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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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10fbfe No.17314 [Last50 Posts]


Re-Posts of notables

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d2d564 No.21827

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446572 (042245ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: Our soldier will no longer live in the streets of our city…we will take care of our soldiers.

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d2d564 No.21828

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446578 (042246ZMAR23) Notable: DJT interview on RSBN - Gold Domes

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He said it in the interview on RSBN:

🔴 CPAC LIVE From Washington, DC - Day Three - 3/4/2023


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d2d564 No.21829

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446579 (042246ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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“You listening to this Mitch McConnel? You listening?”—DJT

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d2d564 No.21830

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446590 (042248ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: We are never going to be a country ruled by entrenched political dynasties in both parties, rotten special interests, China-loving politicians, of which there are many. You listening to this Mitch McConnell?

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d2d564 No.21831

File: d02f37406558b21⋯.png (246.73 KB,604x569,604:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446598 (042249ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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Citizen Free Press


President Trump:

"We are never going back to the party of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, and Jeb Bush."


Aaron Rupar

11:46 AM · Mar 4, 2023




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d2d564 No.21832

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446600 (042250ZMAR23) Notable: Watch live: Trump, Bolsonaro and more take the stage on Day 3 of CPAC

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LIVE: President Donald Trump Delivers Remarks at CPAC


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d2d564 No.21833

File: 02e5cb39f0a9bd2⋯.png (552.72 KB,870x782,435:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446603 (042251ZMAR23) Notable: Watch live: Trump, Bolsonaro and more take the stage on Day 3 of CPAC

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅




Join @realDonaldTrump live at CPAC, beginning shortly! #TRUMP2024



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d2d564 No.21834

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446616 (042253ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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“I only came here17times they said.” —DJT

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d2d564 No.21835

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446621 (042253ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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DJT: “Our enemies are desperate to stop us because they know we are the only ones that can stop them…

They know that we can defeat them.

They know that we will defeat them.

But they’re not coming after me.

They’re coming after you and I’m just standing in their way…

We are going to finish what we started…

We are going to complete the mission.

We are going to see this battle through to ultimate victory.

We are going to Make America Great Again.” 🇺🇸

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d2d564 No.21836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446632 (042255ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: There is only one president in history who has ever taken on the entire corrupt establishment in Washington. And when we win in 2024, we will do it again, even stronger, faster, and better, because now I am experienced and I know the people of Washington..I now know the good ones, the bad ones, the weak ones, the strong ones…I will put America first every single time, every single day.

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d2d564 No.21837

File: f8c7cb1a2ac9d36⋯.png (60.46 KB,947x332,947:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446659 (042258ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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Liz Harrington




“Our enemies are lunatics and maniacs and they cannot stand that they do not own me, they cannot shake me, they cannot control me…anyone else would be intimidated and ripped to shreds. I alone will NEVER retreat.” - President Donald J. Trump

Mar 04, 2023, 5:56 PM


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d2d564 No.21838

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446663 (042258ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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This is the final battle! -Donald Trump

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d2d564 No.21839

File: 1c61ce553fbe94f⋯.png (46.36 KB,940x316,235:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446678 (042259ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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Liz Harrington




“People are tired of RINOs and globalists. They want to see America First.” - President Donald J. Trump


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d2d564 No.21840

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446684 (042300ZMAR23) Notable: MTG Tells Fired Up MAGA Crowd at CPAC She Was Right to Support McCarthy – Met with Silence

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MTG Tells Fired Up MAGA Crowd at CPAC She Was Right to Support McCarthy – Met with Silence

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) joined Steve Bannon and the War Room audience in the halls of CPAC on Saturday morning.

MTG told the War Room crowd she still supports Speaker Kevin McCarthy and does not regret it at all.

Steve Bannon: let me ask. It’s a tough one. Were you right to back McCarthy during the fight or will you walk us through it? You got your biggest fans here. Talk to us about it.

Rep. MTG: Well, I was definitely right. And I think everyone’s starting to see the decision that I made was the right decision. We only have four seats in our majority that help us get things passed and help us have the gavel. And the gavel is everything. Because let me explain something to you all. The gavel means subpoena power. And if we have never had a time like before where we need subpoena power, and I look forward to taking part in a lot of that on our upcoming committee hearings.

The audience was silent.

MTG still has a tough sell with the MAGA crowd on McCarthy.


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d2d564 No.21841

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446689 (042300ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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[Their] reign will be over.DJT

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d2d564 No.21842

File: 56fab953510f497⋯.mp4 (2.74 MB,368x400,23:25,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446696 (042300ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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d2d564 No.21843

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446709 (042302ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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“Our enemies are lunatics and maniacs and they cannot stand that they do not own me, they cannot shake me, they cannot control me…anyone else would be intimidated and ripped to shreds. I alone will NEVER retreat.” - President Donald J. Trump

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d2d564 No.21844

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446718 (042303ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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“I will totally obliterate the Deep State! I will fire the unelected bureaucrats and shadow forces.” - POTUS Trump 🔥🔥🔥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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d2d564 No.21845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446721 (042303ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: These are sick people…the Biden administration is the most corrupt administration in American history. Hunter Biden is a criminal, and nothing happened to him. Joe Biden is a criminal, and nothing ever seems to happen to him.

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d2d564 No.21846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446736 (042304ZMAR23) Notable: #22617

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Notables - FINAL


>>21792, >>21793, >>21797, >>21816, >>21817, >>21832, >>21832, >>21833 Watch live: Trump, Bolsonaro and more take the stage on Day 3 of CPAC

>>21794 Donald J. Trump: The world has finally woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus.

>>21795 The FBI Targeted Patriotic Conservatives Exercising Their First Amendment Rights

>>21796 6th-Grade Boy & Father Confront School Board

>>21798 Trump calls for China, WHO to be 'held to account' for Covid lab leak

>>21799 Trump and January 6 prisoners collaborate on song

>>21800 Truckers in France join rail, air, energy and public service employees in protest against pension reform.

>>21801 WHO wants proof to support US claims of Covid origin

>>21802 DJT - Nigel Farage speaks about lab leak

>>21803 Russell Brand just went on Bill Maher and burned down Pfizer, BioNTech, crony politicians, media, and war profiteers in the defense industry

>>21804 Steven Spielberg thinks the US government is hiding information about UFOs

>>21805, >>21809, >>21814 Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia

>>21806, >>21807 Dr. Robert Malone says we must break the link between big tech and the intel community to prevent a Marxist future.

>>21808 Democratic Presidential Candidate Marianne Praising Fox News and slamming Democrats

>>21810 Marianne Williamson Launches 2024 Presidential Campaign

>>21811 Woke Bank Shuts Down Business Account Of Donald Trump Jr, Faces Massive Backlash

>>21812 They Stole it From Us Legally - CPAC 2023 Washington D.C.

>>21813 Here’s the real reason the EPA doesn’t want to test for toxins in East Palestine

>>21815 Several whistleblowers, a dozen physicians, six physician-confirmed vaccine-injured patients, and two parents whose sons died after receiving the vaccines are speaking at the Mississippi Capitol telling officials to stop the COVID vaccine

>>21818, >>21820, >>21821, >>21823, >>21824, >>21826, >>21827, >>21829, >>21830, >>21831, >>21834, >>21835, >>21836, >>21837, >>21838, >>21839, >>21841, >>21842, >>21843, >>21844, >>21845 DJT @CPAC

>>21819, >>21822, >>21828 DJT interview on RSBN - Gold Domes

>>21825 Trump to unveil plan for city-by-city mass deportation of illegal alien gang members in CPAC speech tonight

>>21840 MTG Tells Fired Up MAGA Crowd at CPAC She Was Right to Support McCarthy – Met with Silence


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d2d564 No.21847

File: 71f16df2adc7187⋯.png (417 KB,882x789,294:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446815 (042314ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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“In 2016 I declared, I am your voice.

Today I add, I am your warrior. I am your justice - and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.

I will totally obliterate the deep state.

I will fire unelected bureaucrats and shadow forces who have weaponized our justice system like it has never been weaponized before.

It’s sick. These are sick people.

I will put the people back in charge of this country again! The people will be back in charge of our country.” 💥


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d2d564 No.21848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446816 (042314ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump on the FBI rank and file: "they know right from wrong, and they like me and I like them a lot"

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d2d564 No.21849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446818 (042314ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: Congress, and various radical-left democrat prosecutors, in an effort to stop me, go to the Supreme Court twice….the Supreme Court, in a moment of total weakness, gives them everything they want in order to try and prosecute Trump….they found nothing.

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d2d564 No.21850

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446829 (042316ZMAR23) Notable: PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP DELIVERS REMARKS AT CPAC 2023

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d2d564 No.21851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446840 (042318ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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[They] have the greatest line of bullshit Ive ever seen

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d2d564 No.21852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446844 (042318ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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Our getting back in the White House is their worst nightmare.

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d2d564 No.21853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446846 (042318ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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they know when we return to power we will bring their lies, their corruption and their disinformation tumbling down

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d2d564 No.21854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446847 (042318ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: All this is happening for one single reason: they know that when we return to power, we will bring their lies and their corruption, and their disinformation, tumbling down.

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d2d564 No.21855

File: 567093bdcf1a8c7⋯.png (561.93 KB,1254x916,627:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446850 (042319ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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LIVE: President Donald Trump Delivers Remarks at CPAC


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d2d564 No.21856

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446854 (042319ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: We can't spend hundreds of billions of dollars protecting people that don't even like us.

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d2d564 No.21857

File: 3255c40f80a27e3⋯.png (235.81 KB,868x592,217:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446878 (042324ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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Trump promises to defend the people in 2024: ‘I will put America first every single time every single day’



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d2d564 No.21858

File: de9e3b47285fc0d⋯.png (957.99 KB,775x787,775:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446879 (042324ZMAR23) Notable: Trump wins CPAC straw poll as Republican 2024 frontrunner in a landslide

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Trump wins CPAC straw poll as Republican

2024 frontrunner in a landslide

New York Post, by Jon Levine

Posted By: Imright, 3/4/2023 6:04:38 PM

Former President Trump won the Conservative Political Action Conference’s straw poll by a wide margin Saturday — proof, his supporters said, that he remains the GOP’s formidable front-runner as the 2024 Republican primaries loom. Trump was the preferred candidate of 62% of attendees who voted in the right-wing confab’s annual poll. As he has in past years, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis came in second place with 20% percent support. Two other declared GOP candidates, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, garnered 3 and 1 percent of the vote respectively —

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d2d564 No.21859

File: ba1c3db0ffbe484⋯.jpg (247.05 KB,736x734,368:367,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446903 (042328ZMAR23) Notable: People Behind Biden Announce Creation of Formal National Surveillance State

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People Behind Biden Announce Creation of Formal National Surveillance State, Yet No One Seems Bothered

On March 2, 2023, the people in control of the Joe Biden administration officially announced that government control of internet content was now officially a part of the national security apparatus. If you have followed the history of how the Fourth Branch of Government has been created, you will immediately recognize the intent of this new framework.

The “National Cybersecurity Strategy” aligns with, supports, and works in concert with a total U.S. surveillance system, where definitions of information are then applied to “cybersecurity” and communication vectors. This policy is both a surveillance system and an information filtration prism where the government will decide what is information, disinformation, misinformation and malinformation, then act upon it.


Barack Obama and Eric Holder did not create a weaponized DOJ and FBI; the institutions were already weaponized by the Patriot Act. What Obama and Holder did was take the preexisting system and retool it, so the weapons of government only targeted one side of the political continuum.

This point is where many people understandably get confused.

Elevator Speech:

(1) The Patriot Act turned the intel surveillance radar from foreign searches for terrorists to domestic searches for terrorists.

(2) Obama/Biden then redefined what is a “terrorist” to include their political opposition.

Twitter is to the U.S. government as TikTok is to China. The overarching dynamic is the need to control public perceptions and opinions.

DHS has been in ever increasing control of Twitter since the public-private partnership was formed in 2011/2012. However, it’s not just Twitter. The same fundamental relationships are now at work within Google, Microsoft, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.


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d2d564 No.21860

File: 35c88eaf20428ed⋯.png (215.14 KB,607x518,607:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446904 (042329ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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ALX 🇺🇸


Donald Trump on the Laptop from Hell: “Joe looks at him at says: ‘What’s on it son?’ And Hunter looks back and says ‘Every single crime that you’ve ever committed, dad’.”

12:19 PM · Mar 4, 2023




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d2d564 No.21861

File: 7c459e24f6aadbb⋯.png (146.56 KB,728x440,91:55,Clipboard.png)

File: 84733dfb3a7301a⋯.png (1.04 MB,1172x510,586:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446927 (042332ZMAR23) Notable: PF: EJM473 G650 arriving back at Palm Beach from Indianapolis Int'l stop of about 4h10m and PBI depart earlier-45's Rally AC prior to getting the 757 back

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>>21723 pb

EJM473 G650 arriving back at Palm Beach from Indianapolis Int'l stop of about 4h10m and PBI depart earlier

This AC has been used by 45 (for rally's prior to getting the 757 back and his legal team in the past) also this AC used for the alleged 'secret' DOJ meeting last year and it then went to Teterboro Airport after spending a few hours at Reagan National-departed PBI for that trip

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d2d564 No.21862

File: a30e659d4e3d114⋯.png (371.06 KB,610x583,610:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446930 (042332ZMAR23) Notable: Autistic girl from Maryland was raped and murdered by MS-13 gang member

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Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸


BREAKING: Autistic girl from Maryland was raped and murdered by MS-13 gang member

He was released by the Biden Admin after being apprehended at the border


Human Events

5:15 PM · Mar 3, 2023




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d2d564 No.21863

File: 230db99085f31ae⋯.png (65.97 KB,748x497,748:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446937 (042332ZMAR23) Notable: PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP DELIVERS REMARKS AT CPAC 2023

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==What is wrong with embeding rumble on 8kun?

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d2d564 No.21864

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446941 (042333ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: I'm the only candidate who can make this promise: I will prevent, and very easily, World War III.

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d2d564 No.21865

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446944 (042333ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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“I will prevent, and very easy by the way, World War III.”—DJT

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d2d564 No.21866

File: 48ae96a6abc76bd⋯.png (211.39 KB,789x630,263:210,Clipboard.png)

File: 567e0e910d408cb⋯.png (127.01 KB,774x620,387:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446950 (042334ZMAR23) Notable: Moderna Covid 19 Vaccine Contract

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A.1 The U.S. Army Contracting Command - Aberdeen Proving Ground (ACC-APG), Natick Division has a

requirement for up to 500 million SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-1273 Vaccine doses (100m) in support of Joint Program

Executive Office - Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRND), the Assistant Secretary for

Preparedness and Response (ASPR), and Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).

All doses of mRNA-1273 Vaccine referenced herein are 1001.tg doses. All doses will be delivered in a multi- dose

vial with a volume sufficient for 10 doses per vial.

FOB: Origin (Shipping Point)


PROJECT: Operation Warp Speed

PSC CD: 6505

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d2d564 No.21867

File: 54d49def64d6e02⋯.png (979.73 KB,2100x594,350:99,Clipboard.png)

File: 5bdf2d313581127⋯.png (1.48 MB,1692x2200,423:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446953 (042334ZMAR23) Notable: - Clockwork: The hunter becomes the hunted.

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d2d564 No.21868

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446997 (042339ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: We were paying billions, and billions, and billions of dollars, to these Afghan soldiers. Tens of billions of dollars…[to Mattis]: , 'they're not fighting because they love us, or they love their country. They're fighting because they're the highest paid soldiers in the world'. We're basically bribing them to fight.

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d2d564 No.21869

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447016 (042342ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: Before I even arrive at the Oval Office, I will have the disastrous war between Russia and Ukraine settled. It will be settled quickly…it will take me no loner than one day.

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d2d564 No.21870

File: 925a2f01211054b⋯.png (207.43 KB,594x467,594:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447024 (042343ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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Citizen Free Press


President Trump goes right after Mitch McConnell:

"We are never going to be a country ruled by entrenched political dynasties in both parties, rotten special interests, China-loving politicians of which there are many. You listening Mitch McConnell?"



11:52 AM · Mar 4, 2023




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d2d564 No.21871

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447025 (042344ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: Instead of spending hundreds of billions of dollars to defend the borders of distant foreign countries, under my leadership, we will defend our borders first.

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d2d564 No.21872

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447033 (042345ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: Under my leadership, we will seal it up and expand that wall until we have total control.

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d2d564 No.21873

File: 474e5e84063fbef⋯.png (146.45 KB,444x400,111:100,Clipboard.png)

File: 60e7fb18abc270b⋯.png (419.33 KB,387x493,387:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447045 (042346ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Donald Trump: "I will put the people back in charge of this country again! The people will be back in charge of our country"


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d2d564 No.21874

File: b3f1e56fbbb6f59⋯.png (230.15 KB,606x349,606:349,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f5d9541d4b287f⋯.png (102.58 KB,385x317,385:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447051 (042347ZMAR23) Notable: Biden Hears Oval Office Plea for Alaska Oil Project in Lobbying Frenzy

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Biden Hears Oval Office Plea for Alaska Oil Project in Lobbying Frenzy

Alaska’s congressional delegation personally appealed to President Joe Biden to approve a proposed ConocoPhillips oil development in the state, joining a last-minute lobbying frenzy around the project that’s being cast as a test of his commitment to combating climate change.

The lawmakers, including freshman Democratic Representative Mary Peltola, said they made their case for authorizing the plan to allow drilling from three locations at the Willow project during an Oval Office meeting on Thursday that lasted more than an hour. In a joint statement, the lawmakers called the conversation with Biden and senior aides “honest and respectful,” saying they “appreciated the president’s recognition of how critical this moment is for Alaska’s future our nation’s energy transition.” The $8 billion project is forecast eventually to yield 180,000 barrels per day of crude, or about 1.6% of current US production, with a cumulative output of about 600 million barrels. The Interior Department could issue a final decision as soon as Monday. Willow presents Biden with his biggest climate and energy decision yet. Although the president campaigned on a pledge to block new drilling on public lands and accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels, he has also pressed oil companies to boost output to tame prices. The project also has drawn support from Alaska labor unions and some indigenous groups — important constituencies for the White House.

“The president has all the information he needs to make the right decision for Alaska and for the nation, and re-approve a three-pad, economically viable Willow project alternative without delay,” the Alaska lawmakers said. Residents of Nuiqsut, a village about 36 miles from the proposed development, sent a scathing letter Friday to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland arguing their concerns have been drowned out by the oil industry and corporate power that “reaches into every community and household,” even allegedly tainting the environmental review itself. Proposals to mitigate Willow’s impact on the community are insufficient, were not suggested by Nuiqsut and tantamount to “payoffs for the loss of our health and culture,” said Native Village of Nuiqsut President Eunice Brower, City of Nuiqsut Mayor Rosemary Ahtuangaruak and the city’s vice mayor, Carl Brower, writing in their personal capacities. Environmental advocates and lawmakers have been outlining legal options for the Biden administration to bolster a possible denial. One memo given to administration officials makes the case that the government could reject ConocoPhillips’s project without breaching the terms of the company’s leases in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.

Separately, almost two dozen congressional Democrats told Biden in a letter on Friday there’s legal authority for Haaland to block proposed drilling if necessary to mitigate “significantly adverse effects” on its surface resources.


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d2d564 No.21875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447061 (042348ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: Millions of illegal aliens are stampeding across our border. Interior enforcement has been shut down. Everyone is overstaying their visas…refugee numbers are through the roof, and spies and terrorists are infiltrating our country, totally unchecked, like never before….the very first reconciliation bill I will sign will be for a massive increase in Border Patrol, and a colossal increase in the number of ICE Deportation Officers.

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d2d564 No.21876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447070 (042349ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: Under my leadership, we will use all necessary state, local, federal, and military resources, to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.

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d2d564 No.21877

File: 2ae312358937215⋯.jpg (69.23 KB,1024x706,512:353,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447077 (042351ZMAR23) Notable: Report, Biden Administration Approved 192 U.S. Trade Licenses Worth $23 Billion to Support Blacklisted Chinese Companies

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Report, Biden Administration Approved 192 U.S. Trade Licenses Worth $23 Billion to Support Blacklisted Chinese Companies

He’s not called China Joe for nothing. This is quite a considerable amount of U.S. tech products delivered to blacklisted Chinese companies. It would be interesting to trace the multinational kickbacks to the Biden administration.

Republican Representative Michael McCaul, chair of the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, released the license numbers on Friday after revealing at a hearing on Tuesday that more than $23 billion worth of licenses were approved for suppliers to companies on the U.S. Department of Commerce’s “entity list” in the first quarter of 2022.

In a statement on Friday, McCaul called the approvals unacceptable. “This critical U.S. technology is going to the Chinese Communist Party’s surveillance and military efforts,” he said.

Beijing knows they can purchase U.S. political outcomes. At this point the pretending is embarrassing.

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d2d564 No.21878

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447081 (042351ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: I will ask every state and federal agency to identify every known or suspected gang member in America, and every one that is here illegally…we will pick them up ,and we will throw them out of our country, and there will be no questions asked.

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d2d564 No.21879

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447091 (042352ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: To stop the flow of deadly drugs, it will be my policy to take down the cartels, just as I took down the ISIS caliphate that everybody said was impossible to do.

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d2d564 No.21880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447100 (042354ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: I will direct the Department of Justice to go after marxists prosecutors offices to make them pay for their illegal, race-based enforcement of the law.

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d2d564 No.21881

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447116 (042355ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: In cities where there has been a complete breakdown of public safety, I will send in federal assets, including the National Guard, until law and order is restored.

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d2d564 No.21882

File: 59ef20ad204bbb4⋯.png (94 KB,596x480,149:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447136 (042357ZMAR23) Notable: Discover the Truth About the COVID-19 / "Great Reset" One Button At a Time

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Discover the Truth About the COVID-19 / "Great Reset" One Button At a Time

From Flynn


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d2d564 No.21883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447138 (042357ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: I will end the scourge of homelessness taking over our cities and suburbs. I just drove through Washington, DC, coming here for the first time in quite a while, and the roads and highways were littered with trash like I've never seen before…do disgraceful, so disgusting.

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d2d564 No.21884

File: 64f0b5e5f1dcd4b⋯.png (174.54 KB,447x408,149:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447140 (042357ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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"We Have No Choice…If We Don't Do This…Our Country Will Be Lost Forever"


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d2d564 No.21885

File: d7a1ff84e6e2bdf⋯.png (51.53 KB,900x255,60:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447143 (042358ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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Speaking to conservatives at CPAC 2023,President @realDonaldTrump said, "And you're going to have World War Three, by the way. We're going to have World War Three if something doesn't happen fast." #CPAC #cpac2023


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d2d564 No.21886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447152 (042359ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: Under our leadership, we will take the homeless, drug addicted and severely deranged, get them off our streets, and create tent cities, where we will get them the help they so desperately need.

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d2d564 No.21887

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447165 (050001ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: I will urge congress to create a restitution fund for Americans who have been unjustly discriminated against by these Biden policies…and we will ban all racial discrimination by the government.

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d2d564 No.21888

File: 8da55b959cc0397⋯.png (362.55 KB,635x424,635:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447179 (050003ZMAR23) Notable: Senators Grill Attorney General Merrick Garland About a Weaponized DOJ, Yet Miss the Person Doing the Weaponization

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Senators Grill Attorney General Merrick Garland About a Weaponized DOJ, Yet Miss the Person Doing the Weaponization

Much has been made today surrounding a Senate hearing where Attorney General Merrick Garland was grilled about a host of issues highlighting the political weaponization of the DOJ. Many ‘right side’ articles are noting Garland came across as weak, unsteady and nervous as he attempted to obfuscate specific examples and larger points of criticism.

Unfortunately, almost everyone is missing something. AG Merrick Garland has a control operative behind him. That person is the uber political Deputy AG Lisa Monaco. AG Garland isn’t the one calling the shots on these specific examples being cited, DAG Monaco is.

The Washington Post article being cited by Hawley is HERE. In the article excerpt below, insert the name “Monaco” to replace the word “prosecutors” and everything else makes sense, including the stumbling ineptitude of Garland – who was installed specifically because he was, like Biden, a controllable puppet.

It is frustrating to see most punditry miss the importance of the people who operate as shadows in control. In a similar way that most avoid noticing the importance of Mary McCord in the operations to remove President Trump, Lisa Monaco operates in the background of current Main Justice events and yet no one is paying attention.

When Chicago Jesus was carrying out his ‘fundamental change’ agenda, it was the women around him who spearheaded the operations and held the most steadfast loyalty. Susan Rice, Lisa Monaco, Kathleen Ruemmler, Samantha Power, Sally Yates and Mary McCord were all key figures in the systems as they were created and weaponized. Those loyal guardians of the agenda are still around, Lisa Monaco specifically as Deputy Attorney General, yet few pay attention to them.


Just as Andrew Weissmann was really the control operative behind Robert Mueller, so too is Lisa Monaco the control operative behind AG Merrick Garland.

Lisa Monaco is running the Dept of Justice.

Victoria Nuland is running the State Dept (Ukraine)

Avril Haines is running the Intelligence Community.

Samantha Power is running USAID.

Mary McCord is running the Jack Smith Special Counsel operation….

… and the great pretending continues.

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d2d564 No.21889

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447181 (050003ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: I will stop Joe Biden's demolition of our economy with his crushing inflation and mass layoffs. We will take care of inflation very, very quickly.

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d2d564 No.21890

File: 5ec6c5d045f1795⋯.png (330.27 KB,604x614,302:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447183 (050003ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸


President Trump Lays Out His Mass Deportation Plan

"Under my leadership, we will use all necessary state, local, federal and military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history."

"We will pick them up, and we will throw them out of our country and there will be no questions asked"

12:58 PM · Mar 4, 2023




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d2d564 No.21891

File: 85df417539035a0⋯.png (167.59 KB,612x408,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 22308981ce777c3⋯.png (171.81 KB,1197x823,1197:823,Clipboard.png)

File: 221a1c22ddb645f⋯.jpg (119.89 KB,887x1158,887:1158,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9c4a38d011723d1⋯.png (1.04 MB,851x787,851:787,Clipboard.png)

File: 8daf3466f1077f6⋯.jpg (57.75 KB,656x494,328:247,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447188 (050004ZMAR23) Notable: Bill Gates predicts what the next pandemic will be

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Bill Gates predicts what the next pandemic will be

March 4, 2023

The American business magnate and philanthropist Bill Gates has predicted that the next great global threat to humanity will be bioterrorism. According to the Department of Justice, they are considered Weapons of Mass Destruction under Statute Title 18 U.S.C. Section 2332a and include “any weapons involving a disease organism.” However, the agent does not have to be a biological agent, only that the “agent is capable of causing biological malfunction, disease, or death in a living organism.”

In relation to all this, he has assured that it is a real threat that we are not paying enough attention to. In the same way that climate change is beginning to be considered, the billionaire believes that we must be alert to this threat to global security.

An actual threat

Interpol, based on currently available information, reveals that individuals, terrorist groups and criminals have the ability and will to use biological agents to cause harm to society .

And it is that there is more and more data and knowledge available on the Internet, and criminals resort to hidden and anonymous communication channels, such as the Deep Web , to buy, sell and exchange information and to communicate with each other.

Sauce: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/bill-gates-predicts-what-the-next-pandemic-will-be/ar-AA18dSWI



>Bill Gates arrest warrant

no sauce to be had except from places like RRN… so….

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d2d564 No.21892

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447191 (050004ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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d2d564 No.21893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447193 (050004ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: I will implement a four-year plan to phase out all Chinese imports of essential goods, and gain total independence from China.

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d2d564 No.21894

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447200 (050005ZMAR23) Notable: PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP DELIVERS REMARKS AT CPAC 2023

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President Trump: I will again withdraw from the WHO, which stands for We Hide Outbreaks.

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d2d564 No.21895

File: e51363fbdf3b3fb⋯.png (448.51 KB,595x598,595:598,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447213 (050007ZMAR23) Notable: mRNA Is Not Going Away: Moderna CEO Has Permanent Global Plans

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The Vigilant Fox 🦊


mRNA Is Not Going Away: Moderna CEO Has Permanent Global Plans – @tracybeanz

Stéphane Bancel and Moderna currently have a whopping 48 products in their pipeline for ailments like the FLU and RSV.


1:04 PM · Mar 4, 2023




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d2d564 No.21896

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447217 (050008ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: I will fight for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of congress.

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d2d564 No.21897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447228 (050010ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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“All Republican Governors should immediately go for paper ballots, same day voting, and Voter ID.” - President Donald J. Trump

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d2d564 No.21898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447233 (050011ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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“Our judges have no courage to do what is right.”—DJT

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d2d564 No.21899

File: 3a33728832f5a43⋯.mp4 (13.82 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447234 (050011ZMAR23) Notable: mRNA Is Not Going Away: Moderna CEO Has Permanent Global Plans

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d2d564 No.21900

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447242 (050012ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: The agenda I've laid out today will end America's destruction.

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d2d564 No.21901

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447246 (050012ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: Our objective will be a quantum leap in the American standard of living, especially for our young people,.

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d2d564 No.21902

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447276 (050015ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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“I will ban chemical castration and transgender surgical mutilation of children.

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d2d564 No.21903

File: e0b7070675c66f5⋯.png (300.4 KB,837x791,837:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447278 (050015ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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Real America’s Voice




This is the most dangerous time in the history of our country. - President @realDonaldTrump.

Watch our LIVE coverage of President Trump at #CPAC2023 here:



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d2d564 No.21904

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447292 (050016ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: I'll challenge the governors of all fifty states to join me in a great beautification campaign. We will rename our schools and boulevards, not after communists, but after great American patriots. We will get rid of bad and ugly buildings, and return to the magnificent classical style of western civilization.

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d2d564 No.21905

File: 901e13971103dd4⋯.png (310.77 KB,680x599,680:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447300 (050017ZMAR23) Notable: New leaked messages show UK Health Minister Matt Hancock planning to “deploy the new variant”

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JUST IN: New leaked messages show UK Health Minister Matt Hancock planning to “deploy the new variant” in COVID messaging to “frighten the pants out of everyone” in order to “get proper behavior change” in the public’s compliance with lockdown measures.


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d2d564 No.21906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447301 (050017ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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TRUMP (at CPAC): And, I will again withdraw from the WHO, which stands for "we hide outbreaks." The United States was paying the World Health Organization $450 million a year. Now, in terms of money and the kind of trillions and trillions we're talking about, it's not that much; but, it's still $450 million a year AND I TOOK THEM OUT, that's what it was, the price was $450 and that's for 350 million people….

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d2d564 No.21907

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447309 (050018ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: We will cross the finish line,. We will dismantle the deepstate. We will demolish woke tyranny, and we will restore the American Republic to all of it's radiant glory.

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d2d564 No.21908

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447331 (050021ZMAR23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump Answers Questions Before

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1 hour ago

WATCH: President Donald J. Trump Answers QuestionsBefore CPAC 2023 Speech - 3/4/2023



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d2d564 No.21909

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447369 (050025ZMAR23) Notable: President Donald Trump CPAC- Full Speech

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President Donald Trump Delivers Remarks at CPAC- Full Speech




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d2d564 No.21910

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447373 (050026ZMAR23) Notable: ARCHIVING TRUMP SPEECH AND NOTES COLLECTED INCLUDING PASTEBIN LINK !!!

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Note: Got what anon could following one note collector, recommend to watch and pick up on anything missed.

corp o7


LIVE: President Donald Trump Delivers Remarks at CPAC



President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland on March 3rd, 2023.


notes from rally below!


President Trump [pre-CPAC]: They've even weaponized the local agencies, and the local DAs and attorney generals. They put people from the Justice Department in the Manhattan DAs office.

President Trump [pre-CPAC]: I would like to just about end the Department of Education, it's time…we have to get rid of the Department of Education. Close it up…let the local areas, and frankly, states, handle education…we're gonna close it up.

President Trump [pre-CPAC]: I wish Mike [Pence] sent the votes back to the different states, I think you wold have had a very different outcome.

President Trump [pre-CPAC]: We're playing a giant chess game here…it would be so easy to settle that war [Russia/Ukraine]. I could do it in twenty-four hours.

President Trump: The sinister forces trying to kill America have done everything they can to stop me, to silence you, and turn this nation into a socialist dumping ground for criminals, junkies, marxists, thugs, radiasls, and dangerous refugees that no other country wants.

President Trump: We are going to finish what we started…we're going to complete the mission, we're going to see this battle through to ultimate victory. We're going to Make America Great Again.

President Trump: With you at my side, we will demolish the deepstate, we will expel the warmongers…we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communists. We will throw off the political class that hates our country…we will beat the democrats…we will evict Joe Biden from the White House, and we will liberate America from these villains ans scoundrels once and for all.

President Trump: Our soldier will no longer live in the streets of our city…we will take care of our soldiers.

President Trump: We are never going to be a country ruled by entrenched political dynasties in both parties, rotten special interests, China-loving politicians, of which there are many. You listening to this Mitch McConnell?

President Trump: There is only one president in history who has ever taken on the entire corrupt establishment in Washington. And when we win in 2024, we will do it again, even stronger, faster, and better, because now I am experienced and I know the people of Washington..I now know the good ones, the bad ones, the weak ones, the strong ones…I will put America first every single time, every single day.


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d2d564 No.21911

File: 40c560056bc8d6b⋯.png (82.1 KB,250x243,250:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447384 (050028ZMAR23) Notable: ARCHIVING TRUMP SPEECH AND NOTES COLLECTED INCLUDING PASTEBIN LINK !!!

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President Trump: Our enemies are lunatics and maniacs, they cannot stand that they do not own me. I don't need them, I don't need anything about them. I don't need their money., They cannot steer me. They cannot shake me. And they will never, ever control me. And they will never, ever, therefore, control you.


This is the final battle.

President Trump: If you put me back in the White House, their reign is over. Their reign will be over. And America will be a free nation once again.

President Trump: These are sick people…the Biden administration is the most corrupt administration in American history. Hunter Biden is a criminal, and nothing happened to him. Joe Biden is a criminal, and nothing ever seems to happen to him.

President Trump: Congress, and various radical-left democrat prosecutors, in an effort to stop me, go to the Supreme Court twice….the Supreme Court, in a moment of total weakness, gives them everything they want in order to try and prosecute Trump….they found nothing.

President Trump: All this is happening for one single reason: they know that when we return to power, we will bring their lies and their corruption, and their disinformation, tumbling down.

President Trump: I'm the only candidate who can make this promise: I will prevent, and very easily, World War III.

>>>/qresearch/18446983 Dan just posted (meme related)

President Trump: We were paying billions, and billions, and billions of dollars, to these Afghan soldiers. Tens of billions of dollars…[to Mattis]: , 'they're not fighting because they love us, or they love their country. They're fighting because they're the highest paid soldiers in the world'. We're basically bribing them to fight.

President Trump: Before I even arrive at the Oval Office, I will have the disastrous war between Russia and Ukraine settled. It will be settled quickly…it will take me no loner than one day.

President Trump: Under my leadership, we will seal it up and expand that wall until we have total control.

President Trump: Millions of illegal aliens are stampeding across our border. Interior enforcement has been shut down. Everyone is overstaying their visas…refugee numbers are through the roof, and spies and terrorists are infiltrating our country, totally unchecked, like never before….the very first reconciliation bill I will sign will be for a massive increase in Border Patrol, and a colossal increase in the number of ICE Deportation Officers.

President Trump: Under my leadership, we will use all necessary state, local, federal, and military resources, to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.

President Trump: I will ask every state and federal agency to identify every known or suspected gang member in America, and every one that is here illegally…we will pick them up ,and we will throw them out of our country, and there will be no questions asked.


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d2d564 No.21912

File: 6ba29f10305d604⋯.png (1.11 MB,944x755,944:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447391 (050029ZMAR23) Notable: ARCHIVING TRUMP SPEECH AND NOTES COLLECTED INCLUDING PASTEBIN LINK !!!

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President Trump: I will ask every state and federal agency to identify every known or suspected gang member in America, and every one that is here illegally…we will pick them up ,and we will throw them out of our country, and there will be no questions asked.

President Trump: To stop the flow of deadly drugs, it will be my policy to take down the cartels, just as I took down the ISIS caliphate that everybody said was impossible to do.

President Trump: I will direct the Department of Justice to go after marxists prosecutors offices to make them pay for their illegal, race-based enforcement of the law.

President Trump: In cities where there has been a complete breakdown of public safety, I will send in federal assets, including the National Guard, until law and order is restored.

President Trump: I will end the scourge of homelessness taking over our cities and suburbs. I just drove through Washington, DC, coming here for the first time in quite a while, and the roads and highways were littered with trash like I've never seen before…do disgraceful, so disgusting.

President Trump: Under our leadership, we will take the homeless, drug addicted and severely deranged, get them off our streets, and create tent cities, where we will get them the help they so desperately need.

President Trump: I will urge congress to create a restitution fund for Americans who have been unjustly discriminated against by these Biden policies…and we will ban all racial discrimination by the government.

President Trump: I will stop Joe Biden's demolition of our economy with his crushing inflation and mass layoffs. We will take care of inflation very, very quickly.

President Trump: I will implement a four-year plan to phase out all Chinese imports of essential goods, and gain total independence from China.

President Trump: I will again withdraw from the WHO, which stands for We Hide Outbreaks.

President Trump: I will fight for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of congress.

“All Republican Governors should immediately go for paper ballots, same day voting, and Voter ID.” - President Donald J. Trump

President Trump: The agenda I've laid out today will end America's destruction.

President Trump: Our objective will be a quantum leap in the American standard of living, especially for our young people,.

President Trump: I'll challenge the governors of all fifty states to join me in a great beautification campaign. We will rename our schools and boulevards, not after communists, but after great American patriots. We will get rid of bad and ugly buildings, and return to the magnificent classical style of western civilization.

TRUMP (at CPAC): And, I will again withdraw from the WHO, which stands for "we hide outbreaks." The United States was paying the World Health Organization $450 million a year. Now, in terms of money and the kind of trillions and trillions we're talking about, it's not that much; but, it's still $450 million a year AND I TOOK THEM OUT, that's what it was, the price was $450 and that's for 350 million people….

President Trump: We will cross the finish line,. We will dismantle the deepstate. We will demolish woke tyranny, and we will restore the American Republic to all of it's radiant glory.


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d2d564 No.21913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447395 (050030ZMAR23) Notable: Kim Clement Prophecies - Trump, The Stone, Inoculations, Putin | Prophetic Rewind

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"Thus says the Lord, I will foolthe people"

Kim Clement

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d2d564 No.21914

File: c4d0c3bbe4761a1⋯.png (446.28 KB,1440x1014,240:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 78ed0b73f9537af⋯.png (646.74 KB,1438x1013,1438:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 5321cf3b81bcd18⋯.png (87.8 KB,1155x292,1155:292,Clipboard.png)

File: a73ffda6e484027⋯.jpg (66.71 KB,1024x508,256:127,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447419 (050035ZMAR23) Notable: Oh look! It's Bill Gates back from Tokyo./ Bill Gates once gave Coachella's founder a grave warning about how the festival could go wrong

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Oh look! It's Bill Gates back from Tokyo.

Bill Gates once gave Coachella's founder a grave warning about how the festival could go wrong

Chris Weller Apr 11, 2017, 10:48 AM

bill gates

Eric Vidal/Reuters

Bill Gates enjoys music as much as the next person. But according to Paul Tollett, the founder of the uber-successful music festival Coachella, the billionaire philanthropist can't help but indulge his nerdier side.

Tollett, speaking to New Yorker writer John Seabrook for a recent profile, said Gates actually found the time to attend (or at least stop by) Coachella one year. (Some photo evidence suggests it might have been 2015.)

Initially, Gates remarked the festival could "last forever," as Seabrook writes, but he quickly amended the statement, listing the various "isms" that could spell disaster for the crowd of 99,000.

"Terrorism, botulism — you name it," Tollett said. "The guy's a walking actuarial table."

Earlier this year, Gates spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, about the threat of bioterrorism — or the intentional use of harmful diseases on a population.

"I think an epidemic, either naturally caused or intentionally caused, is the most likely thing to cause, say, 10,000 excess deaths," Gates said.

More recently, he wrote an op-ed warning about the dangers of airborne pathogens on public health.

"Epidemiologists say a fast-moving airborne pathogen could kill more than 30 million people in less than a year," he said. "And they say there is a reasonable probability the world will experience such an outbreak in the next 10-15 years."

Such a deadly pandemic hasn't occurred in recent history, Gates concedes, but he also says that should provide no comfort as to the possibility of one happening in the future — at Coachella or otherwise.


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d2d564 No.21915

File: 82acbeae5125933⋯.jpeg (717.07 KB,1170x1873,1170:1873,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447422 (050035ZMAR23) Notable: US Space Force Hackasat event, April 1 and 2nd. Practice Is Over

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US Space Force Hackasat event, April 1 and 2nd

Practice Is Over

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d2d564 No.21916

File: 78ebe8ec5bb57bb⋯.png (144.03 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447426 (050036ZMAR23) Notable: Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia, But "Ukrainians Doing The Fighting"

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Watch: Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia, But "Ukrainians Doing The Fighting"

In a CNN panel last week, the head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Samantha Power issued some very revealing words on the Russia-Ukraine war, wherein she admitted that the US is at war with Russia but that it's "Ukrainians doing the fighting".

Her words came during a CNN 'town hall' event, which also featured Biden national security adviser Jake Sullivan, marking the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion. She had specifically responded to a question from an audience member, who asked: "What vital interest does to the US have in Ukraine?" At one point in forming a response she actually gave what ranks among the most ridiculously simplistic clichés sometimes uttered by D.C. policymakers - that America stands up to "bullies".

"I think Americans understand bullies and the importance of standing up to bullies," she said. But here's where she said the quiet part out loud, letting it slip that in some sense the US sees Ukraine as a pawn in the greater geostrategic game of ultimately defeating Russia: She explained the need for a broad coalition of countries in order to show "This isn't just the United States and Russia, this in fact is Ukrainians on the front lines, Ukrainians doing the fighting…" The set of assumptions behind this statement by a top Biden admin official is very revealing, however casually she may have slipped it in.


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d2d564 No.21917

File: 4a9b5700b357294⋯.png (549.23 KB,1441x1013,1441:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 42c3d78dfe45b5b⋯.png (450.1 KB,1440x1013,1440:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447435 (050037ZMAR23) Notable: Oh look! It's Bill Gates back from Tokyo./ Bill Gates once gave Coachella's founder a grave warning about how the festival could go wrong

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Couple days ago. PF thought Gates was persona non grata in India?

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d2d564 No.21918

File: c5ee83b2c0feeed⋯.png (495.41 KB,993x1043,993:1043,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447444 (050040ZMAR23) Notable: A @PACAF B-1B Lancer participates in a #BomberTaskForce mission over the #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific.

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A @PACAF B-1B Lancer participates in a #BomberTaskForce mission over the #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific.

📸: 2Lt Michael Caggiano

5:00 PM · Mar 4, 2023

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d2d564 No.21919

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447481 (050047ZMAR23) Notable: #22618

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Notables - FINAL


>>21847, >>21848, >>21849, >>21851, >>21852, >>21853, >>21854, >>21855, >>21856, >>21857, >>21860, >>21864, >>21865, >>21868, >>21869, >>21870, >>21871, >>21872, >>21873, >>21875, >>21876, >>21878, >>21879, >>21880, >>21881, >>21883, >>21884, >>21885, >>21886, >>21887, >>21889, >>21890, >>21892, >>21893, >>21896, >>21897, >>21898, >>21900, >>21901, >>21902, >>21903, >>21904, >>21906, >>21907 DJT @CPAC

>>21850, >>21863, >>21894, >>21909 PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP DELIVERS REMARKS AT CPAC 2023

>>21858 Trump wins CPAC straw poll as Republican 2024 frontrunner in a landslide

>>21859 People Behind Biden Announce Creation of Formal National Surveillance State

>>21861 PF: EJM473 G650 arriving back at Palm Beach from Indianapolis Int'l stop of about 4h10m and PBI depart earlier-45's Rally AC prior to getting the 757 back

>>21862 Autistic girl from Maryland was raped and murdered by MS-13 gang member

>>21866 Moderna Covid 19 Vaccine Contract

>>21867 - Clockwork: The hunter becomes the hunted.

>>21874 Biden Hears Oval Office Plea for Alaska Oil Project in Lobbying Frenzy

>>21877 Report, Biden Administration Approved 192 U.S. Trade Licenses Worth $23 Billion to Support Blacklisted Chinese Companies

>>21882 Discover the Truth About the COVID-19 / "Great Reset" One Button At a Time

>>21888 Senators Grill Attorney General Merrick Garland About a Weaponized DOJ, Yet Miss the Person Doing the Weaponization

>>21891 Bill Gates predicts what the next pandemic will be

>>21895, >>21899 mRNA Is Not Going Away: Moderna CEO Has Permanent Global Plans

>>21905 New leaked messages show UK Health Minister Matt Hancock planning to “deploy the new variant”

>>21908 President Donald J. Trump Answers Questions Before

>>21909 President Donald Trump CPAC- Full Speech


>>21913 Kim Clement Prophecies - Trump, The Stone, Inoculations, Putin | Prophetic Rewind

>>21914, >>21917 Oh look! It's Bill Gates back from Tokyo./ Bill Gates once gave Coachella's founder a grave warning about how the festival could go wrong

>>21916 Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia, But "Ukrainians Doing The Fighting"

>>21918 A @PACAF B-1B Lancer participates in a #BomberTaskForce mission over the #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific.

>>21915 US Space Force Hackasat event, April 1 and 2nd. Practice Is Over


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d2d564 No.21920

File: a7bbd34ea82876e⋯.png (164.7 KB,867x490,867:490,Clipboard.png)

File: dfe43aa4580ee9e⋯.png (280.97 KB,764x847,764:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447510 (050050ZMAR23) Notable: Trump vows to prevent World War III, put AMERICA FIRST again in epic CPAC speech

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Donald J. Trump





BREAKING: Trump vows to prevent World War III, put AMERICA FIRST again in epic CPAC speech

Donald Trump gave the keynote speech at CPAC on Saturday afternoon, the former president and 2024 presidential candidate promised to take back the country from the corruption of the Biden administration and the biased corporate media and represent the people's interests.

Trump received a standing ovation upon taking the stage. He spoke of his anti-war record, attacked the enemies of America in the Biden administration, the pro-crime district attorneys, the attacks on free speech and a free press, and his "bold, detailed agenda for how we're going to complete this mission" in his text term.

"The sinister forces trying to kill America" who are attempting to "turn this nation into a socialist dumping ground for criminals, junkies, Marxists, thugs, radicals and dangerous refugees that no other country wants," will not win out, Trump said, in the face of his leadership.

"If those opposing us succeed our once beautiful USA will be a failed country that no one will even recognize, a lawless, open borders, crime ridden, filthy communist nightmare. That's where it's going."

Trump said America was now in a "a Marxism state of mind. A Communism state of mind, which is far worse."

"We're a nation in decline. Our enemies are desperate to stop us because they know that we are the only ones who can stop them," Trump said to the attendees, a few of whom he had previously singled out. He thanked Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, New York's Elise Stefanik, Florida Representative Matt Gaetz, and Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe, who was recently ousted as CEO, who received a standing ovation.

"They know that we will defeat them, but they're not coming after me. They're coming after you and I'm just standing in their way. That's all I'm doing," Trump said.

"With you and my side we will demolish the deep state we will expel the war mongers," he said and added, "We will drive out the globalists. We will cast out the communists. We will throw off the political class that hates our country. They actually hate our country. No walls, no borders, bad elections, no voter ID."

"We will beat the Democrats," Trump said and promised to expose and appropriately deal with the "fake news media," the RINOs and added later "we are never going back to the party of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove and Jeb Bush."

Trump continued and promised to protect Social Security, Medicare, Veterans Benefits.

"We were taking care of our soldiers just a short while ago, but we don't do that anymore. But we'll start doing it again," Trump said.

Trump said under his presidency he would make NATO put up money for Ukraine and put American dollars towards helping places like East Palestine, Ohio.

"We are never going to be a country ruled by entrenched political dynasties in both parties, rotten special interests, China loving politicians of which there are many," Trump said.

"You listening to this Mitch McConnell?" Trump said to the establishment GOP Senate minority leader.

Trump said "I smashed the false idols of the free trade fanatics" and said he took on China, which so many had not tried before.

Trump said "We were strong, we were safe" under his presidency and promised to continue the fight against Critical Race Theory, "Antifa thugs," and those pushing mutilation on children. He brought up those locking in jail awaiting trial for their alleged crimes on January 6, 2021 during the Capitol riot, saying that there is no cause for them to lose their freedom while Antifa who rioted all summer in 2020 were allowed to walk free.

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d2d564 No.21921

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447513 (050051ZMAR23) Notable: Trump vows to prevent World War III, put AMERICA FIRST again in epic CPAC speech

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"We banned transgender insanity from our military and signed the world's first ban on critical race theory long before anybody had even heard of the term. It was all banned. Everything was good," he said.

"I alone will never retreat," Trump promised and said, "either they win or we win and if they win we no longer have a country."

Trump touted his record as an anti-war president, who not only didn't start any new wars, but got the US out of the forever war in Afghanistan, though Biden botched the withdrawal.

He took aim at the pro-crime district attorneys who are allowing America's shining cities to turn into crime-ridden cess pools where citizens are fleeing and illegal immigrants are housed in luxury hotels at tax payer expense.

But it wasn't just the problems facing America that he broached on stage, but his plans to solve them. Trump said he will abolish the deep state, remove those who relish war from the US government, get rid of the globalists who use unity of the world to deplete the resources and power of the United States.

"With Obama they took Crimea," he said of the Russians, "with Biden they're trying to take everything, and he won't even know they took it." The crowd erupted with cheers of "Let's go Brandon!"

"With me they took nothing," he said.

Under Biden, he said, China and Russia have gained more power, and have come together. This, he said, never should have happened. An allied Russia and China is not a good thing for US power.

In fact, he pledged to make US manufacturing independent from China and their interests.

"This is the most dangerous time in the history of our country and Joe Biden is leading us into oblivion." He lamented Biden's mental state.

"I will prevent World War III, and very easily. And you're gonna have World War III if something doesn't happen fast."

When speaking of war, Trump showed his own breadth of knowlegde, the deep wounds and injuries on US soldiers, the sheer amount of high-tech military equipment left behind, and the fact that Afghan soldiers fighting the Taliban on behalf of the US were not loyal, they were instead highly paid.

The Taliban, he said, is now selling US weapons on a black market. "They are the second largest arms dealer in the world, second to us, selling off all the beautiful equipment we made."

He promised to end the war in Ukraine. "I will get the problem solved in rapid order and it will take me no more than one day," he said.

Insetad of fighting to protect Ukraine's borders, Trump will protect American borders and stop the border crisis. He will finish the wall that he began to build along the US Mexico border and cool the insanely large stream of illegal immigrants coming into the US.

Not just illegal immigrants, but human traffickers, drug smugglers, terrorists and gang members would be kept out, deported, and removed as a threat to US citizens.

"I will fight for parents' rights, including universal school choice, and the direct election of school principals by the parents. If any principal is not getting the job done, the parents should be able to vote to fire them and select someone who will," he said. He said he would continue "the work of the 1776 Commission," and "will revoke every Biden policy promoting the chemical castration and sexual mutilation of our youth—and ask Congress to send me a bill prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states. We will keep men out of women’s sports."

Trump promised to stop crime, illegal immigration, homelessness, war, and horrible policies of the Biden administration, and to clean up the country and put Americans, and America first.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21922

File: 8cac3d862d5dac6⋯.png (562.67 KB,1443x1015,1443:1015,Clipboard.png)

File: 8507c8ad932489e⋯.png (316.61 KB,645x387,5:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 29cbb4f97b93dba⋯.png (1.22 MB,1399x900,1399:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447524 (050053ZMAR23) Notable: Bill Gates now on descent into Indio, California after trans-Pacific flight

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Bill Gates now on descent into Indio, California after trans-Pacific flight. QR knows he is back in country before he even lands.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21923

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447560 (050056ZMAR23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland on March 3rd, 2023.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland on March 3rd, 2023.

[pre-CPAC]: They've even weaponized the local agencies, and the local DAs and attorney generals. They put people from the Justice Department in the Manhattan DAs office.

[pre-CPAC]: I would like to just about end the Department of Education, it's time…we have to get rid of the Department of Education. Close it up…let the local areas, and frankly, states, handle education…we're gonna close it up.

[pre-CPAC]: I wish Mike [Pence] sent the votes back to the different states, I think you would have had a very different outcome.

[pre-CPAC]: We're playing a giant chess game here…it would be so easy to settle that war [Russia/Ukraine]. I could do it in twenty-four hours.

The sinister forces trying to kill America have done everything they can to stop me, to silence you, and turn this nation into a socialist dumping ground for criminals, junkies, marxists, thugs, radiasls, and dangerous refugees that no

other country wants.

We are going to finish what we started…we're going to complete the mission, we're going to see this battle through to ultimate victory. We're going to Make America Great Again.

With you at my side, we will demolish the deepstate, we will expel the warmongers…we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communists. We will throw off the political class that hates our country…we will beat the

democrats…we will evict Joe Biden from the White House, and we will liberate America from these villains ans scoundrels once and for all.

Our soldiers will no longer live in the streets of our cities…we will take care of our soldiers.

We are never going to be a country ruled by entrenched political dynasties in both parties, rotten special interests, China-loving politicians, of which there are many. You listening to this Mitch McConnell?

There is only one president in history who has ever taken on the entire corrupt establishment in Washington. And when we win in 2024, we will do it again, even stronger, faster, and better, because now I am experienced and I know the

people of Washington..I now know the good ones, the bad ones, the weak ones, the strong ones…I will put America first every single time, every single day.

Our enemies are lunatics and maniacs, they cannot stand that they do not own me. I don't need them, I don't need anything about them. '''I don't need their money. They cannot steer me. They cannot shake me. And they will never, ever

control me. And they will never, ever, therefore, control you.'''

This is the final battle.

If you put me back in the White House, their reign is over. Their reign will be over. And America will be a free nation once again.

These are sick people…the Biden administration is the most corrupt administration in American history. Hunter Biden is a criminal, and nothing happened to him. Joe Biden is a criminal, and nothing ever seems to happen to him.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21924

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447561 (050056ZMAR23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland on March 3rd, 2023.

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Congress, and various radical-left democrat prosecutors, in an effort to stop me, go to the Supreme Court twice….the Supreme Court, in a moment of total weakness, gives them everything they want in order to try and prosecute Trump….they

found nothing.

All this is happening for one single reason: they know that when we return to power, we will bring their lies and their corruption, and their disinformation, tumbling down.

I'm the only candidate who can make this promise: I will prevent, and very easily, World War III.

Before I even arrive at the Oval Office, I will have the disastrous war between Russia and Ukraine settled. It will be settled quickly…it will take me no loner than one day.

Under my leadership, we will seal it up and expand that wall until we have total control.

Interior enforcement has been shut down. Everyone is overstaying their visas…refugee numbers are through the roof, and spies and terrorists are infiltrating our country, totally unchecked, like never before….the very first

reconciliation bill I will sign will be for a massive increase in Border Patrol, and a colossal increase in the number of ICE Deportation Officers.

Under my leadership, we will use all necessary state, local, federal, and military resources, to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.

I will ask every state and federal agency to identify every known or suspected gang member in America, and every one that is here illegally…we will pick them up ,and we will throw them out of our country

To stop the flow of deadly drugs, it will be my policy to take down the cartels, just as I took down the ISIS caliphate that everybody said was impossible to do.

I will direct the Department of Justice to go after marxists prosecutors offices to make them pay for their illegal, race-based enforcement of the law.

In cities where there has been a complete breakdown of public safety, I will send in federal assets, including the National Guard, until law and order is restored.

I will end the scourge of homelessness taking over our cities and suburbs. We will take the homeless, drug addicted and severely deranged, get them off our streets, and create tent cities, where we will get them the help they so

desperately need.

I will urge congress to create a restitution fund for Americans who have been unjustly discriminated against by these Biden policies…and we will ban all racial discrimination by the government.

I will stop Joe Biden's demolition of our economy with his crushing inflation and mass layoffs. We will take care of inflation very, very quickly.

I will implement a four-year plan to phase out all Chinese imports of essential goods, and gain total independence from China.

I will again withdraw from the WHO, which stands for We Hide Outbreaks.

I will fight for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of congress.

All Republican Governors should immediately go for paper ballots, same day voting, and Voter ID.

The agenda I've laid out today will end America's destruction.

Our objective will be a quantum leap in the American standard of living, especially for our young people.

I'll challenge the governors of all fifty states to join me in a great beautification campaign. We will rename our schools and boulevards, not after communists, but after great American patriots. We will get rid of bad and ugly

buildings, and return to the magnificent classical style of western civilization.

We will cross the finish line, We will dismantle the deepstate. We will demolish woke tyranny, and we will restore the American Republic to all of it's radiant glory.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21925

File: 16daec0a15285ab⋯.png (335.23 KB,834x839,834:839,Clipboard.png)

File: 506f66cec83233f⋯.png (224.01 KB,874x546,437:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447570 (050058ZMAR23) Notable: Stronger than ever, Trump makes 2024 vow: ‘We’re going to see this battle through to ULTIMATE victory’

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Donald J. Trump




Stronger than ever, Trump makes 2024 vow: ‘We’re going to see this battle through to ULTIMATE victory’

President Trump declared a future victory for freedom-loving Americans in bold remarks delivered during his 2023 CPAC speech, aiming for winning big in 2024 and heralding the demise of domestic tyranny.…


Mar 04, 2023, 7:38 PM


President Trump declared a future victory for freedom-loving Americans in bold remarks delivered during his 2023 CPAC speech, aiming for winning big in 2024 and heralding the demise of domestic tyranny.

“We’re going to complete the mission,” he said. “We’re going to see this battle through to ultimate victory. We’re going to make America great again.”

Trump’s remarks were somber in tone, reflecting on the devastation inflicted on the American way of life at the hands of the Biden regime. “We’re in a Marxism state of mind, a Communism state of mind,” he said. “We’re a nation in decline.”

President Trump:

"We will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers. We will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communists. We will expose and appropriately deal with the RINOs. We will evict Joe Biden from the White House." pic.twitter.com/LH9rl2h3G9

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) March 4, 2023

However, he pointed out, “Our enemies are desperate to stop us, because they know we are the only ones who can stop THEM. They know that we can defeat them, they know that we WILL defeat them – but they’re not coming after me, they’re coming after YOU and I’m just standing in their way.”

He added, “And that’s why I’m here today, that’s why I’m standing before you, because we’re going to finish what we started.”

He vowed that with the support of the American people, “we will demolish the deep state, we will expel the warmongers…we will drive out the globalists, we will cast off the Communists.”

He promised, “We will evict Joe Biden from the White House and we will LIBERATE AMERICA FROM THESE VILLAINS AND SCOUNDRELS ONCE AND FOR ALL.”


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d2d564 No.21926

File: 11af0fddf32491a⋯.png (916.42 KB,989x1185,989:1185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447575 (050058ZMAR23) Notable: Dog Comms - This is Bongo. 🦮 He is an 8-year-old sable German Shepherd, and serves as a Military Working Dog. 🐶

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This is Bongo. 🦮 He is an8-year-old sable German Shepherd, and serves as a Military Working Dog. 🐶

As a MWD Handler, you can be responsible for training and caring for dogs like Bongo, both at home and abroad.

Read about more K-9 #ArmyPossibilities ➡️ https://army.mil/article/264350

4:05 PM · Mar 4, 2023


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d2d564 No.21927

File: 5cf5dff89daeac3⋯.png (360.77 KB,825x852,275:284,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b49073f70caef2⋯.png (243.95 KB,907x568,907:568,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447589 (050101ZMAR23) Notable: Trump promises to defend the PEOPLE in 2024: ‘I will put America first every single time, every single day’

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Donald J. Trump




Trump promises to defend the PEOPLE in 2024: ‘I will put America first every single time, every single day’

President Trump delivered an America First promise to CPAC attenders on Saturday during his anticipated speech, vowing to stick it to the corrupt Washington establishment in 2024. “There’s only one president…

Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN)

Mar 04, 2023, 7:38 PM


Trump Promises To Defend The People In 2024: ‘I Will Put America First Every Single Time, Every Single Day’

President Trump delivered an America First promise to CPAC attenders on Saturday during his anticipated speech, vowing to stick it to the corrupt Washington establishment in 2024.

“There’s only one president in history that has taken on the entire corrupt establishment in Washington, and when we win in 2024, we will do it again even better and stronger and faster, because now I am experienced and I know the people of Washington.”

The CPAC audience broke out into chants of “TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP!”

“And as I did for four incredible years, I will put America first every single time, every single day,” Trump added.

President Trump: "We had a Republican Party that was ruled by freaks, neocons, globalists, open border zealots, and fools, but we are never going back to the party of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, and Jeb Bush!" pic.twitter.com/qP59PZw8vN

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) March 4, 2023

The president touched on dismantling the Deep State during his remarks, expelling American enemies and driving out globalists and Communists.

Trump also pointed out that the Republican Party had undergone an extensive evolution over the past seven years.

“We had a Republican Party that was ruled by freaks, neocons, globalists, open border zealots, and fools, but we are never going back to the party of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, and Jeb Bush!” he pledged.

He told Americans that in 2024, “we’re going to complete the mission, we’re going to see this battle through to ultimate victory. We’re going to make America great again.”

“We have to charge full speed ahead,” he said.


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d2d564 No.21928

File: 6139ed124872f66⋯.png (394.06 KB,689x520,53:40,Clipboard.png)


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President Trump has taken one giant leap forward in an effort to increase the “American Standard of Living” in a brave and exciting new Quantum Leap plan that is aimed at modernizing communities across the United States.

The first approach would be to incentivize the chartering of up to ten new cities in the U.S. and award those with the best proposals for their development. Trump called them “Freedom Cities,” and posited that they would offer “hundreds of thousands of young people and other people, all hardworking families, a new shot at home ownership and in fact, the American Dream.”

“In other words, we’ll actually build new cities in our country again,” he explained. “These Freedom Cities will reopen the frontier, reignite American imagination, and give hundreds of thousands of young people and other people, all hardworking families, a new shot at home ownership and in fact, the American Dream.”

The second big mechanism in Trump’s Quantum Leap plan will be transportation. “Dozens of major companies in the U.S. and China are racing to develop vertical-takeoff-and-landing vehicles for families and individuals,” he said. “Just as the United States led the automotive revolution in the last century, I want to ensure that America, not China, leads this revolution in air mobility. These breakthroughs can transform commerce, bring a giant infusion of wealth into RURAL America, and connect families and our country in new ways.”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21929

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447663 (050115ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Project Fear’ authors discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant

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Operation Lockstep

‘Project Fear’ authors discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant

MSM and Government in cahoots to push the Covid 19 fear narrative, as per Notable in last bread


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d2d564 No.21930

File: e5a6f86dde70a95⋯.jpeg (293.16 KB,1284x650,642:325,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447700 (050123ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Project Fear’ authors discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant

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d2d564 No.21931

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447735 (050129ZMAR23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland on March 3rd, 2023.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21932

File: 39ef666ebfe9bce⋯.png (337.25 KB,892x797,892:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447738 (050130ZMAR23) Notable: DJT says April Fools - Q says April Showers

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Stormy Patriot Joe




Q tells us “Repeats are important”

Listen how many times @realDonaldTrump says

“April Fools Day”

Have to see what it means

Future Proves Past

Q also said “April Showers”


No fucking URL link

At least there is a timestamp to work with

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d2d564 No.21933

File: 89e337075e58164⋯.png (498.86 KB,604x667,604:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447750 (050132ZMAR23) Notable: In 1969, a brush fire burned down the exchange in Da Nang…

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I've only seen beers around here. Roger.

U.S. Naval Institute


In 1969, a brush fire burned down the exchange in Da Nang. A group of SEALs searched the ruins and salvaged all the cans of beer that had not burst in the blaze. After washing the cans, they went to the piers and sold the beer to sailors. #SeaStorySaturday


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d2d564 No.21934

File: 55c3f484d4eef0b⋯.png (486.96 KB,836x433,836:433,Clipboard.png)

File: 49547870aad2a37⋯.png (588.94 KB,729x470,729:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447754 (050132ZMAR23) Notable: PF - N757AF 757 departed Dulles Int'l Airport back to Palm Beach Int'l

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>>21742, >>21746 pb

N757AF 757 departed Dulles Int'l Airport back to Palm Beach Int'l

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d2d564 No.21935

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447761 (050133ZMAR23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland on March 3rd, 2023.

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LIVE: President Donald Trump Delivers Remarks at CPAC



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d2d564 No.21936

File: 4411425a21c5e55⋯.png (393.17 KB,884x489,884:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447763 (050133ZMAR23) Notable: Trump vows to prevent World War III, put AMERICA FIRST again in epic CPAC speech

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>"I will fight for parents' rights, including universal school choice, and the direct election of school principals by the parents. If any principal is not getting the job done, the parents should be able to vote to fire them and select someone who will," he said. He said he would continue "the work of the 1776 Commission," and "will revoke every Biden policy promoting the chemical castration and sexual mutilation of our youth—and ask Congress to send me a bill prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states. We will keep men out of women’s sports."




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d2d564 No.21937

File: caa172f8e35c206⋯.png (310.73 KB,598x486,299:243,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c58742c9c8397f⋯.png (1.95 MB,844x8057,844:8057,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447780 (050137ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Project Fear’ authors discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant

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>>21905<<<LBI meant this one.

tweet sauce:https://twitter.com/beefyfarmer/status/1632155753275441152

‘Project Fear’ authors discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant

Matt Hancock’s plan to ‘frighten the pants off’ the public to ensure compliance with lockdown measures exposed in leaked WhatsApp messages


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21938

File: 7ca2ee6909db310⋯.png (81.06 KB,1338x792,223:132,Clipboard.png)

File: b822277a06b9e94⋯.png (469.37 KB,1171x599,1171:599,Clipboard.png)

File: a518d3a6a348922⋯.png (691.85 KB,1200x721,1200:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447790 (050138ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Project Fear’ authors discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant

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dubs dubs chek'ed, and notable

Look it is great posting the link but that article is behind a paywall.

how about find a way to post it so anon can see the texts and whatsapp posts.

see below Damon Poole who cockface is talking too.




JUST IN: New leaked messages show UK Health Minister Matt Hancock planning to “deploy the new variant” in COVID messaging to “frighten the pants out of everyone” in order to “get proper behavior change” in the public’s compliance with lockdown measures.



Damon Poole talking to Matt Hancock


Damon Poole


Media adviser

Another former Vote Leaver, “Damo” Poole was very close to Dominic Cummings and Lee Cain and was sent by the latter to Health to be Matt Hancock’s media Spad after the departure of the well-regarded Jamie Njoku-Goodwin. A street fighter like his mentor Cain, Poole was head of research at Change Britain, a pressure group set up by prominent Vote Leave members, and was head of broadcasting at Number Ten during numerous boycotts of programmes including Today and Good Morning Britain. The rugby-mad Spad is also a former account director at Brunswick public affairs firm.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21939

File: e9415542d0191b1⋯.jpeg (120.19 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5da2dd36acacb9f⋯.jpeg (84.71 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bad93279591c1f4⋯.jpeg (134.28 KB,768x1024,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447898 (050154ZMAR23) Notable: Ohio State Senator Michael Rulli: Donald Trump’s Visit to East Palestine ‘Brought Hope’

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Exclusive — Ohio State Senator Michael Rulli: Donald Trump’s Visit to East Palestine ‘Brought Hope’

Alana Mastrangelo4 Mar 2023

Ohio State Senator Michael Rulli (R) told host Matt Boyle in an exclusive interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday that formerPresident Donald Trump’s recent visit to East Palestine, Ohio, “brought hope back” to the small town, and that it was refreshing to hear the Republican Party talk about the future again — rather than the past.

“I think the most interesting thing about Trump’s visit,” Rulli said, was “this is the first time in two years that all I heard him talk about was the future. And if he wants to be the president again, he needs to forget about the past, and show everyone the future that he gave us at one time, and can again.”

“Because when he was there, he was talking about, ‘How do we move on from this point, to get to the future and fix this town?'” the state senator continued.

“And this train went through very affluent parts of Cleveland: Shaker Heights, Hudson, Chagrin Falls, Lakewood. Those are not Republican-voting sectors of Ohio. Those are very blue, Biden sectors of Ohio, and that train went through every one of those,” Rulli noted.

“So when 45 was talking to you about what we’re going to do with this problem, he was talking about the future, about how our Party will lead the future with solutions and common sense approaches to making a better machine for America to continue to be the leader,” he added.

Rulli also recalled a lighthearted moment in which Trump rolled down the window of his motorcade vehicle and told East Palestine residents “If you’re going to McDonald’s, it’s on me.”

And I don’t know if it was an $8,000 or $9,000 bill, but one of my employees — his brother works there — and he said they sold out of everything. There was nothing left in the McDonald’s,” Rulli said.

The state senator went on to say that by the time the former presidentleft East Palestine, “people were excited and energized and hopeful. He brought hope back.”

Rulli also noted that Trump’s visit was “quite an amazing thing,” as it “put a big spotlight” on the situation in East Palestine.

“The reason why I like the spotlight on the problem — and I don’t think much of Pete Buttigieg, I actually called for his resignation — but Trump coming actually triggered Buttigieg to come, and maybe it’ll trigger Biden to come,” he said.

Rulli also slammed U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg for being “lazy” and pointing fingers at Trump, despite fact checkers — including left-wing media and members of Biden’s own administration — coming out and saying that blaming Trump is incorrect.

“If you’re the guy that’s in charge of transportation for this country, you better be competent,” he said. “And for you just to be a lazy person, and just say it’s Trump’s fault when it’s been proven that there’s absolutely no correlation with those two whatsoever, that shows you’re not fit for your job.”

“You and I know in the real world, you get fired for stuff like that,” Rulli added.

President Trump visited East Palestine on February 22, bringing truckloads of pallets of bottled water with him for the town’s residents. His visit was followed by one from Buttigieg, who arrived in the town the next day.

So far, President Biden has yet to step foot in East Palestine since the February 3 train derailment that spewed toxic chemicals into the environment and left the town in disarray.


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d2d564 No.21940

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447923 (050157ZMAR23) Notable: Jair Bolsonaro, 38th President of Brazil - CPAC 2023 Washington D.C. - 3/4/2023 FULL

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Jair Bolsonaro, 38th President of Brazil - CPAC 2023 Washington D.C. - 3/4/2023 FULL



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d2d564 No.21941

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447934 (050157ZMAR23) Notable: Jair Bolsonaro, 38th President of Brazil - CPAC 2023 Washington D.C. - 3/4/2023 FULL

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Jair Bolsonaro, 38th President of Brazil - CPAC 2023 Washington D.C. - 3/4/2023 full



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d2d564 No.21942

File: 53f800b72161909⋯.jpeg (90.88 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447945 (050158ZMAR23) Notable: EU must shift to wartime economy – industry commissioner

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4 Mar, 2023 05:40

EU must shift to wartime economy – industry commissioner

The European bloc’s arms sector is struggling to satisfy Kiev's growing demands

The European Union’s industry chief has said the bloc will have to shift to a “wartime”economic modelif it hopes to meet Kiev’s battlefield needs, with senior Ukrainian officials voicing hopes for a massive influx of shells from their foreign sponsors.

Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton discussed plans to bolster arms and ammo shipments to Ukraine during a sit-down with the Financial Times, saying he is working with the EU’s foreign policy head Josep Borrell toexpand industrial capacity in Europe,slash supply bottlenecks and pressure banks to boost their lending to facilitate military transfers to Kiev.

“I believe it is time that the European defense industry moves to a wartime economy modelto cater for our defense production needs,” he told the outlet on Friday, adding that he and Borrell are “fully determined to support the production ramp-up of the European defense industry to face the realities of a high-intensity conflict – starting with the question of ammunition.”

Though unnamed diplomats voiced their doubts to FT – with one asking “How are we going to pay for this?“ – the efforts to speed deliveries to Kiev and replenish Europe’s own domestic stocks come after Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov pleaded with the bloc for 250,000 artillery shells per month, vastly outpacing any existing EU plan.

In a letter to European defense chiefs on Friday, Reznikov spoke of the “crucial role”played by artillery on the battlefield, claiming Ukrainian troopsburn through 110,000 155mm shells every few weeks.

Ukrainian troops are “limited by the amount of available artillery shells” and need at least 356,400 rounds per month to “successfully execute” their tasks – or a whopping 594,000 shells monthly to use their artillery power to full capacity, Reznikov claimed.

According to the Times, Borrell is aiming at a “less ambitious” scheme, instead hoping todisperse €1 billion over “the next few months”to partially cover the bill for donated shells from allies.

With costs soaring amid growing shortages on the continent, 155mm shells produced in Europe could run as much as €3,300 for a single round, a recent weapons contract inked between EU members suggests. Based on that estimate, the ammunition sought by Kiev could cost the bloc some €825,000,000 for just one month, though officials have yet to confirm any specific figures.

It is hard to trace how many shells Ukraine has been getting from the armories of its European backers, but over the past year theUnited States alone sent “over 1,000,000 155mm artillery rounds,” according to the Pentagon’s latest data.


Trump said tonight the EU has only contributed $25-30 billion where the US has given $130 billion more or less. They wanted this war, let them pay for it.

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d2d564 No.21943

File: 4f31f4c02ede913⋯.jpeg (91.55 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18447978 (050203ZMAR23) Notable: Trump vows to end Ukraine conflict in 24 hours

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5 Mar, 2023 01:10

Trump vows to end Ukraine conflict in 24 hours

The ex-US leader claims he is the only candidate that can prevent World War III

President Joe Biden is leading the United States “into oblivion,” Donald Trump told the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland on Saturday, promising to stop wasting US taxpayer money on “stupid”foreign wars as he rallies support for a potential political comeback in 2024.

“I was the only president in decades that didn't have a war,” Trump said in his nearly two-hour long speech at the annual conservative gathering at Gaylord National Resort, claiming that if he was in office right now, “Ukraine would have been thriving, there would have been no dead people, no obliterated cities that can never be rebuilt.”

Last month, Trump promised to immediately call Moscow and Kiev, if re-elected, insisting he knows exactly what to tell Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky to stop the conflict.

“I know what to say,” he reiterated on Saturday. “Before I arrive in the Oval Office, I will have the disastrous war between Russia and Ukraine ended… I will get the problem solved and I will get it solved in rapid order and it will take me no longer than one day.”

At the same time, Trump blasted Biden for wasting billions of US taxpayer dollars instead of forcing Washington’s European allies to bankroll Kiev.

“Is NATO putting up dollar for dollar with us?”he said. “We put up $140 billion and they put up just a tiny fraction of that. And you know, we all want to see success, but it's far more important to them than it is to us because of that location.”

We are never going back to a party that wants to give unlimited money to fight foreign wars that are endless wars, that are stupid,” Trump proclaimed.

Trump warned Americans that they are facing the “most dangerous time in our country’s history, and Joe Biden is leading us into oblivion,” claiming that the world will soon plunge into WWIII unless “something doesn’t happen fast.”

I am the only candidate who can make this promise: I will prevent world war three,” he said.

In recent months, Trump has repeatedly called for the US to lead the way in negotiating a peace settlement in Ukraine, while blasting the way President Biden has handled the conflict. He also condemned the US’ promise to send M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, saying the move could bring about a nuclear war – as Moscow continues to insist that arms shipments make the West a direct party to the hostilities.


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d2d564 No.21944

File: 2e3835488c338d4⋯.png (917.35 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 51c0a8265bc223b⋯.png (660.75 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 349484ee65bcec5⋯.png (582.95 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 184fe3b64645806⋯.png (488.94 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18448059 (050214ZMAR23) Notable: Screen shots of some of the straw-poll slides

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Screen shots of some of the straw-poll slides:

1) Who would you vote for in the 2024 [R] primary, today?

2) Do you approve or disapprove of the job DJT did as POTUS?

3)Who would you most like to see as [R] VP nominee in 2024?

4)Who do you think will be the [D] nominee in 2024?

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d2d564 No.21945

File: 5d32ed8bae82eea⋯.jpeg (76.57 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18448113 (050224ZMAR23) Notable: Ales Belyatsky was accused of smuggling cash and fomenting civil unrest in Belarus

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3 Mar, 2023 14:44

Nobel Prize winner sentenced to 10 years

Ales Belyatsky was accused of smuggling cash and fomenting civil unrest in Belarus

A Belarusian court has sentenced Nobel Peace Prize winner Ales Belyatsky to 10 years in prison on cash smuggling and breach of public order charges.

Friday’s sentence came as part of a major case against members of the Vesna (Spring) human rights center. In addition to the 60-year-old Belyatsky, lengthy terms were imposed on three other activists. All of the accused deny any wrongdoing.

According to Belarusian prosecutors, members of the human rights group cashed out hundreds of thousands of dollars in Lithuania between 2016 and 2021, after receiving themoney from various foreign organizations. The funds were then moved across the border without being declared, the prosecution insisted.

The defendants were also said to have aided participants in anti-government protests in Belarus between 2020 and 2021, while financing the unrest “under the guise of human rights and charity activities.” At the time, thousands of Belarusian citizens took to the streets to protest against incumbent leader Alexander Lukashenko’s victory in the presidential election.

As well as serving 10 years in a high-security prison colony, Belyatsky was ordered to pay a fine of 185,000 Belarusian rubles ($73,000).

Belyatsky has served time in prison in the past.In 2011, he was sentenced to four and a half years on tax evasion chargesafter allegedly storing money in foreign banks. The activist insisted that the funds in question did not belong to him.

Belyatsky was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize last October, along with the Russian and Ukrainian human rights groups Memorial and the Center for Civil Liberties. The Nobel Committee said that the laureates had “for many years promoted the right to criticize power and protect the fundamental rights of citizens.”

(So they were paid by NGOs to cause civil unrest in countries where the NGOs didn’t like the conservative leaders. And they are thieves, these are the type of people that get the Nobel Peace Prize. But no Peace Prize for PDJT for the Abraham Accords, unbelievable. Nobel is totally corrupt now, like Pulitzer Prizes.)


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d2d564 No.21946

File: 16954549036909b⋯.png (376.76 KB,731x753,731:753,Clipboard.png)

File: 3378ebcea2a757c⋯.png (192.15 KB,480x264,20:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18448141 (050230ZMAR23) Notable: matt hancock twat assisted suicide twat and souce.

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note: Anon realised that he was fucked up but this guy is off the charts evil, sociapathic and psycopath traits are all present. anon wonders if this article is even true and if so, really bad judgement.



I had the pleasure of getting to know David through his campaigning on assisted dying

He was a kind, brave and truly inspirational man whose spirit will live on through this campaign

My thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time

3:22 pm · 28 Feb 2023 60.7K Views




Press release | 28th February 2023

Terminally ill husband and father devoted final months to fighting for law change

David Minns, a terminally ill husband, father and business-owner who devoted many of his final months to fighting for a change in the law on assisted dying, has died at home in Mildenhall, Suffolk, at the age of 75 on Monday 13th February 2023. David was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a bone marrow cancer, and an associated condition called amyloidosis in 2020 as his daughter Katie was dying of sarcoma, a soft tissue cancer. Since Katie’s death in 2021, David has spoken out in the media and to parliamentarians about the urgent need for a safe, compassionate assisted dying law for the UK.

David’s family have asked for privacy at this time and are not currently available for interview.


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d2d564 No.21947

File: efb633605b495ae⋯.png (295.61 KB,633x489,211:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18448144 (050231ZMAR23) Notable: matt hancock twat assisted suicide twat and souce.

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A statement from David’s wife Sue and son Matthew reads:

“David will be remembered as a loving husband, father, grandfather, dear brother and keen sportsman who touched the lives of so many. He was devoted to caring for his daughter Katie as she died, all the while dealing with his own diagnosis. He spent the past year fighting for an assisted dying law, knowing that any change would not come in time for him. As he said when meeting his MP, ‘I know this won’t happen for me. I’m doing it for you and your family’.

“David died at home, as he wished, but his final hours, days and weeks were not what he wanted. He received excellent care and support from NHS and hospice services, but still he suffered, just 18 months after watching Katie die in terrible pain. David was not a man to suffer pain easily – he spent his life pushing himself to his absolute limit as a marathon-runner, a rower and in many other sports. But at the end of his life David was so frightened, struggling to breathe and in agony. It would have been so much kinder for him, and for us all, if he’d had the choice to die on his own terms.

“We have been traumatised by the events leading up to David’s death and are determined to continue his fight. We are more certain than ever that the law on assisted dying absolutely must change, so that other terminally ill people can be given the option David was so cruelly denied.”

I spoke to David Minns as the @Daily_Express joins the fight to change the law on #AssistedDying. He lost his daughter to cancer and fears he now faces a slow and painful death: “I want to be able to choose the time which is right for me, when I know that I can’t go on anymore.” pic.twitter.com/uyVunh4lN5

— hanna geissler (@hannagsslr) February 10, 2022


Over the past year David addressed cross-party parliamentarians, met and spoke with his own MP Matt Hancock, and wrote an open letter to the Health and Social Care Select Committee, urging them to ensure that the voices of terminally ill people and their loved ones are central to the recently launched inquiry into assisted dying. David also regularly spoke to the media about his and Katie’s experiences and the need for law change, including as part of the Daily Express’ campaign Give Us Our Last Rights (which calls for parliament to follow Dignity in Dying’s blueprint for an assisted dying law for the UK) and featuring in an ITV documentary, a Channel 4 News story and a Guardian podcast.

Ellie Ball, Deputy Director of Communications at Dignity in Dying, said:

“We are deeply saddened by David’s death and extend our heartfelt condolences to Sue, Matthew and their loved ones. It has been a privilege working with David to give his powerful words a platform, shining a light on the unbearable suffering that his family and many others have endured under the current law.

“In his passionate yet gentle way, David spoke truth to power, exposing the cruelty and inequality of the UK’s ban on assisted dying and making a persuasive case for change. He knew he would not personally benefit from his own campaigning, but he has helped bring us closer than ever before to a law that gives dying people like him and Katie the choice, compassion and protection that is sorely lacking at the moment. David will be remembered fondly and we look forward to supporting his family to continue his legacy.”

Former Health Secretary, Matt Hancock said:

“I’m incredibly saddened to hear of David’s death.

“I had the pleasure of getting to know David – a constituent – through his passionate campaigning on assisted dying.

“David’s powerful testimony made me reflect on the question, ‘When death is imminent and the pain is insufferable, would I want the choice about how to die?’

“David was both brave and inspirational. He was a fighter whose spirit will live on through this campaign.

“My thoughts are with David’s family and friends at this difficult time.”


For further information, please contact Molly Pike, Media and Campaigns Officer at Dignity in Dying, on 07929 731181 or email: molly.pike@dignityindying.org.uk.

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d2d564 No.21948

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18448255 (050257ZMAR23) Notable: #22619

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Notables - FINAL


>>21920, >>21921, >>21936 Trump vows to prevent World War III, put AMERICA FIRST again in epic CPAC speech

>>21922 Bill Gates now on descent into Indio, California after trans-Pacific flight

>>21923, >>21924, >>21931, >>21935 President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland on March 3rd, 2023.

>>21925 Stronger than ever, Trump makes 2024 vow: ‘We’re going to see this battle through to ULTIMATE victory’

>>21926 Dog Comms - This is Bongo. 🦮 He is an 8-year-old sable German Shepherd, and serves as a Military Working Dog. 🐶

>>21927 Trump promises to defend the PEOPLE in 2024: ‘I will put America first every single time, every single day’


>>21929, >>21930, >>21937, >>21938 ‘Project Fear’ authors discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant

>>21932 DJT says April Fools - Q says April Showers

>>21933 In 1969, a brush fire burned down the exchange in Da Nang…

>>21934 PF - N757AF 757 departed Dulles Int'l Airport back to Palm Beach Int'l

>>21946, >>21947 matt hancock twat assisted suicide twat and souce.

>>21939 Ohio State Senator Michael Rulli: Donald Trump’s Visit to East Palestine ‘Brought Hope’

>>21940, >>21941 Jair Bolsonaro, 38th President of Brazil - CPAC 2023 Washington D.C. - 3/4/2023 FULL

>>21942 EU must shift to wartime economy – industry commissioner

>>21943 Trump vows to end Ukraine conflict in 24 hours

>>21944 Screen shots of some of the straw-poll slides

>>21945 Ales Belyatsky was accused of smuggling cash and fomenting civil unrest in Belarus


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d2d564 No.21949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449011 (050527ZMAR23) Notable: #22621

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d2d564 No.21950

File: 1cce1b1ef442792⋯.jpg (503.2 KB,1908x1195,1908:1195,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449093 (050550ZMAR23) Notable: "Long Covid" just a cover to hide the negative and severe effects of Covid 19 "vaccinations"?

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I have always thought that the trope: "Long Covid" was just a cover to hide the negative and severe effects of Covid 19 "vaccinations"

They had to have a trojan horse narrative to deflect and divert unwanted attention to any long-term vax side effects: hence Long Covid

Now, I think they are laying the groundwork to blame the incoming aggressive cancers and soft tissue cancers on, you guessed it: Long Covid


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d2d564 No.21951

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449098 (050551ZMAR23) Notable: Watch: Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia, But "Ukrainians Doing The Fighting"

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Watch: Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia, But "Ukrainians Doing The Fighting"

Tyler Durden's Photo


SATURDAY, MAR 04, 2023 - 11:00 AM

In a CNN panel last week, the head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Samantha Power issued some very revealing words on the Russia-Ukraine war, wherein she admitted that the US is at war with Russia but that it's "Ukrainians doing the fighting".

Her words came during a CNN 'town hall' event, which also featured Biden national security adviser Jake Sullivan, marking the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion. She had specifically responded to a question from an audience member, who asked: "What vital interest does to the US have in Ukraine?" At one point in forming a response she actually gave what ranks among the most ridiculously simplistic clichés sometimes uttered by D.C. policymakers - that America stands up to "bullies".

"I think Americans understand bullies and the importance of standing up to bullies," she said. But here's where she said the quiet part out loud, letting it slip that in some sense the US sees Ukraine as a pawn in the greater geostrategic game of ultimately defeating Russia: She explained the need for a broad coalition of countries in order to show "This isn't just the United States and Russia, this in fact is Ukrainians on the front lines, Ukrainians doing the fighting…" The set of assumptions behind this statement by a top Biden admin official is very revealing, however casually she may have slipped it in. Watch the clip below:

🇺🇸🇺🇦🇷🇺Samantha Power, the head of USAID, admits that the US is at war with Russia with the hands of Ukrainians. "Ukrainians doing the fighting" - Samantha Power

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d2d564 No.21952

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449103 (050551ZMAR23) Notable: Watch: Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia, But "Ukrainians Doing The Fighting"

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d2d564 No.21953

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449112 (050553ZMAR23) Notable: WATCH: President Donald J. Trump Answers Questions Before CPAC 2023 Speech

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President Donald J.

Trump Answers Questions Before CPAC

2023 Speech - 3/4/2023




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d2d564 No.21954

File: a4b1868798fc93a⋯.png (213.52 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449190 (050628ZMAR23) Notable: Another FBI Whistleblower Says He Was Forced To Inflate Domestic Terrorism Numbers

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Another FBI Whistleblower Says He Was Forced To Inflate Domestic Terrorism Numbers

SATURDAY, MAR 04, 2023 - 07:00 PM

Another FBI whistleblower has stepped forward to tell the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Federal Government that the agency had him boost domestic terrorism figures by dividing cases into multiple subdivisions.

FBI Special Agent Garret O'Boyle from the Kansas City field office told Congressional investigators that the agency had him divide a single domestic terrorism case into "four different cases," so that the FBI could go to Congress and say "look at all the domestic terrorism we’ve investigated," Fox News reports.

"Where, really, I was working on one case," O'Boyle continued. "But, the FBI can then say, well, he actually had four, and so we need you to give us more money because look at how big of a threat all this domestic terrorism is." ~moar


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d2d564 No.21955

File: 8a82ded2e83b84d⋯.png (181.73 KB,634x540,317:270,Clipboard.png)

File: be7a3a273ee0741⋯.png (152.69 KB,634x365,634:365,Clipboard.png)

File: e5c5e19a9a0790a⋯.png (112.61 KB,634x357,634:357,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ec4a8e71b473ba⋯.png (154.65 KB,634x477,634:477,Clipboard.png)

File: 07eb47028b8debb⋯.png (453.96 KB,634x528,317:264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449279 (050713ZMAR23) Notable: Colorado elementary school is exposed for secretly transitioning student, as damning leaked internal emails reveal administrator telling assistant principal to LIE to parents

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Colorado elementary school is exposed for secretly transitioning student, as damning leaked internal emails reveal administrator telling assistant principal to LIE to parents

March 4, 2023

Leaked emails from a Colorado elementary school revealed administrators going behind a parent's back to secretly transition a student.

Laurel Elementary School Assistant Principal, Amanda Pawelski, and Poudre School District Chief Equity Officer, Marlena Gross-Taylor, were caught in leaked emails discussing going behind a parent's back to instruct an elementary school student by their preferred pronouns.

On March 31, 2022, Amanda reached out to Marlena, who was only a few months into her new position, about an unidentified student who has 'expressed their pronouns and chosen name but their parents directly [told] school staff not to call the students by those pronouns.'

'I feel very strongly about supporting the student, but have heard that we legally have to follow the parent's decision due to the age of the child (elementary school),' she wrote in the email to Marlena.

In the same email, she revealed she learned during 'ABCs training' that that 'we should follow the student, not the parents' and asked Marlena to provide a more 'definite answer.'

'We want to support the student. We also want to be covered legally,' she wrote.

Six days later, Marlena responded, confirming that 'schools should use the student's affirming name and pronouns and use their legal name and corresponding pronouns when talking with the family until they are supportive of the student's new name and pronouns.'

Marlena also referred Amanda to the district's new LGBTQIA+ Coordinator, Shayna Seitchik, who also reiterated to Marlena that her and Darcie Votipka, the Director of Student Services for the district, agreed with using the student's chosen pronouns and names while the parents were not present.

Despite the consensus, Amanda seemed worried that the parent's definite disapproval of using the chosen names and pronouns with the elementary student might prove to be an issue due to age.

'I am wondering about the direct "do not" nature of what they said and in light of them being in elementary school. I want to make sure we are still covered if we use the student's chosen name, even in this case?' she wrote.

She also revealed the student had 'asked a few of us to be present when they came out to their mom.'

The mother was reportedly okay with the revelation while in the meeting, but afterward, had directed the school 'not to continue' to use the new name and pronouns.

It is unclear if Marlena ever responded, as the emails post April 5 were not leaked.

Sauce/more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11821421/Colorado-elementary-school-exposed-secretly-transitioning-student-internal-emails-leaked.html

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d2d564 No.21956

File: 946b3dda191d484⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB,1880x1640,47:41,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2dff7d51fadbfc5⋯.jpeg (755.05 KB,1307x1433,1307:1433,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 416a7e9a8508fc8⋯.jpeg (141.91 KB,1088x811,1088:811,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449287 (050716ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Hancock Plandemic Messages + THE LOCKDOWN FILES

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Matt Hancock “When do we deploy the new Variant”



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d2d564 No.21957

File: 8b8bae4eea5a7f9⋯.jpeg (882.49 KB,1284x1577,1284:1577,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 765645f6168b204⋯.jpeg (77.14 KB,640x851,640:851,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 603e986804f9572⋯.jpeg (160.32 KB,666x666,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2920919338f30e0⋯.jpeg (52.91 KB,828x454,414:227,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449314 (050731ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Hancock Plandemic Messages + THE LOCKDOWN FILES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>Symbolism will be their downfall

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21958

File: b533c2ace0ff9d1⋯.jpeg (711.95 KB,1640x1559,1640:1559,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449316 (050732ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Hancock Plandemic Messages + THE LOCKDOWN FILES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Fresh texts reveal Matt Hancock discussed how Covid could 'propel' his career days before virus hit UK and boasted of looking 'great' in pictures - as ex-Health Secretary breaks cover for first time since bombshell WhatsApp leak

Matt Hancock pictured out for the first time since leak of his private WhatsApps

The ex-Health Secretary tweeted a photo of himself with MP Lucy Frazer


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21959

File: 1ec03f65dca2f18⋯.png (719.35 KB,1335x711,445:237,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c0d3c8925d2f29⋯.png (471.75 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449317 (050732ZMAR23) Notable: Watch: Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia, But "Ukrainians Doing The Fighting"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"This isn't just the United States and Russia, this in fact is Ukrainians on the front lines, Ukrainians doing the fighting…"

samantha power

evil bully

george soros:

"The United States would not be called upon to act as the policeman of the world. When it acts, it would act in conjunction with others. Incidentally, the combination of manpower from Eastern Europe with the technical capabilities of NATO would greatly enhance the military potential of the Partnership because it would reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries, which is the main constraint on their willingness to act. This is a viable alternative to the looming world disorder.”


another evil bully

we stand up to evil bullies

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21960

File: a64cb0876cae035⋯.jpeg (538.54 KB,1540x1555,308:311,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449320 (050734ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Hancock Plandemic Messages + THE LOCKDOWN FILES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Isabel Oakeshott claims relationship with Matt Hancock went sour after he 'vanished' to appear on I'm a Celebrity without telling her he was going

Matt Hancock travelled to Australia in November to appear on I'm a Celebrity

Isabel Oakeshott said this was at a 'critical moment' on finalising his book

She subsequently handed over 100,000 of the MP's texts to The Telegraph


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d2d564 No.21961

File: 66d84a29ea6062e⋯.png (435.56 KB,634x383,634:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 38353d7e9e4bf4a⋯.png (833.03 KB,634x751,634:751,Clipboard.png)

File: ac80ebef7f1e939⋯.png (466.03 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: e339fc0422c4345⋯.png (364.43 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: a8dfa59dfd00012⋯.jpg (160.17 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449323 (050738ZMAR23) Notable: Two Ukrainian pilots are being trained by the US military to fly F-16s - as Biden faces calls to send the fighter jets to Ukraine - dailymail.co.uk

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Two Ukrainian pilots are being trained by the US military to fly F-16s - as Biden faces calls to send the fighter jets to Ukraine from both sides of the aisle

March 4, 2023

The US military is training two Ukrainian pilots on American soil to gauge how much time they would need in order to learn how to fly fighter jets such as the F-16.

The pair are being taught using flight simulators at a base in Tucson, Arizona, a senior US official told NBC News.

The official said that neither pilot will fly actual aircraft during their time in the US. As many as ten more pilots will arrive this month for similar training referred to as a 'familiarization event.'

'The program is about assessing their abilities as pilots so we can better advise them on how to use capabilities they have and we have given them,' the official told the network.

The official went on to 'stress' that this is not an official training program and is not an indicator that President Joe Biden will be sending F-16s to Ukraine, amid calls from both sides of aisle for him to do so.

Biden said in an ABC News interview last week that he’s not ready to send F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been pressing the USand allies for jets, but White House officials have pushed back that they are not the weaponry that Ukrainians need in the near term.

'There is no basis on which there is a rationale, according to our military now to provide F-16s,' Biden said. 'I am ruling it out for now.'

The Washington Post editorial board called on Biden to send F-16s, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. said in a tweet Biden ruling it out was 'disappointing.'

'It has been like pulling teeth with this Administration to get every weapons system requested by Ukraine to the battlefield.'

On the other hand Smith defended the Biden administration, arguing 'what we are giving Ukraine is those weapons systems they need.'

'There is not a decision being made about whether it is too escalatory,' he insisted.

In total, Ukraine is ready to send 20 pilots to the US for training. 'It is a routine activity as part of our military-to-military dialogue with Ukraine,' the official said.

'The ‘familiarization event’ is essentially a discussion between the Air Force personnel and an observation of how the U.S. Air Force operates. This event allows us to better help Ukrainian pilots become more effective pilots and better advise them on how to develop their own capabilities,' they continued.

Sauce/more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11822377/Pair-Ukrainian-pilots-trained-military-Arizona-fly-fighter-jets.html

Look at those totally organic Send F-16 signs, very original and not a Nuland campaign at all.

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d2d564 No.21962

File: fdbc34eadbb6992⋯.jpeg (171.12 KB,1088x811,1088:811,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449328 (050742ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Hancock Plandemic Messages + THE LOCKDOWN FILES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Matt Hancock Scamdemic Messages

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d2d564 No.21963

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449338 (050748ZMAR23) Notable: looks like mods can just delete shit at 4plebs.org

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

is archive4plebs a historical record?

Is this known to be accurate as to the original, aside from the ghost posts at the end (to a legal standard)? -https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/146981635/ (Qmap.pub links to it)

Reason I ask, looks like mods can just delete shit.


Does anyone have the original thread saved as pdf or anything?

Thank you

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d2d564 No.21964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449377 (050817ZMAR23) Notable: New study warns of health risks from 5G microwave radiation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New study warns of health risks from 5G microwave radiation

"If 5G is not halted," researcher Mona Nilsson predicts, "we will probably see more people suffering from microwave syndrome, i.e. deprived sleep, headache, tinnitus, dizziness, fatigue, heart problems, as well as a range of chronic diseases among them, including more cancers and degenerative diseases."

5G will have an impact similar to the introduction of electricity or the automobile, affecting entire economies and benefiting entire societies," Qualcomm CEO Steve Mollenkopf once predicted.

It now appears, however, that many of these effects may be negative, according to two recent reports by Swedish researchers Mona Nilsson, director of the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, and Dr. Lennart Harddell, an oncologist and professor at Orebro University who has published dozens of papers on the effects of non-ionizing radiation.



Link to papers


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d2d564 No.21965

File: 136f35b19d7fc5c⋯.png (503.3 KB,968x759,88:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449474 (050916ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Hancock Plandemic Messages + THE LOCKDOWN FILES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Note Steyn talks about the american politics, matt Hancock and other stuff, the global gay order .

for those who want the truth and his insights on gbnews. use link below and then click button to listen, no login, fees or sign ups.

Get well Steyn, we need ranters who know what the media is really like.


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d2d564 No.21966

File: 9608b8deef5cc0d⋯.png (1.07 MB,1152x1719,128:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449486 (050925ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Hancock Plandemic Messages + THE LOCKDOWN FILES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21967

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449489 (050930ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Hancock Plandemic Messages + THE LOCKDOWN FILES

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21968

File: c032a010ab724a2⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB,1658x1640,829:820,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1e474ac13e081e9⋯.webp (78.8 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.webp)

File: 2dd1443c48a46ae⋯.webp (118.19 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449503 (050936ZMAR23) Notable: Trains keep derailing in Ohio

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ohio residents ordered to stay inside as another train derails

Ohio residents have been ordered to shelter in place Saturday after another Norfolk Southern train ran off the tracks.

The 212-car train derailed at Ohio 41 near the Prime Ohio Business Park in Springfield around 5 p.m., the Clark County Emergency Management said.

About 20 of the train’s box cars toppled off the tracks while it was traveling through the city.

A spokesperson confirmed with The Post that Norfolk Southern — the same railway company involved in the tragic East Palestine derailment that contaminated 1.1 million gallons of water and 15,000 pounds of soil — was operating the derailed train.


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d2d564 No.21969

File: 29bf371f62e50f4⋯.mp4 (5.04 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449505 (050938ZMAR23) Notable: Trains keep derailing in Ohio

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Ohio train derailment

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21970

File: c934644528967ff⋯.png (482.72 KB,901x939,901:939,Clipboard.png)

File: d361e8159156e3d⋯.png (218.64 KB,830x880,83:88,Clipboard.png)

File: 5251e28da14b6b7⋯.png (214.73 KB,809x934,809:934,Clipboard.png)

File: 2206e5906563a43⋯.png (227.82 KB,831x928,831:928,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b9483910614740⋯.png (238.75 KB,803x940,803:940,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449512 (050942ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Hancock Plandemic Messages + THE LOCKDOWN FILES

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Caps 1/2


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d2d564 No.21971

File: 9a98f900d6b0243⋯.mp4 (868.91 KB,428x360,107:90,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449513 (050942ZMAR23) Notable: Trains keep derailing in Ohio

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Ohio train derailment

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21972

File: a51195773027276⋯.png (201.56 KB,820x928,205:232,Clipboard.png)

File: d7f1f0223105de7⋯.png (197.9 KB,857x943,857:943,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f3093e0fa066c3⋯.png (223.01 KB,832x921,832:921,Clipboard.png)

File: be9e7c874f59919⋯.png (197.55 KB,817x847,817:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449515 (050943ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Hancock Plandemic Messages + THE LOCKDOWN FILES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Caps 2/2



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d2d564 No.21973

File: ca86c3530df1dff⋯.jpeg (650.88 KB,1264x1050,632:525,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 26a010d515cb7cb⋯.jpeg (207.73 KB,919x1307,919:1307,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449585 (051018ZMAR23) Notable: Andrew bridgen quote to hancock “ No Matt you and others will have to be held to account

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MP Andrew Brigden “ No Matt you and others will have to be held to account for NG 163 and the deaths due to Midazolan and Morphine and the pushing of the experimental vaccines onto the public.”


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d2d564 No.21974

File: f58ffe91964c8d7⋯.jpg (57.5 KB,748x659,748:659,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5de2558ba435ed3⋯.jpg (76.47 KB,1170x1034,585:517,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449761 (051132ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Project Fear’ authors discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant

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‘Project Fear’ authors discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant

Matt Hancock’s plan to ‘frighten the pants off’ the public to ensure compliance with lockdown measures exposed in leaked WhatsApp messages


The Lockdown Files Team

4 March 2023 • 9:00pm


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d2d564 No.21975

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449811 (051155ZMAR23) Notable: #22621

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Not endorsements

#22621 >>21949

>>21974 ‘Project Fear’ authors discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant

>>21956, >>21958, >>21960, >>21957, >>21960, >>21962, >>21965, >>21966, >>21970, >>21972, >>21967 Matt Hancock Plandemic Messages + THE LOCKDOWN FILES

>>21973 Andrew bridgen quote to hancock “ No Matt you and others will have to be held to account for NG 163 and the deaths due to Midazolan and Morphine and the pushing of the experimental vaccines onto the public.”

>>21950 "Long Covid" just a cover to hide the negative and severe effects of Covid 19 "vaccinations"?

>>21951, >>21952, >>21959 Watch: Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia, But "Ukrainians Doing The Fighting"

>>21954 Another FBI Whistleblower Says He Was Forced To Inflate Domestic Terrorism Numbers

>>21955 Colorado elementary school is exposed for secretly transitioning student, as damning leaked internal emails reveal administrator telling assistant principal to LIE to parents

>>21961 Two Ukrainian pilots are being trained by the US military to fly F-16s - as Biden faces calls to send the fighter jets to Ukraine - dailymail.co.uk

>>21963 looks like mods can just delete shit at 4plebs.org

>>21953 WATCH: President Donald J. Trump Answers Questions Before CPAC 2023 Speech

>>21964 New study warns of health risks from 5G microwave radiation

>>21971, >>21969, >>21968 Trains keep derailing in Ohio



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d2d564 No.21976

File: 98a4d745f28110c⋯.png (412.3 KB,645x553,645:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449872 (051224ZMAR23) Notable: Man arrested for blowing up PG&E transformers in San Jose, police say

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO) &ndash; The San Jose Police Department is investigating after a suspect in possession of explosive material was arrested. He's now believed to be responsible for blowing up two PG&E transformers.

The suspect has been identified as 36-year-old San Jose resident Peter Karasev who made his first court appearance on Friday.

SJPD says the investigation began with two separate incidents involving explosive devices between December and January.

On Jan. 5, officers responded to the 6000 block of Snell Ave. on a report of a damaged transformer. A PG&E employee said an explosion occurred the night before around 2 a.m.

The employee also said a similar incident happened on Dec. 8, 202 at the 5000 block of Thornwood Dr. in which an explosion caused damage to a transformer.

Both explosions left thousands without power.

Investigators say surveillance video and cell phone pings led them to Karasev who was arrested on Wednesday.

Police also say he had an "inactive" meth lab in his home and admitted to using methamphetamine as a replacement for Adderall during the shortage.

Additionally, the complaint details the suspect's interest in model rockets and setting some off outside his home. Investigators also say he told them he'd been having a difficult time due to the war between Russia and Ukraine since he has family in both countries.

"Related to the transformer bombings, he's charged with two counts of exploding a destructive device as well as two counts of destroying an electrical line as well as an arson charge," said Deputy District Attorney Victoria Robinson with Santa Clara County. "Related to the items found in his home, he is charged with possessing materials with the intent to create a destructive device."

Cameras were not allowed in court but ABC7 was there as the public defender's office revealed details of Karasev's life in an attempt to get him out on supervised release.

They say Karasev is a software engineer at a company called "Zoox" that develops self-driving cars and is a married father of three children, a 1-year-old, 3-year-old and 5-year-old.


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d2d564 No.21977

File: 0c771e7122cef1d⋯.png (55.75 KB,668x396,167:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449903 (051234ZMAR23) Notable: United Arab Emirates now has the most powerful passport in the world…

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United Arab Emirates now has the most

powerful passport in the world after jumping

32 spots under new visa-free travel privileges

- as the UK ranks 30th, Australia 39th

and the US 43rd

Daily Mail (UK), by Melissa Koenig

Posted By: Imright, 3/5/2023 3:10:43 AM

The United Arab Emirates now has the most powerful passport in the world, according to a new study. Nomad Capitalist, a tax and immigration consultancy firm, ranked the value of nearly 200 countries' passports based on five factors: the availability of visa-free travel, the taxation on residents living in foreign countries, perception, the availability of dual citizenship and personal freedom. It found that the UAE's new visa-free travel privileges, as well as its rapidly growing economy and the fact that there are no income taxes have made its passports the most valuable.

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d2d564 No.21978

File: 431f8ed8615a929⋯.png (571.33 KB,896x774,448:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449907 (051235ZMAR23) Notable: ‘Jeremy’s Chocolate’ Sells More Than 200,000 Chocolate Bars In Just Over 24 Hours

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


‘Jeremy’s Chocolate’ Sells More

Than 200,000 Chocolate Bars In Just Over

24 Hours

Daily Wire, by Staff

Posted By: Imright, 3/5/2023 3:07:41 AM

Jeremy’s Chocolate, the new business line founded by Daily Wire co-CEO Jeremy Boreing in response to a woke stunt by Hershey’s, has sold 200,000 non-woke candy bars in just over 24 hours from when it was launched. The chocolate bars, which come in two varieties, were created after Hershey’s rolled out an International Women’s Day marketing campaign that featured a man who identifies as a woman as one of its spokespersons. Boreing promptly entered the chocolate business, and, in a rebuke of Hershey’s, made clear The Daily Wire would not compromise on the definition of womanhood.

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d2d564 No.21979

File: 2a34b6f34517158⋯.png (551.57 KB,707x643,707:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449913 (051236ZMAR23) Notable: The mission moves forward, retribution to come.

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enjoyed watching Donald Trump live yesterday at cpac, and being on the board to post and read comments, like the old days of Trump rallies!

according to Donald, the mission moves forward

retribution to come

i am committed to this cause, there is no one like Donald Trump and we are so blessed to have him leading us at this time in history!

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d2d564 No.21980

File: 44c19ceb0dcd4bd⋯.png (558.47 KB,759x657,253:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449914 (051237ZMAR23) Notable: Ohio residents ordered to stay inside as another train derails

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ohio residents ordered to stay inside

as another train derails

New York Post, by Katherine Donlevy

Posted By: Imright, 3/5/2023 2:58:54 AM

Ohio residents have been ordered to shelter in place Saturday after another Norfolk Southern train ran off the tracks. The 212-car train derailed at Ohio 41 near the Prime Ohio Business Park in Springfield around 5 p.m., the Clark County Emergency Management said. About 20 of the train’s box cars toppled off the tracks while it was traveling through the city. A spokesperson confirmed with The Post that Norfolk Southern — the same railway company involved in the tragic East Palestine derailment that contaminated 1.1 million gallons of water and 15,000 pounds of soil — was operating the derailed train.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21981

File: 192780e23957842⋯.png (694 KB,893x684,47:36,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449922 (051238ZMAR23) Notable: CPAC 2023: the End of an Era

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


CPAC 2023: the End of an Era

PJ Media, by Stacey Lennox

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/4/2023 8:39:36 PM

As the legend goes, William F. Buckley, the founder of National Review, forged an alliance between social conservatives, Republicans, and Libertarians to fight Communism. He also booted the John Birch Society from the pact. Beginning in 1973, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) leadership and the dedicated group of activists in its ranks launched the Reagan Revolution. The Buckley coalition elected Ronald Reagan in 1980 and launched 25 years of unmatched prosperity and U.S. hegemony. For the last decade, I attended CPAC to participate in the movement. Some of the most interesting and contentious debates I have ever heard occurred in the Wyndham and Gaylord Resorts suites

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d2d564 No.21982

File: b561576e12cd19a⋯.png (25.36 KB,992x210,496:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449926 (051239ZMAR23) Notable: Repeat Judge denies Jan. 6 defendant access to capitol security tapes made available by McCarthy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Judge denies Jan. 6 defendant access to

Capitol security tapes made available

by McCarthy

Washington Examiner, by Cami Mondeaux

Posted By: Imright, 3/4/2023 7:42:04 PM

A federal judge denied a request from a Jan. 6 defendant to access additional Capitol surveillance tapes recently made available by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in an effort to delay her trial and gather more evidence. U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg denied the request from Jan. 6 defendant Sara Carpenter on Friday, ruling her legal team failed to explain how the supplemental footage of her actions inside the Capitol building would be necessary in her case. Carpenter faces a number of charges for her participation in the Capitol riot, including disorderly conduct and obstruction of an official proceeding.

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d2d564 No.21983

File: a6a14cf09b993ae⋯.png (300.7 KB,610x771,610:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449935 (051242ZMAR23) Notable: New leaked messages show UK Health Minister Matt Hancock planning to “deploy the new variant”

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Quote Tweet

Michael P Senger




JUST IN: New leaked messages show UK Health Minister Matt Hancock planning to “deploy the new variant” in COVID messaging to “frighten the pants out of everyone” in order to “get proper behavior change” in the public’s compliance with lockdown measures.


6:01 PM · Mar 4, 2023




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d2d564 No.21984

File: 80cd8aae5581022⋯.jpeg (155.84 KB,800x559,800:559,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449944 (051245ZMAR23) Notable: If you didn't want me to put this in the notables, you should have became a baker.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.21985

File: 10b54774ea8cc4b⋯.png (112.63 KB,616x625,616:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449947 (051245ZMAR23) Notable: Kari Lake’s SC lawsuit claims that MCTEC sent 263,379 ballots to Runbeck.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Kari Lake’s SC lawsuit claims that MCTEC sent 263,379 ballots to Runbeck.

Runbeck returned 298,942 ballots to MCTEC.

35,563 extra ballots were inserted, and a Runbeck whistleblower testified that Runbeck allowed this to happen.




8:09 AM · Mar 2, 2023




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d2d564 No.21986

File: 4b1fdc3c6b093b9⋯.png (267.44 KB,425x666,425:666,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449961 (051252ZMAR23) Notable: New Zealand records its highest death toll in 100 years. Why are so many people dying?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


New Zealand records its highest death toll in 100 years. Why are so many people dying?



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d2d564 No.21987

File: 665da49dc4c5507⋯.jpg (112.65 KB,718x787,718:787,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449962 (051252ZMAR23) Notable: For the first time in my life I listened to a full speech from Donald Trump.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


For the first time in my life I listened to a full speech from Donald Trump.

It was two hours and every word it made complete sense.

I wish my country had a leader even half as smart and dedicated to the citizens.

I cannot believe how many years I believed the lies from the international media that says he’s a bad person.

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d2d564 No.21988

File: f96ebf44dc6c044⋯.jpeg (312.14 KB,1293x893,1293:893,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4ef216436f34045⋯.jpeg (387.78 KB,1389x1394,1389:1394,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 68ea9cd7b8e4df2⋯.jpeg (485.76 KB,1421x2319,1421:2319,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 75836334806ed8e⋯.png (157.82 KB,748x483,748:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449964 (051253ZMAR23) Notable: Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: “The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous.”

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Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: “The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous”




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d2d564 No.21989

File: e2a88e0e6940c6e⋯.png (70.35 KB,423x454,423:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449969 (051254ZMAR23) Notable: Ohio residents ordered to stay inside as another train derails

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d2d564 No.21990

File: c9b1f247e3c5446⋯.png (144.58 KB,450x364,225:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18449990 (051300ZMAR23) Notable: Dasting choice of words from the boss

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This was a very interesting remark in regard to the virus!

Speaking of the economy President Trump said “prior to the DUST COMING IN FROM CHINA”!!! 🤔

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d2d564 No.21991

File: feead044ec66f70⋯.png (279.23 KB,420x727,420:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450008 (051308ZMAR23) Notable: Censorship ALERT: Google to de-list entire websites that link CLOTS to the SHOTS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Censorship ALERT: Google to de-list entire websites that link CLOTS to the SHOTS


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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d2d564 No.21992

File: d4018a91d997a8e⋯.jpeg (813.73 KB,1285x989,1285:989,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b266827f621174f⋯.webp (124.75 KB,1278x883,1278:883,Clipboard.webp)

File: d17e318f02e8c43⋯.webp (71.85 KB,1278x883,1278:883,Clipboard.webp)

File: c29988e20633d34⋯.webp (493.97 KB,1278x528,213:88,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450014 (051309ZMAR23) Notable: UK GOV. confirms Unvaccinated had lowest Mortality Rate per 100k in 2022

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


UK GOV. confirms Unvaccinated had lowest Mortality Rate per 100k in 2022


UK Government Stats https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/deathsbyvaccinationstatusengland

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d2d564 No.21993

File: 692e3e18783e570⋯.png (204.35 KB,421x529,421:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450016 (051310ZMAR23) Notable: NEW - BBC conspired "with boundless enthusiasm" in the "deliberately misleading" propaganda campaign of fear that kept Britain locked up.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NEW - BBC conspired "with boundless enthusiasm" in the "deliberately misleading" propaganda campaign of fear that kept Britain locked up.



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d2d564 No.21994

File: 67691fec1c1f059⋯.png (1.69 MB,1310x887,1310:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450020 (051312ZMAR23) Notable: Breaking! Roseanne Barr & Alex Jones Full Interview Is Live!

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Breaking! Roseanne Barr & Alex Jones Full Interview Is Live!



Mar 4, 2023




The Alex Jones Show

The Alex Jones Show

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d2d564 No.21995

File: 31f6b6de5ce3634⋯.png (251.09 KB,447x560,447:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450023 (051313ZMAR23) Notable: Clown Alert NBC News reporter scores Bolsonaro’s first on-camera interview

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NBC News reporter scores Bolsonaro’s first on-camera interview with a US news outlet since the Brazilian election, so what does he choose to ask?

“Would you urge others around the world to resist the eLeCtiOn dEniAliSm that we have seen play out in America and Brazil?” 🤡

What an embarrassment. Bolsonaro doesn’t even look at the clown while he’s asking the question.

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d2d564 No.21996

File: 4eb0e2c42e99996⋯.png (202.77 KB,447x603,149:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450029 (051314ZMAR23) Notable: Here you have it folks! Not Pfizer or Moderna, but the US government pioneered mRNA

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Here you have it folks!

Not Pfizer or Moderna, but the US government pioneered mRNA. DARPA (US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) began investing in gene-encoded vaccines in 2012.

In other words, the military came up with the idea of ​​messenger RNA vaccines, not Pfizer or Moderna.

"This is a military program."


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d2d564 No.21997

File: b13e3ba8bc982a6⋯.png (359.08 KB,638x753,638:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450040 (051317ZMAR23) Notable: A Chinese spacecraft has been checking out US satellites high above Earth

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A Chinese spacecraft has been checking out US satellites high above Earth

By Andrew Jones

published 2 days ago

The Chinese satellite TJS-3 has been inspecting other countries' assets in geostationary orbit.

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d2d564 No.21998

File: 45bad64da4ce0c7⋯.png (233.95 KB,422x685,422:685,Clipboard.png)

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d2d564 No.21999

File: 89d836510157e16⋯.png (1.88 MB,1168x1354,584:677,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f6063ae3cb98d4⋯.png (101.33 KB,1274x382,637:191,Clipboard.png)

File: cbc06389f764527⋯.png (239.48 KB,716x998,358:499,Clipboard.png)

File: ad961730644ff80⋯.png (4.71 MB,2208x1898,1104:949,Clipboard.png)

File: d79afb4cf2fb854⋯.png (741.49 KB,1760x1342,80:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450055 (051323ZMAR23) Notable: Military Twats

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Ft Bragg -> 251 sq mi -> 17

Army's XVIII Airborne Corps -> 18 (Q+)

[75]th Ranger Regiment…[1]st Special Forces Command (Airborne) -> 751 / The Kun

Head[q]uarters of the United States Army Special Operations Command

Around 54,000 military personnel -> 45

Linked article:

34-(f)oot..(f)irst-(h)and -> 346 68 -> 346+68 = 424 ->


Fully operational


Godspeed, Patriots.


Feb 22 -> 222 -> Q222:


>that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. - Abraham Lincoln Nov 1863

Together we win.


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d2d564 No.22000

File: 0e879c17a5d26ed⋯.png (717.15 KB,969x738,323:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450067 (051329ZMAR23) Notable: New leaked messages show UK Health Minister Matt Hancock planning to “deploy the new variant”

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What is project fear?

Any diggers still lurk here?

"‘Project Fear’ authors discussed when to ‘deploy’ new Covid variant"


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d2d564 No.22001

File: 8f856e8c921ca46⋯.jpeg (99.41 KB,634x813,634:813,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4e0cfb140a83510⋯.jpeg (101.57 KB,634x763,634:763,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ebb699c87d46068⋯.jpeg (56.32 KB,634x415,634:415,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7b7d3344b105b34⋯.jpeg (189.28 KB,634x780,317:390,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450071 (051331ZMAR23) Notable: Furious families of Manchester Arena bombing victims to sue MI5

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Furious families of Manchester Arena bombing victims to sue MI5

By Duncan Gardham and Abul Taher 18:01 EST 04 Mar 2023

The families of the Manchester Arena bombing victims intend to sue over a catalogue of failures, including a missed ‘significant opportunity’ to stop the attacker days before the deadly atrocity.

Last week, an official inquiry told how MI5 had Arenabomber Salman Abedi on its radar from 2010, but regarded him as low priority.

However, in the months before the attack – which killed 22 victims, mainly children –MI5 received two vital pieces of intelligence on Abedi, which it failed to act upon quickly.

Had it done so, its spies may have stopped the attack by watching him more closely.

Andrew Roussos, whose daughter Saffie-Rose, eight, was the youngest victim, said it could not be ‘business as usual’ for MI5 after the inquiry’s final report came out last week.

Saffie-Rose Roussos was the youngest person to diein the Manchester Arena bombing

After it was highly critical of MI5, its Director-General, Ken McCallum, apologised to the victims’ families.

Mr Roussos said: ‘I would like to sue MI5 and I know other families feel the same way. I can’t see why not. If they get sued it will make sure it is not business as usual.

‘I have said from day one that I blame MI5 – the country’s Security Service. But now there is clear evidence that they messed up, and there has to be a price to pay. They need to feel responsible.’

He said four law firms were considering how best to sue MI5, adding: ‘Taking civil action is the only way to make sure they have a real incentive to learn lessons.’

Caroline Curry, whose son Liam, 19, died at the concert with his girlfriend Chloe Rutherford, 17, also wants to sue MI5 for negligence.

She said: ‘It sometimes feels MI5 are untouchable, and I feel it would make sure they do the right thing in future. Others feel the same.’

Speaking after the final report of the inquiry was published on Thursday, an angry Ms Curry said: ‘From top to bottom, MI5 to the associates of the attacker, we will always believe you all played a part in the murder of our children.

‘Forgiveness will never be an option for such evil intentions, and those that played any part in the murder of our children will never, ever get forgiveness. Shame on you all.’ Thursday’s report looked specifically at Abedi’s radicalisation, what MI5 and counter-terror police knew about him and whether they could have prevented the bombing by acting on intelligence they had.

After it was highly critical of MI5, its Director-General, Ken McCallum, apologised to the victims’ families

Abedi, 22, blew himself up at the Manchester Arena after an Ariana Grande concert on May 22, 2017. Mr Roussos said investigations into the 7/7 attack on the LondonUnderground in July 2005, which killed 52 people, also revealed failures by MI5,which had its ringleader, Mohammed Siddique Khan, under surveillance 17 months beforehand. He believes similar mistakes were made in Manchester.

Inquiry chairman Sir John Saunders revealed last week thatMI5 received information about Abedi on 20 occasionsbetween 2010 and the days leading up to the attack in May 2017. It came from Abedi’s contacts with known extremists.

But MI5 did not investigate him closely. Crucially, Sir John said MI5 received two significant pieces of information of national security concern about Abedi in the months before his attack when he was amassing bomb material.

But the two pieces of intelligence – which Sir John could not reveal –were not acted upon by MI5 quickly enough.

Abedi was in Libya for a month and returned to Britain four days before the attack. Sir John believes it was in Libya that he was trained how to make a bomb and even brought back a detonator switch.

Had MI5 acted on the two pieces of intelligence, he would have been searched on re-entering the UK, and officers would have tailed him, which would have led them to a car full of bomb-making materials.

Sir John said there was a ‘realistic possibility’ that ‘actionable intelligence’ could have been obtained that might have prevented the attack, adding: ‘The reasons for this significant missed opportunity included a failure by a Security Service officer to act swiftly.’

The Home Office declined to comment on the proposed lawsuit.

(This was that Ariana Grande Concert)


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d2d564 No.22002

File: 015e2e7298631aa⋯.png (1.3 MB,1170x1094,585:547,Clipboard.png)

File: b2af9b9f03cb61b⋯.png (17.04 KB,1166x84,583:42,Clipboard.png)

File: a1fa3af450b486e⋯.png (384.83 KB,840x3062,420:1531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450088 (051337ZMAR23) Notable: Military Twats

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The culminating event -> FINISH

Timestamp 1015 -> Qalerts 11 posts

Marines in pictures 2 1 2 6 -> Qalerts 6 posts

6+11 -> 17


Last and final








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d2d564 No.22003

File: 866eef5ebef066b⋯.png (455.09 KB,1060x736,265:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450101 (051344ZMAR23) Notable: AND THERE IT IS: Biden Asks for Billions for COVID and Ukraine

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AND THERE IT IS: Biden Asks for Billions for COVID and Ukraine – Where Will This Money Really Go?

by Joe Hoft Mar. 5, 2022 4:15 pm


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d2d564 No.22004

File: 4945c93fcdbc00e⋯.png (10.67 KB,587x151,587:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450104 (051346ZMAR23) Notable: Breaking: Visa announces it is suspending all operations in Russia.

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PM Breaking News


Breaking: Visa announces it is suspending all operations in Russia.

11:12 AM · Mar 5, 2022


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d2d564 No.22005

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450108 (051346ZMAR23) Notable: God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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d2d564 No.22006

File: 781da322ff6136c⋯.jpeg (166.56 KB,634x949,634:949,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450112 (051347ZMAR23) Notable: Ministers in clash as farmers fear Britain will be flooded with cheap Mexican and Canadian

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Ministers in clash as farmers fear Britain will be flooded with cheap Mexican and Canadian

By Claire Ellicott Acting Deputy Political Editor For The Mail On Sunday 19:35 EST 04 Mar 2023

Ministers are at war over fears that a new trade deal could allow and to flood the UK with cheap beef and pork, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

As talks go down to the wire, Environment Secretary is said to be pushing to limit their quotas to protect British farmers.

But Government sources close to the talks, led by Trade Secretary , insist the country will not lower its food standards.

The UK is expected within days to reach an agreement in principle to join the .

The issue of access to the UK beef and pork markets is understood to be one of the key issues still under negotiation. Talks with the 11-nation bloc – whose members also include New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Japan, Chile, Vietnam and Malaysia – have been going on since 2021.

Concerns were raised initially overCanada’s bid to get Britain to drop a ban on hormone-treated beef– but UK Ministers have insisted this will not happen.

However, there has also been apush from Canada and Mexicofor access to Britain’s agricultural market, specifically beef and pork.

They are understood to want the same terms as those granted to Australia and New Zealand in their own trade deals with the UK – where tariffs on beef and sheep meat will be phased out and quotas on the quantities they can send will rise in the next ten to 15 years.

But there are concerns thatlower animal welfare standardsin countries in the Trans-Pacific trade bloc mean members will be able to undercut UK farmers if they are allowed high quotas.

According to sources, Ms Coffey is said to be ‘fighting for the farmers’ and has made her position on access clear. Another Government insider close to the talks said: ‘We will not sign a deal that forces the UK to lower our food standards in any area whatsoever.

‘Meanwhile,joining CPTPPmeans 99 per cent of UK goods exports will be eligible for tariff-free trade to a market of 500 million new customers. We’re rightly told by our farmers that they have the best produce in the world – so go sell it to the world and thrive!’

The Mail on Sunday has campaigned forprotections against poor-quality foreign food– and to save British farms from being put out of business by cheap imports.

National Farming Union (NFU) President Minette Batters has said thatshe is now ‘really wary’ of the Government’s approach to trade in wake of the deal with Australia and New Zealand.

She said thatfarmers were seen as an ‘inconvenience’ to UK trade policyand were ‘sacrificed’ in favour of the services sector in Britain’s first post-Brexit deals.

Former Environment Secretary George Eustice is among those who have argued that theUK’s deal with Australia is bad for farmers.

As a result, Ms Batters said she was watching negotiations on the future Trans-Pacific deal like a ‘hawk’ after arguing thatagriculture was sacrificed on the back of the service sectorin the Australia and New Zealand trade deals.

She said yesterday that Rishi Sunak had signalled during the leadership race that he would tread carefully when it came to trade deals. She added she hoped he would continue this approach in Government. But of previous trade deals, she said: ‘You can’t be under any illusions as tothe damage already done.’

During his first attempt at becoming Prime Minister last year, Mr Sunak described the deals as a ‘one-sided’ agreement.

However, he has described the Trans-Pacific deal as a ‘fantastic’ opportunity for the country. If the UK were to join, it would account for 16 per cent of the world’s GDP.

Ms Badenoch has previously said: ‘No matter how nice the deal is, there will always be a group of people who see it as a zero-sum game, and “we’ve got something that they haven’t got”.

She added that improving the message on how trade is good for farming is ‘one of the challenges that I need to tackle and help them feel more reassured.’


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d2d564 No.22007

File: f28d7a86426b5d3⋯.jpg (13.52 KB,640x481,640:481,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cee8573c11cd036⋯.jpg (11.27 KB,640x852,160:213,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450123 (051349ZMAR23) Notable: Do you remember when they told you this was a helicopter?

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Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d3091e No.10974416 📁

Oct 7 2020 20:54:18 (EST)

Do you remember when they told you this was a helicopter?

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d2d564 No.22008

File: a8e6dd196291aab⋯.png (307.3 KB,2046x674,1023:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450125 (051351ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Hancock

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Matt Hancock

Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Department of Health and Social Care of the United Kingdom

Degrees, Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Formerly: worked for family business, as an economist at the Bank of England, and as Chief of Staff to the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer. 2010, Member of Parliament for West Suffolk; served as a backbencher on the Public Accounts Committee and the Standards & Privileges Committee. September 2012, entered government and has served in a number of ministerial roles, including for skills and business, and as Paymaster General; oversaw the expansion of apprenticeships, and championed the digital transformation of government. 2016-18, Minister of State for Digital, responsible for broadband, broadcasting, creative industries, cyber and the tech industry. January 2018, appointed Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. First Member of Parliament in modern times to win a horse race, having raced to victory at the Newmarket July Course in August 2012. Avid cricketer, playing for the Lords & Commons Cricket team. Once played the most northerly game of cricket on record and succumbed to frostbite en route to the Pole; yet retains all fingers.


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d2d564 No.22009

File: 751c290ec830b13⋯.png (794.1 KB,1160x1114,580:557,Clipboard.png)

File: 12d94df38a67112⋯.png (128.17 KB,1304x510,652:255,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cbe94ceabb507f⋯.png (75.41 KB,496x228,124:57,Clipboard.png)

File: 787e835d0bb887d⋯.png (55 KB,840x542,420:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a4faafa2366e19⋯.png (169.62 KB,840x1478,420:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450134 (051354ZMAR23) Notable: Military Twats

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Crumbly -> Q Crumbs

Konata -> [Luck]y Star / Nicknamed Kona-[chan] -> 4chan / The Chans / The Kun

[23](32) in the link

Link ends 289 -> Qalerts 289 -> Q734:

This board has more power & influence than anyone comprehends.


Reached est 1.2mm,Patriots

You are reaching more than you know.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22010

File: ba47ab8f56fd715⋯.png (337.41 KB,554x780,277:390,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450138 (051357ZMAR23) Notable: Chancellor Scholz, welcome back to the White House.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Biden


United States government official

Chancellor Scholz, welcome back to the White House.

A lot has happened in the last year.

Through everything, Germany and the U.S. have only grown closer. Our partnership will only deepen as we continue to stand up for our shared values around the world.

7:59 AM · Mar 5, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22011

File: e6c4c893bf9853e⋯.webp (127.23 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450140 (051357ZMAR23) Notable: Deadly shipwreck: How it happened, and unanswered questions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Deadly shipwreck: How it happened, and unanswered questions


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22012

File: 6a8c1b25e0edb07⋯.png (21.22 KB,554x301,554:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450156 (051402ZMAR23) Notable: The potato says, For too long, American families have been crushed by high prescription drug costs.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Biden


United States government official

For too long, American families have been crushed by high prescription drug costs.

Costs higher than what people in other countries pay.

It’s flat wrong.

We’re taking on special interests to make health care more affordable.

9:00 AM · Mar 5, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22013

File: deb4e49d8323cdb⋯.png (1.02 MB,1172x1110,586:555,Clipboard.png)

File: f45b836b6a08909⋯.png (131.04 KB,346x430,173:215,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b07acc3b24101d⋯.png (204.81 KB,706x922,353:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a1e8f7ef691b31⋯.png (75.29 KB,860x680,43:34,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ab00f6e634a2b7⋯.png (895.52 KB,840x2540,42:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450200 (051415ZMAR23) Notable: Military Twats

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Prepare..for takeoff

0025 + Louisiana -> 25 + LA -> 25 + 121 = 146 -> 45 / 47

…the 20th-smallest by area and the 25th most populous -> 20+25 -> 45

Image size 1200 x 675 = 1875 -> Qalerts 1875 = 8 posts

Qalerts 1875 first result -> "Bottom Graphic"

Graphic at bottom ->PAIN IN DC



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22014

File: 82eab3efd2f9b79⋯.jpeg (207.34 KB,634x1225,634:1225,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1fe9cb70017494c⋯.jpeg (123.7 KB,634x738,317:369,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ff1bc220baa8b34⋯.jpeg (101.08 KB,634x428,317:214,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 70eb612921cbf1c⋯.jpeg (79.24 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3f3d176e05a7e02⋯.jpeg (116.9 KB,634x668,317:334,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450220 (051419ZMAR23) Notable: 'Can we lock him up?' Matt Hancock's team considered action against Nigel Farage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'Can we lock him up?' Matt Hancock's team considered action against Nigel Farage

By Elizabeth Haigh updated 05:36 EST 03 Mar 2023

Aides for Matt Hancock asked if they could 'lock up' former UKIP leader 'pub hooligan' in 2020 amid the pandemic, leaked WhatsApp messages show.

The former Health Secretary is said to have wanted to discuss possible quarantine breaches by the politician 'urgently', and asked his office to get in touch with the Home Office to investigate, the reports.

In June 2020 Mr Farage travelled to the USA to meet with then-President , tweeting photos of himself enjoying the trip while the vast majority of the UK was unable to leave the country.

On July 4 he tweeted a video of himself in his local pub in Downe Village, Kent, exactly two weeks after he had attended a Trump rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The revelation comes after from his communications to the newspaper.

At the time of his visit, anyone who entered the UK from abroad was required to quarantine for 14 days, or face a hefty fine.

According to the leaked messages, Mr Hancock shared a link to a news report about the possible breach of quarantine regulations with members of his 'top team', writing: 'We need to discuss this urgently'.

Aide Jamie Njoku-Goodwin responded to the Health Secretary: 'Does he count as a pub hooligan? Can we lock him up?'

A civil servant is also said to have suggested referring the matter to Priti Patel, who was Home Secretary at the time.

Mr Hancock then asked his aide to ask the Home Office whether they were 'considering it', the paper reports.

Several minutes later Mr Njoku-Goodwin responded: 'Just spoken to HO spads [Home Office special advisors].

'Sounds like we need to get PHE [Public Health England' to do one of their "spot checks" and prove that he isn't at home.'

Mr Hancock then asked his team to ensure Mr Farage's case was dealt with 'like any other' by the Home Office.

Representatives for Matt Hancock have been contacted for comment.

At the time of his return from the US, Mr Farage maintained he had waited the full two weeks before going to the pub, and added he had received a negative Covid-19 test result.

But speaking to the today, he said: 'If I was being honest with you, after the first set of lockdowns I wasn't really prepared for some little pipsqueak like Matt Hancock to tell me how to live my life, quite frankly.'

He added: 'It was pretty nip and tuck… which means I probably was in breach. I'm probably a Covidiot.'

Mr Farage reportedly receivedthree visits from police officers during the pandemic.

Journalist Ms Oakeshott shared the huge trove of messages with the paper after Mr Hancock gave her unprecedented access to his communications in order to work on his pandemic memoir.

A source close to the former Health Secretary, who had to step down after having been found in breach of his own coronavirus restrictions, said Ms Oakeshott had broken a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) by sharing the messages.

She also accused Mr Hancock of sending her a 'threatening' text late on Tuesday night, following the first batch of bombshell revelations.

Mr Hancock denied doing so but described her actions as a 'massive betrayal and breach of trust'.

Quizzed about how she would describe her behaviour towards Mr Hancock on BBC Radio 4 today, Ms Oakeshott said: 'What I'm not going to do, because it wouldn't be pretty, is get involved in a slanging match with Matt Hancock.

'He can threaten me all he likes.

'There are plenty of things I can say about his behaviour, by the way, that I'm not going to do, at least not at this stage, because this is not about Matt Hancock, it is so much bigger than that.

'Trust me, there's plenty I can say.'

In a statement on Thursday night, Mr Hancock told MailOnline: 'I am hugely disappointed and sad at the massive betrayal and breach of trust by Isabel Oakshott.

'I am also sorry for the impact on the very many people – political colleagues, civil servants and friends - who worked hard with me to get through the pandemic and save lives.


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d2d564 No.22015

File: 89d9b6794ae6ffd⋯.webp (34.46 KB,576x581,576:581,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450222 (051420ZMAR23) Notable: Here she is again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Last night Arizona activist Melissa Lively and filmmaker Greg Strause were dining in Washington DC when Dr. Tony Fauci entered the restaurant with two bodyguards. It is not clear at this point if these were government-funded bodyguards but they reportedly did have badges.

Melissa posed for a photo with Dr. Fauci and gave him some much-needed feedback. She flipped him the bird.

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d2d564 No.22016

File: baf55fe640c7594⋯.jpeg (167.19 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8b8f2ae51ef056b⋯.jpeg (120.38 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 00786ac33d08237⋯.jpeg (149.32 KB,634x409,634:409,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e9ad2beb026c7c9⋯.jpeg (67.39 KB,430x286,215:143,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ab018e0cb95cf9a⋯.jpeg (135.38 KB,634x476,317:238,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450245 (051427ZMAR23) Notable: Chinese spy cameras discovered at Sandringham estate and at least FIVE Government departments

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chinese spy cameras discovered at Sandringham estate and at least FIVE Government departments

By Abul Taher And Cameron Charters For The Mail On Sunday 18:53 EST 04 Mar 2023

Chinese surveillance cameras are being used at one of theKing's main residencesand at least five Government departments – months after Ministers ordered their removal from sensitive sites on national security grounds.

The Mail on Sunday has established that CCTVcameras made by Hikvision – a company controlled by the Chinese Communist Party– are being used at various locations on the vast Sandringham estate – Charles's country seat.

Our investigation also found the cameras, which come withfacial recognition technology, trained on the entrances of Whitehall ministries, including the Department of Health and Social Care, Department for Energy Security and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Hikvision cameras are also situated at the building of Investments – an arm of theTreasury– which manages state-backed companies such as NatWest, and HM Land Registry.

Last week, we revealed how: CCTV cameras by Hikvision – which in the past hasworked closely with China's People's Liberation Army– Hikvision denies handing any footage to the Chinese government and says it complies with UK legislation.

But the firm is subject to China's National Intelligence Law, which can order companies to hand over data to its intelligence service.

In November, Oliver Dowden, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, ordered all Ministries to remove Hikvision cameras as well as those from any other Chinese firm that could send data to Beijing.

Security experts say buildings in Whitehall are particularly sensitive, as Ministers often receive guests with whom they have conversations on security. In April last year, the then Health Secretary Sajid Javid banned the use of Hikvision cameras in the Ministry after one of themcaught his predecessor, Matt Hancock, kissing his girlfriend Gina Coladangelo there. Kek!

In June, the Department told Tory MP Iain Duncan Smith that it had removed all Hikvision cameras. Last night, an angry Mr Duncan Smithaccused the Health Ministry of lying to him.He said: 'I will be writing to the Secretary of State for Health [Steve Barclay] for an explanation on this.

'It's one thing not to tell anything, but it is another thing to lie about it and say you have removed the cameras.'

At Sandringham, our reporter found five Hikvision cameras. Three were by car parks, while two were on trees by a play area.

Palace officialsrefused to sayif Hikvision cameras were also installed in the restricted areas of Sandringham.

At the Whitehall departments, our reporters found Hikvision cameras with360-degree viewsin front of the main entrances.

Luke De Pulford, of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, said: 'Turning a blind eye to the security risks posed by these cameras, after promising to remove them, is the height of negligence.'

Jake Hurfurt, from Big Brother Watch, said: 'Chinese state-owned CCTV has no place in the UK. These cameras should not be watching over any British streets, let along the heart of our Government.'

After we approached the departments involved for comment, a Cabinet Office source said the Government is complying with Mr Dowden's order and has started to remove Hikvision cameras from sensitive sites. He did not specify what those places were.

A spokesman said: 'We take the security of our personnel, systems and establishments very seriously.' A Buckingham Palace spokesman said last night: 'We do not comment on security.'


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d2d564 No.22017

File: d52326adb3974cb⋯.png (217.25 KB,612x604,153:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ac40794cf5e482⋯.png (484.46 KB,600x539,600:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450284 (051435ZMAR23) Notable: (Decode?) Good because god knows no one sales will hold them account for this scourge!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Donald Trump Jr.


Good because god knows no one sales will hold them account for this scourge!!!

“I will hold China financially accountable for unleashing the China Virus upon the world. And I will again withdraw from the WHO which stands for ‘We Hide Outbreaks’.”


Graham Allen

2:53 AM · Mar 5, 2023




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d2d564 No.22018

File: 324bcaf78d51399⋯.jpeg (110.93 KB,640x869,640:869,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450348 (051451ZMAR23) Notable: Coinciditis - Myocarditis that Coincidentally only affects the vaccinated

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22019

File: c279bd2ecdf2c95⋯.png (1.08 MB,1168x1242,584:621,Clipboard.png)

File: 76533de8e656919⋯.png (215.9 KB,383x457,383:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450355 (051452ZMAR23) Notable: Military Twats

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Civil-military relations -> Mil-Civ Alliance

First sentence = 198 characters -> 18(Q+)

All-Volunteer…50…civil-military -> A-V 50 C-M -> 1-22 50 3-13 -> 122 + 50 + 313 = 485 -> 45 & 8



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22020

File: 30e5394b790c22a⋯.jpg (127.17 KB,1080x810,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450392 (051506ZMAR23) Notable: 🚨 #ALERT: The dam built in East Palestine to hold back toxic waste has been DESTROYED by torrential rain.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

🚨 #ALERT: The dam built in East Palestine to hold back toxic waste has been DESTROYED by torrential rain.

This has caused toxic sludge to be released into some of the town’s largest waterways.



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d2d564 No.22021

File: b83ad323ea05af0⋯.jpeg (179.43 KB,465x310,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450408 (051513ZMAR23) Notable: Michael Gove

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

==For anyone interested in Michael Gove the man conspiring with Hancock=

Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Minister for Intergovernmental Relations

The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP


The Rt Hon Michael Gove was appointed Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Minister for Intergovernmental Relations on 25 October 2022.

He was previously Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities between 15 September 2021 and 6 July 2022, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster from July 2019 to September 2021, and Minister for the Cabinet Office from February 2020 to September 2021. He was Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs from June 2017 to July 2019.

He was elected Conservative MP for Surrey Heath in 2005.


Michael was educated at Robert Gordon’s College, Aberdeen and Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University.

Political career

Michael was Shadow Minister for Housing from 2005 to 2007 and Shadow Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families from 2007 to 2010.

He served as Secretary of State for Education from May 2010 until July 2014. From July 2014 to May 2015, he served as Government Chief Whip and Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury. Michael also served as Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice from May 2015 until 14 July 2016.

__Career outside politics_

Michael became a journalist after leaving university, working as a reporter for The Press and Journal in Aberdeen, a researcher and reporter at Scottish Television and a reporter for BBC Television. He was later Assistant Editor of The Times.

Personal life

Michael has 2 children.

Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Strategic oversight of department’s business

Minister for inter-governmental relations

Cross-cutting responsibility for Levelling Up-Public Appointments

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Minister for Intergovernmental Relations

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Previous roles in government

Minister for Intergovernmental Relations

2021 to 2022

Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

2021 to 2022

Secretary of State for Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government

2021 to 2021

Minister for the Cabinet Office

2020 to 2021

Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, and Secretary of State

2019 to 2021

Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

2017 to 2019

Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice

2015 to 2016

Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury (Chief Whip)

2014 to 2015

Secretary of State for Education

2010 to 2014

(Why was he involved in Covid messaging?)


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d2d564 No.22022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450420 (051518ZMAR23) Notable: Russia drops next-gen, 1500KG gliding bombs on Ukraine for the first time

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cool video on MissileTec (Drop and Forget Bomb) but do they honestly think we trust the Ukraine Media?

Russia drops next-gen, 1500KG gliding bombs on Ukraine for the first time


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22023

File: 9f76617636c6561⋯.png (1.19 MB,1174x1356,587:678,Clipboard.png)

File: 21898b52eb13129⋯.png (33.09 KB,726x100,363:50,Clipboard.png)

File: 3afda32bb6d8a52⋯.png (196.3 KB,840x1698,140:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 142647bf8400e88⋯.png (164.25 KB,840x1610,12:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450430 (051521ZMAR23) Notable: Military Twats

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Get Moving ->GO

Link ends 18176 -> 18 / 17 / '76

Linked article: #101 #45 #236 #36 -> 101 (45) (23)6 36 -> 45 / 23 / 101 +636 -> 737


>This board has more power & influence than anyone comprehends. >>22009


Qalerts 737 -> Q342:




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22024

File: e28533b33351d76⋯.png (842.44 KB,665x1302,95:186,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450443 (051528ZMAR23) Notable: Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway and husband are divorcing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway and husband are divorcing

WASHINGTON (AP) — Kellyanne Conway, a senior presidential adviser in the Trump White House, and her husband, attorney George Conway, a prominent critic of the former president, say they are divorcing.

The Conways posted a joint statement on their Twitter accounts Saturday, which said in part that “we are in the final stages of an amicable divorce.” The two said their marriage more than 20 years ago included “many happy years” and “four incredible children.”

Washington observers questioned the state of their union after George Conway began criticizing Donald Trump with a fervor that often matched his wife’s support of the president. While Kellyanne Conway defended Trump at every turn, her husband wrote tweets and articles and appeared on news shows to condemn his actions. He helped found the Lincoln Project, which sought Trump’s defeat in 2020.

In their statement, the couple asked that their privacy be respected and said they appreciated those who “know us, care for us, and support us.”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22025

File: a5785b4a3addb07⋯.png (657.08 KB,1063x705,1063:705,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450447 (051530ZMAR23) Notable: Just In: Presidential Candidate Who’s Never Held a Political Office Beats Out Nikki Haley and Mike Pence For Third Place In CPAC Straw Poll

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Just In: Presidential Candidate Who’s

Never Held a Political Office Beats Out

Nikki Haley and Mike Pence For Third Place

In CPAC Straw Poll

Gateway Pundit, by Patty McMurray

Posted By: Imright, 3/5/2023 10:20:57 AM

100 Percent Fed Up reports – This afternoon, CPAC attendees voted for the person they would choose to be the next Republican Presidential candidate if the election were held today.(Photo) President Donald Trump got a whopping 62% of the vote from the CPAC attendees. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who did not attend the conservative gathering, got 20% of the vote. But it was the relatively unknown billionaire businessman from Michigan, Perry Johnson, whose never held a political office, stunned the pundits when he took third place in the poll ahead of

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22026

File: 2e39f2d3726e053⋯.png (572.74 KB,661x483,661:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450616 (051636ZMAR23) Notable: #22623

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



e-baker OUT

God bless this bread.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22027

File: e08b88ed43f42d0⋯.png (375.64 KB,793x1078,793:1078,Clipboard.png)

File: f55e98b866caf6a⋯.mp4 (3.44 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450631 (051641ZMAR23) Notable: Blinken visits central Asia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Blinken visited Astana last week.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22028

File: 0bf4ce1bc1a2ea6⋯.mp4 (6.76 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450656 (051648ZMAR23) Notable: EPA Chief warns parents not to let their children close to the water in E Palestine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EPA chief warns Ohio parents: 'Keep your children away from the deadly waters of Palestine'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22029

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450666 (051652ZMAR23) Notable: #22622-A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>>22018 Coinciditis - Myocarditis that Coincidentally only affects the vaccinated

>>21976 Man arrested for blowing up PG&E transformers in San Jose, police say

>>21977 United Arab Emirates now has the most powerful passport in the world…

>>21978 ‘Jeremy’s Chocolate’ Sells More Than 200,000 Chocolate Bars In Just Over 24 Hours

>>21979 The mission moves forward, retribution to come.

>>21980, >>21989 Ohio residents ordered to stay inside as another train derails

>>21981 CPAC 2023: the End of an Era

>>21982 Repeat Judge denies Jan. 6 defendant access to capitol security tapes made available by McCarthy

>>21983, >>22000 New leaked messages show UK Health Minister Matt Hancock planning to “deploy the new variant”

>>21984 If you didn't want me to put this in the notables, you should have became a baker.

>>21985 Kari Lake’s SC lawsuit claims that MCTEC sent 263,379 ballots to Runbeck.

>>21988 Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: “The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous.”

>>21986 New Zealand records its highest death toll in 100 years. Why are so many people dying?

>>21987 For the first time in my life I listened to a full speech from Donald Trump.

>>21990 Dasting choice of words from the boss

>>21991 Censorship ALERT: Google to de-list entire websites that link CLOTS to the SHOTS

Anon ID dc0028, has lots of notables. Makin this note-taker earn his pay.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22030

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450668 (051652ZMAR23) Notable: #22622-B

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>>21992 UK GOV. confirms Unvaccinated had lowest Mortality Rate per 100k in 2022

>>21993 NEW - BBC conspired "with boundless enthusiasm" in the "deliberately misleading" propaganda campaign of fear that kept Britain locked up.

>>21994 Breaking! Roseanne Barr & Alex Jones Full Interview Is Live!

>>21995 Clown Alert NBC News reporter scores Bolsonaro’s first on-camera interview

>>21996 Here you have it folks! Not Pfizer or Moderna, but the US government pioneered mRNA

>>21997 A Chinese spacecraft has been checking out US satellites high above Earth

>>21998 The world is under attack

>>21999, >>22002, >>22009, >>22013, >>22019, >>22023 Military Twats

>>22001 Furious families of Manchester Arena bombing victims to sue MI5

>>22003 AND THERE IT IS: Biden Asks for Billions for COVID and Ukraine

>>22004 Breaking: Visa announces it is suspending all operations in Russia.

>>22005 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

>>22006 Ministers in clash as farmers fear Britain will be flooded with cheap Mexican and Canadian

>>22007 Do you remember when they told you this was a helicopter?

>>22008 Matt Hancock

>>22010 Chancellor Scholz, welcome back to the White House.

>>22011 Deadly shipwreck: How it happened, and unanswered questions

>>22012 The potato says, For too long, American families have been crushed by high prescription drug costs.

>>22014 'Can we lock him up?' Matt Hancock's team considered action against Nigel Farage

>>22015 Here she is again.

>>22016 Chinese spy cameras discovered at Sandringham estate and at least FIVE Government departments

>>22017 (Decode?) Good because god knows no one sales will hold them account for this scourge!!!

>>22020 🚨 #ALERT: The dam built in East Palestine to hold back toxic waste has been DESTROYED by torrential rain.

>>22021 Michael Gove

>>22022 Russia drops next-gen, 1500KG gliding bombs on Ukraine for the first time

>>22024 Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway and husband are divorcing


>>22025 Just In: Presidential Candidate Who’s Never Held a Political Office Beats Out Nikki Haley and Mike Pence For Third Place In CPAC Straw Poll

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d2d564 No.22031

File: 0d1ff85ed282f3e⋯.png (24.17 KB,109x109,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450681 (051657ZMAR23) Notable: J6 Videos website is back up

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Ivan Raiklin 🇺🇸




J6 Videos website is back up! No need to wait for Paul Ryan to allow Tucker to release the curated McCarthy files.



J6 Videos from M5 News





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d2d564 No.22032

File: 536f6faef95b52e⋯.png (307.04 KB,801x443,801:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450685 (051700ZMAR23) Notable: Fauci "prompted" the drafting of "Proximal Origins" to disprove the COVID lab leak theory

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JUST IN - Dr. Fauci "prompted" the drafting of "Proximal Origins" to disprove the COVID lab leak theory, according to new evidence obtained by the Select Subcommittee.



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d2d564 No.22033

File: 080fb64f8fe7f27⋯.png (33.72 KB,914x219,914:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450688 (051702ZMAR23) Notable: Twitter discloses another possible government censorship effort

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Twitter discloses another possible government

censorship effort

The Hill, by Jonathan Turley

Posted By: Moritz55, 3/5/2023 11:59:07 AM

An old saying, attributed to Henry David Thoreau, maintains that you do not have to find a trout in your glass to know someone is watering down the milk. This week Americans found a veritable school of trout in their milk — an unintentional demonstration by the Biden administration of why such a gathering of fish is often called a “lie.” In the 17th release of the “Twitter Files,” journalist Matt Taibbi disclosed that the U.S. government is funding a group that has supported the censorship of dissenting viewpoints on social media, including those of U.S. citizens.

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d2d564 No.22034

File: c1b5e8e1ed3cf6c⋯.png (28.62 KB,584x273,584:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c55efc0f5c4406⋯.png (203.04 KB,584x515,584:515,Clipboard.png)

File: 60609a31042cc9b⋯.png (659.16 KB,860x615,172:123,Clipboard.png)

File: 4386405b8e8c86c⋯.png (114.55 KB,375x307,375:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450692 (051703ZMAR23) Notable: Trump tweeted the name of the ship from White Squall

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I try again. Forget the divorce.

Trump tweeted the name of the ship from WHITE SQUALL.


Albatross is also a double eagle in golf, which I also find interesting. Trump Golfs, owns golf courses, and we are told symbolism will be there downfall. Iron Eagle, FlyEaglesFly…

Congratulations to Kellyanne Conway on her DIVORCE from her wacko husband, Mr. Kellyanne Conway. Free at last, she has finally gotten rid of the disgustingalbatrossaround her neck. She is a great person, and will now be free to lead the kind of life that she deserves…and it will be a great life without the extremely unattractive loser by her side!

Mar 04, 2023, 12:14 AM


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d2d564 No.22035

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450694 (051703ZMAR23) Notable: BBC conspired in the "deliberately misleading" propaganda campaign of fear that kept Britain locked up [what a surprise hmmm]

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NEW - BBC conspired "with boundless enthusiasm" in the "deliberately misleading" propaganda campaign of fear that kept Britain locked up.


The BBC conspired in the campaign of fear that kept Britain locked up

Ministers and the broadcasters treated fighting the virus like a war – justifying the shutdown of all dissent


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d2d564 No.22036

File: 247eabe37f11586⋯.png (246.35 KB,527x564,527:564,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450696 (051704ZMAR23) Notable: Treasury to testify Fri for withholding suspicious wife transfers from Biden fam

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The Treasury Department will testify before the House Oversight Committee on Friday about its withholding of 150 suspicious activity reports (SARs) generated by the Biden family and their associates by unusual foreign or high-dollar transactions.

The Treasury’s Jonathan C. Davidson, assistant secretary for legislative affairs, will testify before the committee about why the agency has refused to provide the SARs, which often contain evidence of potential criminal activities, such as money laundering and fraud.

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) is investigating James and Hunter Biden, along with Eric Schwerin, for nine violations, including, wire fraud and money laundering. During its investigations, the Treasury has tried to stonewall Comer’s request for the SARs because the reports are a key trove of information that will provide details about the family’s foreign business transactions, along with knowledge of whether President Joe Biden remains compromised by foreign governments through his family’s business.

Comer stated Saturday in a press release that he intends to also examine legislative solutions to ensure Congress has timely access to the SARs.

“We are concerned the Treasury Department is acting in bad faith to produce these documents to the Oversight Committee when we know that it has already produced them to another congressional office,” Comer wrote. “At next week’s hearing, a Treasury Department official can explain to Congress and the American people why the department is hiding critical information.”

In January, Davidson denied the committee’s request for 150 SARs flagged by U.S. banks, citing “improper disclosure” of relevant information that could reduce the Biden administration’s ability to “conduct of law enforcement, intelligence, and national security activities.”

While the Treasury stonewalls Comer, the Biden family’s top financial lieutenant Schwerin is expected to “soon” provide requested documents to the committee. Schwerin, who shared bank accounts with President Joe Biden and dubbed the family’s “moneyman,” was also the president of Rosemont Seneca Partners, a fund created by Hunter Biden and several​ associates that spawned business deals in Russia, Ukraine, China, and Romania.

Schwerin’s potential compliance with the committee comes after Hunter plotted in 2019 to betray him amid their crumbling relationship, built upon an off-the-books business arrangement, text messages obtained by Breitbart News from Hunter’s laptop reveal.


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d2d564 No.22037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450697 (051704ZMAR23) Notable: Jenna Ellis Interviewed about Trump Impeachment @ CPAC 2023

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Jenna Ellis Interviewed about Trump Impeachment @ CPAC 2023

Judicial Watch

Mar 4, 2023



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d2d564 No.22038

File: cac6d44cc66df32⋯.png (3.42 MB,1364x950,682:475,Clipboard.png)

File: b786c97305a991f⋯.png (883.77 KB,1163x795,1163:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450700 (051704ZMAR23) Notable: Garrison Trump cartoon

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Ben Garrison Cartoons




PRESIDENT @realdonaldtrump : “You know we're playing a GIANT CHESS GAME..”

2024D Chess

Throwback #BenGarrison cartoon from 2020

signed prints at


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d2d564 No.22039

File: 1e4865a4990c3e5⋯.png (381.84 KB,801x443,801:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450706 (051708ZMAR23) Notable: Fauci "prompted" the drafting of "Proximal Origins" to disprove the COVID lab leak theory

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN - Dr. Fauci "prompted" the drafting of "Proximal Origins" to disprove the COVID lab leak theory, according to new evidence obtained by the Select Subcommittee.



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d2d564 No.22040

File: 1caa638bc43610a⋯.png (496.03 KB,764x578,382:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450707 (051708ZMAR23) Notable: Propagandists at ’60 Minutes’ Scrambling to Downplay How They “Debunked” Covid Lab Leak While Blaming Bat Soup

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In case anyone still thinks there is a smidgen of credibility left at CBS News’ long-running propaganda show “60 Minutes,” one needs only look at how they handled Covid-19 versus how they’re trying to handle it now. They are desperate to rewrite their own history by pretending like it’s no big deal they got the scamdemic, EcoHealth Alliance, and Peter Daszak all wrong.

According to Fox News:

In recent days, the theory that COVID originated from a lab leak in Wuhan had been embraced by FBI Director Christopher Wray and a bombshell report indicated that the U.S. Energy Department believes the virus likely started in the lab.

However, back in May 2020, CBS News’ Scott Pelley cast significant doubt on the Trump administration’s assertions of the theory, telling viewers “both the White House and the Chinese Communist Party have been less than honest.”

Instead, Pelley hyped the credibility of Peter Daszak, president of the group EcoHealth Alliance and one of the world’s most vocal foes of the lab-leak theory. EcoHealth Alliance received government funding from the National Institutes of Health and has had a long working partnership with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), which is now widely believed to be ground zero for the COVID pandemic.

The “60 Minutes” correspondent praised the work of EcoHealth-WIV at the time as being “critical right now.”

“And so that [Remdesivir] testing would not have been possible if it hadn’t been for the work that you did with the NIH grant,” Pelley said.

“Correct,” Daszak responded.

Pelley lamented how the Trump administration abruptly ended EcoHealth’s funding because of a “political disinformation campaign targeting China’s Wuhan Institute.”

“As the U.S. led the world in illness and death, the White House moved the focus to the Chinese government,” Pelley told viewers as he swiped the Trump administration. “Last Sunday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo attempted to resurrect a debunked theory that the virus was man-made in China… The administration has offered no evidence of an accident or genetic engineering.”

The “60 Minutes” correspondent pushed the notion that the virus stemmed from a wet market and turned to another expert who suggested that the virus came naturally from a pangolin.

“There is zero evidence that his virus came out of a lab in China,” Daszak insisted.

“Does the Wuhan Institute of Virology, to your knowledge, have this virus in its inventory?” Pelley asked.

“No,” Daszak answered.

“Why do you say so?” Pelley followed.

“The closest known relative is one that’s different enough that it is not SARS-CoV 2, so there’s just no evidence that anybody had it in the lab anywhere in the world prior to the outbreak,” Daszak answered.

CBS News has said its report was based on the facts known at that time.

Here’s the thing. “Facts known at the time” are actually just lies, and not very good ones. It didn’t take a massive news organization like CBS or a high-budget group of investigators like the “60 Minutes” crew to realize the original “bat soup” story made absolutely no sense. The fact that Wuhan Institute of Virology was within a stone’s throw from the wet market where the disease allegedly launched raised alarm bells with pretty much everyone outside of corporate media.


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d2d564 No.22041

File: 5ada6764ddcafd3⋯.png (369.86 KB,599x691,599:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450724 (051714ZMAR23) Notable: EPA Chief warns parents not to let their children close to the water in E Palestine

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d2d564 No.22042

File: 5035373b7334682⋯.png (251.65 KB,927x426,309:142,Clipboard.png)

File: b5b2e9b99dd3e5d⋯.png (332.29 KB,488x442,244:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450729 (051715ZMAR23) Notable: Milley trip followup

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21749 lb

>>20468, >>20660, >>21408 pb

PF: SAM296 C-40B departed Aqaba, Jordan area last night-CONUS time-and went to Tel Aviv again (and was at Rome and Tel Aviv prior to dropping from scope on Thursday) then the story appears re: Milley visiting Syria-for a ground stop of about 2h20m and then on to Rabat, Morocco and landed about 6.5h ago- Lindsey Graham and his 'crew' including Bob Menendez-Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee were in Morocco-Casabalanca last weekend and returned to JBA on Monday on SPAR15 >>20447 pb

And Milley likely took another AC or Helo into/out of Syria since the last data from SAM296 was on Thursday heading to Aqaba, Jordan area

from last monday before departing back on SPAR15

Graham/Menendez Meeting with Us Amb to Morocco


Morocco: Students plan to protest outside Parliament in Rabat March 5


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d2d564 No.22043

File: dde7ee12991a2ca⋯.jpg (72.36 KB,746x452,373:226,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b30fe6f72847351⋯.jpg (64.25 KB,702x436,351:218,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450738 (051719ZMAR23) Notable: Firefighters in Hong Kong are battling a huge blaze at a high-rise building under construction

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3 Mar 2023

Firefighters in Hong Kong are battling a huge blaze at a high-rise building under construction in the Kowloon district, which has forced the evacuation of some nearby apartment blocks.

Officials said the fire broke out at 11:11pm (15:11 GMT) on Thursday in the heart of densely-populated Tsim Sha Tsui, a popular shopping and tourist district next to the harbour.

It eventually escalated to the fourth level of severity on a five-point scale and about 130 people living in three buildings nearby were evacuated early on Friday amid concerns the fire might spread.

Multiple floors of the structure – including scaffolding – were on fire and burning debris floated in the air. Some fell to the ground.

By about 8am (00:00 GMT), the government said that while the fire was under control, crews were still battling the blaze.

Police said six adjacent buildings, including the three where the evacuation took place and the Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers, also caught fire, but the blazes were extinguished. No casualties were reported.

The fire, which was clearly visible across the harbour in the night sky, attracted crowds of onlookers.

The 42-storey skyscraper that caught fire was close to completion and part of a 6 billion Hong Kong dollar ($764 million) redevelopment project by the developer Empire Group.


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d2d564 No.22044

File: 644f3ddd78cce99⋯.png (1.18 MB,1164x1050,194:175,Clipboard.png)

File: e3f4d579e657147⋯.png (8.25 KB,454x60,227:30,Clipboard.png)

File: 0579f32c7457c3d⋯.png (45.06 KB,840x454,420:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 73867acc4687027⋯.png (614.91 KB,800x1160,20:29,Clipboard.png)

File: b9e53391fb36960⋯.png (2.01 MB,1404x898,702:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450772 (051728ZMAR23) Notable: US 7th Fleet: Flags Out

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


John Finn ->FINISH

(55)(71) in the link -> 5:5 / 17

…DDG 113…March 4…Task Force 71…DESRON 15 -> 113, 4, 71, 15 -> 45 / 17 / 1131 -> Qalerts 1131 = 17 posts

Burke-class -> B C -> 23

Before the tag -> 32 words -> 23 //-> 179 characters no spaces -> 17 //-> 208 bytes ->

Q208: 17 and 23 in the timestamp

DESRON DDG -> 4.4.7 -> 45 911 8 45 47 (114) ->

Qalerts 114 -> Q4949:FLAGS OUT

Third photo:FLAGS OUT


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d2d564 No.22045

File: e12fda623f376e9⋯.png (712.45 KB,997x501,997:501,Clipboard.png)

File: e5dc2032afaf72a⋯.png (376.03 KB,485x603,485:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450777 (051729ZMAR23) Notable: PF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CTM0001 A330 arrived back to Paris about 4h agoMacronafter departing Kinshasa, Congo and CTM216 Falcon 2000 is heading back from same

Macron ends Africa tour with wish for fair reset of ties


German AF GAF650 G5 departed Rzsesow Airport after a ground stop of about an hour-left Koln/Bonn Airport (Luftwaffe home base) and picked someone up at Berlin earlier and heading back to Koln now..prolly a d/o at Rzsesow, SPAR88 NATO G5 arrived at Ramstein AFB from Chievres AB, Belgium depart

TheY are still arguing over who is going to be the metal recycling donor (Muh planes for Zelensky)

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d2d564 No.22046

File: 3b66c08a38dc91d⋯.png (266.83 KB,600x279,200:93,Clipboard.png)

File: 69cc5c8898fab3d⋯.png (413.19 KB,601x584,601:584,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450806 (051737ZMAR23) Notable: Thousands of Belgian Farmers Join Protest Against Globalist Reset Plans

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Thousands of Belgian Farmers Join Protest Against Globalist Reset Plans

Last summer, thousands of Dutch farmers protested new Nitrogen rules that will force approx. 30% of Dutch cattle farms out of business, according to government estimates. Farming unions contend that the planned cuts place a heavier burden on agriculture than industry.

On Friday, 2,700 tractors brought traffic in Brussels, Belgium to a standstill as thousands of Belgian farmers joined the protest against the nitrogen emissions limits.

Farmers blocked traffic on a main road in the center of Brussels causing major traffic disruption and gridlock.

Politico reports, “It’s an economic and social catastrophe,” said Nele Kempeneers, a spokesperson for Belgian farmers’ association Boerenbond, one of the unions that organized the protest. “A lot of farms will have to limit the amount of animals that they keep, or simply close down.”

Fox News reports:

Hundreds of tractors driven by angry farmers protesting a plan to cut nitrate levels converged on Brussels on Friday, creating major traffic disruption in Belgium’s capital city.

The BB farmers union and several others combined efforts to gather more than 2,700 farm vehicles, according to Brussels police.

Several major roads in Brussels were closed and police warned that disruptions could last until the end of the day, recommending that people use public transportation instead of personal cars.

The Flemish regional government is struggling to find a deal to cut nitrate pollution over farmers’ objections that it would put many out of business.

Farmers also claim that their trade has to make much deeper cuts than industry and want to see a more equitable spread. Negotiations have lingered for weeks and weakened the regional government of northern Belgium to breaking point.

The debate over agricultural pollution is increasingly turning into a political issue in many of the EU’s farming nations. It is to be a focal point of Dutch elections in two weeks’ time and is also affecting Belgium, another EU nation where intensive farming has put environmentalists against the agricultural lobby.


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d2d564 No.22047

File: 66e5daca287cb47⋯.png (390.88 KB,574x859,574:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450811 (051738ZMAR23) Notable: Re Hancock: How many COVID Tyrants in the U.S. were also talking like this in private..??!?!?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


@Qanon76's post


@Q anon76⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️®️




How many COVID Tyrants in the U.S. were also talking like this in private..??!?!?


@Q anon76⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️®️




The UK Lockdown Files: Text Messages Reveal How Top British Health Officials Conspired to “Scare the Pants Off Everyone” and Asking “When Do We Deploy the New Variant?”


The UK Lockdown Files: Text Messages Reveal How Top British Health Officials Conspired to "Scare the Pants Off Everyone"…

The Gateway Pundit

Mar 05, 2023, 6:28 AM

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d2d564 No.22048

File: 5a79dc81acf2f26⋯.png (29.43 KB,535x265,107:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450813 (051739ZMAR23) Notable: More Biden lies & anon rebuttal

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Dark Brandon is not putting up with your shit.

President Biden


United States government official

Nearly 25% of the entire national debt – that took 200 years to accumulate – was added by the last Administration.

Meanwhile, we cut the deficit by over $1.7 trillion in two years.

I'm not going to sit and be lectured by MAGA Republicans in Congress about fiscal responsibility.

11:00 AM · Mar 5, 2023


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d2d564 No.22049

File: d18e918650d6b19⋯.png (277.79 KB,601x903,601:903,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450825 (051741ZMAR23) Notable: Pfizer was aware of 20-something different ways its shot could send a woman’s menstrual cycle into disarray

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



See new Tweets


The Vigilant Fox 🦊


Did you know Pfizer was aware of 20-something different ways its shot could send a woman’s menstrual cycle into disarray? They pushed forth anyway.

Some (not all) of the side effects (Appendix 2.1):

• Heavy menstrual bleeding – 27,685 cases

• Menstrual disorder (pain, heavy bleeding, or absence of menstruation) – 22,145 cases

• Menstruation irregular (irregular cycle lengths) – 15,083 cases

• Menstruation delayed – 13,989 cases

• Dysmennorhea (pain during menstruation) – 13,904 cases

• Intermenstrual bleeding (bleeding in between periods) – 12,424 cases

• Amenorrhea (absence of period) – 11,363 cases

• Polymenorrhea (multiple periods) – 9,546 cases

• Vaginal hemorrhage (excessive bleeding of the female reproductive system) – 4,699 cases.

• Oligomenorrhea (infrequent menstrual periods) – 3,437 cases

6:35 AM · Mar 5, 2023




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d2d564 No.22050

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450830 (051743ZMAR23) Notable: North Korea asks UN to rein in US actions

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North Korea asks UN to rein in US actions

Pyongyang wants the global body to halt joint US-South Korea military drills, which have gone ahead despite the DPRK’s warnings

North Korea has appealed to the United Nations to exert its influence on the US and South Korea to prevent them from holding joint military exercises on the Korean Peninsula. Pyongyang has warned that the two countries’ actions have made the situation in the region “extremely dangerous.”

Kim Son Gyong, a top official in the DPRK’s Foreign Ministry, called on the UN and the international community to “strongly urge the US and South Korea to immediately halt their provocative remarks and joint military exercises” in a statement published on Sunday by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

On Friday, Seoul and Washington announced plans for more than 10 days of large-scale military drills, involving amphibious landings as well as American B-1B strategic bombers. The exercises will run from March 13 to March 23 and will be the largest joint drills in at least five years and their longest on record.

The North Korean Foreign Ministry official characterized them as a “military demonstration against the DPRK.”

Kim decried what he described as the UN’s silence with respect to Washington’s and Seoul’s “irresponsible” behavior in the region. The North Korean official also suggested that UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres may have double standards when it comes to military actions in the region. According to the diplomat, while Guterres “kept mum” in the face of the “US and South Korea’s dreadful military provocation,” he was quick to denounce Pyongyang.

He argued that the UN would have to change tack if it is interested in “promoting the sustainable detente on the Korean Peninsula and in the region.” He went on to warn that the US-South Korean war games, if they continue unchecked, were likely to bring about a “very critical and uncontrollable phase.”

Speaking to reporters in Seoul on Friday, US Forces Korea spokesman Colonel Isaac Taylor announced plans to hold two concurrent joint drills, named Freedom Shield and Warrior Shield. The military official said the war games are intended to improve the US and South Korea’s response capabilities toward North Korean “aggression” and would incorporate “lessons learned from recent wars and conflicts.”

Washington and Seoul went ahead with the plans despite North Korea previously warning that such maneuvers could be construed as a “declaration of war” and lead to “unprecedentedly persistent and strong counteractions.”

The two Koreas have technically been at war for over seven decades, with the 1950-1953 conflict ending in an armistice. After several years of relative quiet, North Korea carried out a record number of missile launches in 2022, resuming weapons tests following a self-imposed moratorium agreed during negotiations with then-US President Donald Trump in 2018.


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d2d564 No.22051

File: 033342715759ca9⋯.png (176.78 KB,844x764,211:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 7719c6c0bc23afa⋯.jpg (58.17 KB,500x566,250:283,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450834 (051744ZMAR23) Notable: More Biden lies & anon rebuttal

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yeah it was called covid you piece of shit.

people stopped paying takes that was the whole point of the economic warfare aspect of the operation

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d2d564 No.22052

File: dba6d334f09ce8b⋯.png (351.98 KB,1160x541,1160:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 7eaa4055437f0d3⋯.png (376.66 KB,448x470,224:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 8be683ca17899bc⋯.png (69.28 KB,1299x702,433:234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450848 (051746ZMAR23) Notable: PF

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PF: Potato in 09-0016 C-32A departed New Castle Cty Airport for Montgomery, AL and going to be black today with 09-0018 C-32A as the escort and will go to a different airport-several options available

SAM327 C-40B heading NE across the Atlantic, SPAR24 C-40B west to Scott AFB with SAM392 G5 east from same and have SPAR440 and 410 Learjet 35s switched on at same

PATTY22 E-4B Nightwatch NW to Offutt AFB from Robbins AFB, GA

TEAL18 WC-130 Hercules 'Hurricane Hunter' out in the Gulf from Biloxi


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d2d564 No.22053

File: c269e7c68aba7da⋯.png (615.19 KB,960x600,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: bbc21bfdf0d4821⋯.png (946.47 KB,960x600,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450850 (051746ZMAR23) Notable: UK Lockdown Files incriminating text messages

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The UK Lockdown Files: Text Messages Reveal How Top British Health Officials Conspired to “Scare the Pants Off Everyone” and Asking “When Do We Deploy the New Variant?”

The British Telegraph has obtained 100.000 text messages from former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock, showing how the British government conspired to “frighten the pants off everyone” and asking “when do we deploy the new variant?”

The Telegraph received the WhatsApp messages from journalist Isabel Oakeshott, who wrote a book with Hancock called “The Pandemic Diaries”. They show former Health Secretary Matt Hancock discussing with his media advised Damon Poole on Dec. 13, 2020, who warned that Tory MPs were “furious already about the prospect” of stricter lockdown measures over Christmas and suggested “rather than doing too much forward signalling we can roll pitch with the new strain.”

“We frighten the pants off everyone with the new strain,” Hancock wrote back.

“Yep that’s what will get proper bahviour [sic] change,” Poole replied.

“When do we deploy the new variant?” Hancock asked.

“Been thinking about this and think we need to be more cautious. The strain that is,” Poole wrote back. “Think you made the point earlier, but we need to keep schools off paperwork / agenda.” The Christmas lockdown 2020 was surprisingly announced Dec. 19.

In Jan. 2021, Hancock was discussing further measures with Cabinet Secretary Simon Case, including “more mask wearing … in all settings outside home”. Case wrote that “the fear/guilt factor” is “vital” in getting more lockdown compliance.

“Basically, we need to get compliance up,” Case wrote, but said some measures – like a ban on fishing – “will be parodied galore if it looks like we have suddenly decided fishing is the first step towards tier 5!”

“I honestly wouldn’t move on any small things unless we move on a lot. The only big reamaining [sic] things are nurseries and workplaces,” Hancock wrote.

“I agree – I think that is exactly right. Small stuff looks ridiculous. Ramping up messaging – the fear/guilt factor vital”, Case replied.

In June 2021, Hancock had to step down as Health Secretary after photos emerged showing he had violated social distancing rule to pursue an extramarital affair with UK Department of Health employee Gina Coladangelo, who was earning £15,000 a month. Hancock and Coladangelo were both married at the time and have since left their families.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson had to resign Sept. 6, 2022, over the so-called Partygate affair, after his employees held parties at 10 Downing Street as the country was ordered into complete lockdown.


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d2d564 No.22054

File: 61e3d65f74dd5e7⋯.png (547.52 KB,995x882,995:882,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450851 (051746ZMAR23) Notable: TRU TUBE 54 MP4 Archive Updated

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>>22026 TYB

TRU TUBE 54 MP4 Archive Updated

100 New Vids Added, 1600 Total ATM


ty anons. enjoy and please share

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d2d564 No.22055

File: 69e50ce45cf1fac⋯.png (342.51 KB,590x656,295:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450860 (051748ZMAR23) Notable: FREE THE J6 PRISONERS.

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Juanita Broaddrick


This breaks my heart.


Quote Tweet





“I like to pray for our broken nation O God.”

J6 political prisoners pray and sing the national anthem every night.

Release them all.

6:42 AM · Mar 5, 2023




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d2d564 No.22056

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450865 (051749ZMAR23) Notable: Brazil greenlights GMO wheat

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Brazil greenlights GMO wheat

Argentina’s Bioceres has claimed Brasilia has approved its HB4 wheat strain for cultivation

Brazil's National Biosafety Commission has approved the cultivation, production and marketing of HB4 wheat, a drought-resistant genetically modified strain manufactured by Argentinian agribusiness firm Bioceres, the company and industry groups announced this week.

In a statement on Friday, Bioceres praised Brazil's CTNBio for “opening the Brazilian market to the technology.” The strain allegedly improves yields by 43% in so-called targeted environments.

While several countries already accept imports of the drought-resistant wheat, Brazil is only the second to allow the modified strain’s cultivation. Concerns about potential long-term issues with a crop that is the staple food for so much of the world have led most nations to hold off on tweaking its genetic code. Back in 2021, Brazil approved imports of flour made with GMO wheat, becoming the only country to do so at the time.

Despite skepticism toward the crop, industry players appear to be warming to the concept of GMOs, based on public opinion. While Abimapi, a trade association representing bakers, pasta makers, and other grain-product manufacturers in Brazil, initially opposed GMO wheat, it flip-flopped recently after commissioning a public opinion poll in which 70% of Brazilians said they would not mind consuming food containing genetically modified wheat.

Brazil's flour millers' industry group, Abitrigo, said that the approval brought “peace of mind to different market actors” but the “final word will rest with consumers.”

There is no indication that Brazil plans to immediately start growing GMO wheat, which has yet to pass many regulatory hurdles, but the company hopes interest in the GMO product will increase markedly following Brasilia’s vote of confidence. A relatively small player globally, Brazil and its neighbor Argentina produce the lion’s share of South American wheat, and despite a drought are projected to reap over 20 million tonnes this season.


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d2d564 No.22057

File: c0738d78ef0afe8⋯.png (285.37 KB,768x546,128:91,Clipboard.png)

File: 9739f9e36ce4163⋯.png (199.18 KB,408x612,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450875 (051751ZMAR23) Notable: Conservatives Want to Secede From Oregon, and Leftists Are ENRAGED

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Sure seems that Idaho is about to raise the middle finger to Lefitist!

Conservatives Want to Secede From Oregon, and Leftists Are ENRAGED

The people in eastern Oregon are generally patriotic and sane, and they’re tired of being subjected to the misrule of the far-Left kleptocrats in Salem, who care about them only as a cash cow to fund their socialist pipe dreams. Accordingly, some have formed the Greater Idaho movement, which actually hopes to detach Oregon’s rural eastern counties from the state and attach them to Idaho. This movement, as fanciful as it seems, is gathering steam, and that has Democrats enraged. Whatever else it may be, their rage is revealing.


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d2d564 No.22058

File: e47e3e531a72848⋯.png (226.23 KB,860x666,430:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450876 (051751ZMAR23) Notable: Nearly A Ton Of Cocaine Washes Up On French Beach

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Nearly A Ton Of Cocaine Washes Up On French Beach

Maritime police in northwest France found nearly a ton of cocaine washed up on a beach on the English Channel on Feb. 26.

The drugs were found near the town of Reville on the Cotentin Peninsula, according to France’s maritime authority for the English Channel and North Sea.

The cocaine, weighing about 1,875 pounds (850 kilograms) in total, was found in two large packages linked by a rope, the authorities said on Feb. 28.

Police are trying to determine whether the drugs fell from a ship or were intentionally floated to the shore for traffickers to pick up.

Another report by AFP citing unnamed sources said more drugs were found washed up on the northern French coast on March 1.

Drug Smuggling Surge

There has been a surge in cocaine and crack smuggling into Europe, accompanied by unprecedented drug violence in some areas.

The North Sea port cities of Antwerp in Belgium and Rotterdam in the Netherlands have become the main gateway for Latin American cocaine cartels into Europe.

On Feb. 14, two Dutchmen, aged 27 and 46, were arrested by Belgian police, and almost 8,818 pounds (4,000 kilograms) of cocaine were seized.

Police found an address in a navigation app used by the two men. That address led police to a hangar with a container filled with 68 bags of cocaine.

Police also arrested seven other men found in the hangar.



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d2d564 No.22059

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450888 (051754ZMAR23) Notable: LGBT groups angry that Staten Island St. Patrick's Day Parade organizers will not allow them to march

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LGBT groups angry that Staten Island St. Patrick's Day Parade organizers will not allow them to march under their own banner during the parade

LGBT individuals who wish to celebrate their identity have, at this juncture, dozens (if not hundreds) of events every year in New York City designed for that purpose. However, the Staten Island St. Patricks' Day Parade will once again not allow LGBT pride groups to march in the parade unde LGBT banners, and pride groups in New York are furious.

New York City's Democratic Mayor Eric Adams has announced that he will boycott the parade in protest, and instead will visit the Rainbow Run — one of the aforementioned dozens of LGBT pride events that is running at literally the same time as the planned St. Patrick's Day Parade — before attending a St. Patrick's Day Parade in Queens.

Carol Bullock, executive director of the Pride Center of Staten Island, claims that when the group attempted to submit an application, the situation turned confrontational. She claims that when a photographer from a local publication attempted to photograph the group submitting their application, the event's organizer Larry Cummins physically pushed the photographer aside. Cummins did not respond to a request for comment from WCBS-TV.

In response, Jody's Club Forest, which has hosted an annual local politician breakfast for three decades, has canceled its participation in the event. Owner Terence Haggerty told WCBS, "It's always been about the parade and now it's not about the parade." In a statement released last month, organizers of the breakfast said they were canceling it "in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ groups excluded by the parade’s organizers.

An estimated 2 million people each year attend one of the various St. Patrick's Day parades in New York City.


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d2d564 No.22060

File: c7ea1dd036f48c6⋯.png (536.98 KB,840x866,420:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450892 (051754ZMAR23) Notable: Sundance: People Behind Biden Announce Creation of Formal National Surveillance State

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People Behind Biden Announce Creation

of Formal National Surveillance State,

Yet No One Seems Bothered

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 3/5/2023 12:43:04 PM

On March 2, 2023, the people in control of the Joe Biden administration officially announced that government control of internet content was now officially a part of the national security apparatus. [White House Link] If you have followed the history of how the Fourth Branch of Government has been created, you will immediately recognize the intent of this new framework. (image)The “National Cybersecurity Strategy” aligns with, supports, and works in concert with a total U.S. surveillance system, where definitions of information are then applied to “cybersecurity” and communication vectors. This policy is both a surveillance system and an information filtration prism where the government will decide what is information,

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d2d564 No.22061

File: d6b28cc962ac349⋯.png (39.76 KB,595x379,595:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450901 (051756ZMAR23) Notable: Beanz thread: General Michael Flynn (RET) filed a lawsuit against the United States

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Tracy Beanz


🚨THREAD: General Michael Flynn (RET) filed a lawsuit against the United States for malicious prosecution and abuse of process. (@GenFlynn


If you never fully understood what happened or didn't know, this thread is for you.


Flynn v. United States, 8:23-cv-00485 - CourtListener.com

Docket for Flynn v. United States, 8:23-cv-00485 — Brought to you by the RECAP Initiative and Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information.

5:17 AM · Mar 5, 2023




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d2d564 No.22062

File: be1223f1a41db60⋯.png (89.49 KB,729x786,243:262,Clipboard.png)

File: c12b8ffd4ab8f2c⋯.png (95.23 KB,840x785,168:157,Clipboard.png)

File: e82bd382bc5294c⋯.png (78.32 KB,738x794,369:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450905 (051757ZMAR23) Notable: New Study Shows K-12 Schools Effectively Indoctrinating Students into Radical and Political Gender Ideology and Critical Race Theory

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New Study Shows K-12 Schools Effectively Indoctrinating Students into Radical and Political Gender Ideology and Critical Race Theory

A Manhattan Institute study confirms CRT and Gender Ideology are rife in all 50 states

Last month, the Manhattan Institute released a groundbreaking new study, titled “School Choice Is Not Enough: The Impact of Critical Social Justice Ideology in American Education.”

The study presents survey results of a representative sample of over 1,500 Americans aged 18-20. Their primary finding was that "Ninety-three percent of American 18- to 20-year-olds said that they had heard about at least one of eight [Critical Social Justice] concepts from a teacher or other adult at school, including 'white privilege,' 'systemic racism,' 'patriarchy,' or the idea that gender is a choice unrelated to biological sex.'" Also included on the list of Critical Social Justice (CSJ) concepts are the ideas that discrimination is primarily responsible for disparities, that America is built on stolen land, and that there are many genders.

This study is significant because, over the past two years, debates about education policy have occupied an increasingly prominent place in political discourse. In particular, ideas on the proper way to instruct on subjects like race and gender have been hotly disputed. Backlash over perceived indoctrination into extreme theories of race and gender — as well as the exclusion of parents in the educational process — have decided major elections in some states.

However, up to this point, there has been a glaring issue with these debates: they have been largely based on anecdotes. The findings of the Manhattan Institute’s study are important because they represent the first time we have been able to put some real numbers to phenomena that many have only observed anecdotally.

Thus, we should examine the findings in more detail to find out how we ought to move forward.

A Cause For Concern

Ever since journalists such as Christopher Rufo and Bari Weiss began highlighting examples of “institutional capture” of the education system by politically-driven actors, skeptics have often claimed that CSJ concepts are not being taught in schools. This assertion has been promoted by the leaders of teacher unions, cable news hosts, and politicians.

The issue is, and this study confirms, that their claim is simply not accurate. As noted, 93 percent of respondents affirmed that they had heard at least one CSJ concept “from a teacher or other adult at school.”

If these concepts were being introduced as one perspective among many, then there would be no issue with the fact students have been exposed to them. After all, if one wishes to give students an accurate picture of the competing visions of society, then it would be dishonest to exclude all CSJ concepts.


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d2d564 No.22063

File: f6fc7fc5f6cbd13⋯.png (518.39 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 60bd9d3835370e3⋯.png (775.45 KB,885x560,177:112,Clipboard.png)

File: ab6aa1d60d0004b⋯.png (257.75 KB,583x648,583:648,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450937 (051804ZMAR23) Notable: Another Ohio Train Derailment Claims 20 Norfolk Southern Cargo Cars

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Another Ohio Train Derailment Claims 20 Norfolk Southern Cargo Cars

A Norfolk Southern cargo train derailed near Springfield on Saturday night, the second loss of the company’s trains in Ohio in a month.

Unlike February’s devastating derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, a company spokesperson assured the Columbus Dispatch no potentially harmful chemicals were involved.

The train, which did not have passengers, derailed at around 5pm near the Clark County Fairgrounds, the Dispatch report detailed.

Shelter in place orders have been issued to nearby residents amongst reports of power outages, the Clark County Emergency Management said.

Springfield is about 46 miles west of the state capital of Columbus, Ohio.

The 20 cars of the 212-car train derailed while traveling south, the Norfolk Southern spokesperson said.

The State Highway Patrol said roads are closed surrounding the derailment site. Officials are urging residents to seek alternative routes.

Shawn Heaton told the Springfield News-Sun he was waiting at the intersection as the train crossed the intersection and captured the start of the derailment on video. He said:

I was right there and I was playing on my phone and then I heard a loud bang. And when I heard the loud bang, I started recording.

When I heard the bang, there was all kinds of debris and metal shoot out from under the cars and that’s when I started recording and you could see them start jumping off the tracks.

The Clark County Emergency Management Agency has asked residents within 1,000 feet of the derailment to shelter in place, but the agency said it has not issued formal evacuation orders.


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d2d564 No.22064

File: db5005ce11cf6db⋯.png (405.5 KB,705x915,47:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450950 (051807ZMAR23) Notable: Young girl performs at a drag event and takes tips.

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Collin Rugg


Young girl performs at a drag event and takes tips.

They’re grooming children in broad daylight & people act shocked when you hear stories about children getting molested.


Parents whooping and catcalling this young girl and giving her tips for her suggestive dancing. All presided over by drag queens. Sick bastards

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d2d564 No.22065

File: 6736bb21bb2a8f1⋯.png (335.08 KB,609x766,609:766,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450972 (051812ZMAR23) Notable: NYC – Massive 5-alarm fire has engulfed the Grand Food Concourse in the Bronx

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Citizen Free Press


NYC &ndash; The FDNY is fighting a massive 5-alarm fire that has engulfed the Grand Food Concourse in the Bronx, New York.



7:02 AM · Mar 5, 2023




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d2d564 No.22066

File: c9d8b16306f39dc⋯.png (840.47 KB,1024x640,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450983 (051815ZMAR23) Notable: Police question influential Rabbi Zvi Tau on charges of sexual abuse and rape

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Police question influential Rabbi Zvi Tau on charges of sexual abuse and rape

Months after investigation opened into allegations, prominent national-religious figure summoned to Lahav 433 unit, released on bail after several hours, say police

Rabbi Zvi Tau, an influential rabbi in the hardline national religious movement, is questioned by police months after an investigation was opened against him on allegations of rape and sexual assault.

According to police, the Lahav 433 national investigative unit summoned Tau to its offices for questioning “following many investigative actions.” Police says Tau was released on bail.

According to Army Radio, Tau was confronted during his questioning by one of his accusers, Nechama Te’ena.

Tau, the head of the influential Har Hamor Yeshiva in Jerusalem as well as the spiritual leader of the anti-LGBT Noam political party, has been accused by multiple women of sexual abuse and rape dating back decades, with two going public so far.


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d2d564 No.22067

File: d4d7d0fc9f31cc4⋯.png (319.78 KB,600x314,300:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c1420bb61eb4a7⋯.png (320.78 KB,568x487,568:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18450995 (051818ZMAR23) Notable: “The Greatest Perpetrator of Misinformation During the Pandemic has been the United States Government.” Dr. Marty Makary

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“The Greatest Perpetrator of Misinformation During the Pandemic has been the United States Government.” Dr. Marty Makary

Dr. Marty Makary shared the many reasons why it is obvious that COVID came from a lab in Wuhan during a House hearing on Tuesday.

The GOP-led House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic investigating the COVID-19 pandemic kicked off its first public event Tuesday. Three of the event’s witnesses — doctors Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorf, and Marty Makary were invited to testify at the hearing.

Dr. Marty Makary shared the obvious about the COVID vaccine being released from a lab in Wuhan.

It’s a no-brainer that it came from a lab. I mean at this point it’s impossible to acquire any more information and if you did it would only be affirmative.

Dr. Makary also shared important information on how public health officials lied to the American people. They lied to the American people.

Bobby Kennedy, Jr. shared this video:


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d2d564 No.22068

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451000 (051818ZMAR23) Notable: The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless' The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless'

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The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless'

Some evidence re my and Hancock's testimony to MPs.Dominic Cummings June 16, 2021, Aid the Boris Johnson.1/4

Detailed analysis of all Hancock said to MPs would take days. I’ll focus today on just a few things to support what I told MPs and show that No10/Hancock have repeatedly lied about the failures last year.

No10 and Hancock are seeking to rewrite history:

1. They are trying to ‘memory-hole’ the original Q1 2020 debacle. The reality of the ‘optimal single peak strategy’ with herd immunity by September is in SAGE documents, COBR documents and was briefed by Hancock, CSA, CMO and No10 press office at the time and SAGE members explained it on TV. The reality is reflected in many emails/WhatsApps. Covid was the biggest crisis faced by Westminster since WWII. The No10/Hancock line now is as if No10 had said in summer 1940, ‘yes, our appeasement plan A was a great success on Hitler as you can all see, we didn’t need any Plan B, appeasement then fight them on the beaches was the original plan’.

2. Hancock is creating a new version of reality in which he came up with the idea to ramp up testing before 14 March, in an inspired and heroic move he announced his 100k target on 2 April to provide leadership, and this was responsible for the change in testing capacity. The reality: as part of the transition to Plan B No10 forced a new testing plan on Hancock, who was still operating under Plan A / herd immunity assumptions in the week of 16/3 according to which community testing was pointless (hence why it was briefly officially stopped); our plan was to build capacity on the scale of millions; the 100k then 1m target had already been set before he announced it; his behaviour in April distracted attention from testing in care homes and the PPE debacle. A public announcement was in principle definitely right but he did what he always did — he focused on the media and himself then lied. Testing, like vaccines, was removed from his control in May because of his incompetence and dishonesty March-April. You can’t understand what really happened on test-trace in the rest of the year without understanding what actually happened in March-April.

3. Hancock is creating a new version of reality in which the government really did ‘throw a protective ring’ around care homes. The reality: covid patients were sent untested from hospital to care homes and Hancock neglected care homes and testing throughout April partly because Hancock was trying to focus effort on his press conference at the end of April claiming success for his announcement on 2/4.

4. Hancock and No10 are creating a new version of reality in which: ‘there was no shortage of PPE’ and on 11 April Hancock removed procurement restrictions imposed by HMT. The reality… DHSC failed to plan for PPE demand and their procurement operation collapsed. They rejected chances to buy things because of sticking to the old rules. No10 insisted on removing these rules and HMT did remove their standard rules in March. Hancock told us PPE was ‘all under control’ in the week of 23 March. This meant further weeks were wasted instead of used to solve the problems. Hancock then sought to blame Simon Stevens, the Chancellor and the Cabinet Office for the PPE disaster in April. The Cabinet Secretary told the PM’s office that Hancock’s claims were false. The lack of PPE killed NHS and care home staff in March-May.

5. On the original ‘plan’, testing, PPE, procurement, care homes and more, Hancock gave a fictitious account to MPs last week and portrayed himself as a heroic figure who had been in agreement with the PM throughout the crisis. The PM has supported this fiction and ordered the No10 press office to support many arguments he knows are lies. At the time, the PM agreed with me and all serious people around No10 and the Cabinet Office — in his own words, Hancock’s performance on critical issues was ‘totally fucking hopeless’ and he had to be removed from crucial decisions: PPE to Lord Deighton, vaccines to Bingham, ventilators to Agnew, testing to Harding.

6. Hancock has also given a fictitious account of what happened on masks but I’ll leave that to another day.

Why is this important?

A.If No10 is prepared to lie so deeply and widelyabout such vital issues of life and death last year, it cannot be trusted now either on covid or any other crucial issue of war and peace.

B.Hancock continues to have direct responsibility for things like dealing with variantsand care homes. Having such a Secretary of State in a key role is guaranteed disaster. It is urgent for public safety that he is removed.

C. The PM is trying to influence officials/advisers to support the re-writing of history and is encouraging ministers to give false accounts to Parliament….


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d2d564 No.22069

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451005 (051819ZMAR23) Notable: The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless' The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless'

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D. The PM’s defence of Hancock sends an unmistakeable signal across the system: a Secretary of State will be rewarded despite repeated incompetence and dishonesty and the government machine will seek to rewrite history in Orwellian fashion because the PM thinks it in his personal interests to do so. Any decent person in Westminster ought to be appalled by this behaviour.

E. The public inquiry cannot fix this. It will not start for years and it is designed to punt the tricky parts until after this PM has gone — unlike other PMs, this one has a clear plan to leave at the latest a couple of years after the next election, he wants to make money and have fun not ‘go on and on’. So we either live with chronic dysfunction for another ~5 years or some force intervenes. tools, preparing a team and so on — made in 2018-spring 2019 proved vital July-December 2019.

From the perspective of good government and ethics the Cabinet and MPs should intervene but this is unlikely while the polls have the Conservatives ~40%+ because our political system incentivises party loyalty over good government and ethics. Senior civil servants will wait for the polls to move before trying to ‘push what is falling’. But the systemic incompetence surrounding the PM is such that his operation is programmed to unravel — he always does, No10’s structure makes it impossible for anybody to govern properly, and he rejected the plan to change how No10 works. Just as I said 2017-19 ‘this No10 will unravel, some of us should prepare for what comes next’ the same is true now.

This No10 will unravel — it would already be unravelling if Starmer were not also useless. People need to prepare for what comes next. Preparations — planning, building

I was wondering about the issue of publishing private WhatsApp messages.

1) No10 and Hancock are openly lying even about what was briefed on-the-record, so clearly nothing is beyond their attempted rewriting of history.

2) To further their lies, PM/Hancock are spinning distorted versions of my messages from internal WhatsApp groups to the PM’s favoured stooges such as Playbook Wiki.

3) Hancock challenged me at the Select Committee to provide evidence and said my failure to publish anything was ‘telling’ evidence that my account was false.

4) The Select Committee has asked me to provide evidence and clearly what MPs see the public should also see — transparency on covid is crucial.

Clearly the government cannot reasonably complain about me publishing evidence. Given this I will publish some internal messages. There are many more I could publish but below and in future I will publish only ones that further the question of ‘what went wrong and how do we learn’. I won’t publish private messages just to embarrass the PM or others. My goal is to force the system to face reality and change, not to embarrass people for the sake of it.

Memory-hole for ‘herd immunity’

Plan A was described in official documents as ‘the optimal single peak strategy’ with all descriptions and graphs tailing off by September when ‘herd immunity’ was attained.

This is why there was no serious border policy Jan-March. (The border policy remains a joke because the PM personally opposed repeated attempts by me and others to implement something based on the successful East Asian approach. This has contributed to the spread of the ‘delta’ variant and will continue to create unnecessary risks not just on covid.)

This is why community testing was dropped in March until the shift to Plan B reversed the decision.

This is why nobody started thinking seriously about an East Asian style test-trace plan until we shifted to Plan B (see my PM study whiteboard of 13/3 with ‘crash program for testing’ scribbled on, below). (Jeremy Hunt has wrongly inferred that this thinking did not happen until May — it started in March.)

This is why there was no serious vaccine plan — i.e spending billions on concurrent (rather than the normal sequential) creation/manufacturing/ distribution etc — until after the switch to Plan B.

I spoke to Vallance on 15 March about a ‘Manhattan Project’ for vaccines out of Hancock’s grip but it was delayed by the chaotic shift from Plan A to lockdown then the PM’s near-death. In April Vallance, the Cabinet Secretary and I told the PM to create the Vaccine Taskforce, sideline Hancock, and shift commercial support from DHSC to BEIS. He agreed, this happened, the Chancellor supplied the cash. On 10 May I told officials that the VTF needed a) a much bigger budget, b) a completely different approach to DHSC’s, which had been mired in the usual processes, so it could develop concurrent plans, and c) that Bingham needed the authority to make financial decisions herself without clearance from Hancock….


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d2d564 No.22070

File: 25e882657c49d18⋯.png (147.1 KB,339x548,339:548,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451006 (051819ZMAR23) Notable: Jeffries: No indication Capitol Police vetted J6 footage Tucker plans to air

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d2d564 No.22071

File: bf1cc78d14a17a9⋯.png (378.37 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451009 (051820ZMAR23) Notable: Defying AG, ministers advance bill that would let Netanyahu keep financial gift

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Defying AG, ministers advance bill that would let Netanyahu keep financial gift

High Court has ruled PM must return $270,000 he received from his cousin to cover legal fees; Baharav-Miara warns bill could ‘open door to real governmental corruption’

The government formally decided on Sunday to back a Likud-sponsored bill to ease donations to lawmakers — including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — despite the measure being attacked by the attorney general and watchdogs as an opening for political corruption.

If passed into law after four Knesset votes, the measure would enable Netanyahu to keep $270,000 he received from his now-deceased cousin and former benefactor Nathan Milikowsky. Last year, the High Court of Justice ordered the premier to return the gift to Milkowsky’s estate by February 2023, on the grounds that the funds, meant to cover the prime minister’s legal expenses in his ongoing corruption trial, were an illicit gift.

Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara on Sunday told Justice Minister Yariv Levin that her office was opposed to the bill, and that it was “harmful” and “contrary to the purpose of the [existing public servant gifts] law.”

“It has the potential to open a real door to governmental corruption,” Baharav-Miara cautioned, in an opinion submitted to Levin in advance of the Ministerial Committee for Legislation’s Sunday hearing on the bill. The panel, chaired by Levin, determines the government’s stance on various pieces of legislation.

It is the latest in a slew of bills that can be tied to the interests of individual politicians. Shas lawmakers are currently pushing a bill to block the Supreme Court from exercising discretionary review over ministerial appointments, which would return their party leader, Aryeh Deri, to the cabinet.


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d2d564 No.22072

File: a5b8c896b171a15⋯.webp (106.14 KB,1272x709,1272:709,Clipboard.webp)

File: e082adfcac933b2⋯.webp (78.32 KB,1272x622,636:311,Clipboard.webp)

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File: c2567c1e6797661⋯.jpeg (161.39 KB,1243x439,1243:439,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451025 (051822ZMAR23) Notable: The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless' The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless'

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This is why even on the 18 March the crucial SAGE meeting did not even have a lockdown planto discuss, as I texted No10 officials from inside SAGE: neither DHSC nor Cabinet Office had provided such a plan nor had they asked SAGE to model such a plan (No10 did this direct with Vallance/SAGE/SPI-M as we bodged together Plan B).

This is why Hancock said to me, still delusional about us being ‘the best prepared country in the world’ (this was not one of his lies, he really did believe this because he had not properly investigated the preparations), on 12 March (the day of ‘chickenpox parties’ / Dilyn’s bad PR / Trump wanting us to bomb the Middle East): We’re better prepared than other countries, Wuhan will see a second wave when they lift their lockdown. (Also on 16 March in COBR, Hancock tried to delay the announcement on household quarantine ‘because the helpline isn’t ready’. Sturgeon also supported this delay. I and others warned the PM in advance this would happen and he overruled them. Both of them have misled the public about this.)

This is why even on 18 March, a SAGE member emailed me, the Cabinet Secretary and Hancock’s Permanent Secretary saying we would look back on SAGE discussions as ‘a strange dream’ because lockdown had not even been discussed: ‘Literally all the models assume that there will be a full-blown epidemic, and its just a matter of how much it can be drawn out, compressed, or the herd immunity directed to one section or another of the population’ because thinking was based on assumptions (no test-trace, population won’t listen to tough rules, reinfection from abroad etc) and ‘Once you take these assumptions for granted, the only paths that exist are to achieve herd immunity’.

But, he rightly said,suppression should be considered partly because the imminent collapse of the NHS was so horrificand because ‘prior models and assumptions are WRONG [emphasis in original]. We could do this, ie a total lockdown. We’ll look back on it like a strange dream, but we could – and should – do it.’

And the DHSC Permanent Secretary responsible for pandemic planning responded with the logic of Plan A: ‘The virus will still exist in 3-4 weeks time and won’t we just start again with reinfection and re-spread?’ [bold added by me above] Even on the afternoon of 18/3, after SAGE (mostly, not unanimously) were pushing for urgent lockdown at least in London), the apex of power in the DHSC was still operating under the assumptions of Plan A, i.e suppression was counter-productive. This is four days after I proposed Plan B to the PM in his study (noon, 14/3) and five days before ‘stay at home’.

COBR documents on herd immunity plan

This COBR document (in multiple meetings in the week of 9/3 and 16/3) shows the logic of herd immunity by September: suppression means a disastrous second peak when the NHS is annually overstretched and the ‘advised approach’ (i.e advised by DHSC/SAGE/Cabinet Office to No10) ‘seeks to avoid this’ by getting herd immunity by September.

Another graph from the same mid-March COBR pack is here: N.B the red line is NHS ICU capacity, it appears to be lying almost on the x-axis because at ~5,000 it seems very near 0 when the y-axis stretches to 200,000. It shows the official Plan A as of 12-15 March involving at most the three actions which a) supposedly push the peak out into June (this thinking contributed to the lack of urgency before 16/3) but b) still totally overwhelmed ICU capacity.

Note there is no line for a lockdown scenario because, contra Hancock’s false claims to MPs last week, DHSC had not developed a plan for it nor asked SAGE to model it (as the Cabinet Secretary’s reply to the email of 18 March above pointed out).

This graph from the same COBR pack shows the effect of Plan A’s three interventions: ~250,000 dead after the ‘optimal single peak strategy’, with herd immunity by September. N.B this projection, awful as it was, was obviously too optimisticbecause it did not take into account that in this scenario there would be no NHS for any other patientsfor months until it was rebuilt.

Versions of this graph were in many official documents in the week of 9/3 and 16/3. As we pointed out to the PM in the ‘Goldblum’ meeting on 14 March in his office, in this scenario many more than 250,000 would die and, I said, the public would march up Downing Street and lynch him. (We discovered in April that DHSC did not have plans to deal with the number of dead we were facing after switching to lockdown — never mind what would have happened if it had been x5-x10 worse.)…


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d2d564 No.22073

File: 1df61be8801e07b⋯.png (79.05 KB,836x795,836:795,Clipboard.png)

File: e329bc3a268bec4⋯.png (97.29 KB,807x800,807:800,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cde8e6e83240ea⋯.png (101.54 KB,810x769,810:769,Clipboard.png)

File: 143afb25684449c⋯.png (27.57 KB,795x255,53:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451037 (051827ZMAR23) Notable: Judicial Watch: Former NIH Director Francis Collins Emails Reveal UK Physicians & Scientists Group Recommended Ivermectin for COVID-19

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Judicial Watch: Former NIH Director Francis Collins Emails Reveal British Physicians and Scientists Group Recommended Ivermectin for Preventions and Treatment of COVID-19

Judicial Watch announced today that it received 254 pages of records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) this included emails of then-Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Francis Collins regarding a British group’s recommendations on the use of Ivermectin to prevent and treat COVID-19.

Judicial Watch obtained the records as the result of an August 2021 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit for Collins’ emails filed after the HHS failed to respond to a June 8, 2021, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (No. 1:21-cv-02302)).

In February 2021, a leading British physician and World Council for Health co-founder Dr. Tess Lawrie,who is director and founder of a doctors’ organization called the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group (BIRD), emailed 31 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials, including the Director of the Offfice of New Drugs in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Peter Stein; Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research Director Peter Marks; and then-Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock; and copying several leading foreign medical figures, with an email titled “URGENT: The BIRD meeting and recommendation on covid-19 prevention and treatment.” She attached a document titled “Draft BIRD Proceedings 25-02-2021 v.1.4.pdf.”

While the document attached to the email is completely redacted, Lawrie’s cover letter states: “BIRD panel conclusions are that Ivermectin should be approved immediately for prevention and treatment of covid-19:”

The British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Panel recommends ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of covid-19 to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with covid-19 infection and to prevent covid-19 infection among those at higher risk. [Emphasis in original]

The BIRD Steering Group has taken heed of the WHO statement on ‘Developing global norms for sharing data and results during public health emergencies’ that states that ‘public disclosure of information of relevance to public health emergencies should not be delayed’, and also notes the ‘very great risks’ that can occur from ‘withholding data and results arising from analyses’. We are, therefore, sharing this evidence-to decision framework within just a few days of the BIRD meeting to avoid delay.

Further, due to the urgency related to the communication and dissemination of this recommendation that is aimed at saving thousands of lives daily, please forgive the limitations of the draft proceedings document attached. Information on the process and methods can be found among the annexes. An Executive Summary is being finalised and will be available on Monday.

Later that day, Woodcock forwards Lawrie’s email and attachment to then-NIH Director Francis Collins, NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, Operation Warp Speed director David Kessler and several other HHS officials, with a comment that is entirely redacted.


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d2d564 No.22074

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451041 (051828ZMAR23) Notable: Netanyahu: Judicial reform protesters are 'dangerous,' just want chaos

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Netanyahu: Judicial reform protesters are 'dangerous,' just want chaos

Netanyahu spoke as the country headed into its tenth week of protests against Justice Minster Yariv Levin’s judicial reform legislation.

Judicial overhaul protesters simply want to burn down the house and bring down the government, sending the country into a sixth election cycle, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday.

“The extreme and dangerous group that organizes [the protests] just wants to burn down the house and create chaos in the country,” he said as he addressed the weekly government session in Jerusalem.

Netanyahu spoke as the country headed into its tenth week of protests against Justice Minister Yariv Levin’s legislation to overhaul the judiciary. Proponents argued that it would strengthen Israel’s democracy, while its opponents have warned it would weaken democracy and possibly turn the country into a dictatorship.

Protesters want to “trample on the results of a democratic election in which millions of citizens voted just a few months ago,” Netanyahu said.

“They want to overthrow the government, bringing about a constitutional crisis with the intention that this will lead to sixth elections. That’s their real goal,” he continued. “I think they simply can’t wrap their heads around the simple fact that the voters chose us and not them,” he said.

Netanyahu calls out protester tactics

Netanyahu took issue with the tactics by which some protesters blocked roads, acted violently toward the police and called for IDF soldiers and officers to refuse to serve. He also mentioned the incident last week in which protesters prevented his wife, Sara, from leaving a hair salon in Tel Aviv.

The government and the country’s legal establishment have long opposed road blockages, Netanyahu said. He recalled that former attorney-general Menachem “Meni” Mazuz had stated close to 20 years ago, when activists were upset at the disengagement from Gaza, that those who blocked roads should be sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Netanyahu quoted statements made by Yair Lapid, currently the opposition leader, 20 years ago against road blockages, when he warned that someone would die when their ambulance was stuck in traffic as a result. He also took a swipe at comments by former IDF chiefs of staff.

“When former generals, rejected by the electorate, call for a refusal to obey orders, for a revolt and violence – this is not the preservation of democracy, it is the thwarting of democracy,” Netanyahu said.

He pointed to comments that former IDF chief of staff Dan Halutz made, in which he compared Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler.


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d2d564 No.22075

File: c2567c1e6797661⋯.jpeg (161.39 KB,1243x439,1243:439,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 176612a3b7f7ba4⋯.webp (57.05 KB,1272x449,1272:449,Clipboard.webp)

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File: a5db434ec60b78b⋯.webp (30.15 KB,1272x320,159:40,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451060 (051833ZMAR23) Notable: The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless' The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless'

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Too long to post the whole post, but Hancock is responsible for

the majority of deaths in UK


Below are whiteboards from the evening of 13/3 and 14/3. Both were in the PM’s study and were shown to him at noon on 14/3 as I and Marc and Ben Warner explained why official thinking had gone so badly wrong and why we had to switch to Plan B. Both show ‘our plan’ (i.e Plan A) overwhelming the NHS. Plan B is different: suppression + crash programs on testing, drugs + increasing NHS capacity etc — which everybody can see is what actually happened. The graph with the squiggly line (‘Plan B’) is the first time No10 had a ‘document’ that ditched all the previous graphs with either a single peak ending by September or a second winter peak and showed instead us managing covid permanently below NHS capacity.

(Some have asked ‘what does “who do we notsave?” mean?’ I meant: on 13th it was already clear we’d made terrible errors and many would die, I was forcing people to consider: ‘on whom are our errors going to fall worst, who is not going to be saved in this disaster, and if forced to choose because of NHS collapse how does the system do this (e.g prioritise mothers of small children)?’ because only by facing such awful questions could we have a chance to change plan fast, e.g we turned shielding around on 19/3.)

I told MPs how, literally as I was sketching the whiteboard above in the PM’s study on 13 March in preparation for the meeting I planned the next day with the PM, the deputy Cabinet Secretary walked in and told us thatDHSC clearly had no serious plan and was imploding. When asked last week by MPs re my testimony, Hancock said that the disproof of what I’d said was ‘we had a plan, we published it on 3 March’ and this plan discussed lockdowns. He is referring to the laughable contain-delay-mitigate ‘plan’ published on 3 March. This document was based on the logic that we would not do suppression. Obviously this embarrassingly awful document, which will be remembered as a case study in failure for decades to come, in no sense set out what we actually did, as everybody can see…

Journalists were briefed on the ‘herd immunity’ plan in the week of 9/3 by Hancock himself, by senior officials including the CSA and CMO, by the No10 press office, and SAGE members went on TV and radio explaining it.

On 13 March, as I was sketching the whiteboard above, the PM texted me, Hancock, Vallance and Whitty asking: how do we win the herd immunity argument? On 14th in his study, using those whiteboards, I told him: forget winning that argument, we have to switch to Plan B.

Hancock’s claim that the 3/3 document disproves my claims is, as the evidence shows above, entirely untrue. As the evidence above shows, that ‘plan’ was sending us to catastrophe so we ditched it.


• As we sketched Plan B it was clear mass testing and test-trace would be crucial.

• This was part of our discussions on Plan B 13-15 March in the PM’s study.

• No10 was very unhappy with what we heard from Hancock on testing before and after we started shifting to Plan B. I and others including the PM insisted on a much more radical scale-up than PHE/DHSC had considered and it was clear that PHE’s senior management was totally unable to meet the challenge and Hancock had no plan to fix this. Obviously Plan A had been effectively ‘do nothing’ on community testing because the herd immunity plan had no place for it, hence it was officially stopped on 12 March and the concept of moving to 100k then 1 million did not exist before Plan B.

In the morning meeting on 24 March I and others quizzed a very slippery Hancock on progress with testing to see where he was after which I sent this to a No10 group:

Steve O = Oldfield. TomS = Shinner. I’d asked Tom to ditch his job and join No10 over the crucial weekend of 14-15 March. He started on Monday 16th. He had worked on ‘no deal’ Brexit etc for two years and had huge knowledge of Whitehall systems and great people who could be shuffled into critical roles.

He played an enormous part in recovering from the collapse of No10 in March and built an entirely new team — effectively a joint No10-Cabinet Office team — in March-July which evolved into the ‘covid taskforce’ there now.

Before this there was no effective central entity to manage the crisis — as I told MPs, the Civil Contingencies Unit collapsed in March and had to be rebuilt with new skills and tools. (He also did a very valuable review of the whole ‘delivery’ mechanism of No10/Cabinet Office, which I will explore another time.) Shinner worked with officials in DHSC and elsewhere and recruited a new team including Alex Cooper to speed everything up.

So Hancock had told the morning meeting on 24th: 10k by Monday 30/3, 100k ‘within a month’ of 24/3….


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d2d564 No.22076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451065 (051834ZMAR23) Notable: #22623

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#22623 >>22026

>>22045, >>22052 PF

>>22027 Blinken visits central Asia

>>22031 J6 Videos website is back up

>>22032, >>22039 Fauci "prompted" the drafting of "Proximal Origins" to disprove the COVID lab leak theory

>>22033 Twitter discloses another possible government censorship effort

>>22034 Trump tweeted the name of the ship from White Squall

>>22035 BBC conspired in the "deliberately misleading" propaganda campaign of fear that kept Britain locked up [what a surprise hmmm]

>>22036 Treasury to testify Fri for withholding suspicious wife transfers from Biden fam

>>22037 Jenna Ellis Interviewed about Trump Impeachment @ CPAC 2023

>>22038 Garrison Trump cartoon

>>22040 Propagandists at ’60 Minutes’ Scrambling to Downplay How They “Debunked” Covid Lab Leak While Blaming Bat Soup

>>22028, >>22041 EPA Chief warns parents not to let their children close to the water in E Palestine

>>22042 Milley trip followup

>>22043 Firefighters in Hong Kong are battling a huge blaze at a high-rise building under construction

>>22044 US 7th Fleet: Flags Out

>>22046 Thousands of Belgian Farmers Join Protest Against Globalist Reset Plans

>>22047 Re Hancock: How many COVID Tyrants in the U.S. were also talking like this in private..??!?!?

>>22048, >>22051 More Biden lies & anon rebuttal

>>22049 Pfizer was aware of 20-something different ways its shot could send a woman’s menstrual cycle into disarray

>>22050 North Korea asks UN to rein in US actions

>>22053 UK Lockdown Files incriminating text messages

>>22054 TRU TUBE 54 MP4 Archive Updated


>>22056 Brazil greenlights GMO wheat

>>22057 Conservatives Want to Secede From Oregon, and Leftists Are ENRAGED

>>22058 Nearly A Ton Of Cocaine Washes Up On French Beach

>>22059 LGBT groups angry that Staten Island St. Patrick's Day Parade organizers will not allow them to march

>>22060 Sundance: People Behind Biden Announce Creation of Formal National Surveillance State

>>22061 Beanz thread: General Michael Flynn (RET) filed a lawsuit against the United States

>>22062 New Study Shows K-12 Schools Effectively Indoctrinating Students into Radical and Political Gender Ideology and Critical Race Theory

>>22063 Another Ohio Train Derailment Claims 20 Norfolk Southern Cargo Cars

>>22064 Young girl performs at a drag event and takes tips.

>>22065 NYC – Massive 5-alarm fire has engulfed the Grand Food Concourse in the Bronx

>>22066 Police question influential Rabbi Zvi Tau on charges of sexual abuse and rape

>>22067 “The Greatest Perpetrator of Misinformation During the Pandemic has been the United States Government.” Dr. Marty Makary

>>22068, >>22069, >>22072, >>22075 The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless'

>>22070 Jeffries: No indication Capitol Police vetted J6 footage Tucker plans to air

>>22071 Defying AG, ministers advance bill that would let Netanyahu keep financial gift

>>22073 Judicial Watch: Former NIH Director Francis Collins Emails Reveal UK Physicians & Scientists Group Recommended Ivermectin for COVID-19

>>22074 Netanyahu: Judicial reform protesters are 'dangerous,' just want chaos



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d2d564 No.22077

File: 35f276415ed98ec⋯.png (488.8 KB,607x586,607:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451082 (051838ZMAR23) Notable: Rep. Tenney Introduces Bill Preventing Colleges From Continuing To Impose COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

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Daily Caller


EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Tenney Introduces Bill Preventing Colleges From Continuing To Impose COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates


EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Tenney Introduces Bill Preventing Colleges From Continuing To Impose COVID-19…

Rep. Claudia Tenney introduced legislation that would prevent colleges and universities from continuing to impose COVID-19 vaccine mandates on students.

2:00 AM · Mar 5, 2023




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d2d564 No.22078

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451136 (051852ZMAR23) Notable: The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless' 5/5

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PN>>22068 (You), >>22069 (You), >>22072 (You), >>22075 (You) The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless' The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless'


Anons it valuable to read this entire thread, plus his other articles, he ends this with questions to ask

5/5entire article important read

‘On PPE it’s a disaster. I can’t think of anything except taking Hancock off… At this point, months after it had started, there was still no analytical function in the Cabinet Office to figure out covid policy. One day around then, having been told repeatedly there was a ‘new unit’ in the Cabinet Office but having failed to see any trace of improvement, I walked around 70 Whitehall in search of this team. It turned out to be a Potemkin team. There was a room. There were a couple of people in it. But the analytical team was not there. Where are they? ‘In CLG.’There is no analytical capability [in the Cabinet Office]. My unit does not actualy exist.’ (I will write separately about this crucial issue.)

Did things improve? No.

On 15 April No10 was told that a lot of testing capacity was being wasted (not used) because DHSC had left in place rules that were limiting those eligible for tests, despite care homes screaming. In response I said that the rules should be changed ‘immediately’ and this be communicated immediately to Hancock, which it was by a No10 official minutes later. The care homes nightmare continued. It was clear that Hancock’s claims on this, as on other things, were false.

On 3 May, the PM’s private office told DHSC that we needed an urgent meeting the next day to discuss testing and care homes. I wrote to the PM: ‘I think we are negligently killing the most vulnerablewho we are supposed to be shielding and I am extremely worried about it’ and we must force DHSC to put all the details on the table. The PM agreed and we dug into DHSC plans and Hancock’s claims.

On 4 May the PPE situation was so bad that it was agreed in No10 that we could not possibly claim to have passed the ‘PPE test’ for reopening. On 7 May afterwe’d dug into the care home situation, I concluded to the PM that Hancock’s failures and dishonesty made him unfit for his job, that there was still no serious testing in care homes and this was killing people.

The PM agreed but still he would not act

Hancock: ‘everybody got the treatment they needed’. Hancock repeated to MPs his claim from summer 2020 that ‘everybody got the treatment they needed.’

This is false, he knows it’s false, the PM knows it’s false, families of the dead know it’s false, the CSA and CMO know it’s false.

Vallance and Whitty briefed me, the PM, Hancock and assorted officials around the Cabinet table on NHS data last summer. They said explicitly: the data shows that death rates spiked sharply upwards around the April peak, roughly doubling, because patients did not get the treatment they needed because the NHS was under so much pressure. MPs should demand this data and a briefing from PV/CW to explain it.

This was discussed a few times with the PM because a) it was relevant to the error made in the original planning — i.e the original graphs did not take into account that deaths would be higher than the simplistic calculations predicted because once the NHS was overwhelmed a lot more people would die than if they could get ICU treatment, and b) this was relevant to the threat of a second 2020 wave: if the NHS got close to capacity again then we should assume that, like the first wave, ICU care would be rationed. This obviously did happen again December-January because of the PM’s failure to act soon enough.

__There is so much more that could be said..

A few simple questions to ask the PM

•Given his failures on testing, care homes and PPE why did you keep in post a Secretary of State you described yourself as ‘totally fucking hopeless’ and how many more people died as a result of your failure to remove him?

• Why is No10 lying, including to Parliament, about the fact that the original plan was ‘herd immunity by September’ and had to be abandoned?

• When did Patrick Vallance brief you on NHS data showing that the death rate at the first April peak was much higher than before/after the peak and do you now agree with Hancock that every patient got the treatment they needed?

• Do you now agree with Hancock that there was no shortage of PPE or do you agree with yourself in April 2020 that PPE supply was ‘a disaster’ that required moving Hancock?

• How many people died in care homes because of what you called the ‘disaster’ on PPE and what you called Hancock’s ‘totally fucking hopeless’ performance on testing in March?

• When will the SoS come to the House


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d2d564 No.22079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451216 (051912ZMAR23) Notable: #22623

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#22623 >>22026

>>22045, >>22052 PF

>>22027 Blinken visits central Asia

>>22031 J6 Videos website is back up

>>22032, >>22039 Fauci "prompted" the drafting of "Proximal Origins" to disprove the COVID lab leak theory

>>22033 Twitter discloses another possible government censorship effort

>>22034 Trump tweeted the name of the ship from White Squall

>>22035 BBC conspired in the "deliberately misleading" propaganda campaign of fear that kept Britain locked up [what a surprise hmmm]

>>22036 Treasury to testify Fri for withholding suspicious wife transfers from Biden fam

>>22037 Jenna Ellis Interviewed about Trump Impeachment @ CPAC 2023

>>22038 Garrison Trump cartoon

>>22040 Propagandists at ’60 Minutes’ Scrambling to Downplay How They “Debunked” Covid Lab Leak While Blaming Bat Soup

>>22028, >>22041 EPA Chief warns parents not to let their children close to the water in E Palestine

>>22042 Milley trip followup

>>22043 Firefighters in Hong Kong are battling a huge blaze at a high-rise building under construction

>>22044 US 7th Fleet: Flags Out

>>22046 Thousands of Belgian Farmers Join Protest Against Globalist Reset Plans

>>22047 Re Hancock: How many COVID Tyrants in the U.S. were also talking like this in private..??!?!?

>>22048, >>22051 More Biden lies & anon rebuttal

>>22049 Pfizer was aware of 20-something different ways its shot could send a woman’s menstrual cycle into disarray

>>22050 North Korea asks UN to rein in US actions

>>22053 UK Lockdown Files incriminating text messages

>>22054 TRU TUBE 54 MP4 Archive Updated


>>22056 Brazil greenlights GMO wheat

>>22057 Conservatives Want to Secede From Oregon, and Leftists Are ENRAGED

>>22058 Nearly A Ton Of Cocaine Washes Up On French Beach

>>22059 LGBT groups angry that Staten Island St. Patrick's Day Parade organizers will not allow them to march

>>22060 Sundance: People Behind Biden Announce Creation of Formal National Surveillance State

>>22061 Beanz thread: General Michael Flynn (RET) filed a lawsuit against the United States

>>22062 New Study Shows K-12 Schools Effectively Indoctrinating Students into Radical and Political Gender Ideology and Critical Race Theory

>>22063 Another Ohio Train Derailment Claims 20 Norfolk Southern Cargo Cars

>>22064 Young girl performs at a drag event and takes tips.

>>22065 NYC – Massive 5-alarm fire has engulfed the Grand Food Concourse in the Bronx

>>22066 Police question influential Rabbi Zvi Tau on charges of sexual abuse and rape

>>22067 “The Greatest Perpetrator of Misinformation During the Pandemic has been the United States Government.” Dr. Marty Makary

>>22068, >>22069, >>22072, >>22075 The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless' The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless'

>>22070 Jeffries: No indication Capitol Police vetted J6 footage Tucker plans to air

>>22071 Defying AG, ministers advance bill that would let Netanyahu keep financial gift

>>22073 Judicial Watch: Former NIH Director Francis Collins Emails Reveal UK Physicians & Scientists Group Recommended Ivermectin for COVID-19

>>22074 Netanyahu: Judicial reform protesters are 'dangerous,' just want chaos


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d2d564 No.22080

File: f22ac7c8db1f523⋯.png (293.59 KB,538x537,538:537,Clipboard.png)

File: 4230944594dead5⋯.png (275.36 KB,575x648,575:648,Clipboard.png)

File: 14a958d3a985209⋯.png (312.34 KB,568x536,71:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451267 (051926ZMAR23) Notable: Florida GOP Declares War On The First Amendment to "Combat Anti-Semitism"

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Florida GOP Declares War On The First Amendment to "Combat Anti-Semitism"

"The Free State of Florida" is set to have the most oppressive hate crime laws in America in order to "combat anti-Semitism."

"There is no First Amendment right to conduct," Jewish Florida State Rep. Randy Fine told the media earlier this week. "If you graffiti a building, it is a crime now, but if your motivation is hate, it will be a third-degree felony and you will spend five years in prison. If you want to litter, it's a crime right now, but if you litter and your motivation is a hate crime, it will be a third-degree felony and you will spend 5 years in jail."

The bill was put forward by the GOP to silence the "Goyim Defense League" who've been sharing anti-Semitic flyers in Florida neighborhoods and holding up anti-Semitic banners over bridges which are critical of Jews.


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d2d564 No.22081

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451338 (051944ZMAR23) Notable: Donald Trump Jr. - MAGA Is The Greatest Movement In The History of Our Country!

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Donald Trump Jr.

MAGA Is The Greatest Movement In The History of Our Country!

Nothing compares to it.

16 minutes ago


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d2d564 No.22082

File: dcc805134297ec5⋯.jpeg (139.94 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451449 (052011ZMAR23) Notable: Biden ‘pressed’ Baltic leaders over Russia – WSJ

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5 Mar, 2023 15:12

Biden ‘pressed’ Baltic leaders over Russia – WSJ

There are doubts that Washington believes Ukraine can achieve victory, a source told the outlet

US President Joe Biden “pressed” the leaders of the Baltic nations over their calls for Russia to be defeated in Ukraine, an informed source told the Wall Street Journal.

Biden raised the issue with the presidents of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia during his visit to Poland's capital Warsaw in late February, the outlet reported on Friday, citing a person briefed on the conversations.

The source did not reveal exactly what the US president said, but noted thatBiden's words left “doubts among officialsas to whether Washington believed that [Ukraine’s victory on the battlefield] was a realistic goal.”

In its article, the WSJ pointed to “concerns”among Kiev’s allies in Eastern Europe about “the thinking emerging in Western capitals that Ukraine should prepare at some stage for negotiations with the Kremlin.”

During his trip to Poland, Biden together with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg attended a summit of the so-called Bucharest Nine (B-9) countries, which comprise Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia as well as Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

The three Baltic nations, which are all former Soviet republics and now EU and NATO members, have been among the harshest critics of Russia since the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, insisting on more weapons deliveries to Kiev and harsher sanctions against Moscow.

Last month, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda called on Ukraine’s Western backers to cross all “red lines” on arms supplies to the government of Vladimir Zelensky, as they were “in our minds and don’t really exist in reality.”He said his “message” to the US and its allies was: “Not [to] waste the time. Be decisive, be united and take decisions as quickly as possible.”

In late January, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov saidMoscow had “noticed the increasingly aggressive attitudeof the representatives of the Baltic nations and Poland” towards the conflict in Ukraine.

“They are obviously ready to do everything to provoke further growth in confrontation, perhaps with little thought of the consequences,” Peskov claimed, while expressing regret that major European countries have been failing to perform their “balancing role” and calm down those with “extremist tendencies.” (Kek!)


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d2d564 No.22083

File: c9e0adc49a313ac⋯.png (7.88 KB,241x209,241:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451499 (052022ZMAR23) Notable: Pedophilia Found In Anime

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>You're literally insane to think that those two things are even near the same quality.

That's where you're wrong, satanic "kiddo".








Anime is and has always been used for grooming. It's also designed to desensitize young males with unrealistic proportioned underage females. The echo chamber of board personalities and BVs are waging a war on your mind. Board corrupted at all levels. Q absolutely needs to comment on the "absolute state of this place".

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d2d564 No.22084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451500 (052022ZMAR23) Notable: Free Speech Nation | Sunday 5th March

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Anon was watching freespeech nation which is still live.

there was a section in it where they were talking about matt hancock and they bought on a lawyer called jonathan Coad,

He started ranting and raving at the presenter, called him everything including a idiot.

this must have gone one for around 5 minutes until they showed him his letter that he sent to gbnews which stated he was asked by matt hancock to represent him.

he than apoligised and admited he was wrong.

Would love for an anon to clip that part out.

it starts around the 35 minute mark of this two hour show.

link below. Can an talented anon help?



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d2d564 No.22085

File: 1acd5eabbcea8d5⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1170x2343,390:781,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451555 (052035ZMAR23) Notable: Michael Flynn Is Now Selling QAnon Merch

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Thanks for setting me straight anon.

Interesting thinking back on all of this FLYNN is literally admitting to election interference. With HIS DIGITAL SOLDIERS™️

“You’re Fired” Former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is going all in on the QAnon conspiracy theory, promoting an online store to sell QAnon hats and T-shirts, the proceeds of which will benefit his partnership with a prominent QAnon booster.

Flynn’s drawn-out legal battle with Special Counsel Robert Mueller turned him into a hero for QAnon believers. Many QAnon supporters, who rely on mysterious online clues to construct a worldview where the Democratic Party and other institutions are controlled by a cabal of pedophile-cannibals, claim that Flynn is “Q”, the anonymous figure behind the conspiracy theory. They also took a previously obscure Flynn quote about the American military’s “digital soldiers” as their banner, adopting the phrase to refer to QAnon believers themselves.

Flynn started to more aggressively court his QAnon fans this year, taking the “QAnon oath” in July and appearing on QAnon podcasts after receiving a pardon in November. Along the way, Flynn once again became an adviser to Trump, reportedly urging the president to impose martial law in a recent, heated Oval Office meeting.

Michael Flynn Finally Embraces His Q Cult Following

Flynn aligned himself even further with QAnon on Tuesday, endorsing a T-shirt website called “Shirt Show USA” that sells QAnon gear and other “official” Flynn-themed merchandise. The website’s offerings include camo trucker hats, T-shirts, and sweatshirts with the phrase “WWG1WGA,” a reference to the central QAnon motto, “Where we go one, we go all.”

The ad copy describing the $35 trucker hats makes clear that the site’s creators endorse QAnon, including a reference to another QAnon term, the “Great Awakening.”

“It's no conspiracy and it's certainly more than a theory,” the description reads. “The Great Awakening is happening and the signs are everywhere.”

Flynn’s son Michael Flynn Jr. also endorsed the site on Tuesday, saying the money would support his father and “digital soldiers.”

“Each purchase helps @genflynn and his army of Digital Soldiers in the fight against fake news,” the younger Flynn posted on conservative media site Parler.

According to the descriptions of the QAnon gear, the sales proceeds will go towards launching a new Flynn news outlet called “Digital Soldiers.” That site bills itself as a collaboration between Flynn and conspiracy theory website UncoverDC, which is run by major QAnon promoter Tracy Diaz.


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d2d564 No.22086

File: 9c88338108a9912⋯.jpeg (38.11 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451589 (052043ZMAR23) Notable: NATO and EU states already parties to Ukraine conflict – top Hungarian MP

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5 Mar, 2023 16:07

NATO and EU states already parties to Ukraine conflict – top Hungarian MP

Military aid provided by members of both blocs makes them participants in the hostilities, the parliamentary speaker said

Massive deliveries of military aid to Ukraine have made multiple NATO andEU nations partiesto the ongoing conflict between Moscow and Kiev, according to Laszlo Kover, the speaker of Hungary’s National Assembly.

Speaking to Hir TV late on Friday, Kover said certain members of the two blocsare already participants in the conflict, despite not “yet”actually engaging in the fighting themselves. He did not identify the countries to which he was referring.

Members of NATO and the EU have already sent almost $60 billionworth of lethal military equipment to Ukraine, one of the warring parties. This means that individual countries – members of the European Union and NATO – are participants of this war, although not yet fighting,” he said.

The speaker also shared his opinion on the potential accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO.

While the move has already been approved by the vast majority of member states in the US-led military alliance, it has been opposed by Hungary and Türkiye. Budapest is expected to dispatch a delegation to the two Nordic nations shortly in an effort to resolve differences regarding the accession bids, Kover noted.

Both Finland and Sweden have caused “damage” to Hungary, repeatedly making hostile moves against Budapest within the EU, he continued.

“They cause specific, measurable damage to Hungary’s national interests.These people are putting pressure on the European institutionsso that they do not allocate the EU funds due to Hungary. This is about specific damage, not just that our souls are sensitive,” Kover explained.

He also claimed that their potential accession to NATO would not increase the “sense of security” within the bloc, but rather yield the opposite result, greatly extending the alliance’s border with Russia.

Earlier this week, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban called for the creation of a “European NATO,” arguing that America’s desire to further expand its its influence has led to the current tensions between the West and Russia. The EU needs to create a military bloc of its own to become free of American influence and stop doing Washington’s bidding, Orban suggested.

Hungary has repeatedly called for peace since the outbreak of conflict between Moscow and Kiev, criticizing both the Western sanctions imposed on Russia and the continuous flow of arms to Ukraine. Budapest has also been the only NATO nation to voice support for China’s recently unveiled peace plan for Ukraine.


EU is destroying itself

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d2d564 No.22087

File: 38d23ce93bbef49⋯.jpeg (63.16 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451617 (052049ZMAR23) Notable: US assesses training Ukrainians to fly F-16s – NBC

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5 Mar, 2023 12:15

US assesses training Ukrainians to fly F-16s – NBC

Two pilots have arrived at a military base in Arizona, officials have told the broadcaster

The US has invited Ukrainian pilots to a military base in Tucson, Arizona to establish how long it will take to train them to fly Western fighter jets, including F-16s, unnamed officials told NBC.

Two airmen from Ukraine have arrived on American soil so far, with more likely to follow, the broadcaster reported on Saturday. According to its sources, the US authorities plan to bring as many as ten Ukrainian aviators to the country this month.

The pilots have beenworking on simulatorsand there are no plans for them to fly actual aircraft, the officials noted. (Why can’t they do this from Ukraine?)

The program has two goals: improving the Ukrainians’ skills and assessing how long it will take to train them to effectively operate F-16s and other Western-made warplanes, they added. (It will take forever, but they will fuck up our jets before the leave, guaranteed, they ruin everything they touch.)

“The program is about assessing their abilities as pilots so we can better advise them on how to use capabilities they have and we have given them,” a Biden administration official explained.

It’s the first time that Ukrainian pilots, who have been trained to fly Soviet-designed aircraft that differ significantly from their Western counterparts, have taken part in such a program in the US, NBC pointed out.

The officials who talked to the broadcaster stressed that the development did not mean there had been any change in Washington’s stance on the delivery of F-16s to Kiev amid its conflict with Moscow.

“I’m ruling it out for now,” US President Joe Biden said last week when asked about the possibility of arming Ukraine with American fighter jets. Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky “doesn’t need F-16s now. There is no basis upon which there is a rationale, according to our military, now, to provide F-16s,” Biden told ABC.

Kiev has intensified calls for NATO to supply it with fighter jets – particularly F-16 aircraft – in recent months after securing a pledge from EU countries, the US and UK to provide dozens of Leopard 2, M1 Abrams and Challenger 2 main battle tanks, respectively.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said discussions about the delivery of fighter jets to Kiev once again underline the growing involvement of Western countries in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. He reiterated Moscow’s stance that such actions only serve to escalate and prolong the fighting, and would lead to more bloodshed while failing to change the ultimate outcome of Russia’s military operation.

(Does anyone know pilots in AZ and their thoughts on training terrorists on our most elite and expensive jets? This is disgusting!)


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d2d564 No.22088

File: dddfd4fda5e61f1⋯.jpeg (48.9 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451669 (052101ZMAR23) Notable: Ex-minister wanted to ‘frighten’ Brits into Covid compliance – leaked messages

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5 Mar, 2023 12:16

Ex-minister wanted to ‘frighten’ Brits into Covid compliance – leaked messages

Texts reveal that Matt Hancock wanted his announcement of a new Covid variant to have 'maximum impact'

Former UK health secretary Matt Hancock wanted to “frighten the pants off everyone” to ensure compliance with the government’s Covid-19 restrictions, a trove of leaked text messages has revealed.

More than 100,000 text messages were leaked to the Sunday Telegraph newspaper. Among them is a purported exchange between Hancock and Cabinet Secretary Simon Case in which Case suggested in January 2021 that “fear” would be a “vital” factor in ensuring UK citizens’ compliance with Covid restrictions.

They also appear to show that Hancock discussed when to reveal information to the public about the discovery of a new strain of the virus in the hope of maximizing the impact of lockdown rules.

“Rather than doing too much forward signalling, we can roll pitch with the new strain,” a purported message from Case reads. Hancock reportedly responded: “We frighten the pants of (sic) everyone with the new strain.”

“When do we deploy the new variant,”Hancock apparently asks in a subsequent message.

The alleged text message conversation, which took place on December 13, 2020, came at a time when concerns were rising about a sharp increase in Covid cases in southeast England. Hancock revealed a day later, on December 14, that a new variant of Covid-19 had been identified in the country.

Five days later London and southeast England entered a so-called tier 4 alert status which imposed increased Covid restrictions over the Christmas period, as Boris Johnson’s Conservative government axed plans to relax rules. On January 6 2021, England entered what was a third national lockdown.

The reported messages also revealed that Hancock and other government figures were concerned thatLondon mayor, Sadiq Khan, may resist plansto impose a strict lockdown on the English capital. The mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, had previously clashed with the government over its plans to introduce strict lockdown rules in the area.

Hancock has responded to the leaks saying thatthere is “absolutely no public interest case” for the “huge breach” of text messages, which he described as a “massive betrayal”. (Oh man this asshole is so wrong, the public interest is multiplying by the minute)

“As we have seen, releasing them in this way gives a partial biased account to suit an anti-lockdown agenda,” Hancock said on Thursday.

The messages were given to the Sunday Telegraph by journalist Isabel Oakeshott, a prominent critic of lockdowns who had been collaborating with Hancock on his memoir. Oakeshott has maintained that the leaks of the text messages are in the public interest.


(Just wait until the public finds out he was responsible for the majority of deaths in the country, because he was such a liar!)

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d2d564 No.22089

File: 2d0ef4f35625a1a⋯.png (231.54 KB,1165x820,233:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451760 (052128ZMAR23) Notable: Ohio law enforcement links Erin Brockovich to potential for 'special interest terrorism' threat in East Palestine

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Ohio law enforcement links Erin Brockovich to potential for 'special interest terrorism' threat in East Palestine

The report assesses the risk posed by Brockovich and activist groups in the wake of the Norfolk Southern train derailment.

Jana Winter·Investigative Correspondent

Thu, March 2, 2023

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d2d564 No.22090

File: 9f0fe6492787aa1⋯.png (843.61 KB,870x582,145:97,Clipboard.png)

File: b646f115081f7b5⋯.png (813.13 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e5a9b2910de57b⋯.png (117.58 KB,383x260,383:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451790 (052137ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Hancock truly said: When do we deploy the new variant

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💢 Matt Hancock truly said: When do we deploy the new variant

🔹 It's legit so far folks. The WhatsApp leak is legit





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d2d564 No.22091

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451807 (052141ZMAR23) Notable: #22624

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Notables - FINAL


>>22077 Rep. Tenney Introduces Bill Preventing Colleges From Continuing To Impose COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

>>22078 The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless' 5/5

>>22080 Florida GOP Declares War On The First Amendment to "Combat Anti-Semitism"

>>22081 Donald Trump Jr. - MAGA Is The Greatest Movement In The History of Our Country!

>>22082 Biden ‘pressed’ Baltic leaders over Russia – WSJ

>>22083 Pedophilia Found In Anime

>>22084 Free Speech Nation | Sunday 5th March

>>22085 Michael Flynn Is Now Selling QAnon Merch

>>22086 NATO and EU states already parties to Ukraine conflict – top Hungarian MP

>>22087 US assesses training Ukrainians to fly F-16s – NBC

>>22088 Ex-minister wanted to ‘frighten’ Brits into Covid compliance – leaked messages

>>22089 Ohio law enforcement links Erin Brockovich to potential for 'special interest terrorism' threat in East Palestine

>>22090 Matt Hancock truly said: When do we deploy the new variant


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d2d564 No.22092

File: 0129ef77e2b10e5⋯.jpeg (84.37 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451862 (052152ZMAR23) Notable: China boosts defense spending

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5 Mar, 2023 14:54

China boosts defense spending

Beijing has announced its biggest defense budget increase since 2019

China’s defense spending will rise by 7.2% to$230 billion this year, according to information contained in Beijing’s national budget, released on Sunday. Premier Li Keqiang also called upon Beijing’s armed forces to “boost combat preparedness” as they expand their military capabilities amid tensions with Taiwan.

The 7.2% increase is the sharpest surge in China’s defense spending since 2019. It follows a 6.8% uptick in 2021 and 6.6% in 2020. In 2019, Asia’s leading military power oversaw a 7.5% increase in its defense budget to 1.19 trillion yuan – around $172 billion. The latest hike is the eighth consecutive single-digit annual increase in Beijing's military budget.

Briefing an annual session of parliament with a report prepared by the Finance Ministry, Li said on Sunday that the hike in spending would allow China’s military to be “well-coordinated in fulfilling major tasks.”

“Our armed forces, with a focus on the goals for thecentenary of the People’s Liberation Army in 2027, should work to carry out military operations, boost combat preparedness and enhance military capabilities,” he said.

The spending increase will be proportionatelyhigher than the country’s overall economic growth of 5%, as China seeks to rebound from sluggish growth throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Beijing’s economy is “staging a ready recovery and demonstrating vast potential and momentum for further growth,” Li added.

China, which has been accused by the US of potentially being open to supplying Russia with military aid – an allegation which it denies – should also “stay committed to an independent foreign policy of peace,” Li said, making no mention of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Li also said the Chinese leadership should promote relations with Taiwan to advance “peaceful reunification,” while also taking “resolute steps to oppose ‘Taiwan independence.’”

Beijing has also recently expressed security concerns about US naval and air missions in the disputed South China Sea region. The defense budget announced by Beijing is around one quarter of Washington’s proposed spending, and around 4.5 times greater than Japan’s budget.

China, which has the world’s largest number of military personnel, says its spending is defensive in nature. Among the new hardware being invested in by the Chinese military will be aircraft carriers and stealth fighters.


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d2d564 No.22093

File: c06e20e4237ab91⋯.jpeg (80.05 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451889 (052159ZMAR23) Notable: Iran makes pledge to UN nuclear watchdog

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5 Mar, 2023

Iran makes pledge to UN nuclear watchdog

IAEA chief Rafael Grossi says Tehran has agreed to reverse a “reduction” in monitoring activities, giving experts more access

Iran has assured the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that it will restore the UN watchdog’s access to some of the monitoring tools at its nuclear facilities, the IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi has revealed.

“Over the past few months, there was a reduction in some of the monitoring activities” including cameras and other equipment “which were not operating,” but the nuclear watchdog and Iran “have agreed that those will be operating again,” Grossi told journalists in Vienna on Saturday.

Earlier that day, Grossi sat down with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and several other top officials in Tehran.

A statement published in the wake of those meetings stressed both parties’ commitment to cooperating and resolving “outstanding safeguards issues.”

Moreover, Iran pledged to grant the nuclear watchdog “further information and access” to three of its nuclear facilities. Grossi told reporters upon his return from Tehran that Iran would allow a 50% increase in inspections at its Fordo nuclear site.

Tehran has also agreed “on a voluntary basis” to allow the “IAEAto implement further appropriate verification and monitoring activities,” the joint statement reads.

Commenting on these pledges, Grossi emphasized that “these are not words. This isvery concrete,” according to the Associated Press news agency.

The IAEA boss noted a “marked improvement” in the level of the watchdog’s interactions with Iran, the report said.

“I hope we will be seeing results soon,” the official said, as reported by AP.

Grossi’s visit to the Islamic Republic came shortly after the IAEA distributed a confidential quarterly report on Iran’s nuclear activities to the organization’s member states. According to multiple media outlets, which claim to have seen the document, the UN watchdog had found uranium particles enriched up to 83.7% at Iran’s underground Fordo nuclear site. This level reportedly falls slightly short of that needed to produce nuclear weapons.

Commenting on media reports, Behrouz Kamalvandi, a spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) dismissed them as “slander and a distortion of the facts.” The official insisted at the time that the “presence of uranium particles above 60% during the enrichment process does not mean enrichment above 60% level.”

Iran agreed to impose restrictions on its nuclear industry, including enrichment activities, under a 2015 deal with world powers. The agreement was torpedoed by then-US President Donald Trump, who pulled out in 2018 to pursue a so-called “maximum pressure” campaign of sanctions. Iran eventually started reneging on its commitments, and announced it was enriching uranium to 60% purity at its Natanz facility in 2021 and at the Fordo site in 2022.

The nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, was touted as a way to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, an ambition that Tehran denies having.


Why is this guy bowing while shaking his hand?

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d2d564 No.22094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451890 (052159ZMAR23) Notable: dig on Jonathan Coad lawyer sent to gbnews to shut down debate about matt hancock.

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repost below including last bread collect dig on Jonathan Coad lawyer sent to gbnews to shut down debate about matt hancock.

Anon noticed he threatened the presenter about his contract guidelines by ofcom.

The reason why mark steyn left gbnews.

We got them on the ropes anons, everything the do goes from bad to worse, keep it up



All last bread posts.

>>22084, >>>/qresearch/18451529, >>>/qresearch/18451548, >>>/qresearch/18451570, >>>/qresearch/18451634, >>>/qresearch/18451820 THIS CLIP OF A LAWYER JONATHAN COAD SENT TO GBNEWS TO SHUT DOWN DEBATE ABOUT MATT HANCOCK IS GOLD - A MUST WATCH AND SHARE

Note: Matt Hancock is a train wreck, everything he touches turns to shit, a gift that keep on giving, fucking excellent, especially after all his ranting and staring down the cam he he apologies and is laughed at by the audience . !!!


'I take that back' | Lawyer APOLOGISES to Steve N Allen after argument over Matt Hancock


Lawyer Jonathan Coad offers his ‘abject apologies’ to Steve N Allen after a fiery discussion, where he addressed being asked to act for Matt Hancock.

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d2d564 No.22095

File: 7ed26c22f8fded5⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d3fa29820e9674d⋯.mp4 (3.94 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451913 (052204ZMAR23) Notable: Gen. Flynn talks of China with Tucker

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d2d564 No.22096

File: 433f88a132edf15⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 25dd29f7d5ddf84⋯.mp4 (5.31 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451916 (052205ZMAR23) Notable: Gen. Flynn talks of China with Tucker

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d2d564 No.22097

File: 7e4315468b8fdf4⋯.mp4 (6.05 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: cad27e7ba4da955⋯.mp4 (9.55 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451929 (052207ZMAR23) Notable: Gen. Flynn talks of China with Tucker

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d2d564 No.22098

File: bd744af4cf9aa58⋯.png (168.46 KB,426x622,213:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451941 (052211ZMAR23) Notable: The biggest Farmers protest in The Netherlands!

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Trailer ( Subtitled in English)



MARCH 11Th 2023


The biggest Farmers protest

in The Netherlands!! 🇳🇱🇳🇱


Your country may be next!

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d2d564 No.22099

File: c3f0a09560993d5⋯.jpeg (543.15 KB,1284x2029,1284:2029,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451947 (052212ZMAR23) Notable: 17th Special Operations Group: We The People, Our Local Government

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17th Special Operations Group: We The People, Our Local Government

Part 3: Operation Don’t Tread On Me, The Forms of Local Government


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d2d564 No.22100

File: 82a15b8a646ce83⋯.jpeg (174.07 KB,1126x661,1126:661,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451962 (052215ZMAR23) Notable: Joe Manchin Wants Energy Permitting Reform He Was Promised in Order to Support Debt Ceiling and Budget

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Sunday Talks, Joe Manchin Wants Energy Permitting Reform He Was Promised in Order to Support Debt Ceiling and Budget

March 5, 2023 | Sundance | 29 Comments

On July 31, 2022, According to Manchin a deal between himself, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden included his support for the green energy spending bill, in exchange for two new items in future legislation: 1) Streamlined energy permitting/regulation; and 2) Increased development of Oil, Coal, Gas. After getting his vote, Biden, Pelosi and Schumer reneged on the deal.

Today Senator Manchin inferred he wants that promise fulfilled in order to gain his support for a debt ceiling increase and a budget package. [Transcript Below] Manchin also hedged on his own political aspirations for 2024, saying he will make a decision at the end of this year. WATCH:

Back in 2015, in Mount Carbon in West Virginia, we had a derailment, 27 cars, tanker cars carrying Bakken oil. It went off the tracks and derailed and exploded and caused a tremendous problem there. And it was very, very dangerous. It could have been a little — a lot worse, if it had been a little farther down the tracks, could have torn up a whole town.

But with that we were recommended that the electronic pneumatic brakes should be something — should be considered that might prevent this, routine maintenance checks and auditing and things of this sort. I don’t think any of that has been done.

And it’s time for us to get serious about this. We’re moving many, many products, many more products on the rails and on our roads than we ever did before. And we have a lot of people who don’t want any pipelines. Pipelines would help alleviate a lot of this problem with the oil that we need in our country and we will be using for quite some time to do it safer.

But out of sight, out of mind. They are thinking, if you don’t have a pipeline, you won’t be using the product. Well, that’s far from the truth. And this is the results of people just not making good decisions. And it’s what’s broken in — in — in West Virginia. And — and…


SENATOR JOE MANCHIN: … broken across the country as far as in Washington, the politics.


SENATOR JOE MANCHIN: It’s broken. It needs to be fixed.

MARGARET BRENNAN: I want — I want to come back to energy in a moment.

You’re saying it’s broken. You gave a pretty fiery speech a few days ago in the Senate. You’re at odds with the White House and with many in your own party because you are saying that Democrats need to talk about out-of- control spending and are refusing to negotiate.

You did ding Republicans for not offering specific cuts. If you are the dealmaker — you seem to be positioning yourself there — where is it that you see room for negotiation?

SENATOR JOE MANCHIN: Well, Margaret, first of all, I encourage Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

I was hoping that he would, first of all, take things off the table that doesn’t cause a conflict, but most — most importantly, sit down with the president. And reached out to the White House. They did sit down, had a meeting. I’m encouraging much more of that.

But what we can do is, can’t we get together and just talk about how do we have this much debt accumulated this — in this short of a period of time? Within 10 years, Margaret, we have accumulated the greatest amount of debt in the history of our country in the shortest period of time. Can’t we at least find out what we did and how we expanded?…

It’s obviously a liar or Idiot, he believed them or he didn’t really care as long as he could blame them.BTW, this is the guy that said to the WEF, we’ve got a problem in the US with the free press


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d2d564 No.22101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451971 (052217ZMAR23) Notable: Neil Oliver Takes on the Media

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Neil Oliver Takes on the Media

March 5, 2023 | Sundance |

U.K. pundit Neil Oliver has been taking some flack for opposing the dictatorial narratives in Great Britain. In his monologue this week Mr. Oliver notes the media’s refusal to retract their prior false positions around COVID-19, the “vaccinations” and so much more. Worse still, many of these same media outlets are continuing to promote the lies.

[Transcript] – I’m telling you now – if you’re still getting your latest news from the traditional Mainstream media, then it’s not news. It’s not investigation in search of the truth.



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d2d564 No.22102

File: d991376d0000260⋯.mp4 (331.4 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18451997 (052225ZMAR23) Notable: VIDEO: Human Smugglers Abandon Two Small Children near Border in Texas

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VIDEO: Human Smugglers Abandon Two Small Children near Border in Texas

A video tweeted by a Texas Department of Public Safety official shows a Border Patrol agent processing two small children found abandoned by human smugglers near the Mexican border.

Texas DPS spokesman Lt. Chris Olivarez tweeted a video showing a Border Patrol agent with two small children. Human smugglers reportedly abandoned the four-year-old girl and 11-year-old boy in an orange orchard.

DPS troopers assigned to Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star assisted Border Patrol in finding the two missing children. The abandoned children were eventually reunited with their mother, Olivarez tweeted.

The clear where the mother was when the children were when the smugglers abandoned the children in the orchard.

Breitbart Texas reached out to Texas DPS officials for additional information about the circumstances surrounding this rescue.

The abandonment of migrant children along the border by human smugglers is not an uncommon occurrence.

In September 2022, Border Patrol agents in this same area found two children, ages six and two, abandoned by their families along the Texas border with Mexico. The children were in a group of 18 migrants, Breitbart Texas reported.

The two brothers wore white t-shirts with the contact information for their families written on their backs.

Many of the more than 70,000 unaccompanied children encountered by Border Patrol are very young and unable to provide their names or the phone numbers of family members, Border Patrol officials previously stated. “To locate an NUC’s next of kin, agents must rely on information written on articles of clothing or handwritten notes found among their property.”


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d2d564 No.22103

File: 836cb141094ece7⋯.png (22.44 KB,535x265,107:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 2507eedecf77bc0⋯.png (139.71 KB,450x514,225:257,Clipboard.png)

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File: e5a6a101c52be44⋯.png (19.73 KB,450x172,225:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452001 (052226ZMAR23) Notable: DJT Truth Social

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1) 13:58 = 17

Donald J. Trump


“Alex Murdaugh’s Political Contributions Include Maximum Donations to Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton” breitbart.com/politics/2023/03

Murdaugh’s Political Contributions Include Max Donations to Biden, Clinton

Murdaugh and his family has made hundreds of thousands of dollars of contributions over the years, including to Hillary Clinton and Biden.


Mar 05, 2023, 1:58 PM


2) 2:15 = 17

Donald J. Trump


Three years ago, I declared that COVID-19 almost certainly came from the Chinese Wuhan lab. Now, the world is finally admitting the truth. The cover-up of COVID-19's origins is one of the greatest scandals in the history of the world. Millions of people all over the planet have died from the China Virus. Now it's time to hold China—and the corrupt forces who have facilitated this colossal suppression of facts—accountable for the damage they have inflicted upon all of humanity.

Donald J. Trump


“PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP: The world has finally woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus. Now it's time to hold China to account” dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1

DONALD J TRUMP: The world has finally woken to the truth

DONALD TRUMP: Three years ago, I declared that COVID-19 almost certainly came from the Chinese Wuhan lab. Now, the world is finally admitting the truth.


Mar 05, 2023, 2:15 PM


3) 14:30 = 17

Donald J. Trump



Mar 05, 2023, 2:30 PM


4) 17:09 = 17

Donald J. Trump


As per a rather unimportant Fake News report in the NYT, I never asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders for an endorsement. I give endorsements, I don’t generally ask for them. With that being said, nobody has done more for her than I have, with the possible exception of her great father, Mike!

Mar 05, 2023, 5:09 PM


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d2d564 No.22104

File: 414740121ee01c6⋯.png (230.41 KB,447x603,149:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452055 (052238ZMAR23) Notable: Mama Bear Is Fighting Back Against The Teachers Union That Targeted Her In Secret Meeting [VIDEO]

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Mama Bear Is Fighting Back Against The Teachers Union That Targeted Her In Secret Meeting [VIDEO]


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d2d564 No.22105

File: cb6f0dda9a5842a⋯.png (274.05 KB,548x483,548:483,Clipboard.png)

File: 6728233c6b7cc2f⋯.mp4 (370.59 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452062 (052240ZMAR23) Notable: Pompeo stated he worked with the deep state for 4 years

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"not the deep state..I worked with it for 4 years"

Mike Pompeo


As conservatives, we must fight for the values that make us exceptional.

That’s how we’ll win.

3:15 PM · Mar 5, 2023


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d2d564 No.22106

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452064 (052240ZMAR23) Notable: US to ban investment in Chinese high tech – WSJ

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US to ban investment in Chinese high tech – WSJ

Lawmakers are reportedly working to restrict financing advanced technologies abroad

ashington plans to prohibit American investment in the high-tech sectors of rival economies, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, citing sources and reports on the proposed regulation from the US Treasury and Commerce Department.

The restrictions will likely target private and venture capital investments in the production of semiconductors, artificial intelligence and quantum computing, and will mostly be aimed against China, sources close to the discussions about the new regulations told the news outlet.

The WSJ notes, however, that the reports do not name specific countries that will be affected by the measures nor the economic sectors seen as posing a risk to US national security. However, the outlet notes that the focus will be on sectors that could increase the military capabilities of US rivals.

The Treasury report, for instance, said the new foreign investment rules will focus on “preventing US capital and expertise from being exploited in ways that threaten our national security while not placing an undue burden on US investors and businesses.”

Washington has reportedly been working on the new regulations for several months, with the Treasury pushing for the restrictions to focus strictly on national security risks, and not create an unfair economic advantage.

The investment regulation will be yet another step in the US efforts to halt China’s technological advancement, which Washington perceives as dangerous. Late last year, for instance, the administration of President Joe Biden imposed export controls to prevent China from obtaining high-end US technology, which Washington claims could be used for military purposes. In response, Beijing appealed to the World Trade Organization with a formal complaint, arguing that US export curbs “undermine the international economic and trade order.”


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d2d564 No.22107

File: e100de53b7756ff⋯.png (147.69 KB,548x563,548:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452075 (052245ZMAR23) Notable: Donald Trump Jr. posts clip of DJT - “I will hold China financially accountable for unleashing the China Virus upon the world…"

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Shouldn't this be "no one else" instead of "no one sales"?

Donald Trump Jr.


Good because god knows no one sales will hold them account for this scourge!!!

“I will hold China financially accountable for unleashing the China Virus upon the world. And I will again withdraw from the WHO which stands for ‘We Hide Outbreaks’.”


Graham Allen

8:53 AM · Mar 5, 2023


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d2d564 No.22108

File: d35f85132989ba4⋯.png (20.64 KB,448x170,224:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452094 (052248ZMAR23) Notable: DJT - CPAC last night was an amazing experience

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Donald J. Trump


CPAC last night was an amazing experience. The place was packed with great American Patriots, and the spirt, love, and enthusiasm was as high as it gets. These are people who do not like hearing that we are a Nation In Decline, they only want to Make America Great Again — And we will do just that!!!

Mar 05, 2023, 5:41 PM


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d2d564 No.22109

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452136 (052300ZMAR23) Notable: China doubles down on Taiwan reunification

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China doubles down on Taiwan reunification

Beijing says it will take resolute steps to oppose the self-governed island’s push for independence

Beijing maintains that Taiwan is part of China’s territory and will continue working towards reunification with the self-governed island through peaceful means, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has said.

“We should promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and advance the process of China’s peaceful reunification,” Li said in a report to some 3,000 delegates of the National People’s Congress, which kicked off in Beijing on Sunday.

The government in Beijing remains committed to the “One China principle,” which states that Taiwan is part of China, he reiterated.

The premier stressed the commitment of the Chinese authorities “to take resolute steps to oppose ‘Taiwan independence’.”

Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council responded to Li’s comments with a short statement, insisting that the island was not subordinate to Beijing, and urging China to “pragmatically handle cross-strait affairs with an attitude of rationality, equality and mutual respect.”

Taiwan has been self-governed since 1949, but never officially declared independence from China. Beijing considers the island to be a part of its territory and strongly opposes its contacts with the US, which backs Taipei’s push for sovereignty and sells state-of-the-art weapons to the government of President Tsai Ing-wen. Washington has also promised to defend Taiwan if China resorts to using force against it.

Tensions around Taiwan have remained high since August, when then US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taipei despite warnings from the Chinese authorities. Beijing responded to what it called a “serious provocation” by launching the largest ever military drills in the Taiwan Strait and slapping trade restrictions on the island.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping said last year that Beijing would “continue to strive for peaceful reunification with Taiwan,” but added that it “will never promise to renounce the use of force, and we reserve the option of taking all measures necessary.”


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d2d564 No.22110

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452156 (052306ZMAR23) Notable: Canada: Opposition Parties Demand Inquiry Into Pro-Trudeau Chinese Election Interference

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Canada: Opposition Parties Demand Inquiry Into Pro-Trudeau Chinese Election Interference

Opposition parties in Canada have demanded an inquiry into Chinese influence in Canadian elections after allegations the Communist Party may have helped Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberals.

A motion was introduced by far-left New Democrat (NDP) MP Peter Julian on Wednesday in the House of Commons Procedure and House Affairs committee calling on the Trudeau government to launch an inquiry into allegations that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) interfered in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections.

The motion comes after NDP leader Jagmeet Singh called for an inquiry into the matter, saying: “The way to stop alleged secret Chinese interference is to refuse to keep their secrets for them. A fully independent and non-partisan public inquiry is the way to shine a light into the shadows,” the National Post reports.

Pierre Poilievre, the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC), also gave his support for an inquiry, saying: “All parties in the parliament must agree on who the commissioner is; we cannot have yet another Liberal crony named to head up this inquiry.”

Poilievre also slammed Trudeau’s interactions with the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service (CSIS), whose members allegedly warned Trudeau over Chinese interference, particularly relating to the 2019 campaign of Liberal MP Han Dong.

“I want to make everyone understand fully that Han Dong is an outstanding member of our team and suggestions that he is somehow not loyal to Canada should not be entertained,” Trudeau said this week.

Canadian media reports claim that CSIS warned Trudeau that Dong was one of the eleven Toronto-area candidates supported by the CCP during the 2019 election and that Dong was a willing participant in the Communist Party’s election interference network.

Another CSIS allegation revolves around a large sum of cash donated to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, with a CCP diplomat allegedly instructing billionaire Zhang Bin to donate as much as a million dollars to the foundation, stating the CCP would reimburse him for the entire amount.

Zhang, along with Chinese businessman Niu Gensheng, donated a million dollars in 2016, $200,000 of which went to the Trudeau Foundation.

This week, the Trudeau Foundation announced it would be refunding the entire amount donated by the Chinese businessmen. Pascale Fournier, the president and CEO of the Trudeau Foundation, stated they could not “keep any donation that may have been sponsored by a foreign government and would not knowingly do so.”

The Chinese Embassy in Canada, meanwhile, has denied all the allegations of interference and called them “baseless and defamatory.”

“China has always been firmly against any attempts to interfere in other countries’ domestic affairs,” the embassy said. “We are not interested in meddling with Canada’s internal affairs, nor have we ever tried to do so.”

The allegations that the CCP tried to help Trudeau’s Liberals follow the Liberal leader expressing his admiration for the Communist Party regime in 2013, prior to being elected Prime Minister, saying: “There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China.”

“Because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and saying ‘We need to go greenest fastest, we need to start, you know, investing in solar,'” he said.


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d2d564 No.22111

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452196 (052313ZMAR23) Notable: UK's supply of piped gas to EU is halted

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UK's supply of piped gas to EU is halted

Shutdown was prompted by an "equipment failure," according to the pipeline operator

Gas exports from Britain to Europe have been suspended over an "equipment failure" at the key pipeline the Interconnector, according to its operator. The pipeline is operated by Interconnector Ltd., which is largely owned by a Belgium-based natural gas transmission company, Fluxys.

In a notice posted online by the operator late on Saturday, the company said the pipeline will remain inactive until March 8 due to "transmission system unavailability" caused by an unspecified "equipment failure." The bidirectional pipeline connects the UK to mainland Europe through Belgium.

The disruption comes amid a cold snap already sweeping the UK with heavy snow and low temperatures. The bad weather has already affected deliveries of natural gas from Britain to mainland Europe amid growing domestic demand, with the incident at the pipeline now making them even more scarce.

The weather event, or "sudden stratospheric warming," might cause extreme cold in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing temperatures well below seasonal norms and risking a prolongation of winter until the very end of March. UK authorities have already issued snow and ice warnings, effective Monday.

The extreme weather threat comes after a mostly mild winter across Europe, which helped both the UK and the EU to largely avoid energy-supply problems stemming from the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the Western sanctions against Moscow, which have disrupted the steady supply of Russian gas to the continent. The bad weather might affect not only the UK but the mainland as well, with heavy snow and abnormally low temperatures forecast in Germany and Poland, and into southeastern and northeastern Europe.


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d2d564 No.22112

File: 6fb1e7bb6e0b20b⋯.png (222.85 KB,885x598,885:598,Clipboard.png)

File: 076fe360dc1dfe7⋯.png (80.94 KB,884x326,442:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452230 (052321ZMAR23) Notable: Meta is subverting the Bolivian government while enabling the far right

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Meta is subverting the Bolivian government while enabling the far right

Supporters of the ruling party are finding themselves deplatformed as the social media giant defends the opposition

Meta, the company that owns Facebook, has blocked a slew of accounts and groups as part of its “Adversarial Threat” program.

The social media giant said it “took down three CIB (coordinated inauthentic behavior) networks – in Serbia, Cuba and Bolivia – targeting people in their own countries across many services across the internet and linked to governments or ruling parties in each state.”

But people in Bolivia took issue with this over freedom of speech concerns. According to a local media report from Kawsuchen News, “1,041 Facebook accounts, 450 Pages, 14 Groups and 130 Instagram accounts were deleted in December 2022. All the banned accounts belonged to supporters of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS-IPSP), the party of government. Those who were banned have not been able to return. The excuse given is to accuse us of ‘coordinated inauthentic behavior.’”

As the report’s author, Oscar Alfaro, pointed out, “the accusation of ‘coordinated inauthentic behavior’ is a concept based on convenience-oriented algorithms. However, such algorithms cannot discern simple social and group behavior. In the case of Bolivia, activists have utilized social media as a platform to provide an alternative to the national media which is dominated by right-wing groups.”

Many critics have called Anez’s regime fascist, and it’s not hyperbole. Literal Nazis from Germany found a nest in Bolivia after World War II and planted their seeds in the country, particularly in its eastern portion. That is now the primary home base of today’s political opposition, which has committed a litany of human rights abuses.

For instance, the Sacaba massacre, which left 11 people dead and an estimated 98 wounded after police and soldiers fired on protesters who were decrying the undemocratic ouster of former president Evo Morales and the installation of Anez. There was also the Senkata massacre by Anez’s forces, which also left another 11 dead and an estimated 80 wounded.

That same month, family members carried the coffins of those killed in the attacks through the city of La Paz, and Anez ordered a crackdown on the march. Armed militias also burned the Wiphala, a symbol commonly used as a flag representing the indigenous people of the Andes region, in public plazas during the political turmoil. Anez instituted this violence with “Decree 4078,” which was essentially a license to kill protesters that was so blatant it was even denounced by the Western human rights organization, Amnesty International. With this decree, her regime absolved the country’s armed forces of any liability.

That’s not even to mention the violent events that took place before she took power in the first place. After the forced resignation of Victor Borda, a MAS representative, from the post of president of the lower house of Bolivia’s legislature, protesters tortured his brother and burned his family home down.

I spoke to Oscar Alfaro as a follow-up about Meta’s disturbing decision to defend “members of the opposition,” who are still committing acts of violence and insurrection. He told me that “the accusation of so-called inauthentic behavior makes no sense in a social network that promotes groups. The terms of service don’t forbid having friends with the same political views and use the platform to spread factual information and debunk false news.” (Facebook is notorious for allowing fake news to spread in foreign languages other than English due to a lack of qualified staff and a broken AI system).


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d2d564 No.22113

File: 7177ac47829bd41⋯.png (26.5 KB,448x215,448:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452232 (052321ZMAR23) Notable: DJT - The Racist District Attorney in Atlanta, Fani T. Willis, one of the most dangerous and corrupt cities in the U.S…

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Donald J. Trump


The Racist District Attorney in Atlanta, Fani T. Willis, one of the most dangerous and corrupt cities in the U.S., is now calling the Georgia Legislature, of course, RACIST, because they want to make it easier to remove and replace local rogue prosecutors who are incompetent, racist, or unable to properly do their job. This is a great development for Georgia, but also other parts of the Country. Congratulations to the Georgia Legislature for having the courage to act boldly, fairly, and fast!

Mar 05, 2023, 6:03 PM


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d2d564 No.22114

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452342 (052345ZMAR23) Notable: two Ukraine PILOTS IN US FOR TRAINING ON SIMULATOR.

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8 more in the pipeline to come.


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d2d564 No.22115

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452360 (052349ZMAR23) Notable: US ally resumes imports of Russian oil – data

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US ally resumes imports of Russian oil – data

Japan had stopped importing crude from Russia in May of last year

Japan has resumed imports of Russian oil after an eight-month hiatus in deliveries, S&P Global Platts reported this week, citing the country’s ministry of economics, trade and industry.

According to preliminary data on crude imports released by the ministry on February 28, Japan received 747,706 barrels of crude in January from the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project in Russia’s Far East. The deliveries were taken by Japan’s Taiyo Oil, whose spokesperson said the cargo was part of the remaining crude volume under its 2022 contract.

The January delivery was the first since the just over 650,000 barrels of Russian crude that Japan imported last May. Late last year, Japan joined the price cap on Russian oil imports as part of a coordinated effort to lower Russia’s oil revenues pitched by Japan’s long-time ally, the US, and supported by the G7, EU, and Australia. However, Tokyo exempted oil imports from the Sakhalin-2 project from the cap, stating that such a move would endanger the country’s energy security.

Apart from oil, Sakhalin 2 supplies Japan with liquefied natural gas (LNG), which accounts for roughly 9% of Japan’s total LNG imports and 3% of its power supply. Last month, the president of Japan’s Petroleum Association, Shunichi Kito, said the country may resume oil imports from the project if it is deemed necessary to ensure uninterrupted LNG supply. According to the economy ministry, the Sakhalin-2 project may have to stop both the production and liquefaction of gas if the oil reservoirs at the site overfill, which could happen if a suspension of shipments leads to crude not being taken out.

However, the reason behind the cap waiver for Sakhalin-2 oil may not be attributable to purely technical concerns. Following the introduction of the price cap, Russian officials have repeatedly warned that countries that adopt the measure may find themselves cut off from Russian oil altogether.


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d2d564 No.22116

File: 621782bcf43eddd⋯.webp (62.28 KB,1444x990,722:495,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452361 (052349ZMAR23) Notable: Dr. Malone — DARPA whistleblower exposes Fauci

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Lots of great info here…

Dr. Malone — DARPA whistleblower exposes Fauci

Over a year ago, Project Veritas broke an enormous story that never quite made it to the state-sponsored “main stream” media. The story and supporting documents can be found on their website: “Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath”

At the core of these documents is a report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow.

The documents were highly watermarked PDFs, which were very difficult to read.

As time went on, this incredibly powerful report and documents never received the attention they deserve. Until now.

With the FBI and the DOE admitting that a lab-leak caused SARS-CoV-WIV, I believe that it is time to pull this report and the documents out of the dust-bin of time, the collective memory hole, and to re-distribute and re-assess their relevance.

I have chosen to turn the PDF back into text and then re-publish that actual text word for word below. If there is doubt about the text, please refer back to the original PDF for clarification.

I believe that the report below is a gold mine of information. Project Veritas did some incredible work in bringing these documents to light, and I wish to thank them for their generosity in allowing me to publish the documents in such a way that they can be easily read.


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d2d564 No.22117

File: 8810f3de2e772fc⋯.jpeg (941.66 KB,1284x2180,321:545,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452388 (052353ZMAR23) Notable: ChatGPT broke the EU plan to regulate AI – POLITICO

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ChatGPT broke the EU plan to regulate AI – POLITICO


==Tools were created by/for Man,

Not Man created for by/for a Tool.==

Recently, I saw a Linktin post by a junior professor virtue signaling by boasting of having his recent paper accepted for publication discussing the benefits of ChatGPT to his particular field.

One commenter asked why/how did he manage to justify including ChatGPT as a “coauthor” when authors have to sign over their copyrights and make certain assurances unique only to a human “being.”

I couldn’t agree more. The absurdity exhibited by academics about ChatGPT should be louder mocked for what it is : idol worship

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d2d564 No.22118

File: 18cac435db2b4b0⋯.png (670.82 KB,583x593,583:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452400 (052355ZMAR23) Notable: French Senator Faces Trial for Tweet Saying ‘Immigration Kills’

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Populist French Senator Stéphane Ravier faces a criminal trial after publishing a tweet in January of last year in which he stated that “immigration kills the youth of France.”

Ravier, a former member of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) who joined political pundit and writer Eric Zemmour’s Reconquest party last year, faces trial on March 9th in the criminal court of Marseilles on charges of incitement to discrimination, hatred, or violence.

The case revolves around a tweet published by Ravier on January 11th of 2022, in which he reacted to the murder of a teen in Paris by a 62-year-old man from the African nation of Senegal saying: “Theo, 18 years old, murdered yesterday by a Senegalese [migrant]… Immigration kills the youth of France,” La Provence reports.

A complaint over the tweet was made by the “anti-hate” group the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (Licra) and the League for Human Rights (LDH) against Ravier over allegations of spreading hatred toward migrants.

Alain Lothe, a civil party in the case, also alleged that by publishing his tweet “the elected official is not content to react to a news event but wants to highlight the nationality of its author and to involve all people from immigrant backgrounds.”

Last year, Ravier had been convicted for another comment made against a female socialist senator that was deemed to be sexist in nature and was handed a fine of 1,500 euros.

Like Ravier, Reconquest party leader Eric Zemmour has also been convicted by several courts after allegations of hate speech.

Prior to his presidential run last year, Zemmour had been convicted of hate speech offences several times. He is well-known for his fiery rhetoric on topics such as illegal immigration and radical Islam.

In November of 2021, Zemmour was on trial for hate speech after he claimed that underage illegal migrants were thieves, rapists, and murderers.


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d2d564 No.22119

File: 07493b87867b7e3⋯.mp4 (875.7 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452418 (060000ZMAR23) Notable: Massive police response after protesters clash with police Atlanta’s Future Public Safety Training Facility

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🚨#BREAKING: Massive police response after protesters clash with police Atlanta’s Future Public Safety Training Facility

📌#Atlanta | #Georgia

Currently, A massive police response is underway at Atlanta’s Future Public Safety Training Facility in Grant Park where hundreds of Activists and protesters are currently clashing with police to stop Cop city with reports of protesters throwing Molotov cocktails and lighting a police surveillance tower on fire


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d2d564 No.22120

File: 6ee67187ecb4b36⋯.png (307.33 KB,584x586,292:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452421 (060000ZMAR23) Notable: AG pushes state level 'Ministry of Truth' critics say could jail conservatives who express mainstream views

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A state attorney general is advocating for a bill some critics argue could punish outspoken conservatives as domestic extremists, KTTH's Jason Rantz reported Wednesday.

"Some conservative views, or anything [Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson] deems as 'misinformation,' are examples of 'domestic extremism,'" Rantz said.

It's the "most dangerous bill in legislative history," the Seattle radio host added.

Washington is creating a state version of the ill-fated "Ministry of Truth," according to Rantz and others who have analyzed the bill.

The controversial bill proposes the establishment of a commission on domestic violence extremism. Rep. Bill Ramos, a Democrat, sponsored the bill which would create the 13-member commission.

HB 1333 describes the duties of the proposed commission as involving efforts to "combat disinformation and misinformation" and collecting data on incidents of "domestic violent extremism," the Center Square explains.

Though DVE is not explicitly defined in the bill, Ferguson has described the term as including noncriminal activities or speech, the outlet also says.

The legislation was spawned by the Attorney General's 2022 "Domestic Terrorism" study, according to Center Square. That study warned that "effective State intervention to address these threats has the potential to implicate speech or association that may be protected by the First Amendment, or the individual right to bear arms protected by the Second Amendment."

Further, the commission, though charged with examining ways to treat DVE as a public health issue through the state's Department of Health, would have only one member required to be an expert in public health.

The basic idea is to "take preemptive measures to stop actual domestic terrorist acts through community intervention."

Such "community intervention" could include, for example, compelling people identified as "extremists" to undergo counseling, according to Rantz's interpretation of comments Ferguson made in an interview with PBS in January.

When PBS host Laura Barrón-López asked Ferguson what the public health approach would look like in practice, Ferguson responded, in part:

Let's engage in prevention, of getting folks — avoiding them being radicalized in the first place. If somebody is radicalized, and wants removal, move away from that, how can we help them with counseling, for example, to get them away from that ideology?

So, looking at from a more holistic standpoint, we think, addresses prevention, addresses helping folks who've been radicalized and take a more holistic view of this to address what is a huge challenge, not just in Washington state, but all across the country.

"They say this is about violence, but it's not about violence. It's actually about speech," Rantz told host Todd Pirro on Fox News Channel's "Fox and Friends First" Friday.

"We already have laws on the books that very clearly address violence. What they're trying to do with this commission is create what they're calling a 'public health approach' to some of these ideologies."

Rantz went on to explain that opposing critical race theory, mask mandates, and radical gender ideology could all be seen by the commission as tied to "white supremacy."


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d2d564 No.22121

File: 42c5fb7f0c0c8e3⋯.jpg (137.27 KB,720x989,720:989,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 12e440fed0d24b6⋯.jpg (149.83 KB,720x993,240:331,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 56052b78b64c05d⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: f913ac4134723b7⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452434 (060002ZMAR23) Notable: Massive police response after protesters clash with police Atlanta’s Future Public Safety Training Facility

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🚨#BREAKING: Massive police response after protesters clash with police Atlanta’s Future Public Safety Training Facility

📌#Atlanta | #Georgia

Currently, A massive police response is underway at Atlanta’s Future Public Safety Training Facility in Grant Park where hundreds of Activists and protesters are currently clashing with police to stop Cop city with reports of protesters throwing Molotov cocktails and lighting

A police surveillance tower on fire

Riots are currently breaking out at the site of the future police & fire training facility. With Molotov cocktails thrown by protesters as construction equipment on fire.


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d2d564 No.22122

File: 4310ce37cff8fab⋯.mp4 (12.86 MB,1440x1080,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 4e3e2eef6deec58⋯.png (1.17 MB,1280x1254,640:627,Clipboard.png)

File: f43b18255b3aa8c⋯.jpg (12.18 KB,320x180,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452449 (060005ZMAR23) Notable: Ukrainian war crimes: graphic evidence of the use of chemical weapons by the Ukrainian Nazis.

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◾️ Ukrainian war crimes: graphic evidence of the use of chemical weapons by the Ukrainian Nazis.

A Russian soldier is hit with chemical gas by a Ukrainian drone.

Translation: @Irinamar_Z




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d2d564 No.22123

File: c29988e20633d34⋯.webp (493.97 KB,1278x528,213:88,Clipboard.webp)

File: d17e318f02e8c43⋯.webp (71.85 KB,1278x883,1278:883,Clipboard.webp)

File: b266827f621174f⋯.webp (124.75 KB,1278x883,1278:883,Clipboard.webp)

File: c192ff020dd53f8⋯.webp (93.4 KB,1278x883,1278:883,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452461 (060007ZMAR23) Notable: UK GOV. confirms Unvaccinated had lowest Mortality Rate per 100k in 2022

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UK GOV. confirms Unvaccinated had lowest Mortality Rate per 100k in 2022

The UK government has just published a report that confirms Covid-19 vaccination is deadly, with figures showing mortality rates per 100,000 were lowest among the unvaccinated throughout the whole of 2022.

The report also reveals that the triple+ vaccinated accounted for 92% of COVID deaths.

The Government’s report on vaccination raises serious questions about the efficacy and safety of the Covid-19 vaccines, and it proves that being vaccinated does not provide the protection that was promised. It instead does the opposite.

On the 21st of February 2023, a UK Government agency, known as the Office for National Statistics (ONS), published data on deaths by vaccination status in England up to 31st December 2022.

The overdue dataset from the ONS is titled ‘Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 April 2021 to 31 December 2022‘, and it can be accessed on the ONS site here, and downloaded here.

Table 1 of the latest dataset contains figures on the mortality rates by vaccination status for all-cause deaths not involving Covid-19 and we have extracted the data and produced the following two charts –

As you can see from the above, the mortality rate per 100,00 among the unvaccinated remained at pretty much the same level throughout the entirety of 2022, with no major increases, or dips.

But what’s concerning is the fact that the unvaccinated mortality rate was lower than the one dose vaccinated and two dose vaccinated for the entire year. And the 3+ dose vaccinated for 8 months of the year.

However, if it were not for the fact the 3 dose + data includes those who have also had a fourth, or even fifth dose, we fully believe that the mortality rate would still be higher than the unvaccinated mortality rate for the entire year.

As you can see from the following chart, the fall is far too dramatic –


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d2d564 No.22124

File: a8c2e767c131e6b⋯.png (374.7 KB,594x574,297:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452473 (060008ZMAR23) Notable: Oklahoma attorney arrested after trying to pay for sex with 5-year-old girl

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Fox News


Oklahoma attorney arrested after trying to pay for sex with 5-year-old girl: Police


Oklahoma attorney arrested after trying to pay for sex with 5-year-old girl: Police

An Oklahoma attorney is in jail after police busted him in sting operation attempting to pay $400 in order to have sex with a fictitious five-year-old girl.

7:06 AM · Mar 5, 2023




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d2d564 No.22125

File: 8d02724dcbe81fa⋯.webp (112.29 KB,1278x884,639:442,Clipboard.webp)

File: 2275f241947e7df⋯.webp (50.6 KB,1278x99,142:11,Clipboard.webp)

File: 8040e79dcd8c856⋯.webp (156.29 KB,1200x283,1200:283,Clipboard.webp)

File: ed54b21fd52bf00⋯.webp (37.22 KB,1200x830,120:83,Clipboard.webp)

File: 93bbfda341718ee⋯.webp (40.72 KB,1200x830,120:83,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452515 (060015ZMAR23) Notable: UK GOV. confirms Unvaccinated had lowest Mortality Rate per 100k in 2022

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>>22123 add

And it coincides with the rollout of the Autumn 2022 Booster campaign as confirmed in a press release published by the JCVI –

This means the data for mortality rates on those who had 3 doses after Spring 2022 is unreliable because it includes a small portion of people who had a fourth dose in Spring and an even smaller portion of people who had a fifth dose in the Autumn.

The only reason the data has been published this way is that it helps the Government to present the illusion that mortality rates per 100,000 are now in line/lower than mortality rates among the unvaccinated.

But as you can see from the following chart, which includes stable and reliable data, the opposite is true.

Covid-19 vaccination increases a person’s risk of death. The largest increase recorded so far was in March 2022, which equated to 276%.

This is, therefore, proof that Covid-19 vaccination has been killing people.

And it may explain why the same dataset reveals the fully vaccinated population accounted for 92% of all Covid-19 deaths throughout the year 2022.

And despite a fifth dose of the Covid-19 injection being offered to the public before the end of the year, it’s those who had the most doses that account for the majority of deaths among the vaccinated.

In all, there were 28,041 Covid-19 deaths in England between 1st January 2022 and 31st December 2022, and shockingly, 25,758 of those deaths were among the fully vaccinated population, while just 2,273 deaths were among the unvaccinated population.

These aren’t the kind of figures you would expect to see if the Covid-19 injections really are up to 95% effective at preventing death, are they?

With news like this being swept under the rug by the mainstream media, it makes you wonder what else we are not being told…


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d2d564 No.22126

File: 1a19632f444ae3f⋯.png (66.72 KB,866x273,866:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 101f3f1538ffbc5⋯.png (906 KB,1188x822,198:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 82a05ac3bf377e1⋯.png (976.09 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: e56097ca9636ee8⋯.png (33.13 KB,662x380,331:190,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452518 (060015ZMAR23) Notable: DJT - The Racist District Attorney in Atlanta, Fani T. Willis, one of the most dangerous and corrupt cities in the U.S…

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Donald J. Trump



The Racist District Attorney in Atlanta, Fani T. Willis, one of the most dangerous and corrupt cities in the U.S., is now calling the Georgia Legislature, of course, RACIST, because they want to make it easier to remove and replace local rogue prosecutors who are incompetent, racist, or unable to properly do their job. This is a great development for Georgia, but also other parts of the Country. Congratulations to the Georgia Legislature for having the courage to act boldly, fairly, and fast!

Mar 05, 2023, 6:03 PM


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d2d564 No.22127

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452586 (060025ZMAR23) Notable: #22625

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Notables - FINAL


>>22092 China boosts defense spending

>>22093 Iran makes pledge to UN nuclear watchdog

>>22094 dig on Jonathan Coad lawyer sent to gbnews to shut down debate about matt hancock.

>>22095, >>22096, >>22097 Gen. Flynn talks of China with Tucker

>>22098 The biggest Farmers protest in The Netherlands!

>>22099 17th Special Operations Group: We The People, Our Local Government

>>22100 Joe Manchin Wants Energy Permitting Reform He Was Promised in Order to Support Debt Ceiling and Budget

>>22101 Neil Oliver Takes on the Media

>>22102 VIDEO: Human Smugglers Abandon Two Small Children near Border in Texas

>>22103 DJT Truth Social

>>22104 Mama Bear Is Fighting Back Against The Teachers Union That Targeted Her In Secret Meeting [VIDEO]

>>22105 Pompeo stated he worked with the deep state for 4 years

>>22106 US to ban investment in Chinese high tech – WSJ

>>22107 Donald Trump Jr. posts clip of DJT - “I will hold China financially accountable for unleashing the China Virus upon the world…"

>>22108 DJT - CPAC last night was an amazing experience

>>22109 China doubles down on Taiwan reunification

>>22110 Canada: Opposition Parties Demand Inquiry Into Pro-Trudeau Chinese Election Interference

>>22111 UK's supply of piped gas to EU is halted

>>22112 Meta is subverting the Bolivian government while enabling the far right

>>22113, >>22126 DJT - The Racist District Attorney in Atlanta, Fani T. Willis, one of the most dangerous and corrupt cities in the U.S…


>>22115 US ally resumes imports of Russian oil – data

>>22116 Dr. Malone — DARPA whistleblower exposes Fauci

>>22117 ChatGPT broke the EU plan to regulate AI – POLITICO

>>22118 French Senator Faces Trial for Tweet Saying ‘Immigration Kills’

>>22119, >>22121 Massive police response after protesters clash with police Atlanta’s Future Public Safety Training Facility

>>22120 AG pushes state level 'Ministry of Truth' critics say could jail conservatives who express mainstream views

>>22122 Ukrainian war crimes: graphic evidence of the use of chemical weapons by the Ukrainian Nazis.

>>22123, >>22125 UK GOV. confirms Unvaccinated had lowest Mortality Rate per 100k in 2022

>>22124 Oklahoma attorney arrested after trying to pay for sex with 5-year-old girl


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d2d564 No.22128

File: 1bce3ce5be254b9⋯.jpeg (82.86 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452630 (060035ZMAR23) Notable: Ukraine rolls out system to auto-block ‘malicious’ websites

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5 Mar, 2023 21:21

Ukraine rolls out system to auto-block ‘malicious’ websites

Officially, the system will be used to target scammers, while critics warn that it may result in even tighter online censorship

Ukrainian authorities have rolled out an automatic system to "filter out" malicious websites, used for online scamming and phishing schemes. The system was introduced on January 30 and enforced on Thursday,with all the Internet providers in the country obliged to use it.

The new system is expectedto provide every 15 minutes a listof malicious websites for providers to block, The system is designed to target only scammers, its creator, Ukraine’s National Center for Operating and Management of Telecommunication Networks, insists.

"The system is not intended for filtering domains and restricting access to Internet resources that are used to spread malicious programs, propaganda, disinformation, etc., as well as for Internet resources restricted under sanctions," the body said in a statement introducing the system.

Such an explanation, however, was apparently not sufficient for critics, who raised alarm over the use of the system by the authorities as well as a potential breach of it by Ukraine’s "enemies." Namely,the Ukrainian Internet Association, a civic group founded by MP Alexander Fedienko,reached out to President Vladimir Zelensky over the system, voicing concerns and urging him to halt or drop the initiative altogether.

The association warned the system may end up being used to block any Internet resource the authorities deem undesirable. Apart from that, the critics pointed fingers at a feature of the system that enabled the collection, for unclear reasons, of personal data of users visiting malicious websites.

All in all, the whole system looks like a "Trojan horse," and potential implications for Ukraine’s web, should it get breached by the country’s "enemies," can be effectively fatal, the association warned.

Amid the ongoing conflict with Russia, Kiev has increasingly tightened its grip on the media and political field, outlawing multiple parties and shutting down numerous news outlets. In December, Ukraine adopted its controversial, long-debated, restrictive media law, with the legislation slammed as carrying "systemic problems for democracy" by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).


(Ukraine is afraid their citizens will see the truth on the internet. This country is a perfect example of 1984 fully functional. Freaks! Bet our IC wishes they could do this.)

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d2d564 No.22129

File: 23beddbaf14c2bf⋯.png (622.64 KB,820x676,205:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452632 (060036ZMAR23) Notable: CNN (inadvertently?) resurrects gruesome skeleton from Merrick Garland’s closet

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d2d564 No.22130

File: b4b297233d99749⋯.jpeg (63.94 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452659 (060041ZMAR23) Notable: US suspects cranes of spying for China – media

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5 Mar, 2023 23:56

US suspects cranes of spying for China – media

Beijing has dismissed new charges as “paranoia”

The Pentagon sees the giant Chinese-made cranes operating at US ports, including several shipping hubs used by the military, as a potential “Trojan horse” that China could use to gather intelligence on materiel being moved in and out of the country, the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday.

Fresh from the Chinese “spy balloon” debacle, unnamed “national-security and Pentagon officials” have reportedly turned their attention to yet another alleged espionage tool. While the newspaper did not indicate whether there have been any actual cases of a crane being used for spying, it cited a former US counterintelligence official Bill Evanina expressing concerns that it could provide remote access to disrupt the flow of goods.

“Cranes can be the new Huawei,” Evanina said, referring to Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies, whose products had been banned from the US market over similar spying concerns. “It’s the perfect combination of legitimate business that can also masquerade as clandestine intelligence collection.”

The crane worries come on the heels of the US-China row last month over high-altitude balloons. President Joe Biden’s administration shot down an alleged spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina after it drifted across the country. US officials accused China of using such balloons around the world as a surveillance tool.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry denied that Beijing had any such program and scolded Washington for abusing force and overreacting to a civilian airship that blew off course and inadvertently entered US airspace.

The reported concerns about cranes are a “paranoia-driven” attempt to obstruct trade and economic cooperation with China, a representative of the Chinese Embassy in Washington told the WSJ. “Playing the ‘China card’ and floating the ‘China threat’ theory is irresponsible and will harm the interests of the US itself.”

The cranes in question are made by Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries, known as ZPMC. The company became a major player in the US market by offering high-quality cranes at cheaper prices than Western suppliers charged. ZPMC has worked with Microsoft and other companies to offer automated systems that can analyze data in real time.

Washington’s Defense Intelligence Agency said in a 2021 classified assessment that China could potentially disrupt port traffic or gather data on military equipment being shipped, the WSJ said.

US national security officials have raised concerns in recent years over other Chinese-made equipment, such as baggage-screening systems and electric transformers. A bill passed by Congress in December ordered a study of whether foreign-made cranes in US ports pose security risks.


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d2d564 No.22131

File: 340ea5423dc4025⋯.png (1017.97 KB,982x1534,491:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452684 (060046ZMAR23) Notable: Multiple people injured with one Fatally by Hazardous Materials found inside a vehicle

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🚨#BREAKING: Multiple people injured with one Fatally by Hazardous Materials found inside a vehicle

📌#Manhattan | #NewYork

A deadly incident has occurred in Midtown East Manhattan involving hazardous material that is yet to be identified. One person has died, and four others have been injured, including two NYPD officers and an emergency responder. Hazmat experts and firefighters are onsite to make entry into a potentially dangerous vehicle and have blocked the area off from the public.


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d2d564 No.22132

File: c2804560450a5c8⋯.jpeg (86.39 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452693 (060048ZMAR23) Notable: Cell phone towers across the US Midwest were capable of capturing Pentagon communications, the FBI told CNN

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23 Jul, 2022 20:51

China used Huawei to disrupt US nukes – CNN

Cell phone towers across the US Midwest were capable of capturing Pentagon communications, the FBI told CNN

The US government has stalled in its efforts to remove Huawei telecom equipment that the FBI claims could have spied on and disrupted communications at US military bases, including those housing nuclear missiles, CNN reported on Saturday.

Amid a broad crackdown on Chinese technology under the Trump administration, Congress approved $1.9 billion in funding in 2019 to remove Huawei and ZTE telecom equipment across the US. However, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) told lawmakers last week that stripping American networks of this Chinese gear would cost between $4.7 and $4.98 billion.

Much of this equipment remains in place, and although the administration of President Joe Biden has largely continued the efforts of his predecessor, Donald Trump, to purge the US of Chinese communications technology, a Commerce Department probe into Huawei’s activities is progressing slowly, CNN reported.

Meanwhile, this technology may have posed an acute security risk to the US, Reutersreported on Thursday. FCC commissioner Brendan Carr told the news outlet thatcell phone towers around Montana's Malmstrom Air Force Base– which controls several missile sites in the US – used Huawei technology, as did two other sites in Nebraska and Wyoming.

The FBI believes that this Huawei equipment was capable of collecting and disrupting Pentagon communications, anonymous sources told CNN. US Strategic Command, the command in charge of the US’ nuclear deterrence and global strike forces, may have had its communications disrupted, the sources added.

It is unclear whether any data was actually intercepted by the Huawei towers, much less whether any was sent back to Beijing. The Chinese government has persistently denied using the country’s tech firms to spy on the West, and Huawei told CNN that all of its products imported to the US meet FCC specifications and are unable to access any communications spectrum controlled by the Pentagon.

"For more than 30 years, Huawei has maintained a proven track record in cyber security and we have never been involved in any malicious cyber security incidents," the company said in a statement.

The accusations come at a time of growing competition between the US and China, with Biden publicly discussing potential military conflict between the two superpowers and FBI Director Christopher Wray warning Western business leaders that Beijing is engaged in “pervasive” espionage and data theft.

Yet while the US’ latest National Defense Strategy names “the [China] challenge in the Indo-Pacific” as its greatest military challenge and seeks to rally its allies into formal and informal alliances against Beijing, the alleged threat posed by Huawei precedes both the Trump and Biden administrations.

As early as the Obama administration, the FBI was monitoring the installation of Huawei routers on cell towers throughout the midwestern states. Sometimes selling its wares at a loss to small US telecoms providers, by 2021 Huawei had its equipment installed on around 1,000 towers, covering an area along the borders of Wyoming, Nebraska and Colorado that is home to a dense cluster of nuclear missile silos.

When the FBI investigated this proliferation of equipment, they found that Huawei weather and traffic cameras had also been installed, and an agency report claiming that this data was sent back to China prompted the 2019 bill ordering the removal of the gear.

Amid US accusals and Chinese denials, Beijing has also claimed that American tech companies are collecting information from within China. Tesla vehicles have been banned from numerous locations in China, including the resort town where the Chinese leadership holds its summer retreat, over concerns that their cameras could be used to capture sensitive data.


Shit this is an article was last, andall those nuke bases were flown over by the China balloon a couple of weeks ago.

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d2d564 No.22133

File: 10cf021af62b2a2⋯.png (24.88 KB,656x154,328:77,Clipboard.png)

File: 22ec8938ed93245⋯.png (22.97 KB,652x127,652:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452694 (060048ZMAR23) Notable: Questions tweeted today by Ezra A. Cohen

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Questions tweeted today by Ezra A. Cohen


How many Chinese and Russian sabotage teams are in the United States?

I wish we had an undistracted agency that was truly focused on this threat.


What are the components of our rail system that originate from China? Which remain unprotected from CCP cyber attacks?



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d2d564 No.22134

File: 26fbd17e15c7a24⋯.png (377.08 KB,559x575,559:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452792 (060104ZMAR23) Notable: DJT - “The world has finally woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus. Now it's time to hold China to account.”

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7:55 = 17

Donald Trump Jr.


“The world has finally woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus. Now it's time to hold China to account.”




DONALD J TRUMP: The world has finally woken to the truth

DONALD TRUMP: Three years ago, I declared that COVID-19 almost certainly came from the Chinese Wuhan lab. Now, the world is finally admitting the truth.

7:55 PM · Mar 5, 2023


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d2d564 No.22135

File: 027c3a514bf604b⋯.png (208.65 KB,500x531,500:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452806 (060106ZMAR23) Notable: Fauci 'Prompted' Scientists To Fabricate 'Proximal Origins' Paper Ruling Out Lab-Leak: House GOP

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Fauci 'Prompted' Scientists To Fabricate 'Proximal Origins' Paper Ruling Out Lab-Leak: House GOP

Dr. Anthony Fauci - who offshored banned gain-of-function research to make bat coronaviruses more transmissible to humans - has been accused by Congressional investigators of having 'prompted' the fabrication of a paper by a cadre of scientists aimed at disproving the Covid-19 lab-leak theory.

Three days after the call, four participants from the call (Scripps Research virologist Kristian Andersen, University of Sydney virologist Edward Holmes, Tulane School of Medicine virologist Robert Garry, University of Edinburgh virologist Andrew Rambaut and Columbia University virologist Ian Lipkin) seemingly discarded their concerns over a lab-leak, and drafted "The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2," which they sent to Fauci and Collins.

Also heavily involved (yet not credited) was Dr. Jeremy Farrar, the current Chief Scientist at the World Health Organization.

As a related aside - the Washington Examiner revealed last week that two authors of "Proximal Origin" who initially expressed concerns over a lab-leak and then changed their tune (Anderson and Garry), received millions in NIH grants under Fauci.

Now, according to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Fauci 'prompted' the creation of the paper;

"New evidence released by the Select Subcommittee today suggests that Dr. Fauci “prompted” the drafting of a publication that would “disprove” the lab leak theory, the authors of this paper skewed available evidence to achieve that goal, and Dr. Jeremy Farrar went uncredited despite significant involvement."

So, for those following the bouncing ball…

The US was doing risky gain-of-function research on US soil until 2014, when the Obama administration banned it. Four months before the ban, Dr. Fauci offshored it to Wuhan, China through New York nonprofit, EcoHealth Alliance.

After Sars-CoV-2 broke out down the street from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Fauci engaged in a massive campaign to deny the possibility of a lab-leak from the lab he funded, and instead pin the blame on a yet-to-be discovered zoonotic intermediary species.

And if you'd like to dig even deeper, this is perhaps the best, most comprehensive summary of the "proximal origin" timeline.


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d2d564 No.22136

File: 68b9dbc6cf371d3⋯.png (374.48 KB,1123x489,1123:489,Clipboard.png)

File: b309c3cc0c88828⋯.png (219.53 KB,802x404,401:202,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cc61f27ac9aa36⋯.png (341.78 KB,455x433,455:433,Clipboard.png)

File: dd20a5f3525e387⋯.png (498.24 KB,434x655,434:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452807 (060106ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity: Potato in 09-0016 C-32 is done being black and back to JBA- 09-0118…

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>>22052 pb

PlaneFag CONUS Activity: Potato in 09-0016 C-32 is done being black and back to JBA- 09-0118 C-32A departed from it's stop at Eglin AFB and also on ground while PAT539 C560 left Dothan, AL and went to Davison Airfiled and now heading SW over FL/GA border and probably to MacDill (CENTCOM)

SPAR440 C560 left Montgomery Regional Airport (after arriving from Scott AFB about 1 h prior to Potato's departure back to JBA and has returned to Scott while SPAR410 went to Shrevport, LA-Regional Airprot and is now at Denver Int'l and just leaving at same (DIA) is SPAR24 C-40C after arriving about 3h ago but did not go far..landed at Peterson SFB…passing overhead of that is VV375 US Navy G5 heading to JBA from Hickam AFB, Oahu depart and fianlly SAM392 G5 arrived at JBA earlier today from Scott AFB depart

SPAR=Special Priority Air Resource

SAM362 G5 departing Offut ARB (STRATCOM) after a 2h20m stop with PAT027 C-12V Huron WN from Scott AFB

TEAL25 WC-130j Hercules 'Hurricane Hinter' on departed Lakeland, FL-Linder Int'l and heading west into the Gulf of Meheeco-departed from Biloxi earlier (home base for these)

SHADY12 Beech MC12W Liberty (flying antenna farms little brother) departed Waco, TX Regional Airport after aabout 1h40m on ground and for the 12 Senate Republitards who voted to protect same-sex marriage back in November

Who are 12 U.S. Senate Republicans who voted to protect same-sex marriage?


>>22042 pb


SAM296 C-40B went to Rota NB in Jerez(tthhhh) from it's stop at Rabat and Tel Aviv departure earlier today

SAM327 C-32A departed Shannon, Ireland after a ground stop/refuel ES so probably Gulf for this…this is usually Blinken's current AC (they switch them up occasionally) but see nothing for him as hey just got back from G-20 meeting at New Delhi (that Billy Gates was at too)


See in the news that Sec. of Defense is in Jordan but he is not on a Nightwatch (at least the four active tail #s I have)

Jordan's king tells US defense secretary West Bank violence threatens stability


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d2d564 No.22137

File: d817aaf842414b4⋯.png (156.87 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452837 (060111ZMAR23) Notable: Netanyahu justifies strikes on nuclear facilities

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Netanyahu justifies strikes on nuclear facilities

The Israeli PM has challenged the UN watchdog’s statement that any attacks against nuclear plants are “outlawed”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has insisted that the option of attacking an Iranian nuclear facility in “self-defense” must be left on the table, arguing that the chief of the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) made an “unworthy” statement when he declared that any such strikes are banned.

“Are we forbidden to defend ourselves?” Netanyahu said on Sunday in a cabinet meeting. “Of course, we are allowed, and of course, we are doing this… Nothing will prevent us from protecting our country and preventing oppressors from destroying the Jewish state.”

Netanyahu’s rant came a day after IAEA Director-General Rafael Mariano Grossi was asked by a reporter about US and Israeli threats to attack Iran if it doesn’t agree to curb its nuclear program.

“Any military attack on a nuclear facility is outlawed, is out of the normative structures that we all abide by,” Grossi said at a press briefing in Tehran after meeting with Iranian leaders. That principle applies to all nuclear facilities, including Europe’s biggest atomic facility in Zaporozhye.

Netanyahu said no such prohibition could apply to Israel. “Rafael Grossi is a worthy person who made an unworthy remark,” he said. “Outlawed by what law? Is Iran, which publicly calls for our extermination, allowed to protect its weapons of destruction that will slaughter us?”

Grossi’s trip to Tehran apparently paid dividends, as Iranian officials agreed to restore the UN watchdog’s access to some surveillance tools at the country’s nuclear facilities. The IAEA also was granted an increase in inspections at the Fordo nuclear site, as well as additional verification and monitoring activities.

“These are not words,” Grossi told reporters upon his return to Vienna on Saturday. “This is very concrete.”

Tehran has denied having any ambition to acquire nuclear weapons. Iran signed a deal with the US and other world powers in 2015, agreeing to impose restrictions on its nuclear industry, including uranium enrichment, to allay fears about its potential for warhead development. Washington reneged on the agreement in 2018, when then-US President Donald Trump said he would instead apply “maximum pressure” through sanctions on Iran to contain its nuclear program.


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d2d564 No.22138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452853 (060113ZMAR23) Notable: J6 Political Prisoners at DC Gulag Leak Heart-Breaking Video from Inside Jail Praying and Singing National Anthem

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J6 Political Prisoners at DC Gulag Leak Heart-Breaking Video from Inside Jail Praying and Singing National Anthem

The January 6th political prisoners have been held in prison now for over 700 days for their actions on what now appears to be a federal operation at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

As more video is released it becomes clearer by the day that the assault on the US Capitol was a coordinated, planned and designed attack on the American public with the full support of the Democrat Party and national media.

Now there is heart-breaking video that was leaked from inside the DC Gulag showing political prisoners praying and singing the National Anthem. Many of these men have now been in jail for over 770 days without trial.

This is a national disgrace.

Where are the courageous men and women to stand up against this tyranny?

Thank you Midnight Rider for posting this.


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d2d564 No.22139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452870 (060117ZMAR23) Notable: The Human Cost of Covid-19 Documentary 2022

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The Human Cost of Covid-19 Documentary 2022 | Worldwide Collaboration | Full Length Documentary

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d2d564 No.22140

File: 18dc23df47cd768⋯.png (217.39 KB,450x507,150:169,Clipboard.png)

File: c659f06e8ab31a5⋯.png (439.32 KB,861x360,287:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452941 (060126ZMAR23) Notable: Billionaire investor Mark Mobius says he cannot take money out of China -FOX Business

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from friday/sat and the system told e'one "don't miss out on Chinee stocks..gibs them yer munee"

Billionaire investor Mark Mobius says he cannot take money out of China -FOX Business

Mark Mobius, a pioneer in emerging markets investing, said China is restricting investment outflows from the country, a move that would be taking place as the world's second-largest economy is trying to shake off pressure from COVID-19 lockdowns. "I'm personally affected because I have an account with HSBC in Shanghai. I can't get my money out. The government is restricting the flow of money out of the country," Mobius said on Thursday on the Fox Business show "Mornings with Maria". "So I would be very, very careful investing in China," the founder of Mobius Capital Partners said. Mobius, who has spent decades traveling the world searching for investment opportunities, said he hasn't been able to get an explanation about why he's running into the restrictions in China. "It's just amazing. They're putting all kinds of barriers," he said. "They don't say, 'No, you can't get your money out,' but they say, 'Give us all the records from 20 years of how you've made this money,' and so forth. It's crazy." Hong Kong, on the other hand, "seems to be a little more open," he said. The previous executive chairman of Templeton Emerging Markets Group said he's been able to get his money "in and out" of the financial center.

Mobius's warning came days before China's President Xi Jinping was expected to cement his third term at a key government meeting starting this weekend. China late last year abruptly began lifting long-standing COVID lockdown measures and economists worldwide are expecting a recovery process to ignite a resurgence in activity in services and manufacturing. Mobius said the reopening play is resulting in commodity prices starting to move higher. But the current government is operating "in a completely different direction" than China's former market-oriented leader Deng Xiaoping, Mobius said.

India is a place that investors should consider, he said. "You've got a billion people, they can do the same thing that the Chinese do. They can do the same kind of manufacturing and so forth," Mobius said. "I'm now in Brazil, and Brazil, you've got 250 million-plus people. Very good people, open society. Hey, why not come here? It's another alternative."

He told the host of a Fox Business programme that he could not pull investment funds from his account in Shanghai. ‘I would be very, very careful investing in China,’ said the former executive chairman of Templeton Emerging Markets Group


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d2d564 No.22141

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452945 (060127ZMAR23) Notable: Dr. John McGreevey (Ryan Dark White @johnheretohelp) - Whistleblower Interview

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d2d564 No.22142

File: f80098a50c0a0fd⋯.png (281.84 KB,550x520,55:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452949 (060127ZMAR23) Notable: Far-left extremists TORCH future cop training center in Atlanta

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Far-left extremists TORCH future cop training center in Atlanta, direct action was announced on Twitter

The construction site of Atlanta's future Public Safety Training Facility - dubbed "Cop City" - has been attacked by Antifa-affiliated leftists.

The construction site of Atlanta's future Public Safety Training Facility - dubbed "Cop City" - has been attacked by Antifa-affiliated leftists. At least one construction vehicle was set ablaze.

Antifa Mastadon "news" account posted: "Forest defenders have taken over the police surveillance outpost on the power line clearing near Intrenchment Creek. Police retreated after crowd arrived at barbed wire fence and shot fireworks into the area."

Reporter Billy Heath tweeted "CONSTRUCTION SITE BURNS: Huge plumes of smoke and massive police response after @defendATLforest / #StopCopCity protesters face off with police at the site of Atlanta’s future Public Safety Training Facility. I’m told Molotov cocktails were thrown. Construction equipment is on fire now. This is on Key Road SE. Police are moving quickly to various areas across the expansive site. #BREAKING #ATL #ATLANTA"

TPM Senior Editor Andy Ngo pointed out that today's direct action was preplanned with a "week of action" promoted on Twitter: "The violent attacks in #Atlanta today were organized. The direct actions were promoted weeks ago on the main account of the group representing the domestic terrorism movement to use violence to prevent a first responder training center southeast of Atlanta."

"There is a massive police presence along Key Road in southeast Atlanta as FOX 5 was told protestors were actively clashing with officers. We have since been told the protest has been contained and many of the protestors have scattered into the woods. A Georgia State Trooper told FOX 5 photographer Billy Heath that rocks, sticks and even a Molotov cocktail were thrown at police," according to Fox 5.

Heath updated the situation on Twitter, adding "Multiple law enforcement agencies have locked down Key Road SE while officers secure the site that has been referred to as “Cop City” by @defendATLforest / #StopCopCity protesters. Protesters held a rally nearby at 5PM and began to march toward the area currently under construction with makeshift shields. A riot began shortly thereafter when rocks, sticks, and other items were thrown at officers. Large smoke plumes filled the sky and I saw one tractor on fire. You can hear the @Atlanta_Police helicopter ahead and several pops in the distance. Key Road SE is quiet at the moment. #atl #news #breaking #atlanta"


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d2d564 No.22143

File: d2b7f8d0ed34dfc⋯.png (2.22 MB,1148x5745,1148:5745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18452990 (060132ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Hancock - Article and DIG

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This is what the shills are trying to slide.


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d2d564 No.22144

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453001 (060133ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Hancock - Article and DIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sauce: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-64848106

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d2d564 No.22145

File: 4856919c74ef2fb⋯.png (392.59 KB,733x409,733:409,Clipboard.png)

File: 859b2a0b706b5b2⋯.png (55.13 KB,617x858,617:858,Clipboard.png)

File: 06873f55c1a6b04⋯.png (62.23 KB,484x752,121:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453121 (060155ZMAR23) Notable: Japan's top banks bide time on bonds, with eye on BOJ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Japan's top banks bide time on bonds, with eye on BOJ

Japan's leading financial institutions are waiting for the right time to boost investment in Japanese government bonds amid speculation that interest rates may rise under a new central bank chief. Banks had shied away from buying JGBs in recent years as the Bank of Japan crushed long-term interest rates to near zero under Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda. But as the side effects of its monetary policy mount, Kazuo Ueda, the nominee to succeed him in April, is expected to eventually preside over a course change that may include scrapping the BOJ's yield curve control policy. Higher yields mean lower bonds prices and a better deal for investors.

"The general thinking is that Japanese investors will consider JGBs a buy when the 10-year yield reaches 1% and the 20-year yield reaches 2%," said Masamichi Koike, head of the treasury unit at Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp.. "A safe asset with a 1% yield is not a bad proposition, with plenty of investment potential," Koike said. "We could start seeing some buying even before hitting 1%." For now, the 10-year yield is capped at half that level. In December, the BOJ raised the upper limit of its target band to 0.5% from 0.25%, but has held off on further adjustments. Yields have been hovering at or close to that level. As of September, the BOJ held around half the outstanding Japanese government bonds, excluding treasury discount bills, according to the central bank's Flow of Funds Accounts report. Banks and other and other deposit-taking institutions held 11%, while insurance companies and pension funds held 22%. Back in December 2012, before the BOJ ramped up bond-buying to unprecedented levels, deposit-taking institutions held 39% of outstanding JGBs, the largest share. One question facing the market is to what extent these institutions would offset the decline in BOJ's bond-buying once it starts to wind down quantitative easing. Kenya Koshimizu, co-head of Mizuho Financial Group's Global Markets Company, said there was a "reasonable chance" the BOJ would scrap its yield curve control due to dysfunction in the bond market. "Given the tough investment environment, Japanese investors will buy bonds if yield curve control ends," he said. "I wouldn't expect market turmoil or a runaway increase in interest rates after it's gone."

At Japan's Norinchukin Bank, an institutional investor for agricultural cooperatives, holdings of JGBs and other domestic bonds have shrunk around 6 trillion yen ($43.9 billion) in a decade to around 9 trillion yen. But "we are taking an interest in yen-denominated bonds in light of the recent rise in interest rates," Chief Investment Officer Hiroshi Yuda told Nikkei. "I'm not sure if we will wait [to buy] until YCC ends, but we will keep an eye on future monetary policy meetings as we make a decision," he said, referring to yield curve control. "Many market players are expecting some sort of policy change, and are taking a wait-and-see approach," Yuda said. (it will NEVER habben-they are stuck doing this and ever since Denmark raised rates -they started ZIRP just before the BoJ-thye remain the longest tenure of having this policy of ZIRP and they been doing it for 11 years ..officially as if you adjust for inflation it's been going on a lot longer)

The interest in JGBs stems in part from setbacks in investing in foreign government bonds, which used to generate major returns for Japanese institutions. The U.S. Federal Reserve has hiked its policy rate by 4.5 percentage points in under a year to fight inflation. This has hit investors holding Treasurys with unrealized losses (I.E. the largest single holder of them …the BoJ and they really have no other foreign debt becasue they are stuffed to the gills with ours). Financing and currency hedge costs have also risen, squeezing the carry trade in which investors borrow at low interest rates to invest in higher-yielding assets. Norinchukin sold around 12 trillion yen worth of U.S. government bonds and other securities in the six months through September, according to Yuda. "We need to choose trades that will likely generate some carry return," Yuda said, signaling a cautiousness on new investments.

On collateralized loan obligations, in which Norinchukin is a key global investor, "we will make appropriate investments based on the conditions," he said. One risk for JGB investors is how the BOJ would handle a surge in inflation. If the public gets frustrated with rising prices, the BOJ may respond by not only scrapping the yield curve control, but also ending its negative interest rate policy or raising rates. If that happens, investors could see JGB prices fall further after they had jumped in. The outlook for inflation and rate hikes in the U.S. and Europe remains unclear. Mizuho's Koshimizu said he has stuck with a defensive approach. "Any big moves can wait until after the fog clears," he said.



Cap#3 is NY Federal Reserve Primary Dealers Mizuho (third largest bank within Muzuho Financial Group, Nomura (largest securities dealer in Japan) and Daiwa (second largest) all in that so as a Primary dealer they are required to bid on our US Treasury 'auctions' or risk losing status as one-so as if they din't have enough with having the BoJ soaking up all the internal debt in much the same process-they dealers buy and offload to the central bank, thy are required to do so in our Treasury Markets at every single one of them…the three largest TBTF banks in Japan are Sumitomo, Mitsui and Sumitomo which form part of the overall control system known as Zaibatsu or "financial conglomerates" and extends within all parts of the system via the families that control all these companies…literally everything but 'officially' they really don't exist in this way but they never went away.


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d2d564 No.22146

File: 1f2c50aab0f39f5⋯.png (364.08 KB,676x844,169:211,Clipboard.png)

File: d7645875ff31250⋯.png (98.55 KB,676x706,338:353,Clipboard.png)

File: 796793342dcede8⋯.png (356.92 KB,610x623,610:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453153 (060202ZMAR23) Notable: BCG exec Paul Zwillenberg to head DMGT

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which is owned by daily mail and general trust

>The 4th Viscount Rothermere is the chairman and controlling shareholder of the company.

ceo is paul zwillenberg





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d2d564 No.22147

File: 257469cab703a28⋯.png (317.96 KB,847x739,847:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453172 (060208ZMAR23) Notable: J6 Political Prisoners at DC Gulag Leak Heart-Breaking Video from Inside Jail Praying and Singing National Anthem

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Maybe anons could pray for imprisoned brethren.

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d2d564 No.22148

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453176 (060210ZMAR23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump Answers Questions Before CPAC 2023 Speech - 3/4/2023

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Note: The last question trump answered in the pre cpac speech was about Iran, he stated that Iran would have nuclear weapons within 10 days, if what he has heard it true, he hoped it was fake news. now netanyahu bombs Iran - related?.


WATCH: President Donald J. Trump Answers Questions Before CPAC 2023 Speech - 3/4/2023



Watch as President Donald J. Trump answers questions before taking the stage at CPAC 2023 in Washington D.C. from a group of reporters.

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d2d564 No.22149

File: 5a3cbfb0c8e8aa9⋯.png (47.65 KB,832x306,416:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453185 (060211ZMAR23) Notable: BCG exec Paul Zwillenberg to head DMGT

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d2d564 No.22150

File: 0b392cc4be9e401⋯.png (241.86 KB,572x935,52:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453188 (060212ZMAR23) Notable: China Premier Li Keqiang bows out as Xi loyalists take reins

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China Premier Li Keqiang bows out as Xi loyalists take reins

57 minutes ago

BEIJING (AP) — After a decade in Chinese President Xi Jinping’s shadow, Li Keqiang is taking his final bow as the country’s premier, marking a shift away from the skilled technocrats who have helped steer the world’s second-biggest economy in favor of officials known mainly for their unquestioned loyalty to China’s most powerful leader in recent history.

After exiting the ruling Communist Party’s all-powerful Politburo Standing Committee in October — despite being below retirement age — Li’s last major task was delivering the state of the nation address to the rubber-stamp parliament on Monday. The report sought to reassure citizens of the resiliency of the Chinese economy, but contained little that was new.

Once seen as a potential top leader, Li was increasingly sidelined as Xi accumulated ever-greater powers and elevated the military and security services in aid of the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” Li’s lack of visibility sometimes made it difficult to remember he was technically ranked No. 2 in party.

Li “was a premier largely kept out of the limelight by order of the boss,” said Steve Tsang, director of the China Institute at the London University School of Oriental and African Studies and a longtime observer of Chinese politics.


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d2d564 No.22151

File: d653cd000f7d3b2⋯.jpg (31.38 KB,621x414,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453196 (060214ZMAR23) Notable: Air Mobility Command Removes Tail Numbers and Unit Info from Planes

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Whaddya got here?

Air Mobility Command Removes Tail Numbers and Unit Info from Planes, Alarming Watchdogs



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d2d564 No.22152

File: 88561a4c3b43713⋯.png (3.27 MB,1028x10381,1028:10381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453197 (060214ZMAR23) Notable: Matt Hancock - Article and DIG

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Matt Hancock's plan to ‘frighten the pants off everyone’ about Covid


Screen grab of article:


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d2d564 No.22153

File: 2536923be009a8e⋯.png (399.21 KB,1204x802,602:401,Clipboard.png)

File: e5f825d4a9f9c8e⋯.png (97.33 KB,824x298,412:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c8838083d03495⋯.png (367.95 KB,591x840,197:280,Clipboard.png)

File: 398bd47fda40a4e⋯.png (74.93 KB,582x819,194:273,Clipboard.png)

File: ee571f7b60e8240⋯.png (391.13 KB,582x826,291:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453223 (060222ZMAR23) Notable: BCG exec Paul Zwillenberg to head DMGT

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>Vision 2030

not much creative variation from agenda 2030 with that name

>The New York Times also reported that Boston Consulting Group is one of the consulting firms, along with McKinsey and Booz Allen, helping Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman consolidate power in Saudi Arabia.[21] While a BCG spokesperson said the firm turns down projects involving military and intelligence strategy, BCG is involved in designing the economic blueprint for the country, a plan called Vision 2030.

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d2d564 No.22154

File: 8c350cde0dc50be⋯.png (743.44 KB,1040x4770,104:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453237 (060225ZMAR23) Notable: BCG exec Paul Zwillenberg to head DMGT

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no digs yet on Qresearch but Webb mentioned it here:


Boston Consulting Group’s Josh Kellar and his Global Scientist Network of 500 MDs and Scientists created the COVID Mass Formation Psychosis. When will Bob Malone and Project Veritas tell the truth about that? Is O’Keefe going to be the only one?

ALL FROM DisInformation thread:

>>>/qresearch/18443402 pb webb

>>>/qresearch/18443957 pb docs they've put out posted below

>>>/qresearch/18443962 pb link to WEF

Is this what George Webb is talking about?


Here's what this group has been up to: conducting surveys to combat"vaccine hesistancy":

Snapshot #1: What’s Driving Hesitancy

Two months along in vaccination distribution in the US, BCG’s first survey of vaccine sentiment reveals the groups in which hesitancy is highest and what’s behind the unease.

Snapshot #2: The Hurdles Ahead

The results of BCG’s second survey shed light on what's preventing or discouraging eligible individuals from getting their shots.

Snapshot #3: A Looming Slowdown in Demand

Even as eligibility expands and access improves, hesitancy has not changed dramatically. Meeting the White House’s vaccination goals will require a coordinated public health campaign.

Snapshot #4: Three Paths to 70%

To increase vaccination rates, state and local governments can spread positive messages, improve access, and offer various kinds of incentives.

Snapshot #5: Making Mandates Work

real sketchy group but little is known about them


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d2d564 No.22155

File: aad82c2965783ce⋯.jpg (37.35 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453289 (060239ZMAR23) Notable: Walgreens says it won't distribute abortion pill in 21 states including some where abortion is legal

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Walgreens says it won't distribute abortion pill in 21 states including some where abortion is legal

Abortion is still legal in four of the states – Alaska, Iowa, Kansas and Montana – but efforts are underway to implement restrictions that would include the pills.


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d2d564 No.22156

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453312 (060244ZMAR23) Notable: #22626

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Notables - FINAL


>>22128 Ukraine rolls out system to auto-block ‘malicious’ websites

>>22129 CNN (inadvertently?) resurrects gruesome skeleton from Merrick Garland’s closet

>>22130 US suspects cranes of spying for China – media

>>22131 Multiple people injured with one Fatally by Hazardous Materials found inside a vehicle

>>22132 Cell phone towers across the US Midwest were capable of capturing Pentagon communications, the FBI told CNN

>>22133 Questions tweeted today by Ezra A. Cohen

>>22134 DJT - “The world has finally woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus. Now it's time to hold China to account.”

>>22135 Fauci 'Prompted' Scientists To Fabricate 'Proximal Origins' Paper Ruling Out Lab-Leak: House GOP

>>22136 PlaneFag CONUS Activity: Potato in 09-0016 C-32 is done being black and back to JBA- 09-0118…

>>22137 Netanyahu justifies strikes on nuclear facilities

>>22138, >>22147 J6 Political Prisoners at DC Gulag Leak Heart-Breaking Video from Inside Jail Praying and Singing National Anthem

>>22139 The Human Cost of Covid-19 Documentary 2022

>>22140 Billionaire investor Mark Mobius says he cannot take money out of China -FOX Business

>>22141 Dr. John McGreevey (Ryan Dark White @johnheretohelp) - Whistleblower Interview

>>22142 Far-left extremists TORCH future cop training center in Atlanta

>>22143, >>22144, >>22152 Matt Hancock - Article and DIG

>>22145 Japan's top banks bide time on bonds, with eye on BOJ

>>22146, >>22149, >>22153, >>22154 BCG exec Paul Zwillenberg to head DMGT

>>22148 President Donald J. Trump Answers Questions Before CPAC 2023 Speech - 3/4/2023

>>22150 China Premier Li Keqiang bows out as Xi loyalists take reins

>>22151 Air Mobility Command Removes Tail Numbers and Unit Info from Planes

>>22155 Walgreens says it won't distribute abortion pill in 21 states including some where abortion is legal


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d2d564 No.22157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453397 (060300ZMAR23) Notable: Dig Request Boston Consulting Group

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Please add the following dig bun on Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

>>>/qresearch/18453384 PB

Dig Request

Boston Consulting Group

Bun (All PB)

>>22149, >>22146, >>22153, >>>/qresearch/18453270, >>22154, >>22149, >>22146, >>22153, >>>/qresearch/18453354,


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d2d564 No.22158

File: 6b2da2fd666fc12⋯.mp4 (14.23 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453402 (060302ZMAR23) Notable: J6 Political Prisoners at DC Gulag Leak Video from Inside Jail Praying and Singing National Anthem

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LB >>22147


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d2d564 No.22159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453474 (060316ZMAR23) Notable: "joke" about Bill Gates Vaccine Chip Conspiracy, 'Think Mad Max'

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Who produces the movies and advertisements? Who profits from gender dysphoria?

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d2d564 No.22160

File: e221150a4375bb6⋯.jpg (229.98 KB,720x945,16:21,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6584d7c955ab5d7⋯.jpg (188.23 KB,720x615,48:41,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453477 (060316ZMAR23) Notable: @RepMTG Antifa attacked the Atlanta future Public Safety Training Facility.

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Antifa attacked the Atlanta future Public Safety Training Facility.


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d2d564 No.22161

File: 0fade1d0d66781a⋯.png (2.18 MB,892x1100,223:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453504 (060321ZMAR23) Notable: Melissa Rein Lively lives in Scottsadle Az. and did interviews about Q anon cults being 'dangerous'

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d2d564 No.22162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453514 (060325ZMAR23) Notable: Levin: This is a massive coverup - C19 originated in a Chinese lab (15-min video)

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note: Trump pointed to mark levin and said to him, glad you are still alive, make sure you keep it that way at cpac.


Levin: This is a massive coverup



Fox News host Mark Levin breaks down a classified intelligence report from the Energy Department that reportedly says COVID-19 most likely originated in a Chinese lab on 'Life Liberty & Levin.' #foxnews #fox #levin

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d2d564 No.22163

File: 19f0a5377410f4c⋯.png (787.06 KB,1090x1604,545:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453522 (060327ZMAR23) Notable: "joke" about Bill Gates Vaccine Chip Conspiracy, 'Think Mad Max'

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WTF - Chip's in the Vaxxines???

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d2d564 No.22164

File: 80f81cce5b2e966⋯.png (642.13 KB,1200x750,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453537 (060333ZMAR23) Notable: "joke" about Bill Gates Vaccine Chip Conspiracy, 'Think Mad Max'

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d2d564 No.22165

File: 45abbaaebf0454c⋯.png (889.07 KB,933x1280,933:1280,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d4646a7a33a69b⋯.png (638.18 KB,884x1280,221:320,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d1ddce317d6ee4⋯.mp4 (7.91 MB,1280x642,640:321,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 3f36a33d9209bd1⋯.jpg (157.55 KB,585x480,39:32,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6618552192ab14e⋯.png (491.88 KB,568x461,568:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453538 (060333ZMAR23) Notable: "joke" about Bill Gates Vaccine Chip Conspiracy, 'Think Mad Max'

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Graphene Oxide

Dark Field Microscopy by Dr David Nixon ~ Team Enigma Nov 3, 2022

Here's video of what's growing in those covid shots.




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d2d564 No.22166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453564 (060339ZMAR23) Notable: "joke" about Bill Gates Vaccine Chip Conspiracy, 'Think Mad Max'

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SKY News interview with Isabel Oakeshott who broke the story about the WhatsApp covid messages

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d2d564 No.22167

File: dd297128ddc67c1⋯.png (4.07 MB,1903x5406,1903:5406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453566 (060339ZMAR23) Notable: "joke" about Bill Gates Vaccine Chip Conspiracy, 'Think Mad Max'

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d2d564 No.22168

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453587 (060344ZMAR23) Notable: Journalist reveals thousands of messages from UK Government Ministers and Secretaries WhatApp during COVID

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Isabel Oakeshott, the journalist that is the source of leaked Matt Hancock WhatsApp messages, says that Hancock sent her a “menacing” and “threatening” message in the early hours of the morning after the Telegraph published its first story on the leak.

Matt Hancock accuses WhatsApp leaker of ‘massive betrayal’


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d2d564 No.22169

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453590 (060345ZMAR23) Notable: Spate of Whale Strandings Near Offshore Wind Projects Becoming Impossible to Ignore – But Feds Still Deny Link

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Canada #40 >>>/qresearch/18450783

Spate of Whale Strandings Near Offshore Wind Projects Becoming Impossible to Ignore – But Feds Still Deny Link


It seems as if the left’s “green energy” initiatives that are meant to be environmentally friendly are actually doing more harm to the environment than good.

Whales are being stranded on American beaches that just so happen to be near offshore wind projects, leading many to believe that these projects are actually causing these deadly strandings.

According to Fox Business, however, federal agencies such as the Marine Mammal Commission are denying any link between the strandings and the offshore wind projects, despite previous warnings from the National Ocean Atmospheric Association (NOAA).

In May 2022, NOAA scientist Sean Hayes wrote a memo stating that “the development of offshore wind poses risks to these species [whales]” and that “these risks occur at varying stages, including construction and development, and include increased noise, vessel traffic, habitat modifications, water withdrawals associated with certain substations.”

Meanwhile, lawmakers and scientists have been calling on the federal and state governments to pass a moratorium on offshore wind projects pending an investigation into whether these deaths are caused by these projects.

Several people have taken to Twitter to express their disgust at the leftist hypocrisy and silence regarding this issue.

Former New Jersey congressional candidate Steve Gray wrote, ” Where are the environmentalists? No outrage. No protests against a Democrat led Government backing offshore windmills. The hypocrisy is deafening. 14 dead whales and counting.”

The first major irony in all of this is the fact that it is whales who are the ones being adversely affected by these projects.

For decades, leftists and environmentalists have held up whales as a sacred symbol of environmentalism and launched campaigns aimed at “saving the whales”, and produced several films with the same message.

Now, it seems as if these same environmentalists are disregarding the lives of the very creatures that they claimed to care so much about as their initiatives could potentially be doing massive harm to them.

Also, we need to point out that wind energy is constantly being marketed by the left as an environmentally-friendly alternative to fossil fuels, with many leftist governments wanting to make a complete shift to alternative energy.

Of course, there is the fact that these alternative energy sources have been shown time and time again to be completely unreliable.



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d2d564 No.22170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453596 (060346ZMAR23) Notable: "joke" about Bill Gates Vaccine Chip Conspiracy, 'Think Mad Max'

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Apparently it was in the UK Health Secretaries WhatApp Message Leak

Sauce ==> https://twitter.com/cjsnowdon/status/1632507532072689667https://twitter.com/cjsnowdon/status/1632507532072689667

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d2d564 No.22171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453611 (060350ZMAR23) Notable: Journalist reveals thousands of messages from UK Government Ministers and Secretaries WhatApp during COVID

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Interview with Isabel Oakeshott, the journalist who leaked over 1100 Matt Hancock whatsapp messages (under 12 minutes)


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d2d564 No.22172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453619 (060351ZMAR23) Notable: Journalist reveals thousands of messages from UK Government Ministers and Secretaries WhatApp during COVID

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Journalist reveals thousands of messages from UK government ministers during COVID



2,347 views 6 Mar 2023

The Sunday Times Journalist Isabel Oakeshott has revealed thousands of WhatsApp messages exchanged between UK government ministers during COVID – showing a lack of compassion for the general public.

“It’s actually over a hundred thousand WhatsApp messages sent between all the key players in the pandemic management and response during the height of the crisis,” Ms Oakeshott told Sky News Australia.

“For me as a journalist to be sitting on 2.3 million words of ministerial communications, I had a really difficult decision to make as to what to do with that.”

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d2d564 No.22173

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453672 (060405ZMAR23) Notable: another conspiracy theory proved correct RE: nighting gale hospital

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UK Pushed 'Fear' on Lockdowns


The British government pushed "fear tactics" to ensure people comply with COVID-19 lockdowns. In a report published by The Telegraph, the British publication outlines that among some 100,000 WhatsApp messages it obtained from British ministers, officials, and others, one set of messages showed former British Health Secretary Matt Hancock, who served from 2018 to 2021, suggesting he wanted to "deploy" a new COVID-19 variant to "frighten the pants off" the public into complying with lockdowns. In December 2020, two days after being informed of the emergence of a new variant known as the alpha or Kent variant, Hancock suggested in a WhatsApp conversation that the new strain would be helpful in preparing the ground for a looming lockdown by scaring people into compliance. Hancock's media adviser, Damon Poole, suggested that they could "roll pitch with the new strain" to prepare the ground for tougher restrictions in the run-up to Christmas 2020. Hancock replied, "We frighten the pants off everyone with the new strain." Poole responded, "Yep that's what will get proper behavior change."

The leak of the WhatsApp messages, known as the "Lockdown Files," also revealed that former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was wavering between being either a lockdown skeptic or a proponent but nonetheless was aware of his government's efforts to scare the public. "What's the data like today? Tory narrative that we panicked too soon etc.," Johnson wrote two days after the United Kingdom's second national lockdown in November 2020. The Telegraph notes in their report that psychologists were warning that the government's use of alleged "fear tactics" in health campaigns were "grossly unethical," which would contribute to excess non-COVID-19 deaths and increase anxiety disorders.

And in January 2021, Simon Case, the cabinet secretary, alongside Hancock, suggested that the "fear/guilt factor" would be "vital" in encouraging compliance with pandemic protocols. The two politicians weighed different options, including mandating "more mask wearing … in all settings outside home." "Basically, we need to get compliance up," Case said. The cabinet secretary then noted that the fear campaign had to be tactful because adding some measures, such as a ban on fishing, "will be parodied galore if it looks like we have suddenly decided fishing is the first step towards tier 5!" "I honestly wouldn't move on any small things unless we move on a lot," Hancock replied. "The only big remaining … things are nurseries and workplaces." "I agree," Case responded. "I think that is exactly right. Small stuff looks ridiculous. Ramping up messaging — the fear/guilt factor vital." The cabinet secretary then proposed that a "big public moment" would be to reopen the Nightingale hospital in London as an overflow facility for non-COVID-19 patients. But in reality, only a few such patients were ever admitted.

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d2d564 No.22174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453713 (060418ZMAR23) Notable: Journalist reveals thousands of messages from UK Government Ministers and Secretaries WhatApp during COVID

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notable and repost with two source of below segment below.

Is anyone keep count of this shit cos monday is going to be fun, prepare for major false flag to change the narrative.


Note: Matt Hancock is a train wreck, everything he touches turns to shit, a gift that keep on giving, fucking excellent, especially after all his ranting and staring down the cam he he apologies and is laughed at by the audience . !!!


'I take that back' | Lawyer APOLOGISES to Steve N Allen after argument over Matt Hancock



Lawyer Jonathan Coad offers his ‘abject apologies’ to Steve N Allen after a fiery discussion, where he addressed being asked to act for Matt Hancock.

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d2d564 No.22175

File: 9666b98729a36dc⋯.png (423.64 KB,1539x852,513:284,Clipboard.png)

File: f499463348166fb⋯.png (394.39 KB,1494x838,747:419,Clipboard.png)

File: c52f8b40f736a72⋯.png (357.41 KB,1569x702,523:234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453717 (060419ZMAR23) Notable: 'Pandemic Diaries The inside story of Britain’s battle against Covid' By Matt Hancock and Isabel Oakeshott

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Pandemic Diaries The inside story of Britain’s battle against Covid

By Matt Hancock and Isabel Oakeshott

When Covid-19 swept the world, governments scrambled to protect their citizens and chart a course back to normality. As Health Secretary, Matt Hancock was at the forefront of Britain’s battle against the virus, trying to steer the country through the crisis in a world where information was scarce, judgements huge and the roadmap non-existent. Drawing on a wealth of never-before-seen material, including official records, his notes at the time and communications with all the key players in Britain’s Covid-19 story, this candid account reveals the inner workings of government during a time of national crisis, reflecting on both the successes and the failures. Recounting the most important decisions in the race to develop a vaccine in record time and to build a nationwide testing capacity from the ground up, Pandemic Diaries provides the definitive account of Britain’s battle to turn the tide against Covid-19. Crucially, it also offers an honest assessment of the lessons we need to learn to be prepared for next time because there will be a next time.


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d2d564 No.22176

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453772 (060436ZMAR23) Notable: Police and travel industry react angrily to Matt Hancock lockdown texts

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Police and travel industry react angrily to Matt Hancock lockdown texts

Messages show Hancock urging ministers to ‘get heavy’ with police and making light of hotel quarantine situation


Ministers have come under fire from police officers and the travel industry after private messages from Matt Hancock highlighted the rapid and occasionally haphazard way in which they wrote Covid lockdown policies. Senior representatives of the police service attacked the government’s handling of the pandemic after the Telegraph published messages showing the former health secretary urging ministers to “get heavy with the police” over lockdown enforcement. Officers were criticised in 2020 and 2021 for their hardline interpretation of the regulations, which involved them monitoring people with drones, fining people going for walks with cups of coffee and handing out leaflets asking why people were outside. The former chief constable of Greater Manchester police Sir Peter Fahy told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Friday: “This [lockdown] legislation was rushed out: it was confused, with poor definitions in it, there was this constant confusion between what was legislation and what was guidance. Often it seemed ministers themselves didn’t understand the impact of the legislation.” He said it caused “huge resentment within policing” when “individual instances of officers trying to do their best were highlighted and misunderstood”. The chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, Martin Hewitt, criticised Hancock’s use of the word “plod” in the messages, saying it was “much more a reflection on him than it is on the committed police officers and staff on the frontline protecting the country from Covid-19”. Hancock also came under fire from Willie Walsh, the head of the travel industry body Iata, for another set of messages that showed him complaining about airlines and joking about people having to be quarantined in hotels on entering the UK. At one point he criticises airlines and airports for complaining about travel restrictions, and agrees when Simon Case, the Downing Street permanent secretary, calls them “horribly self-serving”. Walsh, the former boss of British Airways, said: “The messages between Matt Hancock and Simon Case making light of travel lockdowns and the economic collapse of the airline industry reveal a breathtaking contempt for travellers and aviation workers.”

The attacks cap a bruising week for Hancock, who is now an independent MP, having lost the Tory whip for appearing on the television show I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here! Over the last five days the paper has revealed how Hancock’s office helped arrange rapid Covid tests for a child of his Conservative colleague Jacob Rees-Mogg, how he clashed with the then education secretary, Gavin Williamson, over school lockdowns and how officials and ministers had to explain basic transmission statistics to the then prime minister, Boris Johnson. On Friday, the Telegraph published a new cache of messages showing the lengths Hancock went to during the crisis to protect and burnish his own reputation. At one point, the former health secretary asks an adviser whether he should release photographs of him on a surfing trip. At another, he shares a message from a friend who tells him the crisis could help “propel him into the next league” and “break you through in terms of public perception”.

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d2d564 No.22177

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453840 (060455ZMAR23) Notable: Arizona Sex Crime Operation Involving 17 Men

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Sex Crime Operation

17 Men

KEK but nothing's happening

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d2d564 No.22178

File: 7d636e46fa67d5f⋯.webp (36.8 KB,1230x660,41:22,Clipboard.webp)

File: 884c285b99d03f7⋯.png (819.49 KB,1400x788,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453841 (060455ZMAR23) Notable: Bruce Henderson, BCG founder Dig

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Bruce Henderson, BCG founder

BCG began not as another management consulting firm but as a pioneer of bold, new approaches to running a company.

Helping organizations make the changes needed to seize competitive advantage—and to win—has always been BCG’s raison d'être. Since 1963, we have been helping leaders and their organizations build lasting advantage. The independent spirit handed down from Bruce Henderson, BCG's founder—always challenging the status quo—has given the firm the courage to look beyond the obvious to find solutions for more than 50 years.


So every story is run through this marketing schematic for optimum results, Then paired to AI numerical contingencies, and voila! mass extinction event and it's worldwide probability.


Executive Committee


What Did We Learn from the COVID Crisis?

Every year, we convene the Meeting of Minds, a multidisciplinary gathering of leaders in business and science to explore major issues in society and business. In our recent gathering, we focused on what we could learn from the COVID-19 crisis that might enable us to cope with future social disruptions. Read the key takeaways from the discussion.



What did we learn? Real time experiment in world event management.

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d2d564 No.22179

File: cc131cc7b7606c2⋯.png (594.42 KB,979x948,979:948,Clipboard.png)

File: 50605574c47956a⋯.png (496.35 KB,903x1099,129:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fd2a8b5bde8909⋯.png (657.24 KB,936x940,234:235,Clipboard.png)

File: c4fafb0a4c8327e⋯.png (189.18 KB,970x1150,97:115,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fa3d533b09235a⋯.png (131.54 KB,979x1144,89:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453884 (060511ZMAR23) Notable: Hancock files lead to Fauci

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Fauci is finally getting the attention he deserves for all the right reasons.

Took a minute..


March 5, 2023

Fauci commissioned paper in Feb. 2020 to 'disprove' Wuhan lab leak theory — then pretended not to know author: emails

New emails uncovered by House Republicans probing the COVID-19 pandemic reveal the deceptive nature of Dr. Anthony Fauci.


1/2 or maybe 3 - the rest of the Congressional Memo to follow, they lay it out. Dude needs the rope.

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d2d564 No.22180

File: 5e3f3502b042a27⋯.png (138.21 KB,978x1137,326:379,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c3450714da052c⋯.png (119.54 KB,982x1147,982:1147,Clipboard.png)

File: a78c38ad767dbd9⋯.png (133.56 KB,964x1141,964:1141,Clipboard.png)

File: e162f11250886ab⋯.png (123.02 KB,979x1146,979:1146,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a95fb2c8d0d359⋯.png (37.18 KB,981x1150,981:1150,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453887 (060512ZMAR23) Notable: Hancock files lead to Fauci

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Congressional Memo re: Fauci con't


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d2d564 No.22181

File: d800782f753af65⋯.png (465.69 KB,1290x774,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453904 (060518ZMAR23) Notable: Hancock files lead to Fauci

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A timeline of Matt Hancock’s controversies and breaches

The former health secretary has found himself in hot water on several occasions in the past months

Sat 26 Jun 2021 15.23 EDT

Matt Hancock found himself at the heart of a number of controversies during the coronavirus pandemic – even before the exposure of his extramarital affair led to his resignation from the Cabinet.

Hancock resigned as health secretary a day after photographs emerged of him embracing his aide Gina Coladangelo in what appeared to be CCTV footage from inside the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).

After his breach of his own rules as captured on 6 May came to light, Hancock announced in a video shared on Twitter that he would step down, saying: “Those of us who make these rules have got to stick by them and that’s why I’ve got to resign.”

His submitted his resignation formally in a letter to Boris Johnson. The prime minister responded that he was “sorry” to receive it and that Hancock “should leave office very proud of what (he has) achieved”.

Here are a few other occasions in the past 15 months when the former cabinet minister found himself in hot water.

17 June 2020

The health secretary apologised for a “human mistake” after he slapped a colleague on the back in the House of Commons, despite social distancing measures still being in place to curb the spread of coronavirus.

11 October 2020

Hancock was forced to deny claims that he broke the government’s Covid drinking curfew, which was in place last autumn, after reports claimed that he had stayed in a Commons bar beyond 10pm.

19 February 2021

The high court found that the government unlawfully failed to publish details of billions of pounds’ worth of coronavirus-related contracts.

It was ruled that Hancock had “breached his legal obligation to publish contract award notices within 30 days of the award of contracts” after spending “vast quantities of public money” on procurement in 2020. Hancock declined to apologise.

23 February 2021

Labour accused Hancock of insulting health professionals after he claimed there was “never” a national shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the early days of the pandemic.

In March 2020, the Royal College of Nursing said some nurses had been sent to treat patients on Covid wards with “no protection at all”.

26 May 2021

The prime minister’s former aide, Dominic Cummings, used his appearance in front of the Commons health and social care and science and technology committees to air allegations that the health secretary had lied to the prime minister over a promise to test new arrivals in care homes at the outset of the pandemic.

Cummings said he had recommended to Johnson on several occasions that Hancock should be sacked over his handling of the crisis.

Hancock denied the care home allegations, but admitted that there were not enough tests available in spring 2020 to test everyone entering residential homes.

28 May 2021

Hancock was ruled to have committed a “minor”, inadvertent breach of the ministerial code by failing to declare that a family firm in which he held shares won an NHS contract, following a probe by the prime minister’s ethics adviser.

Lord Geidt, the independent adviser on ministerial standards, found that Hancock should have declared that Topwood Ltd – a firm owned by his sister and in which he held shares – was approved as an NHS contractor. But Geidt did not recommend that Hancock resign.

16 June 2021

Cummings, who left No 10 last year, published apparent correspondence between him and the prime minister in which Johnson appeared to call the health secretary “totally fucking hopeless”.

When asked about the reported comments, Hancock called the jibe “ancient history”.

26 June 2021 AND MANY MORE


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d2d564 No.22182

File: 45d95d058954fa6⋯.png (346.17 KB,784x846,392:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 05ea54196fe3254⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453969 (060550ZMAR23) Notable: COVID Data Fraud: "There Is a Zero Percent Chance That We Are Wrong"

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COVID Data Fraud: "There Is a Zero Percent Chance That We Are Wrong"


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d2d564 No.22183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18453981 (060559ZMAR23) Notable: Jim Jordan: This is as wrong as it gets

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It had to be this way.

Mar 5, 2023

Jim Jordan: This is as wrong as it gets

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, joined 'Sunday Morning Futures' to discuss the latest on the origins of COVID, political bias within Twitter, and the politicization within the FBI and DOJ.



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d2d564 No.22184

File: 4963977f4f2a248⋯.png (2.87 MB,1084x1723,1084:1723,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454000 (060608ZMAR23) Notable: Melissa Rein Lively lives in Scottsadle Az. and did interviews about Q anon cults being 'dangerous'

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Melissa Rein Lively posted to her Instagram on March 3rd. she was in D.C. for CAPC


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d2d564 No.22185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454001 (060609ZMAR23) Notable: One dead, two injured in fiery caught-on-video plane crash on Long Island

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One dead, two injured in fiery caught-on-video plane crash on Long Island

March 5, 2023

One person was killed and two others injured when a small plane crashed in a Long Island neighborhood on Sunday — with the aircraft seen bursting into flames on wild doorbell cam video.

The plane crashed near Fifth Street and North Wellwood Avenue in Lindenhurst around 3 p.m., Suffolk County police said.

The pilot reported smoke in the cockpit as the aircraft approached Republic Airport, a National Transportation Safety Board spokeswoman said, according to Newsday.

The craft’s engine can be heard roaring on dramatic Ring camera footage, followed by a large bang. A ball of flames then erupts before a plume of black smoke rises up behind the trees.

“Basically you heard like, tah-tah-tah, and then all of a sudden you heard a bang and a little bit like a squeak,” said local resident Ken Defreitas, whose doorbell cam captured the explosion in a wooded area near his home.

“At first it didn’t really take,” Defreitas, a volunteer with the West Babylon Fire Department, told The Post. “You know these cars that backfire? That’s what it sounded like.

“I started listening to my pager and that’s when they said that they had a plane go down,” he said. “I went outside and you see all the black smoke.”

The identities of the three people on the plane have not been released.

Suffolk County cops said they shut down local roads while investigating the crash.

The crash occurred close to Long Island Rail Road tracks.


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d2d564 No.22186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454026 (060618ZMAR23) Notable: Melissa Rein Lively lives in Scottsadle Az. and did interviews about Q anon cults being 'dangerous'

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Lively is a plant to discredit Q and Trump


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d2d564 No.22187

File: 921558d52778be7⋯.png (248.7 KB,768x705,256:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fad6035b5e866e⋯.png (291.47 KB,1860x1143,620:381,Clipboard.png)

File: 62220920db2d51d⋯.png (205.17 KB,969x1219,969:1219,Clipboard.png)

File: 8404d7f73be0887⋯.png (190.8 KB,583x1225,583:1225,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e221f9abd58d85⋯.png (149.67 KB,1366x882,683:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454046 (060637ZMAR23) Notable: Hancock files lead to Fauci

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Adam Gaertner sent Fauci a recipe of what the bioweapon was made of and submitted the IVM protocol to Pence 18 months prior to June 21, 2020 and was recommended by 148 people many very prominent for a Nobel Prize. Dude wrote a thesis and Fauci reviewed it, claimed to learn something…

he learned he had to squelch the lab leak theories.

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d2d564 No.22188

File: 16a45987ddb641b⋯.gif (2.69 MB,1200x900,4:3,Clipboard.gif)

File: 39fc2127eb11951⋯.png (1.14 MB,900x800,9:8,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d7cdebdd614e72⋯.png (176.29 KB,715x1923,715:1923,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f953f5099439ef⋯.png (1.83 MB,1928x1131,1928:1131,Clipboard.png)

File: 76b38fde1110e65⋯.png (110.47 KB,793x939,793:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454055 (060646ZMAR23) Notable: IoT, BlueTooth, NearField, Quantum a._i_.; Game Theory

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>WTF - Chip's in the Vaxxines???

IoT, BlueTooth, NearField, Quantum a._i_.; Game Theory


What is Julian Assange's "smart dust"?

Search for: "smart dust" (380 Results)


"Intelligent evil dust, it's everywhere in everything"


"The generation being born now is the last to be free"

What was he talking about? Smart Dust

Smartdust involves 5G wireless and IoT as I will soon explain.

First, here's Assange describing it in his own words:


{ TAPE: Assange's last video before communications cut at Ecuadorian Embassy in London (FULL)

96,294 views Streamed live on Sep 20, 2018 (RUNTIME 54:03) }

It's interesting to note that research on smart dust has been active and intense since at least 1997.

By now the technology has advanced and I would expect that they've already tested it many times, formally and secretly.

What in the World is Smart Dust?

- https://ami.com/en/tech-blog/what-in-the-world-is-smart-dust/

The man who coined the term, Kris Pister, told IDG Connect last April that the name

"…was kind of a joke - everything in the US and LA at that time seemed to be 'smart', smart bombs, smart houses, smart roads…"

His recollection can be counted on, since he co-authored the paper

"Smart Dust: Autonomous sensing and communication in a cubic millimeter" back in 1997,

when the technology was still in its infancy.

Pister was able to demonstrate it to DARPA in 2001:

Future Military Sensors Could Be Tiny Specks of ‘Smart Dust’

- https://medium.com/war-is-boring/smart-dust-is-getting-smarter-4b062abd7769

In 2001, Pister and his colleagues conducted a field demonstration for DARPA at the Marine Corps’ base at Twentynine Palms.

A small drone dropped six “motes” the size of a pill bottle near a road.

After synchronizing with each other, they detected the presence, course and speed of a Humvee and a heavy transport truck.

When the drone passed overhead, the motes transmitted their data to the drone,

which then beamed the information down to a base station.

Hitachi had smart dust in 2001 as well, keep in mind this was 17 years ago and the technology must have improved tenfold by now"

- http://thefutureofthings.com/3221-hitachi-develops-worlds-smallest-rfid-chip/


First published at 13:38 UTC on September 27th, 2018.



#69669 at 2021-07-06 11:04:47 (UTC+1)

QRB General #383: GRAPHENE in Both Masks & Vax - Coincidence? Edition

>>>/qresearch/69598 /lb >Julian Assange wanted us to know right before his internet was cut

"Intelligent evil dust, it's everywhere in everything"

>and >"The generation being born now is the last to be free"

>What was he talking about? smart dust

smartdust involves 5G wireless and IoT as I will soon explain.


07 February 2019 - 09 February 2019

The intersection of machine learning and genetic engineering: what should be our check list for society and state as we blast off?

Chair: Mr James Arroyo OBE



Ditchley _Foundation_

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d2d564 No.22189

File: 4d69805e0236424⋯.jpg (427.57 KB,1208x1276,302:319,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454057 (060650ZMAR23) Notable: "joke" about Bill Gates Vaccine Chip Conspiracy, 'Think Mad Max'

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see red arrow

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d2d564 No.22190

File: cc7c76565e2c5df⋯.png (1.73 MB,1068x4007,1068:4007,Clipboard.png)

File: 018e6cd66f20b6d⋯.jpg (1.6 MB,1485x2199,495:733,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9f346f6b38522ad⋯.png (552.48 KB,566x631,566:631,Clipboard.png)

File: fc04e7f6219b92f⋯.png (114.31 KB,990x354,165:59,Clipboard.png)

File: b9b192ed40f9d5a⋯.png (84.14 KB,517x430,517:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454067 (060700ZMAR23) Notable: IoT, BlueTooth, NearField, Quantum a._i_.; Game Theory

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>Ditchley _Foundation_


Context and why this is important

The intersection of machine learning and genetic engineering is speeding up development of new technologies and new applications creating transformational opportunities as well as difficult ethical challenges for society as a whole. The combination has opened doors to advances in medicine which change the way we understand health. But its potential extends beyond health in development of new materials and genetic engineering across biological organisms and in adapting biological processes. Parallel advances in robotics and automation are another force for acceleration. And, we don’t yet know what further dimension quantum computing could bring.

As the physical becomes digital, the opportunities for individuals will be life changing. Such technologies could have impact on people’s identities, personal morality and ethics. For societies, new kinds of inequalities could result, bringing fresh challenges for democratic processes. National economies will change and dual use means there are new threats to security. Autocratic states will follow different paths. And yet, questions of governance lag far behind. How social values and norms inform the ways technology develops is far from clear.


This conference brought together a mix of expertise including geneticists and biologists, biotechnologists, microbiologists; thinkers on philosophy, religion, law and machine learning, investors and a range of company founders.


We felt like explorers of a whole new continent of opportunity and risk.

Presentations on genomic prediction and the significance of current applications in IVF and embryo selection quickly captured attention. Other features of the intersection of machine learning and genetic engineering, such as the understanding of human and computer interaction; uses in plants and agriculture; uses in warfare and the implications for security, were raised but issues of healthcare and the implications of embryo selection dominated because the dilemmas are already playing out and are urgent.

Society has yet to catch up. Establishing values, norms and regulation to facilitate the continued advance of the technology requires a deeper understanding of potential applications of machine learning and genetic engineering to map 2nd, 3rd and 4th order, as yet unknown, effects.

The interests of individuals wishing to select better outcomes for themselves and their offspring may well clash with the interests, longer-term, of populations as a whole. The question of the environmental impact on genetic expression would not go away. If we optimise ourselves for the environment we have now, and it then changes, what then? Are all bets off for genetic engineering if the environment changes? Do we have to learn to shape the environment as well as ourselves – which man has always sought to do?

Geography; research, applications and governance follow different tracks in different in parts of the world. What is acceptable and in fact happening already in some countries is not acceptable in others. What happens next?

Responses – not consensus, but ideas emerging

We need better maps of technological pathways and accompanying explanatory narratives. Calls were made for models, visualisations, scenarios and mapping with explorations for example of potential 2nd/3rd/4th order effects and unintended consequences. Alongside modelling, we need exploratory narratives to help develop our collective understanding of what is happening, what could happen and what the various publics in different parts of the world want to happen.

Don’t give up on multilateralism. Regulation at a multilateral, multinational level should be explored. Despite the doubt and concern over the effectiveness of multinational institutions – opportunities remain for collective frameworks for governance and regulation that reflect widely shared values. There are opportunities for the G20, WHO etc.

New approaches to data that allow use of anonymised data and support innovation, which could unlock the potential of this new field of technology and science should be a focus for research.

Focus innovation on where publics want to see change – for example, in oncology and cancer treatment.

Realise early that this is a contemporary security issue as well as a health issue.

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d2d564 No.22191

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454118 (060738ZMAR23) Notable: You've spent 1000's of hours here shitposting, you can spend 5 learning about Free Masons

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Watch it faggot. You've spent 1000's of hours here shitposting, you can spend 5 learning your fate.

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d2d564 No.22192

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454121 (060740ZMAR23) Notable: #22627

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Notables(Not endorsements)


>>22168, >>22171, >>22172, >>22174 Journalist reveals thousands of messages from UK Government Ministers and Secretaries WhatApp during COVID

>>22163, >>22164, >>22159, >>22165, >>22166, >>22170, >>22167, >>22189 "joke" about Bill Gates Vaccine Chip Conspiracy, 'Think Mad Max'

>>22179, >>22180, >>22181, >>22187 Hancock files lead to Fauci

>>22175 'Pandemic Diaries The inside story of Britain’s battle against Covid' By Matt Hancock and Isabel Oakeshott

>>22157 Dig Request Boston Consulting Group

>>22158 J6 Political Prisoners at DC Gulag Leak Video from Inside Jail Praying and Singing National Anthem

>>22160 @RepMTG Antifa attacked the Atlanta future Public Safety Training Facility.

>>22161, >>22184, >>22184, >>22186 Melissa Rein Lively lives in Scottsadle Az. and did interviews about Q anon cults being 'dangerous'

>>22162 Levin: This is a massive coverup - C19 originated in a Chinese lab (15-min video)

>>22169 Spate of Whale Strandings Near Offshore Wind Projects Becoming Impossible to Ignore – But Feds Still Deny Link

>>22173 another conspiracy theory proved correct RE: nighting gale hospital

>>22176 Police and travel industry react angrily to Matt Hancock lockdown texts

>>22177 Arizona Sex Crime Operation Involving 17 Men

>>22178 Bruce Henderson, BCG founder Dig

>>22182 COVID Data Fraud: "There Is a Zero Percent Chance That We Are Wrong"

>>22183 Jim Jordan: This is as wrong as it gets

>>22185 One dead, two injured in fiery caught-on-video plane crash on Long Island

>>22188, >>22190 IoT, BlueTooth, NearField, Quantum a._i_.; Game Theory

>>22191 You've spent 1000's of hours here shitposting, you can spend 5 learning about Free Masons


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d2d564 No.22193

File: bfb3412b0ce8f6d⋯.png (587.8 KB,1200x750,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454128 (060741ZMAR23) Notable: #22628

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d2d564 No.22194

File: 226fc5fbc18501a⋯.jpg (18.08 KB,400x280,10:7,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454172 (060802ZMAR23) Notable: Few days old CEO suicide/off'd for those keeping track

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few days old CEO suicide/off'd for those keeping track


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d2d564 No.22195

File: a13697273eb1fd7⋯.png (30.75 KB,617x285,617:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454182 (060807ZMAR23) Notable: EXPOSE of Krassensteins and their shady dealings

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𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃: Proof that Democrat Influencer Brian and Ed Krassenstein are true heroes! The Ponzi Bot Brothers!

great EXPOSE of Krassensteins and their shady dealings

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d2d564 No.22196

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454223 (060831ZMAR23) Notable: NYC Newsbun

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Firm of NYC homeless boss Joslyn Carter’s sister lands $1.7B in shelter contracts

The firm of Homeless Service Administrator Joslyn Carter’s sister has been awarded 17 contracts with the agency valued at a staggering $1.7 billion, according to data compiled by city Comptroller Brad Lander’s office.

Carter’s sister, Valerie Smith, is vice president of New York City Housing programs for Yonkers-based Westhab Inc., which runs homeless shelters in the city.

Former Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Carter as the administrator of the homeless services, a position maintained under successor Mayor Eric Adams.

[Seventeen of the social services contracts were awarded by DHS, many in recent years with Smith working at the agency as the city grapples with a record homeless population fueled by a massive influx of migrants from the southern border.]

“The whole thing stinks to high heaven. Why is Westhab getting all this money?,” Holden said Sunday. “It looks like they have someone on the inside. They’re protected.”

In a Feb. 8 letter to DOI and COIB, Holden said, “I recently learned from a credible source that the Department of Homeless Services Administrator Joslyn Carter is the sister of Westhab’s Vice President of New York City Shelter Programs, Valerie Smith. I am concerned that immediate family members can work on the same contract despite a potential conflict of interest.”



Cross reference 'blue' areas w/ illegal immigrant high pop zones.

You might be shocked what you discover.

The real TRUTH about why D's depend on illegal immigrants and why they care more about them than you.


It’s MONEY LAUNDERING. Democratic politicians want to maximize illegal immigration, but they don’t want their fingerprints on it. The remedy: pay so-called charities that will do the work for them. Who’s in on this scam? President Joe Biden, and politicians across the country including Gov. Kathy Hochul, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser and our own Mayor Eric Adams.

On Tuesday, Mayor Eric Adams was bemoaning the surge of illegal migrants coming into the homeless shelter system. But don’t take Adams’ protestations seriously. It’s Democratic Party theatrics.

New York is required to provide shelter to anyone – from anywhere – who has no other place to sleep. That’s thanks to lawsuits brought by nonprofits such as the Coalition for the Homeless.

Who funds the Coalition? New York City and New York State. The Coalition is a quasi-government actor posing as a charity. It’s the city suing the city. The losers are taxpayers, who foot the bill for the charade.

And Americans already here who need a helping hand, such as Jeffrey Harris, a 56-year-old vet living in one of the shelters. “If we can’t take care of the homeless here, how can we take immigrants,” he fumed.


New York Moves to Allow 800,000 Noncitizens to Vote in Local Elections



California Secretary of State Alex Padilla has conceded that noncitizens have been registered to vote in California


Passed House (02/09/2023)

This joint resolution nullifies the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2022, enacted by the council of the District of Columbia. The act allows noncitizens who meet residency and other requirements to vote in local elections in the district.



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d2d564 No.22197

File: fa53e0eab24df56⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB,2282x1640,1141:820,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 96663243e92ae47⋯.jpeg (1.69 MB,2360x1548,590:387,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3dede6ef2c8192b⋯.png (4.46 MB,2360x1640,59:41,Clipboard.png)

File: ee8048ea85163b5⋯.jpeg (508.87 KB,2001x1125,667:375,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454308 (060931ZMAR23) Notable: minibun: Handcock, ya blew it! Now seeking legal immunity

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22198

File: 5fa1d4f2531f8f4⋯.png (206.46 KB,425x408,25:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454316 (060942ZMAR23) Notable: Dr. Fauci Threatened With Prosecution And Jail After Bombshell Report Reveals He Misled America On Covid Origins

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House committee says Fauci 'prompted' drafting of medical paper to 'disprove' COVID lab leak theory

On Feb. 1, 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Francis Collins, and at least eleven other scientists convened a conference call to discuss COVID-19. On the call, Fauci and Collins were first warned that COVID-19 may have leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, and, further, may have been intentionally genetically manipulated, the memo says.


Anthony Fauci

Anthony Fauci

Danielle Wallace

Sun, March 5, 2023 at 2:12 PM EST·4 min read

In this article:

Anthony Fauci

Anthony Fauci

American immunologist and head of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

GOP leadership on a House committee said Sunday it uncovered new email evidence suggesting Dr. Anthony Fauci "prompted" the drafting of "proximal origin" publication meant to "disprove" the COVID-19 lab leak theory.

In a new memo released Sunday, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Majority Staff alerted the rest of the committee members to "New Evidence Resulting from the Select Subcommittee’s Investigation into the Origins of COVID-19 – ‘The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2’"

"New evidence released by the Select Subcommittee today suggests that Dr. Fauci ‘prompted’ the drafting of a publication that would ‘disprove’ the lab leak theory, the authors of this paper skewed available evidence to achieve that goal, and Dr. Jeremy Farrar went uncredited despite significant involvement," the memo says.

On Feb. 1, 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Francis Collins, and at least eleven other scientists convened a conference call to discuss COVID-19. On the call, Fauci and Collins were first warned that COVID-19 may have leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, and, further, may have been intentionally genetically manipulated, the memo says.


Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, allegedly "prompted" the drafting of a publication that would "disprove" the lab leak theory, according to a new House committee memo.

Three days later, four participants of the conference call authored a paper entitled "The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2" (Proximal Origin) and sent a draft to Fauci and Collins. Prior to final publication in Nature Medicine, the paper was sent to Fauci for editing and approval.

"On April 16, 2020, slightly more than two months after the original conference call, Dr. Collins emailed Dr. Fauci expressing dismay that Proximal Origin—which they saw prior to publication and were given the opportunity to edit—did not squash the lab leak hypothesis and asks if the NIH can do more to ‘put down’ the lab leak hypothesis," the memo says. "The next day—after Dr. Collins explicitly asked for more public pressure—Dr. Fauci cited Proximal Origin from the White House podium when asked if COVID-19 leaked from a lab."



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d2d564 No.22199

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454325 (060953ZMAR23) Notable: Dr. Fauci Threatened With Prosecution And Jail After Bombshell Report Reveals He Misled America On Covid Origins

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Dr. Fauci Threatened With Prosecution And Jail After Bombshell Report Reveals He Misled America On Covid Origins

Dr. Anthony Fauci and other top scientists are expected to be called before the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate to account for misleading the public on Covid-19. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is calling for Fauci to be prosecuted and jailed for his role in the coronavirus pandemic response.

At the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland, Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and J.D. Vance (R-OH) addressed the issue of accountability for Dr. Anthony Fauci.

“There should be accountability,” Vance said. “It’s that simple.”

“Tony Fauci lied under oath to the American people,” he continued. “And it’s not just that. He compelled and persuaded the FBI to censor information about the pandemic as it was unfolding. He tried to shut down, used his government power, to shut down the functioning of the First Amendment so that we could not have an honest debate about where Covid came from and what to do about it.”

“And I think it’s absolutely disgraceful what Tony Fauci did,” he added. Vance expressed his lack of faith in Attorney General Merrick Garland to do the right thing about it.

Senator Cruz expanded on Vance’s remarks.

“Dr. Fauci has done more damage than any bureaucrat in the history of our nation,” Cruz remarked. “He led policies that destroyed people’s lives, that hurt tens of millions of kids across this country, that destroyed businesses, and he lied repeatedly, over and over and over again. Now, one of the consequences is he elevated politics above science and medicine.”

“There has been no person who has done more to destroy trust in the scientific and medical community than Dr. Anthony Fauci, who told millions of Americans lies willingly, knowingly, glibly, and supremely arrogantly,” Cruz argued. “In any sane system, he would be prosecuted for lying under oath, and he would go to jail for lying under oath to Congress.”

“We have a majority in the House, and I am confident that we’re going to use that majority and use it to hold Dr. Fauci and the others who lied accountable,” Cruz added.


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d2d564 No.22200

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454327 (060954ZMAR23) Notable: “coordinated attack” on City of Atlanta Police Department by protesters opposing construction of Public Safety Training Center

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At least 35 people were arrested following what the City of Atlanta Police Department called a “coordinated attack” at the proposed site of the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center on Sunday, March 5.

Footage from the City of Atlanta Police Department shows officers at the site in DeKalb County seeking cover as they fireworks explode around them.

The police said a group of “violent agitators” carried out a “coordinated attack” on the site on Sunday.

The force said the group “changed into black clothing, entered the construction area, and began throwing large rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at police officers.”

At least 35 people were arrested, the force added.

Local media reported that the unrest followed a week-long festival arranged by protesters opposing the construction of the center.


Also in the news Charles Branson release

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d2d564 No.22201

File: 63815d7ab493aa4⋯.png (28.81 KB,611x247,47:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454356 (061014ZMAR23) Notable: minibun: Handcock, ya blew it! Now seeking legal immunity

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>he is a minion

of a certain class

here he is schmoozing old oxford pals

if you just look at the oxford network

boris johnson was the one who scuppered the ukraine peace talks

it's an incestuous little clique

all kissing arse upward, schmoozing sideways, and kicking people in the face downward

the hancock files reveal all of this for everyone to see

oxford, imperial college, king's college london

the clever dicks

all heavily involved

it's really the military-industrial-academic axis

people are beginning to see

i think "oakeshott" may become a verb

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d2d564 No.22202

File: b2e29c8db903e26⋯.png (65.17 KB,656x464,41:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454394 (061043ZMAR23) Notable: Bombshell emails show Dr. Fauci commissioned a February 2020 paper to disprove COVID leaked from a Wuhan lab

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Bombshell emails show Dr. Fauci commissioned

a February 2020 paper to disprove COVID

leaked from a Wuhan lab - weeks before

pretending the study had nothing to do

with him at a White House press conference

Daily Mail (UK), by Melissa Koenig

Posted By: Imright, 3/6/2023 2:57:42 AM

Dr. Anthony Fauci commissioned a February 2020 paper to disprove the possibility that COVID originated in a lab — only to pretend he was not involved in the study at a White House news conference weeks later. Newly-released emails uncovered by House Republicans probing the COVID-19 pandemic show the former head of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases both commissioned and had final approval on a scientific paper which claimed it was 'improbable' that the virus leaked out of a lab in Wuhan, China. Just a few weeks later, he stood next to then-President Donald Trump at a press conference

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d2d564 No.22203

File: e085eb99721f715⋯.png (133.35 KB,424x388,106:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454402 (061049ZMAR23) Notable: This is getting to be ridiculous. Bidan stumbles walking up stairs to fake af1

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This is getting to be ridiculous.


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d2d564 No.22204

File: 5e3d6fea0e1cb3f⋯.png (358.81 KB,592x587,592:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454406 (061052ZMAR23) Notable: Comped Dutch .gov shutting down dairy farmers b/c they are "peak polluters"

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22205

File: c3c1d405ff8290f⋯.png (73.54 KB,683x495,683:495,Clipboard.png)

File: f5ee866785214be⋯.png (196.06 KB,577x892,577:892,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454426 (061105ZMAR23) Notable: UK GOV. confirms Unvaccinated had lowest Mortality Rate per 100k in 2022

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>UK GOV. confirms Unvaccinated had lowest Mortality Rate per 100k in 2022

>should not be notable

>its a set up

>excludes deaths from "covid"

You didn't check out the data, did you? 'COVID' deaths are in the report too.



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d2d564 No.22206

File: 30cfe519e161241⋯.png (26.84 KB,453x217,453:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454470 (061128ZMAR23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: How does Rupert Murdoch say there was no election fraud when 2000 Mules shows, on government tape, that there were millions of “stuffed ballots, …17% difference"

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"made a 17% difference"

Donald J. Trump


How does Rupert Murdoch say there was no election fraud when 2000 Mules shows, on government tape, that there were millions of “stuffed ballots,” & Elon Musk released the FBI/Twitter Files, where pollsters say that the silencing of information made a 17% difference in the Vote. Then there was, of course, FBI/Facebook, another big election integrity fraud costing millions of Votes-& this doesn’t even count all of the many other ways they cheated, or the fact that they avoided State Legislatures?

Mar 06, 2023, 2:25 AM


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d2d564 No.22207

File: 6cb53b7ce770bc4⋯.png (428.24 KB,589x529,589:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454475 (061134ZMAR23) Notable: FBI Files Reveal Kim Kardashian Accepted Hundreds Of Thousands In Cash From Man Now A Fugitive In China

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Newly released FBI documents show that federal law enforcement officials grilled Hollywood celebrities Leonardo DiCaprio and Kim Kardashian over their connections to a man at the center of a massive foreign fraud scandal who is now in hiding in communist China.

The scandal is the multi-billion dollar graft scandal at state-fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) that resulted in former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak being sent to prison last year for more than a decade.

Malaysian financier Jho Low helped start the fund in 2009 to allegedly promote economic development for the Asian nation, Reuters reported. The report said that the scandal erupted into the largest kleptocracy investigation ever conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice with at least $4.5 billion stolen from the public fund and moved into offshore accounts with billions more still not accounted for. Malaysia says that Low, who is on the run from U.S. authorities, is hiding in China.

Federal authorities — including FBI agents, IRS officials, and DOJ prosecutors — interviewed DiCaprio in April 2018 and Kardashian in 2019 over their ties to Low, who sought to boost his credibility and image by associating with and giving large financial gifts to some of the world’s biggest stars.

Low financed DiCaprio’s hit 2013 movie “Wolf of Wall Street” after the two met at a nightclub, Bloomberg News reported. When presented with past communications that he had with Low, including emails, DiCaprio claimed that he did not remember writing the messages and that they didn’t sound like something that he would write.

DiCaprio and Low worked together of a variety of business ventures and Low continued to contact DiCaprio even after federal authorities announced that they were seizing his assets. The two men were reportedly so close that their mothers met.

Low and Kardashian first got connected when he paid her $50,000 to appear at a red carpet event in Las Vegas in 2009. Eventually the two partied and gambled together frequently, including an awkward incident where he gifted her hundreds of thousands of dollars of chips after she stayed up and gambled with him in Las Vegas. Kardashian walked out of the casino with a trash bag containing roughly $250,000 in cash.

“Kardashian put the trash bag full of cash in her carry-on bag and boarded a Southwest Airlines flight back to Los Angeles,” FBI agents wrote. She later collected the other $100,000 in cash from the remaining chips that she had after she returned to Las Vegas during a later trip.


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d2d564 No.22208

File: 24ac692370c6434⋯.png (42.15 KB,542x249,542:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454514 (061226ZMAR23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Alvin Bragg, the Racist District Attorney in Manhattan, one of the worst murder & violent crime areas in the United States (and NOTHING is being done to change that…)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Alvin Bragg, the Racist District Attorney in Manhattan, one of the worst murder & violent crime areas in the United States (and NOTHING is being done to change that, it is only getting worse!), is harassing and tormenting my 75 year old employee who they have thrown in jail, trying to force him to say something bad (lie!) about me. He plead guilty when given the choice of 90 days or 10 years (life) in jail for bull…. never prosecuted before in U.S. These are political “THUGS” RIGGING ELECTIONS!

Mar 06, 2023, 7:09 AM


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d2d564 No.22209

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454531 (061241ZMAR23) Notable: minibun: Handcock, ya blew it! Now seeking legal immunity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



First published at 11:40 UTC on March 6th, 2023.


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d2d564 No.22210

File: c133aaf9fd7c1d2⋯.png (197.44 KB,415x902,415:902,Clipboard.png)

File: a62bf7b55ae73c7⋯.png (629.88 KB,814x952,407:476,Clipboard.png)

File: 71f368618f372fd⋯.png (651.48 KB,878x961,878:961,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454536 (061248ZMAR23) Notable: minibun: Handcock, ya blew it! Now seeking legal immunity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hancock demanded immunity on care home deaths insisting he ‘didn’t break the law’

Mr Hancock said the head of a department should not be prosecuted for the actions of that department, branding legal processes as "chasing tabloid headlines"

Matt Hancock reportedly told lawyers he should have legal immunity over his department's failure to protect care home residents just days before his WhatsApp messages during the time were leaked to the public. The former Health Secretary is alleged to have told lawyers the entire Government should be held responsible and that he should be exempt from blame.





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d2d564 No.22211

File: 2b3113a1867a4dc⋯.png (27.37 KB,542x173,542:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454546 (061255ZMAR23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Ron DeSanctus voted THREE TIMES to cut and destroy Social Security, and increase the age requirement to at least 70. LIKEWISE…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Ron DeSanctus voted THREE TIMES to cut and destroy Social Security, and increase the age requirement to at least 70. LIKEWISE, he voted to radically CUT MEDICARE. He is a disciple of RINO Paul Ryan, what do you expect?

Mar 06, 2023, 7:29 AM


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d2d564 No.22212

File: 0105e1598423053⋯.png (1.12 MB,1168x886,584:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454565 (061303ZMAR23) Notable: Court in Belarus sentences exiled opposition leader Tikhanovskaya to 15 years in prison after a trial in absentia on charges including conspiring to overthrow the government.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN - Court in Belarus sentences exiled opposition leader Tikhanovskaya to 15 years in prison after a trial in absentia on charges including conspiring to overthrow the government.


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d2d564 No.22213

File: cf17ec14690a6a0⋯.jpeg (67 KB,750x723,250:241,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b1e1873d68984ea⋯.jpeg (343.79 KB,1241x2129,1241:2129,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8bc25b9eb470eee⋯.jpeg (128.72 KB,643x745,643:745,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 511adef5626547b⋯.jpeg (294.96 KB,1241x1165,1241:1165,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c8b2ebff0937523⋯.jpeg (252.31 KB,1241x1061,1241:1061,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454579 (061309ZMAR23) Notable: minibun: Handcock, ya blew it! Now seeking legal immunity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A twitter thread by Christopher Snowdenmentioned an article by Henderson of The Mirror in UK. His Twitter is below.There was s second tweet from Snowden, might want to follow both of them.




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d2d564 No.22214

File: b531cebdce57f57⋯.png (622.11 KB,1197x1412,1197:1412,Clipboard.png)

File: a441ce8cb196fa5⋯.png (86.83 KB,931x660,931:660,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454586 (061312ZMAR23) Notable: DJT retruth's Q drop #4462

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q+ retruths a Q drop


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d2d564 No.22215

File: ac1108111a928de⋯.jpeg (325.36 KB,1241x1479,73:87,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4a954646387682d⋯.jpeg (443.28 KB,1139x1886,1139:1886,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454598 (061318ZMAR23) Notable: minibun: Handcock, ya blew it! Now seeking legal immunity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PN>>22094 dig on Jonathan Coad lawyer sent to gbnews to shut down debate about matt hancock.

Found these tweets on Coad

>>22094 dig on Jonathan Coad lawyer sent to gbnews to shut down debate about matt hancock.

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d2d564 No.22216

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454601 (061319ZMAR23) Notable: minibun: Handcock, ya blew it! Now seeking legal immunity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Oops sauce on Coad tweets


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d2d564 No.22217

File: 1d28d1eee9252a6⋯.mp4 (581.15 KB,476x270,238:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454607 (061322ZMAR23) Notable: WEF would force covid (insert anything else here) compliance via bio-chip inside pills or syringes to force and track human compliance.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22218

File: 539175ea7390ce8⋯.png (538.16 KB,599x630,599:630,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454628 (061331ZMAR23) Notable: WEF would force covid (insert anything else here) compliance via bio-chip inside pills or syringes to force and track human compliance.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


FDA approves pill with sensor that digitally tracks if patients have ingested their medication

November 13, 2017

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved the first drug in the U.S. with a digital ingestion tracking system. Abilify MyCite (aripiprazole tablets with sensor) has an ingestible sensor embedded in the pill that records that the medication was taken. The product is approved for the treatment of schizophrenia, acute treatment of manic and mixed episodes associated with bipolar I disorder and for use as an add-on treatment for depression in adults.

The system works by sending a message from the pill’s sensor to a wearable patch. The patch transmits the information to a mobile application so that patients can track the ingestion of the medication on their smart phone. Patients can also permit their caregivers and physician to access the information through a web-based portal.

“Being able to track ingestion of medications prescribed for mental illness may be useful for some patients,” said Mitchell Mathis, M.D., director of the Division of Psychiatry Products in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. “The FDA supports the development and use of new technology in prescription drugs and is committed to working with companies to understand how technology might benefit patients and prescribers.”

It is important to note that Abilify MyCite’s prescribing information (labeling) notes that the ability of the product to improve patient compliance with their treatment regimen has not been shown. Abilify MyCite should not be used to track drug ingestion in “real-time” or during an emergency because detection may be delayed or may not occur.

Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe and disabling brain disorder. About 1 percent of Americans have this illness. Typically, symptoms are first seen in adults younger than 30 years of age. Symptoms of those with schizophrenia include hearing voices, believing other people are reading their minds or controlling their thoughts, and being suspicious or withdrawn. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is another brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. The symptoms of bipolar disorder include alternating periods of depression and high or irritable mood, increased activity and restlessness, racing thoughts, talking fast, impulsive behavior and a decreased need for sleep.

Abilify MyCite contains a Boxed Warning alerting health care professionals that elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis treated with antipsychotic drugs are at an increased risk of death. Abilify MyCite is not approved to treat patients with dementia-related psychosis. The Boxed Warning also warns about an increased risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children, adolescents and young adults taking antidepressants. The safety and effectiveness of Abilify MyCite have not been established in pediatric patients. Patients should be monitored for worsening and emergence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Abilify MyCite must be dispensed with a patient Medication Guide that describes important information about the drug’s uses and risks.

In the clinical trials for Abilify, the most common side effects reported by adults taking Abilify were nausea, vomiting, constipation, headache, dizziness, uncontrollable limb and body movements (akathisia), anxiety, insomnia, and restlessness. Skin irritation at the site of the MyCite patch placement may occur in some patients.

Prior to initial patient use of the product, the patient’s health care professional should facilitate use of the drug, patch and app to ensure the patient is capable and willing to use the system.

Abilify was first approved by the FDA in 2002 to treat schizophrenia. The ingestible sensor used in Abilify MyCite was first permitted for marketing by the FDA in 2012.

The FDA granted the approval of Abilify MyCite to Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The sensor technology and patch are made by Proteus Digital Health.

The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products for human use, and medical devices. The agency also is responsible for the safety and security of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, products that give off electronic radiation, and for regulating tobacco products.

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d2d564 No.22219

File: 80fa3aa9f181fa8⋯.png (1.19 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454661 (061345ZMAR23) Notable: A Baltic monitoring media outlet has published footage of an enormous amount of American military equipment being prepared to move from the Port of Gdynia in Poland.

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The sleepy potato wasn't content to arm the Taliban with our stuff.

If wonder what other countries are in need of our free stuff!


March 6 2023

Watch: Vast Expanse Of US Military Hardware Positioned At Polish Port

A Baltic monitoring media outlet has published footage of an enormous amount of American military equipment being prepared to move from the Port of Gdynia in Poland.

The expanse of military hardware is being described as equipment belonging to the US Army's 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division. Some Eastern European media reports are claiming that at least a portion of the equipment, which looks multiple football fields in length, are bound for Kiev.

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d2d564 No.22220

File: 650ac5d0b849f8a⋯.png (52.14 KB,1147x298,1147:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454666 (061347ZMAR23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: CPAC was packed for my speech, you couldn’t get into the building. A special thanks to the area Fire Department for making it work so well. Great job!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump



CPAC was packed for my speech, you couldn’t get into the building. A special thanks to the area Fire Department for making it work so well. Great job!

Mar 06, 2023, 8:42 AM


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d2d564 No.22221

File: 5a2dff8fc6f76fe⋯.png (116.11 KB,552x466,276:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454672 (061349ZMAR23) Notable: Ron DeSantis w/CAP: Florida broke our visitation record with more than 137.6 million visitors in 2022, and this was in spite of the Biden Administration's…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

137.6 million = 17

137.6 million and 2022 = 23

Ron DeSantis


Florida broke our visitation record with more than 137.6 million visitors in 2022, and this was in spite of the Biden Administration's unscientific vax mandate for oversea travelers.

6:33 PM · Mar 5, 2023


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d2d564 No.22222

File: 904211067b491a1⋯.png (56.2 KB,1102x278,551:139,Clipboard.png)

File: c34a540f743ebc0⋯.png (150.35 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 43c381e560179f8⋯.png (725.47 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: a7bd09bbf77f63b⋯.png (1.35 MB,1484x987,212:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454777 (061420ZMAR23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Too bad Larry Hogan, the RINO Former Governor of Maryland, is dropping out of the Presidential Race. While he didn’t stand a chance…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump



Too bad Larry Hogan, the RINO Former Governor of Maryland, is dropping out of the Presidential Race. While he didn’t stand a chance, he would have been fun to practice on!

Mar 06, 2023, 8:48 AM


Larry Hogan looks like a pedophile,

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d2d564 No.22223

File: 90fba2962fc96bc⋯.png (224.63 KB,866x468,433:234,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d53ffdc7a1aadd⋯.png (179.35 KB,672x901,672:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454836 (061433ZMAR23) Notable: DJT Jr. w/CAP: “The world has finally woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus. Now it's time to hold China to account.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald Trump Jr.


“The world has finally woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus. Now it's time to hold China to account.”


DONALD J TRUMP: The world has finally woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus. Now it’s time to hold China to account

Former President of the U.S. demands $50trillion in reparations over lab leak

Comes as FBI say Wuhan scientists 'probably' created the Covid virus

Read more: Trump wants 'Freedom Cities' and 'BONUSES' for parents in future


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d2d564 No.22224

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454870 (061440ZMAR23) Notable: #22628

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

final bun for #22628

hold em till the tippy top

#22628 >>22193

>>22194 Few days old CEO suicide/off'd for those keeping track

>>22195 EXPOSE of Krassensteins and their shady dealings

>>22198, >>22199 Dr. Fauci Threatened With Prosecution And Jail After Bombshell Report Reveals He Misled America On Covid Origins

>>22197, >>22201, >>22209, >>22210, >>22213, >>22215, >>22216 minibun: Handcock, ya blew it! Now seeking legal immunity

>>22200 “coordinated attack” on City of Atlanta Police Department by protesters opposing construction of Public Safety Training Center

>>22196 NYC Newsbun

Baker change

>>22202 Bombshell emails show Dr. Fauci commissioned a February 2020 paper to disprove COVID leaked from a Wuhan lab

>>22203 This is getting to be ridiculous. Bidan stumbles walking up stairs to fake af1

>>22205 UK GOV. confirms Unvaccinated had lowest Mortality Rate per 100k in 2022

>>22206 DJT TS w/CAP: How does Rupert Murdoch say there was no election fraud when 2000 Mules shows, on government tape, that there were millions of “stuffed ballots, …17% difference"

>>22207 FBI Files Reveal Kim Kardashian Accepted Hundreds Of Thousands In Cash From Man Now A Fugitive In China

>>22208 DJT TS w/CAP: Alvin Bragg, the Racist District Attorney in Manhattan, one of the worst murder & violent crime areas in the United States (and NOTHING is being done to change that…)

>>22204 Comped Dutch .gov shutting down dairy farmers b/c they are "peak polluters"

>>22211 DJT TS w/CAP: Ron DeSanctus voted THREE TIMES to cut and destroy Social Security, and increase the age requirement to at least 70. LIKEWISE…

>>22212 Court in Belarus sentences exiled opposition leader Tikhanovskaya to 15 years in prison after a trial in absentia on charges including conspiring to overthrow the government.

>>22214 DJT retruth's Q drop #4462

>>22217, >>22218 WEF would force covid (insert anything else here) compliance via bio-chip inside pills or syringes to force and track human compliance.

>>22219 A Baltic monitoring media outlet has published footage of an enormous amount of American military equipment being prepared to move from the Port of Gdynia in Poland.

>>22220 DJT TS w/CAP: CPAC was packed for my speech, you couldn’t get into the building. A special thanks to the area Fire Department for making it work so well. Great job!

>>22221 Ron DeSantis w/CAP: Florida broke our visitation record with more than 137.6 million visitors in 2022, and this was in spite of the Biden Administration's…

>>22222 DJT TS w/CAP: Too bad Larry Hogan, the RINO Former Governor of Maryland, is dropping out of the Presidential Race. While he didn’t stand a chance…

>>22223 DJT Jr. w/CAP: “The world has finally woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus. Now it's time to hold China to account.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22225

File: adaf01479c39474⋯.jpeg (244.21 KB,881x1166,881:1166,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fc0306e440f4daf⋯.jpg (61.47 KB,1190x595,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454908 (061446ZMAR23) Notable: #22629

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Caker ready fer naker?

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d2d564 No.22226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454954 (061458ZMAR23) Notable: States over Fed: Which nations have presented themselves as a sanctuary for the unvaccinated

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Which nations have presented themselves as a sanctuary for the unvaccinated, and those who are set-apart, aka the new 'jews'? Guessing that is many of us, that want nothing to do with babylon, CBDC, vaccine passports, media, or politricks, including Trump.

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d2d564 No.22227

File: 53f6f3d9e41a2da⋯.png (752.73 KB,514x1158,257:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 7314df3158c5f0f⋯.png (304.06 KB,538x588,269:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18454974 (061504ZMAR23) Notable: Plane Crashes Into Residential Area Near Long Island, 1 Confirmed Dead 7/10?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Plane Crashes Into Residential Area Near Long Island, 1 Confirmed Dead

March 5, 2023

NEW YORK – According to officials, a small plane crashed in a residential area on Long Island on Sunday afternoon, resulting in the death of one person and critical injuries to at least two others.

The FAA reported that the single-engine Piper PA 28 crashed in North Lindenhurst around 3 p.m., just before reaching its intended destination of Republic Airport in Farmingdale.

It is believed that all three individuals were aboard the plane during the crash, and no civilians on the ground were harmed, Babylon Town Supervisor Rich Shaffer told WNBC.

The injured passengers were airlifted by a helicopter to Stony Brook Hospital for treatment, while the FAA and NTSB will conduct investigations into the cause of the accident.



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d2d564 No.22228

File: e0337badc04c884⋯.png (1.19 MB,1360x614,680:307,Clipboard.png)

File: dc992e435b16f99⋯.png (358.45 KB,1260x457,1260:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 20da2f440e4f12c⋯.png (444.71 KB,644x429,644:429,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d5d9898dde158e⋯.png (205.26 KB,484x275,44:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455027 (061517ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag Yerp and Med Activity:Some BUFFS (B-52s) just finished being refueled over Poland and switched on whole time-want to be seen

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFag Yerp and Med Activity:Some BUFFS (B-52s) just finished being refueled over Poland and switched on whole time-want to be seen-usually they (along with most of the biggun ACs like E-4B, E-6B C-17, E-8C Joint STARS etc) switch off during that process but the tanker is still visible

NOBLE12 and 11 B-52 Stratofortress' over northern Poland just finished getting a refuel from 57-1483 and 62-3562 KC-135 Stratotankers… 11 and 12=23

QID12 KC-135 tanker over the Baltic sea on the refueling track as well-just south of Sweden

AE67D1 US Navy P-8 Poseidon over eastern Romania and western Black Sea=was also the Italian AF PERSEO71 G550 AEW&C G550(Airborne Early Warning and Control) on it's recent routine work as Italian AF IAM1496 G5 departed Constanta AB, Romania after a ground stop

Hungarian AF HUAF140 A319 west from BakuEcon Min Márton Nagy

Hungary supports Azerbaijan's territorial integrity, sees no alternative to peace - minister


Danish AF DAF002 CL-60 depated Tirana, Albania after about 3h30m on groundPM Mette Frederiksenand now at Rijeka Croatia

Premier recieves Denmark counterpart in Tirana


DUKE23C560 NW from Souda Bay, Crete

SAM327 C-32A arrived at Aqaba, Jordan from it's JBA depart and Shannon stop for refuel (Secretary of Defense is in Jordan as of yesterday's reports >>22052, >>22136 pb SAM327 leaving yesterday and Austin 'starts jis Middle East Tour in Amman

Just 'above' are the Israeli AF AEW&C G550 676, 679 Nachshon Eitam and Shavit-respectively

SAM296 C-40B departed NB Rota after arriving from Rabat stop and Tel Aviv depart yesterday >>22042, >>22136 pb and is just north of the Azores heading back to JBAJ.C.O.S. Milley

Swiss AF SUI784 560 north from Zurich Int'l depart-always pay attention to the 'neutral Swiss' as they are pulling tanks out of mothball and gibing to Zelensky according to reports on Saturday

From last night in cap #1 and those traces are visible just N and NE of Rzsesow Airport, Poland

NOVA61 E-3 Sentry AWACS was up last night completed it's first trackin' loop at about 11:30pm EST (CONUS time)and it also got a refuel from HOBO12 KC-135 tanker later on and both are finished and back at base- so there is another 'visitor at Rzsesow' imo

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d2d564 No.22229

File: 97edf962a11f832⋯.png (377.77 KB,617x381,617:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455043 (061519ZMAR23) Notable: California Town Enforces ‘No-Encampment’ Policy and Has Zero Homeless People, Coronado

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

California Town Enforces ‘No-Encampment’ Policy and Has Zero Homeless People

California: Richard Bailey, the Republican Mayor of Coronado, a small town with a population of 20,576 people, has reinforced a no-encampment policy in his city, which now reports the lowest homeless population in the state. He said that “We want to see people get help. And we’re willing to fund reasonable services, shelter spaces that can help accommodate that.” Coronado rejects homeless encampments and other code violations such as being drunk in public or urinating in public or defecating in public. He said that that “what ends up happening is an individual either chooses to get help or they end up leaving.”


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d2d564 No.22230

File: cd3b1ae76a08f48⋯.png (551.35 KB,858x499,858:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455070 (061524ZMAR23) Notable: States over Fed: Which nations have presented themselves as a sanctuary for the unvaccinated

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Texas, Florida.


we are the jews naow.

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d2d564 No.22231

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455076 (061526ZMAR23) Notable: States over Fed: Which nations have presented themselves as a sanctuary for the unvaccinated

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Both states, not nations. Both under US Fed Gov, and thus WHO/UN, and FED/ BIS upcoming CBDC. Also threatened by untold numbers of immigrants who will likely be suited up as either UN troops, CDC Quarantine Detention Operators, ATF Raiders, or general assets of mayhem to provide the impetus for the engagement of those listed first into the 'affected AOs'

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d2d564 No.22232

File: 6177c21dab348ae⋯.png (175.61 KB,532x270,266:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455079 (061527ZMAR23) Notable: “There is No Price I Would Sell Out My Country For” – Arizona MAGA STAR Kari Lake

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WATCH: “There is No Price I Would Sell Out My Country For” – Arizona MAGA STAR Kari Lake Says She Turned Down Bribe to Get Out of Politics from “Powerful People” Last Week

While speaking at CPAC this weekend, Kari Lake revealed that a person sent by “powerful people back East” attempted to bribe her, but she told them to pound friggin sand!

Like President Trump, Kari Lake cannot be bought.

The Gateway Pundit has reported on Kari Lake’s incredible story of how she walked away from a 27-year career as a top network news anchor and a fat salary to fight for truth and freedom.

Lake’s election for Arizona Governor was rigged and stolen last November when more than half the voting machines, mainly in Republican precincts, failed to read ballots on Election Day in Maricopa County, the largest County in Arizona.


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d2d564 No.22233

File: 662617ecfcd4637⋯.png (18.54 KB,472x271,472:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455085 (061528ZMAR23) Notable: “There is No Price I Would Sell Out My Country For” – Arizona MAGA STAR Kari Lake

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Trending BTW

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d2d564 No.22234

File: 02f7a1b1d43c843⋯.jpg (186.95 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455098 (061531ZMAR23) Notable: States over Fed: Which nations have presented themselves as a sanctuary for the unvaccinated

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Not according to the Constitution

original contract between States and Fed.

If FED drops the ball.

all reverts to State.


and that they are using the social media platforms and the Mass Electronic Medium and the Paper News Medium and the Book Medium - all to promote their Propaganda / insanity / delusion to Power?


Just as Trump said.

"I caught them all"

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d2d564 No.22235

File: f1e4a5dfb511f58⋯.png (498.84 KB,885x737,885:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455123 (061536ZMAR23) Notable: Louis Jolyon West thread: What did McVeigh, Sirhan Sirhan, Manson Kaczynski have in common?

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Interdasting thread getting some attention on twitter: Louis Jolyon West


Assuming some anons know his shady background.

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d2d564 No.22236

File: 65545934ec503e2⋯.png (1.44 MB,788x1080,197:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455152 (061541ZMAR23) Notable: Louis Jolyon West thread: What did McVeigh, Sirhan Sirhan, Manson Kaczynski have in common?

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Louis Jolyon (Jolly) West, M.D. (1924-1999) was a well-known Los Angles psychiatrist who served as the chair of UCLA's Department of Psychiatry and as director of the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute from 1969 to 1989. He was an expert on cults, coercive persuasion ("brainwashing"), alcoholism, drug abuse, violence, and terrorism. The collection contains Dr. West's research materials, lecture and presentation materials, personal and professional correspondence, and documents related to his professional associations and academic positions.


Louis Jolyon (Jolly) West, M.D. (1924-1999) was a well-known Los Angeles psychiatrist who served as the chair of UCLA's Department of Psychiatry and as director of the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute from 1969 to1989. He was an expert on cults, coercive persuasion ("brainwashing"), alcoholism, drug abuse, violence, and terrorism. He served as an expert witness in the trial of Patricia "Patty" Hearst, and examined Jack Ruby, the murderer of JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.


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d2d564 No.22237

File: 956f4d58ff14aae⋯.png (433.07 KB,837x407,837:407,Clipboard.png)

File: a47117fcaadd5a9⋯.png (926.04 KB,940x624,235:156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455164 (061545ZMAR23) Notable: PF NOBLE11 USAF B-52 heading NE 'up' the Baltic Sea with AE678F US Navy P-8 Poseidon got a tank full of fuel from QID12 KC-135 tanker earlier and it (P-8) was switched off

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NOBLE11 USAF B-52 heading NE 'up' the Baltic Sea with AE678F US Navy P-8 Poseidon got a tank full of fuel from QID12 KC-135 tanker earlier and it (P-8) was switched off during that

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d2d564 No.22238

File: 66f5a368fff50d6⋯.png (189.95 KB,291x560,291:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455172 (061547ZMAR23) Notable: #OTD in 1857, one of the most universally-condemned Supreme Court decisions in history was issued. In the case of Dred Scott v. Sanford, "they [enslaved Black people] had no rights which the white man was bound to respect."

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#OTD in 1857, one of the most universally-condemned Supreme Court decisions in history was issued. In the case of Dred Scott v. Sanford, Chief Justice Roger Taney wrote for the majority saying "they [enslaved Black people] had no rights which the white man was bound to respect."


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d2d564 No.22239

File: 29296dd317bec6e⋯.png (239.63 KB,598x456,299:228,Clipboard.png)

File: 52d358d0c880afe⋯.png (381.78 KB,598x795,598:795,Clipboard.png)

File: 56ec32c8620d371⋯.png (288.28 KB,598x553,598:553,Clipboard.png)

File: 601006c25d368c2⋯.png (220.87 KB,598x702,23:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455174 (061548ZMAR23) Notable: Twitter Bots all over this today, if you have a minute please redirect your shitposting to one of these threads

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Twitter Bots all over this today, if you have a minute please redirect your shitposting to one of these threads

#ArrestTrumpNow https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523ArrestTrumpNow

#LockHimUpAlready https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523LockHimUpAlready

#TrumpIsALaughingStock https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523TrumpIsALaughingStock

#TrumpIsGuilty https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523TrumpIsGuilty

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d2d564 No.22240

File: 2397f58ee320a7a⋯.mp4 (15.35 MB,256x144,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455196 (061553ZMAR23) Notable: Interview with Isabel Oakeshott, broke an NDA to leak Matt Hancock's WhatsApps

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Interview with Isabel Oakeshott, the journalist who leaked over 100,000 Whatsapp texts from Matt Hancock's phone that he gave her to research for the book she was co-writing with him.


Who is Isabel Oakeshott, the journalist who broke an NDA to leak Matt Hancock's WhatsApps?

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d2d564 No.22241

File: 704494beb992d65⋯.jpeg (105.62 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455215 (061558ZMAR23) Notable: Bulgarian arms makers exported products worth billions of dollars to Ukraine using third-party countries as intermediaries

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6 Mar, 2023 12:45

EU member state profiteering from Ukraine conflict – media

Bulgaria sold billions of dollars worth of arms to Kiev, paid for and delivered by third-party nations, EURACTIV has reported

Bulgarian arms makers exported products worthbillions of dollars to Ukraine using third-party countriesas intermediaries, EURACTIV revealed in an investigation published on Monday.

It had earlier been reported that former prime minister Kiril Petkov claimed credit for the scheme, which circumvented opponents of such transactions in the Bulgarian government.

The outlet's findings indicate that thepractice of indirect arms supplies predated the outbreak of Russian-Ukrainian hostilities. However once the conflict escalated in February 2022, Bulgarian manufacturers enjoyed a rapid increase in profits, doubling sales last year.

Bulgaria is a major producer of munitions compatible with Soviet-designed weapons, which Ukraine used extensively before the US and its allies supplied it with Western-produced alternatives. Last year alone, at least $1 billion in arms was transferred from Bulgaria to Ukraine, mostly through Poland and Romania, sources told EURACTIV. No direct arms contracts were signed, the outlet added.

The funneling of arms was done through foreign schemes and funded using foreign finance, according to Velizar Shalamanov, the former acting defense minister and a vocal supporter of shipping arms to Ukraine.

There is a program with good funding in Great Britain, the United States and Poland. Through this program, the armaments needed for Ukraine are bought, that is, the money is not Ukrainian but British, American, Polish or European. That is why it is bought through other companies,” he told EURACTIV.

The clandestine deliveries were repoerted in January by the German daily Die Welt, which gave credit for the scheme to former Bulgarian prime minister Kiril Petkov and ex-finance minister Asen Vasilev. They are both Harvard University graduates and belong to the same pro-NATO political movement, which they founded together.

We estimate that around a third of the ammunition needed by the Ukrainian Army came from Bulgaria in the early stages of the war,” Petkov said at the time.

The prime minister had taken the steps contrary to public opinion, which was overwhelmingly opposed to giving extensive aid to Ukraine, over concerns that their country would be dragged into the conflict, Die Welt reported. Petkov’s government was backed by a coalition of four parties, and, according to the German paper, he went behind the back of the Socialists – a coalition member that publicly opposed any armament supplies to Ukraine.

Petkov lost his position in a no-confidence vote last June. The Bulgarian parliament failed to form a stable government after snap elections in October and is currently preparing for a new national ballot in April. The countryapproved its first official military aid package to Kiev in December, with President Rumen Radev declining to block the proposal backed by parliament.


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d2d564 No.22242

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455224 (061600ZMAR23) Notable: Interview with Isabel Oakeshott, broke an NDA to leak Matt Hancock's WhatsApps

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>Isabel Oakeshott

Isabel Oakeshott

Born&#09;1974/1975 (age 48–49)[1]


Alma mater&#09;University of Bristol

Occupation&#09;Political journalist


Isabel Oakeshott is a British political journalist.

Oakeshott was the political editor of The Sunday Times and is the co-author, with Michael Ashcroft, of an unauthorised biography of former British prime minister David Cameron, Call Me Dave, and of various other non-fiction titles, including White Flag? An examination of the UK's defence capability, also written with Ashcroft, Farmageddon, co-written with Philip Lymbery, and Pandemic Diaries, co-written with Matt Hancock, which provides an account of Hancock's tenure as the UK's Health Secretary during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Early life

Oakeshott attended St. George's School, Edinburgh, and Gordonstoun School in Moray, Scotland,[2] before graduating in 1996 with a bachelor's degree in history from the University of Bristol.[3]

Journalism career

Oakeshott began her career in journalism working in Scotland for the East Lothian Courier, Edinburgh Evening News, Daily Record, Sunday Mirror and Daily Mail, before returning to London and joining the Evening Standard as the Health correspondent.[4] After three years, she moved to The Sunday Times in 2006 as deputy political editor,[5] becoming political editor in 2010, and remained until 2014.[6] She was awarded the title "Political Journalist of the Year" at the 2011 The Press Awards.[7]

In 2013, while at The Sunday Times, she persuaded Vicky Pryce to implicate her estranged husband, former Liberal Democrat MP and Cabinet minister Chris Huhne, in having committed the offence of perverting the course of justice, leading to the case R v Huhne, and to both Pryce and Huhne being convicted and imprisoned.[8]

Oakeshott has appeared as a panelist on the BBC's Daily Politics,[9] as well as on BBC TV's Question Time,[10] and has been a contributor to Sky News' Press Preview programme.[11][12]

Between February 2016 and early 2017, Oakeshott was the Daily Mail's political editor-at-large.[13][14] In 2019, she wrote a series of articles for The Mail on Sunday based on leaked diplomatic memos written by the British Ambassador to the United States Sir Kim Darroch, in which he criticised the Trump administration.[15] The leak led to his resignation.[16]

In July 2019, The Guardian amended an article by its parliamentary sketch writer John Crace which contained a sentence that had potentially implied that Oakeshott obtained the Darroch emails by sleeping with Nigel Farage or Arron Banks. At the time, she called the comment "demonstrably false and extraordinarily sexist". The newspaper later published an apology.[17][18][19] According to the website Guido Fawkes they also paid Oakeshott a five figure sum in damages.[20]

In October 2021, she joined GB News as the presenter of the Friday lunchtime political programme The Briefing with Isabel Oakeshott, hosting 22 hour-long episodes until the end of March 2022.[21]

In April 2022, it was announced that she would be joining the new TalkTV channel.

Writing career

Oakeshott has written a number of non-fiction books. Inside Out, co-written with, or ghostwritten for, Labour Party insider Peter Watt, is an inside look at New Labour.[22] Farmageddon: the true cost of cheap meat, co-written with Philip Lymbery, addresses the effects of industrial-scale meat production.[23]

Call Me Dave, co-written with Michael Ashcroft, is an unauthorised biography of former British prime minister David Cameron.[24] One of the details in the book – that Cameron, during his university days, allegedly performed a sex act involving a dead pig – caused controversy upon publication. The unsubstantiated story was dependent on hearsay,[25] and Oakeshott subsequently conceded her source could have been "deranged".[26]

In 2018 she co-authored with Ashcroft a book on the state of the British Armed Forces, White Flag?.[27]

The Bad Boys of Brexit is an inside account of the Leave.EU campaign during the run-up to the Brexit referendum, which she had ghostwritten for UKIP donor and Leave.EU funder Arron Banks.[28] Oakeshott is a supporter of Brexit.[29] She was in possession of details about Russia's cultivation and handling of Banks, that he was in regular contact with Russian officials from 2015 to 2017, but publicly downplayed Russian involvement with him.[30][31]


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d2d564 No.22243

File: e080645d2d6d5ad⋯.jpeg (97.92 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455232 (061602ZMAR23) Notable: Some 12,000 people have reportedly been left without shelter after Sunday’s inferno in Bangladesh refugee camp

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6 Mar, 2023 14:59

Fire rips through world’s largest refugee camp

Some 12,000 people have reportedly been left without shelter after Sunday’s inferno in Bangladesh

Authorities in Bangladesh have opened an investigation into the circumstances which led to an inferno at a Rohingya refugee camp on Sunday that destroyed around 2,000 shelters and left thousands of people homeless.

Local media has reported that one man – who is understood to be a refugee – has been detained in connection with the fire. Police are trying to determine whether or not the blaze was started “as an act of sabotage,” according to Mohammad Mizanur Rahman, the chairman of Bangladesh’s Refugee Relief Repatriation Commissioner.

Some 2,000 shelters have been burnt, leaving about 12,000 forcibly displacedMyanmar nationals shelterless,” Rahman told the AFP.

It is not yet clear how the fire, which occurred at 2:45pm local time on Sunday, began but it is thought to have spread quickly through tarpaulin shelters and by gas cylinders in kitchens. No casualties have yet been reported in the fire, which was brought under control after three hours.

The refugee camp in the country’s southeast is considered to be the largest of its kind. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) tweeted on Sunday that 90 facilities, including hospitals and learning centers, had been destroyed in the fire. Around 35 mosques were also reported to have been damaged or destroyed.

Bangladesh authorities are working with domestic and international aid groups to supply food and temporary shelter to those affected by the blaze.

“Today’s massive fire will have robbed many families of their safety and what little belongings they have left,” the humanitarian organization ‘Save the Children’ stated on Sunday. “They continue to grapple with inadequate education, concerning levels of malnutrition, stunting, child marriage, and child labor.”

Rohingyarefugee camps were affected by 222 fires between January 2021 and December 2022, according to data released by the country’s defense ministry last month. This included 60 cases of arson. In March 2021, at least 15 people died in a fire at the settlement.

The camp offers temporary housing to Rohingya people who fled Myanmar in the wake of a crackdown against the Muslim ethnic minority in the country in 2017.


Why would they do this? Is it the UN seeking more money?

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d2d564 No.22244

File: b99ec9b96413f8f⋯.jpeg (46.4 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455243 (061606ZMAR23) Notable: Russian ex-president talks of ‘final nail’ in neocolonialism coffin

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6 Mar, 2023 15:31

Russian ex-president talks of ‘final nail’ in neocolonialism coffin

Truly sovereign states are no longer afraid of ‘Western diktat,’ Dmitry Medvedev says

Russia is ready to help the world do away with the vestiges of a Western-dominated colonial past, former president Dmitry Medvedev has claimed. The official argued that as a nation “which has never had any colonies,” Russia is well-placed to take part in this process.

In an article published on Monday, Medvedev claimed that “geopolitical turbulence has cut open an abscess of the old problems of our world.”

The ex-president, who now serves as deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, argued that the “malignant tumor of a colonial past” is a problem that calls for “international surgery.”

He noted that the Soviet Union played a major role in dismantling the colonial system of the 20th century.

“We, together with other countries, can now drive the final nail in the coffin of the Western world’s neo-colonial aspirations,” Medvedev proclaimed in the piece, posted on the United Russia party website.

As an example, the former president cited Argentina’s decision to renounce a 2016 deal with the UK with respect to the disputed Falkland/Malvinas islands in the South Atlantic, which were at the center of a military conflict in 1982.

On Thursday, Argentinian Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero said he had notified his British counterpart, James Cleverly, of the move during a meeting in New Delhi, India, on the sidelines of the G20 summit.

Buenos Aires “has proposed to resume negotiations on the question of sovereignty” in compliance with the mandate of the UN General Assembly and the world body’s Committee on Decolonization, Cafiero clarified.

Medvedev argued that the decisions to show French troops the door last year by two former colonies in Africa, the Central African Republic and Mali, fit this pattern too.

Medvedev pointed out, however, that there are still a number of dependent territories around the globe ruled by Western powers, such as the UK and France. He expressed skepticism that those nations will willingly relinquish control of the remains of their former empires.

As more and more countries “stop fearing Western diktat” and start to assert their national interests more actively, the former colonial powers are bound to lose their hold on the regions they once thought were theirs, the ex-president concluded.

Following the start of Russia’s military campaign against Ukraine last February and amid fierce confrontation with the West, top Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, have increasingly advocated the establishment of a “multipolar world” which does not center around the wishes of one single superpower.

(Russia didn’t have colonies, they stole whole countries. What is the difference? At this point this is propaganda.)


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d2d564 No.22245

File: 082ee50a1445818⋯.png (252.14 KB,530x512,265:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455247 (061607ZMAR23) Notable: @USCG Flying into the new week ✈️🚁

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Flying into the new week ✈️🚁

Are you ready to take off and Go Coast Guard?! Start your Coast Guard journey today to learn about #career opportunities (and bonuses 💰) in the USCG: http://gocoastguard.com/chat-now

#SemperParatus #GoCoastGuard #USA 🇺🇸⚓


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d2d564 No.22246

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455249 (061608ZMAR23) Notable: Interview with Isabel Oakeshott, broke an NDA to leak Matt Hancock's WhatsApps

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Who is Isabel Oakeshott, the journalist who broke an NDA to leak Matt Hancock's WhatsApps?


Isabel Oakeshott has admitted she didn't tell Matt Hancock she was going to leak 100,000 of his WhatsApp messages before sharing them with the Daily Telegraph. The Brexiteer journalist and political commentator has passed on more than 2.3 million words from exchanges the former health secretary and his colleagues had about COVID policy at the height of the pandemic. Her leak broke the non-disclosure agreement she signed that promised she would only use the messages on background to ghost write Mr Hancock's book, Pandemic Diaries. She has vehemently defended her decision, which she claims is "overwhelmingly" in the public interest - as she believes the inquiry into the government response to the pandemic will take far too long to achieve genuine justice.

From King Charles's school to political journalist. Ms Oakeshott was born in Westminster in the mid-1970s before moving to Scotland. She attended fee-paying schools St George's in Edinburgh and Gordonstoun in Moray - where both King Charles and his father the Duke of Edinburgh went. After graduating with a history degree from the University of Bristol she moved back to Scotland to begin her journalism career in local newspapers. In the early 2000s she moved to London to be the Evening Standard's health correspondent. Three years later she took her first steps into political journalism and joined the Sunday Times, where in 2010 she was made political editor and in 2011 she was named Political Journalist of the Year at the Press Awards. A year-long stint as the Daily Mail's political editor-at-large followed before jobs at GB News presenting her show The Briefing with Isabel Oakeshott in 2021 and as TalkTV's international editor from mid-2022. She has three children and was previously married to the American Nigel Rosser. She has since been in a long-term relationship with Richard Tice, the leader of Reform UK, formerly known as the Brexit Party.

But her reported breach of contract has led to criticism from Conservative MPs and journalists - particularly in light of other controversies she has been involved in.

- Matt Hancock's book is the 10th she has worked on. Following the publication of The Lockdown Files in The Telegraph, Mr Hancock accused Ms Oakeshott of a "massive betrayal and breach of trust".

- In 2011 when she was working at The Sunday Times she agreed to write a story about Vicky Pryce - the ex-wife of former Liberal Democrat minister Chris Huhne, who Ms Pryce had separated from following an affair. Ms Pryce told Ms Oakeshott she had taken points on her driving licence for a speeding offence Mr Huhne committed. She discussed with Ms Oakeshott over email how they might report the story to discredit Mr Huhne. But the front-page article that materialised led to the Crown Prosecution Service revisiting the incident, requesting the email exchanges, and ultimately both Ms Pryce and Mr Huhne being sentenced to eight months in prison for perverting the course of justice.

- In 2015 she co-authored a biography of then-prime minister David Cameron with the Conservative peer Lord Ashcroft. He had felt let down by Mr Cameron, having donated millions to the 2015 election campaign only to be denied a top job in his coalition government. The book, Call Me Dave, failed to have major success and was largely remembered for the claim Mr Cameron engaged in a sex act with a dead pig while at Oxford University.

- As an ardent Brexiteer, in 2016 she helped write Arron Banks's book The Bad Boys of Brexit on his account of the EU referendum.

- Three years later in 2019 she wrote a series of articles in the Mail on Sunday that revealed the UK ambassador to the United States Sir Kim Darroch had described Donald Trump's presidency as "inept" and "utterly dysfunctional". He was forced to resign, conceding his position had become untenable.

- After Matt Hancock's lockdown-breaking affair with aide Gina Coladangelo forced him to resign, Ms Oakeshott worked with him on his memoir for a year. She has claimed she wasn't paid for her work, saying it was "richly rewarding in other ways".

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d2d564 No.22247

File: a26ad7284c26e98⋯.jpg (162.78 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 70bacec033d0968⋯.jpg (163.62 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9ced85140753a73⋯.jpg (70.21 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 64cbe9460a62dc8⋯.jpg (149.78 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455270 (061612ZMAR23) Notable: Interview with Isabel Oakeshott, broke an NDA to leak Matt Hancock's WhatsApps

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d2d564 No.22248

File: d401963a75b6f30⋯.png (683.99 KB,1328x736,83:46,Clipboard.png)

File: c3cc8fea100f1ba⋯.png (398.44 KB,644x486,322:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455271 (061612ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity

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PlaneFag CONUS Activity

SAM290 G5 NW from JBA (this pretty far up the food chain and has been used as a replacement AF2 before) with RCH725, XXX, XX C-130j Hercs SW from Bangor, ME and they departed Belfast Int'l-Ireland yesterday and arrived there from Athens, Greece depart on 0304

SAM254 G5 east from Peterson SFB overnight with SPAR351 C560 heading to Denver (DIA most likely) from Scott AFB depart and PAT279 C-12C Huron east from Jefferson City, MS

PAT104 C560 just landed at Orlando Int'l from Davison Army Airfield and WING29 C560 SW from McGuire AFB, N.J. and also FORGE63 G5 looks like it's on acert flight as it did dome low passes over New Bedford, MASS and now WS and at 4k ft looking to do same over Altoona or State College, PA

Mexi Policia XCOPF 727 returns to Meico City after a 45m stop at San Luis Potosi

169330 P-8 Poseidon at low altitude just SW of Nassau, Bahamas out of NAS Jax (home base) wth GTMO845 heading to Ft. Lauderdale or NAS Jax

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d2d564 No.22249

File: 79ffe712ad55468⋯.jpeg (87.81 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455273 (061613ZMAR23) Notable: The fall of Artyomovsk, called Bakhmut by Ukraine, won’t mean Russia has changed the tide of battle, Lloyd Austin believes

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6 Mar, 2023 15:13

Pentagon chief downgrades importance of besieged Donbass city

The fall of Artyomovsk, called Bakhmut by Ukraine, won’t mean Russia has changed the tide of battle, Lloyd Austin believes

The city of Artyomovsk, or Bakhmut as it is known by Ukraine, is of more symbolic than operational importance, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has claimed.

The battle for Artyomovsk – a major stronghold and logistics hub for Kiev’s forces in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) – has continued for months, being described by some as the fiercest in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Asked about the city during his trip to Jordan later the same day, Austin suggested that the city was “more of a symbolic value than it is [of] strategic and operational value,” according to Reuters.

Yan Gagin, an adviser to the DPR’s acting head Denis Pushilin, said on Monday that Russian forces have encircled the key city, trapping around 10,000 Ukrainian troops inside.

The Pentagon chief, however, saidhe wouldn’t consider it a strategic setback if Ukrainian troops decide to repositionthemselves on new defense lines west of the city.

“The fall of [Artyomovsk] won’t necessarily mean that the Russians have changed the tide of this fight,” he said.

While acknowledging the possibility of a defeat for Ukraine in Artyomovsk, Austin refused to speculate on whether or when it’ll happen.

German tabloid Bild reported on Monday that the city had become a source of internal conflict between Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and the commander-in-chief of the country’s armed forces General Valery Zaluzhny. Insiders in Kiev told the outlet thatZaluzhny had called for a withdrawal from the city weeks ago. However, Zelensky’s office said on Monday morning that his top generals supported continuing the defensive operation in Bakhmut.

According to Western media reports, the US government has been urging Kiev topull out of Artyomovsk since late Januaryand to prepare instead for future counter-offensives in other areas. However, Zelensky has insisted the city will fight for as long as possible

Senior Biden administration officials told the Washington Post in late February that the Ukrainian leader “attaches symbolic importance” to the city and fears a setback to morale if it’s captured by Russian forces.


The pipsqueak with no military experience suffers from meglomania

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d2d564 No.22250

File: 22e7d454ca8e368⋯.png (235.8 KB,531x564,177:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455286 (061615ZMAR23) Notable: It's #NationalDentistDay

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It's #NationalDentistDay. When Hideki Tojo was imprisoned in Occupied Japan, a Navy dentist fitted him for dentures into which "Remember Pearl Harbor" had been drilled in Morse code. When news of the prank got out, the dentist quickly removed the message to avoid a court-martial.


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d2d564 No.22251

File: 6540c3a0e07030c⋯.jpeg (92.99 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455304 (061618ZMAR23) Notable: UK-led Ukraine arms fund plagued by delays soon……………..keks

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6 Mar, 2023 14:24

UK-led Ukraine arms fund plagued by delays – Guardian

Kiev’s forces may have to wait until summer to receive any weaponry

The UK-led international military aid fund for Ukraine has been criticized for failing to quickly allocate pledged resources. Bidders trying to secure military aid contracts through the fund are frustrated at how slowly the British Defense Ministry is reviewing their applications, the Guardian reported on Monday.

Of the £520 million ($624 million) pledged to the fund by the UK, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Lithuania, only £200 million ($240 million) has so far been allocated, the newspaper reported. Some participants now fear the delays could mean some of the weapons not reaching the Ukrainian frontline until summer.

The fund was initially launched in August as a “flexible low-bureaucracy fund” that would provide equipment, training and money for Ukraine’s armed forces. However, the British Ministry of Defense, which is in charge of overseeing the project, has admitted that awarding contracts “inevitably took time.”

According to the Guardian, over 1,500 suppliers are understood to have submitted bids, cumulatively worth over £27 billion. But some of the bidders claim the number of offers has overwhelmed the fund’s secretariat, which one supplier suggested was staffed by only two people.

Speaking to the Guardian, a source within the British Defense Ministry insisted that there is a larger team working on reviewing the bids, but admitted that the high level of interest was a “complicating factor.”

At the same time, the ministry source insisted that the fund was never intended to be a traditional competitive bidding process, and that the MoD wanted to ensure that it was properly managed in a way that helped Ukraine.

“Ensuring the first round was successful meant we refined the possible purchases from the fund. This inevitably took time,” the source said.

Meanwhile, the UK has reportedly been pushing Ukraine towards negotiating with Moscow, with the promise of even more advanced Western weapons to be provided to Kiev’s forces, as well as security guarantees from NATO. According to the Wall Street Journal, the British proposal has been backed by France and Germany, which have already advised Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to make “difficult decisions.”

(Farage said at CPAC that the UK has giving so much they have less than 10,000 bullets left. He also said BOJO gave away everything because it will make him a famous world leader.)


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d2d564 No.22252

File: 1fbe32839f2e4b2⋯.png (346.67 KB,594x443,594:443,Clipboard.png)

File: b5cf08739bd3e10⋯.png (116.54 KB,664x371,664:371,Clipboard.png)

File: fd9125d5f80e544⋯.png (141.99 KB,925x587,925:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455321 (061622ZMAR23) Notable: Credit Suisse's Biggest Backer Abandons Hope, Questions "Future Of Franchise"

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Credit Suisse's Biggest Backer Abandons Hope, Questions "Future Of Franchise"

US investment manager Harris Associates has been among Credit Suisse's most prominent supporters for years (owning as much as 10% of the flailing Swiss bank's stock last year).

But now, that's all over, as deputy chair and CIO David Herro tells The Financial Times that he has sold the firm's entire stake in the bank over the last few months.

Harris started to cut its exposure in October following the bank’s SFr4bn ($4.3bn) fundraising, when Saudi National Bank supplanted it as the top investor, and had now divested completely. “We have lots of other options to invest,” he added. “Rising interest rates mean lots of European financials are headed in the other direction. Why go for something that is burning capital when the rest of the sector is now generating it?” With the stock hitting all-time record lows just last week, it seems Harris' recent losses just broke “It has been a measurable drag on our performance” Herro said. “You can’t win every time — it is the business I am in. We meet every company we own, but you spend a lot more time with your problem children. Credit Suisse has been a drain of time and value for years.” “There is a question about the future of the franchise. There have been large outflows from wealth management,” he said, referring to the SFr111bn withdrawn by Credit Suisse customers in the final three months of 2022, particularly after rumors appeared on social media about the bank’s financial health. With the bank now offering extremely high deposit rates, as we detailed here, it raises concerns about how the business can sustain such a funding gap.

“We are ahead of our plan and have clear strategic objectives,” Dominik von Arx, a Credit Suisse spokesman, said in an emailed statement.

“We are laser focused on successfully executing our plan and on progressing toward our targets.”

However, Herro has lost patience:

“We feel the plan to restructure the investment bank, while a noble cause, is cumbersome and far more costly in terms of cash burn than we expected."

The two largest shareholders in Credit Suisse are now the Saudi National Bank, which bought a 10 per cent stake as part of the capital raising last year, and the Qatar Investment Authority, which raised its stake to 7 per cent at the same time.


Can barely keep it over $3-cap #3 and it took some pretty big help this morning to do that

This will be the catalyst for the 'crisis'

all pb and just a sampling

>>13429, >>13441, >>13451 Credit Suisse Dials Back Asia Risk Controls After Bankers Revolt

>>13505, >>13515 Credit Suisse also got a bailout via the Swiss Central Bank Franc/US$ swap from the NY Federal Reserve of $20.53B at the end of 3rd/4th quarters of '22-Rothy Bank going Private

>>16193 Rogue Ex-Credit Suisse Staffer "Inappropriately" Took Salary Data

>>19718 Credit Suisse Cuts Property Fund (REIT) Payouts as Withdrawals Mount

>>21685, >>21689 Credit Suisse breach spills personal info of high-net-worth clients

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d2d564 No.22253

File: 5cfcbb8600986dc⋯.jpeg (85.76 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455325 (061623ZMAR23) Notable: Russia bans Transparency International, Germany-based NGO was designated as a threat to the constitutional order

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6 Mar, 2023 16:08

Russia bans Transparency International

The Germany-based NGO was designated as a threat to the constitutional order

The Prosecutor General’s Office has declared Transparency International unwelcome in Russia, describing the Berlin-based organization on Monday as going beyond its mandate to interfere into the country’s internal affairs.

“It has been established that the activities of this organization clearly go beyond its declared goals and objectives,” the office said in a statement. “Formally acting as an organization fighting corruptionaround the world, it interferes in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation, which poses a threat to the foundations of its constitutional order and security.”

The Russian chapter of Transparency International was declared a foreign agent in 2015. Monday’s decision means Russian nationals could face prison time if they worked for the organization, and penalties for giving it financial aid or disseminating its materials.

Founded in 1993 by a group thatincluded former World Bank officials and US intelligence operatives, Transparency is best known for its annual ‘Corruption Perception Index’ (CPI), which ranks countries on a scale of their perceived propensity for graft.

The organization withdrew the accreditation of its US chapter in 2017 over “differences in philosophies, strategies, and priorities.” TI-USA was widely criticized forbeing a front for multinational corporations;

giving its Integrity Award to then-US secretary of state Hillary Clinton in 2012and blocking calls to help NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2013.

Transparency International Brazil is currently under investigation foralleged collusion with prosecutors in the ‘Car Wash’ scandal, which was used to convict former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on trumped-up corruption charges. Da Silva’s conviction was later thrown out and he won the 2022 election.


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d2d564 No.22254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455328 (061623ZMAR23) Notable: 'Tater Headlines the 2023 International Association of Fire Fighters Legislative Conference

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'Tater Headlines the 2023 International Association of Fire Fighters Legislative Conference


gettin' hot in here

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d2d564 No.22255

File: 7954288e02ae1c0⋯.png (621.61 KB,697x792,697:792,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455335 (061624ZMAR23) Notable: Atlanta Police Release Footage of Antifa Terror Attack on Future Cop Training Center in Atlanta

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this sheit right here is why i couldn't be a cop. i'd be askn fer moar ammo before the gates shut

UPDATE: Atlanta Police Release Footage of Antifa Terror Attack on Future Cop Training Center in Atlanta – Cops Say 35 Militants Detained So Far (VIDEO)


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d2d564 No.22256

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455343 (061626ZMAR23) Notable: For years, the Department of Homeland Security has run a virtually unknown program gathering domestic intelligence

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DHS has a program gathering domestic intelligence — and virtually no one knows about it

Collecting information from Americans raises ongoing civil liberties concerns.


For years, the Department of Homeland Security has run a virtually unknown program gathering domestic intelligence, one of many revelations in a wide-ranging tranche of internal documents reviewed by POLITICO.

Those documents also reveal that a significant number of employees in DHS’s intelligence office have raised concerns that the work they are doing could be illegal.




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d2d564 No.22257

File: ee76761c2c8ec35⋯.jpeg (165.42 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455369 (061632ZMAR23) Notable: Air defenses repel Ukrainian strike over Russia

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6 Mar, 2023 09:18

Air defenses repel Ukrainian strike over Russia – governor

The attack targeted a town in Belgorod Region bordering Ukraine, Vyacheslav Gladkov says

Ukrainian forces have attempted to target the town of Novy Oskol in Russia’s Belgorod Region with missiles, but the incoming projectiles were intercepted by air defenses, local Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov has said.

“In Novy Oskol, our air defense system was activated.Three missiles were shot down,”Gladkov wrote on Telegram on Monday morning.

According to preliminary data, a man suffered shrapnel wounds to his arm as a result of the incident.

The debris from the intercepted missiles also caused minor damage to power lines and several homes in the villages around the town, he said.

All the relevant operational and emergency services have been deployed to the scene, the Belgorod Region governor added.

Novy Oskol is a town of some 18,000 people, located 109km (68 miles) northeast of the regional capital Belgorod.

The Russian regions of Belgorod, Bryansk and Kursk, which all border Ukraine, have been the targets of numerous drone and missile attacks by Kiev’s forces since the start of the Russian military campaign a year ago.

The strikes were aimed against energy infrastructure and residential areas, resulting in destruction, injuries, and several civilian deaths.

In recent weeks, Gladkov has been reporting some form ofattacks on settlements in Belgorod Region almost on a daily basis.

Last Thursday, a Ukrainian cross-border incursion into two villages in Bryansk Region left two people dead and a ten-year-old boy injured. The gunmen were forced back to Ukrainian territory and hit with a “massive artillery strike,” according to the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). President Vladimir Putin slammed the incident as a “terrorist attack,” in which civilians were targeted deliberately.


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d2d564 No.22258

File: ca9dabcc9388db9⋯.png (15.56 KB,513x136,513:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455404 (061638ZMAR23) Notable: U.S. House Speaker McCarthy and Taiwan’s president plan to meet in California to avoid an "aggressive response" from China

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JUST IN - U.S. House Speaker McCarthy and Taiwan’s president plan to meet in California to avoid an "aggressive response" from China — FT


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d2d564 No.22259

File: 78d178bd70e1590⋯.png (45.99 KB,1225x356,1225:356,Clipboard.png)

File: 55653b9ef3c6c65⋯.png (76.88 KB,1272x737,1272:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455417 (061642ZMAR23) Notable: Ballot harvesting (ballot collection) laws by state

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Ballot harvesting (ballot collection) laws by state


Most states have laws permitting someone besides a voter to return the voter's mail ballot. These laws vary by state. Mail ballots take the form of absentee ballots and ballots cast in vote-by-mail states.

As of May 2022:[1][2]

25 states and D.C. permitted someone chosen by the voter to return mail ballots on their behalf in most cases

11 states specified who may return ballots (i.e., household members, caregivers, and/or family members) in most cases

1 state explicitly allowed only the voter to return their ballot

13 states did not specify whether someone may return another's ballot

To learn which states fall into each category, see the map below.

See the state-by-state details section below to learn more about your state's mail ballot laws.

Whether states should place restrictions on who may return mail ballots is the subject of debate. Those who support restricting who may return mail ballots often refer to the practice of campaign and union workers returning ballots as ballot harvesting. Other terms used to reference this practice include ballot collection, community ballot collection, ballot gathering, third-party possession of another's ballot, and ballot return.

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d2d564 No.22260

File: fa7bab83fef8b72⋯.png (150.88 KB,769x732,769:732,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455420 (061642ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity

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rats in CA


Out of Yokota, at first glance

Squawking 1454

popcorn time

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d2d564 No.22261

File: feaa5f84a020c54⋯.png (564.36 KB,691x550,691:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455431 (061644ZMAR23) Notable: Perth Mint sold diluted gold to China, got caught, and tried to cover it up

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Perth Mint sold diluted gold to China, got caught, and tried to cover it up


"Last year alone it sold $20.3 billion in gold. It is the only mint in the world that has a government guarantee…"

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d2d564 No.22262

File: c18c063e698534c⋯.mp4 (12.1 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455436 (061646ZMAR23) Notable: Atlanta Police Release Footage of Antifa Terror Attack on Future Cop Training Center in Atlanta

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> Atlanta Police Release Footage of Antifa Terror Attack on Future Cop Training Center in Atlanta

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d2d564 No.22263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455439 (061646ZMAR23) Notable: Free Speech Digital Bill of Rights

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Outside of illegal content, nothing should be censored for adults at all. Categorized? Perhaps. I'm all about categorization and limiting what minors can access. That should be common sense. But censorship and throttling? No.

Someone should remind conservatives this means content they don't like is protected speech, too.

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d2d564 No.22264

File: bee372d0d0b03f0⋯.png (382.28 KB,598x626,299:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455476 (061657ZMAR23) Notable: @USArmy In case you missed it, 2nd Cavalry Regiment fought freezing temperatures and pounding snowfalls while 'Stryking' towards networked battlefield communications.

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In case you missed it, 2nd Cavalry Regiment fought freezing temperatures and pounding snowfalls while 'Stryking' towards networked battlefield communications.

More on the chilly communication:


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d2d564 No.22265

File: f49b64352ca6a34⋯.jpeg (73.43 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455528 (061707ZMAR23) Notable: Sneaky Pete: DOT Obstructing Investigation Into Buttigieg's Travel

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Sneaky Pete: DOT Obstructing Investigation Into Buttigieg's Travel

Matt Margolis

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and his advisers have taken 23 flights on government private aircraft since assuming office, but the Department of Transportation (DOT) is refusing to provide details about the taxpayer expenses of those flights, according to a report.

“The DOT and the agency’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) office both declined to detail how much each flight cost taxpayers over the course of multiple months and in recent weeks,” Fox News Digital reports. “The stonewalling comes amid an ongoing inspector general audit of Buttigieg’s use of the planes, which are part of a small fleet managed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).”

“It’s inexcusable that Secretary Buttigieg’s agency is hiding the detailed costs of these taxpayer-funded flights,” Caitlin Sutherland, the executive director of watchdog group Americans for Public Trust, told Fox News Digital. “Federal law dictates a timely release of exactly these types of records to the public.”

She added, “The American people are entitled to know the true cost of Buttigieg and his entourage of staffers flying private to destinations that have readily available commercial options.”

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) had requested an investigation into Buttigieg’s excessive traveling in reaction to a Fox News Digital report in December showing that Buttigieg had made 18 flights on FAA planes since January 2021. The DOT’s inspector general announced its plans to investigate last month.

Michael Chamberlain, the director of another watchdog group, Protect the Public’s Trust, is similarly disturbed by Buttigieg’s attempt at secrecy.

“Sadly, reports of unnecessary secrecy and selective release of information are all too common when discussing the self-proclaimed most transparent administration in history,” Chamberlain explained. “And it appears that the more high-profile the issue or event, the greater the efforts to hide the information the public deserves to know.”

He added, “Contrary to what some agencies appear to believe, saving powerful officials from disclosure or embarrassment is not a legitimate reason to keep the public in the dark.”


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d2d564 No.22266

File: 81d2b4eb1fbfc67⋯.png (7.66 KB,598x72,299:36,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455541 (061710ZMAR23) Notable: CONFIRMED: Twitter List Disabled from Sharing/Twitter API Down

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CONFIRMED: Twitter List Disabled from Sharing

This is a twitter list that was shared previously.

now it errors if external access, but i can still get to it inside of twitter


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d2d564 No.22267

File: 9c14c2eba5924a9⋯.png (35.4 KB,598x285,598:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455549 (061712ZMAR23) Notable: CONFIRMED: Twitter List Disabled from Sharing/Twitter API Down

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>CONFIRMED: Twitter List Disabled from Sharing


@JackPosobiec 5m

Error messages all over Twitter right now. Looks like API issue


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d2d564 No.22268

File: f98d473b716ca59⋯.png (18.74 KB,501x201,167:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 639ff1c7e5d466d⋯.png (28.79 KB,598x364,23:14,Clipboard.png)

File: 6963db4a9b46d45⋯.png (20.98 KB,598x98,299:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 42b8b3f038021da⋯.png (39.14 KB,598x492,299:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455559 (061715ZMAR23) Notable: CONFIRMED: Twitter List Disabled from Sharing/Twitter API Down

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"Twitter API"


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d2d564 No.22269

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455568 (061717ZMAR23) Notable: CONFIRMED: Twitter List Disabled from Sharing/Twitter API Down

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Twitter downloading not working ATM

I've embeded Tucker's monologue that starts woth the DNC server hack.

Worth the watch from 2/24/2023

Here's the Twitter link directly


another video source


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d2d564 No.22270

File: 7961aef1abe031b⋯.jpeg (66.69 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455603 (061728ZMAR23) Notable: The Morning Briefing: Finally—Trump Is Hitting the Right Notes Again

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The Morning Briefing: Finally—Trump Is Hitting the Right Notes Again

Stephen Kruiser

According to reports from people I’ve met and like, CPAC happened last week. I wasn’t in attendance, but then I rarely am. What I’ve done since the Tea Party days is create the illusion that I go to the conference every year. In reality, I’ve been five times in thirteen years.

My presence lingers.

Donald Trump was, of course, the hit of the show. Much has been made of the fact that Ron DeSantis didn’t show up but — as Stacey wrote — CPAC ain’t what it used to be. I don’t think it’s a big deal that the looming battle between the two didn’t begin right away. We’ve got plenty of time for that.

From what I’ve read of Trump’s speech, it was good that he didn’t have the DeSantis distraction.

Rick wrote about it for us, and I really did like a lot of what Trump said. For example:

“I am your warrior, I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution,” Trump said. “I will totally obliterate the deep state.”

That’s not just what the base needs to hear; that’s what the country needs. I wonder if he’s gotten a new speechwriter in the last month because that kind of stuff is gold.

Relevant: I’m All-In if Trump Promises a Scorched-Earth Second Term

I’m even willing to get a little amnesia about Trump’s less-than-stellar efforts to drain the swamp and “obliterate the deep state” during his first term. He left a lot of people in positions of power that the deep state then actively used to work against him in 2020. Frequent readers of mine know how often I’ve lamented the fact that he didn’t gut the FBI.

Last month I wrote that I wanted the Trump I like to come back. Reading excerpts from this speech almost made me wish that I’d gone to CPAC.


Over at Townhall, Schlichter’s latest column says that Trump has been on a roll the last couple of weeks, which is true. It all began with his trip to East Palestine, Ohio, which Kurt referred to as “the best day of Donald Trump’s ex-presidency.” He connected with people who desperately wanted to know that someone cared about their predicament, and he shamed this clown car administration into finally at least going through the motions.

More importantly, Kurt writes that Trump avoided talking about DeSantis in his speech. That’s a relief. His unprovoked attacks on the Florida governor in recent months have made him look frightened and weak.

Trump needs to be spitting fire, not tossing out pathetic playground digs.

This was a nice start.


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d2d564 No.22271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455635 (061735ZMAR23) Notable: #22629

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#22629 >>22225

>>22226, >>22230, >>22231, >>22234 States over Fed: Which nations have presented themselves as a sanctuary for the unvaccinated

>>22227 Plane Crashes Into Residential Area Near Long Island, 1 Confirmed Dead 7/10?

>>22228 PlaneFag Yerp and Med Activity:Some BUFFS (B-52s) just finished being refueled over Poland and switched on whole time-want to be seen

>>22229 California Town Enforces ‘No-Encampment’ Policy and Has Zero Homeless People, Coronado

>>22232, >>22233 “There is No Price I Would Sell Out My Country For” – Arizona MAGA STAR Kari Lake

>>22235, >>22236 Louis Jolyon West thread: What did McVeigh, Sirhan Sirhan, Manson Kaczynski have in common?

>>22237 PF NOBLE11 USAF B-52 heading NE 'up' the Baltic Sea with AE678F US Navy P-8 Poseidon got a tank full of fuel from QID12 KC-135 tanker earlier and it (P-8) was switched off

>>22238 #OTD in 1857, one of the most universally-condemned Supreme Court decisions in history was issued. In the case of Dred Scott v. Sanford, "they [enslaved Black people] had no rights which the white man was bound to respect."

>>22239 Twitter Bots all over this today, if you have a minute please redirect your shitposting to one of these threads

>>22240, >>22242, >>22246, >>22247 Interview with Isabel Oakeshott, broke an NDA to leak Matt Hancock's WhatsApps

>>22241 Bulgarian arms makers exported products worth billions of dollars to Ukraine using third-party countries as intermediaries

>>22243 Some 12,000 people have reportedly been left without shelter after Sunday’s inferno in Bangladesh refugee camp

>>22244 Russian ex-president talks of ‘final nail’ in neocolonialism coffin

>>22245 @USCG Flying into the new week ✈️🚁

>>22248, >>22260 PlaneFag CONUS Activity

>>22249 The fall of Artyomovsk, called Bakhmut by Ukraine, won’t mean Russia has changed the tide of battle, Lloyd Austin believes

>>22250 It's #NationalDentistDay

>>22251 UK-led Ukraine arms fund plagued by delays soon……………..keks

>>22252 Credit Suisse's Biggest Backer Abandons Hope, Questions "Future Of Franchise"

>>22253 Russia bans Transparency International, Germany-based NGO was designated as a threat to the constitutional order

>>22254 'Tater Headlines the 2023 International Association of Fire Fighters Legislative Conference

>>22255, >>22262 Atlanta Police Release Footage of Antifa Terror Attack on Future Cop Training Center in Atlanta

>>22256 For years, the Department of Homeland Security has run a virtually unknown program gathering domestic intelligence

>>22257 Air defenses repel Ukrainian strike over Russia

>>22258 U.S. House Speaker McCarthy and Taiwan’s president plan to meet in California to avoid an "aggressive response" from China

>>22259 Ballot harvesting (ballot collection) laws by state

>>22261 Perth Mint sold diluted gold to China, got caught, and tried to cover it up

>>22263 Free Speech Digital Bill of Rights

>>22264 @USArmy In case you missed it, 2nd Cavalry Regiment fought freezing temperatures and pounding snowfalls while 'Stryking' towards networked battlefield communications.

>>22265 Sneaky Pete: DOT Obstructing Investigation Into Buttigieg's Travel

>>22266, >>22267, >>22268, >>22269 CONFIRMED: Twitter List Disabled from Sharing/Twitter API Down

>>22270 The Morning Briefing: Finally—Trump Is Hitting the Right Notes Again


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d2d564 No.22272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455649 (061737ZMAR23) Notable: #22630

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Can Continue or Defer, hard stop around 2p

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d2d564 No.22273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455671 (061741ZMAR23) Notable: Hot 'Taters continued…

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Hot 'Taters continued…


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22274

File: 21d4fb7d6e50522⋯.png (15.69 KB,397x285,397:285,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f84e05cbbfe0e9⋯.png (11.4 KB,397x166,397:166,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b5928cfa4c2a79⋯.png (51.5 KB,1234x348,617:174,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d0e1fca5f8ceb9⋯.png (89.62 KB,397x475,397:475,Clipboard.png)

File: e79bc73ecf24529⋯.png (6.89 KB,397x122,397:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455682 (061743ZMAR23) Notable: March 6 deltas

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Mar 6 2018 13:06:24 (EST)


So much is open source.

So much left to be connected.

Why are the children in Haiti in high demand?

How are they smuggled out?

‘Adoption’ process.

Local ‘staging’ ports friendly to CF?

Track donations.

Cross against location relative to Haiti.

Think logically.

The choice, to KNOW, will be yours.


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d2d564 No.22275

File: 2f4b7d6fc295e5c⋯.png (384.01 KB,2420x1432,605:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455717 (061750ZMAR23) Notable: Bank of America gibs CC stuffs to Jan 6 "investigators"

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Bank of America


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d2d564 No.22276

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455723 (061752ZMAR23) Notable: Bank of America gibs CC stuffs to Jan 6 "investigators"

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capital one

stay very far away

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22277

File: b6b77b9ee74db43⋯.png (225.49 KB,717x2286,239:762,Clipboard.png)

File: 2faebed78139553⋯.png (1.09 MB,695x2934,695:2934,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455762 (061803ZMAR23) Notable: US Soldier deploys February 2023 @realDonaldTrump He purposely went to @ENTHEOS account to retruth it 111 days ago. Come on everyone, #payattention #trump

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Thank you!


Mar 06, 2023, 2:03 AM23

He purposely went to @ENTHEOS account to retruth it 111 days ago. Come on everyone, #payattention #trump


The 113th day of the year is 4/23/2023.

A is for April

{ A = one }

A is for Arrest

US Soldier deploys February 2023



{ robinsnest66 23 hours ago }

US Soldier deploys February 2023


Mar 06, 2023, 11:18 AM

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d2d564 No.22278

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455765 (061804ZMAR23) Notable: US Soldier deploys February 2023 @realDonaldTrump He purposely went to @ENTHEOS account to retruth it 111 days ago. Come on everyone, #payattention #trump

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>US Soldier deploys February 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22279

File: 7d32d9814284e21⋯.png (25.09 KB,540x410,54:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d32d9814284e21⋯.png (25.09 KB,540x410,54:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d32d9814284e21⋯.png (25.09 KB,540x410,54:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d32d9814284e21⋯.png (25.09 KB,540x410,54:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d32d9814284e21⋯.png (25.09 KB,540x410,54:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455772 (061806ZMAR23) Notable: Darpa trending on twit

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In unrelated news from anons post LB

re - Twitter Api down and Q/Darpa/lifelog post for March 6th


DARPA https://twitter.com/search?q=DARPA

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d2d564 No.22280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455799 (061814ZMAR23) Notable: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Buckwheat

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Press Briefing by Press Secretary Buckwheat



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d2d564 No.22281

File: 8a439e6e686bd8b⋯.png (325.74 KB,1091x455,1091:455,Clipboard.png)

File: cb521c472f3a386⋯.png (285.09 KB,456x448,57:56,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d2214968db559a⋯.png (297.31 KB,644x336,23:12,Clipboard.png)

File: ae48ba5801e3e98⋯.png (494.55 KB,867x410,867:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455812 (061817ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Updates

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PlaneFag CONUS Update

SAM296 C-40B inbound after crossing the Atlantic from Rota NB departJ.C.O.S. Milleycoming back from 'muh secret trip to Syria >>22228 lb

AF2 C-32Akneepadsdeparted LAX after arriving on Friday night from San Francisco Int'l

And you punk-ass bitches call yourselves leaders/Govs…you had since Friday morning to send those illegals to her house and you din't GFYs..all of you

SPAR20 C-40B west from JBA

BOOK26 E-6B Mercury in the Gulf from Tinker AFB

those C-130j Hercs RCH725, XX,X continue SW at 20k ft from Bangor, ME

0000000 USAFSOC 'PSecial Ops' C-146 Wolfhound heading to Homestead ARB and that P-8 is done just SW of Nassau and heading back to Jax

Canadian AF CFC3085 CL-60 looks like it's heading to Peterson AFB (remember this is the airport for NORAD

SAM290 G5 continues WN from JBA

SPAR351 Learjet 35 done at Denver Int'l after about 70m on ground east nao

PAT279 C-12C Huron in at Manassas Regional Airport for a d/o (40m stop) from Jefferson City, MS depart and west now

WING29 C560 did a pass at Owensboro, KY Regional Airport and on ground now

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d2d564 No.22282

File: 23288fef04ddbd0⋯.png (165.67 KB,840x772,210:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455843 (061823ZMAR23) Notable: Basic Principles of War Propaganda

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22283

File: 28eb6b71b29fd22⋯.png (403.16 KB,761x907,761:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455854 (061826ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Updates

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Heels up out of LA

NE Bound, climbing through FL330

Squawking 2055

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22284

File: 6b790cc818dbe86⋯.png (554.89 KB,720x398,360:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455858 (061827ZMAR23) Notable: Ugandan President Has Hilarious Response to LGBTQ Activists’ Request, When asked to meet with homosexual activists, Museveni just laughed.

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Ugandan President Has Hilarious Response to LGBTQ Activists’ RequestBy Catherine Salgado March 05, 2023

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni had a hilarious response to a request from LGBTQ activists — a response that is actually completely normal and appropriate but sadly unusual in Western countries that have become warped and cowed by woke propaganda.

When asked to meet with homosexual activists, Museveni just laughed.

President of Uganda is asked to meet with the LGBTQ+ community His reaction: pic.twitter.com/HmJxlSECp9 — End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) March 2, 2023

In a recently posted Twitter clip of what appears to be a press conference, a woman asks, “The gay community in Uganda is requesting to have a meeting with you, would you give them an ear—“ The Ugandan president interrupts to ask, “What?” The woman switches her word, using the accurate “homosexual” instead of “gay.” Through most of its existence as a word, “gay” had nothing to do with homosexuality and is used by leftists as a positive term meant to mask the real perversion of homosexuality.

”The homosexuals in Uganda, they are requesting to have an audience with you—“the woman then pauses because Museveni bursts out laughing. As the room joins in, even the woman starts to giggle, as if she somehow realizes for a moment too how preposterous LGBTQ ideology is. She then tries to stammer out her question as the clip ends with the president still laughing. If only other leaders around the world laughed off the truly ridiculous LGBTQ propaganda circulating! Maybe there would be fewer people claiming the pronouns “they/them,” taking kids to drag shows, putting up men in dresses as the faces of “Women’s Month,” or identifying as “cake gender.”

In a more serious vein, theChristian Ugandan president has made it clear that he sees homosexuality and LGBTQ perversions as wrong.

Homosexuality can be legally punished in Uganda==, and its parliament is reportedly investigating homosexuality in schools (if only the American government would conduct such an investigation). Museveni reportedly said last month that his country will not be legitimizing homosexuality and that Western nations need to stop trying to force LGBTQ ideology on Uganda.

Uganda is a majority Christian nation trying to adhere to Christian principles while under pressure from woke imperialist powers attempting to force leftist agendas on African countries regardless of what the Africans themselves want. Lawmakers in the Ugandan parliament are attempting to revive a bill against homosexuality, which India Today describes in leftist hysteria as “anti-LGBTQ.” Uganda also suffers from radical Muslim terrorism, as the Islamic State and other radicals target Uganda for violence and jihad.

With such serious threats to deal with, it’s no wonder Museveni laughed at the idea of wasting time playing political games with LGBTQ activists.


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d2d564 No.22285

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455862 (061828ZMAR23) Notable: Transgender Protesters Attacking Parents in Calgary, Alberta

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Transgender Protesters Attacking Parents in Calgary, Alberta

March 5, 2023

Police officers can be seen laughing at the man who was spat on by one of the child drag show enthusiasts.

Pro-children protesters who take issue with men in lingerie reading stories to children had a planned protest in front of Calgary City Hall.

The protesters were also against transgender women using women’s bathrooms.

I sent our cameraman Mocha Bezirgan to the scene of the crimes, and he captured shocking footage of the showdown.

We caught trans-rights activists spitting in a parent's face. We caught other trans-activists throat-punching parents and running away.

Just days after Calgary Mayor Gondek called for Drag-Queen Story Hour protesters to be fined for “hatred,” they were attacked while peacefully protesting in front of city hall.



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d2d564 No.22286

File: 907051ef4a4e2de⋯.png (384.05 KB,602x592,301:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455864 (061829ZMAR23) Notable: shingles admissions spiral in Spain

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22287

File: 9fd2313770bd0ba⋯.png (349.01 KB,765x907,765:907,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a371341c6e0609⋯.jpg (107.04 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455876 (061831ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Updates

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Holding South of Tucson, FL170

Squawking 4362

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d2d564 No.22288

File: 3b93af6878f6b4d⋯.png (233.17 KB,782x410,391:205,Clipboard.png)

File: eb79490646108d7⋯.png (311.25 KB,443x499,443:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455887 (061833ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Updates

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92-9000 747 returning to JBA after a cert flight off shore-they are getting closer to returning this to active service

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d2d564 No.22289

File: 17b0b4073112ab9⋯.png (597.52 KB,960x800,6:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455889 (061833ZMAR23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Jupiter and Venus from Earth

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Mar 6 2023

Jupiter and Venus from Earth

It was visible around the world. The sunset conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in 2012 was visible almost no matter where you lived on Earth. Anyone on the planet with a clear western horizon at sunset could see them. Pictured here in 2012, a creative photographer traveled away from the town lights of Szubin, Poland to image a near closest approach of the two planets. The bright planets were then separated only by three degrees and his daughter struck a humorous pose. A faint red sunset still glowed in the background. Jupiter and Venus are together again this month after sunset, passing within a degree of each other about a week ago.


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d2d564 No.22290

File: 8674bbd94738e7c⋯.png (398.62 KB,720x398,360:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455917 (061840ZMAR23) Notable: Texas GOP Censures Congressman Over His 'Lack of Fidelity' to Republican principles and priorities,”

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BRUTAL: Texas GOP Censures Congressman Over His 'Lack of Fidelity'By Chris Queen 7:09 PM on March 04, 2023

(TX anons you've got another undercover leftie, vote him out)

Call it a refrain or call it a marketing slogan, but we often hear the saying, “Don’t mess with Texas.” It looks like that statement refers to GOP politicians as well because the Texas Republican Party censured Rep. Tony Gonzales over some of his votes in recent months.

The party’s press release doesn’t mince words:

“The Republican Party of Texas officially censured Representative Tony Gonzales today, imposing the full set of penalties allowed by the rules, for lack of fidelity to Republican principles and priorities,” it begins. “Rule 44 of the Republican Party of Texas [RPT] allows the party to censure elected officials who violate Texas Republican Party principles and priorities three times or more in a given biennium. The censure of Rep. Gonzales details five such instances on issues such astraditional marriage, second amendment protections, preserving freedom, and border security.”

The full resolution goes pretty tough on Gonzales as well. It cites the congressman’s vote — twice — in favor of theRespect for Marriage Actfor starters.

“Congressman Tony Gonzales was the only Texas Republican to vote in favor of supporting gay marriage,” the party declares. “This action violated the RPT’s sixth core principle, namely, preserving ‘self-sufficient families, founded on the traditional marriage of a natural man and a natural woman.’”

The resolution goes on to blisterGonzales for voting against the GOP majority’s rules package for the new congressional session.

“Gonzales was the only Republican in the United States to vote with the Democrats against the rules package presented by Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his leadership team, thereby endangering the hard-won Republican majority control of Congress and the victories earned by conservative Congressmen, including his colleagues from Texas, through both cooperation and negotiation with the incoming leadership team,” the resolution states.

The RPT goes on to cite four party principles that Gonzales’ vote violated: “Preserving individual, Texan, and American sovereignty and freedom,” “Limiting government power to those items enumerated in the United States and Texas Constitutions,” “Personal accountability and responsibility,” and “A free enterprise society unencumbered by government interference or subsidies.”

The party also goes afterGonzales for his failure to support H.R. 29, the Border Safety and Security Act of 2023: “To authorize the Secretary of Homeland Security to suspend the entry of aliens, and for other purposes,” which Gonzales’ fellow member of the Lone Star State GOP delegation, Rep. Chip Roy, sponsored:

Congressman Tony Gonzales’s district encompasses 843 miles of Texas border, the largest of any other district, yet he is the only Texas Republican not supporting this bill. Congressman Tony Gonzales has gone on the record opposing this legislation, in opposition to the Republican Party of Texas #2 Legislative Priority, which is to “secure the border and protect Texans.” While opposing this legislation,Congressman Gonzales has falsely stated that the legislation would ban “all asylum, to include legitimate asylum,” and has repeated the Democratic canard that supporters of border security are “anti-immigrant.”

Finally, the resolution tacklesGonzales’ support for the “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act” gun-control legislationthat President Biden signed into law last summer.

“This bill, which violates our Second Amendment rights, was signed into law by President Biden on June 25, 2022,” the party states. “Congressman Gonzales’s votes in favor of this law violate Principle 1, ‘…and we support the strict adherence to the original language and intent of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitutions of the United States and of Texas,’ and Principle 8, ‘the inalienable right of all people to defend themselves and their property.’”

The resolution goes on to explain that the party has made multiple attempts to speak with Gonzales about his “lack of fidelity” by phone call, email, and certified letter, but all attempts to contact him went unanswered…

As for Gonzales, his team is digging its heels in. The Hill quotes a campaign spokesman from the congressman who sounds unfazed by the censure (blah, blah, blah….)

Here’s the thing: this isn’t some silly internecine GOP squabble that would lead most people to laugh or scoff, and it’s not MAGA vs. establishment Republican. Gonzales has turned his back on some core Republican principles, and he should provide answers for his actions. And until he does, a 2024 reelection bid could come without the support of the state party.


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d2d564 No.22291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455918 (061840ZMAR23) Notable: Vatican Secret Societies Jesuits and the New World Order

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Vatican Secret Societies Jesuits and the New World Order

This is an excellent documentary touching on the unknown history of the setting up of the American Colonies, and the influences of the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuit order in the Establishment of the Sovereign Constitutional Republican Nation States of America. Much of this information will be new to many people who received a classic Government provided education. The truth has been modified by the Society of Jesus and the people indoctrinated via their state controlled and mandated education system.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22292

File: 1698300afaab4f2⋯.jpg (40.2 KB,330x466,165:233,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455928 (061843ZMAR23) Notable: Transgender Protesters Attacking Parents in Calgary, Alberta

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Calgary is/was the oil capital of Canada, reliably Conservative for years. They finally got rid of their bulging eyed muslem mayor Nenshi, a UN stooge, only to replace him with the current nutcase Gondek.

Prabjhote Kaur "Jyoti" Gondek

Born in London, England,[4] Gondek is the daughter of Indian Punjabi Sikh parents Jasdev Singh Grewal, a lawyer, and Surjit Kaur Grewal.[5] She immigrated to Canada with her parents at age four, initially settling in Manitoba.

On October 18, 2021, she was elected the 37th mayor of Calgary. On March 29, 2022, a poll by ThinkHQ Public Affairs pegged Gondek's approval rating at 38%, with 53% of respondents disapproving and the remaining 9% unsure.[17] The unusually low approval rating in the first few months of her mayoral tenure has been attributed to the failed Calgary Event Centre deal, a four percent tax increase, and the COVID-19 pandemic,


She had children attacked and arrested by the police for playing outdoor hockey during lock down, an Easter service interrupted by thugs from the police and health dep't, the minister later arrested and dragged across a wet highway. She's a totalitarian witch. Add her name and mugshot to the covid criminal list.

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d2d564 No.22293

File: 18ec734ff88fa80⋯.png (409.23 KB,598x626,299:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455960 (061849ZMAR23) Notable: Next generation of WEC types gathering @VanderbuiltU, Clinton "thrilled"

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Bill Clinton


Thrilled to have spent the weekend in Nashville with an incredible group of bright young leaders. Thanks to @VanderbiltU for bringing us all together and for the entire #CGIU2023 community for keeping me inspired and hopeful for our future!


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d2d564 No.22294

File: 722c369ca3a8738⋯.png (427.3 KB,720x398,360:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455962 (061849ZMAR23) Notable: Trump Says He'll Stay in the Race Even if He's Indicted

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Trump Says He'll Stay in the Race Even if He's Indicted

By Rick Moran 2:49 PM on March 05, 2023

(Sure sounds like a challenge, either indict me or not, I don’t care, do your best! This sounds similar to a Q quote, anons got any ideas?)

At CPAC, Donald Trump pledged to stay in the race for president even if he’s indicted. He made the statement to reporter James Rosen of Newsmax during a press conference on the sidelines of CPAC.

BREAKING: @realDonaldTrump told me @CPAC just now that he will stay in the race for the @WhiteHouse even if he is indicted in one or more of the pending criminal investigations into his activities. Watch @NEWSMAX to see the video. — James Rosen (@JamesRosenTV) March 4, 2023

While Trump’s pledge is hardly unexpected, it shines a light on what could be an unprecedented situation.

Even if Trump is indicted, he’s not going to be arrested and perp-walked in front of 50 million people, although the Democrats pray for such an outcome every night when they’re in their onesies and getting ready for bed.

And Trump wouldn’t have to spend any time in jail — unless he’s convicted. Even then, it’s not a certainty. So an indictment would not materially alter

Trump’s freedom of movement, and it certainly won’t shut him up. The question for the former president would be how many votes he might lose versus how many votes he might gain. The former president would probably lose some independents but gain votes among those who believe the process was rigged against him. (Plus there was a person in PA that was elected state governor while still in jail.)

Currently, there are several major investigations of Trump; the documents found at Mar-a-Largo and the January 6 riot at the Capitol are being investigated by special prosecutor Jack Smith. The allegations of election interference in Georgia appear on track to return some indictments despite the giggly, talkative grand jury forewoman’s appearances on TV. Trump may be on the hook as well.

But perhaps the former president should take heart from the travails of the former prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.

New York Times:

Benjamin Netanyahu will make a remarkable comeback as Israel’s prime minister after the results of a general election, and the concession on Thursday of the current leader, Yair Lapid, put his right-wing bloc on a glide path to victory. But looming over his return is the unfinished business of the State of Israel v. Benjamin Netanyahu, a long-delayed felony corruption case.

Mr. Netanyahu, who faces a litany of bribery, fraud and breach of trust charges, has denied all accusations, vociferously attacking those who seek to prosecute him. The trial put Israel into uncharted territory, dominating political life and fueling a debate about the state of Israeli democracy and the country’s legal system.

The Netanyahu corruption trial has been one delay after another with the pandemic and weighty matters of state slowing progress to a crawl. American courts don’t move that slowly, but a good lawyer could drag out proceedings almost indefinitely.

It’s unlikely that Trump could get elected president while under indictment.(this is wear Moran earned his name).

But stranger things have happened in American politics, and Trump has been a magician at getting out of trouble.


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d2d564 No.22295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455968 (061850ZMAR23) Notable: Buckwheat link HOT

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Buckwheat link HOT


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d2d564 No.22296

File: 434a55031cd1897⋯.png (324.42 KB,1005x928,1005:928,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455972 (061851ZMAR23) Notable: BIDEN: "I was diagnosed with having a — anyway —they had to take the top of my head off a couple times to see if I had a brain…"

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BIDEN: "I was diagnosed with having a — anyway —they had to take the top of my head off a couple times to see if I had a brain…"

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d2d564 No.22297

File: 37fb29d8ee9c1b7⋯.png (442.16 KB,602x602,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455988 (061854ZMAR23) Notable: BIDEN: "I was diagnosed with having a — anyway —they had to take the top of my head off a couple times to see if I had a brain…"

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d2d564 No.22298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18455991 (061854ZMAR23) Notable: Jean-Pierre WH presser remarks

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Jean-Pierre: We believe that labels [Made In USA] should only be used on animals born, raised and processed here in the United States, and now, USDA is proposing a rule to accomplish just that.

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d2d564 No.22299

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456017 (061900ZMAR23) Notable: Jean-Pierre WH presser remarks

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Reporter; Norfolk Southern, they are responsible for four train derailments in less than five months. Is the administration comfortable with them taking the lead on self-regulation?

Jean-Pierre: It's notable, and unacceptable.

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d2d564 No.22300

File: 9886034e7df40f3⋯.png (108.7 KB,823x385,823:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456031 (061901ZMAR23) Notable: DJT: Repub govs should pull out of ERIC - terrible Voter Registration System

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POTUS: PROBLEMS ON ELECTIONISSOLVED? POTUS has been doing this a lot lately, and notice his errors don't even get called out by the pravda. Wonder why?

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/109977658422141728

All Republican Governors should immediately pull out of ERIC, the terrible Voter Registration System that “pumps the rolls” for Democrats and does nothing to clean them up. It is a fools game for Republicans….And while these Governors are at it, GO TO SAME DAY VOTING, ALL PAPER BALLOTS, AND VOTER I.D. (VOTER IDENTIFICATION). Mail-In Voting ONLY for FAR AWAY MILITARY and those that are VERY SICK! PROBLEMS ONELECTION’SSOLVED! Mar 06, 2023, 1:04 PM

Problems would be solved; Problems on ElectionS solved. So Problems belonging to ONE election?

While the Communists and their media & "schools" have made apostrophe fukery so "normal" that plurals are now possessives & contractions, therefore nobody sees anything wrong, POTUS has got to be doing this intentionally. He hasn't corrected any of them.

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d2d564 No.22301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456054 (061909ZMAR23) Notable: Jean-Pierre WH presser remarks

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Jean-Pierre: We believe DC should be a statehood…DC is not a state, it's not a city.

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d2d564 No.22302

File: 17ab99ad2b9ac42⋯.png (264.88 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 1defd434a273472⋯.jpeg (40.07 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456073 (061912ZMAR23) Notable: German chancellor identifies who can stop Ukraine bloodshed (Putin)

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6 Mar, 2023 17:16

German chancellor identifies who can stop Ukraine bloodshed

Olaf Scholz says Russian President Vladimir Putin must withdraw troops from the neighboring country as a basis for peace talks

Russian President Vladimir Putin holds the key to ending the bloody conflict in Ukraine, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said. He insisted Moscow must pull its troops out of the neighboring country in order for peace negotiations to take place.

“It is necessary that Putin understands that he will not succeed with his invasion and imperialistic aggression. And that he has to withdraw troops. This is the basis for talks,”Scholz argued.

Speaking with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria on Sunday, the German leader said Ukraine was “ready for peace, but there must be something done – and this has to be done by Putin.”

He was asked whether he thought there was a prospect of a compromise by which Ukraine could cede Crimea and parts of Donbass to Russia in exchange for certain security guarantees like NATO and EU membership. In response, the German chancellor said the ball was in Moscow’s court and that there would be “no decisions without the Ukrainians.”

Scholz said the Kremlin had underestimated Ukraine’s defense capabilities and the West’s willingness to back Kiev before launching its military campaign last February. (Kek, not Kiev, they don’t have the capabilities, it’s the West)

Speaking on Friday at the Raisina Dialogue, a leading Indian conference on geopolitics and geoeconomics, Lavrov said peaceful resolution to the conflict was contingent on Kiev overturning its own ban on negotiating with Russia.

That was an apparent reference to a decree signed by President Vladimir Zelensky in October 2022, which ruled out talks with his Russian counterpart.

Moscow later dismissed a ten-point peace plan put forward by Ukraine in December as unreasonable, with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov saying Kiev was clearly “not ready for dialogue.” The plan envisioned Moscow’s withdrawal of Russian troops from all territories.

In early February, Vassily Nebenzia, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, said the “prospects of peace will be closer when the flooding of Ukraine with weapons stops” and if the leadership in Kiev listens to Russia’s security concerns.

(Scholz shut up Germany, UN, the EU never said a word when Ukraine was bombing and killing 14,000+ ethnic Russians, which they are still doing today)


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d2d564 No.22303

File: cc9d89c3bed6007⋯.png (341.27 KB,598x581,598:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456139 (061921ZMAR23) Notable: Belarusian court sentences ex-presidential candidate Tikhanovskaya to 15 years in absentia

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Russia state-affiliated media

Belarusian court sentences ex-presidential candidate Tikhanovskaya to 15 years in absentia


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d2d564 No.22304

File: 8795818f6133c6f⋯.jpeg (110.1 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456144 (061923ZMAR23) Notable: Boris Johnson reignites cronyism row, "character is destiny" [oh-oh]

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6 Mar, 2023 17:17

Boris Johnson reignites cronyism row

The former UK PM has included his father in a list of people to receive a knighthood, according to reports

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has “discredited the honors system” according to a political rival after he reportedly included the name of his father, Stanley Johnson, in a list of around 100 potential candidates to receive a knighthood.

A report by UK newspaper The Times on Monday stated that Johnson, who was replaced as Conservative Party leader first by Liz Truss and later Rishi Sunak last year, added his father to an extensive list of knighthood candidates. Outgoing UK prime ministers traditionally submit lists of potential figures to receive the honor when they leave office.

“The idea that Boris Johnson is nominating his dad for a knighthood – you only need to say it to realize how ridiculous it is,” Labour leader Keir Starmer said on Monday on LBC radio. “It’s classic of a man like Johnson. I mean, I think the public will just think this is absolutely outrageous. The idea of an ex-Prime Minister bestowing honors on his dad – for what?”

Labour shadow health secretary Wes Streeting told the BBC on Monday that Johnson has “discredited the honors system, discredited the office of prime minister.”

The reported move by Johnson will likely renew allegations of cronyism against the former PM, which initially emerged after he nominated his brother, Jo, for a peerage in July 2020. He was designated as Baron Johnson of Marylebone in October 2020.

Stanley Johnson is a former Conservative Party politician and also served as a member of the European Parliament. He was alleged by two women in 2021 to have touched them inappropriately, with Johnson saying he had “no recollection” of an alleged incident in 2003 described by one of the accusers, Conservative MP Caroline Nokes.

Neither Boris nor Stanley Johnson have commented on reports of the potential knighthood.

The decision to confirm or deny knighthood recommendations lies with current Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. The PM’s office is understood to have expressed concerns about the size of Johnson’s nominations list, as well as some of the names suggested by the former prime minister.

A spokesperson for Sunak said on Monday that reports of Stanley Johnson receiving a knighthood are “speculative”.


Why I went to No10 in summer 2019

‘Character is Destiny’: normal mode, self-aware mode and Carrie mode Boris

Dominic Cummings

July 5, 2021


‘Character is destiny’, Heraclitus.

‘The trouble about politics is that you can never be certain when your policy has been correct’, Bismarck.

Many have asked me versions of the question: if you knew Boris was so hopeless why did you go to No10 and/or why did you help create then win the 2019 election?

Some pundits have suggested I’m an idiot because I didn’t understand Boris’s character until late 2020.

I and my team worked with Boris in the referendum. Some of us worked with him, officially or unofficially, between the referendum and summer 2019. We knew his skills and his weaknesses.We knew he was, in any objective sense, unfit to be PM.We also knew that he knew too, since he’d told us.

On 24 June 2016 in Vote Leave HQ, just after Cameron had resigned, Boris pulled me into the odd little room where the ‘campaign within the campaign’ was run. What now?Boris told me with a laugh, ‘Obviously it’s ludicrous me being PM — but no more ludicrous than Dave or George, don’t you think?’I agreed and reminded him of the main elements of the deal we’d agreed with Gove about what to do next.

But the question facing us in summer 2019 was not: ‘is Boris fit to be PM?’.


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d2d564 No.22305

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456163 (061926ZMAR23) Notable: Jean-Pierre WH presser remarks

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Jean-Pierre: [Biden] does not support allowing non-citizens to vote in federal elections.

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d2d564 No.22306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456166 (061927ZMAR23) Notable: Next generation of WEC types gathering @VanderbuiltU, Clinton "thrilled"

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CGI U 2023 Opening Plenary Session: Students Taking Action Together

Vanderbilt University


From climate injustice to the war in Ukraine to limitations on reproductive rights, it appears as if the world is literally and figuratively on fire. Yet for emerging leaders and entrepreneurs driven by the desire to build more inclusive and equitable communities, this moment teaches one of the greatest lessons in social innovation, advocacy and civic engagement – that times of crises spark the agency to act. Taking action in challenging times often requires a new mindset of seeing, thinking, and responding. In this session, panelists will share how challenges can serve as a catalyst for transformation, and how they have moved forward in the midst of setbacks and uncertainty.

Pete Buttigieg, U.S. Secretary of Transportation

Olivia Julianna, Director of Politics & Government Affairs, Gen-Z For Change

Yusra Mardini, Olympian and Goodwill Ambassador, UNHCR

Georgina Pazcoguin, The Rogue Ballerina, Author, Disruptor, Soloist Ballerina with the New York City Ballet, Co-Founder, Final Bow For Yellowface/Gold Standard Art

Jordan Reeves, Co-Founder, Design With Us

Sukhmeet Singh Sachal, CGI U '21, Medical Student, Health Activist, Social Entrepreneur; Founder, Sikh Health Foundation


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d2d564 No.22307

File: 50bba19a6166e18⋯.png (429.88 KB,957x921,319:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456167 (061927ZMAR23) Notable: PF on plane flying out of Oklahoma City

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Holding FL310, burning holes in the sky…

Squawking 0651

chuga chuga chuga

toot toot

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d2d564 No.22308

File: e5e93b773b32280⋯.png (58.4 KB,727x377,727:377,Clipboard.png)

File: 1edead16b302735⋯.png (630.7 KB,607x1104,607:1104,Clipboard.png)

File: 1df6ddd889e0eef⋯.png (2.12 MB,1540x6124,385:1531,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f032970d1e1415⋯.png (1.46 MB,1555x3140,311:628,Clipboard.png)

File: b138c26c7fb460c⋯.png (908.58 KB,1549x857,1549:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456172 (061927ZMAR23) Notable: DJT: Dems used their Prosecutors to try and steal another Presidential Election

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>Nothing is Random

>Everything has meaning

Rigg 4Red

toThe Brigg, Lock 'em UP!

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

· 1h

The Democrats are using their Prosecutors to try and steal another Presidential Election.

The only candidate they don’t want to run against is “TRUMP,” me, despite their DISINFORMATION campaign to the contrary.

I beat them twice, did MUCH BETTER the second time, and they don’t want to do it again

Will be a lot tougher for them to Cheat and Rigg the Election, and that’s why they are using their City, State, and Federal Prosecutors.

Republicans in Congress are watching closely. DOJ SHOULD STOP!

Mar 06, 2023, 12:49 { EDT } PM



17 post(s) found containing "12:49:"

>"GIANT Game of Chess"

4241 (11) (2)

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 5/14/2020, 1:08:47 PM ID: 402015

8kun/qresearch: 9171041

>Q Clock [ Min: 49 | :25/:55 Mir: 1 | 180 Mir: 19 | :35/:05 Mir: 21 ]




Worth remembering. { ENEMY Combatants }

Think Chess.{ CASTLE LOCK. }.

Do you attack the KING in the beginning or middle-to-end?

QUEEN protects KING?


2y, 9m, 3w, 2d, 2h, 4m ago 8kun qresearch


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d2d564 No.22309

File: f32d89af976875e⋯.png (176.76 KB,447x398,447:398,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456179 (061928ZMAR23) Notable: “There is No Price I Would Sell Out My Country For” – Kari Lake

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“There is No Price I Would Sell Out My Country For” – Arizona MAGA STAR Kari Lake Says She Turned Down Bribe to Get Out of Politics from “Powerful People” Last Week

While speaking at CPAC this weekend, Kari Lake revealed that a person sent by “powerful people back East” attempted to bribe her, but she told them to pound friggin sand!

Like President Trump, Kari Lake cannot be bought.

The Gateway Pundit has reported on Kari Lake’s incredible story of how she walked away from a 27-year career as a top network news anchor and a fat salary to fight for truth and freedom.

Lake’s election for Arizona Governor was rigged and stolen last November when more than half the voting machines, mainly in Republican precincts, failed to read ballots on Election Day in Maricopa County, the largest County in Arizona.

Election Day voters, turning out 3:1 for Kari Lake and Republican candidates, were intentionally sabotaged by crooked Election officials and former Secretary of State Katie Hobbs.

The Gateway Pundit reported last month that Lake‘s lawsuit to overturn the rigged and stolen 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Maricopa County was dismissed in the Arizona Court of Appeals. She later followed through on her promise to appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court!

Lake filed a ‘Petition For Review’ and a ‘Motion To Expedite’ the consideration of her election fraud lawsuit in the Arizona Supreme Court on Wednesday, March 1. The Arizona Supreme Court issued a new order last Thursday, granting the motion for expedited consideration and setting dates for replies and a conference.

They are trying to buy Kari Lake because they couldn’t stop her with a stolen election.

Lake posted the video this weekend on Twitter.


name them or shut the fuck up

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d2d564 No.22310

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456184 (061930ZMAR23) Notable: Jean-Pierre WH presser remarks

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Reporter: Has [Biden] had a chance to look at the parent's bill of rights bill, that's being proposed by some House republicans?

Jean-Pierre: I can't speak to what [Biden] has reviewed or not reviewed at this time.

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d2d564 No.22311

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456199 (061932ZMAR23) Notable: Jean-Pierre WH presser remarks

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Reporter: Last week the Department of Justice acknowledged that the FBI used 702 authorities to illegally spy on a member of congress. Can you tell us who that member of congress was, has that member of congress been briefed by the White House?

Jean-Pierre: I would refer you to the Department of Justice. Just not going to speak to that from here.

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d2d564 No.22312

File: d02951dcb5f561c⋯.png (51.52 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456247 (061939ZMAR23) Notable: Belarusian court sentences ex-presidential candidate Tikhanovskaya to 15 years in absentia

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6 Mar, 2023 17:18

Ex-presidential candidate sentenced to jail

Western-backed Belarusian opposition figure Svetlana Tikhanovskaya was sentenced in absentia to 15 years in prison

The Minsk City Court on Monday sentenced in absentia former Belarusian presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, to 15 years behind bars and a fine of about US$10,000.

The Western-backed Tikhanovskaya, along with several other Belarusian opposition leaders, was found guilty of conspiracy toseize power by unconstitutional means, of creating and leading an extremist group, of issuing public calls to seize power, and of other actions aimed at harming national security and instigating social unrest.

Writing on Twitter, Tikhanovskaya claimed the sentence was her “reward” for trying to instill “democratic changes in Belarus.” However, she said that she is not thinking about her own sentence, and instead called for the release of thе “thousands of innocents, detained & sentenced to real prison terms.”

Tikhanovskaya, the wife of jailed political activist Sergey Tikhanovsky, came to prominence in 2020 when she became the figurehead of the Belarusian opposition after having claimed to have won that year’s presidential elections.Officially, she gathered just over 10% of the vote, finishing in second place after Alexander Lukashenko, who secured his sixth presidential term.

However, opposition figures claimed that the vote was rigged, which ultimatelysparked mass anti-government protests across the country that lasted for about six months. Protesters demanded the resignation of Lukashenko, the release of political prisoners and a new round of elections.

Amid a crackdown on opposition leaders, Tikhanovskaya fled to neighboring Lithuania. From there, she continues to insist that she won the 2020 elections and has embarked on a tour of Western capitals, calling for sanctions against Lukashenko's government.

Her pleas have been answered by a large number of Western nations, which have imposed sanctions on Minsk over allegations of elections-rigging and the violent crackdown on protesters and opposition figures.

Lukashenko, meanwhile, hasaccused the EU of waging a “hybrid war” against Belarusby hosting exiled activists and banned media outlets. (Sounds like they tried another color revolution)


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d2d564 No.22313

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456254 (061940ZMAR23) Notable: Jean-Pierre WH presser remarks

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Jean-Pierre acting like she has no idea there was a terrorist action by antifa in Atlanta.

"This is the first time I'm hearing about this protest over the weekend."

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d2d564 No.22314

File: 831cfeb41d31c46⋯.png (95.91 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456275 (061944ZMAR23) Notable: Poland to sue Russia over ‘Friendship’

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6 Mar, 2023 13:00

Poland to sue Russia over ‘Friendship’

Moscow says it has halted oil supplies to Warsaw via the "Druzhba" pipeline due to nonpayment for transit

Poland will demand compensation from Russia over the ongoing halt in crude supplies to its refineries, Daniel Obajtek, CEO of the country’s leading oil refiner and retailer Orlen, announced on Monday.

Russian state-owned pipeline operator Transneft, which runs the a section of the “Druzhba” (“Friendship”) connector explained that in late February, Moscow suspended crude supplies after Poland stopped paying for deliveries.

Company spokesman Igor Demin noted that “routing orders with confirmed resource and transit payments were not processed,” and that “operational changes were made to the schedule, excluding supplies for Polish consumers.”

“The Russians stopped pumping oil to Poland… so we will now take legal action and demand claims,” Obajtek told radio Zet, without giving further details. He also declined to state a figure for potential compensation, saying he could not discuss details of company contracts.

While the EU banned seaborne oil imports from Russia last December, pipeline deliveries were exempted from the sanctions package.

Last March, Poland pledged to stop importing Russian oil by the end of 2022 but continued to receive crude via the Druzhba system.

Poland has been importing piped oil under a contract with Russia’s Tatneft since a previous supply agreement with oil major Rosneft expired. The current deal provides 200,000 tons of oil per month to Polish refineries and expires in December 2024.

According to Orlen, Russian oil currently accounts for 10% of Poland’s imports after Warsaw slashed shipments from the sanctioned country.

Poland has repeatedly pledged to replace Russian oilwith crude from the US, the Middle East and other sources.


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d2d564 No.22315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456291 (061946ZMAR23) Notable: Jean-Pierre WH presser remarks

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Reporter; I'm wonder if you can share the reason why [Biden] hasn't sanctioned the Russian billionaires, Vladimir Yevtushenkov, and Yelena Baturina? How is he handling the conflict of interest there, given his son was a business associate of these two people, and can you confirm that as sitting vice president, he dined with Baturina in Georgetown?

Jean-Pierre: I'm just not speaking to anything that's related to his son from here. If you want to ask questions about Hunter Biden specifically, I would refer you to his family.

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d2d564 No.22316

File: 0fed1be8a0f1ccd⋯.png (1.4 MB,1467x707,1467:707,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fed1be8a0f1ccd⋯.png (1.4 MB,1467x707,1467:707,Clipboard.png)

File: 110bed9165e38ba⋯.png (3.1 MB,1920x1200,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456324 (061951ZMAR23) Notable: PF on plane flying out of Oklahoma City

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add 4 >>22307 PF



>Holding FL310, burning holes in the sky…

>Squawking 0651




Oklahoma City, OK



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d2d564 No.22317

File: a24d6a499bb6420⋯.png (42.17 KB,535x249,535:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456325 (061951ZMAR23) Notable: DJT: Dems used their Prosecutors to try and steal another Presidential Election

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Donald J. Trump


The Democrats are using their Prosecutors to try and steal another Presidential Election. The only candidate they don’t want to run against is “TRUMP,” me, despite their DISINFORMATION campaign to the contrary. I beat them twice, did MUCH BETTER the second time, and they don’t want to do it again — Will be a lot tougher for them to Cheat and Rigg the Election, and that’s why they are using their City, State, and Federal Prosecutors. Republicans in Congress are watching closely. DOJ SHOULD STOP!

Mar 06, 2023, 12:49 PM


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d2d564 No.22318

File: f773d9867310d6f⋯.png (848.11 KB,1277x712,1277:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456328 (061952ZMAR23) Notable: PF on plane flying out of Oklahoma City

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22319

File: 6e67732c5f3e01b⋯.png (153.53 KB,468x519,156:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456354 (061956ZMAR23) Notable: German Ambassador in Namibia complained to the President of the African country about the number of Chinese living there, received a blunt answer

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Africa is waking up:

German Ambassador in Namibia decided to complain to the President of the African country about the amount of Chinese living there, but received a blunt answer:

“I have never seen the Chinese come here and [start fooling me]. In Germany, our people are harassed, even diplomatic passport holders. The Germans have no problems here. We are in our own country, don't feel sorry for us," - the President replied to the diplomat.


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d2d564 No.22320

File: c33a0f5476d569e⋯.png (160.08 KB,541x578,541:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456360 (061957ZMAR23) Notable: Criminal Website Releases 2 Million Credit Card Numbers Free for the Taking

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Criminal Website Releases 2 Million Credit Card Numbers Free for the Taking

A darkweb website known as “BidenCash” released more than 2 million credit and debit card numbers and details, security researchers have warned.

Screenshots of the BidenCash website, reviewed by The Epoch Times, show that “more than 2 million credit cards” are being released because of its one-year anniversary. The website, reportedly run by Russian-speaking cybercriminals, uses President Joe Biden’s name and likeness and, according to the screengrab, signed off in broken English: “Sincerely, yours Joe Biden.”

Threat research website Cyble wrote that “the data within the leak included Personally Identifiable Information such as names, emails, phone numbers, home addresses, and the main offering: payment card numbers, expiration dates, and CVV codes, with the expiration dates ranging from early 2023 up to 2052.”

“This leak contained at least 740,858 credit cards, 811,676 debit cards, and 293 charge cards,” according to a blog post dated March 1. “The inherent risk is higher for debit card holders than credit card holders, due to different fraud protection.”

An analysis provided by Cyble shows that the majority of the debit and credit card records come from the United States. There are also sizable numbers of leaked credit card numbers and details from Mexico, China, and the United Kingdom.

The top five most impacted banks are Chase, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, Capitol One, and Citibank, the researchers noted. However, some 1.6 million were listed as “others.”

“The presence of email addresses and full information (commonly referred to as ‘Fullz’ by cybercriminals) will make the victims of this leak vulnerable to other attacks, such as phishing, identity theft, and scams, long past the expiration of their card details,” wrote Cyble’s researchers.

As of Monday morning, none of the five banks have issued statements on the purported leaked card information.

“Threat Actors routinely utilize stolen credit cards for fraud by purchasing them from carding marketplaces, as we have seen in the examples of BidenCash,” the researchers wrote. “However, the availability of these cards for free will enable bad actors to commit more fraudulent activities. Banking institutions should monitor the dark web for these leaks and fraudulent activities to prevent fraud proactively.”

Andrea Draghetti, a researcher with D3Lab, wrote last week that the BidenCash leak’s data contains tens of thousands of duplicate entries. However, he noted that about 2,141,564 card entries are unique. His firm noted that the card numbers and other details often are sourced from illicit “web skimmers.”

Last week’s dump isn’t the first time BidenCash has leaked card data. In October, it dumped 1,221,551 credit card details in October to promote its new URL after it was targeted in a DDoS, or distributed denial-of-service, attack, according to TechSpot.


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d2d564 No.22321

File: 91eccede531314b⋯.png (352.75 KB,598x626,299:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456369 (061958ZMAR23) Notable: Argentina is justifiably fighting to regain sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands

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Russia state-affiliated media

Argentina is justifiably fighting to regain sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands, which are still considered a British overseas territory, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of the Russian Security Council and chairman of the United Russia Party, said


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d2d564 No.22322

File: 9f188b65793ad12⋯.png (17.39 KB,547x212,547:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456379 (062000ZMAR23) Notable: Pompeo: The Chinese Communist Party is responsible for COVID

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12:05 = 17

Mike Pompeo


The Chinese Communist Party is responsible for COVID.

But we must look hard at how U.S. officials—prompted by Dr. Fauci—were involved in the research that led to the leak.

12:05 PM · Mar 6, 2023


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d2d564 No.22323

File: aac8c21b3613966⋯.png (344.09 KB,547x552,547:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456400 (062002ZMAR23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr: talks with Gaetz 6 PM est

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Donald Trump Jr.


A great Triggered episode you’re not going to want to miss. Tonight 6 PM est 1 on 1 with congressional firebrand ⁦⁦


Rep Matt Gaetz on What It's Like Being Florida's Firebrand | TRIGGERED Ep. 13 tune in tonight or bookmark it now!


Rep Matt Gaetz on What It's Like Being Florida's Firebrand | TRIGGERED Ep. 13

11:20 AM · Mar 6, 2023


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d2d564 No.22324

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456439 (062008ZMAR23) Notable: #22630

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#22630 >>22272

>>22273 Hot 'Taters continued…

>>22274 March 6 deltas

>>22275, >>22276 Bank of America gibs CC stuffs to Jan 6 "investigators"

>>22278, >>22277 US Soldier deploys February 2023 @realDonaldTrump He purposely went to @ENTHEOS account to retruth it 111 days ago. Come on everyone, #payattention #trump

>>22279 Darpa trending on twit

>>22280 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Buckwheat

>>22281, >>22283, >>22287, >>22288 PlaneFag CONUS Updates

>>22282 Basic Principles of War Propaganda

>>22284 Ugandan President Has Hilarious Response to LGBTQ Activists’ Request, When asked to meet with homosexual activists, Museveni just laughed.

>>22285, >>22292 Transgender Protesters Attacking Parents in Calgary, Alberta

>>22286 shingles admissions spiral in Spain

>>22289 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Jupiter and Venus from Earth

>>22290 Texas GOP Censures Congressman Over His 'Lack of Fidelity' to Republican principles and priorities,”

>>22291 Vatican Secret Societies Jesuits and the New World Order

>>22294 Trump Says He'll Stay in the Race Even if He's Indicted

>>22295 Buckwheat link HOT

>>22296, >>22297 BIDEN: "I was diagnosed with having a — anyway —they had to take the top of my head off a couple times to see if I had a brain…"

baker change

>>22300 DJT: Repub govs should pull out of ERIC - terrible Voter Registration System

>>22302 German chancellor identifies who can stop Ukraine bloodshed (Putin)

>>22303, >>22312 Belarusian court sentences ex-presidential candidate Tikhanovskaya to 15 years in absentia

>>22304 Boris Johnson reignites cronyism row, "character is destiny" [oh-oh]

>>22293, >>22306 Next generation of WEC types gathering @VanderbuiltU, Clinton "thrilled"

>>22307, >>22316, >>22318 PF on plane flying out of Oklahoma City

>>22308, >>22317 DJT: Dems used their Prosecutors to try and steal another Presidential Election

>>22309 “There is No Price I Would Sell Out My Country For” – Kari Lake

>>22299, >>22298, >>22299, >>22301, >>22305, >>22310, >>22311, >>22313, >>22315 Jean-Pierre WH presser remarks

>>22314 Poland to sue Russia over ‘Friendship’

>>22319 German Ambassador in Namibia complained to the President of the African country about the number of Chinese living there, received a blunt answer

>>22320 Criminal Website Releases 2 Million Credit Card Numbers Free for the Taking

>>22321 Argentina is justifiably fighting to regain sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands

>>22322 Pompeo: The Chinese Communist Party is responsible for COVID

>>22323 @DonaldJTrumpJr: talks with Gaetz 6 PM est



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d2d564 No.22325

File: 02e888f935bdf93⋯.png (44.47 KB,471x337,471:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456496 (062019ZMAR23) Notable: North Korea Claims US, South Korea Simulating Nuclear Strikes So It Can Strike Its Bases

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North Korea claims that the US and South Korea are carrying out simulations of nuclear strikes and are planning a "surprise strike" against "major deep strategic [North Korean] bases".



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d2d564 No.22326

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456511 (062023ZMAR23) Notable: Perth Mint sold diluted gold to China, got caught, and tried to cover it up

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Perth Mint sold diluted gold to China, got caught, and tried to cover it up

The historic Perth Mint is facing a potential $9 billion recall of gold bars after selling diluted or "doped" bullion to China and then covering it up, according to a leaked internal report.

Four Corners has uncovered documents charting the WA government-owned mint's decision to begin "doping" its gold in 2018, and then how it withheld evidence from its largest client in an effort to protect its reputation.

While the gold remained above broader industry standards, the report estimated up to 100 tonnes of gold sent to Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) potentially did not comply with Shanghai's strict purity standards for silver content.

One Perth Mint insider, who asked not to be named as they could face five years' jail if their identity is revealed, says it is a "scandal of the highest level".

"I don't know if I've ever seen one this big," they say.

The mint is the largest processor of newly mined gold in the world, one of Perth's top tourist attractions and well known for producing commemorative coins to mark everything from royal weddings to a new James Bond film.

Last year alone it sold $20.3 billion in gold. It is the only mint in the world that has a government guarantee.

But in recent years the 124-year-old institution, officially known as Gold Corporation, has been plagued by a series of scandals.

WA Premier Mark McGowan had ministerial responsibility for the mint for four years until March 2021.


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d2d564 No.22327

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456520 (062025ZMAR23) Notable: Judicial Watch - COVID Lab Leak—Confirmed? Ivermectin Coverup Exposed!

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COVID Lab Leak—Confirmed? Ivermectin Coverup Exposed!


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d2d564 No.22328

File: 5c1941a5d65cabe⋯.png (39.59 KB,524x256,131:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456529 (062028ZMAR23) Notable: DJT - All Republican Governors should immediately pull out of ERIC…

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Does anyone get the feeling this could be about Covid deeper?

What was the reason to have to break down what Voter ID stands for?

See if y'all see can make anything out of it.

Donald J. Trump


All Republican Governors should immediately pull out of ERIC, the terrible Voter Registration System that “pumps the rolls” for Democrats and does nothing to clean them up. It is a fools game for Republicans….And while these Governors are at it, GO TO SAME DAY VOTING, ALL PAPER BALLOTS, AND VOTER I.D. (VOTER IDENTIFICATION). Mail-In Voting ONLY for FAR AWAY MILITARY and those that are VERY SICK! PROBLEMS ON ELECTION’S SOLVED!

Mar 06, 2023, 1:04 PM


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d2d564 No.22329

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456534 (062028ZMAR23) Notable: 35 Arrested In Fiery Atlanta Police Training Site Riot

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35 Arrested In Fiery Atlanta Police Training Site Riot

An evening of fire and violence at the future site of a police training center in Atlanta on Sunday led to the arrests of 35 people, according to authorities.

Police said a group of “violent agitators” wearing all-black “used the cover of a peaceful protest” and conducted a “coordinated attack” at the construction area of the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, which critics have dubbed “Cop City.”

People launched fireworks and threw large rocks, bricks, and Molotov cocktails during the clash, said police, and some construction equipment caught fire.

During a Sunday night press conference, Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum said most of the people who were detained appear to be from outside of the Atlanta area and will face the appropriate charges.

“This was about anarchy,” Schierbaum said.

Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr said some of the people who were arrested on Sunday were from Massachusetts, New York, France, and Canada. “So this is a national network, an international group of people that are organized to come to our state to undermine a public safety training center,” he added during a Monday morning appearance on Fox News.

Atlanta police shared surveillance video of the construction site showing people running around and what appears to be fireworks going off near police officers.

Schierbaum said no officers were injured during the clashes. He also said the FBI and Georgia Bureau of Investigation are assisting with investigative efforts.

More footage of the group of violent agitators used the cover of a peaceful protest of the proposed Atlanta Public Safety Training Center. pic.twitter.com/ewtDRf130G

— Atlanta Police Department (@Atlanta_Police) March 6, 2023

Officers “exercised restraint” and used non-lethal enforcement to conduct arrests, police said.

In a statement, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp said the rioters “chose destruction and vandalism over legitimate protest, yet again demonstrating the radical intent behind their actions.”


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d2d564 No.22330

File: 02ad2f0788ddfde⋯.png (104.12 KB,577x243,577:243,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ea03e5aa46f542⋯.png (29.6 KB,629x321,629:321,Clipboard.png)

File: ad60b4f4281e44e⋯.png (46.82 KB,615x465,41:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456547 (062031ZMAR23) Notable: Times of Israel - "They’ve forgotten what it means to be Jewish"

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They’ve forgotten what it means to be Jewish

For millennia, Jews schooled the world on the rights of minorities. Israel's government has failed to learn the lesson

As we celebrate Purim this week, it is a good opportunity to reflect on Jewish history, and on its connection to present events in Israel. For 2,000 years the Jewish people had a noble mission: to teach humanity a lesson about the importance of minority rights. Everywhere Jews lived – in the Persian Empire, in Morocco, in Poland or in the USA – Jews were the champions of minority rights.

They didn’t have to write books about it or give speeches about it, because their very existence was a lesson that minorities have rights. In countries where 99% of people were Muslims or Christians, a small Jewish minority told the neighbors every day: “People who think and behave differently are also entitled to live here. It is ok to be different, even though we are a minority”.

When 99% celebrated Christmas, the Jews celebrated Hanukkah. While 99% fasted on Ramadan, the Jews fasted on Yom Kippur; 99% went to the mosque, the Jews went to the synagogue; 99% ate pork – and the Jews ate knaidel. Every time Jews said no to pork and yes to knaidel, it was a lesson to the neighboring Cossacks: “The minority has rights, too. Even though there are more of you than of us, we are still allowed to eat what we want, and you shouldn’t tell us how to live”.

It was a very difficult lesson to teach. The pupils just wouldn’t listen. Christian priests, Muslim imams, and extreme nationalists from Hungary to Iran repeatedly screamed at the Jews: “But we are the majority! You are the minority! You have to do what we say!” And the Jews calmly replied: “True, you are the majority and we are the minority, but the minority has rights too. We are allowed to think and act differently from you, and you should respect that”.

The Jewish minority suffered terribly. Jews were persecuted, beaten and murdered, but they didn’t break. They were not willing to surrender to the majority’s will. In 1492 the rulers of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella, came to the Jews and said: “We are sick and tired of hearing about minority rights. The majority has decided that you must become like everyone else…or get out of here!” But the Jews persisted. They preferred to leave Spain to other countries, where they continued to teach the lesson of minority rights, hoping that one day, humankind would understand that just because one group is the majority, it doesn’t mean it can do anything it wants.

After 2,000 years of wandering, the professors of minority rights established their own country. And within two generations they forgot everything they tried to teach humankind in the previous two millennia. The current Israeli government is enacting an extremely controversial legal reform, a reform that boils down to one very simple thing: the government would have unlimited power to pass any law it wants, and interpret existing laws in any way it likes, without checks on its power and without protection for minority rights.


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d2d564 No.22331

File: 9384cb475104ddb⋯.png (676.98 KB,634x774,317:387,Clipboard.png)

File: 738e14c2da8d1e0⋯.png (449.52 KB,634x634,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bf90075e80447a⋯.png (462.54 KB,634x634,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 6711fdbf4d0937a⋯.png (60.84 KB,733x508,733:508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456549 (062031ZMAR23) Notable: John Fetterman seen in hospital for the first time during depression treatment / Anon finds reflection

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BREAKING NEWS: John Fetterman seen in hospital for the first time during depression treatment: Chief of Staff releases photos of Democrat looking over rail safety bill - two weeks after he was admitted to Walter Reed

The Pennsylvania Senator checked himself in for treatment on February 16

His staff says 'John is well on his way to recovery.. and will be back soon'

The public has its first sighting of Sen. John Fetterman since he checked himself into the hospital for depression in photos posted by his chief of staff Monday.

The Pennsylvania Democrat entered Walter Reed Medical Center 18 days ago on February 16, leaving him absent on crucial Senate votes but his staff says they have been in contact with him regularly on work matters.

'Productive morning with Senator Fetterman at Walter Reed discussing the rail safety legislation, Farm Bill and other Senate business,' chief of staff Adam Jentleson wrote in a tweet along with photos of him and Fetterman looking over documents.

Fetterman, 53, sought in-patient treatment for 'severe' depression after being hospitalized for dizziness after the State of the Union and suffering a stroke on the campaign trail in May.

Last week Donald Trump Jr. lobbed an attack at the Democrat at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), calling him a 'vegetable' and saying he would be better employed as a 'bag guy' at a grocery store than a U.S. senator.

Meanwhile on February 27 Fetterman's wife Gisele posted on social media that she had taken their three kids on an impromptu trip to Niagara Falls as she figured out how to 'navigate' the newfound media presence outside their Braddock, Pa. home.

'I am not really sure how to navigate this journey but am figuring it out slowly. 1 week ago today when the news dropped, the kids were off from school and media trucks circled our home,' she tweeted.

'I did the first thing I could think of … pack them in the car and drive,' she wrote after it was reported her husband could spend weeks in the hospital while doctors work on treatment and medication.

During his recovery, Fetterman has struggled with sensory processing issues, and relies on simultaneous translation computer software in media interviews and to do his Senate duties.

A senior aide told NBC that it has been challenging to differentiate between the senator's stroke recovery and the depression, with the staffer saying it's sometimes unclear if he's 'not hearing you, or is he sort of crippled by his depression and social anxiety.'

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d2d564 No.22332

File: 80661393d18109a⋯.png (278.68 KB,598x681,598:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456561 (062033ZMAR23) Notable: 35 Arrested In Fiery Atlanta Police Training Site Riot

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One of the Antifa members arrested on domestic terrorism charges in Atlanta last night is a staff attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The FBI has historically used the SPLC as a source for who should be considered domestic terrorists.


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d2d564 No.22333

File: 1617bcddc6d4747⋯.png (51.74 KB,598x327,598:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456578 (062037ZMAR23) Notable: CALL TO DIG - SPLC

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Last week the SPLC gave the FBI a list of Catholic churches to target

This week the SPLC was involved with an attack on a police facility in Georgia

What is going on at the SPLC exactly?


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d2d564 No.22334

File: 9497f7e7f672e3f⋯.png (847.84 KB,1280x880,16:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456586 (062039ZMAR23) Notable: CALL TO DIG - SPLC

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Civil rights lawyers Morris Dees and Joseph Levin Jr. founded the SPLC in 1971 to ensure that the promise of the civil rights movement became a reality for all. Since then, we’ve won numerous landmark legal victories on behalf of the exploited, the powerless and the forgotten.

Our lawsuits have toppled institutional racism and stamped out remnants of Jim Crow segregation; destroyed some of the nation’s most violent white supremacist groups; and protected the civil rights of children, women, the disabled, immigrants and migrant workers, the LGBTQ community, prisoners, and many others who faced discrimination, abuse or exploitation.

Our Intelligence Project is internationally known for tracking and exposing the activities of hate groups and other domestic extremists.

Learning for Justice provides free resources to caregivers and educators—teachers, administrators, counselors and other practitioners—who work with children from kindergarten through high school. Educators use the materials to supplement the curriculum, to inform their practices, and to create civil and inclusive school communities where children and youth are respected, valued and welcome participants.

We also built and maintain the Civil Rights Memorial and its interpretive center, the Civil Rights Memorial Center, in Montgomery, Alabama, the birthplace of the modern civil rights movement.

We’re based in Montgomery and have offices in Atlanta, Tallahassee, Miami, New Orleans, and Jackson, Miss.

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d2d564 No.22335

File: 4d85977201af8b7⋯.png (225.49 KB,1280x882,640:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456595 (062040ZMAR23) Notable: CALL TO DIG - SPLC

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22336

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456596 (062041ZMAR23) Notable: CALL TO DIG - SPLC

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22337

File: 340aa8e375d0f97⋯.png (536.47 KB,634x532,317:266,Clipboard.png)

File: 4331e4dd215271c⋯.png (73.37 KB,327x677,327:677,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b7a432019fb1ed⋯.png (279.48 KB,634x555,634:555,Clipboard.png)

File: 88de6383df8ed7e⋯.png (526.61 KB,634x488,317:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456602 (062041ZMAR23) Notable: CALL TO DIG - SPLC

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Grinning goons of Antifa: Twenty-three domestic terrorists are charged after 150-strong 'international brigade' armed with Molotov cocktails torched Atlanta's 'Cop City'

Thomas Webb Jurgens, 28, an attorney for the SPLC was charged after rioters clashed with police in Atlanta on Sunday

He's one of 23 suspected Antifa 'terrorists' charged over riots at the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center site, dubbed 'Cop City' by activists

Many suspects are from outside of the state - including two from France and Canada. Police were targeted Molotov cocktails by the mask-clad mob

A suspected Antifa activist charged with domestic terrorism over riots in Atlanta is an attorney for the hard-left Southern Poverty Law Center.

Thomas Webb Jurgens, 28, is one of 23 people who were detained after violent clashes between police and protesters at the construction site for the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center.

Fireworks and Molotov cocktails were used to attack police and destroy construction equipment and machinery during the riots on Sunday. Activists have spent months staging demonstrations against the police facility which they dub 'Cop City'.

Jurgens joined the SPLC in September 2021 and worked on its Economic Justice Project, according to his LinkedIn page. He has also worked as an assistant public defender and a legal intern at a US attorney's office in Florida.

The LinkedIn page includes a professional photo of Jurgens with neatly-styled hair and a suit and tie. The picture is a marked contrast to the mugshot released by police on Monday that shows him sullen-faced in a green sweater with long, unkempt hair and stubble.

His social media profiled also detail an impressive academic career, which included a term at the prestigious University of Oxford, in England, and a Juris Doctor from the University of Georgia School of Law.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a social justice organization which describes its goals as to 'dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements, and advance the human rights of all people'. Republican activists claim the SPLC is a 'radical' left-wing and 'anti-Christian' organization.

Jurgens and 22 other activists from as far away as France and Canada have now been charged with domestic terrorism after the riots at the police training facility.

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d2d564 No.22338

File: fbca51ee5036db2⋯.png (185.93 KB,1262x907,1262:907,Clipboard.png)

File: 7467a6ff808a75a⋯.png (381.27 KB,984x865,984:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456611 (062043ZMAR23) Notable: Are the Hancock Covid Files narrative control?

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Anon has news for the anons, the Hancock covid leaks are a controlled narrative release.

(tell us something we didn't know, i hear the cries)

It is worse than that, from just a look at the complete article posted in past breads, anons with critical thinking can see that they are doing this to take the attention away from something else. Now it could well be genuine leak or a controlled physop.

the headlines are designed to outrage, 1) 1) Hancock is used to be the fall guy or the hated figure.

2) Isabel is a seasoned journalist of the swamp,

3) The telegraph media group is owned by Fredrick barclay (banker).

4) Chris Evan (common name, no pictures of this guy yet) Is the Editor of the Telegraph.

5) written by the lockdown files team

notice they are not naming the journalist, so could this be the 77th brigade or so called think tank of collage idiots.

There is as always truths with narrative projection and misdirection's

Anon should a close eye on the committee hearing, including the twitter files and now the covid files.

Conclusion, they should not be ignored but we must get the primary source article instead of the copy and paste of the msm lying sheep media talking heads.




NOTE: this thing about him joking about the chips is a spin

No matter what they are trying to do it will not work. Anons have it all, but for some reason the normmies will not believe it until it comes from the lying media source.

if you read this article with critical eyes, it seems like the bankster Fredrick Barclays has decided to throw a few politicans to the masses to stop the full truth coming out.

not saying this is not news worthy but look at the language being used below.

Narrative control

Patterns, Same as the NYP AND WAPO

For anon who know how this works. the nyt is controlled by the fbi whilst the washington post is mainly C.I.A

premier sources put out articles.

All other tabloids follow the same line with either copy and paste of premier article or a variation of the same thing.

but they spin the same line.




Matt Hancock cracks joke about Bill Gates Covid conspiracy

Former health secretary made fun of crackpot theory when discussing getting Microsoft billionaire's support By

The Lockdown Files Team

5 March 2023 • 6:00pm

Matt Hancock joked that Bill Gates “owes me one” considering “how many people I’m getting his chips injected into”.

The then health secretary was hoping to get Microsoft billionaire Mr Gates’s help in promoting an offer of UK expertise in identifying coronavirus variants when he made the quip in January 2021.

At the time the internet was awash with crackpot claims that the vaccination programme was being used as a means of controlling the world’s population by implanting microscopic microchips into people’s arms.

Some of them suggested the evil genius behind the plot was Mr Gates, who was once the world’s richest man.

On Jan 25, 2021 Damon Poole, Mr Hancock’s media adviser, sent him a WhatsApp message asking him if he had spoken to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director general of the World Health Organisation, about the New Variant Assessment Platform (NVAP), which offered other countries UK expertise to detect and assess new variants around the world.

Many of the conspiracy theories about the Covid vaccine were said to have been spread on the internet by pro-Kremlin outlets.

They included a suggestion that Mr Gates wanted to implant tracking devices inside every human through mass vaccination, and that microchips contained in vaccines would allow Microsoft to “control” the entire world population.

The European Union even issued lengthy advice on how to persuade people that the microchip plot was fiction.

Another popular conspiracy theory said to have been spread by Russia was that the Oxford University/AstraZeneca jab was a “monkey vaccine” that not only contravened animal rights but would also turn people into monkeys.

Mr Gates did not, in the event, endorse the NVAP.

The Lockdown Files


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d2d564 No.22339

File: 969216bdaa53f13⋯.png (276.29 KB,843x705,281:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456614 (062044ZMAR23) Notable: THREE MORE STATES PULL OUT OF ERIC SYSTEM!

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d2d564 No.22340

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456625 (062046ZMAR23) Notable: Ukrainian bomb assassination plot thwarted in Russia – FSB

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6 Mar, 2023 07:34

Ukrainian bomb assassination plot thwarted in Russia – FSB

A neo-Nazi “controlled” by Kiev allegedly wanted to kill a Russian media mogul

A Ukrainian bomb plot targeting the owner of a Russian TV channel has been thwarted by the Federal Security Service (FSB), the agency claimed on Monday. It pinned the alleged assassination attempt on a Ukraine-based Russian-born neo-Nazi, who also claimed credit for a deadly cross-border raid last week.

The plot allegedly involvedrigging a bomb to the car of billionaire Russian entrepreneurKonstantin Malofeev, owner of the Christian-focused TV channel Tsargrad, the FSB said in a statement.

It compared the plan to the assassination of political activist and journalist Darya Dugina, whose car was blown up last August near Moscow. The FSB alleged that the murder was orchestrated by Ukraine’s special services.

The FSB named Denis Kapustin, leader of the so-called Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK), as the plot organizer. The statement described him as "acting under the control of the SBU" (the Security Service of Ukraine).

Kapustin entered the international media spotlight last week, after his organization conducted a cross-border raid in Russia’s Bryansk Region in which two civilians were reportedly killed. He claimed the operation was authorized by the Ukrainian government, contradicting official statements from Kiev.

The FSB has shared footage, which it claims shows a man planting a bomb on Malofeev’s car at some point during the winter, judging by the conditions. The Mercedes was moved to a secure location, where bomb experts removed the device, according to the video.

The agency claimed that Kapustin was also responsible for an attempted “terrorist attack,” which it said happened in August 2022 in Volgograd Region. It shared footage showing a car, its windshield apparently riddled with bullets, and at least two bodies, with a handgun lying on the floor next to one of them. The same clip featured a fuel can planted next to a gas pipeline, presumably an improvised explosive device that would have been used to sabotage it.

According to the FSB the two plotters, who were killed after resisting arrest, belonged to radical right-wing groups organized by Kapustin. Their surnames were Keyner and Ushkov, it said.

Malofeev commented on the news, assuring that nobody was hurt in the alleged plot and stating that no incident could change his “impassioned and honest patriotic position.” He said he hoped there would be justice for the assassination of Dugina.



Second video


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d2d564 No.22341

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456643 (062049ZMAR23) Notable: Ukrainian bomb assassination plot thwarted in Russia – FSB

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I don't get something, the video shows the car in a garage with a bomb sniffing equipment; but the "guy placed the bomb when the car was outside"?

Maybe it's on the second video below.


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d2d564 No.22342

File: 5d81a7c2b47c73f⋯.png (831.72 KB,2001x1125,667:375,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e45ab9b5483d71⋯.png (626.13 KB,2001x1125,667:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456666 (062053ZMAR23) Notable: Potential FF in prep in Darke, Mercer and Shelby counties, Ohio

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FF Alert.

Huge beef, pork and chicken production area.

Auglaize, Darke, Mercer and Shelby Counties, Ohio.

The Canucks (Canadian contractors for “some reason”) have been flying LiDAR mapping paths over the same area for weeks.

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d2d564 No.22343

File: 12650ebd08982d3⋯.png (635.51 KB,1478x1567,1478:1567,Clipboard.png)

File: b616ff2057b0672⋯.png (565.97 KB,1200x628,300:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 6311621d592bb4d⋯.png (1.36 MB,1200x674,600:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456700 (062100ZMAR23) Notable: CALL TO DIG - SPLC

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Think i found the connection




>prove me wrong

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d2d564 No.22344

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456737 (062107ZMAR23) Notable: War Room - The EPA Signed Off On The Controlled Burn In East Palestine And Biden Should Be Held Responsible

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4 hours ago

The EPA Signed Off On The Controlled Burn In East Palestine And Biden Should Be Held Responsible

CNN wrote an article to protect Buttigieg andJeffrey Clark says Buried in the piece, was EPA signed off on controlled burn

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d2d564 No.22345

File: ccac1fd7c58f5af⋯.jpeg (317.98 KB,828x910,414:455,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456741 (062108ZMAR23) Notable: Flight delays reported across Florida following ‘technical glitch’ at FAA Center in Miami

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d2d564 No.22346

File: 359f0215ff29047⋯.png (183.72 KB,1734x868,867:434,Clipboard.png)

File: c1170b77b6b4479⋯.png (207.77 KB,1767x845,1767:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456746 (062109ZMAR23) Notable: CALL TO DIG - SPLC

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SPLC stated purpose in their 2020 IRS Form-990:

….dismantle white supremacy

This anon want to know - White Supremacy as defined by who?

Net assets at the end of 2019 = >$587.8 Million. Reminder: SPLC is a Tax Exempt Organization.


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d2d564 No.22347

File: d8afef534b574c2⋯.png (266.33 KB,1190x1020,7:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456852 (062132ZMAR23) Notable: CALL TO DIG - SPLC

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Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)

Website: &#09;


Location: &#09;


Tax ID: &#09;


DUNS Number: &#09;


Tax-Exempt Status: &#09;


Budget (2020): &#09;

Revenue: $132,918,576

Expenses: $97,409,030

Assets: $614,389,428

Formation: &#09;


Type: &#09;

“Hate Group” Litigation Organization

Founders: &#09;

Morris Dees

Joseph Levin, Jr.

Julian Bond

Headquarters: &#09;

Montgomery, Alabama

President and CEO: &#09;

Margaret Huang (April 2020-Present)

Karen Baynes-Dunning (Interim, April 2019-April 2020)

J. Richard Cohen (2003-2019)

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a controversial watchdog of extremist groups. It has been criticized for its financial practices and for characterizing non-violent conventional conservative organizations as equivalent to violent extremists.

SPLC was co-founded in 1971 by Morris Dees, a lawyer and direct marketing expert and fellow Alabama attorney, Joseph Levin, Jr. 1 They appointed civil rights activist Julian Bond as SPLC’s first president. In its first two decades, the SPLC won high-profile civil rights cases and filed lawsuits credited with breaking the Ku Klux Klan. The SPLC combined its legal successes with Dees’ direct mail marketing expertise to raise millions of dollars. In later years, the SPLC leveraged its influence to collect and create widely-circulated reports about “hate group” activity around the country.

Dees was fired from his position as SPLC chief trial counsel in March 2019 for unspecific conduct violations. 2 On April 2, 2019, the SPLC announced that attorney Karen Baynes-Dunning would replace Cohen as interim president. 3

Since its victories over the Klan in the 1980s, the SPLC has been widely criticized by both right-of-center and left-of-center observers for its excessive fundraising and controversial methodologies. SPLC’s labeling of political opponents as has resulted in mainstream conservative individuals and groups, as well as anti-extremist Muslims, being conflated with neo-Nazis, the KKK, and other actual extremist elements. The SPLC uses its former credibility to smear its political foes; despite this, SPLC is cited by left-leaning mainstream media outlets as a credible source for information about the mainstream right, to widespread criticism. 4

Mainstream technology companies such as Google and Amazon have enlisted SPLC to help compile, track, and vet organizations based on alleged extremist activity. For a short time, charity aggregator Guidestar used SPLC’s hate group listings to apply so-called warning labels on 46 nonprofit organizations, but later removed the labels amid a heavy public backlash against its reliance on SPLC.

In 2012, Floyd Lee Corkins attacked the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the social conservative advocacy group Family Research Council (FRC). In his guilty plea agreement, Corkins claimed the SPLC’s labeling of FRC as a hate group for its opposition to same-sex marriage as the reason he singled out FRC. 5

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d2d564 No.22348

File: 5448c969a6184ae⋯.png (950.02 KB,1215x941,1215:941,Clipboard.png)

File: 95458173aad1293⋯.png (21.42 KB,657x527,657:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456868 (062135ZMAR23) Notable: CALL TO DIG - SPLC

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>Think i found the connection

me too


Face to Face: SPLC President Margaret Huang strengthens ties with Asian American journalists at informal D.C. gathering

By Rhonda Sonnenberg | August 26, 2022

As Huang noted, the AAPI population is the fastest-growing in the nation.Huang herself is the daughter of a Chinese immigrant fatherand a white mother whose family has been in the U.S. for many generations.

Between 2000 and 2019, this demographic grew 81%, significantly more than the 70% increase among the Latinx community, according to the Pew Research Center. In the 2020 presidential election, voting among Asian Americans rose from just under 50% in 2016 to almost 60% in 2020. That was the second-highest percentage increase for any racial or ethnic group in the country, according to an AAPI Data blog, surpassed only by Pacific Islander Americans, who voted in numbers 14% higher – rising from about 41% in 2016 to 56% in 2020.

AAJA journalists in attendance at the event represented news outlets including The Washington Post, Politico, Foreign Policy News, The New York Times, Al Jazeera, and AARP podcast.


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d2d564 No.22349

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456882 (062141ZMAR23) Notable: Leaked documents reveal Homeland Security problems – Politico

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Leaked documents reveal Homeland Security problems – Politico

DHS has a little-known domestic surveillance program as well as concerns over political abuse and retaliation

The Department of Homeland Security is operating a “virtually unknown” intelligence-gathering program within the US, Politico reported Monday, citing internal documents. Also among the revelations were concerns by many DHS staff that their work was inappropriate or illegal, and about the influence of politics on operations.

The “Overt Human Intelligence Collection Program” (OHIC) has been in existence since at least 2016, according to Politico, which did not disclose how it obtained the documents.

Run by the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A), OHIC is intended to gather information about threats such as organized crime and transnational drug trafficking. The program allows DHS officials to “seek interviews with just about anyone” in the US, including people held in local jails and federal prisons. Concerns that not having an attorney present for the interviews might violate people’s civil rights reportedly led to that particular “element” of OHIC being “paused” in 2022.

“While this questioning is purportedly voluntary, DHS’s policy ignores the coercive environment these individuals are held in. It fails to ensure that individuals have a lawyer present, and it does nothing to prevent the government from using a person’s words against them in court,” Patrick Toomey of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) told Politico.

Carrie Bachner, a former DHS adviser and congressional liaison, called it “immoral” that the agency might be “interviewing folks that still have constitutional privileges, without their lawyer present.”

Other documents show that some DHS employees had similar misgivings about the legality and morality of the department’s operations. An email from November 2020, just after the US election, summarizes a dozen “listening sessions” with I&A employees. Among their complaints was that many of their tasks were “law enforcement matters and not for an intelligence organization,” and that the rubric of ‘Departmental Support’ seemed like “a loophole that we exploit to conduct questionable activities.”

The same email quoted one employee who called the Field Operations Division leadership “shady” and said it “runs like a corrupt government.” Those who offered feedback or criticism the leadership did not appreciate, said another, might find themselves getting transferred to the US-Mexico border, or to Portland.

Portland, Oregon was the site of a media scandal involving the DHS in the summer of 2020, when violent ‘Antifa’ demonstrators attacked the federal courthouse. At the end of July, the Washington Post accused the I&A of spying on journalists and protesters. Two days later, I&A head Brian Murphy was ousted. His replacement, Joseph Maher, revoked a previous instruction – interpreting then-President Donald Trump’s order to protect federal buildings as well as monuments from rioters – and said the I&A had determined a “narrower interpretation” was better aligned with its authority.

Maher went on to work for the January 6 Select Committee, stood up by Congressional Democrats to accuse Trump of “insurrection” at the US Capitol.

Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Intelligence Enterprise Operations Stephanie Dobitsch, who authored the instruction Maher revoked, was later hired in a permanent capacity. In a March 2022 email commenting on the Intelligence Community Climate Survey Analysis, Dobitsch noted that the most significant instances of “distortion or suppression” of intelligence analysis reported by the I&A staff had to do with protection of “bureaucratic interests.”

The same survey for the fiscal year 2020 noted that the DHS workforce “has a general mistrust of leadership resulting from orders to conduct activities they perceive to be inappropriate, bureaucratic, or political.”


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d2d564 No.22350

File: 299a6f87cccf8e1⋯.png (1.42 MB,1232x1006,616:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456884 (062141ZMAR23) Notable: CALL TO DIG - SPLC

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In late June, Huang and members of the SPLC’s executive leadership team welcomed some of the country’s most prominent journalists – all members of the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) – at an intimate gathering in Washington, D.C.

The event gave the SPLC an opportunity to showcase its deep research and programmatic expertise, which can inform the journalists’ stories while at the same time extending the SPLC’s public reach.

“We want to support AAPI [Asian American Pacific Islander] journalists, who bring a unique and valuable perspective to news,” Huang said. “The idea is that we want them to turn to us when they need a quote or research to enrich their stories. [A stronger relationship] gives us a chance to reach people who may listen to an AAJA reporter when they may not listen ordinarily. We all need to be paying attention to this community because of recent demographic shifts.”

AAPI population growing

As Huang noted, the AAPI population is the fastest-growing in the nation. Huang herself is the daughter of a Chinese immigrant father and a white mother whose family has been in the U.S. for many generations.

Between 2000 and 2019, this demographic grew 81%, significantly more than the 70% increase among the Latinx community, according to the Pew Research Center. In the 2020 presidential election, voting among Asian Americans rose from just under 50% in 2016 to almost 60% in 2020. That was the second-highest percentage increase for any racial or ethnic group in the country, according to an AAPI Data blog, surpassed only by Pacific Islander Americans, who voted in numbers 14% higher – rising from about 41% in 2016 to 56% in 2020.

AAJA journalists in attendance at the event represented news outlets including The Washington Post, Politico, Foreign Policy News, The New York Times, Al Jazeera, and AARP podcast.

Huang noted that education and political reporters she spoke with already use SPLC resources such as Learning for Justice’s AAPI-tolerant curricula to educate audiences on hate, extremist state legislative attacks on inclusive educationa bogeyman conservatives refer to as “critical race theory”== – and the Intelligence Project’s Hatewatch, which profiles and tracks far-right extremist groups and leaders.

“Attacks on [so-called] critical race theory are attacks on all American history,” Huang said. “The AAJA is one of the most active and impactful groups of journalists in the country. They have strong respect from other journalists, and they are very good at pushing out information less well known by other journalists.”

As the guests and their hosts mingled, they discussed serious topics like the current attack on voting rights, the coming midterm congressional elections, and criminal justice reform. Huang and SPLC representatives answered questions about the journalists’ portfolios and how the organization can help them with their research.

Nicole Dungca, an investigative reporter for The Washington Post, said the event was especially welcome after being cut off from other journalists since 2020.

“Coming out of COVID, it’s been hard to meet people in person,” Dungca said. “It was good to meet other AAJA members and be able to connect the two organizations. The SPLC and the AAJA both share a concern for misinformation, so we want to check misinformation about the AAPI community.

“I really just wanted to connect, to talk to people who could help in the work we do,” she said. “The event provided a space for journalists to be able to meet Margaret and other potential sources for them and for us. Margaret discussed the direction the SPLC is moving in, such as expanding into voting rights, [a topic] that is important now and that our members will be focused on in the coming election. I know that our members appreciated hearing from Margaret what resources the SPLC has.”

For Politico reporter Nicholas Wu, the event provided information in an article quoting Michael Lieberman, the SPLC’s senior policy counsel on hate and extremism, about how the SPLC is providing testimony and research to the Jan. 6 committee.

SPLC Media Director Araba Dowell said the journalists expressed strong interest in the organization’s efforts to combat white nationalist narratives because their association also prioritizes this work.

“They also noted that they recognized how white supremacists are at the center of pushing division between the Asian community and Black people – and how they have to be vigilant and conscientious of this, even in the newsroom,” Dowell said. “They also were curious about how we tracked our impact and defined success – from a data and analytics standpoint. And, finally, they identified opportunities in which we can work together in the future, such as their AAJA Studio.

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d2d564 No.22351

File: 28c2beb4078811b⋯.jpeg (299.99 KB,1272x870,212:145,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456888 (062141ZMAR23) Notable: Pfizer is being sued for $3T for alleged false claims about COVID vaccines.

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Pfizer is being sued for $3T for alleged false claims about COVID vaccines.


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d2d564 No.22352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456907 (062145ZMAR23) Notable: Steve Bannon joins Nigel Farage to discuss UK, US and Ukraine

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Donald Trump's ex-Chief Strategist Steve Bannon joins Nigel Farage to discuss UK, US and Ukraine


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d2d564 No.22353

File: f262f855c4fa73c⋯.png (2.68 MB,1153x2778,1153:2778,Clipboard.png)

File: 4657f66cd4fd399⋯.png (236.85 KB,1083x1769,1083:1769,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ae64bd69ed820c⋯.png (4.34 MB,1169x3456,1169:3456,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c94dcb45c36c3f⋯.png (3.91 MB,1195x4088,1195:4088,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456935 (062154ZMAR23) Notable: CALL TO DIG - SPLC

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>ether in the future, such as their AAJA Studio.


About AAJA Studio

Welcome to AAJA Studio, an Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) speakers bureau, which brings the perspectives and expertise of AAPIs to the forefront of newsrooms, storytelling, and representation. The speakers listed in AAJA Studio represent a broad range of AAJA members, subject matter experts, community leaders, and graduates of our media trainings who may be contacted directly as sources or for speaking engagements.

As a mission-driven organization, AAJA strives to advance diversity in newsrooms and ensure fair and accurate news coverage of communities of color. Through AAJA Studio, AAJA aspires to carve a larger space for AAPIs and AAJA to strengthen our voice and impact in the national dialogue about issues that matter to the AAPI community. AAJA Studio is composed of journalists and subject matter experts who have been influential in their career journeys. From pioneering AAPI media leaders, to established policy experts and academics, to connected community leaders, AAJA Studio convenes a range of AAPI perspectives to enrich and diversify news and storytelling.

Ready to book AAPI speakers?

AAPIs are now the fastest growing demographic in the United States and represent over 30 different countries and speak over 100 languages and dialects. Just as diverse as the community, our speakers bureau seeks to showcase the broad talent of AAPI journalist and subject matter experts.

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d2d564 No.22354

File: 7c032b441ede13f⋯.jpg (351.51 KB,1200x1780,60:89,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456937 (062155ZMAR23) Notable: CALL TO DIG - SPLC

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They are grifters. Confirmed 1000 x on QR.

There are still NPCs who do not know about SPLCs long history of embezzlements, offshore banking and fraudulent fund raising.


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d2d564 No.22355

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456945 (062157ZMAR23) Notable: Investigators identify passenger who died after plane that took off from New Hampshire encountered 'severe turbulence'

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Been workfagging so apologies if this has been covered, but an Aspen Institute employee was killed in flight by "severe turbulence" yesterday

> https://www.wmur.com/article/keene-new-hampshire-plane-turbulence-death-3623/43214810

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d2d564 No.22356

File: a25c5827a9c1d55⋯.png (733.6 KB,947x1829,947:1829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456960 (062200ZMAR23) Notable: Investigators identify passenger who died after plane that took off from New Hampshire encountered 'severe turbulence'

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baker notable

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d2d564 No.22357

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456968 (062202ZMAR23) Notable: Pfizer is being sued for $3T for alleged false claims about COVID vaccines.

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moar info on suit: https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/the-3-trillion-substack-on-how-to

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d2d564 No.22358

File: 27e3a21192d8410⋯.png (232.78 KB,1095x1517,1095:1517,Clipboard.png)

File: f27ced108a18af9⋯.png (1.84 MB,1213x1865,1213:1865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456969 (062202ZMAR23) Notable: CALL TO DIG - SPLC

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>They are grifters. Confirmed 1000 x on QR.

they are moar than grifters.

these Niggers got their hands into everything


Learning for Justice

Website: &#09;


Location: &#09;

Montgomery, AL

Formation: &#09;


Type: &#09;

Educational Project of the SPLC

Executive Director: &#09;

Jalaya Liles Dunn

Learning for Justice is a project and educational arm of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), 1 a left-of-center watchdog criticized for falsely accusing mainstream right-leaning and center-right organizations of being far-right, racist, and violent extremists. 2 Learning for Justice produces educational articles, guides, films, webinars and workshops to advance the SPLC’s mission and objectives for K-12 educators. 3



Perspectives for a Diverse America

LGBT Modules

Learning for Justice Magazine





Learning for Justice was founded in 1991 by the SPLC, originally under the name Teaching for Tolerance, 4 to produce free educational materials to advance its parent organization’s mission. 5 The organization’s flagship magazine is sent to 450,000 educators twice annually. 6

Perspectives for a Diverse America

One of the notable educational modules produced by Learning for Justice is Perspectives for a Diverse America. 7 The module falls under the organization’s “anti-bias” curriculum, a catch-all term used by Learning for Justice to refer to an outlook that seeks to explain and analyze all societal problems through a racial lens and emphasizes the need for solutions that privilege some groups over others along racial lines. 8

LGBT Modules

In addition to educational content focused on race and gender, Learning for Justice produces LGBT educational content. 9 In an article publicizing the LGBT modules for K-12 educators, Learning for Justice claims that “[a]cross the United States, and especially in the South, politicians [are] intent on disenfranchising racially and culturally diverse communities and maintaining inequitable power structures.” 10 In an interview with a student whose school participated in a Learning for Justice program, the student repeated revisionist history taught in the module, praising the program and stating, “That [LGBT] history isn’t taught anywhere. Like, the guy who basically won World War II for us was a gay man. We never discussed that; nobody ever said his name.” 11

Learning for Justice opposes laws that seek to give parents a voice in what teachers can use as source material for lesson plans on issues related to race and gender and have opposed laws that seek to ensure that parents, and not teachers, decide what their children should learn in relation to issues of race and gender. 12

Learning for Justice Magazine

Learning for Justice produces a bi-annual magazine. 13 The magazine touches on various issues relating to teaching race and gender in social science courses and vehemently opposes laws that seek to limit critical race theory and allow parental scrutiny of gender-issues curriculums.


Jalaya Liles Dunn is the director of Learning for Justice. 14 Prior to joining the organization, Liles Dunn was the national director of the CDF Freedom Schools program for the left-of-center Children’s Defense Fund. 15

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d2d564 No.22359

File: 7bfb866fe72d046⋯.png (302.95 KB,370x532,185:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456977 (062203ZMAR23) Notable: John Fetterman seen in hospital for the first time during depression treatment / Anon finds reflection

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d2d564 No.22360

File: c93f3b9efe77ea4⋯.png (1.67 MB,1156x1248,289:312,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18456999 (062208ZMAR23) Notable: John Fetterman seen in hospital for the first time during depression treatment / Anon finds reflection

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I think you found it, gj.


chk and wtf is that?

pic enlarged.

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d2d564 No.22361

File: 11bb615864c1111⋯.png (1014.52 KB,803x751,803:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457025 (062212ZMAR23) Notable: 35 Arrested In Fiery Atlanta Police Training Site Riot

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One of them is an SPLC lawyer!

There were also state line crossers as well



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d2d564 No.22362

File: f61cb02a8dcfc19⋯.png (215.21 KB,600x349,600:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457037 (062214ZMAR23) Notable: Jim Jordan Calls in 16 FBI Officials Identified by Whistleblowers to Testify Before Congress

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Jim Jordan Calls in 16 FBI Officials Identified by Whistleblowers to Testify Before Congress – Democrats Quickly Defend Unnamed Corrupt FBI Officials


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d2d564 No.22363

File: 059ed50699e0561⋯.jpg (37.24 KB,400x566,200:283,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457067 (062222ZMAR23) Notable: John Fetterman seen in hospital for the first time during depression treatment / Anon finds reflection

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Found it.

Wall Decoration.

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d2d564 No.22364

File: 18d38614b27e30c⋯.png (922.63 KB,799x660,799:660,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457081 (062225ZMAR23) Notable: 35 Arrested In Fiery Atlanta Police Training Site Riot

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SPLC Lawyer among the Dozens Arrested

for Attacking Cops at Atlanta Training Facility

National Review, by Ari Blaff

Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/6/2023 4:16:44 PM

Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) staff attorney Thomas Jurgens was among the dozen of rioters arrested following a violent attack on police at the proposed site of the Atlanta Police Foundation’s training facility, located a few miles south of the city. Jurgens previously served as a legal intern in Dekalb County’s public defender office and as an assistant public defender for the 9th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, according to his LinkedIn profile. A family member of Jurgens confirmed with a local journalist that the lawyer had been charged with domestic terrorism following the violence. A list of the arrested suspects published by the Atlanta Police

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d2d564 No.22365

File: 66daa227e0aed12⋯.png (738.48 KB,684x702,38:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457094 (062228ZMAR23) Notable: Jeff Zucker Forbade CNN Staff from Investigating ‘Trump Talking Point’ Coronavirus Lab Leak Theory

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Report: Jeff Zucker Forbade CNN Staff

from Investigating ‘Trump Talking Point’

Coronavirus Lab Leak Theory

Breitbart Health, by Nick Gilbertson

Posted By: Imright, 3/6/2023 3:56:30 PM

Former CNN President Jeff Zucker ordered employees during then-President Donald J. Trump’s administration not to investigate the theory that the coronavirus pandemic was sparked by a lab leak in China, calling it a “Trump talking point,” according to a report. A “well-placed CNN Insider” told Fox News Digital that Zucker issued the directive in the early stages of the pandemic. On March 13, 2020, Harmeet Kauer, a “culture writer” for CNN, called the notion that the virus may have started in a laboratory a “fringe theory.” Her colleague, Scottie Andrew, on April 13, 2020, wrote an article entitled “Nearly 30% in the US believe a coronavirus theory that’s almost certainly not true”

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d2d564 No.22366

File: 451c67c86df21d8⋯.png (36.89 KB,834x329,834:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457108 (062230ZMAR23) Notable: Biden FAA Nominee Can't Answer a Single Question About Aviation from Republican Senator

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Watch: Biden FAA Nominee Can't Answer

a Single Question About Aviation from

Republican Senator

Western Journal, by C. Douglas Golden

Posted By: Hazymac, 3/6/2023 8:26:40 AM

When it came to picking his Secretary of Transportation, President Joe Biden picked Pete Buttigieg, a man whose resume included 1) overperforming in a handful of presidential primaries and 2) being the mayor of the 335th-largest city in the United States of America. This, apparently, qualifies one to lead the way when it comes to the nation’s transportation and infrastructure needs. And if that’s the guy heading the DOT, wait until you see who’s getting picked to be his underlings. Phil Washington, once the CEO of Denver International Airport, is President Joe Biden’s choice to lead the Federal Aviation Administration — you know, the agency charged with making sure planes

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d2d564 No.22367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457115 (062231ZMAR23) Notable: Atlanta Police Address City Council Over Violence At Planned Police Training Center

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LIVE: Atlanta Police Address City Council Over Violence At Planned Police Training Center

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d2d564 No.22368

File: 786a5e07d02c0a7⋯.png (292.29 KB,611x588,611:588,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457125 (062234ZMAR23) Notable: JUDGE DENIES Non-Violent January 6th Defendant Time to Review New Evidence Obtained by Speaker McCarthy

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The Gateway Pundit


JUDGE DENIES Non-Violent January 6th Defendant Time to Review New Evidence Obtained by Speaker McCarthy – Trial For NYPD Retired Policewoman Starts Today DESPITE HER PUBLIC DEFENDER’S PLEA FOR MORE TIME


JUDGE DENIES Non-Violent January 6th Defendant Time to Review New Evidence Obtained by Speaker…

2:59 AM · Mar 6, 2023




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d2d564 No.22369

File: e9eb05ec5ecb5f3⋯.png (237.9 KB,1275x645,85:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c099293eb1094d⋯.png (301.69 KB,1276x993,1276:993,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c34801ff012daa⋯.png (179.29 KB,1185x929,1185:929,Clipboard.png)

File: 07b96b27018178f⋯.png (323.87 KB,1232x1293,1232:1293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457140 (062239ZMAR23) Notable: CALL TO DIG - SPLC

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>these Niggers got their hands into everything



Abington School District paid $7,000 to Southern Poverty Law Center for ‘equity training’

October 26, 2021


Culturally Relevant & Responsive Education

Culturally Relevant & Responsive Education

Learning for Justice Pilot Lessons


Grades K-5

Learning for Justice: How Do We Create Equity?

(Register for a free account to access lessons)


Rawlinson Road Middle School teacher has students read by “Stamped”; school district promotes racial affinity groups and mandatory equity training for educators

Rock Hill Schools - South Carolina



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d2d564 No.22370

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457155 (062242ZMAR23) Notable: Chairman Jim Jordan Subpoenas Officials for Depositions

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Chairman Jim Jordan Subpoenas Officials for Depositions

March 6, 2023

Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) subpoenaed Chip Slaven, Viola Garcia, and Nina Jankowicz to appear before the Committee for a deposition. Each official has ignored voluntary requests for a transcribed interview.

Chip Slaven, the former Interim Executive Director and CEO of the National School Boards Association (NSBA), and Viola Garcia, the former President of the NSBA, co-signed the September 2021 letter to President Biden requesting federal law enforcement assistance to target parents voicing concerns at local school board meetings. That letter led to an October 4, 2021, memorandum that directed the FBI to establish a “threat tag” to investigate Americans.

Nina Jankowicz is the former executive director of the Department of Homeland Security's now-disbanded Disinformation Governance Board.




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d2d564 No.22371

File: 8193badb14b06dc⋯.png (45.15 KB,424x798,212:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457196 (062250ZMAR23) Notable: Was Peter Daszak Working For The Central Intelligence Agency?

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#8 Dr. Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance—financed by USAID, DOD, and other US Government agencies—partnered with Dr. Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina and Dr. Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology to conduct gain-of-function research on bat-borne coronaviruses.

Baric successfully created a “chimeric” coronavirus in 2015. There is a well-documented scientific paper trail that details how Dr. Baric and Dr. Zhengli continued to collaborate on gain-of-function research together to create what went on to be a potential precursor to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Peter Daszak, who were proponents of this type of international collaboration on gain-of-function research, were heavily incentivized to cover up the possibility of a lab origin because they previously had funneled U.S. taxpayer money to the Chinese lab.

At the start of 2020, there was a lot of chatter about where the virus SARS-CoV-2 actually originated from. Two papers published in March 2020—one in Nature Medicine and one in The Lancet—controlled the direction of the dialogue on the origin of the virus.

Both papers were repeatedly cited by Fauci, Collins, Daszak, the corporate media, and big tech as evidence to shut down and even censor any discussion of the possibility that the virus originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Only later, through redacted emails released by FOIA, did we learn that Fauci, Collins, and Daszak were intimately involved in crafting the two papers which dismissed the lab origin hypothesis as a “conspiracy theory.”




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d2d564 No.22372

File: e867f3c29101e4a⋯.jpg (108.4 KB,720x657,80:73,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457244 (062302ZMAR23) Notable: Western Culture Continues Decline As SatanCon Sells Out in Boston

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Western Culture Continues Decline As SatanCon Sells Out in Boston

Just in case anyone needed any further proof that Western Culture was in full decline, the annual SatanCon, a festival of creepy people that claim to worship Satan, has sold out in Boston in April. The event, which runs April 28 through the 30th, is described as  “a weekend of blasphemy and remembrance in Boston.” No thanks.

As if American culture could be any more under assault, you have a group of hairy-arm-pitted women, and overweight bearded guys rolling out of their moms basement long enough to Uber downtown and “hail Satan”. Sound like a good weekend to NOT visit Boston. Breitbart reports further:

The Satanic Temple (TST) has announced that SatanCon 2023, “a weekend of blasphemy” to be held in Boston this April, has sold out.

SatanCon 2023 will be held at the Boston Marriott Copley Place on April 28-30, the TST website states, hyping the meeting as “a weekend of

The convention, which the Satanic Temple has touted as the “largest Satanic gathering in history,” will celebrate TST’s ten-year anniversary and features talks on Satanism in Rural America, Reclaiming the Trans Body, and Satanism and Self-Pleasure.


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d2d564 No.22373

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457249 (062303ZMAR23) Notable: #22621

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Notables - FINAL


>>22325 North Korea Claims US, South Korea Simulating Nuclear Strikes So It Can Strike Its Bases

>>22326 Perth Mint sold diluted gold to China, got caught, and tried to cover it up

>>22327 Judicial Watch - COVID Lab Leak—Confirmed? Ivermectin Coverup Exposed!

>>22328 DJT - All Republican Governors should immediately pull out of ERIC…

>>22329, >>22332, >>22361, >>22364 35 Arrested In Fiery Atlanta Police Training Site Riot

>>22330 Times of Israel - "They’ve forgotten what it means to be Jewish"

>>22331, >>22359, >>22360, >>22363 John Fetterman seen in hospital for the first time during depression treatment / Anon finds reflection

>>22333, >>22334, >>22335, >>22336, >>22337, >>22343, >>22346, >>22347, >>22348, >>22350, >>22353, >>22354, >>22358, >>22369 CALL TO DIG - SPLC

>>22338 Are the Hancock Covid Files narrative control?


>>22340, >>22341 Ukrainian bomb assassination plot thwarted in Russia – FSB

>>22342 Potential FF in prep in Darke, Mercer and Shelby counties, Ohio

>>22344 War Room - The EPA Signed Off On The Controlled Burn In East Palestine And Biden Should Be Held Responsible

>>22345 Flight delays reported across Florida following ‘technical glitch’ at FAA Center in Miami

>>22349 Leaked documents reveal Homeland Security problems – Politico

>>22351, >>22357 Pfizer is being sued for $3T for alleged false claims about COVID vaccines.

>>22352 Steve Bannon joins Nigel Farage to discuss UK, US and Ukraine

>>22355, >>22356 Investigators identify passenger who died after plane that took off from New Hampshire encountered 'severe turbulence'

>>22362 Jim Jordan Calls in 16 FBI Officials Identified by Whistleblowers to Testify Before Congress

>>22365 Jeff Zucker Forbade CNN Staff from Investigating ‘Trump Talking Point’ Coronavirus Lab Leak Theory

>>22366 Biden FAA Nominee Can't Answer a Single Question About Aviation from Republican Senator

>>22367 Atlanta Police Address City Council Over Violence At Planned Police Training Center

>>22368 JUDGE DENIES Non-Violent January 6th Defendant Time to Review New Evidence Obtained by Speaker McCarthy

>>22370 Chairman Jim Jordan Subpoenas Officials for Depositions

>>22371 Was Peter Daszak Working For The Central Intelligence Agency?

>>22372 Western Culture Continues Decline As SatanCon Sells Out in Boston


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d2d564 No.22374

File: 09b9115b85c2c37⋯.png (267.02 KB,598x590,299:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457326 (062313ZMAR23) Notable: Bombshell emails show Fauci COMMISSIONED 2020 study that he used to disprove COVID leaked from Wuhan lab

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Daily Mail Online


Bombshell emails show Fauci COMMISSIONED 2020 study that he used to disprove COVID leaked from Wuhan lab



Hi Mr Zero Dig

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d2d564 No.22375

File: e2597bbf60502bd⋯.png (59.16 KB,426x743,426:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457365 (062319ZMAR23) Notable: TX Lawsuit Could Freeze Biden’s Attempt To Turn Pistol Brace Owners Into Felons

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𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧.. 👀

TX Lawsuit Could Freeze Biden’s Attempt To Turn Pistol Brace Owners Into Felons, With New Injunction Request.

Paxton argues the regulation unconstitutionally taxes citizens for exercising their 2A (https://truthsocial.com/tags/2A) rights.


𝐈𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 152 𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬:


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d2d564 No.22376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457404 (062325ZMAR23) Notable: Trudeau to ask national security committee look into foreign election interference

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Trudeau to ask national security committee look into foreign election interference | LIVE

Scroll back a few minutes…about 5min

Is he talking about us?

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d2d564 No.22377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457419 (062327ZMAR23) Notable: Biden massively expands his dystopian authorian control over American's communications, finances, and freedom of movement by executive order.

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Biden massively expands his dystopian authorian control over American's communications, finances, and freedom of movement by executive order.

Just watch the first two stories released within the past hour by Clayton and Natali Morris on their news show Redacted. You may remember Clayton as Tucker's cohost on Fox, who left to go independent over editorial issues. He's a fighter.

Between the executive order and the digital dollar we are staring into the abyss of the Beast.

Just watch from about 39:17 to 59:45. You'll see why I posted it here immediately.

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d2d564 No.22378

File: 45eb56bf1a33e2e⋯.png (493.41 KB,780x519,260:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457420 (062327ZMAR23) Notable: CENTCOM Theater Space Forum

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CENTCOM Theater Space Forum

March 03, 2023

TAMPA, Fla. &ndash; Today, U.S. Central Command concluded the first CENTCOM Theater Space Forum at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. The forum, held Feb. 15-17, included over 100 space warfare professionals from Headquarter U.S. Space Force, U.S. Space Forces – Central, U.S. Space Command, Combined Space Operations Center, Space Systems Command, U.K. Space Command, Australia, Canada, U.S. European Command, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, U.S. Southern Command, and other partner agencies.

The forum included presentations and discussions focused on current space capability, threat briefs, theater command and control processes and the coalition approach to theater space integration. “After three days of robust debate among space professionals, we have developed a way forward on how to normalize space integration into joint operations that can be leveraged across all regional combatant commands,” said Col. Christopher S. Putman, Commander of SPACECENT.

The forum leveraged the collective expertise of the participants to develop innovative processes and procedures for the command and control of Space forces assigned or attached to combatant commands. These developments will be used to inform and mature processes for other space service components across the world. Putman added, “We will work to codify the framework discussed to maximize utilization of space effects in support of the warfighter. The work done this week will help secure our operational advantage for years to come.”

The activation of U.S. Space Force service components is an extraordinary opportunity for the normalization of space integration into joint force and combatant commands. SPACECENT was activated on Dec. 2, 2022; the only Space Force service component assigned to a combatant command that is conducting active combat operations.


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d2d564 No.22379

File: e6e102b8f4612c4⋯.png (160.11 KB,988x689,76:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 52720a034bcfda5⋯.png (92.28 KB,883x696,883:696,Clipboard.png)

File: 07c3b8539e77ee0⋯.png (85.33 KB,901x682,901:682,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457428 (062328ZMAR23) Notable: Removing the Viral Threat: Two Months to Stop Pandemic X from Taking Hold

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> 2017

Removing the Viral Threat: Two Months to Stop Pandemic X from Taking Hold

DARPA aims to develop an integrated end-to-end platform that uses nucleic acid sequences to halt the spread of viral infections in sixty days or less



Over the past several years, DARPA-funded researchers have pioneered RNA vaccine technology, a medical countermeasure against infectious diseases that uses coded genetic constructs to stimulate production of viral proteins in the body, which in turn can trigger a protective antibody response. As a follow-on effort, DARPA funded research into genetic constructs that can directly stimulate production of antibodies in the body.1,2 DARPA is now launching the Pandemic Prevention Platform (P3) program, aimed at developing that foundational work into an entire system capable of halting the spread of any viral disease outbreak before it can escalate to pandemic status. Such a capability would offer a stark contrast to the state of the art for developing and deploying traditional vaccines—a process that does not deliver treatments to patients until months, years, or even decades after a viral threat emerges.

“DARPA’s goal is to create a technology platform that can place a protective treatment into health providers’ hands within 60 days of a pathogen being identified, and have that treatment induce protection in patients within three days of administration. We need to be able to move at this speed considering how quickly outbreaks can get out of control,” said Matt Hepburn, the P3 Program Manager. “The technology needs to work on any viral disease, whether it’s one humans have faced before or not.”

Recent outbreaks of viral infectious diseases such as Zika, H1N1 influenza, and Ebola have cast into sharp relief the inability of the global health system to rapidly contain the spread of a disease using existing tools and procedures. State-of-the-art medical countermeasures typically take many months or even years to develop, produce, distribute, and administer. These solutions often arrive too late—if at all—and in quantities too small to respond to emerging threats. In contrast, the envisioned P3 platform would cut response time to weeks and stay within the window of relevance for containing an outbreak.

Key to this undertaking are nucleic-acid-based technologies—those that are centered on DNA and RNA—including some developed under DARPA’s Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics (ADEPT) program. Using these tools, scientists can identify protective antibodies from recovering patients and then, through a biological version of reverse engineering, manufacture genetic constructs that, when delivered, can instruct an individual’s body to produce similar protective antibodies. Significant quantities of these nucleic acid “blueprints” can be rapidly manufactured compared to state-of-the-art antibody production methods.


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d2d564 No.22380

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457431 (062328ZMAR23) Notable: Removing the Viral Threat: Two Months to Stop Pandemic X from Taking Hold

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What is required now are breakthroughs in three other technology areas to bridge those past DARPA achievements and overcome the remaining bottlenecks that hinder rapid response to pandemic threats. The P3 program will pursue innovations in those three areas:

Growing virus needed to support evaluation of therapies in laboratory tests;

Subjecting antibodies to rapid rounds of evolution outside of the body to increase their potency beyond that of even the most effective antibodies obtained from infected patients; and

Developing means of efficiently delivering nucleic-acid-based protective treatments, since the technologies used to administer conventional vaccines do not readily translate.

Achieving and integrating breakthroughs in all of these areas will require choreographed cooperation among researchers and engineers specializing in such areas as immunology, microbiology, virology, medical infectious diseases, molecular biology, and medical countermeasure product development and manufacturing.

DARPA-funded teams will be required to demonstrate their integrated platforms in five simulations during the planned four-year program; they will initially test their platforms using pathogens of their choice, but ultimately they will test using DARPA-selected pathogens, including two demonstrations in which the identity of the pathogen will remain opaque to the teams until the 60-day clock starts. To ensure the developed platforms can produce a quality product with a viable pathway for regulatory review, each team will be required to complete a Phase I clinical safety trial before the end of the program.

A benefit of the nucleic-acid-based approach to limiting the spread of infection is that the genetic constructs introduced to the body would be processed quickly and would not integrate into an individual’s genome. Similarly, the antibodies produced in response to the treatment would only be present in the body for weeks to months. This is consistent with DARPA's intent with P3, which is to safely deliver transient immunity to a virus, halting the spread of disease by creating a firewall.

“Our country asks our military Service members to deploy globally and provide humanitarian assistance in all manner of high-risk environments. We owe it to them to develop the best protections possible,” said Hepburn, a U.S. Army physician who previously served as Director of Medical Preparedness on the White House National Security Staff. “If we’re successful, DARPA could take viral infectious disease outbreaks off the table as a threat to U.S. troops and as a driver of global instability.”

To further clarify the P3 program vision, answer questions from potential proposers, and facilitate teaming, DARPA is hosting two identical Proposers Days. The first will be at the Crown Plaza Tysons Corner McLean Hotel in McLean, Va., on February 22, 2017, and the second at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel San Diego Downtown in San Diego on March 2, 2017. For registration information, visit: http://www.cvent.com/d/9vqy52.

Full details of the P3 program are included in a Broad Agency Announcement, available at: http://go.usa.gov/x9FbG. Proposal abstracts are due by 12:00 PM ET on March 13, 2017. Full proposals are due by 5:00 PM ET on May 1, 2017.

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Image caption: The Pandemic Prevention Platform (P3) program aims to develop an integrated platform that uses nucleic acid sequences to halt the spread of viral infections in sixty days or less. Using nucleic-acid-based technologies pioneered by DARPA as a foundation, the program now seeks to create an end-to-end platform by developing technologies to overcome remaining bottlenecks that hinder rapid response to pandemic threats. The three required technology areas cover growth of virus to support testing of treatments; rapid evolution of protective antibodies outside of the body; and safe and efficient delivery of nucleic-acid-based protective treatments.

Media with inquiries should contact DARPA Public Affairs at outreach@darpa.mil

2 of 2

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d2d564 No.22381

File: 748a282efae5b12⋯.jpeg (427.62 KB,892x2246,446:1123,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457444 (062330ZMAR23) Notable: Removing the Viral Threat: Two Months to Stop Pandemic X from Taking Hold

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DARPA Awards Moderna Therapeutics A Grant For Up To $25 Million To Develop Messenger RNA Therapeutics™

Research to focus on antibody production for immune defense


Moderna Therapeutics

Oct 02,2013, 08:00 ET

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ &ndash; Moderna Therapeutics, the company pioneering messenger RNA therapeutics™, a revolutionary new treatment modality to enable the in vivo production of therapeutic proteins, announced today that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded the company up to $25 million to research and develop its messenger RNA therapeutics™ platform as a rapid and reliable way to make antibody-producing drugs to protect against a wide range of known and unknown emerging infectious diseases and engineered biological threats.

Messenger RNA therapeutics™ can be designed to tap directly into the body's natural processes to produce antibodies without exposing people to a weakened or inactivated virus or pathogen, as is the case with the vaccine approaches currently being tested. As a result, Moderna's messenger RNA therapeutics™ platform has the potential to speed the development and manufacture of treatments that can produce a safer, more reliable and more robust immune response than existing technologies.

"We are honored to be chosen by DARPA for this important grant, which will greatly accelerate our efforts to develop antibody messenger RNA therapeutics™ to combat a wide range of infectious diseases," said Stephane Bancel, president and founding CEO of Moderna. "We were awarded this major grant after an intense and rigorous scientific review, and it is a testament to our team's progress and to the profound implications of messenger RNA therapeutics™ that our work was funded. We look forward to further expanding the development of our platform into this critically important new therapeutic area."

This $24.6 million grant could support research for up to 5 years to advance promising antibody- producing drug candidates into preclinical testing and human clinical trials. The company also received a $0.7 million "seedling" grant from DARPA in March to begin work on the project.

This grant is part of a DARPA program called ADEPT: PROTECT (Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics: Prophylactic Options to Environmental and Contagious). The goal is to develop platform technologies that can be deployed safely and rapidly to provide the U.S. population with near-immediate protection against emerging infectious diseases and engineered biological weapons, even in cases when the pathogen or infectious agent is unknown.


The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is the primary innovation engine of the Department of Defense. DARPA is responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military. To deliver on its mission, DARPA challenges the status quo and thinks outside of, and well beyond, prevailing perspectives. The Agency relies on diverse performers to apply multi-disciplinary approaches to advance knowledge through basic research and to create innovative technologies that address current practical problems through applied research. DARPA is a project based agency that sets challenging objectives with their grantees to achieve revolutionary capabilities. The agency's leadership regularly weighs the progress of each program in the context of their overall portfolio to make judgment calls to either redirect funding or to accelerate specific efforts.

About Moderna Therapeutics

Moderna is pioneering messenger RNA therapeutics™, an entirely new in vivo drug modality that produces human proteins or antibodies inside patient cells, which are in turn active intracellularly or secreted. This breakthrough platform addresses currently undruggable targets and offers a superior alternative to existing drug modalities for a wide range of disease conditions. Moderna has developed a broad intellectual property estate, including 144 patent applications with 6,910 claims ranging from novel nucleotide chemistries to specific drug compositions. The company plans to develop and commercialize its innovative mRNA drugs—initially for rare diseases and oncology—while partnering drug candidates in other therapeutic areas in order to rapidly deliver this innovation to patients. Moderna is a privately held company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Visit www.modernatx.com to learn more.

For information contact:

Dan Quinn

Feinstein Kean Healthcare



SOURCE Moderna Therapeutics

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d2d564 No.22382

File: c015cb8060e1630⋯.png (255.91 KB,815x890,163:178,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457475 (062336ZMAR23) Notable: Alleged Antifa Member Thomas Jurgens, Arrested on Domestic Terror Charges Related to Violent Attack on Atlanta “Cop City” Is Attorney At Southern Poverty Law Center Where Soros-Tied MI SOS Jocelyn Benson Was Prominent Board Member

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Alleged Antifa Member Thomas Jurgens, Arrested on Domestic Terror Charges Related to Violent Attack on Atlanta “Cop City” Is Attorney At Southern Poverty Law Center Where Soros-Tied MI SOS Jocelyn Benson Was Prominent Board Member

100 Percent Fed Up reports – A Southern Poverty Law Center staff attorney, Thomas Jurgens, was arrested in connection to last night’s violent attack on the Atlanta Public Safety training center.

Last night, at around 5:30 PM, an Atlanta public safety training center that was under construction was set on fire. The black-clad terrorists allegedly threw commercial-grade fireworks, Molotov cocktails, large rocks, and bricks at police officers.

This is video of the end of the far-left #Antifa attack near Atlanta. Around a hundred masked militants already escaped on foot after setting a construction site on fire using homemade explosives. The police guarding the area were chased away with pic.twitter.com/AbTu4PweNv… https://t.co/tbYf9sdrvq

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) March 6, 2023

So far, 35 individuals have been detained related to the razing of the police training center nicknamed “Cop City” by radicals. Of the 35 people detained by law enforcement, only two live in GA; the others are from out-of-state or other countries.

At least 23 #StopCopCity suspects were arrested in Atlanta on suspicion of domestic terrorism over the violent ambush on police. Almost all are from out of state. One of the terror suspects is an @splcenter staff attorney & another is a Canadian academic. Story to come. pic.twitter.com/aLmtQolEQq

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) March 6, 2023

The accused pState Freedom Caucus Director Greg Price broke the news only moments ago in a tweet.

“One of the Antifa members arrested on domestic terrorism charges in Atlanta last night is a staff attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center.” Price tweeted.

In his tweet, Price pointed out the irony of Jurgen’s arrest and domestic terrorist charge, considering how “the FBI has historically used the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a source for who should be considered domestic terrorists.”

One of the Antifa members arrested on domestic terrorism charges in Atlanta last night is a staff attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The FBI has historically used the SPLC as a source for who should be considered domestic terrorists. pic.twitter.com/y5isk5AHaq

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 6, 2023

The Southern Poverty Law Center is no stranger to unethical members, some of whom have already been arrested for crimes, and others, like MI SOS Jocelyn Benson, who continues to fight lawsuit after lawsuit for her unethical behavior as well as for breaking the law.

Although she no longer touts her involvement with the SPLC, Michigan’s Soros-tied Democrat SOS Jocelyn Benson, who many consider the dirtiest and most dishonest SOS in America, was a prominent member of the board of directors for the Soros-funded Southern Poverty Law Center for several years.

Jocelyn Benson has been overseeing Michigan’s crooked elections for the past four years. She received donations to her 2022 campaign for re-election from two Soros children as well as the Soros-funded radical MoveOn.org group.

On March 26, 2019, Jocelyn Benson was called out by Daily Signal Editor Tyler O’Neil for her leading role with the hate group. Benson’s SOS Twitter account, which Benson frequently tweets from, responded with a lie: Upon taking office as Michigan Secretary of State, Secretary Benson informed SPLC leadership that she would be stepping down from the board. Her responsibilities in Michigan are her priority and focus.

Upon taking office as Michigan Secretary of State, Secretary Benson informed SPLC leadership that she would be stepping down from the board. Her responsibilities in Michigan are her priority and focus.

— Michigan Department of State (@MichSoS) March 26, 2019

But OOPS! Benson, who is known in Michigan for her dishonesty, was caught lying again.

Hey @JocelynBenson, @ShawnStarkey, any chance you could share an official letter of resignation? Jocelyn was listed on the SPLC board yesterday… pic.twitter.com/CuLYse6f9r

— Tyler O'Neil (@Tyler2ONeil) March 26, 2019

Here is a close-up of Benson’s bio as it appeared on March 25, 2019, on the SPLC website that clearly shows she was still on the board while acting as “the 43rd secretary of state for the state of Michigan.”

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d2d564 No.22383

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457477 (062336ZMAR23) Notable: Alleged Antifa Member Thomas Jurgens, Arrested on Domestic Terror Charges Related to Violent Attack on Atlanta “Cop City” Is Attorney At Southern Poverty Law Center Where Soros-Tied MI SOS Jocelyn Benson Was Prominent Board Member

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The Southern Poverty Law Center, which many consider a hate group disguised as a “law center,” was connected to a domestic terrorism case when a shooter attacked the Family Research Council in 2012.

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, executive vice president at the Family Research Council (FRC), told PJ Media that the shooter pleaded guilty to the crime and confessed that he used the SPLC’s discredited ‘hate map’ to target the FRC. According to PJ Media, the SPLC has not reconsidered its “hate group” designation for FRC, and outlets like CNN plastered the SPLC “hate map” online with no caveats.

917. That's the number of hate groups operating in the US, according to data from the Southern Poverty Law Center https://t.co/hsuBqjal9y pic.twitter.com/eMWFiLECfz

— CNN (@CNN) August 17, 2017

PJ Media reports – In March 2019, the SPLC fired its co-founder, Morris Dees, amid allegations of racism and sexism. Former employees have called for the firing of President Richard Cohen, who announced his own resignation this past Friday. The SPLC hired Michelle Obama’s former chief of staff, Tina Tchen, to perform an investigation of the organization’s workplace culture. Yes, the same Tina Tchen who supported Jussie Smollett’s hate hoax…

And now, the SPLC can add an accused domestic terrorist to their long list of crooked employees and board members.


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d2d564 No.22384

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457495 (062339ZMAR23) Notable: Jim Jordan, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, has subpoenaed former head of the DHS Disinformation Board, Nina Jankowicz

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BREAKING: Jim Jordan, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, has subpoenaed former head of the DHS Disinformation Board, Nina Jankowicz


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d2d564 No.22385

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457528 (062344ZMAR23) Notable: SNOW WHITE are No Such Agency computer servers and CORONA are NTRO Satellite ops…

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You can't be that dumb…

SNOW WHITE are No Such Agency computer servers and CORONA are NTRO Satellite ops…

and here's the sauce because I know you're a lazy-ass nigger:



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d2d564 No.22386

File: fd19c8f91b6f663⋯.png (128.29 KB,520x480,13:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457560 (062350ZMAR23) Notable: SPLC not fans of QR.

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SPLC not fans of QR.


Breadcrumbs/bakers: the cryptic posts that Q makes are known as “breadcrumbs” (aka Q drops) and the people who try to figure them out are known as “bakers.”

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d2d564 No.22387

File: d7639e610c135a5⋯.png (281.08 KB,783x572,783:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457643 (070004ZMAR23) Notable: Jim Jordan subpoenas Nina Jankowicz

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John Solomon · 45m

Jim Jordan subpoenas Nina Jankowicz

Jim Jordan subpoenas former head of Disinformation Governance Board Nina Jankowicz

"We have repeatedly sought information from you concerning your official actions and duties as a DHS employee and former Executive Director of the Board," Jordan wrote to Jankowicz.

ouse Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan on Monday announced the issuance of subpoenas to a host of Biden administration officials, among them former Disinformation Governance Board head Nina Jankowicz, as part of the GOP's ongoing efforts to investigate the "weaponization" of the federal government.

Jordan announced subpoenas, not just for Jankowicz, but for former interim Executive Director and CEO of the National School Boards Association Chip Slaven and National Assessment Governing Board Trustee Viola Garcia. He previously sent interview requests to the trio, along with several other officials, in late January.

"We have repeatedly sought information from you concerning your official actions and duties as a DHS employee and former Executive Director of the Board, including how the Board intended to define disinformation, how it planned to collection information and from what sources, how it anticipated countering disinformation, and how it proposed to protect First Amendment rights," Jordan wrote to Jankowicz in his March issuance of the subpoena.

"As the former Executive Director of the Board, you are uniquely situated to provide information that is relevant and necessary to inform the Committee's oversight and potential legislative reforms," he continued. "Accordingly, and in light of your disregard of our earlier voluntary requests, please find attached a subpoena compelling you to appear for a deposition."

The letters to Slaven and Garcia shared similar language. Jordan's interest in the pair stemmed from their support of a National School Boards Association letter to President Joe Biden seeking White House support against parents protesting against the instruction of controversial topics in schools such as Critical Race Theory.


Mar 06, 2023, 6:12 PM


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d2d564 No.22388

File: a519723681c23f6⋯.png (626.89 KB,817x1775,817:1775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457684 (070010ZMAR23) Notable: Statement by Republican Nominee for Arizona Secretary of State Mark Finchem on the Sanctions

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Mark Finchem · now

Statement by Republican Nominee for Arizona Secretary of State Mark Finchem on the Sanctions

The 6-page order by Judge Julian to award lawyer reimbursement to leftist litigators who represent the Sinaloa Cartel, now the installed Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, and Katie Hobbs, the installed Governor of Arizona, is contemptible judicial overreach beyond all statutory and Rules of Civil Procedure for the Superior Courts of Arizona. /1

This award is designed to quash any and all dissent where elections are in question. The Maricopa County 2022 election was the most embarrassing election in American history. As a result, 70% of Americans doubt the outcome of the 2022 elections in Arizona (Rasmussen Poll).

Judge Julian is punishing me for daring to assert my 1st Amendment protections, which constitutionally guarantee separation of powers, and has shredded statutory protection for contestants to challenge /2

suspicious election results.

This is the dawn of the one-party state banana republic as we have seen in Venezuela and many other South American nation-states. Judge Julian should be removed from the bench for her abuse of judicial authority.

Adrian Fontes and Katie Hobbs did not pay for their representation. Dark money from out of state, and perhaps even out of America, paid for them to engage in what amounts to political theft. /3

The Arizona Democratic Party received a hefty sum of laundered money from FTX Sam Bankman-Fried to interfere with our elections directly in support of Fontes and Hobbs.

I will fight this fraud, injustice and embarrassment of a ruling even if the judge chooses to do the bidding of the Marxists like she did in this instance. /4

@realmarkfinchem Mar 06, 2023, 7:03 PM


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d2d564 No.22389

File: e5ad608e88f076f⋯.png (106.33 KB,1664x424,208:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457710 (070013ZMAR23) Notable: Former Bank of America CEO Richard Rosenberg Dies at 92

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d2d564 No.22390

File: badd84a3da2cabf⋯.png (239.41 KB,420x418,210:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457756 (070021ZMAR23) Notable: B52s & Tankers now Circling over N Poland

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B52s & Tankers now Circling over N Poland





🇺🇸2 x Boeing B-52H Stratofortress

🇺🇸2 x Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker


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d2d564 No.22391

File: 6c1b1777a358a88⋯.png (788.71 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 98f94c847a676cf⋯.png (684.61 KB,1163x898,1163:898,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457797 (070025ZMAR23) Notable: Alleged Antifa Member Thomas Jurgens, Arrested on Domestic Terror Charges Related to Violent Attack on Atlanta “Cop City” Is Attorney At Southern Poverty Law Center Where Soros-Tied MI SOS Jocelyn Benson Was Prominent Board Member

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Thomas Jurgens SPLC lawyer was just charged with domestic terrorism — the 'anti-hate' org is now completely discredited

The Southern Poverty Law Center holds itself up as a "catalyst" for justice. They claim to "monitor hate groups and other extremists throughout the United States and expose their activities to the public, the media and law enforcement," but now one of their own attorneys has been arrested as part of an Antifa action against a future training facility for the Atlanta police.

The SPLC is a far-left group spouting off propaganda to support ideology, not justice. They harbor violent extremists among their ranks while accusing others of doing the exact same thing that they are doing themselves. Their activist employees cozy up to Antifa accounts on Twitter, play at being reporters while really being agitators, and one of their lawyers is accused of committing an act of domestic terrorism.

How can the SPLC rectify its mission of exposing extremists to law enforcement with the fact that one of its own attorneys is among those arrested for violently targeting law enforcement sites? The fact is, it can't.

The SPLC, which began in 1971 as part of the Civil Rights Movement, has morphed into an extremist organization dedicated to propagating leftist lies about Americans, Americans' religious beliefs, and dissidents to the progressive cause. And they do it under the cover of a mission dedicated to exposing that which they actually endorse.

Antifa militants have been targeting it for months, and on Sunday, the construction site of Atlanta's future Public Safety Training Facility—called "Cop City"—was attacked by Antifa-affiliated leftists, with at least one construction vehicle torched.

Thomas Jurgens, 28, lists himself as a staff attorney for the SPLC, and was among those 23 arrested for taking part in the mayhem. The group that claims to monitor "the activities of domestic hate groups and other extremists – including the Ku Klux Klan, the neo-Nazi movement, neo-Confederates, racist skinheads, antigovernment militias, Christian Identity adherents and others," has on their own staff a man suspected of firebombing a police facility.

And Jurgens isn't the only one to find himself straddling both a responsibility to seek justice and truth with an apparent inner desire to cause destruction and chaos by targeting law enforcement. Another suspect is an attorney with the National Lawyers Guild. These attorneys attend protests alongside activists and demonstrators to observe the proceedings. They are easily identifiable by the green caps they wear, and could be seen in video of what unfolded in Atlanta.

"James 'Jamie' Marsicano, 30, of Charlotte, NC, is a trans activist and member of the National Lawyers Guild," Post Millennial Senior Editor Andy Ngo reports, "a far-left legal group that provides free legal aid to far-left violent extremists. Some of them in their green hat uniforms were captured on security cameras moving in and out with the violent mob. Marsicana is studying at the University of North Carolina School of Law."

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d2d564 No.22392

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457800 (070025ZMAR23) Notable: Alleged Antifa Member Thomas Jurgens, Arrested on Domestic Terror Charges Related to Violent Attack on Atlanta “Cop City” Is Attorney At Southern Poverty Law Center Where Soros-Tied MI SOS Jocelyn Benson Was Prominent Board Member

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National Lawyers Guild attorneys can be seen in video footage at the Atlanta location

Recently, it was revealed that the FBI was using an SPLC list of Christian groups to target Christians as domestic extremists. The idea behind the FBI bulletin was that Catholics who prefer traditional Latin mass, which went out of favor with the church after the secularist reforms of Vatican II, are white supremacist, anti-LGBTQ hate groups.

That bulletin cited articles from the SPLC, as well as the SPLC's list of "Radical Traditional Catholicism Hate Groups." The whistleblower who exposed this bulletin revealed that agents "got briefings that SPLC was not legitimate" as part of their training at Quantico. Yet, taking their lead from the SPLC, the FBI used a citizen's Catholic faith as a litmus test for their political ideology and the likelihood of being a public threat.

The SPLC has a history of going after people who are neither hateful nor extremists, but simply disagree with the SPLC. In June 2018 they had to publicly apologize to Maajid Nawaz and the Quilliam Foundation for defaming them as "anti-Muslim extremists." The SPLC had to fork over $3.365 million to Nawaz.

Nathan J. Robinson wrote that the organization "has long been dysfunctional," and that the SPLC has displayed "some of the worst and most hypocritical tendencies in American liberalism."

"The Southern Poverty Law Center was once a respected civil rights organization," the Alliance Defending Freedom said, but noted that it has "degenerated into a discredited and scandal-ridden group that one of its own employees described as 'a highly profitable scam.' After winning some important cases, the SPLC devolved into a fear-mongering, money-raising machine."

The arrest of an SPLC attorney for committing the same kinds of acts of violence that they claim to oppose shows that it is a group that harbors extremists under the guise of rooting out extremism. Any claims they may have had on objectivity have been thoroughly discredited.


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d2d564 No.22393

File: dd9b18ea75b3c5c⋯.png (541.79 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457816 (070026ZMAR23) Notable: Full Transcript of Margaret Huang’s Talk

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>and worse, there's a multi billion dollar media front giving her shit airtime

good point.

CBS news legitimizing this shit

> https://aaamarin.org/2021/02/07/full-transcript-of-margaret-huangs-talk/

Full Transcript of Margaret Huang’s Talk

Link to recording of Ms. Huang’s talk on 11/6/2020:



Thank you for being here today. It is now my pleasure to introduce our main speaker Margaret Huang.

Ms. Huang is an internationally renowned advocate for human rights and racial Justice, and she is now the new president and CEO of the Southern Poverty Law Center and its Action Fund. She’s a native of Tennessee and received a master’s degree in International Affairs from Columbia and a BS degree in Foreign Service from Georgetown.

Prior to Southern Poverty Law Center, Ms. Huang served as the executive director of Amnesty International USA where she was in charge of leading campaigns to protect the human rights of migrants, refugees, torture survivors, gun violence victims, as well as activists and protesters across the globe. Please welcome Margaret Huang!


Thank you. Thank you so much. It’s such a great pleasure to join all of you this evening, and I love taking part in Asian American community activities. So, thank you very much for inviting me to be part of your event this evening.

I wanted to share a little bit about me before I get into the substance of my remarks, because people often ask how I landed at the Southern Poverty Law Center. I’m the daughter of a Chinese immigrant to the United States and a white woman whose family has been in this country for many generations. I grew up in a small town in east Tennessee, which is pretty unusual.And it is because of my parents’ commitment to connect me to my Chinese family, in Taiwan and in China later, that I was able to travel several times to Asia and then eventually to other parts of the world.

These experiences opened my eyes to oppression and injustice in many places, but perhaps the most important experience was when I recognized those problems here in my own country. Today I have the privilege to speak to you as the leader of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is one of the largest civil rights organizations in the country.

The SPLC will celebrate our 50th Anniversary next year, five decades of confronting white supremacy and demanding justice for those whose rights have been violated. I’m very grateful to be in this role at this particular moment and to be helping to shape social justice work that recognizes diversity in our country as one of our greatest strengths. We need this diverse movement for social justice more than ever because we’re at a pivotal moment in our nation’s history. In the last several years, we’ve witnessed injustices against black and brown men and women who have been harassed, beaten and tortured and killed by the police.

We have been shocked and horrified when white nationalists became mass murderers shooting African Americans, Jews, Muslims and Latinx communities. We’ve watched elected officials deny the humanity of communities of color by trying to eliminate access to health care during a global pandemic. We’re seeing the growing demand for food and shelter from an increasingly vulnerable population of poor people suffering as COVID continues its strain on our communities.

We can no longer ignore the long-standing discrimination, the institutional and structural racism against black indigenous and communities of color. Today, as the Asian American community, we have to join our brothers and sisters across racial identities to demand that every person in this country be able to exercise their human rights.

I want to express my appreciation to the board of directors of the Asian American Alliance of Marin for adopting a solidarity statement and a call to action in September. Statements like these are critical for building our intersectional movement for social justice, and I thank you.

Now we have a new moment for action. I believe in the incoming Biden administration. And yes, I am accepting it even though nobody else is, for some reason. The Biden administration is going to offer us the opportunities to demand new policies and to stop harmful practices. I thought I would share with you tonight some of the most urgent actions that we need this new administration to take for our Asian American community and also for all other communities of color, and indigenous communities, black communities in this country. The first urgent action that we need is an end to the ever-increasing use of detention, both for criminal actions as well as for immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers.

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d2d564 No.22394

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457824 (070027ZMAR23) Notable: Trump Dominates CPAC's Straw Poll: Live w/ Alina Habba and Kash Patel

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Kimberly Guilfoyle Show EPISODE 2

Trump Dominates CPAC's Straw Poll: Live w/ Alina Habba and Kash Patel


Streamed on: Mar 6, 4:02 pm EST


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d2d564 No.22395

File: 1365213dd7d711d⋯.png (963.67 KB,786x659,786:659,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ed675f00318c25⋯.png (491.49 KB,861x692,861:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457837 (070030ZMAR23) Notable: Here is a photo of the 23 Antifa degenerates arrested for Domestic Terrorism in GA last night

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Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸



Here is a photo of the 23 Antifa degenerates arrested for Domestic Terrorism in GA last night after torching gov’t equipment and throwing rocks at cops

1 of them is a lawyer for the SPLC. Sponsor?

Almost all are from out of state

Proof that Antifa is a nationwide terrorist organization


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d2d564 No.22396

File: c72c7e79821b546⋯.png (669.52 KB,1381x694,1381:694,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e13b451cb83ac7⋯.png (183.73 KB,650x501,650:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457942 (070045ZMAR23) Notable: PF: AF2 C-32A departed Denver Int'l after a stop for muh climate change + CONUS activity

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>>22281 pb

PF: AF2 C-32A departed Denver Int'l after a stop for muh climate change-and when it left LAX earlier today it was in a helluva hurry on taxi and was cleared for departure about halfway down the taxi way and did not stop-SAM393 C-40B (same AC that Janey Yellen used for money bags delivery to Zelensky plus it went back later last week too-departed same and also left LAX earlier today-SPAR20 C-40C still on ground at DIA as well

Canadian AF CFC3085 CL60 arrived at San Diego Int'l after stopping at Centennial Airport, Denver earlier

Those C-130j Hercules RCH25, X,XX went to Dyess AFB most likely (data incomplete)

SAM391 G5 west from JBA departure and SPAR351 Learjet 35 departed Scott AFB after arriving from Wright-patterson AFB stop earlier

TEAL67 WC-130j 'Hurricane Hunter' Hecules arrived back at Biloxi from Miami Int'l stop

0000000 USAFSOC C-146 Wolfhound back to Eglin from a stop in the Keys at NAS Key West

Kamala Harris takes part in climate change discussion in Denver

>Colorado congresswoman Brittany Pettersen will join Ms Harris at the Arvada Center for talks that are due to begin at 3pm

handler and 'husband' also along for the trip

>Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff accompany Ms Harris on the Colorado trip, her first to the state in almost two years.

>He is due to visit the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Boulder to speak with staff and students.


PAT279 C-12 Huron went back to Jefferson City, MI and SAM254 G5 arrived back at JBA from Peterson SFB depart several hours ago

GTMO845 went back to GITMO from Ft. Lauderdale stop earlier

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d2d564 No.22397

File: 4082572b9f54f96⋯.jpg (49.56 KB,720x415,144:83,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c1dc3f34b20b1d3⋯.jpg (98.82 KB,720x663,240:221,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18457990 (070051ZMAR23) Notable: Fenbendazole for Cancer

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Shopping for dog wormer.

Came across this article from 2022.

Fenbendazole is used to worm animals.

They all need to be executed for the thousands who have died of treatable cancers.

Fenbendazole for Cancer

…treat a variety of parasites in animals, such as tapeworms, hookworms, roundworms, lungworms, and whipworms. Fenbendazole has been known to have a high safety margin for animal use as it is tolerated well, has low side effects, and has a low degree of toxicity. 

Following anecdotal fenbendazole cancer success stories to treat their cancer, researchers have been experimenting with the “repurposed” use of Fenbendazole for cancer – for animals and humans. Drug “repurposing” is a new use for a medicine that is different than the original medical indication. Though the Fenbendazole studies are limited, what researchers have found so far is promising for patients with cancer. 

Fenbendazole is not the only anti-parasitic medication being studied to fight cancer in humans. Fenbendazole is part of a larger group of benzimidazoles, anthelmintic drugs (i.e., drugs that kill parasitic worms). Ivermectin is another anti-parasite drug. The other benzimidazoles are approved for human use and are available by prescription only. Many studies have shown that the repurposed use of benzimidazoles can have prominent anticancer activity. Benzimidazoles include mebendazole (MBZ), albendazole (ABZ), flubendazole (FLU), fenbendazole (FBZ), oxibendazole (OBZ), and febantel (FBT).

Of all of the benzimidazole medications, the two that patients most commonly use at this time to fight cancer are Mebendazole and Fenbendazole. Both have been found to be effective at killing cancer cells, shrinking tumors, and reducing multi-drug resistance.


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d2d564 No.22398

File: be8027e978d3f23⋯.jpg (73.43 KB,720x525,48:35,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458026 (070059ZMAR23) Notable: Fenbendazole for Cancer

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Facts You Might Not Have Known About Fenbendazole

…fenbendazole as well as comparable drugs demonstrated asignificant anti-cancer impact.

Fenbendazole was initially intended to treat parasites by selectively impeding the production of microtubules via fastening to β-tubulin. That prevents the polymerization of tubulin dimers in parasite cells and brings on their death.

Amazingly, it appears fenbendazole along with other types of benzimidazoles shows a comparable effect when pitted against tumor cells.

What is fascinating, cancer cells can’s escape this de-wormer medication and adjust to its existence. Regrettably, this occurs in many more chemotherapy and biological therapy drugs.

The key process of chemoresistance is whenever cancer cells adjust to being able to expel the medications from themselves through unique drug efflux pumps known as P-glycoproteins. Fenbendazole isn’t a target for p-glycoproteins, therefore it can’t be expelled from cancer cells when it gets in them.

Consequently, the tumors do not create any opposition against fenbendazole, it still stays efficient and will still destroy cancer cells,


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d2d564 No.22399

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458029 (070100ZMAR23) Notable: #22632

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Notables - FINAL


>>22374 Bombshell emails show Fauci COMMISSIONED 2020 study that he used to disprove COVID leaked from Wuhan lab

>>22375 TX Lawsuit Could Freeze Biden’s Attempt To Turn Pistol Brace Owners Into Felons

>>22376 Trudeau to ask national security committee look into foreign election interference

>>22377 Biden massively expands his dystopian authorian control over American's communications, finances, and freedom of movement by executive order.

>>22378 CENTCOM Theater Space Forum

>>22379, >>22380, >>22381 Removing the Viral Threat: Two Months to Stop Pandemic X from Taking Hold

>>22382, >>22383, >>22391, >>22392 Alleged Antifa Member Thomas Jurgens, Arrested on Domestic Terror Charges Related to Violent Attack on Atlanta “Cop City” Is Attorney At Southern Poverty Law Center Where Soros-Tied MI SOS Jocelyn Benson Was Prominent Board Member

>>22384 Jim Jordan, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, has subpoenaed former head of the DHS Disinformation Board, Nina Jankowicz

>>22385 SNOW WHITE are No Such Agency computer servers and CORONA are NTRO Satellite ops…

>>22386 SPLC not fans of QR.

>>22387 Jim Jordan subpoenas Nina Jankowicz

>>22388 Statement by Republican Nominee for Arizona Secretary of State Mark Finchem on the Sanctions

>>22389 Former Bank of America CEO Richard Rosenberg Dies at 92

>>22390 B52s & Tankers now Circling over N Poland

>>22393 Full Transcript of Margaret Huang’s Talk

>>22394 Trump Dominates CPAC's Straw Poll: Live w/ Alina Habba and Kash Patel

>>22395 Here is a photo of the 23 Antifa degenerates arrested for Domestic Terrorism in GA last night

>>22396 PF: AF2 C-32A departed Denver Int'l after a stop for muh climate change + CONUS activity

>>22397, >>22398 Fenbendazole for Cancer


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d2d564 No.22400

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458127 (070116ZMAR23) Notable: Son Of Fauci’s Replacement Serving On Congressional Subcommittee Exposing Chinese Infiltration

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OMG say it ain't so Joe! It’s true, holy fucking shit, these creatures are everywhere! Listen to this short video

2 days ago

Son Of Fauci’s Replacement Serving On Congressional Subcommittee Exposing Chinese Infiltration


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d2d564 No.22401

File: 4084c23d60c8147⋯.png (497.2 KB,817x1075,19:25,Clipboard.png)

File: ac4a77c2701ad80⋯.png (736.11 KB,796x1143,796:1143,Clipboard.png)

File: 7faa710156152c9⋯.png (746.97 KB,807x1159,807:1159,Clipboard.png)

File: 352753f42d394c3⋯.png (505.07 KB,852x1043,852:1043,Clipboard.png)

File: 533691a78cc1165⋯.png (212.68 KB,881x306,881:306,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458164 (070122ZMAR23) Notable: Prominent executive, 55, who served in Clinton and Obama administrations killed on board jet during severe turbulence over New England / DIG

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lb repost:

Prominent executive, 55, who served in Clinton and Obama administrations killed on board jet during severe turbulence over New England

Dana J. Hyde was killed on a private jet after the plane hit severe turbulence

The plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Connecticut on Friday

The aircraft was owned by Kansas City-based internet provider Conexon

March 6, 2023

The passenger killed on a private jet that experienced severe turbulence while flying over New England last week has been identified as aprominent Washington lawyer who served on both the Clinton and Obama administrations.

Also an alumnus of The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States - better known as the 9/11 Commission- Dana J. Hyde's name was released by Connecticut cops investigating the incident on Monday.

Hyde, 55, was one of five onboard the DC-bound aircraft, which was forced to divert to Bradley International Airport in Connecticut late Friday afternoon after encountering the unforeseen instability.

In a statement Monday that offered insight into authorities' ongoing probe into the ex-White House staffer's death - which is also being investigated by the FBI - the Connecticut State Troopers confirmed the private aircraft belonged to a company headed by Hyde's spouse, Jonathan Chambers.

The company, Kansas-city based Conexon, provides high-speed internet service to rural communities. Prior to joining the company,Chambers was also once a prominent figure in Washington, working in the U.S. Senate as a Republican staff director and later as the Chief of the Office of Strategic Planning for the FCC.

Hyde, meanwhile, worked as a part-time consultant to the DC-based think tank Aspen Institute, a gathering of leaders throughout various industries who strive to solve some of the world's most prevailing issues.

In the role,Hyde served as co-chair of the Aspen Partnership for an Inclusive Economy (APIE), which, according to the agency's website, 'works to bridge the gaps between the people who deserve more inclusive systems and standards and the people who set them.'

Sauce/more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11827891/Exec-served-Clinton-Obama-administrations-killed-turbulence-jet-New-England.html

One of those Dem-RINO semi-mixed marriages, oh my.. divorce wasn't cheaper?

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d2d564 No.22402

File: 581a67926ad96ed⋯.png (95.89 KB,1113x364,159:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458190 (070126ZMAR23) Notable: DJT - Polls show me doing substantially better against Hopeless Joe Biden than DeSanctus would do.

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Donald J. Trump



Polls show me doing substantially better against Hopeless Joe Biden than DeSanctus would do. An early forerunner would be the 2020 Election where I did much better than in 2016, getting more votes than any sitting President in History. That Election, however, was massively Rigged. They used the China Virus, the FBI, Twitter, Facebook, and Ballot Stuffing in order to cheat. Good Republicans won’t let that happen again!

Mar 06, 2023, 8:02 PM




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d2d564 No.22403

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458196 (070128ZMAR23) Notable: Malone says onlyDonald Trump is the only one that took on the WHO, and McCarthy has no interest investigating Pharma.

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Malone says onlyDonald Trump is the only one that took on the WHO, and McCarthy has no interest investigating Pharma.

Bannon asks, “are congressman taking too much money from Pharma”, his response,It sure as hell looks like that

Malone is MAGA now!

2 days ago

House Republicans Are In The Pocket Of Big Pharma


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d2d564 No.22404

File: 8d41a307434728b⋯.png (428.07 KB,844x938,422:469,Clipboard.png)

File: 669ea1b33a07e36⋯.png (1004.25 KB,1168x799,1168:799,Clipboard.png)

File: 98d2799383991ff⋯.png (976.61 KB,960x823,960:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458208 (070129ZMAR23) Notable: Prominent executive, 55, who served in Clinton and Obama administrations killed on board jet during severe turbulence over New England / DIG

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Prominent DC Lawyer Dana Hyde, 55 Who Served in Clinton Administration Killed After Business Jet Hit Severe Turbulence

Dana Hyde

A prominent DC lawyer who served in the Clinton and Obama Administrations was killed when a private jet she was aboard hit bad turbulence while flying over New England.

The business jet carrying five passengers made an emergency landing at Bradley International Airport in Connecticut on Friday after encountering heavy turbulence.

Dana Hyde, 55, was rushed by ambulance to a hospital in Hartford, Connecticut on Friday where she was pronounced dead.

Hyde also served as a lawyer on the 9/11 commission.

NBC News reported:

A woman who died after the business jet she was aboard hit heavy turbulence while flying over New England was identified Monday as a prominent Beltway lawyer who once served on the 9/11 Commission.

Dana J. Hyde’s name was released by the Connecticut State Troopers, one of the agencies investigating Friday’s emergency landing at Bradley International Airport just north of Hartford.

Hyde, 55, who lived in Cabin John, Maryland, was rushed by ambulance to Saint Francis Medical Center in Hartford, where she was pronounced dead, the agency said.

Her remains are with the Connecticut Office of the Chief Medical Examiner while the FBI and the National Transportation Safety Board investigate what happened aboard the Bombardier executive jet that was traveling from Keene, New Hampshire, to Leesburg, Virginia, before suddenly diverting to Bradley.



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d2d564 No.22405

File: f7a0119a99fd1d7⋯.png (38.21 KB,543x233,543:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458210 (070129ZMAR23) Notable: DJT - Polls show me doing substantially better against Hopeless Joe Biden than DeSanctus would do.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Polls show me doing substantially better against Hopeless Joe Biden than DeSanctus would do. An early forerunner would be the 2020 Election where I did much better than in 2016, getting more votes than any sitting President in History. That Election, however, was massively Rigged. They used the China Virus, the FBI, Twitter, Facebook, and Ballot Stuffing in order to cheat. Good Republicans won’t let that happen again!

Mar 06, 2023, 8:02 PM


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d2d564 No.22406

File: 38125be011c6cb8⋯.png (4.04 MB,2186x1606,1093:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458230 (070131ZMAR23) Notable: Prominent executive, 55, who served in Clinton and Obama administrations killed on board jet during severe turbulence over New England / DIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

RED TEXTProminent executive, 55, who served in Clinton and Obama administrations killed on board jet during severe turbulence over New England==RED TEXT

- italics Dana J. Hyde was killed on a private jet after the plane hit severe turbulenceitalics

- italics The plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Connecticut on Fridayitalics

- italics The aircraft was owned by Kansas City-based internet provider Conexonitalics

The passenger killed on a private jet that experienced severe turbulence while flying over New England last week has been identified as a prominent Washington lawyer who served on both the Clinton and Obama administrations.

Also an alumnus of The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States - better known as the 9/11 Commission - Dana J. Hyde's name was released by Connecticut cops investigating the incident on Monday.

Hyde, 55, was one of five onboard the DC-bound aircraft, which was forced to divert to Bradley International Airport in Connecticut late Friday afternoon after encountering the unforeseen instability.



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d2d564 No.22407

File: 81c9519905c18ae⋯.png (244.68 KB,551x600,551:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458238 (070132ZMAR23) Notable: DJT - Polls show me doing substantially better against Hopeless Joe Biden than DeSanctus would do.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


The most recent New Hampshire Poll has me substantially leading both Ron DeSanctus and RINO Governor Chris Sununu, who the Voters in New Hampshire are getting very tired of and, unlike his father, does nothing to help the Republican Party. Ron’s cutting of Social Security and Medicare would devastate New Hampshire—No way they’d go for him!

Mar 06, 2023, 8:01 PM


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d2d564 No.22408

File: 1608d152ec5ff86⋯.png (259.7 KB,591x674,591:674,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458276 (070137ZMAR23) Notable: Andy Ngo is reporting that seven of the domestic terrorists that were arrested yesterday in Atlanta are from foreign countries

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d2d564 No.22409

File: 4adaa717084c90d⋯.jpeg (924.67 KB,1427x1410,1427:1410,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458314 (070141ZMAR23) Notable: J6 surveillance Footage shows Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick walking healthily through the Capitol AFTER Democrats claimed he had already been killed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

MYTH BUSTED: J6 surveillance Footage shows Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick walking healthily through the Capitol AFTER Democrats claimed he had already been killed.

Sicknick died days later from unrelated causes. Democrats used this officers dead body as a political prop


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d2d564 No.22410

File: b1d3900ff1ae109⋯.png (415.38 KB,817x909,817:909,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458390 (070149ZMAR23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Releases Video Showing Capitol Police Escorting Jacob Chansley “QAnon Shaman” Peacefully Through the Capitol

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tucker Carlson Releases Video Showing Capitol Police Escorting Jacob Chansley “QAnon Shaman” Peacefully Through the Capitol

Tucker Carlson released video tape of Jacob Chansley “QAnon Shaman” getting escorted through the Capitol on Jan 6. Peacefully!

Tucker Carlson released information that we have been fighting for since January 6, 2021.

With access to 44,000 hours of never before seen surveillance video of the Capitol, Tucker Carlson is blowing up the January 6th narrative on Primetime Television.

Free Jacob Chansley! pic.twitter.com/nSdPWKNOGa

— Alex Sheppard 🇺🇸 (@NotAlexSheppard) March 7, 2023

Jacob CJacob Chansley “QAnon Shaman” who was sentenced to 41 months seen on the Jan 6 tapes with at least 9 capitol police, acting as his tour guides#TuckerCarlson #Tucker pic.twitter.com/iILcMeuAb3

— Top Secret (@ICU1010) March 7, 2023

Americans are shocked and livid.

#BREAKING: #TuckerCarlson – #Police “acted as #tourguide” for “#QAnonShaman” on #Jan6th. #January6thFootage #Jan6thFootage #Tucker #WhatReallyHappened pic.twitter.com/esjjqIKn2G

— Sn00pster (@sn00pdad) March 7, 2023hansley was thrown in jail and is spending years in prison for this. He was accused of some perverse reporting that he was committing sedition.


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d2d564 No.22411

File: 425dc410a402a89⋯.mp4 (4.81 MB,886x492,443:246,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458411 (070151ZMAR23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Releases Video Showing Capitol Police Escorting Jacob Chansley “QAnon Shaman” Peacefully Through the Capitol

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>Tucker Carlson Releases Video Showing Capitol Police Escorting Jacob Chansley “QAnon Shaman” Peacefully Through the Capitol

We already had plenty like that

<!jacob 'shaman' in the senate - not riot - not coup, not insurrection - capitol police 'just to let you guys know'.mp4

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d2d564 No.22412

File: fe2384f55c653f6⋯.png (344.8 KB,1759x1219,1759:1219,Clipboard.png)

File: d31b9bb13db96bc⋯.png (95.41 KB,904x1242,452:621,Clipboard.png)

File: 01b9c8fd8a1be57⋯.png (10.24 KB,904x1242,452:621,Clipboard.png)

File: c5cef898652bd06⋯.png (311.46 KB,2334x1171,2334:1171,Clipboard.png)

File: b0408383be22312⋯.png (128.17 KB,1695x1051,1695:1051,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458413 (070151ZMAR23) Notable: Prominent executive, 55, who served in Clinton and Obama administrations killed on board jet during severe turbulence over New England / DIG

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>Prominent DC Lawyer Dana Hyde, 55 Who Served in Clinton Administration Killed After Business Jet Hit Severe Turbulence

On January 15, 2014, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved the nomination of Dana J. Hyde to be the chief executive officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). She was nominated to the position by President Barack Obama on September 26, 2013. If approved by the full Senate, Hyde will be managing an independent agency charged with combating instability in foreign countries by spurring economic development. Because Hyde has had to wait seven months for confirmation, on April 15, the MCC named Sheila Herrling to serve as acting CEO.

Hyde grew up in a small town in eastern Oregon and received her undergraduate degree in political science from UCLA.

From 1989 to 1991,Hyde served as a legislative assistant for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).She subsequently worked on President Bill Clinton’s first campaign for the White House. After Clinton’s inauguration,Hyde served as special assistant to the president in the White House Office of Cabinet Affairs, coordinating policy initiatives with the chiefs of staff of national security agencies. She remained in that post until 1995.She later served as special assistant to the Deputy Attorney General in the Clinton Justice Department.

She received her law degree from Georgetown and passed the bar in 1997. From 1998 to 2000, Hyde worked as an attorney at the law firm Zuckerman, Spaeder. Then, from 2001 to 2002, she practiced law as part of the international arbitration group at WilmerHale.She also worked in London for the firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering.

One of Hyde’s most prominent roles was as counsel to the 9/11 commission, where she served from 2003 to 2004. She focused on crisis management issues and the immediate response of the White House, the Pentagon, and the Federal Aviation Administration to the attacks.

After leaving the commission, Hyde was executivedirector of the Partnership for a Secure America. This organization has as its goal the advancement of bipartisan work on national security and foreign policy issues.

In 2009, after serving on the Obama-Biden transition team, Hyde was named a senior advisor for management and resources at theState Department. Then, in 2011, Hyde moved to theOffice of Management and Budget, becoming associate director for general government programs.

Hyde is married to Jonathan Chambers and has two sons, Judah and Elijah.


FO B1 Commission Meeting 4-10-03 FDR - Tab 7 - Hyde Resume - Dana J Hyde 558


Whitepages- addy,phone, other loc:


MAJOR Clintonista, MAJOR spook?

Aspen Institute has deleted all mention of Hyde, no condolences, nothing and the former page is unarchived.

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d2d564 No.22413

File: 7b3c6ee9713ad4e⋯.mp4 (759.48 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 8a3162df422fcd2⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,500x270,50:27,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458419 (070152ZMAR23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Releases Video Showing Capitol Police Escorting Jacob Chansley “QAnon Shaman” Peacefully Through the Capitol

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d2d564 No.22414

File: 8ed517637ca504e⋯.png (497.65 KB,722x406,361:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458493 (070202ZMAR23) Notable: IMF 'Temporarily' Boosts Fund Limits to Help Members Beat Crisis

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IMF Temporarily Boosts Fund Limits to Help Members Beat Crisis

The International Monetary Fund will temporarily increase funding limits for member nations to help them overcome current economic challenges. The annual limit under the fund’s General Resources Account will be raised to 200% of quota for a period of 12 months from the current 145%, the IMF said in a statement. Access to cumulative limits was revised to 600% from 435% now. The changes will provide member countries — particularly emerging markets and developing economies facing vulnerabilities — access to funds without triggering the so-called exceptional access framework that entails tougher conditions. The measure follows its permission last month to five development lenders to use its reserves to help poor nations.

The fund’s staff will re-engage the Executive Board before the end of the 12-month period on a proposal to maintain the higher limits for longer, should the circumstances warrant it, according to the statement.

The IMF’s board also discussed possible changes in access limits under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust, the lender’s concessional financing arm. Demand for PRGT, whose access limits were last raised by 45% in 2021, has increased sharply and is expected to grow further given successive shocks, the IMF said. The limits will be reviewed once the fund has sufficient additional resources, it added.


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d2d564 No.22415

File: 10c1f2281c8fb52⋯.png (1.99 MB,1130x2339,1130:2339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458496 (070202ZMAR23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Releases Video Showing Capitol Police Escorting Jacob Chansley “QAnon Shaman” Peacefully Through the Capitol

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Miranda Devine

Jan. 6 footage shows Capitol cops escorting QAnon Shaman

Newly revealed surveillance footage from Jan. 6, 2021, shows two Capitol police officers escorting Jacob Chansley, the be-horned so-called “QAnon Shaman” who has come to symbolize the riot, through the halls of the Capitol and to the very door of the US Senate.

The footage aired on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show Monday night shows the officers closely following Chansley as he wanders the corridors of the Capitol, bare-chested and wearing face paint and a luxuriant fur hat with Viking horns.

“Virtually every moment of his time inside the Capitol was caught on tape,” says Carlson, who was granted exclusive access by Speaker Kevin McCarthy to 40,000 hours of surveillance footage from that day inside and around the Capitol, which has never been seen before by the public.

“The tapes show the Capitol police never stopped Jacob Chansley. They helped him. They acted as his tour guides.”


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d2d564 No.22416

File: e531143595a113e⋯.png (42.71 KB,541x267,541:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458617 (070217ZMAR23) Notable: DJT - Congratulations to Tucker Carlson on one of the biggest “scoops” as a reporter in U.S. history.

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Donald J. Trump


Congratulations to Tucker Carlson on one of the biggest “scoops” as a reporter in U.S. history. The New Surveillance Footage of the January 6th Events sheds an entirely different light on what actually happened. The Unselect Committee was a giant SCAM, and has now unequivocally been stamped as CRIMINAL FABRICATORS OF THIS MOST IMPORTANT DAY. Pelosi & McConnell failed on security. The Police story is sad and difficult to watch. “Trump” and most others are totally innocent, LET THEM GO FREE, NOW!

Mar 06, 2023, 9:11 PM


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d2d564 No.22417

File: b563f7badda972f⋯.png (64.87 KB,858x276,143:46,Clipboard.png)

File: 74bd7ee9c97e904⋯.png (1.13 MB,842x907,842:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458746 (070234ZMAR23) Notable: DJT - Great courage shown by Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy in releasing the surveillance footage to Tucker Carlson…

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Donald J. Trump



Great courage shown by Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy in releasing the surveillance footage to Tucker Carlson so that our Country, and indeed the World, can see what really went on during the January 6th events. A whole new, and completely opposite, picture has now been indelibly painted. The Unselect Committee LIED, and should be prosecuted for their actions. Nancy & Mitch were a disaster on Security. Thank you Kevin and Tucker. FREE AT LAST!!!

Mar 06, 2023, 9:25 PM


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d2d564 No.22418

File: 924ccc7b658bd0d⋯.png (93.55 KB,510x439,510:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458789 (070238ZMAR23) Notable: DJT - Great courage shown by Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy in releasing the surveillance footage to Tucker Carlson…

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**not so red

Great courage shown by Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy in releasing the surveillance footage to Tucker Carlson so that our Country, and indeed the World, can see what really went on during the January 6th events. A whole new, and completely opposite, picture has now been indelibly painted. The Unselect Committee LIED, and should be prosecuted for their actions. Nancy & Mitch were a disaster on Security. Thank you Kevin and Tucker. FREE AT LAST!!!

Mar 06, 2023, 9:25 PM


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d2d564 No.22419

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458799 (070239ZMAR23) Notable: #22633

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Notables - FINAL


>>22400 Son Of Fauci’s Replacement Serving On Congressional Subcommittee Exposing Chinese Infiltration

>>22401, >>22404, >>22406, >>22412 Prominent executive, 55, who served in Clinton and Obama administrations killed on board jet during severe turbulence over New England / DIG

>>22402, >>22405, >>22407 DJT - Polls show me doing substantially better against Hopeless Joe Biden than DeSanctus would do.

>>22403 Malone says onlyDonald Trump is the only one that took on the WHO, and McCarthy has no interest investigating Pharma.

>>22408 Andy Ngo is reporting that seven of the domestic terrorists that were arrested yesterday in Atlanta are from foreign countries

>>22409 J6 surveillance Footage shows Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick walking healthily through the Capitol AFTER Democrats claimed he had already been killed.

>>22410, >>22411, >>22413, >>22415 Tucker Carlson Releases Video Showing Capitol Police Escorting Jacob Chansley “QAnon Shaman” Peacefully Through the Capitol

>>22414 IMF 'Temporarily' Boosts Fund Limits to Help Members Beat Crisis

>>22416 DJT - Congratulations to Tucker Carlson on one of the biggest “scoops” as a reporter in U.S. history.

>>22417, >>22418 DJT - Great courage shown by Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy in releasing the surveillance footage to Tucker Carlson…


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d2d564 No.22420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458823 (070241ZMAR23) Notable: #22634

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BV/BO please change bread to #22634, thank you

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d2d564 No.22421

File: 79383bc7455c8d9⋯.png (271.29 KB,1097x654,1097:654,Clipboard.png)

File: fbaa3a1bf92c638⋯.png (555.92 KB,1186x869,1186:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458861 (070246ZMAR23) Notable: Former Vice President Mike Pence files motion to block Jan. 6 subpoena: reports

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Fox News



Former Vice President Mike Pence files motion to block Jan. 6 subpoena: reports

Former Vice President Mike Pence files motion to block Jan. 6 subpoena: reports

Former Vice President Mike Pence reportedly filed to block a subpoena for him to provide testimony in Special Counsel Jack Smith's investigation into the Jan. 6 capitol riot.


Mar 06, 2023, 9:37 PM


Former Vice President Mike Pence files motion to block Jan. 6 subpoena: reports

Pence previously said he would fight DOJ subpoena because he believes it is 'unconstitutional' and 'unprecedented'

Mike Pence still considering a presidential bid despite document scandal

Fox News Senior National Correspondent Rich Edson speaks with former Vice President Mike Pence on a potential White House run despite the revelation that Pence had classified documents in his home.

Former Vice President Mike Pence, who was subpoenaed last month by the special counsel overseeing investigations into former President Donald Trump relating to the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, filed a motion on Friday to block the subpoena, according to reports.

CNN reported that a source familiar with the filing claimed Pence filed the motion on the basis that the U.S. Constitution’s Speech or Debate clause protects him from providing testimony related to Jan. 6.

Former Vice President Mike Pence delivers a speech at The Heritage Foundation titled The Freedom Agenda and America's Future, in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, October 19, 2022.

Former Vice President Mike Pence delivers a speech at The Heritage Foundation titled The Freedom Agenda and America's Future, in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, October 19, 2022. ((Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images))

The former VP has argued the subpoena was "unconstitutional and unprecedented," and he told reporters in February during a gaggle in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, that his efforts to fight the subpoena are evidence of the "double standard" Republicans face.

"I'm going to fight the Biden DOJ subpoena for me to appear before the grand jury because I believe it's unconstitutional and it's unprecedented," Pence told reporters at the time. "Never before in American history has a vice president been summoned to appear in court to testify against the president with whom they serve."

Representatives for Pence did not immediately respond to questions regarding the filing.

Former Vice President Mike Pence speaks at the National Press Club on Nov. 30, 2021 in Washington.

Former Vice President Mike Pence speaks at the National Press Club on Nov. 30, 2021 in Washington. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Pence’s motion, which CNN said was filed as part of sealed proceedings, aims at placing a halt on his testimony as it relates to his duties as a legislator at the time of the riot.

Pence has stated that his fight is on the principle of separation of powers and the Constitution, and that he "had no right" to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election during a joint meeting of Congress on Jan. 6, 2021.

He argued the Speech or Debate Clause in the Constitution prohibits him from being compelled by the Biden administration to appear in court, adding that he will fight the subpoena on that principle all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

The subpoena came after months of negotiations between the former VP’s legal team and federal prosecutors.

Special Counsel Jack Smith, who filed the subpoenae for Pence’s testimony, is looking into both documents and testimony related to the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, as well as Trump’s possible mishandling of classified documents after leaving office.


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d2d564 No.22422

File: 4c3aa289869f593⋯.png (199.02 KB,1094x560,547:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458902 (070252ZMAR23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Releases Evidence Showing Ray Epps Perjured Himself in Sworn Testimony to Jan 6 Committee (VIDEO)

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Gateway Pundit



BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Releases Evidence Showing Ray Epps Perjured Himself in Sworn Testimony to Jan 6 Committee (VIDEO)


Tucker Carlson Releases Evidence Showing Ray Epps Perjured Himself in Sworn Testimony to Jan 6 Committee (VIDEO)

Ray Epps was identified early on as a man at the Jan 6 riots participating in very serious suspicious acts. Tucker Carlson shared evidence tonight showing that Epps lied in his testimony to the January 6 corrupt January 6 Committee.

TGP was all over the Ray Epps crimes and cover-up. He was on the FBI’s most wanted list and then suddenly taken off. He was behind the riots on Jan 6 and participated in them and yet he walks free today. There is much evidence already that Ray Epps committed many of the same crimes that others are in prison for and worse.

There is more and more information on the actions of Ray Epps on Jan 6. Jim Hoft at TGP reported on one of the latest findings.

In his sworn testimony to the 1/6 Committee, Epps said that he left the Capitol immediately after texting his nephew “I orchestrated it.” However, surveillance video shows him on Capitol grounds 30 minutes later.

Tucker Carlson shared this tonight.


Tucker Carlson exposes Ray Epps for PERJURY.

In his sworn testimony to the 1/6 Committee, Epps said that he left the Capitol immediately after texting his nephew “I orchestrated it.”

However, surveillance video shows him on Capitol grounds 30 minutes later. pic.twitter.com/rXVL62wqPO

— Alex Sheppard 🇺🇸 (@NotAlexSheppard) March 7, 2023

Here’s a longer video from Tucker’s show tonight.

Wow! Tucker Carlson just released Jan 6 Footage showing Ray Epps lied in his Testimony and Democrats Knew it! pic.twitter.com/VcYCyK3g7e

— Johnny Midnight ⚡️ (@its_the_Dr) March 7, 2023

When will Ray Epps and the people behind his actions on Jan 6 be brought to justice?




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d2d564 No.22423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458903 (070252ZMAR23) Notable: Amy Coney Barrett Questions Lawyers On Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

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'So Which Is It?':

Amy Coney Barrett Questions Lawyers On Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

Justice Amy Coney Barrett questioned lawyers during oral arguments of Biden v. Nebraska, a case that could decide whether President Biden's proposed student loan forgiveness can go through.

Forbes Breaking News

Mar 3, 2023



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d2d564 No.22424

File: b2f29312909455a⋯.png (431.98 KB,810x734,405:367,Clipboard.png)

File: 55ea218fc691bc2⋯.mp4 (10.94 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458932 (070258ZMAR23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Releases Evidence Showing Ray Epps Perjured Himself in Sworn Testimony to Jan 6 Committee (VIDEO)

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Benny Johnson


🚨BREAKING:Bombshell J6 footage released by Tucker Carlson reveals Ray Epps LIED in SWORN TESTIMONY and Democrats knew.


(Cap 3:27)

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d2d564 No.22425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458935 (070258ZMAR23) Notable: 'The Most Dangerous Cities In America Are Governed By Democrats'

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Andy Biggs:

'The Most Dangerous Cities In America Are Governed By Democrats'

At a House Judiciary Committee hearing last week, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) spoke about an amendment on crime.

Forbes Breaking News



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d2d564 No.22426

File: b711ed073102519⋯.png (222.82 KB,561x618,187:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458953 (070301ZMAR23) Notable: PF BAKER34 callsign on E6

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BAKER34 callsign on E6

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d2d564 No.22427

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18458974 (070306ZMAR23) Notable: Trump Speaks at CPAC 2023 Transcript

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Mar 6, 2023

Trump Speaks at CPAC 2023 Transcript

Anons if you want the transcript of CPAC 2023 get it here.

Anon is going to put in a PDF and hopefully post tomorrow. Its always good to see it written,we find more gems.

This site has many transcripts of Trump speeches, book mark it. I can’t verify everything was caught but its a good start anons.


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d2d564 No.22428

File: e4d807fdab546ef⋯.png (697.88 KB,590x754,295:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459002 (070310ZMAR23) Notable: Emergency crews are on scene for an explosion at a chemical plant

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🚨#BREAKING: Emergency crews are on scene for an explosion at a chemical plant

📌#Cincinnati | #Ohio

Multiple emergency crews and fire departments are on the scene at Emery Oleochemicals chemical plant after an explosion and a small fire broke out with dozens of people reporting a loud bang. Officials say the explosion was isolated, and there is no hazard to the public or surrounding businesses


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d2d564 No.22429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459010 (070311ZMAR23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Releases Evidence Showing Ray Epps Perjured Himself in Sworn Testimony to Jan 6 Committee (VIDEO)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FULL Tucker Carlson Tonight 3/6/23 FULL HD

Full Episode 1:06:51 mins


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d2d564 No.22430

File: d8bc5cfcb491ea6⋯.png (22.14 KB,480x218,240:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459048 (070315ZMAR23) Notable: J6 There is no immunity for treason.

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The Professor's Record - David K. Clements


The unselect committee is guilty of treason.

They were orchestrators of the color revolution, the November 3, 2020 overthrow of a duly elected and legitimate president. The J6ers are war hostages.

There is no immunity for treason.

10:08 PM · Mar 6, 2023





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d2d564 No.22431

File: d8bc5cfcb491ea6⋯.png (22.14 KB,480x218,240:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459048 (070315ZMAR23) Notable: J6 There is no immunity for treason.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Professor's Record - David K. Clements


The unselect committee is guilty of treason.

They were orchestrators of the color revolution, the November 3, 2020 overthrow of a duly elected and legitimate president. The J6ers are war hostages.

There is no immunity for treason.

10:08 PM · Mar 6, 2023





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d2d564 No.22432

File: 3ed17730441f27d⋯.png (346.67 KB,832x419,832:419,Clipboard.png)

File: e8a14fa7cb68f7e⋯.png (145.28 KB,438x278,219:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459087 (070320ZMAR23) Notable: PF INDIA1 737 PM Modi east from New Delhi Int'l Airport

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INDIA1 737PM Modieast from New Delhi Int'l Airport

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d2d564 No.22433

File: a42c9361d456f5e⋯.png (265.55 KB,822x891,274:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459092 (070320ZMAR23) Notable: Project Veritas Fires Top Undercover Reporter in Reshuffling

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Project Veritas Fires Top Undercover Reporter in Reshuffling – Organization Still Managing After Screwing James O’Keefe Out Of His Own Company

As reported earlier, James O’Keefe was fired by the board of Project Veritas last month, the media organization he founded 13 years ago. He gave a 45 minute going away speech to staff on his final day. The speech was later leaked to The Gateway Pundit and several news outlets.

The Gateway Pundit can report that Project Veritas fired one of its top undercover reporters on Monday.

The newly installed PV brass said it was for “financial reasons.”

A second top reporter walked out after the firing today.

The ship is teetering at Project Veritas. The new leadership is still attempting to stop the bleeding after they ousted Jame O’Keefe. Several donors demanded their donations returned after James O’Keefe was ousted in February.

Project Veritas faces an uncertain future.

In-fighting has begun over dividing $220 million dollars of equity among the Trust Fund Directors.


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d2d564 No.22434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459114 (070326ZMAR23) Notable: ICYMI: CooperSurgical®, a global leader in fertility and women's health, announced Chrissy Teigen has partnered with Cord Blood Registry® (CBR®)

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Feb 8, 2023

CooperSurgical®, a global leader in fertility and women's health, announced Chrissy Teigen, mom, New York Times best-selling cookbook author, television host and entrepreneur, has partnered with Cord Blood Registry® (CBR®) on an educational campaign focused on the benefits of banking newborn stem cells from cord blood and cord tissue, which is launching today.



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d2d564 No.22435

File: bcbe05147cb16c1⋯.png (597.22 KB,624x567,208:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459129 (070327ZMAR23) Notable: Rio Tinto Pays $15 Million Penalty Over SEC Bribery Allegations

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Rio Tinto Pays $15 Million Penalty Over SEC Bribery Allegations

Rio Tinto Group has agreed to pay a $15 million penalty to settle US claims of bribery in Guinea, more than six years after a payment connected to a vast iron ore deposit in the West African nation prompted the mining giant to fire two of its top executives. The Securities and Exchange Commission said a political consultant working for Rio had tried to bribe a Guinean government official. Additionally, the miner didn’t properly record its payments to the person, the SEC said on Monday, adding that the company had inadequate accounting controls. Rio Tinto agreed to the penalty without admitting or denying the violations, according to the SEC. The regulator said the conduct was in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

The allegations form part of Rio’s long and turbulent history in Guinea as it tried to get access to the rich iron ore reserves of the Simandou region. Two executives — Alan Davies and Debra Valentine — were terminated in 2016 under then-Chief Executive Officer Jean-Sebastien Jacques, when Rio reported questions over a consultant to the SEC and other watchdogs. Davies was Rio’s CEO of energy and minerals, while Valentine was group executive of legal and regulatory affairs. Both denied claims of wrongdoing. Production is yet to begin at Simandou, where Rio now holds a majority stake in two of the four tenements in a joint venture with China’s Chalco Iron Ore Holdings and the Guinean government. The shareholders continue to negotiate details of the project, which Rio describes as the “largest and richest untapped high-grade iron ore deposit in the world”.

Monday’s resolution stems from an investigation into conduct from 2011, when Rio Tinto hired a French investment banker to help with the mining rights issue in Guinea, the SEC said. The banker, according to the SEC, offered more than $800,000 to a Guinean government official in an attempt to retain the mining rights. Rio Tinto, which was able to keep them, paid the consultant $10.5 million for the work.

The bribery allegations were also investigated by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission, which did not take action, and the UK Serious Fraud Office, which has not reported its findings.


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d2d564 No.22436

File: a265830c0f41cfe⋯.png (72.83 KB,488x626,244:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459232 (070343ZMAR23) Notable: the video issue - compelling Brady material from Congress was litigated. Judge said it is property of Congress and DOJ couldn't compel it./victims???

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An interesting thread from Shipwrecked.

He's stating that the video issue - compelling Brady material from Congress was litigated.

Judge said it is property of Congress and DOJ couldn't compel it.

Holy crap.

Nancy Pelosi is a witch beyond compare.

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d2d564 No.22437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459255 (070346ZMAR23) Notable: the video issue - compelling Brady material from Congress was litigated. Judge said it is property of Congress and DOJ couldn't compel it./victims???

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d2d564 No.22438

File: df1b93a3e8b7c53⋯.png (314.37 KB,648x354,108:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459289 (070350ZMAR23) Notable: Dimon Is Fighting a Deposition in a Devastating Lawsuit Charging JPMorgan With Being the Cash Conduit for Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Crimes

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So they gonna have another 'go' at this cuz when this was first announced..Potato went to the Caribbean Southern Purto Rico, Ponce and then the next day it went away-but it never gonna get past this judge

Jamie Dimon Is Fighting a Deposition in a Devastating Lawsuit Charging JPMorgan With Being the Cash Conduit for Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Crimes

The Attorney General’s office of the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) has filed a First Amended Complaint against JPMorgan Chase that has less redactions than an earlier version. The complaint makes devastating and detailed charges. It charges that the bank sat on a pile of evidence that Jeffrey Epstein was running a child sex trafficking ring as it continued to keep him as a client; accept his lucrative referrals of wealthy clients; and provided him with large sums of cash and wire transfers to pay off victims – one of whom was a “14-year old sex slave.”

Attorneys for the bank are now resisting allowing Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon from being deposed under oath in the matter as to what he knew and when he knew it.

The case is USVI v JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. (22-cv-10904) in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. As is becoming a regular occurrence when there is a politically sensitive case involving JPMorgan Chase, Judge Jed Rakoff is the presiding judge. The lawsuit includes the following charges against JPMorgan Chase, the largest bank in the United States with more than 5,000 local branches serving mom and pop accounts:

“JP Morgan did business with Jeffrey Epstein from as early as 1998 to 2013. In that time, JP Morgan serviced approximately fifty-five Epstein-related accounts collectively worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

“…at least 20 individuals paid through JP Morgan accounts were victims of trafficking and sexual assault in Little St. James, New York, and/or other Epstein properties. These women were trafficked and abused during different intervals between at least 2003 and July 2019, when Epstein was arrested and jailed, and these women received payments, typically multiple payments, between 2003 and 2013 in excess of $1 million collectively. Epstein also withdrew more than $775,000 in cash over that time frame from JP Morgan accounts, especially significant as Epstein was known to pay for ‘massages,’ or sexual encounters, in cash. Financial information also reflects payments drawn from JP Morgan accounts of nearly $1.5 million to known recruiters, including to the MC2 modeling agency, and another $150,000 to a private investigative firm.”

“In 2006, JP Morgan’s Global Corporate Security Division found ‘[s]everal newspaper articles . . . that detail the indictment of Jeffrey Epstein in Florida on felony charges of soliciting underage prostitutes.’ At that time, JP Morgan decided to continue doing business with Epstein but concluded his account ‘should be classified as high risk’ and require special approval.”

“In January 2011, JP Morgan’s AML [Anti Money Laundering] compliance director requested re-approval for the bank’s relationship with Epstein from JP Morgan’s then-General Counsel ‘in light of the new allegations of human trafficking . . .’ Another JP Morgan employee responded: ‘I thought we did that in approving a $50 million new line of credit last month?’ ”

“In JP Morgan’s January 2011 review of Epstein’s accounts, the bank concluded there were ‘no material updates’ but noted: ‘A few news stories during 2010 connects Jeffrey Epstein to human trafficking. The coverage team . . . all met to discuss the situation and agreed to enhance monitoring and document a discussion with the client. Jes Staley discussed the topic with Jeffrey Epstein who replied there was no truth to the allegations, no evidence and was not expecting any problems…” “In March 2011, JP Morgan’s Global Corporate Security Division reported:

“Numerous articles detail various law enforcement agencies investigating Jeffrey Epstein for allegedly participating, directly or indirectly, in child trafficking and molesting underage girls. Jeffrey Epstein has settled a dozen civil lawsuits out of court from his victims regarding solicitation for an undisclosed amount.” “JP Morgan’s banking relationship with Epstein was known at the highest levels of the bank. For instance, an August 2008 internal email states, ‘I would count Epstein’s assets as a probable outflow for ’08 ($120mm or so?) as I can’t imagine it will stay (pending Dimon review).’ ” Let’s pause right here for a moment. JPMorgan Chase has a history of employing some of the most sophisticated sleuths in the country, including people with prior employment at the CIA, FBI and Secret Service. To believe that JPMorgan Chase did not know what Epstein was all about by 2011 is to believe in the tooth fairy.

In July 2006, the Palm Beach, Florida Police Chief, Michael Reiter, had handed a deeply investigated case over to the FBI according to the courageous reporting of Julie K. Brown in the Miami Herald in November of 2018. According to Brown, by November 2006, “The FBI begins interviewing potential witnesses and victims from Florida, New York and New Mexico.” It took just eight months of FBI interviews for the U.S. Attorney’s office to have a 53-page Federal indictment ready to file against Epstein involving sexual assaults against multiple underage girls. But the indictment was never filed. (You can read the sordid details of how the case was corrupted by the leading U.S. Attorney for the Justice Department, Alex Acosta, in the Miami Herald here.)

A deal was worked out by Acosta and Epstein’s high-powered lawyers where federal charges were dropped against Epstein and he was allowed to plead guilty to only Florida state charges: one count of soliciting sex from a minor and one count of soliciting sex from an adult woman. Epstein was able to serve just 13 months in jail in Palm Beach County, where he was given a work release program to sit in a fancy office 12 hours a day and driven there daily by his private chauffeur in his limousine.

The deal was sealed in such a way that it denied his victims knowledge of what went down. In February of 2019, a federal judge ruled that the secrecy of the deal violated the federal Crime Victims’ Rights Act.

Had it not been for the public outrage unleashed as a result of the series of articles in the Miami Herald and its gripping personal video interviews with Epstein’s victims, the Justice Department might never have brought the new case against Epstein in 2019. We say that based on the following: A full two years before the Miami Herald published its seminal series on Epstein, the bestselling author, James Patterson, together with John Connolly and Tim Malloy, released a detailed investigative book on Epstein titled “Filthy Rich” in October of 2016.


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d2d564 No.22439

File: b4c57b4663f4dd2⋯.png (33.83 KB,485x335,97:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459317 (070353ZMAR23) Notable: the video issue - compelling Brady material from Congress was litigated. Judge said it is property of Congress and DOJ couldn't compel it./victims???

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Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


As we’ve reported, the real villains here are the judges on the DC court who continue to defy their oath to protect the due process rights of the defendants. Shame on every single one of them.


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d2d564 No.22440

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459383 (070404ZMAR23) Notable: “Son of a B*tch” – Ukraine Puts in Place Another Anti-Corruption Investigator Days after AG Garland Visits the Country

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“Son of a B*tch” – Ukraine Puts in Place Another Anti-Corruption Investigator Days after AG Garland Visits the Country

Son of a B*tch – US Attorney General Merrick Garland traveled to Ukraine over the weekend and today a new Ukrainian Investigator was put in place.

Who can forget Joe Biden bragging about committing a horrible crime in Ukraine in front of the Council for Foreign Relations and the world?

In his own words, with cameras rolling, Joe Biden described how he threatened the Ukrainian President and warned that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if Ukraine didn’t immediately fire the prosecutor investigating Burmisa Holdings.

Joe’s son Hunter was on the Board of Burisma and making tens of thousands a month for doing nothing but “fixing things.”

This all occurred after Hunter Biden was hired by Burisma and a short time after Burisma sent Hunter an email requesting that he take care of the matter involving the investigator in Ukraine looking into the company. Joe Biden took care of the matter and bragged about it.

Today we found out that Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland flew to Ukraine over the weekend. Garland reportedly worked with Ukraine to work on taking property from Russians due to Russia invading Ukraine.

Axios reports:

Attorney General Merrick Garland made a surprise trip to Lviv, Ukraine, on Friday at the invitation of Ukraine’s prosecutor general, according to a Justice Department official.

Garland reportedly worked on an effort with Ukraine to take the property of Russians due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

On Monday, only a few days later, Ukraine announced that a new special investigator looking into corruption was put in place. Newsmax reports:

Ukraine appointed a new top anti-corruption investigator on Monday, concluding a months-long process that Western allies have watched closely as they consider sending more aid to help Kyiv fight Russia’s invasion.

The European Union has made tackling corruption a priority for Kyiv as it tries to join the bloc, and regards the appointment of a new director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) as an important pillar in that effort.

Semen Kryvonos, until now the chief of the State Inspection of Architecture and Urban Planning, will serve a seven-year term as director of NABU, one of several bodies set up in recent years to tackle corruption.

There is no word whether the new investigator was vetted by Garland but it is coincidental that the new prosecutor starts only a day or two after AG Garland visited the country.


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d2d564 No.22441

File: b9178d55cb46d0c⋯.png (89.61 KB,799x596,799:596,Clipboard.png)

File: d73997221908fcd⋯.png (63.22 KB,779x415,779:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459395 (070407ZMAR23) Notable: Judge Rules USA Powerlifting Must Allow Biological Male To Compete Against Women

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Judge Rules USA Powerlifting Must Allow Biological Male To Compete Against Women

A Minnesota judge has ruled that biological men who identify as women can compete against natural-born women in USA Powerlifting (USAPL) following a discrimination case against the organization.

In his ruling (pdf), District Judge Patrick Diamond said that the national powerlifting organization must “cease and desist from all unfair discriminatory practices” after finding that it had engaged in unfair discriminatory practices by denying transgender weightlifter JayCee Cooper “the full and equal enjoyment of public accommodation because of sexual orientation.”

Cooper, who was born a male, filed a complaint with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights in 2019 alleging that the organization had violated the state’s Human Rights Act after Cooper was banned from competing in the women’s division.

Cooper then filed a lawsuit against USA Powerlifting in state court in 2021 alleging claims of sex and sexual orientation discrimination under the Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA) against USAPL and Powerlifting Minnesota.

The lawsuit, which was filed through the Minnesota-based advocacy group Gender Justice, also alleged that Powerlifting Minnesota had aided and abetted sex and sexual orientation discrimination under the MHRA.

Cooper Was ‘Separated, Segregated’

Lawyers for the weightlifter said in the lawsuit (pdf) that Cooper began powerlifting in 2018 and “fell in love with the sport.”

“Ms. Cooper sees powerlifting as a way to find strength within herself and has found a home in the community of strong supportive women who come together around a shared love of sport,” the lawyers wrote.

It goes on to note that Cooper had been training to compete in the USAPL Minnesota State Bench Press Championship and the Minnesota Women’s State Championship in January and February 2019, respectively, but in December 2018, USAPL sent an email to the weightlifter, stating that Cooper could not compete because of Cooper’s transgender identity.

“USAPL then revoked her competition card, which means that she was not eligible to compete in future USAPL events,” the lawsuit states, referring to Cooper. “USAPL MN then went on to hold both championship events, at which all transgender women athletes were prohibited from competing.”

Diamond ultimately agreed with Cooper’s attorneys.


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d2d564 No.22442

File: 3badf2fc2cbf1ad⋯.png (283.79 KB,547x703,547:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459407 (070410ZMAR23) Notable: COVID-19 was in the United States at least as early as December of 2019. I had it the first week of January 2020.

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Thomas Massie

There are so many lies about COVIDthat I almost feel bad spending time on this:

COVID-19 was in the United States at least as early as December of 2019. I had it the first week of January 2020.

Yet Pelosi told us it wasn’t a problem in February 2020.

Nancy Pelosi Visits San Francisco's Chinatown Amid Coronavirus Concerns

Published February 24, 2020


10:55 PM · Mar 6, 2023


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d2d564 No.22443

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459430 (070413ZMAR23) Notable: Aussie: High Court dumps Facebook's challenge against prosecution over Cambridge Analytica privacy breaches

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High Court dumps Facebook's challenge against prosecution over Cambridge Analytica privacy breaches

The High Court has refused to hear a challenge from Facebook, which argued it should not face prosecution for an alleged privacy breach that may have affected hundreds of thousands of Australians.

Key points:

Cambridge Analytica used Facebook to access data from almost 90 million users worldwide without their consent in 2014 and 2015

Facebook argues it was not responsible for privacy breaches in Australia as it had no business here at that time

The High Court revoked its earlier decision to hear Facebook's argument, meaning the social media giant's case will head back to the Federal Court

The social media giant's lawyers appeared before the court this morning to argue it was not responsible for the impact of the Cambridge Analytica scandal on its Australian users.

Australia's privacy watchdog is seeking to prosecute Facebook for providing allegedly unlawful access to the personal data of almost 90 milllion Facebook users worldwide — including some Australians — almost a decade ago.

In 2014, British political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica helped develop software that went on to collect data from Facebook users without their knowledge or consent.

The software — a personality quiz — not only pull information from those who used it, but also gathered data from anyone who was connected to those users on Facebook.

In Australia, 53 people logged in to the online quiz, which is estimated to have exposed the data of up to 300,000 other Australians.

Cambridge Analytica later used this vast database to create psychological profiles and to target political messages during Donald Trump's 2016 United States presidential election campaign.

The Australian Information Commissioner (AIC) alleges that Facebook breached Australian privacy laws between March 12, 2014 and May 1, 2015.

Facebook had applied to the High Court to dismiss that case, arguing it should not face prosecution in this country because, at that time, it did not conduct a business within Australia, and had no personnel or premises.

That changed in 2018 — well after the alleged breaches — when the business established an Australian presence.

Facebook's argument 'irrelevant' after law change


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d2d564 No.22444

File: da345a403b8c50a⋯.png (341.71 KB,812x404,203:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459435 (070414ZMAR23) Notable: PF INDIA1 737 PM Modi east from New Delhi Int'l Airport

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INDIA1 737PM Modiheading to Guwahati and on descent

No drone during PM Narendra Modi’s visit in Guwahati


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d2d564 No.22445

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459436 (070414ZMAR23) Notable: Moira Shire Council sacked in wake of murder of Rick Devlin by Andrew Robert Paterson

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Moira Shire Council sacked in wake of murder of Rick Devlin by Andrew Robert Paterson

A regional Victorian council will be sacked in the wake of the murder of a highly paid senior manager.

Key points:

The commission found there was "good reason" to believe Rick Devlin's murder was preventable

The report said that Andrew Robert Paterson was falsely accused of stealing kerosene from a council depot, sparking a chain of events that led to Mr Devlin's murder

The report also found numerous failures with the governance of the council and alleged there had been serious misconduct with procurement

This afternoon Minister for Local Government Melissa Horne introduced a bill to dismiss Moira Shire Council following a report from a commission of inquiry she received late last month.

"The findings of the report are deeply concerning," she said.

The commission's report suggested the murder of Moira Shire Council manager of operations Rick Devlin in August 2021 could have been avoided.

Andrew Robert Paterson pleaded guilty to murdering Mr Devlin in the Supreme Court last year.

"The commission considers that there is good reason to think that this catastrophic event may have been preventable," the report said.

"Mr Paterson, the employee who murdered Mr Devlin, was set up by his co-workers at the depot and stood down in November 2019 following a false allegation of the theft of a small quantity of kerosene."

The commission found there had been a long-standing practice of council depot employees who worked with tar taking kerosene home to clean their shoes, clothes and cars.

The report said the allegation of theft was not substantiated but was deeply resented by Mr Paterson, who did not return to work after November 2019 and was on WorkCover from January 2020.

Mr Paterson requested a voluntary redundancy, which was rejected.

"Had these events not occurred, it is questionable whether the subsequent course of events would have transpired," the report said.

The commission referred the evidence relevant to the murder to the state coroner.

The commission's investigation of the shire's governance found a litany of failures, including dysfunctional leadership and conflicts of interest.

It found governance of the council had been steadily eroding over most of the last decade, and that a full and transparent external audit was needed.

The report also alleged serious misconduct in procurement.

In June 2017, the report said, the council's facilities maintenance coordinator allegedly directed that more than $500,000 of work be given to an Albury-based company that employed his son, without tendering of obtaining numerous quotes.


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d2d564 No.22446

File: 2681609cde5c29c⋯.png (240.91 KB,1366x629,1366:629,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c714242ecf06a3⋯.png (35.54 KB,477x308,477:308,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459455 (070418ZMAR23) Notable: the video issue - compelling Brady material from Congress was litigated. Judge said it is property of Congress and DOJ couldn't compel it./victims???

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DOJ press release on J6 today 3/6/2023


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸




The totally unbiased and one standard for all Americans brags today that 1,000 Americans who protested Joe Biden’s election on January 6 have been arrested and charged.

DOJ warned that figure will double in the coming years.


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d2d564 No.22447

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459607 (070446ZMAR23) Notable: #22634

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#22634 >>22420

>>22421 Former Vice President Mike Pence files motion to block Jan. 6 subpoena: reports

>>22422, >>22424, >>22429 Tucker Carlson Releases Evidence Showing Ray Epps Perjured Himself in Sworn Testimony to Jan 6 Committee (VIDEO)

>>22423 Amy Coney Barrett Questions Lawyers On Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

>>22425 'The Most Dangerous Cities In America Are Governed By Democrats'

>>22426 PF BAKER34 callsign on E6

>>22427 Trump Speaks at CPAC 2023 Transcript

>>22428 Emergency crews are on scene for an explosion at a chemical plant

>>22431 J6 There is no immunity for treason.

>>22432, >>22444 PF INDIA1 737 PM Modi east from New Delhi Int'l Airport

>>22433 Project Veritas Fires Top Undercover Reporter in Reshuffling

>>22434 ICYMI: CooperSurgical®, a global leader in fertility and women's health, announced Chrissy Teigen has partnered with Cord Blood Registry® (CBR®)

>>22435 Rio Tinto Pays $15 Million Penalty Over SEC Bribery Allegations

>>22436, >>22437, >>22439, >>22446 the video issue - compelling Brady material from Congress was litigated. Judge said it is property of Congress and DOJ couldn't compel it./victims???

>>22438 Dimon Is Fighting a Deposition in a Devastating Lawsuit Charging JPMorgan With Being the Cash Conduit for Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Crimes

>>22440 “Son of a B*tch” – Ukraine Puts in Place Another Anti-Corruption Investigator Days after AG Garland Visits the Country

>>22441 Judge Rules USA Powerlifting Must Allow Biological Male To Compete Against Women

>>22442 COVID-19 was in the United States at least as early as December of 2019. I had it the first week of January 2020.

>>22443 Aussie: High Court dumps Facebook's challenge against prosecution over Cambridge Analytica privacy breaches

>>22445 Moira Shire Council sacked in wake of murder of Rick Devlin by Andrew Robert Paterson


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d2d564 No.22448

File: 7deda23062aa0df⋯.png (552.72 KB,534x511,534:511,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ba2f1020d24a75⋯.jpeg (59.28 KB,640x534,320:267,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5daea469917b130⋯.png (872.38 KB,750x741,250:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459621 (070447ZMAR23) Notable: #22635

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Baker taps

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d2d564 No.22449

File: 48e07e3ed546e75⋯.png (36.95 KB,611x419,611:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459666 (070456ZMAR23) Notable: Finally, some Q Research

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Some people are saying Covid was here earlier than Jan 21st (first date Seattle)

Notice in this q drop Held and Time in bold and the Seattle Airport in bold….is he really saying the first case was held and timed. Maybe we are to link the words in bold.

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d2d564 No.22450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459696 (070459ZMAR23) Notable: Finally, some Q Research

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again, the question I have is “why is Trump blaming China, when Fauci was the one funding it”?

it’s so obvious and nobody ever asks.

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d2d564 No.22451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459714 (070501ZMAR23) Notable: Finally, some Q Research

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Worth 43 minutes of your time.


“the CHINA virus”

Worth remembering:


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d2d564 No.22452

File: f67b067957ade12⋯.png (792.22 KB,677x1589,677:1589,Clipboard.png)

File: 742395d4924d7b9⋯.png (848.59 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459740 (070504ZMAR23) Notable: Finally, some Q Research

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d2d564 No.22453

File: 35a7ea288d3b70c⋯.jpg (153.42 KB,720x862,360:431,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 85e2069e1a6d455⋯.mp4 (5.15 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459761 (070507ZMAR23) Notable: Glow in the dark Pantifas

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Glow in the dark antifas

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d2d564 No.22454

File: f06563c3bb05733⋯.png (417.83 KB,598x628,299:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459894 (070527ZMAR23) Notable: @zerohedge U.S. Special Forces Want to Use Deepfakes for Psy-ops

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U.S. Special Forces Want to Use Deepfakes for Psy-ops


1984 = instruction manual


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d2d564 No.22455

File: c7bfd06a2d01fbd⋯.png (39.84 KB,595x346,595:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459913 (070532ZMAR23) Notable: @GenFlynn rt "Dear @elonmusk. Please restore @17anonjohn account…"

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22456

File: 8cb482125266c9f⋯.png (15.53 KB,607x121,607:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459962 (070544ZMAR23) Notable: @GenFlynn rt "Dear @elonmusk. Please restore @17anonjohn account…"

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22457

File: 9aae760e69abefe⋯.png (172.52 KB,493x299,493:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459965 (070545ZMAR23) Notable: @GenFlynn rt "Dear @elonmusk. Please restore @17anonjohn account…"

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22458

File: ee55cd1b6d333b5⋯.png (105.64 KB,623x631,623:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18459972 (070546ZMAR23) Notable: Thread out of India. [Project Syndicate]

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Thread out of India.

"Project Syndicate"?!


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d2d564 No.22459

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460016 (070554ZMAR23) Notable: Thread out of India. [Project Syndicate]

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>Project Syndicate



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d2d564 No.22460

File: 399e5aaea544a16⋯.mp4 (9.86 MB,580x354,290:177,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460037 (070557ZMAR23) Notable: Finally, some Q Research

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just for you info.

Q has not failed.

anons have not failed

but the media is on its knees now releasing the slow trip so people do not go there and rip their stations down by hand.

tick tock.

the are petrified of the masses.

all the have is propaganda.

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d2d564 No.22461

File: 098f5f1049babc5⋯.png (351.9 KB,1335x1338,445:446,Clipboard.png)

File: 381787e05af88ea⋯.png (268.41 KB,1932x924,23:11,Clipboard.png)

File: a17b0255246a4cb⋯.png (278.95 KB,1807x911,1807:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 72122572105bb02⋯.png (231.63 KB,524x476,131:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460194 (070701ZMAR23) Notable: Finally, some Q Research

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Humanity winning: J6 videos red pill plasma multi-national thermonuclear from orbit.

Who 'knowingly' pushed the 'insurrection' narrative…to provide 'shelter' from prosecuting real world insurrection?(Deterministically established in multiple ways each alone more than enough to change outcome. Election rigging is itself insurrectionist activity.

When insurrection needs to be covered up, the 'dialectic smear' of assigning guilt outside itself, needs to…EXPEND a LOT of energy/$/resources/time to successfully cover up and hide from the public by knowingly invoking a false narrative that the targeted, the hunted, is to be made to believe it is somehow sourcing the insurrectionist praxis/'trope's'ing.

Humanity in time has in 2023 (and before) a positive correlation between the LOUDEST accusing sources (the financing it takes for the totality of the DS is trillions and trillions) as themselves being the 'loudest by praxis' guilty, more than words, the actions…

Source code logic of the 'old guard' has a patterned output.

The worse their crimes, the worse has to be their accusations to foment a false history narrative that creates a force of pre-engagement assertion of authority over the 'what really happened' type of informational narrative ABOUT both the accusers AND the accused.

Dialectic weaponization to control populations.

When playbook is known, then can set up 'impossible to refute' instances of having to defend the indefensible.

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d2d564 No.22462

File: ce5f1bab7cf4ed7⋯.png (539.63 KB,1063x1181,1063:1181,Clipboard.png)

File: 47fc8f85c7428c1⋯.png (1.25 MB,743x4500,743:4500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460225 (070719ZMAR23) Notable: What appear to be GAS ATTACKS in Iran's schools is deeply sinister - and authorities are trying to hush it up

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What appear to be GAS ATTACKS in Iran's schools is deeply sinister - and authorities are trying to hush it up

Mar 6, 2023

We have only furtively shot videos and eyewitness testimony. 

Iranian authorities allow very few journalists into their country so we cannot investigate or verify. But what is going on in Iran's schools is deeply sinister and worrying.

In one school after another since November students have been victims of what appear to be gas attacks. What kind of gas and the way it is disseminated is impossible to say. Students report the smell of eggs and citrus fruit before becoming overpowered. Some pass out, others are dizzy and nauseous, and many need to go to hospital.….

Sky has been handed an interview with one schoolgirl in the Kurdish region of northwest Iran. She described the terrifying moment her classmates realised their school had been targeted.

"The gas attack started from the upper floor and more than half of the 9th graders fell sick and then gradually it spread to the lower floors and they did not let us leave until school time was over, the gas was still there but they did not let us go home."

Making matters worse it seems school authorities and the government have tried to cover up the attacks after they have been carried out.

"A few of us told the principal that our friends are sick and they are in a bad state. But they said you are just acting and lying and nothing has happened to you. Then our own friends called the emergency services and three ambulances arrived and they said it is true what the pupils say."….

….Some have claimed the attacks are the work of religious extremists. Militants were blamed for similar attacks in neighbouring Afghanistan. But it seems inconceivable for that to happen on such a large scale below the radar of regime surveillance in a country like Iran…..


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d2d564 No.22463

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460239 (070726ZMAR23) Notable: eyes on the committee meeting this week.

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eyes on the committee meeting this week.

Hancock is a distraction for the uk masses.

this is where the truth will be revealed.



First published at 01:49 UTC on March 7th, 2023.



must not go over 17 post with i.d

ocd and stuff had to ip. hop.

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d2d564 No.22464

File: 2a0fe5f9e4b6a14⋯.png (881.09 KB,876x1116,73:93,Clipboard.png)

File: 16b81a32606fb17⋯.png (1.85 MB,876x7402,438:3701,Clipboard.png)

File: 23edafd87b774e2⋯.png (95.51 KB,788x626,394:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c0a9182fb5c8bc⋯.png (70.41 KB,789x467,789:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 7887d0a863df65d⋯.png (65.42 KB,823x776,823:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460265 (070738ZMAR23) Notable: "Matt Hancock’s plot to block funding for disabled children if MP opposed lockdown"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

==Matt Hancock’s plot to block funding for disabled children if MP opposed lockdown''

The then health secretary and his political aide discussed taking plan for a learning disability hub in Bury ‘off the table’

Matt Hancock discussed a plan to block funding for a new centre for disabled children and adults as a way of pressuring a rebel Tory MP to back new lockdown restrictions, The Lockdown Files show.

WhatsApp messages between Mr Hancock, the then health secretary, and his political aide show they discussed taking a plan for a learning disability hub in Bury, Greater Manchester, “off the table” ifJames Daly, the Bury North MP, sided against the Government in a key vote.

It came ahead of the vote on Dec 1, 2020 on the introduction of a toughened new local tiers system of restrictions for England.

The Telegraph has also obtained a WhatsApp message with an attached list of 95 Conservative MPs planning to vote against the tier system and detailing their concerns about it. 

The list was referred to by ministers as the vote approached and anxiety about a possible rebellion by backbench Conservative MPs increased……


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d2d564 No.22465

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460311 (070759ZMAR23) Notable: 55-minute interview CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCY PRISON – CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS

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Note Catherine has been one of the biggest whistle-blowers in this world, she worked for bush and has been spot on years ago about the elites bringing in the CBDC and the digital cage !!! watching now.



First published at 06:45 UTC on March 7th, 2023.



There is much more in the 55-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of http://USAWatchdog.com https://usawatchdog.com/ as he goes One-on-One with the Publisher of The Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts for 3.4.23.

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d2d564 No.22466

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460327 (070803ZMAR23) Notable: #22635

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Notables(Not endorsements)

#22635 >>22448

>>22449, >>22450, >>22451, >>22452, >>22460, >>22461 Finally, some Q Research

>>22453 Glow in the dark Pantifas

>>22454 @zerohedge U.S. Special Forces Want to Use Deepfakes for Psy-ops

>>22455, >>22457, >>22456 @GenFlynn rt "Dear @elonmusk. Please restore @17anonjohn account…"

>>22458, >>22459 Thread out of India. [Project Syndicate]

>>22462 What appear to be GAS ATTACKS in Iran's schools is deeply sinister - and authorities are trying to hush it up

>>22463 eyes on the committee meeting this week.

>>22464 "Matt Hancock’s plot to block funding for disabled children if MP opposed lockdown"



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d2d564 No.22467

File: 25f0b68f2a2c59d⋯.jpg (134.14 KB,720x824,90:103,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fa9bc43ca8bed1f⋯.mp4 (5.75 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460340 (070810ZMAR23) Notable: CNN says that Tucker Carlson is lying about the events of January 6th. KEK

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CNN says that Tucker Carlson is lying about the events of January 6th.

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d2d564 No.22468

File: 7231a6b4502f3d9⋯.png (438.78 KB,1024x640,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460427 (070840ZMAR23) Notable: #22636

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d2d564 No.22469

File: 4e50bc715be68f2⋯.png (1.65 MB,1412x1332,353:333,Clipboard.png)

File: b7a04042ea6bcbf⋯.png (9.34 KB,446x70,223:35,Clipboard.png)

File: ebddfaf32c05c84⋯.png (69.39 KB,858x578,429:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460451 (070854ZMAR23) Notable: @whitehouse, @POTUS International Assoc. of Fire Fighters legislative Conference

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WH with an exit sign


ECO -> 530 -> Qalerts 530 -> '76 posts

ECO -> 5315 -> Qalerts 5315 -> Q4441:

The wait will soon be over.


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d2d564 No.22470

File: 56a4f64274156de⋯.png (1.73 MB,1402x1562,701:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460464 (070858ZMAR23) Notable: @whitehouse, @POTUS International Assoc. of Fire Fighters legislative Conference

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Same pic from Potato

…we’ve been investing in equipment, cancerresearch, and wildfire resilience – so they have the support they deserve


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d2d564 No.22471

File: 0c20283a6bbf8c7⋯.png (228.04 KB,840x925,168:185,Clipboard.png)

File: fd2b4da448b37f8⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB,1507x1830,1507:1830,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 12624c2a499ef63⋯.png (4.25 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460515 (070922ZMAR23) Notable: Re Dan Scavino’s dog comms tweet

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Re Dan Scavino’s dog comms tweet

You see the 2 German Shephards, standing on circus platforms, fighting with light sabres. But there is a curious painting of a terrier with a bow tie on watching the show in the background.

We could possibly have a winner in the ‘Who died next’ FF game. Looked up politicians dogs, and the closest I could find was some artwork of Diane Feinstein with her dog Wonky. Pic related.

Time will tell.


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d2d564 No.22472

File: 22693682e5d26b9⋯.png (531.53 KB,1279x849,1279:849,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460521 (070925ZMAR23) Notable: Re Dan Scavino’s dog comms tweet

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Biden’s had 2 Shepherds when they moved into the Whitehouse.


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d2d564 No.22473

File: 8c252280a0711ba⋯.png (154.61 KB,568x391,568:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460527 (070928ZMAR23) Notable: Reproductive Genocide by WorldWide Governments. SHTF in Singapore?

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Did the Shit just hit the fan in Singapore?

The most damning real world evidence yet!

Aussie17 Mar 1



Robert W Malone, MD



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d2d564 No.22474

File: 13cae64589384bc⋯.png (353.89 KB,931x523,931:523,Clipboard.png)

File: 796c25e90a55005⋯.png (294.55 KB,931x523,931:523,Clipboard.png)

File: cd93b724eabdf5f⋯.png (555.51 KB,931x523,931:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460533 (070930ZMAR23) Notable: Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin makes unannounced visit to Iraq

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March 7, 2023 4:07am EST

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin makes unannounced visit to Iraq

Austin made the trip ahead of the 20-year anniversary of the US invasion that took down Saddam Hussein.

A senior defense official said the trip was designed to show the U.S. was committed to maintaining its military presence in the country. ~moar


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d2d564 No.22475

File: fe2f595220b4ec1⋯.png (90.57 KB,594x465,198:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460556 (070945ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag

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Left eye comms from a sub hunter?

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d2d564 No.22476

File: 129ad43b2dfea84⋯.png (757.22 KB,964x538,482:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a9c8cfbc353e17⋯.png (610.51 KB,634x634,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 45dda168d232ca1⋯.png (396.42 KB,634x793,634:793,Clipboard.png)

File: cdcfdb32d2cb70a⋯.png (472.8 KB,634x629,634:629,Clipboard.png)

File: ceab6a9546b9848⋯.png (826.33 KB,634x634,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460567 (070952ZMAR23) Notable: TikTok star 'rabbi' who adopted nine boys as a single dad is charged with raping son, 17, and accused of molesting his other children

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TikTok star 'rabbi' who adopted nine boys as a single dad is charged with raping son, 17, and accused of molesting his other childrenafter 'victim' called into podcast with allegations: Also said to have faked his Judaism and chronic illness

March 7, 2023

Hayim Nissim Cohen, 38, was charged with sexual assault and continuous sex abuse of a child under 17 years old after one of his adoptive sons accused him of molesting him for years. Cohen, of Houston, amassed a large social media following in which he showcased his large family's religious lifestyle and advocated for single men adopting children. The boy who made the allegation says his siblings were moldested too. Cohen is also accused of fabricating physical ailments to mask his true nature from the public. It was not the first time Cohen had been accused of assault, with a previous allegation made against him in 2019. He's also now been accused of lying about being Jewish, as well as the chronic health conditions he claims to suffer.

A Houston rabbi who gained fame on social media for adopting nine boys as a single father was arrested after one of his sons accused him of years of sexual abuse.

Hayim Nissim Cohen, 38, was charged in February with sexual assault and continuous sex abuse of a child under 17 years old, after one of his sons called in to a podcast to report the alleged abuse.

The 17-year old boy alleged Cohen had abused a number of his brothers, and at times threatened to kill them if they ever revealed the abuse. Six of Cohen's children were since removed from the home and placed in protective care.

It was not the first time Cohen had been accused of assault. He was out on bond over a 2019 case in which he was accused of sexual contact by a student, now 20 years old, who was staying with Cohen during an exchange program from Spain.

Cohen has also been accused of faking his Orthodox Jewish heritage and his alleged disabilities. He regularly poses for photos while hooked up to an oxygen tank and in a wheelchair.


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d2d564 No.22477

File: 1da98346cfe7d96⋯.jpg (83.01 KB,637x582,637:582,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460569 (070953ZMAR23) Notable: Insurrection Act Discussion

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So if the President of the United States is the only one who can declare an Insurrection, and an Insurrection was never declared. Then what was the Jan 6th committee?

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d2d564 No.22478

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460599 (071014ZMAR23) Notable: TikTok star 'rabbi' who adopted nine boys as a single dad is charged with raping son, 17, and accused of molesting his other children

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d2d564 No.22479

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460611 (071021ZMAR23) Notable: Insurrection Act Discussion

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The Insurrection Act is found in Title 10, §§ 251-255 of the United States Code. Sections 254 and 255 are more administrative aspects of the law.

Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

10 USC § 254

Section 254 requires the President to immediately order the insurgents to disperse and go home.


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d2d564 No.22480

File: 0bb1735bc191913⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460627 (071032ZMAR23) Notable: Insurrection Act Discussion

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POTUS Trump fulfilled his obligation regarding the Insurrection Act by telling everyone to go home peacefully.

Now Twatter immediately removing that announcement may be a bigger crime than realized.

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d2d564 No.22481

File: b9438754b7a9c9e⋯.png (840.13 KB,889x692,889:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460638 (071040ZMAR23) Notable: The Biden Admin Lost 20,000 Migrant Children, and That’s Not the Worst Part

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The Biden Admin Lost 20,000 Migrant Children,

and That’s Not the Worst Part

PJ Media, by Matt Margolis

Original Article

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 3/7/2023 4:09:12 AM

The Biden administration admitted in a letter to Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) that it has lost track of nearly 20,000 unaccompanied migrant children since January 2021. “Of the 108,981 Safety and Well-Being Calls conducted since January 2021 for children discharged from ORR care, there are 19,726 sponsors who could not be reached,” reads the letter from Acting Assistant Secretary Jennifer Cannistra of Administration for Children and Families at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. And they have no plans to look for them. “While ORR’s custodial responsibilities end when a child is released from ORR care,

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d2d564 No.22482

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460641 (071042ZMAR23) Notable: TikTok star 'rabbi' who adopted nine boys as a single dad is charged with raping son, 17, and accused of molesting his other children

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He said Child Protective Services (CPS) had conducted eight investigations into the family, but nothing ever came of it.

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d2d564 No.22483

File: 33c5b4304edf6ab⋯.png (144.97 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460653 (071051ZMAR23) Notable: Porsche, Ferrari's Plan To Save Combustion Engines Involves "eFuels"

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Porsche, Ferrari's Plan To Save Combustion Engines Involves "eFuels"

With many automakers transitioning from petrol-powered vehicles to electrified ones, Porsche and Ferrari are pursuing a new strategy by concentrating on the advancement of eFuels to preserve gas-powered engines. This decision follows the European Commission's delay last week of the proposed 2035 ban on new internal combustion engine vehicles as the commission prepares to carve out a role for eFuels after 2035.


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d2d564 No.22484

File: a35e7d9a591c4b4⋯.png (501.58 KB,812x718,406:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460661 (071058ZMAR23) Notable: SoFi sues over student-loan pause to force borrowers to resume making payments

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SoFi sues over student-loan pause to force

borrowers to resume making payments

MarketWatch, by Jillian Berman

Original Article

Posted By: NorthernDog, 3/6/2023 7:16:43 PM

Some 40 million people have had their student-debt payments paused because the government thinks they need the help. But one big financial technology company, which refinances student loans, disapproves of the public policy and wants the payments resumed immediately to help its bottom line. SoFi Technologies, a financial technology company involved in the student loan refinancing business, is suing the Department of Education over the student loan payment pause. In a suit filed in federal court late last week, the company alleges that the latest extension of the COVID-era pause on student loan payments, interest and collections “is unlawful on

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d2d564 No.22485

File: 68d5a57e91b27c8⋯.png (75.03 KB,457x758,457:758,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460664 (071100ZMAR23) Notable: Montana Bill to Ban C19-Vaccinated Individuals from Donating Blood

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Montana Bill to Ban C19-Vaccinated Individuals from Donating Blood

House Bill 645 would ban individuals who received the COVID-19 vaccine from donating blood, making it a misdemeanor with a $500 fine to donate or accept blood from vaccinated donors

A Montana Republican is pushing a bill to bar those who have received a COVID-19 vaccine or suffer from "long COVID" from donating blood—a proposal some critics say could effectively eradicate the state's supply of blood.

Formally introduced in the Montana State Legislature on February 17, House Bill 645 proposes a misdemeanor offense for anyone who knowingly donates whole blood, plasma, blood products, blood derivatives, human tissue, organs, or bones containing "gene-altering proteins, nanoparticles, high-count spike proteins from long covid-19, or other isolates introduced by mRNA or DNA vaccines, mRNA or DNA chemotherapies, or other novel mRNA or DNA pharmaceutical biotechnologies."

The legislation, which has yet to receive a committee vote, comes over what the bill's sponsor, Representative Greg Kmetz, described as fears from his constituents of ensuring a "safe" blood supply—even as experts assert that it is safe to donate blood after receiving a COVID vaccine or being diagnosed with COVID.

Proponents said the bill, a continuation of anti-vaccine legislation that passed last session, was about medical autonomy and the right to receive blood from donors had not been vaccinated against COVID-19.

“We hear these two words ‘safe and effective’ a million plus times. Does that make them true?” said bill sponsor Rep. Greg Kmetz, R- Miles City.

“I’m one of many who believe in the God given right of medical freedom, which is having access to genetically unmodified blood during a time of need,” said Jo Vilhauer from Miles City. “This is a vital part of health autonomy.”

Chief Medical Officer for the American Red Cross in the Western U.S. Dr. Walter Kelley said this bill would “decimate” blood supply in Montana as 80% of the state has received at least one dose of the vaccine.

🔗Source: Upwards News (https://twitter.com/UpwardNewsHQ/status/1631295141188083720), Daily Montanan

(https://dailymontanan.com/2023/02/27/bill-banning-vaccinated-blood-donations-would-decimate-blood-supply-opponents-say/)Forum (https://t.me/g3forum) | Substack (https://g3news.substack.com/) | Twitter (https://twitter.com/g3newsgroup) | Minds

(https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=g3news)📡 Follow:


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d2d564 No.22486

File: 17563fc8c1bb394⋯.jpg (116.04 KB,1200x910,120:91,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8476fc0287275ee⋯.gif (4.84 MB,498x280,249:140,Clipboard.gif)

File: 39ace97225ba23b⋯.png (477.38 KB,940x529,940:529,Clipboard.png)

File: a489cde7030aa30⋯.png (62.94 KB,663x292,663:292,Clipboard.png)

File: 928b7b6819501e5⋯.png (1.28 MB,1313x1448,1313:1448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460668 (071107ZMAR23) Notable: Food Supply Chain Being Systematically Being Destoyed. One Food Plant/Distribution Center at a Time.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Presidential Directive PDD-63 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive HSPD-7 cover U.S. Critical National Infrastructure Protection (CIP).

So why are so many of our Critical National Infrastructure Assets such as Water, Food, and Air, the three things that everyone need to survive not being protected?

Food Supply Chain Being Systematically Being Destoyed. One Food Plant/Distribution Center at a Time.

Water and Air Being Poisoned One Chemical Accident at a Time.


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d2d564 No.22487

File: f8c06195d16b7cb⋯.jpeg (678.36 KB,1271x1081,1271:1081,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460756 (071151ZMAR23) Notable: prominent DC lawyer, Dana Hyde who served in the Clinton and Obama Admin was killed when a private jet hit bad turbulence while flying over New England.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Clinton, Obama and 911 Commission ties…

A prominent DC lawyer who served in the Clinton and Obama Administrations was killed when a private jet she was aboard hit bad turbulence while flying over New England.

The business jet carrying five passengers made an emergency landing at Bradley International Airport in Connecticut on Friday after encountering heavy turbulence.

Dana Hyde, 55, was rushed by ambulance to a hospital in Hartford, Connecticut on Friday where she was pronounced dead.

Hyde also served as a lawyer on the 9/11 commission.


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d2d564 No.22488

File: 0f82fde347d4053⋯.jpeg (326.04 KB,664x1451,664:1451,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c206f5d0455e1cf⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,1813x1640,1813:1640,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460766 (071157ZMAR23) Notable: Former top Credit Suisse shareholder sells full stake in bank. Owned 10%

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Banking Storm quietly simmering away.

Former top Credit Suisse shareholder sells full stake in bank


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d2d564 No.22489

File: 03cbba90fd18d5e⋯.jpeg (288.69 KB,993x1358,993:1358,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c2efc9682efc75c⋯.jpeg (266.52 KB,900x1225,36:49,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460771 (071201ZMAR23) Notable: Terrifying 'debt trap' to trigger financial crash as interest rates shoot past 6%. The world is facing a "perfect storm" of high inflation, rising interest rates and recession

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Terrifying 'debt trap' to trigger financial crash as interest rates shoot past 6%

The world is facing a "perfect storm" of high inflation, rising interest rates and recession, according to a Nobel-prize winning economist.


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d2d564 No.22490

File: 36ee02f5bb56916⋯.png (143.02 KB,588x723,196:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460772 (071202ZMAR23) Notable: response to inclusion in Taibbi twatter file release: 'His coverage gets much wrong, misinterprets events, and fails to incorporate our responses.'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab is mad:



(1/2): Yesterday, Matt Taibbi released his most recent “Twitter Files” installment. In it, he named


. His coverage gets much wrong, misinterprets events, and fails to incorporate our responses.

Read our full statement here:


12:21 PM · Mar 3, 2023



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d2d564 No.22491

File: 7376fd94c3da199⋯.jpg (143.35 KB,1280x744,160:93,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 32223ed0b2c210d⋯.png (155.33 KB,574x560,41:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460775 (071203ZMAR23) Notable: response to inclusion in Taibbi twatter file release: 'His coverage gets much wrong, misinterprets events, and fails to incorporate our responses.'

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Of note, Taibbi reported Senior Director Graham Brookie of not responding to his requests for information. Brookie answered all of Taibbi’s emails throughout his reporting, the last response nearly a full day prior to his publication.

12:22 PM · Mar 3, 2023



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d2d564 No.22492

File: 1f4be86de25323d⋯.jpeg (575.03 KB,1753x1640,1753:1640,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460777 (071205ZMAR23) Notable: Former top Credit Suisse shareholder sells full stake in bank. Owned 10%

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Credit Suisse Loses One of Its Biggest Backers

Herro says Harris Associates sold out over the past months

Harris Associates was top shareholder in bank for many years


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d2d564 No.22493

File: 6df447ceda2d8fc⋯.jpeg (588.35 KB,1721x1044,1721:1044,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460781 (071209ZMAR23) Notable: Former top Credit Suisse shareholder sells full stake in bank. Owned 10%

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Credit Suisse's Revenue Attrition Leads Us To Reduce Our FVE To CHF 2.90 per Share

The revenue attrition that Credit Suisse recently reported for the final quarter of 2022 was materially worse than what we anticipated. Its wealth management business lost 27% of assets under management, and it earned no revenue from security trading. We now expect Credit Suisse to remain loss-making until 2024. The unnecessarily complicated restructuring program adds execution risk. We believe that liquidity and solvency are adequate, but the margin for error has become thinner. We reduce our fair value estimate to CHF 2.90/share from CHF 4.50 previously.


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d2d564 No.22494

File: b6b4bf115ec7f59⋯.png (1.05 MB,783x1166,783:1166,Clipboard.png)

File: 32f207e05ab06d4⋯.jpeg (160.86 KB,2048x1364,512:341,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1bc8e76d38f1275⋯.png (466.97 KB,683x512,683:512,Clipboard.png)

File: faa59354e37e697⋯.png (322.13 KB,1296x1090,648:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460805 (071224ZMAR23) Notable: Insurrection Act Discussion

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>>22477, >>22479, >>22480 Insurrection Act Discussion

What if it was declared in June 2020?6-1to be specific?

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d2d564 No.22495

File: 4d89927bd28a5a6⋯.jpeg (180.16 KB,1170x1309,1170:1309,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a68d8607550542f⋯.jpeg (766.23 KB,1317x1333,1317:1333,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8590903512a9c6a⋯.jpg (223.79 KB,1088x1409,1088:1409,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460821 (071236ZMAR23) Notable: prominent DC lawyer, Dana Hyde who served in the Clinton and Obama Admin was killed when a private jet hit bad turbulence while flying over New England.

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PICTURED: Prominent executive, 55, who served in Clinton and Obama administrations killed on board jet during severe turbulence over New England

Dana J. Hyde was killed on a private jet after the plane hit severe turbulence

The plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Connecticut on Friday

The aircraft was owned by Kansas City-based internet provider Conexon


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d2d564 No.22496

File: 72b44474660ee15⋯.png (38.31 KB,614x310,307:155,Clipboard.png)


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d2d564 No.22497

File: ac5b0eba2f7b40b⋯.png (555.5 KB,634x949,634:949,Clipboard.png)

File: a196d24f571aa96⋯.png (329.25 KB,634x558,317:279,Clipboard.png)

File: a2b15dbd625f636⋯.png (504.15 KB,634x421,634:421,Clipboard.png)

File: ddf578540ac0da1⋯.png (420.74 KB,634x829,634:829,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d29d4d57379c92⋯.png (270.25 KB,634x402,317:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460829 (071244ZMAR23) Notable: prominent DC lawyer, Dana Hyde who served in the Clinton and Obama Admin was killed when a private jet hit bad turbulence while flying over New England.

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In a statement Monday that offered insight into authorities' ongoing probe into the ex-White House staffer's death - which is also being investigated by the FBI - the Connecticut State Troopers confirmed the private aircraft belonged to a company headed by Hyde's spouse, Jonathan Chambers.

The company, Kansas-city based Conexon, provides high-speed internet service to rural communities. Prior to joining the company, Chambers was also once a prominent figure in Washington, working in the U.S. Senate as a Republican staff director and later as the Chief of the Office of Strategic Planning for the FCC.

Hyde, meanwhile, worked as a part-time consultant to the DC-based think tank Aspen Institute, a gathering of leaders throughout various industries who strive to solve some of the world's most prevailing issues.

In the role, Hyde served as co-chair of the Aspen Partnership for an Inclusive Economy (APIE), which, according to the agency's website, 'works to bridge the gaps between the people who deserve more inclusive systems and standards and the people who set them.'

Officials said Hyde was immediately transported to Saint Francis Medical Center in Hartford, Connecticut, after the plane landed Friday, where she was pronounced dead that evening.

No one else was injured in the incident, with officials confirming that both Chambers and one of the couple's two children were on board at the time of the emergency landing.

'On 03/03/2023, at approximately 3:49 PM, Connecticut State Troopers responded to a medical assist call at Bradley International Airport. One patient was subsequently transported to an area hospital via ambulance,' a Connecticut State Police spokesperson told DailyMail.com.

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d2d564 No.22498

File: a2bc4f6484471ad⋯.png (486.29 KB,825x731,825:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460839 (071249ZMAR23) Notable: Australia Implements Digital-ID & Surveillance State. Posted By Persist. Called It A "Holy Grail"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Listen to how they are pushing this "great" new tech.

Called It A "Holy Grail": Australia To Become The First Country Since China To Implement A Digital-ID & Surveillance State!


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d2d564 No.22499

File: 7eddde48c9c3465⋯.png (419.45 KB,1200x792,50:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460994 (071341ZMAR23) Notable: China’s Xi Jinping slams US-led ‘suppression’. a “containment, encirclement and suppression of China”. USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: March 6, 2023

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China’s Xi Jinping slams US-led ‘suppression’

AFPMarch 7, 2023 4:50 am

The United States is leading a “containment, encirclement and suppression of China”, President Xi Jinping has said, as he urged his country’s private sector to boost innovation and become more self-reliant.

China’s technology ambitions have been hit with a raft of restrictions by the United States and its Western allies, and Beijing has doubled down on the need to shift away from imports for sectors perceived as vital to national security, such as semiconductors and artificial intelligence.

Washington has in recent months tightened sanctions on Chinese chipmakers, citing national security concerns and the risk of the technology being used by China’s military.

In a rare direct criticism of the US, Xi told industry leaders that “Western countries led by the United States have implemented all-round containment, encirclement and suppression of China, which has brought unprecedented severe challenges to our country’s development”.

Xi, who will be granted a third consecutive presidential term in the coming days at the highly choreographed National People’s Congress (NPC), said the past five years had been riddled with a new set of hurdles that threatened to weigh down China’s economic rise.

According to the state-run Xinhua news agency, Xi said China must “have the courage to fight as the country faces profound and complex changes in both the domestic and international landscape”, in the address to delegates at the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which runs alongside the NPC.

The 69-year-old said private firms “should take the initiative to pursue high-quality development”, Xinhua reported late Monday.

Earlier this week Xi vowed to bolster China’s manufacturing capacity and said the country should be able to fend for itself.

“I’ve always said there are two critical areas for China: one is to safeguard our rice bowl, and the other is to build up a strong manufacturing sector,” he said.

“As a great nation of 1.4 billion people, we must rely on ourselves… We can’t depend on international markets to save us.”

– ‘Not a threat’ –

China’s foreign minister Qin Gang later reiterated the president’s forceful language on US “containment”, calling American competition “a zero-sum game of life and death”.

Urging Washington to “meet halfway”, Qin said the two powers’ relationship needed to be based on mutual interests and friendship, rather than “US domestic politics and hysterical neo-McCarthyism”.

In a wide-ranging press conference, former US ambassador Qin dismissed warnings from Western countries that China may supply arms to Russia for its war in Ukraine, saying it would not accept “blame-shifting, sanctions, suppression and threats” targeting Beijing.

China last month released a position paper outlining its stance on the Ukraine conflict, portraying itself as a neutral party and urging the two sides to enter peace negotiations.

Beijing’s claim to neutrality has been questioned by the US and other Ukrainian allies, with Russia and China describing their bilateral relationship as having “no limits” just weeks before the invasion.

Qin said China was “neither a creator of the crisis nor a party to it, and it has not provided weapons to any party”, adding peace talks should start “as soon as possible”.

Beijing’s relationship with Moscow is “not a threat to any country in the world”, he said.

Qin also reiterated the official line that China would “maintain the option of taking all necessary actions” to reclaim Taiwan.

He warned against “underestimating the strong determination, firm will and powerful ability of the Chinese government and Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity”.


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d2d564 No.22500

File: 6e72331782fd28d⋯.png (376.89 KB,976x904,122:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18460999 (071343ZMAR23) Notable: China’s Xi Jinping slams US-led ‘suppression’. a “containment, encirclement and suppression of China”. USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: March 6, 2023

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> a “containment, encirclement and suppression of China”,

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: March 6, 2023


Not entirely inaccurate.

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d2d564 No.22501

File: cdf8015725a6278⋯.jpg (348.86 KB,593x453,593:453,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461005 (071343ZMAR23) Notable: @Surabees w/CAP: The MSM can spin & smear all they want,… … Tucker exposed the J6 Committee, which the media treated as the word of God, as a dishonest partisan charade.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The MSM can spin & smear all they want, but there is no defense of the J6 Committee cutting clips to remove context or lying about things that the footage contradicted. Tucker exposed the J6 Committee, which the media treated as the word of God, as a dishonest partisan charade.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22502

File: 6d42f94d2d67bdd⋯.png (164.02 KB,276x601,276:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461038 (071350ZMAR23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Everything is exposed on Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell, including massive crime by Joe and Hunter — But nothing happens…

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Donald J. Trump




Everything is exposed on Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell, including massive crime by Joe and Hunter — But nothing happens, they just keep coming after me. The good news is that AMERICA WON’T TAKE IT ANY LONGER!


Maga Fact Checked



Dec 28, 2022

Hunter Biden with his pistol laptop VIDEO


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d2d564 No.22503

File: 02e8fc401fa77bd⋯.png (32.24 KB,1276x196,319:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 49730c42554b2c8⋯.png (38.76 KB,582x376,291:188,Clipboard.png)

File: e9b713babd6f3c9⋯.png (17.02 KB,469x196,67:28,Clipboard.png)

File: d41c325ecb4c1fd⋯.png (12.77 KB,400x196,100:49,Clipboard.png)

File: fa9ac1215111a22⋯.png (30.79 KB,661x340,661:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461096 (071400ZMAR23) Notable: no sauz needed: Trending on Twatter

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Current Trends

Seems related to the J6 video release

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d2d564 No.22504

File: 50a35e8f8f289f2⋯.jpg (123.44 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461117 (071404ZMAR23) Notable: Election issues continue in Orange County, Fla., where, a whistleblower alleges, felons illegally voted, deceased voters requested and received mail-in ballots…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In Florida county, felons vote illegally, ballots cast on behalf of long-dead, whistleblower claims

There were "no apparent changes implemented" by the Orange County Supervisor of Elections office to ensure that felons didn't vote again, alleges Brian Freid.

Election issues continue in Orange County, Fla., where, a whistleblower alleges, felons illegally voted, deceased voters requested and received mail-in ballots, voter addresses are changed without the voters requesting it, and multiple ballots are allowed to be dropped off without question.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22505

File: f3477d2ac910b7b⋯.jpg (36.67 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461131 (071406ZMAR23) Notable: Cali failed to report missing foster care children, audit finds Fed law requires state agencies report children missing to the NCMEC within 24 hours

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

California failed to report missing foster care children, audit finds

Federal law requires state agencies report children missing to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children within 24 hours.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2d564 No.22506

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461175 (071415ZMAR23) Notable: #22636

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final bun for #22636

#22636 >>22468

>>22469, >>22470 @whitehouse, @POTUS International Assoc. of Fire Fighters legislative Conference

>>22471, >>22472 Re Dan Scavino’s dog comms tweet

>>22473 Reproductive Genocide by WorldWide Governments. SHTF in Singapore?

>>22474 Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin makes unannounced visit to Iraq

>>22475 PlaneFag

>>22477, >>22479, >>22480, >>22494 Insurrection Act Discussion

>>22481 The Biden Admin Lost 20,000 Migrant Children, and That’s Not the Worst Part

>>22483 Porsche, Ferrari's Plan To Save Combustion Engines Involves "eFuels"

>>22484 SoFi sues over student-loan pause to force borrowers to resume making payments

>>22485 Montana Bill to Ban C19-Vaccinated Individuals from Donating Blood

>>22482, >>22478, >>22476 TikTok star 'rabbi' who adopted nine boys as a single dad is charged with raping son, 17, and accused of molesting his other children

>>22486 Food Supply Chain Being Systematically Being Destoyed. One Food Plant/Distribution Center at a Time.

Baker Change

>>22487, >>22495, >>22497 prominent DC lawyer, Dana Hyde who served in the Clinton and Obama Admin was killed when a private jet hit bad turbulence while flying over New England.

>>22488, >>22492, >>22493 Former top Credit Suisse shareholder sells full stake in bank. Owned 10%

>>22489 Terrifying 'debt trap' to trigger financial crash as interest rates shoot past 6%. The world is facing a "perfect storm" of high inflation, rising interest rates and recession

>>22490, >>22491 response to inclusion in Taibbi twatter file release: 'His coverage gets much wrong, misinterprets events, and fails to incorporate our responses.'


>>22498 Australia Implements Digital-ID & Surveillance State. Posted By Persist. Called It A "Holy Grail"

>>22499, >>22500 China’s Xi Jinping slams US-led ‘suppression’. a “containment, encirclement and suppression of China”. USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: March 6, 2023

>>22501 @Surabees w/CAP: The MSM can spin & smear all they want,… … Tucker exposed the J6 Committee, which the media treated as the word of God, as a dishonest partisan charade.

>>22502 DJT TS w/CAP: Everything is exposed on Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell, including massive crime by Joe and Hunter — But nothing happens…

>>22503 no sauz needed: Trending on Twatter

>>22504 Election issues continue in Orange County, Fla., where, a whistleblower alleges, felons illegally voted, deceased voters requested and received mail-in ballots…

>>22505 Cali failed to report missing foster care children, audit finds Fed law requires state agencies report children missing to the NCMEC within 24 hours

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d2d564 No.22507

File: be36857342604c8⋯.png (882.75 KB,1203x802,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461189 (071419ZMAR23) Notable: #22637

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baker requesting handoff

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d2d564 No.22508

File: 7f0e918f929c9bc⋯.jpg (304.28 KB,595x541,595:541,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461222 (071429ZMAR23) Notable: Britain’s National Grid uses coal-fired emergency units for the first time as the country’s power market failed to provide enough electricity

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Britain’s National Grid uses coal-fired emergency units for the first time as the country’s power market failed to provide enough electricity


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d2d564 No.22509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461255 (071436ZMAR23) Notable: John Fetterman May Resign, Leaving Democrats Scrambling over Future of Senate Seat

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John Fetterman May Resign, Leaving Democrats Scrambling over Future of Senate Seat

Reports are beginning to emerge that embattled Democrat Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) is planning to soon resign due to his rapidly deteriorating health.

Fetterman is still battling health issues and checked himself into a hospital on February 16th for clinical depression.

The now-senator struggled through his election campaign after suffering a stroke.

On Monday, Pennsylvania’s Democrat Governor Josh Shapiro told NBC News that there’s “no contingency plan.”

Fetterman had a stroke last year, just before the Democratic Party’s Senate primary.

Fetterman won the primary and went on to win the critical seat, replacing retiring Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA).

His capacity to do the job required of a senator has been in question since his stroke, however.

“There is no contingency plan and it is 100 percent Senator Fetterman’s decision as to what he will do in the future,” Shapiro told NBC News.

Shapiro’s remarks show that Democrats have no idea who would replace Fetterman if he were to resign.

Shapiro would be tasked with selecting Fetterman’s replacement should that happen.


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d2d564 No.22510

File: 68a69c1cd65f13b⋯.png (703.77 KB,634x782,317:391,Clipboard.png)

File: 9149bfc945b83b5⋯.png (134.43 KB,634x521,634:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461260 (071437ZMAR23) Notable: Meta plans fresh layoffs that will put THOUSANDS of staff out of a job before CEO Mark Zuckerberg goes on paternity leave

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Another Zucker punch: Meta plans fresh layoffs that will put THOUSANDS of staff out of a job before CEO Mark Zuckerberg goes on paternity leave - on top of 11,000 fired in November as part of tech giant's 'year of efficiency'

Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, to unleash new cuts after owner Mark Zuckerberg's pledge 2023 will be 'year of efficiency'

The news comes after 11,000 jobs, 13 percent of the workforce, were slashed in November

Morale among staff has plunged amid the layoffs - but Meta's stock has surged

Meta is planning to slash thousands more jobs within days as billionaire owner Mark Zuckerberg keeps his promise to make 2023 a 'year of efficiency' for the firm.

The parent company of Facebook and Instagram is plotting a fresh round of layoffs after 11,000 jobs were axed in November.

Morale among some staff is rock bottom and many are worried they won't receive their bonuses if they lose their jobs.

But Meta's stock price has surged about 54 percent since the start of the year as investors welcome the cull. The rise follows a dismal 2022 throughout which the value of the company, which also owns WhatsApp, plunged by around two thirds.

Insiders told Bloomberg that executives working on the latest round of job losses want the plan ready before Zuckerberg takes parental leave for his third child, which is due imminently.

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d2d564 No.22511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461282 (071443ZMAR23) Notable: Grayscale case vs SEC oral arguments hearing LIVE up next…

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Grayscale case vs SEC oral arguments hearing LIVE

up next…

Tuesday, March 7, 2023 9:30 A.M. USCA (Live-Stream)

Judges Srinivasan, Rao, Edwards

Case#: 22-3011 USA v. Paul Guertin

Case#: 22-1142 Grayscale Investments, LLC v. SEC


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d2d564 No.22512

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461309 (071449ZMAR23) Notable: 2015 Wretched US Journalism on Ukraine/some things don't change

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Wretched US Journalism on Ukraine

February 9, 2015

(Nothing has changed in Ukraine note date of article)1/3

Exclusive: The U.S. news media has failed the American people often in recent years by not challenging U.S. government falsehoods, as with Iraq’s WMD. But the most dangerous violation of journalistic principles has occurred in the Ukraine crisis, which has the potential of a nuclear war, writes Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

A basic rule of journalism is that there are almost always two sides to a story and that journalists should try to reflect that reality, a principle that is especially important when lives are at stake amid war fevers. Yet, American journalism has failed miserably in this regard during the Ukraine crisis.

With very few exceptions, the mainstream U.S. media has simply regurgitated the propaganda from the U.S. State Department and other entities favoring western Ukrainians. There has been little effort to view the worsening crisis through the eyes of ethnic Russian Ukrainians living in the east or the Russians witnessing a political and humanitarian crisis on their border.

Frankly, I cannot recall any previous situation in which the U.S. media has been more biased across the board than on Ukraine. Not even the “group think” around Iraq’s non-existent WMDs was as single-minded as this, with the U.S. media perspective on Ukraine almost always from the point of view of the western Ukrainians who led the overthrow of elected President Viktor Yanukovych, whose political base was in the east.

So, what might appear to an objective observer as a civil war between western Ukrainians, including the neo-Nazis who spearheaded last year’s coup against Yanukovych, and eastern Ukrainians, who refused to accept the anti-Yanukovych order that followed the coup, has been transformed by the U.S. news media into a confrontation between the forces of good (the western Ukrainians) and the forces of evil (the eastern Ukrainians) with an overlay of “Russian aggression” as Russian President Vladimir Putin is depicted as a new Hitler.

Though the horrific bloodshedmore than 5,000 dead has been inflicted overwhelmingly on the ethnic Russiansin eastern Ukraine by the forces from western Ukraine, the killing is routinely blamed on either the eastern Ukrainian rebels or Putin for allegedly fomenting the trouble in the first place (though there is no evidence that he did, as even former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has acknowledged.)

I realize that anyone who doesn’t accept the Official Washington “group think” on Ukraine is denounced as a “Putin apologist” just as anyone who questioned the conventional wisdom about Saddam Hussein giving his WMDs to al-Qaeda was a “Saddam apologist” but step back for a minute and look at the crisis through the eyes of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine.

A year ago, they saw what looked to them like a U.S.-organized coup, relying on both propaganda and violence to overthrow their constitutionally elected government. They also detected a strong anti-ethnic-Russian bias in the new regime with its efforts to strip away Russian as an official language. And they witnessed brutal killings of ethnic Russians at the hands of neo-Nazis in Odessa and elsewhere.

Their economic interests, too, were threatened since they worked at companies that did substantial business with Russia. If those historic ties to Russia were cut in favor of special economic relations with the European Union, the eastern Ukrainians would be among the worst losers.

Remember, that before backing away from the proposed association agreement with the EU in November 2013, Yanukovych received a report from economic experts in Kiev that Ukraine stood to lose $160 billion if it broke with Russia, as Der Spiegel reported. Much of that economic pain would have fallen on eastern Ukraine.

Economic Worries

On the rare occasions when American journalists have actually talked with eastern Ukrainians, this fear of the economic consequences has been a core concern, along with worries about the harsh austerity plan that the International Monetary Fund prescribed as a prerequisite for access to Western loans.

For instance, in April 2014, Washington Post correspondent Anthony Faiola reported from Donetsk that many of the eastern Ukrainians whom he interviewed said their resistance to the new Kiev regime was driven by fear over “economic hardship” and the IMF austerity plan that will make their lives even harder.

“At a most dangerous and delicate time, just as it battles Moscow for hearts and minds across the east, the pro-Western government is set to initiate a shock therapy of economic measures to meet the demands of an emergency bailout from the International Monetary Fund,” Faiola reported.


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d2d564 No.22513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461313 (071450ZMAR23) Notable: 2015 Wretched US Journalism on Ukraine/some things don't change

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In other words, Faiola encountered reasonable concerns among eastern Ukrainians about what was happening in Kiev. Many eastern Ukrainians felt disenfranchised by the overthrow of their elected leader and they worried about their future in a U.S.-dominated Ukraine. You can disagree with their point of view but it is an understandable perspective.

When some eastern Ukrainians mounted protests and occupied buildings similar to what the western Ukrainians had done in Kiev before the coup theseprotesters were denounced by the coup regime as “terrorists” and became the target of a punitive military campaign involving some of the same neo-Nazi militias that spearheaded the Feb. 22 coup against Yanukovych.

Nearly all the 5,000 or more people who have died in the civil war have been killed in eastern Ukraine with ethnic Russian civilians bearing the brunt of those fatalities, many killed by artillery barrages from the Ukrainian army firing into populated centers and using cluster-bomb munitions.

Even Human Rights Watch, which is largely financed by pro-coup billionaire George Soros, reported that “Ukrainian government forces used cluster munitions in populated areas in Donetsk city” despite the fact that “the use of cluster munitions in populated areas violates the laws of war due to the indiscriminate nature of the weapon and may amount to war crimes.”

Neo-Nazi and other “volunteer” brigades, dispatch by the Kiev regime, have also engaged in human rights violations, including death squad operations pulling people from their homes and executing them. Amnesty International, another human rights group that Soros helps fund and that has generally promoted Western interests in Eastern Europe, issued a report noting abuses committed by the pro-Kiev Aidar militia.

“Members of the Aidar territorial defence battalion, operating in the north Luhansk region, have been involved in widespread abuses, including abductions, unlawful detention, ill-treatment, theft, extortion, and possible executions,” the Amnesty International report said.

The Aidar battalion commander told an Amnesty International researcher: “There is a war here. The law has changed, procedures have been simplified. If I choose to, I can have you arrested right now, put a bag over your head and lock you up in a cellar for 30 days on suspicion of aiding separatists.”

Amnesty International wrote: “Some of the abuses committed by members of the Aidar battalion amount to war crimes, for which both the perpetrators and, possibly, the commanders would bear responsibility under national and international law.”

Neo-Nazi Battalions

And the Aidar battalion is not even the worst of the so-called “volunteer” brigades. Others carry Nazi banners and espouse racist contempt for the ethnic Russians who have become the target of something close to “ethnic cleansing” in the areas under control of the Kiev regime. Many eastern Ukrainians fear falling into the hands of these militia members who have been witnessed leading captives to open graves and executing them.

As the conservative London Telegraph described in an article last August by correspondent Tom Parfitt: “Kiev’s use of volunteer paramilitaries to stamp out the Russian-backed Donetsk and Luhansk ‘people’s republics’ should send a shiver down Europe’s spine.

“Recently formed battalions such as Donbas, Dnipro and Azov, with several thousand men under their command, are officially under the control of the interior ministry but their financing is murky, their training inadequate and their ideology often alarming. The Azov men use the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel (Wolf’s Hook) symbol on their banner and members of the battalion are openly white supremacists, or anti-Semites.”


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d2d564 No.22514

File: ff67b97a4b3e0ca⋯.png (42.55 KB,585x309,195:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461325 (071452ZMAR23) Notable: "Picture has now been indelibly painted."

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This was already in the notables. But anon thinks what is actually notable from the post should be highlighted in the notables. Maybe anons missed it, but still. Anyone can see his truths, better to highlight what's notable imo, not just every every Truth he puts out.

"Picture has now been indelibly painted."


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d2d564 No.22515

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461327 (071453ZMAR23) Notable: 2015 Wretched US Journalism on Ukraine/some things don't change

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Based on interviews with militia members, the Telegraph reported that some of the fighters doubted the Holocaust, expressed admiration for Adolf Hitler and acknowledged that they are indeed Nazis.

Andriy Biletsky, the Azov commander, “is also head of an extremist Ukrainian group called the Social National Assembly,” according to the Telegraph article which quoted a commentary by Biletsky as declaring: “The historic mission of our nation in this critical moment is to lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade for their survival. A crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen.”

The Telegraph questioned Ukrainian authorities in Kiev who acknowledged that they were aware of the extremist ideologies of some militias but insisted that the higher priority was having troops who were strongly motivated to fight. [See Consortiumnews.com’s “Ignoring Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Storm Troopers.”]

So, the current wave of U.S. propaganda condemning a rebel offensive for violating a shaky cease-fire might look different if seen through the eyes of a population under siege, being cut off from banking services,left to starve and facing “death squad” purges by out-of-control neo-Nazis.

Through those eyes, it would make sense to reclaim territory currently occupied by the Kiev forces, to protect fellow ethnic Russians from depredations, and to establish borders for what you might hope to make into a sustainable autonomous zone.

And, if you put yourself in the Russian position, you might feel empathy for people who were your fellow citizens less than a quarter century ago and who saw their elected leader ousted in a U.S.-backed coup. You also might be alarmed at the presence of Nazi storm troopers (considering the history of Hitler’s invasion) and the prospects of NATO moving up to your border with a possible deployment of nuclear weapons. You might even recall how agitated Americans got over nuclear missiles in Cuba.

Granted, some of these Russian fears may be overwrought, but the Kremlin has to worry about threats to Russia’s national security just like any other country does. If you were in Putin’s shoes, what would you do? Would you turn your back on the plight of the eastern Ukrainians? Would you let a hostile military alliance push up against your borders with a potential nuclear threat, especially given the extra-legal means used to remove Ukraine’s constitutionally elected president?

Even if the U.S. press corps fulfilled its obligation to tell both sides of the story, many Americans would still condemn Putin’s acceptance of Crimea’s pleas for reentry into Russia and his assistance to the embattled eastern Ukrainians. They would accept the U.S. government’s relentless presentation of the Ukraine crisis as “Russian aggression.”

And, they might still buy the story that we’re endlessly sold about the Ukraine crisis being a premeditated move by Putin in a Hitlerian strategy to conquer the Baltic States. Even though there’s zero evidence that Putin ever had that in mind, some Americans might still choose to believe it.

But my point is that American journalists should not be U.S. government propagandists. Their job is not to herd the American people into some “group think” corral. A good journalist would want to present the positions of both sides with some evenhandedness.

Yet, that is not what we have witnessed from the U.S. news media on the Ukraine crisis. It has been nearly all propaganda nearly all of the time. That is not only a disservice to the American people and to the democratic precept about an informed electorate. It is a reckless violation of professional principles that has helped lurch the world toward a potential nuclear conflagration.

(Zelensky and the Nazi government doesnt want Donetsk and Luhansk to protect the people, they know these people know the whole truth. Kiev hasalways planned a mass extinction event of the Ethnic Russiansthere. Think about it, Kiev intentionally kills innocent citizens! They are shipping toxic chemicals, nuclear waste and who knows what else. The world needs to wake up and stop funding Ukraine.)


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d2d564 No.22516

File: 3d079b45abecd95⋯.jpg (304.28 KB,912x854,456:427,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461332 (071455ZMAR23) Notable: Peaceful gathering for the keks

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Tucker Carlson, with video provided by Speaker McCarthy, falsely depicts Jan. 6 riot as a peaceful gathering


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d2d564 No.22517

File: c9015ade29386fb⋯.jpg (74.88 KB,549x361,549:361,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461336 (071455ZMAR23) Notable: Peaceful gathering for the keks

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d2d564 No.22518

File: 7a55102f0d4cae7⋯.png (1.22 MB,900x600,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461355 (071501ZMAR23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Deep Field: The Large Magellanic Cloud

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Mar 7 2023

Deep Field: The Large Magellanic Cloud

Is this a spiral galaxy? No. Actually, it is the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), the largest satellite galaxy of our own Milky Way Galaxy. The LMC is classified as a dwarf irregular galaxy because of its normally chaotic appearance. In this deep and wide exposure, however, the full extent of the LMC becomes visible. Surprisingly, during longer exposures, the LMC begins to resemble a barred spiral galaxy. The Large Magellanic Cloud lies only about 180,000 light-years distant towards the constellation of the Dolphinfish (Dorado). Spanning about 15,000 light-years, the LMC was the site of SN1987A, the brightest and closest supernova in modern times. Together with the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), the LMC can be seen in Earth's southern hemisphere with the unaided eye.


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d2d564 No.22519

File: e91dd2393758b22⋯.mp4 (10.72 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461363 (071502ZMAR23) Notable: vinyl chloride broken down by sunlight

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Dioxins are produced when you burn chloride and it’s the main ingredient in Agent Orange. Remember that the gov/city BURNED it.

Vinyl chloride and all toxic chemicals should be illegal to transport or produced!!

Now the positive point: she said it gets BROKEN DOWN BY SUNLIGHT.

They are taking down her videos and interviews online. They are trying to silence her.

Credit: _uncontrolled_chaos_


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d2d564 No.22520

File: 1afefc88a40a951⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461371 (071504ZMAR23) Notable: Moar food up in smoke

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Happening now!

🇺🇸 is being attacked from within. Another sabotage in the deliberate derailment of the food plants and food industry.

The facility is a food storage that stores mainly fresh fruits and veggies.

Mass media and government in full silence as the satanic secret Iodges strike again. 👁🔺️😈

Credit: nolimit_2100


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d2d564 No.22521

File: 832c3b93f399278⋯.png (34.48 KB,578x179,578:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461404 (071513ZMAR23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Tucker Carlson a MUST WATCH tonight. Releasing more VIDEO which was “HIDDEN BY THE CROOKED J 6 UNSELECT COMMITTEE.”

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Donald J. Trump


Tucker Carlson a MUST WATCH tonight. Releasing more VIDEO which was “HIDDEN BY THE CROOKED J 6 UNSELECT COMMITTEE.” They should be prosecuted for their lies and, quite frankly, TREASON!

Mar 07, 2023, 6:21 AM


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d2d564 No.22522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461419 (071515ZMAR23) Notable: LIVE: Fed Chair Jerome Powell delivers semiannual monetary report to Congress/"THE DEBT CEILING MUST BE RAISED BY CONGRESS."

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LIVE: Fed Chair Jerome Powell delivers semiannual monetary report to Congress


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d2d564 No.22523

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461439 (071521ZMAR23) Notable: Our country can’t last much longer, I’ve got to be President again soon./discussion

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PN>>22477, >>22479, >>22480, >>22494 Insurrection Act Discussion

Anons remember all kinds of soldiers said they were called up from all over the country (tweets etc) in mid 2020, they said it was big and top secret. I think some went to a state near DC.

If the Insurrection Act was issued by PDJT then,doesn’t that mean its never ended.

Remember this video below the other day. And PDJT re-truthed it.

Is that why PDJT has repeatedly said: Our country can’t last much longer, I’ve got to be President againsoon.

I wondered why he says soon and then says two more years to 2024, thats not soon. Look at his truths and see how many times he says soon.

BTW the original date of Congress declaring the President was not Jan 20, but historically March 5!


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d2d564 No.22524

File: 7dd77389c2b92a5⋯.mp4 (12.14 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461446 (071523ZMAR23) Notable: Canuck: Welcome to the 15-minute city. If you have exceeded your limit of meat, dairy and eggs, the digital entrance gates won't open for you

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Welcome to the 15-minute city. If you have exceeded your limit of meat, dairy and eggs, the digital entrance gates won't open for you.


London, Canada.

Soon to be in all the stores.

And no the cameras are not to check inventory. They are to capture your face for facial recognition and identifying you. So you will be kept in check at all times with the New World Order totalitarian tyrannical 666 Beast System.


PS: The cameras are (so far) only in the meat and dairy sections. And those are the items are what the NWO is trying to first limit, then eventually cut us off from it completely.

Only toxic chitin filled bugs, fake toxic "meats" & fake toxic "eggs" will be allowed.

The person that has posted this was mocked by NPC's (those who are fully asleep, yet think they're awake & that us Truthers are the fools). They even had characters claiming to be employees from the store claiming it's for inventory checking. Ultimate NPC's defending their satanic masters. Sad.


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d2d564 No.22525

File: 275b010f095c8d3⋯.png (37.68 KB,748x328,187:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 43d06dfc32a5fd1⋯.png (498.31 KB,598x682,299:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a304d273fd4754⋯.png (254.71 KB,598x449,598:449,Clipboard.png)

File: fae6a0c16c22631⋯.png (240.85 KB,598x416,23:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 55ea218fc691bc2⋯.mp4 (10.94 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461449 (071523ZMAR23) Notable: #J6footage trending

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d2d564 No.22526

File: 6348575cfd0d89e⋯.png (34.07 KB,655x410,131:82,Clipboard.png)

File: af66cdd751f1051⋯.png (253.77 KB,598x476,299:238,Clipboard.png)

File: 81977a67fe228ec⋯.mp4 (2.73 MB,638x360,319:180,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 3b4840d82f4cf10⋯.png (471.78 KB,598x716,299:358,Clipboard.png)

File: 01d015a18e617f6⋯.mp4 (2.68 MB,320x362,160:181,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461460 (071527ZMAR23) Notable: #J6footage trending

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d2d564 No.22527

File: 3be7390480f4e36⋯.png (73.05 KB,397x1115,397:1115,Clipboard.png)

File: 85239ed2d43cf50⋯.png (8.81 KB,397x122,397:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461464 (071528ZMAR23) Notable: "Picture has now been indelibly painted."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Well done. Picture being painted.

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d2d564 No.22528

File: 67a09807d98a5e4⋯.jpeg (853.8 KB,1170x1303,1170:1303,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461468 (071529ZMAR23) Notable: 2 of the 4 kidnapped Americans in Mexico have been found dead

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: 2 of the 4 kidnapped Americans in Mexico have been found dead


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d2d564 No.22529

File: 1c9654f410646c1⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 6933947b740e99f⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 8905321a8d5d78b⋯.mp4 (443.15 KB,492x270,82:45,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e2a7d653c18057f⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461469 (071529ZMAR23) Notable: #J6footage trending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




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d2d564 No.22530

File: 664a70481126752⋯.jpeg (389.98 KB,1242x1477,1242:1477,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461478 (071531ZMAR23) Notable: Our country can’t last much longer, I’ve got to be President again soon./discussion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


That soldier announced in Feb 2023, does anyone know the exact date.

Have plane fags looked for military personnel jets in February moving personnel to bases in DC or neighboring states?

There are ten military bases in Washington DC, the nation’s capitol. Each of the military branches have at least one DC base. Click on a military base’s name below to learn more about it.

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d2d564 No.22531

File: a301a78e7a3975e⋯.png (428.78 KB,1049x558,1049:558,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c940e3f1713933⋯.png (366.1 KB,722x406,361:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461484 (071532ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag Yerp Activity: Fairly quiet for now

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFag Yerp Activity: Fairly quiet for now

IAM1495 (usually PERSEOXX) G550 AEW&C done on the Polish/Ukraine/Belarus border and heading back to Constanta, Romania with RAF RRR7207 RC-Rivet Joint and gonna get a tank of fuel from RAF KAYAK A330 MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport) soon over eastern Romania western Black Sea

German AF GAF647 GLT5 SW from Berlin

Last Night and early morning local time had these

AE684C US Navy P-8 Poseidon was in the Baltic Sea

Italian AF IAM9003 A319 from Rome went to Tel Aviv for about 90m then back to Rome


and guess who's coming to dinner at the Vatican on Thursday……Nutty Asshoe/wife

But will be on an El Al flight

After apparent boycott, El Al says pilots found to staff Netanyahu’s flight to Rome

>The Netanyahus are scheduled to fly on Thursday to Rome, where the prime minister will meet with his Italian counterpart Giorgia Meloni and return on Saturday night.


They are having a bit of a constitutional crisis ober there-Supreme Court vs Knesset

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d2d564 No.22532

File: 4588a2d0a9b436a⋯.png (660.12 KB,1194x906,199:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461491 (071534ZMAR23) Notable: PF VADER21 West Bound out of Hill AFB

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


West Bound out of Hill AFB

Climbing through FL170

Squawking 6001

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d2d564 No.22533

File: e355a318b8d98a7⋯.png (26.1 KB,712x266,356:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ac5f3306b73379⋯.png (317.45 KB,598x457,598:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 1772c0cccfa4af7⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ccd06269cce42e1⋯.png (287.84 KB,598x517,598:517,Clipboard.png)

File: e8907d44fec2c71⋯.mp4 (944.81 KB,640x336,40:21,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461494 (071535ZMAR23) Notable: #J6footage trending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

J6 Trend: PELOSI





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d2d564 No.22534

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461521 (071540ZMAR23) Notable: Our country can’t last much longer, I’ve got to be President again soon./discussion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sorry I meant the historical date of the inauguration of president was March 5, not Jan 20

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d2d564 No.22535

File: b3cf762c40d7628⋯.png (243.75 KB,598x499,598:499,Clipboard.png)

File: 2346dabd207d782⋯.mp4 (1.11 MB,848x368,53:23,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 54b4bd4fa609447⋯.png (318.76 KB,602x440,301:220,Clipboard.png)

File: 1772c0cccfa4af7⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 276ec79e3977603⋯.png (241.49 KB,598x434,299:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461523 (071540ZMAR23) Notable: #J6footage trending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

J6 Trend: PELOSI






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d2d564 No.22536

File: 4f7dbc25d63e0d4⋯.jpg (451.79 KB,1237x1467,1237:1467,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461536 (071543ZMAR23) Notable: Our country can’t last much longer, I’ve got to be President again soon./discussion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Anons remember all kinds of soldiers said they were called up from all over the country (tweets etc) in mid 2020, they said it was big and top secret. I think some went to a state near DC.

wonder if there was enough to stage an "insurrection"

There was also a massive Naval deployment right after the inauguration. Trying to find the screencaps

>>>/qresearch/18461147 lb

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d2d564 No.22537

File: 0f9ea4d4087bf1a⋯.png (735.73 KB,1352x822,676:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461541 (071544ZMAR23) Notable: Our country can’t last much longer, I’ve got to be President again soon./discussion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Feb. 11

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d2d564 No.22538

File: 530aa057eb5fbdf⋯.png (32.1 KB,630x312,105:52,Clipboard.png)

File: 2928c811e398240⋯.png (29.6 KB,598x178,299:89,Clipboard.png)

File: f642ef4a187f93b⋯.png (273.05 KB,598x524,299:262,Clipboard.png)

File: c4d695e187acb6a⋯.png (25.62 KB,598x158,299:79,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e88933a11ba785⋯.png (263.32 KB,598x456,299:228,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461552 (071547ZMAR23) Notable: #J6footage trending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"J6 Committee"


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d2d564 No.22539

File: 7a91a1f90fdbb4a⋯.png (515.41 KB,1052x493,1052:493,Clipboard.png)

File: ced008fc979a350⋯.png (144.92 KB,698x386,349:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461563 (071549ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity-and quiet ftmp here as well plus Potato doing nuffin as usual-he already done for the day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFag CONUS Activity-and quiet ftmp here as well plus Potato doing nuffin as usual-he already done for the day

Read some pieces of paper at 10:00am EST and done for day about 20 minutes ago 10:30am EST In-town Pool call time


SAM120 G5 SW from JBA with SAM373 east from Peterson AFB and arrived yesterday

ANVIS US Army Twin Otter DHC-6 and this is a test bed AC for night sensors and electronics-cap #2

FORGE63 G5 SW from JBA with PAT520 Super King Air west from Montgomery Regional Airport

VELA40 E-6B Mercury NW from Offut AFB

Vela is a constellation in the southern sky, which contains the Vela Supercluster.

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d2d564 No.22540

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461580 (071554ZMAR23) Notable: #J6footage trending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Time to Flood the Public Square

#January6th https://twitter.com/search?q=%23January6th

#J6footage https://twitter.com/search?q=%23J6footage

"J6 Committee" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22J6%20Committee%22

Pelosi https://twitter.com/search?q=Pelosi

Liars https://twitter.com/search?q=Liars

LIED https://twitter.com/search?q=LIED

#fakenews https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523fakenews

>>22525, >>22529, >>>/qresearch/18461509 #J6footage

>>22526 #January6th

>>22533 PELOSI



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d2d564 No.22541

File: e117b03d38d36ba⋯.jpg (57.02 KB,500x387,500:387,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a6ca888fbfdf903⋯.jpg (16.67 KB,202x255,202:255,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 70578f41c12208a⋯.png (343.52 KB,397x471,397:471,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f0f015d4420867⋯.jpg (49.23 KB,680x528,85:66,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5c04c6ed82e2daf⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB,404x718,202:359,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461598 (071558ZMAR23) Notable: #J6footage trending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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d2d564 No.22542

File: 7b6221ed2a78826⋯.png (8.36 KB,467x104,467:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461606 (071559ZMAR23) Notable: LIVE: Fed Chair Jerome Powell delivers semiannual monetary report to Congress/"THE DEBT CEILING MUST BE RAISED BY CONGRESS."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



I'd rather we didn't.

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d2d564 No.22543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461618 (071601ZMAR23) Notable: Advancing National Security Foreign Policy Through Sanctions, Export Controls, Other Economic Tools

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Advancing National Security Foreign Policy Through Sanctions, Export Controls, Other Economic Tools

THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN AFFAIRS will meet in OPEN SESSION, HYBRID FORMAT to conduct a hearing on “The Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress.” The witness will be The Honorable Jerome H. Powell, Chair, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.


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d2d564 No.22544

File: 1426bd2c910d289⋯.png (559.6 KB,748x792,17:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461629 (071605ZMAR23) Notable: #J6footage trending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


January 6 committee “producer” bragging about taking footage of Josh Hawley out of context & lying to the American people for the Democrat political agenda. These people are sick.

(emphasis, anon)

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d2d564 No.22545

File: 76c017caa969a93⋯.mp4 (8.6 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461648 (071610ZMAR23) Notable: #J6footage trending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This one?

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d2d564 No.22546

File: 22fb1dd6a44c2aa⋯.mp4 (5.79 MB,720x1212,60:101,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461691 (071620ZMAR23) Notable: #J6footage trending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

another important video of protesters yelling at the cops as they do nothing.

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d2d564 No.22547

File: 4d5af8166feb6bc⋯.jpeg (137.18 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461692 (071620ZMAR23) Notable: Support for aid to Ukraine declines across West, both in the US and Europe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7 Mar, 2023 15:28

Support for aid to Ukraine declines across West – media

Public support for further assistance to Kiev has fallen across the board, both in the US and Europe, the Economist has reported

A year into the Russia-Ukraine conflict, public support for military and financial assistance to Kiev is in decline in the West, a joint survey by the Economist magazine and the YouGov pollster has shown.

Even the most ardent backers of Ukraine are now less enthusiastic about supporting the country, the Economist said in a report revealing the poll results on Monday.

Among US Democrats, support for financial aid to Kiev fell from 82% to 75% between April 2022 and February 2023, the poll revealed. Republican support for similar measures almost halved over the same period, from 67% to 39%, it added.

Sending battle tanks to Kiev still appeared to be a popular option, as their delivery to Ukraine was supported by 70% of Democrats and just under 50% of Republicans between late January and mid-February 2023. A poll conducted by the Associated Press in mid-February showed, however,that less than a half of Americans support military aid to Kiev.

Public backing for further restrictions against Moscow that could increase the cost of living in Europe has seen a sharp decline in major European nations over the past year, according to the poll.

In February 2022, 45% of Britons said they would favour such sanctions, but in December 2022 the level of support for the measures dropped to 35% in the UK. In Germany, it fell from almost 40% to less than 30% over the same period, while Spain, Italy and France followed a similar trend.

Another poll published by YouGov two weeks ago, on February 24, showed that people in some European nations, including France and Italy, tend to favor a negotiated solution to the conflict between Moscow and Kiev, over supporting Ukraine for “as long as it takes.”

In Italy, 47% of respondents said they would like to see a negotiated end of the fighting, even if it means Kiev having to cede control over some territories it considers its own to Russia. In France, 38% of people supported this option. Only 29% of Italians and 37% of the French believed Kiev should be supported further, even if it means the conflict will last longer.

Major European nations also saw a decline in support for almost all types of aid to Kiev over the second half of 2022. Most Europeans also believed that conflict had reached a stalemate, with Spanish citizens believing Russia was gaining the upper hand in it. The idea that Kiev is winning the conflict was shared by only a small minority in the European nations covered by the poll.

(Yes, Yes, Yes, and kick Zelensky midget out)


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d2d564 No.22548

File: 7729ba02d0d94d2⋯.jpg (49.66 KB,554x805,554:805,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461733 (071629ZMAR23) Notable: Support for aid to Ukraine declines across West, both in the US and Europe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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d2d564 No.22549

File: d761a02755bf464⋯.png (373.12 KB,743x767,743:767,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c5a627e5a93fb2⋯.mp4 (3.62 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461734 (071629ZMAR23) Notable: Senator Schumer Went Down To The Senate Floor This Morning To….. PATHETIC HE IS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

They're Freaking Out Big Time

Senator Schumer Went Down To The Senate Floor This Morning To

-Condemn Tucker Carlson's January 6th Tapes Segment Last Night

-Call For Fox News And Rupert Murdoch To Stop Tucker Carlson From Releasing Another Report On The January 6th Tapes Tonight

-Repeat The Lie About The Death Of Officer Brian Sicknick


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d2d564 No.22550

File: 32dc47ad11f91fa⋯.png (12.09 KB,471x131,471:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461737 (071629ZMAR23) Notable: Senator Schumer Went Down To The Senate Floor This Morning To….. PATHETIC HE IS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I will talk about Tucker Carlson’s outrageous manipulation of January 6th facts today at 10am on the Senate floor.



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d2d564 No.22551

File: 75c0516e1c9bc6b⋯.jpg (21.41 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1155b30311ff58c⋯.jpg (64.99 KB,805x397,805:397,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 119b9de4de6ebee⋯.jpg (99.22 KB,748x416,187:104,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5b25fc6be4159f7⋯.jpg (129.43 KB,1024x963,1024:963,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461747 (071632ZMAR23) Notable: #J6footage trending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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d2d564 No.22552

File: c5072707740e1b1⋯.png (100.38 KB,1240x480,31:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461766 (071637ZMAR23) Notable: Senator Schumer Went Down To The Senate Floor This Morning To….. PATHETIC HE IS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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d2d564 No.22553

File: 6af25ed496d7ec8⋯.jpeg (442.96 KB,1241x2533,73:149,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 69043fe133113c1⋯.png (1011.57 KB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 41b1564c66479bb⋯.png (1.11 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461779 (071640ZMAR23) Notable: #J6footage trending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trending needs to keep J6 in first 10-20

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d2d564 No.22554

File: 34c44282af4176e⋯.png (821.02 KB,1693x1125,1693:1125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461782 (071642ZMAR23) Notable: Jordan and Massie invite ATF to testify on pistol brace

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jordan and Massie invite ATF to testify on pistol brace

House Judiciary GOP


#BREAKING: @Jim_Jordan and @RepThomasMassie invite ATF officials to testify on controversial pistol brace rule.

11:16 AM · Mar 7, 2023


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d2d564 No.22555

File: 17948a4165b4996⋯.jpeg (470.51 KB,912x795,304:265,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6c4dcb5bf164a08⋯.jpeg (471.02 KB,925x780,185:156,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461783 (071642ZMAR23) Notable: Swiss Pres Berset named in SC law suit along with Pfizer and FDA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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d2d564 No.22556

File: 4c0e88d80f93aa3⋯.png (64.26 KB,750x498,125:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 5834bdb9455e9ff⋯.png (187.74 KB,834x468,139:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461794 (071643ZMAR23) Notable: #Moderna = basically a Pentagon/CIA front company with 3 x’s more mRNA in ModeRNA than Pfizer.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Normies catching on

No wonder we’re all being programmed to attack Pfizer and forget about Moderna.


#Moderna = basically a Pentagon/CIA front company with 3 x’s more mRNA in ModeRNA than Pfizer.


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d2d564 No.22557

File: 0505ad75e40fb9a⋯.png (32.98 KB,660x410,66:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d22bca52b0f77f⋯.png (272.73 KB,598x524,299:262,Clipboard.png)

File: c263eb3089b70fc⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

File: af901b2b30a207c⋯.png (259.27 KB,598x435,598:435,Clipboard.png)

File: f15fa6727e2ba65⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,482x270,241:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461799 (071645ZMAR23) Notable: #J6footage trending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Ashli Babbitt"


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d2d564 No.22558

File: 9b1f007c46de8ef⋯.png (408.42 KB,615x705,41:47,Clipboard.png)

File: 1db42b0c5ad8999⋯.png (273.18 KB,598x469,598:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461806 (071647ZMAR23) Notable: Chinese Foreign Ministry Qin Gang: "Why is the United States asking China not to supply weapons to Russia when they themselves are selling to Taiwan?"

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Chinese Foreign Ministry Qin Gang: "Why is the United States asking China not to supply weapons to Russia when they themselves are selling to Taiwan?"



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d2d564 No.22559

File: e05a6845b9c9d5c⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: c99cbe2017d5de8⋯.png (294.45 KB,654x920,327:460,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461807 (071647ZMAR23) Notable: Senator Schumer Went Down To The Senate Floor This Morning To….. PATHETIC HE IS

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Schumer in PANIC that Tucker will [Destroy the Controlled Narrative]

Schumer: Last night, millions of Americans tuned into one of the most shameful hours we’ve seen on cable television. By diving deep into the waters of conspiracy and cherry-picking from thousands of hours of security footage, Mr. Carlson told the bold-faced lie…

2-minute video


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d2d564 No.22560

File: 05a53b389b4240e⋯.png (439.82 KB,1000x563,1000:563,Clipboard.png)

File: 1930c1a44845462⋯.png (138.36 KB,545x640,109:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461809 (071648ZMAR23) Notable: Institute of Space Technology Hacked, Student and Staff’s Personal Data Up for Ransom

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Institute of Space Technology Hacked, Student and Staff’s Personal Data Up for Ransom

Mar 7, 2023

A hacker group called Medusa has reportedly hit a public university in Islamabad, The Institute of Space Technology (IST), with a ransomware attack and, is demanding up to $500,000 for the stolen data.

The attack is the latest in a string of similar incidents that have been occurring across the globe in recent years, with ransomware groups targeting organizations of all sizes and types. Medusa ransomware is known for encrypting the victim’s data and then demanding payment in exchange for the decryption key that will unlock it.

In the case of IST, the samples added by the hackers include passports, payslips, analysis details, and other sensitive information. The hackers are demanding $500,000 in exchange for the decryption key to recover the data. If the university wants an additional day before the data is leaked into the dark web, the hackers are demanding an additional $10,000.

The hackers had originally given IST 9 days to comply, but now there are only 7 days left and it remains to be seen how IST will respond to the situation. We reached out to the university for a comment on the matter, but a relevant spokesperson was not available at the time of writing.

The attack highlights the importance of organizations taking proactive measures to protect their data from such attacks. Ransomware groups are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their tactics, and it is essential for organizations to take steps to safeguard their data, including implementing security protocols, conducting regular backups, and educating staff on cybersecurity best practices.



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d2d564 No.22561

File: 402a82184deb0df⋯.mp4 (15.4 MB,474x258,79:43,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461818 (071649ZMAR23) Notable: "Justice Department Sues to Block JetBlue's Purchase of Spirit Airlines."

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CNN Live


This just popped up. Had to cut it short

"Justice Department Sues to Block JetBlue's Purchase of Spirit Airlines."

AG Garland

there has to be something more to this…

JetBlue is a Schumer/Soros connected airline.

They would have never gotten Terminal 5 at JFK without Schumer.

('Flying High: How JetBlue Founder and CEO David Neeleman Beats the Competition… Even in the World's Most Turbulent Industry')


Their routes are primarily "vacation" routing.

Haiti, Port Au Prince is one of them. tracking.

doesn't the AG have anything else better to do?


Neeleman has autistic tendencies.

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d2d564 No.22562

File: 527bcc030f311bf⋯.png (316.78 KB,598x470,299:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b1bd6bf0704463⋯.png (1.28 MB,1246x838,623:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461823 (071650ZMAR23) Notable: #J6footage trending

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>>22557 "Ashli Babbitt"


This is the gun used to kill Ashli Babbitt on January 6. For no good reason



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d2d564 No.22563

File: add4e0606331ca7⋯.png (32.88 KB,665x410,133:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 0da5bee11f070ba⋯.png (289.42 KB,598x477,598:477,Clipboard.png)

File: ef0d3a5c6ff9797⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461850 (071657ZMAR23) Notable: #J6footage trending

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@DonaldJTrumpJr 14h

I was told the QAnon shaman was leading an insurrection not the one who is being led by police throughout the capital building. No wonder all the footage was kept from us for 2 years. As always they lied to us all!


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d2d564 No.22564

File: a81e6811a3fcd8e⋯.png (305.02 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461855 (071658ZMAR23) Notable: Norfolk Southern train collides with dump truck in Cleveland, Ohio, killing at least 1

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FOX News

View Profile

Norfolk Southern train collides with dump truck in Cleveland, Ohio, killing at least 1: reports

Story by Danielle Wallace • 3h ago

ANorfolk Southern employee died Tuesday morning when a train collided with a dump truck in Cleveland, Ohio, according to reports.

Cleveland police told WKYC that its accident investigation unit responded to 2615 W. 3rd Street "for a crash involving a vehicle striking a train with a fatality."

The collision reportedly occurred while a Norfolk Southern train was passing through a Cleveland-Cliffs Cleveland Works property around 1:19 a.m.

"As a result of the collision, a Norfolk Southern employee lost his life," a spokesperson for Cleveland-Cliffs, a flat-rolled steel producer and supplier of iron ore pellets, told WKYC. "The location is being controlled by Cleveland police and Norfolk Southern."

WOIO also reported Cleveland-Cliffs confirmed the death of the Norfolk Southern employee but did not provide an update on the condition of the dump truck operator.

Fox News Digital reached out to Norfolk Southern and Cleveland-Cliffs for more information.

Norfolk Southern announced plans on Monday to improve the use of detectors placed along railroad tracks to spot overheating bearings and other problems in response to the Feb. 3 fiery derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.

In Pennsylvania, Gov. Josh Shapiro also announced Monday that Norfolk Southern has pledged several million dollars to cover the cost of the response and recovery in Pennsylvania after last month’s derailment.

The company previously announced more than $1 million for Ohio to replace fire equipment used in the response to the fiery wreck, plus $1 million for East Palestine and more than $1.2 million for evacuation costs for nearly 900 families and businesses.

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d2d564 No.22565

File: f73238e884fded6⋯.png (595.95 KB,908x576,227:144,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461856 (071659ZMAR23) Notable: @US_CYBERCOM "Aligning efforts of both USCYBERCOM and NSA is essential to achieving these goal, and is in the best interest of the nation and national security." – Gen. Paul M. Nakasone

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>“Overt Human Intelligence Collection Program”

U.S. Cyber Command


"Aligning efforts of both USCYBERCOM and NSA is essential to achieving these goal, and is in the best interest of the nation and national security." &ndash; Gen. Paul M. Nakasone,

@CYBERCOM_DIRNSA. #SASC #Partners in #NationalSecurity

11:24 AM · Mar 7, 2023


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d2d564 No.22566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461886 (071706ZMAR23) Notable: Senator Schumer Went Down To The Senate Floor This Morning To….. PATHETIC HE IS

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He fucking pathetic, his speech in front of the Senate, I Hawley, Cruz and a few others are pissed. “I’m furious, Tucker lied”, I can’t wait till it comes out pelosi, mcconnel and schumer planned the whole thing

A whistleblower from their staffs have to release the plans.

Where’s Nanshee’s laptop that was stolen that day?It’s time for it to surface

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d2d564 No.22567

File: 2a87052c85fb90f⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 7600d51da9be815⋯.png (664.2 KB,393x749,393:749,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c615ce2766a7a8⋯.jpg (90.03 KB,898x500,449:250,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 54d6ef05fc6b05c⋯.mp4 (6.07 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461895 (071707ZMAR23) Notable: Senator Schumer Went Down To The Senate Floor This Morning To….. PATHETIC HE IS

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d2d564 No.22568

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461919 (071712ZMAR23) Notable: #22637

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#22637 >>22507

>>22508 Britain’s National Grid uses coal-fired emergency units for the first time as the country’s power market failed to provide enough electricity

>>22509 John Fetterman May Resign, Leaving Democrats Scrambling over Future of Senate Seat

>>22510 Meta plans fresh layoffs that will put THOUSANDS of staff out of a job before CEO Mark Zuckerberg goes on paternity leave

>>22511 Grayscale case vs SEC oral arguments hearing LIVE up next…

>>22512, >>22513, >>22515 2015 Wretched US Journalism on Ukraine/some things don't change

>>22514, >>22527 "Picture has now been indelibly painted."

>>22516, >>22517 Peaceful gathering for the keks

>>22518 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Deep Field: The Large Magellanic Cloud

>>22519 vinyl chloride broken down by sunlight

>>22520 Moar food up in smoke

>>22521 @realDonaldTrump Tucker Carlson a MUST WATCH tonight. Releasing more VIDEO which was “HIDDEN BY THE CROOKED J 6 UNSELECT COMMITTEE.”

>>22522, >>22542 LIVE: Fed Chair Jerome Powell delivers semiannual monetary report to Congress/"THE DEBT CEILING MUST BE RAISED BY CONGRESS."

>>22523, >>22530, >>22534, >>22536, >>22537 Our country can’t last much longer, I’ve got to be President again soon./discussion

>>22524 Canuck: Welcome to the 15-minute city. If you have exceeded your limit of meat, dairy and eggs, the digital entrance gates won't open for you

>>22525, >>22526, >>22529, >>22533, >>22535, >>22538, >>22540, >>22541, >>22544, >>22545, >>22546, >>22551, >>22553, >>22557, >>22562, >>22563 #J6footage trending

>>22528 2 of the 4 kidnapped Americans in Mexico have been found dead

>>22531 PlaneFag Yerp Activity: Fairly quiet for now

>>22532 PF VADER21 West Bound out of Hill AFB

>>22539 PlaneFag CONUS Activity-and quiet ftmp here as well plus Potato doing nuffin as usual-he already done for the day

>>22543 Advancing National Security Foreign Policy Through Sanctions, Export Controls, Other Economic Tools

>>22547, >>22548 Support for aid to Ukraine declines across West, both in the US and Europe

>>22549, >>22550, >>22552, >>22559, >>22566, >>22567 Senator Schumer Went Down To The Senate Floor This Morning To….. PATHETIC HE IS

>>22554 Jordan and Massie invite ATF to testify on pistol brace

>>22555 Swiss Pres Berset named in SC law suit along with Pfizer and FDA

>>22556 #Moderna = basically a Pentagon/CIA front company with 3 x’s more mRNA in ModeRNA than Pfizer.

>>22558 Chinese Foreign Ministry Qin Gang: "Why is the United States asking China not to supply weapons to Russia when they themselves are selling to Taiwan?"

>>22560 Institute of Space Technology Hacked, Student and Staff’s Personal Data Up for Ransom

>>22561 "Justice Department Sues to Block JetBlue's Purchase of Spirit Airlines."

>>22564 Norfolk Southern train collides with dump truck in Cleveland, Ohio, killing at least 1

>>22565 @US_CYBERCOM "Aligning efforts of both USCYBERCOM and NSA is essential to achieving these goal, and is in the best interest of the nation and national security." – Gen. Paul M. Nakasone


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d2d564 No.22569

File: 0c1eb41ede84bcd⋯.jpg (70.57 KB,581x521,581:521,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461960 (071721ZMAR23) Notable: Schumer: January 6th footage released by Speaker McCarthy to Fox News: "What a low point for Speaker McCarthy, what a low point for Fox News."

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on January 6th footage released by Speaker McCarthy to Fox News: "What a low point for Speaker McCarthy, what a low point for Fox News."


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d2d564 No.22570

File: 3838e45b598ae93⋯.png (668.07 KB,890x500,89:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461967 (071723ZMAR23) Notable: Schumer: January 6th footage released by Speaker McCarthy to Fox News: "What a low point for Speaker McCarthy, what a low point for Fox News."

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d2d564 No.22571

File: 88600b2a5f6f810⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 22fb1dd6a44c2aa⋯.mp4 (5.79 MB,720x1212,60:101,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ef0d3a5c6ff9797⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461970 (071724ZMAR23) Notable: January 6th Videos/MSM

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>>>/qresearch/18461931 TYB

Time to hold the lying #Jan6 committee accountable for TREASON!

January 6th Videos

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d2d564 No.22572

File: d241eae79884c18⋯.jpg (45.69 KB,464x305,464:305,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461975 (071725ZMAR23) Notable: Schumer: January 6th footage released by Speaker McCarthy to Fox News: "What a low point for Speaker McCarthy, what a low point for Fox News."

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d2d564 No.22573

File: 76c017caa969a93⋯.mp4 (8.6 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: c5c42013837b16c⋯.mp4 (542.4 KB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 0c56ab0a2e1a36f⋯.mp4 (2.96 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: f15fa6727e2ba65⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,482x270,241:135,Clipboard.mp4)

File: c263eb3089b70fc⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461977 (071726ZMAR23) Notable: January 6th Videos/MSM

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January 6th Videos

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d2d564 No.22574

File: d5bfc86c1174df2⋯.mp4 (5.34 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 1772c0cccfa4af7⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 2346dabd207d782⋯.mp4 (1.11 MB,848x368,53:23,Clipboard.mp4)

File: dcf4be181329610⋯.mp4 (3.28 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e8907d44fec2c71⋯.mp4 (944.81 KB,640x336,40:21,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461981 (071727ZMAR23) Notable: January 6th Videos/MSM

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January 6th Videos

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d2d564 No.22575

File: 38a2b8b9fcfed76⋯.png (620.65 KB,634x573,634:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461983 (071727ZMAR23) Notable: Recently released bodycam video from DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers provides more angles to the Jan. 6 beating of protester Victoria White

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Recently released bodycam video from DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers provides more angles to the Jan. 6 beating of protester Victoria White in the Lower West Terrace tunnel at the U.S. Capitol in Washington.

The newest bodycam footage, from Officer Jeffrey Leslie, was captured directly behind MPD Cmdr. Jason Bagshaw, who landed most of the baton strikes and punches to White’s head and face during a four-minute span on Jan. 6, 2021.

In the Leslie footage, three officers land strikes, jabs, and stabs at White in the tunnel, starting just before 4:10 p.m.

An ear-piercing siren blared throughout White’s time in the tunnel, making it difficult to hear what was being said.

Bagshaw used his steel baton like a lance and a spear for some of the strikes on White, thrusting it through gaps between other officers and along the tunnel wall as White spun around trying to shield herself.

Officer Leslie slid his baton along the tunnel wall behind the legs of an MPD officer standing on a ledge. It’s not clear if those strikes made contact with White.

At 4:08 p.m., Bagshaw jabbed overhand like a spear, then switched to forehand and delivered at least six blows. On the video, the bright red of White’s sweater was visible occasionally through the arms and bodies of the officers who surrounded her.

The bodycam of the officer standing on the ledge showed Bagshaw’s closed fist as he repeatedly punched White with his left hand. She was visible only briefly, but previously released overhead security camera footage captured the punches to White’s head and face.

‘You’re Going to Kill Her’

Another bodycam, from an officer farther ahead in the tunnel, shows a man in the corner who begged police not to strike White, just as Bagshaw began punching her.

At 4:09 p.m., the man said: “No, no, no, please! Please don’t beat her,” according to the video. Two minutes later, as police shouted at him to “move it, keep walking!” the man replied, “No! You’re going to kill her!”

White stood with her back to the tunnel wall with her arms crossed above her in an effort to protect her head from the batons.

At 4:09 p.m., an officer to Bagshaw’s left made an overhead spearing motion with at least nine thrusts at White, the video shows.

When White’s back was again pressed against the tunnel wall, Bagshaw used his right hand and stabbed his baton at her six times, the video shows.

White said she was horrified by the bodycam images.


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d2d564 No.22576

File: 1772c0cccfa4af7⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e2a7d653c18057f⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 8905321a8d5d78b⋯.mp4 (443.15 KB,492x270,82:45,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 6933947b740e99f⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 1c9654f410646c1⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461984 (071728ZMAR23) Notable: January 6th Videos/MSM

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January 6th Videos

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d2d564 No.22577

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18461987 (071728ZMAR23) Notable: Recently released bodycam video from DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers provides more angles to the Jan. 6 beating of protester Victoria White

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part 2

“God allowed me to blackout for a reason,” White told The Epoch Times. “I honestly thought one or two officers beating me from the other publicly released footage was horrific, but it looks like four or more had beat me.

“To make matters worse is that all this footage I’m seeing for the very first time wasn’t shown to me by any attorney,” White said. “The last two bodycams were exculpatory, as I’m sure this is.”

White Faces Charges

In a superseding indictment filed in January 2022, White was charged with civil disorder and aiding and abetting, entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, and disorderly conduct in a Capitol building. She pleaded not guilty to all of the charges.

White had been scheduled to enter into a plea agreement with prosecutors at a February hearing, but decided days earlier to reject a plea and proceed to a May 8 trial date. At a March 3 hearing before U.S. District Judge John Bates, White said she planned to obtain new legal counsel.

On Feb. 10, prosecutors asked Judge Bates to jail White because she had been on Capitol Hill meeting with GOP lawmakers as part of a group that included Micki Witthoeft—the mother of Ashli Babbitt, who was killed by U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd. They said White’s presence in Washington violated her terms of pretrial release. The judge did not jail her but said any meetings with federal lawmakers would have to be pre-approved.

In the original statement of facts filed by the FBI in White’s case, the government included video screenshots of White’s hands and asserted she was trying to grab a police shield, grab at the officer on the ledge, and use her hand “to block the baton.” The document says police were trying to “fend her off.”

The document does not mention the 39 blows to White’s head, face, and body delivered by Bagshaw and other officers. Nor does it detail how the officer on the ledge repeatedly sprayed oleoresin capsicum onto her face as she flopped back and forth between officers—something revealed on security-camera video.

Federal prosecutors in another Jan. 6 criminal case identified Bagshaw as the MPD supervisor who repeatedly struck White.

Metropolitan Police Department has declined to comment on White’s case. The department deemed all of its uses of force on Jan. 6 to be justified.


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