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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: cd9cc59334f42e1⋯.jpg (121.28 KB,1600x952,200:119,uk.jpg)

46c78b No.42374 [Last50 Posts]

/qresearch/ UK

Re-Posts of notables

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46c78b No.42375

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18159962 (170548ZJAN23) Notable: A Summary of the Current UK Bread Effort to Decode the Q Map using the recent discovery of SEQUENCES embedded in the TIMESTAMPS/DATES of ALL of the Q Posts

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A Summary of the Current UK Bread Effort to Decode the Q Map using the recent discovery of SEQUENCES embedded in the TIMESTAMPS/DATES of ALL of the Q Posts. We are currently trying to understand the purpose of these sequences.

This new discovery occurred in UK BREAD #49, after anons had determined to take a stab at learning to read the Q Map. An attempt to decode a Q clock riddle in post 833 about a clock on which up is down and right is left, anon turmed the image of a backwards clock upside down with the timestamp time on the clockface but appearing to be a mirrored time was initially thought to be a failure. The new mirrored time seemed close to a backward reading of the timestamp but was off by 5 minutes. It was this dig that showed anon to look at the timestamp from both the left and right sides. We noticed a kind of palindromic aspect to the timestamps which led us to start backward reading the timestamps first from the right and then from the left. We noticed we could find 2 numbers which were 2 numbers of SEQUENCE. We were aware of Q's encouragement to make us think of SEQUENCES to read the map by asking us 'What is a sequence?'

We have found that there are sequences embedded in all of the timestamps of the Q posts. Some examples of sequences would be 2 numbers like 100 and 200, or 181 and 281, 2102 and 3102. ALL of the Q post timestamps/dates contain these sequences. They are found by reading the first number from RIGHT TO LEFT, and the second from LEFT TO RIGHT. It immediately became apparent that the 2 numbers must also meet in the middle with a common number which we are calling a conjunction. We think these shared numbers are an integral part of the importance and perhaps the reason for the sequences. We are not yet sure of how these shared numbers are used in the map, but they are critical to finding the sequences. They must occur in each sequence decode.

UK Bread is currently engaged in decoding these sequemces in all of the UK/London drops in the hopes that we can see another pattern in how all of the posts are tied together. Are these conjunctions in the sequences the skeins of the spiderweb to tie series of posts together? Or are they maybe a secret number to apply to a substituon cypher like a decoder ring wound around a clock? We don't know. But we think we are onto something and taking a good look.

A good refresher on sequences can be found here:


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46c78b No.42376

File: 7a9aee2011465b8⋯.png (1.77 MB,1280x960,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 74a5b80f433a375⋯.png (3.35 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18159965 (170550ZJAN23) Notable: From Canada #39: “BBC is the Virus” – At Least 6 BBC Buildings Across UK Covered with Photos of People Who Died from COVID Vaccine

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Canada #39 >>>/qresearch/18155085

“BBC is the Virus” – At Least 6 BBC Buildings Across UK Covered with Photos of People Who Died from COVID Vaccine

By Jim Hoft Published January 16, 2023 at 7:15am

The people have had enough. At least six BBC buildings across the UK were covered with placards and photos of people who died from the COVID vaccine.

The rally called the “media is the virus” was held on Saturday, January 7th, and it was organized by three different groups: The People’s Resistance, Freedom Fighters, and The North Unites.

At least six BBC locations were simultaneously targeted during the rally: BBC Radio Merseyside, BBC Radio Sheffield, BBC Yorkshire Leeds, BBC Media City Salford, BBC the Mailbox Birmingham, and BBC Barrack Rd, Newcastle.

“The BBC are traitors to our country,” according to a post on Telegram. “All mockingbird media are traitors to everyone’s country and have been for a very long time,” the post continued.

The groups posted stickers on BBC’s windows with photos of the people who died from the vaccine.

“BBC buildings today were given some TRUTH,” a post on Telegram reads. “Enough is enough….the media is complicit in the biggest crimes against humanity and need to be held accountable for the deaths and harms caused to our friends and families.”

Watch: BBC news studio windows being plastered with stickers, posters, and pictures of loved ones believed to be injured or killed by the Covid-19 vaccine. pic.twitter.com/TMsEeNHNeG

— The Canadian Independent (@canindependent) January 16, 2023

Here’s another video:

6 #BBC Buildings got sticker bombed, #ScumMedia Masked the Truth! pic.twitter.com/qX8y0mxxW0

— Eddie Booth. Stop the illegal invasion, (@SirEdwardBooth) January 9, 2023

According to the announcement from the groups, the BBC is:

Silences the dead & injured on social media.

Took $23.7M from the Gates Foundation.

Gates bought $55M in BioNTech shares in Sep 2019 – “The BBC is committed to achieving due impartiality in all its output.” ~ BBC editorial guidelines.



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46c78b No.42377

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18164996 (180124ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1604, #1605, #1668, #1669, #1707

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Going forward, not gonna include Q text on the whole. Will include txt that is brief or which points to explanation for inclusion of the post. Previous approach seemed to clutter the bread. Let me know your thots on this.

Next batch of Q posts from UK Map.

Q 1604, Q 1605, Q 1668, Q 1669, Q 1707, Q 1708.

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46c78b No.42378

File: 63d3aff9397d1cc⋯.jpeg (100.32 KB,1200x670,120:67,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18165212 (180200ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1604, #1605, #1668, #1669, #1707

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Jun 27, 2018 1:17:45 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1a8b54 No. 1925892

Q txt in part:

We stand w/ the good people of IRAN who are currently battling their 'installed' regime for FREEDOM.



Jun 27, 2018 1:31:43 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1a8b54 No. 1926130

Q txt in part:

PS "Texts taken out of context"

PS "On advice of counsel, I decline to answer that question"



Jul 03, 2018 1:58:15 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2007973

Jul 03, 2018 1:52:44 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2007869


Re_ read drops re: Five Eyes / FVEY.

Will be extremely important going forward.

[UK] - primary

Turn taken.

FBI/DOJ to State / Hussein WH (inc C_A /

other appointment Start) to Foreign Bad


[RR] deadline?

We have the server.


Jul 03, 2018 1:54:59 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2007911

Jul 03, 2018 1:52:44 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2007869

Q txt in part:

Re_ read drops re: Five Eyes / FVEY.

Will be extremely important going forward.

[UK] - primary

Turn taken.


“Normally, intelligence passed on from a

member of the “Five Eyes” alliance —

Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.K.,

and the U.S. — to another member comes

through an official channel for intelligence


However, Nunes, upon reviewing the

document that formally launched the FBI’s

investigation, said there was no intelligence

shared through that official channel, meaning

that the intelligence was shared through

unofficial means.”



Q txt from CAP of Q post, marked up:

U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records

= U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW

+ Doc Take.

Read above slowly and carefully.

Timestamp on Capped post:




NOTE that the Capped Q post was not found in the Qalerts.app. The Q txt above was found [within] longer txt of the following Q post at that agg.



May 11, 2018 12:45:37 AM EDT

Q !4pRcUA0lBE No. 77

BUT NOTE that Q 1668 is found at the agg qanon.pub.


Pic related.

Q 1336


Have searched for the Capped Q post and have not found it yet. Confirmed in two aggs that it was embedded in Q 1668 as a jpeg and can be downloaded as per pic included in my post here.



batch continued …

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46c78b No.42379

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18165234 (180204ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1604, #1605, #1668, #1669, #1707

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



In prev post mentioned but did not include the Timestamp on Capped post:


05/10/18 (Thu) 21:45:37 No.77

No sign of it on May 10, 2018 in both aggs.

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46c78b No.42380

File: 36993f32ac77dfc⋯.jpeg (22 KB,414x195,138:65,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18165267 (180212ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1604, #1605, #1668, #1669, #1707

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Batch continued.

Q 1604, Q 1605, Q 1668, Q 1669, Q 1707, Q 1708.



Jul 03, 2018 2:22:20 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2008327




Q txt from Capped post, in part:

Not 'official' product - 5 Eyes.

Listen carefully.

No evidence to support POTUS targeting.




Jul 25, 2018 7:38:34 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2287348

Jul 25, 2018 7:33:04 PM EDT

Anonymous No. 2287225


No name returning to headlines.



No Name in the redacted portion of FISA



When did No Name travel to the UK?


batch continued…

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46c78b No.42381

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18177750 (200104ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q embedded Q posts as Caps with filenames in many examples in the London Map

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My memory has become muddled. Spending too much time on aggs.

Yes, of course, Q embedded Q posts as Caps with filenames in many examples in the London Map alone.

Q 1403

Q 1423

Q 1425

Q 1669 ***

Q 1721

Q 1722

Q 1724

Q 1725

Q 1726

Q 1924

Q 1950

Q 2248

Q 2273


Caps are used frequently within Q posts. Caps of Q posts are also used often.

This may be a way that Q archived specific Timestamps (perhaps by manipulating device settings). So that would be quite different from Q posts embedded as posts rather than as caps.

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46c78b No.42382

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18177821 (200112ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Capped post #1336 in Q #1668 does not appear to be actual #1336, even if part of the text in Q 1336 was repeated

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This may be a way that Q archived specific Timestamps (perhaps by manipulating device settings). So that would be quite different from Q posts embedded as posts rather than as caps.

Different? Well, I mean different when the original is missing, or has become difficult to readily located. Like with the Capped post in Q 1668. By comparison Q 1336 is readily accessible today. But the Cap in question is NOT Q 1336 even if part of the text in Q 1336 was repeated in the Q post that was Capped.

Now, sure, when a post is captured as a pic it will represent how that Timestamp was displayed on that device at that time. Natch. So it is good to compare the capped Timestamp with the original post, yes? Usually, I expect, these would match perfectly. But when the original is missing or not readily accessible, then, such comparisons may be a kind of Q communication. Or not. Maybe an occasional error - left uncorrected by Q but also unnoticed by Anons?

What [is] a niggling detail can [become ] a significant detail.

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46c78b No.42383

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18178881 (200352ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1720, #1721, #1722, #1723, #1724, #1725

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Jul 27, 2018 11:47:08 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1c461b No. 2310449


When does a bird sing?



Jul 27, 2018 11:50:59 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1c461b No. 2310523

Jul 27, 2018 11:47:08 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1c461b No. 2310449



Keep your promise.

This is not a game.




Jul 27, 2018 11:58:18 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1c461b No. 2310672

Jul 27, 2018 11:50:59 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1c461b No. 2310523

Jul 27, 2018 11:47:08 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1c461b No. 2310449


Public awareness forces hand.



Jul 27, 2018 12:00:46 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1c461b No. 2310720

Jul 27, 2018 11:50:59 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1c461b No. 2310523


PS round 2.

[Lead investigator HRC/Russia].




Jul 27, 2018 12:11:28 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1c461b No. 2310904

Jul 27, 2018 12:00:46 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1c461b No. 2310720

Jul 27, 2018 11:58:18 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1c461b No. 2310672


PS round 2.

[Lead investigator HRC/Russia].




Warning to UK?

Decipher re: last.

[Redacted FISA].


NOTE: The pics included in Q 1724 are screencaps of a Q posts/

782 re WARNING_UK_

(also numbered 100)

781 re [UK] Stay Alert.


(also numbered 99)

The screencap is a composite of these two Q posts. Note that the jpeg filename is


The Q post that was Capped with the LONDON2847 pic now appears in aggs as Q 784.



Feb 16, 2018 8:26:57 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 99

The Capped version's Timestamp:

Feb 16 2018 20:26:57

The Q post that was Capped with WARNING now appears as Q 785.



Feb 16, 2018 8:35:54 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 100

Capped versions Timestamp:

Feb 16 2018 20:35:54

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46c78b No.42384

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18178915 (200357ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1720, #1721, #1722, #1723, #1724, #1725

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Q 1725



Jul 27, 2018 12:14:47 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1c461b No. 2310964

Jul 27, 2018 12:11:28 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1c461b No. 2310904

Jul 27, 2018 12:00:46 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1c461b No. 2310720



Warning to UK?

Decipher re: last.

[Redacted FISA].




NOTE that this is the Black Box pic. Its filename does not match or come close to the elements in the filename of the [original] found online by an Anon when were hunting for the Bus Shelter.

The name of that file led to a few speculations. Search for that in UK breds or General.

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46c78b No.42385

File: a9391de7f4dbb23⋯.jpg (723.51 KB,3144x1288,393:161,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18179462 (200630ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Capped post #1336 in Q #1668 does not appear to be actual #1336, even if part of the text in Q 1336 was repeated

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>>42382 >>>/qresearch/18173289 >>>/qresearch/18177324

Here is an infographic that compares the Screencap found in Q 1668 with Q post 1336. The cap appears to be distinct from Q 1336.

First, the cap has its own timestamp even though it displays only a portion of the text that appeared in Q 1336. It looks like a copypasta of the lower portion of the Q 1336 text; and in that copypasta the bolding was lost on the string, [FORMER].

Interdasting use of the word?


That difference noted, and the timestamp noted, it is also interdasting that both this Cap and Q 1336 share the same time (if time zones are taken into account). But matched down to the same second?



More than one Q member downloaded from different devices at precisely the same moment? Low probability the timestamps would match-up "live"?

Or: Q 1336 was posted and timestamped. It was Capped. The pic was then edited to cut away the upper portion of the text, leaving the lower portion under the Capped timestamp; it was saved as a jpeg file. Then, later, Q 1668 was assembled with embedded Q posts plus this version of a modified Q 1336 screencap?

Other possibilities? Maybe.

But this shows that it is plausible that Q used a CAP in this instance with purpose. Comms?

Why not just embed all of the Q posts into 1668? Why use a cap at all? Why not cap them all?

Possibly to illustrate that Q was on the boards both to post and to read posts. This was early in the Q post chronology. In Q 128 anons were instructed that

Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to cont[I]nue.

Attached gr[A]phic is correct.

Linked graphics are incorrect and false.

Graphic is necessary and vital.

Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.

So if manipulated to provide exact timestamp as in Q 1336, but also to exclude some of Q 1336's text, that would eventually draw attention to this manipulation. For the sake of what? Timestamp significance? Graphic form significance?

The order of Q posts, including Q 1668:


Jul 03, 2018 1:58:15 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: e429ce No. 2007973

Jul 03, 2018 1:52:44 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: e429ce No. 2007869

Jul 03, 2018 1:54:59 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: e429ce No. 2007911

Jul 03, 2018 1:52:44 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: e429ce No. 2007869

05/10/18 (Thur) 21:45:37 No.77

Might the vital order mean a stringent instruction? Order as in sequence? Stability? All of these meanings and moar?

And what of the loss of the bold formatting for [FORMER]? An error that went uncorrected? Hint to look again? Comparison of graphic vs embedded posts? IDK.

Just looking into timestamps has brought out the distinction between Q 1336 and the cap in Q 1668. A manipulated Q post or a distinct post that got capped? If that distinct post is not in the post chronology now, is there meaning in its past position? In its timestamp?

There may be others like this one. Q did embed screencaps of Q posts. But don't pics appear above the text in board posts?

Even above linked posts, yes? That is how our posts appear here in this bread. The text follows the pics. That is the order. Does not matter the sequence in which the post is assembled. Graphic above, not below.

Read below slow and carefully.

Read above slow and carefully.

Anons, does Q 1668 appear to have been assembled in such a way as to place embedded Q posts above the embedded Cap? And then the Cap is followed by new text of Q 1668?

Magic eye?

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46c78b No.42386

File: 63d3aff9397d1cc⋯.jpeg (100.32 KB,1200x670,120:67,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18179489 (200641ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Capped post #1336 in Q #1668 does not appear to be actual #1336, even if part of the text in Q 1336 was repeated

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46c78b No.42387

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18179515 (200653ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Capped post #1336 in Q #1668 does not appear to be actual #1336, even if part of the text in Q 1336 was repeated

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This >>42386 is a re-enactment of how Q 1668 was assembled for posting on boards.

And this >>>/qresearch/18179492 is how Q 1668 looked as an original post on the boards.

Call me slow, as in slow reading, but now I get that the aggs have reformatted such that the nested/linked posts are displayed above both the text of the parent post and above the embedded screencaps of posts. And the aggs also re-arrange the position of the filenames of screencaps.

The aggs also strip the Q posts of the replies from Anons. Which appears to not touch the Q's own replies to Q posts (i.e. the nested posts).

So >>42386 is approximately how the original Q post 1668 would have appeared. That cap graphic file has not persisted in the archive, it seems.

Do anons know how to mechanically navigate from old bread to old bread in what has survived in the breads in which Q posted? Gonna dig into that because would be very useful, I think.

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46c78b No.42388

File: f9b314eb22d1a82⋯.jpeg (108.12 KB,690x768,115:128,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5473f7d446c6742⋯.jpeg (259.12 KB,689x2058,689:2058,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0b47b97148c2796⋯.jpeg (194.1 KB,690x1824,115:304,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18186917 (210918ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1720, #1721, #1722, #1723, #1724, #1725

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sequence decodes for Q1720. 1721 and 1722.

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46c78b No.42389

File: 8c281d7ad329fd1⋯.jpeg (164.17 KB,690x1848,115:308,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1e1c61583d64266⋯.jpeg (266.42 KB,690x2035,138:407,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2aab90c9f10c456⋯.jpeg (252.93 KB,688x2147,688:2147,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18187048 (211042ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1720, #1721, #1722, #1723, #1724, #1725

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sequence decodes for Q1723, 1724 and 1725

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46c78b No.42390

File: 78523ce74b77bb9⋯.jpeg (278.84 KB,688x2147,688:2147,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18188282 (211735ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1720, #1721, #1722, #1723, #1724, #1725

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Resubmitting this Q1725 sequence decode. Added sequences in the screen cap and cleaned up.

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46c78b No.42391

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18197621 (220302ZJAN23) Notable: From General Research #22306: Why I know the spy in the bag victim WAS murdered then viciously smeared as a sexual deviant

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General Research #22306 >>>/qresearch/18197579

Why I know the spy in the bag victim WAS murdered then viciously smeared as a sexual deviant: Expert investigator PETER FAULDING shares his explosive theory after trying – and failing – to lock himself into a holdall 300 times

Gareth Williams was found dead in a padlocked holdall in a bath in his flat in 2010

Theories about his death range from a sex game gone wrong to a Russian hit

Now an expert investigator says in a new book that he is sure the spy was killed

By Peter Faulding For The Daily Mail

Published: 04:59 EST, 21 January 2023 | Updated: 04:59 EST, 21 January 2023

The phone call came while I was on a summer holiday in Spain with my family. On the other end of the line was an officer from the Specialist Crime Directorate of the Metropolitan Police.

He asked if I could have a look at a crime scene at an address in Pimlico, a region of London near to the MI6 headquarters in Vauxhall, which has famously featured in several Bond films.

'It's quite urgent,' he said.

The story was headline news. The victim was a man named Gareth Williams. He worked for GCHQ and was seconded to the Secret Intelligence Service. In other words, he was a spy.

I left for London immediately. The case sounded like dynamite.

Gareth had not turned up for work for several days and had not been in touch with anyone. Eventually, concerned colleagues reported his disappearance to the police, who made a 'welfare check' at his flat on August 23, 2010.

There was no answer, so they entered the property, which was described as 'extremely tidy' with no signs of disturbance. Gareth's mobile phone and two SIM cards were laid out on a table and a laptop was on the floor.

An officer noted a lady's wig hanging from the corner of a kitchen chair. Everything else seemed normal, until they searched the ensuite bathroom of the main bedroom. In the bath there was a bulging red North Face holdall with the zips padlocked together. There was also a peculiar smell.

One officer lifted the bag and fluid seeped out. He realised there was a body inside. It had been there for a week and was badly decomposed. Forensics confirmed it was Gareth.

The Metropolitan Police had contacted me because I run a unique private company that often helps official bodies — such as the police and fire service — with search and rescue operations. Over the years, we'd expanded our expertise from operations underground to everything from finding bodies in lakes to crime-scene analysis. We were also known as the indisputable experts on deaths in confined spaces.

We'd proved, for instance, that a baby who died in bed next to its mother had suffocated under the weight of three duvets.

In another horrific case, exhaustive tests showed that a little girl, who'd been placed in a drawer under her parents' bed with a sock stuffed in her mouth to muffle the sounds of her crying, had, in fact, died not from suffocation but from over-heating.

But none of these were quite as baffling as the 'spy in the bag' mystery.

Gareth was 31 when he died. He was a maths prodigy and had been working at the top-secret government listening and signals intelligence service in Cheltenham since 2001, before he was moved to MI6 in London after receiving training for 'active operational work'.

In the city, he lived in a flat close to the Secret Intelligence Service HQ. He had requested an early return to Cheltenham because, it was reported, he disliked city life.

His sister later described him as a 'country boy' who hated the 'rat race, flash car competitions and post-work drinking culture'. He was a keen cyclist and walker, and was due to return to GCHQ in September.

He had few friends. His landlady in Cheltenham for ten years said he never had anyone in his flat, and he was described as a 'scrupulous risk-assessor', who was as meticulous as a 'Swiss clock'. Within a week of his body being discovered, I was back in the UK and walking up the stairs to Gareth's flat, where I met Metropolitan Police Homicide and Serious Crime Investigations detective Jacqueline Sebire, who oversaw the case.



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46c78b No.42392

File: d0f04843d751f91⋯.jpeg (280.37 KB,688x2147,688:2147,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18198076 (220410ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1720, #1721, #1722, #1723, #1724, #1725

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Looking good? Ready for next batches?


Actually, am not satisfied with the sequence at the top of Q1725. Submitting a new decode. Sequence good. Getting a new [conjunction] number [12]. I have been trying out using the entire timestamp lately but, not knowing what the rule is, I try to go by if the sequence us good. In this case, I have come across two same numbers when using the whole date/time stamp. If course 2 same numbers is not a sequence, so I must try abbreviating the date stamp. And if that is not working I will abbreviate the timestamp.

Please give it a try for yourself on this one. You know, am thinking one should not be afraid of a different result in the conjunctions either, as such fear will lead to bias and bad results as well. But currently I am trying to keep the timestamps whole at first.

Ah well, take a look at this third iteration of Q1725.

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46c78b No.42393

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18198224 (220437ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Some of the SEQ deltas are 10s, some 100s, some single digits. Related to positions on a timestamp? Some posts have higher SEQ numbers on left or right side

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Some of the SEQ deltas are 10s, some 100s, some single digits. Related to positions on a timestamp?


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46c78b No.42394

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18198291 (220453ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Some of the SEQ deltas are 10s, some 100s, some single digits. Related to positions on a timestamp? Some posts have higher SEQ numbers on left or right side

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Also, some posts have higher SEQ numbers on left or right side. Should we be paying attention when the SEQ numbers are higher on the left side vs right side? Possibility that is important? If so, then a decreasing number could mean subtract the delta rather than add it.

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46c78b No.42395

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18198326 (220500ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1726, #1727, #1742, #1743

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Next Batch

Q 1726, Q 1727, Q1742, Q 1743.



Jul 27, 2018 12:32:55 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2311237


NOTE the Q post embedded as a jpeg file can be found in qalerts as Q 1605.



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46c78b No.42396

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18198363 (220506ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1726, #1727, #1742, #1743

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Batch continued

Q 1726, Q 1727, Q1742, Q 1743.



Jul 27, 2018 12:33:37 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2311245

Jul 27, 2018 12:32:54 PM EDT

Anonymous No. 2311235

Jul 27, 2018 12:30:56 PM EDT

Anonymous No. 2311202






Anons help? Getting close?


Gina Haspel

The CIA London Station is the main centre

of the US Central Intelligence Agency in the


Station chief (COS) Un-named woman


Those ordered to testify include the former

CIA chief, Porter J Gross. Another is a

woman who is not publicly named who heads

the agency's London station. She previously

worked as the chief of staff for the head of

the CIA's clandestine branch, Jose

Rodriguez, who is the focus of the





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46c78b No.42397

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18198386 (220512ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1726, #1727, #1742, #1743

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Batch continued

Q 1726, Q 1727, Q1742, Q 1743.



Jul 28, 2018 1:48:46 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2325487

Jul 28, 2018 1:35:58 PM EDT

Anonymous No. 2325302


SEC will investigate. Facebook sell off.

Insider trading suspected.

Peter Strzok’s Wife is lead SEC Investigator


Follow the family.


Think texts between PS/MH.

Think past settlements.

They have infiltrated every senior critical position.

The Circle.




Jul 28, 2018 1:58:45 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2325668

Jul 28, 2018 1:43:41 PM EDT

Anonymous No. 2325405

Jul 28, 2018 1:36:07 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2325304


Welcome to the no borders, pro pedo, destroy ICE,

socialist movement - Antifa (arm of Democratic Party).

Dark to LIGHT.



Q, will this still be the month the world discovered the

TRUTH and what we anons know is conspiracy no



Was the Truth revealed re: FISA/Dossier?

Important marker.

Think connections.



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46c78b No.42398

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18198420 (220519ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1744, #1745, #1746, #1764, #1769, #1780

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Next batch.

Q 1744, Q 1745, Q 1746, Q 1764, Q 1769, Q 1780

Anons, acceptable to post only the agg link and the top lines (timestamp, ID), and filenames? Not any of the Q txt? Coz Anon is also posting Graphic of posts as part of illustration of sequences?

Unless txt is requested?

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46c78b No.42399

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18198448 (220528ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1744, #1745, #1746, #1764, #1769, #1780

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Batch continued.

Q 1744, Q 1745, Q 1746, Q 1764, Q 1769, Q 1780



Jul 28, 2018 2:39:58 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2326290

Jul 28, 2018 2:31:22 PM EDT

Anonymous No. 2326190



Jul 28, 2018 2:53:15 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2326502

Jul 28, 2018 2:39:53 PM EDT

Anonymous No. 2326287



Jul 28, 2018 3:06:24 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2326757

Jul 28, 2018 2:53:15 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2326502

Jul 28, 2018 2:39:53 PM EDT

Anonymous No. 2326287



Jul 30, 2018 4:57:32 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2359109



Jul 30, 2018 9:26:24 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2363111

Jul 30, 2018 9:19:04 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2362968

Jul 30, 2018 9:18:33 PM EDT

Anonymous No. 2362960



Jul 31, 2018 10:05:15 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2381699


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46c78b No.42400

File: 4f53c2a2d3c8bd6⋯.jpeg (164.32 KB,1200x478,600:239,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f2ffe3aa5169ace⋯.jpeg (247.72 KB,689x2036,689:2036,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8e90a3d562268e3⋯.jpeg (133.87 KB,689x1060,13:20,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 82abd0dc232b585⋯.jpeg (294.75 KB,690x2345,138:469,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e4800d445eae8eb⋯.jpeg (100.36 KB,690x608,345:304,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18200807 (230435ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1726, #1727, #1742, #1743

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Q 1726, Q 1727, Q1742, Q 1743.

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46c78b No.42401

File: 0304ac62552d405⋯.jpeg (303.41 KB,679x2584,679:2584,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 660b6464df5b40e⋯.jpeg (324.91 KB,690x2312,345:1156,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3762c7a0cb43935⋯.jpeg (343.49 KB,750x1130,75:113,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18200815 (230436ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1744, #1745, #1746, #1764, #1769, #1780

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Q 1744, Q 1745, Q 1746

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46c78b No.42402

File: 51af8c0e1e0b09f⋯.jpeg (221 KB,690x1906,345:953,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 91fc99017d5daa5⋯.jpeg (257.25 KB,690x2480,69:248,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1855a9dbd32fde1⋯.jpeg (49.59 KB,690x498,115:83,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18200822 (230437ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1744, #1745, #1746, #1764, #1769, #1780

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Q 1764, Q 1769, Q 1780

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46c78b No.42403

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18202032 (231223ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1782, #1799, #1829, #1924, #1925, #1940, #1943

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Next batch of London/UK Q posts.

Q 1782, Q 1799, Q 1829, Q 1924, Q 1925, Q 1940, Q 1943

Reminder, if anons have moar Q posts to suggest please post. Perhaps if you spot something pre Q 1943. We are advancing rapidly so we will soon be into the 2000s. Or take a look at the London UK "MAP" that we are using for now and review it with an eye for possible additions - or recommended subtractions. As we move along we also try to discuss questions and reasons for inclusion of what may seem like more obscurely related Q posts. Join in with the decodes also.

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46c78b No.42404

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18202064 (231238ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1782, #1799, #1829, #1924, #1925, #1940, #1943

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q 1782, Q 1799, Q 1829, Q 1924, Q 1925, Q 1940, Q 1943



Jul 31, 2018 10:23:01 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 2382052

Jul 31, 2018 10:19:31 PM EDT

Anonymous No. 2381963

Jul 31, 2018 10:13:51 PM EDT

Anonymous No. 2381873




Enjoy the show!




Aug 02, 2018 2:56:38 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 112


NOTE: the jpg pic file includes a Q post nested within another Q post.

Timestamp: June 12 2018 22:43:17 (EST)

Timestamp: June 12 2018 22:39:52 (EST) 1487



Aug 09, 2018 10:45:15 PM EDT

Q !A6yxsPKia. No. 127

Aug 09, 2018 10:27:00 PM EDT

Q !A6yxsPKia. No. 126

Q txt in part:

[FUSION GPS](Shell2)←——–(CS)——-→[NO NAME]


FISA apps FALSE activate domestic spy campaign (UK assist - feed to C_A (cannot operate domestically)(JB)


What assets (people) were placed (spy) in POTUS' campaign?

Why did the news cycle drop this investigation?

Think several.

What if those 'placed' are being investigated by BM?

Plants need water.

What if others 'placed' connect to….(future)

What if Nellie Ohr prev worked on the FARM?

The START (public justification to proceed (clean)).


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46c78b No.42405

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18202112 (231256ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1782, #1799, #1829, #1924, #1925, #1940, #1943

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Batch continued …

Q 1782, Q 1799, Q 1829, Q 1924, Q 1925, Q 1940, Q 1943



Aug 16, 2018 7:21:13 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No. 2634959

Aug 16, 2018 7:20:15 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No. 2634937

Aug 16, 2018 7:10:20 PM EDT

Anonymous No. 2634794

BBC's hit piece on Q. 3min 55 sec


Badge of honor - military grade.




UK has problems.


NOTE: The jpg file was a Cap of a Q post nested within another Q post.

Timeline: July 27 2018 10:50:59 (EST) 1721

Timeline: July 27 2018 10:47:08 (EST)



Footnote: Caps appear to be drawn from qanon.pub.

Footnote: Nested posts file format = jpeg; Q 1924 cap file format = jpg

NOTE: Topic appears to be a London UK pic of EMB plus a 2018 pic of Lisa P outside her residence. The handbag led anons at the time to connect that EMB pic with Lisa and Peter.

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46c78b No.42406

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18202124 (231301ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q 1721 which was capped and included in Q 1924; Q edited EMB pic (yellow circle); Original Q post (graphics lost) When does a bird sing?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Here is Q 1721 which was capped and included in Q 1924.


Here is the Q edited EMB pic (yellow circle).


Original Q post (graphics lost) When does a bird sing?


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46c78b No.42407

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18202145 (231307ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1782, #1799, #1829, #1924, #1925, #1940, #1943

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Batch continued …

Q 1782, Q 1799, Q 1829, Q 1924, Q 1925, Q 1940, Q 1943



Aug 16, 2018 8:32:11 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No. 2636358


Timelines change.

Watch the budget.




Aug 28, 2018 12:06:43 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No. 2761994

Aug 28, 2018 12:02:11 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No. 2761932

Aug 27, 2018 11:29:13 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No. 2761474





BO>>Alexander Downer (FVEY)(EX1)




Q txt included list of hyperlinks.

BO unlocks UK / F_intel [FVEY]

UK / F_intel unlocks REQ

REQ = [Think Highest Levels]

[Focus 2]:

"This is the case with Halper, who is now proven to be a spy, possibly with (Australian Ambassador) Alexander Downer” who her husband met with in London."


BO closed door necessary.

Red-Handed comms revealed to 'encourage truthful testimony'.

[19] phone calls today - DC/UK/AUS panic?


What will the FAKE NEWS push tomorrow?




NOTE: Q 1940 end without a Q signature.

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46c78b No.42408

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18202154 (231308ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1782, #1799, #1829, #1924, #1925, #1940, #1943

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Batch continued …

Q 1782, Q 1799, Q 1829, Q 1924, Q 1925, Q 1940, Q 1943



Aug 28, 2018 11:41:01 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No. 2766234

Watch IRAN.

Something incredible is about to happen.

[Hassan Rouhani]

The Good People of IRAN have the POWER.



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46c78b No.42409

File: dd6b8e73b7af679⋯.png (40.41 KB,832x224,26:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18204411 (232015ZJAN23) Notable: UK ONS admits their data is flawed; has CDC deleted thousands of VAERS reports?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Bevvie sounds nice.

Since you were so kind, I hope it won't be intruding on your other research to mention this piece that I saw today (which is why I checked out your bread earlier).


I think Steve is going all out to try to bring the truth to light. He had a relative compliment for the UK regulator since apparently they admitted the data is flawed. He (truthfully, in my opinion) said that this would not happen in the USA.

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46c78b No.42410

File: b796ecc88d11721⋯.png (547.24 KB,1920x968,240:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18204612 (232053ZJAN23) Notable: UK ONS admits their data is flawed; has CDC deleted thousands of VAERS reports?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It seems CDC has removed over 30K records related to reports of vaxx-induced myocarditis


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46c78b No.42411

File: e0cb79ce046a080⋯.jpeg (347.46 KB,689x2816,689:2816,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 429333da303fa12⋯.jpeg (108.78 KB,690x804,115:134,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2aca659746f7555⋯.jpeg (137.83 KB,679x1087,679:1087,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18208346 (240739ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1782, #1799, #1829, #1924, #1925, #1940, #1943

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


First three. Q 1782, Q 1799, Q 1829

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46c78b No.42412

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18208406 (240803ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Q #1782, #1799, #1829, #1924, #1925, #1940, #1943

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


In Q1799, you may notice it is also possible to find these sequences in military time.

It does change the actual numbers yet the deltas betw the seq numbers appear to be coming out the same. The [conjunction] numbers [ ] are changed but in a predictable fashion as follows for the p.m. times:

12=1[2] 6=1[8]

1=1[3] 7=1[9]

2=1[4] 8=2[0]

3=1[5] 9=2[1]

4=1[6] 10=2[2]

5=1[7] 11=2[3]

Still in the dark about whether these [ ] conjunctions are something or not. But they sure seem essential to decoding the sequences. They are the palindromic [middle] but their numbers are only ever the first number of the timestamps. idk

The deltas betw the seq numbs seems to be something with variations though.

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46c78b No.42413

File: 5078631c28cc5cb⋯.jpeg (218.4 KB,689x1411,689:1411,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 169d8f6e443e62a⋯.jpeg (45.57 KB,690x498,115:83,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 80a57f352fcef0b⋯.jpeg (156.7 KB,680x1140,34:57,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c6674366236c0aa⋯.jpeg (60.15 KB,690x586,345:293,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18208423 (240807ZJAN23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Q #1924, #1925, #1940, #1943

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Next four from that batch:

Q 1924, Q 1925, Q 1940, Q 1943

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46c78b No.42414

File: 74d7a48951b7279⋯.png (626.24 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b1375faeb159d5⋯.png (643.03 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18208574 (240849ZJAN23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Q #1924, #1925, #1940, #1943

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Baker this is not to be bunned with the SEQ decodes. It's a discussion of Q's ability to embed sequences in both 12 and 24hr timestamp formats.

Generally speaking in math one usually tries to reduce a quantity to its lowest common denominator.

I am seeing where I sometimes could have reduced the sequence numbers to even smaller numbers. In most cases it does not affect the deltas betw them. In others, it could reduce the delta number from 100 to 10 so I am looking for a RULE to follow. I had been trying to keep the first reverse seq number intact as seen in the timestamp reversed. I'll stick to this way for now. We are all still learning.

Not knowing if it is even possible to read the map in a forward (time) direction, we may only be able to read the map looking backward.

There is another kind of mapping we can do. We can log the time deltas between our Q posts and look to see if there is anything in the prior post that hints when the next post will be.

Here are two posts that I sequence decoded in both military 24hr versus the 12hr civilian clock for anons to see they have very similar results.

Based on being able to find the sequences in either 12 or 24hr timestamp formats, I think the Q team has an algo for timestamp sequence embedding that can just switch to either 12 or 24 hour clock format.

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46c78b No.42415

File: e776235d1d75db4⋯.png (51.9 KB,765x584,765:584,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18208633 (240917ZJAN23) Notable: For reference: US Time Zones graphic

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46c78b No.42416

File: 46475111caf9b13⋯.jpeg (130.93 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 97d37c6a0ba3efa⋯.jpeg (168.75 KB,750x670,75:67,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4f6b2677e877264⋯.jpeg (135.5 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9aea66f1e40d332⋯.jpeg (211.66 KB,722x620,361:310,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9d4a7c5bc422cee⋯.jpeg (205.18 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18238843 (272322ZJAN23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Working some numbers

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BAKER- these caps not part of SEQ mapping bun.

I keep telling myself post numbers would be unworkable to use in a map spiderweb coz muh lost posts, tests, posts to bo/bv n such. Recalibration posts? Idk, mebbe just some occasional coinkeys that cause a sideward glance. Posting picrels in 2 posts.

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46c78b No.42417

File: 3a513f220d16795⋯.jpeg (218.58 KB,637x479,637:479,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 30979768679b04e⋯.jpeg (244.98 KB,689x1699,689:1699,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fcf07ab69e98355⋯.jpeg (308.17 KB,750x1024,375:512,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6bbddd9deb31df4⋯.jpeg (208.47 KB,750x1087,750:1087,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18238881 (272329ZJAN23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Working some numbers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Moar post # related coinky posts.

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46c78b No.42418

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18246352 (290419ZJAN23) Notable: Footnotes for Later Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Footnotes for Later Bun

>>42384 Q #1725/Black Box pic

>>42413, >>42414 Q #1924, #1925, #1940, #1943

>>42416, >>42417 Working some numbers

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46c78b No.42419

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18247902 (291353ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Experiment with London Pics methods

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/18241753 >>>/qresearch/18243675 >>>/qresearch/18244123 >>>/qresearch/18247010 >>>/qresearch/18247799 >>>/qresearch/18247813 >>>/qresearch/18247866 >>>/qresearch/18247897

Experiment with London Pics methods.

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46c78b No.42420

File: 37b9b9e79fd2c46⋯.jpeg (81.71 KB,750x560,75:56,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a2348fa99384eac⋯.jpeg (145.53 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7bae4dc71cd9bbc⋯.jpeg (75.11 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18263542 (010725ZFEB23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Timestamps are critical

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You know when you got a fish nibble but you don't know what? Looking at this and nit sure what's going on yet. Got something here with the timestamps. May be predictive? Lots of coincidence here with the posts which are def related with the Durham investigation/timestamps.


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46c78b No.42421

File: 3666e4b26c15071⋯.jpeg (209.67 KB,750x1059,250:353,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b510a873503533b⋯.jpeg (336.05 KB,750x614,375:307,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18279266 (032301ZFEB23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Timestamps are critical

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Moar coincidences with 'rotating' timestamp values and possible next post predictive future date/timestamps embedded?

Was trying out MIL time as requested and found some possible neat coincidences embedded in date/time values re future date/timestamp.

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46c78b No.42422

File: b6a0870401b97e3⋯.jpeg (116.46 KB,750x536,375:268,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b510a873503533b⋯.jpeg (336.05 KB,750x614,375:307,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f4ba047531c8f5a⋯.jpeg (160.27 KB,690x1062,115:177,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18282035 (040600ZFEB23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Possible future date for Durham/declass? Refinement of dig on Q3575

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Cleaned up these Durham-related posts to post in General and was notabru'd today.

here >>>/qresearch/182866

Getting 12/14/25 numbers in latest date/timestamp. Possible future date for Durham/declass? Posting in order to better understand possible future date/timestamps embedded.

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46c78b No.42423

File: a7932a1a9a25f2f⋯.jpeg (128.85 KB,750x536,375:268,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18282794 (041232ZFEB23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / Possible future date for Durham/declass? Refinement of dig on Q3575

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


A refinement of dig on Q3575, one of three, Durham posts connected by 46.22 embedded in their timestamps and seeming to foretell the next dates of Durham-related Q posts.

Am still using a reverse reading of the right side(timestamp) and a standard left-to-right reading of the datestamp on the left.

I had been thinking of COMBINING the right and left side readings to find what may so trying it here I got a date. 12/14/25. Must say at this point that I checked all the other possible combinations which might have yielded dates past and NONE of those dates had Q posts on them. That means IF the date is a future Q date then it is likely one with 12, 14 and 25 in the date. If I have become a datefag for this date it is entirely by accident of the numbers found in the Durham-related posts and why they are somehow related to the historic Washington's Crossing. Thinking on it, why the need to post that picture again and again. Why remind? In the 28JAN post Q said we have more than we know, meaning take another look, a deeper look.

This is still spec. Just sharing with anons the what and wherefore I've been looking at.

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46c78b No.42424

File: 434bf0a8eb40c24⋯.png (973.61 KB,1355x768,1355:768,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b6a26925660aef⋯.png (690.27 KB,1322x634,661:317,Clipboard.png)

File: a55a4882c4b26d8⋯.png (441.3 KB,1350x768,225:128,Clipboard.png)

File: 3031370fcf60a5e⋯.png (715.05 KB,1356x768,113:64,Clipboard.png)

File: a02b10596de2d51⋯.png (636.17 KB,1360x768,85:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18294584 (061431ZFEB23) Notable: Ukraine on Fire, documentary on winter of 2013-2014

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Ukraine on Fire, documentary on winter of 2013-2014


NY Times Report, 25-DEC-2013


Note: Peaceful protestors headed home for Christmas holiday. Some few remained. Instigators arrived with Riot Police; unknown cause of police attack on remaining protestors - mostly students. Triggered by a reported decision to make way for erection of traditional Christmas Tree in the square.

Aspiring politician/journalist performed various "stunts" to gain name recognition, according to the documentary. She was beaten in a road rage incident but this was politicized and became a trigger point for manipulations that led to the takeover of the Ukrainian government, as per the documentary.

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46c78b No.42425

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18294654 (061451ZFEB23) Notable: Ukraine on Fire, documentary on winter of 2013-2014

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Ukraine, 2013-2014

Late FEB-2014


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46c78b No.42426

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18294703 (061501ZFEB23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Ukraine 2013-2014, Winter, Christmas Day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ukraine 2013-2014, Winter, Christmas Day.

>>>/qresearch/18294060 >>42424 >>42425 >>>/qresearch/18294657 >>>/qresearch/18294694

Eyes open for related timestamps / deciphering.

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46c78b No.42427

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18297272 (062257ZFEB23) Notable: From Canada #40 Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Found Guilty Of Misinformation By UK Regulator

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Can BritAnons confirm?

Canada #40 >>>/qresearch/18290873

CONFIRMED!!! Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Found Guilty Of Misinformation By UK Regulator


Forget about the writing on the bottom of the video, what she's claiming is true! Pfizer was found guilty of making misleading statements about the safety of jabbing kids. The ruling was issued by The Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) which is the regulatory body responsible for the complaints procedures against the Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry in the UK.

Pfizer appealed the ruling, but lost their appeal on several key issues. They are guilty of misleading the public about the safety of jabbing kids.

This isn't a criminal matter, and I'm not sure what consequences Pfizer will face from having this ruling issued by this UK regulatory body, but they have been found guilty of Breaching Clauses 6.1 6.2 26.2 for the bullshit they spread in a BBC interview. The ruling says that "sanctions applied" but don't specify what those sanctions were.

If you want to read the ruling yourself, here's the link. Court rulings are very dry reading, I've already gone through it all and my summary is accurate, but if you want to slog though it yourself, have atter https://www.pmcpa.org.uk/cases/completed-cases/auth35911221-a-complaint-on-behalf-of-usforthem-v-pfizer/

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46c78b No.42428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18310557 (090054ZFEB23) Notable: From General Research #22440 Bank of England Expected to Announce Digital Currency Plan Next Week

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

General Research #22440 >>13957

Bank of England Expected to Announce Digital Currency Plan Next Week

The Bank of England, in conjunction with the United Kingdom’s Treasury, is exploring the possibility of a digital currency that will “likely” become a “necessity” in the near future.

“On the basis of our work to date, the Bank of England and HM Treasury judge that it is likely a digital pound will be needed in the future,” said Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey and finance minister Jeremy Hunt in a joint report.

“It is too early to commit to build the infrastructure for one, but we are convinced that further preparatory work is justified,” the report continued, according to The Telegraph.

The Bank of England declined to comment on the paper’s report, but said a joint consultation on digital currency issues would be published shortly.

U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak asked the Bank of England to explore the possibility of a digital currency in 2021, when he was serving as finance minister. In October, financial services minister Andrew Griffith said Britain could not avoid the issue indefinitely.

Elsewhere on the continent, the European Central Bank is working on a digital version of its currency and is in the process of outlining the broader design, Reuters reported. In a statement last month, the European Central Bank stated that it would not offer personal bank accounts, though it would allow person-to-person payments.

The Bank of International Settlements, a forum for central banks, announced this past June that digital currencies are needed to “modernize finance.”


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46c78b No.42429

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453175 (060209ZMAR23) Notable: (from General Research) Matt Hancock: Leaked messages suggest plan to frighten public

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General Research #22625 >>22143

Matt Hancock: Leaked messages suggest plan to frighten public

By Helen Catt 5 March 2023

Matt Hancock suggested to an aide that they "frighten the pants off everyone" about Covid, messages published by the Sunday Telegraph show.

It appears the former health secretary discussed when to reveal the existence of theKent variantof Covid to ensure people complied with lockdown rules.

In another exchange, the head of the Civil Service, Simon Case, suggested the "fear/guilt factor" was vital to the government's messaging.

The BBC has not verified the messages.

More than 100,000 WhatsApp messages were leaked to the Telegraph by the journalist Isabel Oakeshott, who has been a vocal critic of lockdowns.

The former health secretary has repeatedly criticised the leaks, referring to the published messages as a "partial, biased account to suit an anti-lockdown agenda."

In an exchange between Mr Hancock and an aide from 13th December 2020 - five days before the government scrapped plans to relax rules for many over Christmas - the former health secretary discusses when to "deploy" the announcement of the new variant.

They are talking about the possibility of the London Mayor Sadiq Khan resisting a possible lockdown for London.

The Department of Health adviser suggests: "Rather than doing too much forward signalling, we can roll pitch with the new strain."

Mr Hancock says: "We frighten the pants of everyone with the new strain."

The adviser responds: "Yep, that's what will get proper behaviour change."

The minister then asks: "When do we deploy the new variant."

Mr Hancock announced the new variant the following day.

In a separate WhatsApp conversation from January 2021, when lockdown measures were in place, Mr Hancock is seen discussing possible changes with Simon Case.

Mr Case warns against making small changes to the rules as looking "ridiculous". He talks about "ramping up messaging" adding the "fear/guilt factor" was "vital".

Other messages from October 2020 appear to show Mr Case suggesting coronavirus guidance should be delivered by "trusted local figures, not nationally distrusted figures like the PM, sadly". Boris Johnson was Prime Minister at the time.

In a statement responding to the leaks, Matt Hancock said: "There is absolutely no public interest case for this huge breach. All the materials for the book have already been made available to the Inquiry, which is the right, and only, place for everything to be considered properly and the right lessons to be learned.

"As we have seen, releasing them in this way gives a partial, biased account to suit an anti-lockdown agenda."

Chris Heaton-Harris, the government's Northern Ireland secretary, told BBC's Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg the messages give "almost a view into the psyche of Matt Hancock rather than into the actual decision-making".

"I think viewers would expect that politicians being human beings would express things in a human way."

The former Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe, told the BBC's Stephen Nolan on Radio 5 Live that she had been "just as much against lockdown as Isabel Oakeshott" but found the leaks "profoundly unhelpful".



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46c78b No.42430

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453745 (060429ZMAR23) Notable: (from General Research) UK PM to launch anti-asylum bill

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General Research #22627 >>>/qresearch/18453511

5 Mar, 2023 19:05

UK PM to launch anti-asylum bill

The move is part of Rishi Sunak’s pledge to "tackle illegal migration"

Rishi Sunak’s Conservative government in the United Kingdom is set to announce a new law that would stop people who enter the country on small boats from claiming asylum. The legislation, which will be launched this week, comes as part of the government’s pledge to "tackle illegal migration."

"Illegal migration is not fair on British taxpayers, it is not fair on those who come here legally and it is not right that criminal gangs should be allowed to continue their immoral trade," Sunak said in an interview with the Mail on Sunday. "So, make no mistake, if you come here illegally, you will not be able to stay."

Provisionally titled the Illegal Migration Bill, the new law will seek to make asylum claims by people who enter the country with the use of small vessels inadmissible by British law.Such migrants would be removed from the UK "as soon as reasonably practicable" to Rwanda or to a "safe third country." Asylum seekers who violate the law will also be banned from returning to the UK.

The UK and Rwanda agreed to a five-year ‘asylum partnership arrangement’ in 2022, under which asylum-seekers will be permitted to seek asylum in the African country. However, the UK government’s attempts to deport people to Rwanda have so far been blocked by courts. Human rights campaigners have also been heavily critical of the plan.

Asylum-seekers looking to gain entry to the UK have rights protected by the UN’s Refugee Convention and the European Convention on Human Rights. The Illegal Migration Bill will have a "rights break," which would effectively circumvent the UN’s refugee convention, according to the Mail on Sunday.

Critics of the legislation say that the law will not prevent illegal entry, but instead result in thousands of asylum seekers being detained at huge expense to the UK taxpayer. "It’s unworkable, costly and won’t stop the boats,"Enver Solomon of the Refugee Council said.

Last year, an estimated 45,755 migrants crossed the English Channel into Britain, according to government statistics. It is the highest such number since records began being kept in 2018. The UK Home Office says 2,950 have made the crossing so far in 2023, with migrants arriving from a range of countries including Albania, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.


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46c78b No.42431

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453794 (060442ZMAR23) Notable: (from General Research) Matt Hancock: Leaked messages suggest plan to frighten public

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


General Research #22627 >>22176

Police and travel industry react angrily to Matt Hancock lockdown texts

Messages show Hancock urging ministers to ‘get heavy’ with police and making light of hotel quarantine situation==

Ministers have come under fire from police officers and the travel industry after private messages from Matt Hancock highlighted the rapid and occasionally haphazard way in which they wrote Covid lockdown policies. Senior representatives of the police service attacked the government’s handling of the pandemic after the Telegraph published messages showing the former health secretary urging ministers to “get heavy with the police” over lockdown enforcement. Officers were criticised in 2020 and 2021 for their hardline interpretation of the regulations, which involved them monitoring people with drones, fining people going for walks with cups of coffee and handing out leaflets asking why people were outside. The former chief constable of Greater Manchester police Sir Peter Fahy told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Friday: “This [lockdown] legislation was rushed out: it was confused, with poor definitions in it, there was this constant confusion between what was legislation and what was guidance. Often it seemed ministers themselves didn’t understand the impact of the legislation.” He said it caused “huge resentment within policing” when “individual instances of officers trying to do their best were highlighted and misunderstood”. The chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, Martin Hewitt, criticised Hancock’s use of the word “plod” in the messages, saying it was “much more a reflection on him than it is on the committed police officers and staff on the frontline protecting the country from Covid-19”. Hancock also came under fire from Willie Walsh, the head of the travel industry body Iata, for another set of messages that showed him complaining about airlines and joking about people having to be quarantined in hotels on entering the UK. At one point he criticises airlines and airports for complaining about travel restrictions, and agrees when Simon Case, the Downing Street permanent secretary, calls them “horribly self-serving”. Walsh, the former boss of British Airways, said: “The messages between Matt Hancock and Simon Case making light of travel lockdowns and the economic collapse of the airline industry reveal a breathtaking contempt for travellers and aviation workers.”

The attacks cap a bruising week for Hancock, who is now an independent MP, having lost the Tory whip for appearing on the television show I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here! Over the last five days the paper has revealed how Hancock’s office helped arrange rapid Covid tests for a child of his Conservative colleague Jacob Rees-Mogg, how he clashed with the then education secretary, Gavin Williamson, over school lockdowns and how officials and ministers had to explain basic transmission statistics to the then prime minister, Boris Johnson. On Friday, the Telegraph published a new cache of messages showing the lengths Hancock went to during the crisis to protect and burnish his own reputation. At one point, the former health secretary asks an adviser whether he should release photographs of him on a surfing trip. At another, he shares a message from a friend who tells him the crisis could help “propel him into the next league” and “break you through in terms of public perception”.


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46c78b No.42432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18721319 (191958ZAPR23) Notable: (from Beyond Covid) The Collapse Of The UK’s Gender Identity Clinic - Hannah Barnes (video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#1 Beyond COVID >>>/qresearch/18715932, >>>/qresearch/18715934, >>>/qresearch/18715936

The Collapse Of The UK’s Gender Identity Clinic - Hannah Barnes

Interviewer Chris Williamson

April 2023

In Feb, Barnes published TIME TO THINK on this topic. She's more lib than conservative but fair-minded, data oriented. Focused on the standard of care. Says issue is "far more heated" in the States.

Video: https://youtu.be/kdBfHwzDYLg

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46c78b No.42433

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18723337 (200830ZAPR23) Notable: ‘Fit and healthy’ doctor died after rare reaction to Covid jab

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

‘Fit and healthy’ doctor died after rare reaction to Covid jab

Story by Patrick Sawer •

A fit and healthy father of two died as a result of a rare reaction to the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine, an inquest has concluded.

Dr Stephen Wright, 32, suffered a combination of a severe brain stem infarction or obstruction, along with a huge bleed on the brain and a “vaccine-induced thrombosis” or blood clot, 10 days after receiving the vaccination in January 2021

A coroner’s inquest has ruled that Dr Wright, a psychologist with the NHS, was one of a few people who died as a result of “unintended consequences” from the AstraZeneca vaccine.

As a doctor and NHS worker, Dr Wright was among the first to be given the AstraZeneca vaccine when it was rolled out.

Andrew Harris, a senior coroner, told Southwark Coroner’s Court: “Dr Wright was a fit and healthy man who had the AstraZeneca Covid vaccination on Jan 16, 2021, awoke with a headache on the 25th and later developed left arm numbness.

“He attended an A&E department just after midnight, where he was found to have high blood pressure and a sagittal sinus venous thrombosis. He was transferred to King’s College Hospital at 6.39am, but, due to the extent of the bleed and very low platelets, was unfit for surgery, dying at 6.33pm.

“My conclusion as to the cause of death is unintended complications of vaccination.”


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46c78b No.42434

File: e5b414b8ce42927⋯.png (489.57 KB,967x792,967:792,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18802691 (052344ZMAY23) Notable: From Scotland #8 UK coronation party map shows NO events registered in Scotland

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Scotland #8 >>>/qresearch/18802485

UK coronation party map shows NO events registered in Scotland

By Hamish Morrison 5th March 2023

The Government has released a map tracking all the coronation events taking place throughout the UK - which showed NONE registered in Scotland.

The map, created by the department for culture, media and sport (DCMS), allows the organisers of lunches, picnics, street parties and other events to mark King Charles being crowned.

According to the Government’s map, 61 public events and 47 street parties or private events have been shared “so far”.

Only one is taking place in Northern Ireland in the city of Derry (Londonderry) - a Catholic majority area of the province.

Two are taking place in Wales, with the rest all going ahead in England.

This does not mean there will be no coronation celebrations in Scotland at the beginning of May - the map only shows events which have been planned and registered with the DCMS.

Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer said the map would allow people “up and down the country” to find out what events were taking place near them.

She said: “We want everyone up and down the country to have the opportunity to get involved in the Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort.

“Our interactive map will help you find activities, events and celebrations nearby. Whether you’re hosting a street party, planning a Big Lunch, a screening or activity for the Big Help Out, we want to hear from you.

“This is a fantastic occasion to come together with friends, family and your local community to mark this historic moment.”


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46c78b No.42435

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18822401 (100118ZMAY23) Notable: From Canada #42 Proposed Irish Hate Speech Law Brings Up To 5 Years Imprisonment

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Canada #42 >>>/qresearch/18821317

Proposed Irish Hate Speech Law Brings Up To 5 Years Imprisonment


(Brussels) Irish activist Joan discusses the Irish govt’s intent to criminalize hate speech under a new proposed law bringing a penalty of up to 5 years imprisonment.

The “protected characteristics” would include race, colour, nationality, religion, national or ethnic origin, descent, gender, sex characteristics, sexual orientation, and disability.

Rumble video embedded in original Canada post

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46c78b No.42436

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18844108 (140547ZMAY23) Notable: From General Research #2130 British next-gen warship ‘sabotaged’

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General Research #2130 >>>/qresearch/18844093

British next-gen warship ‘sabotaged’

14 May, 2023 04:07

A probe was launched into suspected “intentional” damage aboard the frigate HMS Glasgow

British defense contractor BAE Systems is assessing the scope of repairs needed following an alleged act of sabotage on the Royal Navy’s newest frigate, which is still under construction.

“We uncovered a limited number of cables on HMS Glasgow earlier in the week, which appear to have been damaged intentionally,” a spokesperson for the company responsible for the construction and fitting out of the ship said in a statement to the media on Friday.

The company added that it had suspended work on the frigate in order to “inspect every area of the vessel and ensure our high standards and quality controls are met.”

According to the UK Defence Journal, which first reported the incident,more than 60 cableswere cut aboard the vessel. The publication said it is believed that “an issue related to payment disputes” could have been the motive.

HMS Glasgow is the first of the next-generation City-class frigates currently being built in the UK. The Royal Navy describes them as “exceptional ships” designed to carry helicopters and smaller vessels. The Glasgow was launched in December and is expected to enter service in the mid-2020s. The ship is currently docked at a yard in Scotstoun, a suburb of Glasgow, Scotland.

In February, the Royal Navy launched an investigation after the media reported that the cooling system aboard the nuclear-powered submarine HMS Vanguard had been repaired using super glue.


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46c78b No.42437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18849067 (150521ZMAY23) Notable: From General Research #23136 Net Migration Into Britain Could Top 1 Million This Year, Doubling Prior Record

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General Research #23136 >>>/qresearch/18849040

Net Migration Into Britain Could Top 1 Million This Year, Doubling Prior Record

BY Tyler Durden Saturday, MAY 13, 2023 Authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News,

Home Office officials fear soon-to-be released immigration statistics will show net migration into the U.K. topping 1 million, despite numerous pledges by Britain’s governing Conservative party over the past decade to significantly reduce the numbers.

Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures due to be published on May 25 are expected to show a huge increase in new arrivals, far above the previous peak of 504,000 recorded in the year to June 2022.

Home Office data already show that more than 1.3 million people arrived in Britain last year, many of whom received work permits or student visas, meaning the net migration figure will be determined by the number of people emigrating from the country.

Experts at the Center for Policy Studies (CPS) have forecast the net figure to be between 700,000 and 997,000, while a second analysis estimates a more conservative figure of between 650,000 and 675,000.

“If emigration has reverted to pre-pandemic and pre-Brexit patterns, we could see net migration hit the one million mark,” Karl Williams, a CPS senior researcher told The Telegraph.

“This would be at the very top end of our estimates but by no means an implausible figure,” he added.

Either way, the figure will show an exponential rise in immigration into a country that has voted for Conservative governments since 2010 that initially ran on a ticket of reducing net migration to the “tens of thousands.” This pledge was eventually dropped by the incumbent Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, despite Brits generally opposing the rate of immigration experienced over the past decade.

In a YouGov poll published in December last year, 57 percent of respondents said the level of immigration into Britain over the last 10 years has been too high. In contrast, just 7 percent said it had been too low.

Brits have continuously voted in favor of reducing immigration, backing the Conservative Party as the largest party in parliament during the last four general elections. The British electorate also voted in favor of withdrawing from the European Union in 2016, with a key pledge from the Leave campaign being to “take back control of our borders.” In the final European parliamentary elections before the U.K.’s formal withdrawal, Brits also overwhelmingly supported the pop-up Brexit Party.

The soon-to-be-published immigration figures could be hugely damaging for Rishi Sunak’s administration, which is already between 16 and 19 percentage points behind the Labour Party according to the most recent polling.

The figures will also enrage a number of backbench Conservative MPs who have long called for more restrictive border controls. “Population growth at this level is unsustainable. The government needs to act immediately and radically to curb migration,” said influential Conservative backbencher Sir John Hayes.

Earlier this year, the Conservative party presented a new immigration bill to parliament, which would see all people who arrive in Britain illegally detained and deported.

The bill, however, is fraught with complications, not least its compliance with Britain’s international obligations, namely the European Convention on Human Rights.

The country’s asylum system is now so saturated, the government is spending more than £6 million of taxpayers’ cash every day to house asylum seekers in hotels. The government recently announced its intention to relocate many of these individuals from their expensive hotel accommodations to disused military bases and floating barges due to public outrage at the ongoing saga.


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46c78b No.42438

File: 13c85acae110807⋯.jpeg (57.64 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18865525 (180907ZMAY23) Notable: Visitors shocked by 'degrading' portrait of King Charles wearing Jim'll Fix It medal

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Visitors shocked by 'degrading' portrait of King Charles wearing Jim'll Fix It medal

An artist has defended his work after visitors to an art exhibition were shocked to see a painting of newly coronated King Charles wearing a Jim’ll Fix It medal.

The portrait, dubbed The Company One Keeps, depicts Charles wearing the medal - alluding to the King’s previous relationship with the notorious paedophile.

Art fans visiting the Artists Open House displays said they were “upset” by the “disrespectful” portrait. The artist behind the piece has stood up for his work, adding it is the job of the artist to “provoke debates”.

Saltdean-based artist Jake Fern said: “No one is talking about the fact that he [then Prince Charles] was friends with one of the worst paedophiles in history. Or that his brother [Andrew]was friends with [paedophile] Jeffrey Epstein.


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46c78b No.42439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868173 (182047ZMAY23) Notable: BT to cut 55,000 jobs with up to a fifth replaced by AI

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BT to cut 55,000 jobs with up to a fifth replaced by AI

By Tom Espiner Business reporter, BBC News 18 May 2023

Telecoms giant BT is to shed up to 55,000 jobs by the end of the decade, mostly in the UK, as it cuts costs.

Up to a fifth of those cuts will come in customer services as staff are replaced by technologies including artificial intelligence.

The headcount reduction from the current workforce of 130,000 includes staff and contractors.

"Whenever you get new technologies you can get big changes," said chief executive Philip Jansen.

He said "generative AI" tools such as ChatGPT - which can write essays, scripts, poems, and solve computer coding in a human-like way - "gives us confidence we can go even further".

Mr Jansen said AI would make services faster, better and more seamless, adding that the changes would not mean customers will "feel like they are dealing with robots".

"We are multi-channel, we are online, we have 450 stores and that's not changing at all," he said.

"There are plenty of opportunities for our customers to deal with people at BT, plenty of people to speak to."

Mr Jansen added that "new technologies drive new jobs", although BT has said it will have a"much smaller workforce" by the end of the 2020s.

BT, which is the UK's largest broadband and mobile provider, is currently continuing to expand its fibre network as it moves away from copper. The company said that once the work was completed it would not need as many staff to build and maintain its networks.

In addition, newer, more efficient technology, including artificial intelligence, means fewer people will be needed to serve customers in future, it said.

The move comes shortly after Vodafone said it would axe a tenth of its staff over the next three years, equating to 11,000 jobs.

UK hit

Mr Jansen said BT would become "a leaner business with a brighter future", with the firm planning to get rid of between 40,000 and 55,000 jobs by 2030.

The firm has about 80,000 employees in the UK, and this is where the bulk of the cuts will come. It has about 20,000 staff abroad.

It also has 30,000 contractors, mainly abroad. Many of those roles will go.

The cuts break down as:

More than 15,000 cuts as BT completes building fibre networks in the UK

More than 10,000 as new UK networks require less maintenance

More than 10,000 from using new tech including AI

About 5,000 from restructuring

The Communications and Workers Union (CWU) said the BT announcement was "no surprise".

"The introduction of new technologies across the company, along with the completion of the fibre infrastructure build replacing the copper network, was always going to result in less labour costs for the company in the coming years," a CWU spokesperson said.

But the union said it wants BT to keep as many of its core employees as possible, with job cuts coming from sub-contractors "in the first instance", and through roles not being replaced as people leave the business.

The BT announcement was made as it reported a 12% drop in profits of £1.7bn for the year to April.

Its shares fell more than 7% after its results fell short of analysts' expectations.

James Barford, head of telecoms research at Enders Analysis, said the BT job cuts were mostly about fewer people being needed in building networks, whereas the Vodafone cuts were "more general efficiency savings".

He said that in both cases plans were "already broadly in place, with savings previously described in monetary terms rather than headcount reduction".

Possibly, the firms are now talking about job cuts "to help convince sceptical investors that they will actually deliver the promised savings", Mr Barford added.


Vid from General Research #23161 >>>/qresearch/18868151 https://youtu.be/N-L_gUPysBQ

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46c78b No.42440

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18868217 (182102ZMAY23) Notable: From General Research #23160 AI Top of the Agenda at Secretive Bilderberg Meeting

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>>42439 (me)

Coincidence, I'm sure

General Research #23160 >>>/qresearch/18867571

AI Top of the Agenda at Secretive Bilderberg Meeting

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman will attend the secretive Bilderberg Meeting, an annual gathering of over 100 political and corporate leaders from Europe and North America, which has announced AI as a key item on its agenda this year.

Altman isn’t the only Big Tech figure in attendance. Other participants include Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, and Google DeepMind head Demis Hassabis.

Jen Easterly, director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), will also attend. As noted in a congressional hearing last week, CISA played a key role as a source of government pressure in the Big Tech censorship regime that harmed President Trump’s chances in the 2020 election.

The meeting will take place from 18 to 21 May in Lisbon, Portugal. The list of items up for discussion, published by Bilderberg here, is as follows:


Banking system


Energy transition


Fiscal challenges


Industrial policy and trade



Transnational threats


U.S. leadership

The corporate legacy media also has a presence at this year’s Bilderberg, with notable members including Atlantic writer Anne Applebaum, the CEO of Axel Springer (a key force behind last year’s failed effort to create a media cartel in the U.S.), and representatives of other establishment media companies including the Economist and the Financial Times.

Other notable attendees include the CEO of Pfizer, the president and COO of Goldman Sachs, and failed Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.

A small number of American conservatives are listed as participants: two members of the Hoover Institution, one fellow of the Hudson Institute, conservative historian Niall Ferguson, and tech entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel.

A full list of participants at this year’s meeting can be found here.



Lisbon, 18 - 21 May 2023


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46c78b No.42441

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18877759 (202041ZMAY23) Notable: From Canada #43 WHO Warns Of 'Unusual' Surge in Severe Myocarditis in Babies

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Canada #43 >>>/qresearch/18877010

WHO Warns Of 'Unusual' Surge in Severe Myocarditis in Babies

UK authorities are investigating an “unusual” surge in severe myocarditis which has hit 15 babies in Wales and England and has killed at least one, the World Health Organization has announced.

On Tuesday, the WHO issued an alert that there had been a rise in “severe myocarditis” in newborns and infants between June 2022 and March 2023 in Wales and England.

It said that this was associated with the enterovirus infection, which rarely affects the heart.

A UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) spokesperson confirmed to The Epoch Times that 10 babies have been diagnosed in Wales and five have been diagnosed in England.

The WHO said that “although enterovirus infections are common in neonates and young infants, the reported increase in myocarditis with severe outcomes in neonates and infants associated with enterovirus infection is unusual.”

It said that in the same hospital (covering the South Wales region) over the previous six years, “only one other similar case has been identified.”

WHO assessed the public health risk as low, but added that in certain situations, it “may be advisable to close child-care facilities and schools to reduce the intensity of transmission.”

However, the WHO took down the alert on Wednesday. The Epoch Times understands that this could be because some of the numbers were not correct.

The WHO did not respond to The Epoch Times’ request for comment.


Authorities in England and Wales are currently investigating the rise in cases.

Dr. Shamez Ladhani, Consultant Paediatrician at UKHSA, told The Epoch Times by email that “given a higher than average number of cases in Wales in the autumn/winter months in very young babies, UKHSA is investigating the situation in England to see if any similar cases have been observed here and whether there are any factors driving the increase in cases.”

The UKHSA did not respond to questions about ruling out any links to the effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Public Health Wales at the start of May announced that it was investigating a cluster of severe enterovirus infections with myocarditis occurring in very young babies from the South Wales region.

The cases occurred from June 2022 with a peak in November 2022 involving babies under 28 days old.

Ten babies have developed myocarditis within this cluster. One baby remains in hospital, eight are being managed as outpatients, and one baby has died.

‘Massive Question’

Consultant pathologist and HART member Dr. Clare Craig told The Epoch Times that there’s “a massive question about whether or not these babies or the mums are vaccinated.”

HART is an organisation that was set up to share concerns about policy and guidance recommendations relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Coxsackievirus is a member of a family of viruses called enteroviruses and one of the most common causes of viral myocarditis,” she said.

“And we saw like with other viruses, the diagnosis of Coxsackievirus reduced massively in 2020 when SARS-COV 2 arrived.

She added that the total number of people getting myocarditis after 2020 stayed the same suggesting “SARS-COV 2 filled the niche” that Coxsackievirus had left behind.

“But then the vaccine comes along and from 2021 the incidence rate of myocarditis went sky high,” she added.

“The public health authorities claim that they want to maintain trust and yet they won’t explore these avenues to rule out concerns,” she added.



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46c78b No.42442

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884964 (220756ZMAY23) Notable: From General Research #23182 British intelligence found FBI Russia collusion probe so absurd it stopped helping

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General Research #23182 >>>/qresearch/18884949

British intelligence found FBI Russia collusion probe so absurd it stopped helping

Special Counsel John Durham released his 300+ page report last week on the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion probe

British intelligence expressed skepticism about the FBI's investigation into the Donald Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia in 2016, and eventually became so concerned it stopped cooperating, according to evidence made public in Special Counsel John Durham's recent report.

Durham released his 300+ page report on the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion probe on Monday, representing the culmination of years of investigations. That report excoriated the FBI for pursuing the investigation without possessing any significant evidence of wrongdoing.

Intelligence officials in the United Kingdom evidently shared Durham's assessment contemporaneously.


Durham Report


Investigations Arising Out of the 2016 Presidential Campaigns


Durham highlighted an exchange between an intelligence official and the FBI's legal attache office in London (ALAT) in which the latter relayed concerns about the flimsiness of the evidence, especially as it related to former Trump campaign aides George Papadopoulos and Carter Page.

"Dude, are we telling them [British Intelligence Service-1] everything we know, or is there more to this?" he asked "Supervisory Special Agent-1." "That's all we have… not holding anything back," was the reply, prompting ALAT to retort "Damn that's thin."

The FBI legat in London "went on to tell the Inspection Division that in discussing the matter with a senior British Intelligence Service-I official, the official was openly skeptical, said the FBI's plan for an operation made no sense, and asked UK ALAT-1 why the FBI did not just go to Papadopoulos and ask him what they wanted to know, a sentiment UK ALA T-I told investigators that he shared," he wrote.

The Brits' concern escalated throughout 2016 and 2017, eventually resulted in a UK intelligence officer refusing to aid the FBI any further, Durham's report revealed.

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46c78b No.42443

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884973 (220759ZMAY23) Notable: From General Research #23182 British intelligence found FBI Russia collusion probe so absurd it stopped helping

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>>42442 (me)

But wait, there's more

General Research #23182 >>>/qresearch/18884953

"Later in the Fall of 2016, UK ALAT-1 was at FBI Headquarters with some of his British Intelligence Service-I counterparts. While there, members of the Crossfire Hurricane team played the audio/visual recordings of CHS-1 's August 20, 2016 meeting with Carter Page," Durham wrote. "UK ALAT-1 said the effect on the British Intelligence Service-I personnel was not positive because of the lack of any evidence corning out of the conversation."

"UK ALAT-1 told the OIG that after watching the video one of his British colleagues said, 'For [expletive] sake, man. You went through a lot of trouble to get him to say nothing,'" the report said.

By the time Robert Mueller was named special counsel to take over the FBI investigation, British intelligence had had enough.

"At a later point in time, after the Mueller Special Counsel team was in place, UK ALAT-1 said that 'the Brits finally had enough,' and in response to a request for some assistance '[a British Intelligence Service-I person] basically said there was no [expletive] way in hell they were going to do it.'"

Retired FBI intelligence chief Kevin Brock told Just the News last week that Durham exposed just how much the discredited Russia collusion probe "disrupted the country and besmirched the good reputation of the FBI.

"The FBI essentially was hijacked by a handful of senior executives who had an agenda, who did not like Donald Trump, and who used the awesome powers of the FBI to launch an investigation against all policy, against all legal guidelines and restrictions that would prevent the misuse of the FBI," Brock said.

Former Pentagon chief of staff Kash Patel, who helped unravel the Russia collusion narrative as a senior House Intelligence Committee lawyer, said the bungled probe clearly has hurt America's reputation on the world stage,

"People can't look to America and be like, how do you install a uniform singular system of justice anymore," Patel noted. "And John Durham's report affirms that by how our allies, our greatest ally, Great Britain, looked at us and said, 'Wait a second, you can't even run an investigation properly. Please leave us out of it. We want nothing to do with it."


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46c78b No.42444

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886518 (221716ZMAY23) Notable: From General Research #23184 Croatian EU Parliamentarian Mislav Kolakusic Publicly Declares WHO a TERRORIST Organization

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General Research #23184 >>>/qresearch/18886500

Croatian EU Parliamentarian Mislav Kolakusic Publicly Declares WHO a TERRORIST Organization

In a stunning statement, Mislav Kolakušić, a Member of the European Parliament for Croatia, publicly declared the World Health Organization (WHO) a terrorist organization.

At a press conference together with Dr. Robert Malone and other politicians, Kolakusic voiced his opposition to WHO’s proposal to have all countries sign an agreement giving the agency sole authority to declare pandemics and acquire vaccines and drugs.

“I would like to briefly make the people aware of the upcoming danger for humanity,” said Kolakusic. “The World Health Organization wants all countries to sign an agreement on handing over the authority to declare a pandemic, procure vaccines, and drugs. It will be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Colombian drug cartel. They know all about drugs for sure.”

The Croatian parliamentarian went on to accuse the WHO of disseminating lies throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. He said that the Chinese-Backed organization had misled the public by initially declaring the virus as new and unknown, falsely asserting the efficacy of vaccines, and making misleading statements about their ability to protect against serious illness and death.



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46c78b No.42445

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894611 (240649ZMAY23) Notable: From General Research #23195 BBC fights ‘fake news’ with fake Twitter accounts

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General Research #23195 >>>/qresearch/18894600

24 May, 2023 00:25

BBC fights ‘fake news’ with fake Twitter accounts

The state-funded UK broadcaster operates several “sockpuppet” accounts representing different political viewskek

A journalist with BBC Verify, the British broadcaster’s new fact-checking spinoff, has admitted to deploying multiple fake Twitter accounts to combat “disinformation.”

In a segment broadcast on Saturday, BBC “disinformation correspondent” Marianna Spring warned the audience that “mistruths can cause really serious harm to societies and the people in them.” She then revealed she had set up multiple “undercover accounts” on Twitter for the BBC’s Americast broadcast, each one representing different political views so as to better “interrogate” the viewpoints of the network’s target audience.

While the deception was portrayed as an attempt to “understand polarization online” by observing a cross-section of what kind of content social media platforms are recommending to different demographics, all three “characters” were white women. Emma, a 25-year-old atheist graphic designer with a “live-in partner” based in New York City, hails from the “progressive left.” Britney, a recently-divorced 50-year-old mother of three living in Houston, comes from the “populist right” and works as a school secretary. Gabriela, 44, a married mother of three who moonlights as a nanny, is cast as a “stressed sideliner.”

The graphics surrounding the fake profiles suggested a presence across Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, though the network stopped short of revealing its sock-puppets’ usernames. Twitter explicitly forbids using the platform to “artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience or platform manipulation defenses,” and most other social media platforms have similar policies.

According to the BBC, its Verify division consists of a team of 60 “forensic journalists and expert talent”from within the network, tasked with “fact-checking, verifying video, countering disinformation, analyzing data, and – crucially – explaining complex stories in the pursuit of truth.”

The BBC got a £20 million ($24.13 million) shot in the arm from the UK government earlier this year specifically to “counter disinformation,” with Foreign Secretary James Cleverly hailing the network as “the world’s most trusted international broadcaster.”

However, critics have called out the BBC for putting out what they claim are heavily biased and outright fabricated stories, particularly with regard to the conflict in Ukraine, even while the network continues to portray “disinformation” as the exclusive province of Russian media.

The network has nurtured the careers of ‘Russian bot’ hunters like the Atlantic Council alumnus Ben Nimmo, who has made a livelihood out of reclassifying genuine political dissent as “coordinated inauthentic behavior,”and having its practitioners deplatformed as state operatives. The BBC has also hosted government-controlled journalists tasked with waging information warfare against Russia, while its “charitable” arm, BBC MediaAction, engaged in covert operations designed to “weaken the Russian state’s influence” in the Balkans. kekkity


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46c78b No.42446

File: 4ea14a56fe0fd3b⋯.png (5.14 MB,1640x2360,41:59,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18905407 (260955ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag: Increase in military air traffic over the UK

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More military planes flying over head. Been a daily occurrence for a few days.

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46c78b No.42447

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908896 (270128ZMAY23) Notable: More insurers desert net-zero alliance as U.N. climate group sounds alarm

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More insurers desert net-zero alliance as U.N. climate group sounds alarm

By Tommy Wilkes May 26, 2023

LONDON, May 26 (Reuters) - Lloyd's of London became the sixth organisation to quit a net-zero alliance for insurers within 36 hours on Friday, as a U.N.-backed coalition of financial groups warned about the fallout of "political attacks" on insurers in the United States.

Lloyd's joined Australia's QBE Insurance (QBE.AX) in withdrawing from the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance (NZIA) on Friday. Germany's Allianz (ALVG.DE), France's AXA (AXAF.PA) and SCOR (SCOR.PA) and Japan's SOMPO Holdings (8630.T) left the day before following more accusations from U.S. Republican attorneys general that insurers are violating antitrust laws.

The NZIA has now lost a fifth of its members in a week all of them major global insurers and a total of 10 have quit since March, when it counted 30 members.

The exodus raises questions about the viability of the coalition, which was formed in 2021 and requires insurers commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in their underwriting portfolios to a net-zero level by 2050.

None of those quitting this week explained their decision, but sources familiar with the discussions say insurers have cited concerns about becoming embroiled in disputes with some Republicans.

"These political attacks are now interfering with insurers' independent efforts to price climate risk, which will harm policyholders, main street investors and local economies," a spokesperson for the U.N-backed Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), which was launched by former Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, said in a statement on Friday.

Lloyd's of London CEO John Neal had told Reuters earlier this week the alliance needed to make its membership rules less prescriptive or it risked falling apart. A Lloyd's spokesperson said on Friday the insurance market remained committed to its sustainability strategy.

Members of NZIA held a call on Thursday where some including Britain's Aviva (AV.L) urged the alliance to keep going while acknowledging it needed to find a solution before more firms quit, a person who was on the call said.

AXA's Renaud Guidée, its Group Chief Risk Officer and until this week the NZIA Chair, told members the French insurer was leaving the alliance with a heavy heart because it felt its presence would be a distraction given the focus of U.S. Republicans, the person told Reuters.

"We are saddened by recent developments and will work with the U.N. and other members to seek an orderly resolution," an Aviva spokesperson said in an emailed statement. The spokesperson said NZIA had played an important role developing standards and frameworks for insurers trying to meet net zero.

AXA did not respond to requests for comment.

GFANZ is expected to speak with remaining NZIA members individually and another members' call is scheduled for next week, the person on Thursday's call added.

Some Republican politicians have mounted a campaign against financial institutions collaborating to try to curb carbon emissions, part of a broader pushback against businesses using environmental, social and governance-related (ESG) factors in their decision-making.

Vanguard, one of the world's biggest asset managers, in December left another alliance for fund managers, citing a need for independence, although other GFANZ groups have largely withstood the pressure.


The exodus has left NZIA with 21 members according to its website, many of them smaller insurance firms.

Legal experts say it would be hard to make a legal case against insurers for breaching antitrust laws, and the NZIA has taken legal advice when setting requirements for members. But insurers are worried about a showdown with U.S. Republicans.

Consumers' Research, a U.S.-based activist group that has been highly critical of ESG policies, said on Thursday it would use a mobile billboard outside NZIA members' U.S. offices to pressure them to quit.

Most of those that have left the NZIA have sizeable U.S. businesses. Some of these insurers also remain members of another GFANZ group, the Net-Zero Asset Owners Alliance.

Departing insurers, which have mostly declined to explain why they are leaving, say they remain committed to reducing emissions from their underwriting.

"Despite these political headwinds, we will continue to support insurers' efforts to manage climate risk and develop transition plans," the GFANZ spokesperson said.

GFANZ, co-chaired by Carney, was launched in 2021 ahead of the U.N. climate summit, COP26, in Glasgow.


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46c78b No.42448

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946525 (031815ZJUN23) Notable: (from Canada #43) Ireland Plans to Slaughter 200,000 Farting Cows to Save Planet from ‘Global Warming’

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Canada #43 >>>/qresearch/18946229

Ireland Plans to Slaughter 200,000 Farting Cows to Save Planet from ‘Global Warming’

by Jim Hoft Jun. 2, 2023

While you were sleeping the globalist fanatics went after your food supplies.

The globalist movement is targeting food production in the West. And, of course, the crooked officials are glad to assist.

Government officials in The Netherlands, a major European food producer, shut down 3,000 productive farms to comply with global warming goals in November.

In December Germany order farmers to slash fertilizer after the Dutch farms were shut down to comply with global warming standards.

And this week Irish lawmakers are pushing a plan to kill off 200,000 cows to reach their global warming goals.

Farm World reported:

The Irish government is considering an initiative to significantly reduce the number of dairy cows in order to reach its climate change targets.

A target of reducing emissions from farming in Ireland by a quarter by 2030 has been set by government.

One proposal to achieve this is by reducing the national dairy herd by 10%, the equivalent of removing 65,000 cows a year for three years, according to the Irish Independent.

See also: What UK dairy farmers can learn from Dutch ‘nitrogen crisis’

Minister for agriculture Charlie McConalogue told Irish radio station RTE Morning Ireland that a dairy vision group with farmer representatives has been looking into a range of options to reduce emissions on farm.

The Irish Department of Agriculture responded to the reports.

Via The Irish Mirror:

The Department for Agriculture has said a report outlining a 200,000 reduction in dairy cows was a “modelling document”.

It was reported yesterday the cows would have to be “culled” at a cost of €600,000 to taxpayers over the next three years to meet climate emissions targets.

The Farming Independent said it got the figures in its report from an internal document through a freedom of information request.


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46c78b No.42449

File: fff21a0524718aa⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x1590,36:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18951864 (042042ZJUN23) Notable: (from General Research) MI6 Spy Found Dead in Bag in Bath Had Hacked Clinton Data

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>>42391 (me)

General Research #23266 >>>/qresearch/18951292

MI6 Spy Found Dead in Bag in Bath Had Hacked Clinton Data


The MI6 spy who was found dead inside a holdall bag in his bathtub in London hacked into secret data held on former U.S. President Bill Clinton, The Sun newspaper has sensationally claimed today.

Gareth Williams was 31 years old when he was found naked, dead in his own bathtub in Pimlico, just a few minutes walk away from Britain’s Houses of Parliament.

Speculation has been rife ever since his death in September 2010 about the circumstances surrounding his death. A Metropolitan Police investigation revealed predictably, though suspiciously, that Mr Williams’ death was “probably an accident”. This was despite an initial inquest concluding that his death was “unnatural and likely to have been criminally mediated.”

Since then the unexplained death has been the subject of investigation by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The BBC reported as early as December 2010 that Mr Williams had been on secondment from Britain’s signals intelligence operation GCHQ to MI6, and then subsequently to the United States’ National Security Agency.

The Sun reports that Williams had “dug out the guestlist for an event the former American president was going to as a favour for a pal.”

The Murdoch-owned paper reports:

The Sun on Sunday can reveal that voicemail messages Mr Williams left for family and pals were deleted in the days after his death. And a rival agent may also have broken into the flat to destroy or remove evidence.

The inquest was barred from discussing Mr Williams’s work in public. But sources say he was helping on the joint monitoring network Echelon, which uses sophisticated programs to eavesdrop on terrorists and criminal gangs, particularly those in Russia.

A source said: “The Clinton diary hack came at a time when Williams’s work with America was of the most sensitive nature.

“It was a diplomatic nightmare for Sir John Sawers, the new director of MI6 at the time.”

Insiders claim Mr Williams, who had been given a second passport with a fresh identity, was also getting fed up with living a secret life. He is said to have loathed his spy training after having his wrist broken during one hardcore session.

Mr Williams, a keen cyclist originally from Anglesey, North Wales, died shortly after returning from a hacking conference in America.

He had been to see a drag queen show by himself two days before he was last seen alive, on August 15, 2010.

Eight days later his naked body was found folded into the 32in by 19in bag placed in the bath of his flat in Pimlico, central London.

His mobile phone and sim cards were laid out on a table. The last computer evidence of him being alive showed him looking at a cycling website.

A number of theories exist about Mr William’s death, including that of a scorned ex-lover, a “Kremlin car” driving past his house, and some bizarre sexual fantasies that Mr Williams may have played out and taken too far.

Mr Williams had no alcohol or drugs in his system when he was found, and the inquest found that he would not have been able to seal himself in the bag alone.

The Metropolitan Police refused to comment on the new revelations that Mr Clinton’s security details may have been breached by Mr Williams.


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46c78b No.42450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18952270 (042139ZJUN23) Notable: (from General Research) Public Must Reduce Standard of Living by 75% to Stop ‘Global Warming,’ Media Warns

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Canada #43 >>>/qresearch/18951793

Public Must Reduce Standard of Living by 75% to Stop ‘Global Warming,’ Media Warns

By Edward Morgan - June 3, 2023

By Frank Bergman,

Governments must introduce measures to reduce the public’s standard of living by a staggering 75 percent, using force if necessary, globalist corporate media outlets are now warning.

The public must take drastic measures to reduce individuals’ so-called “carbon footprint” to stop “global warming,” according to the BBC.

In its “Future World” series, the BBC warns viewers that choosing to live an “ultra-low carbon lifestyle” is no longer an option and calls for the standards to be mandated by governments.

The public-funded British media outlet insists that a dramatic reduction in living standards is now required if the planet is to be saved from allegedly man-made “climate change.”

According to the BBC, however, “climate change” is too important for “carbon footprint” reduction to be left to personal choice, and is calling on governments around the world to step in.

Right now, the “carbon footprint” of someone living in the developed world ranges anywhere from 4.46 metric tons per year in France, all the way up to 15.43 metric tons per year in Canada.

In the United States, the average person’s carbon footprint clocks in at 14.67 metric tons per year, according to Bomb Thrower.

Americans’ carbon footprint is nearly eight times higher than the two metric tons per year limit that’s required to meet the green agenda goals dictated by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

According to the BBC, two metric tons per year of carbon “waste” is about half the output of a single gas-powered car in the U.S. – and nothing more.

In order for an individual to lower their carbon “waste” below the WEF-friend limit, every individual would have to give up personal car use, energy usage, meat-eating, and other “wasteful” necessities.

The average person’s lifestyle would have to change dramatically in order to comply with an “ultra-low carbon green lifestyle.”

For most people, this “lifestyle” would mean abject poverty and misery and a prison-like life where there is very little travel allowed, and minimal, if any, freedoms.

While this may already sound extreme, others in the green cult believe that even a limit of two metric tons of carbon footprint per person per year is still too much.

Some alarmists are suggesting just 1.4 metric tons instead by the year 2040 with further reduction to just 0.7 metric tons per year per person by the year 2050.

For some reason, the BBC ignored Communist China in its reporting on the worst carbon-emitting countries.

China generates the most pollution and carbon “waste” of any other country, by far.

The United States is the second largest CO2 emitting nation, while Canada doesn’t even make the top ten.

However, China emits more pollution than the rest of the top five countries COMBINED.

Nevertheless, Communist China almost always gets a free pass in the media when it comes to things like energy usage, pollution, and other green-related issues.

The WEF and its members never call China out while rolling out plans to “save the planet” such as bug-eating or bans on public car ownership.

“We live in a world where many people believe many different things, but nowhere else do we find the kind of mandatory buy-in required as with the so-called climate crisis,” reports Mark E. Jeftovic.

“Fortunately we’re hearing from an increasing number of scientists that there is no crisis, and whose voices are getting louder even in the face of corporate media ‘fact checking’ and other headwinds of narrative control.”


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46c78b No.42451

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18982756 (101416ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / New Video regarding the Red Bus pic

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New Video regarding the Red Bus pic.


Anons scrutinized the Red Bus pic (Fsurv_londonps1 posted in Q1405) and spotted a hanger or fixing on which Christmas lights and decorations had been hung over Coventry Street. The hanger can be seen over the roof of the double decker bus; it is fixed to the building across the street.

Time frame = Christmas time in Westminster.

We have two videos taken on 24-NOV-2013 that captured the shop windows of Cool Britannia and which matched the Piccadilly Pics; one of these recordings also showed the ticket kiosk that appeared in Red Bus pic and its a very good Q-match. In the other of these recordings, the old bus sign was captured in a scene in which the Christmas Lights had not yet been installed.

Bookend = After 24-NOV-2013

There is pictorial evidence that the lights were not installed until sometime after the Snow Globe was installed at Piccadilly Circus (late-November) and were up before that Snow Globe was damaged in high winds on 23-DEC-2013.

Stake in the Ground = lights installed between 24-NOV and 23-DEC-2013.

The old bus sign outside of 1 Coventry Street was replaced after the lights were up and some time before 31-DEC-2013 as per images captured on New Year's Eve.

Stake in the Ground = Lights and new bus sign in place by 31-DEC-2013.

However, in the New Year's Eve recordings there was a blue platform near the ticket kiosk. The position of this police security structure was was empty in the Red Bus pic.

Stake in the Ground = Red Bus pic was not taken on 31-DEC-2013.

That viewing platform was probably in place just for the New Year's Eve period. Perhaps that was just 2-3 days; 31-DEC-2103 was on a Wednesday that year.

The Red Bus pic could not have been taken before the old bus sign had been replaced by the new (and still current) bus sign. That sign was not in place in the recording of 24-NOV-2013 but neither were the overhead lights. It is only in an undated pic, posted in DEC-2013, that both the Snow Globe and the Christmas lights were captured. There may be more images yet to be discovered that would narrow down the Before bookend of the Red Bus pic.


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46c78b No.42452

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18982757 (101417ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / New Video regarding the Red Bus pic

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… continued

There remain a few questions about that hanger.

First, were wires attached to the hanger?

The the wires were not captured in the Q pic. However, the hanger might have been under tension given its shape. This type of hanger might have retained such a shape even if hung on the wall without being fixed to wires that would have extended its shape.

This has not been fully answered as the wires are not very visible and the hanger is barely visible in the available images that captured the Christmas lights. That might be due to a combination of the deliberate design of the decorations and the quality of the recording devices.

Myself, I think the hanger appeared under tension. But fully taught. In the new video of Regent Street, the crew appeared to have installed the wires first and then returned to hang the flags later.

Were the decorations hanging on the wires?

Also not fully answered yet.

We have circumstantial pictorial evidence that overhead light could throw reflections on the shiny surfaces of old but repainted RM and RML buses.

There may be reflections on the double decker bus in the Q pic. These could have been thrown by overhead lights or lights from, for example, the W Hotel nearby; but those reflections seem subdued. That would make sense if the source of the reflections were not illuminated when the Q pics was taken.

The shadows of people on the sidewalk suggest an overcast sky during daylight - perhaps afternoon. So maybe the source of these possible reflections would not have been switched on.

This new video is from a timelapse of flags being installed over Regent Street a few months before the Q pics were taken. The crews and mobile cranes were recorded.

The link above is to a version of the vid that has been edited to zoom in to the flags as they were unfurled on the wires.

Serves as a reference for what might have been involved in installation of Christmas decorations.

Note that Regent Street has 2-lanes in both directions plus a wide meridian; Meanwhile, Coventry has a single lane and no meridian.

Also, there is pictorial evidence that Coventry lights were put up after the longer and wider streets in the vicinity had been decorated. It would appear that if the same cranes had been used on Coventry Street, then, traffic would have been blocked and so detoured for several hours during the night time. Given the narrow street and the busy location and time of year, maybe the crew did make two passes: first to install the wires and second to hang the decorations on the wires. That would explain the hanger being under some tension but not full tension. But it is also possible that the hangers were installed in one of three passes and so could have been captured in the Q pic with no wires attached.

While the date on which these overhead lights were installed could be decisive, if determined with direct evidence, it is also important to find evidence of the date on which the bus sign was changed at the bus stop in front of KFC in 2013.

What more might UKAnons learn from this new recording? Observs, frens?


Zoomed view of a timelapsed recording of the installation of NFL flags on wires strung across Regent Street. Note that two cranes worked in leapfrog fashion to install the wires and to hang the flags. This appears to be how in 2013 the City of Westminster installed such displays as flags and Christmas lights over the roadways in the vicinity of Coventry Street which is the site of the Red Bus pic also dated to the year 2013.

Original source:



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46c78b No.42453

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18987770 (111348ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / New Video regarding the Red Bus pic

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typo correction:

>I think the hanger appeared under tension. But fully taught.

I think the hanger appeared under tesnsion. But NOT fully taught.

I'll add that I have no direct evidence but this is inferred from images of Christmas decorations over Coventry street during different years. And such an inference would depend on the hangers being similar, if not the same, design as what was used in 2013. Also from year to year the pattern of the decorations changed; the support and tension cables were not always installed in the same way across the from one building to the next.

So it may be a weak inference on my part.

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46c78b No.42454

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015401 (160608ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / Installation of flags over Regent Street to compare with Coventry Street

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As you review the video, keep in mind that the overhead decorative Christmas lights over Coventry Street in winter of 2013/2014 were strung in a much more complex arrangement that zig-zagged down the length of the roadway.

In addition to the fact of a single one-way lane, the work crew would need more time, I think, to set up the wires (those on which the lights were hung and also those that served as tensioners that connected the various "sheets" from building to building) and to hang the decorations AND, I think, to adjust the tightness of the whole setup.

The hanger in the Red Bus pic appears without clearly visible wires, but these wires might be inferred from the shape of the hanger, as I described above. On the other hand, it would seem to me that if the wires were attached, there'd be something caught by the camera that showed the interface between hanger and wires.

Maybe I should refer to the wires as cables, which in the new recording do seem to be visible in the images and heavier than what might be imagined with the term, wire.

In this recording, the camera captured the stage at which the crews strung the cables and then, it seems to me, to return to hang and unfurl the flags; and then secured the bottom of the flags to a lower cable that had been strung earlier. Now this multi-stage installation might not have been repeated on Coventry Street, as it is a smaller street and the stretches across the width of the roadway is, perhaps, about one-third the distance as it is between buildings near Whitcomb and Wardour streets. It is also a shorter roadway, from Haymarket to Leicester Square. Note that Coventry's decorations did not extend up to Piccadilly Circus - nor did the other light assemblies used that Christmas.

Another observation: the recording showed the crews using the meridian and the adjacent lanes on either side. They put up traffic cones around the work area occupied by their trucks and cranes.

From this might be inferred a slightly different crew formation.

Moar …

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46c78b No.42455

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015422 (160615ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / Installation of flags over Regent Street to compare with Coventry Street

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>In this recording, the camera captured the stage at which the crews strung the cables and then, it seems to me, to return to hang and unfurl the flags; and then secured the bottom of the flags to a lower cable that had been strung earlier. Now this multi-stage installation might not have been repeated on Coventry Street, as Regent

street is a larger street and the stretches across the width of the roadway is, perhaps, about three times the distance of the Coventry stretch between buildings near Whitcomb and Wardour streets. The decorated section of Coventry is a shorter roadway, from Haymarket to Leicester Square. Note that Coventry's decorations did not extend to Piccadilly Circus - nor did the light assemblies over the other nearby streets.

Another observation: the recording showed the crews using the meridian and the adjacent lanes on either side. They put up traffic cones around the work area occupied by their trucks and cranes. That left open one lane (and bus stops and taxi areas) in each direction and traffic continued to flow.

From this might be inferred a slightly different crew formation for the crews that assembled the lights on Coventry in 2013.

Next, some images to illustrate the work area the crews had available to them on Coventry Street in vicinity of Red Bus pic.

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46c78b No.42456

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015501 (160650ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / Installation of flags over Regent Street to compare with Coventry Street

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View Coventry Street, Red Bus area

GE Location: 51°30'37.46" N 0°07'56.79" W

View Regent Street flags

GE location: 51°30'39.27" N 0°08'18.34" W

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46c78b No.42457

File: 783f83b9afa800d⋯.png (1.66 MB,1360x659,1360:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015503 (160651ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / Installation of flags over Regent Street to compare with Coventry Street

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46c78b No.42458

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015528 (160710ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / Installation of flags over Regent Street to compare with Coventry Street

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Noticed that the anchor points used for the flags over Coventry were not exactly the same as those used for later Christmas decorations. I may be mistaken, but more were added to either replace or augment.

That would suggest another stage of the installation in 2013, as I do not think I've seen any other overhead hangings other than the Olympics and the Queen's anniversary. The rest were for the Christmas timeframe.

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46c78b No.42459

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015538 (160714ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / Installation of flags over Regent Street to compare with Coventry Street

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The crews may have been city employees and equipment, but possibly contractors. if the latter, then, the contracts would have been documented at the City office of Westminster. Might be worth a looksee.

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46c78b No.42460

File: 08b2dca09f1e869⋯.png (763.07 KB,933x565,933:565,Clipboard.png)

File: 618897190106b64⋯.png (1.19 MB,1180x892,295:223,Clipboard.png)

File: cebb76ca6ebed3e⋯.png (1018.73 KB,1059x859,1059:859,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cd22728f27eb37⋯.png (765.06 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a7912acce3e13f⋯.png (835.38 KB,1222x630,611:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015583 (160731ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / Christmas overhead lights on Coventry via Process of elimination

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Christmas overhead lights on Coventry via Process of elimination:

1. Not recorded on 24-NOV-2013 videos/pics.

2. Recorded on 31-DEC-2013.


See pic re zig-zag pattern over Coventry. See Red Bus pic - hanger above view of bus root. See good ref image from 2016 showing pattern of Christmas lights. See screencap of 2013 recording of flag installation over Regent Street. And see pic of 24-NOV-2013-T which shows no overhead decorations and which shows the old bus sign still in place.

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46c78b No.42461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015608 (160744ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / Christmas overhead lights on Coventry via Process of elimination

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Process of Elimination re installation of Christmas lights over Coventry Street.

3.Not during high winds of 23-DEC-2013.

4. Unlikely during week of 24-DEC-2013.

Can Anons recall an image that viewed Coventry Street looking toward Piccadilly Circus in which the Snow Globe was evident (so pre 23-DEC) and the lights were overhead but the old bus sign was still in its place?

It was posted in a blog, I think. Taken date not provided. But posted in December - am thinking around 12th?

That pic showed the sequence of the markers we've tracked. Globe was up AND lights overhead so post 24-NOV; the old bus sign still in place so pre RED BUS pic.

That sequence means the date on which the bus sign was changed is a key, maybe decisive, marker for dating that London Q pic.

Doubtful, but possible, that it was swapped for the new sign during Christmas week or the weekend just before.

Seems to me that the week before Christmas week is a potential bookend for NOT BEFORE. Pending more evidence, and a more precise date for that blogged pic that showed the lights overhead the old sing, the NOT BEFORE remains remains 24-NOV-plusX, X being the days after 24th and before the bus sign change.

Another way to approach this is to date the installation of the lights on the other major roadways in the vicinity. Seems that the sequence placed Coventry later rather than earlier?

Anons, please consider searching for those Christmas lights over these other nearby streets.

Also, Transit for London might have documented the flag change date.

The City may have documented in pics its installation of lights since it was a seasonal expenditure meant to promote the city and its business areas.


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46c78b No.42462

File: b25f1e710daf550⋯.png (689.4 KB,797x533,797:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015632 (160812ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / For Anon who researched the large moon in the EMB pics, here is an image, from 21-MAR 2014-T, that shows a big moon over the shoulder of Westminster

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For Anon who researched the large moon in the EMB pics, here is an image, from 21-MAR 2014-T, that shows a big moon over the shoulder of Westminster. .

Before we figured the evidence for an early bookend, we did entertain various weeks of March 2014 based on lunar evidence. So while this pic is not useful for us at this point in dating the pics, at least here is some indication of where to find that big moon in the sky over the approx area of the London pics.


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46c78b No.42463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015645 (160824ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / Vid showing major streets near Piccadilly were decorated by at least the posted date of 7-DEC-2013

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Vid showing major streets near Piccadilly were decorated by at least the posted date of 7-DEC-2013.


No view of Coventry in this recording.


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46c78b No.42464

File: 59b9db69f105736⋯.png (521.39 KB,585x397,585:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015753 (160925ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / Christmas overhead lights on Coventry via Process of elimination

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Reference pic, Christmas Lights, Coventry Street. 4-DEC-2017-T


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46c78b No.42465

File: 719b5c6f59e8ba6⋯.png (366.38 KB,822x601,822:601,Clipboard.png)

File: cae63e3c6c37347⋯.png (1.16 MB,1237x602,1237:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015788 (160957ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / 30-NOV-2013-T Stock Photo Snow Globe and lights over Coventry Street

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Stock Photo

Snow Globe and lights over Coventry Street.


If the date taken is trusted, then, that at least our known sequence is confirmed, in part. The Globe and the Christmas Lights were up in same image by end of NOV-2013. Confirms the 24-NOV-2013-T video recording.

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46c78b No.42466

File: 140cf098fa594b3⋯.png (419.02 KB,710x609,710:609,Clipboard.png)

File: 65bfc5264078b35⋯.png (1.3 MB,1041x607,1041:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015795 (161004ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / Christmas overhead lights on Coventry via Process of elimination

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Stock Photo


If the date taken is not a typo (ie was it actually posted JUN-2016 and taken in or before DEC-2015?) then, this shows zig-zag pattern of Christmas lights over Coventry Street BEFORE 2013.

Can Anons see marker/s to more accurately date or to confirm the assigned date?

If the zig-zag did appear before 2013, then, the speculation I posted about different anchors points would be quashed.

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46c78b No.42467

File: 1ece5c689a5d244⋯.png (69.62 KB,1300x463,1300:463,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e87e104c36de65⋯.png (1.02 MB,1103x607,1103:607,Clipboard.png)

File: a04e86d9360b4c1⋯.png (219.4 KB,1290x559,30:13,Clipboard.png)

File: dd8bc5cc357b911⋯.png (678.93 KB,1290x559,30:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015828 (161028ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / 6-DEC-2013-T Stock Photo Toward Cool Britannia w Coventry Street in background

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Stock Photo

Toward Cool Britannia w Coventry Street in background.


This stock photo shows the globe, the lights over Coventry, and the shorter version of the greenery above Cool Britannia.

If the date is genuine, then, this helps narrow the bookends.

1. Lights and Globe appear together by 6-DEC.

Shorter greenery about Cool Britannia means the change of greenery was situated in a sequence that connects the Red Bus and the Piccadilly pics.

Seems that that greenery plus the bus stop sign are needed to narrow the time interval for both pics and may provide strong connection between them.

Photo usefully shows those markers plus the Globe and the un-renovated "Communications building" that was captured on Red Bus pic on left side.

The lighting in this daytime pic approximates that in the Piccadilly Pics, too.

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46c78b No.42468

File: 46b71b1717d1d30⋯.png (30 KB,755x322,755:322,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f470cd690fc154⋯.png (1.03 MB,1180x895,236:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015836 (161033ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / 6-DEC-2013-T Stock Photo Toward Cool Britannia w Coventry Street in background

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Closeup shows the street sign that stands near kerb y Cool Britannia. This is a blurry version of this pic and still can Anons detect the "sticker" that appeared in the Piccadilly Circus pics?

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46c78b No.42469

File: 218d34358877503⋯.png (44.05 KB,818x314,409:157,Clipboard.png)

File: ee9afe97a5c670c⋯.png (357.59 KB,705x608,705:608,Clipboard.png)

File: 793634b10f5d748⋯.png (1.18 MB,1228x605,1228:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015846 (161041ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / 25-NOV-2013-T Christmas overhead lights in vicinity of Coventry Street, 2013

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>Another way to approach this is to date the installation of the lights on the other major roadways in the vicinity. Seems that the sequence placed Coventry later rather than earlier?


Christmas overhead lights in vicinity of Coventry Street, 2013.

Stock Photo


Regent Street lights up by 25-NOV-2013-T. But we have pictorial evidence lights not over Coventry Street 24-NOV-2013-T.

So that helps to build the sequence of these street light installations.

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46c78b No.42470

File: b9a46b72540f1dd⋯.png (16.02 KB,561x225,187:75,Clipboard.png)

File: 63855a55fa27c9c⋯.png (70.19 KB,561x225,187:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015870 (161051ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / 25-NOV-2013-T Christmas overhead lights in vicinity of Coventry Street, 2013

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



When were Coventry lights installed?

(Note, the process of elimination here is for the lights, not the Q pics, altho there is a connection.)

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46c78b No.42471

File: fc8e18aaab38c0f⋯.png (377.85 KB,705x606,235:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19015897 (161103ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / 10-DEC-2013-T Stock Photo Snow Globe

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Stock Photo


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46c78b No.42472

File: ed0964fcaf4e181⋯.png (133.92 KB,512x408,64:51,Clipboard.png)

File: ba6173a58a76aee⋯.png (21.05 KB,560x289,560:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19016752 (161534ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / Christmas overhead lights on Coventry via Process of elimination

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Comparison of these three pics indicates that the old bus sign remained in place between 24-NOV and 8-DEC-2013.

It was replaced by 31-DEC, based on Gavin's recordings of NYE-2013.

So now the time interval for the bus stop sign is 8-DEC to 31-DEC-2013.

The Q pic was taken AFTER the sign was changed. It could have been taken in DEC or in JAN, based on pictorial evidence.

If Red Bus is connected either in sequence or by date taken, then, the timing of the appearance of the change in greenery (and the sticker on the street sign in front of Cool Britannia) may help narrow the time interval for Red Bus and Piccadilly pics.

Piccadilly pics have key markers: the changes in the shop front of Cool Britannia. 1) greenery above the window and 2) sale signs in the windows.

The following changes appeared to the shopfront of Cool Britannia AFTER the install of the Snow Globe and AFTER the install of the Coventry overhead lights.

- Sticker on street sign at kerb.

- 75% sales signs in windows.

- Taller greenery above ground level.

The greenery had been changed by 31-DEC-2013 (Gavin recordings).

Note that in the Gavin vids there appeared a police viewing platform which may have been installed only for NYE - perhaps a day or two onsite before and after that event, say 30-DEC to 2-JAN. This dating would have been documented by the Metro Police either in a contract for the installation and deinstallation or in a budget or perhaps even in photos of the implementation. Platforms also appeared in Leicester Square that NYE. So evidence of either site would confirm the or quash the dates speculated here.

I tend to think that these markers appeared before NYE and that the appearance of the viewing platforms will mark the latest that the Red Bus pic could have been taken. However, until we have more evidence, that is merely my speculation.

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46c78b No.42473

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19016786 (161539ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun / Christmas overhead lights on Coventry via Process of elimination

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46c78b No.42474

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19019943 (170223ZJUN23) Notable: Red Bus Pic Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Red Bus Pic Bun

>>42451, >>42452, >>42453 New Video regarding the Red Bus pic

>>42454, >>42455, >>42456, >>42457, >>42458, >>42459 Installation of flags over Regent Street to compare with Coventry Street

>>42460, >>42461, >>42464, >>42466, >>42472, >>42473 Christmas overhead lights on Coventry via Process of elimination

>>42462 For Anon who researched the large moon in the EMB pics, here is an image, from 21-MAR 2014-T, that shows a big moon over the shoulder of Westminster

>>42463 Vid showing major streets near Piccadilly were decorated by at least the posted date of 7-DEC-2013

>>42465 30-NOV-2013-T Stock Photo Snow Globe and lights over Coventry Street

>>42467, >>42468 6-DEC-2013-T Stock Photo Toward Cool Britannia w Coventry Street in background

>>42469, >>42470, 25-NOV-2013-T Christmas overhead lights in vicinity of Coventry Street, 2013

>>42471 10-DEC-2013-T Stock Photo Snow Globe

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46c78b No.42475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19131510 (060517ZJUL23) Notable: (From General Research) UK MP Andrew Bridgen Exposes ‘WHO Treaty’ In EU Parliament …and receives a standing ovation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

General Research #23494 >>>/qresearch/19129518

UK MP Andrew Bridgen Exposes ‘WHO Treaty’ In EU Parliament

…and receives a standing ovation.


Run time 12:09

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46c78b No.42476

File: 63ca98d09059a8e⋯.png (474.59 KB,690x1672,345:836,Clipboard.png)

File: d35ba615d3a7742⋯.jpeg (64.11 KB,1000x666,500:333,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4e04d6410d1bcd2⋯.jpeg (137.58 KB,750x1186,375:593,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: db978383eda6c5f⋯.jpeg (220.03 KB,750x1300,15:26,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a098554779389e4⋯.png (2.24 MB,591x1280,591:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137202 (070528ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / United Airlines discontinued service with 747s, the last flight being 7NOV2017, 7 months prior to the Q drop(s)

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Hey fam, Am taking a sideline dig since I saw the Q Drops 1679 and 1680 which delta'd this week.

When my initial digging yielded a bookend for the United Airlines 747 I got hooked. Just a bit.

Would you be interested to know that United Airlines discontinued service with 747s, the last flight being 7NOV2017, 7 months prior to the Q drop(s)?

Am just starting to dig but I believe I saw that United, at the end of 747 service, had just (44) 747s comprised of different variants, including the cargo variety which has no windows. Others are moar standard passenger types with an upper deck row of seats and windows.

I notice however in our Q pic those windows are either not there (anomalous), or they are so few as to be obscured by the airport lobby window grid (muntin), also not what you would normally see.

As for the paint scheme (livery) bookends for a United 747 seen in the pic, Our bookends are starting in May 2010 and ending November 2017.

This pic is related, by Q inference, to the Hong Kong pic in Q 1680 which pic is labeled: United_HK_IDEN_T3902.png

What could help narrow the time frame is if we could do an SV streetview study of the HK pic. I know VidAnon got some SV skilz.

Or did other anons already crack this nut?

Was this flight alleged to be out of San Francisco SFO?

Also need to search if UNITED offered any other departure cities back betw 2010 thru 2017. Have seen Newark, NJ mentioned as a semi-current city (post-Covid) when they were opening up travel to HK again in March 2022.

Interested anyone?


Not sure of this one. Someone gave me the link.


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46c78b No.42477

File: 22d112bafc121da⋯.png (39.15 KB,200x269,200:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 4331410bb40c775⋯.jpeg (9.46 KB,241x190,241:190,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d8e49346008ee28⋯.png (675.71 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 919e1f0cfc264b2⋯.png (132.54 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 692563dbf12b8bb⋯.jpeg (51.26 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137578 (070724ZJUL23) Notable: The EMB drops delta is coming up on 27JUL. Who is Phup Duc?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The EMB drops delta is coming up on 27JUL. I just did some looking on our slap tagger "Phup 8" (or infinity symbol?).

Found a kind of pop art and lingo associated with the tern "phup duc".

Can you guess its meaning? It's a moar socially acceptable form of profanity by reversing the end sounds of the words. Meaning "effed up."

Even found some evidence of a 'duck' logo to go along with the idea.

The popularity of the phrase and stickers being offered is contemporaneous with the London pic. See two comments on the pictured website in August of 2013. So the idea of "phup" meaning "f*ck" would have been around in the public/pop mentality.

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46c78b No.42478

File: d92faa6de12e32d⋯.jpeg (28.52 KB,474x474,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f65d42180b114ae⋯.jpeg (112.13 KB,750x1275,10:17,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5b21a519381df82⋯.jpeg (142.61 KB,750x1174,375:587,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 692563dbf12b8bb⋯.jpeg (51.26 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137594 (070730ZJUL23) Notable: The EMB drops delta is coming up on 27JUL. Who is Phup Duc?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Moar on "phup".

The fresco-like meme-stealing of "Phup" shows a common usage of the term and apparently its graffiti style as incorporated into the artwork.

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46c78b No.42479

File: fd9f5fe0a7bbcc7⋯.jpeg (503.21 KB,750x1298,375:649,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137609 (070736ZJUL23) Notable: The EMB drops delta is coming up on 27JUL. Who is Phup Duc?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>The popularity of the phrase and stickers being offered is contemporaneous with the London pic. See two comments on the pictured website in August of 2013. So the idea of "phup" meaning "f*ck" would have been around in the public/pop mentality.

Oops. Forgot to post that website cap. 2 comments dated August 2013.

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46c78b No.42480

File: 55c515ea9ba2397⋯.jpeg (50.4 KB,474x499,474:499,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a29ba1644a82668⋯.jpeg (26.53 KB,225x225,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8f741fdf58f393c⋯.jpeg (32.3 KB,474x355,474:355,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d144fd6f7dfa81a⋯.jpeg (28.66 KB,194x259,194:259,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 862280905e61fb5⋯.jpeg (27.81 KB,225x225,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19137646 (070748ZJUL23) Notable: The EMB drops delta is coming up on 27JUL. Who is Phup Duc?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Don't know how we could have missed this. Oops. Generation gaps showing. It's "phup'ing" all over dawgs. ;-)

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46c78b No.42481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19138171 (071225ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / Youtube vid from 8JUN2014, San Francisco https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=imQtVgggNSI

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I THINK Q POST 1679 PIC IS FROM SAN FRANCISCO, CA. Not sure just yet but I thought I saw mention of only SFO and Newark, NJ as departure points for Hong Kong (back then- when they had 747s).

Found a Ytube vid from 8JUN2014. at first I was disappointed to not see louvers but soon realized the cameraman aimed his camera between the louvers. The louvers are soon evident when he changes his camera angle.


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46c78b No.42482

File: 14b422636493d11⋯.png (160.66 KB,209x362,209:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141490 (072340ZJUL23) Notable: Hong Kong Bun / >> Ex-Clinton Foundation Exec Linked To Chinese Kindergarten Under Investigation For Alleged Child Molestation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Whenever I see this pic I think of this story:


Ex-Clinton Foundation Exec Linked To Chinese Kindergarten Under Investigation For Alleged Child Molestation

Hope anon is not interrupting your work as anon did once a while ago. However, at the time of the drop (pic related) it seemed to me that there might have been a "missed" Q drop (or perhaps fake) with the phrase "no one getz it". Is the man in the picture possibly, Joel Getz?

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46c78b No.42483

File: e425193a231678a⋯.jpeg (268.72 KB,750x1245,50:83,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bda5472c7ca4ed8⋯.jpeg (191.01 KB,738x1201,738:1201,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19154128 (100558ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / Livery bookends, when one might expect to see a United 747 that looks like Q drop 1679/1680, are starting in May 2010 and ending November 2017

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Our livery bookends, when one might expect to see a United 747 that looks like Q drop 1679/1680, are starting in May 2010 and ending November 2017.


I think this video proof of louvered windows at SFO airport is NOTABLE. I confess this poast is my own but I looked in qresear.ch and find no discussions by anons trying to identify the airport in the Q pic. They only zeroed in on who the person in the Hong Kong pic is.

I am currently going thru a planespotter list of 44 United Airlines 747- 400 series planes that were at various times in service with that airline. There are quite a few dated photos from cities around the globe. I am obviously focusing on pics from the livery timeframe mentioned above. This excludes quite a few plane tail numbers to begin with.

From various planespottings of the other tail numbers, some routes of each plane become apparent across different years. The cities I am looking for are SFO and Hong Kong. It's not a perfect method because of course some planespottings might have been missed but still some relatively contemporaneous spotting coincidences have been noticed. These might tell us a year when a route ran back and forth from SFO to Hong Kong.

See 2 plane spot pics as fairly contempo. from SFO and HKG for tail number N179UA.

I have a really close couple of plane spots for 20NOV2016 and 25NOV2016 for HK and SFO respectively for tail number N181UA.

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46c78b No.42484

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19159735 (110641ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / Out of all the (44)747-400 passenger planes ever owned by United Airlines can rule out almost half to start

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>I am currently going thru a planespotter list of 44 United Airlines 747- 400 series planes that were at various times in service with that airline. There are quite a few dated photos from cities around the globe. I am obviously focusing on pics from the livery timeframe

Some progress today. Out of all the (44)747-400 passenger planes ever owned by United Airlines can rule out almost half to start. Some nineteen (19) were either sold or scrapped years before the 2010 new paint job (livery). One charter plane out of Europe had a solid blue tail the whole time.

Two (2) so far seem to have had routes to GER, Japan, AUS, and Beijing and London but no plane spottings at SFO/HKG.

If we can date the HONG KONG pic to a year or two I could eliminate quite a few additional tail numbers as some fall into 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 or 2017. There are a few in 2011 and 2012 but I get a sense things beyond 2013 (London pics) are going to be too remote. But even a rough guess as to the year of HK street scene could eliminate additional tail numbers if they were sold, stored or scrapped, as some were, in 2015 or 2016 etc.

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46c78b No.42485

File: 087fd9bf245ffcf⋯.png (1.1 MB,1263x549,421:183,Clipboard.png)

File: eee4d8cf1de9fa0⋯.png (1.15 MB,1270x547,1270:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160126 (111028ZJUL23) Notable: Hong Kong Bun / GooMaps 2011 pre-dates the pic. Note the 788 sign. GooMaps 2017 post-dates the pic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


GooMaps 2011 pre-dates the pic. Note the 788 sign.


GooMaps 2017 post-dates the pic.


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46c78b No.42486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160129 (111030ZJUL23) Notable: Hong Kong Bun / 2017 - 360-degree view (link)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


2017 - 360-degree view


Hong Kong pic was taken at intersection of Hamilton and Portland Streets, looking northward. Camera was inside vehicle, perhaps backseat view through the windscreen.

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46c78b No.42487

File: 4b268d5a82a4c76⋯.png (1.05 MB,1209x555,403:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160137 (111036ZJUL23) Notable: Hong Kong Bun / Satellite image of Hamilton/Portland Street area

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Satellite image of Hamilton/Portland Street area.


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46c78b No.42488

File: fba5ac14f84623e⋯.png (1.07 MB,1280x546,640:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160145 (111042ZJUL23) Notable: Hong Kong Bun / 2017 SV looking southward on Portland across from the Kindergarten address

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2017 SV looking southward on Portland across from the Kindergarten address.


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46c78b No.42489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160150 (111047ZJUL23) Notable: Hong Kong Bun / Camera passed SAFLO shop which is immediate neighbour of Kindergarten address (video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I recall examining this area of Hong Kong re Snowden pics too. All the locations were within easy walking distances and a circuit could be drawn based on the timestamps of the Q drops.

Fren, search the past General breads, around the time the pics were posted by Q.

Here is a vid link to the part in the recording where the pedestrian camera passed the SAFLO shop which is immediate neighbour of the Kindergarten address.


Mark 19:15

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46c78b No.42490

File: ccc381d47cdb440⋯.jpg (47.27 KB,768x576,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19160158 (111052ZJUL23) Notable: UK NOTABLES NOW BEING ADDED TO DEDICATED NOTABLES BREAD

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Just a heads-up.

BV Triple-A here

Notables are currently getting re-posted on >>>/qnotables/ in the dedicated thread >>>/qnotables/39650

I started scraping at UK #43, so that's where it starts. Currently at UK #47, with almost 300 posts.

All images and videos were saved, this way they even show up in the archived threads again.

As soon as this bread is finished, all notabled media content will get downloaded automatically and will also get re-posted over there, just so that you know.

This way notabled content will stay up for way longer, if not even stay forever.

God bless.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42491

File: 264631fb7799226⋯.png (717.14 KB,1920x2958,320:493,Clipboard.png)

File: 323f7ef3b92cb89⋯.png (664.82 KB,1920x2630,192:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169453 (122358ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / Planespotter site, https://www.airfleets.net/

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Any help?

https://www.airfleets.net/flottecie/United Airlines-stored-b747-35.htm

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46c78b No.42492

File: c56a5dec30800c0⋯.png (117.3 KB,1920x968,240:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19169467 (130002ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / Planespotter site, https://www.airfleets.net/

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>42491 (me)

That airfleets.net is nice site, can click on the aircraft number and other places to get more goodies

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46c78b No.42493

File: 077b3a688e89925⋯.jpeg (430.13 KB,750x1265,150:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4c7b3b48f487e83⋯.jpeg (193.29 KB,750x394,375:197,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7b21e41f349b9c4⋯.jpeg (367.18 KB,750x825,10:11,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 26e9f6549a549a1⋯.jpeg (247.15 KB,750x520,75:52,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170611 (130444ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / The 747-200s are absolute confirmed eliminated

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Any help?

Okay, I went back to the United planespotter site to verify if we can eliminate the other 747 variants, 100, 200 and SP. See picrels lists of those noting the exit date. The 200s are absolute confirmed eliminated. The SPs list has 2 scrapped but without date. But photo avail on those 2 looks same really old 80s/90s vintage plus they are as ancient as the rest if the SPs. I am super confident they were scrapped around same date as the rest.

The 100s list has 10 listed as scrapped but without a date on that. I looked at the photos available and am also extremely confident the ones without scrap dates were also scrapped in the 80s and 90s along with the rest if the 747-100s.

See caps provided.

That leaves us with just the 24 suspects in the 747-422 model list. Not bad I think.

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46c78b No.42494

File: 7ca80f5e4d50548⋯.jpeg (269.89 KB,750x1254,125:209,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170663 (130502ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / List of (44) 747-422s. RED Xs next to the planes that are eliminated

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Okay, here is the list of (44) 747-422s.

I have placed RED Xs next to the planes that are eliminated, once again, due to them either being sold, scrapped or stored BEFORE the new livery paint scheme.

One of them was a charter plane which had a solid blue tail entire time. No match.

We have 24 suspects to go thru looking for transition when they got their new livery as seen in the Q pic.

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46c78b No.42495

File: 72f8ba26d20078e⋯.jpeg (455.41 KB,750x1021,750:1021,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 44402ef23cad57f⋯.jpeg (556.27 KB,742x1010,371:505,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a6634c2c8087bba⋯.jpeg (454.77 KB,750x1036,375:518,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a0288e9ff27c37b⋯.jpeg (438.1 KB,750x1059,250:353,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170763 (130540ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N104UA & N105UA: NOT BEFORE BOOKENDS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So the search is for the two pics, before and after the new livery (in Q1679/80), to show when the new livery occurred.

As an example, here are before and after pics of N104UA and N105UA.

see 4 Picrels

N104UA old paint as late as 10OCT2012.

N105UA had old paint as late as 2JAN2013.


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46c78b No.42496

File: 7fe9a6596e48293⋯.jpeg (498.99 KB,750x1093,750:1093,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 98b10eded746149⋯.jpeg (509.2 KB,750x983,750:983,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dfc41646e1ffadc⋯.jpeg (508.2 KB,742x956,371:478,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 17da57301086b27⋯.jpeg (471.55 KB,744x958,372:479,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170878 (130618ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N107UA, N116UA, & N117UA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Might as well drop a dozen posts with 2 tail numbers each. After that, can list the before/after dates for the tail numbers.

N107UA old paint as late as 8DEC2012

N116UA old paint as late as 28AUG2011*

*this one is earliest so far but I hope when we are done with this list to dig on the sometimes regular ROUTES that can exist. Some of these birds may have stuck to European routes or strictly AUS, Japan and China. We'll get to that later. For now, the paint.

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46c78b No.42497

File: 25159c071ef932d⋯.jpeg (510.29 KB,750x998,375:499,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a758bd6affa6e8c⋯.jpeg (447.62 KB,750x973,750:973,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 15c37aa3d9115c5⋯.jpeg (168.55 KB,750x922,375:461,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 99b605886c4bddf⋯.jpeg (153.92 KB,750x915,50:61,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19170993 (130701ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N107UA, N116UA, & N117UA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Next two tail numbers.

N116UA old paint as late as 28AUG2011

N117UA old paint as late as 3JUL2011

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46c78b No.42498

File: cad08f0680cdd4c⋯.jpeg (135.97 KB,749x919,749:919,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 94d57bf49f11714⋯.jpeg (119.22 KB,749x935,749:935,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171090 (130746ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N118UA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Darn. Duplicated N116UA coz tired. Gotta make it up and post another tail number to be even.

N118UA old paint as late as 23AUG2012.

(Some of these have gaps that could use some narrowing. If anons want to look up such a tail number on another site, like BOATFAG, you are welcome to hep if u have time.)

Ok caught up nao. Be bek leter.

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46c78b No.42499

File: cc90907f69762cf⋯.png (803.73 KB,577x774,577:774,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19171407 (131059ZJUL23) Notable: Hong Kong Bun / >> Ex-Clinton Foundation Exec Linked To Chinese Kindergarten Under Investigation For Alleged Child Molestation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Nested images



Who do you see?





Castle Peak Bay Immigration Centre (CIC)


Chinese Inspection and Quarantine

CIQ stands for China Inspection and Quarantine additionally operates directly under AQSIQ, The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, one concerning the major quality management authorities in China. Where are 35 so-called CIQ-offices located in 31 provinces in Bone, all trading as extended arms of AQSIQ.

Conclusive Guide





July 26, 2017




2013 Surveillance Summary: CIQ Inspection of Imported Toys at China Custom


2013 Surveillance Summary: CIQ Inspection of Imported Apparel at China Customs



2013 in Hong Kong


23 June - After a failed U.S. extradition request Hong Kong says does not fully comply with the law, U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden leaves Hong Kong for Moscow. [7] [8]


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46c78b No.42500

File: 7ef28a4792273e2⋯.png (629.56 KB,1050x788,525:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173640 (131909ZJUL23) Notable: Hong Kong Bun / Still from cctv footage of Howard Lam

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42501

File: da3d0a5a7695494⋯.png (1.18 MB,700x1050,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173733 (131925ZJUL23) Notable: Hong Kong Bun / 788 SIGN 1/6/2008

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


788 SIGN = 1 /6 /2008 shooting date



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46c78b No.42502

File: 1184fe3bcdeea58⋯.png (161.28 KB,895x349,895:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19173828 (131948ZJUL23) Notable: Hong Kong Bun / Hamilton Street / Portland Street (map)

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Hamilton Street / Portland Street

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46c78b No.42503

File: c51842154ea529f⋯.jpeg (223.95 KB,750x795,50:53,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176562 (140525ZJUL23) Notable: Hong Kong Bun / 2018 General Research post say photo from 2014

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Anon, I came across an anon's post after the Q drop. He mentioned a 2014 photo that he thought was a fair match. I am not able to use the archive. Device too slow. No images. Have you seen this photo he mentions?

Also, I noticed the Q photo has 2 Kindergarten signs. The story, or fake story perhaps, about a kidnapping mentions the SFALO sports clothing store? When was that kidnapping? >>42500 15AUG2017

I will still keep looking at the 747 livery angle because this mystery 2014 photo, may still not nail down the dates.

Relying on you to educate us on the sign changes. You do good side-by-sides and vids to show street marker changes like you did for quite a few London scenes. o7

I took a break today. Will try to finish posting the livery transitions for the 24 planes tomorrow.

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46c78b No.42504

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176619 (140635ZJUL23) Notable: Hong Kong Bun / 2018 General Research post say photo from 2014

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Going on memory, this ][IDEN_T3902], was tracked to flight identifications. That may help to narrow your search for the matching aircraft.

Also, there was research done on 747s as per remarks made by Trump about the auto-pilot systems that may have been flawed. There were patterns in the evidence found that used the identification numbers.

As for the 2014 photo of Portland Street, well, seems to have been scrubbed from the interwebs but may be found in Gen Research archives.

Researchers also tracked down the man in the pic crossing the street (blue shirt) and his twitter account (or something like). He was in Hong Kong, apparently, but also in Q pics featuring the red shoe theme. I made infographics on some of that and the anons vetted the content.

For your purposes, perhaps assume 2014 as per the remark you found already.

The task you have setout will take time so, fren, pace yourself. Your diligence will serve you well.

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46c78b No.42505

File: 4cb234b11016b4d⋯.jpeg (124.12 KB,749x960,749:960,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 22890fc35759789⋯.jpeg (129.21 KB,746x940,373:470,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 535567925ce0656⋯.jpeg (178.13 KB,750x929,750:929,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3d7ca4864935ef2⋯.jpeg (121.95 KB,746x947,746:947,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176968 (141022ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N119UA & N120UA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Gonna try and finish the rest of the (now) 23 747 UNITED planes. I found another plane to eliminate, N173UA. Scrapped SEP2011.

Never had new paint scheme.

N119UA old paint as of 31JUL2010

N120UA old paint as of 8JUN2013

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46c78b No.42506

File: c35f413342caa89⋯.jpeg (122.97 KB,750x948,125:158,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a794888f5a852a1⋯.jpeg (119.08 KB,750x924,125:154,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5c3f4168800bec4⋯.jpeg (116.69 KB,750x939,250:313,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 34bc3dd5e4093d3⋯.jpeg (121.61 KB,750x918,125:153,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19176993 (141032ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N121UA & N122UA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

N121UA old paint til 15NOV2014

N122UA old paint til 21APR2014

These are late and fairly late. One might even exclude them if the mystery 2014 HK pic proved a match and before April 2014.

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46c78b No.42507

File: 00cff4aee0c8bf6⋯.jpeg (128.79 KB,750x916,375:458,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d7f5c21def6d6bd⋯.jpeg (183.63 KB,747x904,747:904,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: daa144fa3bcabb1⋯.jpeg (138.69 KB,750x929,750:929,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3950212121d6d79⋯.jpeg (130.92 KB,750x948,125:158,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177023 (141046ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N127UA & N128UA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


7 moar posts including this post.

N127UA old paint as of 23AUG2009*

(new paint seen 21APR2012)

N128UA old paint 6FEB2010*

(new paint 22APR2010- before official livery announced. Got to start painting them sometime. I think this is the earliest livery change BUT a survey of the plane spottings of this bird had no spotting at SFO until 16SEP2016, so t might have had a different route.

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46c78b No.42508

File: cce7df905a9b5b4⋯.jpeg (136.97 KB,750x926,375:463,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bc80fd11f4eb762⋯.jpeg (112.56 KB,750x923,750:923,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2c843fdfdd1ac86⋯.jpeg (111.5 KB,750x910,75:91,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dc246c83f0ddff7⋯.jpeg (111.5 KB,750x887,750:887,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177042 (141055ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N171UA & N174UA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


N171UA old paint seen 1AUG2013

(new by 12JUL2014) late change

N174UA old paint seen 9NOV2014

(new by 30MAR2015- a very late change, could exclude if 2014 pic is verified and pre-dates).

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46c78b No.42509

File: b120d07dd3c57ed⋯.jpeg (132.57 KB,750x916,375:458,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3e53059858d9952⋯.jpeg (130.62 KB,750x905,150:181,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 144827c4f0bf9d8⋯.jpeg (168.63 KB,750x909,250:303,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3f9ca12a5645732⋯.jpeg (145.89 KB,750x913,750:913,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177082 (141110ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N175UA & N177UA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


N175UA old paint seen 9FEB2013-

new by 8JUL2013

N177UA old paint seen 18OCT2014-

new by 7APR2017 (another very late change which could exclude.)

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46c78b No.42510

File: e5bc23744a6894c⋯.jpeg (119.23 KB,750x948,125:158,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7c8cf291d13ca62⋯.jpeg (118.59 KB,750x936,125:156,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e189f26400b8345⋯.jpeg (168.57 KB,750x919,750:919,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8cf8b178764f8bf⋯.jpeg (119.6 KB,750x939,250:313,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177133 (141126ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N178UA & N179UA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


N178UA old paint seen 18OCT2014,

new by 7APR2015- late change

N179UA old paint seen 5OCT2013,

new by 11JAN2014

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46c78b No.42511

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177150 (141131ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N175UA & N177UA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>N177UA old paint seen 18OCT2014-

>new by 7APR2017 (another very late change which could exclude.)

CORRECTION, delete above. Replace with:

N177UA old paint seen 23AUG2011, new by June 2012 (no exact day avail.)

A relatively early change, but my notes on this are a Euro/Japan/Aus route.

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46c78b No.42512

File: e56965339981597⋯.jpeg (115.45 KB,750x929,750:929,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c98c737da2b1739⋯.jpeg (119.18 KB,750x933,250:311,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ba59ba383a28dd3⋯.jpeg (116.99 KB,750x937,750:937,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 51fe616593ed0e9⋯.jpeg (156.34 KB,750x891,250:297,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177188 (141141ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N180UA & N181UA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


N180UA old paint seen 13JAN2012, new by 11JAN2014. Although has livery before 2014, it is not spotted at SFO til 28FEB2016 so may have had a EURO/Asian route in 2014. Need to check.

N181UA old paint seen 3OCT2013, new by 23FEB2014. An early 2014 livery but need to check its 2014 route.

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46c78b No.42513

File: 13f016fbf941ccd⋯.jpeg (157.39 KB,750x923,750:923,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 98966a111ac8381⋯.jpeg (116.57 KB,750x960,25:32,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5cd246e326404e7⋯.jpeg (126.17 KB,750x931,750:931,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4c89b5640048ec0⋯.jpeg (190.6 KB,750x928,375:464,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177210 (141150ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N182UA & N197UA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


N182UA old paint seen 13APR2013,

new by 23FEB2014 Need to check route in 2014.

N197UA old paint seen 25DEC2010,

new by 25MAR2012. An early change but not spotted at SFO til 25SEP2016. So may have had a Euro/AUS/Japan rte in 2014.

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46c78b No.42514

File: 5023c4df5bb5c88⋯.jpeg (126.26 KB,750x944,375:472,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f7b9ae3bf68bfcf⋯.jpeg (127.27 KB,750x958,375:479,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19177229 (141154ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N199UA old paint seen 8DEC2012, new paint by 17FEB2013

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


(Last one.)

N199UA old paint seen 8DEC2012, new paint by 17FEB2013. Will need to check route in 2014.

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46c78b No.42515

File: 31463afbf825088⋯.png (1.32 MB,1920x968,240:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178706 (141653ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N107UA, N116UA, & N117UA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



N116UA at Frankfurt 12 October 2014

Old paint

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46c78b No.42516

File: 156e51525a75f92⋯.png (341.16 KB,1920x1984,30:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178754 (141704ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N182UA & N197UA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


N197UA shows as flight UA 862 from Singapore to Hong Kong 27 Nov 2012; Flight UA 1213 O'Hare to San Francisco 2 May 2016


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46c78b No.42517

File: b132d738c12998e⋯.png (958.71 KB,1920x3156,160:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19178779 (141711ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / Appears that Flight UA 862 (aka UAL 862) has been continued on the United schedule. Here is 862 landing in San Francisco 14 July 2023 after Hong Kong departure

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>42516 (me)

Appears that UA 862 (aka UAL 862) has been continued on the United schedule. Here is 862 landing in San Francisco 14 July 2023 after Hong Kong departure

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46c78b No.42518

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179058 (141810ZJUL23) Notable: (from Canada #44) The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Canada #44 >>>/qresearch/19172803

The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend

By Rhoda Wilson on July 12, 2023

In November 2020, GCHQ was ordered “to wage cyber war on anti-vaccine propaganda” and “to take out anti-vaxxers online and on social media.”

GCHQ is Britain’s main eavesdropping agency and has a close relationship with the US National Security Agency, as well as the eavesdropping agencies of Australia, Canada and New Zealand in an intelligence alliance known as the “Five Eyes.” Using dirty trick tactics, these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself.


“GCHQ’s mass data interception violated right to privacy, court rules”

The secretive British spy agency GCHQ has developed covert tools to seed the internet with false information, including the ability to manipulate the results of online polls, artificially inflate pageview counts on websites, “amplif[y]” sanctioned messages on YouTube, and censor video content judged to be “extremist.” The capabilities, detailed in documents provided by National Security Agency (“NSA”) whistle blower Edward Snowden, even include an old standby for pre-adolescent prank callers everywhere: A way to connect two unsuspecting phone users together in a call.

The tools were created by GCHQ’s Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (“JTRIG”), and constitute some of the most startling methods of propaganda and internet deception contained within the Snowden archive. Previously disclosed documents have detailed JTRIG’s use of “fake victim blog posts,” “false flag operations,” “honey traps” and psychological manipulation to target online activists, monitor visitors to WikiLeaks, and spy on YouTube and Facebook users.

Britain’s GCHQ to wage cyber war on anti-vaccine propaganda: The Times, 8 November 2020. By Reuters Staff

(Reuters) – Britain’s GCHQ has begun an offensive cyber-operation to tackle anti-vaccine propaganda being spread online by hostile states, The Times reported.

This latest move by GCHQ, which gathers communications from around the world to identify and disrupt threats to Britain, is an attempt to counter disinformation activities linked to Russia, the report said.

The British government considers tackling false information about immunisation as a high priority as the prospect of a reliable vaccine against the coronavirus draws closer, The Times said.

A vaccine is seen as the world’s best bet for beating the covid-19 pandemic that has led to more than 1.2 million deaths, roiled economies and disrupted billions of lives.

GCHQ is Britain’s main eavesdropping agency and has a close relationship with the US National Security Agency, as well as the eavesdropping agencies of Australia, Canada and New Zealand in an intelligence alliance known as the “Five Eyes.”

“GCHQ has been told to take out antivaxers online and on social media,” The Times said, citing a source.

The report said the focus of the operation is taking down hostile state-linked content and disrupting the communications of the cyberactors responsible.

GCHQ’s 360-degree full spectrum bulk collection data system was constructed in brazen and arrogant defiance of Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights. Britain’s parliament never debated or approved this massive construction programme as it would for any national infrastructure project. Every phone call, no matter the device is recorded, every image, website visited, personal details such as medical and financial records, contacts, everything private to you is no longer private.

Tapping Submarine Cables

In 2014, revelations from Edward Snowden revealed how GCHQ acquired taps on internet lines. Whenever GCHQ wanted to tap a new fibre optic cable, they called engineers from BT (codename: REMEDY) to plan where to physically connect to the taps to the cable, and agree how much BT should be paid. GCHQ has internet data feeds from “more than 18 submarine cables coming into different parts of Britain either direct to GCHQ in Cheltenham or to its remote processing station at Bude in Cornwall”.

Information Sharing

GCHQ routinely shares information with other signatories of the UKUSA agreement, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and USA – The Five Eyes Alliance. This agreement assists all member countries in circumventing laws about spying on their own citizens.



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46c78b No.42519

File: f4dab5a5def0435⋯.png (476.67 KB,1237x629,1237:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19204811 (191022ZJUL23) Notable: Hong Kong Bun / Hamilton Street / Portland Street (map)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42520

File: 25b3928b11071ae⋯.png (1.36 MB,1333x675,1333:675,Clipboard.png)

File: bc43904adf79070⋯.png (1.06 MB,1339x691,1339:691,Clipboard.png)

File: 998f97e8523315d⋯.png (1.17 MB,1331x687,1331:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19221239 (220438ZJUL23) Notable: Hong Kong Bun / Portland and Hamilton, Hong Kong. Not Q-matched. Can eliminate at least SEP-2016 onward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Portland and Hamilton, Hong Kong

Not Q-matched

SV Jun 2017

SV Sep 2016

SV Sep 2016

Can eliminate at least SEP-2016 onward.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42521

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42522

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19237108 (250545ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N193UA, N195UA, N198UA to be eliminated. N104UA, N116UA, N117UA, N199UA info from airfleets.net

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

More Investigative Planefagging

//'//'// For Elimination //'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'///


Stored 08/2008 - Stored at VCV 01/2009

Scrapped 08/2013



Stored 11/2008 at VCV

Scrapped 04/2013

Flights recorded

UA 895 Chicago (ORD) -> Hongkong (HKG) 12/08/08



Stored at VCV 10/2008

Scrapped 01/2013



Stored 03/2009(VCV then MHV)

Scrapped 01/2015




UA 900 London (LHR) -> San Francisco (SFO) 30/03/17

UA 858 Shanghai (PVG) -> San Francisco (SFO) 17/04/15

UA 862 Hongkong (HKG) -> San Francisco (SFO) 26/08/14

Stored 07/2017

Scrapped 10/2020

Old Paint

Photographer: Pascal SIMON

Location: Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main - Germany (FRA / EDDF)

Date: 18/06/2012

New Paint

Photographer: Erik Frikke

Location: San Francisco, San Francisco International - USA California (SFO / KSFO)

Date: 28/05/2017



Flights recorded

UA 838 Tokyo (NRT) -> San Francisco (SFO) 14/09/16

UA 869 San Francisco (SFO) -> Hongkong (HKG) 26/09/14

UA 837 San Francisco (SFO) -> Tokyo (NRT) 28/09/13

Two old paint dated 2005

New Paint

Photographer: Bill Mallinson

Location: Sydney, Kingsford Smith Intl - Australia New South Wales (SYD / YSSY)

Date: 15/05/2013

Photographer: Pascal SIMON

Location: Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main - Germany (FRA / EDDF)

Date: 20/06/2013



UA 862 Hongkong (HKG) -> San Francisco (SFO) 28/08/13

UA 839 Los Angeles (LAX) -> Sydney (SYD) 04/03/12

UA 869 San Francisco (SFO) -> Hongkong (HKG) 25/11/11

Stored 10/2017

Scrapped 06/2019

New Paint

Photographer: Bill Mallinson

Location: Sydney, Kingsford Smith Intl - Australia New South Wales (SYD / YSSY)

Date: 23/11/2012

Photographer: Bill Mallinson

Location: Sydney, Kingsford Smith Intl - Australia New South Wales (SYD / YSSY)

Date: 14/03/2014



Flights recorded

UA 869 San Francisco (SFO) -> Hongkong (HKG) 20/11/15

UA 869 San Francisco (SFO) -> Hongkong (HKG) 11/09/14

UA 862 Hongkong (HKG) -> San Francisco (SFO) 26/09/12

Stored 05/2016

Reg cancelled 11/2016

Old Paint

Photographer: Erik Frikke

Location: San Francisco, San Francisco International - USA California (SFO / KSFO)

Date: 22/02/2012

New Paint

Photographer: Bill Mallinson

Location: Sydney, Kingsford Smith Intl - Australia New South Wales (SYD / YSSY)

Date: 22/03/2014

Photographer: Peter Leu

Location: Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main - Germany (FRA / EDDF)

Date: 30/03/2014


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42523

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19237224 (250617ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N177UA, N178UA, N179UA, N180UA, N181UA, N182UA info from airfleets.net

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>42522 (me)


Stored 09/2016

Flights recorded

UA 1891 Chicago (ORD) -> San Francisco (SFO) 08/05/16

UA 837 Tokyo (NRT) -> Bangkok (BKK) 16/11/13

UA 863 San Francisco (SFO) -> Sydney (SYD) 15/10/13

Old paint 2006

New Paint

Photographer: Bill Mallinson

Location: Sydney, Kingsford Smith Intl - Australia New South Wales (SYD / YSSY)

Date: 27/11/2012



Stored 10/2017

being converted into a restaurant 2021, Seattle USA

Flights recorded

UA 2571 Frankfurt (HHN) -> Wroclaw (WRO) 18/09/17

UA 836 Shanghai (PVG) -> Chicago (ORD) 22/01/15

UA 888 Beijing (PEK) -> San Francisco (SFO) 06/05/14

Old Paint

Photographer: Bill Mallinson

Location: Sydney, Kingsford Smith Intl - Australia New South Wales (SYD / YSSY)

Date: 22/03/2014

New Paint

Photographer: Pascal SIMON

Location: Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main - Germany (FRA / EDDF)

Date: 15/05/2016



Stored 01/2017

Scrapped in 2017

Flights recorded

UA 889 San Francisco (SFO) -> Beijing (PEK) 17/09/13

UA 839 Los Angeles (LAX) -> Sydney (SYD) 03/04/13

UA 893 San Francisco (SFO) -> Incheon (ICN) 05/03/13




Stored 10/2017

lsd from At T Capital

Flights recorded

UA 926 San Francisco (SFO) -> Frankfurt (FRA) 12/10/16

UA 58 San Francisco (SFO) -> Frankfurt (FRA) 04/10/16

UA 1728 San Francisco (SFO) -> Chicago (ORD) 04/05/16

Old Paint

Photographer: Frank Robitaille

Location: Chicago, O'Hare international - USA Illinois (ORD / KORD)

Date: 03/10/2010

New Paint

Photographer: Peter Leu

Location: Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main - Germany (FRA / EDDF)

Date: 20/05/2017



Stored 10/2017

Flights recorded

UA 901 San Francisco (SFO) -> London (LHR) 12/04/17

UA 862 Hongkong (HKG) -> San Francisco (SFO) 18/11/14

UA 903 San Francisco (SFO) -> Frankfurt (FRA) 14/07/14

Old Paint

Photographer: Peter Leu

Location: Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main - Germany (FRA / EDDF)

Date: 14/04/2013

Photographer: Bill Mallinson

Location: Sydney, Kingsford Smith Intl - Australia New South Wales (SYD / YSSY)

Date: 15/05/2013

Photographer: Pascal SIMON

Location: Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main - Germany (FRA / EDDF)

Date: 21/06/2013

New Paint

Photographer: Bill Mallinson

Location: Sydney, Kingsford Smith Intl - Australia New South Wales (SYD / YSSY)

Date: 17/03/2014



Stored 03/2017

Scrapped 06/2018

Flights recorded

UA 2150 San Francisco (SFO) -> Tupelo (TUP) 07/03/17

UA 858 Shanghai (PVG) -> San Francisco (SFO) 21/09/14

UA 889 San Francisco (SFO) -> Beijing (PEK) 25/09/13

Old paint, 2006 & 2008

New Paint

Photographer: Bill Mallinson

Location: Sydney, Kingsford Smith Intl - Australia New South Wales (SYD / YSSY)

Date: 15/03/2014


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19237275 (250635ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun / N171UA, N173UA info from airfleets.net

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>42523 (me again)

Couple more:


Stored 10/2015

Scrapped in 2018

Named Spirit Of Seattle II

Flights recorded

UA 837 San Francisco (SFO) -> Tokyo (NRT) 20/01/15

UA 900 London (LHR) -> San Francisco (SFO) 25/07/14

UA 862 Hongkong (HKG) -> San Francisco (SFO) 18/12/13

Old Paint

Photographer: Pascal SIMON

Location: Frankfurt, Frankfurt Main - Germany (FRA / EDDF)

Date: 20/06/2012

No photos of new paint available



Stored 12/2011

Scrapped 04/2012


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19255272 (280442ZJUL23) Notable: Hong Kong Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Does this one look alright?

Hong Kong Bun

>>42482, >>42499, >> Ex-Clinton Foundation Exec Linked To Chinese Kindergarten Under Investigation For Alleged Child Molestation

>>42485 GooMaps 2011 pre-dates the pic. Note the 788 sign. GooMaps 2017 post-dates the pic

>>42486 2017 - 360-degree view (link)

>>42487 Satellite image of Hamilton/Portland Street area

>>42488 2017 SV looking southward on Portland across from the Kindergarten address

>>42489 Camera passed SAFLO shop which is immediate neighbour of Kindergarten address (video)

>>42500 Still from cctv footage of Howard Lam

>>42501 788 SIGN 1/6/2008

>>42502, >>42519 Hamilton Street / Portland Street (map)

>>42503, >>42504 2018 General Research post say photo from 2014

>>42520, >>42521 Portland and Hamilton, Hong Kong. Not Q-matched. Can eliminate at least SEP-2016 onward

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42526

File: 7323191afd37373⋯.png (134.82 KB,617x647,617:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261683 (291227ZJUL23) Notable: JP MORGAN CONNEXION WITH EPSTEIN and with London 2013/2014. Plus HRC and Clinton Foundation, same timeframe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19261703 (291232ZJUL23) Notable: JP MORGAN CONNEXION WITH EPSTEIN and with London 2013/2014. Plus HRC and Clinton Foundation, same timeframe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


JP MORGAN CONNEXION WITH EPSTEIN and with London 2013/2014.

Plus HRC and Clinton Foundation, same timeframe.









Connexions wth Ukraine (winter 2013).

Connexions with Joint Treason re "The Iran Deal", preliminaries 2013-2014.

Connexions with FBI and "Operation Snow Globe"?

JP MORGAN is in court re EPSTEIN.

Twitter now X?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42528

File: e55b6fbf256353b⋯.png (376.95 KB,660x845,132:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19292338 (031841ZAUG23) Notable: (from General Research) UK Govt Quietly Backs Facial Recognition Tech to Supposedly Stop Theft

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

General Research #23694 >>>/qresearch/19292243

UK Govt Quietly Backs Facial Recognition Tech to Supposedly Stop Theft

British government officials reportedly drew up a secret scheme to put pressure on privacy regulators to allow private businesses to be allowed to use facial recognition cameras in a supposed push to crack down on crime.

A report from The Observer revealed that in a backroom meeting on March 8th, policing minister Chris Philp and top Home Office officials met with the facial recognition camera manufacturer Facewatch to come up with a plan to lobby the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to allow high street shops, supermarkets, and other stores to be able to deploy facial recognition tech to deter shoplifting and other crimes.

The minutes of the meeting, which were provided to the sister paper of The Guardian, showed that Philp and Facewatch founder Simon Gordon talked about “retail crime and the benefits of privately owned facial recognition technology” and sought to make reduce privacy protections to allow shops to utilise the technology. Philp was also said to be considering “a speech to bring the benefits of FR [facial recognition] to the fore”.

Defending the utility of the dystopian tech, Gordon told the paper: “We provide each individual business with a service that will reduce crime in their stores and make their staff safer.

“Every store has 10 to 20 people who just constantly steal from that store. And the store knows who they are. They’ve been preventing theft for years – this isn’t a new thing. All this is doing is using new technology to stop it.

“One of our big retailers using it has a 25 per cent [crime] reduction compared to stores not using Facewatch,” he added.

However, others have raised concerns about the privacy implications of facial recognition cameras being installed en masse throughout the country.

The advocacy manager of the campaign group Big Brother Watch, Mark Johnson said: “The Home Office must urgently answer questions about this meeting, which appears to have led officials to lean on the ICO in order to favour a firm that sells highly invasive facial recognition technology.

“Government ministers should strive to protect human rights, not cosy up to private companies whose products pose serious threats to civil liberties in the UK.”

“The UK should seek to emulate the European artificial intelligence act, which would place a ban on the use of facial recognition for surveillance purposes in all public spaces,” Johnson added.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42529

File: 2ed0eab0d51c48b⋯.png (1.25 MB,1325x2322,1325:2322,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19340492 (111647ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / RSA keys, decoding with math

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I noted some posts here about decoding with math.

Found a few interesting things the last few weeks.

Some of the dates are 'prime numbers'

You need Prime numbers for an RSA key.

See my scratch work here as it relates.

I'm trying to find the key to unlock the pixelnot on the first photo.

It is definitely numeric, I get to 60% unscramble before it crashes.

The number is larger than 10 digits so I was contemplating an RSA string last evening.

This is hard in the main US thread to discuss, hoping maybe someone might have some other ideas.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42530

File: f6cb04926301aec⋯.png (69.81 KB,1366x661,1366:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19340498 (111649ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun / RSA keys, decoding with math

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42531

File: a15633d0fd047f3⋯.jpeg (255.11 KB,750x962,375:481,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7ab04a7d8bcbadb⋯.jpeg (456.42 KB,640x1100,32:55,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19379869 (180237ZAUG23) Notable: Embankment Bun / RE: EMBANKMENT PICS (ROT1, LONDON2847and LISAMI6)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

RE: EMBANKMENT PICS (ROT1, LONDON2847and LISAMI6). ROT1 shows the tide at a very high point (Hispaniola relative to her dolphins), after dark, after business hours, with the Moon at a bearing of approximately 151.5 degrees. No buses can be seen. We know that every Christmas holiday the buses stop running on Christmas Day from midnight Christmas Eve to midnight Christmas Day- 24 hours.

We know the Millbank building light pattern in LISAMI6 match the pattern in some (4) Getty pics dated 25DEC2013. The light pattern seen could likely have been able to persist from Christmas Eve when people left work not to return again until the day after Boxing Day (26DEC) on 27DEC.

The possible evening sightings for the Millbank pattern are 24, 25 and 26DEC.

Adding the Moon seen at approx. 151.5 degrees eliminates 24DEC due to the only HIGH TIDE occurring after dark that night occurring at 6:37pm hours before moonrise and at which time there would be a bustling rush hour to include BUSLOADS of happy commuters heading home looking forward to a Christmas Eve with their loved ones.

There is only one day, Christmas, when the Moon could be seen (at 4:00am) just some 2 hours before actual high tide at 6:06am when it would still be 2 hrs before dawn. We have learned that most of the water volume of an incoming tide has accumulated by (t-minus 2) with very little incoming water remaining to raise the tide level. The tide change at this period is almost imperceptible during the last hour before HT and the hour after.

As for the high tides on 26DEC (Boxing Day), a famous shopping day, there would be lots of bus traffic (now resumed at 12am) taking people to shop "Downtown" at 6:52am and 7:29pm.

As for the day after Boxing Day, 27DEC, the one high tide before we can expect workers to begin turning on banks of office lights in the MILLBANK Bldg occurs at 7:51am, almost dawn. Yes still dark but there would be scads of morning buses ferrying commuters across town everywhere. And, there would be moon at the ROT1 bearing.

My sauce is the NOAA recordings for high and low tides for London at London Bridge, not too far from Hungerford Bridge from which the Embankment Q pics were taken.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42532

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19380279 (180409ZAUG23) Notable: Embankment Bun / RE: EMBANKMENT PICS (ROT1, LONDON2847and LISAMI6)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Oops, the 4 Getty images of Millbank building lights match were taken 25DEC2013 and not 2014.

Also, I can add that for 25DEC2013 high tide at 6:37pm, the moon was below the horizon until 12:40am the next day. So can eliminate that one.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42533

File: b835e001760f4ca⋯.png (1.04 MB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19380652 (180654ZAUG23) Notable: Four arrested after six men die as boat capsizes during Channel crossing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Four arrested after six men die as boat capsizes during Channel crossing

More than 50 people were reportedly rescued by the coastguards from France and the United Kingdom

Four people have reportedly been detained in France after six men died and dozens more had to be rescued after a boat capsized while attempting to cross the English Channel.

Judges in France are said to be considering charges including involuntary manslaughter against the Iraqi and Sudanese suspects. At least two of those arrested are suspected to have links to human trafficking networks.

Those confirmed dead were all from Afghanistan. As were a majority of the 65 or 66 people thought to have been onboard the craft.

One person who was due to board the vessel on Saturday, but was turned away due to overcrowding was Karim. He says people were paying smugglers £1,700 for a place.

Speaking to the BBC, he explained the smugglers said they would get a "good boat" - at least 10 metures (32ft) long. But the actual boat was only a third of the size.

Two of his friends were allowed on board and Karim believes they were among those who died. Official figures released this week say 17,000 people have arrived in the UK this year after crossing the Channel.


Oddness with this story, £1,700 … 17,000 … 65 or 66 people on a 10ft boat.

It was supposed to be a 32ft boat but was actually third of the size but story shows a 30 foot boat.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42534

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19381963 (181359ZAUG23) Notable: Four arrested after six men die as boat capsizes during Channel crossing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>on a 10ft boat.

Article said 10 "metres". Ten meters would be about 32 feet.

Need to arrest all traffickers before people die exactly because they can die. Governments not prosecuting the traffickers all that time prior to deaths occurring are guilty of any deaths that occurred because they let it happen.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42535

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410435 (231048ZAUG23) Notable: Four arrested after six men die as boat capsizes during Channel crossing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>Article said 10 "metres". Ten meters would be about 32 feet.

Article said that the smugglers promised a boat of at least 10 metres+ but the article went on to say that the boat actually provided was 1/3 of the size i.e. 3 metres or 10feet.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42536

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19433983 (261106ZAUG23) Notable: More than 300 ULEZ cameras attacked by 'Blade Runners' ahead of new London traffic scheme

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


More than 300 ULEZ cameras attacked by 'Blade Runners' ahead of new London traffic scheme

By Neil Lancefield, PA Transport Correspondent

10:44, 18 Aug 2023

Police have reported nearly 300 crimes committed against London's ultra-low emission zone (Ulez) camera by vigilantes who oppose the massive expansion of Sadiq Khan's new London traffic scheme expanded to cover the M25.

Theself-proclaimed 'Blade Runners' have been targeting enforcement cameras installed by Transport for London (TfL), often resorting to cutting the cameras' wires or even removing the devices entirely.

As part of the scheme's expansion, some 2,750 cameras are being installed in new areas that will fall under the zone's jurisdiction once it extends to cover the entirety of the capital from August 29.

The Metropolitan Police sprung into action in April following reports from TfL about criminal damage to, and theft of, these cameras. As of August 1, the force has recorded a staggering 288 crimes related to Ulez cameras.

This tally includes 185 instances of cable damage, 164 stolen cameras, and 38 cases of cameras being obscured. It's worth noting that multiple offences can be linked to a single camera, such as a cable being cut followed by the camera being stolen.

Commander Owain Richards of the Metropolitan Police expressed his concern over these incidents, stating: "These are clearly unacceptable acts of criminality and we have a team of officers investigating and identifying those responsible."

He assured the public that the force is providing a proportionate policing response, balancing these incidents against the wide range of operational demand and crime they must respond to across London.

In a bid to combat the rising incidents of camera damage and theft, authorities are working hand in glove with Transport for London. Not only are they investigating offences already committed, but they're also brainstorming new strategies to safeguard further cameras from vandalism or theft.

The focus is on continual review and adaptation of their efforts over the coming weeks, ensuring that the service provided meets the expectations of Londoners.

This week saw images surfacing of Ulez cameras and their wires being fortified with additional protection, including black metal boxes.

Scotland Yard has released an image of a man they wish to identify in relation to four camera offences in Hillingdon, Harrow, and Uxbridge on June 17.

The public is urged to assist by calling police on 101 or contacting the force's Twitter account, now known as X, at @MetCC. For those wishing to provide information anonymously, they can reach out to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or via the crimestoppers-uk.org website.

Vehicles failing to meet minimum emissions standards are subject to a £12.50 daily fee when used in the Ulez zone, or they risk being fined.

According to TfL, nine out of 10 cars seen driving in outer London on an average day comply with the Ulez standards. However, RAC figures reveal that more than 690,000 licensed cars in London are likely non-compliant.

These figures do not account for other types of vehicles or those entering London from neighbouring counties.

In a show of unity against the Ulez expansion, motorcyclists are set to make their voices heard by riding en masse on the M25 this Sunday.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

46c78b No.42537

File: 7ab04a7d8bcbadb⋯.jpeg (456.42 KB,640x1100,32:55,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f82630b405c0884⋯.jpeg (263.42 KB,750x962,375:481,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19434040 (261129ZAUG23) Notable: Embankment Bun / RE: EMBANKMENT PICS (ROT1, LONDON2847and LISAMI6)

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(RE-POSTING THIS DIG BY REQUEST-Correction made to graphic and additional comment added)


ROT1 shows the tide at a very high point (Hispaniola relative to her dolphins), after dark, after business hours, with the Moon at a bearing of approximately 151.5 degrees. No buses can be seen. We know that every Christmas holiday the buses stop running on Christmas Day from midnight Christmas Eve to midnight Christmas Day- 24 hours.

We know the Millbank building light pattern in LISAMI6 match the pattern in some (4) Getty pics dated 25DEC2013. The light pattern seen could likely have been able to persist from Christmas Eve when people left work not to return again until the day after Boxing Day (26DEC) on 27DEC.

The possible evening sightings for the Millbank pattern are 24, 25 and 26DEC.

Adding the Moon seen at approx. 151.5 degrees eliminates 24DEC due to the only HIGH TIDE occurring after dark that night occurring at 6:37pm hours before moonrise and at which time there would be a bustling rush hour to include BUSLOADS of happy commuters heading home looking forward to a Christmas Eve with their loved ones.

There is only one day, Christmas, when the Moon could be seen (at 4:00am) just some 2 hours before actual high tide at 6:06am when it would still be 2 hrs before dawn. We have learned that most of the water volume of an incoming tide has accumulated by (t-minus 2) with very little incoming water remaining to raise the tide level. The tide change at this period is almost imperceptible during the last hour before HT and the hour after.

Another high tide was recorded for 25DEC2013 at 6:37pm, however the moon was below the horizon until 12:40am the next day. So can eliminate that one.

As for the high tides on 26DEC (Boxing Day), a famous shopping day, there would be lots of bus traffic (now resumed at 12am) taking people to shop "Downtown" at 6:52am and 7:29pm.

As for the day after Boxing Day, 27DEC, the one high tide before we can expect workers to begin turning on banks of office lights in the MILLBANK Bldg occurs at 7:51am, almost dawn. Yes still dark but there would be scads of morning buses ferrying commuters across town everywhere. And, there would be moon at the ROT1 bearing.

My sauce is the NOAA recordings for high and low tides for London at London Bridge, not too far from Hungerford Bridge from which the Embankment Q pics were taken.

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46c78b No.42538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19434170 (261203ZAUG23) Notable: Embankment Bun / RE: EMBANKMENT PICS (ROT1, LONDON2847and LISAMI6)

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KEK! (CORRECTION after last correction)

>Adding the Moon seen at approx. 151.5 degrees eliminates 24DEC due to the only HIGH TIDE occurring after dark that night occurring at 6:37pm hours before moonrise…

SHOULD READ: "occuring at 5:53pm…"

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46c78b No.42539

File: 9ee02567ae71a37⋯.jpeg (588.55 KB,2048x1353,2048:1353,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f5bc1a3457ff44b⋯.jpeg (79.61 KB,591x436,591:436,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c42a5b0f8969845⋯.jpeg (14.36 KB,120x208,15:26,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461541 (301934ZAUG23) Notable: Embankment Bun / December 2013 pics for comparison

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>The possible evening sightings for the >Millbank pattern are 24, 25 and 26DEC.

For each of those three days, and 27DEC, there is only one ROT1 lunar bearing match per day at 151.5 degrees.

24DEC: ROT1@3:22am, TfL buses running normally, but the building lights could have been different as that day began until time people left the Millbank building on Christmas Eve.

25DEC: ROT1@4:01am, NO TfL buses running

26DEC: ROT1@4:40am, TfL buses running normally.

27DEC: ROT1@5:23am, TfL buses running normally.

Including a magnified ROT1 showing a Millbank pattern that, although blurry, is not inconsistent with LISA or Getty/Setterfield Christmas pics.

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46c78b No.42540

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19464784 (310745ZAUG23) Notable: Flu and COVID autumn vaccine programmes brought forward

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Flu and COVID autumn vaccine programmes brought forward

Vaccinations are now set to start on 11 September 2023 in England with adult care home residents and those most at risk to receive vaccines first

Eligible people urged to come forward for their jab as soon as they’re invited

This year’s autumn flu and COVID-19 vaccine programmes will start earlier than planned in England as a precautionary measure following the identification of a new COVID-19 variant.

The precautionary measure is being taken as scientists from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) examine the variant BA.2.86, which was first detected in the UK on Friday 18 August 2023.

Er we go again

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46c78b No.42541

File: 9e93a28bf66eeb7⋯.jpeg (128.64 KB,1334x750,667:375,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1f62ca81aee0144⋯.jpeg (106.74 KB,622x461,622:461,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 82bbba13f656579⋯.jpeg (503.09 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 75d5203b134e025⋯.jpeg (88.76 KB,591x442,591:442,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487324 (040841ZSEP23) Notable: Embankment Bun / LONDON2847: working the Night Sky

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Re LONDON2847.png

To simulate the 25DEC2013 night sky I used: https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/night/uk/london

As anons in UK Bread well know, but for new eyes I will say, we know that Q oic London2847.png is the only London pic in which a constellation, or more precisely in this case, an asterism (group of stars) can be made out in the picture. To be thorough, yes there is one star visible above the Winter Wonderland WildeMaus coaster pic, likely Deneb but no group of stars.

In the London2847 one can make out an asterism is stars (like a fish) from which I made up a kind of artificial constellation pattern to help the mind's eye to search the stars in that area of the night sky in a London 25DEC2013 night sky simulation.

In all frankness, it must be admitted that one can use one's imagination to connect many stars to make a line drawing. The only thing weighing in my favor in 'connecting the dots' (stars) to make my line drawing.

Another interesting fun fact about the Q pic London2847 is that in that particular area of the London skyline on 25DEC2013, at the time that comports with a time we may see the Moon at 151.5 degrees (as in ROT1) at 4:01am, there is a deep space object, a spiral galaxy, only seen by a telescope whose name is NGC2847. Coincidence the Q pic with stars in it has 2487 in its title?

Well anyway, this is my most recent best effort to link said pic to that specific London night and time asterism. Best I can do.

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46c78b No.42542

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487342 (040849ZSEP23) Notable: Embankment Bun / LONDON2847: working the Night Sky

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


> The only thing weighing in my favor in 'connecting the dots' (stars) to make my line drawing.

CORRECTION: (to compete the sentence) by adding: 'is that i have limited the number of stars (to make my line drawing) to, I'm guessing, maybe 15-20 degrees of the night sky, thereby increasing my chances of finding the stars in the London2847.

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46c78b No.42543

File: 10a6d0b362b3358⋯.jpeg (213.83 KB,728x1118,28:43,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487633 (041049ZSEP23) Notable: Embankment Bun / Graphic in support about there being no moon yet risen for some of the nighttime HIGH TIDES, 24,25,26 DEC are eliminated

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Posting this graphic in support of unsauced comments about there being no moon yet risen for some of the nighttime HIGH TIDES and why some evening high tides during 24,25,26 DEC are eliminated.

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46c78b No.42544

File: 8eaafd06145f66d⋯.png (531.54 KB,1860x908,465:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b13503de5efc79⋯.png (411.34 KB,1860x908,465:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495695 (052007ZSEP23) Notable: Embankment Bun / Port of London Authority boater safety pdf regarding conditions on the Thames

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The "swelling" included certainly would lift HISPANIOLA

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46c78b No.42545

File: 35c40cd7ea75649⋯.png (550.07 KB,1860x908,465:227,Clipboard.png)

File: d2e69b3b69d3dea⋯.png (528.18 KB,1860x908,465:227,Clipboard.png)

File: c5fda2f2e43d928⋯.png (509.51 KB,1860x908,465:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496373 (052153ZSEP23) Notable: Embankment Bun / Port of London Authority boater safety pdf regarding conditions on the Thames

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The whole pdf is 130 pages, hope these help

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46c78b No.42546

File: fa0275fb4d6c4f1⋯.jpeg (30.84 KB,478x185,478:185,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: edf3dd84897a88a⋯.jpeg (246.67 KB,999x745,999:745,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496638 (052229ZSEP23) Notable: Embankment Bun / Port of London Authority boater safety pdf regarding conditions on the Thames

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Tyvm. One of the new graphics points out Hungerford as being less than half of the (15 minutes) way from London Bridge to Chelsea. Cuts HT time difference dramatically. So mebbe 7 minutes or so HT difference from London Bridge to Hungerford?


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46c78b No.42547

File: 97a0366f06d7ceb⋯.png (764.52 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: d7913be26c4e3c3⋯.png (475.97 KB,589x509,589:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bcaccc9c356943⋯.png (1.28 MB,640x936,80:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501311 (061902ZSEP23) Notable: Embankment Bun / Images from previous breads in the UK notable archives courtesy of Triple_A

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Don't seem to have it in my old screenshots, went to recreate it.

Did find these images from previous breads in the UK notable archives courtesy of Triple_A

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46c78b No.42548

File: 028b4f46cc569cd⋯.png (546.23 KB,1860x908,465:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503386 (070113ZSEP23) Notable: Embankment Bun / For reference: Maritime site graphic for Hungerford/Jubilee Bridge location to London Eye, 151.5 degrees

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Here we go… 151.5

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46c78b No.42549

File: 146253d48908f17⋯.jpeg (88.28 KB,571x423,571:423,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19504186 (070327ZSEP23) Notable: Embankment Bun / For reference: Maritime site graphic for Hungerford/Jubilee Bridge location to London Eye, 151.5 degrees

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And L👀K how the maritime bearing to the Moon cuts across the bow of RS HISPANIOLA exactly like the bearing in ROT1! Noice! Bearing is confirmed.

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46c78b No.42550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516239 (090441ZSEP23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / 19516733, DEA’s Project Cassandra

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Anons, I'm kicking this thing around and need some inputs. Do forgive me if I don't present it the way I hope as brain seems to be a bit mushy tonight (haven't had a drop, maybe that's what's wrong?) However….. something came across General Research either last night or the one before, dunno, all runs together, like I said, mushy

Here goes:

Going with the summary of the pics in >>>/qresearch/18158932 there was a mention on General Research of Project Cassandra. I went looking around

DEA And European Authorities Uncover Massive Hizballah Drug And Money Laundering Scheme

7 countries involved in disrupting drug money flow for terror regime

WASHINGTON - The United States Drug Enforcement (DEA) today announced significant enforcement activity including arrests targeting Lebanese Hizballah’s External Security Organization Business Affairs (BAC), which is involved in international criminal activities such as drug trafficking and drug proceed money laundering. These proceeds are used to purchase weapons for Hizballah for its activities in Syria. This ongoing investigation spans the globe and involves numerous international law enforcement agencies in seven countries, and once again highlights the dangerous global nexus between drug trafficking and terrorism.

This effort is part of DEA’s Project Cassandra, which targets a global Hizballah network responsible for the movement of large quantities of cocaine in the United States and Europe. This global network, referred to by law enforcement as the Lebanese Hizballah External Security Organization Business Affairs (BAC), was founded by deceased Hizballah Senior Leader Imad Mughniyah and currently operates under the control of Abdallah Safieddine and recent U.S.-designated Specially Designated Global (SDGT) Adham Tabaja. Members of the Hizballah BAC have established business relationships with South American drug cartels, such as La Oficina de Envigado, responsible for supplying large quantities of cocaine to the European and United States drug markets. Further, the Hizballah BAC continues to launder significant drug proceeds as part of a trade based money laundering scheme known as the Black Market Peso Exchange.

“These drug trafficking and money laundering schemes utilized by the Business Affairs Component provide a revenue and weapons stream for an international terrorist organization responsible for devastating terror attacks around the world,” said DEA Acting Deputy Administrator Jack Riley. “DEA and our international partners are relentless in our commitment to disrupt any attempt by terrorists and terrorist organizations to leverage the drug trade against our nations. DEA and our partners will continue to dismantle networks who exploit the nexus between drugs and terror using all available law enforcement mechanisms.”

Beginning in February 2015, based on DEA investigative leads, European authorities initiated an operation targeting the network’s criminal activities in that region. Since then, law enforcement authorities, closely supported by DEA, have uncovered an intricate network of money couriers who collect and transport millions of euros in drug proceeds from Europe to the Middle East. The currency is then paid in Colombia to drug traffickers using the Hawala disbursement system. A large portion of the drug proceeds was found to transit through Lebanon, and a significant percentage of these proceeds are benefitting terrorist organizations, namely Hizballah.


Now, keep in mind Cassandra is a DEA operation

Quick summary from Newsweek:

The Obama administration halted Project Cassandra as it was approaching the upper echelons of Hezbollah's conspiracy in order to seal a nuclear deal with Iran, even though Hezbollah was still funneling cocaine into America. Officials at the U.S. Justice and Treasury departments delayed the project's requests to conduct relevant investigations, prosecutions and arrests. Obama eventually helped strike the Iran deal with several other nations in 2015.


The goodies:

The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran.

By Josh Meyer

In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.

The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, was launched in 2008 after the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities.

Over the next eight years, agents working out of a top-secret DEA facility in Chantilly, Virginia, used wiretaps, undercover operations and informants to map Hezbollah’s illicit networks, with the help of 30 U.S. and foreign security agencies.

But as Project Cassandra reached higher into the hierarchy of the conspiracy, Obama administration officials threw an increasingly insurmountable series of roadblocks in its way, according to interviews with dozens of participants who in many cases spoke for the first time about events shrouded in secrecy, and a review of government documents and court records. When Project Cassandra leaders sought approval for some significant investigations, prosecutions, arrests and financial sanctions, officials at the Justice and Treasury departments delayed, hindered or rejected their requests.

The Justice Department declined requests by Project Cassandra and other authorities to file criminal charges against major players such as Hezbollah’s high-profile envoy to Iran, a Lebanese bank that allegedly laundered billions in alleged drug profits, and a central player in a U.S.-based cell of the Iranian paramilitary Quds force. And the State Department rejected requests to lure high-value targets to countries where they could be arrested.

“This was a policy decision, it was a systematic decision,” said David Asher

David AsherVeteran U.S. illicit finance expert sent from Pentagon to Project Cassandra to attack the alleged Hezbollah criminal enterprise.

, who helped establish and oversee Project Cassandra as a Defense Department illicit finance analyst. “They serially ripped apart this entire effort that was very well supported and resourced, and it was done from the top down.”


So now I'm wondering if the shutting down of Cassandra and maybe letting the Iranians know it was being shut down was the reason our mystery couple is out and about on the night of Christmas Day. I recall Iranians are Shi'ite Muslim, so Christmas won't mean much to people at NIOC House, but many staff may have the day off. Big empty building with big empty Holiday streets, great time for a secret meeting.

I seem to recall that the Black Box pic came with a "compare to 2016" from Q.

Okay, so a secret visit to NIOC House on 25 December 2013 for a status update on Project Cassandra, but by 2016 either still trying to work nuclear deal or are they asking for time until they can frame Trump for the Russian Collusion, which UK intel told them their case was crap and won't waste time on it. Shift of focus, players the same?

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46c78b No.42551

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516750 (090724ZSEP23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / 19516733, DEA’s Project Cassandra

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>Formal negotiations toward JCPOA began with the adoption of the Joint Plan of Action, an interim agreement signed between Iran and the P5+1 countries in November 2013

Hmmm. Was that the death knell for Cassandra? Interim agreement November, London meeting in December to say "all good, go for the permanent agreement and we'll make all of Cassandra go away"

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46c78b No.42552

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516769 (090732ZSEP23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / 19516733, DEA’s Project Cassandra

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"Cassandra" - destined to fail. Whoever chose the op name is sick. Goddess who could see the future and tried to warn of danger. Cursed by the gods that no one would believe her warnings.

In that case, though they cried wolf (mixing my myths and fairy tales I know), no one would prosecute.

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46c78b No.42553

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516778 (090736ZSEP23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / 19516733, DEA’s Project Cassandra

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Destined to fail but served a purpose. "We can find you" "we can cut off your financing" "we can end banks that work against us"

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46c78b No.42554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19522212 (100421ZSEP23) Notable: (from Scotland #8) Prince Andrew files to remain secret until 2065 (video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scotland #8 >>>/qresearch/19496967

Prince Andrew files to remain secret until 2065 | 'It's ABSURD!'


Michael Cole weighs in on documents relating to trips taken by Prince Andrew remaining secret until 2065, meaning they won't be released in his lifetime.

Video at:


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46c78b No.42555

File: 1559f72e9ffa9bb⋯.jpeg (166.81 KB,750x1211,750:1211,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 56451becf8710ca⋯.jpeg (39.95 KB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ac27115fccdfd77⋯.jpeg (31.39 KB,360x480,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ffe2b6c59999090⋯.jpeg (51.61 KB,360x480,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19524594 (101740ZSEP23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Cranes refresher

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


We know the two red dots on the left side of LondonEye in ROT1 are crane lights. Here is a story published the first week of December when there appears to be only one. The second crane appeared around 16DEC. Look over the roof of the hotel behind LE. Nothing there. Also, many open sauce vids show moon rising behind LEye.

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46c78b No.42556

File: a3f08320433a827⋯.jpeg (131.63 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1973e4109d2719a⋯.jpeg (105.91 KB,711x474,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 63c29b04a6a3d3c⋯.jpeg (113.19 KB,711x474,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 63c29b04a6a3d3c⋯.jpeg (113.19 KB,711x474,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19527630 (110258ZSEP23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Cranes refresher

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Here a some 2013 NYE pics showing that area behind LE to confirm no further cranes were added during that holiday season.

To recap: only 1 crane spotted prior to 14DEC (Kemp) proof. From 14DEC to 31DEC we see only those 2 cranes. We have already established ROT1 timeframe between 24 and 27DEC. I need to go thru my junk drawer to find the 14DEC (Kemp) pic.

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46c78b No.42557

File: a850893f5dbf0d9⋯.jpeg (75.29 KB,640x430,64:43,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 15c82a669ee42be⋯.jpeg (137.66 KB,890x692,445:346,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d7a64a087e31d6a⋯.png (3.87 MB,2101x1417,2101:1417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19527721 (110312ZSEP23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Cranes refresher

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18SEP2013 - no cranes

23NOV2013 - 1 crane

14DEC2013 - 2 cranes

31DEC2013 - still 2 cranes

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46c78b No.42558

File: 6768efee402e797⋯.png (547.36 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 95c865f5dad63ee⋯.jpg (2.87 MB,1932x2576,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4d61527f7553c10⋯.jpg (2.87 MB,1932x2576,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 75c3aa018a4f71c⋯.jpg (2.71 MB,1932x2576,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b770f78db143ffd⋯.jpg (2.46 MB,1932x2576,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610693 (260416ZSEP23) Notable: Jasper Rootham – Durham

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Durham (1/2)


There they stand, the Cathedral and the Castle

reared high above the river, built with hands,

gazing each with near-equal grandeur north, south, east and west.

A visible testimony to the rugged power

of the Prince Bishops, and a permanent reminder

that Caesar's belongs to Caesar, God's to God -

and that, however it may be in heaven

on earth we are stuck with both.

Durham - excerpt from Affirmation by Jasper Rootham (bio to follow in 2/2).

It seems to be a reference to the balance (power struggle) between Church and state.

Affirmation is a long form, 5000 line poem written by WWII special operations commander Jasper Rootham. He describes in detail his experiences during the war, both in the field behind enemy lines and the political power struggles that began as the war ended, as well as his travels to Russia as a central banker during the Cold War.

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46c78b No.42559

File: 66ce0c0f497c70a⋯.jpg (211.33 KB,582x770,291:385,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610775 (260442ZSEP23) Notable: Jasper Rootham – Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Durham (2/2)

Jasper Rootham bio

World War II:

1938-1941: Rootham worked at 10 Downing Street as a private secretary and translator for Neville Chamberlain and then Winston Churchill. He was fluent in French, German and Russian and was present for many important events during that time, including the Munich Declaration (1938) and the official declaration of war (1939).

1941-1944: Rootham led special operations behind enemy lines in Yugoslavia (Mission Greenwood-Rootham)

1945: Rootham was present in Berlin for the negotiations between France, Russia, the U.K. and the U.S.A.

Central Bank:

After World War II, Rootham worked for the Bank of England for 20 years in roles such as Chief of Central Banking Information Department and Chief of Overseas Department.

His work included travel to Russia during the Cold War.

Merchant Bank:

Rootham left the Bank of England to work for the merchant banking company Lazard Brothers.


Rootham was a writer and poet who wrote extensively about his experiences during World War II and the subsequent geo-political landscape.

Unable to find a publisher willing to publish his poetry (no book deal), he paid from his own funds to publish his work privately in the hope that the lessons of the past be remembered.






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46c78b No.42560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19649775 (020744ZOCT23) Notable: Rishi Sunak facing full-scale revolt as Tory peer calls on donors to defund the party

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Rishi Sunak facing full-scale revolt as Tory peer calls on donors to defund the party

Tory peer Lord Cruddas called on party donors to refuse to give the Conservatives money until reforms are brought in to give members power.

In the first of two barnstorming speeches at the black tie event, Lord Cruddas called on donors to stop funding the Conservative Party until reforms were agreed to.

He was followed later by Dame Priti who said "it is time to take back control" of the Conservatives in a speech many in the room saw as "a leadership pitch" if the Conservatives lose the next election.

Lord Cruddas bemoaned the fact that Tory MPs in "a corrupted party" had removed two leaders "who had been chosen by the members" to install "a leader who had been rejected by the members."

He said that MPs and the party board could no longer be trusted.

To loud cheers from the packed dinner, Lord Cruddas said: "We need to start applying pressure on the party board to listen to us make major changes now, before it's too late.

"There is a very quick way to do this. The party is heavily reliant on donors. I know I used to be one.

"So tonight I am asking all Conservative Party donors, including individuals or groups to stop funding the Conservative Party until we can implement the constitutional changes that reintroduce members' rights.


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46c78b No.42561

File: 5cce89bfc4e9fbc⋯.jpeg (46.71 KB,918x920,459:460,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5015e4f3c77c42c⋯.jpeg (33.04 KB,474x313,474:313,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7b768761d32fea1⋯.jpeg (542.37 KB,733x1286,733:1286,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4323c33ff75cabb⋯.jpeg (382.06 KB,750x1114,375:557,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9c9c6fac25c8e50⋯.jpeg (129.98 KB,738x726,123:121,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19660613 (032202ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Bearing to that purple building, Riverbank Plaza Hotel @ 18 Albert Embankment 178.4

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Boatfag, can I ask a favor of you to chart a bearing to that purple building, Riverbank Plaza Hotel @ 18 Albert Embankment from the TrafCam on Hungerford?

Am recalibrating a dig I had done estimating the bearing of ORION constellation. At the time I estimated it at 180 degrees from the ‘Traffic cam’ on Hungerford Bridge. I had made an overlay on ROT1. I think I was sufficiently off in that to warrant another look at it. My intent was to use the difference betw the bearing of our known bearing to London Eye and that purple hotel to estimate the bearing of Orion seen in London2847. I will redo my overlay diagram and use the bearing to Orion to, hopefully, get a timestamp closer, and corroborative with our high tide time estimate.

See my first diagram up bread here —>


Moreover, my original theory was that the camera was a cellphone with a field of view, FOV, of 60 degrees. It appears the avg FOV is more like 72 degrees for cellphones, AND also 35mm cameras btw. My opinion is that our ‘traf cam’ with legs would more likely use a cellphone to blend in, but the fact they have the pretty much the same FOV as a 35mm lends some leeway to the theory. Am hoping adding 12 degrees might help.

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46c78b No.42562

File: d4cedb710406412⋯.png (1.27 MB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19660869 (032234ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Bearing to that purple building, Riverbank Plaza Hotel @ 18 Albert Embankment 178.4

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If I did it right 178.4 degrees 0.91 Nautical mile

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46c78b No.42563

File: 01b23f9a960b890⋯.png (864.7 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19660896 (032237ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Bearing to centre of Big Ben clock tower 190.6

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I get bearing to centre of Big Ben clock tower as 190.6 distance 0.36 nautical mile

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46c78b No.42564

File: c8dedcc2f604b17⋯.png (913.81 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19661369 (032337ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Bearing to St. Thomas' Hospital 164.0

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If I got the right building of the complex, bearing 164.0 to St. Thomas' Hospital

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46c78b No.42565

File: 041320bdccac00a⋯.png (356.08 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19661697 (040021ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Bearing to Hispaniola pilot house

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Kek, I need a coupla pints

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46c78b No.42566

File: 1c8bef5ecb6967e⋯.jpeg (462.09 KB,750x954,125:159,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3203428b0899f0c⋯.jpeg (366.6 KB,750x1016,375:508,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19669535 (050012ZOCT23) Notable: Jasper Rootham – Durham

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These are the castle and cathedral at Durham contrasted in the poem.

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46c78b No.42567

File: 60f057244f52cb8⋯.jpeg (125.94 KB,591x439,591:439,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19669646 (050028ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Seeking the constellation Orion

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Thanks for the effort, fren. I’m afraid that a further look at the bearings concludes yet again a probable FOV of 60 degrees.

But one takeaway is that it seems to disprove the theory of Orion being seen left of Big Ben (around 195 degrees) around the time moon is at 151.5. Simulations show Orion at 190 or so just after midnight which would contradict moon times for 24-26 DEC. picrel

The ability to identify those stars is the weakest when compared with the moon behind LE. We have looked extensively for possible alternatives for the moon behind LE but our efforts exclude any cranes there. So, still feel confident of that.

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46c78b No.42568

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19670728 (050334ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Seeking the constellation Orion

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Anon, I need to ask you to look at the bearing to the Big Ben clock tower again.

I got 190.6 when I posted >>42563, the roughly 195 was to try to determine what field of view is covered by the pic.

I'm going to fire up that maritime site again and grab some more bearings. We have a hotel, an Urbanest site, the Millbank, and the tower at St. George's Wharf. I think of it as when that outfit went back to Scapa Flow and used the multi-beam sonar gear to create a "point cloud" to show high resolution image of some of the wrecks there. I have to admit that 164 to St. Thomas's may not be right, I used the leading edge of the building and not the centre, might just hit the purple hotel again. Kek, I don't think the guys that set up the feature to the maritime site ever expected it to get used like we have, might want to added buying them a few pints on the Victory Parade to-do list

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46c78b No.42569

File: 4d6db630607a4f7⋯.png (849.73 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f948a2129c65e2⋯.png (683.4 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 1afd8d9cba6bfe6⋯.png (1.22 MB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 2322e3b6318330c⋯.png (491.02 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19670866 (050354ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / More bearings with screenshots of building outlines

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>>42568 (me)

Okay, let's take this from the top.

Using a starting point that gives me a 151.5 to the hub of London Eye I come up with:

Millbank, centre of tower 188.7

Big Ben, centre of tower 192.7

Park Plaza (purple building) centre of angled side facing Hungerford 178.3

St. George's Wharf tower, centre of building 189.1

St, Thomas Hospital, centre of building closet to Thames, 165.0

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46c78b No.42570

File: f0cdcaa22782e87⋯.png (887.31 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e3142e427b8843⋯.png (1.25 MB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: b8be4bf5933228f⋯.png (318.46 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 262026733a2c13c⋯.png (1.22 MB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19670906 (050359ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / More bearings with screenshots of building outlines

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>>42569 (me again)

Almost left these out:

Big hotel obscuring Urbanest site (Park Plaza Westminster Bridge ), centre, 147.3

Urbanest, centre of complex, 147.7

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46c78b No.42571

File: d753e381aac83f4⋯.png (173.69 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: d7999d5eb1b305f⋯.png (902.03 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19670913 (050400ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / More bearings with screenshots of building outlines

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>>42570 (me)

Last ones, St Thomas

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46c78b No.42572

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19671053 (050424ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Going around the compass

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Going around the compass:

Hispaniola pilot house 145.4

Big hotel obscuring Urbanest site (Park Plaza Westminster Bridge ), centre, 147.3

Urbanest, centre of complex, 147.7

London Eye 151.5

St. Thomas Hospital, centre of building closet to Thames, 165.0

Park Plaza (purple building) centre of angled side facing Hungerford 178.3

Millbank, centre of tower 188.7

St. George's Wharf tower, centre of building 189.1

Big Ben, centre of tower 192.7

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46c78b No.42573

File: 9916d56790d56be⋯.jpeg (542.11 KB,750x1149,250:383,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19671854 (050832ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Parliament Square Gdn 201.6

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Well then, just looking at how the right edge seems to follow the EMBANKMENT before it curves to the left in the picture, could you try a bearing like this? (picrel)

The bearing should just miss Parliament Sq. Garden as in picrel.

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46c78b No.42574

File: aae00b6317bedbe⋯.png (1.29 MB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fc0dda85f47a4e⋯.png (910.58 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19671873 (050838ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Parliament Square Gdn 201.6

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This is what I'm looking at zooming in to take bearings. I don't have the ability to mess with contrasts and such but maybe one of our intrepid anons can and there will be something to latch onto

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46c78b No.42575

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19671915 (050847ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Parliament Square Gdn 201.6

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No need to zoom any further than you dud for BB bearing. Parliament Square Gdn is just East of BB if you are looking for it. See my map here >>42573

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46c78b No.42576

File: 69e4be63f2d7e68⋯.png (529.8 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19671924 (050851ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Parliament Square Gdn 201.6

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That garden is blocked from view by these buildings

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46c78b No.42577

File: d3117c6335fbbfe⋯.png (846.95 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19671928 (050853ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Parliament Square Gdn 201.6

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The red arrow I'd have to call as 201.6

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46c78b No.42578

File: 3e59b59bdb51c29⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB,750x1290,25:43,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19671930 (050858ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Parliament Square Gdn 201.6

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That’s it. You found it. Good job.

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46c78b No.42579

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19671940 (050903ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Close enuf to 60 degrees Field of View

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Well, all things approximated, our border bearings delta is about 57 degrees. Close enuf to 60 degrees I think. 202 minus 145 is 57.

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46c78b No.42580

File: 5015e4f3c77c42c⋯.jpeg (33.04 KB,474x313,474:313,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19672025 (050927ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun / Tinkering around with the info

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Here is a tinkering around with the info in this diagram. (Picrel)

Now in betw 74 and 46 degrees is 60. We know this by adding the 2 numbers and dividing by 2. So, if we do the same with their corresponding (mm) measurements we get 50mm and 28mm. Adding them we get 78mm. Divide that by 2 and we get 39mm. Not a photographer but I have heard of 35mm lens cameras. And a quick net search finds they do sell 40mm camera lenses.

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46c78b No.42581

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697614 (090219ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Decode Attempts Bun

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Here's where we are, did I miss anything?

Updated Decode Attempts Bun

>>42377, >>42378, >>42379, >>42380 Q #1604, #1605, #1668, #1669, #1707

>>42381 Q embedded Q posts as Caps with filenames in many examples in the London Map

>>42382, >>42385, >>42386, >>42387 Capped post #1336 in Q #1668 does not appear to be actual #1336, even if part of the text in Q 1336 was repeated

>>42383, >>42384, >>42388, >>42389, >>42390, >>42392 Q #1720, #1721, #1722, #1723, #1724, #1725

>>42393, >>42394 Some of the SEQ deltas are 10s, some 100s, some single digits. Related to positions on a timestamp? Some posts have higher SEQ numbers on left or right side

>>42395, >>42396, >>42397, >>42400 Q #1726, #1727, #1742, #1743

>>42398, >>42399, >>42401, >>42402 Q #1744, #1745, #1746, #1764, #1769, #1780

>>42403, >>42404, >>42405, >>42407, >>42408, >>42411, >>42412 Q #1782, #1799, #1829, #1924, #1925, #1940, #1943

>>42406 Q 1721 which was capped and included in Q 1924; Q edited EMB pic (yellow circle); Original Q post (graphics lost) When does a bird sing?

>>42419 Experiment with London Pics methods

>>42420 >>42421 Timestamps are critical

>>42422, >>42423 Possible future date for Durham/declass? Refinement of dig on Q3575

>>42529, >>42530 RSA keys, decoding with math

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46c78b No.42582

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697617 (090219ZOCT23) Notable: Embankment Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Embankment Bun

>>42531, >>42532, >>42537, >>42538 RE: EMBANKMENT PICS (ROT1, LONDON2847and LISAMI6)

>>42539 December 2013 pics for comparison

>>42541, >>42542 LONDON2847: working the Night Sky

>>42543 Graphic in support about there being no moon yet risen for some of the nighttime HIGH TIDES, 24,25,26 DEC are eliminated

>>42544, >>42545, >>42546 Port of London Authority boater safety pdf regarding conditions on the Thames

>>42547 Images from previous breads in the UK notable archives courtesy of Triple_A

>>42548, >>42549 For reference: Maritime site graphic for Hungerford/Jubilee Bridge location to London Eye, 151.5 degrees

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46c78b No.42583

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697622 (090219ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Updated Investigative Planefagging Bun

>>42476 United Airlines discontinued service with 747s, the last flight being 7NOV2017, 7 months prior to the Q drop(s)

>>42481 Youtube vid from 8JUN2014, San Francisco https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=imQtVgggNSI

>>42483 Livery bookends, when one might expect to see a United 747 that looks like Q drop 1679/1680, are starting in May 2010 and ending November 2017

>>42484 Out of all the (44)747-400 passenger planes ever owned by United Airlines can rule out almost half to start

>>42491, >>42492 Planespotter site, https://www.airfleets.net/

>>42493 The 747-200s are absolute confirmed eliminated

>>42494 List of (44) 747-422s. RED Xs next to the planes that are eliminated


>>42496, >>42497, >>42515 N107UA, N116UA, & N117UA

>>42498 N118UA

>>42505 N119UA & N120UA

>>42506 N121UA & N122UA

>>42507 N127UA & N128UA

>>42508 N171UA & N174UA

>>42509, >>42511 N175UA & N177UA

>>42510 N178UA & N179UA

>>42512 N180UA & N181UA

>>42513, >>42516 N182UA & N197UA

>>42514 N199UA old paint seen 8DEC2012, new paint by 17FEB2013

>>42517 Appears that Flight UA 862 (aka UAL 862) has been continued on the United schedule. Here is 862 landing in San Francisco 14 July 2023 after Hong Kong departure

>>42522 N193UA, N195UA, N198UA to be eliminated. N104UA, N116UA, N117UA, N199UA info from airfleets.net

>>42523 N177UA, N178UA, N179UA, N180UA, N181UA, N182UA info from airfleets.net

>>42524 N171UA, N173UA info from airfleets.net

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46c78b No.42584

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697966 (090309ZOCT23) Notable: Bearings Bun | Updated Footnotes for Later Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

These two I'm not so sure of

Bearings Bun

>>42561, >>42562 Bearing to that purple building, Riverbank Plaza Hotel @ 18 Albert Embankment 178.4

>>42563 Bearing to centre of Big Ben clock tower 190.6

>>42564 Bearing to St. Thomas' Hospital 164.0

>>42565 Bearing to Hispaniola pilot house

>>42567, >>42568 Seeking the constellation Orion

>>42569, >>42570, >>42571 More bearings with screenshots of building outlines

>>42572 Going around the compass

>>42573, >>42574, >>42575, >>42576, >>42577, >>42578 Parliament Square Gdn 201.6

>>42579 Close enuf to 60 degrees Field of View

>>42580 Tinkering around with the info

Updated Footnotes for Later Bun

>>42384 Q #1725/Black Box pic

>>42413, >>42414 Q #1924, #1925, #1940, #1943

>>42416, >>42417 Working some numbers

>>42426 Ukraine 2013-2014, Winter, Christmas Day

>>42550, 19516733, >>42551, >>42552, >>42553 DEA’s Project Cassandra

>>42555, >>42556, >>42557 Cranes refresher

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46c78b No.42585

File: ced5519fdd9b480⋯.jpeg (664.05 KB,750x1162,375:581,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19746757 (162241ZOCT23) Notable: 19747199 EU told TOUGH LUCK as Germany risks EU civil war and asks Britain to ‘call us’ for trade deal

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EU told TOUGH LUCK as Germany risks EU civil war and asks Britain to ‘call us’ for trade deal

Ann Widdecombe has hailed Brexit Britain after Germany praised the UK and risked EU civil war by demanding a renewed trade agreement with Britain.

German finance minister Christian Lindner has sparked an EU civil war by inviting the UK to take new steps on a new and improved trade deal with the bloc.

Lindner even goes as far as to ask Britain to 'call Germany'.

The offer has sparked outrage from some in the EU who say Germany cannot make this offer without member agreement.

Ann Widdecombe commenting on the bid to woo Brexit Britain told Mark Dolan on GB News:" I think it's missing us quite considerably. I think it's missing our contribution. I think it's just missing our general participation.

Ann Widdecombe says 'TOUGH LUCK' to the EU

"But tough luck. And what strikes me about this is Germany wouldn't, out of the goodness of its heart, make offers to Britain for Britain's sake. "This is Germany saying, Oh dear, you know, we're not doing so well out of this Brexit business. Perhaps we should try to swing it a little more our way. I mean, that is effectively what's going on. And yes, we should all be laughing at that."

She added: "My actual fear in all of this is not Germany, it's not the EU. It's Keir Starmer, who has said in terms, and this is probably what has encouraged Germany.

"He said in terms, that he wants to negotiate a better deal. Now, a better deal actually means, the single market or the customs union or further regulation or whatever it might be.

"It's not going to work solely in our favor. We haven't got a particularly good deal at the moment. That's not make it any worse."

It comes as numbers on Britain's net migration show it will take years to fall below its pre-Brexit levels, with higher numbers expected until at least the end of the decade.

Forecasts by he Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford and the London School of Economics (LSE) suggest that the figure will remain at around 250,000 to 350,000 a year for the foreseeable future.

Professor of economics at LSE Alan Manning, who co-authored the new report, said: "Nobody can predict exactly what will happen to net migration, but we can set out some realistic scenarios.

"And most plausible scenarios involve net migration falling in the coming years.


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46c78b No.42586

File: f1c7ceb51f80a38⋯.jpeg (563.27 KB,750x1240,75:124,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19750330 (171557ZOCT23) Notable: British teenage girls feared kidnapped in Gaza as Rishi Sunak confirms six UK nationals killed by Hamas

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British teenage girls feared kidnapped in Gaza as Rishi Sunak confirms six UK nationals killed by Hamas

Two British teenage sisters are feared to have been kidnapped and are among 10 UK nationals still missing following Hamas’ attack on Israel.

Rishi Sunak on Monday confirmed at least six Britons have been killed in the “progrom”, as he told MPs he was increasing aid to the Palestinian people by a third.

Two teenage sisters Noiya, 16, and Yahel, 13, are among those still missing, the BBC reported.

The sisters, whose surname has not been released, are thoughtt to have been kidnapped from Kibbutz Be’eri by Hamas militants before being taken into Gaza, according to the BBC. Their mother is reported to have been killed.

The British family of their mother said she was “a beloved daughter, sister, mother, aunt and friend who enriched the lives of all those lucky enough to have known and loved her”.

“She lived a beautiful life and will be sorely missed by the heartbroken family and friends she leaves behind,” the BBC reports.

The Prime Minister said on Monday the UK must “support absolutely Israel’s right to defend itself” as it targets Hamas, as he called for the immediate release of the around 200 hostages taken by the militant group.

But he also recognised in a Commons statement that the Palestinian people are “victims of Hamas too” as he announced an extra £10 million of aid funding.

With the families of some of the missing watching his statement in Parliament, Mr Sunak recounted that more than 1,400 people were murdered, more than 3,500 wounded and almost 200 taken hostage in Hamas’s attack.

“The elderly, men, women, children, babes in arms, murdered, mutilated, burned alive,” he continued.

“We should call it by its name: it was a pogrom.”

Mr Sunak said the “terrible nature of these attacks means it is proving difficult to identify many of the deceased” but at least six Britons were killed.

Of the further 10 missing, he said some are feared to be among the dead as the UK works with Israel to establish the facts and support the families through their “unimaginable pain”.

He said eight flights so far have brought back 500 British nationals from Israel, with more leaving in the coming hours.

Addressing the British Jewish community, Mr Sunak said: “We stand with you now and always. This atrocity was an existential strike at the very idea of Israel as a safe homeland for the Jewish people.”

The Prime Minister said he is “sickened” that antisemitic attacks have increased since the wave of bloodshed in Israel, as he vowed to do “everything we can to protect you”.

But he said “we stand with British Muslim communities too” as he noted the “moment of great anguish” for those appalled by Hamas’s actions while being fearful of the response.

“We must listen to these concerns with the same attentiveness,” he said.

“Hamas is using innocent Palestinian people as human shields.

“We mourn the loss of every innocent life, civilians of every faith, every nationality who have been killed.

“And so let’s say it plainly: we stand with British Muslim communities too.”

Mr Sunak announced that a further £10 million in humanitarian aid would be provided to civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, up from the £27 million existing funding this year.

“An acute humanitarian crisis is unfolding to which we must respond, we must support, because they are victims of Hamas too,” he said.

He said the UK would continue to press Israel to “take every possible precaution to avoid harming civilians”, with more than 2,750 Palestinians reported to have been killed and 9,700 wounded since the fighting erupted.

More than 1,400 Israelis have died, the vast majority civilians killed in the October 7 assault, while the country’s military said that at least 199 hostages had been taken to Gaza.

Sir Keir Starmer said it is “crucial that this House speaks with one voice in condemnation of terror, in support for Israel in its time of agony and for the dignity of all human life”.

The Labour leader added that civilians “must not be targeted” as he called for humanitarian corridors to be opened to allow the supply of food, water and electricity to the Gaza Strip.

Earlier in the day, Mr Sunak expressed his condolences for the deaths of civilians in a call with President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas and discussed providing humanitarian aid to Gaza and measures to protect civilians.

He also held a call with Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan to discuss the need to send aid to Gaza.

British officials have been pressing for Egypt to open the Rafah crossing with Gaza to allow Britons, dual nationals, as well as their spouses and children, to flee and to allow humanitarian aid into its more than two million people.

However, expectations in Government for opening the crossing were understood to be very low on Monday.


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46c78b No.42587

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19754340 (180352ZOCT23) Notable: UK Confirms Royal Navy and Air Force are Being Deployed to the Eastern Med

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UK Confirms Royal Navy and Air Force are Being Deployed to the Eastern Med


The UK’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak confirmed in a statement on Friday that he has given the command to deploy Royal Air Force and Royal Navy assets into the Eastern Mediterranean, with the first patrols beginning today as Israel appears ready to enter the Gaza Strip. Sunak said the efforts would be alongside allies already in the region while the U.S. Navy released additional pictures of the USS Gerald R. Ford reported to now be in position in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Surveillance aircraft from the Royal Air Force were the first asset to become active with the Ministry of Defense saying they had been assigned to begin patrols “to help partners track emerging threats to regional security.” Among the specific roles they said they would be monitoring for is the transfer of weapons to terrorist groups. The Prime Minister said the efforts were specifically to promote regional stability and prevent further escalation.

Following the surveillance aircraft, two Royal Navy ships are also being directed into the region. They are the RFA Lyme and RFA Argus, of the auxiliary fleet. The RFA Lyme is a 16,600 dwt Bay-class landing ship dock designed to deliver troops, vehicles, stores, and ammunition and support the ongoing waves of an amphibious assault. The RFA Argus (28,000 dwt) is a Primary Casualty Receiving Ship of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary. With a 100-bed medical complex on board, she acts as a floating medical facility.

“Our military and diplomatic teams across the region will also support international partners to re-establish security and ensure humanitarian aid reaches the thousands of innocent victims of this barbaric attack from Hamas terrorists,” said Prime Minister Sunak. “We must be unequivocal in making sure the types of horrific scenes we have seen this week will not be repeated.”

The UK’s full military package will also include P8 aircraft, surveillance assets, and three merlin helicopters. A company of Royal Marines will be on standby to deliver practical support to Israel and partners in the region and offer deterrence and assurance. The two auxiliary vessels will be moved to the eastern Mediterranean next week. Further, the Prime Minister has also asked for all military teams in Israel, Cyprus, and across the region, to be bolstered to support contingency planning and the efforts of neighboring countries to deal with any spillover from instability in Israel.

This came after the U.S. Navy confirmed earlier in the week that the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group had arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. They said the mission was to deter any actor seeking to escalate the situation or widen the war.

"The arrival of these highly capable forces to the region is a strong signal of deterrence should any actor hostile to Israel consider trying to take advantage of this situation," said General Michael "Erik" Kurilla, commander, U.S. Central Command.

The U.S. forces in the area now include the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford, with its eight squadrons of attack and support aircraft, and the Ticonderoga class guided missile cruiser USS Normandy, as well as the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers USS Thomas Hudner, USS Ramage, USS Carney, and USS Roosevelt.


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46c78b No.42588

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19804522 (260538ZOCT23) Notable: UK Digs Review

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UK Digs Review

>>>/qresearch/19803714 SKYLINE, review of two four pics in two vids, London Embankment (video)

>>>/qresearch/19803858 New Year Eve, 01-JAN-2014-T. View from Bridge Street, London, UK vid showed 360 degree view from Bridge Street such that details of Q pics can be spotted and aligned with the scene on 31-DEC-2013/1-JAN-2014

>>>/qresearch/19804003, >>>/qresearch/19804019, >>>/qresearch/19804044 View from the footbridge from which Q pics were taken. This is night view a few weeks before Christmas 2013. Details in the skyline can be aligned with Q pics (video)

>>>/qresearch/19804174 Recorded in 2018 but it managed to provide an aerial view of ALL the London pic locations (video)

>>>/qresearch/19804274, >>>/qresearch/19804309 Q London Pic, Piccadilly Circus Ticket Kiosk, Summer 2013 v 2014 (video)

>>>/qresearch/19804390 Piccadilly, March 2014, Night view (video)

>>>/qresearch/19804438 360 View on Wardour Street, vid showed the Red Bus pic scene relative to a sort of sideview of the same scene that was captured in the Q pic (video)

>>>/qresearch/19804464 Compilation of snippets from open sources from 2011 to 2014 that take us through the Piccadilly scene and past the Red Bus scene (video)

>>>/qresearch/19804500 Q 1725 posted on 7 JUL 2018. Bus Shelter 'S' on Victoria Street, London, UK, DEC 2018 (video)

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