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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,959aa48db85568aa251d0625eb….jpg)

8d1963 No.17312 [Last50 Posts]


Re-Posts of notables

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b93c0a No.20325

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416433 (270029ZFEB23) Notable: Human 6G Antennas?

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Transhumanism is front and center.

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b93c0a No.20326

File: 10f914067b7a999⋯.png (206.83 KB,850x583,850:583,Clipboard.png)

File: 9639e977b637612⋯.png (482.47 KB,1157x903,1157:903,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416445 (270032ZFEB23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Biden should have gone to Ohio! 'OFF THE CHARTS' Over 178 Million Watched Trump's Visit To Ohio

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Donald J. Trump



Biden should have gone to Ohio!

Feb 26, 2023, 7:22 PM


‘Off The Charts’: Over 178 Million Watched Trump’s Heart-Touching Visit To East Palestine, Ohio

Over 178 million people reportedly watched 45th President and leading 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump’s visit to East Palestine, Ohio, to help and meet with community members after a train derailment led to a significant release of toxic chemicals in the area.

On Thursday afternoon, Trump posted the impressive “Viewership Report” on his social media platform, Truth Social. The report reveals that Trump’s trip was seen by a whopping 144,037,338 people on social media and 34,015,076 people through traditional coverage.

The total number of people who saw Trump’s trip adds up to 178,052,414 people.

The report “searched for the term ‘East Palestine’ + ‘Trump.'”

“The word is still getting out there in a big way,” the report notes.

“Specifically, when the announcement was made last week, there was a bump of coverage reaching about 2 million on social channels and 10 million on other channels.”

Trump’s “numbers were off the charts with incredible reach, 144 million on social and 34 million in other channels,” the report adds.

Trump won people’s hearts across the country after news broke on Wednesday of his donating thousands of gallons of cleaning supplies and thirteen pallets of water during his trip to the people of East Palestine.

Trump delivered a message of hope to the people of East Palestine, as well, telling them they “are not forgotten.”

When Trump visited and helped Ohio, Biden, and his entire administration had yet to visit Ohio to help even once.

Biden instead, of course, attacked Russian President Vladimir Putin from a speech in Poland to support Ukraine rather than supporting the American people.

Biden’s administration initially turned down a request for federal disaster assistance. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) told Ohio’s governor they’re not eligible for disaster assistance.

Once Trump announced his trip to Ohio last Friday, FEMA reversed its decision to reject a federal disaster request from Gov. Mike DeWine (R-OH).

“Biden and FEMA said they would not be sending federal aid to East Palestine. As soon as I announced that I’m going, he announced a team will go. Hopefully, he will also be there. This is good news because we got them to ‘move,'” Trump wrote in a statement and a post on Truth Social.

The 50-car train derailment occurred on Feb. 3 on a Norfolk Southern Railroad carrying vinyl chloride.


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b93c0a No.20327

File: 04d66565ca7eee4⋯.png (68.38 KB,259x194,259:194,Clipboard.png)

File: 34b1fa10a8621d1⋯.jpg (96.42 KB,603x580,603:580,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fa2d393d32e3c0f⋯.jpg (61.14 KB,640x362,320:181,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416448 (270032ZFEB23) Notable: Numbersfag

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From Hillary's reset button scam to calling for Putin hit is 172 lunar months

"Hillary Clinton" = 172 (Ordinal)

From and including: Friday, March 6, 2009

To, but not including Saturday, February 25, 2023

Result: 5104 days

5104 / 29.531 = 172.83

"Hillary Clinton" = 172 (Ordinal)

"Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton" = 83 (Chaldean)

On 6 March 2009 in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with a red button with the English word "reset" and the Roman alphabet transliteration of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet word перегрузка ("peregruzka".) It was intended that this would be the Russian word for "reset" but actually was the word for "overload".

"Russia Reset" = 46 (Full Reduction)

"sacrifice" = 46 (Full Reduction)

"Reset" = 402 (English Sumerian)

"war" = 42 (Ordinal)

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b93c0a No.20328

File: bb8d623ce76c59c⋯.png (362 KB,1079x2060,1079:2060,Clipboard.png)

File: aea823b671810e5⋯.png (367.27 KB,1079x2060,1079:2060,Clipboard.png)

File: 812ea3ffa1051ba⋯.png (350.1 KB,1079x2060,1079:2060,Clipboard.png)

File: 49e5a3fca8feaed⋯.png (360.81 KB,1079x2060,1079:2060,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416470 (270038ZFEB23) Notable: Katie Hobbs / Bill Gates (the politician) deeds

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there's a gazillion William Gates deeds,

Not sure which ones are County Supervisor


>If anyone got a better headline lmk

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b93c0a No.20329

File: cb2e9cf73e27909⋯.png (211.05 KB,809x674,809:674,Clipboard.png)

File: 2964fd55fd9c053⋯.png (701.2 KB,1184x908,296:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 681bc639fd849d1⋯.png (458.71 KB,931x523,931:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416483 (270043ZFEB23) Notable: DJT: Zuckerberg-funded group cheated on the Election(s) - The whole system is RIGGED

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Donald J. Trump



He cheated on the Election(s). The whole system is RIGGED. Why isn’t he being prosecuted? The Democrats only know how to cheat. America isn’t going to take it much longer!

Zuckerberg-funded group violated Georgia law with $2M for elections board: watchdog

An election integrity group is calling on Georgia election officials to investigate a donation from a Zuckerberg-linked group that they believe violates state law.

Feb 26, 2023, 7:21 PM


Zuckerberg-funded group violated Georgia law with $2M for elections board: watchdog

Two Georgia officials told Fox News Digital that investigation has been opened

A Georgia elections board may have violated state law when it accepted $2 million from a Mark Zuckerberg-linked group, a watchdog group claimed in a letter obtained by Fox News Digital.

The Honest Elections Project is calling for an investigation into the DeKalb County Board of Registration and Elections for a "flagrant and egregious" violation of a state ban on private funding that was put in place after accusations that donors used money to push left-wing influence ahead of the 2020 elections.

The funding in question originated from the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence, the project said in a letter last week calling for a probe by the state attorney general, secretary of state and state elections board.

"We’re now fairly well convinced this is an attempt to do two things," Honest Elections Project Executive Director Jason Snead told Fox News Digital. "To get around those bans on private funding by doing either what they did in DeKalb County, by looking for loopholes and end-a rounds, doing what they can to get money into these offices; or by doing what I think they feel is even more important work, which is to pump influence into these offices."

The letter outlines how in the lead-up to the 2020 election, the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) received a $250 million donation from Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan for programs to provide grants to local election boards across the country. That funding came with the stated goal of helping jurisdictions deal with the coronavirus pandemic by providing ballot drop boxes, voting equipment, additional manpower, protective gear for poll workers and public education campaigns on new voting methods, among other expenses.

"This massive influx of funding – which ultimately topped $400 million – was met with heavy criticism driven by post-election analysis that revealed the money was overwhelmingly funneled to Democrat-leaning jurisdictions," the letter stated. "Criticism that CTCL does not deny."

Georgia was one of dozens of states that sought to ban outside groups from funneling money to election boards and possibly peddling influence. Part of Georgia's 2021 reform law "banned election offices from receiving funding from outside groups."

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b93c0a No.20330

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416484 (270043ZFEB23) Notable: DJT: Zuckerberg-funded group cheated on the Election(s) - The whole system is RIGGED

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"No superintendent shall take or accept any funding, grants, or gifts from any source other than from the governing authority of the county or municipality, the State of Georgia, or the federal government," the law states.

A spokesperson for Zuckerberg said in 2022 that the Facebook founder didn't have plans on injecting cash into future elections – calling the grant a "one-time donation given the unprecedented nature of the crisis."

"During the 2020 election, Mark and Priscilla made a one-time donation to help address the unprecedented challenge of ensuring Americans could safely vote during the height of the pandemic," Brian Baker, spokesman for Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan, told Fox News Digital this week. "They have not made, and are not planning to make, any additional donations, including any additional donations to the Center for Tech and Civic Life."

However, the Honest Elections Project released a report earlier this year that described the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence, the CTCL coalition that funneled the money to DeKalb County, as "merely a continuation" of CTCL's so-called "Zuck Bucks scheme," a term critics use to describe the private funding of elections by left-wing donors in 2020.

"They are trying to gather data and reshape the way these offices function so that they essentially become left-wing outposts for progressive voting reform," Snead told Fox News Digital. "All of what they do is a ruse in order to get into these offices and accomplish that goal."

CTCL Executive Director Tiana Epps-Johnson told Fox News Digital that "election administration that meets today’s voters' needs requires investment."

"Dekalb’s grant funding is consistent with Georgia law, and must be used for the nonpartisan public purpose of planning and operationalizing safe and secure election administration infrastructure over a two-year period," Epps-Johnson added.

DeKalb County officials and supporters of the funding argue that the money was accepted by the county government as opposed to the elections board.

When criticized earlier this month by former Georgia Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler's group, Greater Georgia, a state election official responded by saying that "partisan accusations do not reflect an accurate reading of state law and undermine the work of already overburdened, underpaid public servants."

"The DeKalb County Finance Department applied for the grant in accordance with state law, and our county attorneys conducted a diligent review to ensure the grant award met the letter of the law," DeKalb Elections Board Chairwoman Dele Lowman Smith, a Democrat, told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Lowman Smith did not respond to a request for comment from Fox News Digital regarding the Honest Elections Project letter.

A complaint was filed earlier this month by the nonprofit group Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections who said the county "used a scheme to skirt state law."

"Clearly, what the Georgia legislature did when they passed the law that we're talking about was an attempt to restrict counties from getting involved with private funders of elections and here we've got one that was clearly doing that," Snead said.

The DeKalb County Finance Office made the application to join the U.S. Election Alliance "early last year," Snead said. This showed that "even before the alliance was online" the county had "already figured out" that if there was going to be an opportunity to continue receiving funds from progressive groups, they already knew how to "get around the law."

"This is what we think we need investigations for," Snead said.

"As the Election Board has recognized, ‘fair, legal, and orderly elections’ are the touchstone to America’s democratic process," the letter from Honest Elections Project concludes. "Those responsible for administering elections should zealously guard these principles. That is what makes DeKalb County’s brazen disregard for Georgia’s election laws so troubling.

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b93c0a No.20331

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416485 (270043ZFEB23) Notable: DJT: Zuckerberg-funded group cheated on the Election(s) - The whole system is RIGGED

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"As the Election Board has recognized, ‘fair, legal, and orderly elections’ are the touchstone to America’s democratic process," the letter from Honest Elections Project concludes. "Those responsible for administering elections should zealously guard these principles. That is what makes DeKalb County’s brazen disregard for Georgia’s election laws so troubling.

"The Election Board has a duty to investigate and correct these actions and demonstrate its commitment to preserving ‘the highest standards of integrity’ in 'all matters related to the election process.'"

The Georgia Attorney General's Office told Fox News Digital that it does not have the authority to investigate alleged violations of Georgia’s elections code and that the Georgia Secretary of State or the Georgia Bureau of Investigations handle those matters.

A bill, S.B. 222, was introduced in the Georgia General Assembly earlier this week aimed at closing any loopholes that could be exploiting gaps in the Georgia law.

"What's happening right now in Georgia is crystal clear: ideological groups and certain counties are testing our resolve to enforce state law, while attempting to influence local elections," Loeffler said in a statement.

"Thankfully, Lt. Governor Burt Jones and our lawmakers have taken swift action to fortify existing laws that ban outside funding for local boards of election through SB 202, which will ensure that our elections are never bought and paid for by special or partisan interests," the statement said.

"Greater Georgia is proud to endorse the legislation, and calls for its urgent passage by members of the Georgia General Assembly."

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said in a statement to Fox News Digital that he has asked the legislature to close the loophole and suggested S.B. 202 would do just that.

"It was the will of the General Assembly that if outside organizations wanted to help supply funding for counties, it would actually be channeled through the state election board so that it could then disburse the funds on an equitable basis," Raffensperger said. "It would be a legislative remedy. We are in session now, so it is something they can address pretty quickly."

A spokesperson for Raffensperger's office also told Fox News Digital on Thursday afternoon that there is "an active investigation at the direction of the State Elections Board."

The Georgia State Election Board also confirmed that an investigator has been assigned to two different complaints but could not comment further since the investigation is pending.


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b93c0a No.20332

File: 1f9714ec8c213ee⋯.png (139.34 KB,1093x966,1093:966,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416617 (270120ZFEB23) Notable: (Jan 2020) Harvard University professor and two Chinese Nationals charged in three separate cases

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Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases

Full read here:


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b93c0a No.20333

File: bee22fd88c465bc⋯.png (21.27 KB,731x281,731:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c03bded1d7aa8e⋯.png (34.92 KB,745x515,149:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416621 (270120ZFEB23) Notable: The Initiates of the Flame

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b93c0a No.20334

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416634 (270123ZFEB23) Notable: (Jan 2020) Harvard University professor and two Chinese Nationals charged in three separate cases

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"Zaosong Zheng, 30, a Chinese national, was arrested on Dec. 10, 2019, at Boston’s Logan International Airport and charged by criminal complaint with attempting to smuggle 21 vials of biological research to China. On Jan. 21, 2020, Zheng was indicted on one count of smuggling goods from the United States and one count of making false, fictitious or fraudulent statements. He has been detained since Dec. 30, 2019."

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b93c0a No.20335

File: 60fbad78968b20a⋯.jpg (41.5 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c57a47475cb788c⋯.png (278.52 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 790442e3b3fac0b⋯.png (408.13 KB,1334x750,667:375,Clipboard.png)

File: c6ce768578b7f4b⋯.jpg (204.97 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a88573aa5129f8f⋯.jpg (233.87 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416659 (270130ZFEB23) Notable: Chosen Queen Mother of Darkness

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Not only a mother of darkness whistle blower but aCHOSEN QUEEN MOTHER OF DARKNESS.


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b93c0a No.20336

File: 8ccd9e237ce2f0b⋯.jpg (83.66 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 17def8ddca447cb⋯.jpg (93.95 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d231f91e3ce911f⋯.jpg (86.5 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7b77bf045607a6c⋯.jpg (112.73 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bf09a66ce7f829d⋯.jpg (111.95 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416663 (270132ZFEB23) Notable: Chosen Queen Mother of Darkness

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There's lots moar,you dumbfuck.

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b93c0a No.20337

File: 03a6603ce7ef313⋯.jpg (98.5 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a586e4c7ae5c9e8⋯.jpg (117.78 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4d53858c952005b⋯.jpg (87.91 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9f83c2bd37e3aa8⋯.jpg (80.06 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: be7e8fc4fe528b6⋯.jpg (73.17 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416677 (270136ZFEB23) Notable: Chosen Queen Mother of Darkness

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20338

File: 8c0c1681999025b⋯.jpg (69.5 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4e7842254d31351⋯.jpg (85.83 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e3cf079f328664b⋯.jpg (100.14 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 686db67e1794835⋯.jpg (103.1 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 33b75925d871472⋯.jpg (91.02 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416680 (270136ZFEB23) Notable: Chosen Queen Mother of Darkness

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20339

File: df026c9f96ca77a⋯.jpg (127.24 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 418bf58388d914f⋯.jpg (107.18 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 85fc2c4d5557696⋯.jpg (99.96 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dbcd447232def82⋯.jpg (97.49 KB,768x994,384:497,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416686 (270137ZFEB23) Notable: Chosen Queen Mother of Darkness

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416698 (270139ZFEB23) Notable: #22578

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#22578 >>20286

>>20287, >>20310, >>20312, >>20318, >>20322 Planefag

>>20294 A Houston man who adopted 9 boys has been charged with multiple counts of sexual abuse of a child

>>20295, >>20333, >>20315, >>20317 The Initiates of the Flame

>>20288, >>20289, >>20290, >>20291, >>20292, >>20293 Moar Jack Smith dig

>>20299 Badlands Media is sponsored by SUMEC Co. Ltd… is the CCP

>>20297, >>20298, >>20304 UCC and the Maritime Admiralty

>>20300 White law student files $2 million lawsuit against historically black college for racial discrimination

>>20296, >>20305, >>20311 :02: start

>>20301 Kosher / Halal meat tastes better for a reason (properly put-down)

>>20302, >>20306, >>20320 Energy Department concludes COVID likely came from lab leak

>>20303 At US/Mexico Border with Arizona Sheriff (exclusive access)

>>20307 Tennessee Legislature passes Bill to ban Drag Shows in front of kids

>>20308 Documentary about highly organized child brothels / organ harvesting clinics

>>20309 Saudi Arabia makes Ukraine aid pledge

>>20313 Madonna's oldest brother, Anthony Ciccone, has died at 66

>>20314 @johncardillo: Fetterman is essentially brain dead and it's being hidden to keep him in office until Aug 18th

>>20316 Paul Sperry tweets

>>20319, >>20325 Human 6G Antennas?

>>20321 Current space weather conditions

>>20327 Numbersfag

>>20323, >>20328 Katie Hobbs / Bill Gates (the politician) deeds

>>20326 Donald J. Trump: Biden should have gone to Ohio! 'OFF THE CHARTS' Over 178 Million Watched Trump's Visit To Ohio

>>20329, >>20330, >>20331 DJT: Zuckerberg-funded group cheated on the Election(s) - The whole system is RIGGED

>>20332, >>20334 (Jan 2020) Harvard University professor and two Chinese Nationals charged in three separate cases

>>20335, >>20336, >>20337, >>20338, >>20339 Chosen Queen Mother of Darkness


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b93c0a No.20341

File: 501a487f2afe8a2⋯.png (932.73 KB,960x544,30:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416710 (270142ZFEB23) Notable: #22579

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baker seeking handoff

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b93c0a No.20342

File: 7e5398bed29ebd6⋯.png (350.66 KB,1314x1796,657:898,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416738 (270148ZFEB23) Notable: Wth is going on in CT?

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this is real. wth is going on in CT?


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b93c0a No.20343

File: 06b613a8c6d5643⋯.png (251.93 KB,490x618,245:309,Clipboard.png)

File: be2ac6cf7103859⋯.png (771 KB,894x756,149:126,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416773 (270157ZFEB23) Notable: Masonic tie to this location or maybe that was another place in Rockford that burnt down?

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>>20337 LB/PB

All this mother of darkness stuff reminded me of this story. This is the church that was mentioned in those documents in Rockford IL. There were some digs at the time and If I recall there was a masonic tie to this location as well or maybe that was another place in Rockford that burnt down. My thoughts is why Rockford though? The Pence name drop is not shocking knowing what happens in Gary and the Blue Door satanic ritual killings in Indiana.



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b93c0a No.20344

File: fd50d2747d07091⋯.png (28.51 KB,589x205,589:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416776 (270158ZFEB23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Crooked Democrat Prosecutors, many of them Racists in Reverse, are trying to steal a second Presidential Election

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19:52 = 17

Donald J. Trump


Crooked Democrat Prosecutors, many of them Racists in Reverse, are trying to steal a second Presidential Election. They did it in 2020, and we’re not going to let them do it again in 2024. MAGA!!!

Feb 26, 2023, 7:52 PM


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b93c0a No.20345

File: 485af2487f9502a⋯.webp (47.64 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416871 (270222ZFEB23) Notable: Millions who rely on Medicaid may be booted from program.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Millions who rely on Medicaid may be booted from program.

WASHINGTON (AP) — If you get health care coverage through Medicaid, you might be at risk of losing that coverage over the next year.

Roughly 84 million people are covered by the government-sponsored program, which has grown by 20 million people since January 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

But as states begin checking everyone’s eligibility for Medicaid for the first time in three years, as many as 14 million people could lose access to that health care coverage.

A look at why so many people may no longer qualify for the Medicaid program over the next year and what you need to know if you’re one of those people who relies on the program.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20346

File: 5834bdb9455e9ff⋯.png (187.74 KB,834x468,139:78,Clipboard.png)

File: b4d86b426942589⋯.png (10.67 KB,255x207,85:69,Clipboard.png)

File: ce3af82581d562b⋯.jpg (68.27 KB,720x400,9:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18416942 (270237ZFEB23) Notable: Pfizer AND Moderna were contracted assets for the US MILITARY via DARPA, aka the DOD.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pfizer AND Moderna were contracted assets for the US MILITARY via DARPA, aka the DOD.

DARPA Awards Moderna Therapeutics A Grant For Up To $25 Million To Develop Messenger RNA Therapeutics™2013


Pfizer Awarded DARPA Biodefense Contract – DoD Daily Contracts2013


Removing the Viral Threat: Two Months to Stop Pandemic X from Taking Hold2017

DARPA aims to develop an integrated end-to-end platform that uses nucleic acid sequences to halt the spread of viral infections in sixty days or less


Army General to Co-Lead 'Operation Warp Speed' for COVID-19 Vaccine


The US Military /US Govt is the culprit.

Either moderna and pfizer failed to deliver on their contractual product delivery obligations, or they built exactly to spec, on contract and on schedule.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20347

File: 33063a129a9c31b⋯.png (901.02 KB,1583x631,1583:631,Clipboard.png)

File: be6335793b290c1⋯.png (106.36 KB,1321x653,1321:653,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ab0d65963c10d3⋯.png (42.73 KB,472x590,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417035 (270300ZFEB23) Notable: East Palestine Ohio is right on top of where a consortium group of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) and Northern Ohio Coordinating Agency (NOACA) want to put a regional transport system

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

How convenient is it that East Palestine Ohio is right on top of where a consortium group of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) and Northern Ohio Coordinating Agency (NOACA) want to put a regional transport system in that goes right through East Palestine Ohio in the Pittsburgh/Cleveland leg. How convenient is this crisis for that effort?




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20348

File: f30b909b4f37fec⋯.gif (1.98 MB,400x224,25:14,Clipboard.gif)

File: d7c16fd3596144d⋯.png (64.21 KB,1137x726,379:242,Clipboard.png)

File: bb05ccd60363bab⋯.png (86.34 KB,768x687,256:229,Clipboard.png)

File: cc1970db7e1f269⋯.png (378.85 KB,684x539,684:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417037 (270300ZFEB23) Notable: Economic Schedule for Week of February 26, 2023-expect some really shitty data points in housing, autos, retail

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Economic Schedule for Week of February 26, 2023-expect some really shitty data points in housing, autos, retail

The key reports this week are Case-Shiller house prices and February vehicle sales (ded and gettin' ded'r). For manufacturing, the January ISM Index, and the February Dallas and Richmond Fed manufacturing surveys will be released.

Additional information not from article

And since muh markets are 100% rigged don't expect them to reflect what that data sez either.

Cap#1 is purely on the Eco. data coming and with all the talk about continuing to "stay the course" with rate hikes and "we might do 50bp next time" with the combined drops from Tuesday and Friday they still have it set for 25 bp and the highest probability for 50bp raise was at 35% at the lows of Friday-it's now at 27.7%-cap#2 and 30y mortgages are quietly back to just under 7%-cap#3

You still have plenty of Financial institutions that have mark-to-model (fantasy) vs. mark-to-market (real prices) and usually when you have any places saying that "assets (they have) are hard to value" it usually means they are using mark-to-model because the real values are not reflected in it's books.

Also some retail earnings from Wal-Fart, Costco, Dollar Tree, Target and the cost of carrying inventory-disguised as increased theft at some places so they can write it off in a different accting bucket-is continuing to kill them.

Earnings are all relative as they basically have a waiver by the FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) to put out whatever they want-I forget the actual number of it but it's been in place for a long time plus when was the last time you saw someone actually prosecuted for producing cooked books?…when a place like Alphabet (and just one example) can place $27B for one (1) Quarter in the "goodwill" accounting bucket-which means it's an amount that is written off at full value…stock buybacks at record highs-and only increasing by each quarter and even good ole 'Uncle Warren' upped his share buyback for Berkshire Hathaway and he lost almost $23B last Q >>19884 pb

Wal-Mart already lowered expectations so look for a potential "beat" on those lowered expectations and Lending Tree reports on Monday…that should be a blood-bath based on refinancing activity falling throught those year 2000 lows last week. Plus the meme stock ijits get to fret over AMC on Tuesday……and anyone who thought that was a long term investment sure found out the hard way it wasn't

The smartest person in the meme stock craze was the kid who was given Gamestop shares when they were in the single digit level…and then sold then into the frenzy and made 6 figures…so bravo little man you did much better than all the "professionals" did..most of them are still on muh HODL mantra.

Plus full retard Atlanta FED updates it's hilarious GDPNOW forecast-cap #4 that was raised from 2.5% to 2.7% on Friday and that is done on Monday to coincide with the Pending Home slaes and Durable goods Order data…cuz -4% decrease is great stuff but if it 'beats" that then they will celebrate that "it wasn't as bad as it coulda been". Plus the various FED Regional surveys


The housing markets are rolling over so that gonna be bad no matter how the NAR spins it. The coming inflation data March 14th should start to show the OER decrease (Owner's Equivalent Rent) because that is a 5 month lagging data set-it certainly helps them out a lot when rents go up cuz they say "well we don't see it"…cuz it's delayed by 5 months. So they are setting up for the pause even though theFriday showed another (3) 25 bp hikes-Ima sticking to two since the "data" will allow them to stop and they'll have created some 'crisis' (by highlighting Credit Suisse-even though that has been a problem for decades) and drop them via an 'emergency' rate cut.

Remember our markets are on hair trigger cuz of all the zero days to expiration options they are using now and they did not help on FRiday

>>17528, >>17541 pb JPMorgan’s Kolanovic Warns of ‘Volmageddon 2.0’ Risk in Options: potential Flash Crash due to over-sized zero days to expiry option over-use translation included

And as I've mentioned soooo many times the Bank of Japan is not going to change anything-the "new boss" has already stated such-but they tried to make everyone think it would be different-even Larry at Blackrock tried to shake the tree about 10 days ago saying "oh they are going tighten so you'd better sell yer Japanese stocks….to us"

Incoming BOJ chief Ueda says current low rates appropriate


Out this morning is a new poll and inflation is still at a 41 year high and they went in last week and bought moar JGBs (din't post it becasue it will only just continue) Godzilla has warned about this many times over the last year….and he been right. According to this "poll"-we know how those go…66% of respondents "back" Muh Ukraine.

Kishida cabinet's approval rating climbs to 43%


aaaand they trotted out Larry Summers for the slow pitch for CBDCs and he was instrumental (along with Robert Rubin and Alan Greenspan) in allowing the exponential increase in derivatives and made sure they were not regulated at all…literally the entire financial structure is self-regulating and SEC, FINRA (allows Robinhood to operate despite knowing that CEO Vlad Tenev doesn't have a license-they all know it) a coming and he will likely replace Janet Yellen when the shit starts rerally hitting the fan (incidentally her plane is still at Rzsesow Aiport in Poland-where Potato spent a grand total of 3h last week visiting Zelensky by a 20h train ride -plus "visit time")

Former Treasury Secretary Admits Doubts On Soft Economic Landing - Looks To Global Institutions For Solutions


- Monday, February 27th -

8:30 AM: Durable Goods Orders for January from the Census Bureau. The consensus is for a 4.0% decrease in durable goods orders.

10:00 AM: Pending Home Sales Index for January. The consensus is for a 1.0% increase in the index.

10:30 AM: Dallas Fed Survey of Manufacturing Activity for February.

- Tuesday, February 28th -

9:00 AM: FHFA House Price Index for December 2022. This was originally a GSE only repeat sales, however there is also an expanded index.

9:00 AM: S&P/Case-Shiller House Price Index for December.

The consensus is for a 6.0% year-over-year increase in the Comp 20 index for December, down from 6.8% in November.

10:00 AM: Richmond Fed Survey of Manufacturing Activity for February.

- Wednesday, March 1st -

7:00 AM ET: The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) will release the results for the mortgage purchase applications index. (the refinance index fell through it's last lows from 2000 and is now at 1995 level)

10:00 AM: ISM Manufacturing Index for January. The consensus is for the ISM to be at 48.0, up from 47.4 in January.

10:00 AM: Construction Spending for December. The consensus is for a 0.2% increase in construction spending.

- Thursday, March 2nd -

8:30 AM: The initial weekly unemployment claims report will be released. The consensus is for 197 thousand initial claims, up from 192 thousand last week.

All day: Light vehicle sales for February. The consensus is for light vehicle sales to be 15.0 million SAAR in February, down from 15.7 million in January (Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate).

- Friday, March 3rd -

10:00 AM: the ISM Services Index for February.


>>19297 These Charts Scared (not just that though) the Stock Market into a 700-Point Drop Tuesday (translations included)

And did it get any better by Friday?…nope…that why Larry Summers is surfacing cause he gonna "save it" as he 'appears to be rationale' but make no mistake…he doesn't come out and counter-act all the "soft-landing" rhetoric from the FRB for no reason.



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b93c0a No.20349

File: 968d70892840c17⋯.png (263.48 KB,770x645,154:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417111 (270314ZFEB23) Notable: PF: tornados heading into Oklahoma City, and a regional jet trying to land.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anon is watching tornados heading into Oklahoma City, and a regional jet trying to land.

What could go wrong?

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b93c0a No.20350

File: 2d4d660bcdf832b⋯.png (295.92 KB,759x431,759:431,Clipboard.png)

File: fc6aaab94eb2528⋯.png (299.86 KB,485x442,485:442,Clipboard.png)

File: fd2d2a8c853f324⋯.png (319.63 KB,622x381,622:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417149 (270319ZFEB23) Notable: PF: SAM266 C-32A departed JBABlinkenheading across the Atlantic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SAM266 C-32A departed JBABlinkenheading across the Atlantic

Secretary Blinken’s Travel to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and India


Kneepads going out tomorrow too and continues where she left off with muh abortion and not a trip to the border

Harris to visit South Carolina (columbia) on Monday


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b93c0a No.20351

File: 6587707836a7ee1⋯.png (406.61 KB,664x500,166:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417261 (270343ZFEB23) Notable: How the left found the only actual Nazi militia on Earth, starting worshipping them, and gave them $150+ BILLION and counting.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In 2017, the Left brainwashed their sheep to believe that all Trump supporters were Nazis. It’s how they justified their vitriol towards Trump/MAGA.

In 2022, they found the only actual Nazi militia on Earth, starting worshipping them, and gave them $150+ BILLION and counting.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20352

File: d6af637b3dc19e2⋯.png (24.03 KB,621x297,23:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417276 (270347ZFEB23) Notable: Right behind this clinic in Hildale, UT is a creepy tunnel. The Doctor at this clinic was arrested for molesting children. FOCUS Lloyd H. Barlow.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Guys, you have to check this out. Right behind this clinic in Hildale, UT is a creepy tunnel. The Doctor at this clinic was arrested for molesting children. His name is Lloyd H. Barlow. The clinic is called FOCUS eye center. This guy is also licensed to practice in Texas. There was also a midwife clinic in the same building. I'm attaching an arrest warrant from 2008.


Here is a video of the inside of the tunnels. Locked rooms with toilets and sinks, Rooms with vault doors. The people who made this video went out there before this one was made and drones were following them around town.

If you start the video at the 4:10 minute mark the guy starts filming the tunnel then.

This is the town where the polygamist FLDS sect lives, it's on the Arizona/Utah border.


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b93c0a No.20353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417285 (270348ZFEB23) Notable: Right behind this clinic in Hildale, UT is a creepy tunnel. The Doctor at this clinic was arrested for molesting children. FOCUS Lloyd H. Barlow.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20354

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417292 (270351ZFEB23) Notable: Pfizer AND Moderna were contracted assets for the US MILITARY via DARPA, aka the DOD.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cover Story Levels

Lvl 1: Covid is Natural

Lvl 2: Covid is a Chinese Virus

Lvl 3: Covid is a Chinese Lab Leak

Lvl 4: Covid is a Chinese Bioweapon

Truth of the matter:

-Covid is a CA/USA/DS Gain of Function Bioweapon Created by Drug Companies, Released on the Public to sell a Vaccine

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b93c0a No.20355

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417307 (270354ZFEB23) Notable: Right behind this clinic in Hildale, UT is a creepy tunnel. The Doctor at this clinic was arrested for molesting children. FOCUS Lloyd H. Barlow.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


There were charges in 2004 against this doctor that were dropped. His ranch in Texas is called the YXZ ranch. The clinic is right down the street from the Hildale infant cemetery.


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b93c0a No.20356

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417333 (270400ZFEB23) Notable: Right behind this clinic in Hildale, UT is a creepy tunnel. The Doctor at this clinic was arrested for molesting children. FOCUS Lloyd H. Barlow.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The address of the clinic is 1065 North Hildale Street, Hildale, UT. The tunnel is right behind it.

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b93c0a No.20357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417336 (270403ZFEB23) Notable: NASA's SpaceX Crew-6 Mission Launches to the Space Station

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NASA's SpaceX Crew-6 Mission Launches to the Space Station

Our #Crew6 mission to the International Space Station is targeted for liftoff at 1:45 a.m. EST (0645 UTC) on Monday, Feb. 27, 2023, from Launch Complex 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

NASA astronauts Stephen Bowen and Warren "Woody" Hoburg, as well as UAE (United Arab Emirates) astronaut Sultan Alneyadi and Roscosmos cosmonaut Andrey Fedyaev, will launch aboard their Dragon Endeavour spacecraft atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. Visit our Crew-6 blog for the latest mission updates: https://blogs.nasa.gov/crew-6/

This will be the fourth trip to space for Bowen, the Crew-6 mission commander, and the first space launch for the rest of the crew. They'll spend approximately six months on the station, helping us learn how to live in space while conducting research to make life better back on Earth



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b93c0a No.20358

File: dcbd3b20fd44e80⋯.png (1.45 MB,1302x892,651:446,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bd1ab1636ef598⋯.jpg (152.74 KB,640x427,640:427,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9fc9a90166afa10⋯.png (1.07 MB,1389x846,463:282,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417339 (270405ZFEB23) Notable: NASA's SpaceX Crew-6 Mission Launches to the Space Station

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Aerial security Falcon 9 launch



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b93c0a No.20359

File: 20992635807bb7c⋯.png (960.5 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 436d070449e81f6⋯.png (227.96 KB,495x395,99:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417343 (270406ZFEB23) Notable: Pfizer AND Moderna were contracted assets for the US MILITARY via DARPA, aka the DOD.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>moderna and pfizer failed to deliver on their contractual product delivery obligations, or they built exactly to spec, on contract and on schedule.

And did the Government + the media conspired to silence the public by all means necessary.



The evidence is in: COVID lab leak is a scandal of media and government censorship

The Wall Street Journal reports that the Energy Department has concluded that the COVID pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak.

February 26, 2023

COVID lab leak is a scandal of media and government censorship

The Wall Street Journal reports that the Energy Department has concluded that the COVID pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak.

The conclusion is reportedly based on a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress. Many will be exploring why the scientific evidence of a lab leak was so slow to emerge from intelligence agencies.

However, for my part, the most alarming aspect was the censorship, not the science.

There will continue to be a debate over the origins of COVID-19, but now there will be an actual debate.

For years, the media and government allied to treat anyone raising a lab theory as one of three possibilities: conspiracy theorist or racists or racist conspiracy theorists.

Academics joined this chorusin marginalizing anyone raising the theory. One study cited the theory as an example of “anti-Chinese racism” and “toxic white masculinity.”

As late as May 2021, the New York Times’ Science and Health reporter Apoorva Mandavilli was calling any mention of the lab theory as “racist.”

She embodies the model of the new “advocacy journalism” at the Times. Reporters who remained wedded to the dated view of objective journalism were purged from the ranks of The Times long ago.

Mandavilli and others made clear that reporters covering the theory were COVID’s little Bull Connors. She tweeted wistfully “someday we will stop talking about the lab leak theory and maybe even admit its racist roots. But alas, that day is not yet here.”

However, one former New York Times science editor Nicholas Wade chastised his former colleagues for ignoring the obvious evidence supporting a lab theory as well as Chinese efforts to arrest scientists and destroy evidence that could establish the origin.

Others in academia quickly joined the bandwagon to assure the public that there is no scientific basis for their theory, leaving only racist or politics as the motivation behind the theory. In early 2020, with little available evidence, two op-eds in The Lancet in February and Nature Medicine went all-in on the denial front.

The Lancet op-ed stated, “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that Covid-19 does not have a natural origin.”

We were also supposed to forget about massive payments from the Chinese government to American universities and grants of some of these writers to both Chinese interests or even the specific Wuhan lab.

No reference to the lab theory was to be tolerated. When Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) merely mentioned the possibility in 2020, he was set upon by the usual flash media mob. The Washington Post ridiculed him of repeating a “debunked” coronavirus “conspiracy theory.”

In September 2020, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a virologist and former postdoctoral fellow at the University of Hong Kong, dared to repeat the theory on Fox News, saying, “I can present solid scientific evidence . . . [that] it is a man-made virus created in the lab.” The left-leaning PolitiFact slammed her and gave her a “pants on fire rating.”

President Joe Biden accused Trump of fanning racism in his criticism of the Chinese government over the pandemic and his Administration reportedly shutdown the State Department investigation into the possible lab origins of the virus.

Sauce/more: https://nypost.com/2023/02/26/covid-lab-leak-is-a-scandal-of-media-and-government-censorship/

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b93c0a No.20360

File: 3a4b04b90e34efd⋯.png (1.67 MB,1199x1366,1199:1366,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417371 (270415ZFEB23) Notable: Right behind this clinic in Hildale, UT is a creepy tunnel. The Doctor at this clinic was arrested for molesting children. FOCUS Lloyd H. Barlow.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Looks like a nuclear shelter/ bunker, lotta work involved in that. pretty clean, must have taken a lot of time to construct and not finished yet by the looks of things.

maybe the guy is expecting a red dawn event.

of course it could be used for nefarious purposes.

Who knows?

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b93c0a No.20361

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417446 (270445ZFEB23) Notable: Is this “Artem Bonov”. A notorious Azov Battalion leader. This RPG-wielding skinhead with swastika bling and Nazi tattoos?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Notables are not endorsements

#22579 >>20341

>>20342 Wth is going on in CT?

>>20343 Masonic tie to this location or maybe that was another place in Rockford that burnt down?

>>20344 @realDonaldTrump Crooked Democrat Prosecutors, many of them Racists in Reverse, are trying to steal a second Presidential Election

>>20345 Millions who rely on Medicaid may be booted from program.

>>20346, >>20359, >>20346, >>20354 Pfizer AND Moderna were contracted assets for the US MILITARY via DARPA, aka the DOD.

>>20348 Economic Schedule for Week of February 26, 2023-expect some really shitty data points in housing, autos, retail

>>20347 East Palestine Ohio is right on top of where a consortium group of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) and Northern Ohio Coordinating Agency (NOACA) want to put a regional transport system

>>20349 PF: tornados heading into Oklahoma City, and a regional jet trying to land.

>>20350 PF: SAM266 C-32A departed JBABlinkenheading across the Atlantic

>>20351 How the left found the only actual Nazi militia on Earth, starting worshipping them, and gave them $150+ BILLION and counting.

>>20352, >>20353, >>20355, >>20356, >>20360 Right behind this clinic in Hildale, UT is a creepy tunnel. The Doctor at this clinic was arrested for molesting children. FOCUS Lloyd H. Barlow.

>>20357, >>20358 NASA's SpaceX Crew-6 Mission Launches to the Space Station



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b93c0a No.20362

File: 4f422052a7fb51d⋯.png (251.22 KB,615x869,615:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417465 (270451ZFEB23) Notable: Is this “Artem Bonov”. A notorious Azov Battalion leader. This RPG-wielding skinhead with swastika bling and Nazi tattoos?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


1) Y’all wanna see where your tax dollars go?

This is “Artem Bonov”.

A notorious Azov Battalion leader.

This RPG-wielding skinhead with swastika bling and Nazi tattoos, is part of the “far-Right Ultranationalist” militia that “integrated” with Ukrainian armed forces in 2014.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20363

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417472 (270454ZFEB23) Notable: #22579

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Notables are not endorsements

#22579 >>20341

>>20345 Millions who rely on Medicaid may be booted from program.

>>20352, >>20353, >>20355, >>20356, >>20360 Right behind this clinic in Hildale, UT is a creepy tunnel. The Doctor at this clinic was arrested for molesting children. FOCUS Lloyd H. Barlow.

>>20342 Wth is going on in CT?

>>20343 Masonic tie to this location or maybe that was another place in Rockford that burnt down?

>>20344 @realDonaldTrump Crooked Democrat Prosecutors, many of them Racists in Reverse, are trying to steal a second Presidential Election

>>20346, >>20359, >>20346, >>20354 Pfizer AND Moderna were contracted assets for the US MILITARY via DARPA, aka the DOD.

>>20348 Economic Schedule for Week of February 26, 2023-expect some really shitty data points in housing, autos, retail

>>20347 East Palestine Ohio is right on top of where a consortium group of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) and Northern Ohio Coordinating Agency (NOACA) want to put a regional transport system

>>20349 PF: tornados heading into Oklahoma City, and a regional jet trying to land.

>>20350 PF: SAM266 C-32A departed JBABlinkenheading across the Atlantic

>>20351 How the left found the only actual Nazi militia on Earth, starting worshipping them, and gave them $150+ BILLION and counting.

>>20357, >>20358 NASA's SpaceX Crew-6 Mission Launches to the Space Station

>>20361 #22579>>20362 Is this “Artem Bonov”. A notorious Azov Battalion leader. This RPG-wielding skinhead with swastika bling and Nazi tattoos?


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b93c0a No.20364

File: 1a9c5e787fec47d⋯.jpg (311.95 KB,930x956,465:478,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417476 (270456ZFEB23) Notable: #22580

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>le kitchen is open

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b93c0a No.20365

File: 4c00bd2a9644cfc⋯.png (1 MB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 988c55ebeb1d6ea⋯.png (1.13 MB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417638 (270559ZFEB23) Notable: Former Mets minor leaguer Matt Pobereyko died over the weekend at 31 years old from a heart attack

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Former Mets minor leaguer Matt Pobereyko dead at 31

February 27, 2023

Matt Pobereyko, who pitched in the Mets system in 2017 and 2018, died over the weekend at 31 years old from a heart attack, according to MLB insider Hector Gomez.

The right-handed reliever overcame Tommy John surgery earlier in his career and pitched in Single-A Columbia in 2017. In 2018, he worked out of the bullpen at Single-A St. Lucie, Double-A Binghamton and Triple-A Las Vegas.

Pobereyko also played in the Marlins and Diamondbacks organizations. He was pitching in Mexico at the time of his death.

Sauce/more: https://nypost.com/2023/02/27/former-mets-minor-leaguer-matt-pobereyko-dead-at-31/

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b93c0a No.20366

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417695 (270619ZFEB23) Notable: The global tax year starts on the 6th April.

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Note: There is a lot of stuff here but anon was interested in the April fools day that Trump has stated many many times recently. Anon believes that this is connected to the new tax year which starts on the 6th of April and they will be looking to bring in the global accounting system including the trial CBDC being pushed by many nations. Also the U.S flags section with different symbols, like the eagle, the spear and the gold rim. Anon watch the whole thing, many things anon already know and moar but good to catch up with some new clues. plus tis true, when everyone was calling us tinfoil hat wearing goofballs, we stood our ground, now it is getting easier to join the fight everyone thinks they have just cracked the code. As anon always reminds himself, everyone is waking up, they are all at different stages, even this anon is still learning.



First published at 04:28 UTC on February 27th, 2023.


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b93c0a No.20367

File: 70558d362c9baf0⋯.png (105.58 KB,450x253,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417765 (270656ZFEB23) Notable: Fox News host Howard Kurtz said on Sunday that the network will not allow him to cover the defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems against Fox

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Fox News host Howard Kurtz said on Sunday that the network will not allow him to cover the defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems against Fox.

Dominion Voting Systems is suing Fox for defamation and is seeking $1.6 billion in damages over its coverage during the 2020 election. Dominion Voting Systems alleged that Fox knowingly broadcasted false information about its software due to competitive and political pressure. ~moar

02/26/23 4:49 PM ET


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b93c0a No.20368

File: 5689d05baef699f⋯.png (387.41 KB,580x500,29:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e3f4a0c79c93ea⋯.png (197.06 KB,500x588,125:147,Clipboard.png)

File: ca5e0371b9b828a⋯.png (429.03 KB,940x868,235:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 72409f8a5ad5ff4⋯.png (491.44 KB,850x478,425:239,Clipboard.png)

File: 25964ee571dd423⋯.png (272.78 KB,868x689,868:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417782 (270706ZFEB23) Notable: The global tax year starts on the 6th April.

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The global tax year starts on the 6th April.

The business have a tax year from the 1st jan 31st dec, they have to file their tax returns and pay by a certain time period or the fines are much worse than the taxes they have to play and they also get penalties. The money changers or accountants are above the lawyers and is whole language that most do not understand. Trump knows it really well.

note some screen grabs from Klaus and the W..E.F, Remember the B.I.S sit above all the Banks


To coincide with its 50th anniversary, the World Economic Forum has launched a new Davos Manifesto, a set of ethical principles to guide companies in the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.




note: First day - 6 hour video link below in full below !!

World Government Summit 2022 Livestream: Day 1

views Streamed live on Mar 29, 2022






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b93c0a No.20369

File: 441581ce42e33ad⋯.png (994.04 KB,1068x1008,89:84,Clipboard.png)

File: b6ec1aba767cc58⋯.png (1.04 MB,1597x1029,1597:1029,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e9ed318bdf6178⋯.png (914.17 KB,1705x996,1705:996,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f3137d34cfbfd4⋯.png (1.51 MB,1597x1042,1597:1042,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cb35f4f9b5236c⋯.png (1.36 MB,1666x1035,1666:1035,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417805 (270715ZFEB23) Notable: Nearly 100 bills across 27 states target puberty blockers and other 'gender-affirming' interventions

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Is 2023 the year that trans goes BUST? Nearly 100 bills across 27 states target puberty blockers and other 'gender-affirming' interventions - and they're backed by voters

Republicans amp up pressure with raft of bills against puberty blockers

Trans rights activist Erin Reed calls the legislative push a 'genocide against us'

Americans by wide margins reject so-called gender-affirming care for kids

Read our exclusive about America's top pediatrics body silencing criticism

February 27, 2023

The intensifying debate over the rights of America's transgender people is coming to a head this year, with scores of Republican-led bills aimed at banning puberty blockers in front of state legislatures.

Some 100 bills have been proposed across 27 states aimed at stopping children from accessing hormone blocking drugs and other types of 'gender-affirming care', according to several groups and politicians who monitor the issue.

Other draft laws being debated in state legislatures cover everything from which pronouns can be used in classrooms, whether trans girls can play in trans sports teams and if trans people must use bathrooms that correspond to their birth sex.

They are being debated as trans people complain about battling prejudice in a fight for their survival, while parents of trans-identifying teens bemoan their kids being indoctrinated by online ideologues, some even encouraged by their teachers.

For trans activists and their opponents alike, America is at a turning point on whether to wholesale adopt the beliefs of a vocal trans minority, or put the brakes on the movement by restricting access to trans procedures for kids.

Sauce/more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11781843/The-year-trans-goes-BUST-100-bills-27-states-target-gender-affirming-interventions.html

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b93c0a No.20370

File: cec4bae0accbb99⋯.png (520.58 KB,634x529,634:529,Clipboard.png)

File: 49f6acfaa85397b⋯.png (495.02 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: b4bf7b71d06ee66⋯.png (521.57 KB,634x475,634:475,Clipboard.png)

File: d15ce0094f3177e⋯.png (586.49 KB,634x420,317:210,Clipboard.png)

File: cf2b95bc37e2414⋯.png (349.67 KB,634x374,317:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417810 (270718ZFEB23) Notable: 'Yankee tax': South Carolina proposes $500 fee for new residents after huge spike in migration

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Yankee go home (or pay the tribute)

'Yankee tax': South Carolina proposes $500 fee for new residents after huge spike in migrationsaw more than four million people move to the Palmetto state in a decade in search of lower taxes and warmer weather

South Carolina received a massive influx of residents during the pandemic, many of whom decided to make their moves permanent

State lawmaker Stephen Goldfinch said that he is worried about the impact mass immigration into the state is having on the residents' quality of life

As a partial solution, Goldfinch has proposed a two-time fee of $250 on all new residents to the Palmetto State to help fund roads, bridges and schools

Sauce/more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11796705/South-Carolina-proposes-500-fee-new-residents-huge-spike-migration.html

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b93c0a No.20371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18417890 (270748ZFEB23) Notable: Donald Trump WARNS of Russia & China’s DANGEROUS unification

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Donald Trump WARNS of Russia & China’s DANGEROUS unification

Russia and China seem to be unifying against their common enemies, and that may be the ‘most dangerous thing that could happen for our country,’ President Donald Trump tells Glenn. Especially since, Trump says, the Biden family seems to be ‘compromised by China.’ Trump explains why, plus he discusses the possibility of World War III, why America is beginning to resemble a Soviet Union-type nation, and his recent trip to East Palestine, Ohio…

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b93c0a No.20372

File: 27b2b0f2f8e43e0⋯.png (538.65 KB,894x765,298:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418023 (270836ZFEB23) Notable: pf: SAM191 back over CONUS. Departed Shannon, Ireland

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SAM191 back over CONUS.

Departed Shannon, Ireland

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b93c0a No.20373

File: ec6732d600a8ca9⋯.png (793.12 KB,525x1600,21:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418066 (270854ZFEB23) Notable: tens of thousands at the anti-war demo on Saturday

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According to New Normal Berlin state media outlet RBB, the tens of thousands at the anti-war demo on Saturday were all "Red/Brown Covid-deniers, Putin-sympathizers, far-right extremists, anti-Americans, Reichstag-stormers," etc. Goebbels would be proud.


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b93c0a No.20374

File: 77f9662599cb445⋯.png (764.79 KB,646x682,323:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418185 (271008ZFEB23) Notable: Minnesota Democrats Advance Giving Driver’s Licenses to 77K Illegal Aliens

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Minnesota Democrats Advance Giving Driver’s

Licenses to 77K Illegal Aliens

Breitbart Politics, by John Binder

Posted By: Imright, 2/26/2023 7:00:37 PM

Democrats in Minnesota have advanced a plan to give driver’s licenses to potentially 77,000 eligible illegal aliens. This week, the Democrat-controlled Minnesota state senate passed a bill in a 34-31 vote that will eliminate the legal residency requirement for obtaining a driver’s license in the state. Instead, illegal aliens would be able to secure licenses to legally drive vehicles. The bill will now head back to the Minnesota state house for approval. Gov. Tim Walz (D) has said he will sign the bill if it reaches his desk. The bill overturns a prior law signed by former Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R). In California, one of the first states to pass such a law,

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b93c0a No.20375

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418252 (271049ZFEB23) Notable: what happened in minsk?

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If true could be related to what happened in minsk

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b93c0a No.20376

File: 308bf9b7c4af7ea⋯.png (239.95 KB,410x452,205:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418258 (271052ZFEB23) Notable: Former US Swimming Sensation Found on Floor After Sudden Death

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🔴 Former US Swimming Sensation Found on Floor After Sudden Death


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b93c0a No.20377

File: c3a6275090ceeed⋯.png (104.76 KB,412x732,103:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418269 (271059ZFEB23) Notable: about Pfizer and Directed Evolution

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6) I STRONGLY recommend that you read this thread I made awhile back about Pfizer and Directed Evolution, which is essentially a rebranded version of Gain of Function… and it's just as bad.

You will notice that Ralph Baric was heavily involved here as well.




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b93c0a No.20378

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418292 (271110ZFEB23) Notable: #22580

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Notables are not endorsements

#22580 >>20364

>>20365, >>20365 Former Mets minor leaguer Matt Pobereyko died over the weekend at 31 years old from a heart attack

>>20366, >>20368, >>20368 The global tax year starts on the 6th April.

>>20367 Fox News host Howard Kurtz said on Sunday that the network will not allow him to cover the defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems against Fox

>>20369 Nearly 100 bills across 27 states target puberty blockers and other 'gender-affirming' interventions

>>20370 'Yankee tax': South Carolina proposes $500 fee for new residents after huge spike in migration

>>20371 Donald Trump WARNS of Russia & China’s DANGEROUS unification

>>20372 pf: SAM191 back over CONUS. Departed Shannon, Ireland

>>20373 tens of thousands at the anti-war demo on Saturday

>>20374 Minnesota Democrats Advance Giving Driver’s Licenses to 77K Illegal Aliens

>>20375 what happened in minsk?

>>20376 Former US Swimming Sensation Found on Floor After Sudden Death

>>20377 about Pfizer and Directed Evolution


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b93c0a No.20379

File: fa4648f9f30a0ca⋯.png (187.5 KB,382x483,382:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418295 (271111ZFEB23) Notable: #22581

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b93c0a No.20380

File: 987661eadbed2c5⋯.png (492.59 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418427 (271214ZFEB23) Notable: first it was a vacation: Fetterman family described how they 'fled' to Canada to escape a “media circus” over his "severe" clinical depression.

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The family of Pennsylvania senator John Fetterman described how they fled to Canada to escape a “media circus” over his "severe" clinical depression.

Mr Fetterman, a Democrat who won his first term last year while still recovering from a stroke that nearly killed him, checked himself into the Walter Reed Medical Center near Washington DC earlier this month.

Now his wife Giselle Barreto Fetterman has said that media attention pushed her to take the couple's children and drive north into Canada for an impromptu holiday.

"I am not really sure how to navigate this journey but am figuring it out slowly," Ms Fetterman tweeted on Friday.

"One week ago today when the news dropped, the kids were off from school and media trucks circled our home. I did the first thing I could think of – pack them in the car and drive.

"We talked about lots of hard things, and how we will all have to face hard things. About the need to be gentle, with all and with ourselves.

"We did some scary things but we did them together. We ziplined over Niagara Falls and [our son] August got stuck. We talked about flexibility and the need to always have an open heart and an open mind.

"We also talked about how joy and fun can and must still exist, even when someone we love is in pain. And tomorrow? Who knows. Will try all over again."

Aides have said that Mr Fetterman may remain in hospital for weeks, suggesting that his depression may have been stoked by "negative experiences" during his election campaign.

Mr Fetterman faced numerous attacks from Republican politicians and pundits claiming that his stroke had left him without the mental fitness to fill the post, sometimes in vicious terms.

His primary care doctor said that he has no actual "cognitive deficits", but suffers from auditory processing problems that mean he often needs captions to understand other people's speech.

The controversy continued after his victory, with conservatives accusing him of deceiving voters as to the extent of his illness while disability advocates argued that he was being unfairly stigmatised for needing accommodations that are often required by law in US workplaces.

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b93c0a No.20381

File: 842178aebcea690⋯.png (389.02 KB,718x712,359:356,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418484 (271251ZFEB23) Notable: If you are wondering the significance of the DoE declaring they believe the SARS-CoV-2 virus origins being from a lab, the DoE oversees 17 national laboratories.

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If you are wondering the significance of the Department of Energy declaring they believe the SARS-CoV-2 virus origins being from a lab, the DoE oversees 17 national laboratories.

Are these all focused on disease research? No.

But they are filled with some of the best and brightest minds in this country. The findings are significant. Although it is important to remember this is one department's findings, not the final 'conclusion.'

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b93c0a No.20382

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418584 (271331ZFEB23) Notable: NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg to visit Finland

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NATO Secretary General to visit Finland

28 Feb. 2023

27 Feb. 2023 09:34

On 28 February 2023, the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, is visiting Finland where he is meeting with the President, Mr. Sauli Niinistö, the Prime Minister Ms. Saana Marin and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Pekka Haavisto.

The NATO Secretary General will also participate in the SAMAK Nordic Summit in Helsinki.



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b93c0a No.20383

File: b72a121d68ea5d2⋯.png (132.47 KB,500x330,50:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418588 (271333ZFEB23) Notable: The Fed's Biggest Fear Is "Complete Economic Collapse" - Peter Schiff Warns "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet"

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here it comes

The Fed's Biggest Fear Is "Complete Economic Collapse" - Peter Schiff Warns "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet"


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b93c0a No.20384

File: f450ee9776a0fc4⋯.mp4 (4.52 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b2e1f392c692d86⋯.png (261.7 KB,607x553,607:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418622 (271344ZFEB23) Notable: If you are wondering the significance of the DoE declaring they believe the SARS-CoV-2 virus origins being from a lab, the DoE oversees 17 national laboratories.

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Catherine Herridge on CBS Morning News

COVID Lab Leak story

Catherine Herridge


While there is no consensus among U.S. intel officials about how the pandemic started, the FBI and now the Dept. of Energy have both found an accidental lab leak in Wuhan, China to be plausible. NEW details via


First reported WSJ.


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b93c0a No.20385

File: 7a547813e93c1aa⋯.mp4 (13.88 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418628 (271347ZFEB23) Notable: Salvador's terrorist confinement center

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b93c0a No.20386

File: 932f4572a3200bb⋯.png (903.88 KB,1500x1500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 167f3a01ca857e6⋯.png (304.66 KB,541x636,541:636,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418698 (271410ZFEB23) Notable: @AFGlobalStrike w/CAP: 8th Air Force commander relieves two commanders at Minot

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7:59 AM · Feb 27, 2023


Related Story

8th Air Force commander relieves two commanders at Minot

Published Feb. 27, 2023

Air Force Global Strike Commande


Maj. Gen. Andrew J. Gebara, commander of 8th Air Force, relieved two commanders today from their positions of leadership at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, due to a loss of confidence in their ability to complete their assigned duties.

"These personnel actions were necessary to maintain the very high standards we demand of those units entrusted with supporting our Nation's nuclear mission," said Gebara.

Gebara relieved the Commanders of the 5th Mission Support Group and the 5th Logistics Readiness Squadron. Additionally, four additional subordinate leaders were relieved by commanders assigned to Minot Air Force Base. To protect the privacy of the individuals, further details will not be released.

"Eighth Force continues to safeguard global combat power and conduct around-the-clock strategic deterrence operations in a safe, secure and effective manner," Gebara said. "Our mission is foundational to our Nation's defense, and we remain committed to the success of that no-fail mission."


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b93c0a No.20387

File: 4310b21d527ff64⋯.jpeg (135.97 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418705 (271412ZFEB23) Notable: Kremlin comments on Chinese peace plan for Ukraine. Russia doubts that de-escalation is possible now

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27 Feb, 2023 13:00

Kremlin comments on Chinese peace plan for Ukraine

Any call for peace deserves attention, but Russia doubts that de-escalation is possible now, Dmitry Peskov says

Russia is closely studying a China-proposed peace plan for Ukraine, but currently sees no opportunity for a political resolution of the conflict, the Kremlin spokesman has said.

“Any attempt to work out plans, which would encourage switching the conflict onto a peaceful track, deserve attention,” including the proposal from “our Chinese friends,”Dmitry Peskov said.

“As for the details, they should be the subject of careful analysis, taking into account the interests of the parties,” Peskov noted, describing it as “a very long and intense process.”

The spokesman, however, cautioned that Moscow sees “no preconditions for a resolution of this whole situation in a peaceful direction,” adding that the Russian military operation in Ukraine continues, as “we move towards achieving the set goals.”

The 12-point plan was released by the Chinese Foreign Ministry last Friday and involves a range of measures, from a ceasefire and peace talks to abandoning “Cold War mentality” and sanctions, while promoting global stability and international supply chains. Among other things, Beijing urged the parties involved to respect the “sovereignty of all countries.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry responded to the roadmap last week, with spokeswoman Maria Zakharova expressing appreciation for Beijing’s contribution to “to the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine by peaceful means.”

Ukraine’s backers have brushed off the Chinese proposal, with NATOSecretary General Jens Stoltenberg declaring that Beijing “doesn’t have much credibility” after refusing to side with the US on the issue.

Russia sent troops into Ukraine on February 24, 2022, citing Kiev’s failure to implement the Minsk agreements, which were designed to give Donetsk and Lugansk special status within the Ukrainian state. The protocols, brokered by Germany and France, were first signed in 2014.

Former Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko has since admitted that Kiev’s main goal was to use the agreement to buy time and “create powerful armed forces.” The idea was confirmed by then-Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and then-President of France Francois Hollande.


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b93c0a No.20388

File: e4644c41eb85dd4⋯.png (128.51 KB,418x554,209:277,Clipboard.png)

File: eec47abe2164695⋯.mp4 (1.58 MB,320x650,32:65,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418707 (271413ZFEB23) Notable: Another teenager dies of suddenly

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Luther ‘Cyrus’🕳️🐇💨


On Camera, 19-Year-Old Dancing At Wedding Collapses, Dies. The tragic incident took place in Nirmal District where Mutyam who had come from Maharashtra suffered a heart attack while dancing. He was shifted to the hospital where the doctor declared him dead. 🤨

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b93c0a No.20389

File: 29f68cbbfc9883a⋯.png (169.87 KB,600x341,600:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418714 (271416ZFEB23) Notable: Mexican President Lights the Internet on Fire By Sharing Photo of a Creature He Says is a Mystical Elf Sitting in a Tree

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Mexican President Lights the Internet on Fire By Sharing Photo of a Creature He Says is a Mystical Elf Sitting in a Tree


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b93c0a No.20390

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418717 (271416ZFEB23) Notable: United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces: Notice of proposed changes to the rules of practice and procedure of the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces.

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United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces


Notice of proposed changes to the rules of practice and procedure of the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces.


This notice announces proposed changes to the Rules of Practice and Procedure, United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. Although these rules of practice and procedure fall within the Administrative Procedure Act's exemptions for notice and comment, the Department, as a matter of policy, has decided to make these changes available for public review and comment before they are implemented.


Comments on the proposed changes must be received by February 27, 2023.


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b93c0a No.20391

File: 7734b723ee3a114⋯.png (1.04 MB,1160x970,116:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418765 (271429ZFEB23) Notable: Russia strikes intelligence center near Kiev. A special operations center in Western Ukraine was also hit, according to Moscow

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Russia strikes intelligence center near Kiev

A special operations center in Western Ukraine was also hit, according to Moscow


A Ukrainian electronic intelligence center located in the settlement of Brovary in the Kiev region has reportedly been struck by Russian missiles, according to a Monday update on the Russian Defense Ministry’s official Telegram channel.

The ministry also reported that Russian missiles had struck the “West” special operations center, located near the city of Khmelnitsky in western Ukraine.

The update states that Russia’s Armed Forces have continued their offensive in the Donetsk direction, where they have neutralized over 250 Ukrainian servicemen, as well a dozen pieces of military equipment, including two tanks. The Russian military also claims to have destroyed an ammunition depot near the city of Artyomovsk/Bakhmut as well as a US-made AN/TPQ-37 counter-battery radar.

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b93c0a No.20392

File: c5c2d8e762f3b43⋯.jpeg (94.56 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418770 (271431ZFEB23) Notable: TheGerman military is facing a shortage of essential hardware as a result of Berlin’s provision of weapons to Ukraine

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27 Feb, 2023 11:47

Impact of Ukrainian arms deliveries on German military revealed

The head of the German Armed Forces Association now doubts Berlin’s capacity to fulfill its commitments to NATO

TheGerman military is facing a shortage of essential hardware as a result of Berlin’s provision of weapons to Ukrainefor use in its conflict against Russia, according to Colonel Andre Wustner, the head of the German Armed Forces Association (DBwV).

Last February, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz vowed to invest €100 billion ($105.6 billion) in the Bundeswehr with the aim of making it the best-equipped military in Europe. However, Wustner told Bild am Sonntag newspaper on Sunday that, one year on, Scholz’s promise remains unfulfilled.

“For the soldiers, nothing has noticeably improved since then,” said the head of the union, which represents serving and former German troops.

The Bundeswehrwasn’t in full operational readiness even before the conflict in Ukraine, but the deliveries of German weapons to the Kiev government have further increased gaps in its material supply, he explained.

“To date, we haven’t received a replacement for a single self-propelled howitzer that we handed over to Ukraine last year,” Wustner said. There’s also a shortage of spare parts and some of the few remaining German howitzers have to be decommissioned and dismantled for this purpose, he added.

The DBwV chief also revealed that “out of the approximately 300 Leopard tanks possessed by the Bundeswehr,only 30% are currently operational.” It’s essential that the 18 Leopard 2s that Berlin promised to send to Kiev earlier this year are swiftly replaced, he said.

“I doubt whether we’ll be able to meet our commitments to NATO for 2025,” he continued, noting thatGermany has pledged some 60 aircraft, 20 ships, 20,000 troops and 7,000 vehicles to the US-led militarybloc by that time.

The country needs to “finally accelerate” the production and procurement of military hardware to meet the Bundeswehr’s needs, Wustner insisted.

Germany provided more than $2 billion worth of military aid to Ukraine in 2022, including anti-aircraft tanks, multiple rocket launchers, the IRIS-T air-defense system, and self-propelled howitzers.

However, even after securing the promise of Leopard 2s in January, Kiev continues to demand an even greater contribution from Berlin. Last week, Ukraine’s deputy foreign minister and former envoy to Germany Andrey Melnik urged Scholz “to cross all self-drawn red lines and provide the Ukrainian Armed Forces with all available weapon systems.”The new arms deliveries by Germany could include fighter jets, as well as warships and submarines, Melnik suggested.

(What’s Joe gonna do now? Blow something else up to keep the EU to give all their armaments to Ukraine?)


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b93c0a No.20393

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418773 (271432ZFEB23) Notable: FDA public Advisory: Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee; Notice of Meeting; Establishment of a Public Docket; Request for Comments

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Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee; Notice of Meeting; Establishment of a Public Docket; Request for Comments


Notice; establishment of a public docket; request for comments.


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announces a forthcoming public advisory committee meeting of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC). The general function of the committee is to provide advice and recommendations to FDA on regulatory issues. The meeting will be open to the public. FDA is establishing a docket for public comment on this document.


The meeting will be held virtually on February 28, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:10 p.m. Eastern Time and on March 1, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 3:50 p.m. Eastern Time.


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b93c0a No.20394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418789 (271437ZFEB23) Notable: (LIVE) The State of the Farm Economy

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9:30 AM EST

The State of the Farm Economy

American Enterprise Institute




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b93c0a No.20395

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418792 (271439ZFEB23) Notable: Over 40% of Republican Voters Would Support Trump in 2024 GOP Primaries, Poll Shows

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Over 40% of Republican Voters Would Support Trump in 2024 GOP Primaries, Poll Shows

The survey also indicated that Trump is followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who was backed by 28% of potential voters and has yet to announce his presidential bid.

More than 40% of respondents would support the candidacy of former POTUS Donald Trump in the 2024 GOP primaries, aimed at determining the Republicans' presidential candidate, a new poll has revealed.


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b93c0a No.20396

File: 7db2558b7ecbb20⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,852x480,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418794 (271440ZFEB23) Notable: If you are wondering the significance of the DoE declaring they believe the SARS-CoV-2 virus origins being from a lab, the DoE oversees 17 national laboratories.

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b93c0a No.20397

File: 254dfe8bfebe56f⋯.jpeg (187.08 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418813 (271449ZFEB23) Notable: The Turkish emergencies agency AFAD reported a new earthquake in the east, with at least one fatality recorded

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27 Feb, 2023 12:09

Fresh deadly quake in Türkiye

The Turkish emergencies agency AFAD reported a new earthquake in the east, with at least one fatality recorded

A new deadly earthquake hit Türkiye at around midday on Monday, the national disaster relief agency reported. According to preliminary reports, one person has been killed and 69 others injured in the eastern province of Malatya.

The Turkish disaster and emergency management agency AFAD said thetremor measured 5.6 in magnitude, with the epicenter located in the Yesilyurt district. The quake was estimated to have originated at a depth of approximately seven kilometers and could be felt in neighboring provinces, according to the rescue agency.

Initial reports indicate that over 20 buildings have been flattened in this latest disasterto hit Türkiye. Footage circulating online purports to show the collapse of some of the structures.

Some 20 people, including those rescued from the rubble, were taken to hospital in the aftermath, Minister of National Education Mahmut Ozer told the news agency Anadolu. The search and rescue operation continues, AFAD said.

Malatya was among the Turkish provinces that was seriously affected by the twin quakes on February 6, which claimed over 50,000 lives in Türkiye and Syria and caused massive damage in both nations. Many buildings were weakened by the initial disaster, increasing the risk of their collapse in subsequent tremors.

Hundreds of aftershocks followed the initial strike in the ensuing weeks, some lethal in their own right. Last Monday in the evening, several people were killed and hundreds got injured after the already devastated Hatay province was hit.

Türkiye is located in an area where several fault lines pass, making the country vulnerable to seismic events. After this month’s disaster, scientists warned that the risk of a quake similar in strength hitting near the city of Istanbul is increasing with time. The country’s most populous city underwent a period of rapid urbanization in the past decades, but the safety of newly constructed buildings remains in doubt.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on Monday that the government “will do whatever it takes to prepare all our cities for disasters.” It will not permit the construction of high-rise buildings in areas damaged by the quakes and will ban all construction near fault lines, he said.


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b93c0a No.20398

File: 0af9c69af9f0f2d⋯.png (585.03 KB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 58aac3bcc8d9791⋯.png (709.93 KB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: a4eda6d7c355349⋯.png (1.03 MB,976x849,976:849,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e4f9cefca7570c⋯.png (799.6 KB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418873 (271525ZFEB23) Notable: Fire breaks out at Birmingham city centre warehouse

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Fire breaks out at Birmingham city centre warehouse

A large fire has broken out at a two-storey warehouse in Birmingham, with smoke plumes visible across the city centre.

More than 60 firefighters are at the scene on New Summer Street, Hockley, West Midlands Fire Service said.

Nearby properties have been evacuated.

Summer Lane is blocked in both directions, said Transport for West Midlands. It advised people to avoid the area.

The first appliance was sent to the warehouse shortly after 07:30 GMT, said the fire service.

It is not yet clear how the blaze started at the factory unit which was being used to store household goods.

Fourteen fire engines are currently in attendance with a hydraulic platform and other specialist equipment also being used.

Police and ambulance workers are also assisting at the scene, but there are no reported casualties.

Those living or working nearby are being advised to avoid the smoke and close doors and windows.


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b93c0a No.20399

File: 4fd6ceccdad010a⋯.webp (70.66 KB,930x558,5:3,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418878 (271528ZFEB23) Notable: Ohio rail crash: toxic waste removal suspended amid contamination fears

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Ohio rail crash: toxic waste removal suspended amid contamination fears

Environmental Protection Agency orders rail company to ‘pause’ shipments from site pending a review of plans to dispose of waste near Houston and Detroit

Tom Perkins February 25, 20231/2

Federal environmental authorities have ordered a temporary halt in the shipment of contaminated waste from the site of the train wreck in East Palestine, Ohio, earlier this month, amid fears of further harm from the toxic waste.

Hazardous waste disposal facilities near Houston and Detroit are planning to receive most of the contaminated water and soil from the East Palestine train wreck site,raising the risk that some of the dangerous chemicals could end up in the environment elsewhere.

Debra Shore from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said on Saturday the agency had ordered rail company Norfolk Southern to“pause” shipments from the sitebut vowed that removal of the material would resume “very soon”.

“Everyone wants this contamination gone from the community. They don’t want the worry, and they don’t want the smell, and we owe it to the people of East Palestine to move it out of the community as quickly as possible,” Shore said.

Until Friday, Shore said, the rail company had been solely responsible for the disposal of the waste and supplied Ohio environmental officials with a list of selected and utilized disposal sites. Going forward,disposal plans including locations and transportation routes for contaminated waste would be subject to EPA review and approval, she said.

“EPA will ensure that all waste is disposed of in a safe and lawful manner at EPA-certified facilities to prevent further release of hazardous substances and impacts to communities.”

Shore said officials had heard concerns from residents and others in a number of states and were reviewing “the transport of some of this waste over long distances and finding the appropriate permitted and certified sites to take the waste”.

The revelation of the contaminated water’s destination drew outrage this week from metro Houston residents and officials who fear for their communities’ safety. But the concernis not just “why is it coming here?’’ said Bryan Parras, who is part of Sierra Club’s Gulf Coast’s healthy communities program.

If some of these chemicals are so bad that the only way to get rid of them is to bury them in a deep hole, then why are we producing these chemicals in the first place?” he asked.

A Norfolk Southern train carrying vinyl chloride used to produce PVC plastic derailed on 3 February in the small industrial town of 4,700 people, located at the edge of the Appalachian hills in Ohio. Disposal of the leftover contaminated water and soil =raises new questions about toxic chemicals’ life cycle== as the waste heads to facilities with histories of problems.

EPA testing has confirmed that chemicals in soil and water include vinyl chloride, phosphene, benzene and a range of other volatile organic compounds – known as VOCs – and particulate matter…


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b93c0a No.20400

File: b3a6e068aae4118⋯.png (123.87 KB,564x709,564:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418884 (271530ZFEB23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: THE NUMBERS HAVE GOTTEN EVEN WORSE SINCE THE STATE OF THE UNION SPEECH!

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@realDonaldTrump · 8m



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b93c0a No.20401

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418900 (271533ZFEB23) Notable: State Department Arms Control Official Talks About U.S.-Russia Nuclear Treaty's End

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10:30 AM EST

State Department Arms Control Official Talks About U.S.-Russia Nuclear Treaty's End

Mallory Stewart, the assistant secretary of state in charge of arms control, is the featured speaker at a Brookings Institution discussion on Russia's decision to withdraw from its New START nuclear arms treaty with the U.S.



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b93c0a No.20402

File: 2687a329abbc1c7⋯.png (556.76 KB,1206x619,1206:619,Clipboard.png)

File: 5124e4588ea8567⋯.png (978.88 KB,1002x718,501:359,Clipboard.png)

File: 1861ef011798265⋯.gif (576.18 KB,276x200,69:50,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418909 (271535ZFEB23) Notable: PF Eyez on the skyz

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PlaneFag Yerp-Med-Gulf Activity:

SAM266 C-32A SE from Shannon ground stopBlinkenafter departing last night >>20350

JAKE11 RC-135 Rivet Joint trackin' over Romania and heading NW just south of Polish border and Italian AF PERSEO71 G550 AEW&C over eastern Romania with HKY199 C-130J Hercules having departed Rzsesow Airport after a load out and German AF GAF241 A400m also just leaving same

NATO05 E-3 Sentry AWACS doing roundies in between Amsterdam and Antwerp

Egyptian AF SUBPE G4 Cairo to Rome

'Keys' to Ukrainian munee and printing press operator Janet Yellen's AC (SAM258) still shows as being on ground @ Rzsesow and since JAKE11 is heading up towards that area and REDEYE6 E-8C Joint STARS is on the Polish Kaliningrad border I expect SAM258 to take off fairly soon back to DC as it's been there since Saturday after departing Banglaore and stopping in Dubai for a refuel as it's over the stated range of even the Super Max 737 and it's not one of those but mebby they picked up some munee to personally deliver to Zelensky

Polish AF PLF105 G5 departed Warsaw heading across the Atlantic-this one goes to MacDill fairly often and departed from Geneva we have German AF GAF824 andbat shit crazy FM BAERbockafter doing the 'nicer' version of NWO

Promoting international law and a rules-based order: Foreign Minister Baerbock in Geneva


Hungarian AF HUAF138 A319 departed Budapest after arriving from Ankara,Turkey and going back to Budapest earlier today..remember these are the 'holdouts' on Finland and Sweden entry into NATO-but as you've seen theY are creating another issue with Moldova

Swedes may sink their own NATO bid


Israeli AF had 3 of it's AEW&C ACs up from Nevatim-they are heading back nao 4X980, 676,679 heavily modified G550s

Libyan AF 5ALBY Embraer Legacy 135 heading back to Tripoli after a stop at Athens

and commercial air travel is gonna start between the two (Athens and Benghazi) later this week

Flights between Athens and Benghazi to start on 2 March


Over in the Gulf

Had HUNTR51 RC-135 Rivet Joint do it's usual Persian Gulf and Iraq werk and back at Al-Udeid AB Doha and also had Paki AF PAAF648 Global Explorer arrive at Doha Int'l from Lahore depart

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b93c0a No.20403

File: 3e11f525c2b7262⋯.jpeg (605.9 KB,828x1348,207:337,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418912 (271535ZFEB23) Notable: Rockford is a Midwest shithole. Top 10 most violent/dangerous mid sized cities for past decade +. Illinois politics, proximity to Shitcago how could it be anything other.

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>>20343 pb

Rockford is a Midwest shithole. Top 10 most violent/dangerous mid sized cities for past decade +. Illinois politics, proximity to Shitcago how could it be anything other.


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b93c0a No.20404

File: 7a452ec426645d9⋯.png (163.81 KB,379x258,379:258,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418925 (271540ZFEB23) Notable: Bank of International Settlements (BIS) Chief Agustin Carstens says Crypto Lost Battle to Fiat

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Bank of International Settlements (BIS) Chief Agustin Carstens says Crypto Lost Battle to Fiat

The general manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Agustin Carstens, says the “battle has been won” by fiat money over cryptocurrency, following the crash of FTX that led to crypto market instability. Carstens stated, “technology doesn’t make for trusted money.” He said, “Only the legal, historical infrastructure behind central banks can give great credibility to money.” Carstens discouraged private stablecoins, a type of crypto that is pegged to another asset class such as fiat currency or gold. He promoted central bank digital currency (CBDC) as the best solution, even though it can lead to totalitarian control.


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b93c0a No.20405

File: 34c28736db76ff2⋯.png (302.69 KB,644x437,28:19,Clipboard.png)

File: 75c9c6d768ddc32⋯.png (224.94 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: bfaf4e6f3c896d3⋯.png (274.48 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d42231b9a878acb⋯.png (225.5 KB,600x456,25:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418946 (271546ZFEB23) Notable: Bank of International Settlements (BIS) Chief Agustin Carstens says Crypto Lost Battle to Fiat

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Yeah thanks "we din't know there was another $80T in derivatives out there" BIS

Tell them about the Yuge Lien ($14T) against the US put on in 2011 at a small courthouse in San Jose Ca

The fee paid was amongst one of the cheaper things you can do paid $198.00 for that

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b93c0a No.20406

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418952 (271547ZFEB23) Notable: O'Biden's America's Safety & Security Last, Campaign Full Speed

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O'Biden's America's Safety & Security Last, Campaign Full Speed


The U.S. Department of Defense released two detainees of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Pakistan last week.

Abdul Rabbani, 55, and Mohammed Rabbani, 53, were both released on Thursday, according to a DoD press release.

Biden gives 2 Guantanamo Bay detainees away to controversial country https://americanmilitarynews.com/2023/02/biden-gives-2-guantanamo-bay-detainees-away-to-controversial-country/

U.S. Department of Defense


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b93c0a No.20407

File: 341ae7229f20d75⋯.webp (4.47 KB,450x215,90:43,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418968 (271551ZFEB23) Notable: Mystery Surrounds Russian Plane Reportedly Blown Up in Belarus

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Mystery Surrounds Russian Plane Reportedly Blown Up in Belarus

By Brendan Cole 2/27/23 at 4:10 AM

A Russian plane at an airport near Minsk was reportedly attacked by partisans in Belarus in a move one expert told Newsweek will damage the reputation of its authoritarian ruler Alexander Lukashenko as a reliable ally of Vladimir Putin.

Belarusian Hajun, a group that monitors the movement of Russian weapons into Belarus, said in a tweet that residents near the Machulishchy airfield reported hearing explosions at around 9 a.m. on Sunday.

Citing Aliaksandr Azarov, leader of Belarusian anti-government organization BYPOL, Belarusian opposition media outlet Nasha Nivareported that aRussian A-50 surveillance plane had been damaged in the blast.

Azarov said that the attack was carried out byBelarusian partisans using two drones as part of BYPOL's so-called "Victory Plan" and that those involved in the alleged act of sabotage were safe.

Belarusian Hajun said that theplane, worth $330 million, had arrived in Belarus on January 3 this year and made 12 flights in 54 days. The aircraft was previously in Belarus on February 24, 2022, the day the full-scale invasion started.

Franak Viacorka, chief political adviser to exiled Belarusian opposition politician Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, wrote in a Twitterthread that the front and central parts of the plane, along with the avionics and the radar antenna were damaged.

"This is the most successful diversion since the beginning of 2022," he wrote in the tweet which started in caps with the message "Glory to Belarusian partisans!"

The airfield, located about eight miles from the Belarusian capital, was "being actively used by Russian army for air attacks on Ukraine," Viacorka wrote.

Hanna Liubakova, a Minsk journalist and non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council think tanksaid that if Belarusian partisans had attacked the plane, it would present Belarus as "not safe" for the Russian army.

"The planned and successful drone attack as well as serious damage to the only such aircraft in Belarus would cause questions among the Russian command about the Lukashenko regime's ability to take care of Russian military equipment," she told Newsweek. His reputation "as a strongman who is able to keep the country with an iron fist is also injured," she added.

Despite repression in the country,there have been at least 80 acts of sabotage in Belarussince the war started, targeting railways as key supply lines for Russian troops.

Liubakova said it wasn't surprising that Russian military bloggers have been accusing Ukraine of conducting the latest attack. "It is more convenient than admitting that groups of Belarusians are against the presence of Russian troops and attacks from Belarus," she said.

"Secondly, it is done to justify the Lukashenko regime's participation in the war against Ukraine," she added.


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b93c0a No.20408

File: 4796b8759495489⋯.png (133.57 KB,590x606,295:303,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ccd7fc04929a28⋯.png (363.08 KB,2550x3300,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: ab985887b28151b⋯.png (215.24 KB,2550x3300,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18418969 (271551ZFEB23) Notable: Oversight Committee: The Treasury Department is obstructing our investigation into the Biden family’s business schemes.

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Oversight Committee


The Treasury Department is obstructing our investigation into the Biden family’s business schemes.

We are done with the excuses.

@RepJamesComer is calling on @USTreasury to testify on March 10 about the department’s failure to produce documents.

10:26 AM · Feb 27, 2023


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b93c0a No.20409

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419019 (271601ZFEB23) Notable: #22581

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final notables bun @690

earlies bred about ready for bed. hold 'em till the top

#22581 >>20379

>>20402 PF Eyez on the skyz

>>20380 first it was a vacation: Fetterman family described how they 'fled' to Canada to escape a “media circus” over his "severe" clinical depression.

>>20381, >>20384, >>20396 If you are wondering the significance of the DoE declaring they believe the SARS-CoV-2 virus origins being from a lab, the DoE oversees 17 national laboratories.

>>20382 NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg to visit Finland

>>20383 The Fed's Biggest Fear Is "Complete Economic Collapse" - Peter Schiff Warns "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet"

>>20385 Salvador's terrorist confinement center

>>20386 @AFGlobalStrike w/CAP: 8th Air Force commander relieves two commanders at Minot

>>20387 Kremlin comments on Chinese peace plan for Ukraine. Russia doubts that de-escalation is possible now

>>20388 Another teenager dies of suddenly

>>20389 Mexican President Lights the Internet on Fire By Sharing Photo of a Creature He Says is a Mystical Elf Sitting in a Tree

>>20390 United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces: Notice of proposed changes to the rules of practice and procedure of the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces.

>>20391 Russia strikes intelligence center near Kiev. A special operations center in Western Ukraine was also hit, according to Moscow

>>20392 TheGerman military is facing a shortage of essential hardware as a result of Berlin’s provision of weapons to Ukraine

>>20393 FDA public Advisory: Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee; Notice of Meeting; Establishment of a Public Docket; Request for Comments

>>20394 (LIVE) The State of the Farm Economy

>>20395 Over 40% of Republican Voters Would Support Trump in 2024 GOP Primaries, Poll Shows

>>20397 The Turkish emergencies agency AFAD reported a new earthquake in the east, with at least one fatality recorded

>>20398 Fire breaks out at Birmingham city centre warehouse

>>20399 Ohio rail crash: toxic waste removal suspended amid contamination fears


>>20401 State Department Arms Control Official Talks About U.S.-Russia Nuclear Treaty's End

>>20403 Rockford is a Midwest shithole. Top 10 most violent/dangerous mid sized cities for past decade +. Illinois politics, proximity to Shitcago how could it be anything other.

>>20404, >>20405 Bank of International Settlements (BIS) Chief Agustin Carstens says Crypto Lost Battle to Fiat

>>20406 O'Biden's America's Safety & Security Last, Campaign Full Speed

>>20407 Mystery Surrounds Russian Plane Reportedly Blown Up in Belarus

>>20408 Oversight Committee: The Treasury Department is obstructing our investigation into the Biden family’s business schemes.

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b93c0a No.20410

File: de612975c7f2c77⋯.png (195.82 KB,848x467,848:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419063 (271612ZFEB23) Notable: #22582

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Just In: FL Governor DeSantis Signs Bill Stripping Disney of Self-Governing Status

Baker Requesting Handoff

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b93c0a No.20411

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419116 (271624ZFEB23) Notable: Report from Geneva: The WHO CA+ Treaty Falls Short

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Report from Geneva: The WHO CA+ Treaty Falls Short


Feb. 27, 2023—GENEVA. Negotiations open here today on the “zero draft” of the World Health Organization’s new pandemic treaty. Known as “WHO CA+,” the treaty is already drawing criticism from some U.S. senators who remember how President Obama bypassed the Senate in 2015 and unilaterally joined the Paris Agreement on climate change. They have drafted a resolution demanding that the treaty be submitted to the Senate for advice and consent pursuant to the U.S. Constitution.

Senate approval is not only appropriate, but essential. Many provisions hinted at in earlier outlines and drafts led conservatives to raise objections. Those concerns remain active.

The COVID-19 pandemic was devastating. The WHO reports over 6.85 million COVID-related deaths, more than 1.1 million in the U.S. alone. Globally, the economic costs ran into the trillions of dollars. It makes sense for the WHO and the world’s governments to seek to prevent or minimize the impact of another pandemic.

However, “doing something” is not sufficient. The question that must be asked is what were the problems that led to the previous pandemic and what can be done to fix them. This is the lens through which the pandemic treaty must be viewed. Unfortunately, the draft treaty clearly falls short.

When COVID struck, the existing framework for detecting, preventing, and addressing pandemics was the International Health Regulations (IHRs). The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the weaknesses of that framework. The voluntary nature of the IHRs allowed China, without repercussion, to conceal the outbreak, fail to share critical information, and impede visits by WHO expert teams to determine the origin of the outbreak. Although the draft WHO CA+ makes transparency and cooperation mandatory (using the term “shall” when referencing facilitating access and sharing of research and genomic data), it provides no consequences for non-compliance. Thus, there is little reason to believe that China would live up to its obligations any better than it did under the voluntary IHRs.

In fact, the treaty fails entirely to address China’s central role in exacerbating the COVID pandemic and shamefully emulates the WHO’s quiet abandonment of its investigation into the origins of COVID-19.

Nor does the treaty reform the WHO, which performed terribly in the initial stages of the pandemic. Though fully aware of Beijing’s obstructionism and opacity, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus dutifully echoed Chinese misrepresentations of the nature of the threat from COVID-19. The WHO downplayed Beijing’s unwillingness to allow a WHO technical team to visit Wuhan and its refusal to share critical genomic data and virus samples. Meekly yielding to political pressure, the Director-General instead praised China repeatedly.

Rather than propose meaningful reforms for the WHO, the draft treaty rewards the organization by further empowering it. The treaty would expand the WHO’s authority to declare a pandemic—and that declaration would trigger treaty provisions that override intellectual property rights and charged the WHO with overseeing the “equitable” allocation of pandemic related resources that the U.S. and other “developed” nations are expected to provide.

In fact, the bulk of WHO CA+ focuses not on addressing the weaknesses in prevention and detection revealed during the COVID-19 pandemic, but on establishing a system to mandate expenditures by the treaty parties, require regulatory and policy changes relating to pandemic related products and intellectual property, and “equitably” redistribute knowledge, technology, and other resources.


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b93c0a No.20412

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419119 (271624ZFEB23) Notable: Report from Geneva: The WHO CA+ Treaty Falls Short

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For instance, if the U.S. joins the treaty, it would “commit to prioritize and increase or maintain … domestic funding by allocating in its annual budgets not lower than 5% of its current health expenditure to pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and health systems recovery.” Additionally, the U.S. would be on the hook to provide an undetermined percentage of its gross domestic product to “international cooperation and assistance on pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and health systems recovery, particularly for developing countries.” This will involve billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars.

A central pillar of the treaty is to facilitate the transfer of technology to “developing” countries and provide resources to shore up their health systems. Guess what? Despite having the second largest economy in the world, the U.N. considers China a developing country. This means that China will likely be a beneficiary of these transfers. China already steals intellectual property; the treaty would legalize it.

Additionally, the treaty outlines commitments for governments to waive intellectual property rights for pandemic related vaccines, medicines, and other products. This sounds like a prudent move during a pandemic, but it creates massive disincentives for private research and development of these products by calling on treaty signatories to support waiving patent rights and sharing proprietary technology and knowledge. Requirements that trample intellectual property rights inevitably chill scientific investment and progress.

As a cherry on top, the treaty encourages national governments to crack down on “misinformation or disinformation” – a clear invitation to suppress free speech. Is this really the path to take given mounting evidence that government claims governing mask effectiveness, vaccines versus natural immunity, and school closures were unsound? Can an unreformed WHO, which echoed Chinese propaganda in January 2020 that there was “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission” of COVID-19, be trusted to judge misinformation?

It is unclear to what extent the Biden administration supports the above-mentioned provisions of the draft treaty. However, in the treaty negotiations starting today the Administration should demand that these provisions be excised.

Brett D. Schaefer is The Heritage Foundation’s Jay Kingham Senior Research Fellow in International Regulatory Affairs. Steven Groves is the think tank’s Margaret Thatcher Fellow, concentrating on issues that threaten to undermine American sovereignty, self-governance, and independence.

2 of 2

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b93c0a No.20413

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419125 (271626ZFEB23) Notable: Report from Geneva: The WHO CA+ Treaty Falls Short

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>>20402 lb

Promoting international law and a rules-based order: Foreign Minister Baerbock in Geneva


>German AF GAF824 and bat shit crazy FM BAERbock after doing the 'nicer' version of NWO departed Geneva

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b93c0a No.20414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419131 (271629ZFEB23) Notable: Former U.S. & World Bank Officials Discuss Rebuilding Ukraine's Economy

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11:30 AM EST

Former U.S. & World Bank Officials Discuss Rebuilding Ukraine's Economy

Former Obama Admin. National Economic Council Director Larry Summers is among those speaking at an Atlantic Council discussion on the ways Russian assets frozen by U.S. sanctions could be used to rebuild Ukraine's economy amid its ongoing war with Russia




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b93c0a No.20415

File: 6b5a8f5c6a29e41⋯.png (399.31 KB,622x594,311:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419157 (271637ZFEB23) Notable: @FordFischer Today, I have hours of new J6 footage to share with the world.

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Ford Fischer


BIG VIDEO THREAD: Since January 6, 2021 I have made it a mission of mine to acquire and publish entire unpublished cameras worth of J6 footage to the public.

Today, I have hours of new J6 footage to share with the world.


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b93c0a No.20416

File: 97049a28cfed2f4⋯.gif (2.04 MB,990x900,11:10,Clipboard.gif)

File: ad1a153417a82e9⋯.png (117.41 KB,1626x716,813:358,Clipboard.png)

File: 5436a4d640c494f⋯.png (211.98 KB,956x560,239:140,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419173 (271639ZFEB23) Notable: NAR: Pending Home Sales Increased 8.1% in January; Down 24.1% Year-over-year

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NAR: Pending Home Sales Increased 8.1% in January; Down 24.1% Year-over-year

Pending home sales improved in January for the second consecutive month, according to the National Association of REALTORS®. All four U.S. regions posted monthly gains but saw year-over-year drops in transactions. The Pending Home Sales Index (PHSI) — a forward-looking indicator of home sales based on contract signings — improved 8.1% to 82.5 in January. Year-over-year, pending transactions dropped by 24.1%. An index of 100 is equal to the level of contract activity in 2001. “Buyers responded to better affordability from falling mortgage rates in December and January,” said NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun.

The Northeast PHSI rose 6.0% from last month to 68.7, a decline of 19.8% from January 2022. The Midwest index grew 7.9% to 83.3 in January, a drop of 21.1% from one year ago. The South PHSI increased 8.3% to 99.2 in January, dipping 24.7% from the prior year. The West index elevated 10.1% in January to 66.2, diminishing 29.3% from January 2022.



Wait until Weds- 7:00 AM ET: The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) will release the results for the mortgage purchase applications index. (the refinance index fell through it's last lows from 2000 and is now at 1995 level)

Durable-goods orders sink 4.5% — but it’s all Boeing. Overall, report signals that the economy is still growing


>The consensus is for a 4.0% decrease in durable goods orders from below and worse but let's send the markets up either way-it's running out of 'gas' 2h in d'oh quick buy those 0DTE options!!! and it's just really getting a tech bounce from last weeks shellacking

>>20348 Economic Schedule for Week of February 26, 2023-expect some really shitty data points in housing, autos, retail

All the realtors are spooging about this monthly increase while ignoring the moar important YoY figures

and this

"Stupid Slow" - Dallas Fed Manufacturing Production Plunges Into Contraction

For the 10th month in a row, The Dallas Fed Manufacturing Outlook survey printed negative (signaling contraction) with the February print dropping to -13.5 from -8.4 (-9.3 exp). The production index, a key measure of state manufacturing conditions, edged down from 0.2 to -2.8, a reading suggestive of a modest contraction in output. Under the hood, the new orders index was negative for a ninth month in a row and moved down nine points to -13.2. The growth rate of orders index fell from -12.3 to -16.9. The capacity utilization index returned to negative territory after two positive readings, falling 10 points to -4.1, while the shipments index was largely unchanged at -5.0.


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b93c0a No.20417

File: c9d8837a8e3f8ba⋯.png (88.63 KB,598x493,598:493,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f6847a94890007⋯.mp4 (2.82 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419185 (271643ZFEB23) Notable: congressional kudos for the keks

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I….. did not see that coming.

Quote Tweet

Noel Olinde@TheCajunLibert1

Anyone surprised?


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b93c0a No.20418

File: 85db6b051976bb6⋯.png (357.91 KB,472x529,472:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419193 (271645ZFEB23) Notable: @NIST Learn how we measure the cosmos

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The stars are calling and we must go.

All around the world, scientists peer beyond the skies using state-of-the-art telescopes with NIST sensors inside. Learn how we measure the cosmos: https://nist.gov/measuring-cosmos


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b93c0a No.20419

File: 99886a938d31338⋯.png (760.71 KB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419196 (271645ZFEB23) Notable: NYC Dept. of Correction Disgraced Jail Guards Union Boss Norman Seabrook Corruption Sentence Reduced

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NYC Dept. of Correction Disgraced Jail Guards Union Boss Norman Seabrook Corruption Sentence Reduced

2 minute readFebruary 24, 202310:59 AM ESTLast Updated 3 days ago

Former NYC corrections union chief convicted of bribery wins early prison release

By Jonathan Stempel


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b93c0a No.20420

File: cde24a7e2b5fa75⋯.png (206.45 KB,598x722,299:361,Clipboard.png)

File: 76f0aa6965cf306⋯.png (308.98 KB,731x933,731:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419200 (271647ZFEB23) Notable: Geomagnetic storms reaching strong levels tonight. What should we expect?

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Geomagnetic storms reaching strong levels tonight. What should we expect?

Moderate tech disruptions, enhanced wind speeds around low pressure cells, increase emotional instability, heightened risks for cardiac patients (and those with the jab), increase seismicity. (2days)


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b93c0a No.20421

File: cf5dcebc8d26a19⋯.jpeg (62.74 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419210 (271650ZFEB23) Notable: Russia strikes intelligence center near Kiev

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27 Feb, 2023 13:57

Russia strikes intelligence center near Kiev

A special operations center in Western Ukraine was also hit, according to Moscow

A Ukrainian electronic intelligence centerlocated in the settlement of Brovary in the Kiev region has reportedly been struck by Russian missiles, according to a Monday update on the Russian Defense Ministry’s official Telegram channel.

The ministry also reported that Russianmissiles had struck the “West” special operations center, located near the city of Khmelnitsky in western Ukraine.

The update states that Russia’s Armed Forces have continued their offensive in the Donetsk direction, where they haveneutralized over 250 Ukrainian servicemen, as well a dozen pieces of military equipment, including two tanks.

The Russian military also claims to have destroyed anammunition depotnear the city of Artyomovsk/Bakhmut as well as a US-made AN/TPQ-37 counter-battery radar.

In the Kupyansk direction, the ministry claims that Russian forces have eliminated up to 70 Ukrainian soldiers, and killed or injured about 140 troops in the Krasno Limansky direction. In the South Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, they claim to have eliminated up to 95 enemy combatants, and up to 60 in the Kherson direction.

In a similar update on Sunday, the ministry also announced thedestruction of six sabotage and reconnaissance groupsin the Kharkov region, as well as the shooting down of a Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter near the village of Golubovka.

Since the launch of Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine one year ago, the Russian Defense Ministry estimates that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost a total of 390 airplanes, 211 helicopters, 3,248 UAVs, 406 anti-aircraft missile systems, 8,058 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 4,228 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 8,574 special military vehicles.


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b93c0a No.20422

File: 2703be23b518ce2⋯.png (57.54 KB,1066x332,533:166,Clipboard.png)

File: 560eb791cbc2b0e⋯.png (97.19 KB,1053x520,81:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419234 (271655ZFEB23) Notable: Wall Street investors snatching up single-family homes and taking over rental market

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Wall Street investors snatching up single-family homes and taking over rental market

'It's time to stop home prices from going through the roof'

WND News Services	By WND News Services

Published February 27, 2023 at 10:59am

Institutional investors, such as banks and large real estate firms, are on track to own 40% of single-family rentals in the U.S. by 2030, MetLife Investment Management predicted last fall, according to CNBC.

National Association of Realtors Chief Economist Lawrence Yun told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the ongoing shortage of housing will make it easier for banks and other Wall Street investors to buy up and rent out single-family homes.

“We need to build more homes,” Yun told the DCNF. “Otherwise, institutional investors with deep pockets can corner the single-family rentals market.”

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b93c0a No.20423

File: 5fe4c5eff531920⋯.png (74.55 KB,433x452,433:452,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419252 (271701ZFEB23) Notable: U.S. durable goods orders plunged -4.5% in January

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JUST IN - U.S. durable goods orders plunged -4.5% in January — biggest monthly drop since Covid lockdowns in 2020.



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b93c0a No.20424

File: 4f8a91de2b54b11⋯.png (381.88 KB,1066x530,533:265,Clipboard.png)

File: eb79490646108d7⋯.png (311.25 KB,443x499,443:499,Clipboard.png)

File: cd58d39f3ca4195⋯.png (252.33 KB,531x421,531:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419254 (271701ZFEB23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity: 92-9000 747 (VC-25) sighting so they must be getting it ready for active service as it's VENUS02

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PlaneFag CONUS Activity: 92-9000 747 (VC-25) sighting so they must be getting it ready for active service as it's VENUS02 (empty and non-VIP) and arrived from Majors Airport to JBA on 0210..had a few last year (and this is the 747 that vanished to San Antonio at end of November 2020 and din't 'come out' again until last years cert flights out of Lackland-the same day there was some issues at Hoover dam iirc

-it just easier calling it a 747 like saying G5 instead of C-37 cause everyone knows wut a 747 and G5 is

Canadian AF CFC3065 CL60 (Trudope uses this AC for shorter trips ut not him) south from Ottawa over the Dominican Republic at 37k feet

C102 US Coast Guard G5 NE from Norfolk Int'l stop of just under 2h-this is new as of last July

FORGE78 US Army G5 SW from JBA and heading to Memphis

>>20318 pb

SAM191 (shows as tail #99-0003) arrived at JBA from Naples departFlauxtusand it's African stops-this is the same AC that was "borked" so kneepads had to take the C-17 from Munich Insecurity Conference

VV702 US Navy G5 back to JBA from Peterson AFB overnight

CABAL11 KC-46A Pegasus west from McGuire AFB

SING58 US Navy E-6B Mercury back on shore after off shore werk to Travis AFB

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b93c0a No.20425

File: 54bd46a54463d25⋯.png (126.93 KB,572x619,572:619,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f514a4f99f906e⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,780x360,13:6,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419256 (271702ZFEB23) Notable: @IvanRaiklin Moar AZ election fraud newz

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State @AZSenatorShamp

asked the last question which caught me off guard.

"It's my understanding that you're spending your own time and your own resources investigating and educating…why?"

Madam Chair Senator @WendyRogersAZ

accurately interjects on my behalf with, "He loves this country"

However, it is much deeper than that. I am embarrassed at myself for allowing our nation to be overtaken by the very same ideology that my parents fled from that gave me the massive opportunity to live the American dream and build my own family.

"So, My parents fled the Soviet Union in the 70s, from Communism…This one gets emotional…OK…..I see it coming here…..NOT ON MY WATCH!"

Senator Shamp/@WendyRogersAZ

, "Amen"

Senator @Shamp

, "Thank you"

Rep @alex4arizona

, "Thank you Mr. Raiklin"

I pray that this committee will finally have the courage to reclaim Arizona's 11 electors now that the evidence shows beyond a reasonable doubt that there is a legal, moral, ethical, national security, public policy and sovereignty interest in correcting the record. 🙏

To my late Mom and Dad, "I gave it my all", now we pray and wait for God to give those with plenary power the hedge of protection needed to make the right decision. 🙏


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b93c0a No.20426

File: e885b0b8b7f2fdb⋯.png (270.57 KB,620x685,124:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419261 (271703ZFEB23) Notable: ADHD can slow down ability to understand speech

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Fascinating: ADHD can slow down ability to understand speech, according to an Israeli study

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can cause a delay in speech perception and difficulty in understanding the meaning of spoken sentences, according to a new study at Reichman University in Herzliya, which suggests that background noise takes a heavy toll.

A new study by Prof. Boaz Ben-David and Rony Lemel of the university’s Ivcher School of Psychology carried out the first-ever study to examine real-time speech processing in young people with ADHD by using an eye tracker (a device for tracking eye movements), just published in the journal Science Direct of the National Library of Medicine at US National Institutes of Health and entitled “Listen up! ADHD slows spoken-word processing in adverse listening conditions: Evidence from eye movements.”


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b93c0a No.20427

File: 6ecfa74827db699⋯.png (395.44 KB,652x418,326:209,Clipboard.png)

File: 54ee671fab5a813⋯.png (100.6 KB,966x550,483:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419272 (271707ZFEB23) Notable: U.S. durable goods orders plunged -4.5% in January

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>The consensus is for a 4.0% decrease in durable goods orders so it was worse

>-it's running out of 'gas' 2h in d'oh-quick buy those 0DTE options!!!


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b93c0a No.20428

File: 72308247e526bcb⋯.png (11.93 KB,468x131,468:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419273 (271707ZFEB23) Notable: First Financial Crisis timeline entry 2007

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First Financial Crisis timeline entry: February 27, 2007, Freddie Mac suspends purchases of risky subprime mortgages



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b93c0a No.20429

File: eec60cf9898be16⋯.png (254.31 KB,605x512,605:512,Clipboard.png)

File: 64894802bc81c8d⋯.mp4 (2.81 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419275 (271707ZFEB23) Notable: Janet Yellen meets with Zelenskyy in Ukraine

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ALX 🇺🇸


Janet Yellen meets with Zelenskyy in Ukraine


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b93c0a No.20430

File: 73f09d4c3f39ef0⋯.png (198.49 KB,471x534,157:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419287 (271711ZFEB23) Notable: @USNavy Three is better than one! 🇮🇹 🇪🇸 🇺🇸

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Three is better than one! 🇮🇹 🇪🇸 🇺🇸



, the


ITS Cavour (CVH 550), and the


ESPS Juan Carlos I (LHD 61) sail in formation in the Adriatic Sea.

George H.W. Bush is currently deployed to the




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b93c0a No.20431

File: 1f43b87169914ba⋯.png (375.6 KB,463x454,463:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419301 (271715ZFEB23) Notable: @FortBenning Now you see me, now you don't.

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Now you see me, now you don't.

A #Sniper is only as good as their stealth…well, and their shot. During "Stalks," Sniper students practice stealthily approaching a target, setting up a forward firing position and putting two shots on the target without exposing themselves.


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b93c0a No.20432

File: 20d357185a7da24⋯.png (1.91 MB,960x1316,240:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419306 (271716ZFEB23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Zodiacal Ray with Venus and Jupiter

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Feb 27 2023

Zodiacal Ray with Venus and Jupiter

What's causing that unusual ray of light extending from the horizon? Dust orbiting the Sun. At certain times of the year, a band of sun-reflecting dust from the inner Solar System appears prominently after sunset or before sunrise and is called zodiacal light. The dust was emitted mostly from faint Jupiter-family comets and slowly spirals into the Sun. The featured HDR image, acquired in mid-February from the Sierra Nevada National Park in Spain, captures the glowing band of zodiacal light going right in front of the bright evening planets Jupiter (upper) and Venus (lower). Emitted from well behind the zodiacal light is a dark night sky that prominently includes the Pleiades star cluster. Jupiter and Venus are slowly switching places in the evening sky, and just in the next few days nearing their closest angular approach.


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b93c0a No.20433

File: 3260f0f9818a6ab⋯.mp4 (376.38 KB,588x270,98:45,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ae9b4654b13f750⋯.png (165.45 KB,594x464,297:232,Clipboard.png)

File: 0743935c3647ccc⋯.png (199.79 KB,587x705,587:705,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419333 (271723ZFEB23) Notable: Ms. Omeish (Fairfax VA school board) Condemns US efforts at the Battle of Iwo Jima

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Ms. Omeish (Fairfax VA school board) Condemns US efforts at the Battle of Iwo Jima

1776 Project PAC @1776ProjectPac

This is a member of the Fairfax County, Virginia school board saying that the Battle of Iwo Jima was “evil” and never should have happened.

Fairfax County Parents Association @FFXParentsAssoc·Feb 23

"Just a few days ago was Japanese Day of Remembrance..The days when Iwo Jima unfortunately happened & set a record for what human evil is really capable of."

Not sure what Ms. Omeish was saying here, is she condemning the brave US Marines that invaded Iwo Jima? Perhaps she meant to say something else.

Mtg adjourned. Key takeaways (if we assume Ms. Omeish did not mean to condemn the US efforts at the Battle of Iwo Jima) are:

- the SB adopted the advertised budget.

-the SB approved follow-on motions for the CIP & Calendar

-Dr. Reid touted FCPS's early childhood STEAM efforts.

Here's video of the above quoted (mis?)statement from Ms. Omeish.



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b93c0a No.20434

File: 2e6497baefc10a1⋯.png (538.93 KB,1196x660,299:165,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a41f61d73ad0c9⋯.png (445.1 KB,626x494,313:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419339 (271725ZFEB23) Notable: Hungarian AF HAUF531 Falcon 7X departed StockholmFM Peter Szjaritoback to Budapest

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>>20402 lb

Hungarian AF HAUF531 Falcon 7X departed StockholmFM Peter Szjaritoback to Budapest

Rule-of-Law Criticism Is Holding Up NATO Expansion, Hungary Says

Following a meeting with his Swedish counterpart in Stockholm, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto gave the clearest explanation yet on why Hungary is dragging its feet on giving a green light to Sweden and Finland to join the military alliance. Turkey has also yet to agree. “How can they expect a quick and fair decision when all we hear about is how in Hungary there’s no democracy, rule of law, media freedom and judicial independence, which are all lies,” Szijjarto said in a Facebook video on Monday.


also Hungarian AF HUAF138 A319 heading to Cairo from Budapest with Multi Forces Operation (UN) Czech AF C-295 Persuader up from Tel Aviv and Israel AF PAZOMAT Re'em 707 tanker up as well after those AEW&C ACs returned to Nevatim

Spanish AF AME4477 Falcon 900 also departed Stockholm with Italian AF IAM3124 Falcon 900 heading to Stockholm

and apparently the Spanish FM went "to Kyiv" on Feb 23

Spanish PM Sanchez arrives in Ukraine for talks with Zelenskiy


none of these visits are as they say they are

Plus they gettin' tired of "Pedro" on the right so the article sez so in this case "don't vote for Pedro"-they are ALL politicians so 'none of the above' imo but some are a little better than others..like the Hungarians..but still politicians

Spain’s Far-Right Files Makes Unlikely Push to Topple Sanchez


RAF RRR6385 C-17 departed Rzsesow Iarport, Poland after a load out west and REDEYE6 E-8C Joint STARS done and heading SW back to Ramstein with PERSEO71 AEW&C G550 done and back to Constanta Romania (he been here and over eastern Poalnd for a while several weeks-first flown out of Rome but now they are stationing in Romania)

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b93c0a No.20435

File: 61e9e49089e284a⋯.png (635.8 KB,634x1052,317:526,Clipboard.png)

File: 438522385b3f081⋯.png (322.62 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419365 (271729ZFEB23) Notable: DeWine suffered a displaced distal fibula fracture just above his ankle during his visit to East Palestine/Das Boot

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FOX News

View Profile

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine recovering after injury in East Palestine: reports

Story by Stephen Sorace • 1h ago

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine suffered a displaced distal fibula fracture just above his ankle during his visit to East Palestine last week in the aftermath of the toxic Norfolk Southern train derailment, according to local reports.

DeWine’s office confirmed with FOX8 Cleveland that the governor will need to wear a boot for the next few weeks as he recovers.

DeWine told the Columbus Dispatch that his "foot caught on something" while walking down the stairs of the First Church of Christ in East Palestine on Tuesday.

"I'm fine," the governor told the paper Sunday. "I'm just not walking my dog as much."

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b93c0a No.20436

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419368 (271730ZFEB23) Notable: @IvanRaiklin Moar AZ election fraud newz

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"Ivan Raiklin Arizona Senate Testimony Part # 2. Q + A"

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b93c0a No.20437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419375 (271730ZFEB23) Notable: DeWine suffered a displaced distal fibula fracture just above his ankle during his visit to East Palestine/Das Boot

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DAS BOOT for Ohio Governor.


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b93c0a No.20438

File: c48351624159d04⋯.png (44.42 KB,793x378,793:378,Clipboard.png)

File: 723761d1b72833d⋯.png (82.02 KB,816x563,816:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419380 (271732ZFEB23) Notable: @ScottAdamsSays My publisher for non-Dilbert books has canceled my upcoming book and the entire backlist, book agent canceled me too

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nobody safe from cancel gestapo.

Scott Adams


My publisher for non-Dilbert books has canceled my upcoming book and the entire backlist. Still no disagreement about my point of view. My book agent canceled me too.

10:48 AM · Feb 27, 2023


Scott Adams Retweeted

Doug TenNapel (blue check implied)


@ScottAdamsSays is a liberal (he should repent) and was canceled by the liberal hivemind. Step out of line and you can't eat. Liberals are terrible for the arts, human expression and merit. To everyone cheering at his demise, they'll come for you too. The future is indie.



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b93c0a No.20439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419388 (271734ZFEB23) Notable: Harris Delivers Remarks on Expanding Affordable High-Speed Internet Nationwide - Columbia, SC

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12:45 PM EST

Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks on Expanding Affordable High-Speed Internet Nationwide - Columbia, SC

Vice President Harris delivers remarks highlighting the progress on the Administration's efforts to expand affordable high-speed internet nationwide.


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b93c0a No.20440

File: 7b614df528b07f9⋯.png (231.67 KB,469x397,469:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419394 (271735ZFEB23) Notable: At the OSCE meeting in Vienna, Western diplomats left the moment the Russian delegation arrived.

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🇦🇹🇷🇺 At the OSCE meeting in Vienna, Western diplomats left the moment the Russian delegation arrived.


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b93c0a No.20441

File: 0c011a4f63d066a⋯.png (68.31 KB,469x455,67:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419410 (271738ZFEB23) Notable: #NNSA’s Office of Radiological Security works with U.S. partners to secure cesium irradiators

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#NNSA’s Office of Radiological Security works with U.S. partners to secure cesium irradiators. Through its Cesium Irradiator Replacement Project,


removed and replaced all cesium irradiators with #Xray devices, achieving permanent risk reduction.



Target acquired for the next FF?

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b93c0a No.20442

File: fa484123f3f3e02⋯.png (21.03 KB,469x274,469:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419428 (271742ZFEB23) Notable: Study shows edible insects carry parasites that can be pathogenic for humans.

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Study shows edible insects carry parasites that can be pathogenic for humans.



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b93c0a No.20443

File: fadd440e799fa68⋯.png (698.93 KB,1169x628,1169:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419431 (271743ZFEB23) Notable: Janet Yellen meets with Zelenskyy in Ukraine

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WTH? Janet Yellen Makes ‘Surprise’ Visit to Kiev to Announce Another $1.25 Billion in Aid to Ukraine

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen made a ‘surprise’ visit to Kiev on Monday to reinforce the US’s support for Ukraine.

Joe Biden was just in Ukraine giving Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky more US taxpayer money.

But that wasn’t enough.

Yellen is now in Kiev to announce another transfer of $1.25 billion to Ukraine.

Janet Yellen is also working to seize the $300 billion in Russian bank assets frozen by sanctions and transferring it to Ukraine to help rebuild the country.

Reuters reported:

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen swept into Kyiv on Monday on a surprise visit to reaffirm U.S. support for Ukraine in its struggle against Russia’s invasion and promote U.S. economic aid that is bolstering Ukraine’s war effort.

Yellen met with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and other key government officials just days into the war’s second year, repeating U.S. assurances delivered by President Joe Biden a week ago in Kyiv.

“America will stand with Ukraine as long as it takes,” Yellen, flanked by sandbags at the cabinet ministers’ office, told Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.

Shmyhal, speaking through an interpreter, said the two discussed further U.S. sanctions on Russia aimed at weakening its economy and military and “confiscating frozen Russian assets and putting them to the benefit of the recovery of Ukraine.”

But Yellen told reporters in a phone briefing that there were still significant legal obstacles to fully seizing the $300 billion in Russian central bank assets frozen by sanctions.

Yellen also announced the transfer of the first $1.25 billion from the latest, $9.9 billion tranche of economic and budget assistance from Washington.


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b93c0a No.20444

File: 77292433b1182e6⋯.png (195.83 KB,547x460,547:460,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419465 (271748ZFEB23) Notable: FL Governor DeSantis Signs Bill Stripping Disney of Self-Governing Status

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FL Governor DeSantis Signs Bill Stripping Disney of Self-Governing Status

Monday morning, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis officially signed into law a bill that strips Disney of special privileges and appoints a state board to ensure debts are not absorbed by taxpayers.

DeSantis called a Special Session in 2022 to file legislation to terminate all special districts that were enacted in Florida prior to 1968 and the removal of exemptions from the big tech accountability law.

The Gateway Pundit reported that last year, DeSantis signed a bill terminating all special districts that were enacted in Florida prior to 1968, including Disney’s Reedy Creek Improvement District. The new law removes Disney’s tax privilege and special governing status.

The Reedy Creek Improvement District is the governing jurisdiction and special taxing district for the land of Walt Disney World Resort.

Florida Voice News Reports:

The governor’s office said the bill will end Disney’s ability to: build airports, nuclear facilities, toll roads, boundary changes to their property, award noncompetitive construction contracts, and more.

“From a policy perspective, how do you give one theme park its own government and then treat all of the other theme parks differently?” DeSantis said. “And so we believe that was not good policy.”



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b93c0a No.20445

File: d6d4facc29c6ea6⋯.png (290.7 KB,502x491,502:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419473 (271752ZFEB23) Notable: Saboteurs Say They Blew Up A Russian Military Plane In Belarus

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Saboteurs Say They Blew Up A Russian Military Plane In Belarus

Ukrainian media reports began claiming Sunday that a large explosion rocked Machulishchy airbase in Minsk Oblast in Belarus, with reports saying a Russian aircraft had been damaged. Eyewitness accounts suggested two explosions in the Sunday morning hours.

"According to preliminary reports, the traffic police stopped the cars in several places around the airbase and checked the trunks and ID of the drivers," Ukrainska Pravda reported, also citing the presence of emergency vehicles on the scene. But now there appears further confirmation in AFP that a Russian military airplane was likely destroyed at the airfield.

Secret operatives reportedly used drones to carry out the attack, before sneaking back across the border and out of Belarus. Reuters is also as of Monday morning reporting the news.

Belarus' anti-Lukashenko opposition is now claiming that it was a successful sabotage operation which targeted Russian aircraft. The information has been revealed by officials working under exiled Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya:

"Partisans… confirmed a successful special operation to blow up a rare Russian plane at the airfield in Machulishchy near Minsk," tweeted Franak Viacorka, a close adviser of opposition figurehead Svetlana Tikhanovskaya.

"This is the most successful diversion since the beginning of 2022," he added.

The two Belarusians who carried out the operation had used drones, he said, adding that they had already left the country and were safe.

Tikhanovskaya herself also weighed in, saying, "I am proud of all Belarusians who continue to resist the Russian hybrid occupation of Belarus & fight for the freedom of Ukraine." She's long carried out her opposition activity in exile from Lithuania and earlier Poland, having also recently been tried in absentia by Lukashenko's court system.

She further claimed the aircraft was worth 330 million euros, with other opposition media sources identifying that it was an A-50 surveillance plane.

The Russian A-50U "Mainstay" is indeed a very large, expensive surveillance aircraft in operation by the Russian air force, as The Drive details:

The target here is very important, regardless. The A-50s are very low-density, high-demand assets and are one of Russia's major advantages over Ukraine in terms of the air war. The A-50 provides general wide-area aerial surveillance and airborne command and control capabilities. Beyond this, and arguably most importantly, they provide the critical 'look-down' radar surveillance capability for Russia's air operations.

"As such, not only can they generate an 'air picture' deep into Ukraine, but this also includes detecting low-flying aircraft which far-off ground-based radars cannot see," the report continues. "This is the currently primary operating regime for Ukrainian aircraft anywhere near Russia's 'overlay' of complex anti-air capabilities that extends deep into Ukrainian-controlled territory."


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b93c0a No.20446

File: 80fa82d0e0b2b06⋯.png (62.61 KB,1192x692,298:173,Clipboard.png)

File: f9a0cbee9a8bf9a⋯.jpg (108.64 KB,500x558,250:279,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419477 (271752ZFEB23) Notable: Geomagnetic storms reaching strong levels tonight. What should we expect?

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b93c0a No.20447

File: f7384e67e04458e⋯.png (255.84 KB,880x517,80:47,Clipboard.png)

File: 361e5cc4da479b8⋯.png (333.87 KB,485x469,485:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419479 (271753ZFEB23) Notable: SPAR15 C-40C returning to JBA from Casablanca, Morocco departLindsey Grahamprolly drop off at JBA and then go to Scott AFB with SAM361

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SPAR15 C-40C returning to JBA from Casablanca, Morocco departLindsey Grahamprolly drop off at JBA and then go to Scott AFB with SAM361 G5 east from St. Louis Int'l back to JBA

SPAR=Special Priority Air Resource

US Senator: ‘Morocco is a Stabilizing Force in a Volatile Region’

Rabat - Morocco's Foreign Minister, Nasser Bourita, met today in Casablanca with a delegation of US senators to discuss the depth of the US-Morocco relationship, as both countries are working to advance peace, prosperity around the world. On the sideline of the meeting, US Senator for South Carolina Lindsey Graham said that the relationship between Rabat and Washington “is one of the strongest that the US maintains in the region.”

Graham highlighted that members of both parties see Morocco as “a stabilizing force in a volatile region.” The US ambassador to Morocco, Puneet Talwar, also took part in the meeting. “I joined six US senators for an excellent meeting with Morocco's Minister of Foreign Affairs today in Casablanca,” the ambassador tweeted.


'''FORGE78 US Army G5 done at Millington Regional Jetport-Memphis and back to JBA and C102 US Coast Guar went to New Haven-Groton Airport CT

VENUS02 92-9000 747 continues it's cert flight over north central FL'

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b93c0a No.20448

File: 1a61f80c4034dcf⋯.png (304.52 KB,556x637,556:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419483 (271754ZFEB23) Notable: LA County Scrubs 1.2 Million Names from Bloated Voter Rolls Thanks to Work by Judicial Watch

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Los Angeles County Scrubs 1.2 Million Names from Bloated Voter Rolls Thanks to Work by Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch announced today that Los Angeles County removed 1,207,613 ineligible voters from its rolls since last year under the terms of a settlement agreement in a federal lawsuit Judicial Watch filed in 2017 (Judicial Watch, Inc., et al. v. Dean C. Logan, et al. (No. 2:17-cv-08948)). Judicial Watch sued on its own behalf and on behalf of four lawfully registered voters in Los Angeles County and the Election Integrity Project California, Inc., a public interest group involved in monitoring California’s voter rolls.

Under the terms of the settlement agreement, Los Angeles County sent almost 1.6 million address confirmation notices in 2019 to voters listed as “inactive” on its voter rolls. Under the federal National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), voters who do not respond to the notices and who do not vote in the following two federal elections must be removed from the voter rolls. The settlement also required an update to the state’s online NVRA manual to make it clear that ineligible names must be removed and to notify each California county that they are obliged to do this.

In the most recent of a series of progress reports to Judicial Watch, Los Angeles County confirmed that a total of 1,207,613 ineligible and inactive voters were recently removed from the rolls. Los Angeles County confirmed last year that over 634,000 of its inactive voters hadn’t voted in at least 10 years.

Judicial Watch previously detailed that Los Angeles County had allowed more than 20% of its registered voters to become inactive without removing them from the voter list.

“This long overdue voter roll clean-up of 1.2 million registrations in Los Angeles County is a historic victory and means California elections are less at risk for fraud,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Building on this success, Judicial Watch will continue its lawsuits and activism to clean up voter rolls and to promote and protect cleaner elections.”

Judicial Watch is a national leader in voting integrity and voting rights. As part of its work, Judicial Watch assembled a team of highly experienced voting rights attorneys who stopped discriminatory elections in Hawaii, and cleaned up voter rolls in California, Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky, among other achievements.

Judicial Watch recently settled federal election integrity lawsuit against New York City after the city removed 441,083 ineligible names from the voter rolls and promised to take reasonable steps going forward to clean its voter registration lists.

Kentucky also removed hundreds of thousands of old registrations after it entered into a consent decree to end another Judicial Watch lawsuit.

In February 2022, Judicial Watch settled a voter roll clean-up lawsuit against North Carolina and two of its counties after North Carolina removed over 430,000 inactive registrations from its voter rolls.

In March 2022, a Maryland court ruled in favor of Judicial Watch’s challenge to the Democratic state legislature’s “extreme” congressional gerrymander.

In May 2022, Judicial Watch sued Illinois on behalf of Congressman Mike Bost and two other registered Illinois voters to stop state election officials from extending Election Day for 14 days beyond the date established by federal law.


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b93c0a No.20449

File: e0f568a636e4831⋯.png (455.26 KB,579x531,193:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419496 (271755ZFEB23) Notable: Janet Yellen meets with Zelenskyy in Ukraine

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>>>/qresearch/18409439, >>19963, >>19999 pb

Knew this on Saturday

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b93c0a No.20450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419497 (271756ZFEB23) Notable: Twitter has laid off another 200 employees, including some top executives

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Musk fires more Twitter staff

The layoffs have reportedly impacted 10% of the company’s remaining workforce of 2,000 people

Twitter has laid off another 200 employees, including some top executives, in the latest round of massive job cuts since Elon Musk took over last October.

According to media reports, the layoffs started on Saturday night and many employees learned their fate on Sunday when they couldn’t access their company email accounts and laptops.

The job cuts targeted product managers, data scientists and engineers. They include the head of the paid subscription service Twitter Blue, Esther Crawford. The founder of the screen-sharing app Squad, Crawford joined Twitter after her company was acquired by the social media giant in late 2020. She later defended Twitter’s new work culture under Elon Musk and vowed to go “all-in.” In November 2022, the executive was pictured on the office floor in a sleeping bag with a sleeping mask.

Crawford tweeted about her exit on Sunday: “The worst take you could have from watching me go all-in on Twitter 2.0 is that my optimism or hard work was a mistake … I’m deeply proud of the team for building through so much noise & chaos.”

Musk also issued a tweet on Sunday, saying “Hope you have a good Sunday. First day of the rest of your life.”

The latest layoffs bring Twitter's full-time headcount down to under 2,000, a sharp fall from the 7,500 employed when Musk took over the company in late October. The billionaire then almost immediately started laying off Twitter staff, saying at the time that it was necessary in order to avoid financial ruin for the platform. His initial plan, however, was to only cut around 50% of the staff.


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b93c0a No.20451

File: 050fa236f36294a⋯.mp4 (4.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419525 (271801ZFEB23) Notable: Refresher: 2019 Trump: We all have to get rid of nuclear weapons

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2019 Trump: We all have to get rid of nuclear weapons

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20452

File: b3e83e33568c4ba⋯.png (147.96 KB,544x561,32:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419542 (271805ZFEB23) Notable: House Oversight Committee Demands Treasury Testify About Withholding ‘Suspicious’ Biden Family Bank Reports

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House Oversight Committee Demands Treasury Testify About Withholding ‘Suspicious’ Biden Family Bank Reports

House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer (R-KY) on Monday demanded the Treasury Department answer for stonewalling its investigation into the Biden family for nine violations, including money laundering and wire fraud, by withholding 150 Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) flagged by U.S. banks.

In January, the Treasury Department denied the committee’s request to disclose the 150 SARs flagged by U.S. banks concerning the Biden family’s foreign business bank transactions, causing the committee’s chairman to threaten a subpoena. SARs often contain evidence of potential criminal activities, such as money laundering and fraud.

Before Comer tries to work through the courts to compel the relevant information, Comer demanded the Treasury testify on March 10 about failing to produce the reports it has previously failed to provide, citing “improper disclosure” of information that could reduce the Biden administration’s ability to “conduct of law enforcement, intelligence, and national security activities.”

“Given the amount of time that has passed since our initial request and Treasury’s inability to provide a projected timeframe when the SARs will be produced, the committee believes Treasury may be delaying its production to hinder our investigation and operating in bad faith,” Comer wrote on Monday. “Treasury’s excuses and delay tactics are unavailing given you have known about our request since last year and previously produced relevant SARs to others.”

The Biden family bank records are a key trove of information that will provide details about how the family business operates and desired transparency on Hunter’s anonymous art sales and foreign business transactions, along with knowledge of whether Joe Biden remains compromised by foreign governments through his family’s business.

“Therefore, I write to invite you to testify at a hearing before the full Committee to be held on March 10, 2023, at 9 a.m. EST in room 2154 of the Rayburn House Office Building,” Comer said. “This hearing will examine the various justifications you have provided the Committee regarding Treasury’s failure to produce documents requested of it, including SARs”:


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b93c0a No.20453

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419560 (271811ZFEB23) Notable: FDA: ‘Potential Risk’ of Fatal Neurological Disorder with New Pfizer Shot

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FDA: ‘Potential Risk’ of Fatal Neurological Disorder with New Pfizer Shot

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revealed that pharmaceutical giant Pfizer’s new vaccine carries a “potential risk” of causing a possibly fatal neurological disorder.

The news comes amid increasing concerns about adverse reactions to the company’s Covid shots.

Large numbers of people have reported some form of reaction to the jabs, with many suffering severe health issues such as heart attacks, strokes, or even sudden death.

Now the FDA has disclosed that another Pfizer vaccine can cause serious complications in recipients.

During a clinical trial, two older individuals contractedGuillain-Barré syndromeafter receiving Pfizer’s Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) shot.

These results caused the FDA to flag the RSV shot for carrying “an important potential risk” of causing the disease.

However, Pfizer is still seeking approval for general public use, despite the results from the trials.

Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rare disorder that causes your body’s immune system to attack your nerves, according to the Mayo Clinic.

While most people recover from Guillain-Barre syndrome,some severe cases can be fatal.

Otherserious cases can result in paralysis.


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b93c0a No.20454

File: ea3df26df017b3e⋯.png (253.74 KB,548x532,137:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419593 (271816ZFEB23) Notable: O’KEEFE CHANGES TWITTER BIO TO SAY HE’S A ‘GUERRILLA JOURNALIST’

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James O’Keefe, formerly the face of Project Veritas (PV) has updated his Twitter bio to Guerrilla Journalist. He also posted to the platform for the first time since he left PV.

“Think about it: there are a million restaurants in Brooklyn, but we found ourselves in the only one in the city that could have given us a shot like this. And on the biggest PV story ever, no less. OKeefeTips@protonmail.com”


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b93c0a No.20455

File: 044d1cc72d3fd4f⋯.png (324.54 KB,472x566,236:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419598 (271817ZFEB23) Notable: @USNavy That's a wrap on #Tucson #NavyWeek! ⚓️

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That's a wrap on #Tucson #NavyWeek! ⚓️

Be sure to follow


for the next Navy Week!


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b93c0a No.20456

File: 8d276d325fb9bee⋯.png (119.64 KB,770x637,110:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419671 (271828ZFEB23) Notable: Whatever happened to Pfizer's covid vaccine trial in pregnant women?

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Whatever happened to Pfizer's covid vaccine trial in pregnant women?

The trial began in 2021. But over a year after the last woman was enrolled, the company just admitted it still doesn't have the data.

When covid-19 vaccines were granted emergency authorization in Dec 2020, there was consternation over whether pregnant women should be vaccinated.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women were excluded from the original Pfizer and Moderna phase III clinical trials, so any recommendation to vaccinate them was a gamble.

The world was dealing with a novel vaccine technology, tested under ‘warp speed’ conditions, and no long-term safety data to speak of.

For this reason, the WHO did not widely recommend the covid-19 vaccine during pregnancy because of insufficient safety data. But not everyone agreed.

In January 2021, soon after the vaccine roll-out commenced, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its website saying that the mRNA vaccines were “unlikely to pose a specific risk for people who are pregnant.”

Professional societies such as the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) both advised that covid-19 vaccines not be withheld from pregnant or lactating women.

Similarly, the UK’s Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) released a statement saying that “COVID-19 vaccines are strongly recommended in pregnancy.”

So, as the months passed, hundreds of thousands of pregnant women globally, rolled up their sleeves to receive the vaccine, despite the absence of any clinical trials.

The message from authorities was clear - the harm from covid-19 infection outweighed any harms from the mRNA vaccine – but in truth, they couldn’t possibly have known.

Animal studies

Pfizer’s official product labelling information for pregnant women refers only to animal studies, stating “No vaccine-related adverse effects on female fertility, fetal development, or postnatal development were reported”.

But a freedom of information (FOI) request to the Australian drug regulator in June 2021, shows the study was only carried out in 44 rats (22 injected with 30µg of mRNA vaccine, 22 injected with saline).

The study found the vaccine led to a statistically significant doubling in fetal loss (9.77% mRNA vs 4.09% saline), but Pfizer concluded that the difference between the two groups was “not biologically meaningful.”

The label also states that Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine was not tested for its potential to cause carcinogenicity (ability to cause cancer), genotoxicity (ability to damage genetic information), or impairment of male fertility.

Unlike Pfizer, Moderna kept its pregnant rodents alive to test the embryos. Documents accessed by Judicial Watch, showed a “statistically significant” number of rats were born with skeletal variations after being injected with Moderna’s mRNA vaccine.

But Moderna concluded that the "Skeletal variations are structural changes that do not impact development or function of a developing embryo” and therefore “not considered adverse.”


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b93c0a No.20457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419702 (271833ZFEB23) Notable: Chairman McCaul on CNN Discussing His Trip to Ukraine and Holding the CCP Accountable

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Chairman McCaul on CNN Discussing His Trip to Ukraine and Holding the CCP Accountable

1 hour ago

House Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans


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b93c0a No.20458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419821 (271901ZFEB23) Notable: Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Ned Price

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2:00 PM EST

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Ned Price.

Department of State





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b93c0a No.20459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419825 (271902ZFEB23) Notable: The Army's Role in the Indo-Pacific

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2:00 PM EST

Not Just an Air and Maritime Theater: The Army's Role in the Indo-Pacific with Hon. Christine Wormuth, US Secretary of the Army, and Gen. Charles Flynn, commanding general of US Army Pacific

American Enterprise Institute





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b93c0a No.20460

File: 59ebd711c483843⋯.png (38.5 KB,513x230,513:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419861 (271909ZFEB23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The Psycho “Prosecutor” assigned to me for the Documents Hoax, “Jack Smith(?),

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The Psycho “Prosecutor” assigned to me for the Documents Hoax, “Jack Smith(?),” is not only, together with his wife, family & friends, a massive Trump Hater (of historic proportions!), but also someone that Viciously & Unscrupulously pursued others, only to be overturned unanimously by the U.S. Supreme Court. Why don’t they have a “Thug” like this going after Biden, who really did commit crimes? His “Prosecutor” is a nice guy, not a Trump Hating Monster. Very unfair, but people get it!


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b93c0a No.20461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419874 (271912ZFEB23) Notable: #22582

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#22582 >>20410

>>20411, >>20412, >>20413 Report from Geneva: The WHO CA+ Treaty Falls Short

>>20414 Former U.S. & World Bank Officials Discuss Rebuilding Ukraine's Economy

>>20415 @FordFischer Today, I have hours of new J6 footage to share with the world.

>>20416 NAR: Pending Home Sales Increased 8.1% in January; Down 24.1% Year-over-year

>>20417 congressional kudos for the keks

>>20418 @NIST Learn how we measure the cosmos

>>20419 NYC Dept. of Correction Disgraced Jail Guards Union Boss Norman Seabrook Corruption Sentence Reduced

>>20420, >>20446 Geomagnetic storms reaching strong levels tonight. What should we expect?

>>20421 Russia strikes intelligence center near Kiev

>>20422 Wall Street investors snatching up single-family homes and taking over rental market

>>20423, >>20427 U.S. durable goods orders plunged -4.5% in January

>>20424 PlaneFag CONUS Activity: 92-9000 747 (VC-25) sighting so they must be getting it ready for active service as it's VENUS02

>>20425, >>20436 @IvanRaiklin Moar AZ election fraud newz

>>20426 ADHD can slow down ability to understand speech

>>20428 First Financial Crisis timeline entry 2007

>>20429, >>20443, >>20449 Janet Yellen meets with Zelenskyy in Ukraine

>>20430 @USNavy Three is better than one! 🇮🇹 🇪🇸 🇺🇸

>>20431 @FortBenning Now you see me, now you don't.

>>20432 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Zodiacal Ray with Venus and Jupiter

>>20433 Ms. Omeish (Fairfax VA school board) Condemns US efforts at the Battle of Iwo Jima

>>20434 Hungarian AF HAUF531 Falcon 7X departed StockholmFM Peter Szjaritoback to Budapest

>>20435, >>20437 DeWine suffered a displaced distal fibula fracture just above his ankle during his visit to East Palestine/Das Boot

>>20438 @ScottAdamsSays My publisher for non-Dilbert books has canceled my upcoming book and the entire backlist, book agent canceled me too

>>20439 Harris Delivers Remarks on Expanding Affordable High-Speed Internet Nationwide - Columbia, SC

>>20440 At the OSCE meeting in Vienna, Western diplomats left the moment the Russian delegation arrived.

>>20441 #NNSA’s Office of Radiological Security works with U.S. partners to secure cesium irradiators

>>20442 Study shows edible insects carry parasites that can be pathogenic for humans.

>>20444 FL Governor DeSantis Signs Bill Stripping Disney of Self-Governing Status

>>20445 Saboteurs Say They Blew Up A Russian Military Plane In Belarus

>>20447 SPAR15 C-40C returning to JBA from Casablanca, Morocco departLindsey Grahamprolly drop off at JBA and then go to Scott AFB with SAM361

>>20448 LA County Scrubs 1.2 Million Names from Bloated Voter Rolls Thanks to Work by Judicial Watch

>>20450 Twitter has laid off another 200 employees, including some top executives

>>20451 Refresher: 2019 Trump: We all have to get rid of nuclear weapons

>>20452 House Oversight Committee Demands Treasury Testify About Withholding ‘Suspicious’ Biden Family Bank Reports

>>20453 FDA: ‘Potential Risk’ of Fatal Neurological Disorder with New Pfizer Shot


>>20455 @USNavy That's a wrap on #Tucson #NavyWeek! ⚓️

>>20456 Whatever happened to Pfizer's covid vaccine trial in pregnant women?

>>20457 Chairman McCaul on CNN Discussing His Trip to Ukraine and Holding the CCP Accountable

>>20458 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Ned Price

>>20459 The Army's Role in the Indo-Pacific

>>20460 @realDonaldTrump The Psycho “Prosecutor” assigned to me for the Documents Hoax, “Jack Smith(?),


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b93c0a No.20462

File: 438522385b3f081⋯.png (322.62 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: f51ba49285b1360⋯.jpg (84.95 KB,724x754,362:377,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 229077aece524c3⋯.png (89.75 KB,240x255,16:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419900 (271918ZFEB23) Notable: #22583

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Baker needs handy, will tap @20

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b93c0a No.20463

File: de170c6f8325155⋯.png (547.89 KB,600x435,40:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419938 (271926ZFEB23) Notable: Compiled research on the warcrimes of the Ukrainian Nazis

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My entire two and a half years of compiled research on the warcrimes of the Ukrainian Nazis


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b93c0a No.20464

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419952 (271930ZFEB23) Notable: CIA Chief: Iran Not Resuming Nuclear Weapons Program

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CIA Chief: Iran Not Resuming Nuclear Weapons Program

Falsely claims Iran is enriching to 84%

In a CBS interview over the weekend, CIA Director William Burns offered an assessment which, coming from US officials, would be a huge admission and potentially of much consequence. Burns reported Iran is “not resuming” its nuclear weapons program, which it ended decades ago, and has made no decisions on even attempting to.

The US has long been vague on whether or not Iran is really trying to make arms. Iran says they aren’t, and has ruled out ever doing so on religious grounds. Analysts have also been concluding for years that Iran is not actively trying to make atomic weapons.

Having the US spy chief make such a public admission should portend a policy shift back toward diplomacy with Iran. It may also lead to a backlash from nations like Israel and Saudi Arabia who want spurious allegations against Iran to continue being treated as impediments to such diplomacy.

Such nations accuse Iran of things left and right, and strongly prefer the US endorsing their accusations. Accusing Iran of nuclear arms development is the life blood of Israel’s aid demands, and now the US CIA chief is contradicting those allegations.

US ambiguity often depends on misinterpreting the facts of Iran’s civilian program, and Burns continues to struggle with facts, falsely claiming Iran is now enriching uranium to 84%.

In reality, Iran’s enrichment maxes out at 60%, and the production of a few 84% enriched particles was an accidental result of configuring enrichment centrifuges. Even there the production was well-short of weapons grade, and not a proliferation risk, so even being mistaken on that fact it was possible for the CIA to conclude that there is no active weapons program.


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b93c0a No.20465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419965 (271931ZFEB23) Notable: Biden Regime Won’t Say if They Will Release “Unclassified Version” of Chinese Lab Leak Assessment, Potato still tongue tied

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2:30 PM EST

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The White House



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b93c0a No.20466

File: f6cc879961cb4b7⋯.png (127.68 KB,714x711,238:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419967 (271932ZFEB23) Notable: Starting a search for a MAP of Klaush Schwab's home and it looks like there's a cover up

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Starting a search for a MAP of Klaush Schwab's home and what's this Search Results already flooded with "Trust The Q" WHITE NOISE About klaush being arrested.

I tire of you fuckers.

I just want a MAP of Switzer Land I Can draw a LINE across Klaush's ROOF.

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b93c0a No.20467

File: d54217948c7aec1⋯.png (581.27 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419991 (271940ZFEB23) Notable: 17 boxes of ballots were driven to Runbeck

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17 boxes of ballots, eh?

Ballots that were driven to Runbeck


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b93c0a No.20468

File: 5b9a6819c876247⋯.png (590.6 KB,984x543,328:181,Clipboard.png)

File: cb521c472f3a386⋯.png (285.09 KB,456x448,57:56,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18419997 (271942ZFEB23) Notable: PF: SAM296 C-40B (and one that J.C.O.S. Milley has used in the past several times) departed JBA NE

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SAM296 C-40B (and one that J.C.O.S. Milley has used in the past several times) departed JBA NE

>>20424, >>20447 lb

SPAR15 C-40B arriving at JBALindsey Grahamfrom Casablanca, Morocco depart

VENUS02 92-9000 747 still on it's cert flight and passed right over JBA heading north and turned back towards JBA

RCH4552 C-17 Globemaster departed JBA and heading to Dover AFB-potato equipment p/u'

French AF CTM1016 A-330 inbound over Maine from Brussels Int'l depart earlier today

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b93c0a No.20469

File: a3d15828e69f376⋯.png (873.71 KB,720x1126,360:563,Clipboard.png)

File: d8f63b1a6187177⋯.png (289.35 KB,567x851,567:851,Clipboard.png)

File: 50dfac1f5a66f88⋯.png (106.61 KB,297x223,297:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420000 (271943ZFEB23) Notable: The missing head of a top international model was found in a soup pot, police said on Sunday, as they charged two former in-laws with her murder.

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The missing head of a top international model was found in a soup pot, police said on Sunday, as they charged two former in-laws with her murder.

Abby Choi, 28, went missing on Tuesday. Her dismembered legs were found three days later in a fridge in a makeshift butcher's workshop but her head, torso and hands were missing.

On Sunday, police found Ms Choi’s missing head and some ribs in a big soup pot, the South China Morning Post reported.

“Tools that are used to dismember human bodies were found in the flat, including meat grinders, chainsaws, long raincoats, gloves, and masks,” Superintendent Alan Chung said on Saturday.



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b93c0a No.20470

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420002 (271943ZFEB23) Notable: Eshay rapper Spanian axed after wild-eyed rant claiming 'paedophile child groomers' are hiding behind the gay pride movement

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==Eshay rapper Spanian axed after wild-eyed rant claiming 'paedophile child groomers' are hiding behind the gay pride movement

Spanian goes on rant about LGBTQIA+ movement==

Rapper claimed 'paedophiles' behind gay pride movement

Sydney is currently hosting the 2023 WorldPride event

Controversial rapper Spanian has been axed by his hip-hop collective after a rant claiming 'paedophiles' are being hidden behind the gay pride movement.

The Aussie eshay rapper - who built a successful online persona speaking about his troubled past in prison - went on an Instagram tirade on Saturday as tens of thousands marched in the Sydney Mardi Gras.

'I'm f*ing sick of this f*ing perverted, putrid s*, like a bunch of deadset paedophiles hiding behind some f*ing gay pride,' he said.

'How far is this until youse are showing d**ks in the streets now?

His comments came as Sydney hosts the WorldPride festival - the globe's largest celebration of all things LGBTQIA+.

'We're not even men, we're not women. We're f***ing this, we're that, we're a hundred different things. Forcing it upon us. We say nothing… Everyone's too scared to f*ing say something. Then it's forcing it upon our kids,' Spanian said.

'All of these child groomers hiding in plain sight, the times coming to an end, I'm not copping it no more. I'm f***ing over it. I'm calling it out.

'What else do we have to accept?… What else do you want to teach our children? F***ing sick of this. F* 'em.'

He also zeroed in on a LGBTQIA+ groups using images like teddy bears to promote events and brands, referencing the recent controversy surrounding luxury fashion label Balenciaga.

The designer brand last year ran a campaign featuring pictures of children holding leather bondage teddy bears.

A 'kink and BDSM-inspired' mural on display in Wynyard Street of a teddy bear with a beer can and a gay pride flag has also stirred up controversy in Sydney last week, with the artwork being vandalised earlier this week.



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b93c0a No.20471

File: ada38ae3dc2ad45⋯.png (249.74 KB,792x455,792:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420016 (271945ZFEB23) Notable: 17 boxes of ballots were driven to Runbeck

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>17 boxes of ballots, eh?

Arizona Speaker of the House Ben Toma Connected to RUNBECk



>Michele Swinick saysKen Bennett made a panic phone call during the hearing.

>Someone saw that he was callingAdrian Fontes

>also said Sonny Borelli mentioned 3 things thatcan't be saidduring the hearing.

>Ben Toma


>Mormon Church


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b93c0a No.20472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420024 (271949ZFEB23) Notable: James O'Keefe & The Deep State, Ukraine, Mike Gill & The Nation Of Corruption

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James O'Keefe & The Deep State, Ukraine, Mike Gill & The Nation Of Corruption


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20473

File: 9605131d27d7fee⋯.png (301.89 KB,1141x545,1141:545,Clipboard.png)

File: f6487d0fb6ede08⋯.png (834.81 KB,1324x3167,1324:3167,Clipboard.png)

File: c664069b1c14b26⋯.png (565.31 KB,1237x2685,1237:2685,Clipboard.png)

File: f5a97ae2a4fc34c⋯.png (192.63 KB,864x543,288:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420050 (271956ZFEB23) Notable: 17 boxes of ballots were driven to Runbeck

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>Arizona Speaker of the House Ben Toma Connected to RUNBECk

Runbeck > Jeff Ellington > COO Precision Aero > Toma Family

Precision Aero niggers in cover up mode. Removed Ellington from the About Us page. Cache still has it and it's from Feb 23


Ben Toma (Republican Party) is a member of the Arizona House of Representatives, representing District 27. He assumed office on January 9, 2023. His current term ends on January 13, 2025.

Toma (Republican Party) ran for re-election to the Arizona House of Representatives to represent District 27. He won in the general election on November 8, 2022.

Toma completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2022. Click here to read the survey answers.

Toma began serving as state House majority leader in 2021, and as state speaker of the house in 2023.


Ben Toma was born in Romania and moved to the United States in 1987.[1] Toma graduated from Park Rose High School in Portland. He studied at Portland State University from 1995 to 1996 and earned a B.A. in integrative studies (philosophy) from Arizona State University West in 2003. His career experience includes working as a business performance manager and manager of portfolio analytics at American Express and as a designated broker at Century 21 Toma Partners. He served on the Peoria City Council in Arizona from 2014 to 2015


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b93c0a No.20474

File: 58f40cb69ed1513⋯.jpeg (102.14 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420058 (271958ZFEB23) Notable: Zelensky aide explains why Ukraine won’t let men leave

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27 Feb, 2023 18:08

Zelensky aide explains why Ukraine won’t let men leave

Human rights take the back seat to obligations to the state, Mikhail Podoliak told German TV

The top aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has defended Kiev’s decision to ban men from leaving the country, saying obligations to the state trump human rights. Fleeing the draft means wanting Ukraine to be destroyed, Mikhail Podoliak told the German state outlet DW.

“Let’s be blunt here. No need to speculate. What does the restriction of rights mean? Do people in Ukraine not have obligations also? Or are we just talking about rights?” Podoliak told DW in an interview making the rounds on social media on Monday.

“The state has a duty to provide things, let people travel, let people live as they wish. Yes, in peacetime,” he continued. “But in wartime, that’s not a question to raise. Do you want to cross the border? That means you want Ukraine to stop existing, because you crossed the border.”

“Because when you say ‘Open the borders for men,’ that means opening the border so they can run away from the manly choice. And they want to run away,” Podoliak said.

His comments came as some Western outlets pointed out the “aggressive” mobilization tactics of the Kiev government. A report in The Economist on Sunday referred tothe case of a man who was missing both hands since childhood, but the draft office in Lviv insisted he was fit to serve– until social media uproar forced them to relent.

After the conflict in Donbass escalated last year, Zelensky imposed martial law and banned Ukrainian males aged 18-60 from leaving the country. Since then, there have been several waves of mobilization, as Kiev sought to rebuild units shattered in the fighting.

Recruiters have moved from serving summonses on one’s doorstep to “violently enforcing” them in the streets, at shopping centers, and even at military funerals, according to The Economist.

Meanwhile, there have been reports of people bribing officials to dodge the draft and paying to be smuggled out of the country. Lawyers for some of the “unjustly” mobilized received summonses themselves, preventing them from practicing law.

Kiev is likely to ramp up “recruitment of less-motivated Ukrainians,” the outlet said, as it hopes to launch a massive offensive before the summer, using heavy weapons provided by the US and its allies.

(How is this different than Communism or Nazis? They are telling the world their are dictators, someone should listen.)


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b93c0a No.20475

File: 2c3860f73719cc7⋯.jpeg (117.67 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6601ad9aed62fcf⋯.jpeg (273.4 KB,980x551,980:551,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420095 (272007ZFEB23) Notable: ‘Impossible to escape’ El Salvador prison accepts first inmates, New facility will remain the home for gangsters for decades

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27 Feb, 2023 15:14

‘Impossible to escape’ prison accepts first inmates

New facility will remain the home for gangsters for decades, El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele says

The first 2,000 inmates have been transferred to a mega-prison set up by authorities in El Salvador amid a crackdown on violent street gangs, the Central American nation’s President Nayib Bukele has announced.

Photos and videos made at the Center for the Confinement of Terrorism (CECOT) on Friday showed numerous heavily tattooed men stripped-down to their underpants, arriving at the facility under the supervision of armed guards in full riot gear.

The inmates were filmed crouching down with their hands behind their heads before being positioned on the floor next to each other and chained.

President Bukele said on Twitter that the men were “gang members” and that CECOT will “be their new home,where they’ll stay for decades, mixed up, unable to do any more harm to the population.”

The so-called ‘mega-prison,’ located 74 kilometers (46 miles) southeast of the capital San Salvador, has the capacity to host 40,0000 convicts, according to authorities. It’s said to be the largest penitentiary in the Americas.

The facility, which consists of eight buildings, is reportedly guarded by 600 soldiers and 250 police officers and is fitted with the most modern equipment. Bukele claimed earlier that“it’s impossible” to escape from CECOT.

El Salvador, a nation of around 6.5 million on the Pacific Ocean, introduced a state of emergency in March 2022 amid a major spike in gang violence. Some 64,000 people have been arrested in the country since then on suspicion of being involved in organized crime. The majority of them are currently awaiting trial in custody.

Human rights activists have expressed concerns that the crackdown was carried out in violation of the constitution and saw many suspects detained without warrants.

Bukele, who describes the country’s criminals as “terrorists,” has been mulling prison sentences of up to 30 years for the very fact of being a member of a street gang. According to the head of state, the clampdown has led to asignificant drop in crime in El Salvador in recent months, with the number of killings being reduced to almost zero.


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b93c0a No.20476

File: fb7d94473fdd0ba⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420096 (272008ZFEB23) Notable: Who Started The War!? This woman was arrested by the SBU after her statements were published.

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🇷🇺🇺🇦 Who Started The War!?

This woman was arrested by the SBU after her statements were published.

🔗 A woman who claimed that Ukraine started a war against its own people was brought to justice in Sumy Oblast

(https://sumypost-com.translate.goog/sumynews/kriminal/na-sumshhyni-prytyagnuly-do-vidpovidalnosti-zhinku-yaka-stverdzhuvala-shho-ukrayina-sama-pochala-vijnu-proty-svoyih-lyudej/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)✳️ If You Want To Better Understand The Conflict Between Russia/Ukraine Watch These Documentaries: https://t.me/JustDudeChannel/25171

Follow @JustDudeChannel 😎

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b93c0a No.20477

File: ab2d75dac2777d0⋯.png (409.04 KB,602x769,602:769,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c0e850a2bfca85⋯.mp4 (5.31 MB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420124 (272015ZFEB23) Notable: Biden Regime Won’t Say if They Will Release “Unclassified Version” of Chinese Lab Leak Assessment, Potato still tongue tied

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b93c0a No.20478

File: cdf5a4402464cab⋯.png (31.92 KB,591x195,197:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420134 (272017ZFEB23) Notable: terror attacks in the West Bank tonight

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Ambassador Tom Nides


Sadly, I can confirm that a U.S. citizen was killed in one of the terror attacks in the West Bank tonight. I pray for his family.

2:41 PM · Feb 27, 2023


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b93c0a No.20479

File: 679e31144d5c540⋯.png (1.04 MB,1038x1280,519:640,Clipboard.png)

File: dc36863caa1944b⋯.mp4 (3.18 MB,828x484,207:121,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420150 (272020ZFEB23) Notable: This is Kathy Hochul’s New York State: Shopkeeper Shot In Front Of His Kid By Armed Robber

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WARNING GRAPHIC: Shopkeeper Shot In Front Of His Kid By Armed Robber

The perpetrator then casually steals some snacks and leaves.

This is Kathy Hochul’s New York State…

Join @ResistorNewswire against censorship


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b93c0a No.20480

File: 1f3e5743dc0bd3a⋯.png (215.45 KB,604x621,604:621,Clipboard.png)

File: b8ffad038ce060d⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420169 (272025ZFEB23) Notable: I no longer trust airports.

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b93c0a No.20481

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420189 (272034ZFEB23) Notable: I no longer trust airports.

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I no longer trust airports.

After seeing the pics of the "artwork" at Denver airport and all of the underground hubbub, and the TSA and masks nazi flight attendants, etc. I have no intentions of going anywhere near an airport again unless I absolutely have to.

I have a feeling in my gut that airports are evil.

And they have secret areas in them that are closed off to the general public.

And recently, in Chicago, ever though they have tons of airport security personnel, there are homeless people being allowed to live at the airports.

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b93c0a No.20482

File: 9f039b3d3c259c9⋯.png (331.03 KB,636x503,636:503,Clipboard.png)

File: 0018e94739adace⋯.png (449.96 KB,767x506,767:506,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420194 (272035ZFEB23) Notable: Chicago inmates claim jail guards are pressuring them to illegally vote in the mayoral election

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EXCLUSIVE: Chicago inmates claim jail guards are pressuring them to illegally vote in the mayoral election


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b93c0a No.20483

File: 20d8a9cb59042ba⋯.png (569.2 KB,1027x941,1027:941,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420208 (272040ZFEB23) Notable: Brazil ignores US demands, welcomed the Iranian Navy after a brief delay

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Brazil ignores US demands

>Rio de Janeiro has welcomed the Iranian Navy after a brief delay


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b93c0a No.20484

File: 8484e80e8cc0417⋯.png (1.04 MB,1024x689,1024:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420225 (272045ZFEB23) Notable: A group of banks have agreed to settle a lawsuit tied to a $7 billion Ponzi scheme.

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Banks Make ‘Monumental’ Settlement in $7B Ponzi Case

A group of banks have agreed to settle a lawsuit tied to a $7 billion Ponzi scheme.

Among these is TD Bank, which announced in a Monday (Feb. 27) news release that it will pay $1.2 billion to settle the suit, which accused it and other banks of aiding the pyramid scheme run by convicted fraudster Allen Stanford (made him 'the example'-he goes to jail for 110 years and the banks that financed him settle and dindu). “As has been the case throughout these proceedings, TD expressly denies any liability or wrongdoing with respect to the multi-year Ponzi scheme operated by Stanford and makes no admission in connection to any Stanford matter as part of the settlement,” the Toronto-based bank said in a news release. The bank chose to settle the suit to “avoid the distraction and uncertainty of continuing a long legal proceeding,” according to the release, with the bank noting it had already prevailed in a trial in Canada dealing with the Stanford case.

Joining TD in settling were HSBC, which agreed to pay $40 million, and Independent Bank Group, which will pay $100 million. All three banks were set to go to trial in the case Monday, Bloomberg reported. France’s Société Générale agreed to pay $157 million to settle the case last week, Reuters reported. Like TD Bank, none of the other financial institutions admitted to wrongdoing. Plaintiffs’ attorney Kevin Sadler called the settlements “nothing short of a monumental recovery,” in a statement to Bloomberg. Stanford, now serving a 110-year prison sentence, was convicted in 2012 of cheating investors by selling fraudulent certificates of deposits from his offshore bank, Stanford International Bank. Investors alleged in their lawsuit that the banks should have known the CDs were phony, given the outsized number of large wire transfers and shipments of bags filled with investor checks leaving Standord’s bank in Texas for Antigua. In an interview with PYMNTS, Seth Ruden, senior director of fraud operations for First Tech Federal Credit Union, talked about how his FI is dealing with the challenge.

While fraudsters use many methods, account takeovers stand out. Ruden said there has been a sharp rise in this type of attack in which a criminal takes control of someone’s account by leveraging their login credentials, making it arguably the top threat. An overreliance on passwords is helping fuel this trend. “You share a password between different sites — and that’s a huge problem with passwords,” he said. “We need to be far more diligent as organizations to ensure that we shore up those risks, as individuals are compromised every day.”


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b93c0a No.20485

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420246 (272051ZFEB23) Notable: A group of banks have agreed to settle a lawsuit tied to a $7 billion Ponzi scheme.

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must have cycled


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b93c0a No.20486

File: 6bd68d2d3d87ca0⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: decb354e3a66fe6⋯.png (249.48 KB,1080x500,54:25,Clipboard.png)

File: d631831f0204223⋯.png (330.61 KB,1080x674,540:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420247 (272052ZFEB23) Notable: Crazy video of an open pit mine collapsing in northern China.

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Crazy video of an open pit mine collapsing in northern China.



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b93c0a No.20487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420282 (272101ZFEB23) Notable: FEMA press conference in East Palestine, Ohio

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LIVE: FEMA press conference in East Palestine, Ohio

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b93c0a No.20488

File: 2ccd4b6f1cec2f4⋯.png (445.94 KB,540x836,135:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420294 (272103ZFEB23) Notable: What is Coloboma? A young woman in Poland is getting attention after speaking out on Instagram with claims that she may be Madeline McCann

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What is Coloboma? Doctors Explain

A young woman in Poland is getting attention after speaking out on Instagram with claims that she may be Madeline McCann, the British toddler who has been missing since 2007.

McCann, in case you’re not familiar with her story, disappeared while her family was vacationing at a resort in Portugal. Now, 21-year-old Julia Faustyna says she believes she may be McCann, noting that the two share physical similarities, including a coloboma in their right irises.

“I have similar eyes, shape of face, ears, lips,” Faustyna wrote in one Instagram post. In another, she said that their coloboma is “exactly the same.”


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b93c0a No.20489

File: e3310a328cb649b⋯.png (140.05 KB,691x433,691:433,Clipboard.png)

File: b62e8342e40fb9b⋯.png (555.65 KB,523x568,523:568,Clipboard.png)

File: 224385fde923d9c⋯.png (257.64 KB,435x574,435:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420306 (272106ZFEB23) Notable: PF: SAM296 C-40B (and one that J.C.O.S. Milley has used in the past several times) departed JBA NE

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>>20424 lb

CFC3065 CL-60 left Port Au-Prince Haiti after a ground stop

Traces show 2h45m of time between dropping off scope and picking back up so it' wasn't there for very long and although this AC has been used by Trudope in the past this is not him (it would be CFC1/01 but it is a high-level on for the RCAF

from 10 days ago

Trudeau says Canada is 'elbow deep' in assisting Haiti


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b93c0a No.20490

File: 060da49e598c65b⋯.png (343.83 KB,528x409,528:409,Clipboard.png)

File: b78894b1ae4d339⋯.png (823.45 KB,655x1280,131:256,Clipboard.png)

File: da520ca46a071c2⋯.png (11.07 KB,422x162,211:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420335 (272112ZFEB23) Notable: Vyacheslav Rovneiko, director of the Interregional Fuel Union, was found dead in Moscow yesterday.

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Vyacheslav Rovneiko, director of the Interregional Fuel Union, was found dead in Moscow yesterday.

He became the eighth Russian oil and gas tycoon to die under strange circumstances since early 2022.

Rovneiko's body was found in his house in an elite village on Rublyovka.


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b93c0a No.20491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420336 (272112ZFEB23) Notable: Kansas passes bill to 'define a woman' as someone who is 'born female'

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Kansas passes bill to 'define a woman' as someone who is 'born female'

Sky News host Rowan Dean says the US state of Kansas has “passed a bill to define a woman as someone who is born female”.

“They have come out and given it a definition – and surprise, surprise – it is someone who is born a female,” he said.


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b93c0a No.20492

File: 799b5a578a38ba3⋯.png (1.02 MB,1154x732,577:366,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420338 (272112ZFEB23) Notable: The Marine Corps is getting rid of Scout Snipers

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The Marine Corps is getting rid of Scout Snipers


Attempting to phase out The Corps?

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b93c0a No.20493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420365 (272118ZFEB23) Notable: Biden Regime Won’t Say if They Will Release “Unclassified Version” of Chinese Lab Leak Assessment, Potato still tongue tied

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5:00 PM EST

H.R. 347 - Reduce Exacerbated Inflation Negatively Impacting the Nation Act; H.J. Res. 30 - Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to "Prudence and Loyalty in Selecting Plan Investments and Exercising Shareholder Rights".

House Rules Committee


H.J. Res. 30



H.R. 347






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b93c0a No.20494

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420384 (272122ZFEB23) Notable: Biden Regime Won’t Say if They Will Release “Unclassified Version” of Chinese Lab Leak Assessment, Potato still tongue tied

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Fuckery afoot

Karine Jean-Pierre Won’t Say if Biden Regime Will Release “Unclassified Version” of Chinese Lab Leak Assessment


Kirby on DOE Lab Leak Report: “There is Not a Consensus Right Now in the US Government About Exactly How Covid Started”


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b93c0a No.20495

File: 29d793080803a8b⋯.png (20.36 KB,584x180,146:45,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ec162caf869a9c⋯.png (14.4 KB,555x214,555:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420412 (272129ZFEB23) Notable: @realDonald “TRUTH” SOCIAL HAS BECOME THE HOTTEST THING GOING. I SAY IT LIKE IT IS!

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Donald J. Trump



Feb 27, 2023, 10:50 AM


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b93c0a No.20496

File: facf6b86ad99d9a⋯.png (478.51 KB,1024x535,1024:535,Clipboard.png)

File: 648072e92ba0141⋯.png (344.83 KB,627x399,11:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420413 (272130ZFEB23) Notable: "Proud Boy Prosecutors Clamor to MUZZLE the Defense After Court Disaster" - GWP

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Explosions in the Courtroom! DOJ’s Star Witness and Turncoat’s Testimony COLLAPSES! Proud Boy Prosecutors Clamor to MUZZLE the Defense After Court Disaster!

Last week at the Proud Boy Trial, a former Proud Boy and rat took the stand as a government witness against the group of American patriots.

The Department of Injustice’s star turncoat found himself in the crosshair of his worst enemy: His very own testimony.

Jeremy Bertino was a former Proud Boy, and videos have shown him to be one of the biggest agitators at rallies. Coincidentally, he is now working with the Government. Called “Noble Beard” by his former friends when he was an active Proud Boy (most Proud Boys have nicknames), the tall pencil-thin long bearded rat threw his five friends under the bus to save his own backside. It was revolting to watch.

Bertino, now property of the DOJ, clearly made a sweet deal with the government in exchange for incriminating testimony to help put his former drinking buddies in jail for decades. Arrested after January 6th for additional weapons charges that were found in his home in an FBI raid, Bertino has not yet seen jail time (unlike his five friends on trial). The government is holding the weapons charges over his head to get the testimony they need out of him to further their agenda of convicting the Proud Boys of “Seditious Conspiracy” and ultimately tying them to President Trump.

The bearded traitor perjured himself under oath multiple times and contradicted his own FBI interviews to cooperate with his new masters- the diabolical prosecutors. The desperate new conspiracy theory the prosecutors are feeding the biased D.C. jury is that the Proud Boys were so angry that their buddy Bertino (the rat) was stabbed by Antifa in a December rally before January 6th that they decided to take it out on police and the government. As a result they planned the fabled “Insurrection” of January 6th and committed “Seditious Conspiracy” all based on Bertino’s wound.

For obvious reasons the government needs Bertino’s cooperation to convince the jury of this ridiculous conspiracy theory- they are grasping at straws as their case against the Proud Boys continues to fall apart. Un-Noble Beard was more than willing to help the government as he sat on the stand and lied through his teeth (and bigger than his head beard).

“He has to sleep at night,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “Some of these guys were his best friends. They have been locked up in solitary confinement for two years and counting and facing decades in jail. It takes a special POS to do what Bertino is doing. Committing perjury to hurt his friends and fellow Americans, and assisting the left-leaning DOJ in their agenda of keeping Democrats in power by using January 6th as their “Reichstag Fire”.

If the drama in the Proud Boy Court Room was televised, the nation would be gripped and the whole fake January 6th narrative would fall apart. We at the Gateway Pundit and our associates are your only witness as it is being hidden from the public.


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b93c0a No.20497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420415 (272131ZFEB23) Notable: Compiled research on the warcrimes of the Ukrainian Nazis

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I found a powerful documentary that Ukraine attempted to ban from the western world. It has gone virtually unseen in the United States.

Should I post it on Twitter?


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b93c0a No.20498

File: 6684d0cefe282a2⋯.jpg (46.8 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 73d0c4be28c8268⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,640x435,128:87,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4132f867b20a960⋯.jpg (61.51 KB,640x432,40:27,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8539faa96d2c3f9⋯.jpg (51.22 KB,640x507,640:507,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cbc4735cc77a15b⋯.jpg (46.31 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420417 (272131ZFEB23) Notable: Solar Storm Begins, CME Impact & More, KP index reaches 7, magnetosphere weakness

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KP index reaches 7 ongoing solar storm exposes magnetosphere weakness


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20499

File: a54e81cc157ec4a⋯.png (45.75 KB,585x272,585:272,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420422 (272132ZFEB23) Notable: @realDonald The Psycho “Prosecutor” assigned to me for the Documents Hoax, “Jack Smith Viciously & Unscrupulously pursued others

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Donald J. Trump


The Psycho “Prosecutor” assigned to me for the Documents Hoax, “Jack Smith(?),” is not only, together with his wife, family & friends, a massive Trump Hater (of historic proportions!), but also someone that Viciously & Unscrupulously pursued others, only to be overturned unanimously by the U.S. Supreme Court. Why don’t they have a “Thug” like this going after Biden, who really did commit crimes? His “Prosecutor” is a nice guy, not a Trump Hating Monster. Very unfair, but people get it!

Feb 27, 2023, 1:55 PM


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b93c0a No.20500

File: 955c19ffefc21fe⋯.png (173.26 KB,594x372,99:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420436 (272135ZFEB23) Notable: Beware Nikki Haley, Grade A bureaucrat in ‘Oedipal primary’

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13:58 = 17

Donald J. Trump



Beware Nikki Haley, Grade A bureaucrat in ‘Oedipal primary’

Former South Carolina Gov. and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley has joined the 2024 Republican presidential race as the latest “I’m not Donald Trump” candidate.


Feb 27, 2023, 1:58 PM


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b93c0a No.20501

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420437 (272135ZFEB23) Notable: Solar Storm Begins, CME Impact & More, KP index reaches 7, magnetosphere weakness

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b93c0a No.20502

File: ccb876090ccc14d⋯.png (63.25 KB,766x505,766:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 24c96438582ec5c⋯.png (49.9 KB,780x364,15:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420461 (272139ZFEB23) Notable: Compiled research on the warcrimes of the Ukrainian Nazis

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Send a pm to https://gab.com/Lightntruth

EU Fascism Embraced: Over 20 Highly Revealing Videos Highlight US and EU Support for Fascist Pro-Nazi Military Battalions in Ukraine



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b93c0a No.20503

File: dae25e561add527⋯.png (390.91 KB,560x701,560:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420465 (272140ZFEB23) Notable: Biden Regime Won’t Say if They Will Release “Unclassified Version” of Chinese Lab Leak Assessment, Potato still tongue tied

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ICYMI earlier… 17 words from Joseph.

President Biden


United States government official

We’re building a charging network from coast to coast – and creating good-paying jobs while doing it.

8:00 AM · Feb 27, 2023


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b93c0a No.20504

File: 40db9115530c92c⋯.png (456.97 KB,768x401,768:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420528 (272151ZFEB23) Notable: Federal Court Hearing Scheduled in Lawsuit Seeking Details of Meeting Between DOJ Lawyers and AP Reporters Regarding Trump Associate Paul Manafort - JW

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Judicial Watch: Federal Court Hearing Scheduled in Lawsuit Seeking Details of Meeting Between DOJ Lawyers and AP Reporters Regarding Trump Associate Paul Manafort

FEBRUARY 27, 2023

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today announced that a court hearing will be held before U.S. District Court Carl J. Nichols on Thursday, March 9, 2023, in the Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for records of a meeting set up by then-Chief of the Justice Department’s Criminal Fraud Section Andrew Weissmann between the DOJ, FBI and reporters from The Associated Press (AP), in which Weissmann allegedly provided guidance to reporters investigating Paul Manafort, and which may have led to the raid of Manafort’s storage locker (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:19-cv-00879)).

The hearing will be held:

Date: Thursday, March 9, 2023

Time: 1 pm ET

Location: E. Barrett Prettyman U.S. Courthouse

333 Constitution Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20001

Judicial Watch has explained to the court that the search for attorney Shreve Ariail’s records remains at issue. At the time Ariail was assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York. He subsequently became deputy general counsel for litigation and investigations at the CIA, and is now in private practice. Ariail was among the three U.S. attorneys who attended and emailed about the meeting with at least one AP reporter and Andrew Weissmann. (Weissmann was hired to work on Robert Mueller’s special counsel operation against President Trump. Weissman then reportedly spearheaded the subsequent investigation and prosecution of Manafort.) The DOJ refused to search Ariail’s records until it was ordered to do so by the court in March 2022. During this process, new information has come to light that casts doubt on the DOJ’s obligation to retain Ariail’s records during Judicial Watch’s pending lawsuit.

Judicial Watch contends that the DOJ’s response about its retention of Ariail’s records raises critical questions about potential deletion of records that require the court’s immediate attention.

In October 2019, Judicial Watch made public two productions of documents from the FBI – 28 pages and 38 pages – about an April 11, 2017, “off-the-record” meeting set up by then-Chief of the Justice Department’s Criminal Fraud Section Andrew Weissmann, between the DOJ, the FBI and The Associated Press in which AP reporters reportedly provided information on Manafort, including the numeric code to Manafort’s storage locker.



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b93c0a No.20505

File: 68f18b50272b86f⋯.png (1.51 MB,1170x1272,195:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420547 (272154ZFEB23) Notable: Islamic Republic ofIranNavy Moudge-class frigate IRINS Dena (75)coming into Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - February 26, 2023 #irinsdena

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Islamic Republic ofIranNavy Moudge-class frigate IRINS Dena (75)coming into Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - February 26, 2023 #irinsdena


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b93c0a No.20506

File: 203f2ce882b5369⋯.png (517.21 KB,985x674,985:674,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420567 (272159ZFEB23) Notable: NASA Administrator Selects New Head of Science

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NASA Administrator Selects New Head of Science

Feb 27, 2023

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson announced Monday Dr. Nicola Fox will serve as the associate administrator for the agency’s Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington, effective immediately.

“As the director of our Heliophysics Division, Nicky was instrumental in expanding the impacts and awareness of NASA’s solar exploration missions and I look forward to working with her as she brings her talents, expertise, and passion to her new role,” Nelson said. “We’re all grateful for the interim leadership of Sandra Connelly, who has done an incredible job keeping the mission moving forward over the last couple months.”

As NASA’s head of Science, Fox’s portfolio includes more than 100 NASA missions to explore the secrets of the universe – missions that assess questions as far ranging as how hurricanes form on Earth, how we can support astronauts on the Moon, and whether we are alone in the universe. She also will be responsible for fostering an inclusive, welcoming atmosphere and supporting a diverse team of scientists and engineers around the country at all stages of their careers.

Fox began her NASA career in 2018 leading the Heliophysics Division, overseeing the agency’s efforts to study the Sun and how its constant solar wind affects Earth and other planets. Prior to that, she worked at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, where she was the chief scientist for heliophysics and the project scientist for NASA’s Parker Solar Probe.

Throughout her career, Fox has authored numerous scientific articles and papers, in addition to delivering science presentations worldwide. In 2021, she was awarded the American Astronautical Society’s Carl Sagan Memorial Award for her demonstrated leadership in the field of heliophysics with extensive project, program, and supervisory experience. She also is a recipient of NASA’s Outstanding Leadership Medal, awarded in 2020.


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b93c0a No.20507

File: 8e859f38caf4fd3⋯.png (708.13 KB,1638x1265,1638:1265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420605 (272207ZFEB23) Notable: On the SAME DAY the Pentagon officially admitted funding 46 biological research labs in Ukraine, the WHO reversed its stance on the China lab-leak theory

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On the SAME DAY the Pentagon officially admitted funding 46 biological research labs in Ukraine, the WHO reversed its stance on the China lab-leak theory saying it now needed more serious investigation.

Same. Damn. Day.

Covid was likely created somewhere other than Wuhan (probably at a US-funded lab in Ukraine). Clowns released in Wuhan to make it seem as though it could've originated from that lab.

The Wuhan lab-leak was likely the Deep State's way of holding Xi Jinping hostage. As long as Xi didn't interfere with their plot, the WHO wouldn't accuse China of leaking Covid-19 from the lab.

But when China supported Russia's accusation of US biolabs in Ukraine the WHO pointed the laser right at the Wuhan lab.


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b93c0a No.20508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420680 (272220ZFEB23) Notable: Trump Lets Loose On 'Biden And The Globalists,' Proposes Major China Trade Overhaul

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JUST IN: Trump Lets Loose On 'Biden And The Globalists,' Proposes Major China Trade Overhaul


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b93c0a No.20509

File: 675a1ee09d6be68⋯.png (486.25 KB,829x701,829:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420687 (272220ZFEB23) Notable: FDA Suddenly Finds Rare Neurological Disorder Is ‘Potential Risk’ With Pfizer RSV Vaccine

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FDA Finds Rare Neurological Disorder Is

‘Potential Risk’ With Pfizer RSV Vaccine

Epoch Times, by Tom Ozimek

Posted By: earlybird, 2/27/2023 5:00:47 PM

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that two older adults who received Pfizer’s respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine during a clinical trial were subsequently diagnosed with the rare neurological disorder Guillain-Barré syndrome. Briefing documents (pdf) released on Feb. 24 ahead of this week’s meeting of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee flagged the two cases of the disorder and stated that Pfizer’s vaccine poses a potential risk. “Given the temporal association and biological plausibility, FDA agrees with the assessments of the investigators that these events were possibly related to study vaccine,” the FDA stated in the documents. “Therefore, [Guillain-Barré] is being considered an important potential risk.”

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b93c0a No.20510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420691 (272221ZFEB23) Notable: Biden Regime Won’t Say if They Will Release “Unclassified Version” of Chinese Lab Leak Assessment, Potato still tongue tied

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Joe live


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b93c0a No.20511

File: 6fc69fb5f5f35cc⋯.png (117.51 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420641 (272213ZFEB23) Notable: #22584

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b93c0a No.20512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420695 (272222ZFEB23) Notable: Joe tweets / remarks

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'Tater Up

link hot

'Tater and Ho Deliver Remarks at a Black History Month Reception


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b93c0a No.20513

File: cfa14cbb204e3e5⋯.png (399.25 KB,892x871,892:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420703 (272223ZFEB23) Notable: Treasury Department is obstructing investigation into the Biden family's business schemes

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b93c0a No.20514

File: 1717234b8327f2c⋯.png (359.49 KB,551x567,551:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420715 (272225ZFEB23) Notable: Joe tweets / remarks

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17:18 = 17

Kamala up now…Joe soon

President Biden


United States government official

Tune in as I deliver remarks at a reception celebrating Black History Month.President Biden@POTUS

President Biden and Vice President Harris deliver remarks at a reception celebrating Black History Month.

5:18 PM · Feb 27, 2023


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b93c0a No.20515

File: be833c62f81e739⋯.png (365.74 KB,551x588,551:588,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420723 (272227ZFEB23) Notable: Joe tweets / remarks

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President Biden


United States government official

We pay more for prescription drugs than any developed nation.

I took on special interests to bring down health care costs for folks on Medicare, so you can sleep better knowing if something happens to a loved one, it won't be the difference between dignity and dependence.

4:45 PM · Feb 27, 2023


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b93c0a No.20516

File: 675a1ee09d6be68⋯.png (486.25 KB,829x701,829:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420739 (272230ZFEB23) Notable: FDA finds rare neuroligical disorder is 'potential risk' with Pfizer RSV vaccine

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FDA Finds Rare Neurological Disorder Is

‘Potential Risk’ With Pfizer RSV Vaccine

Epoch Times, by Tom Ozimek

Posted By: earlybird, 2/27/2023 5:00:47 PM

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that two older adults who received Pfizer’s respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine during a clinical trial were subsequently diagnosed with the rare neurological disorder Guillain-Barré syndrome. Briefing documents (pdf) released on Feb. 24 ahead of this week’s meeting of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee flagged the two cases of the disorder and stated that Pfizer’s vaccine poses a potential risk. “Given the temporal association and biological plausibility, FDA agrees with the assessments of the investigators that these events were possibly related to study vaccine,” the FDA stated in the documents. “Therefore, [Guillain-Barré] is being considered an important potential risk.”

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b93c0a No.20517

File: b7c01604371694f⋯.png (28.84 KB,1014x276,169:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420746 (272232ZFEB23) Notable: Supreme Court to review constitutionality of funding consumer protection bureau

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Supreme Court to review constitutionality

of funding consumer protection bureau

The Hill [DC], by Zach Schonfeld

Original Article

Posted By: Dreadnought, 2/27/2023 3:56:21 PM

The Supreme Court will review the constitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) funding mechanism. Lower courts have split on the issue of whether the CFPB’s funding through annual transfers by the Federal Reserve violates the Constitution’s Appropriations Clause, which establishes Congress’s power of the purse. In a brief, unsigned order on Monday, the court announced it will take up the case, indicating at least four justices agreed to do so. The CFPB was created after the 2008 financial crisis to enforce consumer financial laws, and a coalition of 16 Republican attorneys general

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b93c0a No.20518

File: 0c98aeccf4a10e9⋯.png (522.6 KB,695x772,695:772,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420754 (272233ZFEB23) Notable: Whistleblower says he gave DoJ damning information on Biden family foreign business deals

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Whistleblower Says He Gave DOJ Damning

Information on Biden Family Foreign Business Deals

Washington Free Beacon [D.C.], by Chuck Ross

Posted By: Dreadnought, 2/27/2023 3:46:17 PM

An Israeli think tank executive who served alongside Hunter Biden as an adviser to a Chinese energy conglomerate widely suspected of serving as a front for the Chinese Communist Party now says he provided the FBI with damning information about the Biden family’s foreign business dealings. Gal Luft, the co-director of the Washington-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, says he provided information about Hunter Biden, his father, and his uncle, Jim Biden, to the Justice Department in March 2019. Luft served as an adviser to CEFC China Energy, a conglomerate that "aligned itself so closely with the Chinese government that it was often hard to distinguish between the two,"

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b93c0a No.20519

File: 05dea2654b864b7⋯.png (53.93 KB,627x430,627:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420761 (272235ZFEB23) Notable: …and just like that, natural immunity is no longer a conspiracy theory

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And Just Like That, Natural Immunity is

No Longer a Conspiracy Theory

American Thinker, by Brian C. Joondeph MD

Posted By: DVC, 2/27/2023 2:56:25 PM

Natural immunity to disease is, or at least was, a well-known concept in medicine. By disease, I mean viral infections. One can’t develop natural immunity to diseases like diabetes or heart failure. Many of us remember “chicken pox parties” where when one kid was infectious, he or she was invited over to play with your kids, so they all got infected and then they did not have to worry about getting chicken pox again, due to natural immunity. The CDC defines it as follows: “Natural immunity is acquired from exposure to the disease organism through infection with the actual disease.”

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b93c0a No.20520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420763 (272235ZFEB23) Notable: Racketeering enterprises inextricably intertwined with Arizona Election Fraud

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Sharing anon’s links on:

Racketeering Enterprises Inextricable Intertwined with Arizona Election Fraud

>>20201 pb


Preliminary Findings of Activities Impacting Arizona's Election Integrity

MP4 https://files.catbox.moe/kammko.mp4

Readable PDF https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3Aa1d7f701-299a-37b6-9417-ff63f3f86893#pageNum=1

Jacqueline "Jackie" S. Fine-Breger – AZ Leg Testimony - Feb 23, 2023

Arizona Senate Elections and House Oversight hearing

YouTube: https://youtu.be/YjkR02Y8OfY

Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2auo26-arizona-elections-and-house-osight-committee.html

Attorney John Harris Thaler – FrankSpeech Interview - Feb 24, 2023

US politicians have been corrupted through a drug cartel money laundering

FrankSpeech: https://frankspeech.com/video/exclusive-brannon-howse-interviews-attorney-john-thaler-claim-politicians-us-corrupted-drug

Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2axt5i-brannon-howse-and-john-thaler-arizona-politicians-are-corrupted-by-drug-car.html

Jacqueline Breger – Pete Santilli Interview - Feb 24, 2023

The Pete Santilli Show – starts at 20-minute mark

Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2atsiw-breaking-exclusive-investigation-exposes-katie-hobbs-and-sinaloa-cartel-ep-.html

Attorney John Harris Thaler – Gail Golec Interview - Feb 24, 2023

We Have the Receipts on Kari Lakes Judge, RICO Violations and more…

Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2avkm2-we-have-the-receipts-on-judges-rico-violations-and-more…-maricopa-aztruth.html

The Biggest Criminal Conspiracy in the USA History

John Thaler and Jacqueline Breger – Feb 26, 2023 Twitter Space by TheBigMigTM

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheBigMigShow/status/1630015375134932994

Maricopa County Corruption Exposed

John Thaler and Jacqueline Breger – Feb 26, 2023 Twitter Space by Phenomenology

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BerryRazi/status/1629970093714317313

John Thaler's Twitter: https://twitter.com/Thaleresq

Jacqueline Breger's Twitter: https://twitter.com/FineBreger

(I know there will be more going forward; but that's what I've seen.)

**please let me know if there's something I missed

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b93c0a No.20521

File: 92d8dc067586fbb⋯.png (632.75 KB,663x710,663:710,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420766 (272236ZFEB23) Notable: Joe Biden's former 'gatekeeper' to partially comply with House Probe into family business, classified doc scandal

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Joe Biden’s Former ‘Gatekeeper’

to Partially Comply with House Probe into

Family Business, Classified Doc Scandal

Breitbart Politics, by Wendell Husebø

Posted By: Imright, 2/27/2023 2:16:09 PM

Kathy Chung, President Joe Biden’s former “primary gatekeeper,” has agreed to partially comply with the House Oversight Committee’s probe into the classified document scandal and the Biden family’s international business schemes. Chung’s lawyer, Bill Taylor, told CNN she will hand over some requested documents and sit for an interview with the committee, which is investigating the Biden family for nine violations, including money laundering and wire fraud. It is also probing Biden’s classified document scandal that would likely not have been revealed to the public if it was not leaked to CBS News in January.

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b93c0a No.20522

File: dc945dc9baa484b⋯.png (95.03 KB,593x654,593:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420780 (272237ZFEB23) Notable: @WallStreetSilv: Anyone remember the plot from Strange Brew?🧐

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Wall Street Silver


Anyone remember the plot from Strange Brew?🧐

In their quest for free beer, bumbling Canadian brothers Bob and Doug McKenzie wind up working at the Elsinore Brewery. The hapless lads uncover a sinister mind-control plot spearheaded by Brewmeister Smith and must stop the scheme.


10:00 PM · Feb 26, 2023




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b93c0a No.20523

File: 68eb21d013622b3⋯.png (400.66 KB,551x620,551:620,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420791 (272239ZFEB23) Notable: O66m6: I’m so proud of the work we’ve done at @MBK_Alliance

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Obama wants to get in on the 17 action today.

17:36 = 17

Barack Obama


I’m so proud of the work we’ve done at @MBK_Alliance, and the young men who’ve been a part of this community. And we're not done yet. We’ll keep working to make sure even more boys and young men reach their full potential.

Quote Tweet

My Brother's Keeper Alliance




Today, the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance celebrates nine years of dynamic initiatives and programming. Our work thrives on the unwavering commitment of our network of community organizations and leaders whose purpose is rooted in the progression of boys and young men of color.

5:36 PM · Feb 27, 2023


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b93c0a No.20524

File: ba8ae6ea25101a5⋯.png (20.69 KB,606x286,303:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420794 (272240ZFEB23) Notable: The U.S. is sending $444 million in "aid" to Yemen

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Charlie Kirk


NEW—The US is sending $444 million in "aid" to Yemen

This is in addition to last week's successive announcements of:

$500 million to Ukraine

$10 Billion to Ukraine

$2 Billion to Ukraine

4:49 AM · Feb 27, 2023




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b93c0a No.20525

File: c195585a25752e4⋯.png (3.47 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420800 (272241ZFEB23) Notable: Racketeering enterprises inextricably intertwined with Arizona Election Fraud

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Speaking of


>John Thaler's Twitter: https://twitter.com/Thaleresq

New tweets from John Thaler

@Thaleresq · 17m

June/July 2021 communications with the AZ AG’s office concerning fraudulent court docs and bribes paid to Judge’s Assistants

To those who doubt: Our work has been presented for review since March 2021 in courts and to enforcement agencies. No one has found a flaw. We welcome independent review and will make many more documents available over the next week.

One more clarification: I have never met nor spoken to Jennifer Wright. In November 2022 I contacted her at the AG’s office. Messages were left twice. I did not receive a return call.


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b93c0a No.20526

File: 54691c52556c8fc⋯.png (220.21 KB,571x418,571:418,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420802 (272242ZFEB23) Notable: House Republicans widen COVID origins investigation, seek docs on gain-of-function research

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Just the News




House Republicans widen COVID origins investigation, seek docs on gain-of-function research justthenews.com/politics-polic

House Republicans widen COVID origins investigation, seek docs on gain-of-function research

Formerly maligned as a conspiracy theory, recent reports have lent credence to the notion that the COVID-19 pandemic originated as the result of a lab leak at the WIV in China.


Feb 27, 2023, 11:40 AM

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b93c0a No.20527

File: e670d7d0994a4a4⋯.png (460.84 KB,1017x992,1017:992,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420812 (272244ZFEB23) Notable: Latter-day Saints / Udall family

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all pb

>also said Sonny Borelli mentioned 3 things thatcan't be saidduring the hearing.

>Ben Toma


>Mormon Church


>17 boxes of ballots, eh?

>Ballots that were driven to Runbeck


>Arizona Speaker of the House Ben Toma Connected to RUNBECk


>Runbeck > Jeff Ellington > COO Precision Aero > Toma Family

>Precision Aero niggers in cover up mode.

Arizona is a hub for the Church of Latter-day Saints. Valley 101 found out why

Amanda Luberto

Arizona Republic

Published 6:00 a.m. MT March 22, 2021Updated 1:02 p.m. MT April 15, 2021

The Valley is full of transplants. Many of us moved here or our parents moved here, perhaps our grandparents.

Then there's Candice Copple, whose family has been in Arizona for six generations. Copple's ancestors came to Arizona in the 1800s as a part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Her great-great-great-grandfather was Charles Innes Robson I. He’s considered a founding father of Mesa in the East Valley. Charles came to Arizona with his father-in-law, Francis Pomeroy, and two other families under Brigham Young’s direction.

Today, Arizona has the fourth highest population of LDS members in the United States. We’re just behind Utah, California and Idaho. And Arizona’s history with the LDS Church stretches back before Candice’s family.

In today’s episode of Valley 101, a podcast from The Arizona Republic and azcentral.com, we find out more about the Valley’s connection to the LDS Church. Producer Amanda Luberto explores its history and why Arizona continues to have such a large LDS population today.

Listen to the episode:

​In this episode of Valley 101, our voiceover said, “A quick heads-up for those who may be interested in exploring the Mormon history of Arizona: Non-members can go to any of the LDS Temples in the Valley during Christmas to look at the lights or Easter time to be a part of festivities, but only members are allowed inside.”

However, the only temple in Arizona to have a Christmas lights display and an Easter Pageant is the Mesa Temple. Those events have been suspended during the temple's renovation but will recommence once the renovations are completed.

The best way to listen is to subscribe to Valley 101 on your favorite podcast app, but you can also stream the full episode below.


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b93c0a No.20528

File: 5c4c469ae803566⋯.png (64.77 KB,750x300,5:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420824 (272247ZFEB23) Notable: FDA finds rare neuroligical disorder is 'potential risk' with Pfizer RSV vaccine

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b93c0a No.20529

File: 66c25eb76e17005⋯.png (604.06 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ea8087fc43a263⋯.png (564.53 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420828 (272247ZFEB23) Notable: Planefag

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C 130 up out of a swamp. Good joke man

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b93c0a No.20530

File: 83c6360c10e245e⋯.png (1.27 MB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

File: f21bc23005d6065⋯.png (2.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: e6a0fa93b06efe0⋯.png (387.7 KB,664x441,664:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420831 (272248ZFEB23) Notable: Latter-day Saints / Udall family

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>gilbert az

>tucson az

>phoenix az

**Fuckin Mormon Weirdos

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b93c0a No.20531

File: 59dd40f2f96936f⋯.png (20.18 KB,582x232,291:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420833 (272248ZFEB23) Notable: The U.S. is sending $444 million in "aid" to Yemen

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Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is in Ukraine.

She's expected to announce the transfer of $1.25 billion in economic assistance to the country.

They're more concerned about them than you.

12:07 PM · Feb 27, 2023





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b93c0a No.20532

File: 357071a600a8765⋯.png (933.93 KB,1200x628,300:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420842 (272250ZFEB23) Notable: House Republicans widen COVID origins investigation, seek docs on gain-of-function research

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Rand Paul seeks to declassify documents supporting lab leak as COVID-19 origin

Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul on Monday called to declassify documents showing that scientists at a major federal agency believe the COVID-19 pandemic occurred due to a leak at a Chinese lab.

"Classified documents leaked (they should be declassified!) showing scientists at DOE believe COVID leaked from Wuhan Lab," Paul tweeted Monday. Included in the post was a link to a Wall Street Journal article detailing the Department of Energy's conclusion in support of the lab leak theory.

Formerly maligned as a conspiracy theory, the notion that COVID-19 originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology has gained substantial traction in both the government and the public alike amid the revelations. The WSJ report detailing the Energy Department's position follows a Senate minority report from October of last year that detailed "substantial evidence" in support of the theory.

The WIV was known to have been researching coronaviruses and its location at the pandemic's ground zero has long attracted suspicion. Upon taking the majority in the lower chamber, House Republicans launched an investigation into the Wuhan lab and the origins of the pandemic.

Subsequent reports found that the WIV refused to provide documentation of its activities to EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit group that channeled federal funds to the institution. Republicans in both chambers have since introduced legislation to outright defund the WIV in the wake of that revelation.


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b93c0a No.20533

File: b7f736488cfaed2⋯.webp (121.27 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420846 (272251ZFEB23) Notable: Uncanny the number of Clinton family "fiends" that commit suicide

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Uncanny the number of Clinton family "fiends" that commit suicide.

Hillary Clinton praises billionaire Thomas H. Lee, 78, as 'considerate, generous and unpretentious' at memorial after he shot himself in his Fifth Avenue office - as mourners say 'they can't understand' his suicide

Former First Lady Clinton said that he was a 'constant presence' in her family's life during a speech at his memorial

Lee, a Harvard graduate, had a net worth of roughly $2 billion at the time of his death


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b93c0a No.20534

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420858 (272256ZFEB23) Notable: Latter-day Saints / Udall family

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>tucson az

See Udall family…

they dined on many an indian

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b93c0a No.20535

File: 33728da8a9914d5⋯.png (314.57 KB,499x493,499:493,Clipboard.png)

File: e01b255209c56ac⋯.png (2.32 MB,1222x8567,94:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420871 (272259ZFEB23) Notable: Only 2.3% of Taiwan’s population are native Taiwanese

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Taiwan 76 years ago today/tomorrow

228 Memorial Day … February 28, when an uprising led to the massacre of thousands of people in Taiwan. This massacre led to the beginning of the White Terror, a period in which many more Taiwanese were killed, imprisoned, and lost.

>Only 2.3% of Taiwan’s population are native Taiwanese.


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b93c0a No.20536

File: f2f201c1afb1336⋯.png (59.39 KB,448x572,112:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420872 (272300ZFEB23) Notable: Latter-day Saints / Udall family

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Unbelievable hypocrisy.


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b93c0a No.20537

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420882 (272303ZFEB23) Notable: Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine gets teh boot

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He got the boot.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine suffered a displaced distal fibula fracture just above his ankle during his visit to East Palestine last week in the aftermath of the toxic Norfolk Southern train derailment, according to local reports.

DeWine’s office confirmed with FOX8 Cleveland that the governor will need to wear a boot for the next few weeks as he recovers.


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b93c0a No.20538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420944 (272319ZFEB23) Notable: #22583 posted in #22584''''

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#22583 >>20462

>>20463, >>20497, >>20502 Compiled research on the warcrimes of the Ukrainian Nazis

>>20464 CIA Chief: Iran Not Resuming Nuclear Weapons Program

>>20465, >>20510, >>20494, >>20477, >>20493, >>20503 Biden Regime Won’t Say if They Will Release “Unclassified Version” of Chinese Lab Leak Assessment, Potato still tongue tied

>>20466 Starting a search for a MAP of Klaush Schwab's home and it looks like there's a cover up

>>20467, >>20471, >>20473 17 boxes of ballots were driven to Runbeck

>>20468, >>20489 PF: SAM296 C-40B (and one that J.C.O.S. Milley has used in the past several times) departed JBA NE

>>20469 The missing head of a top international model was found in a soup pot, police said on Sunday, as they charged two former in-laws with her murder.

>>20470 Eshay rapper Spanian axed after wild-eyed rant claiming 'paedophile child groomers' are hiding behind the gay pride movement

>>20472 James O'Keefe & The Deep State, Ukraine, Mike Gill & The Nation Of Corruption

>>20474 Zelensky aide explains why Ukraine won’t let men leave

>>20475 ‘Impossible to escape’ El Salvador prison accepts first inmates, New facility will remain the home for gangsters for decades

>>20476 Who Started The War!? This woman was arrested by the SBU after her statements were published.

>>20478 terror attacks in the West Bank tonight

>>20479 This is Kathy Hochul’s New York State: Shopkeeper Shot In Front Of His Kid By Armed Robber

>>20480, >>20481 I no longer trust airports.

>>20482 Chicago inmates claim jail guards are pressuring them to illegally vote in the mayoral election

>>20483 Brazil ignores US demands, welcomed the Iranian Navy after a brief delay

>>20484, >>20485 A group of banks have agreed to settle a lawsuit tied to a $7 billion Ponzi scheme.

>>20486 Crazy video of an open pit mine collapsing in northern China.

>>20487 FEMA press conference in East Palestine, Ohio

>>20488 What is Coloboma? A young woman in Poland is getting attention after speaking out on Instagram with claims that she may be Madeline McCann

>>20490 Vyacheslav Rovneiko, director of the Interregional Fuel Union, was found dead in Moscow yesterday.

>>20491 Kansas passes bill to 'define a woman' as someone who is 'born female'

>>20492 The Marine Corps is getting rid of Scout Snipers


>>20499 @realDonald The Psycho “Prosecutor” assigned to me for the Documents Hoax, “Jack Smith Viciously & Unscrupulously pursued others

>>20500 Beware Nikki Haley, Grade A bureaucrat in ‘Oedipal primary’

>>20496 "Proud Boy Prosecutors Clamor to MUZZLE the Defense After Court Disaster" - GWP

>>20498, >>20501 Solar Storm Begins, CME Impact & More, KP index reaches 7, magnetosphere weakness

>>20504 Federal Court Hearing Scheduled in Lawsuit Seeking Details of Meeting Between DOJ Lawyers and AP Reporters Regarding Trump Associate Paul Manafort - JW

>>20505 Islamic Republic ofIranNavy Moudge-class frigate IRINS Dena (75)coming into Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - February 26, 2023 #irinsdena

>>20506 NASA Administrator Selects New Head of Science

>>20507 On the SAME DAY the Pentagon officially admitted funding 46 biological research labs in Ukraine, the WHO reversed its stance on the China lab-leak theory

>>20508 Trump Lets Loose On 'Biden And The Globalists,' Proposes Major China Trade Overhaul

>>20509 FDA Suddenly Finds Rare Neurological Disorder Is ‘Potential Risk’ With Pfizer RSV Vaccine


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b93c0a No.20539

File: 18f3786ffb369e4⋯.png (246.52 KB,863x533,863:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420946 (272319ZFEB23) Notable: Peter's Buttisgay under investigation by Inspector General

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Diamond and Silk




BREAKING: Pete Buttigieg Under Investigation by Inspector General, #diamondandsilk


BREAKING: Pete Buttigieg Under Investigation by Inspector General

The Department of Transportation's inspector general is launching an audit into Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg's frequent use of private jets. Flight

Trending Politics Conservative News and Commentary

Feb 27, 2023, 5:59 PM


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b93c0a No.20540

File: de55f8d362ab744⋯.png (112.04 KB,303x580,303:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420949 (272320ZFEB23) Notable: Washington County, PA GOP chairman has called upon Senator Fetterman to appear on camera to show proof of life

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Leading Report


BREAKING: Washington County, PA GOP chairman has called upon Senator Fetterman to appear on camera to show proof of life.

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b93c0a No.20541

File: 9ef18ec99b30ac7⋯.png (167.07 KB,789x942,263:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420952 (272320ZFEB23) Notable: Peter's Buttisgay under investigation by Inspector General

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BREAKING: Pete Buttigieg Under Investigation by Inspector General

By ChrisFebruary 27, 2023Updated:February 27, 2023

The Department of Transportation’s inspector general is launching an audit into Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s frequent use of private jets. Flight records reviewed were found to align with Buttigieg’s internal calendar, which was obtained by the watchdog group Americans for Public Trust (APT) at the time.

APT (Americans for Public Trust) executive director Caitlin Sutherland said, “After [APT] helped determine Secretary Buttigieg’s excessive use of taxpayer-funded government jets, we are pleased to see that his air travel is now under investigation.”

“Everyday Americans have faced unprecedented flight cancelations and disruptions, but Buttigieg has continued to fly private, even on a Coast Guard plane and even when commercial options were readily available.”

This investigation follows a report by Fox News Digital two months ago, which revealed that Buttigieg, despite advocating for efforts to combat climate change, had utilized at least 18 taxpayer-funded private flights since assuming office in early 2021.

Secretary Pete Buttigieg tweeted, “Glad this will be reviewed independently so misleading narratives can be put to rest. Bottom line: I mostly fly on commercial flights, in economy class. And when I do use our agency’s aircraft, it’s usually a situation where doing so saves taxpayer money.”

As public figures who advocate for climate action and reducing emissions, it can be viewed as hypocritical for politicians to frequently utilize private jets. This can be seen as an unfair practice, as it contradicts the principles that they promote and undermines their credibility on the issue.

FoxNewsDigital reported:

In one instance of his use of government-managed private jets, which are part of a small fleet managed by the Federal Aviation Administration, Buttigieg traveled roundtrip from Washington, D.C., to Las Vegas to promote public works projects in Nevada in August 2021.

In another example, Buttigieg used a private jet to fly to multiple states — most of which have largely been considered swing states in recent federal elections — in August as a part of a tour highlighting grants authorized under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. He jetted to Florida, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Ohio, Nevada and New Hampshire during the trip titled “Building a Better America Tour.”

The transportation secretary also took a military aircraft to attend the Fifth Invictus Games in Europe with his husband Chasten Buttigieg in April 2022. And, that same month, Buttigieg jetted off to New York City on one of the government planes for a radio interview and two brief meetings before returning hours later.

An anonymous DOT (Department of Transportation) spokesperson claimed, “We welcome this independent audit moving forward in order to put some of the false, outlandish, and cynical claims about the Secretary’s mode of travel to rest. The fact remains that he flies commercially the vast majority of the time.”

“The exceptions have been when the Department’s career ethics officials, who have served under both Democratic and Republican administrations, determined that the use of a 9-seat FAA plane would be either more cost effective or should be approved for exceptional scheduling or security reasons.”

Glad this will be reviewed independently so misleading narratives can be put to rest.

Bottom line: I mostly fly on commercial flights, in economy class. And when I do use our agency’s aircraft, it’s usually a situation where doing so saves taxpayer money. https://t.co/wUtBtjx9CT

— Secretary Pete Buttigieg (@SecretaryPete) February 27, 2023

In 2021, former Secretary of State and climate envoy John Kerry also faced criticism for reportedly taking a private jet to Iceland to accept an environmental award. The incident was viewed as hypocritical, as Kerry had been advocating for climate action and reducing emissions.


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b93c0a No.20542

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420960 (272322ZFEB23) Notable: What Really Happened in the Midterms: Blake Masters Gives You an Inside Look | TRIGGERED Ep. 11

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Donald Trump Jr.



Guys, about to go live any second now with Blake Masters, @blake it’s gonna be a great show talking about tech from an insider’s point of view the craziness of Arizona elections and what we need to do to fight back against the insanity. Check it out here now


Feb 27, 2023, 5:55 PM


What Really Happened in the Midterms: Blake Masters Gives You an Inside Look | TRIGGERED Ep. 11


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b93c0a No.20543

File: 300754d5d3a25c1⋯.png (478.55 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420963 (272323ZFEB23) Notable: Planefag

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Stop and goes out of palm beach

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b93c0a No.20544

File: f3b8d26ba2bfb39⋯.png (581.57 KB,888x715,888:715,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bf3c4b6c8c2e24⋯.png (163.05 KB,870x397,870:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420996 (272332ZFEB23) Notable: ‘Tis the season for Trump

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Donald J. Trump




‘Tis the season for Trump

Donald Trump is the Santa Claus of politics..

Feb 27, 2023, 1:59 PM


‘Tis the season for Trump

Christmas morning in America again

Donald Trump is the Santa Claus of politics.

Ol’ St. Don glided down the glass escalator in Trump Tower seven years ago, much the way Ol’ St. Nick slides down a chimney. Weary from world travels and splotched with soot from so many fireplaces, he brought cheer and joy with his rosy cheeks and buoyant nature.

Dressed in bold colors like a Christmas ornament and carrying a sack of hidden presents on his back, how could anyone not love him? Especially a child!

Because the satchel is closed with presents just barely peeking out, children dream. They imagine anything and everything might be in that sack for them.

In dreaming, children lose the inhibitions of hard reality.

Forget a train set. There might be an actual honest-to-God, great big diesel locomotive in that dirty sack! A live pony! A castle with a prince!

After all, Ol’ St. Nick arrived on the back of a sleigh drawn by eight reindeer and landed on the roof.

Right? He just slid down a glass escalator with a gorgeous woman on his arm into instant political stardom.

In that sack was a wall — a wall that Mexico paid for! A job for every child that wanted one — regardless of race or gender or creed or whatever!

Lumps of coal for evil tyrants in China, Iran and even Russia!

Factories in America would open again. And the next time you visited Japan, you would see people driving around in American cars. When was the last time you saw an American car on the streets of Tokyo?

And dishwashers. American dishwashers would work again, with plenty of water coursing through strong jets to get all your plates nice and clean.

Not to mention all the wives in America who would be so impressed with their husbands when they looked at their 401(k) statements.

Truly Christmas morning in America again!

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b93c0a No.20545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18420997 (272332ZFEB23) Notable: ‘Tis the season for Trump

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My dream was that Ol’ St. Don would order every one of his Cabinet secretaries into the Oval Office and give each one seven minutes to explain why his Cabinet agency should not be abolished. He would televise it live across the country.

People would tune in. Ol’ St. Don would be seated at the Resolute Desk, flanked by his elves, Ivanka and Jared and Don Jr. and Eric — all dressed up in little green pointy hats. With bells.

The next week, on live television, each Cabinet secretary would be summoned again. Labor and Education and Commerce would all be fired!

Defense, Treasury and Veterans Affairs would all be spared.

Justice would be put on life support: Reform or die. The FBI would be gutted.

The massive communist monstrosities along the National Mall that once housed the abolished Labor, Education and Commerce departments would be cleaned out.

The Trump family would take them over and open Trump casinos in each one — because a casino is less destructive and corrosive to society than leviathan federal departments that serve no purpose but to soak up the hard-earned money of innocent taxpayers in return for punishing federal regulations.

But the Trump casinos would fail and go bankrupt because, for some reason, Trump casinos are the only ones that do not make money.

The buildings would be dynamited and the rubble hauled away. These massive, concrete communist structures — each an affront to freedom and beauty — would be returned to green space along the National Mall.

Trees would be planted. Gardens would flourish.

Bird-watchers and butterfly collectors would rejoice.

Christmas morning in America again.

The amazing thing about Ol’ St. Don is that he actually did have all those things he said were in his bag. Everything except the last one — that dream about abolishing whole departments of the federal government. But a fellow can still dream. And still does.

As for everything else, Ol’ St. Don delivered.

He forced Mexico to seal the border — even if he did not fix the overall immigration problem. He punished evil tyrants, such as Vladimir Putin. Jobs for all. Children everywhere rejoiced in their 401(k)s!

Until Grinch Biden came along and took the lumps of coal away from Russia and China, and Iran and handed them out to all the little children. He turned Mr. Putin’s coal into gold, and he snatched away the 401(k)s from little children in America. He destroyed the American dollar and sprinkled inflation on every rooftop. He handed the border to the drug cartels and human smugglers.

This Christmas has been stolen by Grinch Biden. But ’tis the season for hope. And Santa Claus does still exist.

Merry Christmas.


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b93c0a No.20546

File: c2c757ba15291b4⋯.jpg (405.18 KB,2048x1129,2048:1129,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 49b219bb705c09b⋯.png (119.52 KB,306x378,17:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 756260638096f75⋯.png (38.5 KB,309x437,309:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421005 (272333ZFEB23) Notable: Joe Biden to sign global health treaty giving the WHO authority to control how the U.S. responds to pandemics

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Pat Brody


BREAKING: Joe Biden to sign global health treaty giving the World Health Organization the authority to control how the U.S. responds to pandemics.

12:16 PM · Feb 27, 2023







Quote Tweets



Pat Brody




Replying to


The Biden Admin to sign the 'Zero Draft' document, a legally binding document, suspending individuals of medical choices, doctors, medicines, public forum, freedom of movement, freedom of speech, and right to say NO to lockdowns and forced vaccinations.

Pat Brody




Call on Congress to Immediately Withdraw and Defund the WHO!

Vote YES on HR 79 WHO Withdrawal Act!;

Vote YES on 'No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act!'; and

Vote Yes on HR 419 No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act!

Pat Brody




Replying to


If you denounce Joe Biden and this treaty, then I want to follow you.

looks like a 'we tried to stop it' 'effort' was put forth for show as well…

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b93c0a No.20547

File: 474361a94123050⋯.png (675.81 KB,1073x1385,1073:1385,Clipboard.png)

File: 91198de9871216f⋯.png (904.29 KB,1008x1374,168:229,Clipboard.png)

File: b7a2c4acaaaf519⋯.png (287.56 KB,1039x1399,1039:1399,Clipboard.png)

File: 676111101a38ae5⋯.png (175.45 KB,595x488,595:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421020 (272337ZFEB23) Notable: Robin Dunn Marcos requested to schedule a transcribed interview before the Judiciary Committee by March 13, 2023

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House Judiciary GOP @JudiciaryGOP · 17m

#NEWS: In the wake of the @nytimes report on unaccompanied alien children, @Jim_Jordan, @RepMcClintock, and @RepAndyBiggsAZ request Robin Dunn Marcos, the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, to schedule a transcribed interview before the Committee by March 13, 2023.

6:16 PM · Feb 27, 2023


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b93c0a No.20548

File: a3bf4fefdfba105⋯.png (315.08 KB,1080x727,1080:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421028 (272338ZFEB23) Notable: House Republicans widen COVID origins investigation, seek docs on gain-of-function research

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BREAKING: Moderna paid Fauci $400M in royalties for the COVID vaccine.




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b93c0a No.20549

File: 1685cfca2c1cbe5⋯.png (233.05 KB,854x461,854:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 08d3d23584a8227⋯.png (553.31 KB,962x938,481:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421050 (272343ZFEB23) Notable: @DanScavino: Sign up for Hillsdale College — FREE online course, today!

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



Sign up for Hillsdale College — FREE online course, today!

The American Left: From Liberalism to Despotism | Hillsdale College Online Courses

Learn how the American Left has radicalized over the past century and why it threatens our rights today.

Feb 27, 2023, 2:55 PM


Discover the Origins and Key Ideas of the Modern American Left

American politics has been transformed in recent years as large portions of the federal bureaucracy, military, the media, and corporate America have embraced the ideas of the 1960s radical Left.

This transformation has brought ideas like transgenderism, identity politics, and global government—which were formerly relegated to the fringes of academia—into the mainstream of American public life. The result of this turn can be seen in the radical gender ideology pushed in our nation’s classrooms, the lawlessness at our border and in many of our cities, and the economic policies that continue to hollow out the American middle class.

Our free online course, “The American Left: From Liberalism to Despotism,” aims to explain the source of these radical movements and charts how they have overtaken America’s institutions.

In this course, you’ll discover:

the differences between midcentury liberals and the radicals who revolted against them.

how post-sixties radicals gained power in government bureaucracies and educational institutions.

the principles of neoliberalism that arose in the late 1970s and how these ideas changed the morality and economy of America.

the reasons America’s political and business elite embraced the woke ideology of the Left during Barack Obama’s second term.

The course includes 11 lectures, each approximately 30 minutes long. You can receive a completion certificate for the course by watching the lecture videos, submitting a short quiz after each lecture, and passing a comprehensive course quiz at the end. You will also have access to optional materials to aid your learning: supplementary Q and A videos, study guides, and a discussion board. The best part is that you can do all of this at your own pace and in a manner that best fits your schedule.

These lessons are designed to explain the nature and direction of politics today and to provide a path for a return to republican government in America.

Enroll in this free course on the American Left today!

To enroll in “The American Left: From Liberalism to Despotism,” please enter your email address.



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b93c0a No.20550

File: f1eeef14279db4f⋯.png (1.03 MB,1669x5470,1669:5470,Clipboard.png)

File: 99f8b551fc0b250⋯.png (324.6 KB,535x1570,107:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421072 (272346ZFEB23) Notable: ‘Tis the season for Trump

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b93c0a No.20551

File: 025f629ab604ea2⋯.png (1.24 MB,1397x845,1397:845,Clipboard.png)

File: 1586495c4da6d35⋯.jpg (46.68 KB,1034x689,1034:689,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2414cc8e4b08ede⋯.jpg (385.27 KB,1200x820,60:41,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421073 (272346ZFEB23) Notable: Planefag

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Omega Aerial Refueling Services




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b93c0a No.20552

File: 213bb6817e38f5c⋯.png (127.33 KB,707x378,101:54,Clipboard.png)

File: 03630b345d5590e⋯.png (172.71 KB,1057x700,151:100,Clipboard.png)

File: 575af53bbbe2b9b⋯.gif (1.63 MB,500x288,125:72,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421095 (272352ZFEB23) Notable: Subprime auto lender and used car retailer collapses as distress cycle finally arrives

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Subprime Auto Lender And Used Car Retailer Collapses As Distress Cycle Finally Arrives

One month ago, when discussing the "perfect storm" hitting the US auto market, we showed that according to Fitch "More Americans Can't Afford Their Car Payments Than During The Peak Of Financial Crisis".which was to be expected: after all the latest consumer credit report from the Fed revealed an exponential spike in the amount of new car loans, which increased by more than $2,000 in one quarter, from just over $38,000 (a record), to $40,155 (a new record).And yet something just didn't click: if so many subprime Americans were saddled with record amounts of auto loans - on average more than $40K - where were the defaults? After all, the average loan rate for new car loans just hit a 13 year high and will soon rise to the highest level this century. Well, after a lengthy period in which nothing seemed to happen, suddenly the dominoes are starting to fall, and as Bloomberg reports, used car retailer and subprime auto loan lender, American Car Center, told employees the business was closing its doors, just one day after the company had hoped to pull off a funding Hail Mary by selling a $222 million bond (it failed).

According to Bloomberg, the used car retailer, which targets consumers regardless of their credit history (and thus targets almost entirely subprime borrowers who can't get a loan elsewhere), said in an email to employees on Friday the firm was ceasing all operations, closing its headquarters in Memphis, Tennessee, and that all employees would be terminated by the end of the business day, the people said. It employed about 288 people at its headquarters. The closure email came a day after the company sent another message to staff saying management and advisors had been working with lenders to improve liquidity and continue operations. American Car Center, which has more than 40 dealerships across 10 states, is owned by York Capital's private equity group.

The long overdue collapse - the first of many - comes as more Americans are starting to fall behind on their car payments, and the distress cycle is rapidly accelerating. Think of it as the infamous New Century domino that signaled the collapse of subprime housing… only for cars. Just before the announcement, American Car Center shelved a bond deal backed by subprime loans citing market conditions despite investors placing orders for the debt. It wasn't clear why ACC backed down in the last moment as the alternative was liquidation. However, since many more auto subprime lenders will now follow in ACC's footsteps, we are confident the answer will emerge.

Meanwhile, we can't help but be amused by the mindblowing divergence in Wall Street mental models, where on one hand speculation that used car pries are somehow surging has sent risk assets lower driven by fears of a rebound in inflation (remember that spike in the Manheim used car price index?), while on the other companies like ACC and Carvana are either liquidating or on the verge of doing so, simply because the used car auto segment has completely imploded.


The real issue is that as the values of cars spiked the banksters were all too habby to "finance" all these overvalued cars with the premiums over MSRP.-cap #3..I mean a Honda Civic Tye R for $85K?? (but one example) and all cray but they just kept on doing it.

So now these ijits can't get out of these loans to get into another car because the dealers won't take them (on trade-ins) based on those over-valuations when originally sold/financed as they don't want to eat all that premiumso it's default time…still have a very large % of cars at wholesale auction(s) 'No sale'..that will only continue and exacerbate this problem.

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b93c0a No.20553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421116 (272357ZFEB23) Notable: DeSantis brings politicians and donors to Palm Beach to discuss his aspirations

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speaking of Cotton

The Republican unveiled the spot to backers at the Four Seasons resort in Palm Beach, where an influential mix of high-dollar donors, supportive lawmakers and conservative commentators were assembled.

The guest list included Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Sen Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), along with pundits Ann Coulter, Dave Rubin and Libs of TikTok creator Chaya Raichik.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis hosts a donor retreat as buzz builds around him as a presidential candidate.AFP via Getty Images

Mick Mulvaney, who once served as former President Donald Trump’s White House chief of staff before jumping ship after the Jan. 6 Capitol melee, also was on hand for the Palm Beach gathering.

Florida Governor DeSantis Brings Politicians and Donors to Palm Beach to Discuss His Presidential Aspirations


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b93c0a No.20554

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421121 (272358ZFEB23) Notable: FDA finds rare neuroligical disorder is 'potential risk' with Pfizer RSV vaccine

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Cardiac Testing at Washington State Event Found 53% Myocarditis Rate

Feb 26, 2023

Myocarditis detected in 50% of individuals tested at an event in WA State.

Advanced Multifunction Cardiogram Test administered at a public event uncovered alarming rate of heart damage lurking beneath the surface.

It’s clear that most community leaders are reluctant to engage in conversation of how the failed pandemic response left so many harmed in its wake.”

— Bill Sullivan

WENATCHEE, WA, USA, February 26, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ – Nearly 500 people from Washington, Oregon and Idaho gathered at the Wenatchee Convention Center in Washington State on Saturday, January 28 to hear and share stories of how the unprecedented response to the COVID-19 pandemic impacted their lives. Stories included injuries and deaths from COVID shots and hospital protocols; careers upended and families torn apart by mandates; and numerous harms from closures of schools, businesses and churches.

In addition to giving people a forum to express their loss, the event pointed people toward helpful medical, spiritual, and legal resources.

Heart screening was available and conducted using multifunction cardiogram technology, or MCG, provided by HeartCARE Corp of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and in use since 1995, the MCG represents the most advanced non-invasive cardiac diagnostic method available. Eule Glenn, CEO and co-founder of HeartCARE Corp. explained, "we had the opportunity to perform Multifunction Cardiogram™ screens on a variety of participants and patients. I was surprised to find thatover half of those tested (16 of 30 people) had positive markers for myocarditis. Two of these were active duty US Military pilots."

The MCG screening results observed in Wenatchee are consistent with national trends that show rates of myocarditis and death by heart attack have recently skyrocketed compared to pre-pandemic years.

NBA legend John Stockton, co-host of Voices for Medical Freedom podcast, headlined the event and was joined by about two dozen speakers, including other national figures in the medical freedom movement and local citizens who signed up to speak. Included were physicians, nurses, a pharmacist, an attorney, faith leaders, parents, spouses, and grandchildren. Each addressed the event to share their stories and perspectives.

Dr. Richard Amerling, Chief Academic Officer of The Wellness Company, a newly formed private healthcare provider, and Past-President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, spoke remotely of the failures of the centralized corporate health system model he witnessed during the pandemic years.

Todd Callender, Attorney at Law, of Disabled Rights Advocates (https://dradvocates.com) also speaking remotely, summarized his work helping defeat the military COVID vaccine mandates and a program he developed to help private individuals redress their pandemic response harms.

"People came to this event looking for answers, to build community, and to be given a voice because those in government and corporate medicine have refused to listen," said Bill Sullivan, an appointed member of the Chelan-Douglas Board of Health and co-organizer of the Pandemic Response Harms Event, acting in a private capacity. "The honest medical professionals are being silenced by their licensing boards, by media, by the public health apparatus, and by their corporate bosses. If they dare explore any connection between all these strange ailments and the experimental COVID shots, they risk losing their license and their job for purveying what state bureaucrats determine is ‘misinformation’.”

Sullivan’s concern was echoed by several speakers. Repeating a sentiment heard throughout the day, Brian McInnes, a local physician and endurance athlete who was diagnosed with a heart conduction abnormality following COVID vaccination told the crowd, “There are many people like me, as you are hearing, that have experienced adverse health effects after COVID vaccination. And like me, most all of them have had any association of their health problem with the vaccine dismissed.”

McInnes went on to say, “My first vaccine dose came from Pfizer Lot Number EK-9231. This lot is ranked number one for all Pfizer batches for adverse reactions, given right here in Wenatchee.” Dr. McInnes continued, “My second vaccine dose came from Pfizer Lot EN-5318. This lot is ranked number four of all lots for adverse reactions. These two vaccine batches alone are associated with a reported 252 deaths and many other illnesses and disabilities. And that’s just the VAERS data which is . . . quite underreported”.

Dr. Amerling spoke at length about how the centralization of modern medicine has interfered with doctors’ ability to act independently in the best interest of their patients. “The hospital protocols were killing patients and are killing patients,” he said of the ubiquitous use of the experimental drug Remdesivir to treat hospitalized COVID patients, “but doctors in these [hospital] systems are forced to give it."

John Stockton, in providing the Keynote presentation, summarized the feelings of many of the people in attendance who have lost confidence in once-trusted institutions.

“When people are wrong all the time, you learn not to listen to them anymore. They say the shots are vaccines; they are not. They say they are safe and effective; they are not. They said Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were dangerous and ineffective. Also wrong. If your source is wrong all the time – like the CDC, the FDA, the WHO,” Stockton said, “you can’t trust anything they say. . . sometimes technical fouls in a game are so egregious that they need to be thrown out of the game.”

Sullivan hopes this event will inspire similar community-level medical freedom movements organized by regular citizens. “It’s clear that most community leaders are reluctant to engage in conversation of how the failed pandemic response left so many harmed in its wake. Well, if they won’t talk about it, then we will step up and lead the discussion. We’re done with being the silent majority. It’s time to boldly stand up for the truth so that we can finally break the spell of fear and madness gripping our communities for the past three years.”

The Wenatchee COVID-19 Pandemic-Response Harms Conference was organized by the grassroots Truth and Accountability Project Washington and sponsored by InformedChoiceWA.org (ICWA).

Video of the event is available at https://rumble.com/v297djc-pandemic-harms-listening-session-wenatchee-wa-28jan23.html


TAPWA Conference Organizer

Truth and Accountability Project Washington (TAPWA)

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b93c0a No.20555

File: 3aa2cecbf90917c⋯.png (612.6 KB,1000x750,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a8f6e40e1da853⋯.png (1.27 MB,1072x782,536:391,Clipboard.png)

File: e3998bef656960f⋯.png (1.6 MB,1072x1171,1072:1171,Clipboard.png)

File: f9e26732797b2f5⋯.png (1.23 MB,1072x913,1072:913,Clipboard.png)

File: 03efed745a0948c⋯.png (1.55 MB,1072x1542,536:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421152 (280005ZFEB23) Notable: Rare images of early 20th-century Antarctic expeditions

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See Rare Images of Early 20th-Century Antarctic Expeditions

February 24, 2023

For the first time, hundreds of photos, lantern slides and glass plate negatives are available to the public

A trove of historic images from early 20th-century Australian and British expeditions to Antarctica is officially available to the public, the National Archives of Australia (NAA) announced this week.

Once held by the Australian Antarctic Division, the collection—hundreds of photos, lantern slides and glass plate negatives—has been transferred to the NAA. Staff members at the archives then digitized the images, creating detailed record listings for each one. Now, anyone can view them online.

“This collection is rare and fragile,” says Steven Fox, the NAA’s assistant director-general, in the archives’ statement. “Acquiring, conserving, digitizing and preserving it means it will be accessible now and for future generations.”

John King Davis—a skilled navigator who is sometimes called the “greatest captain in Antarctic history,” according to the Australian Antarctic Program—took the majority of the photographs during expeditions to the White Continent in the early 1900s.

Renowned Australian photographer Frank Hurley also snapped many of the shots that provide a “unique glimpse of the difficult conditions the explorers faced,” says Simon Froude, the NAA’s director-general, in the statement.

The striking black-and-white images show the hardy, cold-resistant creatures that the explorers encountered on their missions to Antarctica, including a colony of royal penguins on Macquarie Island, a remote island located between Australia and the Antarctic continent.

Some images offer an intimate look at what life was like for the men who ventured below the Antarctic Circle. In one, an unidentified man with frost covering his mustache and eyebrows stands in a hole dug in the ice. Another depicts English artist George Marston lying under a blanket and reading a book by candlelight.

Photographers also captured the dramatic Antarctic environment. In one image, an unidentified man stands next to three towering icebergs. In another, the British Terra Nova ship is surrounded by pack ice.

Although scholars had long hypothesized about the existence of a far southern continent, Antarctic exploration began in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Between 1768 and 1775, James Cook, a captain in the British Royal Navy, led an expedition that twice circumnavigated Antarctica, but never got close enough to see the continent, per the nonprofit American Polar Society. Then, between 1819 and 1820, Russian explorers became likely the first humans to lay eyes on Antarctica. American sealer John Davis is believed to have been the first person to set foot on the continent in 1821.

Starting in 1901, British and Norwegian explorers began the race to reach the South Pole. Despite the best efforts of British adventurers like Robert Falcon Scott, Ernest Shackleton and Edward Wilson, the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen became the first to reach the geographic South Pole on December 14, 1911.

To this day, the continent continues to lure travelers from all over the world. According to the nonprofit International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators, more than 23,000 travelers visited Antarctica during the 2021-22 season.


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b93c0a No.20556

File: ad0f4aae097e65f⋯.png (416.74 KB,576x324,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421154 (280006ZFEB23) Notable: Air Force relieves 2 commanders, 4 leaders at North Dakota nuclear bomber missile base

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Air Force relieves 2 commanders, 4 leaders at North Dakota nuclear bomber, missile base

The Air Force has relieved of command six leaders assigned to a North Dakota base in charge of nuclear missiles and bombers. The move was due to "a loss of confidence in their ability to complete their assigned duties," the Air Force said.



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b93c0a No.20557

File: b9f71698816ba49⋯.png (417.34 KB,929x426,929:426,Clipboard.png)

File: de21c9ac6458b13⋯.png (390.79 KB,432x609,144:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421163 (280009ZFEB23) Notable: Planefag

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>>20468, >>20489 pb

PlaneFag CONUS Activity: SPAR83 NATO G5 departed JBA NE and arrived from Ramstein depart and Cheivres AFB stop to JBA then went to Teterboro N.J (U.N meeting on 0224) then back to JBA on 0226

French AF CTM1016 A330 went to Norfolk NS, Canadian AF CFC3065 went back to Ottawa after Port Au-Prince stop and VV701 US Navy G5 inbound to JBA from Hickam AFB depart'''

SAM296 C-40B (JCOS Milley) was switched off not long after posting as clearly there are no issues with receiving signals as SPAR83 passed right by it from it's last transmission

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b93c0a No.20558

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421167 (280009ZFEB23) Notable: Agenda47: President Trump Announces America First Trade Platform That Takes Sledgehammer to Globalism

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Agenda47: President Trump Announces America First Trade Platform That Takes Sledgehammer to Globalism

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b93c0a No.20559

File: 786d10e489f77bf⋯.png (77.95 KB,824x406,412:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421181 (280014ZFEB23) Notable: Fires, crashes and general fuckery, by the date/month and state

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Fires, crashes and general fuckery , by the date/month and state


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b93c0a No.20560

File: 44f6b77c933e353⋯.png (247.95 KB,468x465,156:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421183 (280014ZFEB23) Notable: Mil tweets: AS-565 Panther / Go for the Gold! #WinningMatters

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The two ships have a hangar and landing deck for one AS-565 Panther maritime helicopter or similarly sized aircraft


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b93c0a No.20561

File: 5d5213ab98bb826⋯.mp4 (14.27 MB,640x336,40:21,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421185 (280015ZFEB23) Notable: CCP infiltration and influence of Congress, White House, Wallstreet

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>Trevor Loudon

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b93c0a No.20562

File: 5a3f98348654337⋯.png (101.47 KB,1076x405,1076:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421207 (280019ZFEB23) Notable: In the ballpark

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in the ballpark delta kek.

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b93c0a No.20563

File: d1501da5b97a582⋯.png (383.59 KB,828x933,276:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 39f3f79705cdc8e⋯.png (452.77 KB,850x1280,85:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421226 (280023ZFEB23) Notable: Dark money group pushing gas stove crackdown has significant financial stake in green energy

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b93c0a No.20564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421246 (280027ZFEB23) Notable: DeSantis brings politicians and donors to Palm Beach to discuss his aspirations

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And the hits keep coming - Ron DeSantis - married at Disney World. What a coincidence.


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b93c0a No.20565

File: bc7ac1ece4d2e5b⋯.png (308.77 KB,474x647,474:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421247 (280027ZFEB23) Notable: Mil tweets: AS-565 Panther / Go for the Gold! #WinningMatters

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Go for the Gold! #WinningMatters


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b93c0a No.20566

File: 76de35f7cb539de⋯.webp (15.56 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421254 (280029ZFEB23) Notable: DeSantis brings politicians and donors to Palm Beach to discuss his aspirations

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DeSantis takes over Disney district, punishing company.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday signed a bill that gives him control of Walt Disney World’s self-governing district, punishing the company over its opposition to the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” law.

The bill requires DeSantis, a Republican, to appoint a five-member board to oversee the government services that the Disney district provides in its sprawling theme park properties in Florida.

“Today the corporate kingdom finally comes to an end,” he said at a bill signing ceremony in Lake Buena Vista. “There’s a new sheriff in town, and accountability will be the order of the day.”

The signing came as DeSantis gears up for an expected presidential run and marks a high-profile legislative victory for a governor whose leveraging of cultural and political divides has pushed him to the fore of national Republican politics.

The takeover of the Disney district began last year when the entertainment giant, facing intense pressure, publicly opposed “Don’t Say Gay,” which bars instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade and lessons deemed not age-appropriate.


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b93c0a No.20567

File: fccad016c176f0a⋯.png (321.48 KB,1024x537,1024:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421267 (280032ZFEB23) Notable: Air Force relieves 2 commanders, 4 leaders at North Dakota nuclear bomber missile base

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Six leaders fired from Air Force nuclear base in North Dakota

By Rachel S. Cohen

Feb 27, 03:20 PM

Six leaders — including two commanders and four of their subordinates — were fired from a key Air Force nuclear base in North Dakota without explanation Monday.


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b93c0a No.20568

File: 87e802dbba11175⋯.png (159.37 KB,594x372,99:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421277 (280034ZFEB23) Notable: Trump re: Beware Nikki Haley, Grade A bureaucrat in ‘Oedipal primary’

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Trump re: Beware Nikki Haley, Grade A bureaucrat in ‘Oedipal primary’

wouldn't post last time

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b93c0a No.20569

File: c525b98f98918a4⋯.png (270.02 KB,846x652,423:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421283 (280036ZFEB23) Notable: Planefag

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Does the Global Hawk have a package to search under water?

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b93c0a No.20570

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421306 (280042ZFEB23) Notable: Did you know that U.S. Senators need no background checks to do their jobs?

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“Security Risk Senators: Part 1 from Arizona to Massachusetts” and 2nd book “Security Risk Senators: Part 2 from Michigan to Wisconsin



Did you know that U.S. Senators need no background checks to do their jobs? This makes the most powerful legislators in the world ripe targets for hostile foreign intelligence services and domestic subversive organizations.

Security Risk Senatorsprofiles thirty currently-serving U.S. Senators, exposing their ties to anti-American elements both foreign and domestic. You will never look at your political leaders the same way again

Trevor Loudon to continue his work. His KeyWiki Internet encyclopedia brings everything we know about the communist conspiracy up to date, even with “Weekly Profiles” of communists, socialists and subversives. In addition, he records films for Epoch TV and publishes books on the latest scandals, including Security Risk Senators, Parts One and Two.

With Democratic Party control of the Senate, these last two books have to be read in detail and understood. His Epoch TV video, “US Senate Has Been Deeply Infiltrated by Enemies Foreign and Domestic,” summarizes his new books.

It’s impossible in this one column to summarize the evidence of treason and betrayal Trevor documents in these volumes. He analyzes the backgrounds and records of dozens of Senators.

It’s the epilogue that offers solutions, including a new security agency for the United States and establishing a public register of subversive organizations.

Practically speaking, before these proposals are implemented, we need a House of Representatives in the firm hands of a conservative majority dedicated to restoring a committee to monitor internal security. However, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, who is running for speaker,purged Rep. Steve King from the Congressafter he spoke publicly in favor of saving Western civilization. King had also been vocal in supporting establishment of a House Committee on Un-American Activities.

This proposal harkens back to the time when the security of the United States was taken seriously. Herb Romerstein worked for the House Committee on Un-American Activities, the House Internal Security Committee and the House Intelligence Committee. He also headed the Office to Counter Soviet Disinformation and Active Measures of the United States Information Agency.

Except for the House Intelligence Committee, these committees and offices are either now defunct or under Democratic Party control. The House Intelligence Committee will now be under Republican leadership. Rep. Mike Turner (Ohio), the likely new chairman, can make a difference by bringing back oversight of the communist networks linked to China and Russia.

On the Senate side, consider that in 2004 the Senate voted unanimously voted to recognize the “loyal service” of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the scientific director of the World War II Manhattan Project that produced the atomic bomb.But the overwhelming evidence shows that Oppenheimer was a communist.

Romerstein, co-author of a book on Soviet espionage, The Venona Secrets, told me at the time, “There isn’t any question that Oppenheimer was a traitor to the United States and doesn’t deserve any of the honors that these people [in the Senate] want to give him.”


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b93c0a No.20571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421309 (280043ZFEB23) Notable: Did you know that U.S. Senators need no background checks to do their jobs?

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The evidence was based on several sources. One is the American interception of communications by the Soviet intelligence service during World War II. The code name for that interception was Venona.

One of the critical sources of information for the Soviets, Sudoplatov said, was J. Robert Oppenheimer. Sudoplatov had no reason to lie because he knew that Andropov could easily have verified this information.

Bbb Romerstein, who worked on Capitol Hill for 18 years, told me at the time that the resolution honoring Oppenheimer was passed by unanimous consent when it was likely that few Senators were even on the Senate floor. Out of the 100 Senators, he said, there probably aren’t five of them who know anything about Oppenheimer.

One factor may have been a controversial development that occurred during the Clinton administration, when a statement from FBI Director Louis Freeh was released, taking issue with the evidence that Oppenheimer had knowingly supplied classified information to the Soviets. However, this was before the Venona secrets were released, confirming Oppenheimer’s espionage activity.

Whatever the explanation and circumstances, it is a sign of the times thatthe Senate honored a figure who was a member of a group that betrayed our secrets to our enemies.

This problem has only gotten worse over the years, leading to the significance and relevance of Trevor Loudon’s books on Security Risk Senators.

There’s not much we can do about the Senate, except continue to expose the Security Risk Senators and ask thatpatriots like Republican Senator Ron Johnson pursue this line of inquiry. Johnson and Senator Chuck Grassleyhave been investigating Hunter Biden’s and James Biden’s financial connections to foreign governments and questionable foreign nationals.

They should begin investigating their Senate colleagues. Even though they will not chair any Senate committees, they can hold informal hearings into the activities of their colleagues that undermine national security.

For example,Biden owes his political career to a group called the “Council for a Livable World,” started by alleged Soviet agent Leo Szilard.

The Council was supported by money fromAl Gore Sr., who in turn was funded by Soviet agent Armand Hammer. This connection goes directly to Biden, not just his son, Hunter, the drug addict.

The Council for a Livable World is the key to understanding Biden and many Democratic Party Senators.

Biden, of course, is also linked through his son Hunter to the Chinese communists, a story suppressed by Big Tech as people were voting in the U.S. This kind of censorship, now documented by Elon Musk, should be enough to declare the election anything but honest and fair.

On the House side, my groupAmerica’s Survival, Inc.has been advocating an anti-communist House committee for years. However, some are skeptical. A troll sent me this message:

Republicans won’t fix anything wrong with the ‘Intelligence’ agencies. Your idea of an anti-communist committee won’t work with what we’ve got in DC as ‘representatives’.


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b93c0a No.20572

File: 2ef355a2432ebb2⋯.png (532.44 KB,634x501,634:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421313 (280045ZFEB23) Notable: Chicago inmates claim jail guards are pressuring them to illegally vote in the mayoral election

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EXCLUSIVE: Chicago inmates claim jail guards are pressuring them to illegally vote in the mayoral election

27 February 2023

Chicago inmates have claimed they are being pressured to illegally vote in the city's mayoral election.

The inmates, some who are accused of murder, argued guards at Cook County Jail were pushing them to vote - despite some being registered in a different jurisdiction.

They claimed the guards were receiving orders from higher up and were 'just doing what I'm told' when confronted over the move.

It comes amid fears of ballot harvesting as insiders claimed the jail was the 'ideal environment' due to no cameras or election observers.

It also raised concerns it could propel Lori Lightfoot back into office, despite her languishing on just 13 percent in the polls.

One inmate, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told DailyMail.com the guards didn't seem to care that they might be breaking the law.

He said: 'I asked him [the guard], 'Did you ask people first if they're registered to vote?' And he said 'no'.

'I said but you should because if I'm registered to vote somewhere else like I am, you are asking me and enticing me to vote even though I'm registered somewhere else and that's a felony. I can't be voting in two different jurisdictions.'

He claims another guard told him that he was 'just doing what I'm told'.

An inmate being held on murder charges, also says 21 of the 48 inmates in his Division 11, have already voted but none were asked if they were registered or eligible to vote.

'They just say who wants to vote? Line up to vote,' he said.

An unnamed source familiar with Cook County Jail said it is the ideal environment for ballot harvesting.

'Cameras inside the Jail notoriously don't work. There aren't any election observers. If an inmate complains, who would believe them? So, if you wanted to manipulate a ballot, who would know?'


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b93c0a No.20573

File: 3b216572976e05d⋯.png (20.2 KB,538x348,269:174,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421314 (280045ZFEB23) Notable: In the ballpark

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>in the ballpark delta kek.

a tad closer

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b93c0a No.20574

File: ec8e759338bc64a⋯.png (183.59 KB,672x429,224:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 29bc0e3f889482d⋯.png (206.56 KB,474x333,158:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421315 (280045ZFEB23) Notable: Planefag

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HIRE44 C-17 Globemaster off eastern Florida from JB McChord

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b93c0a No.20575

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421316 (280045ZFEB23) Notable: Did you know that U.S. Senators need no background checks to do their jobs?

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Much will depend on what happens in the House leadership races.

The much-maligned House Committee on Un-American Activities, known as HCUA, uncovered dramatic communist infiltration of Hollywood and forced the studios to clean house.As noted, Then-Rep. Steve King (R-IA) expressed agreementwith my suggestion at that time that re-establishment of such a committee would be a good idea. “I think that is a good process and I would support it,” he said.

The oath of office for members of Congress requires that they support and defend the Constitution of the United States “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” HCUA is a model for how such a problem can be identified and confronted.

Trevor Loudon’s proposal for a “public register of subversive organizations” is not new. The HCUA once published a “Guide to Subversive Organizations and Publications.” But he also proposes an amnesty for foreign agents, if they confess their crimes and expose their networks.

As researcher Trevor Loudon documents in his booksWhite House Reds and Security Risk Senators, there are no background checks on U.S. Senators– some of the most powerful lawmakers on the planet.

He says a new security agency to conduct such probes would have to be staffed by former intelligence officials “who left service at the beginning of the Obama era or before contamination really set in.”

The situation is dire: Democrats now have an absolute majority in the chamber, with 51 seats to the Republicans’ 49, and firm control over all committees.

I endorsed Trevor’s books, saying, “Exposing the unvetted, the compromised, and the blackmailed, Trevor Loudon applies the CARL Test to Congress and does the work the FBI can’t or won’t. He documents how communists help elect security risks whose Character, Associates, Reputation, and Loyalty to the United States are in doubt.”

The CARL Test was at one time used to conduct background checks on people for high-level positions.No such vetting was done in the Obama and Biden cases. They could never have passed. No such vetting is done in the case of members of Congress.

Indeed, candidates for federal office, in contrast to federal employment,do not undergo any background checks at all.

Read Trevor Loudon’s books Security Risk Senators and learn the terrible truth. Then demand that the incriminating information be examined by Congress.This scandal goes far beyond the Biden Family.

(I always wondered other Senators did not expose Biden, now I know why)


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b93c0a No.20576

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421317 (280046ZFEB23) Notable: Joe tweets / remarks

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With Hope Ya all Know anything Joker Joe claims is pure BS .

Trump did that , Sauce below 👇👇⬇️

Well worth listening to Trump ,

Back in 2018 .

Context of why big Pharma despises him so much and what they got away with Forever


OCTOBER 25, 2018

President Trump on Drug Pricing

President Trump visited the Health and Human Services Department to announce changes to Medicare prescription drug prices. He said the push to bring down drug prices would make medication more affordable for Americans and pricing in the U.S. fairer relative to costs paid by other countries.

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b93c0a No.20577

File: 143a73402ed248a⋯.png (432.46 KB,779x686,779:686,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421324 (280047ZFEB23) Notable: FDA finds rare neuroligical disorder is 'potential risk' with Pfizer RSV vaccine

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>Wenatchee conference on jab damage

meanwhile, in the state capitol:

HB 1333 creates a Domestic Violent Extremism Commission to develop ways to combat ‘disinformation and misinformation’

TJ Martinell

The Center Square Washington

As the Washington State Attorney General’s Office continues work on a database for police use of force incidents, a House bill would set up a 13-member commission within that same office to develop a data collection process on incidents of “domestic violent extremism,” or DVE.

Although the term DVE is not defined in the bill, under State Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s description it would include noncriminal activities or speech.

HB 1333 sponsored by Rep. Bill Ramos, D-Issaquah, creates a Domestic Violent Extremism Commission to develop ways to combat “disinformation and misinformation,” though the two words are not defined in the bill. Also not defined is the term DVE.

The legislation is derived from a recommendation by theAttorney General’s Office own 2022 “Domestic Terrorism” study, which cautioned that “effective State intervention to address these threats has the potential to implicate speech or association that may be protected by the First Amendment, or the individual right to bear arms protected by the Second Amendment.”

Among the report’s recommendations was the creation of a commission to explore not just data collection, but potentially adding a definition of DVE to state statute. State law already addresses hate crimes, and the FBI defines “domestic terrorism” within the context of actual crimes or intent to commit a crime.

However, the attorney general’s 2022 report argues that “rather than exclusively address ‘domestic terrorism’ per se, these recommendations seek to best support Washington State to respond to this panoply of challenges, which together combine to create the threat of — and indeed, are often precursors to — acts of domestic terrorism.”

The commission would also examine ways to treat DVE as a public health issue, though the state Department of Health is not included on the commission or mentioned in the bill. The commission would only have a member with “an expertise in public health” and would be appointed by the attorney general.

The bill is intended to take preemptive measures to stop actual domestic terrorist acts through community intervention. Testifying in support of HB 1333 at its Jan. 24 public hearing in the House State Government & Tribal Relations Committee, Snohomish County Councilmember Megan Dunn told legislators that “as local electeds, we have limited options in reporting, tracking, or collecting data, and we often have limited resources or solutions for combating serious misinformation related to domestic violence extremism. We know incidents are not reported or under reported, and that data is the first step to determining the scope of the issue before we move forward with solutions.”

However, critics argue that it could easily lead to situations like that in 2021, the National School Boards Association, or NSBA, sent a memo to the Biden Administration asking that it treat parent protesting during public comment at local school board meetings as “a form of domestic terrorism” under the PATRIOT Act.

Several state attorneys general filed lawsuits against both NSBA and the Biden Administration over the incident in an effort to obtain public documents on that memo.   

In a letter from Attorney General Bob Ferguson included in the 2022 Domestic Terrorism study, he described DVE as follows:

“Various forms of extremist and political violence like threats, coercion, and intimidation, online disinformation, extremist recruitment and government infiltration efforts, and the general spread of extreme white supremacism and anti-government ideologies.”

In an analysis of the bill, Washington Policy Center Director Liv Finne wrote that the legislation “would criminalize certain forms of expression based on what members of a state commission consider to be their definition of ‘domestic extremism.’ Creating a state level ‘Ministry of Truth’ would not only undermine democratic norms, it would have a chilling effect on public debate, freedom of speech and civic participation in Washington state.”

In the original bill, the American Civil Liberties Union, or ACLU, would have been guaranteed a spot on the commission, but was removed via a committee amendment. In a brief statement, the ACLU declined to comment on the bill or its removal from the commission.

Part of the commission’s work would be developing ways to track data incidents of DVE, “including how data is collected, what triggers data collection, and how to ensure data is not disproportionately used against black, indigenous, and people of color communities or other communities.”

The commission would have to submit a report of its recommendations to the Attorney General’s Office by 2025, though the office would write its own final review “guided by the recommendations in the Attorney General’s 2022 domestic terrorism study.”

Testifying at HB 1333’s Feb. 20 public hearing in the House Appropriations Committee, Sue Coffman with informed Choice Washington warned that it’s “bad publicity to spend $500,000 on an unlawful effort,” adding that they should “focus on actual criminal activity and intent to commit a crime, and not upon the people who exercise their right to freedom of expression.”

Also opposed was ballot initiative sponsor Tim Eyman, who told the committee that the bill could result in people being investigated over their “views, their associations, and their friends,” with “no judicial oversight, no public viewing, no TVW.”

HB 1333 was voted out of the Appropriations Committee on Feb. 23.

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b93c0a No.20578

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421342 (280051ZFEB23) Notable: Joe Biden to sign global health treaty giving the WHO authority to control how the U.S. responds to pandemics

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1 hour ago

Reggie Littlejohn: The National Sovereignty of the United States In Hands of WHO


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b93c0a No.20579

File: a1b59b70ab85522⋯.png (132.65 KB,842x613,842:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421357 (280054ZFEB23) Notable: Joe tweets / remarks

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Trump's pick for HHS "czar" to help lower drug prices was apparently "suicided". LinkedIn acting like he's still alive?


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b93c0a No.20580

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421361 (280055ZFEB23) Notable: CCP infiltration and influence of Congress, White House, Wallstreet

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1 hour ago

Col. Grant Newsham: CCP Infiltration in the Wall Street Business Class

5:19 minutes

The videos on Bannon today are really depressing!


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b93c0a No.20581

File: 34668fc0db58130⋯.png (579.68 KB,1091x717,1091:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421371 (280058ZFEB23) Notable: Joe tweets / remarks

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b93c0a No.20582

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421378 (280100ZFEB23) Notable: CCP infiltration and influence of Congress, White House, Wallstreet

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1 hour ago

Trevor Loudon: Judy Chu's Involvement with CCP


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b93c0a No.20583

File: 864dc3444f7e748⋯.png (115.76 KB,763x574,109:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421379 (280100ZFEB23) Notable: Racketeering enterprises inextricably intertwined with Arizona Election Fraud

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Thaler part 2 tonight

90 Minutes Exclusive interview Part 2: John Thaler on his claims that drug #Cartel money has compromised elected officials and funded #electiontheft. Watch live 730 to 9 PM CT at

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b93c0a No.20584

File: f0326c5eadb9e4c⋯.png (295.93 KB,998x539,998:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421392 (280106ZFEB23) Notable: LA County scrubs 1.2 million names from bloated voter rolls thanks to work by Judicial Watch

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Los Angeles County Scrubs 1.2 Million

Names from Bloated Voter Rolls Thanks

to Work by Judicial Watch

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 2/27/2023 2:02:59 PM

Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch Score Another Victory for Free and Fair Elections- Los Angeles County removed 1,207,613 ineligible voters from their voter rolls as part of a lawsuit settlement with Judicial Watch. (Tweet/Video) Judicial Watch reported in January 2020 that the organization had found MILLIONS of extra registrants on voter rolls across the country. The organization warned several states that lawsuits were coming if they did not clean up their voter rolls. Since that time Judicial Watch has forced several states to clean up their voter rolls including California, Kentucky and North Carolina. Judicial Watch announced the settlement last Thursday.

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b93c0a No.20585

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421419 (280111ZFEB23) Notable: Racketeering enterprises inextricably intertwined with Arizona Election Fraud

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little sauce with that pasta


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b93c0a No.20586

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421423 (280112ZFEB23) Notable: #22584

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#22584 >>20511

>>20513 Treasury Department is obstructing investigation into the Biden family's business schemes

>>20514, >>20515, >>20576, >>20581, >>20579, >>20512 Joe tweets / remarks

>>20516, >>20554, >>20577, >>20528 FDA finds rare neuroligical disorder is 'potential risk' with Pfizer RSV vaccine

>>20517 Supreme Court to review constitutionality of funding consumer protection bureau

>>20518 Whistleblower says he gave DoJ damning information on Biden family foreign business deals

>>20519 …and just like that, natural immunity is no longer a conspiracy theory

>>20520, >>20525, >>20583, >>20585 Racketeering enterprises inextricably intertwined with Arizona Election Fraud

>>20521 Joe Biden's former 'gatekeeper' to partially comply with House Probe into family business, classified doc scandal

>>20522 @WallStreetSilv: Anyone remember the plot from Strange Brew?🧐

>>20523 O66m6: I’m so proud of the work we’ve done at @MBK_Alliance

>>20524, >>20531 The U.S. is sending $444 million in "aid" to Yemen

>>20533 Uncanny the number of Clinton family "fiends" that commit suicide

>>20526, >>20532, >>20548 House Republicans widen COVID origins investigation, seek docs on gain-of-function research

>>20535 Only 2.3% of Taiwan’s population are native Taiwanese

>>20529, >>20543, >>20551, >>20557, >>20569, >>20574 Planefag

>>20537 Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine gets teh boot

>>20540 Washington County, PA GOP chairman has called upon Senator Fetterman to appear on camera to show proof of life

>>20527, >>20530, >>20534, >>20536 Latter-day Saints / Udall family

>>20539, >>20541 Peter's Buttisgay under investigation by Inspector General

>>20542 What Really Happened in the Midterms: Blake Masters Gives You an Inside Look | TRIGGERED Ep. 11

>>20546, >>20578 Joe Biden to sign global health treaty giving the WHO authority to control how the U.S. responds to pandemics

>>20547 Robin Dunn Marcos requested to schedule a transcribed interview before the Judiciary Committee by March 13, 2023

>>20544, >>20545, >>20550 ‘Tis the season for Trump

>>20549 @DanScavino: Sign up for Hillsdale College — FREE online course, today!

>>20552 Subprime auto lender and used car retailer collapses as distress cycle finally arrives

>>20553, >>20564, >>20566 DeSantis brings politicians and donors to Palm Beach to discuss his aspirations

>>20555 Rare images of early 20th-century Antarctic expeditions

>>20556, >>20567 Air Force relieves 2 commanders, 4 leaders at North Dakota nuclear bomber missile base

>>20558 Agenda47: President Trump Announces America First Trade Platform That Takes Sledgehammer to Globalism

>>20559 Fires, crashes and general fuckery, by the date/month and state

>>20560, >>20565 Mil tweets: AS-565 Panther / Go for the Gold! #WinningMatters

>>20561, >>20580, >>20582 CCP infiltration and influence of Congress, White House, Wallstreet

>>20562, >>20573 In the ballpark

>>20563 Dark money group pushing gas stove crackdown has significant financial stake in green energy

>>20568 Trump re: Beware Nikki Haley, Grade A bureaucrat in ‘Oedipal primary’

>>20570, >>20571, >>20575 Did you know that U.S. Senators need no background checks to do their jobs?

>>20572 Chicago inmates claim jail guards are pressuring them to illegally vote in the mayoral election

>>20584 LA County scrubs 1.2 million names from bloated voter rolls thanks to work by Judicial Watch


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b93c0a No.20587

File: 8822bf423189661⋯.png (64.45 KB,500x589,500:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421437 (280115ZFEB23) Notable: #22585

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b93c0a No.20588

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421474 (280124ZFEB23) Notable: The Real 2014 Revolution of Kiev

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Discover the untold story about the War in Ukraine in this eye-opening documentary. Are you ready to challenge what you know?

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

― Albert Einstein


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b93c0a No.20589

File: ea153efdab4f57c⋯.png (470.29 KB,592x612,148:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421485 (280126ZFEB23) Notable: Cardiac testing event detected myocarditis in 50%+ of ppl

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A public event in Washington state offered Cardiac Testing and detected myocarditis in more than 50% of those tested.

This is incredibly alarming.


Cardiac Testing At Washington Event Found 53% Myocarditis Ra…

Myocarditis detected in 50% of individuals tested at an event in WA State. Advanced Multifunction Cardiogram Test administered at a publi

6:47 PM · Feb 26, 2023




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b93c0a No.20590

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421489 (280127ZFEB23) Notable: Fighting 'Woke AI,' Musk recruits team to develop OpenAI rival

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fighting ‘Woke AI,’ Musk Recruits Team to Develop OpenAI Rival

By Jon Victor and Jessica E. Lessin | Feb. 27, 2023 4:32 PM PST Photo: Twitter CEO Elon Musk. Art: Shane Burke/Photo: Bloomberg

Elon Musk has approached artificial intelligence researchers in recent weeks about forming a new research lab to develop an alternative to ChatGPT, the high-profile chatbot made by the startup OpenAI, according to two people with direct knowledge of the effort and a third person briefed on the conversations.

In recent months Musk has repeatedly criticized OpenAI for installing safeguards that prevent ChatGPT from producing text that might offend users. Musk, who co-founded OpenAI in 2015 but has since cut ties with the startup, suggested last year that OpenAI’s technology was an example of “training AI to be woke.” His comments imply that a rival chatbot would have fewer restrictions on divisive subjects compared to ChatGPT and a related chatbot Microsoft recently launched.


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b93c0a No.20591

File: 6bb6e13fde6b6d6⋯.png (855.08 KB,1055x584,1055:584,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421493 (280127ZFEB23) Notable: chYna

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It comes from YCHNA

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b93c0a No.20592

File: 15b6b6258b2aba5⋯.png (412.32 KB,581x492,581:492,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421501 (280130ZFEB23) Notable: Classic Joe: "I may be a white boy, but I'm not stupid…"

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BIDEN AT BLACK HISTORY EVENT: "I may be a white boy, but I'm not stupid…"

12:11 PM · Feb 27, 2023




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b93c0a No.20593

File: 95adeda71388b5f⋯.png (287.2 KB,599x736,599:736,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421511 (280132ZFEB23) Notable: This cringe footage akshually used by MSM anywhere?

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Eric Spracklen🇺🇸


What the hell is this?


NOËL 🇪🇺 🇺🇦

1:52 PM · Feb 27, 2023




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b93c0a No.20594

File: 736635e92a8a27f⋯.png (362.05 KB,611x574,611:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421513 (280133ZFEB23) Notable: Cardiac testing event detected myocarditis in 50%+ of ppl

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TRAGIC: Walking Dead star, Jansen Panettiere has #diedsuddenly due to heart complications.

The star's passing was confirmed last week, after law enforcement officials were called to his home in New York.

The actors & extras on set were reportedly ALL mandated to take the 💉


11:11 AM · Feb 27, 2023




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b93c0a No.20595

File: 3432b7e10d443ff⋯.png (499.34 KB,590x783,590:783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421516 (280135ZFEB23) Notable: Cardiac testing event detected myocarditis in 50%+ of ppl

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The Vigilant Fox 🦊


Doctors Can No Longer Ignore It: You Can't Hide from Vaccine Injury When It's In Your Face Every Day

- Oncologists are seeing more cancer cases.

- Neurologists are seeing patients with no risk factors having strokes.

- Cardiologists are seeing heart attacks with fibrin clots that are filling the coronary arteries to an extent they've never seen before.

- Gynecologists are seeing all of the fertility and menstrual abnormalities.


: "This is a humanitarian catastrophe, and it has been ignored, it has been suppressed. It has been censored, but you can't hide from this data when it's in your face every day. The system is going to have to address this in some way at some point."

11:43 AM · Feb 27, 2023




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b93c0a No.20596

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421519 (280135ZFEB23) Notable: Cardiac testing event detected myocarditis in 50%+ of ppl

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Doctors are baffled

Working out at the gym, and dying suddenly at 24


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b93c0a No.20597

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421525 (280137ZFEB23) Notable: U.S. Marshals Service suffers 'major' security breach

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

U.S. Marshals Service suffers 'major' security breach that compromises sensitive information, senior law enforcement officials say

The incident did not involve the database involving the Witness Security Program, commonly known as the witness protection program, a source told NBC News.

Feb. 27, 2023, 6:38 PM EST

By Andrew Blankstein, Michael Kosnar, Jonathan Dienst and Tom Winter

The U.S. Marshals Service suffered a security breach over a week ago that resulted in the compromise of sensitive information, multiple senior U.S. law enforcement officials said Monday.

In a statement Monday, U.S. Marshals Service spokesperson Drew Wade acknowledged the breach, telling NBC News: “The affected system contains law enforcement sensitive information, including returns from legal process, administrative information, and personally identifiable information pertaining to subjects of USMS investigations, third parties, and certain USMS employees.”

Wade said the incident occurred Feb. 17, when the Marshals Service "discovered a ransomware and data exfiltration event affecting a stand-alone USMS system."

The system was disconnected from the network, and the Justice Department began a forensic investigation, Wade said.


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b93c0a No.20598

File: 953fee49a62dba8⋯.png (1.22 MB,1172x1132,293:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421528 (280137ZFEB23) Notable: U.S. Marshals Service suffers 'major' security breach

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DEVELOPING: US Marshals Service Hit By 'Major' Cyberattack Targeting Sensitive Law Enforcement Information: Report


U.S. law enforcement officials said on Monday that the U.S. Marshals Service experienced a security breach more than a week ago, which led to the compromise of sensitive information.

Following the breach, the system was disconnected from the network, and the Justice Department launched a forensic investigation.

U.S. Marshals Service spokesperson Drew Wade told NBC News, “The affected system contains law enforcement sensitive information, including returns from legal process, administrative information, and personally identifiable information pertaining to subjects of USMS investigations, third parties, and certain USMS employees.”

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b93c0a No.20599

File: fba0bc9192e5d2f⋯.png (338.35 KB,588x521,588:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421532 (280137ZFEB23) Notable: The Real 2014 Revolution of Kiev

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: “Nobody is pushing this war more than Nuland”

Kindly retweet this while the documentary loads.

12:27 PM · Feb 27, 2023




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b93c0a No.20600

File: c01482edb90278e⋯.png (621.17 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421556 (280143ZFEB23) Notable: Elf sighting decode

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b93c0a No.20601

File: 485629aa87674fe⋯.png (509.62 KB,1216x640,19:10,Clipboard.png)

File: ff5c397c41cccff⋯.png (312.22 KB,616x405,616:405,Clipboard.png)

File: 09dd89ea36f2db6⋯.png (228.74 KB,765x438,255:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421564 (280145ZFEB23) Notable: Planefag

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>>20468 pb

SAM296 C-40B crossed the Atlantic from it's JBA depart earlier–likely JCOS Milley probably heading to Brussels since it did not stop at Shannon

Got 4 Saudi AF C-130s that left RAF Connigby RSF1304,96,16,17 and earlier there was an A330 RSF1334 that left same and went to Riyadh-those C-130s departed Jeddah yesterday and stopped at Souda Bay, Crete


Turkish AF TB2 S052 Bayraktar drone doing roundies near the Turkish/Syrian border at 19k ft

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b93c0a No.20602

File: 99585fa82aa0ae5⋯.png (1.03 MB,594x835,594:835,Clipboard.png)

File: d5da061a2951bc6⋯.png (319.09 KB,280x485,56:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421568 (280145ZFEB23) Notable: @JamesOKeefeIII

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James O'Keefe


If you can watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools…

Pictured: James O’Keefe Jr and III Bergen County, NJ 2/27/23


12:04 PM · Feb 27, 2023



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b93c0a No.20603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421571 (280145ZFEB23) Notable: John Thaler interview Pt. 2 (Arizona corruption)

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Apparently, parties in AZ who don't want this election fraud / money laundering scheme investigated are screaming "inappropriate venue" re the testimony by Jackie Breger.

Looks like the opposition is now fighting back - saying he didn't contact certain parties in the AG's office. Thaler is producing envelopes showing correspondence with that office.

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b93c0a No.20604

File: 52169c8856cfc1a⋯.png (33.59 KB,591x311,591:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421572 (280146ZFEB23) Notable: Elf sighting decode

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b93c0a No.20605

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421573 (280146ZFEB23) Notable: Warren Jeffs / M Dutson

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Look at all these government contracts that were given to Warren Jeffs FLDS companies. The O rings that blew out on the space shuttle were produced by slave labor at his NewEra manufacturing company. To this day they still have millions in government contracts producing wheels and brakes for military planes.

JNJ Engineering is an FLDS company in Colorado City that is owned by a known pedophile.






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b93c0a No.20606

File: aaa5f3fd9e21295⋯.mp4 (6.27 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421582 (280148ZFEB23) Notable: The Real 2014 Revolution of Kiev

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


here is the video.. it's very good

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b93c0a No.20607

File: dbd46280f6725f8⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB,1667x1044,1667:1044,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421594 (280150ZFEB23) Notable: Qpost 3042

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

During the first part of Tucker tonight (some anon recorded?), he played a March 2020 interview with the Chinese PhD who said that COVID came from a Wuhan lab. During the replay, the date label at the upper left corner was

MATCH 12, 2020

R>T (Receive>Transmit)

Thinking that this could relate to a Q post 12 months later, I searched and saw there were no Q posts on March 12, 2021. So I searched 12 months earlier and saw Q 3042 with 12 repetitions of:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ and "Q+".

"G2" is US Army Intelligence.

"CQ", per the ARRL (ham radio org):

To start a contact, call "CQ" or answer someone calling CQ. A CQ is a general call to get a random contact.

Q about to Transmit?

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b93c0a No.20608

File: 21425582d183697⋯.png (727.74 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f26407a1f6c671⋯.png (33.09 KB,435x414,145:138,Clipboard.png)

File: 582f68c8c32eebb⋯.png (1.79 MB,1856x1975,1856:1975,Clipboard.png)

File: 13c85cabdd9e5f8⋯.png (549.51 KB,1163x478,1163:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421595 (280150ZFEB23) Notable: Elf sighting decode

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Elf Sighting

what are the odds



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b93c0a No.20609

File: 5f2c534b179ec49⋯.png (646.51 KB,1190x533,1190:533,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ba989e69c55171⋯.png (187.47 KB,338x411,338:411,Clipboard.png)

File: 41b62bd4bd55050⋯.png (229.79 KB,619x427,619:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421596 (280151ZFEB23) Notable: Elf sighting decode

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Elf Sighting

what are the odds



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b93c0a No.20610

File: 6d3367905a8f99a⋯.png (222.74 KB,410x731,410:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421598 (280151ZFEB23) Notable: Cardiac testing event detected myocarditis in 50%+ of ppl

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Former Mets minor leaguer Matt Pobereyko dies suddenly at 31 at his off-season home

“We report the unfortunate news of the death of Matt Pobereyko, due to a heart attack that ended his life.

Pobereyko was in his apartment, in a west Chicagoland suburb when he collapsed Friday and was later discovered by his girlfriend.”



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b93c0a No.20611

File: 9df08b8e97f5be1⋯.png (481.09 KB,602x563,602:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421604 (280154ZFEB23) Notable: Vermont girls basketball team forfeits State tournament game due to trans player on opposing team

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


Vermont Girls Basketball Teams Forfeits State Tournament Game Due To Trans Player On Opposing Team


Vermont Girls Basketball Teams Forfeits State Tournament Game Due To Trans Player On Opposing Team

10:59 AM · Feb 27, 2023




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b93c0a No.20612

File: 5de278a5239f3bc⋯.png (293.65 KB,412x464,103:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421616 (280157ZFEB23) Notable: Cardiac testing event detected myocarditis in 50%+ of ppl

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🚨BREAKING: Young Disney Star Dies of Enlarged Heart…


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b93c0a No.20613

File: c659f06e8ab31a5⋯.png (439.32 KB,861x360,287:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421617 (280157ZFEB23) Notable: PB In case it was missed, Evergrande Fails to Win Creditors’ Support as Key Dates Loom

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Evergrande Fails to Win Creditors’ Support as Key Dates Loom

China Evergrande Group, the developer at the epicenter of the country’s real estate crisis, has yet to reach an agreement with major creditors on a debt restructuring framework crucial to avoiding potential court-ordered asset liquidation, people familiar with the matter said.

There is still no deal with an ad-hoc group of dollar-bondholders, according to the people, who asked not to be identified speaking about a private matter. The clock is ticking. Evergrande has said it wanted to get support from the noteholders by early March and it faces a March 20 court hearing in Hong Kong on a winding-up petition. Evergrande didn’t comment when asked about the status of the talks. Advisers to the ad-hoc group, Moelis & Co.(founder heavily involved in 911 trading fuckery while at UBS) and Kirkland & Ellis LLP, declined to comment. Evergrande’s debt restructuring is one of China’s largest ever and carries broader implications for the country’s nearly $60 trillion financial system. The progress of debt-restructuring plans is a crucial factor in a winding-up petition filed last June against the company. In such cases, a borrower’s assets can be liquidated to fund creditor repayment. Judge Linda Chan urged Evergrande at a November hearing to offer up “something more concrete” at the March court appearance that’s now less than three weeks away.

The main disputes between the world’s most indebted builder and the ad-hoc bondholder group include the equity value of Evergrande and its two Hong Kong-listed units, the people said. The bondholders have asked for Evergrande’s entire stake in its electric-vehicle and property-management arms, but the company has offered less than that, according to other people familiar with the matter. Evergrande owns about half of the property-management unit and nearly 60% of the auto business, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Another key area of disagreement between Evergrande and the ad-hoc group involves the structural seniority of Evergrande’s debt, according to the first group of people familiar with the matter. The issue affects different creditors’ rights to its assets, and a particular point of contention is the claims of certain onshore creditors, the people said. The bondholders are also demanding Evergrande address corporate-governance issues, they added.

Evergrande defaulted for the first time on dollar bonds at the end of 2021, and has missed several self-imposed timelines to release a restructuring plan. One shift in the ad-hoc bondholders’ requests is that the group is no longer seeking Evergrande Chairman Hui Ka Yan to inject at least $2 billion into the firm as a condition for agreeing with any debt proposals from the company, the people said. They added the investors are still seeking some capital from him. The liquidity crunch that affected Evergrande and many peers fueled a record amount of dollar-bond defaults last year. Such woes have crimped the ability of lower-rated Chinese firms to sell offshore debt and prompted international investors to pull back from the country’s onshore bonds. Bloomberg News reported in January that Evergrande had been discussing a debt-restructuring proposal that included an option for creditors to swap some debt into stock of the builder and the two units via the issuance of hybrid securities such as convertible bonds.

Shares of Evergrande and the units haven’t traded since last March, when the firms warned of delays in releasing audited results. Based on their last trading prices, the trio’s equity was worth a combined HK$81 billion ($10 billion).


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b93c0a No.20614

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421631 (280202ZFEB23) Notable: John Thaler interview Pt. 2 (Arizona corruption)

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re Brittany involvement as a child:

wow, 8 yr old Brittany was helping mom fill out docs at one point….

re how do we know Hobbs hasn't been the victim of identity theft (re deeds of trust)?

there are other docs

Kathleen M Hobbs - her legal name

Katherine Hobbs deeds - the markings match

slight changes in the name are common in fraudulent docs

Question: how do so many people in public service have the exact SAME handwriting for docs?

There's other docs for Hobbs with the same forged handwriting

re people suing Thaler bc of what he is saying:

any "cease and desist" requests?


if it's identity theft, why haven't those "victimized" inquired about it?

any politician who's innocent would want the docs - nobody has asked

Thaler is willing to share the docs (kek)

they have been investigating for over 3 years

this isn't just about documents - they have INTERVIEWED many witnesses. The docs are just the tip of the iceberg.

re judge in Kari Lake case:

alleging impropriety? someone did contact him to investigate the judge, is that a judge he would feel comfortable going forward with? NO - they would not have gone forward with the judge, they would have not.

re mtg with Kari Lake atty?

AFTER the election, yes, re election improprieties. He will send the name.

re Kari Lake: have you investigated her? any red flag or other america first candidates?

yes, they did - to see if she had "deed problems". NO.

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b93c0a No.20615

File: 14120fb77d56fab⋯.jpg (40.85 KB,1000x523,1000:523,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421636 (280204ZFEB23) Notable: The Real 2014 Revolution of Kiev

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




So clever. How much have we paid for such competence?

Whatever it is, it isn't as much as the dead have paid for the services of those like these two.

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b93c0a No.20616

File: f2f7acb25036e58⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB,404x720,101:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421641 (280205ZFEB23) Notable: This cringe footage akshually used by MSM anywhere?

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b93c0a No.20617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421651 (280207ZFEB23) Notable: Qpost 3042

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Attempting vid embed.

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b93c0a No.20618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421662 (280210ZFEB23) Notable: Insiders unveil Fentanyl Crisis / Cartels

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New article on Revolver:

Bombshell cartel allegations against Katie Hobbs may be false… but the reality is much darker…

While the above information may appear scandalous, in a sense it stands to reason that our government would have some degree of involvement with the cartels. In a narco-state such as Mexico, many cartels arguably function as paramilitary forces, “states within states” that exert tremendous power politically. Different political factions will have the backing of different cartels, and the geopolitical benefit of supporting a specific cartel linked to an “ally” favorable to the United States may outweigh the downside in the estimation of government officials. In the interview with Mexican narco-journalist excerpted above, the journalist even goes on to describe how the Chinese have made inroads into certain Mexican cartels, thereby inducting the Mexican narco-state into the emerging Cold War II between the United States and China:



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b93c0a No.20619

File: bb6985d5d80a6fe⋯.png (56.06 KB,653x409,653:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421672 (280213ZFEB23) Notable: Elon Musk is loaded AF

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Elon's back on top of the world! Musk

snatches back richest man on earth title

from LVMH chief Bernard Arnault as fortune

hits $187.1billion following 100% rally

in Tesla stocks in a month

Daily Mail (UK), by Lewis Pennock

Posted By: Imright, 2/27/2023 8:52:15 PM

Elon Musk has regained his position as the world's richest man with a net worth of $187.1 billion thanks to Tesla's booming stock price. He has regained the title from Bernard Arnault, boss of luxury goods company LVMH, who's now second richest with a net worth of $185.3 billion. Musk's wealth has been boosted as shares in Tesla, his electric car company, have nearly doubled since the start of 2023. The company was one of many tech stocks to suffer badly last year but it's currently trading at $207.63-a-share - compared with $108.10 on January 2.

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b93c0a No.20620

File: 2215bf24223cab3⋯.png (195.28 KB,412x511,412:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421679 (280214ZFEB23) Notable: Libs of TikTok creator Chaya Raichik: Every single day in America, our Children are under attack

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Libs of TikTok creator Chaya Raichik: Every Single Day in America, Our Children Are Under Attack

“Every single day in America, our children are under attack, specifically in the school system. And that's what I seek to expose every single day.”



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b93c0a No.20621

File: a915e2b242a8c87⋯.png (234.53 KB,901x485,901:485,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a95884d4e66255⋯.png (544.22 KB,791x863,791:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421699 (280219ZFEB23) Notable: DJT: The Democrats are only good at lying and cheating on Elections!

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Donald J. Trump



The Democrats are only good at lying and cheating on Elections!


Feb 27, 2023, 9:07 PM


WaPo Review of ‘Every Possible Regulatory Change’ Made Under Trump Found NONE Contributed to Ohio Train Derailment

Feb 27th, 2023, 11:38 am


In the wake of the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, former President Donald Trump faced criticism for his efforts to roll back regulations that numerous commentators blamed for the disaster. But a review by Glenn Kessler at The Washington Post of the regulatory changes passed by the Trump administration found that none of them could be shown to have contributed to the Feb. 3 accident.

The Post, frequently attacked by the former president as “fake news,” is certainly no pro-Trump propaganda outlet, lending credibility to Kessler’s analysis, which “examine[d] every possible regulatory change made under Trump that could be related to the accident and assess whether it could have made an impact.”

The National Transportation Safety Board’s preliminary report noted that the Norfolk Southern train crew had been in the process of trying to respond to an alert about an overheating wheel bearing by slowing the train when it left the tracks, derailing 38 cars, 11 of which contained hazardous materials.

“From our analysis, none of the regulatory changes made during the Trump administration at this point can be cited as contributing to the accident,” wrote Kessler.

Among the specific Trump-era regulatory changes the Post reviewed were repealing a pending requirement to switch to electronically controlled pneumatic (ECP) brakes, brake safety inspection times, rejecting a two-person crew requirement, changes to rail inspections and other minimum rail safety requirements, safety audits, and changes to regulations regarding ethylene oxide.

In each of these cases, the Post found that the Trump admin’s change was either not relevant or had not been shown to have an effect that could have contributed to the derailment. For example, this specific train did have on board a two-person crew plus an additional trainee, the ethylene oxide regulation change related to plant emissions (not transport), and the investigations so far have not shown any safety or maintenance issue that might have been uncovered by Obama-era regulations that Trump unwound or repealed.


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b93c0a No.20622

File: 84050beb1947786⋯.png (232.54 KB,437x380,23:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421702 (280219ZFEB23) Notable: "Does the president believe that the reward outweighs the risk when it comes to gain-of-function research?"

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REPORTER: "Does the president believe that the reward outweighs the risk when it comes to gain-of-function research?"

KIRBY: "It's important to help prevent future pandemics. […] I think that's a fancy way of saying yes."

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b93c0a No.20623

File: d6de02e692eaf57⋯.pdf (9.64 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421706 (280220ZFEB23) Notable: (PDF) Preliminary Findings of Activities Impacting Arizona's Election Integrity

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>Bombshell cartel allegations against Katie Hobbs may be false… but the reality is much darker…

some of the sauce at least

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b93c0a No.20624

File: fc31b90b6744f4e⋯.png (101.3 KB,892x382,446:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 5138a84a03dec3c⋯.png (606.99 KB,980x1048,245:262,Clipboard.png)

File: ac767d3e016fc20⋯.png (298.2 KB,969x932,969:932,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421710 (280222ZFEB23) Notable: Donald Trump, the Right President at the Right Time

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Donald J. Trump



Wow, so nice!


Feb 27, 2023, 9:06 PM


Donald Trump, the Right President at the Right Time

By Steve McCann

December 14, 2021

Of the 46 presidents of the United States, there are three that can be considered indispensable to the nation’s enduring existence as a free people; they are George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Donald Trump.

Washington, without whose character and leadership the nation as we know it would not have been established; Lincoln, who preserved the Union and restored American society by abolishing slavery; and Trump, who has potentially rescued the country from an irretrievable headfirst dash into a permanent one-party socialist oligarchy eventuating in an inevitable fracturing of the Union.

Donald Trump’s inclusion on this list derives not only from his political, judicial, and legislative accomplishments but the dramatically positive impact he had on the psyche of Middle America, and initiating the transformation of a feckless Republican Party into a viable and resolute opposition – as well as the party of the average American of all races, creeds, and ethnicities.

Trump showed a nation stuck in a 28-year morass of political mediocrity and collectivism that fearlessness, determination, and an implacable conviction in the principles of the nation’s founding would defeat the elites and left-wing dominated Democrat party, their resolve to create a socialist oligarchy.

What would the landscape and future prospects for the United States be today if Donald Trump had decided not to run and Hillary Clinton was elected as the 45th president by the average margin predicted in the polls?

That result very likely would have meant two very closely-contested Senate seats would have been won by the Democrats giving them control of that chamber. During the course of a Hillary Clinton presidency, the filibuster in the Senate would have been essentially eliminated. In the House of Representatives, the Republicans would have remained in nominal control with a smaller majority, but under the leadership of a squishy Speaker Paul Ryan and 50+ other so-called “moderate” Republicans.

Hillary would have appointed three left-leaning Supreme Court Justices as well as 234 other federal district and circuit court judges. Combined with the 334 judges that Obama appointed, the Obama-Hillary Clinton presidencies would have appointed 67% of all federal district and circuit court judges as well as 5 Supreme Court Justices (resulting in a 6-3 left-wing majority). The Judiciary would be, on a near-permanent basis, sympathetic to Obama’s determination to transform the country and the de facto rewriting of the Constitution.

The chaos and seemingly endless misfeasance in the first eleven months of the Biden presidency are a window into what would have happened in a Hillary Clinton presidency. As she, too, would have acquiesced to the demands of the far-left cabal to whom Barack Obama granted a permanent oversized place at the table of power. The Democrats in Congress would be, as they are now, in the thrall of the radical left – the enduring legacy of Barack Obama.

The economy would be in far worse shape than it is today, as it would not have had the solid foundation, thanks to Trump’s policies, to weather the Covid-19 pandemic. Taxes would not have been lowered but dramatically increased. The “Green New Deal” would have been enacted primarily through executive orders and regulatory enforcement costing untold trillions of dollars and causing a massive rise in energy costs and in job losses. Thousands of pages of new regulations would have been enacted, thus destroying existing businesses as well as new business formation.

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b93c0a No.20625

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421711 (280222ZFEB23) Notable: Donald Trump, the Right President at the Right Time

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Image: Donald Trump by Gage Skidmore (edited in befunky). CC BY-SA 2.0.

What Hillary and the Democrats could not pass in Congress, they would have done through an endless litany of executive orders and regulations. The ability of states or Congress to overturn the Hillary Clinton executive orders would fail in a divided Congress as well as fall on deaf ears with a Judiciary dominated by the left.

The so-called “compromise” legislation (which means Republicans giving the Democrats 80% of what they want instead of 100%) that would have been passed would have included a dramatically expanded panoply of social and welfare spending, college debt forgiveness, and modified Medicare for all. Thus, greatly expanding the need for money creation and debt as well as triggering inflation pre-Covid-19.

In the later years of the Hillary Clinton presidency, the Second Amendment would have been attacked with a vengeance using executive orders and “compromise” legislation, secure in the knowledge that the Courts would no longer be an obstacle.

The tactic begun during the Obama presidency of fomenting societal upheaval by using race as the pretext and the Department of Justice as the cudgel in order to permanently defeat and intimidate the political opposition would have been accelerated along with legislative and regulatory changes aimed at federalizing elections to favor the Democrat party.

The despots in China and Russia as well as the Mullahs in Iran would have been further empowered, thus, placing the United States at risk of war, intimidation, and second-class status. As with Biden, the borders would have been swung wide open to unfettered illegal immigration, resulting in upwards of 8 million new illegals during Hillary’s first term. “Compromise” legislation would have been passed to legalize, with eventual citizenship, up to 20+ million illegals.

When it comes to the Covid-19 pandemic, Hillary and the Democrats, gullibly taking the choreographed lead from the Communist Chinese, would have imposed economically devastating and health-destroying lockdowns and unconstitutional mandates upon the entire country along with unbridled money creation and accelerated inflation. The people and the states would have had little or no recourse in the Courts.

In order to overcome the first-term failures of a Hillary Clinton presidency, the pandemic would have been unabashedly exploited and election fraud significantly more rampant than it was in the 2020 election. Thus, ensuring the re-election of Hillary Clinton as well as Democrat domination of both houses of Congress and a Judiciary already in leftist hands.

The fate of the United States would be sealed as the nation would have passed the point of no return.

Instead, a brash and confident Donald Trump burst through the doors of the two-party political establishment. By renewing and recasting many of the economic policies of Ronald Reagan and initiating an America First domestic and foreign policy he not only reversed the downward trend of the nation and stopped the left in their tracks but showed the American people with his overwhelmingly effective policies that there were viable alternatives that worked. Further, his determined effort to recast the Republican Party as the American populist party and the Democrats as the party of the elites and radicals is succeeding at an accelerated pace.

From 1989 to 2016 the nation had been stuck in a quagmire of inadequacy and failure in its political leadership. Thus, leaving the citizenry uncertain about the future of the country with what they perceived to be no alternative in sight. That is until Donald Trump heeded the call to lead in rescuing the nation from the clutches of the elitist wannabe autocrats.

Nothing exemplifies the importance of the Trump presidency than the chaos, mismanagement, ignorance, and failures of the Biden administration as the American people can see for themselves the stark differences between the two administrations. They are primed to soundly defeat the Democrats in November of 2022 and 2024.

Regardless of Donald Trump’s gruff demeanor and unorthodox governing style or whether or not he runs for president in 2024, his place in American history is secure as he was the right president at the right time.


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b93c0a No.20626

File: da719b6e6e772b2⋯.jpeg (256.84 KB,1170x553,1170:553,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: df0750cc984f8ca⋯.webp (45.29 KB,480x682,240:341,Clipboard.webp)

File: 126442db8b1a74f⋯.jpeg (839.68 KB,1170x1464,195:244,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421713 (280223ZFEB23) Notable: Elf sighting decode

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In case anons missed it!!!!

PDJT Santa with the Hammer



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b93c0a No.20627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421729 (280228ZFEB23) Notable: Insiders unveil Fentanyl Crisis / Cartels

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Our own government DEA ordered Kiki Camerana killed and undercover DEA agent

“Even Mexican officials are starting to spill the beans…

Juarez, Mexico – The US Central Intelligence Agency and other international security forces “don’t fight drug traffickers”, a spokesman for the Chihuahua state government in northern Mexico has told Al Jazeera, instead “they try to manage the drug trade”.

Allegations about official complicity in the drug business are nothing new when they come from activists, professors, campaigners or even former officials. However, an official spokesman for the authorities in one of Mexico’s most violent states – one which directly borders Texas – going on the record with such accusations is unique.

“It’s like pest control companies, they only control,” Guillermo Terrazas Villanueva, the Chihuahua spokesman, told Al Jazeera last month at his office in Juarez. “If you finish off the pests, you are out of a job. If they finish the drug business, they finish their jobs.”

And then there’s this confirmation that the US provided protection to Sinaloa in exchange for information on rival cartels:

An investigation by El Universal found that between the years 2000 and 2012, the U.S. government had an arrangement with Mexico’s Sinaloa drug cartel that allowed the organization to smuggle billions of dollars of drugs while Sinaloa provided information on rival cartels.

The relation between cartels and the US government can be hazardous to explore in detail. Gary Webb, the journalist who first covered this connection in his series “Dark Alliance” died under mysterious circumstances:…



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b93c0a No.20628

File: 2609d74f5891acd⋯.png (671.27 KB,802x822,401:411,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e0613df81ae2d2⋯.jpg (2.24 MB,4096x2729,4096:2729,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421732 (280228ZFEB23) Notable: Mil tweets

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The future of the great U.S. military.


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b93c0a No.20629

File: bd678c3a4a8107d⋯.png (195.07 KB,852x1180,213:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421735 (280229ZFEB23) Notable: John Thaler interview Pt. 2 (Arizona corruption)

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re money laundering & single fam homes

[discussion of how it's done, dif ways]

laundering and payoffs go together

drug cartels can work w/developers

Thaler respects work done by DEA.

re Katie Hobbs - findings:

issues with the signatures of her & her husband starts with deeds of trust

if suspicious, they look for more, look for patterns

when laundering is present, there are characteristic patterns

looks for other docs, deeds, lawsuits, etc. - which they FOUND in the case of Hobbs.

also, notarizations (belonging to brittany chavez)

re false judgments - purpose

to swat people who are hot on the trail. These are FALSIFIED to distract and harass whistleblowers/investigators. Court orders, default judgments, sudden drops in credit scores, etc. They can also be used to extort money by a corrupt bureaucracy.

re Katie Hobbs, anything else?

She has links with orgs that [look suspicious]

re phone records:

They have 8000 pages of phone records, 24,000 pages of communcations.

texts and cell phone calls. How done? Whistleblowing in this case.

Q - anything on election theft?

A - Maricopa Co created huge database in 2015, they have call records of people involved in crime calling in and out at strategic moments, there's an ongoing fed investigation, won't give details

they've seen calls into other election centers outside AZ in 20 states, say in purple counties - they might look there for real estate fraud. Have found it.

In AZ, there are serious concerns. Re accessing election stuff: look at when the calls occur, where the calls occur, who makes the calls; correlated with deed problems.

Sen. candidate Gallegos - does he know about him? No, not offhand. Thaler says they are very careful putting people on the list [of those with deed problems? YES]. Thaler et al looked at notarizations as far as he recalls.

Is there any concern that any of these guys are just victims? Thaler thinks NOT - never a matter of a single doc, always a COMPENDIUM.

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b93c0a No.20630

File: fbb2681e08d9749⋯.png (216.31 KB,696x391,696:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421773 (280240ZFEB23) Notable: UPS employees charged with trafficking cocaine in packages

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UPS Employees Charged With Trafficking Cocaine In Packages, Feds Say

By B911 - February 27, 2023


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b93c0a No.20631

File: 5d30356d715836e⋯.png (208.43 KB,867x658,867:658,Clipboard.png)

File: 93efcd6ebd7f87d⋯.png (432.84 KB,856x920,107:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421779 (280240ZFEB23) Notable: Planefag

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A-10 Thunderbolt callsign ATTACK

Doing practice runs at the Barry M. Goldwater AF range.

>Barry Morris Goldwater (January 2, 1909[1] – May 29, 1998) was an American politician and United States Air Force major general who was a five-term U.S. Senator from Arizona (1953–1965, 1969–1987) and the Republican Party nominee for president of the United States in 1964. Goldwater is the politician most often credited with having sparked the resurgence of the American conservative political movement in the 1960s. Despite his loss of the 1964 U.S. presidential election in a landslide, many political pundits and historians believe he laid the foundation for the conservative revolution to follow, as the grassroots organization and conservative takeover of the Republican Party began a long-term realignment in American politics, which helped to bring about the "Reagan Revolution" of the 1980s. He also had a substantial impact on the American libertarian movement.[2]

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b93c0a No.20632

File: 4af05bb70a2a25e⋯.png (19.13 KB,548x256,137:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421783 (280241ZFEB23) Notable: Classic Joe: "I may be a white boy, but I'm not stupid…"

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8:18 = 17

President Biden


United States government official

The vibrancy of Black culture and history enriches all of American life.

In policy, faith, action, and so much more.

It’s a history that can’t be buried – because it lives in the soul of our nation.

8:18 PM · Feb 27, 2023


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b93c0a No.20633

File: 30d3a580fd9c821⋯.jpeg (434.96 KB,1536x1445,1536:1445,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421784 (280241ZFEB23) Notable: U.S. Marshals Service suffers 'major' security breach

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The affected system contains law enforcement sensitive information, including returns from legal process, administrative information, and personally identifiable information pertaining to subjects of USMS investigations, third parties, and certain USMS employees," the agency spokesperson Drew Wade told NBC


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b93c0a No.20634

File: 67a0cf2814f2d19⋯.png (21.56 KB,548x277,548:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421792 (280242ZFEB23) Notable: Classic Joe: "I may be a white boy, but I'm not stupid…"

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President Biden


United States government official

To deliver equal justice under law, we’re building a bench with judges that reflect all of America –

Including Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson

And more Black women appointed to federal circuit courts than under all previous presidents combined.

9:10 PM · Feb 27, 2023


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b93c0a No.20635

File: 3bfdce4673512a4⋯.png (352.84 KB,548x537,548:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421803 (280244ZFEB23) Notable: Classic Joe: "I may be a white boy, but I'm not stupid…"

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President Biden


United States government official

We were honored to welcome educators, advocates, and community leaders to a Black History Month celebration at the White House.

Tonight, we celebrated the vast contributions of Black Americans and our ongoing progress to build an America that works for everyone.

9:40 PM · Feb 27, 2023


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b93c0a No.20636

File: 2831c2e30998950⋯.png (422.55 KB,484x653,484:653,Clipboard.png)

File: 19eea8652d8ead0⋯.png (62.11 KB,1134x332,567:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421865 (280256ZFEB23) Notable: The same day SBF is hit with a new count of bank fraud, 3 regulators warn about crypto bank runs

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The Same Day Sam Bankman-Fried Is Hit with a New Count of Bank Fraud, Three Regulators Warn About Crypto Bank Runs*

Last Thursday, the Department of Justice added four additional criminal counts against Sam Bankman-Fried in a superseding indictment. These include: bank fraud; conspiracy to operate an unlicensed money transmitting business; and two counts involving the purchase and sale of derivatives (and this technically also falls under the Office of The Comptroller of the Currency (O.C.C.) as well as the worthless SEC which has been asleep at the wheel forever and just lets all the big banks pile on trillions in derivatives while saying nuffin-although the Acting Comptroller of the Currency said, in January, that the big banks "might be a problem"-this different than that FDIC video)

Big Banks Might Face Breakup, Top Regulator Says


Bankman-Fried’s jury trial is scheduled to start in October. The charge of bank fraud is something that jury members can get their minds around – particularly when the alleged bank fraud is shown to have taken place at federally-insured banks which are backstopped by U.S. taxpayers. And while the new indictment does not name any specific banks, it is well known that Bankman-Fried’s FTX crypto exchange and his hedge fund, Alameda Research, were involved with a number of federally-insured banks. (See, for example, Federally-Insured, Crypto-Focused Silvergate Bank Loses 43 Percent of Its Market Value Yesterday as Depositors Flee. Silvergate was a $160 stock in late April of last year. It closed on Friday at $14.33 following a massive bank run on deposits in the last quarter of 2022 as its ties to FTX became publicized.)

Here’s a sampling of what’s in the new indictment regarding Sam Bankman-Fried’s alleged diabolical plan to engage in bank fraud:

“SAMUEL BANKMAN-FRIED, a/k/a ‘SBF,’ the defendant, perpetrated this multi-billion-dollar fraud through a series, of systems and schemes that allowed BANKMAN-FRIED, through Alameda, to access and steal FTX customer deposits without detection. For instance, in 2021, FTX began to accept customer fiat deposits into an Alameda-affiliated bank account that itself was established through a fraudulent scheme that BANKMAN-FRIED directed…

“In part to obscure the relationship between FTX and Alameda, and in order to overcome Bank-1 ‘s refusal to open a bank account for FTX without extensive due diligence and licensing, in or about August 2020, SAMUEL BANKMAN-FRIED, a/k/a ‘SBF,’ the defendant, directed the incorporation of a new U.S.-based entity, North Dimension. BANKMAN-FRIED was listed as sole owner, CEO, and president of North Dimension, which had no employees or business operations outside of its bank account. BANKMAN-FRIED and others chose the name ‘North Dimension’ in part to conceal that there was a relationship between North Dimension and Alameda from FTX customers and from banks approving transactions with the North Dimension bank account. BANKMAN-FRIED also directed the creation of a website for North Dimension and used a credit card in his name to fund the hosting services for the website…

“Once the North Dimension bank account was opened, FTX directed customer dollar deposits to the North Dimension account. Thereafter, when FTX customers deposited or withdrew fiat currency, Alameda personnel, who maintained control over the North Dimension account and acted under the direction and supervision of SAMUEL BANKMAN-FRIED, a/k/a ‘SBF,’ the defendant, and his co-conspirators, manually credited or subtracted the customer’s FTX account with the corresponding amount of fiat currency on an internal ledger system…”

Investigative reporter, Gretchen Morgenson, reported for NBC News in December that North Dimension went to the trouble of creating a fake company website that marketed itself like this: “Our vision is to become most popular website for purchasing mobile phones and electronics by offering complete product information and a transparent purchasing procedure.”

It is more than a little noteworthy that the same day that the Justice Department released details on how easily Bankman-Fried was allegedly able to commit bank fraud, three federal bank regulators released new warnings to U.S. banks about getting involved in crypto. The federal regulators are the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC).

One paragraph of the various warnings sounds like it is describing the negative impact to all crypto-related banks when a relationship like that between Silvergate and FTX/Alameda makes headlines. It reads:

“Deposits placed by a crypto-asset-related entity that are for the benefit of the crypto-asset-related entity’s customers (end customers). The stability of such deposits may be driven by the behavior of the end customer or crypto-asset sector dynamics, and not solely by the crypto-asset-related entity itself, which is the banking organization’s direct counterparty. The stability of the deposits may be influenced by, for example, periods of stress, market volatility, and related vulnerabilities in the crypto-asset sector, which may or may not be specific to the crypto-asset-related entity. Such deposits can be susceptible to large and rapid inflows as well as outflows, when end customers react to crypto-asset-sector-related market events, media reports, and uncertainty. This uncertainty and resulting deposit volatility can be exacerbated by end customer confusion related to inaccurate or misleading representations of deposit insurance by a crypto-asset-related entity.”

There is no such thing as federal deposit insurance for crypto assets.


* of course now after it's all cut off from the money-laundering mechanism the regulators "care" and issue 'warnings'-but it's ok for Goldman Sachs (in the OCC's case as regulator and one of them 'warning') to have $513B 'backing' $50T in OTC derivative 'assets' see cap #2

Page 18 here for muh current US Bank OTC Derivatives


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b93c0a No.20637

File: e602e6616f9a778⋯.png (418.29 KB,548x619,548:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421867 (280256ZFEB23) Notable: Pompeo comments on Wuhan / DoE

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7:55 = 17

Mike Pompeo


There was always enormous evidence that the Wuhan coronavirus leaked from the Wuhan lab.

I’m glad the Department of Energy recognizes this reality.

It’s past time to make the CCP pay.


WSJ News Exclusive | Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, U.S. Agency Now Says

The Energy Department’s revised assessment of how the pandemic started is based on new intelligence.

7:55 PM · Feb 27, 2023


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b93c0a No.20638

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421872 (280257ZFEB23) Notable: Pompeo comments on Wuhan / DoE

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>I’m glad the Department of Energy recognizes this reality.

It's never been explained to people why the department of energy behaves like it's the cia

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b93c0a No.20639

File: c88ddf4cab735a0⋯.png (29.58 KB,594x327,198:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421874 (280258ZFEB23) Notable: Eyes on this D.C. Bill intending to allow illegals to vote

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Noncitizens will be able to vote in local elections in D.C. as soon as next year. The bill is now law.

NEWS: The D.C. bill that will let non-citizens vote in local elections starting as soon as next year is now law. Per the D.C. Council, the 30-day congressional review period, during which representatives/senators can push to block bills, ended late last week.

Show this thread

7:00 PM · Feb 27, 2023





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b93c0a No.20640

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421879 (280259ZFEB23) Notable: Pompeo comments on Wuhan / DoE

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Must be that whole we haz Q Clearance, too, thing going on.

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b93c0a No.20641

File: 58fe6d537aeb19f⋯.png (102.85 KB,689x869,689:869,Clipboard.png)

File: bf48e5bc5db44a2⋯.png (168.91 KB,1419x3284,1419:3284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421882 (280300ZFEB23) Notable: Pompeo comments on Wuhan / DoE

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>There was always enormous evidence that the Wuhan coronavirus leaked from the Wuhan lab.

you mean apart from the fact that the US had more strains in late 2019 than china had

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b93c0a No.20642

File: c693ac6bb099ae4⋯.png (477.05 KB,601x534,601:534,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e7ec90b9a27fc9⋯.jpg (496.85 KB,1700x1026,850:513,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421884 (280300ZFEB23) Notable: Bill Gates @ Al Waleed's wedding

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That's from his wedding to Al Waleed.

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b93c0a No.20643

File: 22998ecbda7624e⋯.png (882.87 KB,1431x604,1431:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421899 (280304ZFEB23) Notable: John Thaler interview Pt. 2 (Arizona corruption)

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[ENTER Jordan with Gateway Pundit - familiar with Maricopa Co stuff]

Jordan says those on the list have remained mostly silent.

Has suspended law license in AZ? No not suspended, was never a member of the bar in AZ. For temporary transactions, can be in house counsel.

Problems with law license in California? - he had a client who tried to blackmail him, matter now resolved. Active law license.

J re deeds:

Deeds are only part of what they investigated.

J re availability of other docs, can we get more?

in other states, many have been released. Some we can, will send case numbers where docs have been filed.

[Discussion re how investigation is done…..]

example - credit card theft, cards mfr'd & used too quick to catch em.

Thaler firm assembled witnesses that allowed the prosecution to proceed.

[Discussion of how they have to ask questions of Thaler bc media is gonna jump all over his credibility - refers to situ where a client tried to blackmail him and he got mad, bar censured him slightly - he's practiced for 32 years, only mark on his ref]

J re discovering Sinaloa was involved, when did this happen?

late 2020, depts in city of Mesa; involved judiciary

they were not hired by campaigns, just private corps

they came to look at officials

before 2020, saw problems with pre-marked ballots but they did hot know enough to intervene - later the election, they did not want to interfere with official investigations

after 2022 - only felt compelled to get involved in Nov 2022 because of bribes and racketeering activity coming up, which they have investigated

J question: Why given to Ducey, not AG?

There were other matters involving a client

B question: on social media re social media rumor

He was involved in cops on 5-9-21?

He was supposed to see his son McKinley but was swatted

[discussion about how rumors are swirling but Thaler is able to address all the concerns raised so far - charges that it's about selling his new book on this stuff]

Pretrial conference discussion on social media re moving a case out of Maricopa Co - another rumor, sounds like nothingburger.

Re reporting info in investigations to cops: their focus is on the client, what they want. Never worked for the federal govt.

Re whether he thinks any of the ones on the list should be charged?

Answer: Harvard study showed that AZ is bottom list re CORRUPTION. Re bribes paid to legislature.

J re Brittany wanting to go into hiding - where are they now?

B and him have tried to meet (hasn't seen son for 29 mos), he would like to see his son safe from criminals. Terrible situation, tried to get her into witness protection but not successful. Attempts on his life - tough situation.

Will be on with Pete Santilli 8 am central on Lindell TV.

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b93c0a No.20644

File: 78ad89fa1dc3403⋯.png (171.07 KB,514x874,257:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421901 (280304ZFEB23) Notable: Arizona's secret history

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>>20527, >>20530, >>20534, >>20536 ALL LB

> Latter-day Saints / Udall family

The Romneys, Udalls, Flakes, and Pearces gathered in Apache County, Arizona, in the 1870s, when Brigham Young sought to open a corridor to Mexico.



The way Arizona Mormons remember their history, they were victims. They endured persecution and prevailed. From another perspective, they were aggressors.

In his 2004 book, Turnaround, Mitt Romney insists that despite emigrating to Mexico in 1884, “my great-grandfather [Miles Park Romney] never lost his love of country.” Romney, like other Mormons, sees his forebears as patriots despite persecution. The New York Times columnist David Brooks takes Romney’s ancestor veneration a notch further, arguing that Miles Romney’s experience of persecution—like that of all Mormons, as well as Jews—gave Mitt Romney “tenacious drive.”

Half-truth, meet your other half. To understand Mitt’s great-grandfather’s experiences and how they shaped Mitt, we need to look at Miles Romney’s milieu, something David Brooks hasn’t done. Was Miles Romney a patriot? Perhaps. To make that judgment without context, however, is to miss a more interesting story. That story concerns not just Miles Romney, but a whole bevy of Mormon politicos. Four families—the Romneys, the Udalls, the Flakes, and the Pearces, all prominent in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS)—have produced dynamos for both major parties. Their divergence, and perhaps their dynamism, can be tracked to the strange and bloody cauldron of frontier Arizona.

Let’s run down the list of politicians from those four families. George Romney was governor of Michigan and once ran for president. His son, Mitt, was governor of Massachusetts and is now running for president.

Levi Udall was the liberal chief justice of the Arizona Supreme Court. One of Levi’s sons, Morris, became a U.S. congressman and ran for president. Another son, Stewart, served as Secretary of Interior. Morris’s son Mark, in turn, is a U.S. senator from Colorado. Stewart’s son Tom is a U.S. senator from New Mexico.

Jeff Flake, a U.S. congressman, is the frontrunner for a U.S. Senate seat in Arizona. His uncle, Jake, who died in 2008, was speaker of the Arizona House and a powerful state senator.


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b93c0a No.20645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421914 (280308ZFEB23) Notable: Arizona's secret history

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b93c0a No.20646

File: 56642414a6c07c9⋯.png (1.36 MB,1213x1351,1213:1351,Clipboard.png)

File: cfe0daa2254ccc0⋯.png (1.23 MB,1453x1127,1453:1127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421939 (280315ZFEB23) Notable: Pompeo comments on Wuhan / DoE

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"DoE oversees 17 national laboratories."





If you are wondering the significance of the Department of Energy declaring they believe the SARS-CoV-2 virus origins being from a lab, the DoE oversees 17 national laboratories.

Are these all focused on disease research? No.

But they are filled with some of the best and brightest minds in this country. The findings are significant. Although it is important to remember this is one department's findings, not the final 'conclusion.'


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b93c0a No.20647

File: 99923de3a18e486⋯.png (22.62 KB,548x292,137:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421940 (280315ZFEB23) Notable: @GavinNewsom

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That timestamp sure is interesting.

Gavin Newsom


Happy Monday! Here are some facts that Fox + @GOP don’t want you to know:

-7 of the 10 states most dependent on the federal govt are Red

-Blue counties equal 70% of US GDP

-Blue states equal 61% of US GDP

-Red states equal 39% of US GDP

So which party is fiscally conservative?

1:16 PM · Feb 27, 2023


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b93c0a No.20648

File: a4a96c7a6ed7093⋯.png (283.03 KB,686x546,49:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421958 (280318ZFEB23) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell put into solitary confinement after being accused of profiting off her jailhouse interview

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By:Whitney Vasquez

Feb. 27 2023, Published 6:43 p.m. ET

Ghislaine Maxwell was thrown into solitary confinement after being accused of profiting off her jailhouse interview. The convicted sex pest was handcuffed and remained segregated from other prisoners for 48 hours despite denying she didn't make money for the exclusive with TalkTV, RadarOnline.com has learned.

Maxwell, 61, spoke with the UK-based show from Federal Correctional Institute Tallahassee, where she appeared on camera and in a series of recorded phone calls. She addressed life behind bars and blamed her ex-lover Jeffrey Epstein for her conviction.

Her media interview caused a stir since inmates are only allowed "video visits" from a list of closely-vetted friends, family, and attorneys.

According to insiders, officials at the prison launched an investigation before catching her off guard and locking her up in solitary.

"About two weeks after the show was on TV, Max was just minding her own business when they came in, turned her around and handcuffed her," the source told Daily Mail.

"She got really upset, she was crying, she was yelling that she hadn't received any money, but nobody saw her again for three days," the insider shared, adding, "The SHU is not a nice place. You go in there if you're suicidal, if you fail a drug test or you get in a fight."


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b93c0a No.20649

File: 72b990246e81a30⋯.png (651.7 KB,828x1105,828:1105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18421989 (280324ZFEB23) Notable: Airlines say Chinese have ‘unfair advantage’ flying over Russia

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So unfair, reeeee

Airlines say Chinese have ‘unfair advantage’ flying over Russia



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b93c0a No.20650

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422095 (280342ZFEB23) Notable: John Thaler interview Pt. 2 (Arizona corruption)

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First published at 04:03 UTC on February 27th, 2023.

EXCLUSIVE: Brannon Howse Interviews Attorney John Thaler On Claim Politicians In U.S. Corrupted By Drug Cartel Money Laundering Scheme And Election Theft



By Brannon Howse Live, 24 February, 2023


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b93c0a No.20651

File: b2ecc95b9efa5b7⋯.png (532.42 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422140 (280348ZFEB23) Notable: Bill Gates @ Al Waleed's wedding

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Thant's not BHO, is it?

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b93c0a No.20652

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422183 (280356ZFEB23) Notable: #22585

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#22585 >>20587

>>20589, >>20596, >>20594, >>20595, >>20610, >>20612 Cardiac testing event detected myocarditis in 50%+ of ppl

>>20590 Fighting 'Woke AI,' Musk recruits team to develop OpenAI rival

>>20591 chYna

>>20592, >>20632, >>20634, >>20635 Classic Joe: "I may be a white boy, but I'm not stupid…"

>>20593, >>20616 This cringe footage akshually used by MSM anywhere?

>>20602 @JamesOKeefeIII

>>20650, >>20603, >>20614, >>20629, >>20643 John Thaler interview Pt. 2 (Arizona corruption)

>>20605 Warren Jeffs / M Dutson

>>20597, >>20598, >>20633 U.S. Marshals Service suffers 'major' security breach

>>20611 Vermont girls basketball team forfeits State tournament game due to trans player on opposing team

>>20588, >>20599, >>20606, >>20615 The Real 2014 Revolution of Kiev

>>20601, >>20631 Planefag

>>20613 Evergrande fails to win creditors' support as key dates loom

>>20607, >>20617 Qpost 3042

>>20600, >>20604, >>20608, >>20609, >>20626 Elf sighting decode

>>20619 Elon Musk is loaded AF

>>20620 Libs of TikTok creator Chaya Raichik: Every single day in America, our Children are under attack

>>20618, >>20627 Insiders unveil Fentanyl Crisis / Cartels

>>20621 DJT: The Democrats are only good at lying and cheating on Elections!

>>20622 "Does the president believe that the reward outweighs the risk when it comes to gain-of-function research?"

>>20623 (PDF) Preliminary Findings of Activities Impacting Arizona's Election Integrity

>>20624, >>20625 Donald Trump, the Right President at the Right Time

>>20628 Mil tweets

>>20630 UPS employees charged with trafficking cocaine in packages

>>20636 The same day SBF is hit with a new count of bank fraud, 3 regulators warn about crypto bank runs

>>20637, >>20641, >>20638, >>20640, >>20646 Pompeo comments on Wuhan / DoE

>>20639 Eyes on this D.C. Bill intending to allow illegals to vote

>>20642, >>20651 Bill Gates @ Al Waleed's wedding

>>20644, >>20645 Arizona's secret history

>>20647 @GavinNewsom

>>20648 Ghislaine Maxwell put into solitary confinement after being accused of profiting off her jailhouse interview

>>20649 Airlines say Chinese have ‘unfair advantage’ flying over Russia


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b93c0a No.20653

File: fcd64fc4e1674be⋯.png (116.56 KB,880x880,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422208 (280400ZFEB23) Notable: #22586

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baker seeking handoff

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b93c0a No.20654

File: 47d9fb4a50e259f⋯.jpeg (205.51 KB,1190x937,1190:937,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 543137a99328aff⋯.jpeg (902.77 KB,1284x1609,1284:1609,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422238 (280404ZFEB23) Notable: $300 BILLION IN FROZEN RUSSIAN ASSETS GOING TO BE TRANSFERRED TO UKRAINE!

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b93c0a No.20655

File: 234da5248a77b58⋯.png (649.53 KB,1200x881,1200:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422286 (280420ZFEB23) Notable: Russia will not resume START nuclear talks until DC listens to Moscow

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Russia will not resume START nuclear talks until Washington listens to Moscow

He also said that NATO by arming Ukraine "acts as a single bloc no longer as our conditional opponents, but as enemies".


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b93c0a No.20656

File: 42a6e1c88a987d9⋯.png (783.58 KB,1440x795,96:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422289 (280421ZFEB23) Notable: Eric Trump Boom!!! Delta

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4 years ago today Patriot Eric Trump tweeted "Boom!!!" along with a fist-pump. Feel proud. Winning. WWG1WGA! God bless the United States of America. MAGA

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b93c0a No.20657

File: 42a6e1c88a987d9⋯.png (783.58 KB,1440x795,96:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422289 (280421ZFEB23) Notable: Eric Trump Boom!!! Delta

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4 years ago today Patriot Eric Trump tweeted "Boom!!!" along with a fist-pump. Feel proud. Winning. WWG1WGA! God bless the United States of America. MAGA

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b93c0a No.20658

File: 11c2d5d629757d6⋯.jpeg (106.86 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422292 (280422ZFEB23) Notable: EU reveals Serbia-Kosovo ‘normalization’ proposal - requires recognition of Kosovo

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28 Feb, 2023 00:42

EU reveals Serbia-Kosovo ‘normalization’ proposal

The bloc demands Belgrade’s de facto recognition of the breakaway province

The European Union on Monday published the text of the so-called Franco-German proposal for a “path to normalization” of relations between Serbia and its breakaway province of Kosovo. While implying that Belgrade and Pristina agreed to the plan, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said another meeting in March will discuss its implementation.

“President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Albin Kurti have today agreed that no further discussions are needed on the EU Proposal,” Borrell tweeted after the meeting in Brussels, also attended by the EU envoy to the Balkans Miroslav Lajcak. “We have made some progress today, but more work is needed.”

Kurti told reporters that the agreement was not signed because Vucic refused to do so, even though he “agreed to” the EU proposal. “I offered to sign it formally, but Serbia was not ready,” he said.

“What we agreed was to continue negotiating,” said Vucic, saying that he insisted on having Kurti first carry out the obligation Pristina undertook 10 years ago, namely to establish an association of Serb municipalities in the province. He said another meeting will take place on March 18, and that the European Council will discuss the situation on March 23-24.

Those dates coincide with the start of NATO’s bombing campaign against Serbia in 1999, on behalf of ethnic Albanian separatists. The US-led bloc eventually deployed troops in Kosovo, and backed the Albanians’ declaration of independence in 2008, contrary to the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 that guaranteed Serbia’s territorial integrity.

The EU has insisted on Serbia recognizing Kosovo’s independence as a precondition for joining the bloc, even though five member countries – including Borrell’s Spain and Lajcak’s Slovakia – have yet to do so.

Though French and German diplomats presented the proposal to Belgrade and Pristina last month, it had not been made public until now. A recent poll in Serbia showed 57% of respondents supporting a fictional version of it, in which there would be no recognition of Kosovo – but only 9% backing what was reported to be the actual offer.

According to the text published by the EU’s External Action Service, Serbia and Kosovo would “develop normal, good-neighborly relations with each other on the basis of equal rights,” which would include exchanging “Permanent Missions” and mutually recognizing each other’s “respective documents and national symbols, including passports, diplomas, license plates, and customs stamps.”

Under the EU proposal, both parties “proceed on the assumption that neither of the two can represent the other in the international sphere or act on its behalf,” while Serbia in particular “will not object to Kosovo’s membership in any international organization.”

The EU also claimed the dialogue will be “guided by the aims and principles laid down in the UN Charter, especially those of the sovereign equality of all States, respect for their independence, autonomy and territorial integrity, the right of self-determination, the protection of human rights, and non-discrimination.”


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b93c0a No.20659

File: a8796b2671ab43c⋯.png (331.25 KB,832x779,832:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422339 (280435ZFEB23) Notable: @WarClandestine thread: Theory re: Covid as US Bioweapon

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Clandestine @WarClandestine

1) Tucker was extremely critical of China, and less so of the US, pertaining to the lab-origins of SARS-CoV-2.

Yes an outbreak occurred at Wuhan, but the evidence suggests it was not China who engineered the pathogen.

The facts suggests it was created by factions within the US.

Quote Tweet

Tucker Carlson@TuckerCarlson


The origins of Covid were never a secret. The real story — the greatest outrage — is that the people who knew or should have known the truth lied about it in order to hide the Chinese government’s role in mass murder.

11:17 PM · Feb 27, 2023

Clandestine @WarClandestine


Replying to @WarClandestine

2) If SARS-CoV-2 was made with intent by Chinese Military, that would mean that China unleashed a bioweapon on the world, we are in the middle of WW3, our government is doing absolutely nothing about it, and failed in every way to stop the spread of the Chinese bioweapon.

Clandestine @WarClandestine


3) Now, all that would be plausible, if it weren’t for the fact that China and Russia have been the ones calling for transparency and investigations into the origins of SARS-CoV-2 at the UN, and it is the US who refuse to investigate.

China and Russia accused the US.

Quote Tweet Clandestine @WarClandestine

Feb 4

1) Since the public are on the topic of China, let’s share a video from The Ministry of National Defense from the PRC, on 3/25/22.

Americans are largely unaware that China has also been demanding for investigations into the US biological activity in Ukraine and abroad.

Show this thread



4) China haven’t been the ones trying to cover up the origin of SARS-CoV-2, they have been working with Russia, trying to expose US militaristic biological research.

Why would China want to investigate the origin of a bioweapon if they created it?

It’s the US who are hiding.

Clandestine @WarClandestine


5) If China created it, why hasn’t the US and the rest of the world called out China for it? Why hasn’t the US MIL taken action? Does this mean we are under biological attack?

If China created it, why is it that the US are ducking all the investigations?


China Calls on U.S. to 'Clarify' Rumor of Alleged Biological Weapons

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian urged American leaders to provide "thorough clarification" regarding the nation's biological military activities.



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b93c0a No.20660

File: d2f5c6a80fb7bbf⋯.png (262.25 KB,807x434,807:434,Clipboard.png)

File: c51f5d4b19e0223⋯.png (305.9 KB,395x435,79:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422347 (280437ZFEB23) Notable: SAM296 USAF C-40B arrived at Rome-Mario di Bernardi AB from it's JBA depart

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>>20601 lb

SAM296 USAF C-40B arrived at Rome-Mario di Bernardi AB from it's JBA depart

Saudi AF C-130s heading to Athens from RAF Connigsby depart earlier

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b93c0a No.20661

File: a4b3e19ba4e36d5⋯.png (21.83 KB,558x250,279:125,Clipboard.png)

File: be650e51637f3b8⋯.png (283.77 KB,558x874,279:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422380 (280447ZFEB23) Notable: @EmeraldRobinson: COVID was a planned operation to undermine the Trump Administration.

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


America’s intelligence agencies want you permanently stuck in the Wuhan “lab leak vs. wet market” debate because it excludes the most likely possibility: COVID was a planned operation to undermine the Trump Administration.

It didn’t “leak.” It was released.

10:40 AM · Feb 27, 2023




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b93c0a No.20662

File: db9ccb21f09213c⋯.png (20.5 KB,558x248,9:4,Clipboard.png)

File: f67de942331b441⋯.png (239.75 KB,558x504,31:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422492 (280524ZFEB23) Notable: KariLake ELECTION CASE UPDATE

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b93c0a No.20663

File: c7854b7df4c82fa⋯.png (210.2 KB,1080x1100,54:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422713 (280642ZFEB23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: Is World War III coming?

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Is world war III Coming?

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b93c0a No.20664

File: 97ba64871dde3c4⋯.png (66.87 KB,633x337,633:337,Clipboard.png)

File: de59d62df55de01⋯.png (1.76 MB,909x1256,909:1256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422780 (280716ZFEB23) Notable: DJT: on WaPo and BUTTedgeedge

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Holeee KEK

>45 emphasizes BUTT when referring to Petey, kek


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b93c0a No.20665

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422797 (280722ZFEB23) Notable: Japan ad giant Dentsu Accepts Culpability in 2020 Olympics Bid Rigging

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Japan ad giant Dentsu named in Olympics bid-rigging complaint

Japan's competition regulator has filed criminal complaints against the advertising giant Dentsu and five other firms over the alleged bid-rigging of contracts for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.



Dentsu Group President Accepts Culpability in Games Bid Rigging


#8634011 at 2020-03-3

Haruyuki Takahashi, a former executive at the advertising agency Dentsu Inc, was paid $8.2 million by the committee that spearheaded Tokyo's bid for the 2020 Games, according to financial records reviewed by Reuters.


Dentsu is currently the largest advertising agency in Japan and the fifth largest advertising agency network in the world in terms of worldwide revenues


According to qresear.ch,

5 executives from Dentsu are World Economic Forum [WEF] members

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b93c0a No.20666

File: a1c3d4b34afb91e⋯.png (595.23 KB,1170x1973,1170:1973,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422843 (280742ZFEB23) Notable: John Thaler ~ My response to the AP regarding Ben Toma’s remarks.

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John Thaler ~ My response to the APregarding Ben Toma’s remarks.

12:05 PM · Feb 28, 2023 · 2,997 Views


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b93c0a No.20667

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18422872 (280753ZFEB23) Notable: Stroppy: Australia is a test case for the Western nations WHO power grab

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Note: Anons, lurkers and those with social media accounts on all platforms, share and spread far and wide !!!


Australian Senator Roberts on the WHO's Dictator-Style Power Grab

4 days ago



Dystopian Nightmare: Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts on the WHO's Dictator-Style Power Grab

The WHO is demanding the power to dictate health policy worldwide, including:

• compulsory jabs

• lockdowns

• business and border closures

• detention of the noncompliant

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b93c0a No.20668

File: 983927da8393be5⋯.png (357.05 KB,750x659,750:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423018 (280921ZFEB23) Notable: #22587

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dough remains unclaimed

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b93c0a No.20669

File: b5352c56bf24a0d⋯.png (186.75 KB,579x387,193:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423128 (281037ZFEB23) Notable: Lara Logan TS w/CAP: These 51 big businesses target conservatives. Here’s how you can stop banks, transportation firms, retail giants and food companies at war with the right.

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Lara Logan





These 51 big businesses target conservatives. Here’s what you can do to stop them

These 51 big businesses target conservatives. Here’s how you can stop banks, transportation firms, retail giants and food companies at war with the right.


Feb 27, 2023, 11:25 AM

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b93c0a No.20670

File: ddda8c8d56ff1b9⋯.png (111.62 KB,567x281,567:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423131 (281038ZFEB23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: ‘Tis the season for Trump

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Donald J. Trump





‘Tis the season for Trump

Donald Trump is the Santa Claus of politics..


Feb 27, 2023, 7:59 AM

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b93c0a No.20671

File: 9a9ce75cc284a07⋯.png (587 KB,670x721,670:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423133 (281040ZFEB23) Notable: all assets deployed: Washington Post Writer Opposes Public Seeing All January 6 Video Footage

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Washington Post Writer Opposes Public

Seeing All January 6 Video Footage

Breitbart Media, by John Nolte

Posted By: Imright, 2/28/2023 2:45:10 AM

Far-left Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank is openly admitting he doesn’t want all the footage from the mostly peaceful January 6 protest at the U.S. Capitol to be released to the public. I applaud his honesty. Naturally, his motives are oh-so honorable and patriotic. He says the truth must be withheld from the American people for — wait for it, wait for it — national security reasons! (Tweet/Video) Milbank made his comments on MSNBC’s Politics Nation with Al Sharpton on Sunday, where he and Michael Steele discussed the released footage with Sharpton: Milbank Transcript: [Releasing all the January 6 footage] is another one of the promises [Republican House Speaker

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b93c0a No.20672

File: 345d3cc7f0bb1a9⋯.png (225.9 KB,413x485,413:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423144 (281047ZFEB23) Notable: The covid 'censor everything' coverup is hitting msm

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ROBERTS: They shutdown alternate theories about [Covid’s origin]. They also shutdown debate on natural immunity, masks and vaccinations

TURLEY: The CDC participated in these backchannel discussions on who to censor. We just had a hearing showing 80 FBI agents were actively involved in a censorship program

“The Democrats have opposed any effort to investigate the role of the U.S. Government in censoring citizens. Polls indicate the public wants to know.”

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b93c0a No.20673

File: e5ec9b161464100⋯.png (198.09 KB,413x499,413:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423149 (281052ZFEB23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Levels Jimmy Kimmel, Calls Him "Complicit in The Greatest Crime in History"

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Tucker Carlson Levels Jimmy Kimmel, Calls Him "Complicit in The Greatest Crime in History"

"Imagine if you're a comedian and all of a sudden, your cue card has all kinds of talking points from politicians and foreign governments on it. Don't read it. You degrade yourself, and you become complicit in the greatest crime in history."

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

Rumble (https://rumble.com/v2b7m5s-tucker-carlson-levels-jimmy-kimmel-calls-him-complicit-in-the-greatest-crim.html) | Substack (http://thevigilantfox.substack.com/) | Other Socials (https://bio.site/vigilantfox)

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b93c0a No.20674

File: ca4aef5b5cf97e9⋯.png (462.14 KB,602x635,602:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423158 (281056ZFEB23) Notable: New Arizona child safety director forced to quit, fueling Hobbs' critics. Human trafficking is undoubtedly one of the SInola Cartel's most profitable business.

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Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives


Human trafficking is undoubtedly one of the SInola Cartel's most profitable business. So it brings into question as to why Gov. Hobbs's Arizona child safety director was forced to quit on February 23 2023?

Why not enforce the protection of children?

Arizona State Capitol


New Arizona child safety director forced to quit, fueling Hobbs' critics

For Star subscribers: The quick resignation of Gov. Katie Hobbs' nominee is being used by a legislative chairman to justify investigations into all of her picks.

11:44 AM · Feb 27, 2023




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b93c0a No.20675

File: 6ad7d54441b6553⋯.jpeg (621.62 KB,1149x981,383:327,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d12140b67b03617⋯.jpeg (540.38 KB,1577x1849,1577:1849,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423172 (281112ZFEB23) Notable: Man picked to write report on Chinese election interference ran Trudeau Foundation when big donations came in from China

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Man picked to write report on Chinese election interference ran Trudeau Foundation when big donations came in from China


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b93c0a No.20676

File: 742753a57cf4d0a⋯.jpeg (263.22 KB,1827x1375,1827:1375,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423176 (281119ZFEB23) Notable: Trump Curse strikes again: Fmr. Trump Impeachment Mgr. Rep. David Cicilline to Resign from Congress in June

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Trump Curse strikes again


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b93c0a No.20677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423194 (281135ZFEB23) Notable: keks: anon proposes new execution method for traitors

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no no no no.

too slow.

not graphic enough.

people would get sea sick in the gallery

i remember seeing this on TV as a little kid

scared the bejeeeeezus out of me when my father asked me to pickout a couple of trees for a tree house

imagine this on live TV in front of the capitol building in DC

a huge fucking rock orchestra of the world's baddest mother fucking shredders led by meat machine TED FUCKING NUGENT

can one of you anons set this to motor city madhouse?

certainly this is a meme worthy clip

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b93c0a No.20678

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423211 (281154ZFEB23) Notable: #22586

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Notables Are Not Endorsements

#22586 >>20653


>>20655 Russia will not resume START nuclear talks until DC listens to Moscow

>>20657 Eric Trump Boom!!! Delta

>>20658 EU reveals Serbia-Kosovo ‘normalization’ proposal - requires recognition of Kosovo

>>20659 @WarClandestine thread: Theory re: Covid as US Bioweapon

>>20660 PlaneFag

>>20660 SAM296 USAF C-40B arrived at Rome-Mario di Bernardi AB from it's JBA depart

>>20661 @EmeraldRobinson: COVID was a planned operation to undermine the Trump Administration.


>>20663 @realDonaldTrump: Is World War III coming?

>>20664 DJT: on WaPo and BUTTedgeedge

>>20665 Japan ad giant Dentsu Accepts Culpability in 2020 Olympics Bid Rigging

>>20666 John Thaler ~ My response to the AP regarding Ben Toma’s remarks.

>>20667 Stroppy: Australia is a test case for the Western nations WHO power grab


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b93c0a No.20679

File: bd8c6e3e7b04fe3⋯.png (29.94 KB,1231x199,1231:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423227 (281208ZFEB23) Notable: ‘I Couldn’t Be A Christian And A Teacher‘: School Teacher Fired For Resisting Trans Agenda

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A California high school gym teacher has been fired from the Jurupa Unified School district because of her religious beliefs on gender identity.

Although Jessica Tapias had never had a transgender student in her classes, the school district demanded that she be willing to refer to transgender students by pronouns not matching their biological sex, according to the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI), which Tapias has hired to help her get reinstated.

“The school district further required her to agree to lie to parents who are unaware of their student’s gender identity confusion,” PJI said in a news release. “She was also ordered to permit transgender students to use locker rooms at the same time that students of the opposite sex might be changing and possibly be completely naked.”

Tapias ultimately decided her Christian beliefs would not allow her to go along with hiding students’ gender transitions from parents and lying to them. She requested a religious accommodation to the demands, and the school district subsequently fired her. PJI has submitted a discrimination complaint with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Tapias has spoken out about her firing to Fox News, Newsmax and other outlets.

“I knew immediately, like in my gut, in my heart, in my soul, that there was a decision I had to make because, you know, these two things were totally butting heads,” she told Fox News. “I essentially had to pick one. Am I going to obey the district in the directive that [does not line up] with … my own beliefs, convictions and faith? Or am I going to stay true … choose my faith, choose to be obedient to … the way the Lord has called me to live? And so it was crazy to be in the position where I realized that I couldn’t be a Christian and a teacher.”

According to the PJI release, Tapias posted her personal views on Instagram, during her own time, about the use of pronouns and teaching gay pride to 3-year-old children, and although she didn’t identify her employer or state where she was a teacher, the post prompted an investigation and multiple hypothetical demands by the school district.

During an interview with Newsmax’s American Agenda, Tapias said that some students found her on social media and sent some of her posts to her school district. She was immediately removed from her tenured position and put on paid administrative leave while the district investigated.

“It very much feels like the school is taking on these parental responsibilities and taking away the students’ actual parents’ rights,” she said during the interview. “It’s interesting … the district asks us as educators to uphold honesty. And so, I looked them in the eye, and I wanted to be very clear, ‘Are you asking me to lie to parents,’ and they said ‘yes, it’s the law, and it’s for the students’ privacy.’ And it hit me that they want us to be honest in only … certain situations.”

According to Fox News Digital, a notice written under Superintendent Trenton Hanson’s letterhead informed Tapias that the district couldn’t accommodate her Christian beliefs, which prohibited her from withholding information on gender transitions from parents.

“Consequentially, the District will release you from your employment effective at the end of the day on Jan. 31, 2023,” the notice said.

“Based on your religious beliefs, you cannot be dishonest with parents … If asked about student gender identity by a parent, you cannot refer the parent to a counselor, defer the inquiry and suggest they speak with a student … or otherwise deflect the parent’s inquiry,” a letter, signed by the assistant superintendent of human resources, Daniel Brooks, said.


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b93c0a No.20680

File: 025fe6899053798⋯.png (786.34 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423297 (281252ZFEB23) Notable: GREATER IDAHO: Movement to Make Several Oregon Counties Part of Idaho Gains Steam

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Former Oregon House Speaker Mark Simmons penned an op-ed in the Idaho Statesman, a daily newspaper, over the weekend to explain why he supports the so-called Greater Idaho movement, which seeks to incorporate about 13 Oregon counties, or 63% of the state’s landmass and 9% of its population, within Idaho’s borders.

GREATER IDAHO: Movement to Make Several Oregon Counties Part of Idaho Gains Steam


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b93c0a No.20681

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423298 (281252ZFEB23) Notable: The Washington Post suggests that newsrooms must shun ‘objectivity’ to build trust. the concept of journalistic objectivity is a distortion of reality.

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February 28, 2023

The Washington Post suggests that newsrooms must shun ‘objectivity’ to build trust

By Rajan Laad


Leonard Downie Jr., the former executive editor of The Washington Post and professor at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University, recently attempted to make a case against objectivity in the pages of the Washington Post.

You read that correctly, a senior newsman is now against objectivity.

His January 30 piece launches as follows:

“…Increasingly, reporters, editors, and media critics argue that the concept of journalistic objectivity is a distortion of reality.

They point out that the standard was dictated over decades by male editors in predominantly White newsrooms and reinforced their own view of the world.”

Even objectivity is being examined through the prism of race and being shunned attack because these standards were founded by Caucasians.

Will Downey Jr. also shun travel by airplanes, or usage of the light bulb, or the telephone, or the refrigerator, and any other amenities because they were invented by Caucasian men?

Downey Jr. himself is an octogenarian Caucasian man.

Perhaps this racist act of self-flagellation is meant to appease woke groups in academia and the media.

How unfortunate that a veteran has become a follower of the groupthink rather than a standard-bearer of at least an effort toward objectivity who can elighten everyone about the righteous path.

The piece continues:

“…pursuing objectivity can lead to false balance or misleading “bothsidesism” in covering stories about race, the treatment of women, LGBTQ+ rights, income inequality, climate change and many other subjects.

And, in today’s diversifying newsrooms, they feel it negates many of their own identities, life experiences and cultural contexts, keeping them from pursuing truth in their work.”

While reporting, it is essential to know all possible perspectives before presenting the facts. In the past, that was Journalism 101.

If A slaps B, a report based on B’s version of the events is incomplete. Reporters must also interview A, witnesses, and those who previously knew A and B. Perhaps we learn that B was relentlessly harassing A, causing A struck him out of frustration. This isn’t a defense of A but an essential context to facts.

This is a standard that should prevail for all reporting irrespective of the identity of the individuals being covered.

Downie Jr. then claims that under the leadership of editors such as Ben Bradlee, his generation of journalists began challenging the powerful.

He cites the Watergate story that he worked on claiming it “spawned widespread national investigative reporting that continues today.”

Downie Jr. claims that all through his career as an editor, he never understood what “objectivity” meant and didn’t consider it a standard.

This reveals why the WaPo has faltered so badly.


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b93c0a No.20682

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423300 (281254ZFEB23) Notable: The Washington Post suggests that newsrooms must shun ‘objectivity’ to build trust. the concept of journalistic objectivity is a distortion of reality.

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Perplexingly, Downie Jr claims his goals were instead "accuracy, fairness, nonpartisanship, accountability and the pursuit of truth.”

Does he not realize all of these lead to objectivity?

Downie Jr writes that he followed Bradlee by insisting that WaPo journalists abstain from political activity or advocacy.

But he forgets to mention that Bradlee himself was very close to JFK. Perhaps Bradlee's pro-Democrat stance motivated him to target Republican President Nixon, who had won an election by a landslide, decimating his Democrat opponent.

Downie Jr. complains that the mainstream news media is coping with “digital disruption, along with increasing competition from misinformation on cable television and the internet.”

What he is actually upset about is their lack of monopoly over the news narrative.

Downie Jr went on to unknowingly expose his bias by citing every overstated spurious claim usually made by far-left MSNBC pundits to claim that America is going through an upheaval.

“…discrimination against and abuse of women; persistent racism and white nationalism; police brutality and killings; the treatment of LGBTQ+ people; income inequality and social problems; immigration and the treatment of immigrants; the causes and effects of climate change; voting rights and election inequality; and even the very survival of our democracy.”

Downey Jr. then consulted with his colleagues in the business, such as WaPo executive editor Sally Buzbee, the San Francisco Chronicle editor-in-chief Emilio Garcia-Ruiz, USAToday editor-in-chief Nicole Carroll, Los Angeles Times editor Kevin Merida, and CBS's Claudia Milne, etc. to confirm his bias.

They all refer to the importance of diversity of gender, ethnic origins, race, culture, LGBTQ+, etc. to replace objectivity.

Downey Jr. also recommends a diversity of economic, educational, geographic, and social backgrounds.

As always, they exclude the most important kind of diversity which is the diversity of perspective.

The only diversity of thinking is among left, far left, and socialist.

This is because being factual is no longer the goal.

In the current climate, if they discover a colleague who is liberal but isn’t as committed to the cause, that colleague is harassed and purged out of their system.

Dissenting views are forbidden in modern news rooms.

These outlets are mouthpieces for the Democrats and willingly and knowingly carried hoaxes such as Trump-Russia collusion or the January 6 insurrection or various other hoaxes about Trump.

Hiring Trump supporters would resolve the problem, they would debunks all their hoaxes.

The goal wasn’t to report facts, but to force Trump out of the office and now to force Trump out of politics.

But the likes of Downey Jr. fail to see this as a bias.In their sanctimonious minds, Trump is the problem and it is their duty to use all means possible to force him out of politics….


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b93c0a No.20683

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423306 (281256ZFEB23) Notable: The Washington Post suggests that newsrooms must shun ‘objectivity’ to build trust. the concept of journalistic objectivity is a distortion of reality.

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One of the experts said that journalists should not be activists. If this was standard, most of the mainstream media newsrooms would be rendered empty.

Downey Jr concedes that ‘some mission-driven operations might well choose to allow social media and political activity with their core values.’

He fails to comprehend that ‘mission-driven operations’ isn’t an anomaly but a norm.

Since matters have gone totally haywire, we should revisit the fundamentals.

Objectivity is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “considering only facts and without being influenced by personal feelings or opinions.”

Objectivity must always be the guiding principle while reporting.

Since it is humanly impossible to be completely objective because reporting will be tainted by perspective, the editorial team gets involved to ask the right questions to ensure that the content is factual as possible.

Alas, objectivity is no longer considered an aspirational goal.

While claiming to prescribe remedial measures to improve reporting in the mainstream media, Downey Jr, unknowingly revealed the issues that plague it.

The modern newsroom is an echo chamber from top to bottom where each attempts to outdo the next to demonstrate their loyalty to the Democrat party and other far-left causes.

They have also developed a subscriber base that pays to be an extension of the echo chamber.

But they just do not see it and think they aren’t going far enough in their partisan display.

They are attacking objectivity which should be the basis and fundamental goal of reporting.

The self-righteous such as Downey Jr. seldom demonstrates any self-awareness, nor do they comprehend the irony of their words or actions.

As news consumers, you have no option but to assume all that you read and watch in the mainstream media is false until proven true.

Abstaining totally from the mainstream media may also be a good idea, it is better to be uninformed rather than misinformed.


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b93c0a No.20684

File: 09caf44d89df2e0⋯.jpeg (92.38 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423320 (281304ZFEB23) Notable: US preparing false flag chemical attacks in Ukraine – Moscow. the chemicals were unloaded at a local metallurgical plant

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28 Feb, 2023 09:44

US preparing false flag chemical attacks in Ukraine – Moscow

The Americans believe a provocation won't be properly investigated due to the fighting, Russian military alleges

The US is preparing to stage false flag chemical attacks in Ukraine to pin theblame on Moscow for the use of banned toxic agents, the chief of Russia’s Nuclear Biological and Chemical Defense troops, Igor Kirillov, has said.

The Americans believe that the international community wouldn’t be able to organize an effective investigation of such “provocations”due to the fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces, which would allow Washington to escape responsibility, Kirillov said during a briefing on Tuesday.

Russia’s Defense Ministry has obtained information thata train with a cargo of chemical substances in one of its cars had apparently arrived in the Ukrainian-controlled city of Kramatorsk in Donbass on February 10,the commander said.

The 16 metal boxes with special markings that suggest they contained BZ (3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate) incapacitating agent as well as CS (chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile) and CR (dibenzoxazepine) harassing 'riot-control' agents, were accompanied by the “citizens of foreign nations,” he also alleged.

According to Kirillov,the chemicals were unloaded at a local metallurgical plantunder the supervision of Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) and put on US-supplied armored vehicles that later moved out towards a contact as part of a convoy.

Russia also established thateleven cars with specially marked shrapnel ammunitionwere unloaded in Kramatorsk on February 19, the commander said. The shells of this type had been previously upgraded in the US to be able to deliver harassing chemical substances, he added.

NATO has also planned a large delivery of means of chemical protection to Ukraine, including hundreds of antidotes for various toxic substances, Kirillov is also alleging.

“The facts of simultaneous delivery of toxic chemicals and means of protection against them indicate an attempt to carry out large-scale provocations using the BZ military-grade psychoactive chemical agent during the conflict,” he said.

Despite announcing the depletion of all of its stocks of BZ back in 1990, theUS has preserved samples of the toxic agent, which causes acute psychosis, disorientation, hallucinations and memory impairment. Washington maintains the capability to produce the substance in significant quantities, the commander claimed.

If a provocation using chemical weapons is carried out in Donbass, “the true culprits will be identified and held accountable," Kirillov warned.

Russian forces in the area have all the means to promptly detect the use of toxic agents and to contain such incidents, he assured Tuesday's briefing, adding that they can identify not just the substance being deployed but also the country where it was produced.

Under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) of 1997, to which the US, Ukraine and Russia are all signatories. The document bans their militaries from even using riot-control agents or tear gas, despite them being allowed in law enforcement.


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b93c0a No.20685

File: a88dda28375280f⋯.png (235.61 KB,1542x1272,257:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423333 (281309ZFEB23) Notable: US preparing false flag chemical attacks in Ukraine – Moscow. the chemicals were unloaded at a local metallurgical plant

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Morning anons…


Russian MOD issuing statement regarding the USA/EU use of FF biological attack…


"On 22 February, an influential U.S. non-governmental organisation held a conference on the events in Ukraine. Within the event, former U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan made the statement, ‘…Russian troops plan to use chemical weapons in the special military operation area…’.

Russia regards this information as the intention of the United States itself and its accomplices to carry out a provocation in Ukraine using toxic chemicals.

They expect that amid hostilities, the international community will be unable to organise an effective investigation, with the result that the real organisers and executors may escape accountability and the blame is going to be placed on Russia.

Supply of safety equipment for Ukraine

In our opinion, the preparations are in full swing. In early 2023, the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre planned a large shipment of individual protection means to Ukraine. In order to substantiate the situation, ‘…Russian troops have already used phosphorus ammunition and could use the poisonous substances in a foreseeable escalation of the situation…".

The list of supplied equipment includes more than 55,000 sets of personal protective gear, 55,000 gas masks, 13,000 individual gas casualty first-aid kits. Priority is given to antidotes for organophosphorus agents such as sarin and soman — 600,000 ampoules, anti-seizure medications — 3 mln tablets, detoxification preparations for mustard gas, lewisite and chloroacetophenone inhibitors of hydrocyanic acid — 750,000 vials.

Toxic chemicals delivered to Kramatorsk

In addition, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation received information that on 10 February 2023, a rail transport arrived in Ukraine (Kramatorsk) with a cargo of chemicals in one of its cars, accompanied by a group of foreign nationals.

The car was detached and towed to the territory of the Kuybyshev Iron and Steel Works in Kramatorsk, where it was unloaded under the control of the Security Service of Ukraine and the AFU command representatives.

The consignment consisted of 16 sealed metal boxes, eight of which were labelled with a chemical hazard symbol, BZ inscription and marked with two red bands, corresponding to the class of poisonous substances of temporary incapacitation action. Five of the boxes were labelled as 'C-S-RIOT', three were labelled as 'C-R-RIOT' with a single red band, which corresponds to substances with an irritant action.

The cargo was placed on the U.S.-manufactured armoured vehicles, which moved to the combat line of contact as part of the convoy.

On 19 February, 11 cars of specially marked shrapnel ammunition have been unloaded in Kramatorsk. The unloading took place at night on a platform in the suburbs, with the car labelled as 'Building materials', 'Cement'.

According to the information of the Russian Ministry of Defence, the U.S. Army has previously upgraded its shrapnel rounds to be loaded with ready-to-use, liquid formulated irritant acids.

The facts of the simultaneous delivery of toxic chemicals and protection means indicate an attempted large-scale provocation using the BZ psychotropic warfare agent during the conflict.

Threats posed by using BZ

Under the Chemical Weapons Convention, BZ agent is a controlled chemical and its use is prohibited under Article 1 of the CWC.

This chemical causes acute phrenoplegia, disorientation, hallucinations, and memory impairment.

BZ agent is a standard war gas for the U.S. Army. It was used extensively during the Vietnam War.

The United States and its allies have repeatedly used chemical munitions in the military conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

The U.S. declared a total destruction of stocks of BZ as early as 1990. Fifty tonnes of the substance have been disposed of, but samples were left behind.

In addition, the possibility of synthesising BZ precursors from pharmaceutical production facilities in the volume of up to several dozen tonnes per year is now retained."

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b93c0a No.20686

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423334 (281310ZFEB23) Notable: US preparing false flag chemical attacks in Ukraine – Moscow. the chemicals were unloaded at a local metallurgical plant

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Examples of U.S. provocative actions

We have repeatedly noted that Western leadership regularly make provocative statements about the possibility of Russia using weapons of mass destruction.

However, similar projects have been implemented many times by the USA itself to achive political goals.

For example, a vial of 'washing powder' in the hands of U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell prompted the invasion of Iraq and the deaths of over half a million Iraqi citizens.

In 2017, photos of the White Helmets replicated by news agencies, showing people wearing ordinary gauze bandages taking samples at the site of the alleged use of sarin, led to a U.S. missile strike on Shayrat airbase in Syria.

In 2018, staged shootings of allegedly chlorine-poisoned children in Douma (Syrian) caused the destruction of a research centre in Barzah and Jamraya.

I would like to remind that no one has been held accountable for these crimes so far.

International legal assessment of the use of toxic chemicals in the conduct of hostilities

U.S. compliance with its obligations under the CWC is distinctly selective. Any restrictions under this treaty that threat to U.S. national interests are ignored with the direct connivance of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

For example, in violation of Article 1 of the Convention and the 1925 Geneva Protocol, the United States Department of Defense has legalised the use of a range of chemicals as weapons of war. Its use is envisaged with a wide range of standard ammunition.

I would like to warn you that the Russian stationary and mobile CBRN monitoring complexes deployed in the area of the special military operation make it possible to identify chemical threats in a timely manner and to respond to them promptly. It is therefore a mistake for the West to count on successful provocations with toxic chemicals in a warfare environment.

The analytical capabilities of the Russian Ministry of Defence chemical laboratories can reliably determine not only the type of chemical used, but also the country of manufacture.

For example, the information presented on the slide about the use of improvised munitions against Russian troops by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is widely known. Investigations proved that it was a thermal ammunition that contained flammable oxidisers and additives, some of which were produced in the Czech Republic.

We warn that in the event of provocation using toxic chemicals, the true culprits will be identified and punished.

We will continue to work to expose the Western criminal activities in violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention.

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b93c0a No.20687

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423444 (281351ZFEB23) Notable: The DOT Inspector General Is Investigating Pete Buttigieg's Extensive Private Jet Travel

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The DOT Inspector General Is Investigating Pete Buttigieg's Extensive Private Jet Travel

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b93c0a No.20688

File: 0cff1e5455a1ec7⋯.jpg (477.41 KB,620x610,62:61,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423467 (281359ZFEB23) Notable: The DOT Inspector General Is Investigating Pete Buttigieg's Extensive Private Jet Travel

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b93c0a No.20689

File: 8ebd7299a5542f6⋯.png (394.71 KB,686x388,343:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423504 (281408ZFEB23) Notable: Supreme Court Weighs 'Taters Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

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Supreme Court Weighs 'Taters Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

Supreme Court up today




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b93c0a No.20690

File: 495b272877e335f⋯.png (463.74 KB,590x393,590:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423547 (281422ZFEB23) Notable: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a state of disaster with immediate effect, as the country faced an acute electricity shortage

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South African President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a state of disaster with immediate effect, as the country faced an acute electricity shortage

Feb 27, 2023

South Africa is currently on edge of a "civil war" like unrest, amid warnings that the country could be facing rolling blackouts and the possibility of a total power grid failure. As the fears of mass rioting grow, Western embassies including the US and Australia have urged their citizens to stock up on “several days worth” of food and water, advising them to be on high alert during the extended blackouts that are sweeping the country during its energy crisis. The country has been grappling with frequent six-hour-long power cuts, creating a major energy crisis that has sparked mass protests and civil unrest.

The Food Warehouse money off voucher

South Africa on the verge of 'collapse' as blackouts threaten all-out civil war

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a state of disaster with immediate effect, as the country faced an acute electricity shortage


22:44, Mon, Feb 27, 2023 | UPDATED: 22:54, Mon, Feb 27, 2023


South Africa on the verge of collapse as civil war threat looms amid blackout fears

South Africa on the verge of collapse as civil war threat looms amid blackout fears (Image: Getty)

South Africa is currently on edge of a "civil war" like unrest, amid warnings that the country could be facing rolling blackouts and the possibility of a total power grid failure. As the fears of mass rioting grow, Western embassies including the US and Australia have urged their citizens to stock up on “several days worth” of food and water, advising them to be on high alert during the extended blackouts that are sweeping the country during its energy crisis. The country has been grappling with frequent six-hour-long power cuts, creating a major energy crisis that has sparked mass protests and civil unrest.


Satellite images show unit from costly Russian offensive 'destroyed'

New firm buys collapsed Britishvolt with boss keen to get started

Earlier this month, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a state of disaster with immediate effect, as the country faced an acute electricity shortage.

As a result, state-owned power company Eskom has had to issue rolling blackout events known as "load shedding", which have lasted up to 12 hours in some instances, news.com.au reports.

Earlier this month, Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said: “Rolling blackouts (load shedding) are occurring throughout South Africa which are affecting private residences, businesses, municipal lighting, traffic lights and hotels.

“Blackouts can also affect water availability, internet connectivity, mobile phone network coverage, fuel availability, residential security features, and food supply.”

moar: https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1740247/south-africa-verge-collapse-civil-war-threat-looms-blackout-fears

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b93c0a No.20691

File: a18832699397086⋯.png (1.3 MB,1412x819,1412:819,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b743f029e682b2⋯.png (382.99 KB,648x476,162:119,Clipboard.png)

File: 46d1f5116ab5a33⋯.png (264.18 KB,873x442,873:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423589 (281441ZFEB23) Notable: Planefag with eyez on the skyz

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>>>/qresearch/18409439, >>19963, >>19999, >>20429, >>20443, >>20449 pb

PlaneFag Yerp/Med Activity: Janet Yellen heads back to DC after handing out moar munee and meeting with Zelensky

See this is somewhat believable since it had been at Rzsesow Airport since Saturday Anoon EST CONUS time…unlike Potato's highly dubious 3h stop at same Airport but traveled by train "for 20h"…total BS

Already covered that complete BS last week >>19323 pb a refresher icymi

SAM258 USAF C-40BJanet Yellenleaving Shannon, Ireland after a ground stop/refuel it departed Rzesow Airport earlier today, after arriving on Saturday

Italian AF PERSEO71 G550 AEW&C C (Aiborne Early Warning & Control) in it's recent customary position over eastern Romania

>>20557, >>20660 pb/lb

SPAR83 NATO G5 arrived at Madrid-Torrejon AB last night's JBA depart and SAM296 C-40B arrived at Rome last night (likely JCOS Milley) from it's JBA depart

Belgian AF BAF658 A400m ES from Brussels Int'l with Swedish AF SVF666G4 SE from Stockholm Int'l

FALCN35 US Army Learjet 35 departed Ankara after a ground stop of just under 2h-inbound from Sophia stop of about 50m and Ramstein AFB depart earlier today


Over in the eastern Med we had Israel AF 676 and 679 G550 AEW&ACs up from Nevatim AB alnot with a C-130 Hercules IAF158 NE along the Jordan Syria Border and out of Cyprus-Akrotiri AB an RAF RRR7140 Beech Shadow1 B350-which is the RAF version of the US Army's flying antenna farm (SIGINT) AC and finally an RAF BCT21 C-17 Globemaster doin' roundies over southern Jordan

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b93c0a No.20692

File: 2410dd02e5118fb⋯.png (1.75 MB,1618x757,1618:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423660 (281501ZFEB23) Notable: Biden Announces $8 Billion Will Go To South Africa To Shut Down Coal Plants

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Biden Announces $8 Billion Will Go To South Africa To Shut Down Coal Plants


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b93c0a No.20693

File: 2974f81f50650d5⋯.png (319.86 KB,607x613,607:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423677 (281505ZFEB23) Notable: Natl. Guard w/CAP: Airmen joined multiple Air Force units from across the country to conduct combat search and rescue training while exercising Agile Combat Employment concepts…

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Airmen joined multiple Air Force units from across the country to conduct combat search and rescue training while exercising Agile Combat Employment concepts during Exercise Sunshine Rescue 23.


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b93c0a No.20694

File: e4cb505c112fc5e⋯.png (57.37 KB,310x286,155:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ad5ca54a4d6d22⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423693 (281509ZFEB23) Notable: NATO chief: "Allies have agreed that Ukraine will become a member of our alliance" in the long term.

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NEW - NATO chief: "Allies have agreed that Ukraine will become a member of our alliance" in the long term.

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b93c0a No.20695

File: 5ee9a4841f72a79⋯.png (137.5 KB,421x587,421:587,Clipboard.png)

File: ea91f5318ac322e⋯.mp4 (446.64 KB,400x704,25:44,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423725 (281517ZFEB23) Notable: Ukrainian drones have attacked an oil depot in Tuapse, Krasnodar Krai. The attack was successful as the depot is now on fire.

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Visegrád 24



Ukrainian drones have attacked an oil depot in Tuapse, Krasnodar Krai.

The attack was successful as the depot is now on fire.

Tuapse is more than 450 km from the nearest Ukrainian-held position. The Russians must be getting nervous.

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b93c0a No.20696

File: b72e9152f3e23d6⋯.png (146.56 KB,426x415,426:415,Clipboard.png)

File: ab86b34e644af71⋯.mp4 (410.84 KB,456x360,19:15,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423730 (281519ZFEB23) Notable: Ukrainian drones have attacked an oil depot in Tuapse, Krasnodar Krai. The attack was successful as the depot is now on fire.

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NOËL 🇪🇺 🇺🇦


Footage of the attack, published by Russian media.

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b93c0a No.20697

File: 345fd4fcdcae164⋯.png (258.63 KB,420x373,420:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423734 (281520ZFEB23) Notable: Ukrainian drones have attacked an oil depot in Tuapse, Krasnodar Krai. The attack was successful as the depot is now on fire.

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b93c0a No.20698

File: f3fd94c5547d040⋯.png (185.94 KB,570x487,570:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423735 (281520ZFEB23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Fox is working overtime for DeSanctus, but they are failing

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Dont ask me I just check the account

@realDonaldTrump · 15s

Fox is working overtime for DeSanctus, but they are failing—Look at the Polls. We are MAGA!


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b93c0a No.20699

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423829 (281541ZFEB23) Notable: #22587

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final bun for #22587

hold em till the top

>>>/qresearch/18423816 got em ty

#22587 >>20668

>>20691 Planefag with eyez on the skyz

>>20669 Lara Logan TS w/CAP: These 51 big businesses target conservatives. Here’s how you can stop banks, transportation firms, retail giants and food companies at war with the right.

>>20670 DJT TS w/CAP: ‘Tis the season for Trump

>>20671 all assets deployed: Washington Post Writer Opposes Public Seeing All January 6 Video Footage

>>20672 The covid 'censor everything' coverup is hitting msm

>>20673 Tucker Carlson Levels Jimmy Kimmel, Calls Him "Complicit in The Greatest Crime in History"

>>20674 New Arizona child safety director forced to quit, fueling Hobbs' critics. Human trafficking is undoubtedly one of the SInola Cartel's most profitable business.

>>20675 Man picked to write report on Chinese election interference ran Trudeau Foundation when big donations came in from China

>>20676 Trump Curse strikes again: Fmr. Trump Impeachment Mgr. Rep. David Cicilline to Resign from Congress in June

>>20679 ‘I Couldn’t Be A Christian And A Teacher‘: School Teacher Fired For Resisting Trans Agenda

>>20677 keks: anon proposes new execution method for traitors

>>20680 GREATER IDAHO: Movement to Make Several Oregon Counties Part of Idaho Gains Steam

>>20681, >>20682, >>20683 The Washington Post suggests that newsrooms must shun ‘objectivity’ to build trust. the concept of journalistic objectivity is a distortion of reality.

>>20684, >>20685, >>20686 US preparing false flag chemical attacks in Ukraine – Moscow. the chemicals were unloaded at a local metallurgical plant

>>20687, >>20688 The DOT Inspector General Is Investigating Pete Buttigieg's Extensive Private Jet Travel

>>20689 Supreme Court Weighs 'Taters Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

>>20690 South African President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a state of disaster with immediate effect, as the country faced an acute electricity shortage

>>20692 Biden Announces $8 Billion Will Go To South Africa To Shut Down Coal Plants

>>20693 Natl. Guard w/CAP: Airmen joined multiple Air Force units from across the country to conduct combat search and rescue training while exercising Agile Combat Employment concepts…

>>20694 NATO chief: "Allies have agreed that Ukraine will become a member of our alliance" in the long term.

>>20695, >>20696, >>20697 Ukrainian drones have attacked an oil depot in Tuapse, Krasnodar Krai. The attack was successful as the depot is now on fire.

>>20698 DJT TS w/CAP: Fox is working overtime for DeSanctus, but they are failing

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20700

File: 7ed1330fe0d9006⋯.png (519.88 KB,903x708,301:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423847 (281545ZFEB23) Notable: #22588

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Trump Curse strikes again: Fmr. Trump Impeachment Mgr. Rep. David Cicilline to Resign from Congress in June

Baker Requesting Handoff

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b93c0a No.20701

File: 641e86788acb209⋯.png (273.47 KB,601x570,601:570,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423857 (281547ZFEB23) Notable: Researchers now want to develop an "organoid intelligence" (OI) using 3D cultures of human brain cells

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NEW - Researchers now want to develop an "organoid intelligence" (OI) using 3D cultures of human brain cells.


And what's with the sudden usage of "..oid"?

I've seen an uptick on halfchan with that too. It's annoying

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20702

File: f75a4f473033bac⋯.jpeg (31.46 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423870 (281551ZFEB23) Notable: White House pushes to renew controversial spying law

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28 Feb, 2023 15:19

White House pushes to renew controversial spying law

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act allows intelligence agencies to spy on anyone, anywhere

Attorney GeneralMerrick Garland and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines wrote to Congressional leaders on Tuesday, asking them to renew a post-9/11 lawallowing the US to spy on foreign targets anywhere in the world. While the law is explicitly intended to surveil foreigners, it has been used to monitor millions of Americans.

Section 702 of the 2008 amendment to the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act legalized the Bush administration’s secret wiretapping program, allowing US intelligence agencies to monitor messages from abroad made through American networks like Google. Set to expire at the end of the year, the White House is already pushing lawmakers toward its renewal.

“The information acquired using Section 702 plays a key role in keeping the United States, its citizens, and its allies safe and secure,”Garland and Haines wrote in their letter, describing the reauthorization of the law as “a top legislative priority for this administration.”

Garland and Haines, the latter of whom served as Deputy DIrector of the CIA under Barack Obama, claimed that information gathered using Section 702 was instrumental in foiling cyberattacks on the US, halting the trafficking of weapons of mass destruction, and thwarting foreign states’ attempts to recruit spies in the the US.

In a separate statement on Tuesday, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan described Section 702 as a “cornerstone of US national security.”

However, while Garland and Haines stressed that Section 702 cannot be “directed against Americans at home or abroad,” that is not the case. A report last year by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) found that the FBI alone made “fewer than 3,394,053” queries of US citizens between December 2020 and November 2021, based on data obtained under Section 702.

Although the law cannot be used to surveil Americans directly, it allows the US to gather intelligence on any American whom a foreign surveillance target contacts.

This intelligence is stored for five years, during which it can be searched – for example by name, phone number, or email address, by US intelligence agencies.

President Joe Biden will likely face opposition from some Republicans when it comes to renewing Section 270. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan said last year that Congress “should not even reauthorize FISA.” Allies of former President Donald Trump previously condemned the FBI for abusing the FISA process to illegally wiretap the ex-president.


Anons get the word out for people to call their congressman and say NO a Million TImes! Do not reauthorize Section 702

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b93c0a No.20703

File: 12bd47097129cef⋯.png (258.01 KB,372x742,186:371,Clipboard.png)

File: eccef37e1c712f7⋯.png (1.04 MB,947x2048,947:2048,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423898 (281556ZFEB23) Notable: ECW: The influence of politics on intelligence assessments is one of our biggest challenges.

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Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

General Spalding


The influence of politics on intelligence assessments is one of our biggest challenges. That allows our enemies to influence our reaction, or lack thereof.



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b93c0a No.20704

File: a3dbf3ccd59a639⋯.jpeg (69.61 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423911 (281558ZFEB23) Notable: Ukraine will become a member, but it won’t happen anytime soon

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28 Feb, 2023 14:12

NATO comments on Kiev’s membership prospects

Ukraine will become a member, but it won’t happen anytime soon, Jens Stoltenberg has said

(They know they are lying, Ukraine will never be allowed in NATO, they’d steal and sell on the black market every arms they get. And will blackmail EU and US leaders more if they are admitted)

The member states of US-led NATO have already agreed to accept Ukraine into their ranks, but that issue is not a priority at the moment, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday.

Speaking to journalists during a visit to Finland, Stoltenberg noted that although Kiev’s membership is welcomed,it is “a distant prospect” because the priority right now is to make sure Ukraine “prevails as a sovereign and independent state.”

He also added that after the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia ends, it is necessary to “ensure that history doesn’t repeat itself.” To that end, the NATO chief insisted that the bloc needs to “strengthen the military capabilities of Ukraine” and establish frameworks that would prevent Russia from launching any more attacks against Kiev.

Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, who spoke alongside Stoltenberg, also proclaimed that the future of Ukraine is to be part of the European Union and NATO and stressed the need to continue providing military aid to Kiev. “The faster and the sooner we can give them more heavy weapons, the sooner the war will end,” Marin stated.

Meanwhile, Moscow has once again blasted the collective West for rejecting security talks and insisted that the US and its allies must change their approach to global security and take Moscow’s concerns into consideration.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Tuesday that Russia’s relations with the US and Europe “changed radically”when Moscow presented its draft security treaties to Washington, Brussels and Vienna in late 2021, all of whom stated they were “not ready to talk about anything.”

Peskov said the US and Europe “could have sat down at the negotiating table” long before the conflict in Ukraine started. “There would have been very complex, positional, sometimes irreconcilable talks, but they would have been under way. But they refused,” he said.

Now, NATO is fully involved in the hostilities, “their intelligence is working against us 24 hours a day,” and their weapons are supplied to Ukraine for free to shoot at Russia’s military and Ukrainian citizens, he said.

“The moment when NATO de facto became a participant in the conflict in Ukraine, the situation changed,” the spokesman added. “In fact, the NATO bloc is no longer acting as our conditional opponent, but as our enemy.”


(“It’s a distant prospect” is just like our parents used to say, “we’ll see” when we asked for things they would never give us.)

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b93c0a No.20705

File: 99a9cf68629f026⋯.jpeg (56.55 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423933 (281604ZFEB23) Notable: US Air Force sacks nuclear base staff

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28 Feb, 2023 15:29

US Air Force sacks nuclear base staff

Six service members, including two commanders, were dismissed due to “loss of confidence”

The US Air Force has dismissed six military service members who were stationed at a key nuclear base, including two commanders. They were sacked over “loss of confidence” in their ability to perform assigned duties, according to an official statement.

The firings occurred at Minot Air Force Base in Ward County, North Dakota, which is the only US military base that hosts two legs of the nuclear triad. Minot is home to 28 B-52H Stratofortress nuclear-capable bombers and 165 Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles, as well as associated equipment.

Colonel Gregory Mayer, the head of the 5th Mission Support Group, and Major Jonathan Welch, the 5th Logistics Readiness Squadron commander, were the two senior officers whose dismissal was announced on Monday by Air Force Global Strike Command.

“These personnel actions were necessary to maintain the very high standards we demand of those units entrusted with supporting our Nation’s nuclear mission,” Major General Andrew J. Gebara, commander of 8th Air Force, explained.

Four subordinates of the two commanders were axed as well. They held leadership positions but were not identified by either name or rank in the press release.

The Air Force declined to explain what exactly had led to the decision, but Gebara assured the public that the military remained “committed to the success of [its] no-fail mission” of strategic deterrence.

According to Air Force Times, Mayer has a 25-year-long career under his belt, with experience in civil engineering. He arrived at Minot last June and took charge of 1,900 airmen and military assets worth $4.3 billion.

There were several high-level dismissals at the base over the past two decades, the outlet noted. The facility also faced scrutiny over misconduct, including “widespread cheating on the monthly proficiency test for missileers, mishandling of nuclear weapons, unprofessional conduct and drug use,” the report added.

In 2013, Associated Press reported that an inspection of the base unearthed what one commander described as “rot,” including weapons safety-rule violations, possible code compromises and other failings being tolerated. The Air Forceremoved 17 launch officersfrom duty at the time.


(Did they leak to the press that Bidan and the military were allowing a Chinese spy balloon fly above their base?)

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b93c0a No.20706

File: 0347a04ba898e90⋯.png (154.93 KB,419x790,419:790,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423967 (281609ZFEB23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump 2024 GOP primary polls

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How am i constantly catching Trump post as they happen?

2 today so far

@realDonaldTrump · now


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b93c0a No.20707

File: 919eb30698243a4⋯.png (88.42 KB,1300x426,650:213,Clipboard.png)

File: 9042a53a6ca3109⋯.png (35.62 KB,572x312,11:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423969 (281610ZFEB23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Why is Rupert Murdoch throwing his anchors under the table

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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 2h

Why is Rupert Murdoch throwing his anchors under the table, which also happens to be killing his case and infuriating his viewers, who will again be leaving in droves - they already are. There is MASSIVE evidence of voter fraud & irregularities in the 2020 Presidential Election. Just look at the documentary “2000 MULES” and you will see large scale ballot stuffing caught on government cameras, or votes cast without Legislatures approval, or just recently, the FBI/Twitter Files Scandal. RIGGED!!!

Feb 28, 2023, 7:47 AM

Rupert Murdoch is the owner of Fox/Faux news.

Rupert is Jewish.

Rupert is a Catholic Papal Knight and his wife is a Catholic Papal Dame.

Rupert' Fox/Faux news is a VATICAN/C EYE A operation.

Fox News is 90%+ Catholic and that is a Crazy Coincidence for a Jew to hire that many Catholics, don't you think?

Rupert' sons, who are inheriting the media empire, are just like ole Dad and completely beholden to the Vatican.

Rupert is not throwing his anchors under the table… they were already "under the table"…

Hannity and Carlson worked hard behind the scenes to discredit POTUS and the Fact that the 2020 Election was Rigged.

A few weeks ago, POTUS said that FOX/FAUX news were "Globalists All''…

Recall when this all began… Fox/Faux news was trusted by so many Patriots who did not know any better.

Think back at how many seemingly GREAT DECODERS thought that Fox/Faux was Patriot News…

Deep Researchers? or Planted Agents here to lead Anons astray?

Just like Vigano, Taylor Marshall et al. Pretend to be your fren yet turn on you at an opportune moment in an attempt to break away large swaths of Anons.

Careful who (you) Follow.

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b93c0a No.20708

File: fb5c569e6442d96⋯.jpeg (72.42 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423971 (281610ZFEB23) Notable: Russia reports success against Ukrainian drone incursion

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28 Feb, 2023 13:02

Russia reports success against Ukrainian drone incursion

The aircraft had targeted civilian infrastructure but the military drove them off course, the Defense Ministry said

Kiev forces launched drone attacks on Russia’s southern Krasnodar Region and Adygea Republic, but they were successfully repelled by the military, the Russian Defense Ministry has reported. Images of one of the aircraft were apparently shared by a regional head.

The incursions happened in the early hours of Tuesday and targeted civilian infrastructure, according to a statement released by the ministry.Russian forces used electronic warfare to suppress the two drones, causing them to veer off course. One “fell in a field,”while the other “failed to cause any damage”to its target, the ministry said.

Earlier in the day, Adygea head Murat Kumpilov shared images showing the wreckage of an unidentified aircraft, which he said was discovered near the village of Novoye, located to the north of the provincial capital Maykop. The official said the crash resulted in no injuries, but caused minor damage to an outbuilding on a farm.

Meanwhile, there was afire overnight at an oil refineryin the city of Tuapse in Krasnodar Region. Municipal head Sergey Boyko said the blaze had broken out in a technical building, but did not spread to fuel tanks and was extinguished by firefighters within 30 minutes.

Some Russian media claimed, citing anonymous sources,that the fire was caused by a failed attack involving unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs). According to these reports, as many as two aircraft carrying explosives crashed some 100 meters from the fuel reservoirs, damaging a boiler room instead.

In Belgorod Region, which borders Ukraine,three drone wreckages were discovered in the provincial capital on Monday evening. One of the UAVs crashed through the window of an apartment building, prompting evacuation.

Some media claimed the drones were Ukrainian and carried British-made plastic explosives, based on images of the debris.


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b93c0a No.20709

File: ea8c8c993688f44⋯.png (94.1 KB,606x400,303:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423987 (281613ZFEB23) Notable: UK: Probably not the only place in the world that COVID protocols were used to "euthanize" people

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Eyes on. Should be starting soon. Probably not the only place in the world that COVID protocols were used to "euthanize" people.

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b93c0a No.20710

File: 60dcd7664543dab⋯.png (144.48 KB,469x487,469:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18423992 (281614ZFEB23) Notable: @PACAF By day, or by night, it doesn't matter! 😤 💪🏼

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By day, or by night, it doesn't matter! 😤 💪🏼

U.S. Airmen from the 34th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron continue Bomber Task Force operations at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam. BTF missions demonstrate lethality & interoperability in support of a free & open Indo-Pacific.



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b93c0a No.20711

File: 30410335c380e49⋯.png (766.59 KB,1247x780,1247:780,Clipboard.png)

File: f145b7ff0534fcb⋯.png (217.37 KB,501x410,501:410,Clipboard.png)

File: 677016c34a263ac⋯.png (463.64 KB,479x579,479:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424000 (281615ZFEB23) Notable: Planefag CONUS Activity

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Planefag CONUS Activity: The end of the month so should get really busy later for Taco (Training) Tuesday and the pilots that need hours for the monthly quota

LOUSE02 C-17 Globemaster departed Langley AFB after a quick stop of about 20m inbound from Dover AFB fitting call sign for that

Louse: any small, wingless insect of the order Anoplura (sucking louse ), parasitic on humans and other mammals and having mouth parts adapted for sucking

'''Potato goes to Virginia Beach later and muh hussein care crapola for probably 30 minutes (if that) and then vanishes back to the WH-that all.

3:00 PM EST discusses his plan to protect Americans’ access to affordable health care, and highlights how Congressional Republicans would raise health care costs – including for seniors, and cause millions of people to lose their coverage


BOXER85 C-40C doing roundies at Newport News Int'l from JBA

VM374 and 767 C560s SW from JBA and SCORE90 Global Hawk drone out of Pax River over C-bay and now it's heading down towards Virgina Beach area

SHINR40 RC-135 Rivet Joint out from Majors Airport on a cert flight and FORGE63 US Army G5 N from low alt pass between Greenville and Spartanburg N.C.

PAT= Priority Air Transport

PAT227 Beech Super King Air with a quick stop-about 35m-at Eppley Field, Omaha from Topeka, KS Forbes Field

PAT319 C-12V Huron east from Bismarck Regional Airport N.D. and headed to Fargo for a low pass and now to Grand Forks to the north

PAT853 Beech C-12V Huron (miss-labeled in ADS-B as a Jet engined AC) west from Newport News Int'l after a 35m stop departed McGuire AFB, NJ

Canadian AF CFC3164 CC-150 Polaris (Trudope used this to go to Bahamas 2weeks ago) east from Ottawa to Moncton, New Brunswick

Overdose crisis part of a larger issue according to Moncton officials


and since it's there GTMO842 US Navy Beech to Ft. Lauderdale or NAS JAX

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b93c0a No.20712

File: f74696718617eb7⋯.png (614.65 KB,1500x803,1500:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424006 (281616ZFEB23) Notable: MARK STEYN INTERVIEWS GERMAN MEP CHRISTINE ANDERSON

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posting mark steyn show, full run time 1 hour.

well worth watching and sharing.




Welcome to the first Mark Steyn Show of a new week. Today Mark is joined by Christine Anderson, a German member of the European Parliament, to talk about the last three years and where our "globalised" world is headed.

Frau Anderson has just completed a sell-out tour of Canada, and we are grateful to acclaimed mammy-singer Justin Trudeau for giving tonight's show an excellent plug by denouncing her as "extremist" and "unacceptable" and all the rest.


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b93c0a No.20713

File: ffc6017e1998171⋯.png (167.5 KB,469x635,469:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424016 (281619ZFEB23) Notable: #OTD - 28 February 1917: President Wilson was informed of the Zimmerman telegram

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#OTD - 28 February 1917: President Wilson was informed of the Zimmerman telegram. The American press published news of the telegram on March 1. On April 6, 1917, the United States Congress formally declared war on Germany and its allies.

Learn more:


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b93c0a No.20714

File: 1d4912285db3032⋯.png (65.11 KB,984x551,984:551,Clipboard.png)

File: 924f60c66de40b6⋯.png (72.39 KB,983x552,983:552,Clipboard.png)

File: 8faab985f10918b⋯.png (435.55 KB,837x472,837:472,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ee5aa957d8056b⋯.png (50.72 KB,952x612,14:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424044 (281626ZFEB23) Notable: 6-month T-bill rate heads for highest level in 16 years

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6-month T-bill rate heads for highest level in 16 years

The rate on the 6-month T-bill jumped to 5.140% on Tuesday morning and headed for its highest level since February 2007, according to Tradeweb. Short-term rates rose after data from France and Spain showed inflation to be persistently stubborn outside the U.S., suggesting the need for continued tightening by central banks. The 6-month rate ended the New York session at 5.152% on Feb. 26, 2007.




Contrast that with the rate on the 10y at 3.934%

Still on target of 25 bp at next FOMC meeting..they won't to 50bp-that is all talk and has been


Watch what they do rather than what they say

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b93c0a No.20715

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424048 (281626ZFEB23) Notable: Bodycam Footage Shows DC Metro Officer Boasting About Beating Trump Supporters with a Flagpole on J6 (VIDEO)

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“That Was My Best Weapon!” – Bodycam Footage Shows DC Metro Officer Boasting About Beating Trump Supporters with a Flagpole on J6 (VIDEO)

This should make every American livid about not only the utter cruelty by law enforcement toward January 6 protesters.

The Epoch Times obtained bodycam footage from Officer Michael Dowling, a Metropolitan Police Department officer, showing him assaulting protesters with a flagpole.

Today there are dozens of Trump supporters sitting in prison for doing much less.

Now we know why Democrats and the Deep State DO NOT want the J6 Capitol Hill footage released.


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b93c0a No.20716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424056 (281628ZFEB23) Notable: LIVE: House Armed Services Committee hears testimony on U.S. military support to Ukraine

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WATCH LIVE: House Armed Services Committee hears testimony on U.S. military support to Ukraine

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b93c0a No.20717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424068 (281631ZFEB23) Notable: Markup of the Committee on the Judiciary Authorization and Oversight Plan for the 118th Congress

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Markup of the Committee on the Judiciary Authorization and Oversight Plan for the 118th Congress


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b93c0a No.20718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424070 (281632ZFEB23) Notable: Oversight Hearing - Quality of Life in the Military

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Oversight Hearing - Quality of Life in the Military


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b93c0a No.20719

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424098 (281638ZFEB23) Notable: 2017 America’s Ukraine Hypocrisy

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From 2017

America’s Ukraine Hypocrisy

The extent of the Obama administration’s meddling in Ukraine’s politics was breathtaking.1/2

AUGUST 6, 2017 •Ted Galen Carpenter

There is an abundance of outrage in the United States about Russia’s alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Multiple investigations are taking place, and Moscow’s conduct was a major justification for the sanctions legislation that Congress just passed. Some furious political figures and members of the media insist that the Putin government’s interference constitutes an act of war. One especially agitated House member even compared it explicitly to the Pearl Harbor and 9/11 attacks.

Such umbrage might be more credible if the United States refrained from engaging in similar conduct. But the historical record shows that Washington has meddled in the political affairs of dozens of countries—including many democracies. An egregious example occurred in Ukraine during the Euromaidan Revolution of 2014.

Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych was not an admirable character. After his election in 2010, he used patronage and other instruments of state power in a flagrant fashion to the advantage of his political party. That high‐​handed behavior and legendary corruption alienated large portions of Ukraine’s population. As the Ukrainian economy languished and fell farther and farther behind those of Poland and other East European neighbors that had implemented significant market‐​oriented reforms, public anger at Yanukovych mounted. When he rejected the European Union’s terms for an association agreement in late 2013, in favor of a Russian offer, angry demonstrators filled Kiev’s Independence Square, known as the Maidan, as well as sites in other cities.

Despite his leadership defects and character flaws, Yanukovych had been duly elected in balloting that international observers considered reasonably free and fair—about the best standard one can hope for outside the mature Western democracies. A decent respect for democratic institutions and procedures meant that he ought to be able to serve out his lawful term as president, which would end in 2016.

The extent of the Obama administration’s meddling in Ukraine’s politics was breathtaking.

Neither the domestic opposition nor Washington and its European Union allies behaved in that fashion. Instead, Western leaders made it clear that they supported the efforts of demonstrators to force Yanukovych to reverse course and approve the EU agreement or, if he would not do so, to remove the president before his term expired. Sen. John McCain (R‑AZ), the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, went to Kiev to show solidarity with the Euromaidan activists. McCain dined with opposition leaders, including members of the ultra right‐​wing Svoboda Party, and later appeared on stage in Maidan Square during a mass rally. He stood shoulder to shoulder with Svoboda leader Oleg Tyagnibok.

But McCain’s actions were a model of diplomatic restraint compared to the conduct of Victoria Nuland,the assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs. As Ukraine’s political crisis deepened, Nuland and her subordinates became more brazen in favoring the anti‐​Yanukovych demonstrators. Nuland noted in a speech to the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation on December 13, 2013, thatshe had traveled to Ukraine three times in the weeks following the start of the demonstrations. Visiting the Maidan on December 5, she handed out cookies to demonstrators and expressed support for their cause.

The extent of the Obama administration’s meddling in Ukraine’s politics was breathtaking. Russian intelligence intercepted and leaked to the international media a Nuland telephone call in which she and U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Geoffey Pyatt discussed in detail their preferences for specific personnel in a post‐​Yanukovych government. The U.S‑favored candidates included Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the man who became prime minister once Yanukovych was ousted from power. During the telephone call, Nuland stated enthusiastically that “Yats is the guy” who would do the best job.

Nuland and Pyatt were engaged in such planning at a time when Yanukovych was still Ukraine’s lawful president. It was startling to have diplomatic representatives of a foreign country—and a country that routinely touts the need to respect democratic processes and the sovereignty of other nations—to be scheming about removing an elected government and replacing it with officials meriting U.S. approval….


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b93c0a No.20720

File: acb09e79bb1acfc⋯.png (563.75 KB,648x567,8:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424102 (281639ZFEB23) Notable: #OTD - 28 February 1917: President Wilson was informed of the Zimmerman telegram

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>>>/qrb/144969, >>>/qrb/144970, >>>/qrb/144971, >>>/qrb/144972

Mkt Fag, Godzilla and Mecha-Godzilla present: Part #1: After the creation of the Federal Reserve system: WW1 began-a little history lesson

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b93c0a No.20721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424108 (281639ZFEB23) Notable: 2017 America’s Ukraine Hypocrisy

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Washington’s conduct not only constituted meddling, it bordered on micromanagement. At one point, Pyatt mentioned the complex dynamic among the three principal opposition leaders, Yatsenyuk, Oleh Tyahnybok, and Vitali Klitschko. Both Pyatt and Nuland wanted to keep Tyahnybok and Klitschko out of an interim government. In the former case, they worried about his extremist ties; in the latter, they seemed to want him to wait and make a bid for office on a longer‐​term basis. Nuland stated that “I don’t think Klitsch should go into the government. I don’t think it’s necessary.” She added that what Yatseniuk needed “is Klitsch and Tyanhybok on the outside.”

Thetwo diplomats also were prepared to escalate the already extensive U.S. involvement in Ukraine’s political turbulence.

Pyatt stated bluntly that “we want to try to get somebody with an international personality to come out here and help to midwife this thing [the political transition].”Nuland clearly had Vice President Joe Biden in mind for that role.

Noting that thevice president’s national security adviser was in direct contact with her, Nulandrelated that she told him “probably tomorrow for an atta‐​boy and to get the details to stick. So Biden’s willing.”

Both the Obama administration and most of the American news media portrayed the Euromaidan Revolution as a spontaneous, popular uprising against a corrupt and brutal government.

A February 24, 2014, Washington Posteditorial celebrated the Maidan demonstrators and their successful campaign to overthrow Yanukovych. The “moves were democratic,” the Washington Post concluded, and “Kiev is now controlled by pro‐​Western parties.”

It was a grotesque distortion to portray the events in Ukraine as a purely indigenous, popular uprising. The Nuland‐​Pyatt telephone conversation and other actions confirm that the United States was considerably more than a passive observer to the turbulence.

Instead, U.S. officials were blatantly meddling in Ukraine. Such conduct was utterly improper. The United States had no right to try to orchestrate political outcomes in another country—especially one on the border of another great power. It is no wonder that Russia reacted badly to the unconstitutional ouster of an elected, pro‐​Russian government—an ouster that occurred not only with Washington’s blessing, but apparently with its assistance.

That episode, as well as earlier ones involving Italy, France and other democratic countries, should be kept in mind the next time U.S. political leaders or the media publicly fume about Russia’s apparent interference in America’s 2016 elections. One can legitimately condemn some aspects of Moscow’s behavior, butthe force of America’s moral outrage is vitiated by the stench of U.S. hypocrisy.


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b93c0a No.20722

File: 4b34f935dbd5c70⋯.png (12.39 KB,468x119,468:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424113 (281640ZFEB23) Notable: The Chinese Communist Party has warned @ElonMusk to stop sharing the report stating that COVID-19 came from a Wuhan lab.

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BREAKING: The Chinese Communist Party has warned


to stop sharing the report stating that COVID-19 came from a Wuhan lab.



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b93c0a No.20723

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424118 (281641ZFEB23) Notable: Crowley says there are 150 Sars report (suspicious activities reports) at the Treasury on Hunter and Joe bidan

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Crowley: The Ukraine War Will Continue As Long As Joe Biden Illegitimately Occupies The White House


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b93c0a No.20724

File: e7de045d5303a31⋯.png (241.57 KB,608x632,76:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424129 (281643ZFEB23) Notable: UK: Probably not the only place in the world that COVID protocols were used to "euthanize" people

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Yes, this is some of what happened in the US hospitals. However, the situation in UK care homes is really off the wall, too, but with somewhat different means.


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b93c0a No.20725

File: 84e2fdf7ab80686⋯.png (23.87 KB,598x309,598:309,Clipboard.png)

File: 99fb17b893e9bda⋯.png (32.55 KB,598x347,598:347,Clipboard.png)

File: f2902ebe60e14a6⋯.png (1.55 KB,126x41,126:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424134 (281644ZFEB23) Notable: Putin signed the law on the suspension of Russia's participation in the New START Treaty

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Donbass Devushka


Putin signed the law on the suspension of Russia's participation in the New START Treaty.

Gooooooood byeeeeee liberal treaty BS nonsense



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b93c0a No.20726

File: b32d581949a5a37⋯.jpeg (130.95 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424139 (281645ZFEB23) Notable: Court orders Siemens to deliver trains to Russia

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28 Feb, 2023 16:24

Court orders Siemens to deliver trains to Russia

The German company has been accused of failing to meet its contractual obligations

The Arbitration Court of Moscow ruled on Tuesday that Siemens Mobility’s refusal to honor a contract signed with Russian Railways is illegal, and ordered the German firm to deliver high-speed trains.

Under the deal signed by the two companies in June 2019, a branch of the German multinational conglomerate focused on rail technology and intelligent traffic systems was to deliver 13 high-speed Sapsan trains from September 2022 to July 2023.

The total value of the supply contract amounted to €513.5 million ($546.2 million), according to Russian Railways.

Siemens was also to provide maintenance and repair for the trains during their entire serviceable life, which is 30 years. The cost of the additional maintenance agreement reportedly amounted to €583.1 million ($620.3 million).

At the time of signing the contract in 2019, Russian Railways operated 16 Sapsan high-speed trains. The company was planning to increase the number of journeys between Moscow and St. Petersburg, and Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, using the new trains.

However, last October, Siemens Mobility notified the Russian company about the termination of the contract “due to the sanctions imposed on Russian legal entities,”the court ruling read.

“The sanctions legislation of the US and the EU contradicts public policy” and cannot be applied in Russia, the court ruled, adding that the defendant did not have a legal basis for terminating the contract unilaterally.

Moreover, the court highlighted that restrictive measures, according to the explanations of the EU, are not applied retroactively.

German concern Siemens and all its subsidiaries announced plans to withdraw from the Russian market last May. The company also said it would withdraw from joint ventures and terminate service contracts for maintenance with Russian Railways.

Siemens also said the decision was due to the inability to further fulfill its contractual obligations because of sanctions and the requirements arising from them.


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b93c0a No.20727

File: 30ea2123be81fb5⋯.jpg (202.04 KB,751x646,751:646,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424151 (281649ZFEB23) Notable: Putin signed the law on the suspension of Russia's participation in the New START Treaty

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(From CNN, tho)

Putin signs law formally suspending New START participation


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b93c0a No.20728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424166 (281655ZFEB23) Notable: Inclusive Capital Partners

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Inclusive Capital Partners

The full list of Guardians is as follows:

Ajay Banga, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mastercard

Oliver Bäte, Chairman of the Board of Management, Allianz SE

Marc Benioff, Chair, Chief Executive Officer, and Founder, Salesforce

Edward Breen, Executive Chairman, Dupont

Sharan Burrow, General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation

Mark Carney, COP26 Financial Advisor to the Prime Minister, and United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance

Carmine Di Sibio, Global Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, EY

Brunello Cucinelli, Executive Chairman and Creative Director, Brunello Cucinelli S.p.A.

Roger Ferguson, President and Chief Executive Officer, TIAA

Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Founder and Managing Partner, Inclusive Capital Partners

Kenneth Frazier, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Merck & Co., Inc.

Fabrizio Freda, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Estée Lauder Companies

Marcie Frost, Chief Executive Officer, CalPERS

Alex Gorsky, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Johnson & Johnson

Angel Gurria, Secretary General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Alfred Kelly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Visa Inc.

William Lauder, Executive Chairman, The Estée Lauder Companies

Bernard Looney, Chief Executive Officer, BP

Fiona Ma, Treasurer, State of California

Hiro Mizuno, Member of the Board, Principles for Responsible Investment

Brian Moynihan, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Bank of America

Deanna Mulligan, President and Chief Executive Officer, Guardian Life Insurance Company of America

Ronald P. O’Hanley, President and Chief Executive Officer, State Street Corporation

Rajiv Shah, President, The Rockefeller Foundation

Tidjane Thiam, Board Member, Kering Group

Darren Walker, President, Ford Foundation

Mark Weinberger, Former Chair and CEO of EY, and Board member of J&J, MetLife and Saudi Aramco

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b93c0a No.20729

File: 74d2fc11327fada⋯.jpeg (326.05 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424190 (281700ZFEB23) Notable: Inclusive Capital Partners

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b93c0a No.20730

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424200 (281702ZFEB23) Notable: Crowley says there are 150 Sars report (suspicious activities reports) at the Treasury on Hunter and Joe bidan

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Crowley says there are 150 Sars report (suspicious activities reports) at the Treasury on Hunter and Joe bidan.

Treasury refuses to release them to the House, which brings up these questions: obviously the Treasury under Trump were getting these SARs report (it was in the news back then) why didn’t the Treasury investigate and expose this under Trump?

Did Mnuchin refuse to do his job? Why? This could have been over in 2018, why didn’t they do this? It would have stopped the impeachments!

Anons do you have any good theories why treasury under Trump didn’t reveal and prosecute the corruption of the Bidans back then?

Is that where Guiliani started in investigating all the countries Bidans were in bed with?

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b93c0a No.20731

File: 33281474d227ac0⋯.png (26.46 KB,598x291,598:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424269 (281721ZFEB23) Notable: Israeli Foreign Minister Cohen calls Ukraine conflict Russian aggression, publicly condemning Moscow for 1st time at press conference with German Foreign Minister Baerbock.

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AZ 🛰🌏🌍🌎


🇮🇱🇺🇦🇷🇺Israeli Foreign Minister Cohen calls Ukraine conflict Russian aggression, publicly condemning Moscow for 1st time at press conference with German Foreign Minister Baerbock.




The best is yet to come.

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b93c0a No.20732

File: d44e3195744078f⋯.png (317.26 KB,598x566,299:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424300 (281729ZFEB23) Notable: Former US Mercenary In Ukraine Defects to Russia

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AZ 🛰🌏🌍🌎


🇺🇸🇷🇺Former US Mercenary In Ukraine Defects to Russia

"Snipers in position were for defectors,anybody tries to defect 🎯☠️"

He is saying "interesting things" about AFU





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b93c0a No.20733

File: d88a872b42f9935⋯.jpeg (353.58 KB,1102x1077,1102:1077,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 991cd03453565e4⋯.jpeg (725.56 KB,1154x797,1154:797,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424305 (281730ZFEB23) Notable: UK School Kids have enough

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UK School Kids have enough.

More 'TikTok protests' rock schools: Hundreds of pupils scale gates and trash classrooms in riots in Hampshire, Essex and Lancashire over schools rules and new unisex toilets

Pupils at schools in Hampshire, Essex and Lancashire have taken part in protests

They appear to be arranged over popular social media platforms such as TikTok


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b93c0a No.20734

File: 7d33c77e998617b⋯.png (177.91 KB,344x448,43:56,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424369 (281748ZFEB23) Notable: Border Patrol agents based in the San Diego Sector seized 232 pounds of fentanyl with a street value of about $3 million from a single vehicle

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San Diego Border Patrol seizes massive quantity of deadly, powerful drug, arrests three during traffic stop

Border Patrol agents based in the San Diego Sector seized 232 pounds of fentanyl with a street value of about $3 million from a single vehicle, officials announced on Monday.

The massive drug bust took place during a traffic stop in San Clemente, a wealthy enclave about 75 miles inland from the U.S.-Mexico border in San Diego, multiple Border Patrol sources told Fox News. It's the third major fentanyl bust so far this month by Border Patrol between ports of entry, meaning that the drugs were successfully smuggled past CBP in a vehicle or were backpacked into the U.S. by mules. Border Patrol agents in Yuma, Arizona, seized 93 pounds of fentanyl from a single smuggler on Feb. 15, while agents seized 24 pounds of fentanyl from a group of smugglers on Feb. 14 near Nogales, Arizona. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz noted that the 232 pounds of fentanyl seized in Monday's bust was enough to kill 50 million people. Trafficking of fentanyl, a dangerous opioid 50 times more powerful than heroin, has surged in recent years. Seizures of fentanyl by CBP jumped from about 4,800 pounds in 2020 to 14,700 pounds last year. At least 12,500 pounds of fentanyl have already been seized in the first four months of fiscal year 2023, which began last October.


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b93c0a No.20735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424378 (281750ZFEB23) Notable: NESARA/QFS: A Long Running Internet Scam

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Some of (You) FAGGOTS NEED to hear THIS.


NESARA/QFS: A Long Running Internet Scam

Detailing the background, history, and current frauds being run by internet influencers using "NESARA Law" and "Quantum Financial System" disinformation

Jordan Sather

Feb 23


I myself got duped by this internet theory circa 2012 when I first started my awakening journey. I was young, naive, and jumping on all kinds of conspiracy clickbait bandwagons that I was coming across at the time. Nevertheless, after a year or two of “it’s coming tonight!”, “it’s coming tomorrow!”, “it’ll be here next week!”, I began to question the legitimacy of this theory and dug a little deeper, finding it to be a boiling pot of disinformation.

When the social media age came around, especially over the last few years with conspiracy theories and truth seeking becoming so popular, it’s been fascinating to me to watch these clickbait scams still promoted around by irresponsible, if not downright fraudulent, influencers who are clearly looking for fame and money.


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b93c0a No.20736

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424379 (281750ZFEB23) Notable: Top GOP Donors to Meet with GOP Candidates for President But President Trump Is Not Invited

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Top GOP Donors to Meet with GOP Candidates for President But President Trump Is Not Invited

This is really a very bad move for all involved.

According to a report by an “objective and non-biased” Yahoo journalist who wrote the book “Piety & Power: Mike Pence and the Taking of the White House” there is an event this weekend in Southern Florida:

The Club for Growth, a leading conservative campaign group, will host almost all the top 2024 Republican prospects for president at a donor retreat in South Florida this weekend, except Donald Trump, according to a Republican familiar with the plans.

Newly minted candidates Nikki Haley, the former U.N. ambassador, and Vivek Ramaswamy, the pharmaceutical magnate turned conservative influencer, will headline the meeting. Top Republicans who have not declared their candidacies but are seriously eyeing bids — including making all the moves of a shadow campaign — are also expected to attend the event, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott and New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu.

The only declared candidate not attending is former President Donald Trump. Trump, who helped spark the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection with his 2020 election lies and is widely blamed for the GOP’s poor showing in the 2022 midterms, was not invited to the donor retreat, the Republican source told Yahoo News. The retreat is being held in Palm Beach, where Trump lives at his Mar-a-Lago estate.

What a nasty and ignorant journalist. Slandering President Trump by saying he “helped spark the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection with his 2020 election lies and is widely blamed for the GOP’s poor showing in the 2022 midterms”.

This tells you all you need to know about the candidates and the elites who will be in Palm Beach to support them. What a huge mistake.

For a GOP candidate to win the GOP ticket they must win over the MAGA crowd. It’s the largest political base in US history. It is responsible for setting voting records in the 2020 election.

This is not how to win over the MAGA crowd.


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b93c0a No.20737

File: c7e1133659c9227⋯.png (27.67 KB,598x310,299:155,Clipboard.png)

File: c206b589f6f99dc⋯.png (43.09 KB,598x341,598:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424391 (281754ZFEB23) Notable: Garland and DNI Avril Haines formally ask Congress in letter to reauthorize Title VII of FISA — which includes Section 702 for foreign eavesdropping, 704 and 705b, that could be used to target US citizens

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Hugo Lowell


New: Attorney General Merrick Garland and DNI Avril Haines formally ask Congress in letter to reauthorize Title VII of FISA — which includes Section 702 for foreign eavesdropping but also Section 704 and 705b, that could be used to target US citizens



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b93c0a No.20738

File: d2b5b5be900de22⋯.png (206.55 KB,579x284,579:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424396 (281756ZFEB23) Notable: Democrat California Rep. Judy Chu Denies Ties to CCP Related Organizations

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Democrat California Rep. Judy Chu Denies Ties to CCP Related Organizations – Votes Against House Select Committee on China

Democrat US Rep. from California, Judy Chu, denies her heavy involvement with the CCP despite ample evidence to the contrary.

House Democrats were outraged and screamed “racism” after Texas Rep. Lance Gooden questioned Rep. Judy Chu’s loyalty to the United States.

Rep. Chu previously defended Dominic Ng, the CEO of East West Bank in California, who was accused of working with the Chinese Communist Party.

While appearing on Wednesday’s episode of “Jesse Watters Primetime” on Fox News, Rep. Gooden expressed his concern about Chu’s access to confidential materials and said that she “needs to be called out.”

The Daily Caller reported on Rep. Chu’s involvement with the CCP on Monday and yet Rep. Chu denies the accusations.

California Democratic Rep. Judy Chu recently denied she had been a member in several organizations with alleged Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intelligence ties, following a series of reports from the Daily Caller News Foundation that showed her involvement with the groups. However, photographs and documents appear to contradict her claims.

Chu accepted honorary positions at two California-based organizations with ties to a CCP agency the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) identified as an “intelligence service” in 2018, the DCNF recently reported. The congresswoman subsequently denied membership in both organizations, stating that she is “legally required to disclose participation on advisory boards or leadership in organizations,” according to Feb. 14 statements released by her press office and in comments to The Washington Post.

Despite Rep. Chu’s defense, multiple photographs and reports show the congresswoman accepting appointments from leaders from both the All America Chinese Youth Federation (AACYF) as well as the Forums for Peaceful Reunification of China, groups with whom Chu denied affiliation.

“I have been accused of serving as the honorary president of an organization, the All America Chinese Youth Federation, with ties to the Chinese Communist Party,” Chu’s Feb. 14 press release states. “I am not and have never been a member of this group, and I never gave my permission to be listed as the ‘honorary president’ for it or any other organization like it.”

However, multiple Chinese-language articles appearing in news outlets such as ChinaNews.com and Sina.com report that Chu accepted a position as AACYF’s “honorary president” during a meeting with the organization’s leaders in Chu’s Los Angeles office on October 9, 2012, according to DCNF translations. These articles appear to be sourced from announcements originating from AACYF…

…Chu has come under increased scrutiny since she voted against the formation of the House Select Committee on China on Jan. 10, which is charged with investigating the CCP’s malign influence efforts. While defending her vote, Chu alleged that the new committee might prompt anti-Asian violence, according to a statement released by the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC), which Chu chairs.

There are pictures of Chu with China-linked organizations.


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b93c0a No.20739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424400 (281758ZFEB23) Notable: Trump: Zuckerberg “Cheated on the Election…Why Isn’t He Being Prosecuted?”/ eyez on US Alliance for Elections Excellence

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Trump: Zuckerberg “Cheated on the Election…Why Isn’t He Being Prosecuted?”

Donald Trump is not giving up exposing the 2020 election steal.

Trump blasted Mark Zuckerberg in a Truth Scocial post-Sunday.

Trump said, Zuckerberg “cheated on the Election(s)” and asked, “why isn’t he being prosecuted?”

Truth Social:

He cheated on the Election(s). The whole system is RIGGED. Why isn’t he being prosecuted? The Democrats only know how to cheat. America isn’t going to take it much longer!

Trump cited an article from Fox News saying that a Georgia elections board may have violated the law when they accepted money from a Zuckerberg-linked group.

The DeKalb County Board of Registration and Elections accepted $2 million from a Zuckerberg-linked group.

The Honest Elections Project called this a “flagrant and egregious” violation of a state ban on private funding.

Fox News reported:

A Georgia elections board may have violated state law when it accepted $2 million from a Mark Zuckerberg-linked group, a watchdog group claimed in a letter obtained by Fox News Digital.

The Honest Elections Project is calling for an investigation into the DeKalb County Board of Registration and Elections for a “flagrant and egregious” violation of a state ban on private funding that was put in place after accusations that donors used money to push left-wing influence ahead of the 2020 elections.

The funding in question originated from the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence, the project said in a letter last week calling for a probe by the state attorney general, secretary of state and state elections board.

“We’re now fairly well convinced this is an attempt to do two things,” Honest Elections Project Executive Director Jason Snead told Fox News Digital. “To get around those bans on private funding by doing either what they did in DeKalb County, by looking for loopholes and end-a rounds, doing what they can to get money into these offices; or by doing what I think they feel is even more important work, which is to pump influence into these offices.”

When will those who stole the 2020 election be held accountable?


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b93c0a No.20740

File: 00b7af30d8e597c⋯.png (10.1 KB,479x120,479:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424407 (281759ZFEB23) Notable: US court demands release of report on toxicity of fluoride

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US court demands release of report on toxicity of fluoride


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b93c0a No.20741

File: 108e18d3e4ae3c5⋯.png (28.47 KB,539x314,539:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424413 (281802ZFEB23) Notable: Vanguard's CEO has withdrawn his firm from the $59 trillion ESG Investing Alliance

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Nancy Pelosi Stock Tracker ♟


Vanguard's CEO has withdrawn his firm from the $59 trillion ESG Investing Alliance

He stated Vanguard is "Not in the Game of Politics"

"Our research indicates that ESG investing does not have any advantage over broad-based investing"

10:35 AM · Feb 28, 2023


Paywalled Source Article:

Vanguard’s CEO Bucks the ESG Orthodoxy

Tim Buckley pulls out of the Net Zero Managers initiative and affirms his fiduciary duty to clients.

Vanguard’s Tim Buckley is having a Copernican moment. Like the famous Renaissance polymath who challenged conventional wisdom about celestial movement, the 54-year-old CEO is challenging the asset-management industry’s environmental, social and governance orthodoxy.

“Our research indicates that ESG investing does not have any advantage over broad-based investing,” Mr. Buckley said in a recent interview with the Financial Times. Matching word to deed, his comments came after he had withdrawn his firm from the $59 trillion Net Zero Asset Managers initiative, an organization that is part of the $150 trillion United Nations-affiliated Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero. Both alliances are committed to restricting their investments over time to companies that are compliant with the Paris Agreement’s objective of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Mr. Buckley claims the financial world, swept up in climate-change fervor, can’t make such commitments without reneging on its fiduciary duties.


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b93c0a No.20742

File: c540dc05232c160⋯.png (39.95 KB,598x416,23:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424415 (281802ZFEB23) Notable: Whistleblower and former Hunter Biden associate, Gal Luft, ARRESTED after he allegedly provided the FBI with incriminating info

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Chuck Callesto


BOMBSHELL REPORT: Whistleblower and former Hunter Biden associate Gal Luft ARRESTED after he allegedly provided the FBI with incriminating info against Biden family..

More: ==> @TAmTrib


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b93c0a No.20743

File: c33cc11cae71078⋯.png (316.31 KB,471x426,157:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424418 (281803ZFEB23) Notable: @USNavy Let the good times roll! 🎉 ⚓

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Let the good times roll! 🎉 ⚓

Sailors assigned to #USSGunstonHall (LPD 44) participate in #MardiGras parades in Mobile, Alabama.


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b93c0a No.20744

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424420 (281804ZFEB23) Notable: Blinken said Washington would “not hesitate” to target Chinese companies or individuals who violate its Russia sanctions

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Blinken issues warning to China

The top US diplomat said Washington would “not hesitate” to target Chinese companies or individuals who violate its Russia sanctions

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has again warned China of “implications and consequences” should it contribute lethal aid to Russia in its conflict with Ukraine. The senior US diplomat made the comments in Kazakhstan on Tuesday as part of a tour of Central Asian nations.

Blinken is meeting representatives of several former Soviet republics this week, including from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

“We did very clearly warn China about the implications and consequences of going through with providing such support,” he said at a news conference in Astana, following meetings with Kazakh foreign minister Mukhtar Tileuberdi and President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

“We will not hesitate, for example, to target Chinese companies or individuals that violate our sanctions, or are otherwise engaged in supporting the Russian war effort,” he warned, adding that he'd discussed the issue “directly” with top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi when they met at the Munich Security Conference earlier this month.

CIA Director Bill Burns told CBS News on Friday that the agency was “confident that the Chinese leadership is considering the provision of lethal equipment” to Moscow to aid it militarily in its conflict with Ukraine – an accusation which Beijing denies. Last week, China issued a 12-point plan detailing a potential roadmap to peace between Russia and Ukraine.

Speaking on Tuesday, Blinken warned that any Chinese moves to aid Russia would create a “serious problem” for US-China relations, and harm many of China’s political relationships across the globe.

“China can’t have it both ways when it comes to the Russian aggression in Ukraine,” Blinken added. “It can’t be putting forward peace proposals on the one hand, while actually feeding the flames of the fire that Russia has started with the other hand.”

Beijing for its part has accused Washington of hypocrisy and of fueling the conflict in Ukraine by sending weapons worth billions of dollars to Kiev.

“The US has no right to dictate China-Russia relations, and we will never accept coercion and pressure from the US,” foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning told journalists during a briefing on Monday.


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b93c0a No.20745

File: d015de51b96ba5e⋯.png (296.88 KB,742x777,106:111,Clipboard.png)

File: 59a71aabbee60cf⋯.png (73.08 KB,733x428,733:428,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c60897f2318ead⋯.png (52.43 KB,747x447,249:149,Clipboard.png)

File: bef1af908559b5b⋯.png (417.68 KB,601x788,601:788,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424428 (281807ZFEB23) Notable: Maricopa he say she say suits in play

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Why are lawmakers suddenly distancing themselves? Probably because they’re afraid they’ll get sued. Already, Maricopa Co Recorder Stephen Richer is considering a lawsuit, he told ⁦@TheYellowSheet

⁩, by ⁦@rachelleingang

⁩ ⁦@hankdeanlight


Maricopa County @stephen_richer

considering a defamation lawsuit in response to baseless conspiracy theories that emerged in GOP lawmakers' joint election committee hearing last week. Given how many people were accused, it would surprise me if he's the only one.


Oh, God. Pleeeease. Not sure I’ve ever wanted something so badly.🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


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b93c0a No.20746

File: 27237a25fc3b21e⋯.png (177.85 KB,561x313,561:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424435 (281810ZFEB23) Notable: Trump: Zuckerberg “Cheated on the Election…Why Isn’t He Being Prosecuted?”/ eyez on US Alliance for Elections Excellence

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Zuckerbucks Takes on New Life in 2024 with CTCL’s ‘US Alliance for Elections Excellence’ an Organization Aimed at Recruiting Far-Left Operatives to Take Over Elections Offices Across the Country

If you thought the Zuckerberg interference in US elections was over in 2020 when Democrats pulled off a shocking victory over President Trump five days after Election Day, you would be wrong.

Zuckerbucks are back. And Democrats are now going after local elections offices around the country and pushing far-left candidates or secret sleepers to move elections in the Democrat Party’s direction.

Democrats no longer have to worry about nominating candidates who are senile or can’t string together two sentences. All they have to do is make sure they are running the elections offices and counting the ballots.

It’s nothing new. Joseph Stalin excelled in this effort.

According to its website, The U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence is a collaboration between the Center for Tech and Civic Life, the Center for Civic Design, Center for Secure and Modern Elections, the Elections Group, Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (the d.school) at Stanford University, Prototyping Systems Lab, and U.S. Digital Response.

the Alliance is a five-year, $80 million strategy funded by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to recruit far-left candidates to run local elections offices around the country.

The Arizona Sun Times reported:

The injection of private money into public election administration — or “Zuckerbucks” — is continuing in a new form, as left-leaning candidates are being recruited to run for local elections offices by an organization that receives funds from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

The U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence, a project of the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), is awarding funds to counties and municipalities under the Centers for Election Excellence program. The alliance will provide $80 million over five years “to envision, support, and celebrate excellence in U.S. election administration,” according to CTCL.

CTCL poured nearly $350 million into local elections offices managing the 2020 election, with most of the funds donated to the nonprofit by Zuckerberg. The nonprofit has claimed its 2020 election grants — colloquially known as “Zuckerbucks” — were allocated without partisan preference to make voting safer amid the pandemic.

Critics of the unprecedented level of private funding injected into election administration offices in 2020 argue the grants were awarded disproportionately to boost voter participation in swing state Democratic strongholds. A House Republican investigation found that less than 1% of the funds were spent on personal protective equipment.

Following controversy surrounding the disproportionate resources funneled to Democratic jurisdictions and claims the imbalance helped sway the election in Biden’s favor, 24 states have either restricted or banned the use of private money to fund elections, while 12 counties have also restricted or banned the funds, according to the Capital Research Center.

These far-left Zuckerberg elections groups are coordinating with Big Tech, Government entities, and other liberal groups.


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b93c0a No.20747

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424439 (281812ZFEB23) Notable: Moscow Claims US is Preparing False Flag Chemical Attack in Ukraine to Blame on Russia

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Moscow Claims US is Preparing False Flag Chemical Attack in Ukraine to Blame on Russia

The Americans believe a provocation won't be properly investigated due to the fighting, Russian military alleges

The US is preparing to stage false flag chemical attacks in Ukraine to pin the blame on Moscow for the use of banned toxic agents, the chief of Russia’s Nuclear Biological and Chemical Defense troops, Igor Kirillov, has said.

The Americans believe that the international community wouldn’t be able to organize an effective investigation of such “provocations” due to the fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces, which would allow Washington to escape responsibility, Kirillov said during a briefing on Tuesday.

Russia’s Defense Ministry has obtained information that a train with a cargo of chemical substances in one of its cars had apparently arrived in the Ukrainian-controlled city of Kramatorsk in Donbass on February 10, the commander said.

The 16 metal boxes with special markings that suggest they contained BZ (3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate) incapacitating agent as well as CS (chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile) and CR (dibenzoxazepine) harassing 'riot-control' agents, were accompanied by the “citizens of foreign nations,” he also alleged.

According to Kirillov, the chemicals were unloaded at a local metallurgical plant under the supervision of Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) and put on US-supplied armored vehicles that later moved out towards a contact as part of a convoy.

Russia also established that eleven cars with specially marked shrapnel ammunition were unloaded in Kramatorsk on February 19, the commander said. The shells of this type had been previously upgraded in the US to be able to deliver harassing chemical substances, he added.

NATO has also planned a large delivery of means of chemical protection to Ukraine, including hundreds of antidotes for various toxic substances, Kirillov is also alleging.

“The facts of simultaneous delivery of toxic chemicals and means of protection against them indicate an attempt to carry out large-scale provocations using the BZ military-grade psychoactive chemical agent during the conflict,” he said.

Despite announcing the depletion of all of its stocks of BZ back in 1990, the US has preserved samples of the toxic agent, which causes acute psychosis, disorientation, hallucinations and memory impairment. Washington maintains the capability to produce the substance in significant quantities, the commander claimed.


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b93c0a No.20748

File: 97e77676c4e06f5⋯.png (562.63 KB,716x499,716:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424443 (281814ZFEB23) Notable: Moscow Claims US is Preparing False Flag Chemical Attack in Ukraine to Blame on Russia

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b93c0a No.20749

File: ed65aec9dd9a75c⋯.png (2.38 MB,2048x1363,2048:1363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424465 (281824ZFEB23) Notable: Border Patrol agents based in the San Diego Sector seized 232 pounds of fentanyl with a street value of about $3 million from a single vehicle

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Massive Fentanyl Shipment, Enough To Kill 50 Million People, Seized In California

A massive shipment of the deadly drug fentanyl — enough to reportedly kill 50 million people — was seized by U.S. Border Patrol in Southern California.

“San Diego Agents & local LEO partners arrested 3 and seized 232 lbs. of Fentanyl worth over $3 million,” Raul Ortiz, Chief of U.S. Border Patrol, tweeted. “This amount of Fentanyl had the potential to kill over 50 million people. We continue to take the fight to the cartels and narcotics smugglers!”

“This is not a drug problem; this is not a war on drug problem; this is a poisoning problem,” Crenshaw declared. “And they are killing about 80,000 Americans a year. And the Mexican government does very little to thwart this.”

“I think there should be bipartisan efforts in Congress to pass an Authorized Use of Military Force to deal with them,” he asserted. “If anything, that simply gives our president more leverage when trying to get the Mexican government to do its job, its job on thwarting immigration, which the cartels also control, and thwarting fentanyl coming north across our border and killing American citizens.”

Crenshaw turned to the deadly intentions of the drug cartels: “These people are a lot more like ISIS than they are the mafia. You recently saw a war in the state of Sinaloa after the Mexican government arrested El Chapo’s son. These cartels can actually battle close air-support; they’re battling government helicopters. This looks a lot like Mogadishu; it looks a lot more like Mogadishu that it does your typical organized crime battle, these people are well-equipped, they set up forward operating bases that are well-armed, right near our border, and they’re extremely dangerous. They’re some of the most capable, most well-funded, most dangerous organizations on the planet, and they’re right there.”

“Mexico is at risk of becoming a failed state,” he noted. “We have to work together with their government to deal with this.”


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b93c0a No.20750

File: b325b588a9f0cd0⋯.png (1.81 MB,1104x1607,1104:1607,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f402a4c028c950⋯.png (837.46 KB,1071x1125,119:125,Clipboard.png)

File: 99df5fbe1b6c00e⋯.png (2.09 MB,1079x1795,1079:1795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424486 (281834ZFEB23) Notable: 'There wasn't a math formula': SF woke reparations committee sparks fury, how it calculated controversial $5 MILLION payout

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'There wasn't a math formula': San Francisco's woke reparations committee sparks fury as it reveals how it calculated controversial $5 MILLION payout it wants to give EVERY black resident

Part 1 of 2 (maybe 3)

Black San Francisco residents could receive $5million each in reparations as the city admits there's no 'mathematical formula' for the number

Critics slammed the huge payout proposal as unrealistic and worry the city will tank under the financial strain

The city said it is less about slavery - which was never legal in California - and more about 'public policies' that explicitly subjugated black people in the city


PUBLISHED: 02:26 EST, 28 February 2023 | UPDATED: 09:31 EST, 28 February 2023

San Francisco's African American Reparations Advisory Committee has admitted it did not use a mathematical formula to calculate the amount it wants to pay each long-term black resident for decades of discrimination.

The 15-member committee proposed $5 million reparation payouts in January, as well as debt forgiveness and $97,000 guaranteed incomes.

The city has now revealed it did not follow a mathematical formula, but instead looked into the state's history to help determine the controversial figure.

'There wasn’t a math formula,' chairman Eric McDonnell told the Washington Post.

'It was a journey for the committee towards what could represent a significant enough investment in families to put them on this path to economic well-being, growth and vitality that chattel slavery and all the policies that flowed from it destroyed.'

San Francisco Republican Party chairman John Dennis criticized the proposal, saying: 'There was no justification for the number, no analysis provided.

'This is just a bunch of like-minded people who got in the room and came up with a number,' he told the Post.

'This was an opportunity to do some serious work and they blew it.'

William A. Darity Jr., an economist who supports reparations, even slammed the high priced number, saying the payout needs to be 'somewhat realistic.'

'Calling for $5 million payout by a local government undercuts the credibility of the reparations effort,' he told the Post.

However, supporters argue that black residents make, on average, $44,000 annually, compared to their white counterparts who make more than $100,000.

It is unclear how many San Franciscans will be eligible, but the city is home to roughly 50,000 African Americans. If each resident qualified, it would take up a huge amount of the annual budget, which is still recovering from the pandemic.

To qualify, residents need to have identified as black on public records for at least 10 years and be at least 18 years old.

They also must qualify for two of a number of requirements, including having been born in the city or migrated to it between 1940 and 1996 and then lived there for 13 years.

One of the historical events the city looked into was the displacement of the black community in the Fillmore District in the 1960s. Known as the 'Harlem of the West,' nearly 900 businesses and 20,000 people were forced out of the neighborhood, which has since become a predominantly white, high-end area.

The purpose of the reparations, San Francisco said, is not to make up for slavery - which was never legal in the state - but for 'the public policies explicitly created to subjugate black people in San Francisco by upholding and expanding the intent and legacy of chattel slavery.'

San Francisco isn't the only city that is struggling to find the perfect number to pay its black citizens, as a dozen others - such as Los Angeles. Boston and St. Louis - are also still debating it.

The cities that are considering reparations have to balance satisfying reparation advocates, while also keeping in mind that the majority of Americans oppose financial restitution.

A University of Massachusetts Amherst January poll found that six in ten opposed payouts to the descendants of slaves, while four in ten said the federal government 'definitely should not pursue' such a policy.

San Francisco's proposal outweighs several other cities, and reparations critics are concerned it will crack under the financial strain. The city, which is still recovering from the pandemic, has an annual budget of $14 billion, according to the Washington Post. It also faces a $728 million deficit over the next two years.

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b93c0a No.20751

File: cfec94f7047f69d⋯.png (682.05 KB,1033x726,1033:726,Clipboard.png)

File: b550fce451d6876⋯.png (565.65 KB,960x603,320:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424488 (281835ZFEB23) Notable: PF NOBLE21 USAF B-52 Stratofortress south after heading up north over Norwegian coast

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NOBLE21 USAF B-52 Stratofortress south after heading up north over Norwegian coast-got a refuel from QID24/25 off eastern English/Scottish coast

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20752

File: 4bf062320822fed⋯.png (1.09 MB,1092x738,182:123,Clipboard.png)

File: 47dd642d71a9a93⋯.png (442.11 KB,1081x1221,1081:1221,Clipboard.png)

File: 497defbcd80c9fe⋯.png (241.11 KB,577x433,577:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424494 (281838ZFEB23) Notable: 'There wasn't a math formula': SF woke reparations committee sparks fury, how it calculated controversial $5 MILLION payout

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>>20750 - Part 1

Part 2 of 2

The proposal also says qualifying low-income households should have their income supplemented to match the city's median income - $97,000 in 2022 - for the next 250 years.

'Racial disparities across all metrics have led to a significant racial wealth gap in the City of San Francisco,' the draft states.

'By elevating income to match AMI, Black people can better afford housing and achieve a better quality of life.'

A number of other proposals include investment in San Francisco's black community, financial education, legal protections of people's reparations, tax credits, and black-owned banks being brought in to manage people's money.

The proposal also says San Francisco 'issue a formal apology for past harms, and commit to making substantial ongoing, systemic and programmatic investments in Black communities to address historical harms.'

The final report is due to be released in June.

Earlier this month, a famed Black Panther, who's also a communist, faced calls to pay reparations after discovering her ancestors were white puritans who arrived in the US on the Mayflower.

Angela Davis, 79, was flabbergasted to discover both sides of her family were white, and that her mom's ancestors were slave owners, on PBS show Finding Your Roots.

And the stunning revelations sparked calls for the famously woke Marxist University of California professor to herself pay reparations, having previously called on whites to pony-up in the past.

Sharing a tweet about the show, conservative pundit Matt Walsh wrote: 'It gets better. She's also descended from a slave owner. On her father's side is a pilgrim. On her mother's side is a slave owner. Looks like Angela Davis owes some reparations.'

Another Twitter user called AK Kamara wrote: 'Angela Davis, the radical Marxist and former black panther, recently discovered she is also the ancestor of colonizers and slave owners. I guess she owes herself reparations. This timeline is hilarious.'

She appeared shocked during the TV interview that aired this week in which Finding Your Roots host Henry Louis Gates, Jr. told her of her ancestry.

'No. I can't believe this. My ancestors did not come here on the Mayflower,' she said - only to be later told that they did indeed arrive in the US aboard the famed pilgrim ship.

The Mayflower was an English boat that brought white English families, known as the Pilgrims, to the American continent to permanently establish the New England colony in 1620.

'You are descended from the 101 people who sailed on the Mayflower,' reiterated Gates Jr., who is the director of the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University.

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b93c0a No.20753

File: 31700eb939b3e81⋯.png (131.63 KB,747x409,747:409,Clipboard.png)

File: b804bc31533d36f⋯.png (398.68 KB,640x368,40:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424497 (281839ZFEB23) Notable: PF VMBA USMC KC-130J 'Fat Albert' Blue Angels doing runway shots at MCAS Yuma-Airshow on March 11th

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VMBA USMC KC-130J 'Fat Albert' Blue Angels doing runway shots at MCAS Yuma-Airshow on March 11th

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20754

File: 4a856f58a50b771⋯.png (281.11 KB,904x443,904:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424503 (281843ZFEB23) Notable: PF Potato in 82-8000 747 heading to NAS Oceana from JBA depart with SCORE90 off shore

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Potato in 82-8000 747 heading to NAS Oceana from JBA depart with SCORE90 off shore

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424523 (281852ZFEB23) Notable: #22588

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#22588 >>20700

>>20701 Researchers now want to develop an "organoid intelligence" (OI) using 3D cultures of human brain cells

>>20702 White House pushes to renew controversial spying law

>>20703 ECW: The influence of politics on intelligence assessments is one of our biggest challenges.

>>20704 Ukraine will become a member, but it won’t happen anytime soon

>>20705 US Air Force sacks nuclear base staff

>>20706 @realDonaldTrump 2024 GOP primary polls

>>20707 @realDonaldTrump Why is Rupert Murdoch throwing his anchors under the table

>>20708 Russia reports success against Ukrainian drone incursion

>>20709, >>20724 UK: Probably not the only place in the world that COVID protocols were used to "euthanize" people

>>20710 @PACAF By day, or by night, it doesn't matter! 😤 💪🏼

>>20711 Planefag CONUS Activity


>>20713, >>20720 #OTD - 28 February 1917: President Wilson was informed of the Zimmerman telegram

>>20714 6-month T-bill rate heads for highest level in 16 years

>>20715 Bodycam Footage Shows DC Metro Officer Boasting About Beating Trump Supporters with a Flagpole on J6 (VIDEO)

>>20716 LIVE: House Armed Services Committee hears testimony on U.S. military support to Ukraine

>>20717 Markup of the Committee on the Judiciary Authorization and Oversight Plan for the 118th Congress

>>20718 Oversight Hearing - Quality of Life in the Military

>>20719, >>20721 2017 America’s Ukraine Hypocrisy

>>20722 The Chinese Communist Party has warned @ElonMusk to stop sharing the report stating that COVID-19 came from a Wuhan lab.

>>20725, >>20727 Putin signed the law on the suspension of Russia's participation in the New START Treaty

>>20726 Court orders Siemens to deliver trains to Russia

>>20728, >>20729 Inclusive Capital Partners

>>20730, >>20723 Crowley says there are 150 Sars report (suspicious activities reports) at the Treasury on Hunter and Joe bidan

>>20731 Israeli Foreign Minister Cohen calls Ukraine conflict Russian aggression, publicly condemning Moscow for 1st time at press conference with German Foreign Minister Baerbock.

>>20732 Former US Mercenary In Ukraine Defects to Russia

>>20733 UK School Kids have enough

>>20734, >>20749 Border Patrol agents based in the San Diego Sector seized 232 pounds of fentanyl with a street value of about $3 million from a single vehicle

>>20735 NESARA/QFS: A Long Running Internet Scam

>>20736 Top GOP Donors to Meet with GOP Candidates for President But President Trump Is Not Invited

>>20737 Garland and DNI Avril Haines formally ask Congress in letter to reauthorize Title VII of FISA — which includes Section 702 for foreign eavesdropping, 704 and 705b, that could be used to target US citizens

>>20738 Democrat California Rep. Judy Chu Denies Ties to CCP Related Organizations

>>20739, >>20746 Trump: Zuckerberg “Cheated on the Election…Why Isn’t He Being Prosecuted?”/ eyez on US Alliance for Elections Excellence

>>20740 US court demands release of report on toxicity of fluoride

>>20741 Vanguard's CEO has withdrawn his firm from the $59 trillion ESG Investing Alliance

>>20742 Whistleblower and former Hunter Biden associate, Gal Luft, ARRESTED after he allegedly provided the FBI with incriminating info

>>20743 @USNavy Let the good times roll! 🎉 ⚓

>>20744 Blinken said Washington would “not hesitate” to target Chinese companies or individuals who violate its Russia sanctions

>>20745 Maricopa he say she say suits in play

>>20747, >>20748 Moscow Claims US is Preparing False Flag Chemical Attack in Ukraine to Blame on Russia

>>20750, >>20752 'There wasn't a math formula': SF woke reparations committee sparks fury, how it calculated controversial $5 MILLION payout

>>20751 PF NOBLE21 USAF B-52 Stratofortress south after heading up north over Norwegian coast

>>20753 PF VMBA USMC KC-130J 'Fat Albert' Blue Angels doing runway shots at MCAS Yuma-Airshow on March 11th

>>20754 PF Potato in 82-8000 747 heading to NAS Oceana from JBA depart with SCORE90 off shore


#22587 >>20668

>>20691 Planefag with eyez on the skyz

>>20669 Lara Logan TS w/CAP: These 51 big businesses target conservatives. Here’s how you can stop banks, transportation firms, retail giants and food companies at war with the right.

>>20670 DJT TS w/CAP: ‘Tis the season for Trump

>>20671 all assets deployed: Washington Post Writer Opposes Public Seeing All January 6 Video Footage

>>20672 The covid 'censor everything' coverup is hitting msm

>>20673 Tucker Carlson Levels Jimmy Kimmel, Calls Him "Complicit in The Greatest Crime in History"

>>20674 New Arizona child safety director forced to quit, fueling Hobbs' critics. Human trafficking is undoubtedly one of the SInola Cartel's most profitable business.

>>20675 Man picked to write report on Chinese election interference ran Trudeau Foundation when big donations came in from China

>>20676 Trump Curse strikes again: Fmr. Trump Impeachment Mgr. Rep. David Cicilline to Resign from Congress in June

>>20679 ‘I Couldn’t Be A Christian And A Teacher‘: School Teacher Fired For Resisting Trans Agenda

>>20677 keks: anon proposes new execution method for traitors

>>20680 GREATER IDAHO: Movement to Make Several Oregon Counties Part of Idaho Gains Steam

>>20681, >>20682, >>20683 The Washington Post suggests that newsrooms must shun ‘objectivity’ to build trust. the concept of journalistic objectivity is a distortion of reality.

>>20684, >>20685, >>20686 US preparing false flag chemical attacks in Ukraine – Moscow. the chemicals were unloaded at a local metallurgical plant

>>20687, >>20688 The DOT Inspector General Is Investigating Pete Buttigieg's Extensive Private Jet Travel

>>20689 Supreme Court Weighs 'Taters Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

>>20690 South African President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a state of disaster with immediate effect, as the country faced an acute electricity shortage

>>20692 Biden Announces $8 Billion Will Go To South Africa To Shut Down Coal Plants

>>20693 Natl. Guard w/CAP: Airmen joined multiple Air Force units from across the country to conduct combat search and rescue training while exercising Agile Combat Employment concepts…

>>20694 NATO chief: "Allies have agreed that Ukraine will become a member of our alliance" in the long term.

>>20695, >>20696, >>20697 Ukrainian drones have attacked an oil depot in Tuapse, Krasnodar Krai. The attack was successful as the depot is now on fire.

>>20698 DJT TS w/CAP: Fox is working overtime for DeSanctus, but they are failing

>>20699 #22587

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b93c0a No.20756

File: 5ad5ca54a4d6d22⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424532 (281855ZFEB23) Notable: #22589

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Baker taps

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b93c0a No.20757

File: 7730177751d0eb6⋯.png (339.25 KB,471x471,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424560 (281912ZFEB23) Notable: U.S. Naval Special Warfare (@us_navyseals) and Royal Thai Navy Special Warfare operators perform tactical combat casualty care during FLASH TORCH 2023-1.

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Train, Fight, Win! ⚓ 💪

U.S. Naval Special Warfare (


) and Royal Thai Navy Special Warfare operators perform tactical combat casualty care during FLASH TORCH 2023-1.



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b93c0a No.20758

File: db483867e85bb85⋯.png (382.54 KB,471x510,157:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424565 (281915ZFEB23) Notable: US Army w/CAP: STING, doesn't it?

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STING, doesn't it? 😜 💥

#FiresStrong #TeamSill #CallToService




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b93c0a No.20759

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424578 (281920ZFEB23) Notable: Why Is Election Denier Stacey Abrams Overseeing Elections In Nigeria?

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Why Is Election Denier Stacey Abrams Overseeing Elections In Nigeria?

It's an odd case of juxtaposition. A politician well known for refusing to accept election outcomes based on dubious claims is now helping to oversee the "integrity" of elections in an unstable foreign nation like Nigeria.

Democrat and failed Georgia governor candidate Stacey Abrams is famous for her hypocrisy when it comes to accusations of election rigging while attacking conservative candidates for also questioning elections. Abrams refused to concede to Republican Brian Kemp after the Georgia election results of 2018, claiming that the election was stolen due to voter oppression tied to discrimination. She specifically targeted rules restricting some mail in ballots and absentee ballots. Federal courts ruled that there were no grounds for her accusations.

Abrams has long been an avid defender of absentee ballot harvesting tactics and claims rules against the practice are "race related." The methodology of ballot harvesting has long been a boon for Democrats in the US as a means to secure election wins through absentee votes, which are collected by political operatives from people's homes and then delivered to polling places. Suspicions over ballot harvesting and the potential for vote rigging within the chain of custody have been the cause of numerous election conflicts, including conflicts over the 2020 presidential election.

The former governor's candidate is also known for her aggressive opposition to voter ID laws designed to prevent non-citizens from casting in US elections.

Abrams is, strangely, now in Nigeria, joining the National Democratic Institute (along with the National Republican Institute) on a mission to observe elections and encourage voter participation. The diplomatic initiative includes a contingent of globalist think-tank representatives from institutions like the Atlantic Council and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, which is heavily involved in diversity and equity programs similar to ESG efforts.

The NDI/NRI are focused on convincing younger voters to appear at polling stations, which seems to be a fair mission. However, with widespread delays and attacks on some polling stations, there are questions of corruption and foreign interference. The groups involved in the effort are predominantly concerned with the spread of globalist policies.

Why Stacey Abrams and why Nigeria? It's hard to say, but one of the major candidates for President of Nigeria is Bola Tinubu, a member of the socialist All Progressives Congress party, and Tinubu has some ties to Barack Obama, just as Abrams is a close associate of Barack Obama. While Joe Biden's interest in Tinubu is less certain, his former boss and the Democrat Party asked the Nigerian socialist to attend the Democratic National Convention in 2012, allegedly offering him a "gold card invitation". The circumstances surrounding the level of favor garnered by Tinubu's DNC invitation are debated.

The leftist oriented Woodrow Wilson Center, which as noted is part of the NDI election oversight operation in Nigeria, has also taken a special interest in Tinubu, inviting him to speak in 2014 on the value of the Opposition Parties in "progressing" Nigeria.


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b93c0a No.20760

File: f496525b4c0d626⋯.png (84.68 KB,469x577,469:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424585 (281922ZFEB23) Notable: SOLAR SUNRISE After 25 Years: Are We 25 Years Wiser? Timing of intrusions “raised major concerns for the Department of Defense”

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SOLAR SUNRISE After 25 Years: Are We 25 Years Wiser?

- Timing of intrusions “raised major concerns for the Department of Defense”

- Attacks targeted “central core of data necessary to manage [U.S.] military forces”




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b93c0a No.20761

File: 95abcd2d89ec1a4⋯.png (62.24 KB,788x438,394:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424589 (281923ZFEB23) Notable: CDC Spreads False Information About COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring

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CDC Spreads False Information About COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring

A top U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) official gave false information about COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring to the agency’s vaccine advisory panel, and a spokesperson for the agency refused to correct the misinformation.

Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, director of the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office, presented on COVID-19 vaccine safety to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices on Feb. 24.

Shimabukuro went over updates to the safety signal for ischemic stroke following Pfizer bivalent booster vaccination that CDC officials detected in one of the agency’s monitoring systems.

After sharing the updates, Shimabukuro made the false statement.

“No safety signals were detected for ischemic stroke for the primary series or monovalent boosters for Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines in U.S. and global monitoring,” Shimabukuro said.

That’s not true. The CDC identified ischemic stroke as a safety signal following Moderna and Pfizer vaccination after analyzing reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a different system, which the agency co-manages.

Asked for comment, Shimabukuro did not respond. But a CDC spokesperson doubled down on the false claim.

“The statement from Dr. Shimabukuro’s slides is correct. There have not been any safety signals detected at this time in the U.S. for ischemic stroke for the primary series or monovalent boosters,” Katherina Grusich, the spokesperson, told The Epoch Times in an email.


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b93c0a No.20762

File: d7e782b93f5ba6c⋯.png (329.25 KB,710x443,710:443,Clipboard.png)

File: f8785d8b7a88333⋯.png (294.3 KB,716x438,358:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424599 (281927ZFEB23) Notable: UKRAINIAN NAZIS HUNT EMERGENCY WORKERS IN DONETSK (VIDEO 18+)

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Emergency service officers in the city of Donetsk described the terrorist tactics of the Ukrainian military. After Ukrainian soldiers shell the city, they wait until the rescue crews arrive to help civilians and shell the same areas again. This is the way the Ukrainian military has been hunting people who have been saving lives of civilians during the eight years of war in the Donbass.

For example, on February 23, Ukrainian Nazis launched precise strike with the US-made HIMARS MLR on the ambulance in the city of Donetsk. Ukrainian terrorists used the same inhumane tactics of the repeated fire.

As a result of the attack, four members of the ambulance staff were killed, including two young women. Ukrainian terrorists intentionally killed four ambulance employees who came to rescue a wounded woman as a result of the first round of shelling.

The Nazis coordinated fire with a drone and clearly designated their target. The Nazis proudly shared the video online. It was also broadcasted by the Ukrainian TV, showing another “victory” of the Nazi regime.


2 videos in link

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b93c0a No.20763

File: d7e782b93f5ba6c⋯.png (329.25 KB,710x443,710:443,Clipboard.png)

File: f8785d8b7a88333⋯.png (294.3 KB,716x438,358:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424599 (281927ZFEB23) Notable: UKRAINIAN NAZIS HUNT EMERGENCY WORKERS IN DONETSK (VIDEO 18+)

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Emergency service officers in the city of Donetsk described the terrorist tactics of the Ukrainian military. After Ukrainian soldiers shell the city, they wait until the rescue crews arrive to help civilians and shell the same areas again. This is the way the Ukrainian military has been hunting people who have been saving lives of civilians during the eight years of war in the Donbass.

For example, on February 23, Ukrainian Nazis launched precise strike with the US-made HIMARS MLR on the ambulance in the city of Donetsk. Ukrainian terrorists used the same inhumane tactics of the repeated fire.

As a result of the attack, four members of the ambulance staff were killed, including two young women. Ukrainian terrorists intentionally killed four ambulance employees who came to rescue a wounded woman as a result of the first round of shelling.

The Nazis coordinated fire with a drone and clearly designated their target. The Nazis proudly shared the video online. It was also broadcasted by the Ukrainian TV, showing another “victory” of the Nazi regime.


2 videos in link

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b93c0a No.20764

File: e0c4d57043f022a⋯.png (438.48 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424622 (281936ZFEB23) Notable: LastPass Vault Breached via Employee's Home Computer, Giving Keys to the Kingdom to Hackers

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LastPass Vault Breached via Employee's Home Computer, Giving Keys to the Kingdom to Hackers

Millions of LastPass users may be at risk after a major breach of the home computer of one of their top employees. This employee was only one of four people in the company with access to their corporate vault. The breach may have come through a home Plex media account, according to Ars Technica, and appears to have been perpetrated by the same hackers who breached LastPass security on a smaller scale last August. At about the same time, Plex’s security was also breached.

LastPass is a program that allows you to store multiple passwords in a single account accessed by a single password. So by getting the keys to the kingdom at LastPass, the hackers may have gotten the keys to the kingdom of millions of users as well.

Chrome’s blurb for this browser add-on gives some idea of the risks users face. “LastPass, an award-winning password manager, saves your passwords and gives you secure access from every computer and mobile device. LastPass puts you in control of your online life – making it easy to keep your critical information safe and secure so you can access it whenever you want, wherever you are. Save all your passwords, addresses, credit cards, and more in your secure vault, and LastPass will automatically fill in your information when you need it.”

According to LastPass, “The threat actor was able to capture the employee’s master password as it was entered, after the employee authenticated with MFA (Multifactor Authorization), and gain access to the DevOps engineer’s LastPass corporate vault.” According to their report hackers got, “decryption keys needed to access the AWS S3 (Amazon Web Service) LastPass production backups, other cloud-based storage resources, and some related critical database backups.”

Two months ago, Last Past said that in their previous hack, the perpetrators had obtained both encrypted and plaintext data from their customer vault and the ability to copy customers’ encrypted data.

While hackers usually wait for up to two years before attempting to access personal accounts that have been breached, there is little to be gained by waiting. For LastPass users, it may be time to switch up your passwords. A word to the wise is sufficient.

Unrelated is another reminder of how vulnerable online data can be. There was a major ransomware hack of the U.S. Marshals Service last week. Data collected includes returns from legal processes, information on people being investigated, fugitives, and some employees. There is no word on whether the ransom was paid. But the information would be of more than passing interest to criminal elements at home and around the world.


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b93c0a No.20765

File: 384bdf3c574bda9⋯.jpg (202.04 KB,567x684,63:76,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424650 (281946ZFEB23) Notable: Pelosi, Hoyer and Clyburn have stepped down — but not aside. Nancy Pelosi’s office still sends emails from “Speaker Pelosi.”

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Pelosi, Hoyer and Clyburn have stepped down — but not aside

Rep. Dan Kildee (D-Mich.) described it as “almost like having two popes.”


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b93c0a No.20766

File: 4af76513207617a⋯.png (577.04 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424660 (281949ZFEB23) Notable: Pentagon says it struggles to track US weapons in Ukraine

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28 Feb, 2023 19:37

Pentagon says it struggles to track US weapons in Ukraine

The military’s inspector general seemingly admitted that the US can’t follow its own arms control laws

A classified report last year found that the Pentagon was unable to keep tabs on tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons sent to Ukraine. Details of the report were revealed – apparently inadvertently – by a Republican lawmaker during a hearing on Tuesday.

Speaking at a hearing of the House Armed Services Committee in Washington on Tuesday, Pentagon Inspector General Robert Storch noted that the US has allocated $113 billion in aid to Ukraine since the conflict there began last February, around 60% of which went to the country’s military.

Storch – who is tasked with ensuring that this money is accounted for and not lost to waste, fraud, or abuse – refused to say whether his team had encountered any such corruption in Ukraine. However, Republican Rep. Mike Johnson stated that a report from Storch’s office last October found that the Pentagon was unable to carry out monitoring of weapons deliveries to Ukraine in line with its own policies.

Storch responded that the report in question was supposed to remain classified, but admitted that it was “accurate” in acknowledging “challenges” faced by the US in Ukraine.

Monitoring of such arms deliveries is governed by the 1996 Arms Export Control Act. Questioned by Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz – a vocal opponent of military aid to Ukraine – Storch would not confirm or deny under oath whether the Pentagon was complying with this act.

National Security Council spokesmanJohn Kirbyclaimed in January that the Biden administration has “not seen any signs” that military or economic aid “has fallen prey to any kind of corruption in Ukraine.” However, the classified document mentioned by Johnson appears to back up a slew of reports suggesting that weapons often disappear once delivered.

Reports from last year – backed up by Amnesty International – claimed thatas little as 30% of Western weaponssent to Ukraine were actually making it to the front lines. American and Canadian officials admitted at the time that they had no idea where most of these weapons were ending up, with one US intelligence source telling CNN that they vanish “into a big black hole” once they enter Ukraine.

The Kremlin has claimed thatup to $1 billion worth of these weapons are funneled from Ukraine to criminals and terror groups in the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia every month, while Europol and Interpol both warned that weapons have likely been transferred from Ukraine to criminal organizations in Europe.

Pressed by Gaetz on Tuesday,Storch admitted that “there’s a long history of issues with corruption in Ukraine.”

Earlier on Tuesday, a former American soldier who fought for Ukraine’s foreign legion before defecting to Russia told RT thathe had personally seen commanders selling off Western missile launchers and rifles.

(So Samantha Powell of USAID was lying when she said they saw no theft! BTW USAID has the worst theft, abuse and waste of US Dollars ever, so she’s lying because of the history of the Agency)


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b93c0a No.20767

File: c04353303cd0161⋯.png (94.16 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 2aa906e48ddef59⋯.png (106.89 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424677 (281954ZFEB23) Notable: Kiev’s troops have big Nazi problem – ex-US soldier who escaped Ukraine

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28 Feb, 2023 17:47

Kiev’s troops have big Nazi problem – ex-US soldier who escaped Ukraine

John McIntyre, a former US army soldier, spent a year as a mercenary in Ukraine before fleeing to Russia

The Nazi influence in the Ukrainian military is omnipresent, John McIntyre, a former US soldier who served in various Ukrainian military units for a year, has told RT.He defected to Russia after witnessing the actions of the Ukrainian troopsamid the ongoing conflict between Kiev and Moscow.

“When I came, I was really surprised. Everybody had tattoos and Nazi symbolism,” the former American soldier-turned-mercenary told RT’s Murad Gazdiev in Moscow. McIntyre also admitted he did not believe Nazi ideology was “that big of a problem” for Ukraine until he saw things on the ground himself.

The soldier also said he had to conceal his own anti-fascist andcommunistviews to fit in with the Ukrainian troops. Some other Western mercenaries also directly told him: “The Russians aren’t the Nazis, we are the Nazis,” according to McIntyre.

The ex-US soldier served with the Ukrainian forces for a year, although now he claims he had always planned to defect to Russia once he gathered enough intelligence. At a certain point,he was “compromised as a whistleblower” after talking to someone about the war crimes committed by the Ukrainian forces. According to McIntyre, whistleblowers are treated in Ukraine even more harshly than spies.

“Anybody who confesses or is known to be about to confess is shot in the back of the head,” he claimed, adding that “a lot of people go missing … including foreigners.” McIntyre himself managed to flee to Russia through Moldova after finding out that Ukraine had snipers hunting down defectors trying to cross the frontlines.

The former soldier, who previously served in Fort Bliss, Texas, for two years, claims the Ukrainian forces actively use civilians as human shields as they station their troops in basements next to residential buildings and then blame Russia if the area gets targeted in a strike. When such attacks happened, news crews covering the incidents “would not show you the houses to the left and right full of soldiers,” he said.

The former mercenary also said he had heard about the Ukrainian nationalists, including the members of the infamous Azov battalion and another military formation called Carpathian Sech, who torture and kill Russian POWs by cutting off their genitalia or cutting their stomachs open and slitting their throats. McIntyre, who served with the Carpathian Sech, said he personally knew people who executed POWs, including foreigners from Portugal, France, and Argentina.

“It’s funny to them. It’s hatred. They hate the Russian people, they want to kill them, they want to genocide them and remove them from their land,” the man said.

“And we're supporting these guys? And these are supposed to be our allies? And we’re supposed to put them in NATO with us? And they can’t even follow Geneva conventions?” the former soldier asked, adding that “this would never fly in America” if it were made known to the public.

The US, however, is directly involved in providing the Ukrainian forces not only with weapons but also intelligence, McIntyre said. The former mercenary revealed he personally knew about a US Navy intelligence officer working with the Ukrainian foreign legion, where McIntyre himself was serving for some time. “He had a satellite phone and computer provided by the CIA. And every day he would call his contacts and he would get information about the positions, troops movements and so on,” the former soldier said.

The weapons and equipment the US sends to Ukraine also often end up on the black market or in the hands of extremists around the world because of rampant corruption there, according to the former mercenary.


Something fishy about this story. Why not come back to the US? Why was he planning on defecting to Russia.Did he means he's a communist?when he said I had to his my "anti-facist and Communist views".

I don't doubt about the Nazi's but his story seems weird.

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b93c0a No.20768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424688 (281957ZFEB23) Notable: White House Live: 1500ET 'Tater Delivers Remarks on Protecting Americans’ Access to Affordable

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White House Live


'Tater Delivers Remarks on Protecting Americans’ Access to Affordable Health Care

mashed 'taters comin' up



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b93c0a No.20769

File: 95eca6202dca4ed⋯.png (51.53 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424704 (282001ZFEB23) Notable: kek: Blinken issues warning to China Washington would “not hesitate” to target Chinese companies or individuals blah blah

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28 Feb, 2023 16:28

Blinken issues warning to China

The top US diplomat said Washington would “not hesitate” to target Chinese companies or individuals who violate its Russia sanctions

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has again warned China of “implications and consequences” should it contribute lethal aid to Russia in its conflict with Ukraine. The senior US diplomat made the comments in Kazakhstan on Tuesday as part of a tour of Central Asian nations.

Blinken is meeting representatives of several former Soviet republics this week, including from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

We did very clearly warn China about the implications and consequencesof going through with providing such support,” he said at a news conference in Astana, following meetings with Kazakh foreign minister Mukhtar Tileuberdi and President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

(Conversation from Blinken went like this: Pretty please don’t violate the sanctions with Russia, I know Biden, Me and many in the Administration are bought and sold by China, but could you do us a favor! China: Who do you think you are talking to?)

“We will not hesitate, for example, to target Chinese companies or individuals that violate our sanctions, or are otherwise engaged in supporting the Russian war effort,” he warned, adding that he'd discussed the issue “directly” with top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi when they met at the Munich Security Conference earlier this month.

CIA Director Bill Burns told CBS News on Friday that the agency was “confident that the Chinese leadership is considering the provision of lethal equipment” to Moscow to aid it militarily in its conflict with Ukraine – an accusation which Beijing denies. Last week, China issued a 12-point plan detailing a potential roadmap to peace between Russia and Ukraine.

Speaking on Tuesday, Blinken warned that any Chinese moves to aid Russia would create a “serious problem” for US-China relations, and harm many of China’s political relationships across the globe.

“China can’t have it both ways when it comes to the Russian aggression in Ukraine,” Blinken added. “It can’t be putting forward peace proposals on the one hand, while actually feeding the flames of the fire that Russia has started with the other hand.”

Beijing for its part has accused Washington of hypocrisy and of fueling the conflict in Ukraine by sending weapons worth billions of dollars to Kiev.

“The US has no right to dictate China-Russia relations, and we will never accept coercion and pressure from the US,” foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning told journalists during a briefing on Monday.

(China is laughing their asses off! Worst SOS Ever!)


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b93c0a No.20770

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424726 (282008ZFEB23) Notable: Beijing Puts Taiwan Reunification Plans ‘On Fast Development Track’, Chinese Lawmaker Says

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Beijing Puts Taiwan Reunification Plans ‘On Fast Development Track’, Chinese Lawmaker Says

Following an “extraordinary year” in cross-strait relations, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is reportedly stepping up its efforts to bring Taiwan back into its orbit, a Chinese lawmaker has said. The island has remained autonomous from Beijing since 1949, thanks to foreign backers like the United States.

Ahead of a meeting of the country’s national legislature, the National People’s Congress, later this week, a Chinese lawmaker has indicated that reunification with Taiwan is near the top of the agenda.

“The [Communist] Party’s overall strategy for resolving the Taiwan issue in the new era has basically taken shape, and the strategic goals and focus of the future reunification cause have also become very clear,” NPC deputy Li Yihu told Chinese media in a Monday interview.

“The mainland will promote national reunification on a fast development track,” added Li, who is also dean of the Taiwan Research Institute at Peking University.

Li noted that 2022 had been an “extraordinary” year for cross-strait relations that would “have a certain impact on the future direction” of that relationship.


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b93c0a No.20771

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424738 (282010ZFEB23) Notable: Finland begins building 200 kilometre fence along Russian border

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Finland begins building 200 kilometre fence along Russian border

Finland has begun constructing its planned 200 kilometre fence on the Russian border, amid fears within Helsinki that Moscow could use migrant flows at the frontier for political purposes.

Key points:

The fence is expected to cost about $597 million

Russia and Finland share a 1,300 kilometre border

The fence is designed to stop large-scale illegal entries from Russian territory

Terrain work began on Tuesday "with forest clearance and will proceed in such a way that road construction and fence installation can be started in March", the Finnish Border Guard said in a statement.

The 3 kilometre pilot project at the south-eastern border crossing in Imatra is expected to be completed by the end of June, it added.

Construction of a further 70 kilometres, mainly in south-eastern Finland, will take place between 2023 and 2025.

In total, Finland plans to fence 200 kilometres of its 1,300-kilometre border with Russia at a cost of about 380 million euros ($597 million).

The fence will be over 3 metres tall, with barbed wire at the top and particularly sensitive areas equipped with night-vision cameras, lights and loudspeakers.

At present, Finland's borders are secured primarily by light wooden fences, mainly designed to stop livestock from wandering to the wrong side.

Fearing that Moscow could use migrants to exert political pressure on Helsinki, Finland passed new amendments to its Border Guard Act in July to facilitate the erection of sturdier fences.

Although the Finland-Russia border has "worked well" in the past, Brigadier General Jari Tolppanen told AFP in November that the war in Ukraine had changed the security situation "fundamentally".

He said the border fence was "indispensable" to stop large-scale illegal entries from Russian territory.

Finland saw an influx of Russians in September after President Vladimir Putin ordered the mobilisation of reservists to fight in Ukraine.

Estonia, Latvia and Poland have also increased security on their borders with Russia or are planning to do so.


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b93c0a No.20772

File: 608bfa45985037f⋯.jpg (135.7 KB,720x644,180:161,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424739 (282011ZFEB23) Notable: University of Texas System Announces Pause on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives

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University of Texas System Announces Pause on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives

The University of Texas (UT) System will pause all Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts, the board of regents announced last week.

The board chairman Kevin Eltife stated at the start of the meeting he had a comment that was “not an action or discussion item.”

“The topic of DEI activities on college campuses has received tremendous attention nationally and here in Texas,” Eltife said.

“We welcome, celebrate, and strive for diversity on our campus with our student and faculty population.”

“I also think it’s fair to say in recent times, certain DEI efforts have strayed from the original intent to now imposing requirements and actions that, rightfully so, raised the concerns of our policymakers,” he added.

“We will await any action from the legislature for implementation by the University of Texas system at the appropriate time, and if needed, the board may consider a uniform DEI policy for the entire UT system,” Eltife said.

This announcement follows many reported incidents of DEI policies on UT campuses.

In 2021, Texas Tech University announced it was hiring four new assistant professors for its Department of Biological Sciences. Its social media posts made clear the department’s commitment to DEI hiring.

The department released a rubric for evaluating new faculty candidates’ diversity statements about how well they understand and have knowledge of “dimensions of diversity.”

Texas Tech has already released a statement about its steps toward ending DEI hiring and its desire to “always emphasize disciplinary excellence.”


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b93c0a No.20773

File: e8c1918d6d645ba⋯.png (1.39 MB,1090x1291,1090:1291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424754 (282014ZFEB23) Notable: the time is now: Rep. Issa Calls for Whistleblowers to Come Forward After New Claims from Alleged Biden Associate

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Exclusive: Rep. Issa Calls for Whistleblowers to Come Forward After New Claims from Alleged Biden Associate

EMMA-JO MORRIS28 Feb 2023New York, NY04:20

Top Congressional investigator Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) is calling for whistleblowers to come forward after the arrest of an Israeli think-tank executive who allegedly served with Hunter Biden as an adviser to a Chinese energy company and claims to have documents detailing financial links between President Joe Biden and the company.

Gal Luft, co-director of the D.C.-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security and specialist in energy security and U.S.-China relations, was arrested in Cyprus on an Interpol arrest warrant against him on suspicion of arms trafficking to Libya and China, according to Israeli news outlet Ynet.

But, according to Luft, the arrest is “political revenge” for bringing the FBI incriminating information ahead of the 2020 election about Joe Biden’s ties to his family’s business with a Chinese energy company.

“My only ‘sin’ is that in March 2019, before the US presidential elections, I brought to the FBI incriminating information about the business of US President Joe Biden’s family with China, and about a corruption case at the top of the FBI,” Luft told Ynet.

Israeli international criminal and civil rights lawyer Mordechai Tzivin, who is representing Luft, told the Jerusalem Post his client has information that would “bury” Hunter Biden and “shift attention toward the president himself.”

“[He] knows a lot of information on Hunter. The [Congress] only recently began to investigate Hunter’s case and Gal’s testimony, if [he is allowed to testify] will bury Hunter Biden.” Tzivin told the Post. “Even more so, his testimony will shift the attention toward the president himself.”

Tzivin refused to provide documentation to support his claims when contacted by Breitbart News. Tzivin also declined to provide comment.

Following the reporting on Luft’s case, Rep. Issa told Breitbart he encourages any whistleblowers with information that would advance Congressional investigations into the Biden family business scheme and Department of Justice malfeasance to come forward.

“One never knows where whistleblowers, concerned individuals and the critical information they provide will be found next. But we must always be ready — especially as we uncover more and more Biden family corruption — to receive evidence that advances the cause of accountability and oversight,” Issa told Breitbart.

Issa — who held Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress in 2012, the first time in history that such a punitive measure had been taken against an AG — now sits on the House Judiciary Committee and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. The congressman has displayed eagerness to investigate election interference with regard to the suppression of information on Biden family business entanglements, sending preservation of documents notices last March to 12 individuals involved in the censorship of the New York Post’s reporting on the Biden scion’s “laptop from hell.”

The House Oversight Committee told Breitbart that it is aware of Luft’s allegations and will be making contact with his lawyer.

“Oversight Committee staff are aware of the allegations and will be in touch with the attorney soon,” the committee’s spokesman said.

In recent days, a number of Biden family associates have been reported to be cooperating with House investigators as polling shows a further drift in sentiment away from the president’s family and its business dealings.

Kathy Chung, President Biden’s former “primary gatekeeper,” has agreed to partially comply with the House Oversight Committee’s probe into the classified document scandal and the Biden family’s international business schemes. Chung’s lawyer, Bill Taylor, told CNN she will hand over some requested documents and sit for an interview with the committee.

Hunter Biden’s top financial lieutenant Eric Schwerin is also expected to “soon” provide documents to the Oversight Committee’s investigation of the Biden family, according to a spokesperson for the committee who spoke to Breitbart.


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b93c0a No.20774

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424824 (282034ZFEB23) Notable: Savannah Guthrie DISAPPEARS from the Today show mid-broadcast after testing positive for COVID for a THIRD time.

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Did Savannah Guthrie just get arrested?


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b93c0a No.20775

File: 8149575118d2e1d⋯.jpg (253.19 KB,1080x1183,1080:1183,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424827 (282034ZFEB23) Notable: (LIVE) Between Sarasota and Manatee FL Counties: Florida train delrailment live footage

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AnotherChoo chooderailment


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b93c0a No.20776

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424840 (282036ZFEB23) Notable: Savannah Guthrie DISAPPEARS from the Today show mid-broadcast after testing positive for COVID for a THIRD time.

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Savannah Guthrie DISAPPEARS from the Today show mid-broadcast after testing positive for COVID for a THIRD time - as co-host Hoda Kotb remains off the air for the seventh day in a row

Savannah disappeared without an explanation about 30 minutes into the show

Sheinelle Jones later revealed the 51-year-old had tested positive for COVID

Hoda, 58, has not yet publicly addressed her absence but has continued to post on social media while she has been off the air



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b93c0a No.20777

File: 0e8babaa5d0a2a9⋯.png (634.87 KB,1006x941,1006:941,Clipboard.png)

File: 65de9fa9037cc90⋯.png (186.62 KB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424844 (282037ZFEB23) Notable: (LIVE) Between Sarasota and Manatee FL Counties: Florida train delrailment live footage

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BREAKING: Train derailment - Train carrying propane tank derails in Manatee County, Florida - Emergency crews called to the scene, according to reports

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b93c0a No.20778

File: 66787b22f59603f⋯.png (648.27 KB,932x524,233:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 30d83452c54cd4e⋯.png (560.24 KB,932x524,233:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424865 (282042ZFEB23) Notable: (LIVE) Between Sarasota and Manatee FL Counties: Florida train delrailment live footage

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how do 5 cars mid train fall off their wheels

SARASOTA, Fla. - A propane tanker carrying thousands of gallons of fuel toppled over in Manatee County, along with several other cars. Officials are now trying to determine the safest clean-up route.

According to county officials, five railcars and two propane tankers were involved at 7155 16th Street East.

According to South Manatee County Fire Rescue, one of the tankers is carrying 30,000 gallons of propane. Another, which remained upright, is also carrying propane and jumped the track during the derailment. Four cars have sheetrock.

There were no reported injuries.

As of noon, thermal imaging shows no leaks, but hazmat crews are still monitoring.

"We have drones. We run the hazmat team for the county of Manatee and we were in the air with our drone which has thermal capabilities," explained Chief Robert Bounds. "We were able to look at the tank and ascertain the levels of the tank from the outside, it’ll show up different colors if anything is actually leaking. There are no leaks. There are no actual physical damage to the tank other than the rollover, but there is no significant damage to it."

No evacuation orders have been issued and there are no road closures at this time. However, they may evacuate the area when it's time to offload the product if there is a potential danger. Heavy equipment will be brought in to upright the cars, including the propane tanker.

"With the aid of our drone technology, we are able to fly downstream and look on the other side of the tracks and there is a homeless camp over there," the chief stated. "We aren’t sure how many people. We couldn’t visualize that from the air. We did send MSO and some other teams down there to address the people out there and to address the potential danger, and we will monitor them as well in the event we have to evacuate."

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b93c0a No.20779

File: 7ba679edf6fe97b⋯.png (21.19 KB,424x236,106:59,Clipboard.png)

File: cea94c1af7b18ba⋯.png (301.68 KB,951x609,317:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424897 (282050ZFEB23) Notable: Clandestine w/CAP: Regardless of who you think created SARS-CoV-2, the US government’s response was a crime against humanity.

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Regardless of who you think created SARS-CoV-2, the US government’s response was a crime against humanity.

The propaganda, censorship, covering up viable treatments, Fascist takeover of Tech and Media.

No matter how you slice it, A LOT of people need to be prosecuted.

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b93c0a No.20780

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424922 (282057ZFEB23) Notable: Texas sheriff warns that America is experiencing a 'silent invasion' of military age men

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Texas sheriff warns that America is experiencing a 'silent invasion' of military age men

Once they arrive in major U.S. cities, they are embedded with gangs and or cartel affiliates acting like a "Trojan horse," Coe said.

“We’re experiencing a silent invasion of military age men,” Coe told The Center Square when describing what his deputies have been increasingly facing over the past two years.

He spoke with The Center Square during an Operation Lone Star task force multi-day operation during which law enforcement officers rescued foreign nationals from a burning vehicle and revived a five-year-old girl being smuggled who’d been stashed inside of a car’s trunk.

The “silent invasion,” Coe said, is being committed primarily by single, military age men between the ages of 17 and 45 who are illegally entering the U.S. They’re wearing camouflage and carrying backpacks, according to video captured by cameras placed throughout the county viewed by The Center Square. Many are armed and dangerous, committing robberies and engaging in shootouts with law enforcement, Coe said.

The men are believed to be working or associated with Mexican cartels. Once they arrive in major U.S. cities, they are embedded with gangs and or cartel affiliates acting like a “Trojan horse,” Coe said. “They set up in our cities, take over through voting and or crime, and scare the local people who move out. It’s happening in Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio,” he said, where crime has also exponentially increased over the last few years.

He said, “You can win a lot of battles without getting violent,” referring to the “silent invasion” as an act of war against the U.S. by Mexican cartels.

Coe last month sent out an SOS asking for help from other counties to apprehend human smugglers in his small border county of roughly 3,000 people. In response, law enforcement officers from 20 agencies participated in a days-long operation during which The Center Square participated in a ridealong.

As soon as the task force got started, officers were engaged in smuggling pursuits. He said, “the more people we have, the more effective we’ll be” at pushing smugglers and gotaways “out of the area.” Gotaways are those who illegally enter the U.S., don’t request asylum or make other immigration claims, and intentionally evade capture.

A retired Border Patrol agent, Coe took office Jan 1, 2017, and says he’s never seen what’s he seeing now in his entire life. Things first started getting bad after President Joe Biden altered border security and immigration policies, and have only gotten worse since, he said.

In 2022, for example, his deputies made 877 arrests, filing 3,057 felony charges. Of all the criminal cases filed that year, 927 were immigration-related involving illegal foreign nationals or smugglers, he said.

While these numbers are unprecedented, the number of people who got away are even greater. Detected on cameras making their way through the county on foot, nearly 21,500 foreign nationals were detected but weren’t apprehended last year. That’s at least seven times the size of the county’s population. Their whereabouts are currently unknown.

“The other unknown,” he said, “is what’s not on camera. You might see two or three are on camera but shadows are also visible indicating there are more people behind them. The camera only shows the 2 to 3 people.”

In 2022, Kinney County Sheriff’s deputies apprehended 3,192 illegal foreign nationals compared to the 1,124 they apprehended in 2021, according to the sheriff’s data.


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b93c0a No.20781

File: 37ddc1db6256e44⋯.png (219.63 KB,736x585,736:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18424974 (282111ZFEB23) Notable: Noncitizens will be able to vote in local elections in D.C. as soon as next year. The bill is now law.

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We have long been a conquered nation, they are just making it more blatant in our face now.

Noncitizens will be able to vote in local elections in D.C. as soon as next year. The bill is now law.



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b93c0a No.20782

File: e11d8a46031b2ef⋯.png (455.86 KB,986x1014,493:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425139 (282201ZFEB23) Notable: Waco, Texas. 30 years ago today. The standoff begins.

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Waco, Texas. 30 years ago today. The standoff begins.

86 men, women, and children would be burnt to death weeks later when Janet Reno ordered an assault on the Mount Carmel Center.

Never Forget.

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b93c0a No.20783

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425217 (282222ZFEB23) Notable: School suspends sex education after drag queen debacle. A man in drag allegedly told 11-year-olds that there are 73 genders

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School suspends sex education after drag queen debacle

A man in drag allegedly told 11-year-olds that there are 73 genders

A school on the Isle of Man has paused its sex education program after parents complained about “graphic” and “indecent” lessons in which a drag queen lectured students on gender and teachers told preteens how to masturbate.

Pupils at Queen Elizabeth II High School in the town of Peel were taught by a drag queen who told them there are 73 genders, a local representative claimed this week. When one pupil responded “there’s only two,” the cross-dressing man made the child leave the classroom, she alleged.

Some 11-year-olds at the school were taught about oral and anal sex, while others were told how to masturbate and safely practice “fisting.” Another group was shown how surgeons can create an artificial penis using skin grafts from a girl’s arm, the representative claimed.

The island, which is a dependency of the British crown, introduced a new sex education curriculum in September. Based on a controversial model taught in Scotland, the curriculum is apparently unpopular with teachers, with one reportedly so uncomfortable with its content that she told students “please don’t listen to me,” as she taught it.

Parents responded with outrage, and a petition demanding to know “why was this guest speaker permitted to discuss gender issues to an inappropriate child audience by an inexperienced and untrained adult?” has been signed by more than 500 people, the Telegraph reported on Monday.

The Isle of Man’s education department said that it has “taken the decision to pause all [sex education] delivery across primary and secondary schools” until an independent review has been conducted. However, the school’s head teacher told local radio on Tuesday that “there could be a number of inaccuracies” with the reports being shared on social media.

‘Woke’ sex education programs have become more commonplace in British and American schools in recent years, often leading to outrage from parents. The Scottish program on which the Isle of Man’s curriculum was based has been slammed for “normalizing” underage sex, while Californian schools teach children that there are dozens of genders and sexualities.


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b93c0a No.20784

File: 1f4c75e7950f575⋯.mp4 (14.8 MB,1280x704,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425242 (282228ZFEB23) Notable: President Trump says he thinks we are going to see China invade Taiwan in the “not too distant future”.

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President Trump says he thinks we are going to see China invade Taiwan in the “not too distant future”.

I can’t think of a single instance when Trump has been wrong, so buckle up.


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b93c0a No.20785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425274 (282240ZFEB23) Notable: #22589

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final bun for #22589

baker gotta jet at the top

#22589 >>20756

>>20757 U.S. Naval Special Warfare (@us_navyseals) and Royal Thai Navy Special Warfare operators perform tactical combat casualty care during FLASH TORCH 2023-1.

>>20758 US Army w/CAP: STING, doesn't it?

>>20759 Why Is Election Denier Stacey Abrams Overseeing Elections In Nigeria?

>>20760 SOLAR SUNRISE After 25 Years: Are We 25 Years Wiser? Timing of intrusions “raised major concerns for the Department of Defense”

>>20761 CDC Spreads False Information About COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring


>>20764 LastPass Vault Breached via Employee's Home Computer, Giving Keys to the Kingdom to Hackers

>>20765 Pelosi, Hoyer and Clyburn have stepped down — but not aside. Nancy Pelosi’s office still sends emails from “Speaker Pelosi.”

>>20766 Pentagon says it struggles to track US weapons in Ukraine

>>20767 Kiev’s troops have big Nazi problem – ex-US soldier who escaped Ukraine

>>20768 White House Live: 1500ET 'Tater Delivers Remarks on Protecting Americans’ Access to Affordable

>>20769 kek: Blinken issues warning to China Washington would “not hesitate” to target Chinese companies or individuals blah blah

>>20770 Beijing Puts Taiwan Reunification Plans ‘On Fast Development Track’, Chinese Lawmaker Says

>>20771 Finland begins building 200 kilometre fence along Russian border

>>20772 University of Texas System Announces Pause on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives

>>20773 the time is now: Rep. Issa Calls for Whistleblowers to Come Forward After New Claims from Alleged Biden Associate

>>20774, >>20776 Savannah Guthrie DISAPPEARS from the Today show mid-broadcast after testing positive for COVID for a THIRD time.

>>20775, >>20777, >>20778 (LIVE) Between Sarasota and Manatee FL Counties: Florida train delrailment live footage

>>20779 Clandestine w/CAP: Regardless of who you think created SARS-CoV-2, the US government’s response was a crime against humanity.

>>20780 Texas sheriff warns that America is experiencing a 'silent invasion' of military age men

>>20781 Noncitizens will be able to vote in local elections in D.C. as soon as next year. The bill is now law.

>>20782 Waco, Texas. 30 years ago today. The standoff begins.

>>20783 School suspends sex education after drag queen debacle. A man in drag allegedly told 11-year-olds that there are 73 genders

>>20784 President Trump says he thinks we are going to see China invade Taiwan in the “not too distant future”.

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b93c0a No.20786

File: 059bfd86b670111⋯.png (562.21 KB,1272x645,424:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425317 (282253ZFEB23) Notable: Adviser to the office of the President of Ukraine, Mikhail Podolyak, said that if China helps Russia with weapons, Kiev will be forced to react aggressively.

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💢 Zelensky's adviser threatens China with aggression

Adviser to the office of the President of Ukraine, Mikhail Podolyak, said that if China helps Russia with weapons, Kiev will be forced to react aggressively.

"If some country <…> begins to transfer equipment to Russia, then it is necessary to react aggressively to it somehow," Podolyak said in an interview with Dom TV channel, commenting on Beijing's peace initiative.


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b93c0a No.20787

File: f7c3d05d8dd4754⋯.png (821.17 KB,744x710,372:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425292 (282244ZFEB23) Notable: #22590

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Baker Requesting Handoff

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b93c0a No.20788

File: 2990e04b6d63519⋯.png (303.1 KB,1013x1073,1013:1073,Clipboard.png)

File: cfb2a35b2304d6f⋯.gif (672.34 KB,233x200,233:200,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425306 (282250ZFEB23) Notable: China state tabloid asks US to open up its ‘suspicious biological’ labs for probe after US Energy Department report

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JUST IN - China state tabloid asks US to open up its ‘suspicious biological’ labs for probe after US Energy Department report

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b93c0a No.20789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425307 (282250ZFEB23) Notable: The U.S. Marshals Service suffered a security breach after being hit with ransomware.

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U.S. Marshals Service suffers from 'major' security breach

The U.S. Marshals Service suffered a security breach after being hit with ransomware.


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b93c0a No.20790

File: 96145c16aaac870⋯.png (163.77 KB,993x1016,993:1016,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425332 (282258ZFEB23) Notable: NATO allies have agreed that Ukraine will become a member of our alliance but in ‘long-term,’ chief Stoltenberg says - insiderpaper

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🚨 NATO allies have agreed that Ukraine will become a member of our alliance but in ‘long-term,’ chief Stoltenberg says

5:18 PM · Feb 28, 2023

Ukraine will join NATO but in ‘long-term’: Stoltenberg

AFPFebruary 28, 2023 5:25 am

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said Tuesday that Ukraine will become a member of the alliance in the “long-term”, but stressed that the immediate issue is it remaining an independent nation in the face of Russia’s invasion.

“NATO allies have agreed that Ukraine will become a member of our alliance, but at the same time that is a long-term perspective,” Stoltenberg told reporters during a visit to Finland’s capital Helsinki.

Stoltenberg added that “the issue now is that Ukraine prevails as a sovereign independent nation, and therefore we need to support Ukraine.”

After Russia’s invasion, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has urged the US-led military alliance to grant his country a fast-track membership.

Ukraine applied for EU membership in February 2022, shortly after it was invaded, and was granted candidate status in June.

When the war ends “we need to ensure that history doesn’t repeat itself,” Stoltenberg told a press conference with Finnish prime minister Sanna Marin.

“President Putin cannot continue to attack neighbours. He wants to control Ukraine and he is not planning for peace, he is planning for more war.”

Spooked by Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, Finland and Sweden dropped their decades-long policies of military non-alignment and applied to join NATO in May of 2022.

“I see that the future of Ukraine is to be part of the European Union and also a member of NATO,” Marin added.

Turkey and Hungary are the only remaining members yet to ratify the Finnish and Swedish bids to join the alliance.

Stoltenberg said that “both Finland and Sweden have delivered on what they promised in the trilateral agreement they made with Turkey last June in Madrid.”

“The time is now to ratify and to fully welcome Finland and Sweden as members,” he said.


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b93c0a No.20791

File: e9c22bfa1bbdb72⋯.png (97.89 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425452 (282329ZFEB23) Notable: @SpaceX Among other enhancements, V2 minis are equipped with new argon Hall thrusters for on orbit maneuvering

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Elon Musk Retweeted




Feb 26

Among other enhancements, V2 minis are equipped with new argon Hall thrusters for on orbit maneuvering

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b93c0a No.20792

File: cdaf06a0608e941⋯.png (250.19 KB,640x427,640:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 68a3b25ade2a77c⋯.png (747.56 KB,690x698,345:349,Clipboard.png)

File: a8ffb9dbf804aaa⋯.png (598.96 KB,690x713,30:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425458 (282329ZFEB23) Notable: Airspace over St Petersburg closed and fighter jets take off as unidentified object spotted in the sky

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Airspace over St Petersburg closed and fighter jets take off as unidentified object spotted in the sky

Tue, February 28, 2023 at 1:34 AM

200 square kilometres of the airspace were closed in the Russian city of Saint Petersburg, and the local Pulkovo Airport stopped accepting planes for landing after an unidentified flying object (UFO) was detected over the city. Later, the restrictions were cancelled.

Source: Baza, Russian independent Telegram channel; government of St Petersburg on Telegram; Russian state-owned news outlet RIA Novosti, referring to the city's emergency services

Quote from Baza: "The Kover (Carpet) plan was put into action in Saint Petersburg because of an unidentified object in the skies. Pulkovo Airport does not accept planes. The Kover plan is being used in cases of illegal border crossings or the appearance of UFOs."

Quote from the government of St Petersburg: "Flight delays of up to 12 hours have been announced at Pulkovo Airport. The airport and its services are operating as usual."

Quote from RIA Novosti: "The sky over St Petersburg in the Pulkovo district is closed due to an unknown object."

Details: According to the Baza Telegram channel, fighter jets are flying in the sky over the city.

According to Flightradar, civilian aircraft do not fly to St Petersburg.

Russian social media channels report that flights passing through St. Petersburg's airspace are being turned around in the air.

According to Fontanka, an unidentified flying object was spotted 160 to 200 kilometres from St Petersburg. The agency also posted a photo of the fighter jets in the sky.

Update: At 11:31, the St Petersburg government reported that the sky over the city is "open: all temporary restrictions have been cancelled".

This is also confirmed by the Flightradar24 website.

Russian President's spokesman Dmitry Peskov did not disclose the reasons for the closure of the airspace over St Petersburg, but stated that Putin had full information on the matter.



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b93c0a No.20793

File: 599d67b14d5a051⋯.jpeg (747.37 KB,1170x1303,1170:1303,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425469 (282332ZFEB23) Notable: FBI Director Wray ADMITS the Wuhan Institute of Virology is likely the origin of the COVID-19 outbreak

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WATCH: FBI Director Wray ADMITS the Wuhan Institute of Virology is likely the origin of the COVID-19 outbreak

“The origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan.”


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b93c0a No.20794

File: 5211a801fe9aee0⋯.jpeg (289.21 KB,1124x1512,281:378,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425551 (282351ZFEB23) Notable: Wray bunww

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20795

File: 988d93487f16b32⋯.png (359.09 KB,880x445,176:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 48020f0f0f6d9a1⋯.png (268.66 KB,531x312,177:104,Clipboard.png)

File: 01e9011222b2176⋯.png (253.21 KB,940x388,235:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425583 (282357ZFEB23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Update-Potato back at JBA, Yellen arrived from Rzsesow Poland depart and current activity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFag CONUS Update

Potato in no callsign 82-8000 747 >>20754 pb returned to JBA from NAS Oceana from muh hussien care pimping and will do the same thing in Baltimore tomorrow

SAM258 C-40BJanet Yellenfrom Rzsesow Airport (Shannon Ireland refueling stop) >>20691 pb, VM374 and VM767 C560s from a Ft. Lauderdale Exec. Airport stop of about 90m and VM374 C-560 stopped at Houma-Terebonne Airport in southern LA >>20711 pb

PAT953 C-560 went to McGuire AFB from Scott AFB

Cap#3 current Activity

CLUCK64 (mirror that for 46) E-6B Mercury heading to Tinker from an off-shore Pax River depart FIRK66 E-6B Mercury NE from Tinker and

PAT774 C-12V Huron NE from Little Rock-Bill and Hillbags Int'l Airport stop of 5h from Blue Grass Aiport, KY stop of 35m and departed from Aberdeen Proving Ground earlier today

PAT100 C-26B Metro east NW from Jefferson City Memorial Airport after about 4h 20m on ground from Raleigh, N.C.

PAT099 C-12V Huron east from Ft. Leonard Wood stop of about 40m and prior at Evansville, IN for 30m

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b93c0a No.20796

File: a23255ca17b7bf8⋯.png (107.55 KB,597x552,199:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425596 (282359ZFEB23) Notable: Biden plans to nominate the first Chinese labor secretary in US history - Politico

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Biden plans to nominate the first Chinese labor secretary in US history.


Biden to tap Su as next Labor secretary

Su is currently the deputy Labor secretary and will be nominated to replace Marty Walsh, according to two people familiar with the matter.

7:28 AM · Feb 28, 2023




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b93c0a No.20797

File: 35d1c8ea05d2aba⋯.png (391.33 KB,1210x672,605:336,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425616 (010002ZMAR23) Notable: Elon just gave a gold medal to Massie's witchcraft explanation: FED created $5T from thin air and Congress borrowed it and gave it out!

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Elon just gave a gold medal to Massie's witchcraft explanation

Because witchcraft caused inflation.

(1) Federal Reserve created 5 trillion dollars from thin air.

(2) U.S. Treasury borrowed virtual money from Federal Reserve.

(3) Congress gave out borrowed money that wasn’t borrowed from anyone with existing money.


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b93c0a No.20798

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425692 (010015ZMAR23) Notable: Wray bunww

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anons saw this right?

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b93c0a No.20799

File: 830f5f8850f6aec⋯.png (250.9 KB,408x663,8:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425695 (010016ZMAR23) Notable: Was the US behind the creation of CV19 and used Ukraine as a proxy to grow the virus there?

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Was the US behind the creation of CV19 and used Ukraine as a proxy to grow the virus there?

On tonight's live stream at 5:30 PM EST we break this down and so much more!

Fox Hole: https://pilled.net/#/foxhole/1172

Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2baf2a-did-china-ukraine-or-us-make-covid-19-fentanyl-nuclear-bombs.html

Rokfin: https://www.rokfin.com/stream/30765/Did-China-Ukraine-Or-US-Make-Covid-19-Fentanyl-Nuclear-Bombs

Locals: Exclusive Content https://wokefam.locals.com/

Substack: https://scottdegroat.substack.com/

Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/wokesocieties

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b93c0a No.20800

File: d865b539dc761b6⋯.png (250.15 KB,432x649,432:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425697 (010017ZMAR23) Notable: Chicago inmates claim jail guards are pressuring them to illegally vote in the mayoral election

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BREAKING: Chicago inmates claim jail guards are pressuring them to illegally vote in the mayoral election


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b93c0a No.20801

File: 3d0019f955ee89c⋯.jpg (67.41 KB,651x1274,93:182,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425717 (010020ZMAR23) Notable: Wray bunww

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b93c0a No.20802

File: 30c71cc4782a6ce⋯.jpeg (73.73 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425758 (010026ZMAR23) Notable: BP CEO says oil and gas investment good for climate change

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28 Feb, 2023 18:27

BP CEO says oil and gas investment good for climate change

Bernard Looney said the transition away from oil and gas must be “orderly”

BP CEO Bernard Looney has saidmore investment in oil and gas is neededin order to ensure an orderly transition away from those same fossil fuels.

(They have their own language to appease the climate change fanatics! Amazing really, because idiots will believe this bullshit. We are never eliminating gas and oil until it’s God’s time)

The British executive made the pitch on Tuesday during International Energy Week in London amid soaring energy prices and climate protests.

He explained his logic by arguing that reducing supply “without also reducing demand inevitably leads to price spikes,” and that “price spikes lead to economic volatility.” If that happens, “there’s a risk that volatility will undermine popular support for the transition,” Looney said.

His proposed solution is to invest in the existing oil and gas system, “as well as investing in the transition” to more climate friendly sources of energy.

As Looney made his pitch, protesters were blocking the entrance to the InterContinental London Park Lane hotel where the energy conference was taking place. Activists held signs reading “Climate Criminals Enter Here,” “No new oil,” and calling for Looney to be tried in the Hague International Criminal Court.

Earlier this month, OPEC Secretary General Haitham Al-Ghais similarly called for a pause in climate change talks. He argued that the countries chasing green energy needed to slow down and “look at the big picture.” They should work “towards an energy transition that is orderly, inclusive and helps ensure energy security for all,” he added.

Fossil fuel prices have soared since Western countries imposed unprecedented sanctions on Russia last year in response to the conflict in Ukraine. The restrictions were meant to “punish” and apply pressure on Moscow, as one the world’s biggest producers and exporters of oil and natural gas. However, the effect was the opposite, with energy prices in Europe soaring amid limited supply.

In December, Europe again tried to hit Russia’s position in the oil market by imposing a price cap on seaborne crude exports from the country. However, an International Energy Agency (IEA) report from earlier this month revealed that these sanctions had merely helped Moscow to find new oil markets, with exports to China reaching a new record high.


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b93c0a No.20803

File: c9747764ac5ac3b⋯.png (21.54 KB,600x264,25:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425784 (010029ZMAR23) Notable: AZ Cartel corruption and Public Official John Thaler

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Tracy Beanz


🚨THREAD: AZ Cartel corruption and Public Officials. The case of John Thaler.

It will be VERY important that you read this ENTIRE thread. Don’t grab a tweet, don’t make assumptions.

I have to make a few statements before I begin.

10:56 AM · Feb 28, 2023




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b93c0a No.20804

File: 79c0c0daa157f13⋯.png (331.28 KB,597x763,597:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425803 (010032ZMAR23) Notable: @GenFlynn @elonmusk Enterprise Fraud and Treason in Lockstep as the Carve-out for #FalseFlagFauci Continues

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LTG (R) Mike Flynn


This is powerful testimony (long but necessary read):


Incrementalism (a form of 5GW) is where the population is fed a specific sequence of information over time that is designed to move minds one step at a time – incrementally – towards accepting the unacceptable. Never do they leap frog from A directly to Z rather they hit each letter of the alphabet.



Enterprise Fraud and Treason in Lockstep as the Carve-out for #FalseFlagFauci Continues: Department…

The 107th article in the WAR, FAMINE & DISEASE series focused on a Department of Energy report confirming the "lab leak" theory for the origins of COVID-19.

3:38 AM · Feb 28, 2023




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b93c0a No.20805

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425821 (010037ZMAR23) Notable: is this the video kappy died for?

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b93c0a No.20806

File: 19eaa9f3914f4e4⋯.png (1.2 MB,1057x853,1057:853,Clipboard.png)

File: 104190ceafb4019⋯.png (79.69 KB,616x337,616:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425858 (010045ZMAR23) Notable: China’s Imports of Russian Uranium Spark Fear of New Arms Race

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China’s Imports of Russian Uranium Spark Fear of New Arms Race

On the same day in December when Chinese and US diplomats said they’d held constructive talks to reduce military tensions, Russian engineers were delivering a massive load of nuclear fuel to a remote island just 220 kilometers (124 miles) off Taiwan’s northern coast. China’s so-called fast-breeder reactor on Changbiao Island is one of the world’s most closely-watched nuclear installations. US intelligence officials forecast that when it begins working this year, the CFR-600 will produce weapons-grade plutonium that could help Beijing increase its stockpile of warheads as much as four-fold in the next 12 years. That would allow China to match the nuclear arsenals currently deployed by the US and Russia. “It is entirely possible that this breeder program is purely civilian,” said Pavel Podvig, a Geneva-based nuclear analyst with the United Nations’s Institute for Disarmament Research. “One thing that makes me nervous is that China stopped reporting its civilian and separated plutonium stockpiles. It’s not a smoking gun but it’s definitely not a good sign.”

China’s burgeoning capacity to expand its atomic weaponry comes as the last remaining treaty limiting the strategic stockpiles of the US and Russia is on the verge of collapse amid spiraling confrontation over the war in Ukraine. President Vladimir Putin announced Feb. 21 that Russia is suspending its involvement in the New START agreement, a decision US President Joe Biden condemned as a “big mistake.” In a Dec. 30 videoconference, Putin told Chinese President Xi Jinping that defense and military technology cooperation “has a special place” in their relations. “Clearly, China is benefiting from Russian support,” said Hanna Notte, a German arms-control "expert". The risk for Beijing is the US may expand its own stockpile in response to China’s build-up as well as the Kremlin’s abrogation of arms-control treaties and “the discrepancy will just grow again,” she said. US Department of Defense officials have repeatedly raised alarm over China’s nuclear-weapons ambitions since issuing a 2021 report to Congress. Military planners assess that the CFR-600 is poised to play a critical role in raising China’s stockpile of warheads to 1,500 by 2035 from an estimated 400 today.

Pentagon officials say Russian state-owned Rosatom Corp.’s Dec. 12 supply of 6,477 kilograms (14,279 pounds) of uranium is fueling an atomic program that could destabilize Asia’s military balance, where there are growing tensions over Taiwan and control of the South China Sea. China possesses few means to increase its plutonium stockpile for nuclear weapons after its original production program closed down in the 1990s, experts say. China rejects the US’s concerns. The Foreign Ministry in Beijing said China “strictly fulfilled its nuclear non-proliferation obligations” and voluntarily submitted “part of civil nuclear activities” to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Defense Ministry spokesman Tan Kefei said in a Feb. 23 briefing the US repeatedly hyped up the “China nuclear threat” as an excuse to expand its own strategic arsenal, while China maintained a defensive policy that includes no first-use of nuclear weapons.


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b93c0a No.20807

File: 7d266716c2c0784⋯.png (136.7 KB,500x696,125:174,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425873 (010046ZMAR23) Notable: Wil the bureau be forced to release the other CrowdStrike?

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The bureau may be forced to release the other CrowdStrike reports; stay tuned



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b93c0a No.20808

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425913 (010052ZMAR23) Notable: Canada #40, Vanguard CEO Abandons ESG Investing Alliance

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Canada #40 >>>/qresearch/18423955

Vanguard CEO Abandons ESG Investing Alliance: "Not In The Game Of Politics"

by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Feb 28, 2023 - 06:55 AM

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) has been a hotly debated topic over the last few years.

The seemingly unquestioned march towards corporate utopia has met with resistance among those who oppose the idea that government oligarchs should dictate the affairs of private business firms. The long-term effects of the ESG movement are largely ignored by the mainstream.

As Tom Czitron previously commented, ESG is largely justified on the basis that corporations and financial institutions should be socially responsible. They should work obsessively to address the perceived menaces of climate change, racism, sexism, and a host of subjects. Our benevolent political and economic elite define what is virtuous and what is not for a grateful public.

But, as of late, there are some naysayers that dare to stand up to the socialism-by-stealth promoters with Tim Buckley, chief executive at Vanguard, perhaps the biggest name yet to buck the ESG orthodoxy.

“Our research indicates that ESG investing does not have any advantage over broad-based investing,” Mr. Buckley said in a recent interview with the Financial Times

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) has been a hotly debated topic over the last few years.

The seemingly unquestioned march towards corporate utopia has met with resistance among those who oppose the idea that government oligarchs should dictate the affairs of private business firms. The long-term effects of the ESG movement are largely ignored by the mainstream.

As Tom Czitron previously commented, ESG is largely justified on the basis that corporations and financial institutions should be socially responsible. They should work obsessively to address the perceived menaces of climate change, racism, sexism, and a host of subjects. Our benevolent political and economic elite define what is virtuous and what is not for a grateful public.

But, as of late, there are some naysayers that dare to stand up to the socialism-by-stealth promoters with Tim Buckley, chief executive at Vanguard, perhaps the biggest name yet to buck the ESG orthodoxy.

“Our research indicates that ESG investing does not have any advantage over broad-based investing,” Mr. Buckley said in a recent interview with the Financial Times.

Matching word to deed, his comments came after he had withdrawn his firm from the $59 trillion Net Zero Asset Managers initiative, an organization that is part of the $150 trillion United Nations-affiliated Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero.

“We don’t believe that we should dictate company strategy,” he said, in his first public comments about the decision.

“It would be hubris to presume that we know the right strategy for the thousands of companies that Vanguard invests with. We just want to make sure that risks are being appropriately disclosed and that every company is playing by the rules.”

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Mr. Buckley effectively claims that ESG managers are playing the fool and taking their clients’ money with them.

Fewer than 1 in 7 active equity managers outperform the broad market in any five-year period. Over the past five years, not one relied exclusively on a net-zero investment methodology.

Betting his clients’ money on politicians and regulators consistently doing the “right” thing would be irresponsible.

There is a receding chance the globe will be at net zero by 2050. No one should promise to base his entire investment strategy on such odds.

The Vanguard boss also warned investors not to expect superior returns from ploughing money into ESG funds and alternative assets - two of the fastest growing parts of the asset management industry - rather than the index-trackers championed by his firm.

“We cannot state that [environmental, social and governance] investing is better performance wise than broad index-based investing,” said Buckley.

“Our research indicates that ESG investing does not have any advantage over broad-based investing.”

The decision to withdraw from the coalition has sparked fury among environmental activists, with Al Gore calling Mr. Buckley’s decision “irresponsible and shortsighted.”

Buckley, however, said, as The FT reports, that Vanguard was “not in the game of politics”.

“Politicians and regulators have a central role to play in setting the ground rules to achieve a just transition to a lower carbon economy,” he said, when asked about the increasing politicisation of ESG investing.

As Terrence Keeley writes in an op-ed via WSJ, freeing the asset-management industry from a prevailing orthodoxy that promises wealth and environmental sanctity while delivering neither requires monumental fortitude.


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b93c0a No.20809

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426015 (010112ZMAR23) Notable: #22590

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Notables are not endorsements

#22590 >>20787

>>20788 China state tabloid asks US to open up its ‘suspicious biological’ labs for probe after US Energy Department report

>>20789 The U.S. Marshals Service suffered a security breach after being hit with ransomware.

>>20786 Adviser to the office of the President of Ukraine, Mikhail Podolyak, said that if China helps Russia with weapons, Kiev will be forced to react aggressively.

>>20790 NATO allies have agreed that Ukraine will become a member of our alliance but in ‘long-term,’ chief Stoltenberg says - insiderpaper

>>20791 @SpaceX Among other enhancements, V2 minis are equipped with new argon Hall thrusters for on orbit maneuvering

>>20792 Airspace over St Petersburg closed and fighter jets take off as unidentified object spotted in the sky

>>20793 FBI Director Wray ADMITS the Wuhan Institute of Virology is likely the origin of the COVID-19 outbreak

>>20794, >>20798, >>20801 Wray bunww

>>20795 PlaneFag CONUS Update-Potato back at JBA, Yellen arrived from Rzsesow Poland depart and current activity

>>20796 Biden plans to nominate the first Chinese labor secretary in US history - Politico

>>20797 Elon just gave a gold medal to Massie's witchcraft explanation: FED created $5T from thin air and Congress borrowed it and gave it out!

>>20799 Was the US behind the creation of CV19 and used Ukraine as a proxy to grow the virus there?

>>20800 Chicago inmates claim jail guards are pressuring them to illegally vote in the mayoral election

>>20802 BP CEO says oil and gas investment good for climate change

>>20803 AZ Cartel corruption and Public Official John Thaler

>>20804 @GenFlynn @elonmusk Enterprise Fraud and Treason in Lockstep as the Carve-out for #FalseFlagFauci Continues

>>20805 is this the video kappy died for?

>>20806 China’s Imports of Russian Uranium Spark Fear of New Arms Race

>>20807 Wil the bureau be forced to release the other CrowdStrike?

>>20808 Canada #40, Vanguard CEO Abandons ESG Investing Alliance


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20810

File: d2cbf5105882f16⋯.mp4 (843.28 KB,356x336,89:84,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426059 (010118ZMAR23) Notable: #22591

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You know, the thing

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b93c0a No.20811

File: 0fc4a049c3b75ec⋯.jpg (170.61 KB,764x869,764:869,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426152 (010133ZMAR23) Notable: 17 Twatbun

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Biden says he cut national debt by $1.7T — when he actually increased it by $3.84T


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20812

File: d852868e71eaee9⋯.jpg (170.61 KB,595x813,595:813,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426293 (010155ZMAR23) Notable: Mayor Lori Lightfoot concedes defeat

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Betelgeuse is loosing the re-election.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20813

File: ddf139e82a3aa0e⋯.png (270.58 KB,556x550,278:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426304 (010156ZMAR23) Notable: 17 Twatbun

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17 words for the anons.

Mike Pompeo


Anyone who thinks the battle of Iwo Jima was "evil" has no business leading a school board.

2:40 PM · Feb 28, 2023


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b93c0a No.20814

File: 0b822e049515d25⋯.png (224.13 KB,617x777,617:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426347 (010202ZMAR23) Notable: 17 Twatbun

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12:05 timestamp for the anons.

Barack Obama


Real change happens one person, one community, one connection at a time. If you’re an emerging leader in Chicago, Detroit, or Jackson — I hope you’ll check out this new initiative to bring people from different backgrounds together to help solve local problems.

12:05 PM · Feb 28, 2023


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b93c0a No.20815

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426378 (010205ZMAR23) Notable: CSPAN2 live hearing now on US Security and China

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426384 (010206ZMAR23) Notable: CSPAN2 live hearing now on US Security and China

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>CSPAN2 . …live hearing now on US Security and China


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b93c0a No.20817

File: 0e55c6b05848a58⋯.png (586.86 KB,617x724,617:724,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426409 (010209ZMAR23) Notable: 17 Twatbun

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Not sure if anything else may be in this…but the #'s that have checks equal 17…let me know if y'all see anything else because she has a "two" and a "97" in there that might have meaning

Hillary Clinton


Over two years, the Biden administration and Senate have confirmed 97 judges who strengthen our courts with their personal & professional experience.

☑️3/4 are women

☑️2/3 are people of color

☑️1/4 were public defenders

Read the


9:42 AM · Feb 28, 2023


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b93c0a No.20818

File: 471181fc7518e45⋯.png (213.26 KB,490x472,245:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426422 (010211ZMAR23) Notable: Israel is still supporting the same country that openly defends and enables Nazism for some reason

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b93c0a No.20819

File: c3febea97e5cbbd⋯.jpg (86.16 KB,626x636,313:318,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426425 (010211ZMAR23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s Ukraine BioLab Partner Was Partners With Ghislaine Maxwell Soros and Obama Linked to The Funding of the Ukraine BioLab Program

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Hunter Biden’s Ukraine BioLab Partner Was Partners With Ghislaine Maxwell

Soros and Obama Linked to The Funding of the Ukraine BioLab Program

Hunter Biden was instrumental in funding and assisting a company responsible for Ukraine biolabs. The Metabiota company, headed by a Ghislaine Maxwell partner named Alan Wolfe, was in charge of setting up biolabs in Ukraine. The biolabs have sparked concern that dangerous materials could be used to fuel bioterrorism in Ukraine and around the world.

Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca invested a staggering $500,000 in Metabiota, a company that set up Ukrainian biolabs. Hunter Biden acted as an unofficial lobbyist and fundraiser for Metabiota, reportedly finding millions of dollars for the company that engaged in pathogen experiments in the period when Hunter Biden’s father Joe was the vice president and the globalist West built up a belligerent stance against Russia. Hunter even linked Metabiota up with the company Burisma, which Hunter was on the board of, for work related to Ukraine biolabs. Metabiota became a U.S. Department of Defense contractor during the Obama-Biden administration.


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b93c0a No.20820

File: 595c0281a8c617d⋯.mp4 (7.43 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426458 (010217ZMAR23) Notable: #TelAviv March for support of #Russia. With signs saying: #Bandera is killer of #Jews.

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#TelAviv March for support of #Russia.

With signs saying: #Bandera is killer of #Jews.

It is a real shame that #Israel for political reasons is supporting same country that openly defends Nazism and refuses to denounce or even apologize for the actions of Bandera towards jews

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b93c0a No.20821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426478 (010219ZMAR23) Notable: Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine!

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The Shortest Path to Peace

Supporting and arming Ukraine, and accelerating the collapse of the Russian military, is the most realistic way to end the conflict.

By Eliot A. Cohen

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b93c0a No.20822

File: 19966b3dad329bc⋯.jpeg (31.17 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426504 (010222ZMAR23) Notable: Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine!

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Former Trump advisor says its not the role of the US taxpayer to fund the war in Ukraine

"This is Europe's backyard. Europe needs to shoulder this burden," Victoria Coates said.


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b93c0a No.20823

File: 861d395f277f931⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426520 (010223ZMAR23) Notable: Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine!

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“The US will have to send their sons and daughters exactly the same way as we are sending our sons and daughters to war. And they will have to to fight, because it's NATO that we're talking about, and they will be dying."

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b93c0a No.20824

File: 0833cff10ecc101⋯.jpg (122.86 KB,1169x766,1169:766,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426537 (010226ZMAR23) Notable: Tacoma, WA Woman with Tuberculosis to be Arrested for Treatment

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Tacoma, WA Woman with Tuberculosis to be Arrested for Treatment.

Washington – A Tacoma woman with tuberculosis will be arrested on Friday for treatment unless she voluntarily complies with a court order to resume taking medication or isolate.

According to KOMO News, the woman has been avoiding treatment or isolation for TB for a year.

The woman, who was under an involuntary order to take medication for TB, didn’t finish her treatment.


Soz, fixed link.

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b93c0a No.20825

File: 248ff0bdc696da5⋯.png (107.92 KB,1080x1454,540:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426545 (010227ZMAR23) Notable: Mayor Lori Lightfoot concedes defeat

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Think maybe Da Fish will get a job at CNN?

So many memes out there

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b93c0a No.20826

File: 097e726d47108da⋯.png (84.37 KB,243x254,243:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426547 (010228ZMAR23) Notable: Mayor Lori Lightfoot concedes defeat

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Not so fast chachi

There's still the mail in suitcases

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b93c0a No.20827

File: 4cb2f3994c6ae4c⋯.png (184.96 KB,419x556,419:556,Clipboard.png)

File: 41e3044c4be041a⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426618 (010240ZMAR23) Notable: tater “I had a nurse named Pearl Nelson"

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President Joe Biden: “I had a nurse named Pearl Nelson… She’d come in and do things I don’t think you learn in nursing school, She’d whisper and she’d lean down and actually breathe on me to make sure there was a human connection.”

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b93c0a No.20828

File: 16aee2fd5374a2f⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ba4d0389c247844⋯.png (177.7 KB,408x460,102:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426628 (010241ZMAR23) Notable: Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine!

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James Phillips



Ukraine needs fresh young Americans to help fight on the ground war.

"The US will have to send their Son's & Daughter's… to WAR…"

"….and they will be DYING."


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b93c0a No.20829

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426639 (010243ZMAR23) Notable: Ford seeks patent for cars that ditch you if payments missed

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Ford seeks patent for cars that ditch you if payments missed

Timely application as delinquencies rise with interest rates

A patent application from automaker Ford was published last week for embedded vehicle systems that facilitate an automobile's repossession, including autonomously moving it to a repossession agency.

The patent [PDF], which was filed in August, covers more ways to combat non-payment. The least intrusive is a helpful message delivered to the vehicle or a smartphone notifying the user of the delinquency.

If notices go unacknowledged, the system can disable select functionalities of the vehicle or even lock the vehicle out entirely – save for a medical emergency where it could potentially travel to a hospital or ambulance meeting spot autonomously.

For autonomous cars and trucks, why stop at rendezvousing with emergency vehicles? The patent also outlines the system's capability to move that vehicle to a parking spot more convenient for towing, as well as just relocating it off private property or other inaccessible areas. As mentioned, it could also move itself to a repossession agency or junkyard.

The patent also outlines a potential to lock the vehicle out on weekends only so that the driver can still access a job and might be able to come through on those delinquent payments. Geofencing the automobile's range is another option.

In a more passive aggressive case, audio within the vehicle, such as a beeping horn, chime or radio, could be activated remotely to annoy the operator.

The options are endless, and the patent application explores many. The authors argue that once warnings have been issued with no response, owners typically become uncooperative and may impede repossession, in some cases to the point of confrontation.

"It is therefore desirable to provide a solution to address this issue," wrote the four Ford engineers.

There's no telling if Ford intends to incorporate the software-only tech in any of its vehicles any time soon, either factory installed or as an over-the-air update. The Register has asked and will report back if any substantial information arises.

Car repossessions are on the rise in the United States as higher interest rates affect monthly payments.

"Over the last two years, vehicle prices were inflated because there was no new car supply, people were still buying like crazy because they had a lot of stay-at-home cash, they had inflated credit scores, so it was like a recipe for disaster," president of International Recovery Systems Jeremy Cross told NBC News in mid-December.

Those who bought at inflated prices with inflated credit scores are now getting hit by that inflation, thus creating a system ripe for delinquencies.

A spokesperson at Ford told us: "We submit patents on new inventions as a normal course of business but they aren't necessarily an indication of new business or product plans."

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b93c0a No.20830

File: 84023a95d043d5d⋯.png (51.68 KB,816x421,816:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426655 (010246ZMAR23) Notable: @EzraACohen Congress must demand an explanation from @MarkTEsper as to why he defunded the DoD counter drug program

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Ezra A. Cohen


Congress must demand an explanation from @MarkTEsper

as to why he defunded the DoD counter drug program which directly helps our foreign partners stop fentanyl from coming into America. How many people died because of his foolish decision?

11:07 AM · Feb 28, 2023


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b93c0a No.20831

File: def0d78d061fab4⋯.jpg (2.83 KB,112x112,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426676 (010250ZMAR23) Notable: Marjorie Taylor Greene “Attacked” in a Restaurant – “Never Even Noticed These People Until They Turned Into Demons”

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Marjorie Taylor Greene “Attacked” in a Restaurant – “Never Even Noticed These People Until They Turned Into Demons”


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b93c0a No.20832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426689 (010253ZMAR23) Notable: Mayor Lori Lightfoot concedes defeat

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lori lightfoot lost race in Chicago, per Hannity.

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b93c0a No.20833

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426699 (010254ZMAR23) Notable: Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine!

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b93c0a No.20834

File: bb59b8a2e6db596⋯.png (548.84 KB,1030x931,1030:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426725 (010258ZMAR23) Notable: Mayor Lori Lightfoot concedes defeat

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Chicago Mayor Lightfoot ousted; Vallas, Johnson in runoff


a few seconds ago

CHICAGO (AP) — Paul Vallas and Brandon Johnson will meet in a runoff to be the next mayor of Chicago after voters on Tuesday denied incumbent Lori Lightfoot a second term, issuing a rebuke to a leader who made history as head of the nation’s third-largest city.

Vallas, a former schools CEO backed by the police union, and Johnson, a Cook County commissioner endorsed by the Chicago Teachers Union, advanced to the April 4 runoff after none of the nine candidates was able to secure over 50% of the vote to win outright.

Lightfoot, the first Black woman and first openly gay person to lead the city, won her first term in 2019 after promising to end decades of corruption and backroom dealing at City Hall. But opponents blamed Lightfoot for an increase in crime and criticized her as being a divisive, overly contentious leader.

She is the first elected Chicago mayor to lose a reelection bid since 1983, when Jane Byrne, the city’s first female mayor, lost her Democratic primary.

Speaking to supporters Tuesday night, Lightfoot said she called Vallas and Johnson to congratulate them.

“Regardless of tonight’s outcome, we fought the right fights and we put this city on a better path,” Lightfoot said. She told her fellow mayors around the country not to fear being bold.



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b93c0a No.20835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426743 (010302ZMAR23) Notable: Excellent talk about curing diabetes

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Excellent talk about curing diabetes


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b93c0a No.20836

File: 8b078837f12b17c⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB,352x640,11:20,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 9d7579e6d64397d⋯.jpg (42.28 KB,556x600,139:150,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4961643f2a3bbb2⋯.jpg (21.66 KB,236x351,236:351,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426750 (010303ZMAR23) Notable: What connective tissue do global charities provide to the Deep State?

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What connective tissue do global charity provide to the Deep State?

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b93c0a No.20837

File: 5b4d92f0a8f2ff8⋯.webm (691.58 KB,406x720,203:360,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426756 (010304ZMAR23) Notable: Criminal Charges DROPPED Against Disruptive American Airlines Passenger Accused Of Trying To Breach Cockpit – Causing Plane To Make Emergency Landing

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Criminal Charges DROPPED Against Disruptive American Airlines Passenger Accused Of Trying To Breach Cockpit – Causing Plane To Make Emergency Landing


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b93c0a No.20838

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426780 (010311ZMAR23) Notable: Mayor Lori Lightfoot concedes defeat

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Mayor Lori Lightfoot concedes defeat, setting stage for Chicago’s mayoral race to be between Brandon Johnson and Paul Vallas

By Gregory Pratt and Alice Yin

Chicago Tribune Feb 28, 2023 at 8:55 pm

Mayor Lori Lightfoot conceded defeat Tuesday night, ending her efforts for a second term and setting the stage for Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson to run against former Chicago Public Schools CEO Paul Vallas for Chicago mayor.

A visibly shaken Lightfoot conceded the race just before 9 p.m. and said she will be “rooting and praying for our next mayor to deliver for the people of the city for years to come.”

“Obviously, we didn’t win the election today, but I stand here with my head held high and a heart full of gratitude,” Lightfoot said, highlighting how the city emerged from a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic and made “real progress on public safety.”

The Associated Press just before 9 p.m. called the race for Johnson, who in addition to defeating Lightfoot also outmuscled U.S. Rep. Jesús “Chuy” García.

Johnson’s victory sets up an ideological battle with Vallas over the future path of the nation’s third-largest city. The two will face off in five weeks on April 4.

Vallas also spoke before 9 p.m. surrounded by a gleeful campaign staff as he announced that Lightfoot called to congratulate him on securing a spot in the run-off.

“I want to thank the voters of Chicago for making this campaign about the issues, and nothing but the issues,” Vallas said, a pointed rebuke of attacks from rivals attempting to paint him as a Republican.

Others running included businessman Willie Wilson, state Rep. Kambium “Kam” Buckner, Ald. Sophia King, 4th, Ald. Roderick Sawyer, 6th, and community activist Ja’Mal Green.

Wilson’s position in the race was critical to the result. The businessman campaigned vigorously with Lightfoot in 2019 but their relationship fell apart before she even took office, spurring his run and potentially siphoning votes from the reelection seeking mayor.

Vallas scored the top spot in the first round of the mayoral campaign.

Unofficial results showed Vallas garnered 35% of the vote with 90% of the precincts reporting. Johnson was second with 20%, followed by Lightfoot at 16% and García at 14%. They were trailed by Wilson with 9%. The remaining candidates were each receiving 2% or less of the vote.

With nine candidates running, including seven Black candidates, few expected Tuesday’s election would be the final say on the 2023 race for mayor.

The final matchup was a stunning blow to Lightfoot, who became the first full-term incumbent to fail to win reelection since Jane Byrne lost to Harold Washington in 1983. It was also a clear indication that after an arduous four years, residents were clamoring for a new direction from City Hall. But what direction that is remains to be seen.

The more conservative Vallas and progressive Johnson sparred throughout the divisive campaign, which saw the two typically on opposite ends of the biggest issues in the race — education and crime.



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b93c0a No.20839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426809 (010320ZMAR23) Notable: #22591

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Notables are not endorsements

#22591 >>20810

>>20811, >>20814, >>20817, >>20813 17 Twatbun

>>20812, >>20825, >>20826, >>20832, >>20834, >>20838 Mayor Lori Lightfoot concedes defeat

>>20815, >>20816 CSPAN2 live hearing now on US Security and China

>>20820 #TelAviv March for support of #Russia. With signs saying: #Bandera is killer of #Jews.

>>20818 Israel is still supporting the same country that openly defends and enables Nazism for some reason

>>20819 Hunter Biden’s Ukraine BioLab Partner Was Partners With Ghislaine Maxwell Soros and Obama Linked to The Funding of the Ukraine BioLab Program

>>20824 Tacoma, WA Woman with Tuberculosis to be Arrested for Treatment

>>20827 tater “I had a nurse named Pearl Nelson"

>>20829 Ford seeks patent for cars that ditch you if payments missed

>>20830 @EzraACohen Congress must demand an explanation from @MarkTEsper as to why he defunded the DoD counter drug program

>>20821, >>20822, >>20823, >>20828, >>20833 Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine!

>>20831 Marjorie Taylor Greene “Attacked” in a Restaurant – “Never Even Noticed These People Until They Turned Into Demons”

>>20835 Excellent talk about curing diabetes

>>20836 What connective tissue do global charities provide to the Deep State?

>>20837 Criminal Charges DROPPED Against Disruptive American Airlines Passenger Accused Of Trying To Breach Cockpit – Causing Plane To Make Emergency Landing



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b93c0a No.20840

File: 408a440f422761d⋯.png (120.35 KB,347x231,347:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426828 (010325ZMAR23) Notable: #22592

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b93c0a No.20841

File: a7969fc74d30d27⋯.jpg (51.21 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426862 (010331ZMAR23) Notable: Athens: At least 26 dead/85 injured after two trains collided

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ATHENS, Greece: "At least 26 people have been killed and another 85 injured after two trains collide in Larissa, Greece late Tuesday evening. A train traveling with passengers from Athens to Thessaloniki collided with a cargo train near Larissa, governor of the Thessaly region Konstantinos Agorastos told SKAI TV, according to Reuters. Multiple cars of the train derailed with at least three of them catching fire. Around 150 firefighters with 17 cars and 20 ambulances are involved in the rescue operation, Varthakoyiannis said, according to CNN. The army has also been contacted to assist at the crash site, officials said, according to the AP. Circumstances behind the crash remain unclear, according to Reuters."


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b93c0a No.20842

File: 9ed6c4ad5d09744⋯.jpeg (302.86 KB,443x1115,443:1115,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426866 (010331ZMAR23) Notable: Fired Winnipeg lab scientist listed as inventor on two Chinese govt patents

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June 23, 2021


The high-profile scientist who was fired from Canada’s top infectious disease lab collaborated with Chinese government scientists on inventions registered in Beijing, but closely related to her federal job, intellectual property documents indicate.

Xiangguo Qiu, who’s also under investigation by the RCMP, is listed as an inventor on two patents filed by official agencies in China in recent years.

Qiu was a long-time federal civil servant when the patents were registered in 2017 and 2019 for innovations related to the Ebola and Marburg viruses, key focuses of her work at Winnipeg’s National Microbiology Laboratory.

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b93c0a No.20843

File: 1ab5e3924d039f6⋯.png (32.94 KB,593x367,593:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426912 (010340ZMAR23) Notable: Rudy's reaction to Lightfoot's loss

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Rudy's reaction to Lightfoot's loss

Chicago Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot voted OUT of office.

We need strong Republican candidates for mayor races across America.

Who says we can't compete in the cities?

I did.

It's not about Republican vs Democrat. It's about serving people, NOT partisan political interests.

9:44 PM · Feb 28, 2023 · 28.6K Views


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b93c0a No.20844

File: a2db18ef27126b2⋯.jpg (230.71 KB,720x783,80:87,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426941 (010346ZMAR23) Notable: Mexican President: Mexico Has More Democracy Than US

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Mexican President: Mexico Has More Democracy Than US


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b93c0a No.20845

File: 4e76a04d9ef6c97⋯.png (615.79 KB,1041x594,347:198,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426971 (010351ZMAR23) Notable: Athens: At least 26 dead/85 injured after two trains collided

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Fiery Greece train collision kills 29, injures at least 85

23 minutes ago

TEMPE, Greece (AP) — A passenger train in Greece carrying hundreds of people collided with an oncoming freight train in a fiery wreck in the country’s north early Wednesday, killing 29 and injuring at least 85, officials said.

Multiple cars derailed and at least three burst into flames after the collision near Tempe, a small town next to a valley where major highway and rail tunnels are located, some 380 kilometers (235 miles) north of Athens.

Hospital officials in the nearby city of Larissa said at least 25 people had serious injuries.

“The evacuation process is ongoing and is being carried out under very difficult conditions due to the severity of the collision between the two trains,” said Vassilis Varthakoyiannis, a spokesman for Greece’s firefighting service.

Survivors said several passengers were thrown through the windows of the train cars due to the impact. They said others fought to free themselves after the passenger train buckled, slamming into a field next to the tracks.

Rescuers wearing head lamps worked in thick smoke, pulling pieces of mangled metal from the cars to search for trapped people. Others scoured the field with flashlights and checked underneath the wreckage.


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b93c0a No.20846

File: 1408146b130e92a⋯.png (328.3 KB,598x538,299:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426987 (010355ZMAR23) Notable: US officials make case for renewing FISA surveillance powers

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b93c0a No.20847

File: 68ad7877bd81c24⋯.png (191.35 KB,774x364,387:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18426994 (010356ZMAR23) Notable: Liberal Group Running Massive Election Bribery Scheme in Supreme Court Race

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Liberal Group Running Massive Election Bribery Scheme in Supreme Court Race

It starts with a text from a random number and an offer that sounds too good to be true.

“Hi! It’s Wisconsin Takes Action,” the mysterious texter begins. We are helping to elect a progressive majority to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. We are offering an opportunity for you to earn $250-plus by talking to your friends and family about voting.”

It’s not nearly that simple and in fact amounts to Election Bribery, a felony in Wisconsin punishable by a maximum sentence of more than three years in prison.

The texts have been sent to thousands of Wisconsinites, many of whom have jumped at the chance to, in the words of one Wisconsin Takes Action organizer, “not only get paid…but also to influence a really important election.”

To get her elected, Christian explained, the group is using a technique called “relational organizing.”

“It’s really simple. In traditional organizing in campaigns, we may think about campaign offices, someone making a call to a constituent and telling someone to go vote, someone they don’t know. In relational organizing, you’re talking to people who you do know and that’s really effective because you talking to your father to go vote or your sister or your friend is a lot more effective than me telling them to go vote because I don’t know them. But with you, there’s a lot more connection or relationship built and more reason for them to be compelled to go vote.”

However, people who take part in this relational organizing campaign—whom the group calls “community mobilizers”—are paid per person who they deliver to the Wisconsin Takes Action database and, ultimately, to the polls to cast a vote for Protasiewicz.

This is in direct violation of Wisconsin Statute § 12.11,


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b93c0a No.20848

File: 082e51cef7bf2df⋯.png (915.21 KB,1012x1737,1012:1737,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e08f80ca89054d⋯.png (74.35 KB,1097x424,1097:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427000 (010357ZMAR23) Notable: The President signed a law on the suspension of Russia's participation in the Strategic Offensive Arms Reduction Treaty

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The President signed a law on the suspension of Russia's participation in the Strategic Offensive Arms Reduction Treaty

The document comes into force after official publication. The decision to resume Russia's participation in the Treaty will be made by the President

02/28/2023, 18:17

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed law on the suspension of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States of America on measures to further reduce and limit strategic offensive weapons.

The head of state also signed two laws, one of which pauses, and the other denounces intergovernmental agreement with Latvia on the avoidance of double taxation and on the prevention of tax evasion on income and capital.


machine translated

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b93c0a No.20849

File: 9f5a5c47b64cd15⋯.jpg (155.75 KB,720x903,240:301,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a56d135cb7e7888⋯.jpg (202.8 KB,1067x1280,1067:1280,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7018b4f1cb17592⋯.jpg (91.86 KB,1036x1280,259:320,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427018 (010400ZMAR23) Notable: Surgeon detransitions, says it failed

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This man who had risen to internet fame for stating his surgery smelled of poop, and had to have a revision, now says he is detrans and it was all the biggest mistake of his life.

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b93c0a No.20850

File: a66ac207c631bf8⋯.png (38.16 KB,584x289,584:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427020 (010400ZMAR23) Notable: How about Rudy for Chicago mayor?

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Rudy W. Giuliani

I'm not sure about leaving the Big Apple for the Windy City, but I hope some people will follow your account,

@MrAmericaEsq! 🇺🇲

Mayor Rudy Giuliani should run for mayor again and clean up New York City!

If not New York, America's Mayor should fix up Chicago!

Follow my account and Retweet me if you agree! 🇺🇲

10:52 PM · Feb 28, 2023


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b93c0a No.20851

File: 74b527d955dd158⋯.jpg (199.5 KB,720x943,720:943,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427023 (010401ZMAR23) Notable: How officials cracked case of eyedrops that blinded people

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How officials cracked case of eyedrops that blinded people

It was the beginning of a national outbreak caused by an extremely worrisome bacteria — one that some say heralds an era in which antibiotics no longer work and seemingly routine infections get horribly out of hand.

At last count, 58 Americans in 13 states have been infected, including at least one who died and at least five who suffered permanent vision loss. All have been linked to tainted eyedrops, leading to a recall.

…drug-resistant Pseudomonas

…EzriCare Artificial Tears, an over-the-counter product marketed in the U.S. by New Jersey-based EzriCare LLC and made in India by Global Pharma Healthcare.


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b93c0a No.20852

File: f7291daff1e64e2⋯.png (557.26 KB,651x742,93:106,Clipboard.png)

File: 50dce0201b18c18⋯.png (586.35 KB,621x792,69:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427090 (010419ZMAR23) Notable: Renowned HIV research Frank Plummer, 67-yrs-old, dies

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b93c0a No.20853

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427264 (010453ZMAR23) Notable: Shi Zhengli on a Promotional Video for WIV Reveals Bats in Cages for SARS Research

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Shi Zhengli on a Promotional Video for WIV Reveals Bats in Cages for SARS Research - Lab Leak

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b93c0a No.20854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427310 (010511ZMAR23) Notable: Passengers in fatal Life Flight in Nevada identified

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Passengers in fatal Life Flight in Nevada identified:

PILOT: Scott Walton

PARAMEDIC: Ryan Watson


PATIENT and spouse: Mark and Terri Rand

The NTSB said in an update Sunday that the flight was en route from Reno to Salt Lake City, and it crashed after parts of it fell apart mid-air.

No one survived.

Care Flight is a service of from REMSA Health, which is headquartered in Nevada, and Utah-based Guardian Flight.


"The NTSB said the "Care Flight" was operated by Guardian Flight, a company based out of South Jordan, Utah. The company "specializes in the critical medical transport of patients" in "remote and rural settings," according to its website.

"According to the NTSB, this is the third fatal incident in the past "several" years involving a Guardian-operated aircraft that the agency is investigating. The company reportedly operates approximately 60 aircraft.

"In December 2022, a Guardian-operated flight went down off the coast of Hawaii, killing three people. Another Guardian flight crashed in January 2019 in Alaska, also killing three.

"The NTSB also investigated another incident in Arizona where a pilot lost control. That resulted in no injuries.

"Although the investigation is in preliminary stages, the NTSB confirmed Sunday that parts of the plane — a Pilatus PC-12 fixed-wing aircraft — broke up in the air. These parts included an outboard section of the right wing and a horizontal stabilizer on the tail.

"The NTSB said they found parts scattered between half a mile and 3/4 mile from the wreckage, but they have not yet determined at what altitude it happened.

"There was no distress call at any point," said Landsberg.

"Landsberg described the crash as “unusual.” Investigators are looking at all possibilities, with weather getting “very close scrutiny.”

“These planes are designed to fly in that type of weather condition,” he said.


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b93c0a No.20855

File: 89335878a617935⋯.png (8.37 MB,5402x3106,2701:1553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427313 (010512ZMAR23) Notable: QClock February 28, 2023- Wuhan Lab Leak Report

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QClock February 28, 2023- Wuhan Lab Leak Report

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b93c0a No.20856

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427418 (010556ZMAR23) Notable: So the FBI and DOE are now saying that the China virus leaked from the Wuhan lab

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So the FBI and DOE are now saying that they, too, believe that the China virus came from a leak at wuhan lab, something Tom Cotton said years ago.

Now, Trump has said that it was exported from China. Trump never said it came from the lab

This all convinced me that China military was correct when they said that the US military brought the virus with them during war games over there.


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b93c0a No.20857

File: a2ce57703d4f0da⋯.png (287.53 KB,618x751,618:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427426 (010559ZMAR23) Notable: Active shooter standoff situation in Kansas City, Missouri - three officers shot

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Twitter @rawsalerts:

🚨#BREAKING: Active shooter with multiple police officers shot

📌#KansasCity | #Missouri

Currently Multiple police agencies are working on aActive shooter standoff situation after multiple officers have been reportedly shot in Kansas City, Missouri.Police are asking public to avoid the area as multiple shots have been fired currently there are no word on their conditions so officials are reporting that three officers have been shot


🚨#UPDATE: This is taking place at 2300 block of Blue Ridge Boulevard, according to the Kansas City Police Department.

🚨#UPDATE: Officials say All 3 Officers have non-life-threatening injuries.

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b93c0a No.20858

File: aec64b10dfe0ed9⋯.png (63.72 KB,602x537,602:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427430 (010601ZMAR23) Notable: Mississippi just banned what idiots call "gender affirming care" for youth with gender dysphoria

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Senator Scott Wiener @Scott_Wiener · 5h

Mississippi just banned gender-affirming care for trans youth.

MDs will have their licenses revoked & be subject to lawsuits for 30 years after providing the care.

It’s hard to overstate how harmful — indeed, deadly — these laws are. The tidal wave of anti-LGBTQ hate continues.

Gays Against Groomers @againstgrmrs

Replying to

@Scott_Wiener Stop lying, groomer.

It’s not anti-LGBTQ to protect children from irreversible and devastating harm. It’s morally necessary.

YOU are doing more damage to our community by conflating the two than the biggest homophobe and transphobe could ever hope to.

9:06 PM · Feb 28, 2023 · 28K Views


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b93c0a No.20859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427436 (010604ZMAR23) Notable: Anon reports a lot of activity around Patterson AF Base (trains & planes) ANY PF'S AROUND??

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Heads up I live near right Patterson Air Force Base there has been a lot of flight activity and they've rerouted a road so a train runs through I've been hearing trains for days now Non-Stop and aircraft all the time now

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b93c0a No.20860

File: e2ce2dad74077af⋯.png (361.51 KB,705x616,705:616,Clipboard.png)

File: 32b73392f7b3fc5⋯.png (542.37 KB,705x645,47:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ad42f186783ab5⋯.png (205.67 KB,705x324,235:108,Clipboard.png)

File: 9993c5b4192e4c4⋯.png (273.58 KB,705x470,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: ece572484bffaa5⋯.png (295.5 KB,1155x1125,77:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427442 (010607ZMAR23) Notable: So the FBI and DOE are now saying that the China virus leaked from the Wuhan lab

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WASHINGTON — In late November 2018, just over a year before the first coronavirus case was identified in Wuhan, China, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents at Detroit Metro Airport stopped a Chinese biologist with three vials labeled “Antibodies” in his luggage.

The biologist told the agents that a colleague in China had asked him to deliver the vials to a researcher at a U.S. institute. After examining the vials, however, customs agents came to an alarming conclusion.

“Inspection of the writing on the vials and the stated recipient led inspection personnel to believe the materials contained within the vials may be viable Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) materials,” says an unclassified FBI tactical intelligence report obtained by Yahoo News.

The report, written by the Chemical and Biological Intelligence Unit of the FBI’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate (WMDD), does not give the name of the Chinese scientist carrying the suspected SARS and MERS samples, or the intended recipient in the U.S. But the FBI concluded that the incident, and two other cases cited in the report, were part of an alarming pattern.


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b93c0a No.20861

File: 3b85e73f2253312⋯.png (49.24 KB,491x331,491:331,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ada77b1e77bdc6⋯.png (37.52 KB,767x392,767:392,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427452 (010612ZMAR23) Notable: Ted Cruz: Damn good Q; threatens Brazil with crippling sanctions

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Damn good Q.


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b93c0a No.20862

File: 9dd5c14b945752c⋯.png (337.53 KB,1047x955,1047:955,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427453 (010614ZMAR23) Notable: Ted Cruz: Damn good Q; threatens Brazil with crippling sanctions

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you mean this faggot?


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b93c0a No.20863

File: f082dbbaaf444ce⋯.png (267.21 KB,1861x775,1861:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427488 (010630ZMAR23) Notable: Shpl'chyna Ukraine - How close is it to a biolab - and is it the "Chyna" Trump is really talking about? DIG CALL

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think clandestine found biolab in ukraine, near town with chyna in the name. picrel

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b93c0a No.20864

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427496 (010635ZMAR23) Notable: Shpl'chyna Ukraine - How close is it to a biolab - and is it the "Chyna" Trump is really talking about? DIG CALL

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I remember that.

Developed in Chyna , Ukraine.

Brought into China by US Army.

Fauci was right when he said it didn’t come from wuhan lab.

So what are they goi g to do to Fauci if he didn’t fund its development?

They can’t do a damn thing to him because he didn’t find the virus.

Our military did but no body will ever know

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b93c0a No.20865

File: 2ab427fecb91b74⋯.mp4 (5.3 MB,480x836,120:209,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427529 (010646ZMAR23) Notable: Shpl'chyna Ukraine - How close is it to a biolab - and is it the "Chyna" Trump is really talking about? DIG CALL

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looking in my archive's.. here's his twitter. anons discussed it about a year ago

and qresear.ch results for "chyna ukraine"


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b93c0a No.20866

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427568 (010659ZMAR23) Notable: Shpl'chyna Ukraine - How close is it to a biolab - and is it the "Chyna" Trump is really talking about? DIG CALL

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interesting discussion, but speculation mostly. Clandestine is not really discussing Chyna here, just biolabs - and there is no sauce. Full name is also Shpylchyna. What IS interesting is the way that Trump pronounces Chyna, which is with a very 'soft' "y" - which is a pretty distinctive feature in cyrillac - the soft vs hard "y".


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b93c0a No.20867

File: bac1c0c41a8227b⋯.png (2.11 MB,2398x1002,1199:501,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e45a67d00e99c6⋯.jpeg (168.68 KB,705x900,47:60,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427580 (010703ZMAR23) Notable: Shpl'chyna Ukraine - How close is it to a biolab - and is it the "Chyna" Trump is really talking about? DIG CALL

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might not of been him, i remember it being brought up just after he droped that thread. here's his biolab location map and the google map pin of Shpyl’chyna. best I got so far, yes mainly speculation.

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b93c0a No.20868

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427605 (010713ZMAR23) Notable: #22592

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#22592 >>20840

>>20841, >>20845 Athens: At least 26 dead/85 injured after two trains collided

>>20842 Fired Winnipeg lab scientist listed as inventor on two Chinese govt patents

>>20843 Rudy's reaction to Lightfoot's loss

>>20844 Mexican President: Mexico Has More Democracy Than US

>>20846 US officials make case for renewing FISA surveillance powers

>>20847 Liberal Group Running Massive Election Bribery Scheme in Supreme Court Race

>>20848 The President signed a law on the suspension of Russia's participation in the Strategic Offensive Arms Reduction Treaty

>>20849 Surgeon detransitions, says it failed

>>20850 How about Rudy for Chicago mayor?

>>20851 How officials cracked case of eyedrops that blinded people

>>20852 Renowned HIV research Frank Plummer, 67-yrs-old, dies

>>20853 Shi Zhengli on a Promotional Video for WIV Reveals Bats in Cages for SARS Research

>>20854 Passengers in fatal Life Flight in Nevada identified

>>20855 QClock February 28, 2023- Wuhan Lab Leak Report

>>20856, >>20860 So the FBI and DOE are now saying that the China virus leaked from the Wuhan lab

>>20857 Active shooter standoff situation in Kansas City, Missouri - three officers shot

>>20858 Mississippi just banned what idiots call "gender affirming care" for youth with gender dysphoria

>>20859 Anon reports a lot of activity around Patterson AF Base (trains & planes) ANY PF'S AROUND??

>>20861, >>20862 Ted Cruz: Damn good Q; threatens Brazil with crippling sanctions

>>20865, >>20863, >>20864, >>20866, >>20867 Shpl'chyna Ukraine - How close is it to a biolab - and is it the "Chyna" Trump is really talking about? DIG CALL


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b93c0a No.20869

File: 397bdea3cccbfcf⋯.png (109.63 KB,208x344,26:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 422c3ed48328bf2⋯.png (25.79 KB,168x255,56:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427616 (010716ZMAR23) Notable: #22593

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baker seeking handoff

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b93c0a No.20870

File: 2781b0e2ad91da9⋯.png (591.8 KB,881x1166,881:1166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427691 (010743ZMAR23) Notable: Elon: Photo filters are so misleading

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Elon: Photo filters are so misleading



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b93c0a No.20871

File: 98d351d7a7de635⋯.png (2.06 MB,2560x6593,2560:6593,Clipboard.png)

File: d6f7010ce0cab1d⋯.png (5.37 MB,1147x9901,1147:9901,Clipboard.png)

File: 48024c1b0cffe17⋯.png (3.96 MB,1147x10496,1147:10496,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427726 (010801ZMAR23) Notable: Zelensky Ordered Destruction of All State Docs Associated with METABIOTA on 02/24/22

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>Zelensky Ordered Destruction of All State Docs Associated with METABIOTA on 02/24/22

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b93c0a No.20872

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427758 (010809ZMAR23) Notable: Japan PM: Ban on same-sex marriage not discrimination

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Japan PM: Ban on same-sex marriage not discrimination

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said the country’s ban on same-sex marriage is not discriminatory, insisting that constitutional freedom of marriage only envisions heterosexual unions, a comment that triggered criticism he is backtracking despite his recent apology and meeting with LGBTQ people.

Kishida’s governing Liberal Democratic Party, known for its conservative family values and reluctance to promote gender equality and sexual diversity, is virtually the main opposition to legalization of same-sex marriage and other measures of equality for LGBTQ people.

Asked by an opposition lawmaker at Tuesday’s parliamentary budget committee if he thinks a same-sex marriage ban constitutes discrimination, Kishida said “I don’t think disallowing same-sex couples to marry is unjust discrimination by the state.”

His comment sparked criticism from opposition lawmakers and LGBTQ activists, who questioned whether Kishida was backpedaling to show consideration to ultra-conservatives in his party who oppose sexual diversity.

Kishida said after meeting with LGBTQ representatives in mid-February that he “strongly felt the need for discussion” and would consider the voices of the people and in parliament, as well as rulings in several ongoing lawsuits and measures in local municipalities.

Kishida on Wednesday repeated his position that a same-sex marriage ban “is not unconstitutional” and denied that he is prejudiced. “I believe I do not have a sense of discrimination (on the issue),” he said. “And I have never stated I’m against it.”

Former Kishida aide Masayoshi Arai’s discriminatory remarks last month about LGBTQ people ignited nationwide outrage, and prompted a renewed push for the Kishida government to enact an anti-discrimination law even after the official was sacked.

Arai told reporters in early February that he wouldn’t want to live next to LGBTQ people and that citizens would flee Japan if same-sex marriages were allowed.

Toru Miyamoto, a Japanese Communist Party lawmaker, asked Kishida on Wednesday about his meeting with LGBTQ representatives and whether he really meant his apology. Miyamoto also noted recent media surveys and local government initiatives introducing non-binding same-sex partnerships, and told Kishida that support for same-sex marriage now represents the majority of public opinion.

Since the controversy erupted, Kishida appointed a special aide for LGBTQ issues and instructed his party to prepare legislation to promote understanding for LGBTQ rights.

Activists are now urging the government to enact anti-discrimination legislation before Japan hosts a summit of the Group of Seven industrialized nations in May in Hiroshima. Japan is the only G-7 member that has not recognized same-sex marriage or enacted an anti-discrimination law for LGBTQ people.

But his own previous comments — including that allowing same-sex marriage would change society and family values and must be carefully considered — were also seen as an indication of his reluctance to promote equal rights for LGBTQ people despite his pledge to create an inclusive and diverse society.

Campaigns for equal rights for LGBTQ people have been stonewalled especially by conservatives in Kishida’s governing Liberal Democratic Party. An attempt to enact an equality awareness promotion law ahead of the 2021 Tokyo Olympics was quashed by the party.

While surveys show growing public support for same-sex unions, government efforts to support sexual diversity have been slow in Japan and legal protections are still lacking for LGBTQ people. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people often face discrimination at school, work and home in Japan, causing many to hide their sexual identities.


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b93c0a No.20873

File: d0e24944428eeaa⋯.png (1.05 MB,1162x1290,581:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427769 (010814ZMAR23) Notable: Space Force retweeting the missile launch photo

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Space Force retweeting the missle launch photo

17's on the gear, 'member?


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b93c0a No.20874

File: ac71c580d79b9da⋯.png (1.45 MB,1164x1356,97:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ddfc4492ef48cd⋯.png (1.16 MB,1168x1062,584:531,Clipboard.png)

File: 496cbac6b39c59f⋯.png (36.89 KB,270x224,135:112,Clipboard.png)

File: ad4b683a280bf77⋯.png (130.24 KB,432x316,108:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427788 (010823ZMAR23) Notable: USARMY and Gen Kelly showing love for signs of departure

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USARMY and Gen Kelly showing love for signs of departure



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b93c0a No.20875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427795 (010825ZMAR23) Notable: NH Gov Sununu: I Very Well May Run for President

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NH Gov Sununu: I Very Well May Run for President

Pam Key28 Feb 2023

(More RINOS)

Governor Chris Sununu (R-NH) said Tuesday on SiriusXM POTUS channel’s “The Briefing” that he is considering running for president in the Republican primary.

Host Steve Scully asked, “When does Governor Chris Sununu announce that he is running for president?”

Sununu said, “Oh boy. Look, I’ll tell you – I don’t know when that is and the if and when, maybe this summer, we’ll get to that. But I’ve got to tell you, we have created this organization, and I think that’s why we’re getting a lot of national attention, and I’m honored in that the New Hampshire model is really successful. And so people have asked me to travel the country and say, well, how does it work there? How do we get what you guys have? And so I do that, and I’m also, more importantly, I’m the guy that’s trying to expand the party. I get really frustrated with the Republican party because we are just talking in our same echo chamber as opposed to how do we get independence back on board. How do we talk to the next generation voter, which right now really doesn’t want to be part of the Republican party, but we got this great product? We got this great product of limited government and local control, and we can stay true to those values, and that’s something that that next generation wants to see. But we don’t promote that well enough. So I’m trying to bridge that. So I’m trying to raise a heck of a lot of money to kind of create this national organization. It’s getting a lot of momentum and a lot of steam. And in doing so, yeah, people are saying I should run. Now, we’ll see if that really happens. I very well may do it because I just don’t see certain things lining up for the Republican party to make sure, not just winning the nomination, winning in November, winning in November is all that matters.”

Scully said, “I very well may do it. That seems like you’re inching closer to running.”

Sununu said, “Yeah, well, I very well may do it. Yeah, that’s absolutely right. I very well may. I mean, I want to see where stuff goes. I think a lot of people are going to get in the race, and I know there’s a huge concern. Oh, you’ll dilute the race, and that’s a valid concern, but don’t be so worried about who gets in. Because one thing I’ve learned in politics if people want to run, they’re going to run. But what we need to do, whether it’s myself, or evenGovernor Reynoldsand I, or some of the other leaders of this early process, to start pulling levers and getting people out. The discipline is not getting in. The discipline is knowing I’m sitting in single poll numbers. All I’m doing is diluting the field. I’ve given it a good run. Now I’m going to get out. And so that’s where the discipline will come. And so we still have a lot of politics to play before we get there.”


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b93c0a No.20876

File: becefa91923bb35⋯.png (1.16 MB,1162x1094,581:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427807 (010830ZMAR23) Notable: ANG and [17]2nd Airlift bringing the FIRE

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ANG and [17]2nd Airlift bringing the FIRE

>large scale readiness


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b93c0a No.20877

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427840 (010847ZMAR23) Notable: Christian Teacher Charged with Misconduct After ‘Misgendering’ Trans Pupil

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Christian Teacher Charged with Misconduct After ‘Misgendering’ Trans Pupil

A Christian teacher has been accused of “misgendering” one of his transgender pupils during a misconduct hearing.

Joshua Sutcliffe, a mathematics teacher and committed Christian, has been accused of engaging in conduct that “negatively affected pupils” by allegedly “misgendering” one of his pupils, who is described as being “transgender”.

Sutcliffe is the latest school teacher to be put under scrutiny over his religious beliefs conflicting with transgenderism, with an Irish teacher even being jailed last year following a row erupting over his refusal to use the preferred pronouns of one pupil.

According to a report by The Guardian, Britain’s Teaching Regulation Agency has accused Sutcliffe of “misgendering” one of his pupils multiple times during a misconduct panel on the issue.

The maths teacher is also accused of endangering a child’s anonymity after he went on a talk show to discuss his subsequent dismissal from a school in Oxford over the trans row, with the body claiming that his presence on the programme “made it likely” the pupil involved would be identified.

Sutcliffe has denied the charges of misconduct, with his legal representative, Michael Phillips, arguing that his client is entitled to freedom of speech and cannot be compelled to say something he does not agree with.

Phillips also disputed the claims made against Sutcliffe, saying that the teacher had only misgendered the child once within their presence, and had apologised for doing so.

The legal counsel also argued that there was no evidence that using the child’s preferred pronouns would benefit them, putting into question the charge of misconduct.

“There is no evidence it was in Pupil A’s best interest to have preferred pronouns used,” Phillips remarked. “It was their wish but it doesn’t follow there was ethical justification for this.”

An accusation that Sutcliffe shared his views on same-sex marriage during a maths class was also rejected, with the teacher instead saying that he only shared those views during a Bible study session he set up in the school.

The hearing continues.

Meanwhile, Sutcliffe is far from the first educator who has come under fire for being seen to challenge the politics of transgenderism, with other teachers across the world ending up in hot water after resisting the progressive movement.

One of these individuals is Irish secondary school teacher Enoch Burke, who ended up being jailed by the Irish state after a row over him allegedly refusing to use a child’s preferred pronouns escalated.

Refusing the recognise a court order for him to stay away from the school where he was then employed, as he said it went against his right to religious freedom, Burke was eventually put behind bars by a High Court judge in September of last year.

Burke was only released from the prison shortly before Christmas, with it being judged that he would be unable to try and attend the school as it was closed for the holiday period at the time.

Despite having since been dismissed from his post, Burke continues to regularly attend the school, prompting him to receive fines from the court, which still is of the view that Burke is in breach of a legal court order.


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b93c0a No.20878

File: 86bb5ddbd77f69d⋯.jpeg (69.03 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427847 (010850ZMAR23) Notable: Top Pentagon official reflects on Ukraine paying for arms

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1 Mar, 2023 08:14

Top Pentagon official reflects on Ukraine paying for arms

Kiev eventually needs to foot the bill for some weapons shipments, a US Assistant Defense Secretary has said

Ukraine should eventually step in to cover the costs of some weapons it receives from its Western backers, the US Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, Celeste Wallander, told Congress on Tuesday.

Speaking at a House Appropriations Committee hearing, Rep. Michael Garcia (R-Calif.) said that it would be important for the US to initiate foreign military sales to Ukraine, rather than providing Kiev with arms for free, claiming that it “would go a long way with American taxpayers.”

Wallander responded that while the Ukrainians had actually bought some weapons themselves,they “haven’t done any big figure procurement from American companies.” (Does that mean they bought from foreign countries?)

“They don’t have that scale of capability in their budget right now… but it’s a very good point that we also need to transition them to start their own defense spending planning as well as everything else we will do to support them,” she said.

Since the start of the Ukraine conflict more than one year ago, the US has committed to support Kiev with more than $31.7 billion in security assistance, including M1 Abrams tanks, hundreds of artillery pieces and thousands of anti-aircraft systems. Russia has repeatedly warned that arms shipments to Ukraine will only prolong the conflict.

While US President Joe Biden has vowed to support Ukraine for “as long as it takes,” that stance has faced some opposition, especially from the Republican Party. Earlier this month, a group of GOP lawmakers put forward the “Ukraine Fatigue Resolution” calling on Washington to “end its military and financial aid to Ukraine” while urging “all combatants to reach a peace agreement.”

Late last year, Republicans introduced a resolution spearheaded by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, calling for an audit of US aid to Ukraine. However, it was narrowly defeated in the House of Representatives in early December.


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b93c0a No.20879

File: d892596b9be583a⋯.jpg (1.64 MB,3024x2268,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c6482ef8736e80a⋯.jpg (225.71 KB,1275x1650,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d694a6464a344cc⋯.jpg (599.13 KB,1275x1650,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 744560ff91e1f61⋯.jpg (583.71 KB,1275x1650,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 098aa131c86ab1b⋯.jpg (600.4 KB,1240x1755,248:351,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427854 (010852ZMAR23) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell seeks to throw out sex trafficking conviction in Epstein case

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Ghislaine Maxwell seeks to throw out sex trafficking conviction in Epstein case

Jonathan Stempel - March 1, 2023

NEW YORK, Feb 28 (Reuters) - Ghislaine Maxwell has asked a U.S. appeals court to throw out her conviction for helping Jeffrey Epstein sexually abuse teenage girls, saying a slew of errors marred her trial and prosecutors made her a scapegoat because the financier was dead.

"The government prosecuted Ms. Maxwell as a proxy for Jeffrey Epstein" to satisfy "public outrage" over the case, making the British socialite the target of unprecedented "vilification," Maxwell's lawyers said in a Tuesday night filing with the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan.

Maxwell's lawyers offered several arguments for dismissing the case or granting a new trial, including that she was immune from prosecution, prosecutors waited too long to charge her, and one of her jurors was biased.

A spokesman for U.S. Attorney Damian Williams in Manhattan declined to comment.

Maxwell, 61, is serving a 20-year prison sentence after a Manhattan jury convicted her in December 2021 on five charges for recruiting and grooming four girls for abuse by Epstein between 1994 and 2004.

Epstein killed himself at age 66 in a Manhattan jail cell in August 2019, one month after being charged with sex trafficking.

Maxwell's trial team had tried to discredit her accusers and claimed that prosecutors made her case a legal reckoning that Epstein, a registered sex offender, never had.

At Maxwell's trial, the accusers said Maxwell and Epstein at first made them feel welcome in their orbit before subjecting them into giving Epstein sexualized massages.

Hundreds of women claimed to be victims of Epstein's abuse, and famous people, most notably Britain's Prince Andrew, who were friendly with him have seen their reputations tarred or destroyed.

Maxwell, the daughter of late British media mogul Robert Maxwell, retained for her appeal a new legal team led by Arthur Aidala, who in 2020 represented the disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein at his first sex crimes trial.


The appeal contains some arguments that mirrored arguments that Maxwell's previous lawyers had made unsuccessfully before, during and after her trial.

They include a contention that Epstein's 2007 non-prosecution agreement with federal prosecutors in southern Florida, arising from alleged abuse at his Palm Beach mansion, also immunized her by shielding "potential co-conspirators" from prosecution.

Epstein, in exchange for immunity, pleaded guilty in 2008 to a Florida state prostitution charge and served 13 months in jail. That arrangement is now widely considered too lenient.

Maxwell's lawyers also said the charges were barred by a five-year statute of limitations, and that U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan, who oversaw the trial, made multiple errors.

The lawyers said Nathan should have corrected juror confusion about what prosecutors needed to prove, and voided the conviction after one juror failed to disclose before trial that he had been sexually abused as a child.

"Ample evidence" showed that the juror known as Scotty David or Juror 50 "harbored actual bias," including his inability to separate his past from the evidence, and his statement that the verdict was "for all the victims," Maxwell's lawyers said.

Maxwell's appeal also highlighted other factors that allegedly made her trial unfair.

Prosecutors were accused of having "joined forces" with lawyers representing accusers who were seeking damages in civil litigation "to develop new allegations" against Maxwell.

Maxwell's lawyers also said her "deplorable" jail conditions - including claims of raw sewage, sleep and water deprivation, and hyper-surveillance - left her "so disoriented and diminished" that she could not meaningfully aid her defense.

Prosecutors are expected to respond to Maxwell's filing before the appeals court hears oral arguments.

Maxwell is imprisoned in Tallahassee, Florida. She is eligible for release in July 2037, with credit for good behavior and the two years she spent in jail.






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b93c0a No.20880

File: abc50a6859b0457⋯.png (410.54 KB,634x421,634:421,Clipboard.png)

File: ea1811f1ffeae8a⋯.png (822.43 KB,634x917,634:917,Clipboard.png)

File: fbe1252038efe7e⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,426x240,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427906 (010913ZMAR23) Notable: No MAGA allowed (?)

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No MAGA allowed

'They told me anyone wearing Trump has to go now': Ron DeSantis book signing event in Florida turns ugly when security guard is ordered to boot pro-Donald supporters - as tension between Republican rivals escalates

A security guard told supporters of Donald Trump that they were not allowed to attend a book signing event held by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

The frustrated Trump supporters slammed DeSantis as 'anti-free speech'

It's the latest friction between allies-turned-rivals as DeSantis is currently leading a GOP poll for his party's nomination for 2024

March 1, 2023

A group of Donald Trump supporters were booted from a Ron DeSantis book signing event after he allegedly ordered security to kick out fans of the former president.

The Florida governor was at a Books-a-Million store in Leesburg, Florida, on Tuesday, when Trump supporters attempted to take part in the event.

The group, however, was not allowed in, with video of the incident showing a security guard telling them: 'They told me to say anyone wearing Trump has to go right now.'

The group then boos at the order, calling DeSantis out for not supporting 'free speech' as tensions rise between Trump and the governor, who is leading the latest Republican poll for a potential GOP presidential frontrunner.

MUST WATCH: I’m at the Leesburg, FL mall outside of Books A Million for my pro-Trump rally with @Villagers4Trump, & @GovRonDeSantis & his staff ordered the police to make “anyone wearing a Trump shirt” or anyone with any “Trump gear” to leave!

Ron DeSantis is anti-free speech! pic.twitter.com/qAcJBQuHZ4

— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) February 28, 2023

Sauce/more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11806371/DeSantis-book-signing-event-Florida-turns-ugly-security-guard-ordered-boot-Trumpers.html

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b93c0a No.20881

File: 26c467233f9cae6⋯.png (1.12 MB,1166x1102,583:551,Clipboard.png)

File: 5268b5bbf7a8939⋯.png (208.13 KB,650x288,325:144,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427913 (010917ZMAR23) Notable: ACOS Gen McConville training with the frogs

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ACOS Gen McConville training with the frogs


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b93c0a No.20882

File: ba4e8a2c1e00c25⋯.jpeg (87.27 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427958 (010946ZMAR23) Notable: Minsk and Beijing never intend to work against third nations – Lukashenko

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1 Mar, 2023 09:31

Minsk and Beijing never intend to work against third nations – Lukashenko

Belarus’ president says his country and China seek mutual prosperity and don’t undercut other countries

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko underscored the importance of ties with China for his country's future and said that in pursuing closer relations neither country seeks to undermine others in comments delivered on Wednesday during a three-day trip to China.

“We wish you success, which is pragmatic for us, because if China is strong, Belarus will be strong and will develop,” the leader of Belarus told Li Keqiang, the premier of China, during a meeting in Beijing.

“We see the situation on the international stage. And we praise you for the thoughtful progress you make. You go your way, don’t undermine anyone, and don’t get triggered by the barbs that people all over direct at China,”Lukashenko added. “This is absolutely in line with the spirit and character of the Chinese people.”

Minsk and Beijing “have no forbidden directions for cooperation” and “never intended to … work against third nations, whoever they may be,” Lukashenko said. He boasted that Belarusian-Chinese bilateral trade was set to reach $6 billion per year and said that the aim of his three-day visit was to “outline new horizons” in the countries' ties.

Li noted that the relationship between the two nations was built on afoundation of “mutual respect, trust, and win-win cooperation” and had the potential for further improvement.

Belarus, a traditional Russian ally, shares Moscow’s concern about the expansion of NATO in Europe. Amid the security crisis in Ukraine, the two agreed to form a joint military force, a move touted as a way to counter the military buildup of the US-led bloc in Poland and the Baltic states.

China is a strategic Russian partner. While Beijing criticized Moscow for sending troops into Ukraine, it laid the blame for provoking the crisis in the first place on the US and NATO and has defied Washington’s wishes by refusing to impose economic sanctions.

The US claimed in February that Beijing was considering sending military aid to Russia and threatened retaliation for such a move. China has denied the American allegations.

(It always start like that, good allies, but it never ends that way.)


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b93c0a No.20883

File: 29ad4588fa14342⋯.jpg (291.79 KB,711x1577,711:1577,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427977 (010957ZMAR23) Notable: Bun on CHINA virus and relationship to previous biological warfare through DOD/WHO/NIH as well as ivermectin in relation to treatment.

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Re: (LBN) >>20865, >>20863, >>20864, >>20866, >>20867 Shpl'chyna Ukraine - How close is it to a biolab - and is it the "Chyna" Trump is really talking about? DIG CALL

Imo the term China virus was emphasized because that's what is essentially is…chronic infectious neuropathic agents. Did China play a part in its release/development…most likely. Did the DOD and us funded labs play a part that also…evidence seems to say so. I think the focus using the term "CHINA" virus is much deeper and is pointing towards digging into the past.

From the archives:

#18333044 at 2023-02-12 18:45:05 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #22470: Narrative Wars Continue Edition

Re: (PBN) >>15327, >>15330, >>15331, >>15333, >>15334, >>15336, >>15347, >>15348 We have proof that COVID-19 was always a bio-weapon. We have proof that the vaccines against COVID-19 were also always bio-weapons

Came across this publication the other day. Note China virus. Well worth a read



Nature, Accident or Intentional?

Tetrahedron, Inc. 1996.

Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.

Foreward by W. John Martin, M.D., Ph.D

Here is free pdf, it's easily found through search if you don't trust links.


Here is a copy of a letter written on covid from the Dr.

Forgive the Twitter link, couldn't find another source.


He also has a book on covid and the fourth riech that I haven't read yet, but found interesting considering everything else I've read on post ww2 and nazis.

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b93c0a No.20884

File: 6fd986e6982ca83⋯.jpeg (95.1 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427990 (011004ZMAR23) Notable: Russia’s oil output hits pre-sanctions high – Kommersant

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1 Mar, 2023 08:00

Russia’s oil output hits pre-sanctions high – Kommersant

Production has been on the rise to meet booming demand in Asia

Russian energy companies in February increased the average daily production of crude oil and condensate by almost 2% compared to the previous month, to 1.508 million tons per day, Kommersant reported on Tuesday, citing people familiar with the matter.

The Russian newspaper report indicated that oil output inFebruary reached the pre-sanctions level for the first time, and may exceed the February 2022 figure.

The country’s output has gradually recovered after plummeting last March as a result of Western restrictions, the media outlet wrote.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), Russian oil production and exports have held up “much better than expected” in recent months despite bans and price caps targeting the industry. The head of the IEA’s oil industry and markets division, Toril Bosoni, explained to CNBC earlier this month that this was due to Moscow’s success inrerouting much of the crude previously shipped to the EUto new markets in Asia.

China, India and Türkiye in particular have boosted purchases to partially offset the fall in Russian crude exports to the EU, the agency noted. It also suggested that theEU and G7 price caps may also be helpingto bolster Russian exports, as Moscow was forced to sell its Urals oil at a lower price to those countries complying with the caps, potentially making it more attractive than crude from other sources.

(It doesn’t matter what the EU does, they are just destroying their countries, along with US. I bet Russia loves to publish these articles.)


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b93c0a No.20885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18427993 (011005ZMAR23) Notable: Bun on CHINA virus and relationship to previous biological warfare through DOD/WHO/NIH as well as ivermectin in relation to treatment.

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Might add: Anon suggested "heat shock" proteins might protect against prions. Perhaps, this is worth a look as far as finding a treatment for these agents. Also, Judy Mikovits might be able to contribute on this subject. She has turned out to be an NIH "whistleblower" and it seems she was aware of viruses "slow" or otherwise contaminating work on HIV.

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b93c0a No.20886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428001 (011015ZMAR23) Notable: Bun on CHINA virus and relationship to previous biological warfare through DOD/WHO/NIH as well as ivermectin in relation to treatment.

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b93c0a No.20887

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428033 (011030ZMAR23) Notable: Bun on CHINA virus and relationship to previous biological warfare through DOD/WHO/NIH as well as ivermectin in relation to treatment.

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Tagged wrong post, corrected


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b93c0a No.20888

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428038 (011032ZMAR23) Notable: Bun on CHINA virus and relationship to previous biological warfare through DOD/WHO/NIH as well as ivermectin in relation to treatment.

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Forgot the tldr key

"To identify small-molecule inhibitors of HSP27, we followed a course of drug screening coupled with structural modeling approaches to resolve a targetable phosphorylation pocket in its NTD, identify ivermectin (IVM) as an inhibitor of HSP27 phospho-activation, and delineate its biochemical and functional mechanisms of action in cancer."

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b93c0a No.20889

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428047 (011036ZMAR23) Notable: Bun on CHINA virus and relationship to previous biological warfare through DOD/WHO/NIH as well as ivermectin in relation to treatment.

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Bun on CHINA virus and relationship to previous biological warfare through DOD/WHO/NIH as well as ivermectin in relation to treatment.






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b93c0a No.20890

File: 52475b4b65f7af7⋯.png (105.19 KB,571x378,571:378,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428074 (011057ZMAR23) Notable: #NightShift theme of the week… patpmovie.com "The Plot Against the President - The Documentary"

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Kash Patel




#NightShift theme of the week…


The Plot Against the President - The Documentary

Now Playing. The True Story of the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History. A documentary based on the bestselling book by Lee Smith.

The Plot Against the President

Feb 28, 2023, 5:31 PM

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b93c0a No.20891

File: 58513560600f900⋯.jpeg (58.26 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428103 (011110ZMAR23) Notable: First Democratic challenger to expected Biden 2024 bid emerges

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28 Feb, 2023 11:22

Hollyweird News

First Democratic challenger to expected Biden 2024 bid emerges

Author Marianne Williamson is making a fresh run for the White House

Marianne Williamson will formally declare her candidacy for the Democratic nomination in the 2024 presidential race in the US this week, she has announced, becoming the first blue camp challenger to President Joe Biden’s expected reelection run.

The nation needs politics that “does not base itself on the crass imperatives of endless corporate profit, but on the eternal imperatives of our principles and values,” she said in a statement on Monday, explaining her decision to bid for the presidency again.

The US needs to treat the root causes of the problems it faces, she argued, indicating that she will run as an anti-establishment politician. An event to formally kick off her campaign is scheduled for Saturday.

Williamson, 70, is the first person to announce a bid for the 2024 Democratic nomination. She participated in the 2020 cycle, seeking to represent the same party, but dropped out early, endorsing fellow progressive candidate Bernie Sanders. In 2016, she vocally supported Sanders against Hillary Clinton.

Her 2020 run was mired by negative media coverage focusing on her lack of political experience. She was dismissed as the “crystal woo woo lady” by detractors, who were alluding to her self-help books and long-held interest in spirituality.

The candidate acknowledged that her chances will likely be estimated as slim at best, but noted that since Donald Trump’s 2016 victory, “it’s odd for anyone to think they know who can win the presidency.” (WTF, Kek)

“And I’m not putting myself through this again just to add to the conversation. I’m running for president to help bring anaberrational chapter of our history to a close, and to help bring forth a new beginning,” Williamson stated. (No thanks)

Biden is yet to confirm a reelection bid, though the White House has repeatedly stated that he has every intention of running. However, Politico claimed last week that this was not a certainty and that Biden’s failure to formally announce had caused “an awkward deep-freeze across the party” as some insiders are considering “a Plan B.”

(Marianne gets another dictation from demons, Run! They were warning her to really run, not run for office! Controlled op oncoming. She gets more moran followers this way. Who funds her?)


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b93c0a No.20892

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428125 (011127ZMAR23) Notable: Top U.S. House Democrat Opposes Bill to Ban TikTok

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Top U.S. House Democrat Opposes Bill to Ban TikTok

Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY), the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said Tuesday he opposes a Republican bill that would grant the president power to ban the Chinese social media app TikTok.

Republican committee chair Michael McCaul said too many Americans do not recognize TikTok as a national security threat during a debate on the measure.

“Many Americans do not realize one of the greatest surveillance efforts from (China) has been silently gathering personal data in their pockets,” McCaul said. “TikTok is a national security threat … It is time to act.”

Meeks said he opposed the legislation, asserting it would “damage our allegiances across the globe, bring more companies into China’s sphere, destroy jobs here in the United States and undercut core American values of free speech and free enterprise,” according to Reuters.

Meeks further accused the bill of being “dangerously overbroad” and would U.S. sanctions on Korean and Taiwanese “companies that supply Chinese companies with semiconductor chips and other equipment.”

“As it is right now, it’s a [Republican] party-line bill. It is overly broad. We didn’t have a chance to discuss it at all” Meeks told Axios. “There were some suggestions that were made [by my staff] that were … summarily dismissed.”

Meeks felt the problem of TikTok should be solved with negotiations being conducted by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) and the Byte-dance-owned app.

TikTok defended itself, saying it has spent over $1.5 billion on data security to rebuff spying allegations.

“It would be unfortunate if the House Foreign Affairs Committee were to censor millions of Americans, and do so based not on actual intelligence, but on a basic misunderstanding of our corporate structure,” TikTok outlined.

Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI), another Democrat on Foreign Affairs, also told Axios, “Not well-written, not well thought out and terrible overreach. I think there won’t be any [Democratic votes for it].”


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b93c0a No.20893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428143 (011135ZMAR23) Notable: Twitter clarifies ‘violent speech’ policy

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Twitter clarifies ‘violent speech’ policy

The social media giant said it would continue to allow “hyperbolic and consensual speech between friends”

Twitter has unveiled new rules to crack down on “violent speech,” saying it will impose a “zero tolerance” policy toward those threatening or glorifying the harm of another person or group. Certain exemptions will apply for cases involving satire, jokes and some forms of “artistic expression.”

The company announced the decision on Tuesday, noting that going forward, Twitter users “may not threaten, incite, glorify, or express desire for violence or harm,” part of a policy change intended to “prevent the normalization of violent actions.”

“In most cases, we will immediately and permanently suspend any account that violates this policy,” it said in a press release, adding that “for less severe violations,” some accounts may simply be locked temporarily.

However, the new policy will also make several exceptions, including for posts which contain “no clear abusive or violent context,” such as “hyperbolic and consensual” ribbing between friends, or during the “discussion of video games or sporting events.”

“We also allow certain cases of figures of speech, satire, or artistic expression when the context is expressing a viewpoint rather than instigating actionable violence or harm,” the company added, claiming it would “evaluate” all flagged posts before taking action against users.

While the decision marks one of the first major speech policy changes adopted by Twitter since its takeover by Elon Musk last October, the site’s rules have continued to evolve over the years.

In 2018, under the leadership of the platform’s original owner and co-founder Jack Dorsey, Twitter imposed a ban on speech which “dehumanize[s] anyone based on membership in an identifiable group, as this speech can lead to offline harm.” The following year, it expanded that policy to prohibit posts attacking users on the basis of their “religion, caste, age, disability, disease, race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation,” and later took additional steps to curtail violent posts following the riot at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.


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b93c0a No.20894

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428177 (011206ZMAR23) Notable: France stops covid injections for all but the “most vulnerable” in the population

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France stops covid injections for all but the “most vulnerable” in the population

Last Friday, France’s independent public science authority Haute Autorité de Santé (“HAS”) released its vaccination strategy for the autumn of 2023. It no longer recommends vaccinations for the entire population, but rather only for groups they have identified as most vulnerable to serious illness.


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b93c0a No.20895

File: 8997ad2d5240f93⋯.png (54.37 KB,768x358,384:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428190 (011212ZMAR23) Notable: Deaths in Singapore hit record 60-year highs after the rollout of covid injections

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Deaths in Singapore hit record 60-year highs after the rollout of covid injections

Last week the Department of Statistics Singapore published data on number of deaths and death rates for 2022, the second year after the rollout of the covid “vaccine.” The data shows a 10.4% increase in the number of deaths during 2022 compared to 2021. And comparing the number of deaths in 2022 to the pre-pandemic year of 2019 there was a staggering 26% increase.

In Singapore, the mass covid injection campaign began on 30 December 2020. The year of the vaccine, 2021, was already the highest death rate since records began 61 years earlier. Now 2022 has broken that record and is the highest death rate in 62 years.

Additionally, 2022 recorded the highest number of perinatal deaths in 20 years. The perinatal mortality rate increased by 58.6% compared to 2021 and 84% compared to 2019. Perinatal Death is “stillbirth and death of babies under seven days of age”.


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b93c0a No.20896

File: 17713b9e2d18c4f⋯.png (672.14 KB,612x785,612:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428191 (011214ZMAR23) Notable: Re-truth of WWG1WGA

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Re-truth of WWG1WGA


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b93c0a No.20897

File: 1d74636bc0222e2⋯.png (49.25 KB,594x294,99:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428219 (011231ZMAR23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: If Rupert Murdoch honestly believes that the Presidential Election of 2020, despite MASSIVE amounts of proof to the contrary, was not Rigged & Stollen…

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Donald J. Trump


If Rupert Murdoch honestly believes that the Presidential Election of 2020, despite MASSIVE amounts of proof to the contrary, was not Rigged & Stollen, then he & his group of MAGA Hating Globalist RINOS should get out of the News Business as soon as possible, because they are aiding & abetting the DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA with FAKE NEWS. Certain BRAVE & PATRIOTIC FoxNews Hosts, who he scorns and ridicules, got it right. He got it wrong. THEY SHOULD BE ADMIRED & PRAISED, NOT REBUKED & FORSAKEN!!!

Mar 01, 2023, 7:23 AM


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b93c0a No.20898

File: ea5ef220d00a3d9⋯.jpeg (337.35 KB,1241x1508,1241:1508,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428231 (011238ZMAR23) Notable: catturd w/CAP: Why would they want to come back to a Democrat run woke military that discarded them like trash? Troops discharged after refusing COVID vaccine can now rejoin

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Wow, soldiers can come back now that instituted CRT, Equity and sensitivity training, made you wear red high heels so you know what its like for woman, introduced transgender in the womens unit, endangered your children by inviting groomers and pedophiles in, lower the physical and mental standards, filled the ranks with weirdos, trimmed leadership of the patriots and basically pussified the military so we never win a war again!

You’re Welcome! Now sign up asap. We’ll be sending you to Ukraine soon, you’ll love it there, satanists, nazis, weirdos, grifters and money launderers!

But watch your back, they love shooting anything that moves or they think are Russians soldiers or even citizens. BTW we don’t got your 6 anymore, we banned that it sounds too male!


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b93c0a No.20899

File: 64af99ee971c960⋯.png (142.84 KB,402x796,201:398,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428267 (011253ZMAR23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Our Country is under attack by the Fake News Media, CRIME, and an INVASION at our Southern Border. WE MUST TAKE BACK THE WHITE HOUSE IN 2024…

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Donald J. Trump



Our Country is under attack by the Fake News Media, CRIME, and an INVASION at our Southern Border. WE MUST TAKE BACK THE WHITE HOUSE IN 2024, AND MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Mar 01, 2023, 7:42 AM


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b93c0a No.20900

File: 94546f237cf9475⋯.jpeg (65.8 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428277 (011256ZMAR23) Notable: Moscow reacts to alleged radioactive shipment to Ukraine. claims about possible delivery of Californium-252

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1 Mar, 2023 12:34

Moscow reacts to alleged radioactive shipment to Ukraine

The Russian Foreign Ministry has called attention to claims about possible delivery of Californium-252

International organizations should take a look at reportsof highly radioactive material being delivered to Ukraine’s Black Sea port of Odessa, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said on Wednesday. Maria Zakharova voiced concerns that the alleged shipment happened near Moldova’s breakaway Transnistria region. Ukraine has been “deliberately stirring up tension” in the area, she said.

According to unconfirmed claims that appeared on social media last week, a ship carrying containers of Californium-252, a synthetic radioactive element, arrived in Odessa on February 19. It was also claimed thatthe radioactive monitoring system was turned off during the offloading process. Zakharova mentioned reports that the cargo was supplied by the Ohio-based companyFrontier Technology Corporation.

The spokeswoman also mentioned allegations that, on February 16, unspecified radioactive material was delivered to the port city of Chernomorsk, near Odessa, “from the territory of one of the European countries.” Allegedly the supposed delivery was not subjected to customs control.

“We call on the appropriate international organizations to pay close attention to this information,” Zakharova said.

The Moldovan government, meanwhile, said it was “not commenting on lies and speculation”regarding Transnistria. It added that its authorities were monitoring the situation and stated they “do not confirm the information disseminated by the Russian side.”

Last week, the Russian Defense Ministry accused Kiev of planning to invade Transnistria, whose population is largely Russian-speaking and where Russian peacekeepers are stationed. Both Ukraine and Moldova denied these allegations at the time.

Frontier Technology Corporation producesCalifornium-252 neutron sourcesand containers designed to transport radioactive material. Californium-252 is used in scanners and for fission in nuclear reactors, as well as for cancer treatment and geological surveys, according to the company’s website.

Last year, Moscow alleged that Ukraine was preparing to detonate a ‘dirty bomb,’ which is typically understood as a conventional munition with radioactive elements. Kiev rejected the claim.


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b93c0a No.20901

File: dc88d614783dee5⋯.png (81.46 KB,726x375,242:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428283 (011259ZMAR23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: If Rupert Murdoch honestly believes that the Presidential Election of 2020, despite MASSIVE amounts of proof to the contrary, was not Rigged & Stollen…

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Enemy Combatants

Re Read EOs



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b93c0a No.20902

File: e284e14870c46ae⋯.png (28.13 KB,541x193,541:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428288 (011300ZMAR23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Ratings are really looking BAD for Morning Joe and his sidekick, “Mike!” MSDNC & FAKE NEWS CNN are suffering MIGHTILY - All time lows…

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Donald J. Trump


Ratings are really looking BAD for Morning Joe and his sidekick, “Mike!” MSDNC & FAKE NEWS CNN are suffering MIGHTILY - All time lows. FoxNews is substantially down also - Just doesn’t love “TRUMP” enough. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Mar 01, 2023, 12:04 AM


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b93c0a No.20903

File: 16c195eb63dd697⋯.jpeg (970.48 KB,1536x1788,128:149,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428370 (011328ZMAR23) Notable: Moscow reacts to alleged radioactive shipment to Ukraine. claims about possible delivery of Californium-252

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International organizations should take a look at reports of highly radioactive material being delivered to Ukraine’s Black Sea port of Odessa, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said on Wednesday. Maria Zakharova voiced concerns that the alleged shipment happened near Moldova’s breakaway Transnistria region. Ukraine has been “deliberately stirring up tension” in the area, she said.

According to unconfirmed claims that appeared on social media last week, a ship carrying containers of Californium-252, a synthetic radioactive element, arrived in Odessa on February 19. It was also claimed that the radioactive monitoring system was turned off during the offloading process. Zakharova mentioned reports that the cargo was supplied by the Ohio-based company Frontier Technology Corporation.

The spokeswoman also mentioned allegations that, on February 16, unspecified radioactive material was delivered to the port city of Chernomorsk, near Odessa, “from the territory of one of the European countries.” Allegedly the supposed delivery was not subjected to customs control.


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b93c0a No.20904

File: 68107ed00709b86⋯.jpeg (64.05 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428372 (011329ZMAR23) Notable: Pentagon well aware of Ukraine’s corruption problem

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1 Mar, 2023 11:40

Pentagon well aware of Ukraine’s corruption problem

Washington will continue to stress accountability with Kiev on arms supplies, a senior defense official has said

It is true that corruption has long been a problem in Ukraine, and the Pentagon is pressuring Kiev to address it, a senior US defense official has told American lawmakers. The unprecedented scale of aid to Ukraine has made possible graft a hot button topic in Washington.

“I’ve worked the Ukraine issue now for about nine years, and in our engagement over that entire periodcorruption was the number one issue we’ve raised with Ukrainian officials,”Under Secretary of Defense Colin Kahl said during a hearing about Ukraine assistance held by the House Armed Services Committee on Tuesday.

“We don’t see any evidence of diversion [of weapons] in our reporting. (WTF?) We think the Ukrainians are using properly what they’ve been given,” he said. Kahl added that US officials would “continue to foot stomp the importance of accountability and transparency”in Kiev.

He made the remarks in response toJoe Courtney, a Democrat from Connecticut, who praised Ukrainefor improving its position in Transparency International’s 2022 ranking of perceived corruption. He had asked Kahl to comment on “the seriousness with which the Ukrainian government has approached this whole question of making sure that this help goes to the right place.”

Some members of the Republican Party have expressed the view that President Joe Biden’s administration has written a “blank check” to Ukraine by pouring tens of billions of US taxpayers’ money into supporting its military and funding its government.

Republican committee member Matt Gaetz questionedhow paying pensions to Ukrainians helped American citizensand raised concerns about possible graft. (Or E. Palestine, OH?)

“A lot of the zeal for enforcement of the anti-corruption efforts seems to align with the Republican control of the House of Representatives in our country,” he mused, citing several recent corruption scandals in Ukraine and the resignations of some senior officials.

Pentagon Inspector General Robert Storch, who also testified before the committee, acknowledged Ukraine’s “long history of issues with corruption.” He did not deny a claim by Gaetz, that in the case of Ukraine,the federal government was not fully complyingwith a legal requirement to monitor the use of US-made weapons sent to foreign nations.

The US has allocated more than $100 billion in Ukraine-related spending since the start of hostilities with Russia a year ago. Although military officials insist that arms shipments are being properly tracked, some skeptical GOP House members have pushed for a thorough audit.

(Russ Vought who worked under Trump OBM has reported it up to $2.18 Billion+ with humanitarian, military aid, and don’t forget the pensions for Kiev employees. He said they are intentionally vague and hiding the real numbers)


Imagined Pentagon conversation to Ukraine leadership: “Please don’t steal from the US, we don’t expect you to return the billions in arms you’ve already sold though. We’re serious stop stealing, even though everyone in the Pentagon does it, we know its a bad example, but we have a right to steal from our own country we are supposed to protect. Got it Zelensky?

Zelensky, “yes so we can keep on stealing! Thanks Pentagon you are so generous with US money. BTW send your soldiers over soon the leadership wants to take a vacation to the French Riveria, you’re welcome to come with us!”

Pentagon, “No we won’t go on vacation with you, and please stop stealing it makes us look incompetent!”

Zelensky, “Well if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, its a duck!”

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b93c0a No.20905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428377 (011330ZMAR23) Notable: #22593

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final bun for #22593

nite bred getting put to bed. hold em till the top

#22593 >>20869

>>20870 Elon: Photo filters are so misleading

>>20871 Zelensky Ordered Destruction of All State Docs Associated with METABIOTA on 02/24/22

>>20872 Japan PM: Ban on same-sex marriage not discrimination

>>20873 Space Force retweeting the missile launch photo

>>20874 USARMY and Gen Kelly showing love for signs of departure

>>20875 NH Gov Sununu: I Very Well May Run for President

>>20876 ANG and [17]2nd Airlift bringing the FIRE

>>20877 Christian Teacher Charged with Misconduct After ‘Misgendering’ Trans Pupil

>>20878 Top Pentagon official reflects on Ukraine paying for arms

>>20879 Ghislaine Maxwell seeks to throw out sex trafficking conviction in Epstein case

>>20880 No MAGA allowed (?)

>>20881 ACOS Gen McConville training with the frogs

>>20882 Minsk and Beijing never intend to work against third nations – Lukashenko

>>20884 Russia’s oil output hits pre-sanctions high – Kommersant

>>20889 Bun on CHINA virus and relationship to previous biological warfare through DOD/WHO/NIH as well as ivermectin in relation to treatment.

>>20890 #NightShift theme of the week… patpmovie.com "The Plot Against the President - The Documentary"

>>20891 First Democratic challenger to expected Biden 2024 bid emerges

>>20892 Top U.S. House Democrat Opposes Bill to Ban TikTok

>>20893 Twitter clarifies ‘violent speech’ policy

>>20894 France stops covid injections for all but the “most vulnerable” in the population

>>20895 Deaths in Singapore hit record 60-year highs after the rollout of covid injections

>>20896 Re-truth of WWG1WGA

>>20897, >>20901 DJT TS w/CAP: If Rupert Murdoch honestly believes that the Presidential Election of 2020, despite MASSIVE amounts of proof to the contrary, was not Rigged & Stollen…

>>20898 catturd w/CAP: Why would they want to come back to a Democrat run woke military that discarded them like trash? Troops discharged after refusing COVID vaccine can now rejoin

>>20899 DJT TS w/CAP: Our Country is under attack by the Fake News Media, CRIME, and an INVASION at our Southern Border. WE MUST TAKE BACK THE WHITE HOUSE IN 2024…

>>20900, >>20903 Moscow reacts to alleged radioactive shipment to Ukraine. claims about possible delivery of Californium-252

>>20902 DJT TS w/CAP: Ratings are really looking BAD for Morning Joe and his sidekick, “Mike!” MSDNC & FAKE NEWS CNN are suffering MIGHTILY - All time lows…

>>20904 Pentagon well aware of Ukraine’s corruption problem

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b93c0a No.20906

File: 9c510184cd2697f⋯.png (479.19 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428405 (011336ZMAR23) Notable: #22594

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Baker Requesting Handoff

can tendy till @150

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b93c0a No.20907

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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repost below cos it was missed.

just saying.

corp o7


repost, anon believes this moar notable then catturd comment


Note: Nancy Pelosi was there making deals

Anon watched this all the way through, there is so much going on, will the anons raise this case to stop a manufactured genocide similar to Rwanda for asset grabs on energy and bankster wars. Needs eyes on, maybe it can be stopped or at least highlighted. We do not want to look back and say, we did not bring this to the worlds attention.

praying for all everywhere.



First published at 11:46 UTC on February 28th, 2023.



Filmmaker Peter Bahlawanian, who has been documenting the desperate plight of indigenous Armenians living in an enclave they call Artsakh (also known as Nagorno Karabakh) that is located in Azerbaijan, talks about previous ethnic cleansing attacks on these Christian Armenians by Muslim Azerbaijanis and signs that a spring massacre is in the offing. Bahlawanian, who since 2020 has been recording the devastating aftermath of attacks on the Artsakh Armenians in a YouTube series and a documentary, both titled “The Desire to Live,” says April 2023 would be the most likely time for the massacre as April corresponds with the month that the 1915 Armenian Genocide claiming 1.5 million lives was launched. He discusses the geopolitical and commercial interests–including the personal commercial interests of political leaders, that have kept this situation and the 1915 Armenian Genocide largely under wraps. Bahlawanian sounds the alarm in an attempt to focus the world’s attention on the Artsakh Armenians before it is too late. Film director Miryam Avetisyan continues to document the lives of the Artsakh Armenians for the “The Desire to Live” on YouTube. The series can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/@MariamAvetisyan

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b93c0a No.20908

File: 8862c5baefcd8ec⋯.png (66.45 KB,862x850,431:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428435 (011346ZMAR23) Notable: The Swamp Today

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White House Live "Scheduled" Events

busy day for 'Tater


'Tater Delivers Remarks on his Nomination of Julie Su to Serve as the Secretary of Labor

The White House


'Tater Delivers Remarks at the Department of Homeland Security’s 20th Anniversary Ceremony

Washington, DC


Press Briefing by Press Secretary Buckwheat

The White House


'Tater Delivers Remarks at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference

Baltimore, MD

rise and shine, 'tater


0930 Remarks Link:


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b93c0a No.20909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428438 (011347ZMAR23) Notable: The Swamp Today

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'Tater Delivers Remarks on his Nomination of Julie Su to Serve as the Secretary of Labor


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b93c0a No.20910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428473 (011359ZMAR23) Notable: The Swamp Today

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9:00 AM EST

Oversight Hearing – United Nations

House Appropriations Committee



The Honorable Linda Thomas-Greenfield

United States Ambassador to the United Nations





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b93c0a No.20911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428476 (011400ZMAR23) Notable: The Swamp Today

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9:00 AM EST

Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance: The Fentanyl Crisis in America: Inaction is No Longer an Option

House Judiciary Committee



Mr. Derek Maltz, Special Agent in Charge, DEA’s Special Operations Division, Retired


Ms. Erin Rachwal, Founder, Love, Logan Foundation


Dr. Timothy Westlake, Emergency Physician


Dr. Jeffrey A. Singer, Senior Fellow in Health Policy Studies, CATO Institute






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b93c0a No.20912

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428481 (011401ZMAR23) Notable: The Swamp Today

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9:00 AM EST

A Fireside Conversation With US Ambassador to Vietnam Marc E. Knapper

Brookings Institution



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b93c0a No.20913

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428486 (011402ZMAR23) Notable: Clickbait tactics

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Clickbait tactics are manipulative strategies used to entice people to click on a link or engage with content by using exaggerated, sensational, or misleading headlines or images. The goal of clickbait is to generate traffic, increase engagement, and generate revenue through advertising or other means.

Some common clickbait tactics include: Ahoy! It's a Ship Show


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b93c0a No.20914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428487 (011402ZMAR23) Notable: The Swamp Today

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8:30 AM EST

Promoting U.S. Innovation and Individual Liberty through a National Standard for Data Privacy

House Energy and Commerce Committee



Alexandra Reeve Givens, President and CEO, Center for Democracy & Technology


Graham Mudd, Founder and Chief Product Officer, Anonym


Jessica Rich, Of Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor for Consumer Protection, Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP





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b93c0a No.20915

File: 7e6eecc8f5ae7dd⋯.webp (52.16 KB,930x558,5:3,Clipboard.webp)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428491 (011403ZMAR23) Notable: lobbying for Ukraine pro bono – and making millions from arms firms

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They’re lobbying for Ukraine pro bono – and making millions from arms firms.1/3March 1, 2023

Some of Washington’s most powerful lobbyists are providing their services to Ukraine for free, but they also have financial incentives for aiding the country

Some of Washington’s most powerful lobbyists are providing their services to Ukraine for free – but at the same time, they are taking in millions in fees from Pentagon contractors who stand to benefit from the country’s war with Russia.

Following Russian president Vladimir Putin’s internationally condemned decision to invade Ukraine there was an outpouring of support to the besieged nation from seemingly every industry in America. But, arguably, one of the most crucial industries coming to Ukraine’s aid has been Washington’s powerful lobbying industry.

The invasion has led some of the lobbying industry’s biggest players to do the unthinkable – lobby for free. While the influence industry may have altruistic reasons for representing Ukraine pro bono, some lobbying firms also have financial incentives for aiding Ukraine:they’ve made millions lobbying for arms manufacturers that could profit from the war.

The surge in pro-bono Ukraine lobbying

US law requires agents of foreign principals who are engaged in political activities to make periodic public disclosures of their relationship under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (Fara). Twenty-five registrants have agreed to represent Ukrainian interests pro bono since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Before the war, just 11 Fara registrants were working on behalf of Ukrainian interests.

“I don’t recall a comparable surge in pro-bono work for any foreign principal,” said David Laufman, a partner at the law firm Wiggin and Dana, who previously oversaw Fara enforcement at the justice department.

Many of these new pro-bono Ukrainian lobbyists arepushing for greater US military support for the Ukrainian military. As one registrant explained in a Fara filing, they intend “to lobby members of the US government to increase US Department of Defense spending on contracts related to equipment and other efforts which will aid the ability of the Ukrainian military to succeed in its fight against the Russian military”.

While many of these pro-bono lobbyists may be doing this work purely out of solidarity with Ukraine, some of the firms working free of charge for Ukraine have an added incentive.

Hogan Lovells

Before winning the speakership in the new Republican Congress, Representative Kevin McCarthy warned that Republicans wouldn’t approve a “blank check” for Ukraine aid once they took power. But,just last week the GOP’s biggest fundraiser agreed to provide pro-bono assistancein loosening Congress’s purse strings when it comes to Ukraine.

On 16 February, former senator Norm Coleman, senior counsel with the law firm Hogan Lovells, filed Fara paperwork revealing that he is pro-bono lobbyist for afoundation controlled by the Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk. Coleman oversaw the raising and spending of over $260m in funds supporting Republican congressional candidates in the 2022 midterm elections.

Coleman, who has extensive experience as a lobbyist for foreign interests via his longstanding role as an agent for Saudi Arabia, was already busy at work for Ukraine. Emails from 4 February disclosed as part of Coleman’s Fara disclosures, revealed him requestingassistance from senators Lindsey Graham and Thom Tillis’schiefs of staff in hosting an event at the Capitol “to give members of Congress a better understanding of the horrific loss of life and the tragic agony that the people of Ukraine have experienced over the course of the last year as a direct result of Russian war crimes” and “do as much as possible to ensure continued, strong, bipartisan support for the truly heroic efforts that this administration and Congress have made to provide the essential military and economic assistance to Ukraine”.


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b93c0a No.20916

File: a5fcbfa194a7270⋯.png (1.13 MB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428502 (011407ZMAR23) Notable: Greek stationmaster arrested in head-on train crash; 36 dead

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Greek stationmaster arrested in head-on train crash; 36 dead

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b93c0a No.20917

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428504 (011408ZMAR23) Notable: lobbying for Ukraine pro bono – and making millions from arms firms

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While Hogan Lovells conducts this work pro bono, two of the firm’s paying clients,Looking Glass Cyber Solutions and HawkEye 360, have extensive defense department contracts and an interest in the conflict in Ukraine.

Looking Glass, which paid Hogan Lovells $200,000 in 2022, holds afive-year contract with the Department of Defenseto “to provide tailored cyber threat intelligence data and enhance the mission effectiveness of US military cyber threat analysts and operators” and writes on its website about the role of such threats in Russia’s military strategy.

HawkEye 360, which also paid $200,000 to Hogan Lovells in 2022, similarly is a defense department contractor, specializing in detection and geolocation of radio signals. Their detection network conducted analysis in Ukraine and their website boasts of identifying GPS interference in Ukraine, appearing to be part of Moscow’s “integration of electronic warfare tactics into Russian military operation to further degrade Ukraine’s ability for self-defense”. Hogan Lovells did not respond to multiple requests for comment.


BGR Government Affairs (BGR), a lobbying and communications firm, began working pro bono for two Ukrainian interests last May. The contracts arewith Vadym Ivchenko, a member of Ukraine’s parliament, and Elena Lipkivska Ergul, an adviser to Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

In 2022 BGR made more than half a million dollars lobbying for Pentagon contractors, some of whom arealready profiting from the Ukraine war.Raytheon, for example, which paid BGR $240,000 to lobby on its behalf in 2022, according to OpenSecrets, has already been awarded more than $2bn in government contracts related to the Ukraine war.

Indeed, two days before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, aBGR adviser was publicly calling for increased military aidto Ukraine in the face of Putin’s recognition of the so-called Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics as independent states.

“Militarily, the United States and Nato allies need to get far more serious about helping Ukraine defend itself,” wroteKurt Volker, BGR senior adviserand former US Nato ambassador, in an article published by the Center for European Policy Analysis (Cepa).

His article, “Buckle Up: This is Just the First Step”, was promoted on the BGR website. Cepa did not disclose Volker’s BGR affiliation in the article.

“BGR has no conflict of interest and is proud of its work on behalf of Ukraine and all of its clients,” said BGR’s president, Jeffrey H Birnbaum, in a statement responding to questions about whether their work posed any such conflict.


Mercury Public Affairs (Mercury), a lobbying, public affairs and political strategy consultancy, began working pro bono forGloBee International Agency for Regional Development (“GloBee”), a Ukrainian NGO, in mid-March 2022. The firm made headlines for agreeing to work for a Ukrainian client pro bono. The firm’s Fara filing later in the year shows that Mercury’s work consisted of sending just four emails on Globee’s behalf in the first three and a half months of this arrangement.

Mercury, like BGR, was also working on behalf of Pentagon contractors in 2022, while working for a Ukrainian client pro bono. All told, Mercury reported being paid more than $180,000 for lobbying on behalf of Pentagon contractors in 2022.…


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b93c0a No.20918

File: 7db2558b7ecbb20⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,852x480,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428510 (011409ZMAR23) Notable: COVID-19 conspiracies soar after latest report on origins

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COVID-19 conspiracies soar after latest report on origins

COVID-19′s origins remain hazy. Three years after the start of the pandemic, it’s still unclear whether the coronavirus that causes the disease leaked from a lab or spread to humans from an animal.

This much is known: When it comes to COVID-19 misinformation, any new report on the virus’ origin quickly triggers a relapse and a return of misleading claims about the virus, vaccines and masks that have reverberated since the pandemic began.

It happened again this week after the Energy Department confirmed that a classified report determined, with low confidence, that the virus escaped from a lab. Within hours, online mentions of conspiracy theories involving COVID-19 began to rise, with many commenters saying the classified report was proof they were right all along.

Far from definitive, the Energy Department’s report is the latest of many attempts by scientists and officials to identify the origin of the virus, which has now killed nearly 7 million people after being first detected in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019.

The report has not been made public, and officials in Washington stressed that a variety of U.S. agencies are not in agreement on the origin. On Tuesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray told Fox News that the FBI “has for quite some time now” assessed that the pandemic’s origins are “most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan.”

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b93c0a No.20919

File: 0f0470e9926411c⋯.jpg (172.52 KB,720x1445,144:289,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428513 (011409ZMAR23) Notable: US Congress: Repeal All Noahide Laws And Proclamations In The USA

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sign the petition

US Congress: Repeal All Noahide Laws And Proclamations In The USA

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b93c0a No.20920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428523 (011412ZMAR23) Notable: The Swamp Today

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9:30 AM EST

Oksana Markarova Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States on the War with Russia

Washington Post Live



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b93c0a No.20921

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428529 (011413ZMAR23) Notable: covid development/release,chy-na/wuhan/ukraine

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'Buildup for War': US Spins COVID Lab Leak Narrative to 'Pin Blame on China'

Ostensibly "bombshell" new leakssuggesting the coronavirus likely originated from a lab incident in China's Wuhan stem from a need to pin the US and global financial mess related to the pandemic on China, which is deemed a rising threat in the Washington establishment, international relations expert Emanuel Pastreich told Sputnik.

The US Energy Department and the FBI have alleged that the COVID-19 pandemic most likely spread "via a mishap at a Chinese laboratory," according to a Wall Street Journal report co-authored by Michael R. Gordon. The report cited a classified intelligence paper provided to the White House and American lawmakers.

However, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on February 26 that there remained "a variety of views" in the US intelligence community about whether the virus emerged naturally, jumping from an infected animal to a human, or escaped from a lab. Sullivan stated that he "can’t confirm or deny" The Wall Street Journal report on the matter.

The timing of the newly-resuscitated allegations has raised numerous questions.

"There are several issues at play here. The first is that the entire COVID-19 project and the medical and general policy enacted in the United States and around the world has increasingly been subject to question. A lot of the policies are now being criticized through all sorts of legal actions being taken. There's a need to try and pin all this on somebody. And China, the 'rising threat' in Washington establishment chatter, is a nice place to pin it on," said Pastreich, president of the Asia Institute think tank, which he founded in 2007.

"I think there's clearly a split within the establishment, the military defense establishment, as to how to deal with this COVID-19 crisis. Those looking for a solution ranges from those who want to pin it on the Chinese Communist Party, or who prop up the experts who say we need even more vaccines. And there are other people who are saying on the inside that this story is just not going to hold, that it has come time to clean house."


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b93c0a No.20922

File: f3430c089e06498⋯.webp (9.61 KB,890x534,5:3,Clipboard.webp)

File: c5921a6cbf63db5⋯.webp (9.42 KB,890x534,5:3,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428533 (011414ZMAR23) Notable: lobbying for Ukraine pro bono – and making millions from arms firms

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Mercury’s work for aUkrainian clientis also notable because before the Ukraine war the firm had, for years, been working on behalf of Russian interests.

This work included lobbying on behalf ofRussia’s Sovcombank, as well as a Russian energy company founded by the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.Deripaska was recently implicated in a scheme to bribe an FBI agent that was investigating him.

Mercury dropped both of these Russian clients when the Ukraine war began, but not before earning nearly $3m from these Russian interests in the five years before the firm agreed to work for a Ukrainian client pro bono, according to Fara filings. Mercury did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Navigators Global

On 29 April 2022 Navigators Global, which describes itself as an “issues management, government relations and strategic communications” firm, registered under Fara to represent the committee on national security, defence and intelligence of the Ukrainian parliament. According to the firm’s Fara filing, theyreached out to dozens of key members of Congresson behalf of the Ukrainian parliament – including eight phone calls, texts and emails with McCarthy – and contacted the House and Senate armed services committees two dozen times.

As Navigators Global was doing this pro-bono lobbying of the policymakers in Congress with, arguably, the greatest sway over US military assistance to Ukraine, thefirm was also raking in revenue from Pentagon contractors. Specifically, in 2022 Navigators Global made $830,000 working on behalf of defense contractors, according to lobbying data compiled by OpenSecrets. The firms’ lobbying filings also show that their work for these contractors was directed, among other issues, at the FY23 National Defense Authorization Act, the defense policy bill that increased spending on the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative by half a billion dollars. Navigators Global did not respond to multiple requests for comment.


On 26 August 2022 Ogilvy Group, a giant advertising and public relations agency, registered under Fara towork with the ministry of culture and information policy of Ukraineon the ministry’s Advantage Ukraine Initiative. The initiative’s website describes it as the “Investment initiative of the Government of Ukraine”. The top listed investment option is Ukraine’s defense industry.

Ogilvy is joined in this endeavor by fellow Fara registrantsGroup M and Hill & Knowlton Strategies, as well as the marketing company Hogarth Worldwide, which has not registered under Fara.

While the Ogilvy Group spread “the messagethat Ukraine is still open for business”, as its statement of work with the ministry explains, Ogilvy Government Relations was lobbying for Pentagon contractors who paid the firm nearly half a million dollars in 2022. These two Ogilvy organizations are technically separate entities. They are owned by the same parent company, WPP.

At least one of the contractors that Ogilvy Government Relations lobbies for,Fluor, would appear to directly benefit from increased US military supportfor Ukraine and heightened US military presence in Europe more generally. In 2020, the US army’s seventh army training command awardedFluor with a five-year Logistics Support Services contract, which a Fluor spokesman explained, “positions Fluor for future work with the US European Command and the US Africa Command headquarters located in Germany”. Fluor paid Ogilvy Government Relations $200,000 for lobbying in 2022, according to OpenSecrets. Ogilvy did not respond to a request to comment on the record.

As the war in Ukraine heads into its second year, US defense spending continues to balloon.Weapons and defense contractors received nearly half – $400bn – of the $858bn in the 2023 defense budget. (Because Biden intentionally left in $85 billion in Afghanistan)

“There’s high demand for weapons to transfer to Ukraine and to replenish shrinking US stockpiles … contractors are seeing billions of dollars in Ukraine-related contracts.” said Julia Gledhill, who investigates defense spending at the government watchdog the Project On Government Oversight.


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b93c0a No.20923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428538 (011415ZMAR23) Notable: The Swamp Today

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9:30 AM EST

Military Deterrence in an Era of Strategic Competition: A Conversation with HON Christine E. Wormuth, 25th U.S. Secretary of the Army

Center for Strategic and International Studies




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b93c0a No.20924

File: f3d68e9ea62ae10⋯.png (1.01 MB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428549 (011417ZMAR23) Notable: Elizabeth Holmes has 2nd child as she tries to avoid prison

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Elizabeth Holmes has 2nd child as she tries to avoid prison

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b93c0a No.20925

File: 8b61aac712ccd93⋯.png (2.47 MB,1729x1111,1729:1111,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428565 (011422ZMAR23) Notable: covid development/release,chy-na/wuhan/ukraine

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Trump told us this a long time ago when all of this Covid shit started. How many times did he say CHYNA? Plenty of those subsidiaries in Ukraine. Trump told us on national TV.

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b93c0a No.20926

File: 367bba9c7782595⋯.png (269.69 KB,987x983,987:983,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428567 (011423ZMAR23) Notable: EU Commission plans a wartime-like increase in ammunition production

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JUST IN - EU Commission plans a wartime-like increase in ammunition production — SPIEGEL

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b93c0a No.20927

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428568 (011423ZMAR23) Notable: Promising gene therapy delivers treatment directly to brain

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Rylae-Ann Poulin was among the first to receive gene therapy directly to her brain to treat a rare genetic disease, an approach scientists say holds promise for treating a host of brain disorders.


Promising gene therapy delivers treatment directly to brain

Her treatment recently became the first brain-delivered gene therapy after its approval in Europe and the United Kingdom for AADC deficiency, a disorder that interferes with the way cells in the nervous system communicate. New Jersey drugmaker PTC Therapeutics plans to seek U.S. approval this year.

About 30 U.S. studies testing gene therapy to the brain for various disorders are ongoing, according to the National Institutes of Health. One, led by Dr. Krystof Bankiewicz at Ohio State University, also targets AADC deficiency. Others test treatments for disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s.

Around that time, Wei’s brother sent her a Facebook post about a child in Taiwan with AADC deficiency. The extremely rare disorder afflicts about 135 children worldwide, many in that country. Wei, who was born in Taiwan, and her husband, Richard Poulin III, sought out a doctor there who correctly diagnosed Rylae-Ann. They learned she could qualify for a gene therapy clinical trial in Taiwan.

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b93c0a No.20928

File: 725a2ad4701913f⋯.png (219.59 KB,544x518,272:259,Clipboard.png)

File: 765b20b36baed0a⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB,490x270,49:27,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428578 (011425ZMAR23) Notable: covid development/release,chy-na/wuhan/ukraine

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Chuck Callesto


JUST IN: Monica Crowley suggests COVID-19 was manufactured in Ukraine..

What do you think?


0:24 / 1:40


Red Voice Media

8:16 AM · Mar 1, 2023


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b93c0a No.20929

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428581 (011426ZMAR23) Notable: covid development/release,chy-na/wuhan/ukraine

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Trump NEVER said the virus was MANUFACTURED in Wuhan.


The entire msm, Intel community, deep state, global cult, all assets went immediately impeachment.


Saying it leaked from Wuhan 'opened the door'?

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b93c0a No.20930

File: 1ca54bfac64f088⋯.png (341.92 KB,1857x910,1857:910,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428585 (011428ZMAR23) Notable: lobbying for Ukraine pro bono – and making millions from arms firms

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>Hogan Lovells


Found in the DoS FOIA reading room. Search term "Hogan Lovells" = 17 hits dating back to 2012

Refined w/term "Ukraine" = 4 hits

From Doc. 4 of 4 in refined search:

PrivatBank: London court freezes assets of Kolomoisky, Bogolyubov

By Josh Kovensky.

Published Dec. 21. Updated Dec. 21 at 12:24

Stabilizing PrivatBank has amounted to nearly $5 billion in recapitalization

Law firm Hogan Lovells is representing Ukraine in the London court battle. The

same firm represented Kazakh BTA Bank in a bank fraud case against Mukhtar

Ablyazov, the lender's former chairman.

This is not the firm's first time squaring off against Kolomoisky. '''Hogan Lovells

represented rival Dnipro oligarch Viktor Pinchuk in another London court battle in

2015, which settled out of court for an undisclosed sum. The settlement included

Kolomoisky and Bogolyubov giving Pinchuk a landmark building on Trafalgar




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b93c0a No.20931

File: 38abfcef288c5ea⋯.png (552.18 KB,752x752,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428590 (011428ZMAR23) Notable: Promising gene therapy delivers treatment directly to brain

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A more practical hurdle is cost. The price of gene therapies, borne mostly by insurers and governments, can run into the millions. The one-time PTC therapy, called Upstaza, costs more than $3 million in Europe, for example.


Eladocagene exuparvovec is an experimental gene therapy product for the treatment of aromatic L‑amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency. It infuses the gene encoding for the human AADC enzyme into the putamen region of the brain. The subsequent expression of AADC results in dopamine production and, as a result, development of motor function in patients with AADC deficiency.

The most common side effects include initial insomnia, irritability and dyskinesia.

As of May 2022, eladocagene exuparvovec is recommended for approval by the European Commission.


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b93c0a No.20932

File: 66fbbbd0646b586⋯.png (813.46 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428597 (011431ZMAR23) Notable: covid development/release,chy-na/wuhan/ukraine

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China intentionally released COVID-19 ‘all over the world’, says Chinese virologist

Brendan Taylor February 28, 2023 11:19 am

China intentionally released COVID-19 'all over the world', says Chinese virologistSource: Pixabay

A Chinese virologist Dr. Li Meng Yan has made the assertion that the COVID-19 virus was intentionally created and released by the government of China.

She had made the same claims in September 2020, during an interview with “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

On Monday, she reiterated that she still believed that the virus was deliberately released nearly three years after the outbreak began.

“Of course, it was not an accident,” she responded to Carlson.

A classified intelligence report states China intentionally released COVID-19

Recently, a classified intelligence report from the Energy Department concluded that the virus most likely originated in a Chinese laboratory.

This prompted the Chinese virologist who previously warned about the virus’s origin in early 2020 to state that the U.S. had achieved a significant milestone.

“Maybe for people who don’t have this kind of biosafety lab three or four [years] experience on coronavirus, maybe it’s easy for them to accept the accident lab leak. However, I’m a scientist, working in [a] research lab using coronavirus.

And I can tell you, based on the print protocol and also the other surveillance system, it would be impossible for the lab leak [to] accidentally happen in such [a] lab and cause the Wuhan outbreak and also the pandemic,” Yan said.

“So definitely now we just reached the first step. It was from China’s lab, and we need to pursue the truth of origin, and we need to keep going on,” the Chinese virologist added.

According to Tucker Carlson, the Chinese government purposely released COVID-19 with the intention of crippling Western economies and strengthening their own global standing.

Dr. Yan, however, claimed that based on the information and sources she had access to, the virus was deliberately taken out of a high-security laboratory and introduced into the community.

Why did Yan leave China?

Before fleeing Hong Kong in April 2020, Dr. Li Meng Yan was a well-respected specialist in virology and immunology at the Hong Kong School of Public Health.

Her decision to leave was prompted by her investigation into the increasing number of cases in mainland China that indicated human-to-human transmission of the virus.

Yan claims that she shared her findings with her supervisor on January 16, but he allegedly advised her to remain silent and be cautious.

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b93c0a No.20933

File: 66fbbbd0646b586⋯.png (813.46 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428597 (011431ZMAR23) Notable: covid development/release,chy-na/wuhan/ukraine

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China intentionally released COVID-19 ‘all over the world’, says Chinese virologist

Brendan Taylor February 28, 2023 11:19 am

China intentionally released COVID-19 'all over the world', says Chinese virologistSource: Pixabay

A Chinese virologist Dr. Li Meng Yan has made the assertion that the COVID-19 virus was intentionally created and released by the government of China.

She had made the same claims in September 2020, during an interview with “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

On Monday, she reiterated that she still believed that the virus was deliberately released nearly three years after the outbreak began.

“Of course, it was not an accident,” she responded to Carlson.

A classified intelligence report states China intentionally released COVID-19

Recently, a classified intelligence report from the Energy Department concluded that the virus most likely originated in a Chinese laboratory.

This prompted the Chinese virologist who previously warned about the virus’s origin in early 2020 to state that the U.S. had achieved a significant milestone.

“Maybe for people who don’t have this kind of biosafety lab three or four [years] experience on coronavirus, maybe it’s easy for them to accept the accident lab leak. However, I’m a scientist, working in [a] research lab using coronavirus.

And I can tell you, based on the print protocol and also the other surveillance system, it would be impossible for the lab leak [to] accidentally happen in such [a] lab and cause the Wuhan outbreak and also the pandemic,” Yan said.

“So definitely now we just reached the first step. It was from China’s lab, and we need to pursue the truth of origin, and we need to keep going on,” the Chinese virologist added.

According to Tucker Carlson, the Chinese government purposely released COVID-19 with the intention of crippling Western economies and strengthening their own global standing.

Dr. Yan, however, claimed that based on the information and sources she had access to, the virus was deliberately taken out of a high-security laboratory and introduced into the community.

Why did Yan leave China?

Before fleeing Hong Kong in April 2020, Dr. Li Meng Yan was a well-respected specialist in virology and immunology at the Hong Kong School of Public Health.

Her decision to leave was prompted by her investigation into the increasing number of cases in mainland China that indicated human-to-human transmission of the virus.

Yan claims that she shared her findings with her supervisor on January 16, but he allegedly advised her to remain silent and be cautious.

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b93c0a No.20934

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428602 (011432ZMAR23) Notable: Europe and others push for a standard lunar time zone

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What time is it on the moon? Europe and others push for a standard lunar time zone

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — With more lunar missions than ever on the horizon, the European Space Agency wants to give the moon its own time zone.

This week, the agency said space organizations around the world are considering how best to keep time on the moon. The idea came up during a meeting in the Netherlands late last year, with participants agreeing on the urgent need to establish “a common lunar reference time,” said the space agency’s Pietro Giordano, a navigation system engineer.

“A joint international effort is now being launched towards achieving this,” Giordano said in a statement.

For now, a moon mission runs on the time of the country that is operating the spacecraft. European space officials said an internationally accepted lunar time zone would make it easier for everyone, especially as more countries and even private companies aim for the moon and NASA gets set to send astronauts there again.

NASA had to grapple with the time question while designing and building the International Space Station, which is fast approaching the 25th anniversary of the launch of its first piece.

While the space station doesn’t have its own time zone, it runs on Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC, which is meticulously based on atomic clocks. That helps to split the time difference between NASA and the Canadian Space Agency, and the other partnering space programs in Russia, Japan and Europe.

The international team looking into lunar time is debating whether a single organization should set and maintain time on the moon, according to the European Space Agency.



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b93c0a No.20935

File: 494a4f28c759d3c⋯.png (41.13 KB,250x184,125:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428608 (011434ZMAR23) Notable: Promising gene therapy delivers treatment directly to brain

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delivered to cells within the putamen


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b93c0a No.20936

File: 1d9ae2b35ecf475⋯.jpeg (824.87 KB,1536x1674,256:279,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dc92bf75d4206da⋯.jpeg (616.99 KB,1076x1063,1076:1063,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428610 (011434ZMAR23) Notable: Doomsday Plane lands in Iceland

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Doomsday Plane lands in Iceland

The US and Russia are the only two countries in the world possessing ‘doomsday planes’ – a type of airborne command post designed to launch nuclear strikes and survive an enemy nuclear attack. The terrifying aircraft were created during the Cold War, but have gained new relevance amid the ongoing NATO-Russia proxy conflict in Ukraine.

United States European Command (EUCOM), the Stuttgart, Germany-based combatant command responsible for US military operations in and around Europe, Turkey and Russia, has tweeted a photo of a US Navy E-6B Mercury airborne command post and communications relay plane which recently landed in Iceland.

Wing One is the US Navy’s nuclear command and control wing. Based out of the Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma, the unit’s primary mission consists of receiving, verifying and retransmitting “Emergency Action Messages (EAMs) to US strategic forces.” In Pentagon jargon, EAMs are messages directing US nuclear forces to launch strikes against enemy targets in conditions of nuclear war. In addition to its ability to deliver launch orders to ballistic missile submarines, the planes can remotely order ground-based operators of Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missile silos to launch their payloads.


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b93c0a No.20937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428614 (011435ZMAR23) Notable: covid development/release,chy-na/wuhan/ukraine

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Amazing how gov releases the BS of lab leak to divert from Bidan’s stolen papers, Ukraine with US money flowing like a spigot, Chinese spies in Congress and all over the congress, Pfizer exposed and admitting they are doing gain of function, we’ve got a war waging idiot in the WH, his entire Admin are Foreign Agents for China and other countries, E. Palestine had a chemical spill that not only will probably kill people there, but the hazardous toxins went into the Ohio River where 1/3 of US drinking water cones from, Canada is becoming a full blown totalitarian state far surpassing communist Russia back the day, Harp most likely used on Turkey anc Syria to prove to Erdogan never to ho against NATO, South America all of it now us ruled by marxist communist bought by China, just over our southern border, reported by heritage 7 million plus illegal migrants crossed over border and disappeared in the US, with about 3 million are got aways because they are criminals and terrorist, and whatever else was occupying our real attention.

But sure lets focus on where the fucking mostly harmless virus came from, they’ll never tell us really, but it occupies our attention and conversation and not focus on the crimes of Fauci, Collins, NIH and all else involved in NWO to get Trump out office.

And while we are talking about it ==People seemingly Don’t know what the work “likely” means= The gov didn’t confirm a damn thing, so it means, It “means we’re guessing and practicing 5GW on the public again and no one notices”.

We are like cats with a laser pen drawn

I could care less where it came frommore concerned that Pharma is willfully killing 1/2 the people of the world

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b93c0a No.20938

File: b609933318c3c67⋯.png (417.01 KB,577x769,577:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428624 (011438ZMAR23) Notable: Promising gene therapy delivers treatment directly to brain

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>delivered to cells within the putamen

>we only injected to the putamen

Do you think they went in via eyeball socket?

That would probably leave a black eye.

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b93c0a No.20939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428627 (011438ZMAR23) Notable: covid development/release,chy-na/wuhan/ukraine

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What are the odds?

Wuhan and Kiev, Ukraine have been established sister city relationship since 9th October, 1990.


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b93c0a No.20940

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428637 (011441ZMAR23) Notable: Ford wants to allow your car to lock you out — and even drive itself to an impound lot or scrapyard — if you miss payments

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Ford wants to allow your car to lock you out — and even drive itself to an impound lot or scrapyard — if you miss payments

Ford wants to patent a system that would let cars repossess themselves if drivers miss payments.

At first, the cars would lose the use of features like GPS, air conditioning, and the radio.

If the owner still skips payments, the car could lock them out and drive itself to a repo agency or even a scrapyard.


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b93c0a No.20941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428652 (011446ZMAR23) Notable: US ‘confident’ China considering providing lethal equipment to Russia, CIA director says

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Published February 26, 2023 7:47am EST

US ‘confident’ China considering providing lethal equipment to Russia, CIA director says

CIA Director William Burns says China hasn't made a final decision yet on lethal support against Ukraine


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b93c0a No.20942

File: 5bdd11344f40873⋯.png (624.23 KB,1080x528,45:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428657 (011446ZMAR23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Flaming Star Nebula

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

March 1 2023

The Flaming Star Nebula

Is star AE Aurigae on fire? No. Even though AE Aurigae is named the Flaming Star and the surrounding nebula IC 405 is named the Flaming Star Nebula, and even though the nebula appears to some like a swirling flame, there is no fire. Fire, typically defined as the rapid molecular acquisition of oxygen, happens only when sufficient oxygen is present and is not important in such high-energy, low-oxygen environments such as stars. The bright star AE Aurigae occurs near the center of the Flaming Star Nebula and is so hot it glows blue, emitting light so energetic it knocks electrons away from surrounding gas. When a proton recaptures an electron, light is emitted, as seen in the surrounding emission nebula. Captured here three weeks ago, the Flaming Star Nebula is visible near the composite image's center, between the red Tadpole Nebula on the left and blue-tailed Comet ZTF on the right. The Flaming Star Nebula lies about 1,500 light years distant, spans about 5 light years, and is visible with a small telescope toward the constellation of the Charioteer (Auriga)


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b93c0a No.20943

File: 7e08740f3471889⋯.jpeg (82.73 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428658 (011446ZMAR23) Notable: Pentagon makes prediction on Ukraine conflict timeline, Hostilities may drag on for several more years

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1 Mar, 2023 13:34

Pentagon makes prediction on Ukraine conflict timeline

Hostilities may drag on for several more years, with Kiev relying on foreign aid, a senior official has warned

The armed conflict inUkraine may last for three more years, though predicting the timeline is challenging, a senior Pentagon official has said during a hearing on Capitol Hill.

“We do not know the course and trajectory of the conflict,” US Under Secretary of Defense Colin Kahl told members of the House Armed Services Committee on Tuesday. “The conflict may end six months from now, or it may end two years from now or three years from now.” (He meant to say “It really depends on how much MIC and oligarchs need tp make, they are pretty greedy so it might be another Viet Nam or Afghanistan is the true answer”)

The hearing was being held to look into military assistance to Ukraine, which the administration of President Joe Biden has pledged to provide for “as long as it takes” for the country to prevail. Some lawmakers have criticized what they consider a blank check to Kiev, citing corruption concerns and the cost to American taxpayers.

Rep. Ro Khanna, a Democrat from California, asked Kahl how many more times the Biden administration would ask Congress to open the purse for Ukraine and what the end game would look like. The under secretary replied that it wasup to Kiev to decide “what peace settlement” it was prepared to accept. (Liar! US and UK has been determining everything Kiev are puppets)

“Our position has been to make sure that at whatever point they enter those conversations, they do so from a position of strength,” he explained.

It is true that “Ukraine continues to depend on assistance from the US” and that will not change “for some period of time,” Kahl stated. He said the Pentagon would provide aid, regardless of how the battlefield situation develops.

“Even if the conflict in Ukraine dies down – and nobody can predict whether that will happen –Ukraine is going to need a military that can defend the territory it clawed back”from Russia, the under secretary advised. (Fucking insanity)

The Ukrainian government has declared that the only outcome it will accept is retaking all lands it claims sovereignty over. It also wants Moscow to pay war reparations and for the Russian leadership to stand trial before an international court.

According to US media, the Biden administration is said to have informed Kiev behind closed doors that it cannot indefinitely expect the level of support it has enjoyed so far. Washington reportedly urged Ukraine to prepare for a counteroffensive in the spring and summer, before drawing the conflict down.

Moscow has said it prefers a diplomatic solution to its concerns about NATO influence in Ukraine and radical nationalist elements among Ukrainian troops, but is ready to continue military action due to Kiev’s refusal to negotiate. The Kremlin also says Ukraine must recognize the outcome of referendums held in its former provinces, which delivered a result in favor of joining the Russian Federation

(Bidan put the kibash on Austin, Milley and Kellogg all sayinglast week, it will end in a negotiated peace agreement because Ukraine can’t win. They released this to lie again and scare the shit out of the world.)


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ad0b0a No.20944

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428673 (011451ZMAR23) Notable: Scientists Find Cure For Stephen Hawking's Disease (ALS, aka Lou Gehrig's Disease)

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Scientists Find Cure For Stephen Hawking's Disease (ALS, aka Lou Gehrig's Disease)

Russian scientists from the National Research University ‘Belgorod State University’ (BelSU), as part of an international research team, have demonstrated the effectiveness of treating amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) with a bioavailable derivative of vitamin B1.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurological disease characterized by rapid degeneration. The most famous patient suffering from this disease was the English theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking.

According to the WHO, the incidence of this disease is 2.5 cases per 100,000 people, which means that in Russia there are approximately 7,500 patients. There are hereditary forms of the disease, when the descendants inherit the "broken" gene from their parents. There is also a non-hereditary form of the disease, where the risk is roughly 1 in 300 and increases with age (the most at-risk being men, military personnel, smokers and handball players).

Researchers from the National Research University "Belgorod State University" (BelSU) have shown that the drugs at present used to treat ALS prolong patients' lives by only two to three months. As part of an international team of scientists, they conducted research on an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis created in Russia - FUS transgenic mice.

These mice develop the same symptoms of the disease as humans, and without treatment, they die of paralysis at the age of four months. The model created by scientists makes it possible to study drugs which are showing promise without traumatizing patients.

The scientists' experiments on transgenic mice have confirmed that the treatment reduced levels of inflammatory signaling molecules in the spinal cord. The study results were published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy.

"We have found that the studiedbioavailable vitamin B1 derivative (O,S-Dibenzoyl Thiamine), which is a powerful antioxidant, showed efficacy against ALS in transgenic mice. The mice that received the treatment showed greater mobility, less weight loss, and less brain damage," Alexei Deikin, Associate Professor at the BelSU Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Director of the Joint Center for Genetic Technologies, told Sputnik.


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ad0b0a No.20945

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428677 (011451ZMAR23) Notable: covid development/release,chy-na/wuhan/ukraine

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>>20939 (me)


First container train from China's Wuhan arrives in Kiev, important step towards further cooperation, say officials.

"We have big expectations as to this container route. We can receive (trains) not only in Kiev but also in Kharkiv, Odessa and other cities," said Yuryk.


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ad0b0a No.20946

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428683 (011452ZMAR23) Notable: The Supreme Court hears oral argument in New York v. New Jersey, a case on withdrawing from a seaport security agreement.

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10:00 AM EST

Supreme Court October Term 2022 Argument Day

New York v. New Jersey (Orig.156)




New York v. New Jersey Oral Argument

The Supreme Court hears oral argument in New York v. New Jersey, a case on withdrawing from a seaport security agreement.


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ad0b0a No.20947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428688 (011453ZMAR23) Notable: The Swamp Today

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10:00 AM EST

Legislative Presentation of The American Legion & Multi VSOs - Joint House and Senate VSO Hearing

House Veterans' Affairs Committee, Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee






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ad0b0a No.20948

File: c5578959e196165⋯.png (632.65 KB,1294x657,1294:657,Clipboard.png)

File: fc6aaab94eb2528⋯.png (299.86 KB,485x442,485:442,Clipboard.png)

File: e5dc2032afaf72a⋯.png (376.03 KB,485x603,485:603,Clipboard.png)

File: dd0b765ac8ae797⋯.png (187.42 KB,519x330,173:110,Clipboard.png)

File: a99f204aba76f60⋯.png (302.46 KB,431x492,431:492,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428690 (011453ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag Yerp/Med/Gulf/W. Asia:Blinken, Modi, Orban and Macron on the move with Israeli AF active with AEW&C ACs off coast

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PlaneFag Yerp/Med/Gulf/W. Asia:Blinken, Modi, Orban and Macron on the move with Israeli AF active with AEW&C ACs off coast

SAM266 C-32A departed ToshkentBlinkenand visiting the stani lands..now heading to New Delhi G20 meeting (India has presidency of G-20)

The U.S. is committed to Uzbekistan’s sovereignty and values our partnership on regional connectivity. To that end, I spoke with Acting Foreign Minister Saidov today about our multilateral cooperation via #C5plusUS, human rights, and U.S. investment in Uzbekistan.


INDIA1 737 arrived at New Delhi from Bangalore departPM Modi

French AF CTM0001 A330Macronand CTM0006 Falcon 7X south into Africa from Paris heading to Gabon and a support AC for this

France's Macron set for four-nation tour of Africa


Hungarian AF HUAF134 A319PM Orbandeparted Pisa, Italy after a 1h stop-departed Cairo earlier today and the FM Szjarito was also at Cairo

Egypt and Hungary ink new deals as leaders seek closer ties


Running patterns off-shore we have Israeli AF 4 AEW&C (Airbourne Early Warnign& Control) ACS up outta Nevatim AB IRON, BDK19, 4X981,539, Dutch AF MMF MMF50 MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport) west from Muwaffaq Salti Air Base, Jordan

Russian AF 46180 Antonov AN-148 returning to Moscow-Chkalovskiy Airport after either Sochi or Crimea depart last seen heading south yesterday and dropped trace near Volgograd

FALCN35 Learjet 35 departed Sigonella AB after arriving from an Ankara depart and Izmir Turkey stop yesterday-heading to Ramstein

Canadian AF CFC2912 CC-130J Hercules left Skopje, Macedonia adter a load out for a second time today from Turzii AB Romania…"helping" the Balkan states

RSAF RSF1340 C-130j left Athens NW

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ad0b0a No.20949

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428692 (011454ZMAR23) Notable: The Swamp Today

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10:00 AM EST

Oversight of the Department of Justice

Senate Judiciary Committee




Attorney General Testifies at Senate Oversight Hearing

Attorney General Merrick Garland testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on oversight of the Justice Department.



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ad0b0a No.20950

File: 23039117bb38b60⋯.png (176.76 KB,1164x324,97:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428710 (011458ZMAR23) Notable: U.S. House of Representatives Committee approves bill giving Biden authority to ban Chinese social media app TikTok.

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JUST IN - U.S. House of Representatives Committee approves bill giving Biden authority to ban Chinese social media app TikTok.


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ad0b0a No.20951

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428715 (011500ZMAR23) Notable: The Swamp Today

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10:00 AM EST

Hearings to examine the nomination of Phillip A. Washington, of Illinois, to be Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration.

Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee




10:00 AM EST

Hearings to examine Farm Bill 2023, focusing on conservation and forestry programs.

Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee




10:00 AM EST

Rising Seas, Rising Costs: Climate Change and the Economic Risks to Coastal Communities

Senate Budget Committee



Dr. Sean Becketti


Elliott Bay Analytics


Mr. Matthew Eby

Founder And Chief Executive Officer

First Street Foundation


Ms. Kate Michaud

Town Manager

Warren, Rhode Island


Dr. Jessica Weinkle

Associate Professor

University of North Carolina Wilmington


Dr. Marlo Lewis, Jr.

Senior Fellow

Competitive Enterprise Institute





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ad0b0a No.20952

File: d96484048f20753⋯.jpg (99.41 KB,892x499,892:499,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428723 (011501ZMAR23) Notable: covid development/release,chy-na/wuhan/ukraine

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Where the SARS-CoV-2 flu virus was leaked/manufactured is a red herring.

Intent: Distract people from what's really important.

That United States government used this flu virus to create a fake pandemic.

Then use that to…

Shutdown economy

Shutter small businesses

Lock people down in homes

Enforce useless mandates; masking/social distancing


Coerce Americans of all ages to be injected with knowingly toxic experimental drugs.

Result: 100s of thousands of casualties (harmed/killed) and counting.

Government is perpetrating a premeditated mass casualty crime against humanity.

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ad0b0a No.20953

File: 531822b1d02eb89⋯.webp (93.54 KB,3800x2282,1900:1141,Clipboard.webp)

File: ed436baa4054f18⋯.webp (30.1 KB,890x594,445:297,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428736 (011507ZMAR23) Notable: ‘We will prosecute death threats’: Arizona’s new attorney general fights to protect election workers

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We will prosecute death threats’: Arizona’s new attorney general fights to protect election workers.1/3

Rachel Leingang

In less than two months on the job, Arizona’s Democratic attorney general, Kris Mayes, reassigned a unit tasked with investigating election fraud to instead focus on protecting voting rights. She then publicly took former attorney general Mark Brnovich, a Republican, to task for hiding documents that showed the 2020 election was free from widespread fraud.

“Obviously, there are clear differences between me and my predecessor on these issues,” Mayes said.

In Arizona, where a Democratic governor and Republican-controlled legislature are unlikely to agree on any major alterations to election law, the biggest changes for democracy could instead come from the attorney general’s office. As the state’s top prosecutor, Mayes has the power to investigate voting crimes and bring charges against those who break election laws.

Before winning the attorney general’s office, Mayes was a reporter and an attorney and a member of formerDemocratic governor Janet Napolitano’s administration. A Republican until 2019, Mayes said she switched parties because the GOP’s embrace of Trumpism left her and other moderate Republicans behind. (Shit she’s part of the McCain, Arizona and Mexico Mafia in AZ)

Her perspective on elections differs greatly from her predecessor. In his last two years in office, Brnovich tried to play both sides of election issues, seeking to appease the far-right flank of his party in pursuit of a US Senate seat while not filing charges for widespread fraud. At first, he defended Joe Biden’s victory in the state, but over time, cast doubt on Maricopa county’s elections.

Mayes also contrasted strongly with her Republican challenger in the 2022 race, Abe Hamadeh, who she narrowly beat. Hamadeh embraced the falsehood that Trump won the 2020 election and was one of several election deniers who lost their statewide races in the increasingly purple state.

The attorney general’s race was among the closest in the state’s history. It went to an automatic recount, where her lead of 511 votes fell to 280 votes because of human errors in one Arizona county. Hamadeh has sued over the election, and his case is still ongoing.

Since taking office in January, Mayes has dramatically shifted the office’s priorities. She announced that an election integrity unit created by the state legislature at Brnovich’s behest to investigate voter fraud will instead focus on voting rights and protecting elections officials.

She also released documents that Brnovichconcealed from the public that showed his office’s investigation into the 2020 election in the state’s largest county did not find widespread fraud. Mayes said she released the documents because Arizonans had a right to know the results and because her office has a “solemn duty to be honest and transparent”.

Several major election cases hang in the balance, including prosecutions for ballot collection in a border community, potential charges against county supervisors who initially refused to certify the 2022 election and inquiries into people who publicly posted voter signatures. Mayes wouldn’t comment on these ongoing issues.

Mayes spoke with the Guardian about her office’s plans for election protection and prosecution. The interview has been condensed for length and clarity.


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ad0b0a No.20954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428737 (011507ZMAR23) Notable: The Swamp Today

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Garland Link HOT

Attorney General Testifies at Senate Oversight Hearing

Attorney General Merrick Garland testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on oversight of the Justice Department.

Mimsy up first


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ad0b0a No.20955

File: 3c172901cfdd30b⋯.png (278.79 KB,894x491,894:491,Clipboard.png)

File: c6a83fb03bc0d8f⋯.png (341.56 KB,478x387,478:387,Clipboard.png)

File: c46f819902d8407⋯.png (273.41 KB,637x320,637:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428747 (011510ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Activity: CFC1 CL-60 departed Ottawa to Vancouver, B.C.Trudopegettin' outta dodge

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PlaneFag CONUS Activity: CFC1 CL-60 departed Ottawa to Vancouver, B.C.Trudopegettin' outta dodge after this came out yesterday below and "meeting w/ nursing students"..cause that is reeeeally important stuff there

Chinese Billionaire Made $1 Million Donation to Trudeau Charity Following Election that Brought Liberals to Power



PAT009 C560 heading to Houston from Davison Airfield

CYBER10 US Army MC-12S Huron SIGINT (not quite the flying antenna farm but little brother) NW from Augusta Regional Airport GA and passing to the south of the recently landed PAT104 C-560 at Huntsville Int'l also from Davison Airfield

VM767 USMC C560 SW from JBA-arrived back to same yesterday after a stop at Ft. Lauderdale Exec Airport

Mexi AF FAM3526 737 (and the same AC that Cahptio -after beibng arrested in Culiacan) was transported to Mex City on) NW from Santa Lucia AB-Mex City-and he has switched off abd trace stopped about 50m ago so mebby they heading for moar 'clean-ups'

coupla FORGE ACs look like cert flights FORGE53,31 and 63

GKA262 DHC-6 Twin Otter Us Army Golden Knights doing practive jumps over Homestead ARB

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ad0b0a No.20956

File: 531822b1d02eb89⋯.webp (93.54 KB,3800x2282,1900:1141,Clipboard.webp)

File: 7e93120d8dcad9b⋯.webp (29.89 KB,890x534,5:3,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428748 (011510ZMAR23) Notable: ‘We will prosecute death threats’: Arizona’s new attorney general fights to protect election workers

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You plan to change the focus of your office’s election integrity unit. At a basic level, do you think that the unit needs to exist?

The short answer is yes, repurposed in the way that we anticipate. There is a real need in the state of Arizona to protect voting rights and to protect elections officials against threats to their lives and and against the harassment and intimidation that they’ve been facing. And of course, every election cycle there’s ahandful of actual voter fraud cases that come through this office. Those will continue to be investigated in the normal course of our work and under the law. But I think this unit needs to be repurposed toward protecting voters and especially elections officials. We’re seeing a sad exodus of elections officials from their jobs in the face of all of this harassment and these death threats. We obviously just saw the Cochise county elections director resign from her post because of all of the harassment she found herself facing, and that can’t go on. I want to be very clear that we will prosecute anyone who engages in death threats or attempts to interfere in the conduct of our elections going forward.

Do you plan for your office to take proactive stances on voting rights issues?

Some of it depends on what actually passes out of this legislature and gets signed. But yeah, I do anticipate using the bully pulpit here in the AG’s office to push back against legislation that would undermine voting rights. And obviously, if there are any instances of attempts to suppress the vote or voting rights, we will take action against that through this new unit.

When it comes to protecting elections officials, is that something that you think mostly will come from people referring things to your office or is there any kind of proactive work that your office could take on that?

I would like to head out to our 15 counties and have a conversation with county attorneys, sheriffs and the elections officials themselves about this. I’ve already had a conversation with [Maricopa county sheriff Paul] Penzone about working together to protect elections officials in the 2024 cycle. I had a conversation with the Yavapai county sheriff about it. So I anticipate having one-on-one conversations with local law enforcement about this and hopefully standing up a concerted effort together to work on this in advance of 2024. I’ve even thought about working towards the creation of a taskforce on this issue.

Have you gotten any pushback to changing the focus of the unit?

Not really, interestingly enough, no. I’m sure there are folks amongst Republican legislators who are not huge fans, but I haven’t heard that specifically yet.

Arizona, in some cases, inspired other states to create these kinds of units. Does it make sense to have these kinds of units? Is Arizona’s experiment with it something that should be replicated?

I wouldn’t offer any advice to other states. Each state has its own circumstances to address. We wouldn’t have created this unit in this way today, obviously, it’s not the kind of unit that I would create. We’re reorganized in a very, very different way. I certainly wouldn’t advise other states to create an election integrity unit the way it was created under my predecessor.

Looking ahead to 2024, what sorts of things do you think need to be in place to improve elections before then or ensure that 2024 is a safe and secure election both for people running it and for voters?

I’m gonna leave that primarily up to the secretary of state and county elections officials. I know they’re working on the election procedures manual, the EPM. This office will play a role in helping to review that. We want to get back to the more normal situation in which the various elections officials, including this office, are working together on the EPM. That hasn’t happened in the past. I think this office refused to approvethe EPM in the last few years under the previous administration, so that needs to happen.


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ad0b0a No.20957

File: 426d9d653bb4ac2⋯.jpeg (26.31 KB,474x315,158:105,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bfb14845016ef6f⋯.jpeg (15.83 KB,474x237,2:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7e93120d8dcad9b⋯.webp (29.89 KB,890x534,5:3,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428760 (011513ZMAR23) Notable: ‘We will prosecute death threats’: Arizona’s new attorney general fights to protect election workers

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Distraction Incoming I think!


I think that there needs to be this really concerted focus on protecting elections officials and making sure that folks know we will prosecute any attempts to intimidate or engage in violence against our elections officials, period, full stop. I’m going to be making that clear. I want to get that message out there, so that we can provide some deterrence to this behavior going forward. Our democracy depends on the ability of good people to step forward and serve as elections officials.

A slate of people in Arizona signed on to documents claiming Trump won the state, calling themselves the state’s electors. Is that something you’re investigating?

We aregoing to investigate the fake electors. I can confirm that.

Because there is a justice department investigation into that issue, is that something that separately you undertake or do you work with them on it?

We are planning to reach out to federal officials on that matter. Beyond that, I’m not going to comment on it.

How do you think your predecessor did on election issues?

Obviously there are a lot of differences between how I intend to address elections matters and in the way my predecessor did. I would never have handled the 2020 election investigation the way he did, and certainly would not have handled the release of these documents the way he did. Beyond that, I’m going to let him speak for himself. But, obviously, there are clear differences between me and my predecessor on these issues.

There’s still this ongoing lawsuit from your Republican challenger in 2022, Abe Hamadeh, as well. Is that something that is in any way distracting from your work? How are you managing that?

It’s not really been a distraction at all. We’ve sort of compartmentalized that and it’s something that my outside attorneys and legal team is handling. We’ll just await the decision of the Mohave county judge who’s handling that, but we’re really busy here carrying on the work of the people of Arizona.


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ad0b0a No.20958

File: dd077b08acb7317⋯.jpeg (113.92 KB,1241x693,1241:693,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e2d15a144bb9a5c⋯.jpeg (181.92 KB,1241x995,1241:995,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428772 (011517ZMAR23) Notable: DC Draino Draft Order

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ad0b0a No.20959

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428782 (011520ZMAR23) Notable: DC Draino Draft Order

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5th should be 3rd

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ad0b0a No.20960

File: 1e790f434d991c7⋯.mp4 (7.04 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428786 (011522ZMAR23) Notable: DC Draino Draft Order

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make it so

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad0b0a No.20961

File: 85becafb01348c2⋯.png (415.82 KB,664x472,83:59,Clipboard.png)

File: bcded3ced47c3c2⋯.png (157.64 KB,1089x688,1089:688,Clipboard.png)

File: e40de1ee0cbecad⋯.png (116.1 KB,1081x687,1081:687,Clipboard.png)

File: f06e83a6c7c99d8⋯.png (85.76 KB,766x677,766:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428794 (011524ZMAR23) Notable: MBA: Mortgage Purchase Applications Decreased, Lowest Level Since 1995-and still dropping

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>>20348 pb Economic Schedule for Week of February 26, 2023-expect some really shitty data points in housing, autos, retail

MBA: Mortgage Purchase Applications Decreased, Lowest Level Since 1995-and still dropping

Mortgage applications decreased 5.7 percent from one week earlier, according to data from the Mortgage Bankers Association’s (MBA) Weekly Mortgage Applications Survey for the week ending February 24, 2023.

The Market Composite Index, a measure of mortgage loan application volume, decreased 5.7 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis from one week earlier. On an unadjusted basis, the Index decreased 4 percent compared with the previous week. The Refinance Index decreased 6 percent from the previous week and was 74 percent lower than the same week one year ago. The seasonally adjusted Purchase Index decreased 6 percent from one week earlier. The unadjusted Purchase Index decreased 3 percent compared with the previous week and was 44 percent lower than the same week one year ago. “The 30-year fixed rate increased to 6.71 percent last week (and now at 6.85%-from yesterday-cap #4), the highest rate since November 2022, which drove a 6 percent drop in applications. After a brief revival in application activity in January when mortgage rates dropped down to 6.2 percent, there has now been three straight weeks of declines in applications as mortgage rates have jumped 50 basis points over the past month,” said Joel Kan, MBA’s Vice President and Deputy Chief Economist. “Data on inflation, employment, and economic activity have signaled that inflation may not be cooling as quickly as anticipated, which continues to put upward pressure on rates.” Added Kan, “Both purchase and refinance applications declined last week, with purchase index at a 28- year low for a second consecutive week. Purchase applications were 44 percent lower than a year ago, as homebuyers again retreat to the sidelines as higher rates crimp affordability. Refinance applications account for less than a third of all applications and remained more than 70 percent behind last year’s pace, as a majority of homeowners are already locked into lower rates.”

With higher mortgage rates, the refinance index declined sharply in 2022. Other than the lows in Q4 of 2022 and early this year, the refinance index was at the lowest level since the year 2000. According to the MBA, purchase activity is down 44% year-over-year unadjusted.

The purchase index is 24% below the pandemic low and at the lowest level since early 1995!


The FED surveys on Eco. Activity (Dallas and Richmond-and if you dig pat the 'frenly headines' of "its only a flesh wound"-also came out earlier this week and basically if you thought that there have been a lot of layoffs announced already….wait…as the month closes out the first Q all the 'pie-in-the-sky' guidance estimates will be taken down over the next 4 weeks and MAJOR amounts of layoffs will be announced-this is only just gettin' started'''

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ad0b0a No.20962

File: e30e6a0bc2f9caf⋯.jpg (17.25 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428802 (011525ZMAR23) Notable: Eli Lilly and Company on Wednesday announced it will reduce the price of its most commonly prescribed insulins by 70% and expand its Insulin Value Program

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Pharmaceutical manufacturer Eli Lilly and Company on Wednesday announced it will reduce the price of its most commonly prescribed insulins by 70% and expand its Insulin Value Program that limits patients' monthly out-of-pocket costs to $35 or less.

"While the current healthcare system provides access to insulin for most people with diabetes, it still does not provide affordable insulin for everyone and that needs to change," Lilly CEO David Ricks said. "We are driving for change in repricing older insulins, but we know that 7 out of 10 Americans don't use Lilly insulin. We are calling on policymakers, employers and others to join us in making insulin more affordable."


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ad0b0a No.20963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428821 (011532ZMAR23) Notable: LADY LINDSEY JUST MENTIONED THE LAW OF WAR RULES

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>Merrick Garland testifies

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ad0b0a No.20964

File: e7f8278ae19a7ab⋯.png (1.05 MB,1199x680,1199:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428828 (011534ZMAR23) Notable: LADY LINDSEY JUST MENTIONED THE LAW OF WAR RULES

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad0b0a No.20965

File: c913365adc19aa6⋯.png (8.09 MB,10668x6000,889:500,Clipboard.png)

File: 031d09d4ba18932⋯.png (948.15 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428832 (011535ZMAR23) Notable: Europe and others push for a standard lunar time zone

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Telling time on the Moon

Feb 27 2023

A new era of lunar exploration is on the rise, with dozens of Moon missions planned for the coming decade. Europe is in the forefront here, contributing to building the Gateway lunar station and the Orion spacecraft – set to return humans to our natural satellite – as well as developing its large logistic lunar lander, known as Argonaut. As dozens of missions will be operating on and around the Moon and needing to communicate together and fix their positions independently from Earth, this new era will require its own time.

A new era of lunar exploration is on the rise, with dozens of Moon missions planned for the coming decade. Europe is in the forefront here, contributing to building the Gateway lunar station and the Orion spacecraft – set to return humans to our natural satellite – as well as developing its large logistic lunar lander, known as Argonaut. As dozens of missions will be operating on and around the Moon and needing to communicate together and fix their positions independently from Earth, this new era will require its own time.

Architecture for joint lunar exploration

“LunaNet is a framework of mutually agreed-upon standards, protocols and interface requirements allowing future lunar missions to work together, conceptually similar to what we did on Earth for joint use of GPS and Galileo,” explains Javier Ventura-Traveset, ESA's Moonlight Navigation Manager, coordinating ESA contributions to LunaNet. "Now, in the lunar context, we have the opportunity to agree on our interoperability approach from the very beginning, before the systems are actually implemented.”

Timing is a crucial element, adds ESA navigation system engineer Pietro Giordano: "During this meeting at ESTEC, we agreed on the importance and urgency of defining a common lunar reference time, which is internationally accepted and towards which all lunar systems and users may refer to. A joint international effort is now being launched towards achieving this.”

Up until now, each new mission to the Moon is operated on its own timescale exported from Earth, with deep space antennas used to keep onboard chronometers synchronised with terrestrial time at the same time as they facilitate two-way communications. This way of working will not be sustainable however in the coming lunar environment.

Once complete, the Gateway station will be open to astronaut stays, resupplied through regular NASA Artemis launches, progressing to a human return to the lunar surface, culminating in a crewed base near the lunar south pole. Meanwhile numerous uncrewed missions will also be in place – each Artemis mission alone will release numerous lunar CubeSats – and ESA will be putting down its Argonaut European Large Logistics Lander.

These missions will not only be on or around the Moon at the same time, but they will often be interacting as well – potentially relaying communications for one another, performing joint observations or carrying out rendezvous operations.

Moonlight satellites on the way

“Looking ahead to lunar exploration of the future, ESA is developing through its Moonlight programme a lunar communications and navigation service," explains Wael-El Daly, system engineer for Moonlight. "This will allow missions to maintain links to and from Earth, and guide them on their way around the moon and on the surface, allowing them to focus on their core tasks. But also, Moonlight will need a shared common timescale in order to get missions linked up and to facilitate position fixes."

And Moonlight will be joined in lunar orbit by an equivalent service sponsored by NASA – the Lunar Communications Relay and Navigation System. To maximise interoperability these two systems should employ the same timescale, along with the many other crewed and uncrewed missions they will support.

Fixing time to fix position

Jörg Hahn, ESA’s chief Galileo engineer and also advising on lunar time aspects comments: "Interoperability of time and geodetic reference frames has been successfully achieved here on Earth for Global Navigation Satellite Systems; all of today’s smartphones are able to make use of existing GNSS to compute a user position down to metre or even decimetre level.

"The experience of this success can be re-used for the technical long-term lunar systems to come, even though stable timekeeping on the Moon will throw up its own unique challenges – such as taking into account the fact that time passes at a different rate there due to the Moon's specific gravity and velocity effects.”


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ad0b0a No.20966

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428833 (011536ZMAR23) Notable: Europe and others push for a standard lunar time zone

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Setting global time

Accurate navigation demands rigorous timekeeping. This is because a satnav receiver determines its location by converting the times that multiple satellite signals take to reach it into measures of distance – multiplying time by the speed of light.

All the terrestrial satellite navigation systems, such as Europe’s Galileo or the United States’ GPS, run on their own distinct timing systems, but these possess fixed offsets relative to each other down to a few billionths of a second, and also to the UTC Universal Coordinated Time global standard.

The replacement for Greenwich Mean Time, UTC is part of all our daily lives: it is the timing used for Internet, banking and aviation standards as well as precise scientific experiments, maintained by the Paris-based Bureau International de Poids et Mesures (BIPM).

The BIPM computes UTC based on inputs from collections of atomic clocks maintained by institutions around the world, including ESA’s ESTEC technical centre in Noordwijk, the Netherlands and the ESOC mission control centre in Darmstadt, Germany.

Designing lunar chronology

Among the current topics under debate is whether a single organisation should similarly be responsible for setting and maintaining lunar time. And also, whether lunar time should be set on an independent basis on the Moon or kept synchronised with Earth.

The international team working on the subject will face considerable technical issues. For example, clocks on the Moon run faster than their terrestrial equivalents – gaining around 56 microseconds or millionths of a second per day. Their exact rate depends on their position on the Moon, ticking differently on the lunar surface than from orbit.

“Of course, the agreed time system will also have to be practical for astronauts," explains Bernhard Hufenbach, a member of the Moonlight Management Team from ESA's Directorate of Human and Robotic Exploration. "This will be quite a challenge on a planetary surface where in the equatorial region each day is 29.5 days long, including freezing fortnight-long lunar nights, with the whole of Earth just a small blue circle in the dark sky. But having established a working time system for the Moon, we can go on to do the same for other planetary destinations.”

Finally, to work together properly, the international community will also have to settle on a common ‘selenocentric reference frame’, similar to the role played on Earth by the International Terrestrial Reference Frame, allowing the consistent measurement of precise distances between points across our planet. Suitably customised reference frames are essential ingredients of today’s GNSS systems.

"Throughout human history, exploration has actually been a key driver of improved timekeeping and geodetic reference models," adds Javier. "It is certainly an exciting time to do that now for the Moon, working towards defining an internationally agreed timescale and a common selenocentric reference, which will not only ensure interoperability between the different lunar navigation systems, but which will also foster a large number of research opportunities and applications in cislunar space.”




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ad0b0a No.20967

File: f662e4d8d3cb5fe⋯.jpeg (1.58 MB,892x9137,892:9137,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: cea94c1af7b18ba⋯.png (301.68 KB,951x609,317:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428846 (011539ZMAR23) Notable: Cardiovascular Effects of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents

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29% Adolescents have serious cardiovascular effects after taking DARPA injections


Cardiovascular Effects of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents


This study focuses on cardiovascular effects, particularly myocarditis and pericarditis events, after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine injection in Thai adolescents. This prospective cohort study enrolled students from two schools aged 13–18 years who received the second dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Data including demographics, symptoms, vital signs, ECG, echocardiography and cardiac enzymes were collected at baseline, Day 3, Day 7, and Day 14 (optional) using case record forms.We enrolled 314 participants; of these, 13 participants were lost to follow up, leaving 301 participants for analysis. The most common cardiovascular effects were tachycardia (7.64%), shortness of breath (6.64%), palpitation (4.32%), chest pain (4.32%), and hypertension (3.99%). Seven participants (2.33%) exhibited at least one elevated cardiac biomarker or positive lab assessments. Cardiovascular effects were found in 29.24% of patients, ranging from tachycardia, palpitation, and myopericarditis. Myopericarditis was confirmed in one patient after vaccination. Two patients had suspected pericarditis and four patients had suspected subclinical myocarditis. Conclusion: Cardiovascular effects in adolescents after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination included tachycardia, palpitation, and myocarditis. The clinical presentation of myopericarditis after vaccination was usually mild, with all cases fully recovering within 14 days. Hence, adolescents receiving mRNA vaccines should be monitored for side effects. Clinical Trial Registration: NCT05288231

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ad0b0a No.20968

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428873 (011544ZMAR23) Notable: FBI Director Chris Wray Defends Organization from Criticism: “Not a Single FBI Investigation Handled Inappropriately”

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Full Interview Video – FBI Director Chris Wray Defends Organization from Criticism: “Not a Single FBI Investigation Handled Inappropriately”

March 1, 2023 | Sundance | 157 Comments

FBI Director Christopher Wray sat down for a lengthy (as broadcast) interview with Fox News human cabbage patch doll, Brett Baier. {Direct Rumble Link}

It isalmost too difficult to encapsulate the amount of parseltongue that flows so easily from Director Wray. Even when given specific examples of FBI storm troopers over aggressive tactics against targets, and examples of hypocrisy within FBI actions of similar situations that were handled completely differently, Chris Wray swears there is no actual difference present.

When asked about documented evidence showing FBI agents requesting social media platforms to remove content and users (Twitter files), the FBI Director says theagents do not request social media platforms to remove content and users. That’s his story and he’s sticking to it. Director Wray maintains the same standard of denial when asked about FBI targeting parents at school board meetings. If being obtuse was a crime, Chris Wray would be a career criminal. WATCH:



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ad0b0a No.20969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428886 (011548ZMAR23) Notable: Despite Previously Being Banned as Too Dangerous, John Kirby Confirms Biden White House Support for “Gain of Function” Virus Manipulation

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Distraction Time: Despite Previously Being Banned as Too Dangerous, John Kirby Confirms Biden White House Support for “Gain of Function” Virus Manipulation

February 28, 2023 | Sundance | 153 Comments

“Gain of function” is the innocuous sounding term for the manipulation of a toxic virus to make it more toxic. Gain of function is essentially the weaponization of a virus to make it more lethal and explore the consequences of the biological outcome. Because there are risks this type of research could produce a dangerous pandemic virus that would escape the biolab environment, “gain of function” research was previously banned.

As the COVID-19 pandemic (SARS-CoV-2) now appears to have originated as an outcome of “gain of function” research, White House spokesperson for strategic policy, John Kirby, is asked if Joe Biden supports that type of biological experimentation. Kirby delivers a lot of words, but eventually admits, yes, the White House supports experiments with viruses to make them more dangerous. WATCH:



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ad0b0a No.20970

File: 217474900a216ba⋯.jpg (221.85 KB,720x884,180:221,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428888 (011549ZMAR23) Notable: The Bee: Lori Lightfoot Blames Election Loss On 'Tricksy Hobbitses'

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Lori Lightfoot Blames Election Loss On 'Tricksy Hobbitses'

CHICAGO, IL — After suffering a humiliating defeat in Chicago's mayoral election, Lori Lightfoot blamed her stunning loss on "those tricksy hobbitses."

"They stole it from us!!" wailed Ms. Lightfoot. "Nasty, tricksy little hobbitses!!"

The campaign watched the disastrous results come in from a dimly lit sushi restaurant, where the enraged Ms. Lightfoot gorged herself on juicy-sweet raw fish. "Gone!! It's gone, precious!!" cried Ms. Lightfoot to supporters. "Filthy, sneaky hobbitses!! Wicked, tricky, false! Curse them! CURSE THEM!!!"

Long considered the electoral frontrunner, Ms. Lightfoot saw her lead evaporate as supporters became steadily more concerned about being murdered. "I just don't want to die," said local woman Brandi Buckingham. "I can look past a lot with Lori Lightfoot - the eyes, how she walks on all fours, all of it. I just can't look past the whole murder thing. I know she'll take the loss hard, but I really hope she finds a new path forward."

At publishing time, aides for the two campaigns heading to a runoff reported the strange sense that some sort of creature was following them.


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ad0b0a No.20971

File: 99b380d0d3d1423⋯.jpg (302.77 KB,720x917,720:917,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428906 (011553ZMAR23) Notable: US Official: Iran Can Make Fissile Material for Bomb 'in About 12 Days'/FF direction?

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US Official: Iran Can Make Fissile Material for Bomb 'in About 12 Days'


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ad0b0a No.20972

File: 80e00805f209a20⋯.jpeg (132.2 KB,1242x620,621:310,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a0efa3d58505840⋯.jpeg (92.83 KB,1024x704,16:11,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6fd70cc01d15f24⋯.jpeg (138.03 KB,748x1002,374:501,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428916 (011555ZMAR23) Notable: Biden Waives Section 303 of DPA Related to Weapons, Ammunition, Explosives and Components

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War Footing or Ukraine? – Biden Waives Section 303 of DPA Related to Weapons, Ammunition, Explosives and Components

February 27, 2023 | Sundance | 314 Comments

The Defense Production Act (DPA 1950 amended, pdf) essentially is a legislative hurdle that stops the executive from stepping into the private sector and restricting trade, commerce or manufacturing, unless the President says a critical shortage of “xxxx” is present and national security is at stake. It protects citizens from the threat of govt nationalization of resource “xxxx”.

In the event the President makes a national security determination, he/she is required to inform congress, invoke the waiver authority, and identify which sectors he/she is now outlining as a national security… such that government purchase orders take precedent in the supply of “xxxx”. Yesterday, President Biden invoked this authority.

Given the pandemic shortages are over, and given the sectors outlined, it looks like munitions, raw material, explosives, electronics and certain component issues related to the Defense Dept are outlined.

Key section: “Therefore, I waive the requirements of section 303(a)(1)-(a)(6) of the Act”…

…”specifically for defense organic industrial base supply chains critical to the Department of Defense and critical supply chains for electronics, kinetic capabilities, castings and forgings, minerals and materials, and power and energy storage.” (link)

It’s a use of the DPA definitively targeting defense materials. Which raises the question(s):

Is this to secure weapons for shipment to Ukraine?.. OR, Is this to secure a buildup of weapons for a larger purpose? Meaning, is this preparing for an expanded war effort?

There is a lack of media curiosity. However, perhaps drawing attention to it will stimulate someone to ask the Pentagon?

In the interim, ammunition might become a little harder to find.


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ad0b0a No.20973

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428917 (011555ZMAR23) Notable: The Swamp Today

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11:00 AM EST

Health Disparities Among Sexual and Gender Minorities (SGM) - Day 1

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

n:&#09;The goal of this virtual two-day meeting is to identify priority research areas to understand and address SGM health disparities. Specifically, the workshop objectives are to identify research gaps in: (1) data sources and measures that can be used to assess and address SGM health disparities, (2) mechanisms and pathways that drive/cause SGM health disparities, and (3) interventions with the potential to mitigate/reduce SGM health disparities. The workshop will bring together a diverse set of researchers with expertise on important health outcomes (e.g., cancer, mental/behavioral health, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity, and pandemic-related disparities) among SGM (e.g., lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit, queer, and others) populations.



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ad0b0a No.20974

File: 7df9caef335d5f9⋯.png (94.25 KB,947x731,947:731,Clipboard.png)

File: c817735a08ead18⋯.png (97.33 KB,924x550,42:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 1280e0ded511f3e⋯.gif (923.54 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428941 (011600ZMAR23) Notable: Stocks Hit (but being 'feex't as it's not that bad considering) As 10-Year Yields, Wall Street's Most Important Trading Signal, Top 4%

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and probably nuffin to do with the BoJ selling to prop the Yen and it's own debt…/s as it (10y JGB still pegged at .504% so muh guess is that Kuroda's last 'official' act will be to raise that cap to 100bp since they doubled it from .25 to .50% last time

Stocks Hit (but being 'feex't as it's not that bad considering) As 10-Year Yields, Wall Street's Most Important Trading Signal, Top 4%

U.S. stocks moved lower Wednesday, following on from Wall Street's second monthly decline in the past three, as the market's most important near-term indicator breached levels last seen in late October.

Benchmark 10-year Treasury note yields were marked 5 basis points higher on the session at 4%, the highest in four months and a level that has been linked to both the start of the stock market's October rally and its fizzingly out in early February. The moves were triggered in part by a twin set of faster-than-expected inflation readings in Europe, with France reporting a record high rate 7.2% for the month of February yesterday and Germany following up today with a hotter-than-forecast reading of 9.3%. Germany government bond yields, a proxy for regional interest rate forecasts, touched the highest levels since 2008 on Wednesday with benchmark 2-year bunds, also known as Schatz, rising to 3.215% and 10-year yields pegged at 2.724%.

The figures followed further indications of elevated price pressures in the U.S. economy, where the so-called 'prices paid' index of the closely-watched ISM manufacturing activity survey jumped six points last month, even as the overall reading indicated a fifth consecutive month of contraction. Earlier Wednesday, China's National Bureau of Statistics said manufacturing activity in the world's second-largest economy powered to its fastest pace since 2012 last month as Covid restrictions were lifted and the workers and investors returned from the Lunar New Year holidays.

The stronger-than-expected rebound, which was echoed by a private PMI survey published by Caixin Global, lifted global commodity prices and triggered the strongest single-day gains for Asia stocks in at least seven weeks. The impact of a sustained China recovery, however, remains a topic of hot debate among analysts, some of whom suggest it will stoke global inflation. Others, meanwhile, say the low-priced exports and freed-up supply chains will have the opposite affect. (and ths guy…what a retard and still in denial) "While the 'transitory' nature of inflation has manifested in the form of improved supply chain dynamics and easier year-over-year comparisons, the 'stickiness' of prices has been evident in both consumer and wholesale metrics, suggesting the cooling trend is moderating," said John Lynch CIO at Comerica Wealth Management.

Domestically, Goldman Sachs (GS) CEO David Solomon has also warned that price pressures are likely to remain "sticker" over the coming months, a view echoed by Target (TGT) CEO Brian Cornell and recently expressed by Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem.

(And all the 'bot trading ALgo's have massive selling programed into them for all scenarios (Up, Flat and Down-especially in the SP500)

Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic said Wednesday that finding a benchmark interest rate that straddles the "delicate balance" of taming inflation while preventing the economy from tipping into recession likely means a terminal rate that rises past 5% and remains there "well into 2024".



>>20714 pb 6-month T-bill rate heads for highest level in 16 years

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ad0b0a No.20975

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428946 (011601ZMAR23) Notable: Europe and others push for a standard lunar time zone

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not sure which part of this video looks deeply into the moons movements and cycles, plus years, months and days.


Ewaranon's 'What On Earth Happened?' (All 13 Parts Full) [15.11.2021]



All 13 Parts in one sitting.

00:00:00 - Part 01 - Turning Inwards

00:07:19 - Part 02 - Of Maps and Magicians

00:34:39 - Part 03 - Flattening the Curve

00:57:17 - Part 04 - Vanishing Points & the Old Clock

01:21:34 - Part 05 - The Red Shield

01:47:27 - Part 06 - Infiltration Instead of Invasion

02:11:36 - Part 07 - Eyes Wide Open

03:01:55 - Part 08 - The Looking Glass

03:59:06 - Part 09 - PANIC!

04:37:30 - Part 10 - The Energetic Earth

05:24:53 - Part 11 - The Bumblebee & the Hexagon

06:07:07 - Part 12 - Stranger than Fiction

07:04:42 - Part 13 - Down the Rabbit Hole

Also in same category:

Ewaranon: What On Earth Happened? Part 1-13 [26.06.2021]

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ad0b0a No.20976

File: 781b073610d0d74⋯.png (1.43 MB,1610x1954,805:977,Clipboard.png)

File: c5696162e03997f⋯.png (2.19 MB,1208x1960,151:245,Clipboard.png)

File: d051110c33e2f9e⋯.png (315.96 KB,1348x1916,337:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 547c3c838f54332⋯.png (2.17 MB,1436x1904,359:476,Clipboard.png)

File: ea1d3b7a481da9e⋯.png (505.34 KB,684x1888,171:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428948 (011601ZMAR23) Notable: Payseur refresher, eye bleach not included

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Quick reminder picrels for all Anons and New Eyes…

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ad0b0a No.20977

File: c64059f8b543fda⋯.png (1.27 MB,2103x2146,2103:2146,Clipboard.png)

File: c963ca5c9102c6c⋯.png (2.94 MB,3808x4720,238:295,Clipboard.png)

File: ea053b94a8979f1⋯.png (156.21 KB,786x1624,393:812,Clipboard.png)

File: c14c2ffbcaf0be6⋯.png (1.25 MB,1400x1478,700:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18428952 (011602ZMAR23) Notable: Payseur refresher, eye bleach not included

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Grifters who spread dis and mis info bad, right?

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ad0b0a No.20978

File: 95cfb714d6ab950⋯.png (1.41 MB,1478x1880,739:940,Clipboard.png)

File: 74a952dcd7a725d⋯.png (199.29 KB,1040x948,260:237,Clipboard.png)

File: 2254ef37e47f25c⋯.png (104.91 KB,339x225,113:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429009 (011616ZMAR23) Notable: Payseur refresher, eye bleach not included

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Not sure how to meme it…

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ad0b0a No.20979

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429040 (011623ZMAR23) Notable: It's not General A.I. if it is controlled.

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Reminder: It's not General A.I. if it is controlled.

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ad0b0a No.20980

File: 3367cb9fb2a2f0e⋯.png (328.73 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429094 (011635ZMAR23) Notable: Greek stationmaster arrested in head-on train crash; 36 dead

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moar trains

Greece Train Crash Kills Dozens, Minister Resigns, Station Manager Arrested


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ad0b0a No.20981

File: 96c62b47c8d5704⋯.png (383.76 KB,901x722,901:722,Clipboard.png)

File: d1a4d1d72a21285⋯.png (392.46 KB,1185x805,237:161,Clipboard.png)

File: 889187c545cf00c⋯.png (703.97 KB,891x871,891:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429115 (011640ZMAR23) Notable: covid development/release,chy-na/wuhan/ukraine

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China Says Coronavirus ‘Lab Leak’ Claims Hurt US Credibility

March, 01, 2023

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ad0b0a No.20982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429122 (011641ZMAR23) Notable: LADY LINDSEY JUST MENTIONED THE LAW OF WAR RULES

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Garland: We have been focused like a laser on hate crimes since I first came into the department…I've established a 'hate crimes coordinator' in the department…the FBI has elevated hate crimes and civil rights violations into their highest bands of threats

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ad0b0a No.20983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429127 (011642ZMAR23) Notable: LADY LINDSEY JUST MENTIONED THE LAW OF WAR RULES

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So all of the anti-White MSM people and Hollyweird people will be prosecuted for Hate Crimes?

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ad0b0a No.20984

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429131 (011643ZMAR23) Notable: LADY LINDSEY JUST MENTIONED THE LAW OF WAR RULES

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Anyone pushing CRT should be prosecuted for Hate Crimes then.

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ad0b0a No.20985

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429140 (011646ZMAR23) Notable: #22594

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#22594 >>20906


>>20913 Clickbait tactics

>>20915, >>20917, >>20922, >>20930 lobbying for Ukraine pro bono – and making millions from arms firms

>>20916, >>20980 Greek stationmaster arrested in head-on train crash; 36 dead

>>20918 COVID-19 conspiracies soar after latest report on origins

>>20919 US Congress: Repeal All Noahide Laws And Proclamations In The USA

>>20924 Elizabeth Holmes has 2nd child as she tries to avoid prison

>>20926 EU Commission plans a wartime-like increase in ammunition production

>>20927, >>20931, >>20935, >>20938 Promising gene therapy delivers treatment directly to brain

>>20925, >>20929, >>20928, >>20933, >>20921, >>20937, >>20939, >>20945, >>20952, >>20981 covid development/release,chy-na/wuhan/ukraine

>>20934, >>20965, >>20966, >>20975 Europe and others push for a standard lunar time zone

>>20936 Doomsday Plane lands in Iceland

>>20940 Ford wants to allow your car to lock you out — and even drive itself to an impound lot or scrapyard — if you miss payments

>>20941 US ‘confident’ China considering providing lethal equipment to Russia, CIA director says

>>20942 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Flaming Star Nebula

>>20943 Pentagon makes prediction on Ukraine conflict timeline, Hostilities may drag on for several more years

>>20944 Scientists Find Cure For Stephen Hawking's Disease (ALS, aka Lou Gehrig's Disease)

>>20946 The Supreme Court hears oral argument in New York v. New Jersey, a case on withdrawing from a seaport security agreement.

>>20948 PlaneFag Yerp/Med/Gulf/W. Asia:Blinken, Modi, Orban and Macron on the move with Israeli AF active with AEW&C ACs off coast

>>20950 U.S. House of Representatives Committee approves bill giving Biden authority to ban Chinese social media app TikTok.

>>20953, >>20956, >>20957 ‘We will prosecute death threats’: Arizona’s new attorney general fights to protect election workers

>>20955 PlaneFag CONUS Activity: CFC1 CL-60 departed Ottawa to Vancouver, B.C.Trudopegettin' outta dodge

>>20958, >>20959, >>20960 DC Draino Draft Order

>>20961 MBA: Mortgage Purchase Applications Decreased, Lowest Level Since 1995-and still dropping

>>20962 Eli Lilly and Company on Wednesday announced it will reduce the price of its most commonly prescribed insulins by 70% and expand its Insulin Value Program

>>20963, >>20964, >>20982, >>20983, >>20984 LADY LINDSEY JUST MENTIONED THE LAW OF WAR RULES

>>20967 Cardiovascular Effects of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents

>>20968 FBI Director Chris Wray Defends Organization from Criticism: “Not a Single FBI Investigation Handled Inappropriately”

>>20969 Despite Previously Being Banned as Too Dangerous, John Kirby Confirms Biden White House Support for “Gain of Function” Virus Manipulation

>>20970 The Bee: Lori Lightfoot Blames Election Loss On 'Tricksy Hobbitses'

>>20971 US Official: Iran Can Make Fissile Material for Bomb 'in About 12 Days'/FF direction?

>>20972 Biden Waives Section 303 of DPA Related to Weapons, Ammunition, Explosives and Components

>>20974 Stocks Hit (but being 'feex't as it's not that bad considering) As 10-Year Yields, Wall Street's Most Important Trading Signal, Top 4%

>>20978, >>20976, >>20977 Payseur refresher, eye bleach not included

>>20979 It's not General A.I. if it is controlled.

>>20908, >>20909, >>20910, >>20911, >>20912, >>20914, >>20920, >>20923, >>20947, >>20949, >>20951, >>20954, >>20973 The Swamp Today


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ad0b0a No.20986

File: 8b3b31e2b8fa1bd⋯.jpg (30.71 KB,316x324,79:81,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 97e3828515441a3⋯.jpg (58.17 KB,800x382,400:191,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e7f8278ae19a7ab⋯.png (1.05 MB,1199x680,1199:680,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c9c1b6a612acfc⋯.png (510.7 KB,620x387,620:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429148 (011648ZMAR23) Notable: #22595

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ad0b0a No.20987

File: 3ed3889fe87add2⋯.png (43.27 KB,548x252,137:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429174 (011656ZMAR23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump just corrected "Stollen" from this morning…, 4 hrs and 20 min until correction/Q2478

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He just corrected "Stollen" from this morning…

Donald J. Trump


If Rupert Murdoch honestly believes that the Presidential Election of 2020, despite MASSIVE amounts of proof to the contrary, was not Rigged & Stolen, then he & his group of MAGA Hating Globalist RINOS should get out of the News Business as soon as possible, because they are aiding & abetting the DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA with FAKE NEWS. Certain BRAVE & PATRIOTIC FoxNews Hosts, who he scorns and ridicules, got it right. He got it wrong. THEY SHOULD BE ADMIRED & PRAISED, NOT REBUKED & FORSAKEN!!!

Mar 01, 2023, 11:43 AM


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ad0b0a No.20988

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429179 (011658ZMAR23) Notable: THE MIDAZOLAM MURDERS – INTERVIEW WITH STUART WILKIE AND ANDREW BRIDGEN MP.

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watching ted cruz tear garland was worth waiting for, the weasel never answered any questions again.

Anon also like to bring news to the anons attention, interview below with majaad nazwas. looking forward to watching it later after moar garland pinata beatings in public.




Note: today keir starmer of labour during mpq's asked about the Covid inquiry, Riski stated it will be done by the end of this year, gonna be a way to shut down any who have come out to expose this topic and crimes.





All Credit To Maajid Nawaz.

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ad0b0a No.20989

File: 1d74636bc0222e2⋯.png (49.25 KB,594x294,99:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429182 (011658ZMAR23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump just corrected "Stollen" from this morning…, 4 hrs and 20 min until correction/Q2478

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4 hrs and 20 min until correction

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ad0b0a No.20990

File: 64f7ef43bfd9561⋯.jpeg (140.58 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429194 (011701ZMAR23) Notable: The Finnish parliament on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted in favor of joining NATO, Hungary and Türkiye withheld votes

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1 Mar, 2023 16:34

EU nation’s MPs greenlight joining NATO

Meanwhile, two members of the bloc haven’t ratified Helsinki’s bid yet

The Finnish parliament on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted in favor of joining NATO. The vote was held before Hungary and Türkiye had the chance to ratify the Nordic nation’s accession to the US-led military bloc.

The bill was supported by 184 MPs of the 200-seat parliament, while only seven voted against it and one abstained. Seven others were not present during the vote.

Some of the bill’s opponents, including the Left Alliance MPs Markus Mustajarvi and Johannes Yrttiaho, expressed their concerns over Finland not setting any conditions for its NATO membership regarding a potential deployment of nuclear weapons to its territory.

“I consider [it to be] the biggest problem with NATO membership … that Finland accepts NATO’s nuclear weapons policy and at the same time effectively renounces its non-nuclear status,” Yrttiaho said during the debate on Tuesday.

Finland’s foreign and defense ministers then assured the MPs that NATO membership would not change Helsinki’s stance on nuclear weapons. “I have already stated before that we are not trying to bring them to Finland, and no one is trying to force them here either,”Finnish Defense Minister Antti Kaikkonen said.

The results of the vote were hailed by Finnish parliament speaker Matti Vanhanen, who called it a “historic decision” comparable to Finland joining the EU in the 1990s. The parliament head also said that NATO membership once again placed Finland “on the map of Europe.”

The vote comes as NATO itself is yet to accept Finland into its ranks. While 28 members of the bloc formally ratified the bid of the Nordic nation and neighboring Sweden, Hungary and Türkiye are yet to do so.

The parliament justified the move by saying it wanted to finalize its part of the process before the elections scheduled for early April. The legislation must now be signed by the president before it comes into force.

Last week, Budapest indicated it might need more time for its lawmakers to vote on the bids by Sweden and Finland to join the Western military bloc. However, on Wednesday, MPs started the ratification process for the Nordic nations’ bids following calls by Hungary’s president for it to be sped up.

Ankara has previously expressed reluctance to allow either of the two nations to join NATO, citing their support for Kurdish groups that Ankara considers to be terrorists. Türkiye, Sweden and Finland signed an agreement last June to address those concerns and pave the way for approving NATO’s expansion.

(There will be regrets all around, imho)


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ad0b0a No.20991

File: e3296009fd31d15⋯.png (760.63 KB,1205x698,1205:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429201 (011703ZMAR23) Notable: WATCH LIVE | Merrick Garland testifies before Congress

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WATCH LIVE | Merrick Garland testifies before Congress


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ad0b0a No.20992

File: f4e41d8303ef9b2⋯.jpeg (44.8 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429206 (011703ZMAR23) Notable: Russian airlines surviving sanctions

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1 Mar, 2023 16:25

Russian airlines surviving sanctions – Bloomberg

Restrictions targeting the country’s aviation sector have largely failed, the agency claims

Sanctions against Russian aviation have led to mixed results but have failed to cause the significant pain to the sector that was expected by Western countries, Bloomberg reported on Wednesday, citing industry analysts.

The Ukraine-related sanctions forced two of the world’s largest aircraft manufacturers, Boeing and Airbus, to stop doing business in Russia. Meanwhile, over 40% of the aircraft operating in Russia were owned by foreign lessors that demanded their property back shortly after the restrictions were introduced.

However, Russian air carriers are still operating 467 Airbus and Boeing jets versus the 544 a year ago, according to data from researcher Cirium, as cited by the news agency.

The country’s airlines reportedly keep flying the jets without software updates and other forms of support from Boeing and Airbus. Both manufacturers told the agency that they had stopped providing parts, maintenance or technical support to airlines or maintenance companies in Russia.

In February, Russian Federal Air Transport Agency head Alexander Neradko said that Boeing and Airbus planes operated by Russian airlines will be able to fly safely until 2030 if properly maintained.

In an attempt to isolate Russia, the US, EU, and a number of other countries closed their airspace to Russian airlines. However, despite losing many destinations, Russian carriers have reportedly increased the number of flights to Thailand, Türkiye, the United Arab Emirates, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.

According to Cirium estimates, Russian airports are now served by some 270 international flights daily compared to 300 a year ago.

At the same time, Russia’s retaliatory measures forced EU and US carriers to make long and expensive detours on flights to Asia. Russian airspace is still open to airlines from nations that opted not to support the sanctions, such as the UAE, which has ramped up service.

Clearly the sanctions didn’t work as the West thought they would, and the global aviation industry is a lot leakier than anyone thought,” industry consultant Richard Aboulafia told Bloomberg. “Yes, safety will deteriorate the longer these sanctions go on, but it’s clearly not going to bring connectivity within Russia and from Russia to a grinding halt.”


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ad0b0a No.20993

File: 84d075d1ddb2015⋯.jpg (118.43 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429213 (011705ZMAR23) Notable: New York City police looking for Travis Scott following alleged nightclub rampage

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New York City police looking for Travis Scott following alleged nightclub rampage

The rapper is accused of causing $12,000 worth of damage at Manhattan hotspot Club Nebula.


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ad0b0a No.20994

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429223 (011708ZMAR23) Notable: Hawley garland made Catholics into a hate group

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garland made Catholics into a hate group


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ad0b0a No.20995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429224 (011709ZMAR23) Notable: Moar swamp creature features

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President Biden Remarks at DHS Anniversary Ceremony

President Biden gives remarks at the Department of Homeland Security’s 20th Anniversary ceremony. He is joined by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.



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ad0b0a No.20996

File: a84af1538d113db⋯.png (888.97 KB,1058x711,1058:711,Clipboard.png)

File: 37ad56e206ed4bc⋯.png (49.49 KB,1266x136,633:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429230 (011709ZMAR23) Notable: Did COVID originate from the U.S. Army, specifically Ft. Detrick? call to diggz-Chy-na

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Bun and call for diggs.

Did COVID originate from the U.S. Army, specifically Ft. Detrick?

















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ad0b0a No.20997

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429240 (011712ZMAR23) Notable: Hawley garland made Catholics into a hate group

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Hawley: How many informants do you have in Catholic churches across America?

Garland: I don't know…I don't believe we have any informants aimed at Catholic churches…I don't know a specific answer to your question.

Hawley: You don't know the specifics of anything it seems. Apparently on your watch, this justice department is targeting Catholics, targeting people of faith, specifically for their faith views….it's a disgrace.

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ad0b0a No.20998

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429245 (011712ZMAR23) Notable: New York City police looking for Travis Scott following alleged nightclub rampage

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You mean the Travis Scott that in October 2022 performed a Satanic Mass at Houston Astroworld while summarily executing 9 and injuring scores, yet he never went to jail or was even charged for inciting a riot in the audience.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure trashing a night club won't cause any problems for him.


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ad0b0a No.20999

File: dbe99a35f4d63ad⋯.png (388.84 KB,1208x664,151:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429253 (011715ZMAR23) Notable: Did COVID originate from the U.S. Army, specifically Ft. Detrick? call to diggz-Chy-na

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This is the commanding general of Ft. Detrick I believe at the time this may have been released if this angle is true. It would not need to be the full military but a a few operatives who are compromised for whatever reason to have this happen. This is all hypothetical but If it was a US/Ukraine it could make sense. But China did some of the most draconian shuts downs. Was that real? or was it cover for something else. I don't trust the chinese government either. Just seeing what sticks.

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ad0b0a No.21000

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429255 (011716ZMAR23) Notable: Did COVID originate from the U.S. Army, specifically Ft. Detrick? call to diggz-Chy-na

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Whats all this weird new shit about the covid origins now that MSM is talking about it? This shit been figured out.

US was developing it, gain of function got banned, moved it overseas.

Coulda been Ukraine as well as wuhan who knows, but there was an incident with a ccp dude stealing bio samples in his socks and bringing them to china as well, unsure if related, but the chinese were spying in the labs we were developing this research.

CCP army got their hands on it and used it to quash their hong kong riots, they announced it was a "gift" at one point.

US leak theory only came about AFTER US media suggested a possible lab leak and the idea of blame became a possibility.

The whole thing WREAKS of shitty chinese psyop because of how shitty it is, and it's not going to be completely untrue because we did develop this shit in conjunction with them

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ad0b0a No.21001

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429257 (011716ZMAR23) Notable: Moar swamp creature features

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12:15 PM EST

Majority Leader Schumer and Others on Republican Budget Proposals

Majority Leader Schumer (D-NY) and other Senate Democrats speak with reporters about the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC) report on Republican budget proposals.


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ad0b0a No.21002

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429261 (011717ZMAR23) Notable: Did COVID originate from the U.S. Army, specifically Ft. Detrick? call to diggz-Chy-na

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I wouldn't blame mil as much as regulators

Oversight to oversee projects from start to finish

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ad0b0a No.21003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429262 (011717ZMAR23) Notable: Did COVID originate from the U.S. Army, specifically Ft. Detrick? call to diggz-Chy-na

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It's true. The covid/wuhan story being peddled is total bullshit. Ft Dietrich is interesting however Chyna Labs in Ukraine is still the #1 suspect. The smoking gun is out there somewhere. How did covid get spread in the Aviation assets (SeaTac Airport)? Who transported the virus onto the airplanes? How was it released? Were airline companies complicit?

Dig indeed

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ad0b0a No.21004

File: bfaaa38752407fa⋯.png (21.94 KB,600x218,300:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429267 (011718ZMAR23) Notable: Did COVID originate from the U.S. Army, specifically Ft. Detrick? call to diggz-Chy-na

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ad0b0a No.21005

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429271 (011719ZMAR23) Notable: GOF refresher

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COVID Carolina Connection? Senator Rand Paul has Fiery Exchange with Dr. Fauci on Gain of Function ‘SuperVirus’ Research by UNC Scientist in Wuhan AND NORTH CAROLINA


Fact Check: Rand Paul, Fauci face off on gain-of-function research

Confronting Dr. Anthony Fauci at a Senate committee hearing on the COVID-19 pandemic,Sen. Rand Paul argued that researchers from UNC-Chapel Hill and across the United States collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China to make a more deadly coronavirus.


“We never created a supervirus.” Ralph Baric explains gain-of-function research.

In May, the longtime coronavirus researcher Ralph Baric found himself at the center of the swirling debate over gain-of-function research, in which scientists engineer new properties into existing viruses. And during a congressional hearing, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky implied that the National Institutes of Health had been funding such research at both the Wuhan Institute of Virology andBaric’s University of North Carolina lab, and that the two labs had been collaborating to make “superviruses.”


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ad0b0a No.21006

File: 62826ee554a473b⋯.png (400.17 KB,1089x537,363:179,Clipboard.png)

File: d5a0dd6065fd4fb⋯.png (326.12 KB,731x347,731:347,Clipboard.png)

File: beaf16515ab725a⋯.png (428.97 KB,1069x323,1069:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429281 (011721ZMAR23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS Update

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>>20955 lb

PlaneFag CONUS Update:

SAM672 G5 west from JBA (top 3 of G5s -C-37s from the 99th Airlift Squad and KAF AC of interdast)-prolly to Peterson SFB-NORAD's Airport

Mexi AF and Federales in Northern Mexico border towns

Mexi AF FAM3526 737 went to Juarez with Mexi Policia XCOPF 727 heading to Mexicali-Cap#3 with FAM3527 737 arrived at Tijuana

CFC1 CL60Trudopecontinues west to B.C. from Ottawa depart

CYBER10 US Army MC-12S Huron SIGINT arrived at Olive Branch, MS-Olive Branch Airport-on the TN/MS border just SE of Memphis

11-3104 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146 Wolfhound to Augusta Regional Airport, GA from Nashville Int'l depart

VM767 USMC C560 on ground at Stennis Int'l (NW of Bay St. Louis,MS and C102 US Coast Guard departed Reagan National and on descent to Eglin AFB

FORGE31 C560 on ground at Chatanooga Metro. Airport, with FORGE53 C-560 on ground at Terra Haute, IN-Hulman Field

PAT009 C-560 leaving Houston after a ground stop at Ellington Field

RCH4168 C-17 Globey back to JBA with Potato's equipment from yesterday visit

2 US Army Golden Knight ACs over Homestead ARB now GKA609 and 262 and GTMO842 US Navy Beech heading to NAS Jax

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ad0b0a No.21007

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429283 (011721ZMAR23) Notable: GOF refresher

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Not only do we have Veritas footage of a Pfizer exec bragging about their GOF research, we have the potato regime saying it's legit.

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ad0b0a No.21008

File: f4aebb01e254832⋯.png (43.53 KB,677x362,677:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429290 (011722ZMAR23) Notable: Garland Grill

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Interesting response. If past hearing performance is any indication, sounds like Grassley knows that just that thing happened.

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ad0b0a No.21009

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429295 (011724ZMAR23) Notable: Garland Grill

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Garland: Every bit of evidence we have is that there is no difference between powder and crack [cocaine].

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ad0b0a No.21010

File: c8f8452791f8d07⋯.jpeg (116.38 KB,634x422,317:211,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fbff0089ea2d62f⋯.jpeg (114.18 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2833e5a0934142b⋯.jpeg (37.46 KB,308x185,308:185,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 057e00a41bf2ffe⋯.jpeg (165.83 KB,634x454,317:227,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 67578d343c1b6f4⋯.jpeg (136.69 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429304 (011726ZMAR23) Notable: Portland business owners say they're fleeing city en masse due to crime

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Portland business owners say they're fleeing city en masse due to crime

By Alex Hammer For Dailymail.Com 11:16 EST 01 Mar 2023 , 01 Mar 2023

Business owners are fleeing in droves amid a pronounced rise in and , officials in the Democratic stronghold have revealed.

Public data shows that since the pandemic, more than 2,600 downtown businesses have filed changes of address with the U.S. Postal Service to leave their downtown ZIP codes.

Several big-name employers, from Unitus Community Credit Union to Umpqua Bank, have been among the mass exodus, carried out by owners who have taken issue with the rising crime levels and homelessness - and the city's failure to address it.

Once hailed as the 'crown jewel of the West Coast' for its trendy art and food scenes, The City of Roses has been in peril since 2020, largely due to efforts to defund police and lax bail reform laws that leave little to no deterrent for increasingly brazen criminals.

Local leaders are now sharing their strategies for solving the crime and livability issues, as they threaten to spill over into bordering counties, where the court of public opinion is generally more conservative.

'Each area has different challenges, but what we're seeing in the metro area is absolutely rising crime,' Washington County District Attorney Kevin Barton told Fox News of Portland's crime wave, which, similar to other Dem-led cities such as San Francisco and Chicago, began during the pandemic.

But while crime in the smaller, more suburban Washington and Clackamas counties has started to level off - due to officials like Barton filing charges and making arrests - crime in Portland has persisted, a crucial difference that Barton says is illustrated by Portland's still-worsening crime rate.

The city is also in the midst of a homeless crisis that has confounded local officials, with several stores forced to permanently shutter due to break-ins now common due to rampant crime, making the businesses no longer financially viable.

This past December, a Portland a retail store for the popular clothing brand Rains was forced to shut after being broken in to 15 times over the course of just two months.

To residents wondering why the Rains store is no more, a searing note on the front door reveals all with 'unrelenting criminal behavior' and 'escalating safety issues for our employees' to blame.

Nike, whose HQ is in nearby Beaverton, also had to close a long-standing community store for weeks because shoplifting was so out of control and iconic ice cream shop Salt & Straw last week out of Oregon.

The store's owner Marcy Landolfo put up a notice on its window explaining her decision to close the store.

'Our city is in peril. Small businesses (and large) cannot sustain doing business, in our city's current state. We have no protection, or recourse, against the criminal behavior that goes unpunished. Do not be fooled into thinking that insurance companies cover losses. We have sustained 15 break-ins … we have not received any financial reimbursement since the 3rd,' Landolfo wrote.

'We have no protection, or recourse, against the criminal behavior that goes unpunished. Do not be fooled into thinking that insurance companies cover losses. We have sustained 15 break-ins… we have not received any financial reimbursement since the 3rd,' she wrote.

When the store was broken into in October, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler promised the city was going to come up with a plan to help out business owners who had been targeted and needed assistance to repair their shops.

'Paying for glass that's great, but that is so surface and does nothing for the root cause of the problem, so it's never going to change,' Landolfo said.

Since 2019, shortly before the city elected a progressive, new DA amid calls to defund the police after the death of George Floyd, a net 2,692 businesses in Portland's bustling Downtown are filed changes of address with the U.S. Postal Service to leave their ZIP codes,

The five ZIP codes encompassing the neighborhood - 97201, 97204, 97205, 97208 and 97209 - are each among the top 10 metro-area ZIP codes with the greatest net loss of businesses between 2019 and October 2022, signifying the city's struggles.…


They finally destroyed it, very long article. When a progressive asks for votes run the other way

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ad0b0a No.21011

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429311 (011728ZMAR23) Notable: Did COVID originate from the U.S. Army, specifically Ft. Detrick? call to diggz-Chy-na

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>Why does China take the blame so easily

Because they aren't the one's who started mrna DOD research in 2013 and released a global euthanasia/ genetic modification campaign via DARPA subcontractors Moderna and Pfizer?

And because they likely can prove that the origin of the first package was a USAMRIID product from outside of China?

And because they are scripted to go to war with the west and win?

See BIS, WEF, and WHO behaviors and public proclamations over the last 3- 5 years. The indication is that China and Arab nations are the immediate future power holders.

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ad0b0a No.21012

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429316 (011729ZMAR23) Notable: Did COVID originate from the U.S. Army, specifically Ft. Detrick? call to diggz-Chy-na

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I am outside my wheelhouse. Memefag. But I think this is enough for further digging.

Fort Detrick's possible ties to the origins of muh COVID

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ad0b0a No.21013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429330 (011733ZMAR23) Notable: Moar swamp creature features

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'Tater link HOT

Remarks at the Department of Homeland Security’s 20th Anniversary Ceremony


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ad0b0a No.21014

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429337 (011734ZMAR23) Notable: Garland Grill

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Hirono: Do you agree that white supremacists terrorists pose a significant threat to our country, especially to racial and religious minorities, and the LGBTQ+ community?

Garland: Yes…racially motivated violent extremists, as a group, are the most dangerous of the domestic violent extremist groups, and within that, white supremacists are the most dangerous and the most lethal.

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ad0b0a No.21015

File: 592e26523a856de⋯.jpeg (31.86 KB,308x185,308:185,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0cdba3064ac8bb6⋯.jpeg (135.56 KB,634x677,634:677,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 31ce5438b855ec9⋯.jpeg (107.33 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e15bec81363d469⋯.jpeg (131.27 KB,634x435,634:435,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429351 (011738ZMAR23) Notable: Ukrainian military unit named after Boris Johnson 'is wiped out by Wagner troops' KEK

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Ukrainian military unit named after Boris Johnson 'is wiped out by Wagner troops'

By Will Stewart 10:28 EST 01 Mar 2023

A Ukrainian military unit named after has been wiped out by Russia's Wagner troops in the besieged city of Bakhmut, the mercenary group claimed today.

A Wagner commander claimed the 24th Mechanised Brigade was defeated in intense fighting in Bakhmut, as Kremlin forces try to encircle Ukrainian troops there.

Wagner troops posted video online showing a Ukrainian flag and trophies inside a cellar that had been used by 's forces.

On the flag, a message read: 'Boris Johnson's unit. Boris Johnson.'

The former prime minister is a hero in Ukraine for galvanising the West to support Kyiv after Vladimir Putin launched his invasion. He has been repeatedly praised by the nation's president Volodymyr Zelensky.

A Wagner commander claimed in a video: 'The Johnson unit was holding a large stronghold in the woods [in Bakhmut].'

'When they were hit, a flag like this was found,' he said, showing Mr Johnson's name on the material.

Ukraine has not confirmed whether its 24th Mechanised Brigade, which has been fighting in Bakhmut for months, has been defeated.

Members of the unit earlier took part in peacekeeping missions in Kosovo and Iraq and in international Nato command and staff exercises codenamed Peace Shield.

Moscow's troops are continuing their relentless attacks on the small mining city in eastern Ukraine in their bid to capture it and encircle defending forces.

Bakhmut had a population of about 70,000 before the war but has been ruined after months of fighting, being the focal point of Russian assaults and Ukrainian defence.

'The enemy continues to advance in the direction of Bakhmut. He does not stop storming the city,' the Ukrainian military said in a morning briefing.

A Russian takeover would open the way to seizing the last remaining urban settlements in the industrial Donetsk province.

Zelensky, in a video address late on Tuesday, said the battle for Bakhmut was 'most difficult' but its defence was essential.

Ukrainian unit named after Boris Johnson slaughtered by Russians

'Russia in general takes no account of people and sends them in constant waves against our positions, the intensity of the fighting is only increasing,' Zelensky said.

Ukrainian military analyst Oleh Zhdanov said invading troops had driven a wedge between two villages north of Bakhmut, Berkhivka and Yahidne, in a bid to surround the city.

'This breakthrough on Bakhmut's northern flank poses a clear threat to us,' he said in comments on social media.

Although most Russian attacks were focused on Bakhmut and other towns and villages in Donetsk, the Ukrainian military said its forces had repelled 85 Russian attacks on different sections of the front line over the past day.


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ad0b0a No.21016

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429356 (011741ZMAR23) Notable: Garland Grill

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Garland is pissed about the leaked internal memo about threat tags on parents

in another words.

i wrote the memo but do not mention the memo

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ad0b0a No.21017

File: c64e2663cc1129e⋯.mp4 (3.52 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429364 (011744ZMAR23) Notable: GOF refresher

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for your collection - someone posted this Baric audio mashup last Friday on twitter

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ad0b0a No.21018

File: 4d9509ee46da916⋯.png (150.06 KB,1018x642,509:321,Clipboard.png)

File: 61568f94f6a75d9⋯.png (74.27 KB,686x505,686:505,Clipboard.png)

File: de364b858a999bd⋯.png (489.89 KB,791x477,791:477,Clipboard.png)

File: b4af6e409e9015e⋯.png (50.96 KB,949x609,949:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429373 (011747ZMAR23) Notable: Freddie Mac House Price Index Declines for 7th Consecutive Month in January

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>>20961 lb

Freddie Mac House Price Index Declines for 7th Consecutive Month in January

Freddie Mac reported that its “National” Home Price Index (FMHPI) declined for the seventh consecutive month on a seasonally adjusted basis in January, putting the National FMHPI down 2.7% from its June 2022 peak, and down 5.3% Not Seasonally Adjusted (NSA) from the peak. On a year-over-year basis, the National FMHPI was up 2.4% in January, down from 4.4% YoY in December. The YoY increase peaked at 19.2% in July 2021. In January, 37 states and D.C. were below their 2022 peaks, Seasonally Adjusted. The largest seasonally adjusted declines from the recent peak were in Idaho (-9.6%), Arizona (-8.3%), D.C. (-7.3%), Washington (-7.2%), Nevada (-7.2%), California (-6.6%), Utah (-6.5%), and Colorado (-5.8%).

The FMHPI and the NAR median prices appear to be leading indicators for Case-Shiller, and based on the recent trend, the FMHPI will be negative year-over-year in March (reported at the end of April) - and Case-Shiller will follow soon after.


and serial retard at the Atlanta FED drops his GDPNOW forecast and playing the 'bad cop' again but still well above the 'consensus' of the other eco-tards

Latest estimate: 2.3 percent — March 1, 2023

The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2023 is 2.3 percent on March 1, down from 2.8 percent on February 27. After recent releases from the US Census Bureau and the Institute for Supply Management, the nowcasts of first-quarter real gross private domestic investment growth and first-quarter real government spending growth decreased from -5.1 percent and 2.0 percent, respectively, to -6.1 percent and 1.5 percent, respectively, while the nowcast of the contribution of the change in real net exports to first-quarter real GDP growth decreased from 0.82 percentage points to 0.60 percentage points.

The next GDPNow update is Tuesday, March 7


FOMC rate hike still at 25bp despite what they say in public


>>20348 pb Economic Schedule for Week of February 26, 2023-expect some really shitty data points in housing, autos, retail

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ad0b0a No.21019

File: 737a04a487b7679⋯.jpeg (152.82 KB,634x364,317:182,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 09554cf872f643e⋯.jpeg (153.7 KB,634x426,317:213,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 330a98d9b6e7e14⋯.jpeg (54.55 KB,634x358,317:179,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: aeff179cf6526f5⋯.jpeg (35.76 KB,274x206,137:103,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ca95b20e495822f⋯.jpeg (97.09 KB,634x424,317:212,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429377 (011748ZMAR23) Notable: Air in East Palestine IS toxic, researchers find - despite EPA ruling

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Air in East Palestine IS toxic, researchers find - despite EPA ruling

By Caitlin Tilley, Health Reporter 28 Feb 2023

The air in contains 'higher than normal' concentrations of , scientists have suggested. Experts from A&M and Carnegie Mellon University have been conducting their own air quality tests using a mobile testing unit in East .

They said that if the chemicals persist at the current levels, it could cause long-term health issues for residents, the researchers warned. The finding is in direct contrast to the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) ongoing assurance that the air quality in the area is safe.

While they said the findings are not necessarily an 'immediate health concern', they said repeated exposure over time could be damaging. There are already warning signs among residents, including reports of altered voices and rashes that look like chemical burns.

Dr Albert Presto is an associate research professor of mechanical engineering at Carnegie Mellon’s Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation who is part of the university’s chemical monitoring effort in East Palestine.

He told local news outlet : 'That material that's dumped onto the ground or into the water could reemit from the ground whenever the temperature changes or whenever it's windy.'

Dr Presto also told : 'It’s not elevated to the point where it’s necessarily like an immediate "evacuate the building" health concern.

'But we don’t know necessarily what the long-term risk is or how long that concentration that causes that risk will persist.'

The mobile testing van has been used by the team over the last decade to look at how air pollution varies in places such as Pittsburgh and Baltimore.

They compared their data in East Palestine to levels of the same chemicals recorded this month by the EPA.

As of yesterday, the EPA had screened the air in 578 homes, and declared that the chemical pollution levels are not above residential air quality standards.

EPA orders resumption of waste removal from Ohio train derailment. Acrolein was calculated to be the biggest concern for residents, the Texas A&M and Carnegie Mellon University researchers found.

According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, acrolein is either a clear, colorless gas or a pale yellow, strong-smelling liquid. It evaporates easily at normal temperatures, producing toxic concentrations.

It is poisonous no matter what the exposure route is. It causes inflammation and irritation of the skin, respiratory tract and mucus membranes.

After it is inhaled, it can cause delayed pulmonary edema — excess fluid in the lungs. This can lead to coughs, chest pain and fatigue. It is formed when fossil fuels are burnt and is also a by-product of fires.

The other eight chemicals found to be at higher than normal average concentrations are: benzene, vinyl chloride, butadiene, naphthalene, o-Xylene, trichloroethylene, trichloroethane and butadiene.

Vinyl chloride is a colorless manmade gas which burns easily. It is mainly used to make polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a hard plastic resin used to make plastic products including pipes and wire and cable exteriors.

PVC is not known or suspected to cause cancer, but vinyl chloride is associated with a higher risk of a rare form of liver cancer (hepatic angiosarcoma), as well as primary liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma), brain and lung cancers, lymphoma and leukemia.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) lists vinyl chloride as carcinogenic to humans, which means it has sufficient scientific proof that it causes cancer in people.

People who are exposed to vinyl chloride over many years are likely to get liver damage and cancer. It will most likely enter someone's body by breathing it in, but it can also be ingested via contaminated drinking water.

The chemical travels through the body in the blood and the liver, breaking it down into other chemicals, some of which can cause more damage than the vinyl chloride itself.

According to the CDC, the gas has a faint sweet odor, but the threshold at which it will smell is 'too high to provide an adequate warning of hazardous concentrations'.

This means people can be overexposed to it without being aware it is even in the air. A five-minute exposure to over twice the level it can be smelt at can cause dizziness.

At levels five times that high, exposure can cause drowsiness, a loss of coordination, issues with sight and hearing, disorientation, nausea, headache, and burning or tingling in the arms and legs.

Sustained exposure can lead to death due to the central nervous system shutting down. The gas is also found in tobacco smoke. When burned or heated to a high enough temperature, the gas turns into hydrogen chloride, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and traces of phosgene….


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ad0b0a No.21020

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429389 (011752ZMAR23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump just corrected "Stollen" from this morning…, 4 hrs and 20 min until correction/Q2478

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Q 2478

Let the unsealing begin.

Let the DEC[L]AS begin.

Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH.

We, the PEOPLE.



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ad0b0a No.21021

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429409 (011755ZMAR23) Notable: Garland can't find….. SC justices homes

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DOJ and FBI can not track crimes at night.

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ad0b0a No.21022

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429410 (011756ZMAR23) Notable: Garland Grill

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Garland claims he can't find 'Jane's Revenge', the domestic terrorist group that has fire-bombed pregnancy centers.

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ad0b0a No.21023

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429414 (011757ZMAR23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s High Powered Defense Lawyer Quits

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BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s High Powered Defense Lawyer Quits

Hunter Biden’s criminal defense lawyer has left the case due to dissent and unease within the defense team. The reasons behind his departure are unclear, but this development may have implications for Biden’s ongoing legal troubles, which include an investigation into his tax affairs

Joshua Levy, Hunter Biden’s criminal defense lawyer, has left his legal team due to “unease and dissent” within the team. Levy had been hired to oppose congressional investigations into the Biden family’s business dealings, but it is unclear why he is no longer representing Hunter Biden. The legal team consisted of at least four lawyers and Levy’s departure may have implications for Biden’s ongoing legal issues, which include an investigation into his tax affairs, according to the New York Times.


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ad0b0a No.21024

File: b4825ea3b3a6a4e⋯.png (465.9 KB,936x456,39:19,Clipboard.png)

File: 2680389ff103fe2⋯.png (114.66 KB,1255x758,1255:758,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429423 (011759ZMAR23) Notable: Canadian AF CFC2912 C-130 Hercules in at Skopje, Macedonia for the third time today/Mastercard opens office in Skopje

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>>20948 lb

Canadian AF CFC2912 C-130 Hercules in at Skople, Macedonia for the third time today and RSAF RSF1340 C-130 on ground at Thessaloniki, Greece from Athens depart

from today

Mastercard opens office in Skopje

Global technology company Mastercard said on Wednesday that its European division has opened a representative office in North Macedonia's capital Skopje.

"Opening the local representative office is a natural evolution and eagerly awaited by our valuable partners in the Republic of North Macedonia,” Vanya Manova, country manager for Mastercard North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania and Kosovo, said in a press release. Mastercard also said it has appointed Bartosz Ciolkowski as general manager for Southeast Europe. Ciolkowski previously held the role of general manager for Poland. Mastercard, a technology company in the global payments industry, is present in more than 210 countries and territories.


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ad0b0a No.21025

File: 8c0d5081895463f⋯.png (233.62 KB,553x541,553:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429431 (011801ZMAR23) Notable: WEF Panelist Boasts the Globalists Are Working on Tracking Where You Shop, What You Eat, Where You Travel and How You Travel

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World Economic Forum Panelist Boasts the Globalists Are Working on Tracking Where You Shop, What You Eat, Where You Travel and How You Travel

Canadian Alibaba President J. Michael Evans bragged at the recent Global Economic Forum that the globalists are working on a tracking system that monitors where you shop, what you eat, how you travel and where you travel. The Tech Giants and government may be doing that already.

It’s time to wake up, people.

What happens after the data collection stage is where it really gets scary.

The Gateway Pundit has been tracked, banned, censored, smeared, suspended, removed from, and frequently lied about because we disagreed with the Fauci lockdowns, the WHO COVID mortality rates, the wet market nonsense, the vaccines, vaccines for children, the effectiveness of HCQ and Ivermectin, masking, manufactured mortality numbers, vaccine mandates, etc.

Then they tried to eliminate us from society.

Guess what comes after the WEF consumer monitoring?

Via Dr. Simon Goddek.

The Canadian Alibaba Group president J. Michael Evans boasts at the World Economic Forum about developing an individual carbon footprint tracker to monitor what you buy, what you eat, and where/how you travel.

That individual carbon footprint tracker, however, most likely won’t apply to corporate jets, yachts, or emissions from homes greater than 5,000 sq ft


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ad0b0a No.21026

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429436 (011802ZMAR23) Notable: Garland can't find….. SC justices homes

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Garland can't find:



Janes Revenge

The Jan 6 bomb planter

The SCOTUS protesters

But he can find white supremacist terrorists by the thousands. He can geolocate and arrest hundreds near the capitol on Jan 6 (just not the bomber).

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ad0b0a No.21027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429448 (011805ZMAR23) Notable: Garland can't find….. SC justices homes

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>DOJ and FBI can not track crimes at night.

exactly what Garland implied

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ad0b0a No.21028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429486 (011815ZMAR23) Notable: Merrick Garland says that theDOJ has prosecuted more pro-lifers for peaceful protests at abortion clinics than domestic terrorists firebombing pregnancy resource centers

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Greg Price


Merrick Garland says that theDOJ has prosecuted more pro-lifers for peaceful protests at abortion clinics than domestic terrorists firebombing pregnancy resource centersbecause the pro-lifers are doing it during the day and the centers are being bombed at night.

What does that mean FBI don’t investigate at night?


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ad0b0a No.21029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429495 (011817ZMAR23) Notable: Moar swamp creature features

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LIVE: House Subcommittee Hearing on Data Privacy and Promoting Innovation and Liberty

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ad0b0a No.21030

File: 7d5595edfa5c3de⋯.png (388.94 KB,1064x476,38:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 1dca7b6ce75249c⋯.png (260.51 KB,525x309,175:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429503 (011820ZMAR23) Notable: PF CYBER10 US Army MC-12S Huron SIGINT left Olive Branch, MS SE

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CYBER10 US Army MC-12S Huron SIGINT left Olive Branch, MS SE

2 PATs out of Ft. Worth JRTB PAT81 and 317 in opposite directions and PAT104 went to Austin Int'l with PAT109 heading to Cairns Army Airfield (NW of Dothan, AL) from Houston depart and looks like 11-3104 USAFSOC C-146 Woflhound SW from Augusta Regional is set to join it

FORGE31 NE from Chatanooga Metro stop

TEAL18 WC-130 'Hurricane Hunter' back to Biloxi

DRACO02 E-8C joint STARS over Bahamas and stopped transmitting just south of Freeport

C102 USCG G5 went to Pensacola not Eglin AFB

FORGE78 G5 back out from JBA SE

FORGE53 C560 back to JBA from Terra Haute stop

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ad0b0a No.21031

File: 6567869320c3296⋯.png (285.69 KB,598x521,598:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 082798e0d4a595a⋯.jpg (50.65 KB,610x432,305:216,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429504 (011820ZMAR23) Notable: Brazilian Government launches the National Movement for Vaccination.

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Brazilian Government launches the National Movement for Vaccination.


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ad0b0a No.21032

File: c0290e7116e0caa⋯.png (41.69 KB,740x262,370:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429509 (011822ZMAR23) Notable: US State Dept. Funded Website Blacklist of Outlets that Reported Lab Leak Theory

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US State Dept. Funded Website Blacklist of Outlets that Reported Lab Leak Theory

Demonetizing outlets that reported the likely truth.

After the way authorities handled the Covid pandemic ended up laying waste to lives, businesses, economies, and ushering in previously unseen levels of government control, and as it turned out, government-sponsored censorship of the world’s major social platforms, a key question – what is coronavirus and how did the pandemic occur, remains a point of contention.

That’s despite the fact that after years of “hunting” and shutting down any mention on the internet (including by established scientists) that it may have been a man-made virus that “escaped” from a lab in China’s Wuhan, the US authorities have had something of a change of heart on this, and are now not ruling out that the pandemic started with a lab leak.

But before the US administration did that, it supported a controversial, UK-based group that has US affiliates, called the Global Disinformation Index (GDI), which was tracking Covid “misinformation.”

The tracking consisted of blacklisting conservative sites and driving advertisers away, as a way to effectively destroy these outlets’ businesses.

The GDI activities and methods now coming to light via a blacklist leak are apparently egregious enough to force none other than that “champion of ethical behavior,” Microsoft, to “suspend” its partnership with the group (the “partnership” reportedly consisted of the GDI using Microsoft’s Xandr advertising and analytics subsidiary buying and selling digital advertising, to blacklist conservative outlets).


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ad0b0a No.21033

File: 4aabe996c1fc01a⋯.png (213.89 KB,468x537,156:179,Clipboard.png)

File: a37e820a4f13552⋯.png (49.97 KB,265x163,265:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429510 (011822ZMAR23) Notable: @USArmyDPG The #USArmy is working to improve soldier communications and its own larger networks.

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The #USArmy is working to improve soldier communications and its own larger networks.

One office tasked with improving battlefield connectivity is now experimenting with tanks and communications kits.




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ad0b0a No.21034

File: f9eb0fece1d2a27⋯.png (308.18 KB,750x375,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: f92813074810490⋯.png (165.93 KB,267x400,267:400,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ef5a6726e8fc12⋯.png (63.13 KB,693x547,693:547,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e8c7f0e338707c⋯.png (440.72 KB,805x892,805:892,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b18079a79e5a24⋯.png (34.24 KB,679x304,679:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429521 (011825ZMAR23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s Ukraine BioLab Partner Was Partners With GMax

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Hunter Biden’s Ukraine BioLab Partner Was Partners With Ghislaine Maxwell

Soros and Obama Linked to The Funding of the Ukraine BioLab Program

Hunter Biden was instrumental in funding and assisting a company responsible for Ukraine biolabs. The Metabiota company, headed by a Ghislaine Maxwell partner named Alan Wolfe, was in charge of setting up biolabs in Ukraine. The biolabs have sparked concern that dangerous materials could be used to fuel bioterrorism in Ukraine and around the world.

Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca invested a staggering $500,000 in Metabiota, a company that set up Ukrainian biolabs. Hunter Biden acted as an unofficial lobbyist and fundraiser for Metabiota, reportedly finding millions of dollars for the company that engaged in pathogen experiments in the period when Hunter Biden’s father Joe was the vice president and the globalist West built up a belligerent stance against Russia. Hunter even linked Metabiota up with the company Burisma, which Hunter was on the board of, for work related to Ukraine biolabs. Metabiota became a U.S. Department of Defense contractor during the Obama-Biden administration.

The company Metabiota was founded by San Francisco-based virologist Nathan Wolfe, according to Wolfe’s LinkedIn page. Until recently, Nathan Wolfe served as Metabiota’s chairman and chief executive officer. The so-called “virus hunter” Nathan Wolfe actually announced the TerraMar Project, a project that was reportedly Ghislaine Maxwell’s idea, and thus Nathan Wolfe was partnering with Ghislaine Maxwell on the project from the start, records reveal. The project was supposedly about saving the oceans, though the oceans were littered with over a billion Coronavirus facemasks in the year 2020 alone during the Scamdemic that the globalists pushed. The Huffington Post gave Ghislaine Maxwell a glowing profile about the project in 2014.



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ad0b0a No.21035

File: a3736a2f7d24353⋯.png (6.81 MB,5402x3106,2701:1553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429536 (011830ZMAR23) Notable: QClock March 01, 2023- Tactical Nukes Are Better / Time Travel Is Fun!

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QClock March 01, 2023- Tactical Nukes Are Better / Time Travel Is Fun!

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ad0b0a No.21036

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429538 (011830ZMAR23) Notable: Homelessness Up over a Quarter in England as Govt Puts Up Thousands of Migrants in Hotels

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Homelessness Up over a Quarter in England as Govt Puts Up Thousands of Migrants in Hotels

The number of homeless people sleeping on the streets of England has risen by over a quarter over the previous year at the same time as that the government is spending billions on housing illegal migrants in hotels across the country.

According to figures released from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities which recorded a snapshot from a single night in the autumn of last year, there were 3,069 people “sleeping rough” on the streets last year, compared to 2,443 in 2021, representing a 25.6 per cent increase.

London, run by far-left Mayor Sadiq Khan, saw the sharpest surge of homeless people on the year, increasing by 34 per cent from 640 in 2021 to 858 last year.

When broken down by nationality, though specific countries besides the UK were not listed, the figures showed that the overwhelming number of homeless people recorded were British-born, totalling some 1,966 people or 64 per cent. Meanwhile, 632 hailed from EU nations, 179 came from neither the UK nor the EU, and the nationality of 292 was listed as “not known”.

The problem of homelessness continues to be a heavily male problem, with nearly 83 per cent, or 2,539 homeless people who were recorded being men last year. In contrast, the snapshot listed 464 women as being homeless and 66 people not identified as either gender.

The chief executive of the charity Homeless Link, Rick Henderson described the increase as a “massive collective failure,” adding: “The cost of living crisis has exacerbated longstanding drivers of homelessness, such as a shortage of affordable housing, an often punitive welfare system and increasingly stretched health services.”

While the Conservative government published a strategy to fulfil its manifesto commitment to end homelessness in September, dubbed “Ending rough sleeping for good”, the issue has compounded in part due to the government-provided housing benefits to the poor not keeping up with inflation, putting many more people at risk of being put out on the streets.

A government spokesman said: “Over half a million households have been prevented from becoming homeless or supported into settled accommodation since 2018 and rough sleeping remains well below pre-pandemic levels. But we know there is more to do to help families at risk of losing their homes and to end rough sleeping for good.”

Though thousands of British citizens are currently sleeping on the streets, the government has seen fit to spend billions in taxpayer money on housing thousands of illegal migrants while they apply for asylum. There are currently over 40,000 migrants being put up in hotels across the country, with estimates putting the cost of the scheme at as much as £7 million per day.

In total, the asylum system, which has been overwhelmed by record numbers of illegals pouring over the English Channel, has already topped £2 billion per year.


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ad0b0a No.21037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429548 (011833ZMAR23) Notable: Garland needs to be FIRED!!!….ASAP!!!

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Garland needs to be FIRED!!!….ASAP!!!

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ad0b0a No.21038

File: 27e0627fab25c0e⋯.png (391.38 KB,580x531,580:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429557 (011834ZMAR23) Notable: Gazprombank Swiss Chief Charged Over Cash Ties to Putin Cellist

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Careful here…the action is wut important to focus on not the 'spin' in the way it's written'

Gazprombank Swiss Chief Charged Over Cash Ties to Putin Cellist

The former head of Gazprombank’s Swiss unit and three of his colleagues were hit with criminal charges in Zurich over their alleged mishandling of financial transactions tied to a cellist confidant of Vladimir Putin. The chief of Gazprombank Schweiz AG, two senior executives at the bank and a client relationship manager knew that Sergei Roldugin, who held accounts on behalf of shell companies in Panama and Cyprus, was a “close friend” of the Russian president and was godfather to his daughter, according to the 18-page Swiss indictment. Despite knowing he was a PEP or “politically exposed person” in Swiss bank vernacular, the bankers failed to carry out proper checks into whether Roldugin was actually the beneficial owner of the accounts’ assets, the prosecutors wrote. Roldugin, who is also a cellist and conductor, rose to public prominence after it emerged that he was the beneficial owners of offshore accounts that were exposed in the Panama Papers investigative reporting project in 2016.

The four men, three of whom are Russians and one Swiss, “continued the business relationship inadmissibly, although they themselves had serious doubts about the correctness of the information about the beneficial owner,” according to prosecutors. They are seeking a seven-month suspended sentence with two years of probation for the men, who can’t be identified under Swiss law.

Gazprombank declined to immediately comment. The Panama Papers revelations prompted Swiss banking regulator Finma to investigate Gazprombank’s Swiss unit, which concluded in 2018 that the bank had “serious shortcomings” in the measures it took to combat money-laundering. Gazprombank had failed to carry out adequate economic background checks on its clients, Finma decided at the time as it prohibited the Swiss bank from accepting new private clients until further notice. Gazprombank Schweiz wound down operations last year in the months after Russian’s invasion of Ukraine. The trial, if the accused show up and it goes ahead, will be a test of Switzerland’s willingness and ability to prosecute a politically-charged case. Although the country has been neutral for centuries, it broke with that tradition to adopt European Union sanctions against Putin and those around him a year ago.

The country, long a magnet for Russian wealth, and its politicians are now wrestling with whether it should go further and allow the re-export of Swiss munitions to Ukraine to help in its fight against Russia, something conservative parties in the country are pushing back on.


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ad0b0a No.21039

File: 27e0627fab25c0e⋯.png (391.38 KB,580x531,580:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429557 (011834ZMAR23) Notable: Gazprombank Swiss Chief Charged Over Cash Ties to Putin Cellist

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Careful here…the action is wut important to focus on not the 'spin' in the way it's written'

Gazprombank Swiss Chief Charged Over Cash Ties to Putin Cellist

The former head of Gazprombank’s Swiss unit and three of his colleagues were hit with criminal charges in Zurich over their alleged mishandling of financial transactions tied to a cellist confidant of Vladimir Putin. The chief of Gazprombank Schweiz AG, two senior executives at the bank and a client relationship manager knew that Sergei Roldugin, who held accounts on behalf of shell companies in Panama and Cyprus, was a “close friend” of the Russian president and was godfather to his daughter, according to the 18-page Swiss indictment. Despite knowing he was a PEP or “politically exposed person” in Swiss bank vernacular, the bankers failed to carry out proper checks into whether Roldugin was actually the beneficial owner of the accounts’ assets, the prosecutors wrote. Roldugin, who is also a cellist and conductor, rose to public prominence after it emerged that he was the beneficial owners of offshore accounts that were exposed in the Panama Papers investigative reporting project in 2016.

The four men, three of whom are Russians and one Swiss, “continued the business relationship inadmissibly, although they themselves had serious doubts about the correctness of the information about the beneficial owner,” according to prosecutors. They are seeking a seven-month suspended sentence with two years of probation for the men, who can’t be identified under Swiss law.

Gazprombank declined to immediately comment. The Panama Papers revelations prompted Swiss banking regulator Finma to investigate Gazprombank’s Swiss unit, which concluded in 2018 that the bank had “serious shortcomings” in the measures it took to combat money-laundering. Gazprombank had failed to carry out adequate economic background checks on its clients, Finma decided at the time as it prohibited the Swiss bank from accepting new private clients until further notice. Gazprombank Schweiz wound down operations last year in the months after Russian’s invasion of Ukraine. The trial, if the accused show up and it goes ahead, will be a test of Switzerland’s willingness and ability to prosecute a politically-charged case. Although the country has been neutral for centuries, it broke with that tradition to adopt European Union sanctions against Putin and those around him a year ago.

The country, long a magnet for Russian wealth, and its politicians are now wrestling with whether it should go further and allow the re-export of Swiss munitions to Ukraine to help in its fight against Russia, something conservative parties in the country are pushing back on.


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ad0b0a No.21040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429561 (011835ZMAR23) Notable: Hawley Goes Off On Biden Nominee Who Refuses To Own Up To Her Social Media Posts, Garland

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‘Never Seen A Witness Stonewall Like This’: Hawley Goes Off On Biden Nominee Who Refuses To Own Up To Her Social Media Posts

Republican Missouri Senator Josh Hawley grilled the Biden administration’s national Archivist nominee on Tuesday over her overtly partisan tweets.

In a hearing of the Senate Homeland Security Committee Tuesday, Hawley took to task the nominee, Dr. Colleen Shogan, over tweets she wrote blasting Republican politicians and COVID policies. Shogan locked her Twitter account when she was nominated to lead the National Archives and Records Administration, but Hawley obtained several of her posts anyway. Exasperated after she repeatedly refused to answer for her statements, Hawley blasted Shogan for stonewalling.

“I asked you to provide the public posts that had previously been available on Twitter because the ones that we have were pretty disturbing,” Hawley began. “You responded as follows, and I quote, ‘My personal Twitter account is comprised of posts about my mystery novels, events at the White House Historical Association, Pittsburgh sports teams, travels and my dog.’ Is this an accurate statement?”

First, Hawley called out a post Shogan made in February 2022 complaining about the fact that mask mandates had been lifted for children under the age of five. He then asked if such an overtly political statement was characteristic of her Twitter feed. “My social media is in my personal capacity,” Shogan responded.

“Answer my question, please, because you’ve testified under oath that you only posted about your dog, and sports teams and novels, and you also said you wouldn’t give this committee any of your public posts,” Hawley fired back. But Shogan again refused to own up to the posts. Hawley pressed her again. “You are under oath before this committee, and I have to say, you have placed this issue squarely in record by repeatedly refusing to answer,” he said.

Next Hawley pointed out a post that Shogan retweeted calling for an assault weapons ban. He also pointed to a Twitter post she made in 2021 in which she said that Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz “ought to stay in his lane and not worry about what’s going on in Pittsburgh,” apparently in reference to investigations into the 2020 election. He then pointed to a post from December 2020 wishing that former President Trump would have his vetoes overridden and calling him a “weak policy president.” He also pointed to another post on January 5, 2021, claiming Trump would pardon himself for trying to overturn the election.

In another post Hawley pointed out, Shogan replied to a user complaining about religious flags on the grounds of the Library of Congress, and gave advice on how to complain and have the posts taken down. In every case, Shogan simply averted her eyes and repeated that her Twitter account was in her personal capacity.

An exasperated Hawley finally gave up. “I have to say, I have been here for four years in the Senate,” he said. “I have never seen a witness stonewall like this before. Never. And I’ve seen a lot. This is extraordinary. … I mean, this is unbelievable, and you want to be the archivist of the United States. You lied to us under oath, you lied to us in your [Questions for the Record], you just lied to me a second ago under oath, and now you’re sitting here stonewalling, not answering questions about public posts that you’ve made.”

“Mr. Chairman, I have to tell you, this is the most extraordinary thing I have seen in my brief time in the Senate,” Hawley concluded. “I have never seen a witness blatantly lie under oath like Dr. Shogan has just done to this committee, stonewalled this committee, and just repeatedly refused to answer my questions about her own posts that are in public. For these reasons, I will oppose your nomination and I strongly, strongly urge this committee to take action on this and force this witness to own up to the fact that she is misleading us right now before our eyes.”


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ad0b0a No.21041

File: 819cea56df7352c⋯.png (182.1 KB,774x364,387:182,Clipboard.png)

File: 58c75c1c201d008⋯.png (201.96 KB,705x417,235:139,Clipboard.png)

File: ddd02e088723e5a⋯.png (250.67 KB,819x466,819:466,Clipboard.png)

File: ec39139dc705981⋯.png (133.17 KB,830x487,830:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ac6354e8834395⋯.png (116.08 KB,825x428,825:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429575 (011840ZMAR23) Notable: WI: Liberal Group Running Massive Election Bribery Scheme in Supreme Court Race

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Liberal Group Running Massive Election Bribery Scheme in Supreme Court Race

It starts with a text from a random number and an offer that sounds too good to be true.

“Hi! It’s Wisconsin Takes Action,” the mysterious texter begins. We are helping to elect a progressive majority to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. We are offering an opportunity for you to earn $250-plus by talking to your friends and family about voting.”

Dan O'Donnell

Liberal Group Running Massive Election Bribery Scheme in Supreme Court Race

Mar 1, 2023

It starts with a text from a random number and an offer that sounds too good to be true.

“Hi! It’s Wisconsin Takes Action,” the mysterious texter begins. We are helping to elect a progressive majority to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. We are offering an opportunity for you to earn $250-plus by talking to your friends and family about voting.”

It’s not nearly that simple and in fact amounts to Election Bribery, a felony in Wisconsin punishable by a maximum sentence of more than three years in prison.

The texts have been sent to thousands of Wisconsinites, many of whom have jumped at the chance to, in the words of one Wisconsin Takes Action organizer, “not only get paid…but also to influence a really important election.”

Those who respond to the text expressing interest in the offer are given instructions to log in to a live training session on Zoom in which organizers explain how the program works. A video recording of one such training session the day after the Supreme Court primary reveals that people aren’t just talking to their friends and family about voting, but rather adding their names and contact information to Wisconsin Takes Action’s database and then repeatedly contacting them to ensure that they vote for liberal candidate Janet Protasiewicz.

This was made abundantly clear during the hour-long training session.

“The primary was just last night for the Supreme Court so we know who will be on the ballot in the general election,” said one organizer who introduced himself as Christian. “We have Dan Kelly, the conservative former Supreme Court justice and then Janet Protasiewicz—the progressive circuit court judge currently—and she is the progressive candidate who just won the primary.

“Of course, Wisconsin Takes Action is focused on putting forth progressive ideas and implementing progressive laws, so, you know, we really are looking forward to her as the candidate for this upcoming election.”

To get her elected, Christian explained, the group is using a technique called “relational organizing.”

“It’s really simple. In traditional organizing in campaigns, we may think about campaign offices, someone making a call to a constituent and telling someone to go vote, someone they don’t know. In relational organizing, you’re talking to people who you do know and that’s really effective because you talking to your father to go vote or your sister or your friend is a lot more effective than me telling them to go vote because I don’t know them. But with you, there’s a lot more connection or relationship built and more reason for them to be compelled to go vote.”

However, people who take part in this relational organizing campaign—whom the group calls “community mobilizers”—are paid per person who they deliver to the Wisconsin Takes Action database and, ultimately, to the polls to cast a vote for Protasiewicz.

This is in direct violation of Wisconsin Statute § 12.11, which provides that “any person who offers, gives, lends or promises to give or lend…anything of value…to, or for, any elector, or to or for any other person in order to induce any elector to go or refrain from going to the polls, vote or refrain from voting [or] vote or refrain from voting for or against a particular person" commits felony election bribery.

In its Zoom training, the Wisconsin Takes Action staffers made it abundantly clear that they were offering money only if their mobilizers would induce their friends and family to go to the polls and vote, preferably for Protasiewicz.

The election bribery works this way: People on the Zoom call were told that they would first get $30, payable in gift cards to various retailers or a Mastercard debit card, to download an app through the Empower Project, a left-wing organization that, according to its website, helps “progressive organizations and nonprofits… activate, build, and expand their activist bases and organizational reach on a meaningful scale.”


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ad0b0a No.21042

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429600 (011847ZMAR23) Notable: Ret. Gen. Spalding: ‘Woke regime’ teaming up with ‘enemies’ of US

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Ret. Gen. Spalding: ‘Woke regime’ teaming up with ‘enemies’ of US

A retired Air Force general described America’s cultural divide as “America’s enemies + the woke regime vs America” in a tweet recently as issues of “wokeness” play an increasing role in U.S. politics.

In a tweet on Feb. 20, retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Robert Spalding said, “This is not America vs America. This is America’s enemies + the woke regime vs America.”

Spalding made the comment in reply to podcaster Michele Tafoya, who posted an excerpt from a recent essay, ““Woke Revolutionaries Versus Americanists,” on how Republican politicians should combat “woke tyranny.”

The excerpt posted by Tafoya explains that “we are in a war” between “Americanists” and “woke revolutionaries,” which is more grave than a “normal policy dispute” between “conservatives” and “progressives.”

The January essay was addressed to Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), who recently founded what he calls the Anti-Woke Caucus. In his announcement of the Anti-Woke Caucus, Banks said he plans to “regularly host meetings with anti-woke legislators and subject-matter experts.”


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ad0b0a No.21043

File: a201885d26cce70⋯.png (162.23 KB,469x472,469:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429601 (011847ZMAR23) Notable: #Nixon50 #OTD 3/1/1973 President Nixon met with Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, Ambassador from Israel to the US, and Simcha Dinitz,

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#Nixon50 #OTD 3/1/1973 President Nixon met with Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, Ambassador from Israel to the US, and Simcha Dinitz, Political Secretary and Dir. Gen. for PM Meir. Also present: Dr. Henry Kissinger & Brig. Gen. Brent Scowcroft (WHPO-E0354-15A)


Anyone have eyes on Henry Kissinger?

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ad0b0a No.21044

File: 005f6ee8dc4e0ec⋯.png (254.52 KB,841x400,841:400,Clipboard.png)

File: 89fd9dc39583b6f⋯.png (352.21 KB,595x385,17:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429603 (011848ZMAR23) Notable: PF Mexi Policia XCOPF 727 left Mexicali SE and FAM3527 737 also departed Tijuana Int'l

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Mexi Policia XCOPF 727 left Mexicali SE and FAM3527 737 also departed Tijuana Int'l

FAM3526 still at Juarez

JUDO01 US Amry A-10 BRRRRTTT up from Davis-Monthan AFB over Safford, AZ

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ad0b0a No.21045

File: 7e415313be33a91⋯.png (644.47 KB,1071x827,1071:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429615 (011851ZMAR23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s Ukraine BioLab Partner Was Partners With GMax

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>“virus hunter” Nathan Wolfe

>Metabiota company, headed by a Ghislaine Maxwell partner named Alan Wolfe,



“Can we intro Nathan to the Ebola Zsar today?”

Mike McCormick

Jul 4, 2022

As part of his duties with Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, Hunter Biden secretly connected biowarfare contractor Metabiota’s CEO Nathan Wolfe to Obama/Biden Ebola Czar Ron Klain in October 2014 just as President Barack Obama was finalizing the infectious disease agreement with Chinese President Xi Jinping that resulted in American taxpayers funding…

hmmmm….Ron KLaine recently resigned in a crying fit

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ad0b0a No.21046

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429657 (011901ZMAR23) Notable: Hawley Goes Off On Biden Nominee Who Refuses To Own Up To Her Social Media Posts, Garland

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Hawley: [According to the Washington Post] the FBI is saying that you [Garland] overruled them when it came to raiding ex-president Trump's personal residence. [reading from article] "Senior FBI officials who would be in charge of leading the search, resisted doing so , as too combative." These field agents wanted to shutter the investigation altogether in early June, but they were overruled by main DOJ. How often do you overrule FBI field agents for political purposes?

Garland: I've skimmed that article, and that's not an accurate reflection of what the article says, and I'm not able to comment on the investigation.

Hawley: I'm reading to you from the article…

Garland: That article does not say what you're saying.

Hawley: It says exactly that FBI field agents did not want to conduct the raid, and they were overruled by DOJ…it doesn't seem to me that the FBI has a lot of confidence in you..they are trying to distance themselves from your decisions.

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ad0b0a No.21047

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429679 (011906ZMAR23) Notable: Garland can't find….. SC justices homes

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Cotton: You can't send the FBI to track down anybody who was protesting outside the home of a Supreme Court justice?

Garland: Our purpose here is to protect the lives and safety of the justices.

Cotton: The answer is you are sympathetic to protesters. That you didn't like the decision they were about to issue. I think we all know what you would do if a bunch of conservative protesters were outside the home of a democratic appointed justice to the Supreme Court…you are sympathetic to left-wing protesters.

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ad0b0a No.21048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429685 (011909ZMAR23) Notable: Moar swamp creature features

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Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The White House



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ad0b0a No.21049

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429688 (011910ZMAR23) Notable: Moar swamp creature features

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State Department Daily Briefing

State Department Spokesman Ned Price briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of foreign policy issues facing the Biden administration.



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ad0b0a No.21050

File: d941304aa99f198⋯.png (874.54 KB,1703x1747,1703:1747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429695 (011912ZMAR23) Notable: Nigerian election protested Bola Tinubu winner

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ad0b0a No.21051

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429768 (011932ZMAR23) Notable: interview yet with John Thaler. They obliterated Tracy Beanz, Jovan Pulitzer, and Joe Oltmann narratives./in the matrixx stuffs so fair warning

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Best interview yet with John Thaler. They obliterated Tracy Beanz, Jovan Pulitzer, and Joe Oltmann narratives.

Must see https://rumble.com/v2bbfa0-live-1205p-a-conversation-with-john-h-thaler-and-jacqueline-s.-fine-breger.html

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ad0b0a No.21052

File: d302cb4ef2e51ed⋯.png (134.06 KB,600x691,600:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429781 (011936ZMAR23) Notable: @SenMikeLee twat suspended

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Mike Lee


My personal Twitter account –

@BasedMikeLee – has been suspended. Twitter did not alert me ahead of time, nor have they yet offered an explanation for the suspension. My team and I are seeking answers.

1:32 PM · Mar 1, 2023


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ad0b0a No.21053

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429856 (011956ZMAR23) Notable: #22595

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#22595 >>20986

>>20987, >>20989, >>21020 @realDonaldTrump just corrected "Stollen" from this morning…, 4 hrs and 20 min until correction/Q2478


>>20990 The Finnish parliament on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted in favor of joining NATO, Hungary and Türkiye withheld votes

>>20991 WATCH LIVE | Merrick Garland testifies before Congress

>>20992 Russian airlines surviving sanctions

>>20993, >>20998 New York City police looking for Travis Scott following alleged nightclub rampage

>>20994, >>20997 Hawley garland made Catholics into a hate group

>>20996, >>20999, >>21002, >>21003, >>21000, >>21004, >>21011, >>21012 Did COVID originate from the U.S. Army, specifically Ft. Detrick? call to diggz-Chy-na

>>21005, >>21007, >>21017 GOF refresher

>>21006 PlaneFag CONUS Update

>>21008, >>21009, >>21014, >>21016, >>21022 Garland Grill

>>21010 Portland business owners say they're fleeing city en masse due to crime

>>21015 Ukrainian military unit named after Boris Johnson 'is wiped out by Wagner troops' KEK

>>21018 Freddie Mac House Price Index Declines for 7th Consecutive Month in January

>>21019 Air in East Palestine IS toxic, researchers find - despite EPA ruling

>>21023 Hunter Biden’s High Powered Defense Lawyer Quits

>>21024 Canadian AF CFC2912 C-130 Hercules in at Skopje, Macedonia for the third time today/Mastercard opens office in Skopje

>>21025 WEF Panelist Boasts the Globalists Are Working on Tracking Where You Shop, What You Eat, Where You Travel and How You Travel

>>21026, >>21021, >>21027, >>21047 Garland can't find….. SC justices homes

>>21028 Merrick Garland says that theDOJ has prosecuted more pro-lifers for peaceful protests at abortion clinics than domestic terrorists firebombing pregnancy resource centers

>>21030 PF CYBER10 US Army MC-12S Huron SIGINT left Olive Branch, MS SE

>>21031 Brazilian Government launches the National Movement for Vaccination.

>>21032 US State Dept. Funded Website Blacklist of Outlets that Reported Lab Leak Theory

>>21033 @USArmyDPG The #USArmy is working to improve soldier communications and its own larger networks.

>>21034, >>21045 Hunter Biden’s Ukraine BioLab Partner Was Partners With GMax

>>21035 QClock March 01, 2023- Tactical Nukes Are Better / Time Travel Is Fun!

>>21036 Homelessness Up over a Quarter in England as Govt Puts Up Thousands of Migrants in Hotels

>>21037 Garland needs to be FIRED!!!….ASAP!!!

>>21039 Gazprombank Swiss Chief Charged Over Cash Ties to Putin Cellist

>>21040, >>21046 Hawley Goes Off On Biden Nominee Who Refuses To Own Up To Her Social Media Posts, Garland

>>21041 WI: Liberal Group Running Massive Election Bribery Scheme in Supreme Court Race

>>21042 Ret. Gen. Spalding: ‘Woke regime’ teaming up with ‘enemies’ of US

>>21043 #Nixon50 #OTD 3/1/1973 President Nixon met with Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, Ambassador from Israel to the US, and Simcha Dinitz,

>>21044 PF Mexi Policia XCOPF 727 left Mexicali SE and FAM3527 737 also departed Tijuana Int'l

>>21050 Nigerian election protested Bola Tinubu winner

>>21051 interview yet with John Thaler. They obliterated Tracy Beanz, Jovan Pulitzer, and Joe Oltmann narratives./in the matrixx stuffs so fair warning

>>21052 @SenMikeLee twat suspended

>>20995, >>21001, >>21013, >>21029, >>21048, >>21049, >>21048 Moar swamp creature features


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ad0b0a No.21054

File: f3e1756dac5cbcc⋯.png (636.98 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 98dc11f05c6ee00⋯.jpg (14.56 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9b1bc4ecbc87bcb⋯.jpg (25.12 KB,300x385,60:77,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a097879291f1964⋯.jpg (17.81 KB,509x339,509:339,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429867 (011959ZMAR23) Notable: #22596

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Baker needs handy, will tap @20

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ad0b0a No.21055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429879 (012003ZMAR23) Notable: WH presser live

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Buckwheat Press Brief (ongoing)

carry over


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ad0b0a No.21056

File: cc5a21df663b98f⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429882 (012005ZMAR23) Notable: Incandescent vs LED: which is dangerous? (read the label)

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Incandescent vs LED lights

Why do you think there is such a massive push to replace the former with the latter?

Also see my LiDAR and LiFi Internet of things posts:





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ad0b0a No.21057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429884 (012006ZMAR23) Notable: Massive Fire, Multiple Explosions Rock Another Metal Fabrication Plant In Cleveland, Ohio

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Massive Fire, Multiple Explosions Rock Another Metal Fabrication Plant In Cleveland, Ohio

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ad0b0a No.21058

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429898 (012012ZMAR23) Notable: WH presser live

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Reporter: The Ron DeSantis op-ed…where he talked about signing the law that ended Disney's…favorable tax structure, they were able to get away without paying taxes around the regional infrastructure developments. How does the White House, that is cracking down on corporate tax evasion, view this move? Is there any line of thinking that perhaps supports what has happened in Florida with Disney?

Jean-Pierre: I have not read the op-ed, and frankly I don't plan to. [Biden[ has been very clear here. He is delivering for the American people.

[ridiculous non-answer; shows their hypocrisy in regard to taxes]

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ad0b0a No.21059

File: 7e152b47aea9a42⋯.png (446.76 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429923 (012018ZMAR23) Notable: PF

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It's working. Ok ?

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ad0b0a No.21060

File: 6ed43547d660c73⋯.png (708.68 KB,917x500,917:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429946 (012026ZMAR23) Notable: WH presser live

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ad0b0a No.21061

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429956 (012028ZMAR23) Notable: So now that everyone knows the virus came from a lab, does that mean everyone know the virus is a bioweapon?

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So now that everyone knows the virus came from a lab, does that mean everyone know the virus is a bioweapon?

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ad0b0a No.21062

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429970 (012032ZMAR23) Notable: WH presser live

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Reporter:: Why is [Biden] afraid of China?

Jean-Pierre: [Biden] is not afraid of China…there is nothing that [Biden] fears.

Reporter: China flew a spy craft over the US; [Biden] didn't really do anything to China. And according to the FBI director, China may have created something that has killed more than 1.1 million people in this country. And [Biden] is not punishing them.

Jean-Pierre: As we talk about the China surveillance balloon…[Biden] did take that down…on it's path we collected information from it, we protected our national security information on the ground…as it relates to COVID origins…we need the data, and we need to figure out how to get to the bottom of COVID origins.

Reporter: If we now know who was most likely responsible..why not do more to hold them accountable?

Jean-Pierre: It was because of [Biden] that took action…the last administration did not have a comprehensive plan…[Biden] helped to save lives, he took action to make sure people got shots in arms…we have seen many different conclusions [about the origins of COVID] from the intelligence community…our relationship with China has not changed. It is very different than how we've seen it in the last administration.

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ad0b0a No.21063

File: 79b3f12c57c0364⋯.png (419.27 KB,1345x790,269:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429977 (012035ZMAR23) Notable: So now that everyone knows the virus came from a lab, does that mean everyone know the virus is a bioweapon?

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ad0b0a No.21064

File: 697e68379cf2211⋯.png (577.3 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429979 (012036ZMAR23) Notable: WH presser live

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Reporter: "Sir, what do you have to say about your son Hunter's lawyer quitting?"

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ad0b0a No.21065

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429984 (012037ZMAR23) Notable: WH presser live

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Jean-Pierre: We have seen record number of Fentanyl come off the streets, because of the work that [Biden] has done. Because of what he has committed in protecting border security.

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ad0b0a No.21066

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429986 (012038ZMAR23) Notable: Prime Video Delays ‘Citadel’ Trailer Drop Following Greece Train Crash

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Prime Video Delays ‘Citadel’ Trailer Drop Following Greece Train Crash

Prime Video has delayed the trailer drop for its global spy series “Citadel” following a train crash in Greece.

Specific details for the show are still limited, but a first look from last month featured stars Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Richard Madden poised for a fight in what looks like a luxury train. The trailer, which was expected to launch on Wednesday, is believed to feature a train accident.

Understandably, Prime Video will be cautious in going out with the trailer given a devastating train crash in Greece on Tuesday night has so far killed at least 36 people, according to the BBC.

The passenger train was carrying 350 people when it collided with a freight train near the city of Larissa in northern Greece.

In a note to journalists on Wednesday morning, Prime Video said: “Out of respect for our international community and due to [the] devastating breaking news from Greece, we are respectfully holding on sharing the official trailer for ‘Citadel.’”

The streamer said it will share a new trailer launch date in the coming days.

Prime Video is betting big on “Citadel,” and positioning it as a global TV event. The streamer is launching a “mothership” show along with two local-language satellite series set in India and Italy. Executive produced by the Russo Brothers’ AGBO and showrunner David Weil, the show also stars Stanley Tucci, Lesley Manville and a host of international stars such as Varun Dhawan and Matilda De Angelis. “Citadel” premieres on April 28.

Here’s an official synopsis below:

Eight years ago, &ndash;Citadel fell. The independent global spy agency — tasked to uphold the safety and security of all people — was destroyed by operatives of Manticore, a powerful syndicate manipulating the world from the shadows. With Citadel’s fall, elite agents Mason Kane (Madden) and Nadia Sinh (Chopra Jonas) had their memories wiped as they narrowly escaped with their lives. They’ve remained hidden ever since, building new lives under new identities, unaware of their pasts. Until one night, when Mason is tracked down by his former Citadel colleague, Bernard Orlick (Tucci), who desperately needs his help to prevent Manticore from establishing a new world order==. Mason seeks out his former partner, Nadia, and the two spies embark on a mission that takes them around the world in an effort to stop Manticore, all while contending with a relationship built on secrets, lies, and a dangerous-yet-undying love.


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ad0b0a No.21067

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429994 (012040ZMAR23) Notable: WH presser live

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Jean-Pierre playing stupid, claiming she hasn't seen the FBI memo treating Catholics as potential terrorists, so she cannot comment on it.

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ad0b0a No.21068

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429998 (012041ZMAR23) Notable: Top Harvard Professor Schools ‘Vaccine Fanatics’ on Natural Immunity during Covid Hearing

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Top Harvard Professor Schools ‘Vaccine Fanatics’ on Natural Immunity during Covid Hearing


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ad0b0a No.21069

File: 2c8b77eb00e18b0⋯.jpg (140.06 KB,720x1103,720:1103,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 23a8cf2c39aea4d⋯.mp4 (6.26 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18430012 (012044ZMAR23) Notable: Eminem rendition at airport: "I'm not afraid, to take a stand….get together" – INSPIRING

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He is ranting about girls being trafficked to club 'Deja Vu'


Airport freakout featuring Eminem rendition

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ad0b0a No.21070

File: 20632f9214d49d7⋯.png (455.61 KB,862x485,862:485,Clipboard.png)

File: c3159fb08350a84⋯.png (72.16 KB,707x573,707:573,Clipboard.png)

File: b319fe3df714aae⋯.png (65.24 KB,678x482,339:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18430030 (012048ZMAR23) Notable: Former NSW minister Milton Orkopoulos stands trial over allegedly drugging, sexually abusing four boys

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Former NSW minister Milton Orkopoulos stands trial over allegedly drugging, sexually abusing four boys

A court has heard allegations that four boys were drugged and sexually abused by former New South Wales government minister Milton Orkopoulos between 1993 and 2003.

Key points:

Milton Orkopoulos pleaded not guilty to 28 offences

Mr Orkopoulos denies drugging and abusing four boys

He spent 14 months on Labor's front bench

Mr Orkopoulos pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to 28 charges relating to the four boys aged between 11 and 14.

Mr Orkopoulos stands accused of multiple charges of having sexual intercourse with minors.

The offences allegedly occurred when Mr Orkopoulos served as a Lake Macquarie City councillor, as well as when he was the Swansea MP.

The District Court was told the boys had allegedly been given drugs before being sexually or indecently assaulted.

In her opening address, Crown prosecutor Cate Dodds said it was the Crown's case that Mr Orkopoulos demonstrated a pattern of behaviour.

"He acted in an opportunistic manner by engaging in sexual acts with them and supplying them with drugs," she said.

The charges include counts of aggravated indecent assault, aggravated sexual assault and supplying prohibited drugs.

Mr Orkopoulos was also charged with trying to pervert the course of justice by getting an alleged victim to sign a statutory declaration retracting an allegation of sexual abuse.

The court was told he allegedly sexually assaulted his victims at Caves Beach, Swansea and Belmont, as well as at Seal Rocks on NSW's Mid North Coast.

Drugs and alleged abuse

Ms Dodds told jurors Mr Orkopoulos would offer his alleged victims cannabis via a joint or in a bong.

The jury was told he took drugs with alleged victims in his car and, in several cases, in his electorate office where he allegedly offered to "shoot up one boy with heroin".


corrupt aus courts wil let him off

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ad0b0a No.21071

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18430047 (012053ZMAR23) Notable: Massive Fire, Multiple Explosions Rock Another Metal Fabrication Plant In Cleveland, Ohio

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ANOTHER Disaster in Northeast Ohio as Several Explosions Hit Cleveland Warehouse — 50 Firefighters Respond

More than 50 Cleveland firefighters responded Wednesday morning to a large blaze with multiple explosions in a warehouse in the city’s Clark-Fulton neighborhood. Crews were dispatched to a fire at the AJ Rose Manufacturing Co. in the 3100 block of West 38th Street at 9:05 a.m., Lt. Mike Norman said.

As firefighters finished extinguishing the flames at 10 a.m., smoke continued to billow out of the shattered windows. In a statement, the company said: “We are very grateful that no one was hurt in this incident. The safety of everyone in our facility is always a top priority.”

“We don’t know exactly what started the fire, but there were several explosions as we responded,” Norman said.

More than 50 Cleveland firefighters responded Wednesday morning to a large blaze with multiple explosions in a warehouse in the city’s Clark-Fulton neighborhood. Crews were dispatched to a fire at the AJ Rose Manufacturing Co. in the 3100 block of West 38th Street at 9:05 a.m., Lt. Mike Norman said.

As firefighters finished extinguishing the flames at 10 a.m., smoke continued to billow out of the shattered windows. In a statement, the company said: “We are very grateful that no one was hurt in this incident. The safety of everyone in our facility is always a top priority.”

“We don’t know exactly what started the fire, but there were several explosions as we responded,” Norman said.


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ad0b0a No.21072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18430056 (012058ZMAR23) Notable: US No Longer Needs Afghanistan's Consent to Use Military Force - White House

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US No Longer Needs Afghanistan's Consent to Use Military Force - White House

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The United States will no longer rely on the consent of the previous Afghan government to use military force in the country in light of changing circumstances following the US withdrawal and subsequent rise to power by the Taliban*, the White House said on Wednesday.

“As a matter of international law, host nation consent provided a basis for counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan prior to the withdrawal of US forces,” the White House said in a report on legal and policy frameworks for the use of US military force.

“In light of changed circumstances associated with that withdrawal, the United States does not intend to rely on that previously provided consent.”

Absent reliance on consent to use force in Afghanistan, the US has the inherent right to use necessary and proportionate force in self-defense to the extent Afghanistan is unwilling or unable to confront threats to the US emanating from its territory, the White House said.

There have been no changes to the domestic law basis for US counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan, the White House noted.

Following the US decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, US President Joe Biden said the US remains prepared to use force against terrorist threats in Afghanistan if necessary.

The Biden administration rang in the US' Afghan exit on August 31, 2021, as officials with the Afghan government were faced with an onslaught from advancing Taliban forces. In the days that followed, the US-backed government was toppled, with then-President Ashraf Ghani fleeing the country.

The complicated and messy US exit came 20 years after the US launched its invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. At the time, the US explained its move to enter Afghanistan by highlighting that Osama bin Laden had masterminded the attacks, and how the Taliban offered sanctuary to members of al-Qaeda**. However, the Taliban never recognized US assertions that the group had any ties to the 2001 attacks.

The US invasion went on to claim the lives of thousands of US soldiers, and more than 100,000 Afghan troops, police figures and civilians caught in the cross-fires.

*A group under UN sanctions for terrorism

** Terrorist organization banned in Russia and many other countries


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ad0b0a No.21073

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18430059 (012058ZMAR23) Notable: House Republicans on Education Policy

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House Republicans on Education Policy

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), along with GOP colleagues, discuss the party’s education agenda, including their Parents' Bill of Rights proposal.


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ad0b0a No.21074

File: 31cf43dcde012e4⋯.png (510.48 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18430060 (012058ZMAR23) Notable: Whitney: The Plan To Wreck America

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The Plan To Wreck America

In America, we have an oligarch problem, and it’s much bigger than the oligarch problem that Putin faced when he became president in 2000. The entire West is now in the grips of billionaire elites who have a stranglehold on the media, the political establishment and all of our important institutions. In recent years we have seen these oligarchs expand their influence from markets, finance and trade to politics, social issues and even public health. The impact this group has had on these other areas of interest, has been nothing short of breathtaking. Establishment elites and their media not only stood foursquare behind Russiagate, the Trump impeachment, the BLM riots and the January 6 fiasco, they also had a hand in the Covid hysteria and the host of repressive measures that were imposed in the name of public health.

What we’d like to know is to what extent this group is actively involved in the shaping of other events that are aimed at transforming the American Republic into a more authoritarian system?



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ad0b0a No.21075

File: a180003db72534f⋯.png (1.28 MB,902x1280,451:640,Clipboard.png)

File: e724ed9517bf2e7⋯.png (903.94 KB,768x1280,3:5,Clipboard.png)

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File: eeac426e60f8496⋯.png (679.11 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18430078 (012106ZMAR23) Notable: Debt ceiling maxed out yet Yellen is giving away billions

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It's just our children's futures….



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