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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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1d4771 No.116920 [Last50 Posts]

14OCT23 to 30NOV23

/qresearch/ Canada

Re-Posts of notables

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a90dd8 No.127022

File: cce4e16b40aa454⋯.png (1017.23 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735384 (141633ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / Two Toronto cops under investigation for hateful pro-Hamas posts

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Two Toronto cops under investigation for hateful pro-Hamas posts


The Toronto Police Service is investigating two of its officers for their online posts about Hamas’ attacks on Israel.

“We are aware of the posts and Professional Standards are investigating,” said TPS spokesperson Stephanie Sayer on Thursday.

One of the two officers being investigated is a Toronto Police constable at 23 Division and the other is a special constable with the Community Safety Unit and Toronto Community Housing, according to the Toronto Sun.

Const. Shumail Mian allegedly posted on his Instagram a cartoon of media cameras focusing on an Israeli man in a blue shirt wearing a Star of David necklace while in the backdrop there are pools of blood with decapitated heads and severed bodies on the other side of the border in Gaza. Beneath the cartoon was the hashtag #freepalestine.

The other post in question, allegedly from Special Const. Mustafa Rahmanzadeh, was a meme depicting a portrait of Adolph Hitler morphing into Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu across several panels.

It is accompanied by a headline that reads, “How can you inflict the same torture that your own people suffered?” The caption was followed by the words “may Allah swt (sic) destroy the oppressors.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127023

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735480 (141705ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / CBC Kids follows company policy in calling actual terrorists 'militants' (video)

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CBC Kids follows company policy in calling actual terrorists 'militants'


CBC's for-kids coverage of the Hamas-Israel war has gone out of its way to preach blatant moral equivalency: 'Both sides have used violence to protect themselves.'

Last weekend Gaza-based Hamas terrorists set upon a wave of murder, arson, beheadings, shootings, beatings, kidnappings, rapes and immolations against Israeli civilians.

At least 1300 people were killed, thousands more were injured, and hundreds more are held hostage in Gaza, as human shields. Textbook terrorism.

And yet, news broke in a leaked email that it was CBC editorial policy not to refer to Hamas as terrorists. Look at this: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127024

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735624 (141744ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One / Israeli President Isaac Herzog Controversially Asserts That No One in the Gaza Strip, Including Civilians, is Innocent

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Israeli President Isaac Herzog Controversially Asserts That No One in the Gaza Strip, Including Civilians, is Innocent


In a recent press briefing with reporters, Israeli President Isaac Herzog made a series of controversial remarks regarding the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

When questioned about the humanitarian impact of the conflict on the over two million civilians in Gaza, Herzog’s tone shifted from sadness to anger, asserting that the entire population of Gaza bears some responsibility for the situation.

“We are working, operating militarily, according to rules of international law, period. Unequivocally,” Herzog stated.

“It’s an entire nation out there that is responsible. It’s not true this rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved. It’s absolutely not true.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19738460 (150151ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Media and Censorship Bun

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Updated Media and Censorship Bun

>>126735 Radical Leftist Group Takes Credit After Burger King, Asos, and HelloFresh Pull Ads from Rumble Over Russell Brand Videos

>>126743 27 world leaders have declared war against free speech (video)

>>126750 The Tyrannical Online Safety Bill

>>126758 Waterloo to vote on bylaw banning communication that makes people “feel harassed”

>>126762 Anon account holder 'Catturd' swatted after being doxxed by leftist outlets

>>126770 Technocracy: ‘Sustainable’ Is The New Code Word For Genocide

>>126794 Corbettreport: The Newspaper Revolution (video)

>>126799 Fact-checkers under fire: bias, cherry-picking and misleading conclusions exposed (video)

>>126809 Ontario Catholic school board passes rule allowing them to censor concerned parents (video)

>>126810 ABC News Reporter, Who ‘Debunked’ Pizzagate, Faces Life in Prison for Child Rape

>>126826 Waterloo adopts amended bylaw banning communications that make people “feel harassed”

>>126836 X Shreds Threads As Active Users Hit Record High; Legacy Media Fails To Kill 'Free Speech' Platform

>>126848 Facebook promised they would stop linking to Canadian news because of C-18, Liberals did it anyway

>>126849 Justin Trudeau Moves to Regulate Podcasts and to Analyze and Track Content and Subscribers

>>126851 Tony Blinken, Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau Fail in Attempts to Rewrite History

>>126860 Musk slams Trudeau’s ‘shameful’ censorship campaign: ‘Trying to crush free speech in Canada’

>>126869 CBC rewrites headline accusing NB premier of opposing LGBTQ rights

>>126873 Starlink Now Operational Across Entire US As Elon Musk Becomes 'Uncancellable'

>>126880 Dissenting views CRIMINALIZED in the U.K. under new Online Safety Act, which gets you ARRESTED if government doesn’t like what you say

>>126883 Pysops for better health, a World Health Organization initiative

>>126885 Lead Stories Publishes ANOTHER Fake “Fact Check” on Gateway Pundit’s Reporting - This Time on Mayo Clinic’s Position on Hydroxychloroquine Effectiveness in treating COVID

>>126886 Swiss Writer Sentenced To 60 Days In Jail For Calling Journalist A "Fat Lesbian"

>>126909 Massive turnout for Dr. James Lindsay event in Calgary sends cancel culture packing (video)

>>126910 B.C.'s Minister of Education struggles to defend 'sexually explicit' literature found in B.C.'s schools after a Conservative MLA reads excerpts in the legislature

>>126915 LGBT activists fail to cancel Saskatchewan events opposing gender mutilation of children

>>126926 LAWTON: Cancelled professor launches course on ‘woke left’ ideology

>>126941 CBC reportedly instructs journalists not to refer to perpetrators of deadly Israeli rampage as ‘terrorists’

>>126956 Redacted: Trudeau sinks to new LOW targeting journalists in Canada (video)

>>126962 Online Child Pornography Skyrockets

>>126970 Alberta county hires outside law firm to block Rebel News access filings (video)

>>126979 Some Call It Conspiracy Theory

>>126981 Ex-broadcasting chief warns Trudeau censorship law means ‘free and open internet’ is over

>>126992 Canadian broadcaster’s own watchdog warns network about its political fact-checking bias

>>127009 EU Threatens To Block X; Musk Demands Concrete Examples Of Alleged "Disinformation"

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a90dd8 No.127026

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19738463 (150151ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Parliament honours nazi Bun

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Updated Parliament honours nazi Bun

>>126741 Jewish Group Slams Canadian Parliament for Honoring Nazi During Zelensky Visit

>>126742, >>126776 House of Commons speaker apologizes for honoring 98-year-old Ukrainian Nazi, resigns

>>126744 Trudeau Faces Hard Pushback After Honoring SS Fighter on Parliament - Mistake by Globalist Poster Boy Exposes Ukrainian Nazism to the World – PM Deflects the Blame, Points to Speaker of the House

>>126745 What Is Wrong With Canada?

>>126746 Canada's House Speaker Apologizes For Honoring Actual Nazi; Still Radio Silence From ADL

>>126751 Russia Will Ask Canada to Explain Decision to Honor Nazi Veteran

>>126752 Ambassador of Poland to Canada on Praising of Waffen SS Soldier: Never Whitewash Such Villains

>>126753 Canada saluting a Ukrainian Nazi was no coincidence

>>126755, >>126822 Rob Schneider cancels Canada trip after Trudeau, Parliament honour 'one of Adolf Hitler's Nazi SS soldiers'

>>126756 Trudeau warns of Russian disinformation and propaganda in response to getting busted for honoring Nazi in Parliament

>>126757 Ratio’d: Actual NAZI SOLDIER honoured in Canadian parliament (video)

>>126764 Canada’s Nazi Celebration Goes Viral (video)

>>126768 Leftists In Canadian Parliament Seek to Erase Embarrassing Nazi Incident From The Record

>>126772, >>126792 How Did Former Nazis End Up in Canada? (video)

>>126777, >>126791, >>126795 Freeland's family nazi history (video)

>>126784 Did Zelensky Scam Trudeau With An Elderly Nazi?

>>126796 University of Alberta to return $30,000 donation from Yaroslav Hunka’s family over Nazi ties

>>126798 Trudeau addresses media, won't take personal accountability for Nazi invite

>>126802 German MEP Christine Anderson fires back at Trudeau for cheering a Nazi in Parliament

>>126808 Redacted: Trudeau DISAPPEARS from Ottawa as Canadians call for his resignation (video)

>>126823 Canada must face up to Nazi legacy - minister

>>126837 Sputnikglobe: Ukrainian SS Vet on Run with Family After Canadian Parliament Scandal - Reports

>>126867 Opposition parties want investigation into parliamentary tribute given to Nazi SS officer

>>126889 New Canadian Nazi scandal forces Viceroy to apologize - media

>>126905 Canada mulls releasing names of Ukrainian Nazis

>>126908 When it comes to NaziGate, who knew what when? One writer makes a compelling case that MP Anthony Rota MUST’VE known about Yaroslav Hunka’s sordid history (video)

>>126917 Define ‘Nazi’: Western media muddies history to cover up Canada’s SS scandal

>>126993 Canada funds Ukrainians that celebrate Nazi collaborators - media

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a90dd8 No.127027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19738465 (150151ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun

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Updated Protests Bun

>>126759 40,000 Canadians support Saskatchewan's fight for parental rights (video)

>>126773 Toronto police drop charges against Josh Alexander’s brother who was bloodied by LGBT activist

>>126774 Toronto police close access to downtown core to stop rumored ‘Save the Children’ convoy protest (video)

>>126779 Muslim Association of Canada rebukes Trudeau over parents' rights

>>126804 Parents shut down school board meeting over '2SLGBTQIA+ Action Plan' motion passing without their input

>>126812, >>126813 Hundreds of anti-SOGI protestors disrupt Abbotsford school board meeting

>>126814 Ironwillreport: Million March 4 Children: Mahmoud Mourra (video)

>>126821 40 Days for Life fall campaign gets underway in a record 681 cities worldwide (video)

>>126840 Pastor Artur Pawlowski appeals convictions related to his sermon to protesting truckers in 2022

>>126857 Scott Moe ready to use notwithstanding clause to protect parents' rights in Saskatchewan (video)

>>126863 The Million March for Children was a huge success

>>126894 Trans rights protesters accept challenge to join gender ideology panel discussion (video)

>>126906 Trudeau backtracks on calling parental rights protesters hateful

>>126911 CBC president fails to substantiate claim that reporters received threats during Freedom Convoy (video)

>>126906 Trudeau backtracks on calling parental rights protesters hateful

>>126927 837 Canadians ‘de-banked’ since 2018, including hundreds of Freedom Convoy supporters

>>126932 Drag queen story time protest charges against Nathaniel Pawlowski dropped (video)

>>127004 Ottawa residents to testify in trial of Freedom Convoy organizers

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a90dd8 No.127028

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19738469 (150152ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

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Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>126763 Embalmer Reveals INCREASE of “White, Fibrous” Clots Since 2021 (video)

>>126771 COVID Jabs Profoundly Destroy The Human Immune System, Turbo Cancer Is The Result

>>126805 Vial contaminants unearthed in mRNA vaccines igniting safety debate and deepening public concern (video)

>>126824 Drtrozzi.org: 1000 peer reviewed articles on “Vaccine” injuries

>>126827 Scientists find 'definite causal link' between COVID jabs and rise of all-cause mortality (video)

>>126829 Two Saskatchewan vaccine firings ruled improper

>>126835 COVID-19 Vaccine Found In The Hearts Of Dead People: Study

>>126852 Rep. Thomas Massie Exposes Taxpayer-Funded “Transgenic Edible Vaccines” Which Turns Edible Plants Like Lettuce and Spinach Into mRNA Vaccine Factories to Replace mRNA Shots

>>126861 Canadian military members undeterred after Crown attempts to dismiss lawsuit over COVID jab mandates

>>126865 Nobel prize awarded to scientists who contributed to mRNA COVID-19 vaccine research

>>126887 Ontario judge rules against dad who resisted COVID shots for his kids, allows mom to get them jabbed

>>126901 128 more Canadian military members sue Crown over COVID jab mandates

>>126898 Kenyan Girls’ High School Temporarily Shuts Down Due to Outbreak of Mysterious Illness Which Reportedly Paralyzes Legs of Over 90 Female Students

>>126901 128 more Canadian military members sue Crown over COVID jab mandates

>>126920 Dr. Byram Bridle Calls Out Physicians Who Destined Unvaxxed Woman to Death (video)

>>126928 CBC Panders to Pharma in Recent Child Booster Marketing Ploy (video)

>>126942 Slaynews: Heart Deaths Up 26% on Pre-Pandemic Levels, Official Data Shows

>>126955 Expert Panel Discusses DNA Contamination in Covid Shots (video)

>>126957 Goose and Maple: George Douklias

>>126965 Gates Foundation announces new funding for ‘low-cost’ mRNA vaccine in Africa

>>126991 Canadian nurse faces disciplinary hearing for speaking out against COVID jabs, mandates

>>127011 Former Canadian military officer describes ‘abuse of power’ behind mandatory COVID jabs

>>127014 Experts demand immediate halt to COVID-19 vaccine program

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a90dd8 No.127029

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19740539 (151309ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / For the keks: Nili Kaplan-Myrth Contracts Covid For The Second Time In A Month - Blames Unvaccinated

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Catturd ™


Don't worry … that 8th booster is going to be a miracle - and maybe you should try 5 masks.

The Poutine Press


Nili Kaplan-Myrth Contracts Covid For The Second Time In A Month - Blames Unvaccinated


12:49 AM · Oct 15, 2023

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a90dd8 No.127030

File: b092185b2ab69d9⋯.png (528.77 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19741129 (151529ZOCT23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Ex-Zelensky aide calls for new government in Ukraine

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Ex-Zelensky aide calls for new government in Ukraine


Kiev has failed to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia and needs a change of leadership, Aleksey Arestovich wrote on Telegram

Ukraine’s counteroffensive has failed, its troops have built no defensive lines, and President Vladimir Zelensky has allowed corruption and incompetence to flourish, former adviser Aleksey Arestovich said on Saturday. New elections are the only way out of the impasse, he argued.

Zelensky’s focus on defending the Donbass city of Artyomovsk (known as Bakhmut in Ukraine) at all costs earlier this year drained men and resources that could have been sent south to participate in the summer counteroffensive against Russian forces, Arestovich wrote on Telegram.

With weather conditions deteriorating, the counteroffensive has now halted. The four-month operation cost Ukraine 90,000 men (according to Russian figures), and resulted in extremely minimal territorial gains for Kiev. Ukraine has achieved “nothing,” and Russian troops have switched to offensive operations along the entire front, Moscow’s ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, told the UN Security Council on Friday. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127031

File: ec8d527589c2961⋯.png (540.57 KB,600x402,100:67,Clipboard.png)

File: bc1624303f6b053⋯.png (172.43 KB,500x184,125:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19741244 (151557ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Era Of ‘Unquestioned And Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over

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Era Of ‘Unquestioned And Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over


Leading voices in the climate community are in an uproar as their warming hypothesis comes under fresh assault by new scientific papers.

The authors of the papers are being attacked and say that “activist scientists” threatened by the new findings are “aggressively conducting an orchestrated disinformation campaign to discredit the papers and the scientific reputation of the authors.”

Indeed, from insults on social media and furious blog posts to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests demanding emails from a journal editor and federal scientist, the controversy is getting heated.

Several scientists who spoke with The Epoch Times expressed shock at the tactics used against those whose latest research is casting renewed doubts on the official climate narrative.

William Happer, Princeton professor emeritus of physics and former climate adviser to President Donald Trump, wasn’t surprised by the response to the new findings.

“Of course the climate cult will be dismissive of any information—no matter how scientifically correct—that is politically incorrect,” he told The Epoch Times, noting that the new findings made important and valid points. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127032

File: d2cbeda21f7677a⋯.png (963.02 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19741383 (151622ZOCT23) Notable: Law and Disorder Bun / Vast majority of Canadians worried about growing auto thefts, survey finds

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Vast majority of Canadians worried about growing auto thefts, survey finds


A majority of Canadians are deeply worried about the increasing number of vehicle thefts, a recent survey found.

According to a report by the Équité Association covering the period from January to June 2023, the persistently high levels of auto theft were a concern for 84% of Canadians.

The statistics for the first half of 2023 were alarming, with most Canadian provinces witnessing a surge in private passenger vehicle thefts year-over-year. The trend builds on record-breaking numbers reported in 2022.

“The majority of Canadians are clearly worried about how this alarming increase in auto theft will impact the crime rate in their communities, and they are especially concerned for their personal safety and the safety of their families,” said Équité Association CEO Terri O’Brien. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127033

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19741584 (151656ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / How Covid theatre destroyed public trust in science (video)

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How Covid theatre destroyed public trust in science


Throughout the pandemic, Canadians were constantly reminded to follow public health orders, and reassured that government officials were following “the science.” Fraser Institute senior fellow Dr. Kenneth Green joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss the impacts of blindly enforcing measures without critical examination, and how it permanently damaged the public’s trust in science.

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a90dd8 No.127034

File: ddafb3cd29df30c⋯.png (890.13 KB,1024x575,1024:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19741620 (151703ZOCT23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / World Is Tired of Financing Ukraine, Alerts Finance Minister Marchenko - Kiev Will Need 42 Billion to Keep Budget Afloat Until 2024

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World Is Tired of Financing Ukraine, Alerts Finance Minister Marchenko – Kiev Will Need 42 Billion to Keep Budget Afloat Until 2024


Exhaustion with the Ukrainian financial needs has set in, and no one can deny – not even Kiev officials.

In the IMF meeting, in Marrakech, the world had yet another display of the endless fundraising to keep the war going.

But Ukraine is finding it increasingly harder to secure financial support, as the attention of western officials is tied up with upcoming elections and new geopolitical tensions in the rise, according to Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko.

Reuters reported:

“‘I see a lot of tiredness, I see a lot of weakness among our partners, they would like to forget about the war but the war is still ongoing, full-scale’, Marchenko said on the sidelines of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank meetings in Marrakech.

He said Ukraine is making ‘twice the effort right now to convince our partners to provide us with support compared to the last annual meetings’ in April.”

Talks in the IMF meeting have been overshadowed by the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127035

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19741682 (151716ZOCT23) Notable: Leo Hohmann: In a Stunning Admission, Henry Kissinger Just Endorsed the Premise of My Book, ‘Stealth Invasion’

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Leo Hohmann: In a Stunning Admission, Henry Kissinger Just Endorsed the Premise of My Book, ‘Stealth Invasion’


In a shocking admission, the longtime CIA operative and globalist insider has a massive ‘oops we shouldn’t have done that’ moment. This mea Culpa comes 40 years too late.

At the age of 100, globalist Henry Kissinger seems to have had a sudden burst of conscience not typically found in globalists of his stature.

During an interview with Politico this week, the former U.S. Secretary of State and adviser to eight presidents admitted it was a bad idea for Western nations to have brought in so many migrants from nations that hate us.

Kissinger told Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner:

“It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts because it creates a pressure group inside each country…”

In one brief moment, Kissinger endorsed the premise of my book, Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad, which warned that elected officials in the United States, Canada and Europe were selling out their own people by funding the creation of parallel societies — nations within nations — that would, at the right moment, rise up and try to take over. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127036

File: 1b330db107a2e13⋯.png (272.2 KB,500x494,250:247,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19741787 (151738ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part Two / Israeli Troops Amass At Border As Iran Warns It Will Intervene If Ground Offensive Launched

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Israel-Hamas War Latest: Israeli Troops Amass At Border As Iran Warns It Will Intervene If Ground Offensive Launched


After giving the northern Gaza strip an evacuation ultimatum on Friday, Israel has so far withheld from launching a "significant" ground operation, with some speculating that requests from the US to evacuate all US citizens out of Palestine ahead of the invasion is what is holding Israel back. Meanwhile, Iran’s foreign minister on Saturday said that if Israeli “war crimes & genocide” are not stopped, the war might expand to other parts of the Middle East if Hezbollah joins the battle, and that would make Israel suffer “a huge earthquake.” Meanwhile, Axios reported that Tehran has sent Jerusalem a message through the UN that it will intervene if the campaign in Gaza continues, and particularly if it launches a ground offensive.

This was followed by news Sunday morning that the US has been backchanneling with Iran in recent days to warn against escalating the conflict in Israel (after all, Biden can't afford to lose those sanctioned Iranian oil exports whose re-embargo would promptly send the price of oil above $100).

Another reason why Israel may be waiting: the Pentagon confirmed that it has ordered a second carrier strike group to the eastern Mediterranean Sea after a first carrier strike group, led by the USS Gerald R. Ford, arrived off the coast of Israel last week.

Background: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19745666 (161653ZOCT23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Jimmy Dore: Why Are U.S. Firms Buying Up All The Farmland In Ukraine? (video)

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Why Are U.S. Firms Buying Up All The Farmland In Ukraine?


One of the results of the Ukraine War has been the increased global recognition of the important role played by Ukrainian grain in feeding large swaths of the international population. Now it turns out that a number of international firms, including notorious financial institutions like Blackrock and Vanguard, have been snapping up Ukrainian farmland.

Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula and journalist Don DeBar discuss how these firms’ dumping of cheap Ukrainian wheat on the Polish market has undermined Poland’s support for the war.

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a90dd8 No.127038

File: ed84e76a73ad9ac⋯.png (797.89 KB,858x497,858:497,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19745697 (161705ZOCT23) Notable: Law and Disorder Bun / Dozens More Victims Join Class Action Lawsuit against Apple AirTags, “one of the most dangerous and frightening technologies employed by stalkers”

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Dozens More Victims Join Class Action Lawsuit against Apple AirTags, “one of the most dangerous and frightening technologies employed by stalkers”


Just a few months ago, Apple warned that their AirTag tracking devices should never be used to track children or pets because of increasing reports that parents and pet owners are buying them for that exact purpose. Of course AirTags are not the only remote tracking devices on the market, though they seem to be the most controversial as they have been used for high-profile stalking situations (see 1, 2) which have led to murder, the introduction of state legislation, and also a class action lawsuit. Recently more victims joined the lawsuit.

From Ars Technica:

Apple AirTags stalking led to ruin and murders, lawsuit says

Dozens join lawsuit alleging Apple AirTags are stalkers’ “weapon of choice.”

This month, more than three dozen victims allegedly terrorized by stalkers using Apple AirTags have joined a class-action lawsuit filed in a California court last December against Apple. They alleged in an amended complaint that, partly due to Apple’s negligence, AirTags have become “one of the most dangerous and frightening technologies employed by stalkers” because they can be easily, cheaply, and covertly used to determine “real-time location information to track victims.”

Since the lawsuit was initially filed in 2022, plaintiffs have alleged that there has been an “explosion of reporting” showing that AirTags are frequently being used for stalking, including a spike in international AirTags stalking cases and more than 150 police reports in the US as of April 2022. More recently, there were 19 AirTags stalking cases in one US metropolitan area—Tulsa, Oklahoma—alone, the complaint said.

This seeming escalation is concerning, plaintiffs say, because Apple allegedly has not done enough to mitigate harms, and AirTags stalking can lead to financial ruin, as victims bear significant costs like hiring mechanics to strip their cars to locate AirTags or repeatedly relocating their homes. AirTags stalking can also end in violence, including murder, plaintiffs alleged, and the problem is likely bigger than anyone knows, because stalking is historically underreported.

“Consequences have been as severe as possible: multiple murders have occurred in which the murderer used an AirTag to track the victim,” their complaint alleged. One plaintiff from Indiana, LaPrecia Sanders, lost her son after his girlfriend allegedly used an AirTag to track his movements and then “followed him to a bar and ran him over with her car, killing him at the scene.”

Most of the plaintiffs reside in the US, alleging significant costs and harms incurred from alleged AirTags stalking in 20 states. Two plaintiffs reside in Canada—including a recent high school graduate—and one plaintiff currently lives in Ireland. Many report that stalkers using AirTags are abusive partners or exes—hiding AirTags in linings of purses, car wheel wells, or even stitched inside a child’s teddy bear—but others report being stalked by a “mystery person” with unknown motives. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127039

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19745767 (161748ZOCT23) Notable: Law and Disorder Bun / Saskatchewan’s drug and human trafficking enforcement teams are delivering

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Saskatchewan’s drug and human trafficking enforcement teams are delivering


Saskatchewan’s efforts to combat crime have yielded substantial results as the province’s Municipal Crime Reduction Teams (CRT) and Trafficking Response Teams (STRT) continue to put criminals engaged in human and drug trafficking behind bars.

Over the past few months, the specially designated police units have achieved remarkable outcomes, disrupting trafficking operations and getting deadly drugs off of the streets.

Between March and August 2023, nearly 3,600 grams of methamphetamine, 33,025 grams of cocaine, 1,036 grams of fentanyl were seized,

Additionally, police made 46 arrests, and deployed 50 search warrants, according to a government press release.

“The Saskatoon CRT conducts investigations that support the goal of disrupting, curtailing, and reducing criminal activity in relation to gang violence, organized crime, illegal guns, drugs and property crime,” said Saskatoon Chief of Police Troy Cooper.

“These are priorities that align with the Saskatchewan government in an effort to keep residents of not only Saskatoon, but of the entire province safe.”

Teams are specifically mandated to target street gangs and prolific offenders and to respond to urban and rural crime surges as needed.

On the human trafficking front, 61 human trafficking files were opened which resulted in 47 human trafficking interventions. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127040

File: da4573ec24228ea⋯.png (3.31 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19745777 (161753ZOCT23) Notable: Law and Disorder Bun / Recovering addicts say ‘safer supply’ program ‘floods our streets’ with drugs

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Recovering addicts say ‘safer supply’ program ‘floods our streets’ with drugs


Over two dozen physicians and addiction experts signed an open letter earlier this month citing ‘widespread evidence’ that addicts abuse ‘safer supply’ sites and sell their ‘free’ hydromorphone on the black market.

Recovering drug addicts are telling Canadians that ‘safer supply’ does not save lives, as those abusing drugs are likely to abuse the policy.

On two separate occasions, The National Post interviewed six patients at the Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) Clinic in London, Ontario on the efficacy of harm reduction.

These programs typically distribute hydromorphone in place of fentanyl — an opioid with similar potency to heroin.

Among them is Laura, a 29-year-old woman with an addiction to crystal meth, who said roughly 80% of addicts who access ‘safer supply’ will sell their pills for cash or trade outright for fentanyl.

Those users would set up camps by hydromorphone dispensaries to sell their stock and get their next fentanyl fix quickly. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19745846 (161823ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part Two / Omar Alghabra refuses to condemn Hamas terror attack

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BREAKING: Omar Alghabra refuses to condemn Hamas terror attack


The Liberal MP and former transport minister was pressed to condemn the Oct. 7 terrorist attack carried out by Hamas against innocent Israelis near the border with Gaza.

Former transport minister and Liberal MP Omar Alghabra refused to condemn Hamas' terrorist attack against Israel while being questioned by Rebel News videographer Lincoln Jay.

Alghabra told Jay he was “in a rush” as he identified himself, asking the MP if he has time to answer a question.

“Do you condemn the terrorist attacks committed by Hamas?” Jay asks.

He is met with radio silence by the former minister, who ignores the question entirely.

Jay further inquired if Alghabra could answer why so many in Canada are attempting to justify the attacks.

“Do you have no comment?” Jay pressed.

Alghabra’s silence is deafening, given that he is a member of the standing committee on foreign affairs and international development.

The question comes nine days after Hamas terrorists launched an unprecedented surprise attack on innocent Israelis on October 7, sparking protests and counter-protests all across Canada, including at-home threats to the Jewish community.

Alghabra was removed from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's cabinet earlier this year, and announced he would not seek re-election.

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a90dd8 No.127042

File: 469e00222c5fcd1⋯.png (492.88 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19746090 (161946ZOCT23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Secret Soviet files reveal horror crimes of Ukrainian Nazi collaborators

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Secret Soviet files reveal horror crimes of Ukrainian Nazi collaborators


Nationalists began ethnic cleansing of Jews during WWII, even before German occupation began, documents show

RT has obtained a trove of declassified KGB documents, highlighting crimes committed by Ukrainian nationalists in Soviet territories occupied by Nazi Germany during WWII. The files include witness accounts of people who survived ethnic cleansing, as well as testimonies of Ukrainian collaborators captured by the Soviet domestic intelligence, then known as the NKVD.

Large swaths of present-day Ukraine fell under Nazi occupation in summer 1941 as German troops advanced deep into the Soviet Union. In fact, attacks on ethnic Jews and Poles, as well as local communists, began immediately as Soviet troops withdrew.

“In the first hours following the retreat of the Bolsheviks, the Ukrainian population has demonstrated commendable activity against Jews,” a status report from the Gestapo, Nazi Germany’s secret police, dated July 16, 1941, reads.

Said “commendable activities” involved burning down a synagogue in the western Ukrainian city of Dobromyl and the murder of some 50 Jews by an “angry crowd” in Sambor. In Sokal, the help of local “trustworthy Ukrainians” allowed Nazis to find and exterminate some 183 “communist Jews.” Moreover, Ukrainian nationalists rounded up and brutally abused around 1,000 Jews in Lvov, subsequently putting them into a local prison, with the facility and the ‘inmates’ eventually taken over by the Germans, according to the status report. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127043

File: 7fc5b11b5e9eaa8⋯.png (1.48 MB,1200x671,1200:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19746102 (161950ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part Two / Trudeau’s ‘inclusion’ advisor silent on Hamas terrorist attacks

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Trudeau’s ‘inclusion’ advisor silent on Hamas terrorist attacks


Since the October 7 attacks on Israel by Hamas terrorists, the Cabinet's $191,000-a-year 'inclusion' advisor has avoided public events.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia Amira Elghawaby wrote MPs should “call out Israel’s actions, not only Hamas’ rockets” and called Canadian history “Judeo-Christian storytelling” in columns for the Toronto Star in 2021.

Elghawaby, in her last public statement, observed October as Islamic History Month, “the perfect opportunity to learn about Muslim communities.”

Elghawaby has not been seen in public for the past 10 days and made no comments about the Hamas terrorist attacks.

As a freelance pundit in 2021, she condemned “an Israeli occupation that is being more widely described as ‘apartheid’ than ever before.” Her May 19, 2021, Toronto Star column described Jews as “hostage takers” and outlaws.

“The experiences of Palestinians are no longer hidden from view, long held hostage by the Israel government’s broad narrative depicting Palestinians as terrorists, unreliable partners for peace and unworthy of the rights conferred unto them under international law,” wrote Elghawaby.

“The experiences and views of Palestinian activists, academics, journalists, even supermodels are propelling significant worldwide opposition to the discriminatory treatment of Palestinians,” wrote Elghawaby.

“This narrative shift is galvanizing Canadian grassroots and advocacy organizations and ratcheting pressure on political parties now expected to call out Israel’s actions, not only Hamas’ rockets.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127044

File: b1b9b092d2321a9⋯.png (1.38 MB,1100x620,55:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19746145 (162009ZOCT23) Notable: Finance Department unsure how much it spends annually on debt interest; Budget 16% higher than Freeland predicted

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Budget 16% higher than Freeland predicted


Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland once again did not accurately predict financial forecasts in her budget, according to the Parliamentary Budget Office.

Analysts cautioned this year's deficit has increased instead of decreased and it's now 16% higher than Freeland had initially predicted.

“For the current fiscal year, the Budget Office predicts the budgetary deficit to rise,” analysts wrote in an Economic and Fiscal Outlook, which warned of “uncertainty surrounding our economic and fiscal outlook” due to high-interest charges and a slowing economy.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, Freeland, in her March 28 budget A Made in Canada Plan, predicted the deficit “is projected to decline in every year of the forecast” and would fall from $43 billion to $40.1 billion this year. The Budget Office said it exceeded $46.5 billion, 16% higher than Freeland predicted.

“As bad as the budget was, the independent budget watchdog is showing that federal finances are in even worse shape,” said Franco Terrazzano, federal director of Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

“The Trudeau government continues to mismanage our finances and that means more money wasted on interest charges, higher cost of living and more debt that Canadians’ kids and grandkids will have to pay back.”

“The feds have already blown through their budgeted deficit projection by more than $6 billion and we’re only halfway through the budget year,” said Terrazzano. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127045

File: 19c70294c07f8d8⋯.png (1.83 MB,2048x1152,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: e8acbdb00a252fd⋯.png (379.23 KB,546x810,91:135,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19746221 (162040ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part Two / Watchdog Group: Soros’ Foundation Funds Pro-Hamas Orgs

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Watchdog Group: Soros’ Foundation Funds Pro-Hamas Orgs


The Open Society Foundations, a grantmaking network founded by billionaire George Soros, funds organizations that have publicly supported Hamas terrorism against Israel, according to a conservative watchdog group.

Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell and Vice President Dan Schneider wrote a letter to Soros and his son, Alex, who chairs Open Society, last week pointing out the foundation’s ties to pro-Hamas groups. The letter was exclusively obtained by The Daily Wire.

Hundreds of Hamas terrorists stormed southern Israel from the Gaza Strip on October 7, killing more than 1,400 Israelis and wounding thousands more in the deadliest single day for Jews since the Holocaust. The militants killed at least 30 Americans as well. Hamas is holding nearly 200 people hostage in Gaza, according to Israel’s military.

“‘Silence is complicity,’ President Biden told Jewish leaders on Wednesday. Those who hide in the shadows rather than publicly stand with Israel bear partial blame for the atrocities. In light of all of this, your silence is deafening,” the letter says.

The MRC letter went on to quote condemnations of Hamas from former U.S. presidents George Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump.

“These forceful statements caused us to wonder how an organization like yours that claims to champion ‘democratic solutions’ and advance ‘human dignity’ would go underground as Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, fights for its very survival. We then discovered the reason,” Bozell and Schneider wrote.

“Our preliminary investigation has already uncovered multiple pro-Hamas grantees funded by you and the Open Society Foundations. Millions and millions of your ‘charitable’ dollars have flowed into these organizations, financing their filth,” they continued.

The MRC executives named seven groups that they said received donations from Open Society Foundations that also issued statements justifying Palestinian terrorism targeting Israel or spreading false claims about the Jewish state. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19749921 (171343ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part Two / Vantage with Palki Sharma: Hypocrisy of Hamas: "Gazans Can't Leave" But Leaders are Abroad (video)

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Hypocrisy of Hamas: "Gazans Can't Leave" But Leaders are Abroad | Vantage with Palki Sharma


Hypocrisy of Hamas: "Gazans Can't Leave" But Leaders are Abroad | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Hamas leaders say that ordinary Gazans should not leave the country's north despite the warning by Israel.

But the Hamas leaders themselves live abroad with their families. Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh and his family have been accused of corruption.

They reportedly have Turkish passports and businesses around the world. This hypocrisy is prevalent across all militant outfits. Why are their different rules for the leaders and their families?

Palki Sharma brings you the complete story.

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a90dd8 No.127047

File: 2a8626263a39b32⋯.png (330.22 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19750154 (171500ZOCT23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Zelensky Asks To Visit Israel In 'Solidarity' As Spotlight Shifts, told not to visit

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Israel told Zelensky not to visit – media


Netanyahu's officials reportedly informed the Ukrainian president that “the time is not right”

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky wished to visit Israel, in an attempt to link his country's cause to that of the Jewish state, but was asked to stay away, Ynet reported on Monday.

Zelensky was allegedly told “the time is not right” for making such a trip, the outlet explained. The Ukrainian president allegedly wanted to travel to the country alongside US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

His intention to visit Israel to show “solidarity” was first reported by Axios last Wednesday. The trip would have boosted “international support for Israel’s counteroffensive against Hamas in Gaza,” the report suggested.

Zelensky proclaimed Ukraine’s full support for Israel shortly after the surprise attack launched by Hamas early on October 7. The president rallied for broader international support for Israel, insisting it was necessary under the current circumstances.

“This is why I urge all leaders to visit Israel and show their support for the people. I’m not talking about any institutions, but about support for the people who suffered from terrorist attacks and are dying today,” the Ukrainian leader said last week.

At the same time, Zelensky apparently lamented that the new escalation in the Middle East had stolen the limelight from Kiev, with the Ukrainian conflict disappearing from the Western media coverage and giving way to Israel instead.

“If international attention shifts away from Ukraine, one way or another, it will have consequences. The fate of Ukraine depends on the unity of the rest of the world,” Zelensky stated in an interview with France 2 last Tuesday.

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a90dd8 No.127048

File: 013ae8ef08e6d1b⋯.png (2.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19750597 (171703ZOCT23) Notable: Sputnnikglobe: 'One of the Most Important Diplomatic Events': China Belt and Road Forum Review

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'One of the Most Important Diplomatic Events': China Belt and Road Forum Review


Chinese President Xi Jinping earlier touted the upcoming gathering as an event that will give “a new impetus to the development and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region and the whole world.”

Representatives of more than 130 countries and 30 international organizations are due to attend the Third Belt and Road Forum (BRF), which kicks off in Beijing on Tuesday. The forum’s theme is “High-quality Belt and Road Cooperation: Together for Common Development and Prosperity.”

Taking part in the two-day gathering is a number of world leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is expected to meet his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the event. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127049

File: 43d0b9f0c3e7f88⋯.png (990.97 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19750790 (171730ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part Two / Five Canadians killed in Israel-Hamas war, three more are missing

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Five Canadians killed in Israel-Hamas war, three more are missing


As of Monday, five Canadians have been killed in the Israel-Hamas war, according to Global Affairs Canada and three more remain missing.

On Sunday, the federal government issued a travel warning for Canadians living in Lebanon that they should consider leaving as the conflict continues to escalate.

“It has always been a possibility that missing persons would be confirmed deceased… It is an extremely tragic outcome,” said Julie Sunday, assistant deputy minister for consular security and emergency management with Global Affairs Canada. “Our thoughts are with the families in all of these cases.”

“We are very focused on addressing the cases of the three missing persons, who we continue to try to locate and bring back to safety in Canada.”

Currently, an estimated 6,800 Canadians are registered in Israel with over 450 in the West Bank of Gaza. There are 3,300 Canadians and permanent residents being assisted by Global Affairs Canada, according to CTV News.

The Hamas attack on Israel began on Saturday Oct. 7 and so far thousands of people have been killed or taken hostage by Hamas.

In the last 24 hours, Global Affairs Canada has received over 800 inquiries regarding Canadians still in Israel and around 4,200 inquiries since the attack first began. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127050

File: 128851145784a5a⋯.png (964.26 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19750950 (171759ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part Two / Anti-hate advocates mum on anti-Israel protests raging across Canada

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Anti-hate advocates mum on anti-Israel protests raging across Canada


Amid nationwide demonstrations by supporters of Hamas, one federally-funded “anti-hate” organization has been apparently silent regarding antisemitic incidents and threats faced by Jewish communities.

The Canadian Anti-Hate Network, an organization that has received substantial funding from the federal government, has not published any reports or public comments on the antisemitism faced by Canadian Jews during these protests.

Hamas’ attack on Israel last weekend triggered a series of rallies across Canada, with major anti-Israel demonstrations held in cities such as Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, Vancouver, and Montreal.

Tensions have often flared during these gatherings, leading to occasional clashes between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli demonstrators. The protests have also showcased controversial statements including calls for violence and escalation.

In one alarming incident in Edmonton, a rally speaker said Israel had “no civilians,” seemingly justifying the indiscriminate killing of Israeli citizens by Hamas.

The Canadian Anti-Hate Network’s last article, titled “Infighting And Accusations Fly As Save The Children Convoy Kicks Off First Day Of Protests In Ottawa,” was released on October 5.

No subsequent articles have been published since Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7.

The Canadian Anti-Hate Network’s account on X (formerly Twitter) has not posted anything since Oct. 6. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127051

File: 89bb64bee360d33⋯.png (1.28 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751051 (171820ZOCT23) Notable: CAF aircraft intercepted in “aggressive manner” by Chinese military jet

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CAF aircraft intercepted in “aggressive manner” by Chinese military jet


The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) had a brush with a Chinese military jet on Monday after it intercepted a Canadian Aurora aircraft in an “aggressive manner” while flying over international waters off the coast of China.

The CAF is currently operating in the area to help enforce sanctions against North Korea as part of Operation NEON.

“They became very aggressive and to a degree we would deem it unsafe and unprofessional,” said Maj.-Gen. Iain Huddleston in an interview with Global News.

During the eight-hour CAF mission two different planes and possibly more consistently intercepted the Canadian aircraft over several hours.

“It’s a ramp-up of the aggressiveness that’s really unexpected and unnecessary in the context of the mission that we’re flying,” remarked Huddleston.

The majority of intercepts were conducted in what the CAF called a professional manner; however at one point the last Chinese jet flew as close as five metres from the Aurora aircraft, creating a blind spot for the Canadian plane. The Chinese jet remained in dangerously close proximity and was armed with air-to-air missiles.

“I’m concerned when they do that. There’s a heightened risk to those sorts of interactions and we’d like to avoid those as much as we can. We record these things up through the chain with the evidence we gather and then allow our diplomatic agencies to become involved,” said Huddleston.

Additionally, multiple flares, akin to fireworks, were shot off near the CAF plane by the Chinese jet. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127052

File: 9feec2d0745af67⋯.png (1.15 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751303 (171858ZOCT23) Notable: Democracy watchdog urges inquiry into “lap dog” RCMP’s “superficial” SNC-Lavalin investigation

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Democracy watchdog urges inquiry into “lap dog” RCMP’s “superficial” SNC-Lavalin investigation


A democratic advocacy group is calling for a public inquiry into the RCMP after newly released documents reveal an insufficient investigation by the police force into the federal government’s actions surrounding the SNC-Lavalin scandal.

Democracy Watch founder Duff Conacher said the RCMP’s investigation into the government was “superficial,” with investigators interviewing only three individuals. Conacher criticized the RCMP for not making a more determined effort to obtain internal and confidential cabinet communications vital for a comprehensive investigation.

The RCMP’s investigation report was obtained under Access to Information by Democracy Watch and initially shared with the Star, shortly before they shared the news. Following the breaking story, Conacher appeared on True North’s Andrew Lawton Show.

“The RCMP rolled over like a lap dog and did a very superficial investigation,” Conacher said on True North’s Andrew Lawton Show.

A central point of contention is the RCMP’s refusal to seek a court order or warrant to compel the release of critical cabinet materials that the government declined to provide.

“They could have gone to court to get a court order, a warrant for that, but decided not to, for, I think, unjustifiable reasons,” said Conacher.

The RCMP said its Sensitive and International Investigations team decided not pursue a criminal investigation. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127053

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751324 (171902ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Mixing COVID vaccines: safe bet or risky gamble? (video)

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Mixing COVID vaccines: safe bet or risky gamble?


Health authorities promoted the idea of mixing COVID-19 vaccine brands for added protection in 2021, but the absence of scientific evidence, coupled with the product monographs and geneticists’ concerns, seriously undermines the reliability of these recommendations and those who support them.

Health authorities and political aficionados began promoting the idea of mixing different COVID-19 vaccine brands as safe and effective in the spring of 2021. But was it really?

The narrative at the time was that getting the first available vaccine, regardless of the brand, provided added protection against emerging variants.

The endorsement of vaccine interchangeability was widespread, with figures like conflict of interest riddled epidemiologist Isaac Bogoch and Canada's Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam supporting the idea. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127054

File: 71600a87791a93a⋯.png (3.77 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19751660 (171954ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part Two / CRA alleges Muslim Association of Canada aided Hamas financier: report

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CRA alleges Muslim Association of Canada aided Hamas financier: report


Areas of alleged ‘non-compliance’ include claims of ties to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and IRFAN-Canada, which supported Hamas and became a designated terrorist entity in 2014.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) performed an audit of an Islamic charity following allegations of ties to “an apparent Hamas support network.”

Global News obtained the March 2021 audit document highlighting “troubling” concerns about the federally-funded Muslim Association of Canada (MAC).

The 151-page report revealed its alleged ties to Hamas had yet to be proven and its charity status remained in good standing.

In 2022, MAC received over $800,000 in federal subsidies to create summer jobs, according to the government website.

But the CRA alleges the group has not been “forthright with the public, the media, and with [them] about its activities and how it undertakes them.”


Areas of “non-compliance” cited by the auditors, include alleged ties to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and IRFAN-Canada, who supported Hamas and thus became a designated terrorist entity.

The Muslim Brotherhood actively endorsed “extreme ideologies that encourage, or support, violence and terrorism,” wrote the agency.

Auditors said “support for the Muslim Brotherhood by the organization’s senior leadership appears to be manifesting itself in the activities and decisions made with the organization.”

According to the CRA, then MAC president Wael Haddara campaigned for Mohamed Morsi, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Freedom and Justice Party, who would serve as Egypt’s president from 2012 to 2013.

At the time, MAC denied their alleged ties to the group and said it was “not aware of Dr. Haddara’s personal activities.” He resigned from the board in December 2012. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127055

File: 245c8664952757a⋯.png (483.02 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19753490 (180038ZOCT23) Notable: ‘We have to act right away’: Pro-life Canadians urge MPs to support bill stopping euthanasia expansion

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‘We have to act right away’: Pro-life Canadians urge MPs to support bill stopping euthanasia expansion


Should the bill prevail on Wednesday, October 18, it will then proceed to third reading, where it stands a good chance passing and then heading to Canada’s Senate.

Canada’s top pro-life group Campaign Life Coalition is urging Canadians to tell their MPs to support a private members bill that would repeal the expansion of euthanasia laws to those suffering solely from mental illness.

Bill C-314, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying), was introduced by Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) MP Ed Fast and a second reading of it will be voted on Wednesday, October 18.

Should the bill prevail tomorrow, it would then proceed to third reading, where it stands a good chance passing and then heading to Canada’s Senate.

“MPs should be voting on MAID with their eyes wide open,” wrote Fast about his bill on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday.

Fast introduced the bill in February. It received immediate praise from Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) after it passed its first reading. Tomorrow’s debate on the second reading of the bill is expected to last about one hour.

CLC’s Director of Political Operations Jack Fonseca in an email to supporters today said Canadians need to “act right away” and send an email to their MPs telling them to vote in favor of Fast’s bill.

“I can’t even begin to imagine all the vulnerable men and women who’ll be taken advantage of and coerced into giving in and having a medical professional kill them,” wrote Fonseca.

“This is why we have to act right away.”

Fonseca urged people to send their MPs a message today to “tell them to support this bill.”

“You can even use one of our automated, pre-written messages to save yourself time.”

Fonseca included a link to CLC’s automated, pre-written messages. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127056

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757393 (181701ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Westernstandard: Ontario man files $35.6 million lawsuit against Pfizer over son’s vaccine death

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Ontario man files $35.6 million lawsuit against Pfizer over son’s vaccine death


New Tecumseth, ON, resident Dan Hartman has initiated a wrongful death lawsuit against Pfizer because his son Sean died from the COVID-19 vaccine.

“On the morning of September 27, 2021, 33 days after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination, Sean Hartman was found deceased in his bedroom by his mother,” said Sheikh Law lawyer Umar Sheikh in a court filing.

“The Plaintiff pleads that Sean Hartman died as a result of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination.”

Dan was denied money from the Vaccine Injury Support Program in March despite Sean dying after getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

“My son died 33 days after his first Pfizer vaccine and he was a perfectly healthy boy with no underlying conditions,” he said.

He took a COVID-19 vaccine to be allowed to play hockey. Dan said he took him to the emergency room four days after his first dose because he had brown circles around his eyes, a rash on his face and pain in his right shoulder.

American pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole determined in July Sean died from the COVID-19 vaccine.

Cole examined his tissues, finding spike protein in his adrenal glands.

“The adrenal glands control your blood pressure, so if Sean’s blood pressure dropped, he would have died,” said Dan.

Dan is seeking $35.6 million in damages; specialized damages to be determined prior to the trial; prejudgment and post-judgment interest; the costs of the proceeding, including all applicable taxes; and further relief the court considers just.

Sheikh said Pfizer “owed a duty of care to Sean Hartman to accurately inform him of all risks associated with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination.” He added he owed him a duty to warn him of the risks associated with the safety and efficacy of these vaccines.

When it comes to the standard of care, Dan pleaded Pfizer breached it for the manufacturing, testing, sale, reporting and administration of its vaccines.

With the standard of care, Sheikh alleged it was breached when it disregarded and misrepresented the results of the safety trials by providing an incorrect characterization of the efficacy data; discounting results of adverse events on vaccinated people in the study; not highlighting all results and adverse events revealed in the studies conducted; and not stopping their administration on Canadians due to known safety concerns.

Dan pleaded Pfizer negligently misrepresented the safety of the vaccine and did not disclose the risks associated with it, which include but are not limited to myocarditis and pericarditis.

The particulars include failing to disclose people under 40 years old had an increased risk of myocarditis after taking the vaccine, rates of myocarditis were higher in adolescent males, inadequate testing was performed to ensure their safety and efficacy, failing to complete post-market surveillance and inform the Canadian government and the public of the results, failing to disclose the issues with the vaccine, and failing to identify, implement, and verify procedures to address post-market surveillance risks.

He accused Pfizer of improper product distribution when it was being sold. This is because the foreseeable risks exceeded the benefits associated with the product, it was more dangerous than ordinary consumers would expect, it did not have adequate, effective warnings and instructions over these dangers, inadequate testing and it was unfit for the purpose for which it was intended.

Sheikh concluded by saying Pfizer “concealed the fact the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination had severe possible risks and outcomes when administered, including but not limited to myocarditis, pericarditis and death, to the public, healthcare providers, and regulatory authorities, including Health Canada.”

“The Plaintiff pleads that the wrongful death of his son Sean Hartman was caused by the negligence of the Defendant,” he said.

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a90dd8 No.127057

File: ca8e1a8bd379f71⋯.png (163.12 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19757625 (181740ZOCT23) Notable: Egypt's Suez Canal Prepares To Raise Transit Fees, Potentially Intensifying Global Inflation

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Egypt's Suez Canal Prepares To Raise Transit Fees, Potentially Intensifying Global Inflation


Egypt announced on Monday that it will increase transit fees for all types of vessels passing through the Suez Canal, a move that might further amplify global inflation concerns.

According to a statement released by the Suez Canal Authority, transit fees for crude oil tankers, LPG carriers, LNG carriers, Chemical tankers, and other liquid bulk tankers passing through the canal will rise by 15%, effective Jan. 15, 2024. The increase for dry bulk vessels, cargo ships, roll-on/roll-off vessels, and other vessels will be 5%.

SCA said container ships coming from ports in "North-West Europe" and heading directly to ports in the "Far East" are exempt from price hikes in transit fees.

Here's the announcement from SCA: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127058

File: 3e75ee62b936081⋯.png (1.47 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758398 (181938ZOCT23) Notable: Canadian energy development surges as several multi-billion dollar deals inked this year

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Canadian energy development surges as several multi-billion dollar deals inked this year


The Canadian oil and gas sector is witnessing a surge of major deals that indicate a boom in the sector, according to some industry analysts.

Several multi-billion-dollar transactions have been announced since the beginning of 2023, involving some of the biggest players in the country’s energy landscape.

According to the president of Sayer Energy Advisors, Tom Pavic, Canadians should expect more in the coming year.

“I think you’ll still see some more consolidation, for sure. I think there’s still going to be some more transactions,” Pavic told the Canadian Press. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127059

File: 26bed02bb467a4c⋯.png (1.79 MB,1280x630,128:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758459 (181945ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Liberals barrelling ahead with net zero plans despite Supreme Court ruling

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Liberals barrelling ahead with net zero plans despite Supreme Court ruling


The Liberal government is moving ahead with two new regulations to reach net-zero despite a recent Supreme Court ruling that struck down one of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s key environmental laws as unconstitutional.

In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court ruled last Friday that the 2019 Impact Assessment Act, which gives Ottawa the power to review major projects for environmental compliance, encroaches on provincial jurisdiction.

The law was challenged by the Alberta government, which opposes federal interference in its energy industry and is fighting attempts to impose new climate targets like the Clean Electricity Regulations.

However, Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault said Monday that the court’s decision does not affect the government’s plans to introduce a cap on emissions from the oil and gas sector, and the Clean Electricity Regulations. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127060

File: 3288393743205ad⋯.png (1.37 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758569 (181959ZOCT23) Notable: Canadian military personnel leaving the armed forces due to unaffordable housing

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Canadian military personnel leaving the armed forces due to unaffordable housing


More and more members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are choosing to leave their ranks rather than having to move to a military base where the cost of living is out of reach.

In a briefing to senior staff, Brig.-Gen. Virginia Tattersall warned of an ongoing problem facing the CAF; affordable housing for personnel.

In June, Tattersall noted that CAF members who are able to stay in one location “have a significant financial advantage relative to members who move most often.”

“Increasingly, members will release (from the Canadian Forces) rather than relocate to an area they cannot afford or taking a loss on an existing home,” reads the briefing, which was later leaked to the National Post. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127061

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758633 (182010ZOCT23) Notable: “Acerbic” interview with apple-munching Pierre Poilievre goes viral

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“Acerbic” interview with apple-munching Pierre Poilievre goes viral


A tense interview in which Pierre Poilievre calmly challenges a reporter’s questions while chomping down on an apple has gone viral across the border.

The Conservative leader was speaking with fruit growers in B.C.’s Okanagan region on the weekend, discussing his plans for housing, inflation, and drug supply.

Afterwards, Poilievre did an interview with Don Uqruhart, the editor of Castanet, a local paper in Oliver and Osoyoos, B.C.

“In terms of your strategy currently, you’re obviously taking the populist pathway,” Urqhuart asked.

“What does that mean?”, Poilievre replied, setting the tone for the entire exchange. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127062

File: b3a7e39090f058d⋯.png (1.57 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758767 (182031ZOCT23) Notable: Final Canada vs India Bun / India fallout a “big deal” for Canadian farmers, warns crops economist

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India fallout a “big deal” for Canadian farmers, warns crops economist


Economists specializing in agricultural markets are watching the ongoing diplomatic dispute between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government and India closely to see if it spills into a trade war as the South Asian nation is a main trading partner when it comes to pulse crops such as lentils.

As of 2021, India imported over 77% of its dried and shelled lentils from Canada. Agriculturally heavy provinces like Saskatchewan also ship half of their lentil crops to India each year.

According to North Dakota State University crops economist and professor Frayne Olson, the United States could be the big winner as a result of the conflict.

Speaking on a market outlook webinar on Saturday, Olson said the United States is in a prime position to benefit from market spillover for specific crops.

“There’s political tensions going on between India and Canada right now which is now spilling over into the agricultural sector,” said Olson.

“The largest potential agricultural trade impact would be for the Canadian pulse crops. (The United States) is both a competitor and a supplier of pulse crops.”

When it comes to lentil exports, the United States currently only supplies a little over 1% of India’s needs but it could take a larger share of the pie, should the conflict escalate further.

“India buys approximately $1.4 billion Canadian dollars of pulses from Canada and approximately 50% of the Saskatchewan lentil crop goes directly to India so this is a big deal for the Canadians,” said Olson. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127063

File: 9d84f84fe788935⋯.png (4.11 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758829 (182040ZOCT23) Notable: Trudeau orders Cabinet to take ‘all necessary steps’ to ensure Alberta does not leave Canada Pension Plan

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Trudeau orders Cabinet to take ‘all necessary steps’ to ensure Alberta does not leave Canada Pension Plan


In a letter penned to Premier Danielle Smith Wednesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said leaving the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) would cause ‘undeniable harm’ to Albertans and Canadians.

The Alberta Pension Plan (APP) report surfaced on September 21, peddling precisely what you’d expect: More Alberta, less Ottawa — prompting vehement opposition from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a strongly worded letter.

The pension report suggests an APP could save residents billions each year with lower contribution rates, higher benefits and more robust benefit security for families and retirees.

A provincial pension could save Albertans $5 billion in the first year alone, said Alberta Finance Minister Nate Horner at the time. He lauded yearly savings of up to $1,425 for workers and $2,850 for self-employed workers.

A government release said these savings would not reduce benefit payouts to seniors and retirees. However, Trudeau contests that is not the case.

In a letter he penned to Premier Danielle Smith Wednesday, the prime minister said leaving the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) would cause "undeniable" harm to Albertans and Canadians.

“I have instructed my Cabinet and officials to take all necessary steps to ensure Albertans — and Canadians — are fully aware of the risks of your plan, and to do everything possible to ensure CPP remains intact,” said Trudeau. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19758916 (182054ZOCT23) Notable: Trustee Linda Stone’s sanctioning deprives parents of their elected advocate (video)

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Trustee Linda Stone’s sanctioning deprives parents of their elected advocate


Trustee Linda Stone has faced further censure and restrictions following an integrity commission report that found her social media posts to have breached multiple sections of the board's Code of Conduct, leaving parents without the advocate they elected on their behalf.

Ontario school board trustee Linda Stone has once again been censured by the Durham District School Board (DDSB).

Trustees ruled that Stone be further censured and barred from board activities at a Monday meeting of the board wherein an October 5 integrity commission report was discussed.

Commissioner Michael Maynard determined that Stone had breached sections 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.8, 6.11, and 6.44 of the board's Code of Conduct and recommended sanctions be placed on Stone.

The investigation was based on complaints made by three of Stone’s fellow trustees – Cunningham, Oldfield and student Trustee Camera – and relied entirely on social media posts. Some of the complaints pertain to an alleged pseudonym account said to be operated by Stone.

Trustee Deb Oldfield – a watercolour and pattern sketching artist who is a self-described labour and community activist – brought forward the motion to censure Stone based on her “irresponsible social media use.”

“When trustee Stone tweets about teachers, directors of education, and staff, it can be reasonably inferred to include DDSB teachers and the DDSB’s Director of Education and other DDSB staff,” Oldfield said during the Monday board meeting.

Student trustee Ben Cameron expressed confusion over why “Stone continues her scourge against 2SLGBTQIA people.” Cameron stated “I am tired of this,” before condemning Stone's “behaviour that puts 2SLGBTQIA students at risk, that questions and erases the existence of trans and queer people.”

Fellow trustee Kelly Miller urged the board to consider that Stone is still an elected member of the board and that removing her duties will impact other board members. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127065

File: 8a675ce735dd3f3⋯.png (844.47 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759272 (182152ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Canadian soldier dismissed for refusing COVID jab says vax status was made public without consent

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Canadian soldier dismissed for refusing COVID jab says vax status was made public without consent


Logan White told LifeSiteNews his unit thought 'the most appropriate room' for mandatory COVID testing was just outside the main door where everyone entered and exited the hanger.

A former Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) member told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive interview that he was removed from service for refusing the COVID-19 shot and his choice was made public against his wishes.

Logan White from Cow Bay, Nova Scotia, served the Canadian military honorably for over 17 years. He was an Avionics Systems Technician at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Shearwater until Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Wayne Eyre ordered all CAF members to receive the COVID shot.

White has since joined a lawsuit filed against the Crown in September seeking damages for his involuntary release and breach of privacy. The statement of claim for this lawsuit says:

At the date of filing this claim, not one member of the CAF has died from COVID-19 despite serving on the front lines of the pandemic in high-risk environments like nursing homes; yet there are members with seriously life changing vaccine injuries and deaths from the administration of the biologics.

White said that he did not feel at risk from COVID-19 but was wary of the effects of the jab.

“The military didn’t implement their vaccine mandate until quite late in the game,” he told LifeSiteNews. “By that time, the worst of COVID was already over. Most of us had already been infected and developed natural immunity.”

White noted the many “red flags” that the chain of command had implemented to increase COVID shot acceptance.

“I just thought it was very strange the way certain things were being pushed,” he said. “They started bribing people, giving them French fries and hamburgers and putting them in the lotteries.”

As a master corporal, White led a small team and felt he had a duty to set an example for those who served with him by not being coerced into receiving the shots.

“Many of my subordinates also didn’t want to take it, and they had concerns about efficacy, and they had concerns about safety” he said. “Some of the guys on my crew, two of them actually… got myocarditis from the shots.”

When he was threatened with an 5(f) release, White chose to accept this consequence rather than to leave the CAF voluntarily. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127066

File: 6d5c1cc6fb74c64⋯.png (392.25 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759337 (182203ZOCT23) Notable: Bank of Canada report blames media for ramping up inflation fears

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Bank of Canada report blames media for ramping up inflation fears


'News coverage that people focus on may affect their perceptions of inflation,' a recent Bank of Canada report lamented.

Canada’s central bank is blaming media for creating fear of rising food costs as inflation and national debts are rapidly increasing under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s leadership.

The Bank of Canada, a Crown corporation and Canada’s central bank, has complained that inflation worries are partly caused by media coverage, according to information obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter.

“News coverage that people focus on may affect their perceptions of inflation,” said the Bank of Canada in its third quarter report titled Canadian Survey of Consumer Expectations. “Consumers are more interested now in news about inflation than they were before the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“Interviews showed respondents tend to focus on stories about how inflation continues to be higher than before the pandemic as opposed to stories on the easing of inflation,” wrote the Bank. “When asked about the economy and inflation one respondent said, ‘With what I hear from my surroundings, what we hear in the media, it’s rather discouraging.’”

However, the Bank failed to address the fact that while news coverage may cause Canadians to worry about rising costs, the media is only reporting what many economists see as the result of the deficit spending by the Bank of Canada and the Trudeau government.

In March, after it was reported that the Trudeau government has spent more money per person per year, Jake Fuss, the associate director of the Centre for Fiscal Studies at the Fraser Institute, warned that it is this type of spending that creates and fuels inflation. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127067

File: e2beb6f370384cf⋯.png (945.3 KB,800x504,100:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19759573 (182237ZOCT23) Notable: Trudeau Liberals vote down bill seeking to stop euthanasia of mentally ill Canadians

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Why we must reject the use of Marxist language in response to the Israel-Hamas conflict


On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon explores the insidious use of Marxist language by leftist academics in response to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon explores the implications of the left’s use of Marxist language in the wake of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

While the language used by Marxists in academia was never concretely defined, despite its use becoming more and more commonplace over the past several years, Jonathon points to the use of words like “decolonization” and “settler” by academics in both Canadian and American universities in reaction to the Israel-Hamas conflict. He does so to posit what these words may mean.

After examining tweet after tweet from academics and politicians responding to the conflict, Jonathon concludes one thing: “These are terms that are used to justify bloodshed.” According to Jonathon, these terms should be unequivocally rejected, maintaining that they are not at all “benign” and carry “real implications for our discourse.”

Examining what was said in the tweets in detail, Jonathon notes that the normal response is that what happened to the Israelis attacked by Hamas at a music festival on October 7 was something they deserved as “settlers” in a region that belongs to the Palestinians and is a natural part of “decolonization.” He also posits that the widespread availability of videos of the attack means it is “impossible for anybody to be unaware of what they are defending when they use these terms.”

Reacting to the mass of tweets, Jonathon says, “We have professors from the most prestigious Canadian universities now saying that the process of decolonization can absolutely include the murder of civilians, the rape of women and children, the abduction of entire families, the destruction of entire families. They are telling us what they mean when they use these words. And these words are incredibly common.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127068

File: 0e836b08a87896e⋯.png (643.14 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760042 (190001ZOCT23) Notable: Final Parliament honours nazi Bun / Russia could seek extradition of Canadian Parliament Nazi SS veteran

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Russia could seek extradition of Canadian Parliament Nazi SS veteran


Moscow and Minsk should put Yaroslav Hunka on trial in public, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has said

Russia and Belarus should join forces to pursue the extradition of Yaroslav Hunka, the Canadian-Ukrainian veteran of the Second World War Waffen SS, whose lionization in Canada’s parliament last month triggered a political scandal, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu believes.

During a meeting with his Belarusian counterparts on Wednesday, the minister said Hunka, who is now 98 years old, should stand trial in public.

As he made his case for extradition, Shoigu cited a statement from the ministry reporting as fact “the direct involvement of the Nazi Hunka in brutalities targeting a peaceful Soviet population in the Lvov Region, which was then part of the USSR, including in the genocide of Poles and Jews.”

The ministry’s statement didn’t explain which specific crimes Hunka is suspected of. According to Shoigu, they had no statute of limitation and there can be no justification for shielding Hunka from justice. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127069

File: 9e162677e7dbdeb⋯.png (226.1 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760327 (190050ZOCT23) Notable: CAF aircraft intercepted in “aggressive manner” by Chinese military jet

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China slams Canada for ‘illegal intrusion’


Ottawa sent a patrol plane to “stir up trouble” over the East China Sea, Beijing claims

China has accused Canada of breaching its airspace following a close encounter between a Canadian surveillance craft and People’s Liberation Army fighter jets earlier this week. Beijing called the incident an “illegal intrusion.”

Asked about the episode during a Tuesday press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said a Canadian CP-140 Aurora spy plane had flown into Chinese airspace over the island of Chiwei Yu one day prior, slamming the move as a “provocative act.”

“What happened was that the Canadian side has sent warplanes halfway around the world to stir up trouble and make provocations at China’s doorsteps,” she said. “The Chinese side responded to the situation in accordance with laws and regulations. The Canadian side should respect the facts and stop spreading disinformation.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127070

File: e975898d5565905⋯.png (304.2 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19760795 (190144ZOCT23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Canadian Freedom Convoy leaves court in tears after contradicting previous testimony

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Canadian Freedom Convoy leaves court in tears after contradicting previous testimony


She caught flack for repeatedly calling the Freedom Convoy protest an “occupation.”

Zexi Li contradicted previous testimony on several occasions Monday as she became the latest Ottawa resident witness for the prosecution to appear at the trial of Freedom Convoy organizers Tamara Lich and Chris Barber.

She arrived at the Ottawa courthouse on Elgin St. with police protection.

Lich and Barber are charged with mischief, counseling others to commit mischief, intimidation, and obstructing police as leaders of the Freedom Convoy that polarized residents of Ottawa in 2022 and arguably began to roll back Covid mandates.

“There were quite a number of areas where she has been saying things all along and has never really been challenged,” Greenspon told reporters outside the Ottawa courthouse.

“I think we can all look at the kind of cross-examination that took place in front of the Public Order Emergency Commission (POEC), and it paled in comparison with what she was confronted with today.”

The POEC was the official name for the Emergencies Act Inquiry that assessed whether Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was justified in invoking martial law to quell the Freedom Convoy protests.

At the POEC, Li said she remembered police arriving at her apartment building to investigate whether residents were throwing eggs at protesters. But at the trial, Li maintained she had only read about the police visit on a Facebook page for her residence.

Greenspon challenged Li about whether she remembered cursing at protesters when she claimed she was targeted by a truck carrying jerry cans full of fuel for the truckers.

Li said she had cursed but Greenspon reminded her with a transcript from the POEC that she had only allowed, “I may have said that.”

Greenspon asked why she had been talking to her lawyer, Emilie Taman, over the lunch break.

Li testified that she was only discussing lunch plans and had only talked to Taman for "not more than five to 10 minutes.” Greenspon asked whether she had discussed her testimony with Taman – which would have been a violation of court orders.

Shortly thereafter, Li left the courtroom in tears. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127071

File: 07dc556cb4acd59⋯.png (81.45 KB,785x502,785:502,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762735 (191356ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part Two / US Vetoes UN Resolution For Gaza Ceasefire As Biden Visit Fails To Calm Fears Of Wider War

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US Vetoes UN Resolution For Gaza Ceasefire As Biden Visit Fails To Calm Fears Of Wider War


The big controversy out of the UN Security Council on Wednesday is that the US vetoed a draft resolution calling for a humanitarian pause in Gaza, as Israeli airstrikes continue and ground forces are reportedly still staging for an invasion.

The draft resolution was proposed by Brazil and condemned "the terrorist attacks by Hamas," urged the release of hostages, while calling for a "humanitarian pause" or ceasefire. 12 members approved the draft Wednesday, the UK and Russia abstained, but the United States shot it down.

US ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said she wanted US diplomacy to "play out" first, but also criticized the resolution text for not expressly upholding Israel's right to self defense. Thomas-Greenfield slammed this aspect, saying in her explanation before the council: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127072

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19762936 (191441ZOCT23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Russia's Questions on US Military Biological Program in Ukraine Remain Unanswered

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Russia's Questions on US Military Biological Program in Ukraine Remain Unanswered


UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - The questions posed by Russia to the United States and Ukraine about their military biological program remain unanswered and need to be addressed, Russian Foreign Ministry Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Department Deputy Director Kosntantin Vorontsov stated on Wednesday.

"Our well-founded questions to the US and Ukraine have yet to receive a proper response. They remain open and need to be addressed," Vorontsov stressed during a meeting of the UN General Assembly First Committee.

Vorontsov pointed out that Russia has provided a "mass of evidence" regarding the US military biological program and emphasized that the facts regarding its implementation in Ukraine with the support of the Defense Department and affiliated entities requires close attention.

"The projects carried out in Ukrainian laboratories lead to the conclusion that biological weapons components were being developed in close proximity to Russian territory," Vorontsov emphasized.

Since March 2022, Russia has repeatedly accused the United States of conducting in Ukraine biological research for military purposes. Russia has pointed out that up to 30 biological laboratories in Ukraine were likely involved in biological weapons production. The United States has denied the allegation.

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a90dd8 No.127073

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763260 (191535ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Trudeau pledges nearly $90 million to fight climate change, vaccine equity in Caribbean

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Trudeau pledges nearly $90 million to fight climate change, vaccine equity in Caribbean


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced nearly $90 million in foreign aid at the Canada-Caribbean Community Summit on Wednesday, pledging to fight climate change, crime and vaccine equity in the Americas.

Climate change was a central focus at the “Strategic Partners for a Resilient Future” summit in Ottawa which saw representatives from most of the nations and overseas territories which make up the region including Haiti and Jamaica.

Trudeau announced he would be sending $58.6 million in taxpayer funding to the Caribbean Development Bank to be put towards renewable energy projects.

Additionally, another $6 million was pledged for the Caribbean Climate Smart Fund.

“Canada has been proud of its strong development cooperation in the Caribbean region which has been at its highest level in recent years but we know there’s much more work to be done,” said Trudeau.

On the health front, Trudeau also announced Canada would allocate $18.3 million from Canada’s Global Initiative for Vaccine Equity towards Haiti.

Other funding included $3.4 million for the Haitian National Police and $3.2 million for the Caribbean Firearms Road Map which includes humanitarian assistance from the Canadian Armed Forces.

When added, total new funding amounts to $89.5 million on behalf of Canada.

Trudeau has recently come under fire for underreporting the cost of an Easter vacation earlier this year to the Bahamas.

Disclosures show that the prime minister and his family billed taxpayers $215,398 for security and other services while in the Caribbean nation.

The final figure was a a whopping $127,187 more than originally disclosed to Parliament.

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a90dd8 No.127074

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763294 (191540ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / The COVID-19 boosters are a bust

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The COVID-19 boosters are a bust


The general public has hopped off of the booster bandwagon as globalists push for internationally agreed upon rules and dialects for the use of digital health certificates.

Last week, Pfizer announced it would be launching a $3.5 billion cost-cutting program amid declining COVID vaccine uptake and drops in revenue, wherein the company said full-year revenues for its various vaccines and Paxlovid was $9 billion lower than what was anticipated, as reported by Forbes.

“Paxlovid full-year revenue expectations were lowered by about $7 billion while vaccine revenue expectations were reduced by approximately $2 billion because of lower-than-expected vaccination rates,” the company said.

It shows that people are done being lab rats at the alters of pharmaceutical oligarchs, which is why Pfizer has attempted to save face by hiring NFL star Travis Kelce in their latest, non-evidence-based endorsement of receiving a novel COVID booster with a flu shot.

“Two things at once,” Kelce proclaims repeatedly, as a voice urges the viewer to ask about receiving “this season’s” COVID-19 shot when getting a flu shot.

While Pfizer tries to hype up its dwindling products, Kelce’s girlfriend Taylor Swift is single-handedly saving economies.

In the meantime, the proof is in the pudding that the novel interventions, manufactured “at the speed of science” in 2020 and onwards, are being rejected by the vast majority of the population.

The data from Public Health Ontario confirm that COVID-19 vaccine uptake has been dwindling for some time. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127075

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763377 (191552ZOCT23) Notable: Trudeau Liberals continue to target natural health products with Bill C-47

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Trudeau Liberals continue to target natural health products with Bill C-47


Increased costs, reduction of choice, and potential supply issues all seem to be likely consequences of Bill C-47.

Many Canadians have shared concerns about Liberal Bill C-47, namely that it will adversely impact the access to and affordability of natural health products. 70% of Canadians use safe and effective natural health products to support healthy lifestyles, maintain strong immune systems, manage pain, reduce stress… the list goes on. Natural health products often serve as a reliable and affordable alternative to big pharma solutions for people in Canada.

Trudeau’s Liberal government wants to bog down our nation’s natural health product industry — which already has some of the strictest quality assurance mechanisms in the world — with red tape measures that would reduce availability and selection while driving up costs of health products (even more than they already have with inflation) that have been safely used in Canada for decades.

NDP and Liberal supporters, once strong advocates for healthy holistic alternatives to big pharma, now seem indifferent to the federal Liberal-NDP coalition now targeting these industries. Dr. Stephen Ellis, Conservative Shadow Minister for Health, and Calgary MP Tom Kmiec, however, do not share the apathy of the coalition, and they recently issued a letter to Liberal Health Minister Mark Holland calling for these newly passed regulations to be postponed indefinitely. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127076

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763534 (191622ZOCT23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Tamara Lich Trial: Ottawa cop says she was 'denied' permission to negotiate with Freedom Convoy to reduce protest 'footprint' (video)

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Tamara Lich Trial: Ottawa cop says she was 'denied' permission to negotiate with Freedom Convoy to reduce protest 'footprint'


Officer testifies that her attempts to communicate with the Freedom Convoy were obstructed by superiors, as the trial of Tamara Lich and co-defendant Chris Barber marks its 19th day in court.

Ottawa Police officer Isabelle Cyr, testified on Wednesday – the nineteenth day of the Tamara Lich and Chris Barber trial – that some of her attempts to reduce the "footprint" of the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa were "denied" by her superiors.

Both Barber and Lich are being charged with mischief, intimidation, obstruction of police and counselling others to commit mischief, intimidation, and obstruction of police in association with their roles as Freedom Convoy organizers.

Cyr, an Ottawa Police Service (OPS) officer, was invited to testify as a witness for the Crown. She worked with a Police Liaison Team (PLT) that she said had "daily" communication with Freedom Convoy organizers.

"I was denied," Cyr stated, by Inspector Russell Lucas, OPS's incident commander who oversaw local law enforcement's dealing with the Freedom Convoy, when she sought permission to arrange a lessening of the demonstration's "footprint" in Ottawa.

Lucas also testified as a Crown witness earlier in the trial. He stated that his discretion to negotiate with the Freedom Convoy's organizer was essentially removed when he received a directive that "not one inch" should be conceded to the demonstrators.

Lucas specifically said that his ability to reduce the Freedom Convoy's "footprint" in Ottawa, and therefore lessen the negative impacts of the protest on Ottawa residents, was suffocated by his superiors. When asked where the "not one inch" directive originated or who initially issued it, Lucas noted that he did not know from how high up the chain of command the order was issued. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127077

File: 9e0aaee98ce99f2⋯.png (387.71 KB,1052x592,263:148,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763606 (191635ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / 136 Journalists, Scientists, Intellectuals and Others Sign “Westminster Declaration” for Free Speech

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136 Journalists, Scientists, Intellectuals and Others Sign “Westminster Declaration” for Free Speech


The ability to express ideas openly has been a staple in democracies for centuries. Free Speech is, of course, a First Amendment Right in our own Constitutional Republic. However, over the last several years, that right has been quickly eroded as social media and other Big Tech firms have obfuscated people from this right.

The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft is one of the plaintiffs in Missouri v Biden, a case currently Supreme Court-bound making that argument. In that case, a shocking discovery was made that the government deems your thoughts “cognitive infrastructure” and suggests their right to control it. Since the censorship machine has been spun up, The Gateway Pundit has suffered losses resulting from bans and censorship on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. We are still banned from the former.

As discovered in the #TwitterFiles, governments, including our very own, have found a way to subvert that right. By opening up backdoor channels and comms with social media conglomerates and non-profits, they censor Americans for what they deem to be “mis- or disinformation” regarding elections, COVID-19 and the ensuing vaccines, and other contentious topics.

Whether it be the relationship between the Department of Homeland Security and a non-profit known as the Center for Internet Security to both shore up security for elections and flag posts for censorship in the lead up to and aftermath of the election, or removing people for being skeptical about a vaccine utilizing new technology with no long-term testing conducted, censorship has been a hotly contested topic since the 2020 lockdowns.

Now, a group of 136 of journalists, intellectuals, scientists, and others have signed The Westminster Declaration which calls on government to uphold the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and to refrain from censoring politically motivated speech, dissenting voices, and political opinion.

Signers include journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger, Wikileak’s Julian Assange, actor Tim Robbins, whistleblower Edward Snowden, Jordan Peterson, and professor Jay Bhattacharya.

The Westminster Declaration, in part, reads: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127078

File: 6969cc1604f3b6c⋯.png (712.16 KB,810x472,405:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763870 (191734ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Justice Minister Arif Virani justified the concept of the yet to be introduced law by saying that Canada needs 'a safe and secure digital environment as much as we need safe streets in our communities.'

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Justice Minister Arif Virani justified the concept of the yet to be introduced law by saying that Canada needs 'a safe and secure digital environment as much as we need safe streets in our communities.'


Canada’s Justice Minister Arif Virani has promised to introduce so-called “online harms” legislation “as soon as possible,” spurring fears that this may mean the revival of a lapsed bill from 2021 which looked to target free speech by banning certain legal internet content.

On Monday at a press conference dealing with antisemitism in light of the Israel-Hamas war, Virani, who was recently appointed to his position by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, claimed that Canada needs “a safe and secure digital environment as much as we need safe streets in our communities.”

Virani made no promise as to when this new legislation would come, but did say, “I’m trying to make sure we see it as soon as possible.”

He asserted that while Canada has “freedom of expression on one hand, which creates a vibrant democracy and allows us to differentiate ourselves from other parts of the world,” on the other hand, the government has gotten “pressure to ensure that when people are communicating online, they’re not actually targeting groups, they’re not promoting or vilifying groups, promoting hatred or violence against them.”

This is not the first time the Liberals have hinted at their intention to revive the lapsed 2021 bill, a bill which drew heavy criticism from conservatives. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127079

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19763895 (191738ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Canadian appeals court hears COVID travel mandate case filed by Maxime Bernier, Brian Peckford

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Canadian appeals court hears COVID travel mandate case filed by Maxime Bernier, Brian Peckford


'There has never been a more egregious infringement of Canadians’ mobility rights than what occurred due to the unconstitutional and unlawful travel vaccine mandates,' said John Carpay, president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms supports former Newfoundland Premier, the Honourable Brian Peckford, People’s Party leader, the Honourable Maxime Bernier, and others in their appeal of the decision that their challenge to the federal government’s travel vaccine mandate was not worth hearing because the mandate was lifted. The case went before the Federal Court of Appeal in Ottawa last week.

The travel vaccine mandate was brought into force in November 2021. The mandate prevented 5.2 million Canadians who chose not to be vaccinated for Covid-19 from traveling by air. Affidavits filed in the case attest that, in a country as large as Canada, prohibitions on domestic and international air travel can have significant negative impacts on Canadians. The basis for the challenge is the right to mobility guaranteed in The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The case was filed in February 2022, and a hearing was scheduled for later that year in October 2022. In preparation for that hearing, the parties filed over 14,000 pages of evidence. The legal challenge had attracted media attention because former Premier Peckford is the last living signatory to The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which came into force in 1982 as part of the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution. Adding interest, Maxime Bernier is the leader of the federal People’s Party of Canada.

Between the filing of the case in February 2022 and the hearing set for October 2022, the mandate was lifted. In June 2022, the then-Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra suspended the mandate, and threatened to bring it back if public health officials believed the circumstances warranted it.

Eleven days before the scheduled October hearing, the Federal Court dismissed the case, declaring it “moot,” or irrelevant, because the mandates were no longer in force. A declaration of “mootness” means that the court believes that continuing with the hearing would not be a good use of the justice system’s resources.

However, the appellants believe that the public interest in the case far outweighs the concern and need for judicial economy. In November 2022, they filed their Notice of Appeal, and their written arguments were filed in April 2023.

John Carpay, President of the Justice Centre, emphasizing the importance and uniqueness of the issue, stated, “There has never been a more egregious infringement of Canadians’ mobility rights than what occurred due to the unconstitutional and unlawful travel vaccine mandates. For the Federal Court to find that it is not in the public interest to determine whether the Federal Government acted lawfully in prohibiting 5 million Canadians from flying across the country and internationally to see family members is a grave injustice that the Federal Court of Appeal ought to remedy.”

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a90dd8 No.127080

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19764883 (192027ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Supreme Court smacks down Trudeau's 'No More Pipelines' law

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Trudeau gov’t vows to ‘collaborate’ with provinces after Supreme Court limits anti-pipeline law


Last Friday, the Supreme Court found Trudeau's 'no-more pipelines' bill largely unconstitutional, returning much of the power over natural resources to the provinces.

After the Supreme Court of Canada declared the federal government’s “no-more pipelines” law largely unconstitutional, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault now says Ottawa will “collaborate” with the provinces.

On October 13, Liberal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault responded to the Supreme Court’s decision finding the Trudeau government’s 2019 Impact Assessment Act (IAA), dubbed the “no-more pipelines” bill by critics, largely unconstitutional, by saying that the federal government is willing to “collaborate” with the provinces.

“We accept the court’s opinion,” he said during a virtual media meeting last Friday. “It provides new guidance on the Impact Assessment Act, while explicitly affirming the right of the government of Canada to put in place impact assessment legislation and collaborate with provinces on environmental protection.”

The Supreme Court declared that most of the IAA was unconstitutional with the exception of Sections 81 to 91, which refer to projects under federal authority on federal lands, or outside Canada. Therefore, those projects would fall under federal jurisdiction and are not unconstitutional for the federal government to regulate.   

However, the Court’s ruling did restore provincial autonomy over projects that don’t fall under federal jurisdiction, determining that the Trudeau government’s requirement that all provincial natural resource projects conform to the Liberals’ social and “climate change” policies is unconstitutional.

“We developed the Impact Assessment Act to create a better set of rules that respect the environment, Indigenous rights and ensure projects get assessed in a timely way,” Guilbeault added. “We remain committed to these principles.”

“We will now take this back and work quickly to improve the legislation through Parliament,” Guilbeault announced.

“Can you clarify what sort of timeline you might have?” asked a reporter.

“I can’t really answer that question right now,” replied the minister.

The Court’s decision was viewed favorably by Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, but Guilbeault’s comments following the ruling were not. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127081

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765121 (192102ZOCT23) Notable: Final Canada vs India Bun / ‘No reason to dispute’ Canada’s allegations against India - Australia’s intel chief

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‘No reason to dispute’ Canada’s allegations against India – Australia’s intel chief


Canberra is part of the ‘Five Eyes’ group whose shared intelligence was used to form the accusations that New Delhi has denied

The head of Australia’s national intelligence agency has said that the Canadian government’s claims of possessing evidence of India’s involvement in the killing of a Sikh separatist leader near Vancouver this past June are credible – even without Ottawa providing any evidence to back up its accusations, which are denied by New Delhi.

The director of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), Mike Burgess, told ABC News that he had “no reason to dispute what the Canadian government has said in this matter.”

“There’s no doubt any allegation of any country being accused of carrying out an execution of a citizen in that country, it’s a serious allegation, and something that we don’t do and something that nations should not do,” he said.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claimed while speaking in parliament in September that his government had “credible intelligence” linking the death of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, an outspoken leader advocating for the creation of a separate Sikh homeland to be carved out of India, to “agents of the Indian government.” Nijjar was designated as a terrorist by India, which had offered a reward for information leading to his arrest.

While New Delhi has dismissed the allegations as “absurd,” Trudeau’s statements sparked a diplomatic crisis between the two countries, with senior diplomats expelled and India having stopped issuing visas to Canadians.

Burgess was speaking on the sidelines of a meeting of the Five Eyes intelligence grouping, which comprises the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Trudeau made his allegation against India based on intelligence shared by Canada’s partners in the Five Eyes, public broadcaster Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) reported in September, adding that the Canadian government had amassed “both human and signals intelligence which includes communications involving Indian officials themselves, including Indian diplomats present in Canada.” The New York Times has reported that US agencies provided their Canadian counterparts with certain context that helped the latter draw their conclusion of Indian involvement.

US Ambassador to Canada David Cohen said it was the “shared intelligence among Five Eye partners” that prompted Trudeau to go public with his allegations.

Ottawa, however, hasn't shared any evidence supporting its claims, despite New Delhi repeatedly asking it to do so and stating that it would be willing to look into the matter. “We are willing to look at any specific information that is provided to us, but so far we have received no specific information from Canada,” India’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson said days after the allegations were made.

According to an ABC report, Burgess was briefed on the matter before last month’s G20 summit in New Delhi, where Trudeau first raised his concerns with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Upon being asked whether a similar incident could happen in Australia, which is home to nearly 210,000 Sikhs, Burgess said, “I can assure you that when we find governments interfering in our country, or planning to interfere in our country, we will deal with them effectively.”

In June, tensions flared in Australia among the Sikh and Hindu communities over an unofficial referendum designed to build political support for an independent Sikh state in India, to be named Khalistan. Although there can be “communal violence” or “spontaneous violence” in a country, Burgess said, that is not the same as a nation-state seeking to “interfere and covertly or deceptively harm and intimidate people.”

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a90dd8 No.127082

File: 530162b3c121796⋯.png (840.9 KB,1100x615,220:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19765281 (192127ZOCT23) Notable: Final Canada vs India Bun / Most Canadian diplomats leave India before being stripped of diplomatic immunity

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Most Canadian diplomats leave India before being stripped of diplomatic immunity


Canada is reducing the number of its diplomats in India because it threatened to take away diplomatic immunity from many Canadian officials.

Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly shared this news.

Joly said Canada would not respond by asking India to reduce their diplomats in Canada.

Joly told reporters on Wednesday, 41 Canadian diplomats, which is most of the mission from Ottawa in India, have left. Along with them, 42 family members also left.

Now, only 21 Canadian diplomats are left working in India.

There's diplomatic tension between India and Canada. It started when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claimed India was involved in the killing of a Canadian citizen. Because of this accusation, the Indian government told Canada to reduce its diplomats in India.

India gave Canada a choice to either send back 41 diplomats or India would take away their diplomatic immunity.

Joly said on Thursday to the reporters Canada had to follow India's decision. The last date for Canada to do this was October 20.

“The safety of Canadians, of our diplomats, is always my top concern,” said Joly.

“Given the implications of India’s actions on the safety of our diplomats, we have facilitated their safe departure from India. This means that our diplomats and their families have now left and are on their way home.”

“Immunities allow diplomats to do their work without fear of reprisal or arrest from the country they are in,” said Joly.

“A unilateral revocation of diplomatic privileges and immunities is contrary to international law. It is a clear violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. And threatening to do so is unreasonable and escalatory.”

Joly stated this decision has consequences. Because of it, services in three consulates will be downgraded.

“Unfortunately, we have had to pause all in-person services at our consulates in Chandigarh, Mumbai and Bangalore,” said Joly.

Canada “will continue to engage with India,” she added.

“Now more than ever, we need to have diplomats on the ground and we need to talk to one another.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127083

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766794 (200106ZOCT23) Notable: Final Canada vs India Bun

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Final Canada vs India Bun

>>126775 The Times of India: Justin Trudeau, Like Father, Like Son

>>126778 Indian politician tells Trudeau to carve out Khalistan within Canada

>>126790 Trudeau’s plane may have been ‘full of cocaine’ during G20 summit: former Indian diplomat

>>126806 Canadian Armed Forces website targeted by pro-India hackers

>>126811 ‘Delay in loan sanctions…’: Indian banks go wary of student loans for Canada

>>126854 Why Trudeau values his extremist allies over India’s goodwill

>>126875 Indian Foreign Minister Accuses Canada of Fostering ‘Climate of Violence’ Against Indians

>>126876 India tells Canada to withdraw dozens of diplomats

>>127062 India fallout a “big deal” for Canadian farmers, warns crops economist

>>127081 ‘No reason to dispute’ Canada’s allegations against India - Australia’s intel chief

>>127082 Most Canadian diplomats leave India before being stripped of diplomatic immunity

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a90dd8 No.127084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766799 (200107ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun

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Final Climate Change Bun

>>126786 World Economic Forum with John Kerry’s Daughter Vanessa Suggests Using “Emotion” from Pandemic and “Storytelling” To Advance Climate Crisis Narrative

>>126800 Canada unveils 'carbon management strategy' to achieve cap on oil and gas production

>>126817 Joe Biden’s Words Come Back to Haunt Him as Wyoming Town’s Entire Electric Bus Fleet Breaks Down

>>126832 Radical environmentalists hold 'anti-car culture' rally in Montreal

>>126838, >>126872 WEF Pushes Criminalizing “climate inaction”

>>126846 Liberal MP sponsors petition to treat oil companies and car manufacturers like big tobacco

>>126847 Over half of Canadians don't want to pay a carbon tax: poll

>>126858 Greenpeace Canada Co-Founder Admits "We Are Not In A Climate Crisis" (video)

>>126866 Press for Truth: Altering DNA To Fight Climate Change With “Precision Microbiome Editing”…What Could Go Wrong? (video)

>>126888 Canadian gov’t paid nearly $500K for a report to support imposing carbon tax on citizens, records show

>>126893 Over $350 per tonne carbon tax needed to reach federal net-zero goals: report

>>126923 Oil production to reach record high in two years, upon completion of Trans Mountain pipeline

>>126924 Liberal MP breaks ranks with party by voting to repeal carbon tax

>>126953 Former climate alarmist Judith Curry debunks the global warming ‘crisis’ narrative

>>126971 Slaynews: UN Calls for Public to Live in Mud Huts to Meet ‘Net Zero’ Goals

>>126988 Calgary Liberal MP calls for halt to Alberta ads against federal net-zero regs

>>127012, >>127080 Supreme Court smacks down Trudeau's 'No More Pipelines' law

>>127016 Bill Gates’ New Plan: Cut Down 70 Million Acres of Trees to “Combat Global Warming”

>>127019 Uber reviews legal options to fight Toronto’s motion to cap rideshare drivers

>>127031 Era Of ‘Unquestioned And Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over

>>127059 Liberals barrelling ahead with net zero plans despite Supreme Court ruling

>>127073 Trudeau pledges nearly $90 million to fight climate change, vaccine equity in Caribbean

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a90dd8 No.127085

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766805 (200107ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun

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Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun

>>126761 National Citizen's Inquiry spotlights Health Canada’s lack of regulatory safeguards (video)

>>126765 Popular COVID Drug Manufactured by Merck is Causing “Unintended” Virus Mutations, Potentially Fueling COVID’s Spread

>>126785 Science: ‘Long COVID’ Risks Exaggerated by Absence of Control Groups Causing ‘Distortion of Risk’

>>126787 Fauci Was 'Smuggled' Into CIA Headquarters To "Influence" Covid-19 Origins Investigation: Select Subcommittee

>>126793 Ironwillreport: N.S. Data Proves No Pandemic: Shelly Hipson (video)

>>126803 B.C. health authorities to revive 'mask mandate' for health-care workers: memo

>>126856 Quebec man receives $6250 ticket 16 months after breaking quarantine rules

>>126864 11,000 Ontario patients died on surgical waiting lists last year

>>126891 Ex-RCMP intelligence director allegedly sold ‘secret police information’ to man under criminal investigation

>>126913 World Health Organization's global health agenda faces backlash from concerned citizens (video)

>>126920 Dr Byram Bridle Justifiably Angry (video)

>>126913 World Health Organization's global health agenda faces backlash from concerned citizens

>>126918, >>126919 Five Times August releases new single 'Ain’t No Rock and Roll' slamming corporate rock stars over Covid cowardice

>>126934 The Public Health Agency of Canada refuses to disclose how it spied on Canadians during the pandemic

>>126946 LAWTON: Has ‘death care’ replaced health care? (video)

>>126964 COVID Reinfections Clear Faster, Including In Unvaccinated People: Study

>>126990 "Being A Doctor And Courageous Runs In My Family": French Scientist Behind Hydroxychloroquine Treatment For COVID-19

>>126997 Auditor General ‘Disappointed’ to Learn About RCMP ArriveCan Investigation From Media

>>127029 For the keks: Nili Kaplan-Myrth Contracts Covid For The Second Time In A Month - Blames Unvaccinated

>>127033 How Covid theatre destroyed public trust in science (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766831 (200110ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One

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Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part One

>>126943 Senior Liberal staffer shares post defending Palestinian “revolutionary violence”

>>126948 Hamas supporters outside Toronto cheer in support of terror attacks in Israel

>>126949 Canadian citizen among Israelis kidnapped to Gaza by Hamas terrorists

>>126950 Al-Quds Brigades Claims Responsibility for Infiltration Operation on Lebanese-Israeli Border

>>126954 Canadian public employees' union celebrates Hamas terrorist attack in Israel

>>126958 Press for Truth: They KNEW The Attack Was Coming And They KNEW They Would Retaliate (video)

>>126959 CBC doubles down on not referring to Hamas as terrorists

>>126960 Hundreds gather in Toronto for celebration of Hamas terror attacks against Israel

>>126966 At least 1 Canadian killed, 2 missing in Israel amid Hamas terrorist attacks

>>126967 Thousands gather for pro-Israel demonstration in Toronto as Trudeau, Poilievre condemn Hamas terrorists

>>126968 Hundreds gather in Edmonton to celebrate Hamas terrorism

>>126969 Canadian charity calls Israel ‘sadistic’ after Hamas killed over a thousand non-combatants, foreign nationals

>>126972 Online misinformation is rampant following the escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas

>>126973 “It was a pogrom”: Canadians in Israel shocked and grieving after Hamas attacks

>>126975 Ratio’d: Multiculturalism has FAILED in Canada (video)

>>126976 Air Canada takes pilot “out of service” for anti-Israel posts following Hamas attack

>>126977 Hamas Leader and Founding Member Khaled Mashal Calls for Global Muslim Uprising, Asking for Muslim’s Blood and Souls to be Sacrificed for Palestine (video)

>>126978 Elon Musk Makes Bold Statement About Hamas on X

>>126983 Netanyahu Vows "Every Hamas Operative Will Die" As Israeli Citizenry Mobilizes For War

>>126984 Israel Ambassador Claims Hamas Attack ’10 Times Bigger Than 9/11’ (video)

>>126987 CAMPUS WATCH: Profs voice support for “anticolonial resistance” amid Hamas attacks

>>126989 Israel must “take back control of Gaza,” Israeli MP tells Toronto audience

>>126994 CBC slammed for saying Canadian murdered by Hamas died 'as a result of the conflict'

>>127000 Florida Sen. Marco Rubio appears to call for OPEN GENOCIDE against all Palestinian women, men and children - “they have to be eradicated”

>>127002 Canadian embassy in Israel closed during attacks, despite claims it was “operational”

>>127006 CAMPUS WATCH: McGill campus club denounced for celebrating “heroic” Hamas terrorism

>>127007 Global Day of Jihad: Man Shouts “Allahu Akbar” Before Killing Teacher and Injuring Others in a Knife Attack in France (video)

>>127010 Map Explainer: The Gaza Strip

>>127017 Defence Stocks Soar as Israel-Hamas War Escalates: Vantage with Palki Sharma (video)

>>127020 Jewish groups call for an end to Palestinian aid from Ottawa

>>>/qresearch/19375338 LAWTON: CBC deliberately whitewashes Hamas terrorism (video)

>>127022 Two Toronto cops under investigation for hateful pro-Hamas posts

>>127023 CBC Kids follows company policy in calling actual terrorists 'militants' (video)

>>127024 Israeli President Isaac Herzog Controversially Asserts That No One in the Gaza Strip, Including Civilians, is Innocent

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127087

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766837 (200110ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part Two

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Hamas Terror Attack Bun Part Two

>>127036 Israeli Troops Amass At Border As Iran Warns It Will Intervene If Ground Offensive Launched

>>127041 Omar Alghabra refuses to condemn Hamas terror attack

>>127043 Trudeau’s ‘inclusion’ advisor silent on Hamas terrorist attacks

>>127045 Watchdog Group: Soros’ Foundation Funds Pro-Hamas Orgs

>>127046 Vantage with Palki Sharma: Hypocrisy of Hamas: "Gazans Can't Leave" But Leaders are Abroad (video)

>>127049 Five Canadians killed in Israel-Hamas war, three more are missing

>>127050 Anti-hate advocates mum on anti-Israel protests raging across Canada

>>127054 CRA alleges Muslim Association of Canada aided Hamas financier: report

>>127067 Why we must reject the use of Marxist language in response to the Israel-Hamas conflict

>>127071 US Vetoes UN Resolution For Gaza Ceasefire As Biden Visit Fails To Calm Fears Of Wider War

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127088

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766841 (200110ZOCT23) Notable: Law and Disorder Bun

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Law and Disorder Bun

>>126760 Trudeau Foundation to receive audit into purchase of Chinese stocks using taxpayer funds

>>126780 RCMP says Mexican cartels are smuggling illegal immigrants into Canada — despite Roxham Road closure

>>126807 Peter Nygard Trial: Prosecution Alleges Disgraced Fashion Mogul Lured Young Women and Girls to His Suite in the Company HQ - Where He Raped Them

>>126890 Ex-RCMP intelligence director allegedly sold ‘secret police information’ to man under criminal investigation

>>126916 Migrant Apprehensions in One Canadian Border Sector Surpass Prior 11 Years

>>126930 ISIS supporter charged with terrorism offence

>>126933 Trudeau's bureaucratic office seeking research into ethics

>>126999 The Corruption of Our Courts: Leighton Grey (video)

>>127003 Ratio’d: The truth about Indigenous female murders in Canada (video)

>>127005 Fatal bear attack spurs conversation on guns for self-defence in national parks

>>127032 Vast majority of Canadians worried about growing auto thefts, survey finds

>>127038 Dozens More Victims Join Class Action Lawsuit against Apple AirTags, “one of the most dangerous and frightening technologies employed by stalkers”

>>127039 Saskatchewan’s drug and human trafficking enforcement teams are delivering

>>127040 Recovering addicts say ‘safer supply’ program ‘floods our streets’ with drugs

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127089

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766843 (200111ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun

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Final Media and Censorship Bun

>>126735 Radical Leftist Group Takes Credit After Burger King, Asos, and HelloFresh Pull Ads from Rumble Over Russell Brand Videos

>>126743 27 world leaders have declared war against free speech (video)

>>126750 The Tyrannical Online Safety Bill

>>126758 Waterloo to vote on bylaw banning communication that makes people “feel harassed”

>>126762 Anon account holder 'Catturd' swatted after being doxxed by leftist outlets

>>126770 Technocracy: ‘Sustainable’ Is The New Code Word For Genocide

>>126794 Corbettreport: The Newspaper Revolution (video)

>>126799 Fact-checkers under fire: bias, cherry-picking and misleading conclusions exposed (video)

>>126809 Ontario Catholic school board passes rule allowing them to censor concerned parents (video)

>>126810 ABC News Reporter, Who ‘Debunked’ Pizzagate, Faces Life in Prison for Child Rape

>>126826 Waterloo adopts amended bylaw banning communications that make people “feel harassed”

>>126836 X Shreds Threads As Active Users Hit Record High; Legacy Media Fails To Kill 'Free Speech' Platform

>>126848 Facebook promised they would stop linking to Canadian news because of C-18, Liberals did it anyway

>>126849 Justin Trudeau Moves to Regulate Podcasts and to Analyze and Track Content and Subscribers

>>126851 Tony Blinken, Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau Fail in Attempts to Rewrite History

>>126860 Musk slams Trudeau’s ‘shameful’ censorship campaign: ‘Trying to crush free speech in Canada’

>>126869 CBC rewrites headline accusing NB premier of opposing LGBTQ rights

>>126873 Starlink Now Operational Across Entire US As Elon Musk Becomes 'Uncancellable'

>>126880 Dissenting views CRIMINALIZED in the U.K. under new Online Safety Act, which gets you ARRESTED if government doesn’t like what you say

>>126883 Pysops for better health, a World Health Organization initiative

>>126885 Lead Stories Publishes ANOTHER Fake “Fact Check” on Gateway Pundit’s Reporting - This Time on Mayo Clinic’s Position on Hydroxychloroquine Effectiveness in treating COVID

>>126886 Swiss Writer Sentenced To 60 Days In Jail For Calling Journalist A "Fat Lesbian"

>>126909 Massive turnout for Dr. James Lindsay event in Calgary sends cancel culture packing (video)

>>126910 B.C.'s Minister of Education struggles to defend 'sexually explicit' literature found in B.C.'s schools after a Conservative MLA reads excerpts in the legislature

>>126915 LGBT activists fail to cancel Saskatchewan events opposing gender mutilation of children

>>126926 LAWTON: Cancelled professor launches course on ‘woke left’ ideology

>>126941 CBC reportedly instructs journalists not to refer to perpetrators of deadly Israeli rampage as ‘terrorists’

>>126956 Redacted: Trudeau sinks to new LOW targeting journalists in Canada (video)

>>126962 Online Child Pornography Skyrockets

>>126970 Alberta county hires outside law firm to block Rebel News access filings (video)

>>126979 Some Call It Conspiracy Theory

>>126981 Ex-broadcasting chief warns Trudeau censorship law means ‘free and open internet’ is over

>>126992 Canadian broadcaster’s own watchdog warns network about its political fact-checking bias

>>127009 EU Threatens To Block X; Musk Demands Concrete Examples Of Alleged "Disinformation"

>>127077 136 Journalists, Scientists, Intellectuals and Others Sign “Westminster Declaration” for Free Speech

>>127078 Justice Minister Arif Virani justified the concept of the yet to be introduced law by saying that Canada needs 'a safe and secure digital environment as much as we need safe streets in our communities.'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127090

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766848 (200111ZOCT23) Notable: Final Parliament honours nazi Bun

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Final Parliament honours nazi Bun

>>126741 Jewish Group Slams Canadian Parliament for Honoring Nazi During Zelensky Visit

>>126742, >>126776 House of Commons speaker apologizes for honoring 98-year-old Ukrainian Nazi, resigns

>>126744 Trudeau Faces Hard Pushback After Honoring SS Fighter on Parliament - Mistake by Globalist Poster Boy Exposes Ukrainian Nazism to the World – PM Deflects the Blame, Points to Speaker of the House

>>126745 What Is Wrong With Canada?

>>126746 Canada's House Speaker Apologizes For Honoring Actual Nazi; Still Radio Silence From ADL

>>126751 Russia Will Ask Canada to Explain Decision to Honor Nazi Veteran

>>126752 Ambassador of Poland to Canada on Praising of Waffen SS Soldier: Never Whitewash Such Villains

>>126753 Canada saluting a Ukrainian Nazi was no coincidence

>>126755, >>126822 Rob Schneider cancels Canada trip after Trudeau, Parliament honour 'one of Adolf Hitler's Nazi SS soldiers'

>>126756 Trudeau warns of Russian disinformation and propaganda in response to getting busted for honoring Nazi in Parliament

>>126757 Ratio’d: Actual NAZI SOLDIER honoured in Canadian parliament (video)

>>126764 Canada’s Nazi Celebration Goes Viral (video)

>>126768 Leftists In Canadian Parliament Seek to Erase Embarrassing Nazi Incident From The Record

>>126772, >>126792 How Did Former Nazis End Up in Canada? (video)

>>126777, >>126791, >>126795 Freeland's family nazi history (video)

>>126784 Did Zelensky Scam Trudeau With An Elderly Nazi?

>>126796 University of Alberta to return $30,000 donation from Yaroslav Hunka’s family over Nazi ties

>>126798 Trudeau addresses media, won't take personal accountability for Nazi invite

>>126802 German MEP Christine Anderson fires back at Trudeau for cheering a Nazi in Parliament

>>126808 Redacted: Trudeau DISAPPEARS from Ottawa as Canadians call for his resignation (video)

>>126823 Canada must face up to Nazi legacy - minister

>>126837 Sputnikglobe: Ukrainian SS Vet on Run with Family After Canadian Parliament Scandal - Reports

>>126867 Opposition parties want investigation into parliamentary tribute given to Nazi SS officer

>>126889 New Canadian Nazi scandal forces Viceroy to apologize - media

>>126905 Canada mulls releasing names of Ukrainian Nazis

>>126908 When it comes to NaziGate, who knew what when? One writer makes a compelling case that MP Anthony Rota MUST’VE known about Yaroslav Hunka’s sordid history (video)

>>126917 Define ‘Nazi’: Western media muddies history to cover up Canada’s SS scandal

>>126993 Canada funds Ukrainians that celebrate Nazi collaborators - media

>>127068 Russia could seek extradition of Canadian Parliament Nazi SS veteran

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127091

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766874 (200114ZOCT23) Notable: Final Protests Bun

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Final Protests Bun

>>126759 40,000 Canadians support Saskatchewan's fight for parental rights (video)

>>126773 Toronto police drop charges against Josh Alexander’s brother who was bloodied by LGBT activist

>>126774 Toronto police close access to downtown core to stop rumored ‘Save the Children’ convoy protest (video)

>>126779 Muslim Association of Canada rebukes Trudeau over parents' rights

>>126804 Parents shut down school board meeting over '2SLGBTQIA+ Action Plan' motion passing without their input

>>126812, >>126813 Hundreds of anti-SOGI protestors disrupt Abbotsford school board meeting

>>126814 Ironwillreport: Million March 4 Children: Mahmoud Mourra (video)

>>126821 40 Days for Life fall campaign gets underway in a record 681 cities worldwide (video)

>>126840 Pastor Artur Pawlowski appeals convictions related to his sermon to protesting truckers in 2022

>>126857 Scott Moe ready to use notwithstanding clause to protect parents' rights in Saskatchewan (video)

>>126863 The Million March for Children was a huge success

>>126894 Trans rights protesters accept challenge to join gender ideology panel discussion (video)

>>126906 Trudeau backtracks on calling parental rights protesters hateful

>>126911 CBC president fails to substantiate claim that reporters received threats during Freedom Convoy (video)

>>126906 Trudeau backtracks on calling parental rights protesters hateful

>>126927 837 Canadians ‘de-banked’ since 2018, including hundreds of Freedom Convoy supporters

>>126932 Drag queen story time protest charges against Nathaniel Pawlowski dropped (video)

>>127004 Ottawa residents to testify in trial of Freedom Convoy organizers

>>127070 Canadian Freedom Convoy leaves court in tears after contradicting previous testimony

>>127076 Tamara Lich Trial: Ottawa cop says she was 'denied' permission to negotiate with Freedom Convoy to reduce protest 'footprint' (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127092

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766877 (200115ZOCT23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun

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Final Russia and Ukraine Bun

>>126733 Press for Truth: Volodymyr Zelenskyy Visits Canada And Asks Marina Abramovic To Be Ambassador For Ukraine (video)

>>126734 Russian Forces Have a New Radio Frequency to Inform Kiev’s Troops How to Surrender, 800 Troops Have Done So

>>126736 Poland's PM Warns Zelensky "Never Insult" Polish People Again

>>126738, >>126740 This week President Zelensky will be in the U.S. and Canada on an official visit

>>126739 Zelenskyy's address to Canadian Parliament (video)

>>126748 The Countries Pledging The Most Aid & Arms To Ukraine

>>126749 Escobar: A Snapshot Of Ukrainian Morale In The Battlefield

>>126766 Slovakia Goes to the Polls and May Distance Itself From Ukraine - Bratislava Has Banned Grain From Kiev

>>126767 Drone Footage Allegedly Shows 30th Mechanized Brigade in Ukraine Dropping Grenades on Surrendering Russian Soldier

>>126769 US Announces $2 Billion Loan For Poland To Spend On Military

>>126783 Russian Forces Destroy Depot With 3K Tons of Ammo in HUGE BLAST - And Two Ukrainian Mig-29 Fighters Destroyed in Attacks the MSM Don’t Want You to See

>>126788 NATO will cause a conflict worse than WWII - ex-Russian president

>>126834 Russian Mystery Plane That Landed In Pyongyang Making Washington Nervous

>>126842 Putin calls for global economic change

>>126850 Smer Party Wins Slovakian Elections - Russia-Friendly Robert Fico to Be Next PM – NATO Country Now Expected to Curtail Ukraine Assistance

>>126853 Russia's Military Budget Set To Rise By 70%

>>126859 The Mad Propaganda Push To Normalize War-Profiteering In Ukraine

>>126862 EU fails to unblock €5 billion aid to Ukraine

>>126871 Western Miscalculations in Ukraine: How ‘Hope’ Strategy Backfired and Awakened a ‘Sleeping Giant’ (video)

>>126884 Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán Calls Kiev’s Quick Ascension to the EU ‘Unrealistic’

>>126899 NATO Minister Suggests Ukrainian Lives Are "Cheap"

>>126900 "Never About NATO, Nothing To Do With NATO" (video)

>>126904 Canada allowing companies to bypass Russia sanctions - media

>>126921 Putin calls Liberal speaker an 'idiot' with 'no basic knowledge'

>>126935 Ukraine "Corrupt At All Levels" - Says Former EU Commission Chief Juncker

>>126936 EU Says It Can't Support Ukraine Without The United States

>>126985, >>127047 Zelensky Asks To Visit Israel In 'Solidarity' As Spotlight Shifts, told not to visit

>>127030 Ex-Zelensky aide calls for new government in Ukraine

>>127034 World Is Tired of Financing Ukraine, Alerts Finance Minister Marchenko - Kiev Will Need 42 Billion to Keep Budget Afloat Until 2024

>>127037 Jimmy Dore: Why Are U.S. Firms Buying Up All The Farmland In Ukraine? (video)

>>127042 Secret Soviet files reveal horror crimes of Ukrainian Nazi collaborators

>>127072 Russia's Questions on US Military Biological Program in Ukraine Remain Unanswered

>>109882 Russia-North Korea relations have reached ‘strategic level’ - Lavrov

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766882 (200115ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

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Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>126763 Embalmer Reveals INCREASE of “White, Fibrous” Clots Since 2021 (video)

>>126771 COVID Jabs Profoundly Destroy The Human Immune System, Turbo Cancer Is The Result

>>126805 Vial contaminants unearthed in mRNA vaccines igniting safety debate and deepening public concern (video)

>>126824 Drtrozzi.org: 1000 peer reviewed articles on “Vaccine” injuries

>>126827 Scientists find 'definite causal link' between COVID jabs and rise of all-cause mortality (video)

>>126829 Two Saskatchewan vaccine firings ruled improper

>>126835 COVID-19 Vaccine Found In The Hearts Of Dead People: Study

>>126852 Rep. Thomas Massie Exposes Taxpayer-Funded “Transgenic Edible Vaccines” Which Turns Edible Plants Like Lettuce and Spinach Into mRNA Vaccine Factories to Replace mRNA Shots

>>126861 Canadian military members undeterred after Crown attempts to dismiss lawsuit over COVID jab mandates

>>126865 Nobel prize awarded to scientists who contributed to mRNA COVID-19 vaccine research

>>126887 Ontario judge rules against dad who resisted COVID shots for his kids, allows mom to get them jabbed

>>126901 128 more Canadian military members sue Crown over COVID jab mandates

>>126898 Kenyan Girls’ High School Temporarily Shuts Down Due to Outbreak of Mysterious Illness Which Reportedly Paralyzes Legs of Over 90 Female Students

>>126901 128 more Canadian military members sue Crown over COVID jab mandates

>>126920 Dr. Byram Bridle Calls Out Physicians Who Destined Unvaxxed Woman to Death (video)

>>126928 CBC Panders to Pharma in Recent Child Booster Marketing Ploy (video)

>>126942 Slaynews: Heart Deaths Up 26% on Pre-Pandemic Levels, Official Data Shows

>>126955 Expert Panel Discusses DNA Contamination in Covid Shots (video)

>>126957 Goose and Maple: George Douklias

>>126965 Gates Foundation announces new funding for ‘low-cost’ mRNA vaccine in Africa

>>126991 Canadian nurse faces disciplinary hearing for speaking out against COVID jabs, mandates

>>127011 Former Canadian military officer describes ‘abuse of power’ behind mandatory COVID jabs

>>127014 Experts demand immediate halt to COVID-19 vaccine program

>>127053 Mixing COVID vaccines: safe bet or risky gamble? (video)

>>127056 Westernstandard: Ontario man files $35.6 million lawsuit against Pfizer over son’s vaccine death

>>127065 Canadian soldier dismissed for refusing COVID jab says vax status was made public without consent

>>127074 The COVID-19 boosters are a bust

>>127079 Canadian appeals court hears COVID travel mandate case filed by Maxime Bernier, Brian Peckford

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127094

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19766888 (200116ZOCT23) Notable: Final Woke Bun

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Final Woke Bun

>>126782 Does woke-ism threaten academic freedom? Fired Calgary university prof takes part in debate (video)

>>126797 BC teacher reprimanded for playing short film with sex, suicide scenes to Grade 2 and 3 class

>>126815 B.C. construction companies offered cash incentive for hiring non-white males

>>126816 CAMPUS WATCH: Humber DEI group seeks to help caucasian staff “unlearn” their “whiteness”

>>126828 Cobourg tax dollars funnelled to drag agency and virtue-signalling Pride paraphernalia (video)

>>126831 Female powerlifter faces suspension for calling 'male' athlete 'biological male' on TV and social media (video)

>>126833 James O’Keefe Reveals How One of the World’s Largest Investment Firms is Actively Discriminating Against White People

>>126839 Canadian military cadets allowing males to use female-only spaces

>>126855 LEVY: Waterloo school board director is an activist, not an educator

>>126877 Women's rights talk cancelled by British Columbia community centre for 'promoting discrimination, contempt, or hatred' against trans people

>>126892,>>126897 Press for Truth: “Choose Another Question” Proves Democracy Is A Sham (video)

>>126897 BC Premier dismisses parental rights concerns by slamming Conservative Party Leader John Rustad’s question about SOGI 1 2 3

>>126925 Western University forcing students, staff to complete “anti-racism” training

>>126929 Tory establishment 'divided' on gender ideology following convention: sources

>>126937 Jordan Peterson attributes Canada’s low birth rate to attack on the traditional family

>>126939 CAMPUS WATCH: Queen’s nature-based DEI project open to students who “identify as fat”

>>126945 Collective amnesia and Marxism’s infiltration of the West

>>126947 P.E.I. MLA removed from committees after questioning female paramedic strength

>>126980 NHL Ends Use of ‘Pride’ Tape on Equipment After Dumping Gay-Themed Warmup Jerseys

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127469

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769504 (201351ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / New Rocket Attacks In Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen Suggest Prospect For Regional Conflagration Growing

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New Rocket Attacks In Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen Suggest Prospect For Regional Conflagration Growing


Israeli media is reporting that the United States is currently in talks to establish 'safe zones' in Gaza after it was widely reported that the IDF has been given the green light by the Netanyahu government to go into the Gaza Strip. There are also emerging reports that an Orthodox Church in Gaza has suffered attack by an Israeli strike, via Times of Israel:

The Hamas-controlled interior ministry says several displaced people who had taken shelter at a church compound in the Gaza Strip have been killed and injured in an Israeli strike.

There was no immediate comment from the IDF, which tells AFP it is looking into the potential strike.

The strike left a “large number of martyrs and injured” at the compound of a Greek Orthodox church, the ministry says.

Witnesses tell AFP the strike appears to have been aimed at a target close to the place of worship where many Gaza residents have taken refuge.

Additionally, Russia has said it is moving more military assets to its bases in Syria:

Moody's has meanwhile said Israel is under review and could soon be downgraded:

The Moody’s international credit rating agency announces that it is reviewing Israel for a possible downgrade of its A1 credit rating.

Moody’s says the review has been “triggered by the unexpected and violent conflict between Israel and Hamas.”

It notes that while Israel has “proven resilient” in past conflicts, the current level of violence “raises the possibility of longer lasting and material credit impact.”

The Pentagon has confirmed that American troops suffered injuries during the last 24 hours of drone and rocket attacks against bases in Iraq and Syria: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127470

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769566 (201404ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Redacted: "OH SH*T! Pfizer is heading for bankruptcy?! (video)

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"OH SH*T! Pfizer is heading for bankruptcy?! | Redacted with Clayton Morris"


Pfizer says that it must conduct layoffs and budget cuts because profits are so low due to what CEO Albert Bourla calls "Covid fatigue." The CDC estimates that only 2% of Americans have received the most recent Covid booster shot.While $70 billion does not seem all that bad for a profit report, consider that Pfizer made over $100 billion last year from Covid products. Could this spell bankruptcy for Pfizer on the heals of recent revelations of accused wrongdoing?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127471

File: b93318008ae4a1f⋯.png (1.27 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769767 (201443ZOCT23) Notable: Senate starts hearings on guaranteed basic income

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Senate starts hearings on guaranteed basic income


Hearings have kicked off for a Senate bill that would set up a system for guaranteeing Canadians a minimum “livable” income.

The Senate’s finance committee started hearing testimony on Bill S-233 Tuesday.

The bill, which was introduced in the Senate and would still have to be adopted by the House of Commons if the Senate passes it, would set up a framework for the government to offer a “livable basic income…to ensure that individuals can lead a dignified and healthy life.”

One of the witnesses, University of British Columbia professor Jiaying Zhao, said a guaranteed basic income would be cheaper for Canadian taxpayers.

“Basic income actually reduces our taxpayers money. It’s cost effective. Overall, it’s less than what we currently spend on poverty,” she said.

Senators engaged in a spirited debate about the bill, which included questions about sustainably financing the scheme without jeopardizing other essential services. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127472

File: f603de41f95e1d9⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769801 (201451ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Ontario NDP abstains from motion to support Israel, condemn Hamas

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Ontario NDP abstains from motion to support Israel, condemn Hamas


The Ontario NDP abstained from a motion in the Ontario legislature Thursday expressing strong support for Israel and condemning Hamas. The motion was eventually passed with a 78-0 vote, with Liberals and the governing PCs voting unanimously in support.

The motion was introduced by PC House Leader Paul Calandra on Monday.

Provincial legislators, called MPPs in Ontario, debated the motion for several days, which came in response to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas in the wake of the latter’s Oct. 7attack that killed about 1,400 Israelis, mostly civilians, and captured around 200 others.

The NDP, however, abstained from the vote and introduced amendments demanding a ceasefire, hostage release and humanitarian aid for Gaza.

These amendments were rejected and the original motion was passed. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127473

File: 7a8831b59880708⋯.png (1.82 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769838 (201457ZOCT23) Notable: “Unacceptable” that woman with ISIS ties repatriated, say Conservatives

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“Unacceptable” that woman with ISIS ties repatriated, say Conservatives


The Conservatives are saying it’s “unacceptable” that the Liberal government allowed a woman with ties to ISIS to re-enter Canada.

Federal authorities repatriated 33-year-old Dure Amhed and her children from a detention camp in Syria.

“This is but one example of Mr. Trudeau’s neglect of Canada’s national security,” said Conservative foreign affairs critic Michael Chong.

Ahmed was married to well known ISIS militant El Shafee Elsheikh, who was part of “the Beatles,” a group within ISIS known for having British accents.

He is the highest ranking member of ISIS to be tried in the U.S. and is currently in a supermax prison, serving multiple life sentences for his involvement in the murder of eight American, British and Japanese hostages.

“It is unacceptable that the Trudeau government allowed someone affiliated with one of the world’s worst terrorist groups to re-enter Canada without first ensuring the safety and security of Canadians from this terrorist threat,” said Chong in a statement to CBC News. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127474

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19769947 (201514ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Ratio’d: Pro-Palestine protesters HATE Justin Trudeau (video)

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Ratio’d |Pro-Palestine protesters HATE Justin Trudeau


For two nights in a row, large pro-Palestine protests have taken over the Bloor-Yonge intersection in downtown Toronto, outside the Israel consulate. The protesters directed their ire toward Justin Trudeau, saying he and Canada has blood on their hands for supporting Israel instead of Hamas. The protests outside the consulate started because the protesters believe that Israel is behind an explosion at a hospital in Gaza. The Israel government has denied any involvement and blamed a misfired rocket from within Gaza.

On the latest episode of Ratio’d, Harrison Faulkner speaks with the pro-Palestine protesters to get their side of the story.

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a90dd8 No.127475

File: e4e9b12a755db9e⋯.png (1.34 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f0ed203f126d43⋯.png (301.66 KB,900x754,450:377,Clipboard.png)

File: 785374b403de53b⋯.png (1.11 MB,900x564,75:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770032 (201524ZOCT23) Notable: Updated MAiD Bun / “Tragic mistake”: Groups decry defeat of bill to prevent assisted suicide for mentally ill

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“Tragic mistake”: Groups decry defeat of bill to prevent assisted suicide for mentally ill


Think tanks and pro-life groups are lamenting the defeat of a Conservative bill which would prevent the expansion of assisted suicide to those who suffer from mental illness.

Conservative MP Ed Fast’s Bill C-314 would have amended the Criminal Code in relation to assisted suicide provisions to not classify mental disorders as a “a grievous and irremediable medical condition for which a person could receive medical assistance in dying.”

On Wednesday, the bill was defeated on its second reading in the House of Commons with 167 MPs opposing it and 150 MPs supporting. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127476

File: 1c218c7889022fd⋯.png (1.06 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: e711e70a82bc446⋯.png (119.97 KB,952x712,119:89,Clipboard.png)

File: da2734443c0c1c6⋯.png (685.1 KB,717x815,717:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770116 (201536ZOCT23) Notable: Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy wants a border wall with Canada

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Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy wants a border wall with Canada


No word yet on whether he expects Canada to pay for it, but a Republican presidential candidate wants a border wall along the 49th parallel.

Vivek Ramaswamy, who is seeking the Republican nomination for the 2024 presidential election, has urged the U.S. to erect a wall along its northern border with Canada.

Ramaswamy said the wall would necessary to prevent illegal immigration and crime from spilling over from Canada, which he claimed is facing a border crisis of its own.

Ramaswamy’s statement came after New Hampshire Republican Governor Chris Sununu announced the creation of a Northern Border Alliance Task Force to patrol the 58-mile stretch of the state’s border with Canada.

Sununu said the task force is a response to the federal government’s failure to secure the northern border, where illegal crossings have increased by more than 800% in the past year, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

Ramaswamy, who visited the Canada-U.S. border earlier this month and posted a video on TikTok showing how easy it is to cross illegally, said he supports Sununu’s initiative and wants to extend it to the entire 5,525-mile border with Canada. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127477

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770144 (201539ZOCT23) Notable: Smith trades shots with Trudeau, supports the ‘will of Albertans’ on pension plan

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Smith trades shots with Trudeau, supports the ‘will of Albertans’ on pension plan


‘We believe this is a decision that should be made by Albertans,’ said Premier Danielle Smith. ‘It’s why we’re putting forward pension legislation in the fall.’ Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127478

File: 6acc77d1a20fba1⋯.png (1.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d25841d0ea856a7⋯.png (437.13 KB,722x710,361:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770200 (201548ZOCT23) Notable: Trudeau commits $90 million to fight ‘climate change,’ pursue vaccine equity in the Americas

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Trudeau commits $90 million to fight ‘climate change,’ pursue vaccine equity in the Americas


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau committed $58.6 million to fund renewable energy projects in the Caribbean, and $18.3 million from Canada’s Global Initiative for vaccine equity towards Haiti.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continues to spend like a drunken sailor abroad after committing $90 million to counter ‘climate change’ in the Americas.

On October 18, Trudeau pledged to fight ‘climate change’ and pursue vaccine equity during his address to the Canada-Caribbean Community Summit.

As part of the announcement in Ottawa, Trudeau committed $58.6 million to Caribbean Development Bank to fund renewable energy projects. Another $6 million went to the Caribbean Climate Smart Fund.

“Canada has been proud of its strong development cooperation in the Caribbean region which has been at its highest level in recent years but we know there’s much more work to be done,” said Trudeau.

In May, Trudeau told the UN that COVID ‘showed us what we're capable of’ in achieving Agenda 2030 and adopting international Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

“We are all so interconnected. The only way for us and our families to succeed is to ensure people on the other side of the world have the opportunities to succeed,” he said at the time. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127479

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770243 (201555ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Reactions: Censored health experts speak out at conference (video)

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Reactions: Censored health experts speak out at conference


Given that most of the panelists were heavily criticized during the pandemic, participants emphasized the importance of attending to gain different perspectives.

On October 7 and 8, conferences featuring numerous health experts, including Professor Didier Raoult, took place in Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec. Visiting Quebec to promote his autobiography, the infectious disease specialist and microbiologist garnered significant attention during the pandemic.

He shared his research on hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as treatments for Covid-19. He was labelled a charlatan, even though this same man had received the prestigious Inserm Grand Prize in 2010, one of the highest honours in France.

Several hundred people gathered to attend these two conferences, which also included Patrick Provost, Bernard Massie, André Bercoff, and Idriss Aberkane as panelists. Given that most of the panelists were heavily criticized during the pandemic, participants emphasized the importance of attending to gain different perspectives.

"At the same time, it's a citizen's duty to acquire more factual information. To then be able to share it, awaken certain people. Simply to show that there are other aspects to consider. I do it without pretension for the truth. I share my experience, and it's even better if it can help people ask questions. And what I often lament is that we no longer have the right to simply ask questions," said one of the attendees.

Another man shared his experience, saying, "It's been 3 years; I'm a father and a grandfather. And for 3 years, I've seen my grandchildren struggle with wearing masks for 5 days a week, including during physical education classes." He added, "I'm here today to confirm that what I understood, I understood right from the beginning."

A woman in the audience mentioned how much she appreciated Professor Raoult, stating, "First, Didier Raoult, an extraordinary man who really spoke out. And he wasn't heard; it's something spectacular. I really wanted to come and hear what he had to say, to encourage and, above all, to meet this group of people."

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a90dd8 No.127480

File: ee4b8738979e479⋯.png (2.02 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770307 (201604ZOCT23) Notable: Conservatives say ‘Canadians deserve answers’ amid pending Commons vote on ‘Nazigate’ probe

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Conservatives say ‘Canadians deserve answers’ amid pending Commons vote on ‘Nazigate’ probe


With a vote expected for October 19, Conservative MP Michael Cooper hopes the House affairs committee supports his motion to investigate why ‘proper vetting was not done,’ reported Blacklock’s Reporter. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127481

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770366 (201613ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / NDP policy convention in Hamilton devolves into SJW gong show (video)

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NDP policy convention in Hamilton devolves into SJW gong show


The NDP doesn't respect parents. Thankfully, they don't respect their own time, either.

The third party, which relegated itself to a pathetic fate as the socialist caucus of the federal Liberal Party of Canada, met last weekend in the Hammer to decide their vision for Canada's future.

Chaos ensued.

Attempts to introduce an onerous policy demanding an end to funding schools that respect parents' rights were derailed by the socialist party's hyper-focus on sexual intersectionality and pronoun announcements.

A pro-Gaza demonstration also hijacked the conference resulting in the anti-police NDP calling police to bust up the protest.

The convention boasted a quiet room with a HEPA air purifier, special speaking priority for gender equity, and gender-inclusive washrooms. And next to no actual work getting done because of constant infighting about which oppressed group would use a "yellow card" to take the mic next. Thank goodness.

If the NDP could get down to business, they'd have passed a resolution which would spell an end to publicly-funded education that respects parents. The new policy would be a supplement to the party's existing human rights policy:




WHEREAS Section 6, Strengthening Human Rights and

the Canadian Identity, Section 6.3,LGBTQI2S+, add a

subsection m based on the following:

WHEREAS Pride Month 2023 saw LGBTQ+

Communities at schools across Canada targeted by

sustained, organized and well-resourced homophobic

and transphobic violence, threats and discrimination;

BE IT RESOLVED that, in response to threats and acts

of violence against Pride Week events and gender

expression in schools and universities that we condemn

all forms of homophobia, transphobia, hate, bullying,

bigotry, intimidation and violence;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we applaud the

educators, school board trustees, parents, students,

allies and elected officials who refuse to be intimidated

by homophobia and transphobia;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we proclaim that a

future federal NDP government would never grant

public funds to educational institutions that harbour

discriminatory practices.

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a90dd8 No.127482

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770412 (201622ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Woke union rep allegedly caught spying on parents opposed to gender ideology in schools (video)

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Woke union rep allegedly caught spying on parents opposed to gender ideology in schools


Robert Ages, who is listed as a BC Government and Service Employees Union rep, was previously accused of physically attacking child protection activist Billboard Chris in 2020.

A police report has been filed with Langley, British Columbia RCMP detachment after a Delta man, Robert Ages, was accused of trying to secretly obtain a recording of a private meeting held on October 4.

Kari Simpson, president of Culture Guard, a non-profit organization that specializes in parental rights advocacy, was the organizer of the meeting and also submitted the police report. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127483

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770468 (201630ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Tamara Lich trial: Second Ottawa cop testifies work phone was 'wiped' of Freedom Convoy records (video)

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Tamara Lich trial: Second Ottawa cop testifies work phone was 'wiped' of Freedom Convoy records


Police Liaison Team officers claimed to have lost data from their work phones used during the Freedom Convoy. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127484

File: 6aae286f7697a5e⋯.png (4.79 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770769 (201717ZOCT23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Health Canada’s startling admission confirms secret DNA contamination discovered in COVID-19 vaccines

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Health Canada’s startling admission confirms secret DNA contamination discovered in COVID-19 vaccines


The agency has acknowledged the presence of at least one undisclosed plasmid DNA sequence in COVID-19 vaccine vials, raising concerns about public safety and regulatory diligence, especially amid ongoing missing information and lack of long-term safety data.

Health Canada, responsible for authorizing and regulating the novel mRNA injections, admitted that they have confirmed the presence of at least one plasmid DNA sequencer in the vials of COVID-19 vaccines that were undisclosed by the manufacturer.

Responding to an email media request from the Epoch Times, the agency said that “it was possible for Health Canada to confirm the presence of the enhancer based on the plasmid DNA sequence submitted by Pfizer against the published SV40 enhancer sequence."

Additionally, Health Canada is quoted as saying that "[al]though the full DNA sequence of the Pfizer plasmid was provided at the time of initial filing, the sponsor did not specifically identify the SV40 sequence.”

Genomics expert Kevin McKernan discovered this anomaly accidentally and shared his findings with Rebel News.

“This is something that helps promote the antibiotic resistance that is the backbone of these vectors,” McKernan told Rebel News of the SV40 promoter in April earlier this year. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127485

File: 52297d4ecbe8194⋯.png (3.31 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: f8f0a9b4bd372d6⋯.png (360.91 KB,726x697,726:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770795 (201721ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Canada Border Services Agency lost track of over 29,000 fugitives

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Canada Border Services Agency lost track of over 29,000 fugitives


In a previous report from 2021, the CBSA admitted it lost track of 2,800 targets for deportation despite those individuals already being convicted of criminal offences.

The Canada Border Services Agency admitted it had 29,248 foreign fugitives at large in the department's "wanted inventory" while deportees totalled 10,041.

The data about the number of foreign nationals loose inside Canada was first reported Friday morning in Blacklock's Reporter.

Losing track of foreign criminals is not a new problem for Canada's border guards.

In a 2021 report to the House of Commons, the CBSA admitted to losing track of 2,800 targets for deportation who were already convicted of criminal offences.

“Criminal cases are very important for public safety,” Auditor General Karen Hogan testified to the public accounts committee in February 2021.

According to previous reporting by Blacklock's, “foreign fugitives have a better than 50-50 chance of dodging deportation, new records show. Of thousands of foreigners ordered out of the country in the past six years, fewer than half, 48 percent, were actually deported.”

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a90dd8 No.127486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770864 (201733ZOCT23) Notable: Gen. Flynn Releases Statement - Says He Believes Q is a “Major Psyop”

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Gen. Flynn Releases Statement – Says He Believes Q is a “Major Psyop”


Lt. General Flynn took to X recently and shared his take on “Q”.

In a lengthy post, Flynn shared, “Here’s my take on Q…I believe it is a major psyop and from what I can tell, it or they or whatever or whoever is “running this op” has done a major disservice.”

Flynn continued, “What I see are a bunch of people sitting and waiting for something to happen instead of doing what I have been calling for now for quite some time (LOCAL ACTION).”

Trump’s former NSA advisor added to his post by writing, “Rome is burning “Nero and the bucket brigade is getting low on water. And like it or not (I don’t), we have a person in the WH that is there following a constitutional process…note I didn’t say fair election (which I don’t believe occurred).”

Gen. Flynn released the statement in response to a video of a recent interview he did with Dave from X22, where he shared that the U.S. military cannot just go rogue like a banana republic but that the military must abide by the Constitution and acts on the order of the duly elected.

LOOK: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127487

File: d3fbc55550d34d1⋯.png (408.75 KB,768x431,768:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19770917 (201744ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / X Platform May Leave the European Union Over the ‘Digital Services Act’ - Elon Musk Tired of the Push for Censorship Coming From Brussels

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X Platform May Leave the European Union Over the ‘Digital Services Act’ – Elon Musk Tired of the Push for Censorship Coming From Brussels


The platform X, the ‘new Twitter’, may be in collision course with the ‘old world’.

As the European Union rolls in its censorship policies, it was inevitable that X would be a big stumbling block to their designs, once fact-based information that contradicts Globalist propaganda is (for the most part) no longer censored there.

In recent weeks, Elon Musk has once again started suggesting that X/Twitter would no longer be accessible in Europe. The move would come to avoid the new Orwellian regulation enacted by the European Commission. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127488

File: ac0b75ec0b19a9e⋯.png (402.29 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771393 (201905ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Elon Musk Slams EU over NewsGuard Association: ‘What a Scam!’

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Elon Musk Slams EU over NewsGuard Association: ‘What a Scam!’


X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk has slammed the European Union over its work with NewsGuard, an organization that is a significant component of the global internet censorship industry, calling the organization a “scam” that “ought to be disbanded.”

Musk turned his attention to NewsGuard following a post by former Trump administration official Mike Benz, exposing the European Commission’s relationship with NewsGuard, which helped revise the EU’s “code of practice on disinformation,” which calls on tech and advertising companies to financially throttle accused publishers of “disinformation.”

In response to this, Musk called on Thierry Breton, a leading member of the EU’s ruling European Commission, to offer an explanation to the people of Europe.

“Is this true?” asked Musk. “If so, the people of Europe deserve an explanation.”

The European Union has aggressively used its power to advance the censorship of social media platforms, recently announcing a “disinformation” case against Meta (formerly Facebook) and TikTok, using new EU laws that can levy high fines on social media companies that don’t censor their platforms according to the bloc’s regulations.

In another post, Musk called NewsGuard a “scam” that “ought to be disbanded immediately.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127489

File: ccc7a5fe81dccbe⋯.png (801.25 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771441 (201915ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Blue Jays Pitcher Stands His Ground After Being Criticized for Taking His Son Goose Hunting

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Blue Jays Pitcher Stands His Ground After Being Criticized for Taking His Son Goose Hunting


Canadian leftists are hammering Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Erik Swanson for taking his son goose hunting and posting photos of the geese they harvested while outdoors together.

It all started after Swanson posted a photo of himself with his son, crouched down behind the geese they had harvested:

Outkick quoted some of the comments Swanson received in response to social media posts about the hunt.

One response came from Barbara, who wrote, “Do you really need food that badly? Are you even going to put them In your freezer and eat them. He could try eating vegan or vegetarian for awhile. Or maybe if the birds and animals were armed so they could fight back. I would be all for it.”

Jen wrote, “Wow. Teaching your child to kill animals. Not admirable at all. How about teaching them kindness and compassion to all living things???”

Swanson responded to the criticism with a post on X, where he wrote: “I am an avid hunter/fisherman and I will always be. For the people who are asking me why I have my son with me, I am teaching him a very important life lesson… the beef, venison, poultry, fish, fruits and vegetables all come from somewhere, not just the grocery store.”

He added, “Now when [my son] hunts and he harvests his own food, he knows exactly where his food is coming from and what is in it. Next time you go to the grocery store or restaurant and order something, remember that it had to come from somewhere. Know what you are eating! Safe hunting to all!”

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a90dd8 No.127490

File: ab51eec6f936118⋯.png (543.18 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771474 (201922ZOCT23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Russia charges Canadian parliament WWII SS Nazi with genocide

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Russia charges Canadian parliament WWII SS Nazi with genocide


Investigators have found documentary evidence that Yaroslav Hunka participated in ethnic cleansing while serving in the SS Galicia division

Russia’s Investigative Committee (SK) has charged in absentia Canadian-Ukrainian Nazi veteran Yaroslav Hunka with the genocide of civilians on the territory of the USSR during World War II.

The 98-year-old served as a volunteer in the 14th Waffen SS Grenadier Division, which was responsible for numerous atrocities during the 1940s.

Last month, Hunka became the center of an international political scandal after he was celebrated with a standing ovation in the Canadian parliament as a “hero” who had fought for “Ukrainian independence.”

In a press release on Friday, the SK’s Main Investigation Department announced that it had found documentary evidence in Russia’s State Archives and the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the SS Galicia division’s exact places of deployment and conduct during WWII.

Between February 23 and February 28 in 1944, Hunka and other members of the SS Galicia are believed to have killed at least 500 citizens of the USSR, including Jews and Poles, in Guta Penyatskaya – a former village on the territory of the Brodsky district of the Lviv region. Investigators also pointed out that these victims were shot and burned alive in residential buildings, as well as churches.

“Representatives of the SS ‘Galicia’, including Hunka, pursuing the basic idea of Nazism – the creation of a racially pure state (Aryan race) – with the goal of completely destroying the ethnic group of Slavs, including other nationalities living in the territory of the occupied Lviv Region of the Ukrainian SSR, committed murder and caused serious harm to their health and created living conditions designed for their physical elimination,” the Russian investigators concluded.

Currently, Russia’s SK is still deciding on whether or not to place Hunka on the international wanted list and arrest him in absentia.

Earlier this week Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu insisted that Russia and Belarus should join forces to pursue the extradition of the Nazi veteran and put him on public trial for his direct involvement in “brutalities targeting a peaceful Soviet population in the Lviv Region.”

Polish officials have also suggested that Warsaw should seek Hunka’s extradition for a trial.

Ottawa, meanwhile, has apologized for honoring the Ukrainian Nazi after Hunka’s past allegiance was highlighted to the public by Jewish organizations. Anthony Rota, who’d arranged the appearance and called Hunka a “Canadian hero” who’d “fought the Russians” during World War II, stepped down as speaker of the House of Commons, after accepting full responsibility for the move.

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a90dd8 No.127491

File: 2fbfb6258aa2a18⋯.png (667.18 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771520 (201933ZOCT23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / NATO envoys hold ‘emergency meeting’ over Putin-Orban talks - media

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NATO envoys hold ‘emergency meeting’ over Putin-Orban talks – media


The “deepening relationship” between Russia and Hungary is causing “security concerns,” the US ambassador to Budapest told RFE/RL

The ambassadors to Hungary of NATO countries have held an unscheduled meeting amid concerns about a recent encounter between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Beijing, the US state-run media outlet Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) reported Thursday.

Putin and Orban met on October 17 in the Chinese capital, during the country's Belt and Road Forum. It was the first meeting between the Russian president and the Hungarian prime minister since the conflict in Ukraine erupted.

The gathering of the bloc’s ambassadors and the envoy from Sweden, whose NATO membership has yet to be ratified by Türkiye and Hungary, took place in Budapest on Thursday. At the meeting, the diplomats discussed “security concerns” about the “deepening relations” between Moscow and the NATO and EU member, David Pressman, the US ambassador to Hungary, told the outlet.

Pressman also noted that Washington expects the Hungarian government to take these “legitimate security concerns” seriously, calling the Putin-Orban meeting “worrying.”

On Tuesday, the day of the meeting, Pressman posted a picture on X (formerly Twitter) of Orban and Putin shaking hands, with the caption that Hungary’s prime minister was choosing to stand with Russia “alone among our allies.”

Orban’s chief of staff, Gergely Gulyas, told ATV channel on Wednesday that “the US ambassador is not competent to determine Hungarian foreign policy because that is the job of the Hungarian government.”

Over the past decades, relations between Moscow and Budapest “have been built solely on the basis of taking into account each other’s interests,” Putin said during the meeting, noting that Russia’s relations with many European countries have been “maintained and developed.”

Last September, Orban criticized EU sanctions on Moscow, claiming that “EU citizens have become poorer, while Russia has not fallen on its knees.” He called for a ceasefire to end the Ukraine conflict, noting that the restrictions on Russia were hurting the EU’s economy.

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a90dd8 No.127492

File: 739c28c6129d6f6⋯.png (962.59 KB,1000x498,500:249,Clipboard.png)

File: 5db71baadf5d65a⋯.png (89.3 KB,730x640,73:64,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771583 (201946ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Banning prayer at Remembrance Day ceremonies (video)

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Trudeau Liberals backtrack over policy banning prayer at Remembrance Day ceremonies following pressure from Conservative MP


"Let's be clear: Canadian Forces chaplains are not – and will not be – banned from prayer on Remembrance Day, nor at any other time."

The Trudeau Liberals have backtracked on a policy that would have barred military chaplains from leading prayer during Remembrance Day ceremonies, as well as other official public functions.

Minister of National Defense Bill Blair confirmed that prayer was still allowed after Conservative Member of Parliament Blake Richards grilled the government over the plan.

"Let's be clear," Blair said. "Canadian Forces chaplains are not – and will not be – banned from prayer on Remembrance Day, nor at any other time."

"The Chaplain General's directive seeks to ensure that public addresses reflect the spiritual and religious diversity of Canadians."

Richards' criticism was prompted by a story in The Epoch Times, based on an October 11 directive from the Canadian Armed Forces to the military chaplaincy.

"While the dimension of prayer may occupy a significant place for some of our members," it states, "we do not all pray in the same way; for some, prayer does not play a role in their lives."

The document, signed by the Chaplain General Brigadier-General Guy Belisle, suggests that as such, "it is essential for chaplains to adopt a sensitive and inclusive approach when publicly addressing military members."

The decision is based on the Trudeau government's vision for the CAF which seeks to place diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as foundational to Canada's military.

The directive urges chaplains to "carefully choose words that are inclusive" when speaking at public events, and to always be "mindful of the Gender Based Analysis (GBA+)."

Perhaps most strikingly, it suggested they were not allowed to talk about a "Heavenly Father.”

Chaplains were also told to remove the scarves they wear to denote their particular faith, such as a cross for a Christian, a star of David for Judaism, and a crescent for Muslims.

"Chaplains must consider the potential that some items or symbols may cause discomfort or traumatic feelings when choosing the dress they wear during public occasions," the directive advises."

"Each year on November 11, Canadians remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our nation," Richards began, "but now under this Liberal government, our military chaplains are being told they can't even pray for the fallen!"

Richards noted that chaplains had accompanied Canadian troops during the D-Day landing at Juno Beach, "providing last rites to dying soldiers in the fields."

"Now the prime minister is telling Canadians that on Remembrance Day, they can't even pray for those who fought for our country?" Richards asked. "What is going on?"

While Veterans Affairs Minister Ginette Pettipas-Tayor wasn't in the House of Commons to respond, her parliamentary secretary, Marie-France Lalonde, answered on her behalf, but failed to address the question.

Lalonde responded to Richards' concern by offering a "shout out" to veterans, and a "thank you to the men and women, who particularly at this point in time, are defending what we do."

"On November 11," she continued, "we will remember and we will never forget everything our veterans have done for us."

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a90dd8 No.127493

File: daa10b12c20f888⋯.png (954.51 KB,1536x984,64:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19771718 (202012ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Fauci Coming to Canada

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Fauci Coming to Canada


Dr. Anthony Fauci will be coming to Hamilton, Ontario, to raise funds for infectious disease research at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton and Hamilton Health Sciences on Nov. 22nd.

The event* is being presented by LiUNA!, the Laborers’ International Union of North America, and will be held at the Grand Central Ballroom at Liuna Station with a cocktail reception beginning at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m. Tickets start at $300 with sponsorship opportunities that include a “photos & meet & greet with Dr. Fauci” starting at an outrageous $10,000.

News of Fauci’s resurfacing since leading the US Covid response has spread like wildfire among Canadians calling out the disastrous Covid response and human catastrophe caused by the Covid “vaccines.” A mix of bewilderment, anger and expletives have flooded messaging apps and text messages as news of his coming spreads.

The registration form can be found on this PDF found through The Bay Observer, a media outlet in the Hamilton Burlington area. Strangely, the event was not advertised on the St. Joseph’s Healthcare website at the time of this writing and tickets not purchasable through a dedicated webpage.

*A rally against Dr. Fauci’s presence is likely.

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a90dd8 No.127494

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775836 (211403ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / The US and Israel Weigh a Future for Gaza Without Hamas

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The US and Israel Weigh a Future for Gaza Without Hamas


Officials have discussed an interim government with UN backing

Arab support is no sure thing but would be key, analysts say

U.S. and Israeli officials looking to the future of the Gaza Strip after dislodging Hamas have begun discussing possibilities, including potentially installing an interim government backed by the United Nations and with the involvement of Arab governments, people familiar with US government deliberations said.

The discussions are still at an early stage and hinge on developments yet to unfold, not least of which would be success in an Israeli ground assault, according to the people, who asked not to be identified detailing private deliberations. And any such possibility would need buy-in from Arab nations around the region, which is by no means certain. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127495

File: 5c1e57cbae35426⋯.png (646.51 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775878 (211415ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Turkish politician praises Hitler for killing Jews

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Turkish politician praises Hitler for killing Jews


Israel should be destroyed in order to “cleanse” the world, the councillor declared at a public meeting

A local politician from Türkiye’s Justice and Development Party (AK Party) has publicly praised Adolf Hitler’s genocide of the Jews, adding that he was “praying” for the Nazi leader.

Suleyman Sezen, who represents President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s party in the Atakum district council in the province of Samsun, made the comments at a meeting on Wednesday.

“Hitler had this remark, ‘You will curse me for every Jew that I did not kill.’ Such true words, as Zionist Jewish Israel today is behind every single attempt at creating chaos in the world,” the politician declared in a rant shared online. He added that he prayed for “God’s mercy and grace on [Hitler] for his words.”

Sezen expressed hope that Israel “will soon cease to exist and there will be peace in the world once it is cleansed of Jews.” A fellow council member pushed back after Sezen’s remarks, suggesting they were an emotional outburst. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127496

File: 737c9d400b1ac30⋯.png (234.55 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775909 (211423ZOCT23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / De-dollarization in Russia-China trade almost complete - minister

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De-dollarization in Russia-China trade almost complete – minister


The ruble and yuan make up 95% of Moscow’s trade with Beijing, Maksim Reshetnikov says

The share of ruble and yuan settlements in Russia’s foreign trade has surged to almost 70% as Moscow rapidly shifts away from Western currencies, Economic Development Minister Maksim Reshetnikov said on Friday.

The de-dollarization of Russian trade with China is almost complete, the minister told reporters on the sidelines of the Russia-China Energy Business Forum in Beijing.

“Our trade is restructuring. If we look at the country’s trade indicators as a whole, 68% of our trade is carried out in rubles and yuan, while 95% our trade with China is settled in rubles and yuan. The issue of channels [for payments] has been solved,” Reshetnikov stated.

Recent data from the Economic Development Ministry shows that the yuan overtook the dollar in Russia’s import settlements with China in 2022. The Chinese currency has since been used in Russian trade with Mongolia, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Japan, Tajikistan, and Singapore.

The changes reflect Russia’s move away from transactions in the currencies of ‘unfriendly countries’ against the backdrop of sanctions.

Reshetnikov also gave his assessment of Russia-China trade turnover, predicting that it could exceed the target of $200 billion and reach around $220 billion by the end of this year.

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a90dd8 No.127497

File: 868ec52fba7a23c⋯.png (290.81 KB,500x372,125:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19775966 (211444ZOCT23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / India Rejects Russian Demand To Pay For Oil In Chinese Yuan

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India Rejects Russian Demand To Pay For Oil In Chinese Yuan


India’s government is expected to reject demands from Russian oil companies to pay for Russia’s crude oil imports in Chinese yuan, Indian officials told Bloomberg on Friday.

Russia and its companies need Chinese currency as Russian trade has become much more reliant on China after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions on Russia. Moscow has a lot of Indian rupees, but it can’t spend them all while it needs yuan. Russian firms have largely ditched dollar and euro payments due to the Western sanctions and the fact that Russia has been cut off from the SWIFT banking payment system.

Russian oil companies have been asking lately for payments in yuan, but the Indian government – which owns 70% of the refiners in the world’s third-largest crude oil importer – will not agree to these demands, according to Bloomberg’s sources.

Some crude cargoes from Russia to India have been recently delayed because the parties have failed to agree on the currency of the payment, sources at refiners told Bloomberg.

Earlier this week, unnamed Finance Ministry sources told Reuters that payment in Chinese currency of seven cargoes of Russian crude oil imported by state-run Indian oil refineries is being held up over the Indian government’s new-found hesitancy to accept this form of payment.

State-run Indian Oil Corporation has settled purchases in yuan previously, while Bharat Petroleum Corp and Hindustan Petroleum have not yet resorted to the Chinese currency, though direct Russian suppliers have requested this.

India has hiked imports of Russian crude in the past year due to the cheaper Russian supply compared to crudes from the Middle East.

Between April and September, the first half of India’s 2023/2024 fiscal year, Indian imports of Russian crude oil more than doubled to 1.76 million barrels per day (bpd) from 780,000 bpd in the same period of the 2022/2023 year, per vessel-tracking data cited by Reuters.

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a90dd8 No.127498

File: 8f6e01ffb900d17⋯.png (833.5 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776014 (211506ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Karl Lauterbach and Christian Drosten team up at the World Health Summit to tackle “misinformation” and “disinformation” for the next pandemic

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Karl Lauterbach and Christian Drosten team up at the World Health Summit to tackle “misinformation” and “disinformation” for the next pandemic


At the World Health Summit on Monday, German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said a Pandemic Treaty was necessary because of the “misinformation pandemic.”

At the same discussion, infamous fraudulent covid test “inventor” Dr. Christian Drosten said that as well as tackling “disinformation,” testing would be “really efficient” in the next pandemic before a drug or vaccine was available.

The World Health Summit 2023 took place from October 15-17 in Berlin, Germany and online. On Monday, during a session titled ‘Learning from Covid-19 For Future Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response’ panellists discussed “how to ensure equitable access to tests, treatments and vaccines.”

Two of the panellists were Lauterbach and Drosten. You can view a list of all the panellists in the Summit’s booklet HERE (pg. 76).

Dr. Christian Drosten is the head of the Institute for Virology at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Europe’s largest university hospital. The World Health Summit was organised at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127499

File: 2e15a5c2607a4a0⋯.png (241.34 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776218 (211600ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Chilliwack Board of School Trustees faces legal action over freedom of expression concerns

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Chilliwack Board of School Trustees faces legal action over freedom of expression concerns


A grandmother is suing a B.C. school board she says violated her rights by shutting her down at a public meeting.

Lynda Di Armani is taking the Chilliwack Board of School Trustees to court after being interrupted and having her microphone cut off when she attempted to raise attention to a conflict of interest she said one of the board members had.

Di Armani, a grandmother and former school employee, began her time in the meeting by saying that trustee Teri Westerby had brought forward a motion about flying a pride flag during pride month, despite being the director of marketing for the local pride society.

Board chair Willow Rechelt and vice-chair Carin Bondar interrupted Di Armani and claimed her statements were “discriminatory.”

Di Armani was interrupted several times and her microphone was cut off, before she was eventually told to sit down before she had finished speaking, according to video of the meeting.

Di Armani alleges in a lawsuit filed by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) that the board’s treatment of her violated her Charter right to freedom of expression. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127500

File: e66a5c3e0ec8e65⋯.png (1.06 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776256 (211610ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / University of New Brunswick philosophy department cancels Christian lecture

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University of New Brunswick philosophy department cancels Christian lecture


The University of New Brunswick philosophy department was apparently so scared to be outed as a department that leaned conservative and Christian that they canceled a planned lecture featuring a conservative Christian.

Dr. Corey Miller of the US evangelical organization Ratio Christi was originally going to deliver a speech titled “Is Christianity Good or Bad for Civilization?” as part of the University of New Brunswick’s (UNB) philosophy of religion lecture series.

However, his title raised concerns among the organizers, so he changed it to “Religious Beliefs: Axiological Reflections on Western Civilization.”

But the concerns didn’t end there.

According to the College Fix, email records show that one single student felt bothered by past media coverage of Miller, which had him implicated (and vindicated) in a dispute over LGBT issues while he was previously working as a professor.

“The student was not stridently angry, but was concerned that you might have anti-LGBTQ views,” Robert Larmer, chair of UNB’s philosophy department, wrote to Miller in an email just days before the scheduled September 21 talk.

The UNB philosophy department was afraid the university would cancel their lecture series, so, they opted to preemptively cancel Miller. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127501

File: d1fe6d3153ea2cb⋯.png (2.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 92287d23f87729d⋯.png (247.55 KB,550x738,275:369,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776285 (211617ZOCT23) Notable: Ontario teachers threaten strike action on the heels of unprecedented school closures

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Ontario teachers threaten strike action on the heels of unprecedented school closures


A majority of English Catholic teachers have voted in favour of a strike mandate amid ongoing government negotiations, on the heels of unprecedented school closures and learning disruptions faced by Ontario schoolchildren during the COVID-19 pandemic.

An overwhelming majority of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA) have voted in favour of strike action if government bargaining takes an unfavourable turn.

The vote saw 97% of Catholic teachers say yes to delivering a strike mandate as government bargaining dates draw near, six weeks into an uninterrupted school year.

“Contrary to Minister of Education Stephen Lecce’s ongoing misinformation campaign, taking a strike vote and receiving a strong strike mandate does not necessarily mean that Catholic teachers will take job action,” OECTA President René Jansen in de Wal said in a news release yesterday.

Ontario’s Education Minister Stephen Lecce expressed disappointment at this trajectory.

“It is disappointing that OECTA members have voted to put themselves on a path to strike. We’ve already reached a fair deal with one of the largest teacher unions to keep kids in class, and we urge that OECTA does the same by coming to the table, signing a deal, and committing to keeping kids in class,” he posted on X. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127502

File: 78ba7cba1eb6825⋯.png (2.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776308 (211622ZOCT23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Saskatchewan government passes Parents’ Bill of Rights

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Saskatchewan government passes Parents’ Bill of Rights


The Parents' Bill of Rights Act mandates that educators and other school administrators inform parents when a child under 16 years of age changes their name or uses different pronouns to affirm their ‘gender identity.’

Saskatchewan’s parental rights legislation passed the legislature on Friday, intensifying the long-winded diatribes from the NDP caucus who voted no.

Bill 137, the Parents’ Bill of Rights Act, received 39 votes in support from the Saskatchewan Party and one vote from the lone Saskatchewan United Party (SUP) representative, Nadine Wilson.

Wilson praised the passing of the bill, calling it a “necessary first step in bringing parents back into their children’s education.”

“Our party is looking forward to bringing about more common-sense solutions while continuing to hold this government to account,” she added.

Unsurprisingly, the entire NDP caucus voted against the legislation, alleging human rights violations. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127503

File: 44421b42435dba4⋯.png (3.22 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776338 (211628ZOCT23) Notable: Calgary teen charged with terrorism offences

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Calgary teen charged with terrorism offences


The teen was released with conditions and is set to appear in Calgary Provincial Court Nov. 6.

The 15-year-old was arrested as part of an ongoing investigation which led to terrorism-related charges against a 20-year-old Calgary man in June.

According to the RCMP, the youth who cannot be named, was arrested Oct. 13 by the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET).

The RCMP's Christina Zoernig said, “In relation to a terrorism peace bond application, a peace officer feared there was a potential for the individual to commit a terrorism offence."

The teen was released with conditions and is set to appear in Calgary Provincial Court Nov. 6.

Zakarya Rida Hussein was charged in June with two counts of facilitating terrorist activity and two counts of participating in or contributing to an activity of a terrorist group.

Hussein is alleged to have made a TikTok video which supported the Islamic State and Al Qaeda.

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a90dd8 No.127504

File: e17f7732618bf4e⋯.png (1.63 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776347 (211631ZOCT23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Alberta Conservatives to debate parental rights policy at upcoming UCP AGM

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Alberta Conservatives to debate parental rights policy at upcoming UCP AGM


The Edmonton-West Henday UCP constituency proposed mandating written consent by parents for a child under 16 to use a different name or pronoun at school, which will be debated at the party's upcoming annual general meeting. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127505

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19776415 (211647ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Canada set for another nationwide protest against the sexualization of kids in schools on Saturday (video)

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Canada set for another nationwide protest against the sexualization of kids in schools on Saturday


The second '1 Million March 4 Children' is expected to hit the streets in 52 cities across eight provinces on Oct. 21, and Rebel News reporters will have our boots on the ground to bring you reports you can trust about the demonstrations. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127506

File: 36778b4c692dd52⋯.png (1.74 MB,1478x804,739:402,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777120 (211928ZOCT23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccine

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Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccine


Well, it’s a start, and it seems Health Canada isn’t even revealing everything to do with inclusion of SV40 in the vaccines, according to the article below. Dr. Jessica Rose believes they have a pre-emptive legal reason to be making this admission.

The Simian 40 Virus was used extensively in the early 60s in the production of polio vaccines. SV40 is a slow-acting cancer promoter in humans.Viruses from other species should never be used in a cross-over way, in other words.

DNA plasmids were an intentional part of the vaccine design, as Karen Kingston has pointed out. And there’s likely more unpleasantness encoded in the DNA, such as antibiotic resistance.

SV40 was added to the DNA plasmid inclusion, and was added needlessly it seems. So whose brigh idea was this?

Health Canada on Thursday confirmed the presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines and also confirmed that Pfizer did not disclose the contamination to the public health authority. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127507

File: e40275d4e75c915⋯.png (728.52 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777219 (211957ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Trudeau gov’t routinely goes to court to block access to information requests, watchdog says

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Trudeau gov’t routinely goes to court to block access to information requests, watchdog says


The House of Commons Ethics Committee was told by the Office of the Information Commissioner Caroline Maynard that certain government institutions 'routinely violate' the law by blocking Canadians' access to information they have a right to obtain.

Canada’s information commissioner has revealed that the Trudeau government has forced her agency to spend thousands in extra legal fees because federal departments continue to file legal challenges in an attempt to block the release of access to information requests, despite such information being a “constitutional right.”

On Monday, the House of Commons Ethics Committee was informed by the Office of the Information Commissioner Caroline Maynard that certain government institutions “now routinely violate” the law surrounding freedom of information requests, and they do so “on a daily basis.”

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, Maynard said that “We are in a place where information is key,” adding that “Canadians” today “don’t trust governments.”

“We need information to be factual, timely and provided to them,” she insisted.

The Office of the Information Commissioner is an independent body that supports Canadians who are not satisfied with how their information requests have been processed. Under law, all Canadians have a legal right to request information from federal institutions.

Canada’s Access to Information Act allows Maynard to issue binding orders that pertain to federal managers who do not want public records disclosed. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127508

File: 74b1e4b4b29b34f⋯.png (670.04 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777275 (212010ZOCT23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Data shows less than 1% of Albertans have taken the latest COVID booster

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Data shows less than 1% of Albertans have taken the latest COVID booster


According to the Alberta government's 'Respiratory virus dashboard,' when it comes to the latest COVID-19 booster shot, only 18,777 people have taken the jab out of a population of 4,519,217.

Official statistics show only 0.4 percent of Albertans have decided to get the latest revised version of the mRNA-based COVID vaccines, one month after their release to the public.

According to the Alberta government’s “Respiratory virus dashboard,” when it comes to the latest COVID-19 booster shot, only 18,777 people have taken the jab out of a population of 4,519,217.

The age group with the highest COVID jab rate is the 90-year plus category at 9 percent. The 85 to 89 age rate has a 4.9 percent jab rate, with the next highest being the 80 to 84 category at 2.4 percent.

Only 87 kids aged 12 to 14 have gotten the jab. In the 6 to 11-month-old category, only 0.7 percent have received the shot.

Data shows that most of the shots have been administered in pharmacies, while the rest have been given at hospitals and care homes.

Last month, Health Canada approved a revised Moderna mRNA-based COVID shot, despite research showing that 1 in 35 recipients of the booster ended up with myocardial damage. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777328 (212026ZOCT23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Horrific! “On one day, 30 people were jabbed on the same day at the same location - ALL are now deceased“

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Horrific ! “On one day, 30 people were jabbed on the same day at the same location – ALL are now deceased“


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a90dd8 No.127510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777498 (212101ZOCT23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Republican & ‘Entire Family’ Killed in Plane Crash after Demanding Investigation into mRNA Shots

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Republican & ‘Entire Family’ Killed in Plane Crash after Demanding Investigation into mRNA Shots


A Republican lawmaker and his “entire family” have been killed in a tragic plane crash in Utah.

The tragedy comes shortly after North Dakota State Senator Doug Larsen, who died along with his wife and children, demanded an investigation into the “long-term health effects” of Covid mRNA vaccines.

Sen. Larsen made the call during a statement on the state’s Senate floor.

WATCH: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127511

File: b173182575d1311⋯.png (651.34 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777532 (212110ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Justin Trudeau Hesitates to Condemn Hamas for Gaza Hospital Blast Propaganda After Blaming Israel

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Justin Trudeau Hesitates to Condemn Hamas for Gaza Hospital Blast Propaganda After Blaming Israel


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday questioned American and Israeli military officials’ verdict that the explosion near the Ahli Arab Hospital on Tuesday night was caused by a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) rocket rather than an Israeli air strike, as the Hamas terrorist organization claimed.

Trudeau said Canadian intelligence has not reached its own conclusions yet.

“We are working closely with allies to determine exactly what happened,” Trudeau said at a press conference in Ottawa on Thursday.

“We saw some preliminary evidence, but we’ll keep working with our allies as quickly as possible before reaching any firm and final conclusion,” he said, insisting his government is “taking the necessary time to look carefully at everything.”

Trudeau added that many Canadian communities are “personally affected in an intensive way by what happened over there.”

Trudeau’s foreign minister, Melanie Joly, supported his remarks and said Canada and its allies were “working to determine exactly what happened.”

“What happened in Gaza is absolutely devastating. Palestinian civilians, Israeli civilians are equal and must be protected,” she declared.

Joly became visibly agitated when reporters pressed her on why Canada was unwilling to accept the consensus from U.S. and Israeli intelligence, which was awkwardly endorsed by President Joe Biden on Wednesday when he said the hospital blast “appears as though it was done by the other team.”

“I said it in the House, I said it in French, and I’ll say it again. What happened in Gaza is completely devastating. There’s been numerous conversations. Canada is in contact with all of its allies on this issue. We’ll make sure to know what exactly happened,” Joly snapped.

Trudeau is under pressure from Canadian opposition to take a more clear position, especially since he originally seemed to accept Hamas propaganda on the explosion at face value, immediately condemning Israel for its “absolutely unacceptable” alleged decision to target a hospital. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127512

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19777576 (212121ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Canadian PM booed at mosque

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Canadian PM booed at mosque (VIDEO)


The cold reception came as a group of MPs urged Justin Trudeau to push for a ceasefire

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was booed during an unannounced visit to a Toronto mosque where he was confronted by a crowd over his approach to the Hamas-Israel conflict. Trudeau has expressed support for Israel while stopping short of calling for a ceasefire.

On Friday, the prime minister went to a mosque in the Etobicoke area. His office also said he visited the International Muslims Organization of Toronto “to show his support to those impacted in the Muslim community from the horrific events in the Middle East.”

However, Trudeau was met with a cold reception. A viral video on social media shows Trudeau standing near the podium while being introduced, with several people shouting “Shame!”

Another part of the clip shows Trudeau being booed as he leaves a building with a police escort. A female activist can be heard saying: “How many Palestinian children need to be slaughtered before you call for a ceasefire?”

On Friday, more than 30 Canadian MPs, mostly members of his own Liberal Party, wrote a letter to Trudeau urging him to call on Israel and Hamas to stand down. “The longer this conflict goes on, the more innocent civilians will pay with their lives. We demand that Canada join the growing international call for an immediate ceasefire,” they said. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19778357 (220009ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Five Times August's anti-woke anthem "Ain't No Rock And Roll" reaches 1 MILLION views on X

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BREAKING: Five Times August's anti-woke anthem "Ain't No Rock And Roll" reaches 1 MILLION views on X


The song resonates with many who challenge various prevailing societal narratives.

It is safe to say that Five Times August's new hit single, "Ain't No Rock And Roll" has officially gone viral as it has now reached a total of one million views on X, formerly known as Twitter. The song has a rebellious attitude and resonates with many who challenge various prevailing government and societal narratives.

Brad Skistimas, more commonly known by his moniker Five Times August, has received praise from many for his rock and roll music.

Skistimas posted about his appreciation for his viewers on X.

"One Million Views, Baby" he said. "Thank you all so much."

Baste Records, an independent label known for supporting the counter-cultural movement in the entertainment industry, backed the anthem, The American Beat reports.

"When 2020 came around and we're starting to see this sort of tyranny creep in little by little, and I'm looking around asking, 'where are my heroes,' that became an issue for me, and that's one of the reasons why I started speaking out. So that idea sat with me for a while and I ended up writing a song about it called 'Ain't No Rock And Roll,'" Skistimas said as he spoke about what inspired his music in an interview with HighWire.

Skistimas also remarked that the joke for last couple of years is that "Rage Against the Machine has now become "Raging for the Machine."

"We saw so many artists require vaccination shots and segregate their audiences ... it gut punched me into thinking you know, 'is rock and roll just a farce at the end of the day?'" Skistimas recounted. "There was never a greater time to stand up against the man than the last three years ... very few of them that you would have expected to speak up, spoke up."

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a90dd8 No.127514

File: 7791b0c5173d6b4⋯.png (14.3 KB,300x92,75:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781708 (221530ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / WHO outlines considerations for regulation of artificial intelligence for health

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WHO outlines considerations for regulation of artificial intelligence for health


The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a new publication listing key regulatory considerations on artificial intelligence (AI) for health. The publication emphasizes the importance of establishing AI systems’ safety and effectiveness, rapidly making appropriate systems available to those who need them, and fostering dialogue among stakeholders, including developers, regulators, manufacturers, health workers, and patients. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127515

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781716 (221534ZOCT23) Notable: Updated MAiD Bun / M.A.I.D UNLEASHED: Canada Wants To Legalize Medically Assisted Suicides For Drug Addicts (video)

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M.A.I.D UNLEASHED: Canada Wants To Legalize Medically Assisted Suicides For Drug Addicts!!!


In 2016 the Canadian government legalized MAID (medical assistance in dying) and they’ve seen an increase of over 35% of Canadians taking them up on the offer since 2021.

Now the Canadian government is seeking to add “persons suffering solely from a mental illness” to the list of eligible Canadians which includes people who are addicted to drugs!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest moves by the Canadian government to empower themselves to help Canadians kill themselves with MAID.

People often wonder how Hitler came to power and how the Germans could have supported such a regime….Easy…they thought they were being scientific and progressive, and that’s the same thing we’re seeing today.

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a90dd8 No.127516

File: 962c1273b56cb35⋯.png (237 KB,851x396,851:396,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781729 (221538ZOCT23) Notable: Updated MAiD Bun / Assisted Suicide for BABIES Demanded by Quebec College of Physicians

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Assisted Suicide for BABIES Demanded by Quebec College of Physicians


I apologize for using the oxymoronic term “assisted suicide for babies” in the title. An infant is not self-aware and cannot “commit suicide.” Infants want to live, eat, and be held by their parents. And yet, the Quebec College of Physicians wants to expand the Canadian “Medical Assistance in Dying” program to infants.

Watch Dr. Louis Roy, from the Quebec College of Physicians, telling the Commons' Special Joint Committee of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) on Oct. 7 that his organization believes MAID can be appropriate for infants up to age one who are born with “severe malformations.”

Medical Assistance in Dying implies someone wanting to die and getting medical assistance to die in a socially approved manner with some comfort.

Infants under one year cannot possibly choose to die or request medical assistance, so the name does not exactly suit the situation. Instead of “assistance in dying,” infants will be euthanized for the convenience of the parents and doctors who no longer want to deal with problematic babies. There are other, even more disturbing reasons for this program being promoted, which we will explore. 'Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781737 (221540ZOCT23) Notable: Updated MAiD Bun / MAID should be offered to some babies: Quebec College of Physicians (video)

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MAID should be offered to some babies: Quebec College of Physicians


Dr. Louis Roy, from the Quebec College of Physicians, told the Commons' Special Joint Committee of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) on Oct. 7 that his organization believes MAID can be appropriate for infants up to age one who are born with “severe malformations” and “grave and severe syndromes” for which their “prospective of survival is null, so to speak.”

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a90dd8 No.127518

File: 0c6181855820098⋯.png (375.84 KB,819x504,13:8,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781833 (221604ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Here’s Why We Could be Headed for Another Dark Middle Ages

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Here’s Why We Could be Headed for Another Dark Middle Ages


Trends are changing. In the 1930s it was wearing spectacles. Remember Pol Pot?

Now, it is any of the following: having a barbeque with friends on a Sunday afternoon (meat eating being a planet murdering activity), taking Johny to football or Sally to ballet in a … deep breath, car (driving being a planet extinguishing activity).

“Maybe try walking” as climate extremist group Tyre Extinguishers suggests:

Climate change extremists have deflated “hundreds” of tyres on SUVs in the wealthy Melbourne suburb overnight, with notes left on windscreens informing owners that their “gas guzzler kills” and suggesting they try taking public transport instead.

I don’t know, but when I think about these people sometimes I just want to point them to the sky as I’m quite sure God sends messages. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19781877 (221614ZOCT23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Redacted: Australia is trying to HIDE this from the world (video)

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Australia is trying to HIDE this from the world | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris


In Australia, the government voted NOT to launch a medical inquiry into transgender medicine. This was a motion put forward by the Victorian Liberals, led by MP Moira Deeming who was actually expelled from the party for reading a speech about women's rights at a rally earlier this year. The initiative had been seeking to launch a medical inquiry into what is called “gender-affirming healthcare.” Why wouldn’t anyone oppose researching this for children?? Because researchers know that this medical experimentation would never pass clinical trials.

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a90dd8 No.127520

File: 33ae519db13d4b2⋯.png (1.28 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782047 (221647ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Rural Alberta community puts Ottawa on blast for not addressing crime

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Rural Alberta community puts Ottawa on blast for not addressing crime


Residents of the quaint municipal district of Bonnyville, Alta. took to council to express their concerns over rising rural crime and inaction from federal authorities to address repeat offenders.

A recent rural crime wave last week sparked a cry for help among the district’s council members and residents who said they feel unsafe and unprotected by the current justice system.

Chief Administrative Officer Al Hoggan said the federal government is responsible for setting the legislation that affects how crime is dealt with and that the issue has become politicized.

He warned that there is no quick fix and that the voters will have to decide in the next federal election if they want a change.

“This is as much a political problem as much as a crime reduction problem. This is federal legislation,” said Hoggan.

“Whether or not the federal government has any inclination to change the direction that they’ve currently been going in, it will be a question that the voters will be asked to deal with within the next couple of years.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127521

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782083 (221655ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / LAWTON: Liberals promise another internet regulation bill (video)

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LAWTON: Liberals promise another internet regulation bill


In response to a fresh wave of antisemitic protests, the Liberals have reiterated their promise to introduce “online harms” legislation. Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms president John Carpay joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss the Liberals’ obsession with regulating the internet, and the implications it could have on freedom of expression.

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a90dd8 No.127522

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782181 (221712ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / LAWTON: Documents reveal SNC-Lavalin probe blocked by Trudeau cabinet (video)

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LAWTON: Documents reveal SNC-Lavalin probe blocked by Trudeau cabinet


According to newly released documents, the RCMP was unable to pursue a criminal investigation into the SNC-Lavalin scandal due to difficulties in obtaining confidential cabinet materials. Democracy Watch founder Duff Conacher joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss the documents in question, and the implications of its findings.

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a90dd8 No.127523

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782252 (221725ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Canada-wide protest against gender ideology ‘1MillionMarch4Children’ covered by Rebels

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Canada-wide protest against gender ideology ‘1MillionMarch4Children’ covered by Rebels


The nationwide protest continues from last month’s huge turnout of thousands of concerned parents of different faith groups uniting to protect their children from the ongoing sexual indoctrination in school, despite Antifa, union and far-left counter protests.

TODAY on Saturday, October 21, 2023, thousands are heading out to demonstrate in dozens of participating cities from across the country to send a message that they don’t stand for the continued sexual indoctrination being forcibly taught to their impressionable kids in the once trusted school educational system.

Rebel journalists nationwide are heading into the field as several major cities are taking to the streets marching and protesting.

Drea Humphrey in British Columbia!

Adam Soos and Sydney Fizzard in Calgary, Alberta!

Tamara Ugolini and Efrain Monsanto in Toronto, Ontario!

Alexa Lavoie and Guillaume Roy in Montreal, Quebec!

Please see all our LIVE footage that is being released through-out the day below: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127524

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782296 (221732ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / U.S. border agents captured 237 illegal immigrants along Manitoba border since October 2022: report

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U.S. border agents captured 237 illegal immigrants along Manitoba border since October 2022: report


Most have been approached by smugglers in an attempt to enter the U.S.. In some cases, smugglers say it is easier to enter the country from Canada than Mexico, noting that most of the people captured are Mexican.

Illegal immigrants continue to flee Canada for perceived greener pastures in the U.S. in record numbers, according to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

From October 2022 to the end of August, the U.S. Border Patrol apprehended 237 people who left Manitoba for North Dakota or Minnesota.

That's three times the number of illegal immigrants captured from October 2021 to September 2022 at 68.

"The first half of the year we've already surpassed all of our numbers from 2022, and we're a little over halfway through now," said David Marcus, a border agent who covers the North Dakota and Minnesota section of the U.S. border with Canada.

Marcus told the CBC that most have been approached by smugglers in an attempt to enter the U.S. for a better life. “The smugglers say they can get him here safely and that's a lie. They can't guarantee anybody's safety,” he added.

In some cases, smugglers say it is easier to enter the U.S. from Canada than Mexico, noting that most of the people captured originated from Mexico. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127525

File: e64ab903e9f6a75⋯.png (1.71 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782335 (221737ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Canadian senator stalls bill that exempts farmers from carbon tax: report

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Canadian senator stalls bill that exempts farmers from carbon tax: report


The House of Commons passed Bill C-234 on March 29 by a vote of 176-146. A similar bill also passed the Commons but died in the Senate.

A single senator has earned the ire of a local taxpayers group after filibustering a bill that exempts certain fuels from the federal carbon tax.

Introduced in February 2022 by MP Ben Lobb, Bill C-234, An Act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, would exempt farmers from paying a carbon tax on natural gas and propane when used for irrigation, grain drying, and heating barns.

According to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF), Senator Pierre Dalphond stalled the legislation on October 18 — delaying federal bids to ease food prices for Canadians amid the ongoing inflation crisis.

“Dalphond is making eggs, bread and milk more expensive,” said Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director. “With his $170,000 annual salary, maybe Dalphond can afford to wait, but ordinary Canadians struggling to afford groceries need relief now.”

The House of Commons passed Bill C-234 on March 29 by a vote of 176-146. Except for three Liberal MPs, all other Liberals opposed the tax relief.

A previous bill also passed the Commons but died in the Senate.

“The House of Commons has already passed a bill twice to remove the carbon tax [that] makes it more expensive for farmers to produce the food and for you to buy the food,” said Terrazzano.

“Let’s email the unelected Senator Pierre Dalphond and tell him to stop stalling the bill, to stop watering it down and to stop making your groceries more expensive,” he added.

According to the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO), passing Bill C-234 would save farmers about $1 billion through 2030. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127526

File: 0b85dd01fdbdfcc⋯.png (174.38 KB,806x701,806:701,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782514 (221800ZOCT23) Notable: EU, US, Canada Voice Strong Condemnation Against Communist China Following Maritime Collision Involving Chinese and Philippine Vessels

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EU, US, Canada Voice Strong Condemnation Against Communist China Following Maritime Collision Involving Chinese and Philippine Vessels in West Philippine Sea, Escalating Tensions in the Disputed Sea


European Union, Canada and the U.S. condemned the communist China after Chinese vessels collided with Philippine boats on a resupply mission to BRP Sierra Madre, a Philippine navy ship, on Second Thomas Shoal.

Ayungin Shoal, also known as Second Thomas Shoal, is an atoll in the Spratly Islands of the South China Sea, 105 nautical miles west of Palawan, Philippines. Claimed by several nations but located in the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, the atoll is currently militarily occupied by the Philippines.

The incident occurred on Sunday, when the China Coast Guard vessel 5203 (CCGV 5203) engaged in dangerous blocking maneuvers, leading to a collision with the Philippine indigenous resupply boat named Unaiza May 2 (UM2).

Furthermore, during the same resupply mission, the Philippine Coast Guard vessel MRRV 4409 was bumped by the Chinese Maritime Militia vessel 00003 (CMMV 00003) while positioned approximately 6.4NM Northeast of Ayungin Shoal​. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127527

File: 0b474f6dc710e5c⋯.png (323.49 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782599 (221813ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / China Deploys Six Warships to Middle East Amid Rising Tensions From Israel-Gaza War

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WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: China Deploys Six Warships to Middle East Amid Rising Tensions From Israel-Gaza War


Up to six Chinese warships have been deployed to the Middle East over the past week, South China Morning Post reported.

The 44th Naval Escort Task Force has been engaged in standard operations in the region since May, partaking in a multi-day visit to Oman last week, which included a joint naval exercise with the Omani Navy, as per statements from the Chinese defense ministry.

On Saturday, after their visit, the task force departed from the capital, Muscat on October 14, heading towards an undisclosed destination, as per state media.

The visit saw an engagement between the Chinese and Omani military officials, with a series of visits to military institutions and a friendly basketball match organized amidst the formal interactions, according to the state news agency Xinhua.

Hailing from the People’s Liberation Army Eastern Theatre, the task force is composed of the Zibo, a Type 052D guided-missile destroyer, the frigate Jingzhou, and the integrated supply ship Qiandaohu.

Earlier this month, the command was handed over to the 45th Naval Escort Task Force from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA’s) Northern Theatre command, which comprises another Type 052 destroyer, the Urumqi; the frigate Linyi and supply ship Dongpinghu. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127528

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782635 (221819ZOCT23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Swiss Banker Pascal Najadi Calls on Swiss Authorities to Arrest People Behind the Release of “Bioweapon” COVID-19 Shot in New Documentary

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Cutting off the Head of the Snake: Swiss Banker Pascal Najadi Calls on Swiss Authorities to Arrest People Behind the Release of “Bioweapon” COVID-19 Shot in New Documentary (VIDEO)


In a bold new documentary titled “Cutting off the Head of the Snake,” Pascal Najadi, a former Swiss banker, and Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, a seasoned health expert from Geneva, delve into the dark underbelly of global organizations headquartered in the serene city of Geneva, Switzerland.

Pascal Najadi is a retired Swiss business banker whose job was to advise countries and heads of state on the financial direction of the country.

Najadi was responsible for the resignation of the Swiss president after he filed a criminal lawsuit at the high Supreme Court of Switzerland against Alain Berset. He accused Berset of making false statements surrounding the effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines.

Najadi was the son of the late Hussain Najadi who was assassinated in 2013 and reportedly was the co-founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Najadi revealed his father’s disdain for the WEF, which led to his departure from the organization in the early 1980s, leaving Klaus Schwab at the helm.

“Everything evil in the world related to democide unfortunately comes from Geneva,” Najadi said. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127529

File: 8c67d829e35f59e⋯.png (258.77 KB,702x352,351:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19782864 (221918ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Joe Biden’s Soros Funded ‘TikTok Army’ Uses Hamas-Affiliated Outlet to Push Propaganda

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Joe Biden’s Soros Funded ‘TikTok Army’ Uses Hamas-Affiliated Outlet to Push Propaganda


The Gateway Pundit reported on George Soros funding for an army of Gen Z TikTokers to advance his extreme left-wing causes. Once known ‘TikTok for Biden,’ the group is now called ‘Gen Z for Change.’

The New York Post reports that Soros’ Open Society Foundation shelled out $5.5 million to the nonprofit Accelerate Action Inc. in 2020 and 2021 — which in turn gave at least $300,000 in 2022 to Gen Z for Change.

In the aftermath of the Hamas terrorist attacks on civilians, Gen Z for Change is now sharing information from a Hamas-affiliated Palestinian propaganda outlet to accuse Israel of “genocide.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127530

File: 2d2b693fd1703db⋯.png (6.64 MB,3981x3393,1327:1131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19783503 (222144ZOCT23) Notable: Operation IMPACT is part of Canada’s whole-of-government approach to the Middle East

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Found out yesterdays local CAF member is being deployed to Lebanon for 6 mo. I had no idea the CAF is all over the middle east!


Operation IMPACT

Operation IMPACT is part of Canada’s whole-of-government approach to the Middle East. The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) mission to build the military capabilities of Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon, and set the conditions for their long-term success. Op IMPACT complements the work of other Canadian government agencies such as Global Affairs Canada and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Op IMPACT began as the CAF support to the Global Coalition to degrade and ultimately defeat Daesh in Iraq and Syria. The coalition has been effective. Under the command of Brigadier-General Wade Rutland, Op IMPACT, on behalf of the CAF, is continuing to work with partners in the region to set the conditions for stability and security.

Canada plays an important role in Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon, alongside its partners. In Iraq for example, the CAF efforts in support of the Global Coalition and NATO improve Iraqi security forces’ capabilities. These efforts help Iraq to achieve long-term success in keeping its territory and people secure.

Update Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127531

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19785471 (230552ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Inside the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals Summit: Jody Ledgerwood and Cris Vleck (video)

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Inside the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals Summit: Jody Ledgerwood and Cris Vleck


Last month, the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals Summit was held in New York City.

Speakers from around the world laid out the UN plans to destroy our economy, shut down the fossil fuel industry, cut off our supply to essentials such as food, clothing and heat, and to imprison us all in 15 minute cities.

Of course they didn’t say it in those words. The globalists pay marketing agencies to package these concepts in pleasant sounding words such as affordable and clean energy, zero hunger, quality education, and sustainable cities.

And much of what was said at that summit was not recorded or livestreamed and certainly not covered by mainstream media.

Fortunately for us two of Canada’s top freedom fighters and investigative journalists, Jody Ledgerwood and Cris Vleck attended the summit. They came away with reams of documents and videos that reveal the real agenda.

In this interview, Cris and Jody show us some of the materials they obtained, and videos they recorded while they were there and reveal the truth that we must all be aware of. Covid didn’t give them the control they wanted. And so now they will attack us with climate alarmism and agendas to steal our rights and subject us to severe restrictions on our freedoms under the guise of saving the planet.

From the money supply, to food, to heating fuel, to our very right to move freely, their plan is nothing less than absolute control. And they are accelerating those plans, pushing ever faster toward a totalitarian one world government.

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a90dd8 No.127532

File: e4a437ba53231b9⋯.png (1.96 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19786697 (231441ZOCT23) Notable: Liberals, NDP MPs vote to keep Nazi invitation inquiry behind closed doors

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Liberals, NDP MPs vote to keep Nazi invitation inquiry behind closed doors


Conservative MPs on the House of Commons’ procedure committee blasted Liberal and NDP colleagues for voting to make an inquiry into the invitation of a Nazi soldier to the House of Commons last month private and unavailable to the general public.

A motion before the committee called for a transparent and public inquiry into how former Ukrainian 14th SS Division Galicia member Yaroslav Hunka was given a place of honour in Parliament during Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky’s visit to Canada.

The Conservative motion was voted down with four MPs supporting a public inquiry and seven MPs voting against.

Conservative MP Michael Cooper accused opponents of engaging in a coverup and keeping the truth from Canadians to protect Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s reputation.

“What we have is a coverup coalition at work yet again seeking to go behind closed doors rather than to deal with this matter openly and transparently to get to the bottom of one of the greatest international embarrassments brought upon by this prime minister with an S.S. soldier addressing parliament and it’s disgraceful,” said Cooper. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127533

File: f6c20800e9342ca⋯.png (1.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19786761 (231449ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Canadian military bans public prayers in the name of inclusion: directive

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Canadian military bans public prayers in the name of inclusion: directive


It’s about replacing traditional religion with the new state religion of progressivism,’ says one chaplain, who adds the ‘silent majority’ are ‘very worried’ about this rejection of tradition.

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) continue its woke tirade against members after banning religious prayers at public functions.

“While the dimension of prayer may occupy a significant place for some of our members, we do not all pray in the same way; for some, prayer does not play a role in their lives,” reads a directive obtained by the Epoch Times.

“Therefore, it is essential for chaplains to adopt a sensitive and inclusive approach when publicly addressing military members,” it said.

Chaplain General, Brigadier-General Guy Belisle, who signed the directive on October 11, said any “spiritual reflection” henceforth must be “inclusive in nature, and respectful of the religious and spiritual diversity of Canada.”

That means that a chaplain cannot recite from the Bible or allude to God during public functions.

The Department of National Defence (DND) confirmed that chaplains must refrain from words such as “God” and “Heavenly Father” in official ceremonies. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127534

File: c59c33f75c93fb3⋯.png (1.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 93572f7a057e601⋯.png (1.25 MB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 920a58b4378ba44⋯.png (986.04 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19786877 (231507ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / B.C. MP calls for end of ‘safer supply’ drug policy after death of family member

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B.C. MP calls for end of ‘safer supply’ drug policy after death of family member


MP Todd Doherty urged the Commons health committee to suspend its ‘safer supply’ drug policy after losing his brother-in-law to a fatal fentanyl overdose ‘on the street.’

A Conservative MP shed tears after reminiscing about the loss of his brother-in-law to a fentanyl overdose, courtesy of “safer supply” facilities.

MP Todd Doherty urged the Commons health committee to suspend its “safer supply” drug policy after losing a loved one to an accidental overdose “on the street.”

“We are powerless, powerless to stop this,” he said, referring to the families of overdose victims. “Somebody has to answer this.”

Doherty said drug dealers are selling illicit drugs on the black market in British Columbia, where Cabinet granted a temporary decriminalization of possessing up to 2.5 grams of opioids and other narcotics on January 31.

“There are businesses in my province that are buying illicit drugs on the black market and selling them or giving them away on the street,” he said. “How far have we fallen that you can perpetuate somebody’s addiction but we can’t get them into a bed for recovery?”

The Commons on May 29 upheld the policy by a 209 to 113 vote. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19786922 (231517ZOCT23) Notable: Major Meat Producer Tyson Invests in Insect Proteins and Lipids (video)

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Eat Ze Bugs: Major Meat Producer Tyson Invests in Insect Proteins and Lipids – Uses Animal Waste to Feed Flies, Which Will Then be Turned Into Food for Pet, Aquaculture, and Livestock Industries (VIDEO)


Tyson Foods, the world’s second-largest processor and marketer of meat, has announced a joint venture with Protix, the world’s largest insect factory, to delve into the world of insect protein and lipid production, targeting the pet food, aquaculture, and livestock industries.

However, the question that looms large is, do insect proteins really hold the key to sustainability, or is this just a trendy leap onto the bandwagon of alternative protein sources?

Tyson Foods and Protix envision an insect protein processing facility on American soil that seeks to transform food manufacturing byproducts into insect proteins and lipids.

According to CNN, “that facility will use animal waste to feed black soldier flies, which will then be turned into food for pets, poultry and fish… Those flies are not going into human food, at this point.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127536

File: 874c882f948d916⋯.png (517.88 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19788011 (231914ZOCT23) Notable: India-Canada relations going through ‘difficult phase’ - New Delhi

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India-Canada relations going through ‘difficult phase’ – New Delhi


India’s foreign minister has reiterated New Delhi’s position on Ottawa’s “continuous interference” in his country’s affairs amid a deepening diplomatic row

India’s Minister of External Affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar has warned that his country and Canada are going through “a difficult phase” of their relationship amid the deepening diplomatic row over the killing of Sikh separatist leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Canada.

The minister’s was speaking on Sunday, just days after Ottawa was ordered to withdraw 41 of its diplomats, as a result of what New Delhi called “continued interference” in its affairs.

“The relationship right now is going through a difficult phase. But I do want to say that the problems we have are with a certain segment of Canadian politics and the policies which flow from that,” Jaishankar said.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in September said his government had “credible intelligence” regarding the possible involvement of Indian agents in the killing of Nijjar. However, no evidence has been made public so far. India has vehemently denied the allegations as absurd. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127537

File: bd6c09c883c4b04⋯.png (254.14 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19793556 (241612ZOCT23) Notable: Erdogan Finally Submits Sweden's NATO Bid To Turkish Parliament, With $20BN F-16 Deal Looming

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Erdogan Finally Submits Sweden's NATO Bid To Turkish Parliament, With $20BN F-16 Deal Looming


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has submitted Sweden's bid to Turkey's parliament for the first time. The move happened Monday, at a moment the globe's attention has switched from Russia-Ukraine to the Israel-Gaza war, and has brought Stockholm's entrance into the alliance a big step closer.

"The Protocol on Sweden’s NATO Accession was signed by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on October 23, 2023 and referred to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey," the Turkish presidency announced on social media. Turkey under Erdogan has been the most outspoken in blocking Sweden's bid, having long complained that it harbors 'terrorists' - due to the large Kurdish population which often organizes anti-Turkey protests and political movements.

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson enthusiastically welcomed the development in Stockholm's favor. "Welcome that President Erdoğan signed Sweden’s ratification protocol to NATO and submitted it to the Grand National Assembly of [Turkey]. Parliamentary procedures will now commence. We are looking forward to becoming a member of NATO." Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127538

File: 200988623d9769e⋯.png (323.27 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19793679 (241627ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / The Uncancellable Billionaire: Musk's SpaceX Signs Deal To Launch EU Satellites

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The Uncancellable Billionaire: Musk's SpaceX Signs Deal To Launch EU Satellites


Earlier this year, Elon Musk warned the Biden administration would "weaponize" federal agencies against him for his 'free speech' platform X. More recently, Democrats tried to cancel the billionaire after his biographer Walter Isaacson claimed Musk turned off Starlink coverage for Ukraine, which turned out to be false. Then, in recent weeks, the European Union told Musk that X could be at risk of being banned across the continent over claims of 'disinformation' amid the Israel-Gaza conflict.

Despite the frequent efforts by Western political elites to 'cancel' the billionaire, their efforts have largely been unsuccessful. Musk is becoming the 'uncancellable billionaire' as the latest news from the Wall Street Journal reveals - even though the European Union has a strong distaste for the billionaire - they must now use SpaceX rockets to launch spy satellites into orbit because delays in Europe's space rocket program and cutting off the use of Russian rockets due to the Ukraine war.

SpaceX and the European Space Agency agreed to conduct at least two launches next year, catapulting two Galileo satellites into orbit. The European Commission and EU member states have yet to approve the agreement, but officials told WSJ they anticipate approval by the end of the year. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127539

File: de076e87dfb98bd⋯.png (955.2 KB,810x540,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19794085 (241736ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Pope Francis set to attend UN ‘climate change’ conference in Dubai: reports

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Pope Francis set to attend UN ‘climate change’ conference in Dubai: reports


Pope Francis has called for the upcoming COP28 conference to promote ‘binding forms of energy transition’ that are ‘obligatory and readily monitored.’

Multiple “senior Vatican sources” have attested that Pope Francis is due to attend the COP28 climate conference, media reports have stated, after he highlighted the conference as a potentially “historic event.”

Published first in the French-language version of its website, La Croix reported that Pope Francis intends to attend the COP28 “climate change” conference due to be held in Dubai at the end of November.

“Pope Francis will travel to Dubai to take part in COP28, the international climate summit, which begins on November 30, several senior Vatican sources have confirmed to La Croix,” the report read. The pope’s participation in the event had previously been theorized in some media outlets, but La Croix’s report offers the first sign of confirmation on the matter.

The Vatican has yet to issue an official communication on the matter. LifeSiteNews contacted officials seeking comment, but has yet to receive a response. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127540

File: 413d7a17a3a8a7b⋯.png (372.61 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19794113 (241740ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / World Economic Forum Calls For “Collective Action” To Fight “Misinformation” and “Disinformation”

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World Economic Forum Calls For “Collective Action” To Fight “Misinformation” and “Disinformation”


First, they purposefully destroy something, and then they want to “get the contract” to rebuild it.

Would you trust somebody with the job – if the above statement referred to, say, your house?

Yet, we are now seeing tireless efforts by the same groups, official and informal, the same centers of power who spent years circulating alarmist statements about a supposedly dangerous prevalence of “misinformation” in the media – wanting to be the ones to tell the world how to “rebuild trust in the media.”

In the new episode of World Economic Forum (WEF) series of musings – a bid to lay the foundations of a future “world (dis)order” on a number of key issues – the Switzerland-based global elite’s mouthpiece touches on precisely the trust in the media – and how to bake AI into their proposed solution.

At the same time, the Global Coalition for Digital Safety, which is its “public-private coalition to tackle harmful content and conduct online” – is being promoted.

It bears repeating, the problem of mistrust in the media is created by the likes of the WEF, i.e., its “stakeholders”: it’s the censorship enacted by the most influential legacy media, with the excuse of fighting “misinformation.”

And now it’s true: why would anyone believe this media? Censorship opponents say – that’s the outcome of unjustified censorship – while the WEF argues, that those outlets weren’t censoring enough, i.e., they let too much “misinformation” through.

The figure of “only 40% of the population trusting news” in the UK is mentioned. They don’t go into exactly why – but imply – it’s “rampant disinformation.”

By whom? (They don’t go into that, either.)

Giving a no doubt grateful nod to the Covid pandemic, as a factor making all this mess possible in the first place, and laboring from its own point of view, the WEF now has this “6-step solutions” to propose: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127541

File: d7b8c51b6c08085⋯.png (38.81 KB,795x527,795:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19794520 (241846ZOCT23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / For reference, here is a link to the redacted Canada-Pfizer Manufacturing and Supply Agreement:

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For reference, here is a link to the redacted Canada-Pfizer Manufacturing and Supply Agreement:


File to large to post here.

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a90dd8 No.127542

File: ede4e92f7a8ae98⋯.png (537.46 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19794848 (241949ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Prosecutors drop bail violation charge against Freedom Convoy’s Tamara Lich

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Prosecutors drop bail violation charge against Freedom Convoy’s Tamara Lich


Crown prosecutors say they are staying one charge against Freedom Convoy personality Tamara Lich because the trial has consumed so much time already.

The charge was laid when Lich was rearrested in June 2022 after she attended a freedom of speech gala in Toronto and accepted the George Jonas Freedom Award. She was accused of communicating with Tom Marazzo, another prominent figure in the Freedom Convoy protest. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127543

File: 94e4bc9f119dee3⋯.png (761.74 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 3477546527ec9f5⋯.png (171.13 KB,275x657,275:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19794922 (242005ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Ontario Catholic school board sends 'Me and White Supremacy' to all new principals, vice-principals for 'professional development'

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Ontario Catholic school board sends 'Me and White Supremacy' to all new principals, vice-principals for 'professional development'


"The Office of the Human Rights and Equity Advisor is committed to continuing the professional development journey of Administrators through" the book Me and White Supremacy.

The York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) is asking all "newly commissioned principals and vice-principals" within its jurisdiction if they've received their copies of "Me and White Supremacy" and its follow-up workbook, "White Supremacy: a Guided Journey."

It's reportedly mandatory reading if a person wants to work at the YCDSB.

"The Office of the Human Rights and Equity Advisor is committed to continuing the professional development journey of Administrators through the work of Layla F. Saad, author of Me and White Supremacy," reads a memo from YCDSB Director of Education Dominic Scuglia.

"If you have been a newly commissioned commissioned Principal or Vice-Principal in August 2022 or August 2023, and have not yet received your copy of the two resources, Me and White Supremacy book and Me and White Supremacy A Guided Journal, please email by Monday Oct. 30, 2023."

"Please be sure to include your school location," Di Prima advises, telling the recipients of the book that a resource is available to ensure everyone understands the book correctly. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127544

File: 7875ba40ec9100f⋯.png (807.13 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d3675caacf84ce⋯.png (200.98 KB,542x672,271:336,Clipboard.png)

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File: 59e1c74a1a638ad⋯.png (33.78 KB,542x378,271:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19794997 (242021ZOCT23) Notable: Elon Musk says 'We are sleepwalking our way into World War III'

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BREAKING: Elon Musk says 'We are sleepwalking our way into World War III'


"What is the track record here?" He asked.

Elon Musk spouted off on a Twitter Space on Monday with insights into the current state of global affairs. He said that a potential World War 3 puts civilization at risk, that the US is lacking an advantage in terms of industrial output when it comes to China and Russia, and that those two nations are being pushed closer together "in an axis of immense power against the west, and laying the groundwork for World War 3." Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127545

File: be00e7559966440⋯.png (1.76 MB,1200x803,1200:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19795011 (242026ZOCT23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Ontario Court Dismisses Vaccine Passport Appeal

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Ontario Court Dismisses Vaccine Passport Appeal


An Ontario court has dismissed an appeal that challenged the province’s COVID-19 vaccine passport program, saying the issue was moot.

The appeals court decided on Oct. 24 that the case is no longer relevant because the Ontario government ended the province's COVID-19 vaccine passport program in March 2022.

The case was brought forward by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) on behalf of eight Canadians. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127546

File: f6cb0c11e612d7e⋯.png (1.79 MB,1200x801,400:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19795043 (242034ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Defence Minister Blair Says Hamas Must Be ‘Eliminated’

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Defence Minister Blair Says Hamas Must Be ‘Eliminated’


Defence Minister Bill Blair says Hamas has to be 'eliminated' as it poses a threat 'not only to Israel, but to the world.'

The Liberal government has been supporting Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas, but now Defence Minister Bill Blair has gone a step further and said the organization needs to be “eliminated.”

“I think they have a right to defend themselves against that terrorist threat and, quite frankly, Hamas has to be eliminated as a threat, not just to Israel, but to the world,” Mr. Blair told reporters in Ottawa on Oct. 24. “They are a terrorist organization.”

Ottawa has been under pressure with regards to calling for a ceasefire given the humanitarian situation in Hamas-contolled Gaza. The Gaza health ministry says that over 5,000 Palestinians have been killed so far.

Canada has provided $60 million in humanitarian relief, with Global Affairs Canada saying it’s a “small fraction” of what is needed to help civilians in Gaza. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127547

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19795788 (242232ZOCT23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / WCH Expert Panel Finds Cancer-Promoting DNA Contamination in Covid-19 Vaccines-October 10, 2023

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WCH Expert Panel Finds Cancer-Promoting DNA Contamination in Covid-19 Vaccines-October 10, 2023

‘An Admission of Epic Proportions’: Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines

Health Canada on Thursday confirmed the presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines and also confirmed that Pfizer did not disclose the contamination to the public health authority.-10/20/23



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a90dd8 No.127548

File: db9a66a3ce3f5a6⋯.png (150.93 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19798803 (251252ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Broadcasting groups says Apple must be included in Online News Act

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Broadcasting groups says Apple must be included in Online News Act


The Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB) is asking the Trudeau government to include Apple in its proposed regulations under the Online News Act, which would force the tech company to pay news publishers for content shared through Apple’s news app.

CAB says Apple News, a paid subscription service aggregating stories from different platforms, clearly falls within the Online News Act.

The CAB said it disagrees with the fact that only Google and Meta are currently included, “even though there are other platforms that benefit from the distribution of news content and are negatively impacting news businesses in Canada.”

“The CAB believes that such services should be scoped into the framework, rather than excluded up front,” it said. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127549

File: 64f17582d3d53a4⋯.png (839.35 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19798834 (251304ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Gov foreign interference study calls for more online misinformation control

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Gov foreign interference study calls for more online misinformation control


In response to growing concerns about foreign interference in Canada, the House of Commons ethics committee is calling on the government to adopt measures to combat misinformation online.

On Tuesday, the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy, and Ethics recently released a report, focusing on foreign interference tactics employed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Russia.

The report also delved into allegations of communist China’s interference in past Canadian elections, as well as a donation to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation by a Chinese businessman.

The committee claimed social media platforms were “accountable for publishing false or misleading information.” Additionally, legislators called on the government to “develop policies to support the media ecosystem.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127550

File: ea7155a329d1e28⋯.png (451.71 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19798865 (251315ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Clean tech agency distributed tens of millions of taxpayer dollars inappropriately

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Clean tech agency distributed tens of millions of taxpayer dollars inappropriately: report


A report commissioned by the federal government revealed that Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) has been violating its contribution agreement with the federal government, distributing tens of millions of taxpayers dollars inappropriately.

Furthermore, SDTC board members and executives were incentivised with big bonuses to erroneously distribute these taxpayer dollars with little oversight, the report found.

The Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton report, commissioned by Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada (ISED), found that SDTC’s seed fund, which distributes $50,000 to $100,000 grants to clean tech companies, violates the crown corporation’s contribution agreement with the federal government.

Specifically, the ISED mandates that SDTC review the projects its funding to ensure its grants don’t surpass 50% of the total project costs.

However, the Raymond Chabot report found that SDTC had not been following this procedure before approving projects for funding, noting that there was a significant chance SDTC were overpaying firms. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127551

File: b5ac28be385db57⋯.png (3.04 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19798881 (251323ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / B.C. nurse continues fight over 'two genders' statement

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LIVE UPDATES: B.C. nurse continues fight over 'two genders' statement


Amy Hamm previously told Rebel News that she received tens of thousands of messages of hate and abuse following the complaint.

Amy Hamm, a B.C. nurse, women's rights advocate, and mother of two, continues to face scrutiny from her regulatory board after placing an 'I heart JK Rowling' billboard in Vancouver in 2020.

Two members of the public, who had never been patients of the accused, lodged a complaint with the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) last year. They claimed Hamm disseminated "medically inaccurate information" by standing in solidarity with Rowling, also an advocate for women and children.

The professional body subsequently launched an investigation into the matter, rescinding the initial charge in June 2022.

Now, they allege the nurse "[…] made discriminatory and derogatory statements regarding transgender people [between approximately July 2018 and March 2021] as a nurse or nurse educator" across various online platforms, including but not limited to, podcasts, videos, published writings and social media. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127552

File: d7893efb7ac4125⋯.png (1.89 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19798950 (251338ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Senate continues study on viability of universal basic income

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Senate continues study on viability of universal basic income


According to the Fraser Institute, a Universal Basic Income (UBI) program that provided working-age Canadians $2,000 a month, would cost $464.5 billion annually.

niversal Basic Income (UBI) inches closer to becoming reality as the Senate continues its examination of a controversial piece of legislation that would exacerbate Canada’s spending problem.

Independent Senators Group Senator Kim Pate first sponsored Bill S-233, An Act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income, on December 16, 2021, to establish a national UBI framework, she told reporters.

The bill completed its Second Reading this April and is currently under consideration by the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance.

“Now is the fact we are struggling throughout this country with homelessness, food insecurity, poverty, health, mental health issues,” Pate said October 17.

Senate and private members’ bills are rarely successfully passed.

At the conclusion of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) during the COVID pandemic, the Commons and Senate engaged in debate to ascertain the feasibility of guaranteed income. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127553

File: 4853efdf80e2f40⋯.png (1.1 MB,1103x625,1103:625,Clipboard.png)

File: 92b35c7bb5ea288⋯.png (345.02 KB,650x914,325:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 26bd0e88f1dbbc5⋯.png (22.87 KB,373x173,373:173,Clipboard.png)

File: b2465de078a5688⋯.png (215.22 KB,808x993,808:993,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799002 (251349ZOCT23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Swim competition allows a 50-year-old biological male to swim with 13 year-old girls

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Swim competition allows a 50-year-old biological male to swim with 13 year-old girls


The Markham Pan Am Centre just north of Toronto was the venue for the Richmond Hill Aquatic Centre’s Fall Classic swimming competition last weekend. And the classic Sesame Street song came to mind: “One of these things is not like the others; one of these things does not belong.”

Rebel News was tipped off by concerned parents that there was something perverse happening in the pool at Richmond Hill Aquatic Centre's Fall Classic swimming competition this past weekend October 20 in Markham Pan Am Centre.

Namely, at one of the swim races on Friday, 10 competitors took part. Nine of the competitors had much in common: they were female and they were either 13 or 14 years of age. Alas, the tenth competitor was Nicholas J. Cepeda, a.k.a., Melody Wiseheart, a member of the Orangeville Otters Swim Club. That’s right: somehow, 13 and 14-year-old girls were swimming against a 50-year-old biological male. Unbelievable. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127554

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799036 (251359ZOCT23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Health Canada stands firm: Pfizer vaccine safe and effective despite undisclosed contaminants

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Health Canada stands firm: Pfizer vaccine safe and effective despite undisclosed contaminants


The federal health agency continues to endorse and authorize the novel COVID-19 mRNA injections despite revelations that Pfizer omitted crucial contamination information, sparking safety and oversight concerns.

Health Canada continues its endorsement and authorization of novel COVID-19 mRNA injections for everyone aged six months and up, despite confirmation that Pfizer duped the government agency.

The federal regulatory agency has confirmed that it is aware of the presence of at least one previously undisclosed residual DNA plasmid, known as the SV40 promoter, through an investigation conducted by journalist Matthew Horwood at the Epoch Times.

Although Pfizer was expected to disclose biologically functioning DNA sequences such as the enhancer, they did not.

This is what many in the scientific integrity community are referring to as “#PlasmidGate” — that scientists have since confirmed the presence of residual DNA, or a genetic structure called plasmids in the vials of the novel biological injections, a disclosure that the manufacturer hid from the regulators during the drug submission and review process. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127555

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799077 (251412ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Gun owners considered "tertiary" group in Liberal government's gun ban messaging

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Gun owners considered "tertiary" group in Liberal government's gun ban messaging


Exclusive documents obtained by Rebel News through access filings show that the Trudeau Liberals tailored their handgun ban communications strategy around appeasing LGBTQ+ groups and women's organizations.

The Trudeau Liberals tailored their handgun ban communications strategy around appeasing LGBTQ+ groups and women's organizations shown in exclusive documents obtained by Rebel News.

The data on the messaging plan was found in a 339-page return of documents on Bill C-21, which outlawed private handgun ownership in Canada, stranded the assets of gun shops and handgun owners all across the country and requires highly vetted restricted license holders to turn their property over to the state upon their death.

The government's propaganda social media plan to sell C21 to solve rising violent crime rates in Canada's big cities treated gun owners as an afterthought, although they were directly targeted by the legislation.

The social media content plan from the Department of Public Safety indicated the target audience for the government's messaging was mental health advocates and LGBTQ+ associations like Eagle Canada. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127556

File: 14423007348ab8d⋯.png (701.69 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799243 (251450ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Israel calls on UN chief to resign

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Israel calls on UN chief to resign


Antonio Guterres sympathizes with Hamas, West Jerusalem has claimed

Israeli ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan demanded Secretary-General Antonio Guterres step down on Tuesday, accusing him of showing “compassion” for terrorists and murderers in a speech to the Security Council.

“The UN Secretary-General, who shows understanding for the campaign of mass murder of children, women, and the elderly, is not fit to lead the UN. I call on him to resign immediately,” Erdan said on X, formerly Twitter. “There is no justification or point in talking to those who show compassion for the most terrible atrocities committed against the citizens of Israel and the Jewish people.”

The “shocking” speech by Guterres is evidence that the secretary-general “is completely disconnected from the reality in our region and that he views the massacre committed by Nazi Hamas terrorists in a distorted and immoral manner,” Erdan argued.

“His statement that, ‘the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum,’ expressed an understanding for terrorism and murder. It’s really unfathomable. It’s truly sad that the head of an organization that arose after the Holocaust holds such horrible views. A tragedy!” he posted.

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen reacted to Guterres’ speech in the Security Council by pointing his finger and yelling at the secretary-general. He then announced he would refuse to meet with him again.

“After October 7th there is no room for a balanced approach. Hamas must be wiped out from the world!” Cohen declared on X.

Guterres had condemned the “appalling” and inexcusable violence by Hamas, but noted that Gaza had been “subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation” and that the Israeli response to October 7 attacks has amounted to collective punishment of Palestinians. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127557

File: a030d3e78f63629⋯.png (846.72 KB,1024x510,512:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799307 (251506ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / The Dangers of a “Cashless” Economy

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The Dangers of a “Cashless” Economy


Before delving into the dangers of eliminating cash and mandating that all transactions be conducted by digital means, let us briefly discuss the legal aspects of money. In the United States, as in all economies that have legal tender laws, only cash is recognized as money. Some may think that the balance of their bank accounts is money, too, but that is not quite the case. Your bank balance is one step removed from legal money.

All banks must maintain minimum balances of reserves, in cash held either in their vaults—a very small amount—or in their “reserve accounts” with their local Federal Reserve Bank branch (there are twelve of them). These reserve account balances may be converted to real money, or cash, at your bank’s discretion. However, the total cash in our economy also includes cash held outside the banking system, such as the money in your wallet, cookie jar, or personal safe deposit vault.

The total of bank reserves plus cash held outside the banking system is known as the monetary base. The monetary base is not the same as the money supply. Most of the money supply is composed of bank credit not backed by reserves. When banks make loans, they credit your account, which becomes bank credit money. Yes, this money was created by the bank out of thin air. Notice that the banks did not create reserves, only credit money, which is not the same thing. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127558

File: fe76af720296ae2⋯.png (611.26 KB,1023x572,93:52,Clipboard.png)

File: 775d45d59568fe5⋯.png (957.19 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799458 (251540ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / ‘Spamouflage’: Canada Says CCP Bots Targeted Lawmakers’ Social Media With Mass Disinformation Campaign - Spy Agency Blocks Chinese Acquisitions of Property Close to Strategic Assets

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‘Spamouflage’: Canada Says CCP Bots Targeted Lawmakers’ Social Media With Mass Disinformation Campaign – Spy Agency Blocks Chinese Acquisitions of Property Close to Strategic Assets


Canadian foreign policy has definitely entered a new era in which tensions that were worked out in secret are now all out in the open.

While still in the throes of a diplomatic spat with India, accused by Ottawa of involvement in the assassination of a Sikh separatist, it now appears that Canada has singled China out as the next former friendly country turning foe in front of the public.

The Canadian government detected a China-linked campaign that ‘involved bots posting disinformation and propaganda as comments’ on the social media feeds of members of parliament, including the prime minister, Justin Trudeau.

The ‘spamouflage’ used networks of new and hijacked social media accounts to post bulk messages.

How a Faith-Based Gold Company Is Changing the Way Americans Protect Their Retirement

According to Canada’s foreign ministry, the op took place in August and September and targeted dozens of lawmakers from across the political spectrum.

The Guardian reported:

“The messages included accusations against the lawmakers of criminal and ethical violations, a claim that the Hawaii wildfires were caused by a secret US military ‘weather weapon’, and deepfake videos.”

Thousands of comments in English and French were posted on Facebook and X feeds, and the government worked with the platforms to get the bot networks removed.

“’This campaign could discourage and make it difficult for MPs to carry out their duties and may dissuade MPs and diaspora communities in Canada from speaking out on issues which concern them’, said a foreign ministry report.

In a statement, the Chinese embassy in Canada said Beijing had never interfered in the internal affairs of other countries and the accusations were a ‘blatant smear campaign’.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127559

File: 640be02d9ebe908⋯.png (785.5 KB,720x900,4:5,Clipboard.png)

File: d404e4b05507a79⋯.png (315.8 KB,500x341,500:341,Clipboard.png)

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File: d8292265bc5cc08⋯.png (532.6 KB,657x783,73:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799510 (251551ZOCT23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / 'Boycott UFC' Calls Soar After Mega-Sponsorship Deal With Bud Light

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'Boycott UFC' Calls Soar After Mega-Sponsorship Deal With Bud Light


The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and Anheuser-Busch InBev NV have entered into a multiyear marketing agreement, making Bud Light the official beer of the mixed martial arts promotional organization. This sponsorship is UFC CEO Dana White & Co's biggest one yet and has already sparked boycott calls from UFC fans.

Anheuser-Busch wrote in a press release that the new multiyear marketing partnership will begin on Jan. 1. The brewer will become the "Official Beer Partner of UFC," and Bud Light will be plastered on broadcasts, signage across arenas, fight-week activities, social media channels, weigh-ins, press conference, and much much more. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127560

File: ec920f8fbee9b82⋯.png (584.35 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19799831 (251707ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / We’re All Doomed: U.N. Warns Planet Earth on the Eve of Destruction

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We’re All Doomed: U.N. Warns Planet Earth on the Eve of Destruction


Melting glaciers. Unbearable heat. Space junk. Accelerating extinctions. Population growth. Groundwater depletion. Societal decay. The U.N. warned in a report Wednesday these are just a few of the potentially irreversible impacts threatening the planet that must be immediately addressed through drastic changes to “human actions.”

The report and its breathless warnings are just the latest in a long list of catastrophic predictions issued by the globalist organization.

The Interconnected Disaster Risks Report identifies thresholds it calls “risk tipping points,” defined as “the moment at which a given socioecological system is no longer able to buffer risks and provide its expected function” — after which the risk of catastrophe increases significantly.

AFP reports it focuses on six areas that bind the physical and natural world with human society. They are: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127561

File: 71fd8c69cd0c6a5⋯.png (687.21 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19800775 (251939ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Library said allowing gender-critical talk could “test bounds of hate speech”

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Library said allowing gender-critical talk could “test bounds of hate speech”


Staff at an Ontario public library accused a prominent British author of leaning “far-right” and nearing “hate speech” in internal deliberations about whether to allow her to give a talk at a library venue.

The Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship (SAFS), a Canada-based group dedicated to free speech and academic freedom, attempted to book a theatre at the London Public Library in London, Ont. for a talk by Joanna Williams, but was barred from doing so.

The library told the group the booking violated its policies on workplace and sexual harassment and would pose a risk of property damage or personal injury if allowed.

The library refused to explain how, even when event organizers pointed out that Williams’ events had never had such issues.

In internal emails, obtained by True North under freedom of information laws, it’s clear that library management took issue with Williams’ body of work. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127562

File: a0bc13181ac8a9a⋯.png (1.32 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19801023 (252019ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Charges dismissed against Freedom Convoy protester who had bank accounts frozen

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Charges dismissed against Freedom Convoy protester who had bank accounts frozen


An Ottawa judge has dismissed all charges against a Freedom Convoy protester whose bank accounts were frozen by the Liberal government.

According to a press release by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), Evan Blackman had Criminal Code mischief and obstruction of police charges dismissed by the court after police failed to remember key details about the arrest and provided scant evidence to substantiate the charges.

“My client and I are thrilled with this outcome,” said JCCF lawyer Chris Fleury.

“After almost 20 months, Mr. Blackman can finally put this matter behind him.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127563

File: 3be9d57ed26b62b⋯.png (613.43 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19803038 (260140ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Two Calgary men charged for private conversation en route to city’s Million Person March

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Two Calgary men charged for private conversation en route to city’s Million Person March


One man was handcuffed by police after his private conversation was reported by another passenger on a Calgary train.

Two Calgary men are facing charges after someone reported their private conversation on city transit while they travelled to the province’s Million Person March last month.

On October 24, The Democracy Fund (TDF) announced that they will represent the two men, who were ticketed following their conversation.

“The men, who have not been told what they did to contravene the by-law, report having had a private conversation on the C-train with a like-minded passenger enroute to the march,” TDF said in a news release.

The men were charged with violating the city bylaw which prohibits public transit users from engaging in activity that would “interfere with the comfort, convenience, or quiet use and enjoyment of the transit system of any reasonable person.”

However, the city of Calgary has yet to disclose the details of their conversation which are allegedly opposed to the bylaw. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127564

File: ae7e309e9119c26⋯.png (497.28 KB,998x1116,499:558,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19805881 (261419ZOCT23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Anthony Fauci to be awarded with prestigious 'Ethics Prize' for 'saving millions of lives'

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Anthony Fauci to be awarded with prestigious 'Ethics Prize' for 'saving millions of lives'


Fauci will also receive a cash prize for his "achievement."

The Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence at Case Western Reserve University will award Dr. Anthony Fauci with its Inamori Ethics Prize, an annual honor given to international leaders "whose actions and influence have greatly improved the condition of humankind."

No, this is not a Babylon Bee article. This is really happening. Anthony Fauci, who is unparalleled as the most destructive government bureaucrat in American history, is being awarded with an ethics prize.

Fauci, who presided over two White House administrations of catastrophic, draconian policymaking, which resulted in unparalleled levels of unnecessary human suffering, has “saved millions of lives,” a press release from Case Western said Wednesday. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127565

File: af1436672e42a24⋯.png (308.17 KB,500x245,100:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f1d7e960900cdc⋯.png (269.35 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 269fbcc797452e8⋯.png (444.25 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806074 (261513ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / 'Unprecedented In Human History': Five Eyes Intelligence Chiefs Sound Alarm On China's Technology Theft

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'Unprecedented In Human History': Five Eyes Intelligence Chiefs Sound Alarm On China's Technology Theft


Communist China's espionage operations, including theft of intellectual property in technology and other trade secrets, pose significant threats to the West and is "unprecedented in human history," intelligence chiefs from the Five Eyes alliance warned.

In an interview with CBS News's "60 Minutes" on Oct. 22, the intelligence leaders from the Five Eyes alliance shared their concerns about the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) threats, what it means to democracies, as well as the message they want to send to Beijing.

The Five Eyes alliance was founded after World War II as an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, and New Zealand.

The Chinese regime "is the defining threat of this generation. ... There is no country that presents a broader, more comprehensive threat to our ideas, our innovation, our economic security, and ultimately our national security," FBI Director Christopher Wray said.

The FBI chief said that the CCP's spying operations could be seen in many fields, including agriculture, aviation, biotech, health care, robotics, and academic research. Furthermore, Beijing's tech theft is not limited to big businesses, like Fortune 100 companies, but extends to smaller startup firms.

"We probably have somewhere in the order of 2,000 active investigations that are just related to the Chinese government's effort to steal information," Mr. Wray said.

'Unprecedented in Human History' 'Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127566

File: bdad79722c5af14⋯.png (1.15 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806156 (261530ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Clean tech fund fired employees concerned with corporate misconduct, whistleblower alleges

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Clean tech fund fired employees concerned with corporate misconduct, whistleblower alleges


A whistleblower working for Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is accusing the clean tech fund of laying off scores of employees to cover up complaints and allegations of corporate misconduct.

The allegations are supported by a Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton report that identified problems with the clean tech fund’s employee turnover, internal cultural issues, and a general failure of human resources policies.

The whistleblower, whom True North is not naming, said that over the course of several years, dozens of SDTC employees were laid off without cause and have been forced to sign restrictive non-disclosure agreements, legally barring them from speaking up.

The source claimed that for years, some SDTC employees had noticed the organization had been deviating from its mandate by funding ineligible organizations and making funding decisions where there were clear conflicts of interest between the board and the recipients.

However, the whistleblower said that whenever SDTC employees took notice of the corporate mismanagement and tried raising the issues with their superiors, management would initiate layoffs.

“After a while, there’s been these mass layoffs again and again,” the source said. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127567

File: 199503f4b1b7c4f⋯.png (1.14 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806177 (261534ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Montreal bans natural gas, oil and propane in new buildings

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Montreal bans natural gas, oil and propane in new buildings


The City of Montreal is ruling out natural gas, oil and propane as an option for heating and cooking in all newly constructed buildings as part of a new bylaw.

Beginning in October 2024, all new buildings constructed with three floors or fewer will be banned from having any gas hookups as part of a bylaw approved by Montreal’s executive committee. The ban will be extended to larger buildings by April 2025.

Any building that has not been granted a permit by the announced deadline will be subjected to the new requirements, meaning that they will not be allowed to have gas stoves, water heaters or heat pumps for hot tubs and pools.

Propane, natural gas and heating oil all fall under the new ban. Buildings that are hooked up to existing urban heating networks and industrial buildings will be exempt however, according to the Montreal Gazette. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127568

File: 6212ebec6048f1a⋯.png (162.43 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806202 (261542ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Trudeau Foundation the “perfect conduit” for foreign influence, Conservatives allege

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Trudeau Foundation the “perfect conduit” for foreign influence, Conservatives allege


A supplementary ethics committee report filed by the Conservatives on Tuesday blasts the Trudeau Foundation as a vehicle for alleged foreign influence on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and accuses the Liberal government of using illicit interference as a means to further restrict speech in Canada.

The report was released in tandem with yesterday’s publication by the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy, and Ethics following an inquiry into foreign interference.

It accuses Liberal, NDP and Bloc Quebecois members of the committee of “suppressing” Conservative concerns and recommendations during the inquiry.

“Conservatives note that the Liberal government knew the Communist Party of China was interfering in Canada’s democracy for years and had they not been the beneficiary of this foreign interference the Liberals may have taken action, rather than reacting to sustained public and political pressure,” the report alleges. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127569

File: e188001c04ead49⋯.png (918.34 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806304 (261603ZOCT23) Notable: Updated MAiD Bun / Assisted suicide made up 4% of all deaths in Canada in 2022

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Assisted suicide made up 4% of all deaths in Canada in 2022


Health Canada’s latest findings that assisted suicide made up 4% of all deaths in Canada has raised alarm among various groups and experts who are calling for more comprehensive palliative care options and a reconsideration of expanding eligibility for euthanasia.

Health Canada released its fourth annual report on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada Wednesday, revealing that assisted suicide accounted for 4.1% of all deaths in the country during the past year, marking a substantial increase from previous years.

In 2022, there were 13,241 Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) deaths reported, reflecting a staggering 31.2% growth rate compared to the previous year.

The data also showed that all provinces, except Manitoba and the Yukon, witnessed a steady year-over-year increase in medically assisted deaths. Since the introduction of federal MAID legislation in 2016, 44,958 medically assisted deaths have been reported in Canada. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127570

File: bd9e864b974386c⋯.png (1.89 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: f0895b1dc648219⋯.png (101.29 KB,807x611,807:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806343 (261612ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Commons Ethics Committee urges 'stronger penalties' for intelligence leakers

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Commons Ethics Committee urges 'stronger penalties' for intelligence leakers


The new recommendations follow a series of shocking intelligence breaches and leaked Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) briefings to media outlets that exposed grave concerns on foreign interference in Canada.

Canada's ethics committee wants action now against intelligence leakers amid the ongoing inquiry into foreign interference.

A new report following a months-long study into foreign interference by the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics outlined measures to strengthen our national security. Among them are calls for the federal government to impose stronger penalties against so-called "leakers" and government whistleblowers.

"That the Government of Canada strengthen rules and penalties governing illicit disclosure of national security intelligence,” reads one.

The new recommendations follow a series of shocking intelligence breaches and leaked Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) briefings to media outlets that exposed grave concerns on foreign interference in Canada.

Several politicians were exposed in the leaks, leading to chaos, caucus resignations, and defamation lawsuits. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127571

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806412 (261628ZOCT23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / 'Health Canada hasn't considered the risk' of COVID vaccine DNA contamination issue, says citizen scientist (video)

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'Health Canada hasn't considered the risk' of COVID vaccine DNA contamination issue, says citizen scientist


Citizen scientists have discovered high levels of residual DNA fragments in Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine vials, sparking safety concerns and risks that they believe Health Canada hasn’t even considered.

The shocking discovery comes in the form of a pre-print paper wherein citizen scientists have investigated the levels of residual DNA found within various vials and lots of Pfizer and Moderna’s novel mRNA injections, including the latest XBB.1.5 booster shots.

Authors Kevin McKernan, Maria Gucci, and Jessica Rose, David Wiseman and David Speicher took to the laboratory to determine the amounts of contamination and impurities found within various vials, which were then cross-referenced with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).

Dr. David Speicher, a PhD scientist working in virology, says that he was given the vials to test since he has decades of experience with PCR testing; a technique used to amplify small segments of DNA through a polymerase chain reaction.

Entrusted with the process, Speicher exclaimed his willingness to conduct the analysis was based on the fact that “this is good science. It needs to be done well and it needs to be done right.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127572

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806453 (261637ZOCT23) Notable: Xi Van Fleet on Maoist Revolution and Cultural Marxism in North America (video)

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Xi Van Fleet on Maoist Revolution and Cultural Marxism in North America


Xi Van Fleet joined Ezra to discuss her experiences surviving Mao's cultural revolution, as detailed in her book 'Mao's America: A Survivor's Warning.'

On The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra was joined by Xi Van Fleet, survivor of Mao's Cultural Revolution and author of Mao's America: A Survivor’s Warning.

Ezra pointed out that he saw a tweet by Xi Van Fleet that said, "Same people, the same cause, the same ideology and the same goal!"

"You have given us a great education on the ways of the Maoist revolution and how it is being replicated by cultural Marxism in North America," said Ezra.

"Can you explain for our viewers who maybe missed your last appearance on the show? Explain how you would say that Black Lives Matter, the pride, quieres for Palestine and the pro-Hamas movement. How are those the same people with the same goal? Explain that for people who might not know how that could possibly be true," Ezra furthered.

Xi Van Fleet answered: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127573

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806520 (261651ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / The Liberals and RCMP continue to collaborate on gun grab measures (video)

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The Liberals and RCMP continue to collaborate on gun grab measures


Sheila Gunn Reid was joined by Rick Igercich, President of Canada's National Firearms Association, to discuss revocation notices issued to owners of the Tavor X95 MSW firearm.

On last night's episode of The Gunn Show, Sheila Gunn Reid was joined by Rick Igercich, President of Canada's National Firearms Association (NFA), to break down all the news, good and bad, hitting the firearms community.

Earlier this month, the RCMP told owners of the Tavor X95 gun to turn in their weapons after it was discovered that they had been misidentified as semi-automatic instead of fully automatic. "They're calling the firearm a machine gun now, which is a classic RCMP make-work project with the Liberals," Rick said.

"In my opinion this whole thing was another collaboration between the RCMP and the Liberal government just to add another wedge issue to firearms owners," he continued. He urged any owners of the firearm in question to contact the NFA to receive information about how to move forward with the options the government has given them.

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a90dd8 No.127574

File: bfb35a76d94f933⋯.png (479.09 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806574 (261703ZOCT23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Robert Fico Formally Appointed as Prime Minister of Slovakia - Immediately Ends Military Aid to Ukraine, Says Russia and the US Must Agree on Peace Terms

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Robert Fico Formally Appointed as Prime Minister of Slovakia – Immediately Ends Military Aid to Ukraine, Says Russia and the US Must Agree on Peace Terms


'''The international military support for Ukraine just suffered a tremendous blow in neighboring Slovakia.

Leftist Robert Fico has been appointed Slovakia’s prime minister for the fourth time by President Zuzana Čaputová.

Fico is set to attend an EU summit in Brussels this week, where his Slovakia-first populist’s policies will give the other European leaders an early indication of how obstructive the relationship is poised to be.

As soon as President Čaputová formally approved the new three-party coalition government led by Fico, Fico acted on his pledges to end military aid to Ukraine, slash immigration and defend Slovakian sovereignty.'''

The Guardian reported: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127575

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806708 (261733ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / WHO Leader Dr. Tedros Says “Disinformation” Eroded Trust Between People and WHO - Forgets to Mention He Was the Main Player Behind the Disinformation (video)

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WHO Leader Dr. Tedros Says “Disinformation” Eroded Trust Between People and WHO – Forgets to Mention He Was the Main Player Behind the Disinformation


World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom recently called for world governments to “follow through with national ratification” of the WHO pandemic treaty after “disinformation” eroded “trust between people, governments and institutions.”

Tedros made the comments at the the tenth Nikkei FT Communicable Diseases Conference in Tokyo.

The Gateway Pundit recorded several outrageous and dangerous lies spread by Dr. Tedros during the pandemic. How dare he accuse ANYONE else of “misinformation” when he is the king of misinformation! Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127576

File: 3c666ee7c27c717⋯.png (412.41 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: f59b9b679adebb5⋯.png (315.99 KB,500x600,5:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19806782 (261750ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Hamas Delegation Arrives In Moscow As Russia Blames US For Escalation

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Hamas Delegation Arrives In Moscow As Russia Blames US For Escalation


In a somewhat unexpected development, a delegation of Hamas leaders have arrived in Moscow for talks, the Russian Foreign Ministry has confirmed Thursday evening (local time). "I can confirm that representatives of the [Hamas] Palestinian movement are visiting Moscow,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a press briefing, vowing to provide relevant details as the talks unfold.

The visit had not been previously announced by either side, and the Hamas delegation is being led by a senior member of the group, Moussa Abu Marzouk. Hamas is a designated terror organization in the US, European Union, and some other countries; but it has official relations with countries like Iran, Turkey, Syria, and now apparently Russia. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127577

File: e2ef48b88091e92⋯.png (399.35 KB,764x495,764:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807205 (261909ZOCT23) Notable: Trudeau commits $90 million to fight ‘climate change,’ pursue vaccine equity in the Americas

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Canadian gov’t promises $90 million for ‘climate change’ and vaccine equity in Caribbean nations


At the Canada-Caribbean Community Summit, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the taxpayers' money will help 'fight climate change and grow resilient economies.'

The Canadian government under Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledged $90 million for a combination of so-called “climate change” initiatives along with “vaccine” equity programs to be used in various Caribbean countries.

Last Wednesday, Trudeau announced at the Canada-Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Summit in Ottawa that his government will work to “fight climate change and grow resilient economies.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127578

File: 8a675ce735dd3f3⋯.png (844.47 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807254 (261920ZOCT23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Soldier suing over military vax mandate

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COVID jab left me injured for weeks and doctors wouldn’t help me: Soldier suing over military vax mandate


In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews, one active member told his story of abuse and mistreatment within the Canadian Armed Forces. He has joined one of the lawsuits against the Crown because the COVID jab aggravated his pre-existing health conditions.

Many of the hundreds of current and former members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) who are suing the Crown are doing so because they were physically injured by its COVID jab mandate.

In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews, one active member told his story of abuse and mistreatment within the CAF. He has joined one of the lawsuits against the Crown because the COVID shot aggravated his pre-existing health conditions.

The member suffers from numerous physical and mental health issues which, he says, are all service related. While he has never had serious reactions to vaccines before, “now a vaccine will put me out for about two weeks.”

“It causes all of my underlying medical issues to be worsened for that two-week period, to the point where I can’t even walk.” He continued, “Last time I got a vaccine, I fell down my stairs because my knees and back were out and I had vertigo.”

These and several other side effects were not regular reactions to vaccinations, he said. They were unique to COVID shots.

“With the other vaccines, if anything I get minor arm soreness, but the last time that I got a COVID shot, [the] arm that I got it in was completely immobile.”

When he mentioned these side effects to the doctors on the CAF base, he was told the vaccine was not to be blamed.

“The acting wing surgeon on my base stated that any comments related to a COVID vaccine injury was illegal for the medical staff, so I asked, ‘Well, could you forward me to a civilian doctor who could look into any potential issues with that?’ And he said, ‘No.’”

The member was particularly worried because his mother was hospitalized for 3 months after receiving the COVID shot but was again told the vaccine cannot cause injury.

“I mentioned [his mother’s condition] to the doctor, and they just denied any possibility.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807304 (261935ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Mother Teresa’s nuns are remaining in Gaza to care for the disabled and sick: fellow sister

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Mother Teresa’s nuns are remaining in Gaza to care for the disabled and sick: fellow sister


The heroic decision of the sisters comes weeks after the terrorist group Hamas unexpectedly attacked Israel, tragically killing more than a thousand people and kidnapping at least 200.

Amid the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, a group of Catholic nuns have courageously chosen not to evacuate the war-torn region and instead remain to minister to disabled children.

According to a prayer request shared with LifeSiteNews, three members of the Missionaries of Charity chose not to evacuate the Gaza Strip, choosing instead to stay with the poor, sick adults and disabled children they have been serving.

The heroic decision of the sisters comes weeks after the terrorist group Hamas unexpectedly attacked Israel, tragically killing more than a thousand people and kidnapping at least 200. Israel has since issued air strikes on Gaza in a counterattack, leading to many more casualties. While Palestinians have been advised to evacuate the Gaza Strip due to the war, the three Missionaries of Charity chose not to abandon those who had no one else to care for them. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127580

File: 053a4739ed6dea5⋯.png (258.12 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: ffae4893de23cc4⋯.png (145.95 KB,800x376,100:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807331 (261940ZOCT23) Notable: Visitors to the EU Will Soon Face Fingerprinting and Facial Scans

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Visitors to the EU Will Soon Face Fingerprinting and Facial Scans


Invasive biometrics.

A significant shift is looming in the way American citizens will be allowed to enter a large majority of European nations. The European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS), an arm of the European Union, has unveiled its plans to implement a system in Spring 2025, requiring Americans to secure prior approval for travels up to 90 days in any of the 30 EU countries.

This is a departure from the current practice where US travelers enjoy effortless entry into these countries without a visa requirement. However, the new regulation will insist on individuals proceeding with their travels only after registering their intent via the official ETIAS website or mobile application, both of which currently do not process such requests.

In a radical departure from the norm, from 2025 onwards, American passport holders will no longer receive passport stamps. Alarmingly, the planned regulatory changes involve intense intrusions into personal privacy. The new rules state that visitors will be subjected to both face and fingerprint scans aside from surrendering other biometric data. It’s disconcerting that this data will be reserved within the European Commission’s Common Identity Repository (CIR), a database accessed by numerous agencies, including law enforcement.

The implications of this regulation change could be even more disconcerting from a privacy perspective. Critics and advocates of digital privacy have sounded the alarm on not just the possible misuse of this extensive data pool by governments, but also the potential exposure to hacking threats, be they criminal outfits or invasive foreign governments. There’s also the risk of rogue insiders dealing with this sensitive information.

These regulations reflect a worrying escalation towards a surveillance state that doesn’t differentiate between law-abiding citizens and potential threats but treats them both as data sets to be tagged, traced, and retained.

It’s worth noting that the US began collecting fingerprints of international tourists as part of the US-VISIT (United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology) program, which was initiated in 2004.

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a90dd8 No.127581

File: 602b40d43aeee55⋯.png (1.13 MB,1750x2048,875:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: c8569c6ad2347dc⋯.png (1.32 MB,1748x2048,437:512,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fd026f438eb30b⋯.png (151.98 KB,542x735,542:735,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807467 (262008ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Banning prayer at Remembrance Day ceremonies (video)

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CANADA: The Prime Minister is now telling Canadians that, on Remembrance Day, they cannot even pray for those who fought for our country.


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a90dd8 No.127582

File: 1a86825162f3be1⋯.png (635 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807555 (262023ZOCT23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Ukrainian Nazi veteran honored by Canada put on Russia's wanted database

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Ukrainian Nazi veteran honored by Canada put on Russia's wanted database


Moscow is seeking the arrest of the 98-year-old for allegedly exterminating Soviet Jews and Poles during WWII

The Russian Interior Ministry has placed Yaroslav Hunka, an elderly Canadian-Ukrainian Nazi veteran, on its official database of wanted individuals, multiple media outlets reported on Tuesday.

Hunka’s appearance at the Canadian House of Commons last month triggered a major scandal, when he was given a standing ovation by lawmakers, as well as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and visiting Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky.

Then-speaker Anthony Rota described the 98-year-old as a “Canadian hero” who’d “fought the Russians” during World War II. Hunka volunteered to join the 14th Waffen SS Grenadier Division.

The Russian database does not provide details of the crime for which Hunka is wanted, merely stating his date and place of birth: April 13,1925 and the village of “Ulman, Poland,” according to reports. The settlement is actually named Urman and is located in Ukraine’s Ternopil Region, which was part of the Second Polish Republic at the time of Hunka’s birth.

Last week, Russia’s Investigative Committee charged Hunka in absentia with genocide, claiming that archive documents serve as evidence that he and fellow SS Galicia members killed at least 500 civilians between February 23 and February 28, 1944.

The alleged atrocities took place in Guta Penyatskaya, a village in what is now Ukraine’s Lviv Region. The Ukrainian nationalists killed their victims, including Poles and Jews, with the goal of ethnically cleansing the area, which was in line with Nazi ideology, the Investigative Committee said.

Some Polish officials had previously called on the government to seek Hunka’s extradition for trial.

Ottawa apologized for lionizing Hunka after his past allegiance was highlighted by Jewish organizations. Rota stepped down from his position, accepting full responsibility for the scandal.

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a90dd8 No.127583

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19807727 (262049ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Covid: Money, Medical Pressure, Corruption and Fake News (video)

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Covid: Money, Medical Pressure, Corruption and Fake News


Dr Trozzi with LifeSiteNews. The truth behind hospital doors; what really happened during the worldwide ‘COVID-19 Emergency.’

“Speaking with LifeSiteNews cofounder Steve Jalsevac “…Doctor Mark Trozzi reveals the dark money, medical pressure, political corruption, and fake news surrounding the COVID-19 operation that drove the entire world to forcibly inject and lock down its citizens. In this brand-new bombshell exclusive with LifeSiteNews Co-Founder Steve Jalsevac, Trozzi shocks, and impresses with personal experiences as a leading medical expert on the frontlines — revealing the truth behind the hospital doors of what really happened during the worldwide ‘COVID-19 Emergency’.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127584

File: 54ca0f1efd50881⋯.png (407.66 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811111 (271639ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Report: Rockefeller Brothers Fund has provided over $3.4M to Hamas and other alleged terror groups since 2018

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Report: Rockefeller Brothers Fund has provided over $3.4M to Hamas and other alleged terror groups since 2018


The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF) portrays itself as a philanthropic foundation that seeks to "contribute to a more just, sustainable and peaceful world." But a recent report revealed that it has contributed more than $3.4 million to Hamas and other terrorist groups since 2018.

Andrew Kerr of the Washington Free Beacon expounded on this matter, naming several groups who benefited from RBF money. One such group is Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI Palestine), an extension of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811160 (271650ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Hungary's PM Orban: Clear Link Between Terrorism and Migration (video)

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Hungary's PM Orban: Clear Link Between Terrorism and Migration | Vantage With Palki Sharma


Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said that there is a clear link between terrorism and migration.

The European Union reprimanded Hungary for forcing its migrants to seek asylum abroad.

Hungary does not plan to share responsibility with Belgium for hosting asylum seekers.

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a90dd8 No.127586

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811295 (271710ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Ratio’d: Ontario councillor SUSPENDED WITHOUT PAY for opposing gender ideology (video)

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Ratio’d | Ontario councillor SUSPENDED WITHOUT PAY for opposing gender ideology


Pickering, Ontario city councillor Lisa Robinson has been given a 60-day suspension without pay for advancing the interests of her constituents. Robinson introduced three motions on the council floor; to ban the flying of all non-governmental and special interest flags including the pride flag on municipal properties, imposing an age limit on drag shows taking place on city property and to ensure that women had a safe changing room at a local recreation facility. Robinson was suspended from council as a result.

In the Pickering integrity commissioner’s findings, Robinson is accused of “promoting attitudes which are homophobic and transphobic”.

This is an example of a radical city council embracing Marxist tactics to enforce ideological purity across all councillors and to make an example out of the one councillor willing to actually speak up and be a voice for the silent majority.

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a90dd8 No.127587

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811303 (271711ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Ratio’d: Ontario councillor SUSPENDED WITHOUT PAY for opposing gender ideology (video)

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a90dd8 No.127588

File: 28ca78376acf4cd⋯.png (47.37 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811328 (271716ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Docs gear up for ‘Free Speech in Medicine’ conference

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“Doctors are not allowed to say what they think”: Docs gear up for ‘Free Speech in Medicine’ conference


Overzealous regulators and a culture of fear are top of mind for doctors and medical professionals as they descend on an idyllic Cape Breton village.

Baddeck, N.S. is playing host to the second Free Speech in Medicine conference this weekend, which promises to ignite discussions surrounding the state of free speech within the professional community.

The Oct. 27-29 conference, co-organized by Drs. Chris Milburn and Julie Curwin, aims to be a gathering for those whose voices have been marginalized and silenced in recent years.

This year’s agenda features prominent speakers including psychologist Gad Saad, Dr. Ken Zucker, and True North’s Rupa Subramanya. Guests are slated to discuss contentious topics ranging from Covid policy and the rise of the biomedical security state, the legal boundaries of regulatory colleges’ control over free speech, transgender ideology, and the limits of harm reduction strategies for drug abuse. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127589

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811340 (271717ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / New general counsel at federal prosecution service to prioritize DEI, tackling “over-representation”

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New general counsel at federal prosecution service to prioritize DEI, tackling “over-representation”


The new general counsel at the Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC) says that she will promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) by addressing “over-representation” of black and Indigenous people in the criminal justice system.

Althea Francis, a long-time progressive prosecutor, was promoted to general counsel at the federal prosecution service’s Ontario office, giving her a major role in setting the legal policy of prosecutors.

In an interview with Canadian Lawyer magazine, Francis said tackling over-representation of racial minorities in the criminal justice system is top of mind for her.

“We do hold a significant power within the criminal justice system to influence the trajectory of someone’s life and how the overall perception of justice is seen, and we do have to be mindful of our own biases,” said Francis.

Francis also said she wants to build on her past DEI training work, including instruction on addressing unconscious bias, systemic racism, and pronouns, in the new role.

The PPSC is the independent body responsible for prosecuting federal crimes, mostly drug-related crimes and certain violations of the Criminal Code. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127590

File: 7ed643a8cebef6d⋯.png (1.1 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19811386 (271727ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Trudeau appoints new Supreme Court justice from Alberta

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Trudeau appoints new Supreme Court justice from Alberta


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that justice Mary Moreau will be Canada’s next Supreme Court justice on Thursday.

A francophone born in Edmonton, Moreau is the Chief Justice for Alberta’s Court of King’s Bench.

“I am confident that her impressive judicial career and dedication to fairness and excellence will make Chief Justice Moreau an invaluable addition to our country’s highest court,” said Trudeau in a statement.

Two of the nine seats on the Supreme Court are to be reserved for judges from Western Canada and Moreau was selected to replace Brown as part of that requirement. Candidates are also required to be bilingual.

Moreau was the first woman to be appointed to serve as the chief justice of the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta in 2017 and has previously served on the court since 1994.

She was a member of the National Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics from 2014 to 2017 and has been actively involved in judicial education. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127591

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812769 (272133ZOCT23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Regulatory specialist unravels COVID-19 vials and clinical trials (video)

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Regulatory specialist unravels COVID-19 vials and clinical trials


Regulatory integrity is under fire as citizen scientists discover contaminants and impurities within mRNA COVID-19 vaccine vials, urging the need for further investigation and higher regulatory standards.

Citizen scientists have recently published their analysis of the contents of the novel mRNA COVID-19 vaccine vials, where concerningly high levels of residual DNA fragments were discovered. Coupled with ongoing regulatory issues such as deviations from the initial clinical trial manufacturing process, the safety and purity concerns of the vial contents mount.

Pharmacist and regulatory specialist Maria Gutschi co-authored a pre-print paper highlighting how the unprecedented mRNA injections lack sound manufacturing processes and how basic regulatory standards are lacking for this novel biologic.

Gutschi explains that the clinically trialled COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were developed using “process one” – a form of genetic engineering used to make DNA into mRNA – but it’s a cumbersome process.

To remedy this, Pfizer began manufacturing using “process two,” utilising Escherichia coli (E.coli) in plasmids as a growth method, which could result in vast variances in residual DNA amounts and other impurities found in the final product.

“They couldn’t make it comparable to the original that was done in the clinical trials,” Gutschi details. “We have no comparison directly, clinically, whether you’re going to get the same clinical outcomes based on the product that had a decreased amount of mRNA [from process one].”

This is an issue when you have these vaccines authorised for children, based on data that was extrapolated from trials using process one, which is no longer in use, explains Gutschi. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127592

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812906 (272158ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Environment minister signs deal to 'share experts' with China (video)

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SECRET DOCS: Environment minister signs deal to 'share experts' with China


A previous exchange of expertise between Canada and China resulted in allegations of spying by Chinese nationals working as scientists at a Winnipeg high-level biolab.

Internal records contained by Rebel News, marked secret, and signed by Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault, indicate an agreement between China and Canada to "share experts" on climate issues one year after a significant spying scandal involving Chinese scientists.

Although heavily redacted, the briefing documents relate to "A memorandum of understanding between the Department of the Environment of Canada and the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China concerning environmental cooperation."

The MOU commits the two countries to the "fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development," recognizing "the relationship between environmental protection and gender equality" and to pursue "any other area related to the protection of the environment" that the parties may mutually agree upon.

The MOU also suggests the two countries exchange "technical assistance, promote and facilitate cooperation and training, share best practices on policies, procedures and enforcement activities" and, chillingly, commit to an "exchange of experts."

A previous exchange of expertise between Canada and China resulted in allegations of spying by Chinese nationals working as scientists at a Winnipeg high-level biolab. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127593

File: 2e3c8ec7c771043⋯.png (415.25 KB,1170x1850,117:185,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812952 (272205ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Elon Musk trolls Barack Obama with pedophile codes found in the Podesta E-mails

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Elon Musk trolls Barack Obama with pedophile codes found in the Podesta E-mails!


Musk wrote “Dominoes Effect” with a pizza emoji in a post with a meme about Obama’s alleged drug-fueled gay orgy. “Dominos” and “pizza” are code words found in the Podesta E-mails. “Dominos” is believed to be a code word referencing a sex act, and the word pizza is a pedophile code word commonly used by child sex predators. Also, pizza emojis are also used by child sex predators as pedophile code as confirmed by the Wall Street Journal earlier this year.

On Dec. 12, 2015, creepily billionaire “philanthropist” Herb Sandler sent an e-mail with the subject “cheese” to John and Mary Podesta that concluded with this: “Ps. Do you think I’d do better playing dominos on cheese or pasta?”

On May 14, 2009, Fred Burton, the chief security officer at Stratfor, sent an e-mail to Don Kuykendall with others cc’d, released via Wikileaks’ Global Intelligence files. The e-mail read: “I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago, assume we are using the same channels?”

Looks like Elon has gone down the Pizzagate rabbit-hole!

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a90dd8 No.127594

File: 419bcd5de450a02⋯.png (814.79 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19812999 (272213ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / George Soros and Bill Gates-Funded Aspen Institute is Hit With Censorship Collusion Lawsuit

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George Soros and Bill Gates-Funded Aspen Institute is Hit With Censorship Collusion Lawsuit


The organization has been included in an amended complaint.

America First Legal (AFL), a law firm notable for its commitment to American constitutional principles and free speech rights, has magnified its legal fight against alleged collaborated censorship by big government and tech giants. It recently incorporated the recognized Aspen Institute into its lawsuit. Previously, the lawsuit was directed exclusively towards the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) and Virality Project (VP), two entities implicated in the systematic suppression of digital free speech during electoral seasons.

We obtained a copy of the amended complaint for you here. https://docs.reclaimthenet.org/hoft-vs-aspen.pdf

Read the details of the original lawsuit here. https://reclaimthenet.org/america-first-legal-censorship-lawsuit

It’s alleged that the Aspen Institute, EIP, and VP have worked in concert with various tech powerhouses and governmental bodies, launching a concerted attack on free online expression during both the 2020 and 2022 electoral periods. The Aspen Institute, famous for its philanthropic endeavors, has been controversially funded by billionaire heavyweights George Soros, and Microsoft founder, Bill Gates.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation reportedly donated over $101 million to the Aspen Institute between 2003 and 2020. Simultaneously, George Soros’s Open Society Network funded the Institute with upwards of $3 million during the same period.

In September 2020, Aspen Institute’s Vivian Schiller hosted an event that AFL claims was designed to manipulate social media engagement in the event of revelations relating to Hunter Biden. The Twitter Files provided additional analysis, stating that this exercise was intentional and designed to create a controlled narrative about the Biden family scandal on social media.

Further evidentiary support for the case came via alleged emails between the Aspen Institute and key players in the EIP and VP.

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a90dd8 No.127595

File: 6b706b45ee08263⋯.png (597.84 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813333 (272310ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / What’s behind the alleged ‘Chinese bot’ operation in Canada?

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What’s behind the alleged ‘Chinese bot’ operation in Canada?


Ottawa has accused Beijing of running a social media operation against its politicians. It’s likely a pretext for more control and censorship

Canada is yet again ramping up paranoia about China. Ottawa claims that Beijing has engaged in a bot-powered “spamouflage” campaign on social media aiming to discredit China’s critics among Canadian politicians and MPs, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Over the past few months, Canada’s intelligence services have repeatedly claimed China is influencing its politics in a malign way. Although they have never provided substantive evidence that this is the case, this “yellow peril” paranoia has become the new normal in the country and it is repeated as such by the establishment media.

Chief among those promoting this cyber-interference narrative is the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), an inauthentic think tank which is funded by the Australian Department of Defense, several Western defense industry corporations, and the US Department of State. Why China would have such an agenda in interfering in a country as inconsequential as Canada, which does not even make its own foreign policies, instead following the American lead on everything, remains to be seen. Yet one thing is evidently clear, as has been with past “Russian interference” narratives: accusations of “foreign influence” and “social media manipulation” are used to justify and mandate censorship and narrative control, shutting down non-elite opinions as conspiracy theories promoted by adversarial states. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127596

File: 0c66b21c6b41903⋯.png (734.18 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19813519 (272338ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Ontario man gets 15 months in jail after photographing women at gym and submitting images to porn site

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Ontario man gets 15 months in jail after photographing women at gym and submitting images to porn site


He also secretly recorded his girlfriend having sex with him at his residence.

Michael Mikhail, 30, pleaded guilty to three counts of "surreptitiously making a visual recording of a person for a sexual purpose, in circumstances that gave rise to a reasonable expectation of privacy."

The judge in the trial sentenced him to 15 months in jail.

Mikhail also admitted to recording multiple women who didn't know him or know that they were the subject of pictures and videos that were sent to Pornhub – the web's most popular porn site, based in Montreal.

He also secretly recorded his girlfriend having sex with him at his residence, The Hamilton Spectator reported.

Mikhail argued that he was not aware that he was doing anything wrong. But Justice Joe Fiorucci said that explanation didn't correspond to Mikhail's actions when he fled a GoodLife Fitness center in Hamilton, Ont. after being discovered filming.

The Crown had asked for 18 months, while Mikhail's lawyer had petitioned for no jail time and a conditional discharge.

"Mr. Mikhail's case demonstrates how a cellphone with the capacity to photograph and video record others without their knowledge can become a weapon which causes devastating harm," Fiorucci wrote in his Oct. 4 reasoning, according to The Spectator. "The extent of the harm is immeasurable due to the permanence of the internet."

Mikhail also pleaded guilty to "knowingly distributing an intimate image of a former intimate partner without her consent."

The voyeur went by the handle of "Mikhail Rails" on Pornhub.

"He submitted countless videos of women to this pornographic site, with captions that included sexually derogatory comments," court documents attest.

The faces of the women are also clearly visible in the photos and videos.

Mikhail also put sexually explicit material of his girlfriend on Pornhub. She was informed of the imagery by a friend who saw the pictures on the pornographic site.

The victim who reported Mikhail's activity caught him in the act as she bent over to use an exercise machine in late 2019.

"You used my body for your own personal gain against my will and without my knowledge," she wrote in her victim impact statement. "You exploited me on a pornographic website to thousands of people to use for your own and their own sexual satisfaction."

One of Mikhail's victims was only 17 when her breasts became the focus of a video.

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a90dd8 No.127597

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19817048 (281325ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / UN Delegates Applaud After General Assembly Failed to Pass Amendment to Condemn Hamas Slaughter of 1,400 Jewish Civilians (video)

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UN Delegates Applaud After General Assembly Failed to Pass Amendment to Condemn Hamas Slaughter of 1,400 Jewish Civilians


The United Nations failed to pass a Canadian amendment to condemn the barbaric slaughter of 1,400 Jews by Hamas on October 7, 2023 in southern Isreal.

Then they all cheered their vote.

They are applauding cold-blooded mass murder.

We need to defund the wicked organization.

A Canadian-led effort to formally condemn Hamas for the “deliberate cruelty” of its deadly Oct. 7 attacks on Israel went down to defeat Friday as the United Nations instead endorsed a call for a humanitarian pause in hostilities.

On the second day of an emergency session of the UN General Assembly, delegates debated the language of a draft resolution calling for a “truce” to allow aid to enter the Gaza Strip and trapped civilians to escape.

But the resolution, introduced by the UN’s 22-nation Arab coalition, made no mention of Hamas, the attacks or the tactics employed by a group that has long been considered a terrorist organization by Canada and the U.S., among others.

Bob Rae, Canada’s permanent UN envoy, sought to rectify that with an amendment that “unequivocally rejects and condemns” the attacks while demanding the “immediate and unconditional” safe release of all hostages.

Jordan’s ambassador, Mahmoud Hmoud, dismissed the amendment as an effort to “whitewash” Israel’s response: a relentless and ongoing campaign of airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, widely seen as a precursor to a ground offensive.

“We in this assembly have an obligation to name two things not mentioned in the draft resolution,” Rae said in his impassioned response in the UN’s cavernous assembly hall.

“The organization that bears responsibility for those events and its consequences, and the deliberate cruelty of the murders, and the hostage-taking, that is still underway.

“Our amendment does just that. No more and no less.”

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a90dd8 No.127598

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19817277 (281421ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Seven Alberta hospitals implement regional “enhanced masking directive”

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Seven Alberta hospitals implement regional “enhanced masking directive”


Seven hospitals in Alberta, including several in Edmonton, have introduced enhanced masking protocols amidst ongoing influenza and COVID-19 surges.

Alberta Health Services (AHS) rolled out an “enhanced masking directive” on October 11, 2023, with the primary objective of curbing the transmission of COVID-19 within acute care environments.

True North previously reported that this directive enables health zone leaders to require enhanced masking mandates for AHS staff, physicians, students, volunteers, and others.

Following implementation, masking is required for patients, designated support persons, and visitors in Emergency Departments. Sites can also require people to mask in additional areas, such as cancer units.

Signage is posted where masking is required.

Attendees are not required to mask if they are under two years old, in their bed space, or unable to place, use, or remove a mask without assistance.

Masking is optional for visitors and designated family support persons outside of Emergency Departments, even when the directive is implemented. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127599

File: 068f9b634ff0230⋯.png (978.33 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19817315 (281428ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / LEVY: Holocaust survivor compares Nazism to pandemic policy

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LEVY: Holocaust survivor compares Nazism to pandemic policy


Outspoken medical activist Vera Sharav says everything we were told about the Covid pandemic – the shots and the disease itself – was a “total lie.”

The Holocaust survivor, now 86, called the two-year-long pandemic, marked by endless lockdowns, social distancing and masking rules, a “murderous operation.”

“No aspect of it was really for people’s well-being,” said the petite auburn-haired New York-based activist during a recent visit to Toronto.

Sharav, originally from Romania, said she was an early critic of Covid lockdowns and rules.

She recently starred in a five-part docuseries, Never Again is Now Global, comparing the Holocaust and Nazism to what occurred to the global population during the Covid pandemic.

She refused to say whether she got any vaccines, indicating her medical records are private. But she never got anything.

Sharav, the founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection said no one could ever insist the vaccines were “safe and effective” because they weren’t properly tested.

The medical industry had to finally admit the vaccines didn’t keep Covid away, she said. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127600

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19817364 (281439ZOCT23) Notable: Franco Terrazzano: '80 executives at the Bank of Canada took home a bonus last year for a total of $3.5M' (video)

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Franco Terrazzano: '80 executives at the Bank of Canada took home a bonus last year for a total of $3.5M'


Canadians are losing sleep at night, worried about losing their homes, worried about their credit card bills, even worried about whether or not they're going to be able to afford good food for their families,' said Franco Terrazzano. 'And you have these executives at the Bank of Canada who aren't even worried about missing a bonus.' Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127601

File: 44379f4cb382d32⋯.png (2.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19817430 (281453ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Feds quash debate into widespread church arsons, vandalism

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Feds quash debate into widespread church arsons, vandalism


Conservative MP Arnold Viersen received no condemnation from the Indigenous and Northern Affairs Committee for the 83 churches targeted by arson and vandalism since 2021.

The federal government struck down a motion Tuesday that would have condemned over 80 church arsons in Canada since 2021.

Conservative MP Arnold Viersen desired swift condemnation from the Indigenous and Northern Affairs Committee in a call for justice but received none. He urged the committee to "condemn the arson attacks of over 80 churches across Canada [...] and reaffirm freedom of religion and assembly."

The motion also called on those responsible for these attacks to be "brought to justice."

Instead of adopting the motion, Liberal MP Jaime Battiste and six other MPs on the committee successfully adjourned the motion. "What has happened over the past few years with reconciliation and with churches and with the Pope coming to apologize, there’s a deep need for reflection and reconciliation, but I really want to get to the end of this study," he said.

"I would like to call to adjourn debate on this if that’s what we can do [...] because it does have a way of triggering a lot of people who went through residential schools and the things they are going through," added Battiste. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19817517 (281514ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Ivermectin: a systematic review from antiviral effects to COVID-19 complementary regimen

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Ivermectin: a systematic review from antiviral effects to COVID-19 complementary regimen

Ivermectin proposes many potentials effects to treat a range of diseases, with its antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-cancer properties as a wonder drug. It is highly effective against many microorganisms including some viruses. In this comprehensive systematic review, antiviral effects of ivermectin are summarized including in vitro and in vivo studies over the past 50 years.Several studies reported antiviral effects of ivermectin on RNA viruses such as Zika, dengue, yellow fever, West Nile, Hendra, Newcastle, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, chikungunya, Semliki Forest, Sindbis, Avian influenza A, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.Furthermore, there are some studies showing antiviral effects of ivermectin against DNA viruses such as Equine herpes type 1, BK polyomavirus, pseudorabies, porcine circovirus 2, and bovine herpesvirus 1. Ivermectin plays a role in several biological mechanisms, therefore it could serve as a potential candidate in the treatment of a wide range of viruses including COVID-19 as well as other types of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses. In vivo studies of animal models revealed a broad range of antiviral effects of ivermectin, however, clinical trials are necessary to appraise the potential efficacy of ivermectin in clinical setting.


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a90dd8 No.127603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19817534 (281519ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Documentary Implicates Schwab, Gates, WHO, UN and Other Globalist Entities in Massive Crime of ‘Democide’

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Documentary Implicates Schwab, Gates, WHO, UN and Other Globalist Entities in Massive Crime of ‘Democide’


The world must ‘Cut Off the Head of the Snake’ or devolve into a new Dark Age of tyrannical global government

I reported last week on the arrest of a prominent international lawyer who has been investigating and exposing the criminal intent surrounding the unleashing of toxic Covid “vaccines” on the world population.

Today, I discovered another influential man, along with a woman, who might want to watch their backs.

They are Swiss banker Pascal Najadi and Swiss scientist turned WHO-whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger.

Najadi is a prominent former Swiss banker who has called for the arrest of corporate elites and unelected globalist bureaucrats over allegations of “democide.”

According to Wikipedia, democide is a term coined by American political scientist Rudolph Rummel to describe “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.” This definition covers a wide range of deaths, including mass deaths due to governmental acts of criminal omission and neglect by governments or those with defacto government powers.

Pascal Najadi, a Swiss merchant banker of Persian discent, has joined forces with Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger to demand criminal prosecutions of those behind Big Pharma’s Covid injections, which they describe as “bioweapons.”

They make their case in a new mini documentary titled Cutting off the Head of the Snake. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127604

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19817557 (281528ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Elon Musk Blasts Scottish Leader As "A Blatant Racist"

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Elon Musk Blasts Scottish Leader As "A Blatant Racist"


Twitter/X owner Elon Musk has labelled the Scottish First Minister “a blatant racist”, leaving the comment on a video of a speech Humza Yousaf made in Parliament complaining about the number of white people in prominent positions.

In the video, which is a few years old, Yousaf, now the leader of the country, states “most senior positions in Scotland are filled almost exclusively by people who are white” going on to give examples like the Lord Justice Clerk, Solicitor General, and other senior political figures, claiming it is “not good enough.”

Elsewhere in the speech Yousaf, claimed that “we have to accept the reality and the evidence that is in front of us, that Scotland has a problem of structural racism.”

Demographically, Scotland is 96% white, so it isn’t surprising that senior positions are occupied predominantly by white people. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127605

File: 2eab67d3d0ab232⋯.png (375.41 KB,500x750,2:3,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19817630 (281546ZOCT23) Notable: These Are The Cities With The Most Bubble Risk In Their Property Markets

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These Are The Cities With The Most Bubble Risk In Their Property Markets


Buoyed by low interest rates for the last decade, many property markets have seen substantial price growth since 2010. Experts warned that real estate bubbles—in which the price of assets moved up far beyond their intrinsic value—were forming.

The UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index analyzes the real estate market of 25 major cities across the globe and assigns them a score between -0.5 to 2.0 to convey bubble risk. The higher the score, the more imbalanced the market is, with those above 1.5 in “bubble-risk” territory.

In the chart below, Visual Capitalist's Pallavi Rao visualizes the data in the above map, along with charting the real property price changes in the last year. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127606

File: 2a2c9df8fec9a8d⋯.png (659.95 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19818328 (281811ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Group that helps abortionists improve their ‘skills’ received $1.5 million grant from Canadian gov’t

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Group that helps abortionists improve their ‘skills’ received $1.5 million grant from Canadian gov’t


A researcher discovered that the government provided funds to National Abortion Federation Canada 'by using a program designed for actual health care and diverting the dollars.'

A pro-life Canadian researcher and blogger revealed that in 2022 close to $1.5 million of taxpayer money went to the National Abortion Federation Canada via a government grant, which is a group that helps abortion doctors improve their skills in taking the life of an unborn child.

In a recent blog post, pro-life researcher Patricia Maloney revealed how she uncovered via an Access to Information request (ATIP) how the National Abortion Federation Canada got $1,469,150 from Health Canada’s “Healthcare Policy and Strategies Program.”

“The thing is, this program was meant for ‘home and community care; palliative and end of care; mental health care; and other Federal provincial-territorial and emerging priorities,” Maloney said.

“So how does the government justify granting dollars for training abortion doctors to kill babies? By using a program designed for actual health care and diverting the dollars into abortion programs.”

Maloney observed how it took her 450 days to get an answer for her ATIP, which normally should take about 30 days. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127607

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19819910 (282308ZOCT23) Notable: Updated MAiD Bun / Redacted: Controversy erupts as Canada pushes expanded suicide in new MAID rules (video)

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Controversy erupts as Canada pushes expanded suicide in new MAID rules | Redacted w Clayton Morris


The Trudeau government is now expanding the MAID program to allow people with drug addictions and mental illnesses to seek government suicide.

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a90dd8 No.127608

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19821635 (290314ZOCT23) Notable: Tweet from Jim regarding the Movement

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It’s been a long road that we have traveled to this moment.


Six years ago. I was undergoing cancer treatment, and you all were beginning

This trip. The journey is not over.

You can stop saying, “Are we there yet?”

Some of those here at the beginning are distancing themselves.

They are putting some miles between themselves and this movement that’s got us all on the edge of our seats.

That’s okay. People have their reasons. I had no idea what this movement was about six years ago.

I was just busy with my chemotherapy, radiation, and drugs.

Since then, I have learned I Have done my research. All the while, I am trying to remain cynical-free.

Some people have been seriously hurt over the deep digs you have done. Others have profited off of

Your good nature and research.

I’m not judging. I know it is heavy, and not everyone is strong enough to carry it.

What you do is not psyops. Helping free up hidden information and showing the world the lies

they’ve been told is good. I hope that you will continue at it.

I hope you won’t stop digging, memeing, and praying.

God bless us, every one.

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a90dd8 No.127609

File: ee31769b4ce593d⋯.png (589.13 KB,800x439,800:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19824694 (291804ZOCT23) Notable: Henry Kissinger: AI Will Replace Humans within 5 Years

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Henry Kissinger: AI Will Replace Humans within 5 Years


Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has declared that artificial intelligence (AI) will replace humans within the next five years.

Kissinger, a member of the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF), asserts that AI dominance will be the “biggest challenge” humans will face.

According to a report published on Insider, Kissinger made the comments during an interview with Mathias Döpfner, CEO of Axel Springer.

The conversation was aired by Welt TV, a subsidiary of Germany’s Die Welt newspaper.

AI’s potential has been a significant discussion point since the launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in November 2022.

Experts have pointed out that most white-collar jobs are in danger of being replaced by AI.

Workers in sectors such as technology, media, law, and customer service are especially at risk.

100-year-old Kissinger said he believes that AI will become so dominant that humans could end up serving machines.

He stressed the importance of understanding the essence of this intelligence.

The technology is predicted to eventually develop its own perspective.

Such a turn could likely see AI determine that humans are no longer necessary.

Kissinger told Döpfner: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127610

File: 20ec471d2f888d1⋯.png (1.55 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19824737 (291813ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Saskatchewan vows continued fight over federal environmental regs in throne speech

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Saskatchewan vows continued fight over federal environmental regs in throne speech


The Saskatchewan government signaled its commitment to defending its provincial autonomy and economic interests by opposing federal clean fuel and electricity regulations in its latest speech from the throne this week.

During the Oct. 25 speech, Lieutenant-Governor Russ Mirasty conveyed the province’s intention to use the Saskatchewan First Act to challenge the federal government on various climate change initiatives.

“Incredibly, one of the biggest threats to Saskatchewan’s economy is our own federal government. The federal carbon tax increases the cost of everything we produce, manufacture, transport to market, and buy,” said Mirasty.

“The federal Clean Electricity Standards and net-zero emissions targets are unrealistic and unaffordable.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127611

File: 2a5471510dfc38f⋯.png (1.6 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19824786 (291824ZOCT23) Notable: Average home in Canada costs 141% more than median family income: report

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Average home in Canada costs 141% more than median family income: report


The average cost of a home in Canada is now 141% higher than the median household income, according to a new report published on Thursday.

The data, compiled by Rates.ca, found that a Canadian family earning the median household income of $79,876 would be able to reasonably afford a home costing $315,000. However, the average home in Canada is now going for $757,600.

In Toronto and Vancouver, the housing market lists an average of $1 million per home.

Additionally, mortgage insurers won’t insure a home over $1 million, which means interest rates can be raised and more is asked of the initial down payment, noted the report.

Including the uninsured mortgage costs, the average home price in Toronto is 162% higher than that of the median family income. In Vancouver, that disparity shoots up to 195%.

Population growth and increased income are among the contributing factors, according to Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) deputy chief economist Aled ab Iorwerth.

“But now, as demand is going up, these cities are quite slow in increasing their housing supply,” he said. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127612

File: c28e8329c9b02ed⋯.png (1.37 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19824809 (291830ZOCT23) Notable: Average Ottawa families living on minimum wage spend 75% of income on food, rent

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Average Ottawa families living on minimum wage spend 75% of income on food, rent


Ottawa Public Health’s annual affordability report, which measures the average cost for families to afford a nutritious diet shows, that a family with two minimum wage earners spend a vast majority of their income on food and rent.

The 2023 Nutritious Food Basket Survey paints a bleaker picture than last year as the inflation and affordability crises further drive up the cost of basic food items.

Comparing the costs of 61 different food items across 12 local grocers, analysts broke down the results to find that the average family of four would spend $1,153 a month on groceries in 2023.

This is a $65 increase when compared to last year where the average cost was $1,088.

When taking into account specific income scenarios, families on social assistance like Ontario Works earning an average of $2,794 would have to spend 111% of their earnings – potentially getting into debt – so that they can afford housing and meals.

Those earning minimum wage while providing for two kids would spend 75% of their estimated $4,160 income on rent and foodstuff. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127613

File: 8a07ded2f71fd9a⋯.png (641.34 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19824830 (291835ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Nova Scotia offering health workers cash prizes for ideas on how to improve care

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Nova Scotia offering health workers cash prizes for ideas on how to improve care


The Nova Scotia government is taking an unorthodox approach to improving their suffering healthcare system by offering financial prizes to employees in the healthcare sector who can come up with plausible solutions.

Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston announced the Healthcare Improvement Challenge on Wednesday, offering 50 prizes of $1,000 each to health workers who come up with actionable ideas to better the system.

“We have no shortage of talented people who work across the spectrum of healthcare in our province,” said Houston in a statement to Global News.

“They live and breathe the system daily, and many of them have great ideas that can improve health care for patients and for their colleagues.”

The Healthcare Improvement Challenge is now open for submissions and Houston said they are looking for ideas that are attainable and ones that require little to no funding.

Submissions will be accepted until Nov. 22 and each eligible entry will then be thrown into a random draw.

Prize-winners will first have to answer a skill-testing question before they can receive the money.

The best 20 ideas will be selected by a review panel who will then present them for a provincewide vote to narrow down what will be the top 10 priorities for improvement.Canada’s healthcare system has been struggling for a long time, leading some Canadians to seek out private alternatives.

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a90dd8 No.127614

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19824908 (291848ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Banning prayer at Remembrance Day ceremonies (video)

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Military bans prayer on Remembrance Day (ft. Tom Marazzo)


Earlier this month, the Canadian Armed Forces issued a directive that prohibits chaplains from reciting religious prayers and mentioning God during official public functions and ceremonies, including Remembrance Day. Veteran Tom Marazzo joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss the implications of this directive, and its impact on the traditions and values that many veterans hold dear.

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a90dd8 No.127615

File: b3f74c26447daae⋯.png (763.73 KB,900x473,900:473,Clipboard.png)

File: 4dbe637a4bc3d3f⋯.png (298.55 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19824972 (291857ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / ‘Overcharged’: Major Study Reveals Alarming True Cost of Owning an EV, ‘Fueling’ Equal to $17.33 Per Gallon

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‘Overcharged’: Major Study Reveals Alarming True Cost of Owning an EV, ‘Fueling’ Equal to $17.33 Per Gallon


A new study called “Overcharged Expectations” claims that without federal subsidies, the real cost of fueling an electric vehicle would amount to $17.33 per gallon of gasoline.

The study from the Texas Public Policy Foundation said electric vehicles do not stand alone in comparison with other vehicles because of the “wide array of direct subsidies, regulatory credits, and subsidized infrastructure that contribute to the economic viability of EVs.”

“Adding the costs of the subsidies to the true cost of fueling an EV would equate to an EV owner paying $17.33 per gallon of gasoline. And these estimates do not include the hundreds of billions more in subsidies in the Inflation Reduction Act,” the report said. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127616

File: eb00a6e3a31080e⋯.png (532.93 KB,688x379,688:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19825085 (291911ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Germany: Students at University of Augsburg Demand ‘Gloryholes’ in Lecture Halls - To Help Relieve Stress on Campus

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Germany: Students at University of Augsburg Demand ‘Gloryholes’ in Lecture Halls – To Help Relieve Stress on Campus


Students at the University of Augsburg in Germany are demanding glory holes in the lecture halls on campus. The students say the glory holes (famously used for anonymous sex) should be built in the lecture hall opposite the entrance.

The students argue the gloryholes will assist with the diversification on campus.

They’re also a nice tension reliever.

The students say “the associated stress reduction would ensure a more positive working atmosphere on campus.”

The future leaders insist “strangers would come together to create a shared experience and living space and connect on a level far removed from everyday life.”

Makes sense.

Presse Augsburg reported: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127617

File: 6dd92acbc4d8510⋯.png (746.41 KB,1284x703,1284:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 119fd14b99ab1cd⋯.png (2.08 MB,1536x985,1536:985,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19825106 (291917ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Groups Advocating Anti-Israel Protests and Supporting Hamas Attacks Receive Over $15 Million from George Soros

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Groups Advocating Anti-Israel Protests and Supporting Hamas Attacks Receive Over $15 Million from George Soros


Left-wing billionaire George Soros has funneled more than $15 million since 2016 to organizations that have been involved in pro-Palestine protests, some of which have openly supported Hamas, a group designated as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, and other entities, according to a recent report by New York Post.

The New York Post’s examination of Open Society Foundations records revealed that Soros’ grant-making network channeled $13.7 million of the funding through the Tides Center.

This organization is a lefty advocacy group that sponsors several lefty nonprofits, some of which have justified Hamas’ attacks on Israel while portraying Palestinians as the real victims. Among the beneficiaries of Tides’ funding is the Illinois-based Adalah Justice Project, which posted a photo on Instagram of a bulldozer tearing down part of Israel’s border fence, captioning it as an “open-air prison.”

“A reminder that the Israeli regime has waged 70+ years of war on Palestinians and has entrapped Palestinians in Gaza with a suffocating siege for 17 years. The natural reaction to colonization and oppression is resistance,” Adalah Justice Project wrote. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127618

File: e5d465fa8a8b0c0⋯.png (683.75 KB,1021x575,1021:575,Clipboard.png)

File: d805422e2d54550⋯.png (1.09 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 98e5687f1938649⋯.png (929.29 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19825153 (291925ZOCT23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Dynamic Duo: Hungary’s Viktor Orbán and Slovakia’s Robert Fico Expected to Block Further EU Military Help to Ukraine

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Dynamic Duo: Hungary’s Viktor Orbán and Slovakia’s Robert Fico Expected to Block Further EU Military Help to Ukraine


The European Union is now up in arms against a new dynamic duo poised to block new initiatives of military support for Ukraine – or at least create great difficulties in its implementation.

Hungary’s longtime leader Viktor Orbán and Slovakia’s returning Prime Minister Robert Fico are now under the spotlight as the EU countries worry about the potential for disruption by these populist and nationalist leaders.

Orbán has now come flat-out against a €50-billion plan in long-term support for Ukraine. It features €33 billion in low-interest loans and €17 billion in non-repayable grants.

Any changes to the EU budget require unanimity of all 27 member states, so a single country can veto the process.

Euronews reported: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127619

File: 7b816c98cf8f086⋯.png (409.08 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: da789e5b2e9c61e⋯.png (116.35 KB,500x227,500:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19825195 (291931ZOCT23) Notable: How Migration Flows To Europe And North America Changed

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How Migration Flows To Europe And North America Changed


According to the newly released International Migration Outlook 2023, permanent migration to OECD countries reached a new high in 2022 at 6.1 million people.

Many developed countries that are part of the group accepted the highest numbers of permanent immigrants since their OECD records started around 15 to 25 years ago, among them Canada, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127620

File: 056d4d6d9b21673⋯.png (422.74 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19825241 (291938ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Chose Venezuela Over Canada For Oil

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Biden Chose Venezuela Over Canada For Oil


The United States needs more heavy oil for a whole series of reasons. President Joe Biden could have chosen to have that oil come from a close friend and ally, environmentally-conscious Canada, or from one of the world’s nastiest regimes, Nicolas Maduro’s Venezuela, which doesn’t give a toss about the environment. Which did he choose?

Venezuela, of course. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127621

File: 7e455f10c5dd0f1⋯.png (1.38 MB,1120x617,1120:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19826434 (292212ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Think tank says Canadian LNG exports would help meet climate targets

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Think tank says Canadian LNG exports would help meet climate targets


A change of rules at home and the export of liquified natural gas abroad would reduce global carbon emissions and help Canada meet its climate goals, argues a Canadian think tank.

The proposals were put forward in a new report by the Macdonald Laurier Institute released October 25.

Under existing climate conventions, countries are primarily responsible for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within their own borders. However, this framework presents a significant challenge for international efforts to combat climate change: countries have no incentive to attend to projects outside their borders.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change dealt with this limitation in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The article introduced the concept of Internationally Transferable Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs). This allows carbon credits to be transferred from the country where emission reductions occur to the country supporting the project. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127622

File: f9bb3252cd1d996⋯.png (412.76 KB,699x350,699:350,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ae193c88a4ed91⋯.png (568.61 KB,877x497,877:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19830446 (301426ZOCT23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Canada Unleashing The ‘Devil of Diversity’ For Remembrance Day

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Canada Unleashing The ‘Devil of Diversity’ For Remembrance Day


Any politician of any party who shows up laying wreaths at the cenotaphs on Nov. 11 this year should be remembered as the shameful hypocrites they truly are. May God Almighty Bless the souls of our War Dead.

‘Just In Time’ for next week’s celebration of Remembrance Day 2023, Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau is replacing God Almighty with his personal preference for the ‘Devil of Diversity’.

Even as pictures of the war dead line the highways and byways in memory of all of those who paid for our freedom with their lives, in villages, towns and cities throughout Canada, tyrannical Trudeau dares to try to replace their indelible memory with the now legislated devil called “Diversity”.

A directive from on high in Ottawa is messaging chaplains who lead prayers for our War Dead that they will no longer be “allowed” to mention God’s Holy Name when addressing this year’s crowds at cenotaphs, Legion Halls and other gathering places across Canada

Any mention of the Creator is out; respect for “spiritual diversity” is in, according to a Canadian Government directive that urges chaplains to 'adopt a sensitive and inclusive approach' during ALL public addresses.

“New directives for military chaplains that tell them to be “respectful of … spiritual diversity” during public addresses, to employ “Gender Based Analysis” and replace religious symbols like crosses and stars of David with a generic chaplain’s crest could spell the death of the role in Canada’s Armed Forces, says one long-serving veteran of the chaplaincy. (National Post, Oct. 27 2023) Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127623

File: ec8d527589c2961⋯.png (540.57 KB,600x402,100:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 23a6eb01007a5c6⋯.png (188.64 KB,447x319,447:319,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ff7e8c7332d655⋯.png (56.58 KB,300x229,300:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 12e67a1502a63f1⋯.png (728.73 KB,583x779,583:779,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a3b1d4428cfe73⋯.png (249.19 KB,450x309,150:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19830701 (301521ZOCT23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / 17 Questions to Challenge the Climate Change Crisis

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17 Questions to Challenge the Climate Change Crisis


We are forever getting told of a forthcoming major climate change crisis. How we are destroying our planet by unwittingly contributing to potential catastrophic famines, flooding and heatwaves… through our negligence to climate change.

Many have challenged this climate change crisis claim: It has been said that the human-led climate change crisis is a monumental lie. A deceptive Deep State tool. A PSYOP used to control the sleeping masses to get their compliance as they blindly walk into an engineered dystopia under the guise of saving the world.

In reflection of this, here are 17 truth-seeking questions to challenge the climate change crisis claim and its related implications that something desperately needs to be done to prevent the so-called predicted catastrophic events. Continue

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a90dd8 No.127624

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19830743 (301532ZOCT23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / LAWTON: Doctors unite to oppose censorship in medicine (video)

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LAWTON: Doctors unite to oppose censorship in medicine


This weekend, doctors, lawyers, and journalists are meeting in Cape Breton for the second Free Speech in Medicine conference, to address issues often censored by regulatory bodies, employers, and governments. Organizer Dr. Chris Milburn joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss the importance of open discussion in a medical environment where many are afraid to express their opinions.

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a90dd8 No.127625

File: e82d7b4272cef51⋯.png (1 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19830771 (301541ZOCT23) Notable: Feds say they’re preparing international student visa crackdown

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Feds say they’re preparing international student visa crackdown


The federal government says it’s prepared to crackdown on “bad actors” in the international student program if the provinces won’t.

Federal Immigration Minister Marc Miller said Friday that provinces need to get serious about abuse of international student visas, which are rife with abuse either from forged university acceptance letters or dubious colleges accepting students without really educating them.

Miller’s announcement came in response to an investigation that uncovered over 100 cases of fraudulent student admission letters this summer. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127626

File: fb966a09dee65e5⋯.png (1.14 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19830792 (301546ZOCT23) Notable: Alberta vows referendum for income tax reform, opioid crackdown

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Alberta vows referendum for income tax reform, opioid crackdown


The Alberta government says referenda for tax and pension reform and a crackdown on the opioid crisis are top of mind as the legislature reconvenes.

“Albertans did make their voices very clear. They voted for a government that would continue making life more affordable, improving government services and defending our province from federal interference,” said UCP Government House Leader Joseph Schow.

The government plans to expand the Alberta Taxpayer Protection Act, which requires a referendum before a government can introduce a provincial sales tax, to encompass all personal and business taxes.

“It’s important for Albertans to know that if any government or future governments were to increase personal or corporate income taxes, it would have to be done via referendum,” emphasized Schow.

Additionally, Schow announced the extension of the fuel tax cut to the year-end.

Danielle Smith’s UCP government has also maintained a referendum will be necessary before Alberta would withdraw from the Canada Pension Plan.

“Should we move forward with a pension, it’s going to be with (Albertans’) support via a referendum,” Schow said. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127627

File: 184c8f72f9a5e9c⋯.png (1.77 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19830822 (301555ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Catch and release justice system “major factor” in Alberta rural crime surge

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Catch and release justice system “major factor” in Alberta rural crime surge


Rural Alberta towns are desperate for a solution after a surge in property crime has affected residents and local businesses, as RCMP data show.

From January to June 2023, Airdrie, Alta. saw a 73% spike in break and enters compared to the year prior.

Lac La Biche also experienced a spike in break and enters and vehicle thefts, with both crimes rising by over 40%.

Cpl. James McConnell with the Airdrie RCMP said there was no one simple cause of the increases.

He added that often a few individuals are responsible for a large number of offences.

“It seems like it’s not proportional, but we would expect to see an increase in that type of crime with an increase in population,” said McConnell.

In Lac La Biche, business owners in the industrial area have been targeted by thieves who break into their properties and steal their vehicles.

Lac La Biche Coun. John Mondal pointed to a confluence of factors behind the recent crime wave, including economic hardship.

“Inflation has a lot to do with it. Job losses have a lot to do with it,” Mondal said.

“And this is catch and release. Which means the RCMP does their job, they bring the person to the justice system, but then they get released. That is one of the major factors.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127628

File: fd22f04eab8afc1⋯.png (1.19 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19830886 (301613ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Alberta man sentenced in the province’s first 3D-printed firearms trafficking conviction

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Alberta man sentenced in the province’s first 3D-printed firearms trafficking conviction


In a precedent-setting case, an Alberta man has been handed an eight-year prison sentence for trafficking 3D-printed firearms.

Dustin Lyslo, 29, pleaded guilty to five charges earlier this year, including weapons trafficking and careless use of a firearm. He used 3D technology to produce plastic suppressors and receivers — essential firearm components.

In Canada, while suppressors are categorically banned, receivers require an official license for legal acquisition.

“Members of the Camrose Police Service started the investigation in early 2021 resulting in the arrest and detention of Lyslo in the fall of 2022,” said Camrose Police Service.

Tracey Wilson, the Vice President for the Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights (CCFR), explained that the sentencing in other provinces has ranged from 2 to 17 years, depending on the eventual use of the manufactured firearm.

“Personally, I think his sentence should have been longer or stricter. The illicit manufacture and distribution of illegal guns puts us all at risk and is often used as political capital against licensed owners who follow the law,” she said. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127629

File: d7690bc46d2a836⋯.png (1.44 MB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: e36ff9bc0834a08⋯.png (163.71 KB,320x197,320:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19831074 (301705ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / PALLYWOOD: “GAZA MAN” Sings, Cheers, Cries, Nearly Dies, and Recovers Within Hours - Identified as Saleh Aljafarawi, an Actor with Own Instagram Page with Almost 2 Million Followers

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PALLYWOOD: “GAZA MAN” Sings, Cheers, Cries, Nearly Dies, and Recovers Within Hours – Identified as Saleh Aljafarawi, an Actor with Own Instagram Page with Almost 2 Million Followers (VIDEO)


Gaza Man was first discovered when Hamas was lobbing missiles into Israel. The terrorist group that runs the Gaza Strip with an iron fist, attacked Israel on Oct 7, killed over 1,300 innocent people, and kidnapped over 200 innocents, primarily women and children.

At this time, “Gaza man” was literally singing in the streets of Gaza. But then Israel retaliated, and he was on cameral crying like a baby.

How a Faith-Based Gold Company Is Changing the Way Americans Protect Their Retirement

This Hamas actor was then found in critical condition in the hospital one day and the next day, he looks like he had a very rapid, and successful recovery.

Here’s the video: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127630

File: d5d87545c223f54⋯.png (1.12 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19831154 (301719ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / CBS Reporter Catherine Herridge Faces Contempt Charges For Refusing to Reveal Her Confidential Source

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CBS Reporter Catherine Herridge Faces Contempt Charges For Refusing to Reveal Her Confidential Source


CBS reporter Catherine Herridge is facing contempt charges for refusing to disclose the identity of her confidential source.

In August, US District Court for the District of Columbia, Christopher Cooper, ordered Herridge to sit down for a sworn deposition regarding a confidential source she used for a 2017 story she covered on a Department of Defense-funded school that was at the center of federal investigations over Chinese military ties while she was at Fox News.

The judge ordered Herridge to turn over her source(s) in response to a lawsuit that was filed by Chinese-American scientist Yanping Chen against the FBI. Chen subpoenaed Herridge in an effort to find out who her sources were.

Herridge argued she should not be forced to disclose her source because of her First Amendment rights. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127631

File: 44a82682cc9cbad⋯.png (612.53 KB,500x854,250:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19831243 (301734ZOCT23) Notable: "War Is A Racket" For These 25 'Defense' Companies

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"War Is A Racket" For These 25 'Defense' Companies


Retired US Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler said it first and said it best: "War is a racket. It always has been..."

But what often goes unsaid is his next sentences:

"It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives."

And indeed, every year, the world’s most powerful countries spend billions of dollars on so-called 'defense'.

But where does this money actually flow?

To gain insight, Visual Capitalist's Marcu Lu and Bhabna Banerjee ranked the world’s top 25 defense companies by 2022 revenues, using data from Defense News.

Note that their graphic shows each company’s revenues from defense, and not total revenues. This is because many companies such as Boeing also generate revenue from non-defense related industries and sectors. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19831604 (301843ZOCT23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / It’s a gene therapy. It was a gene therapy yesterday. It will still be a gene therapy tomorrow

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It’s a gene therapy. It was a gene therapy yesterday. It will still be a gene therapy tomorrow.


It’s a gene therapy.

It was a gene therapy yesterday.

It will still be a gene therapy tomorrow.

With a plasmid, it’s two gene therapies.

The OGTR confirms:

“Under the gene technology act an [OGTR] approval would have been required”

This was a lie from Dr Raj Bhula.

It’s transfection.

It’s in the Pfizer documents that the TGA have.

Everybody knows it’s transfection.

If Dr Bhula doesn’t know, she should resign immediately.

The OGTR failed. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127633

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19831781 (301917ZOCT23) Notable: TD Bank States Nearly Half Of Canadian Homeowners Currently Have Lifetime Mortgages

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TD Bank States Nearly Half Of Canadian Homeowners Currently Have Lifetime Mortgages!


Canadian banks are freaking out as homeowners are unable to cover the INTEREST. Some extending mortgages to 90 years!


The worst part. The banks know millions more Canadians will be hit will sky high mortgage interest rates in the coming YEAR making this a total disaster. A complete housing collapse.

See also Angela Rayner: “Let’s make taxpayers insure taxpayers mortgages. If taxpayers don’t pay the mortgage, then taxpayers pay it”


All by design. You will own nothing.

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a90dd8 No.127634

File: 0783e2a55bc37da⋯.png (1.54 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19832256 (302037ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Canadian Special Forces Sent to Israel for ‘Contingency Planning’

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Canadian Special Forces Sent to Israel for ‘Contingency Planning’


The national defence department says the potential for escalating hostilities in the region has led Global Affairs Canada to request support from the military.

The Canadian military has dispatched a group of elite soldiers to Israel to evacuate Canadian citizens en masse if deemed necessary, says the Department of National Defence (DND).

“In support of Global Affairs Canada, CAF personnel from Canadian Special Operations Forces Command are assisting the Canadian embassy in Israel with contingency planning,” a DND spokesperson told The Epoch Times in an email statement.

DND says the potential for escalating hostilities in the region, including at the Israel-Lebanon border, has led Global Affairs Canada (GAC) to request support from the military.

This is to “ensure a rapid response should the security situation rapidly deteriorate and support for the evacuation of Canadians is required,” says DND.

Global News first reported on Oct. 29 the involvement of special operations personnel in Israel, noting it includes members of Joint Task Force 2 (JTF-2). JTF-2 is Canada’s most elite military unit and has a counter-terrorism and hostage rescue mandate. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127635

File: ba6be4f3d98e844⋯.png (1.86 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: c934ab91c1d84be⋯.png (485.67 KB,727x707,727:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19833060 (302315ZOCT23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Feds refuse to disclose legal costs related to convoy commission

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Feds refuse to disclose legal costs related to convoy commission


'Public Accounts tabled in Parliament indicated total cost of the Public Order Emergency Commission was $17,478,831. Only a single line item was detailed, a $17,171 expense claim by Justice Paul Rouleau,' reported Blacklock's Reporter. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127636

File: df5f2b48ee1bdfb⋯.png (1.41 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 29ac7da09c69119⋯.png (326.46 KB,547x725,547:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19836353 (311354ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Feds to hike taxes on alcohol by 4.7% in 2024

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Feds to hike taxes on alcohol by 4.7% in 2024


A taxpayer group is calling on Ottawa to put an end to plans to raise taxes on alcohol by 4.7% next year.

According to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, the tax increase is an unnecessary burden as Canadians face increased affordability issues.

“Canadians are struggling with inflation and the last thing we need is the feds making it more expensive to enjoy a cold one at the end of a long work week,” said Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director.

“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should be trying to make life more affordable and that means scrapping his alcohol tax hikes.”

Every year on April 1, the alcohol escalator tax automatically raises federal excise taxes on beer, spirits and wine.

“This is fundamentally undemocratic because politicians are increasing their tax take without a single vote in Parliament,” said Carson Binda, CTF British Columbia Director. “The feds need to stop binging on alcohol taxes.”

Already taxes account for a sizable amount of alcohol, making up 50% of the cost of beer, 65% of the cost of wine and over 75% of the cost of spirits.

In addition to the annual alcohol tax increase, this past April 1 also included a tax increase in order for MPs to get a pay raise.

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a90dd8 No.127637

File: b1c12746f8aebf8⋯.png (1.14 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19836373 (311359ZOCT23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Saskatchewan promises law to prevent poppy bans ahead of Remembrance Day

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Saskatchewan promises law to prevent poppy bans ahead of Remembrance Day


The government of Saskatchewan has announced its intention to introduce a new piece of legislation aimed at safeguarding the rights of workers to display a poppy on Remembrance Day.

The proposed Saskatchewan Remembrance Day Freedom Act would proscribe employers from enforcing regulations that prohibit their employees from donning the emblem in tribute to Canada’s veterans.

The act was first announced during the throne speech delivered by Lt.-Gov. Russ Mirasty last week before being presented with the inaugural poppy of the year at Government House in Regina.

Premier Scott Moe expressed that the government’s decision to take action stemmed from grievances voiced by certain employees, including those in the public sector, who were not permitted to wear a poppy at their workplaces.

However, specific employers or industries were not disclosed. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127638

File: b8c15a9bb6cbb16⋯.png (1.46 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19836394 (311404ZOCT23) Notable: Severe labour shortage in construction sector despite immigration surge: StatsCan

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Severe labour shortage in construction sector despite immigration surge: StatsCan


A recent report from Statistics Canada shows that the construction sector in Canada is grappling with a severe labour shortage that outpaces other sectors, contradicting claims made by Liberal Immigration Minister Marc Miller that record-level immigration targets are helping alleviate the housing crisis.

The study, released on October 25, 2023, titled “A toolkit for understanding housing supply” by analysts Florian Mayneris and Radu Andrei Pârvulescu, reveals that the construction industry has witnessed a more rapid increase in job vacancy rates compared to the rest of the economy.

“Overall, these variations in the number of workers and apprentices have been insufficient to meet labour demand in the construction industry: the job vacancy rates for the building trades have rapidly increased in all the provinces since the COVID-19 pandemic, a trend that started even sooner in Quebec,” wrote the authors.

“While labour shortages affect all sectors, the job vacancy rates rose more in the construction sector than in the rest of the economy.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19836452 (311417ZOCT23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / “The anti-WEF”: Jordan Peterson-led UK summit kicks off (video)

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The Andrew Lawton Show | “The anti-WEF”: Jordan Peterson-led UK summit kicks off


True North’s Andrew Lawton is live from London, United Kingdom, where the first Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) Forum kicked off today. The conference features 1,500 delegates from 72 countries with discussions about citizenship, responsibility and individualism, rather than globalism and collectivism. Andrew says this makes it an important counterbalance to the World Economic Forum and its annual Davos summits.

Also, a Liberal cabinet minister says if western Canadians want their concerns about the carbon tax to be heard, they need to vote Liberal.

Plus, Kris Sims of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation on the return of the Alberta legislature and the federal government’s home heating oil backtrack.

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a90dd8 No.127640

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19836630 (311507ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Tucker Carlson Drops Episode 35: “Start Another War, Send Millions More Anti-Western Refugees to the West. Starting to Notice a Pattern?”

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Tucker Carlson Drops Episode 35: “Start Another War, Send Millions More Anti-Western Refugees to the West. Starting to Notice a Pattern?” (VIDEO)


Tucker Carlson on Monday dropped episode 35 on X: Start another war, send millions more anti-Western refugees to the West. Starting to notice a pattern?

The left is now pressuring the United States to take anti-American Muslim refugees from Palestine amid the Israel-Gaza war.

The US has already taken in millions of Muslim ‘refugees’ from terror hotspots.

Tucker spoke with Nigel Farage, head of the UK Independence Party about the Israel-Gaza war and the potential for millions of ‘refugees’ that could be scattered throughout the West.

Tucker asked Nigel why Christian countries are being pressured to take in Muslim refugees while Saudi Arabia and Egypt refuse to take any of them in over fears they will destroy their societies.

“We have allowed the virus of Marxism to take hold in our countries, we’ve been told to be ashamed of our histories, we’ve been told that we are institutionally racists, we’ve been told that we suffer from our own form of bias. We indoctrinate our school kids with this stuff,” Nigel Farage said.

“And the reason this Neo-Marxist Agenda has taken such hold in Britain…and much of America, too is actually not because of the left, it’s because the conservatives in those countries have not had the courage to stand up to this stuff,” Farage added.

Farage continued, “Conservative cowardice through politics and media has led to so very much of this…”

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a90dd8 No.127641

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19842173 (011432ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Scott Moe pledges to axe carbon tax from natural gas heating if Ottawa doesn’t

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Scott Moe pledges to axe carbon tax from natural gas heating if Ottawa doesn’t


Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe said that his government plans to end the carbon tax on natural gas heating after the federal government announced they would put a three-year pause on carbon pricing for oil heating.

“Today I am calling on the federal government to offer the same carbon tax exemption to Saskatchewan families by extending it to all forms of home heating, not just heating oil. It’s only fair to other Saskatchewan and Canadian families,” said Moe in a video statement.

“Hopefully, that exemption will be provided soon. But if not, effective Jan. 1, SaskEnergy will stop collecting and submitting the carbon tax on natural gas – effectively providing Saskatchewan residents with the very same exemption that the federal government is giving heating oil in Atlantic Canada.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127642

File: 4f94e5a2cc14063⋯.png (1.18 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 80633e1a2ae3c14⋯.png (434.28 KB,718x813,718:813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19842192 (011438ZNOV23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Trudeau appoints former Liberal MP and long-time donor to “independent” senate seats

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Trudeau appoints former Liberal MP and long-time donor to “independent” senate seats


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appointed five individuals to vacant “independent senator” spots, including one former Liberal MP and a Liberal MLA who is a long-time party donor.

Chief among the appointments was former Cape Breton – Canso MP Rodger Cuzner. Cuzner had served with the federal Liberals from 2000 to 2019 and was the Parliamentary Secretary for Employment, Workforce Development and Labour under Trudeau.

The statement announcing Cuzner’s appointment makes no explicit mention of his Liberal ties and only refers to him as a “former parliamentarian.”

“Rodger Cuzner is a former parliamentarian. He was first elected to the House of Commons in 2000, and represented his home province of Nova Scotia for 19 years while serving in various roles, including Parliamentary Secretary to former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien. Most recently, he served as Consul General of Canada in Boston, United States of America, from 2020 to 2023,” the statement reads.

Appointee, former New Maryland MLA Joan Kingston also served under the New Brunswick Liberal Association banner for one term from 1995 to 1999.

She was appointed by Trudeau alongside John McNair and Krista Ross to fill two Senate vacancies for New Brunswick. Rejean Aucoin and Rodger Cuzner were appointed for two Nova Scotia spots.

Additionally, Kingston has a decade-long history of regularly donating to the federal Liberal Party of Canada, including donations to Trudeau’s leadership campaign in 2013. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127643

File: 899f961a1341c85⋯.png (953.71 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19842214 (011442ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / British Columbia to make Holocaust education mandatory by 2025-26 school year

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British Columbia to make Holocaust education mandatory by 2025-26 school year


Starting in 2025, British Columbia will make Holocaust education mandatory for all Grade 10 students.

Premier David Eby said the decision comes in response to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, which has created a “frightening time” for the Jewish community evoking “the history of persecution of Jews.”

Eby believes a comprehensive education on the Holocaust would help reduce further acts of antisemitism.

“For our friends and neighbours in the Jewish community, this has been an incredibly frightening time. We have seen a rise in antisemitism in B.C. following the terrorist attacks in Israel, which evokes the history of persecution of Jews,” said Premier Eby.

“Combatting this kind of hate begins with learning from the darkest parts of our history, so the same horrors are never repeated. That’s why we are working with the Jewish community to make sure learning about the Holocaust becomes a requirement for all high school students.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127644

File: e609279368f23ac⋯.png (1006.02 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19842229 (011446ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Federal DEI initiatives failing to improve outcomes for racialized workers: Auditor General

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Federal DEI initiatives failing to improve outcomes for racialized workers: Auditor General


Federal law enforcement agencies tasked with implementing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives were found to have made little to no progress in improving outcomes for women, Aboriginal peoples, visible minorities, and those with disabilities.

An audit of six federal organizations responsible for the administration of justice in Canada found that despite the corrective actions taken by these agencies in pursuit of DEI, the experience of “equity-deserving groups” and “racialized” peoples has not improved, and in some cases, has gotten marginally worse.

The Auditor General concluded that the six organizations “took action to correct the conditions of disadvantage in employment experienced by racialized employees,” but they “did not do enough to demonstrate progress toward creating an inclusive organizational structure.”

The six law enforcement agencies in question are the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), Correctional Services Canada (CSC), the Department of Justice, the Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC), Public Safety Canada, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127645

File: 03a4ff0bf207e1c⋯.png (1.16 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19842266 (011452ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Trudeau gov shuts down Premiers’ request for carbon tax exemptions

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Trudeau gov shuts down Premiers’ request for carbon tax exemptions


On Tuesday, the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources dismissed calls for more federal carbon pricing exemptions on home heating.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a three-year pause on the carbon tax for oil heating in homes, a move that predominantly benefits Canadians living in Atlantic Canada.

Homes heated with oil produce higher emissions than natural gas. This has led several premiers to demand Trudeau grant their residents the same exemption for natural gas.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre also wrote an open letter to Trudeau, asking for federal carbon pricing exemptions on all home heating.

On Monday, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe said his government would stop collecting the carbon tax from homes heated with natural gas in his province if the Trudeau government did not extend the same exemption it gave to Atlantic Canada, a region known as a voter stronghold for Liberals.

Moe said the current exemption has resulted in “two classes of taxpayers.”

On Tuesday, Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson responded to Moe’s threat by saying, “There will be no more carve-outs coming.”

Wilkinson added that Moe’s position wasn’t legal under the law. “We expect him to comply with the laws of the land,” he said. “It is a requirement that they collect that or that it be collected in some way.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127646

File: d32ea1e6e29b9c4⋯.png (1.59 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19842288 (011458ZNOV23) Notable: Coastal GasLink LNG pipeline 100% constructed

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Coastal GasLink LNG pipeline 100% constructed


In a significant development for Canada’s energy sector, TC Energy Corp. announced on Monday that it has successfully completed the physical construction of the Coastal GasLink pipeline.

Company officials note that the milestone marks a pivotal moment in a project that has been in the works for over a decade.

The Coastal GasLink pipeline, spanning an impressive 670 kilometers from Dawson Creek, BC, to Kitimat, BC, is poised to play a pivotal role in the country’s energy landscape.

Upon completion, it will deliver natural gas to the LNG Canada project, a joint venture led by Shell. The project’s primary objective is to liquefy and export this natural gas to lucrative Asian markets.

Construction has been a multi-year endeavour involving thousands of workers and contractors. The culmination of these efforts occurred on October 7th near Kitimat, as the final weld was completed.

While the physical construction is now concluded, TC Energy anticipates that mechanical completion of the pipeline, which includes final testing and documentation, will be achieved by the end of this year.

Once operational, the Coastal GasLink pipeline will serve as a crucial transportation corridor for natural gas. The LNG Canada facility is still under construction and anticipated to be completed by the mid-decade. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127647

File: 486233764d256fb⋯.png (1.41 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

File: a6aea93f1bd59ed⋯.png (87.75 KB,300x264,25:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ffc0ac63d6ca4a⋯.png (571.63 KB,739x1600,739:1600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19842302 (011502ZNOV23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Global News dismisses journalist Zahraa Al-Akhrass amid controversy over anti-Israel posts

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Global News dismisses journalist Zahraa Al-Akhrass amid controversy over anti-Israel posts


A Canadian journalist accused of antisemitism by a pro-Israel advocacy group says she was fired for “speaking up about Palestine.”

On October 29, Zahraa Al-Akhrass, who calls herself a “Palestinian journalist,” said on her Instagram that she was fired by Global News.

“Global’s decision to terminate me for my personal opinions came officially on October 17,” Al-Akhrass, who has been on maternity leave since January, told True North.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Al-Akhrass called Israeli soldiers “racist, brutal occupiers who are hungry for Palestinian blood.”

She wrote in another post that “Zionism is Nazism.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127648

File: cc49dd480f29a17⋯.png (1.02 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19842349 (011512ZNOV23) Notable: Statistics Canada data reveals that Canada may have entered a technical recession

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Statistics Canada data reveals that Canada may have entered a technical recession


Early indicators released by Statistics Canada suggest Canada may soon enter a potential technical recession.

The preliminary data from the federal agency’s August GDP report, published on Tuesday, shows that the Canadian economy has hit a standstill. Concerningly, the initial figures for the third quarter suggest a contraction, raising alarm bells across economic sectors.

The stagnant growth in August, marking a disturbing downward trend for the second month in a row, continued into September, according to advanced data.

The preliminary estimates by Statistics Canada show annualized shrinkage of 0.1% in the economy for the third quarter, following a contraction witnessed in the second quarter.

A technical recession is characterized by two successive quarters of negative growth. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127649

File: 6532962196cd2f3⋯.png (1.71 MB,1536x844,384:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b736b529ba2ea6⋯.png (83.56 KB,808x545,808:545,Clipboard.png)

File: 12e307069bb525e⋯.png (229.23 KB,542x788,271:394,Clipboard.png)

File: 44b19a7452eb433⋯.png (329.47 KB,540x717,180:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19842463 (011533ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Yemen’s Houthi Officially Declares War on Israel, Launches Large-Scale Ballistic and Drone Strikes

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World War III Watch: Yemen’s Houthi Officially Declares War on Israel, Launches Large-Scale Ballistic and Drone Strikes


In an alarming development, the Iranian vassal state of Yemen, run by Tehran’s Houthi proxy group, has officially declared war on Israel.

Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi currently controls the country’s capital Sanaa, and all of the former North Yemen except eastern Marib Governorate.

Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the spokesperson for the Yemeni Armed Forces and also the spokesperson for Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, announced that they have launched massive military strikes against Israeli targets in the “occupied territories.”

In response to the missile strikes, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have been on high alert. They reported the successful interception of a surface-to-surface missile in the vicinity of the Red Sea. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127650

File: b640853e544b157⋯.png (309.66 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b78fe635012411⋯.png (199.25 KB,500x282,250:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19842655 (011610ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Pfizer To Shut Down Two Facilities Amid Major Cost Cuts

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Pfizer To Shut Down Two Facilities Amid Major Cost Cuts


Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer confirmed it will be closing down two of its facilities in North Carolina amid a cost-cutting initiative after it revealed that sales of its COVID-19 vaccine and other products would see a drop.

The company told multiple local media outlets that it would be closing its sites in Durham and Morrisville, saying the closures are part of an effort "to operate more efficiently and effectively."

"As part of this effort, Pfizer has decided to close the Kit Creek facility in Morrisville ... and the Durham Clinical Manufacturing Facility," the company said, according to the Triangle Business Journal. "Pfizer continues to operate its largest North Carolina facilities, including two in Sanford and one in Rocky Mount."

It's not clear how many workers would be impacted or laid off. The Epoch Times has contacted the company for comment Monday.

“All job-related decisions will be made with transparency, compassion, and respect, and in compliance with applicable laws," Pfizer told the News & Observer publication. And any employee who is impacted by the closures will be offered a "generous separation package," Pfizer told ABC11 TV, or will be given the chance to apply for another position. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127651

File: 5e83d473158e2fe⋯.png (554.03 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19844185 (012112ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Bank of Canada admits eliminating carbon tax could reduce inflation by 16%

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Bank of Canada admits eliminating carbon tax could reduce inflation by 16%


Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem testified that cutting the tax would create a one-time reduction of inflation by 0.6%, which is 16% of Canada's total inflation rate.

Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem admitted that Trudeau’s carbon tax is responsible for 16% of Canada’s current inflation rate.

On October 30, Macklem told the House of Commons finance committee that eliminating the carbon tax would reduce inflation by 0.6%, which is 16% of Canada’s total inflation rate.

“That would create a one-time drop in inflation of 0.6 percentage points,” Macklem told Conservative MP Philip Lawrence, who had questioned the tax’s effect on the economy.

Currently, Canada’s inflation rate is at 3.8% which means that a decrease of 0.6% by eliminating the tax would result in a 16% decrease in the overall inflation.

Lawrence further questioned if eliminating the tax would ease the economic situation, considering it would mean a “sizable drop in inflation.” However, Macklem explained that cutting the tax would only affect inflation for one year.

“It would be helpful if monetary and fiscal policy was rowing in the same direction,” he added, explaining that government spending has made keeping interest rates steady a difficult task. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127652

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19845107 (012353ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Peterson backtracks on demanding Israel eliminate Hamas

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WATCH: Peterson backtracks on demanding Israel eliminate Hamas


Jordan Peterson returned to Piers Morgan Uncensored to discuss the Israel-Hamas War and his tweet telling Benjamin Netanyahu to give terrorists hell.

Prominent Canadian psychologist and author Dr. Jordan Peterson said he has regrets telling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to destroy Hamas.

“It would have been better to do the long form, to have done the long form to begin with,” said Peterson in a Tuesday interview on TalkTV.

“And Twitter invites and rewards a certain amount of impulsivity.”

The video starts off with TalkTV host Piers Morgan saying Peterson tweeted Netanyahu should give Hamas hell and enough is enough.

“You got some blowback as everyone who says anything about this,” said Morgan. “Were you surprised by the scale of the blowback?”

Because of the blowback, Morgan asked if he wished he phrased that tweet differently. He inquired if he had any regrets about it. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127653

File: 73160fc73f69243⋯.png (1.4 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19848371 (021447ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / More immigrants choosing ‘onward migration’ instead of remaining in Canada

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More immigrants choosing ‘onward migration’ instead of remaining in Canada


Newcomers to Canada are choosing to emigrate in search of better opportunities elsewhere, according to a new study from the Institute for Canadian Citizenship and the Conference Board of Canada.

The trend of ‘onward migration,’ where immigrants arrive in Canada and then subsequently leave, has been steadily increasing since the 1980s.

The number of permanent residents who pursued citizenship within 10 years of their arrival dropped by 40% between 2001 and 2021.

On Tuesday, the Institute for Canadian Citizenship published a study on immigrant retention and found that many newcomers “may not be seeing the benefits to Canada.”

The study also made note of the potential risks that this problem poses for a country like Canada, which relies heavily on immigration to drive its economic growth and population.

Newcomers to Canada face several challenges including a strained healthcare system, unaffordable housing, and underemployment.

Disillusionment among immigrants is also a contributing factor in slowing down progress, despite Canada consistently setting new records for population growth. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19848412 (021456ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / ARC Forum attendees reject wokism and Marxism (video)

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The Andrew Lawton Show | ARC Forum attendees reject wokism and Marxism


The first ever conference for the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) concluded this afternoon, wrapping up three days of discussions about responsibility, freedom and citizenship in the context of uplifting individuals and families, rather than states and globalism. True North’s Andrew Lawton spoke to dozens of attendees from different backgrounds and found one fairly common goal – a rejection of wokeness and grievance politics. In this edition of the show, live from London, Andrew recaps the conference and shares some interviews he did there.

Plus, thousands of Alberta United Conservative Party members are set to descend on Calgary this week for what’s shaping up to be the biggest political party convention Canada has ever seen.

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a90dd8 No.127655

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19848459 (021504ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Canada to import 1 million new permanent residents in 2025-2026

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Canada to import 1 million new permanent residents in 2025-2026


Immigration Minister Marc Miller announced that Canada will stick with their plan of accepting 485,000 new permanent residents in 2024 and 500,000 in 2025.

Miller added that Canada will import another 500,000 new permanent residents in 2026, saying that the figures will allow for “sustainable population growth.”

Miller was presenting a scheduled revision of the 2023-2025 Immigration Levels plan, in which Canada aimed to welcome 465,000 new permanent residents in 2023, 485,000 in 2024 and 500,000 in 2025.

However, this plan only includes permanent residents. Canada also takes in temporary residents such as temporary foreign workers and international students, as well as refugees.

In 2022, Statistics Canada reported population growth in Canada was 1.05 million, with 95.9% of the growth due to immigration. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127656

File: d7a0af781fc6632⋯.png (989.5 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19848533 (021516ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Chiefs of Ontario want carbon tax exemption for all Indigenous lands across province

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Chiefs of Ontario want carbon tax exemption for all Indigenous lands across province


Following Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s announcement of a carbon tax exemption for home oil heating and other provinces now seeking exemptions for themselves, an Ontario Grand Chief is requesting a full exemption on Indigenous lands.

Last week, Trudeau announced a three-year pause on federal carbon pricing for home oil heating, which predominantly benefits Atlantic Canadians.

Ontario and the Prairies mostly use natural gas for heating, which has not been included in the feds’ carbon tax carve-out.

Grand Chief of the Akwesasne First Nation Abram Benedict is now advocating for an exemption on federal carbon pricing for all Ontario Indigenous reserves.

Early this year, Benedict wrote a letter to Trudeau, demanding an exemption on behalf of the Chiefs of Ontario group, which passed a resolution calling for an exemption in 2019.

According to Benedict, the carbon tax is in violation of rights granted under the Indian Act as well as his communities’ tax exemption status.

“The carbon tax has been levied on our communities which, in our belief, is a direct infringement of our tax exemption protections under the Indian Act,” Benedict told the National Post. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127657

File: 4fc72306fc83bd5⋯.png (1.08 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19848584 (021524ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Ontario commits to Holocaust education reform

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Ontario commits to Holocaust education reform


In response to the troubling rise in antisemitism and hate crimes targeting Jewish people, the Ontario government has announced a comprehensive overhaul of Holocaust education in the curriculum.

Starting September 2025, the Ontario government is set to implement an expansion of the mandatory grade 10 history curriculum. This expansion will involve a comprehensive exploration of the Holocaust.

The course will be designed to link the Holocaust to extreme political ideologies such as fascism, the historical context of antisemitism in Canada during the 1930s and 1940s, and the ongoing repercussions of rising antisemitism in contemporary times.

Ontario’s Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce, emphasized the province’s commitment to combating the rise of antisemitism and hate. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127658

File: 8af70548213b1f5⋯.png (1.67 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19848612 (021532ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Agriculture Canada apologizes for “30% reduction of fertilizer use” error in report

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Agriculture Canada apologizes for “30% reduction of fertilizer use” error in report


Agriculture and Agri Food Canada (AAFC) has issued an apology for an error in a departmental results report wherein the ministry claimed that it was working towards a “30% reduction of fertilizer use” in Canada.

Minister of Agriculture Lawrence MacAuley published the “2022-2023 Departmental Results Report” which contained the discrepancy.

“The Department published a ‘What We Heard Report’ compiling the feedback received, which will inform AAFC’s work in collaboration with the sector, towards meeting the target of a 30% reduction of fertilizer use from 2020 levels by 2030,” wrote the original report.

AAFC has since said that the call for a blanket 30% reduction of fertilizer use was a mistake and that it would revise the report to accurately reflect the government’s emission goals.

The apology came after True North contacted the federal government to explain the statement, which conflicts with the department’s stated goal of reducing fertilizer emissions by 30% by the end of the decade.

“The Government of Canada wants to be clear that it is not imposing a 30% reduction in fertilizer use. This is in fact an error, which will be corrected in our Departmental Results Report. We would like to apologize for any confusion this may have caused,” AAFC Media Relations Officer Samantha Seary told True North. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127659

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19848669 (021541ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Lawyer exposes administrative state’s chilling effect on free speech and direct patient care (video)

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Lawyer exposes administrative state’s chilling effect on free speech and direct patient care


The administrative state is exposed for its suppression of free speech that ultimately negatively affected direct patient care throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, in a legal analysis by lawyer Lisa Bildy.

Lawyer Lisa Bildy was one of the speakers last weekend at the Free Speech in Medicine conference in Baddeck, Nova Scotia. While the three-day conference scrutinized public health policies – including those involving gender theory, harm reduction/safe supply and COVID-19 response measures – Bildy discussed regulatory overreach and how it has hijacked independent medical practice(s). Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127660

File: 5fd9ec0b1365ec0⋯.png (1.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19848752 (021555ZNOV23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Alberta tables support for opioid lawsuit against Big Pharma

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Alberta tables support for opioid lawsuit against Big Pharma


Bill 3, the Opioid Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Amendment Act, if passed, will commit Alberta to a national class-action lawsuit launched by B.C. against opioid manufacturers and distributors.

Alberta’s UCP government introduced legislation Tuesday aiming to hold the pharmaceutical industry accountable for the costs of the opioid addiction crisis.

Bill 3, the Opioid Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Amendment Act, if passed, will commit Alberta to a national class-action lawsuit launched by B.C. against opioid manufacturers and distributors.

The announcement renews the UCP’s support for the lawsuit that it first supported in 2019.

"I am determined to get every single red cent I can from those who are responsible for causing this crisis," said Addictions Minister Dan Williams.

According to a government news release, Bill 3 will make manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors subject to potential legal proceedings by denoting them as pharmaceutical "consultants."

In addition, Opioid Damages includes "active ingredient" in the definition of "opioid product" to provide more clarity that an active ingredient, itself, is an opioid product.

During the fall 2019 legislative session, Albertan MLAs unanimously passed the Opioid Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act, 2019 to support the province’s participation in a national class-action lawsuit against manufacturers and distributors who contributed to the opioid addiction crisis.

The proposed amendments align with the original act passed in 2019 and provide updates to best position Alberta in any legal proceedings.

Williams told reporters on October 31 that the decades-long crisis worsened with overprescribing highly addictive drugs to residents. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127661

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19848875 (021613ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Elon Musk Says Ventilators, Not COVID-19 Virus, Responsible for Millions of Deaths

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Elon Musk Says Ventilators, Not COVID-19 Virus, Responsible for Millions of Deaths (VIDEO)


On a recent episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” the celebrated CEO of Tesla and owner of social media platform X/Twitter, Elon Musk, made a bold assertion. He suggested that bacterial lung infections in patients on ventilators might have led to more deaths than the COVID-19 virus itself.

During this conversation, Joe Rogan pointed out, “Well, 80% of the people they put on ventilators died.”

Rogan’s reference could be traced back to data by Dr. Joseph Mercola, according to Epoch Times. According to this data, a staggering 76.4 percent of COVID-19 patients aged 18 to 65 in New York City who were administered ventilators did not survive. Moreover, the percentage shot up to 97.2 for those aged above 65. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127662

File: f5b3d4ab751fb45⋯.png (227.42 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19848903 (021618ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Global South Countries Sever Ties With Israel, Recall Ambassadors, As Gaza Deaths Mount

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Global South Countries Sever Ties With Israel, Recall Ambassadors, As Gaza Deaths Mount


Global South countries have begun severing formal ties with Israel and pulling their ambassadors after three weeks of Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, and now days into a ground operation. The death toll among mostly Palestinian civilians has surpassed 8,700 - causing Bolivia to be among the latest to cut official ties.

Bolivia "decided to break diplomatic relations with the Israeli state in repudiation and condemnation of the aggressive and disproportionate Israeli military offensive taking place in the Gaza Strip," a foreign ministry statement said.

Bolivia’s President Luis Arce, from left, Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, via AP.

"We demand an end to the attacks" in the Gaza Strip "which have so far caused thousands of civilian deaths and the forced displacement of Palestinians," Minister of the Presidency Maria Nela Prada told a press conference, and announced new humanitarian aid to Gazans is being readied.

But quickly following this Israel lashed out, charging the South American country with "capitulation to terrorism and to the ayatollah regime in Iran." Of course, Hamas welcomed the move.

Bolivia's neighbors Chile and Colombia have also recalled their ambassadors while condemning what they called a military campaign of ethnic cleansing aimed at Palestinians.

"I have decided to recall our ambassador to Israel for consultation. If Israel does not stop the massacre of the Palestinian people, we cannot be there," Colombian President Gustavo Petro said in a social media post.

Chilean President Gabriel Boric also accused Israel of "unacceptable violations of International Humanitarian Law" which is based on "collective punishment" the population. Chile, it should be noted, has a huge Palestinian population - as do some other Latin American countries. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127663

File: c349d5bd5d839f5⋯.png (981.25 KB,810x501,270:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19848994 (021642ZNOV23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Judge orders some internal police documents be given to defense lawyers in Freedom Convoy leaders’ trial

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Judge orders some internal police documents be given to defense lawyers in Freedom Convoy leaders’ trial


The Crown was instructed to provide an unredacted document to the defense concerning internal police emails regarding a police officer phone upgrade that 'wiped' the data of some devices.

On day 24 of the Freedom Convoy leaders Tamara Lich and Chris Barber’s court trial, Judge Heather Perkins-McVey ordered the Crown to provide an unredacted document to the defense lawyers concerning internal police emails regarding a police officer phone upgrade that “wiped” the data of some devices.

The Democracy Fund (TDF), which is crowdfunding Lich’s legal costs, noted in a day 24 update that Perkins-McVey asked the Crown for the documents to be “produced immediately for her examination” unredacted.

After a review, Perkins-McVey ordered the crown to provide this document “to defence in its entirety, “unredacted,” as noted by the TDF.

Perkins-McVey also asked the Crown to provide her with an email exchange between two police officers that the Crown “claimed solicitor-client privilege.”

She decided, however, regarding the emails, that she needed more time to “deliberate, reserving her decision on the matter of the crown’s claim of solicitor-client privilege.”

As a result, these emails were not produced for the defense. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127664

File: 883d9d064b426ae⋯.png (736.84 KB,810x494,405:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19849021 (021649ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Pope Francis confirms he will attend UN’s COP28 ‘climate change’ conference in Dubai

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Pope Francis confirms he will attend UN’s COP28 ‘climate change’ conference in Dubai


The Pope's participation in the UN's Dubai climate change conference is an historic first, and is a signal move in his support for the Paris Agreement.

Pope Francis has announced he will attend the upcoming climate change “COP28” conference in Dubai in December, in a historic first.

In a television interview with Italian news outlet TG1, Pope Francis confirmed previous reports that he would participate in the upcoming COP28 conference being held in Dubai.

“Yes, I will go to Dubai,” the Pope declared. “I think I will leave December 1st until December 3rd. I’ll stay there for three days.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127665

File: 2db68c5d5376c0d⋯.png (875.56 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19849272 (021738ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Trudeau's war on farmers could create catastrophe as food prices soar

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Trudeau's war on farmers could create catastrophe as food prices soar


The net income for Canadian farmers fell 8.3 percent in 2022 and the expense of running a farm increased by 21.2 percent in 2022, the largest gain since 1974.

Vacant farms without crops. Grocery stores lacking any foodstuffs. People starving in their homes or on the streets. It could happen in Canada because of the Liberal government’s war on farmers.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is waging that war and it could well create an artificial famine in Canada like the kind the Soviet Union experienced during the 1930s.

Farmers are being put in a position of non-productivity and that has begun with restrictions on the use of fertilizer – deemed to be a source of those nefarious greenhouse gasses.

Even if Canada eliminated all of its greenhouse gasses by eliminating all gas-powered vehicles and shutting off its electricity, natural gas, propane and oil, it would make little difference on the global carbon footprint since it produces less than 2 percent of world emissions.

But that hasn’t impeded the Trudeau government from making Canadians suffer in the fight against climate change and farmers have been a priority target. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127666

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850101 (022103ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Dr Trozzi: Urgent Message to Doctors and Nurses (video)

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Dr Trozzi | Urgent Message to Doctors and Nurses


Pfizer committed fraud. Health Canada confirmed hidden SV40 promoter sequence. The injections are even worse than we thought.

Dr Trozzi’s urgent brief message to doctors and nurses. It is an important message for everyone including politicians, judges, and medical regulators. Everyone was lied to. Pfizer committed fraud. The genetic injections are even worse than we thought and must be stopped immediately.

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a90dd8 No.127667

File: 935911727fcb0b1⋯.png (1.44 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850326 (022141ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Trudeau criticized for “beheaded child” Halloween costume amid Israel-Hamas war

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Trudeau criticized for “beheaded child” Halloween costume amid Israel-Hamas war


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is facing criticism online for allowing his youngest son to dress up as a beheaded person for Halloween amid reports of atrocities emerging from the Israel-Hamas war.

Israel’s government has said that the terrorist group Hamas beheaded innocent people as part of its barbaric October 7 attack on the Jewish state.

Trudeau’s photo resulted in criticism from Canadians, including political and media figures, on X.

Former Canadian Ambassador to Israel Vivian Bercovici wrote, “the Prime Minister of (Canada) Justin Trudeau posing with his young son who is in costume as a beheaded person. The callousness is beyond belief. I get that it’s Halloween. But in light of what’s going on in the world. This just is not cool. Not funny. And he is a sick sick man.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127668

File: 1f874c7d5911646⋯.png (2.87 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19850393 (022153ZNOV23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Hamilton church broken into, arson attempted to burn entire building to the ground

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Hamilton church broken into, arson attempted to burn entire building to the ground


Reportedly, the city's arson unit is investigating, and St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Parish will be closed with masses cancelled.

Early in the afternoon on Wednesday, November 1, Hamilton firefighters responded to a scene at the King Street East Parish following reports of a church filled with smoke and fires blazing from within.

According to The Hamilton Spectator, Police Constable Krista-Lee Ernst stated that the crews swiftly extinguished the fire and confirmed that there were no injuries

In a Facebook post later on the same day, the Church confirmed that no holy items were damaged and informed patrons that their Christmas Bazaar is not cancelled.

They encouraged supporters to join them at the Baptist School gym on November 3 and 4.

As of the time of publishing, neither the Hamilton police nor St. John the Baptist Church has responded to Rebel News for comment. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127669

File: a3d69b60a929761⋯.png (1.27 MB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: f6fb21d5ea7f55a⋯.png (272.67 KB,1298x490,649:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19854201 (031516ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / WHO Publishes Latest Draft of Pandemic Treaty To Combat “Misinformation”

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WHO Publishes Latest Draft of Pandemic Treaty To Combat “Misinformation”


Treating information like a virus.

The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) has published a new draft of its troubled pandemic agreement/accord/treaty – which the agency has complained is taking too long to finalize.

The latest draft of the negotiating text, released by the Bureau of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) on Monday must be considered until the INB session scheduled for November 6-10, when it should be formalized.

Some of the commitments contained in this version of the document have to do with combating “false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation, including through effective international collaboration and cooperation” – which skeptics might easily dub, “cross-border censorship.”

And then there’s surveillance, too: something called One Health approach for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, which the draft wants to see promoted and implemented. Meanwhile, One Health is a surveillance tool that is supposed to create new methods of disease control.

Yet another point from the proposal is to “develop and strengthen pandemic prevention and public health surveillance capacities.”

Critics have many concerns and misgivings about all of this, including WHO setting up what’s known as a conference of the parties – an international convention’s top governing body – around the pandemic accord. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127670

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19854391 (031557ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Ratio’d: Trudeau adding MILLIONS of new immigrants to Canada by 2026 (video)

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Ratio’d | Trudeau adding MILLIONS of new immigrants to Canada by 2026


Despite the fact that Canadians are clearly opposed to unsustainable mass immigration and the importation of millions of people to Canada who may not share our fundamental values, the Trudeau government doubled down on record immigration levels at a press conference yesterday. Canada is on pace to add millions of new people into the country by 2026 despite knowing that the housing supply, infrastructure, and social programs can’t keep up.

If that wasn’t bad enough, thanks to a leaked concept paper from the Israeli intelligence agency, it is looking increasingly likely that Canada will accept large numbers of Palestinian refugees fleeing the Gaza Strip. Many of these refugees support Hamas and pose a major risk – so much so that their own Arab neighbours aren’t taking them in.

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a90dd8 No.127671

File: c731a44ec6e5f47⋯.png (381.38 KB,500x307,500:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a84ca7ef2ede5f⋯.png (122.18 KB,980x677,980:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19854644 (031643ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Why Are The Globalists Calling "Climate Change" A "Public Health Crisis"?

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Why Are The Globalists Calling "Climate Change" A "Public Health Crisis"?


The global elite plan to introduce a near-permanent “global state of emergency” by re-branding climate change as a “public health crisis” that is “worse than covid”.

This is not news. But the ongoing campaign has been accelerating in recent weeks.

I have written about this a lot over the last few years – see here and here and here. It started almost as soon as Covid started, and has been steadily progressing ever since, with some reports calling climate change “worse than covid”.

But if they keep talking about it, I’ll keep writing. And hopefully the awareness will spread.

Anyway, there’s a renewed push on the “climate = public health crisis” front. It started, as so many things do, with Bill Gates, stating in an interview with MSNBC in late September:

We have to put it all together; it’s not just climate’s over here and health is over here, the two are interacting

Since then there’s been a LOT of “climate change is a public health crisis” in the papers, likely part of the build-up to the UN’s COP28 summit later this year.

Following Gate’s lead, what was once a slow-burn propaganda drive has become a dash for the finish line, with that phrase repeated in articles all over the world as a feverish catechism. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127672

File: e2035642c163536⋯.png (5.27 MB,2002x1312,1001:656,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19854831 (031721ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / COVID Vaccines Have Caused a Dangerously Deadly Alliance Between mRNA, Graphene & Nanotechnology

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COVID Vaccines Have Caused a Dangerously Deadly Alliance Between mRNA, Graphene & Nanotechnology


Your Family & Friends Were Used as Lab Rats: COVID Vaccines Have Caused a Dangerously Deadly Alliance Between mRNA, Graphene & Nanotechnology

In the shadowy realm of nanotechnology, a chilling alliance has emerged, one that holds the potential to shape our future in ways unimaginable.

At the heart of this union lies the insidious presence of lipid nanoparticles, tiny carriers designed to transport genetic material deep into our cells.

But behind their seemingly innocuous facade lies a dystopian reality, where the boundaries of human control and manipulation blur.

Following the roll-out of the COVID-19 injections, a chilling alliance between graphene nanobots, mRNA technology, and nanotechnology has emerged, casting a sinister shadow over our collective future.

It is our duty to expose the dystopian, harmful, and dangerous consequences that await us in this treacherous landscape.

By peering behind the deceptive veil of innovation, we unveil the dark intentions and potential risks lurking within the depths of corporate agendas and power-hungry institutions.

Nanotechnology in Covid-19 Vaccines: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127673

File: 8abbec55570d9cb⋯.png (813.19 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e7e7896309ed41⋯.png (612.89 KB,861x730,861:730,Clipboard.png)

File: 6984133197299b4⋯.png (501.26 KB,541x767,541:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19855028 (031803ZNOV23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Tucker Carlson visits Julian Assange in London prison

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Tucker Carlson visits Julian Assange in London prison


Tucker Carlson announced on X, formerly Twitter, that he visited Julian Assange at the Belmarsh maximum security prison in London Thursday morning. Details about the meeting are not readily known.

Tucker Carlson announced on X (formerly Twitter) that he visited investigative journalist Julian Assange at the Belmarsh maximum security prison in London Thursday morning. A photo shows Carlson walking with Assange’s wife, Stella. Details about the meeting are not readily known.

On Thursday afternoon Stella Assange also posted a photo to X of her and Carlson on the way to visit her imprisoned husband:

Julian Assange was born in Australia in 1971. He is best known for founding WikiLeaks in 2006. With help from American whistleblower Bradley “Chelsea” Manning, WikiLeaks revealed war crimes carried out by U.S., NATO, and other military forces, prompting Western intelligence agencies to launch an investigation into his activities. Assange is currently facing 18 criminal counts by the United States government. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127674

File: 173123d855b4da1⋯.png (792.1 KB,814x500,407:250,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c1b6675689cd84⋯.png (711.5 KB,1005x582,335:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19855100 (031816ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Canadian doctor sounds alarm over ‘turbo cancers’ in young people due to COVID jabs

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Canadian doctor sounds alarm over ‘turbo cancers’ in young people due to COVID jabs


‘I've never seen anything like this,’ said Dr. William Makis regarding ‘stage four breast cancers presenting in women in their twenties,’ ‘stage four colon cancer presenting in men and women in their twenties,’ and ‘leukemias that will kill you in a matter of days or even hours after diagnosis.’

A Canadian physician has raised an alarm regarding the emergence of “turbo cancers” afflicting the young that seem to be associated with reception of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 “vaccines.”

“I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Dr. William Makis speaking in an October 20 interview. “I’ve never seen stage four breast cancers presenting in women in their twenties. I’ve never seen stage four colon cancer presenting in men and women in their twenties [and] thirties, leukemias that will kill you in a matter of days or even hours after diagnosis, lymphomas that again kill you in a matter of months.”

Makis is the chief of Nuclear Medicine and Oncology for the Wellness Company, which is staffed by well-known medical experts Peter McCullough, Paul Alexander, Roger Hodkinson, and Harvey Risch. His biographical information states that he is a cancer researcher with training in Nuclear Medicine Radiology and Oncology and has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications in international medical journals while also maintaining a popular Substack channel. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127675

File: 311ea2b6fbbbf34⋯.png (714.73 KB,810x498,135:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19855124 (031820ZNOV23) Notable: Top Liberal says Trudeau should step down as party leader amid dismal polling

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Top Liberal says Trudeau should step down as party leader amid dismal polling


'If the next Liberal Leader is able to bring the party back to the center of the political spectrum, Liberals have a chance of being reelected,' Senator Percy Downe wrote in an op-ed earlier this week.

Amid dismal polling numbers, a Liberal Party of Canada stalwart-turned-senator said the party needs to look for a new leader to replace Justin Trudeau.

The comments were made by Senator Percy Downe, who served as former Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chrétien’s chief of staff, from 2001 to 2003. Downe was appointed a senator by Chrétien in 2003.

On Wednesday, in an opinion piece for National Newswatch, Downe said that the “prudent course of action” is for another “Liberal Leader to rise from the impressive Liberal caucus and safeguard those policies [Trudeau] was actually able to accomplish.”

“If the next Liberal Leader is able to bring the party back to the center of the political spectrum, Liberals have a chance of being reelected,” he wrote.

Downe claimed that the party needs a new leader as it is the only one that has a “realistic chance of stopping a government led by Pierre Poilievre [the current Conservative leader].”

Recent polling shows that support for Poilievre’s Conservative Party is hitting positive levels not seen since the early days of former Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Indeed, a Federal @338Canada model has the “Outcome Odds” for a Conservative majority government at 95 percent.

Digging a little deeper, a recent Leger poll shows the Conservatives taking some 211 seats, a gain of 90 seats (well over the majority of 170 needed) with the Trudeau Liberals losing some 90 seats to win only 70 if an election were held today. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127676

File: 87b4af1f2b422c1⋯.png (815.02 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19855149 (031827ZNOV23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Ottawa police officer admits protesters joined Freedom Convoy without pressure from leaders

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Ottawa police officer admits protesters joined Freedom Convoy without pressure from leaders


A member of the Ottawa Police Liaison Team said the people he spoke with in the streets 'were not aligned with any convoys or protesters.'

An Ottawa Police Services officer testified Wednesday at the trial for Freedom Convoy leaders Tamara Lich and Chris Barber that none of the protesters he had dealings with said they had joined the demonstrations because they were influenced by the organizers of the protests.

Day 25 of the trial began with OPS Police Liaison Team (PLT) Sgt. Jordan Blonde again taking the stand for cross-examination by Lich’s lawyer Lawrence Greenspon.

Blonde said that on February 6, 2022, he had walked around the “Kent and Laurier intersection,” testifying that the people he spoke with that day claimed they “were not aligned with any convoys or protesters and had no intention of leaving the protest that day,” as per a Democracy Fund (TDF) court update.

Blonde acknowledged that some emergency lanes were left open by protesters, “including Metcalfe and Bank Street, on January 31, 2022.”

While testifying, Blonde confirmed that he did not deal with Lich directly but said he met with many others who identified as “organizers.”

The TDF noted that Blonde admitted to “making no notes or references about protesters, stating that they were present at the protest because of Lich or Barber.”

Blonde told the court that he thought not all protesters displayed the same “wishes or desires,” but that they all came together for the “general” purpose of protesting.

The TDF is crowdfunding Lich’s legal costs. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127677

File: 02154ce4755683c⋯.png (693.31 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19855173 (031833ZNOV23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Conservative report accuses Trudeau gov’t of ignoring Chinese interference because it helped Liberals

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Conservative report accuses Trudeau gov’t of ignoring Chinese interference because it helped Liberals


'Conservatives note that the Liberal government knew the Communist Party of China was interfering in Canada’s democracy for years and had they not been the beneficiary of this foreign interference the Liberals may have taken action...' the report stated.

Conservatives have accused Trudeau’s Liberal government of having ignored foreign interference because it was to their political benefit.

On October 24, Conservative Member of Parliament (MP) John Brassard published a report from Conservatives accusing the Liberal government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of ignoring Chinese interference in Canadian elections through China’s donations to the prime minister’s family foundation, the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation.

“Conservatives note that the Liberal government knew the Communist Party of China was interfering in Canada’s democracy for years and had they not been the beneficiary of this foreign interference the Liberals may have taken action, rather than reacting to sustained public and political pressure,” the report stated.

“It is clear, through testimony heard by the committee from current and former members of the Trudeau Foundation, that the Foundation had no bylaws for foreign interference, no oversight of donations, and no due diligence done of donations,” it continued.

The report referenced a $140,000 donation by a Chinese billionaire, Zhang Bin, who has direct ties to Beijing. Bin was also photographed at a 2016 fundraiser with Trudeau. Furthermore, Trudeau’s brother, Sacha, was pictured accepting the donation from Bin on behalf of the Trudeau Foundation.

“Seemingly, it was the perfect conduit for a foreign dictatorship to influence Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,” the report stated. “The interference operation was proven successful as the two cutouts had direct access to the Prime Minister within five months of the donation.” 'Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127678

File: 1488ef7385fcf3b⋯.png (1.32 MB,1000x612,250:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19855217 (031843ZNOV23) Notable: 14% of Canadians struggling to heat, cool their homes: Statistics Canada

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14% of Canadians struggling to heat, cool their homes: Statistics Canada


'In 2023, 14 percent of Canadian households reported that they kept their dwelling at an unsafe or uncomfortable temperature for at least 1 month in the past 12 months because of unaffordable heating or cooling costs,' StatsCan reported.

Statistics Canada has found that as energy costs continue to rise, some Canadians are unable to afford to properly heat or cool their homes.

On October 30, Statistics Canada reported that many Canadians are keeping their homes at “unsafe or uncomfortable” temperatures as they are unable to pay energy bills amid Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s ongoing energy regulations and taxes.

“In the face of rising energy prices, not all Canadian households are able to adequately heat and cool their dwellings, resulting in possible increased risk of climate-related morbidity and even death,” StatsCan wrote.

“In 2023, 14 percent of Canadian households reported that they kept their dwelling at an unsafe or uncomfortable temperature for at least 1 month in the past 12 months because of unaffordable heating or cooling costs,” the report continued. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127679

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19857395 (040122ZNOV23) Notable: Press for Truth: Secret Storage of Baby Blood Spots & 23andMe New Data Licensing Agreement with GSK (video)

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MASSIVE: Secret Storage of Baby Blood Spots & 23andMe New Data Licensing Agreement with GSK!!!


A new federal class-action-lawsuit has been filed against the state of New Jersey that accuses state health officials of violating millions of babies and parents constitutional rights by secretly storing the blood spots in “a creepy database” without their informed consent.

Meanwhile the DNA genetic collection company 23andMe has just announced a collaboration extension with anew data licensing agreement with the vaccine manufacturer GSK.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers this latest bombshell information about secret government blood storage facilities and ties between Big Pharma and companies like 23andMe.

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a90dd8 No.127680

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19859643 (041423ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Press for Truth: Mandatory Minimum Sentences For Child Luring ‘UNCONSTITUTIONAL’ Supreme Court Says (video)

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SHOCKING: Mandatory Minimum Sentences For Child Luring ‘UNCONSTITUTIONAL’ Supreme Court Says!!!


In a shocking turn of events the Supreme Court of Canada ruled Friday that mandatory minimum sentences for child luring is unconstitutional and it violates the Charter of Rights' protection against cruel and unusual punishment.

A man who was convicted of having “illegal sexual intercourse" with a child had his sentence temporarily reduced from 1 year to 5 months (then switched back after an appeal) setting a new precedent in Canada for the normalization of pedophilia!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shows how the powers that ought not be are making it easier for sexual predators to commit their crimes while at the same time censoring those of us who expose what’s going on!

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a90dd8 No.127681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19859856 (041518ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Global News: Hypocrite: Bill Gates is funding 70 million acres of Deforestation in North America (video)

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Hypocrite: Bill Gates is funding 70 million acres of Deforestation in North America

Bill Gates and other investors are betting Kodama Systems can reduce carbon dioxide in the air by chopping down and burying trees. The move will see 70 million acres of forests, mostly in the Western United States, cut down over the next decade.

After cutting down the trees, Kodama plans to bury them – to reduce global warming. However, “global warming” is a scam to enable the rich to become richer and the real reason for the destruction of forests is to reap saleable carbon offsets. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127682

File: 8e4ef894e574b4c⋯.png (932.87 KB,874x496,437:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19859922 (041536ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Freeland Won’t Rule out JAILING Scott Moe for Disobeying Carbon Law

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BREAKING: Freeland Won’t Rule out JAILING Scott Moe for Disobeying Carbon Law


Liberal Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland suggested that it’s possible Premier Moe will get criminally charged if he doesn’t follow through on his carbon tax ultimatum.

Freeland’s bold statement comes four days after Moe said that he will instruct Sask Energy to stop collecting the federal carbon tax on January 1 if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau doesn’t scrap it before then.

“What can the federal government do to prevent [Moe] from acting unilaterally?” a reporter asked Freeland. “Will he, will the province, will anyone, incur penalties? Will there be fees? Or perhaps even jail time?”

Freeland responded, “The federal government expects everyone in Canada to obey the law. Canada is a country of good peace, order, and good government. I think that is something all Canadians believe in. That’s something we expect.”

Moe’s threat to the feds comes after Trudeau backtracked on the carbon tax in a way that affects mostly Atlantic Canada. Last week, Trudeau announced that home heating oil — which a disproportionate number Atlantic Canadians use — would be exempt from the carbon tax for the next three years.

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a90dd8 No.127683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19860016 (041558ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Redacted: Justin Trudeau just LIED right to Canadians (video)

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Hang on! Justin Trudeau just LIED right to Canadians! SHAMEFUL | Redacted with Clayton Morris


Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau just flat out lied to Canadians about his climate policy rolling back a carbon tax in favor of political preservation.

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a90dd8 No.127684

File: 878a2c19766607d⋯.png (2.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19860072 (041608ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Bomb threats prompt school evacuations across Ontario: 'This is what it feels like to be Jewish in 2023'

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Bomb threats prompt school evacuations across Ontario: 'This is what it feels like to be Jewish in 2023'


The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) reported multiple bomb threats across schools in Ontario, including the Ottawa Jewish Community School.

A Jewish school based in Ottawa received an anonymous bomb threat October 31, amplifying fears of escalating anti-Semitism amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) reported multiple bomb threats this week across schools in Ontario, including the Ottawa Jewish Community School. "A bomb threat at my elementary school. This is what it feels like to be Jewish in 2023," said one social media user.

"The incident is a tragic reminder that the Jewish community must remain vigilant at a time of increased antisemitism in not only the Middle East, but also here in Canada and around the world," said Jon Mitzmacher, head of the Ottawa Jewish Community School. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127685

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19860116 (041618ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Health Canada scrutinized for lack of COVID-19 vaccine risk-benefit analysis

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Health Canada scrutinized for lack of COVID-19 vaccine risk-benefit analysis


Canada’s health agency is facing criticism for failing to provide a clear risk-versus-benefit analysis for the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, including boosters, administered to individuals aged six months and older.

Despite Health Canada’s continuous claims of COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy, concerns continue regarding the lack of transparent data and calculations that demonstrate the vaccines' alleged benefits outweigh their potential risks.

Public Health Ontario has reported a COVID-19 vaccine adverse event incidence rate of 0.06%, as reported by the Globe and Mail, that is being cited as affirmative evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines are “overwhelmingly safe.”

Even though they refer to this as “fresh evidence,” it is not fresh, since most adverse events had substantially fizzled out by January 2023, around the same time that booster uptake dwindled.

Adverse events are massively underreported, as confirmed by senior Health Canada official Dr. Celia Lourenco. According to the United States’ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, an official website of the department of Health and Human Services, less than 1% of vaccine adverse events are ever reported.

What adds to the controversy is the revelation that Health Canada has never conducted a quantitative risk-versus-benefit analysis for the mRNA vaccines. This fact has come to light after Rebel News first began inquiring into the matter in the spring of 2021. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127686

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19860184 (041637ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Trudeau: Palestinians need protections from 'extremist' Israeli 'settlers'

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Trudeau: Palestinians need protections from 'extremist' Israeli 'settlers'


Hamas terrorists are still holding approximately 220 innocent Israeli hostages, taken in an unprovoked wave of terror and murder on October 7.

The remarks from the Prime Minister about the alleged dangers faced by Israeli residents living in towns in so-called disputed territories were made in a Friday afternoon press conference in Washington, DC.

In his comments to American media, Trudeau demanded protections for "innocent civilians in Gaza, and increasingly, in the West Bank, including from extremist settlers."

Trudeau was in Washington to participate in the Americas Partnership on Economic Prosperity, a summit on hemispheric trade and migration. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127687

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19860206 (041643ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Professor Didier Raoult, infectious disease specialist and microbiologist (video)

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Professor Didier Raoult: Exposing influence on medical journals and new vaccines (Part 2)


During this interview, Professor Didier Raoult explained how medical journals are now influenced by entities like Big Pharma.

Didier Raoult is a renowned infectious disease specialist and microbiologist who received the Inserm Grand Prize in 2010 in recognition of his remarkable career.

However, when the pandemic emerged, Mr. Raoult, who was leading the IHU Méditerranée Infection in Marseille at the time, aimed to address the new virus. He subsequently faced criticism and was depicted as a charlatan during the health crisis for asserting the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine as a therapeutic treatment for COVID-19.

Subsequently, mainstream media attempted to disseminate misinformation and heavily criticized him. During the interview, Professor Didier Raoult explained how medical journals are now influenced by entities like Big Pharma.

He stated: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127688

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19860251 (041656ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Free Speech in Medicine conference pioneers discussion on medical taboos

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Free Speech in Medicine conference pioneers discussion on medical taboos


The three-day conference convened to foster open, respectful discussions on controversial medical topics such as transgenderism, government drug policies, medical assistance in dying and the persistent suppression of dissenting perspectives.

The second annual Free Speech in Medicine conference that took place at the end of October in Baddeck, Nova Scotia, had a primary mission of fostering open dialogue and critical inquiry into challenging and contentious medical topics.

“This year we talked about medical assistance in dying, gender issues, drug policies, and those are difficult issues,” explains organizer and emergency room physician Chris Milburn.

“If you go to a standard medical conference, you’re going to get one side on [those topics] and that’s the side of public health – the side that the government has approved. Many people behind the scenes don’t agree with that, and many researchers don’t actually agree with that, but you won’t hear that at a normal medical conference, you’ll just hear the party line. We came together this weekend to talk about those difficult things.”

“If you don’t use your rights, you lose them,” added another attendee, “so this is a major aspect of actually exercising our rights and the more we do that, the better shape we’ll be in.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127689

File: 547fe72c3b404cf⋯.png (4.46 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19860263 (041700ZNOV23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / CBC calls itself 'precious'; viewership numbers say otherwise

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CBC calls itself 'precious'; viewership numbers say otherwise


The broadcaster's President and CEO Catherine Tait explained that cutting the CBC's annual $1.3 billion budget 'would be devastating' to Canadians, hitting rural residents particularly hard.

The remarks about the value of CBC to the national fabric were made by CBC's New York residing CEO Catherine Tait in an appearance before the Commons Heritage Committee.

"This is a precious asset," Tait told MPs.

Tait explained that cutting the CBC's annual $1.3 billion budget "would be devastating" to Canadians, hitting rural residents particularly hard.

However, not many Canadians would notice if the state broadcaster disappeared.

According to Blacklock's Reporter:

"CBC Television in its last Annual Report to Parliament said its market share was 4.4 percent projected to fall to 4.1 percent in 2024. CBC Television fell below target as both CBC audiences and total available audiences across the segment declined,” it said.

Tait was called by MPs to answer for CBC's policy to refuse to call Hamas, a designated terror group in Canada, terrorists. A CBC manager issued a directive for journalists instead to use the term "militants" to describe the Gaza-based terror group.

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a90dd8 No.127690

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19860285 (041706ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Canada's military is in a retention and recruitment crisis (video)

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Canada's military is in a retention and recruitment crisis


A lawyer representing Canadian Armed Forces members previously testified to the National Citizen's Inquiry that vaccine mandates led to an exodus of around 10% of the CAF's operational force.

Defence Minister Bill Blair informed the Senate during the question period that the Canadian Armed Forces are struggling to attract recruits to counter high attrition numbers. Expert testimony at the National Citizen's Inquiry directly attributed the blame to the chain of command's enforcement of Trudeau's vaccine mandate.

Blacklock's Reporter detailed Blair's testimony to the upper chamber: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127691

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19860312 (041718ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Arbiter in Helen Grus Tribunal: 'Theories Linking COVID Vaccines to Child Deaths' Not Welcome (video)

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Arbiter in Helen Grus Tribunal: 'Theories Linking COVID Vaccines to Child Deaths' Not Welcome


The defence intends to summon several expert witnesses to bolster its claim that Grus's inquiry into possible links between infant deaths and 'COVID-19 vaccines' was substantiated and reasonable.

Chris Renwick, the hearing officer overseeing the disciplinary tribunal for Const. Helen Grus, said during Thursday's proceedings in Ottawa, ON, that he would not allow an email chain between the defendant and a witness for the prosecution to be entered as an evidentiary exhibit.

Grus, an officer with the Ottawa Police Service's (OPS) sexual assault and child abuse (SACA) unit, is being accused of discreditable conduct by the OPS. The charge flows from her inquiries into a possible link between infant deaths and the "vaccination status" of the descendant babies' mothers, specifically the mRNA injections marketed as "COVID-19 vaccines." The prosecution has accused Grus of conducting herself insubordinately and conducting illegitimate Records Management System (RMS) searches as part of her inquiry.

Grus's defence team said their client observed an increase in infant deaths brought to the OPS's attention and used this data point as part of the rationale for her inquiry.

"I am not going to allow the emails to be entered into the record," Renwick, the tribunal's de facto judge, said while siding with the prosecution's objection to entering an email exchange between the defendant and Staff Sergeant Shelley Rossetti, who formerly worked as the OPS's SACA unit's top officer. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127692

File: 465563c8956adb1⋯.png (1.5 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19860360 (041735ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Fauci Lied, People Died: French Study Is Latest to Find Hydroxychloroquine Is Associated with Lower COVID-19 Mortality Rates

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Fauci Lied, People Died: French Study Is Latest to Find Hydroxychloroquine Is Associated with Lower COVID-19 Mortality Rates


The Gateway Pundit reported extensively since 2020 on the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in treating the COVID-19 virus.

We also reported that Dr. Tony Fauci and the medical elites conspired to ban the use of this very successful drug.

We reported earlier on how Dr. Fauci used bogus studies to disqualify HCQ in treating coronavirus.

Then in June 2021, there was new information that Dr. Fauc and top US medical experts all conspired using obviously false information to disqualify hydroxychloroquine and MILLIONS DIED as a result of their action.

As reported earlier, the c19hcq.com website tracks all of the international studies on hydroxychloroquine and its effects on the coronavirus.

HCQ effectiveness improves with earlier usage and improved dosing. But early treatment consistently shows positive effects. That’s the science.

Now a new French study found using Hydroxychloroquine significantly lowered the mortality rates of COVID-19 patients.

Just 0.8 percent of patients at a facility in France who received hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and an antibiotic died, compared to 4.8 percent of patients who did not receive the drug combination.

Zero Hedge reported: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127693

File: 0d7ab6de67acb61⋯.png (826.27 KB,500x1045,100:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19860404 (041748ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Nearly 2 Billion People In The World Don't See Climate Change As A Threat

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Nearly 2 Billion People In The World Don't See Climate Change As A Threat


Climate change presents a significant global challenge. It (allegedly) causes severe weather patterns, crop damage, and rising sea levels. However, not everybody sees it as a threat.

For this graphic, Visual Capitalist's Alan Kennedy and Sabrina Fortin partnered with Lloyd’s Register Foundation to explore one of their most recent reports, World Risk Poll 2021: A Changed World? And dig into the data to see why many people worldwide are unsure of climate change as a threat. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127694

File: bf056fc61f72327⋯.png (2.22 MB,1600x834,800:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19860517 (041811ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Big Pharma and Big Gov’t CONCEALED heart damage caused by COVID-19 injections to push vaccine mandates

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Big Pharma and Big Gov’t CONCEALED heart damage caused by COVID-19 injections to push vaccine mandates


The executive branch of the federal government and Pfizer have colluded to conceal the heart damage caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA vaccines to push through with vaccine mandates, based on the emails obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project Program Director Amy Kelly expounded on this discovery. She said top public health officials collaborated with high-ranking leaders to create a "Myocarditis Email" that downplayed the relationship between COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and myocarditis.

472 Pages FOIAed from CDC Leaders, 2021, Reveal Lengthy Comms Re: 'Myocarditis,' Massive Redactions.

472 Pages FOIAed from CDC Leaders, 2021, Reveal Lengthy Comms Re: 'Myocarditis,' Massive Redactions..pdf2 MB

The FOIA emails, amounting to more than 400 pages, revealed the communications between the White House communications team to several officials. These officials included former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci; former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky; former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Acting Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock; former National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins; and U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy.

"Astonishingly, the emails reveal that the most senior of leaders, all the way up to the White House, knew about heart damage linked to mRNA vaccines," Kelly said. "Yet they colluded behind the scenes to conceal this side effect from the American people,"

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a90dd8 No.127695

File: e5abb67936cae26⋯.png (700.98 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19860719 (041901ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / China Takes Control of Paralyzed U.N. Security Council, Declaring Pro-Hamas ‘Ceasefire’ a ‘Top Priority’

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China Takes Control of Paralyzed U.N. Security Council, Declaring Pro-Hamas ‘Ceasefire’ a ‘Top Priority’


Communist China assumed the rotating presidency of the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday, declaring the adoption of a resolution pressuring Israel to accept a “ceasefire” against the genocidal terrorist organization Hamas a “top priority.”

Israel declared war on Hamas, which controls the Gaza strip, in the aftermath of one of the deadliest terrorist attacks on the Israeli population in history. On October 7, Hamas terrorists invaded the nation of Israel and went on a killing spree, opening fire on a music festival, engaging in door-to-door killings of families in their homes, and raping, torturing, and desecrating the bodies of their victims. Israeli responders tending to killing sites reported finding burned-alive, decapitated, and otherwise disfigured bodies of children as young as newborns. Hamas terrorists filmed themselves engaging in the massacre and, in some cases, relatives of the victims found out about the fate of their loved ones after Hamas terrorists stole the mobile phones of their victims and uploaded photos of their corpses to social media.

Israeli authorities estimate that Hamas killed over 1,400 people on October 7.

Following the “al-Aqsa flood,” as Hamas refers to the terrorist attack, the Chinese Communist Party has vocally supported Hamas by echoing the terrorist group’s demand for a “state” of Palestine, blaming the United States for the violence in Israel, and using its status as a permanent member of the Security Council to block resolutions that condemn Hamas for its atrocities. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127696

File: a7c790f43b3531c⋯.png (699.65 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19860826 (041934ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Israel launches attack on Russia at UN

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Israel launches attack on Russia at UN


West Jerusalem said it would not accept any criticism from Moscow

Israel has accused Russia of denying the country its right to “self-defense” after Moscow’s ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, criticized the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) over their ongoing military campaign in Gaza.

West Jerusalem was “outraged” by the Russian diplomat’s statements, the Israeli Ynet news media outlet reported on Thursday, adding that relations between the two nations have been in decline amid the continued IDF operation in Gaza.

On Wednesday, Nebenzia told an emergency session of the UN General Assembly that Israel could not cite self-defense as a reason for its invasion into Gaza, as it had no jurisdiction to operate in the enclave in the first place and was acting as an “occupying power” there. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127697

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865030 (051445ZNOV23) Notable: Press for Truth: China Is Hoarding The World's Gold And It’s For A Good Reason (video)

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China Is Hoarding The World's Gold And It’s For A Good Reason!!!


Despite China being the largest producer of gold in the world, its central bank has been at the forefront of a surge in purchases of the precious metal on the international market as it seeks to reduce its reliance on the dollar.

Meanwhile 62% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, making it their “main financial lifestyle” which is a recipe for disaster.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth looks at why the central banks of the world are buying up gold at an alarming rate and most importantly why you should be doing the same as well!!

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a90dd8 No.127698

File: 92889eac8ea7403⋯.png (1.46 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865087 (051503ZNOV23) Notable: Alberta UCP Convention Bun / Assisted deaths, eliminating DEI among policy resolutions at Alberta UCP convention

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Assisted deaths, eliminating DEI among policy resolutions at Alberta UCP convention


The United Conservative Party of Alberta is currently in the throes of its Annual General Meeting, as members deliberate on 51 resolutions members hope will influence the province’s political landscape.

Nineteen resolutions focus on internal UCP governance, though 30 are about the UCP’s official policy.

Policy resolutions are not binding on the province’s UCP government, but are an important barometer about where the party’s grassroots stand on key issues.

The policy resolutions are categorized broken up into several categories: autonomy and economy, healthcare and medical rights, education and youth, civil liberties and rights, infrastructure and development, judicial and legal reforms, and finance and commerce.

All of the resolutions can be found here. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127699

File: c521c95cb6a9d98⋯.png (1.19 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865115 (051510ZNOV23) Notable: Alberta UCP Convention Bun / “The grassroots will be in charge”: UCP convention gets record-breaking 3,800 delegates

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“The grassroots will be in charge”: UCP convention gets record-breaking 3,800 delegates


As 3,800 United Conservative Party members descend on Calgary for the party’s annual convention, key organizers are describing a fight for the heart and soul of conservative politics in Alberta.

“We’re trying to remind the people in power that they serve the people,” said David Parker, the founder of Take Back Alberta. “They’ve kinda forgotten that and I think they need to be regularly reminded of that. That’s why democracy was built the way that it was.”

Parker claims Take Back Alberta’s efforts are responsible for “about half” of the total convention delegates, many of whom were registering on-site even by Saturday.

“After this annual general meeting, the grassroots of the UCP will be in charge,” Parker said. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127700

File: 8f9a2fb473c30bd⋯.png (863.54 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865156 (051526ZNOV23) Notable: Public inquiry into foreign interference in Canadian elections to begin early 2024

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Public inquiry into foreign interference in Canadian elections to begin early 2024


The public inquiry into foreign interference in Canadian elections is scheduled to begin hearings in early 2024.

The inquiry will primarily focus on China and Russia, as well as other foreign actors to investigate what influence they had over the federal elections of 2019 and 2021.

Additionally, the inquiry will attempt to answer whether or not Ottawa has the capabilities of detecting foreign interference.

The first inquiry report is due in February and a final report will be due by the end of next year, according to CBC.

“Our timeline is ambitious and it will require the inquiry, and all interested parties to work expeditiously and cooperatively with each other,” said inquiry commissioner Marie-Josée Hogue in a statement. “I look forward to working with all those involved.”

Hogue said the inquiry would provide as much information as possible to the public “within the bounds of the law and without jeopardizing national security.”

“While this will be a difficult balance to strike, I will do my utmost to achieve it, as both objectives are paramount,” said Hogue.

The inquiry stems back to allegations that China had interfered in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections. The allegations have since been denied by the Chinese embassy.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had initially appointed former governor general David Johnston to be a special rapporteur on potential Chinese interference, however Johnston resigned due to mounting public pressure that his appointment was a conflict of interest.

Johnson faced criticism due to the fact that he was family friends with the Trudeaus and his previous role on the Trudeau Foundation.

In his role as special rapporteur, Johnson had recommended against calling a public inquiry into foreign interference in Canadian elections. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127701

File: 54ea50f9e29d5d6⋯.png (1.07 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865216 (051551ZNOV23) Notable: Business insolvencies in Canada up 42%

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Business insolvencies in Canada up 42%


Canadian business insolvencies shot up by 41.8% in 2023 when compared to the third quarter of last year.

According to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, a total of 1,120 businesses filed for bankruptcy, up 3.6% from the second quarter.

Those numbers far surpass the amount of bankruptcies filed before the pandemic. In the third quarter of 2019, for example, only 827 businesses filed for bankruptcy.

The Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals (CAIRP) believes businesses are struggling to stay afloat due to a combination of economic challenges. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127702

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865236 (051603ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / LAWTON: What is the ARC Forum? (video)

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LAWTON: What is the ARC Forum? (ft. Leslyn Lewis)


Earlier this week, prominent political and cultural figures gathered in London, England, for the first ever Alliance for Responsible Citizenship Forum. Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis spoke with True North’s Andrew Lawton about her role within the organization, and what she hopes will come from the inaugural event.

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a90dd8 No.127703

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865266 (051612ZNOV23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Tamara Lich Trial Day 26: Judge removes some Crown redactions from Ottawa Police email chain in disclosure dispute (video)

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Tamara Lich Trial Day 26: Judge removes some Crown redactions from Ottawa Police email chain in disclosure dispute


Prior to the judge's decision to remove some of the redactions applied to the OPS PLT email chain, all that was known to the defence was that the document was a series of emails with the subject line 'PLT Disclosure'. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127704

File: 39cb9d033a87c0c⋯.png (2.01 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865310 (051624ZNOV23) Notable: Alberta UCP Convention Bun / UCP says 'NO' to 'social credit' currency

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UCP says 'NO' to 'social credit' currency


In November 2021, the World Economic Forum (WEF) released a compendium document on digital currencies. 'Linked to China’s social credit system, it could see citizens fined in a split second for behaviors deemed undesirable.'

nited Conservative members unabashedly disapprove of Digital ID, including digital currencies often exploited by authoritarian regimes.

With a near unanimous 'yes' vote, the Conservative grassroots in Alberta urged the province to protect consumer access to goods and services using cash. Their rationale? Digital currency is a precursor to a social credit system and easy to manipulate.

In November 2021, the World Economic Forum (WEF) released a compendium document on digital currencies, indicating that central bankers are looking to adopt a central bank digital currency. Case in point: China.

"Linked to China’s social credit system, it could see citizens fined in a split second for behaviors deemed undesirable. Dissidents and activists could see their wallets emptied or taken offline," wrote Time Magazine. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127705

File: 221ab44dc502286⋯.png (2 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d4d30ff38209ca⋯.png (891.99 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865337 (051631ZNOV23) Notable: Alberta UCP Convention Bun / UCP members say 'no' to medical coercion

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UCP members say 'no' to medical coercion


On November 2, Alberta tabled the Public Health Amendment Act to ensure decisions made during declared states of public health emergencies do not supersede the will of Albertans or undermine their Charter Rights.

United Conservative delegates voiced their opposition Saturday to the public disclosure of private medical information.

With a near-unanimous 'yes' vote, Alberta's Conservative base endorsed the individual’s right to privacy and health care confidentially from employers, businesses, and health care providers.

"During the recent pandemic, many businesses, institutions, organizations and even governments infringed on the constitutionally protected rights and freedoms of many Albertans based on an individual’s health status," reads Resolution #7.

"Health decisions are private and as such these decisions must not be allowed to become a tool for limiting these rights and freedoms," it said. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127706

File: 14e4602fe730bef⋯.png (1.46 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865348 (051636ZNOV23) Notable: Alberta UCP Convention Bun / UCP members 'overwhelmingly' support parental consent policy

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UCP members 'overwhelmingly' support parental consent policy


'Parents, not schools, are the legal guardians of their children,' reads the UCP policy resolution — an offshoot of legislation passed by governments in Saskatchewan and New Brunswick earlier this year.

Premier Danielle Smith remains mum on parental rights despite an overwhelming number of delegates demanding action now.

With a near-unanimous 'yes' vote, UCP members have given the party an ultimatum: legislate parental consent or else.

The Edmonton-West Henday UCP constituency proposed that students only use a different name or pronoun at school with parental consent — a policy that stirred months-long controversy and debate from the general public.

In August, Smith had yet to clarify her position on schools informing parents on changes to their child’s 'gender identity,' as first reported by the Western Standard.

"I have said that we don't want to politicize these issues because these issues are very private, family issues," she told the publication. "We're trying to avoid turning it into a political hot potato because we want […] kids [to] feel supported [while] also respecting parental rights." Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127707

File: a1791447c178502⋯.png (2.01 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865396 (051646ZNOV23) Notable: Alberta UCP Convention Bun / Alberta Conservatives reject '15 Minute Cities'

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Alberta Conservatives reject '15 Minute Cities'


With a near-unanimous 'yes,' the Conservative grassroots rejoiced as the nonbinding policy passed Saturday afternoon against '15 Minute Cities.'

United Conservative delegates want to avoid the "15 Minute Cities" like the plague — having had their fill of lockdown measures during the COVID lockdown.

The Innisfail-Sylvan Lake UCP constituency proposed a prohibition on "any land use or development planning initiatives that would restrict movement of residents as per Section 6 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms."

With a near-unanimous 'yes' vote, the Conservative grassroots rejoiced as the nonbinding policy passed Saturday afternoon.

"There is much debate over the implementation of design strategies in urban areas which are known as '15 Minute Cities,' begins policy resolution #12. "Broadly, the idea is to cut down on long commutes and car emissions and improve people's quality of life by ensuring they have access to quality services where they live, which are all benign and noble goals."

"[City] planners defend their usage, stating their aim is to make cities more livable by ensuring all essential services — think schools, medical care, and shops — are within the distance of a short walk or bicycle ride," reads the resolution.

However, party members do not buy the malarky.

Oxfordshire County council, from the United Kingdom, recently passed a bylaw that will prevent excess movement between zones. "People can drive freely around their own neighborhood and can apply for a permit to drive through the filters, and into other neighborhoods, for up to 100 days per year," said the Oxford Mail.

To enforce the travel restrictions, traffic camera filters are installed on major roads between zones that operate from 7am-7pm, 7 days a week.

This is a developing story.

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a90dd8 No.127708

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865495 (051709ZNOV23) Notable: The Speech from the Throne: What's next for Alberta? (video)

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The Speech from the Throne: What's next for Alberta?


Cory Morgan from the Western Standard joined Sheila Gunn Reid to unpack Premier Danielle Smith's speech and legislative priorities.

Monday, the Alberta legislature returned for the fall sitting and Premier Danielle Smith used her Throne speech to lay out her agenda.

Alberta Bill One will make the government take any tax hikes to the people for approval through a referendum.

Bill Three seeks to build on Alberta's recovery-centric approach to the opioid crisis.

Absent from the Throne speech was any mention of the Alberta government withdrawing from the Canada Pension Plan and taking up to 50% of the fund upon exit.

Joining me tonight to share his predictions for the coming legislative session in Alberta is the Western Standard's Cory Morgan.

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a90dd8 No.127709

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865531 (051716ZNOV23) Notable: Red Carpet Interviews from Movie Screening of “POLICE STATE” at Mar-a-Lago (video)

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Red Carpet Interviews from Movie Screening of “POLICE STATE” at Mar-a-Lago! EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEWS WITH MAGA SUPERSTARS!! Rudy Giuliani, Kari Lake, Dinesh D’Souza and MORE!!


Last week, the highly anticipated documentary “Police State” premiered in theaters across America, leading to multiple theaters selling out and audiences giving the film a standing ovation.

The film, produced by D’Souza Media LLC in collaboration with Dan Bongino, focuses on the weaponization of the judicial system against conservative Americans and focuses on a number of topics, including Big Tech censorship, the multiple indictments against President Donald Trump, January 6th, the growing authoritarianism of the federal government, and more.

We at The Gateway Pundit were able to attend a red carpet screening at President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, and had fantastic time! See our exclusive interviews with your favorite MAGA stars below! Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127710

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865621 (051738ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / LAWTON: Why electric cars won’t solve climate change (video)

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LAWTON: Why electric cars won’t solve climate change (ft. Bjørn Lomborg)


When western countries first began pushing the net-zero agenda, electric vehicles quickly emerged as one of the most promising solutions for achieving the ambitious targets. Copenhagen Consensus Center president Bjørn Lomborg spoke with True North’s Andrew Lawton about the false promise of electric vehicles as a meaningful solution to climate change.

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a90dd8 No.127711

File: 85aee01dfc45633⋯.png (205.07 KB,1022x577,1022:577,Clipboard.png)

File: c80923e96c8573d⋯.png (1.41 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865661 (051749ZNOV23) Notable: Indian Diplomat Says Canada’s Probe of Assassination of Sikh Separatist Is ‘Already Tainted’, Demands Ottawa Release Evidence Implicating New Delhi

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Indian Diplomat Says Canada’s Probe of Assassination of Sikh Separatist Is ‘Already Tainted’, Demands Ottawa Release Evidence Implicating New Delhi


The bilateral relations between India and Canada have been under constant pressure since PM Justin Trudeau accused New Delhi of participation in the murder of a Sikh separatist in British Columbia.

Now, India’s High Commissioner to Canada, Sanjay Kumar Verma, said that the police probe into the murder has already ‘been damaged’ by what he called ‘a high-level Canadian official’s public statements’.

The investigation reportedly uncovered evidence of Indian involvement in the murder, in a Vancouver suburb, of Canadian citizen and Sikh separatist leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar – called a ‘terrorist’ by Delhi. India strenuously denies the allegation.

Reuters reported: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127712

File: 88423da26a31cf7⋯.png (586.94 KB,760x506,380:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865776 (051831ZNOV23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Major Shift in Western Propaganda on Ukraine

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Major Shift in Western Propaganda on Ukraine


News articles on Ukraine do not magically appear. They are produced with the intent to send a particular message. So pay close attention to last week’s Time Magazine piece on Zelensky (not a positive), the Saturday piece from NBC News, and Ukrainian General Zaluzhny’s interview with the Economist.

My previous article addressed the Time Magazine article. Let’s take a look at what NBC and the Economist are saying. The NBC News article, which was published with the blessing of the Biden Administration, signals that Ukraine is going to get the Afghanistan treatment: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127713

File: a8607c79facdcdf⋯.png (204.69 KB,500x434,250:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 88575059d381787⋯.png (318.67 KB,500x272,125:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865839 (051847ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / 'Greenies' Are All About The Green

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'Greenies' Are All About The Green


There’s a lot going on in the world right now that bears close monitoring. But we can’t forget about the elites’ war on our freedoms...

You’ve no doubt heard about the “Green New Deal” - a set of government proposals designed to fight the “climate change crisis.”

If enacted, these laws would impose radical changes on nearly every facet of society, costing companies billions of dollars while diminishing our standard of living.

But anyone who examines the scientific facts instead of the pseudo-science and phony models knows that these government-mandated sacrifices are in vain.

The fact is, there is no climate crisis, the ”renewable energy” being pushed on us can’t replace fossil fuels and the policymakers who aren’t willfully ignorant of these facts have something much more devious in mind.

Today you’ll learn exactly why the Green New Deal is actually a Green New Scam, as well as how to position your portfolio for what’s really going on. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127714

File: 9413d88036af0ed⋯.png (324.31 KB,500x279,500:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19865950 (051918ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Queers For Palestine: Identity Politics At Its Most Absurd

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Queers For Palestine: Identity Politics At Its Most Absurd


On the morning of 7 October 2023, the militant Palestinian group Hamas orchestrated a multi-pronged assault against Israel from the Gaza Strip. Their fighters breached the heavily fortified border and murdered more than 1,400 Israeli civilians, including young children. Here in the West, the political discourse surrounding these brutal events and the war that has come in their wake has been coloured by a misguided transposition of Western identity politics onto the Middle East, which collapses all nuance and reduces a complex situation into a simple binary of oppressor versus oppressed.

Leftists in English-speaking nations tend to see Palestinians (including Hamas) as an oppressed, brown victim class, whose freedom-fighting “resistance” against their oppressive, white, US-backed colonizers in Israel is a righteous cause with which to stand in solidarity. This facile view of the long-standing conflict in the Middle East leads to confused and contradictory thinking, as seen in the incoherent slogan (and now meme) “Queers for Palestine,” emblazoned on banners brandished at anti-Israel rallies. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127715

File: c208e22f7a20832⋯.png (354.95 KB,500x336,125:84,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19866008 (051934ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / ZH: The Great Reset (Parts 1&2)

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The Great Reset, Part 1: The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse


The technologies at the heart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are connected in many ways — in the way they extend digital capabilities; in the way they scale, emerge and embed themselves in our lives; in their combinatorial power; and in their potential to concentrate privilege and challenge existing governance systems.’

- Klaus Schwab, Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, 2018

The Wikipedia entry for the Great Reset, the first part of which is quoted in a blue panel as a corrective to any mention or discussion of this term on YouTube, reads as follows:

The Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project was launched in June 2020, with a video featuring the then Prince of Wales Charles released to mark its launch. The initiative’s stated aim is to facilitate rebuilding from the global COVID-19 crisis in a way that prioritizes sustainable development.

The initiative triggered a range of diverse conspiracy theories spread by American far-right and conservative commentators on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Such theories include that the COVID-19 pandemic was created by a secret group in order to seize control of the global economy, that lockdown restrictions were deliberately designed to induce economic meltdown, or that a global elite was attempting to abolish private property while using COVID-19 to enslave humanity with vaccines.

I am not an American, have never belonged to any far-right organisation, my views are not conservative with either a big or a little ‘c’, and I have published a number of articles arguing against the conspiracy theory of history; but I have also argued that a virus with the infection fatality rate of seasonal influenza never constituted anything approaching a ‘pandemic’; that lockdown restrictions were imposed not to induce the ‘meltdown’ of the economy but, to the contrary, to insulate the real economy from the $12 trillion of quantitative easing created to bail out the collapsing financial sector between September 2019 and April 2022; and that, far from attempting to ‘abolish’ private property, the stakeholder model of capitalism promoted by the World Economic Forum and implemented by its corporate partners under the umbrella of ‘sustainable development goals’ is designed to privatise national assets, natural resources and, ultimately — as Klaus Schwab openly advocates — the existing system of governance in the West. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127716

File: 6c152803d16a3c3⋯.png (326.54 KB,500x296,125:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19866170 (052015ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / The World's Largest Biometric Digital ID System, India's Aadhaar, Just Suffered Its Biggest Ever Data Breach

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The World's Largest Biometric Digital ID System, India's Aadhaar, Just Suffered Its Biggest Ever Data Breach


In one fell swoop, roughly 10% of the global population appears to have had some of their most valuable personal identifiable information (PII) compromised. Yet Aadhaar continues to receive plaudits from Silicon Valley.

An anonymous hacker claims to have breached the digital ID numbers, as well as other sensitive personal data, of around 815 million Indian citizens.

To put that number in perspective, it is more than 60% of the 1.3 billion Indian people enrolled in the government’s Aadhaar biometric digital identity program, and roughly 10% of the entire global population. Thanks to the breach — the largest single one in the country’s history, according to the Hindustan Times — the personal data of hundreds of millions of Indians are now up for grabs on the dark web, for as little as $80,000.

To register for an Aadhaar card, Indian residents have to provide basic demographic information, including name, date of birth, age, address and gender, as well as biometric information, including ten fingerprints, two eyeball scans and a facial photograph. Much of that data has apparently been compromised.

Media reports suggest that the source of the leak was the Covid-19 test data of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), which is linked to each individual’s Aadhaar number.

The alarm was first raised by Resecurity, a Los Angeles-based cyber security company, which on Oct 15 included the following in a blogpost on its corporate website:

On October 9th, a threat actor going by the alias ‘pwn0001’ posted a thread on Breach Forums brokering access to 815 million “Indian Citizen Aadhaar & Passport” records. To put this victim group in perspective, India’s entire population is just over 1.486 billion people.

HUNTER investigators established contact with the threat actor and learned they were willing to sell the entire Aadhaar and Indian passport dataset for $80,000.

The data set offered by pwn0001 contains multiple fields related to the PII of Indian citizens, including but not limited to: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127717

File: 2d9e8517fec3f54⋯.png (430.44 KB,810x507,270:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19866546 (052131ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Dr. Mark Trozzi warns going along with medical tyranny will lead to ‘a form of hell on earth’

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Dr. Mark Trozzi warns going along with medical tyranny will lead to ‘a form of hell on earth’


If the legal system proves itself to be ‘dead,’ Dr. Trozzi said he would be the first to encourage others to ‘start over and defend yourselves.’

COVID-19 frontline doctor Dr. Mark Trozzi recently called upon citizens to resist medical tyranny, even by “starting over” if courts prove themselves “illegitimate.”

During an October 13 presentation in Ontario, Dr. Trozzi, who is being threatened with the revocation of his medical license due to his resistance to COVID protocols, stressed that we cannot surrender to tyrannical government mandates at any point, even if the legal system appears entirely broken.

He told how he is insisting on first fighting the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) in court as they attempt to punish him for using alternative treatments and questioning the safety of COVID mRNA shots during the COVID outbreak.

“I’ve had people come to me and say, ‘Mark, why are you bothering? Why are you actually fighting against CPSA?’” he shared, going on to explain how he will first exhaust his legal options before pursuing another path.

“The CPSO will probably in a few weeks […] say, ‘We’re right, two plus two equals five, you’re wrong and you owe us $100,000 for the pleasure of us beating you up here,’” said Dr. Trozzi.

“And I’m going to then appeal it to the court system. Now, some people say, ‘well, Mark, the court’s so corrupted.’ Well I hope not, I’m going to try it. And if [the] court says, sorry, two plus two is five, I’m going to appeal to a higher court,” he explained.

If he has to take it all the way to the Supreme Court, and even they insist on denying the legitimacy of his approach as a physician, “what that means is the court is illegitimate and we are at a point of a crisis of legitimacy,” said Dr. Trozzi. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127718

File: 69195d3bb60622a⋯.png (508.25 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19866681 (052154ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / BC nurse Amy Hamm testifies to keep her nursing license after anonymous complaints of 'transphobia'

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BC nurse Amy Hamm testifies to keep her nursing license after anonymous complaints of 'transphobia'


Hamm had never even met— let alone treated— either of the people who brought the complaints.

Amy Eileen Hamm has been facing a disciplinary hearing in British Columbia, brought by the BC College of Nurses and Midwives, over charges of transphobia. The proceedings have been going on for almost a year. The hearing has gone through witness after witness coming forward to complain that Hamm, who believes in the reality of biological sex, is not fit to be a nurse for that reason alone. As the hearing reccommenced in October, Hamm's defense took center stage, and Hamm gave testimony on her own behalf. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127719

File: 2d7e22044dd58f7⋯.png (289.87 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19866731 (052205ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Canada could take in 500,000 Palestinian refugees according to proposed plan

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Canada could take in 500,000 Palestinian refugees according to proposed plan


The Israeli Intelligence Ministry first floated the plan in a "concept paper" that argues Canada would be an ideal candidate for refugees because the country has such a "lenient" immigration policy.

With the war in the Israel and Gaza displacing millions and creating refugees, Israel has secretly suggested that Canada could be the destination for a large portion of them. The Israeli Intelligence Ministry first floated the plan in a "concept paper" that argues Canada would be an ideal candidate for refugees because the country has such a "lenient" immigration policy.

The number under consideration – according to talk on Parliament Hill – is as high as 500,000. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127720

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19867033 (052306ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Scientific discourse at last! Doctors Bridle and Strauss (video)

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Scientific discourse at last! Doctors Bridle and Strauss


At last, civilized debate from experts with different opinions before a live audience.

After three years of persecuting all scientists and doctors who did not agree with or at least shut up regarding the covid agenda, masks, lockdowns, and genetic injections, we have a break-through! Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127721

File: 9516e484de85f8e⋯.png (1.42 MB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 11f7b4568a9eadf⋯.png (473.89 KB,886x862,443:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19870111 (061551ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / UN Program Pushes Digital Public Infrastructure as EU and Gates Foundation Push For Digital ID By 2030

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UN Program Pushes Digital Public Infrastructure as EU and Gates Foundation Push For Digital ID By 2030


An escalation of the push towards digital ID.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is launching a project based on what’s known as “digital public infrastructure,” aka, DPI.

And the overarching justification/explanation of these activities is reaching the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs).

What UNDP is supposed to be doing is pretty clear from its name, but what DPI itself is, is a buzzword used in somewhat interesting/alarming concord by organizations such as the UN, but also the European Union (EU), the Gates Foundation, and of course, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is never quite out of any such picture.

What DPIs are supposed to do, in the best case scenario, is aid development in a number of ways. Those looking deeper into platitudes and “corporatespeak” coming from these organizations, however, are dismissing the term and the policy as a ruse to speed up introduction of digital IDs and payments, with a deadline of 2030. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127722

File: 06c12048f7cdbda⋯.png (864.02 KB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19870139 (061557ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / War on Meat: Study Suggests Cigarette-style Climate Warning Labels to Cut Down Meat Consumption

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War on Meat: Study Suggests Cigarette-style Climate Warning Labels to Cut Down Meat Consumption


Just when you thought it was safe to enjoy a hamburger, a new study from Durham University in the U.K. suggests that cigarette-style graphic warning labels depicting the worst effects of so-called climate change might encourage citizens to consume less meat, which the researchers claim will “improve public health and reduce the UK’s carbon footprint.”

The study, “Impact of pictorial warning labels on meat meal selection: A randomised experimental study with UK meat consumers,” can be read in Appetite, a scientific journal that looks at normal and disordered eating and drinking in animals and humans. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127723

File: 21329c0e1b287e0⋯.png (1023.6 KB,819x491,819:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19870227 (061612ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / A Short ESG Guide: Introduction

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A Short ESG Guide: Introduction


The murky precepts of Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) criteria wield growing influence in investing and in regulation. Those who want to understand the reshaping of our financial landscape, especially as a means to resist it, should be familiar with ESG’s terms, goals, vocabulary, and advocates. Below, I sketch out several dimensions.

ESG advocates want to reshape the world in profound ways — from how we travel and heat our homes to what businesses must prioritize and whom global supply chains should benefit. They want to move the world to a “low-carbon” economy built on renewable energy. They also favor dramatic redistribution of wealth and power from the “haves” to the “have nots.” Increasingly, they make business their ally (willingly or unwillingly) in carrying out their plans.

To address these concerns with nuance and thoughtfulness, rather than simply reacting, we must raise awareness of ESG criteria, how they are being used, and what kinds of problems they will create. ESG will likely be around for a long time, so it’s worth taking some time to understand it thoroughly.

Here are some areas we’ll explore: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127724

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19870354 (061637ZNOV23) Notable: Updated MAiD Bun / Without real public debate, Canada has become known as the euthanasia capital of the world

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Without real public debate, Canada has become known as the euthanasia capital of the world


Ezra Levant was joined by Amanda Achtman, a fellow guest at the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC)'s 2023 conference, to discuss the expansion of Canada's medically-assisted dying regime.

On Friday's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra was joined by Amanda Achtman, a fellow guest at the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC)'s 2023 conference. Amanda is a Canadian euthanasia prevention advocate who told Ezra she believes Canadians are losing touch with the idea of the sanctity of life, hence the encroachment of a regime like 'medical assistance in dying' (MAID).

"At first, when euthanasia was legalized nationwide, we were told this was for those were terminally ill with grievous and irremediable conditions. Now we're at the point where I think euthanasia deaths in Canada are on par, if not exceeding, total deaths from COVID," said Amanda. The government's own data now show that nearly 45,000 Canadians were euthanized from 2016-2022.

Amanda discussed the shocking expansion of MAID to allow even more healthcare providers to take place. Even those without a family doctor are eligible to have someone carry out the euthanization in their own home. "It is becoming a going saying that the only on-time healthcare is death, in Canada," she said.

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a90dd8 No.127725

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19870446 (061655ZNOV23) Notable: Don Jr. Shares Viral Video from Germany: “If Necessary, We Must Use Violence to Institute Islamic State Once Muslims are a Majority

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Don Jr. Shares Viral Video from Germany: “If Necessary, We Must Use Violence to Institute Islamic State Once Muslims are a Majority”


Islam experts Michael Stürzenberger and Irfan Peci regularly hold events to raise consciousness of the threat of political Islam in Germany, where they expertly engage with and debate angry young Muslims who bristle at any criticism of their religion. On October 21, they held an event in Berlin, during which Irfan Peci spoke to a young Muslim who stated unequivocally that “Every Muslim must want Shariah Law enacted worldwide.”

“I want Sharia Law in Germany, definitely,” the young man sporting a Salafist beard said.

Asked by ex-Muslim activist Kian Kermanshahi whether he would support replacing the German constitution with Shariah Law, the young man said, “Definitely.”

Irfan asked the young man how he would go about doing that.

The young man replied, “Once Muslims are in the majority, it is our duty to conquer Germany.”

“I respect your candor,” Irfan said. He asked whether there is a distinction between “normal” Islam and “radical” or “political” Islam.

“No, of course not,” the young Muslim man said. “Sometimes you want to protect your religion, so you say certain things which are not true, such as there is no such thing as the punishment of chopping off hands (for theft).”

“If necessary, we must use violence to institute an Islamic state once Muslims are a majority,” the young man said.

“Thank you for your honesty,” Irfan said.

The subtitled video was shared by Visegrad24 account (6.7 M views), as well as by Donald Trump Jr. (1.5 M views).

“Anyone with a brain knew this was coming but the woke morons in charge will continue to welcome in their own demise till it’s too late”, Donald Trump Jr. wrote.

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a90dd8 No.127726

File: 85c14b5ad58eda2⋯.png (716.16 KB,1024x684,256:171,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19870675 (061740ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / WORLD WAR III WATCH: One of US Navy’s Largest Submarines Armed with Nuclear Missiles Arrives in the Middle East

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WORLD WAR III WATCH: One of US Navy’s Largest Submarines Armed with Nuclear Missiles Arrives in the Middle East


In a move that has ratcheted up tensions in an already precarious region, the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) confirmed the arrival of one of its Ohio-class submarines in its area of responsibility (AOR).

The Biden regime has yet to release an official statement.

“On November 5, 2023, an Ohio-class submarine arrived in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility,” U.S. Central Command wrote on X/Twitter.

The United States Central Command (CENTCOM) area of responsibility (AOR) includes 21 countries:

Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Uzbekistan, Yemen.

The AOR stretches from Northeast Africa across the Middle East to Central and South Asia. It spans over 4 million square miles. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127727

File: 88695309ffc3bac⋯.png (731.27 KB,1021x575,1021:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19870788 (061803ZNOV23) Notable: Canada-Based Sikh Terrorist Threatens Attack on Air India Flight on November 19

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Canada-Based Sikh Terrorist Threatens Attack on Air India Flight on November 19


The bilateral relations between India and Canada keep deteriorating, and now, in a way that appears to vindicate the position held by New Delhi regarding the harboring by Ottawa of Sikh terrorists that pose a real threat to India.

A prominent Khalistani separatist leader, denominated as terrorist by Indian authorities, recorded a video warning Sikhs not to travel on Air India flights later this month, mentioning life-threatening consequences if they do.

Canada-based Gurpatwant Singh Pannun made multiple threats of danger to those travelling by the Indian air company on 19 November.

Independent reported: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127728

File: aef1bc0960b7a86⋯.png (232.1 KB,500x229,500:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19870854 (061812ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / ZH: The Great Reset (Parts 1&2)

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The Great Reset, Part 2: A Camp With No Outside


‘Today, it is not the city but rather the camp that is the fundamental biopolitical paradigm of the West.’

- Giorgio Agamben, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, 1995

In Part 1 of this article, I identified the apparatuses of biopower by which our freedoms and our democracies are threatened in the West today, and which I described as the ‘Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’.

As I devote a chapter of my new book, The Great Reset, to each of the last three of these apparatuses of biopower - the UN’s Agenda 2030, the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty and Central Bank Digital Currency - I’m only going to discuss the first of them here, although it comes up throughout my book, because a system of Digital Identity is the gateway to the digital camp in which the other three will imprison us.

They all rely on it being in place for their own enforcement, and in this respect it is the most important and the one that has to be most resisted and defeated. Some form of Digital Identity has been talked about for some time, and although everyone appears to know what it is, there doesn’t seem to be much opposition to its implementation in the UK, which I’d suggest indicates that in reality we don’t understand it at all.


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a90dd8 No.127729

File: be4201e9b4abff3⋯.png (496.42 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19872194 (062210ZNOV23) Notable: Canada headed for recession - official data

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Canada headed for recession – official data


Real GDP was likely unchanged for three months in a row in September, according to official data

Canadian economic performance remained flat in August and likely slipped into a shallow contraction in the third quarter, according to the country’s statistics office.

The slowdown has been attributed to higher interest rates, inflation, forest fires, and drought conditions across the country.

Preliminary data indicated that real GDP was unchanged in September as well, for the third month in a row.

According to the report, services-producing industries increased 0.1% month-on-month, while goods-producing industries contracted 0.2%. Overall, only eight of 20 industrial sectors expanded, according to the figures.

The manufacturing sector contracted 0.6% in August, as non-durable and durable goods manufacturing contributed to the decrease for the third straight month.

The mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction sector rose 1.2% in August. “This third consecutive monthly increase brought activity above the April level, before activity fell in May due in part to the impact of the forest fires,” Statistics Canada wrote in its report.

Wholesale trade was up 2.3% in August, while retail business, which shrank for the third month in a row, declined 0.7%. Accommodation and food services fell 1.8% in August, showing a contraction in both subsectors.

Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting contracted 3.2% in August, its most significant decline since August 2021. The report indicated that crop production (except for cannabis) declined 6.7% in August 2023, mainly due to dry conditions in Western Canada that are pushing down expected yields.

“Whether or not the economy is already in recession is less important than the fact that the lagged impacts of monetary policy are likely to materially depress economic activity moving forward,” Tiago Figueiredo, an economist with Desjardins, told Reuters. “As a result, we expect the economy to more clearly enter a recession in 2024.”

Last week, the Bank of Canada decided to keep its benchmark interest rate steady at 5% for the second straight time during its recent meetings after hiking rates ten times since early 2022. The regulator, however, warned that more increases were possible as it struggles to reign in soaring inflation.

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a90dd8 No.127730

File: c93316101b10787⋯.png (627.75 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19872268 (062222ZNOV23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Progressives cancel Buffy Sainte-Marie after indigenous ancestry questioned by CBC documentary

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Progressives cancel Buffy Sainte-Marie after indigenous ancestry questioned by CBC documentary


The Indigenous Women's Collective is insisting on public disgrace for the entertainer.

Progressives are condemning and canceling Canadian musician Buffy Sainte-Marie after a CBC report questioned her indigenous ancestry.

"This deception allowed her to benefit from a very deliberate and false narrative that misled thousands of Indigenous youth, adults and most tragically, Indigenous survivors of colonial harm," reads a meandering statement from the Indigenous Women's Collective.

The leftist advocacy group is also insisting on public disgrace for the entertainer and has demanded that Sainte-Marie’s 2018 Juno award – the Canadian equivalent of a Grammy – be rescinded for the alleged deception.

Sainte-Marie has been a musical icon in Canada and the world for five decades and her debut album in 1964 also won a Juno.

She was inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame in 1995, when she declared, "Most especially in the whole wide world, I'd like to acknowledge all the grassroots Indian artists who haven't yet taken home a Juno, but who continue, as they have in the past, to capture our hearts at powwows across Canada, doing that magic which music does so well.”

But despite a wealth of talent and professional longevity, the singer’s reputation appears to rest entirely on the veracity of her race.

According to Saint-Marie, she was born near Regina, Saskatchewan as part of the Piapot First Nation. But that account was denied by the CBC’s The Fifth Estate, after allegedly locating her birth certificate, she was born in 1941 in Stoneham, Mass. The CBC says the document describes her parents as Caucasian while it insists it has found corroborating evidence in a marriage certificate, a life insurance policy and the United States census.

In a statement rejecting the veracity of CBC’s claims, Sainte-Marie said she has never known the identity of her birth parents but remains "a proud member of the Native community with deep roots in Canada."

The Women’s Indigenous Collective, which describes its role as supporting “LGBTQ+, grandmothers, daughters, aunties, artists, academics, lawyers, and activists with one voice to Stop Colonial Violence Against Indigenous Women,” said the accusation against Sainte-Marie will have a profound impact on all natives.

“The recent CBC reports have triggered many who struggle against sexual assault, the 60s Scoop and intergenerational traumas resulting from colonial violence.”

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a90dd8 No.127731

File: 95f862a9c752ccd⋯.png (456.87 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19872339 (062233ZNOV23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / CBC called out by Conservative Canadian Heritage Critic for 'being on the side of terrorists'

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CBC called out by Conservative Canadian Heritage Critic for 'being on the side of terrorists'


Rachael Thomas said "...it is to be on the side of Hamas, which is to be on the side of terrorists, which is to be against the Jewish population, which is wrong

MP Rachael Thomas (CPC, Conservative Party of Canada-Lethbridge), the Conservative critic for Canadian Heritage, said recently that the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp.) is "on the side of terrorists" because the state broadcaster ordered its journalists to not label Hamas forces as "terrorists" in an internal memo that was leaked on the opening weekend of Hamas' invasion of Israel.

Thomas made the accusation at the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, and refused to retract her comments after Members of Parliament from both the Liberal government and other opposition parties attacked her over her choice of words.

"For the CBC to make this decision is absolutely irresponsible, and it is to peddle disinformation. And it is to be on the side of Hamas, which is to be on the side of terrorists, which is to be against the Jewish population, which is wrong," said Thomas.

MP Martin Champoux (BQ-Drummond) suggested Thomas was endangering the lives of CBC reporters who are in-theater covering the war. "To suggest that reporters from Radio-Canada, CBC or any other media are taking the side of terrorists is an attack on their security, an attack to their integrity, and these are statements that are very serious, and could have very serious implications," he said.

"I'm asking Ms. Thomas to retract and to withdraw her statement."

Thomas said she had no intention of doing so.

"The point is simple. The CBC itself said that to call Hamas terrorists was to take sides. So if they're not going to call Hamas a terrorist organization, are they not left taking a side still?"

New Democratic Party House Leader Peter Julian called Thomas' words "unbelievably horrific allegations" and "not comments that can be excused."

Taleeb Noormohamed (Liberal-Vancouver Granville), who is parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage, said Thomas' criticism of CBC would somehow "foment a remarkable amount of discord in communities where we already have a lot of anxiety. It is not helpful … and it is extremely dangerous."

Thomas posted her response to the criticism, saying "When the CBC receives $1.4 billion in taxpayer $$$ every year and spreads disinformation by Hamas, I will not stay silent. Pro-Censorship NDP tried to shut me up. The CBC must apologize."


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a90dd8 No.127732

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19872430 (062246ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / CPSO Pronounces Judgment Over Dr Trozzi (video)

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CPSO Pronounces Judgment Over Dr Trozzi


But the shots are still toxic, Pfizer committed fraud, everyone has been assaulted, and we must act now to save lives.

Health Canada recognizes that Pfizer committed fraud. The shots turn out to be even worse than I thought. They contain large quantities of DNA, and multiple genetic sequences including a very dangerous SV40 promoter sequence which promotes permanent genetic modification, disease, and cancer. Sadly, innocent people are uninformed and lining up for injections that they would never agree to if they knew what was in them and what it can do to them.

Here is my ten minute video to update you, with a focus on current priorities and strategies. Crisis is a combination of danger and opportunity. The SV40 revelation marks severe danger, but it is also an opportunity to finally set things right. This video includes genuinely kind and honest advice for the CPSO administrators and staff; and a small request for you to please share your judgement of me as a doctor with the CPSO.

Please Share Your Judgment of Dr Trozzi with the CPSO here:

CPSO Compliment a physician https://www.cpso.on.ca/en/Public/Public-Information/Compliment-a-physician

or by email direct to feedback@cpso.on.ca

We’re also grateful if you please paste your report to the CPSO in the comment section at the bottom of this post.

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a90dd8 No.127733

File: a64b298c107f98d⋯.png (1.43 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19874116 (070545ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Albertan parliamentarians applaud Hamas sympathizer, Taliban apologist

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Albertan parliamentarians applaud Hamas sympathizer, Taliban apologist


A controversial Islamic cleric who referred to Palestinian militants as “so-called terrorists,” and who also called for the world to give the Taliban the “benefit of the doubt,” has been honoured with a standing ovation by Albertan Parliamentarians.

Albertan parliamentarians applaud Hamas sympathizer, Taliban apologist

On Tuesday, Dr. Musharraf Hussain was invited as an honoured guest of the Albertan Legislative Assembly by Rod Loyola, MLA for Edmonton-Ellerslie. Loyola is an immigrant from Chile who recently converted to Islam and is known to espouse extreme communist views.

“Please rise, and give them the warm welcome of this assembly,” Loyola said as he introduced Hussain and two other individuals.

The invitation is particularly alarming in the wake of Hamas’ October attack on Israel, which resulted in around 1,300 deaths and 3,300 injured. It is even more shocking that it was allowed to happen following the Speaker of the House of Commons inviting an SS officer for a similar applause earlier this autumn, as well as the fact that Canada has labelled Hamas a terrorist organization. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127734

File: 56bece25b29832e⋯.png (541.46 KB,624x417,208:139,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19875539 (071508ZNOV23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Is the Olena Zelenska Foundation covering for sex trafficking?

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Olena Zelenska’s Organization Accused of Child Trafficking Scandal, Insider Confesses


Under the Cloak of Aid: Disturbing Allegations of Child Trafficking Linked to First Lady of Ukraine's Charity

In a series of harrowing allegations that could send shockwaves through international diplomatic and charitable circles, the foundation led by Olena Zelenska, the First Lady of Ukraine, is now facing severe scrutiny. Accusations have emerged that the organization, under the guise of rescuing war-impacted children, has been covertly involved in child trafficking, with some victims purportedly ending up in the hands of pedophiles across Europe.

Last fall, amidst the grandeur of the Metropolitan Opera in New York City, Olena Zelenska, accompanied by the likes of Hillary Clinton, UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly, and Hollywood’s own Matt Damon, heralded the launch of her eponymous charity foundation. Aimed at rehabilitating Ukraine’s human capital, the foundation’s stated goals included rebuilding the nation’s healthcare and education sectors, with a particular focus on aiding orphaned children.

The foundation’s website portrays a beacon of hope — support for the displaced and endangered children of Ukraine’s conflict zones being a cornerstone. Mrs. Zelenska herself has frequently spoken of her heartfelt commitment to safeguarding the nation’s youth, even asserting in an interview with the Australian Financial Review that part of the foundation’s remit involved transferring children to safer locations abroad.

However, a video confession published on YouTube by a man claiming to be a former employee of the foundation has cast a long, unsettling shadow over these purportedly altruistic efforts. The individual in question, speaking in French, identified himself as a driver for the Zelenska Foundation, showing what appeared to be an employee ID card. His testimony alleges that he transported groups of children from Ukraine to purportedly safe orphanages and affluent host families in France, Germany, and the UK. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19875569 (071514ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Premiers united in opposition to Trudeau’s selective carbon tax approach

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Premiers united in opposition to Trudeau’s selective carbon tax approach


Canada’s provincial and territorial leaders gathered in Halifax to address growing concerns about the federal government’s selective approach to the carbon tax, with a unanimous call for fairness to ensure all provinces are treated equitably.

Premiers from across the nation expressed apprehension over what they view as unequal treatment of Canadians after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a temporary exemption to the federal levy for home heating oil.

The exemption mainly benefits Atlantic Canadians, who typically elect Liberal MPs.

“All this is doing is causing unfairness, making life unaffordable, and really harming the most vulnerable going into the winter season,” Alberta Premier Danielle Smith said at a press conference Monday. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127736

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19875616 (071523ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Ratio’d: Don Cherry was right about the poppy (video)

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Ratio’d | Don Cherry was right about the poppy


In 2019, Don Cherry was fired by Rogers and the CBC for saying publicly what so many Canadians know to be true but don’t have the courage to say publicly — fewer people in Canada’s large cities wear the poppy during the Remembrance period. Further, too many in this country take our freedoms for granted and don’t even pay a few dollars once a year to honour those who gave their lives for this country.

Hockey Night in Canada, once Canada’s flagship television program, is now a complete woke disaster on a regular basis, with Ron Maclean constantly lecturing Canadians about “white privilege” and “systemic racism” in hockey.

On the latest episode of Ratio’d, Harrison Faulkner looks back on some of Grapes’ greatest hits.

Plus, a preview of a special Remembrance Day episode of Ratio’d!

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a90dd8 No.127737

File: 341b9a51973047b⋯.png (1.02 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19875646 (071532ZNOV23) Notable: Tucker Carlson to appear at Calgary event with Danielle Smith January 24

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Tucker Carlson to appear at Calgary event with Danielle Smith


Less than a year after making headlines for calling to “liberate Canada,” Tucker Carlson is coming here.

The former Fox News primetime personality, who now hosts a show on X (formerly Twitter), will be appearing on stage at Calgary’s Telus Convention Centre Jan. 24, joined by former Dragons’ Den star Brett Wilson and Alberta Premier Danielle Smith.

TP Events organizer Christian Darbyshire said Carlson is a big personality who always draws big crowds.

“We are excited to produce Tucker Carlson’s Calgary show. Tucker Carlson has become huge in pop culture and draws massive crowds wherever he goes,” Darbyshire told True North.

“His show on X garners tens of millions and sometimes hundreds of millions of views. Calgary will be an exciting addition for all his fans.”

Other A-list speakers hosted by TP Events include former US presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush. The company has also hosted an event with former UK prime minister Tony Blair and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.

Other speakers include Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneres, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Stephen Hawking.

The lunch event will feature remarks by Carlson followed by a Q&A with him and Wilson and then a conversation between him and Smith. Continue...

More information can be found here. https://tuckercarlsonevents.com/

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a90dd8 No.127738

File: 4a1925f6d373230⋯.png (1.24 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19875703 (071545ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Jewish union members file human rights complaint against CUPE, alleging antisemitism

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Jewish union members file human rights complaint against CUPE, alleging antisemitism


Jewish members of an Ontario public sector are pushing back against what they see as antisemitism and systemic discrimination in the leadership.

Twenty-five Jewish members of CUPE Ontario have filed a human rights complaint against the union and its president, Fred Hahn.

The complaint, filed by lawyer Kathryn Marshall, comes in the wake of remarks Hahn made after Hamas’ October 7 terrorist attack against Israel, seemingly praising it as “resistance.”

Among the points of contention, union members took issue with Hahn’s post on X (formerly Twitter) in which he expressed gratitude for the “power of resistance around the globe.”

The complaint also alleges that Hahn posted a picture to Instagram parroting the chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” an inflammatory chant calling for the elimination of the state of Israel and its citizens from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean Sea.

The complaint also addresses CUPE 3906’s now-deleted X post praising Hamas’ attack against Israeli civilians on October 7.

“In posting these comments, the Respondents were celebrating the murder and rape of Jewish children and civilians, calling it justified and promoting violence and discrimination against Jewish people,” reads the complaint.

In a comment to True North, Hahn said he has not seen a copy of the complaint, but affirmed CUPE Ontario’s commitment to human rights.

“CUPE Ontario hasn’t seen the complaint and therefore can’t speak to the allegations made,” said Hahn.

“However, our union understands the fundamental importance of human rights and we take these matters very seriously. We firmly believe there has been no violation of Ontario’s Human Rights Code and in any forum we will be happy to stand on our record of fighting discrimination and oppression in all their forms.”

Beyond CUPE Ontario’s comments expressing solidarity for Hamas’ attack on Israelis, the complaint also alleges a “long pattern” of hostility towards Jewish members of the union. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127739

File: 91c2ea811d222c2⋯.png (1.83 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19875756 (071556ZNOV23) Notable: Consultants advised feds on saving money on consultants

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Consultants advised feds on saving money on consultants


Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland clarified August 22 that 'savings' meant reallocating spending to other programs. Treasury Board President Anita Anand concurred with Freeland.

Ottawa spent $700,000 on consultants for advice on cutting costs on consultants. Yeah, you read that right. Noticeably absent from the tips and tricks offered by the paid experts are cutting consultancy costs.

“This is about smarter, not smaller, government,” explained Treasury Board President Anita Anand.

The details of the third-party contracts became public through an order paper question posed by NDP MP Gord Johns, reported Blacklock's Reporter.

According to documents tabled in the House of Commons, KPMG, one of the management companies contracted by federal managers, assisted Natural Resources Canada “to develop recommendations that could be considered as options to ensure Canadians’ tax dollars are being used efficiently and being invested in the priorities that matter most to them.”

KPMG received $669,650 for their cost-cutting suggestions. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127740

File: cbe45b5759c0c5b⋯.png (1.11 MB,980x558,490:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19875798 (071605ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Protesters at Toronto's 'March for Gaza' call for Israel's elimination and boycotting of Jewish-owned business

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Protesters at Toronto's 'March for Gaza' call for Israel's elimination and boycotting of Jewish-owned business


Pro-Palestine protesters took to the streets of the city’s downtown core with anti-semitic messages and hate for the ‘Zionists’, including Aroma Cafe, which was vandalized and faced calls to be boycotted for its Israeli owners. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127741

File: 8373b2a78693da2⋯.png (2.35 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19875815 (071608ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Thousands take part in Edmonton anti-Israel march

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Thousands take part in Edmonton anti-Israel march


Israel is currently executing a targeted military operation against the Hamas terrorists who control the Gaza Strip.

The demonstrators gathered in Churchill Square, in the shadow of city hall, before taking to the streets of the capital city, chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” The slogan is considered to be a call to genocide.

The Saturday afternoon protest was part of a larger movement called “The 100k March for Gaza”, which calls for an end to the state of Israel. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127742

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19875853 (071617ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Feds confirm $150 million loss from 'unfulfilled' COVID jab deal with Medicago

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Feds confirm $150 million loss from 'unfulfilled' COVID jab deal with Medicago


The feds signed advance purchase agreements with seven vaccine manufacturers before their jabs received approval from Health Canada. They have refused to disclose the amounts paid for the COVID jabs.

Taxpayers lost a whopping $150 million to a failed COVID-19 jab manufacturer, confirmed the federal government.

Health Canada spokesperson Chris Aoun told the National Post Friday the government signed an "unfulfilled contract" with Québec-based Medicago at the onset of the COVID pandemic.

The feds sent the company a non-refundable advance payment of $150 million to reserve 76 million doses for consumption.

Medicago also received $173 million to fund COVID jab research and development, including expansion efforts at its manufacturing facility in Québec City.

"To secure early access to safe and effective vaccines for everyone eligible to be vaccinated in the county, the Government of Canada set up advance purchase agreements with several manufacturers," said Aoun, one of seven the government signed with vaccine manufacturers.

Including Medicago, the feds signed agreements with Moderna (up to 44 million doses), Pfizer-BioNTech (up to 51 million), Johnson and Johnson (up to 38 million), Novovax (up to 76 million), Sanofi-GlaxoSmithKline (up to 72 million), and AstraZeneca (20 million).

At the time, the feds did not know if any of the vaccines would receive approval from Health Canada. Officials have repeatedly refused to disclose the amounts paid for any of those vaccines.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, industry rates from all vaccine manufacturers ranged from $14.50 per dose in the European Union to $19.50 in the United States. In a December 6 report, Canada's Auditor General said costs averaged about $30 per dose.

Ultimately, the Medicago contract never panned out as the World Health Organization (WHO) refused to accept its vaccine for emergency use last year. In February, the company terminated the contract "by mutual consent," citing "significant changes" to the vaccine market.

Auon confirmed "Medicago was released of its obligations" in the advance contract.

"Another $150 million in taxpayer waste appears to have vanished. The Public Health Agency of Canada and the Minister of Health report to this committee and must be accountable," reads a letter penned by Conservative and Bloc MPs on the health committee. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127743

File: 5e36858a01c13a7⋯.png (3.64 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19875892 (071625ZNOV23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Convoy to protest Dr. Anthony Fauci’s visit to Canada

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Convoy to protest Dr. Anthony Fauci’s visit to Canada


The former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who promoted mRNA vaccines, is expected to face protesters during his talk in Hamilton, Ontario.

The Laborers' International Union of North America and St. Joseph's Healthcare Foundation are hosting “An Evening With Dr. Anthony Fauci” for $300 per ticket, while freedom protesters plan a convoy to send a message.

Fauci will be at LiUNA Station on James Street North in Hamilton, Ontario. A graphic released by a freedom-oriented activist group on Instagram, “convoyniagara”, which previously participated in the 2022 Freedom Convoy to Ottawa to protest Canada's COVID restrictions, is now calling for participants to join a convoy from Grimsby to Hamilton, Ontario, in the mid-afternoon. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127744

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19875918 (071630ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Professor Didier Raoult, infectious disease specialist and microbiologist (video)

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Professor Didier Raoult: The greatest lie of the century (Part 3: The final chapter)


In the concluding segment of the interview conducted on October 6, we explore the insights of Professor Didier Raoult, a distinguished authority in the fields of infectious diseases and microbiology. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127745

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19875936 (071633ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / COVID-19 vaccines' fertility and genetic threat uncovered as scientific inquiry into #PlasmidGate continues (video)

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COVID-19 vaccines' fertility and genetic threat uncovered as scientific inquiry into #PlasmidGate continues


The long-term implications of novel COVID-19 mRNA injections remain a topic of scrutiny as researchers continue to delve into vial impurities and manufacturing alterations, leaving more questions than answers as to the impacts on fertility and genetic toxicity. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127746

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19875953 (071636ZNOV23) Notable: Human trafficking whistleblower still sounding the alarm on government-funded trafficking of migrant children (videeo)

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Human trafficking whistleblower still sounding the alarm on government-funded trafficking of migrant children


Rebel News’ Drea Humphrey interviews Tara Rodas, the Department of Health and Human Services whistleblower who exposed taxpayer-funded child trafficking and is sounding the alarm over the 85,000 migrant children who have gone missing under the Biden administration. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127747

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19875979 (071643ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / 'What Hamas did on October 7th is literally just a small response': Anti-Israel protester speaks out in support of Hamas (video)

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'What Hamas did on October 7th is literally just a small response': Anti-Israel protester speaks out in support of Hamas


'Hamas is our freedom fighters,' said the anti-Israel protester in Ottawa.

On Saturday, November 4, a protest called the "100K March for Gaza" was held in front of Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Similar events occurred in other Canadian cities, such as Montreal and Toronto.

The protest was organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement, aiming to call for an immediate ceasefire, the lifting of the siege on Gaza, and an end to Canada's complicity in the ongoing conflict. This massive global Palestinian uprising comes in response to an attack by the Hamas terrorist organization on Israel on October 7, resulting in a subsequent war between Israel and Hamas, who govern the Gaza Strip. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127748

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19875995 (071648ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / McKenna claims 'climate Barbie' moniker was on her mind when negotiating Paris Accord

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McKenna claims 'climate Barbie' moniker was on her mind when negotiating Paris Accord


Former Liberal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna admits to abusing her power to strike back at her critics, but she can't keep her stories straight.

Former Liberal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna told The Weather Network's Saphia Khambalia that the so-called "hateful" nickname was the fuel behind her resolve in negotiating the United Nation's punishing climate agreement.

“The funny thing is, I feel like I was like, 'I'm not giving anyone the satisfaction of me giving up'. I'm just not; it's not my personality, the person I was, I'm like doubling down, which may be too much, but I was like, forget it. This is so important. That's the basis of the Paris Agreement: that everyone has committed to a temperature goal of 1.5 [degrees]. And everyone is committed to doing their part themselves, too. And it did set the stage.”

McKenna admits to abusing her power to strike back at her critics, but she can't keep her stories straight. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127749

File: 6e95d2ea5f1c940⋯.png (1.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19876008 (071651ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Female powerlifter faces 2-year suspension from the Canadian Powerlifting Union

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Female powerlifter faces 2-year suspension from the Canadian Powerlifting Union


'BREAKING: I now face a 2-year ban by the CPU for speaking publicly about the unfairness of biological males being allowed to taunt female competitors & loot their winnings,' said April Hutchison. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127750

File: 2d1d945c085ffc1⋯.png (2.25 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 40e55f2cea2eb52⋯.png (859.5 KB,600x800,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 32b5c9b575fbbe8⋯.png (483.19 KB,616x386,308:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 99353b129f71f2c⋯.png (2.04 MB,990x1200,33:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19876032 (071657ZNOV23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Nashville Trans School Shooter (video)

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Nashville Trans School Shooter’s Manifesto Reveals She Made a 10 Minute “Final Video”, Where is It?


As The Gateway Pundit reported, Steven Crowder, the host of Louder with Crowder, has exclusively obtained the first three pages from the purported manifesto of transgender Nashville shooter Audrey Hale.

In a post on X, Crowder announced, “Our Mug Club Undercover team has obtained exclusive access to the Nashville Covenant shooter’s manifesto.”

Crowder proceeded to release the first three pages of the manifesto, which was titled “DEATH DAY.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127751

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19876041 (071659ZNOV23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Nashville Trans School Shooter (video)

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LEAKED MANIFESTO PROVES Trans Nashville Shooter Was BRAINWASHED LEFTIST Who Hated “White Privilege”


The Nashville transgender shooter wrote a manifesto that was being withheld by police which begged the question as to what they are hiding or what they don’t want the public to know about in regards to her motives in killing 3 children and 3 adults at her former Christian School.

Three pages of the manifesto have just been leaked by Louder with Crowder proving that Audrey Hale was a highly brainwashed leftist who was taught to hate capitalism and the white race.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers all three pages of the leaked manifesto while also exposing the myth that is “white privilege” and how that ideology is leading to terrorism.

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a90dd8 No.127752

File: e0ce6a45d7f58b9⋯.png (757.09 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19877336 (072152ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Brazil’s Lula regime to cut welfare payments for children who don’t get COVID shot

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Brazil’s Lula regime to cut welfare payments for children who don’t get COVID shot


‘Families not complying face hefty fines, loss of social aids like ‘Bolsa Família’, or worse, having their children taken away,’ said Dr. Simon Goddek.

The government of Brazil is threatening to cut welfare payments if parents refuse to give their children the dangerous and ineffective COVID-19 injections once a year.

The government-owned news agency Agencia Brasil reported that the COVID injections will be added to the National Immunization Program (PNI), making the shots mandatory for children aged six months to five years, starting in 2024, even though numerous studies have shown that COVID poses virtually no risk to children.

COVID jabs are linked to various serious and life-threatening side effects that have resulted in the deaths of children and young people around the world.

Data shows that the death rate from the COVID virus for children in the U.S. is as low as 0.00-0.03%.

Families who do not comply with the mandate will not receive any welfare payments, including from the family program “Bolsa Família,” scientist and journalist Dr. Simon Goddek, who lives in Brazil, reported. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127753

File: c4ce96329094339⋯.png (586.11 KB,811x500,811:500,Clipboard.png)

File: a9413b4cfdf253f⋯.png (93.06 KB,861x577,861:577,Clipboard.png)

File: 074c4472497c8cd⋯.png (514.49 KB,720x751,720:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19877454 (072224ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Mark Carney could be an even worse prime minister than Trudeau: here’s why

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Mark Carney could be an even worse prime minister than Trudeau: here’s why


The former Bank of Canada governor is a longtime supporter of anti-family values, including abortion and the LGBT agenda, and pushes for net-zero emissions.

Former Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney may become the new Liberal leader, which could plunge the country into another term of anti-family and anti-freedom laws.

On November 2, Carney, also the former governor of the Bank of England, told the Globe and Mail that he may replace Prime Minster Justin Trudeau as leader of the Liberal Party.

“It’s not a decision that I need to take now,” he said, adding that he has not ruled out running in 2025.

Carney also indirectly took aim at Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre, who has seen a recent surge in support from Canadians.

“You have to have a plan, not slogans,” Carney argued. “We need to continue to raise the bar here in Canada, and if you know a party is coming in front of Canadians, whenever the next election is, without a plan, with just slogans, that’s irresponsible.”

“You can have in effect slogans that sound good, that sound appealing, that ultimately are detrimental,” he added. “I’m the one in the conversation who’s actually been in business, who actually is in business, and makes decisions.”

“I’m not a lifelong politician. You tend to see people who – often – are lifelong politicians have a very simplistic view of markets. They don’t understand how decisions are really made. They don’t understand how things are interconnected.”

While Trudeau is set to lead the Liberal Party in the 2025 election, many, including Liberals, are calling for him to be replaced amid his increasingly low polling results.

While some have suggested Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, her popularity has taken a fall after she was discovered to come from a family with professional ties to Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party as well as having connections to infamous globalist oligarch George Soros.

The most likely replacement is Carney, who is not an elected politician but has had a steady influence on Canada as the governor of the Bank of Canada and now as the chair of Brookfield Asset Management and the United Nations special envoy on climate action. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127754

File: 770c7d900bce327⋯.png (745.32 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19878038 (080024ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Why Israel wants to dump Palestinian refugees on a Western nation

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Why Israel wants to dump Palestinian refugees on a Western nation


An early plan leaked from the Israeli government suggests Canada as a possible final destination for those displaced by the Gaza war

Israel’s Intelligence Ministry has come up with a creative solution for dealing with those displaced by the Gaza conflict, of which there are an estimated 1.4 million and counting: Go west — all the way to Canada.

As Gaza residents were being directed by Israel to clear out and move towards the southern border with Egypt – while the IDF pelted the northern part of the enclave, where most Hamas forces are reportedly concentrated, with missiles – one of the big questions some of us asked was where over 2 million Palestinians would possibly go.

Thanks to a leaked Israeli government document, dated October 13 and published by Israeli news site Sicha Mekomit, there’s now some insight into what at least some Israeli government officials have been floating. This paper, which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office says presents “initial thoughts” that won’t be considered until the war is over, envisions the refugees heading to Egypt first. But, because Egypt has previously refused to absorb Gaza residents, it may ultimately just end up being used as a staging ground for their mass relocation to other countries. The proposal is for Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates to at least provide financial support for this mass displacement, if not offer to take in some refugees themselves, either in the short or long term.

But the real kicker is that one particular Western country – way over on the other side of the world from the conflict – is singled out for its “lenient” immigration policy, making it a place where Israeli officials figure the displaced Palestinians could feasibly be resettled. And that country is Canada. Because despite its strict points-based immigration system that selects for potential newcomers based on their skills and education, Canada still clearly has a reputation for being a refugee welcome mat – even though today’s reality is a far cry from this perception. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127755

File: d2c99a8eca7f0ba⋯.png (2.43 MB,1668x838,834:419,Clipboard.png)

File: 22a6bd3b42df34c⋯.png (2.71 MB,1428x952,3:2,Clipboard.png)

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File: d8febaefa23b52d⋯.png (2.61 MB,1354x918,677:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19879014 (080345ZNOV23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Is the Olena Zelenska Foundation covering for sex trafficking?

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Is the Olena Zelenska Foundation covering for sex trafficking?


After the Maidan coup, Ukraine has become a bonanza for criminals and grifters. One of the preferred ways to turn the suffering of Ukraine into money is by operating a NGO or charity in the country. A pro-western NGO will be showered with unaccountable money from it’s patrons with little to no expectation of any real benefit. At their best, these NGOs serve as a conduit for western money laundering operations, but often they are a cover for something even more nefarious. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127756

File: 067a2fef8bc61b8⋯.png (386.13 KB,585x300,39:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19879489 (080517ZNOV23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Is the Olena Zelenska Foundation covering for sex trafficking?

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Preying on children: Olena Zelenska foundation involved in child trafficking schemes

Robert Schmidt managed to discover, that Olena Zelenska’s charity foundation sends orphaned children to the West under the guise of a noble mission of saving minors from the military conflict. A complex investigation uncovered that under the cover of evacuational activities tens of children were taken from Ukraine, many of whom ended up in pedophile networks. According to a sensational confession from a foundation employee, Zelenska’s non-profit organization has systematically transferred children to pedophiles in France, the UK, and Germany. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127757

File: f14748ec31c8774⋯.png (1.65 MB,814x1004,407:502,Clipboard.png)

File: bb061351689430b⋯.png (1.05 MB,945x649,945:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19881083 (081448ZNOV23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Is the Olena Zelenska Foundation covering for sex trafficking?

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Forgot the link.


Yes it's just a accusation but where there's smoke there's fire, look at who's involved!

Need to keep an eye on this is the point.

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a90dd8 No.127758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19881277 (081528ZNOV23) Notable: Palki SharmaL Iran's President Raisi to Visit Saudi Arabia for Talks? (video)

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Iran's President Raisi to Visit Saudi Arabia for Talks? | Vantage with Palki Sharma


Iran's president Ebrahim Raisi will reportedly attend the OIC summit in Saudi Arabia on Sunday.

It will be Raisi's first visit to the kingdom after taking office, also the first since Riyadh and Tehran cut off formal relations in 2016.

What does this Iran-Saudi reset for the region and the US?

Palki Sharma tells you.

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a90dd8 No.127759

File: f3b1b1967c16c2e⋯.png (345.96 KB,630x420,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19881305 (081535ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Hezbollah announced its readiness to destroy an American aircraft carrier group off its shores with Noor missiles

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Hezbollah announced its readiness to destroy an American aircraft carrier group off its shores with Noor missiles


In the context of rising tensions in the Middle East and support for Israel from the United States, which sent a second aircraft carrier to the region, the Lebanese group Hezbollah showed off its Noor anti-ship missiles. The publication of a video with launchers can be considered as a warning to the United States about Hezbollah’s readiness to respond to Israeli actions.

The Iranian-made Noor anti-ship missile is a modification of the Chinese C-802 missile and has a target engagement range of up to 120 kilometers at a speed of Mach 0,9. The missile is equipped with a semi-armor-piercing warhead weighing 155 kg, which makes it a significant threat to sea vessels.

Hezbollah, which already had experience in using this type of weapon, has not yet demonstrated significant success in its use. However, the current demonstration of combat capabilities may indicate an intention to increase military pressure in response to increased American military support for Israel.

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a90dd8 No.127760

File: 22d22bfc36e74c6⋯.png (1.26 MB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19881404 (081556ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One / Assassination attempt was carried out against Palestine president Mahmoud Abbas

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Assassination attempt was carried out against Palestine president Mahmoud Abbas


An organized attempt to assassinate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas took place on Tuesday after the leader was handed a 24-hour ultimatum by the “Sons of Abu Jandal”.

The group, who were created within the West Bank’s Palestinian security system to take action against Israel, claimed credit for the incident on Abbas’ convoy. One of Abbas’ bodyguards was reportedly shot dead during the attack.

The ‘Son of Abu Jandal’ has ordered the president to declare a “global war against the Zionist occupation”. It comes just a day after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken took his diplomatic push on the Israel-Hamas war to the occupied West Bank on Sunday,

trying to assure Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that the Biden administration was intensifying efforts to ease the plight of Gaza’s civilians and insisting that Palestinians must have a main say in whatever comes next for the territory after the conflict. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127761

File: a6abfc2067068be⋯.png (798.78 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19881507 (081624ZNOV23) Notable: Thousands are lining up for Elon Musk’s brain chip implants?

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Thousands are lining up for Elon Musk’s brain chip implants


Thousands of people have expressed interest in receiving one of Neuralink’s brain implants, according to a recent Bloomberg report from one of Elon Musk’s biographers, Ashlee Vance.

Neuralink, which Musk co-founded in 2016, has yet to implant its device in a human but aims to operate on 11 people next year and over 22,000 by 2030, according to Vance, who said he visited the company’s facilities 10 times over the course of three years.

Earlier this year, the US Food and Drug Administration gave Neuralink approval to launch human trials of its device, which Musk has described as a “Fitbit in your skull.”

The FDA had previously rejected Neuralink’s bid for human testing in March, Reuters reported, citing safety concerns, including that the wires connected to the brain chip could move around within a subject’s head or that the chip could potentially overheat.

In September, the company began recruiting for its very first human trial. Neuralink said in a blog post that it was looking for people who had paralysis in all four limbs due to a spinal cord injury or ALS. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127762

File: 423702896cbb774⋯.png (812.29 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19881660 (081703ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Federally-funded “anti-hate” group only covers hate from “extreme right,” founder says

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Federally-funded “anti-hate” group only covers hate from “extreme right,” founder says


A federally-funded “anti-hate” organization says its relative silence on weeks of antisemitism has been because it only has the resources to focus on hate from the “extreme right.”

Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN) founding chair Bernie Farber made the admission on X in response to a post criticizing the organization for its silence on the recent wave of antisemitism following a terrorist attack on Israelis.

“It’s been a month since the terrorist attack on Israelis. This is the first post from anti-hate since then. I know your views because I’ve grown up knowing you. But it’s not just me calling this out,” posted the user, Ariella Kimmel.

“Ariella, antihate.ca focuses on the extreme right. That is what it does. I wish we had the resources to do more. We just don’t,” replied Farber.

The organization has faced weeks of criticism for its sparse reporting on the ongoing anti-Israel protests engulfing Canada.

Farber’s admission sparked a backlash on social media. True North’s Andrew Lawton criticized Farber’s selective focus.

“Canada’s leading anti-hate activist, Bernie Farber, says (CAHN’s) silence on a month of antisemitism has been because they only focus on the ‘extreme right.’ Thanks for admitting this is all coming from the left then, Bernie!”, posted Lawton. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127763

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19881713 (081717ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / LAWTON: Why is Canada so woke? (video)

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LAWTON: Why is Canada so woke?


In recent years, Canada has emerged as a global leader in “wokeness,” earning itself a reputation as one of the most woke countries in the world. Professor Eric Kaufmann spoke with True North’s Andrew Lawton at the ARC Forum about the cultural and political shifts that have contributed to this phenomenon, and why it hasn’t had the same level of impact on countries like England.

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a90dd8 No.127764

File: c338202bfc885ea⋯.png (674.38 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19881751 (081727ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Canada won’t meet climate targets despite carbon tax: Environment Commissioner

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Canada won’t meet climate targets despite carbon tax: Environment Commissioner


Despite the Liberal’s punitive carbon taxes on Canadians, a recent report by Canada’s Environment Commissioner shows that Canada will not meet its climate targets.

Environment and Sustainable Development Commissioner Jerry V. DeMarco’s Nov. 7, 2023 report concluded that the Liberal government’s climate plan is insufficient to meet its 2030 emission reduction target.

The report highlighted that from 1990 to 2021, Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions have increased by 13.9%, marking the worst performance in the G7 as other member countries have all seen decreases.

Additionally, the report indicated the changes between 2005 and 2021. During this timeframe, Canada has seen an 8% decrease in emissions, the smallest reduction among its peers.

In March 2022, the federal government published the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan, the first plan under the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act.

The Act requires the Commissioner to report by the end of 2023 on the implementation of the measures aimed at mitigating climate change.

“With the urgent need for rapid, deep emission cuts in Canada’s fight against catastrophic climate change, we decided to begin reporting in fall 2023, more than a year earlier than required,” the report stated. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127765

File: 7b53fe1e1857947⋯.png (1.11 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19881864 (081756ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two / Social media “another front” in war with Hamas: IDF official

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Social media “another front” in war with Hamas: IDF official


In a closed door screening of footage from the October 7 terrorist attack in Israel, a senior Israel Defense Forces official told reporters at Israel’s consulate in Toronto that social media is another front in the country’s ongoing war against Hamas.

The senior IDF official, who spoke on the condition that he remain anonymous, told the room of approximately 20 invited journalists that Israel’s objective in showing the grizzly footage was to give everyone in the room “a better understanding of what our enemy looks like and why we fight.”

When asked about the ongoing propaganda war between Israel and Hamas, the IDF official told reporters that Israel had to learn from the Al-Ahli hospital explosion.

The official conceded that Israel was too slow to respond to what he described as the fake news and propaganda that immediately circulated on social media, which wrongly blamed Israel for intentionally bombing the hospital.

Israel has denied all involvement and blamed the explosion outside the hospital on a misfired Islamic Jihad rocket fired from inside Gaza.

The official reiterated that Israel wants the world to know “that Israel is not at war with the Palestinian people,” but rather with Hamas. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127766

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19881980 (081824ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Liberals cheer on World Health Organization’s attempts at global health control

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Liberals cheer on World Health Organization’s attempts at global health control


As Canadians grow increasingly skeptical of the global health authority known as the World Health Organization, the Liberal government remains unwavering in its commitment to strengthening the regime's centralized mandate.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and its vast influence played a pivotal role during the COVID-19 response, but its recommendations had far-reaching and detrimental consequences. These included economic harm and social fabric breakdown, primarily in developed nations.

Yet the agency continues to strengthen its mandate with the support of member states, including Canada, with next to zero reflection on how its policy impositions harmed populations.

Concerned citizens have been criticizing this “strengthening” as a power grab — a global health coup d’état if you will — made possible through two different railroading efforts.

The first is by railroading member states through amendments to its legally binding “International Health Regulations” (IHR). The other is through a new pandemic treaty.

These two avenues are being condemned for having the potential to undermine the health decision-making sovereignty of independent nations, but the power-loving illiberal Justin Trudeau Liberals seem to be big fans of this development. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127767

File: 8145e558b45bb47⋯.png (2.8 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ba2c028441c31a⋯.png (301.26 KB,610x358,305:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 6724286006d0263⋯.png (505.78 KB,680x408,5:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 4419322a9f564a3⋯.png (250.42 KB,620x349,620:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19882111 (081900ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Conservatives demand an accounting of unfulfilled vaccine contract

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Conservatives demand an accounting of unfulfilled vaccine contract


Covifenz was proposed to be a 'plant-based' vaccine, and the sale of Phillip Morris' shares of the company was promised to help the vaccine reach international markets. However, the company's Quebec facility closed just 30 days later.

At Monday's Commons Health Committee, conservative members implored their NDP colleagues to support a motion to investigate at least $150 million in losses related to an undelivered contract by COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer Medicago.

The vote on the motion is expected Wednesday.

Medicago was contracted to deliver 76 million doses of the company's proposed Covifenz vaccine and received $173 million in handouts to upgrade its existing manufacturing facility in Quebec City and develop the vaccine.

Medicago's facility was located in Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos' riding. The facility shuttered in February, leading to the layoff of 600 employees.

The company was paid $150 million in a non-refundable payment by the Canadian government as part of the contract, which was quietly terminated by "mutual consent."

The details of the losses were uncovered in an investigation by The National Post into losses posed by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Duclos had previously claimed allegations of waste within his ministry were "unfounded."

Medicago's emergency authorization of its vaccine was pulled after criticism of the company's partnership with tobacco company Philip Morris International Inc.

Philip Morris, the maker of Marlboro cigarettes, divested its 21% stake in Medicago in December 2022.

Covifenz was proposed to be a "plant-based" vaccine, and the sale of Phillip Morris' shares of the company was promised to get the vaccine to international markets. Instead, the company's Quebec facility closed just 30 days later.

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a90dd8 No.127768

File: 7cc2f8a79343651⋯.png (656.28 KB,774x440,387:220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19882154 (081912ZNOV23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / WORLD WAR III WATCH: NATO Members, Including US, Suspend Cold War-Era Arm Control Treaty Following Russian Withdrawal

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WORLD WAR III WATCH: NATO Members, Including US, Suspend Cold War-Era Arm Control Treaty Following Russian Withdrawal


On November 7, 2023, Russia formally withdrew from a landmark Cold War-era security treaty, the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty).

The CFE Treaty was signed in 1990 and came into force in 1992. It was designed to limit the number of conventional forces (tanks, artillery, armored vehicles, and combat aircraft) that could be deployed in Europe. The treaty also established a system of verification and inspections to ensure that all parties were complying with the terms of the treaty.

According to Russia’s foreign ministry, the treaty is now being “history” after the United States allegedly undermined post-Cold War security with NATO expansion. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127769

File: e98d09b8ec4b245⋯.png (332.16 KB,500x282,250:141,Clipboard.png)

File: 92e4ed374fbf2c4⋯.png (549.67 KB,500x565,100:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19882185 (081920ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Banned: Health Fan Favorite Becomes the Latest Victim of Trudeau’s Canada

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Banned: Health Fan Favorite Becomes the Latest Victim of Trudeau’s Canada


“The Trudeau government wants you sick. They want you [to be] dependent on big pharma. They want you dependent on their mRNA vaccines and their other drugs that they’re all heavily invested in,” warned Canadian oncologist and cancer researcher Dr. William Makis in a recent video. “This is how they’re going to get rich.”

“Eventually, the government is going to take away all supplements, all healthcare products, anything that you’re using to make yourself well and to restore your health.”

“How are they going to do this?” Dr. Makis asked. “They’re going to do it by burying the natural health industry in regulation,” he answered.

Here is how the arbitrary regulations work, as outlined by Dr. Makis:

• Penalties go from $5,000 a day to $5 million a day if you’re not compliant with the new Health Canada regulations.

• They’ve created an adverse event reporting system, not for mRNA products, but for natural health products.

• Once natural products hit a certain number of so-called adverse events, this will be a means of taking them off the market.

Trudeau’s Government Strikes Again Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127770

File: 8ae8f8f8305e9e3⋯.png (403.98 KB,500x320,25:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19882399 (082006ZNOV23) Notable: Bill Gates-Backed Metals Company Considering "Investing" In Mining In Congo

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Bill Gates-Backed Metals Company Considering "Investing" In Mining In Congo


Mr. Saving-Humanity-Singlehandedly-Myself Bill Gates is reportedly backing a mining startup that is getting close to "investing" in the Democratic Republic of Congo - which is, of course, a nice way to say, likely mining there.

The company, KoBold Metals, already is developing a copper project in Zambia, Bloomberg reported this week. Chief executive officer Kurt House said the company had already bid for one asset but didn't close a deal.

He told Bloomberg: “We think it is probably the best place in the world for the types of materials we’re looking for.”

KoBold is actively scouting international sites for fresh reserves of critical metals vital for the green-energy shift, the report says. The Congo, a leading cobalt supplier and major copper source, is poised for a surge in demand for these elements, essential for clean-energy systems and battery technology. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19882742 (082112ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Alberta seeks to strip unelected officials of decision-making power during health emergencies

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Alberta seeks to strip unelected officials of decision-making power during health emergencies


Bill 6 would prevent the province’s medical officer from having sole power to lock people down in their houses or mandate vaccines.

Alberta’s United Conservative Party (UCP) government under Premier Danielle Smith is looking to pass a new law that would hold politicians accountable in times of a health crisis by putting sole decision-making on them for health matters instead of unelected medical officers.

Last Tuesday, Bill 6, or the Public Health Amendment Act, was tabled for first reading in Alberta’s legislature by Justice Minister and Attorney General Mickey Amery.

The bill comes in direct response to a recent court ruling that declared certain public health orders effectively null.

At the end of July, Justice Barbara Romaine from Alberta’s Court of Kings Bench ruled that politicians violated the province’s health act by making decisions regarding COVID mandates without authorization.

The decision put into doubt all cases involving those facing non-criminal COVID-related charges in the province.

Bill 6 would make it so that the province’s medical officer would not be allowed to act as an official who has the sole power to lock people down in their houses or mandate certain things such as jabs.

Amery said about his bill in a press release that elected officials “have a responsibility to act in the best interests of Albertans and swear an oath to duly and faithfully execute the powers and trust imparted.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127772

File: 62decb329d2b599⋯.png (898.36 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19882792 (082124ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Canadian defense minister admits drastic decline in active-duty soldiers since COVID vaccine mandates

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Canadian defense minister admits drastic decline in active-duty soldiers since COVID vaccine mandates


One Canadian Armed Forces member told LifeSiteNews that the low recruitment and retainment numbers are a result of both COVID vaccine mandates and radical agendas.

Canadian officials have admitted that the nation’s military is shrinking to dangerously low numbers.

On November 1, Defence Minister Bill Blair revealed that more soldiers are leaving the Canadian Armed Forces than can be replaced by recruits, a trend which started after COVID vaccines were mandated for all military members, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

“There is a real challenge in the Canadian Armed Forces,” Blair said in Senate Question Period. “Over the last three years we’ve actually seen greater attrition, more people leaving the Forces than the Canadian Armed Forces has been able to recruit.”

“I think that may be the greatest challenge I face as the new defence minister, to do everything I can to support the Armed Forces in their efforts to recruit the talent we need and just as importantly to retain the excellent people they already have,” he added. “I have asked them to look very carefully at some of the impediments to recruitment and how long things have taken.”

Last December, the military launched a new recruitment program which would accept landed immigrants into the military and in return their citizenship applications would be sped up; however, Blair admitted that the program has not resulted in sufficient recruitment numbers. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127773

File: adc0a801df6bec7⋯.png (1.37 MB,999x1478,999:1478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19882974 (082200ZNOV23) Notable: Peter Schweizer’s Director of Research Set to Unveil Results of Two-Year Investigation into Gates, Zuckerberg, Soros

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Peter Schweizer’s Director of Research Set to Unveil Results of Two-Year Investigation into Gates, Zuckerberg, Soros


“Seamus Bruner’s newest investigation—Controligarchs—peers into the future and provides a haunting and revelatory exposé of the leftist elite’s playbook for the next five years,” Schweizer said.

Preeminent investigative journalist Seamus Bruner has worked with Peter Schweizer for more than twelve years. As Schweizer’s top researcher for over a decade, he led the teams behind runaway New York Times bestsellers Red-Handed, Profiles in Corruption, and Clinton Cash. These findings sparked multiple FBI investigations and congressional probes into the Clintons and the Bidens.

Bruner’s work has been featured on the front pages of every major publication from the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal to the New York Times and the Washington Post and appeared in multiple Fox News investigations and 60 Minutes exposés.

His last book, Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties (co-authored with veteran investigative journalist John Solomon), revealed new details about the Biden-Burisma bribery scandal. Furthermore, Fallout accurately predicted that if the Obama-Biden strategy of Russian appeasement—typified by scandals like Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One deal and Obama’s failed “Russia Reset”—were not abandoned, Russia would invade Ukraine.

Now Bruner is taking on his biggest targets yet in Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secrets Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127774

File: 3c096784f1e1139⋯.png (691.81 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 47184d01948fa76⋯.png (188.28 KB,363x586,363:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19883062 (082212ZNOV23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Petition launched in Canada to ban Tucker Carlson from entering the country

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Petition launched in Canada to ban Tucker Carlson from entering the country


Tucker Carlson will travel to Calgary on Jan. 24, 2024 to share an event with Alberta Premier Danielle Smith.

The news that Tucker Carlson, the former top-rated anchor on cable news, is coming to Calgary on Jan. 24, 2024 to share an event with Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has set off alarm bells throughout the Canadian Left.

It has even provoked a petition asking Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to ban Carlson from getting across the border into Canada.

Carlson is expected to speak and interview Smith.

The premier’s office has confirmed Smith’s presence at the event.

“The premier participates in a variety of public and private events and does interviews with dozens of reporters, broadcasters and podcasters from across the political spectrum,” press secretary Sam Blackett wrote.

“Obviously, she does not subscribe to every view of every interviewer or reporter she speaks with, whether that’s the CBC, the Toronto Star, or Tucker Carlson. The premier aims to share Alberta’s message with as many people as possible whether they’re from Alberta, Canada, or around the world.”

But Alberta New Democratic Party (NDP) leader Rachel Notley, who heads the official opposition in the province, urged Smith to cancel the event because Carlson “is not a credible figure.”

“The fact that our premier believes it’s appropriate to normalize the things this person would say by appearing on a stage with him demonstrates a profound lack of judgment on her part.”

“I would call on the premier to immediately cancel that planned appearance, because Albertans deserve better from their leadership,” she told reporters Tuesday.

Notley reiterated her shock and disgust Tuesday in a post on X: “Smith has restated her intent to meet with extremist Tucker Carlson.”

“By appearing on stage beside a person with such hateful, harmful views, Smith shows a total disregard for the negative consequences this will have on Alberta’s reputation, and casts severe doubt on her own.”

The NDP’s finance critic, Shannon Phillips, called Carlson “a pro-Putin white nationalist … so naturally Danielle Smith is scheduled to help him promote his event in Calgary in January.”

A petition on Change.org is begging Trudeau to ban Carlson from entering Canada.

“There's still time for Prime Minister Trudeau to do the right thing and deny Tucker Carlson, a citizen of the United States, conspiracy theorist, active supporter of Vladmir Putin, promoter of racism and hate monger, supporter of the January 6 insurrection, supporter of the rigged 2020 US elections conspiracy, a visa to enter Canada.”

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a90dd8 No.127775

File: 083ab692c7731be⋯.png (570.65 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f3322645620327⋯.png (125.21 KB,360x550,36:55,Clipboard.png)

File: 019ae165b33b307⋯.png (63.37 KB,722x455,722:455,Clipboard.png)

File: 7883f0433d36606⋯.png (273.32 KB,893x457,893:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19883650 (082353ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Final Fantasy singer Susan Calloway BANNED from Toronto game convention after liking posts by Riley Gaines, Jordan Peterson

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Final Fantasy singer Susan Calloway BANNED from Toronto game convention after liking posts by Riley Gaines, Jordan Peterson


She allegedly liked a post by Riley Gaines that advocated against men in women's sports.

Susan Calloway, a singer for Final Fantasy XIV, is no longer set to attend KupoCon, a Final Fantasy fan convention scheduled to be held in Toronto, after information surfaced about several liked posts from her X, formerly known as Twitter account. Notably, among those were posts from well-known female athlete Riley Gaines, who has routinely voiced her opposition to men participating in women's sports.

KupoCon posted an official statement on the matter to its website, in which it clarified that it decided to cancel Calloway's highly anticipated appearance.

"On Monday, it was brought to our attention that a series of offensive posts had been interacted with by Susan Calloway’s X account. This included comments and reactions. These interactions spanned almost a year. Promptly addressing this issue, we reached out to Susan for clarification, recognizing that her account had been previously hacked. Regrettably, the ensuing events triggered a wave of abusive comments directed not only at Susan and her supporters, but KupoCon, attendees and the KupoCon team."

"During that period, KupoCon and its affiliates encountered various threats, ranging from public messages to direct messages, and, in some extreme instances, recorded voice clips directed at staff members. Consequently, Susan chose to deactivate her account in response to the relentless abuse," continued the statement.

"Following direct communication with Susan, we outlined a series of measures, enabling her to identify potential unauthorized access to her account using the platform’s security and privacy tools. Subsequently, after thorough deliberation and consultation with our partners and security team, equally dismayed by the situation, a decision was made to withdraw her appearance in light of safety concerns. While Susan was of course disappointed, she has been understanding and we continue to keep an open dialogue with her."

The so-called "offensive posts" that were "liked" by Calloway's account included a Turning Point USA meme about socialist college students, a post by female athlete Riley Gaines advocating against men playing in women's sports matches, and other gender-related content. Calloway also followed Canadian psychologist and author Jordan Peterson. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127776

File: c6bf868a99b2b29⋯.png (1.78 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19885235 (090324ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Guilbeault says the quiet part out loud: 'I’m a proud socialist'

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Guilbeault says the quiet part out loud: 'I’m a proud socialist'


In April, Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault told CTV News the carbon tax is a wealth redistribution scheme, where the 'richest among us' pay more. '[That’s] exactly how the system was designed,' he said.

Ottawa’s climate czar proudly acknowledged his affinity for socialism during Parliamentary debate on the infamous carbon tax.

"I'm a Liberal and a proud socialist," Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault told MPs in response to a question from Conservative MP Ted Falk. "This reminds me of a certain quote from Prime Minister Harper who talked about the fight against climate change as a socialist plot," he added.

"They [Conservatives] do not believe that climate change is an issue. They do not believe we should do anything about it."

Socialism, where the government controls the means of production, is regarded by Marxists as a stepping-stone toward the abolition of all private property.

"After eight years, we now have the socialists, the separatists, and this prime minister who's just not worth the cost," said Falk. "They're all part of this costly carbon tax coalition that is leaving Canadians out in the cold." Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127777

File: 789b3da7d2cb787⋯.png (1.36 MB,1258x820,629:410,Clipboard.png)

File: f556eede895b8d7⋯.png (1.47 MB,1294x1398,647:699,Clipboard.png)

File: f08e4804942369d⋯.png (1006.04 KB,1002x950,501:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886761 (091435ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two / Journalists or Jihadists? Employees of American news agencies were embedded in plainclothes with Hamas during Oct 7 massacre

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Journalists or Jihadists? Employees of American news agencies were embedded in plainclothes with Hamas during Oct 7 massacre


Should the AP, CNN, and The New York Times face criminal repercussions?

Honest Reporting is out with an absolute bombshell of a story, revealing today that Gaza-based employees of the Associated Press (AP) and Reuters, who also do contract work for CNN and The New York Times, were embedded with Hamas during their killing spree across southern Israel.

The report asks many compelling questions:

What were they doing there so early on what would ordinarily have been a quiet Saturday morning? Was it coordinated with Hamas? Did the respectable wire services, which published their photos, approve of their presence inside enemy territory, together with the terrorist infiltrators? Did the photojournalists who freelance for other media, like CNN and The New York Times, notify these outlets? Judging from the pictures of lynching, kidnapping and storming of an Israeli kibbutz, it seems like the border has been breached not only physically, but also journalistically.

It seems plausible that these “journalists” had advance knowledge of the attack and did nothing to warn authorities of the planned massacre. Not only that, the photos and videos of that horrific day show that these photojournalists were embedded with Hamas without any apparel that identifies them as press. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127778

File: c735f230efa904f⋯.png (441.04 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886835 (091456ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two / Sperry: Hamas Ally CAIR Has Been Operating With Impunity Inside America For 30 Years

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Sperry: Hamas Ally CAIR Has Been Operating With Impunity Inside America For 30 Years


After Hamas massacred 1,400 men, women and children in Israel last month, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned that the terror group “and its allies” could inspire attacks on Americans "here on our own soil." He also told the Senate that the FBI is conducting “multiple, ongoing investigations” into people affiliated with the U.S.-designated terrorist group.

What Wray didn’t say is that the FBI has been investigating Hamas’ biggest ally in America for the past 30 years – without filing any charges. Launched in 1994 as a secret front organization to support Hamas, according to declassified FBI wiretap transcripts and FBI testimony, the Council on American-Islamic Relations has, in the decades since, become an accepted member of Washington’s lobbying community. The New York Times and other influential newspapers routinely describe CAIR as a “Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization.”

Although it has not repudiated its support for Hamas – which is committed to the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people – CAIR was enlisted by the Biden administration in May to take part in a White House initiative to fight antisemitism.

On Oct. 7, the day Hamas terrorists butchered 1,400 Jews, including 33 Americans – raping many and abducting some 240 others to Gaza from southern Israel – CAIR’s national executive director, Nihad Awad, delivered an anti-Israel message in Arabic which seemed to justify what Hamas did. Translated into English, it read: “All Arab peoples must go out on Sunday, Oct. 8 – and every day – in demonstrations in support of the Palestinians and in rejection of normalization with the occupier and the apartheid regime [Israel].” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127779

File: d6d224bc5c99bdc⋯.png (436.41 KB,622x346,311:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 28011a38f336c33⋯.png (948.61 KB,845x900,169:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886855 (091500ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two / Texas Journalist’s Home Repeatedly Visited by ‘Corrupt’ FBI for Exposing Possible Hamas Training Camp Near US-Mexico Border - FBI Demands In-Person Meeting to Disclose ‘Sources’

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Texas Journalist’s Home Repeatedly Visited by ‘Corrupt’ FBI for Exposing Possible Hamas Training Camp Near US-Mexico Border – FBI Demands In-Person Meeting to Disclose ‘Sources’ (VIDEO)


The sanctity of a free press and the protection of journalistic sources have come under direct fire in the Lone Star State, according to Sarah Fields, Director of Advocacy for the Texas Freedom Coalition and a reporter for The Publica, after exposing the possible existence of a Hamas training camp near the US-Mexico border.

Fields recently made public a harrowing account of ‘corrupt’ FBI agents arriving unannounced at her doorstep—not once, but twice—in a brazen attempt to intimidate and extract information about her confidential sources.

It began on October 17th when, according to Fields, FBI agents appeared at her doorstep while she was away. She recounts that the agents later contacted her, insisting on a private meeting at their local office to discuss her reporting—particularly stories related to war and the border. Fields, true to the ethos of journalistic integrity, refused.

“It became harassment after I didn’t show up to their private meeting,” said Fields. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127780

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886975 (091523ZNOV23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / UK Foreign Office Says Terrorists ‘Very Likely’ to Attempt an Attack in Canada

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UK Foreign Office Says Terrorists ‘Very Likely’ to Attempt an Attack in Canada


A department of the British government is warning potential travellers to Canada that there’s a high probability terrorists will try to conduct an attack in Canada.

“Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Canada,” says the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) in a travel advice notice. It adds there’s a “high threat of terrorist attack globally affecting UK interests and British nationals.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127781

File: a9ad0364fc50a3e⋯.png (855.81 KB,900x400,9:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b3ae7f39d50bca⋯.png (799.67 KB,807x567,269:189,Clipboard.png)

File: f87c4676fb0ff29⋯.png (803.91 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 1da4007f38aa1d3⋯.png (812.22 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: acee57e4a8855a6⋯.png (1.02 MB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887046 (091538ZNOV23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / A $34 billion market: How Ukrainian security forces make money by selling children to the West

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A $34 billion market: How Ukrainian security forces make money by selling children to the West


Director of the Department for Humanitarian Cooperation and Human Rights of the Russian Foreign Ministry Grigory Lukyantsev said that dozens of Ukrainian families are asking for help in finding their children forcibly taken to Europe. Who in Ukraine supports this business?

The situation is really scary. According to Russian experts, there are now more than 23,000 minor Ukrainian citizens in Europe, literally without supervision. These children can be considered Ukrainians conditionally: fifteen years ago, their parents did not know any other language other than Russian. Ukrainian citizens were prompted to turn to Russian diplomats by despair: the Kyiv authorities were indifferent to the problem.

And how could it be otherwise? After all, it was at the instigation of officials in Kyiv that the paramilitary organizations ‘White Angels’ and ‘Phoenix’ were formed, staffed by selected nationalists who hunt Ukrainian children. Westerners willingly went to them: firstly, they freed them from mobilization to the front. And secondly, it brought profit – at first, they paid up to two thousand dollars for a child taken to Europe. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127782

File: e56282b62a55816⋯.png (2.58 MB,1536x801,512:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887362 (091630ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Gates-Funded Plan to Vaccinate 86 Million Girls Against HPV Will ‘Unleash Mass Casualty Event,’ Critic Says

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Gates-Funded Plan to Vaccinate 86 Million Girls Against HPV Will ‘Unleash Mass Casualty Event,’ Critic Says


Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance is investing more than $600 million to reach its goal of vaccinating 86 million girls in low- and middle-income countries by 2025. The alliance is funded in large part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

An international campaign — funded in large part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — to inject tens of millions of young girls with the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is drawing fire from critics who allege the vaccine will cause far more harm than good.

Claiming the initiative will avert “over 1.4 million future deaths,” Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance announced it is investing more than $600 million to reach its goal of vaccinating 86 million girls in low- and middle-income countries by 2025.

The Gates Foundation co-founded Gavi and is one of its four permanent board members. UNICEF, the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO) — whose second-largest donor is Gates — hold the other permanent seats.

The Clinton Health Access Initiative also sits on the board.

James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., a critic of the global HPV vaccine campaign, suggested mass vaccination will cause a devastating number of serious side effects among young girls, even though there are still no studies showing the HPV vaccine prevents cancer, despite claims to the contrary by vaccine makers and public health officials.

Lyons-Weiler, head of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge, told The Defender:

“In 2009, we were told the Severe Adverse Event [SAE] rate of HPV vaccines was 6.5%. But a study we published in Science, Public Health Policy & The Law showed that the adverse events profile of the HPV vaccine is far worse than has been reported.

“Unleashing this vaccine on millions of girls and young women will lead to a mass casualty event these countries do not now have, and do not need. SAE’s will occur at the rate of 65,000 per million women vaccinated, and the claimed net benefits of the vaccine are just not there.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127783

File: 689fa08bfa0962c⋯.png (914.06 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887531 (091707ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Gov’s technology chief misled MPs about ArriveCan app contract: deputy minister

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Gov’s technology chief misled MPs about ArriveCan app contract: deputy minister


MPs were informed by a deputy minister that the Liberal government’s chief technology officer Minh Doan misled parliament during a committee testimony about the selection of GCStrategies in the bidding process to build the ArriveCan app.

On Tuesday, hearings were held by the Commons government operations committee to examine how the failed ArriveCan app ended up costing taxpayers over $54 million.

Health Canada’s assistant deputy minister Cameron MacDonald testified before the committee that he had a heated argument with then-Canada Border Services Agency’s (CBSA) vice president Doan in the month of October, 2022.

At the time, Macdonald was director-general at the agency and Doan was his superior. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127784

File: 6aff83a57dd2804⋯.png (1.33 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887559 (091712ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Liberal fertilizer plan could cost Western farmers $841 million: Sask. rural group

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Liberal fertilizer plan could cost Western farmers $841 million: Sask. rural group


A group representing rural municipalities in Saskatchewan projects that wheat and canola farmers in Western Canada could lose $841 million in revenues should they adopt the Liberal government’s 30% fertilizer emission reduction target.

The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) has raised a red flag over the federal government’s emission reduction strategy, which calls for a 30% absolute nitrogen fertilizer emission reduction below 2020 levels by 2030.

SARM claims the target has been imposed without prior consultation with the fertilizer industry or the farmers who would bear the brunt of its economic consequences.

“In 2021, Saskatchewan agriculture exports were the largest on record, with total international sales of $17.5 billion,” wrote SARM in a bulletin.

“This was put into jeopardy when the federal government signaled that it would require a reduction of nitrous oxide as a part of an emissions reduction strategy.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887593 (091718ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two / Student brawl breaks out at Concordia University over Israel-Hamas war

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Student brawl breaks out at Concordia University over Israel-Hamas war


Three people were injured and one arrested after a Concordia University brawl between students protesting the Israel-Hamas war.

Montreal police were called to the scene around 1:30 p.m. after three people were reported injured.

A 22-year-old woman was later arrested, according to Global News.

Numerous videos posted to social media show the altercation break out between pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian students.

The incident was the result of two separate student groups who held independent fundraising events to raise awareness about the conflict in close proximity to one another.

Student behaviour at the event began to escalate quickly and it took several hours for officials to break it up.

Montreal police confirmed that a 54-year-old, a student in their 20s and 19-year-old security guard were all injured in the skirmish Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127786

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887614 (091723ZNOV23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / UNESCO’s contradictory plan to suppress dissidence in the name of free expression (video)

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UNESCO’s contradictory plan to suppress dissidence in the name of free expression


UNESCO's global action plan for digital platforms, presented in the name of freedom of expression, raises skepticism as government control over online content stifles dissent and weakens democracy instead of safeguarding it.

There is a seemingly perpetual necessity proposed by unelected, unaccountable, globalist entities that the general public must be nannied. We are infantilized constantly and the powers that be continue on that path when attempting to manage online information.

Unelected, unaccountable globalist entities perpetually insist on the need to oversee and regulate public information online.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) unveiled its global action plan against “disinformation” online on Monday, November 6.

Called the “Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms,” the 59-page plan is intended to safeguard freedom of expression and access to information through a multistakeholder approach.

UNESCO’s Director General, Audrey Azoulay, took to X to share this “unprecedented consultation” with more than 10,000 contributions by 134 member states. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127787

File: d31ec61d09d3130⋯.png (1.87 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fe27e0beff04dc⋯.png (466.52 KB,545x737,545:737,Clipboard.png)

File: 99b68350dedb3ab⋯.png (194.8 KB,537x730,537:730,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887731 (091747ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two / Shots fired overnight at two Montreal yeshivas (video)

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Shots fired overnight at two Montreal yeshivas


Police were on the scene investigating at two religious Jewish schools, Yeshiva Gedola and Talmud Torah Elementary School, on Thursday.

Shots were fired overnight at at least two Montreal yeshivas, Jewish religious schools, adding to a list of violent antisemitic incidents that have been taking place across Canada.

As first reported by Yeshiva World News, police were on the scene at Yeshiva Gedola and Talmud Torah Elementary School investigating the incidents. According to a community security update by Yair Szlak, CEO of the Montreal-based Federation CJA, a single bullet was fired through the doors of each school. No one was in either building at the time, estimated to be around 4:30 a.m. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127788

File: 99b684993c134d8⋯.png (335.19 KB,500x306,250:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887841 (091816ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / "Enough Is Enough": Widower Sues Hospital for Withholding Ivermectin, Claims Wrongful Death

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"Enough Is Enough": Widower Sues Hospital for Withholding Ivermectin, Claims Wrongful Death


The family of a woman who died after a hospital refused to treat her with ivermectin for Covid-19 has filed a wrongful death lawsuit.

Scott Mantel, whose wife Deborah Bucko died at Mount Sinai Hospital on May 16, 2021 from complications related to Covid-19, filed the lawsuit in September. He contends that the hospital refused to administer ivermectin, which was prescribed by her doctor. Mantell claims that the refusal contributed to her death.

According to the lawsuit, Mantel "researched possible alternative treatments, and he read several news stories about patients with severe COVID-19 illness who had been treated successfully with ivermectin."

Despite her condition initially improving after she received the drug under a court order, the hospital's subsequent decision to stop the treatment led to a rapid decline in her health, according to the complaint.

"While she was being treated with the ivermectin and immediately afterwards, Ms. Bucko’s respiratory and cardiovascular functions showed significant improvement and she required significantly less oxygen, vasopressors, and ventilator support, which was clearly demonstrated in her medical records," reads the suit. "As a result of the ivermectin, Ms. Bucko was on her way to recovery."

Mantel’s lawsuit seeks not only compensation for himself and his two children but also punitive damages against the hospital. The claim is that Mount Sinai's withholding of ivermectin after it had been prescribed constituted a breach of standard medical care, the Epoch Times reports.

Mantel's lawyer, Steven Warshawsky, says that the hospital's refusal to comply with the court-ordered treatment, particularly given the patient’s initial improvement, was against the patient's best interests and the integrity of the doctor-patient relationship. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127789

File: b62536f5d833218⋯.png (496.46 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888832 (092121ZNOV23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Petition launched in Canada to ban Tucker Carlson from entering the country

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New petition demands Trudeau blocks Tucker Carlson from coming to Canada


Tucker Carlson, who now hosts a show on X that gets millions of views, will come to Calgary on January 24 to share the stage with Smith, as well as former Dragons’ Den star Brett Wilson, at the Calgary TELUS Convention Centre.

A recent petition has called on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to ban Tucker Carlson from entering Canada.

The petition was launched by a Eugene Blanchard on November 7 after news broke that the former Fox News will be coming to Alberta in early 2024 to host an event where he will interview the province’s Premier Danielle Smith. It was posted on Change.org and as of press time has only 1,206 signatures.

The petition reads, “There’s still time for Prime Minister Trudeau to do the right thing and deny Tucker Carlson, a citizen of the United States, conspiracy theorist, active supporter of Vladmir Putin, promoter of racism and hate monger, supporter of the January 6 insurrection, supporter of the rigged 2020 US elections conspiracy, a visa to enter Canada.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889115 (092200ZNOV23) Notable: Alberta UCP Convention Bun

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Alberta UCP Convention Bun

>>127698 Assisted deaths, eliminating DEI among policy resolutions at Alberta UCP convention

>>127699 “The grassroots will be in charge”: UCP convention gets record-breaking 3,800 delegates

>>127704 UCP says 'NO' to 'social credit' currency

>>127705 UCP members say 'no' to medical coercion

>>127706 UCP members 'overwhelmingly' support parental consent policy

>>127707 Alberta Conservatives reject '15 Minute Cities'

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a90dd8 No.127791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889126 (092201ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One

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Hamas and Isreal Bun Part One

>>127469 New Rocket Attacks In Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen Suggest Prospect For Regional Conflagration Growing

>>127472 Ontario NDP abstains from motion to support Israel, condemn Hamas

>>127474 Ratio’d: Pro-Palestine protesters HATE Justin Trudeau (video)

>>127494 The US and Israel Weigh a Future for Gaza Without Hamas

>>127495 Turkish politician praises Hitler for killing Jews

>>127511 Justin Trudeau Hesitates to Condemn Hamas for Gaza Hospital Blast Propaganda After Blaming Israel

>>127512 Canadian PM booed at mosque

>>127527 China Deploys Six Warships to Middle East Amid Rising Tensions From Israel-Gaza War

>>127529 Joe Biden’s Soros Funded ‘TikTok Army’ Uses Hamas-Affiliated Outlet to Push Propaganda

>>127546 Defence Minister Blair Says Hamas Must Be ‘Eliminated’

>>127556 Israel calls on UN chief to resign

>>127576 Hamas Delegation Arrives In Moscow As Russia Blames US For Escalation

>>127579 Mother Teresa’s nuns are remaining in Gaza to care for the disabled and sick: fellow sister

>>127584 Report: Rockefeller Brothers Fund has provided over $3.4M to Hamas and other alleged terror groups since 2018

>>127597 UN Delegates Applaud After General Assembly Failed to Pass Amendment to Condemn Hamas Slaughter of 1,400 Jewish Civilians (video)

>>127617 Groups Advocating Anti-Israel Protests and Supporting Hamas Attacks Receive Over $15 Million from George Soros

>>127629 PALLYWOOD: “GAZA MAN” Sings, Cheers, Cries, Nearly Dies, and Recovers Within Hours - Identified as Saleh Aljafarawi, an Actor with Own Instagram Page with Almost 2 Million Followers

>>127634 Canadian Special Forces Sent to Israel for ‘Contingency Planning’

>>127640 Tucker Carlson Drops Episode 35: “Start Another War, Send Millions More Anti-Western Refugees to the West. Starting to Notice a Pattern?”

>>127649 Yemen’s Houthi Officially Declares War on Israel, Launches Large-Scale Ballistic and Drone Strikes

>>127652 Peterson backtracks on demanding Israel eliminate Hamas

>>127643 British Columbia to make Holocaust education mandatory by 2025-26 school year

>>127657 Ontario commits to Holocaust education reform

>>127662 Global South Countries Sever Ties With Israel, Recall Ambassadors, As Gaza Deaths Mount

>>127667 Trudeau criticized for “beheaded child” Halloween costume amid Israel-Hamas war

>>127684 Bomb threats prompt school evacuations across Ontario: 'This is what it feels like to be Jewish in 2023'

>>127686 Trudeau: Palestinians need protections from 'extremist' Israeli 'settlers'

>>127695 China Takes Control of Paralyzed U.N. Security Council, Declaring Pro-Hamas ‘Ceasefire’ a ‘Top Priority’

>>127696 Israel launches attack on Russia at UN

>>127714 Queers For Palestine: Identity Politics At Its Most Absurd

>>127719 Canada could take in 500,000 Palestinian refugees according to proposed plan

>>127726 WORLD WAR III WATCH: One of US Navy’s Largest Submarines Armed with Nuclear Missiles Arrives in the Middle East

>>127733 Albertan parliamentarians applaud Hamas sympathizer, Taliban apologist

>>127738 Jewish union members file human rights complaint against CUPE, alleging antisemitism

>>127740 Protesters at Toronto's 'March for Gaza' call for Israel's elimination and boycotting of Jewish-owned business

>>127741 Thousands take part in Edmonton anti-Israel march

>>127747 'What Hamas did on October 7th is literally just a small response': Anti-Israel protester speaks out in support of Hamas (video)

>>127754 Why Israel wants to dump Palestinian refugees on a Western nation

>>127759 Hezbollah announced its readiness to destroy an American aircraft carrier group off its shores with Noor missiles

>>127760 Assassination attempt was carried out against Palestine president Mahmoud Abbas

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a90dd8 No.127792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889138 (092204ZNOV23) Notable: Updated MAiD Bun

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Updated MAiD Bun

>>127475 “Tragic mistake”: Groups decry defeat of bill to prevent assisted suicide for mentally ill

>>127569 Assisted suicide made up 4% of all deaths in Canada in 2022

>>127515 M.A.I.D UNLEASHED: Canada Wants To Legalize Medically Assisted Suicides For Drug Addicts (video)

>>127516 Assisted Suicide for BABIES Demanded by Quebec College of Physicians

>>127517 MAID should be offered to some babies: Quebec College of Physicians (video)

>>127607 Redacted: Controversy erupts as Canada pushes expanded suicide in new MAID rules (video)

>>127724 Without real public debate, Canada has become known as the euthanasia capital of the world

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a90dd8 No.127793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889143 (092205ZNOV23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun

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Updated Protests Bun

>>127483 Tamara Lich trial: Second Ottawa cop testifies work phone was 'wiped' of Freedom Convoy records (video)

>>127505 Canada set for another nationwide protest against the sexualization of kids in schools on Saturday (video)

>>127523 Canada-wide protest against gender ideology ‘1MillionMarch4Children’ covered by Rebels

>>127542 Prosecutors drop bail violation charge against Freedom Convoy’s Tamara Lich

>>127562 Charges dismissed against Freedom Convoy protester who had bank accounts frozen

>>127635 Feds refuse to disclose legal costs related to convoy commission

>>127663 Judge orders some internal police documents be given to defense lawyers in Freedom Convoy leaders’ trial

>>127676 Ottawa police officer admits protesters joined Freedom Convoy without pressure from leaders

>>127703 Tamara Lich Trial Day 26: Judge removes some Crown redactions from Ottawa Police email chain in disclosure dispute (video)

>>127743 Convoy to protest Dr. Anthony Fauci’s visit to Canada

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a90dd8 No.127794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893460 (101603ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two / TV7 Israel News 09.11.23: IDF declares ‘Hamas lost control of north Gaza’; Israel warns Hezbollah (video)

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IDF declares ‘Hamas lost control of north Gaza’; Israel warns Hezbollah - TV7 Israel News 09.11.23


Today’s top stories 09.11.23;

1) The IDF announces that Hamas has essentially lost control of the northern Gaza Strip.

2) Jerusalem reiterates that it would not accept any cessation of hostilities, unless Hamas releases the hostages.

3) French President Emanuel Macron hosts eighty nations and institutions to coordinate a response for Gaza.

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a90dd8 No.127795

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893481 (101607ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two / College Prof Screams at Jewish Student ‘Go Back to Poland!’

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WATCH: College Prof Screams at Jewish Student ‘Go Back to Poland!’


A college professor at the University of Montreal has allegedly been caught on camera telling a Jewish student to “go back to Poland,” as well as screaming expletives such as “your mother is a whore” and “son of a bitch” in Hebrew. Social media sleuths were quick to identify lecturer Yanise Arab as the culprit at the incident that took place at Concordia University on Wednesday, November 8th 2023.

Arab, whose university profile describes him as an expert on the State of Palestine, colonization and decolonization, emigration and immigration, and “modern times”, did not respond to a request for comment from The National Pulse. The incident began when Jewish students were raising awareness about hostages held by Hamas, and an anti-Israel counter-protest ensued. Two security guards aged 54 and 19, as well as a student aged 23, are reported injured. A 22-year-old student arrested for the attack on the older security guard. “These anti-Semitic and violent acts are completely unacceptable and must be condemned by all,” said Yair Szlak, who heads the Canadian Jewish organization Federation CJA. The news comes as a day after college professor Loay Alnaji was identified as the killer of Jewish protestor Paul Kessler in California.

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a90dd8 No.127796

File: a2fb1b7eb2f3af5⋯.png (2.87 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893511 (101611ZNOV23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / US Congress Members Call for Biden to Drop US Extradition Request Against Assange

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US Congress Members Call for Biden to Drop US Extradition Request Against Assange


Sixteen Democratic and Republican members of US Congress have called for US President Joe Biden to withdraw the extradition request by the United States against Australian journalist and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, a document published by Assange's wife, Stella Assange, showed Thursday.

"As Members of Congress deeply committed to the principles of free speech and freedom of the press, we write to strongly encourage your Administration to withdraw the U.S. extradition request currently pending against Australian publisher Julian Assange and halt all prosecutorial proceedings against him as soon as possible," the document, published by Stella Assange on X (formerly known as Twitter), read.

The Members of Congress, namely James McGovern, Thomas Massie, Rashida Tlaib, Eric Burlison, Ilhan Omar, Paul Gosar, Ayanna Pressley, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Pramila Jayapal, Matthew Rosendale, Greg Casar, Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman, Jesus Garcia, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, as well as Senator Rand Paul, said in the document that "deep concerns about this case have been repeatedly expressed by international media outlets, human right and press freedom advocates, and Members of Congress, among others." Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893623 (101634ZNOV23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / It's STARTING! Pres. Biden WILL change the internet FOREVER with this move (video)

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It's STARTING! Pres. Biden WILL change the internet FOREVER with this move | Redacted News


FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr is warning that the Biden Administration is about to hand the FCC unprecedented power and control of the Internet. The FCC is about to vote on "President Biden’s plan to give the Administrative State effective control of all Internet services and infrastructure." Carr published a warning that this new plan is equivalent to Soviet-era planning and control. What can we as citizens do about it? Nothing. The FCC is voting on giving itself its own powers. That doesn't seem right, does it?

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a90dd8 No.127798

File: 9b6e04299009c3e⋯.png (1.56 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893766 (101707ZNOV23) Notable: Legions across Canada face rising operational costs and declining memberships

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Legions across Canada face rising operational costs and declining memberships


The community legion has long since been a gathering spot in towns across Canada for veterans and families to go celebrate, play cards, perform and converse. However, due to declining memberships and much higher costs to maintain, many are being forced to close their doors.

The Montgomery Legion (Branch 351) in Ottawa’s Centretown recently had to deal with a broken elevator, which will cost an estimated $100,000 dollars to repair, according to CTV News.

It also means that some of the legion’s oldest and most loyal members, with many now being in their eighties and nineties, won’t have access to the multi-storey facility.

The absence of an elevator makes private groups who would rent the legion less likely to do so as well.

Branch president Dennis Sirman said that after burning through all the legion’s savings, it still wasn’t enough to cover the cost of the repair, which prompted them to start a crowdfunding campaign.

So far, the branch has been able to cover its monthly costs, however the situation remains anything but stable.

“We had some momentum going and were actually several months in the black and then the elevator failed,” said Sirman. Continue..

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a90dd8 No.127799

File: 03d32d539fd9204⋯.png (1.05 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893794 (101713ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / BC Conservatives present appeal by healthcare professionals to scrap Bill 36

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BC Conservatives present appeal by healthcare professionals to scrap Bill 36


Healthcare professionals are urging the British Columbia government to repeal or delay the implementation of Bill 36 over concerns that it undermines patient-doctor relationships and healthcare autonomy.

BC Conservative leader John Rustad and MLA Dr. Bruce Banman presented over 5,000 anti-Bill 36 postcards in the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia on Thursday signed by concerned citizens and addressed to elected officials.

These postcards collectively demand that elected representatives review Bill 36 and consider repealing or delaying its implementation.

This Health Professions and Occupations Act (HPOA), quietly passed in November 2022, has triggered widespread concern due to its potential to infringe on healthcare autonomy and undermine the quality of healthcare in British Columbia.

In response to these deeply rooted concerns, a coalition of healthcare professionals, led by BC Conservatives John Rustad MLA and Dr. Bruce Banman, initiated a public campaign and held a press conference outside of legislature.

A number of healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses and chiropractors expressed their apprehensions and objections to Bill 36, which became law without substantial debate or discussion.

MC’ing the press conference was Dr. Banman, Conservative MLA for Abbotsford South and former chiropractor.

“It was rammed through, and closure was invoked. I think the largest bill that’s come across the floor of the legislature in 30-some-odd years deserves the dignity of being debated. And it was not,” lamented Banman. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127800

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894143 (101820ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Trudeau’s vaccination theatre exploits toddler flu death and promotes risky booster tactics (video)

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Trudeau’s vaccination theatre exploits toddler flu death and promotes risky booster tactics


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shamelessly used a toddler’s tragic death to promote his umpteenth COVID-19 booster and flu shot, yet this endorsement of concurrent doses has not been established as safe by the manufacturers.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shamelessly used a toddler’s tragic death to promote his umpteenth COVID-19 booster and flu shot, yet this endorsement of concurrent doses has not been established as safe by the manufacturers. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127801

File: 6ff76fe883f60a1⋯.png (2.64 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 39dafa50f0cd6b0⋯.png (530.68 KB,716x707,716:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894164 (101825ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Trudeau makes the 'Ombudsman' gender-inclusive

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Trudeau makes the 'Ombudsman' gender-inclusive


The new position at the Ministry of Public Works, which is identical to the previous one, will now be assumed by the 'Procurement Ombud.'

As part of the Trudeau Liberals' quest to root out all gendered language from the government's vocabulary and end sexism, an order in council dated November 3, 2023, cancelled the title of the Procurement Ombudsman.

The new role at the Ministry of Public Works, which will be the same as the old role, will now be filled by the Procurement Ombud.

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services, amends Order in Council P.C. 2022-1122 of October 20, 2022, by adding “to be styled Procurement Ombud” after the title “as Procurement Ombudsman."

Three years ago, The Royal Canadian Navy opened submissions to replace the designation “seamen” after a focus group approved acceptable terminology using the same Gender Based Analysis+ currently arresting the development of Canada's national energy industry.

According to the Government of Canada, The Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO), now the Procurement Ombud, is a neutral (including gender) and independent organization of the Government of Canada that helps resolve contracting disputes between businesses and the federal government.

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a90dd8 No.127802

File: 50ea310c27b6d23⋯.png (2.7 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894173 (101827ZNOV23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Arrests made after Calgary Eritrean mob violence

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Arrests made after Calgary Eritrean mob violence


Ten people were taken to the hospital following a 150-person street fight that broke out after Eritrean political tensions spilled onto the streets of the Falconridge neighbourhood.

Police say that eleven men have been charged in connection with a riot that occurred on September 2 in the city's northeast during an Eritrean cultural festival.

According to a Calgary Police Service (CPS) release: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127803

File: bdcabd9e80ac7ce⋯.png (1.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894279 (101854ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two / Anti-Israel protestors swarmed a senator's car for refusing a 'ceasefire' pamphlet: report

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Anti-Israel protestors swarmed a senator's car for refusing a 'ceasefire' pamphlet: report


Anti-Israel protesters jumped a senator’s car Tuesday outside Parliament to demand a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

Anti-Israel protesters jumped a senator’s car Tuesday outside Parliament to demand a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

Senator Donald Plett, Opposition leader in the Senate, called the incident frightening. "I would like to hear how we go about protecting ourselves because we are getting less and less protection," he told a Senate committee. "[...] the public should know what is happening here and how unsafe we in fact feel."

On November 8, the Labour For Palestine group urged members of the Palestinian and Jewish communities alongside labour activists to "disrupt access to Parliamentary parking lots to send a strong message" to the federal government.

"Canada cannot continue to ignore the indiscriminate slaughter of children, civilians, journalists, health care and humanitarian workers in Gaza," said Hassan Husseini, a member of Labour for Palestine. "We need an unequivocal statement from Prime Minister Trudeau in support of an immediate ceasefire." Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127804

File: 8d2b3de123f7c8d⋯.png (238.17 KB,793x446,793:446,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894297 (101859ZNOV23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Leo Hohmann: Update on German Attorney Reiner Fuellmich (Arrested Last Month in Mexico)

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Leo Hohmann: Update on German Attorney Reiner Fuellmich (Arrested Last Month in Mexico)


I know a lot of my readers have been praying for Reiner Fuellmich, the Nuremburg 2.0 investigator and attorney who has put in much work for the cause of freedom from medical tyranny. I originally reported on this in an article posted October 15, just over three weeks ago.

As you know, last month Reiner was seized in Mexico where he was staying with his wife and then taken to Germany where he is facing charges related to a relatively small amount of money that the German government says he somehow mismanaged. If you believe that the government of a sovereign nation would hunt down one of its citizens in a foreign country halfway across the world over an embezzlement of what is allegedly around $150,000 from a small nonprofit then you will believe anything. These charges are almost certainly contrived and related to his work fighting the genocidal injections.

So, we have a brief update that came in today on Reiner. It comes from Elsa Schieder of The Truth Summit via Bittel.tv., and includes a personal message from Reiner (assuming from his wife), which states: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127805

File: 6cc614618514b15⋯.png (966.81 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 094bc1d33a35f61⋯.png (628.06 KB,947x795,947:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894317 (101908ZNOV23) Notable: Federal Judge Gives Final Approval to $290M Settlement Between JPMorgan Chase and Jeffrey Epstein’s Trafficking Victims

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Federal Judge Gives Final Approval to $290M Settlement Between JPMorgan Chase and Jeffrey Epstein’s Trafficking Victims


A long association with Jeffrey Epstein has turned into a bad stain that is very hard to clean away.

Whether you are politician, monarchy, Hollywood elite, famous academic, or even a Wall Street titan, sooner or later the reckoning comes.

Just ask the largest US bank, JPMorgan Chase. After roughly a year in pre-trial litigation and negotiations, the financial institution finally seems to have resolved its legal issues regarding its decades long ties to the late convicted sex offender.

A U.S. Federal judge approved JPMorgan Chase’s $290 million settlement with Epstein’s victims, who claimed that bank turned a blind eye to the late financier’s sex trafficking.

Reuters reported: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127806

File: 0e3d70dbad13152⋯.png (1.76 MB,1424x920,178:115,Clipboard.png)

File: 8287d021f2f05a0⋯.png (754.69 KB,2033x2048,2033:2048,Clipboard.png)

File: eab4fd2343dcc24⋯.png (829.32 KB,900x450,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894548 (101959ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / CDC Reports Record High in Childhood Vaccine Refusals

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CDC Reports Record High in Childhood Vaccine Refusals


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported a startling trend: a record high in childhood vaccine refusals.

According to the CDC’s latest findings, 3% of children entering kindergarten during the 2022-2023 school year were granted vaccine exemptions by their states.

This figure, though seemingly small, is the highest ever recorded in the U.S. and represents a significant increase from previous years.

The trend is not isolated to a few states; 40 states witnessed a rise in exemptions, with ten states reporting exemption rates soaring over 5%: Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah, and Wisconsin. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127807

File: 47295a13aed3438⋯.png (232.34 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894661 (102017ZNOV23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Pentagon Is Starting To Restrict Flow Of Military Aid To Ukraine As Money Runs Out

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Pentagon Is Starting To Restrict Flow Of Military Aid To Ukraine As Money Runs Out


No more green for Zelenskyy.

With war funding for both Ukraine and Israel now seemingly snarled up beyond repair in Congress, on Thursday the Pentagon said that funding delays have forced the US to begin restricting the flow of military assistance to Ukraine, and the Pentagon has only $1 billion left to replenish stocks of weapons that were sent to the country, according to a spokeswoman.

“We have had to meter out our support for Ukraine,” Deputy Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh told reporters. “We’re going to continue to roll out packages but they are getting smaller.”

Singh urged Congress to break a deadlock and approve the Biden administration’s $61.4 billion request for emergency funds for Ukraine’s fight against Russia, part of a masive $106 billion package that would include aid for Israel and the US-Mexico border, but which now has virtually no chance of passing. House Republicans have sought to separate the aid for Ukraine and Israel, an idea both the Senate and the White House oppose. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127808

File: bc2bd183ecc272b⋯.png (674.51 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894733 (102026ZNOV23) Notable: Election interference complaint filed against Blinken and former US intelligence officials

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Election interference complaint filed against Blinken and former US intelligence officials


The filed complaint suggests that the officials, including notable Obama administration figures like John Brennan, James Clapper, and Leon Panetta, contributed to a 'coordinated communication' that amounted to an unreported in-kind contribution.

America First Legal has filed a complaint against Secretary of State Antony Blinken and 51 former senior intelligence officials over an alleged campaign finance violation. The group, which is led by former Trump aide Stephen Miller, alleges these officials coordinated with the Biden presidential campaign in 2020, particularly concerning the Hunter Biden laptop incident.

The filed complaint suggests that the officials, including notable Obama administration figures like John Brennan, James Clapper, and Leon Panetta, contributed to a “coordinated communication” that amounted to an unreported in-kind contribution. This involves their public assertion, weeks before the 2020 election, that the Hunter Biden laptop story bore "‘all the classic earmarks’ of Russian disinformation." Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127809

File: ac6ebc5fc0e6104⋯.png (693.22 KB,810x497,810:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895012 (102127ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Josh Alexander needs you to help in his fight to keep transgender ideology out of Catholic schools

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Josh Alexander needs you to help in his fight to keep transgender ideology out of Catholic schools


High School student Josh Alexander faces an appeal hearing to overturn the Catholic school board's decision to suspend him over defending traditional gender beliefs.

Josh Alexander, the Christian student whose biblical-based view on there being only two sexes got him suspended and then arrested by his Catholic school, is about to face off against his Catholic School Board. He could sure use your moral support. The trustees who have the power to revoke his suspension also need to feel the pressure from the community.

The stakes here are high, because if he wins, it’s both a victory for free speech and religious freedom, and a personal victory for Josh who’ll be able to return to high school after an unjust expulsion.

If he loses, though, it’ll be a defeat for families across the country, and another devastating setback to the Christian character of Ontario’s Catholic schools, which is already in deep decline.

So, here’s what’s happening: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127810

File: 39f529b7767e843⋯.png (464.72 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896201 (110157ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two / Justin Trudeau Rails Against ‘Islamophobia’ After Gun Attack on Montreal Jewish Schools

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Justin Trudeau Rails Against ‘Islamophobia’ After Gun Attack on Montreal Jewish Schools


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau chose to condemn both “anti-Semitism” and “Islamophobia” after shots were fired at two Jewish schools in Montreal on Wednesday night.

“I understand that people are so profoundly disturbed by what they see happening there,” Trudeau said at a press conference in Montreal on Thursday.

“Violence, hate, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and scenes such as the ones we saw in Concordia University or shots fired at Jewish schools overnight — all of that is unacceptable,” he said.

“We are seeing an increase in threats of violence. That’s not who we are as Canadians. We are a country that has done better than just about any other country at understanding and respecting different perspectives,” he said. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127811

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896948 (110518ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Dr Trozzi: Cancer Solutions and Today’s Persecution (video)

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Cancer Solutions and Today’s Persecution


While I am facing a penalty hearing today, many injection victims are facing cancer. Here’s insight, hope and solutions.

Today is November 10th 2023 when I face the hardship of a CPSO hearing to decide their “punishment” for me in recognition of my three years dedicated mission work to research, inform and protect people against the covid-crimes-against-humanity including the misrepresented genetic experiments that have killed and maimed unprecedented numbers of innocent people around the world. You can witness the CPSO penalty hearing starting at 9 a.m. EST (Toronto). To get a link please sign up here.

Greater hardships than mine are faced by many victims of the injections. The injections have various harmful mechanisms, which include disruption of the immune systems. One consequence of this is the dramatic rise in new, unusual, and fast growing cancers, even in young people; as well as aggressive cancer recurrences for people in remission, and deterioration in patients who were stable before the injections. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127812

File: f28177d72077b8b⋯.png (810.56 KB,747x420,249:140,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898398 (111449ZNOV23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / UNESCO Seeks To Regulate All Internet Content

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==UNESCO Seeks To Regulate All Internet Content=


While citing the need for “multi-stakeholder” regulation of social media, UNECSO’s 59-page tome is titled Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms. This is Orwellian Double-Think at its worst, promoting free speech that is anti-free speech. The “major threat to stability and social cohesion” is all about their stability and the social cohesion they want to force on the world. Now UNESCO will spawn a feeding frenzy of eager NGOs and government tyrants to promote and defend the globalist narrative. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood

Digital technology has enabled immense progress on freedom of speech. But social media platforms have also accelerated and amplified the spread of false information and hate speech, posing major risks to societal cohesion, peace and stability. To protect access to information, we must regulate these platforms without delay, while at the same time protecting freedom of expression and human rights.

UNESCO’s action plan is the result of a consultation process on a scale unprecedented within the United Nations system, with over 10,000 contributions from 134 countries collected over the last eighteen months. Over forty pages, it outlines the principles which must be respected as well as the concrete measures which must be implemented by all stakeholders: governments, regulatory authorities, civil society and the platforms themselves. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127813

File: c8d8efc399c4789⋯.png (644.01 KB,800x439,800:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898597 (111531ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / WEF-Linked UPenn: ‘Climate Change’ Causing Heart Attacks Spike

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WEF-Linked UPenn: ‘Climate Change’ Causing Heart Attacks Spike


The University of Pennsylvania has published a new study claiming that spikes in fatal heart attacks and strokes are caused by “climate change.”

UPenn, which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and linked to the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF), published the results of its study in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA).

The team of researchers from UPenn, led by Sameed Ahmed M. Khatana, concluded that “climate change is causing an increase in extreme heat.”

They claim that this alleged “increase in extreme heat” is triggering a “deadly wave” in “heat–associated cardiovascular deaths in the United States.”

According to Khatana and his Bill Gates-funded team, cardiovascular deaths linked to extreme heat could triple to almost 5,500 extra deaths per year by 2050. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127814

File: bc39470dfa7a9c2⋯.png (1018.94 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898621 (111537ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Sask. man lost custody of daughter for being unvaccinated

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Sask. man lost custody of daughter for being unvaccinated


After 23 years of being a truck driver, a Saskatchewan man lost his job and custody of his young daughter for refusing to get the Covid-19 vaccine.

“I’m a completely broken man,” said Nicholas Ewanchuk of North Battleford.

Ewanchuk lost his job for refusing to take the Covid-19 vaccine and still has not been allowed to return to work after two years. He also hasn’t been able to see his daughter.

Several groups of protestors are planning to return to Ottawa from across Canada to protest near Parliament soon, with the goal of getting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to resign.

Ewanchuk said he may join them.

“When the time is right, I’m going to head back that way,” he told SASKTODAY in an interview. “I’m just watching everything unfold.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127815

File: b43343a102c07a2⋯.png (1.41 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898823 (111623ZNOV23) Notable: Nearly 25% of Ontario children live in food-insecure households

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Nearly 25% of Ontario children live in food-insecure households


Almost one quarter of kids in Ontario face food insecurity at home, a startling new survey reveals.

The troubling statistic was reported by Ottawa Public Health’s (OPH) Nutritious Food Basket 2023 survey, which seeks to map food insecurity and access to a nutritious diet.

OPH’s report highlights that nearly one in four children in Ontario, or 24.6%, lived in food-insecure households.

This figure translates to almost 700,000 children across the province who are struggling with access to adequate and nutritious food.

Analysts underscored the urgent need to address food insecurity, particularly among Ontario’s most vulnerable residents.

In 2022, 19.2% of Ontarians, equivalent to 2.8 million people, faced household food insecurity, indicating that the issue continues to worsen. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127816

File: d5c00b942486c43⋯.png (1.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 66a1fa2d652e9ae⋯.png (855.18 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bebaf86a972108⋯.png (739.98 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898857 (111633ZNOV23) Notable: Feds address 'out-of-control' spending on consultants by slashing Defence budget: report

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Feds address 'out-of-control' spending on consultants by slashing Defence budget: report


Treasury Board President Anita Anand slashed the Department of National Defence (DND) budget by $211.1 million — the largest cut among all ministries, according to spending documents tabled in Parliament.

Treasury Board President Anita Anand unveiled $500 million in spending cuts Thursday with mixed reviews.

Anand’s former ministry, the Department of National Defence (DND), had its budget slashed $211.1 million — the largest cut among all ministries, according to spending documents tabled in Parliament.

On September 28, Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Wayne Eyre and deputy defence minister Bill Matthews told the Commons defence committee that a proposed $1 billion budget cut over five years would hinder progress on spending 2% of its GDP on the military, while also undermining its operational capacity.

"This is something that we’re wrestling with now," said Eyre. Matthews estimated "nearly $900 million and change" in cuts that he expects will ramp up over the next four years.

The military’s budget for fiscal year 2023/24 is projected to be $26.5 billion, with total federal spending pegged at $490.5 billion — up from $479.4 billion as initially tabled. Those estimates could change following Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland’s fall economic and fiscal update on November 21. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898870 (111635ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two / Police watch Pro-Gaza protesters take over Scotiabank branch

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Police watch Pro-Gaza protesters take over Scotiabank branch


They accused the Canadian bank of committing genocide against the Palestinians while chanting for the removal of Israel, saying, 'From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!'

On Thursday, November 9, the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, pro-Gaza protesters around the world, including Canada, observed a national day of action to 'shut it down for Palestine.' This involved sit-ins at elected officials' offices, Israeli companies, and even certain banks accused of committing genocide.

Livestreaming on Instagram, an activist account broadcasted themselves with a group of nearly 20 protesters who were occupying a downtown Vancouver branch of the multinational Scotiabank. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127818

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898954 (111655ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / BC Conservatives call for Dr. Bonnie Henry’s termination for lingering vaccine mandate against healthcare workers (video)

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BC Conservatives call for Dr. Bonnie Henry’s termination for lingering vaccine mandate against healthcare workers


Abbotsford South MLA Bruce Banman calls out Dr. Bonnie Henry and B.C.’s 'extreme leftist NDP government' for continuing to ban unjabbed healthcare professionals from working.

Yesterday, I caught up with Abbotsford South MLA Bruce Banman to interview him about the Conservative Party of British Columbia’s petition to have B.C.'s public health officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, fired.

This past Thursday, Banman shook the house in the B.C. Legislative Assembly when he called on the province’s NDP premier, David Eby, to give Henry the boot.

“Today Mr. Speaker, British Columbia stands alone against all evidence as one of the only jurisdictions in the world to ban healthcare workers who choose not to take the jab, because of the ideological agenda of this extreme leftist NDP government and their unelected bureaucrats,” Banman stated during question period.

The statement was quickly followed by an outburst of gasps and head shakes from nearby MLAs before Banman boldly continued.

“In the midst of a healthcare staffing crises, Dr. Bonnie Henry and this NDP government have banned thousands of healthcare workers from working in B.C’s hospitals, clinics, doctors offices and ERs,” he said, before asking Premier Eby if he will “fire Dr. Bonnie Henry and hire back the thousands of healthcare workers who were kicked to the curb.”

Responding to Banman’s question was Dr. Henry’s right arm when it comes to implementing discriminatory vaccine mandates, B.C.’s Health Minister Adrian Dix. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127819

File: 87bfcbd622980b3⋯.png (4.69 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898983 (111702ZNOV23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Ottawa to fund women's sports, but not protect female-only spaces

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Ottawa to fund women's sports, but not protect female-only spaces


On November 14, Gender Equality Minister Marci Ien will announce supports to bolster the 'economic security and prosperity of women through professional sport.' She will be joined by Canadian Women and Sport (CWS), an organization that permits biological men, who self-identify as women, to compete in women's sports. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127820

File: e1cd2ea2b7c615a⋯.png (1.63 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899138 (111731ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Head of federal green 'slush fund' resigns

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BREAKING: Head of federal green 'slush fund' resigns


A senior federal official said the government has lost 'confidence' in senior management at Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC). A whistleblower filed a complaint earlier this year concerning their alleged mismanagement of public funds.

The head of Ottawa’s green ‘slush fund’ has abruptly resigned amid mounting criticism faced by the group.

Leah Lawrence, president and CEO of Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) departed the foundation following recent controversy that has the organization in a downward spiral.

"Given recent media reports, House of Commons committee testimony, and the surrounding controversy, it is clear there has been a sustained and malicious campaign to undermine my leadership," Lawrence penned in a letter to her board of directors.

"This compromises my future ability to lead the organization and puts me in an untenable situation. And I want to see this organization succeed," she claimed. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127821

File: 5d79b81524f8059⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 664cd5dd39fe089⋯.png (699.8 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 01cd730db829594⋯.png (289.71 KB,720x813,240:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 81fd9f9b51f90ac⋯.png (391.16 KB,788x677,788:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899242 (111754ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / World’s First Recombinant Anthrax Vaccine Seeks Approval in Order to “Prepare Against Potential Bioterrorism”

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World’s First Recombinant Anthrax Vaccine Seeks Approval in Order to “Prepare Against Potential Bioterrorism”


Korean pharmaceutical company GC Biopharma has announced it has applied for approval of its GC1109 recombinant anthrax vaccine to the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

According to GC Biophrama “GC1109 contains protective antigen (PA) as its active pharmaceutical ingredients produced by recombinant DNA technology which delivers 2 types of proteins that comprise anthrax toxin, namely, lethal factor (LF) and edema factor (EF), into cells.”

GC Biopharma in a press release revealed the reason they’re creating the vaccine is “in order to prepare against potential bioterrorism.”

If approved the ‘GC1109’ will be the world’s first recombinant anthrax vaccine. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127822

File: d2bb08c30b43bf1⋯.png (1.19 MB,1023x575,1023:575,Clipboard.png)

File: ba640ef74b7aac0⋯.png (565.43 KB,768x479,768:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899275 (111805ZNOV23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Hungary’s Orbán Becomes the Nemesis of Ukraine’s EU Dreams: Opposes Beginning of Ascension Talks, and Is Poised to Block €50B Military Aid

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Hungary’s Orbán Becomes the Nemesis of Ukraine’s EU Dreams: Opposes Beginning of Ascension Talks, and Is Poised to Block €50B Military Aid


Conservative champion Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, is the man the Globalists love to hate.

Orbán is not only unabashedly pro-Trump, he is also always combating their nefarious policies, from mass migration to transgenderism, passing by climate alarmism.

And, of course, the Hungarian PM is against the military aid to Ukraine, has long warned of the inevitable Russian victory in the battlefield, and – Oh, the Horror! – has dared meet with Putin in pursuit of his own national interests.

Now, Orbán is again under the spotlight for his double resistance in the European Union regarding Ukraine: he does not want to send €50 billion ($53.4 billion) to the war-torn country, and – worse – has also made it clear that Budapest will not approve the start of EU membership talks with Kiev. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127823

File: 817407c801bae92⋯.png (298.49 KB,500x470,50:47,Clipboard.png)

File: 73d1f6fa7c4aed5⋯.png (293.85 KB,500x470,50:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899365 (111827ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two / 55 Global Nations Do Not 'Recognize' Palestine, 29 Don't Recognize Israel

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55 Global Nations Do Not 'Recognize' Palestine, 29 Don't Recognize Israel


The recent conflict between Hamas and Israel has brought the Gaza Strip, and the partially recognized State of Palestine, prominently into the focus of the global news cycle.

In the graphic below, Visual Capitalist's Bruno Venditti uses Wikipedia data to map the countries that currently recognize Palestine as a state and those that don’t.

55 Countries Do Not Recognize Palestine

On November 15, 1988, the State of Palestine was officially proclaimed by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) coalition. The state claimed sovereignty of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem.

As of November 2023, 138 of the 193 UN members (72%) recognize the State of Palestine.

Here are the 55 countries that don’t recognize Palestine: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127824

File: eff26eaad5bc3b4⋯.png (1.44 MB,1081x1016,1081:1016,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899782 (111935ZNOV23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Ukraine’s ‘biggest arms supplier’ orchestrated 2014 Maidan massacre, witnesses say

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Ukraine’s ‘biggest arms supplier’ orchestrated 2014 Maidan massacre, witnesses say


Once denounced by Zelensky as a “criminal,” gun runner Serhiy Pashinksy has become the top private supplier of arms to Ukraine. Eyewitness testimony has fingered Pashinsky as the architect of a bloody false flag operation which propelled the 2014 Maidan coup and plunged the country into civil war.

Years before emerging as Kiev’s top private weapons trafficker, ex-legislator Serhiy Pashinsky played a key role in the 2014 US-backed coup which toppled Ukraine’s democratically-elected president and set the stage for a devastating civil war. Though the notoriously corrupt former Ukrainian parliamentarian was condemned by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as a “criminal” as recently as 2019, a lengthy exposé by the New York Times has now identified Pashinsky as the Ukrainian government’s “biggest private arms supplier.”

Perhaps predictably, the report makes no mention of evidence implicating Pashinsky in the 2014 massacre of 70 anti-government protesters in Kiev’s Maidan Square, an incident which pro-Western forces used to consummate their coup d’etat against then-President Viktor Yanukovych. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127825

File: b17be57a5fcc1ef⋯.png (705.21 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899855 (111945ZNOV23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Canada issues travel advisory warning of heightened terror threats in UK, UK does same for Canada

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Canada issues travel advisory warning of heightened terror threats in UK, UK does same for Canada


The warnings urge citizens to remain aware of their surroundings in their travels across the Atlantic.

In separate warnings that could be unprecedented, the United Kingdom and Canada have both simultaneously declared terrorist threat travel alerts against each other.

The UK alert suggests that in Canada, “[a]ttacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreigners. You should remain aware of your surroundings, keep up to date with local media reports and follow the advice of local authorities.”

It lists previous terrorist attacks, from 2020 to 2023 that include a stabbing in Surrey, BC, four people killed in a vehicular attack in London, Ont., one dead after being attacked with a hammer in Scarborough, Ont., and one dead and two injured by a machete-wielding killer in Toronto Ont.

The Canadian alert notes that the terrorist threat exists throughout Europe and that attacks have occurred in “several European cities.”

Canada is warning its citizens that in the UK “previous incidents have resulted in casualties. They include random violent incidents in public areas, such as knife and vehicle attacks as well as explosions,” though the warning notes that these have largely been confined to London.

The alert lists the following as likely targets for terrorists: “government buildings, including schools; places of worship; airports and other transportation hubs and networks; public areas such as tourist attractions, restaurants, bars, coffee shops, shopping centers, markets, hotels and other sites frequented by foreigners.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127826

File: 11e9163dca37a42⋯.png (1.28 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899970 (111957ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / With Controversial Vote, Senate Delays Carbon Tax Exemption Bill for Farmers

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With Controversial Vote, Senate Delays Carbon Tax Exemption Bill for Farmers


A bill that would exempt farmers from the carbon tax is at the last stage in the Senate before becoming law, but members of the upper chamber have held a controversial vote that will delay its adoption.

Bill C-234, a Conservative private member’s bill to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, was debated as part of third reading in the Senate on Nov. 9. After third reading is agreed upon, the bill will go on to receive royal assent and become law.

However, debate was cut short by a motion from Trudeau-appointed Sen. Lucie Moncion who proposed 11th-hour amendments to the bill, which has already passed in the House. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127827

File: 0734bf8ff264435⋯.png (1.84 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900182 (112024ZNOV23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Crown Agency to Construct Senate Parkade at Cost of $1 Million per Spot

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Crown Agency to Construct Senate Parkade at Cost of $1 Million per Spot


The National Capital Commission (NCC) is planning to construct an underground Senate parkade at the cost of $1 million a spot, an expense one senator has called “outrageous.”

Alberta Sen. Scott Tannas told a Senate committee Nov. 9 that the NCC had proposed the construction of an underground parking garage at an as yet undisclosed location. The NCC, the Crown corporation responsible for Canada’s official residences, is the same agency that spent $8 million on a solar-powered barn for Rideau Hall.

Mr. Tannas described the proposed expenditure as “outrageous."

The National Capital Commission (NCC) is planning to construct an underground Senate parkade at the cost of $1 million a spot, an expense one senator has called “outrageous.”

"It’s not defensible," he said, adding that while the current numbers show a $1 million per parking space cost, “there would be inflation. That was really a rough estimate.”

Manitoba Sen. Donald Plett predicted the $1 million per spot estimate “would not even touch it” due to the likelihood of cost overruns.

“We know it would be $3 million a spot and not $1 million,” Sen. Plett said, as reported by Blacklock’s Reporter. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127828

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904297 (121527ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / LAWTON: No, Canada is not systemically racist (video)

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LAWTON: No, Canada is not systemically racist (ft. Mark Milke)


New research from The Aristotle Foundation has challenged the idea of broad systemic racism in Canadian society, examining educational attainment and economic outcomes, finding limited evidence of such claims. Aristotle Foundation president Mark Milke joined True North’s Andrew Lawton to discuss the organization’s findings, and the factors influencing educational and economic disparities.

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a90dd8 No.127829

File: 653bfdf3ec61aae⋯.png (1.39 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904331 (121535ZNOV23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Conservative bill seeks to provide more protection to rural residents plagued by crime

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Conservative bill seeks to provide more protection to rural residents plagued by crime


Rural areas across Canada have been grappling with a rising wave of criminal activity, with statistics revealing that crime rates and severity indexes in rural regions far surpass those in urban areas.

In response to the rural crime crisis, Conservative MP for Red Deer–Lacombe, Blaine Calkins, has introduced Bill C-364, aimed at amending the law to address the security concerns of residents in rural and remote communities.

This worrying trend has been escalating since 2015, prompting MP Calkins to take legislative action.

“Rural crime is a crisis, and the stats don’t lie – it’s worse in the countryside than the city,” Calkins wrote in a press release.

Bill C-364 proposes several key changes to the Criminal Code to combat rural crime effectively. One of the central provisions is the introduction of aggravating factors at sentencing for rural crime, particularly focusing on areas with extended response times for emergency medical or police services.

The bill also addresses the use of violence or the threat of violence against persons or property by including possession of a weapon as a factor that results in harsher penalties. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127830

File: 3fe3b0b7c51c045⋯.png (1.32 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904378 (121546ZNOV23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Concerns over open drug use prompt Sudbury chocolatier to temporarily close storefront

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Concerns over open drug use prompt Sudbury chocolatier to temporarily close storefront


Open drug use has gotten so bad for a local business owner in Sudbury, Ontario that she was forced to temporarily shut down her business.

In a move driven by concerns over the increasing prevalence of drug use near her storefront, Tammy Maki, the owner of Raven Rising chocolate shop in downtown Sudbury, Ontario, shut her doors.

While Maki herself doesn’t feel unsafe in the downtown area, she acknowledges that the issue of homelessness and opioid addiction has affected foot traffic to her establishment and other businesses for customers who feel uncomfortable.

“The perception is much worse than it actually is, but unfortunately, that perception leads to people not coming here,” Maki told CBC.

“And that only lets what’s going on outside perpetuate and get larger, so it’s like a snowball effect. It makes me really sad.”

Maki’s concerns have prompted her to call the Sudbury police multiple times a day. Maki says drug users require more social services and better solutions.

The Downtown Sudbury Business Improvement Association (BIA) is taking steps to address this issue by launching the ‘zero-vacancy’ program, allowing business owners to rent vacant storefronts at discounted rates on rolling 30-day leases. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127831

File: 6bd5a103599c5ed⋯.png (1.02 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904429 (121602ZNOV23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Female powerlifter issued 2-year ban for advocacy against trans-women in competitions

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Female powerlifter issued 2-year ban for advocacy against trans-women in competitions


A Canadian female powerlifter was hit with a two-year ban by the Canadian Powerlifting Union (CPU) for advocating that womens’ sports remain single-sex and prohibit transgender male-to-female competitors who have a natural biological advantage from competing.

The CPU’s discipline panel suspended the Team Canada powerlifter April Hutchinson for violating the organization’s code of conduct social media policy based on a complaint submitted by Anne Andres, a transgender powerlifter. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127832

File: 16ffd00dc0b7a4b⋯.png (363.73 KB,1169x620,1169:620,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904473 (121614ZNOV23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Feds Will Likely Identify Client List of “Johns” After High-End Asian Brothel Bust

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EXPECT BIG NAMES TO DROP: Feds Will Likely Identify Client List of “Johns” After High-End Asian Brothel Bust


Uh oh!

Expect big names to drop in the federal government’s Asian brothel bust.

As previously reported, the Justice Department on Wednesday announced arrests in a high-end brothel network used by elected officials, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, lawyers, doctors and more.

According to the Justice Department, the ringleaders operated two websites to advertise Asian ‘models’ for photography as a front.

“Three individuals have been arrested in connection with operating sophisticated high-end brothels in greater Boston and eastern Virginia. Commercial sex buyers allegedly included elected officials, high tech and pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, attorneys, scientists and accountants, among others,” the US Attorney’s Office of the District of Massachusetts said.

According to the DOJ, the following defendants have been charged with conspiracy to coerce and entice to travel to engage in illegal sexual activity: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127833

File: c6b5c484a9aa66c⋯.png (558.45 KB,768x324,64:27,Clipboard.png)

File: a256e341366f7bb⋯.png (173.57 KB,357x755,357:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904527 (121628ZNOV23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / X Reverses Permanent Ban of British Activist Tommy Robinson and Conservative Pundit Katie Hopkins

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X Reverses Permanent Ban of British Activist Tommy Robinson and Conservative Pundit Katie Hopkins


Conservative British Pundit Katie Hopkins and activist Tommy Robinson have returned to X.

Hopkins was permanently banned from the platform in 2020 when Jack Dorsey led then Twitter after amassing more than a million followers.

BBC reported at the time that the social network did not specify which tweets by Hopkins led to the ban, but cited the hateful conduct policy which “bans promotion of violence or direct written attacks and threats on other people, based on a wide range of personal characteristics such as race, gender or sexual orientation.to result in the ban.”

“Keeping Twitter safe is a top priority for us – abuse and hateful conduct have no place on our service and we will continue to take action when our rules are broken.”

Robinson, who had almost half a million followers, was banned in 2018 but the platform declined to give specifics.

Hopkins celebrated the news sharing, “Thank you @elonmusk And thank you to all the Twitter family who have brought Tommy & I back to @X .Know this. You are not alone. We are many. And we are stronger together. The fight back for your freedom is on.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127834

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904592 (121649ZNOV23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Elon Musk to Zelensky: “Do Not Send the Flower of Ukrainian Youth to Die in Trenches”

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Elon Musk to Zelensky: “Do Not Send the Flower of Ukrainian Youth to Die in Trenches”


Elon Musk has an immense platform, very clear opinions on most geopolitical topics, and he is not shy about sharing them.

Now, he has ‘dared’ opine about the need of start negotiations to end the war in Ukraine, about how the conflict is cutting down an entire generation, and the responsibility that president Volodymyr Zelensky bears on it.

Those of us paying close attention these last 20 months can’t help but feel that Musk is not wrong.

If on one hand the Ukrainian troops have been fighting valiantly, it is also true that time and again Zelensky takes political decisions against the sensible military tactical moves. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127835

File: 0032fdca258792b⋯.png (3.12 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: abdcd078c5a3b2c⋯.png (378.01 KB,538x757,538:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904638 (121701ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Italian Archbishop Viganò Slams Commie Pope After Dismissing Conservative US Bishop — “Cowardly Form of Authoritarianism”

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Italian Archbishop Viganò Slams Commie Pope After Dismissing Conservative US Bishop — “Cowardly Form of Authoritarianism”


On Thursday, socialist Pope Francis removed Bishop Joseph Strickland of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas.

Strickland, appointed in 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI, had been vocal in his criticism of the Vatican’s approach towards LGBTQ issues, abortion, and the discussion around allowing priests to marry.

He explicitly opposed the idea of same-sex marriage and sex outside of marriage, upholding the traditional Catholic doctrine that marriage should be between one man and one woman.

In June, thousands of Catholics and Protestants gathered outside Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles to protest the team honoring the demonic group the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

The Dodgers and Major League Baseball allowed the radical demonic gay group who mock Catholics and Christianity to be celebrated before the start of the baseball game.

Bishop J. Strickland from Texas spoke at the rally and prayed before the game.

Following Bishop Strickland’s appearance at the protest in Los Angeles, the Vatican allegedly sent two bishops to Texas to confront and harass Bishop Strickland in Texas.

On Saturday, the commie Pope Francis dismissed Bishop Strickland from his duties in the Diocese of Tyler, Texas.

The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston released the following statement: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904675 (121713ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Nigel Farage Reportedly to Seek Millions in Legal Action Over ‘Debanking’

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Nigel Farage Reportedly to Seek Millions in Legal Action Over ‘Debanking’


The Gateway Pundit reported that British BREXIT leader Nigel Farage announced that UK banks shut down his accounts without explanation.

Now, Farage is reportedly preparing to take legal action against British Bank NatWest and the bank’s former chief executive, Dame Alison Rose.

NatWest was forced to apologize to Farage after a bank report was released that found he was not “inclusive enough” and was holding “Thatcherite beliefs” and his political positions were the reason he had his accounts closed.

The Daily Mail reported that NatWest was worried after the UK Treasury got involved and spoke out about unfair banking practices based on one’s political beliefs. Treasury announced that UK banks will be subject to “stricter rules” over closing customers’ accounts, in an effort to protect freedom of speech in the country.

Now, Farage is set to seek millions in damages from NatWest, according to GB News. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127837

File: 9349f7abce273d8⋯.png (304.42 KB,768x433,768:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904724 (121727ZNOV23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Job-Killing AI: Dreamworks’ Katzenberg Says Artificial Intelligence Will Replace 90% Of the Human Artists Needed to Make an Animation Movie

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Job-Killing AI: Dreamworks’ Katzenberg Says Artificial Intelligence Will Replace 90% Of the Human Artists Needed to Make an Animation Movie


Is AI turning a generation of tech-addicted visual artists into Luddites?

On the one hand, long gone are the days where animators would be working ink-on-paper to produce frame after frame on an animation movie.

The digital revolution has long-impacted the making of animation. However, we may be about to see the digital transformation of this art form accelerate by a factor of 10 – according to one of the most qualified voices in the industry.

DreamWorks founder Jeffrey Katzenberg has predicted that generative artificial intelligence ‘will cut the cost of animated films by 90 percent’, that means: the ‘human cost’. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127838

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904779 (121748ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Leo Hohmann: Beware the Digital Marking: E.U. Moving Aggressively to Digitize Its Citizens and U.S. Will Also Fall in Line

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Leo Hohmann: Beware the Digital Marking: E.U. Moving Aggressively to Digitize Its Citizens and U.S. Will Also Fall in Line


But first, we will experience World War III and economic collapse

As our attention has been swayed toward the Middle East and war in Israel, the globalists are moving at breakneck speed toward their dream of establishing a truly digital society in which all human beings are tagged, tracked and graded for everything they do.

It was reported this week that the United Nations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and partners of the Rockefeller Foundation are launching a campaign to accelerate digital ID, digital payments, and data sharing rollouts in 50 countries by 2028, all under the umbrella of digital public infrastructure (DPI). (source). They call it the “50-in-5 Agenda.” Isn’t that cute? I guess the term “Great Reset” is already wearing thin on people so they had to come up with a slick new moniker.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has announced plans to roll out “digital IDs” worldwide by 2030, and they will be mandatory for people who wish to participate in society, says Reclaim the Net, which advocates for free speech and individual liberty online.

It appears the European Union will be one of the more aggressive governmental bodies to move in the direction of digitizing its citizens. Once this is accomplished, the next step will be the digital currency and then a full-on social credit scoring system. China is the model for this.

The European Parliament and Member States have just reached an agreement on the introduction of digital identity, a Dutch MEP reported on November 8 in a post to X.

“I just left the room where we had negotiations about the digital identity—and I have bad news,” announced Dutch Member of the European Parliament Rob Roos on Wednesday.

Once this digital identifier is in place the next step will be a CBDC, or central bank digital currency. In the Great Reset, aka New World Order, the dual digitization of currency and human bodies always go together. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904832 (121805ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Brutal COVID Authoritarian Insists on ‘a Little Grace and Forgiveness’ For Lockdown Mandates (video)

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WATCH: Brutal COVID Authoritarian Insists on ‘a Little Grace and Forgiveness’ For Lockdown Mandates


The “pandemic amnesty” narrative emerged almost a year or so ago to the day.

Related: As Lies Exposed, Lockdown Left Pleads for ‘Pandemic Amnesty’

At the time, evidence of the criminality of the Public Health™ and pharmaceutical in developing experimental gene therapies marketed as “vaccines” and then enforcing brutal, siege-style lockdowns and mandates on the population with the explicit aim of enforcing “compliance” by taking them was mounting. Denialism — which had been the predominate strategy up until that point — was no longer viable.

“Amnesty” has more or less been the company line for Branch COVIDians to modern day, as echoed by devotee Scott Galloway on Bill Maher’s show recently (featuring, by the way, disgraced former New York governor Andrew Cuomo, who should be rotting in prison for his COVID crimes instead of being rehabilitated in corporate state media. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127840

File: 090c887495178e4⋯.png (189.44 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904857 (121812ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Certain COVID-19 Vaccines Linked To Elevated Risk Of Guillain-Barré Syndrome

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Certain COVID-19 Vaccines Linked To Elevated Risk Of Guillain-Barré Syndrome


As the vaccination rate continues to rise, an increasing number of side effects are being reported. Research indicates that COVID-19 viral vector-based vaccines increase the risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) by three to four times compared to mRNA-based vaccines.

The Link Between Vaccines and Guillain-Barré Syndrome Risk

Increasing evidence suggests an association between COVID-19 vaccines and Guillain-Barré Syndrome. One study revealed an increase in GBS cases within 42 days of receiving the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine. The researchers suggest a potential link between the AstraZeneca vaccine and the increased risk of GBS.

In March, a prospective surveillance study published in Scientific Reports indicated that out of 38,828,691 doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, between February 2021 and March 2022, 105,409 adverse events were reported, including 55 cases of GBS.

After assessing the risk factors for GBS following COVID-19 vaccination, it was found that viral vector-based vaccines were linked to a three-to-fourfold higher risk of GBS compared to mRNA-based vaccines. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127841

File: 6c2aefd9a159f8a⋯.png (103.04 KB,500x429,500:429,Clipboard.png)

File: 4db6bc9edc679d3⋯.png (378 KB,500x665,100:133,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904932 (121831ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Dear Greta: According to the Global Carbon Atlas, the world’s top polluters are China, India, and the U.S., which accounted for 52% of the world’s CO₂ in 2021

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Dear Greta...


According to the Global Carbon Atlas, the world’s top polluters are China, India, and the U.S., which accounted for 52% of the world’s CO₂ in 2021.

Visual Capitalist's Marcus Lu and Bruno Venditti use that data in the graphic below to explore which countries contribute the most to CO₂ emissions.

The largest polluters are also the biggest in terms of population, which means, in terms of CO₂ emissions per capita (metric tons), the U.S. is relatively high at 15.32, while China and India rank lower at 7.44 and 1.89, respectively.

Historically, the U.S. has been the largest carbon emitter, releasing 422 billion metric tons of CO₂ into the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution. This is equivalent to almost a quarter of all CO₂ produced from fossil fuels and industrial activities.

Given their massive populations and the fact that countries typically increase their emissions as they become more developed, China and India may continue to grow their shares even further.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts that India’s share of global emissions could rise to 10% by 2030.

All of these major contributors of carbon to the atmosphere have set goals to reduce emissions over the next decades.

While the U.S. targets net-zero emissions by 2050, China aims for carbon neutrality by 2060 and India recently set a target of 2070.

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a90dd8 No.127842

File: 0e5a391d049c067⋯.png (320.76 KB,500x429,500:429,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cb1650fdceaf30⋯.png (46.41 KB,300x158,150:79,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f05d920b3f610b⋯.png (42.89 KB,300x150,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 908c5cf473b85f5⋯.png (54.77 KB,300x177,100:59,Clipboard.png)

File: e8a9637ec0071b6⋯.png (113.03 KB,300x157,300:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904964 (121842ZNOV23) Notable: The Problem Boils Down To This: Legalized Force That We Are Not Allowed To Defend Ourselves Against

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The Problem Boils Down To This: Legalized Force That We Are Not Allowed To Defend Ourselves Against


Everyone has their take as regards the problems besetting us. Few seem to grasp there is fundamentally just one problem. It is the problem that animates the others, giving them the power to be problems.

What is this one problem that leads to all the others?

It is force – especially when its use (and threatened use, which has the same effect) is legalized.

How often have you been mugged?

Have you been able to go even one day without being forced to pay what are styled “taxes” – i.e., legalized mugging? You are forced to pay the “mugger” every single time you pay for anything. And when you get paid for the work you do, too.

Because such mugging it is legal – and so ubiquitous. The mugger in the alley is a kind of freelancer; he enjoys no such advantage and suffers the disadvantage of it being legal to attempt to avoid his depredations and to defend oneself against them.

If you don’t like someone, but he is legally powerless to force you to interact with him, then you are free to avoid him. And because you are able to avoid him, conflict is avoided. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127843

File: 45dfb8f2ff2c7bb⋯.png (750.62 KB,944x708,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905871 (122255ZNOV23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Peter Nygard Convicted of Sexual Assault in Canada Court

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Peter Nygard Convicted of Sexual Assault in Canada Court


Peter Nygard, the former Canadian fashion magnate, was found guilty on four counts of sexual assault in a Toronto court after several days of deliberation by a jury.

Peter Nygard, former chairman and founder of Nygard International Partnership, in a vehicle while leaving court in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023. Former Canadian retail mogul Peter Nygard, once the founder of one of the largest womens clothing brands in the country, was arrested in late 2020 in Manitoba, facing trafficking charges involving women and girls over the course of 25 years, which he denied.

(Bloomberg) — Peter Nygard, the former Canadian fashion magnate, was found guilty on four counts of sexual assault in a Toronto court after several days of deliberation by a jury.

The verdict, delivered Sunday morning, followed weeks of testimony from five women Nygard was accused of sexually assaulting. The women shared detailed accounts in court of how Nygard invited them to his company’s headquarters in downtown Toronto before assaulting them. The names of his accusers are protected by a court-ordered publication ban.

Nygard, 82, had faced six different criminal charges. He was found not guilty on one count of sexual assault and one count of forcible confinement. The maximum sentence for sexual assault in Canada is 10 years in prison, unless the victim is under 16 years old. A date for sentencing hasn’t been set yet. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127844

File: 4251a9eff05a4e9⋯.png (310.65 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908800 (131517ZNOV23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / Zelensky may be ousted - ex-presidential aide

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Zelensky may be ousted – ex-presidential aide


The idea of peace talks between Moscow and Kiev has become a “prevalent narrative” in the West, Oleg Soskin believes

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s unwillingness to consider peace talks with Russia might lead him to being ousted to make such negotiations possible, Oleg Soskin, an adviser to two former Ukrainian presidents, said on Saturday.

Zelensky, who continues to maintain that victory should be achieved on the battlefield, simply “cannot” enter peace talks with Moscow, Soskin said on his YouTube channel. Such actions, he believes, are pushing Russia and at least some of Ukraine’s Western backers to think that they need someone else to represent Kiev who can “agree on even a temporary truce.” In order to achieve that, the current Ukrainian leadership needs to be “neutralized,” the former presidential aide added. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908810 (131520ZNOV23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun / US Accuses Chinese Firms of Supplying Equipment to Russia for its War in Ukraine (video)

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US Accuses Chinese Firms of Supplying Equipment to Russia for its War in Ukraine


U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the U.S. has obtained evidence that proves Chinese companies maybe providing defence equipment to Russia to help it in its war against Ukraine.

These allegations come just ahead of President Joe Biden's meeting with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

The two leaders will meet on November 15 in California on the sidelines of the APEC summit.

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a90dd8 No.127846

File: 0ef93180cb5a0b0⋯.png (1.48 MB,1200x466,600:233,Clipboard.png)

File: 21fa55bbcf77c28⋯.png (1.22 MB,1199x776,1199:776,Clipboard.png)

File: e5620e16e9231ca⋯.png (970.49 KB,773x1000,773:1000,Clipboard.png)

File: fc9644bf831b8cd⋯.png (1.03 MB,1201x686,1201:686,Clipboard.png)

File: 902be32f6ef04c7⋯.png (1.77 MB,1200x825,16:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908949 (131546ZNOV23) Notable: EXPOSED: The Great Reset, AI Revolution & ‘Global Boiling’: Unveiling the Secret Depopulation Plan - YOU are the Carbon Footprint they want to Eliminate

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EXPOSED: The Great Reset, AI Revolution & ‘Global Boiling’: Unveiling the Secret Depopulation Plan – YOU are the Carbon Footprint they want to Eliminate


A chilling plan has been uncovered that should shock you to your very core.

For decades, global powers have been orchestrating a depopulation strategy, hidden under the guise of public health crises, economic instability, and environmental concerns.

Now, with the dawn of the AI revolution, fondly referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, the world faces an unsettling future.

With artificial intelligence poised to replace low-wage labour, the once indispensable human workforce is now suddenly being painted as the villain in a so-called environmental saga that has been christened with many names:

‘Global Warming’, ‘Climate Change’ and now even ‘Global Boiling’ as the UN Secretary-General outrageously announced to the world on July 27th 2023 when he falsely proclaimed –

“Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning.

“The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.

“The air is unbreathable”

UN Secretary-General António Guterres opening remarks at press conference on climate.

But the truth is that the alleged climate change crisis is just another cog in a concealed depopulation agenda, skilfully engineered by the powers that be.

And the only carbon footprint they want to eliminate, is you.

Brace yourself as we venture into the heart of this spine-chilling narrative, navigating the labyrinth of ominous forecasts, top-secret documents, strategic policies, and the climate change narrative that is part of a disturbing grand design.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127847

File: 21329c0e1b287e0⋯.png (1023.6 KB,819x491,819:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909056 (131612ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / A Short ESG Guide: Terms

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A Short ESG Guide: Terms


ESG advocates use a variety of jargon to describe their activities and goals. Some are pretty straightforward to define, others are rather ambiguous and slippery. Today’s column will help you cut through the clutter and ask the right questions of ESG advocates.

Here are a few general terms worth explaining: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127848

File: 8c7a6b65a884bd3⋯.png (720.2 KB,658x418,329:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909076 (131616ZNOV23) Notable: Sovereign Debt is Eating the World

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Sovereign Debt is Eating the World


Sovereign debt is eating the world. Lining up a financial crash that could make 2008 look like a picnic.

How did we get here?

In short, governments and central banks deluded themselves into thinking that unlimited deficit spending financed by unlimited money printing won’t do what they’ve done for literally millennia — plunge the economy into stagflation.

They are, of course, wrong. And we’re seeing the catastrophe unfold before our eyes. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909168 (131632ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two / Shots fired overnight at two Montreal yeshivas (video)

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Montreal Jewish school shot at for 2nd time in a week


A Montreal Jewish school was shot at for a second time in a week, the latest in a string of events targeting Jewish-owned buildings in the city. No injuries were reported. Mayor Valerie Plante condemned the attack and said Montreal is a city of peace.

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a90dd8 No.127850

File: 714e06ae6df79e9⋯.png (1.49 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909237 (131643ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two / “When we have to hide who we are, we disappear”: Canadian Jews defiant amid rising antisemitism

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“When we have to hide who we are, we disappear”: Canadian Jews defiant amid rising antisemitism


A Canadian human rights organization warns that Jewish Canadians are feeling vulnerable following a series of antisemitic incidents across the country.

Tensions have been rising globally between supporters from either side of the Israel – Hamas conflict, but the recent surge in violence expressed towards members of the Jewish faith has the community concerned for their safety.

Rich Robertson, B’nai Brith Canada’s manager of research, told True North that Jewish Canadians are experiencing unprecedented anxiety.

“Our community has gone from a period of devastation and mourning following the terrorist attack on the morning of the seventh, to facing unprecedented anxiety ever experienced by the Canadian diaspora.”

“While antisemitism is nothing new for the community,” Robertson said. “The current Israel-Hamas conflict is bringing anti-Jewish and antisemitic sentiments to the forefront.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127851

File: a5de6aa0407a459⋯.png (820.71 KB,768x431,768:431,Clipboard.png)

File: e128f3ed24401a3⋯.png (677.54 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909376 (131709ZNOV23) Notable: Germany on the March: Bundeswehr Revamped to Become Backbone of European Defense, Berlin to Double Military Aid to Ukraine

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Germany on the March: Bundeswehr Revamped to Become Backbone of European Defense, Berlin to Double Military Aid to Ukraine


Bad Memories: Berlin is flexing its military muscles, and a shiver runs through Europe’s spine.

Badly trailing the conservative opposition in the polls, Olaf Scholz and his merry band of Liberal Globalists have come with a great new plan to turn things around: WAR.

So now it arises that Germany will make its military ‘the backbone of European deterrence’ with sweeping changes and modernization.

And that’s not all: to try and make up for the expected loss in foreign military aid for Ukraine, Scholz will double the amount of resources previously allocated.

Reuters reported: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127852

File: 90db78f0fe47106⋯.png (323.31 KB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cd274391260ae0⋯.png (6.38 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 933046719155e9e⋯.png (1.29 MB,1134x656,567:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909627 (131757ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Tragic: 15-Month-Old Girl Dies from Organ Failure and Cardiac Arrest Two Days After Receiving Three Vaccines During Routine Visit

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Tragic: 15-Month-Old Girl Dies from Organ Failure and Cardiac Arrest Two Days After Receiving Three Vaccines During Routine Visit


In a heart-wrenching incident, Melody Rain Palombi-Malmgren, a 15-month-old girl, tragically passed away two days after receiving routine vaccinations. Her mother, Katherine Palombi, recalls the shock and sorrow of losing a child who was the epitome of joy and health.

On October 17, during a routine 15-month well-visit at the Herbert Kania Pediatric Group in Warwick, New York, Melody received three vaccines, News12 Westchester reported.

Just two days later, she suddenly stopped breathing and suffered cardiac arrest despite exhibiting no warning signs. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127853

File: 8418b33df482ff6⋯.png (282.39 KB,810x494,405:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909757 (131825ZNOV23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Microsoft, Meta reveal plans to combat so-called ‘election disinformation’ using ‘fact checkers’

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Microsoft, Meta reveal plans to combat so-called ‘election disinformation’ using ‘fact checkers’


Microsoft has developed a 5-step 'Election Protection Commitments' plan to be rolled out in the US and other places where 'critical' elections will take place.

If you’re tired of censorship and dystopian threats against civil liberties, subscribe to Reclaim The Net

(Reclaim The Net) — And so it begins. In fact, it hardly ever stops – another election cycle in well on its way in the U.S. But what has emerged these last few years, and what continues to crop up the closer the election day gets, is the role of the most influential social platforms/tech companies.

Pressure on them is sometimes public, but mostly not, as the Twitter Files have taught us; and it is with this in mind that various announcements about combating “election disinformation” coming from Big Tech should be viewed.

Although, one can never discount the possibility that some – say, Microsoft – are doing it quite voluntarily. That company has now come out with what it calls “new steps to protect elections,” and is framing this concern for election integrity more broadly than just the goings-on in the U.S. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127854

File: a54a45cec9514ed⋯.png (4.54 MB,1920x1255,384:251,Clipboard.png)

File: 55b6e69cb5e79ac⋯.png (3.67 MB,1920x1280,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909909 (131855ZNOV23) Notable: EXPOSED: Klaus Schwab & WEF’s Secret Blueprint to Control Every Aspect of Your Life

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EXPOSED: Klaus Schwab & WEF’s Secret Blueprint to Control Every Aspect of Your Life


Klaus Schwab took $6,000 in seed money in 1971 and transformed the World Economic Forum (WEF) from a humble gathering of academics into the most exclusive club in the world. The WEF now rakes in $390 million, annually.

Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life follows the money beyond the politicians—and their petty squabbles in Washington—straight to top: Davos. It is in this tiny Alpine town that the jet-setting billionaires and shadowy bureaucrats are plotting out the next decade of our lives.

The market capitalization of WEF’s top members—corporate behemoths like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, Google, Comcast, and Pfizer—tops $10 trillion. Double that if you include $10 trillion-asset manager BlackRock, whose founder and CEO Larry Fink is a WEF board member. So, with more than $20 trillion—greater than the GDP of every nation in the world except that of the United States—sloshing around in its member coffers, it is easy to grasp why the WEF is able to exert extraordinary influence.

But WEF’s ongoing dominance over world governments has achieved much more than mere money ever could. The organization’s economic power achieves political and social control. The many ways in which the WEF is plotting to control society’s future are bone-chilling. Key items on the agenda include the globalist takeover of not just finance, but also energy, food, health, personal information, and technology. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127855

File: b595fae9ddd3754⋯.png (2.35 MB,1130x1536,565:768,Clipboard.png)

File: deb7a0c28fd9dfb⋯.png (215.16 KB,730x938,365:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910164 (131949ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / 40+ International Experts to Speak in Romanian Parliament Nov. 18-19 for International Crisis Summit 4

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40+ International Experts to Speak in Romanian Parliament Nov. 18-19 for International Crisis Summit 4


More than 40 international experts will give powerful testimonies to help continue exposing the Covid narrative at International Crisis Summit 4 in the Romanian Parliament on Nov. 18-19. Speakers will include Canadian experts, Drs. Jessica Rose, Denis Rancourt, Byram Bridle, Mark Trozzi, and Chris Shoemaker as well as Jason Christoff and Rain Trozzi. International experts include Drs. Pierre Kory, Ryan Cole, Natalia Prego, Jill Malone, Robert Malone and Harvey Risch.

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a90dd8 No.127856

File: d845e045790f4fc⋯.png (1.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910221 (132001ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two / Canada Revenue Agency uncovers ‘disturbing’ ties between Muslim Association of Canada leaders and Hamas support network

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Canada Revenue Agency uncovers ‘disturbing’ ties between Muslim Association of Canada leaders and Hamas support network


The Muslim Association of Canada receives millions of dollars in taxpayer funds each year.

A counter-terrorism team within the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has uncovered alarming links between leaders of the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) and a Hamas support network.

As reported by La Presse, a CRA employee responsible for auditing the MAC's finances said in an affidavit that "The involvement of directors/employees in an apparent network of support for Hamas is troubling."

During the auditing of the organization, government employees were reportedly shocked to discover that 12 individuals who have held senior positions within the MAC were former members of Hamas-linked groups or had significant ties to them.

Hamas has been designated as a terrorist entity by the Government of Canada.

The audit reportedly revealed that a MAC school in Montreal once employed a man named Mohamed Zrig as an administrator. Zrig "was denied refugee status in Canada because of his complicity in a series of crimes in Tunisia, including bombings, arson, throwing acid in the face of citizens and plotting political assassinations." Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127857

File: df693564a69d96c⋯.png (1.76 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910247 (132006ZNOV23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / 'Dozens' of teachers sign online petition pledging not to follow Sask. Parents' Bill of Rights

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'Dozens' of teachers sign online petition pledging not to follow Sask. Parents' Bill of Rights


'We will continue to use the practice of letting students have autonomy over their identity and letting students determine who does and doesn't know about their gender disclosure,' the petition reads, as reported by The Canadian Press and shared by CBC.

Dozens of teachers have signed an online petition calling on Saskatchewan's school divisions to not follow the province's new Parents' Bill of Rights. The new legislation requires students under the age of 16 to have parental consent before changing their name or gender pronouns at school without parental consent.

Premier Scott Moe pushed the bill through the provincial legislature through the notwithstanding clause, allowing the government to override portions of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms along with Saskatchewan's Human Rights Code.

Now, a number of educators in the province are saying they are unwilling to follow the rule.

"We will continue to use the practice of letting students have autonomy over their identity and letting students determine who does and doesn't know about their gender disclosure," the petition reads, as reported by The Canadian Press and shared by CBC.

"Part of the process has always been: 'No. 1, thank you for sharing this with me, and No. 2, how can I support you?"' one educator told CP. "I think that respects the rights of parents. And if children say, 'I need you to support me and not share this information until I understand how,' then that is the way that I would support students."

As of last Thursday, the outlet reported that 98 people had signed the petition. Organizers say they've verified 70 of those signatories, with most being teachers working in the Regina and Saskatoon areas.

Presently, it is unclear what will happen should teachers not follow the law. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127858

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910367 (132032ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / American cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough breaks down the ‘settled science’ surrounding COVID-19 vaccines (video)

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Exclusive Interview: American cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough breaks down the ‘settled science’ surrounding COVID-19 vaccines


Many doctors bravely risked their careers to break ranks with the unscientific approach governments around the world implemented when it came to COVID-19, but perhaps none with the same weight and authority as Dr. McCullough.

Our friends at Canadians for Truth were thrilled to welcome a sold-out crowd of over 1500 to Legacy Place in Red Deer, Alberta for the latest edition of their Fire and Ice program, which features Olympic gold medalists Jamie Sale and Theoren Fleury interviewing guests with a focus on truth, freedom and justice.

Their special guest for this edition was prominent American cardiologist and outspoken COVID-19 response critic Dr. Peter McCullough. Many doctors bravely risked their careers to break ranks with the unscientific approach governments around the world implemented when it came to COVID-19, but perhaps none with the same weight and authority as Dr. McCullough.

As former vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University and a former professor at Texas A&M, Dr. McCullough’s credentials and experience were beyond dispute, and despite unwarranted efforts to discredit him by vaccine apologists, his medical and science-based retorts to the COVID-19 pandemic have resonated the world over.

We were extremely fortunate to be granted an exclusive interview with the doctor where we discussed vaccine side-effects, fertility impacts and “settled-science”, in addition to breaking down the Trudeau government's efforts to attack natural health products.

Stay tuned for our full report of this event, including interviews with Theoren Fleury, Jamie Sale, Dr. Roger Hodkinson and our very own Sheila Gunn Reid soon at RebelNews.com. Canadians for Truth will also have their full conversation with Dr. McCullough available within the month at CanadiansForTruth.ca.

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a90dd8 No.127859

File: cf798db3571f377⋯.png (153.08 KB,362x617,362:617,Clipboard.png)

File: cdc1170d1d50d30⋯.png (873.92 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910440 (132048ZNOV23) Notable: Massacre in West Darfur: Over 4,000 dead after Sudanese paramilitary group attacked refugee camp

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Massacre in West Darfur: Over 4,000 dead after Sudanese paramilitary group attacked refugee camp


Al Jazeera reported 1,300 deaths at Ardamata camp, while Sudan's foreign ministry estimates the death toll is 'four times' that figure. 'Land of the Masalit? There is no more land for the Masalit,' chanted a paramilitary fighter in Arabic.

Sudan's Foreign Ministry claimed as many as 4,000 people are dead after a rouge paramilitary group opened fire on refugees in West Darfur.

On November 2, Sudan's Rapid Support Forces (RSF) encircled a camp composed of displaced people from regional Masalit tribes, following their assault on a military base in the region. The ensuing attacks spanned several days and is widely considered the worst atrocity of Sudan's ongoing civil war.

According to the National News, nearly six million people have fled their homes since April, including 1.2 million who crossed to neighbouring nations, mainly Chad, which borders Darfur, and Egypt and South Sudan.

"They went house to house to search for men and killed each one they found," said Montesser Saddam, who narrowly avoided the massacre to Chad in a desperate bid to flee the country. "There were so many corpses in the streets," he added.

According to reports from local observers to Al Jazeera, approximately 1,300 individuals lost their lives, and 2,000 more sustained injuries. Another 310 remained unaccounted for, per their estimates. However, the foreign ministry contends the death toll is nearly four times the figure cited over the weekend. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.127860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911770 (140100ZNOV23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun

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Final Climate Change Bun

>>127518 Here’s Why We Could be Headed for Another Dark Middle Ages

>>127525 Canadian senator stalls bill that exempts farmers from carbon tax: report

>>127531 Inside the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals Summit: Jody Ledgerwood and Cris Vleck (video)

>>127539 Pope Francis set to attend UN ‘climate change’ conference in Dubai: reports

>>127550 Clean tech agency distributed tens of millions of taxpayer dollars inappropriately

>>127560 We’re All Doomed: U.N. Warns Planet Earth on the Eve of Destruction

>>127566 Clean tech fund fired employees concerned with corporate misconduct, whistleblower alleges

>>127567 Montreal bans natural gas, oil and propane in new buildings

>>127610 Saskatchewan vows continued fight over federal environmental regs in throne speech

>>127592 Environment minister signs deal to 'share experts' with China (video)

>>127615 ‘Overcharged’: Major Study Reveals Alarming True Cost of Owning an EV, ‘Fueling’ Equal to $17.33 Per Gallon

>>127621 Think tank says Canadian LNG exports would help meet climate targets

>>127623 17 Questions to Challenge the Climate Change Crisis

>>127641 Scott Moe pledges to axe carbon tax from natural gas heating if Ottawa doesn’t

>>127645 Trudeau gov shuts down Premiers’ request for carbon tax exemptions

>>127651 Bank of Canada admits eliminating carbon tax could reduce inflation by 16%

>>127656 Chiefs of Ontario want carbon tax exemption for all Indigenous lands across province

>>127658 Agriculture Canada apologizes for “30% reduction of fertilizer use” error in report

>>127664 Pope Francis confirms he will attend UN’s COP28 ‘climate change’ conference in Dubai

>>127665 Trudeau's war on farmers could create catastrophe as food prices soar

>>127671 Why Are The Globalists Calling "Climate Change" A "Public Health Crisis"?

>>127681 Global News: Hypocrite: Bill Gates is funding 70 million acres of Deforestation in North America (video)

>>127682 Freeland Won’t Rule out JAILING Scott Moe for Disobeying Carbon Law

>>127683 Redacted: Justin Trudeau just LIED right to Canadians (video)

>>127693 Nearly 2 Billion People In The World Don't See Climate Change As A Threat

>>127710 LAWTON: Why electric cars won’t solve climate change (video)

>>127713 'Greenies' Are All About The Green

>>127726 Radical Leftists Smash Classical Painting with Hammers, Break Glass in London’s National Gallery

>>127735 Premiers united in opposition to Trudeau’s selective carbon tax approach

>>127748 McKenna claims 'climate Barbie' moniker was on her mind when negotiating Paris Accord

>>127764 Canada won’t meet climate targets despite carbon tax: Environment Commissioner

>>127776 Guilbeault says the quiet part out loud: 'I’m a proud socialist'

>>127784 Liberal fertilizer plan could cost Western farmers $841 million: Sask. rural group

>>127813 WEF-Linked UPenn: ‘Climate Change’ Causing Heart Attacks Spike

>>127820 Head of federal green 'slush fund' resigns

>>127826 With Controversial Vote, Senate Delays Carbon Tax Exemption Bill for Farmers

>>127841 Dear Greta: According to the Global Carbon Atlas, the world’s top polluters are China, India, and the U.S., which accounted for 52% of the world’s CO₂ in 2021

>>127847 A Short ESG Guide: Terms

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911773 (140100ZNOV23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun

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Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun

>>127470 Redacted: "OH SH*T! Pfizer is heading for bankruptcy?! (video)

>>127479 Reactions: Censored health experts speak out at conference (video)

>>127493 Fauci Coming to Canada

>>127498 Karl Lauterbach and Christian Drosten team up at the World Health Summit to tackle “misinformation” and “disinformation” for the next pandemic

>>127514 WHO outlines considerations for regulation of artificial intelligence for health

>>127575 WHO Leader Dr. Tedros Says “Disinformation” Eroded Trust Between People and WHO - Forgets to Mention He Was the Main Player Behind the Disinformation (video)

>>127583 Covid: Money, Medical Pressure, Corruption and Fake News (video)

>>127588 Docs gear up for ‘Free Speech in Medicine’ conference

>>127598 Seven Alberta hospitals implement regional “enhanced masking directive”

>>127599 LEVY: Holocaust survivor compares Nazism to pandemic policy

>>127602 Ivermectin: a systematic review from antiviral effects to COVID-19 complementary regimen

>>127613 Nova Scotia offering health workers cash prizes for ideas on how to improve care

>>127624 LAWTON: Doctors unite to oppose censorship in medicine (video)

>>127650 Pfizer To Shut Down Two Facilities Amid Major Cost Cuts

>>127659 Lawyer exposes administrative state’s chilling effect on free speech and direct patient care (video)

>>127661 Elon Musk Says Ventilators, Not COVID-19 Virus, Responsible for Millions of Deaths

>>127669 WHO Publishes Latest Draft of Pandemic Treaty To Combat “Misinformation”

>>127688 Free Speech in Medicine conference pioneers discussion on medical taboos

>>127717 Dr. Mark Trozzi warns going along with medical tyranny will lead to ‘a form of hell on earth’

>>127720 Scientific discourse at last! Doctors Bridle and Strauss (video)

>>127769 Banned: Health Fan Favorite Becomes the Latest Victim of Trudeau’s Canada

>>127771 Alberta seeks to strip unelected officials of decision-making power during health emergencies

>>127782 Gates-Funded Plan to Vaccinate 86 Million Girls Against HPV Will ‘Unleash Mass Casualty Event,’ Critic Says

>>127783 Gov’s technology chief misled MPs about ArriveCan app contract: deputy minister

>>127788 "Enough Is Enough": Widower Sues Hospital for Withholding Ivermectin, Claims Wrongful Death

>>127799 BC Conservatives present appeal by healthcare professionals to scrap Bill 36

>>127821 World’s First Recombinant Anthrax Vaccine Seeks Approval in Order to “Prepare Against Potential Bioterrorism”

>>127839 Brutal COVID Authoritarian Insists on ‘a Little Grace and Forgiveness’ For Lockdown Mandates (video)

>>127855 40+ International Experts to Speak in Romanian Parliament Nov. 18-19 for International Crisis Summit 4

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911775 (140100ZNOV23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

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Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

>>127502 Saskatchewan government passes Parents’ Bill of Rights

>>127504 Alberta Conservatives to debate parental rights policy at upcoming UCP AGM

>>127519 Redacted: Australia is trying to HIDE this from the world (video)

>>127553 Swim competition allows a 50-year-old biological male to swim with 13 year-old girls

>>127559 'Boycott UFC' Calls Soar After Mega-Sponsorship Deal With Bud Light

>>127750, >>127751 Nashville Trans School Shooter (video)

>>127819 Ottawa to fund women's sports, but not protect female-only spaces

>>127831 Female powerlifter issued 2-year ban for advocacy against trans-women in competitions

>>127857 'Dozens' of teachers sign online petition pledging not to follow Sask. Parents' Bill of Rights

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911777 (140100ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two

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Hamas and Isreal Bun Part Two

>>127765 Social media “another front” in war with Hamas: IDF official

>>127777 Journalists or Jihadists? Employees of American news agencies were embedded in plainclothes with Hamas during Oct 7 massacre

>>127778 Sperry: Hamas Ally CAIR Has Been Operating With Impunity Inside America For 30 Years

>>127779 Texas Journalist’s Home Repeatedly Visited by ‘Corrupt’ FBI for Exposing Possible Hamas Training Camp Near US-Mexico Border - FBI Demands In-Person Meeting to Disclose ‘Sources’

>>127785 Student brawl breaks out at Concordia University over Israel-Hamas war

>>127787, >>127849 Shots fired overnight at two Montreal yeshivas (video)

>>127794 TV7 Israel News 09.11.23: IDF declares ‘Hamas lost control of north Gaza’; Israel warns Hezbollah (video)

>>127795 College Prof Screams at Jewish Student ‘Go Back to Poland!’

>>127803 Anti-Israel protestors swarmed a senator's car for refusing a 'ceasefire' pamphlet: report

>>127810 Justin Trudeau Rails Against ‘Islamophobia’ After Gun Attack on Montreal Jewish Schools

>>127817 Police watch Pro-Gaza protesters take over Scotiabank branch

>>127823 55 Global Nations Do Not 'Recognize' Palestine, 29 Don't Recognize Israel

>>127850 “When we have to hide who we are, we disappear”: Canadian Jews defiant amid rising antisemitism

>>127856 Canada Revenue Agency uncovers ‘disturbing’ ties between Muslim Association of Canada leaders and Hamas support network

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127864

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911793 (140102ZNOV23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun

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Final Law and Disorder Bun

>>127485 Canada Border Services Agency lost track of over 29,000 fugitives

>>127507 Trudeau gov’t routinely goes to court to block access to information requests, watchdog says

>>127520 Rural Alberta community puts Ottawa on blast for not addressing crime

>>127522 LAWTON: Documents reveal SNC-Lavalin probe blocked by Trudeau cabinet (video)

>>127524 U.S. border agents captured 237 illegal immigrants along Manitoba border since October 2022: report

>>127534 B.C. MP calls for end of ‘safer supply’ drug policy after death of family member

>>127563 Two Calgary men charged for private conversation en route to city’s Million Person March

>>127565 'Unprecedented In Human History': Five Eyes Intelligence Chiefs Sound Alarm On China's Technology Theft

>>127568 Trudeau Foundation the “perfect conduit” for foreign influence, Conservatives allege

>>127570 Commons Ethics Committee urges 'stronger penalties' for intelligence leakers

>>127573 The Liberals and RCMP continue to collaborate on gun grab measures (video)

>>127585 Hungary's PM Orban: Clear Link Between Terrorism and Migration (video)

>>127590 Trudeau appoints new Supreme Court justice from Alberta

>>127601 Feds quash debate into widespread church arsons, vandalism

>>127603 Documentary Implicates Schwab, Gates, WHO, UN and Other Globalist Entities in Massive Crime of ‘Democide’

>>127627 Catch and release justice system “major factor” in Alberta rural crime surge

>>127628 Alberta man sentenced in the province’s first 3D-printed firearms trafficking conviction

>>127630 CBS Reporter Catherine Herridge Faces Contempt Charges For Refusing to Reveal Her Confidential Source

>>127636 Feds to hike taxes on alcohol by 4.7% in 2024

>>127637 Saskatchewan promises law to prevent poppy bans ahead of Remembrance Day

>>127642 Trudeau appoints former Liberal MP and long-time donor to “independent” senate seats

>>127660 Alberta tables support for opioid lawsuit against Big Pharma

>>127668 Hamilton church broken into, arson attempted to burn entire building to the ground

>>127677 Conservative report accuses Trudeau gov’t of ignoring Chinese interference because it helped Liberals

>>127780 UK Foreign Office Says Terrorists ‘Very Likely’ to Attempt an Attack in Canada

>>127802 Arrests made after Calgary Eritrean mob violence

>>127804 Leo Hohmann: Update on German Attorney Reiner Fuellmich (Arrested Last Month in Mexico)

>>127825 Canada issues travel advisory warning of heightened terror threats in UK, UK does same for Canada

>>127827 Crown Agency to Construct Senate Parkade at Cost of $1 Million per Spot

>>127829 Conservative bill seeks to provide more protection to rural residents plagued by crime

>>127830 Concerns over open drug use prompt Sudbury chocolatier to temporarily close storefront

>>127832 Feds Will Likely Identify Client List of “Johns” After High-End Asian Brothel Bust

>>127843 Peter Nygard Convicted of Sexual Assault in Canada Court

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127865

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911795 (140103ZNOV23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun

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Final Media and Censorship Bun

>>127487 X Platform May Leave the European Union Over the ‘Digital Services Act’ - Elon Musk Tired of the Push for Censorship Coming From Brussels

>>127488 Elon Musk Slams EU over NewsGuard Association: ‘What a Scam!’

>>127499 Chilliwack Board of School Trustees faces legal action over freedom of expression concerns

>>127513 Five Times August's anti-woke anthem "Ain't No Rock And Roll" reaches 1 MILLION views on X

>>127521 LAWTON: Liberals promise another internet regulation bill (video)

>>127538 The Uncancellable Billionaire: Musk's SpaceX Signs Deal To Launch EU Satellites

>>127540 World Economic Forum Calls For “Collective Action” To Fight “Misinformation” and “Disinformation”

>>127548 Broadcasting groups says Apple must be included in Online News Act

>>127549 Gov foreign interference study calls for more online misinformation control

>>127558 ‘Spamouflage’: Canada Says CCP Bots Targeted Lawmakers’ Social Media With Mass Disinformation Campaign - Spy Agency Blocks Chinese Acquisitions of Property Close to Strategic Assets

>>127561 Library said allowing gender-critical talk could “test bounds of hate speech”

>>127593 Elon Musk trolls Barack Obama with pedophile codes found in the Podesta E-mails

>>127594 George Soros and Bill Gates-Funded Aspen Institute is Hit With Censorship Collusion Lawsuit

>>127595 What’s behind the alleged ‘Chinese bot’ operation in Canada?

>>127596 Ontario man gets 15 months in jail after photographing women at gym and submitting images to porn site

>>127604 Elon Musk Blasts Scottish Leader As "A Blatant Racist"

>>127639 “The anti-WEF”: Jordan Peterson-led UK summit kicks off (video)

>>127647 Global News dismisses journalist Zahraa Al-Akhrass amid controversy over anti-Israel posts

>>127673 Tucker Carlson visits Julian Assange in London prison

>>127689 CBC calls itself 'precious'; viewership numbers say otherwise

>>127730 Progressives cancel Buffy Sainte-Marie after indigenous ancestry questioned by CBC documentary

>>127731 CBC called out by Conservative Canadian Heritage Critic for 'being on the side of terrorists'

>>127774, >>127789 Petition launched in Canada to ban Tucker Carlson from entering the country

>>127786 UNESCO’s contradictory plan to suppress dissidence in the name of free expression (video)

>>127796 US Congress Members Call for Biden to Drop US Extradition Request Against Assange

>>127797 It's STARTING! Pres. Biden WILL change the internet FOREVER with this move (video)

>>127812 UNESCO Seeks To Regulate All Internet Content

>>127833 X Reverses Permanent Ban of British Activist Tommy Robinson and Conservative Pundit Katie Hopkins

>>127837 Job-Killing AI: Dreamworks’ Katzenberg Says Artificial Intelligence Will Replace 90% Of the Human Artists Needed to Make an Animation Movie

>>127853 Microsoft, Meta reveal plans to combat so-called ‘election disinformation’ using ‘fact checkers’

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127866

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911798 (140103ZNOV23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun

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Final Russia and Ukraine Bun

>>127490 Russia charges Canadian parliament WWII SS Nazi with genocide

>>127491 NATO envoys hold ‘emergency meeting’ over Putin-Orban talks - media

>>127496 De-dollarization in Russia-China trade almost complete - minister

>>127497 India Rejects Russian Demand To Pay For Oil In Chinese Yuan

>>127574 Robert Fico Formally Appointed as Prime Minister of Slovakia - Immediately Ends Military Aid to Ukraine, Says Russia and the US Must Agree on Peace Terms

>>127582 Ukrainian Nazi veteran honored by Canada put on Russia's wanted database

>>127618 Dynamic Duo: Hungary’s Viktor Orbán and Slovakia’s Robert Fico Expected to Block Further EU Military Help to Ukraine

>>127712 Major Shift in Western Propaganda on Ukraine

>>127734, >>127755, >>127756, >>127757 Is the Olena Zelenska Foundation covering for sex trafficking?

>>127768 WORLD WAR III WATCH: NATO Members, Including US, Suspend Cold War-Era Arm Control Treaty Following Russian Withdrawal

>>127781 A $34 billion market: How Ukrainian security forces make money by selling children to the West

>>127807 Pentagon Is Starting To Restrict Flow Of Military Aid To Ukraine As Money Runs Out

>>127822 Hungary’s Orbán Becomes the Nemesis of Ukraine’s EU Dreams: Opposes Beginning of Ascension Talks, and Is Poised to Block €50B Military Aid

>>127824 Ukraine’s ‘biggest arms supplier’ orchestrated 2014 Maidan massacre, witnesses say

>>127834 Elon Musk to Zelensky: “Do Not Send the Flower of Ukrainian Youth to Die in Trenches”

>>127844 Zelensky may be ousted - ex-presidential aide

>>127845 US Accuses Chinese Firms of Supplying Equipment to Russia for its War in Ukraine (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127867

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911807 (140105ZNOV23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

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Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>127484 Health Canada’s startling admission confirms secret DNA contamination discovered in COVID-19 vaccines

>>127506 Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccine

>>127508 Data shows less than 1% of Albertans have taken the latest COVID booster

>>127509 Horrific! “On one day, 30 people were jabbed on the same day at the same location - ALL are now deceased“

>>127510 Republican & ‘Entire Family’ Killed in Plane Crash after Demanding Investigation into mRNA Shots

>>127528 Swiss Banker Pascal Najadi Calls on Swiss Authorities to Arrest People Behind the Release of “Bioweapon” COVID-19 Shot in New Documentary

>>127541 For reference, here is a link to the redacted Canada-Pfizer Manufacturing and Supply Agreement:

>>127545 Ontario Court Dismisses Vaccine Passport Appeal

>>127547 WCH Expert Panel Finds Cancer-Promoting DNA Contamination in Covid-19 Vaccines-October 10, 2023

>>127554 Health Canada stands firm: Pfizer vaccine safe and effective despite undisclosed contaminants

>>127564 Anthony Fauci to be awarded with prestigious 'Ethics Prize' for 'saving millions of lives'

>>127571 'Health Canada hasn't considered the risk' of COVID vaccine DNA contamination issue, says citizen scientist (video)

>>127578 Soldier suing over military vax mandate

>>127591 Regulatory specialist unravels COVID-19 vials and clinical trials (video)

>>127632 It’s a gene therapy. It was a gene therapy yesterday. It will still be a gene therapy tomorrow

>>127666 Dr Trozzi: Urgent Message to Doctors and Nurses (video)

>>127672 COVID Vaccines Have Caused a Dangerously Deadly Alliance Between mRNA, Graphene & Nanotechnology

>>127674 Canadian doctor sounds alarm over ‘turbo cancers’ in young people due to COVID jabs

>>127685 Health Canada scrutinized for lack of COVID-19 vaccine risk-benefit analysis

>>127687, >>127744 Professor Didier Raoult, infectious disease specialist and microbiologist (video)

>>127690 Canada's military is in a retention and recruitment crisis (video)

>>127691 Arbiter in Helen Grus Tribunal: 'Theories Linking COVID Vaccines to Child Deaths' Not Welcome (video)

>>127692 Fauci Lied, People Died: French Study Is Latest to Find Hydroxychloroquine Is Associated with Lower COVID-19 Mortality Rates

>>127694 Big Pharma and Big Gov’t CONCEALED heart damage caused by COVID-19 injections to push vaccine mandates

>>127732 CPSO Pronounces Judgment Over Dr Trozzi (video)

>>127742 Feds confirm $150 million loss from 'unfulfilled' COVID jab deal with Medicago

>>127745 COVID-19 vaccines' fertility and genetic threat uncovered as scientific inquiry into #PlasmidGate continues (video)

>>127752 Brazil’s Lula regime to cut welfare payments for children who don’t get COVID shot

>>127767 Conservatives demand an accounting of unfulfilled vaccine contract

>>127772 Canadian defense minister admits drastic decline in active-duty soldiers since COVID vaccine mandates

>>127800 Trudeau’s vaccination theatre exploits toddler flu death and promotes risky booster tactics (video)

>>127806 CDC Reports Record High in Childhood Vaccine Refusals

>>127811 Dr Trozzi: Cancer Solutions and Today’s Persecution (video)

>>127814 Sask. man lost custody of daughter for being unvaccinated

>>127818 BC Conservatives call for Dr. Bonnie Henry’s termination for lingering vaccine mandate against healthcare workers (video)

>>127840 Certain COVID-19 Vaccines Linked To Elevated Risk Of Guillain-Barré Syndrome

>>127852 Tragic: 15-Month-Old Girl Dies from Organ Failure and Cardiac Arrest Two Days After Receiving Three Vaccines During Routine Visit

>>127858 American cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough breaks down the ‘settled science’ surrounding COVID-19 vaccines (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.127868

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911811 (140105ZNOV23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun

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Final Wokeism Bun

>>127481 NDP policy convention in Hamilton devolves into SJW gong show (video)

>>127482 Woke union rep allegedly caught spying on parents opposed to gender ideology in schools (video)

>>127489 Blue Jays Pitcher Stands His Ground After Being Criticized for Taking His Son Goose Hunting

>>127492, >>127581, >>127614 Banning prayer at Remembrance Day ceremonies (video)

>>127500 University of New Brunswick philosophy department cancels Christian lecture

>>127533 Canadian military bans public prayers in the name of inclusion: directive

>>127543 Ontario Catholic school board sends 'Me and White Supremacy' to all new principals, vice-principals for 'professional development'

>>127551 B.C. nurse continues fight over 'two genders' statement

>>127552 Senate continues study on viability of universal basic income

>>127555 Gun owners considered "tertiary" group in Liberal government's gun ban messaging

>>127557 The Dangers of a “Cashless” Economy

>>127586, >>127587 Ratio’d: Ontario councillor SUSPENDED WITHOUT PAY for opposing gender ideology (video)

>>127589 New general counsel at federal prosecution service to prioritize DEI, tackling “over-representation”

>>127606 Group that helps abortionists improve their ‘skills’ received $1.5 million grant from Canadian gov’t

>>127616 Germany: Students at University of Augsburg Demand ‘Gloryholes’ in Lecture Halls - To Help Relieve Stress on Campus

>>127622 Canada Unleashing The ‘Devil of Diversity’ For Remembrance Day

>>127644 Federal DEI initiatives failing to improve outcomes for racialized workers: Auditor General

>>127654 ARC Forum attendees reject wokism and Marxism (video)

>>127653 More immigrants choosing ‘onward migration’ instead of remaining in Canada

>>127655 Canada to import 1 million new permanent residents in 2025-2026

>>127670 Ratio’d: Trudeau adding MILLIONS of new immigrants to Canada by 2026 (video)

>>127680 Press for Truth: Mandatory Minimum Sentences For Child Luring ‘UNCONSTITUTIONAL’ Supreme Court Says (video)

>>127702 LAWTON: What is the ARC Forum? (video)

>>127715, >>127728 ZH: The Great Reset (Parts 1&2)

>>127716 The World's Largest Biometric Digital ID System, India's Aadhaar, Just Suffered Its Biggest Ever Data Breach

>>127718 BC nurse Amy Hamm testifies to keep her nursing license after anonymous complaints of 'transphobia'

>>127721 UN Program Pushes Digital Public Infrastructure as EU and Gates Foundation Push For Digital ID By 2030

>>127722 War on Meat: Study Suggests Cigarette-style Climate Warning Labels to Cut Down Meat Consumption

>>127723 A Short ESG Guide: Introduction

>>127736 Ratio’d: Don Cherry was right about the poppy (video)

>>127749 Female powerlifter faces 2-year suspension from the Canadian Powerlifting Union

>>127753 Mark Carney could be an even worse prime minister than Trudeau: here’s why

>>127762 Federally-funded “anti-hate” group only covers hate from “extreme right,” founder says

>>127763 LAWTON: Why is Canada so woke? (video)

>>>/qresearch/19881788 An inside look at the Vancouver Art Gallery’s anti-white exhibit

>>127766 Liberals cheer on World Health Organization’s attempts at global health control

>>127775 Final Fantasy singer Susan Calloway BANNED from Toronto game convention after liking posts by Riley Gaines, Jordan Peterson

>>127801 Trudeau makes the 'Ombudsman' gender-inclusive

>>127809 Josh Alexander needs you to help in his fight to keep transgender ideology out of Catholic schools

>>127822 European Elections Will Be Fought On The Issue Of Mass Migration, Says Hungary PM Orbán

>>127828 LAWTON: No, Canada is not systemically racist (video)

>>127835 Italian Archbishop Viganò Slams Commie Pope After Dismissing Conservative US Bishop — “Cowardly Form of Authoritarianism”

>>127836 Nigel Farage Reportedly to Seek Millions in Legal Action Over ‘Debanking’

>>127838 Leo Hohmann: Beware the Digital Marking: E.U. Moving Aggressively to Digitize Its Citizens and U.S. Will Also Fall in Line

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.128778

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914427 (141437ZNOV23) Notable: Press for Truth: Heart Attacks & Strokes Will Dangerously Rise Due To….Climate Change??!! (video)

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Heart Attacks & Strokes Will Dangerously Rise Due To….Climate Change??!!


The latest excuse from the establishment for rising rates of heart attack and stroke is "extreme heat waves spawned by climate change."

Instead of addressing the elephant in the room – the COVID-19(84) "vaccines" – the paper instead talks a whole lot about the weather and "greenhouses gas emissions" as being responsible for about 5,500 excess cardiovascular deaths every year.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth debunks this new idea that warm weather is causing a large spike in heart attacks and strokes while pointing to the obvious real culprit that is the mandatory Covid-19(84) vaccines.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a90dd8 No.128779

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914469 (141451ZNOV23) Notable: U.N. Sendai Framework Introduced Domestically Via B.C. Bill 31 (Emergency & Disaster Management Act)

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U.N. Sendai Framework Introduced Domestically Via B.C. Bill 31 (Emergency & Disaster Management Act)


A few weeks ago, British Columbia Bill 31, the Emergency and Disaster Management Act, made ripples because of the embedded language which seemed to be a threat to property rights. Under the pretense of emergencies, rights could be suspended in a manner that heavily paralleled the Public Health Act.

However, it’s noteworthy that the B.C. Government isn’t actually responsible for this legislation. It’s domestic implementation of the United Nations Sendai Framework, signed in Japan in 2015.

It’s also explicitly stated that it will be used to “mitigate the risks” of climate change, but without specifying what those risks are.

Bill 31 is quite long, but here are a few notable parts. Section 76 allows the Minister to suspend property rights under the guise of mitigating an emergency. It also allows for warrantless entry under that same pretense.

Furthermore, the Minister is able to order that property be destroyed …. including crops. By this logic, food supply would not be secure either.

Section 78 would give the Government the power to restrict travel and movement, shut down businesses, and various events. This greatly parallels what happened from 2020 to 2022. The difference here is that the excuse isn’t a disease.

Section 82 says that the Lieutenant Governor in Council can make retroactive orders. This would presumably legalize actions that would previously have been illegal.

Section 139 makes it clear that compliance is mandatory.

Section 140 gives provincial administrators the power to ask for police enforcement

Section 141 outlines judicial remedies to obtain injunction.

Section 154 provides protection from legal proceedings for pretty much anyone involved in implementing emergency management orders.

There is much more to this Bill, and that will be covered in a follow-up.

Now, what does this have to do with the United Nations?

Turns out, that the Sendai Framework was agreed to in 2015, and this is just B.C. implementing their version of it. This is also the third conference, with the first being Yokohama in 1994, and the second in Hyogo in 2005. The specific agency is the UNDDR, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.

The full text of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (see archive) is available online. As should be apparent, Bill 31 heavily copies this content.

And the Emergency & Disaster Management Act heavily mirrors the Provincial Public Health Acts, which strip away property rights under the cloak of disease prevent. Those have been covered here and here.

More to come!

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a90dd8 No.128780

File: 1d6cdd689ba7a07⋯.png (4.4 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914731 (141558ZNOV23) Notable: Ukraine's Top General Tells US Chief of Staff About Difficult Situation in Ukrainian Armed Forces

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Ukraine's Top General Tells US Chief of Staff About Difficult Situation in Ukrainian Armed Forces


On 1 November, Ukrainian commander-in-chief Valeriy Zaluzhny said in an interview that Kiev's counteroffensive had reached a "stalemate".

General Valeriy Zaluzhny has conducted a telephone conversation with the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Charles Brown during which he described the situation in the combat zone as "complicated but under control".

According to him, the "hottest" areas remain the Avdeevka, Kupyansk and Maryinka directions.

"We also discussed our plans for the winter period and separately addressed the urgent needs of the Ukrainian army. First of all, we are talking about grenades, air defense equipment and UAVs. We discussed the issues of training our servicemen and restoring the combat capability of units," Zaluzhny wrote in his Telegram channel.

US officials estimate that the Ukrainian armed forces have suffered 70,000 fatalities and up to 120,000 wounded during the conflict in Ukraine, according to a report in The Economist in November. In August, The New York Times, citing estimates by Western officials and analysts, wrote that the Ukrainian army's losses exceeded 150,000 soldiers killed and wounded.

The Ukrainian counteroffensive began on 4 June. Kiev sent brigades which had been trained by NATO instructors and armed with Western equipment into battle. Three months later, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Kiev's push had failed, with Ukraine suffering heavy casualties.

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a90dd8 No.128781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914789 (141612ZNOV23) Notable: Redacted: Zelensky is FINISHED and NATO is looking for a REPLACEMENT (video)

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Zelensky is FINISHED and NATO is looking for a REPLACEMENT | Redacted


As Zelensky insists that Ukraine can win the war, the media admits that Ukraine is all out of young men and the average age of a Ukrainian soldier is 43! Now the Washington Post is throwing Ukraine under the bus with an "investigation" showing that a rogue ops unit sabotaged the Nord Stream Pipeline. This story is...hard to believe.

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a90dd8 No.128782

File: 45ded6688407df7⋯.png (888.89 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914893 (141636ZNOV23) Notable: Nurse association argues drug users have legal right to use anywhere in lawsuit against B.C. gov

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Nurse association argues drug users have legal right to use anywhere in lawsuit against B.C. gov


British Columbia’s decision to ban the use of illicit drugs in close proximity to public spaces like playgrounds, residences and businesses is being challenged in a lawsuit by the Harm Reduction Nurses Association.

The province began its three-year pilot project of decriminalizing possession of illicit drugs in small quantities earlier this year.

However last month, the provincial government made an amendment to ban the use of drugs near public and recreational spaces, a move that the Harm Reduction Nurses Association is calling a violation of people’s rights.

The group claims that the Restricting Public Consumption of Illegal Substances Act infringes on various Charter rights, including the protection of life, liberty and security, protection against cruel and unusual punishment, and protection against discrimination.

The lawsuit has named the province of B.C. and the attorney general as defendants.

According to a separate notice filed in court, lawyers for the Pivot Legal Society have also filed an application under the B.C. Constitutional Question Act, challenging its validity.

The lawsuit has stated that the 76 members of the nurse’s association in B.C. have experienced the “harms of systemic oppression” brought on by police interactions, displacement, seizures and imprisonment.

Some of the nurses have said that they use drugs themselves or that they have close family and friends who do. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128783

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914924 (141645ZNOV23) Notable: “No assurance of safety,” says Poilievre as manhunt for high-risk BC predator underway

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“No assurance of safety,” says Poilievre as manhunt for high-risk BC predator underway


Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre did not mince his words on Monday about the risk posed to Canadians as authorities issued a Canada-wide warrant for high-risk British Columbia sex offender Randall Hopley after he escaped from a Vancouver halfway house earlier this month.

Poilievre told True North during a press conference in downtown Vancouver that he could not offer Canadian parents any assurance of safety due to the Trudeau government’s “catch and release justice system.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128784

File: 7d10eb702554693⋯.png (165.15 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914958 (141654ZNOV23) Notable: Albertans chime in on government’s pension plan through telephone town halls

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Albertans chime in on government’s pension plan through telephone town halls


Albertans from across the province had their voices heard and concerns acknowledged regarding Alberta’s possible plan to pull out of the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) and set up the Alberta Pension Plan (APP).

The Alberta Pension Plan Engagement Panel has so far hosted three of five telephone town halls to engage Albertans about the APP.

The town halls are separated by regions in Alberta. The first three sessions have been Northern Alberta, Southern Alberta, and Calgary. Edmonton and Central Alberta will be held within the next two weeks, on November 16 and 22, respectively.

Hundreds of thousands of Albertans had signed up to participate in the first session for Northern Alberta on October 16. The moderator confirmed that there were over 10,000 Albertans on the call at once.

The panel is chaired by Jim Dinning, who served as Provincial Treasurer from 1992-1997. He’s a member of the Order of Canada, Chancellor Emeritus of the University of Calgary, and Fellow of the Institute of Corporate Directors.

“We’re not here as advocates. We’re here as listeners. In the end, you are the jury. Our job is to tell the government, here is what Albertans told us. These are their thoughts and concerns. And, it will be up to the government to decide how to proceed,” Dinning told town hall attendees. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914985 (141702ZNOV23) Notable: Diwali celebration turns into sectarian clash in Mississauga

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Diwali celebration turns into sectarian clash in Mississauga


Diwali, a Hindu holiday also known as the Festival of Light, took a dark turn in Mississauga on Sunday night as deep-rooted sectarian tensions between Sikhs and Hindus boiled over at a local plaza.

Disturbing videos circulating on social media captured the clashes, revealing participants from both communities hurling litter and trash at each other as fireworks went off in the background.

The footage showcased Sikhs waving flags associated with the Khalistan separatist movement before Peel Regional Police officers responded to the scene.

After receiving reports of a “disturbance” at the plaza shortly before 9 p.m. on Sunday, law enforcement has not indicated whether charges have been pressed.

Expressing dissatisfaction with the response, Mississauga City Coun. Carolyn Parrish criticized what she deemed an “extremely poor response” by Peel Regional Police and a “disgusting lack of preparedness.”

In a social media post, Parrish condemned the presence of a local community police station in the plaza as a “major disappointment,” asserting that it had failed to enhance the lives of Malton residents. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128786

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915026 (141712ZNOV23) Notable: Ratio’d: The radical plan to bring 60 MILLION PEOPLE into Canada (video)

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Ratio’d | The radical plan to bring 60 MILLION PEOPLE into Canada


The stated ambition of The Century Initiative, an influential lobbying group and charity is to increase Canada’s population to 100 million by the year 2100. This charity was founded by Dominic Barton, the former Chief Executive of McKinsey and Co, and Mark Wiseman, a former BlackRock executive.

Nobody elected The Century Initiative, or McKinsey and Co., but it appears that the Trudeau Liberals are taking their marching orders from the Century Initiative by way of giving government contracts to McKinsey.

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a90dd8 No.128787

File: c269361e7bdb3d7⋯.png (194.92 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915154 (141741ZNOV23) Notable: Provinces suffer significant decline in economic freedom since 2014, report shows

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Provinces suffer significant decline in economic freedom since 2014, report shows


In its latest Economic Freedom of North America 2023 report, the Fraser Institute delivers a damning verdict on Canada’s economic freedom.

For the first time, every Canadian province has been ranked in the bottom half among North American jurisdictions when it comes to economic freedom.

Using comprehensive data from 2021, the report examines the extent to which North American regional policies support economic freedom.

The Fraser Institute defines economic freedom as “the ability of individuals to act in the economic sphere free of undue restrictions” based on two different indices across 92 jurisdictions across the continent.

The subnational index focuses only on a single country’s provincial, state, and local government level while the all-government index includes the provincial, state, and local government levels and federal government policies. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128788

File: 897d11412876eb9⋯.png (1.56 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915169 (141743ZNOV23) Notable: Majority of British Columbians want provincial carbon tax reduced or axed: poll

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Majority of British Columbians want provincial carbon tax reduced or axed: poll


The majority of British Columbians want to see the Eby government’s carbon tax either reduced or abandoned altogether, according to a new poll conducted by the Innovative Research Group (IRG).

Support for the carbon tax in B.C. has dropped dramatically in the last six months, down by 28 percentage points.

“The polling numbers are crystal clear, British Columbians want carbon and gas tax relief,” said Carson Binda, B.C. Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CFT). “This poll should be a wake-up call for Premier David Eby because his constituents need tax relief now.”

The CTF commissioned the poll, asking British Columbians whether or not they supported the idea of the carbon tax.

Of those surveyed, 49% of respondents said that they opposed the carbon tax, while 24% said they were in favour of it. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915211 (141751ZNOV23) Notable: Ontario teacher pledges allegiance to radical curriculum in his classroom

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Ontario teacher pledges allegiance to radical curriculum in his classroom


An Ontario school teacher took to social media to pledge his allegiance to radical progressivism, promoting Marxist social justice, trans rights and genocidal teachings within the confines of his classroom.

An Ontario teacher took to X (formerly Twitter) over the weekend to pledge allegiance to the “Progress Flag” and its teachings in his classroom.

The now-deleted video depicts an unblinking Frank Domenic Cirinna ranting about “triggered snowflakes” for nearly two minutes. It remains unknown if Mr. Cirinna was teaching in his classroom at the Craig Kielburger Secondary School at the time of the recording. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128790

File: 8026330b1799f50⋯.png (2.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915272 (141803ZNOV23) Notable: Guilbeault confirms a proposal to cut oil and gas production will come 'this year'

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Guilbeault confirms a proposal to cut oil and gas production will come 'this year'


Despite missing prior deadlines to table a proposal, Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault said: 'It’s [been] a very live conversation.' He assured Canadians he wants to curb emissions without devastating industry.

Canada’s environmental czar told reporters Thursday that a cap on oil and gas production will be introduced by the end of the year.

Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault said the federal government has had "hundreds" of meetings with stakeholders on the issue since their pledge to draft a proposal for early 2023.

In August, Guilbeault told Bloomberg to expect a proposal for October at the earliest and "definitely" before the Dubai climate conference commencing on November 30. "It’s no secret, generally speaking, that industry isn’t particularly fond of the government coming up with new regulations," he said then when asked about the progress of those talks.

Last year, Environment Canada published a proposed emissions-reduction plan that tabled a 42% reduction in oil and gas sector emissions by 2030 — a target industry groups have argued is too restrictive.

At the time of the initial interview, energy companies like Suncor Energy Inc. announced reduced emphasis on long-term 'green energy' projects.

"But I think by and large, the industry understands that we need to tackle emissions," clarified the minister. "[...] the world is decarbonizing whether they like it or not, and they can either be part of the solution, or the solution will be imposed upon them." Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128791

File: 5d9d0b0fa053a2c⋯.png (1.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915290 (141807ZNOV23) Notable: B.C. health care workers file class-action lawsuit against Dr. Bonnie Henry over COVID mandates

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B.C. health care workers file class-action lawsuit against Dr. Bonnie Henry over COVID mandates


At least hundreds of unvaccinated B.C. health care workers who lost their jobs during the COVID pandemic have filed a class-action lawsuit against provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry.

At least hundreds of unvaccinated B.C. health care workers who lost their jobs during the COVID pandemic have filed a class-action lawsuit against provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry.

Among the claimants is former lab technician, Terri Perepolkin, who has been without work for two years over her failure to comply with COVID vaccine mandates at her workplace. To afford B.C. living, she and her husband sold their Vernon residence after her dismissal from Vernon Jubilee Hospital, where she worked since 2004.

Perepolkin is currently a stay-at-home mom, who home schools their children, as of October 26, 2021. The province terminated her employment that November 18.

Meanwhile, she also started The United Health Care Workers of BC, a non-profit society for all health care workers in the province impacted by the mandates. Perepolkin told Castanet that her society currently has 107 members, whom she hopes will join the class action, once certified.

"Dr. Henry is still requiring the first two COVID shots to work in health care in B.C. – even though she has admitted that all workers who have the first two shots no longer have any protection from them," claimed the Vernon lab technician. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128792

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915384 (141825ZNOV23) Notable: Health Minister Mark Holland peddles COVID booster misinformation (video)

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Health Minister Mark Holland peddles COVID booster misinformation


Canada’s Health Minister, who is supposed to be entrusted with safeguarding public health, has spread reckless misinformation in response to inquiries about low COVID-19 booster uptake in Canada, revealing a concerning contradiction: the very authority that is appointing itself to regulate information and censor misinformation, is itself a source of it. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128793

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915442 (141834ZNOV23) Notable: Renowned cardiologist and Olympic gold medallists speak out at ‘Fire and Ice’ freedom conference (video)

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Renowned cardiologist and Olympic gold medallists speak out at ‘Fire and Ice’ freedom conference


American cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough and Olympic gold medallists Theoren Fleury and Jamie Sale spoke with Rebel News at the Fire and Ice event in Red Deer, Alberta.

Canadians for Truth played host to renowned American cardiologist and COVID-19 response critic Dr. Peter McCullough, who rapidly became one of the leading dissenters when it came to the global vaccine push and very much paved the way for other doctors who followed in his footsteps.

This was his first major Canadian appearance and more than 1,500 people made their way to Red Deer, Alberta to hear him speak at the sold-out event. He joined Canadian gold medallists Jamie Sale and Theoren Fleury in conversation as part of their Fire and Ice series, which has hosted a number of high-profile guests recently, including Sarah Palin who graciously granted us an interview that you can check out by clicking here.

Dr. Peter McCullough also joined us for an exclusive interview, in which we discussed the courage of the doctors who dared to speak out as problematic and unscientific COVID-19 protocols rolled out despite the risk it meant to their careers.

We also debunked the “settled science” narrative and discussed efforts by the Trudeau government to impede Canadians' access to natural health alternatives with Bill-47. Dr. McCullough also provided insight into the impact that the vaccines are being found to have on fertility in both men and women.

Jamie Sale and Theoren Fleury also shared about the risks of ostracization and vilification and the adverse impacts that speaking against the status quo can have, whether it be for medical professionals or professional athletes, in addition to breaking down just how impactful Dr. McCullough’s work has been in their lives.

Dr. Roger Hodkinson, who was in many ways Canada’s analog to Dr. McCullough, spoke about the shift that has occurred with the onset on COVID-19 with physicians' colleges and the government both invading the patient doctor relationship and adversely impacting trust in healthcare. He also shared concerns about attacks against safe, effective and time-tested natural alternatives by the big-pharma pushing federal government.

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a90dd8 No.128794

File: 0c48b1fe54dabe6⋯.png (1.94 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915492 (141849ZNOV23) Notable: City of Calgary drops bylaw charge on 'private conversation' concerning the '1 Million March 4 Children'

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City of Calgary drops bylaw charge on 'private conversation' concerning the '1 Million March 4 Children'


While en route to the '1 Million March 4 Children' in September, two men allegedly contravened a Calgary Transit bylaw prohibiting activity that would 'interfere with the comfort, convenience or quiet use and enjoyment of the transit system of any reasonable person.'

City of Calgary officials have withdrawn charges against two men who allegedly made an unknown passenger 'uncomfortable' with their conversation.

While en route to the "1 Million March 4 Children" in September, the two men allegedly contravened a Calgary Transit bylaw prohibiting activity that would "interfere with the comfort, convenience or quiet use and enjoyment of the transit system of any reasonable person."

They had a "private conversation on the C-train with a like-minded passenger" while traveling to the march in a nearly empty train car, according to The Democracy Fund (TDF).

In a news release, TDF cited the significance of the 1 Million March 4 Children that took place October 21 to justify the conversation. They said each side took a strong stance — people supporting the march described it as a protest of the "indoctrination" and "sexualization" of children in schools, while "detractors" called it "hateful."

Ultimately, an unknown passenger overheard the two men conversing and reported it to local law enforcement. When they departed the train car, Calgary police detained them, handcuffing one of the men while they confirmed his identity.

Both received a ticket and a court summons scheduled for next month but did not learn the nature of their supposed contravention at the time.

Democracy Fund lawyer, Alan Honner, who represented both men, said he received an email from the city last week confirming they had withdrawn the charges and would no longer pursue the matter in court.

Although TDF welcomed the decision for their clients — reiterating they would "defend the rights of transit users against [the] anti-free speech transit bylaw" — they have yet to receive disclosure from the city on why their clients had been charged.

Given the email, Calgary officials are under no obligation to provide disclosure as there is no case to answer or defend.

According to Honner, he intends to meet with his clients to discuss whether they should pursue information about their withdrawn charges through another legal avenue. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128795

File: 256b60da5af1e0e⋯.png (2.04 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915592 (141909ZNOV23) Notable: EU tables Digital ID framework, with digital currency expected 'soon'

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EU tables Digital ID framework, with digital currency expected 'soon'


EU Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton says digital currency integration should follow — renewing a May 2022 commitment to roll out a digital euro by 2026.

The European Union (EU) and its member states have agreed on a digital ID framework, with integration of digital currencies expected to garner further deliberations.

EU Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton says digital currency integration should follow — renewing a May 2022 commitment to roll out a digital euro by 2026.

At the time, the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) had been promoted by members of the European Central Bank (ECB), including Executive board member Fabio Panetta, who called digital currencies a "sound, reliable means of payment designed in the public interest."

Panetta assured its rollout would not mean the end of cash, which is currently only used in 20% of transactions. "We will ensure that cash remains available," he said.

On November 8, the EU positioned its provisional agreement on digital ID as being a safe and trusted option that "protects democratic rights and values," reported the Western Standard.

"With the European Digital Identity wallet, all [European] citizens will be able to have a secured e-identity for their lifetime," wrote Breton in a post X on November 8.

"This wallet has the highest level of both security and privacy," he claimed, suggesting a digital currency should be on the table next.

In November 2021, the World Economic Forum (WEF) released a compendium document on digital currencies, indicating that central bankers hoped to adopt a central bank digital currency, including China.

"Linked to China’s social credit system, it could see citizens fined in a split second for behaviors deemed undesirable. Dissidents and activists could see their wallets emptied or taken offline," wrote Time Magazine.

In August, 300 scientists and security experts urged the EU to "rethink" its digital ID scheme, claiming "its current form, will not result in adequate technological safeguards for citizens and businesses, as intended."

"As for social control, some fear a digital currency would be able to punish or reward specific behaviour," said University of Calgary economist Trevor Tombe. "But this too is not new!"

"We tax some choices and subsidize others all the time, for better or worse," he added.

In a 2010 speech, People’s Party leader Maxime Bernier expressed concerns with a digital currency, citing digital transactions leave a trail.

"A digital currency will allow the Bank of Canada — a government organization — to know the details of all our transactions," he said. "Whether or not the central bank is serious about protecting our privacy, management, and the Government of Canada will have all this centralized information at their disposal if they want to use it."

However, University of Calgary economist Trevor Tombe contends Canada has "strong legal frameworks and institutions to protect against that [privacy concerns]." In a May 18 blog to The Hub, he wrote: "If one has concerns about the state of privacy laws in Canada, then make that case directly."

Regardless, Bernier contends a digital currency "will be the strongest tool in the government's toolkit to control the population."

"It would be extremely naive to believe that they will never use it," he said.

"Can we trust them after Freeland froze bank accounts during the Freedom Convoy?" Bernier posted to his X feed. "No!"

In the aftermath of the 2022 Freedom Convoy, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland spoke openly about freezing bank accounts of convoy supporters and participants could not access their funds.

By official estimate, Canada’s federal government seized $7.8 million in assets from 267 bank and credit union accounts and 170 bitcoin wallets belonging to suspected convoy supporters and participants.

Bernier lauds the Bank of Canada could manipulate how Canadians spend their money, including on goods "responsible for carbon emissions that the government doesn't like."

CBDCs can have built-in controls so they can discriminate based on age, sex, wealth, race, or whatever other categories the government wants, said The National Telegraph. "[…] every CBDC transaction can be tracked and recorded," added the publication.

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a90dd8 No.128796

File: f15fb9bdc46a572⋯.png (650.87 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916031 (142027ZNOV23) Notable: Ukrainian Lawmaker Is Charged With Treason for ‘Spreading Misinformation’

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Ukrainian Lawmaker Is Charged With Treason for ‘Spreading Misinformation’ – But What He Wrote About the Kiev Regime Will Shock You!


Yermak, Zelensky and Dubiansky – a tale of power, treason and corruption.

Ukraine is in the middle of a virtual civil war between the faction loyal to president Volodymyr Zelensky and another one following Commander in Chief Valery Zaluzhny.

Ukrainian Telegram channel Rezident brings former Zelensky adviser Alexey Arestovich that, in an interview with El Mundo, openly talks about the conflict between Zelensky and Zaluzhny.

“Vladimir Zelensky is in a ‘serious conflict’ with senior Ukrainian military officers due to the failure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ counter-offensive. According to Arestovich, the policy of the current Ukrainian president is becoming ineffective. As Arestovich notes, Ukrainian military leaders are not satisfied with the misuse of Western aid and the low level of competence of the authorities.

‘President Zelensky’s speech is becoming more and more emotional due to the criticism he receives’, he emphasized. Arestovich clarified that the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny ‘often radically diverges’ from Zelensky’s position. Arestovich calls this state of affairs an ‘abnormal situation’. At the same time, he emphasizes that he agrees with Zaluzhny’s words that the military conflict with Russia has reached a dead end.”

Now, a sitting lawmaker in Ukrainian parliament has been slapped with a treason investigation.

Reuters reported: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128797

File: 795b768ee587545⋯.png (659.95 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916358 (142115ZNOV23) Notable: Top Canadian psychiatrists urge gov’t to halt expansion of euthanasia to the mentally ill

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Top Canadian psychiatrists urge gov’t to halt expansion of euthanasia to the mentally ill


Dr. Sonu Gaind, chief of psychiatry at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, said history shows that when enacting new laws relating to sensitive life matters, 'The evidence shows that we are right less than half the time.'

Top Canadian psychiatrists warned that the country is “not ready” for the coming expansion of euthanasia to those who are mentally ill, saying expanding the procedure is not something “society should be doing” as it could lead to deaths under a “false pretence.”

As noted in a recent National Post opinion piece, seven of 17 chairs of psychiatry have written to Canadian Health Minister Mark Holland and Justice Minister Arif Virani to demand that the federal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pause the expansion of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) as it is known.

On March 9, 2024, euthanasia in Canada, or MAiD as it is known, will expand to include those suffering solely from mental illness. This is a result of the 2021 passage of Bill C-7, which also allowed the chronically ill – not just the terminally ill – to qualify for so-called doctor-assisted death.

The mental illness expansion was originally set to take effect in March. However, after massive pushback from pro-life groups, conservative politicians and others, the Liberals under Trudeau delayed the introduction of the full effect of Bill C-7 until 2024 via Bill C-39, which becomes law next year.

Dr. Sonu Gaind, who works as the chief of psychiatry at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, said that history shows when it comes to enacting new laws relating to sensitive life matters, “The evidence shows that we are right less than half the time.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128798

File: 174280d4d4586cd⋯.png (708.78 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c1f03e29418b60⋯.png (276.69 KB,317x343,317:343,Clipboard.png)

File: 254094be26e70d4⋯.png (1.05 MB,900x624,75:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916668 (142217ZNOV23) Notable: Canadian-Israeli Peace Activist Vivian Silver Confirmed Murdered by Hamas

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Canadian-Israeli Peace Activist Vivian Silver Confirmed Murdered by Hamas


The body of Canadian-Israel peace activist Vivian Silver, one of the leaders of the Women Wage Peace organization, was identified on Monday among the dead at Kibbutz Be’eri, more than five weeks after the Hamas terror attack of October 7.

Silver was missing and presumed taken hostage. Her organization, Women Wage Peace, posted a note last week:

Early Saturday morning Vivian wrote to say that terrorists had infiltrated the kibbutz and entered her home.

And since 11:07 – silence. A deafening silence.

Vivian Silver, member of kibbutz Be’eri, central activist of Women Wage Peace and renowned peace activist in many other organizations, has been transporting ailing Gazans from the border checkpoint to Israeli hospitals for years now. Humanist, peace loving, determined, wise and steadfast Vivian. She is now a hostage.

Identifying the remains at Kibbutz Be’eri and several other places was a very difficult task because some of the bodies were burnt or mutilated beyond recognition. As Breitbart News reported, forensic experts called in archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority to help, because of their experience in analyzing small fragments of bones, teeth, and other materials in their research.

On Monday, a positive identification was made. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reported the sad new of Silver’s death: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128799

File: 8279abb9f4137e1⋯.png (674.84 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916719 (142224ZNOV23) Notable: Investigate Israel for ‘war crimes’ - Human Rights Watch

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Investigate Israel for ‘war crimes’ – Human Rights Watch


Deliberate attacks on hospitals and ambulances in Gaza are an atrocity, the group said

Israel’s attacks on hospitals, ambulances and medical personnel in Gaza should be “investigated as war crimes,” Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Tuesday, urging the government in West Jerusalem to end such strikes immediately.

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) attacks are “apparently unlawful” and are “further destroying” the healthcare system in Gaza, according to HRW. Even though Israel accused Hamas of “cynical use of hospitals,” earlier this month, “no evidence put forward would justify depriving hospitals and ambulances of their protected status under international humanitarian law,” the group added.

“The strikes on hospitals have killed hundreds of people and put many patients at grave risk because they’re unable to receive proper medical care,” said Dr. A. Kayum Ahmed, HRW’s special adviser on the right to health, noting that the Gaza healthcare infrastructure was “already hard hit by an unlawful blockade.”

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least 521 people – including 16 medical workers – have been killed in 137 “attacks on health care” in Gaza as of November 12. The UN has established that two-thirds of primary care facilities and half of all hospitals in the enclaves were “not functioning” as of November 10, while dealing with “unprecedented numbers of severely injured patients.”

The total Palestinian death toll in the enclave has risen to 11,000 since October 7, when Israel declared war on Hamas in the aftermath of the Palestinian group’s lethal incursion into nearby Israeli settlements that killed an estimated 1,200 people.

Israel has cut off Gaza’s supply of water and electricity. Local hospitals are running out of medicine and basic equipment, with HRW hearing from doctors that they are using vinegar as an antiseptic.

“The Israeli government should immediately end unlawful attacks on hospitals, ambulances, and other civilian objects, as well as its total blockade of the Gaza Strip, which amounts to the war crime of collective punishment,” HRW said, while calling on Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups “to take all feasible precautions to protect civilians under their control from the effects of attacks and not use civilians as ‘human shields’.”

The group urged an investigation into the IDF attacks on Gaza healthcare infrastructure, and the International Criminal Court (ICC) – which has jurisdiction over the occupied Palestinian territories – to get involved as well.

Meanwhile, the US, UK, Canada, Germany and other countries should “suspend military assistance and arms sales” to Israel “as long as its forces continue to commit widespread, serious abuses amounting to war crimes against Palestinian civilians with impunity,” the HRW said.

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a90dd8 No.128800

File: 2007e91cfafbc9d⋯.png (705.5 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916856 (142245ZNOV23) Notable: Turkish lawyers want ICC to charge Netanyahu with ‘genocide’

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Turkish lawyers want ICC to charge Netanyahu with ‘genocide’


Among the petitioners is a former MP of President Erdogan’s ruling party

Two Turkish lawyers and a former lawmaker have petitioned the government in Ankara to seek genocide and war crimes charges against Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over Israel’s conduct in Gaza. The request is expected to reach the International Criminal Court, which neither Türkiye nor Israel recognizes.

Metin Kulunk, a former member of parliament from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), teamed up with attorneys Mucahit Birinci and Burak Bekiroglu and sent the 23-page lawsuit to the Istanbul Prosecutor’s Office on Tuesday.

“Today, representing the conscience of the citizens of the Republic of Türkiye, we filed a lawsuit at the International Criminal Court in The Hague against the 21st century Hitler, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who must stand trial for the genocide he committed in the Gaza Strip and all crimes against humanity,” Kulunk wrote on X (formerly Twitter), accompanied by the cover page of the lawsuit. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128801

File: 5900d240da94bdd⋯.png (652.78 KB,936x465,312:155,Clipboard.png)

File: add91a798438653⋯.png (819.77 KB,1169x734,1169:734,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916945 (142259ZNOV23) Notable: Hockey Player Arrested on Suspicion of Manslaughter Following Throat-Slashing Death of Ice Hockey Player Adam Johnson (video)

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Update: Hockey Player Arrested on Suspicion of Manslaughter Following Throat-Slashing Death of Ice Hockey Player Adam Johnson


The man who slashed the throat of ice hockey player Adam Johnson last month has been arrested on suspicion of manslaughter.

Former NHL player Adam Johnson, 29, died from a massive injury to his neck during a game last month. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128802

File: 1702fd65f9fcb22⋯.png (1.27 MB,1020x574,510:287,Clipboard.png)

File: ed4d27c5d048fa4⋯.png (1.31 MB,1020x573,340:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917186 (142343ZNOV23) Notable: Canadian military veteran who criticized COVID-19 vaccine mandate pleads guilty

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Canadian military veteran who criticized COVID-19 vaccine mandate pleads guilty


A former Canadian soldier who protested the federal government's COVID-19 vaccine requirements is facing a maximum punishment of dismissal with disgrace after pleading guilty in a military court Tuesday.

Former warrant officer James Topp criticized the vaccine mandate for military members and other federal employees while in uniform in February 2022.

He pleaded guilty to two counts of conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline at the start of his court martial in New Westminster, B.C.

Two additional charges related to improperly wearing his uniform were withdrawn by the prosecution after Topp pleaded not guilty to both at the start of the proceedings.

The charges stemmed from statements Topp made in two videos recorded in and around Abbotsford, B.C., that were later posted to social media.

In the videos, Topp appeared in the uniform of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, where he had previously served.

The Fraser Valley resident went on to lead a months-long march from Vancouver to Ottawa, and became a symbol for Canadians opposed to vaccine requirements and perceived government overreach.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, who was then a leadership candidate, joined Topp on the final leg of his march through the capital, saying he supported the soldier's advocacy for personal freedom.

Topp, who was released from the military earlier this year, joined the regular forces in 1990, deploying to Bosnia, Macedonia and Afghanistan, before transferring to the army reserves in 2019.

Judge Catherine Julie Deschenes heard that Topp had attended briefings about the COVID-19 pandemic and the military's vaccine policy but he failed to attest to his own vaccine status.

One of Topp's commanding officers as a reservist testified that Topp's protest of the vaccine mandate set a poor example for his fellow soldiers.

Lt.-Col. Greg Chan, who has commanded the Royal Westminster Regiment since June 2021, told the court that Topp's conduct eroded trust within his unit and tarnished the image of the military in the community.


The master warrant officer who investigated the videos when they surfaced on TikTok and YouTube told the court he was frustrated and saddened when he saw such a highly decorated soldier opposing the government's public health measures.

"Based on the production value, he was becoming a tool of people who were already putting a lot of stress on our society when our society was already going through a huge medical crisis," Christopher Baird Hennebery testified.

The videos also "created a huge problem with morale within the Canadian Armed Forces," he said.

Despite his guilty plea, Topp took the stand to lay out his reasons for publicly opposing the vaccine requirement, speaking carefully and at times emotionally about his mental state during the pandemic.

"I had a very hard time with it because of the way that I felt that it was coercive, that it was done in haste and I felt that it was going to open the door on other practices that were going to just inhibit the way we live our lives," Topp said of the mandate.

Both videos were created the same day; one using his niece's cellphone at a home in Abbotsford, and the other with the help of a videographer at the Sumas border crossing, he said.

The career soldier, who was by then a reservist, testified that he was placed on leave without pay from his regular job as a facilities manager at the RCMP's Pacific Region Training Centre in Chilliwack, B.C., due to his refusal to attest to his vaccination status.

"I was concerned with the safety of the product," he continued. "It seemed it was something that was being done in a state of fear and very hastily."

When Topp's reserve unit was called to assist with the November 2021 flooding in Hope, B.C., his vaccine status prevented him from joining the disaster response, he said.

"I got to a point where I did not want to live anymore," Topp told the court. "So I thought about it and in February I decided I needed to do something, so I did."

The former soldier claimed he was not seeking attention or trying to spearhead a movement when he made the videos. He said he donned his uniform from the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry because the unit "contributed to the type of person that I am."

"I made those videos because what I thought was happening to me, and what was happening to others, was wrong," he added.

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a90dd8 No.128803

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19920242 (151510ZNOV23) Notable: Hockey Player Arrested on Suspicion of Manslaughter Following Throat-Slashing Death of Ice Hockey Player Adam Johnson (video)

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Manslaughter For Hockey Death! & Female Pool Player Forfeits Tournament Over Trans “Woman” Opponent!

The mainstream media called it a “freak accident” and crowds gave a standing ovation to a man who has been allegedly arrested for manslaughter in connection with the death of hockey player Adam Johnson who died over two weeks ago after having his throat slashed by an opposing player.

Meanwhile a female professional billiards player forfeited the finals of a tournament because she felt it was unfair to compete against a transgender woman (aka a man).

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth breaks down these two important stories in sports and why they are significant to a free society.

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a90dd8 No.128804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19920307 (151527ZNOV23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Australian Senator compares Trudeau’s handling of Freedom Convoy to communist China

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Australian Senator compares Trudeau’s handling of Freedom Convoy to communist China


Nearly two years after the fact, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s decision to invoke the Emergencies Act and freeze the bank account of Freedom Convoy truckers continues to be condemned by international voices.

In a speech before the Australian Senate on Monday, Liberal Party Senator Alex Antic compared Trudeau’s methods to quash peaceful protestors in February 2022 to the Chinese Communist Party’s social credit system. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128805

File: d36581d86ba1995⋯.png (825.36 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19920371 (151539ZNOV23) Notable: Canadians’ average rent increased for sixth consecutive month, hitting new high

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Canadians’ average rent increased for sixth consecutive month, hitting new high


Canadians are paying new highs on rental units for six consecutive months, with the average asking price being $2,178 per month in October. The upward trend has seen a 9.9% year-over-year increase.

While the annual rate of rent growth went down in October from the 11.1% jump in September, it was still the second fastest annual increase in 2023.

The data was published using the latest rental price report from Rentals.ca, using an analysis of monthly listings.

“I get asked all the time, ‘How are people affording this?’ The answer is they’re not,” said Giacomo Ladas, a Rentals.ca spokesman.

“Rents are getting so high to the point where people are almost out of options. They’re looking desperately to find more affordable rents.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128806

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19920424 (151550ZNOV23) Notable: LAWTON: Can provinces set their own gun laws? (video)

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LAWTON: Can provinces set their own gun laws?


While firearm policies are often thought of as falling under federal jurisdiction, a closer examination reveals a complex interplay between federal and provincial authorities. Alberta Chief Firearms Officer Teri Bryant spoke with True North’s Andrew Lawton about the degree of latitude afforded to provincial authorities in shaping and implementing firearm policies.

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a90dd8 No.128807

File: 84b0d66687a595b⋯.png (1.37 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19920444 (151555ZNOV23) Notable: B.C. gangland slayings spill over to provinces across Canada

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B.C. gangland slayings spill over to provinces across Canada


A British Columbia gang war is spilling across provincial lines, leading to three murders in Edmonton and Toronto last week.

Parmvir Chahil, a gang member of B.C.’s “United Nations” criminal organization was killed in a shootout in Toronto last Wednesday.

The following day, an 11-year-old boy was shot to death alongside his father Harpreet Singh Uppal.

According to police, the boy was intentionally killed as his father Harpreet was a member of the Brothers Keepers gang in south Edmonton.

Police also noted that the boy’s death marks a breach of unwritten gangland conduct not to go after gang member’s children.

Another child, the boy’s friend was inside the vehicle as well at the time of the shooting, however he was not wounded.

Uppal and his family had been the target of a shooting earlier in 2021, where they were shot at from the window of Royal Pizza, also located in south Edmonton. Charges against the shooter were later dropped however, due to the lack of evidence necessary for a conviction.

Uppal was a prominent figure of high status within Edmonton’s organized crime scene, confirmed Edmonton police, however they would not comment on what specific gangs Uppal was affiliated with.

Additionally, Edmonton police would neither confirm whether or not Uppal’s murder was in retaliation from previous killings nor if the death of Uppal and his son was expected to bring about more violence in response.

A Postmedia News source has claimed that Uppal was a prominent Brothers Keepers associate and that Chahil was connected to the UN gang.

“The BK and UN conflict is out of control,” the Postmedia source told the Vancouver Sun.

While the initial violence may have begun in Vancouver, its escalating retaliation is now spreading across the country.

In recent months, several public areas in British Columbia’s Lower Mainland have become battlegrounds for gangs like the Brothers Keepers, the United Nations and the Red Scorpion-Kang group.

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a90dd8 No.128808

File: 572ad4a06fe8b3f⋯.png (735.27 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19920564 (151618ZNOV23) Notable: An estimated 700 Iranian regime agents covertly operating in Canada

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An estimated 700 Iranian regime agents covertly operating in Canada


Conservative Party Leader, Pierre Poilievere, has demanded an immediate response to the recent discovery that Iranian regime agents are operating within Canada and interfering with national affairs.

“To think that we might have terrorist-linked Iranian regime thugs operating with impunity, spending stolen money and intimidating Canadian Jews and Iranians is appalling,” said Poilievre.

On Monday, the opposition leader responded to an investigation by Global News, which uncovered that hundreds of members of the Iranian regime are living within Canada.

Poilievre has previously advocated for a tougher approach on the Iranian regime, however, he expressed shock on Monday at the extent of the problem.

“That reporting was shocking,” he said. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128809

File: edb8e6725d405a8⋯.png (3.81 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19920614 (151625ZNOV23) Notable: Justin Trudeau packages samosas at Toronto factory for photo op

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Justin Trudeau packages samosas at Toronto factory for photo op


Amid several crises facing Canadians, many took to social media to express their dismay over the prime minister’s continued photo ops.

On Monday, November 13, Justin Trudeau was in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) for several planned photo ops to mark Diwali celebrations. The prime minister attended a local business that was closed to the media, however footage spotted on social media shows Trudeau packing samosas into boxes and taking selfies with the team, while citizens across the country face a cost of living crisis. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128810

File: 8093e79652c715a⋯.png (1.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19920669 (151634ZNOV23) Notable: Feds spend over $1.5 million on UN climate summit hotel rooms in Montreal

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Feds spend over $1.5 million on UN climate summit hotel rooms in Montreal


At the UN Biodiversity Conference in Montreal (COP15) last December 7 thru the 19th, taxpayers picked up a $1.5 million tab for 400 people to attend the summit, according to government records, and additional information confirmed by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF).

The Department of Environment pledged in March to cut costs when attending the next conference on 'climate change' after racking up exorbitant fees at the expense of taxpayers in recent years.

"Our goal is always to keep the costs at a minimum, if possible, for such an event," Chris Forbes, the deputy environment minister, testified at the Commons environment committee. "We'll look at the options concerning hotels and costs."

At the UN Biodiversity Conference in Montreal (COP15) last December 7 thru the 19th, taxpayers picked up a $1.5 million tab for 400 people to attend the summit, according to government records, and additional information confirmed by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF).

"Canadians pay an obscene amount of money when our politicians and bureaucrats travel abroad, and now we learn we also pay an arm and a leg when we host a conference at home," said CTF Federal Director Franco Terrazzano.

The feds booked reservations at Le Westin Montreal and the Intercontinental Montreal, costing taxpayers a whopping $1,539,052.

"It seems like all you have to do to get a taxpayer-funded hotel room is show up," he said.

However, those tallies do not reflect the entire cost to taxpayers, according to Environment Canada. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128811

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19920774 (151654ZNOV23) Notable: BC Conservatives amplify voices of doctors concerned about province's new health act (video)

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BC Conservatives amplify voices of doctors concerned about province's new health act


Rebel News spoke with Conservative Party of B.C. leader John Rustad moments after he hosted close to 60 concerned medical professionals in the provincial legislature and submitted over 5000 postcards from citizens demanding that B.C’s new Health Professions and Occupations Act be repealed.

This past Thursday, 58 medical professionals set off to the B.C. Legislature to watch as the concerns they share with many others about the province's Health Professions and Occupations Act (HPOA), be heard in the Legislative Assembly.

For months, informed consent and quality care advocates such as the Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine (CSSEM) and B.C. Rising have been sounding the alarm about HPOA, formally Bill 36, which is expected to cause sweeping changes to how regulated healthcare professionals are governed in the province.

Such advocates' efforts could not be ignored last Thursday after Conservative Party of B.C. leader John Rustad accepted over 5000 postcards from health professionals and other concerned citizens, calling on members of the Legislative Assembly to repeal the bill. He then submitted the postcards to the Legislative Assembly in the form of an ongoing petition. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128812

File: d74b1b21e36fa74⋯.png (1.63 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19920867 (151711ZNOV23) Notable: Netanyahu slams Trudeau over social media for comments criticizing Israeli military response in Gaza

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Netanyahu slams Trudeau over social media for comments criticizing Israeli military response in Gaza


'The human tragedy that is unfolding in Gaza is heart-wrenching, especially the suffering we see in and around the Al Shifa Hospital,' Trudeau said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had strong words for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau late on Tuesday via social media, criticizing the Canadian leader for his take on the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

"The human tragedy that is unfolding in Gaza is heart-wrenching, especially the suffering we see in and around the Al Shifa hospital," Trudeau said at a Tuesday news conference.

The hospital has become a focal point of Israel's military campaign to defeat Hamas, the terrorist organization in control of the Gaza Strip. According to Israel, Hamas maintains an operational headquarters underneath the hospital, an allegation which has been supported by U.S. intelligence. Hamas and staff at the hospital have denied the claim.

"I have been clear that the price of justice cannot be the continued suffering of all Palestinian civilians. Even wars have rules," said Trudeau on Tuesday. He said that Israel must utilize "maximum restraint" in its operations.

"It is not Israel that is deliberately targeting civilians but Hamas that beheaded, burned and massacred civilians in the worst horrors perpetrated on Jews since the Holocaust," tweeted Netanyahu. "While Israel is doing everything to keep civilians out of harm's way, Hamas is doing everything to keep them in harm's way," he continued.

Netanyahu added: "The forces of civilization must back Israel in defeating Hamas barbarism."

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid also went on offence against Trudeau. "Responsibility for this terrible situation rests with Hamas-ISIS," he said.

"If Canada ever found itself under a sustained and brutal attack like the one we face now, you would find Israel by your side. We expect the same support," Lapid continued. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128813

File: 9224bc4519f6f6d⋯.png (869 KB,1023x576,341:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19920892 (151717ZNOV23) Notable: Ukrainian Lawmaker Is Charged With Treason for ‘Spreading Misinformation’

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Ukrainian Lawmaker Dubinsky Imprisoned for 60 Days and Charged With Treason for ‘Misinformation’ – Is Sanctioned by US for Divulging Proof of Burisma Corruption


It seemed just a play on Kiev’s shadow civil war, but it turns out there are also Burisma corruption ties involved.

The Ukrainian lawmaker charged with treason for ‘misinformation’ has been remanded in detention for 60 days – and, as the story unfolds and we get a better notion of who Oleksandr Dubinsky is, it turns out the story involves Joe and Hunter Biden, Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani.

Initial information was that Dubinsky was in hot water for his recent comments on the chaotic situation in the country, the unchecked corruption in Volodymyr Zelensky’s circle.

He wrote that the ‘real president’ was the Head of the Presidential Office Andrey Yermak, who went to Washington to gain authorization to ditch Commander in Chief Valery Zaluzhny, currently involved in a power play with Zelensky.

Ukraine Human Rights Abuses reported: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128814

File: d1939dc33e8482b⋯.png (2.58 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 03cb33e74c00a7d⋯.png (1.26 MB,816x786,136:131,Clipboard.png)

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File: 71bf30398c8a7fd⋯.png (1.03 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19920957 (151727ZNOV23) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein’s Victims Renew Calls for Prince Andrew to Meet FBI Investigators, as His Friend Peter Nygard Is Convicted of Sexual Assault

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Jeffrey Epstein’s Victims Renew Calls for Prince Andrew to Meet FBI Investigators, as His Friend Peter Nygard Is Convicted of Sexual Assault


Another week, another Prince Andrew sex-assault related controversy.

The Jeffrey Epstein ‘saga’ being far from over, there is now another irritant in the mix: disgraced Fashion Mogul Peter Nygard.

Andrew was reportedly Nygard’s friend, having been hosted by the Finnish-Canadian businessman in his estate in the Bahamas.

Nygard’s recent conviction for sexual assault comes as another piece in the puzzle of the Duke of York’s constant association with sex offenders. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128815

File: 16100f14cad7ac4⋯.png (2.5 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: c5db874d2f7287d⋯.png (1.05 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19921251 (151819ZNOV23) Notable: Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Ministry of Transport Are Investigating Sikh Separatist Threats Against Air India, as Relations Unravel Between Ottawa and New Delhi

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Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Ministry of Transport Are Investigating Sikh Separatist Threats Against Air India, as Relations Unravel Between Ottawa and New Delhi


Once upon a time there were two big countries, India and Canada, who were very happy with each other in their bilateral relations, and seemed on the right track to sign a promising Trade Agreement.

But it was during – and right after – the G20 Summit in New Delhi that this happy story was derailed, when Canadian PM Justin Trudeau dramatically accused Indian authorities of involvement in the Assassination of a prominent Sikh activist – or terrorist, if you adhere to the Indian denomination – in Canadian territory.

India strenuously denied any participation and urged Canada to curb Kalistani terrorism brewing inside their country.

The diplomatic relations unraveled as Canada said it only harbored the right to free speech by separatists not political terrorism.

So it didn’t help much the Canadian version of things when a Sikh separatist appeared online calling for a boycott to Air India on November 19, with a second video where he hints at danger to those that fly the Indian carrier.

Canadian officials and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are now said to be investigating the threats against Air India .

The Guardian reported: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19923307 (160054ZNOV23) Notable: City of Calgary drops charges against Without Papers Pizza

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City of Calgary drops charges against Without Papers Pizza


The City of Calgary has stayed all charges against Without Papers Pizza following a constitutional challenge brought by the Democracy Fund (TDF)-funded lawyers Martin Rejman and Chad Williamson.

Without Papers Pizza was charged in 2021 with breaching multiple bylaws after its business licence was suspended for not complying with COVID-19 restrictions and after undercover inspectors were permitted to purchase pizza and remain inside without showing proof of vaccination, according to a Wednesday press release.

TDF said the allegations against Without Papers Pizza were it permitted people to enter and remain on the premises without proof of vaccination and it did not display prescribed signage — all of which was contrary to the bylaws passed by the city.

The smell of cooking pizza wafted out the second-floor windows of Without Papers Pizza in 2021, even though it had been shut down by the City of Calgary.

One day after the city implemented the new bylaw mandating Calgary businesses to require vaccine passports, it said it would defy it.

“We accept all, may they be vaccinated or unvaccinated, as being equal in their humanity and afforded the same dignity and equity as such,” it said.

Rejman and Williamson argued in their constitutional application the bylaws in question were implementing public health orders found to be invalid by judges of the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta. More specifically, they said the impugned orders were held to be ultra vires under the Public Health Act, as they were made by cabinet as opposed to the chief medical officer of health.

TDF admitted the legal victory is bittersweet for Without Papers Pizza and owner Jesse Johnson, as it was forced into insolvency over the implementation of COVID-19 restrictions.

Rejman and Williamson described it as a landmark institution in Calgary. Its owners supported the community by funding music festivals and donating pizza to flood-ravaged communities and homeless shelters.

Johnson said he intended on pursuing a civil lawsuit.

“It’s a bittersweet irony what happened here today,” said Johnson.

“My restaurant was shut unadjudicated.”

When the city shut his restaurant down, he said he was “deemed guilty without going to a court of law.” It shut it down after operating for 20 years.

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a90dd8 No.128817

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19923512 (160135ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. Trozzi: Children “Shot” Dead (video)

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Children “Shot” Dead


Data and graphs are important, but they don’t relay the reality, of dead children and mourning families.

Thanks to We The Patriots USA for this excellent documentary. This is a very tasteful combination of stories told by courageous mourning parents, and experts explaining what is happening. This includes Dr Peter McCullough, Dr James Thorpe, Edward Dowd, and others. As we continue to fight against the criminal covid enterprise, none of our losses compare to the death of children and the pain and loss of their parents.

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a90dd8 No.128818

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19923629 (160157ZNOV23) Notable: International Covid Summit: Good News From Romania (video)

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International Covid Summit |Good News From Romania


Canada may still be captured, but truth and liberty are gaining some ground on planet Earth

Though names and faces in Canada’s governments and institutions are still suppressing science, violating human rights, muzzling and persecuting nurses, doctors and scientists , while promoting adulterated and contaminated dangerous genetic inspections, there are some bright spots in the world. Here is my short announcement about events I will be participating in with the Romanian government this weekend. You are warmly invited to join us for free on line. Check out the international line up and important topics.

To livestream the events freely, and for more information, go to: InternationalCovidSummit.com

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a90dd8 No.128819

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19925517 (161441ZNOV23) Notable: Vaccine confidence wanes as public trust in health authorities dwindles (video)

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Vaccine confidence wanes as public trust in health authorities dwindles


Public trust in vaccine programs is declining, a direct reflection of the erosion of confidence caused by COVID-19-related public health measures. The loss of credibility is empowering people to take control of their health, breaking free from the pharmaceutical industry’s customer-generating chains. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128820

File: f46dc489cfda682⋯.png (2.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: ed0514a219a3b83⋯.png (1.41 MB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: cb923e3d03bd501⋯.png (846.06 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 2936d4b67ca2bf0⋯.png (682.46 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19925558 (161452ZNOV23) Notable: Health Canada says ‘NO’ to disclosing ‘critical’ COVID audits into pandemic response

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Health Canada says ‘NO’ to disclosing ‘critical’ COVID audits into pandemic response


Health Canada completed over 20 audits into the federal government's mismanagement of the COVID pandemic but are refusing to release those records to the public, according to Blacklock's Reporter. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128821

File: 81bb444284841fa⋯.png (896.07 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b57559ce71ca3fe⋯.png (1.05 MB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19925584 (161501ZNOV23) Notable: WHO offers modest $250 compensation to Congo sexual abuse victims

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WHO offers modest $250 compensation to Congo sexual abuse victims


Dr. Gaya Gamhewage, leading the WHO's sexual abuse prevention efforts, visited Congo in March to address this crisis. During her visit, she encountered victims like a young mother whose child, born from abuse, required special medical treatment, further straining her finances. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128822

File: 3e714099c27b86f⋯.png (1.76 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d72e0f5d45c1c1b⋯.png (1.03 MB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19925753 (161543ZNOV23) Notable: Feds will not disclose ‘confidential’ Nazi blacklist… yet

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Feds will not disclose ‘confidential’ Nazi blacklist... yet


Canada's Department of Justice declined comment when asked if the Nazi blacklist would be released. Advocates including B’nai Brith Canada, the Canadian Historical Association and Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre have repeatedly petitioned for its release. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128823

File: 6d0fe689ca2bea7⋯.png (4.15 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19925781 (161548ZNOV23) Notable: Alberta tables report on government response to COVID, urges protection of Charter rights and freedoms

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Alberta tables report on government response to COVID, urges protection of Charter rights and freedoms


Alberta's Public Health Emergencies Governance Review Panel stressed the need to strike a balance between protecting residents from harm and defending their Charter rights and freedoms. Continue...

Just as a point of interest, Martha Fulford is Benjamin Fulfords Sister.

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a90dd8 No.128824

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19925882 (161609ZNOV23) Notable: Nurse accused of 'transphobia' for defending women's safe spaces speaks out after hearing (video)

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Nurse accused of 'transphobia' for defending women's safe spaces speaks out after hearing


Drea Humphrey hears from nurse Amy Hamm, self-proclaimed women’s and same-sex rights advocate, who faced a hearing from the BC College for Nurses and Midwives after she helped put up a billboard backing Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling's stance on gender ideology in 2020. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128825

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19925924 (161621ZNOV23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Tommy Robinson exposes alarming rise in extremism (video)

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Tommy Robinson exposes alarming rise in extremism


Explaining his call to action on Remembrance Day, Robinson expressed concern about the authorities' failure to enforce laws against extremist activities. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128826

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19925963 (161632ZNOV23) Notable: Peel police criticized for beginning press conference on carjackings with minute-long land acknowledgement

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Peel police criticized for beginning press conference on carjackings with minute-long land acknowledgement


In a bizarre introduction to Peel Regional’s recent update on charges for violent crimes, the media officer began the event with a full minute dedicated to the tribes that fought over the land currently known as the City of Mississauga. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128827

File: 86330248e8f8335⋯.png (1.07 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19926080 (161655ZNOV23) Notable: Taxpayers advocacy group slams BC and feds for latest instance of “corporate welfare”

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Taxpayers advocacy group slams BC and feds for latest instance of “corporate welfare”


While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and British Columbia Premier David Eby were all smiles Tuesday after announcing significant funding for a lithium-ion battery cell production plant, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is slamming the latest instance of what they call “corporate welfare.”

Trudeau alongside Eby announced federal and provincial government funding totalling $284.5 million for a new E-One Moli battery plant in Maple Ridge, B.C.

The federal government commits $204.5 million, and the B.C. government will contribute up to $80 million. E-One Moli and private sources are to provide the remaining funds.

The facility “will create up to 350 new jobs and secure over 100 existing positions,” according to a news release from the Prime Minister’s office.

The plant will produce high-performance lithium-cell batteries, essential for various products, including electric vehicles (EVs). The facility is expected to produce up to 135 million battery cells per year.

“When we support projects like E-One Moli’s new facility in Maple Ridge, we bolster Canada’s role as a global clean tech leader, we create good jobs, and we help keep our air clean,” said Trudeau in the release.

However, the CTF was not as optimistic as the prime minister.

As the CTF points out, taxpayers will be on the hook for more than $632,000 per job. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19926130 (161706ZNOV23) Notable: Redacted: Poland is DONE with Ukraine and it's about to get UGLY (video)

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OH SH*T! Poland is DONE with Ukraine and it's about to get UGLY | Redacted with Clayton Morris


Poland is demanding answers from Ukraine over the death of hundreds of thousands of Poles during WW2 in Western Ukraine at the hands of Ukrainian nationalists. This weekend Poland took to the streets to demonstrate the takeover of Poland by the United States and Israel. They held up signs reading Stop The Israelization of Poland. Journalist Mike Krupa joins us from Warsaw to discuss.

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a90dd8 No.128829

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19926307 (161739ZNOV23) Notable: Justin Trudeau Run Out of Vancouver Restaurant by Pro-Palestine Protestors

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“You Have Blood on Your Hands!” – Justin Trudeau Run Out of Vancouver Restaurant by Pro-Palestine Protestors (VIDEO)


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was run out of a Vancouver restaurant in Chinatown by pro-Palestine/pro-Hamas protestors.

“You have blood on your hands! F–k you! Answer for your crimes. You are killing kids!” the pro-Hamas protestors shouted at Trudeau.

According to Canadian media, more than 100 officers were deployed to the restaurant to protect Trudeau. One man was arrested for assaulting a police officer.

Protestors continued to heckle Trudeau after he exited the restaurant. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128830

File: c3bc60721c3384b⋯.png (620.79 KB,500x486,250:243,Clipboard.png)

File: 93cb0d1b5492407⋯.png (396 KB,500x757,500:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19926350 (161745ZNOV23) Notable: Escobar: This Ain't No "Stalemate" - Ukrainian Frontline Breakdown, Revisited

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Escobar: This Ain't No "Stalemate" - Ukrainian Frontline Breakdown, Revisited


Evidence keeps piling up, via leaked reports, of an across-the-board breakdown in the Ukrainian frontlines...

Previously, we focused on the southern Zaporozhye front. Now let’s focus on Kharkov, in the northeast.

The attached document, fully verified for authenticity, is a July report to the Chief of Staff of the operational-tactical group “Sumy”.

The report essentially says that it’s impossible to withdraw two thirds of the A7383 unit from the battlefield to recover combat readiness because the remaining one third is incapable of holding the fort – which happens to extend along 55.5 km.

In parallel, recruiting was proceeding very slowly.

As of four months ago, the 127th separate territorial defense brigade in Kharkov was still equipped with 72% of personnel – 2,392 soldiers and 256 officers. Yet, crucially, the moral-psychological condition of the unit was critical – just as in the previous instance in Zaporozhye.

So forget about recovering combat readiness: this is yet another case of a brigade – now in Kharkov – that cannot fight properly. The previous case was far from being an exception to the current rule. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128831

File: 392935da464fdb4⋯.png (623.45 KB,810x498,135:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19926457 (161815ZNOV23) Notable: Catholic school board members oust fellow trustee for opposing LGBT agenda, talking to media

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Catholic school board members oust fellow trustee for opposing LGBT agenda, talking to media


One of Monique LaGrange’s fellow trustees said she 'violated the Trustee Code of Conduct by speaking to the media about what the Board did and about gender ideology.'

A Canadian Catholic school trustee opposed to extreme gender ideology and who compared the LGBT agenda targeting kids to that of “brainwashing” Nazi propaganda has been “disqualified” from her position after her fellow board members voted her out because she spoke to alternative media.

On Tuesday, the Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools (RDCRS) board of directors voted 3-1 to disqualify Trustee Monique LaGrange. As a result of being voted out, LaGrange later resigned from her position.

LaGrange’s lawyer, Alberta-based attorney James Kitchen of Liberty Coalition Canada, told LifeSiteNews that the RDCRS voted to kick her out “pursuant to section 87 of the Education Act (disqualification).” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128832

File: f92977d51905857⋯.png (608.05 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 42f832f44fc9ed6⋯.png (740.57 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19926478 (161822ZNOV23) Notable: Comrade Elon: Musk Joins CEOs in Sucking Up to China at San Francisco Summit

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Comrade Elon: Musk Joins CEOs in Sucking Up to China at San Francisco Summit


Elon Musk and other CEOs from leading companies are converging in San Francisco for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, aiming to strengthen their ties with communist China. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128833

File: 788fa9888f98cfb⋯.png (694.21 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 002c7b81e4ab8ef⋯.png (5.34 MB,2006x1253,2006:1253,Clipboard.png)

File: 9009516d46e0be0⋯.png (9.12 MB,3000x2000,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19926500 (161826ZNOV23) Notable: EXPOSED: George Soros, Warren Buffett, and Others Behind Secret Shell Company Profiting from Controversial Abortion Pill

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EXPOSED: George Soros, Warren Buffett, and Others Behind Secret Shell Company Profiting from Controversial Abortion Pill


The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) is once again set to make a major abortion ruling ahead of a presidential election. And my new book contains fresh information about the controversial abortion drug facing an ultimate decision from SCOTUS.

Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life uncovers never-before-reported details about the elite interests that profit from birth control methods like drugs, contraceptives, and abortions.

This all comes on the heels of the abortion lobby’s victories last Tuesday. In Ohio, abortion rights supporters won a ballot measure, Kentucky’s Democratic governor was reelected on a pro-abortion platform, and a Pennsylvania Supreme Court seat was won by a Democrat after pledging to uphold abortion rights. These pro-abortion victories are spurring attempts for ballot measures in several swing states: Arizona, Florida, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. And abortion is a major moneymaker for the Controligarchs.

The book not only reveals the secret attempts by billionaires such as George Soros and Warren Buffett’s to make huge amounts of money through a controversial abortion drug “RU-486” via a shell corporation in the Cayman Islands, but also how that pill was brought to market thanks to shadowy deals made between the Rockefeller Foundation and President Bill Clinton’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Last November, the Alliance Defending Freedom representing a group of pro-life medical organizations sued the FDA for its Clinton-era approval of the abortion-inducing mifepristone drug (also known as RU-486). In April, a federal district court in Texas ruled against the FDA’s “unlawful approval” of mifepristone. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128834

File: 06bb3d99c5627d0⋯.png (746.37 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: f9ce6f5ab62dfbd⋯.png (923.54 KB,640x905,128:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19926516 (161829ZNOV23) Notable: Female Boxer Refuses to Fight Trans Opponent in Canadian Championship Match

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Female Boxer Refuses to Fight Trans Opponent in Canadian Championship Match


A female boxer in Quebec withdrew from a provincial boxing championship last month after being told without notice that she would have to fight a male-born transgender opponent.

Boxer Dr. Katia Bissonnette of Saguenay refused to step into the ring with transgender opponent Mya Walmsley during the 2023 Provincial Golden Glove Championship, which took place October 27 to 29, according to Reduxx.

The event hosted in Victoriaville, Quebec, by the Quebec Boxing Federation and the KO-96 boxing club was held to give novice fighters a shot at qualifying for the Canadian Championship in December.

But when Bissonnette was told of her match, she says she was unaware that she was to face a male fighter until an hour before fight time. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128835

File: 098b158e2e2f24f⋯.png (42.87 KB,474x316,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19928005 (162314ZNOV23) Notable: Israeli Forces Comb Gaza Hospital for 2nd Day

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Israeli Forces Comb Gaza Hospital for 2nd Day

Nov 16, 2023 New York Times

Israel's military searches Gaza's largest hospital, which it says hid a secret Hamas facility.

The Israeli Army has not presented much evidence that Hamas used Al-Shifa Hospital as a base. A military spokesman said the search would take time.

A day after the Israeli military took control of Gaza’s largest hospital, soldiers on Thursday afternoon were still combing the site that Israel has said concealed a secret Hamas base,but had yet to present much evidence supporting that claim to the public

An Israeli military spokesman said that the search of the hospital grounds would take time because “Hamas knew we were coming” and had made off with or hidden traces of their presence there.

Gaza's Health Ministry says thousands remain inside Al-Shifa

The Gaza health ministry said on Thursday that thousands of people remained inside the Al-Shifa Hospital compound with little food and water as Israeli forces searched the premises for a second day.

Sauce: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/11/16/world/israel-hamas-gaza-war-news

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a90dd8 No.128836

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19929125 (170240ZNOV23) Notable: Press for Truth: TikTok & Bin Laden’s Letter To America is conditioning The Masses For another FALSE FLAG ATTACK (video)

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TikTok & Bin Laden’s Letter To America IS CONDITIONING The Masses For ANOTHER FALSE FLAG ATTACK!!!


In 2002 the Guardian newspaper released Osama Bin Laden’s “letter To America” that he allegedly wrote after the 911 attacks. Tick Tock users have recently learned of this letter, they’ve read it and they agree with some of the things he was allegedly saying, like that he hated the United States because of its support for Israel and that they should leave the Palestinian people alone.

The guardian newspaper ended up removing the published letter claiming that it was being taken out of context…

But by simply engaging in censorship the Guardian is actually AMPLIFYING and perpetuating this lie that Osama Bin Laden is responsible for the attacks!

Not only that, TikTok is also conditioning the minds of the masses for another false flag attack that would be carried out by the CIA and blamed on Hamas operatives.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth breaks down the latest propaganda about 911 that is currently being used to condition the masses for another attack!

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a90dd8 No.128837

File: d8fea2cc3dac711⋯.png (1.45 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 37ec57e7457d5b7⋯.png (180.43 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19931054 (171344ZNOV23) Notable: Children’s hospital foundation encouraged irreversible gender transition of 10-year-old

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Children’s hospital foundation encouraged irreversible gender transition of 10-year-old


The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba is under intense scrutiny for a social media post that actively supported and encouraged a 10-year-old child in their desire to undergo a surgical gender transition.

The post, featuring a pseudonymous patient named “Mary,” has sparked a wave of outrage and accusations on X, with critics labeling the foundation’s stance as harmful.

Mary’s story, as presented in the controversial post, expresses a longing to be recognized as a “real girl” since the age of seven and wanting to have girl body parts.

“Mary thinks she was about seven years old when she began to articulate feelings of longing to be a “real girl.” Femininity – dresses, rainbows, and girl roles in games and on screen in Disney movies – felt like the only areas that truly aligned with her identity,” writes the Foundation.

The post then quotes Mary as saying: “I just wanted my name to be female and I still want my body parts to be female.”

“Gender-affirming care” involves a variety of practices, which at their most extreme include surgeries such as vaginoplasty and hormone treatment, which can result in permanent sterilization.

“She dreams of a world where her body reflects her identity, eagerly anticipating the day her doctors allow her to take hormones that will aid her transition,” writes the Foundation.

“Even at age 10, the prospect of a future boyfriend worries her, wondering if or at what phase of dating she’ll need to disclose her journey. And she worries, a little, about never having a baby – but says her plans to be a famous actress won’t allow time to be a mom anyway.”

Critics of the post online included columnist Jonathan Kay who criticized the Foundation for encouraging a child to pursue a “lifetime of drugs, dangerous and debilitating side effects, unnecessary surgeries, chopped off body parts, and sterility.”

Additionally, gender issues journalist Mia Ashton also chimed in.

National Post columnist Jamie Sarkonak also commented.

“There’s something really dark about a children’s hospital discussing sterilization like it’s a haircut,” posted Sarkonak.

In response to the backlash, the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba later took to social media to try and justify their perspective.

Despite the foundation’s attempt to provide context and defend their position, the controversy continues to escalate.

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a90dd8 No.128838

File: 177b1f48fe48001⋯.png (910.82 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19931081 (171350ZNOV23) Notable: NDP sends Liberals back to the drawing board on pharmacare legislation

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NDP sends Liberals back to the drawing board on pharmacare legislation


The NDP have rejected the first draft of the Liberal government’s upcoming pharmacare legislation. The deadline for the legislation is set to end by the end of the year – an agreed upon timeframe to secure the supply-and-confidence agreement between the two parties.

“We’ve seen a first draft and we made it very clear that the first draft was insufficient for our support. So the government has taken that back and is working on some amendments,” said NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh at a press conference in Toronto.

The Canada Pharmacare Act must be passed before the end of 2023 as per the deal negotiated between the NDP and Liberals.

With Parliament off this week, only four more weeks remain for the Trudeau government to table a bill that will meet the approval of the NDP and have it passed by said deadline. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128839

File: a44f7d72a32813c⋯.png (1.33 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19931138 (171402ZNOV23) Notable: Saskatchewan introduces bill to scrap carbon tax on natural gas

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Saskatchewan introduces bill to scrap carbon tax on natural gas


In defiance of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s refusal to extend a carbon tax exemption on all forms of home heating, the Saskatchewan government has taken the initiative and introduced the Carbon Tax Fairness for Families Amendment Act.

Bill 151, spearheaded by the ruling Saskatchewan Party and introduced in legislature on Thursday by SaskEnergy Minister Dustin Duncan, is set to stop the collection of the federal carbon tax on natural gas bills.

The move is seen as a direct response to the federal government’s decision to pause the carbon tax on home heating oil, a measure focusing on carve-outs for Atlantic provinces.

The Saskatchewan government argues that Trudeau’s decision to pause carbon tax on home heating oil creates an unfair situation, as it does not offer similar treatment to natural gas users, like most residents in Saskatchewan.

By designating SaskEnergy as the sole registered distributor of natural gas in the province, the bill aims to provide legal protection to the Crown corporation and its associates from any repercussions of not remitting the carbon tax.

This legislation was introduced shortly after Premiers from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Alberta, and Saskatchewan each signed a letter urging Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to apply the carbon tax equally across Canada.

Whether other provinces will follow suit and propose similar legislation remains to be seen. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128840

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19931193 (171413ZNOV23) Notable: Ratio’d: The embarrassing state of the Canadian military (video)

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Ratio’d | The embarrassing state of the Canadian military


Just over 100 years ago, Canadian soldiers were the most feared troops on the battlefield. Our ‘shock troops’ struck fear into the enemy, whereas today, our enemies can’t stop laughing at us.

The Canadian Armed Forces are in the midst of an attrition crisis – too many troops are leaving and nobody is signing up. An unconstitutional vaccine mandate forced on the ranks resulted in thousands of patriotic Canadians leaving the force making matters worse. Further, Canada’s military is chronically under funded, resulting in embarrassing stories of Canadian troops having to purchase their own gear while deployed.

The treatment of James Topp, a man who marched across Canada in 2022 in protest of Canada’s vaccine mandates, is a perfect representation of the embarrassing and sad state of Canada’s once feared military. Topp, a man who gave hope to millions of Canadian during his March for Freedom is learning his fate in a court martial sentencing hearing because he dared to condemn Canada’s authoritarian mandates while wearing his uniform.

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a90dd8 No.128841

File: aab0877d39470a8⋯.png (2.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19931216 (171419ZNOV23) Notable: >>199367007 UN Security Council passes resolution for humanitarian pauses in Gaza amidst Israel-Hamas conflict

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UN Security Council passes resolution for humanitarian pauses in Gaza amidst Israel-Hamas conflict


The U.S. and the U.K. abstained due to the resolution's lack of explicit condemnation of Hamas, while Russia abstained because it did not mention a ceasefire. Instead, the resolution calls for humanitarian pauses to allow aid delivery and the immediate release of hostages held by Hamas and other groups, especially children. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128842

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19931313 (171442ZNOV23) Notable: Anti-Israel protesters blockade Montreal bridge, Trudeau's parliamentary office in latest escalation

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Anti-Israel protesters blockade Montreal bridge, Trudeau's parliamentary office in latest escalation


Far-left activists in the pro-Hamas crowd are now blocking Canadian infrastructure to call for a ceasefire while terrorists hold 230+ hostages, with many citizens asking why police were so quick to act against Freedom Convoy protesters but not these demonstrations. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128843

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19931374 (171454ZNOV23) Notable: Liberals block ventilator contract access filing for three years (video)

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Liberals block ventilator contract access filing for three years


Three years later, and the federal government is still hiding information relating to a sole-source contract that benefitted former Liberal MP Frank Baylis.

Rebel News' request for documents relating to the federal government's award of a ventilator contract to former Liberal MP Frank Baylis's company has been stonewalled since December 2020.

The sole-sourced March 2020 contract for 10,000 ventilators came in at $237 million and was made with an obscure company, FTI Professional Grade, formed just one week before the contract was awarded. The subcontract manufacturer of the ventilators, however, was Baylis Medical, run by one-term Liberal MP Frank Baylis, who had not run for reelection in September 2019.

But there is more than just shameless cronyism; this is something next level. From Le Journal de Quebec:

Manufactured in Mississauga, Ontario, the ventilators, based on an identical model manufactured by Medtronic, were sold for $23,700 per unit in Ottawa for a total sum of $237 million.

That's $10,000 more than the model sold by Medtronic.

Like so much during COVID, those ventilators were not approved for use in Canada but ordered anyway.

And it seems the Public Health Agency of Canada didn't even want them. The Baylis ventilators were never used and sat collecting dust in a warehouse.

Just have a look at some of the details:

Millions’ worth of Covid ventilators purchased through a former Liberal MP’s company were immediately warehoused as medical surplus, records show. The ventilators cost the equivalent of $23,700 apiece.

Public Health Agency figures disclosed the majority of 10,000 Baylis Medical Company ventilators it bought, more than 90 percent, were never used in any clinic or hospital. The devices were bought under a sole-sourced $237 million contract through a holding company, FTI Professional Grade Inc. of Guelph, Ont.

Some of the Baylis ventilators were sent to India, without the proper adapter to use them.

As Blacklock's Reporter notes:

Health Minister Patricia Hajdu’s department shipped 350 Baylis Medical ventilators to India that couldn’t plug into wall sockets. The department forgot to include $9 electrical adaptors, according to a briefing note.

“A delivery on May 5 included an immediate fifty ventilators as part of an initial supply of up to 350 ventilators,” said the note. “However the ventilators require a different electrical cord for use in India.”

“The ventilator manufacturer, Baylis Medical, was able to secure the power cords required for the immediate shipment of fifty ventilators with remaining ventilators subsequently being shipped with adaptors,” said the June 18 briefing note National Emergency Strategic Stockpile Management. Adaptors retail for $9 apiece.

And wouldn't you know it, despite the ongoing fiasco and conflict of interest scandal, Baylis was struck with good luck again. That's right, Baylis got another contract! This time, to service the ventilators bought from his company that no one used!

Again, Blacklock's has the details:

Cabinet in an Inquiry Of Ministry tabled in the Commons disclosed it awarded a $3.7 million contract to Baylis Medical last February 16 for “preventive maintenance” on 2,000 ventilators. The contract was divulged at the request of Conservative MP Dean Allison (Niagara West, Ont.) who asked, “What are the details with regard to government contracts with Baylis Medical?”

So now you know why we wanted to know more about this contract. So at Rebel News, we filed for access to information in December 2020 for details of not just the Baylis ventilator contracts, but all the ventilator contracts.

And all documents “regarding the acquisition of ventilators and any documents showing their current status (such as if they have been received, waiting, in use, in storage, shipped to province/health authority) from March 1, 2020 to December 14, 2020.”

Three years ago. The government was supposed to ask for an extension in January 2021 and to explain why they needed one.

This week, we got a response — but no documents. This is just a check-in to see if we actually still wanted the documents or if we were no longer curious about the Liberals' crooked cronyism.

Look at this response we got:

There are a number of ventilator contracts in the information sought.

I am just about to send 9 third party consultation letters on this file, so thought it would be a good time to check that you still seek a response to this request.

They haven't even started working on this file. Three years later, the feds are just about to start working on sending out some third-party notifications. Thanks. Really working at the speed of government and hoping we get tired of waiting.

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a90dd8 No.128844

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19931444 (171507ZNOV23) Notable: Theresa Tam’s agency is desperate to hide COVID-19 pandemic blunders (video)

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Theresa Tam’s agency is desperate to hide COVID-19 pandemic blunders


There is a severe lack of transparency and poor governance at the Public Health Agency of Canada which is trying to conceal internal audits and reports that detail their COVID-19 pandemic mismanagement, but Rebel News is determined to uncover the contents of these documents.

Canada’s health agencies are trying to hide internal audits and reports that detail how grotesquely they mismanaged the COVID-19 pandemic.

It started when the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) — tasked with procuring personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks, gowns, and gloves — led by Hong Kong-born Chief Medical Officer of Health Theresa Tam, sent 16 tonnes of PPE to China in February of 2020.

That was a little over a month before the COVID-19 global state of emergency was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) which sent shockwaves of panic throughout the world. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128845

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19931467 (171515ZNOV23) Notable: Stand With April update: President of Canadian Powerlifting Union resigns!

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Stand With April update: President of Canadian Powerlifting Union resigns!


As pressure mounts on the Canadian Powerlifting Union, it was revealed that the president of the sport's governing body resigned on Nov. 12 following a failure to 'modernize' its 'inclusivity' policies. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128846

File: e53c98d7722278a⋯.png (1.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19931506 (171528ZNOV23) Notable: Trudeau family billed taxpayers $75,000 in vacation flights following separation announcement: report

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Trudeau family billed taxpayers $75,000 in vacation flights following separation announcement: report


After Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his estranged wife officially separated, their family enjoyed a round trip to Tofino in mid-August — costing taxpayers a whopping $74,178 to charter a Royal Canadian Air Force jet. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19931519 (171531ZNOV23) Notable: Pilot warns of airline industry disaster due to Covid vaccines

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Mayday Flight Alerts up 272% in 2022 and 386% in the first three months of 2023.

"There has been an unprecedented rise in the numbers of mayday calls as tracked by a bot set up by the X account


. It posts when a pilot squawks 7700 anywhere in the world.

Between 2018, and 2019, the mayday average was 29.1 per cent of all distress calls. During 2022, mayday calls increased by 272 per cent. In the first three months of 2023, the increase was 386 per cent. The graph shows there was an instant, steep increase when the vaccines were mandated to pilots."



Pilot warns of airline industry disaster due to Covid vaccines


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a90dd8 No.128848

File: 932aa6f30376f7c⋯.png (1.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19931588 (171550ZNOV23) Notable: Canadian military veteran who criticized COVID-19 vaccine mandate pleads guilty

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BREAKING: Canadian veteran handed a 'severe reprimand' and $4,000 fine for condemning military's vaccine mandate


Canadian veteran James Topp pled guilty on multiple counts of conduct Tuesday over his public opposition to medical coercion within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

Canadian veteran James Topp pled guilty on multiple counts of conduct Tuesday over his public opposition to medical coercion within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

In February 2022, Topp and other CAF members criticized the military’s COVID vaccine mandate after over 400 members refused to get the jab.

The former warrant officer made critical remarks about the mandate in two videos posted to TikTok and YouTube, irking Judge Catherine Julie Deschenes. At the time, the Vancouverite marched from the West coast to Ottawa, becoming a revered symbol for Canadians opposed to medical coercion.

On November 16, Deschenes handed Topp a "severe reprimand" and a $4,000 fine by a court martial in New Westminster, B.C. for two counts of prejudice to good order and discipline. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128849

File: bcef7488a2919ed⋯.png (307.78 KB,776x630,388:315,Clipboard.png)

File: 955f40badd60c16⋯.png (788.35 KB,831x849,277:283,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19931703 (171614ZNOV23) Notable: MEDIA LIES ABOUT ELON MUSK: Accuses Elon of Promoting Anti-Semitism After He Points Out the ADL’s Well-Documented Racist Attacks on White People

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MEDIA LIES ABOUT ELON MUSK: Accuses Elon of Promoting Anti-Semitism After He Points Out the ADL’s Well-Documented Racist Attacks on White People


What do you call a program that is used to indoctrinate children, target one particular race, and promote hate?

The Anti-Defamation League was once a leading human rights organization. Founded in 1913 in response to the escalating climate of antisemitism in the West, the ADL in recent years has morphed into something completely different than what its founders envisioned.

Today, the ADL is a far-left hate group whose goal is to smear conservatives, patriotic Americans, Trump supporters, and white people. This same confused organization gives a pass to far-left and Islamist hate groups.

To highlight this organization’s confusion, in 2022, the ADL excused Amnesty International in its campaign against the existence of Israel. Talk about an organization that has lost its way!

In 2021, the ADL labeled President Trump, the most pro-Israel president in history, antisemitic. And yet the President of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt, a former Obama official, said nothing as Barack Obama targeted Israeli elections and endangered Israel’s very existence with his very menacing foreign policy, including the Iran nuclear deal that gave the Iranian mullahs billions of dollars to target Israel.

They excused Ilhan Omar’s blatant antisemitism and hateful rhetoric against Israel.

The ADL also pushes restrictions on speech and even weighs in on appropriate gender-neutral Halloween costumes.

And the Anti-Defamation League also teaches children in America that only white kids are racists. They actually changed the definition of racism to target white people.

They’re openly teaching hate to American children! Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128850

File: a8bbde33db22526⋯.png (1.08 MB,865x1850,173:370,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19931799 (171631ZNOV23) Notable: NEW DETAILS: Leftist Editor Boasted of Duping Young Boys into Sex, ‘Spitroast’ Them For Hours.

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NEW DETAILS: Leftist Editor Boasted of Duping Young Boys into Sex, ‘Spitroast’ Them For Hours.


Slade Sohmer, former editor of The Recount, bragged in private text messages about nearly tricking a 14-year old boy into having sex in a public restroom. Following his arrest, police found evidence that Sohmer posed online as a teenage girl, offering to meet and engage in sexual intercourse with underage boys. Sohmer even admitted to attending the meeting he had set up, claiming the teen boy was “horny” and “bulging” because he thought he was meeting a girl. Sohmer says he did not go through with his plan to rape the child, claiming “I chickened out.”

Sohmer, who was hired byThe Circus’ John Heilemannto run his far-left ‘Recount’ website, also boasted about using social media app SnapChat to convince a 15-year old boy, and in a separate incident a 13-year old boy, into performing live sex acts for him using the video and photo app. In another instance, he fantasized with another individual about ‘spit-roasting’ (a type of sexual act involving three individuals) a teenage boy.

Writing about another young boy, Sohmer texted a friend: “I’d love to show up outside his school and force him into our car and take him to a hotel and just use him for 48 hours”.

The left-wing editor and journalist was arrested last week in Massachusetts on suspicion of downloading and disseminating child pornography. When police examined Sohmer’s personal computer they uncovered over 1,300 pornographic images and videos – many of which are believed to involve underage children. At least eight of the underage victims seen in the videos and photos have been identified by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

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a90dd8 No.128851

File: 8339227d7050985⋯.png (1.84 MB,2000x1000,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d9ea99c29338be⋯.png (305.68 KB,333x500,333:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19931989 (171723ZNOV23) Notable: Hysterical Nursing Association Advises Pumping Ventilators by Hand to Reduce Carbon Footprint

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Hysterical Nursing Association Advises Pumping Ventilators by Hand to Reduce Carbon Footprint


Registered Ontario nurse Andrew Brannan sent the following letter to the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario in response to their claim that “Canada is burning and our future is in peril” due to… climate change.

As far as I know, Andrew still hasn’t received a reply to his well-written letter. So, being a fiction writer, I thought I’d offer an in-line fictional response: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128852

File: 8c151a330725a5a⋯.png (970.98 KB,753x1024,753:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d688ebf42b226a⋯.png (933.92 KB,753x1024,753:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19932372 (171902ZNOV23) Notable: International Covid Summit: Good News From Romania (video)

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Watch International Crisis Summit Romania November 18 & 19


International Group of Scientists, Doctors, and other experts attend Romania Parliament to share honest insights into covid and other international issues.

Convert times to your local time anywhere in the world here.

Here is Saturday November 18h, 2023 Schedule of Speakers to the Parliament of Romania. This is 7 hours ahead of EST Toronto time, so for instance my 1 PM presentation is at 6 a.m. EST, but presentations continue until 7 PM Romania which is noon Toronto.

Livestreaming here: https://www.internationalcovidsummit.com/

Here is Sunday November 19, 2023 Scedule of Speakers. This is 7 hours ahead of EST Toronto time, so presentations running from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Romania adjusts to 3 a.m. to 11 a.m. EST.

Monday November 20th Press Conference in Bucharest by parliamentarians and the international expert delegation at 10 a.m. EET Romania which is 3 a.m. EST Toronto.

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a90dd8 No.128853

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19932475 (171932ZNOV23) Notable: Abused Power Can’t Change Reality (video)

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Abused Power Can’t Change Reality


Not safe; not effective; not a vaccine. Here’s Dr Trozzi and Michael Alexander’s first post-penalty hearing interview with Wayne Peters: What’s Up Canada?

I promise you will not be bored with this uncensored free speech and pursuit of truth. This is my first video recorded interview since the Nov 10 CPSO penalty hearing against me for telling you that the coerced covid-19 injections are “not safe, not effective and not vaccines”. Constitutional lawyer Michael Alexander and I joined Wayne Peters of What’s Up Canada.

Power can not change reality. Whipping nurses and doctors does not convert the most lethal medical intervention in history into a “safe effective vaccine”. It is a crime to abuse good nurses and doctors, but we are not the worst victims of these crimes. It is the dead, the mourning, and the injured.

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a90dd8 No.128854

File: 4fdc89de1bbab55⋯.png (1.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 532e1ef1722d500⋯.png (1.13 MB,2048x2048,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19932812 (172046ZNOV23) Notable: Pfizer Canada's COVID contract disclosed after years of lip service from the federal government

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Pfizer Canada's COVID contract disclosed after years of lip service from the federal government


Health Canada ordered at least 238 million COVID jabs from Pfizer Canada to vaccinate residents, including 30 million for 2023 and 2024 that further contributed to in excess of a $1 billion oversupply.

Health Canada kept its COVID jab contracts locked behind a shroud of secrecy, but courtesy of an access to information request the cat is finally out the bag.

The Canadian Independent recently obtained a redacted "price and payment" schedule for the 2020 Pfizer contract billed to taxpayers, despite Cabinet claiming to be bound to secrecy on the deal.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, the heavily censored and “confidential” Manufacturing And Supply Agreement ran 59 pages.

Health Canada ordered 238 million COVID jabs from Pfizer Canada to vaccinate residents, including 30 million for 2023 and 2024 that further contributed to in excess of a $1 billion oversupply.

According to an Auditor General report, the federal agency had a large surplus, leading to considerable vaccine wastage. She blamed distribution and tracking issues caused by government negligence. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128855

File: d95ecddb370dc2e⋯.png (1.2 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19933866 (172337ZNOV23) Notable: Former RCMP Official's Rationale for Disclosing Secrets Can't Be Believed: Crown

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Former RCMP Official's Rationale for Disclosing Secrets Can't Be Believed: Crown


A Crown prosecutor says a former RCMP official's excuse for leaking secret information is flawed and should not be believed.

In closing arguments on Nov. 17, federal lawyer Judy Kliewer told a jury in Ontario Superior Court that Cameron Jay Ortis was not acting for the benefit of the RCMP, when he disclosed classified information to investigative targets.

Mr. Ortis, 51, has testified that he offered secret material to individuals of interest in a bid to get them to use an online encryption service, set up by an allied intelligence agency to spy on adversaries.

He has pleaded not guilty to violating the Security of Information Act by revealing secrets to three individuals in 2015 and trying to do so in a fourth instance, as well as breach of trust, and a computer-related offence.

The Crown argues Mr. Ortis lacked authority to disclose classified material and that he was not doing so as part of some sort of undercover operation.

Ms. Kliewer said on Nov. 17 the jury should be satisfied that Mr. Ortis communicated special operational information to targets without authority to do so.

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a90dd8 No.128856

File: bdf3376eeffb7aa⋯.png (840.28 KB,1022x573,1022:573,Clipboard.png)

File: 19b88bd5cdf8b89⋯.png (1.74 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936590 (181448ZNOV23) Notable: Climate Alarmism Fail: Justin Trudeau’s Signature ‘Carbon Tax’ Is Rejected by Majority of Voters, as Canadian Families Struggle Financially

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Climate Alarmism Fail: Justin Trudeau’s Signature ‘Carbon Tax’ Is Rejected by Majority of Voters, as Canadian Families Struggle Financially


Globalist poster boy, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the climate alarmist policies the signature aspect of his government.

So it’s very embarrassing that these very policies, exemplified by the vastly unpopular ‘carbon tax’, are now one of the most pointed topics generating criticism of his premiership.

It has now arisen that a majority of Canadians want the tax to be scrapped or waived for the next three years. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128857

File: 61f172460f04b58⋯.png (185.8 KB,500x293,500:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936617 (181456ZNOV23) Notable: Why So Many Countries Followed China’s Lockdown Example

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Why So Many Countries Followed China’s Lockdown Example


A novel coronavirus that was 10 times deadlier than the flu had gripped the world in 2019. Without a compass to navigate the Covid-19 pandemic, all lessons learned from previous viral pandemics were thrown out the window. The World Health Organization was adamant, “This is not the flu.” Tony Fauci terrified the US House of Representatives with forecasts of disaster. Global populations were defenseless without a vaccine for the novel coronavirus that no one had ever seen before. The only viable defense at the time was to shut down the world.

China took the lead in lockdowns. Media exported from China showed people dropping dead in the streets. Caskets were piling up. Doors to buildings were sealed to lock in tenants. Throughout the panic, all reasonable alternative assessments of risks from the viral outbreak were ignored, censored, or rejected.

Nevertheless, I wondered whether a video of a person falling down in the street was really representative of the entire population. Were caskets piling up largely due to families fearing to claim them because of contamination with the virus? I noticed that the front doors to my local mall in Ontario, Canada had also been sealed, just like in China apartment buildings, but this was only to control access through a single entrance to the building, not to seal in customers.

My first clue that the emergency response to the outbreak of the coronavirus didn’t seem to make sense was when I heard Fauci tell television audiences that if our response seems to be overreacting, then we are probably doing the right thing. What? Since when is overreacting ever the right thing to do? Do generals win wars by overreacting? Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128858

File: b219f955ffdba94⋯.png (273.29 KB,500x332,125:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936653 (181507ZNOV23) Notable: Turkish Parliament Postpones Vote On Sweden's NATO Membership

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Turkish Parliament Postpones Vote On Sweden's NATO Membership


Turkey says Sweden must extradite PKK members considered terrorists by Ankara...

After several hours of debate, the Turkish parliament’s foreign affairs committee postponed a vote on Sweden’s membership of NATO on Thursday, 18 months after Stockholm submitted its formal application for membership of the North Atlantic military alliance.

Announcing the decision, committee chairman Fuat Oktay said that all committee members needed to be fully convinced of Sweden’s credentials and warned that this could take time. He assured that the issue could be put back on the agenda in the near future but did not specify a date for the vote, and revealed that Sweden’s ambassador in Ankara could be invited to the committee meeting to speed up ratification.

Ankara has previously said it expects Stockholm to take stronger action in the fight against terrorism in return for Swedish approval and has demanded the extradition of members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which Turkey considers a terrorist organization, living in Sweden.

The bill could be passed by a simple majority in a parliamentary committee, but it would then be voted on by the full plenary and signed into law by the Turkish president.

Turkey is joined only by Hungary as the NATO members yet to approve Sweden’s membership bid, and while both the Hungarian government and Hungarian President Katalin Novák have made clear their support for Sweden’s involvement in the defense alliance, many MPs in the ruling Fidesz coalition have reservations.

Swedish government officials have grown increasingly frustrated at the lack of movement in Budapest, but Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said earlier this year that Stockholm hadn’t helped itself in winning over Hungarian lawmakers.

“They’re spreading blatant lies about Hungary, about the rule of law in Hungary, about democracy, about life here; how, the argument goes, can anyone want to be our ally in a military system while they’re shamelessly spreading lies about Hungary?” he said during an interview on national radio in March.

“If they expect us to be fair to them, then they should also be fair to Hungary,” Orbán added.

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a90dd8 No.128859

File: 6cc516b36f3014a⋯.png (295.06 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936803 (181548ZNOV23) Notable: CDC Claims On Vaccination And Natural Immunity Made Without Seeing Underlying Data: FOIA Document

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CDC Claims On Vaccination And Natural Immunity Made Without Seeing Underlying Data: FOIA Document


In a new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) response, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now admits that it recommended COVID-19 vaccines for people who had recovered from COVID-19 despite the fact that CDC subject matter experts didn't have access to the underlying data.

The stunning disclosure came in reply to a FOIA request for information on the CDC’s claim, first made on Oct. 29, 2021, that unvaccinated people with previous infection were five times more likely to get COVID-19 than vaccinated people.

The CDC’s claim was based on a CDC study published in the Nov. 9, 2021, edition of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. The conflicts-of-interest section of the study had noted that a number of the study’s authors were being sponsored by pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Merck, Sanofi, and GlaxoSmithKline. At least four of the listed pharmaceutical companies were involved in the manufacturing and sale of COVID-19 vaccines.

Given that the conflict-of-interest disclosures were made at the time the study was first published, the CDC would have been aware of the heightened need to scrutinize its findings. However, this appears not to have happened. Notably, the CDC’s public pronouncement about unvaccinated COVID-19 survivors being five times more likely to get reinfected was made on the same day that the study was released as a preprint. This would have left no time for any review.

A lawyer who specializes in FOIA cases subsequently made a formal request for the data underlying the study. Last week, the CDC replied by admitting that the CDC didn't have this data. According to the CDC, the data was held by an "external partner organization and was maintained by a contractor." Notably, the CDC also acknowledged that "CDC subject matter experts didn't receive copies of the raw data prior to the contract termination." Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128860

File: a90c47904f2856b⋯.png (352.41 KB,500x308,125:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936853 (181558ZNOV23) Notable: Netanyahu's Surprise Admission: Israel "Not Successful" At Minimizing Civilian Casualties

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Netanyahu's Surprise Admission: Israel "Not Successful" At Minimizing Civilian Casualties


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has in recent days gone on a US media blitz, at a moment American public opinion has become increasingly divided on Israel's military action in Gaza and the soaring civilian death toll.

But in a new interview with CBS, he made a surprising admission - surprising especially given the current scrutiny on him after international institutions, including a panel of UN experts - have accused Israel of conducting "genocide" and "war crimes". Netanyahu acknowledged to CBS that Israel has not been successful in minimizing civilian casualties among civilians. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128861

File: ed765410478f053⋯.png (276.51 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 43030159d75a0eb⋯.png (178.83 KB,500x451,500:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19936995 (181623ZNOV23) Notable: Trudeau's Tumble: From Canada's Golden Boy To Political Punchline

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Trudeau's Tumble: From Canada's Golden Boy To Political Punchline


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's career appears to be fading to blackface - as his approval ratings, which now suck, have plummeted thanks in no small part to housing and inflation woes fueling a firestorm of disapproval. Despite a safety net agreement with a left-leaning opposition that defers his political reckoning until 2025, the rumblings within his own party suggest Trudeau's leadership is skating on increasingly thin ice.

Hoping to capitalize on Trudeau's tumble is Pierre Poilievre, the Conservative Party leader, who's turned public grumbling over "Justinflation" — a catchphrase linking the economic downturn to Trudeau's governance — into a national rallying cry, Bloomberg reports. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128862

File: 25f0508ca20435b⋯.png (720.07 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937083 (181649ZNOV23) Notable: The Economist: Donald Trump Is the ‘Biggest Danger to the World’

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The Economist: Donald Trump Is the ‘Biggest Danger to the World’


Former President Donald Trump “poses the biggest danger to the world in 2024,” says the Economist, a leading globalist magazine.'''

“A shadow looms over the world,” declares the November 16 article, adding that “the prospect of a second Trump term fills the world’s parliaments and boardrooms with despair. But despair is not a plan. It is past time to impose order on anxiety.”

The article does not suggest any plan to “impose order” on American democracy.

In prior decades, establishment groups often offered concessions — mostly insincere — to millions of ordinary U.S. voters.

Today’s voters oppose establishment wealth-shifting policies on migration, wages, trade, and war-making, and the voters might be persuaded to switch their votes in exchange for once-routine campaign promises. However, the article does not even mention the primary issue that is powering Trump — the globalist establishment’s destructive determination to extract human wealth from poor countries via migration into the United States, Europe, and other developed countries. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128863

File: 9105c5e9741bac1⋯.png (737.47 KB,1200x797,1200:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937113 (181656ZNOV23) Notable: Trudeau Avoids Calling China's Xi a Dictator, Unlike Biden

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Trudeau Avoids Calling China's Xi a Dictator, Unlike Biden


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau avoided calling Chinese leader Xi Jinping a dictator in response to a reporter’s question during a press conference at the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit on Nov. 17.

“Would you describe Xi Jinping as a dictator?” the reporter asked.

"Look, China's a one-party state. I don't think anyone would call it a democracy," Mr. Trudeau answered.

The previous day, U.S. President Joe Biden called Mr. Xi "a dictator in the sense that he is a guy who runs a country that is a communist country that is based on a form of government totally different than ours."

During the meeting that preceded the comments, Mr. Biden obtained a Chinese commitment to stop the flow of fentanyl into the country and raised concerns about U.S. citizens barred from leaving China, military communication, and peace and stability around the Taiwan Strait.

Another reporter reminded Mr. Trudeau of his remark back in 2013, when he told a Toronto fundraising crowd there was "a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say, ‘we need to go green.'"

“Mr. Biden, the president of the United States, … also called him a dictator. Why won't you call him that?” the reporter asked.

"We can get into all sorts of different definitions. The fact is, he's not running a democracy. It's an authoritarian state,” Mr. Trudeau replied.

The prime minister acknowledged during the press conference that Canada is having a "challenging time" in its relationship with China. The problem began after the 2018 detention of Canadian citizens Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig who were taken into custody in China after the arrest of Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou in Canada. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128864

File: 122d9133ebfc813⋯.png (1.13 MB,1200x765,80:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19937266 (181736ZNOV23) Notable: Saskatchewan Party Member Charged With Procuring Sex, Kicked out of Caucus: Premier

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Saskatchewan Party Member Charged With Procuring Sex, Kicked out of Caucus: Premier


Premier Scott Moe says a Saskatchewan Party legislature member has been kicked out of caucus and stripped of his appointments after being charged with obtaining sexual services.

Mr. Moe said he learned on Nov. 17 of the charge against backbencher Ryan Domotor and took immediate action.

"Those in public office should be working to support vulnerable women, not exploit them,” Mr. Moe said in a statement.

“There is absolutely no place in our government, nor frankly in the assembly, for someone who has been charged with such a crime.”

Mr. Domotor, 56, could not be immediately reached for comment.

Regina police said its vice unit was conducting a project to combat sexual exploitation and human trafficking in the provincial capital this week and arrested 16 people, including Mr. Domotor. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128865

File: bac41add1465cd8⋯.png (167.24 KB,1059x706,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19939160 (182345ZNOV23) Notable: Forbes: Israel Has Asked Meta and Tik Tok to Remove 8,000 Posts Related to Hamas War

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Israel Has Asked Meta and Tik Tok to Remove 8,000 Posts Related to Hamas War

Forbes Magazine Nov 2023

Israel says its takedown requests to social media companies have increased 10-fold since the start of the war.Ninety-four percent of the content was removed.

Meta and TikTok have received over 8,000 requests from Israel to remove content related to the Hamas conflict that they allege violate the companies’ policies, according to the Israeli state prosecutor’s office. The agency says 94% of the content across major social sites that it flagged has been taken down.

Israel’s prosecutor’s office said it had requested the removal of content that incited violence and terrorism, as well as any promotion of groups widely designated as terrorists, including Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. It also asked that several songs praising Hamas that “served as soundtracks for thousands of videos on TikTok,” be taken down. TikTok, which told Forbes its policy was to remove all pro-Hamas content as soon as it’s identified, removed the videos playing the songs.

Policies for moderating violative content differ across platforms, but Google, TikTok and Facebook all ban material that promotes or is produced by terror groups, including Hamas, which has been designated as such by the U.S. government. Violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on ethnicity, nationality, race or religion are also banned.

“There is a significant challenge with Telegram’s cooperation."

Hadar Katz, spokesperson for Israel’s state prosecutor’s office

Nearly 60% of 9,500 total content takedown requests from the prosecutor’s office to major social sites were to Facebook and Instagram’s parent company. That was compared to 26% to TikTok, according to data provided by the agency. Ten percent of those requests were directed at X, formerly known as Twitter; requests sent to YouTube and Telegram both fell under 5%. The government agency told Forbes that its takedown requests to all the social media giants has increased by 10-fold since the Hamas attacks.

Israel’s prosecutor’s office told Forbes that Telegram, which was used by Hamas-linked accounts to share gruesome footage from the October 7 attacks and the subsequent war, does not appear to have complied its requests. “There is a significant challenge with their cooperation,” said Hadar Katz, a spokesperson for the office.

Sauce: https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2023/11/13/meta-and-tiktok-told-to-remove-8000-pro-hamas-posts-by-israel/?sh=1ce067faf6ce

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a90dd8 No.128866

File: 426956b9039c867⋯.png (1.11 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942754 (191545ZNOV23) Notable: Taxpayers advocacy group slams BC and feds for latest instance of “corporate welfare”

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PBO: taxpayers to pay $5.8 billion extra in EV corporate welfare


The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is demanding politicians reject the recent corporate welfare budgeted for multinational manufacturers after the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) released their report on Friday, revealing billions in cost overruns for taxpayers

“We estimate the total cost of government support for EV battery manufacturing by Northvolt, Volkswagen and Stellantis-LGES to be $43.6 billion over 2022-23 to 2032-33, which is $5.8 billion higher than the $37.7 billion in announced cost,” reads the PBO report.

According to the CTF, the government has a habit of going over budget and the latest instance should concern Canadians.

“Politicians said the Northvolt, Volkswagen and Stellantis deals would cost taxpayers almost $38 billion, but the PBO report shows the bills will be billions higher,” said CTF Ontario Director Jay Goldberg. “Governments have a terrible track record on corporate welfare and there’s a real risk these overruns will soar even higher.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128867

File: 730ccc53c544968⋯.png (372.67 KB,500x351,500:351,Clipboard.png)

File: fb58b9ae5812e28⋯.png (68.01 KB,500x177,500:177,Clipboard.png)

File: 142bc3809cbe4b5⋯.png (1.32 MB,1200x869,1200:869,Clipboard.png)

File: aa8ad7a0ada6f1f⋯.png (1.32 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19942888 (191608ZNOV23) Notable: Reports Say Israeli Ship "Galaxy Leader" Hijacked By Houthi Terrorists

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Reports Say Israeli Ship "Galaxy Leader" Hijacked By Houthi Terrorists


Reports from Arab media indicate that the "Galaxy Leader," a vehicle carrier vessel, was hijacked in the Red Sea on Monday by the Houthi group, which is supported by Iran, as reported by The Jerusalem Post.

The Galaxy Leader was last seen in the Red Sea (Position: 19.88°(lat) /38.84°(Ion)). The ship is underway, cruising at 17.5 knots.

Some X users are saying the vessel is an Israeli-owned ship.

We have reported multiple Israeli-owned vessels have been attacked in 2023:

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a90dd8 No.128868

File: 64cc351d8065e90⋯.png (64.31 KB,500x171,500:171,Clipboard.png)

File: 5af1feb9170fb6d⋯.png (223.74 KB,500x315,100:63,Clipboard.png)

File: 82c2c9d6c62dd9d⋯.png (182.04 KB,787x786,787:786,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943237 (191711ZNOV23) Notable: In Stunning Reversal, OpenAI Board In Talks With Sam Altman To Return As CEO After Satya Nadella "Furious" At Ouster

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In Stunning Reversal, OpenAI Board In Talks With Sam Altman To Return As CEO After Satya Nadella "Furious" At Ouster


Less than a day after JPMorgan came up with this pearl of a headline after the shocking news that OpenAI CEO Sam Altman had unexpectedly been ousted by his own (incompetent) board for being "not consistently candid" (whatever that means, details of what actually happened have yet to be revealed)...

... the drama surrounding Altman's departure just took a turn for the even more dramatic, because according to reports in the WSJ and Verge, OpenAI’s investors are "pressing the board" to reinstate Sam Altman back as CEO, and none more so than Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella who was "furious" by the ouster, Bloomberg reported, and has been in touch with Altman pledging to support him whatever steps he takes next.

The WSJ adds that while Altman is considering returning, he has told investors that he wants a new board, which inexplicably includes such woke luminaries as Helen Toner (whose tweets are protected of course), the director of strategy at Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (which means she does nothing at all), and who is perhaps best known for her support of the malignant fraud espoused by SBF that is "effective altruism" better known as virtue signaling covering up flagrant crime and fraud.

Besides Toner, OpenAI’s current board consists of chief scientist Ilya Sutskever (who also co-founded OpenAI and leads its researchers, was instrumental in the ousting of Altman this week, according to sources), Quora CEO Adam D’Angelo, and former GeoSim Systems CEO Tasha McCauley, wife of actor Joseph Godron-Levitt. Unlike traditional companies, the board isn’t tasked with maximizing shareholder value, and none of them hold equity in OpenAI. Instead, their stated mission is to ensure the creation of “broadly beneficial” artificial general intelligence, or AGI.

The now former (and soon-to-be again current) CEO also discussed starting a company that would bring on former OpenAI employees, and is deciding between the two options. Altman is expected to decide between the two options soon, the WSJ said, although the Verge notes that the former CEO is “ambivalent” about coming back and would want significant governance changes.

Altman holding talks with the company just a day after he was ousted indicates that OpenAI is in a state of free-fall without him. Hours after he was axed, Greg Brockman, OpenAI’s president and former board chairman, resigned, and the two have been talking to friends and investors about starting another company. A string of senior researchers also resigned on Friday, and people close to OpenAI say more departures are in the works.

The OpenAI board has been subjected to intense criticism over its decision, made public late Friday afternoon in a blog. post Several people, including co-founder Greg Brockman and three senior researchers have departed from the company in protest. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128869

File: 72914252d896964⋯.png (1.25 MB,944x708,4:3,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943781 (191928ZNOV23) Notable: Disgraced 'anti-racism' trainer returns to threaten Trudeau, pledge destruction of Canada

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FIRST READING: Disgraced 'anti-racism' trainer returns to threaten Trudeau, pledge destruction of Canada


Laith Marouf, who has collected about $500,000 in federal contracts, urged creation of 'Zionist-Hunter squads' targeting Canadian politicians

The Canadian federal government has failed to recover any of the more than $100,000 that it paid to Laith Marouf, the federal “anti-racism” contractor whose virulently antisemitic social media posts became the centrepiece of a national scandal.

But after months of apparent silence, Marouf is back online to assail his critics — and his former benefactors — with a stream of taunts and violent threats.

“Go drink the sea of Gaza you little Zionist b—h,” Marouf wrote in a Nov. 5 post directed at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

He added, “as soon as we liberate Palestine, we will be aiding our Indigenous relatives to liberate theirs. We will bring you to trial for your crimes.”

To Michael Geist — a University of Ottawa law professor and frequent critic of the Trudeau government’s media policy — Marouf wrote “shut up little Jewish White Supremacist turd. We will crush your Jewsader Colony … after, we will be hunting down all Zionists and bring them to stand trial in liberated Palestine.”

And to Norm Spector, a former chief of staff to Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Marouf said he would form “Zionist-Hunter squads” to “capture Genocide abettors like you and bring them to stand trial in liberated Jerusalem.”

Another post advocated the creation of armed self-defence units of Canadian Muslims to fight the police.

In the summer of 2022, Marouf became the centre of a national scandal after it emerged that the Trudeau government had handed six-figure “anti-racism” contracts to Marouf’s Community Media Advocacy Centre – despite Marouf’s lengthy history of extremist cheerleading.

Across social media, he had repeatedly called for the annihilation of Israel. He said “Jewish White Supremacists” deserved only a “bullet to the head” and referred to Jews generally as “loud mouthed bags of human feces.”

The Trudeau government’s initial defence was that they didn’t know who Marouf was — a claim that fell apart as the scandal progressed. Diversity and Inclusion Minister Ahmed Hussen would later tell a House of Commons committee that he’d been aware of Marouf’s extremism for more than a month before the story hit the press.

Ottawa ultimately severed ties with Marouf shortly after they’d granted his most recent contract; $133,000 to head up an “anti-racism strategy for Canadian broadcasting.”

Although the contract was revoked, the feds haven’t been able to recover any of the cash — something that Marouf seemed to mention in a post. “Clutch your purses Jewsaders!… Your Crime Minister can’t get the money back with all the might of Apartheid Canada,” he wrote. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128870

File: 0bad2698eab2d14⋯.png (1.55 MB,1456x1456,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19943853 (191949ZNOV23) Notable: An access to information request has revealed over 2,100 pages of death reports submitted to the Canadian government following Covid-19 vaccination

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LOOK: An access to information request has revealed over 2,100 pages of death reports submitted to the Canadian government following Covid-19 vaccination.


The majority of very detailed death reports between March 2020 and April 2023 include cardiac events, cerebral events, embolisms, unexpected deaths, sudden deaths, myocarditis, pericarditis, myopericarditis, and neurological events.

Pfizer was the most frequently mentioned vaccine in the death reports, followed by AstraZeneca and then Moderna.

You can review the access to information request at the link below.


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a90dd8 No.128871

File: 491d73c2e87e118⋯.png (323.67 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944468 (192202ZNOV23) Notable: Reports Say Israeli Ship "Galaxy Leader" Hijacked By Houthi Terrorists

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Last position for GALAXY LEADER was transmitted 34 hours ago

Vessel belongs to Ray Car Carriers LTD, bsed in London, although Rocket Reach says the CFO is based in Israel

Let me check the maritime sites to see if they mention any hijacking

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a90dd8 No.128872

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19944549 (192215ZNOV23) Notable: Reports Say Israeli Ship "Galaxy Leader" Hijacked By Houthi Terrorists

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>>128871 (me)

The "British-owned" ship should be GALAXY LEADER, no other mention of a second ship yet

Israel Reports Houthi Forces Seized Two Cargo Ships in the Red Sea

Reuters November 19, 2023

by Dan Williams (Reuters) Israel said on Sunday that Yemen’s Houthis had seized a British-owned and Japanese-operated cargo ship in the southern Red Sea, describing the incident as an “Iranian act of terrorism” with consequences for international maritime security.

The Houthis said they had seized a ship in that area, but described it as Israeli. “We are treating the ship’s crew in accordance with Islamic principles and values,” a spokesperson for the group said, making no reference to the Israeli account.

Also Read: Heightened Threat Level in Red Sea Prompts Concern by Mike Schuler

The Houthis, an ally of Tehran, have been launching long-range missile and drone salvoes at Israel in solidarity with the Palestinian Hamas militants fighting in the Gaza Strip.

Last week, the Houthi leader said his forces would make further attacks on Israel and they could target Israeli ships in the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandeb Strait.

A U.S. Defense official said, “we are aware of the situation and are closely monitoring it.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said a ship – which it did not name – had been seized, “There were no Israelis on the ship,” and Israel was not involved in its ownership oroperation, it added.

“This is another Iranian act of terrorism that represents an escalation in Iran’s belligerence against the citizens of the free world, with concomitant international ramifications vis-à-vis the security of global shipping routes.”

Earlier on Sunday the Houthis said all ships owned or operated by Israeli companies, or carrying the Israeli flag could be targeted.


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a90dd8 No.128873

File: 75c27605b4a3477⋯.png (461.86 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: f4d193753d8f1f1⋯.png (613.17 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947820 (201529ZNOV23) Notable: Reports Say Israeli Ship "Galaxy Leader" Hijacked By Houthi Terrorists

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hijack Israeli ship in Red Sea; Jerusalem: It isn’t Israeli


The Bahaman-flagged vessel is registered under a British company, which is partially owned by Israeli tycoon Abraham Ungar, who goes by Rami. The vessel was leased out to a Japanese company at the time of the hijacking.

A UN ship database identified the vessel’s owners as a Tel Aviv-based firm, Ray Shipping Ltd, which was founded by Ungar. Calls to Ray Shipping rang unanswered Sunday, and officials at the company did not immediately respond to a written request for comment.

Ungar told The Associated Press he was aware of the incident but couldn’t comment as he awaited details.

The complex world of international shipping often involves a series of management companies, flags and owners stretching across the globe in a single vessel.

A ship linked to Ungar experienced an explosion in 2021 in the Gulf of Oman. Israeli officials cited by media outlets blamed it on Iran at the time.

The Prime Minister’s Office identified the vessel as a British ship being operated by a Japanese company that was “hijacked on an Iranian whim by the Houthi militia in Yemen.” It added there were 25 crew members on board from Ukraine, Bulgaria, the Philippines and Mexico, but no Israelis on the ship. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128874

File: 5a1538f99780a22⋯.png (808.25 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: cbd2eeab001c3ba⋯.png (231.08 KB,460x258,230:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947851 (201545ZNOV23) Notable: Iran unveils its newest hypersonic missile - media

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Iran unveils its newest hypersonic missile – media


Tehran’s ballistic weapon reportedly makes use of a technology possessed by very few nations

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) unveiled the nation’s cutting-edge hypersonic missile at a ceremony in Tehran attended by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Sunday, local media reported.

The missile was presented at the Ashura Aerospace Science and Technology University during an exhibition showcasing the Islamic Republic’s advancements in aerospace tech, and comes months after Tehran unveiled its first hypersonic missile in June.

According to the IRNA news agency, the Fattah-2 missile is equipped with a hypersonic glider warhead that places it “in the HGV… class of hypersonic weapons.”

Iranian media reported that the Islamic Republic had become only the fourth nation in the world to make use of such technology. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128875

File: d6e12f772fc2d96⋯.png (750.37 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947863 (201549ZNOV23) Notable: NATO state sends military to Russian border

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NATO state sends military to Russian border


Finland has accused Moscow of weaponizing the EU migrant crisis

Finland has deployed soldiers to reinforce the Vartius crossing on its 1,340-kilometer border with Russia.

The troops were sent to the checkpoint, one of four that remain in use, following Helsinki’s decision to close southern crossings amid accusations that Russia is “funneling” migrants and asylum-seekers from third countries to the Finnish border.

“At the Vartius border station in Kuhmo, temporary barriers are being built in the border area. The Defense Forces support the Border Guard in construction tasks,” Helsinki's Border Guard said on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday, adding that the soldiers were not involved in controlling the border itself.

Border station director Juoki Kinnunen confirmed to Finnish broadcaster Yle that the military was erecting temporary security barriers at the checkpoint.

On Saturday, Finland closed the Vaalimaa, Nuijamaa, Imatra and Niirala entry points in the country's southeast, citing the need to prevent an influx of asylum-seekers. The authorities also reported a surge in illegal crossings by migrants from Syria, Yemen and Iraq. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128876

File: 933f98e4c1bddb9⋯.png (345.94 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947870 (201553ZNOV23) Notable: Putin to join Western leaders in G20 summit

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Putin to join Western leaders in G20 summit – RIA


The Russian president will reportedly participate in an online leaders' assembly organized by India

President Vladimir Putin will take part in a virtual G20 summit on Wednesday that has been organized by India, Russian state media channel Rossiya-1 reported on Sunday.

The Russian leader had skipped the 'Group of 20' summit in New Delhi in September, as did Chinese President Xi Jinping.

“Next week, a virtual G20 summit will be held and Vladimir Putin is expected to attend,” the national broadcaster reported, adding that the event may be “the first occasion in a long time” that the Russian president and Western leaders would co-participate. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947892 (201559ZNOV23) Notable: Redacted: "All of Ukraine's YOUNG men are dead" NATO has killed an entire generation (video)

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"All of Ukraine's YOUNG men are dead" NATO has killed an entire generation | Redacted News


As Zelensky insists that Ukraine can win the war, the media admits that Ukraine is all out of young men and the average age of a Ukrainian soldier is 43! Now the Washington Post is throwing Ukraine under the bus with an "investigation" showing that a rogue ops unit sabotaged the Nord Stream Pipeline. This story is...hard to believe.

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a90dd8 No.128878

File: c4f74e51be0913d⋯.png (514.53 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947922 (201604ZNOV23) Notable: Argentina and Javier Milei Bun / ‘Argentinian Trump’ wins presidency

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‘Argentinian Trump’ wins presidency


The self-described “anarcho-capitalist” Javier Milei has defeated Economy Minister Sergio Massa

Libertarian economist Javier Milei was elected to become Argentina’s next president on Sunday.

With 86.59% of the votes counted, Milei won with nearly 56%, while his rival in the runoff, Economy Minister Sergio Massa, received 44%.

Before the official results were announced, Massa conceded defeat in a speech. “The results are not what we expected, and I have contacted Javier Milei to congratulate him and wish him luck,” he said, thanking his supporters.

“I am a man of democracy and I value nothing more than the verdict of the people. I am confident that tomorrow we can start working with Javier Milei to ensure an orderly transition [of power],” President Alberto Fernandez wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

Milei, a 53-year-old self-described “anarcho-capitalist” who leads the Liberty Advances party, has been compared to former US President Donald Trump due to his sometimes brash and eccentric personality.

During his campaign, Milei made several radical proposals, including the abolishing of the country’s central bank and swapping the Argentine peso for the US dollar as the country's official currency. He also advocated public spending cuts as a way to fix the economy.

Libertarians typically see government activity as an encroachment on individual freedom and advocate a free market approach coupled with far lower taxes and little or no social spending.

Voters have been frustrated by a cost-of-living crisis and triple-digit inflation, which over the summer hit its highest level since the early 1990s. A political outsider, Milei has built his appeal around promises to revive the economy, as Argentina is on track to slip into a recession for the sixth time in a decade.

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a90dd8 No.128879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19947988 (201617ZNOV23) Notable: Redacted: Justin Trudeau has broken ranks with his globalist contemporaries and condemned the killing in Gaza (video)

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HOLY SH*T! Trudeau just said the UNTHINKABLE! | Redacted with Clayton Morris


Justin Trudeau has broken ranks with his globalist contemporaries and condemned the killing in Gaza. What's going on here? He doesn't usually step a toe out of the Western narrative. Is this sincere or political calculation?

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a90dd8 No.128880

File: 5eab21fb592ff16⋯.png (353.94 KB,500x262,250:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948045 (201628ZNOV23) Notable: Bayer's Monsanto Hit With $1.5 Billion Verdict in Latest Roundup Cancer Case

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Bayer's Monsanto Hit With $1.5 Billion Verdict in Latest Roundup Cancer Case


In a landmark decision, a Missouri jury has ordered Bayer AG's Monsanto unit to pay more than $1.5 billion in damages to three former users of its Roundup weedkiller. This ruling, one of Monsanto's largest trial losses in the five-year litigation over the herbicide, raises new questions about the safety of the controversial product and the company's future legal challenges.

In a late Friday decision, jurors awarded James Draeger, Valorie Gunther, and Dan Anderson $61.1 million in actual damages and a staggering $500 million each in punitive damages. They claimed that years of using Roundup on their properties led to their non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. This verdict is one of the largest against a US corporate defendant this year, eclipsing even a significant $1.78 billion verdict in a federal real estate case (which could balloon to more than $5 billion), Bloomberg reports.

Bayer officials said on Saturday that US judges have allowed what they see as mischaracterization of regulatory decisions on Roundup's safety. Despite recent plaintiff victories, the company says it remains confident in overturning these verdicts, citing ongoing regulatory support for glyphosate, Roundup's main ingredient. Bayer plans to phase out glyphosate in the US consumer market by year's end. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128881

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948063 (201635ZNOV23) Notable: UNESCO Launches Action Plan To Regulate All Internet Content And Social Media Platforms

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UNESCO Launches Action Plan To Regulate All Internet Content And Social Media Platforms


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) – a group that claims to seek equity around the world, and whose sponsored groups work to fulfil the “achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in the 2030 Agenda” – has detailed a new action plan that lays out the blueprint to mitigate content on social media and online as a whole.

The plans were announced on November 6th, which UNESCO boasts “is the result of a consultation process on a scale unprecedented,” with contributions from 134 countries and other stakeholders over the course of 18 months in the works. The action plan “outlines the principles which must be respected as well as the concrete measures which must be implemented by all stakeholders: governments, regulatory authorities, civil society and the platforms themselves,” UNESCO adds.

UNESCO noted: ‘Representatives from independent regulators have already welcomed UNESCO’s initiative, and several of them – notably in Africa and Latin America – have indicated that they are ready to begin implementing these measures. To this end, UNESCO will organize the first World Conference of Regulators in mid-2024.’

Of their plan seven tenets lie at its core: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128882

File: 6f1102ff9d1bee2⋯.png (1.11 MB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948115 (201645ZNOV23) Notable: Elon Musk says the risk of advanced AI is so high that the public needs to know why OpenAI fired Sam Altman

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Elon Musk says the risk of advanced AI is so high that the public needs to know why OpenAI fired Sam Altman


Elon Musk said that the potential danger of AI is so great that OpenAI, the most powerful artificial intelligence company in the world right now, should disclose the reason it fired CEO Sam Altman.

OpenAI announced Altman’s firing on Friday, saying only that the company, which makes ChatGPT, “no longer has confidence in his ability to continue leading.”

According to Business Insider, Musk, responding to a post on X from former Yammer CEO David Sacks, said that “given the risk and power of advanced AI, the public should be informed of why the board felt they had to take such a drastic decision.”

Musk is a former OpenAI board member, but left the company in 2018, citing a conflict of interest with Tesla. Musk later told CNBC, however, that he had become concerned with the company’s possible impact on society. It’s worth noting, though, that Musk’s own AI company will likely only benefit from the current chaos at OpenAI.

A possible reason for Altman’s ouster may have beeen growing tension among the company’s leadership over the dangers AI poses for humanity. Altman has aggressively sought funding to expand the technology’s development, while several other board members have called on the company to do more to mitigate the potential threats.

OpenAI’s cofounder Ilya Sutskever — who played a role in Altman’s dismissal — for example, preferred to tread more carefully given AI’s potential to harm society.

Sutskever created a “Super Alignment” team within the company to ensure that future versions of GPT-4, the technology behind ChatGPT, would not be harmful to humanity before Altman’s ouster, according to The New York Times.

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a90dd8 No.128883

File: 779eba0b6ae7db0⋯.png (1.06 MB,1894x838,947:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948151 (201655ZNOV23) Notable: For the first time, Researchers have printed a robotic hand with bones, ligaments and tendons

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For the first time, Researchers have printed a robotic hand with bones, ligaments and tendons


Researchers at the Zurich-based ETH public university, along with a US-based startup called Inkbit, have done the impossible. They’ve printed a robot hand complete with bones, ligaments, and tendons for the very first time, representing a major leap forward in 3D printing technology.

It’s worth noting that the various parts of the hand were printed simultaneously, and not cobbled together after the fact, as indicated in a research journal published in Nature.

Each of the robotic hand’s various parts were made from different polymers of varying softness and rigidity, using a new laser-scanning technique that lets 3D printers create “special plastics with elastic qualities” all in one go.

This obviously opens up new possibilities in the fast-moving field of prosthetics, but also in any field that requires the production of soft robotic structures. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128884

File: 087ef40bb1f10ef⋯.png (32.11 KB,500x275,20:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b3cbe13bc1724a⋯.png (183.61 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948257 (201735ZNOV23) Notable: Bayer's Monsanto Hit With $1.5 Billion Verdict in Latest Roundup Cancer Case

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Twin Crisis Rocks Bayer, Shares Crash Most On Record, Hitting Levels Not Seen Since GFC


Bayer shares in Germany experienced their largest-ever intra-day crash, tumbling as much as 21% to lows not seen since the Great Financial Crisis, following a double whammy of news:

First, Bayer AG's Monsanto unit was ordered by a Missouri jury to pay more than $1.5 billion damages to three former users of its Roundup weedkiller on Friday.

Second, on Sunday, the German agropharmaceutical giant halted the development of an experimental drug because of a lack of efficacy.

Over the weekend, we explained that Monsanto's largest trial loss in the five-year litigation over Roundup weedkiller was devastating. There appears to be no end as the company faces a second wave of lawsuits. It has already set aside $16 billion for the Roundup lawsuits. Also, this is a historic value destruction, who purchased Monsanto for $63 billion five years ago. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128885

File: 95460cc79dad290⋯.png (337.12 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948289 (201745ZNOV23) Notable: Israel Admits It Killed Some Of Its Own At Nova Music Festival

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Israel Admits It Killed Some Of Its Own At Nova Music Festival


An Israeli police investigation into the Hamas attack on the Nova music festival near the Gaza border on October 7 revealed that an Israeli attack helicopter killed some of the attendees, Haaretz reported on Saturday.

According to a police source, an investigation into the incident showed that an Israeli combat helicopter that arrived at the scene from the Ramat David base fired at Hamas fighters and other Palestinians who crossed through the border fence from Gaza into Israel, but also fired on some of the Israelis attending the music festival. According to the police, 364 people in total were killed there.

The Israeli military and rescue services previously claimed that 260 Israelis were killed at the festival, all by Hamas and Palestinians in a deliberate massacre. But this is the first acknowledgement that Israeli forces killed some of their own. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128886

File: e7387e9382e07a3⋯.png (409.93 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948377 (201810ZNOV23) Notable: Argentina and Javier Milei Bun / Javier Milei, libertarian critic of Pope Francis, elected president of Argentina

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Javier Milei, libertarian critic of Pope Francis, elected president of Argentina


'Today begins the reconstruction of Argentina. Today begins the end of Argentina's decline,' Javier Milei told his supporters in a victory speech in Buenos Aires. 'The model of decadence has come to an end. There is no way back.'

Libertarian candidate Javier Milei, who has condemned abortion as murder, has won the presidential election in Argentina.

Milei, who gained tremendous support among Argentinians fed up with the political establishment, economic decline, and surging inflation, achieved around 56% of the vote and convincingly defeated his opponent, Sergio Massa in the run-off election on November 19.

“Today begins the reconstruction of Argentina. Today begins the end of Argentina’s decline.” Milei told his supporters in a victory speech in Buenos Aires. “The model of decadence has come to an end. There is no way back.”

Former U.S. President Donald Trump, to whom Milei has been frequently compared for his brash rhetoric, congratulated the designated Argentinian president on his platform Truth Social:

“The whole world was watching! I am very proud of you. You will turn your Country around and truly Make Argentina Great Again!”

Anti-abortion but pro-same-sex ‘marriage’

Milei has voiced his strong opposition to abortion, calling it “murder” and confirming the scientific fact that “life begins at conception.”

“Philosophically speaking, I am in favor of the right to life,” Milei told Tucker Carlson in a viral interview in September. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128887

File: 931309bb93de04d⋯.png (755.02 KB,794x500,397:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948406 (201824ZNOV23) Notable: Ontario brings back mask mandates to long-term care homes

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Ontario brings back mask mandates to long-term care homes


The Ontario Ministry of Long-Term Care has mandated masking for students, support workers, and volunteers when they are in resident areas indoors in long-term facilities.

Mask mandates have returned to long-term care facilities in Ontario, as cases increase despite a so-called “safe and effective” jab.

Beginning on November 7, the Ministry of Long-Term Care mandated masks in all licensed long-term care facilities in Ontario, in accordance with the advice of Dr. Kieran Moore, the chief medical officer of health.

“Recent trends have shown a moderate to high level of community transmission of COVID-19 and an increase in COVID-19 outbreaks in LTCHs, with an increased risk of hospitalization amongst residents,” Kelly McAslan, assistant deputy minister, long-term care operations division, said in the memo, obtained by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).

The memo mandates masking for students, support workers, and volunteers when they are in resident areas indoors. Additionally, it recommends that visitors and caregivers mask in resident areas indoors, with the exception of when they are alone with residents in their rooms or when they are eating with residents in shared spaces.

According to Public Health Ontario, from August 27 to October 28, long-term care facilities saw 459 COVID-19 cases among residents, with 181 people hospitalized. A total of 106 residents were reported to have died.

During that time, 1,698 staff members were diagnosed with COVID-19, but there were not deaths or hospitalizations.

The report did not disclose if the residents had been jabbed against COVID, but it is likely that they would have received the experimental shot, as it was mandated in long-term care facilities until March 14, 2022.

Dr. Samir Sinha, director of geriatrics at Sinai Health System in Toronto, promoted the experimental COVID shot for residents in comments to CBC, despite evidence that it provides little to no immunity against COVID.

Sinha also celebrated the mask mandates, ignoring overwhelming evidence that masks are ineffective in preventing transmission of COVID. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128888

File: e3a81b00b882f7e⋯.png (139.61 KB,640x429,640:429,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f166dec78fb25d⋯.png (116.48 KB,640x351,640:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19948464 (201841ZNOV23) Notable: A Study to Learn About The COVID-19 (Study) Vaccine (Called COMIRNATY) in People That Are Less Than 21 Years Old

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A Study to Learn About The COVID-19 (Study) Vaccine (Called COMIRNATY) in People That Are Less Than 21 Years Old.





Carelon Research

National Health Lung Blood Institute

Information provided by (Responsible Party):


Study Description

Go to sections

Brief Summary:

The purpose of this clinical trial is to learn about the safety and effects of the study vaccine (called COMIRNATY) for the potential prevention of COVID-19. This study is seeking participants who:

Are age

Have presentation to participating medical center with evaluation in Emergency Room and/or hospitalization.

Received either the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or booster dose(s) of COMIRNATY within 7 days of symptom onset.

Meet criteria of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention case definition of probable or confirmed myocarditis/pericarditis

Are capable of giving signed informed consent/assent (by parents/legal guardians of minors and/or patients), which includes compliance with the requirements and restrictions listed in the Informed Consent/Assent Document and in this protocol OR meets criteria for waiver of consent.

This study will examine the potential long-term effects associated with myocarditis/pericarditis following vaccination with COMIRNATY. The association of myocarditis/pericarditis in participants who received the study vaccine (COMIRNATY) compared with those associated with COVID-19 will also be examined. This will help us determine if COMIRNATY is safe and effective, and if there is a myocarditis/pericarditis association that should be noted. Participants will take part in this study for up to 5 years. During this time, they will receive complete cardiac imaging tests, and have follow up visits per guidance stated in the study protocol. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128889

File: 284e08ac191653e⋯.png (785.41 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19949596 (202255ZNOV23) Notable: Jury trial set for hospital accused of intentionally killing teen with Down syndrome

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Jury trial set for hospital accused of intentionally killing teen with Down syndrome


'Winning this claim will create a tidal wave – and a game-changing legal precedent,' said Scott Schara, father of the deceased teenager Grace Schara.

A hospital accused of intentionally killing a teenage girl with Down syndrome has lost its last chance to dismiss, and the case will now move forward, in what her family says is a “first-of-its-kind” jury trial.

Earlier this year, the tragic death of Grace Schara came to light. In 2021, Grace died at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital; she had been given a do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order without her or her family’s knowledge or consent; additionally, she was administered a cocktail of drugs – Precedex, Lorazepam, and Morphine – which are known to cause hypoxia, or low levels of oxygen in body tissues.

Grace had been diagnosed with COVID-19, but her family said she had been doing relatively well, despite being in the hospital. Yet they said hospital staff repeatedly tried to force ventilation on Grace without their consent, even as tests came back normal, indicating she didn’t need to be ventilated. Eventually, her parents were banned from being in her room at all. Despite the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requiring the right to an advocate, and though her sister was on-site to serve as that advocate, Grace’s family said the staff made decisions for her supposed treatment without consulting them.

“No doctor or nurse came to me and said anything they were doing,” Grace’s sister, Jessica Vander Heiden, said. “I had to overhear what they were saying. They were just making decisions on their own, without even communicating with Grace’s power-of-attorney, which was my mother.”

On her last day alive, she was given lorazepam and morphine, though she had already been receiving Precedex for four days; Precedex is not supposed to be used for more than one day. “They gave Grace a combination of drugs that none of us could have survived,” Scott Schara, Grace’s father, said.

When Grace’s sister noticed Grace’s hands growing cold, she told the nurses, but was ignored; Grace soon had no pulse, and her eyes were rolling back in her head. Though her sister begged nurses to intervene, they did nothing, and Vander Heiden had to sit by, helpless, as Grace died at the young age of 19.

In Schara v. Ascension Health et al., a lawsuit alleges that five doctors illegally defied informed consent laws, and that they – along with two nurses – committed battery when Grace was killed.

According to the press release announcing the latest development, because the allegations against the hospital involve battery, this will be “the first time that doctors’ intentions come into play in this manner in a civil case.” Though attorneys for the hospital repeatedly tried to have the claims dismissed, Judge Mark J. McGinnis refused them all. “This case is ready to be tried in November,” he said.

It’s a decision applauded by Grace’s father.

“Our victory today to secure a jury trial for the battery claim in Schara v. Ascension et al. isn’t just our next step toward justice for Grace,” he said in the press release. “It’s a playbook for all Americans who have lost loved ones at the hands of what I, and many others, believe to be a medical establishment dangerously committed to harm – more concerned with incentives and penalties than patient health.”

“Our case simply surviving today should send shockwaves across the nation, because we showed how to pierce the medical malpractice veil with a legal brief. Winning this claim will create a tidal wave – and a game-changing legal precedent.”

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a90dd8 No.128890

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19950742 (210210ZNOV23) Notable: Iron Will Report: The Big Picture: Life Inside the Control Grid (video)

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The Big Picture: Life Inside the Control Grid | Todd Michael Harris and Amanda Forbes


Todd Michael Harris is best known for his excellent documentary, Uninformed Consent. Now Todd has produced a new documentary, The Big Picture: Life Inside the Control Grid. This is not just another documentary on Covid, but rather a comprehensive six part series on the entire globalist control agenda.

Todd created the documentary after being approached with the idea by Amanda Forbes, the Canadian president of Children’s Health Defense, who herself has a vaccine injured child, not from the Covid vaccines, but from the childhood vaccination schedule.

The documentary features many of the big players from the freedom and truth movement, Robert Kennedy Jr., presidential candidate and founder of Children’s Health Defense, Catherine Austin Fitts, who perhaps understands the globalist’s financial agenda better than anyone, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory, co founder of the Front Line Covid 19 Critical Care Alliance, Dr. Ryan Cole, and Canadian doctors Stephen Malthouse and Byram Bridle and ethics professor Dr. Julie Ponesse, among many others.

It also tells the true story of David and Collet Stephan, who lost their infant son to medical malpractice and who spent years in court defending themselves against false charges of failing to provide medical necessities to their child, Ezekiel. To this day Health Canada is still claiming that Ezekiel died of meningitis, despite the fact that two different Canadian courts found that not to be true.

In this documentary, Todd and Amanda reveal what is truly The Big Picture, a high level overview of the globalist agenda, and how we can fight against it and reclaim our rights, our freedoms and our country.

Stay tuned at the end of this full free interview for a short excerpt from the documentary, The Big Picture: Life Inside the Control Grid.

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a90dd8 No.128891

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19952829 (211403ZNOV23) Notable: Argentina and Javier Milei Bun / Javier Milei Win SHAKES THINGS UP While Germany Plans To Crush BRICS Dominance With A Digital Euro (video)

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Javier Milei Win SHAKES THINGS UP While Germany Plans To Crush BRICS Dominance With A Digital Euro!!


We may have just witnessed the worlds first Libertarian to be (s)elected as a head of state as the libertarian candidate Javier Milei is now the President-elect of Argentina.

With Argentina’s central bank pushing inflation up 143% people are ready for a new leader with a new solution.

Meanwhile Germany plans to crush the dominance of the BRICS nations with the release of a digital euro aka a central bank digital currency.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth breaks down the latest developments that are building towards an eventual one world currency while also discussing what we can do about this today to protect ourselves and our families moving forward.

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a90dd8 No.128892

File: 253e852944c1877⋯.png (625.7 KB,900x766,450:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19952936 (211424ZNOV23) Notable: Former Ontario medical officer Matt Strauss wins Conservative nomination

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Former Ontario medical officer Matt Strauss wins Conservative nomination


Former Ontario medical officer Matt Strauss will be the next Conservative candidate for Kitchener–South Hespeler.

Strauss confirmed his nomination on X, writing, “Thank you to the Conservatives from my hometown, Kitchener South—Hespeler for making me their candidate in the next election!”

Strauss came under fire during the Covid-19 pandemic for his opposition to lockdowns and vaccine mandates, a controversy he addressed in the same post.

“I think for many of us, there were dark times during the pandemic where it felt like we were speaking up for freedom and common sense alone. Not anymore! We are united! In the riding and across the country, we are standing up for freedom and common sense together now,” reads the post on X.

Strauss, a physician, had served as Haldimand-Norfolk’s acting medical officer of health throughout the majority of the pandemic. He criticized the broad nature of restrictive public health measures during that time and advocated for a more “individualized” approach.

“I am pro-vaccine and anti-mandate. I am pro-public health and anti-lockdown,” wrote Strauss in February 2022, at a time when the unvaccinated remained banned from air travel, trains, restaurants and many other public places.

“I don’t think ivermectin works, but I don’t mind if you want to talk about it. This is called liberalism and it was the dominant political philosophy in Canada until March 2020.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128893

File: a59244b72638a64⋯.png (775.49 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19953019 (211443ZNOV23) Notable: B.C. Premier David Eby vows continuing carbon tax even if federal levy falls

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B.C. Premier David Eby vows continuing carbon tax even if federal levy falls


British Columbia Premier David Eby pledged that his government would be the last one standing to uphold a carbon tax even in the face of a potential rollback for the federal government levy.

While speaking at the B.C. NDP party convention in Victoria on Saturday, Eby rebuked calls to do away with the provincial carbon tax, which has been in place for nearly 15 years.

“Let me be clear, we will not back down. God forbid, if the rest of the country abandons the fight against climate, B.C. will stand strong,” said Eby.

The province announced its carbon tax in 2008 – the first Canadian province to begin the practice. The federal levy was in part modeled after B.C.’s tax.

Eby accused opponents of abandoning their responsibilities to future generations.

“Right now, we have to be a leader on this issue, because we are also a leader in feeling the effects of climate change in British Columbia,” said Eby.

“All the other parties that seem to me, in an effort to win votes, are willing to sell their children’s future. I think it’s unacceptable, we won’t do it and we’ll support strong climate action.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128894

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19953060 (211450ZNOV23) Notable: Argentina and Javier Milei Bun / Ratio’d: Freedom wins in Argentina! Is Canada next? (video)

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Ratio’d | Freedom wins in Argentina! Is Canada next?


After decades of out of control socialism resulting in hyperinflation and skyrocketing poverty rates, Argentina has shocked the world and elected libertarian Javier Milei as the country’s next president. Milei, an economist by trade and a self described anarcho-capitalist plans to slash public spending and abolish the country’s central bank among other major reforms.

Argentina’s shock political upset is the latest in a string of results across the Western world in which citizens are rejecting oppressive, far-left socialism in favour of conservative alternatives. With Justin Trudeau’s Liberal party looking set to face an historic defeat at the ballot box, is Canada next?

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a90dd8 No.128895

File: b7f785163035023⋯.png (1.18 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

File: eb58a298b3b647c⋯.png (482.38 KB,726x786,121:131,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19953107 (211500ZNOV23) Notable: Taxpayer-funded Stellantis EV project using temporary foreign workers

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Taxpayer-funded Stellantis EV project using temporary foreign workers


The new Stellantis electric vehicle battery manufacturing plant in Windsor received a number of temporary workers from South Korea recently and news of their arrival is leaving some in disbelief over whether or not the new plant, which received billions in taxpayer subsidies, will end up creating jobs for Canadians.

The joint project between LG Energy Solutions and Stellantis received $15 billion in subsidies from both the federal and provincial governments to manufacture hundreds of thousands of batteries over the next decade.

The subsidies were designed to maintain thousands of jobs in the auto sector and to compete with the United State’s Inflation Reduction Act.

“I think this is a historic deal, it’s a great agreement and it protects the thousands of jobs quite frankly that were at stake,” said Ontario Economic Development Minister Vic Fedeli, referring to the 2,500 people that Stellantis promised to employ.

Once temporary foreign workers from South Korea began arriving in Windsor however, many began to question the validity of that promise.

On Thursday, South Korean Ambassador Lim Woong Son and the Windsor Police Service held a meeting to celebrate the “South Korean workforce coming to our community.”

Photos of the meeting were posted on X (formerly Twitter).

“With the new LG Energy Solutions battery plant being built, we expect approximately 1,600 South Koreans traveling to work and live in our community in 2024,” posted the Windsor Police Force on X. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128896

File: cd2913aeef14e33⋯.png (1.15 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19953236 (211523ZNOV23) Notable: Rachel Notley accuses Preston Manning Covid report of supporting “conspiracy theories”

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Rachel Notley accuses Preston Manning Covid report of supporting “conspiracy theories”


Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley is blasting a report into Alberta’s handling of the Covid pandemic as an “invitation to reject science and normalize pseudo-science and conspiracy theories.”

The Public Health Emergencies Governance Review Panel, led by former Reform Party leader Preston Manning, released over 90 recommendations to refine Alberta’s future public health emergencies response, as previously reported by True North.

At a press conference, Notley said she was skeptical of the report. She repeatedly criticized the consideration of providing what she referred to as “horse tranquilizers” to Alberta patients as a means for caring for Covid.

“If you read between the lines in chapter three of this report, that’s exactly what they are calling for,” she said.

Chapter three of the report made no mention of horse tranquilizers. Nor did it mention ivermectin, which may have been what Notley was referring to. Ivermectin, which was approved for human use in 1987, was controversially recommended by some physicians for off-label use as a treatment for Covid, though public health officials advised against this.

The report said the government should be “open to considering and investigating alternative scientific narratives and hypotheses, even at the risk of acknowledging some uncertainty as to which scientific narratives are most relevant to the emergency at hand.”

During her press conference, Notley also defended the vaccine passport.

“The prohibition on so-called coercion would likely be used to negate ideas like the vaccine passport system,” she said.

She added that the rewrite is about putting the rights of individuals over community wellbeing. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19953299 (211536ZNOV23) Notable: BC healthcare workers challenge Dr. Bonnie Henry's COVID-19 mandate in Supreme Court

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Live Updates: BC healthcare workers challenge Dr. Bonnie Henry's COVID-19 mandate in Supreme Court


Peter Gall, the lawyer representing the BC healthcare professionals, argued that there is no longer a state of emergency and therefore there is no legal authority to continue preventing vax-free healthcare workers from caring for patients in certain settings.

Hundreds of healthcare professionals in British Columbia who lost their jobs due to COVID-19 mandates issued by Dr. Bonnie Henry's government are having their case heard today in the Supreme Court of British Columbia.

British Columbia is one of the only jurisdictions in the world to still have a vaccine mandate that prohibits thousands of healthy, vax-free healthcare workers from working in certain healthcare settings.

Despite the province experiencing a critical healthcare shortage, Dr. Bonnie Henry shows no signs of rescinding the draconian measure.

A group of B.C doctors and other healthcare professionals with the Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine (CSSEM) hope to quash the mandate via a judicial review being heard Monday to Friday this week in the Vancouver Supreme Courthouse.

A full report including an interview with some of the lead petitioners on the case will be coming soon.

Rebel News reporter Drea Humphrey is in court and will be providing live updates.

Follow along below: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128898

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19953345 (211543ZNOV23) Notable: Theresa Tam’s annual public health report drowns in social justice jargon (video)

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Theresa Tam’s annual public health report drowns in social justice jargon


Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam has released her annual public health report — and while it’s supposed to be about the state of public health in Canada, it’s full to the brim with social justice jargon that aligns more with sustainable development goals than tangible health outcomes.

In October, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam released Canada’s report on the state of public health in 2023. It reads more like Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla’s manifesto than a federal public health update, pledging allegiance to the World Health Organization’s global health architecture and the idea of One Health.

There is an entire page dedicated to a land acknowledgement before detailing an “Emergency Management Continuum” that is rooted in addressing equity and power imbalances, enabling behavioural change, and strengthening trust.

Peace, shelter, education, food, income, a stable ecosystem, sustainable resources, social justice and equity are all listed as prerequisites to health promotion.

Tam proposed implementing “Health Public Policies,” to minimize the direct and indirect impacts of emergencies on health and boost resilience to “enable health-promoting behaviours.”

There is a brief acknowledgement of “unintentional” harm caused by the COVID-19 public health response. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128899

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19953428 (211556ZNOV23) Notable: Vaccine Injury Compensation Program offered to Canadian victims (video)

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Vaccine Injury Compensation Program offered to Canadian victims


Many Canadians have experienced side effects after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Connecting these side effects to the vaccine is often a real challenge. Furthermore, to be eligible for compensation, you absolutely need a doctor to support your claim.

The compensation program in Canada is still quite new, kicking off on June 1, 2021, in response to the extensive COVID-19 vaccine campaign. It was designed to assist Canadians who faced severe adverse reactions after receiving an approved COVID-19 vaccine.

The numbers are intriguing – over 6.6 billion dollars have been paid out. However, here's the catch – out of 1859 claims, only 103 were approved, with 14 claims currently under appeal.

If you reside in Quebec, things take a different turn. You can't apply to the federal program; instead, you turn to the Quebec program, established since 1988. It's a bit complex because it covers a range of vaccines.

Over this period, 441 claims were submitted – 240 from before 2000 and 201 from 2021 onwards. Now, listen closely – out of 201 claims tied to the COVID-19 vaccines, only 22 have been reviewed, and just 3 people received compensation.

Jeff Orenstein, the founder of the Consumer Law Group, has stepped in to offer his assistance. His law firm has been a part of the landscape for quite some time. With over 150 reported cases across two provinces, Jeff Orenstein has significantly influenced Canadian jurisprudence. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128900

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19953521 (211614ZNOV23) Notable: MEP who challenged Pfizer BLAMES government for false claims (video)

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MEP who challenged Pfizer BLAMES government for false claims


European parliament member Robert Roos says governments need to shoulder the blame over claims made during the pandemic.

In a revealing interview at the ARC conference in London, European Parliament member Robert Roos discussed the profound impact of COVID-19 policies, pointing fingers at governments rather than pharmaceutical giants.

Roos, who gained widespread recognition for questioning Pfizer's role in the pandemic, pointed out the devastating consequences of government mandates.

"I don't blame Pfizer. They are really a marketing machine making a lot of money. For me, it's not a very honest way of making money. But I blame our governments," Roos declared.

Roos's pivotal question queried the effectiveness of COVID vaccines in preventing the virus's spread, particularly the Pfizer vaccine, at a time when some governments were promoting the role of the vaccine in stopping transmission.

The question exposed the lack of transparency as it was repeatedly claimed on mainstream media channels that the vaccine protected against virus transmission.

As the conversation unfolded, Roos, an experienced electrical engineer, drew parallels between the fear-driven narratives of COVID and climate change. He argued that both issues were exploited to control and manipulate public opinion, criticising the misuse of fear to centralise power.

Roos expressed concerns about the suppression of free speech, citing his own experience of being 'cancelled' from social media platforms for questioning the government.

We also discussed the broader implications of censorship and the dangers posed by legislation such as the Digital Service Act in Europe.

Roos acknowledged the challenging fight against the prevailing narrative but expressed hope, citing the emergence of more conservative governments in Europe as a positive sign.

The interview shed light on the need for continued scrutiny of government actions and the importance of pushing back against restrictive measures.

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a90dd8 No.128901

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19953592 (211626ZNOV23) Notable: Popular Dutch Conservative Politician Thierry Baudet Viciously Beaten with Beer Bottle Before Election - Releases Video to Supporters Following Attack

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Popular Dutch Conservative Politician Thierry Baudet Viciously Beaten with Beer Bottle Before Election – Releases Video to Supporters Following Attack (VIDEO)


Political newcomer Thierry Baudet stunned the Dutch political scene in March 2019 with a victory in provincial elections. Thierry had been in politics for less than two years.

Baudet’s FvD party is an anti-EU party that called for limits on immigration. Thierry is the self-described founder of the most energetic anti-globalist movement of our time.

Conservative leader Thierry Baudet was sent to the hospital on Monday night after being attacked by a violent thug with a beer bottle just two days before the Netherlands general election.

Thierry Baudet released a video on Twitter-X on Tuesday after the vicious attack. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128902

File: befda1774107568⋯.png (1.36 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19953671 (211637ZNOV23) Notable: CIA Director Burns Made a Not-So-Secret Visit to Kiev - Will the US Demand Zelensky Agree to a Cease-Fire?

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CIA Director Burns Made a Not-So-Secret Visit to Kiev – Will the US Demand Zelensky Agree to a Cease-Fire?


Many see William Burns as a ‘harbinger of bad news’.

American Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin visited Kiev yesterday (20) and announced 100 million military aid. While the amount is still a lot of money, it’s way less than the 65 billion that President Joe Biden is trying – and failing – to approve in Congress.

But the visit of an US official that interests us here now is the – almost – secret visit made by CIA Director William Burns, who last week, we can now confirm, traveled to Ukraine’s capital to meet President Volodymyr Zelensky.

An experienced former Ambassador, including to Russia, Burns has been engaged in ‘shadow diplomacy’ on behalf of Biden in many parts of the world, and there is a widespread notion that a visit by the CIA head is NOT good news. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128903

File: 9fcd4a780fc2f73⋯.png (477.2 KB,730x438,5:3,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19953725 (211648ZNOV23) Notable: Trump-Appointed Judge to Preside Over Elon Musk’s High-Profile Lawsuit Against Far-left Media Matters

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Trump-Appointed Judge to Preside Over Elon Musk’s High-Profile Lawsuit Against Far-left Media Matters


Good news for Elon Musk.

A judge appointed by former President Donald Trump will oversee the high-profile lawsuit filed by Musk against the far-left organization Media Matters.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Elon Musk’s X Corp., formerly known as Twitter, has filed a defamation lawsuit against Media Matters on Monday, accusing the “radical anti-free speech organization” of publishing a report that falsely claimed that X was allowing ads to run next to pro-Nazi content.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas Fort Worth Division, alleges that Media Matters’ report was “malicious” and “intended to drive advertisers away from X.” The lawsuit also claims that Media Matters’ report was “based on false information” and that the organization “knowingly and recklessly published the false report in order to damage X’s reputation and business.”

The Attorneys General from Missouri and Texas, Andrew Bailey and Ken Paxton announced that they will investigate Media Matters for potential fraudulent activity. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128904

File: bd8e5fef8faed47⋯.png (270.11 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19953768 (211656ZNOV23) Notable: Trump’s Social Media Platform ‘Truth Social’ Files Massive Defamation Lawsuit Against Twenty “Fake News” Media Outlets

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Trump’s Social Media Platform ‘Truth Social’ Files Massive Defamation Lawsuit Against Twenty “Fake News” Media Outlets


In a significant legal escalation, the Trump Media & Technology Group, the parent company of the social media platform Truth Social, has filed an unprecedented defamation lawsuit against twenty far-left media outlets. The lawsuit, announced on Monday, targets a series of reports that the company alleges falsely claimed it suffered tens of millions in losses.

The announcement comes as X filed a lawsuit against left-wing Media Matters. The tide is turning.

“Today Truth Social filed a defamation lawsuit that is likely unprecedented in history, incorporating twenty publications—and even more may be added. All of them published the same false information about Truth Social and refused to fully retract their stories. To the Fake News outlets that think themselves above accountability: we’ll see you in court,” the social media company announced on its platform.

The complaint alleges that these media organizations conducted a coordinated campaign to falsely report that Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. had lost $73 million. This figure is a complete fabrication and is not found in any public Securities and Exchange Commission filing by the company.

The complaint asserts that this was a deliberate effort to damage the reputation and financial standing of Trump Media & Technology Group, hinder its access to capital, and negatively impact its anticipated merger with Digital World Acquisition Corporation.

Below is the list of fake news media outlets named in the lawsuit filed by Truth Social: Continue

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a90dd8 No.128905

File: 2a7e73d75654d29⋯.png (2.45 MB,1305x807,435:269,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19953872 (211718ZNOV23) Notable: Fruit Loops Giving Kids Free Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Digital Library With Cereal Purchases

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Fruit Loops Giving Kids Free Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Digital Library With Cereal Purchases


Kids are not safe from woke propaganda anywhere — even at the breakfast table.

Kellogg’s boxes in Canada now include free access to a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion digital library with purchase.

The woke e-books are part of the brand’s partnership with the leftist Boys and Girls Club (BGC) of Canada.

“We are proud to announce our new corporate partnership with ‘Kellogg Canada’ and their ‘Kellogg’s Froot Loops cereal brand for 2023,” the official Boys & Girls Club BGC Canada website states. “Together, we are introducing the ‘Kellogg’s® Froot Loops’ ED&I Digital Library – a FREE online library of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion family-centric content including books, podcasts and more for parents and their children to explore together.”

The cereal boxes say at the top, “Let’s loop together! Celebrate the diversity that makes our world colorful!”

“Kellogg’s wants to indoctrinate your children with breakfast cereal. Stop giving them your money!” Libs of TikTok posted on X.

The Boys and Girls Club says, “A variety of topics are covered in the resources including kindness, gender equality, and diverse abilities (just to name a few!), so we can better understand classmates, friends, and neighbours and the colourful world we all live in.”

In March, a database created by the Claremont Institute revealed Kellogg’s pledged over $91 Million to the Black Lives Matter Movement.

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a90dd8 No.128906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19954013 (211747ZNOV23) Notable: Houthis Release Dramatic Video Of Ship Hijacking - Promise "This Is The Beginning"

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Houthis Release Dramatic Video Of Ship Hijacking - Promise "This Is The Beginning"


Yemen's Houthi rebels have released dramatic video of their Sunday hijacking of the Galaxy Leader, a vehicle-transport ship whose owner is a subsidiary of a company owned by an Israeli billionaire.

The ship is still in their control, with 25 crew members of various nationalities held hostage and the vessel now in the Yemeni port of Hodeidah.

The Red Sea incident received surprisingly little initial coverage by major media, considering it marked the opening of a new, maritime front in the multilateral regional conflict that erupted on Oct 7, when Palestinian Hamas militants invaded southern Lebanon, killing more than a thousand Israeli civilians and soldiers. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128907

File: 571a452a82cba81⋯.png (613.69 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19954380 (211916ZNOV23) Notable: Danielle Smith partnering with Elon Musk’s Starlink to bypass federal internet censorship laws

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Danielle Smith partnering with Elon Musk’s Starlink to bypass federal internet censorship laws


The Alberta government is working with SpaceX’s Starlink to avoid 'federal government delays launching projects and allocating funding' for internet access.

The government of Alberta is partnering with Elon Musk’s SpaceX’s Starlink to bring internet to certain areas of the province to test the viability of the technology that Premier Danielle Smith said last year could be used as a firewall to bypass federal internet censorship laws.

Last Thursday, United Conservative Party (UCP) Minister of Technology and Innovation Nate Glubish announced that “advancing satellite internet technology in Alberta is an important milestone and an innovative way to achieve our goal of universal connectivity by 2027.”

Glubish said that connecting rural Albertans via Starlink is another way to “eliminate the connectivity gap.”

As a result, the Alberta government in a limited-time pilot is working with SpaceX’s Starlink to avoid “federal government delays launching projects and allocating funding” for internet access.

In June 2022 while was running for leadership of the UCP, Smith said that she would create a provincial internet firewall to bypass federal internet censorship laws with the possible help of Starlink.

“Hey @elonmusk I’m running to be the Premier of Alberta. We still value free speech here. Could Alberta set up an independent ISP using @starlink to bypass the new @justintrudeau internet censorship law,” Smith wrote.

Smith also included in her tweet last week a reminder of her message last year that said: “Did you know @JustinTrudeau’s new internet censorship law will mean Liberal partisans can pick and choose what Albertans can say and express on the Internet.”

“As Premier, I will protect the right of every Albertan to express their opinion – left, right and everything in between – without fear of Ottawa’s censorship.”

Musk’s Starlink is a satellite-operated internet provider that offers fast service from virtually anywhere in the world and is free from censorship. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128908

File: 0c69eaab435a50d⋯.png (707.91 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19954533 (211945ZNOV23) Notable: Fascist Neil Young Announces Fascist Boycott of Xwitter

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Nolte: Fascist Neil Young Announces Fascist Boycott of Xwitter


Fascist Neil Young, who infamously launched a fascist crusade to silence Joe Rogan, has now announced a fascist boycott of Xwitter.

On his fascist website, fascist Neil Young wrote (I don’t link fascism):

We are stopping all use of X [Twitter] that we can control. For reasons that should be obvious to the richest man on Earth, we are taking this action against his company.

For our many Palestinian friends and our many Jewish friends, we do need to start over in the present and release our terrible connections to the past. As bad as they are, they need to be forgotten so we can be free to move on in life together, all humanity, focused on saving our planet for future generations of all people.

Fascist Neil Young hasn’t personally used Xwitter since 2019, but something called the “Neil Young Archives” still used it. That will probably stop now. Hopefully, those 83,000 followers will find a way to cope.

All of this, of course, has nothing to do with Elon Musk and everything to do with the corporate left’s fascist crusade to shut down Xwitter, one of the only social media sites not openly hostile to the free exchange of ideas — even when the free exchange of those ideas involves Trump supporters, Christians, and conservatives. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128909

File: 0201e188cc1b9fa⋯.png (609.32 KB,860x394,430:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19955000 (212117ZNOV23) Notable: Gen. Flynn says China’s rapidly advancing military is on a dangerous trajectory

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Gen. Flynn says China’s rapidly advancing military is on a dangerous trajectory.

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia—Next year, U.S. Army Forces Pacific will deploy new intermediate-range missiles to the region as part of its efforts to deter China from invading Taiwan, its commander said Saturday.

These will include a limited number of land-based Tomahawks and SM-6s, Gen. Charles Flynn told reporters at the Halifax International Security Forum here.

“We have tested them and we have a battery or two of them today,” Flynn said. “In [20]24. We intend to deploy that system in your region. I'm not going to say where and when. But I will just say that we will deploy them.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128910

File: 2f6e3a3d1db1e72⋯.png (746.71 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19959117 (221629ZNOV23) Notable: Canada’s aid to Ukraine to top $800 million

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Canada’s aid to Ukraine to top $800 million


Ottawa will also spend billions expanding its military presence in Eastern Europe over the coming years

The Canadian government will devote more than $800 million to military aid for Ukraine by the end of 2023, according to a new budget report. However, the document suggests major cuts to security assistance going forward.

Published on Tuesday by Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, the Fall Economic Statement outlines government spending for the next several years, forecasting a total of $816 million in military aid for Kiev for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.

Steep cuts are projected for future assistance, however, with the budget report indicating that aid will be more than halved to $318 million in 2024, further reduced to $197 million in 2025, and slashed to zero for subsequent years.

Canada funding Ukrainian groups that celebrate WW2 Nazis – mediaREAD MORE: Canada funding Ukrainian groups that celebrate WW2 Nazis – media

Though Ottawa has largely disbursed aid to Kiev upon request, on a case-by-case basis, officials from both countries are negotiating longer-term assistance. In July, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared that Canada and other G7 countries were working toward “specific, bilateral, long-term security commitments” for Ukraine, though it’s unclear what progress has been made on the arrangement.

Tuesday’s budget statement also noted that, over the next six years, Canada will devote some $2.6 billion to Operation REASSURANCE, its largest overseas mission, which “contributes to NATO assurance and deterrence measures in Central and Eastern Europe,” according to the Defense Ministry. Based in Latvia, the mission currently involves around 1,000 Canadian troops, though the military will soon deploy a full brigade-sized formation (up to 5,000 soldiers), along with a squadron of 15 Leopard 2 battle tanks.

The financial report also noted that Ottawa will spend some $29 million over the next three years on “disposing of property seized from those under sanction because of the war in Ukraine,” according to CBC, which noted that much of those assets are set to be transferred to Kiev.

Canada has committed more than $2.4 billion in direct military aid to Ukraine since fighting broke out with Russia in February 2022, including a variety of heavy weapon systems, munitions, and vehicles. The Canadian military has also trained thousands of Ukrainian troops, both before and during the current round of hostilities.

Moscow has condemned all foreign arms transfers to Kiev, arguing that they will only prolong the conflict and do little to deter its military aims. The Kremlin has argued that Western countries are already de facto parties to the conflict, given the steady flow of weapons, training, intelligence, and logistics support to Ukrainian forces.

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a90dd8 No.128911

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19959171 (221645ZNOV23) Notable: Israel, Hamas Reach Deal on Truce, Hostage Release

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Israel, Hamas Reach Deal on Truce, Hostage Release


The deal will see 50 hostages released during a 4-day ceasefire.

Israel's Cabinet approved a Qatari-brokered cease-fire and hostage-release deal with the Hamas terrorist group early Wednesday morning, the Israeli government announced.

The deal will see at least 50 of the 240 hostages, exclusively women and children, released over four days, "during which there will be a lull in the fighting." The Israeli government said that an additional "day of respite" will be added for every 10 hostages released. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128912

File: b04ce48465cf0b5⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x575,1024:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19959381 (221734ZNOV23) Notable: AI Can “lie and BS” Just Like Humans, But Can’t Match Our Intelligence

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AI Can “lie and BS” Just Like Humans, But Can’t Match Our Intelligence


As artificial intelligence continues to dominate the headlines, more and more people find themselves wondering if they’ll one day be out of a job because of an AI-powered robot. The University of Cincinnati’s Anthony Chemero, a professor of philosophy and psychology, however, contends that popular conceptions regarding the intelligence of today’s AI have largely been muddled by linguistics. Put another way, Prof. Chemero explains that while AI is indeed intelligent, it simply cannot be intelligent in the way that humans are, even though “it can lie and BS like its maker.”

To start, the report details how ChatGPT and other AI systems are large language models (LLM) that are “trained” using massive amounts of data mined from the internet. Importantly, much of that information shares the biases of the people who posted the data in the first place.

“LLMs generate impressive text, but often make things up whole cloth,” Chemero states in a university release. “They learn to produce grammatical sentences, but require much, much more training than humans get. They don’t actually know what the things they say mean,” he says. “LLMs differ from human cognition because they are not embodied.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128913

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19959430 (221745ZNOV23) Notable: Press for Truth: Elon Musk’s “Antisemitism” & The PizzaGate “Conspiracy” EXPLAINED (video)

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Elon Musk’s “Antisemitism” & The PizzaGate “Conspiracy” EXPLAINED!!!


Last week Elon Musk wrote “You have said the actual truth” in response to a post from an X user who made the claim that there is an agenda to push hatred towards whites. This caused advertisers to pull out from X which in turned caused Musk to threaten to sue Media Matters. Another X user pointed out that the creator of Media Matters David Brock was once “the Boyfriend of James Alefantis, owner of Comet Ping Pong Pizza, yes the Pizzagate restaurant” to which Musk replied “weird.”

All of this has caused the PizzaGate conspiracy to resurface so in this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth sifts through the fiction to bring you the facts when it comes to the PizzaGate “conspiracy” and wild claims of “antisemitism”.

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a90dd8 No.128914

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19959443 (221748ZNOV23) Notable: Fall 2023 economic statement fails to provide relief for Canadians, say critics

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Fall 2023 economic statement fails to provide relief for Canadians, say critics


Taxpayers will continue to have to foot the bill when it comes to massive increases in federal spending, even as the government charts its course forward with the newly released Fall Economic Statement.

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) issued a press release in response to the 2023 Fall Economic Statement released by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland on Tuesday.

According to CTF’s Federal Director, Franco Terrazzano, the update provides little relief as the deficit continues to grow. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128915

File: 143f9f8b70652e1⋯.png (1.16 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19959457 (221751ZNOV23) Notable: Liberals lavish legacy media with $129 million more in bailout funds

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Liberals lavish legacy media with $129 million more in bailout funds


The Liberal government has pledged an additional $129 million in taxpayer funds over the next five years to bail out failing legacy media outlets.

This hefty top up is in addition to the $600 million media bailout announced in 2019, sparking concerns about government influence over journalism.

Outlined in the Fall Economic Statement presented by Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland to the House of Commons Tuesday, the new measure proposes to upgrade the Canadian journalism labour tax credit.

Effective January 1, 2023, the federal government aims to boost the yearly limit on labor costs that can be claimed per eligible employee from $55,000 to $85,000.

Additionally, the tax credit rate is set to temporarily increase from 25% to 35% for a four-year period.

While the government claims that this measure is essential to support journalism in the face of economic challenges, critics accuse the government of using the allure of federal subsidies as a way to buy appealing coverage. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128916

File: e2ce4585731d4c9⋯.png (1.51 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19959485 (221758ZNOV23) Notable: Food banks across Canada facing unprecedented demand, “close to a breaking point”

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Food banks across Canada facing unprecedented demand, “close to a breaking point”


Food banks across Canada are facing a crisis. More people than ever, from people working two jobs to students, are turning to food banks for the first time ever.

This increase is pushing these vital services to their limits. One-third of this year’s visitors at Hamilton’s central food bank supplier were first-time users, reflecting a troubling national trend of rising food bank dependency.

The latest report from Hamilton’s Food Share, the emergency food shipping and receiving hub, highlighted a 40% increase in overall service demand.

Ashley Mitchell, the resource development manager, pointed out that not only are first-time visitors on the rise, but long-term users are also frequenting more than ever.

“Families, individuals, couples, and not only just people that are experiencing hunger, but also people that have full-time jobs, have part-time jobs,” Mitchell said to Global News. “These are people that haven’t necessarily needed the food bank system before and maybe aren’t the type of person you typically think of that are leaning on a food bank.”

Hamilton Food Share’s 2023 Hunger Report showed that nearly half (46%) of the households surveyed would face homelessness if they did not receive assistance from the food bank.

Meanwhile, 58% of households spend more than half of their income on rent alone.

Regions across Ontario, including Waterloo, echo this dire situation, with some reporting up to a 43% increase in food bank usage. Kim Wilhelm, interim CEO of the Waterloo Region Food Bank, disclosed a worrying 200% rise in student users alone. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128917

File: 47456a66ad69090⋯.png (873.38 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19959515 (221804ZNOV23) Notable: Ontario man’s EV battery replacement cost $50,000

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Ontario man’s EV battery replacement cost $50,000


A man in Stoney Creek, Ont. attempted to replace the battery on his electric vehicle and was shocked to learn that it was going to cost him over $50,000 to replace.

Simrat Sooch was on his second electric vehicle, after he traded up from his last one.

“The first one I had was very reliable,” recalled Sooch, who said he was a staunch believer in EV technology during an interview with Global News.

Sooch purchased a 2017 Hyundai Ioniq, as the vehicle’s second owner. It had already been driven 69,000 kilometres but the battery was covered for up to 160,000 under the warranty.

“I figured I wouldn’t have any issues with it,” said Sooch.

However after a warning light came on the Ioniq’s dashboard, Sooch took it into the dealership. The dealership’s technicians looked into the issue but could not diagnose the problem and the light eventually turned off.

The vehicle quit charging two weeks after that appointment and Sooch brought it back into the dealership. The technicians ran a diagnostics check and it was determined that the Sooch needed a new battery.

Including the cost of installation and taxes, the quote for the new battery came to be over $50,000.

Since the battery failed at 172,345 kilometres, it had surpassed the 160,000 kilometre-warranty.

“I felt like I got kicked in the privates,” said Sooch, who was now left with either paying the $50,000 or outright scrapping the car.

Ultimately, Sooch scrapped the car because the cost of repairs far exceeded the total value of the vehicle. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128918

File: ab158e397154d93⋯.png (1.21 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 258b7ab9f025525⋯.png (346.19 KB,547x752,547:752,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19959533 (221811ZNOV23) Notable: No answers yet about Winnipeg virus lab and firing of China-linked scientists

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No answers yet about Winnipeg virus lab and firing of China-linked scientists


After nearly four years, Canadians still have no answers about what exactly went on at the highly secretive National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg after two scientists were implicated in a national security scandal involving alleged collaboration with communist China.

A long-awaited probe into the activities of two scientists who were fired from Canada’s top-level biosecurity lab in Winnipeg is still underway, according to the RCMP.

Vanity Fair’s latest report cites records showing that the federal police force is continuing to investigate the incident. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128919

File: 261a9b7c1426cb4⋯.png (1.34 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19959558 (221818ZNOV23) Notable: Liberals reiterate pledge to regulate “online hate”

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Liberals reiterate pledge to regulate “online hate”


Federal justice minister Arif Virani called for legislation to quell online hate on Tuesday, saying that it’s an “absolute priority” during the Israel-Hamas war.

A rise in online hateful rhetoric has been part of the fallout from the conflict in the Middle East, with several incidents of violence in the streets and at religious and community centres in places like Toronto and Montreal.

“That’s not what we need in this country, and I think an online hate bill can help to address that,” said Virani, prior to the government’s weekly cabinet meeting in Ottawa.

The Liberals initially promised to introduce legislation to combat hate speech and terrorist content during their election campaign in 2019.

“I’m deeply disappointed,” said chair of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network Bernie Farber. He was a member of a panel of experts tasked with guiding the development of the legislation in 2022.

“It’s a pretty frustrating situation,” said Farber, who is calling on Ottawa to better protect Canadians from online hate, saying that there is a “dire need” for the legislation.

According to Farber, the question is not if Canadians can become radicalized by the online content they consume, but when.

In June 2021, the Trudeau government tabled a bill that claimed to protect Canadians from online hate speech, which would have amended both the Criminal Code and the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128920

File: 8813b061f6624a1⋯.png (811.49 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19959607 (221829ZNOV23) Notable: Liberal economic update vows fight against “environmental racism”

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Liberal economic update vows fight against “environmental racism”


The Liberal government’s fall economic update unveiled a commitment to battle so-called “environmental racism” as part of its strategy to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

The 2023 Fall Economic Statement was presented to the House of Commons Tuesday by Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and it included billion in new spending.

Citing investments in a clean economy and safeguarding vulnerable minority groups, the update linked the concept to Ottawa’s fight against climate change.

“Investments in a clean economy are an important part of Canada’s plan to reach net-zero by 2050. Achieving this plan will ultimately help protect those that are most at risk of climate change, especially women, Indigenous people, and residents of rural and coastal communities. Fighting climate change also fights environmental racism,” reads the update.

“Environmental racism” is a concept promoted by climate activists, who argue that climate change and carbon dioxide pollution disproportionately affect minority groups. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128921

File: ea7e41029d6f2df⋯.png (4.7 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19959649 (221839ZNOV23) Notable: BC healthcare workers challenge Dr. Bonnie Henry's COVID-19 vaccine mandate

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Live Updates: BC healthcare workers challenge Dr. Bonnie Henry's COVID-19 vaccine mandate


Peter Gall, the attorney providing evidence on behalf of the Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine, says the government is making many assertions but providing no evidence on how unvaccinated people with natural immunity pose a great risk to the health system.

Rebel News reporter Drea Humphrey brings you live updates from the Vancouver Supreme Courthouse for day two of a 10-day hearing challenging British Columbia Public Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry's COVID-19 vaccine mandate against healthcare workers. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19959714 (221855ZNOV23) Notable: Trudeau’s $1700 per-plate fundraiser crashed and blockaded by far-left anti-Israel activists

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Trudeau’s $1700 per-plate fundraiser crashed and blockaded by far-left anti-Israel activists


The agitators — feeling emboldened by growing disruptions across Canada without police action — rushed the prime minister’s stage to send a message just hours before a ceasefire deal was made in the Israel-Hamas war.

On the evening of November 21, 2023, the Liberal Party of Canada held a fundraiser outside of the country’s capital in Kanata’s Brookstreet Hotel. The event was targeted by far-left Hamas sympathizers who blocked cars from entering and leaving, while another group ran to the podium, shutting the event down. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128923

File: 3539b99144bc52c⋯.png (522.21 KB,777x787,777:787,Clipboard.png)

File: a9319ad0321d40b⋯.png (579.66 KB,500x491,500:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 45f22e801908c97⋯.png (328.37 KB,787x775,787:775,Clipboard.png)

File: 4789d8db9bf7cef⋯.png (660.46 KB,742x792,371:396,Clipboard.png)

File: 08c84043d01b1b9⋯.png (172.99 KB,500x332,125:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19959863 (221932ZNOV23) Notable: FBI Investigating Car Bomb Explosion At Niagara Falls Bridge As Terrorist Attack

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FBI Investigating Car Bomb Explosion At Niagara Falls Bridge As Terrorist Attack


Fox News reports, citing sources, that the vehicle explosion at the Rainbow Bridge border crossing in Niagara Falls was an attempted terrorist attack.

Here's more from Fox sources:

Explosives were in the vehicle at the time and two people who were in the car are dead, the sources told Fox News. A border officer was injured.

The vehicle was driving from the US to Canada and were attempting to drive toward the border officer building, the sources said. Fox News

An explosion involving a vehicle occurred just outside the US border inspection area on the Rainbow Bridge at the US-Canada Border in Niagara Falls.

Footage from the scene shows smoke billowing into the sky. It's unclear what caused the explosion and if any injuries.

The FBI field office in Buffalo has released a statement about the incident:

In a post on X, New York Governor Kathy Hochul said, "I've been briefed on the incident on the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls and we are closely monitoring the situation. State agencies are on site and ready to assist."

According to the Peace Bridge Authority, all border crossings from Canada along the Niagara River have been closed after the incident. Besides Rainbow Bridge, Peace Bridge, Lewiston-Queenston Bridge, and Whirpool Bridge are currently shut down in both directions.

Expect heavy traffic delays across the Niagara area.


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a90dd8 No.128924

File: 46db35f55a83ea0⋯.png (1.01 MB,810x502,405:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19960236 (222054ZNOV23) Notable: Canadian bankers ask gov’t to let them view private citizens’ tax returns

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Canadian bankers ask gov’t to let them view private citizens’ tax returns


In addition to the Canadian Bankers Association, Mortgage Professionals Canada has also requested that it be allowed to view confidential tax records, saying a 'digital income verification tool is an urgently required fraud prevention solution.'

The Canadian Bankers Association has asked Canada’s Senate banking committee to allow large banks to view people’s confidential federal personal tax returns via electronic access for what it claims is to verify one’s income to combat fraud.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, the Association’s chief economist Alex Ciappara claims the measure would cut costs while allowing “banks to reduce mortgage fraud that serves to drive up costs for borrowers.”

While mortgage fraud does occur, according to a 2004 report from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, it is quite rare.

“Fraud in land conveyancing does not appear to have reached crisis proportions in Canada,” said the report.

Ciappara, failing to elaborate on just how this new privilege would reduce fraud, insisted that allowing banks to see one’s gross income would be a “technology-based solution to reduce mortgage fraud.”

While the banks claim that being allowed to view one’s personal tax returns would help prevent mortgage “fraud,” it is not clear what the federal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will do in this matter.

In addition to the Bankers Association, Mortgage Professionals Canada has also requested that it be allowed to view one’s confidential tax records, saying a “digital income verification tool is an urgently required fraud prevention solution.”

Governments allowing banks to access personal tax records is concerning given how the current federal government has a history of intruding on one’s personal finances. An example of this was in 2022, when Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland took the unprecedented step of demanding that banks freeze the accounts of anyone involved in the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa, without a court order.  Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128925

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19962793 (230256ZNOV23) Notable: Trudeau government moving to create UN treaty banning 'plastic pollution' by 2024

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Trudeau government moving to create UN treaty banning 'plastic pollution' by 2024


“We're trying to do something that is probably unheard of in the history of the United Nations to come up with a new international treaty, [a] legally binding treaty to ban plastic pollution in two years.”

Canadian Environment and Climate Change Minister Steven Guilbeault and the Trudeau government are appealing to the United Nations for a “legally binding treaty to ban plastic pollution in two years.”

Guilbeault made the remarks at a news conference Monday explaining other options for the Liberal government to ban single-use plastics.

The Federal Court of Canada said Thursday it is both “unreasonable and unconstitutional” for the Liberal government to label all plastic-manufactured items as “toxic.”

Justice Angela Furlanetto overruled the cabinet order saying the category of plastic items is too broad to classify material as toxic.

But that ruling could be circumvented through the UN.

“We're trying to do something that is probably unheard of in the history of the United Nations to come up with a new international treaty, [a] legally binding treaty to ban plastic pollution in two years.”

“I mean, that's lightspeed for any government,” Guilbeault said at the news conference. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128926

File: 72fac1908829ffb⋯.png (598.92 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19965194 (231518ZNOV23) Notable: NATO bracing for ‘high-intensity conflict’ with Russia - Czech president

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NATO bracing for ‘high-intensity conflict’ with Russia – Czech president


Moscow’s future combat capabilities will depend on the outcome of the conflict with Ukraine, Petr Pavel has predicted

NATO regards Russia as its biggest threat in Europe and is preparing for a major conflict, Czech President Petr Pavel said on Wednesday, reiterating that Central European nations would continue to stand by Kiev in its fight with Moscow.

Speaking at a summit of the Visegrad Group, an informal political club which includes the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia, Pavel noted that he did not have the impression that his counterparts had a opposing views on the Ukraine conflict.

“We’ve all agreed that it is in our imminent interest that Ukraine succeed,” he said, describing the assistance to Kiev as a “naturally human step.”

Asked about a potential threat to the US-led military bloc from Russia, Pavel suggested that it would take years for Moscow to restore its combat capabilities, but urged caution. “On the other hand, there are many variables in the calculation that could change the situation. It will really depend on the outcome of the conflict in Ukraine,” Pavel said.

“All armies are preparing for the possibility of a high-intensity conflict,” he added.

While the Czech Republic and Poland have been staunch supporters of Ukraine, Hungary has consistently refused to send arms to Kiev while criticizing the EU’s policy, claiming that it only harms the bloc. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19965265 (231538ZNOV23) Notable: Redacted: Ukraine's ARMY is about to Collapse and it's OVER (video)

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"Ukraine's ARMY is about to Collapse and it's OVER" Fmr. Marine Scott Ritter | Redacted News


Former U.S. Marine Scott Ritter says Russia will NOT negotiate with Ukraine and will only accept an unconditional surrender of Ukraine's military. Each day that this continues Ukraine will lose more land and more human lives. NATO is now telling Ukraine that this war is over and resources are coming to an end.

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a90dd8 No.128928

File: 905f97100ea1086⋯.png (465.83 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19965290 (231545ZNOV23) Notable: North Korea shreds military accord with Seoul

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North Korea shreds military accord with Seoul


South Korea was the first to suspend parts of the deal following a satellite launch by the DPRK

North Korea has withdrawn from a 2018 deal designed to reduce military tensions with Seoul, vowing to deploy additional forces to the demilitarized zone (DMZ) after the South said it would rescind a no-fly zone previously agreed upon for the area.

In a statement issued by the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on Thursday, North Korea’s Defense Ministry said it would scrap the military deal in response to “extreme confrontational frenzy” by Seoul, which had condemned the launch of a new reconnaissance satellite by the DPRK military earlier this week.

“We will withdraw the military steps, taken to prevent military tension and conflict in all spheres including ground, sea and air, and deploy more powerful armed forces and new-type military hardware in the region along the Military Demarcation Line,” the ministry said, referring to a strip of territory on either side of the DMZ separating the two Koreas. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128929

File: 3f3d15da33e47d3⋯.png (279.57 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19965335 (231559ZNOV23) Notable: Argentina and Javier Milei Bun / What Is Anarcho-Capitalism?

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What Is Anarcho-Capitalism?


The presidential victory of Javier Milei in Argentina puts at the head of state the first self-proclaimed “anarcho-capitalist” in modern history—or probably the first person ever to win an election at this level to identify with that term.

In the meantime, I’ve had many people ask me precisely what this is. So here is the explanation as I understand it.

Central to the idea is that society does not require an entrenched entity of legalized compulsion and coercion called the state in order to enjoy the enforcement of property rights, contracts, defense, and commercial society generally. The fusing of the terms anarchism and capitalism is not a plan for the social order but rather a prediction of what would happen in a civilized community in the absence of the state. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128930

File: 294b0236c0e5983⋯.png (423.13 KB,634x412,317:206,Clipboard.png)

File: f10e96298d7080a⋯.png (442.65 KB,634x466,317:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19965355 (231605ZNOV23) Notable: Mysterious pneumonia ripping through Chinese schools sparks fears among scientists of a Covid repeat

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Mysterious pneumonia ripping through Chinese schools sparks fears among scientists of a Covid repeat


Hospitals in Beijing and Liaoning are 'overwhelmed with sick children'

Students and teachers have been struck down, with some classes canceled

READ MORE: How Covid lockdowns opened Pandora's box of diseases

Scientists today called for vigilance and transparency from China amid reports of a mystery cluster of pneumonia which has eerie similarities to the early Covid outbreak.

Hospitals in Beijing and 500 miles northeast in Liaoning are 'overwhelmed with sick children' with unusual symptoms that include inflammation in the lungs and a high fever but no cough, according to local news reports.

Dr Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist and director of the Pandemic Center at Brown University School of Public Health, told DailyMail.com the news was 'alarming'.

She said we should 'hold all countries to that same standard', referencing China's history of covering up new outbreaks, which happened in 2003 with the original SARS and in 2019 with Covid.

Dr Krutika Kuppalli, an infectious disease physician who is part of the WHO's Health Emergencies Program, said testing and making those results public was crucial, adding in a post on X that the illness 'could be anything'.

Dr Neil Stone, an infectious diseases specialist doctor at the University College Hospital in London, wrote on the platform formerly known as Twitter: 'The last time I saw reports of an outbreak of undiagnosed pneumonia in China thought, naa...no big deal. [It] won't amount to much.

'That was in December 2019. Not making that same mistake again.' Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128931

File: f942893b474e88d⋯.png (580.48 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: e8a9aafd6c0936a⋯.png (466.12 KB,1062x597,354:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19965399 (231614ZNOV23) Notable: Don’t bother explaining the science, just use religious and military leaders to get people vaccinated President of the European Research Council says

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Don’t bother explaining the science, just use religious and military leaders to get people vaccinated President of the European Research Council says


World Economic Forum agenda contributor, Maria Leptin believes governments shouldn’t use science to persuade their citizens into taking experimental mRNA injections. Instead, all that’s needed is to co-opt the “religious establishment” to manipulate people’s behaviour or for a better result, get an Army General to convince the population that the country is at war.

At WEF’s Davos meeting at the beginning of this year, a panel discussion was held to discuss how the world can shift its covid strategy from pandemic response to endemic management. The panellists were Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel, WEF Executive Committee member Shyam Bishen, former CEO of GAVI and co-creator of COVAX Seth F. Berkley, Harvard’s Michelle Williams and President of the European Research Council Maria Leptin.

“The covid-19 pandemic illustrated [ ] the difficulties and the risks of science denial … how do you see the situation now, has it improved or not?” the moderator from Euronews, Sasha Vakulina, asked Leptin.

“I wish it had improved,” Leptin responded, “and I am passionate about science.” But she thinks the science behind vaccines shouldn’t be explained and the public should be kept in the dark. Leptin believes vaccination campaigns shouldn’t be carried out with informed consent but imposed on populations by manipulative or coercive means. Presumably, this tactic is most useful when evidence-based science doesn’t support “the science” and populations are likely to challenge it. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128932

File: 2610a640ad0f5d6⋯.png (844.66 KB,800x438,400:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19965500 (231641ZNOV23) Notable: Crash Investigator Warns Vaxxed Pilots Are Endangering Passengers

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Crash Investigator Warns Vaxxed Pilots Are Endangering Passengers


A leading aviation crash investigator is raising the alarm about the dangers that Covid-vaccinated pilots are posing to passengers.

Captain Shane Murdock is an air accident investigator and pilot of over 40 years who holds an MSc in Human Factors in Aviation.

He is now warning about the major risks related to pilots suffering sudden medical emergencies while flying large aircraft filled with passengers.

Murdock alerted the public during a recent interview with the U.K. news website The Conservative Woman.

He told the outlet that a significant number of pilots are experiencing adverse reactions to the Covid mRNA shots.

During the pandemic, airlines forced many commercial pilots to take the shots.

Those who refused to receive the injections often lost their jobs.

Since the pandemic, there has been a massive spike in pilots suffering serious health issues, such as cardiac arrests.

Large numbers of pilots have also tragically died as a result.

“When correlated, the data indicate there is an enormous problem that is having, and will have, a significant impact on aviation safety worldwide,” said Murdock.

“There is enough evidence to be sending out red flags.”

Recent studies indicate that pilots have been reluctant to report health concerns if they feel their job is threatened. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128933

File: 09318d125e1489b⋯.png (3.92 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,Clipboard.png)

File: 40e7005c76776c1⋯.png (2.89 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19965559 (231657ZNOV23) Notable: OpenAI researchers warned of AI breakthrough that could ‘threaten humanity’ ahead of CEO Sam Altman’s ouster: sources

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OpenAI researchers warned of AI breakthrough that could ‘threaten humanity’ ahead of CEO Sam Altman’s ouster: sources


people familiar with the matter told Reuters.

The previously unreported letter and AI algorithm was a catalyst that caused the board to oust Altman, the poster child of generative AI, the two sources said.

Before his triumphant return late Tuesday, more than 700 employees had threatened to quit and join backer Microsoft in solidarity with their fired leader.

The sources cited the letter as one factor among a longer list of grievances by the board that led to Altman’s firing.

Reuters was unable to review a copy of the letter.

The researchers who wrote the letter did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

OpenAI declined to comment.

According to one of the sources, long-time executive Mira Murati mentioned the project, called Q*, to employees on Wednesday and said that a letter was sent to the board prior to this weekend’s events.

After the story was published, an OpenAI spokesperson said Murati told employees what the media reports were about but she did not comment on the accuracy of the information.

The maker of ChatGPT had made progress on Q* (pronounced Q-Star), which some internally believe could be a breakthrough in the startup’s search for superintelligence, also known as artificial general intelligence (AGI), one of the people told Reuters. OpenAI defines AGI as AI systems that are smarter than humans. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128934

File: f2b3e81de0d135b⋯.png (1022.55 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19965587 (231703ZNOV23) Notable: FBI Investigating Car Bomb Explosion At Niagara Falls Bridge As Terrorist Attack

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“No indication” of terrorism in Rainbow Bridge car explosion that killed two people


Two people are dead after a vehicle exploded on the American side of the Canada-U.S. border at the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls, N.Y. New York Gov. said there was “no indication” that the incident was related to terrorism, despite earlier media reports.

A car in Niagara Falls, N.Y. careened towards the American customs checkpoint, reaching high speeds and at one point going airborne Wednesday morning. The vehicle exploded on impact.

Officials said the vehicle had two occupants who died in the explosion. A border guard was also treated for minor injuries. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128935

File: 8ef70d6a3634478⋯.png (1.42 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19965618 (231709ZNOV23) Notable: Alleged RCMP spy Cameron Ortis convicted of breaking secrets law

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Alleged RCMP spy Cameron Ortis convicted of breaking secrets law


Cameron Jay Ortis, a former high-ranking official in the RCMP intelligence, has been found guilty of sharing secret information without permission and misusing his role of influence in breach of Canadian secrets laws.

The jury decided ton convict Ortis after a long trial where the accused pleaded not guilty to charges which included three counts of violating the Security of Information Act. He was also charged with breach of trust and fraudulent use of a computer.

Ortis, who is 51, said he did it as part of a an attempt to get targets to use a system set up by another allied intelligence agency but according to Crown lawyers he did not have the authority or position to act in an undercover fashion.

The situation has raised concerns about the integrity of Canada’s national intelligence system.

Ortis was the director-general at the RCMP’s National Intelligence Coordination Centre (NICC), a key position with high levels of security clearance. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128936

File: 7c1ca3a4cd18d90⋯.png (882.62 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19965645 (231715ZNOV23) Notable: Conspiracy to assassinate Canadian Sikh activist foiled by US authorities

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Conspiracy to assassinate Canadian Sikh activist foiled by US authorities


An alleged conspiracy to assassinate a Sikh activist with Canadian citizenship was foiled by US authorities, who then issued a warning to India’s government over concerns that they had a hand in the plot.

Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, an American-Canadian who is general counsel for Sikhs for Justice, a pro-Khalistan separatist group based in the US, was the target of an assassination attempt, according to a report byu the Financial Times.

Due to the sensitive nature of the intelligence, sources have requested anonymity and would not confirm whether or not a recent protest against New Delhi resulted in the plotters abandoning their plan or if it was because of an FBI intervention.

The US informed Canada and several other allies about the plot following the assassination of Hardeep Singh Nijjar in June in Surrey, B.C.

After Nijjar’s death, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that there were “credible allegations” that linked his murder to the Indian government.

According to sources, US federal prosecutors have filed a sealed indictment against at least one of the alleged perpetrators in the plot with a New York district court, while another is believed to have fled the country.

The US Justice Department is currently debating whether or not to unseal the indictment and make the allegations public or wait for Canada to finish its investigation into Nijjar’s assassination. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128937

File: 61f6aec39494a78⋯.png (1.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: c4e838386831d0d⋯.png (945.58 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 481e6b1947b30cc⋯.png (1.38 MB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19965846 (231753ZNOV23) Notable: Canadian farmers protest Senate delays to carbon tax exemption bill

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Canadian farmers protest Senate delays to carbon tax exemption bill


A small but mighty group of Alberta farmers want carbon tax relief now, making it clear that Bill C-234 must pass amid protests outside a Liberal MP’s office. Conservative Agriculture Critic John Barlow also held a press conference Monday to address the Senate’s attempt to kill Bill C-234.

A small but mighty group of Alberta farmers want carbon tax relief now, making it clear that Bill C-234 must pass amid protests outside a Liberal MP’s office.

Bill C-234, which would exempt farmers from paying a carbon tax on natural gas or propane used to heat barns and dry grain, is in dire need of reprieve amid escalating costs to run their operations.

"We’ve seen like a 20-30 percent increase in the cost of natural gas on our farm […] as well as drying grain for a lot of producers across the country," said Jake Vermeer, the owner of Vermeer's Dairy.

"The carbon tax is hugely impacting the entire food chain," he added, from the transportation of crops from his farm to a processor, and then a grocery store, and the consumer. "You’re paying [a] carbon tax at every single level […] and it’s impacting us at a very high level."

Liberal MP Randy Boissonnault reassured reporters his government knows "that farmers want to be supported." He said that while they support farmers, he emphasized the importance of fighting 'climate change.'

"[…] making sure there is a clear and persistent price on pollution across the country is a part of that," added Boissonnault. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128938

File: 41951e0f15091d9⋯.png (1.16 MB,1022x575,1022:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970757 (241953ZNOV23) Notable: EU Blinks, Releases $1B in Funds to Hungary - Budapest Under Intense Pressure To Approve Supplemental Military Aid to Ukraine

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EU Blinks, Releases $1B in Funds to Hungary – Budapest Under Intense Pressure To Approve Supplemental Military Aid to Ukraine


In the seemingly endless conflict between the European Union and Hungary, it now seems that the EU has blinked.

The European Union executive Commission approved 900 million euros ($1 billion) in ‘advance payments’ to Hungary under its share of recovery funds as the bloc seeks to overcome Budapest’s veto of aid to Ukraine.

It is uncertain if this will change Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s mind on the subject, but this move echoes Ukrainian President Zelensky’s recent statement that Hungary’s refusal to vote for military aid was ‘not insurmountable.’

Reuters reported: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970789 (242005ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas Releases 13 Israelis and 12 Thai Workers in Two Separate Hostage Deals

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BREAKING: Hamas Releases 13 Israelis and 12 Thai Workers in Two Separate Hostage Deals


Hamas terrorists released 25 hostages on Friday morning.

** 13 Israeli children captured during October 7 raid

** 12 Thai nationals captured by the terror group during their brutal raid inside Israel.

Attorney Marina Medvin reported.

Here is the first video of the hostages in the hands of the Red Cross.

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a90dd8 No.128940

File: 7addb92f9605fc9⋯.png (2.28 MB,1200x796,300:199,Clipboard.png)

File: ce6c2af2ca9b02f⋯.png (193.61 KB,721x785,721:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970855 (242023ZNOV23) Notable: Secret Biden and Scholz Plan for Ukraine Leaked: Zelensky Should Negotiate with Russia and Accept Brutal Compromises

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Secret Biden and Scholz Plan for Ukraine Leaked: Zelensky Should Negotiate with Russia and Accept Brutal Compromises


After over $100 billion in unaccounted for US taxpayer dollars was funneled off to Ukraine, US President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz have a new plan for Ukraine.

According to Germany’s Bild newspaper, the secret plan calls on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to come to the realization that things cannot go on like this. And Zelensky should explain to his nation that negotiations must be carried out.

The latest German-US plan involves the US and West supplying Ukraine with enough weapons to hold the current front and to give up any expectations of recapturing the lost eastern territories taken by Russia.

This explosive report reveals that Chancellor Scholz and US President Biden want to bring the Russia-Ukraine war to an end soon.

Ukraine President Zelensky should be forced in a very specific way to negotiate with Kremlin dictator Putin – and accept brutal compromises.

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a90dd8 No.128941

File: 20da21de48e0494⋯.png (30.01 KB,500x276,125:69,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c40247ed3a9a88⋯.png (237.3 KB,500x854,250:427,Clipboard.png)

File: a511738846bcc7a⋯.png (233.05 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 0be2c4d31079df7⋯.png (310.85 KB,737x757,737:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970901 (242039ZNOV23) Notable: "Guess We're Not Dead Yet": New Traffic Data Shows Musk's X Surpasses Instagram And Facebook

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"Guess We're Not Dead Yet": New Traffic Data Shows Musk's X Surpasses Instagram And Facebook


Dying corporate media outlets have been waging an all-out assault on social media platform X because they perceive it as an existential threat to their ideological narrative control and the interest of their overlords due to its emphasis on 'free speech.'

When the failed social media network, "Treads," was launched by Meta in early July, we were the first to point out how corporate media banded together with headlines such as "Twitter Killer" and prophesized the demise of Elon Musk's social media platform.

According to Bloomberg data, "Twitter Killer" appearing in headlines erupted across corporate media - a concerted effort by the status quo against Musk. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128942

File: 7d018f17e862ac9⋯.png (284.36 KB,500x323,500:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19970959 (242055ZNOV23) Notable: Russia Moves Its "Doomsday Missile" Closer To Europe

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Russia Moves Its "Doomsday Missile" Closer To Europe


From its current location, the missile can reach London or Berlin in a matter of minutes...

In a move designed to flex its nuclear muscle, Russia has redeployed its Yars intercontinental ballistic missile closer to Europe.

The missile, also known in the West as the “Doomsday missile,” has been moved to the Kozelsk military base in the western part of Russia, some 1,500 kilometers from Moscow and 2,400 kilometers from London.

Taking into account its over Mach 30 top speed, the missile can hit London in less than five minutes. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128943

File: b1b747501954ae3⋯.png (499.68 KB,810x504,45:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971171 (242159ZNOV23) Notable: Trudeau official threatened with contempt for evasive answers over scandal-ridden ArriveCAN app

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Trudeau official threatened with contempt for evasive answers over scandal-ridden ArriveCAN app


The once-mandatory ArriveCAN app cost taxpayers over $50 million, $8.9 million of which was given to an obscure company called GC Strategies which was operated by a two-man team out of an Ontario home.

During a parliamentary investigation into the misuse of funds used to create the federal government’s controversial COVID-era ArriveCAN travel app, Canada’s chief federal technology officer was threatened with contempt of Parliament charges for refusing to give clear answers to questions from MPs regarding his involvement with the much-maligned app.

On November 14, Minh Doan, Canada’s chief federal technology officer, testified before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (OGGO) regarding his connection with the ArriveCAN travel app. In cross-examination, Doan “struggled to give direct answers to simple questions,” said Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) MP Kelly McCauley, who serves as the committee chair.

“Refusal to answer questions or failure to reply may result in a charge of contempt,” stressed McCauley, before adding, “This has been repeated to you several times.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128944

File: a775dfe73fad891⋯.png (998.67 KB,810x495,18:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971191 (242206ZNOV23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Ontario policeman fights conviction, penalty for donating to the Freedom Convoy

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Ontario policeman fights conviction, penalty for donating to the Freedom Convoy


Constable Michael Brisco, a Windsor police officer, has appealed a conviction and penalty for donating $50 to the Ottawa Freedom Convoy in 2022 on freedom of expression grounds.

The Ontario Civilian Police Commission heard the appeal of Constable Michael Brisco on Tuesday, who is challenging his conviction and penalty for donating to the Ottawa Freedom Convoy in early 2022. This case raises questions about the Charter’s protection for freedom of expression, the right of police officers to support political causes while off duty, and the privacy rights of all Canadians.

Constable Michael Brisco of the Windsor Police Service is a highly trained and respected police officer with no prior disciplinary record. He made a $50 donation to the peaceful Freedom Convoy protest through the GiveSendGo fundraising platform on February 8, 2022 – one day after an Ontario Superior Court Judge held that people could continue to engage in “peaceful, lawful and safe protest” in Ottawa so long as honking ceased. When making his donation, Brisco did not identify himself as a police officer and did not contribute to the protest in his capacity as a police officer. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128945

File: 49ea2c682fca38c⋯.png (668.54 KB,800x510,80:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971207 (242211ZNOV23) Notable: Christian attorney sues Law Society of Alberta for mandating left-wing trainings

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Christian attorney sues Law Society of Alberta for mandating left-wing trainings


Robert Song likened the trainings, which push left-wing viewpoints, to what he experienced during his childhood in communist China.

A Christian lawyer is suing the Law Society of Alberta for forcing members to undergo training pushing critical race theory, gender theory, and “intersectionality.”

On October 27, Alberta lawyer Roger Song filed a public-interest lawsuit against the Law Society of Alberta (LSA) after it mandated that members undergo left-wing cultural and political training.

“The Political Ideologies are wrong and destructive, do not reasonably describe reality, and do not represent a morality valuable to Canadian society,” Song argued.

According to LSA’s rulebook, updated October 5, 2023, LSA can “prescribe specific continuing professional development requirements to be completed by members, in a form and manner, as well as time frame.”

Lawyers who fail to complete the mandatory training “shall stand automatically suspended.”

The suit challenges the LSA’s authority “to compel lawyers to believe in, express affirmation of, and actively promote any political objective including the ‘Political Ideologies'” such as “critical race theory,” “gender theory,” and “intersectionality.”

The lawsuit also includes an “expert opinion” report from Dr. Joanna Williams, author of How Woke Won: The Elitist Movement That Threatens Democracy, Tolerance and Reason.

Song’s case, which is supported by the Council of Alberta Lawyers, stressed the rights of lawyers to hold and share views contrary to the LSA, a right which Song argues is protected under the Canadian Constitution. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128946

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971235 (242220ZNOV23) Notable: Josh Alexander tells Jordan Peterson about beginnings of his pro-family activism

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Josh Alexander tells Jordan Peterson about beginnings of his pro-family activism


'You look at our culture today and the number one thing that's under attack is the nuclear family,’ 17-year-old student activist Josh Alexander told Jordan Peterson.

Prominent anti-woke psychologist Jordan Peterson recently spoke with Josh Alexander, a pro-family student activist, to discuss how to Canada can be saved from the LGBT mob.

On November 23, Peterson released his latest podcast episode, “The Future of Canada,” featuring 17-year-old Josh Alexander and his brother Nick, who have been targeted for standing up for their Christian beliefs, particularly that there are only two genders.

“You look at our culture today and the number one thing that’s under attack is the nuclear family,” Josh told Peterson.

While Josh is well-known for his pro-family activism against LGBT indoctrination in schools, he revealed that he first began to face discipline from his school for his support of the 2022 Freedom Convoy. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128947

File: 10540fd7b1db6ef⋯.png (949.04 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971277 (242230ZNOV23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Prosecutors in Freedom Convoy leaders’ case abruptly stop calling witnesses

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Prosecutors in Freedom Convoy leaders’ case abruptly stop calling witnesses


The trial will resume on November 27, at which point the defense for Freedom Convoy leaders' Tamara Lich and Chris Barber will begin calling forth its witnesses.

The trial of Freedom Convoy leaders Tamara Lich and Chris Barber is on pause until next week after the Crown abruptly decided to end its case, telling the court it will not call forth any new witnesses.

The trial has been ongoing for nearly three months, having started on September 5, 2023. Despite seeing a few breaks here and there, including being off most of November, the Crown prosecution had been taking its time calling forth its witnesses. That changed this Monday, which was sitting day 27 of the trial.

On this day, the Crown decided to abruptly finish its case against Lich and Barber, who appeared in court via teleconference, with their defense arguing that the protest organizers’ actions were within the law, and they should not be considered co-conspirators as the Crown claims.

The Crown has been trying to prove that Lich and Barber had somehow influenced the protesters’ actions through their words as part of a co-conspiracy. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128948

File: 9993a738f61d80c⋯.png (606.04 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971465 (242311ZNOV23) Notable: Ukraine conflict could have ended in Spring 2022 - Kiev’s top MP

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Ukraine conflict could have ended in Spring 2022 – Kiev’s top MP


David Arakhamia led Kiev’s delegation in the talks with Moscow

Russia was ready to stop the fighting had Ukraine agreed to remain neutral, but the West advised Kiev to keep going, the head of President Vladimir Zelensky’s parliamentary faction – and the chief negotiator at the peace talks in Istanbul – David Arakhamia admitted on Friday.

Arakhamia, who heads the ‘Servant of the People’ parliamentary group, told the TV channel 1+1 that Moscow had offered Kiev a peace deal in March 2022, but the Ukrainian side did not trust Russia.

“Russia’s goal was to put pressure on us so that we would take neutrality. This was the main thing for them: They were ready to end the war if we accepted neutrality, like Finland once did. And we would make a commitment that we will not join NATO. This was the main thing,” said Arakhamia.

However, agreeing to neutrality and giving up NATO membership would have required changing the constitution of Ukraine, Arakhamia explained. “Secondly, there was no trust in the Russians that they would do this. This could only be done with security guarantees,” he told 1+1.

During the talks, Arakhamia added, British then-PM Boris Johnson arrived in Kiev and told Ukrainian officials to keep fighting and not sign any agreements with Moscow.

Johnson’s role in scuttling the peace talks in Istanbul was revealed in May 2022 by the outlet Ukrayinska Pravda. However, neither the British politician – who was ousted as PM in June that year and eventually landed a job at an American think tank – nor the US government ever officially acknowledged pressuring Kiev into reneging on the draft agreement, which Arakhamia himself had signed with the Russians. Kiev had likewise never officially commented on the matter – until now.

Earlier this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed to African leaders that Moscow and Kiev had signed a draft agreement “on permanent neutrality and security guarantees for Ukraine” at the talks hosted by Türkiye.

As soon as Russia pulled back its troops from the vicinity of Kiev, as a gesture of good will, Ukraine reneged on the deal, Putin said.

The Russian withdrawal was presented by Western governments and media as a Ukrainian military victory and they began sending heavy weapons and equipment to Zelensky’s government, fueling the conflict for the next 18 months.

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a90dd8 No.128949

File: e31c5888981b9e6⋯.png (807.48 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: f685dcd3fce75aa⋯.png (213.18 KB,358x630,179:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971724 (250005ZNOV23) Notable: US northern border sector sees 550% increase in illegal crossings in 2023

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US northern border sector sees 550% increase in illegal crossings in 2023


The Swanton sector, which includes New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont, saw 6,925 apprehensions in the 2023 fiscal year.

The United States' northern border with Canada has seen a 550 percent increase in illegal immigrant crossings in the 2023 fiscal year, a crisis that sparked when President Biden took over the White House in 2021.

Border Patrol officials say that the majority of illegal immigrants entering through the northern border are coming from Mexico, India, Venezuela, Haiti, and Romania. They warn that human traffickers are taking advantage of the migrants at the hands of Biden's open border policies.

The Daily Mail reports that there were 6,925 apprehensions at the Swanton sector in fiscal year 2023, which ended at the end of September, compared to 1,000 at the same sector the year prior. The Swanton sector covers New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont. This is a 550 percent increase.

Illegal crossings have increased throughout the entirety of the northern border. In 2023, there were 189,402 migrant encounters, compared to 109,535 in 2022. In 2021, there were 27,000 recorded migrant encounters.

Chief Border Patrol Agent Robert Garcia sounded the alarm earlier this year and asked CBP agents to volunteer to transfer up north.

Garcia warned that amid cold weather and perilous voyages, human traffickers are taking advantage of desperate asylum seekers, the outlet reports.

In October, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu announced the creation of the Northern Border Alliance Task Force to address the crisis, calling it a "national security risk." Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128950

File: 12efc2854833f60⋯.png (1.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19971757 (250014ZNOV23) Notable: Trudeau Liberals vow to fight 'environmental racism' in fiscal update

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Trudeau Liberals vow to fight 'environmental racism' in fiscal update


Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland delivered the 2023 fiscal update to the Commons on Tuesday, claiming 'environmental racism' must be addressed to achieve 'net-zero' emissions by 2050.

According to the Trudeau Liberals, "environmental racism" is a considerable area of concern for Canadian taxpayers.

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland delivered the 2023 fiscal update to the Commons on Tuesday, claiming "environmental racism" must be addressed to achieve 'net-zero' emissions by 2050.

She heralded her government’s investments in a clean economy as a crucial step to protecting minority groups from 'climate change,' as first reported by True North.

"Investments in a clean economy are an important part of Canada’s plan to reach net-zero by 2050," reads the update. "Achieving this plan will ultimately help protect those that are most at risk of climate change, especially women, Indigenous people, and residents of rural and coastal communities."

"Fighting climate change also fights environmental racism," it added. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128951

File: 07074cd14103daf⋯.png (1.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972065 (250122ZNOV23) Notable: Liberal, NDP MPs silence testimony from green ‘slush fund’ whistleblower

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Liberal, NDP MPs silence testimony from green ‘slush fund’ whistleblower


Canada’s ethics committee voted not to hear whistleblower testimony on insider dealing within a green ‘slush fund’ and conceal federal corruption.

Canada’s ethics committee voted not to hear whistleblower testimony on insider dealing within a green ‘slush fund’ and conceal federal corruption.

Under its current agreement with the Department of Industry, Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) had $1 billion to distribute to clean tech enterprises between 2021 and 2026 — increasing in successive amounts before maxing at $320 million by 2025/26.

However, a September 26 Fact Finding Exercise Report commissioned by the department said agency directors “did not recuse themselves” in distributing $38.4 million worth of subsidies to corporate friends, reported Blacklock’s Reporter.

Foundation Chair Annette Verschuren told MPs she voted to give her company NRStor Inc. a $217,000 grant in 2020 in the form of two COVID-relief payments.

“If that is not a conflict of interest, if that is not corruption, then nothing is,” said Conservative MP Michael Barrett.

Cabinet then froze all federal funding to the foundation on October 4.

Foundation CEO Leah Lawrence resigned on November 10, followed by Verschuren ten days later.

The former claimed a “sustained and malicious campaign” by a whistleblower contributed to her resignation after a source within the SDTC filed a complaint with the federal government on alleged misconduct.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, Barrett asked the ethics committee to invite the whistleblower to identify SDTC wrongdoings and provide their testimony. However, Liberal and NDP MPs dismissed the motion by a 6 to 4 vote.

“The committee voted to silence a whistleblower,” said Barrett. “I can’t abide that.”

“Whistleblowers are the only reason Canadians know this happened,” he added, claiming the feds are “more interested in covering up their own corruption” than allowing Canadians to hold them accountable.

“What we know is not because of due diligence from the government,” said Barrett. “What we know is from a whistleblower kicking at the darkness until it bleeds daylight. That is why we know what we know.”

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a90dd8 No.128952

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19972907 (250403ZNOV23) Notable: The Persecution of Dr. Mark Trozzi…Continued: Mark Trozzi and Michael Alexander (video)

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The Persecution of Dr. Mark Trozzi…Continued: Mark Trozzi and Michael Alexander


Dr. Mark Trozzi gave up a 25 year practice as an emergency surgeon in 2021 to bring people the truth about Covid and the vaccines at his website DrTrozzi.org. He sold his house and has lost everything in this fight, and now the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons is threatening to take away his medical license.

Dr. Trozzi was one of the doctors who stepped up to help when Dr. Crystal Luchkiw had her license suspended by the CPSO for telling her patients the truth, and cautioning them not to take the Covid vaccines. Within hours of stepping into Dr. Luchkiw’s practice, Dr. Trozzi’s license was also suspended.

This interview is an update on past interviews I have done with Dr. Trozzi, and his lawyer Michael Alexander, who also represented Dr. Luchkiw and Dr. Patrick Phillips, both of whom have since had their licences revoked.

Michael is a smart and realistic lawyer. He understands what he is up against, a medical college that has no interest in protecting the health of the people of Ontario, but rather in maintaining a dictatorial power structure where all doctors must follow their directives or lose their license to practice.

But Michael is laying a clever trap for the CPSO, and in the end, there will be justice.

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a90dd8 No.128953

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974069 (251415ZNOV23) Notable: Justin Trudeau Blames “Rise of a Right Wing MAGA Influenced Thinking” for Dwindling Support for Bloody Ukrainian War

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What a Jerk: Justin Trudeau Blames “Rise of a Right Wing MAGA Influenced Thinking” for Dwindling Support for Bloody Ukrainian War (VIDEO)


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau lashed out at MAGA conservatives in the United States. The commie tyrant blames MAGA Republicans for the dwindling support for the ongoing bloodbath in Ukraine.

The globalists want their war with Russia. They’re very upset with the MAGA Republicans.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: Canada has been one of those countries that has been the most steadfast with Ukraine. In my many conversations with Ursula (EU Chief) about the sanctions we’ve brought in together, the military support, the financial support that we’ve had over the years. Every step of the way I’ve stood up and said, “Canada will be there with everything it takes for as long as it takes to support Ukraine.” And I’ve actually boasted to her and to others that it’s not a political debate in Canada. All parties in Canada stand with Ukraine.

So it is particularly troubling even though we are seeing a rise of right-wing rhetoric in the United States, with MAGA conservatives across Europe, in certain corners of right wing politicians and parties starting to pull their support for Ukraine, starting to parrot Russian disinformation and misinformation and propaganda, that suddenly the Conservative Party of Canada would choose to not stand with Ukraine in something that they need that the Ukraine has asked for. And to use the frankly absurd excuse that it’s because Ukraine will be bringing in a price on pollution in the coming years. Obviously that’s an excuse, but it’s not the real story.

The real story is the rise of a right wing American MAGA influenced thinking that has made Canadian conservatives who used to be among the strongest defenders of Ukraine, I’ll admit it, turn their backs on something Ukraine needs in its hour of need. That is the danger of the rise of the right wing influence that is feeling its impact in Canada that’s what not just Ukrainian Canadians, but all Canadians should be concerned about.

When the Conservative Party of Canada and Pierre Poliev turn their backs on history, turn their backs on our friends and allies, turns their backs on the international rules based order and our support for the UN charter and territorial integrity.

It is of real concern and should be of concern to all of us because we’re seeing that spiking up all around the world.

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a90dd8 No.128954

File: a1ad0389ea4514f⋯.png (549.73 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974248 (251506ZNOV23) Notable: CCP Deploys Cover-Up For Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak In Children

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HERE WE GO AGAIN: WHO Requests Information From China About “New Virus” in Circulation


On Wednesday, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it has requested information from China regarding the increase in cases of respiratory diseases and clusters of pneumonia among children.

The Gateway Pundit reported that an unexplained pneumonia-like sickness is reportedly swiftly spreading through schools in China, leading to a surge of hospitalizations of children.

According to the WHO, the authorities of China’s National Health Commission reported an increase in the incidence of respiratory diseases in the country on November 13.

On Tuesday, media outlets and the Emerging Diseases Monitoring Program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases “reported clusters of undiagnosed pneumonia in children in northern China.”

The WHO states that it is “unclear” whether the two events are related and has requested additional epidemiological and clinical information and “laboratory results” from children with respiratory diseases.

In a note sent to China, the WHO shared, “Since mid-October, northern China has reported an increase in flu-like illnesses compared to the same period in the past 3 years.”

While urging the reinforcement of respiratory disease surveillance, the WHO told the Chinese, “Authorities have emphasized the need for improved disease surveillance in health facilities and community settings, as well as strengthening the health system’s capacity to manage patients.”

Chinese authorities attributed the increase in respiratory disease cases to the end of restrictions imposed to contain COVID-19 and the circulation of known pathogens.

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a90dd8 No.128955

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974289 (251517ZNOV23) Notable: Eco Loon Vomits Green Goo All Over EU Globalist Meeting

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Watch: Eco Loon Vomits Green Goo All Over EU Globalist Meeting


An eco-mentalist staged a stunt vomiting green goo at a European Union “clean energy” conference and accused the globalist officials there of not implementing climate crackdown hysteria hard enough.

The woman, who claimed that Brussels elites are operating climate scams on “occupied lands” yelled “I’m sick of your lies of the true environmental and social cost,” as they blathered on about how amazing ‘Hydrogen Week’ is.

She accused the EU of ‘greenwashing’, essentially virtue signalling using pointless environmental carbon schemes and the like to play up their green credentials.

Fair point, but you still come across as utterly mental.

“This conference is sickening. Europe can meet its energy needs without exploiting colonized lands,” another loon screamed.

As disturbed looking security contractors dragged them out, they bellowed “Stop fossil fertilisers! Stop fossil fertilisers.”

And replace them with… hydrogen maybe?

Essentially it’s more crazy trust fund babies throwing tantrums and crying to be governed harder.

They wanted attention, and we’re giving it to them because it’s hilariously cringe.


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a90dd8 No.128956

File: 6ef43e187f1d07d⋯.png (292.23 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 53d1800228cda24⋯.png (183.48 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974367 (251535ZNOV23) Notable: Tiny Fraction Of Global Elites Emit As Much Carbon As Bottom Two-Thirds Of Humanity

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Tiny Fraction Of Global Elites Emit As Much Carbon As Bottom Two-Thirds Of Humanity


Critics who rail against the hypocrisy of wealthy global elites jet-setting on carbon-spewing private planes while pontificating about the need for the rest of us to cut our climate footprints just got a boost from a new study.

It turns out that the world's richest 1 percent emit about the same amount of carbon as the world's poorest two-thirds, according to an analysis from the nonprofit Oxfam International.

This means that a small sliver of global elites, or 77 million people, have produced as much carbon as the 5 billion people that make up the bottom 66 percent by wealth, per the study.

The study also estimates that it would take roughly 1,500 years for someone in the bottom 99 percent to produce as much carbon as the wealthiest billionaires do in just one year.

The study was based on research compiled by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and examined the emissions of various income groups up to 2019. In summary, it suggested that the private jet-setting class of global leaders and policymakers, who take private planes to lead summits addressing the assumed dangers of climate change, may warrant charges of hypocrisy.

The analysis was published as global leaders prepare to meet for climate talks at the COP28 summit in Dubai later in November, where, much like other climate conferences, some elite participants will likely pontificate on the need for ordinary folk to end their reliance on cheap fossil fuel energy to make their ends meet. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128957

File: 3d7c9bbb7eacc8e⋯.png (368.61 KB,500x313,500:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974538 (251637ZNOV23) Notable: Community Colleges And Trade Schools Are Largely Void Of Israel-Hamas Protests

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Community Colleges And Trade Schools Are Largely Void Of Israel-Hamas Protests


TV host Mike Rowe said that eight years ago, he was switching the news channels on his television and saw several college students setting fire to the American flag and dancing around a pile of burning flags. They were telling reporters in interviews they were disgusted with Old Glory and “fearful” of the flag.

“It wasn’t lost on me in the moment that all of these events were happening at what is considered the best of the best elite universities across the country,” Rowe told me. Among supposedly non-elite students, though, the situation wasn’t and isn’t as bad. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128958

File: be63bb1935ef520⋯.png (1.6 MB,1640x980,82:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974685 (251720ZNOV23) Notable: Trudeau gov’t appears to back down on ‘digital services tax’ plans

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Trudeau gov’t appears to back down on ‘digital services tax’ plans


In October, the head of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) Franco Terrazzano said the Trudeau 'feds need to stop dreaming up new taxes and new ways to make life more expensive.'

A plan by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s federal government to tax the advertising revenues of non-Canadian tech giants and other companies – which could spark a major trade war and make accessing the internet more expensive – seems to be off the table, at least for now.

According to Canadian law professor Dr. Michael Geist, the Trudeau government seems to have “quietly backed down from its plans to implement a new Digital Services Tax (DST) as of January 2024.”

In its 2019 election party platform, the Trudeau Liberals had promised to impose a three percent so-called DST, which could have brought in an estimated $7.2 billion, but at the expense of tech giants that all provide services to Canadians.

In October, the head of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) Franco Terrazzano said the “feds need to stop dreaming up new taxes and new ways to make life more expensive.”

“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should be doing everything he can to make life more affordable, but this Digital Services Tax will mean higher prices for ordinary Canadians,” he noted.

The CTF noted that when France introduced a similar tax against tech giants such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, and other large online sites, it caused everything to get more expensive in the country.

“An economic impact assessment of the French digital services tax shows that about 55% of the total tax burden will be passed on to consumers, 40% to online vendors and only 5% borne by the digital companies targeted by the new tax,” noted the CTF. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128959

File: 5c958745ac3e389⋯.png (697.91 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19974858 (251756ZNOV23) Notable: Cuban Dissidents Ask Canada: Stop Bankrolling Putin-Allied Communists

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Exclusive – Cuban Dissidents Ask Canada: Stop Bankrolling Putin-Allied Communists


A delegation of representatives of the Assembly for the Cuban Resistance addressed members of Parliament in Canada on Tuesday, encouraging them to reconsider Ottawa’s longstanding friendly relations with the Castro regime in light of its decades-long record of human rights atrocities and its staunch support for authoritarian Russia.

The Assembly for the Cuban Resistance is a coalition of pro-democracy organizations that work together, both on and off the island, for an end to the 64-year-old communist Castro regime. In its presentation to Canadian lawmakers, the coalition highlighted Canada’s outsized role in funding the regime through tourism and participation in financial aid programs, as well as the dissonance in Canada’s friendly foreign policy towards Cuba while taking a vocal stand against one of the country’s principal patrons, Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Members of multiple Canadian political parties from both sides of the aisle attended the event. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128960

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975016 (251824ZNOV23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / 3rd Anniversary of the Adamson BBQ Rebellion Against Restaurant Lockdowns (video)

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3rd Anniversary of the Adamson BBQ Rebellion Against Restaurant Lockdowns


3 years ago, @adamskely bravely and correctly protested unscientific restaurant lockdowns by reopening his Adamson BBQ restaurant in defiance of the Reopening Ontario Act from Nov. 24-26, 2020.

Public Health Ontario’s own data showing that restaurants contributed to just 1.3% of cases that led to Covid-19 outbreaks.

Many Greater Toronto Area restaurant owners planned to reopen with Skelly but abandoned the planned protest dates, instead complying with the harmful lockdown orders that destroyed 100s of thousands of businesses across Canada and leaving Skelly to become “ground zero” for anti-lockdown protesters.

After 2 days of overwhelming public support and booming sales, Skelly was arrested on the 3rd day by several of the more than 150 Toronto Police officers, including on horseback, that raided his premise Nov. 26, 2020.

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a90dd8 No.128961

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975164 (251900ZNOV23) Notable: International Crisis Summit 4 Romania Press Conference

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International Crisis Summit 4 Romania Press Conference


Legitimate politicians, doctors, and scientists together in Romania. Includes Dr Andrea Stramezzi, Dr Byram Bridle, Dr Denis Rancourt, Dr Harvey Risch, and Dr Mark Trozzi.

Are ready for the quickening? Here is the November 20th press conference from Romania, that concluded the International Crisis Summit 4. Parliament members from the Alliance For Unity Of Romanians spoke along with members of the international team of scientific and medical experts including Dr Andrea Stramezzi, Dr Byram Bridle, Dr Denis Rancourt, Dr Harvey Risch, and myself Dr Mark Trozzi.

Soon we will share much rich content from 2 full days of presentations in the Romanian parliament that preceded this press conference.

Here is the full ½ hour press conference as well as short clips of each speaker. This digital collection is made easy to download, so you might share and re-post on your platforms and channels. We are the main stream media; truth is spread organically by you and I. Thanks for sharing and uploading.

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a90dd8 No.128962

File: 02bb59262ff5f16⋯.png (753.06 KB,960x539,960:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975245 (251918ZNOV23) Notable: Who Owns Your Children? The Government Keeps Acting Like It Does

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Who Owns Your Children? The Government Keeps Acting Like It Does


Governments across the world continue to take actions that reflect the belief that it is not parents who are the guardians of their children but the state itself.

In September, the First Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments in a high-profile case regarding whether a school violated parents’ constitutional rights by actively encouraging their 11-year-old daughter to transition her gender while keeping it a secret from the parents.

School officials followed a school board policy that encourages them to privately meet with the child and affirm her gender transition, allow her to use the boys’ bathroom, and instruct everyone at school to use her new name and pronouns. The school also asserted that the parents weren’t providing a safe environment at home.

The school’s attorney argued in court that parents do not have a right to know about their child’s “gender transition” because “you can’t decide to have transgender children or not to have transgender children.” The attorney said the school was not obligated to tell parents various things about students. Topics the lawyer claimed are exempt from parent-teacher conversations include whether the child is depressed, suicidal, has been raped, or had an abortion.

US Circuit Judge Kermit Lipez told the school’s attorney that he “seem[ed] to be asserting that the right of students to make decisions trumps the right of parents to know what’s going on.” Stunningly, the attorney acknowledged as such, stating, “We are.”

The case, Foote v. Ludlow School Committee, raises questions about the rights of parents and children and whether or not a school or government has the right to intervene in that relationship. The parents of the child have interpreted the school’s actions as an affront to their constitutional rights. To make matters worse, the parents explicitly wrote to their daughters’ teachers, principal, superintendent, and school board members to make it clear they were handling her gender identity issues. They asked these officials not to privately communicate with their child, and the officials all chose to do the opposite.

Underneath the question of whether the school has the right to privately communicate with the child without parental consent is what I consider to be the root of the issue: Does a school, a government, or any apparatus of the state have a right to tell parents what to do with their children? More pointedly, does the state actually believe it owns the children? Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128963

File: 34538b03c1873ed⋯.png (574.66 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975694 (252041ZNOV23) Notable: Bank of Canada governor hints at end to interest rate hikes

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Bank of Canada governor hints at end to interest rate hikes


Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem recently suggested that the measures taken to tackle inflation are working, indicating a potential pause in the ongoing trend of interest rate increases.

In his latest public statement since holding the rate at 5% in October, Macklem pointed out that the less optimistic economic outlook implies the emergence of further disinflationary forces in the future.

“This tightening of monetary policy is working, and interest rates may now be restrictive enough to get us back to price stability,” said Macklem on Wednesday in Saint John, N.B.

“The economy is approaching balance.”

His comments followed the release of data indicating a slowdown in annual inflation to 3.1% in October, marking the lowest rate since June.

Additionally, a core inflation metric monitored by the bank dropped below the 3% threshold. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128964

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19975819 (252117ZNOV23) Notable: Covert Threat: Unraveling Hidden Agendas Behind Climate Action (video)

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Covert Threat: Unraveling Hidden Agendas Behind Climate Action


RAIR Foundation USA was on location to capture the insights shared by climate scientist Tom Harris during a recent talk in Ottawa. Harris, the executive director of the International Climate Science Coalition, shed light on what he perceives as a concerted effort to curtail freedom under the guise of addressing climate change. Harris contends that the push for climate action is not only a threat to individual liberties but also a misguided endeavor based on questionable, if not totally unscientific, grounds.

The Unseen Link Between Climate Science and Freedom

Harris examines the connection between climate science and policy decisions that impact personal freedoms. Drawing parallels between COVID lockdowns and the potential for future climate lockdowns, he emphasizes the need to scrutinize climate science’s influence on policy-making.

Historical Precedents: The Coal Station Dilemma

Harris takes us back to Ontario in 2002 when coal stations powered 25% of the region. He contends that the decision to eliminate coal was driven by misguided environmental concerns rather than implementing advanced clean coal-burning technologies. According to Harris, the consequence was a drastic increase in electricity rates.

The Ottawa Proposal: A Questionable Path to Green Energy

The City of Ottawa’s plan to introduce 710 industrial wind turbines and 36 square kilometers of solar panels sparks Harris’s skepticism. He highlights the impracticality of relying on solar power in the wintertime and the potential health issues associated with wind turbines. Additionally, the reliance on lithium batteries raises concerns about their safety and environmental impact. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128965

File: d321f802c59b604⋯.png (961.42 KB,900x512,225:128,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bf12c5f2fa0a60⋯.png (378.57 KB,716x781,716:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19979926 (261635ZNOV23) Notable: Five Men Arrested After Police Post Fake Ad Promoting ‘Sexual Services From Minors’

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Five Men Arrested After Police Post Fake Ad Promoting ‘Sexual Services From Minors’


Five Canadian men were arrested after police posted a fake ad promoting “sexual services for minors.”

The Durham Regional Police Service in Ontario said that the fake advertisement was visited more than 6,600 times in four days and received messages from over 600 different phone numbers.

The ad was part of Project Firebird, an operation by the Human Trafficking Unit to crack down on pedophiles seeking minors.

“An ad was published to create the illusion that individuals can purchase sexual services from minors,” police said Thursday, according to a report from Global News. “The ad was visited 6,678 times in a four-day period and received messages from over 600 different phone numbers.”

During the bust, police arrested Krish Subiah, 37, from Clarington, Rajwant Singh, 30, from Belleville, Mahbubar Rahman, 48, from Pickering, Sarangan Kirupamoorthy, 28, from Whitby, and Rajasekaran Natarajan, 38, from Clarington, Durham Radio News reports.

All of the men have been charged with luring a child for the purpose of obtaining sexual services (under 18 years), obtaining sexual services (under 18 years) and invitation to sexual touching (under 16 years).

The Durham Regional Police Service is asking anyone with any new information about this incident or other incidents to contact them.

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a90dd8 No.128966

File: 2405bc8c3e6a452⋯.png (1.4 MB,1392x874,696:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fa6cbadea96292⋯.png (373.02 KB,721x801,721:801,Clipboard.png)

File: 762b314b4d322f5⋯.png (598.74 KB,721x812,103:116,Clipboard.png)

File: f406fbc360606ba⋯.png (439.85 KB,542x768,271:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980042 (261659ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas Transfers Second Set of Hostages via Egypt Including 13 Israeli and 4 Thai Hostages

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Breaking: Hamas Transfers Second Set of Hostages via Egypt Including 13 Israeli and 4 Thai Hostages


The Israeli Defense Forces, IDF, announced moments ago (6 PM ET US) that Hamas released a second set of Israeli and Thai hostages.

According to the IDF 13 Israeli and 4 Thai hostages were released.

This was after Hamas delayed their release earlier Saturday.

It looks like 9 children, including one boy, and 4 women were released by Hamas this morning.

Via Trey Yingst.

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a90dd8 No.128967

File: 747885424b35814⋯.png (982.68 KB,1176x726,196:121,Clipboard.png)

File: 655c3d1f2fb8cfc⋯.png (245.88 KB,363x647,363:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980067 (261706ZNOV23) Notable: Red Cross: Hamas Releases 14 Israeli Hostages and 3 Foreign Nationals in Latest Exchange including TWO 4-YEAR OLDS

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Red Cross: Hamas Releases 14 Israeli Hostages and 3 Foreign Nationals in Latest Exchange including TWO 4-YEAR OLDS


The International Red Cross announced the latest release of Israeli hostages by Hamas on Sunday night.

Hamas released 14 Isreali captives after the release of 13 Israeli hostages on Saturday.

The names of the latest hostages to be released:

1. Abigail Idan, 4

2. Ella Elyakim, 8

3. Dafna Elyakim, 15

4. Hagar Brodetz Ama, 40 and her children

5. Ofri Brodetz, 10

6. Yuval Brodetz, 8

7. Oriya Brodetz, 4

8. Chen Goldstein, 48 and her children

9. Agam Goldstein, 17

10. Tal Goldstein, 9

11. Gal Goldstein, 11

12. Alma Avraham, 84

13. Adrian Aviva Siegel, 63

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a90dd8 No.128968

File: 8d95ef90b830a8d⋯.png (890.88 KB,2048x1218,1024:609,Clipboard.png)

File: b0ee5765d53f107⋯.png (66.2 KB,857x580,857:580,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c000a7274f198f⋯.png (252.24 KB,721x791,103:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980256 (261746ZNOV23) Notable: Several Researchers at OpenAI, Company Behind ChatGPT, Warn of Powerful AI Discovery with Potential Threat to Humanity

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Several Researchers at OpenAI, Company Behind ChatGPT, Warn of Powerful AI Discovery with Potential Threat to Humanity


Recent findings at OpenAI, the Artificial Intelligence powerhouse and creator of ChatGPT, have incited an internal alarm just as the company’s CEO, Sam Altman, faced a brief but compulsory retreat from his position.

Days before a whirlwind of corporate upheaval, several of the firm’s researchers reportedly penned a concerning letter to its board of directors. They highlighted a significant AI breakthrough with ominous implications for mankind, sources with insider knowledge told Reuters.

A confidential letter, signed by several staff researchers to the OpenAI board of directors, highlights concerns regarding a powerful artificial intelligence feature or algorithm. The letter, not made public, played a crucial role in the events leading up to Altman’s removal from his position.

Sources indicate that the board’s decision was influenced by a range of factors, including concerns over the premature commercialization of advanced AI technologies without fully grasping their potential consequences. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128969

File: 0b9ed100164cff2⋯.png (277.38 KB,361x681,361:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980316 (261800ZNOV23) Notable: Is Conor McGregor Running for Office? Fed-Up UFC Legend Makes Vow After Violent Attack in Ireland

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Is Conor McGregor Running for Office? Fed-Up UFC Legend Makes Vow After Violent Attack in Ireland


Across the world, voters have had enough of socialists and open-borders globalists.

On Sunday, libertarian Javier Milei won the presidency of Argentina. Then, on Thursday, Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom — a Dutch populist, nationalist and anti-immigration party — secured a major election victory in the Dutch House of Representatives, making it likely that Wilders will serve as the next prime minister of the Netherlands.

Could former UFC champion and outspoken Irish patriot Conor McGregor be next?

Friday on X, formerly Twitter, McGregor threw down the gauntlet and promised to fix what ails his home country.

“There will be change in Ireland, mark my words. The change needed,” McGregor wrote as part of a lengthier post. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128970

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980391 (261811ZNOV23) Notable: Coming Soon: Your Travel Will Be Restricted By Personal Carbon Allowances

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Coming Soon: Your Travel Will Be Restricted By Personal Carbon Allowances


“Experts suggest” your standard of living be reduced by over 85%

A report on the future of travel and tourism, co-authored by a travel agency called Intrepid Travel and The Future Labs Institute, posits a future deeply impacted by climate change and restrictions on tourist travel to combat it.

“A Sustainable Future for Travel”, warns of “travel extinction”, where some areas suffer such radical climate change that all tourism there ceases, and “personal carbon allowances” that will restrict how often one is permitted travel.

A personal carbon emissions limit will become the new normal as policy and people’s values drive an era of great change.

As demonstrated by a worldwide tourism boom, the frequency at which we can fly is once again seemingly unlimited.

Conscience and budgets permitting, we feel free to hop on planes from one place to the next. But this will change. ‘On our current trajectory, we can expect a pushback against the frequency with which individuals can travel, with carbon passports set to change the tourism landscape,’ says Raymond [Martin Raymond, Future Laboratories co-founder]

Personal carbon allowances could help curb carbon emissions and lower travel’s overall footprint. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128971

File: cd9ddb94d70db2d⋯.png (390.01 KB,500x330,50:33,Clipboard.png)

File: 69cbe4cd9c0a917⋯.png (343.78 KB,500x329,500:329,Clipboard.png)

File: 68a5f976c300de2⋯.png (402.52 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 13d45fc72b3bb7e⋯.png (436.55 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: fa91f4d074401dc⋯.png (326.58 KB,500x331,500:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980431 (261819ZNOV23) Notable: Inside The UN Plan To Control Speech Online

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Inside The UN Plan To Control Speech Online


A powerful United Nations agency has unveiled a plan to regulate social media and online communication while cracking down on what it describes as “false information” and “conspiracy theories,” sparking alarm among free-speech advocates and top U.S. lawmakers.

(Illustration by The Epoch Times, Shutterstock)

In its 59-page report released this month, the U.N. Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) outlined a series of “concrete measures which must be implemented by all stakeholders: governments, regulatory authorities, civil society, and the platforms themselves.”

This approach includes the imposition of global policies, through institutions such as governments and businesses, designed to stop the spread of various forms of speech while promoting objectives such as “cultural diversity” and “gender equality.”

In particular, the U.N. agency aims to create an “Internet of Trust” by targeting what it calls “misinformation,” “disinformation,” “hate speech,” and “conspiracy theories.”

Examples of expression flagged to be stopped or restricted include concerns about elections, public health measures, and advocacy that could constitute “incitement to discrimination.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128972

File: 7b6fc71058d37e9⋯.png (351 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: cd848f1e91ce272⋯.png (244.09 KB,500x350,10:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980525 (261832ZNOV23) Notable: US Navy Responding After Militants Seize Israel-Linked Oil Tanker Off Yemen

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US Navy Responding After Militants Seize Israel-Linked Oil Tanker Off Yemen


Another suspected piracy incident is unfolding — this time in the Gulf of Aden off the coast of Yemen on Sunday, as multiple news agencies are reporting that an Israel-linked oil tanker has been boarded by unknown militants. The emerging headlines have surprisingly thus far had little observable impact on oil prices, at a moment of growing security concerns and fears for international shipping in Mideast and Gulf regional waters.

At least 22 crew of the Liberian-flagged Central Park, managed by Zodiac Maritime, are now believed to be held hostage. The Associated Press reports, "Attackers seized a tanker linked to Israel off the coast of Yemen on Sunday, authorities said. While no group immediately claimed responsibility, it comes as at least two other maritime attacks in recent days have been linked to the Israel-Hamas war." If done by the Houthis, this marks the first such piracy attack from Yemen during the Gaza truce which has successfully held, which went into effect Friday.

The AP report further cites "An American defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, also confirmed to The Associated Press that the attack took place." Ship manager Zodiac Maritime described the seizure as "a suspected piracy incident."

US naval forces appear to be en route, given the US defense official was further quoted as saying "US and coalition forces are in the vicinity and we are closely monitoring the situation" after "an unknown number of unidentified armed individuals" seized the ship.

Maritime and private intelligence firm Ambrey said that "U.S. naval forces are engaged in the situation and have asked vessels to stay clear of the area."

Below is what has become known so far of the vessel's ownership: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128973

File: 7566ef5e1f63f89⋯.png (338.56 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19980857 (261929ZNOV23) Notable: Pfizer Failed To Disclose Risks Of Preterm Birth And Neonatal Death To Pregnant Women In RSV Vaccine Trial

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Pfizer Failed To Disclose Risks Of Preterm Birth And Neonatal Death To Pregnant Women In RSV Vaccine Trial


Pfizer failed to inform pregnant women participating in its clinical trial for the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine that the clinical trial of a similar vaccine by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) was halted after a safety signal revealed a potential risk of preterm births leading to neonatal deaths.

Even though Pfizer knew about the potential safety signal and was studying preterm births as an “adverse event of special interest,” it continued to enroll women in its clinical trial and did not fully inform participants of the risks the vaccine may pose to their babies—and in some cases, provided misleading and contradictory statements, according to an investigation by The BMJ. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128974

File: fdb0092107ae17e⋯.png (1.02 MB,995x1327,995:1327,Clipboard.png)

File: 397c3c7f66e8b3d⋯.png (1.18 MB,1200x1600,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 6bc46d5341c944c⋯.png (802.19 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981032 (262008ZNOV23) Notable: Estonia notifies WHO that it rejects the Pandemic Treaty and amendments to International Health Regulations

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Estonia notifies WHO that it rejects the Pandemic Treaty and amendments to International Health Regulations


On 22 November, 11 Members of the Estonian Parliament wrote a letter to the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) to reject the proposed international agreement on pandemic prevention preparedness and response – also known as the “Pandemic Treaty” or “Pandemic Accord”. The letter also rejects the amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (“IHR”).

Last month we published an article explaining that in May 2022 the World Health Assembly (“WHA”) quietly agreed to reduce the period during which nations have to opt out of future amendments to the International Health Regulations. For nations to retain the longer 18-month period previously allowed for nations to opt-out, countries need to send WHO a short note that they are opting out of the amendments decided by the WHA in 2022 before 1 December 2023.

The letter from the Estonian MPs is dated 22 November 2023, 8 days before the 1 December deadline. The MPs haven’t simply opted out of the amendments decided by the WHA in 2022, they have gone much further and rejected both the proposed Pandemic Treaty and the IHR amendments in their entirety as well as additional funding to WHO.

Kalle Grünthal, one of the MPs who signed the letter, broke the news on Facebook. The letter begins: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128975

File: d88a64ed2548a2c⋯.png (574.81 KB,1022x575,1022:575,Clipboard.png)

File: f34c33bd97b00bd⋯.png (1.45 MB,1104x552,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fc948aac7fbbb3⋯.png (147.54 KB,314x210,157:105,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d1f269eaa154b8⋯.png (47.64 KB,414x231,138:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981177 (262034ZNOV23) Notable: Jordan Peterson Comes Out Against Multiculturalism: “Miracle of Stupidity”

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Jordan Peterson Comes Out Against Multiculturalism: “Miracle of Stupidity”


News outlets have recently come out with an interview that Jordan Peterson had with Camilia Tomney in which he described multiculturalism as “so puerile and moralising and unsophisticated that it’s kind of a miracle of stupidity” (Ben Chapman, GB News, 11/5/2023). Jordan further stated that “multiculturalism is unlikely to succeed due to differing characteristics of different cultures.”

“Unlikely to succeed”? Hasn’t it by now become abundantly apparent that multiculturalism has been an abject failure throughout the West? How could this be a revolutionary thought on his part? And he’s just now saying these kinds of things in public? The dissident Right has been warning against multiculturalism for decades. Yet, as usual, mainstream ‘conservatives’ are always late to the game.

In this same interview, Jordan also stated, “If you think you can import multitude of cultures without a unifying rubric and not import the problem of interpersonal and social conflict, you’re either blind or stupid or both. And both is a dreadful combination. So, like what? On what basis does multiculturalism become peace? You wave some magic wand and all of a sudden everybody gives up their cultural differences and can live in harmony.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128976

File: 02aa90fcbf12890⋯.png (795.36 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c61dc967eb4d1f⋯.png (167.64 KB,551x786,551:786,Clipboard.png)

File: 01367a4bbf33bf9⋯.png (246.31 KB,536x778,268:389,Clipboard.png)

File: d1471bf08fe8eb9⋯.png (93.55 KB,716x712,179:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19981277 (262053ZNOV23) Notable: Transgender Awareness Month is a sad time for actual women

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Transgender Awareness Month is a sad time for actual women


Trans athletes keep smashing women’s competitions, but you can’t call it out for what it is

November is set aside for transgender people to raise awareness about the discrimination and violence that the community faces. But have we forgotten the discrimination and dangers that biological females suffer too? Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128977

File: 7988c0f58f05a84⋯.png (2.19 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 19487ebab5662f4⋯.png (185.76 KB,1391x463,1391:463,Clipboard.png)

File: 8df37452d323d95⋯.png (765.56 KB,1005x570,67:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985051 (271521ZNOV23) Notable: Siege of Avdiivka

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Siege of Avdiivka – WATCH: Russian Tank Forces Kiev’s Troops to Retreat – Female Ukrainian Soldier Terrified in the Trenches – Moscow Now Also Blasting Cluster Munitions


When the Siege of Avdiivka started, I wrote that, according to what we learned about the similar sieges of Mariupol and Bakhmut, we could expect three things:

First of all – advances will probably be slow.

The second important lesson from past sieges in this war has to do with the coverage by the MSM.

All the time, it is stressed in their how horribly failing the Russians are, how they don’t have a chance, while papers sing praises for the impenetrable Ukrainian defenses.

Meanwhile, the Russians will be losing the war in the headlines but winning in the ground, until they finally take the city.

The 3rd feature is: when Russians do, a key defensive bastion like Avdiivka will be rebranded as a minor non-strategic place.

But if we dig a bit, it’s easy to find good information.

For example, Ukrainian soldiers now say that they fear losing a ‘war of exhaustion’ [attrition] against Russia ‘as Kyiv struggles to replenish its battle-weary forces’.

Telegraph reported: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128978

File: 0292c28bed41da0⋯.png (451.31 KB,964x1280,241:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985076 (271530ZNOV23) Notable: Ukraine Opts For More “Cowbell” As Desperation Sets In

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Ukraine Opts For More “Cowbell” As Desperation Sets In


The last week of November is setting up to be a pivotal week in Ukraine’s futile effort to fend off the Russian military. Russia is clobbering Kiev and other parts of western Ukraine with drone hordes that are wreaking havoc on military depots and electric power nodes. In Kiev, the rift between President Zelensky and General Zaluzhny is widening, with rumors swirling that Zelensky will order a full mobilization of Ukraine that will draft 17 to 70 year old civilians, including women.

To make matters worse General Winter has arrived in full force, lashing Ukraine (and Russia) with winds of more than 90 mph and mountains of snow. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985098 (271539ZNOV23) Notable: Elon Musk Lands in Israel - Meets with Netanyahu and Tours Southern Israel Where Hamas Slaughtered 1,400 Innocents and Points Out the Obvious (video)

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Elon Musk Lands in Israel – Meets with Netanyahu and Tours Southern Israel Where Hamas Slaughtered 1,400 Innocents and Points Out the Obvious


Twitter-X and Tesla owner Elon Musk landed in Israel on Monday for talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet.

During his visit Elon toured southern Israel where Hamas slaughtered 1,400 Jews on October 7. Hamas also took over 240 Jews and foreigners hostage during the bloody siege. It was the most devastating attack on Jews in a single day since World War II.

During the visit Elon Musk noted the obvious – that is often overlooked by the far left Western media: Musk noted that while civilians on both sides have died, Israel tries to avoid civilian casualties, and Hamas tries to kill both Israeli civilians and Palestinian civilians. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128980

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985310 (271631ZNOV23) Notable: Tommy Robinson Pepper-Sprayed and Arrested for Marching against Hamas - Metro Police Release Statement

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UPDATE: Tommy Robinson Pepper-Sprayed and Arrested for Marching against Hamas – Metro Police Release Statement


After Weeks of pro-Hamas rallies in London, British activist Tommy Robinson was arrested at a march against anti-semitism in London today. Robinson was pepper-sprayed and once again arrested for the crime of journalism. Here’s what Urban Scoop reports: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128981

File: d92f5d371913d46⋯.png (4.5 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985351 (271643ZNOV23) Notable: “Litigation Floodgates are Now Open” for mRNA Vaccine Injured: Comprehensive List of 90 Attorneys Around the World Available for Lawsuits Against Vaccine Manufacturers

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“Litigation Floodgates are Now Open” for mRNA Vaccine Injured: Comprehensive List of 90 Attorneys Around the World Available for Lawsuits Against Vaccine Manufacturers


Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) held a hearing on COVID-19 vaccine injuries earlier this month, where she vowed to expose “the TRUTH behind the COVID-19 vaccines.”

Greene was joined by Reps Clay Higgins (R-LA), Barry Moore (R-AL), Thomas Massie (R-KY), and Greg Steube (R-FL) to hear expert testimony from Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Kimberly Biss, and Thomas Renz in the Rayburn House Office Building.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on injuries and sudden deaths that were likely caused by the COVID-19 vaccines and the Biden Regime’s deadly mandates. You can easily find countless stories of these tragedies by searching “dies suddenly” in the search bar on our website.

You can watch the full hearing here.

'“I just got off the phone with attorney Warner Mendenhall. He confirmed I wrote below is true and the litigation floodgates are now open. Here is a list of 90 lawyers that you can contact if you want to sue the vaccine manufacturers: https://''airtable.com/appGIUGnttjzscdJF/shrAqtpTOTkoOgrbx/tblfVuObLpclbtF0W”

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a90dd8 No.128982

File: d2bb2d8872d7bf7⋯.png (206.15 KB,500x249,500:249,Clipboard.png)

File: bfe0acc1ca435aa⋯.png (252.74 KB,500x414,250:207,Clipboard.png)

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File: 0c710be8ebb7ae7⋯.png (95.39 KB,500x323,500:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985496 (271710ZNOV23) Notable: Three Graphs That Show There Is No "Climate Crisis"

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Three Graphs That Show There Is No "Climate Crisis"


As the West fitfully weakens industrial civilisation by trying to eliminate oil, coal and natural gas as energy sources, the scientific basis for Net Zero is based more on ‘general agreement’ than hard data. Climate scientists nevertheless sound optimistic about the progress that’s being made in destroying society’s carbon energy base.

There are of course criticisms of the idea of a carbon-dioxide-induced apocalypse, largely supported as it is by general circulation (i.e., whole-earth) planetary models. There are too many different GCMs all with too many free parameters (aka ‘fudge factors’), as well as wildly divergent readings of historical climate records: Are violent climate events really more frequent, and how does weather actually relate to climate? The popular press cries havoc, but the data are not so clear. The looming economic costs of a Net Zero target are leading to some political pushback. Nevertheless, the recent jury acquittal of nine Extinction Rebellion vandals shows that passionate belief in the imminent dangers of CO2 is not limited to activists.

Climate science is complicated, but the key question is simple. The climate does seem to be getting warmer, but are we responsible? Does the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide have a major effect on the temperature of the earth? The standard answer is “yes, of course”. But in fact there are good reasons for doubt. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128983

File: 8e00bbb300ab80c⋯.png (347.28 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985554 (271724ZNOV23) Notable: Females And Young Adults At Higher Risk Of COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects: Study

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Females And Young Adults At Higher Risk Of COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects: Study


Females and young adults are at an increased risk of suffering from side effects after COVID-19 vaccinations. People who take three doses as compared to two may present different side effects, a Japanese study finds.

The study published on Scientific Reports in November studied 272 hospital employees who received the Pfizer vaccine as a second dose between January to June 2022.

None of the participants had a prior history of COVID-19 infection, and all of their symptoms were examined and diagnosed by doctors at the hospital.

They found "higher frequencies of COVID-19 vaccine-related side effects" and "worse outcomes with longer recovery from side effects" among females and younger adults compared to males and elderly adults, the authors wrote.

Third Dose Versus Second Dose Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128984

File: de5ed798ccf518a⋯.png (1016.19 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985627 (271745ZNOV23) Notable: US, China, Israel and others are developing AI killer drones; this poses significant risks

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US, China, Israel and others are developing AI killer drones; this poses significant risks


The Pentagon’s recent developments in AI technology have drawn concern and criticism as they approach the deployment of autonomous AI weapons systems capable of making lethal decisions independently.

The New York Times reports that countries such as the United States, China and Israel are actively working on lethal autonomous weapons empowered by artificial intelligence (“AI”), which can autonomously identify and engage targets.

Critics argue that the use of AI-controlled drones with the ability to autonomously kill humans is a highly alarming development, as it places life-or-death choices on machines with minimal human oversight. Several countries, including Russia, Australia and Israel are opposing efforts by other nations to pass a binding resolution at the United Nations calling for a ban on AI killer drones.

The issue surrounding the deployment of AI weapons has sparked intense debate, with key questions revolving around the role of human agency in the use of force. Austria’s chief negotiator on the matter, Alexander Kmentt, emphasised that this issue is not just a security and legal concern but also an ethical one. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128985

File: 2234771b23a810f⋯.png (934.91 KB,1403x796,1403:796,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985663 (271758ZNOV23) Notable: New Slovak PM Calls Out Big Pharma, Mainstream Media and the World Health Organization

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New Slovak PM Calls Out Big Pharma, Mainstream Media and the World Health Organization


"The media covered the opening, you remember, and now I quote that everyone unvaccinated should squeal in pain like a pig."

Slovakia's recently elected Prime Minister, Robert Fico, has issued a forthright challenge to the influence of pharmaceutical companies and the proposed pandemic treaty that would expand WHO's powers. Taking office on October 25, 2023, he wasted no time in addressing the heated issues surrounding the pandemic response.

In an impassioned speech, Fico recalled a divisive period in public discourse, drawing attention to past media statements: "The media covered the opening, you remember, and now I quote that everyone unvaccinated should squeal in pain like a pig." Such rhetoric highlights the stark divisions that emerged over approaches to vaccination.

The Prime Minister delved into the retrospective evaluation of the pandemic response, positioning his stance clearly against the rapid adoption of what he described as "mass vaccination with untested experimental vaccines." Fico emphasized the need for transparency and accountability, stating his government's intent to scrutinize the financial execution of previous health interventions.

Moreover, Fico was firm in articulating his administration's stance against global health governance measures that might impinge on national sovereignty, specifically rejecting any initiative that would bolster the WHO's influence in Slovak affairs without clear consent from the Slovak Republic's governing bodies.

"The direction of Slovak social democracy will not support the strengthening powers of WHO at the expense of sovereign states in managing the war against the pandemic," Fico announced.

The Prime Minister's declaration represents a significant policy position for Slovakia, suggesting a pivot towards greater national control over health policies and skepticism towards WHO and Big Pharma. The last three years have clearly awakened many people to WHO's power grab, and it appears that this is accelerating, as the Philippines also declared formal investigations into excess deaths recently.

BREAKING: Philippines' House of Representative initiates a formal investigation into excess deaths! Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128986

File: 9eba76c09d775b7⋯.png (750.17 KB,800x439,800:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19985894 (271847ZNOV23) Notable: CCP Deploys Cover-Up For Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak In Children

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WHO Calls on China to Bring Back Lockdowns to Tackle Mystery Outbreak


The World Health Organization (WHO) is calling on Communist China to bring back lockdowns and other Covid-era restrictions to tackle a new outbreak of a mystery respiratory illness.

The WHO is pressuring the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to reinstate mask-wearing and social distancing, and issue stay-at-home orders for the public.

The timing of the outbreak is eerily reminiscent of Covid, which first emerged in China this time in 2019, just under one year out from the 2020 election.

With this latest outbreak emerging just under one year out from the 2024 election, many are raising concerns that pandemic restrictions could also disrupt the next presidential race.

Hospitals in Beijing and the province of Liaoning, 500 miles northeast of the capital, have been detecting cases of “undiagnosed pneumonia.”

Local news also reports hospitals are “overwhelmed with sick children.”

The infected are showing signs of lung inflammation and a high fever, but no cough or other symptoms that signal the flu or RSV.

From the Daily Mail:

The WHO said it has now called on China to share data on these patients, recent trends in the circulation of viruses and pressures on hospitals.

The UN health agency said it is also in contact with medics and scientists in a bid to understand the situation.

In the meantime, it urged people in China to ‘follow measures to reduce the risk of respiratory illness’.

These include ‘recommended vaccination; keeping distance from people who are ill; staying home when ill; getting tested and medical care as needed; wearing masks as appropriate; ensuring good ventilation; and regular hand-washing’, the WHO said.

According to a Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED) alert, the spike in illness in children remains a mystery. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128987

File: d334190d0bbdd73⋯.png (670.41 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986373 (272043ZNOV23) Notable: Justin Trudeau boasts about plan to implement MORE internet censorship at Canada-EU summit

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Canada ‘convicted’ India before investigation – envoy


New Delhi’s ambassador to Ottawa admitted a “lot of dialogue” is going on to restore relations after a diplomatic spat

India was “convicted” of the murder of a Canadian citizen even before the investigation was completed, New Delhi’s ambassador to Ottawa, Sanjay Kumar Verma, has said. These comments come days after New Delhi resumed e-visa services for Canadians amid a diplomatic spat between the two countries.

The envoy, appearing for an interview with CTV News, vehemently denied New Delhi’s involvement in the assassination of Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in June. “It is still an allegation,” Verma pointed out. “We are a country of [the] rule of law, and all the freedoms have been given in the Indian Constitution. They are our pillars; we will not go beyond that,” he underlined.

Verma reiterated that New Delhi would help “if there is anything specific and relevant and communicated to us” while suggesting that India was “convicted” even before Canadian authorities asked to cooperate in the investigation. Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar had earlier claimed that Canada has yet to provide any evidence to support its accusations against India. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128988

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986594 (272135ZNOV23) Notable: DailyWire+ Drops Trailer For ‘The Most Triggering Comedy Of The Year’ Mocking Men In Women’s Sports

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DailyWire+ Drops Trailer For ‘The Most Triggering Comedy Of The Year’ Mocking Men In Women’s Sports


The Daily Wire released the trailer for its first-ever feature-length comedy “Lady Ballers” on Monday, a movie that mocks the recent and controversial phenomenon of men competing in women’s sports. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128989

File: 61a074bb88a837f⋯.png (674.4 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986753 (272206ZNOV23) Notable: PM Trudeau’s new comms expert was pro-lockdown, pro-vaccine mandate

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PM Trudeau’s new comms expert was pro-lockdown, pro-vaccine mandate


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s new communications and marketing expert was radically pro-lockdown and pro-vaccine mandate during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The newly hired executive director of communications in the Prime Minister’s Office, Max Valiquette, expressed a number of controversial opinions in favour of restricting civil liberties during the Covid-19 pandemic.

On X (formerly Twitter), Valiquette expressed his support for shutting down schools in May 2021, calling it “irresponsible” to send children to school.

“This feels like a somewhat irresponsible thing to tweet if you can’t support it with a source of some kind,” said Valiquette.

“Want schools to be open, right now, as they are, under current vaccine conditions?”

Valiquette also made numerous comments on social media calling for the civil liberties of unvaccinated Canadians to be restricted while spreading misinformation about the benefits of receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.

The PMO did not respond to a request for comment from True North. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128990

File: 088fe913327b006⋯.png (972.47 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986808 (272215ZNOV23) Notable: Feds likely to soon announce official flu season start

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Feds likely to soon announce official flu season start


Federal health authorities are expected to announce the official start of flu season in the coming days, with the rate of positive cases currently at 6.8%, higher than the average seasonal threshold of 5%.

“If percent positivity remains above this threshold next week, the start of the influenza season will be declared at the national level,” stated the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) in its latest FluWatch report.

The Fluwatch report specifically reviewed the rate of influenza circulating through the community between Nov. 12 and Nov. 18..

The report found 1,849 cases were reported to PHAC, with the bulk of them being influenza A.

Between August and Nov. 18, 51 laboratory-confirmed flu outbreaks were reported, with 10 of those cases reported the week of Nov. 12 to Nov. 18. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128991

File: e6f48389a10f776⋯.png (1.82 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986884 (272226ZNOV23) Notable: Canada remains poor performer among countries with universal health care

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OP-ED: Canada remains poor performer among countries with universal health care


The Trudeau government announced earlier this year it will increase health-care spending to provinces and territories by $196.1 billion over the next decade. But patients hoping for improved access will likely be disappointed.

In reality, Canada’s health-care system already ranks as one of the most expensive systems in the world but only has mediocre results to show for it. In other words, the problem isn’t the amount of money we spend – it’s the poor value we get for our health-care dollars.

A new study compared the spending and performance of Canada’s system with 29 other universal health-care systems worldwide. According to the study (after adjusting for population age in each country), Canada was the highest spender on health care as a share of the economy (at 12.6 per cent) and ninth-highest on a per person basis in 2021, the latest year of available data.

And yet, compared to other universal countries, Canada reported far fewer physicians (ranking 28th of 30) and hospital beds (23rd of 29) per 1,000 people in 2021. And ranked low for the availability of MRI machines (25th of 29) and CT scanners (26thof 30) per million people in 2019 (the latest year of available data). Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128992

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19986923 (272234ZNOV23) Notable: “Better to break the law” to advance climate goals, says author of Paris Agreement

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“Better to break the law” to advance climate goals, says author of Paris Agreement


Ahead of this week’s United Nations COP28 summit in Dubai, one of the key architects behind the Paris Agreement – to which Canada is a signatory – said that breaking the law was necessary to advance climate goals.

Speaking about her past as a climate activist and lawyer, Farhana Yamin told a panel held by The Conduit that the far-left ideas of “decolonization” and “reparations” went hand in hand with the objectives behind the climate movement. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128993

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987013 (272255ZNOV23) Notable: Taxpayers treated like ‘second class shareholder’ over Stellantis contract: Conservatives

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Taxpayers treated like ‘second class shareholder’ over Stellantis contract: Conservatives


The Conservative Party is demanding that Stellantis and LG Energy Solutions publicly release their contract after details emerged that 1,600 South Koreans would be moving to Windsor, Ontario to work in the new taxpayer-funded factory.

This has prompted an emergency meeting to take place in Ottawa regarding hiring for the NextStar battery plant.

“Canadians have a right to know what kinds of contracts this government is signing with private corporations,” said Conservative MP Luc Berthold, while speaking before the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates on Monday.

Conservatives say that the government offering incentives to automakers for EV battery plants will cost Canadian households as much as $3,000.

“It would be the world’s biggest mistake if we did not look into the investment,” said Essex MP Chris Lewis. “The workers deserve the answers. The unions deserve the answers and the folks of Windsor-Essex deserve the answers.”

Ottawa officials have said that they cannot release the contract to the public because it contains proprietary information about LG Solutions and Stellantis. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128994

File: 2aa6df26e2bd6f3⋯.png (1.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987073 (272304ZNOV23) Notable: National COVID -19 inquiry set to unveil groundbreaking final report detailing pandemic response impacts

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National COVID -19 inquiry set to unveil groundbreaking final report detailing pandemic response impacts


The citizen-led inquiry is ready to release the commission's comprehensive final report after travelling across Canada for several weeks in the spring of 2023 to analyze the impact of COVID-19-related public health measures imposed by various authorities.

The National Citizen's Inquiry (NCI) will gather tomorrow for a virtual hearing to release the final report from the commissioners.

This citizen-led, citizen-funded investigation into the Canadian COVID-19 response spanned two months from March to May and travelled across Canada to hear testimonies from both expert and non-expert individuals affected by purported health protection measures.

The release of a final report will mark the “culmination of our extensive investigation into Canada’s response to COVID-19,” an email statement from the NCI reads.

The report is said to include recommendations to address profound damage to Canadian society and will feature shocking testimonies from people who suffered from COVID-19 vaccine reactions, disrupted livelihoods, educational issues, mental health torments, and both reputational and professional harm.

It will also include the insights gleaned on the impact of COVID-19 policies from a diverse set of experts in the fields of medicine, law, science, education and psychology.

An English hearing will begin at 11 a.m. ET and will be live-streamed through the NCI website and their various social media accounts. A French hearing will follow at 2 p.m. ET. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128995

File: 162f6ff2ab9376d⋯.png (34.73 KB,230x80,23:8,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a6b16ca3950413⋯.png (819.12 KB,1177x667,1177:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987099 (272309ZNOV23) Notable: National COVID -19 inquiry set to unveil groundbreaking final report detailing pandemic response impacts

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This is where we will be streaming upcoming live events! Stay tuned for more.

You can also watch the livestream on these channels:

On NCI’s Twitter account – https://twitter.com/Inquiry_Canada

On NCI’s Rumble account – https://rumble.com/user/NationalCitizensInquiryCA

On NCI’s Facebook account – https://www.facebook.com/NationalCitizensInquiry

On NCI’s YouTube account – https://www.youtube.com/@citizensinquiry

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a90dd8 No.128996

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987508 (280031ZNOV23) Notable: Liberal minister spooked by Conservative opposition to progressive Ukraine trade agreement

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Liberal minister spooked by Conservative opposition to progressive Ukraine trade agreement


Canada’s minister of labour has characterized the Conservative Party’s resistance to modernizing the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement as 'spooky,' further asserting unequivocal support to this 'beacon of democracy.'

Seamus O’Regan, the federal minister of labour, recently responded to reporters at the House of Commons following the Conservative vote against a free trade deal with Ukraine that would see more taxpaying Canadian money squandered off to the country.

It’s legislation meant to “modernize” the existing Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement, introduced by Trade Minister Mary Ng who was under fire late last year and earlier this year for awarding government media training contracts to her friends – a clear breach of conflict of interest rules.

She’s also the same minister who, when questioned about this very agreement, wasn’t sure if carbon emissions were classified as pollution:

As fiscally responsible Conservatives listen to the genuine concerns of Canadians grappling to provide basic necessities amidst unprecedented inflation, soaring interest rates, and record taxation, their opposition to ineffective policies and agreements reflects a commitment to prioritizing measures that benefit the population.

The Bank Of Nova Scotia recently said that nearly half of the base point interest rates seen across Canada were a result of government over-spending. “Fiscal policy at all levels of government has been badly mis-calibrated from an inflation management perspective,” a November 17 update reads.

“This is really spooky,” Minister O’Regan told reporters while appearing quite paranoid. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128997

File: b771f9789ca2a02⋯.png (679.37 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19987612 (280049ZNOV23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Freedom Convoy leaders’ lawyers ask court to dismiss ‘weak’ case over lack of evidence

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Freedom Convoy leaders’ lawyers ask court to dismiss ‘weak’ case over lack of evidence


'There is no evidence of any of the leaders of the Freedom Convoy 2022 agreeing to pursue their ends by way of illegal activity,' the defense team wrote, asking for the case to be dismissed.

After the Crown prosecutors abruptly decided to end its case against Freedom Convoy leaders Tamara Lich and Chris Barber last week, the pair’s legal teams have filed for the case to be dismissed, saying the government has no evidence that would lead to the convoy organizers being found guilty of their charges.

“To the extent there were any collective objectives on the part of the protesters, they were not inherently illegal,” wrote Lich’s legal counsel Lawrence Greenspon in a filing seeking a full dismissal of the case against his client.

Continuing, Greenspon pointed out in the filing, which was submitted to the court last week, that something that would be “inherently illegal” would be murder or serious drug-related issues, but that going to Ottawa to protest government COVID mandates does not fit this description.

“Similarly, there is no evidence of any of the leaders of the Freedom Convoy 2022 agreeing to pursue their ends by way of illegal activity,” added the defense.

The defense team also noted that there is “[n]othing illegal about encouraging others to come to or stay in Ottawa to protest lawfully.”

“Lich does not encourage anyone to engage in any unlawful conduct at any time,” they added.

Last Monday, which was sitting day 27 of the trial, Lich and Barber’s legal counsel argued that the Crown to date has not been able to prove the organizers participated in a conspiracy to break the law or encourage others to break the law, and that therefore the case should be tossed altogether.

The Crown has been trying to prove that Lich and Barber had somehow influenced the protesters’ actions through their words as part of a co-conspiracy. 

The trial has been ongoing for nearly three months, having started on September 5, 2023. Despite seeing a few breaks here and there, including being off most of November, the Crown prosecution had been taking its time calling forth its witnesses.

On Monday, however, the Crown abruptly decided to end its case, telling the court it would not call forth any new witnesses. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.128998

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19989194 (280732ZNOV23) Notable: Argentina and Javier Milei Bun

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Argentina and Javier Milei Bun

>>128878 ‘Argentinian Trump’ wins presidency

>>128886 Javier Milei, libertarian critic of Pope Francis, elected president of Argentina

>>128891 Javier Milei Win SHAKES THINGS UP While Germany Plans To Crush BRICS Dominance With A Digital Euro (video)

>>128894 Ratio’d: Freedom wins in Argentina! Is Canada next? (video)

>>128929 What Is Anarcho-Capitalism?

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a90dd8 No.128999

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990224 (281341ZNOV23) Notable: Un-Woking the Law, The JCCF Part 1 of 4: Glenn Blackett (video)

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Un-Woking the Law, The JCCF Part 1 of 4: Glenn Blackett


The Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms provides pro bono lawyers to Canadians whose constitutional rights have been violated. The JCCF is a registered charity founded over a decade ago by John Carpay, who still serves as the organization’s President. Their work is supported entirely by donations.

Since the start of the Covid plandemic, JCCF lawyers have worked tirelessly to represent those who lost their jobs and businesses, to defend everyday Canadians who received fines or prison sentences for defying mandates, and have partnered with my own organization, Strong And Free Canada, to bring Canadians the truth in the form of brochures, demonstrations and podcasts.

In this, the first of a four part series on the legal actions being taken by the JCCF on behalf of their clients, I am joined in the studio by JCCF lawyer Glenn Blackett, who is currently representing Dr. Frances Widdowson in her suit against the University of Lethbridge for cancelling a talk she had been scheduled to give, and fellow lawyer Roger Song, who is suing the Law Society of Alberta over their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion agenda, which they are attempting to force upon lawyers.

The JCCF is the largest of the legal organizations in Canada fighting for our rights in the courts. Currently they employ 9 full time lawyers and 4 paralegals and are representing or have represented, Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, organizers of the Freedom Convoy, and the Honorable Brian Peckford, who served as the third premier of Newfoundland and is the sole surviving author of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

While many cases have been lost due to judges who are ignoring our Charter rights, many cases have also been won. When judgement day comes for the corrupt politicians and unelected tyrannical officials who have trodden on our constitutional rights, it will be JCCF lawyers who will see to it that justice is served.

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a90dd8 No.129000

File: c422c3d92c7a92e⋯.png (411.3 KB,650x433,650:433,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990267 (281351ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas Barbarians Release 11 More Jewish Hostages Including a Girl in a Wheelchair and Mothers Holding Terrified Children

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Hamas Barbarians Release 11 More Jewish Hostages Including a Girl in a Wheelchair and Mothers Holding Terrified Children


Hamas barbarians released 11 more Jewish hostages from 52 days of captivity on Monday night.

Palestinians jumped on their van, terrorizing the Israelis during their final ride from Gaza.

This was the fourth group of Israeli hostages released by Hamas.

Hamas also released 14 Thai hostages over the weekend.

The Wolfson Hospital in Israel said the hostages were malnourished and went days without food.

One little girl released on Monday was in a wheelchair. She left Gaza with her mother. Her father is still held captive by the barbarians.

11-year-old Yuval Engel was healthy on October 7th. Today she cannot walk.

Here are the 11 who were released today.

12-year-old Yagel Yaacov was released today. He was used in Hamas propaganda video during his captivity.

The Hamas-Israel ceasefire will continue for 48 more hours. Hamas has agreed to release more hostages.

There are still nearly 200 Isreali hostages still being held by Hamas barbarians.

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a90dd8 No.129001

File: 4779d68854ed600⋯.png (2.56 MB,1566x881,1566:881,Clipboard.png)

File: dd122af92183ab3⋯.png (1.03 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990316 (281409ZNOV23) Notable: Eat Bugs and Live in a Pod: United Nations to Tell First-World Countries to Limit Meat Consumption in Food’s First ‘Net Zero Plan’

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Eat Bugs and Live in a Pod: United Nations to Tell First-World Countries to Limit Meat Consumption in Food’s First ‘Net Zero Plan’


Eat bugs and live in a pod.

The climate change zealots (Communists) are not only coming for your gas-powered vehicles, they want to destroy the cattle and farming industry under the guise of reducing carbon emissions with a ‘net zero plan.’

The United Nations’ Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) is expected to roll out its food guidance for first-world countries in an effort to reduce carbon emissions.

The message to ‘rich’ countries? Consume less meat.

The new food system is expected to be unveiled at the COP28 summit next month in Dubai.

“Nations that over-consume meat will be advised to limit their intake, while developing countries — where under-consumption of meat adds to a prevalent nutrition challenge — will need to improve their livestock farming, according to the FAO.” Bloomberg reported.

Excerpt from Bloomberg: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129002

File: c64f3910c702422⋯.png (537.68 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990321 (281411ZNOV23) Notable: Canadian PM Trudeau Getting Destroyed in the Polls, Is Worried About… Ukraine! Says Opposition Leader Poilievre Influenced by ‘Right-Wing, American MAGA’

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Canadian PM Trudeau Getting Destroyed in the Polls, Is Worried About… Ukraine! Says Opposition Leader Poilievre Influenced by ‘Right-Wing, American MAGA’


For a failing Canadian Liberal PM who is being destroyed by the opposition in the opinion polls, there’s nothing as lame as to blame the common-sense conservative policies gaining traction with voters as ‘far-right-MAGA-Trump influence.’

It is a disingenuous way of portraying your rivals as controlled by foreign forces right at the moment when your entire government is being wrecked by the investigation into Chinese influence in Canada.

But, of course, that’s precisely what Globalist poster boy Justin Trudeau chose to do.

Trudeau accused his main political rival of abandoning Ukraine under the influence of Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner in next year’s U.S. election.

Reuters reported: Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990396 (281431ZNOV23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Councillor Calls Irish Protesters Against Open Migration "Organized Far Right Terrorists"

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Councillor Calls Irish Protesters Against Open Migration "Organized Far Right Terrorists"


The arguments in favor of oppression and censorship rarely change from one generation to the next. The most common rationale is "the greater good of the greater number" and this lie is used for a reason - It works.

Most people in the world value a certain level of conscience and empathy. In order to make those people support evil things, they must be tricked into believing that evil things are necessary to achieve righteous and peaceful ends. As the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

There's a reason why the Founding Fathers of the US specifically warned against trading freedom for the trappings and comforts of government engineered security. As Benjamin Franklin noted:

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

This same sentiment still exists in places like Ireland, but the establishment is seeking to snuff it out with as much expediency as possible.

Irish senator and Green Party member Pauline O'Reilly made this plan clear in a speech a few months ago in defense of Hate Speech Bill 2022, a piece of legislation that if passed would greatly expand the government's ability to silence and punish online or public discussion outside approved opinions on issues ranging from "gender fluid pronouns" to mass immigration. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129004

File: e9306d1e0379aa9⋯.png (126.81 KB,500x308,125:77,Clipboard.png)

File: d950edca22d63c3⋯.png (245.56 KB,496x710,248:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990635 (281523ZNOV23) Notable: The West Is Inching Closer To More Insanity In The Baltic Sea

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The West Is Inching Closer To More Insanity In The Baltic Sea


In the Baltic Sea – home of the twisted wreckage of the Nord Stream pipelines – another pipeline was recently damaged along with telecommunications cables.

Western officials are making escalatory statements and are again floating the idea of closing the “NATO lake” to Russian ships, which would likely be viewed by Moscow as an act of war.

Onshore, Finland is rapidly militarizing its border with Russia. And a notable Chinese cargo ship is now at the center of the firestorm. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129005

File: a6bfaf82905060c⋯.png (248.15 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f7f560c6916864⋯.png (945.07 KB,899x506,899:506,Clipboard.png)

File: 2814eebf97eb56c⋯.png (453.97 KB,500x368,125:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990701 (281538ZNOV23) Notable: North Korea Moves Heavy Weapons To Border With South, Remilitarizes Outposts Along DMZ

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North Korea Moves Heavy Weapons To Border With South, Remilitarizes Outposts Along DMZ


Prior years of efforts toward deconfliction based on a series of agreements between North and South Korea have been quickly unraveling, following major joint US-South Korea military drills last summer and the stationing of a US nuclear capable submarine there last July. The nuclear submarine at a South Korean port was a first in four decades.

Pyongyang responded predictably by ramping up ballistic missile tests, and most recently launching a spy satellite into orbit for the first time. But South Korea's Defense Ministry on Monday announced a big major step backward, saying the north has begun building up heavy weapons along its border, while reestablishing guard posts. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129006

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19990966 (281631ZNOV23) Notable: Israel Killing Gaza Civilians At Historic Pace, While Using US-Provided Bombs: NYT

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Israel Killing Gaza Civilians At Historic Pace, While Using US-Provided Bombs: NYT


The New York Times reported Saturday that Israel is killing Palestinian civilians in Gaza at a historic pace. The huge civilian death toll in Gaza is explained by the scale of the bombing campaign and Israel’s willingness to drop US-provided 2,000-pound bombs on densely populated areas that are packed with civilians.

Marc Garlasco, a former Pentagon analyst who advises the Dutch NGO PAX, told the Times that he’s never seen anything like it. "It’s beyond anything that I’ve seen in my career," he said. Garlasco added that to find a historical comparison for so many large bombs in such a small area, one would have to "go back to Vietnam or the Second World War." Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129007

File: 2a10033fa1d3570⋯.png (1.72 MB,1920x1079,1920:1079,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991093 (281649ZNOV23) Notable: ‘The West Has Lost Confidence’: Political Dysfunction in Ukraine May Cost Zelensky His Job - Analyst

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‘The West Has Lost Confidence’: Political Dysfunction in Ukraine May Cost Zelensky His Job - Analyst


Amidst political infighting and underwhelming performance on the battlefield, security analyst Mark Sleboda believes the foreign backers of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky may be looking for a way to remove him from power “without another blatantly obvious US-backed coup.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is on thin ice.

That’s the conclusion of international affairs and security analyst Mark Sleboda, who joined Sputnik’s Political Misfits crew Monday to discuss the ongoing political drama in the country in the wake of the country’s failed counteroffensive this year. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129008

File: 97dda31daee1b6a⋯.png (820.01 KB,1920x1079,1920:1079,Clipboard.png)

File: e50ecae55704c56⋯.png (2.13 MB,1920x768,5:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 955c9f5a68be9cd⋯.png (1.58 MB,1920x767,1920:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991229 (281717ZNOV23) Notable: Soros Poured $15M in ‘Dark Money’ Into Biden-Linked Non-Profit

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Soros Poured $15M in ‘Dark Money’ Into Biden-Linked Non-Profit


George Soros, the 93-year-old billionaire who has been a key figure of Western soft power campaigns for decades, topped the list of individual political donors for 2021-2022 in the US, funneling over $128.4 million to the Democrats, and provided vast sums to help back the sitting President Joe Biden.

A hefty chunk of ‘dark money’ from a group bankrolled by George Soros – the ‘face’ of Western soft power campaigns for decades - was shelled out last year as part of an effort to get Joe Biden reelected in 2024, Fox News reported.

A nonprofit called the Open Society Policy Center lodged within the web of the Soros-funded Open Society Foundations network forked out $15.18 million to the 81-year-old Democrat's nonprofit - Future Forward USA Action - to cover the costs of research and "content testing on critical policy issues," according to tax documents seen by the outlet.

For those wondering what Future Forward USA Action is, the organization is an affiliate of the Future Forward USA political action committee (PAC), also known as “FF PAC.” The latter is a Democratic Party-aligned super PAC based in California. As for the Future Forward USA Action nonprofit, which shrouds its donors in secrecy, it is a crucial fundraising vehicle, tasked with raking in dark money to try to propel Biden, whose dismal approval rating has been hovering at around 40% in the latest polls, to another term in the White House. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129009

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991290 (281726ZNOV23) Notable: Palestinian Solidarity or Western Civilization's Undoing: The Real Agenda of Pro-Hamas Rallies

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Palestinian Solidarity or Western Civilization's Undoing: The Real Agenda of Pro-Hamas Rallies (Exclusive)


Disguised as a call for Palestinian solidarity, the ‘National March’ on Ottawa unveils a more insidious agenda, representing the unsettling initiation of the unraveling of Western civilization and a calculated assault on its core values.

Thousands of Islamic supremacists and communists gathered on Parliament Hill Saturday afternoon under the guise of calling for a permanent ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war and for the Canadian government to back the Islamic terrorist group.

The ‘National March’ on Ottawa, as it’s been called, was one of the largest pro-Hamas/Palestinian rallies to take to the streets of Canada’s capital since the war broke out following a Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7. The evidence of the radical motives of these pro-Hamas, anti-Israel demonstrations around the world is becoming easier to find and, more importantly, easier to interpret.

While on the surface, these demonstrations are intended to be seen as conforming to a narrative of “Palestinian” people as victims and Israelis as “oppressors”—itself a very Marxist paradigm—the real intention of these marches is far closer to home, wherever your home happens to be.

The goal of these protests is no less than the complete obliteration of the Nation-State.

RAIR Foundation USA was on the scene to capture the day’s events. In the following footage, you can see many signs and organizations that equate the Israeli “occupation” of Gaza, which it does not do, with what it calls ‘colonialism.’

In other words, any nation to which Western civilization has been exported.

The goal of these radicals is the destruction of Western thought, culture, and people. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129010

File: be2ccaa336c7d38⋯.png (397.09 KB,542x797,542:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991447 (281747ZNOV23) Notable: Premier Smith invokes Sovereignty Act to challenge Ottawa’s electricity regulations

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Premier Smith invokes Sovereignty Act to challenge Ottawa’s electricity regulations


Alberta Premier Danielle Smith invoked the Sovereignty Within a United Canada Act on Monday to defend the province from what she describes as the federal government’s disastrous program to mandate a net-zero electricity grid by 2035.

This resolution directly challenges the federal government’s proposed clean electricity regulations.

“We are left with no choice but to create a shield to protect Albertans from Ottawa’s dangerous and unconstitutional electricity regulations,” said Smith.

Smith added that the Alberta government refuses to put the stability of the province’s electricity grid at risk. The resolution introduced under the act is the first of its kind since the law was introduced by Smith and it aims to safeguard Alberta’s energy future. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129011

File: 3cfda3bedda53d4⋯.png (1.48 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991503 (281753ZNOV23) Notable: Canadian high school sports teams are hotbeds of “white privilege,” racism: study

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Canadian high school sports teams are hotbeds of “white privilege,” racism: study


Canadian high school sports teams are awash with white privilege and racism. At least, that’s the conclusion made by a team of academics in a paper published to the Sports Coaching Review.

Researchers from the University of Ottawa, University of Manitoba, Université du Québec, Brock University and University of New Hampshire published their findings based on a survey of 463 high school coaches who self-identified as white.

Their findings were published in a paper titled “White privilege in Canadian high school sport: investigating white coaches’ perspectives on social justice issues.”

“Sport constitutes an important setting in which to study whiteness given ongoing issues related to power, privilege, and oppression,” write the authors.

“Results showed how coaches who had a greater awareness of white privilege in society had more favourable attitudes towards social justice, higher importance attributed to climate change issues, greater awareness of prejudicial attitudes against the LGBT community, and a higher propensity to engage in antiracist behaviours.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129012

File: 37f0e02c9ea23f1⋯.png (130.21 KB,858x712,429:356,Clipboard.png)

File: ab2d09356225ff0⋯.png (125.64 KB,857x677,857:677,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991664 (281814ZNOV23) Notable: Liberal MP attempts to blame Winnipeg shooting on Pierre Poilievre

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Liberal MP attempts to blame Winnipeg shooting on Pierre Poilievre


Liberal MP Ken Hardie’s attempt to blame Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre for a recent Winnipeg shooting has sparked backlash from many Canadians.

The shooting occurred in the early hours of Sunday morning, leaving four people dead and one person severely injured in a residence on the 100 block of Langside Street.

Winnipeg Police Services cannot confirm whether or not the shooting was targeted and as of yet have not identified any suspects in the case, however, the victims in the shooting were known to local police.

“Often mass shootings are in the context of an active shooter, this was not an active shooter, in my view. But it was a homicide with multiple victims, ” said Winnipeg Police Chief Danny Smith.

“Beyond troubling to see another mass shooting in Canada, now in Winnipeg. And we’ve lost so many police officers. Might it be the anti-social ‘burn everything down’ far-right attitude we’re seeing creeping in from the US? And the ‘creep’ on the Canadian side? Pierre Poilievre?” posted Hardie on X, who represents the Fleetwood-Port Kells riding in Surrey, B.C. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129013

File: b85c3f9ba2868ac⋯.png (1.26 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991801 (281835ZNOV23) Notable: Canadians life expectancy drops for third year in a row

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Canadians life expectancy drops for third year in a row


Life expectancy in Canada dropped for the third consecutive year in 2022, with more people dying of Covid-19 than any other year since the outbreak began, according to a new report from Statistics Canada.

The report, released Monday, revealed the average life expectancy for Canadians dropped to 81.3 years last year, a full year less than the 82.3 years that was recorded in 2019.

“Life expectancy declines when there are more deaths, when deaths occur at younger ages, or a combination of both,” the report said.

In 2022, Covid-19 was classified as the third-leading cause of death in Canada, surpassing accidents and unintentional injuries for the first time since 2020.

“This increase may in part be due to the exposure to new highly transmissible Covid-19 variants and the gradual return to normalcy,” said the report, suggesting that reduced restrictions may be a factor.

Last year, cancer and heart disease were the first and second most common causes of death respectively, accounting for 41.8% of all deaths in 2022. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129014

File: b4fb3927b8eb08a⋯.png (3.77 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d420dcf7b800fd1⋯.png (55.47 KB,811x333,811:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 27e7d4a4accb39e⋯.png (260.64 KB,720x707,720:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19991922 (281854ZNOV23) Notable: Chrystia Freeland no longer listed on World Economic Forum board of trustees

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Chrystia Freeland no longer listed on World Economic Forum board of trustees


Freeland first joined the WEF board in 2019 while serving as foreign affairs minister.

Canada's deputy prime minister appears to no longer be a part of the World Economic Forum's board of trustees. Once prominently featured near the top of the list, Chrystia Freeland's name has been removed.

It is currently unclear if Freeland was removed or resigned from the board — or if it's just a technical error — where her name was formerly listed alongside other global power brokers like BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, World Bank President Ajay Banga and International Monetary Fund managing director Kristalina Georgieva.

The change to the WEF's board listing was pointed out on social media by Stephen Punwasi, co-founder of Canadian real estate news outlet Better Dwelling and a former Toronto mayoral candidate.

Although her name was no longer on the WEF's leadership and governance page, Freeland's biography on the website still denotes Freeland as a member of the board.

Punwasi shared a second post on social media, an image comparing a previous listing with the apparent update. Neither Freeland or the WEF have commented publicly about any change in her position. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129015

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992146 (281942ZNOV23) Notable: Fox News fawns over Poilievre's handling of reporter

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WATCH: Fox News fawns over Poilievre's handling of reporter


Pierre Poilievre's exchange with a reporter went viral online, with Fox host Greg Gutfeld and his guests reacting to the clip in a segment called 'Our Favourite Canadian'.

Rebel News boss Ezra Levant recently attended a press conference hosted by Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. There, Ezra asked Poilievre about how the government should respond to non-citizens backing terror organizations like Hamas during anti-Israel rallies.

Of course, Rebel News wasn't the only media organization in attendance for the Conservative leader's press conference. A few other outlets, like The Canadian Press, had reporters attending as well.

One reporter from CP asked Poilievre about his comments branding an explosion at the Niagara Falls Canada-U.S. border crossing as “terrorism.” Poilievre fired back at the reporter, citing media reports, particularly from CTV News, which described the incident as terrorism.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government appeared to be treating the incident as terrorism, with the PM leaving Commons during question period. Later in the day, authorities clarified the explosion was the result of an accident and not linked to terror.

Poilievre's exchange went viral online, where it was even picked up by Fox News host Greg Gutfeld, who shared the clip on his late-night talk show Gutfeld! in a reaction segment called “Our Favorite Canadian”.

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a90dd8 No.129016

File: 4e086c40e1457cf⋯.png (885.89 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992231 (282000ZNOV23) Notable: 12-year-old Canadian boy commits suicide after apparently falling prey to online ‘sextortion’ scam

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12-year-old Canadian boy commits suicide after apparently falling prey to online ‘sextortion’ scam


The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said that after looking into the boy's messages it was determined the youth was a victim of online sexual blackmail.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has said that a 12-year-old boy tragically took his own life because of being traumatized after falling victim to a “sextortion” scam online that experts have warned is skyrocketing in Canada due to the proliferation of pornography.

According to the RCMP in Prince George, British Columbia, the boy was found injured from a gunshot wound on October 12, 2023, at his home and was taken to a hospital. Unfortunately, he died later the same day. After an investigation, it was found that the boy killed himself over an online “sextortion” scam.

According to Cpl. Jennifer Cooper of the Prince George RCMP, as per the Vancouver Sun, the investigation into the boy’s death shows that “some things on his phone that didn’t quite add up.”

RCMP said that looking into the boy’s messages, it determined that he was indeed a victim of “sextortion.”

Cooper noted that “while not every case of online sextortion will end in tragedy,” the consequences of this kind of “activity” can follow a “youth for their entire life, which needs to be something we talk about openly with our kids.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129017

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992482 (282101ZNOV23) Notable: Ontario court rules in favor of teacher who was punished for condemning LGBT books in school libraries

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Ontario court rules in favor of teacher who was punished for condemning LGBT books in school libraries


'What happened here should not happen in a democratic society,' Ontario Superior Court Justice James Ramsay said.

An Ontario court has ruled in favor of a teacher who was silenced for voicing concerns over LGBT books in school libraries.

On November 23, Ontario Superior Court Justice James Ramsay rejected a request from the Waterloo Regional District School Board (WRDSB) to dismiss the defamation case of now-retired teacher Carolyn Burjoski. Burjoski originally filed the suit after she was silenced and publicly accosted last year for sounding the alarm over pro-LGBT books being available to young students at school libraries during a WRDSB meeting.

“What happened here should not happen in a democratic society,” Ramsay said in his decision, according to the National Post.

“The Human Rights Code does not prohibit public discussion of issues related to transgenderism or minors and transgenderism. It does not prohibit public discussion of anything,” he said.

According to the ruling, Burjoski’s case against WRDSB and its former chair Scott Piatkowski can now proceed. Ramsay further ordered WRDSB to pay $30,000 of Burjoski’s legal fees.

Burjoski, represented by Jorge Pineda, a lawyer from the Justice Centre For Constitutional Freedoms, has also filed an action against the WRDSB, appealing the board’s decision to stop her presentation.

“The Board and its Chair violated my right to freedom of expression guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms,” she said. “I am also asking the court to order the Board to allow me to return to the Trustee’s meeting where I hope to deliver my presentation in full.”

“I’m thrilled to announce my first major victory in my legal battle with the Waterloo Region District School Board,” said Burjoski in video update posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. “I am overjoyed to report the judge dismissed the board’s motion, allowing my defamation lawsuit to proceed.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129018

File: b9b76bded2e5c39⋯.png (285.39 KB,640x346,320:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 70f7fb1a15b1cb4⋯.png (1.98 MB,1199x888,1199:888,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19992717 (282156ZNOV23) Notable: Versace Socialist Jagmeet Singh Competes With Trudeau For Title Of Biggest Hypocrite In Ottawa

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Versace Socialist Jagmeet Singh Competes With Trudeau For Title Of Biggest Hypocrite In Ottawa


Together, they are wrecking our nation, as socialists always do

Jagmeet Singh was recently spotted carrying a Versace bag.

This has generated a significant backlash, which would seem surprising without the context of who Jagmeet Singh is as a politician.

Just look at some of his most recent Tweets:

“Corporate greed is driving up the cost of food.

Both the Liberals and Conservatives have had the chance to tackle this greed — but they haven’t.

Our bill is about giving more power to the people and less to greedy CEOs.”

“Justin Trudeau’s plan for housing will only enrich wealthy developers — not help Canadians who are struggling to put a roof over their head.

He has no plan to build affordable homes. We do.”

“Every single one of these workers and leaders has done more to take on greedy CEOs, secure better jobs and bigger paycheques for Canadians than Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poillievre combined.

Thank you for having me – Toronto Labour Council – I’ll always have your back.”

“Look, I know you’ve noticed. The Liberals and Conservatives haven’t offered a single real solution to bring grocery prices down.

But, I’ve lived a different life from Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre.

I’ve experienced struggle and I want you to know that I got you.”

Singh actually grew up quite wealthy, and is quite wealthy himself.

Yet, every Tweet and statement he makes seems like an attack on anyone who is successful.

He blames ‘greedy CEOs’ for everything, without ever talking about the role of government in wrecking things.

And this is what gets people so angry.

Jagmeet Singh clearly feels entitled to a life of wealth and luxury, while he supports policies that would make every Canadian poorer.

He’s in a competition with Justin Trudeau over who can be the biggest hypocrite in Canada.

Just look at how the country keeps getting worse amid the NDP-Liberal Pact.

Trudeau and Singh are pushing an agenda that robs us of our tax dollars, wastes tens of billions on subsidies to hire foreign workers, drives out real investment, and increases immigration far beyond our ability to manage it.

And that’s why Versace Socialists like Jagmeet Singh should not only be ignored, but should be defeated and removed from any position of political power. He and Trudeau will continue to do immense damage to this nation as long as they continue to have influence.

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a90dd8 No.129019

File: e24ed095c836f66⋯.png (611.8 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: c88ec738c73bb7a⋯.png (3.27 MB,1456x1134,104:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19993349 (282343ZNOV23) Notable: Eulogy for the COVID Kapos

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Eulogy for the COVID Kapos


With calls for amnesty and literal claims that “mistakes were made” resurfacing, it seems an appropriate time to remind the Covidians and colluders of their behavior and pivotal role in enabling tyranny. This is not intended to rub their noses in their cowardice but rather to inform them that humbly taking responsibility for their words and actions is the only way to heal the relationships they so callously ruptured; restore the freedoms they lazily ceded to the tyrants, philanthropaths, and propagandists; and prevent future rinse-and-repeat atrocities.

“The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people that they will have a chance of maltreating someone. Men must be bribed to build up and do good by the offer of an opportunity to hurt and pull down. To be able to destroy with a good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior ‘righteous indignation’—this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.”

―Aldous Huxley, Introduction (July 24, 1933) to Samuel Butler’s Erewhon, Easton Press (1934)

You mocked us.

You blocked us.

You wished for our deaths.

You shamed us.

You blamed us.

You called for our jailing.

You banned us.

You canned us.

You cut off our funds.

You believed.

You decreed.

You complied.

You denied.

You feared.

You sneered.

You cowered.

You lied.

You followed the leader.

You chanted the slogans.

You balked at our questions.

You scoffed at our research. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129020

File: 299642ae5c75ee3⋯.png (894.05 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996421 (291414ZNOV23) Notable: Ukraine Retreats From Key Areas In Donetsk While Kiev Is Wracked With Growing Turmoil

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Ukraine Retreats From Key Areas In Donetsk While Kiev Is Wracked With Growing Turmoil


The map above shows two key areas — Avdiivka (which is about the red dot titled “winter storm) and Kleshcheyevka (which is on the western outskirts of Bakhmut that sits just below the tag “Museum”) — that Ukraine has been clinging to tenaciously for more than 9 years. The news is not good for Ukraine. Its troops retreated from these areas today under heavy pressure from Russian forces. This should dispel the nonsense that there is some sort of stalemate. Nope. Russia is moving forward and Ukraine is falling back.

The following video provides dramatic footage of Russian soldiers attacking entrenched Ukrainians and rooting them out — i.e., killing, capturing and forcing a retreat. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129021

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996450 (291417ZNOV23) Notable: “Try and Avoid Connecting Crime with Migration. It’s Not Right” - Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar Scolds Irishmen After Algerian Stabs Children in Dublin

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“Try and Avoid Connecting Crime with Migration. It’s Not Right” – Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar Scolds Irishmen After Algerian Stabs Children in Dublin (VIDEO)


Irish Prime Minister Varadkar, whose father is from Bombay, India, scolded Irishmen after an Algerian migrant stabbed 3 Irish children at a school in Dublin last week.

The left-wing media immediately covered for the attacker and hesitated to mention he was of Algerian descent.

500 people rioted in Dublin after the stabbing. 34 of the protestors were arrested.

The Irish people are fed up with dangerous migrants brought in by left-wing politicians. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129022

File: d08ade22b38991c⋯.png (2.3 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996520 (291425ZNOV23) Notable: French Teen Is Stabbed by Arab Migrants - So Police Vow To Crack Down – On the French Citizens Protesting It!

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French Teen Is Stabbed by Arab Migrants – So Police Vow To Crack Down – On the French Citizens Protesting It!


By now, all well-informed patriots have grasped the playbook: Police are negligent on migrant crime; Migrant stabs children or teens; Patriots react in fury; Police finally cracks down — on the patriots!

This unacceptable state of affairs played out in the exact same way in Ireland as now in France.

There has been no shortage of protests and riots in France, from the yellow vest marches to the revolt over tyrannical pension reform to minority riots over police brutality – you name it, France has got it.

But now the ailing Macron administration has found its bogeyman: the far right. Yes – lame! Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129023

File: fb033e65338242f⋯.png (1.43 MB,1025x568,1025:568,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ec826603261c85⋯.png (1.5 MB,828x927,92:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 076864bcabb0139⋯.png (2 MB,974x1280,487:640,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ce41b95d41f7e6⋯.png (84.22 KB,862x503,862:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996595 (291434ZNOV23) Notable: Report: Hamas Barbarians Offer to Release ALL HOSTAGES in Exchange for a Full Ceasefire

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Report: Hamas Barbarians Offer to Release ALL HOSTAGES in Exchange for a Full Ceasefire


Hamas slaughtered 1,400 Israelis and foreigners in an October 7, 2023, attack on civilians in southern Israel.

The terror group also took at least 240 Jews and foreigners hostage.

Israel released photos of dozens of young beautiful women who went missing following the historic Hamas attack on Israel.

Hamas reportedly launched over 5,000 missiles into southern and central Israel. Over 1,300 Israelis were killed, and over 1,000 were hospitalized following the massive assault inside Israel.

Hundreds of Israelis were attending a dance party, also described as a peace party, in the desert near the border when Hamas launched its attack. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129024

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996660 (291443ZNOV23) Notable: Irish Socialist Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr Says Irishmen “Terrorists” are the Problem - NOT the Migrants Stabbing Children

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Irish Socialist Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr Says Irishmen “Terrorists” are the Problem – NOT the Migrants Stabbing Children (VIDEO)


Five people, including children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released.

Three children and two adults were taken to a nearby hospital with stab wounds. One child was severely injured.

It was later discovered a migrant from Algeria was behind the vicious knife attack on children.

Irish citizens rioted in the streets after this latest horrific attack by an immigrant.

Irish Socialist Councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr spoke to the BBC since the brutal stabbing attack.

Seenoi-Barr says the Irish in Ireland are the problem. Everyone is scared of them. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129025

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996788 (291457ZNOV23) Notable: U.S. Navy Medical Officer Exposes Defense Department Data Showing Alarming Increase in Heart-Related Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination

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U.S. Navy Medical Officer Exposes Defense Department Data Showing Alarming Increase in Heart-Related Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination: Myocarditis Up by 151%, Heart Failure by 973% (VIDEO)


Since the introduction of the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, The Gateway Pundit has been covering numerous studies from health professionals, revealing startling findings that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are linked to the rapid onset of heart-related problems in individuals across all age groups.

On Monday, Lieutenant Ted Macie, an active-duty officer in the Navy Medical Service Corps and a whistleblower, revealed Department of Defense data indicating a significant rise in heart-related issues among military pilots following COVID-19 vaccination.

Lt. Macie, who also serves as a Navy Health Administrator and Medical Recruiter, shared these findings in a recent video, elaborating on concerns initially raised by his wife, Mara Macie, a candidate for Florida’s 5th Congressional District in the U.S. House.

Mara Macie’s social media post criticized the treatment of thousands of service members during the vaccine rollout, highlighting a deep mistrust in military leadership and calling for accountability and justice.

“So you may have seen my wife’s recent post, and I want to elaborate on that and give you an example as to why reinstatement, back pay, and apologies isn’t enough,” said Macie in a video posted on X.

In a staunch reply to Missouri Senator Eric Schmitt’s call for rehiring previously discharged service members with “full back pay, rank and an apology,” Mara Macie emphasized the deep lack of trust in military leadership among those affected by “illegal mandates.”

NO. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129026

File: 180ffe2d2936664⋯.png (674.18 KB,830x497,830:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19996922 (291514ZNOV23) Notable: Creator of COVID 19 Vaccine was Reportedly Thrown from a Roof in China Three Months After Filing Patent for Vaccine

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Creator of COVID 19 Vaccine was Reportedly Thrown from a Roof in China Three Months After Filing Patent for Vaccine


A new report today in the Daily Mail suggests that Dr. Yusen Zhou, the scientist who filed the patent on the COVID 19 vaccine in only three months, died when he was thrown from a roof in 2021.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Zhou Yusen (or Dr. Yusen Zhou) since the outbreak of the COVID pandemic.

As reported earlier, Yusen Zhou was from the People’s Liberation Army’s State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity in Beijing and a key link to the People’s Liberation Army’s research on coronaviruses.

Zhou Yusen is listed as a co-inventor on at least eight U.S. patents, the references supporting those patents, for example, 9889194, was research funded by NIAID. Lawrence Sellin reported that Yusen Zhou’s collaboration with Shibo Jiang continued into the COVID-19 pandemic, publishing a July 30, 2020 Science article together with institutions associated with China’s military. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129027

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997059 (291532ZNOV23) Notable: Elon Musk Gets Brutally Honest on Dealing with Hamas Mass Murderers: “There’s No Choice But to Kill Those Who Insist on Murdering Civilians”

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Elon Musk Gets Brutally Honest on Dealing with Hamas Mass Murderers: “There’s No Choice But to Kill Those Who Insist on Murdering Civilians” (VIDEO)


In a historic visit to Israel, technology mogul and visionary Elon Musk, emphasized the need for decisive action against individuals perpetrating violence whilst calling for education reform and economic development to foster peace. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129028

File: 2dea63e9f3642dc⋯.png (315.9 KB,500x309,500:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997454 (291625ZNOV23) Notable: BlackRock's Plan For An Additional $4 Trillion In Climate Investment

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BlackRock's Plan For An Additional $4 Trillion In Climate Investment


The world’s biggest asset manager, BlackRock, says that significant reforms in the public sector and public financial institutions could close the gap in climate financing in the emerging markets and free up to $4 trillion more in decarbonization investments by 2050.

The BlackRock Investment Institute (BII) published a paper on Tuesday that found that transition-related investment in emerging markets “will likely be notably lower than what they need across a range of scenarios.”

According to BII, closing the gap would “require significant public sector reforms and private sector innovation, resulting in greater "blending" of public and private capital – or blended capital.”

Some of the reforms include evolving the mandates and toolkits of multilateral development banks and public financial institutions like the World Bank, BlackRock’s economists and researchers wrote. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129029

File: d69d4851d7e080e⋯.png (295.61 KB,500x313,500:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a55bbe981aed89⋯.png (189.12 KB,496x797,496:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997504 (291637ZNOV23) Notable: Back To Deadlock: US Tells Erdogan Ratify Sweden's NATO Entry "As Soon As Possible"

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Back To Deadlock: US Tells Erdogan Ratify Sweden's NATO Entry "As Soon As Possible"


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan declared all the way back in July that his country's longstanding objection to Sweden's entry into NATO had been reverse. This was seen as the beginning of Sweden's accession, and yet now as the year's end approaches, it still hasn't happened.

Certain legal and procedural hurdles remained within Turkish parliament, but it has delayed a final vote, leading to fears that Erdogan's government is stalling due to the Israel-Gaza War. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129030

File: 0a4c02eaf98114a⋯.png (443.49 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997720 (291742ZNOV23) Notable: Top WHO Consultant Working For US Intelligence Helped Downplay COVID Lab Leak Theory: Official

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Top WHO Consultant Working For US Intelligence Helped Downplay COVID Lab Leak Theory: Official


A top U.S. intelligence official who also serves as a consultant with the World Health Organization played a key role in downplaying the theory that COVID-19 came from a laboratory in China, a former official says.

Adrienne Keen was “very involved in discrediting the information that we were trying to present to the secretary of state," Thomas DiNanno, a former U.S. acting secretary of state, told Sky News.

He said that Ms. Keen was an advocate for zoonosis, or the idea that COVID-19 comes from animals, even though no animal has been identified as the origin years after the disease first appeared.

Mr. DiNanno, who helped efforts to probe the COVID-19 origins, said he learned later that Ms. Keen held a job with the World Health Organization (WHO), which is part of the United Nations (UN).

"They are a political agency. They're a UN agency. So it's just not appropriate to do work for a foreign power. And that would include the United Nations,” he said.

Ms. Keen is listed on LinkedIn as holding multiple positions, including being a consultant for WHO, director for global health security for the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and an adviser for the U.S. State Department. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129031

File: b6ab66c86a9be15⋯.png (1.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997792 (291758ZNOV23) Notable: Taxpayer-funded Stellantis EV project using temporary foreign workers

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Liberal MPs opposed disclosure of federal battery contracts: report


On November 27, the House of Commons' government operations committee opposed disclosing details into the $15 billion Stellantis battery plant in Windsor, Ontario, reported Blacklock’s Reporter. Of that amount, $10 billion came from federal tax dollars.

Liberal MPs have voted to not disclose federal contracts into a taxpayer-funded battery plant that hired foreigners.

Liberal MP Charles Sousa asserted that subsidy agreements are “confidential matters” that could disrupt foreign direct investment if disclosed. “I am a little shocked actually,” he claimed.

The taxpayer boondoggle emerged after a conflicting November 16 announcement by Windsor Police, acknowledging that “1,600 South Koreans [are] traveling to work and live in our community.”

On November 27, the Commons' government operations committee opposed disclosing details into the $15 billion Stellantis battery plant in Windsor, Ontario, reported Blacklock’s Reporter. Of that amount, $10 billion came from federal tax dollars.

On Monday, the Conservatives criticized the hiring of foreign workers on the taxpayer dime and pressed the feds to publish the NextStar contract.

At the forefront, Tory leader Pierre Poilievre argued that Canadians are privy to the contract details to see if it stipulated the hiring of local contractors.

"Taxpayers can't understand whether or not there is a contract that compels Stellantis and their subsidiary now in Windsor to hire Canadians," said Conservative Industry critic Rick Perkins. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129032

File: 130c05e3dd6ec4d⋯.png (1.31 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b6c14c083198580⋯.png (1.03 MB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: ee3d3b81b0d390f⋯.png (606.29 KB,680x383,680:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 9be38b5e8e54c3a⋯.png (879.66 KB,900x507,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997816 (291804ZNOV23) Notable: Lawyers attempt to defend Dr. Bonnie Henry's ongoing vaccine mandate for health workers in court

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Live Updates: Lawyers attempt to defend Dr. Bonnie Henry's ongoing vaccine mandate for health workers in court


Representing the government, Attorney Julie Gibson submits that the solution for COVID-vaccinated elderly individuals still falling ill is to administer more COVID jabs to them than to the rest of the population.

The second week of the judicial review challenging the reasonableness of British Columbia's ongoing COVID-19 vaccine mandate against thousands of unvaccinated health professionals is currently underway.

Last week, Justice Simon Coval heard evidence from counsel for the group of BC Doctors with the Canadian Society for Ethics & Medicine, who initiated this crucial case.

Rebel News interviewed some of the BC healthcare workers who were terminated or retired early due to coercive jab mandates as they exited the courthouse last week, capturing their perspectives on the ongoing proceedings. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129033

File: cc52f01f131dfb3⋯.png (1.46 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997852 (291812ZNOV23) Notable: Heritage Canada tables report urging more taxpayer rebates for non-white reporters

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Heritage Canada tables report urging more taxpayer rebates for non-white reporters


Direct cash payments would be in addition to rebates of $29,750 per employee at cabinet-approved newsrooms. Changing Narratives suggests paying individual reporters who are Indigenous, Muslim, Black or LGBTQ upwards of $45,000 a year in the name of diversity. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129034

File: e79ec085afff49d⋯.png (722.03 KB,810x540,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19997976 (291839ZNOV23) Notable: Pope Francis backs out of UN’s COP28 climate conference due to poor health

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Pope Francis backs out of UN’s COP28 climate conference due to poor health


Pope Francis had been due to make a historic attendance at the United Nations' climate conference in Dubai and inaugurate an inter-faith event

Pope Francis will not attend the United Nations COP28 climate change conference in Dubai this weekend. His doctors have instructed him not to make the trip.

In a statement issued Tuesday evening, the director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, stated:

Although the Holy Father’s general clinical picture has improved with regard to his flu-like condition and inflammation of the respiratory tract, doctors have asked the Pope not to make his planned trip to Dubai in the coming days for the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Pope Francis accepted the doctors’ request with great regret and the trip is therefore canceled. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129035

File: 0d2660d01ed806c⋯.png (486.1 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

File: ef237aeba611736⋯.png (118.78 KB,357x637,51:91,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e13de0f2a93c62⋯.png (117.22 KB,842x710,421:355,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c3982e516771ef⋯.png (86.52 KB,863x497,863:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 00e90e641386a79⋯.png (204.09 KB,863x600,863:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998031 (291852ZNOV23) Notable: Canadian medical college suggests doctors prioritize ‘social justice’ over ‘expertise’

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Canadian medical college suggests doctors prioritize ‘social justice’ over ‘expertise’


The proposal by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada 'would seek to center values such as anti-oppression, anti-racism, and social justice rather than medical expertise.'

Canada’s federal medical regulatory body is being roundly condemned for suggesting that medical experts should “center” their care around woke politics rather than medical knowledge.

According to an internal report published November 23 by Dr. David Jacobs, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada has proposed a new model of practice which encourages doctors to focus on “social justice” rather than providing medical expertise to their patients.

“In this internal document from the @Royal_College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, there is a proposal from the EDI group to prioritize social justice over medical expertise,” Jacobs wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter. “This is bonkers.”

The Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Interim Report, written by Dr. Ritika Goel, reads, “A new model of CanMEDS would seek to center values such as anti-oppression, anti-racism, and social justice rather than medical expertise.”

The proposal suggests that medical professionals be instructed on “equity and advocacy” to enable them to “more effectively engage in community-led social change.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129036

File: a4691f5a0ab290f⋯.png (560.7 KB,810x510,27:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998087 (291904ZNOV23) Notable: 70,000+ Canadians call on House of Commons to invoke vote of no confidence against Trudeau

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70,000+ Canadians call on House of Commons to invoke vote of no confidence against Trudeau


'We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to call for a vote of no confidence and a federal election 45 days following the vote,' reads the petition.

A petition backed by the Conservative Party of Canada is demanding a vote of no confidence against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government.

The official petition was initiated by Peterborough, Ontario resident Melissa Outwater, and is sponsored by Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) Michelle Ferreri, who represents the Peterborough—Kawartha, Ontario riding. As of this writing, the petition has over 70,000 signatures.

The petition, which opened for signatures on November 24, 2023, reads, “We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to call for a vote of no confidence and a federal election 45 days following the vote.”

The petition is open for signature until December 24, 2023.

The New Democratic Party (NDP) has an informal coalition with Trudeau that began last year, agreeing to support and keep the Liberals in power until the next election is mandated by law in 2025. Until the NDP decide to break ranks with the Liberals, an early election call is unlikely.

The stipulations the petition lays out for the vote of no confidence to take place reads: “The citizens of Canada have lost confidence in Justin Trudeau and the Liberal/NDP coalition. We call on the house for a vote of no confidence. We ask for an election 45 days after the vote if won.” Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129037

File: 82d35c7a5c75f4f⋯.png (642.24 KB,810x484,405:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998290 (291937ZNOV23) Notable: Manitoba NDP gov’t to suspend provincial fuel tax starting in 2024

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Manitoba NDP gov’t to suspend provincial fuel tax starting in 2024


The fuel tax suspension comes as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continues to refuse Canadians relief from the carbon tax.

Manitoba is set to pause the provincial fuel tax for six months, amid ongoing controversy over Trudeau’s carbon tax.

On November 23, left-wing New Democratic Party (NDP) Finance Minister Adrien Sala announced that the Manitoba government has introduced a bill to suspend its provincial fuel tax for six months starting on January 1, 2024.

“We know there is an affordability crisis in Manitoba and across Canada,” said Sala. “This legislation would provide much-needed relief to Manitobans during these unprecedented times of high inflation. The bill would help everyone from the family rushing their kids off to different activities, to the small business owner who relies on their car for work.”

The proposed legislation, Bill 3: The Fuel Tax Amendment Act, also called the fuel tax holiday, will temporarily eliminate the provincial fuel tax rate on gasoline, natural gas and diesel fuels for road use. The tax relief would last from January 2024 to July 2024.Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129038

File: 602555d2de26c44⋯.png (260.19 KB,540x300,9:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998522 (292031ZNOV23) Notable: Rumble files defamation suit against co-founders of watchdog group Check My Ads

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BREAKING: Rumble files defamation suit against co-founders of watchdog group Check My Ads


"When anti-free speech zealots, whose self-declared mission is to shut Rumble down, lie to inflict intentional economic harm on our company, we have no choice but to hold them accountable."

On Wednesday, Rumble filed a federal defamation lawsuit in Florida against the co-founders of Check My Ads, Nandini Jammi and Claire Atkin.

The lawsuit also lists as defendants John Doe 1 through 10, "who helped prepare and publish the defamatory information on their website," Rumble wrote in a press release.

Check My Ads is a "tax-exempt corporation that routinely targets news outlets and platforms that do not adhere to their political worldview."

"As an unapologetically free-speech platform, Rumble’s mission is to provide all content creators and users a place to speak, listen, and debate freely, regardless of their political perspective. When anti-free speech zealots, whose self-declared mission is to shut Rumble down, lie to inflict intentional economic harm on our company, we have no choice but to hold them accountable," said Rumble Chairman and CEO Chris Pavlovski.

"Defamation is not free speech. We have filed this lawsuit because we have a responsibility to our shareholders, creators, users, and advertisers to act, and not sit idly by, when someone attacks our company’s reputation solely to silence differing political views. Our mission requires it." Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129039

File: b51f26bb038c22d⋯.png (1.18 MB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f94c5d6dca6de6⋯.png (112.09 KB,708x666,118:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998567 (292041ZNOV23) Notable: FBI to hand over laptop owned by murdered Democrat staffer Seth Rich after FOIA request

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FBI to hand over laptop owned by murdered Democrat staffer Seth Rich after FOIA request


Judge Amos Mazzant, of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, ruled that the FBI had to release the laptop, siding with Brian Huddleston.

On Tuesday, a judge ordered that the Federal Bureau of Investigation hand over the laptop that belonged to Seth Rich, the 27-year-old Democratic National Committee staffer who was gunned down on July 10, 2016, while walking back to his Washington, DC home.

Judge Amos Mazzant, of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, ruled that the FBI had to release the laptop, siding with Brian Huddleston, the man who filed a lawsuit against the FBI for failing to provide the material after he submitted a Freedom of Information Act request. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129040

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998649 (292101ZNOV23) Notable: Dr Bridle on Canada’s Misinformation Guru: Timothy Caulfield (video)

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Dr Bridle on Canada’s Misinformation Guru: Timothy Caulfield


He’s not a real scientist, but that doesn’t hold him back

Since 2020 good doctors and scientists sacrifice homes and incomes to tell the truth and protect human life; but there are also individuals who make a fortune keeping people confused and oblivious to the unprecedented covid-injection-carnage, such that they roll up their sleeves for another booster.

Today’s video post is from the Parliament of Romania. Dr Byram Bridle PhD is currently one of the world’s most respected health scientists. Here he reveals the work of Canada’s most prolific promoters of covid-19 “vaccines”: Timothy Caulfield. Timothy holds a masters degree in law, but he also holds great influence over many people’s thoughts about medical science and injections for their families.

If you believe that your mind, the minds of others, and the actions we take matter; then the value of this post is found in the mantra “know thy enemy.”

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a90dd8 No.129041

File: 5c52961456ee107⋯.png (1.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998685 (292109ZNOV23) Notable: Feds strike a deal with Google on Bill C-18, the Online News Act

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Feds strike a deal with Google on Bill C-18, the Online News Act


Google will abide by the regulatory framework of Bill C-18, which demands the tech behemoth pay roughly $100 million to share Canadian news on its platforms. Only government-approved news companies would be privy to that sum — down from $172 million.

Google has succumbed to the whims of Heritage Canada by ending their months-long squabble over the Online News Act.

Bill C-18 only applies to digital platforms with 20 million unique monthly users and annual revenues of $1 billion. Only Meta and Google meet those criteria.

As first reported by the CBC, Google will abide by the regulatory framework of Bill C-18, which demands the tech behemoth pay roughly $100 million to share Canadian news on its platforms.

Only government-approved news companies would be privy to that sum — down from the initial amount of $172 million. Google estimated the value at $100 million.

"It is one more solution to ensure the viability of the media and restore a balance between commercial platforms," said an anonymous source with knowledge of the talks. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129042

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19998719 (292118ZNOV23) Notable: Is a Montreal naturopath being trapped by Quebec's College of Physicians? (video)

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Is a Montreal naturopath being trapped by Quebec's College of Physicians?


Alexa Lavoie spoke with Annie Juneau, a naturopath, who explained how she and her colleagues live in constant fear of being targeted by fake clients.

Naturopaths in Quebec are under close scrutiny by the College of Physicians, even though they are not regulated by them.

Annie Juneau is a naturopath and the producer of her own line of natural supplements, authorized by Health Canada.

Recently, an undercover investigation involved sending a fake patient with a hidden camera to the Vitacru clinic to record the entire appointment between Mrs. Juneau and the the fake patient.

Annie Juneau was unaware, and after a few months, she received a letter stating that she faced multiple infractions.

Juneau then explained the main accusations against her.

"Making people believe that you were authorized to practice medicine, prescribe medications, diagnose diseases, and propose medical treatments," she stated.

She appeared before both the Quebec Court and the Superior Court, losing in both instances.

"Now, the game has changed, things have shifted because we have requested the appeal of the superior court judgment, and the judge ruled in our favor. He accepted our appeal, and for the first time in Quebec's history, against the College of Physicians, we will finally debate Article 31, paragraphs 1 and 2, because the judge realized that this had never been debated before," said Mrs. Juneau.

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a90dd8 No.129043

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000701 (300255ZNOV23) Notable: “It Only Takes 1%” Christine Anderson On The Power Of The People With Press For Truth (video)

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“It Only Takes 1%” Christine Anderson On The Power Of The People With Press For Truth!!!


Christine Anderson is a German politician and Member of the European Parliament who is currently in Canada on a speaking tour because her message of freedom resinates with Canadians, especially in the wake of Justin Trudeau’s handling of the Covid-19(84) scamdemic.

Anderson was appointed to the Special Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic, and in a July 2022 session she entered into the record a complaint that there had been too much emphasis upon getting experimental gene therapy treatments into healthy people.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Christine Anderson about the global response to Covid-19(84) and most importantly what it might take for the people to successfully resist the next staged plandemic that could emerge at any given moment.

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a90dd8 No.129044

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000739 (300301ZNOV23) Notable: Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger dead at 100

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BREAKING Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger dead at 100


Chick-A-Boom . . Chick-A-Boom

(Don't Ya Jes Love It)





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a90dd8 No.129045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000795 (300309ZNOV23) Notable: Elon Musk sends SCORCHING message to woke advertisers: "Go f**k yourself" (rumble links)

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Elon Musk sends SCORCHING message to woke advertisers: "Go f**k yourself"



Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.


Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].

We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.

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a90dd8 No.129046

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20000832 (300315ZNOV23) Notable: Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger dead at 100

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BREAKING: Henry Kissinger Dead at 100


Henry Kissinger, the toweringly influential former secretary of state who earned a reputation as a sagacious diplomat but drew international condemnation and accusations of war crimes for his key role in widening the American presence in Vietnam and the U.S. bombing of Cambodia, died Wednesday.

He was 100. Continue...

Thought it would be Hillary after White House Christmas Tree blow over!

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a90dd8 No.129047

File: 83f2594ff141eb3⋯.png (2.74 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 062b840a80cce73⋯.png (2.4 MB,1920x767,1920:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003524 (301638ZNOV23) Notable: Ukrainian Authorities Prepare People For Truce With Russia - Expert

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Ukrainian Authorities Prepare People For Truce With Russia - Expert


Russia has never refused to hold talks with Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly said. To start them, Kiev must stop hostilities and revoke a decree banning talks with Russia, Putin said in September.

The West and some Ukrainian politicians are beginning to prepare the people for a peaceful settlement of the conflict with Russia, said Ukrainian political scientist Ruslan Bortnik.

"Western media and some of our politicians are already hanging this gun on the wall so that we can see it, so that we can get used to the sight of it. Obviously, certain preparations need to be made for possible negotiations," the expert said.

According to him, two factors are influencing the approach to the negotiations - a decrease in the amount of aid from the West and a failed attempt to bring the countries of the South to Kiev's side.

The analyst added that the unstable state of the West forces Kiev to reconsider its general strategy of fighting Russia and return to the issue of peace. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129048

File: 3c206016b399e5f⋯.png (579.31 KB,849x565,849:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003626 (301653ZNOV23) Notable: Iran may provide Russia with short-range ballistic missiles, say U.S. officials

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Iran may provide Russia with short-range ballistic missiles, say U.S. officials


U.S. officials have warned that Iran may send advanced short-range ballistic missiles to Russia for its military campaign in Ukraine.

Iran has already provided Russia with armed drones, guided aerial bombs and artillery shells, according to U.S. officials.

Concerns arose that the military cooperation between the two nations continue to intensify after Iran showed its Ababil and Fateh-110 missiles to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu when the latter visited Tehran last September.

According to a spokesman for the National Security Council (NSC), officials are "concerned that Iran is considering providing Russia with ballistic missiles for use in Ukraine."

The Kremlin did not comment on reports that Iran is considering the possibility of providing Russia with advanced short-range ballistic missiles. Russia's presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov did admit that Russia is "developing relations with Iran, including in the field of military-technical cooperation." Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129049

File: bf7d2c024bcf6cb⋯.png (807.59 KB,777x434,111:62,Clipboard.png)

File: 228c6f8a322d249⋯.png (485.53 KB,809x455,809:455,Clipboard.png)

File: c9a2c92a1e51354⋯.png (2.06 MB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 66f8dea2418c46b⋯.png (645.76 KB,647x712,647:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003833 (301725ZNOV23) Notable: China’s First Emperor: Role Model For Globalists Now?

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China’s First Emperor: Role Model For Globalists Now?


Understanding the philosophy that guided the creation of China over 2,000 years ago may provide insight into the critical choice America and the world are facing today. It is the choice between centralization of authority that characterizes all dictatorships, and decentralization which is at the heart of the US Constitution’s protection of our God-given rights.

People in positions of power are often seduced by the easy authority that centralization can provide. In 2013, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed his admiration for the dictatorship of China because he sees it as a more efficient way of governing. His harsh suppression of the Trucker Movement in 2022 shows that he is increasingly acting like a dictator rather than elected official of a democracy.

Trudeau said: “There is a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go green, we need to start, you know, investing in solar. There is a flexibility that I know [Prime Minister] Stephen Harper must dream about: having a dictatorship where you can do whatever you wanted, that I find quite interesting.”

Why China’s First Emperor Chose Centralization Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003902 (301737ZNOV23) Notable: Rothschild Wants Merger Between Corporations, Governments And AI To “Save Capitalism”

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Rothschild Wants Merger Between Corporations, Governments And AI To “Save Capitalism”


If you’re not familiar with a little organization called the “Council For Inclusive Capitalism,” don’t worry, most people have never heard of it. The group was formed at the height of the covid pandemic; as fear instilled by government officials and the media propagated the news feeds, the majority of the public was rather distracted. The CIC is essentially everything that conspiracy theorists have been warning about for years packaged into a single Orwellian entity, complete with dramatic piano music and a mask of humanitarian philanthropy.

The basic root function of the council is to centralize most or all major corporations (corporations with global influence) and join them with governments into a network that places ideology over profit motive. Some people might argue that corporations need to adopt a shared value system instead of simply roaming around like sharks devouring whatever they can sink their teeth into. But who gets to choose the set of values that corporate behemoths follow?

The CIC is a physical body representing the action arm of the ESG concept. It is meant to create incentives and punishments for the business world based on their compliance with the values of globalism and woke socialism, as well as their submission to the climate agenda. I have written about this issue extensively, but my article ‘What Is The “Council For Inclusive Capitalism?” It’s The New World Order’ is probably the best overview of the group and their intentions.

The idea is simple: bring the majority of corporations into line with the far-left political order. Once this is done, they will force those companies to use their platforms and public exposure to indoctrinate the masses. We have seen this strategy in action over the past several years, with many companies producing a steady stream of products, media content and marketing rife with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion propaganda, not to mention anti-west and anti-conservative propaganda. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129051

File: b9fb97ba104be74⋯.png (1.08 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003919 (301741ZNOV23) Notable: 86% of Canadians oppose Bank of Canada digital currency

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86% of Canadians oppose Bank of Canada digital currency


Public consultations by the Bank of Canada into the potential creation of a digital Canadian currency revealed stark opposition against the proposal.

Findings released on Wednesday indicate that 86% of respondents provided a negative response to the idea of a digital Canadian dollar. Only 5% of respondents indicated a positive response, with less than 1% agreeing that Canada needs its own digital currency.

At the forefront of Canadians’ rejection are concerns about privacy.

A significant portion of respondents championed the anonymity offered by cash, expressing deep mistrust in the Bank of Canada’s (BOC) ability to safeguard a digital currency.

Respondents to the questionnaire could leave anonymous comments at the end of the consultation.

“I am deeply concerned about privacy and freedom… I cannot imagine a CBDC [Central Bank Digital Currency] being compatible with our values of liberty and privacy,” said one respondent.

“The fear of many Canadians is to use it as an instrument of control like the Chinese social credit model. We don’t want it,” wrote another respondent in French. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129052

File: 86330248e8f8335⋯.png (1.07 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20003940 (301745ZNOV23) Notable: Over 100K Canadians sign House of Commons petition demanding vote of non-confidence

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Over 100K Canadians sign House of Commons petition demanding vote of non-confidence


In the first week of a month-long petition calling for a vote of non-confidence, an electronic petition has already received over 100,000 signatures from Canadians.

This petition, initiated by Melissa Outwater from Peterborough, Ont., calls for a vote of no confidence and a federal election within 45 days should the vote pass. The petition is sponsored by Michelle Ferreri, the Conservative member of Parliament for Peterborough—Kawartha.

The petition is open for signatures from Nov. 24 to Dec. 24, and voices a strong lack of confidence in the current government.

The petition claims that the citizens of Canada have lost confidence not only in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau but also the “Liberal/NDP coalition.”

While the petition shows mounting frustration with the government, it does not bind MPs to take any action. Even if a non-confidence vote were to take place in the House of Commons, the NDP has not showed a willingness to pull its supply and confidence agreement with the Liberals, which guarantees support until 2025, when the next federal election is scheduled.

The most recent projections show a 96% chance of a Conservative majority if an election were held today.

“The current government elected is not acting in the best interest of all its citizens,” reads the petition. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129053

File: c2b7979a31eecbf⋯.png (989.18 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004025 (301759ZNOV23) Notable: Ontario ruling that found math tests for teachers were racist overturned by appeal court

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Ontario ruling that found math tests for teachers were racist overturned by appeal court


The Ontario Court of Appeal has deemed that a math proficiency test for new teachers in Ontario is not unconstitutional despite a prior ruling suggesting the practice discriminated based on race.

This latest ruling overturned the 2021 Divisional Court decision, which found that the mandatory tests violated section 15 Charter right to equal protection under the law because preliminary data showed a disparity in outcomes between different racial groups.

The unanimous decision, released on Tuesday, countered the previous court’s view that the test disproportionately affected racialized educators.

The three-person panel, led by Justice Patrick Monahan, ruled that a divisional court was provided incomplete data initially used to assess the math proficiency tests introduced in Ontario in 2021. Monahan found that the Divisional Court erred when it decided the test for establishing discrimination had been met.

Candidates who failed the test were able to rewrite it an unlimited amount of times with no fee. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129054

File: 1cc159bd4985974⋯.png (1.5 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004059 (301811ZNOV23) Notable: 86% of Canadians oppose Bank of Canada digital currency

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OP-ED: What 100 million “unbanked” Nigerians can teach Canadians about Central Bank Digital Currency


Despite credit cards, e-transfers and online banking having already made money go pretty much digital, the Bank of Canada is busily working on a much bigger transformation. Canada is one of about 100 countries that – in uncanny synchronicity – several years ago joined the race toward retail central bank digital currency (CBDC).

Touted as the digital equivalent of cash, CBDC risks eroding the established banking system and, among many other problems, is likely to be vulnerable to hackers’ attacks which, should a foreign government use this as a tactic in “hybrid” warfare, might prove capable of destabilizing a target country’s economy.

Considering such acute risks, it would be reasonable to expect that the explosion of worldwide interest in CBDC is justified by its special qualities that address obvious pressing needs of the citizenry. The purported consumer and other needs for CBDC, however, seem to be entirely fabricated, while the qualities that actually differentiate CBDC from the money we use now are hushed and obscured by virtue-signalling. Continue...

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a90dd8 No.129055

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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