you like sex with children? The FBI will engage you soon, run.

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da3bfa  No.10136658


There have been many interpretations of what Covid stands for….. for example, covert ID….

But I've always wondered is it part of the 'show' and a goad in the manner you refer to.

Might it have something to do with Clinton Vid?

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68ead5  No.10136659


Let me reteach you.

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b33e32  No.10136660

File: cbcff13690e6df7⋯.png (3.97 MB, 2160x1620, 4:3, PosterMaker_1596187675020.png)

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a483ca  No.10136661

File: 3ab5c4eb99ac775⋯.png (52.48 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>So you like sex with children?

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aa080d  No.10136662

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89c32e  No.10136663

File: e6b1e1d40402117⋯.jpeg (60.93 KB, 500x500, 1:1, e6b1e1d404021178f292003d4….jpeg)

>reading Q's latest post

Anon is going to defy governor and have fun going maskless.

Make sure to meme muh ass when you see the free hugs tshirt.

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ce4b5a  No.10136664


can you repost with pointers to where at least some of these redactions can be found? or attach some examples? It's a big doc.

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c3b1c1  No.10136665

File: a76ddb471aac35c⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 354x242, 177:121, liftoff.gif)


By all means anon. By all means.

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42d979  No.10136666

File: cf76f0c2445e87a⋯.png (711.78 KB, 649x649, 1:1, AOM.PNG)


All Orifices Matter

neeeds ear plug kek

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961f34  No.10136667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

shiiiiiit post

and retard q research

the night awaaaaaay

Keep Calm


Night Shift On

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cec241  No.10136668


Too late , They are at your door. Enjoy prison rape.

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fe8579  No.10136669

File: 045447d79cc285e⋯.jpg (20.51 KB, 209x255, 209:255, 0a9abbefe3590785f4dcb360dc….jpg)

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aa080d  No.10136670


I hate to tell you this but the truth is that covid is a bioweapon, but it's better that many die to preserve the economic structure.

These is a tough analysis. Neither side is right.

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b33e32  No.10136671


Thanks, satan.

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77abd7  No.10136672

File: 12ba47bde7e8c24⋯.jpg (98.44 KB, 850x413, 850:413, PTSD_mentors.jpg)


>Not to get creepy but GWB altering to a small boy that never ages is probably quite the catch for someone with that particular taste.

"If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself… soulless and evil. You will be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life."

Harry Potter & The Prisoner Of Azkaban

Jesus. The cycle of victim>aggressor is like some sick closed loop that needs sunlight and intervention.

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89c32e  No.10136673

File: cb9e820309bfa6b⋯.png (200.22 KB, 726x703, 726:703, cb9e820309bfa6baad8137c31e….png)


>All Orifices Matter

Appropriate digits noted.

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fe8579  No.10136674


Thanx maaaaan. Digits.

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01e6b4  No.10136675

File: feb20dc59650ebb⋯.png (370.35 KB, 582x596, 291:298, rayhilton.png)

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000000  No.10136676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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aa080d  No.10136677

File: f0e23b1bfc29d11⋯.png (926.26 KB, 777x2777, 777:2777, 1.png)

Let's just do this old one to see how hot it gets:

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63635b  No.10136678




rogue 1 mcmaster

rogue 2 coats

rogue 3 ____

rogue 4 ____

rogue 5 ____

rogue 6 ____

rogue 7 bolton

4 right?

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aa080d  No.10136679

File: f6e22b4166feaeb⋯.png (945.99 KB, 1222x3222, 611:1611, 2.png)


and carry on

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3333ee  No.10136680

File: 1e5522163d591d3⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1404x1408, 351:352, QE2.png)


Would you like to know WHY some of us embraced the night shift?

I will tell you why…. because Religious Zealots who ALWAYS attempt to control the narrative tend to flock in the day.

Here's moar for you to consider.

I highly suspect that INTHEMATRIXXX faggot and his two stooges attempt to control the Kitchen at least during the prime time and instead of struggling with their P = PAYSEUR asses and their blind followers, night shift travels the path of least resistance like water….

Want moar? Cause there is moar! kek

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a8cf07  No.10136681

File: 210e1dc48f006ae⋯.png (61.53 KB, 428x770, 214:385, ClipboardImage.png)


>#12973 @310


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63635b  No.10136682


also they seem to just be referrals

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aa080d  No.10136683

File: 8ec3373adbc7dbb⋯.jpg (972.34 KB, 1222x3555, 1222:3555, 3.jpg)


where is he going with this

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5a939c  No.10136684

File: 760cec47ee42068⋯.png (326.82 KB, 798x435, 266:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7fe258755bbc731⋯.png (678.2 KB, 1275x652, 1275:652, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 507b8c07b1591c9⋯.png (564.35 KB, 803x454, 803:454, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d23775acf7fd56⋯.png (370.1 KB, 565x363, 565:363, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92e4523be9c0084⋯.png (146.23 KB, 360x185, 72:37, ClipboardImage.png)

pb >>10134839

#3 is the COMP OP

We are almost to the biblical part.

IPG2 is a time line of event's

RBG is in the tower

The Church has been destroyed

The business men will have their day.

Neo Wise

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bf172e  No.10136685

File: 5b1845342a4f667⋯.png (291.82 KB, 500x500, 1:1, nutshift.png)

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fe8579  No.10136686


That uckin vid started it all… however, I require confirmation from somebody I trust.

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cec241  No.10136687

Q quit fucking around God will judge you severely.

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aa080d  No.10136688

File: 3a715ff82c4f13d⋯.jpg (955.12 KB, 777x4444, 777:4444, 4.jpg)


hold up this is not sane

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5a939c  No.10136689

File: 9e811a37df3d9f0⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1153x608, 1153:608, ClipboardImage.png)

The church destroyed

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aa080d  No.10136690

File: 5883766db33eae7⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1222x4777, 1222:4777, 5.jpg)


Well it's finally over

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ce4b5a  No.10136691

#12973 @450

>>10136248 AG Barr tests negative for coronavirus after encounter with Rep. Louie Gohmert

>>10136266 Ghislaine Maxwell Documents Unsealed: allegations against Prince Andrew, Clinton, others (FBI already knew)

>>10136277 Anon: HW Bush and the Clintons were smuggling guns/drugs since Iran-Contra era

>>10136282 Cali Ballot fraud revealed (homeless given cigs etc for signing ballots)

>>10136289 Trump recovers taxpayer cash on $1Bil Obama-Backed solar plant (already obsolete)

>>10136303 Rush: Google ‘Essentially Trying to Erase Breitbart’

>>10136311 ACLU Sues Portland Police To Block Them Videotaping Protesters

>>10136332 Proponents of the deranged QAnon theory take to Wisconsin's highways (hit piece)

>>10136347 Big Tech censors debate about hydroxychloroquine

>>10136351 Letter to the Editor on Barr testimony

>>10136421 Researchers publish scathing critique of Henry Ford study (hit piece? ANONS DIG)

>>10136441 ER doctor Simone Gold fired from her position after 20 years after appearance at White Coat Summit

>>10136511 GA Congressional candidate Marjorie Greene talks about masks, race, QAnon and more (35min vid)

>>10136512 Who Killed Citizen Cain?

>>10136557 Anon on Techno Fog - he'll be posting excerpts of Maxwell docs on twatter

>>10136578 "Do you like Trump?" poll flipped

>>10136299 Tina Forte's Covid-19 story

listened to whole interview, - lotsa 'fucks' and 'dicks' but not really much on her experience

anons - yea or nay?

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961f34  No.10136692


I think it has. The cognitive test, and now that video.

POTUS is putting the hurt on HRC and her Handlers.

It's obvious [[[they]]] want to steal the election with mail in voting, and just declare Biden winner on [[[their]]] corrupt MSM fake news.

It can drag on for months or years.

I think POTUS is saying to [[[them]]] OK faggots. You want to play, let's play. Are you ready for movie time, do you got your popcorn ready. It's HRC draining the blood of a young child in direct blood transfusion.

[[[they]]] are probably shitting their pants right now and hiring nerds to work on Deep Fake videos as their PR defense.

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000000  No.10136693




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cec241  No.10136694


Q, You may hate Trump but God likes trump.

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77cdcf  No.10136695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ce4b5a  No.10136696

Saturday 07.18.2020

>>10000273 ————————————–—— UNITY NOT DIVISION (Cap: >>10000310)


>>9999653 ————————————–——– 5:5? (Cap: >>9999740)

>>9999604 ————————————–——– At what point does it become painfully obvious? (Cap: >>10000633)

>>9996420 ————————————–——– Cap of prev Q and link to NY Post article: Epstein was a puppet (Cap: >>9996455, text: >>9996339)

>>9996171 ————————————–——– Do not give up the citizen investigation (Disney child trafficking references in plain sight) (Cap: >>9996184)

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ce4b5a  No.10136697

Saturday 07.18.2020

>>10000273 ————————————–—— UNITY NOT DIVISION (Cap: >>10000310)


>>9999653 ————————————–——– 5:5? (Cap: >>9999740)

>>9999604 ————————————–——– At what point does it become painfully obvious? (Cap: >>10000633)

>>9996420 ————————————–——– Cap of prev Q and link to NY Post article: Epstein was a puppet (Cap: >>9996455, text: >>9996339)

>>9996171 ————————————–——– Do not give up the citizen investigation (Disney child trafficking references in plain sight) (Cap: >>9996184)

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5a939c  No.10136698

We have entered the GODFATHER phase.

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fe8579  No.10136699


I reckon Q would think that's just. Full transparency. My gut tells me 'Q' is somewhere just off the bottom.

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a483ca  No.10136700


>Would you like to know WHY some of us embraced the night shift?

Not really. But thanks for elaborating anyways…

Doesn't really change the fact that night-/dayshift is the most obvious division tactic used here.

Qresearch is 1 entity. Where we go 1 we go all.

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657f98  No.10136701

File: 1495fbaf0b54b74⋯.jpg (318.91 KB, 900x528, 75:44, bobanddoug.jpg)


Bob and Doug return to earth 2:42 p.m. – Splashdown Sunday

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242233  No.10136702

File: badca063e079a8b⋯.jpeg (54.88 KB, 560x189, 80:27, 78C60C86_49C3_4C48_BDE7_A….jpeg)

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478b6c  No.10136703

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c3b1c1  No.10136704

File: b4c50fb82df31ec⋯.gif (483.58 KB, 500x251, 500:251, Nuke.gif)


It ends with each of us walking around in a full hazmat suits firing off NATO rounds like they were birthday candy just broken free from a Mexican Holiday Pinata. Just sayin'. I don't write 'em. I just read 'em.

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b33e32  No.10136705

File: 2053bc1135d34f7⋯.png (2.53 MB, 2160x2880, 3:4, PosterMaker_1596188220695.png)

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456dac  No.10136707

During her recent deposition, Defendant refused to answer numerous questions about allegedly “adult” sexual activity related to Jeffrey Epstein. Because this activity is highly relevant to this case, Defendant should be ordered to answer questions about it.As the Court is aware, this defamation case involves Ms. Giuffre’s assertions that she and other femaleswere recruited by Defendant to be sexually abused by Jeffrey Epstein under the guise of being “massage therapists.” See Complaint, (DE1), at ¶ 27 (Giuffre “described Maxwell’s role as one of the main women who Epstein used to procure under-aged girls for sexual activities and a primary co-conspirator and participant in his sexual abuse and sex trafficking scheme”). In response to these assertions, Defendant has made the sweeping claim that Ms. Giuffre’s assertions are “entirely false” and “entirely untrue.” Complaint, DE 1, at ¶ 31

Yet during her deposition, Defendant refused to answer any questions that she construed as having something to do with “consensual adult sex.” Defense counsel supported that position that “frankly, [that’s] none of your business and I instruct the witness not to answer.” SeeDeclaration of Sigrid S. McCawley (“McCawley Decl.”)at Exhibit 1, Tr. of Maxwell Depo. (Apr. 22, 2016) at 21. The result was that at a number of points throughout her deposition, Defendant refused to answer questions aboutsubjects integral to this lawsuit, including questions about whatthe alleged “massage therapists” were doing at Jeffrey Epstein’s house and the sexual nature of those massages. For example, Defendantrefused to answer questions about whether she had given Jeffrey Epstein a massage:Q. Have you ever given Jeffrey Epsteina massage?MR. PAGLIUCA: Object to the form,foundation. And I'm going to instructyou not to answer that question. Idon't have any problem with you askingquestions about what the subject matterof this lawsuit is, which would be, asyou've termed it, sexual trafficking ofMs. Roberts.To the extent you are asking forinformation relating to any consensualadult interaction between my client andMr. Epstein, I'm going to instruct hernot to answer because it's not part ofthis litigation and it is her privateconfidential information, not subject tothis deposition.MS. McCAWLEY: You can instruct hernot to answer. That is your right. ButI will bring her back for anotherdeposition because it is part of thesubject matter of this litigation so sheshould be answering these questions.This is civil litigation, deposition andshe should be responsible for answeringthese questions.MR. PAGLIUCA: I disagree and youunderstand the bounds that I put on it.MS. McCAWLEY: No, I don't. I willcontinue to ask my questions and you cancontinue to make your objections.Q. Did you ever participate from thetime period of 1992 to 2009, did you everparticipate in a massage with Jeffrey Epsteinand another female?MR. PAGLIUCA: Objection. Do notanswer that question. Again, to theextent you are asking for some sort ofillegal activity as you've construed in

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456dac  No.10136709


connection with this case I don't haveany problem with you asking thatquestion. To the extent these questionsinvolve consensual acts between adults,frankly, they're none of your businessandI will instruct the witness not toanswer.MS. McCAWLEY: This case involvessexual trafficking, sexual abuse,questions about her having interactionswith other females is relevant to thiscase. She needs to answer thesequestions.MR. PAGLIUCA: I'm instructing hernot to answer.MS. McCAWLEY: Then we will be backhere again.SeeMcCawley Decl. at Exhibit 2, Tr. of Maxwell Depo. (Apr. 22, 2016) at 19-22 (emphasis added).Defendant’s participation in massages with Epstein is a central part of this case. Ms. Giuffre has explained that during her first sexual encounter with Jeffrey Epstein, it was Defendant who provided instructionon how to do it and how to turn the massage into a sexual event. Obviously, proof that Defendant hadpreviously massaged Epstein –include massages with sexual component –wouldprovide important corroboration for Ms. Giuffre’s testimony at trial. Andproofthat Defendantwasinvolved in massages will further help prove that statements to the press that Virginia’s allegations were “obvious lies”wasitself an obvious lie.As another example, Defendant refused to answer questions abouther knowledge that Johanna Sjoberg was hired to work for Epstein andprovidedmassages. In the police report, Johanna admitted that Maxwell recruited her to workfor Epstein. SeeMcCawley Decl. at Exhibit3, Giuffre000076-77(police report indicating that Johanna was recruited by Maxwell).Yet during Defendant’sdeposition, she refused to answer questions regarding Johanna Sjoberg.Q. Do you know what tasks Johanna was hired to performance?A. She was tasked to answer telephones.Q. Did you ever ask her to rub Jeffrey's feet?. . . A. Ibelieve that I have read that, but I don't have any memory of it.

Q. Did you ever tell Johanna that she would get extra money if she provided Jeffrey massages?A. I was always happy to give career advice to people and I think that becoming somebody in the healthcare profession, either exercise instructor or nutritionist or professional massage therapist is an excellent job opportunity. Hourly wages are around 7, 8, $9 and as a professional healthcare provider you can earn somewhere between as we have established 100 to $200 and to be able to travel and have a job that pays that is a wonderful job opportunity. So in the context of advising people for opportunities for work, it is possible that I would have said that she should explore that as an option.Q. Did you tell her she would get extra money if she massaged Jeffrey?A. I'm just saying, I cannot recall the exact conversation. I give career advice and I have done that.Q. Did you ever have Johanna massage you?A. I did.Q. How many times?A. I don't recall how many times.Q. Was there sex involved?A. No.. . . Q. Did you ever have sexual contact with Johanna?MR. PAGLIUCA: Object to the formand foundation. You need to give me anopportunity to get in between thequestions.Anything that involves consensualsex on your part, I'm instructing younot to answer.Q. Did you ever have sexual contactwith Johanna?A. [MR. PAGLIUCA?] Again, she is an adult –Q. I’m asking you, did you ever havesexual contact with Johanna?A. I’ve just been instructed not toanswer.Q. On what basis?A. You have to ask my lawyer.See McCawley Decl. at Exhibit 4, Tr. of Maxwell Depo. (Apr. 22, 2016) at 60-62 (emphasis added).

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bf172e  No.10136710

anyone got a cut out covid-19 particle graphic?

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ce4b5a  No.10136711


link corrected:

>>10136263 Ghislaine Maxwell Documents Unsealed: allegations against Prince Andrew, Clinton, others (FBI already knew)

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b33e32  No.10136712

File: ecbd25c5c5eb870⋯.jpg (126.18 KB, 512x564, 128:141, ecbd25c5c5eb870d4a537c8734….jpg)



Trying to understand and explain esoteric imagery through the exoteric metaphors you are familiar with won't work. Just an fyi.

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456dac  No.10136713



Here again, this information is critical to the case. Among other things, these questions are designed to show a modus operani (“M.O”) for Epstein and Maxwell –specifically, how they recruited for a non-sexual massage than converted the massageinto sexual activities. One last illustration comes from Defendant’s refusal to answer about her knowledge of Epstein’s sexual interests during massages:Q. Does Jeffrey like to have his nipples pinched during sexual encounters?MR. PAGLIUCA: Objection to form and foundation.A. I'm not referring to any advice on my counsel. I'm not talking about any adult sexual things when I was with him.Q. When Jeffrey would have a massage, would he request that the masseuse pinch his nipples while he was having amassage?A. I'm not talking about anything with consensual adult situation.See McCawley Decl. at Exhibit 5, Tr. of Maxwell Depo. (Apr. 22, 2016) at 82. While Epstein himself might also provide answers to these questions, it appears likely that he will assert his Fifth Amendment privilege regarding his sexual activities. Accordingly, Ms. Giuffre must pursue questioning of Maxwell to obtain information on this subject. Here again, information about Epstein’s sexual idiosyncrasies will provide important corroboration to Ms. Giuffre’s testimony that she had sexual interactions of an identical nature with Epstein. Theserefusalsare not an isolated instance. Instead, similar refusals to answer questions occurredrepeatedlythroughout the deposition. See, e.g., McCawley Decl. at CompositeExhibit 6.52-55; 64-65; 82; 92-93; 137-38; 307-09.The Court should compel Defendant to answer all these questions.In addition to the specific points made above, the “big picture” here reveals how vital such discovery is.At the core of Ms. Giuffre’s allegations is the allegation that Defendant luredherinto a sexual situation with the offer of a job making money as a massage therapist; that Epstein always habitually tried Case 1:15-cv-07433-LAP Document 143 Filed 05/05/16 Page 5 of 10

to turn massages into sex (that was his modus operandi and plan all along); and that Maxwell recruited other females for an ostensibly proper position, such as therapeutic masseuse, with knowledgethat the intent was for that person would be pressured to provide sexual gratification to Epstein. As a result, Epstein’s use of massages for sexual purposes is a central part of this case.And Defendant’srole in those massages –and knowledge of the purposes of those massages –is a critical piece of evidence showing her state of mind when she attacked Ms. Giuffre’s assertions as “entirely untrue.” Ms. Giuffre intends to prove at trial that Defendant knew full well the sexual purpose for which she was recruiting females –including underage females like Ms. Giuffre. Ms. Giuffre is entitled to explore Defendant’s knowledge of the sexual activities that took place under the guise of “massages.” Otherwise Defendant will be able to portray to the jury an inaccurate picture of that what was happening at Epstein’s house what nothing more than run-of-the-mill massage therapy. See, e.g., McCawley Decl. at Exhibit 7, Tr. of Maxwell Depo. (Apr. 22, 2016) at 51 (“Q: Did [the pay for massage therapists] vary on what sexual acts they performed? . . . A: No, it varied depending on how much time, some massage therapists charge more and some charge less.”).Defendant’s refusal to answer questions about alleged “adult” consensual sex also blocks Ms. Giuffre from seeking legitimate discovery in this case. By refusing to answer questions about her and Epstein’s sexual activities with alleged “adults,” Defendant is essentially given the ability to refuse to answer any sexual question she does not wish to answer. Defendant simply has to deem the question as involving “consensual adult sex” and no need be given. The result is to leave Ms. Giuffre with no way of exploring the identity of these alleged adults, the ages of these alleged adults, and indeed whether they were adults at all. This allows Defendant to claim

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42d979  No.10136714

File: 38c8d46d5f83724⋯.jpg (76.96 KB, 645x645, 1:1, Coronavirus_CDC_645x645.jpg)

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77abd7  No.10136715


That is some high quality stuff, thank you.

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456dac  No.10136716


that she is unaware of any sexual activity involving underage females, because (she claims) the only sexual activity she was aware involved adults.The Court should compel Ms. Maxwell to answer all questions about her knowledge relating to sexual activities with Epstein and other females while at Epstein’s various homes.See Fed. R. Crim. P. 37(a)(3)(B)(i); see, e.g., Kelly v. A1 Tech., No. 09 CIV. 962 LAK MHD, 2010 WL 1541585, at *20 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 12, 2010) (“Under the Federal Rules, when a party refusesto answer a question during a deposition, the questioning party may subsequently move to compel disclosure of the testimony that it sought. The court must determine the propriety of the deponent's objection to answering the questions, and can order the deponent to provide improperly withheld answers during a continued deposition” (internal citations omitted)). Ofcourse, the party objecting to discovery must carry the burden of proving the validity of its objections, particularly in light of “the broad and liberal construction afforded the federal discovery rules . . . .” John Wiley & Sons, Inc. v. Book Dog Books,LLC, 298 F.R.D. 184, 186 (S.D.N.Y. 2014). For purposes of a deposition, the information sought “need not be admissible at the trial if the discovery appears reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.” Chen-Oster v. Goldman, Sachs & Co., 293 F.R.D. 557, 561 (S.D.N.Y. 2013) (citing Fed.R.Civ.P. 26(b)(1)).Defendant cannot carry her burden of showing that the questions asked are not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.This is a case in which sexual activities lie at the heart of the issues in dispute. As a result, it is hardly surprising to find that discovery pertains to alleged “adult” sexual activities –and questions about such subjects are entirely proper.See, e.g.,Condit v. Dunne, 225 F.R.D. 100, 113 (S.D.N.Y. 2004) (in defamation case, “Plaintiff is hereby ordered to answer questions regarding his sexual relationships in so far

as they are relevant to a defense of substantial truth, mitigation of damages, or impeachment of plaintiff.”); Weber v. Multimedia Entm't, Inc., No. 97 CIV. 0682 PKL THK, 1997 WL 729039, at *3 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 24, 1997) (“While discovery is not unlimited and may not unnecessarily intrude into private matters, in the instant case inquiry into private matters is clearly relevant to the subject matter of the suit. Accordingly, plaintiff Misty Weber shall respond to defendants' interrogatories concerning her sexual partners . . . .”).Generally speaking, instructions from attorneys to their clients not to answer questions at a deposition should be “limited to [issues regarding] privilege.” Morales v. Zondo, Inc., 204 F.R.D. 50, 54 (S.D.N.Y. 2001).In this case, defense counsel ranged far beyond the normal parameters of objections and sought to decide for himself what issues were relevant. That was improper and the Court should order a resumption of the Defendant’s deposition so that she can answer questions about her knowledge of sexual activity relating to Jeffrey Epstein.CONCLUSIONDefendant should be ordered to sit for a follow-up deposition and directed to answer questions regarding her knowledge of alleged “adult” sexual activity.


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aa080d  No.10136717










is what you meant.

It's a RUNE of power.

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ce4b5a  No.10136718

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7e9d1e  No.10136719

So is Q and the Patriots EEEEEVER going to take action against the Deep State/Democrats? Or are they simply going to hand them a free election win?

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410751  No.10136720

File: 6a2eab990ed1cec⋯.png (133.96 KB, 487x585, 487:585, Screen_Shot_2020_07_31_at_….png)

File: fa94a2023988568⋯.png (286.27 KB, 1363x737, 1363:737, Screen_Shot_2020_07_31_at_….png)

File: 58c8aa0dced5e8a⋯.mp4 (5.62 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 5SGxR5DoitCWGpi5.mp4)

noticed these digits.

there's a rolling 3 second ∆elta with habbenings around this rocket launch.

30 seconds is announced. at 30 seconds, the video timer is at 33 seconds. at 36 seconds, the launch clock on the screen 33 seconds. take a look at the lighting around the ship as it breaches the hypersonic.

The White House Retweeted

Mike Pence


Today is a great day for American leadership in space! Congratulations to the teams at @NASA

and @ulalaunch

for successfully launching the nuclear-powered rover, @NASAPersevere

, to Mars! #CountdownToMars

Quote Tweet

Jim Bridenstine


· 21h

LIFTOFF! The next @NASAMars rover has launched from @NASAKennedy! Watch as we continue @NASAPersevere’s #CountdownToMars

: https://nasa.gov/live


0:33 / 0:44

9:32 AM · Jul 30, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

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242233  No.10136721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Anons who need a KEK

Kevin Bloody Wilson - Nigel Bear Hunting (Fucking Legend!)

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657f98  No.10136723


I hope the 2020 election is "safer" than the midterms….

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5c5c9e  No.10136724

File: 2f74c7cf64fe8ba⋯.png (465.14 KB, 506x494, 253:247, ClipboardImage.png)



invaluable time-saving site to anons doing any amount of mild-to-serious photoshop work.


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c3b1c1  No.10136725

File: 4674392689fd63f⋯.jpg (116.15 KB, 820x550, 82:55, 4674392689fd63ffed202f9142….jpg)


I see that the shills are back from digging last night's critical security statements. How does it feel to be punked into wasting several hours of your time? Now imagine how I have felt most of my life. Mortal Kombat fuckers. Put your masks on for match.

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456dac  No.10136726





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aa080d  No.10136727


Tell me what a turing test is.

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42d979  No.10136728


Thanks anon!

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fe8579  No.10136729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7e9d1e  No.10136730

The US economy is collapsing like NEVER BEFORE.

Q: Sit back and enjoy the show!

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696fca  No.10136731

>>10133847 lb

Rick Joyner… and? What's anons point in posting this pic?

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456dac  No.10136732

File: 1e057aea5f46826⋯.png (10.95 KB, 450x275, 18:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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c77e13  No.10136733

File: 1289dcad4a59d50⋯.png (179.5 KB, 473x741, 473:741, virginia.png)


this bit…

really gets ya.

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f48508  No.10136734

If you all could stop being niggers, that'd be great.

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3f9b9b  No.10136735

>>10135110 pb

>Mike Pence talked Dan Coats out quitting Trump administration. Whenever Trump is souring on DNI Coats, whom he calls 'Mister Rogers'. Pence encourages Trump to stick with Coats.

Looks like the question of Mike Pence's loyalties is settled now, if this article is correct about Pence supporting Coats, and if Q's latest post was not disinfo:

>Install ‘controlled’ [rogue2_Coats_DNI] prevent DECLAS [House-Senate blockade].

>Pre_Install [rogue3-6] > referral(s) to POTUS re: McMaster_Coats_Wray_Bolton_+++

>Q 4620

Q names Coats as an installed and controlled rogue. And article says Pence has kept Coats from quitting, and tells Trump good things about Coats.

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307c5f  No.10136736

File: b58ca8c7926be6e⋯.png (57.46 KB, 808x495, 808:495, ClipboardImage.png)

The pulishing company Houghton Mifflin Harcourt made the book deal with Peter Strzok and Marie Yovanovitch while they are mainly a learning company making their majority of sales with public school districts. See details below:

Fired FBI official Peter Strzok releases book claiming Trump is ‘under the sway’ of Russia.

Publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt announced that it will release Strzok’s book, “COMPROMISED: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. Trump,” on Sept. 8 — just weeks ahead of the general election.


The former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine who testified against President Trump at House impeachment hearings is getting seven figures from publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.


Their anual 2019 report states:

A majority of our sales are to public school districts in the United States, most of which rely primarily on a

combination of local tax revenues and state legislative appropriations for general operating funds…


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3333ee  No.10136737


oh lord every day all day…..division tactic?

Huh and here I thought that P = PAYSEUR was the greatest divider since "Jesus is the only way and all the rest are going to hell hell hell!" but hey that's just me I guess….

Traitors to the left of me, Paytriots to the right, surrounded by evil….

Many think division tactics is like pointing out that Bolton was always a piece of shit Neocon or that Rush Limbaugh was a Neocon water boy or that Guiliani is a Knight of Malta who should be remember for his 911 TERROR 911 TERROR Neocon mockingbird role etc etc….

Division… yeah…. I think I am gonna have to go with Jesus on this one.

"He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad." Math 12:30

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aa080d  No.10136738

File: f265d97d1da0b3d⋯.jpeg (94.87 KB, 900x900, 1:1, huh.jpeg)

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b33e32  No.10136739

File: 707c01e720d39e1⋯.jpg (211.39 KB, 580x452, 145:113, PSX_20200730_234613.jpg)

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3f9b9b  No.10136740

File: e9824036fc5f76e⋯.png (231.92 KB, 450x416, 225:208, 2e8.png)


Link to article:


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77cdcf  No.10136741

File: 440bcf44e08cfa9⋯.png (292.77 KB, 1125x2181, 375:727, 440bcf44e08cfa9c0e341a4a49….png)

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42d979  No.10136742


Headed to Devon Island, Canada..

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242233  No.10136743


I seem to recall Steve Bannon supported Bolton for NSA, but I don’t know if it was him who recommended Bolton.

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c77e13  No.10136744

File: a00011dfbf9c45c⋯.jpg (20.42 KB, 360x360, 1:1, download_86_.jpg)



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aa080d  No.10136745


Now tell me not what it is, but what it does.

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a483ca  No.10136746

File: cef7465e6118d0b⋯.png (91.86 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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3333ee  No.10136747


I needed a sinister smiley….

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5c5c9e  No.10136748

File: e3d51b0969e526a⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1376x815, 1376:815, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebd78d2681402ad⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1240x774, 620:387, ClipboardImage.png)


sure thing

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fe8579  No.10136749

File: 1d7cd647cd4ead9⋯.jpg (16.87 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4_Languages_1_png.jpg)

Angel wings

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f48508  No.10136750

File: bd2fa8d1a1ce2e9⋯.png (628.99 KB, 477x514, 477:514, ayyyy.png)

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456dac  No.10136751

File: fb242803a0a5a3d⋯.png (4.04 MB, 2048x1434, 1024:717, ClipboardImage.png)


New Zealand Eases Abortion Restrictions

March 18, 2020

Lawmakers voted on Wednesday to liberalize New Zealand’s abortion law and allow unrestricted access during the first half of pregnancy, ending the country’s status as one of the few wealthy nations to limit the grounds for abortion during that period.

Members of Parliament also greatly loosened restrictions on abortions in the latter half of pregnancy, with language that opponents say amounts to no meaningful limitations until the moment of birth.

Lawmakers voted 68 to 51 to approve the bill, which would take effect a day after receiving assent from the governor-general, Queen Elizabeth II’s representative in New Zealand, which is considered a formality.

New Zealand’s existing law on abortion, adopted in 1977 and amended a few times, treats termination, even early in pregnancy, as a crime, though officials say that no one has ever been prosecuted for it. The new law would remove it from the criminal statutes, and provides no penalties for violation.

The existing law does allow for some exceptions — about 13,000 abortions a year are performed legally, the government said — as when a woman’s physical or mental health is endangered. Critics claim that has made it common for women to feign mental illness to obtain abortions, and for doctors to play along.

But even then, the approval process has been difficult and slow.

“The current framework requires women seeking an abortion to maintain a fiction about their mental health,” said New Zealand’s justice minister, Andrew Little, a member of Parliament from the Labour Party. “They have to consult multiple practitioners, multiple health professionals. And what that has done in New Zealand is caused women, those who get an abortion, to get it much later in the pregnancy than is desirable.”

Amy Adams, a former justice minister and National Party lawmaker, called the law “outdated and incredibly paternalistic,” and spoke of women she knows who have had abortions.

“I have seen them face the delays, the difficulties, the struggles, the judgment, the abuse, frankly, and feel marginalized and criminalized because of our law,” she said in Parliament on Wednesday.

The issue cut across some of the lines that usually divide the liberal Labour Party, which leads the governing coalition, and the conservative National Party, the main opposition. Public opinion surveys show that most New Zealanders favor liberalizing the law, but even some lawmakers in that camp said lawmakers went too far.

The new law will allow a woman to obtain an abortion on demand up to 20 weeks into a pregnancy. Beyond that point, abortion would be legal only “if the health practitioner reasonably believes that the abortion is clinically appropriate in the circumstances.”

ImageJustice Minister Andrew Little speaking to lawmakers on Wednesday.

Justice Minister Andrew Little speaking to lawmakers on Wednesday.Credit…Nick Perry/Associated Press

But the bill does not say what counts as appropriate. It states only that the practitioner must consult with at least one other colleague, and take into account “all relevant legal, professional and ethical standards,” the woman’s physical and mental health and “overall well-being,” and the age of the fetus.

Agnes Loheni, a National Party member of Parliament who opposed the bill, said: “It will allow for abortion up to the moment of birth. It is a broad, ill-defined, vague section with no regard to the unborn child.”

Simeon Brown, another National Party lawmaker, said the new law would allow abortion in cases when a fetus could survive outside the womb, or for sex selection. And he complained that the bill’s supporters dismissed any objections as religiously based, and denigrated those that were.

“I’m opposed to this bill not because of the tenets of any religion but because of scientific, philosophical and ethical principles,” he said.

Advocates of the bill argued that neither women nor their health care providers would pursue late-term abortions lightly.

The law does not prohibit abortion for the purpose of sex selection, but states that Parliament is opposed to the practice, and directs the government to study the issue and report back on it within five years.

The vote in Parliament came after a failed attempt to hold a national referendum on the issue. It culminated years of political battles over attempts to loosen the law.

Most countries in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East have abortion laws that are as restrictive as New Zealand’s has been, or more so. But among the most highly developed countries, only Poland and South Korea do, according to groups that study the issue.

Ireland had the most complete ban in Europe until the law was changed in December 2018. Australia’s most populous state, New South Wales, decriminalized abortion last September.

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a483ca  No.10136752


Division tactic = trying to divide.

Is that really that hard to grasp?

You must have some serious issues if you extrapolated all that from my single post…

Aren't you late for a sacrifice or something?

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b905ad  No.10136753



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ce4b5a  No.10136754

File: a856a2e58dd7cea⋯.png (86.96 KB, 524x673, 524:673, maxwell_redactions_not_hid….png)


Shirtless Pundit 🇺🇸


Level 1:

Wait. Did they screw up big on the Ghislaine Maxwell redactions? You can copy and paste the redacted pages into notepad and read them. h/t


Check out document #143 for a great example.


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456dac  No.10136755

File: a5553354aa27235⋯.mp4 (6.75 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, onlytime.mp4)

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af0f33  No.10136756

File: a15fe1990c6f3f0⋯.png (767.2 KB, 740x458, 370:229, w_n_b.png)




holy cow… we got at least one baker here? morning early birds and eevn'n night owls.

morning baker checking in


let me know what you need. gonna go get some covfefe.

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68ead5  No.10136757

File: 974458bdaf29cc4⋯.png (765.69 KB, 782x576, 391:288, A2766794_A47E_4D91_A07E_BE….png)

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456dac  No.10136758

File: 3cf95667f8051c2⋯.gif (3.93 MB, 262x243, 262:243, hope.gif)

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bf172e  No.10136759

File: fe0ffc833dbf969⋯.png (299.32 KB, 500x634, 250:317, its_go_time.png)




Thank You!

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5c5c9e  No.10136760

File: d5b128e06219850⋯.png (1.45 MB, 959x639, 959:639, ClipboardImage.png)

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456dac  No.10136762


>Did they screw up big on the Ghislaine Maxwell redactions? You can copy and paste the redacted pages into notepad and read them.

What's the source of the .pdf?

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fe8579  No.10136763

File: 10cb0b99a2e2589⋯.jpg (11.89 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Daytona500Trump_png.jpg)

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b33e32  No.10136764

File: 221c1c9427a7712⋯.jpg (287.78 KB, 800x629, 800:629, PSX_20200730_235209.jpg)

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b7e8b1  No.10136765

File: 8cda0e683a6ad03⋯.mp4 (15.87 MB, 370x210, 37:21, 060606_Mark_of_the_Beast_R….mp4)

060606 Mark of Beast Revealed

This clip is one of the best explanations of what we are seeing today unfold before our eyes.

It IS Biblica!

I've made some bad choices in life and ache inside because of them. I do not goto church but, as I lay in bed every night to sleep, I pray to myself and my deceased mom and sister.

I've been researching since Usenets/BBS days and screaming truths since then. Bill Cooper days is what really knocked me for a loop. Family and friends all thought I was nuts.

I am glad that before mom and sis passed, they knew I was right. My dad, other sis, and some friends have since come around which gives me hope. It took years to wake them up.

It is as if I can feel the ache of the world in my heart these days. It is heart wrenching sometimes at what I feel inside at the things I see.

Sorry for rambling..

Off my soapbox..

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da3bfa  No.10136766


Obama in that obituary, I thought he pointedly used the word 'persevere'.

Endeavour to persevere.

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bc0905  No.10136767

File: eb374c30afbae52⋯.png (81.08 KB, 1296x551, 1296:551, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce5fecbb8699847⋯.png (24.09 KB, 235x100, 47:20, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 215154a8b1f325f⋯.png (148.28 KB, 1577x581, 19:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e2a67ebefc70f6⋯.png (32.26 KB, 271x100, 271:100, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e2a67ebefc70f6⋯.png (32.26 KB, 271x100, 271:100, ClipboardImage.png)



>>Is this real?





You can copy/Pasta the redactions on to the notepad program and words from the redactions show up.

Go ahead try yourself anons.


Wait. Did they screw up big on the Ghislaine Maxwell redactions? You can copy and paste the redacted pages into notepad and read them. h/t


Check out document #143 for a great example. CourtListener docs: https://bitly/2XaOtlK

Or #143



For keks even if notable b4

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ce4b5a  No.10136768


8kun doesn't allow the link in that twat

had to erase it before posting

wonder why?……..

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77abd7  No.10136769


>I hate to tell you this but the truth is that covid is a bioweapon, but it's better that many die to preserve the economic structure.

Do you think it lies dormant then reactivates, or mutates, or many haven't been infected, or what? Genuine question. If it's a weapon, Xi deserves a refund so far for everything except economic damage and crushing dissent.

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98e0c6  No.10136770

File: 51d672bfaeebb27⋯.png (300.67 KB, 730x676, 365:338, 51d672bfaeebb27a73d3596083….png)

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3333ee  No.10136771

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 0_LAUGH.png)


You were suggesting that NIGHT SHIFT Pride is the most prominent division tactic and now you are trying to pretend that I am weird and out of place….

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5a939c  No.10136772

File: c9eb2b91e5373f6⋯.png (515.66 KB, 754x539, 754:539, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a07f13cdc9313d⋯.png (249.11 KB, 603x471, 201:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7153e8f7e8727f0⋯.png (230.17 KB, 504x289, 504:289, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d764a0aac409185⋯.png (67.25 KB, 1052x697, 1052:697, ClipboardImage.png)

Discovered this site digging on C7, probably a chess move. But also if you follow the modeling images they link to a blog paget that strangely enough stopped posting November 2017 as far as I can tell, after posting for several years. Stopped shortly after Q started posting. The site is suspicious in my opinion. Images of Models and events from all over the world going back to 2013


Here's another one that should be investigated. https://t.co/GUYzPa9mrM?amp=1

Last image

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000000  No.10136773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stay fashy, Anon!

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456dac  No.10136774

File: c770696083df215⋯.png (100.7 KB, 681x831, 227:277, ClipboardImage.png)


>What's the source of the .pdf?

these look legit, look at all this treasure


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63e121  No.10136775

File: 47a02c09dcda203⋯.png (3.71 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 36680578_6303_4F7D_8840_C6….png)


you just dropped in on on an exquisite loaf, baker

been just taking it in

not wanting to defile it with inane ramblings

o7 to anons in residence here

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fe8579  No.10136777

File: 8ed2544407c1218⋯.jpg (27.56 KB, 309x311, 309:311, All_For_a_Flag.jpg)

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77abd7  No.10136778


>wonder why?……..

Probably to stop torfags accidentally compromising themselves clicking a pdf link. Legit reason if true.

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f48508  No.10136779

File: 0a44650b50bcbdb⋯.png (311.57 KB, 600x319, 600:319, it_s_shocking.png)

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42d979  No.10136780


That's because the MORAN that created the PDF left it editable. KEK

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696fca  No.10136781


kek… thanks for outing your shilly self. If you're going to character assassinate at least provide some sauce to back it up anon.

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a483ca  No.10136782


I were suggesting that pushing night shift pride is a division tactic. I still am.

And I'm not pretending anything… i made fun of you for being retarded.

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fe8579  No.10136783

File: a0a1a98b12f8eb3⋯.jpg (13.81 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 62c876b533b95cdefd71cdaaa8….jpg)

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bf172e  No.10136784


If you go back in the breds an anon posted every link.

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456dac  No.10136785


>8kun doesn't allow the link in that twat

link shorteners are a no-no

it resolved into https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4355835/giuffre-v-maxwell/

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42d979  No.10136786


The Flu Vaccine. (Only those that have had the flu vaccine come down with COVID19.

5G activates

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000000  No.10136787


We've been dreaming about these times our whole life. Q is one of us. If you don't get it, I can't help (you). Just know we will be kek'ing hysterically was it all crumbles down.

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aa080d  No.10136788

File: edfd8035fcd0c2f⋯.jpg (14.75 KB, 477x268, 477:268, runner.jpg)


The _test_ determines _your_ linguistic fluency. The first step you have to expand yourself is to understand humans have a fluid understanding of all of their words. If someone told you a structure, it is false.

Now my sweet summer child. You start from scratch. Everything you've ever been told is false and true, sometimes in simultaneity. And there are many who love you unconditionally.

Philosophers want to know the difference between relative and universal truth. A universale truth is this:

What you learn you can never unlearn.

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bc0905  No.10136789


>Just know we will be kek'ing hysterically

This anon gets it.

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b33e32  No.10136790

File: 3d2520eaf8d3233⋯.mp4 (15.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, go_fuck_urself_OCD_reuploa….mp4)

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456dac  No.10136791

File: fde3a9eb80d4d0c⋯.gif (497.5 KB, 500x309, 500:309, nice.gif)


>an anon posted every link

good job whoever payed pacer

I'll wait for them to percolate back into the conversation, I have coffee to drink and shit to post.

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fe8579  No.10136792

File: f922a1e312c5115⋯.jpg (46.4 KB, 638x479, 638:479, GM_1.jpg)

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0ead18  No.10136793

File: 323c244dd1146a2⋯.jpg (23.14 KB, 474x379, 474:379, 5a94e1500e1212f1497b7ae9d0….jpg)

File: 1900da3943606b6⋯.png (1.16 MB, 800x599, 800:599, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea9975d3e2d95f4⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a19adea7d2c0457⋯.png (729.67 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f64da4bd7144aff⋯.png (160.97 KB, 300x195, 20:13, ClipboardImage.png)

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410751  No.10136794

File: 913d04f123a3425⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1366x672, 683:336, Screen_Shot_2020_07_31_at_….png)



>Devon Island

emergent shadow arrow on rocket tip pointing at about 45 degrees.

toward the pole star?

U.S. Marines



Marine with Hotel Battery, 3rd Battalion, 14th Marine Regiment, @4th_MarDiv

, prepare to bed down for the night after a live-fire range.

8:00 PM · Jul 30, 2020·Twitter Media Studio


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62d754  No.10136795

File: a17ba92860f62d0⋯.png (196.92 KB, 397x514, 397:514, a17ba92860f62d07c59a6770c0….png)

File: b8db5efa5343374⋯.jpg (31.44 KB, 625x468, 625:468, 21.jpg)


>Endeavour to persevere

Yeah good luck with that. Like fucking frogs are going to get out worked now that we're infesting their world completely. They are completely and utterly fucked and it does indeed look like its going to be biblical. God wins. Every. Fucking. Time.

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bc0905  No.10136796



oh fuck, ops!!

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961f34  No.10136797

File: 763cc72bc742368⋯.jpg (61.03 KB, 428x615, 428:615, Screenshot_3.jpg)

Night Shift.

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456dac  No.10136798

File: a14849df7805509⋯.mp4 (7.19 MB, 640x360, 16:9, delete.mp4)

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d72bc2  No.10136799

File: 542e1e04a6ed9db⋯.gif (375 KB, 220x165, 4:3, ACEF0B13_3BA3_4708_81CE_31….gif)

Morning, Frenz

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ce4b5a  No.10136800

File: b625e97d26a8831⋯.jpg (13.47 KB, 199x211, 199:211, all_nite_bakery_jpeg.jpg)


got yr beauty sleep, wakes?

yr right on time

i'ma here, took a 2hour nap

greetings! (no dread)

baker tired but fed

should be good thru this bred,

although graveyard, not dead

but quick lively instead

when all posts are read

will be ready for bed

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000000  No.10136801


She used to shitpost here a bit

Haven't seen her posts in a while that I can tell so she either changed her mood as things are starting to come to light or she departed not wanting to relive the experiences.

Either way, I hope she's doing well. It has to be hard to let go of such a perplexing history. The emotions are probably always in contrast with each other, being a part of something so big while at the same time being used as something less than human while so vulnerable.

I hope she's well.

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42d979  No.10136802


Nice image! :D

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b33e32  No.10136803


Hey I love you unconditionally too, anon. I dreamed you so I better love you, right?

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b33e32  No.10136804

File: 2c5038a2a6fd7e4⋯.jpg (45.53 KB, 245x206, 245:206, PSX_20200731_000011.jpg)

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fe8579  No.10136805

File: 48b880e5fc0c24a⋯.jpg (23.16 KB, 400x300, 4:3, MA.jpg)

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42d979  No.10136806


Mornin' Sam.

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aa080d  No.10136807

File: 9b6f8b63eeca02b⋯.jpg (44.09 KB, 400x400, 1:1, awakened.jpg)


I'm always dreaming anon.

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657f98  No.10136808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Unique drummer.

Porcupine Tree - Anesthetize - live (Tilburg, Netherlands) Full Song

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478b6c  No.10136809

Stepped outside for some fresh air and observed heat lighting. Unusual in this area. Foreboding.

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bf172e  No.10136810

File: ac2886eea25197d⋯.png (100.62 KB, 400x162, 200:81, anomly.png)


SAM…yer early!

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da3bfa  No.10136811


My thinking was more about possible coded speak considering the launch and the comment.

Perhaps new phase initiated?

Plus, I was then just getting an opportunity to get one of my favourite quotes from one of my favourite characters from one of my favourite movies in ;)

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ce4b5a  No.10136812


*but quite lively instead

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b33e32  No.10136813

File: 7c37063edb069e3⋯.jpg (186.72 KB, 1024x811, 1024:811, 1596088818230.jpg)


And time is an illusion.

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af0f33  No.10136814

File: 55e1560a733db71⋯.jpg (11.64 KB, 225x225, 1:1, dawn_bred.jpg)


roger that fren.

at the top, the handy request you send.

i will wait in the wings and see u round the bend.

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42d979  No.10136815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Previous Flu Vaccines Cause the Symptoms Activated by Frequency Modulation

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73cf78  No.10136816

Prince Andrew lobbied US government for 'favourable' Epstein plea deal, court documents claim


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456dac  No.10136817

File: 06db9b386fc8e20⋯.mp4 (15.07 MB, 640x344, 80:43, 1oez4n_1_.mp4)

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3333ee  No.10136818

File: 8a60a49e60aa825⋯.jpg (285.46 KB, 385x385, 1:1, sGXffwn.jpg)

File: a2f01cd8eb377ba⋯.png (74.72 KB, 1052x418, 526:209, FSVS1.png)

File: 1e4a5e8d22ffc3f⋯.png (548.5 KB, 1576x1452, 394:363, FSVSAOG1.png)

File: 91a1da197ab216b⋯.png (3.12 MB, 1728x1456, 108:91, ajfscombo2.png)

File: eba9385b49633bb⋯.png (2.97 MB, 3360x2976, 35:31, AJTRIXXTRAITOR.png)



Good morning my pretty pretty P = PAYSEUR Paytriots!


Why sauce it when its best when it's left to fester and look real fucking stupid like it will, more and more, as time goes on?

No, a quick death does not seem to be in the cards for Mr. Payseur!

We will play with our food for a little while longer!


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c77e13  No.10136819

File: 9ec474fd1270ab3⋯.png (102.62 KB, 475x459, 475:459, predator.png)

File: 322f0633fe0a619⋯.png (1.15 MB, 697x706, 697:706, 322f0633fe0a619a61b7008329….png)


After escaping all she'd been through. Finally getting a chance at a new start. A new life…

And in walks this super predator.

Heart breaking story.

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d72bc2  No.10136820

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fe8579  No.10136822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watchin footy but half time and ad central. Cut to this and thought I'd share.

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d72bc2  No.10136823


Always lurking, I am

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ce4b5a  No.10136824


sorry, prolly confusing - was walking newer baker through the handoff steps.


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000000  No.10136825


>Sorry for rambling..

I won't get a single favorable view upon this relay of information but I would ask everyone to understand that these bodies are simply flesh and meaningless in the grand scheme of things. With that, the last 2,000'ish years haven't exactly been stellar for humanity. The "Evil One" may be more deceptive than most are willing to entertain. Everyone has to discover their path according to their own love of Truth. Don't be afraid to consider the most absurd considerations. You may find that the thing that makes the most sense, is exactly the opposite of what you have always been led to believe.

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a483ca  No.10136826

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 253x204, 253:204, dafuqPepe.JPG)


So organic… you almost look anon

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456dac  No.10136827

File: 963bdd5df4137db⋯.png (936.16 KB, 960x600, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)




Prince Andrew lobbied US government for 'favourable' Epstein plea deal, court documents claim

Prince Andrew allegedly lobbied the US government on Jeffrey Epstein’s behalf for a "favourable" plea deal in a underage prostitution case in Florida in 2008, it has been claimed in newly unsealed court documents.

The trove of documents, published for the first time after an appeal to keep them secret by Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell’s lawyers was rejected this week, highlights the relationship between the Duke and the disgraced late financier.

They are part of a 2015 civil lawsuit brought against Epstein and Ms Maxwell, 58, by Viriginia Roberts Giuffre, who claims she was forced by the millionaire to sleep with Prince Andrew and others when she was 17.

The Duke has strenuously denied Ms Giuffre’s allegations….

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aa080d  No.10136828

File: bf7c9ba0739922f⋯.jpg (10.11 KB, 294x171, 98:57, 369.jpg)


And peace is the prize.

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456dac  No.10136829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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456dac  No.10136830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5a939c  No.10136831

File: a23a1c1c23cc193⋯.png (278.5 KB, 782x436, 391:218, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 804126f87250139⋯.png (426.28 KB, 790x437, 790:437, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea2b3fa2b0a8060⋯.png (392.74 KB, 785x452, 785:452, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 951dae47f7aa528⋯.png (161.55 KB, 692x301, 692:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9fbf2d67d7ddf2⋯.png (497.7 KB, 1040x725, 208:145, ClipboardImage.png)


C7 And it's got BO sweating


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3333ee  No.10136832

File: 4a29d68b25539e1⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1918x1080, 959:540, 0PFSP4a.png)

File: f538bf3af90c1f0⋯.gif (1.64 MB, 243x208, 243:208, source_1_.gif)

File: 875f7a4df8dd521⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 400x342, 200:171, source.gif)


I know right? Its crazy like that!

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62d754  No.10136833

File: 4b4772330e9e67c⋯.png (98.2 KB, 500x610, 50:61, my_ability_to_wish_you_wel….png)


>possible coded speak

Entirely plausible. Probable even. Obviously they need their assets to dig in and fight. And all assets eyes would be focused on that speech. All im sayin is i wish them well….

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b33e32  No.10136834

File: eb64d258d0048d0⋯.gif (990.65 KB, 146x260, 73:130, 1596123760175.gif)


I had my hopes set on a pony :(

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5b8f50  No.10136835

File: c96cb4669f5b469⋯.jpg (220.55 KB, 1200x804, 100:67, FreeInfoAssemblyRequired.jpg)

File: e5b49c3fab23d4b⋯.jpg (135.32 KB, 900x600, 3:2, FreeInfoAssemblyRequired2.jpg)

The main GM dumps were in breads #12967-9

Toodloo Journalists.

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b33e32  No.10136836


I like the cut of your jib, torpedo poster

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ce4b5a  No.10136837


thanks for the article.

Headline says

Prince Andrew lobbied US government

Article says

Prince Andrew allegedly lobbied the US government

That's the kind of crap some of those UK rags pull - which is why including at least some of the article makes for better reporting.


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fe8579  No.10136838

File: 58231a8e4f0b911⋯.jpg (26.34 KB, 525x700, 3:4, EB1.jpg)

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5c5c9e  No.10136839

File: 0bcdce031b9e20d⋯.png (152.64 KB, 322x401, 322:401, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74feeb929944c59⋯.png (642.45 KB, 672x676, 168:169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee771af6bad345e⋯.png (207.65 KB, 315x672, 15:32, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aaa232ba683fa57⋯.png (277.97 KB, 666x375, 222:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fa836bc2c15f88⋯.png (622.67 KB, 813x1218, 271:406, ClipboardImage.png)


You're welcome. I get a lot of use out of it…tend to make things I'd never bother to do if I had to cut them out manually.

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cc16ef  No.10136840

File: 17d7f5ece5c0397⋯.png (571.96 KB, 746x1462, 373:731, Screenshot_20200731_061057.png)

Bill Cooper talks about Franklin and the Lodge of Nine Muses (sisters) in his Porterville Presentation.


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ce4b5a  No.10136841

#12973 @600

>>10136248 AG Barr tests negative for coronavirus after encounter with Rep. Louie Gohmert

>>10136263 Ghislaine Maxwell Documents Unsealed: allegations against Prince Andrew, Clinton, others (FBI already knew)

>>10136277 Anon: HW Bush and the Clintons were smuggling guns/drugs since Iran-Contra era

>>10136282 Cali Ballot fraud revealed (homeless given cigs etc for signing ballots)

>>10136289 Trump recovers taxpayer cash on $1Bil Obama-Backed solar plant (already obsolete)

>>10136303 Rush: Google ‘Essentially Trying to Erase Breitbart’

>>10136311 ACLU Sues Portland Police To Block Them Videotaping Protesters

>>10136332 Proponents of the deranged QAnon theory take to Wisconsin's highways (hit piece)

>>10136347 Big Tech censors debate about hydroxychloroquine

>>10136351 Letter to the Editor on Barr testimony

>>10136421 Researchers publish scathing critique of Henry Ford study (hit piece? ANONS DIG)

>>10136441 ER doctor Simone Gold fired from her position after 20 years after appearance at White Coat Summit

>>10136511 GA Congressional candidate Marjorie Greene talks about masks, race, Q & more (vid)

>>10136512 Who Killed Citizen Cain?

>>10136557 Anon on Techno Fog - he'll be posting excerpts of Maxwell docs on twatter

>>10136578 "Do you like Trump?" poll flipped

>>10136707, >>10136709, >>10136713, >>10136716, >>10136726, >>10136754, >>10136767, >>10136774 Ghislaine redactions revealed? ANONS DIG

>>10136751 New Zealand Eases Abortion Restrictions

>>10136816, >>10136827 Prince Andrew allegedly lobbied US gov't for 'favourable' Epstein plea deal

plz check 'em anons

anything sketchy or missing?

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3333ee  No.10136842

File: 251b89406e038ad⋯.png (284.28 KB, 1134x792, 63:44, MP2.png)

File: 10624a67e073235⋯.png (896.41 KB, 1132x658, 566:329, MP3.png)

File: 8cf109756c4ce3d⋯.png (1018.14 KB, 1130x660, 113:66, MP5.png)

File: 1ebc9bff65aa567⋯.png (719.62 KB, 1128x628, 282:157, MP6.png)

File: 9042e4e2b76995a⋯.png (175.82 KB, 638x876, 319:438, nsff1.png)


I don't know, Wilbur

But someone really seems to takes that [P] = Payseur shit seriously! kek!

Can you say it!




Fucking sick and stupid!

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5b8f50  No.10136843


Military accident off Cali Coast?

Reported in from Fox news.

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b541d5  No.10136844

File: 7b5842a20a7bca7⋯.jpeg (633.24 KB, 2002x801, 2002:801, 7B2516FC_2908_4EAD_8E63_4….jpeg)

BD Anon post yesterday - less than a 10% chance of an election in Nov.

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aa080d  No.10136845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch this video anon, if you want to see something majestic. Come closer.

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af0f33  No.10136846


figured that out after walking thru the bread again. my first glance is 'is there someone in the wheelhouse'. my 2nd is a more foresnsic view of the past few hours. what can i say… auditfag.

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0ead18  No.10136847

File: 6511563be2d6b70⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1349x6488, 1349:6488, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20e5f9c59fd7475⋯.png (699.42 KB, 1349x3971, 71:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8f4992f9e9f710⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1661x1160, 1661:1160, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6621e9d35e41b18⋯.png (29.25 KB, 1258x270, 629:135, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38bd271983a9a20⋯.png (28.65 KB, 1250x174, 625:87, ClipboardImage.png)


pi in the sky



okay well 2/7

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ce4b5a  No.10136848


what's the post number?

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5b8f50  No.10136849



Found a Business Insider


1 US Marine is dead, and 8 are missing, after an amphibious assault vehicle accident off Southern California

A US Marine is dead, and eight service members, are missing after an assault amphibious vehicle (AAV) accident off the coast of Southern California on Thursday.

"1 Marine has died, 8 service members remain missing and 2 were injured after an AAV mishap July 30 off the coast of Southern California," the Marine Expeditionary Force tweeted Friday.

"All are assigned to the 15th MEU [marine expeditionary unit]. Search and rescue efforts are still underway with support from the Navy and Coast Guard."

The incident occurred during a routine training exercise in the vicinity of the island of San Clemente, the US Marine Corps told Business

Insider in an emailed statement.

Fifteen marines had been onboard the AAV, which reported taking on water at 5:45 p.m. local time, the Marine Corps said.

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fe8579  No.10136850


'Military Accident' encompasses soooo many scenarios…..

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da3bfa  No.10136851


Is this absolutely true?

I've heard this before but never centred my mind on it. But if official documents are admitting the link then it becomes a pretty potent arguing point both against yet another vaccine and in support of the pandemic being a long term depopulation strategy, mostly directed at the elderly.

Might also highlight why so many nurses/medics picked it up despite all the clothing protection.

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b33e32  No.10136852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watching nao

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5b8f50  No.10136853

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4f71ac  No.10136854


The body-mind has its value as an instrument of Source / Divinity

In worshipping Jesus, humanity lost the Christ

CHRIST consciousness is returning to the collective. We are re-membering our Oneness

Christhood is the state of KINGDOM CONSCIOUSNESS of which Jesus spoke. My kingdom is not of This World ( polarity,division, pairs of opposites ).

The shakeout period will be over soon, welcoming Only those who choose Lovee to the next phase of evolution ( 5D - mirror D5 )


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42d979  No.10136855

File: 4a2e43f28dc2625⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1422x988, 711:494, yggsdrasil_countryside2.png)


Nice CGI, fisheye hurts the brain!!


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3333ee  No.10136856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


hey kids! that trust the plan stuff is about the Payseur trust yo!

and that 777 consciousness and 66 is the number of the fallen angels, because ya gotta believe me! muahahahah!

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af0f33  No.10136857

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c418b9  No.10136858


Link to where his post are archived? I remember him from last year but there were so many people pretending to be him at one point that it became anyone's guess.

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af0f33  No.10136859


look'n guud

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42d979  No.10136861


I believe so. yes.

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b7f727  No.10136862

File: cf22cf1b8a1aa7a⋯.png (191.82 KB, 1309x786, 1309:786, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe8579  No.10136863

Givin 'em a lead? Why?

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ce4b5a  No.10136864


well, i came in late to pb bread

found notes but no reply to "baker on duty"?

was ready to bake, coz i didn't know the score

but baker was there and baked well

so trying to explain how to respond when asked if baker is on-duty, how to do handoffs.

new bakers do a good job baking

next step is good comms


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bcbc05  No.10136865



this turd is a miscreant shill going on about nonsense and making anon look like petty assholes.

begone shill.

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7a1f2b  No.10136866

File: 4d41068e08f2b89⋯.png (592.98 KB, 1358x934, 679:467, Screen_Shot_2020_07_31_at_….png)

15.667123, -63.618711

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5b8f50  No.10136867


Must be so then. Good Look Planefag.

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af0f33  No.10136868


all about the comms for sure.

5:5 and follow a simple protocol.

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aa080d  No.10136869


Are you guys still mad about that moon shit? Clowns Inna Area

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b541d5  No.10136870

File: d14f67ebd89e79a⋯.jpeg (414.5 KB, 500x665, 100:133, D4F7EDF9_9B05_4A15_A2FC_2….jpeg)


BD Anon post archive - stay comfy


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696fca  No.10136871


What's any of this got to do with Rick Joyner?

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b33e32  No.10136872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ce4b5a  No.10136873

>>10136849, >>10136862 Military accident involving amphibious vehicle in S Cali

ty, anons.

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3333ee  No.10136874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Infiltration not Invasion…



Who gives a fuck but you?!

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fe8579  No.10136875

File: 27a60f30b71539a⋯.jpg (622.74 KB, 1620x1080, 3:2, DN1.jpg)

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bcbc05  No.10136876


anon, we are at war.

it's an enemy.

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fe8579  No.10136877


True. Bad emotions that have to be reconciliated.

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0ead18  No.10136878

File: 5fada916fc3d942⋯.png (6.15 KB, 639x77, 639:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d0017c61af6371⋯.gif (3.88 MB, 740x416, 185:104, FreshLiveInchworm_size_res….gif)


>AG Barr tests negative for coronavirus after encounter with Rep. Louie Gohmert

such a great line

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58d89e  No.10136879

File: af24d7e16bd9822⋯.png (336.92 KB, 2280x1080, 19:9, LeafFilter.png)

If the bread starts to go sideways, use this. Good morning glories.

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42d979  No.10136880

File: bf52f486a151502⋯.png (499.39 KB, 923x498, 923:498, Hpad.PNG)


>15.667123, -63.618711

Helicopter landing pad on dock?

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ce4b5a  No.10136881

File: 3ea7f2d411f62e2⋯.png (155.26 KB, 341x354, 341:354, adventure_travel.png)


easier to discuss in class

harder here, ha-ha.

but we'll work 'er out.

glad to have new bakers on board

it's a real adventure for the first 100 bakes or so…..


(picture relevant)

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c418b9  No.10136882

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bcbc05  No.10136883


has nothing but sputter and bluster.

limped dick refusal to answer an other anon's question, and badgers other anon.

you aren't infiltrated, dipshit. what you are is a glow turd in a septic pool.

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aaa3c7  No.10136884

>>10136841 Good Morning Baker and Thank You.

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b33e32  No.10136885


fingernails are made

Of a mother’s pearl

Yellow buttercup


Orange buttercat

Chasing after

The crazy bee

Mad about somebody

Oh no

Me and my girlfriend

Don’t wear no shoes

Her nose is painted pepper sunlight

She loves me

I mean it’s serious

As serious can be

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243eed  No.10136886

File: c98f49d0626911e⋯.jpeg (40.22 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 7867F457_AC66_45E8_A006_3….jpeg)

File: 0e74735db1448f8⋯.jpeg (106.89 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1CABA4BE_60AA_48B5_A540_4….jpeg)

File: dab0791af897c42⋯.jpeg (1.35 MB, 3072x3072, 1:1, 76626C17_EA40_4ECA_893E_5….jpeg)

File: c2770055d881326⋯.png (228.16 KB, 400x500, 4:5, 035E3364_0541_4F19_9603_E9….png)


Who recommended, vouched or nominated to POTUS that:

Rouge 1

Rouge 2

Rouge 3

Rouge 4

Rouge 5

Rogue 6

Would be “great assets” to help Trump’s Administration?

If Rogue 1-6 were working for the cabal, who initially recommended them and vouched for them to POTUS? ID this person and boom, there’s your top high ranking enemy mole!

I sure hope it’s not Pence! If he is, then that’s what the real “insurance plan” is! The mole will be activated when all else fails, perhaps even when Trump wins in November. It’s entirely possible that what happened to JFK and the attempted shooting of Reagan could also happen to Trump!

Pray for Trump & Q!

God Bless America!

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73cf78  No.10136888

File: 6996df2dbd54027⋯.png (32.9 KB, 570x311, 570:311, ClipboardImage.png)


dark to light?

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a3e748  No.10136889

File: c198cebf01421fb⋯.jpg (118.42 KB, 682x500, 341:250, 49zt9g.jpg)

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c59078  No.10136890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This should be the qresearch theme song

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cf7597  No.10136891


I have had dreams my whole life of battles with evil I always dream of bridges, people, Evil is at the other end of the bridge.

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3333ee  No.10136892

File: 7786fd35b69acdc⋯.jpg (61.63 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 7786fd35b69acdcbe7966e4c57….jpg)


No outside comms which is what would be required for them to take a protective position….

No one told them to guard the [P] or did someone? Someone who should not have?

Another Frenemy?

I like hunting the really big fuckers especially the really big fuckers WITHIN…

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72a689  No.10136893

File: 5656526dd896336⋯.png (521.7 KB, 807x555, 269:185, _600000_to_omar_husband.PNG)

Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar’s re-election campaign paid her husband’s consulting firm more than $600,000 in the first three weeks of July, Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show.

Omar’s campaign has now paid E Street Group, the consulting firm run by Omar’s husband, Tim Mynett, more than $1.7 million since August 2018, according to FEC records.

The most recent payments, which were first reported by the Washington Free Beacon, come despite an ongoing FEC complaint against Omar’s campaign.

The conservative National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) filed the complaint in August 2019, alleging that Omar broke federal laws by using campaign funds to pursue an affair with Mynett. Both Mynett and Omar were married to other people when their affair first began.


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7056f2  No.10136894

File: f09bf880a6b6c67⋯.jpg (184.99 KB, 923x500, 923:500, 49zrpq.jpg)

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696fca  No.10136895

File: 3af761abf0d056c⋯.jpg (164 KB, 551x491, 551:491, 3af761abf0d056c12b2278be90….jpg)


Do you know anything about him or you just thought using his pic and tagging as sinister without any sauce was a good idea?

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0ead18  No.10136896

File: 908c127b6026368⋯.gif (4.74 MB, 800x450, 16:9, UnpleasantSmallAfricanpara….gif)


no brakes

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ce4b5a  No.10136897

File: a194ef04079f7f8⋯.jpg (4.35 KB, 275x183, 275:183, sunrise_2.jpg)


'morning anon.

busy already, no moar sleep gy shifts!


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219975  No.10136898

File: 17a29933c8d1f37⋯.png (359.33 KB, 640x844, 160:211, 17a29933c8d1f37e2ae5aaed34….png)


I missed it.

What's the scoop?

Now I'm curious.

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cd7dc1  No.10136899


Now what?

Have they expended all ammo?

What's left on the table?

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af0f33  No.10136900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


was just on sirius 33 first wave yesterday. luv that song. gett'n at it old skool eh? so be it.

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7a1f2b  No.10136901

File: 409a023c571680a⋯.png (513.03 KB, 858x458, 429:229, Screen_Shot_2020_07_31_at_….png)

File: d8328ba6bf014fd⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1552x1034, 776:517, Screen_Shot_2020_07_31_at_….png)

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ce4b5a  No.10136902


>>10136248 AG Barr tests negative for coronavirus after encounter with Rep. Louie Gohmert

>>10136263 Ghislaine Maxwell Documents Unsealed: allegations against Prince Andrew, Clinton, others (FBI already knew)

>>10136277 Anon: HW Bush and the Clintons were smuggling guns/drugs since Iran-Contra era

>>10136282 Cali Ballot fraud revealed (homeless given cigs etc for signing ballots)

>>10136289 Trump recovers taxpayer cash on $1Bil Obama-Backed solar plant (already obsolete)

>>10136303 Rush: Google ‘Essentially Trying to Erase Breitbart’

>>10136311 ACLU Sues Portland Police To Block Them Videotaping Protesters

>>10136332 Proponents of the deranged QAnon theory take to Wisconsin's highways (hit piece)

>>10136347 Big Tech censors debate about hydroxychloroquine

>>10136351 Letter to the Editor on Barr testimony

>>10136421 Researchers publish scathing critique of Henry Ford study (hit piece? ANONS DIG)

>>10136441 ER doctor Simone Gold fired from her position after 20 years after appearance at White Coat Summit

>>10136511 GA Congressional candidate Marjorie Greene talks about masks, race, Q & more (vid)

>>10136512 Who Killed Citizen Cain?

>>10136557 Anon on Techno Fog - he'll be posting excerpts of Maxwell docs on twatter

>>10136578 "Do you like Trump?" poll flipped

>>10136707, >>10136709, >>10136713, >>10136716, >>10136726, >>10136754, >>10136767, >>10136774 Ghislaine redactions revealed? ANONS DIG

>>10136751 New Zealand Eases Abortion Restrictions

>>10136816, >>10136827 Prince Andrew allegedly lobbied US gov't for 'favourable' Epstein plea deal

>>10136849, >>10136862 Military accident involving amphibious vehicle in S Cali


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fe6d2a  No.10136903



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c77e13  No.10136904

File: 4671f3c2ff3823f⋯.png (44.06 KB, 500x566, 250:283, download_17_.png)


oh he/she…whatever… won't be here till much later. It's depressed and unemployed so generally sleeps past midday.

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fe8579  No.10136905

File: 586c85dbd26587b⋯.jpg (10.93 KB, 255x248, 255:248, PepeSpiceMustFlow.jpg)

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73cf78  No.10136906

File: a40d73535b834ff⋯.png (251.89 KB, 554x566, 277:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89efa8192b5280e⋯.png (82.01 KB, 594x622, 297:311, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9f86aec7d9c3f8⋯.png (304.76 KB, 575x549, 575:549, ClipboardImage.png)



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b33e32  No.10136907

File: 0febdcf65d89c8b⋯.png (1.82 MB, 2160x2880, 3:4, PosterMaker_1596191307811.png)

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0ead18  No.10136908




just so you know, THAT error is a common kike mistake

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e10f9a  No.10136909

File: 89e0a19b5ffc5f1⋯.png (781.63 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 11515.png)


it's just a shill, a noisemaker to distract you

there are worse than that one on here

filter and move on

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aa080d  No.10136910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey CIA niggers. Here's a song to make you feel better. And us too. We're still on your team, get on ours.

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42d979  No.10136911



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62d754  No.10136912


>Perhaps new phase initiated?

Best i can do on this is: persevere - severe per which would mean get tougher or stricter in Italian. Bit of a stretch on my part perhaps….

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000000  No.10136913


>someone really seems to takes that [P] = Payseur shit seriously!

It just felt incredibly inorganic the day it reached public consciousness. Forced.

That doesn't really reflect an angle on the matter one way or the other, but I most often choose to stay away from the popular threads and go in search of the more obscure, buried and hidden stings to pull on.

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3333ee  No.10136914

File: 81395205eeb9d25⋯.png (883.16 KB, 794x518, 397:259, nswf0.png)


and until Boss man tells me to stop, directly, no "WWG1WGA" but "Anon, you have served your country well yet stand down as [P] = fucking PAYSEUR is part of the plan" this motherfucker will not stop.

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fe8579  No.10136915


'If you see something, say something'… I've always been confused.

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5a939c  No.10136916

File: ab383c19ccfac06⋯.png (152.23 KB, 536x629, 536:629, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cc4fbf94385013⋯.png (212.58 KB, 498x633, 166:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2448f800e4a9f08⋯.png (252.46 KB, 522x633, 174:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bcbb03f892dd42⋯.png (194.92 KB, 504x628, 126:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fc73a4ef4d3af4⋯.png (100.65 KB, 309x360, 103:120, ClipboardImage.png)

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73cf78  No.10136917

File: 36f5c6134f7e045⋯.png (57.75 KB, 759x228, 253:76, ClipboardImage.png)


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5a939c  No.10136918

File: 797457e4c5ec9e7⋯.png (90.3 KB, 289x360, 289:360, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d5402aa3f75e17⋯.png (183.42 KB, 540x632, 135:158, ClipboardImage.png)

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0ead18  No.10136919

File: 8c3badc2105af82⋯.gif (909.32 KB, 470x348, 235:174, Reg_Kehoe_and_his_Marimba_….gif)


not that your post otherwise indicates you are.


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fe8579  No.10136920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The irony of it all….

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da3bfa  No.10136921


Pic 4: human beings are stunningly beautiful things when stunningly beautiful.

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000000  No.10136922


suspect af considering the Bonnie Dick fire as well.

Are we in a hot war we aren't being told about?

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b7e8b1  No.10136923

File: 8a9f67fb6b0d578⋯.png (875.22 KB, 664x960, 83:120, ClipboardImage.png)

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73cf78  No.10136924

File: d9eb421a034fac5⋯.png (471.05 KB, 365x495, 73:99, ClipboardImage.png)

if trump wins and takes the house

ho re fuck


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5a939c  No.10136925

File: b4e4c0548e19bb4⋯.png (376.89 KB, 1114x671, 1114:671, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e05f2579b874f9⋯.png (504.27 KB, 1129x668, 1129:668, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89a4eea1f5c01b8⋯.png (513.54 KB, 1128x661, 1128:661, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8358c8f7fb1f501⋯.png (168.09 KB, 643x667, 643:667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e56b16ccd5bf70⋯.png (21.59 KB, 293x638, 293:638, ClipboardImage.png)

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3333ee  No.10136926

File: 333020f3620491e⋯.png (402.74 KB, 502x498, 251:249, 5ans230.png)


Hmmmm looks like pope to me

Hmmmm baker has hands and is grabbing the good stuff but avoids priest catholic abuse digs? repeatedly? and picks up anti mason and anti jewish propaganda?

and bakes the protocols of zion like I don't know 50 fucking times?

Calls jews kikes in their comms?

Hmmmm baker avoids twice nommed Vatican digs?

Hmmmm great digs links deactivated?

Hmmmm miss title some shit like "church" Instead of "Vatican".

Amazing series of Coincidences, Crazy world!

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73cf78  No.10136927

"Rumors Of Structural Faults ​​​​​​​" - China's Three Gorges Dam Could Be Nearing collapse


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0ead18  No.10136928


better help your (((mates))) out with their white female BDSM rape fantasy pic

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aa080d  No.10136929







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696fca  No.10136930

File: f629e1f87b6b3ed⋯.png (957.58 KB, 906x1189, 906:1189, Screen_Shot_2020_07_31_at_….png)





I've read some of his books… The guy's a Patriot and a believer. Your carelessness makes you glow clownish.

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000000  No.10136931


that sure feels right.

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ce4b5a  No.10136932


Here Are The Top Highlights From Ghislaine Maxwell's Unsealed Court Records


Dozens of exhibits related to Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein were unsealed Thursday evening, providing insight into allegations against the financier and his purported 'madam,' as well as other high-profile individuals, including Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz and several other people whose names one can only guess (and the internet has).

remainder of article consists of very interesting tweets - worth checking out

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b33e32  No.10136933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The video is better than the gif

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b7e8b1  No.10136934

File: b3bbecda9fd8671⋯.png (278.98 KB, 904x730, 452:365, ClipboardImage.png)



I'm SO READY to vibrate out of this 3rd density Luciferian nightmare into the next.

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0ead18  No.10136935


when are you going to die, rabbi?

soon we all hope.

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3333ee  No.10136936

File: 1c1b82111527ce1⋯.jpg (107.56 KB, 986x797, 986:797, 1c1b82111527ce1c847d803d5f….jpg)


Oh no I am being challenged on the kuns…. Mom get pizza rolls ready!

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e10f9a  No.10136937


The original parts of the dam were built with lots of shit-tier cement, before the chi-coms got their act together

dam is gonna burst, just a matter of when

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da3bfa  No.10136939


He has to take everything for it to work. Or else it's back to four more years of Shiff and Nancy. And they'll have a new collection of stalling tactics and impeachment attempts.

Ain't nobody got time for any more of that shit.

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cd7dc1  No.10136940


Sending prayers Anon.

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63e121  No.10136941


watch Trump vaporize the water from space just as the dam breaks and save all the chinamen

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aa080d  No.10136942


You failed the turing test long ago.

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3333ee  No.10136943


When are you gonna finally be full of POTUS' blood and drop off you fucking leech?

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0ead18  No.10136944



does he name the Jew?

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b7e8b1  No.10136945

File: 11748941734cde1⋯.png (57.74 KB, 790x634, 395:317, ClipboardImage.png)


This has always rung true to my heart.

Israel is NOT a plot of "Promised Land".

It is within all of us.

Look inside to find God!

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bcb75b  No.10136946

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0ead18  No.10136949

File: f17864779cf94ad⋯.png (500.1 KB, 707x509, 707:509, Screenshot_2020_07_29_zero….png)



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d72bc2  No.10136951

File: f8462790177c84a⋯.jpeg (298.52 KB, 1790x1432, 5:4, DBF081A1_1A16_4C18_ABCE_E….jpeg)

Anons patience grows thin


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b7e8b1  No.10136952







The image IS THE SAUCE!


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696fca  No.10136953

He knows who the real enemy is.

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ce4b5a  No.10136954


>>10136248 AG Barr tests negative for coronavirus after encounter with Rep. Louie Gohmert

>>10136263 Ghislaine Maxwell Documents Unsealed: allegations against Prince Andrew, Clinton, others (FBI already knew)

>>10136277 Anon: HW Bush and the Clintons were smuggling guns/drugs since Iran-Contra era

>>10136282 Cali Ballot fraud revealed (homeless given cigs etc for signing ballots)

>>10136289 Trump recovers taxpayer cash on $1Bil Obama-Backed solar plant (already obsolete)

>>10136303 Rush: Google ‘Essentially Trying to Erase Breitbart’

>>10136311 ACLU Sues Portland Police To Block Them Videotaping Protesters

>>10136332 Proponents of the deranged QAnon theory take to Wisconsin's highways (hit piece)

>>10136347 Big Tech censors debate about hydroxychloroquine

>>10136351 Letter to the Editor on Barr testimony

>>10136421 Researchers publish scathing critique of Henry Ford study (hit piece? ANONS DIG)

>>10136441 ER doctor Simone Gold fired from her position after 20 years after appearance at White Coat Summit

>>10136511 GA Congressional candidate Marjorie Greene talks about masks, race, Q & more (vid)

>>10136512 Who Killed Citizen Cain?

>>10136557 Anon on Techno Fog - he'll be posting excerpts of Maxwell docs on twatter

>>10136578 "Do you like Trump?" poll flipped

>>10136707, >>10136709, >>10136713, >>10136716, >>10136726, >>10136754, >>10136767, >>10136774 Ghislaine redactions revealed? ANONS DIG

>>10136751 New Zealand Eases Abortion Restrictions

>>10136816, >>10136827 Prince Andrew allegedly lobbied US gov't for 'favourable' Epstein plea deal

>>10136849, >>10136862 Military accident involving amphibious vehicle in S Cali

>>10136906, >>10136932 ZH: highlights of Maxwell unsealed court records

>>10136927 ZH: China's Three Gorges Dam Could Be Nearing collapse

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30c6b8  No.10136955

File: 947cf93726e431b⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1434x1782, 239:297, Capture_2020_07_31_05_38_2….png)

I am deceased.

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da3bfa  No.10136956


You over read life.

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73cf78  No.10136957


yeh then blame him for a drought

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696fca  No.10136958

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0ead18  No.10136959









we're going to need a bigger oven

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5e27eb  No.10136960

File: 0045d13dc33db63⋯.png (266.65 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>watch Trump vaporize the water from space just as the dam breaks and save all the chinamen

I heard this is a great way of doing it. Maybe drop them all over the biggest cities to vaporize the water. Also all the farm lands and smaller towns.

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bcb75b  No.10136961



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b33e32  No.10136963

File: dcbd39449bdc49f⋯.jpg (72.14 KB, 790x837, 790:837, _67a40156a22f437abe54b0d82….jpg)


Quality post, anon.

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73cf78  No.10136967

File: fd29cfe502f58d1⋯.png (108.72 KB, 393x348, 131:116, ClipboardImage.png)

where does this leave flynn?

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0ead18  No.10136968

File: ad2d47a06b70337⋯.png (908.49 KB, 1280x952, 160:119, 1574052737632.png)


sure rabbi

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0ead18  No.10136970



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5a939c  No.10136971


Fk that,

That's another Stuxnet op.

Let them deal with it. Retaliation.

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77cdcf  No.10136972

File: 55e440796bc59a2⋯.jpg (623.47 KB, 3072x2048, 3:2, 6a00d8341c7b9e53ef00e554ae….jpg)


Hold on nearly done…

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4da96b  No.10136973


The bible says flat out the the body is God's temple and it's filled with the holy spirit. Corinthians, iirc

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aa080d  No.10136974


That's askin a lot boy….

This here all i got.


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da3bfa  No.10136975


Then vaporise some of the clouds over my part of the world. It's rained for two full months and it's summer. Oh and put CERN out of action. I blame it.

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5a939c  No.10136976


Cripple there infrastructure and manufacturing base. Tactical

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0ead18  No.10136978

File: f82bd2b91fb0076⋯.png (222.36 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 1574138522526.png)

File: ba31da525b9983c⋯.jpg (132.73 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ba31da525b9983cb9d88e5c039….jpg)

File: ce2c04273d8a0be⋯.jpg (154.99 KB, 882x1279, 882:1279, 4a2267af83de66bca8f06693aa….jpg)

File: 4521170baca9656⋯.jpg (530.27 KB, 1242x1289, 1242:1289, 1595091485634.jpg)

File: 03488a84c84f098⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB, 872x480, 109:60, TalmudSaysHATEJESUSandDEst….mp4)


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b7e8b1  No.10136979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


After reading the above image..

Watch this and see what clicks?

Very Profound!

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4da96b  No.10136980

File: 8873bad9b24720e⋯.jpg (188.6 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 1_Corinthians_6_19.jpg)


^^ stupid ignorant motherfucker who doesn't read the bible.

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b7e8b1  No.10136981

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da3bfa  No.10136982


You over read Satanism.

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e19de2  No.10136983

File: ce43619ffae91c3⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>Fk that,

>That's another Stuxnet op.

>Let them deal with it. Retaliation.

I'm just thinking of ways to help vaporize the water. How many of these do you think would do it?

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c77e13  No.10136985



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3333ee  No.10136987

File: 7997cd750097ab6⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1894x752, 947:376, 07292020v1.png)

Lo there, I see Q people

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000000  No.10136988


I don't like any obfuscation of fact.

I could care less about sides, I will stand with whomever is defending Truth.

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0ead18  No.10136989

File: 82c837b991f1fd7⋯.png (579.43 KB, 1288x878, 644:439, Screenshot_2019_05_04_Jesu….png)

File: 6bd9b14d7a21b0b⋯.png (3.44 MB, 872x4168, 109:521, Screenshot_2020_04_23_mlpo….png)

File: b4eeafac3ed6f51⋯.webm (3.21 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1595880406134.webm)




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5a939c  No.10136990


It will be biblical.

Walls of Jericho

And Noah's flood biblical

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bcbc05  No.10136991



when removing glow-turds from the fountain of hope (the part that is good) you do not need to discuss with them about their heritage, or their upbringing or whose ass they came out of . . .

in the case of comms on a comm board, the one who left the gift is nowhere nearby you.

you merely need to message that post, but not talk to them. You know that they are an infilfraker trying to blow up the bedrock of your convictions and destroy you, like an enemy does, and scoff at you meanwhile inapproprtiately touching something, someone, somehow more and more symbolic teritorial pissings and prattling on like a fat bloated . . . bloatatious tumble ninny, in a giant chair because he's too fat to stand.

He stumbles over to the left of the stage. He tumbles off it.

"No worries. No worries," as he does his pratfall"

"I merely wondered too far to the left. I'm OK"

the crowd is letting him body surf.


so you wonder? Was I wrong about this anon as you do your 'your a shill, she's a shill everyone's a shill shill"

and go on saying 'Oh how clver I am in the morning

Mister Cue did a drop over night

he put four names in a small token of code

and now the anon will write ballad or ode

to say what it means or mean what it say

and the shill will interfere and say 'none of your are OK'

anyway, ya, so after the coffee starts working I get less inclined to spout out 'It's OK to call them glw turds. If they aren't they'll tell you quick enough'

but maybe in nicer langauge?

no. this is the chan. the most important part to not filter at times is the response to the shills.

but you get to that part where you realize that it's already well known, that no one will mistake this cretin for a real anon, and that if you are wrong you'll figure it out by the blow back what more? plus people who post or lurk can think for themselves, so why, every AM do you wast your ability to type out some scree of meaningful-tatious blathering plausibley deniable carry-on to say 'Oh here I am again, it's another day. We are still hoping on that we have someone as a team of heroic who are out there doing the real deal of gathering up all the intel to make the lists of those who are making the lists and gathering counter intel and fucking with good people, not letting them have free speech.

and after three years of this the 'infiltrators' are all glow turds. They post pictures of people pretending to be military, but instead looking 'sillytary'

and they pretend to be anon.

and they will say that I pretend to be an anon.

so no one here is friends, there are no conspirators, and a crappy picture of a bearded lumber-dude with keyboard and noise canceling headphones might mean that his real deal that day is 'tree work'.

he needs the key board when he gets to the top of the tree so he can post while he is on the job.

anyhoo, ya, at war.

censor ship is real

we are told to wear masks

and shills have infiltrated our septic system (this board?)

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5a939c  No.10136992

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e10f9a  No.10136994

File: 7244597b5e9e81d⋯.jpg (215.97 KB, 900x599, 900:599, ewtwt.JPG)

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0ead18  No.10136995

File: 9f749b089249c88⋯.webm (8.35 MB, 640x360, 16:9, _Alerta_Judiada_The_Jewis….webm)

File: faa191877176949⋯.gif (2.91 MB, 320x271, 320:271, 1410.gif)

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3333ee  No.10136998


Yeah I never left home believing it was any one faction. The crumbs led me to my convictions even though I have been doing this a long time so I have heard a lot, read many books etc etc no appeal to authority just that I have been exposed to Zionism and other "One Cabal Did It All" theories and on and on so its not like I do not know what the shills are saying.

I still do not care who it is I just know what it looks like from here.

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fe8579  No.10136999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e10f9a  No.10137001

File: 0143891cd855553⋯.png (118.26 KB, 620x387, 620:387, 35266.png)


juden raus

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5a939c  No.10137002

File: 117f58859a76c70⋯.png (1.6 MB, 800x1004, 200:251, ClipboardImage.png)

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73cf78  No.10137003

File: 0464d5bf9ee3b3c⋯.png (408.35 KB, 594x612, 33:34, ClipboardImage.png)

One US Marine was killed, two were injured and eight remain missing in an incident involving an amphibious assault vehicle off the coast of Southern California, officials said Friday.



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e19de2  No.10137004


When I said nuke the Chinese, I meant drop 150 nuclear bombs in all the major population centers killing as many of the bugmen as possible.

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0ead18  No.10137005


>Zionism and other "One Cabal Did It All" theories

yup, you're a kike

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73cf78  No.10137007


you would kill us all

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f48508  No.10137008



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0ead18  No.10137009


board is 50% jew

have you seen them?


same scripts for almost 3 years

they just rotate

EDOMITE-Librre David shill will be on duty soon

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2470c8  No.10137010


It would be wasted fireworks. Higher energy radiation tends to go through water without being absorbed. Absorbing energy needed for heating of a substance.

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ce4b5a  No.10137012

File: a8455286527819c⋯.png (572.72 KB, 456x685, 456:685, a_zigzag_bamboo_path.png)

File: 6c4fcb7cfa2e43c⋯.jpg (11.17 KB, 414x498, 69:83, dunes_path.jpg)

File: affa1591ef0e982⋯.png (320.88 KB, 517x387, 517:387, bridge_to_somewhere.png)

File: 3c4de3366a226c0⋯.jpg (68.67 KB, 514x664, 257:332, dont_look_down_path.jpg)

File: fea06a3d7088ef2⋯.png (106.66 KB, 349x256, 349:256, wwg1wga_victory.png)

path to FRESH




it's a journey, over land & water, thru mountains & plains….

the quest for the FRESHEST OF FRESH BREADS…..


repost plz

end of bread fast approaching….

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e10f9a  No.10137013

File: 893367b4b676cc0⋯.png (235.55 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 252626.png)

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aa080d  No.10137014


Your doing a shit psy-op mate. cutnpaste

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77cdcf  No.10137015


Don't dehumanize them. You are showing how weak you are. People who have to dehumanize others are the weakest target. Fail under pressure every fucking time. Useless. I am not fighting by your side faggot.

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5a939c  No.10137016

File: 4eeb63461f337f6⋯.png (1.47 MB, 800x1004, 200:251, ClipboardImage.png)

Here's the right one. I see aliens

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bcb75b  No.10137019


was going to search my archives for a few links that would comprise of a witty retort. but all my archives are gone. deleted. 01/16/20 @ 4:42am

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11df7b  No.10137023

File: c0bbcce6ba4dc4d⋯.png (1.28 MB, 900x750, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe8579  No.10137027

File: bdcb7e74b0c2efa⋯.jpg (26.17 KB, 255x255, 1:1, PositiveVibesToYou.jpg)

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