=The Truth Fact About The Virus Pandemic COVID With Solution=
Dear everybody,
The chaos virus pandemic is showing how corrupt or stupid of many national government are.
If you want to know the secret of the COVID virus pandemic event, all you need to do is read this letter carefully.
The mechanism of NCOV COVID
-- If you have $1 dollar, how can it become $2 dollar or more?
You need to invest via various platform such as stock market, casino, bookmaker vendor, etc.
Without the existence of those platform, your $1 dollar will always $1 dollar.
-- How did you was born, do your farther can make you by himself alone?
No, your farther need a special platform called your mother.
Without that special platform, there would be no you today.
The mechanism of the corona virus NCOV COVID is exactly like that.
It need a “platform” to grow, to multiply.
Without a human body platform, the COVID is like a sand, a dust without any dangerous.
The dangerous of the COVID is depend totally on each every human body, that is reason why you see various group of people got exactly that same virus have different result from nothing to sickness to dead.
The secret, fact about COVID vaccine:
Many national government and the media are promoting COVID vaccine like the only solution to end the pandemic but they are all wrong.
The COVID vaccine itself is not that miracle because of real life result you can see in many nations.
-- There are a lot of people who got COVID vaccine but still receive injuries to dead within few days.
-- There are many nations still not back to normal life despite of many COVID vaccine injected.
So why with the same vaccine, some people dead, some people do not get anything ?Post too long. Click here to view the full text.