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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,959aa48db85568aa251d0625eb….jpg)

8d1963 No.17312 [View All]


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 771 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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ad0b0a No.21026

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429436 (011802ZMAR23) Notable: Garland can't find….. SC justices homes

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Garland can't find:



Janes Revenge

The Jan 6 bomb planter

The SCOTUS protesters

But he can find white supremacist terrorists by the thousands. He can geolocate and arrest hundreds near the capitol on Jan 6 (just not the bomber).

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ad0b0a No.21027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429448 (011805ZMAR23) Notable: Garland can't find….. SC justices homes

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>DOJ and FBI can not track crimes at night.

exactly what Garland implied

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ad0b0a No.21028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429486 (011815ZMAR23) Notable: Merrick Garland says that theDOJ has prosecuted more pro-lifers for peaceful protests at abortion clinics than domestic terrorists firebombing pregnancy resource centers

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Greg Price


Merrick Garland says that theDOJ has prosecuted more pro-lifers for peaceful protests at abortion clinics than domestic terrorists firebombing pregnancy resource centersbecause the pro-lifers are doing it during the day and the centers are being bombed at night.

What does that mean FBI don’t investigate at night?


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ad0b0a No.21029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429495 (011817ZMAR23) Notable: Moar swamp creature features

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LIVE: House Subcommittee Hearing on Data Privacy and Promoting Innovation and Liberty

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ad0b0a No.21030

File: 7d5595edfa5c3de⋯.png (388.94 KB,1064x476,38:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 1dca7b6ce75249c⋯.png (260.51 KB,525x309,175:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429503 (011820ZMAR23) Notable: PF CYBER10 US Army MC-12S Huron SIGINT left Olive Branch, MS SE

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CYBER10 US Army MC-12S Huron SIGINT left Olive Branch, MS SE

2 PATs out of Ft. Worth JRTB PAT81 and 317 in opposite directions and PAT104 went to Austin Int'l with PAT109 heading to Cairns Army Airfield (NW of Dothan, AL) from Houston depart and looks like 11-3104 USAFSOC C-146 Woflhound SW from Augusta Regional is set to join it

FORGE31 NE from Chatanooga Metro stop

TEAL18 WC-130 'Hurricane Hunter' back to Biloxi

DRACO02 E-8C joint STARS over Bahamas and stopped transmitting just south of Freeport

C102 USCG G5 went to Pensacola not Eglin AFB

FORGE78 G5 back out from JBA SE

FORGE53 C560 back to JBA from Terra Haute stop

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ad0b0a No.21031

File: 6567869320c3296⋯.png (285.69 KB,598x521,598:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 082798e0d4a595a⋯.jpg (50.65 KB,610x432,305:216,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429504 (011820ZMAR23) Notable: Brazilian Government launches the National Movement for Vaccination.

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Brazilian Government launches the National Movement for Vaccination.


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ad0b0a No.21032

File: c0290e7116e0caa⋯.png (41.69 KB,740x262,370:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429509 (011822ZMAR23) Notable: US State Dept. Funded Website Blacklist of Outlets that Reported Lab Leak Theory

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US State Dept. Funded Website Blacklist of Outlets that Reported Lab Leak Theory

Demonetizing outlets that reported the likely truth.

After the way authorities handled the Covid pandemic ended up laying waste to lives, businesses, economies, and ushering in previously unseen levels of government control, and as it turned out, government-sponsored censorship of the world’s major social platforms, a key question – what is coronavirus and how did the pandemic occur, remains a point of contention.

That’s despite the fact that after years of “hunting” and shutting down any mention on the internet (including by established scientists) that it may have been a man-made virus that “escaped” from a lab in China’s Wuhan, the US authorities have had something of a change of heart on this, and are now not ruling out that the pandemic started with a lab leak.

But before the US administration did that, it supported a controversial, UK-based group that has US affiliates, called the Global Disinformation Index (GDI), which was tracking Covid “misinformation.”

The tracking consisted of blacklisting conservative sites and driving advertisers away, as a way to effectively destroy these outlets’ businesses.

The GDI activities and methods now coming to light via a blacklist leak are apparently egregious enough to force none other than that “champion of ethical behavior,” Microsoft, to “suspend” its partnership with the group (the “partnership” reportedly consisted of the GDI using Microsoft’s Xandr advertising and analytics subsidiary buying and selling digital advertising, to blacklist conservative outlets).


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ad0b0a No.21033

File: 4aabe996c1fc01a⋯.png (213.89 KB,468x537,156:179,Clipboard.png)

File: a37e820a4f13552⋯.png (49.97 KB,265x163,265:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429510 (011822ZMAR23) Notable: @USArmyDPG The #USArmy is working to improve soldier communications and its own larger networks.

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The #USArmy is working to improve soldier communications and its own larger networks.

One office tasked with improving battlefield connectivity is now experimenting with tanks and communications kits.




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ad0b0a No.21034

File: f9eb0fece1d2a27⋯.png (308.18 KB,750x375,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: f92813074810490⋯.png (165.93 KB,267x400,267:400,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ef5a6726e8fc12⋯.png (63.13 KB,693x547,693:547,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e8c7f0e338707c⋯.png (440.72 KB,805x892,805:892,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b18079a79e5a24⋯.png (34.24 KB,679x304,679:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429521 (011825ZMAR23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s Ukraine BioLab Partner Was Partners With GMax

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Hunter Biden’s Ukraine BioLab Partner Was Partners With Ghislaine Maxwell

Soros and Obama Linked to The Funding of the Ukraine BioLab Program

Hunter Biden was instrumental in funding and assisting a company responsible for Ukraine biolabs. The Metabiota company, headed by a Ghislaine Maxwell partner named Alan Wolfe, was in charge of setting up biolabs in Ukraine. The biolabs have sparked concern that dangerous materials could be used to fuel bioterrorism in Ukraine and around the world.

Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca invested a staggering $500,000 in Metabiota, a company that set up Ukrainian biolabs. Hunter Biden acted as an unofficial lobbyist and fundraiser for Metabiota, reportedly finding millions of dollars for the company that engaged in pathogen experiments in the period when Hunter Biden’s father Joe was the vice president and the globalist West built up a belligerent stance against Russia. Hunter even linked Metabiota up with the company Burisma, which Hunter was on the board of, for work related to Ukraine biolabs. Metabiota became a U.S. Department of Defense contractor during the Obama-Biden administration.

The company Metabiota was founded by San Francisco-based virologist Nathan Wolfe, according to Wolfe’s LinkedIn page. Until recently, Nathan Wolfe served as Metabiota’s chairman and chief executive officer. The so-called “virus hunter” Nathan Wolfe actually announced the TerraMar Project, a project that was reportedly Ghislaine Maxwell’s idea, and thus Nathan Wolfe was partnering with Ghislaine Maxwell on the project from the start, records reveal. The project was supposedly about saving the oceans, though the oceans were littered with over a billion Coronavirus facemasks in the year 2020 alone during the Scamdemic that the globalists pushed. The Huffington Post gave Ghislaine Maxwell a glowing profile about the project in 2014.



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ad0b0a No.21035

File: a3736a2f7d24353⋯.png (6.81 MB,5402x3106,2701:1553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429536 (011830ZMAR23) Notable: QClock March 01, 2023- Tactical Nukes Are Better / Time Travel Is Fun!

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QClock March 01, 2023- Tactical Nukes Are Better / Time Travel Is Fun!

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ad0b0a No.21036

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429538 (011830ZMAR23) Notable: Homelessness Up over a Quarter in England as Govt Puts Up Thousands of Migrants in Hotels

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Homelessness Up over a Quarter in England as Govt Puts Up Thousands of Migrants in Hotels

The number of homeless people sleeping on the streets of England has risen by over a quarter over the previous year at the same time as that the government is spending billions on housing illegal migrants in hotels across the country.

According to figures released from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities which recorded a snapshot from a single night in the autumn of last year, there were 3,069 people “sleeping rough” on the streets last year, compared to 2,443 in 2021, representing a 25.6 per cent increase.

London, run by far-left Mayor Sadiq Khan, saw the sharpest surge of homeless people on the year, increasing by 34 per cent from 640 in 2021 to 858 last year.

When broken down by nationality, though specific countries besides the UK were not listed, the figures showed that the overwhelming number of homeless people recorded were British-born, totalling some 1,966 people or 64 per cent. Meanwhile, 632 hailed from EU nations, 179 came from neither the UK nor the EU, and the nationality of 292 was listed as “not known”.

The problem of homelessness continues to be a heavily male problem, with nearly 83 per cent, or 2,539 homeless people who were recorded being men last year. In contrast, the snapshot listed 464 women as being homeless and 66 people not identified as either gender.

The chief executive of the charity Homeless Link, Rick Henderson described the increase as a “massive collective failure,” adding: “The cost of living crisis has exacerbated longstanding drivers of homelessness, such as a shortage of affordable housing, an often punitive welfare system and increasingly stretched health services.”

While the Conservative government published a strategy to fulfil its manifesto commitment to end homelessness in September, dubbed “Ending rough sleeping for good”, the issue has compounded in part due to the government-provided housing benefits to the poor not keeping up with inflation, putting many more people at risk of being put out on the streets.

A government spokesman said: “Over half a million households have been prevented from becoming homeless or supported into settled accommodation since 2018 and rough sleeping remains well below pre-pandemic levels. But we know there is more to do to help families at risk of losing their homes and to end rough sleeping for good.”

Though thousands of British citizens are currently sleeping on the streets, the government has seen fit to spend billions in taxpayer money on housing thousands of illegal migrants while they apply for asylum. There are currently over 40,000 migrants being put up in hotels across the country, with estimates putting the cost of the scheme at as much as £7 million per day.

In total, the asylum system, which has been overwhelmed by record numbers of illegals pouring over the English Channel, has already topped £2 billion per year.


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ad0b0a No.21037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429548 (011833ZMAR23) Notable: Garland needs to be FIRED!!!….ASAP!!!

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Garland needs to be FIRED!!!….ASAP!!!

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ad0b0a No.21038

File: 27e0627fab25c0e⋯.png (391.38 KB,580x531,580:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429557 (011834ZMAR23) Notable: Gazprombank Swiss Chief Charged Over Cash Ties to Putin Cellist

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Careful here…the action is wut important to focus on not the 'spin' in the way it's written'

Gazprombank Swiss Chief Charged Over Cash Ties to Putin Cellist

The former head of Gazprombank’s Swiss unit and three of his colleagues were hit with criminal charges in Zurich over their alleged mishandling of financial transactions tied to a cellist confidant of Vladimir Putin. The chief of Gazprombank Schweiz AG, two senior executives at the bank and a client relationship manager knew that Sergei Roldugin, who held accounts on behalf of shell companies in Panama and Cyprus, was a “close friend” of the Russian president and was godfather to his daughter, according to the 18-page Swiss indictment. Despite knowing he was a PEP or “politically exposed person” in Swiss bank vernacular, the bankers failed to carry out proper checks into whether Roldugin was actually the beneficial owner of the accounts’ assets, the prosecutors wrote. Roldugin, who is also a cellist and conductor, rose to public prominence after it emerged that he was the beneficial owners of offshore accounts that were exposed in the Panama Papers investigative reporting project in 2016.

The four men, three of whom are Russians and one Swiss, “continued the business relationship inadmissibly, although they themselves had serious doubts about the correctness of the information about the beneficial owner,” according to prosecutors. They are seeking a seven-month suspended sentence with two years of probation for the men, who can’t be identified under Swiss law.

Gazprombank declined to immediately comment. The Panama Papers revelations prompted Swiss banking regulator Finma to investigate Gazprombank’s Swiss unit, which concluded in 2018 that the bank had “serious shortcomings” in the measures it took to combat money-laundering. Gazprombank had failed to carry out adequate economic background checks on its clients, Finma decided at the time as it prohibited the Swiss bank from accepting new private clients until further notice. Gazprombank Schweiz wound down operations last year in the months after Russian’s invasion of Ukraine. The trial, if the accused show up and it goes ahead, will be a test of Switzerland’s willingness and ability to prosecute a politically-charged case. Although the country has been neutral for centuries, it broke with that tradition to adopt European Union sanctions against Putin and those around him a year ago.

The country, long a magnet for Russian wealth, and its politicians are now wrestling with whether it should go further and allow the re-export of Swiss munitions to Ukraine to help in its fight against Russia, something conservative parties in the country are pushing back on.


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ad0b0a No.21039

File: 27e0627fab25c0e⋯.png (391.38 KB,580x531,580:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429557 (011834ZMAR23) Notable: Gazprombank Swiss Chief Charged Over Cash Ties to Putin Cellist

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Careful here…the action is wut important to focus on not the 'spin' in the way it's written'

Gazprombank Swiss Chief Charged Over Cash Ties to Putin Cellist

The former head of Gazprombank’s Swiss unit and three of his colleagues were hit with criminal charges in Zurich over their alleged mishandling of financial transactions tied to a cellist confidant of Vladimir Putin. The chief of Gazprombank Schweiz AG, two senior executives at the bank and a client relationship manager knew that Sergei Roldugin, who held accounts on behalf of shell companies in Panama and Cyprus, was a “close friend” of the Russian president and was godfather to his daughter, according to the 18-page Swiss indictment. Despite knowing he was a PEP or “politically exposed person” in Swiss bank vernacular, the bankers failed to carry out proper checks into whether Roldugin was actually the beneficial owner of the accounts’ assets, the prosecutors wrote. Roldugin, who is also a cellist and conductor, rose to public prominence after it emerged that he was the beneficial owners of offshore accounts that were exposed in the Panama Papers investigative reporting project in 2016.

The four men, three of whom are Russians and one Swiss, “continued the business relationship inadmissibly, although they themselves had serious doubts about the correctness of the information about the beneficial owner,” according to prosecutors. They are seeking a seven-month suspended sentence with two years of probation for the men, who can’t be identified under Swiss law.

Gazprombank declined to immediately comment. The Panama Papers revelations prompted Swiss banking regulator Finma to investigate Gazprombank’s Swiss unit, which concluded in 2018 that the bank had “serious shortcomings” in the measures it took to combat money-laundering. Gazprombank had failed to carry out adequate economic background checks on its clients, Finma decided at the time as it prohibited the Swiss bank from accepting new private clients until further notice. Gazprombank Schweiz wound down operations last year in the months after Russian’s invasion of Ukraine. The trial, if the accused show up and it goes ahead, will be a test of Switzerland’s willingness and ability to prosecute a politically-charged case. Although the country has been neutral for centuries, it broke with that tradition to adopt European Union sanctions against Putin and those around him a year ago.

The country, long a magnet for Russian wealth, and its politicians are now wrestling with whether it should go further and allow the re-export of Swiss munitions to Ukraine to help in its fight against Russia, something conservative parties in the country are pushing back on.


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ad0b0a No.21040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429561 (011835ZMAR23) Notable: Hawley Goes Off On Biden Nominee Who Refuses To Own Up To Her Social Media Posts, Garland

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‘Never Seen A Witness Stonewall Like This’: Hawley Goes Off On Biden Nominee Who Refuses To Own Up To Her Social Media Posts

Republican Missouri Senator Josh Hawley grilled the Biden administration’s national Archivist nominee on Tuesday over her overtly partisan tweets.

In a hearing of the Senate Homeland Security Committee Tuesday, Hawley took to task the nominee, Dr. Colleen Shogan, over tweets she wrote blasting Republican politicians and COVID policies. Shogan locked her Twitter account when she was nominated to lead the National Archives and Records Administration, but Hawley obtained several of her posts anyway. Exasperated after she repeatedly refused to answer for her statements, Hawley blasted Shogan for stonewalling.

“I asked you to provide the public posts that had previously been available on Twitter because the ones that we have were pretty disturbing,” Hawley began. “You responded as follows, and I quote, ‘My personal Twitter account is comprised of posts about my mystery novels, events at the White House Historical Association, Pittsburgh sports teams, travels and my dog.’ Is this an accurate statement?”

First, Hawley called out a post Shogan made in February 2022 complaining about the fact that mask mandates had been lifted for children under the age of five. He then asked if such an overtly political statement was characteristic of her Twitter feed. “My social media is in my personal capacity,” Shogan responded.

“Answer my question, please, because you’ve testified under oath that you only posted about your dog, and sports teams and novels, and you also said you wouldn’t give this committee any of your public posts,” Hawley fired back. But Shogan again refused to own up to the posts. Hawley pressed her again. “You are under oath before this committee, and I have to say, you have placed this issue squarely in record by repeatedly refusing to answer,” he said.

Next Hawley pointed out a post that Shogan retweeted calling for an assault weapons ban. He also pointed to a Twitter post she made in 2021 in which she said that Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz “ought to stay in his lane and not worry about what’s going on in Pittsburgh,” apparently in reference to investigations into the 2020 election. He then pointed to a post from December 2020 wishing that former President Trump would have his vetoes overridden and calling him a “weak policy president.” He also pointed to another post on January 5, 2021, claiming Trump would pardon himself for trying to overturn the election.

In another post Hawley pointed out, Shogan replied to a user complaining about religious flags on the grounds of the Library of Congress, and gave advice on how to complain and have the posts taken down. In every case, Shogan simply averted her eyes and repeated that her Twitter account was in her personal capacity.

An exasperated Hawley finally gave up. “I have to say, I have been here for four years in the Senate,” he said. “I have never seen a witness stonewall like this before. Never. And I’ve seen a lot. This is extraordinary. … I mean, this is unbelievable, and you want to be the archivist of the United States. You lied to us under oath, you lied to us in your [Questions for the Record], you just lied to me a second ago under oath, and now you’re sitting here stonewalling, not answering questions about public posts that you’ve made.”

“Mr. Chairman, I have to tell you, this is the most extraordinary thing I have seen in my brief time in the Senate,” Hawley concluded. “I have never seen a witness blatantly lie under oath like Dr. Shogan has just done to this committee, stonewalled this committee, and just repeatedly refused to answer my questions about her own posts that are in public. For these reasons, I will oppose your nomination and I strongly, strongly urge this committee to take action on this and force this witness to own up to the fact that she is misleading us right now before our eyes.”


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ad0b0a No.21041

File: 819cea56df7352c⋯.png (182.1 KB,774x364,387:182,Clipboard.png)

File: 58c75c1c201d008⋯.png (201.96 KB,705x417,235:139,Clipboard.png)

File: ddd02e088723e5a⋯.png (250.67 KB,819x466,819:466,Clipboard.png)

File: ec39139dc705981⋯.png (133.17 KB,830x487,830:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ac6354e8834395⋯.png (116.08 KB,825x428,825:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429575 (011840ZMAR23) Notable: WI: Liberal Group Running Massive Election Bribery Scheme in Supreme Court Race

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Liberal Group Running Massive Election Bribery Scheme in Supreme Court Race

It starts with a text from a random number and an offer that sounds too good to be true.

“Hi! It’s Wisconsin Takes Action,” the mysterious texter begins. We are helping to elect a progressive majority to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. We are offering an opportunity for you to earn $250-plus by talking to your friends and family about voting.”

Dan O'Donnell

Liberal Group Running Massive Election Bribery Scheme in Supreme Court Race

Mar 1, 2023

It starts with a text from a random number and an offer that sounds too good to be true.

“Hi! It’s Wisconsin Takes Action,” the mysterious texter begins. We are helping to elect a progressive majority to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. We are offering an opportunity for you to earn $250-plus by talking to your friends and family about voting.”

It’s not nearly that simple and in fact amounts to Election Bribery, a felony in Wisconsin punishable by a maximum sentence of more than three years in prison.

The texts have been sent to thousands of Wisconsinites, many of whom have jumped at the chance to, in the words of one Wisconsin Takes Action organizer, “not only get paid…but also to influence a really important election.”

Those who respond to the text expressing interest in the offer are given instructions to log in to a live training session on Zoom in which organizers explain how the program works. A video recording of one such training session the day after the Supreme Court primary reveals that people aren’t just talking to their friends and family about voting, but rather adding their names and contact information to Wisconsin Takes Action’s database and then repeatedly contacting them to ensure that they vote for liberal candidate Janet Protasiewicz.

This was made abundantly clear during the hour-long training session.

“The primary was just last night for the Supreme Court so we know who will be on the ballot in the general election,” said one organizer who introduced himself as Christian. “We have Dan Kelly, the conservative former Supreme Court justice and then Janet Protasiewicz—the progressive circuit court judge currently—and she is the progressive candidate who just won the primary.

“Of course, Wisconsin Takes Action is focused on putting forth progressive ideas and implementing progressive laws, so, you know, we really are looking forward to her as the candidate for this upcoming election.”

To get her elected, Christian explained, the group is using a technique called “relational organizing.”

“It’s really simple. In traditional organizing in campaigns, we may think about campaign offices, someone making a call to a constituent and telling someone to go vote, someone they don’t know. In relational organizing, you’re talking to people who you do know and that’s really effective because you talking to your father to go vote or your sister or your friend is a lot more effective than me telling them to go vote because I don’t know them. But with you, there’s a lot more connection or relationship built and more reason for them to be compelled to go vote.”

However, people who take part in this relational organizing campaign—whom the group calls “community mobilizers”—are paid per person who they deliver to the Wisconsin Takes Action database and, ultimately, to the polls to cast a vote for Protasiewicz.

This is in direct violation of Wisconsin Statute § 12.11, which provides that “any person who offers, gives, lends or promises to give or lend…anything of value…to, or for, any elector, or to or for any other person in order to induce any elector to go or refrain from going to the polls, vote or refrain from voting [or] vote or refrain from voting for or against a particular person" commits felony election bribery.

In its Zoom training, the Wisconsin Takes Action staffers made it abundantly clear that they were offering money only if their mobilizers would induce their friends and family to go to the polls and vote, preferably for Protasiewicz.

The election bribery works this way: People on the Zoom call were told that they would first get $30, payable in gift cards to various retailers or a Mastercard debit card, to download an app through the Empower Project, a left-wing organization that, according to its website, helps “progressive organizations and nonprofits… activate, build, and expand their activist bases and organizational reach on a meaningful scale.”


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ad0b0a No.21042

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429600 (011847ZMAR23) Notable: Ret. Gen. Spalding: ‘Woke regime’ teaming up with ‘enemies’ of US

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Ret. Gen. Spalding: ‘Woke regime’ teaming up with ‘enemies’ of US

A retired Air Force general described America’s cultural divide as “America’s enemies + the woke regime vs America” in a tweet recently as issues of “wokeness” play an increasing role in U.S. politics.

In a tweet on Feb. 20, retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Robert Spalding said, “This is not America vs America. This is America’s enemies + the woke regime vs America.”

Spalding made the comment in reply to podcaster Michele Tafoya, who posted an excerpt from a recent essay, ““Woke Revolutionaries Versus Americanists,” on how Republican politicians should combat “woke tyranny.”

The excerpt posted by Tafoya explains that “we are in a war” between “Americanists” and “woke revolutionaries,” which is more grave than a “normal policy dispute” between “conservatives” and “progressives.”

The January essay was addressed to Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), who recently founded what he calls the Anti-Woke Caucus. In his announcement of the Anti-Woke Caucus, Banks said he plans to “regularly host meetings with anti-woke legislators and subject-matter experts.”


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ad0b0a No.21043

File: a201885d26cce70⋯.png (162.23 KB,469x472,469:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429601 (011847ZMAR23) Notable: #Nixon50 #OTD 3/1/1973 President Nixon met with Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, Ambassador from Israel to the US, and Simcha Dinitz,

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#Nixon50 #OTD 3/1/1973 President Nixon met with Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, Ambassador from Israel to the US, and Simcha Dinitz, Political Secretary and Dir. Gen. for PM Meir. Also present: Dr. Henry Kissinger & Brig. Gen. Brent Scowcroft (WHPO-E0354-15A)


Anyone have eyes on Henry Kissinger?

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ad0b0a No.21044

File: 005f6ee8dc4e0ec⋯.png (254.52 KB,841x400,841:400,Clipboard.png)

File: 89fd9dc39583b6f⋯.png (352.21 KB,595x385,17:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429603 (011848ZMAR23) Notable: PF Mexi Policia XCOPF 727 left Mexicali SE and FAM3527 737 also departed Tijuana Int'l

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Mexi Policia XCOPF 727 left Mexicali SE and FAM3527 737 also departed Tijuana Int'l

FAM3526 still at Juarez

JUDO01 US Amry A-10 BRRRRTTT up from Davis-Monthan AFB over Safford, AZ

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ad0b0a No.21045

File: 7e415313be33a91⋯.png (644.47 KB,1071x827,1071:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429615 (011851ZMAR23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s Ukraine BioLab Partner Was Partners With GMax

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>“virus hunter” Nathan Wolfe

>Metabiota company, headed by a Ghislaine Maxwell partner named Alan Wolfe,



“Can we intro Nathan to the Ebola Zsar today?”

Mike McCormick

Jul 4, 2022

As part of his duties with Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, Hunter Biden secretly connected biowarfare contractor Metabiota’s CEO Nathan Wolfe to Obama/Biden Ebola Czar Ron Klain in October 2014 just as President Barack Obama was finalizing the infectious disease agreement with Chinese President Xi Jinping that resulted in American taxpayers funding…

hmmmm….Ron KLaine recently resigned in a crying fit

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ad0b0a No.21046

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429657 (011901ZMAR23) Notable: Hawley Goes Off On Biden Nominee Who Refuses To Own Up To Her Social Media Posts, Garland

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Hawley: [According to the Washington Post] the FBI is saying that you [Garland] overruled them when it came to raiding ex-president Trump's personal residence. [reading from article] "Senior FBI officials who would be in charge of leading the search, resisted doing so , as too combative." These field agents wanted to shutter the investigation altogether in early June, but they were overruled by main DOJ. How often do you overrule FBI field agents for political purposes?

Garland: I've skimmed that article, and that's not an accurate reflection of what the article says, and I'm not able to comment on the investigation.

Hawley: I'm reading to you from the article…

Garland: That article does not say what you're saying.

Hawley: It says exactly that FBI field agents did not want to conduct the raid, and they were overruled by DOJ…it doesn't seem to me that the FBI has a lot of confidence in you..they are trying to distance themselves from your decisions.

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ad0b0a No.21047

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429679 (011906ZMAR23) Notable: Garland can't find….. SC justices homes

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Cotton: You can't send the FBI to track down anybody who was protesting outside the home of a Supreme Court justice?

Garland: Our purpose here is to protect the lives and safety of the justices.

Cotton: The answer is you are sympathetic to protesters. That you didn't like the decision they were about to issue. I think we all know what you would do if a bunch of conservative protesters were outside the home of a democratic appointed justice to the Supreme Court…you are sympathetic to left-wing protesters.

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ad0b0a No.21048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429685 (011909ZMAR23) Notable: Moar swamp creature features

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Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The White House



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ad0b0a No.21049

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429688 (011910ZMAR23) Notable: Moar swamp creature features

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State Department Daily Briefing

State Department Spokesman Ned Price briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of foreign policy issues facing the Biden administration.



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ad0b0a No.21050

File: d941304aa99f198⋯.png (874.54 KB,1703x1747,1703:1747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429695 (011912ZMAR23) Notable: Nigerian election protested Bola Tinubu winner

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad0b0a No.21051

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429768 (011932ZMAR23) Notable: interview yet with John Thaler. They obliterated Tracy Beanz, Jovan Pulitzer, and Joe Oltmann narratives./in the matrixx stuffs so fair warning

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Best interview yet with John Thaler. They obliterated Tracy Beanz, Jovan Pulitzer, and Joe Oltmann narratives.

Must see https://rumble.com/v2bbfa0-live-1205p-a-conversation-with-john-h-thaler-and-jacqueline-s.-fine-breger.html

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ad0b0a No.21052

File: d302cb4ef2e51ed⋯.png (134.06 KB,600x691,600:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429781 (011936ZMAR23) Notable: @SenMikeLee twat suspended

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Mike Lee


My personal Twitter account –

@BasedMikeLee – has been suspended. Twitter did not alert me ahead of time, nor have they yet offered an explanation for the suspension. My team and I are seeking answers.

1:32 PM · Mar 1, 2023


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ad0b0a No.21053

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429856 (011956ZMAR23) Notable: #22595

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#22595 >>20986

>>20987, >>20989, >>21020 @realDonaldTrump just corrected "Stollen" from this morning…, 4 hrs and 20 min until correction/Q2478


>>20990 The Finnish parliament on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted in favor of joining NATO, Hungary and Türkiye withheld votes

>>20991 WATCH LIVE | Merrick Garland testifies before Congress

>>20992 Russian airlines surviving sanctions

>>20993, >>20998 New York City police looking for Travis Scott following alleged nightclub rampage

>>20994, >>20997 Hawley garland made Catholics into a hate group

>>20996, >>20999, >>21002, >>21003, >>21000, >>21004, >>21011, >>21012 Did COVID originate from the U.S. Army, specifically Ft. Detrick? call to diggz-Chy-na

>>21005, >>21007, >>21017 GOF refresher

>>21006 PlaneFag CONUS Update

>>21008, >>21009, >>21014, >>21016, >>21022 Garland Grill

>>21010 Portland business owners say they're fleeing city en masse due to crime

>>21015 Ukrainian military unit named after Boris Johnson 'is wiped out by Wagner troops' KEK

>>21018 Freddie Mac House Price Index Declines for 7th Consecutive Month in January

>>21019 Air in East Palestine IS toxic, researchers find - despite EPA ruling

>>21023 Hunter Biden’s High Powered Defense Lawyer Quits

>>21024 Canadian AF CFC2912 C-130 Hercules in at Skopje, Macedonia for the third time today/Mastercard opens office in Skopje

>>21025 WEF Panelist Boasts the Globalists Are Working on Tracking Where You Shop, What You Eat, Where You Travel and How You Travel

>>21026, >>21021, >>21027, >>21047 Garland can't find….. SC justices homes

>>21028 Merrick Garland says that theDOJ has prosecuted more pro-lifers for peaceful protests at abortion clinics than domestic terrorists firebombing pregnancy resource centers

>>21030 PF CYBER10 US Army MC-12S Huron SIGINT left Olive Branch, MS SE

>>21031 Brazilian Government launches the National Movement for Vaccination.

>>21032 US State Dept. Funded Website Blacklist of Outlets that Reported Lab Leak Theory

>>21033 @USArmyDPG The #USArmy is working to improve soldier communications and its own larger networks.

>>21034, >>21045 Hunter Biden’s Ukraine BioLab Partner Was Partners With GMax

>>21035 QClock March 01, 2023- Tactical Nukes Are Better / Time Travel Is Fun!

>>21036 Homelessness Up over a Quarter in England as Govt Puts Up Thousands of Migrants in Hotels

>>21037 Garland needs to be FIRED!!!….ASAP!!!

>>21039 Gazprombank Swiss Chief Charged Over Cash Ties to Putin Cellist

>>21040, >>21046 Hawley Goes Off On Biden Nominee Who Refuses To Own Up To Her Social Media Posts, Garland

>>21041 WI: Liberal Group Running Massive Election Bribery Scheme in Supreme Court Race

>>21042 Ret. Gen. Spalding: ‘Woke regime’ teaming up with ‘enemies’ of US

>>21043 #Nixon50 #OTD 3/1/1973 President Nixon met with Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, Ambassador from Israel to the US, and Simcha Dinitz,

>>21044 PF Mexi Policia XCOPF 727 left Mexicali SE and FAM3527 737 also departed Tijuana Int'l

>>21050 Nigerian election protested Bola Tinubu winner

>>21051 interview yet with John Thaler. They obliterated Tracy Beanz, Jovan Pulitzer, and Joe Oltmann narratives./in the matrixx stuffs so fair warning

>>21052 @SenMikeLee twat suspended

>>20995, >>21001, >>21013, >>21029, >>21048, >>21049, >>21048 Moar swamp creature features


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ad0b0a No.21054

File: f3e1756dac5cbcc⋯.png (636.98 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 98dc11f05c6ee00⋯.jpg (14.56 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9b1bc4ecbc87bcb⋯.jpg (25.12 KB,300x385,60:77,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a097879291f1964⋯.jpg (17.81 KB,509x339,509:339,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429867 (011959ZMAR23) Notable: #22596

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Baker needs handy, will tap @20

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ad0b0a No.21055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429879 (012003ZMAR23) Notable: WH presser live

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Buckwheat Press Brief (ongoing)

carry over


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ad0b0a No.21056

File: cc5a21df663b98f⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429882 (012005ZMAR23) Notable: Incandescent vs LED: which is dangerous? (read the label)

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Incandescent vs LED lights

Why do you think there is such a massive push to replace the former with the latter?

Also see my LiDAR and LiFi Internet of things posts:





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ad0b0a No.21057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429884 (012006ZMAR23) Notable: Massive Fire, Multiple Explosions Rock Another Metal Fabrication Plant In Cleveland, Ohio

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Massive Fire, Multiple Explosions Rock Another Metal Fabrication Plant In Cleveland, Ohio

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ad0b0a No.21058

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429898 (012012ZMAR23) Notable: WH presser live

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Reporter: The Ron DeSantis op-ed…where he talked about signing the law that ended Disney's…favorable tax structure, they were able to get away without paying taxes around the regional infrastructure developments. How does the White House, that is cracking down on corporate tax evasion, view this move? Is there any line of thinking that perhaps supports what has happened in Florida with Disney?

Jean-Pierre: I have not read the op-ed, and frankly I don't plan to. [Biden[ has been very clear here. He is delivering for the American people.

[ridiculous non-answer; shows their hypocrisy in regard to taxes]

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ad0b0a No.21059

File: 7e152b47aea9a42⋯.png (446.76 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429923 (012018ZMAR23) Notable: PF

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It's working. Ok ?

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ad0b0a No.21060

File: 6ed43547d660c73⋯.png (708.68 KB,917x500,917:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429946 (012026ZMAR23) Notable: WH presser live

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ad0b0a No.21061

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429956 (012028ZMAR23) Notable: So now that everyone knows the virus came from a lab, does that mean everyone know the virus is a bioweapon?

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So now that everyone knows the virus came from a lab, does that mean everyone know the virus is a bioweapon?

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ad0b0a No.21062

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429970 (012032ZMAR23) Notable: WH presser live

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Reporter:: Why is [Biden] afraid of China?

Jean-Pierre: [Biden] is not afraid of China…there is nothing that [Biden] fears.

Reporter: China flew a spy craft over the US; [Biden] didn't really do anything to China. And according to the FBI director, China may have created something that has killed more than 1.1 million people in this country. And [Biden] is not punishing them.

Jean-Pierre: As we talk about the China surveillance balloon…[Biden] did take that down…on it's path we collected information from it, we protected our national security information on the ground…as it relates to COVID origins…we need the data, and we need to figure out how to get to the bottom of COVID origins.

Reporter: If we now know who was most likely responsible..why not do more to hold them accountable?

Jean-Pierre: It was because of [Biden] that took action…the last administration did not have a comprehensive plan…[Biden] helped to save lives, he took action to make sure people got shots in arms…we have seen many different conclusions [about the origins of COVID] from the intelligence community…our relationship with China has not changed. It is very different than how we've seen it in the last administration.

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ad0b0a No.21063

File: 79b3f12c57c0364⋯.png (419.27 KB,1345x790,269:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429977 (012035ZMAR23) Notable: So now that everyone knows the virus came from a lab, does that mean everyone know the virus is a bioweapon?

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ad0b0a No.21064

File: 697e68379cf2211⋯.png (577.3 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429979 (012036ZMAR23) Notable: WH presser live

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Reporter: "Sir, what do you have to say about your son Hunter's lawyer quitting?"

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ad0b0a No.21065

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429984 (012037ZMAR23) Notable: WH presser live

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Jean-Pierre: We have seen record number of Fentanyl come off the streets, because of the work that [Biden] has done. Because of what he has committed in protecting border security.

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ad0b0a No.21066

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429986 (012038ZMAR23) Notable: Prime Video Delays ‘Citadel’ Trailer Drop Following Greece Train Crash

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Prime Video Delays ‘Citadel’ Trailer Drop Following Greece Train Crash

Prime Video has delayed the trailer drop for its global spy series “Citadel” following a train crash in Greece.

Specific details for the show are still limited, but a first look from last month featured stars Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Richard Madden poised for a fight in what looks like a luxury train. The trailer, which was expected to launch on Wednesday, is believed to feature a train accident.

Understandably, Prime Video will be cautious in going out with the trailer given a devastating train crash in Greece on Tuesday night has so far killed at least 36 people, according to the BBC.

The passenger train was carrying 350 people when it collided with a freight train near the city of Larissa in northern Greece.

In a note to journalists on Wednesday morning, Prime Video said: “Out of respect for our international community and due to [the] devastating breaking news from Greece, we are respectfully holding on sharing the official trailer for ‘Citadel.’”

The streamer said it will share a new trailer launch date in the coming days.

Prime Video is betting big on “Citadel,” and positioning it as a global TV event. The streamer is launching a “mothership” show along with two local-language satellite series set in India and Italy. Executive produced by the Russo Brothers’ AGBO and showrunner David Weil, the show also stars Stanley Tucci, Lesley Manville and a host of international stars such as Varun Dhawan and Matilda De Angelis. “Citadel” premieres on April 28.

Here’s an official synopsis below:

Eight years ago, –Citadel fell. The independent global spy agency — tasked to uphold the safety and security of all people — was destroyed by operatives of Manticore, a powerful syndicate manipulating the world from the shadows. With Citadel’s fall, elite agents Mason Kane (Madden) and Nadia Sinh (Chopra Jonas) had their memories wiped as they narrowly escaped with their lives. They’ve remained hidden ever since, building new lives under new identities, unaware of their pasts. Until one night, when Mason is tracked down by his former Citadel colleague, Bernard Orlick (Tucci), who desperately needs his help to prevent Manticore from establishing a new world order==. Mason seeks out his former partner, Nadia, and the two spies embark on a mission that takes them around the world in an effort to stop Manticore, all while contending with a relationship built on secrets, lies, and a dangerous-yet-undying love.


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ad0b0a No.21067

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429994 (012040ZMAR23) Notable: WH presser live

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Jean-Pierre playing stupid, claiming she hasn't seen the FBI memo treating Catholics as potential terrorists, so she cannot comment on it.

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ad0b0a No.21068

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18429998 (012041ZMAR23) Notable: Top Harvard Professor Schools ‘Vaccine Fanatics’ on Natural Immunity during Covid Hearing

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Top Harvard Professor Schools ‘Vaccine Fanatics’ on Natural Immunity during Covid Hearing


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ad0b0a No.21069

File: 2c8b77eb00e18b0⋯.jpg (140.06 KB,720x1103,720:1103,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 23a8cf2c39aea4d⋯.mp4 (6.26 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18430012 (012044ZMAR23) Notable: Eminem rendition at airport: "I'm not afraid, to take a stand….get together" – INSPIRING

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He is ranting about girls being trafficked to club 'Deja Vu'


Airport freakout featuring Eminem rendition

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ad0b0a No.21070

File: 20632f9214d49d7⋯.png (455.61 KB,862x485,862:485,Clipboard.png)

File: c3159fb08350a84⋯.png (72.16 KB,707x573,707:573,Clipboard.png)

File: b319fe3df714aae⋯.png (65.24 KB,678x482,339:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18430030 (012048ZMAR23) Notable: Former NSW minister Milton Orkopoulos stands trial over allegedly drugging, sexually abusing four boys

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Former NSW minister Milton Orkopoulos stands trial over allegedly drugging, sexually abusing four boys

A court has heard allegations that four boys were drugged and sexually abused by former New South Wales government minister Milton Orkopoulos between 1993 and 2003.

Key points:

Milton Orkopoulos pleaded not guilty to 28 offences

Mr Orkopoulos denies drugging and abusing four boys

He spent 14 months on Labor's front bench

Mr Orkopoulos pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to 28 charges relating to the four boys aged between 11 and 14.

Mr Orkopoulos stands accused of multiple charges of having sexual intercourse with minors.

The offences allegedly occurred when Mr Orkopoulos served as a Lake Macquarie City councillor, as well as when he was the Swansea MP.

The District Court was told the boys had allegedly been given drugs before being sexually or indecently assaulted.

In her opening address, Crown prosecutor Cate Dodds said it was the Crown's case that Mr Orkopoulos demonstrated a pattern of behaviour.

"He acted in an opportunistic manner by engaging in sexual acts with them and supplying them with drugs," she said.

The charges include counts of aggravated indecent assault, aggravated sexual assault and supplying prohibited drugs.

Mr Orkopoulos was also charged with trying to pervert the course of justice by getting an alleged victim to sign a statutory declaration retracting an allegation of sexual abuse.

The court was told he allegedly sexually assaulted his victims at Caves Beach, Swansea and Belmont, as well as at Seal Rocks on NSW's Mid North Coast.

Drugs and alleged abuse

Ms Dodds told jurors Mr Orkopoulos would offer his alleged victims cannabis via a joint or in a bong.

The jury was told he took drugs with alleged victims in his car and, in several cases, in his electorate office where he allegedly offered to "shoot up one boy with heroin".


corrupt aus courts wil let him off

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ad0b0a No.21071

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18430047 (012053ZMAR23) Notable: Massive Fire, Multiple Explosions Rock Another Metal Fabrication Plant In Cleveland, Ohio

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ANOTHER Disaster in Northeast Ohio as Several Explosions Hit Cleveland Warehouse — 50 Firefighters Respond

More than 50 Cleveland firefighters responded Wednesday morning to a large blaze with multiple explosions in a warehouse in the city’s Clark-Fulton neighborhood. Crews were dispatched to a fire at the AJ Rose Manufacturing Co. in the 3100 block of West 38th Street at 9:05 a.m., Lt. Mike Norman said.

As firefighters finished extinguishing the flames at 10 a.m., smoke continued to billow out of the shattered windows. In a statement, the company said: “We are very grateful that no one was hurt in this incident. The safety of everyone in our facility is always a top priority.”

“We don’t know exactly what started the fire, but there were several explosions as we responded,” Norman said.

More than 50 Cleveland firefighters responded Wednesday morning to a large blaze with multiple explosions in a warehouse in the city’s Clark-Fulton neighborhood. Crews were dispatched to a fire at the AJ Rose Manufacturing Co. in the 3100 block of West 38th Street at 9:05 a.m., Lt. Mike Norman said.

As firefighters finished extinguishing the flames at 10 a.m., smoke continued to billow out of the shattered windows. In a statement, the company said: “We are very grateful that no one was hurt in this incident. The safety of everyone in our facility is always a top priority.”

“We don’t know exactly what started the fire, but there were several explosions as we responded,” Norman said.


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ad0b0a No.21072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18430056 (012058ZMAR23) Notable: US No Longer Needs Afghanistan's Consent to Use Military Force - White House

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US No Longer Needs Afghanistan's Consent to Use Military Force - White House

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The United States will no longer rely on the consent of the previous Afghan government to use military force in the country in light of changing circumstances following the US withdrawal and subsequent rise to power by the Taliban*, the White House said on Wednesday.

“As a matter of international law, host nation consent provided a basis for counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan prior to the withdrawal of US forces,” the White House said in a report on legal and policy frameworks for the use of US military force.

“In light of changed circumstances associated with that withdrawal, the United States does not intend to rely on that previously provided consent.”

Absent reliance on consent to use force in Afghanistan, the US has the inherent right to use necessary and proportionate force in self-defense to the extent Afghanistan is unwilling or unable to confront threats to the US emanating from its territory, the White House said.

There have been no changes to the domestic law basis for US counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan, the White House noted.

Following the US decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, US President Joe Biden said the US remains prepared to use force against terrorist threats in Afghanistan if necessary.

The Biden administration rang in the US' Afghan exit on August 31, 2021, as officials with the Afghan government were faced with an onslaught from advancing Taliban forces. In the days that followed, the US-backed government was toppled, with then-President Ashraf Ghani fleeing the country.

The complicated and messy US exit came 20 years after the US launched its invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. At the time, the US explained its move to enter Afghanistan by highlighting that Osama bin Laden had masterminded the attacks, and how the Taliban offered sanctuary to members of al-Qaeda**. However, the Taliban never recognized US assertions that the group had any ties to the 2001 attacks.

The US invasion went on to claim the lives of thousands of US soldiers, and more than 100,000 Afghan troops, police figures and civilians caught in the cross-fires.

*A group under UN sanctions for terrorism

** Terrorist organization banned in Russia and many other countries


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ad0b0a No.21073

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18430059 (012058ZMAR23) Notable: House Republicans on Education Policy

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House Republicans on Education Policy

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), along with GOP colleagues, discuss the party’s education agenda, including their Parents' Bill of Rights proposal.


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ad0b0a No.21074

File: 31cf43dcde012e4⋯.png (510.48 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18430060 (012058ZMAR23) Notable: Whitney: The Plan To Wreck America

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The Plan To Wreck America

In America, we have an oligarch problem, and it’s much bigger than the oligarch problem that Putin faced when he became president in 2000. The entire West is now in the grips of billionaire elites who have a stranglehold on the media, the political establishment and all of our important institutions. In recent years we have seen these oligarchs expand their influence from markets, finance and trade to politics, social issues and even public health. The impact this group has had on these other areas of interest, has been nothing short of breathtaking. Establishment elites and their media not only stood foursquare behind Russiagate, the Trump impeachment, the BLM riots and the January 6 fiasco, they also had a hand in the Covid hysteria and the host of repressive measures that were imposed in the name of public health.

What we’d like to know is to what extent this group is actively involved in the shaping of other events that are aimed at transforming the American Republic into a more authoritarian system?



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ad0b0a No.21075

File: a180003db72534f⋯.png (1.28 MB,902x1280,451:640,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18430078 (012106ZMAR23) Notable: Debt ceiling maxed out yet Yellen is giving away billions

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It's just our children's futures….



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