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File: a1d7cd6ca1a5b08⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 8kun_Q_Research_General_Ma….png)

91dce7  No.10127567[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 07.30.2020

>>10125999 ————————————–——– Do not mistake silence for inaction.

>>10125966 ————————————–——– "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."

Tuesday 07.28.2020

>>10110219 ————————————–—— NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING.

>>10110207 ————————————–—— INFORMATION WARFARE.

>>10110177 ————————————–—— Tucker opening from today (Cap: >>10113490)

Thursday 07.23.2020

>>10058962 ————————————–—— Catherine Herridge on FBI doc declas (Cap: >>10058986)

Wednesday 07.22.2020

>>10045084 ————————————–—— Next: more 'act of violence' frame-ups, #2 attacked topic [#1 POTUS] INFILTRATION NOT INVASION.

>>10044656 ————————————–—— INFORMATION WARFARE Q#4509

Monday 07.20.2020

>>10017824 rt >>10017535 ———————— General Flynn meme: A Real American Hero

Sunday 07.19.2020

>>10017199 ————————————–—— Anons take note. You have a rival (Cap: >>10017474)

>>10016912 ————————————–—— Acknowledged. God Bless America.

>>10016468 ————————————–—— *** Are you ready to serve once again?

>>10016309 rt >>10016299 ———————— Red X over photo of Wray

>>10016273 ————————————–—— Photo of WRAY

>>10015906 ————————————–—— Batten down the hatches

>>10015756 ————————————–—— ren·e·gade

>>10015372 ————————————–—— "Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint (Cap: >>10015638)

>>10015079 ————————————–—— Sunlight kills. v2 (Cap: >>10015116)

>>10015028 ————————————–—— Sunlight kills. v2 (Cap: >>10015087)

>>10011517 ————————————–—— [8.19.2018] August

>>10011231 ————————————–—— Follow for days ahead [DECLAS]. [note the pen]

>>10010219 rt >>10010141 ———————— Zero Delta

>>10009912 rt >>10009900 ———————— Mark Meadows on Spygate: "It's All Starting to Unravel" Video

>>10009902 ————————————–—— THE SWAMP RUNS DEEP. (CAP: >>10009935)

>>10009877 ————————————–—— Meadows signals imminent indictments in Durham probe (CAP: >>10009887)

Saturday 07.18.2020

>>10000273 ————————————–—— UNITY NOT DIVISION (Cap: >>10000310)


>>9999653 ————————————–——– 5:5? (Cap: >>9999740)

>>9999604 ————————————–——– At what point does it become painfully obvious? (Cap: >>10000633)

>>9996420 ————————————–——– Cap of prev Q and link to NY Post article: Epstein was a puppet (Cap: >>9996455, text: >>9996339)

>>9996171 ————————————–——– Do not give up the citizen investigation (Disney child trafficking references in plain sight) (Cap: >>9996184)

Fri 07.17.2020 >>10017993

Thu 07.02.2020 >>9967719

Wed 07.01.2020 >>9967734

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts

Archived at qanon.app (qanon.pub), qmap.pub, qanon.news & qposts.online

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Access through Tor: http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

New here? Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

8kun FAQs: https://8kun.top/faq.html

Questions & Practice Thread: >>9901078

How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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91dce7  No.10127572

Global Announcements

None at this time.

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10126887, >>10126899 Project iGuardian developed by HSI, NCMEC, Netsmartz, outreach effort/platform to combat pedos

>>10126913, >>10126949 Missouri AG dropping charges against St. Louis couple who defended their home with guns

>>10126973 POTUS Meets With Family of Slain Fort Hood Soldier Vanessa Guillen

>>10127027 Police Confiscate Man's Firearm After Anonymous "Antifa" Members Accuse Him of Being a "Racist”

>>10127042 Live: Rep John Lewis Funeral

>>10127098 Sidney Powell: DC Cir just granted rehearing en banc of mandamus in #Flynn case. Oral arguments 9:30am 8/11/20

>>10127122 Re: House Judiciary Committee Antitrust Hearing 7/29, The money antitrust committee members receive from Big Tech

>>10127199 Catherine Herridge: Tonight DOJ Spokeswoman Kerri Kupec; AG Barr has tapped US Attorney John Bash to review unmasking issue

>>10127325 Reminder: FBI Investigated Joe Biden's Campaign for Corruption

>>10127336 Moar on Buddy, first dog to test positive for COVID-19 in the U.S., has died

>>10127403 Increase in helicopter activity in and around Pentagon and National Capital Region for regularly sceduled exercise


>>10126962, >>10127174 Planefag Reports

>>10127534 #12961


>>10126361 Baking Seminar #25 at 7pm ET

>>10126178, >>10126719 First dog to test positive for coronavirus in US dies

>>10126308 Ohio pharmacy board reverses ban on hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus treatment after DeWine’s request

>>10126348 NYSE-owner ICE says chinavirus has complicated the M&A picture

>>10126400 Pompeo Reacts to Trump’s Proposal to Delay November Election

>>10126611 Who can take hydroxychloroquine?

>>10126619 Repurposing Drugs in Oncology (ReDO)—chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as anti-cancer agents

>>10126623 General Mike Flynn Update

>>10126653 Delta CEO Ed Bastian says more than 17,000 employees have chosen to leave the company as it reels from the coronavirus pandemic.

>>10126756 #12960

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91dce7  No.10127576

#12959 baker change

>>10125316 Yale epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci running 'misinformation campaign' against hydroxychloroquine

>>10125355 Twatter POLL: Do you like Trump?

>>10125375 Archive Update

>>10125367 Trader Joe's to keep popular international food lables, denies packaging is racist

>>10125370 U.S Attorney Oregon Billy Williams irritated by biased media who refuse to accurately describe the criminal behavior of rioters

>>10125374 Rep John Lewis Funeral Service Atlanta Georgia C-span link

>>10125386, >>10125431 Dr. Birx on @foxandfriends supports Dr Fauci's goggle and mask idea. "And you can decorate them!"

>>10125454 German bond yields hit 2-1/2 month low after dismal GDP data

>>10125525 BREAKING: @senatemajldr just told me over the phone that the election date is set in stone.

>>10125535 Chinese triad leader dubbed 'the emperor' is executed after running a 196-memeber criminal gang for 3 decades

>>10125609 Sen. Katrina Robinson Accused of Stealing $600k in Fed Grant $ to Pay for Her Wedding

>>10125611 Longtime Trenton cop takes own life in New Jersey parking lot

>>10125677 "Key civil court documents in case involving Ghislaine Maxwell will not be publicly released as scheduled Thursday,"

>>10125739 Virgin Isles AG Subpoenas Major Banks For Jeffrey Epstein Financial Records

>>10125767 VP Pence going to be at a Cops for Trump event in Pennsylvania

>>10125849 ANNAPOLIS, MD: "State Senator Andrew Serafini is resigning effective August 1

>>10125898 Leader McCarthy holds weekly press briefing

>>10125907 FEC commissioner to Trump: "No. You don't have the power to move the election"

>>10125929 America's Contingency Corps maintains the highest level of readiness across the Department of Defense

>>10125947, >>10125977 Flynn update: The Order compelling Judge Sullivan to dismiss the case is vacated

>>10125662, >>10125721, >>10125823, >>10125846 Planefag Updates

>>10126020 #12959


>>10125190 anons opine on POTUS election delay twat.

>>10124965, >>10125037 Another beautiful trap set by POTUS. Evil took the bait.

>>10124961 Russia to unveil latest submersible vehicle at Army-2020 arms show

>>10124914 Repurposing Drugs in Oncology (ReDO)—chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as anti-cancer agents

>>10124799 New DJT w/CAP: Support Patio Pizza and its wonderful owner, Guy Caligiuri, in St. James, Long Island (N.Y.). Great Pizza!!! @Varneyco

>>10124837 Portland issues ‘maximum fine’ on feds for unpermitted fence outside courthouse; bill is $192,000 ‘and counting’

>>10124809, >>10125140, >>10125137 Herman Caine Dead of Chineee flu. yes, no, mebbe so...

>>10124808 More names in Jeffrey Epstein's black book

>>10124783 Fugitive Arrested After Drilling Holes in Man's Thigh... knew something about child trafficking

>>10124672, >>10124693 Zimbabwe agrees to pay $3.5 billion to white farmers

>>10124619, >>10124663 Soros-backed DAs join fray in clash with officers as political investment pays off

>>10124618, >>10124940, >>10125173 planefag reporting

>>10124596 CNN be anti Qanon'ing and pizzagating: A baseless US conspiracy theory found a foothold in Europe. New research shows how

>>10124559 Malik B, founding member of The Roots, dead at 47

>>10124547 QAnon accounts banned by Twitter have already returned, with over 100,000 followers.

>>10125208 #12958

Previously Collected Notables

>>10122900 #12955, >>10123719 #12956, >>10124445 #12957

>>10120661 #12952, >>10121451 #12953, >>10122110 #12954

>>10118279 #12949, >>10119090 #12950, >>10119868 #12951

>>10115923 #12946, >>10116751 #12947, >>10117484 #12948

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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91dce7  No.10127578

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/warroom/ Les Deplorables Platoon

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

International Q Research Threads

Germany #60 >>9799424

UK #19 >>9947756

Australia #8 >>9062489

Canada #7 >>9725975

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Deutsch #3 >>9941341

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

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Submit an event here https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

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Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #042 - #062 >>>/comms/2306 through >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #063 - #083 >>>/comms/3687 through >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #084 - #090 >>>/comms/5510 through >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #091 - #111 >>>/comms/5811 through >>>/comms/14626

Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #123 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/18630

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91dce7  No.10127582

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

PUT to Memes60 >>10031965 for the Warehouse

GET from Warehouse - tagged, sorted, reformatted, compacted ammo from memers and scouts

USE Catalog to access over >77,000 memes https://mega.nz/folder/VcZBSQpA#QyzqtX6hyKeUbNI6Nv2noA


* Hydroxychloroquine/HCQ COVID therapy/prophylactic. Make it OTC – https://mega.nz/folder/AdAgCKRD#mC2IVsbIJ4J2qD07Pf9jxA

* Big Pharma Prioritizes profit over health. Trump lowers drug prices – https://mega.nz/folder/9MplDKrS#2ErTJWcfFQA3scFeGu02hA

* Masks Useful or not? Mask to vote in person? Unconstitutional mask orders? – https://mega.nz/folder/sYQgTYwa#RIPJHhLMruz-7htXPeExyg

* Anarchy! BLM, Antifa, riots, violent protests, law & order, defund or support police – https://mega.nz/folder/oYYjwYiC#8OUQyoljn9zdMQxxzotINA

* Barr Attorney General Bill Barr – https://mega.nz/#F!wFpnBKhS!V3dZsLTQF1M69ZtBaIu1Xw

* China CCP Evil Chinese Communist Party – https://mega.nz/folder/FJRkzShR#psJQYVth_N2v_9AqvYLWxw

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar Baking Seminar #25 >>>/comms/21322

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting:

https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/

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91dce7  No.10127584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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c34c5b  No.10127588

File: 488ca31dae4653c⋯.png (261.51 KB, 404x303, 4:3, 488ca31dae4653c9d133bf67f1….png)

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ad9f1f  No.10127600

Silence IS inaction.

They all committed heinous crimes.

“It’s not about what you think. It’s about what you can prove.”

They committed PROVABLE crimes.






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1eeb00  No.10127601

File: 1f35dadf7e95a63⋯.jpeg (24.21 KB, 680x544, 5:4, TIBbOXrW.jpeg)

File: 5338b28c5fe1b14⋯.jpg (55.16 KB, 649x472, 11:8, 49x8ff.jpg)



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3aa2cb  No.10127615

File: 3cfcf591c34d6a0⋯.jpg (99.59 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

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e32496  No.10127617

File: 22640ff55c6e82e⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1596x989, 1596:989, BOOMCANNONS.png)

Racial hate posts = glow team shit ship crew clowns

Change my mind~

If you're not filtering, you're helping the clowns produce useful idiots. You're subjecting yourself to MOCKINGBIRD control. The blur-on-image is indispensable to us generating insights.

          )     *     (         )         (                (     
( ( /( ( ` )\ ) ( /( ( )\ ) ( )\ )
)\ )\()) )\))( (()/( )\()) ( )\ (()/( ( )\ (()/(
((/ )((_)\ ((_)()\ /(_)) ((_)\ )((_) /(_)))\ ((((_)( /(_))
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((/ __|/ _ \ | \/ || |_ \ \ / / | _ )| _ \| __|(_)_\(_)| \
| (__| (_) || |\/| || __| \ V / | _ \| /| _| / _ \ | |) |
\___|\___/ |_| |_||_| |_| |___/|_|_\|___|/_/ \_\ |___/
Because the Battlefield is your Limbic System; Banish Abuse.
Image Blur CSS

Because our enemies greatest attack vector is our unconscious mind via seemingly-patriotic-pictures-with-subliminal-gore/death/shit

Q: Do you honestly think the enemy doesn't filter their own posts? The posts of their crew?

These are poisons designed to demoralize, they wouldn't let that affect them!

A: Filtering is your second amendment on our boards.

It's your armed response against the intrusion of our enemies poison.

Watch for those that shame you out of it

A necessity to protect our Insight Generation Capacities if you view this board:

.post-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.post-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;
.thread-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.thread-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;

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5266d9  No.10127618


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da89f7  No.10127619

File: 80445f6895c76df⋯.gif (8.28 MB, 480x480, 1:1, aliens_rapping.gif)

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e32496  No.10127620

File: cde007fa1c15401⋯.png (106.07 KB, 271x310, 271:310, Sweetie.png)


Nah, go expend more ammunition an come back whining harder sweetie~

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62e6bd  No.10127621

You are sowing hated and division you stupid fuck, STFU.

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e8b83b  No.10127622

File: e4b1f022d05b3dc⋯.jpg (97.5 KB, 1134x545, 1134:545, barryinteresting.jpg)

subjugation of their fellow americans….

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e32496  No.10127623



Now THAT, is projection lol

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f4a173  No.10127624

File: 3672d8c49102aae⋯.jpg (14.39 KB, 474x315, 158:105, vpotus.jpg)

Hey Chick Q? Can you please ask Potus to not run simply to get his ass kicked, causing Reps to lose the Senate?

Maybe it's time for a change?


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6397d8  No.10127625

Hussein is def on some kind of meds or drugs,

He sure is closing his eyes for long periods of times when he pauses.

And he is pausing for long periods of time.

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d1befd  No.10127626

File: fb685072df823e0⋯.jpg (512.47 KB, 919x698, 919:698, Meme_paint.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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62e6bd  No.10127627

File: fb0658ebb049519⋯.jpg (13.14 KB, 255x175, 51:35, capsredtext.jpg)

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b97dc5  No.10127628


Your panic is proof Q remains in control.

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25943c  No.10127629

File: a65ea6c96ac3621⋯.png (373.35 KB, 573x611, 573:611, Covfefe_TYB.png)

Mumbles Incessantly to Self Gavel CLUTCHED Ferociously In Hand

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5266d9  No.10127630


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5d912f  No.10127631

Hussein got some color in Gitmo it seems

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922a77  No.10127632

File: acf1ddea10c4c69⋯.png (14 KB, 394x279, 394:279, 1600.png)

File: 990c84cf6e679b8⋯.jpg (12.11 KB, 198x255, 66:85, be800736486a28f4d41130039d….jpg)

See Q post 1600 here and the crash today.

Recall a similar assassination attempt 1/31/18

Train carrying GOP lawmakers to retreat hits truck on tracks, 1 killed


These turds need a new playbook.

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559b5e  No.10127633

What a fucking fraud.

Hawaiians don't have that accent.

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9e9ec8  No.10127634

Kinda funny how Yayhoo doesn't allow comments lately, don't ya think?

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62e6bd  No.10127635


Fuck off nigger

Have some more patience…

And an XANAX

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8278e7  No.10127636


Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate.

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b45917  No.10127637



added to ongoing list. NOTABLE

✅Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1232869/

✅Early Hydroxychloroquine Is Associated with an Increase of Survival in COVID-19 Patients: An Observational Study , https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202005.0057/v1

✅Early treatment of COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: A retrospective analysis of 1061 cases in Marseille, France https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1477893920302179 , http://archive.is/VEdFi

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) activity. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15320751

Hydroxychloroquine Improves Obesity-Associated Insulin Resistance and Hepatic Steatosis by Regulating Lipid Metabolism https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6689966/

✅Chloroquine Is a Zinc Ionophore https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4182877/

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are associated with reduced cardiovascular risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6001837/ , Drug Des Devel Ther. 2018; 12: 1685–1695, Published online 2018 Jun 11. doi: 10.2147/DDDT.S166893


Chloroquine Is a Potent Inhibitor of SARS Coronavirus Infection and Spread

Here's the new study incoming:


NIH begins clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to treat COVID-19

To keep track of the study, look here:


Evaluating the Efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin to Prevent Hospitalization or Death in Persons With COVID-19

Collaborator: Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries LTD




Hydroxychloroquine can be prescribed to adults and children of all ages. It can also be safely taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers.


as anti cancer agent



google doc detailed summary


doctor vid


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071e6e  No.10127638

File: 5766bfccac62c88⋯.jpg (40.96 KB, 960x720, 4:3, DrEvildirectingpanic.jpg)

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d1befd  No.10127639

File: 025805e658aaf5d⋯.jpg (174.11 KB, 546x900, 91:150, Islam_Pepe.jpg)


>Silence IS inaction.

Ninja's disagree.

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07183c  No.10127640

File: fd5c1759b81b149⋯.jpg (287.31 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, fd5c1759b81b149a9ae0abfd1c….jpg)

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c30562  No.10127641



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0ca1f3  No.10127642

Decison made…

Decison reversed.

Remarks made…

Remarks retracted.

Documents created..

Documents redacted.

Mankind defended…

Mankind attacked.

Promises made…

Promises delayed.

Good Cop vs Bad Cop…

Bad Cop vs Good Cop.

No matter where one places their attention or belief (confirmation preferred) in any society, the ping pong routine is applied.

Why do the hero and nemesis change roles so frequently?

Why treat mankind this way?

Considering the speed and willingness to apply force demonstrated in the past…

Why do both the hero and nemesis delay in it's application? And prolong the ping pong?

Why do the people need to 'see'?

And "why?", to the answer to that.

Feeling the brain fatigue?

Exercise over time makes it stronger.

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b97dc5  No.10127643


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40fff9  No.10127644

File: 3ea8f39447fc9fb⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1488x836, 372:209, ObamaArmQuake.png)

Any doctor anons around, or anyone sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night? Wondering if Hussein's arm-quake around the 8 second mark in this normal? It reminds me of Hitler's quakes.


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249d84  No.10127645

File: ed5f21256c96944⋯.png (594.64 KB, 447x535, 447:535, waaaaa.png)

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62e6bd  No.10127646


Nice try Michael Obama… oops… I mean Michelle.


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e32496  No.10127647




Wow, it's like claiming we are the worst aspect of the shills themselves is the most potent ammunition they have…

Think about that.

They're that wretched~

Would you believe what an alcoholic drug addicted ex has to say about your character? Your future?

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5266d9  No.10127648


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5ad811  No.10127649

File: 049aef92f68bf6d⋯.jpg (195.57 KB, 499x499, 1:1, tumblr_nr3gwdHJc61rlvpheo1….jpg)

Ty Baker

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2d509a  No.10127650

File: 32171dd120a6091⋯.png (763.77 KB, 890x845, 178:169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bde9d311716f90c⋯.png (530.28 KB, 911x648, 911:648, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef9f1d5126d0010⋯.png (39.58 KB, 851x300, 851:300, ClipboardImage.png)

Fauci Accused Of 'Misinformation Campaign' Against Hydroxychloroquine; Ohio Gov Wants State Officials To Reverse Prohibition

Update (1240ET): Ohio Governor Mike DeWine (R) says he agrees with FDA Commissioner Steven Hahn (see below), and has asked the state medical board to "halt their new rule prohibiting the selling or dispensing of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19."

Therefore, I am asking the @OhioRxBoard to halt their new rule prohibiting the selling or dispensing of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19.

— Governor Mike DeWine (@GovMikeDeWine) July 30, 2020

Therefore, I am asking the @OhioRxBoard to halt their new rule prohibiting the selling or dispensing of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19.

— Governor Mike DeWine (@GovMikeDeWine) July 30, 2020

* * *

With the science behind the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat COVID-19 far from settled, more than a few people have noted the aggressive campaign against the widely-prescribed anti-malaria drug.


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595a61  No.10127651

>>10127573 lb

'Qtards' aren't stupid considering there's a lot of pinning the tail on the donkery. I'd say they're amazing, considering [you types] have access to sensitive info and ya still scurrying like the filthy rats you are. Haha. It's uckin brilliant watching and interacting with this movie. Your reactions give them knowledge and confirmation.

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d36a46  No.10127652

File: 6f6de030a843e31⋯.png (266.01 KB, 720x505, 144:101, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks Bake

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6e9329  No.10127653

File: c95a3f59b744f1e⋯.png (675.08 KB, 1012x834, 506:417, Capture1.PNG)

File: ca023ecfaf62ee9⋯.png (691.63 KB, 979x812, 979:812, Capture2.PNG)

File: 1c26378af43748a⋯.png (644.04 KB, 992x815, 992:815, Capture3.PNG)

File: f18b7d5698ba989⋯.png (667.84 KB, 995x835, 199:167, Capture4.PNG)

File: 03753aff80a72ae⋯.png (356.51 KB, 993x566, 993:566, Capture5.PNG)

How many sold out their own???? Are we about to see them fall one by one?? Black Caucus being revealed for who they truly are??


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da89f7  No.10127654

File: 1a64f5dcaad2bf2⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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b97dc5  No.10127655



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a9e7ef  No.10127657

File: 014913d8408792a⋯.jpg (35.34 KB, 740x487, 740:487, husseinstrapdown.jpg)

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1c4604  No.10127658

File: 72cdc324bd8dbd1⋯.png (725.52 KB, 514x680, 257:340, ClipboardImage.png)

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3fb8ca  No.10127659

File: 3036509b3659a01⋯.jpg (249.54 KB, 836x776, 209:194, q_europe_x111.jpg)

Analysis about the Q movement in Europe. They sure try to understand us, KEK


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5b97e6  No.10127660

File: 6f33b65aea30ffd⋯.jpg (36.7 KB, 350x524, 175:262, 356.jpg)

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03a301  No.10127661

File: aee8fe3aeb0600c⋯.jpg (65.12 KB, 600x336, 25:14, Shut_the_fuck_up_asshole.jpg)

File: 632e3737100b4c1⋯.jpg (228.53 KB, 1164x634, 582:317, Mess_with_the_best_Die_lik….jpg)

File: 65b5c1086d197da⋯.jpg (161.12 KB, 958x528, 479:264, MOVE_OR_GET_MOWN.jpg)

File: e430f9730940d42⋯.jpg (160.25 KB, 906x510, 151:85, RETARDED_NAZI_S.jpg)

Shills are here in force to disrupt and mislead.

1 tactic is to flood the board with irrelevant information.

2 tactic is to sow division.

3 tactic is to post as many high resolution pics/memes as possible, to slow the board down.

There is ALWAYS 3 or more shills in the room at ALL times.


… look at file sizes… how many pics posted

… whether a comment is actually helpful

… times it's been posted and by who… whether it's opinion or FACTS

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Play-fighting (3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense)

… is it a 4chan character shill or Ebot…minion loves his anime,cartoons, nasimfag(transvestite)…and more

… Is Minion larping as AntiFungalLeafBread-AFLB(always bullshit), a stoner larp or aussiefag.

… Is it 000000 spruking for consensus manufacture/gate keeping or Cauldron boi, "swordy",<^>, daniel etc

… is it God bothering and preaching with tons of scripture quotes, hokus pocus new age bullshit

… Is it ancient history theory, waffling and dribbling, flat earth, constellations, anything older than 100 yrs

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… Is it board sliding with circumcision of any sort/gore/porn, shills imitating women

… Be wary of "frens" "fwens","fren"and ALL retard speak between shills(needed for manufactured consensus)

… Be wary of "they know someone/Heard rumor", can you guess who I am? posting

… Notice that Ben Garrison's cartoons are from a PATRIOT, so anyone defacing them is a soulless shill

… is it "divide and conquer", male/female, old/young, religions, etc,

… Be suspect if they feel the need to defend nudes and titty pic posts(open another browser and fap away retards)

… Ignore hennypenny's…Hopefully, Maybe, I sorta trust the plan… Q better do something…Q is a larp

… Are they just plain mean and nasty to anons(anons, not shills), Butting into conversations unwarranted

… Are they trying to normalize nigger and all inflammatory words..cunt etc.. (faggot is exception->dictionary)

… Is it Red texting, posting opinionated misleading comments, random garble… nonsense memes/pics

… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, BO, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"(the hypocrisy… smh)

… Are they posting music/lyrics/dribbling/debating about music (Music is NOT Q research)

… are they namefagging, oldfagging, ancientfagging, Nightshift fagging (needed to manufacture consensus)

… Is it old planefag posts or some stupid trainer/crop duster irrelevant planefag post

… Are they posting old irrelevant digs.. racing/filling to 750 posts

… Are they adding comments that add little or no further credence to an argument

… Are they bullshitting about"Q replied to me and…", I talk to Q…etc

… Are they twisting Q posts or misquoting Q, including outside comms

… Are the shills actively "burning" one of the above larps, to form another identity (savior larp)

… The above also applies to bakers (Shills have infested the bakery) and Minion loves to bake.

… Are they baking absolute rubbish and old digs. Ignoring facts or adding known lies. Blackmailing.

… Are they encouraging the posting of self gratification and nudes for the bakers(shitposting… 1-5 is enough).

…. Enough to list for now, but you get the picture… Control-f search post history always



To gatekeep information or control the narrative, shills have to manufacture consensus and look as though

they are speaking for the majority or are the authority on something. Always a name/meme/logo or

something that sets them apart from anonymous. Only then, can consensus be built on that character with

fake posters.

ALL the shills have huge ego problems, that GLOW. In a crisis situation, ALL humans drop egos to work together.

The world is in crisis right now, all PATRIOTS know this and will overcome personal issues and judgement to

get the job done…But shills wont… Their ego inhibits hive mind and their mind is elsewhere.


We are at war and the enemy is under the wire…. Filter ruthlessly and fast.

If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +

Always use filter + when filtering a known shill. Only shills and useful idiots respond.

If it helps for being ruthless, just remember this→ We are uncovering corruption and pedophilia etc.

shills are trying to stop that = shills ARE pedophiles….. Filter fucking ruthlessly!

With retards gone the room becomes comfy.

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507d4b  No.10127662

Imagine believing these FORMER presidents look just fine.

Their faces speak volumes.

Tired Losers.

Why can a funeral get complete uninterrupted coverage?

It's not political…

But it is.

Hours and days of coverage.

To spread a message to those in the know.

The director is ushered out to speak to his flock.

Democrats… A religion of political ideology.


Your comms will fail.

Your side will lose.

On the battlefield of justice

Only truth prevails.

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d4cade  No.10127663


That's ok. Jesus will forgive them.

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fdd0ad  No.10127664

multiple cops shot at Chicago police station, all expected to survive


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d1befd  No.10127665

File: 42289ddc423a004⋯.jpg (51.64 KB, 620x465, 4:3, Thauth.jpg)

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b6cd22  No.10127666

File: 9e763f1626e7846⋯.jpg (344.14 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, kaleigh_baby.jpg)

Look at the occult symbolism for power

Connect to baby

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a76879  No.10127667

File: 446bec7deea4371⋯.jpg (34.35 KB, 279x381, 93:127, 446bec7deea4371af983371aba….jpg)




And yet you're here.

Must be doing something.

Thank you for your participation

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e32496  No.10127668



Try another script!~

You're clearly demoralizing us greatly!~

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32e8a5  No.10127669

File: c0276cb2aa83abb⋯.png (413.82 KB, 611x683, 611:683, ClipboardImage.png)

Desperation time: Ghislaine Maxwell's lawyer wants more redactions, she argues in a redacted letter today saying plaintiffs "redacted some mentions of the Nonparty’s [REDACTED] but left it in the lines earlier… plaintiff redacts the phrase “[REDACTED]” but then


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20a95d  No.10127671

File: 5d97cf2f9811924⋯.png (134.87 KB, 500x333, 500:333, pepe_china.png)

>>10127563 (lb)

>Do China Next Please.

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41b2a1  No.10127672

File: 32fb15524c35bdf⋯.jpg (17.8 KB, 264x345, 88:115, download_78_.jpg)

>God bless this country

Which God? Allah?

Which country? Indonesia?

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949ee9  No.10127673

File: 251e40cd5e33a2f⋯.png (439.36 KB, 661x665, 661:665, NSA.png)


tyb, tyQ

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1eeb00  No.10127674

File: b7cede2d1b16a9a⋯.jpg (81 KB, 828x984, 69:82, 628ovlvuetd51.jpg)


Is this meme ok?

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2dc38d  No.10127675

File: e63c11dcb9612da⋯.jpeg (102.47 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 12FBC569_9D1D_4736_9AD7_D….jpeg)

Justice Ginsburg in the Hospital Again


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2d509a  No.10127676

File: c2001a2a90cbcbf⋯.png (78.17 KB, 488x251, 488:251, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31b3d716f40d1aa⋯.png (188.69 KB, 852x541, 852:541, ClipboardImage.png)

More Tech Targeting: Wikipedia Labels Herman Cain “Peepee poopoo” on His Entry Following His Death

Republican presidential candidate and radio host Herman Cain died from coronavirus on Thursday.

Herman was 74-years-old.

Herman Cain battled colon cancer years ago and was in a high-risk group due to his age and medical history.

Herman Cain attended the Trump Tulsa rally in June with thousands of supporters.

Herman Cain’s entry has since been corrected.


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4da5a5  No.10127677

File: 2ab0b140a1fa858⋯.jpg (150.55 KB, 768x960, 4:5, 1595600094880.jpg)

Thank You Baker

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3be711  No.10127678

File: 092721862f87cfd⋯.png (207.41 KB, 409x553, 409:553, ClipboardImage.png)

So, why was Herman Cain's death announced THREE DAYS AGO?

I posted this on 27 Jul 2020 disputing the claim Down pointing backhand index



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592867  No.10127679


What about Merkels?

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249d84  No.10127680

File: 62d43798e755382⋯.png (237.97 KB, 448x357, 64:51, msmpuppets6.png)

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25943c  No.10127681

File: 876f148f7c5189e⋯.png (1.17 MB, 720x720, 1:1, WTF_IS_GOIN_ON.png)

File: 1e4f5e5aed25887⋯.jpg (26.74 KB, 593x388, 593:388, YOU_OUT_NOW_.jpg)



You HAVE to be Austin Steinbart.


Kevin Shipp?

You Okay? Oh OH ohhhh Now I get it. . .


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6e9329  No.10127682

File: b87707862d8b2c6⋯.png (350.7 KB, 1023x822, 341:274, Capture1.PNG)

File: cb50957f8578fe4⋯.png (339.26 KB, 1010x594, 505:297, Capture2.PNG)

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e32496  No.10127683


Go fuck yourself.

She's a Godly Christian and you're a wretched child fucker.

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d1befd  No.10127684

File: 138f62109b7e88e⋯.jpg (12.88 KB, 300x250, 6:5, Chinese_Pepe.jpg)

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e4640c  No.10127685

File: a0196e311e02cff⋯.png (362.61 KB, 500x281, 500:281, ClipboardImage.png)

imagine the smell

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e6403b  No.10127686

File: 32e0d3fc1348d26⋯.jpg (8.53 KB, 190x200, 19:20, _f11960ae46fd6a1f6344bf15a….jpg)

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f898c3  No.10127687

File: 4368b1893f9afc9⋯.jpeg (93.24 KB, 300x539, 300:539, Divine_Mercy.jpeg)

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 85

Prayer for the Restoration of God’s Favor

To the choirmaster. A Psalm of the Sons of Korah.

85 Lord, thou wast favorable to thy land;

thou didst restore the fortunes of Jacob.

2 Thou didst forgive the iniquity of thy people;

thou didst pardon all their sin. Selah

3 Thou didst withdraw all thy wrath;

thou didst turn from thy hot anger.

4 Restore us again, O God of our salvation,

and put away thy indignation toward us!

5 Wilt thou be angry with us for ever?

Wilt thou prolong thy anger to all generations?

6 Wilt thou not revive us again,

that thy people may rejoice in thee?

7 Show us thy merciful love, O Lord,

and grant us thy salvation.

8 Let me hear what God the Lord will speak,

for he will speak peace to his people,

to his saints, to those who turn to him in their hearts.

9 Surely his salvation is at hand for those who fear him,

that glory may dwell in our land.

10 Mercy and faithfulness will meet;

righteousness and peace will kiss each other.

11 Faithfulness will spring up from the ground,

and righteousness will look down from the sky.

12 Yea, the Lord will give what is good,

and our land will yield its increase.

13 Righteousness will go before him,

and make his footsteps a way.

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83903e  No.10127688

File: 9f09044be8ba03c⋯.jpg (172.54 KB, 675x900, 3:4, e6932891ec7b38eb71ebe729d4….jpg)


Thanq Baker

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e32496  No.10127689

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b6cd22  No.10127690


Hint : Look at this ID # :)

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5ad811  No.10127691

File: a5721e8a5ac657d⋯.png (65.98 KB, 734x488, 367:244, Capture.PNG)


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000000  No.10127692

>>10127458 (lb)

Well, Trumps let's it continue.

Why not show this (and many others) at a COVID presser?

Fucked up. Complicit.

Ultimately it is HIS job to protect the People and he's NOT.

RIP Herman Cain.

Let the name calling commence!

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9ca39d  No.10127693

we struck a nerve schills activated I can feel the seething PATRIOTS FIGHT

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e32496  No.10127694



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fd4564  No.10127695

"State Funeral"

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25943c  No.10127696


Thank You.



Great Work Anon! Godspeed Qteam!

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8278e7  No.10127697

Why isn't Biden at the funeral?

Surely the next president should be there?>

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1c4604  No.10127698

File: 4bd40798610970b⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB, 648x352, 81:44, Fucked.mp4)

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ac4cfe  No.10127699

File: 9f09c781afcafb5⋯.png (311.07 KB, 596x492, 149:123, Armstrong_twt_07302020_1_P….png)

File: 5222f30f1f1cf6c⋯.png (647.08 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ruth_hcq.png)

File: 940cdbc42821d60⋯.png (350.53 KB, 800x610, 80:61, Day_Shift_Drone.png)

File: 0be215216eb9cb6⋯.png (90.02 KB, 866x501, 866:501, hcq_could_be_a_cancer_drug….png)

File: 5aebbe52cf836a5⋯.png (186.67 KB, 800x600, 4:3, fake_news_vs_real_News.png)

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2d509a  No.10127700

File: 0cae0d8aa47c2cf⋯.png (224.64 KB, 577x764, 577:764, ClipboardImage.png)

Frontline COVID Doc Stella Immanuel Locked Out of Twitter For 6 Days For Asking Patients Who Have Been Cured by HCQ to Share Their Stories Online

How many Americans have died of COVID-19 because the Democrat-media complex lied about Hydroxychloroquine?

Dr. Stella Immanuel bravely came out on Monday and said that she has personally treated over 350 patients suffering from COVID-19 with Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, and Zithromax and they have all recovered.

The doctor also disclosed that she put herself and her staff on Hydroxychloroquine as a preventative.

On Tuesday, Dr. Immanuel asked for help getting the truth about Hydroxychloroquine out to the public.

“WE NEED YOUR HELP. We are being attacked, ridiculed and discredited. We need our patients to SPEAK UP.” she said in a since-deleted Twitter post.

“If you have been cured by this drug, share your story online using this hashtag #HCQWorks.” Dr. Immanuel added.

Wednesday evening Dr. Immanuel was locked out of her Twitter account for 6 days and 14 hours for “violating the Twitter rules.”

When did big tech become our doctors, overlords and the arbiters of truth?


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e4640c  No.10127701

File: 0a244f07257f694⋯.png (303.84 KB, 500x281, 500:281, ClipboardImage.png)

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5266d9  No.10127702





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66dfe9  No.10127703

No bullshit.

If John Durham does not produce powerful indictments, then Q will genuinely have failed. It's the START of justice, right?

If Durham turns out to be a failure, it's make it or break it time. And I know ya'll feel the same way. There will be no actual justice in this country if he fails. Ever.

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89876b  No.10127704

Godfather Pizza == I am very sad to hear about Mr. 999, Herman Cain dying today. He had a great sense of humor and a love for this country. RIP. "It can be done!"

He should have been the first black president!

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7e528d  No.10127705

>>10125999 (pb)

Actions speak louder than words.

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5c693d  No.10127706

File: c288e7d0dc97204⋯.png (11.2 KB, 444x212, 111:53, ClipboardImage.png)

Letters with a (-) in front are TWT.

Twitter targeted?

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43b3e1  No.10127707

File: f1a1c7dc62071d0⋯.jpg (106.41 KB, 838x462, 419:231, 49x2gr.jpg)

I just wanted to say I made these memes as a joke to avoid bordom. Then I found out Q had referenced Thomas Jefferson today.

Holy shit I feel dumb. Sorry.

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86b642  No.10127708


John Lewis had this same thing happen.

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f4a173  No.10127709


Mar a Lagocided so that Potus can speak at a Black man's funeral. Supposed to balance his shining John Lewis'.

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000000  No.10127710


Larp "E The Friend" called it a while back too.

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9cc959  No.10127711

File: 2d2091012e5625b⋯.png (277.75 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

E. @ETheFriend · 35m

By the way, today is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons.

Timing, is everything.

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949ee9  No.10127712

File: 579e3c442370e8d⋯.png (105.29 KB, 196x191, 196:191, churchlady.PNG)

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3eecc3  No.10127713


You dodged a hanger didn't you?

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e65cd4  No.10127714

File: 841b1ced379656f⋯.png (396.65 KB, 394x456, 197:228, youropinion.png)

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66c304  No.10127715

File: 01ad86c88faffed⋯.png (1.16 MB, 620x827, 620:827, Screenshot_2020_07_30_What….png)


Kinda want to plant 'em and see what it grows. Perhaps one of China's man made islands would do.

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7e528d  No.10127716



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597429  No.10127717

File: 111b0442e7d2c27⋯.jpg (594.66 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, mr_Pig_contemplates_the_OG….jpg)

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05655d  No.10127718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again 🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚌 Jews.

We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Shtetls.

We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔

Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

>Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

🙏🙏🙏 6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud 🙏🙏🙏:


"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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d14e9e  No.10127719


Still with the playbook.

Section Two: Q has nothing on the scoreboard. No arrests. "I've lost faith" "show me results or I'm not voting" "Been here since the beginning,nothing ever happens, Always 'soon' but that's all"

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e32496  No.10127720

File: b9f79b898757719⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2988x1494, 2:1, _You_See.jpg)



Aw sweetie, don't backtrack now!~

You're doing so good!~

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ac4cfe  No.10127721

File: 491ffa6bb734ab7⋯.png (253.42 KB, 777x661, 777:661, blurred_image_Q_proof_whoa.png)

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89876b  No.10127722


Time for bed, Gypsy.

"What you ignore begins to fade away or die by starvation."

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bc7479  No.10127723

>>10127431 lb

well? zip tie?

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9ca39d  No.10127724

File: e9cd522fe100b43⋯.jpg (48.33 KB, 874x555, 874:555, Elijahlewis.jpg)

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41b2a1  No.10127725



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e4640c  No.10127726


Were all the Dog comms for Herman Cain?

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4da5a5  No.10127727

File: 1a7e6423c300628⋯.gif (2.83 MB, 382x277, 382:277, 1586642994635.gif)

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cde18a  No.10127728

File: d72c1a80de0368e⋯.jpg (2.43 MB, 4500x3000, 3:2, DistractedPOTUS.jpg)

I think it's time for a change of leadership at NIAID.

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2f52a6  No.10127729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

heuu Trust the Plan?:)

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78a619  No.10127730

Effin A Q posted…Man! Normies totally opening up to "Great Awakening" energy..woo hoo…winning..POTUS so bad ass..how about when he made Wallace swealter in the heat..records temps maybe POTUS ha ha ha….Love You Guys!!!!


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2d509a  No.10127731

File: e8f2ab57acfe9a9⋯.png (351.61 KB, 513x540, 19:20, ClipboardImage.png)

Rep. Louie Gohmert Taking Hydroxychloroquine To Treat COVID-19

Rep. Louie Gohmert said Wednesday he will be taking hydroxychloroquine to battle COVID-19 after being diagnosed with the virus.

The Texas Republican, 66, said he and his doctor have agreed that he should begin taking the anti-malarial drug, which some doctors believe can reduce the effects of the coronavirus.

“My doctor and I are all in,” Gohmert said in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “I got a text before I came on from a friend doctor who just found out he had it, and he started the regimen, too — zinc and hydroxychloroquine. And that will start in a day or two, so thank you.”

Gohmert said while he was diagnosed with the virus, he is asymptomatic.

While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says there is no proof the hydroxychloroquine is effective, an international poll of doctors found that many thought the drug useful. And even the FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn says there are some medical observational studies that “suggest a benefit” in using the drug hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19, but he notes that clinical, randomized trials show no benefit.

“So the FDA looks at all what we call ‘the totality of data,'” Hahn said in a Tuesday interview with Florida radio host Drew Steele. “There are observational studies that suggest a benefit. There are five randomized trials that did not show a benefit to hydroxychloroquine, both in the prophylactic setting and in the treatment — both early and late.”

But Hahn said doctors can decide what’s best for their patients.

“We believe that decision about whether a doctor writes for hydroxychloroquine, for a patient with COVID, is completely in the realm of the doctor-patient relationship,” Hahn said Tuesday, “with the doctor understanding what the data show, their comfort level with this drug, and also the other medications and other illnesses that a person has.”

President Trump has long touted the drug and did so again on Wednesday.

“I was very impressed with her and other doctors who stood with her,” Trump told reporters, referring to the controversial doctor Stella Immanuel. “I think she made sense, but I know nothing about it.”


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d36a46  No.10127732

File: 842291d8ec007b3⋯.png (671.07 KB, 720x406, 360:203, ClipboardImage.png)



Chicago Police Shooting Leaves At Least 2 Officers, Suspect Wounded

At least two Chicago police officers and a suspect were wounded in an exchange of gunfire at a Northwest Side police station during an arrest attempt Thursday morning, according to authorities.


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25943c  No.10127733

File: 18b606050a81951⋯.jpg (561.51 KB, 816x1145, 816:1145, Shh.jpg)

File: 56274734ebc3041⋯.png (691.18 KB, 674x507, 674:507, Trump_SIG.png)

File: 6a93e21281198bd⋯.jpg (123.25 KB, 798x408, 133:68, TruthNML.jpg)

File: 196ad0188413fb6⋯.png (11.94 KB, 255x244, 255:244, TTH196ad0188413fb6c9de5625….png)

File: 45992dbab042b7b⋯.jpeg (51.61 KB, 320x322, 160:161, Tump_Powers_Increasing.jpeg)

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2dc38d  No.10127734

Appeals Court Erases Order to End Michael Flynn Case, Sets New Arguments


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62e6bd  No.10127735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS Participates in a Roundtable on Donating Plasma

Starts at 2:30 Eastern Time

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795182  No.10127736

File: 4b14698b1446449⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1615x481, 1615:481, Screenshot_2020_07_30_shm_….png)


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12c275  No.10127737

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92912c  No.10127738

File: 35a7a8178b1a20e⋯.png (1.13 MB, 810x914, 405:457, WildTrumpGirls_001.png)

File: 21d5373c08f1236⋯.png (1.79 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, WildTrumpGirls_002.png)

File: e8681370fbcb047⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, WildTrumpGirls_003.png)

satan hates me ahaha

You Imagine Our Bright Future Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Roll Lawfu𝕝 Good xo

She curioux=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Remember the smell ໐f childhood.

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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e8b83b  No.10127739

File: 7404d0060b7e408⋯.png (107.28 KB, 320x232, 40:29, putinsmile.png)


died too soon…screwed up Qproof.

had to hold announcement.

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84c21d  No.10127740

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

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3ab1e8  No.10127741

Obama's giving a speech. CNN's news ticker calls him 'President Obama'.

MSM and Democrats always refer to Trump as Mr. Trump; not President Trump.

I'm not frustrated at the lefties. I'm frustrated at normies for choosing the blue pill.

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f89f61  No.10127742

File: e7c5e9cff8fbc17⋯.png (32.58 KB, 606x321, 202:107, ClipboardImage.png)

>Trump endorsing a pizza place?

>In "St. James" NY?

>Name drops owner

>Pizza place reviews are shady and wierd as always

>Shit like "My 3 year old LOVES this place, everyone there loves HIM too!"



anything good here?

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d1befd  No.10127744

File: 10b20c26bd42d3c⋯.png (218.18 KB, 288x518, 144:259, Hmmm.png)



When I found out the whole thing was real, but no free beer.

There is no free beer.

That part, is a trick.

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62e6bd  No.10127745

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05655d  No.10127746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Christian Holocaust: White Russian Christians Killed by Bolshevik Jews

66 Million White Russian Christians Killed over 39 Years

100 Million White Russian Christians Killed over 100 Years

>Why haven't Hollywood made 1 single movie about The White Christian Holocaust?

Why aren't there 69 White Christian Holocaust Museums in America?

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0276f9  No.10127747


ets must have gotten his Soros money. He has been spamming his LARPing garbage in here for a few days now non-stop.

What a faggot sell-out. I hope he burns with the rest of the lying sick fucks

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b6cd22  No.10127748


For those with EYES to see:

Connection to Moloch/Baal

When Jezebel comes to Israel, she brings her foreign gods and goddesses—especially Baal and his consort Asherah (Canaanite Astarte, often translated in the Bible as “sacred post”)—with her. This seems to have an immediate effect on her new husband, for just as soon as the queen is introduced, we are told that Ahab builds a sanctuary for Baal in the very heart of Israel, within his capital city of Samaria: “He took as wife Jezebel daughter of King Ethbaal of the Phoenicians, and he went and served Baal and worshiped him. He erected an altar to Baal in the temple of Baal which he built in Samaria. Ahab also made a ‘sacred post’”a (1 Kings 16:31–33).2 Jezebel does not accept Ahab’s God, Yahweh. Rather, she leads Ahab to tolerate Baal.


However, when you come across a Jezebel spirit, it is something quite different. Some people have called this a “master” type spirit. Not that it is a master spirit in the sense of being like God, but that it is much more intelligent and cunning than a lot of the other demons are.

Many believe that this type of spirit may be Satan’s smartest and most cunning and evil spirit he has, and he thus dispatches this kind of spirit on specific targets so he can get the most bang for his buck.

Simply put, a Jezebel spirit is one of Satan’s higher-ranking, more intelligent demons if not the smartest kind of demon he has in his kingdom.

And with it being much more intelligent than many of the other lower-ranking demons will be, this makes this type of spirit much more evil, cunning, and harder to deal with once it moves in and attaches to a person.

And with this kind of evil spirit being much more cunning, intelligent, and evil than some of the other lower-ranking demons will be, it will cause a lot more trouble and destruction if it is not quickly dealt with and cast out.

People influenced by a Jezebel spirit target the leader. They usually offer to help where help is desperately needed that puts them close to the leader. Often, they position themselves as a gifted intercessor.

As a result of having a very seductive and high energy in its evil nature, the Jezebel spirit likes to attach to sharp, intelligent, and attractive people when it can. Not that it won’t attempt to attach to a less attractive person, but it will make much more headway with want it wants to accomplish if it can find a physically attractive person as will be explained below.

When you combine the power that this spirit has to emit a seductive, charismatic type energy off a person, and then they attach to a person who is naturally attractive, sharp and intelligent, you then have a very deadly combination that this spirit can work with to achieve its ultimate goal.


< Revelations 17 >





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bf3a98  No.10127749


You and your families are SAFE, PROMISE

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3935d6  No.10127750

File: 1cf2284a973e055⋯.jpg (52.74 KB, 596x561, 596:561, obama.JPG)

FAGGOT says what???

“…..It’s gonna be dependent on mail-in ballots so people don’t get sick” he says in a PACKED CHURCH!!

If you can attend a funeral EN MASSE, you can VOTE in person this fall!


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2d509a  No.10127751

Senators Demand DoJ Probe Zoom, TikTok Over Allegations They Shared Private Data With CCP

Josh Hawley and Dick Blumenthal, a bipartisan pair of Senators who have struck up a valuable alliance by jointly backing efforts to antagonize big tech, an effort that culminated with yesterday's anti-trust hearing - have added Zoom to the growing list of companies they are seeking to hold accountable for their too-cozy relationship with Beijing.

Using their typical process, the writing of a sternly-worded letter to the DoJ, the pair argued on Thursday that a probe should be launched into the video technology company Zoom and social media company, TikTok.

The letter renews pressure on Zoom, which had seemingly overcome speculation that it was vulnerable to infiltration by Beijing, after the company repeatedly kowtowed to CCP officials.

The two lawmakers said they were asking for the investigation because of reports of violations of Americans' civil liberties by sharing private info with the CCP.

"Based on numerous reports, we are extremely concerned that Zoom and TikTok have disclosed private information about Americans to the PRC and engaged in censorship on behalf of the Chinese government," the letter read.

The news sent shares of Zoom spiraling lower in afternoon trade.

Shares of Zoom Video plunge as much as 5% after Senators Blumenthal & Hawley seek a Justice Dept. probe into Zoom and TikTok's relationships with the Chinese government. https://t.co/Yvaf41tKAc pic.twitter.com/N6FX5yE526

— CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) July 30, 2020

Zoom shares fell more than 5% at one point.

Unfortunately, Blumenthal has been preoccupied by President Trump's suggestion that the election be delayed. We doubt we'll hear much else from the Connecticut Senator today.


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595a61  No.10127752


Wouldn't make a very good pet owner, but in saying that, some 'elites' treat their pets better than people.

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249d84  No.10127753

File: b2e288a8c367fdf⋯.png (599.9 KB, 533x521, 533:521, usa1.png)

The Left is insane.

Death of the Deep State.

MSM puppets and all other clowns get the rope.

God Bless America!


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25943c  No.10127754

File: 29a1c1168383ac5⋯.jpg (74.94 KB, 553x496, 553:496, Twilight_Zone_Sanity_Lost.jpg)


Still no precise forms of discerning ANY kind of information from graph aside from 'Duh Whyte Lyne es Gud'

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85fb0b  No.10127755


Read Q's post again anon.

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b97dc5  No.10127756

Does anyone here really believe that we are anywhere close to the "precipice" that would will the people to change?

It's going to get worse before it gets better.

The shit we're seeing now has never happened before.

Q has successfully united the military and the civilian population.


It's going to feel like it, but we will win.

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e32496  No.10127757

File: d7c00700013319e⋯.png (145.38 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected014.png)

File: 041e21d6d09535d⋯.png (96.24 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected015.png)

File: 53b177e58e3a66f⋯.png (86.36 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected016.png)









imagine that infected chlamydi[n]a smell

The problem is that you want to give credit to demons for the work We individually do~

Demons are bitches, they whore themselves for power to the highest snake oil salesman. No credit, no thanks, no appreciation is due to them, for its US who do the Work

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aeda71  No.10127758


q is moloch

Fucking sheep

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2ef339  No.10127759

File: 75a0b0c3f217b13⋯.png (18.93 KB, 530x772, 265:386, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03f10495776c369⋯.png (48.73 KB, 1422x912, 237:152, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8084feffd006015⋯.png (67.74 KB, 1422x912, 237:152, ClipboardImage.png)

Wanna hire free thinkers? Wanna work for a company that doesn't bow to the Woke and Cancel cultures?

Hire thinkers.

Not activists.

Hire courageous, free thinking and freedom loving individuals. Not ideologues whose only agenda is to weaponise your brand and business to further a radical cause.


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9db901  No.10127760


Timing is everything

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62e6bd  No.10127761



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92912c  No.10127762

File: 79a125d907f51bb⋯.png (778.65 KB, 675x675, 1:1, WildTrumpGirls_004.png)

File: 2dc9fe304d5c0a5⋯.png (1.26 MB, 900x1080, 5:6, WildTrumpGirls_005.png)

File: d227599a3e0f7be⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1320, 9:11, WildTrumpGirls_006.png)

You Imagine Our Glorious Future Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Roll Lawfu𝕝 Good xo

She curioux=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Remember the smell ໐f childhood.

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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f65779  No.10127763


This waste of free speech board post.

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6397d8  No.10127764

they had to hold his funeral in Atlanta, not DC

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d14e9e  No.10127765

File: 7b5d3e8f86d5118⋯.jpg (9.81 KB, 186x255, 62:85, 97c7322d0386ba41b941aa1bde….jpg)

Twenty twenty twenty four hours to go

I'm gonna be arrested

Kenya is closed no way to go home

I'm gonna be arrested

I should have closed the GITMO, now here comes the pain

Help me help me Allah, they're warming up the plane

I can't control the media, there's no one left to blame oh no no no no no

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de440b  No.10127766

File: 86343b0c0404490⋯.png (237.89 KB, 583x1110, 583:1110, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6700b9c560ff5da⋯.png (233.41 KB, 597x1229, 597:1229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3c15fd0e824bf9⋯.png (204.11 KB, 581x954, 581:954, ClipboardImage.png)

WH press pool reports regarding

POTUS meets with family of Vanessa Guillen in the Oval Office




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2d509a  No.10127767

File: e6d16c5cf61b924⋯.png (386.3 KB, 514x615, 514:615, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57f304f8440e110⋯.png (94.19 KB, 911x636, 911:636, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15d2b50f1abb9f5⋯.png (70 KB, 917x504, 131:72, ClipboardImage.png)

Federal Election Commissioner Says Trump Can't Delay Vote; Pompeo Says Up To DOJ

With reactions to Trump's tweet about possibly moving the election going about as one might expect - which the Trump campaign defended as 'just raising the question' - Federal Election Commissioner Ellen Weintraub said on Thursday that the executive branch does not have the power to move the November election, nor should it be moved.

No, Mr. President. No. You don't have the power to move the election. Nor should it be moved. States and localities are asking you and Congress for funds so they can properly run the safe and secure elections all Americans want. Why don't you work on that?

— Ellen L 😷 Weintraub (@EllenLWeintraub) July 30, 2020

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo seems to think it's a matter for the Justice Department:

"In the end, the Department of Justice and others will make that legal determination" – Mike Pompeo on Trump's tweet suggesting the presidential election should be delayed pic.twitter.com/lmCoolwAg0

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) July 30, 2020

In truth, only Congress can delay the date for the general election for the presidency, as the Constitution gives Congress the authority to set the general election date.

* * *

President Trump fired off a Thursday tweet that's about to dominate the weekend news cycle - suggesting that the 2020 election could be postponed over concerns that mail-in ballots will lead to "the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history," adding "It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???"

With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 30, 2020

Trump's tweet ignited a firestorm from the left:

Never in American history—not even during the Civil War and World War II–has there been a successful move to “Delay the Election” for President.

— Michael Beschloss (@BeschlossDC) July 30, 2020

We all knew it was coming to this. Make no mistake about it: Any announcement of a delay of the election will be a declaration of war against America by our criminal president. https://t.co/fIAE4spGWd

— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) July 30, 2020

Kids can go to school, but we can’t vote?

— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) July 30, 2020

Both CNN's Manu Raju and Business Insider went with the very editorialized "baseless" to describe voter fraud, despite a plethora of evidence it's indeed based (see below).


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922a77  No.10127768


schools, which are not having students attend, rely on Zoom.

Zoom used at home to connect with teachers and other students.

CCP is not inside the homes of all American families who use this device.

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d36a46  No.10127769

File: 83a039a18d10f3f⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1862x1048, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e0e00e0d12dd1b⋯.png (720.61 KB, 768x511, 768:511, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Marine gets 9-year Russian prison sentence over drunken assault he claims to not remember

The U.S. ambassador to Moscow called the conviction – and nearly decadelong sentence – 'a theater of absurd'

A 29-year-old American man who formerly served in the U.S. Marines was sentenced Thursday to nine years in a Russian prison over a drunken incident last summer he claims he cannot remember.

Trevor Reed, a student at the University of North Texas, was spending time in Moscow to learn Russian and visit his Russian girlfriend, when he went to a party with heavy drinking.

He was detained by officers Aug. 15 after leaving the party. Reed is accused of grabbing one officer as he was driving, causing the car to swerve dangerously, and elbowing the other – all of which the American claims he can’t remember because he was intoxicated. He was detained for nearly a year awaiting his trial.

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ac4cfe  No.10127770

File: e422afd5cfe52b8⋯.png (328.05 KB, 777x661, 777:661, blurred_image_Q_proof_whoa….png)

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db436e  No.10127771

I cannot believe this petition did not hit 100,000 in an hour. Is there suppression going on from a baddie in the white house comm office? Keep pushing this anons!


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949ee9  No.10127772

File: 14e5fdd1be27ff2⋯.png (193.79 KB, 400x553, 400:553, kek2.png)

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30fd4e  No.10127773

File: 35ff4267ee55d29⋯.png (31.93 KB, 602x336, 43:24, Screenshot_from_2020_07_30….png)

The Google whistleblower guy.


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78c632  No.10127774

File: f9d2566baf01a55⋯.jpg (273.07 KB, 720x1200, 3:5, f9d2566baf01a5537642c7f3aa….jpg)


Hes right though. Why aren't you looking into it even if to just disprove him? Jesus when the fuck did anons get so fucking butt hurt when told to look into something? If you feel so fucking strong about it dont yell and scream hit them with facts. Babies are used constantly. Better to understand and know then to pretend everyone is good.

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1eeb00  No.10127775

Trump is forcing liberals to choose between coronavirus fear-mongering or the election

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5a662c  No.10127776

File: 66e1f55ad1c2875⋯.png (153.93 KB, 421x337, 421:337, two_fags.png)

>>10127487 lb

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e8b83b  No.10127777

what are those , kwanza scarves?

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9cc959  No.10127778

File: 574103dcfc07b9e⋯.png (283.41 KB, 1086x1008, 181:168, Screen_Shot_2020_07_30_at_….png)


E. is a civil servant who helps us where he can

He is one of the authors of Cicada 3301

And has very high security clearance

Sometimes he travels on AF1

His connections to Gen Flynn suggest that he was in the DIA in Afghanistan

When General Flynn was director of intelligence of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan

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bc7479  No.10127779

File: 7280ffd4411955b⋯.jpg (123.32 KB, 750x500, 3:2, for_OUR_most_SACRED_Public….jpg)

File: 1fea78837b044b0⋯.jpg (163.1 KB, 731x500, 731:500, 49weu0.jpg)

File: 17b407882258a93⋯.jpg (116.21 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Consult_your_doctor_before….jpg)


tanks bakes

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249d84  No.10127780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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78a619  No.10127781


John Lewis Was a Chicago Godfather 1 (MafiaBoss)

Cain Was Godfather 2

who is third??? theory..play on godfather multiple meanings…

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597429  No.10127782

File: d3c8a7c320de84f⋯.jpg (137.52 KB, 486x909, 54:101, abbie_hoffman_activist.jpg)

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62e6bd  No.10127783


your attempt at demoralization is weak as hell

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7137da  No.10127784

why does Trump's staff keep letting him step in piles of shit with his tweets? If moving the election was going to be immediately publicly opposed by the FEC and the Senate Majority leader then why would the tweet be made? Maybe line up your ducks better before flying blind.

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d36a46  No.10127785



forgot the link

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5c693d  No.10127786

File: 01ca74836e07006⋯.png (187.25 KB, 450x195, 30:13, ClipboardImage.png)


It will grow a new you in a pod and replace you.

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2d509a  No.10127788

File: 4f39a62f49092cc⋯.png (550.15 KB, 864x762, 144:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd9096451e4d366⋯.png (51.16 KB, 855x656, 855:656, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87d0ff88dbf6eb0⋯.png (193.33 KB, 852x751, 852:751, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93b85f5e9cad606⋯.png (45.09 KB, 852x343, 852:343, ClipboardImage.png)

It’s Official: America Is Following China’s Lead – Contact Tracing Is Here – Say Goodbye to Freedom and Hello to State Control

In May we reported on our concerns with contact tracing and our loss of freedom as a result of this practice. We reported that contact tracers will track you and tell you what you can and cannot do. You will be a puppet of the state. You must do what they say for the greater good. Freedom will be lost forever.

We reported that Democrat states were promoting the idea of “contact tracing” and when you realize what it is, you will think you are living in Orwell’s 1984.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot cheered the news that Chicago was hiring 600 tracers to track its citizens using the coronavirus as the excuse. We then shared an excellent video (which has now been taken down by YouTube) that explained the madness behind contact tracing. In the video the following points were made:

Of course John Hopkins offers contact tracer training (connected to the scary overboard coronavirus chart)

Based on you coming in contact with a person who has COVID-19 you will be placed in total isolation for 10 days

If you have no way of not sharing a bathroom you will need to be isolated

If you are quarantined you will be isolated for 14 days

A contact tracer will take care of your kids but you cannot leave your house

If you eat at a restaurant and someone was found with COVID you will be quarantined

Big government will video conference you and review your place to make sure you are isolated

If you contract it your family will have to be quarantined for 14 days and completely isolated

If you were on a train, at work or in a restaurant then everyone near you will have to be quarantined

They say this is voluntary but will arrest you if you don’t comply

You could be quarantined again, and again, and again

Training encourages contact tracers to know you are doing this for the greater good

The government will mandate you to take vaccines

Apple phones are now upgraded to manage your phone for COVID contact tracing

In India you have to show your app before getting on a train or taking a flight, etc.

New Zealand has a code that will clear you based on your app status

The government is asking for $100 billion to manage this process and force you to take vaccinations – (the video has also been removed by YouTube).

Communist China


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e32496  No.10127789

File: 7a04620f16c923a⋯.png (133.21 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected001.png)

File: 5ebd89c4b820b00⋯.png (135.38 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected002.png)

File: 1c86a228d2e04b6⋯.png (127.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected003.png)



Toiletbois flood of subliminal shit / gore / death / satans face

Doing great sweetie!~

So effective!~

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25943c  No.10127790

Why did Kevin Shipp stop posting?

Tell us more about the Messiah Q!

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d14e9e  No.10127791

File: 27322134a41e087⋯.jpg (7.27 KB, 157x255, 157:255, 12da5b368dcd6a231f8128c862….jpg)


Toots invented GITMAS and Freddy told us about it. You that new or that retarded?

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d1befd  No.10127792

File: 5d5a38dd58f6341⋯.jpg (398.8 KB, 738x917, 738:917, FU_Shillcunt.jpg)


Wash your fucking gash, you filthy whore.

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3fbe26  No.10127793

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good afternoon everyone. Welcome to Kingswood community center. Actually, that’s the one down I used to work. That’s a joke.

Sleepy being Sleepy!


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ee357e  No.10127794

File: 08d7ae46ebafcf5⋯.png (280.28 KB, 598x510, 299:255, Screen_Shot_2020_07_30_at_….png)

File: 46a1eac37dfa310⋯.png (246.37 KB, 602x444, 301:222, Screen_Shot_2020_07_30_at_….png)

Hussein is so desperate right now, he's wearing blackface at the funeral


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a29478  No.10127795

File: d3cac3f7e59035b⋯.png (20.61 KB, 726x313, 726:313, ClipboardImage.png)

You know what I'm asking for!


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40fff9  No.10127796



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000000  No.10127797

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c0d50b  No.10127798


Replying to bait, I know, but I just can’t get past all the suffering because we have to play twitter games and this bullshit social engineering. Maybe they shouldn’t have said “we have it all”, “it’s coming” etc.

How many kids could have been saved over these last 3 years? Guess it’s not a big deal

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392a7f  No.10127799

Q, why do you play both sides of the game? Operation Warp Speed? Will the vaccine be mandatory? Earn It Act? No more online anonymity? Why hasn't Trump made more drastic changes this term? We really aren't any better off today than we were the day he got inaugurated…Is Epstein dead? We know he didn't kill himself. Is he even dead? Or is he living it up in a bunker somewhere?

Myself and a lot of guys at work think all of this is a dupe and we're being lead straight to the slaughterhouse. The quickest way to wake us up would have been to just stand up and tell us what the fuck is going on. Not play riddle games for almost four years and have nothing happen.

I won't believe any of this shit until someone big like Obama gets indicted, and then they stand trial and don't mysteriously "kill themself".

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795182  No.10127800

File: f1c30c5affeb758⋯.jpg (76.29 KB, 500x749, 500:749, 3be16a9a3584ba3bd7f2994ca8….jpg)


…Fuckin' whatever. It's posted for those curious. You have the internet, find your own interpretation.

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3eecc3  No.10127801

File: 538559788082a40⋯.png (9.42 KB, 255x167, 255:167, 0cffb9aa387c12accaba53a595….png)

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b97dc5  No.10127802


You're thinking two-dimensionally, young grasshopper

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23130f  No.10127803


>produce powerful indictments

yeah, that'd be back benchers and aides

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aeda71  No.10127804

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25943c  No.10127805

File: ba773bfb088f121⋯.gif (170.14 KB, 360x346, 180:173, Kek1.gif)

File: 2e4810de107cc7e⋯.jpg (303.88 KB, 736x1065, 736:1065, L_Armour_de_Dieu.jpg)

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 1276x720, 319:180, Laugh_Hangover.mp4)

File: 81b92bc27bdd5eb⋯.png (451.53 KB, 650x366, 325:183, Laughs_In_Prez.png)

File: 6c57a480d0d6785⋯.gif (536.16 KB, 800x792, 100:99, MatrixPepe.gif)

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05655d  No.10127806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why Are There 69 Jewish Holocaust Museums In America?

>To INDOCTRINATE the 98% Non-Jewish Children thatJEWS Are Eternal VICTIMS

Here is a List of 29 States that have Holocaust Museums and Memorials:

1 Arizona

2 California = 7 Museums/Memorials

3 Colorado

4 Florida = 6 Museums/Memorials

5 Georgia

6 Illinois - founded by Billionaire Jew Governor J.B. Pritzker

7 Indiana

8 Louisiana

9 Maine

10 Maryland

11 Massachusetts

12 Michigan = 3 Museums/Memorials

13 Mississippi

14 Missouri

15 Nebraska

16 New Hampshire

17 New Jersey

18 New Mexico

19 New York  = 9 Museums/Memorials

20 Ohio = 4 Museums/Memorials

21 Oregon

22 Pennsylvania = 5 Museums/Memorials

23 Rhode Island

24 South Carolina

25 Tennessee

26 Texas = 5 Museums/Memorials

27 Washington, D.C. - the NATIONAL Museum

28 Wisconsin

29 Virginia

Why Is The Holocaust MORE Important Than The American Revolution?


Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Holocaust_memorials_and_museums_in_the_United_States\

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597429  No.10127807

File: f77d40330530cbb⋯.jpg (165.53 KB, 800x557, 800:557, oscar_fashion_001.jpg)

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de440b  No.10127808

File: 733ef983b17a47c⋯.png (64.15 KB, 773x597, 773:597, ClipboardImage.png)

Update POTUS Schedule: 5:30 News Conference


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3935d6  No.10127809

File: b5db5078dfbd958⋯.jpg (50.29 KB, 599x576, 599:576, chicago.JPG)



Chicago Deputy Chief Dion Boyd Dies By Suicide Inside Police Facility


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d2f3bb  No.10127810

File: 8f2a13cad14d362⋯.png (247.44 KB, 766x740, 383:370, Charges_dropped_against_co….png)


Missouri AG dropped charges against couple who defended their home


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5de2cb  No.10127811

File: 66ede7707bbb742⋯.png (130.29 KB, 809x920, 809:920, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10127293 /pb



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2ef339  No.10127812

File: 9907fabe7a97e1b⋯.png (819.4 KB, 812x559, 812:559, ClipboardImage.png)



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2d1e40  No.10127813

File: 07a715e9c5a5e6f⋯.jpeg (156.23 KB, 750x641, 750:641, 5A0D8788_2C31_4134_ADEB_1….jpeg)

File: a41a590abc86be6⋯.jpeg (165.72 KB, 750x524, 375:262, C1228378_1B39_43E1_82DD_F….jpeg)

File: 0b2e56abe423ec9⋯.jpeg (374.81 KB, 750x1029, 250:343, EF310155_AC63_434C_97AE_4….jpeg)

Thanks to Q for making this easy. Cain was an informant that decided to save his family the humility.

The good guys are in control, make no doubt about it.

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4f8eeb  No.10127814

>>10127397 lb

Along with the pizza/St James/Island references

The guy's last name looks like Caligula

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5b97e6  No.10127815

File: 97e8ebf80e3d996⋯.png (165.64 KB, 830x844, 415:422, 97e.png)

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2f31c2  No.10127816

>>10127769 Why can't American's behave when going to another country?

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92f4c2  No.10127817

File: 42d6aeeade74384⋯.jpg (57.18 KB, 428x344, 107:86, fakenews1.jpg)


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41b2a1  No.10127818

File: 0317c32d4ffe668⋯.jpg (255.95 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, download_79_.jpg)



willing to fight

willing to get into trouble

oh yep.

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86b642  No.10127819

File: a2c87c2044f1abc⋯.png (307.9 KB, 335x371, 335:371, ClipboardImage.png)

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43b3e1  No.10127820


You know the answer…the Jew is worth at least ten Goy.

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421ee7  No.10127821

File: faf9f5131e1e60f⋯.png (34.88 KB, 548x309, 548:309, Screenshot_2020_07_30_Q_Re….png)

File: 4f0131365e9396b⋯.png (40.42 KB, 386x734, 193:367, Screenshot_2020_07_29_QMAP….png)


==The Stage Had to be Set

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3ae69e  No.10127822


our votes don't matter. it's all fixed.

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78a619  No.10127823


fuck yeah…destruction from inside

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66c304  No.10127824



pfft Absolutely pathetic to use a funeral to deliver a campaign speech! I didn't listen to the whole thing but exactly how much time did he give to say anything about Lewis I wonder? Not much I surmise, but I imagine it went something like this: "Lewis was a great guy. He will be missed. Now that Trump Guy! OOOHHHHAAaarrr blah blah blah" for 40 fucking minutes. Scared? Me thinks terrified

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e32496  No.10127825


>Trusts @ETheFiend





An implanted [wannabe] 'leader' depending upon the demoralization deployed by toiletboi on our board, for followers in a raped enough state to trust this wretched parasite~





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5266d9  No.10127826



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249d84  No.10127827


Fail. Stale attempt. Get a new script.

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d14e9e  No.10127828


Keep trying Doug. Congrats on the new approach though.

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aeda71  No.10127829


This weak fuck killed himself like you retarded on spectrum anons will do on 11/5

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89876b  No.10127830


The glitches are starting to show more prominently.

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3e74f6  No.10127831


Those are citrus seeds.

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9cc959  No.10127832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2d509a  No.10127833

Berlin says US ‘weakening NATO’ & shooting itself in the foot as 12,000 troops set to withdraw from Germany

The planned US troop withdrawal from Germany will not help Washington advance its goals in Europe but will do exactly the opposite, the head of the Bundestag’s foreign affairs committee has warned.

“Instead of strengthening NATO, the troops’ withdrawal will weaken the Alliance,” Norbert Roettgen, an MP from Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party, told Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung. “The effectiveness of the US military will not increase, but will be reduced, particularly when it comes to Russia and ongoing military conflicts in the Near and Middle East.”

Such an outburst of criticism was sparked by Washington’s decision to pull out additional forces from the territory of its NATO ally. Initially the US planned to withdraw some 9,500 personnel but this figure has recently grown to almost 12,000 – a development that apparently sparked particular concerns in Berlin, which was not amused by the move from the very beginning.

Earlier, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper said that the pull-out would promote America’s “strategic goals” like deterrence of Russia or showing support to its allies in Europe. President Donald Trump mostly justified the move by accusing Germany of not spending enough on defense and thus violating its NATO commitments. “We’re reducing the force because they’re not paying their bills. It’s very simple. They’re delinquent,” the president said, in one of his latest comments on the issue.

The German politicians believe such steps would strain relations between the two nations. "We very much regret the U.S. government's decision. Unfortunately, this puts a burden on the German-American relationship," said Markus Soeder, the Bavarian Prime Minister and the leader of Merkel’s allies – the Christian Social Union. "We are now waiting to see if the decision will last.”

Roettgen, meanwhile, believes that Washington is virtually shooting itself in the foot by moving the troops – and the US European Command headquarters and Special Operations Command Europe – from Germany.

“US soldiers do make a contribution to Germany's security, but Germany primarily serves the US as a logistic hub for its own international military presence,” he said.


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597429  No.10127834

File: b939cee855598b0⋯.jpg (132.51 KB, 551x377, 19:13, ff_.jpg)

a tribute to . . .

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1face6  No.10127835

File: 97452c16cf3ee6f⋯.png (309.41 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 9D8A9973_51B8_45C6_A365_93….png)

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eff723  No.10127836


These two on T_D thought about it out loud

>Postponing election: Art of the deal

>When I want a 5k discount on a deal, I will negotiate for a 15k discount. By comparison, 5k sounds way better, and everyone walks away from the deal happy (I get my discount, the vendors think they talked me down 10k)

>When Trump wants an in person election, he will negotiate for a delay of election due to covid. By comparison, in-person on original Election Day sounds way better, and everyone walks away from the deal happy (Trump gets in person election, Democrats think they talked him down from postponing)

>This is Trumps strategy, change my mind


>I think he lets this tweet sit out there until next week. The 24 hour news cycle will galvanize their position against any delay.

>Then next week he lays out the logistics of mail in voting means that in order to make sure every vote gets counted they need the extra time to double verify signatures, and allow the extra time for mis-handled mail. They'd also need the extra time to weed out any counterfeit ballots. And they need the extra time to ensure there is no foreign interference.

>By cementing them against a delayed election, he would then cement them against the proper safeguards for a mail-in election. They have no choice by to support in-person on-time voting.

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5c693d  No.10127837

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05655d  No.10127838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again 🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚌 Jews.

We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Shtetls.

We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔

Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

>Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

🙏🙏🙏 6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud 🙏🙏🙏:


"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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b97dc5  No.10127839





The greatest deterrent against the DS!

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d1befd  No.10127840

File: d6137f7549215c4⋯.jpg (279.89 KB, 646x646, 1:1, Forever.jpg)


We still have you.

You wont leave us.

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5de2cb  No.10127841




Research Kenneth Feinberg and Camille Biros

add up the money they have been fund managers for…

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20a95d  No.10127842

File: 350582c8b6f8550⋯.png (3.53 MB, 1829x1780, 1829:1780, pepe_prepP.png)



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f89f61  No.10127843

File: 5b57eeb74917847⋯.png (206.48 KB, 808x1178, 404:589, ClipboardImage.png)

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2d509a  No.10127844

UK MP who allegedly told victim ‘I’m a naughty Tory’ convicted on sexual assault charges

An ex-Conservative lawmaker who allegedly told one of his victims “I’m a naughty Tory” has been found guilty on three counts of sexual assault. The judge warned the former MP that he now faces the “real possibility” of jail.

Charlie Elphicke, the former MP for Dover, revealed during the trial at Southwark Crown Court in London that he had wanted an affair with one of his victims – a UK parliamentary worker – but he had denied committing any offences.

The 49-year-old faced charges relating to two women – one in her early 30s who he assaulted at his home in 2007, and a UK parliamentary staffer in her early 20s who he said was “besotted” with in 2016.

But he has now been warned there is a “real possibility” of imprisonment. In court on Thursday, Judge Mrs Justice Whipple warned Elphicke that he faces the prospect of jail time. The now-disgraced former Tory MP has been released on bail and will be sentenced in September, with the judge adding that: “All (sentencing) options remain open.”

The father-of-two had allegedly tried to kiss and grope the young parliamentary employee after the pair shared a drink in Westminster in April 2016. The complainant said that, after the offence took place, Elphicke had told her: "I'm so naughty sometimes."

The other victim, who was in her 30s at the time, was invited by Elphicke to share a bottle of wine at his home while his wife Natalie was away (on business) for the first time since giving birth to their son. The MP enquired about his guest’s sexual interests and implied he was into “bondage and whips” before groping her breasts and trying to kiss her, jurors were told.

The prosecutor had described to jurors how, when the woman had rejected his advances, Elphicke then chased her around the kitchen in a scene likened to “a sketch from ‘The Benny Hill Show’.”

He was chanting in a sing-song way: 'I'm a naughty Tory, I'm a naughty Tory,' as though it was the school playground. He was very animated, excitable, and clearly enjoying himself, chanting towards her and slapping her bottom.

Following the judgment, Natalie Elphicke – who succeeded her husband as Dover MP last year – took to Twitter to say that the verdict brought “profound sorrow” that signaled the end of “my 25 year marriage to the only man I have ever loved.”


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db436e  No.10127845


Calling E the Friend/Eye the Spy/Follow the 17/etc. a LARP is dangerous and misleading.

He is a well placed infiltration agent of the DS controlling opposition and demoralizing his followers. He is combining real intel with confusing, paralyzing bullshit. Discerning patriots can gain a lot of info about current DS tactics and goals but he is setting up to lead a lot of well intentioned people off a cliff.

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aeda71  No.10127846

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afeb39  No.10127847


Fuck it?

Because NATO Does so much. . .

if 12 k troops outta Germany is crushing defeat than that's a crying bloody shame.

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e32496  No.10127848


>Emotional marker of delusional desires

IDEN confirmed, thanks for exposing yourself sweetie!~

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2d509a  No.10127849


right sauce


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de440b  No.10127850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Update POTUS Schedule: 5:30 News Conference

sauce: https://publicpool.kinja.com/subject-updated-daily-guidance-and-press-schedule-for-1844561204

Here live link for POTUS at 3:00PM today

The White House

President Trump Participates in a Roundtable on Donating Plasma

563 waiting•Scheduled for Jul 30, 2020


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1face6  No.10127851

File: b0c8a7afc10d106⋯.jpeg (558.1 KB, 2361x1718, 2361:1718, F7CC53C2_611A_463F_A293_C….jpeg)

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9db901  No.10127852

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595a61  No.10127853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2f31c2  No.10127854

>>10127833 Europe opened her borders to every immigrant that wanted to get in. The enemy already infiltrated the gates. If Russia wanted Europe they could have just walked right in and started collecting welfare. Nothing left to protect.

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8b9f9c  No.10127855

File: 19f294461f3499e⋯.jpeg (12.08 KB, 400x400, 1:1, download_2020_07_23T20173….jpeg)

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5b97e6  No.10127856

File: e55df5bc2b242ff⋯.jpg (135.24 KB, 516x569, 516:569, e55df5bc2b242ffe50b9cdf341….jpg)

File: 8a32d2405be13d6⋯.jpg (88.89 KB, 600x395, 120:79, 8a32d2405be13d6020259f55dc….jpg)

File: 2ccd36538b0a008⋯.png (574.07 KB, 539x717, 539:717, 1585906441789.png)

File: 04a98900fb1d218⋯.jpg (41.53 KB, 643x310, 643:310, ca46f13af333c11a509d3deb03….jpg)

File: cb7cc222e06f7ea⋯.jpg (69.5 KB, 738x415, 738:415, cb7cc222e06f7ea7b76653e302….jpg)

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7e528d  No.10127857

Obama still makes my skin crawl.

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b22ea0  No.10127858

File: 4dd24bcbe7d0b4d⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 3402x2268, 3:2, 4d6d44.jpg)

Anything of importance happening today or are we just going to keep short stroking the death of herman cain until we pass out from exhaustion.

I literally give zero fucks about herman cain.

Literally ZERO.

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30de83  No.10127859

File: 8511debeddf0015⋯.jpg (111.59 KB, 639x631, 639:631, islamicdeception.jpg)

Muslim Brotherhood Links

Barack Obama, “lackey” of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood


Muslim Brotherhood in America


Muslim Brotherhood “Massive” Government Infiltration While Stigmatizing Government Employee With “Islamophobia”




Imam Mohamad Tawhidi


THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD ‘Project’ – a plan to takeover the West


30-Year Muslim Plan To Control America Has Six Years To Go

(2020 is the 30th year. Hillary was to be the final nail in the coffin, but she lost)


Immigration in Islamic Doctrine and History


What Is "Hijrah" and Is It a Trojan Horse?


The all-time biggest Trojan Horse


The Clarion Project


Huma Abedin's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood


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e3dc7f  No.10127860

FUCK proto globalist Woodrow Wilson. This countrys worst president

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b97dc5  No.10127861


Berlin looks retarded.

Imagine Trump complaining about German soldiers leaving America.


They should declas Merkel's relation to Hitler.

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e32496  No.10127862


Actually well said.

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3ab1e8  No.10127863


>Nothing left to protect.

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03a301  No.10127864

File: 1eb26cd17860694⋯.jpg (49.51 KB, 385x256, 385:256, PATRIOTS_ARE_COMING.jpg)

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2dc38d  No.10127865

File: 33dd58d15d67ff7⋯.jpeg (78.39 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 7ADF59D2_23A8_42D6_BB9B_5….jpeg)

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2d509a  No.10127866

File: e1edf221446a8c8⋯.png (830.02 KB, 760x456, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

UK MP who allegedly told victim ‘I’m a naughty Tory’ convicted on sexual assault charges

An ex-Conservative lawmaker who allegedly told one of his victims “I’m a naughty Tory” has been found guilty on three counts of sexual assault. The judge warned the former MP that he now faces the “real possibility” of jail.

Charlie Elphicke, the former MP for Dover, revealed during the trial at Southwark Crown Court in London that he had wanted an affair with one of his victims – a UK parliamentary worker – but he had denied committing any offences.

The 49-year-old faced charges relating to two women – one in her early 30s who he assaulted at his home in 2007, and a UK parliamentary staffer in her early 20s who he said was “besotted” with in 2016.

But he has now been warned there is a “real possibility” of imprisonment. In court on Thursday, Judge Mrs Justice Whipple warned Elphicke that he faces the prospect of jail time. The now-disgraced former Tory MP has been released on bail and will be sentenced in September, with the judge adding that: “All (sentencing) options remain open.”

The father-of-two had allegedly tried to kiss and grope the young parliamentary employee after the pair shared a drink in Westminster in April 2016. The complainant said that, after the offence took place, Elphicke had told her: "I'm so naughty sometimes."

The other victim, who was in her 30s at the time, was invited by Elphicke to share a bottle of wine at his home while his wife Natalie was away (on business) for the first time since giving birth to their son. The MP enquired about his guest’s sexual interests and implied he was into “bondage and whips” before groping her breasts and trying to kiss her, jurors were told.

The prosecutor had described to jurors how, when the woman had rejected his advances, Elphicke then chased her around the kitchen in a scene likened to “a sketch from ‘The Benny Hill Show’.”

He was chanting in a sing-song way: 'I'm a naughty Tory, I'm a naughty Tory,' as though it was the school playground. He was very animated, excitable, and clearly enjoying himself, chanting towards her and slapping her bottom.

Following the judgment, Natalie Elphicke – who succeeded her husband as Dover MP last year – took to Twitter to say that the verdict brought “profound sorrow” that signaled the end of “my 25 year marriage to the only man I have ever loved.”


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c0d50b  No.10127867


Not even a bone was thrown. Just Wall Street bailouts and reversal of Obama policies. Whooptie do

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bf3a98  No.10127868



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5de2cb  No.10127870



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5266d9  No.10127871


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e32496  No.10127872


>poisoned pr0n picture

Well we know which side you're on xD

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8278e7  No.10127873


Breathe the free air James, you are saved too.

I know what they've done to you was never your fault.

You will heal honey.

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83875b  No.10127874


Don't you have another bullet wound to fake?

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597429  No.10127875

File: b1975a721c8094d⋯.jpg (335.89 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, stop_charging_or_I_say_you….jpg)

File: f1a71a9b0fa33ed⋯.jpg (173.25 KB, 1181x684, 1181:684, stop_charging_001.jpg)

File: 1f787c364724d6b⋯.jpg (153.15 KB, 1163x642, 1163:642, reporter_on_cell_phone_002.jpg)

File: 886ced7ee5453ad⋯.jpg (159.97 KB, 1173x652, 1173:652, reporter_on_cell_phone_001.jpg)

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f89f61  No.10127876

File: e77206a1ec411b1⋯.png (933.38 KB, 1536x1172, 384:293, ClipboardImage.png)

two in one day?

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b97dc5  No.10127877



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6397d8  No.10127878


>Cain was an informant that decided to save his family the humility.

what you saying?

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41b2a1  No.10127879

File: a08a3d07bc52402⋯.png (1002.13 KB, 1023x574, 1023:574, flag.png)

File: 2f8310390ea7a26⋯.jpg (2.56 MB, 5340x3560, 3:2, download_80_.jpg)

Hang on a minute!

I thought they hated that flag.

So…Burn it now?

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9cc959  No.10127880

File: 84435149479906e⋯.png (3.78 MB, 1334x1206, 667:603, GITSW_Qpizza.png)

File: c26cc7a8acebc41⋯.png (3.32 MB, 1402x1454, 701:727, GITSW_Qoph.png)


The Girl in the Spider's Web (2018)

In one image, Lisbeth sits in a pizza slice pose with feet at the 17:00 position in a club.

In another image Lisbeth walks into a place with a ring of fire and her body is the rod that makes it into the Phoenician letter Qoph

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000000  No.10127881

Any Three Gorges news today?

Bump that fucker Q!

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d36a46  No.10127882

File: 1edbb8738825133⋯.png (1009.46 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

UK women die from ‘DIY’ home abortions, leaked NHS emails reveal

One of the cases includes a murder investigation as the baby was 'live born'

A former abortion clinic worker in the United Kingdom said a leaked "urgent" email sent to National Health Service (NHS) staff suggests women are being harmed by abortion pills, now administered at home because of the coronavirus restrictions.

The Court of Appeal refused to consider the evidence Wednesday in a case brought by Christian Concern, a UK-based conservative legal nonprofit, arguing that the government's "DIY home abortion policy" in light of lockdown orders allows "dangerous" abortions and goes against the Abortion Act.


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5266d9  No.10127883



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92912c  No.10127884

File: 9c5099f0699a907⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1201x1201, 1:1, WildTrumpGirls_007.png)

File: 6fefa2f2a628281⋯.png (1.6 MB, 833x1024, 833:1024, WildTrumpGirls_008.png)

File: 7f86246fc18c11f⋯.png (1.23 MB, 598x1404, 23:54, WildTrumpGirls_009.png)

You Imagine Gods Light Expose Our Enemies Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Roll Lawfu𝕝 Good xo

She curioux=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Remember the smell ໐f childhood.

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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cb1ad7  No.10127885



Frontline COVID Doc Stella Immanuel Locked Out of Twitter For 6 Days For Asking Patients Who Have Been Cured by HCQ to Share Their Stories Online

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c4af04  No.10127886

6 9 JK Phone Calls

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2ef339  No.10127887


Read the book, faggot.

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c34c5b  No.10127888

File: 612bf9d8cbbbf15⋯.jpg (335.78 KB, 1236x1236, 1:1, 612bf9d8cbbbf15b30207b987a….jpg)

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20a95d  No.10127889

File: 253f684b0cfe391⋯.png (568.28 KB, 746x720, 373:360, pepe_you_mad.png)


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392a7f  No.10127890


Well you did get 1200 free socialist dollars, anon. Even though you've probably been out of work for almost 4 months, they gave us about a two week's paycheck to try and make it through. Yay.

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1face6  No.10127891

File: 253741ec55399f1⋯.png (260.12 KB, 600x708, 50:59, 12A27F41_4426_4E9B_9B88_79….png)

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3deb98  No.10127892


yes but they need to add the prosecutor who charged them to begin with needs to be arrested.

because this IS NOT WINNING,

it is just breaking even or less.

were always playing defense

even the biggest habbening booms were defense.

The hammer never falls

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9cc959  No.10127893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b97dc5  No.10127894




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2d509a  No.10127895

File: 9db959a79e3cd8f⋯.png (65.73 KB, 848x679, 848:679, ClipboardImage.png)

The Nuremburg defense? Twitterati bust out Nazi comparisons over new docuseries showing troubled ICE agents ‘just enforcing laws’

An upcoming documentary shows how US immigration agents deal with being viewed as the ‘bad guys’ for enforcing policies they don't necessarily endorse. Twitter’s collective reaction to a preview of the show? “They’re like Nazis!”

The docuseries ‘Immigration Nation’, by filmmakers Shaul Schwarz and Christina Clusiau, is the result of three years spent with the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, which gave them “unprecedented” access to its daily operations. Set to premiere on Netflix next month, the show follows individual agents and shows how they get “chewed up” in a “broken system,” according to a preview published by Newsweek.

“Really, this issue is grey, it's complicated,” Clusiau said, adding that the issues with the US' immigration system are “systematic in the sense that all sides, everybody, is kind of chewed up by this broken system.”

One agent told the filmmakers he simply refuses to arrest undocumented immigrants who have no criminal record, even though the current policy demands that officers hit higher arrest numbers by any means necessary. Another agent said he felt bad carrying out an arrest that broke up a family, while one interviewee complained that he and other ICE officers are branded Nazis by critics, when “all we're doing is enforcing the laws and doing our job.”

The sentiment, reflected in Newsweek’s headline, triggered a collective 'gotcha' moment on Twitter, as commenters pointed out that the same reasoning was used unsuccessfully by Nazi war criminals during their trial. “Nuremberg defense” trended on the platform as thousands reacted with various degrees of sarcasm and outrage, offered tidbits of historical knowledge about the criminal proceedings and shared hopes for a sequel featuring US federal agents on the bench.


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66c304  No.10127896

File: 5cd5fd7102bfe90⋯.png (24.22 KB, 444x496, 111:124, Screenshot_2020_07_30_Q_10….png)


Who is it exactly that wants to defund the police again?

Predicted and Proven Q

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000000  No.10127897


Kek! Perfect, forgot about that!

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db0d08  No.10127898

On Monday, the election board announced it set a record-breaking number of vote-by-mail applications ahead of the November 2020 general election.


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ac4cfe  No.10127899

File: a2bab7e5cf19908⋯.png (743.25 KB, 900x751, 900:751, bad_dnc_robot.png)

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1554f6  No.10127900

Would volunteers working at voting booths be able to identify voters wearing face masks and goggles from pictures on Voter I.D.?

Fauci’s Gulag Goggle Gimmick

Though he hasn’t yet made it mandatory but is so far only suggesting it, will the face mask and goggle wearing advocated by Dr. Anthony Fauci make this a chilling part of the future:

Caller: “Two men just broke into our house and shot my husband!”

Police: Can you give us a description of them?”

Caller: “Hard to do because both were wearing face masks and goggles.”

Not so farfetched in home invasions of the future if Dr. Fauci gets his way.


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597429  No.10127902

File: c6eebde0c8d3e04⋯.jpg (204.98 KB, 825x543, 275:181, follow_the_model_006.jpg)

File: 1c561a13f9677d9⋯.jpg (36.04 KB, 534x486, 89:81, facedemon007.jpg)

File: d117370d33e742b⋯.jpg (219.3 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, second_opinion.jpg)

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3fbe26  No.10127903

Key West FL.

Two residents are jailed for Dirty wuhan holocough concerns!


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bc7479  No.10127904


geeze, I hope the witnesses are clean

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879b10  No.10127905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I want my HCQ

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f05849  No.10127906

File: b6260ce3c4ad6e7⋯.png (143.42 KB, 1294x550, 647:275, Screen_Shot_2020_07_27_at_….png)

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2f31c2  No.10127907

>>10127881 Looks like camera changed angles after the big storm. Night vision is turned off.

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2d509a  No.10127908

'Donald Trump killed Herman Cain': Liberals waste absolutely zero time politicizing Herman Cain’s death and blaming Trump

'It took mere seconds'

Liberals on Twitter wasted little time politicizing the tragic death of former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain as a result of COVID-19, blaming right-wing ignorance about the virus promulgated by President Donald Trump for killing the 74-year-old conservative commentator.

"Donald Trump killed Herman Cain," Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King wrote, arguing that it was the president's fault for going ahead with a campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, amid the pandemic. Cain attended the June 20 rally reportedly not wearing a mask and tested positive for the coronavirus nine days later.

Donald Trump killed Herman Cain. Every health expert in the nation said the rally in Tulsa was not just a bad idea… https://t.co/2560T7cYJi

— Shaun King (@Shaun King)1596123693.0

Another user, "BrooklynDad_Defiant!" tweeted that Trump was guilty of manslaughter for allegedly having the "social distancing' stickers removed from the seats" at the Tulsa rally.

I'm old enough to remember trump had the "social distancing" stickers removed from the seats at the same Tulsa rall… https://t.co/56Zx94S2vr

— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@BrooklynDad_Defiant!)1596125035.0

Aaron McIntire, the producer of BlazeTV's "The Steve Deace Show," tweeted screenshots of tweets from Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe, NBC News correspondent Chris Jansing, Vermont Law School professor Jennifer Taub, and Democratic candidate for Congress Nate McMurray, calling them "ghouls" and saying "it took mere seconds."

In her tweet, Taub said: "Herman Cain would be alive had Trump canceled the Tulsa rally or insisted on mask-wearing. And 150,000 more Americans also died because of [Donald Trump's] incompetence, lies, and arrogance."

Ghouls. It took mere seconds. https://t.co/TSlx3VARa7

— Aaron McIntire (@Aaron McIntire)1596120723.0

Another user pointed to a tweet that Cain's account had posted less than a day before his death citing a CBS News poll to show that Americans are skeptical of a coronavirus vaccine.

The user wrote, "deathbed defiance."

Deathbed defiance. https://t.co/9JpxFmk2pf

— Will Truman (@Will Truman)1596123260.0

In a post on Cain's website, editor Dan Calabrese wrote: "Herman Cain — our boss, our friend, like a father to so many of us — has passed away. He's entering the presence of the Savior he's served as an associate minister at Antioch Baptist Church in Atlanta for, and preparing for his reward."

In the post, Calabrese detailed the final weeks of Cain's life, reporting that Cain was hospitalized after testing positive for the virus several weeks ago after he was having difficulty breathing.

The difficulties continued and Cain remained in the hospital for some time. But just five days ago, doctors allegedly expressed hope that he would eventually recover. Unfortunately, that ended up not being the case as Cain, a cancer survivor, passed away Thursday morning.


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2684f7  No.10127909

File: 349e8044d0ab154⋯.png (212.65 KB, 230x347, 230:347, ClipboardImage.png)

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b75ae2  No.10127910

File: b0c2d3c39e8e658⋯.gif (908.54 KB, 614x480, 307:240, 20200730_123820.gif)


sœry кellyænn.

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d61967  No.10127911

File: d6208794be92039⋯.jpg (56.62 KB, 534x313, 534:313, Obama.jpg)

Everytime Obama opens his mouth the racial divide in America gets wider and wider.

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c4af04  No.10127912


<Insert "I can't read" Mask-COVID19 George Wallace MEME>

Obama Called George Floyd George Wallace. Is that dig worthy?

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41b2a1  No.10127913


Not inclusive of whites.



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66dfe9  No.10127914


I don't know, bro. I'm losing faith quick.

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9ca39d  No.10127915

File: 1ae7f7b897e6944⋯.jpg (46.63 KB, 596x658, 298:329, the_Gov_Cant_twatter_.jpg)

File: eda49e80163839c⋯.jpg (112.39 KB, 1211x511, 173:73, WTF_OUR_GUY_.jpg)

File: fd4a2a5d3953ffa⋯.jpg (102.23 KB, 917x664, 917:664, Seatle_talk_LAW_.jpg)

Twitter fags you should help our guy out here He is not a high ranking digital warior obviously but he is one of us lol Its our Job to Spread it we took an oath for this member WWG1WGA looks like this I am Pretty Sure Boys https://twitter.com/ForLawson

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d14e9e  No.10127916


I like the warm fuzzy feeling it gave me reading it but is there any other sauce beside Russia Tomes? These were the dudes that thought the 50 libtards at Mt. Rushmore were 200.

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e32496  No.10127917

There's an insidious reason why 'social distancing' is pushed / enforced…

Ideas between people transmit less effectively, if you're already in a state of 'stay away from me'

There's an insidious reason why 'social distancing' is pushed / enforced…

Ideas between people transmit less effectively, if you're already in a state of 'stay away from me'

There's an insidious reason why 'social distancing' is pushed / enforced…

Ideas between people transmit less effectively, if you're already in a state of 'stay away from me'

There's an insidious reason why 'social distancing' is pushed / enforced…

Ideas between people transmit less effectively, if you're already in a state of 'stay away from me'

There's an insidious reason why 'social distancing' is pushed / enforced…

Ideas between people transmit less effectively, if you're already in a state of 'stay away from me'

There's an insidious reason why 'social distancing' is pushed / enforced…

Ideas between people transmit less effectively, if you're already in a state of 'stay away from me'

There's an insidious reason why 'social distancing' is pushed / enforced…

Ideas between people transmit less effectively, if you're already in a state of 'stay away from me'

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d36a46  No.10127918

File: d96191d74b31217⋯.png (35.62 KB, 232x300, 58:75, ClipboardImage.png)

WHO promotes China’s organ transplant program, despite allegations of human rights abuses

WHO leadership has heaped praise on China's organ transplant program while ignoring alleged abuses, activists say

At a time when the relationship between the World Health Organization (WHO) and China is under intense scrutiny, human rights activists and health experts also are questioning the organization's stance on Beijing’s questionable organ donation program.

Earlier this year, the London-based China Tribunal determined that, “beyond a reasonable doubt,” hearts, lungs, kidneys and livers were being harvested from ethnic and religious minorities – sometimes while still alive and otherwise healthy.


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25943c  No.10127919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Looks like 3GD has changed angle to directly in front of dam.

Should be better to see in a few hours.

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5266d9  No.10127920


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2d509a  No.10127921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gaetz: ‘Congress Will Not Do Anything on Big Tech Because Congress Is Bought Off by Big Tech’

During an appearance on Wednesday’s “Hannity” on Fox News Channel, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) spoke out against Big Tech, describing Google as “the most dangerous election interference organization in the world.”

However, he acknowledged lawmakers on Capitol Hill would be reluctant to take on Big Tech given they were “bought off” by those companies.

“Here’s the message to the president: Congress will not do anything on big tech because Congress is bought off by big tech,” he said. “But we’ve proved today that many of American’s largest technology platforms are not acting in the best interest of our country. They’ve pulled out of deals as Google has with our own military to keep our service members safe. But then Google has no problem going and partnering with the Chinese military of all folks. Even General Dunford, the chairman of the joint chief of staff, said that Google is directly benefiting the Chinese military. But it’s not that they are just working with China, they are trying to turn our country into China. Google, in particular, is the most dangerous election interference organization in the world.”

“Sundar Pichai was at a meeting where his top executive team said that they had to stop Donald Trump in four years and make his victory just a populist blip in history,” Gaetz continued. “And since then, he admitted that individuals can go and alter search and change things on blacklists, so you don’t see sites that are conservative like The Federalist, The Daily Caller, Breitbart and others that Mr. Jordan mentioned. And then, also, you know, Mr. Pichai had to confess the fact that I really think there is an outcome that cannot be explained through these glitches where the conservative sites that we use to see in news are now starting to disappear. They want to control what you see so they can control what you think and how you act, and a free society must stand against this.”

The Florida Republican congressman went on to urge the Department of Justice to be more active in its pursuit of civil action against the tech giants.

“Twitter shadow-banned four members of Congress during the Russian hoax — Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Devin Nunes and Matt Gaetz. That wasn’t a coincidence, Sean,” he said. And you know what? The Department of Justice should go and investigate these major tech platforms and prove that they are not biased. We’ve got enough smoke. There’s definitely fire. And I think the Department of Justice needs to be a lot more active in this civil litigation.”


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3be711  No.10127922

File: 351076e967f365e⋯.png (662.74 KB, 828x984, 69:82, ClipboardImage.png)


I tweeted it as "one of the smartest memes you'll see". I made an altered version, but honestly think yours is probably best. options are good.

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597429  No.10127923

File: 39d25afac04c2ce⋯.jpg (179.28 KB, 632x633, 632:633, grow_forests.jpg)

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83875b  No.10127924


I used to think he was just a faggot larp. I'm now convinced that he is an enemy combatant. Another traitor hanging to look forward to.

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983435  No.10127925

File: 74c91c03d32065b⋯.png (716.93 KB, 1141x570, 1141:570, C3E8DD05_B6B1_4BC5_BBEE_3E….png)

Can’t believe this didn’t get notabled are you fags seriously not considering this a massive Q proof!?!?

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0276f9  No.10127926


Have they tried NOT being whores?

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80634b  No.10127927



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9cc959  No.10127928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lisbeth confronts her sister who has become one of the evil ones.

The abused children often choose to become the abusers of children

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5de2cb  No.10127929


Well aware…


keep a look out

Documents to be unsealed today

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4d8e90  No.10127930

>>10125753 (pb)

>Insider vs OUTSIDER

Different type of Insider / Outsider, in my opinion.

"The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country."

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bf3a98  No.10127931


They are right….A lot of people have died needlessly because of MUUUHH OPTICS, can't tell the truth now can we

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7c1241  No.10127932

File: f29d08b50dd0025⋯.png (29.62 KB, 751x414, 751:414, ClipboardImage.png)

I had an epiphany in the shower; nothing profound that y'all probably didn't already know, but it just hit me hard….

If the Q team only started posting information today for the first time, how effective would the operation be going forward? What would the public be aware of and how speculative would normal citizens be of the media?

What if it were a month ago? A year ago?

No, the total body of work is the proof that the Q team is real. The theme is "The Great Awakening" and the great awakening is the mass awareness of the evils of the world, the corruption of the government and the complicity of the media in the destruction of the country.

Only because the Q team began the intelligence drops on 10/28/2017 would the momentum have built up to what it is today, and because "great awakening" was first mentioned in the 9th drop them mentioned subsequently over fifty times since, we know that the team was aware that longevity and consistency would be the only way the message would reach the masses. They knew what it would take in order break through and create mass awareness - alerting the entire world to know now what they knew then.

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d14e9e  No.10127933


Either put in the gif with the tig ole bitties or retire this wondering drivel.

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597429  No.10127934


culturally they probably call it either 'politics' or 'espionage'.

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96bf76  No.10127935

File: da09b571d352436⋯.png (19.75 KB, 596x242, 298:121, ClipboardImage.png)

Sounds like she knows something…


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5b97e6  No.10127936

File: 68b231ac3ee320f⋯.jpg (71.25 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1judBkh6tQz5ZyYlJ_gEgCfK0k….jpg)



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2f31c2  No.10127937

>>10127921 At least Jim Jordan is bought off by tech.

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25943c  No.10127938

>>10127883 Because Legal issues perhaps?

But couldnt those legal issues be squared awai because of the nature of the cries being exposed?

Kinda Like Killing Jesus.


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223edf  No.10127939


awesome anon

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03a301  No.10127940

File: cc242faa13ea4cb⋯.jpg (109.47 KB, 900x506, 450:253, kiss_ur_arse_obama.jpg)

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da89f7  No.10127941

File: 34175bdf9d96e38⋯.png (438.12 KB, 719x391, 719:391, world_health_organization_….png)

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aeda71  No.10127942


Works on your mom pretty well

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62e6bd  No.10127943


Fuck off E

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d1befd  No.10127944

File: ee142e878335709⋯.png (199.65 KB, 640x960, 2:3, ETS.PNG)

File: c6d73361f7dd03e⋯.png (228.09 KB, 640x960, 2:3, Alice.PNG)


>I'm now convinced that he is an enemy combatant. Another traitor hanging to look forward to.

All caught up.

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e32496  No.10127945


In the IT world, it's well know that defending against assumed infection works far better than perimeter defense.

HCQ is a defense against assumed infection.

Masks are perimeter defense.


In the IT world, it's well know that defending against assumed infection works far better than perimeter defense.

HCQ is a defense against assumed infection.

Masks are perimeter defense.


In the IT world, it's well know that defending against assumed infection works far better than perimeter defense.

HCQ is a defense against assumed infection.

Masks are perimeter defense.


In the IT world, it's well know that defending against assumed infection works far better than perimeter defense.

HCQ is a defense against assumed infection.

Masks are perimeter defense.

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8278e7  No.10127946


You seem to be olfactory obsessed James.

Did they make you smell death?

You can be saved James.

We are here for you Honey

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d61967  No.10127947

File: 328b479b519cdcf⋯.jpg (83.61 KB, 500x486, 250:243, USA.jpg)

File: a2d95060e9e4af4⋯.jpg (58.85 KB, 500x554, 250:277, a2d95060e9e4af4f56a7c10602….jpg)

Everyone in America knows Joe Biden is mentally unfit for the white house.

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5de2cb  No.10127948


Did you READ ALL the documents that were released the day before Epstein did not kill himself?

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b97dc5  No.10127949


What's the matter?

Nobody distracted by the state funeral?



Trying to placate your anxiety and panic?



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2dc38d  No.10127950


A Half-Century After Wallace, Trump Echoes the Politics of Division

George Wallace’s speeches and interviews from his 1968 campaign feature language and appeals that sound familiar again as the “law and order” president sends federal forces into the streets.


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3fbe26  No.10127951


Don’t be a loser.

Keep the faith!

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677013  No.10127952


Look at the time. It’s frozen.

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2d509a  No.10127953

File: 11214fa090948b2⋯.png (57.36 KB, 660x684, 55:57, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ec3c3b99831ec4⋯.png (4.34 KB, 215x115, 43:23, ClipboardImage.png)

The U.S. Economy Suffers Sharpest Downturn on Record

The U.S. economy shrank in the second quarter by the fastest rate since the government began keeping track of gross domestic product after World War II, as lockdowns aimed at curbing the coronavirus pandemic decimated economic activity and anti-police riots tore through many American cities.

Gross domestic product, or the value of all goods and services produced by the economy, contracted at a 32.9 percent seasonally adjusted annualized rate in the April through June three month period, according to the preliminary estimate from the Bureau of Economic Analysis published on Thursday. That marked the steepest drop on records stretching back to 1947 and compared with economists’ forecasts for a 35 percent decline in output.

The BEA reports the change in GDP on an annualized basis, which can exaggerate the impact of temporary and sudden shifts in the economy. Compared with both a year ago and with the first quarter of the year, GDP was down 9.5 percent.

The previous record decline on the standard, annualized basis was a 10 percent drop in the first quarter of 1958. The U.S. economy shrank at a 5 percent rate in the first three months of 2020.

Consumer spending crashed at an annualized rate of 34.6 percent in the quarter, led by a 43.5 percent annualized decline in spending on services. Consumer spending on goods fell at an annualized 11.3 percent. Private sector investment fell 49 percent, driven down by a 38.7 percent decline in residential investment, a 34.9 percent decline in commercial building investment, and a 37.7 percent decline in equipment investment.

Consumer spending on durable goods, which had been the worst hit segment of the economy in the early stages of the pandemic, declined a milder 1.1 percent.

In comparison to the year-ago period, the declines look less extreme. Consumer spending was down 10.7 percent. Spending on services dropped 14.7 percent. Spending on goods declined 1.8 percent. Private investment fell 17.9 percent.

Much of the economy was locked down during the second quarter, with only essential workers and services permitted to operate for work that could not be done from home. Americans were under instructions to stay home or social distance when in public. State reopenings required many businesses to operate at diminished capacity, limiting the speed of any rebound.

As well, businesses in cities across the U.S. found themselves under siege as protests turned into riots and looting. Although the total number of businesses that were damaged during the Black Lives Matter riots remains uncounted, that number certainly runs into the thousands.


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8774de  No.10127954

File: 3f0d2a3a4d11a7c⋯.jpeg (137.92 KB, 1200x646, 600:323, 312A348F_EAC2_4315_A424_C….jpeg)

General Flynn takes oath to serve God?

General Flynn takes oath to the US constitution?

General Flynn a Democrat?

Who is Lucifer?

What is Luciferianism

What is a secret society?

What is the Age of Enlightenment?

Satan exists?

Worship of Satan exists?

Satan worship first legalized upon the ratification of the constitution of the United States? (Don’t pitch a bitch fit just think for yourself and answer the question.)

Satan worship protected by the US constitution? (Dig deep, find the courage to think for yourself, it’s not a tough question)

Anons have no idea what is coming.

Harder truths will come.

Fools no more.

God wins.

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eff723  No.10127955

File: f6f5be5ac1177f9⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1898x1045, 1898:1045, camera_problems.PNG)

Saw this on /pol/

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983435  No.10127956


Not my OP. Just reposted for visibility.

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bc7479  No.10127957


the mixture of beautiful women and racial hatred, noted


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25943c  No.10127958


Winds were REALLY wild earlier.

Perhaps it is because of that.

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223edf  No.10127959


looking better every hour.

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595a61  No.10127960


Is this directed at LdR?

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000000  No.10127961


Empty cans make the most noise!

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c0d50b  No.10127962


It’s just a week away anon

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597429  No.10127963

File: ca8ab2fd328dbd2⋯.jpg (614.59 KB, 1172x647, 1172:647, oba_gate_0445.jpg)

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5266d9  No.10127964


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2d509a  No.10127965

File: eac2824803629e2⋯.png (859 KB, 629x469, 629:469, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Effectiveness Unproven’: Dutch Government Won’t Use Mask Mandate; ‘No Proven Effectiveness’

The Dutch government on Wednesday advised the public that there will be no mask mandate to slow the spread of coronavirus, stating that their effectiveness remains unproven.

The Minister for Medical Care Tamara van Ark made the decision after a review by the country’s National Institute for Health (RIVM).

Instead the official advice is for better adherence to social distancing rules after a surge in coronavirus cases over the past seven days, Van Ark said at a press conference in The Hague, Reuters reports.

“Because from a medical perspective there is no proven effectiveness of masks, the Cabinet has decided that there will be no national obligation for wearing non-medical masks” Van Ark said.

RIVM chief Jaap van Dissel cited studies that show masks help slow the spread of disease but remained unconvinced they will do anything to counter coronavirus outbreak in the Netherlands.

He argued wearing masks incorrectly, together with worse adherence to social distancing rules, could increase the risk of transmitting the disease.

“So we think that if you’re going to use masks (in a public setting) … then you must give good training for it,” he said.

The decision followed a meeting of health and government officials after new coronavirus cases in the country rose to 1,329 in the past week, an increase of more than a third. The case level has since flattened out.

As Breitbart News reported, the Dutch have taken a different path in their reaction to the global pandemic almost from the first moment it was discovered.

Shops have remained open and families cycle along in the sunny summer weather in the Netherlands, which has opted for what it calls an “intelligent lockdown” to meet the coronavirus threat.

In contrast to most other European countries where people were ordered to remain housebound for months at a time, the Dutch authorities merely advised people to stay home if possible and to keep 1.5 metres (five feet) of social distance.

The Dutch position — very similar to Sweden’s — also reflects a wider philosophical split in both Europe and the world on how to balance the need to curb the disease against the catastrophic economic and broader societal damage caused by harsh lockdowns.


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3b2e34  No.10127966

File: b49223679586579⋯.png (332.5 KB, 500x491, 500:491, pstart.png)

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30fd4e  No.10127967


True but when push comes to shove nobody will trust them over Q, as long as 8chan is insulated.

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b97dc5  No.10127968


Would you want it to be?

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2f31c2  No.10127969

>>10127932 I hope you get more epiphanies. Go take another shower. Good thought.

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e32496  No.10127970

File: a8423a843378ac8⋯.png (157.74 KB, 628x348, 157:87, TYBetrayer.png)

















infected whore of satan~

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83903e  No.10127971

File: de5433935de82f6⋯.png (267.26 KB, 850x680, 5:4, de5433935de82f66ad2370a5e4….png)


maybe the dam is gone

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96bf76  No.10127973

File: 82f4aed2fe88bb1⋯.png (34.67 KB, 601x301, 601:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: abf0a40719846bc⋯.png (472.39 KB, 594x644, 297:322, ClipboardImage.png)


My friend Herman Cain, a Powerful Voice of Freedom and all that is good, passed away this morning. Herman had an incredible career and was adored by everyone that ever met him, especially me. He was a very special man, an American Patriot, and great friend. I just got off…

…the phone with his amazing wife Gloria, daughter, Melanie, and son Vincent to express my deepest condolences to the entire family. @FLOTUS Melania and I loved Herman Cain, a great man. Herman, Rest In Peace!



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d1befd  No.10127974

File: c6dc4374a0e514e⋯.jpg (382.11 KB, 583x833, 583:833, Biden_Obamagate.jpg)

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5de2cb  No.10127975


See Pompeo speech today at Nixon Museum.

He ends with AWAKENING (recalling if he says GREAT AWAKENING)…

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2ef339  No.10127976

File: 11c2c2223f4f88e⋯.png (890.94 KB, 800x640, 5:4, aaraaraar.png)

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aeda71  No.10127977


One of the dumbest actions of q-tards. Repeat the same stupid repeatedly in the same post. Is that like a autistic retard thing?

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eff723  No.10127978


Err wrong image, was trying to post this:


Instead I uploaded a clip from the 3GD dam cam

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cd3003  No.10127979



whose the shill here? because what the guy said in red is absolutely true.

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07183c  No.10127980

File: 5ef8b54a070e6e7⋯.png (124.15 KB, 377x318, 377:318, 448b93258a1fd19762fdf6bb1a….png)

Anon is curious.

Has POTUS ever been photographed eating pizza?

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c4af04  No.10127981


Ah.. So he misspoke. He said it when he was taking about George Floyd. Thank you for clearing that up.

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78d53b  No.10127982

These numbers are texting me to see If I want to register to help trump win votes from out of state.

Like I live in Maryland and it asked me If I want to vote in Ohio. The Fuck?

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3deb98  No.10127983


Is that his daddy?

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544253  No.10127984

File: 801fc2714ffebb4⋯.jpg (231.13 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, WHOre2.jpg)

File: 62efe20984ea720⋯.jpg (614.16 KB, 663x821, 663:821, Burgkmair_whore_babylon_co….jpg)


Drink from her cup.


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05655d  No.10127985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again 🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚌 Jews.

We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Shtetls.

We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔

Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

>Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

🙏🙏🙏 6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud 🙏🙏🙏:


"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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20a95d  No.10127986

File: 5a85ec38952dbcb⋯.jpg (91.31 KB, 692x361, 692:361, perty_mouth.jpg)


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595a61  No.10127987


Weird question. Pass.

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0b65aa  No.10127988



It's live here…

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0de302  No.10127989

File: dfc75ecd18a214a⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, I_have_said_to_people_when….mp4)

File: 09fa4c368e46279⋯.mp4 (4.71 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nancy_Pelosi_at_AIPAC_2019.mp4)

File: 9f461c494270669⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Schumer_Israel_first_and_f….mp4)

File: 811361477067d6a⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB, 480x360, 4:3, y2mate_com_joe_biden_i_am_….mp4)

Welcome to the D party.

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9cc959  No.10127990

File: 9ad3d33ab0d58d0⋯.mp4 (5.41 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, IntoTheBlindingLight.mp4)


How is it possible that someone who drops clues

For investigations

Which lead to real findings of the criminal cabal

Could lead people off a cliff?

E. has a small following on Twitter,

A very small following, most of whom are Christians

Who pray for Trump and pray for success.

You are not AFRAID of their prayers, are you?

Because of this video I investigated Green Tea and learned that it contains EGCG, a Zinco ionophore.

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92912c  No.10127991

File: cc76eef16dfa6af⋯.png (878.29 KB, 746x746, 1:1, WildTrumpGirls_010.png)

File: cd4771af4deb35e⋯.png (1.98 MB, 884x1440, 221:360, WildTrumpGirls_011.png)

File: ad6bc0e95509980⋯.png (837.94 KB, 640x758, 320:379, WildTrumpGirls_012.png)

You Imagine Gods Love Strengthens Your Courage Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Roll Lawfu𝕝 Good xo

She curioux=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Remember the smell ໐f childhood.

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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249d84  No.10127992


Tell me how you feel about Trump's grandbabies.

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e6403b  No.10127993

File: 04908297259f38d⋯.jpg (103.66 KB, 595x420, 17:12, 04908297259f38d1fceeaf838e….jpg)

File: d54f722fa556e0f⋯.jpg (78.12 KB, 560x373, 560:373, samuel.jpg)

File: e5681cb64541654⋯.jpg (95.55 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Jew_Law.jpg)


To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly. Libbre David 37

“Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.” (Zohar I, 168ª)

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

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cfb516  No.10127994

File: 2dd052e5cb6954c⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1288x802, 644:401, ClipboardImage.png)


>>10127781 John Lewis is 2


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b97dc5  No.10127995




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7781be  No.10127996

File: 1e050ca6448e9cc⋯.png (16.39 KB, 717x274, 717:274, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff17621166c5bcc⋯.png (24.52 KB, 717x324, 239:108, ClipboardImage.png)






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b75ae2  No.10127997

File: 5e18e8f355f5649⋯.jpg (626.35 KB, 1280x1651, 1280:1651, 20200730_124538.jpg)

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c6c702  No.10127998


Those that are unexpectedly quick don't surprise anon anymore, but it's those that are unexpectedly slow (you) that will always surprise.

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da89f7  No.10127999

File: 76a3649dd62863a⋯.png (25.6 KB, 803x430, 803:430, mlb_logo_major_league_fuck….png)

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78d53b  No.10128000

The Next Setup could likely be having Legitimate Trump Voters somehow Register for OUT Of State Voting and try to fuck with him again or some dumb shit.


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ac4cfe  No.10128001

File: 7d58ca715c30545⋯.png (333.36 KB, 800x442, 400:221, sharpton_jet.png)

File: 3633bcff480c404⋯.png (53.37 KB, 593x459, 593:459, Moves_and_Countermoves_071….png)

File: f3d565eed67c9f2⋯.png (361.3 KB, 900x618, 150:103, nyt_article_sharpton_07312….png)

File: 2177f34bd06762e⋯.png (410.68 KB, 656x739, 656:739, nyt_article_sharpton_07312….png)

File: aba022c6a3072b1⋯.png (82.9 KB, 731x728, 731:728, left_enabling_turmoil_for_….png)

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c0d50b  No.10128002


Acceptable losses I guess. Who cares? Certainly not those in charge of this charade.

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5de2cb  No.10128003


The Dutch you say…hmmm

Pompeo just had a visit there…

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c34c5b  No.10128004

File: 546ebde3e810235⋯.jpg (83.53 KB, 392x441, 8:9, 546ebde3e8102353018f17fc82….jpg)

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78d53b  No.10128005


While they add their own bullshit goings ons.

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06390d  No.10128006

File: 765bbdd01f5a565⋯.png (774.72 KB, 1830x2358, 305:393, rOWDY_gOWDY.png)


looking for the software/site/app whatEVA that generates relationship maps. The kind that look like fireworks/flowers with arcs connecting the different relationships.

I don't even have an image. If I need to hunt one down for reference, I can.

<BONUS if it's linux-able

and please enjoy an old Gowdy meme…

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e32496  No.10128007


I'm a Q Clearance Patriot.

You're the one with shit on your mind 24/7/365

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d2f3bb  No.10128008

File: f5ba69e3a294d7f⋯.png (280.78 KB, 772x809, 772:809, MH_17_HCQ_researcher_on_bo….png)

File: 97783a50af0a8cf⋯.png (97.93 KB, 679x382, 679:382, EeJ6k6_VAAAHfhF.png)

File: 49747e987a5682f⋯.png (77.05 KB, 360x202, 180:101, EeJ58rvVAAAPBmS.png)

File: 7c031a5b383852f⋯.png (73.39 KB, 360x202, 180:101, EeJ6ioYUcAU9J9q.png)

Just saw this tweet, very interdasting

Remember the plane CNN was obsessed with.


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6d20d6  No.10128009

File: 72e3e7629d54d02⋯.jpg (121.04 KB, 890x759, 890:759, Screenshot_7.jpg)


I member, back then ETS got his Tw^tter account hacked, someone took over the handle.

It's pretty BS, anyways you made me look up his current Tw^tter handle.

Looks like we're getting Maxwell's collection of nudes today.

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aeda71  No.10128010


Looks like a q promise.

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aa71de  No.10128011


too much coffee, eh?

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f89f61  No.10128012

File: af39a6c7ab19297⋯.png (203.72 KB, 1187x727, 1187:727, ClipboardImage.png)


kek they nuked the thread fast

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da6953  No.10128013

File: d45896164131b97⋯.png (289.86 KB, 712x680, 89:85, memes_of_war.png)

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bc7479  No.10128014


no sir

guilty as charged

Schaum's condensed version please?

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ac4cfe  No.10128015

File: 9a4576df9e99493⋯.png (86.53 KB, 626x536, 313:268, act_Blue_biden_for_preside….png)

File: 70bbc74b4b01b19⋯.png (92.5 KB, 800x600, 4:3, donate_to_blm_ends_up_in_a….png)

File: f55124eca9911f1⋯.png (331.36 KB, 800x441, 800:441, gillian_turner_fake_news.png)

File: 48219439c74e136⋯.png (173.22 KB, 593x654, 593:654, sdny_twt_maxwell_weiner_07….png)

File: e693d878bbb69c8⋯.png (394.32 KB, 800x450, 16:9, al_sharpton_BLM_cry_racism.png)

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6d54f8  No.10128016

File: 7e53c6e7434a7f6⋯.pdf (589.03 KB, hydroxychloroquine.pdf)

Remember your proper dosages



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e4a12f  No.10128017

File: fa205529db3774f⋯.mp4 (526.82 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Obama_voter_id_laws.mp4)

File: fccb698c9f73431⋯.png (466.85 KB, 1674x933, 558:311, Q_drops_voter_id_30_Jul_20….png)

1 YEAR DELTA - 0bama talking about 'VOTER ID = VOTER suppression of minority vote'

Listen to Obama talking about Voter ID and Mail-in Voting at John Lewis’ Funeral.

source > https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1288899607146176514?s=20

Q3556 Jul 30, 2019

Prepare for 'VOTER ID = VOTER suppression of minority vote'.


Q3558 Jul 30, 2019

"Trump has periodically called for stricter VOTER ID laws, which advocates warn could restrict ballot access in low-income communities, students and people of color."

Like Clockwork.

ID required (when)?

Sheep follow the most absurd arguments.

D_party VOTER corruption on display.


Like Clockwork.


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2d509a  No.10128018

File: f7931012a92a02a⋯.png (269.28 KB, 486x461, 486:461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c01edba9f26ad64⋯.png (127.01 KB, 674x897, 674:897, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b39d009635e18b5⋯.png (120.81 KB, 699x888, 233:296, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Jr. On Twitter Suspension: They Didn’t Have A Problem When CNN’s ‘Fake Jake’ Tapper Promoted Similar Content

Donald Trump Jr. appeared on Fox News’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” this week where he sounded off on his recent Twitter suspension after sharing a video on his account that showed doctors discussing the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19.

“Now, when I posted that video, I didn’t say, well, this is the gospel,” Trump said (video below). “I said, wow, this is a must-watch because it seems very contrary to the narrative that they’ve been force-feeding us for a little while.”

Trump noted that Twitter has previously stated that coronavirus disinformation spread by the Chinese government does not violate their rules.

“It was very nice watching the people from CNN or MSNBC because Jake Tapper himself a few weeks ago posted, study finds

hydroxychloroquine helped coronavirus patients survive better,” Trump continued. “Now, why is Jake Tapper not spreading misinformation, but I somehow am? And again, I’m not a doctor. I didn’t claim to be. I just put something out there that challenged the narrative and because I have a large platform, I’m canceled.”

“You know who else got thrown off Twitter for the same offense? Sidney Powell, who happens to be Michael Flynn’s attorney and has been someone who has been sticking it to the Left,” Trump said. “So if Fake Jake [Tapper] at CNN, who no one is going to confuse as a conservative can put it, but not be censored, not be questioned, and certainly not be grilled by a panel of his peers on CNN, why is it that it’s happening to me and other Trump conservatives and other conservatives in general?”

Trump’s “Fake Jake” comment appears to be in reference to the anchor’s promotion in early July of a CNN report on a study Tapper summarized as showing “hydroxychloroquine helped coronavirus patients survive better,” a claim contradicted by other studies.



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5ad811  No.10128019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d2f3bb  No.10128020

File: 959a00e37124e7b⋯.jpg (130.13 KB, 968x500, 242:125, 49wr4n.jpg)

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77a747  No.10128021

File: 51aa7e5a8a9f8b6⋯.jpeg (84.87 KB, 1080x842, 540:421, mmm.JPEG)


Do you jerk off to your computer all day long…. Guarantee you are a pedophile.

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9db901  No.10128022

File: d3372247033fe94⋯.jpg (104.15 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, download.jpg)


Many times. He even did a Pizza Hut commercial.

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da89f7  No.10128023

File: 5d04411539e5eea⋯.jpg (96.58 KB, 640x640, 1:1, oregon_trail_you_have_died….jpg)

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c6a439  No.10128024


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2684f7  No.10128025

File: ae5ea3596b945b1⋯.png (263 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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d14e9e  No.10128026

File: 79f6d414afeaf09⋯.jpg (12.91 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


So fun to watch! The NPC got drug around by the nose rings for days and took the bait everytime. Playbook exposed to new eyes. They kept using it and showed newfags who they were and how powerless. The "experts" must be trying to write another playbook. Some shills keep using it, making them look even more retarded. The others are trying to be creative but the Lesbian Interpretive Dance just doesn't work without a camera.

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597429  No.10128027

File: 6dfd4b42c72b9dd⋯.jpg (433.3 KB, 1052x1168, 263:292, output_06.jpg)


are you discussing yourself?

some people are creative and obviously you are upset by that.

Reviewing old memes and posting some of them is fine.

so what is your objection,

you who spew out hateful smack talk?

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8b3c8f  No.10128028

File: f185b9afe0602b4⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 642.98 KB, 802x523, 802:523, ClipboardImage.png)

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b6cd22  No.10128029

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535f94  No.10128030

File: 0db46dbb74fd0b6⋯.jpg (78.35 KB, 690x361, 690:361, 0db46.jpg)

File: 3f71a02c8d5054d⋯.jpg (76.87 KB, 1200x579, 400:193, 3f71.jpg)

File: 97c5fb757980156⋯.jpg (22.68 KB, 220x275, 4:5, 220px_Rogers_2018ll.jpg)

File: b8aba1d99645e00⋯.jpg (171.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20160405.jpg)

File: a500db0a9e80575⋯.jpeg (248.73 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, a500.jpeg)

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bc7479  No.10128031

File: d565aade890e4f0⋯.jpg (106.46 KB, 500x625, 4:5, up_your_ass.jpg)

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2d509a  No.10128032

Feds In Chicago Arrest 23 In Gang-Related Gun-Running Operation

Federal agents made a major breakthrough in tacking gang-related drug- and gun-trafficking operations in the Chicago, arresting 23 individuals on Tuesday, including the reputed head of the Chicago Black Disciples gang, in connection with an alleged criminal enterprise that, authorities say, heavily impacted the crime rates on the city’s south side.

“The arrests on Tuesday came after a multiyear law enforcement investigation focused on the distribution of narcotics and guns in the Englewood neighborhood on the South Side and other parts of the city, c said in a statement,” CNN reports. “Court documents describe more than 50 transactions in which the alleged gang members sold guns or drugs to people cooperating with law enforcement, according to the statement. Many of the transactions were captured on video.”

“Among those arrested is Darnell McMiller, 34, of Chicago, also known as ‘Murder.’ McMiller is described in the charges as the current leader of the Black Disciples street gang in Chicago,” according to Chicago’s ABC affiliate.

A statement from the office of the US Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois also notes that authorities arrested several other high-ranking members of the Black Disciples as well as members of the Gangster Disciples, two of Chicago’s oldest street gangs. Charges range from “drug and firearm offenses to — in one case — bank fraud,” per CNN.

The gang members are accused of packaging, housing, and distributing cocaine, heroin, fentanyl-laced heroin, fentanyl, MDMA, laundered money, and handguns. An associated drug bust, on a warehouse on Chicago’s south side, yielded more than 30 kilos of cocaine alone.

“Authorities also seized 24 firearms, more than a kilogram of heroin, about 1,350 grams of heroin laced with fentanyl, some 750 grams of fentanyl or fentanyl analogue, around 378 grams of crack cocaine, $52,595 in suspected illicit cash proceeds, and distribution quantities of suspected MDMA pills,” per CNN.

Englewood is one of three Chicago neighborhoods experiencing a dramatic uptick in gun violence since late May when the city released its coronavirus-related lockdown restrictions. That violence, authorities say, has been largely driven by Chicago’s network of street gangs, supplied by gun-running operations, trafficking weapons into the city from states and cities that have more lenient gun control laws.

President Donald Trump authorized an influx of federal agents from the FBI, ATF, and DEA to collaborate with Chicago police and stem the tide of gun violence in the city as part of Operation Legend, a national anti-crime effort. Tuesday’s bust is not directly associated with the new operation but is likely to have a dramatic impact on the task force’s efforts.

“The arrests would have happened in the normal course whether or not Operation Legend had started,” the US Attorney’s office noted. “The true test in all of our efforts [is] what will we see with the number of shootings and the number of homicides in our city.”


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0b3795  No.10128033

File: 29b47f4e1b44653⋯.jpg (95.62 KB, 1024x598, 512:299, pepe_fourth_of_july_sparkl….jpg)

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f5004c  No.10128034



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595a61  No.10128035

File: 6ecbf78e77054c8⋯.jpg (81.78 KB, 768x511, 768:511, Factsmatter.jpg)

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ac4cfe  No.10128036

File: 02002c61135552e⋯.png (486.28 KB, 800x556, 200:139, perspective_Trump_vs_Obama….png)

File: effc510ee027340⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1001x848, 1001:848, sharpton_farrakhan_staples….png)

File: c7fb78a7f55d55a⋯.png (252.22 KB, 593x464, 593:464, Samadi_twt_Trump_biden_cog….png)

File: 7fedf47756cd1bd⋯.png (145.69 KB, 880x804, 220:201, absentee_ballots_in_New_Yo….png)

File: 6236e6e99efd75a⋯.png (692.31 KB, 800x641, 800:641, Day_Shift_Armor_and_Sword.png)

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e32496  No.10128038


>Pushes @ETheFiend

So your clearly blind to false leaders designed to corrupt a movement.

Thanks for exposing yourself sweetie~

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6d20d6  No.10128039

File: 2753444787043f0⋯.jpg (55.96 KB, 893x452, 893:452, Screenshot_8.jpg)

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d1befd  No.10128040

File: e07dc23760dec32⋯.jpg (478.64 KB, 2032x1441, 2032:1441, Trust_the_plan.jpg)

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41b2a1  No.10128042


Spot on

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5266d9  No.10128043


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9db901  No.10128044

File: 56919f13ba51175⋯.png (24.27 KB, 311x190, 311:190, Capture.PNG)

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b6cd22  No.10128045

She is alive & well and embodied/active in our government.

It is written in REVELATIONS 17+

Jezebel's War With America: The Plot to Destroy Our Country and What We Can Do to Turn the Tide by Michael L. Brown Ph.D

Jezebel died 3,000 years ago. But her spirit lives today.

Jezebel was the most wicked woman in the Bible, a powerful seductress who killed the prophets, led Israel into idolatry and immorality, and emasculated men.

She was seductive and determined to snuff out the voices coming against her, because these voices were calling out for repentance.

In twenty-first-century America,

Jezebel is not a person. But it’s as if the spirit of Jezebel is alive again today. The influence of the same demonic force is being felt in the massive increase of pornography and sexual temptation, the militant spirit of abortion, the rise of radical feminism, and most importantly, in the attempt to silence prophetic voices.

Just as Jezebel clashed with strong men almost three thousand years ago, the demonic spirit of Jezebel is powerful in America, and it is going after the church.

This eye-opening book not only unveils the satanic plot to destroy America, beginning with an all-out assault on the church, but it will equip every believer with tools to defeat the enemy in their own personal lives as well as in the nation.

This book will show you how the spirit of Jezebel is active in America today and teach you how to protect the church.

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9cc959  No.10128046

File: a164a642b2115eb⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1840x1036, 460:259, Screen_Shot_2020_07_30_at_….png)

File: 2bd3f762f8ba349⋯.png (192.09 KB, 1080x1068, 90:89, Screen_Shot_2020_07_30_at_….png)

Varney interviews a Pizza restaurant owner

In St. James, NY

Who has been hit by Cancel Culture

POTUS tweets about the interview.

Today is the day that Ghislaine's files will be released

Everybody is talking in code, dropping comms

But thanks to Q, we can now read the comms

And we know how to find truth behind the lies.

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5a662c  No.10128047

File: 89838c85411bf61⋯.png (101.13 KB, 278x264, 139:132, 2020_06_09_02_21_42.png)



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392a7f  No.10128048

What about all of the older people that died due to Covid in NY from Cuomo's horrible policies? From a bioweapon I'm sure you could have stopped in China, Q? Why let that be released and put us through this quarantine horror show? All those innocent people who actually DID die from the virus (not the fake deaths) deserved to die why? To expose the WHO? Surely you could have indicted somebody before that happened. Surely you could have told us what the fuck was going on at the WHO.

What about all the legit police officers who are getting hurt or shot and/or killed because of BLM? Still no Antifa terrorist organization declaration? Corrupt mayors are putting them out there to get hurt while DC decides whether or not to defund them or even severely limit their power?

Shall I go on?

I, sir, AM FUCKING PISSED OFF. Coming from a family of law enforcement and probably just got fucked out of the job I've wanted since I was a kid because of all this police reform, I'm sick of this. Do not sit on here and try to fool us like we are all idiots. Not all of us are. This is a social engineering project to try and bring about a Civil War to weaken this country. That's why the race card is being played at the same time a pandemic is. Racism and fear. To get the results the NWO wants. Meanwhile, Trump's USMCA, which is supposedly so great, is full of Agenda 2030 language. It set up the deal Agenda 2030 needed between Canada, Mexico, and the US. NAFTA had to go anyway, it's time was expired.

Those who are awake, see clearly. I'll be ready for the betrayal.

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b97dc5  No.10128049


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2f31c2  No.10128050

>>10127977 kek. Q sent me.

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66dfe9  No.10128051


8.19.20 is two weeks ago, if you mean that. But sure, let's see.

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66c304  No.10128052


Survive BETTER? Is that even a thing? You either survive, or you don't. Survival is better than the alternative. I gotta go hit the bong after that attempt to fuck my mind!

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91dce7  No.10128053

@430 Check these anons



are not endorsements


>>10127637, >>10127691, >>10127965 Hydroxychloroquine info/research HCQ Ongoing List

>>10127650 Fauci Accused Of 'Misinformation Campaign' Against HCQ; Ohio Gov Wants State Officials To Reverse Prohibition

>>10127675 Justice Ginsburg in the Hospital Again (Wed 7/29)

>>10127700 Frontline COVID Doc Stella Immanuel Locked Out of Twitter For 6 Days For Asking Patients to Share Their Stories

>>10127731 Rep. Louie Gohmert Taking Hydroxychloroquine To Treat COVID-19

>>10127732 Chicago Police Shooting Leaves At Least 2 Officers, Suspect Wounded

>>10127735 POTUS Participates in a Roundtable on Donating Plasma at 2:30 ET

>>10127750 Obama talking about voter ID and mail-in voting at Rep John Lewis funeral

>>10127751 Senators Demand DoJ Probe Zoom, TikTok Over Allegations They Shared Private Data With CCP

>>10127766 WH press pool reports regarding POTUS meets with family of Vanessa Guillen in the Oval Office

>>10127773 The Google whistleblower guy twat: Something about to drop, I need your help POLL

>>10127808 Update POTUS Schedule: 5:30 News Conference

>>10127833 Berlin says US ‘weakening NATO’ & shooting itself in the foot as 12,000 troops set to withdraw from Germany

>>10127844 UK MP who allegedly told victim ‘I’m a naughty Tory’ convicted on sexual assault charges

>>10127908 'Donald Trump killed Herman Cain': Liberals waste absolutely zero time politicizing Herman Cain’s death and blaming Trump

>>10127921 Gaetz: ‘Congress Will Not Do Anything on Big Tech Because Congress Is Bought Off by Big Tech’

>>10127973 DJT: My friend Herman Cain, a Powerful Voice of Freedom and all that is good, passed away this morning


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5b97e6  No.10128054

File: f4c06435e41a753⋯.png (976.23 KB, 613x678, 613:678, 1581764744530.png)

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3e2560  No.10128055

>>10126308 PB Important.....ON the NOTABLE:

"Ohio pharmacy board reverses ban on hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus treatment after DeWine’s request"

>The board’s shift came after Gov. Mike DeWine asked the state pharmacy board on Thursday morning to rescind its plan to ban hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine as treatments for the virus.

>DeWine said the decision of how to treat COVID-19 should instead be between patients and their doctors.


Yesterday, I was so angry about those doctors being censored, I dug up the legal reality for my Ohio Governor and other officials, and sent them two letters explaining that "Color or Law" section.

I explained what would happen to them if they were caught practicing medicine without a license, or worse, people died in a political genocide.

I explained that the law could be used against them personally.... as in, their homes and livelihoods were at stake. Then for good measure, in a second letter yesterday, I made them aware of the censorship of our good front line doctors explaining the politics of HCQ denial.


WRITE TO THEM, twice a day, and include the LAW!!!!


Often it is the ignorance of law, and ignorance of reality that they are blinded by.

IT is only FAIR to warn them of what can happen to them if they do not WAKE the HELL UP!!!!!

>>10117097 PB


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9db901  No.10128056


Maxwell docs have been delayed until Monday.

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e32496  No.10128057















toiletboi flood of subliminal shit / gore / death / satan faces

If you see this post I'm making, you're not protecting yourself from our enemies attacks.

Filter+, Blur images, Save your Mind to FIGHT

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cf0684  No.10128058


8 = August. This month is 7.

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8774de  No.10128059


Go suck Allahs pussy. Punk ass nut licker.

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2d509a  No.10128060

File: 8fdb517633825dd⋯.png (40.78 KB, 776x430, 388:215, ClipboardImage.png)

CDC Director Compares Rate of Suicides to COVID-19 Deaths

Center for Disease Control Director Robert Redfield said in a Buck Institute webinar that suicides and drug overdoses have surpassed the death rate for COVID-19 among high school students. Redfield argued that lockdowns and lack of public schooling constituted a disproportionally negative impact on young peoples’ mental health.

"But there has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools," Redfield said. "We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose that are above excess that we had as background than we are seeing the deaths from COVID. So this is why I keep coming back for the overall social being of individuals, is let’s all work together and find out how we can find common ground to get these schools open in a way that people are comfortable and their safe."

Roughly 146,000 people have died from COVID or COVID-related causes in the U.S., according to CDC data.

The most recent publicized federal data records 48,000 deaths from suicide and at least 1.4 million attempts in 2018. In 2019, almost 71,000 people died from drug overdoses.

Where Redfield obtained his data is unknown, although a doctor at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek, CA claimed the facility has “seen a year’s worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks.” He did not say how many deaths occurred, or whether the statement was exaggerated for emphasis.

"What I have seen recently, I have never seen before," Hansen said. "I have never seen so much intentional injury,” said a nurse from the same hospital.

And while health authorities will not have verified data regarding suicides and drug overdoses in 2020 for two more years, local reporting indicates that suicide fatalities have increased year-on-year.

According to the American Medical Association, “More than 35 states have reported increases in opioid-related mortality as well as ongoing concerns for those with a mental illness or substance use disorder in counties and other areas within the state.”

In Eagle County, Colorado, six suicides have been recorded, just one below the yearly average. Colorado on the whole recorded a 40 percent decrease in suicides in March and April, but the number of calls to Colorado Crisis Services increased 48 percent.

The Chicago Sun-Times looked specifically at black populations. In Cook County, Illinois, the number of suicide deaths is already higher than for all of 2019.

In Yakima County, Washington, the suicide rate has risen 30 percent, according to the county coroner.

Between March 15 and April 29, as many people commited suicide in Queens, New York than did between January 1 and April 29 the year prior.

The Pima County Health Department in Arizona has recorded an uptick in suicide rates as well.


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da89f7  No.10128061

File: 4d8168cbd256ddc⋯.png (390.64 KB, 687x490, 687:490, matt_gaetz_shilling_for_ch….png)

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c0d50b  No.10128062


They aren’t being dropped today

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b75ae2  No.10128063

File: 2efd9244b7ce900⋯.png (711.44 KB, 1830x2358, 305:393, 20200730_125029.png)


very nice.

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3ab1e8  No.10128064


Wow. So people close to hydroxychloroquine are getting killed. There has to be more people we've missed.

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535f94  No.10128065

File: d769aa16b7d0925⋯.jpg (33.63 KB, 476x633, 476:633, 23172891_10214488295262109….jpg)

File: 4cef1ac4f455cb4⋯.jpeg (162.1 KB, 1130x850, 113:85, 1bb0ddef478cdda84b08ec039….jpeg)

File: 083cdda7a82b816⋯.jpg (97.23 KB, 1148x1052, 287:263, kkjjl.jpg)

File: 8b76897f6c195ae⋯.png (111.93 KB, 381x260, 381:260, 8b76897f6c195aecf7f7ee0700….png)

File: 3c0893e2a26207a⋯.jpeg (239.82 KB, 955x905, 191:181, kkl9887889.jpeg)

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f81666  No.10128066

File: fc963cf6c3c31e3⋯.jpg (60.88 KB, 500x605, 100:121, Hell_flight.jpg)

George Soros goes to visit George Floyd in hell all the time.

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66dfe9  No.10128067


*two weeks away

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e8b83b  No.10128068


Q sended me..

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0ad790  No.10128069



In chicago? Nahhh

Probably suicided!

Need more circumstantial evidence.

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9fdc68  No.10128070

ok fuck this

wisconsin now requires masks. I literally cant wear a fucking mask, I have asthma.

what do I do? Like how do I actively push against this bullshit.

Done waiting

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0b7a0b  No.10128071

File: 94ed3cb4d5bf4d1⋯.png (196.48 KB, 474x201, 158:67, ClipboardImage.png)

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79e658  No.10128072


I think the Durham experience will be as memorable as the IG report. But with that said, I think it's all according to plan. In some roundabout way, this whole system needs to be burnt down and restructured. It's just too damn corrupt. And when it comes to these criminals, there's no way in hell we can allow them to go through the corrupt court system. The trials would result in either no justice at all on some technicality, tainted jury, etc…, or they'd get dragged out for years until a new President comes along.

Somehow, someway, the military has to get introduced at some point.

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ce0728  No.10128073

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d56dad  No.10128074

Silence isn’t violence.

Defiance is violence.

When silence is compliance.

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2d509a  No.10128075

File: bef8b90f5728e76⋯.png (943.79 KB, 494x864, 247:432, ClipboardImage.png)

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25943c  No.10128076

Would You Like H\o N\B?


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c0d50b  No.10128077


I’m just trolling. Next week it will also be a week away

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aeda71  No.10128078


Only way any q-tard gets sex

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d2f3bb  No.10128079

File: cd7e153c7acd260⋯.png (217.29 KB, 867x763, 867:763, Joep_lange_researcher.png)

File: ee675a16b1bfbbd⋯.png (338.38 KB, 940x757, 940:757, Joep_lange.png)

File: 37bd665383d2b7e⋯.png (455.38 KB, 878x708, 439:354, HCQ_research.png)


The pics they had on twitter , you can see, but they are small and hard to see on here. Here are some screenshot copies that are bigger.

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cd3003  No.10128080


get a doctors note

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da89f7  No.10128081

File: 7cc574316c6d1cf⋯.png (674.85 KB, 700x518, 50:37, telegram_q_sent_me_2.png)


I prefer the time gallivanting variation

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5266d9  No.10128082





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05655d  No.10128083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again 🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚌 Jews.

We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Shtetls.

We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔

Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

>Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

🙏🙏🙏 6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud 🙏🙏🙏:


"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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d56dad  No.10128084


Godfather pizza sounds yucky.

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ac4cfe  No.10128085

File: ab0103ec97f591c⋯.png (28.93 KB, 709x423, 709:423, Q_drop_list_SHOWS_the_way_….png)

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bf3a98  No.10128086


Q and Trump don't give a flying fuck about you or your oxygen intake scro….

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3b9ea5  No.10128087

File: b05e0334e516e20⋯.png (212.22 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Silence1.png)

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d1befd  No.10128088

File: 6d2676f22e813b0⋯.png (321.13 KB, 462x455, 66:65, Pepe_badge.png)


>I have asthma.

Medical exemption.

You're good anon.

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d14e9e  No.10128089


Seems to me prosecutor now knows that spotlight can swing onto her ass real quick and what it shows does not make for normie support. I wonder if any of her "staff" has given her the hint that digs on her may not be over. I think that couple may vote conservative from now on.

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535f94  No.10128090

File: c35c4e5108f18f9⋯.jpg (19.1 KB, 185x186, 185:186, dt_230.jpg)

File: bd9e8ff79da34e6⋯.jpg (598.83 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 002.jpg)

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7ac2eb  No.10128091

File: 856cca1e9fd5379⋯.png (330.73 KB, 672x600, 28:25, wewinbigly.PNG)


Trips Confirm!

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2d509a  No.10128092

File: 928cb79a3e7b3d5⋯.png (1.16 MB, 848x707, 848:707, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa4985befb4ee20⋯.png (1.42 MB, 851x681, 851:681, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5664ab42715bd17⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1058x700, 529:350, ClipboardImage.png)

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e32496  No.10128093













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9fdc68  No.10128094


I cant I dont have insurance because its too fucking expensive, but I do have a long history reaching back since I was a kid.

Like this is fucking outrageous.

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ce0728  No.10128095


Tell them you have a medical conditions which prevents you from wearing it

If they insist and fine, just don't pay the fine

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e8b83b  No.10128096

File: 23d7031e94d355b⋯.jpg (420.43 KB, 700x976, 175:244, plato_bust.jpg)


>this whole system needs to be burnt down and restructured.

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c0d50b  No.10128097


Embrace the social engineering anon. They have it all but you need to learn a lesson first

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b97dc5  No.10128098





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89765d  No.10128099

File: 3b5a3a04d2e9d1d⋯.png (62.93 KB, 205x255, 41:51, kekistani_medal_of_badasse….png)


Aw, buddy, I nik'd the fuck out o' that! Grabby ass. Have medal of badassery, you earned it w/ dat.

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91dce7  No.10128100

File: d5f85e9085f0ff2⋯.png (42.25 KB, 647x889, 647:889, Pepe_Comms.png)


who dat?

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ac4cfe  No.10128101

File: 2242844acb05b1b⋯.png (535.46 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Tell_him_POTUS.png)

File: 3a21686571929a9⋯.png (269.55 KB, 800x450, 16:9, fake_news_chris_wallace_gr….png)

File: 5699d4301f02942⋯.png (324.5 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Trump_s_graph_COVID.png)

File: 6f83be8feb9a4d8⋯.png (41.86 KB, 528x393, 176:131, Time_and_Perspective.png)

File: b65ccde8db3d161⋯.png (288.45 KB, 659x807, 659:807, prince_andrew_rachel_chand….png)

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9fdc68  No.10128102


Yeah, but how do I push back against this bullshit. How should I fight it? Protest?

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20a95d  No.10128103

File: d8171b7f8875a8c⋯.jpg (212.61 KB, 578x500, 289:250, redcaps.jpg)

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6d54f8  No.10128104

File: f9087c5450c890f⋯.png (46.11 KB, 449x246, 449:246, Screen_Shot_2020_07_30_at_….png)

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392a7f  No.10128105

File: 961d1a42f6ced39⋯.jpg (17.68 KB, 350x304, 175:152, b0c41d62bb3575581d86707203….jpg)

←- Hmm… interesting symbolism.

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41b2a1  No.10128106


Did you know that Q rates Anons on their post:reply ratio?

Easy way to find the top contributors.

You are ranked absolute last.

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43b3e1  No.10128107


Okay that is wrong.

But fucking funny as hell

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fd4564  No.10128108


Tell them you can't wear a mask and they let you in. Then smile at all the faggots in masks as you stroll through.

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03a301  No.10128109

File: ca9333657ee08a0⋯.jpg (55.9 KB, 537x300, 179:100, Fauci_nazi.jpg)

File: b13fd23af562654⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 474x315, 158:105, DOESN_T_ADD_UP.jpg)

File: 605549ad80f8dab⋯.png (761.81 KB, 952x500, 238:125, MASS_MURDERER.png)

File: df613d8f3bacfe8⋯.jpg (129.79 KB, 1214x568, 607:284, TIC_TOCK.jpg)

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83875b  No.10128110


Should President Trump keep her safe the way "E", or whatever the fuck name he goes by these days, promised to keep Epstein safe to face justice? GTFO clown.

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223edf  No.10128111


Noice work anon.

thinking Cain was always compromised.

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2d509a  No.10128112

File: d5b51519c5ca918⋯.png (114.99 KB, 768x895, 768:895, ClipboardImage.png)

Google CEO Admits Company Engages in Manual Censorship, Blacklists

Does absolute power corrupt absolutely?

Without a doubt. And you don’t have to look any further than what big tech has done when it comes to conservative speech on the internet.

Thankfully, conservatives aren’t taking this laying down, as Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz’s scorching takedown of monolithic tech titan Google during a congressional hearing Wednesday proves.

“I want to talk about search [functions on Google], because that’s an area where I know Google has real market dominance,” Gaetz said while questioning Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

“You said, ‘We don’t manually intervene on any particular search result,'” Gaetz said in reference to a Dec. 11 hearing in front of the House Judiciary Committee.

“But leaked memos obtained by the Daily Caller show that that isn’t true. In fact, those memos were altered Dec. 3 just a week before your testimony and they describe a ‘deceptive news blacklist.'”

No, that’s not the name of a new CBS procedural show. That is allegedly the list that Google uses to decide what you, the reader, should and should not be privy to.

Gaetz also brought up Google’s “fringe ranking” and followed up with a quintessential question that big tech has yet to answer sufficiently.

“Who gets to decide what’s ‘fringe?'” Gaetz posited.

The Daily Caller memos that Gaetz referred to outline a process that appears to be teeming with manual input, as opposed to the self-functioning, algorithmic method that Google would have you believe is involved in its blacklisting process.

“The beginning of the workflow starts when a website is placed on a watchlist which is used for monitoring of sites to determine if they violate the Good Neighbor Policy. This watchlist is maintained and stored by Ares with access restricted to policy & enforcement specialists working on the Good Neighbor Policy,” part of the memo reads, according to the Daily Caller. “The investigation of the watchlist is done in the tool Athena, the Ares manual review tool, and intakes signals from Search, Webspan, and Ares in order to complete reviews.”

So, Google doesn’t “manually intervene” in the blacklisting, but they reportedly have a manual review tool? How does that work?

Pichai insisted that Google “algorithmically” uses its censorship tools, and that the tech titan doesn’t “manually tune” search results.


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9cc959  No.10128113


I have an advantage over you

Because I sit up here in Canada reading E's tweets

So I know for a fact that I am not E.

I doubt that he EVER comes to this board

Because, why would he?

He has an inside track with Q level security clearance

He is part of military intelligence

He probably knows more that Trump himself about the evils of the Cabal.

The reason that he and MI authored Cicada 3301

Was to prepare the world for Q

And to find people who are awake enough to get it

Many of them were recruited into MI

I expect than one of the rules was that anybody who wrote publicly about their Cicada decodes

Was never contacted.

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9fdc68  No.10128114


I am not wearing a fucking mask.

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f5004c  No.10128115


>Somehow, someway, the military has to get introduced at some point.

Agreed. I hope we can make that happen as safely as possible.

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618f35  No.10128116

File: d8c659c35b2d4d9⋯.jpg (34.28 KB, 500x275, 20:11, 49wa8n_1.jpg)

File: ce91d167741a9fd⋯.jpg (72.56 KB, 500x523, 500:523, 49wm8m_1_1.jpg)

Blacks are not wanted near any people I know they are just trouble waiting to happen.

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1026af  No.10128117

Who else here thinks Q should simply post here something like "Popcorn" or "Please take your seats" a few minutes before the first public bombshell drops? It'd be a nice heads-up gesture to those of us who've been here for the duration.

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66c304  No.10128118


pic #1 Manuscript in preparation

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3ab1e8  No.10128119



Sometimes pizza is just pizza.

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6d20d6  No.10128120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is this a threat to HRC and handlers?

Person = Young male, child.

Woman = HRC

Man = Doctor.

Camera = Filming the blood transfusion from the young child to HRC.

TV = ready to broadcast on TV for public.

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7137da  No.10128121

Well one thing is for the the FEC chairman is biased as hell, Trump never said he could delay the election he just asked a question

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d1befd  No.10128122

File: c1f21618e49de80⋯.jpg (241.15 KB, 736x501, 736:501, Weaponised_Pepe.jpg)


>Yeah, but how do I push back against this bullshit. How should I fight it? Protest?


Is this the hill you wish to die on anon?

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b46b1f  No.10128123

#PresidentPelosi trends

They try to kill VP with dump truck.

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3be711  No.10128124

File: c1c4240cfcd917d⋯.png (4.28 MB, 2048x1301, 2048:1301, ClipboardImage.png)


choice of photo says it all

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249d84  No.10128125


How do you feel about Revelation 7?

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274741  No.10128126

File: f38e9aaeb276429⋯.jpeg (140.75 KB, 750x773, 750:773, 866D907D_7205_4BD4_AC9A_C….jpeg)


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7b4fa8  No.10128127



Yes. Those are definitely Citrus Seeds. Specifically look like either Grapefruit or Lemon

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bf3a98  No.10128128


WRONG…This won't happen

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3ab1e8  No.10128129


Isn't Q++ supposed to tweet, "My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us…"

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597429  No.10128130


haven't you been here when the proofs are dropped and someone ties a post from a year ago to what is happening now?

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06390d  No.10128131

File: 8d4a15203330c69⋯.png (820.64 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ANGLE_WANGS.png)


love ur pepe fren

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5ad811  No.10128132

File: 150e957d08dd103⋯.png (37.65 KB, 310x527, 10:17, Capture.PNG)

File: f10f96666dc3f11⋯.png (153.59 KB, 380x253, 380:253, Capture1.PNG)

United we stand

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2ec85f  No.10128133


top kek

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e6403b  No.10128134

File: 0e34271227354ab⋯.jpg (63.27 KB, 800x419, 800:419, Heaven_on_earth.jpg)

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e32496  No.10128135

inb4 ID 2d509a becomes half the notables.

Typical demoralizing stuffing to keep our focus off of HCQ insights.

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5266d9  No.10128136


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5b97e6  No.10128137


What is Revelation 7?

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9fdc68  No.10128138


I've had my fucking limit. Enough is enough.

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bf3a98  No.10128139


TRUMP says you should

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92912c  No.10128140

File: 7fcf050e960545c⋯.png (927.95 KB, 720x960, 3:4, WildTrumpGirls_013.png)

File: 3147f292500a81b⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1080x810, 4:3, WildTrumpGirls_014.png)

File: f351f958f902bad⋯.png (724.57 KB, 620x1015, 124:203, WildTrumpGirls_015.png)

You Imagine Gods Light Protect Your Family Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Roll Lawfu𝕝 Good xo

She curioux=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Remember the smell ໐f childhood.

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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25943c  No.10128141


>A Frenly Fren. https://pastebin.com/u/ffyt4n4yb5

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249d84  No.10128142


Knew it.

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cfb516  No.10128143




Anons putting together Godfather III

Today the funeral of John Lewis, the notice of death for Herman Cain and the launch of perseverance mars rover.

Cummings gave a speech about perseverance


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80634b  No.10128144


it is your civic duty to protest this

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c6a439  No.10128145

The American people don't benefit from giving foreign countries our taxpayer dollars.

When anons call that out, they get attacked.

Not really difficult to discern on that one.

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3fb8ca  No.10128146

File: 148c793d47069d0⋯.jpg (51.44 KB, 600x540, 10:9, 148c793d47069d0b93fee5f4cf….jpg)


He takes small bites

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d14e9e  No.10128147

File: 2691596f5639345⋯.png (170.9 KB, 500x569, 500:569, 2691596f56393452b243bce7f2….png)


How many old Kennedy democrats are shaking their heads right now trying to remember the last time their party was not as fucked up as a soup sandwich. How many independents are having a hard time right now trying to figure out shy they should still side with obvious crazy people.

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b75ae2  No.10128148

File: 6496cdfb6a71a0c⋯.png (423.01 KB, 800x641, 800:641, 20200730_125621.png)

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2d509a  No.10128149

File: 322f0633fe0a619⋯.png (1.15 MB, 697x706, 697:706, ClipboardImage.png)


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9cc959  No.10128150


You have no evidence of that

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e8b83b  No.10128151

File: 685ebfc919d9ba0⋯.jpg (118.51 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, jesus_smiling.jpg)

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000000  No.10128152


Herman Cain digits "999".

Nice Q.

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1026af  No.10128153

File: 1d9cba34a354452⋯.png (19.66 KB, 387x232, 387:232, ClipboardImage.png)


Drop 55


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9fdc68  No.10128154


This has worked a few times for me, but now that theres a god damn mandate I fear they just wont let me shop at all.

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336eda  No.10128155

After that disgrace of a funeral when’s the next SCIF boys?

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597429  No.10128156

File: 46843933fb8cd78⋯.jpg (14.13 KB, 252x125, 252:125, GloryTo_002.jpg)

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7c1241  No.10128157


No. There is no mention of "who" will tweet that.

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9cc959  No.10128158


You have no evidence of that

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87db03  No.10128159


Nigel Farage says there are 48,000 illegal immigrants being housed in UK hotels. We are totally fucked

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f0036d  No.10128160

File: 2c6435c61d5272f⋯.png (690.04 KB, 1050x592, 525:296, Screen_Shot_2020_07_30_at_….png)

Are they all getting high off each other's farts? Any messages in envelopes?

Any highlights?

Is Q there?

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6d20d6  No.10128161


become the jew. the eternal victim.

wear the mask. wear it on your head like a tiny hat. tiny jew hat.

doesn't say how you must wear it. does it?

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bc7479  No.10128162


what would you do if it were the mark of the beast? still justify it somehow? but muh bills? but muh family? but muh food!


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7b4fa8  No.10128163


I've seen other seeds that looked like morningglory family Convolvulaceae and others looked like species of Papaveraceae as well as types of melon and black sunflower seeds

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2d509a  No.10128164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

45 Communist Goals From The Naked Communist: Exposing Communism and Restoring Freedom


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66c304  No.10128165

File: 94acf6c8336e57b⋯.png (7.6 KB, 444x190, 222:95, Screenshot_2020_07_30_Q_11….png)


All for a larp?

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5b97e6  No.10128166

File: d42b549175a0f60⋯.jpg (8.4 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1594472103818.jpg)

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07183c  No.10128167

File: edb51a95a81762e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1300x1037, 1300:1037, 783d22b23e9f701faf4ea9eb22….png)


>wisconsin now requires masks.

>what do I do?

Post sauce or GTFO.

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03a301  No.10128168

File: 563b3c554eac911⋯.jpg (131.61 KB, 692x872, 173:218, HCQ_with_lib_tears.jpg)

File: dd5d564ef623967⋯.png (384.74 KB, 604x405, 604:405, SOUL_LESS_GOULS.png)

File: 20c08ba5d87a6f7⋯.jpg (71.68 KB, 500x473, 500:473, I_REALLY_SUCK.jpg)

File: eb4cb13233cfe2c⋯.jpg (50.36 KB, 412x274, 206:137, MILLEY_IN_CHARGE.jpg)

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1f338e  No.10128169

File: 32fad2060b95556⋯.png (125.54 KB, 1000x764, 250:191, Pepe_Last_Straw_Shill.png)

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c0d50b  No.10128170


They got delayed a couple days idiot

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20a95d  No.10128171

File: 75a29e9d05a3d97⋯.png (177.55 KB, 470x400, 47:40, pepe_2.png)


Yep saw that. They were also making the claim that18%of people who attended Trump's Tulsa rally have tested positive.

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618f35  No.10128172

File: 96419449bdc4836⋯.png (135.83 KB, 513x340, 513:340, klpoi.png)


This anon is a total pervert child molester.

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e32496  No.10128173


Yikes, CIcAda wasn't run by the good guys.

If you actually followed their shtich you'd know that~

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cb1ad7  No.10128174

File: 8de32982fc46071⋯.png (658.14 KB, 1141x571, 1141:571, ClipboardImage.png)



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0b65aa  No.10128175


Hey Anon - I also have asthma. I've tested positive for Covid twice, once in late March, again in mid July. March sucked, I was sick for about 3 weeks. July was easy. A few days of mild symptoms, shortness of breath, and then it's gone. I'm guessing some antibodies helped out in July. There is some evidence that asthma is protective against Covid due to low numbers of ACE2 receptors in asthma patients. If you experience what I did, you'll be fine.

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5266d9  No.10128176


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e65cd4  No.10128177


>Post sauce or GTFO.

Well done!

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d08648  No.10128178


Short answer:

China is desperately trying to give this election to ANYONE but Trump. He's the ONLY thing standing between them and world dominance. China (don't forget "we saved Israel for last", too) controls our senators, congresstards, governors and mayors.

Q had to let this play out this way to expose ALL of the corrupt politicians for one very good reason: Trump promised to put control of the government back into the hands of the American people (Inaugural Address), but we weren't ready to take it. Now, we are!

We will vote those crooked motherfuckers out of office in a few short months and replace them with decent, honest people that WE vette out. No scum will ever make past OUR filters; we'll find every skeleton in every closet. Once they're out of office, they will be arrested and perp walked without ANY civil uprising or disruption in government .

While not easy to do, we have to think Long Game. Trump and Q are. His second term is OUR TURN AT BAT! Hang in there, Patriot. The good guys have this one.

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9d0a67  No.10128179


I wonder.. will your neck break when the trap door releases?

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595a61  No.10128180

File: 8c4ed88c41978df⋯.jpg (14.94 KB, 255x210, 17:14, Pepe_Window_Personal_Fave_….jpg)


Half ya luck. Not like I've missed out in life, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to another 4 years. I'm good in bed too.

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9fdc68  No.10128181


dud just look it up t up theres a shit ton of articles on it

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249d84  No.10128182


It's OK to shop at several stores without a mask. Here are a few Corporations that allow all customers in all states to shop without a mask and without harassment:




Dollar Tree

Family Dollar

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3ab1e8  No.10128183


How are you supposed to eat the rest of the pizza, if you eat the crust first?

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de440b  No.10128184

File: 1aee8767a29acda⋯.png (72.91 KB, 1284x1662, 214:277, GM29JUL20_Page_1.png)

File: 1955e47d90eee15⋯.png (117.57 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, GM29JUL20_Page_2.png)

File: f1f983da4ad2bae⋯.png (122.5 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, GM29JUL20_Page_3.png)

File: 1616e4cdbb47cb1⋯.png (95 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, GM29JUL20_Page_4.png)

File: b3f1f6dcfdf7cb8⋯.png (76.95 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, GM29JUL20_Page_5.png)



all 5 pages as pngs

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aaca49  No.10128185


Righteous anon. I hear music in this. WWG1WGA!

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5eae4b  No.10128186

File: 58b6abc2b8f9487⋯.png (123.43 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ki_fililteredz.png)

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91dce7  No.10128187

>>10128141 Ok, I'm hungry and need a ciggy kek


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5de2cb  No.10128188


JULY 23 2020

"Communist China and the Free World's Future: Secretary Pompeo at the Nixon Presidential Library"

=="Today the danger is clear and today, the AWAKENING IS HAPPENING!

Today, the free world must respond.

We cannot go back to the past!"== 23:58

https:// youtu.be/7azj-t0gtPM

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1026af  No.10128189


Of course I have…but it'd be nice to see the head's up, and have time to get my popcorn and beer ready for the long haul of comforting the norms that are inevitably about to lose their minds.

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e32496  No.10128190

File: a1e25b87c9da76e⋯.png (556.88 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, omg_MSM_Lies.png)

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9db901  No.10128191

File: 52e1ff570828860⋯.png (474.72 KB, 670x705, 134:141, Capture.PNG)



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5b97e6  No.10128192




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cde18a  No.10128193

File: 5675ab4e188abb9⋯.png (47.68 KB, 280x282, 140:141, EversSchrunk.png)

The incredible shrinking Governor of WI just made a state-wide mask mandate.

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60e21c  No.10128194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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41b2a1  No.10128195


Perfect meme

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2d509a  No.10128196

File: 8ba3155c45786f3⋯.png (27.59 KB, 606x419, 606:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbb9c1d40e083bc⋯.png (17.56 KB, 549x175, 549:175, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96dfd63f5e0b0e1⋯.png (18.47 KB, 547x205, 547:205, ClipboardImage.png)

John Brennan Finally Blocked From Accessing Classified Information

Former CIA director John Brennan is working on a memoir but can’t access his own classified notes.

He found this out recently because he is working on the book and tried to access them.

It couldn’t happen to a nicer member of the deep state.

The Washington Examiner reports:

John Brennan blocked from accessing classified information

Former CIA Director John Brennan, a vocal critic of President Trump, found out he had been blocked from accessing his classified notes and records while working on his new memoir.

He writes in his forthcoming book, Undaunted: My Fight Against America’s Enemies, at Home and Abroad, that after months of “haggling” he discovered the CIA was abiding by the directive Trump gave in August 2018 “that purportedly forbids anyone in the intelligence community from sharing classified information with me.”

The White House confirmed the directive was being enforced, which is news considering the New York Times reported in May of last year that the president never revoked Brennan’s security clearance.

“The President has constitutional authority to control access to classified information, which he exercised here in view of Mr. Brennan’s erratic behavior and the President’s belief that access to classified information should be solely for the benefit of the government and the American people,” White House spokesman Judd Deere said.

Brennan is lucky he’s not facing jail… yet.


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9fdc68  No.10128197


tbh I got pretty sick earlier this year, so I probably already dealt with it.

I'm more worried about my civil liberties, freedom and buying food.

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0276f9  No.10128198


You are probably replying to Polly. She owes her fame to LARPs like ETS. So of course she will defend that faggot. She's a Canadian cunt

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83875b  No.10128199


Oh ok, a Canadian knows who is US military intelligence. I'll just take your word for it. BTW Ciacada aren't the good guys.

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03a75c  No.10128200

File: 4e8c85ceb202d85⋯.png (105.51 KB, 448x360, 56:45, Stella.png)

John Lewis hated president Trump and was the first to push for Trump's impeachment.

John Lewis was an anti white people racist.

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bc7479  No.10128201

File: 7afe10666a050b2⋯.jpg (69.02 KB, 626x417, 626:417, Chinese_cross_dresser.jpg)

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9d0a67  No.10128202

File: 4c30bcdf201f38b⋯.jpg (29.43 KB, 620x400, 31:20, disgust.jpg)

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1f338e  No.10128203

File: ade5db9b6c2714d⋯.png (201.21 KB, 671x768, 671:768, _5_Governor_Mike_DeWine_on….png)

OH GOV: OH Reverses Course on HCQ Ban


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89765d  No.10128204

File: 9226a9d8f3af38b⋯.png (75.98 KB, 236x255, 236:255, friday_nite_pepe.png)


It's not the best pie, no.

But it's got a following, and actually is a pretty decent pie with the right beer (amber ales are the best to pair up with it, imho).

It's a touchstone kinda thing for people who grew up w/ it.

Kinda like Shakee's pizza for me. In my time, the barrels with a table top and wagon wheel chandeliers decor made no sense at a pizza restaurant, until you stopped to realize the guy who came up with it was an immigrant and proud of his new country.

But it didn't matter, because the pizza was just freakin' right. Crunchy thin crust, moderate and tasty sauce, excellent toppings smothered in cheese, and liberally sprinkled with Italian seasonings.

Never - I mean EVER - forget that a pizza pie sucks unless you sprinkle the seasonings on top of the mozzaarella to bake that flavor into the top of the pie.

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392a7f  No.10128205


I seriously hope you are right, anon. This mental tennis game is exhausting. Unless you spend all day researching and digging and trolling on here, you get lost. Even a couple days of a break and I can't keep up when I come back.

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0b3795  No.10128206

File: cdfa16cd7c171cd⋯.png (235.94 KB, 980x572, 245:143, Iberian_Air_IBE6400_Airbus….PNG)

File: 4c8d418730a89a7⋯.png (350.24 KB, 679x290, 679:290, Iberian_Air_Airbus_A350_90….PNG)

Iberian AIrlines IBE6400 Airbus A350-900 departed Mexico City Benito Juarez Int'l under a military designation-like the China Air ones that have since gone away.

It is scheduled to arrive in Madrid in 8hrs 27min

Mebby something….or not correctly classified

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8b3c8f  No.10128207

File: 1e67a5c6fc4b5bf⋯.webm (7.83 MB, 853x480, 853:480, pants_of_shit.webm)


i heard the brunch menu was "cabbage and churizo." I bet HRC's pants suit is leaking!

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071e6e  No.10128208

File: c72cd5e8554f791⋯.jpg (202.14 KB, 1064x338, 532:169, Hwoodracism.jpg)

File: 2499342127d283c⋯.jpg (34.1 KB, 237x431, 237:431, HwoodBlackcaricatures.jpg)

From the Jim Crow Museum (Michigan) website, a storehouse of raciss info. The information and displays are accurate, notably with respect to the caricatures of black people created and used by politicians, Hollywood and businesses. What the founders and supporters of the museum don't realize is their ongoing participation and promotion of stereotypes by liberal Democrats.


"The etymology of nigger is often traced to the Latin niger, meaning black. The Latin niger became the noun negro (black person) in English, and simply the color black in Spanish and Portuguese. In Early Modern French niger became negre and, later, negress (black woman) was clearly a part of lexical history. One can compare to negre the derogatory nigger – and earlier English variants such as negar, neegar, neger, and niggor – which developed into a parallel lexico-semantic reality in English. It is likely that nigger is a phonetic spelling of the white Southern mispronunciation of Negro. Whatever its origins, by the early 1800s it was firmly established as a denigrative epithet. Almost two centuries later, it remains a chief symbol of white racism.

Social scientists refer to words like nigger, kike, spic, and wetback as ethnophaulisms. Such terms are the language of prejudice – verbal pictures of negative stereotypes. Howard J. Ehrlich, a social scientist, argued that ethnophaulisms are of three types: disparaging nicknames (chink, dago, nigger, and so forth); explicit group devaluations ("Jew him down," or "niggering the land"); and irrelevant ethnic names used as a mild disparagement ("jewbird" for cuckoos having prominent beaks or "Irish confetti" for bricks thrown in a fight)(Ehrlich, 1973, p. 22; Schaefer, 2000, p. 44). All racial and ethnic groups have been victimized by racial slurs; however, no American group has suffered as many racial epithets as have blacks: coon, tom, savage, picanniny, mammy, buck, sambo, jigaboo, and buckwheat are typical.3 Many of these slurs became fully developed pseudo-scientific, literary, cinematic, and everyday caricatures of African Americans. These caricatures, whether spoken, written, or reproduced in material objects, reflect the extent, the vast network, of anti-black prejudice."

Hwood caricatures continue to be created and embraced. Samuel L. Jackson is a prime example with his foul mouthed Nigger character. And you can't tell me Oprah isn't a Mammy caricature.

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20a95d  No.10128209


Be prepared. Mandatory eye coverings / goggles are coming soon.

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5266d9  No.10128210


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bc7479  No.10128211

Donald J Trump!


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6ada75  No.10128212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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5674e1  No.10128213


I need this

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1a4528  No.10128214

File: 6f5b6450c43a150⋯.png (1.01 MB, 945x531, 105:59, Screenshot_2020_07_30_In_d….png)

File: 42203e78fc8133d⋯.png (72.92 KB, 571x739, 571:739, Screenshot_2020_07_30_2020….png)

File: 2eb27a0cea61498⋯.png (45.19 KB, 571x739, 571:739, Screenshot_2020_07_30_2020….png)

File: abd3c948d19ce42⋯.png (13.99 KB, 571x739, 571:739, Screenshot_2020_07_30_2020….png)

File: 1fa4d7e6ae3b2ca⋯.png (69.93 KB, 571x739, 571:739, Screenshot_2020_07_30_2020….png)

In dramatic expansion of Russia probe, Senate investigators target CIA, State records

Sens. Johnson and Grassley make sweeping documents requests of CIA, DNI and State in Russia probe.

Two powerful Senate committee chairman are expanding their hunt for documents that might shine light on abuses during the bungled Russia collusion probe, demanding new evidence be turned over by CIA Director Gina Haspel and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Senate Homeland and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) sent letters this week to the CIA, State Department, Office of Director of National Intelligence and the FBI that signal the scope of their probes has expanded with recent new revelations. Many of the new requests appear to focus on people who are suspected to have contributed materials to Christopher Steele's discredited anti-Trump dossier or who trafficked information from the opposition research memo to government officials. '''For instance, the chairmen demanded records from Pompeo's department concerning:

Clinton acolyte and former Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, who has admitted he received and provided copies of the Steele dossier

former Clinton associates Cody Shearer and Sidney Blumenthal. Shearer, a relative of Talbott, wrote a dossier similar to Steele's that was provided to the former MI-6 agent.

former State officials Victoria Nuland, Jonathan Winer and Kathleen Kavalec, all of whom had contact with Steele as he was developing his dossier.'''

The senators also made their most sweeping demands for records from CIA, including any information the spy agency provided the FBI concerning the credibility of Steele as a human source. Recently declassified footnotes from Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz's report on Russia probe abuses revealed that the CIA had raised red flags about Steele's reporting, including that he had been targeted with Russian intelligence agency disinformation about Donald Trump while writing the dossier. The lawmakers also pressed CIA for any records of requests for assistance from foreign allies in the Russia collusion probe. Specifically, they requested "all records related to assistance requests about the persons or conduct at issue in the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation, whether before or after the opening of the investigation, to the following foreign governments: a. Australia; b. Israel; and c. the United Kingdom," their letter to Haspel stated. CIA also was pressed for records concerning the conduct of former Obama-era director John Brennan, including his contact about the Russia probe with fired FBI Director James Comey and then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid as well as any travel he took to Ukraine, Russia's neighbor.

One of the most highly anticipated requests in the letters involved DNI John Ratcliffe, who was asked to declassify a lengthy report written by former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes' staff highlighting major failures in the intelligence community's assessment about Russia's intentions in the 2016 election. The report is believed to highlight both spy tradecraft mistakes and dissension among CIA analysts over the Obama administration's conclusion that Russia's intention was to help Trump win and Hillary Clinton lose. Evidence has emerged since that conclusion was reached in January 2017 — before Trump took office — conflicting with the analysis. For instance, the CIA's warning to the FBI that Russians were feeding bogus dirt on Trump to Clinton's chief researcher cut against the conclusion.





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8ec1b2  No.10128216

File: 6ab57e5750b0588⋯.jpg (38.92 KB, 362x255, 362:255, 2020_07_30_14_45_21.jpg)

Key USPS IG report

Timeliness of Ballot Mail in the Milwaukee P&DC Service Area

July 7 2020

PDF downloadable via this url


States’ Deadlines for Voters to Request Absentee Ballots are Insufficient to Ensure Delivery Before an Election

“ Ballots requested less than seven days before an election are at a high risk of not being delivered,completed by voters, and returned to the election offices in time”

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922a77  No.10128217


>I'm more worried about my civil liberties

We all are. Some things we gotta trust to Q+.

Some things we can do something about.

Mostly trusting God. Resetting the entire world is no small feat. Not all of us will survive this either. But it's worth going down fighting. Right?

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6e9329  No.10128218

File: b97b422adf8a852⋯.png (36.17 KB, 607x311, 607:311, Capture.PNG)

Clears that up

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6d20d6  No.10128219

File: 126bb2b48f85618⋯.jpg (26.51 KB, 271x231, 271:231, Screenshot_9.jpg)

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79a810  No.10128220

I do not get political on facebook but i recently posted a pic of my family wearing trump/USA gear. My wife had a PATRIQT shirt on.

Someone commented whats the Q for? Is that a brand?

Then someone responded "it stands for Qrazy"

I know i being overly sensitive because it was directed at my wife, but damn Q when can we get a solid Q proof for these helpless normies?

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8731bb  No.10128221


have we had enough of 'em yet?

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25943c  No.10128222


DYT. On it.

Here where I'm att

>>10127584 Dough

>>10128053 Notables

Notables are NOT Endorsements


>>10127637, >>10127691, >>10127965, >>10128016 Hydroxychloroquine info/research HCQ Ongoing List

>>10127650 Fauci Accused Of 'Misinformation Campaign' Against HCQ; Ohio Gov Wants State Officials To Reverse Prohibition

>>10127675 Justice Ginsburg in the Hospital Again (Wed 7/29)

>>10127700 Frontline COVID Doc Stella Immanuel Locked Out of Twitter For 6 Days For Asking Patients to Share Their Stories

>>10127731 Rep. Louie Gohmert Taking Hydroxychloroquine To Treat COVID-19

>>10127732 Chicago Police Shooting Leaves At Least 2 Officers, Suspect Wounded

>>10127735 POTUS Participates in a Roundtable on Donating Plasma at 2:30 ET

>>10127750 Obama talking about voter ID and mail-in voting at Rep John Lewis funeral

>>10127751 Senators Demand DoJ Probe Zoom, TikTok Over Allegations They Shared Private Data With CCP

>>10127766 WH press pool reports regarding POTUS meets with family of Vanessa Guillen in the Oval Office

>>10127773 The Google whistleblower guy twat: Something about to drop, I need your help POLL

>>10127808 Update POTUS Schedule: 5:30 News Conference

>>10127833 Berlin says US ‘weakening NATO’ & shooting itself in the foot as 12,000 troops set to withdraw from Germany

>>10127844 UK MP who allegedly told victim ‘I’m a naughty Tory’ convicted on sexual assault charges

>>10127908 'Donald Trump killed Herman Cain': Liberals waste absolutely zero time politicizing Herman Cain’s death and blaming Trump

>>10127921 Gaetz: ‘Congress Will Not Do Anything on Big Tech Because Congress Is Bought Off by Big Tech’

>>10127973 DJT: My friend Herman Cain, a Powerful Voice of Freedom and all that is good, passed away this morning

>>10128032 Feds In Chicago Arrest 23 In Gang-Related Gun-Running Operation

>>10128060 CDC Director Compares Rate of Suicides to COVID-19 Deaths

>>10128112 Google CEO Admits Company Engages in Manual Censorship, Blacklists

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3ab1e8  No.10128223


holy shit. I've read that drop so many times, but I guess i saw what I wanted to see. thx anon.

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0b7a0b  No.10128224

File: 2a8f20e021dd41e⋯.png (469.71 KB, 474x364, 237:182, ClipboardImage.png)

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223edf  No.10128225


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1f338e  No.10128226

File: 216b506a8e9521d⋯.png (41.13 KB, 673x205, 673:205, _5_Mini_AOC_on_Twitter_Hav….png)

Mini AOC Goes for Creepy Joe's Jugular:

Have you ever touched someone else’s child the way Joe Biden touches other people’s children?


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66c304  No.10128227


That's amazing

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e32496  No.10128228


>racial h8

found a shit.ship crew member

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cfb516  No.10128229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


add this along with everyone confusing Cummings with Lewis

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7c1241  No.10128230


fuck get it together potus

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3befff  No.10128231

“August is hot.”

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8a9512  No.10128232

File: 92b4d397eb1619f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 57.42 KB, 897x612, 299:204, MadcowMunster.jpg)

File: 6d3bc96eaa1adbb⋯.png (408.91 KB, 593x593, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Herman "Godfather of Pizza" Cain dies of Covid 19 at Age 74

Godfather III?

Trump twatting support for a Long Island pizza joint instead of Cain… the same day HC dies. Gotta be something to this… Did I miss a Herman dig?


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aa71de  No.10128233


…what won't happen?

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84eb51  No.10128234


Thank you for the reminder.

Awesome sauce! ;^)


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8b3c8f  No.10128235


Rep. Green was the first..or Rep. On The Good Foot.

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6b43ab  No.10128236


It's what happens when one's imminent death keeps on flashing before one's eyes…

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20a95d  No.10128237

File: 0652d3dc3fca3b2⋯.png (172.82 KB, 393x400, 393:400, pepe_oooh.png)

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3b9ea5  No.10128238

File: 0e975e4f7247343⋯.png (221.72 KB, 800x600, 4:3, silence2.png)

File: 19c18c3231d5c50⋯.png (222.82 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SILENCE3.png)

File: 506e9a17d4d8ba0⋯.png (220.72 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SILENCE4.png)

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f354b7  No.10128239

File: 03128fe2d33a54b⋯.png (761.34 KB, 1047x449, 1047:449, wait_for_it.png)



from Springfield Oregon Protest


watch re-action… priceless…

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9cc959  No.10128240

File: 0a86569f57e99a8⋯.jpeg (311.18 KB, 1511x2048, 1511:2048, GodfatherIII.jpeg)

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1a4528  No.10128241


Baker this might be of interest

>>10128214 In dramatic expansion of Russia probe, Senate investigators target CIA, State records

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0b65aa  No.10128242


I am definitely with you there. I hate the prospect of wearing masks, exacerbating asthma. 2020 sucks.

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cde18a  No.10128243


1. Don't wear one.

2. If you get a $200 ticket, contest it.

3. If you lose, appeal it.

4. Take it to the Supreme Court who will bitch slap that faggot nazi yet again.

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80634b  No.10128244


Rep Green is next?

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d3ecc5  No.10128245

Plahzmah, bitches!

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ec908f  No.10128246

Dr. Frauchi



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e379e6  No.10128247


wow who would've thought cain was a pedo freak. well guess nothing surprises me anymore.

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e55f86  No.10128248

mayo clinic . ugh

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8c065c  No.10128249

>>10125486 (PB)

Just came back from Burger King. All kinds of evil signs on the door. It was covered with them.

No mask. No problem. Had multiple lines of reply ready … the order is illegal … I am exempt … the law says I cannot wear a mask while carrying a firearm. But no one said anything. I felt compassion for the employees wearing the masks while cooking …

>>10125594 (PB)

There is no way you can be "true to your nature" when that is what is called for. Think it through … you can't play-act yourself.

>>10125625 (PB)

>>10125631 (PB)

Rush got this wrong, too. DeWine is ASKING for it to be reversed. That's a long way from DECLARING it to be reversed. I doubt if DeWine has the authority to reverse that decision.

Just because I ask the neighbor for a BJ, doesn't mean she's going to give me one.

>>10125735 (PB)

Q has not attempted to edit this site. At all.

>>10125851 (PB)

"In the history"? Here, kitty, kitty!

>>10125909 (PB)

The entire expense of the election is a "states rights" matter. They make all the choices … they write all the checks.

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9db901  No.10128250


Do you need a tissue?

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c6dfe3  No.10128251

File: 2f6e07ff15e4039⋯.jpg (65.27 KB, 530x543, 530:543, downloadfile_5.jpg)

I'm with Bernie.

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e55403  No.10128252

Watch the water = pulmonary edema

HCQ combats

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a615b0  No.10128253

"Anthony, hi." - President Trump just now to Dr. FauXi

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41b2a1  No.10128254


whichever race you are, that's the one that I hate.

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91dce7  No.10128255

File: 4ab98f2f352bbca⋯.png (147.93 KB, 255x253, 255:253, Baker_badge_qr.png)


I'll finish this one, meet me at nb dough

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bf3a98  No.10128256

File: 31814c81a56e0f6⋯.png (220.33 KB, 830x499, 830:499, ClipboardImage.png)




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052418  No.10128257

File: cfaa70cfb219160⋯.jpeg (602.19 KB, 1242x725, 1242:725, BC7B089D_7020_4123_AADD_3….jpeg)

File: 4948377795151bc⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1061x1859, 1061:1859, BAF6E477_E0D9_489C_A73E_5….jpeg)

File: 17ffd79c7e4e7a2⋯.jpeg (561.14 KB, 1242x1683, 138:187, A3C1D5ED_3A62_410B_9DE9_0….jpeg)

File: 27c1616026b2184⋯.jpeg (590.2 KB, 1242x1217, 1242:1217, 5F3DBDA7_B4A8_4C4E_B3C2_4….jpeg)

File: 32468d9aedbe392⋯.jpeg (657.24 KB, 1242x1224, 69:68, C715ECE3_B02C_4934_B079_F….jpeg)

California churches refuse to shut down in face of local leaders threatening to cut power.

Public worship will continue, the pastors said, because 'God has not granted civic rules authority over the doctrine, practice, or polity of the church.'



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5c8e48  No.10128258


sounds like a call for a dig. St. James, as in Little St. James

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3ab1e8  No.10128259



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07183c  No.10128260

File: 169732605f6b459⋯.png (532.26 KB, 1120x762, 560:381, Screen_Shot_2020_07_30_at_….png)

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers issues a statewide mask mandate amid a spike in coronavirus cases


MADISON, WIS. — Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers on Thursday issued a statewide mask mandate amid a spike in coronavirus cases, setting up a conflict with Republican legislative leaders who oppose such a requirement and successfully sued to kill the governor’s “safer at home” order.

Evers, a Democrat, declared a new public health emergency and ordered the wearing of masks for anyone age 5 and up starting on Saturday for all enclosed spaces except a person’s home. The new order also applies to outdoor bars and restaurants, except when people are eating or drinking.

Anyone who violates the order would be subject to a $200 fine. It is scheduled to run until Sept. 28.

“This virus doesn’t care about any town, city, or county boundary, and we need a statewide approach to get Wisconsin back on track,” Evers said in a statement, citing the recent rise in cases across the state. “We’ve said all along that we’re going to let science and public health experts be our guide in responding to this pandemic, and we know that masks and face coverings will save lives.”

The conservative-controlled Wisconsin Supreme Court in May tossed out an order from Evers’ health secretary closing most nonessential businesses in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus.

Evers has repeatedly cited that ruling as a reason for his reluctance to join 32 other states that have mask mandates. However, the May ruling determined that the state health secretary overstepped her authority with the “safer at home” order; the court did not address the governor’s power to issue public health emergencies.

The state’s high court was controlled 5-2 by conservatives when it struck down the earlier order on a split 4-3 decision. But on Saturday, when the mask order takes effect, Justice-elect Jill Karofsky will join the court, narrowing the conservative majority to 4-3 and increasing the odds of the order surviving a legal challenge.

Republican legislative leaders brought the earlier lawsuit. While they oppose a mask mandate, they have stopped short of saying whether they would sue if Evers enacted one.

Evers said that although “emotions are high when it comes to wearing face coverings in public,” he issued the order because he believed it was in the best interests of the people.

Absent a statewide mask order, cities and counties across the state have been taking action on their own. Milwaukee and Dane counties, with Wisconsin’s largest cities of Milwaukee and Madison, were the first to make masks mandatory. Numerous other cities, including Green Bay, Racine, Superior and Whitewater, have followed suit. Appleton this week recommended that people wear masks, but did not require it.

Evers’ order doesn’t preempt local governments from enacting even stricter ordinances.

Evers had been under pressure from local governments, and even some Democrats, to issue a statewide order. Democratic state Sen. Chris Larson, of Milwaukee, started a petition for a statewide mandate.

Wisconsin has had more than 51,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 911 deaths from the disease since the pandemic started. That death count is the 28th-highest in the country and the 35th highest per capita, at nearly 16 deaths per 100,000 people. Over the past two weeks, the rolling average number of daily new cases has gone up by 90, an increase of more than 11%.

The virus, although still heavily concentrated in urban areas, is spreading to more rural counties that had largely avoided the disease.

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9fdc68  No.10128261


I'm a poor faggot who cant afford a lawyer

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e8b83b  No.10128262




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8ec1b2  No.10128263

NY is still counting ballots won't be finished until August.

NY mail-in voting deluge fuels uncounted ballots, confusion

July 27, 2020 Marina Villeneuve Associated Press

Election officials say it will take them until early August to finish counting a tidal wave of absentee ballots that overwhelmed a system which typically handles only around 5 percent of the vote. About 1.8 million New Yorkers requested mail-in ballots for New York’s primary


30% of ballots being rejected.

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b73621  No.10128264




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6a518e  No.10128265

Flynn en banc ruling made by out and out traitors.

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223edf  No.10128266


Those college kids and their professors ended up asking the cops to help them leave.

It was awesome to watch!

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d1befd  No.10128267

File: a38a83d08192347⋯.jpg (949.37 KB, 1438x1080, 719:540, Borg_Pepe.jpg)


And you are replying to AFLB anon. A one time board volunteer/baker, transgender thing. It became crazed one night swinging the ban hammer. Prolly the meds. It was removed and now it comes here to shill the board.





Tired memes

God awful smell of dead badger coming from the gash between it's legs, from the thing it calls a cunt.

>Enemy combatant.

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b97dc5  No.10128269


The ones where it got you morons to waste ALL your ammo!


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9fdc68  No.10128270

why the fuck is trump shilling for masks now?

Guess I can't count on his ass to defend my rights. I've got to.

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91dce7  No.10128271

@650 Check these anons




are not endorsements


>>10127637, >>10127691, >>10127965, >>10128060 Hydroxychloroquine info/research HCQ Ongoing List

>>10127650 Fauci Accused Of 'Misinformation Campaign' Against HCQ; Ohio Gov Wants State Officials To Reverse Prohibition

>>10127675 Justice Ginsburg in the Hospital Again (Wed 7/29)

>>10127700 Frontline COVID Doc Stella Immanuel Locked Out of Twitter For 6 Days For Asking Patients to Share Their Stories

>>10127731 Rep. Louie Gohmert Taking Hydroxychloroquine To Treat COVID-19

>>10127732 Chicago Police Shooting Leaves At Least 2 Officers, Suspect Wounded

>>10127735 POTUS Participates in a Roundtable on Donating Plasma at 2:30 ET

>>10127750 Obama talking about voter ID and mail-in voting at Rep John Lewis funeral

>>10127751 Senators Demand DoJ Probe Zoom, TikTok Over Allegations They Shared Private Data With CCP

>>10127766 WH press pool reports regarding POTUS meets with family of Vanessa Guillen in the Oval Office

>>10127773 The Google whistleblower guy twat: Something about to drop, I need your help POLL

>>10127808 Update POTUS Schedule: 5:30 News Conference

>>10127833 Berlin says US ‘weakening NATO’ & shooting itself in the foot as 12,000 troops set to withdraw from Germany

>>10127844 UK MP who allegedly told victim ‘I’m a naughty Tory’ convicted on sexual assault charges

>>10127908 'Donald Trump killed Herman Cain': Liberals waste absolutely zero time politicizing Herman Cain’s death and blaming Trump

>>10127921 Gaetz: ‘Congress Will Not Do Anything on Big Tech Because Congress Is Bought Off by Big Tech’

>>10127973 DJT: My friend Herman Cain, a Powerful Voice of Freedom and all that is good, passed away this morning

>>10128112 Google CEO Admits Company Engages in Manual Censorship, Blacklists

>>10128126 2 Pittsburgh Police Officers Injured in Crash While Wking Security for VP Pence

>>10128214 In dramatic expansion of Russia probe, Senate investigators target CIA, State records

>>10128216 Key USPS IG report Timeliness of Ballot Mail in the Milwaukee P&DC Service Area

>>10128212 POTUS IS LIVE

>>10128206 Planefag Reports


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922a77  No.10128272


Along those lines:

Q post 3570, 8/1/19, was the last Q post for 93 days. Q returned on 11/2/19.

I'm wondering if that will repeat this year. 11/2/20 is the day before the election. Kinda important. Just don't be alarmed if it happens again. Q's posting is erratic.

"Nothing can stop what's coming" can have multiple meanings too.

I don't know of any economist right now that isn't giving dire warnings - everything from crashes to bank failures, permanent job losses, etc. All part of the reset, "Structure" changes Q said.

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1a4528  No.10128273


Thinking..Guy Caligiuri…Mob connected?

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8774de  No.10128274

Matthew 5:34

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c6a439  No.10128275

When asked if a $1,200 direct payment to Americans was enough, Trump said, “We’re going to see it may go higher than that, actually.”

“I’d like to see it be very high because I love the people, I want the people to get it, you know, the economy is going to come back,” Trump continued. “We saved millions of lives but now we’re bringing (the economy) back … we gotta take care of the people in the meantime.”

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24370c  No.10128276


Wasn't Pelosi carrying on about being #2 in line? How does that happen…..Trump could fill in but would it have to be approved by congress?

Did Pelosi get too giddy at the prospect?

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3b9ea5  No.10128277


Easy to suggest when you don't have to pay the lawyer fees.

Back the challenge with your own money and I'll respect the suggestion a lot more.

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1026af  No.10128278


This means that they're done interviewing him. The reason all these traitors kept their clearances is because if they removed them, during interviews with investigators, they wouldn't be able to discuss information that they've lost their clearance for.

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5b97e6  No.10128279

File: a4edcec8fa48fa2⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 506x677, 506:677, 1580731141330.jpg)

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331d6d  No.10128280

File: 4adde214e3d3aa4⋯.png (815.51 KB, 640x872, 80:109, ClipboardImage.png)

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6a518e  No.10128281

>>10128260 More sedition. Does this low IQ flounderer think that justice will never come?

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b97dc5  No.10128282

File: cf050801702b8ae⋯.jpg (56.53 KB, 1647x205, 1647:205, Capture.JPG)



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8731bb  No.10128283


anon obviously still lives in the suburbs with mom

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e6403b  No.10128284

File: 22756f59ca60e0a⋯.jpg (45.74 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_when_we_get_through_….jpg)

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a615b0  No.10128285

File: d80f862110aa1e9⋯.png (111.69 KB, 1353x660, 41:20, 252_Diseases_created_by_fa….png)

"Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank. Future topic. Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions kb). Think AIDS." QAnon post #252

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2684f7  No.10128286

File: 483be427e12b83d⋯.png (67.2 KB, 611x644, 611:644, ClipboardImage.png)


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c4af04  No.10128287

Wasn't there a Q drop about a state funeral?

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7b4aa4  No.10128289


Just checked my constitution and noticed there was no provision for requiring face coverings…

Wisconsin Anons it's time to stand and fight


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cfb516  No.10128290

>>10128276 If Pence died Grassley takes over his duties and President Pro Temp

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3fc4dd  No.10128291

File: 7507c3817b1c5a0⋯.jpg (138.3 KB, 680x741, 680:741, 11459_Jul_30_15_08.jpg)



There's POTUS tweet about pizza today also ties in.

Tweets right next to each other, one about the pizza place, the next about Herman Cain.

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c0d50b  No.10128292


Has it? Nothings happened so…

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071e6e  No.10128293


That song should be played 24 hours a day in HRC's GITMO prison cell.

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c6dfe3  No.10128294

File: 7bed151c647b198⋯.jpg (41.64 KB, 561x445, 561:445, 49uqf6.jpg)

BLM is a terrorist organization and must be squashed like ISIS.

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249d84  No.10128295


It was updated a day or two later. Catch up. Walmart says OK. Do your homework.

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cb86de  No.10128296


a few….D5

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5674e1  No.10128297

File: 698d435ff0c242b⋯.png (453.8 KB, 623x722, 623:722, 670Jf4c_556ved567f54f_9F.png)

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0276f9  No.10128298

File: 718c3823443ff78⋯.png (669.59 KB, 604x587, 604:587, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_07….png)

Diamond giant De Beers likely to cut jobs after COVID-19 hit


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bf3a98  No.10128299


Quit being aCONCERNFAG

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8731bb  No.10128300

so on the bus this (black) chick is ripping into this (black) guy b/c he's talking on his phone without a mask.

then for everyone's benefit she says, "you see, we have hood niggers and we have crackhead niggers…"

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062018  No.10128301

File: b0788182cbb3ae5⋯.png (64.47 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Grf.png)

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9cc959  No.10128302

File: 8180ea34f431655⋯.png (8.47 MB, 2800x1220, 140:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee041b738bae89b⋯.png (2.28 MB, 700x1050, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4aac940e9c893a⋯.png (756.46 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Turkish lahmacun

Doesn't need the wedgie attack

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b3ea39  No.10128303

File: 510b754f6de36eb⋯.png (33.05 KB, 425x471, 425:471, ClipboardImage.png)

new facebook QE 'nub'

Facebook moving on something


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de9334  No.10128304

Dont know if posted… is someone trying to take out our VP?


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cde18a  No.10128305


I live in Milwaukee and I'm taking my own suggestion. I can't afford an attorney but I will raise money if it comes to that.

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07183c  No.10128306


>I'm a poor faggot who cant afford a lawyer

You don't need a lawyer, moran. All you need is enough brains to do research.

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bc7479  No.10128308


you do not see the legal arguement

the executive cannot do both, make the law, and set the fines, and then collect them

you have to get fined to fight

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c6c702  No.10128309

silence can cause complacency

complacency will always produce errors

errors force deviations

deviations anticipated achieve victory

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20a95d  No.10128310

File: f69899bd281a3a9⋯.jpg (251.7 KB, 935x926, 935:926, whenyourealize_.jpg)

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d05de5  No.10128311


Good to know, thanks, anon.

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0d7ea7  No.10128313


>>>10127098 Sidney Powell: DC Cir just granted rehearing en banc of mandamus in #Flynn case. Oral arguments 9:30am 8/11/20

Send case to SC, then release the Maxwell docs implicating Roberts. He steps down.

Dems stuck with 4-4 deadlock granting POTUS the ability to legislate by EO


They allow for a new SC pick before the election hoping to either delay further or even free Flynn

A Hobson's choice is a free choice in which only one thing is offered. Because a person may refuse to accept what is offered, the two options are taking it or taking nothing. In other words, one may "take it or leave it".

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922a77  No.10128315


I'm poor too. If I had breathing problems, I'd trigger an attack, go to the hospital, get a treatment. If you're really poor, you've got Medicaid - or the hospital will write off your bill.

Take THAT and show the coppers that you can't wear a mask. ER doc can write something re: that too.

Show some initiative, learn how to play their games.

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595a61  No.10128317

File: 653fea3bcd0791e⋯.jpg (14.14 KB, 255x240, 17:16, Panic2.jpg)

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2684f7  No.10128318

File: 44e0b40006fa7ba⋯.png (241.51 KB, 980x469, 140:67, ClipboardImage.png)


The Drama Queen is "testifying" now, live.


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c34c5b  No.10128319

File: 2738a91902d0ac6⋯.jpg (100.31 KB, 640x693, 640:693, 2738a91902d0ac6cb816a877ff….jpg)

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236d4a  No.10128320

File: 3de0668bedefc00⋯.png (82.46 KB, 154x281, 154:281, untrueknee_t1.png)

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25943c  No.10128321

Seen. Got it. You are on a roll anyway ehre,s what I finished.

>>10128120 Dank. Gonna Rip that L8r. unless someone shares it for baker.

>>10127584 Dough

>>10128053 Notables

Notables are NOT Endorsements


>>10127637, >>10127691, >>10127965, >>10128016 Hydroxychloroquine info/research HCQ Ongoing List

>>10127650 Fauci Accused Of 'Misinformation Campaign' Against HCQ; Ohio Gov Wants State Officials To Reverse Prohibition

>>10127675 Justice Ginsburg in the Hospital Again (Wed 7/29)

>>10127700 Frontline COVID Doc Stella Immanuel Locked Out of Twitter For 6 Days For Asking Patients to Share Their Stories

>>10127731 Rep. Louie Gohmert Taking Hydroxychloroquine To Treat COVID-19

>>10127732 Chicago Police Shooting Leaves At Least 2 Officers, Suspect Wounded

>>10127735 POTUS Participates in a Roundtable on Donating Plasma at 2:30 ET

>>10127750 Obama talking about voter ID and mail-in voting at Rep John Lewis funeral

>>10127751 Senators Demand DoJ Probe Zoom, TikTok Over Allegations They Shared Private Data With CCP

>>10127766 WH press pool reports regarding POTUS meets with family of Vanessa Guillen in the Oval Office

>>10127773 The Google whistleblower guy twat: Something about to drop, I need your help POLL

>>10127808 Update POTUS Schedule: 5:30 News Conference

>>10127833 Berlin says US ‘weakening NATO’ & shooting itself in the foot as 12,000 troops set to withdraw from Germany

>>10127844 UK MP who allegedly told victim ‘I’m a naughty Tory’ convicted on sexual assault charges

>>10127908 'Donald Trump killed Herman Cain': Liberals waste absolutely zero time politicizing Herman Cain’s death and blaming Trump

>>10127921 Gaetz: ‘Congress Will Not Do Anything on Big Tech Because Congress Is Bought Off by Big Tech’

>>10127973 DJT: My friend Herman Cain, a Powerful Voice of Freedom and all that is good, passed away this morning

>>10128032 Feds In Chicago Arrest 23 In Gang-Related Gun-Running Operation

>>10128060 CDC Director Compares Rate of Suicides to COVID-19 Deaths

>>10128112 Google CEO Admits Company Engages in Manual Censorship, Blacklists

>>10128120 Q You Do Dis?

>>10128126 2 PA LEOs attain minor injuries working security for VP Pence

>>10128196 John Brennan Finally Blocked From Accessing Classified Information

>>10128203 Flip Flop on HQC Ban


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a615b0  No.10128322

File: 58769ec173bd6d6⋯.png (158.08 KB, 1154x772, 577:386, 489_Red_Cross_scam_billion….png)

"Red Cross = scam (billions)" QAnon post #489


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9fdc68  No.10128323


I've never been good at researching anything related to law. It's all a bunch of loopholes, hoops and jumps.

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bf3a98  No.10128324


According to tards here, silence equals arrests and secret military tribunals

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5266d9  No.10128325




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000000  No.10128326

Looks like Parscale really got BTFO.

Where's his "secret" "platform he promised?


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949ee9  No.10128327

File: d11a93d2b09da66⋯.png (14.17 KB, 255x220, 51:44, Pepe_pirate.png)


>Aw, buddy, I nik'd the fuck out o' that!

So did I.

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bc7479  No.10128328

File: f4d0ea5499334e5⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 852x480, 71:40, socialism_will_save_Hades.jpg)

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223edf  No.10128329


she was giving a heads up to the VP attempted hit today.

She thought she would be #2 after that.

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5ad811  No.10128330

File: 41e1e372db0e52a⋯.png (6.45 KB, 310x166, 155:83, Capture.PNG)

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7c1241  No.10128331


According to Japan, the silence meant they could continue to invade the world. Guess what happened then?

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7b4fa8  No.10128332


Is anything cryptic regarding POTUS pointing to Pizza Pizza and the words: OWNER / St. James Island ? or am I just having a feedback loop in my brain?

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c0d50b  No.10128333


Welcome to American. If you don’t have money you don’t have rights

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06390d  No.10128334



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2391e5  No.10128335


She crushed bullshit artist Fauci.

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bf3a98  No.10128336


Still can't get into any store without a mask to buy food

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66c304  No.10128337

File: 6098cd809d8291a⋯.png (76.61 KB, 1504x450, 752:225, Screenshot_2020_07_30_Huan….png)






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3b9ea5  No.10128338


>(You) don't get practicality.

To challenge these things up to the SC takes a boat load of money.

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3eecc3  No.10128339

File: f658f4de7b813e2⋯.jpg (34.31 KB, 212x221, 212:221, fish.jpg)


I'm willing to bet fungus went with the tilapia vaginal option. That's why it's always complaining about "imagining the stench." It knows the stench firsthand.

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da89f7  No.10128340

File: 2235e53692be7d2⋯.png (723.99 KB, 958x589, 958:589, justin_trudeau_blackface_a….png)

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7b4fa8  No.10128341


because it's pretty?

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3be711  No.10128342

File: 1cde7ff17c3e4d2⋯.png (135.41 KB, 542x602, 271:301, Screen_Shot_2020_07_30_at_….png)

File: 38e20ab6cde1381⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB, 360x640, 9:16, 3_gorges_dam_breaking.mp4)

The Dam in Wuhan is breaking, coincidence Thinking face


BREAKING - China: Locals scramble for high ground as Three Gorges Dam faces mounting pressure as the flooding reaches crazy town levels.


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6a518e  No.10128343

>>10128292 Yeah, well there are a boatload of things you've never seen happen. Do you tell yourself that it is therefore impossible? D5 it's coming.

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223edf  No.10128344


POTUS putting a spot light on Red Cross today.

question is why?

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071e6e  No.10128345


John Lewis was a caricature.

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5266d9  No.10128346


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30fd4e  No.10128348


Maybe he secretly owns TikTok.

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8b3c8f  No.10128349


i think the movie is all the hardcore DNC clowns leading the anti USA parade are all secretly indicted already and the terms of their "removal" is keep on trucking until your constituents puke you out of office.

captain obvious time

the last two days we saw the true definition of what it means to be a Representative. They represent a small few and the majority of every district is not on the same page as them.

From the embarrassment of not letting Bill Barr to answer, and then the slobberingfest yesterday smiling and blushing when asking 4 tech bosses yesterday softballs.

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922a77  No.10128350


Don't you newfags and karens ever look up anything for yourselves?

need mommie to do it for you?

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ac4cfe  No.10128352

File: b36159fe4b4d061⋯.png (538.21 KB, 800x684, 200:171, menendez_fake_leader.png)

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1f338e  No.10128353


Herman Cain was a damned patriot and infinitely more deserving of respect than John Lewis.

Trump tweeted about Herman already, today.

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20a95d  No.10128354

File: 9d11abc9ea14f39⋯.jpg (6.84 KB, 323x266, 17:14, npc_outrage.jpg)

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07183c  No.10128355

File: 90f473329e134f2⋯.png (48.41 KB, 924x560, 33:20, 90f473329e134f26482a415d10….png)


>1. Don't wear one.

>2. If you get a $200 ticket, contest it.

>3. If you lose, appeal it.

>4. Take it to the Supreme Court who will bitch slap that faggot nazi yet again.

Anon is happy to be a test case, and I'm sure there's plenty of lawyers who would take the case for free.

If not, I'm willing to pledge my fortunes along with my life, liberty, and sacred honor.

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43b3e1  No.10128357


She would not be number two. Trump would appoint a VP. Not sure but the Senate might have to vote.

Should check Spirew Agnew but too lazy

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3b9ea5  No.10128358

File: 54eaf665e5506f3⋯.jpg (189.73 KB, 800x600, 4:3, REDCROSS1.jpg)

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89765d  No.10128359

File: 88b10825cb2f8f8⋯.jpg (53.92 KB, 500x710, 50:71, jacked_pepe.jpg)


It happens.

The hive mind is real.

If you kek, knowledge will come.

Don't force it.

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26d23c  No.10128360

>>10125767 (PB)


Vice President Mike Pence was involved in a traffic accident Thursday when the Trump campaign bus he was traveling in was involved in a minor crash.

Pence was on the way to Greensburg, Pennsylvania, when the accident occurred, according to KDKA-TV.

Journalists reported that the vice president was uninjured.


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a615b0  No.10128361

File: cc0836006ea3bd8⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1440x797, 1440:797, Red_Cross_scam_billions_Fe….png)

Red Cross = scam (billions) Feel sick yet



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bf3a98  No.10128362


They invented Anime Pussies?

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d56dad  No.10128363



Poor academics. Never had a chance.

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c0d50b  No.10128365


Repeat more stock phrases please

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6e9329  No.10128366


hahaha, I mean his tweets are pretty fucking clear

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3d2c70  No.10128367


Gross imagery connected to God's Word. Shouldn't be doooing thaaaat……

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3af314  No.10128368


That flag looks like it is not raised all the way up the mast. kek Fitting.

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d1befd  No.10128369

File: 71e58dec7406c7b⋯.mp4 (8.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Person_Woman_Man_Camera_TV….mp4)


>Gonna Rip that L8r. unless someone shares it for baker.

At your service


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da6953  No.10128370

File: 8775a96d3e719e8⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1082x613, 1082:613, violiningintensifies.png)

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249d84  No.10128371


Yes, you can.

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6a518e  No.10128372

>>10128365 OK, "Shills are idiots."

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91dce7  No.10128373

File: e43e5cac926dff3⋯.png (97.28 KB, 522x375, 174:125, 8ch_net_QRB_Baker_bread_in….png)






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7c1241  No.10128374

File: dff792c6ea54913⋯.png (2.95 MB, 2249x1344, 2249:1344, ClipboardImage.png)


that and this.

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b97dc5  No.10128375

File: 8dd0db87e0a8858⋯.jpg (82.3 KB, 1647x205, 1647:205, QISREAL.jpg)




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ac4cfe  No.10128376

File: 8f98c6c71ade940⋯.png (362.36 KB, 800x453, 800:453, susan_rice_fake.png)


>If you kek, knowledge will come.


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595a61  No.10128377


Ya just had the Ghislaine entrance. Grab a choc top and come back in a better mood.

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0b65aa  No.10128378


Wuhan live cam shows all is normal…

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